In Veterinary practice, the remedy can be used for emaciated animals with bad skin, hanging abdomen and joint ailments.  Emaciation despite good appetite, diarrhoea and under-nourishment. Frequently there is Tuberculosis or Parasitosis. 
(L.GENT, Les Annales Homeopathiques Francaises, 1980) 
     Individuals who are vampire to those around them, taking energy from others and leaving them literally “sucked dry”.    (DG) 

     We try to control all our emotions, hence a text book picture of Aconite panic attacks may not be presented in the clinic.  The tremendous inner turmoil should be understood. 
(G. VITHOULKAS, HL. 2 & 3/1994) 
     With a dry, hot skin, the temperature leaps upwards until 9 p.m., indicating vital defense against infection. 

     Aconite is like an overheated steam engine.  The excessive pressure is held back from explosion, until the safety valve of sweating opens, with that the raring fear is also over. 
(Gerhard KÖHLER, BHJ. 1/1976) 
    In operations on tissues that are very sensitive, such as the eye and urethra, Aconite would be more likely the remedy. 
(Guy B. STEARNS, HG. 4/1980) 
     It has been often stated, “By the time you see the case, it is already too late for Aconite This is very far from truth and has been a real obstacle in prescribing.  It does not always have to be used very early in the diseased condition.  While it is short-acting and quick-acting, it will help those conditions of an acute nature existent for several days as well as chronic problems present for several months. 

    I regard it as a desert remedy where it is hot and dry, and the heat of the sun can act upon the brain and other organs to produce the typical sudden congestions that Aconite will cure.  Also the cold climate locale, especially dry, north winds. 

    In my own practice, Aconite has been found most useful in the respiratory distress of children.  The typical Aconite children have been described as plethoric, vigorous, strong, robust, rugged (KENT).  But with the key symptoms of Aconite matching, this category is not essential.  The very sickly, weak and frail child will respond equally well. 

    Asthmatic bronchitis (Dry rales and wheezing can be heard both with the stethoscope and audibly in the room), breathing labored.  Might result from a ride on a hot sunny day, inhaling clouds of dust on the way.

    It has cured chronic mucous in throat, upon rising in the morning, difficult to clear; slightly better from a walk but interferes with talking for up to 2 hours after rising.  Only the climate was considered, even though the complaint was one and a half months old. 
(F. SIMS POUNDS, HG. 1/1978) 
    The intellect is strong and swift.  Brainy people, full of power and vigour, with a plethora of ideas, sudden in decision, swift and accurate in carrying out, hypersensitive: yes, but in a robust way, capable of ecstasy and even clairvoyance, but not in an effect form, subject to fears and anguish, strong as their natures, and strangely enough, with a dash of malice which in them is a spice rather than habit. 
(E.W.HUBBARD, HG. 6/1978) 
    Bad news can hit your solar plexus, tying it in knots, as we say.  It grips the liver as in a vice.  The secretions stop.  This causes congestion of blood in the abdomen which then drains the brain and legs.  One will, as a result, become dizzy or even faint.  The legs will become weak, the patient is not able to stand.  He will walk very shakily.  One such patient, following the death of her son in an accident, collapsed on her bathroom floor, cold and pale as a sheet.  Later established that it was not brain damage or stroke or heart failure, but an acute liver. 

    Aconite 3X given promptly, preferably out of water, so it can be repeated every 10-15 minutes until a change results.  Such immediate treatment, by going to the cause, by activating the Liver and the Gall bladder would certainly modify the attack very materially. 
(John H. RENNER, HG. 12/1977) 
Angry children,  prone to rage.  (Pierre SCHMIDT, HG. 3/1974) 

    Exaggerated anxiety about health.  Strong attraction to everything that concerns death, funerals, ill people and diseases, terminal patients, doctors and hospitals: but they dread death, visit every sick person they know, go to any funeral.  Fear of Cancer, talk about it to everybody, weep from fear.  Tendency to faint.  Burden the doctor with their fears.  Fears alternating with moments of extreme calmness, which can make them afraid that they will die.  They sometimes have out-of-body experiences, which > their fears (Cann-i. anxiety from such experience) <.warmth(maylooklikeawarm-bloodedars.) perspiration++. saltcraving. saltydepositinclothesaboutaxillae,fromsweat. 
(Vassilis GHEGAS, HL. 3/1993) 
    Breaks down and cries from overwhelming anxiety, mainly about health. 
(G.VITHOULKAS, HL. 2 & 3/1994) 
    Under its influence, a talkative type talks at random and may disclose secret matters; one fond of music constantly bursts into song. 

    Child mentally retarded. 

    Widespread bruised sensation associated with shifting neuralgic pains.  These are worse when at rest, eased when becoming warm in bed. 

    Headache in small spots.  Headaches of drunkards with spinal trouble. 

    Facial neuralgia with  “splinter pains”. 

    Irregular, tumultuous palpitation, possibly associated with tobacco. Sense of constriction in the cardiac region. 

    Scratching itching areas gives some relief, but parts scratched become icy cold and itching spreads to other areas. 

    Possible angioneurotic oedema or rosacea. 
(D.M.GIBSON, BHJ. 3/76) 
    Mood changes constantly.  Changes from talkative to being reserved.  In old age, loss of memory and Cerebral Sclerosis. 

(G.URETZKY, LIGA. 1995) 
  The Essence:  T.F.ALLEN: “He imagines himself at the gate of hell and that the mushroom commands him to fall on his knees and confess his sins, which he does.”  The submissive nature of the user or prover is a marked feature.  This aspect is seen by VITHOULKAS and MORRISON  as a prominent feature of the Agaricus ‘person’ as observed clinically. 

