VOL. V, 1988
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England,
Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may
refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by
this compilation are given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600
080, India.)
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
QHD, VOL.V, NO.1, MARCH 1988.................................................................................................................. 3
T.P.PASCHERO ............................................................................................................................................ 11
PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUALITY- P.S.ORTEGA .......................................................................... 14
IMBERECHTS, MD, MFHOM, SRBH ..................................................................................................... 17
FEED-BACK: ............................................................................................................................................ 27
BOOK SHELF ........................................................................................................................................... 27
QHD, VOL.V, NO.2, JUNE 1988 ..................................................................................................................... 29
EMOTIONS AND EXPRESSIONS - FERNANDO RISQUEZ, MD ........................................................ 30
CORRECTIONS TO THE REPERTORY - A.WEGENER .......................................................................... 45
BOOK-SHELF ........................................................................................................................................... 49
FEED BACK .............................................................................................................................................. 52
NEWS ........................................................................................................................................................ 54
QHD, VOL. V, NO.4, SEPTEMBER 1988 ..................................................................................................... 55
FRANCISCEA UNIFLORA- H.P.J.A MASS ............................................................................................. 56
CALCAREA SULPHURICA- EUGENIO F. CANDEGABE, MD ................................................................... 59
ACIDUM FORMICIUM- H. LENNEMANN ................................................................................................ 64
DR.V.P.SINGH ............................................................................................................................................ 69
BOOK SHELF ........................................................................................................................................... 76
FEEDBACK............................................................................................................................................... 79
NEWS ........................................................................................................................................................ 80
QHD, VOL.V, NO.4 DECEMBER 1988 ......................................................................................................... 81
CYCLAMEN, PULSATILLA AND SEPIA- DR JACQUELINE BARBANCEY .............................................. 82
THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS - HENRY N. WILLIAMS, M.D .................................................................... 90
AN INVOLUNTARY PROVING OF TAXUS BACCATA ...................................................................... 91
CARBO BETULAE POLARIS IN CASES OF CARCINOMA ................................................................. 92
MAGNESIUM FLUORATUM D30 (30X) - A PROVING - FRANZ SWOBODA ........................................ 93
THREE MODERN PROVINGS: ARNICA, BRYONIA AND PULSATILLA ....................................... 101
BOOK SHELF ......................................................................................................................................... 103
FEED-BACK ........................................................................................................................................... 105
NEWS ...................................................................................................................................................... 106
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
1 QHD, Vol.V, No.1, March 1988
Dear Doctor,
The DIGEST has entered into the V year. I have been receiving many requests for 'back-
issues'. I would like to reiterate that the DIGEST is only a SERVICE; only the actual number of
copies according to the number of members are made; it is not a journalistic venture; as such
spare copies or extra copies are not made awaiting their sale'.
Come April, all homoeopaths celebrate Hahnemann memorial day - even the mixture
prescribers, patent drug prescribers, etc!
In our own way, we pay our homage to Hahnemann by recalling the right way to practice
homoeopathy. Three ‘current’, masters have been chosen each of whom have their own ‘school'
but not too divergent. Unfortunately two of them - Dr.Pierre Schmidt and Dr. Thomas Pablo
Paschero - are no more - they passed away into eternity recently. Dr.Schmidt represents the
Kentian of Generals to particulars including the pathology; While Paschero taught that the
dynamic diathesis which prevent the psycho-biological maturation and thus accomplish spiritual
liberty, should be treated ignoring the lesion; to treat the internal essence of the disease. While
Sanchez Ortega teaches that neither the mind nor the pathology but the miasmatic condition of
the patient alone needs to be treated.
The fourth is a lengthy case analysis by Dr.J Imberechts, an excellent lesson.
The articles have been rather ‘weighty’'. Dudgeon himself has confessed to the difficulty
in translating German into English; it is more so when much of deep ‘philosophy’ is involved.
This has to be borne in mind while reading these.
The usual columns of FEED-BACK and BOOK-SHELF have been included.
March 1988.
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
(by P.Schmidt)
First, a brief review regarding diagnosis which in homoeopathy is twofold:
I. the diagnosis of the disease according to the pathognomonic symptoms, with the help
of general clinical status, through a specialist where necessary, through laboratory findings,
x-rays, to clinch (a) what belongs to the exact disease (b) what are conditioned by dietic and
basic errors of hygiene, how defective are the home, clothing, care of the body, social life,
regulation of life style, nutritional in-take etc.; also what could be set right without aid of
medicament. Further to be considered arc intoxications through alcohol, tobacco, narcotics,
tranquilisers, sleeping drugs, drugs to calm down or excite etc. Such objective disease factors
must be eliminated just as the physician of the old school does.
II. The diagnosis of the sick person to ascertain the non-pathognomonic symptoms,
symptoms which do not belong to the disease in question, the rare, strange, seldom, singular and
which seem bizarre. There are symptoms which are contrary to common sense, make us reflect,
and which are characteristic for a particular patient. Allopathy does not take into consideration
such symptoms and considers the patient only as a hysteric or at the most handles such cases
with suppressive remedies symptomatically which further add to the patient's sickness.
When the remedy to be given is chosen: which potency is to be prescribed?
This question can be settled only from practical experience,
We must know that the Hahnemann-oriented physician employ basically every potency, from
mother tincture to the highest potencies, M, 10M, CM, MM!
Hahnemann has, during his life time, fairly frequently varied the potency scale, just as the
number of succusion strokes to be given in preparation of the potencies. He experimented,
twice, ten times, and more frequently to finally settle for ten strokes. He invented the centesimal
potencies of C1 to C30 which he wrote as: that is C globule and Vi =Sextillionth potency
Regarding the preparation of this small dose Hahnemann has in Organon, paragraph 269,
clarified the basic and essential difference between dilution = attenuation and potentisation. He
“It is heard every day that homoeopathic medicine potency is considered as mere
attenuation, while it is the opposite of it, real development of the natural substance and bringing
out the power lying concealed internally through friction and shaking, wherein a non-medicinal
diluents medium used is merely of secondary importance. Diluting alone, for example,
dissolving a grain of salt it becomes mere water; the grain of salt disappears in the attenuation
with plenty of water and will never by that become ‘salt medicine’ like our well prepared
dynamisations raised to astonishingly high strength”.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
And as early as in 1886 the Geneva physician Grenier wrote: Production of a curative
remedy from a substance is not reducing its powers but to develop the latent powers in it,
potentising it, that is, to strip it of its material condition”.
As I have already said, the potency choice is a question of practical experience. Indeed all
homoeopaths have once begun with low potencies and have only tarried and without much
conviction gone from the mother tincture up to C12. Other went up to C30 which for long
remained as the limit for Hahnemann for long time and which he did not pass over.
What then is contained in a C 30 which by the method of using of individual glass vials
in which drops of the remedy in question Are put and 99 drops of 90 percent alcohol is added
and 10 strokes given repeatedly has acquired? And what are the high and highest potencies, the
So-called Korsakoff potencies? The later are prepared up to thousandth potency by the one glass
method from the manually prepared C 30, with 10 strokes by machine for every potency. Beyond
the thousandth potency the fluxion method is used.
Everything regarding preparation of a homoeopathic medicine can be found in detail in
the Organon. I recommend to you paragraph 123 as also paragraphs 264 to 272. With remarkable
precision and conscientiousness Hahnemann has described there how the homoeopathic
medicines must be prepared. Please study that thoroughly and attentively again.
Contrary to the general opinion Kent and his pupils were not in any way exclusive high
potentists but they required all potencies from the mother tincture to the highest potencies. But
their extensive experience and particularly their results made them give superior values to the
high potencies because of their innumerable advantages.
Please bear in mind that the basis of the homoeopathic prescription is not the dose but it
is the similie principle. This principle is of such a wonderful value that in fact there is no
limitation to the diminution of the concentration of the homoeopathic remedy if the actual
symptoms of the patient harmonizes with the symptoms produced in. the provings to the healthy.
Indeed the low potentists repeat the same objections as the allopaths do against the
homoeopaths: how is it supposed to work when in the everyday diet and drinking water so much
substances in weak doses are consumed?
I answer: It is not a question of academic dispute but it is a matter of practical experience.
What should one say about a case a follow? A splendid german shepherd-dog has been under the
medical treatment of an eminent french veterinary physician for more than two months. The
entire range of the most modern anti-infections arsenals, Sulfonmide, the most effective
antibiotics, for a Sepsis with suppurative Metritis and Peritonitis have been used. On pressing the
Gesauge of the poor animal pus aquirted out up to a litre in a day and that since weeks. This
rotten pus stank disgustingly like rotten cheese. The dog was well looked after, cleaned every
two hours and lied only in its owner's room. The mouth was completely dry, the weak animal
could not move at all, refused food and was lying in a miserable state in the bed room. After 30
days of intensive treatment the veterinarian advised to give it an injection to put the animal to
end since he had used the maximal doses of sulfonamides etc., and felt that all that could be done
had been done but failed and it was cruel to allow the animal to suffer further.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The owner of this dog who was my patient visited me one day for her monthly
consultation and was in tears that she had to put an end to the life of the dog by agreeing to the
I asked her: “but then why don't you allow it to be treated homoeopathically?' “But
doctor, this is not the time for you to be witty. It is alright for me, since I have faith in it. But
what would you do with your tiny pills to an animal which as the veterinarian says, is suffering
from a Septicopyaemia”?
“Now madam, give the dog the medicine I will give you now and we will see later”. I
gave first Staphylococcinum 10M thrice a day. After two days Pyrogenium 10M. Two days
later, because of the pus which was stinking like rotten cheese, Hepar 10M. Lastly after two
more days because of the abundance of pus I gave Medorrhinum 10M. Now, from the very first
dose the quantity of pus came down by 80%, the stink began to fade away slowly and after 8 day
the dog was cured; it ran about, ate and slept just as when it was healthy.
In this course all the potencies were prescribed in the ten thousandth! One can make fun
of ten thousandth potencies and laugh. But how could a fatally ill condition like a serious
Septicemia be got over and become normal and health restored? The materialistic homoeopaths
will be easily confused in this. Behind this is nothing other than the grand law of similars
discovered by Hahnemann. In paragraph 160 he says:
“As the homoeopathic medicine can never be made so small as to not be able to
overcome its analogus, non-longstanding, yet unspoiled natural disease, could even thoroughly
eradicate and cure, it can understood as to why a dose which is not very smallest possible
suitable homoeopathic medicine aroused always during the first hours after taking it, a
perceptible homoeopathic aggravation".
And in paragraph 249a:
"Since according to all experiences, almost no dose of a highly potentised specifically
suitable homoeopathic medicine can be prepared which would be so small as not to bring about
clear improvement in the disease for which it is suitable, so will it be injudicious and harmful to
treat, if one were to repeat of increase the dose in the mistaken belief its small aggravation or
non-improvement, was because of its negligible quantity (it’s far too small dose) and it cannot
therefore be of use".
And In paragraph 279:
"These pure experiences point that the dose of the homoeopathically chosen highly
potentised curative medicine for commencing treatment of a serious disease (particularly
chronic) can never as a rule be prepared so small as not be stronger than the natural disease, that
it cannot, at least overcome a portion, eradicate at least a part of the sensations of the vital
principle and thus cause commencement of the cure.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, read these again and again and meditate on these observations of
Hahnemann, which have been so strikingly corroborated here.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
It is six months since that the dog became cured of a sepsis, a sepi which materialistic
allopathy with its "heroic" medicines could not treat, but on the contrary the condition became
worsen day by day and the veterinarian had given up all hopes.
How could it be argued against the allopathy, the veterinarian and the low potentists.
I doubt much whether the C/3 or C/6 would have succeeded in a situation as this. Such a
healing reveals four unquestionable facts:
1. Homoeopathy brings about cures when allopathy despite its modern toxic arsenals is
2. Homoeopathy, on the basis of the law of similars discovered by Hahnemann is able to
make microbes and viruses, harmless.
3. The homoeopathic medicine in infinitesimal doses works qualitatively and not through
its quantity.
4. Also that in an extremely serious, evidently fatal disease. the cure can be effected
totally-cito, tuto et jucuande' as Hahnemann has impressed in the note to the first paragraph of
his Organon.
I had a similar case of septicaemia from perforation of appendix and generalised
peritonitis in a 10 year old child who had become parched and was lying in the Geneva Medical
College hospital awaiting his end after surgery. Neither the child nor the parents nor the
Professor knew who had cured him. Only a single, really a single dose of Arnica 10M and then
Pyrogenium 10M; I repeat 10M.
To exclude every influence of direct or indirect suggestion, I have purposely chosen the
Case of an animal, so that the skeptics are convinced.
I will point out to you that high potencies are of invaluable worth, that these small doses
do not ever lose their therapeutic powers if they are protected from odors and had been prepared
with due care. I own high potencies from Hahnemann's time, Jenichan's for example. I have
further such from the previous century as from Fincke, Swan, Allen, Kent which are still
effective and dependable.
Innumerable physicians like Nash, Kent, Carleton Erastuse Case, Gladwin, Sherwood,
Cunningham, Fincke, Majumdar, Gibson Miller, Mrs. Tyler, Sir Johnweir and others have
published cure by high potencies.
Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathic principles has begun naturally from the mother
tinctures, substantial medicines, materially and chemically analysable. Later he began to make
the concentrations lesser by attenuation or trituration and observed that despite progressive
division these substances remained more effective.
During his long life, ultimately he was 88 years old Hahnemann was, in the opinion of
his speech, an exception, a revolutionary and in opposition to all practice and traditions. He went
up to C/30 wherein he used 30 separate 10 gram glass vials with 100 drops of alcohol in each. In
the first vial he put one drop of the plant tincture or 5 grains of a chemical substance or the 3rd
centesimal potency of an insoluble substance which with every passage was further attenuated in
ratio of 1 to 100.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
At the 1ast stages of his life differences of opinion arose amongst his pupils. Some
thought that under no circumstances should one go above the C/30. Others among them his best
pupil Hering and Gross and others experimented with potencies up to 1000, 1500, 2000 and
higher, saw with happy astonishment further successes. To avoid misunderstandings and
hostilities from his pupils Hahnemann remained in the range of C/30 although he had appreciated
the efficacy of such high potencies.
Nevertheless, as researcher and experimenter he had recognized two interesting facts:
1. Some medicines possess, in specific potencies, an optimum efficiency in each case,
whereof in pure Materia Medica Hahnemann indicated the third, sixth, twelfth and 30th as the
most efficacious.
2. At the same time he observed that in general, the second, fourth and seventh potencies.
so to say, have a "shallow", decreased, reduced, curtailed efficacy in short: a not excessively
strong action is displayed, and that positive intervals between the individual potencies must be
given. For this reason his family medicine chest contained only the following potencies : 1 - 3 - 6
- 9 - 12 - 24 and 30.
After Hahnemann's death different researcher have made further experiments and have
gone to fantastic heights. Thus I posses a thirteen millionth potency of Psorinum of Kent.
There was a time when Fincke, Allen, Swan and others were successful by employing
highest potencies.
At a particular time there were high potentists, as they were called, who after the choice
of the medicine according to symptom picture gave it in the highest available potency
immediately at the beginning of the treatment.
Dr.A.Nebel practiced for quite long here who prescribed, for example, a CM or DM right at the
first go, frequently with the best results, since the medicine chosen had been accurately specific.
Kent, a systematically experimenting mind endeavored to find by innumerable
experiments a rule or at least a scale method. After many trials over many years he set his scale
which I call the Kent scale. As Kent's pupils have since then corroborated. adherence to the
following spacing gave the best results: 30, 200 1M, 10M, 50M, CM, DM, MM.
Kent held, on the basis of his experience, the C/30 as an excellent preparation to begin
the treatment of case since it brought no, or hardly any, initial aggravation and with the 200th
potency he considered them as low potencies with which, as already stated, treatment can he best
commenced. He kept them particularly for the acute cases or chronic cases with objective and
progressive organ changes. Otherwise he recommended in chronic cases the 1000 potency from
which with appropriate time intervals which he could define after many years of experience, to
go up to higher potencies.
After many years Kent could define the average duration of action of his high potencies.
We have to respect these before repeating the dose. These are:
For 200:
3 to 4 weeks
at least 4 weeks
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
5 weeks
50 days
6 Months
1 year
Naturally these figures are to be considered as approximation, but all pupils of Kent have
found these to be of superiorly practical value. Not in every case will it be suitable to repeat
doses before expiry of this interval but only in combination with the other golden rule, that no
repetition before progressive amelioration ends.
The question of repetition of the dose, pharmacopollaxy as I would call it, was again
modified by Hahnemann at the end of his life in that he recommended continuous repetition of
the dose daily despite favourable reaction. This method also I and many others have practised for
long time-in the hope that it will render better and particularly speedier cures in chronic diseases.
But soon because of the difficulties encountered by the patients regarding the taking too much or
insufficiently, they attenuate it poorly and at will, repeat in irregular intervals, etc. this method
which is remarkable is possible only in exceptional special cases which as I can vouch for, in
natural practice is rarely seen. This reservation is so much more valid as through the Kent
method also thoroughly remarkable successes can be obtained. Had Hahnemann known Kent
who represented Hahnemann's continuance, he would have, without doubt, agreed with Kent's
view, because it conforms absolutely to the essential principle of his teaching, watch and wait",
the careful observer's.
Today the knowledge that low potencies work better in acute, high in chronic cases, is
more or less accepted by most of the homoeopaths. It all depends upon what one understands by
low and high potencies.
The advantages of low potencies, including the C30 and 200 according to Kent is that it
can be repeated without risk of severe aggravation. Why? Because a whooping cough, a
diarrhoea with frequent evacuation, tooth-aches, acute pains in general, the acute states so to say
exhaust, consumes, weakens the remedy so that in all cases where there is no reaction or where
recurrence occur such repetition is justified; for example is repeated vomiting repetition of the
remedy once every two hours. It should be given after every vomiting. It can then be seen that
the attacks become rarer until it passes off completely.
In chronic cases, the intervals suggested by Kent, which has been verified, is to be
The relapse of earlier symptoms, amelioration coming to stand-still, status quo or the
disease progressing further, are all indications for repetition of the dose.
Indeed it can be said that a master homoeopath is capable of results which the beginner is
not able to. For example in some acute cases in which symptoms are painfully aggravated, like
Sciatica, Otitis, Gastroenteritis, acute joint rheumatism, a 10M produces a result which impresses
by its rapid cure. It is like what Willam Tell who with a single arrow directly pierced the apple
on the need of his son. I recommend to you to first try C/30 and later go to the C/200. Now and
again you can venture with 10M if the indications for the medicine was clear and precise.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
In coryza and minor colds Aconitum napellus 200 has at least 90% success. In certain
chronic obstipations immediate and sustained success from a single dose of Nux vomica 10/M or
Bryonia 10/M is perceived.
I have cured the owner of a big restaurant who had been suffering for 14 years with a
chronic obstipation and who had been thoroughly stuffed with innumerable laxatives. There
was nothing more which he had not tried. He had, however, further symptoms of Nux vomica, in
his character, in his desires and aversions. A single dose of Nux vomica 10/M has definitely
cured him. Since then he has daily stool, “soft and gentle" as Moliere says, and he can have
stools regularly with satisfaction.
A lady complained of headaches which localised in the occipital protuberance
accompanied by obstipation and eye pains which compelled her every 3-4 months to lie in a
dark room since she could bear least light, and could not at all bear the sun. Every jolt, ever
walking aggravated. She also couldn't bend forward without the pain radiating to the neck. A
single dose of Bryonia alba 10/M at the close of an episode has put an end once for all her
migrains which had been troubling her since 5 years for which she had taken a good quantity of
various medicaments.
These Cases are not rare which you do not experience almost every day. When it
happens: what happiness to the patients in the first place and also to the physician when he sees
such conspicuous undeniable efficacy of the small doses which prove the value of the similie
rule, the true basis of homoeopathy.
Those who merely disparage .and shake their heads have no idea about it and cannot gain
the experience and observation. Of course. naturally the indications for the remedy prescribed
must be exactly specific and symptomatology as defined by Hahnemann, Kent, and their pupils,
and not based otherwise on someone or the other. Because if the foundation is not based upon
these propositions only failures will occur. If therefore homoeopathy and high potencies are
condemned it is not these but the prescriber himself who is at fault. Why is it that while others
obtain successes it should be otherwise with him?
Study the materia medica thoroughly and diligently study the Organon again and again
and the philosophy of Kent. One of these days you will be compensated richly for that. Because
homoeopathy makes great demand of course out it compensates with high rewards. It is certain:
Homoeopathy, practiced by earnest. Persevering physicians with measure in their work, procures
full satisfaction of material, intellectual and spiritual respects.
[From the KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIE., Band 29/1 985; translated by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Based on a thorough understanding of human nature homoeopathy is a clinical science
essentially different from the purely physiological, organ-related or mechanically welded
medicine. Many homoeopaths who have not accepted the dynamic concept of a disease processes
have not been able to appreciate this. The physician must understand that he must treat the
patient in his complete unity of his body, soul and mind and not the organic or local disease; that
his real duty and basic obligation is to cure those which are as 'subject' in every sick patient and
not those which are as object', - taking into consideration his diathesis, his miasmas or those
which, strictly speaking, signify these ideas, namely the inner dynamic disposition which brings
about the pathology and psychopathologic destiny of the patient. Only then has he truly
understood what homoeopathy is and what his duty with regard to the science and art in
medicine is.
The duty of the physician is to cure. To know Hahnemann properly, what is curable in
every patient, it is necessary to have a clear idea of the nature and meaning of disease.
The clinical experience reveals: a patient is not cured who has no will to be cured, the
desire to be cured, to find out his self, to be in harmony with himself; who does not require
further development of his capabilities, his energy potentials, intelligence and sentimentality
or capacity to love - in conformity with the requirements for the unfolding of his state of
consciousness. This Will to-be impresses the body and soul in a unique sense, in a unique
direction; towards self-realization in accord with the All, with the Universal Spirit.
Health is the unconfined expression of the vital energy through the body in a harmonious
interaction with the natural and human environment which process represents the
psychobiological adaptation, ultimately the inspired opening of own nature which experienced
wrongly as isolated and autonomous oneness, in the true richness of life.
Disease is every kind of alteration, blockage or hindrance of the free and harmonious flow of life
energy which strikes the body and the mind. This damages its unconfined relationship with the
external world, with the external life which arises from the very same impulse as the inner life.
This infantile autism which the human soul holds captive from development of the inner
capability hinders the development of full and true freedom from the directions .from the
concealed subconscious urges, and a aggressions and guilty conscience. These lie as negative
powers in the individual and as a result allows the disease as expressions of these suppressions
and blockings hindering free-play and field of action of the vital energy.
If we have anxiety of life, if we live in a state of alarm, in a state of perpetual tension,
embitterment over the past, envy, hatred, frustration, defensive or competitive states With sense
of guilt, phobias, fixed ideas, fears, anxiety, restlessness and in a state of perpetual internal
protective wall- then arises from itself blocking in the vital energy through the body and then
disease. The individual does not then live harmoniously with the external world conforming to
the law of cure and growth (from within outwards), but is locked up in self. The diagnosis of the
sick person as a totality in his innermost person - the intrinsic duty of the homoeopath - demands
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
of him to give the highest order of precedence of decisive clinical value to the mental symptoms:
the mental symptoms in the sense of internal resistance, concealed in the Unconscious like
suppressed feelings and moral Commandments which hinders the free deployment of the vital
energy for realising the true fulfillment of life.
The answers to the questions with regard to the physical and mental disease must result in
the restoration of free flow of life in our mental, emotional and physical levels, opening out to
the Universal or Absolute Spirit.
Man must be conscious of this "unity of the Vital Energy" which pervades in him as well
as in the universe. Thereby he dwells in his own reality, the identity of his true self as man and
therefore as expression of the Supreme Being, the Absolute of the universe. It leads to a creative
and fulfilled life in this genuine “condition humans". This understanding of the nature of self
which man achieves indicates the comprehension of the true fulfillment of the life or the
Absolute which lives in his centre and makes up the innermost self of his existence. This
comprehension is realized, however, only in his profound solidarity with other men and the
whole world and only there is found the expression appropriate to him.
The mental symptoms of purely emotional kind and not the intellectual - are the unique
which disclose the core of the internal disturbance. The man unfolds his personal maturing
process, that is, his conduct or the mental attitude, the emotional factors of his total life, the
historic mould of his child-like conflicts , his life within his family and the social surroundings,
his disappointments in love-life and consequently in his self-estimation in one word, all the
emotions which are indispensible clinical symptoms for the fundamental comprehension of the
disease which the physician must treat.
The Psora or the main miasm with the internal restlessness, the constriction, the anxieties
and phobias are the essential negative factors, those which hinder the free flow of the vital
energy and therefore exposes the pot potential of energy, intelligence and sentimentality, it
constricts the growth of the level of consciousness and there with the identity of his true self. As
defense of the psoric anxiety are the syphilitic and sycotic life or way of life which the
homoeopath with much skill must uncover, by the biopathographic anamnesis. For that he must
always keep in view these aspects of level of consciousness with which the patient executes the
processes of growth and maturity and self-realization.
If the patient under treatment does not change his life situation, if he does not develop or
does not bloom and develop as a fully responsible person, then he is not on the path to cure. This
is only when he lays aside his child-like behaviour patterns which make him egoistic, dependant,
passive and needing protection. Also if he shows an aggressive craving for power, for
dominance over all others and that in a militant attitude for defence and aggression, or if he does
not overcome his anxieties, phobias, hatred and guilty feelings, he is not on the road to cure. He
who does not conquer his conditioned approaches which hold him captive in his autism and who
does not open up in some grade the richness of his life, such a man is not on the road to cure
even if the symptoms for which he seeks the help of the physician were to disappear. That is
only a suppression of the symptoms and not cure of the patient. On the other hand the fact is that
if his life attitude opens and his level of consciousness is raised and his intelligence and
sentimentality potentials in the sense of' expansion to the centre and charity for fellow-beings is
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
realised and in the sense of creative attitude and service to the fellow-beings and the joy of others
is experienced as if his own; when he indicates in larger or smaller measure that he has been
freed from blocking of his negative mental symptoms so as to live his true life with a positive
attitude and outlet to the external world: ten, only then, is he on the road to cure even if the
physical symptoms were not removed, yes even if the preceding symptoms were to recur.
Because in this opening out to the fellow-men is fulfilled the law of cure”, whereby he again
experiences the only possible health, in that it unites his vital energy with the true richness of life
and identifies himself in it and with it.
The homoeopath leads the patient to the realization of this richness of life. With the use
of Simillimum he heightens the Will to cure which activates the sprit-like energy in the deep
interior, energy which is inherent in all humans, so unrefined or intellectual, to their capabilities.
Only so can he trigger the cure which as stated above endures in stable equilibrium. It is
sufficient to pursue from now without break the maturing of the process of developing, a
conscious and responsible life.
The homoeopathic medicament performs its work in those vital planes which depicts the
real and exact relationship between the different strata of the total. Being and makes up the core
or the focal point of the Will for cure. Psora that fundamental disease becomes the godfather of
the evolution of man. Its nature of working is bringing out the anxiety of the life from mind to
the organs, from centre to periphery from above downward or let the suppressed symptoms to
come out. The homoeopathic medicament effects that the Psora fulfills the highest purpose of
true and the singularly genuine cure: the development from out of the autism and egoism of man
for integration with fellow-creatures from out of the encapsulated individualism to the
blossoming into fulfillment of life, with a true fellow-feeling where man will find his just and
true identity as human, namely in his mental deployment.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Time and again we take recourse to the knowledge and fundamentals of other disciplines
in order to integrate them with our science. We do this not just because we want to widen their
horizons but more because of their great scope.
We wish to define the personality, somewhat rashly perhaps for our purpose, as a type of
disguise with which the substantial human nature covers itself in order to meet appropriately and
adequately the diverse pressures of its environment in which the self-image develops in different
stages of life. In this we are inspired by Carl Jung who defines the Person as a mask with which
man represents his kind.
As against this, Individuality personifies the profound Ego, the tomistic spirit, the
substantial or innermost core of Being, simply Being. In other words we can also say that
Individuality is the unadulterated unpretentiousness of the THING ON ITS OWN Which
constitutes man.
