NOSODE                                      VACCINOTOXINUM 

                                             MEMBRANES of the EYES,   NOSE, 
                                             respiratory passages, gastro-intestinal 
                                             tract.  SKIN, supporting tissues 


Head:                                   Pains and heat in the forehead, in                    morning hours 
(Headaches)                         as if the forehead would burst. 
                                             Stitching as from needles, in 
                                             both temples.  In the                                          right temple 
                                             With the sensation of numbness. 
                                             Bursting pains in forehead and eyes                  at nights 
Face:                                     Red and swollen, spotted. 
                                             Swelling in the parotid glands region                right 
Eyes:                                    REDNESS and SWELLING OF LIDS. 
(Conjunctivitis,                    Pains in the eyes and orbits, bursting. 
Blepharitis, Iritis,                 Stitching in the inner canthus                            left 
Keratitis)                              Vision disturbances; in the mornings, 
                                             as if a veil before the eyes 
Respiratory passages:           Nose as if stopped, with discharge. 
(Rhinitis)                              Epistaxis.  Stitches in chest                                left, 
                                             in the top of the false ribs.  Dyspnoea. 
Heart-circulation:                 Palpitation of heart and vessels. 
(Erethism)                            Oppression in the heart region 
Digestive organs:                 Mouth and tongue dry.  Tongue 
(Gastro-enteritis,                  thick, yellow coated.  The papillae 
with liver involvement)        project themselves through the 
                                             coating.  Loss of appetite. 
                                             Aversion to smell or sight of food. 
                                             Coffee tastes sour.  Distended abdomen, 
                                             stomach pains.  Lancinating pains in liver 
                                             region, stitching in spleenic region 
Trunk and Joints:                 Stiffness, trembling, pains of the                                  left 
(Rheumatism paralysis,        arm.  Pain in the wrist joint and hands       
Periarticular rheumatism      as from a warm draft.  Feeling of numbness 
of tendons and muscles,      and burning of 4th finger                                             left 
Arthrosis)                             BACKACHES, radiating to waist 
                                             Sensation of ice water along the back. 
                                             Legs heavy, painful, as if after severe exertion, 
                                             difficult to raise.  
                                             Sensation as if the left thigh torn off, as if the 
                                             limbs have become short, the bones crushed, broken

                                             Pressive pain in the knees. Sensation of chewing in

                                             the bones; as if bones have become short.

Skin:                                     Dry.  BLISTERS and PUSTULES with 
(Herpes, Varicella,               BURNING PAINS.  Small nodules and 
Erysipelas, Phlegmone,        pustules, of dark-red colour; round or lengthy 
Acute eczema)                     pustules, containing yellowish-green pus, behind 
                                             the right ear, between the shoulders, on the left 
                                             shoulder on the left buttock.   

Mind and Emotion:              Weepy, bad humour, disturbed because of his 
(Depressive                          business.  Sulky; Confused; forgetful; RESTLESSNESS 
Psychotics)                           IMPATIENT, IRRITABLE.  Morbid fear of 
                                             contracting pox. 
General:                                Weak feeling with desire to yawn and 
(“Sycotic”                            stretch.  Children want to be carried.  
Conditions)                          Indisposition, jaded SEVERE FATIGUE, 
                                             with BACK and JOINT PAINS. 
Side affected: 
Thermo-regulation:               FEVER, with extreme heat. 
Disposition to Perspiration: 
Thirst:                                   Thirst. 
Desire for:                            Loss of appetite.  Aversion at sight 
                                             of or smell of food. 
Aversion to: 
Stool evacuation: 
Urination:                             Increased, diminished. 
(Nephritis, oedema) 
Sleep:                                   Unrefreshing; wakes with bursting pains 
                                             in forehead and eyes. 
Menstruation:                       Strength:  Heavy 
                                             Onset:       too early 
Urine:                                   Albuminuria, Haematuria 


Agg:                                     Morning; by humidity. 
Amel:                                   Movement.  Laterality- left.