This remedy is useful for people who have erroneous ideas about themselves.  They can also imagine they have a serious illness like Cancer.    (DG) 


  They get funny unusual feelings.  They tell you that they are confused, that they cannot remember anything and that unless people leave them alone so that they can think out what they want to do and say, they get quite annoyed, and often you find that the reason is that the patient’s mind is simply concentrated on his complaint!  They tell their families that they had better go away and die alone, and this kind of thing.  Very depressed and down. 

  Headaches take definite routes: Start at the root of the Nose and goes up into the Head – or from the base of the Brain running down to the mid-cervical region.  Headaches with a lot of Vertigo.  Urinary troubles (in girls/women this is associated with Ovarian pain). 

  Bladder full, but extremely painful at start of urination – feel as if there is a block in the Meatus. 
  Despondent, but furious if anyone sympathizes with them.  They are nearly always a little bit afraid to go to sleep; they think there is some unknown danger ahead and they would rather be awake to face it.  They sleep badly as a result.  If they sleep well their pains are very definitely better. 
  (M.G.BLACKIE, BHJ, 1-78) 

  A useful remedy in cases of nasal obstruction in new-borns.     

  Headaches in the forehead with intense thirst, in cases where a head Cold is followed by Diarrhoea.       (DG) 

  It is useful is cases of Enuresis, Rickets and Constipation.  Two notable symptoms are profuse perspiration of the Occiput during sleep and perspiration of the Feet.    (DG) 

    This remedy is useful for people who are very attached to their ancestors, to inherited possessions, and who lose the state of balance after the unavoidable sale of their old home. 
  A great Bladder remedy – a Bladder rather than a Kidney remedy. 

  Often they complain of a Hedache or throbbing in the sides of the Head,often with a sinking sensation which is better at rest and worse for motion.  Most of these symptoms are worse walking, motion and much worse going up and down stairs.  You know the patient who tells you how frightful it is to go up and down stairs and they get mentally depressed because of all these pains.  Impatient and annoyed about their Pains – why should they have all this and they cannot bear their symptoms, whatever they are. 

  I always find it a little difficult to think of – I have usually had to look it up.  The one thing that does make me think of it is if there is a rash on the Eyelids.  Often the base of the Nose and the Eyes are swollen as well.  They complain bitterly about one nostril being stopped up and really very uncomfortable. 

  Sinking, empty feeling almost immediately after food and they get a very definite distension after a very little food.  Always better on a cold diet, worse warm food.  Thirst for much water, but pass very little water. 

  Often there is such burning during Micturition that it almost stops it and all they get is Ua discharge of a sort of elongated flakes and not any proper urine at all.  The white, turbid appearance of the Urine should make you think of Sarasaparilla. 
  (M.G.BLACKIE, BHJ. 1-78) 
  The natives of the Caribbean islands used this plant in Syphilis and a few other ailments.  Christopher Columbus and other Spanish explorers took Sarasaparilla to Europe. 

  The typical skin lesions of secondary Syphilis: extensive red blotches, itch and burn especially when scratched.  

  Great pain at the end of urination.  Grayish sandy deposits in the Urine. 

  Among the symptoms of this remedy, we find hearty appetite with a desire for sour things; Eyes sunken, hollow and ringed with blue; Insomnia with anxious dreams, in patients dependant on sleeping pills and an aversion to heat.     
  Deficient circulation to the brain gives rise to Brain exhaustion, Confusion etc.  this in addition to the signs of defective peripheral circulation – varicosities, burnings etc. 

  They express their symptoms with an intensity but deny being anxious about health.  Appear somewhat naïve or immature, e.g. an adult can cry like an adolescent.  Adherence to ideals, for this reason may refuse a reasonable course of action.  Even for expression of sexuality they need an idealistic ‘true love’. 
     (George VITHOULKAS, HL. 2 & 3/94) 
  “In Obstetrics Arnica  is often used, but I find that where there has not been so much bruising and there is more of a tendency to Haemorrhage, Secale controls the condition better than Arnica.” 
     (Dr.FARIS, HG. 4-80) 

  The person needing this remedy will be worse in Summer; unrestful sleep with a pulsating sensation felt at the blood vessels.  The person wakes up too early and always at the same time.      (DG) 
  Nocturnal Polyuria and sensation of drops which roll along the Urethra causing involuntary dribbling.  This sensation is particularly observed while walking and after Micturition or defecation. 

  Acne of the seborrhoeic greasy type. 

  Nails are brittle and ridged and tend to inflammation. 

  Hunger at unusual times irrespective of meal hours.  Throbbing of the vessels, especially of the abdomen, after meals. 

  Stitching and griping pain in the abdomen when walking. 

  Suddenly appearing and as rapidly disappearing fluent coryza. 
  A metallic element having some chemical similarity to Sulphur and Tellurium. 

  In Pharmacology, the element has been considered non-toxic.  However, the increasing use of Selenium in industry has produced potential public health hazards.  Besides its use in photoelectric apparatus and chemicals, Selenium is used as a glass decolorizer for the production of ruby glass, of red and yellow glazes, production and coloring of plastic, in paint and ink pigments and in the alloying of mechinable stainless steels.  Dusts, fumes, vapours or liquids may contain Seleniumwhich can be recovered in the urine. 