We now wish to avoid any further metaphysical dialectics and point out to ourselves the
one indisputable fact that we can all experience with our patients. When we examine a case
patiently and carefully we can, in most cases, recognise in the same subject, two often very
conflicting tendencies: the one that corresponds to what he actually is and the other that
corresponds to what he wants to be, the Person and the mask with which the subject has
disguised himself for his self-image in the world. It is a series of elements he learnt to use one
after another in order to present himself to his fellowmen - somewhat similar to an actor who
either himself chooses a role or was assigned, perhaps even against his will, a role in a comedy
or other play.
The perfunctory physician will be content to recognise or to try to recognise the so
masked patient as he generally presents himself before the physician. It will perhaps then be
enough for the physician to assess the damages wrought by this mask or costume which impede
or even totally wreck the self-image of the patient at various stages of his life.
The bolder physician will even be able to observe the possible conformity of this mask
with the patient who wears it, or what is more common, to find the disagreement between the
mark or disguise with the deep desires and urges of the innermost ego that characterises the man
as a Being. He can perceive the innermost of the person sitting before him, which in most cases
does not agree with the symptoms which are an expression of his disturbed self-realisation; in
other words: the mask or disguise is not in tune with the real manner of expression of the
innermost of the patient we have before us, the mask being subjected by the limitations which
impose on him the characteristics of his role or display of his self-representation and which he
has himself either somewhat erroneously chosen or had been thrust upon him by the
circumstances which from his birth until now have surrounded him. In other words: either the
environment is unsuitable for him or the opposite - he is unable - in the current stage of his life
to react adequately to his environment, from which finally also springs up the illness, which
represents the motive of his actual complaints.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The physician has now the possibility of assessing the damages caused by the mask or
Personality that has caused the illness, of which the patient has now become conscious. But he
can or must recognise the innermost illness of the Ego or the mild, severe or even complete
incongruence of his Personality with his Individuality. We explain this to our students with the
following example: It is as though we dress up a fat old man as Romeo or we place the cloak of
Francis of Assisi on an ungodly and lecherous drunkard. In every respect that would be
inappropriate. But it would be even more inappropriate if the actors were to refuse to play those
roles which seem just cut out for them - that is, in our case, for example, if the fat old man were
to refuse to play the role of Sancho Panza or the lecherous drunkard that of Pear Griem.
The acute illnesses represent only the disharmony of the Personality or the fictitious self-
image of the person, who feels that his disguise has been broken - a disguise that he had built up
with effort, not only to present himself to his environment in a very appropriate or less adequate
manner, but also to protect himself against all the environmental factors that surround him. For
the same reason the mask serves in need - or when he thinks it is needed - to attack.
For these reasons he feels himself also helpless and his first wish, his first request to the
physician is to set right for him his mask At the same time there appears from behind his
profound Ego, his true being his existential Being, in order to show the lasting, or perhaps only
temporary, incongruence with his mask.
With wise foresight therefore the founder of Homoeopathy demands a search for the
Miasms or for what originally required of every man the putting on of a mask or Personality,
which deviates from his innermost aspiration.
We admit that so far man has been presented only as a spiritual or dynamic entity. He can
of course be handled and touched and he is subject to physical and chemical changes. These fall
entirely in the realm of Soma as he visibly shows himself. Hence we should slightly change, in
this sense, the ideas in our statements and say that from life itself, which is quite clearly
recognisable but not understandable by the materialistically oriented scientific beliefs the organic
or the Soma originates with its constitutional pathology or creative defects" imprinted by the
three miasms of Hahnemann - Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis.
Miasm ought not to be understood from this as a dynamism external to the individual but
really as an implicit deformation of the first form of expression of man's Being generally. As
materialists we would say: the genes already carry the defect in themselves. If we return to
dialectios, we can say that, if already the nature of man himself or the innermost core of our
being because of its purity and simplicity does not itself allow a deformation, the existential
Being on the other hand points to the conformity of the former to the biosphere of Teilhard de
Chardin but the "inadequacy” of the environment must necessarily have a part in it. Somewhat
like an architect who, even if he is so brilliant, has at his disposal only material of inferior quality
for the realisation of his design.
Finally we wish to say to all those who have followed our thoughts so far that the acute
illness has to be understood as the readjustment of man to his role which was assigned to him in
the comedy of our existence or to which he was forced by the environmental factors of his social
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The healing of chronic or miasmatic illness, on the other hand, means for the individual
the unique possibility to be able to express himself genuinely and in harmony with his innermost
aspiration which is a basic condition for his full self-realisation, that is, to be what he has to be.
1. The homoeopathic physician, because of his knowledge and the elements of his
method, is able to recognise, understand and deal with the Personality of man; over and above it,
however, he ought to try to recognise the Individual behind this mask.
2; If a lasting healing of the individual is yet possible, it is achieved by getting rid of his
miasmatic condition, as far as it is possible, in order to lead in this way to his full and genuine
3. Only through the recognition of the constitutional and miasmatic pathology can the
good physician achieve a true and lasting cure which not only serves the individual suffering
patient but the entire humanity and in harmony with the Whole.
(Translated from "Zeitchrift fur KLASSISLHE HOMOOPATHE and Arzneipotenzierung, Band
30, Heft 2/86, for private circulation only).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Introduction: I would like to refer the audience to previous communications that I have given in
other assemblies of the homoeopathic community, especially to the considerations presented to
the Homoeopathic Europea First Congress in Lyon France in May 1987. There, I broadly
reviewed all the strategies that are now in use and fashionable in the homoeopathic market place.
Firstly I would like to draw the attention of colleagues to the multiplicity of the
possibilities of the homoeopathic therapeutic system in order to keep in our mind that the
unique quality of this therapeutic system is its flexibility, its capacity to tailor for each patient a
therapeutic procedure that fits his individual and personal needs and his unique reactivity.
On the other hand, I would like to stress the ideal homoeopathic prescription, the one that
restores the patient's full self-defence capacity. This means that we would try to prescribe on a
set of symptoms corresponding to the minimal syndrome of maximal value in order to give a
remedy so basic to this patient's constitution and functioning that the patient will never be sick
again, except under extraordinary circumstances.
We know quite well that we seldom reach that ideal, but that is no reason not to aim for
it. Because when you reach it, it is marvel1ously rewarding.
Palliating acute illness: The purpose of this paper is to show a case where several attempts were
made to get to the root of the patient's problem, while in emergencies, we were humbly just
palliating the acute illness.
It shows that our efforts did not succeed until, after an apparently poorly indicated
remedy, an acute condition occurred that brought us a limited symptom picture which suggested
an unexpected remedy that eventually solved the case.
Enough time has now elapsed for the prescriber to assess that the basic vulnerability has
been reached and that the 'chronic disease' has been cured,
The case: (This gentleman, in charge of an important job in a financial company, leads quite a
sedentary life. He has recently been promoted in the company and says that it did not modify his
personal life. He is 48 years old, small, with a pale complexion and early baldness.
Family history: Mother had gallstones and died from leukaemia. Father died from acute
pulmonary oedema due to cardiac failure.
Personal history: No surgery and 'never been sick’
Childhood diseases were trivial and the usual childhood vaccinations did not provoke any
noticeable reaction. At 12 years he had scarlatina followed by bronchial complications.
One year before our first consultation, he developed an eczema of the lower limbs that he cured
by himself by altering his diet.
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He also presented recently rheumatic pain in the lumbar spine that he cured by wearing
woolly underwear.
FIRST CONSULTATION: The previous year had been a turmoil.
His wife has had surgery. He found his father dead on the toilet one year ago. That event
turned him upside down. A kind of prostration followed and he took Ignatia 200 that helped him
greatly. But he feels very nervous since.
One day, in the city, he could not figure out where he was, and this lasted some time.
In the company, there was a higher position vacant. This job could have been the logical
end and success of his Career. This also made him more nervous. But the job went to somebody
else giving him a sense of mortification.
A few months earlier, driving in a snow storm, he had a fit of panic, started to cry and
had to stop the car and let his wife drive. ‘He had the feeling that the mountains were going to
fall on him.' And he felt flaccidity in the legs as if they were paralyzed and made him unable to
It all started two months earlier, when the patient accepted another higher and very
difficult senior position in his company, but not the one he felt he deserved or expected. This
episodes of panic recurred after he accepted new responsibility in the company. Since then, he
feels nervous and unable to react correctly.
He has a tendency to keep everything inside and to feel lost in front of an obstacle, with
fits of panic and the feeling that he does not understand what he says any more.
His wife reports that he is more aggressive at home. He seems alright during the week-
ends, apart from a little disappointment when the children and grandchildren do not come to visit
Three months ago, a medical check-up was performed with a normal report on his cardio-
vascular condition, a blood test showing a slightly elevated cholesterol level, and increased
Previous treatments: The patient says that be never took any kind of medicine beside what he
calls 'minor homoeopathic remedies' for trivial ailments such as the common cold and digestive
upsets. Actually, he occasionally medicates himself with Nux vomica for digestive
indispositions and Gelsemium when he gets stage fright. This gives him some temporary
TABLE 1. First consultation. All the symptoms
S1 15 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; - disappointment (7)
S1 16 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; excitement, emotional
S1 17 MIND - AILIMENTS FROM; - fright
S1 18 MIND - AILIMENTS FROM; - honor, wounded
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
S1 18 MIND - AILIMENTS FROM; - indignation
S1 19 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; - mortification
S1 66 MIND - ANXIETY - conscience, as if guilty of a crime
S1 75 MIND - ANXIETY - future, about
S1 92 MIND - ANXIETY - time is set, if a
S1 151 MIND - CONFIDENCE, want of self
S1 153 MIND – COFUSION of mind
S1 171 MIND - CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles
S1 367 MIND - DELUSIONS, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions –
walls – falling (7)
S1 415 MIND - DULINESS, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and
comprehending, torpor- mortification, after
S1 486 MIND - FEAR, apprehension, dread - fall upon him, high walls and
S1 552 MIND - GRIEF - silent, undemonstrative
S1 553 MIND - GRIEF - silent, undemonstrative - indignation, with (2)
S1 723 MIND - MISTAKES; - localities, in
S1 767 MIND - OCCUPATION, diversion a.m.
S1 801 MIND - RECOGNIZE anyone, does not (2) - streets, does not
recognize well known
S1 808 MIND - REPROACHES – himself
S1 862 MIND - SADNESS, despondency, dejection, mental depression
gloom, melanchloy - quiet
S1 973 MIND - THINKING - complaints, - of egg.
S1 1037 MIND - WEEPING, tearful mood
S1 1052 MIND - WEEPING, tearful mood - mortification, after
S2 214 GENERAL - FOOD and DRINKS - cabbage - agg.
S2 246 GENERAL - FOOD and DRINKS - onions - agg.
S2 261 GENERAL - FOOD and DRINKS - sweets - de
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S2 700 GENERAL - WEATHER - mind - ailments
S2 702 GENERAL - WEATHER - windy and stormy weather - ailments
K 517 STOMACH- PAIN - burning - extending - throat
K 621 RECTUM - INACTIVITY of rectum
Digestive System: The appetite is good with a marked desire for sweets. No aversions. He gets
trouble when eating onions and cabbage. Bowel motion is poor. He does not feel the need to go
to the toilet. Thirst is normal.
Since many years, sporadic heartburn when nervous. He takes coffee four times a day. He
does not smoke but drinks one beer a day and one liter of wine at the week-end.
Sleep: Sleep is good and quiet, on the right side. He does not dream but snores when lying on his
back. However if some problem is in his mind the day before, he wakes up at 3 a.m. brooding on
it. If there is an important event the next day his sleep is disturbed by the longing for a good
sleep in order to be fit £or the event.
Generals and mentals: Air and seashore do not modify, but wind makes him nervous.
Feels insecure because he is a beginner in his new job and lacks experience and skill on
the new matters he has to handle. Feels guilty about it and reproaches himself for not being able
to cope with the new responsibilities.
He cannot stand being given orders.
. He considers himself an organized and methodical person without being fastidious.
He is better when manually active.
Feels like weeping when thinking about the episodes of panic. He tries to keep his grief
silent in order to keep control and act efficiently.
Appointments are very important in his behaviour. They make him very preoccupied
days in advance.
He is afraid to meet circumstances that would repeat the panicky disposition.
The whole situation is mortifying.
We could try to consider the totality of the symptoms and see different drug pictures in this
One could be Nux vomica.
This remedy is covering 25 of the 36 symptoms that we may consider in this case (Table 1)
But actually several remedies are very close, as we can see in the following list: (Table 2)
Symptoms Grade
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
NAT-MUR 21 43
ARS-ALB 20 34
SEPIA 18 31
the dullness of the mind after mortification
the silent grief
the reproaches to himself
the weeping after mortification
the aggr . from cabbage
the heartburn going up to the throat are not in the repertory for Nux vomica.
But the poly-medication with 'minor remedies', including Nux vomica, for any little
indisposition, along with the consumption of coffee and alcohol could suggest that this
remedy has been proved by the patient.
From the great number of remedies appearing in the repertorization, we could consider
that no clear cut result was to be drawn from that approach.
Another approach could consider the aetiological factor and the atmosphere of his situation by
analysing the Mortification syndrome (Table3)
TABLE 3. The mortification syndrome
S1 19 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; - mortification
S1 15 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; disappointment
S1 18 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; honor, wounded
S1 415 MIND- DULINESS, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and
comprehending, torpor - mortification, after
S1 18 MIND - AILMENTS F OM – indignation
S1 1052 MIND - WEEPING, tearful mood - mortification, after
This gave Staphysagria as the main remedy with, again Nux vomica as the second choice,
followed by Colocynthis and Ignatia.
The approach that has been chosen was to set on the fright and the emotional aspect of
this history, with some remarkable symptoms of the acute phase:
..The feeling that the mountains were going to fall on him.
..The feeling that he does not know where he is in as well known street.
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That is the reason why Argentum nitricum was given in the 10M (Table 4)
One month later: Worries, depression, apprehensions are all gone since the remedy has been
One month later: A letter from his wife says that apprehensions came back and that he took
another Argentum nitricum 200.
One month later: He comes for a consultation saying that he is tired by heavy work he did in his
house, but mentally fit since the dose of Argentum nitricum 200 that he took. Sleep is good and
Six months later: He is tense again since a week ago, following provocative interventions by the
trade unions. Also his dog just died with much suffering. Both events made him indignant. He
weeps without reason, at work or during the night. He forgets what he has just done, searches for
the watch he had just taken to the jeweller two days ago. He is so disturbed that he fears a car
accident when driving. The heartburn relapsed.
He was given Staphysagria 10M (Table 3)
One month later: Heartburn was gone. He was better mentally and slept well. But he felt weak,
with difficulty in concentration, and indifference to things he usually liked. He could not tolerate
cold weather, had icy cold feet and chills.
He received Sepia 200.
Three months later: Strikes were menacing the company and he was responsible for negotiations
with the unions.
Feet and hands were icy cold along with flushes of heat of the face, without sweat nor
alteration of the colour of his face.
He always felt as if in a hurry and the heartburn relapsed when he was nervous.
Still very fussy over trifles, he was sleeping badly again when nervous, he felt pain in the
calves, and with painful contractions at the neck as if he had played football.
Without having altered his eating habits, he lost 3 Kg from anxiety.
He was given Ignatia 50M.
He felt fine for four months. Simply taking sac.lac. regularly.
TABLE 4 justification of Argentum nitricum
S1 16 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; - excitement, emotional
S1 17 MIND - AILMENTS FORM; - fright
S1 19 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; - mortification
S1 75 MIND - ANXIETY - future, about
S1 92 MIND - ANXIETY - time is set, if a
S1 151 MIND - CONFIDENCE, want of self
S1 153 MIND - CONFUSION of mind
S1 367 MIND - DELUSIONS, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions -
walls - falling
S1 486 MIND - FEAR, apprehension, dread-fall upon him, high walls
and building
S1 723 MIND - MISTAKES - localities, in
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
S1 973 MIND - THINKING, - complaints, - of egg
S1 1037 MIND - WEEPING. tearful mood.
S2 261 GENERAL - FOOD and DRINKS - sweets, desire
K 6621 RECTUM - INACTIVITY of rectum
Four months later: He reports that he feels great.
He was even off sac.lac. for over a month .
The only remaining symptoms were peripheral:
-Extremities felt icy cold and some numbness appeared when flexing the legs.
-There was some trembling from taking coffee.
-Alcohol (mostly Scotch Whisky) was giving some trouble:
pain and redness of the left ear with trembling in the body.
The trembling from alcohol and the icy cold extremities suggested Lachesis but nothing was
given, since the patient felt well in spite of losing two more kilos (weight was 75 kg now.).
Few weeks later: A colleague of ours, who acts as locum, saw him for a sore throat worse on the
left side, ameliorated by warm drinks.
He gave Lachesis 6, without knowing the consideration above. That one dose kept him
well for six months. And one might have thought that the fundamental remedy had been found.
Six months later: The throat hurt sporadically. The ear was painful after alimentary excesses and
alcohol, with tender liver and migraines that were better after stool. He took Nux vomica for
those ailments.
Sleep was good, Blood pressure usually low, was normal and stable.
Weight was stable also: 75kg.
Hands and feet were cold and numb during sleep.
Everything was dramatically better during the holidays.
Only one thing has happened: The patient reported a tendency to faintness in a warm room when
there was something that made him nervous.
One day, he was eating a simple meal in a warm place and his neighbour was telling
about his misfortunes.
He suddenly felt perspiration the forehead, a sensation of heat in the body; he became very pale
and suddenly fell unconscious for a short while. The physician called in emergency noted
He was again given Lachesis 6.
One year and a half later: Everything was about perfect.
He only took Kali bichromicum and Nux vomica once. He did not take anything else at
all for more than one year.
Eating too much, or exciting events did not affect him anymore.
A short sleep proved good and refreshing.
No numbness occurred.
Blood pressure was stable at 140/ 90
He gained weight (2kg) and was now 77kg..
Once in a while, ear and eye were painful after alcohol.
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He was a little afraid to stay without remedies but felt free now to be able to cope without
it. He received Lachesis 0/6 (LM) not to take now but only if he seriously felt that his self-
defence capacity was really going down.
One month later: Death of his father-in-1aw.
Pain appeared in the whole body, mainly on the left side. He felt pain in the heart region.
He would wake at 5 a.m. with an empty feeling in the head.
He took the dose of Lachesis that he had at home. No effect.
He received several doses of sac.lac. later on. No effect.
It took two weeks for the main ailments to slow down.
Three months later: He told more about the death of his father-in-law; his left chest pain
radiating to the left arm, and his fear of dying in his father-in-laws bed Where he was sleeping.
Serious troubles resumed with the unions and the board of directors did not support him.
He had some anticipatory worries about a higher job that he might apply for.
Brooding again on his cares and worries, he felt the apprehension and panic come back
with sweat on the forehead, hot head, cold extremities. He would wake early at night and his
sleep was unrefreshing.
Lachesis 0/6 dramatically alleviated the ailments, but the amelioration did not last.
Now he felt as if his head would burst when a time was set for an appointment or any
other settlement data.
Then he feels like a child with panic and afraid to do things that he should not do.
He received one dose of Argentum nitricum 0/6.
Some days later: Some amelioration
He slept better but still with unrest as three years ago. His panics became an obsession.
The perspiration of the head was profuse and he was exhausted at the end of the day..
Discussing with his wife comforts him. He took one dose of Calcarea ostrearum.
He felt more calm now.
Two days later: His vision was blurred, the extremities icy cold.
His new Job was a tragedy. He did not know what to do. 'Doctor, it is unbearable: I feel
as if my will is contradictory or as if I have many different wills.'
On this last information; he received; Anacardium orientale 30.
Since then everything has been alright.
The patient has no aggressivity at home any more, nor in any circumstances.
His sleep is regular. Calm, and refreshing.
He is in perfect control of himself, at work as well as in the family.
No recurrence for seven years.
How did this Anacardium orientale come to attention so late, and to give such a good and long
lasting improvement in the end?
Several studies have been done on this case, with different psychologists, in order to gain
better understanding. But none gave us the clue.
The divided will, the two wills, the contradictory wills, were not verbalized unti1 the last
consultation. They only appeared In the acute phase, after several previous interviews and
Most of the comments agree on bipolarity between two different stages of consciousness.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
On the one hand, an oversensitiveness and aggressivity in the family, his natural milieu
where he is allowed to express it without any danger. And on the other hand society, where he
may not project that behaviour, and gets faintness when silencing his emotions and feelings at
This is a schizoid element that could have suggested Anacardium orientale.
Some knowledge that the patient has about homoeopathic palliation and the self-
medication that he has made with it, may have blurred the symptomatic picture. The patient only
came to the physician when he could not cope any more with his palliative remedies.
Also, the patient was assuming that the investigation of all the system was pointless since
he could face, with his homoeopathic knowledge, what was not pertaining to his neurotic crisis.
One could have thought of a divided structure when the somatization became unilateral
(one ear, one foot, one eye, one side.)
We did investigate the symptoms of Anacardium orientale that were already present in
the very first consultation but did not see how we could prescribe it right away (Table 5).
Another hypothesis, provisionally the last one, is that Calcarrea ostrearum did act as an
unmasker, making his divided will verbalized, allowing the prescription of Anacardium
This recalls the teaching that an unverbalized symptom should not be taken into account
until the sequence of the prescriptions makes the patient aware enough to verbalize it.
In conclusion, no strategy is perfect, and we should know all of them and be able to join
our rigorously recorded clinical experiences in order to find out criteria that could save time for
the patients and for us.
TABLE 5. First consultation Anac-orientals already present
S1 16 – 1234 1 1 MIND – AILMENTS FROM; - excitement, emotional
S1 17 – 1234 1 2 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; - fright
S1 19 – 1234 1 3 MIND - AILMENTS FROM; - mortification
S1 66 – 1234 1 4 MIND – ANXIETY – conscience, as if guilty of a crime.
S1 151 – 1234 1 5 MIND - CONFIDENCE, want of self
S1 153 1234 1 6 MIND – CONFUSION of mind
S1 783 – 1234 1 7 MIND – QUARRELSOME
S1 808 – 1234 1 8 MIND – REPROACHES himself
S2 700 – 1234 1 9 MIND – GENERAL – WEATHER – wind – ailments
K 499 –1234 1 10 STOMACH – HEARTBURN
K 517 –1234 1 11 STOMACH – PAIN – burning – extending – throat
K 621 –1234 1 12 RECTUM - INACTIVITY of rectum
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
[From the BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC JOURNAL, volume 76, Number 4, October 1987; for
Private Circulation only]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
"I thought the proving of Scorpion especially valuable. I was moved to duplicate the Glonoin
experiment, using the 30x I have, and experienced a short term surface warmth of the forearms at
an hour, and at an hour twenty a feeling somewhat between "energized" and "clarified” of a quite
moderate degree. So right in line with the proving. Wouldn't it be a great plus for homoeopathy if
more provings would be organized, and especially so if they could adhere to the stringent criteria
laid out by Vithoulkas in THE SCIENCE OF HOMOEOPATHY” -- Mr. Daniel Papish, Eugene,
Oregon, U.S.A.
"In Feed- back (Decbr.1987 Qrly.Digest) Dr.Lakshminarayanan has given very useful tips both
for treatment and prophylaxis of Measles. This, together with the original article in No.2/1987
deserve to be carefully memorised, as measles is a very common children's ailment in India
Mr. S M. Gunavante, Bombay.
New Delhi writes to say that the "first Asian Congress of AHML scheduled to be held at
Kathmandu from 10 to 12 April 1988 has been postponed under the instructions of the Social
Services, National Coordination Council of Nepal.
It has been proposed now to hold the Congress in the month of September 1988. Dates and
details will be conveyed sometime in the next month."
Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg, 1987, 523 pages,
DM 78/- (in German)
Materia Medica and Repertory are the two main instruments for every homoeopath. Are
the materia medica texts and the repertories currently in use complete and up-to date? Do they
contain the proving symptoms in the exact words of the prover/s which would enable the
physician to compare and individualize? Moreover, the results of re-provings, clinical symptoms
etc. obtained over the years, after the older texts (now in use) were published have not been
collected and compiled And up-dated materia medica and repertory have not been brought out.
The clinical experience of the past few decades have not been added to the materia medica and
they are lying scattered in various journals. Only an updated materia medica will help compile a
concurrent repertory. This will be possible only with the active cooperation of all homoeopaths
through their case reports.
Towards this end Dr. G.von Keller began over 15 years ago to collect and compile
monograph of individual homoeopathic remedies. So far thirteen monographs: KREOSOTE,
published. KALIUM CARBONICUM is the fourteenth and largest so far in the series.
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For each and every symptom the source and original text with symptom number, page
number etc. have been given. This list alone covers 54 pages in very small, close prints. The text
then follows: Mind and disposition; Sleep, sleep position, dreams; Vertigo; Weakness,
Convulsion; Skin, eruption, swellings, facial color, expression etc.; Temperature; Headaches;
Backaches; Pains of extremities; Chest pains; Abdominal pains; Eyes; Ears; Nose; Teeth;
Pharynx; Lips; Tongue; taste; Mouth; Throat; Cough, expectoration, etc.; Respiration; Heart;
Appetite; Nausea; Eructations; Flatulence; Stool: Anus; Urinary organs; Genitalia Sexuality;
Menses, pregnancy -- each part with location; modalities and concomitants ; Generalities,
alphabetical index of unusual sensations, choice of characteristic symptoms, complete the book.
Dr. von Keller has drawn attention to Hering's statement: "alphabetical order is of no
good except as Hahnemann has used it, to arrange in one volume the effects of the medicines
a register so arranged . helps little since more often the words, the terms, because of the
ambiguity of language, are not at all the essential issues related words must be together
Attempt has been made in these monographs to bring about such an order. For example
under "lacking drive, listless, despondent” are given the symptoms "does not know what he
should do. Irresolute" and this condition is explained (with source) "Irresoluteness.20. unpleasant
mood; he is capricious and often does not himself know what he wants,32; unpleasant mood; he
demands with impetuousness, not satisfied with anything, becomes besides himself and becomes
furiously angry if everything does not go as he wished and often does not himself know what he
would really like to have.33. Cannot express anything, knows not how he should begin it, to say
something or do what he would like to.3302. Aversion to husband and child but would not like to
be separated from them. 4109".
The numbers at end of the symptom indicate the source.
Every symptom/nomenclature has been analytically studied with reference to the
proving/clinical symptom thus providing cross references and synonyms.
To the best of our knowledge no work of this type has been done so far by any one and
we must be thankful to Dr. von Keller.
The monographs are of great value and must be made available in English for world-wide
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
2 QHD, Vol.V, No.2, June 1988
Dear Doctor,
The theme is REPERTORY.
We have two excellent articles: (i) understanding the rubrics in the light of cultura1 and
aesthetic background of the patient, (ii) semantic study of the words Vexation, Mortification and
Indignation and the psychiatric implications of these terms in the official nosology. Here too the
cultural approach to Vexation, Mortification and Indignation are explored. Particular attention is
drawn to paragraph 98 of the ORGANON.
There are printing errors in the Repertories. KENT being the most extensively used, it has
been examined and some printing errors brought to light. It is suggested that these errors may be
corrected in the copies used by the profession. It is also suggested that the publishers of KENT
REPERTORY carry out all the corrections so far found out, in the next edition. Mere reprints
without any improvements even after pointing out is actually misleading. I have also found that
some of the errors (Bov./Bar., Ambr./Am-br., Sarr./Sars.) have been corrected in the new
KUNZLI/KENT, but not all the errors pointed in the article in this number of our DIGEST. Same
with the SR too. Corrections is a continuous process and every member of the profession must
BOOK-SHELF: Dr.Schmeer’s book reviewed also gives some addition to the Rep.
besides giving an insight into the rubrics relating to different Neurosis. FEED-BACK and NEWS
etc. complete this number.
30 June 1988.
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The author presents a semantic study of the words Vexation, Mortification and Indignation and
the psychiatric implications of these terms in the official nosology. The psychological
significance of emotions is analyzed and the current psychosomatic significance of the concept
considered. The clinical difficulties of emotional investigation are touched on, and the historical
differences in the cultural approach to vexation, mortification and indignation between the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries are explored, as are peculiarities of northern and southern
style. Finally the expression of those emotions is considered and the thwarted manner of
Staphisagria patients that accounts for so much in the shaping of the clinical picture.
