I.    Concussions, Contusions, Blows, Falls, etc.

Shock and Fear are the immediate reactions to an injury.  In fact, ‘pain’  follows

the shock and fear. It is said that more deaths from burns, scalds are due to ‘shock’.  Aconitum napellus (in high potency) removes this shock and also prevents the chronic ill effects of the shock, and this helps quicker healing by the subsequent remedy.

      The classic picture of the suddenness, extreme pain, fear of death, etc. suits Aconitum drug picture very well.

A 40 year-old-woman, mother of two children, poured boiling oil (while cooking) over her left hand involving all the fingers and a part of the palm and came to me within next 15 minutes. She had intense burning, pain, fear, weeping, saying that she could not bear it and would die – was given a dose of Aconitum napellusM one dose and within 3 to 4 minutes she stopped saying that she would die but now complained of burning.  Now the fingers had all swollen and there were large blisters  and Cantharis 200 was given.  She went on to recover; all the scars (after the skin desquamation), discoloration went away in due course; follow-up more than 4 years.  [KSS]

      Camphora is also a remedy for shocks: “Bad effects of shock from injury; surface of body cold, face pale, blue, livid; profound prostration.” [20]

      Injuries happen to everyone.  There are persons who had no diseases whatsoever during childhood, adolescence, even upto 40 to 50 years.  But even this person had suffered few injuries during childhood, adulthood.  While lifestyle (including diet, sleep, etc.) may help live with least disease, injuries, wounds happen to everyone without exception.  Therefore each person needs treatment at sometime or other of one’s life for some injury or the other.

      Is it necessary that every injury be medically treated?  Certainly not.  Most of the injuries heal by themselves.  Some don’t.  In the modern days people have been so much told of infections, brain-washed and fear driven into them that everyone is afraid of trifles. Small things are blown up, exaggerated.   At the same time there is the risk of understating too.

      Listen to what HAHNEMANN says in this regard in FN 21 to Introduction to Organon. [21]  Hence the need that we prepare ourselves well.

      The foremost remedy that would come to the mind of every homœopath in the case of a trauma is: Arnica montana.

      Arnica montanais one of the 27 remedies in HAHNEMANN’s earliest published Materia Medica. [22]

      Sore pain, bruised pain, are characteristic of Arnica as obtained in the ‘Proving’.  The Pioneers of Homœopathy were careful observers; “The symptoms of all injuries caused by severe contusions and lacerations of the fibers are tolerably uniform in character, and, as the following record shows these symptoms are contained in striking homœopathic similarity in the alterations of the health which Arnica develops in the healthy human subject.” [23]

      In this manner the proving symptoms were applied to clinical conditions by the Pioneers and given to posterity for ever to be applied in practice straightaway.  What more can we ask for?

      Similarly “The Pioneers reasoned that the sudden congestion following the advent of a cinder and sometimes preventing its removal was similar to the action of Aconitum ….  The imbedded foreign body … sometimes disappeared before morning when thepotentised Aconitum had been given by the mouth overnight … every homœopathic physician has utilised this knowledge.  Every homœopathic Oculist gives Aconitum after cutting operations upon the eyes.” [24]

      We should keep in mind that Arnica  is as much relevant to the ‘suddenness’ of pains as Aconitum is; both have the characteristic of ‘sudden’ pains.  They are complimentary. [25]  Thus both are eminently high grade trauma remedies.

         Bringing Arnica into the Mainstream [26]

      About 10 years ago, Michael QUINN quietly moved forward with a brilliant plan to bring Arnica to the masses. His target: plastic surgeons.

      Why?  Bruising and swelling after plastic surgery is extensive and highly visible, but plastic surgeons have no conventional medicines to offer patients for reducing these tramatic after-effects.  To Michael, this lack of competition from conventional medicine was the perfect opportunity for showcasing the benefits of Homœopathy.  If he could convince plastic surgeons to prescribe Arnica and if they and their patients saw impressive results, they would spread the word to other types of surgeons, doctors, and patients throughout the world.

