The old or prematurely old Cervical Osteoarthritis and stiffness, in aged people. 
(Richard LAING,  BHJ. 1/95) 
    Generalised muscular fatigue, particularly noticeable with the thought of undertaking any activity. 
(C.O.KENNEDY, BHJ. 3/88) 


    The Keynote is “mental and physical fatigue.”  There is general diminution of both nervous and muscular tone.  There tends to be a Bradycardia, Hypotension, Myocardial degeneration, Chronic Airways Obstruction and a sluggish Gastro-intestinal and Genito-urinary function.  Even the thought of doing anything leads to exhaustion.  Intense chilliness with sensitivity to draughts.  The onset of the state is slow and insidious.  Asthma agg. 2 a.m.  The Kali salts are related to this Nosode.  In this group there is very little of the sympathetic overactivity which runs through the Proteus group. 
(Michael D. JENKINS, HG. 3/79) 

    May be born without any self confidence, or acquire this state after a shock; regression, e.g., old people becoming childish. 

  May be mentally developed, intelligent but physically dwarfish, or may be just emotionally immature. 
  They cannot take initiative; worldly affairs are too challenging to cope with. 
(HL. 2 & 3/94) 
  Jealousy on birth of siblings.  They may lose hair under stress. 
(Peggy CHIPKIN, HT. Nov/92) 
  Barium is described as the most poisonous of the alkaline earths.  The carbonate is quite toxic in its reactions.  The salt increases both the force and the duration of muscle contractions and induces violent vomiting and purging.  Effects on the CNS are to cause both clonic and tonic muscle spasms which pass on to paralysis. 

  The action on the heart is at first to cause accelerated beats, but irregularity of cardiac action ensues and the heart stops in systole.  Degenerative changes occur in the arterial walls leading to Hyperpiesia .  In cases of poisoning Hypokalaemia has been noted. 

  The patient looks prematurely old with a withered, sickly, dried up appearance.  But the face may be bloated and purplish. 

  The child learns late to walk and talk, due to poor muscular coordination. 

  The adult has a poor memory, forgets names; dislikes meeting strangers and gets lost in familiar surroundings. 

  Trifles are frightening, vague fears of ‘something going to happen’. 

  Poor appetite, fills up soon despite quite enjoying the food.  Dislikes cold things, fruits; constant thirst. 

  Sleeps with open mouth and dribbling saliva, wakes with a dry mouth.  Cannot lie on the left. 

  Cold especially damp and great heat or exposure to sun aggravate. 

  Persistent cough, probably secondary to enlarged hilar lymph nodes, only relieved by lying prone. 

  Esophageal spasms with a strangled feeling, can swallow only fluids. 

  Tabes mesenterica, with lienteria. 

  Progressive enlargement of salivary and lymph glands, but no tendency to suppurate. 

  Testicular Atrophy, Prostate Hypertrophy. 

  Enlargement and induration of Uterus. 

  Paralysis following a Stroke.  Has been used in Multiple Sclerosis associated with a high systolic and low diastolic pressure. 

  The skin is often sensitive and tense, giving a ‘hide-bound’ sensation. 

  It has proved helpful in high blood pressure. 
(D.M.GIBSON, HG. 11/72) 
  Children with developmental difficulties even those disabled to a severe degree.  Difficulty in understanding and retaining information.  Does not understand that, if she does not put in a minimal amount of effort, she will not succeed at anything in life.  It is also a remedy for radiologic examinations involving the ingestion of barite (in barium enemas, for example)      (DG) 

Feeble minded  Single minded (bright in one field) 

Timid  Not timid; doesn’t take notice of surroundings. 

Slow  Impatient 

Lazy, inactive  Restless 

Slow to learn  Abnormal development 

Focus: glands  Nerves and skin 

(Alfons GEUKENS, HL. 2 & 3/94) 

  Hypertension with high Systolic and very low Diastolic. 

  Terror, reaching a crescendo in ecstasy (Hyos., Stram.,).  Terror struck, wants to escape, and in delirium grows violent if held down.  Convulsive in his fear (Hyos., fear more passive, contains more suspicion and distrust;  Stram., fear more violent).

  Warmth above and outside, cold inside.  Belladonna  wants to be covered, and desires warmth on the body (Hyoscyamus in contrast, is the exact opposite in the distribution of blood and warmth.  The inside is warm, the skin is warm, uncovers and demands coolness on the body.)  The blood has completely flooded the cerebrum, aiming of consciousness.  (Hyos. brain is bloodless.)  Remittent fever symptoms. 
(Gerhard KÖHLER, BHJ. 1/1976)    
  Many of these children are wrongly identified as hyperactive, often by an overworked or under-enthused teacher, who finds these high spirited children difficult to deal with.  They possess a vitality that is physical as well as intellectual.  Creative intelligence.  Their  restlessness in class is primarily a result of boredom, because their minds are so quick.  Furthermore, they are quite expressive by nature, so they do not sit quietly and daydream.  To occupy themselves, they energetically create games or other diversions. 