The most important task of clinical medicine is the interpretation of clinical observations
made on the patient. The expressions of the disease form the conceptual base of diagnostics.
Since Francis Bacon (1561-1626) published his Instauratio Magna: Novum Organon
Scientiarium in England in 1620.
Western thought aspires to an ideal observation with the
following characteristics:
Reference to concrete facts
Two hundred years later, Auguste Comte (1798-1857) created positivism and furthered
the scientific tendency even more, i.e. the belief that the data gained from observation of natural
facts allow conclusions to be drawn leading to laws and theories that rule and explain them.
We now know that science is not made up of facts but recreates them, observers being
part of what is observed.
Clinical homoeopathy bases itself on the :principle of similarity and
consequently on the search for unquectionable and conclusive profiles. On the one hand one
must observe signs and symptoms produced in experiments where the medicine is given to
healthy human subjects; their reactions define a wall identified syndrome. On the other hand one
must observe signs and symptoms (facts) that indicate an identifiable syndrome in the patient so
that the appropriate medicine may be found.
This process leads from correct appreciation of
what the experimenters express to the correct interpretation of what is expressed by the patient.
The way, here, really is that of oral communication. From Bacon to the present time scientific
effort has been applied to the exact use of language, thus giving the illusion of a scientific
language that has its best form of expression in the language of mathematics, where numbers
summarize the quality of measurements in the repetition of facts. In other words; the scientific
formulation of experiments must be objective.
To summarize, the clinician is trained to decipher correctly both the physical signs given
to his sense during direct observation of the patient and the symptoms given by the patient with
reference to his complaint and in his special language. All this is part of the analysis of the
expression of the patient’s sufferings. The key to this training can be found in the study of the
doctor-patient relationship.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Since the advent of rationalism, with Rene Descartes (1596-1650), the scientific world
and, of course, medical thought tend to separate reality (what is real) from man’s experience of
the world (what is subjective), giving more importance to physical signs (real) than to mental
symptoms (subjective). In his Treatise on the World, which he finished writing in 1663 but did
not publish because of Galileo's sentence, Descartes gives us nevertheless a very interesting
paradigm: 'Words have nothing in common with the things they name and, notwithstanding this,
we do not generally distinguish between the one and the other’.
For the clinician, however, there is only one way of knowing his patient's symptoms, and
that is through what the patient himself expresses, the symptoms he complains of, the gestures he
makes, and above all the words he uses.
To change the patient's words (verbatim) into scientific words (medical language) calls
for serious interpretation (the doctor's theory), and that, precisely, is diagnosis.
Many symptoms are easily dealt with, but difficulties arise with sentiments, affects,
passions and emotional reactions. In a word, it is a difficult task to deal with emotions. The
concept of emotion leads us, of course, to think of mental symptoms as an important part of
human suffering, an aspect that is of concern to the clinician in general and also the bridge
between psychiatry, medicine and surgery.
The problem of emotions, even reduced to being the
first step on the very complicated staircase of sensitivity to affection, inevitably leads us to the
psychosomatic medicine of the twentieth century.
Semantically, emotion is truly a neurochemical complex that leads animals to express
their sensitivity, their motility and their glandular secretions; in a word, to react in the face of
what is another’s and what is one's own.
Even within the strictest rules of a rationalistic and
mechanistic approach we can observe the way in which emotions act
on both mind and body. To summarize, let us devise a psychological reductionist schema of
affect, beginning with what appears to be most simple: the basic four emotions, love, gaiety,
pain, fear, and discontent or anger.
Sensory perception
Temperament, humour or character
Add to these in intellect, will, memory, intuition and imagination, and we will be able to
draw a diagram of the basis of ethics, morals, and the adaptation of human beings to society, or,
better , to culture.
Only in this way can we come to understand a little of the concepts of indignation,
mortification and vexation. In conventional twentieth century practice the three concepts are
much diluted, in the extreme case to 'stress' in the General Theory of Adaptation set forth by
Hans Selye,
or included in the magnificent clinical histories of Viktor von Weizsaecker and
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Arthur Jores of the German anthropological school.
10, 11
Yet they seem too complicated within
the tendencies of reflexology. In homoeopathic practice, on the other hand, these concepts are
studied as an integral part of Kent's Repertory
and an important aid in the identification of
medicines that facilitates the return of health. One of these is Delphinium Staphisagria.
Tyler Kent was born in Woodhull, New York, on 31 March 1849 and died in Stevensville,
Montana, on 6 June 1916, when he was 67 years old. At the age of 51, on 1 July 1900, he
published his most important work. Lectures, Homoeopathic Philosophy in Evenston, Illinois.
He was professor of Materia Medica at the Homoeopathic Medical College of St. Louis (from
age 32 to 37), Post-Graduate School of Homoeopathy, Philadelphia in 1890-1899 (from age 41
to 50), Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, Chicago, 1903-1909 (from age 54 to 60), and
at the Hering Medical College from 1909 until his death in 1916. In the preface to his Final
General Repertory, Kent suggested the reading of paragraphs 83 to 140 or Hahnemann’s
Organon and specified:
Write out all the mental symptoms and all symptoms and conditions predicated of the
patient’s himself and search the Repertory for symptoms that correspond to these.
Paragraph 98 of the Organon merits careful attention:
It is true that one should above all listen to what the patient himself has to say about his
symptoms and sensations and attach particular importance to the way he expresses his sufferings
in his own words. If we take them from the lips of relatives or nurses they tend to be distorted
and even untrue. Yet on the other hand a high degree of prudence, mature deliberation,
knowledge of human nature and delicacy of approach will be required to ascertain the whole true
picture, in all its detail, particularly when dealing with a chronic condition.
Finally let us say, definitively, that the Repertory leans more on observations put together
by eminent clinicians than on the result of provings done on healthy subjects. It owes its
usefulness to the system of cross references to other rubrics. The rubrics carry different semantic
weight, however, especially in the 'Mind' section; that is, they range from one extreme - the
observation of the facts related by the patient or to the patient to the other - the clinical
interpretation of the words chosen to express his sensibility.
Taking just Staphisagria, an example of the one extreme is ‘Throws things at persons who
offend' (page 88), and of the other: ‘Dullness after mortification' ('page 38). Or, if we take
Colocynthis one extreme is 'Dullness after beer' (page 38), the other 'Delusions transferred to
another room' (page 33).
Taking all is into account, let us examine more closely the rubric 'Indignation, bad effects
following’ (page 55). Here we find Staphisagria in bold type, Colocynthis in italics, and
Ipecacuanha, Nux vomica and Platinum in ordinary type. If we look under 'Mortification' on
page 68, we find Colocynthis and Staphisagria in bold type. Under 'Vexation' (page 91) we are
referred to 'Irritability and Anger,’ The first of these, on page 57, has Colocynthis in italics and
Staphisagria in bold type, with Staphisagria but not Colocynthis listed under 'daytime', 'morning'
(page 58) 'after coition', after emission', 'during heat’, and 'when spoken to' (page 59). Under
'Anger' (page 2) we find Colocynthis in italics and Staphisagria in bold type, with Colocynthis
eliminated under 'ailments after anger, vexation etc.', 'with indignation', 'over his mistakes', 'from
suppressed', 'throws things away' and 'violent' (page 3).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
It is evident that the two clinical descriptions have become mentally differentiated; this is
important not only because of its obvious practical usefulness but also because of its relevance to
what I have in previous studies called 'identification of the homoeopathic personoid'. Personality
is the ensemble of physical and mental traits of the individual; this ensemble allows the observer
to predict the subject's conduct. The 'homoeopathic personoid' would be the ensemble of physical
and mental traits seen in provings or observed clinically that allows us to distinguish one
medicine from another and apply it correctly in therapy.
In lectures given to doctors and psychologists at the university I have repeatedly stated
that there is a dynamic reality in the order of human ideas. To be able to think, one must know
how to speak, and to be able to speak, one must know the significance of the words used in
everyday as much as in academic language. It is logical to say that everybody expresses himself
better in the mother tongue, but it is also true that all languages change with time and the use of
words grows or diminishes with the development of new habits, new trends, new technological
achievements and particularly with new philosophical, political and religious points of view. In
my programme of lectures on 'Criticism of Psychological Systems' at the university I have been
using a method called 'doxography' for more than 25 years.
Doxography is a method of historica1 investigation. To use it, one takes an idea and
analyzes it to determine who spoke of it first, in which epoch and under what circumstances,
geopolitical or other; in what way the idea is connected with the past. That is to say, who
expressed it first, in what language, and what were its later effects on other human beings.
Applying the method to the subject under discussion, imagine James Tyler Kent in his
time and his cultural background: a North American physician of the second half of the
nineteenth century - white, Anglosaxon and protestant. I thought the appropriate dictionary for
this would be the 1876 Webster. As I usually write in Spanish, I compared it with the
Etymological Dictionary of Barcia of 1883 and found almost identical similitudes. I also
compared it with the 1984 Webster, finding the entry reduced but no major semantic
I think Kent took note of the synonyms for Indignation in Webster's Dictionary,
that is to say 'Anger' (page 2), ' Ire ','Wrath', 'Resentment' (page 71) , 'Fury' (page 50), ‘Rage’
(page70), because some of these words are to be found in the Repertory on those pages. Under
‘Resentment’ (page 71) Kent refers the reader to 'Malicious’ (page 63), 'Irascibility' (page 57) to
'Anger' (page 2). Rage (page 70) appears to be connected with 'Fury' (page 50), 'Insanity’ (page
56) 'Mania' (page 63) and 'Delirium' (page 18). In the 1atter rubric Colocynthis appears in
ordinary type and Staphisagria not at all. ‘Wrath' is not to be found to the Repertory.
We know, on the other hand, that in Kent's day the medical profession had no intimate
connection with the alienists of the time. Emil Kraepelin's classification (1855-1926) did not
become generally known until the fourth edition of his textbook of psychiatry came out. In other
words, Kent's semantics as to the words Indignation, Vexation and Mortification belong to
common sense and not psychiatric language. Add to this the fact that Sigmund Freud (1856-
1939)- did not begin his psychological revolution with the discovery of the dynamic unconscious
until 1900, in his book The Interpretation of Dreams, and it will be obvious that clinical
interpretations and Kent's use of language aim for a common-sense ground, ignoring the
complex unconscious phenomena that are part of the usual language today. Twentieth-century
clinicians are familiar with words like complex, impulse, regression, dissociation, trauma, and
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many others, their meaning relating to the complex world of our repressed desires, childhood
traumas and many other variations of psychological ideas. The homoeopath of today must be
aware of these things to be able to understand the emotional world of his patients more fully; at
the same time he can go on using the items in Kent's Repertory, though in a more precise fashion
than before, without disturbing the vast understanding and elaborate subtlety of his penetrating
clinical observations.
On this basis we can make some pertinent comments on Indignation, extending them to
Mortification and Vexation, within the cultural background of Kent's Repertory and its concepts
from the point of view of doxography.
Indignation would be a passion whose real path is the expression of a protest and not its
repression. Kent makes us aware of this, for his 'Indignation' rubric (page 55) has the subrubrics
'morning', 'bad effects, following', 'discomfort, from general', 'dreams, at unpleasant' and
'pregnant, while’.
Yet it is around the word 'anger' that the three words we are considering turn. Vexation
would be an affect provoked by our desires being crossed, as well as our ideas. Mortification
could arise from wounded personal pride or importance, causing, a more permanent change of
temper. The expression given to these emotional complexes will however vary with each
personality and with different social habits. In North America indignation relates more to
paternal disturbances in the family or in society. In South America it relates more to materna1
affliction and to a social image of matriarchy.
These very tempting reflections lead to a polemical range of thought that, though most
interesting, would pull us away from the clinical intention of this essay.
I therefore want to end with some clinical examples taken :from my case records, I am
limiting myself to cases where Staphisagria was prescribed, with the only real proof one can
have in medical practice, that is, prescription of the medicine followed by the re-establishment of
health as it was before the clinical picture developed, identified as a 'personoid' called
Delphinium staphisagria. Among two hundred case histories selected at random I found three
where Staphisagria had been indicated.
Case No. 1573
A married woman aged 50 was referred by her internist because she was very depressed. She had
a daughter aged 26 and a husband who had been ignoring her mentally and physically for the last
twenty years. She worked hard and was proud of her Origins. She accused her husband of being
irresponsible, ignorant and a drunkard. After unsuccessfully trying to get a divorce when she was
49 she tried to kill herself with an overdose of benzodiazepine which she usually took at night to
help her sleep (she had been taking it for the last ten years).
First prescription: Sepia 10M.
She returned a month later with her first relapse, having quarreled with her husband, their
daughter, a university student, coming actively between them.
Aurum 10M.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The patient came for psychotherapy once a week and we became aware of her medical
aid psychological antecedents. Violent headaches on the right side since youth; repeatedly
mortified; did no cry frequently; proud; introvert and always fighting with her mother who she
said was like her husband like two drops of water. The daughter physically and mentally
resembled the patient’s father cultured, intellectual and rich (he had died when the patient was
23 and that was why she had been unable to go to university). The symptoms led us to prescribe
Natrum muriaticum with good results for several weeks, during which time the patient did not
come to see me because her husband was unwilling to pay my professional fees.
She returned one day, trembling and complaining of urethral burning of micturition. She
felt mortified for the following reasons, which she told me, succinctly depicting the drama; her
husband had been trying to win their daughter’s love by using the money my patient had saved
with great effort and by working for many years, to buy a car (for the daughter) and thus win her
admiration without saying where the money came from. My patient had to swallow her
enormous fury, not wishing to make matters worse by telling her daughter the truth: 'Your
father is dishonest and a thief'. These circumstance gave rise to the symptoms that led me to give
her Staphisagria 10M.
The daughter reported enormous changes at home, ending in her parents separating. I saw
the patient again three months later. She was now divorced and I gave her Sepia 10M.
Not wishing to make the story too long, let me end by stressing something I think will be
useful to homoeopaths who may read this, I think the principal medicine in this case was Natrum
muriaticum, a 'personoid' full of grudges and unsociable, with the maternal figure (or image),
insomnia, with headaches and a tendency to drug addiction. In short, and to use a metaphorical
image, the look is of a tied-up Lachesis.
Against this background confusion crisis showed up, also depression, loss of memory,
resentments and cystitis; all of these define an emotional complex that made her feel vexed and
mortified and end up very annoyed at her marital situation, feeling herself to be the victim of an
attack against her own image as a mother. Her wounded pride and her upbringing did not allow
her to show justifiable indignation. The 'personoid' was Delphinium staphisagria.
Many years have passed and this woman remembers me with affection and gratitude. She
now lives alone with her daughter, who has a university degree. I think the patient will have
another outbreak of Staphisagria when her daughter's fiance decides to marry her.
Case No. 1594
A married woman aged 53 came to see me on the advice of her son, a doctor saying: ' I have
wished for a long time to see a psychiatrist. Ever since I have been able to reason I have been a
tormented person. I have suffered a lot, without making it known to others or making them
‘At the age of 40 I underwent a cancer operation on my right breast; this made me feel
sexually inhibited; I tried to appear as if I had overcome this, but the problem got worse after the
second operation, a hysterectomy that I had 13 months ago. It was terrible and unbelieveably I
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resented it much more, especially when I was told I would be given anti-oestrogens. I do not
have much faith in psychiatrists, but there are things one cannot talk about with one's son. I want
a catharsis.
‘As I am very close to my son, it is difficult for me to hide anything from him. He suffers
a lot when he sees me depressed. At the bottom, I am a very weak person. When it starts to get
dark I feel sick, I am afraid of the night because then all. the problems of my past life come out.
I have a leaning towards killing myself since the day I learned that I had cancer and the reason
for the second operation. The surgeon did not tell me anything, only not to be a coward. I said to
him: "You have Experience …", and he replied: "You have overcome the other; why not this
one”? Then I knew, If I were courageous I would kill myself I am afraid of death and I have
lost my faith a little’.
Afterwards, in a joint meeting with Dr. Esteban Suarez, we took into account the
following symptoms; Fear of death, page 44; 'Fear of the dark', page 43; 'Anxiety on walking',
page 8; 'Anticipation" page 4; 'Consolation aggravates', page 16; ‘Company, aversion', page 12;
'Desire salt', page 486; 'Thirst at night', page 528; 'Sleep, unrefreshing', page 1255; 'Coition,
aversion', page 715, 'Coition, enjoyment absent', page 715. All of these point to Natrum
muriaticum and to Phosphorus. We chose Phosphorous and gave it to the patient for a month,
going up from 0/6 LM, 0/12, 0/18 to 0/30 LM.
After two months of psychotherapy and improvement, the patient showed an acute picture of
Staphisagria, for she had come to understand the problem of her life: her husband was the very
likeness of her mother, who had thwarted her ambitions to study medicine and to develop her
personality in literature. She felt she was not able to show her indignation over her husband's
repeated and hypocritical slights. She thought that the continuous talk between her husband and
her doctor son was really an insult to her mental ability and self-esteem. At the same time she
resented what she suspected; that they wanted to decide without asking her consent on such
intimate issues as changing her mammary prosthesis etc. She was well aware that if she
exploded, protesting, she would lose 'what remained of her marriage' and she could not do that to
her affectionate and devoted son. She ended up by confessing that she had been throwing things
about all mornings and that she had burned a mammary prosthesis.
I gave her Staphisagria 0/3 LM in drops, with direction to take a dropper of them every
hour until the bottle was finished. The next day she called me, surprised and happy, to tell me
that the urethral burning before micturition had gone, that she had dreamed of her father and that
she would be travelling to Europe with her husband to meet her son.
Two years later she sent a friend- who had also had surgery for breast cancer - with a
small note saying; ‘Help her the same way you helped me …’.
Case No. 1532
An. artist aged 47 working in advertising came to see me on the recommendation of a ‘Pulsatilla’
I had taken care of. A tall man, delicate, intelligent, talkative and very agitated, with the
following history.
Tonsillitis at age 12, cyst of frontal antrum at age 17. Virus hepatitis with relapse after
two months at 20. Inguinal hernia on the right side at 45. Married at 24 to his first girl friend who
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
was 17: 'She was very beautiful and my mother loved her as if she had been her own daughter,
but she set her up against my father and me; it was not by chance that they were both neurotics'.
They got divorced when he was 35. having had three children and changed both profession and
country; the only thing he had kept was his fondness for the musical instrument his father had
He started another relationship with a divorcee who had no children, and brought her to
this country a year after. They had been living together for ten years and had a child of eight. She
had admitted her sexual frigidity to him and for the past year also her conjugal infidelity,
showing indifference in her affections and a great avidity for money. We made the diagnosis
Natrum muriaticum on the basis of the most important symptoms: ‘Loquaciousness’, page 63;
‘Love, disappointed’, page 63; weeping, telling her symptoms’, page 94, Forsaken’, page 49;
‘Dandruff’, page 114; ‘Pain head, from spirituous liquors’, page 148; ‘Waking five a.m., page
He continued his weekly psychotheraphy with me and after several months of trying to
forget his lover, he found himself in a highly dramatic And definitive Situation. To make it short,
the woman had left him their little son; one morning she had said to him in front of the child that
she despised him as a man and as an artist; she had kept their flat and had let in a new lover who
satisfied her amply. My patient reacted with unusual violence and broke useful and also artistic
objects during a very intense scene. He threw her out of his studio flat and was still trembling
with indignation as he told me, over and again, of different plans and strategies of subtle mental
tortures and legal vengeance. 'On top of it All', he said, 'the bitch has
left me some venereal disease; I have a burning sensation in the urethra that gets better only
when I urinate’. ‘My thoughts are confused, I have loses of memory and, all the more, constantly
and overwhelmingly, remembrances of the time when I had sex with that strumpet'.
The prescription of Staphisagria 10M, dissolved in water, was followed by an immediate
Three months later he said good-bye to me, to go and live in the country; now a young
and sporting father, living with his youngest son, having his other children come to stay during
the holidays; and exchanging affectionate letter with his first wife.
To finish and reach a kind of conclusion, it may be realized that the ' prudence, mature
deliberation, knowledge of human nature and delicacy of approach' a doctor must have in the
'highest degree, as Hahnemann says in paragraph 98 of his Organon, becomes all the more
necessary in the difficult task of understanding the emotional life of our patients, through the
expression, through their expressions. It is a task without which it is not possible to benefit from
the Law of Similars.
The Knowledge of human nature' of the end of' the eighteenth and beginning of the
nineteenth century (Hahnemann was born in Meissen on 11 April 1755 And died in Paris on 2
Ju1y 1843) has since Freud’s discovery of the dynamic unconscious become a more subtle
approach for twentieth-century physicians, including a1so a profound consideration of the hidden
mechanisms that direct our actions toward the world that surrounds us, and an interpretation of
the multicoloured world symbolism that is the fundamental weft of verbal and nonverba1
communication among human beings, in their relation with their own and other people's
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suffering, Indignation, for instance, is an affective phenomenon only explainable on the basis of
pride, and pride is something that belongs exclusively to the human species.
1. Great Books of the Western World Encyclopaedia Britanica vol. 6, Chicago; William
Benton 1963.
2. Ibid.
3. Kuhn TS. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago; University of Chicago
Press 1970.
4. Hahnemann S, Organon del Arte de Curar, Barcelona: J, Torner 1846.
5. Le Monde (AT,.XI.p.4). Cita de Salvio Turro en; Descartes, Anthropos, Editorial del
Hombre p,305., Barcelona 1985.
6, Risquez F. Conceptos de Psicodinemia.Caracas; Monte Avila Editors 1975.
7. Flanders Dunbar. Emotions and Bodily Changes. New York;
Columbia Univ. Press 1949.
8. Hillman J.,Emotion, London; Routledge & Kegan Paul 1962.
9. Pascualini R Stress. Buenos Aires; Libreria E1 Atenco 1952.
10. von Weizsaecker V. El Hombre Enfirmo, Barcelona; Luis Miracle Editor 1956.
11. Jores A. El Hombre v Su Enfermidad. Barcelona; Editorial Labor 1961.
12. Kent JT. Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Calcutta Sett Dey & Co.
13. Kent JT, Filosofia Homoepatica.
14. Kent JT, Final General Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Revised
edn. Pierre Schmidt and Diwan Harish Chand. New Delhi 1980.
15. Hahnemann S. Doctrine Homoeopathique ou Organon de l’Art de Guerir. Avee
Glossaire et Annotations de Pierre Schmidt. Geneva 1952.
16. Webster N. An American Dictionary of the English Language, Springfield. Mass: G.
& C. Merrriam 1876.
17. Barcia Dr. Diccionario Etimolojco de la Lengua Espanola. Alvarez Hermanos 1883.
18. The New Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, New York;
Avent Books 1984.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Some reflections and
Mr. chairman, ladies and gentlemen,
I intend to present some of my thoughts about homoeopathy, such a beautiful example of
inductive reasoning, the application of which constitutes the most precious of all the arts
practised by man. It is interesting to note that it has many analogies with painting.
Nothing ever stands still in life and we should never be complacent. We must strive ever
more strenuously in our study of life to enhance our technique. Is there not room for
improvement in our use of homoeopathy? Do not our pharmacopoeia and repertory need
updating in content and terminology, and amendment to include cultural and aesthetic
dimensions which seem to be missing in this timeless but ever changing therapy?
We live in the Aquarian age of transition and confusion, of technical information but lack
of true communication, a world in which all our values seem to be in the melting pot while we
attempt to sort ourselves out. Against this gloomy picture must be set the enhanced and increased
awareness among our young people of the distress, deprivation and unhappiness experienced by
so many of our brothers and sisters throughout the world, and their compassionate desire to
create a world less pathetically unworthy of the epithet human which they feel that we, their
forebears, have helped to produce.
Where do we homoeopathic physicians stand within this scenario? What are our
ambitions, our responsibilities and rules of conduct in our efforts to improve the therapy which
we seek to provide for our patients? Should we not place ourselves in the homoeopath's mental
and intellectual hot seat?
Culture in its widest sense is generally taken to mean the overall manners, customs and
morality of people and civilizations, the latter being groups of people conforming to a particular
set of rules of living. Individually I consider that culture is to cultivation what knowledge is to
information, wisdom to knowledge. scholarship to learning, maturity to experience and patina to
an Old Master. In both instances the name of the game is imitation and emulation, In short,
adherence to the great law of similarity which also governs our homoeopathic practice. Indeed,
our whole lives, spiritual and physical, are guided and controlled by this law.
Ironically, our microchip and carbon-fibre computerized, synthetic age with its ever
smaller gadgets runs parallel with the infinitely small doses which homoeopaths have for so long
used to such benefical effect in treating our patients to the bewilderment and disbelief of our
colleagues. It is thus extraordinary that the majority of the population does not yet accept our
therapeutic methods without question.
The sensitivity of writers, poets, philosophers, painters, sculptors, dramatists, musicians
and actors is quite different from that of hewers of wood, drawers of water, agricultural workers
and sportsmen. Our social hierarchy, ethics and tastes are closely related to these distinctive
categories within our civilization. I firmly believe that, subliminally, we as homoeopathic
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investigators are deeply influenced by such variations and distinctions in our lives and
background extreme hard though they way so often be to identity or even suspect, hardly
noticeable perhaps in their subtlety.
Nevertheless, to my mind these influences are exceedingly important due, as they are, to
our own individual national, racial, religious, social, family or pofessional prejudices -- often
imperceptibly inbuilt from our earliest days. We must do our best to recognize this and balance it
in our dealings with our patients. ‘Physician heal thyself’ and 'Know thyself' are ancient, wise
injunctions which we neglect at our peril and that of our patients.
Though intuitive, indirect and implicit, the value of subjective modalities is in no way
diminished. It is even perhaps enhanced, providing flesh for the skeleton upon which we
habitually depend for prescribing when using normally accepted modalities. Perhaps the analogy
here would be the throwing away of the baby with the bath water. It is essential that we take into
account the subjective and sensitizing effects all around us. In this respect our establishment
colleagues make a great mistake in not recognizing how important our methods are or even
being aware of them regarding them as valueless if they cannot be quantified, weighed,
measured, calibrated and repeated as 'evidence of proof.
In practice, it is these very same vague impressions which provide the extreme reliability
of homoeopathic medicine. We alone among physicians recognize that it is the modification of
clinical symptoms by environmental factors which give the vital clues to what are otherwise
insoluble problems and provide us with the power to exploit them therapeutical1y.
At present there is an imbalance in our cultured respect for physical and vegetative
modalities as opposed to those related to our emotional, subjective, fantasy and dream lives
which , by their very nature, are more difficult of clear definition and thus more difficult to
'rubricate' (to coin a phrase). This is not a good reason, however, for not trying and
experimenting c1inically. Life is full of surprises and contrasts which cannot all be known to the
homoeopathic investigator, but, like Hahnemann, my contention is that the more we know the
better, in all fields of human feeling, thinking an endeavour.
I should like to think that the repertory might with great advantage be extended, and
improved, not only by updating its terminology to conform with modern ideas and activities but
by the addition of rubrics for cravings and aversions such as inclinations or disinclinations
towards music, opera ballet, classical lieder and jazz; literature either as prose or poetry; visual
arts under the headings of printing, sculpture, architecture; philosophy; sports and entertainment.
In these fields there exists the opportunity for a vast field of clinical research which might lead to
much improved prescribing.
To these rubrics might be added another indicating the predominant manner in which our
patients respond through their eyes or ears in interpreting the written word . For instance, I am
aware that, when I read a sentence, I have to transmit it through my sense of hearing rather than
directly visually before it makes sense to me.
Self diagnosis, let alone self treatment, is notoriously difficult. Let me present myself as a
model, deeply influenced in my emotional and educational upbringing, as I was, by my mother; a
model for whom the best therapy is love of family and friends, laughter and music and whose
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
cultural and aesthetic affinities are with literature, philosophy and the criminal mind. My
favourite authors are Balzac, Somerset Maugham and Robert Louis Stevenson; my favourite
composers Beethoven, Mozart, Offenbach and W.S. Gilbert. Put on a record of Beethoven,
Mozart, Haydn, Johann Strauss, Scott Joplin or Louis Armstrong and I am immediately in tune
with these great personalities who carry me away into
present joyous fairyland. My favourite painters are Rembrandt, Sir John Millais and Corot. I am
different or hostile to Chaucer, Bunyan, James Joyce, Shostakovitz and Wagner. My favourite
colours are purple and green. I leave it to you to speculate whether myself selected constitutional
remedy is Sepia. All I know is that that wonderful medicine coupled occasionally with poorinum
and alternated with occasionally helped me through most of my minor afflictions so far.