      So MICHAEL created SinEcch to look just like a conventional medication-yet he made sure the words “homœopathic medicine” appeared in 15 locations on the package.  The product consists of a set of twelve capsules, containing either 1M or 12chomœopathic Arnica, in a programmed dosage regimen taken before and after surgery.

      MICHAEL formed a subsidiary, Alpine Pharmaceuticals, to represent SinEcch, and he began attending professional reconstructive surgery conferences to reach out to plastic surgeons (www.alpinepharm.com).  His company also helped design and fund two high-quality research studies on liposuction and facelift surgery.  The latter appeared in Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, an AMA publication (vol. 8, Jan./Feb. 2006).  Both studies were statistically significant and showed dramatic reductions in bruising/swelling.  In the facelift study, those who did not use SinEcch had a 50%  longer recovery time, 41% more bruising 7 days after surgery, and an average of 9 square inches more bruising.

      According to MICHAEL: “Our advertisements in  the premier plastic surgery medical journal, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, resulted in the American Society of Plastic surgeons putting the question of Arnica on the agenda for their expert panel, the ‘Device and Technology Assessment Committee.’  After investigating the subject, the committee proclaimed that Arnica is completely safe.”  It also evaluated ten different Arnica research studies published worldwide and found that only two studies-those usingSinEcch - showed a statistically significant reduction in bruising and swelling.

      MICHAEL estimated that more than 1000 plastic surgeons now routinely prescribe SinEcch and that it’s been safely used to help hundreds of thousands of plastic surgery patients. “If it were up to nurses, we’d have it in about 90% of surgeons’ offices,” MICHAEL noted.

      Now that other homœopathic companies are also marketing Arnica to plastic surgeons, Michael guessed that perhaps 10-20% of U.S. plastic surgeons prescribe Arnica in some formulation for their patients.  As the demand for plastic surgery grows, the percentage of patients receiving Arnica will surely increase as well.

      Michael’s daughter Allison is the company’s national sales director for SinEcch.  “It has been a difficult time,” she remarked recently, “but we have all been strengthened by continuing Hahnemann Labs and working hard to carry on my father’s vision and legacy.”

[It is unfortunate that Michael J.QUINN (1952-2009) The Pharmacist who has done this unique work, passed away due to a massive stroke on 28 Jan. 2009.  Glowing tributes have been paid by several persons who had occasion to know him.  We too feel very sad.  HAHNEMANN up there would have surely welcomed him with open arms = KSS]. 

      About 12 years ago, a school girl of about 8 years age was brought with the complaint that a few minutes ago while her aunt was mending pencil with a blade, a small sliver of the wood hit the child’s eye; she felt that a particle was still bothering her; there was pain, redness of the eyes, also an agitated state.  Aconitum made the child smile within the next 10 to 15 minutes.  [KSS]

      A young boy of about 14 years was working for sometime in a welding shop where they use very bright and powerful gas heat to weld; a dark mask is to be used by the welder to prevent damage to the eyes from the very bright light; but the small boys helping him do not use such a mask.  Generally these boys look away from the light during welding.  This boy, unfortunately, had a full look and then went more or less blind; it was all dark for him.  He was given within the next few hours or so a dose of Aconitum napellus200 and his vision was promptly restored.  HAHNEMANN’s  Materia Medica Pura has 24 eye symptoms under Aconitum napellus. [KSS]

Mrs. K., 50yrs. woman fell down from pillion seat and injured her head on 31.5.2011.  She was unconscious and admitted in Meenakshi Hospital where she was found to have LEFT FRONTAL CONTUSION WITH RT. PARIETAL EXTRA DURAL HAEMORRHAGE with the help of CT Scan.  She underwent “LEFT FRONTAL CRANIOTOMY AND EVACUATION OF CONTUSION”  On 1/6/11.  Only after a month she opened her eyes and after  the 2 months she spoke.