  Herein lies the essence of Agaricus: Patients have weak wills and they desire that their life be directed by someone else, often a Guru or mentor (the personification of the mushroom’s omnipotence)  They will often appear as soft and mild tempered and very dependent.  They will shy away from showing initiative for their own lives.  “Intoxication of will” (MORRISON).  They are unable to confront life’s issues. They will often be spoiled or pampered by the people who take care of them.  The patient’s diminutive role becomes obvious in your office as a manipulative whining for reassurance.  (From their indulgent anxiety), or begging for another remedy in hopes of calming their hypochondriasis.  Obsessive fear of Cancer.  Their susceptibility lies in their inability to take responsibility for themselves, so when a stressful life event occurs that they can’t blame on somebody else, or which they can’t avoid or deny, their suffering begins.  Huge appetite, can eat with no satisfaction. 
(Greg BEDAYN, SIM. 2/92) 
  Key to this remedy is its clumsiness.  It is as if some kind of mismatch has occurred between the body and the Vital Force that gives it life; either the Vital Force is in good order and the body is disabled, not allowing the full expression of the energy within, or the body is in good order but the internal energy is too intense.  These individuals throw themselves wholeheartedly into action, but the body cannot keep up with what they want to do.  

  “Out-of-body” experiences.  These individuals often show a certain “greatness of the soul” which may be expressed through poetry.    (DG) 
  “A polychrest in pregnancy for Anemia and Weakness.” 
(Ananda ZAREN, HL. 2 & 3/94) 
  Malnutrition, failure to thrive and lack of appetite.  Deficient lactation.  Bladder irritability from benign prostatic hypertrophy. 
(David WEMBER, JAIH. 1/93) 

    It is a urea compound.  It was accidentally discovered that it has a capacity to produce Diabetes.  It has a selective action on the Beta cells of the Pancreas.  (But) it is not likely to be the drug for cases of well-developed Diabetes.  Nevertheless, Dr. TEMPLETON  recorded a case of Diabetic Gangrene that responded to Alloxan, and Dr. McCRAE reported a diabetic with a blood sugar of 340 mg. whose Insulin requirements at the end of 5 weeks were reduced to a quarter on Alloxan 6, and who at the end of the 6th week was stabilized on a diet without Insulin.  Clinical confirmation was provided by a French doctor who reported that Alloxan 7C led to considerable reduction in the amount of Insulin required to the balance in diabetic children. 
   (BHJ. July, 1962) 

  Because of their slowness, time plays a role; need their own time to do things; if rushed, become paralyzed. 
(HL. 2 & 3/1994) 
  Affinity with skin and mucous membrane, inducing impaired secretory activity, resulting in dryness and fissuring. 

  Affinity with nerve tissue, causing Paraesthesia and Paresis, notably of involuntary muscle in gut and blood vessels. 

  Feels incapable of coming to a decision or of tackling a job. 

(D.M.GIBSON, BHJ. 2/1976) 
  Slowness.  Because of the slowness, we do not see strong suffering.  We never see them asking for help.  There is a kind of resignation.  One gets the feeling that there is something mechanical about them. 

  Unfortunately, Alumina patient often come to us too late, because they are reluctant to ask for help.  Many cases come to us in a late stage with Paralysis. 

  They are unable to describe their symptoms.  They pause often.  Even writing down their symptoms is difficult for them, they make many mistakes.  Consider Alumina for Dyslexia. 

  We see a despair inside, but not readily expressed or verbalized.  The despair of Alumina should be distinguished from that of Helleborus Helleborus feels you are God, the only one who can help them.  One could mistake aHelleborus for Phosphorous Alumina is dry, not attached like Helleborus.  A characteristic of Helleborus is the feeling that they have done something wrong; young girls feel they made mistakes in their schoolwork.  They are in despair because their mind is blank. 

  An Alumina patient should be interviewed without hurry.  They cannot function under pressure of time.  They have difficulty in following a lecture, because before they can grasp a sentence, the speaker proceeds on. 

  Self-identity crisis.  Alumina can be a remedy for Psychosis.  Often the beginning of this Psychosis is their feeling of being someone else.  For example, when they look into a mirror, they may feel that the ears belong to someone else.  Unfortunately, many such patients come after being on psycho-active drugs for this condition, and the symptoms get masked. 

  Fear of insanity is a strong indication for Alumina. 
  (Vassilis GHEGAS, SIM. 2/1994) 
  The dried-up old maid, all the sap dried out of her. 

  Spare, dark, timorous, staggers, hopelessly depressed.  Confused, cannot believe that they have said what they say.  Don’t think they are themselves.  Cannot speak for hoarseness. 
  (E.W.HUBBARD, JAIH. 5-6/1965) 

  Adversely affected by excessively artificial living conditions and diet; canned food, artificial light and so on.  Dry, physically and mentally constipated, often unsmiling.  We could say “a-luminous”, a person without light, dry and lifeless. 