I suggest that it is important to ask our patients about their tastes and interests in the
cultural fields. Some people, for instance, may be good at cooking but dislike this activity. This
curious anomaly might usefully serve as an indication for bizarre Ignatia and added to a 'strange,
rare and peculiar rubric'.
If it be true, as I contend, that there is no smallest part of our being which cannot provide
vital clues to the whole of our personality, providing we are looking f or it, then the face and its
expression with its infinite modulations constitutes an important contribution to the portrait of
our patients, just as do the sciences of reflexology and iridiagnosis. How many useful clues about
the cultural heritage and development of our patients can we not observe in this way?
Hahnemann's head with its huge domed forehead gives us a shrewd perception of his immense
intellectual capacity; and his facial expression shows the great sensitivity and nobility of his
character. By contrast, consider also our present drug and wayward sex sub-culture which has
killed such poor unfortunate AIDS afflicted people as Rock Hudson and Liberace with their
characteristic terminal withered, haggard, cachetic tormented expressions.
Once upon a time, before the days of modern research of laboratories and synthetic
medicine, physicians depended far more on their God-given senses for achieving their clinical
decisions. They felt the patient's skin, tasted and smelled his urine, judged his or her complexion
and demeanour by methods not given to clear classification, yet exceedingly clinically valuable
and reliable.
Can what we know of the lives of great men and women from their writings and work,
their portraits, their medical and surgical history, provide us with any useful information about
their likely constitutional remedies and, more important, can they reach us to improve our
technique by seeking whatever correlations and correspondences we may find as a result of
such a study to confirm, deny or endorse our earlier conclusions derived from more usually
applied criteria and modalities?
Let us not forget that we already have a number of fairly clearly defined conceptual
images dependent on such intellectual or cultural modalities. Some of these are outlined by
Leon Vannier who has a lot to tell us in Homoeopathy, Human Medicine in the way of
personality classification. Bacillinum, with its love of music, its obstinacy and its
cosmopolitanism is an example. Another is Lycopodium with its drawn expression and its
intellectual bent and tendency for young people needing this remedy to appear to be in a higher
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
social bracket than their parents. Phosphorus, elegant and emotionally sensitive and delicate,
parodying Oscar Wilde and his coterie, Gl1bert's 'Greenery yallery, Grosvenor gallery, foot in
the grave young man' is a further illustration.
Other medicines sensitive to music are Tarantula hispanica and Natrum sulph. each in its
respective way Natrum sulph. so readily affected by sad music, Tarantula with its urge for wild
frenetic dancing.
Blindness, deafness, cancer, tuberculosis and syphilis have been the lot of many millions
of people down the ages. One might say that no one can avoid running the risk of becoming
infected by one illness or another; Nevertheless, a case could be made out for the proposition that
certain types of people are more susceptible than others, both physically and mentally, to one, or
combinations of such afflictions.
Modern typology has confirmed much of the ancient wisdom in determining such
categorization which can often be reliably detected on sight. Dr. Leon Vannier's classification of
patients into carbonic, phosphoric and luetic is familiar and immensely useful to all of us.
Sheldon's meso, endo, and ectomorphic analogies and those of Freud and Jung are also familiar
to all doctors whether conventional or homoeopathic. All such categories tend to dovetail and
interpenetrate harmoniously with each other and in a rational manner. The more of them we use
in daily practice the better our diagnostic and therapeutic conclusions will be.
Illness itself can, in this context, represent a cultural modality, as we heard yesterday
from Dr. Twentyman in his scholarly, historical review of the syphilitic, tuberculous and
cancerous stages through which our civilization has passed since the fifteenth century: emerging
now into our present global and frightening AIDS-oriented stage.
In my opinion, our most pressing and immediate practical difficulties today lie in
obtaining reliable source material in which to make an AIDS nosode for widespread prophylactic
availability. What about another pilot study from Dr. English or an enterprising Liverpudlian? I
also think that it should be publicly recognized that we are trying to do something constructive in
this matter.
Finally, can visual portrayal of personality be of benefit in fitting a medicine to a patient?
I definitely think it can, particularly when we consider points made by Desmond Norris in his
book Man Watching in which he observes and interpects a wealth of body language which we
tend to ignore or discard as valueless and unscientific. I do not think that we can afford to do
It is my hope that these reflections may stimula1e further thought and c1inical research in
an effort to improve Kent's invaluable Repertory.
[From The BRITISH HOMOEOPTHIC JOURNAL, vol 76, No.4, Oct, 1989 – for PRIVATE
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Kent's repertory is used internationally and mostly. It has not, however, undergone a
thorough revision which is very essential. Of course ever since the publication of the second
edition in 1908 it has been revised with every new edition but careful corrections have not been
done. The corrections of Gladwin and Pugh have not improved much as also the new editions
of Sandhu and Schmidt/Chand.
To highlight some of the many inconsistencies and errors, following synonymous rubrics
have been examined and it has been found that the remedies and their gradations in one rubric do
not agree with the other synonymous rubric. Some rubrics only have been chosen and given
hereunder to high-light these.
MIND, Excitement, alternates with convulsions, p.40: Stram. GENERALITIES, Convulsions,
alternating with excitement of mind, p.1354: STRAM. MIND, Rage, alternating with
convulsions, p.71: Stram., GENERALITIES, Convulsions, alternating with rage, p.1354:
MIND, Unconsciousness, alternating with convulsions, p.89: Agar.
GENERALITIES, Convulsions. alternating with unconsciousness, p.1354: Agar., Aur.
HEAD, Heat, coldness, feet, with, p.122: Alum, Am-c., Anac., Arn., ,Ars., Bar-c., Bell., Cact,.
Calc,. Com., Ferr., Ferr-ar., Gels., Ip., Laur., Nat-c., Sep., Squll., Sulph., Sulph..Thuj.
EXTREMITIES, Coldness, foot, hot head, with, p.966: Alum., Am-c., Anac., Arn., Ars., Aur.,
Bar-c., .Bell., Cact., Calc., Com., Ferr., Gels., Laur., Nat-c., Ph-ac., Sep., Squil., Thuj.
HEAD, Heat, coldness. hands: with, p.122: ASAf., Asar., Bar-c., Bell., Calo., Hell., lod., Lact.,
Lyc., Nat-c., Ph.ac., Se., Sumb.
EXTREMITIES, Coldness, hands, hot head, with, p.962: ARN ., Asaf., Aur., BELL., GLON.,
Hell., Iod., Nat-c., Sumb.
HEAD, Pain, alternating with diarrhoea, p.136: Podo., Sec. Rectum, Diarrhoea, alternating with
headache, p612: Podo.
HEAD, Pain, alternating with pain in abdomen , p.136: Aesc., Ars., Cina, Gels, Iris., Plb.,
Rhus-r.ABDOMEN, Pain alternating with headache, p.557: Cina, Plb.
HEAD, Pain, alternating with pain in teeth, p.136: Lycps., Psor.TEETH, Pain. alternating with
headache, p.436: Kali-p.
FACE, Heat, cold feet, with, p.377: Acon., Gels., Ign., Samb., Sep., STRAM.
EXTREMITIES, Coldness, foot, hot face, with, p.966: Acon., Asaf., Cocc., Gels., Ign., Ruta,
Sep., STRAM.
ABDOMEN, Pain, alternating with pain in chest, p.557: Aesc., Ran-b.
CHEST, Pain, alternating with pain in abdomen, p.845: Aesc., Ran-b.
RECTUM, Diarrhoea, alternating with eruptions, p.612: Calc-p., Crot-t.
SKIN, Eruptions, alternating with diarrhoea, p.1311: Calc-p. RECTUM, Diarrhoea. alternating
with rheumatism, p.612: Cimic., Dulc., Kali-bi.
EXTREMITIES, Pain, rheumatic, alternating with diarrhoea, p.1048: Cimic., Dulc., Kali-bi.
RESPIRATION, Asthmatic, alternating with eruptions, p.768: Calad., Crot-t., Hep., Kalm.,
Lach., Mez., Rhus-t., Sulph.
SKIN, Eruptions, alternating with asthma, p.1311: Calad., Mez., Rhus-t., Sulph.
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CHEST, Pain, heart, alternating with rheumatism, p.852: Benz-ac., Kalm.
EXTREMITIES, Pain, rheumatic, alternating with pain in heart, p.1049: Benz-ac.
This brief examination clearly shows that where rubrics whose titles are identical do not
contain the same remedies and where they do, their grades are not identified. It is therefore to be
considered whether different value is to be given to the grades other than what Kent’s pupils
have so far propagated.
[From the “zeitschipt fur KLASSISCHE HOMOOOPATHIE, BAND 31/1987]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Borax (wrongly given instead as Boyista)
HEAD, Pain am while walking in open air, p.151: Bov.
Bovista: verification of source: negative.
Borax: "A pressing pain above the eyes, quickly passing while walking in open air" (HT,,
p.309, No. 10)
EYES, pain, burning, afternoon; p.253: Bov.
Bovista: verification of source: negative.
Borax: "Pressive pain, burning in the right eye, in the afternoon (EN, p.197, No. 68)
STOMACH, aversion, tobacco, p.482: Bov.
Bovista: verification of source: negative.
Borax: The enjoyment and desire to smoke passed away. {HT, p.311, No. 43)
ABDOMEN, pain, bending double, am; p.557: Bov.
Bovista: verification of source: negative.
Borax, "Pinching constrictive pain 1n the abdomen above the hand, so that she is obliged
to bend "double, then it ceases; daily in the morning for five minutes". (EN, p.202, No. 249)
The above two errors are found in Knerr's Repertory also.
RESPIRATION, difficult, ascending; p.768,this error is found only in “Kent's F1nal General
Repertory": Bov.
Bovista: verification of source: negative.
Borax: "Shortness of breath after ascending steps so that he cannot speak a word ... "
(EN, p.204, No. 345)
CHEST, eruptions, white pimples with red areola; p.830: Bov.
Bovista: verification of source; negative.
Borax: “Whitish pimples, as large as flaxseed, with areola, on the chest and throat, as far
as the nape of the neck". (EN, p.207, No. 425)
EXTREMITIES, heat, leg; p.1012: Bov.
Bovista: verification of source: negative.
Borax: "Numb sensation with heat in the left lower 1egs". (EN, p.206, No. 402)
EXTREMITIES, inflammation, leg, after dancing; p.1019: Bov.
EXTREMITIES, swelling, feet, after dancing; p.1201: Bov.
Bovista: verification of source; negative.
Borax: "erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the left leg and foot after violent
dancing…”. (EN, p.206, No. 401)
EXTREMITIES, pain. toes, when stepping; p.1081: Bov.
Bovista: verification of source: negative.
Borax: "Pain in the joints of toes of the left foot on stepping. as if something pressed-
them" (EN, p.206, No. 410)
SKIN., ulcers, suppurating, p.1336: Nov.
Bovista: verification of source: negative.
Borax: Old wounds and ulcer. are inclined to suppurate". (EN, p.207. No. 433)
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
"The crusts of the existing ulcer falls off with the linen where it was adhering to and dry
and now it is secreting pus". (HT. p.318, No. 84)
Bovista (wrongly given instead as Borax)
HEAD, pain, from light, in general: p.141: Bor.
Borax: verification of source: negative.
Bovista: “Confusion and heaviness in the oeciput, with inclinations of the lids to fall
down, and feeling as if the eyes would be drawn backwards, especially in a bright light, in the
evening …”
Conditions - Aggravation - "Evening, stitches in the side of vertex; especially in bright light".
(EN, p.228)
FACE, heat, during chilliness; p.376: Bor.
Borax: verification of source: negative.
Bovista: "Chilliness with glowing heat of the face. (EN, p.227, No. 649)
CHEST, heat; .834: Bor.
Borax: verification of source: negative.
Bovista: "Oppression and heat in the chest, which rises into the head". EN, p.222, No.
"Frequent heat and oppression of the chest, so that he was obliged to b uncovered, whereupon he
felt better". (EN, p.227, No. 656)
CHEST, coldness, must wrap up the chest; p.825: Bor.
Borax: verification of source: negative.
Bovista: "She was constantly chilly on the uncovered parts, on the neck and chest, and
obliged to bind clothes about them. even at night". (EN, p.227, ho. 637)
CHEST, pain, stitching, middle; p.867: Bor.
Borax: verification of source: negative.
Bovista: Stitches first in the middle of the chest, then in the right hypochondrium, and afterwards
in the left. (EN, p.222, No. 438)
EXTREMITIES, itching, forearm, anterior part, p.1022: Bor.
Borax: verification of source: negative.
Bovista: "Burning itching on both the forearms in the region of the pulse, not relieved by
scratching in the evening". (EN, p.226, No. 610)
EXTREMITIES, lameness, fingers; p.1032: Bor.
Borax: verification of source: negative.
Bovista: "Very sensitive boring sticking pain beneath the elbows, on the margin of the
radius; it extends to the fingers which become lame on account of it, for two minutes". (EN,
p.223, No. 492)
Ambra (wrongly given as Ammonium bromatum)
MIND, company, aversion to presence of strangers; p.12: AM-BR.
Ammonium bromatum: verification of source: negative.
Ambra: "Frequent urging, no stool; this gives her a good deal of anxiety; during this time
the neighberhood of other people was intolerable to her". (EN, p.243, No. 219)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Ammonium bromatum (wrongly given as Ambra)
EYE, redness, morning; p.264: Ambra.
Ambra: verification of source: negative.
Ammonium. bromatum: "In morning, eyes red and sore with white mucous, in corners,
left eye worse. (EN, p.257,No. 16)
NOSE, discharge, watery; p.333: Ambr.
Ambra: verification of source: negative
Ammonium bromatum: "Occasional discharge of watery fluid from left nostril". (EN, p.257, No.
THROAT, mucus, wh1te; p.457: Ambr.
Ambra: verification of source: negative.
Ammonium bromatum. "White, thick mucus in throat”. (EN, p.257, No. 44)
STOMACH, coldness; p.482: Ambr.
Ambra: verification of source: negative.
Ammonium bromatum: "Sensation of hot air passing up throat, on right side, though
stomach feels cold”. (EN. p.257, No. 55)
SROMACH, emptiness, evening; p.488, Ambr.
Ambra: verification of source: negative.
Ammonium bromatum: "During afternoon and evening, sensation of tainting or
suffocation, beginning at the epigastrium and rising on both sides of sternum to throat, causing
him to sigh and walk around the room; feared he might die". (EN, p.258, No. 80).
HAEMORRHOIDS, p.619" Ambr.
Ambra: verification of source: negative.
HAEMORRHOIDS, hard, p.620; Ambr.
Ambra: verification of source: negative.
RECTUM, sain, soreness, p.628= Ambr.
Ambra: verification of source: negative.
Ammonium bromatum: “An old haemorrhoidal tumour, which had not appeared for some
time returned, and was quite hard, sore and very small, but soon disappeared". (EN, p.258, No.
Sarracenia purpurea (wrongly given instead as Sarsaparilla)
MIND, Forgetful, p.48; Sars.
Sarsaparilla: verification of source: negative.
Sarracenia purpurea; "Find it difficult to concentrate the attention; forgetful. (EN, p.514,
No. 6)
MIND, Idiocy, p.53: Sars.
Sarsaparilla: verification of source: negative.
Sarracenia purpurea: "Idiotism". (EN, p.518, No. 4)
MIND, Memory, weakness of, p.64: Bars.
Sarsaparilla: verification of source: negative.
Sarracenia purpurea: "Brain very dull and memory poor, at 9 P.M. (EN, p.514, No. 5)
NOSE, Discharge, yellow-green; p.333: Sars.
Sarsaparilla: verification of source: negative.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Sarracenia purpurea: Smell and Nose: Foul-smelling, green-yellowish or bloody
discharge". (GS, p.223)
GENITALIA--Female, Pain Ovaries, p.731. Sars.
Sarsaparilla: verification of source: negative.
Sarracenia purpurea: "Violent spasmodic pains in the ovarian regions, especially on the
right side (EN, p.522, No. 209)
Sarsaparilla (wrongly given as Sarracenia purpurea)
EXTERNAL THROAT, Pain pressing, throat-pit, p.473: Sarr.
LARYNX AND TRACHEA, pressure in throat-pit, p.755: Sarr.
Sarracenia purpurea: verification of source: negative.
Sarsaparilla: “When swallowing, a pain in the throat; a feeling of rawness on the larynx, a
pressing sensation moving about in the larynx with a cough at night and in the morning, …”
(EN, p.531, .No. 235)
BLADDER, urination, frequent, before menses, p.658: Sarr.
Sarracenia purpurea: verification of source: negative.
Sarsaparilla: "At the onset of menses, soreness in the bend of the right hip and urging for
urination. (EN, p.1334, No. 341)
EXTREMITES pain stitching. joints, on motion, p.1138: Sarr.
Sarracenia purpurea: verification of source: negative.
Sarsaparilla: “Stitches .in joints of arms, hands and fingers, on motion. (GS, p.239)
EXTREMITIES, Weakness elbow, p.1221: Sarr.
Sarracenia purpurea: verification of source: negative.
Sarsaparilla: "Paralytic weakness in the joints of elbow". (CD, p.1337, No. 416)
SLEEP, Yawning, p.1256~ Sarr.
Sarracenia purpurea: verification of source: negative.
Sarsaparilla: "Frequent yawning with lachrymation of the eyes, or in the forenoon with
shuddering”. (CO, p.1340, No. 508)
EN: The Encyclopadeia Of Pure Materia Medi.ca by T.F.Allen.
HT: Annalen der homoopathischen Klinik by Hartlaub C.G.C. & Trinks, C.F.
GS: The Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia Medica by C.Hering.
Repertory to Hering's Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia Medica by C.B.Knerr.
CD: The Chronic Diseases by Dr.s.Hahnemann.
(From the Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIE" Band 31/1987 and 32/1968; for
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
(A review of some books recently published)
Grenzgebiete im Reiche des Similie von E.H. Schmeer, Verlag Grundlagen und Praxis, Leer,
An extremely interesting book by an internist who has concerned himself with studies of
other alternative medicines and medicine history since decades. The work lays open new
The author discusses homoeopathy in the light of Paracelsus-Hahnemann mythic origin.
When examined so it touches what today are called as “occult" or "esoteric".
Paramedicines: Astrology, Anthroposophy, physiognomy, Semiology, Eye diagnosis, Signatures,
Radiesthaesisa, Psychotherapy all are discussed besides homoeopathy. The therapeutic range of
these are also discussed.
The author is not, however, attempting to blend homoeopathy with any of these ‘para-
medicines’. He clearly shows the individualty of homoeopathy. The relationship of
Anthroposophy to homoeopathy is clearly stated: “Rightly Rudolf Steiner says that one would
like to practice Anthroposophy must develop a meditative method which will not require the
modern “gurus” with their ‘initiation’ but which requires a logical-disciplined thinking”. Dr.
Schmeer further says “as a product of his time Hahnemann rejected almost everything which are
now called “occult” and also the Signature theory and Macro-Micro-cosmos-idea of Paracelsus.”
In the first chapters Dr. Schmeer gives the differential diagnosis of Neurosis: Hysterical
neurosis, Compulsive neurosis, Depressive neurosis and schizoid neurosis. Some of the relevant
rubrics from KENT in respect of each of these type of neurosis are also mentioned:
e.g.: Hysteric neurosis: 'torments everyone with his complaints' (hysterical craving for
appreciation by others) (p.89); 'want of moral feeling,' (p. 68); ’Nymphomania' (p.68);
'building castles in the air' (p. 69, 87); 'complaints from disappointed love (does not realise own
mistakes) (p.63) etc. etc.
2. Compulsive neurosis: 'constant feeling as if he has forgotten something' (p .49);
'washing hands constantly' (p. 92); 'counting constantly' (p.17); 'conscientious about trifles' (p.16
); 'fear about future' (p.45); 'fear of financial ruin' (p .46); 'fear about his status in Society'(p .47);
' fear that he would be devoured by animals' (p.44); 'fear that he would be murdered' (p .46) etc.
3. Depressive neurosis: 'Helplessness' (p.51); 'Cares, grief' (p.40, 50); 'weary of life' (p
.92); etc., etc.
4. Schizoid neurosis: 'aversion to those around’ (p.9); 'Abrupt' (p.1); 'Fear of being
touched' (p.47) ; 'Aversion to company' (p.12); 'Sensitive to noise ' (p.79); etc., etc.
Dr.Schmeer says that "homoeopathy is, in a wider sense, also psychotherapy". "It is not
well-known that Hahnemann has treated Neurotics and has said about the limitations of
homoeopathy therapy in respect of these diseases in paragraphs 225, 226 and 227 of the
Organon. Hahnemann's advice in rearing children (vide "Handbuch furMutter oder Grundsatze
der ersten Erziehung del Kinder” - Hand book for mother or basic principles for educating
children) - is quoted.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Examination of neurotic patients, how to choose the homoeopathic remedy etc. are then
discussed, briefly and clearly: Completing the homoeopathic anamnesis by interrogation, e.g.
"aversion to those around": by anyone special? What are you afraid of? Have you suffered
Previously in this? When was your first disappointing experience?etc. etc. castles in the air”.
How do you view about what are you thinking? Do you dream of it? What is peculiar about it?
Regarding remedy diagnosis: If the neurotic symptom is pathognomic it should not be used for
remedy choice. In purely psychoneurosis we have to analogus to Jahr’s advice, book for the
‘peculiar physical symptoms and in organ neurosis the peculiar mental symptoms. Dr.Schmeer
narrates his cases.
Next follows the chapter Astrology at the end chapter we find the Horoscope of Hahnemann.,
cast by the swis astrologer Heinrichskandigvand the various aspects of it are discussed briefly.
Next chapter is on paramedicines’-signature, Semiology, Eye diagnosis, Radiesthesia,
Psysiognomy, Psychotherapy etc.
In the following 56 pages Dr.Schemeer has dealt with the signatures(homoeopathic) of five
remedies. Vis., Sulphur, Calcium carbonicum, Phosphous, Arsenicum, Magnesium and Ferrum.
These are of very great values.
The following additions to Kent KENT are also given by Dr.Schmeer: LIE(P.62)
KLEPTOMANIA: Manganum(p.61)
A highly interesting and fascinating book with completely new views from different
angles. Of course of very practical value.
INDIAN HOMOEOPATHIC DIARY, edited and compiled by Dr.Anil Kumar Katiyar,
published by H.K.Publications, 211, H-1, Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur-208 011, 228 pages, Rs.50/-
This ‘Diary’ seems to by a new venture. It has been attempted to furnish state wise details
of homoeopathic educational institutions, history of homoeopathy, the ‘Drugs
And Cosmetics Act and Rules (Homoeopathic)', CCRH Centres in India; List of homoeopathic
Councils and their addresses; list of homoeopathic associations; homoeopathic
pharmacy rules, manufacturers; homoeopathic journals published in India with the addresses of
the publishers; the different book publishing houses and their addresses; etc. etc. The dates from
which homoeopathic act came into the different states in India and the last date after which
registrations (under Class B) were closed have also been given. Attempt has been made to make
the information as complete as possible.
The state-wise information of the origin of homoeopathy and status etc. have been
sketched by the eminent homoeopaths of the respective states, e.g. Dr. S.R. Wadia for
Maharashtra, Dr S.P. Koppikar of T.Nadu, Dr, P.S. Krishnamurthy for A.P. and so on.
A brief essay on the origin of homoeopathy in India has been given by Dr. O.P. Jaggi.
Some of the data appear few years old, some up-to-date.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
A very useful publication, perhaps the first of its kind where almost everything
concerning homoeopathy is made available. It would be more useful if it updated and printing
errors are minimized in the next edition, and the general get-up improved.
(Dr.K.S. Srinivasan, Madras.)
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The more one reads Pierre Schmidt, the more one’s confidence in homoeopathy (not
faith) grows. Here was a man who rejected anti-tetanus injections after one tragic result after
A.T. S. His treatment of the-about-to-be-destroyed dog with a few homoeopathic drugs in the
high potency - no matter 10 M, even - 30 C or 200 C is only Placebo according to the 'scientific'
fraternity. Molecules and Avagadro's number are the ultimate scientific principles for them.
(Linn Boyd, Otto Leaser, Hughes, and Renner)
So when a three year old 'Mongol' female child who does, not react to noise, light, with
no speech, cannot even chew or grasp a toy cannot sit or stand, made a journey by air from Agra
to Hyderabad in the middle of May 1988, she landed with severe and incessant crying as if in
great pain . The mother observed that the child was putting her finger in the ear and thought it
had ear-ache. With nothing else to go by and no specific tenderness elicited around the ear, she
was put on capsicum-M,3 doses at 15 minutes intervals. The crying of nearly 24 hours had
ceased completely in less than one hour. Analysis: Pain in the ear drum caused by varying cabin
pressured on a long air journey. Earlier, older patients who had experienced pain in the ear by air
travel were free of pain under capsicum-200 travelling from Bombay to New York and Bombay
to Hong Kong. One patient who forgot to take the medicine bottle on a flight suffered pain, but
was free from pain on latter flights after taking capsicum.
A recent totally unconscious serious head injury patient made a full recovery after
Arnica, Opium and Nat. Sulph in 200 C and M potencies were pushed between his lips in his
unconscious state. Some Placebo these:
Re. Imbrecht's repertorial exercises, one was left wondering 1f 36 or more rubrics lead to
any result other than Nux. (in this case 36 rubrics were used). It was surprising that Argentum
Nitricum did not figure at all in the first anamnesis, though some of the most striking, singular
and peculiar symptoms unique to Arg. N. alone were manifested. Why Dysco (Bach) was not
thought of or given is another wondor. It is true that even updated Kent’s repertories have fallen
to highlight Dysco’ in any degree, 'Dysco' has the following symptoms of the case very well
marked “Tense, nervous; full of fears; lacks confidence; apprehensive - worried over trifles,
unable to cope, restless, fussy, depressed, extreme exhaustion (Elizabeth Paterson) Nervous
tension, mental uneasiness - anticipatory, anxiety, hypertensive to criticism (Paterson). The most
interesting aspect of the case however is that Anacardium the finally chosen curative medicine is
in the list of associated remedies given by Paterson under Dysco. What price mere mechanical
repertorisation! Would ‘Dysco' as the first prescription or interpolated Arg. N. have brought out
the schizoid element earlier. or would have even cured him completely without the need for
From the March 1988 Digest 'feed back it appears that my 'feed back' on 'Measles in the
December 1987 Digest has been read with attention. But some errors in my presentation have
passed unnoticed. As the need is for self-correction to keep the science true, the following
addenda is submitted:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Catarrhal stage: Bluish white specks on a red base, small and irregular (Koplik spots) appear
before the rash and fade away a few hours after the rash appears.
They occur over buccal mucous membrane opposite to molar teeth best seen in daylight.
(Note: These are probably the indications on which our untutored old women predict a 'Measles'
attack during this stage).
The earliest manifestation of the rash is behind the ears, and on forehead spreading
rapidly over the face and neck downwards over the trunk reaching to lower limbs after 48 hours".
The above may be substituted for the relevant portions in the published note.
Dr. D. Lakshminarayanan
1-2-217/7 G’Mahal Road,
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
2.7 NEWS
The Indian chapter of Asian Homoeopathic Medical League is organising the “First
Congress of the Asian Homoeopathic Medical League” on 28
, 29
and 30
October 1988 at
Mavalankar Auditorium, Rafi Marg, New Delhi. The man subjects of the congress are:-
1. Platina and its comparative remedies,
2. Rare remedies with clinical evaluation,
3. Skin diseases (with clinical cases),
4. Homoeopathy and Child Health Care,
5. Research in Homoeopathy and
6. Computers in Homoeopathy
The congress would be attended by eminent homoeopaths and a large number of
delegates from Asian and other countries. For further details and registration, please write to
The Organising Secretary,
First Congress of the A.H.M.L.,
37, South Anarkali Extension,
Delhi – 110 051.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
3 QHD, Vol. V, No.4, September 1988
Dear Doctor,
The 'theme' for this number is Materia Medica including Provings.
