© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. X, 1993
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India,
England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names
and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1. QHD, Vol. X, 1, 1993 3
2. QHD, Vol. X, 2, 1993 39
3. QHD, Vol. X, 3, 1993 78
4. QHD, Vol. X, 4, 1993 133
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD, Vol. X, 1, 1993
1. Homoeopathy as phenomenalistic medicine
ROBINSON, Karl (JAIH, 85, 1/1992)
Dr. ROBINSON discusses Homoeopathy in the
light of our modern scientific understanding of the
physical universe-that in essence it is comprised of
phenomena which are indeterminate in nature. It
logically follows that any effort we, as practitioners,
make to analyse our cases as cause and effect events
or to stereotype remedy images must be relegated to
the realm of uncertain theory. It reminds us that we
must view each case before us as a unique event
which we may in part come to understand, but whose
essential mystery we will never be able to fathom
2. Disappearance of a space occupying Lesion in
brain after Gelsemium.
BANERJEA, Subrate Kumar (JAIH, 85, 1/1992)
A 23year old woman with an “irregularly
enhanced cystic midline space occupying lesion in
the posterior fossa, suggestive of
Gelsemium cured within a few months. Dr.
BANERJEA refers this case as ‘cancerinic miasm’
and delineates this miasm. He says that the case
under report is Psora-Sycotic.
Amitav GHOSH reported in the BHJ,
80,3/1991, see QHD. Vol.IX,No.3/92 the cure of a
‘Space Occupying Lesion’ in a 60 year old man, with
Apis 6 and Thuja 6 both t.d.s., Medorrhinum 30
every 4 months one dose of Carcinosin 200 every
month, Prednisolone 30, Arsenicum 30 and
Lycopodium 30. GHOSH says that ‘a patient with a
neoplastic condition has all three miasms…’ It is
interesting that in BANERJEA’s case only one
remedy was given without any so-called ‘anti-
miasmatic’ remedy etc wheras in GHOSH’s many
remedies. It is also interesting that the progress was
much rapid in BANERJEA’s case.
3. Chaos theory
ABELL, Lora (Resonance, 14,1/1992)
Researchers are attempting to make a
‘scientific’ case for Homoeopathy. Such double-blind
studies like GIBSON et al and REILLY et al of
specific diseases like hay-fever, rheumatoid arthritis
and laboratory experiments which prove the efficacy
of the homoeopathic patencies (BENVENISTE) have
not been ‘accepted’ by the orthodox scientists. A
revolution in scientific thinking alone would change
the scenario.
Chaos theory (James GLEICK, 1987) is just such
a revolution. Chaos is a non-linear, predicatable order
without periodic repetition. The premise of Chaos
theory is that systems that may seem random are in
fact determined by very simple mathematical
4. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-
und die medizinischen Konzepte senier Zeit
(Christian Friedrich Samuuel Hahnmann and the
medical concepts of his time)
ECKART, W.U. (AHZ, 237, 1&2/1992)
Hardly any other medical concept, except
Homoeopathy, is so much obliged to its historical
roots or to the legacy of its founder. During the last
decade of the 18
Century Samuel HAHNEMANN
(1755-1843) with his concept of similia similibus’
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
designed a new art of healing. During the period
1791 to 1794 HAHNEMANN’s similie principle
developed and ripened. This new therapy could
compete successfully with all the other contemporary
concepts of medicine, especially because of its
individualistic approach both in anamnesis and
therapy. HAHNEMANN’s rejection of the allopathic
medicine was radical and sharp. Homoeopathy
outlasted not only its founder, it is still practiced by
homoeopathic physicians and is in fact being
accepted by an increasing number of patients.
The paper delves in to history and tries to shed
light upon the scene of medical concepts of
HAHNEMANN’s time. At the beginning of the 19
century the allopathic medicine was nto one nor was
it perfect and far from being successful. It contained
elements of Animism, Vitalism, Mesmerism,
Brownlanism and even of the old concept of
humoral pathology. HAHNEMANN knew them all
and he criticized them sharply mostly because of
their dangers for the patient. Nevertheless he also
profited from the contemporary concept of vitalism
(“Lebenskraft”) designed by Christoph Wilhelm
HUFELAND (1762-1836) even if his homoeopathic
therapeutic was completely different from
HUFELAND’s vitalism.
Finally the paper also outlines two other medical
concepts of HAHNEMANN’s time which also were
based on the critique of allopathic medicine: Joseph
DIETL’s (1804-1878) ‘therapeutic nihilism’ and the
early Naturopathy.
5. Uber die Schwierigkeiten bei der Unterscheidung
and Definition von Geistes und
Gemutssymptomen (The difficulties in
distinguishing and definition of mind and mental
FISCHER, V. (AHZ, 237, 1/1992)
The significance in the differentiation and
definition of mind and mental symptoms is
demonstrated through examples. It is shown that the
definition of the different symptoms makes sense
only when it represents a synthesis of the whole
behaviour in the patient and also allows a
differentiation from similar symptoms. ‘Dictatorial’,
‘intolerance of contradiction’, ‘abusing,’ ‘fastidious’,
‘contrary’, ‘quarrelsome’, cautious’, etc. are
discussed to point out the author’s ideas.
It is also shown that the study of the original
proving symptoms is absolutely necessary for a
correct differentiation of the mind and mental
1. Tuberculinum case studies
GEUKENS, Alfons (JAIH, 85,
The acute “influenzal” picture of Tuberculinum
bovinum is described, the central characteristics of
which are: soreness of the body, wandering soreness,
restlessness, fever with chills, perspiration. A number
of clinical cases cured with Tuberculinum are
described in detail. The cases are characterized as
Acute cases, “Chronic” Acutes, and Chronic cases.
GEUKENS says that most of the acute
Tuberculinum states begin with an influenza
picture”, and that this is the very beginning of an
acute Tuberculinum State.
Relevant rubrics from KENT are mentioned;
some additions to the Repertory are given.
Most valuable source of information on
Tuberculinum, information that often led to the
prescriptions in the above cases, is KENT’s Materia
Highly instructive article.
2. Case Report;
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
PARSONS, Phil (JAIH,85, 1/1992)
32 year-old-female with severe periodontal
disease, Tongue has patches of red, sensitive spots.
She used to eat dandelions as a child. Taking into
account all the symptoms she was given Taraxacum
30 after extracting four teeth. The remedy ensured
that there was minimal bleeding after extraction and
she felt great over-all.
Taraxacum is the dandelion which this woman
craved as a child.
Phil PARSONS does homoeopathic practice
with 25 years of mercury-free dentistry. Please also
refer to 3 cases of Phil PARSONS in the QHD, IX, 3,
3. Case Report
FLEISHER, Mitchell (JAIH, 85, 1/1992)
35 year-old-female with left hip pain after going
out dancing. sat on a hard, wooden bench for
prolonged periods between dances which caused
some transient coccygeal soreness; pain deep, sharp,
aching and radiated down the lateral aspect of left
Hypericum 30; one month later; left leg pain
accompanied by tingling in the left calf; agg. by
driving car, sitting still, crossing the legs had to move
her legs regularly, and amel. by motion. Constantly
stretching her leg.
Rhus toxicodendron 30 withouth effect;
Hypericum 200 cured.
4. GUESS, George (JAIH,85,1/1992)
36 years –old woman with acute uterine pain,
cramping, better lying or sitting; unable to stand
straight up; feels as if uterus needs support.Weak,
must lie down. Uterus worse walking; worse jarring.
Very aware of the uterus when standing. No interest
in sex. Cramps in uterus extending to knees, on
masturbating. Feels pulse all over if quiet. Sleepless.
No energy. Dull low back-ache. Breasts swollen.
Helonias 30
5. The pathogenetic power of the snake venom to
provoke disease HERING, Constantine (The
Homoeopathy, 12, 1/1992)
Constantine HERING’s own account of his
discovery and subsequent proving of Lachesis
translated into English for the first time-translated by
Jeanne JAFFIE.
This is a translation from French which was
printed in 1833 in the Bibliteque Homoeopathique de
Geneve, Vol.2 which again should have been a
translation from the original German communication
of HERING. A valuable document now available in
The original communication in German to Ernst
STAPF was published in the Archiv für die
homoopathische Heilkunst, 10, 1831 followed by
“Nachragliche Bemerkungen uber das
Schlangengift”. These original contributions are now
available in the complete lesser writings in German
of Constantine HERING edited by K-H. GYPSER,
1988. The article in ‘The Homoeopath’ translated
from the French is not complete.
6. Colocynthis- bitter cucumber
ELMORE, Durr (Resonance, 14, 1/1992)
A brief study of the essential features of
7. Carcinosin – another nosode for recurrent otitis
LEVATIN, Janet (Resonance, 14, 2/1992)
Two cases of children with otitis media in which
Carcinosin was the remedy. The remedy was chosen
on the Generals – family h/o cancer, etc.
In one case, the girl showed precocious interest
in sexual matters, a characteristic which Jonathan
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
SHORE mentions in his Chapter in the IFH 1989
Case Conference Proceedings.
Much has come, in the recent times, on
Carcinosin. An uptodate list of rubrics on the basis of
all these is being drawn up and would be published
8. Mercurius vivus and Mercurius solubils
ELMORE, Dutt (Resonance, 14, 2/1992)
Mercurius solubilis is the remedy which
HAHNEMANN proved but he however, later
recommended Mercurius vivus as a superior remedy.
Mercury is a remedy that should be used
cautiously, even in homoeopathic doses. KENT states
that it should not be used more than twice a winter in
treating colds.
Mercury is said to be one of the most inhibited
and closed of all remedies in the Materia Medica.
Mental state: anxious, restless, paranoid, hurried,
with dullness, forgetfulness and despair;
impulsiveness, violent anger, and destructiveness,
with sudden suicidal impulses or impulses to do
violence to others.
9. An unusual woman needs a quirky remedy
51 year-old-woman: warm and with strong desire
for sweets. Fears: of bridges, elevators, heights,
closed spaces, losing control. Obsessiveness and
extreme anxiety about her health. Has been to many
doctors and read countless books on self-help and
healing. Loquacity and intensity. Has many quirks,
many unusual tendencies.
Argentum nitricum cured.
10. Lac caninum: anxiety, yearning and inability
Eight case histories GNAIGER, Jutta (BHJ, 81,
Lac caninum- the best-known milk remedy
point to milk allergy but more to the early conflict in
the mother-child relationship. Any futher relationship
is ambivalent and unfulfilled. Likewise, the patient
remains insecure towards himself, experiencing many
fears. These eight case histories are intended to help
understand this forgotten medicine which ahs now
become really opportune.
Anxiety-longing-Inability: ‘Believing oneself
to be held in contempt’: one of the most impressive
symptoms of Lac caninum. People unable to find
their place in this world, unable to hold their ground.
People escaping into retreat, into refusal, into
depression or travelling.
It is the result of an unsuccessful, unhappy first
relationship with the mother, the result of a suckling
trauma? Is it an insatiable longing for the symbiotic
world of the beginning which has made the person
homeless in the here and now?
Those people tend then to enter into too close an
attachment. This produces an ambivalence,
manifesting itself in anxieties, in jealousy and
boredom and in sudden and unpredictable outbursts.
Lac caninum helps to give a soothing answer to
persons whose past is marked by a lack of security
and warmth. It is capable of strengthening them,
opening them up to a vision of the future, from where
a new impetus, vigour and hope may emanate.
11. The inner world of a patient as viewed by the
URETZKI, G. (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
One has to recognize the medicines by studying
the people. There are homoeopathic portraits all
round us-in the bus, in the market, in the office, in the
club everywhere. Once the art of study and
understanding the emotional nature of individuals is
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
cultivated, it would be easy to spot them in the
consulting room.
The author briefly and beautifully, sketches a
few cases to portray the ‘inner world’ of the patients
and thus remedies to them.
The following questions are raised for
How to hit the bulls-eye (i.e. to give only
one medicine)?
Is it really important to be a sniper?
Isn’t it better to break a butterfly
(symptoms) on a wheel, something will be
When giving all the medicines in one day,
one after another, is it possible to identify
how each of them affects the patient?
Do we impoverish ourselves when we carry
out only symptomatic treatment, without
constitutional prescribing?
What dilution to start treatment with and
how to continue it?
Is it good to provoke an acute attack of a
disease, if you have hit the bulls-eye?
Should we treat a homoeopathic
consultation as an ordinary job of the doctor
or as his creative activity? In the latter case
should we look for some harmony in the
prescribed regime, if we fancy there has
been a disharmony in the patient’s state?
Should we consider the clue to the remedy
to be ‘God’s gift’, if it helps to understand
the patient, his psychological portrait?
A fascinating discussion, this would be.
Discussion invited.
12. Ananda ZAREN Seminar in July 1990 in
Switzerland reported by KLEIN Peter (HL, 4,
The case of a 45 year-old-woman is
demonstrated to highlight important aspects of
Shame and Grief: A deep internal experience of
unexpected exposure divides her from herself and the
outside world. Memories of difficult experiences are
stored inside making a deep imprint. Dreams and
experiences of being abandoned. Unresolved grief.
Finally the pain is expressed as induration, rigidty,
paralysis on all levels.
These people isolate themselves. They feel
unworthy and interior, with a sense of failure.
Develops a dread of sex, joy and even life itself; fear
of any kind of relationship, finds herslf guilty of
everything. Works hard to avoid feeling the
loneliness, they often choose an occupation that
Isolates them. They tend to fall in love with
unattainable people. It is difficult for them to have
deep friendships as they cannot express their feelings.
They show little non-verbal communication, but
rather they intellectualize, they are flat’ during the
They never initiate sex and do not feel wanted.
Frigidity, disgust and sadness after coition. They
cannot be naked and are often virgins.
They make rules for themselves e.g. not to tell
their feelings or needs, not to make mistakes
(mistakes reveal their vulnerability) don’t trust
anyone (to avoid disappointment).
Fastidiousness: likes structure and routinen, no
interest in new experiences. Wants to be extremely
exact in describing the symptoms, makes lists, gives
only few symptoms. Can work very hard, causing
Physical (a few hints):
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
Blinking of the eyelids when speaking of
emotions. Slow accommodation of the eyes, burning
in the eyes while reading, photophobia.
Vertigo turning ocer in bed, copious night sweats
as soon as they close thiey eyes. Desire for salt, acids,
coffee.Aversion for bread. Aggravation from any
kind of alcohol, they become easily tipsy. Flatulence
from milk.
Dysplasia or Cancer of cervix, Fibrocystic
Mastopathia, breasts swollen, lumpy, tender, worse
before/during menses, worse motion and coffee. May
put a pillow under the breasts while sleeping.
Complaints from long-lasting overstrain,
suppressed sexual desire, suppressed grief, repeated
experiences of being abandoned. Problems from a
dysfunctional family, from suppressed menses (pill),
from alcohol.
13. Proving of medicine Androctonos amurrauxl
SHERR, J (ACD, 1,1 TO 3/1992)
Jeremy SHERR of U.K. did a proving of
Androctonos amurreuxi herbraeus (Scorpion) in
1984. The proving lasted 21/2 years.
This article is a translation, from English, of
Jeremy SHERR’s systematic proving.
The Scorpion which was proved by J. SHERR
was from lsreal which produced severe pains.
After publication of his Proving a second edition
was published, in 1990, after obtaining feedback.
There were 32 provers (14 men +17 women and 1
The Proving Symptoms are given in the
schema’,605 in number. At the end of the Proving
Symptoms the ‘Generals’ are extracted followed by
4 Case Reports.
The earlier references to Scorpion will be found
DE LAURIER. AZAM proved an Algerian species
(1938) which is found in the repertory under the
name Buthus (Buthus australis)
In the QHD,1987 the drug picture of Scorpion
proved by Jeremy SHEER has been given. The article
was by George GUESS.Androctonos is a great
remedy. The medicine is available from Nelsons
Pharmacy London and Helios Pharmacy London,
upto 1M Potency.
14. Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset
WOOD, Mathew (HT, 12, 1/1992)
Eupatorium was an Ameican Indian medicineis.
It was first proved by walter WILLIAMSON, one of
the founders of the Hahnemaan College,
Philadelphia. It was adopted into Homoeopathy on
essentially the same symptoms upon which it is
traditionally prescribed i.e. intermittent fever.
The traditional Chinese explanation for an
“intermittent fever” is that is is fever that has entered
part way into the system, but not all the way, so that
instead of a good thorough chill or fever, there is a
cycle of chill followed by fever. The fever is sort of
“Stuck” half way in and half away out. Such a
condition is associated with arterial tension and
therefore affects the liver (compare Agrimonia).
A very interesting old case of Eupatorium syrup
prescribed by an old lady to a man suffering since 3
years with intermittent fever not responding to all
known medicine is narrated.
15. Argentum nitricum- silver nitrate
WOOD, Mathew(HT, 12, 2/1992)
Argentum nitricum, a corrosive, was used by the
Alchemists for removal of warts. In the 18
much damage was done by the over-use of this
remedy. HAHNEMANN therefore proved the
remedy. It was reproven by John GRAY in 1845 who
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
pointed out that this remedy was important for
patients with disorders from emitional over-activity.
Dr. Benoytosh BHATTACHARYA pointed out its
importance in “pitta” conditions (gas)
The metal is traditionally associated with the
moon. Argentum nitricum is homoeopathic to
conditions of emotional distress,
overimpressionability, wrongs of instinct, and
stomach disorders. The typical Argentum metallicum
or nitricum patient has a broad, “moon-like”face.
Dr.GRAY gives a vivid account of the mentals:
It is good for mental, emotional and even perceptual
problems arising from “moral causes”. such as for
example, very impassioned laypreaching”.
Following are some of his comments:
“1. A crowd of impulses to act, to move, to be busy,
which without any distinct purpose to effect, keeps
the patient in continual motion; a state of unrest
which gives the appearance of hurry discontent to all
his conduct.
“2. The opposite of the forgoing condition; not the
calmness of deportment which occurs when the mind
is in healthful contemplation, but an apathy indicative
of a privation of motive or purpose; a state verging
upon, and often ending in, perfect imbecility.
“3. Errors and defects of perception. The erroneous
perceptions in which I have seen nitrate useful have
As to time: the patient comstantly fearing he should
be too late, and supposing that one or two hours had
elapsed, when not more than a quarter or an eighth of
the supposed time had passed, and this all the while,
night and day, for many weeks together;and
Errors as to the velocity of galt: the patient supposing
that he was walking very rapidly when he was in fact
moving but very slowly indeed”.
For physical symptoms refer to Benoytosh
BHATTACHARYA’s ‘Tridosha and Homoeopathy’.
16. Ignatia in infants
ROBINSON, Karl (HT, 12, 2/1992)
Four weeks-old –girl child with hard stool, skin
rashes, gas, interrupted breathing. The symptoms
developed after the child’s parents quarelied nastily.
The mother was given Ignatia 200 and the child too
was given Ignatia 200, with happy results.
Thirteen moths-old-boy had been ill for 3
months, inspite of Innumerable homoeopathic
medicines. While nursing he was observed to have a
sort of Cheyne-stokes breathing. Three months ago
their pet dog had died and the mother cried and cried
for three days. The child became sick just after three
days. Ignatia 30 was given and cure including skin
rashes, behacioural changes, followed.
Emotional state of the mother with whom the
child is helplessly symblotic is most important to be
considered rather than just the child’s symptoms.
17. Apis mellifica to the rescue
CASEY Gina (HT,12, 2/1992)
Severe allergic reaction to Penicillin cured by
Apis mellifica
18. Symphytum
ZEEDEN, H. (AHZ, 237,1/1992)
The enormous therapeutic powers of
Symphytum is demonstrated through 5 case reports.
The indications for Symphytum officinale was
insufficient formation of callus after fracture of
naviculare, fatigue gracture in generalized
osteoporosis, Sudeck’s Syndrom with 20 years
lasting illness, post-traumatic pseudo-arthrosis of
sternum, and erosive polyarthrois of small joints of
The complete range of action of Symphytum is
yet to be known. There is a strong case for a
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 10
medicinal proving of Symphytum over a longer perid
and with X-ray controls.
19.Secondare Amenorrhoe (Secondary
LEERS, H(AHZ, 237,1/1992)
A 32 years-old-woman with one child:
Symptoms chosen for repertorisation: Menses, late;
right-sided sturma in the throat; restlessness, internal;
palpitation; pulsation; movement amel; desires
warmth. Hedera helix 30, cured.
20. Homoeopathische Therapie eines Hautekzema
mit Rhus venenata (Eczema treated by Rhus
STEUER, M.K. (ZKH,36,1/1992)
A 28 year-old-woman suffering from moist
eczema in the axillae with intense pruritus
ameliorated by application of hot water, was cured by
Rhus venenata.
21. Cocculus-das Erscheinen von Symptom nach
Mittelgabe (Cocculus-the appearance of symptoms
after the administration of the medicine)
WEGENER, A (ZKH,36,1/1992).
In a Cocculus case the symptom observed by
HAHNEMANN “Cares about health of others” was
decisive to dind the remedy. A subsequent remedy
was given as needed after giving which further
Cocculus symptoms unknown to the patient till then
appeared. The author has observed in other cases also
that after a well-followed remedy the symptoms of
the previous remedy further appeared. HERING had
already observed that in the proving of a remedy the
organism reacts with symptoms of an earlier proving
remedy. That a similar phenomenon occurs during
healing phase also has been observed by the author as
shown in this Cocculus case.
22. Homoo Quiz-Multiple Sklerose (Multiple
Auflosung Homoo-quiz (Solution to
In the AHZ 236, 6/1991 Dr.H.V.MULLER
narrateda case of a 37 year-old-man with multiple
scelerois. The patient’s expression revealed much
anxiety and helplessness. He had other symptoms of
multiple sclerosis. After a long interview the remedy
came up which ultimately cured. In the AHZ, 237, 1/
1992 the author explains the choise of the remedy-
List of the Strychninum symptoms which are
characteristic in this case (See Synthetic Rep. I
Edition, Kent, Boericke):
1. Starting when touched
2. Starting
3. Frightened easily
4. Fear of being injured
5. Delusions of being pursued by enemies
6. Sensitive to noise
7. Oversensitive
8. Restlessness, nights; tossing about in bed
9. Shrieking during sleep
10. Fear, something will happen
11. Anxious expressions of face
12. Hypocritic expression; Risus sadonicus
13. Distorted face
14. Desire for company
15. Aversion to answer
16. Disconnected answers
17. Ear, noises, humming; roaring and buzzing
18. Ear, noise as if droning
19. Weak eyesight, misty vision; cloudy
20. Visual field large
21. Weakness of vision
22. Vertigo, walking in the open air
23. Vertigo, falling forwards
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
24. Muscle paralysis, tottering and staggering
25. Numbness with formication of the legs
26. Numbness with prickling (as if legs asleep); of
the feet; of the soles
27. Bladder paralysis
28. Unpleasant dreams
29. Dullness; difficulty in thinking and understanding
30. difficulty speech; difficulty, speech due to throat
crampy pain
23. Lachesis in Malaria and Echinacea in Bites
RAPHAEL, Sushil (HH, 17, 2/1992)
Lachesis 200 single dose each in 3 different
cases of malaria cured. Lachesis was given on the
symptoms of: the chill being so violent that even with
many covers over him the patient wanted to be held
pressed down; loquacity; and the chill being between
3-4 P.M. (KENT, p. 1274)
A woman, 45 years bitten by a cobra was given
an injection i.m. of Echinacea 200 repeated after ½
an hour and she recovered rapidly.
The author says that he gave regularly Echinacea
in mother tincture or potency for poisonous stings or
bites of poisonous insects and dog bites also whether
rabid or not with instantaneous results.
Homoeopaths should try Echinacea in dog bites
and report results. It will be a really worthy
24. Arsenicum album – as anger remedy
ROY, Sost (HH, 17, 3/1992)
Clincial case highlighting the well-known
characteristics of Arsenicum album
25. Restoring a perverted balance
SONAWALA, Sarla (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
A 31 year-old-man, sexually perverted. From
adolescent stage and even before he began his sexual
activities. Married at 30 years, he still persisted in
excessive indulgence, drank alcohol to increase his
sexual potency. He wanted his excessive desire to be
brought down. His whole story centred on sex.
Fluoric acid M and them XM brought this
excessive desire down.
26. Arsenic – From Gandhi to Shylock
SONAWALA, Sarla (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
A poem highlighting Arsenic
27. Argentum nitricum, Lycopodium
TARKAS, Ishwardas P. (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
28. Medorrhinum – Materia medica of the mind
SHAH, Jawahar (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
A study of the mind through the Synthetic
Repertory, Kent’s Repertory, Boericke’s
Repertory and Boger Boenninghausen’s
29. A case of chronic diarrhea cured with Rhus tox
BABU, Prabhakar V. (mfh, 2, 3/1992)
24-year-old housewife with diarrhea of 6 months
duration, chronic redness of eyes, aversion to open
air, was cured with Rhus toxicodendron
30. Use of indigenous and other remedies in
Homoeopathy as home remedies
RASTOGI, D.P. (mfh, 2, 3 to 5/1992)
Dr. RASTOGI delivered the Dr. Seshachari
memorial lecture at Hyderabad on 3 March 1991.
He outlined some of the ailments and their
(indigenous) remedies:
Cassia sophere Asthma
(especially if pains in joints also)
Achyranthes aspera Boils
Carica papaya Conjunctivitis;
Justicia adhathoda Coryza
Aegele folia Constipation
Terminalia chebula
Aegle marmelos Dysentery
Achyranthes aspera Diarrhoea
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 12
Cynodon dactylon,
Calotropis gigantean
Hygrophila spinosa, Skin
Embelia ribes Worms
Cuprum oxydatum nigrum
31. Psorinum – When mother gets under your skin
TESSLER, Neil (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
Two cases are reported to high-light some
important components of Psorinum. Depression,
Despair and Co-dependence (with the mother, in the
two cases). Psorinum persons come from the
background where their self-worth was deeply
undermined, where there may have been poverty.
alcoholism, abuse, perceived or actual abandonment,
rejection. The sentiment of forsakenness is also
A very interesting article.
32. The children who go washed too much
OLSEN, Steve (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
A 36-year-old woman with panic attacks when
driving her car, fear of killing her own children, and
fear of germs (taking Rivotris 8 mg. a day and Prozac
80 mg. a day) was cured with Medorrhinum. An
educative case.
The author suggests addition of Med. to the
following rubrics:
Mind, fear, apprehension, dread – killing of
Mind, disgust
Mind, fear, apprehension, dread, happen,
something will
Female Genitalia, desire increased
Mind, fear, driving, on bridges, on the freeway
Mind, extroverted, open and expansive nature
Mind, washing, children, excessively
33. Clematis erecta the botanical relationship of the
vegetable remedies
CHINDEMI, Wayne J (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
A brief article on the botanical relationship.
34. Nux moschata – accidental proving
ELMORE, Durr (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
32-year-old-woman with sudden attacks of
severe anxiety, inner restlessness, hysterical;
eructations, extremely dry mouth. She had eaten
muffin with large amount of nutmeg and therefore
was proving it. On consulting the material medica all
her symptoms were characteristic of Nux moschata.
35. Anacardium orientale
VASILIS, Ghegas (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
An excellent essay on Anacardium orientale.
36. The effects of grief on infants/children of age
upto 5 years.
The curative effects of Ignatia.
CHATTERJEE, Ardhendu Sekhar (HMM, 3,
Boy 11/2 years age unwell with respiratory
distress since his mother abandoned him and went
Boy 2 years age with very high fever; his mother
was in hospital.
Small boy in orphanage who was allowed to visit
home twice a year fell sick every time after such a
Girl 21/2 years age with high fever. Her mother
who was breast feeding the child was grieving over
the death of a maternal aunt.
All these children were treated with Ignatia with
rapid cure.
1. When your prescription falls
WILLIAMS, Henry (JAIH, 85, 1/1992)
From a presentation at the Ohio State,
Pennyslania, October 1990.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 13
Dr. WILLIAMS highlighted the many clinical
approaches to homoeopathic practice he has seen
evolve over the years and he reviewed some of his
strategies when the indicated remedy falls to act.
Among the strategies are: miasmatic prescribing,
utilizing of isopathic treatment for obstacles to cure
resulting from allopathic drugging, and the bowel
When the indicated remedy does not elicit
response Dr. WILLIAMS looks for antidotal
influences viz, coffee etc., seeks further clarification
from the patient then re-evaluate in which special
attention is paid to the nosodes and less used
remedies that appear in two or more rubrics. Look for
the predominant miasm (Elizabeth W. HUBBARD):
Sycotic: too much of everything with the
tendency to pinecone types of outgrowths;
Syphllitic: suicidal and homicidal tendencies
and growths that are soft; congenital
Tubercular: combination of Psora and
The key note of the Morgan group of bowel
Nosodes is Congestion. Consider this group for
chronic Fatigue Syndrome: also Bacillus No.7.
List of Sycotic and Syphilitic miasmatic
remedies are available in P. 1406 of KENT’s
Sheilagh CREASY outlined the essentials of the
Excesses: Physical obesity
Emotional – Provocative, Extroverted
Mental – Obsessive
Growths: Indurations, Tumors. Herpes
Discharges ameliorate.
Worse during the daytime. Worse from damp
Better from motion, travel, change
Evening colics. Chronic Catarrh. Eruptions
Inhibition: Physical constipation, scanty
(better lying, worse standing)
Weakness: lack of stamina and perseverance;
better stimulants
Fears: Anxious
Eruptions. Anaemia. Pulsation. Hyperfunction.
Circumscribed redness, Flushes.
Dysfunction: Physical Ulceration,
Nervousness. Birth defects.
Emotional – introvert. Homicidal. Suicidal
Mental – Critical. Deceitful
Worse at night
Bone pain and deformity. Blindness, Deafness.
Nervous system degeneration (e.g. Multiple
Pain – linear or in spots
Eruptions – painful, Fissures. Alopecia
Unequal eyes, pupils.
2. Vaccination: a sacrament of modern medicine.
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (The Homoeopathy 12,
Questions the claims of Vaccinations conferring
immunity, the need for mass vaccinations and
compulsive vaccinations the adverse effects, etc.
Nine cases from own practice are narrated, good
investigation has been made.
Some relevant rubrics of ill effects of
vaccinations are given. Many of the rubrics refer to
vaccination against small-pox.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 14
Harris COULTER, ‘DPT a shot in the Dark’ as
also many other articles have appeared questioning
the need for vaccinations as they are now carried out.
3. The effects of antibiotics on health.
SALVODORE, Teresa (Resonance, 14, 1/1992)
Most often homoeopathys are consulted when
allopathic medications fail or cease to work or when
surgical interventions are proposed. it is difficult in
these cases to straight away select a homoeopathic
remedy because of the masking/confusion of the
symptoms due to antibiotics.
The author cites the case of a 6 year-old-girl with
repeated strepthroat infections which of late were not
responding appropriately to antibiotics.
However, the homoeopathic remedy Ailanthus
chosen on the basis of the totality brought rapid
improvement. It also developed resitance to further
frequent throat infections.
4. Food allergies – a homoeopathic perspective
JACOBS, Jennifer (Resonance, 14, 1/1992)
Some persons complain of specific ailments after
consuming certain common food items to which a
normal healthy person ought not be allergic. This
sensitivity is specific to the person. Homoeopathy
aims at restoring harmony and balance so that one
can enjoy. Homoeopathy aims at restoring harmony
and balance so that one can enjoy, in moderation,
healthy foods without restrictions on specific items.
The Repertory is full of such sensitivity’
symptoms. However, a full case must be carefully
taken, analysed and the remedy chosen which would
bring about harmony.
The author narrates a case of allergy to sweets,
remedied by Argentum nitricum
it is the common experience of every good
homoeopath to have such experience; infants with
‘milk allergies’, ‘sneezing from exposure to least
dust’, etc., all harmonized with Homoeopathy
5. A violent reaction to a topical homoeopathic
(Resonance, 14, 1/1992)
A 47 year-old-woman who was under
homeopathic treatment with Rhus toxicodendrom has
stopped it for some time. Subsequently she applied
generously an external ‘homoeopathic’ analgesic
containing Ledum and Symphytum and Rhus tox for
soreness as a result of physical exertion. This caused
severe aggravation inflammatory joint in places
where she had applied the gel.
Rhus toxicodendron internally, relieved.
6. Systematic investigation of the decision process in
Homoeopathy – two first steps.
VAN HASELEN, R.A. (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
Plans for two pilot studies concerning the
homoeopathic treatment of chronic and acute otitis
media are presented. The intention of these studies is
not only to look at the efficacy of the homoeopathic
treatment as a whole but also to investigate the
efficacy of the individualized decision strategies.
Based on the homoeopathic literature a selection of
decision strategies has been made. The reader is
asked to criticize and supplement the chosen decision
7. Homoeopathic treatment of cholera in Peru
initial clinical study GAUCHER, C; JULIN, D.,
PEYCRY, P. (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
The medical charity Homoeopaths sans
Frontieres sent a mission to a shanty town in Peru
during the current cholera epidemic. Homoeopathic
treatment was combined with fluid and electrolyte
therapy. Result appeared favourable. A small-scale
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 15
uncontrolled study is reported. Further studies are
being undertaken.
8. Psychotherapy and Homoeopathy – case of chronic
anxiety depression
RISQUE, Fernando (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
The author reports in detail the evolution of the
case of a 43 year-old-ma suffering from chronic
anxiety depression.
Besides Psycho-therapy, homoeopathic treatment
also was resorted to. The treatment period lasted from
1988 to 1990; seven homoeopathic medicines were
administered over the period all in 10m and
clearly these helped a quicker cure.
The homoeopathic medicines brought,
everytime, valuable dreams.
9. A case of Septicaemia with Staphylococcus aureus
in course of pyelonephritis with kidney abscess
PAYRHUBER, Klaus (HL, 4, 1/1991)
A 40 year-old female with pyelonephritis.
Lachesis, Lycopodium, Bryonia were given, in that
order, according to the symptoms that were perceived
but without expected result. (Para 253, of the
Organon) It was actually Chelidonium which was
given next that cured. One conclusion we can drawn
from this report, is that as long as we can find
individual and characterizing symptoms, we can rely
on homoeopathic treatment without being frightened
by the pathological diagnosis of the disease.”
An educative report.
10. Homoeopathic treatment of injuries
REIS, Stefen (ACD, 1 to 4/1992)
Detailed therapeutics of injuries including
Contusions, concussions, Dislocations, Sprains and
Strains, Fractures, Tetanus prophylaxis, Burns and
Scalds, Frostbites, Surgical Operations, etc.
Sources quoted include: H. C. ALLEN,
Constantine HERING, Hilmar DEICHMAN, Harvey
Calvin KNERR, Henri VOISIN, Julius MEZGER,
and C.F. TRINKS, E.M. HALE, William
W. MEILI, W.A. DEWEY, Margaret TYLER, H.
11. Disturabnce of Equilibrium
ROGASH, Rolf H. (ACD, 1, 1/1992)
43-year-old woman, with disturbance of
equilibrium while walking and looking downward.
Tabacum 30 and later Cicuta virosa in Q18 cured.
There was history of head injury
12. King Cholera strikes
TREUHERZ, Francis (HT, 12, 1/1992)
This article appeared first in The journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine
The author argues rightly that it is time that
Homoeopathy offers its resources to the WHO
through agencies like the LIGA for treatment of
Cholera has again struck Peru in 1991 and it has
entered the U.S.
The author has listed the symptoms of Cholera
vis-à-vis Food poisoning. He has also discussed the
well-known Camphor, Cuprum and Veratrum album
13. An experiment with breast milk
RAMANATHAN, A.N. (HH, 17, 1/1992)
The HH, Oct, 1991 carried an article with the
above title high lighting certain children’s allergy to
breast milk and its desensitization tautopathically.
Childhood allergies are of fleeting nature. The
various defense forces which emerge at different
periods in the growing child are the overriding factor
which support health.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 16
The author narrates the case of a female infant
which developed allergic excoriations of skin and
when it was fed boiled breast milk which the infant
accepted the skin became normal. When normal
breastfeeding was restored the allergy recurred and
the breast milk was again expressed, boiled and given
which again cured the skin rashes. A simple
Would’t it have been right to give the
appropriate homoeopathic remedy to the suckling
14. ‘Madras Eye’ (acute haemorrhagic
RAMANUJAM, S., MARTIN, M. Peter (HH, 17,
The epidemic began in August 1991 peaked in
September and declined in November 1991. A
remedy for the epidemic was found and trial made at
the Homoeopathic Centre, Balamandir, Madras
This study covered 1313 cases. Sanicula M twice
a day for 3 days was given to all the cases. The study
established the effectiveness of Sanicula both as
preventive and curatie in Acute haemorrhagic
15. Is snoring a surgical problem more than a social
LAKSHMI, P.S. (HH, 17, 3/1992)
A young lady who had spells of sore throat on
alternating sides was cured by Lac caninum
A lady snored regularly but whenever she visited
her parents at the seashore she did not snore.
Medorrhinum cured.
A 7 year-old-child was snoring which was like
whistling. Sulphur 30 relieved the snoring.
16. A case of Amnesia syndrome
BAIG, Mirza Anwer (HH, 17, 3/1992)
An 18 year-old –man who suffered from amnesia
was cured with Stramonium, Lycopodium, Lachesis
and other remedies.
17. Psychopathology – an overview
ASRANI, C.H. (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Brief descriptions of the different kinds of
‘Neuroses;, ‘Psychology’ and acute and chronic brain
18. Mental status examination
AYYAR, K.S. (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Mental status examination methodologies are
briefly outlined in this article: Appearance, Motor
activity, Speech/Talk, Thought content and
organization, Mood, Attention and Concentration,
Testing of higher cerebral function, Insight and
19. Knowing the mind in homoeopathic practice
DHAWALE, Kumar (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Brief essay on understanding the mind of the
patient and prescribing upon such understanding.
20. Homoeo – psycho therapy – a practisioner’s
PARTHASARATHY, V. (Mrs) (NJH 1, 1/1992)
Dr. Rajan SANKARAN suggested that if we
understand the state of the patient’s mind with his
fears and anxieties and delusions and then make the
patient realize that his reactions are out of proportion
to reality and if the patient understands and accepts it
so, he would require no further medicine to get cured.
Dr. Mrs. PARATHASARATHY reports a case
treated in the above manner.
21. Schizophrenic tamed
PARTHASARATHY, (Mrs) Vishpala (NJH, 1,
A 23 year-old-male with uncontrollable anger,
fault-finding; deaf; unclear speech. His mother is also
schizophrenic and is under medication regularly.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 17
Staphisagria, Hyoscyamus, kali bichromicum and
Stramonium were given. Anger under control.
22. Bull by the horns.
PARTHASARATHY, (Mrs) (NJH, 1. 1/1992)
The author discussed with Dr. M.L.SEHGAL,
Delhi on what Dr. SEHGAL has termed as
“Revolutionized Homoeopathy”, i.e. treating on the
common mental symptoms alone. The present’,
‘persistent’ and ‘predominant’ mental state of the
patient gives the clue and medicine is to be chosen
accordingly. A model case is narrated.