  ‘Alkali’ disease in livestock (so named since it was thought to be due to high mineral content in drinking water): (in horses, cattle and hogs) loss of hair, loss of weight or emaciation and involvement of the hoofs.  Only later was it discovered that the cause was Selenium assimilated by the plants from the soil.  Selenium-bearing grain thus can enter the human dietary, and has been found to cause: 

1.  Bad teeth: varying from marked discoloration to decay. 
2.  Icteroid skin (a very consistent sign) 
3.  Dermatitis of varying degrees of severity but not conforming to any specific type. 
4.  Arthritis – from the milder types of rheumatoid arthritis deformans. 
5.  Gastro-intestinal disturbances. 
6.  Diseased nails: They were unusually asymmetrical, atrophic, brittle, irregular and often presented transverse or longitudinal ridging.  In some cases sloughing of the diseased nails at irregular intervals. 
  Poisonous doses lead to Dyspnoea (due to formation of insoluble metal in the blood stream leading to plugging up of the Capillaries, chiefly of the Lungs) – the resulting mechanical obstruction may prove fatal. 

  In chronic poisoning there is a disturbance of the digestive function and an obscure alteration in blood sugar metabolism.  Glycosuria occurs without Hyperglycemia, and the Glycogen disappears from the Liver.  Clinical indications:  Sexual weakness; incipient tubercular Laryngitis; Alopecia; Seborrheic Dermatitis; Male Climaxis with Headaches and Backaches, and Irritability; Post-nasal Catarrh. 

  Sepia individuals are among those who love children the most.  They are attracted by professions that relate to children and childhood.     (DG) 
  “I have to be active, or I will fall asleep.”  “I have to control my irritation.  If something is irritating me, I walk away, lie down, and close my eyes.” 
  (HL. 2-95) 
  Infertility with history of long use of the ‘Pill’.  Never well since: Birth control, Abortion, having first baby. 
    (Amy ROTHENBERG, HT. April 95) 
  Propensity to Suicide from despair about his miserable condition.  Absence of all joy, no desire for the delightful things of life. 

  Passionate, never seems to be happy unless annoying someone. 
    (K.G. PRIESTMAN,  BHJ. 4-78) 
  Obstructed nostrils unblock after physical effort or exertion. 
    (HUI BON HOA, BHJ. 1-77) 

  Eczema with deep fissures and cracks especially on the hands, or moist patches especially on the flexor surfaces of Elbows and Knees.  Itching, burning, worse washing.  Tendency to herpetic eruptions especially around genitals.  Skin sallow and greasy. 

  The child appears lazy and disinterested – just negativ
e and yet very easily offended.  Always hungry, never seems to be satisfied in spite of all he eats, and this may give the impression that he is greedy. 

  Normally walking in the open air makes him worse, but violent exercise such as football, athletics etc., where there is profuse sweating, will give relief. 
        (K.G. PRIESTMAN,  BHJ. 2-76) 
  Often when they are brought to see you they are definitely resentful of having to come to the doctor; they do not in the least want to see one.  They say “Good morning” without any politeness or smile.  In Sepia you sometimes get them when it almost seems as though they cannot answer a straight question and their brain is not working well. 

  Sepia  is really a fatter patient than you expect, rather because they have fat faces than because they are fat in the body.  They have rather full faces, otherwise they are thin and tall.  They very commonly have wasty growths on their neck, sometimes also right up onto their face.  They nearly all have long backs and look as if they could not possibly hold these backs up. 

  They resent their fate.  They feel they have had a poor deal from fate and if try to console with them they will feel even more resentful and may get weepy.  They feel much better after weeping and are more cheerful afterwards.  As a rule they do not weep unless you can break through all the defences they put up. 

  They are very sensitive to noise just like Nat-m.  They are tired out mentally, physically, nervously.  At times they feel they cannot go on, they just sit down and weep and cannot take up the struggle.  If you try and cheer them they change into an obstinate, disagreeable, resentful mood and they feel that they are real martyrs, that people are not fair to them and they are liable to become very hopeless.  And then it is very difficult to help them; they do not want to be helped, they do not want to see people, they do not want anyone to offer to do anything for them, they do not even want to be made well. 

  When overworked and tired, if anyone calls to see them, they are snapped at.  If anyone offers to help, they are sent away.  The people who come, they say, do not really want to help, they just want to talk and Sepia cannot stand talk.  It makes them nervous and apprehensive.  They are always afraid of something dreadful happening.  If a child is ill, or if their husband is ill, this is frightful. 

  They have a terrible fear of Poverty.  They tell you they have always been independent, they have never asked for anyone’s help and they do not want to begin now.  They can be very unpleasant in their remarks to their neighbors, however much these may try and help them. 

  Sepia cannot stand hot rooms, they nearly always get Headaches (Lil-t., Nat-m) or feel faint.  On the whole, though, they are chilly patients.  It is stuffiness that affects them not heat. 