      She was having Lumbar pain, Lack of stamina, unable to recognize persons, right sided hemiplegia and incoherent speech.  When physiotherapy was done pain was better.

      On 15th of August she was given Arnica 30, t.d.s. having stopped all the allopathic drugs.

      There was much improvement with the patient after 10 days of medicine.  Again Arnica 30, t.d.s. was given and in the next follow up patient improved over all.  Speech was better able to raise the leg and arm.  Continuing the medicine. = KSS.

      Mr. Kannan of age 40, met with a road accident on May 25, 2011.  He had head injury, there was bleeding over the forehead and pain in the occiput.  Got admitted in Government Hospital immediately and found to have Frontal Subdual Haematoma 9mm in size.  Arnica Montana 30, 5 doses were given once in 8 hours on 28th May, 2011.  Patient was improving.  CT Scan was taken again on 1st June, 2011 and there was no haematoma.  On 1st June, 2011 – Arnica Q1, 16th June 2011 – Arnica Q2 was given.  On 24July, 2011 had diplopia, loss of smell and pain in the occioput Bryonia alba1M was given.  Patient got relieved from diplopia and occipital pain.  Loss of smell persists still. Patient is continuing the treatment.


John Reed , M.D.

      A 48 year old woman fell on some steps, struck her head on concrete and was found semi-conscious by co-workers. She was reluctant to get to the Emergency Room and went only after strong persuasion.

      On arrival at the E. R., she was found to have changing levels of consciousness, replying sensibly to a question one minute and falling asleep inappropriately the next. Physical examination showed bruise over the right temporal area and a bloody ear-drum. Therewas no lateralizing signs. Over the next two hours her condition worsened as she became arousable. A CAT scan revealed a large right-sided sub-dural haematoma. There was no evidence of a skull fracture. She was transferred to a neurosurgical hospital for emergency surgery.

      Within 36 hours post-operatively, she developed seizures of the grand mal type and she was placed on Phenobarbital and Dilatin. On day four she developed dyspnoea and hemotysis, all the while remaining comatose.

      Cardiac evaluation showed no prior history of heart disease. There had been no problem with excessive intravenous fluid therapy. A lung scan showed no pulmonary emboli. She was diagnosed with congestive heart failure with pulmonary edema, etiology unknown, and treated with diuretics and digitalis.

       Because of the persistent mental obtundation of the patient, she was re-evaluated for a recurrence of the subdural haematoma. None was found.

        On the eighth day after surgery she had still not regained consciousness. Arnica 30x three times a day was begun via nasogastric tube. Within 24 hrs. the hemoptysis stopped and within 48 hrs. She woke up and the N-G tube was removed. By day 12 she was out of the Intensive Care Unit.

[The two characteristic symptoms of Arnica have once again been verified in this case --- (i) the reluctance of the patient to go to the emergency room when she was seriously ill “well, says she is, when actual very ill” and (ii) answering one question properly but following asleep the next “Answers, stupor returns quickly after”. If only First –aid Ambulance Vans are equipped with the homoeopathic remedy Arnica [27] ! – Dr. K.S.S.]

Poor prognosis turns into rapid  recovery Homoeopathy in Trauma – induced unconsciousness [28]

9-year-old male, fell into a ditch from a speeding motor cycle, sustained multiple injuries including the head and was admitted into a super specialities hospital on 26 August 1997. On admission: stuporous, but arousable but neither answering nor obeying oral commands; whining from pain impulses, bladder control maintained; right-sided facial paralysis present; haemorrhage from right ear; multiple bruises; and lacerations; vomiting +++. CT scan of head: no evidence of fracture, subdural haematoma right parietal region and haemorrhage in thalamus area. Prognosis at this stage was that it would probably be six weeks before recovery of full consciousness.