  Frequent electric sensation on touching objects, along with a phobic fear of knives and other sharp objects which could be used to inflict injury on oneself or others.    (DG) 

 Aluminium patients vary a lot.  They may be contented, very much on the spot, very competent, with intellectual powers very alert, or there is the type who is timid, not bright in the mornings and on top of their form, later in the day.  On the other-hand they may be very contrary, take everything the wrong way and weep a lot.  This second type gets very easily confused; mentally slow in taking things in and answering.  Awfully apt to be bored.  Both types get uneasy towards evening and feel that something awful is going to happen. 
  There is a grayish tint about the Aluminium patient which I have always met in the cases that I have looked after. 
(M.G.BLACKIE, BHJ. 2/1978) 

  Do not prescribe it without establishing a premature senility, an intellectual and physical decline, with emotional apathy, that must be diagnosed not through symptoms but through the global impression of the patient’s attitude. 
(Thomas PASCHERO, HG. 6/1980) 
  Children who cannot remain in crowded place, subject to paroxysmal coughs, Asthma and Spasms.  Hot milk or hot drinks aggravate.  Acrid smelling urine. 
(Pierre SCHMIDT, HG. 3/1974) 
  Overwork in individuals exposed to the public (as in certain professions). 
Refuses to give, out of fear of impoverishment.    (DG) 

  Face appears dusky and puffy, possibly, with pimples.  Skin looks mottled with a background of pallor or shows a reddish flush all over.  Depressed with a positive loathing of life, “cannot go on like this”.
  May develop an unconquerable desire to eat sugar.  Awakes at night with a start, feeling strangled.  Feels weak, tired, “bruised all over”.  States of malignant Toxaemia may develop, with grave prostration. 
  Heaviness in various organs. 
  Chronic headaches; ‘as if something trying to burst out of forehead’. 
  Early stages of cerebrospinal fever with cold surface and Cyanosis. 
  May help in Eye-strain. 
  Pneumonia with extreme prostration. 
  Pressing teeth together sends shocks through head, eyes and ears. 
  Dilated heart with Palpitation and Dyspnoea; worse slightest movement, ascending stairs, warm room.  These may be accompanied by fear, cold sweat, lachrymation, aphonia, noisy respiration, picking at bed clothes, dry-brown tongue. 
(D.M.GIBSON, BHJ. 3/1973) 
  Mentally dull and anxious.  They seem to draw out the syllables when they speak.  They desire privacy; unusually discrete.  They are proper with an air of suspiciousness.  Their personality seems nice but distant at the same time. There is a certain stiffness about them.  Quiet Hysteria.  Blinking almost continually, as if to rouse a dulled mind.  The mental sluggishness precludes good communication. 
  Most important of the URT symptoms is: Sinus congestion with the menses. Also PMS. 
(Michael CARLSTON, JAIH. 2/1992) 
  Do not prescribe it without Hysteria and a tendency to faint, hysterical features with sudden changes of the mental state. 
(Thomas PASCHERO, HG. 6/1980) 

  Converts urine from an alkaline to an acid state very rapidly.  (Alkaline urine may be associated with other disease conditions, e.g. prostate trouble, and provides suitable ground for the growth of bacteria and allows precipitation of phosphates.  Keeping the Uric acidic is an adjuvant to the treatment of the main condition)
(Dr. MARQUEZ, HG. 2/1975) 

  Cannot cope with this world; feel that living here is the worst thing that could happen; cannot make decisions; feel they are not doing their job properly.  May present as nice and sympathetic but never talk about their suicidal thoughts; after years, cannot tolerate the situation any longer and decide to take their life.
(G.VITHOULKAS, HL. 2 & 3/1994) 
  Lack of self confidence is not innate but arises from a conflict.  For e.g. someone in authority may accuse them of being worthless, which they take to heart and lose confidence.  This only worsens the situation as their work efficiency deteriorates with the loss of confidence, eliciting more criticism.  But they stick to the situation, caught in the dilemma of whether to stay or go.  There is a sweet, nice type and a cruel type.  They are able but don’t believe in their ability or self-worth. 

(HL. 2 & 3/1994)
  Often useful for the consequences of extreme, prolonged abuse, torture, especially for choices where the patient is forced to be cruel to other people.  The essence of Anacardium is conflict, hatred for the abusers; obsession with vengeance, which may enable people to survive, murderous rage; and stimulation by cruelty.  The internal conflict is a conflict of Wills; turn between rage and restraint, between the desire to prove oneself and the certainty that humiliation and shame will result again. Multiple personality disorders (often misdiagnosed as Schizophrenic) in those who complain of voices inside their heads, and warring personalities who injure and sabotage each other. Anacardium treats the interjected, persecutory, abusive, and violent personalities, as also the conflict between the personalities. 

  In multiple-personality-disorders,
 Anacardium also deals with the core-process symptoms; memory loss; loss of time; loss of previous abilities; loss of ability; and feeling separate or split off or dissociated from the world; feeling unreal; spaciness.  Shame, self-hatred, the most severe lack of self-confidence imaginable (often these are found in survivors of abuse). In those who have been compelled to perpetuate crimes.  The lack of confidence may look likeLycopodium, the spaciness like Thuja, the suppressed emotion like Staphysagria, the inability to forgive like Natrum muriaticum.  The tip off is either the depth of these symptoms or their combination. 
(Kacenka HRUBY, JAIH. 2/1993) 
  The Anacardium state may arise when the patient has nobody to turn to - when everybody seems to be bent upon abusing him.  He loses confidence, self-esteem and the ability to connect with people. 
  In most cases we see some history of violence on the part of the patient, but they do not admit this easily. 

 Anacardium is very apt to be confused with Lycopodium because of the strong lack of self-esteem.  But in Anacardium there is no cowardice as in Lycopodium. Lycopodium is afraid of getting into fights.  Anacardium has a desire to fight, especially fist-fight; they often lose control and end up inflicting injury on the opponent.  Their cruelty may emerge in fights or as aggression toward weaker or undefended siblings or animals. 

  Despite their hardness, these patients have a suffering expression in their faces, but when sympathised with, they either don’t register it or do not believe in it. 
(Roger MORRISON, JAIH. 2/1993) 
  Very useful when twins run in the family.     