23. A peculiar fascination
SEHGAL, Yogesh (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
The author practices Dr. SEHGAL’s
revolutionized Homoeopathy’.
A 5 year-old-boy was always smelling shoes or
dustbin. Any strong smell fascinated him and gave
him pleasure. Cocculus indicus cured.
24. The importance of the mind in therapeutics
ANWAR BAIG, Mirza (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
That mind is the master is demonstrated by three
A 68 year-old-girl masturbated frequently. If
prevented she became very restless. During
pregnancy the mother of this child had intense sexual
desire and she masturbated in the same manner. The
child said that she felt as if a mouse had bitten her
private part. She also dreamt as if a mouse bit her
there. Pulsatilla cured.
A 19 year-old-boy, epileptic. On the clue of ‘fear
of being betrayed’ Hyoscyamus was given which
25. The mind is the key
CHATTERJEE, Sujeet (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Three cases are reported in which prescriptions
based on the mental state alone cured totally.
26. Mind – a miasmatic view
JALGAONKAR, Mrs. Sujata (NJH, 1 1/1992)
A brief study of miasmatic classification of
27. The high and low fevers
KUMAR, Vijay R. (mfh, 2, 3/1992)
A very brief discussion about ‘fevers
28 Homoeopathic therapeutics of Measles.
LAKSHINARAYANAN, D. (mfh, 2, 3/1992)
A brief review of therapeutic of measles.
29. Homoeopathic management of a case of
LAKSHMINARAYANAN, D. (mfh, 2, 3/1992)
30. Oxygenoid constitution of the body of Dr. von
Dr. LAKSHMINARAYANAN makes a lucid
exposition of von GRAUVOGL’s ‘constitution’.
31. A child’s world
HERSCU Paul (simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
In the Simillimum, 4, 3/1991, Paul HERSCU in
his article A child’s world commented that his
patient developed nosebleed after taking Phosphorus
200 which the patient had not experienced before.
HERSCU explained that it indicated that the remedy
was correctly chosen and that the paient had a deeply
curative reaction to the remedy.
A reader has asked a question whether a
symptom never before experienced but “belonging”
to the remedy meant a proving or overdosing. Where
did HERSCU get his idea from? In such cases how
did one choose between an overdosing/proving and a
well-chosen remedy?
Dr. HERSCU has given a detailed reply to the
question. He has drawn attention to paragraphs 22,
24, 62, 63, 68, 155 156, 249 of the Organon. A very
interesting essay.
32. HERING’s diagnostic method
ALBIN Steve (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 18
Two articles of Constantine HERING on the
study of homoopathic material medica which
appeared in The Northwestern Journal of
Homoeopathy 1852 and Materia Medica Journal
1896 are summarized in this article.
Learning Materia Medica by heart is useless. The
symptoms of a remedy must be seen as belonging to
the whole picture of what the remedy does.
HERING’s “diagnostic method” was first to learn a
few remedies very well and then learn the remedies
most nearly connected with them. HERING
suggested the material medica be read several times
to gain a deep understanding of a remedy and to see
the remedy from different perspectives.
A very educative article
33. Arnica protocol in surgery
GUTOWSKI Louise D. (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
The author has suggested in the light of his
experience, the following protocol
Arnica 30
One week prior : 2 pellets 3 times a day
Day of surgery, before and after surgery : 2
pellets 3 times a day
For the three days following surgery : 2 pellets 3
times a day
Next 2 days : 2 pellets twice a day
Last day : 2 pellets once a day
The above protocol was followed by the author
for her mother who underwent cataract surgery.
Besides the rapid post surgical recovery and absence
of problems which others under the conventional
measures have, he vision also improved.
The author suggests the protocol for other
surgeries too.
34. Two cases of Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
BRADLEY Randall and CURRIM Ahmed N
(Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
Lachsis cured two cases of thrombocytopaenia
35. A case of a boy who was barking like a dog.
KANJILAL Tapan (HMM, 3, 4/1992)
A 13-year-old-boy with attacks of ‘fits’ angry
and irritable, abusive, insulting behaviour, biting and
tearing, etc. Hyoscyamus Q1. (50 millesimal)
Violence worse; barking like a dog; sleepless.
Stramonium Q1. No improvement.
Found to be barking and also protruding his
tongue, saliva trickling; asking people to approach
him so that he would bite them. Hydrophobinum M
Improvement all round. Hydrophobinum XM
After few months of steady improvement again
‘fits’ and violence Hydrophobinum Q3 which
aggravated. Belladonna Q3 improved. Belladonna
Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7 progressively.
Sulphur Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5; then Psorinum Q1,
Q2, Q3, Q4. Again ‘fits opisthotonos. Belladonna
Q8, Q9 Then Pulsatilla Q3. Then Arnica Q5 for
Itch aggravated. Sulphur 200; Merc.sol Q1, 200.
Completely well.
A very interesting case
36. A case of sterility
RAMESH (HMM, 3, 4/1992)
A 24 year-old-woman, married since 6 year but
no children; glands in the axilla after vaccination,
very painful, amel. menses; pain and swelling spread
to left breast and left shoulder.
Sulphur Q1 then Q2 given; although there was
initially some improvement, it did not proceed
further. Calcarea carbonica in ascending potencies
cured and the patient became pregnant. Calcarea
came out by working with the ‘Concordances
The ‘discussion’ part is very interesting.
37. Diseases of brain and nerves of children
MATANI, K.H. (HMM, 3, 4/1992)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 19
A boy of 7 years, son of a neurophysician with
‘tics’ aggressive, sudden violence, Tarantula
hispanica cured.
1 year-old-girl with epilepsy: Calcarea
corbonica cured.
20 months-old-boy on respirator in hospital:
Opium cured.
16 year-old-girl with ‘Typhoid’ and in serious
condition. Opium and then Zincum cured.
38. Psoriasis
SHARMA M.L. (HMM, 3, 4/1992)
A 14-year-old-girl with Psoriasis. Sepia
prescribed on the ‘mentals’ alone (Dr. SEHGAL’s
method) cured.
1. About some traps set by ‘crude’ repertorization
methods need for clinical data and intelligent
repertorization systems.
Part I Repertorization methods compared with
voting procedures. FICHEFET (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
Homoeopathic treatment is individualized, i.e.
individualization of the patient, Individualization of
the medicine. individualization of the dose of the
selected medicine.
Computerized repertories have been using a
number of different methods of selecting medicines.
The dangers of simplistic methods are discussed. The
theory of voting can be applied to homoeopathic
repertorization, with different methods producing
conflicting results. The logical structure of different
procedures and their relationship to the competence
of the prescriber is discussed.
2. Mental symptoms – analogical grouping
FONSEC, Ademar Valadares (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
The author has made a systematic study of the
repertory’s mental symptoms, proposing a new
organization of rubrics and sub-rubrics based on its
analogical ordering. In order to help homoeopathic
medicine in the search for and in the differential
diagnosis of symptoms.
The author concludes that analytical study of
mental symptoms is of great value both in the
reportorial study of consulting-room cases as well as
in semiological understanding of problems for
effective use of the repertory.
3. Mittelverwechselungen in Repertorium von Kent-
Teil 12 (confusions in Kent’s Repertory Part 12)
Kali muriaticum and Kali nitricum
WOLF, M (ZKH, 36, 1/1992)
Kali muriaticum (Instead of Kali nitricum wrongly
Mouth, scorbutic, gums (p. 418)
Stomach, Eructations, sour (p. 496)
Urethra, itching, meatus (p. 672)
Urine, albuminous (p. 680)
Urine, Sugar (p.691)
Chest, coldness, heart, region of (p.825)
Extremities, chilblains, fee (p.955)
Extremities, coldness (p.956)
Extremities, coldness, foot (p.962)
Extremities, lower limbs, swelling (p.1199)
The author has consulted the source books viz.
ALLEN’s Encyclopaedia, HERING’s Guiding
Symptoms for verification.
4. Meno/Metrorrhagi
LYNCH Pamela J (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
What actually are Menorrhagia and
Metrorrhagia? What are these according to the
dictionaries and what KENT actually meant in his
repertory? The author suggests that Menorrhagia
meant excessive, profuse menstruation and
Metrorrhagia meant heavy bleeding any time during
the cycle. These two rubrics being shorter than
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
“Menses, copious” frequent” “intermittent” etc. may
be more easy to repertorize.
A study of the ‘provings’ would give a clearer
ida as to what exactly are the meaning of the terms
and their entry into the Repertory.
1. The homoeopathic science of healing of domestic
animals; a rediscovered manuscript of Samuel
KAISER, Daniel (The Homoeopathy 12, 1/1992)
This is a manuscript of a lecture prepared by
HAHNEMANN. This was found in the Library of the
University of Leipzig. The original has appeared in
full for the first time in the ZKH, 33, 3/1989.
HAHNEMANN has given directives for
practical application of Homoeopathy to animals.
One should have before him the precise knowledge
of the illness and the precise knowledge of the
HAHNEMANN details provings of medicines of
healthy animals and observe the change produced
in what manner the pupils become dilate, In what
position they put their ears, tail, the general position
of the whole body, the moisture of the nose, mouth”,
“… they would observe the changes in the animal’s
frame of mind and mood in what maner it
communicates its pain in one or another part”.
HAHNEMANN also says that if Homoeopathy is
applied correctly and the single remedy chosen and
given, the animal will be cured rapidly and
permanently “with almost mathematical certainty”.
So far no Veterinary Homoeopathic Materia
Medica has been prepared on the basis of provings on
animals. In fact there have been no such provings. It
is time that this work is undertaken.
2. Homoeopathic veterinary prescribing a short
pilot study KAYNE, Steven (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
An historical outline of veterinary homoeopathy
is given together with brief reasons for the recent
increase in demand for homoeopathic treatment and
limiting factors preventing wider acceptance of the
discipline. A pilot survey is described in which the
six homoeopathic medicines most frequently
prescribed by homoeopathic veterinarians have been
identified together with their applications.
The conclusion is that nearly all the vets wanted
to increase their homoeopathic prescribing: despite a
variety of problems being experienced, the field of
veterinary homoeopathy looks set to widen in the
3. Homoeopathic treatment of a horse
RAKOW, Michael (ACD, 1, 1/1992)
A 11-year-old white mare, Lianka”, a Bavarian
mare with Arab blood was brought for lameness after
an injury 14 days ago. X-ray: n.a.d. The totality of
Ailments from fear
Want of self-confidence
Thinning inspite of good appetite
Inflammation of mucous membranes
Inflammation bones
Continued movement amel
Cold wind agg.
Stormy agg.
Rain agg.
Covered, amel.
Uncovering agg.
Saddle, harness agg. i.e. Pressure agg.
Bridle agg. i.e. Touch agg.
Silicea D 30, 3 doses weekly.
After 5 days improvement began.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
After 3 more days completely free of ailments.
Lianka was then given a dose Silicea D 200
Follow-up after an year: Well in everyway.
4. Several seminars in Veterinary Homoeopathy are
organized in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in March
1992. (HT, 12, 1/1992)
5. FDA and Veterinary Homoeopathy
BORNEMAN, Jay (HT, 12, 1/1992)
It was understood earlier that the FDA had issued a
“position paper” which suggested that the use of
homoeopathic remedies in veterinary practice could
be illegal. To resolve the issue a meeting took place
between the center for Veterinary Medicine staff at
FDA and a coalition of American Association of
Homoeopathic Pharmacists in November 15, 1991. It
soon became apparent that there was “no problem”
with veterinarians prescribing human use
homoeopathic medicines in their small animal
practices. The FDA was clear that the “veterinary use
of homoeopathy was illegal” was not correct.
6. Anna responds to Bryonia
SHAEFFER, Edgar C. (HT, 12, 2/1992)
Anna a 16 year-old-horse which suffered from
dislocated hip for about 10 years, arthritis and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, panic attacks
inside a barn, responded very well to Bryonia.
1. A question
VAIDYA, B.J. (HH, 17, 2/1992)
Saccarum lactis and Saccharum officinale both
are medicines in Homoeopathy. Saccharum lactis is
used as vehicle with with homoeopathic medicines
are triturated. The question raised is whether in the
process of trituration the Saccharum lactis also gets
dynamised in which case the dynamic powers of
Sacchrum lactis gets mixed’ with the homoeopathic
medicine being triturated. How to distinguish them?
2. LM Potencies
FOX, Richard, E. (HH, 17, 3/1992)
This is a brief study, with reference to the
Organon 6 Edition (Jost KUNZLI, Alain NAUDE
and Peter PENDLETON) of the advantages and
administration of the LM Potencies (50 millesimal
scale potencies).
1. An experimental double-blind study to evaluate the
use of Euphrasia in preventing conjunctivitis
MOKKAPATTI, Rupa (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
A double-blind study using Euphrasia 30 or
placebo was carried out during an epidemic of viral
conjunctivitis. Nine hundred and ninety-four subjects
were available at follow-up, when 48 subjects in the
group given Euphrasia and 43 subjects in the placebo
group had signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis, a
difference which was not statistically significant. The
protocol by which Euphrasia was tried may be used
without change to scientifically confirm the efficacy
of a genus epidemicus. The concept of genus
epidemicus lends itself well to experimental double-
blind studies in homoeopathy during epidemics.
This is again an attempt at making a ‘scientific’
case for Homoeopathy; another ‘double-blind’ study
destined to give a negative result.
2. Research in Homoeopathy
RIGHETTI, Marco (HL, 4, 1/1991)
This is an extract from Marco RIGHETTI’s talk
in Essen (Germany) in October 1989 in the Congress
held by the ‘Zentrum zur Dokumentation für
Homoeopathy is a science in itself and cannot be
judged from research view alien to it. The strictly
individual selection of the remedies cannot be
pressed into standardized medical therapy with
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
defined diagnostic categories such as is necessary for
double-blind studies.
In spite of the above drawbacks inherent in such
scientific evaluation the effects of Homoeopathy can
be demonstrated with hard facts.
The author cites some trails done at various
times since BOYD (1954) to SCHWABE (1989)
including plant and animal studies.
However the greatest proofs of the efficacy is the
very great number of patients with varied illness who
have been treated successfully over the past two
3. Der Zustand der homöopathischen Materia Medica
(The state of the homoeopathic material medica)
GYPSER, K.H. (ZKH, 36, 1/1992)
The paper demonstrates the growth of the
material medica from the provings published in
periodicals to the clinical symptoms mainly
published as clinical cases. Since 100 years no
extensive collection of the material medica like T.F.
ALLEN’s “Encyclopaedia has been compiled for
the practitioner. It is urgently necessary to build up
such an actual work, because the number of
symptoms have enormously increased. A project
titled “G.H.G. Jahr-Institutehas been founded for
this purpose after years of preparation. This Institute
intends to collect from primary sources all
international published provings and clinical
symptoms, brings them into order and publish them.
International co-operation is required for this.
There are still some rare books and journals in
private libraries. Some are getting damaged for want
of proper care. It would be a great service if persons
possessing such old treasures catalogue them and
furnish same to me (i.e. K.S.S.) so that proper action
may be taken to first make out copies of such
literature and store them in a place under proper
scientific maintenance.
4. Research by CCRH in India
RASTOGI, D.P. (HH, 17, 1/1992)
Clinical research including research in tribal
areas and epidemics, clinical verifications, drug
research, drug standardization, literary research and
experimental research are being conducted in 51 units
of the CCRH located in various parts of India. 29
drug provings have been done so far.
All these are given briefly under appropriate
1. An academic library for education in Homoepathy
TREUHERZ, Francis (The Homoeopath, 12,
There is a large amount of literature on
Homoeopathy that are yet to be located and indexed
and made available to those interested. This article
restricts itself to the English-language articles.
The journal ‘Homoeopathic Heritage published
from India since 16 years has been publishing
selected articles from some of these treasures, and
these articles have in fact been responsible for
generation of much interest in many in
Homoeopathy. There appears to be sufficient material
for another 10 years if not more. If we take into
account the German and French sources the material
is very much more.
Recently ‘Cumulative Indices’ of the articles
published in the ‘Homoeopathic Recorder’ and the
‘International Hahnemannian Association’ have
been published. The Allgemeine homöopathische
Zeitung has published an index to its 150 years
publication (1832-1982).
The article discusses cataloguing all the literature
for easy access.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
Since part three years the QHD (Quarterly
Homoeopathic Digest) has been able to cover in its
‘Current Liteature Listing’ nearly 70% of the
current literature. Still some English, Belgian,
German, French, Spanish Language Journals have
not been covered by the QHD for want of resources.
2. Homoeopathic education around the world -
review from the Alonissos seminar 1990
GREEN, Alice (HL, 4, 1/1991)
“In August 1990 George VITHOULKAS invited
a number of medical doctors and professional
homoeopaths to a teachers’ discussion group in
Alonissos, Greece. This group of approximately 75
men and 5 women came from 14 different countries –
as far apart as New Zealand, India, Scandinavia and
the United States in order to discuss classical
homoeopathic education and its co-ordination at an
international level. The aim of the week-long seminar
was to learn from one another, In particular from the
practice and experiences of teaching in our own
countries. The seminar also provide an opportunity to
present interesting cases on paper and by video.
We came to realize that different standards in
teaching and the sorts of pressures that different
countries have to face in their battle to place classical
homoeopathy on the map of accepted therapies
amongst the orthodox medical establishments”.
Countrywise brief reviews are given.
1. DUDGEON – a conventional view
LEARY, Bernard (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
Robert Ellis DUDGEON was born in 1820.
DRYSDALE persuaded him to translate some
articles on Homoeopathy from German into English.
DUDGEON became a convert and he went again to
Vienna to learn Homoeopathy, In 1846 he became
the editor of the British Journal of Homoeopathy and
remained until 1884.
DUDGEON is known as the homoeopath who
translated HAHNEMANN’s major works. His
contributions to Homoeopathy is numerous.
DUDGEON had an inventive frame of mind and
devised certain instruments like Sphygmograph.
DUDGON’s contribution to British and indeed
international homoeopathy was enormous. He
deserves a higher place in our regard than is normally
given to him.
1. Homoeopathy is not a conjectural art Interview
(ACD, 1, 1/1992)
On behalf of the Archiv r Homöopathik Almud
MULDER and Michael TERLINDEN interviewed
late Dr. KǛNZLI at St. Gallen on 31 may 1991.
Dr. KǛNZLI sees a bright future for
Homoeopathy. He feels that VITHOULKAS goes too
deep into the Psyche. He also has some other
difference with the VITHOULKAS’ School. About
the South American School (PASCHERO,
ORTEGA) he feels that they have made a philosophy
of their own out of HAHNEMANN’s Miasms theory;
and it is too abstract. The new-comer to
Homoeopathy must study the original source
references the Organon, the chronic Diseases, the
works of HERING, von BOENNINGHAUSEN, and
others. Regarding use of computers Dr. KUNZLI
says that it depends upon as to who uses the
computer and how. Regarding the Q potencies (50
millesimal) he says that he often gave a Q1 and if the
remedy was appropriate, he would then give a high C
potency as a single dose. Sometimes he gave the Q
potencies in ascending order Q1. Q2.- Q3. etc. He
does not agree with daily repeated doses and/or for
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
weeks of the Q potencies. Coffee, in his experience,
was found to be definitely antidotal. Practising pure
Homoeopathy alone assures a bright future for the
2. My main teachers are my patients Face to Face
with Jeremy SHERR (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Dr. Vishpala PARTHASARATHY interviewed
Dr. Jeremy SHERR at the December 1990 Seminar at
Misha NORLAND was the teacher of SHERR;
later on VITHOULKAS and then Joseph REEZ of
Israel. “We studied from 8 in the morning till 10 at
night”. Jeremy SHERR stresses on the understanding
of the Organon. “Each patient teaches us something.
So we have to listen and synthesize information put
them all together and make one totality”, SHERR
explains his case taking technique and also remedy
3. Naturopathy and Homoeopathy
ELMORE Durr (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
The closeness and links between
Naturopathy and Homoeopathy are explained.
The need for homoeopaths to understand
Naturopathy is discussed. Both need to understand
and support one another. The Naturopathy teaching,
certification etc. as also Homoeopathy teaching are
1. Elizabeth ADALIAN, in a letter to the Editor of
‘The Homoeopath’, 12, 1/1992 draws attention to
BOERICKE’s (Materia Medica) on Vanadium and
points out that the picture is very close to that seen in
AIDS patients and that therefore this remedy may be
considered as an ideal support remedy in such
2. Murray FELDMAN, in a letter to the Editor of The
Homoeopath’, 12, 1/1992 refers to an interview with
Colin GRIFFITH in a college Journal in which
GRIFFITH said that KENTIAN Homoeopathy was
different from HAHNEMANNIAN Homoeopathy.
The correspondent argues that KENT was not
Dr. G.S. HEHR wrote an article “Was Kent a
Hahnemannian?” in the BHJ, 2/1984, quoting the
many areas where KENT’s views were different from
HAHNEMANN’s, leading to the conclusion that
KENT did not follow HAHNEMANN fully.
3. Seminar Reports, reported by Derek BRIGGS.
(HL, 4, 1/1991)
Roger MORRISON (Seminar in Auckland (1987)
gave a detailed description of 17 ways to analyse a
case. He presented a number of papers and video
cases to show unfamiliar aspects of the polycrests as
well as some of the lesser known remedies. He also
introduces doublets and triplets as a way of
prescription where other approaches to the case
failed, i.e. a combination of 2 or 3 specific Generals
and symptoms point to a little known remedy:
Craves nuts+ prostate/urinary symptoms:
Twitching+Deep fear of cancer:Agaricus
Allergies with behaviour problems +intense
craving for potato and eggs:Oleum-an
History of cancer + anxiety about
History of Cancer of Colon + Asthma:Nat-s
Depression + Asthma:Nat-s
Seizures+ Asthma:Cuprum
Cold better cold:Camphor
Asthma worse fog:Hypericum
Diabetes, Kindney problems + desire for
Some remedies indicated in Obsessive,
“ritual”behaviour:Tuberculinum and Rhus tox:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
Must complete what is going on and if
interrupted must do it all over again.
Argentum nitricum:Like a children’s game, must
repeat the same action.
Ratanhia:Religious ritual for fear something bad
will happen.Ritual cleaning of anus/hemorrhoids.
Kali’s:All compulsively law-abiding, can’t break
the rules even for trivia.
Kali bichromicum must finish what he is saying.
Syphilinum: Obsessive compulsion to wash hands.
This extends to fear of toilet germs, dog droppings,
Arsenicum:Obsessive and meticulous tidying up.
Natrum’s and Borax: Can develop ritual compulsion
e.g. checking doors and windows and locked before
going to bed.
Iodum:Continually checking they have done things
e.g. switched off lights, lacked doors etc. Comes
from fixed ideas.
Others little gems:
Lyssinum in general phonias especially Agoraphobia
and Claustrophobia with an old history of animal bite
of Rabies Vaccine.
Camphor: Highly-strung, allergic people with many
symptoms that cover a wide range of remedies.
4.Extract from ‘What can be called Classical
Homoeopathy?’, Homoeopathy in Osterreich, 2/1990.
Dr. Peter KONIG raises the following doubts after
attending Ananda ZARWN’s seminar in
Switrzweland in 1990.
The first point was the continuous suggestive
questions put to the patient. Ananda ZAREN seemed
to have a remedy in mind and asked direct questions.
HAHNEMANN was strongly against this.
Second point: Ananda ZAREN’s rather diffuse
psychological interpretation off the patient’s
Third point: Cases shown as cured after only a short
follow-up. A strong point of the Vithorlkas’school,
and one from which we can all benefit, is to learn to
wait a sufficient amount of time after the
Ananda ZAREN often went on her ‘feelings’ in the
final analysis of the case.
The amount of additions to the repertory she gave
raises the question: on what criteria should we base
such additions?
5. Frederik SCHROYENS, Gent, Belgium reports
that in Belgium medical doctors practicing
Homoeopathy (and other alternative medicines) are
pulled up by Courts where they were judged unfairly
and awarded. This is because the Medical Board has
great authority over medical practice.
The good news is that in December 1990 a law
appeared regulating the creation of a speciality in
Homoeopathy as a special branch of regular
medicine. Homoeopathy eitll eventually become a
speciality like Cardiology, Rheumatology, etc (HL, 4,
6. While the Organism adapts itself to the
environment and the ‘biological clocks’ also adapt
so, yet the biological clocks (the cells have their
individual clocks)are at the same time independent.
(See Winston Churchill’s Agternoon Nap-a wide
enquiry into the human nature of time”by Jeremy
Campbell, Paladin, 1989)
In the HL,4, 1/91 there is a report that while the
clocks were moved forward for summertime, the
organisms also adapted itself soon to the changed
time-in one case the child who screamed at 10p.m.
did so, after the clock was advanced at 11p.m. for 3
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 26
days and after 3 days began to scream at 10p.m.
(summertime);in the other case this adaptation
occurred from the very next day.
Readers may send in their experience in this regard
(to QHD).
7. In the ‘Editorial’of ‘Homoeopathy Today’
Vol.12,1/1992, Julian WINSTON writes about how
his father who was 80 years old and hospitalized
could not be “treated because they had “not yet
diagnosed an entity”as all the tests were normal. And
Julian WINSTON himself treated homoeopathically
and in 3 days the patient was well enough to be taken
away from the hospital and further homoeopathic
treatment continued by which the patient improved.
8. An article that appeared in the Minneapolis start
Tribune’ headed “Folk drug, tranquilizer to be used
in AIDS test”, according to Folklore a herbal potion
obtained from the St.John’s Wort (Hupericum) plant
can cure depression and heal wounds.About 10 AIDS
patients would recetive Hypericin a drug derived
from the plant, in a test of its effectiveness”. It has
been found that Hypericin inhibited viral
reproduction. (HT,12, 1/1992)
9. World Research News,1
, Quarter1991 reports
about a German doctor who had been using oral
Strophanthin to treat myocardial infarction. G-
strophanthin is a cardiac glycoside derived from the
plant Strophanthis grans, from which homowopathic
remedy Strophanthus is obtained (HT,12, 1/1992)
10. Thirty homoeopaths gathered on the peak of Mt.
Summit (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) for the Annual
Conference of Homoeopathic Society of the Stat of
Pennsylvania during the first week-end of September
1991. Some abstracts:
Dr. Rosemary RAU-LEVONE is well –versed in a
number of healthcare modalities. She was involved
with the methods of Dr. Sigrun SEUTEMANN of
Germany and familiarity with homotoxicology and
the works of Dr. RECKEWEG.Interesting concepts
were brought and shared.
Guy HOAGLAND discussed Mercurius; bringing
together his allopathic and homoeopathic insights. He
depicted the picture of Acrodynia which is mercurial
poisoning. Dr. HOAGLAND felt that we could use
the symptoms-mental as well as physical- from the
allopathic literature to formulate a better
homoeopathic picture of Mercurius.
Dr. Ed SHEARER discussed veterinary homoeopathy
particularly horses.
Franne BEREZ and Richard SOLOMON discussed
“hyperactivity in children”. The attention deficit
disorder (ADD) in children begins a very early stage,
indeed so early that some mothers say that the child
was very active in the womb. Hyperactivity may be
categorized broadly as –ADD,ADD+hyperactivity,
ADD+ aggression.
4 years-old-girl: Jealousy, does things and repeats
things just to annoy, speaks and yells right into your
face, constantly tries to get your attention, a constant
discharge from the left nostril and constantly strikes
out (actually hit the doctor); Medorrhinum did not
completely clear the case, but Tuberculinum cleared
Both the remedies are worse night, worse from dairy,
worse sugar. Medorrhinum is:docile during the day,
worse fruits yet craves orange juice; no sence of time
and extreme procrastinator, doing things told not do
to; speak rapidly and are long-winded; selfish.
Tuberculinum:meanness; fear: of animals, thunder
and of being alone,especially in the dark. They run at
top speed and collapse into bed. Restless sleep.
Hyoscyamous: foolish or silly behaviour, hilarity,
taking his/her clothes off, jealousy and talkativeness.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 27
Worse at night, worse lying down and seems to have
an inner restlessness.
Dr. David WEMBER who spoke next spoke of the
remedies which had a combination of two elements
which act more deeply. For example Arsenicum
iodatum acts in a deeper more chronic way: it is more
corrosive and watery; especially useful for chronic
pneumonia and bronchitis.
Kali iodatum has both acute and chronic aspects,
good for sinusitis, helpful if there is glandular
involvement. Kali chloricum has a white nasal
discharge (e.g. Kali muriaticum). Antimonium
iodatum goes deeper than Antimonium tartaricum, in
chest. similarly Antimonium arsenicum. Sulphur
iodatum and kali arsenicum were also discussed.
11. The first page of ‘Homoeopathy Today’ Vol.12,
1/1992 carries a picture of ‘The New York
Homoeopathic Charity Hospital’, Ward’s Island,
originally founded in 1875. At present, however,
‘The Manhattan Psychiatric Center’ stands there
and not the Homoeopathic hospital.
12. Homoeopatherapeutics as a medical specialty a
new perspective HOAGLAND, Guy (HT, 12,
Homoeopathic medicine is growing both in lay and
professional practice. As we approach the 21
Century a new concept of the role of homoeopathy is
Dr. HOAGLAND proposed a three “tier” in the
practice of Homoeopathy: a pyramid; the bottom tier
would be medical doctors who know a little
Homoeopathy and could prescribe for first-aid and
acute problems; the second “tierwould specialize”
in Homoeopathy and could deal with most problems;
the third “tier” would be the top, who deal with
chronic cases.
Homoeopathy is no longer a school of thought set in
contradistinction to the “old school”.
13. Advanced case conference Cross section of
Anxiety and Fear; Reported by SHILOH, Jana (HT,
12, 2/1992)
The advanced case conference at the 1991 NCH
Annual Meeting was taught by Roger MORRISON
and Louis KLEIN.
About 20% of the population suffer from serious
anxiety said Dr. MORRISON. Because of
suppressions by drugs we see more cases on
emotional level now-a-days. This was not so earlier.
Hence we feel frustrated when we don’t get
information on the emotional pathologies in our
Materia Medica. Three syndromes were identified:
1. Simple phobias – like germs, cancer, etc.
2. Anxiety (fear without a specific focus)
3. Panic disorders
Natrum muriaticum fears closed places because they
are so emotionally closed that a closed room
represents their emotional state and evokes fear.
Phosphorus fears the dark and water because they
can’t see the limits.
Arsenicum fear robbers because they have basic fears
about their possessions and secutity.
Stramonium fears being murdered because they have
the impulse to kill. Their fear of animals represents
their animal nature within.
Aurum fears heights because of their impulse to
commit suicide.
Lachesis has a fear of being poisoned because they,
too. are “poison” (their sarcastic humour and their
lashing out)
Argentum nitricum is impulsive. Their fears have to
do with impulsive fears or desires to hurt family
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 28
Deep fears can come from deep biological knowledge
of impending disease. it is not uncommon that a fear
of a disease actually precedes that disease.
In contrast to phobias, anxiety is more pervasive in a
person’s life and is not limited to specifics. Treating
this patient often pose challenges to the prescriber, as
the patient is often very dependent on their
Arsenicum will test you. They think they have dread
diseases and they want you to take care of them; want
tests run, etc.
Kali carbonicum thinks they will get a disease
Lycopodium has anticipatory anxiety and make jokes
about their calls to you. They also swallow a lot
Phosphorus has an innocent anxiety and is better if
someone is around to talk to, even a child.
Nitric acid cannot be reassured; they are serious,
nervous, anxious, and suspicious. They will not admit
improvement and will even accuse you of destroying
their health.
Calcarea carbonicum is overwhelmed and anxious,
has a feeling of burden, and fears their mind is going.
Argentum nitricum are compulsive self-medicators.
They travel with many medications.
Silica can look like Calcarea worried, quiet and
They worry about little things, and tend not to be able
to see the forest for the trees. Little things become
serious problems to them.
Baryta carbonica are very dependent and have
problems with little decisions like what to eat.
kali arsenicum has anxiety, especially about their
They need tests and exams to reassure them.
Psorinum can look like Arsenicum; however, they
don’t give the impression of dependence. They can
be suicidal.
Cannabis indica one type may be “high” a blissful,
and another type is serious, anxious, panic-striken,
and fears losing control.
14. Elizabeth STONER reports of a day with Diane
Diane quoted from Tao Te ching, by LAO
In the pursuit of learning, every day something
is acquired.
In the pursuit of TAO, every day something is
Less and less is done until non-action is
When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.
The world is ruled by letting things take their
course. It cannot be ruled by interfering.
The focus is on the Organon which should be
studied slowly and savoured and meditated upon. A
good grounding in the philosophy of Homoeopathy is
worth more than all the specific rules. The one
fundamental word in the Organon is dynamis, or
vital force that which influences healing aided by our
remedies if the simillimum is chosen. (HT, 12,
15. Facets of Homoeopathy
MEHTA, Nina (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
This a report on the Seminar with Jeremy SHERR
held at Bombay in December 1990.
This following concepts were put forth by SHERR.
1. Concept of positive health
2. Each symptom as a protection against
something that means each symptom is the effect and
the cause is elsewhere.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 29
3. Concept of complex materialization and
simple dynamics
4. Modality is a symptom when the patient is not
compatible with his environment.
5. Concept of static state.
6. Use the potency which during the proving
produced that particular symptom.
7. Importance of physical expression in a
8. Polarity or opposites.
Jeremy SHERR spoke of his provings of Scorpion.
He discussed paragraphs 9, 10, 131, 207 of the
Organon. Hepar sulphur, Camphor, Thuja were also
16. The RADAR’s Vithoulkas Expert System and
Mac Repertory are compared by VITHOULKAS
and ROGER VAN ZANDVOORT. Cases worked out
with the aid of these computers are analysed. These
appear as ‘Letters to the Editor’ (Simmillimum, 5,
17. Epidemic helpline
HERSCU Paul (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
A new Network Center for Disease Control (CDC)
has been formed. Such a center would collect
statistical and anecdotal information on such topics as
effectiveness of treatment, cost effectiveness, trends
in the types of illness seen in practice, etc. It would
also help communication amongst the Profession
regarding epidemics more effectively and access to
other practitioners’ experiences on current epidemic.
The possibilities are endless.
18. Maui Academy – a great experience
(Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
The Maul Academy of Homoeopathy conducted a 7-
day Advanced Course in 1991.
Nancy HERRICK gve a nice talk on Hard and Soft
Over the years she has collected in her repertory the
‘hard’ and ‘soft’ personalities. For example:
HARD: med., sep., ign., anac., plat., stram. ect.
SOFT: staph., puls., sil., bar-c., cann-I, thuj.
She also had Aggressive vs. Passive, Refined vs.
Coarse, Vital vs. Weak, Closed vs. Open remedies.
She gave video cases over 81/2 hours.
Lou KLEIN presented cases illustrating the use of
Delusions and Dreams section. Lou showed how
delusion section can be used as dreams as delusions
and dreams are closely related in the subconscious
mind. Dreams can also be looked up from using the
Mind section of the Repertory. The “uncompromised
core beliefs” have to be got. These are often
disclosed and made evident in dreams and other
Roger MORRISON presented several cases that
hinted of Pulsatilla or Phosphorus where Argentum
nitricum is more the remedy but the correct
prescription was Argentum metallicum. MORRISON
presented essence of Argentum metallicum. Few
Iodum cases were presented and the essence was also
shown. Seemingly regular folks with a few unusual
symptoms can need smaller, less frequently thought o
remedies. We miss prescriptions looking for a
remedy to cover most of the case when, in fact, the
correct remedy is often found by keying in on the
pecularities of the case.
19. NASH and the ICCH
OHANIAN Valerie (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
The North American Society of Homoeopaths
(NASH) will take an active role in the international
Council for Classical Homoeopathy (ICCH), an
energetic and growing organization. In many
European countries non-medical homoeopaths can
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 30
freely study and practice Homoeopathy. Practitioners
in these countries offer a high standard of classical
homoeopathic care, as a result of the availability of
education and clinical training. Homoeopathy
continues to grow in Europe. The Norwegian
association has spread Homeopathy to the point
where all medical and nursing school students now
receive an orientation of Homoeopathy as part of
their education. Holland is in the process of passing a
law which gives homoeopathy the right to practice
and a Register of non-medical homoeopaths is being
developed there. In Germany, doctors and non-
doctors alike will be able to study Homoeopathy at
the postgraduate level through major universities by
(In this section, current books, reviewed’ in the
different Journals, would be listed.)
1. The Spirit of Homoeopathy, by Rajan
SANKARAN, Bombay, 1991, 268 pages. p/b -£15/-
(Rs. 200/- in India) reviewed by Louis KLEIN”….
bound to improve your level of practice and stimulate
your thinking about Homoeopathy. Recommended to
all serious students of Homoeopathy”.
2. Goats: Homoeopathic Remedies by George Mac
Leod, CW Daniel, Saffron Walden, 1991, p/b £5.95,
reviewed by Lennae SYKES.
invaluable for goat keepers wishing to treat their
own animals, and would also be of help when
treating other animals.
3. Everyday miracles by Linda JOHNSTON,
Christine Kent Agency, Van Nuys, California 1991,
p/b 256 pages $ 17.95 reviewed by Julian
“… the concepts presented needed to be digested
slowly … the way in which they were presented were
unique… has made a wonderful contribution to our
4. A Bibliography of Homoeopathic Medical
Imprints, 1825-1925 by Francisco CARDOBA,
Junius-Vaughn Press. New Jessey & London, 1991,
231 pages, $ 42/- reviewed by Chris ELLITHORP.
Catalogue of American homoeopathic literature.
(Nos: 1 to 4: ‘The Homoeopathy,’ 12, 1/1992)
5. Childhood Ear Infections by Michael A.
SCHMIDT, North Atlantic Books, 1990. 312 Pages $
12.95 reviewed by Bomita COURIER.
“… I have come to the conclusions that every doctor
should read it, as well as parents like myself who
have children with chronic ear trouble”.
6. Everyday Homoeopathy A safe guide for self-
treatment, by Dr. David GEMMEL, Beaconsfield
Publishers Ltd., England, 1987, 184 pages £7.95
reviewed by Donald HOTTON.
“… one of the most user-friendly self-help books
available to the layman for prescribing for any minor
health problem the contents are entirely consistent
with 190 years of homoeopathic science. This
excellent little book takes a modest step towards
unvelling our miraculous science for the beginner.
It’s a good book to have. I recommend it”.
7. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Children
Paediatric Constitutional Types, by Paul HERSCU,
ND. DHANP. North Atlantic Books, 1991, 374 pages
$ 18.95 reviewed by Judyth REICHENBERG
“… Paul is a very keen observer and has a great
talent for painting vivid, living images of the children
he describes. He also has excellent powers of
discrimination which allow him to zero in adeptly on
a child’s symptoms to see why the child would
benefit from one remedy rather than another similar
one. In this, he covers the eight most frequently
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 31
prescribed remedies for children. The organization of
the book I consistent and clear. The amount of
information presented is vast… Paul’s work is a
tremendous break-through in paediatric Materia
Medica and high-quality scholarly work. This book is
a must for any homoeopathy whose practice includes
(Nos. 5,6 &7: ‘The Resonance’, 14, 2/1992)
8. Psyche and substance: Essays on Homoeopathy
in the light of Jungian Psychology by Edward C.