On 27 August, asked for Homoeopathy. Arnica M, Hypericum M and Ledum 200 serially at hourly intervals. After one dose each, patient opened his eyes, moved his limbs, sat up, drank a glass of milk and went back to sleep. One dose of Arnica and Hypericum was repeated in the night. Next day
patient sat up, got into a wheel chair and went to the toilet and cleaned himself. Speech nil, did not recognize persons. Again Arnica, Hypericum, Ledumserially, morning, noon and night.

Another CT scan on 29 August revealed rapid resorption of haematoma. He was discharged. On 30th the patient was sitting, obeying oral commands; responded- when called by his name.  But still no speech. Now Natrum sulphuricum, Arnica, Hypericum.

      Report on 7 September: talking, greeting people and started recognising persons from 5 Sept. He was, however, moody. Slight right-sided facial palsy and trismus of jaw. Natrum sulphuricumXM.  He went on to improve and his normalcy was restored completely.

Traumatic Amnesia

     64-year-old man suffered concussion in head and was unconscious for more than 48 hours  in a hospital .  His memory could not be regained in spite of the hospitalisation for 15 days.  He could not recognise anyone nor speak.  When he began to speak later, it was slurred and incoherent; he sat on his bed and picked up some imaginary things from bed.  Arnica, Natrum sulphuricum, Baryta carbonica, did not help.  Rhus toxicodendron at last cured. [29]

      Let me repeat just to refresh our memories, some of the remedies:

      Arnica Montana: Knocks, contusions, stubbing of finger tips/toes, blows, after tooth extraction. [30]

      The pains of Arnica are sore, beaten-down like (hence the ‘hard bed’ sensation); one of the differentiating state is, the patient says  “there is nothing the matter with me” when actually seriously ill [31]

      This was actually the case of my late colleague, Dr. Rangarajan.  He suffered a severe head injury and he took a dose or two of Arnica 30 on one day only and even as he did not improve did not bother to take further doses.  On the following  days when other colleagues in the clinic repeatedly requested him to have a ‘scan’ done and take treatment he turned down their suggestions on the ground that he was well and had no need to go for ‘scanning’ and medicines.  On the third day after this he became unconscious and scanning was done which revealed a large area of bleeding; he was beyond help and died next morning.  THIS IS ARNICA exactly – the knock to the head, internal bleeding, the I-am-well feeling when one was the very opposite of it.  [KSS]

      CLARKE stresses the ‘suddenness’ of Arnica  “Suddenness is a feature of Arnica pains and action” [32].  While one would choose as a routine remedy Arnica   in cases of Concussion, Fall, Blow, etc. there are certain fine distinctions which would point to certain other remedies generally not considered.

      A 13 year old boy injured his forearm while playing.  The whole forearm swelled but no pain as such.  Fever with chills set in, 102°.  This went on for few days.  Arnica, then Pulsatilla (on the basis of repertorisation) did not help at all.  Apis mellifica200 brought about lot of relief in 24 hours.  The key was “fever after injury, thirstlessness during fever, fever worse in morning, fever with chill”.

      This case taught many things, viz. avoid routinism like Arnica for any and every injury; that Apis mellifica  is only  for stings or oedema; above all that the homœopath should always be ‘unprejudiced’.

      Ecchymosis from a blow upon eyeball: Erigeron. [33]

      Bellis perennis:  Bruises, beaten-down feeling similar to Arnica in many states; can be used if Arnica fails or does not complete; also in reference to organ affinity: female glands (breasts, pelvis).

      Bellis for venous, Arnica for arterial blood.  Both Arnica and Bellis perennisbecome easily bruised.          

      Bellis for ailments due to sudden chilling (cooling) when hot, as may not be uncommon in Sport activities, other physical exertions.

      Bellis for Concussion and bruises and consequent tumors of the female breasts.

      Conium maculatum for chronic conditions (swelling, tumors) after an injury to the breast and other glands.