  The Sepia Headaches tend to get worse till early evening, and then they tend to be sick and at that time it goes off.  Usually it is better for applied heat.  (Nat-m. is never better for applied heat) Sepia  is also better from tying up the head. 

  Of all the remedies the one that has the most intolerance of Tobacco is Sepia. 

  Sepia has just a mild Palpitation; they sometimes feel as if the heart is going to push its way through the Chest wall, but I do not consider that I have met many heart symnptoms or much palpitation in a Sepia patient.  
  (M.G.BLACKIE, BHJ. 2-75) 

  Tall women, mustachioed ladies with narrow hips, or men who rarely have to shave, and who have typical feminine pelvis.  Women who have worked hard and had too many kids and resent it, and drag around the house.  (Compare Magnesia carbonica who long for the affection they do not get). 

  Sepia is nervous among strangers, though she has turned against her own family (Fluoric acid is opposite – has a great love of strangers).  The Sepia motto is “I don’t care.” 

  The Sepia women seek relief in operations.  They cause bachelors to thank God they are still single, and gynaecologists to thank heaven they are alive. 
    (E.W.HUBBARD, BHJ. 4-74) 
  The essence of Sepia  lies in rejection of a passive feminine role in life, resulting in suppression of all the feminine impulses, instinctual urges – including suppression of the sexual function. 

  A bustling, nervous, fidgety, opinionated Shrew.  She is at variance with herself, her family, at her place of occupation and in society.  She is therefore a misfit in life. 

  Limited powers of adaptation to the environment, both emotional and physical.  Suppressed hostile impulses express themselves in a multitude of psychosomatic disorders: 

A.  Skin:  Allergy, Itching without eruptions, Neurodermatitis. 
B. Generative organs: Functional Sterility.  Impotence in the male.  Non-infectious  Leucorrhoea.  Functional menstrual disorders – Menopausal disorders.  Sexual frigidity and Vaginismus. 
C.  Respiratory system: Nasal allergy.  Sinusitis.  Granular pharyngitis.  Barking cough.  Bronchial Asthma.  Topical Eosinophilia. 
D.  Musculo-skeletal system: Rheumatic states.  Gout.  Chronic intractable Backache, Psychogenic. 
E.  Tension headache.  Migraine. 

  The male Sepia, who suppresses his feminine side, becomes hardened, mean, egotistical and narrow-minded.  Unaccountable 
emotional and hysterical outbursts when the dammed up function suddenly takes revenge. 

  Apathetic, at the same time inimical to her environment, that it is difficult to make contact with her and her answers are brusque.  The world has become too strong and overpowering for her; she feels defeated, overcome by the world.  She feels safe behind her ‘dark inky cloud’. 

  The Hypofunction of the Adrenal gland accounts for the Asthenia, general Ptosis, Neurasthenia, Hypotension, Melanosis (Addisonism and Addison’s disease).  Indifference, Indolence, Depression, Inability to Concentrate, Dizziness and Fainting and generalized Muscular Atonia/Hypotonia. 
    (K.N.KASAD, JAIH. 3-84) 

  Do not prescribe to a woman satisfied and happy with her home and family or to a man satisfied with his work. 
    (Thomas PASCHERO, HG. 6-80) 


  These children have a Low Stamina and lots of Dental Cavities.  They crave Eggs (fried or scrambled) and can’t digest Milk.  

  Often they are perfectly behaved - a glance disciplines them. 

  They are very Conscientious, even perfectionists. 

  They have lots of Skin conditions. 

  Blocked lachrymal ducts of new-born. (Puls.) 
   (Peggy CHIPKIN, HT. Nov./92) 
  A strong dislike of disputes and arguments.  Sense of embarrassment and dread.  Anything for a quiet life.  Wants to shirk everything.  Children who have been affected by constant arguments and quarrels between parents. 
    (K.G.PRIESTMAN, BHJ. 4-78) 
  Silica is typically undersized, with small hands and feet.  As a rule they have a clean Skin and quite a good color, or their faces can be dead white and they can have Sore patches around their Eyes or somewhere in that region.  Very cracked corners of the Mouth, which will quickly give you Silica. 

  Pleasant, Yielding, Gentle people.  They give the impression that they would give up easily but it is an entirely false impression.  The textbooks give the impression that Silica patients have no guts.  It just is not true.  Drs. BORLAND, WHEELER and J.H. CLARKE say that they are people with enormous courage and an enormous capacity for work, but with a weakness in their physique that makes them at times seem to give up a thing.  They are gentle and polite, as a rule – up to a point – but push them beyond that point and they are obstinate, peevish and irritable and just as difficult as they can possibly be.  They can become more persistent.  If they think a thing strongly, then it is very difficult to get it out of their heads.  It is sometimes difficult to see why it arose that Silica are weaklings, would give up any job and have no stamina.  The reason is, if they are offered a job, they really do get in a panic.  They do not know if they will be able to do it.  They are terrified of trying and failing.  As a matter of fact, if they can be persuaded to take it on, they do it extraordinarily well, and put everything they know into it.  I have seen this so many times that I count it as one of the Silica symptoms.  They would rather that someone else did the job and think that someone else would do it better.  It takes some persuading that there is nobody else who could do it so well.  They they do it so well that they fire themselves out.  But that is a different matter. 