New remedies have been studied in this. It is for the Profession to make use of the
remedies and report clinical experiences.
However, there seems to be a major draw-back in the trial of new remedies and indeed
some ‘old' remedies too. It is the 'non-availability' of these remedies. It is unfortunate that
homoeopathic pharmacies in India do not stock these remedies. when the 'provings' of
SCORPION, NATRUM FL. were given in our earlier numbers, many wanted to know the source
of the remedies. I can only say that these are procurable from NELSONS of London. Indeed it is
NELSONS who stock all the BOWEL NOSODES also from 6 to CM potencies. Perhaps a few
homoeopaths can join together and obtain (import) some quantity which can be shared by all of
May I invite your attention to the 'column' 'FEED-BACK"? This column is for the
members/readers of our DIGEST to convey their own 'experiences' in the light of the articles in
the DIGEST, especially clinical experiences. Do communicate. please be brief and to the point;
not lengthy essays or articles.
September 1988.
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
H.P.J.A Mass
Today, I will show you a patient, whose complaints have been ameliorated by a drug,
which has not yet been proved.
At the end of August '82, I saw for the first time in my surgery Mr.J.R., born 11-1-'48. He
is a nurse and as such working in a nursing-home. He was much worried about his future.
Doctors had told him he was suffering from the Bechterew-disease. The rheumatologist had
prescribed butazolidin, 4 times a day, 100. On taking this quantity, he got stomach-ache,
therefore he reduced himself the total dosis butazolidin unto 200 mgr. a day. Regular blood-
examination had been done on account of the total number of granulocytes. However a lower
level of granulocytes was proved, one still could speak of a low-normal. In August '82 the ESR
was 30 m.m. after one hour.
The pains the patient suffered from, were localised in the chest-wall, he was stiff all over,
especially rising from bed every morning was a big problem; in the evening he was worn out.
He used to sleep on a hard bed; changes of the weather were of no influence, only in the autumn
there was an increase of pain. At the age of twelve his tonsils had been extracted; there was a
regular teeth-control.
On his nineteenth he underwent a lumbar back operation, a supposed hernia nuclei
pulposi or perhaps the beginning of the Bechterew-disease.
No-one in his family was suffering from rheumatic arthritis or the Bechterew-disease.
Asking for details, he could neither mention anything important concerning the various
facts of functions of the body nor remarkable points of his mental state.
His heat over body was quite normal. Physical examination did not disclose special
Physically he looked like a calcium-carbonicum-type.
The modalities: stiffness agravated after sleep, starting pains at the beginning of motion. I
prescribed rhus tox D30 3 times a week and advised him to continue physiotherapeutic
November '82 he returned and his complaints had not changed. I added to the former
prescription Calcium carbonicum D30, also to be taken 3 times a week, with Rhus tox D30
On seeing him in March '83, he told me that a repeated thorax-sacan, in January '83 was
very active and that he had much pain in the os sternum.
Each movement was painful, deep respiration in particular. Because I could not find more
symptoms, Bryonia D6 was prescribed 3 times a day.
In June '83 he revisited me for checking his condition. Once more there was no change.
Every day he had to use 4 butazolidin-dragees because of pain all over the body. I tried to find
some new or changed modalities or other symptoms concerning the total patient: nothing was
found. Especially the thorax-muscles caused him much pain.
Then I remembered a publication of Raspe (5). On page 147 he mentioned very briefly
Franciscea uniflora, possibly a drug, which might favourably affect the Bechterew-desease. So
far nobody had tested the activity of this plant.
Nevertheless I prescribed this drug in the D3 potency, fifteen drops three times a day.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Revisiting me in March '84, my patient was very enthusiastic. He was feeling very well
during this last half year because of a decrease of pain.
Instead of butazolidin every day he had taken only 30 dragees over half a year, however
with a daily dose of 45 drops Franciscea uniflora D3.
Also the rheumatologist was satisfied and surprised. The thorax-scan appeared to be
much better than before. Since there was no progression of "bamboo spines" at all, as could be
expected, but a decrease instead, he wanted to continue with the drops.
Thus decided he promised to come back within a year, unless his condition would change
December '84 I called him and he was very content.
What can we find in literature about this drug and where can we find it?
In the European literature we can hardly read more than half a page about Franciscea uniflora.
O. Leeser (4) mentions in "Pflanzliche Arzneistoffe" on page 697 about this plant:
I Botany: Franciscea uniflora is a plant, which mainly occurs in South America, especially in
One uses the fresh root (mother tincture) 11 Native art of curing:
The people of Brazil use this drug as a diuretic, emetic and abortive remedy.
In particular it was recommended against scrophulosis, rheumatism and syphilis. One
speaks of the "vegetable mercury".
III Chemistry:
The root contains the alkaloid manacin C
N brunfelsin and manacin C
the cumarine derivative scopoletic, brunfelsin and manacin C
IV Drugproof : No provings
V Drugpicture : No provings
VI Homoeopathy : No provings
On page 295 of Boericke's (1) Materia Medica we only read five lines about this drug:
"Chronic stiffness of the muscles, gonorrhoeal rheumatism, syphilis and rheumatism,
great heat over body, much aching better sweat. Pain in back of head and spine; band-like
feeling around head. Pericarditis with rheumatism, Rheumatic pains in feet and lower part of
legs. Urine contains urid acid."
Leeser says: "the rheumatic pains improve by sitting."
Sweating and sitting means i n German: "Schwitzen" respectively "Sitzen". Did Leeser (4) by
copying probably wear the wrong classes? Voisin (6) and Clarke (2) mentioned similar
indications as Boericke (1).
After the spectacular improvement of my patient I used this medicine with the following results
by some more clinical diagnosis:
1. Arthritic urica: one patient who needed 300 mgr. zyloric (allopurinol) a day changed this
medicine for Franciscea uniflora D3, 3 times ten drops a day.
The uric acid in blood remained normal.
Observation time: more than one year.
Up to this moment he had not had any attack of gout.
2. Arthritic nodosities with severe pains and deformities of the finger joints. During the last year
I treated 4 patients who did not improve with other drugs.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
With Franciscea uniflora all pains disappeared, but there were no changes of the deformities. The
patients were happy, since they could use their hands and fingers without pain.
3.Disease of Bechterew: 2 other patients.
One was a very old case. The disease existed for more than 25 years. This patient did not
improve with Franciscea uniflora. The other one has far less pain than before.
1. Boericke, W., Hom. Materia Medica, 295. New York 1927, Boericke & Runyon.
2. Clarke, J.H., A dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Vol.I, 789. Rustington, Sussex/London
3. Dragendorff, G., Die Heilpflanzen, 600. Munchen 1967. Warner Fritsch Verlag.
4. Leeser, O., B/II: Pflanzliche Arzneistiffe, 1971, Haug Verlag, Heidelberg. page 697.
5. Raspe, T. Zeitschrift fur klassische Homoopathischen, 1976, Heft 4, P.147, Haug Verlag,
6. Voisin, H., Materia Medica des homoopathischen Praktiker, 1969, Haug Verlag Heidelberg,
page 569
[From the 40
LIGA Proceedings at Lyon France, 26-30 May 1985; For PRIVATE
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Eugenio F. Candegabe, MD
The essence of a drug is the nature, the way of life, the psychobiological orientation that
characterizes it. This essence or vital orientation always manifests in a small and typical group of
symptoms which Dr. Paschero defined as the ‘minimum syndrome of maximum value'. In this
way, the small group of symptoms that determine the drug lead to the understanding of its
If we were to repertorize the minimum syndrome of a drug as if it were an ideal patient,
we would observe that a number of drugs partly or completely share its symptoms. A study of
the results obtained constitutes the comparitive materia medica. This line of thought has led us to
concentrate on the authoritative statement made by James Tyler Kent in his Materia Medica that,
When you have a good substantial proving of an oxide or a carbonate, and the mental
symptoms are well brought out, you can use these, in a measure in a presumptive way, in
prescribing another salt, with the same base, which has a few mental symptoms in its provings.
Of Calcarea arsenicosa he says:
If this wonderful remedy is studied with the mind on Arsenicum and Calcarea, a broader
knowledge will be gained. It needs further proving in potencies. Following this criterion, our
attention has for many years been drawn to the small number of symptoms from the pathogenesis
of Calcarea sulphurica, given the great importance of Calcarea carbonica and Sulphur. We have
frequently observed patients presenting the general modalities of Sulphur and the mental
symptoms, especially the fears, of Calcarea carbohica. For this reason we have considered the
possibility of taking Kent's advice and using Calcarea sulphurica in the treatment of these
None of the established authors attributes important mental symptoms to Calcarea
sulphurica. Kent only mentions it eighty-six times in his Repertory, and he is the only one of the
great authors to give us an outline of the mentality:
The patient is absent minded; irritable; easily angered. He becomes weak after anger and
vexation. Aversion to answering questions. He is easily made anxious, especially in the evening
in bed, during the night and when lying. Anxiety with fear during fever. Anxiety about the
future. Anxious about his heart and his health in general. His anxiety is ameliorated in the open
air. He has anxiety about his salvation. He has anxiety in the morning on waking. Many
changeable moods and capriciousness. Aversion to company. Confusion of mind in the morning
on waking and again in the evening. This is also ameliorated in the open air. Confusion of mind
in the morning from mental exertion. Contrary and contradictory moods. He has many little
delusions, whims and strange fancies. Frightful images in the night when trying to sleep.
Since my first personal observation made in 1976, I have been collecting a series of
clinical cases which happily have corroborated my first impressions, forming, to date, a
relatively large case material (fifty-six cases in all).
Case No.1, M .W. 7~years old, male, seen on 15 November 1982 with the following clinical
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Chronic catarrhal bronchitis recurring pseudo croup, enuresis, red naevi on the lips.
Family history of diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Previous history: chronic adenitis epistaxis.
Fair child, large with a tendency towards obesity. Mentals: Strong character, very obstinate,
confident, charming, enterprising, leader among companies. Disorganized, careless, likes to play
with cockroaches and worms. Very dirty. Easy going, likes to be waited on. Daring, does not
acknowledge danger. Hot, bathes in cold water although it makes him ill. Always barefoot.
Desires sweets. First repertorization: Obstinate, courageous, dirty, desires sweets, uncovered
feet, worse cold and croup - Sulphur 6/14, Calcarea carbonica 4/9. No other drug covered more
than four symptoms. Prescription Sulphur M stat.
Second consultation on 9 March 1983. The bronchial catarrh had improved, but he has
suffered more prolonged attacks of pseudocroup. General condition unchanged. Two new
symptoms had appeared. Fear that something would happen to his father whilst travelling, and a
feeling that after taking him to school his parents were going to abandon him and never return
(forsaken feeling). These new symptoms were so important that they headed the list for
repertorization, followed by the seven remaining symptoms. The result was as follows: Alumina
is a dismal drug, with a great feeling of fragility and guilt, perhaps because of tremendous
syphilitic aggression which induces the patient to kill when faced with a knife, proud, intolerant
of contradiction, need to be occupied, with a sense of self-confusion and splitting of personality
in defence. This personality was very different from that of our patient. Calcarea 6/13 covered all
the mental symptoms except the courage; yet although the local symptoms were covered, this
drug is not dirty, nor does it un cover the feet. Carbo vegetablis 6/11 covered the same symptoms
as the first, but is a much weaker subject, anxious in the open air, extremely timid in public and
with a great fear of ghosts at night, symptoms which our patient did not show. Kalium
carbonicum, with the same symptoms, is a rebel whose tremendous need for dependence is
expressed as a fear of loneliness, with savage rejection of company, a symptom which eliminated
it from our case. We could say the same for Phosphorous and Lycopodium, which with fewer
symptoms did not correspond to our patient. That left Sulphur (6/14) which in spite of not
covering either of the new symptoms had been in the lead in the previous repertorisation. If one
considers Calcarea sulphurica with this concept of integration in mind, the mental symptoms of
fear and forsaken feeling and also the obstinacy and courage are covered by this drug. The
generals include the tendency to dirtiness, desire for sweets, and hot feet, combined with
sensitivity to cold and tendency to croup. Calcarea sulphurica M was therefore prescribed on 19
March, and Calcarea sulphurica 10 M on 19 April. Within three months the patient was cured of
his bronchial complaint and enuresis, had completely overcome his dirty habits and also his
Case No.2. N.H., married, female, 32 years old, one child of five years. Varicose veins in
both legs after childbirth, worse every summer. Varicose ulcer on the left leg, painful over 3 cm
area. Obese, flat-footed. Generals: desire for salty food. Hot. Nothing particular in the family
history. Mentals: Quiet in appearance. Sometimes impetuous, angers easily and recovers
immediately. Impatient if she has to wait. Plans her work. Nervous if realizes that she cannot
finish with plenty of time to spare, stomach in knots. Fear that something has happened to her
husband when he is late. Her greatest fear is for the future, perhaps as a result of her upbringing
in infancy, to the point of producing, for no reason, a noticeable fear of poverty.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Repertorization; Fear of poverty, fear that something will happen to her, fear rising from
the stomach, anticipation aggravated by heat, impetuousness and varicose ulcer on leg.
Result: No drug covers the whole, but under mentals her fears were covered by Calcarea,
the impetuousness and aggravation from heat by Sulphur, indicating Calcarea sulphurica as the
drug of choice. Prescription: Calcarea sulphurica 10M.
23 June 1980. Three months pregnant. Ulcer obviously improving. Slight migraine and
tiredness in the first days showed initial action of the drug. An eruption appeared on the chest,
neck and legs with a great deal of irritation over a fifteen-day period, return of symptoms of a
process in adolescence. No prescription.
4 August 1980. Five months pregnant. Ulcer completely cured. General condition very
good. The fears and impetuousness had disappeared.
Case No.3. M.F.P. 4 years old, had received homoeopathic treatment from birth. In her short life
she had been given Med., Lach., Plat., Caust., Sep., Calc. carb. and Sulph. with no improvement.
I was consulted on 27 December 1985; bronchitis and severe asthma.
Moody, fear of animals, gloomy. Obstinate, jealous, disorganized, careless. Hot and
desire for fruit. Rejects caresses. Has fear of contagion -- never drinks from another person's
glass, washes her hands as soon as they have been touched. Sulphur covered the obstinacy, the
moodiness and the heat, Calcarea carbonica the fears and obstinacy. Calcarea sulphurica the
jealousy and the desire for fruit. Calcarea sulphurica M, one dose, has cured her completely to
Conclusion: In conclusion let us consider patients whose general constitution is somewhere
between Calcarea carb and Sulphur--i.e. fat and round shouldered, with fat hands but long
fingers, worried and hot with general symptoms which would immediately indicate Sulphur.
They have also mentals that reveal worry and impatience, e.g. impetuousness, anger,
meticulousness etc. Yet a characteristic and definitive feature are the fears of Calcarea carbonica
and its impressionability, with the night sweats, the desire for salt, the tendency to flabby
obesity, the chilliness, apathy and weakness that are features of the Calcarea constitution.
I have been able to compile a list of drugs with which Calcarea sulphurica might be
Lycopodium Fear of loneliness, fear of the dark, fear in the stomach, anticipation and
meticulousness. The difference comes with the typical lack of confidence
compensated by love of power, dictatorship and a contradictive nature.
Pulsatilla Coincides on the fears, jealousies, forsaken feeling, aggravation from heat etc.
The differences are the dependence and lack of character and silent and resigned
suffering of Pulsatilla, as opposed to obstinacy, impetuousness and pride of
Calcarea sulphurica.
Phosphorus The same fears, impetuousness and worry. Differs on compassion,
hypersensitivity and affection typical of Phosphorus.
Medorrhinum Coincides for fear of illness, fear that something is going to happen, fear of the
dark, the forsaken feeling, and the heat etc. Differs in so far as worry, anticipation
and guilt are the typical pillars of Medorrhinum and second order symptoms of
Calcarea sulphurica. The memory problems that give rise to the feeling of
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
madness, with anxiety and delay in getting
things done and the mental dullness characteristic of Medorrhinum and missing in
Calcarea sulphurica. On the other hand, being affected by unpleasant things,
anxiety about the future, fear of poverty, perfectionism and impetuousness are
features Calcarea sulphurica that are lacking in Medorrhinum.
A more extensive paper -- which time does not permit at this Congress -- could present a
full comparative study of this extraordinary drug. Numerous well-documented and fully analyzed
case histories are available and could in future codify Calcarea sulphurica with complete
certainty. I am sure it will quickly become one of the great polycrests.
Table =1. First and second repertorisation: R.1, R.2
of Case No.1 (Kent’s Repertory)
Symptoms A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R1 R2
Aconitum 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 3 4/7 4/7
Alumina 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 2/4 4/6
Carbo Veg. 1 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 4/8 6/11
Kali carb. 1 1 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 3/7 5/9
0 1 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 4/7 5/8
Phosphorus 0 3 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 4/7 5/10
Calc. carb 1 2 3 0 0 2 2 0 3 4/10 6/13
Sulphur 0 0 2 1 3 3 2 3 0 6/14 6/14
Calc. Sulph. 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 9/21 9/21
A Forsaken feeling 2 Courageous 5 Cold, becoming agg.
B Fear something will happen 3 Dirtiness 6 Uncover feet, inclined to
1 Obstinate 4 Sweets, desire for 7 Croup
Table 2. Repertorization of Case No. 2 (Kent’s Repertory)
Symptoms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Calc.carb 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 4/8
Sulphur 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 ¾
Calc. Sulph. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/12
Bryonia 3 0 2 1 2 2 0 5/10
Carbo Veg. 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
Causticum 0 3 2 0 1 1 0 4/7
Natrum mur.
0 2 2 0 2 2 2 5/10
Nux vomica 1 2 2 0 3 0 0 4/8
0 3 2 2 1 2 0 5/10
1 Fear Poverty 2 Fear happen, something will
3 Anticipation 4 Fear stomach, arising from
5 Impetuous 6 Warm agg. 7. Ulcer varicose (leg)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Table 3. Repertorization of Case No.3 (Kent’s Repertory)
Symptoms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Calc. carb. 2 3 2 0 1 0 0 4/8
Sulphur 0 2 1 0 2 3 0 4/8
Calc. sulph. 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 7/15
Camphora 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 4/6
Causticum 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3/3
2 1 0 2 1 2 0 5/8
2 2 3 0 1 2 0 5/10
Stamonium 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 5/7
1 Fear, dark 2 Obstinate 3 Fear, disease
4 Jealousy 5 Capriciousness 6 Warm agg.
7 Desire fruit
[From the BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC JOURNAL, Vol. 76, No.3 July 1987; for PRIVATE
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
H. Lennemann
The acids as medicines have their special place in the homoeopathic therapeutics. Formic
acid is a leading acid.
Besides the books by Dr.Albrecht Reuter (1924) the materia medica of Stauffer and
Mezger, I have recently the material (1985) by the CCRH and not the least my own experiences
in my 50 years practice.
FOLK MEDICINE: Ants and preparations made out of them are folk medicines since
long. Hildegard von Bingen recommended it about 1000 years ago for melancholy. A salve
prepared with ants was used against goitre in the Styria. About 100 years ago a maceration of
ants, radix Bryonia and radix Felicis mass. was used as external application in gout. Bathing the
part with crushed ants boiled was also recommended. Paralysed limbs were treated with
application of a bag containing live ants. The spirit of ants has also been considered till recently
for external massage.
MEDICAL EXPERIENCES: Dr. Edward Krull, in 1902 recommended a dilution in water of
1:1000 to 1:100,000 as sub-cutaneous injection in: Tuberculosis, Chronic nephritis, and
Carcinoma; later he gave indications in Gout, Psoriasis, Chronic inflammations of female sexual
organs and chronic inflammation of respiratory organs.
Dr.Albrecht Reuter reported, for the first time in 1917, his experiences of over 5 y ears
with Formic acid. His experience was, dilution of 1:1 00,000 worked better than lower dilutions.
In cancer no worthwhile observations. In psoriasis good results were reported. In chronic joint
rheumatism Reuter recommended patience and persevereance. In this, success comes at least
after six months. In asthma all cases were improved or even cured. Formic acid softens cicatrical
tissues. Two cases of Dupuytrens contractions could be totally cured. Reuter injected the Formic
acid sub-cutaneously above the scapula, in. the middle of the back of the left upper arm or on the
outer side of thigh.
Krull and Reuter were not homoeopathic physicians. Since the medicine doses was
according to the homoeopathic dilutions Reuter later gave it as decimal potency.
In 1919 Lichtenstein from Breslau reported about his experiences with Formic acid
1:1000. He injected intravenous since the sub-cutaneous injection of the then preparation
produced pains. And Lichtenstein obtained good results in joint rheumatism and bronchial
asthma and considerable success in epilepsy.
The English homoeopathic physician J.H.Clarke used Formic acid. He reports in 1915
about one Ellison's report of 1909. Ellison had taken in his diet for over two years daily 1-2 grain
Formic acid . As a result, nasal polyps went away and a chronic catarrh of throat was improved
very much, the stiff joints became loose and short-sightedness improved by 50%. Ellison tested
Formic acid on a sick and mangy pony and saw, that the animal rapidly recovered and developed
a beautiful coat.
Two university professors used Formic acid. The well-known clinician Brugsch wrote in
1915 that in difficult joint rheumatism Formic acid should be considered. He injected every 10-
14 days 1 ml. of 1:5000, later 1:1000 sub-cutaneously in the back. The well-known Prof.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Speithoff of the University Skin Clinic in Jena reported that he had seen positive reactions with
Acidum formicicum in chronic eczemas.
INDICATIONS OF REUTER: A series of indications obtained from his experience have been
reported by Reuter in the 3rd edition of his book which appeared in 1940. Of course this was not
on homoeopathic laws. However, these indications cover in a far-reaching way the results of
medicinal provings of Acidum formicicum.
Reuter treated mostly chronic joint rheumatism diseases with Formic acid and gave sub-
cutaneous injections of Acidum formicicum D5 0.2 to 0.5 ml. of intravenous injections of D12,
0.5 ml. at intervals of weeks. Also intravenous injections of D30 and D200 in monthly intervals
were recommended. A preliminary agg. was not always avoided.
In kidney stones, Formic acid seems to bring about the mobilisation of the concrements.
Reuter reports about a case in which two weeks after a single injection of Acidum formicicum
D5 a kidney stone was passed spontaneously after a violent colic.
In bronchial asthma Reuter observed good results after Acidum formicicum D5 sub-
cutaneously in interval of many weeks and a preventive injection of D12 intravenously of say 2 -
3 times an year. However, according to Jores psychosomatic components play a greater role in
bronchial asthma and we cannot, in every case do without a temporary prescription of corticoid.
Nevertheless attempt with Formic acid therapy is significant.
In Psoriasis Reuter injects Acidum formicicum D12 or D30 every 2 - 4 weeks in both
upper arms. I too have always got good results in psoriasis.
In acute joint rheumatism and neuralgias also Reuter had similar success. Tuberculosis
and cancer do not throw any indications for Formic acid.
OWN OBSEVATIONS: Case 1: Mrs. Cl. JI., 24 years old. No asthma and no skin diseases in the
family. Report of the dermatologist who has treated the patient since 1983: as child, milk-crust,
since 1973 rhinitis with seasonal aggravation, since 1978 from Feb. to Apr., since 1983 the
whole year bronchitic ailments. Itching in mouth after apples, after peeling apples, between
fingers. Diagnosis chronic rhinitis and bronchitis, pollinosis during early flowering seasons.
Positive tests for birch, alder etc. On three successive years desensitisation was done without
Mrs. came to me on 4 May 1984 since she would not take any chemicals. She does not
smoke, took the "pills." She suffered from too much aphthae, much sneezing and nightly cough.
Prescription: Calcium carbonicum D6 and Sabadilla D2, each 2 times a day 1 tablet/5 drops.
Report after 5 days: On the first day it was particularly worse, and then there was
After further 3 days again worser, but then progressive amelioration. After total 14 days
being free from the troubles, no sneezing, no lachrymation.
The patient came again in August since she again had a "severe” attack of sneezing and
lachrymation, certainly after she came into contact with a Begonia which had been presented to
her. She appeared as if she was "crying". She then got treated for pollinosis in Busum. A stay
near sea-shore did not, however, bring any material improvement. She therefore underwent a
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therapy of 11 injections i.m. in the gluteus muscles, of Formidium D12 1 ml. blended with her
own blood each time increasing, with 1 ml. to begin and 1 ml. more every time , in intervals
of 8 - 10 days each injection.
After 9 months the patient said that she was very much impressed with these injections,
the allergy was gone, the tips of hairs were stronger and her nails too were not any more brittle.
The injections were continued as i.v. with Formica rufa D200 at intervals 8 - 14 days.
A pollinosis was thus cured without desensitisation, with Formidium D6 with own blood.
A 'shock symptom' that would arise on the skin as a result of 'desensitisation' which the
dermatologist had warned about was also thus avoided.
Case 2: Pollinosis: Miss M.Sch.22 years old, came to me on 2 Mar. 1984. Her mother suffered
from allergy to different allergens. Her brothers remained allergy-free. She herself suffered from
allergy to about 70 substances, particularly grass pollens, weeds and different trees. Because of
side-effects, a course of desensitisation was discontinued. After a further test for sensitivity I
began again desensitisation but had to drop it again because of side-effects. Even from the least
quantity of the injection the patient developed a swelling at the spot of injection. A collapse
could however be averted. Now she received Allium cepa D6 thrice a day 5 drops before and
thrice a day 5 drops of Galphimia D3 after food; to this every 8 days intravenous Cupridium 1
ml. (Formidium D4 + Cuprum D4)
On 23 May 1984 she reported that she no more sneezed, the itching in nose and eyes
were less. She felt better all-round. Now followed a series of 18 injections of Formidium D12 1
ml. every 8 days. I could not pursue the case but my colleague told me that there was relapse.
Case 3: Asthma bronchial: Mrs Kl.H. 5 years with 2 children, came to me in October 1982.
Suffering from Asthma since 5 years. She was twice hospitalised. In 1982 ventilation of the
antrum of highmore was done. In June and July 1982 the patient was again in hospital and was
given Gencydo, Acidum formicicum 5%, Kimakto plant, Cuprum aceticum D6 and Lobelia D4
in tablets. Menopause since 1982.
At the commencement of my treatment there was rales and rhonchi, the blood pressure
was 169/100, the liver was not enlarged. The patient took inhalations of Berodual, Sanasthymyl
and Atrovent. A sudden stoppage of the inhalation did not appear possible. I injected additionally
intravenous Cupridium 1 ml . every 8 day and gave per os Cuprum arsenicosum D8, Lobelia D4
and Omniflora 3 x 1 tabl./5 drops.
After 3 weeks except Sanasthyml other inhalations were not required. The homoeopathic
medicines were also discontinued and only Cupridium and Omniflora were pursued.
About 3 months later it was observed that the lungs were never so free.
Upto 5 May 1983, 42 injections of Cupridium i.v -every 14 days had been given. Now
she went to health resort Borkum . She could there, go about in rain and storm and even cycling.
Only very seldom did she need inhalation.
In October 1983 she said that she had never spent such good holidays. Only because that
there was re-painting of her house that she had felt some light complaints.
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Till March 1984 further 40 i.v. injections of Cupridium in intervals of 2 - 4 weeks were
given. The patient then made a trip to Israel and even in July a holiday in Tirol. In February 1985
she reported that this was the first winter she had without an attack. Earlier [V5-120]she had to
be brought in car to her physician even though he was so near her.
This treatment of course was complex at the beginning. To me it appeared that the
amelioration was due to Cupridium injections and Formic acid.
Case 4 . Psoriasis: Mr.H.Sch . 22 years. Since 10 years of age suffered from extensive psoriasis.
During service in military he was free from it. He was now being treated with Psorintern which
he had to abandon due to stomach ailments. In October 1973 began with i.v. injections of
Formidium D6 1 ml. in interval of 8 days; till end March 1974, 25 in all. During the period April
to Dec.1974 with 25 i.v. injections of Formidium D200. On 7-3-1975: Psoriasis in the trunk is
still considerable, but “otherwise no comparison”. Otherwise I had to wipe the table thoroughly
every time after checking his blood pressure since it was full of desquamated scales. At the end
"all was clear”.