  “I make sure everything is nice and clean.  I check the knives and forks to make sure that they are clean because I am so sensitive and allergic to things.  Little things affect me; they are a barometer to my health”. “I have got a conscience, though I am not clever and I don’t want a lot of money.  I am careful with money, a bit tight with it”. “I am a perfectionist.  I like to do jobs myself.  I am not thick, but I’m not especially clever.  I know my limitations and I don’t push them deep down. I’m responsible and caring, but I have an evil streak.  If people upset me I wish they were dead.  I watch TV, see the news and all the bad things that are happening and I couldn’t care less.  I can’t stand idiots and fools.  I’ve high standards of how people should be.  I always think I’m right.  I am strong I have to lay down the iron rule.  I want to rule my life.  No one else will rule my life.  Sometimes I feel a deja-vu kind of phenomenon.  If people tell me something, I feel I already know it.  I’m critical of people, I can’t say I like many people.  I let people know when I don’t like them.  I am selfish, no one is going to tell me what to do.  I fight with my neighbour, we are in a battle of attrition.  I hate him and want to see him in hell.

  Because of my skin allergies, I like to be clean.  I like everything clean so that it doesn’t aggravate the skin problems.

  My mind goes round and round like a yo-yo, it drives me crazy.  It seems like everything makes me worse.  I am impatient.  I have a very high sexual desire.
  My hobby is Genealogy,  where I come from, why we are different from others.” 
  Angry and violent, speaks violently.  If he drinks alcohol his true nature comes out: violence; misanthropic; dictatorial.  He is an isolated person, at war with the world; he is allergic to almost everything; his relationship with the world is one of poisoning.  Alone and threatened in the world, in a trench, alone among stupid enemies.  He must fight and rule the environment. 

  No feeling for others.  No compassion.  No remorse.

  They know what other people think, while they themselves have secrets.  They know everybody but nobody knows them.  They feel anxiety and concern for the state of the world, yet have a heart of stone.

  A sharply focused and narrow viewpoint.  “I have my own life, everyone else is the enemy”.  Egotistical, self-centered to the extreme.

 Scorpion is an ancient remedy for Retinitis Pigmentosa with loss of peripheral vision.  Scorpion is a remedy for teenagers.  They live in a defiant state, fighting the world; “they are all out to get me but I will fight back”. 
(Jeremy SHERR, SIM. 1/1994) 

  Has the excitability of
 Nux vomica and pusillanimity of Ruta Ang. is very hurt inside, humiliated and from that state goes on theorizing.  On the one hand full of excitement, revengeful; on the other, timid, cowardly.  When upset, needs Coffee to relieve the tension. 
(Jayesh SHAH, HL. 1/1995) 

 Chamomilla type who does not want to go out of home at all. 
(Guy KOKELENBERG, BHJ. 2/1995) 

  The center of the lesion is often black and the surrounding area of skin blue and possibly blistered.
  Gangrene with foul pus, Whitlow, Septicaemia, Malignant Erysipelas.  Insect stings which are followed by Lymphangitis. 
  (D.M.GIBSON, HG. 8/1976) 

  Childhood obesity - secondary to Bulimia, in bad tempered children with skin problems.
(J.LAMOTHE, Homeopathie, 1988) 
  With the 10M, we often obtain spectacular results in reducing weight.  The main indication is obesity in young subjects and in cases of recent obesity.  The patient does not necessarily present digestive disorders or a white tongue. 
  We have even made Lipomas disappear in two persons. (Steven, heah) 
    (HUI  BON  HOA, BHJ.2/1975) 
  Sentimental (esp. at the full moon), poetic, they are also brooding, lazy – especially after meals.       

  A cough remedy; colds descend straight down into the chest and become hard to eradicate.  Dry cough, the mucous seems to be stuck in the airways.  It is a great expectorant.
(David WEMBER, JAIH. 1/1992) 
Constant post-nasal drip. 
(David WEMBER, JAIH. 1/1992) 

  Symptoms fit well with acute left ventricular failure or Acute Asthma.  Lower jaw trembles.
(Lee HOLLAND, BHJ. 4/1994) 
  Bronchial rales so noisy, that one thinks of a small locomotive. 
(Pierre SCHMIDT, HG. 3/1974) 

 Apis patient may “tell” us that they are well not only verbally, but even physically, through their gestures, motions, behavior etc.  We can understand that if a patient behaves as if he/she is well, then he/she is really telling us so through the use of body language. 
  I would also like to emphasize the sexual “prudishness” which seemed to be present (in two of my cases).  The excessive propriety (morbidly proper) response to sexual matters was reduced after Apis. 
  They may be concerned about the safety of their children.  Embarrassed when approached in a sexual way or asked about the topic during the interview. 
(George DIMITRIADIS,  HL. 1/1993) 
  Erysipelas intervenes in a punctured wound. 
  Sudden sharp stinging pain.  The stinging is unique in that they extend centrally, e.g., if the pain from the wound is in the fingers, the stinging pain extend towards the shoulders. 
  All symptoms  
(Benj.S GOLDBERG, JAIH, May-June/1996) 
  Useful in stiffness in the cervical spine and lumbar region, and about the shoulders; violent pains about the knees; the toes cold but red.  (NEATBYand STONHAM).  Acute Gout, in Rheumatism associated with renal calculi. 
  I would consider it a possible remedy in serum sickness, the urticarial rash, pyrexia, and joint pains which could follow ten days after the injection of anti-tetanic or anti-diphtheritic serum. 
  Lebanese doctors (FRAYA. R., and UTHMAN. S., 1975)  have reported an Arthritis of Hepatitis, which is similar to serum sickness, characterized by a migratory Polyarthritis, fever and Urticaria; the finger joints are swollen, hot and red, and are accompanied by a giant urticaria.  After a week, jaundice develops, and after a month antibodies to Hepatitis B can be demonstrated in the serum, and in the synovia.  The Giant Urticaria is a pointer to Apis. 
(Frank BODMAN, BHJ. 2/1976) 
  For the balloon detachment of the retina. 
(R.D.CALCOTT, BHJ. 2/1975) 
  Extroverts.  Their primary attention is on their day-to-day life: a domestic situation, work and practical partners.  They rarely focus on their own inner issues, or of they do, it will only be in a superficial way. 
  Intensely loyal to their friends and family.  If anything, the security or harmony of their community,  they will react with much hostility.  One of the their most well-known defenses is jealousy. 
  Mentally sharp, noticing everything around them.  Quick temper that may end in sudden attacks, ‘stinging’ remarks etc. 
  Industrious, but not born of egoism as in Nux vomica  or Sulphur, or the dutifulness of Aurum; They are not propelled by the end result or achievement but do things for their own sake.  They like the financial and domestic security it provides, though.  
(Roger MORRISON, HOM. 1/1993) 
  Deprived, though not depraved.  Amorous, vain, hard to please; the jealous widow.  Bossy, wants to run the world, a breaker of rules.  There is a sting in her gossip; direct malice, not devious. 
  Averse to constriction, upset by trifles, irked by small talk, procrastinating. 
  Worse after sleep. 
(E.W.HUBBARD, JAIH. 5-6/1965) 
  They are individualists, and find it difficult to integrate into community life.  