  ‘Easily startled’ is a characteristic, and I have found many children express a fear of balloons and for that very reason won’t attend birthday parties; they are afraid of the balloons bursting. 
  Biting and head-banging are rare in older Belladonna children as a result of a developing self-control that comes with growth.  However, I have seen these behaviours in retarded or autistic Belladonna teenagers and adult.

  Clues:  History of sudden high fevers, febrile convulsions.  Children feel that their doll is staring at them or the figures on  a poster staring at them.  Hence want to pull off the limbs of the doll or tear away the posters.  Averse to being looked at.  Fantasies of violence.  Biting in young children may change to ‘clenching jaws’ or ‘grinding teeth’ as the child grows up.  ‘Chews and chews food’.  Fear of dogs is rarely absent. 

(Michael CARLSTON, JAIH. 3/92) 
  Intellectual from its childhood - vigorous, plump, large headed boys with a high unexpected  I.Q. Acts crop up which is normally piquant and refreshing and in mania may appear as biting,  physical violence,boisterousness and destructiveness. 
(E.W.HUBBARD, HG. 6/78)

  The child will have become chilled the day before from going outside with wet hair.   

  Has an affinity for the muscular walls of the blood vessels in the toes.  
(Peter ENGEL, HG. 8/74) 


  Valuable in rheumatic fever (NEATBY and STONHAM) 
(Frank BODMAN, BHJ. 2/76) 

  Cold sensation in the upper half of the shoulders and in the neck..(1) 

  Need for warm covering around neck.  Cold knees is a characteristic symptom in cases of general rheumatism (2,3) 

  Cold knees and Cold feet(4) 

  (1) BLACKIE, M.G., (2) DESCHERE. M, (3) TALCOTT. W.S., (4) KELLER, G.v. (ZKH. 5-81) 
  Sickly appearance, sunken cheeks, bluish around eyes.  The inner aspect of the lower lip shows a reddish livid hue and bluish red spots appear near the mouth corners.  Sits clasping the head with both hands. 

  Symptoms alternate rapidly, e.g. a thirsty, feverish condition can quickly change into a thirstless prostration, a voracious appetite can suddenly change to complete Anorexia, Acute Polyuria can alternate with Oliguria. 

(D.M.GIBSON, BHJ. 4/73) 
  It is very difficult to give a mental picture of Berberis.  There is nothing constant about them. They change and alter and can be any thing  They have a certain amount of mental dejection over their complaints; as a result of this it is very difficult for them to think. 

  They have a funny symptom (which I have met on several occasions): in twilight, dogs and people in the street look much larger than they really are.  A lady told me: “. . . I walk down the street and everybody comes towards me, whom I know perfectly well, getting larger and larger as they approach.”  “I have a most unpleasant feeling towards evening as if my head is becoming larger”.

  Quite severe pain in the head, not anywhere particularly but now here, now there, anywhere, and with it a peculiar cold sensation in the right side of the head. 

  Also a feeling that they have got a cap on their head.  I have met this dozens oftimes. 


  In the Lancet in 1948 a new disease, beryllium disease, was reported.  This developed in a research physicist engaged in the development of fluorescent lamps.  He had only been exposed to powders containing Beryllium for one year but three years later he developed lung disease, at first diagnosed as miliary Tuberculosis, and later as Sarcoidosis.  But a post-mortem showed a Granulomatosis, Fibrosis of the lungs and right heart failure.

  In the same year, American pathologists published the report of a boy of 12 who cut himself while playing on a rubbish dump where old fluorescent lamps had been thrown away.  Three months later, number of small lumps appeared at the site of the injury.  Tests showed presence of Beryllium in the lumps.

  Dr. ROSS suggested that Beryllium should be tried in Sarcoidosis.  Dr. PATERSON developed a painful irritating cough with influenza-like symptoms after a flourescent tube burst quite near him.  Severe substernal pain and dyspepsia developed. Rhus toxicodendron, Bryonia alba later Kali carbonicum had no effect.  One dose of Beryllium relieved.

  Dr. TEMPLETON’s provings (1953) recorded:  a red, glazed tongue, ulcers of the mouth; a Bryonia type headache, worse movement; also Bryonia-like chest symptoms, a dry, painful cough; itching spots on the skin, worse scratching and warmth.