The therapies referred to above may be called "unspecific". An individualistic
homoeopathic therapy has as basis the medicine proving on the healthy. Nevertheless, the
experiences by many of the observers are of the same that, to express it with reservation,
different "dilutions" possess different efficacies.
What produces the symptoms registered by the medical proving must be known only by
future researches. It would similarly be significant to clarify the path between the cause and
effect . For the time being we must be content with the formulation of Ferdinand Hoff that
pathomechanism represents a comprehensive question of the reaction of the body. It is valid in
the same way for the understanding of the working of the remedy. Perhaps Paracelsus' statement
is to be understood so: "As much less medicine the body has, so much high is the remedy's
MEDICINAL PROVING: Long before the provings of Acidum formicicum was published in
Germany by Hering and Lippe. Stauffer referred to the provings by Sheidegger which were
published in 1923. The Chief Physician Dr. Biwe carried out a proving on self in 1939 with
Acidum formicicum.
Recently in 1980 - 81 a double blind proving of Acidum formicicum with 18 men and 8
women was carried out in India. C200 and c6 were proved. However , only 2 men and one
woman produced proving symptoms particularly with C200. Purport and value of provings with
high potency are open. The authors suggest the following symptoms from Kent on the basis of
this proving:
--Head - sensation of pressure - mornings from 6 .30 - 8.00 hours with chillness and
desire for onions
Tongue - pale , yellow
--Appetite - wanting
-- Thirst - wanting
--Hypochondrium - Pain - lying on right am. - movement agg,
--Abdomen - pressure sensation - nights and throughout day upto 2C.30 hours
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--Flatulence - nights
--Stool - foul smelling
--Male genitalia - emissions - nights - without dreams - followed by weakness
--Female genitalia - cramping intermittent pains in lower abdomen before menses -
menses copious
--Mammae - pressure sensation before menses
--Throat - smooth swellings of t he lymphnodes
--Cold feeling - morning 6.30 - 8.30 hours
--Weakness - morning 6.30 - .30 hours
From a comparison of the materia medicas of Stauffer and Mezger with the indications which
have been put forth for the successful prescription till now, the extensive agreement is
noticeable. A material comparison of the efficacy of the Acidum formicicum and Formica rufa is
not called for since the other concomitant things contained in crushed ants which are removed by
alcohol may have their role.
Acidum formicicum may be given sub-cutaneously or as intravenously as injection from D5 to
D30 and D200. Mezger reports in his materia medica a case in which he gave in D3 in tablet
(1) Reuter, A. :Ameisensaure als Heilmittel. 3 Aufl. Max Keitner, Munchen 1940
(2) Hering ,C.: Die Ameise als Arznei. Allgemeine homoopathische Zeitung (AHZ) 82 (1871) 32
(3) Lippe, C.: Prufung der Ameise. Allgemeine homoopathische Zeitung (AHZ)
(4) Scheidegger, E.: Beitrag zu einer Prufung der Ameisensaure. Allgemeine homoopathische
Zeitung (AHZ)
(5) Rastogi; D. P., IL Singh, V.P. Singh.: Pathogenesis of New Drugs: Formic acid: Central
Council for Homoeopathy, Quarterly Bulletin 7 (1 - 4) (1985) 7.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Dr.Krishna Singh, Dr.V.P.Singh
Formic acid (CH
) was first discovered by F. Fisher in 1670 in the products resulting
from the distillation of ants. It is a colourless liquid with pungent odor and corrosive properties
and is miscible with water, alcohol, ether and glycerol. It is dangerous caustic to human skin and
its prolonged absorption causes albuminuria and haematuria. Its therapeutic utility has been as an
astringent and counter-irritant. The live ants have also contributed to the homoeopathic materia
medica and given us a wonderful drug with wide sphere of action. The drug available under the
name Formica rufa was originally proved by Lippe and Hering with tincture prepared from
crushed live ants. No systematic proving of Formic acid seems to have been made as most of the
authentic materia medica(s) do not contain information about this drug.
Many of the materia medicas refer to Formic acid under Formica rufa. But, as may be
seen, Formic acid is but a product derived from ants and is devoid of other chemical constituents
which ants contain. Since the available data on Formic acid is related to clinical observations and
not to the data obtained through provings on healthy human beings, the Central Council for
Research in Homoeopathy conducted its proving at two of its research Units located at Calcutta
and Midnapore (West Bengal) in the year 1980 - 81 . Twenty six provers, both male and female,
participated in the proving.
Synthesis of Available Pathogenesis
Boericke discusses Formic acid under Formica rufa (Relationship) in his pocket manual.
He refers to its use in chronic myalgia, muscular pains, gout, articular rheumatism. tuberculosis
nephritis etc. and as a diuretic
"Some clinical experiments conducted by Hering Research Laboratory, Philadelphia on
cases of arthritis with Formic acid showed that it preferably acts on ligaments, capsula and bursa
of the joints (W. Boericke)”. Obviously this is related to the clinical observations and not to
the data obtained through provings on healthy human beings.
A reference to Formic acid is also found in New, Old and Forgotten Remedies (Anshutz
E.P.) wherein he has reproduced letters of one Mr. R. Wallace Ellison addressed to Dr.John
H.Clarke. The author of the letters states that he added to his diet one or two grains of Formic
acid (commercial Formic acid (25%), Sp.Gr. 1.062) diluted with the water in the ratio of 1.11.
Within the period of 2 years and nine months that followed, he observed that he was relieved of
nasal polypi; chronic catarrh of nose, throat and intestines; stiffness of joints and varicose veins
in the left leg, Further he says that his vision improved by 50 percent (he was short sighted
earlier) and his eyes which were of light grey before he started taking Formic acid, turned darker.
His facial and bodily appearance altered so much that even people who knew him intimately,
could not recognise him. Mr.Ellison also tried solution on the sickly and scabby pony and found
that the pony was restored to good health and developed beautiful, healthy crop of hair.
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Earlier to the observations of Mr.Ellison, Dr Edward Krull of Gustrow had observed that
Formic acid was constantly present in the sweat of healthy persons but was absent in the persons
affected by phthisis. His experiments with dilutions of Formic acid, in different dilutions
administered hypodermically showed that more diluted and injections were the more powerful
the effects
The dilutions he used correspond to 3rd or 4th centesimal homoeopathic potencies. The
repetition of injection was made after 5 - 6 months. "He treated in this way, with success,
external and interna1 tuberculosis, chronic nephritis, and malignant tumours". (Dr.Dudgeon on
Dr. Krull ' s observations, in Homoeopathic world - April, 1902). Krull's other observations with
regard to the action of Formic acid are: immediate increase of nutrition , improved appetite,
increase in weight (without any change in diet). All the patients who were given Formic acid,
experienced pain in the abdomen. on the right and left of umbilicus, sometimes accompanied by
urging to stool". “If several copious faecal evacuation occurred, this had no bad effects on the
patients: they (patients) seemed to have a critical character". "After t he injection the menses
came on earlier and were more copious; all diseased organs and parts showed greater activity.
In carcinoma of breast and stomach, the tumour first increases in size and becomes very
sensitive and the skin over it feels warmer. The shorter the term the tumour has existed the
stronger the constitution the sooner does reaction occur and the consequent cure of the disease"
(Dr.J.H.Clarke's observation of case cured by Krull).
Clarke also quotes experiments of Dr.L.B.Couch (Homoeopathic World - September,
1906) on patients of rheumatism, Couch's experiments revealed that at "Formic acid in 2.5 per
cent solution, administered hypodermically in 5 to 6 drops doses was the best. The solutions
stronger than 3 per cent were forbidden". On queries whether Formica rufa will answer the same
purpose as Formic acid,” Clarke says "1 think most probably it would. But this is a question
which experience would have to decide.
Following the publication of Mr. Ellison's letters some other observations were made by
others. These are: "In two cases of chronic articular rheumatism in which I have tried, its results
have been promising . In one case, enlargement of the joints of the fingers became very much
lessened and stiffness of the legs which had troubled her very much in walking, was markedly
relieved (H.T. Webster – 1916).
"The drug is credited with a selective influence on eyes. For a time, the writer, who has
noted considerable failure of vision within the past year, has been taking it, and has found much
satisfaction from its action. I do not believe we have a more positive remedy for failing vision
when the ocular apparatus is not obstructed than this. Where only functional failure of the eyes is
present, one can hardly go wrong prescribing it, if reports are true" (H.T.Webster 1916)
"Tuberculosis, chronic nephritis and carcinoma are not diseases in which we can claim a
great amount of success. So, where other remedies fail or cannot be discovered we may take
Solomon's advice and go to the ant" (Dudgeon - 1902).
It ' s use is suggested in Apoplexy: brain, affections of; bruises; chorea; cough; diarrhoea,
dislocation: dropsies; eyes, affections of facial paralysis; foot sweat checked: consequences of
gout; hair falling out; headaches; nodes; overlifting, complaints from: paralysis: rheumatisms
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
sight, affections of; spine, affection c of; spleen, affections of; pain in throat sore". (Electric
Medical Journal - March, 1916).
“I have carried out an experiment for checking; the efficiency of Natrum Mur. locally by
simulating the insect bite with Formic acid. On the back of my hand I made punctures, shallow
and slightly deeper, with a sharp pin dipped in concentrated Formic acid. With just superficial
contact, the skin blackens. On increasing the time of contact, the depth of puncture and quality of
acid, there is increase in pain and redness around the puncture accompanied by inflammation.
The stinging and burning sensation is similar to an ant's bite (Saraswati Venkataraman Hah.
Glean. December, 1984 ).
Obviously these findings are of clinical nature and need to be supported by regular
proving on healthy human beings. The Council has attempted to do so through proving on
apparently healthy human beings.
Double blind method was adopted during the entire course of proving which was
conducted with 200 CH and 6 CH potencies in descending order. Twenty six provers consisting
of 18 males and 8 females between 16 and 30 years of age took part in the proving .
The provers were divided into Drug- group (17) and Placebo-group (9). The
administration of drug was on the established lines i.e. the drug was stopped soon after, the
appearance of morbid-symptoms and so on …
The pathogenesis of the drug as obtained during the course of proving is as under.
Head : Heaviness of head in the morning from 6.30 a.m. - 8.00 a.m. with chilliness
Mouth : Tongue, yellow coating
Stomach: Diminished appetite and thirst. Desire for onions.
Abdomen : Heaviness in the abdomen. During pain in right hypochondrium, worse by motion
and better by lying down. Flatulence at night. Stools, offensive.
Male : Nocturnal seminal emissions without dreams, followed by weakness.
Female : Pain, cramp-like, in lower abdomen before menstruation, better after onset of
menstrual flow. Heaviness of mammae before menstruation. Menses profuse.
Neck: Cervical lymph glands tender and inflamed .
Extremities: Pain in the left leg, as if sprained.
It was observed during the course of proving that only three provers, 2 male and 1
female, developed morbid signs and symptoms which lasted through the whole period of
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Most of the pathogenesis was obtained during the period in which the provers were
administered 200 CH potency. The 6 CH potency did not seem to develop any morbid signs and
symptoms except in one female prover who complained of premenstrual pain and heaviness of
mammary glands before the onset of menstrual flow.
While increase in weight by 1 to 3 Kg. was noticed in 3 of the true provers (Drug Group),
3 provers of control Group showed increase in weight 0 .5 to 1 kg. At the same time 4 true
provers manifested decrease in weight by 1 to 7kg.
The drug pathogenesis obtained through the proving indicates that Formic acid has a very
wide sphere of action covering almost the entire human mechanism.
It is of no significance that only three provers (2 male and 1 female) developed morbid
signs and symptoms, what is significant is that the proving has substantiated the clinical
observations concerning its action. on head, stomach, abdominal organs, female genitalia, skin
etc. and .also increase in body weight Please refer Synthesis of available pathogenesis) . In
addition we find that Formic acid has a general aggravation period between 6.30 a.m. and 8.00
am. (heaviness of head, chilliness, weakness etc.) It also has a marked action on male genitalia.
Recommendations: For Inclusion into Kent's Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Heaviness morning 6.30 - 8.00 a.m.
chilliness, with onions, desires
MOUTH Discolouration
Tongue pale yellow
STOMACH Appetite, diminished Desires,
onions Thirst, diminished
ABDOMEN Flatulence night Heaviness night
lasts through 8.30 p.m.
Menses, copious Pain abdomen, lower
cramping griping intermittent menses, before
Oppression Mammae, menses, before
Swelling glands. of neck soft, tender
Thirst, diminished stool, offensive
Hypochondria, right lying down amel.
Motion egg
Odor offensive
Morning 6-30 – 8-30 a.m.
Weakness morning 6.30 – 8.30 a.m.
Emissions (nightly) dreams, without
weakness, followed by
1. Anshutz E.P. New Old and Forgotten Remedies, Indian Edition, Calcutta, Roy Publishing
House, 1961.
2. Boericke W. Pocket Manuel of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Edition., B. Jain Publishers,
New Delhi.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
3. Clarke J.H. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, vol.1, Jain Publishing Co., New Delhi.
4. Venkataraman S. Insect Bites – An Experiment with Nat. Mur. And Formic Acid. The Hahn.
Glean. 1984; 12: 468.
5. Windholz M.ed Merck Index: An Encyclopaedia of Chemicals and Drugs. Merc & C0. USA,
[From CCRH QUARTERLY BULLETIN Vol.7 (1-4), (1985)]
Dr. Linda Johnston M.D., California who attended the Homoeopathic Educational
Conferences for classical homoeopaths presented by Dr. Alfons Guekens of Belgium, at
Salzburg , Austria and Celle in Germany reports as follows :
"Both Dr. Geuken’s background and teaching style deserves comment. He was medically trained
in Belgium as a surgeon. He later spent 2 years in Zaire serving the population there with his
medical and surgical skills. These wide range of experiences have contributed greatly to his vast
medical knowledge and his keen sense of observation. Upon returning to Europe, Dr.Guekens
began his study of homoeopathy with the assistance of George Vithoulkas. In 1980, Dr.Geukens
founded the Center for Classical Homoeopathy in Be1gium as a clinic for patient care and a
teaching facility for medical doctors. Since that time, the Center has stood as a strong shining
example of the vision of Homoeopathy made manifest. Patients can receive high quality classical
homoeopathic treatment from superbly trained medical doctors and the hierarchy of training
ensures that the attending physicians are able to learn and teach among qualified colleagues.
In 1985, Dr.Geukens was the first non-Greek European to receive the prestigious certificate of
aptitude in classical homoeopathy from the Athenian School of Homoeopathic Medicine
presented by George Vithoulkas.
Dr.Geukens is now helping to spread Homoeopathy in another valuable way, the teaching
seminars throughout Europe. His dynamic and excellent teaching style have earned him the
respect and admiration of all who are fortunate enough to participate in his classes.
Over the years that Dr.Geukens has been treating patients at his center, he has been recording
and collecting his cases on videotape. He as an incredibly wide variety of remedies and many
samples of each. He now uses this extensive video library in his seminars for demonstration
purposes. It is certainly self evident that seeing the patient and hearing them describe their
symptoms and emotional state is an excellent way to learn. That coupled with Dr.Geukens
comments, observations and frequent repertory references makes for an unforgettable learning
experience and efficient, thorough way to learn Classical Homoeopathy.
The first seminar, in Salzburg, was held in the University classrooms right in the center of the
old town. We were surrounded by majestic churches, whose resonant bells interrupted our
proceedings on more/than one occasion. The attendance in the class was extremely impressive,
there being 160 medical doctors from Switzerland, southern Germany and Austria. This is a
comment the high quality of Dr.Geukens' presentations as well as the growing number of
serious, dedicated medical doctors in Europe studying Homoeopathy.
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In the four day seminar, Dr.Geukens presented Sulphur, Phosphorus and another remedy that
was a complete surprise! He had five excellent cases of Bufo. The stereotype that often comes to
mind when hearing of this remedy was completely broken down as we saw a variety of people
with diagnoses ranging from cellulitis with lymphangitis to epilepsy to eczema. The
characteristics of Bufo, as is true with many other remedies, actually can present in very subtle
ways. Here are a few of the rubrics pointed out by Dr.Geukens and his comments on how they
may present in a patient requiring Bufo. (The page numbers refer to Kent's Repertory.)
407 MOUTH Motion: Lapping
This can present as a constant licking or wetting of the lips or the tongue being slightly
protruded from the mouth.
9 MIND Biting
Child can suck on his thumb or bite his fingers.
1018 EXTREMITIES Inflammation: Lymphatics of arm.
Bufo is the only remedy and it is bold type, but how many of us think of Bufo in
ascending infections of the arm or other areas of lymphangitis? Bufo Should be definitely
kept in mind if there is a history of epilepsy.
419 MOUTH Speech: Stammering
Impatient type of stammering, and gets angry if not understood
2 MIND anger: Misunderstood (only remedy)
12 MIND Company: Aversion: Desires solitude to practice masturbation. Child may want to go
to bed early, even before the parents tell him it is bed time. Quite unusual
for children.
Other interesting Characteristics of Bufo include:
390 FACE: perspiration
486 STOMACH: Desires: sweets
397 MOUTH: Biting: tongue
397 MOUTH: Biting: Tongue during spasms
17 MIND: Deceitful
46 MIND: Fear: Mirrors (Shining objects, just like Stram)
45 MIND: Fear: Happen, something will
1390 GENERALITIES: Paralysis agitans (Parkinson's Disease)
1352 GENERALITIES: Convulsions: Begin in Abdomen/Face
Bufo's relationship to the sexual sphere is exemplified by the following rubrics, all under
1355: Sexual excitement, from (only three remedies! Lach., Plato and Bufo)
1352 Coition, during (only remedy)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
1354 Menses, before
1354 Onanism, from
1353 Epileptic aura in Uterus
1354 Menses: suppressed, from
The entire class was extremely appreciative for these insights and the broader understanding of
this interesting and underutilized remedy. With this greater knowledge, it is certain that cases of
Bufo are less likely to be missed in the future.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
by Dr .M.L. Sehgal - Publishers: Sehgal Brothers , 1707, Pratap Street, Pahar Gang, New
Delhi - 11055. First Edition Rs.35/-.
This book explains Dr.M.L.Sehgal's “Revolutionized Homoeopathy”.
The book opens with a letter from Dr. S.P Koppikar, Chief Editor of ' Homoeopathic
heritage' enquiring as to how Dr. Sehgal came upon his method of treating diseases taking
into consideration ONLY the 'mental' symptoms of the patients , and seeking case reports to
support the method.
The first part of the book forms the answers to this. Dr . Sehgal has narrated some
'malaria' cases ‘cured' with the aid of the 'mental' symptoms only. This is followed by a paper
presented by Dr. Sehgal in 1987 - 'Mental Symptoms & Diseases, a precise relationship', with
two case Reports.
Part 2 contains hypothetical cases of two patients suffering from AIDS, restricting the
symptoms to 'mentals' alone and converting those 'symptoms (as expressed by the patient) into
the repertory 'rubrics'.
Some “Practical Indications for SULPHUR and THUJA" are given. Subtle distinction of
the two rubrics ‘DELUSION: thin, is getting' and 'DELUSION: body is', is explained in the next
A comparative study of BRYONIA, GELSEMIUM, COCULUS INDICUS and
CHININUM ARSENICOSUM covered by the rubric, "DISTURBED', averse to being (Synthetic
Rep.) comes as the next part. Actual cases cured are quoted.
The patients' narrations of their symptoms have been given in Hindi, in their own words;
english version are also given.
The book is full of many many practical hints for conversion of patient’s narration into
the repertory ‘rubrics' (MIND only). Undoubtedly many these will be of great help in practice.
Some interpretations of the rubrics, however, appear to be too imaginative.
Dr.Sehgal' s many interpretations are eye-openers in many ways. It should stimulate
everyone to enlarge the scope.
I cannot but comment upon the too many printing errors, in almost every page. The
‘errata' do not cover all the errors.
The Symbol ‘&' is used indiscriminately everywhere to indicate 'and’. Abbreviations
have also been without any order: "Barthel's, "H.Barthel's S.Repertory", " B.Sy. Repertory", “B.
Sy.Rep.” B.S.R.”, BSR”, HBSR” all have been used to indicate Horst Barthel’s ''Synthetic
II. SOUVENIR of the "VI Annual Function-cum-All-India Homoeopathic Seminar, 15 May
1988 - Dr. Sehgal's School of Revolutionized Homoeopathy"
Contains 8 Case Reports handled successfully by 5 different homoeopaths on Dr.Sehgal’s
method of prescription of the homoeopathic remedy on the basis of mental symptoms alone.
Except one case in which Gelsemium was the remedy in all the others it has been Opium only
('FEAR, extravagance of ')
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1987. 142 pp., Rs.15/- (First published in London, by
H.K. Lewis, 1925)
Edward BACH was born in 1887 and died in November 1936. BACH was a
bacteriologist and was in University College Hospital , London . In 1919 he joined the London
Homoeopathic Hospital as a pathologist and bacteriologist. At this time he was given a copy of
the Organon and it is said that he studied it through the whole night.
While BACH was not a homoeopath many of his conclusions were the same as
Hahnemann’s, even before he came in contact with homoeopathy.
From his experiments over many years he came to the conclusion that: intestinal
toxaemia arising from gram negative non-lactose- fermenting bacteria is responsible for chronic
diseases. Essential poisons; are derived from the food taken; the poisonous food derivatives are
the result of the bacterial growth. The toxins permeate the intestinal wall." "The reasons for
regarding these gram-negative, non-lactose-fermenting organisms as the cause of chronic
diseases are almost entirely clinical."
These organisms are of low-grade virulence and so they have been regarded as non-pathogenic.
Because of their low virulence they arouse but feeble body resistance responses; but they
produce a cumulative action ultimately. Consequently a lowered resistance to the commoner
pathogenic organisms, the streptococci and staphylococci etc. may be really dependant on an
under lying poisoning from intestinal organisms. The local manifestations may vary with the
special local susceptibility and site of invasion.
"Resistance to organisms appears to be made up of factors of general resistance and
specific resistance. The suggestion made is that intestinal poisoning affects the factor of general
(non - specific) resistance and that the specific resistances are insufficient, to produce speedy
recovery when the ‘general' factor is impaired."
The authors say that the first harmful effects of these bacteria (gram-negative, non -
lactose-fermenting) are exerted against the endocrine glands and some disturbances in endocrine
balance is almost inevitable. The vaccines of these intestinal organisms improve the general
resistance and consequently cure the local infections. The conclusion is that Hahnemann's Psora,
miasm and BACH’s intestinal toxins caused by these bacteria are virtually same.
Much stress is laid, rightly, on proper diet so as to minimise intestinal alkalinity.
Many clinical cases are cited. There is a chapter on "Cancer and its relation to intestinal
infections". An analysis response to therapy by the intestinal vaccines in 500 cases are given.
The chapter "The Work of the Medical Profession" opens up: "The work of the medical
Profession is two- fold: To prevent diseases in the community and to cure it in individual cases.
The book is written in fluent and easily understandable manner.
Peter Fisher (BHJ, Vol.72 No.1 Jan.1983) in his article CARCINOOGENESIS says:
"The most startling is the 35% of fatal malignancies attributable to diet Significant are the
carcinogens which may be produced in the gut from precursors in the diet or gut secretions.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Fisher further says that recent findings indicate the belief held by the Patersons that the presence
of supposedly non-pathogenic non-lactose-fermenting bacteria in the bowel can have serious
effect on health in this case by predisposing to the development of malignancies in the bowel and
perhaps at distant sites. It would therefore appear that BACH's (and WHEELER's) “working
hypothesis of chronic diseases" has been based on firm foundations.
The book must be read by every homoeopath and it would surely help in day-to-day
It is true that no Hahnemannian proving" has been made of the Bowel Nosodes. But
sufficient clinical findings exist to justify their use.
While Edward BACH later discovered, the "'lower Remedies, Paterson , Dishington and
others did further researches with the bowel organisms. The best 'materia medica' on the Bowel
Nosodes are to be found in Elizabeth Patersons “A Survey of The Bowel Nosodes" (first
published in the BHJ, July, 1960 and republished in the Journal of the American Inst. of
Homoeopathy Vol. No .61, 1968 later in the Hahnemannian Gleanings, Vol.LI, 1984). At
O.A.Julian's "Materia Medica of the Nosodes” also gives a good picture of the Bowel Nosodes.
Unfortunately, the most commonly and extensively used repertory - i.e. Kent’s Repertory
- does not contain the Bowel Nosodes. The latest Kent's REPERTORIUM GENERALE by
J.Kunzli also has in its index of medicines, only Dys. Co and Proteus, but not all the Bowel
Nosodes. Dr. Kunzli is of the opinion that "the Bowel Nosodes, in my opinion, should not be
included, - in many countries, you cannot get them, - and as with allopathic drugs nobody will
prepare them in the year 2090. The profession should ponder whether the Bowel Nosodes which
have been clinically found to be of such great value should be allowed to become extinct.
Leading homoeopathic pharmacies must, with the cooperation of eminant bacteriologists,
venture in the manufacture of these valuable nosodes. With 'Junk-food ' culture spreading even in
the Third world, necessity for the Bowel Nosodes increase.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
“No.1 issue of DIGEST for 1988 is worth reading again and again from cover to cover.
Pierre Schmidt’s paper on the usefulness of high potencies should be read at least four times in a
year, so that the lessons sink in our brain and reflected in our practice. The articles of Paschero
Ortega on mental symptoms and miasms are instructive, but they would have been more
effective if supported by cases. The article which has held my interest again and again is that of
Jacques Imberechts, particularly his remark about “the unique quality of this therapeutic system
is its flexibility, its capacity to tailor for each patient a therapeutic procedure that fits his
individual and personal needs and his unique reactivity.” His conclusion that "no strategy is
perfect and we should know all of them” is worth noting by those who lay too much stress on
one or the other "strategies". I. do not understand how the learned doctor has used 36 rubrics to
arrive at the first prescription, when in the third para itself he says that we should try to prescribe
on a set of symptoms corresponding to the minimal syndrome of the maximal value. I strongly
believe in this latter dictum, and probably many failures arise when we go after the “numerical
totality.” – S.M. Gunavante.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
3.7 NEWS
"There is a certain mushrooming of homoeopathy over here, or at least the marketing of
combination remedies by new firms aimed at specific conditions such as "stress", sports
fatigue, the auto-immune system, etc . So too offerings of Chinese eras and other natural
remedies. Probably it is these manifestations more than the less obvious signs of classical
homoeopathy being practiced that attract the ire of establishment medicine and its tremendous
testing apparatus."
The progressive Homoeopathic Society (Regd.), Delhi--110 051 held a Symposium on 24.7.1988
on Mental Symptoms. The Symposium was followed by a ‘book-release’. The book titled "Key
to the Rubrics of Mind" by Dr. M.L. Agrawal, was released by Dr . Jugal Kishore President of
the Central Council for Homoeopathy, New Delhi. The Symposium was attended by Drs.V.K.
Gupta, Hari Singh, S.R.Islam, S.K.Kapoor, A.M. Kamath, Jugal Kishore besides some
Psychiatrists and Psychologists.
Dr.M.L. Agrawal explained that without understanding the meaning or interpretation of the
rubrics of Mind chapter of the Repertory of Kent one cannot treat a patient successfully. Dr.
Agrawal also stressed the teaching of Psychology in the homoeopathic colleges.
The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy has set up a Homoeopathic Drug Research
Institute at Lucknow. The Inaguration Cermony on 6
August 1988 was by Ms Saroj Khaparde,
Hon’ble Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, Govt. Of India. Shri Lok Pati Tripathi,
Hon’ble Minster for Irrigation, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh presided. Shri Gopinath Dikshit, Hon’ble
Minister for Health, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh was the guest of honor. On that occasion a Seminar
on Clinical Verification and Workshop on Epidemic Management was also held. The Council’s
Monographs: ‘Monograph on Cynodon dactylon’ and ‘Additions in Kent’s Repertory from
William Boericke’s Repertory chapter ‘TEETH’ were also released.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
4 QHD, Vol.V, No.4 December 1988
Dear Doctor,
This number too is dedicated to Materia Medica and Provings.
You will find a comparative study of the remedy CYCLAMEN PULSATILLA and
SEPIA. Some of this can be can be added on to Gross Comparative Materia Medica.
The CARCINOSIN essay is of great practical value and gives a comparative study of
MEDORRHINUM and CARCINOSIN. Observation of Vithoulkas that CARCINOSI has much
energy especially in the sexual sphere should be noted .
THLASPI BURSIA PASTORIS has been found, in drop doses of the tincture to prevent
formation of renal calculi. This may be jotted down, in the Repertory. This is an important
clinical finding of Dr. Henry Williams and colleagues should try it and report (FEED BACK)
results. It is the way by which Materia Medica is built.
description given in Clarke's Materia Medica.
CARBO BETULAE POLARIS IN CARCINOMA is a useful clinical observation. The
problem is to obtain this variety of CARBO VEG.
ADMINISTRATION OF PROPULIS describe two new remedies.
While these 'provings' have proved successful in obtaining many symptoms of clinical
value compare these with the subsequent article of Campbell: THREE MODERN PROVINGS:
ARNICA BRYONIA AND PULSATILLA and the negative results of these provings and the
author's conclusion doubting the very basis of the homoeopathic materia medica . Clearly these
provings would appear to have been done perfunctorily and with faulty protocols.
The usual columns of BOOK SHELF, FEED BACK and NEWS would give some useful
31 December 1988
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
1 MARCH 89
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Dr Jacqueline Barbancey
A primulaceae (CYCLAMEN EUROPEANUM), a ranunculaceae (PULSATILLA
ANEMONA), are two floral species evocative of springtime and cool glades. Time and patience
are needed in finding them, in order for these delicate blossoms to be carefully gathered…
Even if we should not spend time on "ramblings" which do not concern us here (which,
in addition are judged by some as being burlesque, and by others as being improper, if not
sacrilegious), we cannot honestly dodge what has been conjured up in our imaginations (unless
we completely close up our imagination - which is another problem), evoked by the names of
these plants, their appearance, and their growing conditions:
CYCLAMEN EUROPEANUM develops in the shade and in the warm moisture of sparse
woods and thickets, well hidden in a nest of protective leaves, its floral buds obstinately bent
towards the earth, before the spiraled peduncles with their beautiful violet flowers push upwards
towards the light!
PULSATILLA ANEMONA, meadow anemone, as we know, is the plant which quickly bends its
stem if it does not meet with a prop, leaning its corolla "heavily towards the ground, in the form
of a deep bell. Its color darkens to a dark purple, nearly black () When the floral process is
ended, the peduncle lifts up vertically, freed from its weight, and its fruit become achenes
garnished with feathery appendages, quite aerial"
This is the descriptive identity of these two "botanical" types. Both are spoken of in the
feminine gender.
It may seem strange to artificially isolate the morphophysiogenesis of their toxicological
action and their experimental symptomatology - especially in a homeopathic context of biology.
However, in no way do we have the right to draw correlations, even symbolically …
"Pale complexion, sickly face, circles under the eyes, forehead drawn, eyebrows knit"
thus Kent describes a CYCLAMEN type with the key-symptoms:
- weak, tired, whining, sometimes anemic;
- morose disposition : scrupulous character;
- distaste for effort, movement, fresh air; longing for solitude.
And the somatic symptoms of a peal.
Functional circulatory problems:
- with migrainous characteristics:
frontal cephalea, in particular catamenial cephalea;
preceded by pressure on the vertex and above the eyes, by problems with eyesight
(phosphenes, glittering), by dizziness "with unsteadiness, and swaying movement of
objects" (Duprat);
problems aggravated by cold air (although the congestive cephalea of PULSATILLA are
aggravated by heat, especially in overheated rooms);
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
- with cardiac characteristics:
palpitation and tachycardia;
anemic functional murmur (see FERRUM);
- with genital characteristics;
aggravation of all of the symptomology before menses (PULSATILLA, especially during
membranous dysmenorhea during all of the menses (PULSATILLA, especially the 1st
and the 4th day); irregular cycle and hyper-, hypo-, or even amenorrhea (like PULSATILLA);
Functional digestive problems:
- little thirst, or lack of thirst (more or less like PULSAT ILLA) ;
- distaste for butter and fatty foods (like PULSATILLA), but also for coffee, which causes
- heaviness and epigastric bloating right after meals (like PULSATILLA and SEPIA);
- nausea and sometimes vomiting immediately after eating (they are voluntary and obsessional,
or have become "reflexive", even gushing);
- colitis with spasms, and constipation (sthenic condition) with diarrhea and exhaustion
(weakened condition).
Clinical experience, furthering experimentation, adds several details to the psyche of
With regards to intellectual functioning it is possible to note an alternation, in the same
- of continual mental agitation and distaste for intellectual effort (laziness, Jahr says);
- of proliferation of ideas, of difficulties with concentration and with memory. When far enough
on, this can become mental confusion particularly in elderly women who, furthermore, have the
characteristics of this remedy (“incoherent replies, Kent);
As to state of mind:
- feverish anxiety (as possible with PULSATILLA), which explains, in spite of tiredness and
sometimes, exhaustion, the obsessional need for meticulous activities (see SEPIA) and the need
to come and go, which calms the subject;
- varying moods, changing (but much more seriously than PULSATILLA and with a slower
rhythm of alternation):
kindness and sulkiness;
serenity and irritation;
joy and sadness;
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
stubbornness and susceptibility (bringing to mind both PULSATILLA and SEPIA);
- and especially scrupulousness, problems with conscience, fear of doing harm, "of not doing
one's duty" (see SEPIA).
As we know, CYCLAMEN is most often prescribed for females, but it is possible here to
give examples of bachelors living with their mothers who sink into remorse and depression when
they are alone, or of devoted husbands in childless couples …, evoking PULSATILLA or
SILICEA, all trace of masculinity having been erased.
For women, on the other hand, just as the therapeutic indication is perhaps too often over-
looked, CYCLAMEN is only forgotten in order to better impose itself.
It is a medicine for transition:
- a doublet of PULSATILLA;
- close to SEPIA (in another form);
- capable to masking… PLATINA
When we see it we first think of PULSATILLA, SEPIA and sometimes LACHESIB. By
closely defining the objective symptomatology and its cautious interpretation we can go on from
simile to simillimum.
In reality, CYCLAMEN, more sthenic and apparently more mature than PULSATILLA,
apparently more sociable than SEPIA, apparently more modest than PLTINA, lives by its lack of
affective autonomy and by its real dependency on others, in a vein that is:
- less visibly demanding than PULSATILLA
~ seemingly more oblate;
- but which testifies to its extreme and comparable
It does not impose itself:
- either by inciting protective emotions (like PULSATILLA);
- or by untamed sadness which requires intervention (like PLATINA).
Biographical analysis shows how, for certain predisposed personalities, this neurotic
personality can structure itself.
Miss Marianne G…, 54 years of age, came for treatment of a reactional depressive
condition following the recent death of her elderly father, of whom she spoke with intermittent,
tearful emotion, which seemed rather artificial. She was the older sister of Clotilde, 49, married,
5 children, who lived in a town about 70km away. When she had just turned 30, her mother was
stricken by breast cancer, followed by osteal and then hepatic metastases. The next 10 years were
filled with home care and hospitalization Mrs, G… died fourteen years previously.
Marianne never left her parents, first managing the extensive family home (due to her
mother's illness) and then, more and more, managing the family property (her father had become
incapable of this). She proved capable of endless activity, unfailing self-sacrifice and totally
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
unpredictably, of management qualities, which won her the admiration of the town-people.
"Mademoiselle" is considered a model of filial devotion. All of this was told to me with the
following comment: "And you'd never think it to look at her: she looks so frail and doleful that
we feel like pitying her and helping her. Oh! She's so brave, that one!”
In spite of which she admitted, with a pained attitude, that she was full of remorse for
certainly "not having done enough" for her family - something which seems surprising and
She had to be listened to and reassured until she could express with enough force where
this impression had originated. She said that she had proof of this from reading her father's will
(ARSENICUM). Her father, without telling her, had willed her due part to his grandchildren.
She quickly stated that she did not regret this legacy made to her nephews, but that she
considered that it was a defiant measure taken against her, since she was to handle the estate…
She had sacrificed everything for her parents, renouncing marriage (even though she had
never sought it), taking care of them and the estate for twenty-four years, in order "to spare
Clotilde of all worry" (in fact she was progressively excluding her from any information and
decisive powers, with susceptibility) o Marianne thus felt both guilty and in justly rejected,
abandoned, if not suspect.
She had lost much weight over a short period, because she had been eating very little; her sleep
was agitated. She was drained by a menopause which she was impatiently counting on to end a
genital activity which had brought her nothing but problems, including (authentic) catamenial
Marianne was given 4 doses of CYCLAMEN 30 C which reestablished her state of mind.
She then had several talks to clarify her feelings and… was given the imperative prescription to
take the trip to Greece that she had been denying herself for fifteen years!
Consciously or not, a CYCLAMEN type wants to incarnate, give and to be taken for the
image of self denial and accomplished devotion, in which can be found:
- sexual ambivalence (latent homosexuality, especially in masculin CYCLAMEN) by attempting
to sublimate all urges;
- remorse, if the subject does not believe her/himself to be conform to this image;
- "dis-compensation" ("giving up, and feelings of persecution) when the subject believes or feels
that she/he is misunderstood.
By the subject's scrupulous “hyperdevotion":
- less slave-like than that of PULSATILLA;
- less curt and aggressive than that of SEPIA;
- less condescending than that of PLATINA,
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
this false PULSATILLA, pushing off a need to affirm a hold over the other, can reveal itself to
be drastic under the appearance of an angel of devotion…, which makes all frustration in love
(imposed or voluntary) and all self-enhancements so costly.
Depending less on her/his mother than PULSATILLA, less tied to her/his father than SEPIA, the
CYCLAMEN subject draws surreptitiously closer to PLATINA by unadmitted complaoency, to
form an idealized image of self.
1. PELIKAN, W., L'Homme et Les Plantes Medicinales, Trans. G.Claretie. Paris:Triades, 1962;
II : 253-254.
2. PELIKAN, W., Ibid;I:227-228.
3. Unpublished work of G.H.E.P. Bordeaux, June 1979.
[From the Journal of the OMHI, VOLUME1 No.2 APRIL – 1988]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Note: The number inside the bracket [1/indicates the underlining. This notation is used to
indicate the strength or emphasis of symptoms. Further details concerning the parameters of
underlining may be found in Vithoulkas, The Science of Homoeopathy, Grove Press, NY, 1980]
1st visit, 12-9-82.
This 25 year old woman has an eight-year history of weakness. She has had an
eczematous rash since last year, which was over the whole body but is now localized to the neck
and shoulders. She has had recurrent ovarian cysts, always right sided, causing numbing pain
down her leg. Her life is difficult (1). She has anxiety about the future (2).
She has a great fear of getting ill like her mother. Her mother was the only relative that
she knew and her mother died of cancer. She feels as if her destiny is inextricably bound to that
of her mother's. She feels as if there is no life in front of her.
Nightmares, she dreams of getting ill (1); of having bad blood (1); "my will is slipping
(1)." She tries to control things but she can't discipline herself. She was outgoing in the past, but
she now is a "bookworm," with an increasing lack of contact with people.
She fell in love with the wrong man (1); the passion overwhelmed her (2); they had
unprotected sex. She then had an abortion (previously having had three abortions), and she
vowed never to have another; yet had sex while ovulating. She felt dominated by a wild, hungry
impulse, a compulsion to get as much as she could. She became very depressed after having
given over to this passion (2).
Anxiety about health (3). Fear of cancer. Death is a big evil thing. She worries about everything,
and can't stay home alone. She feels as if things are closing in on her (1) when alone at home.
She loves responsibility; a leader-type; good organizer; orderly (1) and clean. She has always
been a fanatical sweeper; she doesn't like to see things on the ground. She is sensitive and she
weeps when appreciated.
Desires fat (2); Oranges when younger (2); Chocolate (1); spicy (1); butter (1). She loves
the sea, which ameliorates her physical complaints (1); loves brisk outdoors (1); loves to dance
(2); euphoric from exercise. She always had a strong sex desire.
This patient was a previously vital and creative individual who was very depressed and
anxious at the time of the interview. In the past she had been an art student and managed a
thriving art gallery. She had for many years a deep, semi-conscious fear of deteriorating
physically like her mother with whom she identified very closely, and she had maintained a tight
mental control over her life and dietary habits.
Her inability to control her sexual desire for one particular man and the consequences of
this precipitated a deepening depression and social withdrawal, colored by feelings of loss of
control and, concomitantly, increasing anxiety about her health and future. For many years she
had suffered from recurrent right-sided ovarian problems, and over the preceding year she had
developed an eczematous eruption which was partially controlled by locally specific remedies
prescribed by an eclectic naturopath.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The core of the case revolves around the following symptom picture: right-sided
complaints; great anxiety about health (especially cancer), and the future; fears loss of control
(feels her will is slipping) and experiences life as a struggle; orderly and clean to a degree which
may be called fastidious; anxiety alone in the house; strong sexual passion; desire for fats,
oranges, butter, chocolate and spicy foods; seaside ameliorates; better for exercise outdoors;
loves to dance.
The differentiation lay between Calcarea, Arsenicum album, Medorrhinum, and
Carcinosin. Arsenicum was suggested by the great anxiety about health, the need for company,
and the obsessional cleanliness, yet was not really supported by the rest of the totality. Calcarea
carbonica was an early consideration based upon the anxiety about health and about the future
combined with a need for orderliness and a sense of "slipping will" or loss of control. However
the amelioration from exertion and damp (sea) air combined with a desire for fat and a general
intuition based upon a sense of the totality lead away from this choice. Medorrhinum appears to
be well supported by the passionate nature, definite amelioration by the sea and a desire for
oranges. However the fastidious tendencies, the need for control and the strong love of dance
raised the question of Carcinosin.
Careful consideration of the case reveals much confirmation in the available data
concerning Carcinosin. Vithoulkas has described such cases as having much energy, especially
in the sexual sphere. They are "vital, social,[V5-154]expressive people who may have great
irritability manifesting as fits or out- bursts of passion. As their pathology increases they exhibit
a need for order and program rather than on small and picky details . The anxiety may be quite
The right-sidedness (ovarian cysts) finds confirmation in both the provings and clinical
experience. There may be a strong desire for OR an aversion to the following foods : salt , meat ,
fat, sweets , as well as eggs, and fruit , and a desire for garlic , onions and alcohol. The effect of
the sea air, and the strong sense of rhythm and love of dancing may be regarded as strong
indications for this remedy. Amelioration by the open air has also been described.
The family history of cancer is a well known association and has been reported to be
more frequent on the mother's side . Foubister gives a list of related remedies (Tub., Sep., Syph.,
Nat-m., Calc-p ., Dysco ., Lyc., Phos ., Ars., Ars- i ., Puls., Sulph., Nat- s ., Op ., Alum., Staph.,
Nux- v ., Dios.) and Cooper states that it is a strong indication when two or more related
remedies are partially indicated , but no one adequately covers the case.
The data upon which this prescription was based was obtained during a single interview
lasting one and a half hours. The remedy, Carcinosin, was administered in the 1M potency and
obtained from Standard Homeopathic Company in Los Angeles.
FOLLOW- UP : A number of interesting points were brought out in subsequent
interviews, MIND : The patient reported that within 15 minutes after taking the remedy she felt a
definite effect which she described as a state of euphoria alternating with perceptual distortions,
as if she were drunk, or had taken a strong drug. This state lasted about 24 hours and was
followed by uncharacteristic outbursts of anger and irritability over the following week.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
LEFT--SIDED SYMPTOMATOLOGY: Her menses came one week early accompanied by a
(for the first time) left-sided ovarian cyst. Additional left-sided symptoms were left upper
quadrant discomfort and drainage from the left nostril. This confirms the indications of right to
left movement brought out in the provings.
SKIN: The previously suppressed eruption was aggravated. The skin on her lower face ,
neck, and shoulders became hard, thick, and excoriated. Sores developed on her chin which took
on the appearance of secondarily infected lesion. The cervical nodes (especially the submental)
were markedly swollen and tender. This whole picture cleared almost completely with no
intervention over the ensuing 6 weeks.
Within the first few months the ovarian cysts ceased to form and appeared to be replaced
by the development of right-sided boils. These took the form, initially, of large, red, very tender
swellings on her chin. With subsequent cycles they moved first to the buttocks, then the upper
arm, and finally the thigh. The latter eruptions began as spots similar to mosquito bites. Around
these appeared areas of induration up to 5 cm in diameter and bright red to purple in color. These
areas were excruciatingly tender until they spontaneously discharged vast quantities of a clear to
slimy yellow matter similar to cake batter. The discharges would continue for 3 - 4 days and
were accompanied by a general amelioration . After the boils had subsided she reported a
tendency to develop bruises on the right thigh with no precipitating event.
It must be emphasized that all through this seemingly difficult period the patient was
never in doubt as to the definite improvement in both her psychological state and general sense
of well being.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Over the past 5 years, since I first prescribed this remedy
I have had occasion to use it in some 4 or 5 other cases in which it has, acted. The noteworthy
similarity in these cases has been the differentiation from Medorrhinum, the confusing picture
of the food desires and aversions, the love of dancing, and the poor family history in terms of
many chronic and deep- seated illnesses among the close relatives. I am most interested to hear
from any others who might have experience with this remedy.
Cooper, D.J., "The nosode Carcinosin," British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. 71 #4, Oct 1982.
Foubister, D., "The Carcinosin Drug Picture, " British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol.47, p.203 - 13
Foubister, D., "Clinical Impressions of Carcinosin," British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. 44, p.
116 - 23, 1954.
Jiminez, M., "Carcinosin" a paper presented at the Pan American Homoeopathic Congress , La
Jolla , Ca ., May , 1980.
Lees Templeton, W., "Proving of Carcinosin" , British Homoeopathic Journal , Vol . 44, p. 108 -
15, 1954.
Stephenson, J., Hahnemannian Provings 1924 - 59 , A Materia Medica and Repertory , Roy &
Co ., India .
Vithoulkas , "Lectures on Carcinosin , Alonissos , Greece, June, 1982.
[From Resonance, Vol.10 No.2 March – April 1988; FOR PRIVATE CIRUCLATION ONLY]
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Henry N. Williams, M.D
(The following is an abstract of a paper presented at Ohio-Michingan-Southern Homoeopathic
Meeting" Englewood, Ohio, October, 2, 1987.)
In my experience, the administration of as little as five drops of the tincture of Thlaspi
bursa pastoris in water before each meal has rendered recurrent urinary stone producers free from
stones for many years.
Thilaspi bursa pastoris is mentioned in Boericke's Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia
Medica as being useful in urinary frequency , "urine heavy, phosphatic. Chronic cystitis. Dysuria
and spasmodic retention. Hematuria. Accumulation of gravel. Renal colic. Brick-dust sediment.
Urethritis.” It doe s not appear in Kent's Repertory: under "URINE , Sediment, red” or under
"renal calculi" or under "sand." A review of the important homoeopathic authors (Hering,
Lilienthal, Hull, Royal, Cowperthwaite, Hale, Gentry, Hughes Mills, Hempel, Dewey and
Neatby and Stonham) found no mention of Thlaspi under renal calculi.
The use of Thlaspi tincture to prevent renal calculi must be attributed to Rudolph Steiner
(1876 - 1925), an Austrian teacher and educator whose lectures to physicians have given us a
number of valuable therapeutic tools.
My first case was probably the most dramatic. D.B., at the age of 15, started to have
kidney stones and at 19, had a left nephrectomy. The frequency of stones continued. At the age
of 21, he was admitted to the hospital, anuric for 24 hours with a BUN of 100 and symptoms of
urinary obstruction. A urethral lithotomy and nephrostomy were done and the tube from the
kidney to the outside was left open for some months. When it became dislodged, the patient
chose not to have it replaced. He did well for the next 12 years, occasionally spontaneously
passing gravels and stones. On only four occasions was a narcotic sedative required. At 33, he
was hospitalized with severe symptoms of obstructed ureter which resolved spontaneously
shortly after admission. At 35, he developed flank pain, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. After
unsuccessful attempts to remove the calculus he was operated upon at NIH. Following removal
of the stone, he was investigated metabolically because of the repeated cystine stones and was
discharged on a low cystine diet. Returning home, he came to my office for the first time and I
prescribed Thlaspi tincture - 5 drops before each meal. He continued without stones for the next
21 years, but then stopped the drops. A year later, this past summer, he passed small stones on
two occasions and a return to the drops was advised.
To date, I have treated ten other patients with recurrent renal calculi. In only one has
there been a stone over a total of 53 patient-years when Thlaspi was taken. Was this because of
concurrent constitutional treatment in four of the patients? I cannot say. But the results are so
spectacular that I feel they should be reported and made available, at least as an adjuvant to those
under constitutional homoeopathic care. My experience suggests that low potencies of most
medications will not interfere with the action of the constitutional medicine. The exception is
Nux vomica.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
[From JOURNAL of the American Institute of Homoeopathy March,1988 Volume 81,Number
Prof.Dr.med.habil.A.Kukowa of Greiz, Thuringen, was working in June 1965 in his garden
near four yew trees, when he developed dizziness, nausea, headache and anxiety. "My vision
became misty and I was terrified to find that I was becoming disoriented. Coloured visions and
appeared. I lost the sense of time, and felt dissociated from my surroundings. I tried to resist, but
could not, and felt mysterious powers overcoming my senses and wrapping me in a tight veil and
smoke screen. I broke into a cold sweat and seemed paralyzed. Vampires, cuttlefish, vipers, rats,
creepy monsters and other disgusting animals crept near and threatened me.
"I tried to call for help but my voice failed and I could not get my breath. Then the awful
anguish passed off and an euphoric mood took me into a dream-like paradise. Free from gravity,
I was floating in a huge circus tent; from the dome of it came wonderful light effects and
heavenly music. Down in the arena were many young animals and lion cubs and lambs were
playing happily together. Innumerable humming birds and butterflies were competing in
acrobatic movements."
“I do not know how long these hallucinations lasted or how I managed to get away from
the yew trees. I only remember staggering to the door of the house, disturbed, drowsy and
dyspnoeic and then regaining normal consciousness."
"In order to eliminate other causes of this experience I returned next day to the yews and
deliberately touched both fresh and dry twigs, and again noticed that slowly but definitely I
began to be overwhelmed by the influence of trees, so I stopped the experiment immediately and
only a slight euphoria lingered for a few minutes."
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
In Naturliche Heilweisen" journal 5/1970 reports WATERLAND, E. about curing cancer
by means of uncooked vegetarian food and Finnish birch-ashes. These birches, which grow in
the Finnish arctic zone and have to live under extreme poor and hard conditions, are very rich in
minerals and trace elements which to this extent are missing in birches growing in a milder
climate. The German homoeopathic physician, Dr. REHM, informed the editorship that for 2
years he has treated with good success carcinoma, the symptoms of which point to Carbo
Vegetabilis and Carbo animalis with Carbo vegetabilis Polaris D3.
[From ACTA HOMOEOPATHICA Band XIV (2) 1970 Heft 3 Mai – Jun i]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Franz Swoboda
Programme, subjects, method and material
The proving was carried out on a double-blind basis, in Vienna, Austria, in fall 1985. The
drug had not undergone a proving before. The potency used was the 30X, D 30 as we say. The
number of subjects was reduced to 18, due to experience with former provings.
The subjects were mostly physicians, none had a history of serious organic disease and the
preconditions of "functional balance" had been met. A protocol book was handed out to each
subject so that a complete case history and conscientious recording throughout the proving
would be provided.
The proving was carried out on a double-blind basis. The substance under investigation
was not known to subjects and tutors (as we call the conductors of the study). The subjects
had not been told whether or not one, both or none of the two vials contained placebo or drug.
The drug was prepared carefully by a Viennese pharmacist, and potentized up to the 30X,
using Hahnemann's method.
The subjects had to take 5 granules a day.
Response and assessment
13 protocol books could be included for assessment, a number which turned out to be
The subjects, 7 females and 6 males, aged between 24 and 66, had taken the drug for 45
days on average.
On the whole, the subjects carefully recorded their symptoms. They were aware of the
preconditions for participation in a homoeopathic drug proving and of the essential facts relevant
to the procedure. Most of them had already been known as "responders" from earlier provings.
The proving had to be discontinued in 2 cases as severe drug reactions occurred. After the
symptoms had disappeared, both subjects continued the proving, showing the same reactions to
the drug as they had shown before.
The first step to assessment was to decide who had received placebo or verum. This could
be done in most of the cases. At this point, the code had not yet been broken. We wanted to
identify the drug, as Stuebler and Bayr had shown to be possible in the proving of Berberis in
1982. (See “Only Hom. DIGEST”, Vol IV, No.3, Sept, 1987)
First we tried to do so by repertorizing the symptoms we had agreed to rely upon, mainly
generals and symptoms of mind. The result was unsatisfying, showing Lycopodium and Silica in
highest rank, followed by six further remedies, among them Magnesium.
As the test drug could not be found in this way, we decided to repertorize particulars. In
the process we came across the Labiatae, a plant family not known very well in homoeopathy.
We use them rather as herbs and spices. We found that a species of Teucrium contained a high
amount of Magnesium in its ash.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
For this and some other reasons, Magnesium was likely to be an important constituent of
the drug. However, it was not Magnesium carb., but there was something else we could not
identify. It was not Phosphorus, quite close in some aspects. We thought of Fluor (fluoride), but
failed to notice the synthesis of Mag. and fluor. So far the detective's approach to the proving.
Although we did not succeed in identifying the drug, the fact that we came quite close is
of great importance. From this study the conclusion could be drawn that a 30X produces
characteristic reactions in healthy subjects. This could help to meet a main point of critism to
homoeopathy: Can a high potency cause other than placebo reactions?
Indeed, a high potency has its specific drug picture with symptoms carefully ascertained
and reviewed.
Selection of Symptoms, comments
(A complete list of symptoms is left to the publication in DOCUMENTA HOMOOPATHICA
1987, here only some outstanding ones can be discussed.)
Changes of mood showed a marked ambivalence. Some subjects reported remarkably
good mood with activity, patience at work, self-confidence (fluor), others felt irritable, morose,
impatient (magnes). On the sixth day one subject fell into a deep depression, something she had
never experienced before. She reported that she was afraid of what she had to do, of imminent
events, of everything. She felt unable to continue with her daily work as well as with the proving.
Few days later she felt better again and ever since that has never had such sensations again.
Vivid dreams and problems in falling asleep were ascertained repeatedly. Several
subjects noticed a similar kind of headache. The pain had a sudden onset, was sharp, pulsating,
hot, undulating, and ceased suddenly. Sometimes the pain was violent, one subject described it at
one point as crushing.
The fact that the pain recurred frequently suggested that Mag. fluor. could be used as a
drug for the detection or even the cure of a focus.
Several subjects reported symptoms of minor infections. One showed symptoms of his
well known seasonal rhinitis, though it was not at all the season for it. (The proving took place in
a cold November.) The following spring and summer this subject noted a considerable
improvement of his seasonal rhinitis. This is all the more remarkable, since another subject also
felt his seasonal rhinitis to be less severe after having gone through this proving.
Reactions with the digestive organs were heavy and showed clear Magnesium symptoms,
as we had expected.
What was surprising though was a variety of symptoms of the heart and, even more, of
the sexual organs. Subjects tend not to admit them if they notice them at all. With Mag. fluor.
30X five out of thirteen provers reported markedly increased or diminished sexual desire. Some
reported both, that is, increased desire could be followed by loss of desire and vice versa. Such a
polarity is characteristic for a drug reaction and indicates that the subject was on verum.
Sexual fantasies and dreams with sexual contents were recorded. Two provers suffered
from balanitis. One subject noted her periods to be painless under Mag. fluor. On the basis of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
this symptom , Mag. fluor. was prescribed as a remedy for heavy menstrual pains. It cured where
Mag. Phos. had failed to act.
Ten out of thirteen provers recorded symptoms in the musculoskeletal and locomotor
system. Some of these pains were rather unusual, as they were felt "deep in the bones" and "in
the joints". They reminded us of the profound action that calcarea, calc. fluor and silica - known
to be related drugs - have upon the bones. The pains were pulsating, deep-seated and intense. In
one subject they repeatedly occurred before snowfall. We do not know many drugs with this
modality, calc, calc fluor, mag and silica among them. The impressive results upon the musculo-
skeletal system made us again think of the possible action of Mag. fluor upon a focus.
Points to be considered in provings
Provings have tradition in Austria and Germany. Theory and technique have been
discussed in detail in several publications by those Who also have experience which ranks high.
Julius Mezger, Martin Stuebler and Georg Bayr are those who have contributed most to both,
theory and practice of homoeopathic drug provings.
Our thanks are due to the subjects, who took their share of suffering. According to Fritsche this
is part of the basic approach for homoeopathic physicians.
Bayr,G., Eine Prufung von Berberis vulgaris D3 und D30.
Allgemeine Homoopathische Ze1tung 1983; No 5.
A model for homoeopathic drug tests including statistical
analysis – Br. Hom. J. 1986; No 2.
Stuebler, M. Die homoopathische Arzneimittelprufung. Documenta Homoopathica Bd 3. Karl F.
Haug 1980.
Mezger, J.,Gesichtete homoopathische Arzneimittellehre
(foreword !) 2 vol, Karl F. Haug 1980.
Swoboda, F. Abrotanum 30X. A homoeopathic drug study.
Br. Hom. J. 1986;75; 168-76.
Koenig P. and Swbodo F Acidum succinicum 30X - a drug proving.
Br. Hom. J. 1987;76;19-29.
Documenta Homoopathica, Bd. 6, 1986 Karl F. Haug, Heidelberg.
[From Transactions of the LIGA, ARLINSTON, WASHINGTON, USA 29 March – 2 April
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
E. Urban
Some qualities of Propolis were already known in the antique, especially by the old
Egyptian priests who studied the medicine and mastered the art of embalming mummies. They
knew the balsamic substances like Propolis even several thousand years before Christ.
Propolis was already a very well known substance by the Greeks. The word Propolis
comes from the Greek language and means “before the town” or “before the community”, which
means, that Propolis is the guardian which protects the community against the enemies. The
greek philosopher Aristotles studied intensively the life of bees. He seemed to have built himself
a transparent beehive. He tells, that the bees had covered the inside surface of the beehive with a
brown substance, probably Propolis. Aristotles was convinced that this substance was a remedy
for diseases of the skin, especially against ulcers and suppuration. The Roman author Plinius
reported that resin, the bees use that resin that they collect from the buds of willow, poplar and
chestnut. Other latin authors like Virgilius, Galenus and Varro mention Propolis in their works
and say that the roman legionaries took Propolis with them on their military expeditions. They
always had a certain quantity of this product for the purpose of treating wounds of the skin and to
drive out thorns and other alien bodies out of the tissue. The remedy was used for ulcers and
carbuncles and for diminishing the pain.
The Koran mentions Propolis as a substance of variable colour that was often used in
treatment. Avicenna speaks of two different sorts of wax: the poor wax and the black wax -
which is resin, Propolis.
He said that the therapeutic effects of Propolis are the softening and cleaning of the tissue
and to get off spines find metallic foreign bodies. The Inkas had also discovered the use of
Propolis. Already before the arrival of the Spanish, before the year 16.Jh. they used it for
disinfection and to produce fever. After this time there was no more news about Propolis until
the end of the 19th century. In the early years of this century Propolis was very much used and it
was a sort of universal remedy. It was used in different preparations for plasters, cream and
inhalation. Propolis has a long history in European ethno-medicine. It is currently used to a great
extent in eastern European medicine. During the Second World War it was extensively used in
Russian hospitals. Also during the Boer War (1899 - 1902) a distillation of Propolis was used for
the treatment of wounds and ulcers. Many wounded soldiers survived with this treatment.
The importance of Propolis cannot be exaggerated. The interested layman is surprised to
hear that the bees give us a further important product beside the honey, the wax, their poison and
the Royal Jelly: Propolis the resin of the bees. Even though Propolis has a very long history in
the household - and ethno-medicine, it has only entered the pharmacy in the last few years. When
I started to use it, my information came from beekeepers. My first application of Propolis was to
use it for my own infections of mouth and throat inflammation. I read about other applications in
the layman's press. There were euphoric reports of healing of nearly every disease by Propolis,
even cancer.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Before our studies there had been no homoeopathic test on healthy persons. The action of
Propolis which was known has been based on experience. Propolis is a resin like substance
which is collected by the honey bees from the buds of willow, birch and poplar. In North
America, Propolis comes mostly from the poplar trees. In Central Russia one bee swarm can
collect 60 gram in one year. The honey bees use it to cover the inside surface of the beehive and
to fasten the honeycomb. Most beekeepers do not like it when the bees stick the combs and part
of the hives together with it. The bees seal the cracks and the slits of the beehive. Small animals
like mice which invade the hive and are too big to be removed are killed and covered with
Propolis. It prevents the putrefaction because it acts as an antiseptic. You often find mummified
little animals in a beehive and there is no smell of decomposition.
The resin has a dark yellow brown colour which can be molded by the fingers to a soft
mass. It has a balsamic smell. The melting point is by 64 degree Celsius. The specific gravity is
1.2 gram/cm
(a little bit more than that of water). Among the types of substances found in
Propolis are waxes, resins, balsams aromatic and etheric oils, pollen and other organic matter.
The propotion of these types of substances depends on the area of collection.
Generally it contains about 30% wax, 55% resins and balsams, 10% etheric oils and
about 5% pollen. Up to now several chemical substances have been found in Propolis: Cinnamic
acid and cinamyl alcohol, vaniline, different flavonoides and caffee acid and other caffee [V5-
Propolis is well known for its antibiotic and antimicrobic effect. It acts bactericid and
fungicidal even when it is diluted 1: 5000. New clinical trials seem to show also an antiviral
effect. Propolis seems to contain an antiherpetic agent. Testing Propolis C30: We know from
experience, that taking quite a lot of Propolis mother tincture or chewing the raw product
produces an immediate numbing feeling of the mucous membranes of the tongue and mouth. The
taste and the sense of smell is blocked for a long time by the intensive aromatic smell of
Propolis. Later nausea appears, coming from the stomach. In sensitive persons the contact can
provoke allergic reactions like swelling and redness of the parts of the skin.
Knowing the toxic effects Propolis, I was interested to see if there are any other
symptoms, than only organotropic symptoms when taking higher potencies. Therefore we made
a testing in 1983/84 with 25 healthy persons with Propolis C30. The test was made with eight
men, 14 women and three children. Seven were doctors, the other laymen. The substance was
taken for two weeks followed by two weeks of observing symptoms. The substance was taken
for 14 days, two times a day 5 globuli. The substance for preparing the globuli was potentized by
myself. No one of the provers got to know, which substance he had to take. Each member of the
group received Propolis C30, there was no placebo group.
List of symptoms
Emotions: Much more well-poised and re1axed. Tired the whole day. Unusual tiredness which
was usual by 12 O' clock, even before lunch . Some more tiredness than usual, because I fell
asleep during my lectures. Very tired. Child is very kind and interested in playing. In the
morning tireder than otherwise even after sleeping longer.
Sleeping and dreaming:
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Restless, anxious and angry dreaming, dreaming of travelling.
Awaking angrily during the night .
Desires, aversions:
Very strong appetite, very hungry, desire for every sort of food. Very much appetite for
everything, also very thirsty. After awaking strong desire for sweets. Increased appetite during
the whole time of the test. Desire for fruits and bread.
Head: Headache. 9 a .m. suddenly strong pain in the forehead and in the back of the head until 1
p.m. Vertigo when bending forward . Headache pressing. 8.30 sudden headache, especially
forehead and left temporal region, 1asting for one and half hours.
Headache in the morning. Vertigo in the morning. In the afternoon slight pressing
headache, not better by walking in the fresh Air. Dull headache from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the
forehead and root of the nose. Light pain in the forehead for some hours. From 4 p.m. increasing
pain in the forehead after siesta. Light vertigo which never appeared before. 12 o ' clock gnawing
headache in the right forehead, better by lying down, decreasing in the afternoon. 11.15
spasmodic headache above the left temporal region which came back at 6 p.m. on the first day.
Short intermittent pain near the right parietal region, while walking. Knocking pain twice, above
the right eye, then for 8 short time passing to the right parietal region. Headache changing
between the left parietal region and right forehead.
Ears: From 4.30 p.m. pain in the left ear. Slight pain in the ear. Strong pain in the ear. Swelling
of the right parotid. Very quick release of pain and swelling. 3p.m. lightning pain in the left ear.
5 p.m. strong feeling of heat with red-hot head, In the ear no redness. 7 p.m. hardly any pain,
only sometimes a little twitching in the ear. Heat changes to chill. In the evening burning of the
outside part of the right ear. Feeling of pressing behind the ears. 9.45 a.m. a sudden pain of the
left ear. At the same time feeling as if the left parotis gland was very much swollen, because
there was pain when touching it. The pain decreased only in the afternoon. A feeling as if there
was water in the right ear, for some minutes.
Nose, sinus: Some discharge from the nose. In the right nostril bleeding scab. Frequent
sneezing. At first blocked nose, later running nose. Cold better. In the evening some cold. A
little watery discharge from the nose. Pain in the forehead, in the region of sinus frontalis, soon
disappearing, but afterwards watery discharge from the nose and pharyngitis. In the morning
secretion of mucous from the right nostril. Little discharge from the nose. Increasing watery
discharge. Cold with slight headache. 6 p.m. some tickling in the nose and little watery
discharge, after long walking in the cold air. The next morning at 9 a.m. still tickling, but less
discharge from the nose.
Mouth, tongue: At 9 p.m. sudden appearance of herpes labialis of lower lip, which remains only
a short time and disappears very fast. Little ulcers like aphtae of the mucous membrane of the
left cheek. Bleeding from the gums very much less than normally, hardly any inflammation of
the gums. Painful tear of the left wing of the mouth which disappeared the next day. The breath
smelt bad and the tongue covered grey, except the tip. Pustular eruptions around the mouth.
Throat: Dryness in the throat and rectronasal region. Pain in the throat when swallowing, 5 hours
after the first dose of the remedy. Disappeared after a few hours. Pain in the throat in the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
morning when getting up, after breakfast no pain. Rawness of the throat. 10 p.m. feeling as if
thick lump in the throat, when swallowing. From 8 p.m. pain in the throat and rough feeling in
the upper part and the palate. Rough burning feeling in the throat.
Little pain when swallowing.
Breathing, cough: Dry cough in the morning. Cough with discharge of a little piece of hard
mucous, the size of a pea. Light pressing feeling in the lower part of thorax. Continuing light
pressing feeling in the lower chest. Short spasmodic pain in the left thorax.
Kidney, bladder, genitals:
During the light frequent urination despite norma1 fluid intake. Urination very often. In the
afternoon three times intermittent pain the urethra. White itching pimples of pinhead size in the
morning only around the ostium uretrae, in the evening on the whole glans penis and a little on
the prepuce. The eruptions disappeared after one week. Painful tear in the frenulum of the
Skin: Face covered with red spots, disappearing after one day. Pustular eruption on the nose.
Unclean skin, three Pustular eruptions in the face, which had never been before. In the morning
a round spot the size of a finger nail on the left cheek, disappearing by 12 o’clock. One Pustular
eruption in the neck which healed after two days. 3 p.m. painful passing pustular eruption
between the root of the nose and the right upper lid.
Temperature: Normally warm hand: during the test hand ice cold. Freezing feeling over the
whole body. Transitory chilliness at 4 p.m. Cold fingers in the morning between 10 and 12
o’clock. 4 p.m. chillness after the walk.
1. A 63 year old woman with sinusitis. Bloddy-yellow discharge from the nose and retronasal.
She received one dose of Propolis C30. The symptoms disappeared within two days.
2. A second had tonsillitis and a sore dry throat with pain when swallowing. She received one
dose of Propolis C30. The pain and the symptoms disappeared the next day.
3. A 56 year old woman with haemorrhagic cystitis was treated in general ways without effect.
(Sepia, Apis, Cantharis). After 5 weeks she received Propolis C30 because of the burning pain in
the uretra. The pain disappeared within 4 days, and also the urine test did not show any more
erythrocyts and bacteria or albumin.
A 24 year old woman, who had pain in the throat for 6 weeks, received Propolis C30, one dose.
After 3 days everything was better. Only minimal pain. Two months later she sometimes had in
the morning a little pain in the throat. Again one does Propolis C30. 14 days later no more pain.
5. A 6 year old girl who had leftside otitis media and herpes labialis on the upper lip reveived
one dose Propolis C30. The earache and the skin eruptions disappeared in two days.
6. A 9 year old girl had a sudden earache on the left side with redness of tympanic membrane,
received one dose of Propolis C30. The next day no more pain and inflammation was present.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
7. A 29 year old woman with haemorrhagic cystitis. Urine-test showed albumin, erythrocytes and
bacteria. After 14 days treatment with other remedies there was no improvement. She received
one dose Propolis C30. Pain and urine symptoms disappeared within one day.
8. A 25 year old woman had pharyngitis and pain when swallowing. She received two doses of
Propolis C30 for two days. After the first day the pain in the throat was less, but the eustachian
tube was blocked on both sides. The next day everything was better.
9. A 3 year old girl had otitis in both ears. She received one dose of Propolis C30. Two days
later, her mother reported a very sudden change. There was no more pain and very fast
improvement. This happened in December 1985. Since then the girl had otitis media twice. She
needed Belladonna and Ferrum phosphoricum.
Propolis seemed not to be a remedy to prevent the relapse. Its action is very quick and
short lived. It acts more on the surface than in depth.
There is a remarkable ;predomination of the symptoms of the head. Acute symptoms of
the head appeared in 12 cases. There was a strong; affinity to the head, the sinus and the organs
of nasopharynx. This was not accidental nor by reason of an epidemic, because the tests were
carried out during different seasons of the year on various people who lived widely dispersed.
Some even in the mountains and some by the sea.
Besides the symptoms concerning the head there is also a strong affinity to the organs of
the urinary tract and the skin. Several patients had increased appetite during the whole test.
Symptoms of the emotional level were: bettor mental balance and well-being but also more
'he appearance of the organotropic symptoms was very sudden, the symptoms
disappeared as well after a short time. The action of the remedy is quick and violent. It can be
compared with Aconitum, Belladonna and Chamomilla.
The administration of Propolis C30 in several cases of otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, herpes
labialis and cystitis showed, that high potentized Propolis is superior to the mother tincture in
respect of quick healing.
It is necessary to organize a further test using low, middle and high potentized Propolis
by several sensitive provers to complete the picture of the remedy by getting more mental and
emotional symptoms.
I acknowledge gratefully the friendly support of the foundation “Stiftung zur forderung
der Erfahrungsheilkunde” and its chairman Frau Dr. Veronica Carstens who did very much for
the public recognition of Homoeopathy in Germany.
[From the Transactions of the 42
April 1987. For Private Circulation only]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The Rt. Hon. J. Dickson Mason, PC, MBCHB (GLAS), DHMSA, FRSA
INTRODUCTION It is generally stated by homoeopaths that homoeopathy is founded on
provings. Even though it is acknowledged that clinical symptoms play a considerable role
in the materia medica, it is nevertheless held that the bulk of the symptoms described for the
various remedies are derived from provings.
This claim is however somewhat dubious, for various reasons. Most of the relevant
literature is nineteenth century in origin, and therefore is based on experiments that, whatever
their historical interest, would not be accepted as reliable today. There is, for instance, little or no
awareness of the placebo effect, and none of the provings appear to have been even single blind.
Assessment of the reliability of these older provings is made difficult by the fact that they were
often not published in their original form but only as summaries, often in arbitrary forms. In any
case, few modern homoeopaths read even the original material that is available preferring instead
to depend on secondary, tertiary, or even more remote compilations of materia medica.
The principal original or near-original sources available to us are Hahnemann's Materia
Medica Pura and Chronic Diseases and Hughes's Cyclopaedia. Perusal of these works is not
wholly reassuring: for while the more toxic substances undoubtedly yielded symptoms that are
almost certainly drug-related, the same cannot be said of relatively inert remedies such as
Lycopodium. There is thus a real need to reprove some of these latter remedies using modern
Such reproving needs to be done using tinctures, since it is not always realised that the
provings of the Materia Medica Pura were made in this way; the same applies to most of the
other work carried out in the nineteenth century; which mainly used either tinctures or very low
potencies. The “provings” of the Chronic Diseases, on the other hand, were probably made with
30c potencies.
The aim of the present study was to reprove three commonly used remedies--Arnica,
Bryonia, and Pulsatilla--in tincture. No placebo was included because it would not be possible to
match the appearance and taste of the remedies. However, neither the provers nor the author
(JDM), who was conducting the provings, knew the identity of the remedies.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS The provers were doctors attending the 1983-84 Long Course in
Homoeopathy. Seven (four men, three women) took all three remedies, while an eighth prover
took only Bryonia. The age range of the subjects was 28-43.
Provers were given three solutions labelled respectively A, B, and C; A was Arnica, B
Bryonia, and C Pulsatilla. The Order in which the remedies were taken was random. After an
initial 3-day run-in period provers asked to start taking a remedy and to increase the dosage daily
according to the following scheme: Day 1, 1 drop; Day 2, 2 drops; Day 3. 4 drops; Day 4, 8
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
drops; Day 5, 16 drops; Day 6, 32 drops. Provers then waited for a further three days or until any
symptoms died away, after which they went on to the next remedy. They were at liberty to stop
taking the remedy at any time if symptoms became intolerable. They were asked to record all
symptoms daily in a notebook.
When all the provings were completed the notebooks were given to two experienced
homoeopaths who were asked to try to identify the remedies that had been used. The provers
themselves were also invited to do this. As a further test the symptoms were analysed using the
computer Repertorization programme currently being developed in the Research Unit at The
Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital.
RESULTS: The overall impression conveyed by the provers' reports is the remarkable lack of
convincing symptoms produced by any of the remedies. Those symptoms that did occur were
nearly all obviously attributable to intercurrent upper respiratory tract infections and other
incidental factors. Neither [V5-179]Arnica nor Belladonna produced any relevant symptoms; in
the case of Pulsatilla, one female prover experienced crampy lower abdominal pains on days 5
and 6 and the first post-treatment day; she also felt inexplicably low-spirited and commented that
she felt as if she had premenstrual tension although at mid-cycle.
Neither of the independent judges and none of the provers identified any of the remedies.
The computer also failed to do this.
DISCUSSION: This study shows that it is difficult, if not impossible, to produce any notable
symptoms using three common remedies in fairly substantial doses of tincture. This will
probably surprise many homoeopaths, but not those who have made a detailed study of the
relevant reports in Hughes's Cyclopaedia. In reading these reports it is difficult to avoid the
suspicion that many of the symptoms recorded therein are not really due to the remedies, and the
present study supports this view, It is of course possible that larger doses or more prolonged
administration would have produced more symptoms, but it would be more difficult to secure
volunteer cooperation for such a trial and there is also an ethical problem, in that the safety of
taking very large or prolonged dosages of tinctures cannot be assumed. Moreover, the longer a
proving lasts, the greater the chance that irrelevant symptoms due to unrelated causes will
intrude and confuse the picture.
The implications of this study, which is supported by at least one other critical modern
proving, are disturbing from the conventional view of homoeopathy as founded on provings.
While there is no reason to doubt that more toxic substances such as heavy metals and active
chemical compounds would give rise to genuine symptoms, this is not true of the remedies tested
in this trial and, probably, of a number of other relatively non-toxic substances used in
homoeopathy. The present study therefore reinforces the view that a large, though
unquantifiable, part of the homoeopathic materia medica is based. not on provings. But on
clinical indications that have accumulated since the days of Hahnemann and the early pioneers.
[From the BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC JOURNAL Vol73, No.4 October 1984: for Private
Circulation Only]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
1."KEY TO THE RUBRICS OF MIND” , Dr.M.L. Agrawal, Pankaj Publications, 37 South
Anarkali Extension, Delhi - 110 051, Pages-178. Price Rs.40/-, US $ 12.
The author, Dr.M.L. Agrawal has in 1985, published "MATERIA MEDICA OF
HUMAN MIND" (Pankaj Publications, Delhi - 110 051, Rs.60/-) in which all the “mental
symptoms" of a remedy enlisted in the Kent Repertory, have been gleaned and given. The
complete 'portraint of mind' of a remedy may be obtained by a study of this. KEY TO THE
RUBRICS OF MIND is, as the title would indicate, 'explanation' of each rubric.
Dr. Agrawal has followed the Webster dictionary in this. It is believed that Kent himself
followed Webster's. Below the explanation of each rubric, a brief 'example' is given, which in
some cases appear inappropriate. Some rubrics are so self-explanatory that they do not at all
require any further 'explanation' like 'Arrogance', 'Avarice', A 'comparative explanation' of
synonymus rubrics - for example 'anger' , 'indigation ' 'vexation' or 'Anxiey', 'Apprehension',
'Fear' would be more welcome. This task is not, of course, easy. The book would be useful for
handy reference of explanation of each 'rubric'.
2. “CYNODON DACTYLON AND ITS PROVING (incorporating clinically verified
symptoms)", Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, B-1/6, Community Centre,
Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110 058, pages 32, Rs.15/-.
In its continuing research on homoeopathic remedies, the CCRH have brought out this
monograph containing the most up-dated 'proving' symptoms and clinical symptoms of
CYNODON [V5-181]DACTYLON. The region most affected by Cynod-d. appears to the g. i.
Now it rests with the homoeopaths to apply this proving in the clinic and furnish the results so
that more clinically reliable data may be built up. Such 'feed-back' would give encouragement for
further proving. Printing, paper get up etc. are all of very good standard.
It may be recalled that the CCRH have already brought out monographs of provings of 1)
Kali muriaticum, 2) Abroma augustafolia, 3) Cassia sophorea.
Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110 058, pages 20, Price RS.10/-
With a view of enlarging and improving the scope of practical use of the Kent repertory,
the CCRH have undertaken additions to the Kent repertory without disturbing Kent's
philosophical framework.
Whereas the Kent contain's only 591 remedies, Boericke has 1414 remedies.
The team of researchers have, after careful consideration, recommended certain additions
– both rubrics and remedies to the Kent, from the Boericke.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Clear and in easily readable print, good quality paper and wrapper, this will certainly be
of very great use in day-today practice. Must be on every homoeopath’s table for ready
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
"An orthopaedic surgeon doing his F.R.C.S. in London had come during his holidays to
Madras by air. As soon as he arrived he had blocking and pain in both his ears. So he consulted
an E.N.T. specialist in one of the prestigious private hospitals in Madras. The specialist
diagnosed it as "Middle Ear Effusion" (MEE) and said that he will have to puncture (the ear
drums) if the patient did not respond within 5 days to his medications. Not very happy about the
likelihood of a puncture the patient approached me to find out if homeopathy could be of help
Fortunately I was able to persuade him to try our medications. I Selected Puls. in high potency
first and Merc - Iod – Flavinum according to the symptoms. Though he had improved a lot after
3 days still he had blocking and a little pain. It was at this juncture that the "Quarterly
Homeopathic Digest" arrived with Dr. Lakshminarayan's recommendation of Capsicum for pain
in the ear drum caused by varying cabin pressure on a long air journey. So the next morning
when the patient arrived. I gave him one dose of Capsicum 10M (as that was the only high
potency had at that time) And hey pres to! He reported the next morning that his blocking pain
etc. had disappeared. And at his appointment at the E.N.T. Specialist's Clinic next day the
specialist with smiles said that he was completely alright and didn't need a puncture. But
unfortunately the patient didn't have the guts to tell the specialist that it was not his medicines
that cured him but the sugar pills given by a homeopath! So please, convey my thanks to Dr.
Lakshminarayan through your magazine for sharing his experience with fellow homeopaths".
347, Pantheon Road,
Madras - 600 008.
Volume V
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
4.10 NEWS
I. HomeoNet is a new electronic network system with its offices in USA and UK. The idea of the
HomeoNet is to create a bridge between all homoeopaths regardless of their location, languages
or philosophical orientation. It is a communications network of the world's homoeopathic
community. Of course a computer is a must for availing this facility.
HomeoNet is a member of the largest politically progressive network in the world, the
Institute for Global Communications. Any type of computer can be used to access the network. It
claims to help homoeopaths to communicate, research, contribute, share, consult, learn and band
together to develop a global homoeopathic community. Cases and messages can be sent
internationally at the speed of express service and the price of domestic mail. Latest
homoeopathic news, book-buys, materia medica, latest research papers, clinical database,
consultations from other practitioners, etc. can be had. The use seems to be very wide. The
System Requirements are:any computer, a modem and communications soft-ware.
RESONANCE (Vol.10 No.6) says:
"HomeoNet is expanding internationally. Members have logged on from locations
throughout the U.S., where the network began. There are now voices being heard (via computer,
of course) from Australia, Argentina, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, Norway,
the Netherlands, and W.Germany. For most of these participants, logging on simply means
making a local telephone call. By making that call, one can communicate across borders and
Dr . Linda Johnston of USA says (in a personal [V5-184]communication): "For example, I
needed some information about Lyme’s disease to assist a patient. I just put the information and
request on the network and within two days I received two answers, one from England and the
other from the east coast of the USA. Fabulous! You just turn on the computer and connect to the
network through the phone lines."
Readers should note that as of now, it is not possible to hook on to HomoeoNet from India even one
has a computer.
II. RECENT RESEARCHES: The scientific establishment was flustered by the article by
Jacques Benveniste published in NATURE June 30th in which the learned Professor concluded
that his experiments (as well as experiments independently carried out in four different
laboratories in different countries) indicated that a substance can have a biological effect even
when it is so diluted that there should not be any molecule of the substance in the solution - only
a "memory" or "template" of the original substance. The experiments were repeated 70 times and
all care taken to rule out experimental errors. The research showed that micro-doses could act on
basophils. Of course, here a 'dilution' is not just that but a dilution in series according to the
homoeopathic succussion procedure step by step as propounded by Hahnemann.
NATURE refused repeatedly to publish Benveniste's article. But all the obstacles were
got over and finally a stage came when NATURE could no more refuse. But NATURE had its
"Certainly there can be no justification at this stage for an attempt to use Benveniste's
conclussions for malign purpose for which they might be put …………”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The results of research published were so provocative of the hitherto believed scientific
views that NATURE deputed a team to personally investigate the results of Prof. Benveniste's
research. The team consisted of John Maddox of NATURE, James Randi a magician, Wallace
Stewart - a 'scientist'.
The team spent two days in Prof. Benveniste's laboratory and reported to NATURE
debunking the work and results. This, not-withstanding the fact that out of seven times the
experiment was conducted the first three times showed that the micro-doses did have action.
The full report of the so-called 'investigation' by the NATURE team, Prof. Benveniste's reply,
the scientific world's reaction etc. may all be gleaned from the different international scientific
"Benveniste’s observations strike at the roots of two centuries of observation and
rationalization of physical phenomena. Where for example, would elementary principles such as
the Law of Mass Action be if Benveniste is proved correct? The principle of restraint which
applies is simply that, when an unexpected observation requires that a substantial part of our
intellectual heritage should be thrown away, it is prudent to ask more carefully than usual
whether the observation be correct." (NATURE)
Evidently it is this fear that the two-centuries-old views would be shattered if Benveniste's
researches were to be accepted that has made the investigating team 'debunk' the experiments
and the conclusions.
Whatever it may be, this and similar other on-going researches would surely bring about
a great revolution in the scientific thought, just as Hahnemann revolutionized the very concepts
of health, disease and therapeutics. The days have come when the scientific world cannot ignore
[V5-186]or scoff at homoeopathy.
Ill. HOMOEOPATHY IN THE USSR: Homoeopathy is growing in popularity in the USSR. A
new homoeopathic hospital has been opened in Moscow in 1987. It is the first paying hospital in
that country and is therefore a unique pioneering experiment. The hospital also contains a special
children's ward.
It appears that whereas in Moscow, Leningrad and Riga, they prescribe below 30c, in
Kiev high potencies 200 to 10,000 and generally only one remedy is prescribed. It will be
interesting to note that medicines obtained by clinical studies only are prescribed in dilutions
below 30c as also such remedies borrowed from allopathy like Pencillin, Prednisolone, Heparin.
As far as possible aggravations are avoided.