  Hypertension with marked thirst, other symptoms fitting.
(J.Von MOGER,  HG. 9/1977) 

  Seasickness; vomiting preceded by increased perspiration, saliva, mucus and tears.  Body feels hot all over, particularly head.  Vomiting is the main indicator.
(HL. June/1995) 

  Palpitations amel. by sighing.

  Sciatica, standing amel. (Lumbago too)  stool agg .  Warm blooded.
(Vassilis GHEGAS, HL. 3/1993) 
  There is something of a driver about him.  He hates standing in a queue he would leave, then come back and leave again.  It is unbearable for him to see people work slowly; he’d rather do the job himself.  He is sure to suffer from a gastric or duodenal ulcer or gastritis. 
(G.URETZKI, BHJ. 2/1996) 
  The energetic elderly woman made very good impression.  The doctor always rejoiced over the first meeting. 
  “I don’t know yet what troubles you, but I’m pleased to tell you I cannot call you old. 
  I share your opinion, doctor. 
  Is your husband like you, energetic‌ 
  No, he’s lazy and untidy.  
  Would you marry him now‌ 
  No, never. 
  They were the answers of Argentum nitricum. 
(G.URETZKI, BHJ. 1/1992) 
  The real neurotic.  Lack of balance between mental and physical, she is withered by intellect.  She is the prize rationalizer.  Her memory is one of her chief complaints.  She is an exhibitionist and will buck up if someone is keeping an eye on her. 
  Fear of fainting and disease. 
  Indisposed to talk which makes her nervous.

  This is the actor’s remedy, so full of hoarseness, painful throat, faltering speech from panic, failure and nerves - “alibi Ike”
(E.W.HUBBARD, JAIH. 5-6/1965) 
  This is an ‘intellectual’ remedy; but here the intellect ‘fails’.  This is the prototype of public performers, lecturers. Flatulent mentally as well as physically: felt full of drive, hurried by the pressure of work and public contacts.  They become apprehensive, fidgety, full of fear and anxiety and as they urge themselves to more and more effort to compensate for their failing confidence, strange conduct crops and they are nimble at devising queer reasons and excuses for their erratic mental processes, they rationalize par excellence. 
  (E.W.HUBBARD, HG. 6/1978)  
  Fear of crowded rooms or the passage of time.  They are attracted to heights, which they also fear.  Anxiety about time and space.  The soul’s incarnation in the body or the incarnation of mind and matter.      
  The typical Argentum metallicum or nitricum patient has a broad “moon like” face. 

Dr. John GRAY (Symptomen-codex 1848) states that it is good for mental, emotional and even perceptual problems arising from “Moral causes” such as for eg., “very impassioned lay-preaching.” He also comments:

1.  A crowd of impulse to act, to move, to be busy, which, without any distinct purpose to effect, keeps the patient in continual motion; a state of unrest which gives the appearance of hurry and discontent to all his conduct.

2.  The opposite of the foregoing condition; not the calmness of deportment which occurs when the mind is in healthful contemplation, but an apathy indicative of a privation of motive or purpose; a state verging upon, and often ending in perfect imbecility; or,

3.  Errors and defects of perception. – as to time: the patient constantly feels he should be too late, and supposing that one or two hours had elapsed, when not more than a quarter of the supposed time had passed; as to the velocity of gait, the patient supposing that he was walking very rapidly when he was in fact moving slowly.
M.W.: I do not believe that a broad understanding of the nature of the physical conditions associated with Argentum nitricum can be found in homoeopathic literature until we turn to the work of Benoytosh BHATTACHARYA. He writes: Argentum is one of the top most pitta remedies… pulse hard, inflated, jumpy, with hard walls, beats heavily on the second finger; this indicates gas and heat in the digestive tract. This corresponds to the ‘leathery’ pulse of Chinese medicine. Manfred PORKERT calls it the ‘tympanitic’ pulse.