WHITMONT, M.D., North Atlantic Books, $ 12.95
ISBN 1 55643 106 6 reviewed by L.R.
The first edition was in 1980. This is the second
edition and it has two additions: Illness and
Healing” and Aurum metallicum”.
“A most valuable contribution to homoeopathic
thought and literature which should be digested by
everyone seriously concerned with the future healthy
development of medicine and with overcoming the
schizophrenic divide of the mind and body”.
9. Proceedings of the 1990 Professional Case
conference. International foundation for
Homoeopathy, Seattle, USA 1990. Price not stated
Paperback ISBN 0-8403-6636-1 reviewed by D.T.H.
“This book is full of positive experiences”.
10. Synthetic Materia Medica of Mind from Mac
REpertory by Hari SINGH and Asha Hari SINGH,
Smriti Publication, New Delhi 1990 reviewed by
“Certainly this is a useful study tool. I am not sure
how much it will be used in the clinical work.”
(Nos. 8, 9 & 10 are from the BHJ, Vol. 81, 1/1992)
11. Der neue CLARKE, eine Enzyklopadie für den
homöopathischen Praktiker by Thomas
GRUNDZINSKI and Peter VINT, published by
Verlag fur homoopathischen Literatur, Wolfsbreede
33 D-4800 Bielfeld - 1 (Germany) DM 145/- per
This is a revised, corrected and even enlarged
CLARKE’s Dictionary of Practical Materia
Medica’. “The authors of this new translation have
undertaken the enormous work of correcting and
translating Clarke’s material medica. They undertook
the great effort of going back to the original sources
in order to present an unadulterated version of the
material medica. Where important symptoms were
missing they have been added. Almost every
symptom is marked with its original source.” These
will be published in 10 volumes. We can just hope
that this remarkable book will soon be available in
English as well”.
12. George Vithoulkas: The Berne Seminar, 1987.
Published by Ulrich urgdorf, Verlag für
homoöopathische Literature, D.3400 Göttingen
“The book is a translation of tapes taken during the
Seminar and reflects the liveliness of this Seminar
VITHOULKAS shows how prescriptions can obscure
the case and therefore the need to discriminate the
real symptoms from those produced by the wrong
13. Homoeopathy and Homoeopaths by
BUSCHAUER, Walter, Haug-Verlag, Heidelberg,
1991, DM. 16.80.
reviewed by Michael TERLINDEN (ACD, 1,
This is a book-let in three languages English,
German and French.
The author feels that except himself and Heinz
HENNE, other contemporary homoeopaths including
RESCH and VOEGELI have all not understood
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 32
HAHNEMANN. He says that KENT was responsible
for the decline of Homoeopathy in the USA.
14. The Complete Homoeopathy Handbook by
Miranda CASTRO, St. Martins, 257 pages $ 14.95
ISBN 0-333-55581-3, reviewed by Dana ULLMAN.
“… this book is excellent. Though it does have some
serious problems, it is definitely one of the better
home care guidebooks…”
15. The Dunham Lectures by James Tyler KENT,
Van Hoy Publishers, Greenville, PA, 136 pages, $6/-
reviewed by Julian WINSTON (HT, 12, 2/1992)
“The Dunham Lectures” consists of several
“unpublished lectures” which were unearthed by
Chris ELLITHORP in some old (and rare) journals.
These lectures were delivered by KENT and the
Dunham Medical College in Chicago, in 1899. They
concern the remedies Anthracinum, Chamomilla,
Phosphorus and Pulstailla. These lectures, especially
the one on Phosphorus, present information we have
not yet heard. This is an invaluable little pamphlet.”
16. Benoit Mure: missionrie de l’homoeopathie
1809-1858. Edition Boiron, Lyon, 1988. 93 S., 4
Abb. reviewed by A. GRIMM (ZKH, 36, 1/1992)
In 9 chapters the life of Benoit MURE a pioneer of
Homoeopathy has been well stated.
MURE consulted Des GUIDI who diagnosed him as
suffering from Syphilis in advanced stage and treated
him homoeopathically. MURE was cured and turned
into a homoeopath since then and devoted his whole
life to the propagation of Homoeopathy. He also
proved many medicines.
17. Grundkurs in klassischer Homoopathie by
MEILI, W., Johannes Sonntag Verlags
Buchhandhung GmbH, Regensburg 209s DM 4/-
(Basic course in Homoeopathy) reviewed by K.H.
GYPSER (ZKH 36, 1/1992)
18. A Dictionary of Homoepathic Medical
Terminology by Jay YASGUR, Van Hoy
Publications Green ville 1990, 92p. $14.95 reviewed
by WILL KLUNKER (ZKH, 36, 1/1992)
The reviewer hasn’t much to say by way of
recommendation of this book.
19. Hahnemanns Selbstversuch mit der
Chinarinde im Jahre 1790. Die Konzipierung der
Homoopathie, by BAYR, G., Karl F. Haug Verlag,
Heidelberg 1989, 145 S., DM 23/- reviewed by K.H.
GEBHARDT (AHZ, 237, 1/1992)
“…The Cinchona bark experiment in 1790
represented the turning point in the therapeutic
conception of HAHNEMANN which subsequently
led to the founding of Homoeopathy… Georg BAYR
has traced it very scientifically… The test is brief and
clear, very readable… Everyone interested in the
history of development of homoeopathy may read
this book profitably.”
20. Word Index of Expanded Repertory of Mind
Symptoms, compiled and edited by Dr. H.L.
CHITKARA, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi
110 055 244 p., Rs. 100/- reviewed by S.M.
GUNAWANTE (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
“… this is an indispensable work of reference for
those who have found the Mind Chapter of Repertory
to be a great aid to accurate prescribing”.
21. Scientific basis of Homoeopathy, edited by Dr.
S.S. APTE, Association for research in
Homoeopathy, Aryadurga Society, Navghar Raod,
Muland (E) Bombay 400 081, 92 p. Rs. 75/-
reviewed by Dr. Rashmi NAGAR. (NJH, 1, 1/1992).
“This book is a compilation of papers written by
experts in the field of electrical engineering,
electronics, physics, pharmacology and
homoeopathy. It is an attempt at understanding the
human system and homoeopathy in the light of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 33
modern advances in medical science and
Full address of the Journals covered by this
Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST (Vol.X, No.
1/1993) are given below. Those intereste to read the
full articles (abstracted in this QHD) may please refer
to the relevant journals.
1. JAIH: The Journal of the American Institute of
Homoeopathy, 1585, Glencoe, DENVER, Colorado
80220, U.S.A.
2. RESONANCE: The International foundation for
Homoeopathy, 2366, Eastlake Avenue E., Suite 329,
Seatle, WASHINGTON 98102, U.S.A.
3. AHZ: Allgemeine homoopathische Zeitung, Karl
F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1,
4. THE HOMOEOPATH: The Journal of the
Society of Homoeopaths, 2, Artizan Road,
5. BHJ: British Homoeopathic Journal, Royal
London, Homoeopathic Hospital, Great Ormond
Street, LONDON, WC 1N 3HR, U.K.
6. ACD: Archiv fur Homoopathik, DYNAMIS-
VERLAG AM Vogelherd 18, 4200 OBERHAUSEN
7. H.T: Homoeopathy Today, National Ceeenter for
Homoeopathy, 500, Massachusells Avenue, N.W.
Suite 42, WASHINGTON D.C. 20005, U.S.A.
8. ZKH: Zeitschrift fur Klassische Homoopathie,
Harl F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1,
9. H.H: Homoeopathic Heritage, B. Jain Publishers
(P) Ltd., 1920 Street, 10
Chuna Mandi, Paharganj,
Post Box 5775 NEW DELHI – 110 055.
10. NJH: National Journal of Homoeopathy, Milan
Clinic, Sawaswati Road, Santa Cruz (W) BOMBAY
– 400 054.
11. MFH: Medicina future Homoeopathy, 1-2-217/7,
Gaganmahal Road, HYDERABAD – 500 029.
12. SIMILLIMUM: The Journal of the
Homoeopathic Academy of Naturapathic Physicians.
11231 SE Market Street, PORTLAND, OR 97216,
13. HL: Homoeopathic Links, Homoeopathic
Research & Charities, Dinar”, 20 Station Road,
Santacruz (West). BOMBAY – 400 054.
14. HMM: Homoeopathy the Modern Medicine, The
Editor, 107, Happy Home Apartments, New
Nallakunta, HYDERABAD – 500 044.
1. In this section books received for review in the
QHD as also other books that draw attention are
BEST OF BURNETT complied by H.L.
Chitkara, XXii, 734 pages, B. Jain Publishers Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi, 1992, Rs. 150/-
I was introduced to BURNETT in the early
1960s - the first book which I read was Diseases of
Liver; then Spleen; then Skin; and so on and on
Gold, Natrum-mur., delicate Children, Consumption,
and so on. The style of writing, the wonderful cures
the justification he gave for every prescription- all
made wonderful and stimulating reading.
BURNETT was more an artist Physician. In his
hands homoeopathic medicines were plastic. While
Jean Pierre GALLAVARDIN mended the psychic
illness BURNETT did the physical. These great
homoeopaths showed the limitlessness of
Homoeopathy. It is the homoeopathic physician
who has his limitation but Homoeopathy itself has
no limitation, BURNETT could make un ugly
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 34
duckling into a swan! BURNETT also drew much
His monographs were slim and handy that one
can carry in pocket and read whenever one found
Dr. H.L. CHITKARA has rendered very great
service to all homoeopaths by this compilation. As
Dr. CHITKARA himself has said this compilation
does not make the reading of the monographs
rendundant. One must savour both. The monographs
and the compilation under review are companion
volumes. the book is in three parts.
(i) The general and clinical observations of
BURNETT, e.g. “The statement that rheumatic fever
has been known to follow tonsillitis – that is true
enough. The inference usually drawn is that had there
been no tonsils, there would have been no rheumatic
fever. It is highly probable that minor degrees of
rheumatism are arrested by the tonsils and there dealt
with and that their function is very largely vicarious,
protective of the organism and its parts.”
(ii) Materia Medica Notes and Therapeutics; and
(iii) Case Reports,
There is a brief biography of BURNETT’s
books. The compilation is fully and thoroughly
indexed and refernced. At the end of the Book is the
Index to Remedies.
One can open any page of this compilation
and read a plece profitably. The printing is very
good, binding sturdy and price reasonable.
I would recommend this book to every
homoeopath; it is a treasure. ‘BURNETT the best’,
I would say.
MATERIA MEDICA (Sixth Corrected Edition)
by Dr. Ramanial P. PATEL, Sai Homoeopathic
Book Corporation, Hahnemann House, College
Road, KOTTAYAM 686 001. INDIA. 1993. 1339
pages, Rs.500/- Export Edition $30/-
This ‘magnum opus’ amongst the works so far of
Dr. PATEL, is certainly a great aid to the Repertory
of KENT.
When the case has been taken completely the
‘portrait’ of the disease would become clear only if
the hierarchy of the symptoms is recognized. Which
symptoms come under ‘Will’, under ‘Emotion’,
which are ‘pathological particular’ and which are the
‘peculiar, queer, rare strange’ for purpose of
repertorisation? Unless one is well-versed in
psychology, physiology and pathology as also in the
study of the provings one cannot have a clear grasp
of these. Fortunately for us the great masters have
given clear guidance. All these are contained here
and there over the years. The current work of Dr.
PATEL contains answers to all these in one volume.
The size and bulk of the volume may deter one
from entering into it. But when one takes it up to
‘study it becomes very interesting and even exciting.
We understand that ‘Absent-minded’ness is
‘Memory’ whereas ‘Absorbed in thought’ and
‘Abstraction of mind’ are ‘Intellect and
Understanding’; ‘Alcoholism’ is Will’. Though
apparently similar these three rubrics, - ‘Absorbed in
thought’, ‘Absentminded’ and Abstraction of mind’
belong to different levels of the ‘Mind’
In a recent Seminar a colleague asked the
speaker to differentiate between ‘Amativeness and
‘Amorous’ness. The speaker could not. We see from
this Volume under review that Amativeness’ comes
under ‘Will’ and Emotion’ while ‘Amorous’ ness is
only under ‘Emotion’.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 35
We also see that ‘cross references’ are not
always synonyms’. For example, ‘Aversion to
Amusement’ is given under ‘Will’ and ‘Emotion’
whereas the cross references ‘Serious’ is under
‘Emotion’ only.
Proceeding further we can identify the
‘Pathological General’s and Pathological
Particular’s and of course the ‘Rare, Uncommon,
Peculiar, Strange’ (RUPS) one. We see that most of
the modalities are RUPS.
It may be argued that what is RUPS in one case
may not be so in another; however this does not
negate the usefulness of this reference work.
This work will also help one, particularly the
not-so-experienced practitioner, to see whether he has
taken the case fully, bringing out the RUPS or
whether his case contained only ‘common’s
symptoms and help him to investigate properly for
specific RUPS symptoms.
This classification is preceded by very useful
practical chapters on case taking and analysis and
also, naturally, an ‘Introduction’ to the work. 125
references have been consulted in the contruction of
this work.
For each rubric/symptom the source of the
classification has been given.
Printing errors are very few. Printing is clear,
large and easily readable; well bound and price
Very warmly recommended.
M.D., B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
110 055, 1992. 347 pages, Soft Cover, Rs.100/-
A very long and very eagerly awaited book as far
as I am concerned.
The book is in the form of ‘diary jottings’ and
arranged under various subheads. It begins in April
1869, from the time KNERR came to learn under
HERING until HERING’s death on 23 July 1880.
KNERR spent these eleven years with HERING
except for a brief period when he went on a tour of
Europe. KNERR married HERING’s daughter
This is not a complete and detailed life of
HERING but it reflects many qualities of the great
man. It contains many anecdotes, sprinkling of many
valuable therapeutic hints, etc. e.g. on Kali nitricum
“Nitrum A Key-note of Nitrum is: drinking often
but little at a time. The patient drinks little at a time
because the act of swallowing intereferes with
respiration. This is GRAUVOGL’s observation”.
In his student days HERING suffered poverty
and struggled to maintain a living. Speaking of this
he said “All this is nothing compared to the
sufferings HAHNEMAN experienced when living in
Leipzig, persecuted by the old school doctors and
apothecaries…” About Belladonna: “This remedy
overcomes spasms of the muscles in all orifices of the
HERING’s devotion to Homoeopathy is
unequalled. “Dr. HERING speaks of placing a
mortgage upon his property for the benefit of the
College and Hospital. He fears he might die and his
family get the money. He says: ‘My family shall not
have it. I do not wish it so. It is for the cause.’ For the
cause he would sacrifice all”.
“HERING tells how his first glass of ice-water
made him ill and how Carbo vegetabilis cured him.
Hence the characteristic ‘bad effects from cold
drinks’ so often since verified in practice.”
The book is in 5 parts:
Part I being mainly the notes from KNERR’s
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 36
Part II HERING’s notes/letters on his journey to
Part III Literary Production.
Part IV Death of HERING. Memorial Meetings
with Eulogies.
Part V General Index.
The publishers (M/s.B. Jain Publishers) have
claimed this to be the ‘First Edition 1992’. This claim
seems to be wrong. KNERR’s own ‘introductory
remarks’ is dated October 1939. The book was
published around 1941 (I do not have the actual
date.) But surely the Publishers of this edition
which appears to be a photo-copy of the original
edition must have borne the details of the printing
history of the 1
edition. the current publishing
should truly be called a ‘first Indian reprint’.
Printing in some pages is faint.
A rare book. Warmly recommended.
l’historie du development de l’homoeopathie en
France, Par le Dr.J.Baur parts I & II, Geneve,
1986, 216 pages and 253 pages.
Count Sebastian Des GUIDI (1769-1863) is the
father of Homoeopathy in France. He was the first
homoeopath in France and was responsible for the
remarkable progress of Homoeopathy in that country.
Des GUIDI lived a ripe old age (94 years) and left 20
large Case Registers which were in the library of Dr.
Jean-Pierre GALLAVARDIN (1825-1898)
Dr. Jacques BAUR has made an exhaustive
study of Des GULDI’s registers. The study is very
interesting indeed.
Part I Identification of the Registers and
biography of Dr. Des GUIDI:
General considerations; some aspects of the medicine
and times of Count Des GUIDI 1. Pathology, 2.
Therapeutics: Medicine and surgery in the 19
Century Lyon; The relations of Dr. Des GUIDI with
the classical medicine:
The conditions of development of Homoeopathy; the
influence and the role of Dr. Sebastian Des GUIDI in
the propagation of Homoeopathy:
1. Propagation of Homoeopathy in France.
2. Propagation of Homoeopathy abroad.
Part II is larger, containing following studies:
- the homoeopathic material medica the
references of Des GUIDI.
- the consultations of Count Sebastian Des
GUIDI house visits, treatment through
correspondence, recourse to specialists.
- the four essential steps of drawal of
to listen
to write down
to question
to coordinate
- homoeopathic techniques repetition,
epidemics, prophylaxis, vaccination, etc.
- the treatment of chronic diseases the
diathesis, the totality, the law of HERING,
- chronic miasms Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis,
multimiasmatics; aetiologic.
- Regime, Homoeopathy and Hygiene
- Pharamaceutical – potentisation, Posology
- Results of Des GUIDI’s activities
- Social impacts of Homoeopathy
- the assistants of Des GUIDI
- list of publications of Des GUIDI
Study of both the volumes would be very
have recorded their cases in large Registers and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 37
HAHNEMANN’s registers are being critically
studied and published. A complete study of von
BOENNINGHAUSENS’s Registers does not seem to
have been done. We do not know as to what
happened to Dr. HERING’s records.
Dr. J. BAUR’s study of the Des GUIDI’s work is
Hygiene, Geneve, 1987. 65 pages
This is a brief review of the origin and
development of the homoeopathic Materia Medica:
1. The Pathogenesis : from HAHNEMANN’s
translation of CULLEN’s Material Medica (1790);
Essay on a new principle of healing (1796);
Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum (1805);
Practical Therapeutics (1805); Materia Medica Pura
Chronic Diseases (1828-1830); Sources of Materia
Medica of the 20
2. Criticisms of the Materia Medica of
3. The formulations of the homoeopathic Material
This book is in three parts:
Part I : The posology of HAHNEMANN; Researches
of the disciples and successors of HAHNEMANN.
Part II : The works of Rene BAUDRY; the
Pharmacology of Dr. Leon Vannier.
Part III: The high dynamizations: Dr. Leon SIMON;
potencies and procedure of potentisations of
ELEVES, Cahiers du Groupment Hahnemannien,
1988, 139 pages
Tributes and some nice anecdotes from the
pupils of Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT, followed by an
excellent album of photos of Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT.
VIII. Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT a 1’ occasion de son
80 eme anniversaire pages 92.
Contains tributes to Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT on his
birthday. A nice picture of Dr. SCHMIDT is
followed by the tributes from leading homoeopaths
from all over the world, led by Dr. T.P. PASCHERO.
SCHMIDT Pour son 90e anniversaire 22 Juliet
1984, 175 pages.
Tributes to Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT on his 90
birthday. contains instructive articles by leading
homoeopaths, including Dr. J. KUNZLI, J. BAUR,
W. KLUNKER and many others. A valuable
KENT’s REPERTORY, Fourth Edition by Dr.
R.P. PATEL, Sai Homoeopathic Book
Corporation, Hahnemann House, C.M.S. College
Road, KOTTAYAM 686 001. 1992 1049 pages.
Hard bound, Rs. 200/-.
KENT’s Repertory (VI American Edition) is
such a bulky Volume of 1423 pages containing
thousands of symptoms and there may not be a
homoeopath who had not felt at sometime in his
practice this Repertory as daunting, sometimes
frustrating. A word-index to it is certainly most
welcome. That the Profession has certainly
appreciated it is clear form the fact that Dr. PATEL’s
word-Index is now in the revised and corrected
Fourth Edition.
As the title would indicate, the Volume is an aid
to find the rubric/symptom one looks for in the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 38
Repertory. The book can also be used to study the
Repertory For example, we can study the different
influences ‘eating’ has, or ‘sleeping’ or menses’ has.
A through acquaintance with such rubrics Eating,
Menses, Stool, Urination, Covering/Uncovering etc.
would help quick reference and thus choice of the
Together with Dr. PATEL’s “Analysis an
Evaluation of Rubrics/Symptoms…” this work will
be a great help to the busy Practitioner not only in the
clinic but also in the Study.
Good paper with very few printing errors.
Warmly recommended
1. Two days Seminar with Dr. Rajan
Venue : BOMBAY. Date: 28
& 29
Aug. 93.
For More details please contact:
Mr. S.M. GUNAVANTE, Morya Villa,
Road, Khar, Bombay – 400 052.
2. The Homoeopathic Academy & Research
94, Fly-over Market, Defence Colony, New
Delhi – 110 024
is organizing a Course on General Radiology
for Practitioners’
at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Chanakyapuri, New
from 25 – 27
December 1993.
Fees upto 30.9.93 Rs.625/-
1.10.93 to 15.11.93 Rs.700/-
After 16.11.93 Rs.775/-
Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. X. No. 1/93;
For Private Circulation Only
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 39
2. QHD, Vol. X, 2, 1993
1. Hahanemann’s concept of rational therapeutics:
principles and problems.
SCHMIDT Josef M. (JAIN,85,2/1992)
This paper was presented at the 46
Congress of the
LMHI, Colognee, May 7, 1991.
Since Homoeopathy was conceptualized as a
rational therapeutics by its founder, Samuel
HAHNEMANN(1755-1843), it is based not only on
empiricism, but also on principles whose inner
coherence has to be in accordance with logical rules.
Accordingly, the rationality of HAHNEMANN’s
therapeutics cannot be proved by case studies alone,
but by an attempt at reconstructing the leading
principles of his concepts. In the reconstruction
demonstrated below seven logical steps can be
1. The starting point of HAHNEMANN’s endeavour
to rational therapeutics. The Era of Enlightenment in
Germany influenced HAHNEMANNthroughout his
2. The criticism of the former principles of
3. The scientific approach and its limits in curative
medicine. Chemistry was HAHNEMANN’s favourite
science. He recognized that the actual curative
properties of drugs, could not be explained in terms
of Chemistry because these curative properties
became apparent only under the influence of the
living organism and thus Chemistry was outmatched
by Vitality.Most of the morbid states could be due to
“dynamic”causes. The scientific approach was
insufficient to cure “dynamic”diseases.
4. The extension of this approach in order to
comprehend further experiences. Since the human
body reacted to stimuli, disease symptoms are not
just amages
to the machine but seen as a dynamic reaction on the
part of an organism to a stimuli leading to disease.
Similarly the effects of drugs could be regarded as
dynamic reaction to the stimuli caused by the drugs.
Notions such as health, disease, healing etc., can only
be unterstood teleologically.
5. The arguments for the fundamental possibility of
rational therapeutics. Since dynamic diseases could
not in principle be traced back to any one simple
material cause, it had to be possible to heal these
diseases also without necessarily having to identify
such a cause. Once how the possibility of rational
therapeutics was recognized in principle
HAHNEMANN set off to find the right path and
6. The revelation of the Principle of Similars as a
maxim to cure dynamic diseases.
7. The elaboration of the homoeopathic doctrine of
healing of dynamic diseases by systematic provings
of drugs on healthy persons; the hierarchisation of
patient symptoms; and the gradual dilution and
succession of the medicinal dilutions.
A discussion of the most important arguments
which have been decisive in the history of
Homoeopathy from the earliest of times from the
point of view not only of their historical originality
and place in time, but also from that of their
philosophical justification and cogency in principle
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 40
would certainly be an interesting and momentous
2. The Physician and the Organon.
HERSCU, Paul (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
Dr. HERSCU says that this paper “is written in
celebration of the spirit and dedication of the
homoeopathic Physicican”. Since our technique
comes out of our Philosophy-Onganon- we should
study it very carefully and meticulously so as to
apply it in practice.
Dr.HERSCU points out that HAHNEMANN
wanted us to be physicians, not just homowopaths,
and that we should know and appreciate the role of
physiotherapy, magnetism, hydrotherapy, counseling
etc. Attention is drawn to paragraphs 1 to 7, 59, 93,
186, 208, 252, 286,287, 291. By using all the
techniques described by HAHNEMANN, we not
only prescribe but become true physicians,” the
article concludes.
it is seen from the letters which HAHNEMANN
wrote to his patients that besides giving them
homoeopathic medicines he gave them clear advice
to take regular walks in clean air in all seasons,
proper nutrition, bath, etc. (Please see
“hahnemannia”- in Homoeopathy the modern
medicine, Vol. I No. 4/1990)
3. Anthropologie und Medizin-zum Menschenbild
unterschiedlicher therapeutischer Konzepte. Teil 1&2
(Anthropology and Medicine-the different
therapeutic concepts of man Part 1&2)
SCHMIDT J.M. (AHZ, 237, 3&4/1992)
Proceeding from fundamental reflections on
anthropology in Medicine, view of Man in
underlying the modern ‘scientific’medicine and the
view of Man in Homoeopathy, are presented. By
means of an excursion into HAHNEMANN’s
concept of Man the specificities of the different
approaches are distinguished, and theirstatus in
therapeutics itself explicated. Strict positivism of
science always tends to a reduced view of Man. On
the contrary teleologic thinking and abandoning the
claim that life as such can be investigated enables a
phenomenologic recognition of Man in all his
4. Hahnemann und seine Bedeutung fur die
Psychiatrie (Hahnemann and his significance for
APPELL R.G. (AHZ, 237, 3/1992)
The significance of HAHNEMANN in the
history of psychiatry is researched. This is done as
part of the 200 anniversary (179ST2-1992) of
HAHNEMANN’s brief stay Georgenthal and
treatment of KLOCKENBRING who was mentally
ill. At this time, i.e. the close of the 18
century, the
insane people were given more freedom and in
France PINEL at more or less the same time when
unchained and let out the insane persons who were
kept in the dungeons, chained and beaten.
HAHNEMANN did not, as was the psychiatric
practice of his times, classify the patients
nosologically, but treated each as an individual. He
dit not look at sickness as mental and physical each
separate from other, but viewed it as a whole.
A certain similarity between psycho-analysis and
Homoeopathy is also demonstrated and the far-
reaching concept of Homoeopathy is presented unlike
the restrictions in psychoanalysis. This is proved
through the Organon.
5. Gesund-und doch Sy,ptom? (Healthy-and yet
KLUNKER, W. (ZKH, 36, 2/1992)
There is an increasing tendency currently to
consider the non-morbid states of the patient as
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 41
indication for the curative remedy. This trend is
opposed to HAHNEMANN’s teaching.
Symptoms are only those which are deviations
from the normally healthy state of the sick individual.
Remedies have the power only to remove the morbid
KENT: The true basis of a homowopathic
remedy is the collection of signs and symptom,s,
and these must be morbid. has been the teaching of
HAHNEMANN and his ablest followers. And such
teaching is the only teaching that conforms with the
law. One who knows how to find a homoeopathic
remedy for sick people does not pause long to take
the measure of the normal constitution of his patient,
who has changed from the normal to the abnormal
constitution. This morbid condition of body and
mind, or both, is composed of signs and symptoms
not belonging to the health of the patient, no matter
how recent or long-standing they may be. (“Kent’s
Minor Writings on Homoeopathy”, K-H. Gypser, B.
Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., Indian Reprint 1988, pp.
6.The Heart of Case-taking
SANKARAN, Rajan (HL, 4, 1 & 2/1991)
Case-taking is only the application of the
principles of Homoeopathy, $83 of the Organon is
relevant. Case-taking: “tracing the picture of the
disease, that is to bring out the individuality of the
patient, individualizing features of the case. The
physician should be unprejudiced, accurately
observing. We have to find out the feeling of the
patient not in terms of remedies but in terms of
human understanding. The inner experience of the
patient has to be recorded.
$3 of the Organon: What is to be cured in
disease? The Central Disturbance.
“Central Distrubance is Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-
Immunological” (PNEI) disturbance. The PNEI
symptoms of a remedy remain more or less constant
in different proves although the organ-involvement
keeps varying. The Central Disturbance is often
hidden by the peripheral pathology; it is hidden by
the situation.
$211 of the Organon: The symptoms peculiar to
the situation have to be removed and the symptoms
that cannot be explained by the situation, symptoms
existing irrespective of the situation are the
characteristics of the individual patient. The
symptoms that are peculiar to the socio-cultural traits
and occupational causations are to be ignored. What
remains when these are removed is the individual.
The features of the pathology is the next that is
to be eliminated. For example the mental symptoms
that are not of schizophrenia but which persist despite
the disease schizophrenia are the symptoms of the
mental state and are part of the Central Disturbance.
The best totality of symptoms would include
those from which one can get no clue about age,
nationality, occupation or pathology of the patient.
As the totality gets more and more removed from the
mark of situation and pathology the clearer the
indicated remedy will become.
All features of a remedy need not be found in
every case. But all characteristics of the patient must
fit the remedy chosen.
Observe the patient’s every gesture, every
movement, attitude, manner of talking, etc. From the
knowledge of the patient’s occupation, background,
marriage, money interests, etc. perceive what are
peculiar, strange in this patient.
(The detailed Essay of Dr. Rajan SANKARAN,
The Heart of Case Taking, may be read in his book.
The Spirit of Homoeopathy, Bombay, 1991).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 42
1. The children of Chernobyl and Cina.- Chance of
(BHJ 81, 2/1992)
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in April
1986. Beginning 1990 the Homoeopathic Centre
(Ukraine) has been examining the children who
suffered due to the Chernobyl accident. The authors
have under their homoeopathic care 54 children
exposed to radiation after the nuclear reactor disaster.
The children are aged between two and fifteen years.
Three children in two families were born after the
nuclear disaster.
The most common pathologies in these children
are discussed. Responses to homoeopathic treatment
especially in relation to general health was good.
Cina was the most commonly indicated medicine
The plant Artemisia cina is locally (in the
Ukraine) known as Chernobylnik or simply
Chernobyl. The plant is so much traditionally
associated with Chernobyl that to honour this herb
the area of the Ukraine where wormwood (Cina)
blossoms had been called Chernobyl but later this
word has become the symbol of disaster! Why?
Dr. Tatyana POPOVA in her talk
(Homoeopathy Today, 11, 4/1991) has pointed out
that after the Chernobyl disaster their interest in the
pathology of thyroid gland increased; increase in
thyroid pathologies are also predicted. The most
frequently prescribed remedies are Fluoricum acidum
Calcium fluoricum and phosphours. (See pages 46-47
QHD, IX, 3/1992)
2. Effects of homoeopathic dilutions of China rubra
on intradialytic symptomatology in patients treated
with chronic haemodialysis
SARUGGIA Massimo, CORGHI Enzo (BHJ, 81,
The effect of the homoeopathic medicine China
rubra on symptoms reported by 35 patients with end-
stage renal failure on regular haemodialysis was
investigated. The trial was double-blind, placebo
controlled with a run-in phase and cross over.
Assessment was by a questionnaire of symptoms,
Statistically significant improvements of asthenia,
lethargy and headache were detected on active
treatment compared to placebo. There was no
significant change in nausea and vomiting.
3. Breathing new life into two unusual remedies
CARLSTON Michael (JAIH, 85, 2/1992)
Two infrequently prescribed respiratory
remedies, Moschus and Ammonium carbonicum are
described, with clinical case corroboration.
Highlights of Moschus: sudden, severe asthma crises,
laryngeal spasm, masturbation during asthma,
abdominal pain with asthma, desire for cheese. Some
highlights of Ammonium carbonicum: Mental
dullness, anxiety, private personality, continual
blinking, respiratory symptoms (prominently, sinus
congestion with the menses), premenstrual syndrome,
aggravation from cold and damp, aggravation with
the menses, worse 3-4 A.M.
4. Ferrum metallicum
NOSSAMAN Nicholas. J (JAIH, 85, 2/1992)
The Ferrum family of homoeopathic medicines
probably is under used in constitutional
homoeopathic prescribing. Background information
is presented relation to iron and its place in nature, as
well as information from provings and reliable
material medicae to contribute to the elucidation of
the unique picture of the Ferrum archetype. The
information herein is not intended to be exhaustive
nor comprehensive, but rather meant to portray some
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 43
of the unique features of Ferrum. Speculation is
included. relating to possible correspondence
between physical and psychological elements of
Ferrum picture.
5. Grand rounds: Helleborus niger
CHAPMAN (Edward (JAIH, 85, 2/1992)
A 44-year-old-woman who had a head injury a
concussion suffered from cognitive deficits like
confusion, disorientation, poor word retrieval,
mistakes in writing, and depression, Conventional
medicine could only made her functional. Helleborus
improved her in all ways.
The discussion that follows the case is quite
6. Substance abuse: a case history
RUSSELL Les (JAIH, 85, 2/1992)
A young woman with psychological problems
and a heavy user of street drugs suffered from
Cheyne-stokes respiration after shooting up Pethidine
and other drugs and was brought to the author’s clinic
in a bad state. Heroin 30 relieved her condition. This
happened twice.
The author compares Opium, Morphinum,
Heroin and says that Morphinum is more “florid”
than Opium and Heroin is more “florid” than
Morphinum. Heroin is not a proved remedy.
7. Right lobar Pneeumonia
NOSSAMAN Nick (JAIH, 85, 2/1992)
Two-year-old girl child; since 21/2 months
intermittent cough and rhinorrhoea and diarrhea, past
two weeks; cough worse 9 PM- midnight, better
sitting; desires sweets and milk only; wanted to be
held by the mother.
Pulsatilla 200. No improvement. No urination
whole day.
Phosphorus 200. In the minutes copious urine,
became thirsty, active and talkative. In one week
lungs were clear. Important rubric in deciding for
Phosphorus in this case was “weakness, fever,
8. Penicillin Poisoning
PARSONS Phil (JAIH, 85, 2/1992)
A 53- year –old woman with upper right first
molar abscess. Heart mumur and taking Penicillin as
prophylactic before dental care.
Soreness and swelling over maxillary region,
feverish feeling. Amoxicillin but four days later still
soreness. Right sided maxillary pain, indented tongue
that trembles on protruding, pain back across kidney
region. Penicillin poisoning diagnosed.
Penicillinum 200. Improved.
9. Ein weniger bekannter Aspekt von Belladonna (A
lesser known aspect of Belladonna)
SCHWARZ Erik (ACD,1,2/1992)
case 1:A ten-year-old boy with sleep
problems.Sleeping remedies brought a paradoxical
effect. He became restless,moving and sleepless. At 3
years hospitalized for suspected meningitis. Suffered
at this time a fall from steps. Since then fear of small
Since 4 years headaches, above the right eye and
drawing in the eyes.Headaches better in dark room.
Sunlight aggravates.
His mother has taken him to many physicians but
no cure. Surgical removal of a nasal polyp also did
not help.
Belladonna Q 18 t.d.s. until improved. With the
first day its self he slept well that night and felt that
the Belladonna was a sleep medicine. Soon his
headaches too went away.
Case 2 :A 12- years-old-boy who had earlier
been treated with Calcarea carbonica. Has learning
difficulties, unable to concentrate, sleep-walks, talks
in sleep, lies on abdomen, mornings someday slight
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 44
headaches frontal, worse in cold. This began “after
the medicine-ball knocked against my head”.
Belladonna 200 Cured.
Case 3: A eight-year-old boy, intelligent and his
eyes were shining and pupils were wide; could see
only close things, sat directly in front of the T.V. His
ophthalmologist prognosed that he would remain
blind for quite sometime, Frequent headaches,
frontal. Mental exertion and stresses, sunlight,
worsened it. Jarring agg. when 11/2 years age fell
from bicycle; examination did not reveal anything
wrong. Desires only very cold drinks.
Belladonna 200 brought rapid improvement;
subsequently Belladonna M and XM.
Belladonna aliments can also develop slowly
over a period, after even slight concussion to brain.
Similarly Calcarea carbonica, Causticum, Natrum
muriaticum, Silicea, etc. bring about rapid cures.
They are not always slow acting. It is questionable
whether we can divide our Materia medica into slow-
acting remedies and rapidly acting remedies.
10. Fersenschmerz (Heels pain)
REIS Stefan (ACD, 1, 2/1992)
30 year-old-sportsman. 21 February 1991: Since
one or two weeks heels pain, right worse. Worse in
the morning after rising up, first stepping. He cannot
recall any other cause. A month ago suffered a
contusion of right foot. But since pains were of both
heels this could not be the cause.
Rhus toxicodendron 30 did not help.
28 February 1991: Detailed examination: Pains
in lighter form in the mornings on waking in bed,
worse with stepping. “As if the bones in the heels
inflamed and suppurating.”
Ammonium carbonicum 200, brought quick
relief. For a recurrence Ammonium carbonicum 200
was repeated on 8
March 1991. Remains cured.
Patient’s symptoms should be compared with the
proving symptoms for an exactly similar matching.
The abridged materia medicas may often mislead.
11. A woman who feared water
FINE Howard (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
38-year-old single woman: menstrual problems
with a history of amenorrhoea from 1982-85.
Vitamin regimen restored her menses but still
irregular, with PMS consisting of weepiness, hunger
and great chilliness, especially of her back which
feels “like a constant breeze blowing on my back.”
Strong fear of height with vertigo with fear of failing
and exceptionally strong fear of water.
Lyssinum 200 Well.
12. Agaricus muscarius the source, its history and
its essence
BEDAYN Greg (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
The contents of this interesting article will be
evident from its title.
The ‘essence’ of this remedy is, according to
willed and desiring that their (patients) life is directed
by someone else, often a guru or a mentor type;
“intoxication of will”; unable to confront life’s
issues; whining for reassurance; obsessive morbidity
and fearfulness especially around cancer. Their
susceptibility lies in their inability to take
responsibility for themselves. So when a stressful life
even occurs that they can’t blame an somebody else,
or which they can’t avoid or deny, their suffering
begins. “The patient has no mental musculature to
defend against it” says Roger MORRISON.
A well researched article.
13. Unwanted provings
ALBIN Steve (Simillimum 5, 2/1992)
A 76-year-old-man who had done well with
Calcarea carbonica in the past. He is now suffering
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 45
from severe constipation. He had taken Chickweed
capsules recently for digestive upset. Chickweed is
Stellaria. Despite the constipation he was cheerful.
Calcarea carbonica 200 cured within 3-4 days.
A 12-year-old-girl who had done well in the past
with Phosphorus now came with symptoms after
going in for swimming in chlorinated water, Eyes
irritated, nose stuffed, pressure in the sinuses,
hoarseness, cough etc., These symptoms did not
occur if she swam in a lake or river.
Chlorum 6 cured.
14. A microencephalic, blind, deaf child with
cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia
(Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
A two-year-four months old child whose mother
was a drug addict, abusive. The child was in a foster
home. Diagnosed as blind, deaf with cerebral palsy
and spastic quadriplegia, microencephalic. Fear of
water (bathing) rolling head and eyes side to side,
slammed her head against the mattress to fall asleep,
moving her arms constantly while awake, etc.
Stramonium M brought about remarkable
improvement. No more diagnosed as cerebral palsy
or quadriplegic.
15. Nine cases of Scleron
PARSONS Phil (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
Scleron which is equivalent to Plumbum
metallicum 12 is a preparation by Welada Pharmacy
and it seems to act quicker and more dramatically
than Plumbum.
[Phil PARSONS is a dentist and uses
homoeopathy. His case reports are regularly
appearing in the Journal.
Many cases seem to be caused by toxicity from
heavy metals or from the environment. PARSONS
cites nine cases where Plumbum was the remedy
needed but Scleron was given. All the nine cases are
very interesting.]
16. A case of a difficult child
MEEISSNER Julek (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
Nine-year-old girl, taciturn, restless with skin
discoloration of small white spots throughout the
body. Chief complaints: learning disabilities, mood
swings, skin.
Wants to be loved more, jealous if mother hugs
her younger brother. Feels left out even at school,
wants to be picked out. Mixing letters when reading
out loud like on” for no”, may call certain objects
or persons by the wrong names, “muffins” for “dough
nuts” or George”. Fear of thunderstorms. Averse to
Lycopodium M. Not effective.
When younger she was overtly affectionate with
strangers. Still jealous. Crying regularly, Sulking,
Not affectionate.
Sepia M. Improved. Happy, affectionate, no
anger, Skin discoloration: no change, Still learning
17. Laryngitis – Bromium
WEGENER (ZKH, 36, 2/1992)
A 16-year-old girl suffering from laryngitis; the
peculiar symptom was: pain when swallowing fluids
was worse than solids. Bromium cured.
18. Some observations from the Clinic – Palladium
ROBERTS Ernest (The Homoeopathy, 12,
Palladium is not just a remedy for the female
generative organs. If the mental keynotes of
Palladium strong desire for approva; praise, good
opinion of others; desire for flattery are present, it
can be prescribed with confidence. It also is
vivacious and idealistic; the general activity of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 46
Palladium is to attract the attention of others and
receive admiration and praise.
19. The employment of follow-up remedies in
chronic diseases – demonstrated by a case.
WEGENER, A. (ZKH, 36, 3/1992)
BOENNINGHAUSEN developed in 1836 the
idea of drug affinities which plays an important role
in the treatment of chronic diseases. Symptoms of the
patient change in a specific way, after a remedy is
given in a chronic case and some symptoms which
remain become now part of the patient’s symptoms.
Therefore the subsequent remedies that will be
chosen should be related to the previous remedy. The
‘concomitants’ in BOENNINGHAUSEN’s
Therapeutic Pocket Book also deal with the remedy
The author narrates a case of Crohn’s disease to
demonstrate the importance of the drug affinities.
20. Kali bromatum
SPRING, Beat (HL, 4, 2/1991)
A 33 year-old-woman suffered from difficulty in
concentration, that it’s like a piece missing in her
thinking, like she’s in a cloud. Fear of becoming
insane, and a feeling as if everybody was laughing at
her, Chronic lumbago with marked numbness of the
Dizziness while walking as if pulled to either
side. This started after a relationship with a man who
betrayed her with three other women. She delt
personally responsible to avenge him. This topic was
constanty turning in her mind. She feared that the
man would shoot or poison her. Kali bromatum
(Delusions, vengeance, thinks he is singled out for,
divine; Delusion that he was about to be poisoned),
brought about much relief.
21. Vipera
BECKER, Jurgen (HL, 4, 2/1991)
A 30 year-old- woman with dyspalsia of cervix
pap IV When she was giving her mother sleeping
pills and stealing himself away to another woman at
night. She laid traps to her father who however began
to hate her. She did shocking things at school so as to
bring down the reputation of her fater, then left the
school and had a wild life and did not see her father
for many years. Her bpy friend also was found to be
leading a double life-going off to other women at
night and returning early in morning, when she was
asleep just as her father did!
While the author was proving Vipera berus the
theme of modern gynaecological methods of
controlled birth where all the power is taken away
from the women and the midwives by the male
doctors, everything controlled by injections and
infusions, came up exactly as this patient’s father and
her brother were (both were gynaecologists); the
patient herself was born in this way.
This similarity as well as the sneakiness, the
trap-laying, the sleeping pills the secret sexual things-
all pointed to Vipera berus which was given in 200
potency. After this, she had months of psychological
processes and then her conflicts were resolved.
22. Mango
VAKIL Prakash (HL,4, 2/1991)
The author has conducted proving of Mangifera
indica; it resemhles Ignatia. Useful for patients who
suffer from hyper-acidity.
A 42- years –old male who had suffered two
broken relationships and then hyperacidity. He
recovered in due course and developed a new
relationship. After about 6 months the woman who
was in her menopause started picking quarrels with
him. She was a lawyer and served legal notice on the
man which made him go to court a number of times.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 47
He got chest pains- in spots, changing in nature.
He would wake up at 3 a.m. with pains. Sighed
involuntarily. Burning pains under the sternum better
by dinking cold water. As long as he was in his
office, he was well but on return home and on
thinking of his problems he becomes worse. Other
symptoms like desire to wear white or cream-
coloured clothes, hay fever with sticky and stringy
discharge confirmed the prescription of Mango. He
was relieved and returned to his earlier stage.
23. Opium
GNAIGER Jutta (HL ,4, 2/1991)
A retired man, happy about his life, had always
worked in harmony and fun. He came for his
Psoriasis of some years. He can’t sweat and has a
very red, almost blue-red face. Apart from these he
said that he was enjoying life and all well”. Opium
200 was given and six weeks later nothing happened.
But his skin became wet. He came back and said that
he had “stopped with the alcohol now”. The skin of
his face was only half-red and the Psoriasis was
diminishing, and even his hypertension lowered a
Opium:everything is o.k. You have no problems
24. Bufo rana
SANKARAN Rajan (HL,4, 2/1991)
Childishness, immaturity, deceifulness; the body
grows but the mind remains childish; high sexual and
physical development with lack of emotional and
intellectual maturity and adult control (hence the
A 35 year-old man case is narrated to high light
these characteristics of Bufo rana.
25. Allium sative
WOLFGANG Springer (HL,4,2/1991)
A 35 year-old man “built like a tree” with
excessive combination of fear and delusion of being
poisoned. After hours of interview he was given
Lycopodium without desired result. The entire case
was again gone through. He said that if he took even
the smallest quantity of garlic he got stomach pain,
couldn’t sleep and would be totally upset. Allium
sativa is listed in the repertomy for fear of being
poisioned. Allium sativa was the remedy that helped
him step by step.
26. Scutellaria laterifolia
KLEIN Louis (HL, 4, 2/1991)
Scutellaria laterifolia is useful in ‘post-
influenzae’ type syndromes.
Sense of confusion “off-balance”, “center”,
“dizzy”; Ringing in the ears (without ear pathology),
inability to concentrate, and feelings of nausea, low
vitality and weakness. Anxiety, an unexpressed
resentment and a feeling of injustice. Sensitive to
stimuli, such as noise. Worry about being able to
function. Sleepless, restless and worried at night;
night terrors. Headaches are frontal, referred to as
sinus headaches. Headaches pressing in nature
“Weight down the whole face.”
Nausea, gas and distension without modalities.
To be considered in post-influenzial case, where
there are few symptoms and modalities except mild
History of recurrent flus and sinus infections
with antibiotics prescribed frequently.
(From the IFH Professional Case Conference,
1. Denys in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
MERCALDO Mauro (Simile with the BHJ, 81,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 48
Tuberculimum Denys is more used in France and
A 24 year-old-woman with lung tuberculosis for
the third time. Two ribs had already been removed.
Mycobaterium tuberculosis was present in the
sputum with cavity in the lower lobes revealed in the
After stabilizing with Streptomycin and PAS she
took homoeopathic treatment. Lack of physical
resistance, depression, unexpected migraine, arterial
hypotension, thoractic pain worse right side, coryza.
Denys 200, one dose and from next day
Arsenicum iodatum 3 tds for two months. Antibiotic
treatment was also maintained.
At the end of 6 months her lung cavities had
healed and remained healed when examined an year
2. Rheumatoid arthritis
‘RATIRAJ’ Rajkishore Sinha (Simile with the
BHJ, 81, 2/1992)
A 28-year-old-woman, mother of two daughters,
suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. She had ‘a
number of other disorders’ and declared incurable in
Calcarea carbonica XM, 50M, CM cured.
3. Adult survivors of childhood abuse. A
multitherapeutic approach.
MARK Prunella (Simile with the BHJ, 81,
Case1: 46-year-old-woman, teacher, married,
two children. Severe depression since death of father
18 months ago. Emotionally and physically abused
by mother from early childhood. Parents were always
fighting, violent; threat of violence always hung over
her. Anorexia, bulimia, agoraphobia. Father
committed suicide. Patient very close to father and
felt devastated by his death. Fights to control
weeping. Very low self-esteem.
natrum muriaticum 6x, 30.
Had aggravation and so went to antidepressants,
psychiatry. Improved. Attends karate class. Takes
occasional doses of Natrum muriaticum 6x which
Case 3: 42-year-old-widow, two children, three
foster children.
Bulimia, suicidal depression, Had known very
little mother love or any other love. Always felt
alone. Dead inside, profound lethargy. Shame. Low
self-esteem. Tight control over feelings, closed in,
mistrustful of doctors, cannot weep, suppressed
anger. Because of suppressed anger, suicidal: Aurum
After Aurum stopped working, Ignatia XM;
subsequently Aconite 200 for fear.
Feeling much better.
It is seen from these three cases that
Homoeopathy works synergistically with other
therapeutic methods.
4. Thrombophlebitis/Deep vein thrombosis
GUESS George (JAIH, 85, 2/1992)
Seventeen-year-old male with a recent past
history of two pulmonary emboli due to chronic
thrombosis of left leg.
Fatigue left leg: tightness; occasionally sensation
of strangulation in the windpipe plus a sharp pain in
heart region. Lachesis 200.
4 months later: Heart symptoms gone as also his
fears. No left leg problems. Recently after a soccer
game trauma suffered thrombophlebitis in the right
ankle. Hospitalised and placed on Coumadin. Keeps
his leg elevated. Thirsty. Shooting pain from left
axilla to elbow. Vipera 200.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 49
Rapid relief, Subsequently according to
symptoms again Vipera 200.
Nine months later: again symptoms of occluded
or heavy, numb sensation of leg; band-like sensation
around ankle; lately very high sex drive “surprisingly
high.” Platina 200.
All heart and leg symptoms relieved. No
recurrence for 14 months.
5. “Ohne geht gar nichts mehr!” Radium bromatum
Folgen Von Kobalt-Bestrahlung (Radium
bromatum in ailment consequent upon Cobalt
ROGASCH Rolf H. (ACD, 1. 2/1993)
May: 1984: A 51-year-old-man baker and
confectioner by profession suffering since few
years from constipation. Earlier an operation (semi-
castration) of the left testes had been done because of
a malignant primary tumor of the left testes. Despite
tele-cobalt radiation the carcinoma metastased to the
right testes and so the right one was removed.
Subsequently further metastases in left mesogastrium
in the left groin.
Since 1984 Diabetes mellitus. His father died of
bladder carcinoma at 61 years;
Suffered as a child Pneumonia; measles; mumps;
later brain inflammation; pox; at 23 years twice
cerebral concussion.
He could pass stool only if he takes laxative
twice a day.
The obstipation came on after the cobalt
radiation therapy (Cobalt-60 a radioactive Isotope)
There are only three radioactive material,
proved: Radium bromatum, Uranium nitricum and X-
MEZGER’s Materia Medica “Dry, hard stool
with constipation”
Prescription: Radium bromatum Q 12 once a day
and later Q 18.
No constipation. Daily evacuation without
laxative, faeces formed.
6.Komplexmittelfolgen (Adverse effects of a
complex remedy)
RECKERS Winfried (ACD, 1, 2/1993)
17 August 1991: 67-year-old-woman came in a
generally very ill state with dyspnoea and cough. She
has been suffering from chronic bronchitis which
began after she had thorough drenching while in
Yugoslavia. Cough between 3-4 a.m. resulting in
asthmatic attack. she had diarrhea and abdominal
cramps. She had brought many remedies which she
has been taking since years. Besides allopathic,
phytotherapic medicines, she had complex
preparations. Repertorisation came to Aloe, Ars., Nat-
s, Nux-v and Sulph. The complex remedies which she
had been taking contained Ars. and Ars. iod.
Lachesis gave very good relief.
(ill effects of medicines; asthma after midnight;
sleepless from cough; dyspnoea from exertion.
Lachesis is also antidotal to Ars.)
7. Praticing naturopathic medicine
IVONS Maryann (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
With two cases the author demonstrates that the
homoeopathic practitioner should also be a doctor
who can recognize potential emergencies and
The first case was of atrial fibrillation and the
next one with impediments to a rapid cure which a
‘doctor’ recognizes. Naturopathic physicians can
practice both medicine and Homoeopathy.
8. A case of suppression: A commentary
CHINDEMI Wayne J. (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
This case from Dr. CHINDEMI has been
presented for ‘round-table discussion’. The case is
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 50
discussed by Paul HERSCU, Stephen A. MESSER,
Jeff BAKER, Neil TESSLER and Jeremy SHERR.
A 31-year-old-woman with frequent headaches
(over the left temple) significant depression since age
23, prone to vaginal infections, chronic bladder
infections. She has had many sexual partners (over 40
by age 23) and numerous abortions, jealous,
vindictive, suspicious, fear of snakes.
Lachesis 200.
Headache cleared but old ‘depression’ returned.
Follow-up 12 months later; terrible migraine
headaches; depression gone. Takes allopathic
In the ‘round-table discussion’ comments were
invited: What do you think of this case? Is Lachesis
the correct remedy? Is the assessment correct? Why
is she not getting better? Should she quit her job?
What other factors should be considered in this case?
Very interesting comments are made.
9. A case of rheumatoid arthritis
ELMORE Durr (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
J.E. a 27-year-old-woman: rheumatoid arthritis at
age 9, after a ganglion on wrist was surgically
removed. The ganglion grew back. Soon afterwards
both of her fifth digits became crooked in ulnar
deviation. Much fatigue and weakness rather than
At 16 years her father was involved in a fatal
automobile accident. He felt that the accident was
due to his fault (it wasn’t actually) he felt extremely
guilty, started drinking alcohol and left home-never
to be seen or heard from again. J.E. blamed herself
for her father leaving, and she had a “nervous
breakdown” and she went on drugs, and her grades
dropped at school. She left home and got married. At
age 18 she became pregnant but the baby died at
birth. After this grief her arthritis flard up.
At age 19 she and her husband lived in a Hara
Krishna Temple where she was treated like a slave
with no freedom whatever, Her reaction to this was
“to get sick.” She was overworked and became
At age 22 she and husband left the temple. She
divorced her husband. Arthritis had become worse.
Hospitalised and treated with corticosteroids and
gold salts. The arthritis affected her wrists, hands,
knees, ankles and hips bilaterally and had to use a
cane to walk and eventually confined to a wheelchair,
at age 23.
She flew to India and underwent Ayurvedic
treatment at Kerala. After a month her arthritis was
gone. She returned to North America and did well for
an year or so but gradually her symptoms returned,
and became as bad as ever.
At this stage homoeopathic treatment was
started: (2 August 1985) and soon she improved,
although the remedies given initially seemed
inappropriate. The remedy that ultimately cured her
was Kalmia latifolia based on the ‘essence.’
The discussion of the case leading to Kalmia
latifolia is very interesting.
10. A 3 ½ year Headache
SHILOH Jana (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
49 year-old-woman: with right sided headache,
pain right eye, head and hair sore to touch. Feet and
hand wandering pains. At 3 years age father went to
the war; mother remarried. Upto 5 years age she was
with different relatives; then with her mother and step
dad. Left home at 12 years married at 19 years. Her
husband was kidnapped and murdered. She was then
36 years. Remarried, but left.
Prunus spinosa 30. Headache improved. But
body pains still.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 51
Natrum muriaticum then Natrum sulphuricum
and then Prunus spinosa XM. Well improved.
11. Einige Beispiele aus der Praxis zu Hahnemann’s
“morbid intercurrentes” and deren Therapie (Some
examples from practice on Hahmemann’s “morbid
intercurrentes” and their therapy) – Part I & II
BANDELIN K. (AHZ, 237, 2 & 3/1992)
The author gives a brief summary of
HAHNEMANN’s theory of acute diseases. He also
differentiates the “intermediate diseases” (“morbid
intercurrentes”) from epidemics and such
“interrupting accidents.” HAHNEMANN explains
the different interrupting diseases in Vol.I of his
Chronic Diseases, and their therapy.
VITHOULKAS’ scheme of evaluation of
prognosis of acute diseases (see The Science of
Homoeopathy) is used to illustrate clinical examples.
12. The legitimate use of the Key-note
YINGLING, W.A. (The Homoeopathy, 12,
(This paper was read by Dr. YINGLING before
the International Hahnemannina Association, June
1928). Some abstracts: The keynote has been
shamefully abused by some of our best prescribers,
so much so that even its legitimate use has been
ostracized by some excellent homoeopathic
What is a key-note in one case may not be a key-
note in another if less prominent or peculiar in its
setting or if another keynote of greater significance
should be present.
…Of course the key-note is not applicable in all
cases because some present no keynotes or only
superficial or irrelevant symptoms that resemble but
really are not keynotes.
‘sensation of a hared-boiled egg in stomach’
is about the only guide to Abies nigra but when it is
present it is a thriller. Sensation of corkscrew pains in
the uterus and appendages leads directly to Sumbul.
Others of the well-proven remedies have peculiarities
that point them out clearly.
…It is not the aggregate symptoms of a case that
gives us the “totality”. The aggregate may even
confuse and prevent the discovery of the simillimum
or never simillimum. ‘Totality’ does not mean all the
symptoms but the completed symptomatic complex
including location, sensation, modalities and
concomitants, if any.
13. A case of persistent pruritis with atopic
xeroderma and a case of recurrent depression
ROBINSON Karl (The Homoeopath, 12, 2/1992)
(Reprinted from ‘IFH 1991 Small Remedies
and interesting cases ill Transactions”)
Case 1: 41 year-old-woman with persistent
pruritis without eruptions was cured by Alumina
Case 2: A 40-year-old woman with chronic
recurrent depression of 32 years standing and a
history of drug abuse was cured with Aurum
sulphuratum mainly.
Characteristics of Alumina: Usually needed more
by the elderly because neurological problems
predominate in them which include confusion,
memory problems and gait disturbances, Confusion
as to his identity”. Hard to wake up and they feel
better after washing their faces with cold water.
Evening is better than the morning. There is an
observable slowness in this type of Alumina, yet they
feel hurried. Sometimes they can manage to do only
one thing at a time. Make mistakes in speaking and
may say what they did not intend. Many paralytic
symptoms; Ataxia. Can walk only if they keep their
eyes open. A peculiar pain, that of a searing, hot iron
in the lower spinal column. itching of skin without
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 52
characteristics of Aurum sulphuratum: Loathing
of life; desires death. Nodding of head; constant
nodding of head; Sensation of ball rolling in the
abdomen. Aversion to company. Burning of feet.
Fear of crowds; of robbers. Alternating and
changeable moods. Burning feet. Bearing down
sensation during menses, also swelling of the breasts.
14. Return of vision
SAXENA, M.S. (HT, 11, 10/1991)
A 50-year-old army officer lost his vision seven
years after surgery for removal of bullets from his
body. Symptoms:
Dull headache all the time while awake
Feels uncomfortable from warmth of bed
Shortness of breath going upstairs
Gouty, swelling in knees and ankles, pain
Comfortable walking barefoot on the lawn in the
early morning
As if a soft pad under sole even when walking on
a hard floor
Ledum paluste Q 1 for olfaction. Then one drop
orally too, t.d.s. for two days. No change.
Three weeks later he was better and could make
out large objects.
Ledum palustre 200 one dose.
A month later: Can read newspaper without
15. Dromen en Homeopathie (Dreams and
DAM, Kees (Simillima 1, 1 & 2/1992)
An impressive (or repetitive) dream can contain
the core of what has to be cured” in the dreamer.
The ‘Dream’ section of the Repertory is oftenof little
use in finding the remedy. We should investigate the
feelings and the mental state of the patient during the
dream. We can then use the whole Mind’ section of
the Repertory to find the remedy. Own-proving
dreams confirm that very important basic features of
remedies do come-up in those ‘dream provings’. It is
suggested that dream-proving could be a relatively
easy and “short” way to disclose mental states of
(unknown) small remedies.
Remedy-indicating aspects in dreams can be:
1. Image pictures; as can be found in the
‘Dream’ section (Dreams of water/fire/trees, etc.,)
2. Archetypal association; dreaming of snakes in
Lachesis, spiders in Tarantula mushrooms in Bovista.
3. The story and feelings in the dream. For
example a woman dreams that she is working all the
time, hurried, she is doing the household on her own
(nobody helps) and wants to be ready before the
others come home; but she doesn’t succeed however
hard she tries. She can’t get out of it and feels
inescapable. The rubrics are: Hurry to arrive at the
appointed time; Delusion, neglected her
duty/Succeed cannot; Forsaken feeling. Argentum
nitricum is the remedy with its feeling of being stuck
in something (fear of narrow places) and not being
able to get out of it.
The dream as remedy-evaluating symptom:
Often you find the first indication of a curative
responsive in dreams. Repeated dreams can stop or
change content; traumatic events with feelings from
the past emerge in dreams after a remedy can be
announced in dreams, etc. In the dreams after the
remedy we can check if the dreams (and the
remedy?) touch the basic conflict and problem of the
patient. The dream can be a very precise evaluating
biological action of our therapy.
16. A case of Chronic Fatigue
DIMITRIADIS George(HL,4, 2/1991)
A 42-year-old woman, a singing teacher with
marked debility after unexpected end of a
relationship with her boy friend.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 53
Overwhelming tiredness; she looked draggy,
All symptoms agg. before menses; and becomes
extremely irritable and intolerant. Menses protracted
(9 days) moderate on the 6-7 day and only spotting
on other days. Constant leucorrhoea, thick, white
cottage-cheese like deposit. Weakness in the lumbo-
sacral region. Constipation and desire for sweet
before menses. Irritability and intolerance worse
when hungry. Efficient in work, can’t stand
She became more lively, perked up as she went
on with the conversation and hyer face which was
depressed, toneless when she came in, became bright.
At her worst moments she didn’t want to be cheered
up, felt sad when those around her were happy.
Helonias dioica 30 (in 15ml. water, one spoon
daily morning).
Soon she improved remarkably; the remedy was
continued; subsequently 200 potency. After
sometime she became much worse; irritable, drained
feeling, frustrated, wants to stay long in bed in
morning, leucorrhoea very thick but clear like egg-
white. (Anger, ailments from, suppressed; Bed, desire
to remain in, morning; Shrieking, feels as thought she
must) Sepia 0/1 morning daily, then 0/2. This remedy
gave her very good improvement.
Helonias, and perhaps Aletris farinose have
similar general debility symptoms as Sepia.
1. Remedy confusions in KENT’s Repertory: Part 22:
Kalium carbonicum and Kalium sulphuricum.
WOLF, M (ZKH, 36, 2/1992)
Kalium carbonicum instead of Kalium
Eye, opacity of cornea (see spots) p.247
Eye, redness of lids, edges of p.265
Face, pain, stitching p.388
Abdomen, pain, sore, bruised, tenderness, etc.,
Liver, in p.591
Rectum, flatus; offensive p.618
Chest, pain, heart, region of p.850
Skin eruptions, scaly, yellow p. 1319
Generalities, jerking, internally, muscles
Kalium sulpuricum instead of Kalium
Generalities, chorea p.1347
2. Repertory and Materia Medica
v. KELLER, G. (ZKH, 36, 3/1992)
It is considered by some that with the aid of a
Repertory and a condensed Materia Medica one
could come to the medicine. While it will be alright
fro beginners, it will not do for day-to-day practice.
The patient’s words must be matched with the
proving symptoms for which a different repertory
will be required.
The author has presented the plan of a projected
repertory similar to JAHR’s “Symptomen-Kodex”
in which the original wording of the symptoms will
be preserved and the repertory should therefore be
useful for selecting the remedy not after but during
the conversation with the patient. Through a case the
author points to the advantage of such a repertory.
1. Diabetes mellitus in a dog
HOARE Jack (Simile with the BHJ, 81, 2/1992)
Diabetes mellitus in a dog that progressed to a
complete cure with homoeopathic treatment.
Syzygium jambolanum 30 was the main remedy.
Continuous use of the remedy Syzygium however
produced a proving (itching of skin – see CLARKE).
2. Konvulsionen bei einem HundPhosphorus
(Convulsions in a dog: Phosphorus)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 54
RAKOW Michael (ACD, 1, 2/1992)
A ‘Boxer dog 15 months age. The dog has
suffered convulsions twice; severe, crampy trembling
of the head, jerking of the head. The first time ti was
caused by a loud noise; a thick book was closed
suddenly and with some force and this sound caused
convulsions in the dog. Two weeks later he again had
convulsions without any apparent noise or sound.
The owner was very much concerned. The dog
demanded much attention active, restless; as a
puppy he played very much. He cannot be alone; if
left alone even for a short time, the room would be
full of torn papers, clothes etc. He was very
intelligent and learnt soon to open doors, etc. At 15
months age he had high sex drive.
Phosphorus D200 cured.
3. An aggressive cat
CHAMBREAU, Christina (HT, 11, 10/1991)
This is from the HomeoNet, August 4, 1991:
11 year-old-female cat, a solid big cat, has
become aggressive. Bites the owner if not petted.
Although she runs and plays, never cuddles; not
timid, no fears. Craves cold, loves snow and hates
heat. Tartar on teeth. Generally spooky. Nux vomica
30 cured.
4. Dierencasus: “Buiten de bak…” (Veterinary Case:
“Outside the cat’s box…”)
LASSAUW, Y. (Simillima, 1, 1/1992)
The owner of a cat complained that it was
urinating in the hall. It also refused to defaecate in the
cat’s box when it was not cleaned twice a day. If it is
not clean enough, he just turns his bottom outside the
box and … does it on the floor. He was quite lazy and
not so clean himself. Not interested in his
surroundings and did not ant to be bothered. Very
chilly and liked to lie on top of the oven (if not too
hot, of course). Preferred tinned-food more than fresh
fish. He was a hungry cat and demanded foot but
after eating he was knocked out. A lot of other
observations about the cat are elaborated upon.
Rubrics chosen:
Indifference to personal appearance
Washing, aversion to
Disgust, nausea from her own effluvia
Lazy, Hungry, too lazy to rouse himself
Sulphur 30; rapid cure. This case is an
illustration of the application of paragraph 211 of the
Organon, to an animal.
1. Quality control of homoeopathic medicines
1. Standardization of anti-bacteria activity.
2. Stability of mother tinctures on storage.
DAVEY William, Mc GREGOR Julia A.,
GRANGE John M. (BHJ, 81, 2/1992)
Homoeopathic medicines are being increasingly
scrutinized by regulatory authorities. Particularly so
since of late there have been reports in journals of
repute (Lancet, Br. Med. Jl. etc.) of well conducted
clinical trials which indicated the fact that
homoeopathic medicines do produce the clinical
changes claimed for. Many Orthodox pharmaceutical
companies are also becoming interested.
There is considerable variation in methods of
preparation of the mother tinctures and generally no
accepted standard. In this study the authors examine
the use of the assay of anti-bacterial activity of
mother tinctures to reveal differences between
preparations from different sources. They tested 55
different mother tinctures for antibacterial activity
against Staphylococcus aureus. Twenty mother
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 55
tinctures were available from more than one
manufacturer. In 40% there were significant
differences in anti-bacterial activity between tinctures
from different manufactures.
The mother tinctures are prepared in bulk and
stored at room temperature. The stability of these
tinctures were therefore examined for their shelf-life.
Three bacteriae, Pseudomonas aeuroginosa,
Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus were
used. The mother tinctures displayed a consistent
bactericidal activity, suggesting a stable shelf life
over a period of one year at least.
2. Hahnemann’s legacy This rise and fall of
Bryonia alba
BARTHEL P. (BHJ, 81, 2/1992)
When HAHNEMANN published the provings of
Bryonia alba in the first edition of the Materia
Medica Pura, he knew exactly which species of
Bryonia he had been using. After his death, the plant
gradually came to be replaced with another species of
the same genus, with no distinction made and the
second species practically unproven.
Today, Bryonia dioica, a practically unproven
species is widely sold as Bryonia’, and customers
are not informed about this inadmissible exchange.
HAHNEMANN made it very clear that every plant
species is unique and cannot be exchanged for any
At the same time his improvements to the
manufacturing process, based on experience, have
not been adopted by pharmaceutical firms, nor in the
German Homoopathic Pharmacopaeic (GHP).
Instead, they have been adopting less labour intensive
methods, though these have not been properly
3. Über Murex purpurea (On Murex purpurea)
SCHOBER, U. (ZKH, 36, 2/1992)
The original formula for preparing the remedy
Murex purpurea has not been handed down. There
seems to be much confusion. A modern definition of
the remedy has been made so that accurate
instructions for the preparation of the remedy can be
given but this does not necessarily correspond with
the original definition. The remedy must therefore be
declared as being problematic.
HAHNEMANN has, while writing on
Sarsaparilla, said This is a sample of the
ordinary capricious conduct of our beloved teachers
of material medica, and illustrates the honourable and
rational mode in which the medicines of the material
medica have come to be vaunted on account of their
pretended virtues, viz., by the arbitrary decree of
writers on material medica!” (See Materia Medica
4. Zur Frage der Ausgangssubstanz für die
homöopathische Arznei Petroleum (On the
question of the source substance for the preparation
of the homoeopathic remedy Petroleum)
GRIMM, A. (ZKH, 36, 3/1992)
What kind of Petrol did HAHNEMANN use for
his proving and should therefore be taken for
preparing the remedy? To solve this question many
sources have been studied. Some important
differences between HAHNEMANN’s instructions
and several pharmacopoeia could be found, even
concerning the production on an industrial scale now-
a-days. After examining different literature it is still
not clear as to what kind of Petroleum
1. Points at issue in the physics of water and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 56
The main features of a new model for associated
liquids are expounded. The stability of various
dissipative structures in water systems is explained
by their presence in earth’s electromagnetic field and
by the stabilizing processes of proton transfer along
hydrogen-bonded chains in these structures. A
possible connection between processes occurring in
dissipative water structures and the radiation
characteristics of homoeopathic preparations is
See also the earlier essay by P. ENDLER
“Aspects of information storage and structures in
water” in the BHJ 1989, Vol. 78, pp. 253-254.
2. Homoeopathic Research – time for a change of
emphasis? – A debate
‘HOMOEOSCOT’ (BHJ, 81, 2/1992)
Homoeopathy has developed over the last 200
years as a patient-orientated art. Most research so far
has centred on refuting the suggestion that
homoeopathic medicines act entirely by a placebo
effect, or on seeking credible mechanism. While
these researches are not unnecessary it is arguable
whether we need to place all our researches in this.
What other approaches?
What rubrics are to be covered in matching a
drug picture? The ‘tree-legged stool’ approach and
the decision processes should be investigated further.
Why are we not carrying out research in Epilepsy?
What about remedy relationships? Do Steriods
inactivate homoeopathic remedies? What should be
the withdrawal period prior to homoeopathic
treatment? And then the dosing; the frequency, etc.
Studies on growing conditions of the plants used
and the soil, storage of the medicines and how much
are they affected by aromatic odors, sunlight, heat, x-
ray etc.
Why Homoeopathy interests mostly the people
from higher social groups?
Research is not just for the elite of our
profession, but those at the ‘grass-roots level can do a
lot by improving our teachniques.
The author rightly ends. Homoeopathy is an art;
why should we be obsessed with science?
4. Reactions to Trails of Homoeopathy
(HL, 4, 2/1991)
Selected correspondence from the British
Medical Journal (9 Feb. 1991) about Clinical Trials
of Homoeopathy by KLEIJNEN, KNIPSCHILD,
RIET. The correspondence relates to methodology
and screening of results.
1. A special committee for homoeopathic educaion in
Europe was set up under the chairmanship of Dr.
Jacques IMBERECHTS. This Committee had
sent a report setting out a programme of basic
teaching standard to the representative bodies in
several European countries. If this report is
accepted, it is hoped that it will be possible to
develop a common homoeopathic qualification
for doctors in Europe (Simile issued with the
BHJ, 81, 2/1992)
2. Review – International correspondence course
JACKSON Jessica (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
The School of Homoropathy, (Director Misha
NORLAND), Devon, England runs a two year
correspondence course in homoeopathy. Taped
lectures are provided and the course has reputation.
3. Excellence and Unity in homoeopathic practice
an Organisactional paradox – Standards as a first step
towards excellence.
(Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 57
Homoeopathic practice has long been a
movement of lay, professional, and medical
components. The idea of unified standard to apply to
al facets of the practice is good. A certification
process has been proposed by the Council for
Homoeopathic Certification (CHC). Examination in
the areas of basic medical science, homoeopathic
philosophy, material medica, and repertory can
document a basic level of understanding common to
all those who are certified.
Dr. HOAGLAND feels that promotion of
excellence cannot be accomplished in the same
method as a standard promoting unity. When
standards are set as the limits of practice rather than
the common basic standards, they make the practice
“close ended”. Standards need to be basic and open
ended so that excellence can grow from the diversity
of those that have the basics in common.
While lay practice is to be promoted and
supported, it is a mistake to promote equality of
licensed and non licensed practitioners.
Dr. SWOPE says that once there is a nationally
recognized basic standard for all practitioners of
Homoeopathy each professional group within
Homoeopathy will build on this to create their own
process for encouraging excellence in homoeopathic
practice. The benefit of certification is that it can
identify practitioners who have met a basic standard
of knowledge.
4. MF hom. goes international
CHASE, Sandra M (HT, 11, 10/1991)
The Faculty of Homoeopathy, London intends to
make the MF hom. Certificate available
internationally for medically qualified homoeopathic
physicians. The MF hom is the one certification that
is recognized legally, having been incorporated by
Act of Parliament in 1950.
For more information write to Dr. Barry S.
ROSE, FF hom, Royal London Homoropathic
Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London WCIN 3HR,
5. The Pacific Academy of Homoeopathic Medicine
DANCU, David (HT, 11, 10/1991)
The Pacific Academy of Homoeopathic
Medicine (PAHM) was founded in 1985 by BEN and
LINDAHOLE both medical doctors for the purpose
of creating a teaching academy that maintained a
high quality of education. The Academy has
presented over 30 multiday seminars since its
inception. PAHM is a non-profit organization. For
more information: PAHM, 1678, Shattuck Ave, #42
BERKELEY, California 94709 USA.
6. Principles of Homoeopathic Education
DEBATS, Fernand (HL, 4, 2 & 3/1991)
Dr. DEBATS has been teaching Homoeopathy in
Holland since 1982. His training programme – the
“Holland model” has been an inspiration to many
other homoeopathic teaching schools in different
countries as well as for the Education Committee of
the LIGA. The programme shows the possibility of
using a highly didactical approach without, at any
time, deviating from the basic principles of
Homoeopathy. with a lot of work the difficulties of
communicating the homoeopathic principles to an
allopathically trained mind has been studied and met
by this well thought out teaching model. In this way
the content has not been adjusted to the didactical
aims but rather the didactical tools have been adapted
to optimize the communication of homoeopathic
knowledge and to the studying of it.
7. Teaching meeting in Oberhofen, Switzerland, July
(HL, 4, 2/1991)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 58
The Teachers Meeting for German speaking
countries took place this year by invitation of the
Swiss Association for Homoeopathic Doctors,
SVHA. These meetings were first instigated in 1988
by the ‘Niedersächsiche Institut für Homöopathie
in Celle.
The subject of the discussion was on the lines of
the basic education formulated by the LIGA and the
FIHE. in the discussions during this teachers meeting
it soon became very clear that a true understanding
only appears when we talk the ‘language of
homoeopathy’ and less so the language of the
homoeopath as an individual.
1. Talking with Doctor FOLEY A biographical and
autobiographical recollection
LUNT Randle (BHJ, 81, 2/1992)
This ‘recollection’ is of Dr. Cornelius FOLEY of
Liverpool in the early decades of this Century.
Dr. FOLEY studied under Sir John WEIR and
came to be appointed as the Registrar of the
Hahnemann Hospital, Liverpool. He was elected as
a member of Faculty in 1916 and a number of his
cases were reported in the British Homoeopathic
Journal. Dr. FOLEY who had a peg leg as a boy
he had to undergo amputation up to knee due to
fulminating sepsis was very studious who worked
till late night.
The whole foundation of Homoeopathy is that of
stimulating our vital resistance, he would say. If Vital
Force was resistant enough invading organism could
not produce the characteristic lesion. Like not only
cures like but like would prevent from developing
Details of FOLEY’s expositions and his depth of
knowledge of Homoeopathy make this recollection
very interesting.
2. Zur Frage der Wirtschaftlichkeit homöopathischer
Behandlungmethoden in der Kassenzahnarztpraxis
(On the economics of homoeopathic therapeutic
methods in Dental Panel Practice)
FELDHAUS, H.W. (AHZ, 237, 3/1992)
Today, dentists (in Germany) accepting panel
patients are subjected to a great variety of regulations
and rules which extremely restrict their free choice of
therapy because economic aspects predominantly
determine the therapy applied.
With acute dental diseases dominating the
dentist’s work now the records of the author’s
patients and statistics have been analysed to find out
to what extent the general replacement of traditional
therapies by homoeopathic ones since 1984 affect the
accounting frequency of certain fees. The results
have been compared to the average results of other
dentists and the potential economic advantages to the
society have been calculated.
It is concluded that Homoeopathy is not just a
mild therapeutic method with much less suffering to
the person but also economically less costing.
3. Awakenings
JOHNSON Karen (The Homoeopath, 12,2/1992)
The author refers to a Robert De NIRO movie
which was based on the sleeping
sickness’(Encephalitis lethargicus) which appeared in
pandemic form in the 1916-17 in Europe affecting
millions. The disease was variously described as
Schizophrenia, Parkinsonism, atypical rabies, etc.
Neurological disorders, immobility, etc. developed in
these patients. Dr. Oliver SACKS discovered that
Ldopa an experimental drug was useful in these
conditions. The drug brought the immobile, stony,
emotionless sufferers awakening. However, the drug
was not without its adverse effects.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 59
The author uses the repertory to find out the
homoeopathic remedy that could have been useful to
these patients.
Dr. SACKS has also written a book titled
1. The Homoeopathic Medical Research Council is
supporting a migraine research study at Charing
Cross Hospital and a Cancer study at the The
Royal London homoeopathic Hospital (Simile
with BHJ 81, 2/1992)
2. A glimpse of Homoeopathy in Calcutta, India
KREISBER Joel (Simillimum, 5, 2/1992)
Practices differ country to country according to
local needs and the social milieu. In India where the
doctor-patient ration is high the practice whether in
the so-called ‘classical Homoeopathy or non-
classical is very different from what is prevalent in
the West.
The author gives his impressions after observing
the practice of Dr. S.K. BANERJEA in Calcutta, who
has a private clinic charging well and making
thorough and methodical examination etc.., and
attends two ‘free’ clinics where the common men are
treated quickly and by snapshot prescriptions. Of
course the snapshot prescriptions are not cursorily
made but from the abundant and clear and thorough
knowledge of the Materia Medica.
3. Ian WATSON observes (Letters to the Editor,
The Homoeopath, 12, 2/1992) that
Organopathy is not outside of the socalled
constitutional prescribing. Even a well-developed
remedy like Chelidonium is first and foremost an
organ remedy of the greatest use. “To deny that
individualized organopathic prescribing is a curative
form of treatment that stands on its own merits is to
deny the abundant clinical wisdom and experience of
truly great practitioners such as BURNETT,
Ernest ROBERTS, in another letter (The
Homoeopathy, 12, 2/1992) observes:
Homoeopathy is an integrated system of
medicine based in empirical laws which are:
1. The law of the essential unity of the human
organism in health.
2. The law that the individual vitality informs us
of the disease susceptibility pattern and so of the
required medicine.
3. The law of knowledge of remedies from pure
and clinical provings.
4. The law that it is the individual’s
susceptibility to disease that is the important variable,
not any disease organisms or types; such disease
agents like virus and bacteria etc. are only relevant in
the context of susceptibility.
5. The law that only one disease susceptibility
can dominate the human economy at any one time. It
follows from this that only one remedy is necessary
at any one time.
6. The law that there exists a natural hierarchy of
value which is echoed in the hierarchical nature of
patient’s symptoms.
7. The law of similars.
8. The law of direction of cure.
These laws do not give a rigid box to fit patients
into with a fixed top and bottom but a spectrum of
consciousness for seeing ‘What is to be cured’.
Methods which use homoeopathic medicines or
potentized substances not according to the above
laws are not Homoeopathy.
the Organon shows that classical
Homoeopathy can find and successfully deal with
1. The need for an organ remedy this will be
the top layer and will have the remedy picture
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 60
reflected in other ways (the law of unity of the
2. A first-aid remedy
3. A genus epidemicus remedy
4. A therapeutic remedy again the top layer
will give the indication for the one remedy required.
It will be clear and may be urgent but it is a question
of fact not theory.
4. Continuing education Seminar on the History of
Homoeopathy, 29-30 November 1991 in the Institute
for History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch
Foundation, Stuttgart: The Working group of the
homoeopathic History held its fifth meeting under the
leadership of Prof. Dr. Robert JUTTE and Dr. Martin
DINGES. There were twenty participants from areas:
Medicine, Medical history, Veterinary medicine,
Pharmacy, Ethnology and empiric Cultural sciences.
Robert JÜTTE spoke about the researches in the
history of Homoeopathy. DINGES spoke on the
structure of the different Archive sources (State.,
Town., Zone., Church- and Military archives) and
gave valuable hints for practical search of specific
Two manuscripts one a letter from Christian
August HAHNEMANN to his cousin Samuel
HAHNEMANN in 1781 and another a letter from the
Princess LUISE of Prussia (1799-1870) to S.
HAHNEMANN in 1934 were to be readout. This
exercise proved difficult and ultimately professional
help was sought for.
The Ethnologist Ulte SCHUMANN spoke on the
theme “Homoeopathy in India between becoming
firmly rooted and scientificity, Ethnomedicine and
history of Homoeopathy”. The Cultural Scientist
Ebehard WOLFF spoke on homoeopathy and
Vaccination”. DINGES explained the System in
homoeopathic Library of the institute, (ZKH, 36,
5. The “Ohio Meeting” 1992 was jointly sponsored
by the Ohio State Homoeopathic Medical Society,
the Southern Homoeopathic Medical Association, the
Michigan Homoeopathic Medical Society and the
American Institute of Homoeopathy.
Dr. Stephen DAVIDSON showed several
strategies he uses to find the proper remedy. One was
to find a strange, rare and peculiar symptom that the
patient had not revealed, with the aid of the
computer. Dr. DAVIDSON also discussed the idea
that the remedy is a bio-electric field and when the
right remedy is brought within the bio-electric field
of the patient, the range of motion of the stiff part
(such as swinging the arm over the head) will be
Dr. David WEMBER discussed single remedies
that are combinations e.g. Arsenicum iodatum, Kali
Dr. Jacquelyn WILSON talked about the
triggering factors in chronic illness. She graphically
described the bodily processes and urged us to avoid
stopping our own bodily processes. She described
some recent research indicating the occasional blood
loss helps keep the heart healthy. You can assist the
body in preventing chronic diseases by the following
steps: (1) Bathe, and use Turkish Towels to clean off
the skin. (2) Sauna to sweat out the toxins. (3) Move
and exercise (4) Eat more plants, but don’t overload
on plants that contain iron (5) Have fun-love, touch,
and listen.
Dr. Henry WILLIAMS’ talk may be summarized
as follows: Take time to take the case. If the remedy
seems correct but the response is not as expected, go
either higher or lower, and observe. If the case stalls,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 61
look for obstacles to the cure and /or miasmatic
remedy. If that fails, consider the Bowel Nosodes.
Dr. Dean CROTHERS spoke on the results
(preliminary report) of the study of homoeopathic
treatment of epidemic diarrhea in children in
Nicaragua. 34 children were studied who received
either a homoeopathic remedy or placebo. The results
found no statistically significant difference in
outcome between the homoeopathic treatment and
the placebo. A new study was conducted with 92
cases in 1991 summer and a statistically significant
association between homoeopathic treatment and a
shorter duration of diarrhea was found! (A detailed
report of the Peru trial in Choler has been published
in the BHJ, 82, 3/1993 which shows the results as
Richard WILKINSON spoke on the challenge of
converting adversity into advantage. The argument of
WILKINSON: First: Substances which are
poisonous, vile, repulsive, or simply ordinary and
common can be transformed into marvelous healing
agents. Second: the material level of any medicinal
substance is not where the therapeutic power is; the
power is in the dynamization or essence of the gross
matter; it must go through the appropriate
preparation. Third: the transformation of any material
from the gross to the transcendent depends on being
shaken up repeatedly. And last: the end result is a
medication worth more than gold. WILKINSON
compared Homoeopathy with Mythology. We feel
threatened by the realization that we are more then
jus physical matter or what the five physical senses
perceive, but as the principles of Homoeopathy
indicate, there exists the potential for transformation.
WILKINSON also compared Homoeopathy with
Alchemy, Value existed not in the apparent but in the
hidden, that the sought for precious object was to be
found in filth or in the ordinary. Perception is more
than just this perception of gross material.
David FABREY presented three cases of
Sulphur. The first is a case declared ‘incurable’ by
the conventional doctors. Sulphur cured on the
indication “itching without eruptions”. Next was a
case suspected t be candidiasis; “the patient found his
own remedy” when he said that he always smelled
badly to himself. The third was a 67 years-old-man
with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, who could not
sleep on his left side, snored when on his back, was
very warm in bed, uncovered his feet, was a
“morning person”, affectionate and easygoing,
aversion to eggs.
George GUESS presented two cases. He
differentiated Chelidonium with Bryonia and also
contrasted Chelidonium with other remedies:
Belladonna, Sulphur, Kali cahonicum, Mercurius,
Asclepias tuberose. In left-sided pneumonia with
high fever, stitching chest pains, and a desire for cold
milk, think of Tuberculinum.
Dr. Michael SOMERSON spoke about viral
diseases. He recalled the different remedies including
Sarcolactic acid proved by William GRIGGS and
suggested by William BOEERICKE for ‘epidemic
influenza’. He said the symptoms are not the result of
the virus but the body’s reaction to the virus. How
do we even know that there is a virus?” We can infer
the virus by looking at the symptoms, and watching
the progress of the disease.” He recalled that Dr. Fred
MORGA used Feldspar as “almost a specific”
against the ‘infkuenza-like’ illness. In his own
practice he found Cistus canadensis effective in two
cases of mononucleosis.
Julian WINSTON presented a ‘landmark’
documentary of homoeopathic history with rare
pictures of outstanding personalities right from
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 62
HAHNEMANN to present day, with suitable audio.
The presentation included photos of books, bottles,
potentising machines, buildings, monuments etc. and
left the audience marveling at the richness of the
heritage which our homoeopathic forbears habe left
to us, and at the coming together of such a
Dr. Domenick MASIELLO spoke on Osteopathy
and its relationship to Homoeopathy. He spoke of
how homoeopaths dumped Osteopathy with
Allopathy etc., and Osteopaths rejected
Homoeopathy. What happens in cases when the best
of Homoeopathy available, failed. What is the
impediment to the cure? A trauma, a displacement?
The removal of impediment to cure will help cure.
Osteopathy is based on several principles; that the
body functions as a unit, a totality; there is a
relationship between the structure of the organism
and its function. Alterations in structure eventually
lead to impaired function. The scope of Osteopathy is
not limited to the musculoskeletal system. Rather the
neuromusculoskeletal system is the Osteopath’s point
of access to the individual. The channel of
communication to the other is established by touch.
Dr. MASIELLO further discussed Dr. William
Garner SUTHERLAND’s contribution to
Osteopathy. SUTHERLAND found that the bones of
the cranium are moveable. He showed slides of
people whose facial structure gave some observeable
clues as to the types of strain patterns which might be
an impediment to cure. These people, whose facial
asymmetry are indicative of strain patterns are, “often
times associated with homoeopathic cases which
never quite respond to the indicated remedies.” It is
an impeded case. If you have a case that is stuck
observe the patients gait and posture. Observe the
thing that you are looking at most anyway the
patient’s face. Look for asymmetry.” Clues can also
be had through the history. Take a trauma history
starting from birth if known. Health of the mother
during pregnancy, medicines used, labor, induced
labor, forceps delivery, difficult labour, etc. Dr.
MASIELLO also pointed out other traumas like
dental, like extractions of molar teeth or impacted 3
molars which can disturb the cranial mechanism. A
bad case of periodontal disease can in itself cause an
impediment. Dr. MASIELLO concluded by saying
that “The de-emphasis of the physical examination
and the disproportionate influence of non physician
homoeopathic practitioners who sorely lack sound
basis of human anatomy, physiology, and pathology
led to a kind of intellectual imperialism where other
methods of healing are viewed with suspicion and
disdain. He could only say (as did HAHNEMAN)
Aude Sapere dare to know. Indeed the greatest
impediment to cure is ignorance.” (HT, 12, 3/1992)
6. Dr. Neil A. PRUZZO of Texas who died on Sept.
9, 1991 has reported his experiences with
Homoeopathy in First-aid; he found that nearly 80%
of the employees in a construction site who were
given the choice of conventional medicine or
Homoeopathy and Natural medicines, chose the
latter. These people came back the very next day, in
most of the cases to report rapid relief. In the
experience of Dr. PRUZZO he found that natural
homoeopathic remedies were more effective than the
standard, over-the-counter allopathic medicines. (HT,
12, 3/1992).
7. HIV positive turns HIV negative! The November
15, 1991 Newspaper India Abroad carried a news
item about the favourable results obtained by the
CCRH, New Delhi, in its research with homoeopathic
remedies in HIV positive cases. The study was
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 63
conducted in the two AIDS-related research units of
the CCRH in Bombay and Madras. (HT, 12, 3/1992).
8. An item in the November/December 1991 issue of
the East West Journal, “New Evidence Supports
Homoeopathy” says that Jacques BENVENISTE has
come up again after further research which confirmed
the results of his earlier research. BENVENSITE’s
current research has been reported in the Journal of
the French Academy of Sciences. “The new study
sought to remove the objections of the past critics;
however, both Nature and the Journal Science
declined to publish the paper.” (HT, 12, 3/1992).
9. Homoeopathic educators reach international
GALATE Lawrence (HT, 12, 4/1992)
The two organizations which represent
homoeopaths (not medical doctors) the
International Council for Classical Homoeopathy
(ICCH) and European Council for classical
Homoeopathy (ECCH) held a joint meeting in
London on January 31 February 2, 1992 to come to
a definition of a Classical homoeopath” and also as
to what should constitute a minimum standard of
education for a classical homoeopath.
Representatives from the USA besides from other
European Countries also attended this meeting.
The conference was under the chairmanship of
Andreas BFORNDAL of Norway.
After much discussion it was agreed to use the
term “classical homoeopath” (as distinguished from
the polypharmacists). It was also agreed that a
minimum of 1500 hours of study of medical sciences
like anatomy, physiology, pathology and some 4000
hours of Homoeopathy should be done for training.
(HT, 12, 4/1992).
10. Dr. William SHEVIN, presented, in the Orlando
Conference (April 26-28
, 1991) a paper on the
homoeopathic medicines for emotional stress.
Homoeopathy is a way to make people less
susceptible to stress. Superficial treatment will not
lessen a person’s susceptibility. Susceptibility and
intensity are inversely related. People who fail ill
have been emotionally wounded in early life and
have been often unable to deal with the hurt in an
adaptive way. The origin of emotional stress can be
difficult to find. People sometimes respond to stress
by completely suppressing the memory of it. Dr.
SHEVIN discussed some remedies; Acon, Arn., Op.,
Gels., Colf., Cham., Ars., Nux-v., Nat-m., Puls.,
Staph., Lach., Ph-ac., Ign. (Dr. SHEVIN views Lach
as a common remedy. Patients are intense. They like
to chop wood. They are sharp and incisive people.
They can cut you to ribbons with a few well-chosen
words and are quick, sharp and sarcastic. They are
very sensitive to being restricted or being contained
both physically and emotionally.) (HT, 11, 8/1991).
11. We tend overlook certain remedies because of a
certain ‘fixed image we have formed of it. As for
example that to prescribe Kali bichromicum there
must be stringy discharge. A correspondent reports in
the HT, 11, 9/1991 that Kali bichromicum was useful
in a case of ‘brassy cough’, lethargic but hungry,
constipated, headache, cold extremities, chilly, etc.,
The ‘tough, stringy, discharge’ is not a must.
12. The trial of Dr. George GUESS (USA) and also
that he (and Homoeopathy) lost the battle is well-
known. Dr. Phil PARSONS, Dentist, is another who
too has been harassed and punished for using
Homoeopathy in his dental practice. (HT, 11, 9/1991)
13. In her Seminar in March 1991, Ananda ZAREN
showed the importance of close observation of the
patient facial colors, facial creases, bloating under
the eyes, etc. Every gesture and nuance was analysed
to lead to a better understanding of the emotions of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 64
the patients. Besides exposition of Nux vomica,
Staphysagria, Anacardium and Cocculus she
presented two acute cases. Three Cocculus mental
types: those with cloudiness or stupefaction of the
mind, the type with anxiety episodes, and the
depressive types. Causative factors include loss of
sleep and overcaring for other. Cocculus patients
appear to be mild, but there is often an underlying
anger about all the suffering they feel they have
endured for their loved ones.
Kali carbonicum woman in labor is I can’t” in
comparison Chamomilla is “I won’t and Pulsatilla is
“Yes, Yes”. (HT, 11, 9/1991)
14. “Who is going to protect us?” is a letter to editor
(HT, 11, 10/1991) wherein the correspondent has
complained that she was given Psorinum in 55 doses
in 30c and 30x potencies over a period of 1 ½ years,
by a Chiropracter/Homoeopath for a ‘back problem.’
The patient began to experience disturbing symptoms
but the prescription was insisted upon despite her
repeated calls. When she became more ill the
prescribed apologized and that was all. The patient
became too ill, lost her job, lost her health, became
even economically poor and in debt. She claims that
she has been ruined. Later an “M.D. Homoeopathy’
told her that she was proving Psorinum but “he did
not offer any treatment to help me,” she concludes
that homoeopaths are “not humane people, certainly
not caring people, and certainly not ethical people.”
“Who is going to protect us?” she asked.
In responses Dr. William SHEVIN offered a
recommendation to a good medical homoeopathy
who could probably help her.
Dr. Julian WINSTON the Editor of HT has said
that “Our only protection is education”, education of
the consumer.
Another correspondent says (HT, 12, 4/1992)
that only by having licensed and duly qualified
homoeopathic physicians can we ensure that such
harm as reported could be avoided; on the contrary in
States like North Carolina where Dr. George GUESS
has been prosecuted and penalized for practicing
Homoeopathy indicates that there is no scope for
licensed practitioners. The correspondent has urged
for popular demand for licensed practitioners in
Homoeopathy. The harm brought about by the
injudicious application of Homoeopathy would be
got over soon but what about the immense damages
being wrought by the allopathic medicines?
Another correspondent says that “if increased
education leads us again into an expensive system of
professionals feeding off patients, then we recall that
the professional class is often the first to sell its soul.”
Another letter on the same subject doubts the
accusation that homoeopathic potentised remedy
could at all produce a ‘fixed state of illness on
anyone, Homoeopathic medicines are effective
healing agents and not “dangerous drug products”.
“Our remedies in the specially prepared, sub-
physiological doses of homoeopathic pharmacy are
not” disease inducing drugs. “They are the safest and
gentiest healing agents ever known to mankind.” The
correspondent quotes from Dr. John CLARKE’s
Homoeopathy Explained.
Dr. Will KLUNKER in his letter says Psorinum
cannot ‘poisionthe patient unlike Arsenic, Mercury,
etc. and there cannot be occurrence of additional
symptoms or aggravations described in paragraphs
155-164 Organon. They never can reach such an
extent. This cannot also be a proving of high
potencies since high potencies never produce real
disease. Probably this patient was suffering from a
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 65
real and serious disease. That she was neglected
when she appealed fro help is scandalous.
Jeremy SHERR says, on the other hand, that
there can be substantial and even incapacitating
proving. Probably this patient did suffer from the
‘proving’ symptoms. It is not necessary that only
pathological symptoms would incapacitate; sensorial
and functional symptoms do incapacitate. This
patient, in her report, was constantly referring to her
deteriorating financial position. This in itself is a
proving symptom of Psorinum. (HL, 12, 4/1992)
The entire series of these letters should be read in
full so that we can have larger discussion.
15. A seminar with Jeremy SHERR was held in New
York in May 1991. This was at an ‘advanced’ level: a
brief summary of the highlights:
Paragraph 3 of the Organon: The art of clear
perception of the patient is something which the
physician needs to develop and cultivate. Clear
perception is the ability to understand, out of what
may present as many symptoms, the underlying
pattern that forms the basis of the patient’s pathology
or “stuckness.” To find the deepest remedy in any
given case, the prescribed needs to see how
seemingly disparate symptoms are expressing the
same inner meeting or dysfunction. In the hierarchy
these are given the highest weight. Sometimes as
symptom not expressed strongly by the patient or a
seemingly minor symptom can be very important.
Remedies contain within them opposite expressions,
e.g., Nit-ac. can’t forgive, but can also be
sympathetic, Ars. can be fastidious, but can also be
chaotic, Stram. is violent, but is also listed under
mildness. Usually one side of a patient is visible, with
symptoms, while the other is hidden and these hidden
symptoms may only be mentioned casually. if at all.
Patients may use the outer dominant manifestation to
protect their inner state. If we prescribe on one side
only we increase that side whereas if we prescribe on
the dynamic state we nee to look at the whole person
and perceive those elements that reflect the inner
state where the patient is stuck or restricted.
When patients use the same gestures in
describing different symptoms, often these symptoms
are connected. Gestures can also be an accurate
reflection of what is going on inside. There are many
ways to perceive the patient and we have to be adept
at using them.
Jeremy SHERR also stressed the inner nature of
a remedy and its connection with the cosmos.
Comments on Camphora: a remedy of extremes;
heat and cold. Camphora antidotes all other
remedies. This in a sense, is the most extreme
symptom in the Materia Medica. Time has been
stretched out in Camphora, Camphora patients are
frozen in the death state, and stuck in the hell. They
are stuck in a “ghost” state, a state of nothingness,
like a void, hence the symptom of trying to feel
physical matter, but cannot (numbness of the hands).
Camphora also has a “deadly” nausea. This is an
example of simple” language vividly describing the
inner state.
A case of a 36-year-old woman was presented.
She had seasonal affective disorder. Her symptoms
had a very marked seasonal pattern each season being
characterized by a different set of symptoms. What
tied all this together was her sense of “inner
deadness.” she also had history of many vaccinations
(anthrax vaccine annually for 18 years). She was very
interested in dead animals and loved to do taxidermy.
The curative remedy in this case was Carbo
vegetabilis. (HT, 11, 10/1991)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 66
1. Ultra Low Doses. Edited by C.
DOUTREMEPUICH, London: Taylor & Francis
1991. pp. 162, ISBN. 0748400214. £ 29.50
hardback; reviewed by Steven KAYNE (BHJ,
81, 2/1992)
This contains summaries of the proceedings of
the first International Congress on Ultra Low Doses
convened in September 1990 in which
representatives from fifteen countries assembled in
Bordeux to discuss their results and conclusions.
2. Sport and Exercise Injuries: Conventional,
Homoeopathic and Alternative Treatment by
Steven SUBOTNICK, pp. 393. North Atlantic
Books. $ 18.95. Reviewed by George GUESS
(JAIH, 85, 2/1992)
A truly valuable reference Text
As a reference text it is packed with relevant,
understandable, and very accessible clinical
information. This book has something to offer for
both Sports Medicine Physicians and Physicians in
general practice, not to mention Podiatrists who have
an interest in alternative therapies I highly
recommend Sport and Exercise Injuries to all
homoeopathic practitioners.
3.Die Auseinandersetzung um die Homöopathic
(Exposition of Homoeopathy) by BRANDT,
H.U. Burgdorf-Verlag für homöopathische
Literatur, Göttingen 1989. 117S geb. DM 19,80
– reviewed by K-H. GYPSER (ZKH, 36, 2/1992)
4.Also Patient bei Samuel Hahnemann - die
Behandlung Friedrich Wiecks in den Jahren
1815/16 (As patient of Samuel Hahnemann die
treatment of Friedrick Wiecks during the years
1815-1816) by GENNEPER, T. Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Heidelberg 1991 163 S. Kart., DM 50, -
(German) reviewed by EPPENICH (ZKH, 36,
Friedrich WIECK (1785-1873) was a famous
teacher and maker of Piano. His daughter Clara
Josephine WIECK (1819-1896) was trained by him
to become a wonder-child player of Piano. Clara
WIECK played a piano concert on the occasion of
HAHNEMANN’s Doctor Jubilee held at Paris on 10
August 1839.
Friedrich WIECK consulted HAHNEMANN for
a chronic facial neuralgia, during the years 1815-16.
The entries in the HAHNEMANN Case Register
Nos. 12-14, contain the relevant details.
HAHNEMANN treated WIECK with
homoeopathic medicines and mesmerism. (Franz
Anton MESMER died in 1815.)
The author Dr. T. GENNEPER has made a
thorough study of the Case Registers 12-14 and
written this book.
5. HAHNEMANN by GUMPERT Martin, Aurum
Verlag. Freiburg 1989. 243S. geb., DM 34, -
(German) reviewed by EPPENICH (ZKH, 36,
“Martin GUMPERT (1897-1955) was doubly
gifted as physician and writer. He emigrated to the
USA in 1936. In 1934 three editions of his
biographical novel on HAHNEMANN was published
in Berlin. The current publication was first published
1949 We must be grateful for Aurum Verlag for
the republication of this very readable and brilliantly
written book…”
6.Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Traumatic Diseases
and their Sequelae by Dr.
Seshachari, Chiranjeevi Shilpa Endowment trust,
Hyderabad, 126 pp. US $10, - reviewed by K.H.
GYPSER (ZKH, 36, 2/1992)
“… it is the most thoroughly written book on
homoeopathic therapy of traumatic disease that I
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 67
know of Particularly to be mentioned are the
instructions of dosage wherein not only the potency
but also the repetitions are mentioned…”
7. Konflikt Krankheit. Homiöopathische
Kursbücher Bd.I (Conflict Disease.
Homoeopathic Course Book), by Edward
WHITMONT, Vol.I Burgdorf, ttingen 1989,
175 S. kart., DM 43 – (German) reviewed by
EPPENICH (ZKH, 36, 3/1992)
The reviewer says that this is more an eclectic
book and the title of a ‘Course book’ is unsuited.
WHITMONT discusses JUNGian Depth Psychology,
Astrology, Alchemy, Shamanism, GROF’s LSD
experiments, Folk mythology, Physical and
Biological Field theories, Radiesthesia, some doses
of Taoism, HEGEL’s dialectics, etc. indeed a
cocktail. A long and detailed review.
8. Introduction to Homoeopathic Medicine, 2. edn.
Beaconsfield Publishers Ltd., 1989. 285 pages.
16.20 reviewed by GEBHARDT (AHZ, 237,
“… contains everything to introduce one to
Homoeopathy can be recommended without
9. Bibliographie der Schriften Samuel Hahnemanns
(Bibliography of Hahnemann’s writings) by
SCHMIDT, J.M., Verlag Franz Siegle,
Rauenberg, 88 S. 62 Abb., pb. DM 85, -
(German) reviewed by E.H.SCHMEER (AHZ,
237, 3/1992)
“One would only wonder that an independent
bibliography of the writings of a genius as
HAHNEMANN whose writings (including his
translations but excluding his many letters and Case
Registers) amounting to about 27,000 printed pages
which have been left by him to posterity, has been
wanting till now. This has now been fulfilled.
The author has personally gone through each one
of the publications. Complete information including
first publications are contained in this, as also 26
A basis literature in the history of
10. Systematischee Darstellung der reiner
Arzneiwirkungen aller bisher geprüften Mittel
(Systematic presentation of the medicinal actions
of all the medicines proved so far) Verlag von
Friedrich Vieweg, Braunschweig 1836.
Nachdruck von Diethelm Placke, Cocksche Str.
15, 4500 Osnabruck. DM 365, - (German)
reviewed by GEBHARDT (AHZ, 237, 3/1992)
“A comprehensive work of 1194 pages with a
forward by Samuel HAHNEMANN. Also has a
repertory in the Head to Foot Schema form with the
homoeopathic remedies in alphabetical order and the
relevant symptoms. There are many as if…”
symptoms… The book cannot replace KENT but will
be helpful in many peculiar symptoms.”
11. Homöopathie in der Kinderärztlichen Praxis
(Homoeopathy in Paediatrics) by
HAUPTMANN, H., Karl F, Haug Verlag,
Heidelberg 1991. 285 S., DM84, - (AHZ, 237,
2/1992 and ZKH, 36, 5/1992) (German)
reviewed by GEBHARDT in the AHZ and by
GYPSER in the ZKH.
Both the reviewers have given good reviews and
recommend the book.
12. Homöopathie kritisch betrachtet (Homoeopathy
critically considered) HOPFF, H.W., Thieme
Verlag, Stuttgart - New York, 1, Aufl., 1991 143
S., 4 Abb., 11 tab., brosch., DM. 44, - (German)
reviewed by GEBHARDT (AHZ, 237, 2/1992)
The author belongs to the so-called ‘scientific’
school and has no clear understanding of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 68
Homoeopathy. He considers Homoeopathy alongwith
anthroposophic medicine, iri-diagnosis,
Phytotherapy, etc.
13. Small remedies and interesting cases III
Proceedings from the 1991 Case Conference:
edited by tephen KING ND and Sheryl KIPNIS
ND. International Foundation for Homoeopathy,
2366 Eastlake Avenue East, Suite 301, Seattle,
WA 98102 USA 1991, 302 pp. $15.95 reviewed
by Francis TREUEHERZ (The Homoeopathy,
12, 2/1992)
“… There transactions are vintage wine for the
homoeopaths of the future to take out from the cellar
and imbibe the wisdom and experience. …Another
encouraging aspect of these conferences is that the
participants include acupuncturises, naturopaths,
physician’s assistants, medical doctors, veterinary
surgeons and even registered homoeopaths. …Here is
much for us to emulate,not only the
‘emcumenical’nature of the meeting, if I may transfer
an epithet, but the standard of work displayed at the
conference and in the subsequent editing of the book
and production… These transactions are an exciting
and worthwhile successor to the literature of olden
days like The Homoeopathic Recorder… Ask your
usual bookseller to import them or order them direct
by credit card”.
14. How to use Homoeopathy by Christopher
Hammond, Element Books, 2
paperback exition,
1991. £ 9.99 reviewed by Joanna CLETON (The
Homoeopath, 12, 2/1992)
I would recommend to anyone wanting to treat
in the home, be they and interested layperson,
budding homoeopath, or experienced practitioner. At
whatever stage the reader may be it has something to
offer and should certainly have a place on the shelf
with guides on homoeopathic prescribing already
15. The rediscovery of Homoeopathy, Vols. I, IA,
II,III,&IV by M.L.Sehgal New Delhi, pb, reviewed
by Roger SAVAGE.
(The Homoeopath, 12, 2/1992)
“…Many reviews in these columns are
favourable, and I am conscious of going against that
16. Thorsons Encyclopaedic Dictionary of
Homoeopathy; The definitive reference to all aspects
of Homoeopathy by Herald GAIER, Harper Collins
1991, 601 pp,hardback £30 reviewed by Julian
WINSTON.(The Homoeopathy, 12, 2/1992).
The reviewer does not recommend this book.
17. Proceedings of the 1990 Professional Case
Conference, Published by the IFH, 2366, Eastlake E,
Seattle, WA 98102 USA, 1990. pp.291, reviewed by
Lorraine TAYLOR (HL,4, 2/1991).
“This excellent book is the second volume
produced by the ‘International Foundation for
Homoeopathy’ and covers small remedies and
interesting cases.24 cases are presented by
homoeopaths well known on the international
teaching circuit and offer an insight into the different
methods o case taking and analysis”.
18. Geroge VITHOULKAS- Materia Medica Viva,
Volume I (Ahies can. Amb.) published by Burgorf-
Veriag, Göttingen. (in German), 1991,pp.331,DM
98,- reviewed by SPRING Beat. (HL, 4, 2/1991)
“…This work is the fruit of the author’s 30 years
of experience and he has invested the effort to look
through numerous cases as well as using sources
from the old masters to check, update and enhance
this information. Due to his insight and dedication
to homoeopathy Vithoulkas has brought the material
alive and has given us the picture of many of the so-
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 69
called “small remedies”. This is new work and not
just a recombination of existing Materia Medicas.
19. Homöopathic mit der Hahnemann Medical Cline,
Karl KRÖGER (Ed), published by Verlag r
homöopathische Literatur, Jungmannstrasses 5, D-
2370 Rensburg, 1991, pp. 625,(German) reviewed by
Lorraine TAYLAR.(HL,4,2/1991)
“Another credit to the industriousness of the
German publishers this book documents the very
valuable experiences of Bill Gray, Nancy Herrick,
Roger Morrison and Jonathan Shore. Compiled from
information during seminars given in Holland it
covers the main teachings of training course offered
by the Hahnemann Clinic in Berkeley, Califonia.
This book gives useful informations from material
medica, philosophy-well illustrated by case
examples-and strategies for case taking and analysis.
… The book is fully indexed for easy cross- reference
and will surely become a text-book for the
homoeopaths table”.
Full address of the Journals cogered by this
Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST(Vol.X.1/1993) are
given below. Those interested to read the full articles
(abstracted in this QHD)may please refer to the
relevant journals.
1. JAIN:The Journal of the American Institute of
Homoeopathy, 1585, Glencoe, DENVER,Colorado
80220, U.S.A.
2. RESONANCE: The International Foundation for
Homoeopathy, 2366, Eastlake Abenue E., Suite 329,
Seatle, WASHINGTON 98102, U.S.A.
3. AHZ: Allgemeine homoopathische Zeitung, Karl
F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1,
4. THE HOMOEOPATH: The Journal o the
Society of Homoeopaths, 2, Artizan Road,
5. BHJ:British homoeopathic Journal, Royal
London, Homoeopathic Hospital, Great Ormond
Street, LONDON, WC1N 3HR, U.K.
6.ACD: Archiv fur Homoopathik, DYNAMIS-
VERLAG AM Vogelherd 18, 4200 OBERHAUSEN
7. H.T.:Homoeopathy Today, National Ceeenter for
Homoeopathy, 500, Massachusells Avernue, N.W.
Suite 42, WASHINGTON D.C. 20005.U.S.A.
8. ZKH: Zeitschrift fur Klassische Homoopathie,
Harl F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1,
9. SIMILLIMUM: The Journal of the
Homoeopathic Academy of Naturapathic Physicians,
11231 SE Market Street, PORTLAND, OR 97216,
10. HL:Homoeopathic Links, Homoeopathic
Research & Charities, Dinar”, 20 Station Road,
Santacruz (West), BOMBAY-400054.
11. SIMILLIMA: Nederlands-Belgisch Tijdschrift
voor Klassieke Homoeopathie Vaan Walbeckstr. 85-
Eight Case Histories
JUTTA GNAIGER (BHJ, 81, 2/1992)
Abstract: Lac caninum - the best-known milk
remedy points to milk allergy but much more to the
early conflict in the mother-child relationship. Any
further relationship is ambivalent and unfulfilled.
Likewise, the patient remains insecure towards
himself, experiencing many fears. These eight case
histories are intended to help understand this
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 70
forgotten medicine which has now become really
KEYWORDS: Lac Caninum: Cade histories,
Dependency; Anxiety, Nightmares; Tonsillitis;
Lac Caninum is neglected and barely understood
medicine with a fascinating ‘signature.’
Mike constitutes the very first earthly food
during the period of emotional and physical
symbiosis of mother and child - the image of absolute
security. Milk allergy has been recognized in recent
years and is now a topic of great interest
Dog’s milk is a medicament that comes from
animals, the world of physical urges and instincts.
The dog, the tamed wolf, is both a devoted servant
and a fierce and unpredictable guardian: a remedy for
hidden, ‘tamed’ aggression.
These themes can indeed be detected in the drug
picture of Lac caninum as well as in corresponding
clinical cases as confirmation.
Clinical cases
1. Three women:
Ingeborg H., aged 35
An insecure, apprehensive, nervous, very
delicate woman, full of fears, with a hasty, inaccurate
way of expressing herself. She presents with sudden
attacks of fear with trembling and cardiac palpitation.
She is moved by everything, pained by everything,
she weeps over her helplessness. Her fears: of severe
illness, of doing something wrong.
Her anxieties started with an acute illness of her
mother. Her mother dominates her life although the
patient is married.
Physical symptoms: Goitre with a feeling of
pressure, difficulty in swallowing, craving for milk,
constipation, premenstrual breast swelling, hair loss,
hypersensitive sense of smell.
Lac caninum M, given twice at an interval of six
weeks, has helped the patient to self-assurance. For
three days, the goiter flared up. For one year now,
there have been no more problems; the patient can
cope well with life.
Sigrid B., aged 39.
An insecure, timid, worried, gentle woman,
mother of three children. She speaks in a low and
strained voice. She presents with chronic sinusitis,
retronasal catarrh and frequent pharyngalgia,
alternately occurring on one side. She has suffered
from these symptoms for five years. She is tired,
feeble and has a heavy menses. She feels insecure,
unhappy, discouraged, dejected. She describes a
‘profound feeling of not being good enough.’ ‘I am
worthless’, she feels excluded from life.
As a child, she had many fears, found it
extremely difficult to make friends, was very shy and
ashamed, suffered from enuresis. Her father was
reserved, aloof, reprimanded her frequently. He had
wished for a boy. Her mother was depressive all the
time; nevertheless, the daughter still orientates herself
far too much towards her.
Lac caninum 12x, then 200, has given her
physical and mental stability during one and a half
years follow-up.
Gunda C., aged 33: She behaves like a spoiled,
bored, sophisticated lady. Her face seems tense and
like a mask, her answers are short, coquettish, seem
rejective, insecure. She is afraid of people, weeps a
lot. Distraction does her good. She cannot travel
enough and has several times been abroad for a year.
Her father died when she was three years old.
Being the youngest of four children, she had due to
the cramped conditions they lived in to share her
mother’s bed up to the age of 14. Today their
relationship is very distant.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 71
Lac caninum 200, then 1M, has changed the
patient completely, neither she nor her husband has
had any complaints since then. This has now been the
case for nine months.
These three women reveal the fear of Lac
caninum, behind which lies the yearning for security
and appreciation. The striking fact in these cases is
the difficult mother-daughter relationship.
Three boys:
Roland, J., aged 13.
A quiet, thoughtful, sensitive boy with a
concerned face, tense forehead, slack posture, yet of
powerful build. He seems insecure, inhibited. He
presents with hay fever and generalized eczema. His
performances at school vary greatly, he is dreamy
and slow, forgetful and distracted. He lacks staying
power, makes a lot of spelling mistakes. He is very
wary in all matters, is afraid of everything new, afraid
of making a fool o himself. He is easily discouraged.
At school, he is frequently subjected to teasing as he
is extremely quick-tempered and seethes with rage,
yet remains helpless and harmless. He never gets
down to action.
Roland was given three doses of Lac caninum
(200, M). In the course of the last nine months he has
become more free, more open, livelier, more self-
assured, which has been noticed both by his mother
and teachers. His classmates now accept him, his skin
is clear, the hay fever is much improved.
Patrick M., aged 8. A pale, adipic child with sad,
slack expression. The boy suffers from chronic
rhinitis, frequent spastic bronchitis with multiple
allergy and eczema-proneness. It is noticeable that
the boy miserably and intimately crouches beside his
restless, strained, eloquent mother. The mother
admits her insecurity and conflicting feelings towards
her child. Patrik is timid, reserved, stubborn and
sullen. He is distracted, refuses to do his homework.
Very often one can hear him utter’I am bored.’ He
does not know how to occupy himself, cannot assert
himself. Occasionally, however, he has fitful
outbursts of wickedness and beats his younger
brother. He is afraid of wolves and dogs, particularly
in the evenings, and suffers from terrible nightmares
which wake him.
Lac caninum 200 and 1M have totally changed
him; after an initial attack of bronchitis he has had no
further problems for one year now.
Thomas M., aged 3. The child shows soft, pale,
slightly bloated features and tenderly leans against
his mother. Yet his eyes sparkle brightly and he has a
mind of his own. For one year he has been suffering
from neurodermatitis, which started on the legs and is
now generalized. Furthermore, he frequently catches
cold. He has a small appetite, prefers milk and
frequently wakes during the night.
Due to Thomas’ behaviour, the mother is
exhausted. Everything is so unpredictable and
contradictory. He is tender and approachable, but
then stubborn and aloof. he is afraid and on the other
hand cheeky. He does not like dogs. He is timid, on
the other hand unrestrained, beats other children;
when enraged he even shouts abuse at adults.
Since taking Lac caninum 200, his behaviour
have improved markedly. An acute bronchitis
occurring after two months improved rapidly after a
second dose of Lac caninum 200. For half a year, the
child has been well balanced and quiet. His skin is
These three boys reveal typical organic
manifestations, the anxiety and the failure of Lac
caninum. The behaviour alternating between tender,
restrained, guarded conduct and violent outbursts of
rage becomes very evident in these cases.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 72
Two girls:
Nada B., aged 12.
The child has come because of acute tonsillitis,
far worse on the left side than on the right, without
fever, with a yearning for warmth. The tonsils are
large and show early signs of suppuration. This is the
third relapse within one month. Up till now, it was
treated with penicillin. The history shows frequent
sore throat and phases of neurodermatitis.
The girl is very fearful, particularly at night, in
the dark, thinking that something awful has
happened. When sleeping, she has nightmares and
screams. Her mother. says meaningfully: ‘There
exists a conflict with the mother’. Even today, she-
the eldest of three children- still sleeps in her
mother’s bed every night. She is extremely jealous;
by contradicting her constantly, she makes her
mother livid with rage. She is very ambitious, very
strict with herself, excessively clean.
The mother admits having made a great mistake:
upon the birth of this, her first child, she forgot the
entire world and even her husband. She clung to the
child, nobody else was allowed to come near it.
Lac caninum 200, three doses on the same day,
cleared the tonsillitis within four days. The girl has
totally changed, she is far more content. Within one
month she she has become quiet. She sleeps well, has
hardly any more fears. With a further does of Lac
caninum 1M, this state has now been maintained for
six months; the child has not been ill again since.
Jaqueline K., aged 6.
A pale child with pasty features, in particular
around the area of the nose, with eyes lowered and a
dreamy, sad, searching glance, She has been ill all
winter long with otitis, week-long hypacousia,
purulent tonsillitis; has had frequent doses of
The mother adds spontaneously: ‘Ws have this
problem with grandmother’. During the second and
third year of the child’s life, the grandmother took
half-day care of the child whilst the mother went to
work. The girl became emotionally dependent on her
only asked for her, spoke all the time of her and when
at home, was unhappy, restless and angry, rejected
her home. A further problem was her jealousy of her
little sister, three years younger than she. The mother
spoke of a forced separation from the grandmother in
order to save the child from her. Subseqently, the
child has changed to an increasing degree; she has
become depressed, unusually quiet, is unable to play,
unable to assert herself, sulks for hours and is
cunning. She often gives no answer, does not react to
comforting words. She frequently complains about
being bored. The mother describes her as ‘panically
inquisitive’, with ‘a compulsive inclination towards
or against certain people’. She has a restless sleep
and dreams of animals.
Lac caninum changed this child within three
days. She became livelier and more cheerful, can
occupy herself quite well, replies to questions, and
now defends herself. This has also been noticed in
the kindergarten. Six weeks later, an ‘unusually acute
illness’ occurred with fever and heavy mucous
secretion which the mother herself connected with
the homoeopathic medicine, since it was severe and
passed rapidly. The following day, the child was well
again. Another dose of Lac caninum was given. The
change in the child has now lasted for six months; her
expression is open, lively and cheerful.
With these two girls it has become obvious that
Lac caninum as animal remedy has a strong effect on
human physical urges. Both girls show excessively
strong ties with a female to whom they relate in one
case with the mother, in the other with the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 73
grandmother, this relationship being nothing short of
an emotional dependency. The mothers of both girls
describe it as a compulsive, instinctive occurrence
where a sentiment renders one compulsive and
constrained. On the other hand, they observe massive
fears in their children.
‘Believing oneself to be held in contempt’: one
of the most impressive symptoms of Lac caninum.
People unable to find their place in this world, unable
to hold their ground. People escaping into retreat,
into refusal, into depression or travelling.
Is it the result of an unsuccessful, unhappy first
relationship with the mother, the result of a suckling
trauma? Is it an insatiable longing for the symbiotic
world of the beginning which has made the person
homeless in the here and now?
Those people tend then to enter into too close an
attachment, as is evident in the case of the two girls.
This produces an ambivalence, manifesting itself in
anxieties, in jealousy and boredom and in sudden and
un-predictable outbursts.
Lac caninum helps to give a soothing answer to
persons whose past is marked by a lack of security
and warmth. It is capable of strengthening them,
opening them up to a vision of the future, from where
a new impetus, vigour and hope may emanate.
Notes and literature:
Potencies used: Lac caninum C 200 and Lac
caninum 1M Korsakov, manufactured by Spagyra.
The eight cases mentioned are described in more
detail in Documenta 11, Vienna, 1991.
BECKER, J. Lac caninum, tape cassette. Bad
Boil, 1988.
GNAIGER, J. Lac caninum, Documenta 10,
Vienna 1990.
LIEVEGOED,B.C. Enteicklungsphasen does
kindes. Stuttgart 4, 1986.
G. URETZKI (BHJ,81,2/1992)
The door of the consulting room opens and in
comes the patient. I am always happy to have a new
patient and look forward to meeting him. There is an
eternity between ‘Good morning’ and Take a seat,
please’, A kaleidoscope of homoeopathic types
rushes in my imagination. Oh, this mysterious world
of the patient! who is he, what does he do? He is an
actor, I am ‘director’. Most probably, it is an
impromptu theatre. We are sincere and unpredictable.
We both look for the truth. In great hope he tries to
catch my eye. I seek to determine his emotional type,
his temperament and disposition. I simply mustn’t
scare my intuition away. The patient is in harmony
with his own and only his own constitutional type.
I’d like to present verbal portraits of some
homoeopathic medicines. Here comes into the
consulting room a quick energetic Argentum nitricu.
There is something of a driver about him. He hates
standing in a queue, he would leave, then come back
and leave again. It is unbearable for him to see people
work slowly; he’d rather do the job himself. He is
sure to suffer from a gastric or duodenal ulcer or
The Cyclamen type. He is hysterically immersed
in his thoughts which are obsessive and incoherent.
He has pangs of conscience that he did not do what
he ought to have done. For example:
His mother died. The Cyclamen type is tortured
by the thought that he failed to keep her alive.
A dear one was taken to hospital. He ought to
have prevented the disease. But he did not know his
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 74
dear one had been ill. Emotional torments and pangs
of conscience like these that one can’t get rid of are
the clue to Cyclamen.
The Arnica montana type, the herb growing by
the cartroad. It is alive while it is trampled down and
it dies when the cart-road becomes overgrown.
Imagine that a man of the Arnica type took part in a
brawl. He is morose and malicious if physically
weak, but he is kind if he is strong. Arnica is a bruise
and any trauma (physical, even myocardial
Lilium tigrinum is a valuable female medicine.
All the painful sensations come from the uterus;
Uterine pain cases weakness, fatigue and heartache.
Haste (though nobody hurries her) and emotional
distress (something will happen) are very
characteristic of this type. They are afraid of falling
ill or dying. They think their disease is incurable. A
Lilium tigrinum type suffers from sexual
dissatisfaction. In this case she is half-hearted,
inclined to aggression and indecent thoughts and
capable of offering herself ro sexual intercourse.
The Pulsatilla type includes people of soft
nature, sentimental and thankful for any display of
good-will. It effects primarily women as well as men
who are gentle and in need of kindness.
Unlike Pulsatilla, Natrum muriaticum stands no
The Chamomilla type are ill-natured,
acrimonious people. They can wreak their bad
disposition on others. (Chamomilla should not be
prescribed to kind people).
The Lycopodium type. These are people of
different ages, children as well as old people. They
all have one common trait, i.e. they look older than
they really are. They are predisposed to lung and
liver diseases and formation of gall stones. Grown-
ups and old people are haughty, self-willed and
willful, they cannot stand anything new and cannot
analyse things. In the morning the Lycopodium type
is bad-tempered, grumbling and seeks, a quarrel. He
doesn’t sleep well and has nightmares. He turns grey
early and old age develops quickly.
Nux vomica is a very interesting type. He is hot-
tempered but hates quarrels. He is always in a hurry,
always short of time. He goes in for drinking. He is
hot-tempered, and even if he is wrong he cannot beg
your pardon.
On the contrary a Staphysagria type will suffer if
he does not apologize and will beg your pardon by all
The Ignatia type is pure, gentle and modest
woman. She is highly intellectual and very sensitive
to injustice and ill-treatment. A woman of this type is
sexual, capable of great love and affection, infinitely
devoted to the man she loves, very firm in her
feelings and quick in her decisions. Advice or slander
cannot shake her, she believes in her intuition. The
more acute her feelings, the more bitter her pangs of
disappointment. If she gets disappointed with the
man she married for love, she won’t stage a row, but
will try to control herself and to put things in order.
She is reserved and does not like sharing her sorrows
with anyone. Ignatia will do good both to women and
men with gentle traits of character.
How do homoeopaths see a medicine?
One should not memorize symptoms, as there are
too many of them. Besides that a lot of medicines
have similar symptoms themselves will come to
mind. It is very important to know ‘the clues’ to the
I first encountered homoeopathy 24 years ago.
The abundance of medicines and symptoms horrified
me. Then I met a teacher. Sergey MOOKHIN was
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 75
one of the luminaries of the Russian homoeopathic
school. It suddenly dawned upon me that I was
surrounded with homoeopathic types everywhere; in
the city transport, in theatres, on the TV screen, in a
queue, etc. They approached me in the stream of
people and walked round me in silence. I saw them
hurrying, immersed in themselves and noticing
nobody around. I saw their walk, behaviour, gestures
and eyes. I did not hear the hum of the city. The
innerworld of the homoeopathic type was opening to
I looked forward to seeing my patients. I saw an
animated homoeopathic medicine _ a type loaded
with ‘cluesas with ripe fruit. The recipe was ready.
startd my consulting hours.
Patients are moving and ingenious. It is their last
hope in their struggle for health. The patient looks
searchingly at the doctor: will he hear his cri de
A case from practice is life itself. These are
moments when the doctor’s contacts with the patient
can reveal the latter’s present, past and probable
future. The doctor becomes a witness and
collaborator of big and small tragedies.
I’d like to present to you a few short stories in
which you’ll see the characters of the patients who
have imprinted themselves on the memory of the
homoeopathic practitioner. I’d like to show that the
state of obsession recedes in the face of
One phrase reveals the inner world of the patient
A lonely woman - a booking-clerk at a railway
station near Moscow – modestly sat down on the
edge of the chair and looked at the doctor in
excitement who seemed to be filling out the data of
her passport quite indifferently. The doctor glanced at
the patient now and then and tried to determine her
constitutional type. He was slow, his intuition failed
The silence was depressing. Stumbling she
whispered hopelessly. ‘The odour from the mouth
has ruined my whole life’.
The doctor roused himself. It was Asafoetida ‘a
stinker’ – staring at him.
Rods of a ‘stinker’ moistened in boiling water
which gave off disgusting odour were used for
punishment. The punishment was humiliating.
An ‘accident’ at a health resort
Story of an eyewitness:
A tall, small man of 42 arrived at a holiday
health resort in the South. Women followed him with
their eyes in admiration.
He had been persuaded to have a rest at the
seaside. He felt ill at ease in the doctor’s consulting
room and agreed only to an electrocardiogram, just in
case. ‘The case’ turned out to be unforeseen. The
ECG showed ‘suspected’ myocardial infarction
which the patient had had ‘God knows’ when,
without taking to his bed.
His big strong heart did not endure confinement
to bed, a drop bottle and a bedpan.
The homoeopath’s comment
Nux vomica is trustful an defenceless.
‘Suspicion’ is not the truth.
Nux vomica ought not to have a passive rest.
Unfair fate
A girl from the provinces settled down in a
hostel and was trained as a worker. Once in the
canteen she felt someone staring at her and looked
back. Her happiness did not last long, She accepted
her drunk husband’s explanations without a word.
The children sympathized with her. The husband died
unexpectedly. She stiffened in her sorrow.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 76
An aunt with a similar fate came to see her. The
unhappy women burst into tears for the first time.
She recalled only the best moments in her life after
all she had loved him. She gave a sob and calmed
When taking leave the aunt put her arm about the
niece and said a few warm words. Floods of tears and
moans broke loose.
Natrum muriaticum did not bear sympathy.
Constitution is unchangeable
The energetic elderly woman made a very good
impression. The doctor always rejoiced over the first
I don’t know yet when troubles you, but I’m
pleased to tell you I cannot call you old.
I share your opinion, doctor.
Is your husband like you, energetic?
No, he is lazy and untidy
Would you many him now?
No, never.
It was the answer of Argentum nitricum.
This strange difficult patient
Terminology of the Romanian professor
‘If I were a believer I’d worship you as a god,
doctor’, were the first words of the patient entering
my consulting room. ‘I came to see you only a month
and a half ago and I’m fit as a fiddle right now’.
The doctor looked through the patient’s case
history where numerous medical institutions had
diagnosed neuro-circulatory dystonia and state of
As if by magic the giddiness, inner tremor and
sensation of a ‘lump in the throat’ had disappeared.
The patient took Cocculus, Physostigma, Moschus.
The tragedy that could never happen
The 80-year-old patient who visited her doctor
regularly looked dejected. Her husband had died.
- Perhaps his time had come, you know, his
age, ‘the doctor was sympathetic.
- He went in for drinking and that morning he
felt bad. He asked me to give him 100
grammes of vodka.
- Did you have 100 grammes of vodka?
The face of the Cyclamen reflected deep grief.
Pulsatilla’s monologue
A pretty woman said, with her eyes cast down,
‘Homoeopathy seems mysterious to me. I’am 40. Not
a single time during the 15 years of my married life
did I get any satisfaction from intimacy with my
husband. Once I prepared everything for the
‘meeting’; soft lighting in the bedroom, the fragrance
of French perfume. The bright night-gown failed to
conceal my inner tremor. But everything that
happened was humdrum. I burst into tears, and my
only man called me frigid and fell asleep.’
Yes, it was Pulsatilla with the wrong partner.
Question for discussion
How to hit the bull’s eye (i.e. to give only one
Is it really important to be a sniper?
Isn’t it better to break a butterfly (smptomps) on
a wheel, something will be broken?
When giving all the medicines in one day, one
after another, is it possible to identify how each of
them affects the patient?
Do we improverish ourselves when we carry out
only symptomatic treatment, without constitutional
What dilution to start treatment with and how to
continue it?
Is it good to provoke an acute attack of a disease,
if you have hit the bull’s eye?
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 77
Should we treat a homoeopathic consultation as
an ordinary job of the doctor or as his creative
activity? In the latter case should we look for some
harmony in the prescribed regime, if we fancy there
has been disharmony in the patient’s state?
Should we consider the clue to the remedy to be
‘God’s gift’, if it helps to understand the patient, his
psychological portrait?
And in conclusion one cannot help but say a few
words about the great HANEMANN, who opened to
us the mysteries of a human soul. He showed that
both the disease and treatment for the desease by
taking a particular constitutional medicine were
programmed in that constitutional medicine.
& 1
January 1994
Venue: Birla Matushee Sabhagrith, Bombay
For more details, place contact:
Dr. Rajesh Shah
‘The Foundation for Homoeopathic Research’,
805, ‘Giriraj’, Neelkanth Valley,
Ghatkopar (E),
BOMBAY – 400 077.
(Homoeopathic Medical Association of India)
is being held at MENEZES BRAGANZA
Panaji (Goa) on 24
and 25
Dec. ’93.
For further details:
Dr. Mrs. Rekha Bhutaba,
Zade Bhawan, 2
Aazad Chowk, Sadar,
Nagpur – 440 001.
present an Exclusive Seminar on
The Kali Group by NANCY HERRICK
on 25
& 26
Dec., ’93 at
Juhu Jagruti Audio Visual Centre 2
above Bhaidas, Hall, Juhu Scheme,
Vile Parle (W) Bombay – 400 056.
For Details contact:
Homoeopathic Research & Charities,
Dinar, 20, Station Road, Santacruz (W),
Bombay – 400 054.
4. 49
Congress of the International
Homoeopathic Medical League
(liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis),
October 19-23, 1994,
New Delhi. Registration Fees Rs. 2500/-
up to 31.3.94 and thereafter Rs. 3000/-
Students Rs. 1000/- and Rs. 1250/-
For details contact:
Dr. Diwan Vijay Chand,
National Homoeopathic Centre,
No.1, Hanuman Road, New Delhi – 110 001.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 78
3.QHD, Vol. X, 3, 1993
1. Argentum und die verschiedenen
(Argentum and the different
von KEELER, G. (ZKH,36, 4/1992)
The word ‘Similarity’ has a different
connotation in Botany (and Chemistry) and
different in Homoeopathy)
Similarity in Botany is with reference to
the Species etc but in Homoeopathy it is
similarity of the disease symptoms with the
proving symptoms. A person with a
particular disease may present at a given
time symptoms similar to particular proving
symptoms of a particular remedy but the
next day he may present symptoms similar
to some other symptoms of another remedy.
The author expounds this with a
Argentum nitricum case of his.
2. Case taking: Penetrating the Essence
SHORE Jonathan, GREY Bill (JAIH,
85, 3/1992)
A presentation given at the 1992 NCH
Conference, San Francisco, CA.
The authors discuses the attitude, the
concentration and the intention required
optimally to take a patient’s case. Thorough
case taking involves far more than the
collection of symptom data; what is sought
for, with the help of the patient, is
understanding the central feature of the
pathology in the patient; it requires an open-
minded, open-hearted exploration of the
depths of the patient’s life situation.
Accomplishment of this goal demands our
utmost patience, focus, equanimity in face of
uncertainty, sensitivity, and comparison.
“Living images” are what we are after,
something that makes sense.
An excellent paper to be read slowly
and understood.
3. Organon: Paragraph 83.
DAM, K. (Simillima, 1, 2/1992)
Nothing but freedom from prejudice,
sound senses, attention observing and
fidelity in tracing the picture of disease is
demanded for the individualizing
examination of a case of disease. But who is
without prejudice? We can try to be without
prejudice on a conscious level but most of
our prejudices and partialities are
unconsciously and non-verbally mediated to
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 79
the patient. He feels (unconsciously?) which
subjects will be empathically received by the
therapist and which will trigger resistance.
Every therapist has his susceptibilities and
will react accordingly. Especially with
psychiatric or psychological cases which
sometimes demand deeper personal
involvement (with danger of transference
and counter transference) our freedom all
therapists) would get biased severely. When
homoeopaths (and all therapists) would get
conscious of their own susceptibilities (basic
delusion a la Sankaran) this would be a
sure way to more freedom from prejudice,
sounder senses etc, and at the same time to
what CARL ROGERS calls the most
important qualities of a therapist;
genuineness, unconditional respect and
empathy. The ancient sayings: “Know
thyself” and “Physician, heal thyself”
underlie paragraph 83 of the Organon.
4. Anger Violence – Aggression
BEAT Spring (HL, 4, 3/1991)
Daily we are faced with aggression. We
read of it in the newspapers, the T.V. shows
much violent scenes, as also the movies.
Anger has many faces; it may be wrath;
rage, etc, differing in degrees. We deal with
aggression in our own individual ways
depending upon our own nature, convictions
and experiences.
In this article the author gives a brief
classification of anger, how to confront it
and not shy away from it; and how to use it
in our diagnosis and how to help the patient
in his anger.
5. Dose, Potency selection and Repetition
MISRA, S.C. (HH, 17, 4/1992)
A brief article on the subject without
any case reports to support the views.
1. Hinweis aut Sempervivum tectorumd
(Indications of Sempervivum tectorum)
KLUNKER, W. (ZKH, 36, 4/1992)
Sempervivum tectorum has been used
in therapeutics from ancient times.
GUNTHER has mentioned it as a remedy
for aphthae, in Hufeland’s Journal.
HAHNEMANN also has referred to it in his
Apotheker-Lexikon. But the remedy does
not find place in ALLEN’s or HERING,
CLARKE covers it in his Dictionary. Plerre
SCHMIDT has suggested its addition to the
The author cites a recent case of a
woman of 60 years cured of chronic aphthae
with Sempervivum tectorum.
2. Cantharis vesicatoria – Spanish fly
ELMORE Durr (Resonance, 14,
A brief study of the remedy Cantharis
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 80
3. Kreislaufprobleme nach operation
(Circulatory problems after operation
MULLER Karl-Josef (ACD, 1, 3/1992)
A 30 year-old woman suffered lumbar
injury (L3-4) from a riding accident which
she underwent an operation. Now she had to
get back mobility which was difficult
because of circulatory disturbance. Vertigo
on rising; on looking down at the floor;
swaying feeling. Looking straight ahead or
up amel. Thighs were heavy as lead when
she walked. Least exertion caused rapid heat
Oleander was the most similar remedy
when the patient’s symptoms were
compared with the Materia Medica.
Oleander Q4 b.d. three drops. Within
two days she became normal.
4. Drug proving of Oenathe crocata
LESIGANG, H. (BHJ, 81, 3/1992)
Oenanthe crocata has not been ‘proved’
so far and its use has been on the basic of
HAHNEMANN’s statements in Apotheker
Lexlkon (1793) and of toxic symptoms
noted in cases of polsoning from ingestion
of the root.
A ‘proving’ of the drug in the 3X and
30X potencies was done in Austria in 1987-
88. A paper was presented in the LMHI
Congress in Cologne on May 7, 1991. The
drug picture compiled out of the proving is
given below;
Indifferent; detached; apathetic.
Highly strung; restless; driven;
dissatisfied; better when alone. Tremor and
tension also apparent to others.
Thinks of many things she’d like to do
all at once. Lots of ideas, wants to change
many things, change the furniture around;
would like to read but unable to concentrate;
wants to do lots of things but does not
manage to do anything. Feels rushed; tired
but does not go to bed.
Fear of something happening.
Feeling as if hands or voice not her
Afraid of going mad; sees, or rather
feels, other figures present; feels as if
intoxicated; buying craze, buys masses of
Experiences self as incalculable,
extremely contentious; irritated; bouts of
fury, hardly able to control self; therefore
stopped proving on 4
Sad, weepy, could weep forever,
sentimental and full of self-pity (on other
hand feels well and in balanced state of
mind, though normally tends to be
depressed. The prover therefore took the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 81
drug for medicinal purposes two weeks
Vertigo and feeling of insecurity; feels
as if walking on clouds, which is better in
open air, as if had cotton wool in legs; as if
about to fall over.
Vertigo and nauses when walking, with
sensationof instability in feet; as if one were
separate from body.
Clumsiness; letting thing drop. Subject
is always hurting self.
Problem with concentration; unable to
listen properly, which is better in open air.
Disinclined for anything in morning;
awkward; leaden tiredness in a.m. which is
better in open air. Leaden tiredness also after
midday meal. Tired in afternoons as well,
every day. Tired at night; going to sleep
during a concert, for example, but then
unable to go to sleep; particularly keen to do
things during the night.
Does not want to go to bed, pit to waste
the time; would like to read and work; only
going to bed after 1 or 2 a.m.
Four subjects found they were at peak
performance and remarkably fresh in spite
of having had little sleep, when normally
they feel leaden in the mornings. (One
woman prover also noted this remarkable
freshness during the premenstrual period,
when she would normally be very tired and
Feels as if swollen, as if blown up, if
head moves, feels as if liquid in head also
Pounding pain above eyes, worse on
movement and better from pressure,
particularly at night.
Boring or dragging pain in right and left
temple during the night and in the morning.
Burning of eyes; sensation of pressure
in lids or as if someone were pressing
against the eyeball from behind.
Visual disturbance; vision indistinct and
blurred; dots before the eyes; notable
degrees of photophobia.
Herpes; vesicles on tip of tongue
painful to touch; sensation as if upper lip
was swollen; mouth dry in spite of taking
plenty of liquids.
Tingling sensation in tip of nose;
burning sensation in left ala; frequent urge
to sneeze but no coryza.
Pressure in chest when breathing;
spasmodic contraction behind sternum
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 82
(repeatedly in the case of one prover), spasm
continues for about 15 minutes.
Hunger but no appetite or appetite but
not hungry. Gastric spasms after large or
rich meal; desire for vinegar or something
spicy; aversion to sweet and fruit; increased
thirst, nausea with bouts of perspiration;
retching and frequent tenesmums.
Nausea and sensation of fullness even
without having eaten.
Pain and flatus if sitting down for any
length of time, better from movement.
Violent tenesmus in the evening, at the
same time urge to urinate, barely to hold
stool, anal irritation.
Has to urinate more frequently and
larger amounts than usually, which does not
involve pain; in bladder after getting feet
cold, worse if heat is applied.
Men: capacity for enjoyment of
intercourse enhanced.
Women: Increased libido, but feels
exhausted after intercourse.
Flow more prolonged than usual (up to
two weeks), an effect confirmed in a further
attempt with Oenanthe crocata 30x by one
subject (record No.38)
Menstruation delayed.
Lancinating and dragging pain in
extremities concurrent with heaviness and
sensation of weakness.
Pain starts in the afternoon and gets
worse in the evening and during the right.
Sensation of numbness with tingling in
arms and hands, numb sensation first only in
right palm, then extending to right forearm
with feeling of heaviness.
Sensation as if fingers on right hand
were thicker then those on left hand.
Bruised sensation in right wrist, then
electrified sensation along right forearm
extending to fourth and fifth fingers.
Tremor of fingers and hands at rest and
when working.
Dandruff (one female subject actually
had less dandruff than usual during the
proving, with hair less grassy).
Dry heat all over, but also increased
cold shivers.
Alternating between hot and cold.
Although the previously known
Oenanthe crocats symptoms had been
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 83
observed in cases of poisoning, it was
surprising how many of them were
confirmed in the proving. Physical
symptoms were the same with the 3x and the
30x. Among mind symptoms, the tremor,
tremendous restlessness and feeling of being
driven were noted mainly with the 3x, the
irritability and bouts of fury with both the 3x
and the 30x.
It is also worth comparing the drug
picture with those of umbellifers that have
been known and proved for sometime, even
if Cicuta is the only other one where the root
is used, as already mentioned.
5. Kali nitricum: Understanding a
tubercular Remedy.
JOHNSTON Linda (JAIH, 85, 3/1992)
A case of chronic bronchitis, with a
history of tuberculosis, is presented. The
case, while appearing very similar to
Tuberculinum, actually responded to Kali
nitricum (and later Tuberculinum).
Important considerations for Kali nitricum
in this case are: worse from heat, desire for
fat, and the correspondence of this remedy
to all stages of acute exacerbation of
Kali nitricum is mostly considered for
asthma. The respiratory tract is most
affected starting with the nose. There is
fullness, pain, obstruction, polyps and
internal senstiviness. Short, dry cough,
worse 3 a.m. chronic bronchits, asthma, and
severe dyspnoea. Dysnoea can be out of
proportion to the apparent condition. Too
short of breath to talk or to drink. Stitching
pains in chest and pleurisy. Pneumonia
frequently. In any chest condition the
expectoration is often haemorrhagic.
“Relapse of phthisis” “acute exacerbation of
phthisis in all stages”. (Repertory). In case
of asthma cardiac origin there will be
profound swelling, anasarca consistent with
cardiac failure. Rheumatic heart conditions,
endocarditis, left chest pains and stitches
also seen. Also of use in diabetes insipidus.
Some peculiar and interesting
symptoms are the following:
Head: Headache can be severe, located
anywhere, especially nose are; headache,
worse draft, Painful sensitiveness of the
Eyes: Visual problems, worse vertigo.
Ears: Tinnitus, shooting pains.
Face: Tearing, stitching pains in the
face, nose (syphilitic bone pains of the face,
nose). It is not listed in the Repertory as
syphilitic but it is in HERING.
Throat: pain, inflammation,
contraction, which seems to obstruct
Stomach: Stitching pains, worse veal.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 84
Male: Excessive erections, increased
sex desire.
Female: Black menses; dysmenorrhoea.
Extremities: Rheumatic pains,
General: Right-sided.
Special symptoms: Dysmenorrhoea
with black menses. Diarrhoea or headache
from eating veal. General aggravation from
alcohol, headache and vertigo after beer.
6. Belladonna
CARLSTON Michael (JAIH 85,
This is a discussion of the chronic
indications for Belladonna in paediatric
practice. Among the more important
symptoms are the following: a history of
sudden high fevers; violence (hitting, biting,
had banging); fears (of balloons, noises,
dogs); aversion to being looked at; febrile
convulsions. Fear of noises, of strangers.
Dreams of monsters and murderers.
Fantasies of violence. Thirsty for cold
Often a chronic Belladonna state arises
from suppression of an acute Belladonna
Belladonna children possess creative
intelligence. They have quick minds.
7. Allergic laryngitis – Bromium
GUESS George (JAIH 85, 3/1992)
48-years-old woman with acute
exacerbation of allergic laryngitis. Throat
full; swollen sensation in larynx. Has
sensation in chest as if inhaling cold air.
can’t get deep enough breath; worse
exertion, better lying still. Sensation of
closing in throat pit. Stinging and burning in
throat. Much mucous in throat. Slightly
hoarse. Hoarse while talking. Worse from
grass, wet weather, possibly from cool air.
Bromium 30.
Better within 30 minutes of the dose.
Although Bromium is worse from
warmth, damp weather, this patient was
worse from cool air but other symptoms
outweighed for Bromium.
8. Tachycardia – Argentum metallicum.
GUESES George (JAIH,85 3/1992)
49-years-old man was suffering from
tachycardia. Fluttering in the heart, worse
lying down, lying on back, better slow
motion, rocking. Felt sudden jolt in the
heart and sensation that his heart was
missing on falling asleep. Belching and
sensation of a stricture in the throat. Awoke
during the night preceding feeling that he
would die. Anxious.
Argentums metallicum 10m three
doses, later two doses 50m.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 85
Two weeks later for residual
nervousness and sleeplessness due to
anxiety; also snappish, Argentum nitricum.
9. Carcinosin
WEBLEY Don (Simillimum, 5,
This is a ‘comprehensive’ study of
Carcinosin. The author has based in on his
personal experience. carcinosin is difficult to
be summarized in a single all-compassing
key-word. The author has presented some
case reports also. A very good study.
This remedy has been studied in the
recent past in Seminars. Viz. the Hechtel
Conference (Oct. 26-28, 1989). Jonathan
SHORE’s presentation in the 1989 IFH
Professional Case conference.
10. The Fire
CHIPKIN Peggy (Simillimum 5,
A 74-years-old woman who had great
fear of fire, cramps of calf and foot at nights,
flabbiness, etc, was given Cuprum 30.
Cuprum was the only remedy in the
Repertory for fear of fire’ (which was the
strong symptom in this case) but was not
found in the Materia Medica. Cuprum
relieved all her complaints including the fear
of fire.
11. Calclum sulphuricum
DAM Kees (Simillima, 1, 2/1992)
Calcarea sulphurica is a polychrest
see E. CANDEGABE’s article (QHD V,
3/1998) based on his long years of
The author highlights the remedy citing
cases from CANDEGABE and RAJAN
Forsaken feeling, Fear that something
will happen. Distressing apprehensions of
evil to loved ones. Jealousy, Desire for fruit,
sweets are some of the features of this
remedy. (CANDEGABE).
It is as jealous as Lachesis, as mallcious
as Nil. ac., as irritable and worse from
contradiction as Lycopodium, as obstinate as
Calcarea; as quarrelsome as Hyos., as
mortified as Staph. Hatred for those who
disagree, lamenting that his value is not
appreciated (SANKARAN).
12. Different Violent Remedies.
When the ‘violent’ remedies in our
Materia Madica are studied we find that
there are numerous rubrics of feeling. The
irritability to rage describing the various
intensity of feeling. The author has worked
out the differentials between these remedies.
Some of the ‘violent’ rubrics: “Mind,
violent, vehement”. Mind, Anger”, “Mind
Rage”, “Mind, Widness” “Violent Deeds,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 86
rage, leading to”, “Anger, Violent”, “Rage,
kill people, tries to”, etc., etc.
The top’ remedies that come through
are: Hyos, Stram, Bell, Hep., Verat, Anac.,
Lyc., Nux., Vom., Aur., Nit.ac., Cham.,
Lach., Merc., Staph.
Hyoscamous: The basic disorder in this
remedy is jealousy and suspiciousness.
Stramonium: This for situations where
the subconscious that has been loaded with
frights and bed experience. erupts. They
were very frightened and scared.
Belladonna: Great intensity and
vividness in the patient and in the disease
process. In anger they explode, they burst
out, they become violent.
Hepar: Oversensitiveness and
abusiveness are the keywords for this
Veraturm: The keyword for this remedy
is restlessness on all levels and malice.
Anacardium: The keyword for this
remedy is hardness against others because of
an interiority complex.
Lycopodium: The central idea of this
remedy is lack of self-confidence.
Nux vomica: This person is very
ambitious, intelligent and capable, with a
strong sense of duty. He is very irritable and
wants everything around him to be perfect
and in order.
Aurum: They want to be brilliant, the
first in the class, yet are very sensitive. They
are easily hurt and cannot stand big shocks.
Nitric acid: These people are always
miserable and disappointed. They become
therefore critical of themselves and others.
He never forgives.
Chamomilla: For patients who cannot
control their reaction of different annoying
situations and especially to pain.
Lachesis: The characteristic of this
remedy is the great internal pressure. There
are two types, one is full of passion and
suspicion and another is very possessive.
Mercurius: The basic idea here is lack
of reactive power coupled with instability or
inefficiency of function.
Staphysagira: The key idea here is
Detailed differentials are made and the
whole article is well worth careful study.
13. Anacoridum orientale
GHEGAS Vassilis (HL, 4, 3/1991)
Anacardium orientale is the making nut
found on the mountains of eastern India.
This nut has externally an oil which is
strong, black acute, caustic and bed, but the
heart of the nut is sweet. It is what we call
malicious but with a good heart.
The central idea in Anacaridum is the
idea of separation.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 87
We might suspect Anacardium;
a. In cases where there is a slight
suspicion of the idea of separation.
b. In cases where there is the idea of
separation and fear of insanity.
c. In cases of students who are trying
to succeed in their examination in order
to please their parents.
d. In religious people who are not
behaving in consistence with their
e. For individuals who are fighting the
establishment, not driven by the idea of
justice, but because they live in another
world which they believe is better.
f. For individuals who are using
narcotic drugs like L SD.
g. For patients to whom we have
prescribed stram, Hyos, Nux-v, Cann-i,
Agar., Staph., Nit-ac. without results.
The idea of separation can be recognized:
a. Between the person and his
environment (Feel separated from
the world; Delusion, separated from
the world)
b. Between the person himself
(Antagonism with herself; Delusion
of being double; Confidence, want
of self; Delusion, right, does
nothing; Delusion, succeed, that the
cannot, does everything wrong)
c. Between the different levels of
themselves (Delusion, of being
double; Thoughts, two trains of;
Will, feels as if he had to wills,
Delusion, the child is not hers;
Delusion husband, thinks he is not
hers; Cruel, unfeeling; Moral
feeling, want to; Religious feeling,
want of; Godless; Delusion, voices,
hears, calling his name; Delusions,
calls someone. The hand may write
something other than that ordered
by the brain.
If Anacardium is given to
schizophrenics it will bring about
improvements on the mental, emotional
levels but they will develop serious physical
problems (recovery from inside to the
outside); so be prepared for possible
problems after giving Anacardium.
The entire article is well worth careful
study so that we can recognize Anacardium
at different levels.
14. Saddam Hussian and mercurius
NORLAND Misha (HL, 4, 3/1991)
Living Materia Medica – this is the
place to connect materia medica knowledge
to images already familiar to us. It is a
colourful way to look at remedies. We
cannot take this too seriously because there
is no verification for our reasoning by
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 88
follow-up and remedy action. However,
such analyses are bridges to help us to
memorize and understand various aspects of
our remedies. If Saddam HUSSEIN can
serve us in this way, it may somewhat
balance his other activates.
The author explains how Saddam
HUSSEIN fits Mercurius. (Rebrics;
Anarchist, revolutionary; Moral feeling;
Criminal, disposition to become a, without
remorse; Delusions, enemies, surrounded
by; Kill, desire to; knife, with a; Fight,
wants to; Dictatorial, domineering;
Contradiction, is intolerant of; Positiveness).
George PAPAPHILIPPOU discusses
this further and says that we should further
make a differential diagnosis between
Stramonium, Platina, Belladonna, Lachesis,
hyoscyamus, Heper, Mercurius,
15. Oscillococcinum – Clinical experience.
AHMED Kurshid, TYAGI Mukesh
Kumar (HH, 17, 4/1992)
The authors say that they had prescribed
to over 200 patients Oscilloccinum 200 t.d.s.
for two days for common cold with success.
The remedy was also seen to work as a
prophylactic in allergic rhinitis and chronic
16. Aurum metallicum – its Psoric Action
The author’s wife gave birth, at home, a
boy and the mother and baby were
immediately shifted to the hospital, in rain;
there was also change in room temperature
from home to hospital (air condition).
Gradually the child developed skin
affections and then milk intolerance.
Tetanus, Pollo vaccinations were
administered by the Pediatrician and the
child became worse; skin erupations itching
severely, vomiting and loss of sleep,
nervousness, irritable to music, lack of
mental attention in his play, no notion of
laterals, etc. Many specialists and many
homoeopathic remedies did not cure. At
about 5 years age his school teacher said that
the boy had confusions between right and
left, high and low (above and below?) and
also had lack of concentration.
The author, who is well-know yoga
teacher, read in the Sushruta Samhita the
therapeutic value of gold where the child
catches cold at birth or where the child is not
washed immediately after birth (as in the
case of this child). Aurum metallicum 18
(the author lives in France) three grains
three times a day was given and in 24 hours
miraculous effect was perceived.
17. A case of Ulcerative Colitis
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 89
GHEI.N. (HH, 17, 5/1992)
A 31-year-old male, army surgeon,
suffering from Ulcerative Colitis since few
years was relieved of his sufferings with
Symphytum repeated doses (The potencies
and actual number of days they were
administered are not clear). The indication
for Symphytum was from BOERICKE’s
Materia Medica.
18. A remarkable change in sleep pattern
WARREN Don (Simillimum, 5,
A woman, married and mother of three
children who slept only for about three
hours in a day. She functioned reasonably
well on that little sleep. After about three
hours sleep, she would wake up, would
either read, write, prepare for the religious
seminars that she gave, etc. She was a
brilliant worker, over-mentalized” can’t turn
my mind off” and a workaholic, but
apparently well with her life. Sulphur which
had been prescribed to her for other
complaints did not influence her sleep
pattern although she was relieved of other
compliant for which Sulphur was given.
Since there was no basis to prescribe a
remedy she was asked to take in tincture
Eschschozia California (California Poppy)
which had the opposite effect she felt super-
charged! And no sleep at all!
Earlier she had been tested by an
Endocrinologist who said that her endocrine
glands were “so screwed up” (her words)
that there was nothing that could be done. It
was therefore decided to try Adrenalin in the
hope that it would help restore the proper
balance between the sympathetic /
parasympathetic systems. Adrenalin 6 q.d.
was prescribed. From the second day of
starting the remedy for the first time in years
she began to sleep consistently through the
night. Sleep was no longer an issue.
1. Lumbago – Argentum metallicum
SCHINDLER, M, (ZKH, 36, 4/1992)
A 59 year-old-man, carpenter by
profession, suffered from intractable
lumbago since eight weeks, CT showed a
“spinal canal stories”. Individual
characteristics symptoms were not available.
of generalizations which is indispensable in
many cases, Argentum metallicum was
chosen and it cured promptly. The rubrics
chosen were “Lightning or shocks of
electricitiy”, ‘Asleep sensation in single
parts’, ‘Noon agg’., ‘Sitting down agg.’
‘Stepping hard agg.’, Walking amel’. The
peculiar time of aggravation at 12 O’ Clock
was found in the “General Analysis” of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 90
2. Schwere Angstneourose (Severe
Anxiety neurosis)
TERLINDEN Michael (ACD, 1,
41 years-old-woman with depression
and “nervousness”. Has been on allopathic
medicines but has not had any improvement.
The ailments began after a polyp on the
larynx was operated. The laryngoscopic
examination caused chocked sensation and
fear. As a result severe anxiety state
developed as also depressions, delusions.
Sleep wanting; palpitations extending to
throat and head. depressions worse between
16-17 hours. Before menses restlessness.
Leaving out the symptoms
characteristics of Neurosis the general and
local symptoms were considered:
Restlessness abdomen menses;
Conscientiousness of trifles; desire for
sweets, abdomen sensitive to pressure of
Lycopodium Q 3 once daily and then Q
5 cured.
3. Diverse Falle aus der taglichen Praxis
(case from daily practice)
SCHWARZ von Erik (ACD, 1,
Case 1: The husband of this patient
committed suicide by jumping before a
train, one morning at 8.15 A.M. He was in
different hospitals for nervous disorders but
had not shown any suicidal disposition. The
patient’s troubles began the next day at 8.15
A.M. and it recurred every day at the same
time. A severe pressure on the chest as from
a fist; palpitation; sensation as if the throat
swelied. There were many peculiar pains
and sensations; Ignatia 200 brought about a
rapid relief.
Three weeks later she took a cold and
suffered throat pains, better by eating, worse
from talking, cough from talking.
Aconitum Q 6 relieved.
For her chronic ailments she received
three weeks later Sepia 200, M and XM.
Case 2: year-old-boy with
Neurodermatitis which began in the left foot
and then right foot, knee, thigh and so on.
Dry and raw. Scratching until it bled. In the
bead of the arm a wart. Nails brittle. He
suffered an injury on the head for which he
was treated in the hospital. probably the
child suffered from the fright. Ailments
from fright, conscientious about trifles,
aversion to be touched, brittle nails,
scratching until bleeding; Arsenicum album.
Arsenicum album 30 in water b.d. for
three days then 200 and then M Ramains
Case 3: 49-year-old-man; who
swallowed a teaspoon of a very old stock of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 91
Kali permanganate for a gastric upset soon
experienced burning in stomach, mouth,
throat. Arsenicum album 30 in water which
relieved the acute state. Subsequent medical
examination revealed burns in mouth, throat
and stomach. Gel did not help. A week later
patient again approached the author.
Stomach ailments were worse when hungry.
Least exertion caused sweating. Burning in
stomach as if he had eaten pepper and as if
time being slaked. Causticum 30 in water
b.d. for three days. Relieved the very next
4. Ein und Ausfalle eines brummigen
(The case and result of a grumpy
von VILLERS Karl Franz Dominik
(ACD, 1, 3/1992)
This is a rapid’ from the internationale
Homoeopathische Presse, 5 Bd. Leipzig,
The oft repeated cry is for revision and
alternation of the Materia Medica. Dr. VON
VILLERS discusses in detail that no such
changes are required. He cites the case of a
46 year-old-woman, thin and emaciated,
pale face, somewhat yellowish, suggestive
of deep suffering. The urine pot is filled to
with mucous of eggwhite consistence
and bright-green color, glutinous and
stringy. Despite the extreme weakness she
was half sitting and arm chair. In the night
while lying on her back she has incontinence
of urine. The non stop wetting and frequent
change of undergarments caused a
Decubitus which covered the entire nates
besides the sacral region and extending upto
the lumbar region. Menses had stopped
years since. Pulse small.
Arsenicum album 30 was given in water
thrice a day which soon brought about
general improvement; for the urinary
incontinence during nights on lying down
Kreosote 30 was given with immediate
improvement and full cure.
5. Homoeopathy in sports medicine.
KAYNE steven (BHJ, 81, 3/1992)
Having considered the advantages to the
athelete of using Homoeopathy in sports
medicine, some of the many opportunities to
treat acute conditions are discussed.
Brief discussion on:-
Common sports injuries abrasions and
wounds (Calendula, Hypericum, Hepar
sulphur, Ledum, Amica).
Blisters (Calendula, Hypericum,
Causticum, Cantharis, Urtica);
Eye injuries (Ledum, Staphysagria,
Amica, Symphytum);
Fractures (Amica, Calc-phos,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 92
Muscle, tendon and ligament injuries
(Amica, Rhus toxicodendron, Ruta,
Rhododendron, Apis, Bryonia, Strontium
Pain, bruising and swelling (Armica,
Acidum sulphuricum, Bellis perennis,
Common Sports illnesses, conditions
contracted during sports activity, water
related conditions (Euphrasia, Calendula,
Nux vomica, Arsenicum album);
Effects of climate (Glonoin,
Belladonna, Cantharis, Petroleum, Agaricus,
Apis, Lachesis);
Insert bites (Apis, Ledum),
Coughs, Colds, Sore throats and
influenza which are conditions contracted
(Bryonia, Gelsemium, Aconite, Eupatorium,
Phosphorous, Antimonium tartaricum,
Fungal infection (Sepia, Tellurium,
Sulphur, Rhus toxicodendron);
Allergies (Euphrasia, Allium copa,
Anxieties and stresses (Argentum
nitricum, Gelsemium, Aconite);
Insomnia (Passiflora, Coffee, Nux
Diarrhoea (Arsenicum album,
Podophylium, veratrum, Croton tiglium);
Headaches (lgnatia, Belladonna,
Motion sickness (Cocculus, Tabacum).
Homoeopathy is ideally placed to
complement and perhaps even replace,
existing pattern of treating athietes.
6. Diabetic ulcer.
GREY Janet (Simile, 2, 3/1992 issued
with the BHJ, 81, 3/1992)
A 69-year-old retired man, known
diabetic since 1947 which was under control
with Novapen presented himself for
treatment for an ulcer on the left big toe
which was not healing since six months,
despite hospital admission and intra-venous
antibiotics. X-ray showed Osteomyelitis of
the terminal phalanx of the big toe to be
underlying the ulcer.
Apis, Calendula, Hamamelis, Secale,
Silicea, Hepar sulphuris and lastly
Staphylococcus aureus were used and the
ulcer healed.
7. Cantharis is acute eczema.
FISHER Peter (Simile 2, 3/1992 issued
with the BHJ, 81, 3/1992)
The author says that Cantharis
vesicatoria was found to be very valuable in
the treatment of acute recurrently infected
ecazema requiring hospital admission. Two
case histories are presented.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 93
Clear basis for the prescription of
Cantharis has not been mentioned. The
second case shows the apparent similarity of
the mental symptoms of Graphites and
Pulsetilla. Although the local symptoms
were very typical of Graphites it was
Phlsatilla which healed ultimately.
8. Phogenic Granuloma of the nose
5, 3/1992)
39-year-old-woman therapist, married
for twelve years. Cough persisting, sore
throat, H/o PMS: extremely needy, weepy
and feeling isecure the week before the
flow; needs to cry and needs consolation
from husband. Has Fibrocystic Breast
Disease worse on right side, painless, many
nodules. Flbroids, Though initially did not
want to have children later felt need for a
child but could not conceive.
Very red in face especially around the
nose and cheeks near the nose. Worse it
warm. Many spider venins in legs. Benign
heart murmur and occasional shortness of
breath on exertion. Sleeps on the abdomen.
A pleaser; bands over backwards to make
other people comfortable.
Pulsatilla nigricans 200; very rapid
improvement and she became pregnant!
She had emotional reactions to the
pregnancy, which soon settled down. Had
Pulsatilla nigricans 200.
At 8 months pregnancy there was a
Pyogenic Granuloma of the right nostril,
which became larger distorting her nose and
was black, smelling bad. Her physician said
that it needed to be surgically removed. The
fibroids in the uterus have grown.
Throughout her pregnancy upto a month
before she was needy and clingy to her
husband. Now not so.
Pyogenic granulioma, big shift in
temperament a harsher and less gentle
person now; Thuja 6 q.i.d.
Three days later the growth felt out of
her nose (her physician said, it was unheard
of!) She delivered a girl baby by caesarean
(because of the fibroid). But the baby had
congenital dislocation of both hips worse on
left side (due to cramped quarters in uterus
because of the large fibroids) and with brace
and constitutional prescribing the child
became well, interestingly Thuja is in the
rubric Extremities; dislocation, spontaneous!
9. Homoeopathische en Allopatische
Behandling, ken en amg dat samen?
(Homoeopathic and allopathic
treatment at the same time, is that
possible and is that allowed)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 94
DAM Kees (Simillma 1, 2/1992)
With reference to an article with the
same title in the BKH-newsletter the author
discusses the implications of paragraph 41
of the Organon which is used to justify the
prohibition of using allopathic drugs during
homoeopathic treatment. According to the
author HAHNEMANN refers in paragraph
41 of real intoxications with for example
Mercury or Sulphur which were
administered in such massive doses leading
to severe tissue and even life destruction.
Several examples of these given by
HAHNEMANN in his Chronic Diseases
related. To compare today’s allopathic drugs
with the Intoxications in HAHNEMANN’s
days is hardly justifiable. Drug
administration nowadays in very strict in
screening on toxic-effects. Drug intolerance
and allergy is mainly due to constitutional
susceptibilities which can be effectively
treated homoeopathically. Two cases (Sepia
and Pulsatilla) are given in which the birth-
control pills was an aggravating factor of the
complaints. In spite of continuation of the
oral contraceptives homoeopathic treatment
was successful; the hormonal susceptibility
which was the cause of the pill aggravation,
was eradicated by homoeopathy. It is true
though the allopathic treatment can
sometimes mask symptoms (that is what
they are supposed to do) but never in a way
that there is not enough left to prescribe
upon (at least in our experience). especially
when you base your prescription on the
mental-emotional picture of the patient (like
HAHNEMANN suggests in paragraph 211)
you will not get confused by allopathic bias.
It is suggested that when starting
homoeopathic treatment allopathic treatment
can be continued. It is not very scientific to
stop allopathic and start homoeopathy at the
same time, for evaluating the effect you will
never know what did what? Besides it can
be very dangerous to stop allopathy before
you are sure of your homoeopathic effect.
Especially with severe psychiatric patients
disasters can happen when you do that. In
our experience the blockage of the
homoeopathic remedy effect by allopathic
medication is very rare (we didn’t see); and
when it seemed to, it turned out to be the
(wrong) homoeopathic remedy which was
the cause that nothing happened. When a
definite homoeopathic effect is established
then allopathic drugging can be discontinued
(preferably by the one who prescribed it).
10. Delusion – as if she is trapped
SANKARAN Rajan (Simillima, 1,
Among the components of a remedy are
its feelings, specific feelings which are
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 95
highly characteristics of the remedy. An
example: A married lady 27 years age with
vaginal itching for last 12 years. Nervous,
fidgety and very jerky in her manner of
talking. Loquacious, jumping from one
subject to another.
Although married for two years she was
not at all satisfied with her husband, but
because of social circumstances she could
not, although she very often threatened to,
leave her husband. Felt that she would go
mad it this situation persisted.
When analyzed, the feeling that she that
she was trapped, in a situation from which
she cannot although she wanted to, get out,
came up. The rubrics that were chosen for
this feeling are: Delusion, the arms were
bound to the sides.
Encaged in wires/caught in wires.
Heavy black cloud enveloped her
Cimicifuga was her remedy
11. Common childhood disorders
The author has briefly outlined the
Childhood Disorders as accepted by the
international School of Child Health, as:
1. Habit Disorders (Speech disorders,
2. Conduct Disorders (Hyperactive
reactions, Runaway reactions,
Delinquent behaviour).
3. Neurotic Disorders (Phobias,
Converse reaction, Overanxious
reactions, Anorexia nervosa), and
4. Psychotic Disorders.
12. Clinical Presentation of childhood
behaviour disorders.
ASRANI C.H. (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
This article also presents briefly the
various childhood behaviour disorders.
13. Dysiexia – recognizing the problem.
KANSAL Kamal (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
Briefly outlines the signs and symptoms
of Dysiexia. A case of six-year-old boy with
Dysiexia treated with Xerophyllum is
14. “Making up a child’s case”.
KIPNIS Shery! R. (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
This is an extract from the article which
appeared in the Resonance, May 1988.
“In taking a child’s case, the
homoeopath must rely more on the powers
of observation and interaction, as well as the
report of the parents.”
15. Behavioural assessment in
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 96
This is an excerpt from Randall
NEUSTAEDTER’s book Homoeopathic
Paedlatrics. Three cases also are given.
16. Anger that burns itself out
SONAWALA Sarla (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
A 7-years-old boy with violent anger,
shouts, hits, throws things, loss of weight
since two months was cured with
Staphisagria, Tuberculinum and Silica, In
that order.
17. Hyperactivity and regression
FASSLER Kristy (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
This is a reprint from Resonance,
18. Observation is the key
CHATTERJEE Sujith (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
The mind symptoms of the child can be
known by observation and the history of the
mother. Seven cases are cited in this regard.
19. And he built castles
MANKANI Meena T. (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
A ten-year-old boy with fear of doctors
and injections. He was having a high degree
of general knowledge and had great plans
about his future; very found to traveling;
liked dogs very much; fear of dark, of being
alone and of ghosts. He suffered from
recurrent colds, white spots legs; back and
face, fear of water.
Lachesis M.
20. A case of suppressed anger
KAMAL DHARI Dushyant (NJH, 1,
A 31-year-old married woman with
difficult respiration was cured by Natrum
21. Treating the mind of children.
Case 1: A three-year-old boy with fever
(102º F) and blister on lip was cured with
Phosphorus 30 (Phosphorus children are
often quite active during fevers.)
Case 2: year-old boy with recurrent
attacks of breathlessness from age of 19
months. Itching nose, sneezing leading to
breathlessness. Had been treated with anti-
asthmatics. Over two years remedies
Pulsatilla, Calcaree, lycopodium, Sulphur,
Tuberculinum were given with little relief.
During attacks he needed allopathic
On review: The attacks were every 15
days; would sweat profusely, become icy
cold and limp; would tremble a lot and
wanted to be carried; wanted a little hot tea;
nausea, worse movement. Tabacum gave
very relief. Tabacum could abort the attacks.
But the attacks were still coming.
On further review: The boy was
collecting sharp, pointed objects to ‘kill’ his
beighbour’s with children who always
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 97
rebuffed him whenever he wanted to play
with them. His father, however, said that the
child was a coward and he never did
anything although he told that he would kill.
He had an uncanny way of picking up best
things; would ask his mother to wear pretty
clothes and nice jewellery. All symptoms
pointed to China, which was given in 30
potency. No further attacks.
22. A case of brain tumour
BANERJEE S.K. (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
A 2-year-old woman with a brain
tumour (C.T. Scan and EEG done).
Recurrent vomiting; Sweat on little exertion.
Loss of sleep; Slurring of Speech, Dimness
vision, Vertigo with dizziness especially
while walking. Dull heavy, Headache.
Gelsemium 200, a dose on 25.8.1988,
repeated on 24.9.1988; on change. Gelseman
M two doses on 12.10.1988 brought steady
23. My experience of Dr. Sehgal’s method
DAVE S.R. (njh, 1, 2/1992)
The author asserts that Dr. Sehgal’s
method was the simplest to learn and
practice successfully. He gives two small
24. Use of a small remedy
SHAH, Jawahar (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
A 1½ year-old-boy with sleeplessness at
nights since birth; restless irritable during
nights; crying practically the whole night,
sleeps peacefully during the day. Loose
stools off and on. Stool test showed mucus,
blood and pus cells.
Jalapa 6 daily for three weeks cured.
25. Two cases of Alcoholism
TAYLOR Lorraine, and GUESS
George (HL, 4, 3/1991)
A 30-year-old-man with “total zero on
emotional level”, aggressive; from youth
drinking and laying; at 17 years age suffered
punishment for accidentally killing a boy;
takes to the bottle in a crisis; no emotional
relationship with women, wants them only
for sex; on the hand could be cruel and on
the other very sensitive; has not known
mother’s love; at school used to take
revenge on animals, kick them torture them.
Anacardium M and XM. Three years
follow-up; has been doing well. (This case is
by Lorraine TAYLOR).
A 42-year-old-male, a recovering
alcoholic. Needs to be constantly absorbed
in some activity; can’t concentrate, become
distracted by worrying about some other
priority them; not enough time in the day;
procrastinates until he finishes something;
lack of self-confidence. Tinea versicolor;
athlete’s foot for 20 years. Thrill seeker.
There is a war inside him consisting of a
battle between the urge of accomplish things
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 98
and the urge of thrill - seeking,
procrastination, avoidance of responsibility.
He is a people pleaser at his own expense.
Angry dose not have sex with his wife; once
a week he masturbates fantasizing of a
woman in distress (in bondage, in pain)
Anacardium 200
Follow-up three months later; at first
after the remedy he had increased confusion
and irresolution plus a desire to curse which
he didn’t have before. Then improvement.
Anacardium 200 repeated a month later for a
partial relapse. Well. (This case is by
George GUESS)
26. On focusing a case
HOOTEGEN Henk van (HL, 4, 3/1991)
A young obese woman came for a very
disabling backache. She had fallen on her
coccyx from a four meter high scaffolding.
CT-scan showed a small discus hernia
L4-L5 and a spondylolisthesis L5-S1 with
bilateral isthmolysis.
Hypericum did not produce any change.
Therefore decided to focus more on the
person. She was very obese, biting her nails,
perspiring on the scalp at night, constipated,
asthma since age 11, liked cheese, fruit and
eggs; aversion to fish and fat. Great fear of
the dark, which became worse after her boy
friend died in a car accident. She had dreams
of the accident. Nights she had visions of
her boy friend.
Calcarea carbonica 200, then XM, did
not produce the required results.
After one year of treatment she still had
constant pain and was completely unable to
start working again.
One thing became clear now; she was
totally unwilling to go to work again or even
to consider the possibility that one day she
would be better again. She was becoming
more and more dependant and did worry
about it. Deep inside her there must be some
reason to stay sick. As a young girl her
mother had favoured her brother. She did
not overcome her firm support, gave her all
his attention until he died in a terrible
accident. Sometime later her best girl friend
married, and an aunt, of whom she was very
fond, moved away. Alone, no one to support
her, to console her. She fell on her back and
broke her back, and he last support. Now
that she had no support she got the require
attention, care, etc. The central theme in her
life was ‘Forsaken feeling’.
Pulsatilla brought about a dramatic
change; her pain went away gradually.
A very interesting and educative case.
27. A case of Anxiety
DENIEL Pewsner (HL, 4, 3/1991)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 99
A girl (age?) with headaches, nausea
and unable to cope with school; fear of dark,
of witches, panics about touching her eyes.
she is scared to pick up a knife because feels
impulses that she will cut her eyes out; fear
of sharp instruments. Repeated nightmares
of being squashed. Vaginal discharge with
culture proof of betahaemolytic Streptococci
group A. A mouth smear also showed same.
Sexual abuse was considered. The child
attended a psychiatrist. In one-two months
there was noticeable improvement.
Auto-aggressive impulses and fears can
be typical results of sexual abuse in children,
also leucorrhoea.
A brief discussion on child abuse and
sings which may suggest sexual abuse
(See also item 7 under GENERAL).
28. A case of Typhoid cured with
MISHRA, S.C. (HH. 17, 4/1991)
A 6 year-old-boy with Typhoid since 17
days. Stramonium 30 diluted in water and
given every ½ hour until fever went down,
was prescribed on the basis of:
Fever without chill returning at
Fever continued, Typh
Company, desire for
Light, desire for
Mood, changeable.
29. “Flu” and Oscillococcinum and
information on KORSAKOV potencies
PIETERS G (HH, 17, 4/1992)
The author reports that his wife who
suffered from influenza was given
Oscillococcinum 200K once a day and in
three days all symptoms of the Flu had
disappeared. For the weakness that remained
Avena sativa tincture 10 drops in water daily
for nine days was given.
Subsequently the author himself came
down with influenza but Oscillococcinum
did not produce the results it did on his wife.
On the totality of the symptoms he took Nux
vomica 1000K one dose and a rapid
improvement set in. there was no need for
any other prescription to remove weakness,
(Lesson: always the prescription should
be on the basis of the symptoms present and
did not no disease name. please also read
No.15 under Materia Medica section).
The author has also explained that ‘K’
meant the Korsakov potency and has also
detailed the K potency procedure.
30. Composite approach
GUPTA Vinod Kumar (HH, 17,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 100
The author explains that ‘Composite
approach; meant the inclusion of Family
History, Past History, Causation,
Occupational History, Chronic Miasm along
with the Totality of the symptoms in a given
cases. He cites the cases of a 45 year-old-
truck driver with paraplegia of sudden onset,
which failed to respond to allopathic
treatment. Since the patient had suffered
syphilis and as tubercular taint was also
thought he was given Bacilinum 200, 3
doses in one day; three days after Sulphur M
two doses for one day and after three days
Syphilinum 200 three doses; followed by
Arsencum album 30 (agg. between 1-2 a.m)
three doses daily and in a fortnight he
improved but came up with fiery, red ring
type eruptions. Arsenicum was continued for
45 days(!). Well.
In another case of a young soldier, 30
years, with fever with chills, intermittent,
since 4 years, on the basis of the modality-
agg (4-8 P.M) Lycopodium 200 three doses
in one day and on the third day fever came
down. A week later a dose of Lycopodium
M was given. Complete recovery.
31. A case Report.
TRIVENI H.C. (HH, 17, 4/1992)
A 38 years-old married suffered effects
of fright after watching a horror movie that
night. She woke up with a terrified look,
screaming with clenched fists; sleeplessness
etc. Dreamt that she was possessed by an
evil spirit. Regular treatments and exorcisms
etc. did not help. She withdraw into herself.
Aconite 200 3 doses and next day
Opium 200 two doses for one day. For
history grief, taciturnity, she was given on
the next day lgnatia M two doses (on next
day), followed by Kali phosophoricum 6x
t.d.s. Next day Bryonia 30 b.d. then
Stramonium 200 one dose, repeated next 2
days. Again Bryonia 200 and Kali
Phosphoricum 6x t.d.s. The treatment was
begun on 7.7.1991 and ended on 22.7.1999
i.e. 15 days and all the remedies were given
within these 15 days according to the
symptoms that came up. (The procedure
seems to be ‘symptomatic’ treatment
32. Symptoms Study (Their expression,
significances and congruence in the
Materia Medica)
RASTOGI D.P. (HH, 17, 5/1992)
A 40-year-old male PUO since 45 days.
Remedies given according to the symptoms
that came up gave short relief but the
pyrexia and joint points kept on recurring.
Based on the constantly changing symptoms
a dose of Tuberculium 200 was given with
rapid relief and restoration.
33. Sciatica
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 101
Homoeopathy coupled with well
directed simple exercises will bring lasting
relief in sclatic pain.
34. Eruptive Fevers
MATHUR Youraj Chandra (mth, 2,
The author presents a brief scheme to
differentiate Small Pox from Chicken pox
and papulovesicular eruptions.
35. Small pox or Chicken pox
How far is it true that small pox has
been ‘eradicated’ from the face of the earth?
Cases occur which resemble small pox;
however, experts and health authorities
refuse to investigate when cases are referred.
The officials close their eyes and refuse to
see or accept.
A recent case (1991) is cited to drive
home the point that may be small pox has
not been wiped out.
A very interesting article.
36. “All acute diseases should be aborted”
KENT quotes HANNEMANN that “all
acute diseases must be aborted”, Pierre
SCHMIDT said that the “key to success” (In
actue diseases) is in the close study of the
symptoms and particularly the last appearing
in the quickly developing scenario. For
example Pierre SCHMIDT warns that when
a fevered patient passed colored urine,
Gelsemium is not indicated for hi. Attention
is also drawn to Harvey FARRINGTON’s
references in his book ‘Homoeopathy and
Homoeopathic Prescribing’.
RAMANATHAN refers to Dr. R.P.
PATEL’s claim of Pulsatilla M as
prophylactic for Mesels, Mumps and
Chicken Pox and concludes that “it will be
great day for Homoeopathy it by some
device, the period of protection could be
substantially increased”.
37. Importance of pathological basis of
prescription in homoeopathic practice.
SHARMA S.R. (AHJ, 2, 1/1992)
Discuses the role of pathological
prescriptions in Homoeopathy. The author
argues that pathology-based prescriptions
are needed to make; i) a rapid prescription;
ii) in case with paucity of symptoms (e.g.
silent stone discovered on routine x-ray,
blood cholesterol/sugar discovered on
routine check-up without any complaints
from the individual); iii) emergencies (e.g.
severe pain/agony, a semicomatose
conditions); iv) morbid conditions such as
burns, stings, traumas, etc.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 102
Cases from personal practice mostly in
the mother tincture and low potencies (3x)
in cases of allergic Bronchospasms,
Cholelithiasis, Chronic Bronchitis, etc.,
While it is argued “it is only under
certain circumstances that pathological basis
of prescription can come to our rescue” one
of the movies for evolving this method
seems to be “modernizing Homoeopathy”,
“make it an easier science keeping pace with
various developments in modern medicine?
38. Is Chelidonium majus a specific for
infective hepatitis.
JOHN K.V. (AHJ, 2, 1/1992)
In infective hepatitis, constant pain
under the lower and inner angle of right
scapula’ is not usually complained of. But it
desire for very hot drinks is reported then
Chelidonium may be prescribed.
39. Case Report
AGARWAL, M.L. (AHJ, 2, 1/1992)
A 4-year-old girl with loss of appetite
was punished for her refusal to eat. On the
basis of the symptoms Staphysagria 200 was
prescribed and from the next day and began
to eat well.
A 53-year-old woman Osteo-arthritis-
knees got very good relief from Ignatia
prescribed on the mental ‘silent grief’.
40. Case Reports.
BAKSHI Kirpal Singh (AHJ, 2, 1/1992)
A 15-year-old boy with a big pancreatic
cyst underwent surgery. However the cyst
again grew and a second surgery was ruled
out. Bryonia M every 3 hours reduced the
cyst in a week. Followed by Sulphur M a
single doses and in next ten days the cyst
disappeared completely. Fifteen years after,
patient remains healthy.
A 26-year-old young man suffered from
loud and violent hiccoughs since eight
months; occasionally pin worms. Excessive
hunger, feels hungry soon after a good meal.
Cina cured. Ravenous hunger with clean
tongue – Cina.
A middle-aged man suffered from
insomnia after a facial eczema was
suppressed by external applications.
Graphities M restored his sleep and in next
three weeks the eczema reappeared.
Graphities M and then CM cured. Fifteen
years follow-up; patient remained cured.
A lady with skin rash on abdomen and
things, fiery red with terrible burning was
prescribed Fagophyrum 30 t.d.s; in two
weeks cured. Four years follow-up;
remained well.
A middle-aged lady with big corns on
her soles and also suffering from Rheumatic
Arthritis was given Antimonium crudum 30
t.d.s. and in a month the corns disappeared.
The rheumatic pains also began to go down
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 103
after two weeks and in three months she was
‘completely cured’ of rheumatic arthritis.
(See Margaret Tyler’s Drug Pictures) (It is
not clear whether Antimonium curdum was
given daily thrice for 3 months = K.S.S.)
A 16-years-old with chronic epistaxis;
clean tongue; bleeding would usually start
after yawning; craving sweets; slept on his
abdomen; passed a hundred round worms.
Cina 200 t.d.s. cured (see HERING’s
Guiding Symptoms).
A middle-age man sufferd from Anxiety
Neurosis’ depression, melancholy,
apprehended misfortune, death etc. with
spells of weeping; worse evening.
Natrum phosphoricum 6x q.d.s. cured in
a month. (Excess of Lactic acid is linked
with Anxiety Neurosis. Natrum
phosphoricum is indicated for excess of
Lactic acid. KENT’s lecture on the mental
symptoms of Natrum phosphoricum
comprise a complete picture of Anxiety
Sepia 200 cured rapidly vesicular on the
scalp in a three-year-old girl, which oozed
sticky fluid, Symptoms-moist eruptions on
the head and leusorrhoea (in little girls).
Thirty-years follow-up; no recurrence.
Natrum muriaticum 30, six doses in two
days cured eczema of hands and feet in a
man who had earlier had his headaches (left-
sided) ‘suppressed’ by allopathic
medication. Natrum muriaticum aggravated
the headache and he took a strong dose’ of
APC powder (allopathic) which however did
not prevent the curative action of the
homoeopathic remedy.
A 4-years-old boy with whooping
cough of over a month duration and which
failed to yield to Drosera, Coccus cacti, etc
was cured within 24 hours with kreosole 200
given on the basis of many carried teeth.
This cure was so astonishing that to test the
relevance of Kreosote in whooping cough a
dose of Nux vomica 200 was given to
antidote the Kreosote and the cough
promptly returned with the same intensity
and a again a dose of Kreosote stopped the
cough once for all!
41. The Fire
CHIPKIN Peggy (Simillimum, 5,
A 74 years-old woman who suffered
fear of fire was given Guprum 30 which
removed her fear. Four years later a major
fire broke out in her area which did not
causes her any fear and her sons had to urge
to move Fortunately her house was spared
by the fire!
42. Don’t overtook the obvious
SWOPE Harry (Simillimum, 5, 3/1992)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 104
A 40-year-old woman suffered from
vertigo and other neurological problems
after she had a fall while riding a motor
scooter. She was immediately after the
accident removed to a hospital and attended
to. Her presenting complaints were “blood
sugar” which were worse since the accident.
Concentration and co-ordination decreased
noticeably, increased sweating on her face
and spine, energy low in mornings and
listless feeling, “horrible” gas, craving
sugar, chocolate, yogurt and dairy;
instability on the heel-to-toe walk; reflexes
on the right foot poor.
Arnica M was prescribed and two days
later she reported significant improvement
43. Homoeopathic treatment of addictions
and compulsions
FLAGLER Samuel (Simillimum, 5,
A 30-year-old male, a compulsive
audiophile, always looking for the latest in
stereo-equipment, compact discs, as well as
buying and selling four cars every year or
so. He loves/needs to shop for these high
priced items to feel fulfilled and satisfied.
He had another “compulsion”, he would
visit porno shops and bookstores looking for
a willing male to engage in often
unprotected, casual sex. He had dribbling
after urination and itching between the toes
and crotch; as a child he wanted to be
different and eccentric; he does things to be
different. His thoughts race; has difficulties
in making small decision. He chews ice,
desires chocolate, spicy, lamb fat, usshi.
Fear of AIDS, and snakes. Based on the
emotional symptoms, racing thoughts, the
food craving for ice and aversion to
eggplant, the urinary symptoms and affinity
for the late night excitement.
Medorrhinum 200 was given, and after
14 months M.
A 30-year-old female. At age 10 her
father who worked as a Narcotic agent was
killed. At 12 years age she used deodorant
fumes to get high, then alcohol. As a kid
sniffed embalming fluids and heard voices
from it. by 14 she was coaxed into sex.
Strong history of alcohol abuse in family. At
19 she was in an abusive marriage, beaten,
raped, and verbally abused. She was always
attracted to abusive relationships and usually
felt she deserved it all. Now daily headaches
and insomnia. Sleeps to 1.5 to 2 hours only.
Nightmares get taken over with violence and
rage, especially with animals. Fears dogs,
cats, death, fast car rides, unknown, water,
fire, inner conflict with good and bad.
Anacardium M. Allround improvement.
44. A case of PMS
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 105
COCHEN Karen (Simillimum, 5,
A 34-year-old woman with PMS, since
many years. After ovulation a change comes
over her. Just before ovulation, she may be
on a “super-high” and then she gets into the
“down time”, and she becomes irritable,
depressed, nervous, and anxious. Acne
rosacea before menses. Mentally confused
obsessed on one thing. The feeling becomes
worse after ovulation upto the time there is a
touch of blood and the next day will be
better. She speaks of her mental condition in
a hurried fashion speaking in a normal tone
as if she were ticking items off a list.
Her mother was an alcoholic. She fears
crazy men, and rapists “I am paranoid, I feel
like someone is behind me, I am very
nervous. My mother used to wake me up in
the middle of the night and rage at me.
Always nervous thoughts.
She sits upright in the clinic and relates
her symptoms without emotion, which
reveals suppression of emotions. Apparently
she suffered abuse in childhood.
Kali carbonicum 200. Steady
improvement began.
George VITHOULKAS has said to Kali
carbonicum “In this sense Kali carbonicum
patient is over-mentalized. It is not
mentalization in the sense of philosophizing
mental creativity or analysis, but rather as
over-use of the mind as mechanism for
control over emotional expression as well as
physical functioning”.
Ananda ZAREN has said that Kali
carbonicum patients often exhibit these
Sits erect in the chair
Rigidity or inflexibility in the body and
in their ideas
Talking with clipped speech
Tendency to minimize their symptoms
Suppress expression of anger
Deny their feelings
Have many issues around control
(This patient had all these symptoms)
45. Depression in a small boy
CASTRO Miranda (Simillimum, 5,
A five-year-old boy, unhappy,
alternating, moods ranging between
angery/aggressive to apathetic/passive. Felt
enthusiasm, lethargic, can’t concentrate,
behaves awfully to his mother, screams at
her “you hate me” Hits and bites his younger
The strong symptoms were aversion to
his mother, and his feeling of being unloved.
Calcarea carbonica, Lycopodium and Sepia
came through. His strong love for vinegar
(pickles) was elicited from his mother.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 106
Sepia XM. His improvement was
immediate and dramatic, and overnight.
46. Aversion to mother in an infant
HERSCU Paul (Simillimum, 5, 3/1992)
This is a very interesting and educative
case, a bizarre case as the author says.
A seven-week-old baby girl who had
already undergone surgery for congenital
bowel obstruction and eight inches of her
bowel was removed but still she was
choking repeatedly, spitting up the feeds,
and failing to thrive. The choking begins
with suddenness with no modalities except
that it occurs especially when she wakes up
or when she is lying down. She occasionally
trembles when she comes out of sleep, she
starties very easily, she does not like any
confusion, and if there is any commotion in
the room she will begin to fuss.
It was observed that while the child was
quiet when held by anyone except her
mother, as soon as her mother holds her she
begins to scream. This was repeatedly
observed and it was very clear. No
explanation whatever could be had for this
behaviour. Finally three rubrics were used.
Obstinacy, Aversion to certain people,
Aversion to members of family. Calcrea
carbonica 200 was given and rapid all round
improvement began. The remedy was
repeated twice. Well in every way including
the relationship with the mother.
47. Healing with Aurum metallicum
MORSTEIN Mona (Simillimum, 5,
The power of Aurum metallicum to
drive way depression and prevent from
taking their own lives and the way these
people who were once drying ad dying
bloomed is graphically brought out by two
cases, both woman.
48. Spring and allergic asthma.
BRAVALIA Praful (IJHM, 27, 1/1992)
A 20-year-old girl with bronchial
asthma. Hypersensitivity in the mental and
physical levels, marked hostility towards
mother; chronic state of vexation;
intolerance of contradiction; each hurt is
nursed and brooded over; greenish
expectoration; weakness; Stannum
metallicum 200 for the acute and Natrum
muriaticum 200 for chronic.
49. Cases from the Hospital
Prabhakar (IJHM, 27, 1/92)
Case No.1: Baby 18 months old, with a
history of weight loss, haematemesis.
Diagnosis primary portal hypertension:
clinically splenomegaly; ultrasound – liver
normal, dilated portal vein. The child was
extremely irritable and crying all the time;
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 107
would not allow anyone to touch her; would
claim only by her mother breast feeding; her
mother was tried of breast feeding her 12
hours a day.
PHARTAK p.53. “Children want to be
nursed in arms, will not be laid down
Benzoic acid. Two doses of the 200 potency
given on two days one a day. One month
later follow up, the spleen regressed to hall
its size. No further follow-up as the patient
had returned to its village.
Case No.2: Man aged 37 yrs with
Bronchial Asthma who has been having
episodes of breathlessness every 15-20 days.
Has been visiting the OPD past one year.
The characteristics symptom was that at the
peak of the breathlessness he was better
working around in the open air. extremely
talkative throughout and kept joking. Acts in
plays and loves doing comedies because he
liked “to keep talking, laughing and making
others laugh. Likes he liked company”. Why
does he do this? “To keep himself from
becoming worried and depressed”. Kali
lodatum (See CLARKE’s Materia Medica).
One dose of Kali lodatum M and he
improved well. Two months later it was
repeated for a mild recurrence.
Case No.3: A 30-year-old lady with
bronchial asthma since 8 years admitted to
the hospital 3 days ago. Bi-lateral decreased
air entry with ronch + +. She had dreams of
the dead, desired to wear her best clothes
even if she was to go out for few minutes,
fastidicus, superstitious, thoughts of death,
breast heaviness before menses,
breathlessness amel, on knee-chest position.
Column M repeated at two hourly
intervals and she got relief and slept next
day discharged.
Case No.4: A 68-years-old man was
brought in a wheel-chair. He had not been
able to walk/even four steps without
support. Characteristics symptoms;
Domineering, anger at least contradiction,
cowardice, anxiety about health, starting
from sleep, craving sweets, forehead with
horizontal furrows. Lycopodium M. Ten
days later B.P. had come down and
remained normal since then. Three weeks
later he was walking with a little support. A
month later he was discharged. He was
working without support.
Case No.5: A 4-year-old boy was
admitted to the hospital with fever repeated
worm infestation. Characteristics:
Loquacity, loquacity during fever, makes up
stories, restless, craving for fruits, craving
for cold drinks, mapped tongue, hot patient,
Lachesis M. Discharged next day.
Case No.6: Infant boy 5 months old
with a history of passage of frank blood with
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 108
mucous per rectum three times in six hours:
each time 4.5ml, blood was passed; refusal
of feeds, irritability and vomiting with clean
tongue, rubbing, scratching ears and nose
Cina 200 three doses for two days; by the
fourth dose the stools were normal and child
became cheerful, appetite returned.
50. The importance of Pathology in
Homoeopathic practice
SALUJA J.S. (IJHM, 27, 1/1992)
Modern pathology has contributed
greatly to the understanding of disease. An
integral approach to Homoeopathy
therefore, should include a knowledge of
pathology as well as philosophy and
psychology. The reason for this is that a
physician is in a better position to diagnose
and manage case if he or she has a broad
perception of the total disturbance of the
patient’s intrinsic energy
51. Constitutional paediatric prescribing
GANESH RAO (IJHM, 27, 1/1992)
Most of the time a physician sees a
child it is in acute phase. But the
constitutional aspects must also be taken
into consideration. The articles delineates
this direction. Check-lists and characteristics
of the most leading homoeopathic remedies
in peadiatrics are given. (Reader’s attention
is drawn to BORLAND, FOUBISTER and
52. Bronchial asthma a management
SHAH Jawahar (IJHM, 27, 1/1992)
Asthma has eluded remedy. It is a
difficult disease to manage and even the
most noted of physicians have been non-
plusses. However, many doctors have
contributed to the understanding of Asthma.
In this article the author has set out steps to
follow on the basis of his personal
experience. Thirty leading remedies are
1. Mittelverwechselungen im Repertorium
von Kent Teil 23; (Remedy
confusions in the Repertory of Kent
part 23; Argentum metallicum und
Argentum mitricum
WOLF, M (ZKH, 36, 4/1992)
Argentum metallicum (instead of
Argentum nitricum)
Mind: Delirium; p.18
Face, Heat, Palpitaion, during: p.377
Face. Pain, cutting, p.385
External Throat: Pulsations, carotids;
Genitalis-Male, Pain, Spermatic Cords;
Genitalla-Female, Metrorrhagia, motion
agg. p. 730
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 109
Extremities, Pain, sprained, as if, Hip,
stepping, on: p.1136
Sleep, Dreams; Events of the previous
day; p.1239
Vertigo, Meditating, in; p.101.
Argentums nitricum (instead of
Argentum metallicum);
Head: Pain, tearing, rending, Vertex;
Head: Pulsating, beating, throbbing,
Forehead; P.226.
Eye: Dryness, morning, waking, on;
Ear: Board before, sensation of, left;
Eye: Wild look; p.270
Mouth: Taste, sweetish; p. 426
Extremities: Pain, drawing, Hip,
sticking: p. 1108.
Extremities: Pain, drawing, Hip,
paroxysmal; p. 1108
Extremities: Pain, drawing, knee,
cramp-like: p.1111.
2. Part 24: Natrum carbonicum and
Netrum sulphuricum
WOLF, M. (ZKH, 36, 5/1992)
Mind: Estranged, wife, from his: p.29
Vertigo: Air, open, in amel: p.39
Vertigo: Lying, while; p. 101
Vertigo: Turning, as if in a circle; p.105
Ear: Itching in, left; p.291
Nose: Dryness, inside, p.234
Mouth: Saliva, sour; p.417
Mouth: Taste, bad, morning, p.422
Teeth: Air, streaming, food; p.430
Stomach: Aversion, food; p.481
Chest: Pain, damp weather; p.842
Sleep: Dreams, water, danger from;
Sleep: Yawning, frequent; p.1257
Chill: Shaking, shiverting, rigors,
morning, bed, in; p.1271
Natrum sulphuricum instead of Natrum
Eye: Heaviness, lids, evening, reading
by lamp light, while; p.241
Face: Pain, drawing, jaws; p.286
Throat: Foreign body, sensation of;
External Throat: Pain, tearing, Sides;
Skin: Erysipelas: p.1323
3. Computer-Repertorisation Vergleich
zweier Software system (Computer
Repertorisation – Comparision of two
Software systems) GRATZ, J.F, (AHZ,
237, 4/1992)
By means of two Software packages
criteria are presented to the novice in data
processing, with which a correct choice of
buying a Repertory Software could be made.
Further from the conventional steps taken
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 110
for finding the similar, a new elegant work
technique to a computer-aided repatriation,
which is not just the mere substitution of the
repertory (book), paper, and pen by the
software, is proposed.
4. Kent’s repertory – Beware?
GUNAWANTE S.M. (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
Dr. R.P. PATEL has pointed out a large
number of errors in the Kent Repertory and
considered these errors as grave
impediments to repertorization and finding
the appropriate remedy.
Dr. GUNAWANTE while appreciating
the extensive research work done by Dr.
PATEL in this field argues that it was wrong
to conclude that the Repertory would
mislead because of these errors, is incorrect.
Repertory is only a toll and the tool-user
should get know the toll thoroughly inspite
of the deficiencies the Kent Repertory is still
the best. By all means the errors should be
corrected, but the users need not be scared
away, says Dr. GUNAWANTE.
1. “Max”
DAM Kees (Simillima, 1, 2/1992)
Max is a two-year-old Shepherd bitch
with skin complaints (itching, flea-allergy)
and some behavioral peculiarities like
sensitiveness to music sensitiveness to
reprimands, fastidiousness. She has a
hipdysplasia both sides; precocious sexually
(at 6 months). Desires fruit, fish, chocolate,
cheese (French) and alcohol. Quiet, never
barks. When her mistress is sad she
immediately goes and comforts her; she is a
very concerned and worrying type. Afraid of
other shepherd dogs, has been bitten twice.
Conscientious, every dog-biscuit that is
outside the plate is eaten (cleaned) first. She
also tries to “skin” small twigs. Loves to
travel, prefers not to make the same round
every time she is let out. Loves storm. It
must be a very “human” remedy for this too
human dog.
Carcinosinum 30 one dose and she
improved in every respect and has not
needed another still (after one year).
1. Das Varmachtnis HAHNEMANN’s
Aufstieg und Fall der Bryonia alba (The
Legacy of HAHNEMANN – The rise
and fall of Bryonia alba) BARTHEL, P.
(AHZ, 237, 4/1992)
When HAHNEMANN’s proved and
published in 1816 in the I Edition of his
Materia Medica Pura, he knew exactly
which species of Bryonia he had proved and
been using.
However, after his death the plant
gradually came to be replaced by another
species of the same genus. Bryonia dioica
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 111
which had not been proved. No distinction
of this plant with the original proved plant
has been made.
Bryonia dioica, an uproven medicine is
sold now as Bryonia and the customers are
not informed of this.
HAHNEMANN made it quite clear that
every plant species is unique cannot be
exchanged for any other. At the same time
his improvements to the manufacturing
process, based on experience, have not been
adopted by pharmaceutical firms not in the
Pharmacopaeia. Instead less labour intensive
methods which have not been property
validated are being used.
1. Dr. David Taylor REILY writes (BHJ,
81, 3/1992) that the BMJ’s analysis
clinical trials of Homoeopathy
published in February 1991 (Kleijnen J.
Knipschild P. Riet G: Clinical Trials of
Homoeopathy, Br. Med, J. 1991; 302;
316-23) was a criteria based meta-
analysis commissioned by the Dutch
Government and conducted by an
independent team from The Department
of Epidemiology at Limburg University.
The trails results are favourable. The
change in the status and health of
Homoeopathy in the last five years has
been remarkable. There is need for
further research work. We must
demonstrate excellence.
2. Lessons learnt from an unsuccessful
clinical trial of Homoeopathy Results
of a small-scale, double-blind trial in
proctocolitis JANSEN, G.R.H.J.,
KUY. A.v.d. (BHJ, 81, 3/1992)
In a randomized, double-blind study,
the effects of individualized Homoeopathy
in patients suffering from protections were
investigated. The study was controlled
against conventional therapy and placebo.
Individually indicated homoeopathic
medicines were prescribed in the 30c, 200c
or 1,000c potencies.
The researchers did not succeed in
attracting sufficient number of participants
to arrive at statistically significant
conclusions. The total number of patients in
the three combined groups was only 20,
which was far below the target figure. The
causes of this are discussed.
Bowel habit and subjective parameters
were assessed by a weekly health calendar.
This calendar had not previously been
validated. The conventional group scored
best; eight of ten patients completed the year
of research and improved both with regard
to their proctocolitis and their general well-
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 112
Because of the small number of
participants, no definite conclusions can be
derived from this research. The authors
opine that constitutional homoeopathic
therapy may be prescribed while continuing
allopathic treatment.
3. Effect of Viscum album preparations on
gastric chief cells and DNA methylatoin
by N methyl N nitro N -
81, 3/1992)
The protective effect of extracts of
mistletoe Viscum album (lscador) with
reference to carcinogenesis was tested in
vitro cultured porcine gastric chief cells.
Putative protection against in vitro
methylation of lambda DNA by N-methy!-N
nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) was
studied with restriction endonucleases.
Preparations of Iscador from mistletoe
grown on oak as host tree had a high
cytotoxic effect on gastric chief cells, wth an
LC 50 after 24 hours that ranged between
0.01 and 0.03mg./ml. At 0.01 mg./ml.
Iscador was also found to protect lamibda
DNA from methylation or destruction by
MNNG. During the course of this study a
high variability was found both in
cytotoxicity to batch differences. Thus the
LC 50 for Iscador MH 86 L 12 was
0.05mg/ml. and after 24 hours. The Iscador
batch W frt 50mg./ml. which was made
from a fresh plant extract at the Hiscia
institute, showed less variability. Results are
therefore given for this batch of Iscador
4. The cost and effectiveness of
Homoeopathy a pilot study and
proposais for future research
SWAYNE, Jeremy (BHJ, 81, 3/1992)
The results of a pilot study suggest that
doctors practicing homoeopathic medicine
issue fewer prescriptions and at a lower cost
than their colleagues. Despite the severe
limitations of the study the implications of
these figures justify fuller and more rigorous
enquiry. The limitations of this study and
requirements for future effectiveness of
studies are discussed.
5. Towards a new method for improving
clinical Homoeopathy Correlating
homoeopathic prescription with
outcome in rheumatoid arthritis using
standard clinical assessments and
information technology.
(BHJ, 81, 3/1992)
Most prescribing indications in
Homoeopathy are derived from clinical
experience. There is a need to revise and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 113
update them. A new method known as
systematic outcome correlation, which
correlates outcome as measured by a
standard clinical assessment, with
prescription, is described. The method uses
information technology and the Read
clinical classification. Preliminary results in
rheumatoid arthritis are presented. The
method and results are critically examined
with recommendations for future
6. Study of 413 cases of bronochial
treated with homoeopathic system of
SINGH Hari and KATARIA Savita
(AHJ, 2, 1/1992)
This is report on the study of efficacy of
homoeopathic treatment in bronchial asthma
undertaken by the Regional Research
Laboratory, CCRH, New Delhi.
The ‘inference’ arrived at the end of the
report says ‘bronchial asthma cases showed
marked improvement in the frequency,
intensity and duration of subsequent attacks
after homoeopathic treatment’.
1. Adolph Graf zur Lippe Bisterfeld-
GYPSER Klaus-Henning (The
Homoeopath, 12, 3/1992)
Adolph LIPPE was one of the great
American physicians who in the nineteenth
century led Homoeopathy to eminence in the
United States. At a time when the use of
repertories was uncommon and the search
for the simillimum had not yet fallen to the
level of mechanical repertorization, he was
an expert in Mereria Medica and thus an
excellent prescriber. In addition to
biographical information, this essay presents
a few of LIPPE’s case histories and a list of
his publications.
Dr. CYPSER says at the end that LIPPE
“was mistaken on one detail, though, when
he envisioned a great future for
Homoeopathy and predicted its victory over
the enemies from the allopathic camp. Not
only are we far from such a victory today,
but we do not even need the influence of the
regulars to discredit Homoeopathy. This is
taken care of in our own ranks’.
2. Dr. R.E. DUDGEON (17 March 1820
– 8 September 1904)
SINGH Mahendra (NJH, 1, 2/1992)
The author is Director/Secondary of
Indian Institute of History of Homoeopathy.
The brief sketch of Dr. R.E. DUDGEON is
quite interesting. The English-speaking
homoeopathic world owes it to DUDGEON
for the translation of many of
HAHNEMANN’s works.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 114
1. Die bibliographische Erschliessung
wissenschafticher Bibliotheken mittels
electronischer Datenverarbeitung (The
development of electronic data
processing for management use in the
Science Libraries)
SCHMIDT, J.M. (ZKH, 36, 4/1992)
The increasing use of electronic data
processing systems in the management of
libraries has produced fundamental
innovations for users of scientific libraries as
well as for libraries. Thus today not only can
search requires be handled within seconds,
but also different types of library catalogues
can be produced quite simply and cheaply.
The latter has in the last decade also been
done in several cases for homoeopathic
libraries. Nevertheless, not all of these
bibliographical indexes come up to present
standards in alphabetic cataloguing of
library stocks and in editing catalogues. In
order to help future workers on similar
books, as an example, the genesis of a
modern homoeopathic library catalogue is
described from the elaboration of a proper
systematic, to the recording of the data
(according to RAK-WB), to the definite
photocomposition. Finally, the possibilities
of electronic library management are
described and the actual state of the project
to create a network for all the German-
speaking homoeopathic libraries is reported.
2. Some thoughts on the malpractice
MOSKOWITZ Richard (The
Homoeopath, 12, 3/1992)
This detailed study examines:
What exactly constitutes malpractice?
The nature and extent of latrogenic illness;
the theory of disease and healing; the drugs;
the doctor-patient relationship; the health-
care crisis.
A solution is also suggested. “… the
diagnostic and treatment services of health-
care system would indeed become less and
less necessary as its educational
programmes become more and more
popular. Can doctors merit higher praise
than that their patients heal themselves
without needing their help and continue not
to need it in the future? In the words of the
great Chinese sages:
“A leader is best when people barely
know he exists.
Not so good when they obey and
acclaim him
Worst when they despise him
Of a good leader
When his work is done and his aim
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 115
They people will say, “We did this
3. My son the homoeopath?
THEUHERZ Francies (The
Homoeopath, 12, 3/1992)
“There are many pitfails and ethical
issues in prescribing for close members of
one’s family and yet there are occasions
when it is very necessary to do so”. The
author narrates his treatment of his mother
who while convalescing well after hip
surgery suffered again a dislocation and
underwent surgery after which she suffered
urinary infection. Psorinum M (Despair of
recovery, Thrifly) brought a sustained
recovery. His father’s cough yielded to
Ambra grisea. (Cough agg. from company)
and restored his energy.
4. Interview with George VITHOULKAS
DAM, K. LASSAUW, Y. (Simillima,
1, 2/1992)
The purpose of the International
Academy of Homoeopathy in Greece is to
train doctors in classical Homoeopathy. The
course will be given in four different groups
in English, German, Italian and Norwegian.
The category of the Academy will be for
about 200 students.
Seminars, international congresses.
Discussions may also be held in the
Academy. VITHOULKAS’ vision is that the
Academy will become a real education
center for healers of a high order.
There is also a proposal for a
homoeopathic hospital. Rightly the first such
homoeopathic hospital will be in Germany.
Remedy pictures are much broader than
fixed images, for example Mussolini for
Lycopodium, dictatorial, bloated,
womanizer; Lincon for Sulphur, tall lean,
stoop-shouldered, philosophical; hence such
teaching is not recommended. Remedy has
flexibility of traits, for example
Medorhinum which is extraverted,
womanizer can also be, in practice, seen in
the other extreme, closer and introverted.
There must be flexibility in perceptions.
There can be constitutional without the
essence of that remedy. Regarding
paragraph 210 of the Organon; when a
disturbance is centred and focused primarily
in the physical body, it leaves the emotiona
and mind free and when focused in the mind
it leaves the body free of symptoms. While
it is potentially true that every proving
substance will be able to after the mind and
the disposition of the prover in reality we
don’t see this happening in every prover
who is proving that remedy; and so also in
5. Face to Face with Dr. H.L.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 116
1, 2/1992)
Dr. CHITKARA is a reputed
practitioner as well as a journalist. In this
interview he briefly speaks about his origin,
his training as a homoeopath. CHITKARA
reiterates that homoeopathy “is an art which
has to be learnt from a master like a disciple
and it has to be seen in action. You cannot
learn it by just reading the Materia Medica
and healing lectures” Speaking about the
homoeopathic colleges, he says “most of
these are either political conclaves or like
yummy restaurants where you are taught to
eat the menu because there is no dinner”.
CHITKARA emphasizes that Homoeopathy
should be taught only to those with aptitude
and every senior homoeopath should take in
young homoeopaths for learning.
A very interesting interview.
6. Homoeopathy in Prison.
TREUTLER Gabriela (HL, 4, 3/1991)
In our homoeopathic practice we mostly
treat patients who are quite well adapted to
society and who have a good level of
education. Violence has many causes,
expressions and consequences. Most of our
patients would never carry out their
impulses perhaps they would not even talk
about them. Those who do, often land up in
prison. In the following discussion the
author describes the experiences he had with
delinquents, both personally and as
homoeopathy. His experiences with the
prisoners are enriching and reveal that there
are parts of the world that are otherwise
7. Violence against children or the history
of a chosen ignorance.
LOUISETTE Hurnl-Caille (HL, 4,
To help a child in a violent environment
we first have to detect the violence and
consider the possibility that the child has
been violated. In order to take this
possibility into our consideration we first
have to acknowledge that “things like this”
do happen. The history of diagnosing and
preventing violence against children shows
that there was and still is a tremendous
resistance to the fact that it exists at all.
The causes for child abuse and signs of
physical abuse are detailed.
8. Homoeopathic inheritance interview
with Dr. Mukesh BATRA (IJHM, 27,
Dr. Mukesh BATRA is a leading
homoeopath of Bombay. Dr. C.M. MENON
interviewed Dr. BATRA for the journal.
Dr. BATRA says that today’s
homoeopaths are more thorough, systematic,
and more professional in approach. Our
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 117
documentation is more thorough and can
stand the scrutiny of the allopathic
practitioners. In his experience all cures do
not necessarily follow HERING’s law. Dr.
BATRA very often starts a case with an
anti-miasmatic remedy. Because of the
stressful environment in which we live now,
the mental always dominate in the totality of
the symptoms. As a rule he treats only
chronic cases. Dr. BATRA recalled some
cases. A rare disease Christian-webber’s
Syndroms with Nux vomica and Pulsatilla:
In cases of primary sterility he found Sabina
and Sepia prominent; in cases of Hepatilis
with the Australian Antigen + ve it was Nux
vomica; Symphytum helped cure a lady
whose upper arm fracture refused to unite
despite many attemps by the orthopedic
surgeon. To the young homoeopath BATRA
advises to develop conviction in
Homoeopathy, learn from failures, have
open mind, and not try to get rich overnight
and realize that it takes time, know his
limitations and should practice with the
patient’s interests at heart.
1. Dr. Dean CROTHERES, Editor,
Resonance says (Editorial, Resonance,
14, 4/1992)
A story published in the Seattle Times
on May, 14, 1991, says that two thirds of
the physicians responding to a survey by
MD Magazine said they would not
recommend medicine as a career to their
children. Half said they would not practice
medicine if they were beginning today.
Most complaints centred on government
bureaucracy, insurance red tape, and
lawyers. it is chilling to think that one
half to two thirds of all the doctors in the
USA do not reality like what they are
doing! The American Institute of
Homoeopathy is working to change that.
2. Resonance, 14, 4/1992 gives a list,
complied by Dr. Jennifer JACOBS, of
research projects in Homoeopathy
current underway in the United States:
1. Homoeopathic Treatment of
Ostearthritis” Brian Berman, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, University
of Maryland School of Medicine.
2. Clinical Effects of Homoeopathic
Zeal in Osteoarthritis of the knee” Carlo
Calabrese, ND, Bastyr College of Natural
Medicine, Seattle, Washington.
3. Homoeopathic Treatment of
Premenstrual Syndrome” Edward Chapman,
MD. Department of obstetrics and
Gynecology University of Pennsylvania.
4. A Double Blind Crossover Proving
of Crocus sativa” John COLLINS, ND,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 118
National College of Naturopathic Medicine,
Portland, Oregon”.
5. Treatment of Social Phobia with
Homoeopathy” Jonathan DAVIDSON, MD,
Department of Psychitary, Duke University
School of Medicine, Durham, North
6. Homoeopathic Treatment of
Diarrhoea in Children” Deborah Gordon,
MD, Michael Cariston, MD, Department of
Family Practice, UCSF School of Medicine,
San Francisco, California.
7. A Naturopathic Protocol for
Cervical Dyspiasias” Tort Hudson ND,
National college of Naturopathic Medicine,
Portland Oregon.
8. Treatment of Acute Childhood
Diarrhoea with Homoeopathic Medicines: A
Randemized Clinical Trial in Nicaragua”
Jennifer JACOBS, MD, MPH, Department
of Epidemiology, University of Washington
School of Public Health, Seattle,
9. Practice Patterns of Homoeopathic
Physicians”, Jennifer JACOBS MD, MPH,
Research Council American institute of
10. “Prophylaxis against Fransicella
tutaremia with Ultra-high Dilutions of
Fransicella tularemia”, Wayne Jonas, MD,
Department of Cellular immunology, Walter
Reed Army institute of Research.
11. “Healing AIDS Research Project”,
Leanna Standish, ND, PHD, Basty; college
of Natural Medicine, Seattle, Washington.
12. “Arnica Montana in the Early
Treatment of Ankle Sprains”, Michael
STANG, MD, FACEP Department of
Emergency Medince, Carroll Country
General Hospital, Wastminster, Maryland.
There is plenty happening in the world
of Homoeopathy!
1. AIDS, Hospitals and Homoeopathy,
MONTFORT Theirry (Resonance,
14, 4/1992)
Very interesting information is
conveyed in this article.
A fascinating initiative took place in
Lyon, France, Professor Christian TREPO,
Head of the immunology and Virology
Department in Hotel Dieu Hospital in Lyon
organized a meeting on December, 12, 1991
to which he invited officials, researchers,
and colleagues, and (surprise) one hundred
homoeopathic physicians from the city of
As part of the French Minster of
Health’s directives for the battle against
AIDS, hospital doctors are encouraged to
develop networks with general practitioners
in private practice who are trained in the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 119
care of HIV + patients. Professor TREPO
complied with this long ago but also decided
to integrate non-conventional medicine.
Over 35% of HIV + patient spontaneously
choose unconventional medical practice,
particularly Homoeopathy, to try to control
their condition. The homoeopathic clinic in
the Hepato-gastrology Department of the
Hotel-Dieu Hospital has had very good
results over 2 years experience with
Professor TREPO has also announced
that a special budget would be dedicated to
the integration of homoeopathic physicians
into his department at the hospital.
2. Insurance reimbursement a
controversy in France.
MONTFORT, Thierry (Resonance,
14, 5/1992)
Two high-ranking executives of the
French Social Security Agency expressed a
strong opposition to the current
reimbursement of homoeopathic remedies
by this agency, because “homoeopathic
remedies are not backed by any scientific
data, and their efficacy is that of a placebo
treatment.… There is no reason to reimburse
homoeopathy than astrology… The French
Health Minister publicly reaffirmed that
homoeopathic remedies are and will stay
fully reimbursed. The French Association of
Homoeopathic Pharmacists protested
strongly with appropriate arguments.
3. Extract from a brief report of the
George VITHOULKAS’s Seminar, London,
March 21-24, 1992 (Simile 2, 3/1992 issued
with the BHJ, 81, 3/1992)
The first three days were spent
discussing the methodology for finding the
simillimum. A number of factors mitigate
against finding the simillimum and lead to
mistakes in prescribing. First, the wrong
symptoms are selected and over-emphasised
in the analysis. Second, too many symptoms
that are irrelevant to the real pathology of
the case are recorded and these are useless
for analysis. Third, many prescribes believe
that only the mental and emotional
symptoms are important. Fourth, it is wrong
to seek the ‘Essence’ of the case and pay too
little attention to the totality of symptoms or
to the key-notes.
Prescribing should be based on facts
and not on fantasies. Verifiable facts are the
only information which can be used.
VITHOULKAS gave some indications
for Adrenalin which has similarities to
Belladonna. The key-notes of Adrenalin are;
Underlying stress with hypertension,
throbbing pains; headaches, flushed face and
techycardia with strong and full pulse.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 120
The key-notes of Kali sillicatum are:
Great sensitivity to people, environment and
especially to criticism, with a sense of duty
that is even stronger then that of Keli
carbonimum. It is vulnerable, inadequate,
and irresolute and symptoms are much
worse for coition.
VITHOULKAS also demonstrated the
use of Radar and the Vithoulkas Expert
System. Video cases with long term follow-
up were shown as also one live case.
6. The Slovak Homoeopathic Society
(SHS) was established on 10 January 1991.
It was authorized to ensure the maintenance
of adequate standards and to make
arrangements for the registration of qualified
persons. The SHS is seeking contracts and
collaboration with approved medical
institutions which provide teaching in
Homoeopathy and are empowered to grant
degrees, diplomas or licences. Such
collaboration is necessary because
Homoeopathy was prohibited in
Czechoslovakia for the past 40 years.
7. Cimicifuga has a depression with the
feeling of being trapped; Mag-mur, has a
depression with feeling of being friendless;
Pulsatilla has depression with the feeling of
being forsaken. Aurum has a depression
with the feeling of having sinned away the
day of grace; they all have the common
symptoms of depression, but the underlying
feeling is every time a different one.
(Rajan SANKARAN in Delusion as if
trapped”, Simillima, 1, 2/1992)
8. Rajan SANKARAN Seminar was
held in Bombay on the 17
& 18
1991. He spoke on ‘homoeo-
psychotheraphy’ and situational materia
Dr. SANKARAN says that disease is
delusion and awareness is cure. In homoeo
psychothraphy you play back to the patient
his/her delusion and then bring about
awareness resulting in cure.
To explain the situational materia
medica Dr. SANKARAN presented video
For a complete discussion of the
situational materia medica please read Dr.
SANKARAN’s book The Spirit of
9. Seminar Reports.
4, 3/1991)
Ananda ZAREN Seminar in New
Zeland, May 1991 on ‘Homoeopathy in
Midwifery and Childbirth’; particularly the
Materia medica of various birth crises. She
gave differential materia medica. The best
prescription for successful labour is the
constitutional remedy. Difficulties in labour
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 121
are often the result of unresolved emotions.
Video cases were presented to demonstrate
the points.
Some further extracts:
Gallic acid: ‘Behaviour problems’,
combining the physical symptoms of
Tuberculinum with the violent anger of
Stramonium, key-note = an intense fear of
bring alone.
Cocculus: The care-giver, consumed by
such intense anxiety for others’ that the
patient herself falls apart because of it. self-
neglect on behalf of others being a major
keynote of this remedy.
Ananda ZAREN suggest that we
observe the posture and deduce the emotions
during the contraction itself. This will tell a
skilled observer vital information for the
prescription. In threatened abortion. If due to
malfunction of the foetus the homoeopathic
remedy will accelerate the abortion; if due
of fault in the mother; it will clear her
gynecological problems and give the foetus
a better uterine environment in which to
come to full-term and successful delivery.
10. Wolfgang SPRINGER Seminar in
Lindau in July 1991
Reported by STRITZL Gerhard (HL, 4,
SPRINGER presented video cases of
complicated, often widely pre-treated
chronic cases. Case analysis, differential
diagnosis of the remedies, interpretation of
the remedy’s effect and long-term case-
management are the substantial issues.
Case-1: A little boy-restless and unable
to play with other children. provocative,
hits, others and destroys their toys; high
intellectual abilities; many fears. Extensive
perspiration, thirst and restless sleep;
difficult and long lasting dentition. The
differentiation was on the physical
symptoms which led to Rheum. Mental
rubric; playful, indisposition to play, in
children (Kent, p.69, Rheum is the only bold
Case-2: A woman with recurrent
duodenal ulcer for 10 years. She had already
undergone homoeopathic treatment. When
the case was shown the participants decided
for phosphorus. But she had already been
given that remedy without effect.
Eventually, the remedy was found to be
Bismuthum. (VITHOULKAS mentioned
that it could be confused with phosphorus)
Case-3: A young woman with Multiple
Sclerosis. The central point of her mental
picture was that she needed strong people
around her, people she could lean on, who
supported her and made decisions for her:
The picture is “personified
helplessness”, and the remedy was
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 122
Magnesium muriaticum. There is an
interesting rubric (Kent p.42) Fancies, on
reading; Mag-m. Is the only remedy in
italics. This patient would withdraw herself
to read books and then living in her
imaginary world.
Case-4: A young man suffered from an
unclear neurological disease which
manifested in weakness of vision, disturbed
function of the urinary bladder and in sexual
problems. Lyssinum followed by
Carboneum sulphuratum were the remedies.
The most important symptoms which led
finally to Carboneum sulphuratum; Seminal
discharge failing during coition (Kent
p.709); Genitalia. Seminal discharge, quick,
too (p.710); Vision, colours, blindness,
colors (p.272)
11. Seminar with Jurgen BECKER and
Dr. Rajan SANKARAN: A Report.
KAMAT Gautham (HL, 4, 3/1991)
Dr. Jurgen BECKER of Freiburg,
Germany is an unconventional thinker with
unusual understanding through imagination
and feelings of the behavioiur of remedies.
He tries to see them through fairy tales. For
example the story of little Red Riding Hood
who instead of going for a secure love,
wanders in a forest attracted by beautiful
things; then there is the wolf in the story,
fear of the animals is also there. Dr.
BECKER watched a kite festival in
Bombay. His imagination goes; Kite
represents Tuberculinum, wandering in air,
which desires to travel, desire for a change
with a desire to fight. Air also represents
Tuberculinum, because tuberculosis is in the
lungs, lungs need air. Air is never stagnant.
Earth and fire represent Sulphur to
Dr.BECKER; the best example of a Sulphur
state is a Volcano.
Dr. Rajan SANKARAN showed a video
of an Alumina case.
Dr. BECKER told of his way of looking
at Alumina.
Dr. SANKARAN said, four things are
essential for living;
1. Hope: When there is complete black
despair (hopeless despair) the remedy is
2. Indepedence: When there is total
absence of independence you get a picture
of Mercurius. He becomes an anarchist.
3. Morality: When this is absent you get
4. Identity as an individual: When you
loss your identity you get Alumina.
Dr. SANKARAN showed a video of a
Naja case of a two-year. Old girl getting
epileptic attacks right from birth.
The participants in the seminar had
taken a remedy (Naja) for ‘proving’. The
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 123
symptoms obtained were collected to be
published later.
An interesting Seminar.
12. The life-style of these days like
“extensive acquisition of worldly goods,
thefts of these expensive articles, increasing
instances of separation for long periods of
parents from their children and the
inevitable change of baby-sitters after
children getting attached to one baby sitter,
etc. would call for lgnatia for the
“Alexis CARELL had remarked that
sorrow, loss, grief etc., are evident realities
although not measurable and need to be
treated, though they go almost unnoticed by
the Orthodox physician.”
mfH, 2, 4/1992)
13. Case Analysis with Paul HERSCU by
Savtri CLARKE (HT, 11, 11/1991)
“…The question of when to use small
remedies” come up in the analysis of a
diarrhoea case. PAUL presented some
interesting materia medica of diarrhoea
remedies (including Nuphar, which has
diarrhoea upon waking from bed like
Sulphur). PAUL uses small remedies”
when the case has few symptoms and there
is very specific symptomatology, PAUL
recommends studying materia medica by
reading a remedy in several medium level
materia medica and as you come across each
symptom turn to the Repertory and find that
symptom noticing and degree of the remedy
in the rubric and the other remedies that
share that symptom”.
14. Dr. OLIVER SACKS wrote a famous
book titled “Awakenings” (New Revised
Edition, 1990, published by Picador) which
was has become a famous film starting
Robert de NIRO and Robin WILLIAMS. An
article appeared in NewZ, a newsletter of
Homoeopathy from New Zealand.
Karen JOHNSON says that it helped
her wondering how Homoeopathy might
have helped the patients portrayed in the
picture, how; indeed you could take and
repertorize their cases.
In Vienna during the winter of 1916-17,
a new illness suddenly appeared and rapidly
spread world-wide over the next three years.
This degasses was later known as
Encephalitis Lethargicus or Sleeping
sickness. It raged for 10 years affected over
5 million people, and disappeared in 1977 as
suddenly as it started … L-Dopa was the
main medicine in these cases Karen
JOHNSON discusses some cases and
suggest the homoeopathic remedy (HT, 12,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 124
15. A correspondent (HT, 12, 5/1992) has
asked some clarifications regarding potency.
The Editor Julian WINSTON in reply has
said the following: The debate on the subject
of potency began in the earliest days of
Homoeopathy and still continues. He refers
to Dr. P. SANKARAN’s booklet, the
introduction in Willian BOERICKE’s
Materia Medica, Dr. PANOS, George
VITHOULKAS, and KENT. He concludes
“Homoeopathy is both a science and an art.
It is often difficult to separate the two. The
method of selection of the potency is often
based on the training the person has had, but
even then it is often more art than
16. In ‘The End of an Era’ Julian
WINSTON say S (HT, 5, 5/1992) that
Boericke & Tafel vacated their location at
1011 Arch St., in Philadelphia, on January
15, 1992. Julian WINSTON assisted in the
shifting and in the process clean and sift the
material in the archives and very interesting
finds, like the metal plates used for printing
the BOERICKE’s Materia Medica, metal
plates containing the picture of many great
personalities, many bottles containing
original plants dried and some infested with
insects, old triturating machines, and many
other material of historical value. “The
artifacts are safe. But the ambiance is gone.
One hundred ten years at a single location!
An era has ended!”
17. HAHNEMANN’s descendant
presents diplomas (HT, 12, 5/1992) The
College of Homoeopathy at Santa Monica,
CA (USA) ceremony of the presentation of
the diplomas was held on January 17, 1992.
While the guest speaker was Dr. Jacquelyn
WINSTON the event of historic importance
was the visit of a member of
HAHNEMANN’s own family; Mr. William
from Samuel HAHNEMANN’s favorite
daughter, AMALIE, and her son, Leopold
from the UK, and presented the diplomas.
He also presented honorary diplomas to Dr.
WILSON, Dr. Linda JOHNSON, Dr. Bill
REID, and Julian WINSTON. A special
feature of the ceremony was the award of a
photograph of a portrait of HAHNEMANN
with an imprint of his original seal. A
magnificent collection of artifacts of the
HAHNEMANN family was on display.
They included HASHNEMANN’s seal, his
signet ring with his profile imprint in amber,
a cameo brooch worn by MELANIE
HAHNEMANN and early, 19
Meissen porcelain. Mr. and Mrs.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 125
presented one of Samuel HAHNEMANN’s
dinner plates of priceless Meissen porcelain.
18. Jeremy SHERR gave Seminar in
California (early 1992), His real thrust was
his insight into the Organon, SHERR said,
“Let the patient talk”, which meant that we
should not interrupt the patient with
questions. Often we allow the patient to
speak spontaneously the first round and with
the knowledge of some remedies, which
would appear suitable to the case, put
questions to confirm; this should not be. It
would possibly change course of the Vital
Force’s outflow of information. More often,
the patient would go on to give a further
round of information and even a third round
or so. The information may be given in
waves. The flow of information starts,
peaks, begins to subside and then stops. But
then, another wave follows. After two or
three such waves the patient usually says,
“Well, that’s really all”. At this point a
simple; hmmm’ or ‘anything else’ of some
encouraging word will often bring on the
next wave of information. The patient
always thinks of something else of say!
sometimes it will be information that was
already given—but this is a guide to the
emphasis of the case (i.e. the most limiting
symptoms). The beauty is that this way a
great deal of case taking is done without you
asking a lot of questions, or wracking your
brains to remember what would differentiate
on remedy from another. The patient tells
you the remedy without great deal of effort
on your part—simply by disciplining
yourself to listen to the patient. Sometimes
the patient will tell you or get you to ask
questions but then you say “I will, but first
you go on some more”. SHERR says that it
is important to be relaxed. It is also
important to be in the present, while case
taking. He also spoke about his provings and
of administering remedies by olfaction.
The practice begins with the
philosophy, the patient is blameless, you
look from the case to the remedy (not the
other way around). You find the weakest
point in the case and just nudge!
19. The institute of Clinical Research
(ICR), Bombay celebrated the 237
Hahnemann Day in April 1992, with a
lecture by Dr. Praful BARVALIA, Dr.
BARVALIA spoke on Remedy Response
Recognitions and Management of Clinical
Patterns. He felt that “there was a need to
evolve a general “operational” guidelines
through a thorough analysis of different
clinical experiences to help build a firm
conceptual basis. To this end, over a dozen
problem-laden cases were used to chart out a
journey through the maze of interpretations
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 126
of remedy reaction. While repetition of
remedy repeatedly was found to be injurious
in some of the cases presented BARVALIA
sand that an absolute adherence to a single
dose schedule in any clinical condition
without active consideration of the patient’s
state of susceptibility was also condemned.
Physicians should not get stuck in the rut of
routine. (IJHM, 27, 1/1992)
20. Person of the Year (IJHM, 27,
1/1992): Dr. K.N. KASAD was awarded the
‘Dr. Hahnemann Memorial National Award
1992’ for his outstanding contribution of
Homoeopathy in all its branches. The brief
article highlights Dr. KASAD’s
21. The Homo-based Homoeopath
(IJHM, 27, 1/1992) Experience of a young
homoeopath who set-up practice in her
home; interesting and practical tips.
22. The Doctor-Patient relationship.
SANDHU Maureen Lockhart (IJHM,
27, 1/1992): Discusses the attitudes and
mental state which a (homoeopathic) doctor
should cultivate. If he/she does not already
possess these are discussed. The doctor must
be approachable. Love understanding and a
human approach is part of the treatment. The
inter-action between the doctor and patient
is as important as medicine. It is the human
touch available in Homoeopathy that many
patients turn to it.
Dokumentation, Historie and
Legendon des Hofrates Dr. med,
habil. Christian Friedrich Samuel
Hahnemann. SCHWEITAZER, W.,
karl F. Haug Vertag. Heldelberg
1991, 164 S., 159 Abb. (davon 19
viertarbig). Kart. DM 36., (German)
(AHZ, 237, 4/1992) review by
This is fruit of decades-long collection
and compilation by Dr. SCHWEITZER of
pictures, documents, legends etc, relating to
HAHNEMANN and his times. The book
contains 159 pictures. (19 in color). Many of
the pictures are, however, light. This
because many originals were lost during the
Second World War and prints had to be
made out of photos, which have faded due to
“We are thankful to Dr. SCHWEITZER
such an excellent presentation”.
2. Gesammelte Arznelprufungen sus
Stapts “Archiv fur die homoeopathic
Hellkunst” (1822-1848). GYPSER,
K.H. and A. WALDECKER (Hrsg.),
Karl F. Haug Vertag, Heidelberg
1991, 3 Bands, XVI, 1316 S.,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 127
Gebunden, DM 185 (German)
review by KLUNKER.
The three volumes (1316 pages) contain
provings of 48 medicines and some
fragmentary provings, which appeared in
STAP’s “Archiv” during the years 1822-
1848, during HAHNEMANN’s life time;
some contributed by him, some from his
students and co-provers like STAPF and
GROSS. These are thus authentic. The
volumes are well bound, easy to handle.
Everyone interested in HAHNEMANNian
Homoeopathy will be thankful to the editors
and the publishers for this work.
3. Homoeopathie in Frauenheilkunde
und Geburtshife. 5., uberarb. Aufl.,
SCHLUREN, E., Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Heldelberg 1987, 274 S., mit
Griffregister, geb, DM 57, review by
indispensable work”.
4. SING, H, und SINGH, A.H.
Synthetic Materia Medica of Mind.
Smriti publications, New Delhi, 1990.
483pp. Rs. 200/- reviewed by
GENNEPER (English) ZKH, 37,
“Not a valuable addition to the
homoeopathic literature”.
5. A New Model of Health and Disease
by George VITHOULKAS, Health
and Habitat and North Atlantic
Books, 1991, 205 pp. & 8.95
reviewed by Mike STRANGE (The
Homoeopath, 12, 3/1992)
“This book is a major contribution to
the philosophy and science of medicine.
Written by one of this century’s greatest
exponents of the art and science of healing.
In it, George VITHOULKAS attempts the
mammoth task of sorting out the almost total
mess into which the established medicine
has led humanity with regard to the nature of
health and disease, and so the appropriate
approaches to therapeutics… The central
thesis is that a human (and other life forms
of course) is an energy complex and not just
a mechanical being… The book deserves to
be read and studied widely by all health
6. Treatise on homoeopathic medicine
by Francisco Xavier EIZAYAGA,
Edicines Marecel, