As early as in 1816 HAHNEMANN spoke of the treatment of burns according to the law of similars. [152]  In this essay (first published in the Allg. Anz. d., Deutschn, N.156, 1816) HAHNEMANN has criticised Prof. DZONDI’s recommendation of cold water application.  (We all know that even today same recommendation is made by the allopathic school) HAHNEMANN asked “Does Prof. DZONDI imagine that it would never have occurred to these workmen to use cold water as a palliative remedy immediately after burning themselves?  Any child who had burnt itself would in its alarm fly to cold water; it would not require any advice to do so; but the workman has repeatedly tried it to his injury, and experience, which in such cases is always purchased at the expense of one’s own suffering, has taught and convinced him that the very opposite of cold water is the surest, quickest and truest remedy for even the worst burns” [153] HAHNEMANN  then calls upon Prof. DZONDI to make an experiment himself.  “Let him plunge both his healthy hands at the same instant into a vessel full of boiling water, and retain them for from two to three seconds only and withdraw them both at the same time …. And as the hands belong to one and the same body if one hand be treated with cold water and the other with alcohol or oil of turpentine, the experiment will furnish a pure comparison and convincing result.” [154]

      HAHNEMANN’s statement has been confirmed in experience by others.

      Some remedies that have reputation in Burns and Scalds are  Calendula, Cantharis, Causticum, Phosphorus, Urtica urens, Hamamelis, Arsenicum album.  Refer to the repertories including Knerr, Synthetic Repertory and the latest Synthesis, Complete Repertory.

      According to FOUBISTER Causticum  is for children whose growth is retarded after suffering burns. [155]

      If the hands and feet and even the whole body become much swollen after burns Calcarea carbonica. [156]

      FOUBISTER says Graphites is almost a specific for granulation after burns. [157]

      Burns from corrosive chemicals may be treated by Causticum Exudating cicatrix after a scald. [158]

      Also Sulphuric acid. Dr.P.SCHMIDT has cured a bad case of eye injury by chemical, with Sulphuric acid.

      Burns by X-ray: Calcarea fluoricum, Phosphorus, Radium bromatum, Cadmium iodatum, or Fluoric acid.

      Generalities, Burns: Cantharis a few drops of the tincture in water to be applied externally for burns which cause blisters (compare Kali muriaticum). [159]

      A dose of 200 has helped many housewives who experience scalds from heated oil while cooking. The relief is instantaneous.

      After severe burn, arose bunches of pale and unhealthy granulations quarter of an inch high here and there upon the dorsum of hand – Petroleum. [160]

      After burns and scalds – Petroleum. [161]

      Burn – Ferrum phosphoricum. [162]

      Burns of Tongue and the inner mouth: Hamamelis is the only remedy in the Repertory while JAHR recommends Causticum as a specific and also mentions Arsenicum, HERING recommends Calendula – “the tongue is dry, red and cracked. [163]

      Burns from corrosive chemicals: Causticum;by X-ray – Calcarea fluoratum, Phosphorus, Radium bromatum, Cadmium iodatum, Fluoric acid.  See KR. p.1346.

      Calendula: “Girl, age 22, robust, remarkably healthy, suffering from burn by Camphene, maltreated by Allopathy for six weeks, until pronounced past recovery.” [164]

      Mr. M., 40yrs. old male, had burnt his right ankle lateral aspect from motor silencer, on 22/6/2011.

      Patient had burning pain.  On examination patient was found to have open ulcer of nearly 1½ - 2” diameter, extending from lower part of right leg to ankle joint which was fairly large.  There was an oedema of right ankle joint.

      Carbolic acid Q1 tds. was given on 28.6.11.

      Three days later there was improvement and the ulcer was healing.  Pain and oedema were still present.

      On 5.7.2011 80% of ulcer healed.  There was still throbbing pain and droplets of bloody pus trickled when pressed hanging the limbs, Vipera 200, 1 dose was given.

      On 16.7.2011, ulcer was completely healed.  There was no pain and oedema.

      Calcarea sulphurica: Burns and Scalds if suppurating. [165]

      Kali bichromicum: deep, round hole (ulcer) from burn (not healing to Causticum). [166]

[152] HAHNEMANN, S.: On the treatment of burns, Lesser Writings collected and translated by 

      R.E.DUDGEON, 1851. P.635.

[153] Loc sit

[154] Loc sit

[155] FOUBISTER, D.M.: op cit. p.190.

[156] GS: Domestic Physician  p.138 B.Jain, New Delhi.

[157] FOUBISTER, D.M.:op cit.   p.181.

[158] A Select Homœopathic Materia Medica Part I – P. Ishwardas Tarkas & Ajit K. Kulkarni.

[159] KNERR, C.B.: Repertory to Hering’s GS.  Reprint 1986, New Delhi.

[160] GS. VIII, P.293.

[161] GS. VIII, P.293.

[162] Quarterly Homœopathic Digest (QHD) P.15, 1&2, 2000.

[163] GS: op cit. Vol. III, p.205.

[164] KNERR, C.B.: op cit. p.1148.

[165] GS: op. cit. Vol. III, p.253.

[166] H.T. 25, 5/2005, QHD. Vol. 24, 1 & 2/2009. P.12.