Tongue dark red, with a smooth texture or prominent papillae, and a red, painful tip. Throat darkish.
(Bhattacharya’s ‘stomach fire blazing’) 
  (Matthew WOOD, HT. 12, 2/92) 

  Abdominal cramps extending to the back, sometimes down the sacrum.  Abdominal pain with backache is the keynote.  Doubles up with pain like
(David WEMBER, JAIH.1/1993) 

  Angina with severe pain in left elbow.
(Wesley B. FOX, JAIH. May-June/1967) 
  Helps the bruised Myocardium, given during the recovery phase after a myocardial infarct. 
(Lee HOLLAND, BHJ. 4/1994) 
  The herb grows by the cartroad.  It is alive while it is trampled down and it dies when the cart-road becomes overgrown.  Imagine that a man of the Arnica type took part in a brawl.  He is morose and malicious if physically weak, but he is kind if he is strong. 
(G. URETZKI, BHJ. 2/1996) 
  Bleeding gums with soreness at the roots; teeth feel as if being pressed out. Especially in the aged who complain of heat and redness of the face with coldness of the body.  They have a reddish face with coldness of the body.  They have a reddish complexion and slow in speech as if they have to make a marked effort to think.  Bitter taste and Halitosis. 
(E.G.McIVOR, HG. 3/1975) 
  The average homœopath knows little of this remedy, beyond that it is good for falls, blows and bruises and that somewhere in the patient’s anatomy “black and blue” patches are found very useful.  Injuries to joints associated with marked soreness, bruised soreness.  A sprained ankle or other joints.  In sprains of muscles, tendons and ligaments, Arnica must be followed by Rhus tox., particularly when the injured part is relieved by the external application of heat in any form.  (When cold applications relieve, Pulsatilla or Ledum).  A badly seated or neglected sprain which remains sore and weak will need Calcarea carb. 
(Edward COTTER, HG. 6/1970) 
  Blows to the body or soul.  This remedy can abort an attack of Appendicitis.  Arnica corresponds to people who “push themselves too hard” and work themselves to death.  They want to be indispensable and throw themselves into heroic activity, where they are certain to receive the maximum number of blows, the greatest amount of distress.  Arnica must learn that no one is alone on this earth, that we must delegate to others, not sustain them by our effort alone. (DG) 

  Suicidal thoughts to put an end to suffering at the psychological level, not because of physical pain.
(G.VITHOULKAS, HL. 2 & 3/1994) 
  The orderliness is born of insecurity.  They find security in this orderliness - to avoid possibility of worry.  They cling to someone - spouse,  parent or offspring, even the doctor - to have someone near to help “in case something happens”.  The ‘Anxiety for others’  too is really anxiety about themselves: ‘What will happen to me if my husband is ill...’ 

  The anxiety causes the dryness, hence the need for frequent sips of water.  (
Lycopodium may also have a glass of water nearby - they also love warm drinks) 
(G.VITHOULKAS, HL. 2 & 3/1994) 
  Focus their energy on themselves and their own concerns.  Feel incapable of bringing their life into harmony, they experience life as bad.  Work very hard to bring order into their personal space.  This help them to be in control and shut out the noise of the world.  Have an inner life that is controlled, watchful and careful.  Every unexpected situation causes them tremendous turmoil. 

  Feel caught in wanting to avoid imperfection.

  Have order as their basic life issue.

  They are primarily addicted to the fear and anger.

  Self-starters.  Active, perpetually in motion, restless inside.

  Have new projects as soon as a project is over, or they become emotionally disconnected from a project and find it hard to get back.

  Have many projects at various stages of completion.  This creates a dissatisfaction and guilt.  They feel they ‘should, should, should’.

  Can express anger well, although the passive type finds it hard to express anger.

  A fear of expressing anger is typical of the soft, passive type.  They fear that expressing their anger will result in their being disliked or disapproved of.  They really want people to like them.  They perceive the world as being too demanding.  Won’t consider modifying their high ethical standards.  Value precision, exactness, tidiness and cleanliness.  Rigid and structured.  Becomes highly attached to their own projects.

  Oversensitive to criticism but will not show it.

  The passive type will withdraw and have fear that they will lose control.
  Intense:  they take life seriously.

  Can look like
 Phosphorus in the passive type.  They are secretive.  They don’t easily disclose deep secrets and personal fears. 
(Ananda ZAREN, HT. Oct/1992) 
  Often this is the remedy for Anorexia of teenagers. 
(Peggy CHIPKIN, HT. Nov/1992) 
  Children: worse in the cold but prefer cold drinks.  When they are unwell, the stomach can be warm to touch.  Ice cream or cold fruit easily bring on gastritis; the combination of cold things, sweets and fat is particularly dangerous for the Arsenicum child’s stomach.  They can be decisive children together with the usual fearfulness and restlessness.  High strung and sensitive, they react to being bullied by developing nervous habits such as picking at their nails or a facial tic.  If not gently handled, they can develop periodic (often weekly) headaches which may even correspond to a scheduled school event.  The headaches can last 24-48 hours.

  They enjoy being kept busy by many projects.  When ill they become exaggeratedly afraid of being left alone in the dark, perhaps because of their fear of ghosts.  When comforted or cuddled they will quiet down and go to sleep.

  Like the adult
 Arsenicum album, the children also do not like to take medicine, because they feel it won’t really help them  They finally take the remedy because of their fear of not recovering. 
(Janet ZAND, JAIH. 1/1989) 
  Typically focus energy on themselves and their own concerns and issues.  They experience life as something bad, and feel incapable of bringing harmony into it.  Like Nux vomica, they work very hard to organize their personal space.  Doing so helps them feel in control of their lives.  They also strive to insulate their home from the noise of the world.  Like an ICU in a hospital, their interior like is controlled, watchful and sterile.  Just as every new crisis causes change and upheaval in a hospital ward, so every unexpected situation causes a tremendous turmoil in these people.  In an effort to avoid such turmoil, they strive for perfection, in themselves and in their surroundings.  Their struggle for order generates their prime emotions - fear and anger.

  The typical
 Arsenicum patient is a self-starter, and very active.  However, the restlessness can be internal.  They undertake several projects that are physically impossible to complete simultaneously, and suffer anxiety, guilt and frustration. 

  A ‘softer’
 Arsenicum type fears that an expression of the anger might lead to their being disliked, disapproved or abandoned.  Fear of being left alone is a central issue, and the passive type of Arsenicum want people to like them, like Pulsatilla.  The feeling of  “not having done enough to be approved/liked by others”  undermines their self-esteem and can lead to depression.  Even though they perceive the world as over-demanding, they are so rigid that they do not compromise on ethical standards and make life easier for themselves. 

  Very sensitive to criticism but do not show it.  Can seem quite stoic.  When criticized, passive
 Arsenicum individuals withdraw and begin to fear that they will lose control. 

  The passive type may look like
 Phosphorus.  But in Arsenicum, ‘control’ is the theme, and they are highly controlled and secretive, quite the opposite of Phosphorus.  They do not easily disclose their deep, dark secrets or their personal feelings. Their spontaneous offer of information during the interview reaches only to a certain point, not beyond. 
(Ananda ZAREN, JAIH. 4/92) 
  ‘Any moment anything could go wrong; survival is in jeopardy at all times; the universe is not a safe place I don’t trust it.  God is not going to help’.  These feelings can result from traumatic experiences.The sense of loss of control over things is compensated by a need for rigid control of every aspect of their lives.  This is what makes them fastidious and compulsive. 

  They usually need company; because of their dependency they want very secure, upstanding, dependable people around them.  At one stage of pathology, a desperate state is reached and the need for company becomes compulsive; then they do not care who is around, can no longer distinguish between friend and foe, just curl up and say, “Hold me, hold me, anybody hold me.”  Yet they do not truly accept consolation; one gets the impression that they are inconsolable, regardless of the amount of consolation they receive, not because they resist, but because it does not penetrate.  They may sometimes want to be alone, when they feel that when they are with people they cannot control them.
(Roger MORRISON, JAIH. 2/93) 
  Hypertension, advanced cases, with Oedemas, Dyspnoea and Orthopnoea, fear worse at night, thirst and collapse. 

  A recent issue of California Medicine states “...Neuropathy is a late occurrence in the course of acute arsenical intoxication...  The symptoms begin with tingling in the fingers and toes.  If it is going to be severe, it will progress over the course of a week or two, reach a plateau, and then it will take weeks and sometimes months for it to abate.”  The Neuritis and Neuropathy may occur in arms, shoulders, legs, feet as it progresses... “almost all patients have such severe hyperpathies in the affected parts that they are unable to tolerate light stroking of their skin, or the pressure of the bedclothes.  This may persist for many weeks/months often the motor paralysis has completely disappeared.” 

  Another report on Neuropathy from ingestion of Arsenic was published in the
 Lancet in 1900.  Several thousand cases with 70 deaths over a period of 8 months (Manchester, England)  most of these patients were from the poor working districts, consuming large quantities of beer, which on analysis was found to contain considerable Arsenic.  This report describes the severe skin manifestations, hepatic Necrosis with Acidosis, Oliguria, Jaundice, and severe neuropathies during recovery. 

  Such Neuropathies and many forms of Neuritis may be caused by many other factors than
 Arsenic intoxication, such as heavy metals like lead, gold, mercury: infectious diseases; Diabetes; major deficiencies of Vitamin B(especially Thiamine); medicines like INH, barbital, some sulfonamides; drinking acid-type drinks from Cadmium - lined containers. Weedicides and pesticides contain toxic amounts of arsenious trioxide unwashed/unpeeled fruits can contain residual arsenica which may cause gastro-enteritis in sensitive persons.  Toxic sprays cannot be fully eliminated just by washing or peeling.  Arsenic sprays are used on tobacco plants to prevent various diseases - even the soil here shows considerable amounts of arsenic.  Cigarette smoke is found to contain 35 to 61 parts/million  of arsenic - the cumulative effects of arsenic could play a role in lung carcinogenesis, here the burning pains ‘like coals of fire’ indicatesArsenicum. 
(Allen C. NEISWANDER, HG. 1/76) 
  The excessive restless child is said to be “lively”.  The ill person is immobilized by intense obsessions, becoming extremely meticulous about trivial matters, drowning in the details of ordinary life.  These individuals dress in black.  This remedy also is indicated in problems appearing after vaccination.     (DG) 


  Children restless, climbing all over the place.  Fastidious, like
 Arsenicum but not exhausted by the restlessness; warm blooded.  They are nice children - not nasty or violent. 
(Beat SPRING, HL. 2 & 3/94) 
  Acts deeper than Arsenicum.  Goes deeper into the chest and is thus especially useful for chronic Pneumonias and Bronchitis. 
(David WEMBER, BT. Jan/92) 
  Arsenicum iodatum subjects like to wear bright colours, the opposite of Arsenicum album who enjoy wearing black.       (DG)  

  A feeling as though one were going to choke; constant drip in the back of the throat, in the larynx.  Constant need to clear the throat.  Sensation of throat closing, worse by swallowing saliva, better eating (
Lach), better talking. 

  My prime remedy when children have a dripping nose and there is redness and excoriation between the nose and upper lip.  (Whether the excoriation is the result of a dripping nose or a cold sore.) 


Asafoetida babies at birth often have an inflamed mammary gland with secretion of milk, as do Cyclamen and Tuberculinum infants. 


  Over-worked mind and body.  Gifted children, much pressurized in a competitive education.  Too much to bear, these brilliant children eventually shatter like crystal glass.

  Revulsion to sex; leave the room if sex is talked about; children averse to be kissed, even by grandparent, go and wash themselves.  May have a harrowing emotional history, but face does not show.

  Alcohol and psychotropic drug abuse, when a hysteric reaction sets in.
(Wolfgang SPRINGER, HL. 2 & 3/94) 

  It may be worth a try in severe seafood, or in anaphylactic reaction to a contrast medium during a radiological procedure.
  (Domenick J.MASIELLO, JAIH. 3/91)

  The ailments of old people, with a tendency to corpulence. Restless, hurried, apprehensive persons.
  The mental state, a marked ‘inferiority complex’ from a feeling of apprehension and inability to cope with daily duties, wishes to die.  In addition to above, (or in alternation), irritable, peevish outbursts. 

  Hyperaesthesia of special senses.  General desire for open air but averse to cold.

  Left sided complaints, except right testis and hypochondrium.  Excited circulation, orgasms, flushes, pulsations.  Cardiac irregularity, cardiac asthma; cardiac myoses.

  Glandular induration; lymphatic, reproductive, salivary, thyroid.
(Franklin H. COOKINHAM, HG. 5/71) 

  Hypertension with Arteriosclerosis and Senile Paresis.

  Shocks in life came from their professional and financial status issues.  Honest people with integrity who have risen to a secure position in life through the right path, they hold on to security like
 Bryonia, and therefore crack if they lose their position or financial security.  Blame themselves, feel they have done things wrong.  They pray to God for help.  Spouse or friends no longer reliable, their integrity prevents them from asking.  They do not want to be pitied, hence keep things to themselves.  They are afraid of physical pain, but  not death. 
(G.VITHOULKAS, HL. 2 & 3/94) 
  Talks to self when under stress or suffering a grief.  It is an aggressive form of talking as the thoughts come to them.  The words jerk out. 
(G.VITHOULKAS, HL. 2 & 3/94) 
  Efficient, calculating, ambitious; outwardly self-confident but need to feel appreciated.  Perfectionists; house, wife and profession should be perfect.  Do not tolerate criticism. 

  Controlled people who do not show their emotions.  Intellectuals who accept only God as authority, thus when things go wrong they pray or meditate.  The results of this perfectionism are forsaken feeling, suicidal impulses, mental depression. They repeatedly change partners because nobody is good enough or appreciates them enough.

  On the physical level: weakness and affections of the heart with a feeling of armour around the chest (
Ign.).  They can be cold people both physically and emotionally and are usually worse in winter - they lock the inner  gold symbolized by the sun. 

  Another outstanding feature is their intolerance
 to pain; it demonstrates clearly to them their body is not perfect.  Pain forces them to show feelings and lose control. 

  Differentiation between
 Aurum and Nat-m. can be difficult as both are closed emotionally with ailments from grief and averse to company. 

 Nat-m. idealizes relationship rather than seeking this perfectionism, they go into a depression when the relationship ends.  Aurum depression tends to centre around loss of financial security. With Nat-m. you feel the resentment and holding back for fear of being hurt, whereas with Aurum you feel a great heaviness and darkness, no ray of hope.  Aurum amel. by music, Nat-m. agg.  by it. 


    Moaning in sleep, talk a lot about business,
    Suicidal thoughts with rage or revenge, 
    Cryptorchism, amel. warmth, music. 
(Nancy HERRICK, HL. 2 & 3/94) 
    Post-influenzal depression. 
(Sybil ALDERIDGE, JAIH. July-Sept. 1969) 
    Needs constant reassurance.  Not a crying type, it is difficult for them to cry.  Can never sit down to read - they always either have to be entertained or have something to do and it is quite one of their characteristics.  Aurum metallicum will do a job between times and can probably be made to do a certain amount of work. 

    They have a rather dusky color.  There is also one peculiar characteristic.  You can never rouse the Aurum patient to make an effort for themselves and if you do rouse them and they walk about in the open air, they are much better.  It lifts their depression quite considerably. 

    Bones of the head so sore that they do not want to lie on them.

    As if sand in eyes; eyes usually water quite a lot.

   Aurum  has plenty of guts. 

    We give a lot of low
 Aurum  in our practice and find it extremely useful. 
(M.G.BLACKIE, BHJ. 4/78) 
    The emotional life has completely shut itself off, like a snail with drawing into its shell.  From within, the fear of life produces even more self-reproached, and condemns one’s self.  The anxiety turns outwards and makes irritable only if the brooding is undisturbed by contradiction.  But when this irritability is over the anxiety begins to bore away from the innermost depths, and presents to the Aurum patient a world which is blacker than black.  He no longer fits into this world.  His heart is filled with sadness and fear.  So that he longs and seeks for death. 

    Here one is struck by the red, congested face, with a feeling of fullness in the head and attacks of hyperaemia; within, there is a sensation of blood boiling in the veins (MEZGER).  But the body as a whole is very sensitive to cold, cold hands and feet.  The internal boiling in the vascular system, however, indicates the possibility of blowing up in the case of contradiction (contrary to Arsenicum).  Then the depressive fear may become aggressive and change into manic excitement. 
(Gerhard KÖHLER, BHJ. 1/76) 
    Do not prescribe without a destructive aggressiveness having a feeling of guilt that carries the patient to a state of suicidal melancholy. 
(Thomas PASCHERO, HG. 6/80) 
    This remedy corresponds to reckless children who are inclined to transgress fathers’ laws.  These children are dictatorial, quick to anger, yet generous.  They like having money, but most of them like to share their wealth with family and friends.  Otitis and Asthma during damp weather.  Aurum adults are go-getters who will defy even divine law.    (DG) 

    History of repeated failures.  They have high expectations, then fail and feel unappreciated.  Self blaming.  Violent impulses to suicide: like driving a car very fast, wishing to crash.  Then they may come to their senses and stop.
(G.VITHOULKAS, HL. 2 & 3/94)