  The Silica  child is one of the most amusing children you can have if you treat them properly.  They are absolutely sweet, gay, lively and friendly.  But let them be mismanaged and they are quite frightful.  You would not believe that such a nice child could be so frightful if mismanaged. 
  (M.G.BLACKIE, BHJ. 4-79) 
  If  they are under mental strain and physical exertion, they become quite sleepless; they go to bed and fall into a temporary sleep for two hours.  Then they go over all the things they have goy to do and try and work it all out.  Finally, just towards morning, they fall asleep for one hour.  After this they get up feeling absolutely fine. 

  They weep fairly easily if they are very run down but they are never any better for it.  If anything they are rather worse for it. 

  In Silica  you get a recurring stress headache.  Nearly always accompanied by sickness.  These Migraines begin in the back of the Head, or Neck, can go down the Spine but usually comes up over the head to the right temple.  It then settles over the right Eye and is much better for warmth.  A Silica patient you will sometimes find sitting with their head in a fender, if people have coal fires still, or applying hot bottles to the back of the Neck.  They cannot bear a Cold Draught.  They do not want to move and they are worse for Pressure even form a tight hat.  Nearly always this headache goes on to Vomiting and nearly always arises form prolonged mental effort, and not just sudden overwork.  They are also much worse for exertion, like shopping.  There is another kind of Silica headache form mental concentration, a frontal headache.  It has the same modalities as the others, i.e. it is better for warmth and worse for cold, worse for exertion and pressure and sometimes is brought on by exposure to cold.  It is not as a rule more one side than the other, but may go from one side to the other.  Sometimes traveling over the wheels of a train, with your seat over the wheel causing jarring, can give you aSilica headache.  Another important with Silica  is that the ends of their fingers are apt to get sore cracks around the Nails.  They are quite unpleasant to touch both from their point of view and yours.  They go quite Septic and become especially bad if they are working in water, with fissures in the thumb.  They have rather small hands with these Cracks everywhere.  Fingers become Cold and Dead (Phos.).  Puts hands in Hot water, becomes warm and quite comfortable in a minute.  (Phos. will feel sick if hands are put in water.) 

  Silica rather dislikes hot food (opp. Lyc.) 

  Silica gets a rattly Chest.  After much experience I would say that it is one of the best remedies for an unresolved Pneumonia or for a Chest, that does not clear up.  There is prolonged Coughing and Catarrh. 

  Silica is worse in Cold, thundery weather but otherwise not much affected by weather. 

  They dislike talking to people; do not want to stand with a lot of people and has not the slight desire to talk to them.  Silica does not intend to talk (Phos. may want to all but cannot).  They are exhausted and generally it is because they dislike people rather than dislike talking.  Not a frightfully friendly remedy, until you give them Silica.  Then they can become the most friendly patient.  But they usually avoid talking to you.  I have lots of Silica friends. 
  (M.G.BLACKIE, BHJ. 4/79) 
  Neuralgia considerably eased by Heat; patient tends to cover up, to protect the painful area.  Pains worse draughts, like Nux. 

  In facial Neuralgias, there may be itching of Auditory Meatus or Paraesthesia of the right half of the Tongue. 
  (HUI BON HOA, BHJ. 3-77) 
  These children have low stamina and lots of dental cavities.  They crave eggs (fried or scrambled) and don’t digest milk.  Often they are perfectly behaved – a glance disciplines 
them.  They are very conscientious, even perfectionists.  They have lots of skin conditions. 

  Blocked lacrymal ducts of new born (Puls.) 
  (Peggy chipkin, HT. Nov. –92) 
  The Silica individual, perhaps more evident in the child, has an obstinate exterior, even to the point of violent Anger, whilst being Timid, lacking confidence and irresolute inside.  There is  a fear that they will not achieve, inability to cope; they may feel sweat and powerless. 

  Lack of Self-esteem: Self-doubt; feel inadequate, not good enough; have not done well enough; lack of Self-worth; useless; no abilities.  The patient may make statements like “I have no right to demand anything”; “I am unsure what I am entitled to”.  They may even feel that they have no right to exist.  On the other hand a patient can feel that he is unrecognized for his abilities and worth.  There is sometimes a desire to be special and to be recognized as such. 

  Fitting into others’ expectations; moulded by others; don’t stand up for themselves; no Identity, Opinions, Feelings.  Can’t be themselves. 

  Because of an internal lack of form, the Silica patient finds it difficult to know his own mind.  He may feel that he has no thoughts or wishes of his own and therefore looks for containment, for identity from outside.  Can feel easily swayed and influenced by others, that she is taken over by others and not allowed to be herself.  This may be particularly true of the individual, child or adult, under the influence of a dominant parent. 

  Another possibility is that the individual becomes subservient, wishing to live life vicarciously through another, perhaps a partner.  They may become self-negating and easily suppressed, compensating for this by living and doing for other people.  The lack of identity can develop into fears that there is nothing inside them, that they have no substance, that they are losing their center, and finally that they will not exist; this can cause states of extreme Fear or Panic. 