      No experienced Practitioners, will deny the important part played by bruises, blows and falls, in the generis of tumors and Cancer; and hence our anti-traumatic ought to figure much and more largely in our therapeutics of growths from blows [34]

      Also compare Phosphorus “The glands are enlarged particularly after contusion” [35]

      To come to Bellis perennis again, BURNETT recommended it as the best medicine for the ill effects of Coitus Interruptus in a woman.  The uterus and ovaries would become congested during the usual lovemaking, but when the coitus interruptus is adopted the uterus and ovaries do not get equalised. [36]  And that is a trauma.

      Conium maculatum for Cataract after a trauma (compare Arnica, Senega).  Conium follows Arnica well.

      After contusion: Induration of lymphatics of lip; swelling and induration of testicles

      Orchitis: hard lumps on right side nipple of right breast as large as walnut

      Swelling and induration of glands [37]  

      Cancerous ulcers – Conium maculatum [38]

      Blackish ulcers Conium maculatum. [39]

      Contusions which produce a condemnation of cellular tissue and indurations of  glandular structure, accompanied a sensation of numbness [40]

      Tumors of all kinds especially scirrhous coming on after contusions   Conium maculatum [41]

      Gangarene from contusions and of one part of an ulcer – Conium maculatum [42]

      Straining and over straining and over straining of membranes structures from contusions, falls or other external injuries – Conium maculatum [43]        


      Numbness from contusion – Conium maculatum [44]  

      Psorinum also follows Arnica in appropriate cases.  HERING says “induration of the left ovary after a violent knock …. [45].  H.C.ALLEN also says that it follows well Arnica in traumatic affections of ovaries. [46]

      In Orchitis consequent upon a trauma, Pulsatilla is to be considered.

      “Injury to testicle by a fall, followed by trismus, which yielded to Belladonna; two days afterwards right testicle greatly swollen, with pressure and annoying pain extending up into abdomen, with nausea and occasional vomiting at times aggravation of pain with chilliness; scrotum red, hot; urine saturated; pain > in rest.” [47]

      Otitis after a slap on the Ear: Calc-sul. [48]

      Headache; pain in knee, from a blow or concussion: Calc-sul. [49]

      Bad effects from falls, contusions and other mechanical injuries of external parts … Euphr. [50]  

      Ulcer on tibia caused by a blow: Paeonia [51]

      Black and Blue eyes consequent upon a blow to the eye may require Ledum or Staphysagria or Symphytum.

      A friend telephoned (14.12.2000) and said that her housemaid fell and hurt her eye (right eye) very badly, on the edge  of  the  table – the  eye ball and the  whole  eye was much  swollen, dark blue, pained terribly.  Ledum palustre 200 one dose was given that evening and by next morning more than 50% improvement all round!  By evening almost normal! = KSS.

      (Can any medicine work faster?  Just 2-3 pills on the tongue and lo! in a few hours freedom!  No injections, no bandages, no antibiotics, no expensive consultations.  Remember that this medicine was prescribed over the telephone! = KSS.)

      For ailments from a blow to the Periosteum Ruta graveolens (“… bruises and other mechanical injuries of bone and periosteum; sprain ….”) [52]

      Phosphoric acid is also to be mentioned for Contusion of Periosteum [53].  (“When after

contusion periosteum feels as if scraped by a knife, agg. at night”)

      Kali bichromicum: Periostitis from blow” [54]  “From a blow on shin: Periostitis

         Kali carbonicum: after a blow on left side, Nephritis. [55]

      Kali carbonicum: pain in small of back after a fall. [56]

      After falling from height upon back, acute pain in lower part and  in region of back – Conium maculatum [57]

      Ill effects of shocks and bruises to spine Conium maculatum [58]

      Self:  81 yrs.: on the 25th July morning 5 am. fell down from a height of about 2½”, on the back powerfully; fell on the nates; the impact was so much that I felt a ‘current’ running up  from the back up the head; whole body became dry, mouth because dry and I was wondering whether I had injured any of the vertebral discs.  The concussion was severe.