  In my ward at the Bristol Homœopathic Hospital, I had a middle-aged woman with bilateral Sarcoidosis of the lungs, confirmed by investigations and x-rays.  She was not progressing, was very dyspnoeic.  Beryllium 30 led to rapid relief. 
(BHJ. JULY, 1962) 

  Dependent upon someone (may be parent/spouse) with anxiety at the thought of losing the support of the one on whom he/she depends (fear of separation) (Bar-c.)  Represented by the rubrics ‘clinging, will always take the hand of mother’ and ‘fear, alone, of being’. 
(Jayesh SHAH, HL. 1/95) 
  Bismuthum children are even clingier than Pulsatilla children.  The Pulsatilla child wants only mother, Bismuthum will make do with other familiar faces from the family circle.      (DG) 

  I think the aetiology in Borax is childbirth.  This is an ‘ailments from fright’ situation and I am surprised to find that Borax is not in this rubric.  I have noticed that many Borax babies have had a difficult birth, often with child ‘stuck’ at some point (all cases I have successfully prescribed Borax).  Regression therapy has shown that a delay during the birth can be very frightening for the baby.  I am increasingly interested in this remedy as one  which can help to resolve the trauma of childbirth.

  ‘Blue babies’ -  A blue baby is one who had difficulty breathing after birth, because the cord is around the neck, the air passages are obstructed with mucus or meconium, or congenital defects like a hole in the heart.  In such cases the cord is cut before the baby comes out, so that the child doesn’t strangle, or in order that the airways can be aspirated.  Being cut off from the umbilical cord, from its primary life force too early in the birth process, and before the lungs have inflated and taken over, is a shock.  With Borax children, the shock or startle reflex is not normal and disappearing in a few weeks as with other babies, but unusually well developed. 

  Infants are born with a number of reflexes.  As their nervous systems mature these reflexes are dropped or replaced.  The startle reflex is the one that causes the baby to throw its arms out the sides and draw the head up.  If the nervous system is unable to mature properly and the reflex remains active, then this will stress the baby in different ways. 

  Basically  Borax  babies are constitutionally extremely sensitive types.  If they are traumatized or shocked, and that shock is unresolved then the sensitivity leads to - sensitivity to noise, fearfulness, anxiety. 

  Look terrified when they need Borax - at other times sit on their mothers’ laps and look downright suspicious - not directly though.  They cling to the mother and look at the floor, only occasionally, raising their eyes (without moving their heads) in order to check you out. 

  There are positive mentals too (from my observation of cured cases): abundant ideas,  affectionate, brave, cheerful, confident, contented, creative, curious, gay, good concentration, happy, lively, loves to dance, loves music, mild, patient, sympathetic. 

  Borax children are picky eaters and their parents complain that they won’t eat a proper meal.  Hence poorly nourished. 

  They suffer from hiccoughs.  A parent will rarely offer this symptom, as hiccoughing in small babies is regarded as normal.  It is, however, a confirmatory symptom where you think of Borax.  They are not thin babies (like Silicea) or flabby (like Calcarea).  But there is a stiffness, a holding in their bodies that makes them feel stiff.  This is because of fear and anxiety. 

  Better 11 P.M., if they suffer from a cough or colic the parents report that they can sleep more or less peacefully from about 11 p.m. even though they may have been screaming on or off throughout the evening. 

  Worse cold/wet; coughs and colds worse in damp. 
(Miranda CASTRO, HOM. 1/89) 
They do not sleep well at night.  They have difficulty especially if it is hot.  Anxiety of falling is linked to the circumstances of a difficult birth.    (DG) 

Thrombosis.  Embolism.  Affects the eyes, tongue, bones.

Blindness without obvious eye lesion, especially day-blindness. 

Paralysis of the tongue.  Aphasia without the tongue being affected.  After strokes, with Aphasia.

Gangrene and Necrosis of bones.  Haemorrhages, from any part.  Retinal or conjunctival haemorrhage, blood fluid and black. 

Congested lungs with oppressed breathing and bloody expectoration.

Hemiplegia.  All symptoms are worse from coition. 

Right sided or diagonal symptoms. 
(Mary Lynn GARNER, SIM. 3/91) 

Speaks about oneself without inhibition or timidity or pride - even matters very personal.  Spontaneous, lively, active people.  Apt to be confounded with Flouric acid, Phosphorous, Tuberculinum, Veratrum album.

  Skin symptoms sudden onset with swelling like Apis. 
(Franz SWOBODA, HL. 1/93) 

  Flapping alae-nasi, like Lycopodium.  Emaciation may be marked with tremulous limbs.  The general weakness induces a state of indifference, sadness, boredom and lack of interest in household affairs.

  Icy-cold limbs with a hot head.  If chilled when over-heated the least draught seems to “freeze him to the bone”.  Inspired air feels cold as if “coming off ice”.  But respiratory, asthmatic trouble worse entering heated rooms and onset of hot weather.  Acute illness may be brought on by overheating in any way.