  Avoid confrontation, taking a stand; do not face situations; Irresolute; lack of commitment.  They cannot cope with conflict either internally or externally, and because of Sensitivity and Vulnerability; feel exposed, Fear of being exposed; easily hurt and unable to cope with the demands of the environment on the mental, emotional or physical levels.  They can feel sensitive to being criticized or laughed at.  In extreme cases the person may feel powerless and helpless, even to the point of fearing annihilation or extinction. 

  They may feel ‘presense’ etc. or can be simply oversensitive to other people that they feel overwhelmed by them. 

  Worry about others: Fear of awful things happening to me or mine; Worry about the World as a whole.  A concomitant of the vulnerability of Silica can be an excessive Worry about the well-being or safety of other people, usually those close to them such as children, spouse.  This symptom seems to be more prominent in women. 

  This quality can appear as worry for others, Fear for their safety, as well as a desire to help others and an apparent Sympathy for others.  I say apparent because I do not believe it to be a true sympathy in the phosphoric sense but a sympathy arising from their own sense of vulnerability, more a kin to the Sympathy of Pulsatilla or the Sensitivity to Cruelty of Calcarea carbonica. 

  Rigidity: barriers: closed   off: blocked off:  need to be alone: rigid, withdrawn and afraid of letting go: fear of change: restriction.  They prefer to stay within the confines of the known rather than take these risk of entering into life and relationships.  This eventually leads to feelings of separation and isolation.  In the realms of emotional, professional and creative life they can remain inhibited rather than take the plunge into the unknown.  This is the constant challenge to the Silicaindividual which he has to struggle to overcome.  They may also feel that in some way they do not want to give themselves away as though in so doing they will somehow lose something of themselves. 

  The hardness on the mental level can appear as an obsessive thinking and a tendency to dwell on things. 

  Feelings, Emotions and Self-expression blocked.  Bottled-up feelings; bottled-up Anger; cannot express feelings, wants or desires.  The Silica individual frequently complains that she cannot express feelings and may say such things as her feelings are too deep down, or that they cannot be accussed.  Emotions are too much to cope and tend to be suppressed.  Emotions can be turbulent, unknown, and beyond rational control and therefore a source of Fear to them who are susceptible to be overwhelmed or swamped by psychic and external events.  For this reason they may also mistrust their feelings and intuitions.  Also they resist letting go for fear of what might come out. 

  The expression Ambition, Creativity, ideas and desires are to her area in which the indvidual can experience blocks. 

  Anger is often a major issue, something that they often talk about, and an Emotion that frequently surfaces under treatment.  They use phrases like bottled up Anger, suppressed Anger, denied Rage, again fearing what might happen if they lose control. 

  The individual might also say that he is angry with himself, possibly out of a general feeling of Frustration and Inability.  Grief is another emotion that is held in, but not as commonly as Anger.  Maintaining control. Fear of losing control.  They feel a need to keep control of themselves and their environment.  

  Instability and Changeability: The rigidity and control are compensatory to the internal changeability.  The person feels Changeable, Fickle, Indecisive, easily swayed by external influences.  She may feel herself to be a different person in each situation.  She can feel extremes of emotions and be ubnable to establish a point of balance or a reference point. 

  Quality: Feel like two people: living in Two Worlds: Pulled two ways: struggle between to Elements: two sides to one’s life – inner life and life in the world.  Subjectively there is a sensation of a Split which can be experienced in a number of  ways.  The person often feels torn in two or that two parts of him are struggling or battling.  The conflict can be between Head and Heart or Mind and Body to the extent that they will say that their body does not belong to them or that they are not on the Planet.  The Conflict can also be between inner life and outer life, again underlining the fact that the Silica type lacks the ability to enter fully into life, they are too refined and may feel themselves to be too special.  This individual is too much in the head, not in touch with instinct and feeling, not rooted.  

  Indecision is a big problem: the patient may say  that she feels her mind doing one thing and her body doing another.  Can be pulled between their own wants and needs on the one hand and the demands and expectations of relatives, friends and society on the other.  This leads to Indecision and not knowing their own minds. 

  I have often seen that as a child the patient was caught between conflicting parents.  Not necessarily over conflict or quarreling, but could have been an underlying Tension unresolved conflict or tempermental differences, which he, being so sensitive to the psychic atmosphere, would pick up and experience as an internal split. 

  Being divided or split, it is noteworthy, how often the patient will use language which describes being stuck in the middle.  They use words and phrases like Balance, Pivot, Balancing opposites, Keeping Balance, Stuck in the middle, unable to go in either Direction.  In the family, the Silica individual (frequently the conflicting energies in the family at the expense of their own integreity.  In trying to stand everywhere and all Points of View, they end up standing nowhere and having No Point of View. 

  They easily carry the unresolved conflicts of the family, struggling to be the good person who makes everything alright.  If a member of the family internalizes things in the family which are unresolved, unsaid and therefore dark and shadowy, they become a victim of these things, an unconscious Scapegoat bearing family conflicts 

  It is not uncommon for the patient to talk aboug his Peace-maker role that has been adopted as part of the compensatory response to the problems of life.  They want everyone to be happy, friendly and pleased.  They appease people and cannot bear arguments, and for this reason can put others first, denying their own needs. 

  They sometimes have an imaginary opposite – a figure exhibiting the compensatory characteristics, either good or bad.  These may be also a gender issue: the person being unsure which sex they are.  There may be an imaginary ideal partner, who stands as compensation for their inability to enter into a real relationship with a flesh and blood partner with all its difficulties, and childish longings that have to be given up. 

  Separated from body: not on earth: never found a niche in the world.  To be in this World is to take form, to take a stand.  Ultimately the Silica patient is afraid of and withdraws from the commitment to life, preferring somehow to remain free of the restrictions of physical existence.  It is easier to live in the realm of ideas and possibilities, ‘theorizing’.  Desires death: it seems Fear of Life, with its concomitant desire for death (this bseing usually deeply Unconscious) is a dynamic which underpins much Pathology.  One patient said she was in another world so she did not have to compromise. 

  There is also a division between the  ‘Lower’ and ‘Higher’ natures within oneself. The bodily instinctual and sexual nature is rejected, as ‘Lower’.  This inevitably leads to suppression and a build up of these Psychic energies in the Unconscious, so further excerbating the already divided state.  This becomes a source of Fear as these more ‘basic’ elements threaten to disrupt the stability and control mechanisms of the Silica personality. 

  The Silica person has a fear of this ‘Lower’ nature and is cut off from it.  They can experience it as something Wild, animal like or boiling, trying to get out.  They may feel that they are not right inside or that they do not rust themselves.  They fear that others or they themselves will be shocked if this part of their nature is revealed.  Refinement: want 
to be special: feel superior: wantr to do things will.  The desire to be perfect or special of course compensates feelings of inferiority and ineffectiveness and is another way of avoiding really abeing put to the test. 

  Loftly ideals and notions of  Perfection which make it very difficult to enter into the nitty-gritty everydayness of life and personal relationships with all its disappointments and compromises which are necessary for individual growth.  The ideal is easily lived and not threatened as long as it remains in the realm of imagination.  They can create ideals that are not possible to achieve.  In the light of the above, we can see a tendency to Escapism.  They can say that they have a need to escape, that they are a bit of Dreamers or that things are somewhat unreal. 

  Isolation is a word constantly used by Silica patients.  They feel isolated and separated from other people and the World in general.  They also say that they feel cut off from themselves.  They tend to withdraw into a shell which eventually leads to feelings of Isolation and Aoneness; the protective reaction has become a Pison.  They quite commonly complain of claustrophobic feelings.  This sense of separation can extend to the feeling of a lack of Hart or being dis-connected from God and nature.  They may feel abandoned, rejected and unloved. 

  Water seems to be very important in the image of Silica.  Watery metaphors are often used by this individual (drifting, absorbing etc.)  Far of depth,both literally and symbolically.  One could say that there is the Far of Downing in deep water and the Fear of being  engulfed by deep emotions. 

  Silica can be chilly or warm blooded. It is very common for there to be an aversion to heat, warm rooms, stuffiness, the Sun  and to have the need for air.They often cannot bear to be too hot. 
   (Julian CARLYON, HOM. 4/92) 
  The child can have deep-set eyes.  They dislike anyone touching their Scalp.  Unlike Pulsatilla they dislike to have anyone comb their hair. 
     (Janet ZAND, JAIH. 1/89) 
  Do not prescribe to a patient with a Strong and Firm character. 
    (Thomas PASCHERO, HG. 6/80) 
  The mind is Neat, Clean, Orderly; his perceptions Firm, yet Delicate.  If only he had the Confidence and the personality to impose his thought on the community. 
    (E.W.HUBBARD, HG. 6-78) 


  Is not attentive in the morning. 

  He has difficulty moving about. 

  He is constrained physically and mentally especially in Wt weather. 

  He is affected emotionally by frightening Images, Grief, Sorrow, Anxiety, Uneasiness. Gloomy thoughts of  Suicide, Fear of sharp  things like Knives and Needles. 

  A good remedy for Rheumatism in all the manfestations 

  Its effects in diminishing Neuralgic pains, regulating Heart rhythm and improving Eyesight more than exceeds the doctor’s expectations. 
   (G.URETZKY, LIGA 1995) 
  It is an excellent remedy for Arnold’s Neuralgia located on the left.  The pain starts in the left Cervical region and spreads forward to the Parietal region, ending up in the Frontal region above the Eye, although the Eyeball is not necessarily affected. 
  (HUI BON HOA, BHJ. 3-77) 
  The main affinities are with the Brain and Spinal cord, causing at first, Irritation and later Depression; these effects are manifested chiefly in spasmodic movements of the Face and Eye muscles and in Neuralgic pains in the areas supplied by the Trigeminal nerve, in the Chest and Cardiac region; there is also depression of respiration and of Cardiac action. 

  The subject is often a pale, sickly looking, delibitated individual or a child with Worms.  Pupils may be dilated and the face may be flushed and swollen.  

  Very weak after an infectious disease.  Depressed, cannot speak without pauses. 

  Often he is in a state of Grief, incessantly Melancholic. 

  Hopeless, Alarmed and a Fear of strangers. 

  To do anything he requires enormous effort on his part. 
   (G.URETZKY, LIGA 1995) 
  Sadness with Weakness.  Sadness: weeping or other emotional problems with a Pulmonary troubles.  Think of Stannum, with a history of Tuberculosis, if there is a presenting complaint of Sadness, weeping and great Fatigue, the first remedy isStannum. 

  Think of Stannum for Weakness in malignancies like lung Cancer or AIDS. 

  You will not see Anxiety in a Stannum case, but rather a kind Weakness.  They want to be alone because interaction with people aggravates the Weakness. 

  Profuse Sweat on external Throat and Chest. Weakness of the Throat, hindering talking. In actors and singers. Myasthenia and Eeakness of Throat, difficult talking. 
  (Vassilis GHEGAS, SIM. 2/94) 

  Strong emotional nature, but cannot express the emotions they feel so strongly.  Anger is especially difficult for them to process and express. 

  They suppress their anger because they are afraid of what might happen if it even came out.  They can’t assert their Ego boundaries and take care of themselves.  The Materia Medica emphasizes the anger of Staphysagria, but they occurs only in the later stage of Pathology.  D.M.GIBSON calls them ‘cultivated gentle men’. 

  It is not unusual for them to Weep during the interview.  There is an innocence, helplessness about them.  Humility going towards Timidity. 

  They often become prey to others with a stronger Will.  Others around them may bully them, push them, force them to obey.  They suppress their ideas and act like others want them to act.  This may arise out of a strong need to be accepted by others. 

  They cannot handle confrontations, which can cause emotional and physical Spasms. If during an argument they feel they must say something, because they have been backed down so much, they will get a big aggravation after the confrontation.  For hours or days they may feel terrible, both emotionally and physically. 

  When they should feel angry, they may feel guilty instead. 

  If involved in an argument or confrontation, they can’t respond - can become speechless. 

  They are afraid of their anger, so they must deny it.  They fear if they let out the anger they’d hurt or kill someone.  They may drink Alcohol and act out their anger. 

  Another characteristic is talking to themselves when alone. They can have long conversations with themselves about their situation usually their depression doesn’t go toward Suicide, but to a resigned Sadness.  They can lose interest in life, or can’t face life.  If you have a totally sweet patient with Depression, consider Staph. 

  Staph. is a remedy with ailment from Grief, disapointed Love and broken relationships.  Then they become resigned, with a sweetness instead of bitterness.  There may be a history of many romantic griefs (Ign., Nat-m). 

  They have a high Sex drive.  They are sensitive with vital, deep feelings.  Their strong emotions are held inside, and sex is a release of that emotional energy.  But they are so reserved or timid that they can’t make contact or initiate a relationship.  Hence intense sexual fantasies.  Further, a religious bent may lead to repression of even this tendency. 

  You may find a history of a passive promiscuity.  Can’t say no, will do it even if they don’t want to.  May be in a sad masochistic relationship - they’re the Masochists.  Or they may be voyeureistic - a type of passive sexual activity. 

  Although not listed, it is one of the best Chorea remedies, especially indicated if Chorea is aggravated by suppresssed emotions.  Any neurological condition brought on by suppressed anger or grief suggest Staph. 

  A child who becomes withdrawn or retarded from slight suppression would suggest Staph. 

  Chronic low-grade Cough from suppressions of Anger or Emotions.  A half-hearted cough (Tub.) 
  An important remedy in Psoriasis, esspecially in children.  Psoriasis following Grief or mortification. 

Confirmatory Symptoms: 

  Remorse after Anger. Worse after any confrontation.  Anger suppressed easily.  Cannot sepak or stand up for themselves.  Accept blame for things, feel Guilty. 

  Ailments after romantic griefs. 

  Talk to themselves.  Write poetry. 

  Headaches frontal and occipital.  Dullness of mind with Headache.  Block of wood sensation in head. 
  Recurrent Styes or history of Styes. 

  Urinary infections. Condylomata.  Honeymoon Cystitis.  Crave Tobacco 

High Sex drive. Masturbation (they don’t have to masturbate to give Staph.) 
(Durr ELMORE, SIM 4 / 90) 
Recurring Styes and Chalazia.  Teeth are covered with blackish edging and the Gums bleed easily when the teeth are brushed.  Chronic Laryngitis with Hoarseness and numerous Back pains.        

  Likes Society, Parties, Restaurants. 
  Lively, active, witty, talkative. He laughs, sings and rhymes. 
  He has a very high opinion of himself.  
  He tends to be normal when young but pathological when aged. 
  Inclined to fixed ideas. 
  Superstititious, pious, religious. 
  (G.URTEZKY, LIGA 1995) 
  Infants wake up screaming in the middle of the night, they look terrified.  The light must be left on for them to go back to sleep.  This remedy is also helpful in cases of high fever with possible Convulsions.      (DG)


  After a major Surgical Operation, with intense Prostration, Coldness, much Oozing of 
Blood; the patient desires Heat and is aggravated by  the least draught of Cold Air. 
    (Edward COTTER, HG. 6/70)   

  Full of Self-importance and Haughtiness.  A few-lesser known rubrics that indicate the remedy.  Frequently waking after Midnight, Vertigo, Water, Walking over or Crossing; (cannot look down at running water below); motion of Tongue  lapping to and fro look like licking the lips);  think of Sulphur when you see the over-made-up woman, or a person with too much perfume or after-shave.  (Sulphur is very sensitive to Smell, even their own body odor.)  30% of Sulphur cases can be Chilly. 
  (Alfons GEUKENS, HL. 2 & 3/94) 
  Seekers of Meaning.  They are too dense for their own good and running after too many Spirits. 
   (Edward WHITMONT, HT. Feb./95) 
  Sense of Haughtiness: “Cure me if you can.” 
  (Amy ROTHENBERG, HT. May/ 95) 
  ‘A boy of 19, in trying to get politely and quickly out of my waiting room, fell over everything, his own feet, my feet, and anything else that happened to be in his line of progress.  Magazines were swept from the table and in his frantic efforts to retrieve them several more fell - in fact, chaos reigned, not just once but every time he came.  After a 10M of Sulphur things greatly improved. 
  (M.G.BLACKIE, BHJ. 1/82) 
  Either Lean, Lanky Stoop-shouldered people who theorise are introspective, argumentative and selfish, or Stout, High-colored cheerful persons.  

  Untidy, everything in a mess or an item of clothing out of place.  But you can get chilly or tidy people who are helped by Sulphur. 
  (Hamish W. BOYD, BHJ. 1/78) 
  A young, broad-shouldered man, not very tall, visits the doctor accompanied by his mother.  He has very expressive eyes, and the pimples on his Nose attract the doctor’s attention.  The mother informs the doctor that an year ago the son had Jaundice, and since then he has felt heaviness in the right Sub-costal region and a Bitter taste.  Meanwhile the air in the study had an unplesantly heavy smell of Sweat.  It was difficult to breathe.  The doctor thought to himself how the patient could emit such a smell and he smacks like a Goat.  Feeling awkward he opens the window.  The mother sensed what the doctor was thinking and was sad in acceptance of her fate. 

  “Doctor, his father had the same kind of Sweat and one gets used to the Odor.  We came to you for help regarding his Liver.” 

  When the doctor saw the patient again sometime later, he cried “Do you remember the Window‌”. 
  The kind smile from the patient was the response of the consitutional Sulphur 

  The theme of Accidents is one of the most important for people who benefit from Sulphuricum acidum.  It may be an illegitimate birth experienced as an accident by the Family, or a real accident by the loss of a loved one.      (DG) 

  The Key-note suggests for Sycotic co. is “Irritation” and the selective action is on Mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue.  This action is well demonstrated by the general catarrhal state of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, so that this Nosode is very useful in the very common Nasal and Broncihal Catarrh of children. 

  In the Genito-Urinary tract, Nocturnal Enuresis and Vulvo-vaginitis in young children are troublesome conditions, which often respond to Sycotic co.  One action demands specific mention, namely, that on the Kidney, indicated by Albuminuria, a common complaint in children, for which Sycotic co. seems to be almost specific. 

  Another selective action worthy of mention is that on the upper respiratory tract, where the child wakens at 2 a.m. with a Croupy cough.  Attacks are spasmodic, affected by changes in atmosphere, and may be prolonged - a condition resembling Asthma, which is found in the clinical picture of Sycotic co. 

  The Nosode is very rich in mental symptoms, (which are very similar to those of Gaertner co. that they can be considered identical).  The element of Fear is outstanding, with an additional factor of irritation.  This may be manifest by outbursts of temper, suggestive of Lycopodium, which is often complementary to Sycotic co. 

  The irritation may also  shown on the Meninges, not surprisingly since the organisms of Sycotic co. are closely related to the Meningococci.  Convulsions, Menningitis, or Epileptic seizures and Chorea are found in the clinical picture, though less frequently than in Dysentery co. 

  The action on lymphoid tssue is seen in the overgrowth of Tonsils and Adenoids,and enlargement of Glands of the neck, Chest or Abdomen. 

  Although the mentals of Sycotic co. and Gaertner similar, the physical appearances of the child is different. In contrast to the Thin, under-nourished child in Gaertner, the Sycotic co. child is often Fat and Flabby.  When one adds to this the Head sweat during sleep, chiefly from 12.00 to 4.00 a.m. Calcarea carbonica  comes to mind.  Calcarea carbonica does not entirely cover the picture of the Sycotic co. child, but I think there is little doubt that here Calcium bears the same relation toSycotic co. as Carbon does to Morgan co. 

  The typical Skin eruption of Sycotic co. is Warty growths, and Impetigo, which is often a very troublesome condition in the child.  This Nosode has by its nature Rheumatism, indicating irritation of the Synovial membranes.   

  It has cured convulsive Seizures similar to Epilepsy, preceded by violent temper tantrums. 
  (William B.GRIGGS, HG, 10–69) 
  I have found this of great help in relieving the awful pains in the Spine from Cancer secondaries.  It has often kept the patient painless to the last.  I gave the 3C. 
   (M.G.BLACKIE, BHJ. 2-78)