Within 2 mts. Got up and as felt urgent need of water took a sip and felt would vomit, so did not drink further and quietly lied down – from 5 am. to 1200 midday.  Found the lumbar back was very painful from least movement even turning in bed was so painful that it made me cry out.

      Morning before I lied down took a dose of Arnica 30, but had no effect whatever. (Had only Arnica 30 at home).

The pain became worser but it was only the muscles and ligaments that were involved; because of the modality – least movement agg., irritable mood, etc. – Bryonia M was taken and very good relief began; could turn in bed, rise, sit, etc.  without difficulty; however, then still was pain when there was jerk while travelling.  Arnica M removed this pain within 24 hours and made the cure complete.

It took about 25 days for this total cure.  Now it is 2 months since the incident and there is not even a trace of the pain.

Colleagues were urging me to undergo X-ray/CT Scan/MRI, etc. as well as consultation with a ‘specialist’.  I firmly disagreed, since I was sure that Homœopathy was far rapid and certain in its curative action in cases like this and wanted it demonstrated to colleagues. (Dr. K.S.S.)

      Spinal Injury


On 4 August 1997, a 55-year-old female, fell from a chair when she was standing on it to reach a picture high up on the wall. Probably fell on the back. Became unconscious and doesn't remember anything. After three hours she was lifted and made to stand. Shifted to an Orthopaedic hospital. X-ray revealed no fractures. Put on analgesics and traction. On 6 August the patient shifted to homoeopathic care. Arnica and Hypericum alternately once every 4 hours and pain was less by 50%. Bellis perennis0 10 drops in one oz. water given twice a day for four days suspecting injury to deep tissues. On 13th pain less by 75% and she complained of pain in coccyx. Silica 200. Next day pain sacrum. Kali carbonicum200 once a day for four days. On 9th September: she developed pain on either side in the hip and there were palpable lumps, these were at the sites where injections were given in the hospital. Ledum 200 and these subsided. She improved very well. For recurrence of pain in the back after a train journey, Natrum


A lady, 40 yrs. had a fall on her bottom with such a force that she developed severe pain in the Coccyx.  In the next 2-3 days the pain became very severe and she could not sit, or stand, etc.  The surgeon to whom she went said that he could give her only pain killers and nothing else could be done and she may have to live with the pain and pain-killers until time, may be a few years, may heal.  This lady was given a dose of Mezereum 200, and she experienced no more pain.

         For bleeding nose from a concussion to the nose, Ferrum phosphoricum is recommended if the blood is bright red.  Ferr-ph. also “controls soreness and bleeding after operations” [60]

      Haemoptysis after a fall or concussion – Ferrum phosphoricum [61]

      Harvey FARRINGTON recommends Ferrum phosphoricum in Concussions, Contusions, when the part is hot, swollen and not hard; Arnica may be indicated later. [62]

      JAHR recommends Bryonia in suitable cases “…. particularly after severe false step on stairs or after landing down heavily on the heels from a great height”.  “in headaches resulting after a Concussion which Arnica will not relieve …..” [63]

      JAHR further says that Bryonia is a main remedy for stomach complaint after concussion; the affinity of Bryonia for Chest, “in stitching chest pains while breathing”, [64] in fractures of ribs must be noted.  The leading symptom “aggravation from least movement” is the Keynote here.

      Sulphuric acid is for old, non-healing Contusions; often the skin of the affected part is livid (tendency to gangrene) [65]

      Psorinum: “Pain in knee caused by a fall an year ago” [66]

      Oedema, right foot and ankle, with pain while stepping, walking; this came after I fell down on my fully flexed right leg.  The right lower limb from hip down is polio affected.  She took Arnica, Rhus tox, etc. which did not ameliorate. (Medorrhinum 200 one dose given and within two days improvement began and in 5-6 days completely alright.) – Dr. K.S.S.

      For consequences of Concussion and Contusions (aetiology of the chronic state) see appropriate rubrics in the Repertory.

      Arnica (Bleeding) and Hypericum (injury to nerves) are the most often indicated for cerebral injuries.  “Even compression of the brain comes within the range of Arnica, whether this compression be the result of a displaced fragment of bone in cranial fracture or the result of effusion of blood within the cranial cavity.  Arnica cannot of course completely cure the former of  these cases; an operation is demanded in order to obtain permanent relief.” [67]

      Effects of Headinjury  Carcinosin. [68]

      For “epilepsy after a hard knock” (not head injury alone) Hypericum. [69]

      “Nervous depression following wounds”

      “Convulsions from blows on head or Concussion”.

      “Spasms after slight injuries in children”

      “Tetanus after traumatic injuries” [70]

      Cicuta virosa for injurious chronic effects from concusssion of  the brain and spine. [71]

      Helleborous “From a blow: Concussion of Brain; Traumatic tetanus”; [72] and Hyoscyamus “Rolls head, stertor, hiccough” [73]

      Sulphuric acid “Concussion of brain from fall or blow when skin cold and the body is bathed in cold sweat,” etc. [74]

      For consequences of concussion to brain, head injuries, Natrum sulphuricum.  Many authors recommend this remedy to be given to all cases where a history of head injury is reported, if a most similar remedy is not clearly seen.

      Depression, after concussion to head:  Natrum sulphuricum. [75]

      “Indifference after concussion of brain”: Arn., Cic. [76]

      In his book ‘Tutorials on Homœopathy Dr.D.M.FOUBISTER has a chapter ‘After-effects of Head Injury’ where he lists many conditions, with actually treated cases.  These include Amenorrhoea, Anorexia nervosa, Meniere’s, Migraines, Hysteria,Schizophrenia Helleborous, Natrum muriaticumhave come very often in these cases. [77]

      See “Mental symptoms in consequence of injuries, accidents” [78]

      Carefully search for the rubrics in the ‘Mind’ and ‘Head’ Sections of our repertories which have lot of information – KNERR, KENT, KÜNZLI, Synthetic, Synthesis, Complete Repertory – all the repertories; some examples: Headache after fall; after head injuries; Unconsciousness; loss of memory; apathy, indifference.

      When we go through these sections we will realise the multifarious, serious ill effects of injuries.

      For injury to the Coccyx: Carb-an., Hypericum, Silica, also Mezereum [79]

      Spasm of oesophagus from injury – from splinters in flesh, from sharp fish bone Cicuta virosa. [80]

      For pain from injury to rib bones, Tellurium,,if the pain is worse from touch, (“Fear of being touched in sensitive places.  ….worse touch”) [81] least jar, or while walking, travelling, coughing, laughing, Nitric acid, also Bryonia, Ranunculus bulbosus. [82]

      Sambucus nigra“Skin: bloatedness and dark-red swelling, with tension after contusions.” [83]

      “ Following an injury osseous growth” – Calcarea fluorata [84].

      “Induration in epigastric region after a kick from a horse was cured” – Calcarea fluorata. [85]

      CLARKE, J.H., Warns that Arnica  is injurious in bites of dogs or rabbit or angry animals.  But mentions Arnica for Snake bites. [86]

      Nose bleed, ink black after a blow: Elaps. ptk. [87]

      Silica: Nightly incontinence of urine after a blow upon head. [88]

[20]  ALLEN, H.C. Key Notes,  Boericke & Tafel, Philadelphia,  1936, p.77.

[21]  HAHNEMANN, S.: Organon VI edition FN 21 to Introduction.

[22]  HAHNEMANN, S.: ‘Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum Positivis ……’ Leipzig, 1805


[23]  CARLETON Edmund: Homœopathy in Medicine and Surgery 1913, Reprint, B.Jain

     Publishers, New Delhi.

[24]  CARLETON Edmund, op cit. p.217.

[25]  ALLEN, H.C.: Key  Notes  op. cit. p.15.

[26] (HT. 29, 2/2009).

[27]( JAIH. Vol.77, 2/1984).

[28] (MFH. 8, 3/1997).

[29] MISHRA,  S.C. (MFH,7,3/1997)

[30]  HAHNEMANN, S.: Materia Medica Pura,  p.89.

[31]  ALLEN, H.C.: Key Notes,  p.46.

[32] CLARKE, J.H.: DMM,  Vol. I.    p.172.

[33] GS. V. p.210

[34] J.C. BURNETT, Tumors of the Breast,  p.22,  B.Jain.

[35] GS. Vol.8, p.393.

[36] HAEHL Richard: Die Unfruchtbarkeit bei der Frau, Verlag der Hahnemannia, Stuttgart, 

    1927, p. 202.

[37] GS. IV, P.443

[38] GS. IV, P.443

[39] GS. IV, P.443

[40] GS. IV, P.442

[41] GS. IV, P.443

[42] GS. IV, P.443

[43] GS. IV, P.443

[44] GS. IV, P.442

[45] GS. op cit.  VIII, p.550.

[46] ALLEN, H.C.: Key Notes, p.234.

[47] GS. op cit.  VIII, p.608.

[48] GS. III, p.248

[49] GS. III. P.253

[50] GS. V, p.264

[51] GS. VIII, 245-246

[52] ALLEN, H.C.: Key Notes, p.246.

[53] CLARKE, J.H.: Condensed Materia Medica, p.751.

[54] PHATAK, S.R.: Materia Medica of Homœopathic Medicines, 1977.  Reprint Indian  Books 

    Periodicals Syndicate,  New Delhi – 110 005.  p.315.

[55] GS. op cit. VI, p.414.

[56] GS. op cit. VI, p.414.

[57] GS. IV, P.443

[58] GS. IV, P.443

[59] (MFH. 8, 3/1997)

[60] GS. op cit. VI, p.352.

[61] GS. V. P.322.

[62] FARRINGTON Harvey, Homœopathy and Homœopathic Prescribing, Reprint, B.Jain

    Publishers, New Delhi-1987.

[63] JAHR, CHG.: Therapeutics, Hamburg 1869.

[64] ALLEN, H.C.: Key Notes – p.280-281.

[65] GS: op cit.  X, p.205.

[66] GS: op cit. VIII, p.555.

[67] FARRINGTON, E.A.  Clinical Materia Medica,  C. Ringer & Co., Calcutta, Eleventh edition, p.238.

[68] A Select Homœopathic Materia Medica Part I – P. Ishwardas Tarkas & Ajit K. Kulkarni.

[69] GS. op cit. VI, p.130.

[70] GS. op cit. VI. p.125.

[71] ALLEN, H.C.: Key Notes, p.95.

[72] GS. op cit. V, p.543.

[73] GS. op cit. p.97.

[74] ALLEN, H.C.:Key Notes, p.281.

[75] HT., June 2002, p.10.

[76] KNERR, C.B.:  Repertory to Hering’s GS, Reprint, New Delhi, p.53.

[77] FOUBISTER, D.M.: Tutorials in Homœopathy, Beaconsfield Publishers, 1981 p.161.

[78] Synthetic Repertory, Vol.I., p.20, 4th improved edition.

[79] Kent Repertory, p.892.

[80] S.R.PHATAK: Materia Medica of Homœopathic Medicines, 1977.  Reprint.  Indian

    Books & Periodicals  Syndicate,  New Delhi-110 005.  p.182.

[81] BOERICKE, W., Ninth Edition, B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi, Reprint, p.634, 635.

[82] BOERICKE, W., op.cit. p.528.

[83] GS. op cit.  IX  p.196.

[84] GS. op cit. III, p.149.

[85] CLARKE, J.H.: op cit.  Vol. I, p.354.

[86] CLARKE, J.H.: op cit.  Vol. I, p.354.

[87] CLARKE, J.H.: op cit.  Vol. I, p.354.

[88] GS. IX, P.386, Ptk.544