  The predominant features are weakness, lassitude, shivering, yawning, desire to stretch and tremulousness.  Progressive prostration.  Vertigo worse by proximity to running water and is liable to be accompanied by a peculiar feeling as if someone or something unusual nearby (beside/behind her) 

  Peptic ulcer accompanied by considerable vomiting or diarrhoea, worse after food.  The gastric symptoms are worse by acids, hot food/drinks, Oysters and tobacco smoke.  Urge to stool soon after a  meal, melaena may be present.  Mucous casts in the stools. 

  Enlargement and induration of lymphatic and other glands, but suppuration is unusual.  The inflammatory process is slow and infiltrating whether affecting Lymph nodes, Salivary Glands, Mammae or Thyroid. 

  The limbs become progressively weak, wasted and tremulous. 

  The Larynx and Bronchial Tubes are a main sphere of usefulness for this remedy, the great sensitivity to dust being one of the chief indications. 
    (D.M.GIBSON, HG. 12/73) 

  In a kidney problem (stone or Pyelonphritis) unable to move because of pain.  Patient may be constitutionally Pulsatilla.  Still warm-blooded, dry mouth sans thirst - during the acute condition, but Bryonia need not be contra-indicated.

(Alfons GEUKENS, HL. 2 & 3/94) 
  With lumbago, they can’t move, take to bed.  Want pressure, something hard under the back, and preferably cold.  Thirsty and grumpy, worse at nine or at three by the clock. 
(E.W.HUBBARD, HG. 1/80) 
  One of the very few remedies that carry on the world’s work.  Rich and competent though he is, he fears poverty; and he may be slow on the uptake but how persistent.  He can follow through with large projects, his obstinacy in an aid, his choleric disposition  an added strength.

  They are not negative, they are a bursting people which their pains symbolise.  They are better under pressure, in mind as in body.  They are a mighty folk and can produce real end-results in the world. 
  (E.W.HUBBARD, HG. 6-78) 
  These individuals talk a lot about their own work, and are very irritable.  They fly off the handle for slightest of reasons.    (DG) 

  Clinical:  Bronchial asthma; Allergic Laryngitis, Chr. Bronchitis; COPD. Cough provoked by tickling in larynx 1-4 a.m. esp. 3 a.m. (This sensation only at this hour: HERING). Cough leads to dyspnoea (Kali-c. has dryness of larynx at this hour).

  Bufo may also feel burning, stitching, etc. in larynx, exciting cough, with the same time modality. Cough > when diarrhoea sets in. (Pothos: dyspnoea better after stool)  cough also  

Dyspnoea at about 3 a.m., cannot lie down.  Must sit bent forward: also while ascending. Respiration stertorous, panting, rattling, whistling; puffing expiration.  The usual mental picture associated with Bufo need not be present to prescribe it. 
(Rajesh SHAH, HL. 3/93) 
  Bufo children turn their eyes upward constantly, also when they start thinking.  This is an expression of Autism.  They live in their own world, dance, and strike themselves or others.  They avoid eye contact, like Nat-m. BOERICKE says ‘Aversion to music’.  But in all cases that reacted very well to Bufo. I observed a liking for music.  Memory for certain specific things (like game scores, numbers etc.)  may be remarkable.  They talk normally, then suddenly very loud.  That is what is meant by howling.  They can come extremely angry and shout, losing control at these times. It is an important remedy in acne, like Bovista and others.  Feeble minded children with acne, neurological problems with skin troubles, is the idea of Bufo. 

  Most children with Down’s syndrome are Bufo children.  They can never be cured to become normal children; but their problems like eczema can be treated; and their character can be so changed as to enable them make contact with the outward world. 
(Alfons GEUKENS, HL. 3/93) 
  Not limited to the feeble minded and senile.  Our society is moving towards a ‘childish’ phase with a strong emphasis on education and intelligence - we encourage a kind of mental ‘hypertrophy’, cutting out feelings and emotions.  Work becomes all important at the expense of emotional life.  Preoccupied, say, with computers; fly into a rage when disturbed.  Even sex is done mechanically.  It is highly developed e.g.: a great gift for music, extremely developed sense of equilibrium as seen in some circus people or the highly specialized academics.  Epilepsy with inflammation or skin symptoms.  Sensuous, may be expressed in the look!  Rage when alone.  Thick lips, prognathy, weeping at trifles.  Autism (Bar-c., Nat-m.) liking or affinity to music. 
(Alfons GEUKENS, HL. 2 & 3/94) 
  I have used Bufo in Proctitis and Ulcerative Colitis, sometimes with considerable relief of symptoms.  The first time I used it was in the case of a man with radiological evidences of Crohn’s disease of the terminal Ileum. 
  Bufo rana subjects may have a brilliant mind, but are unable to create, exhausting all energies in this constant quest for solitary sexual pleasure.    (DG)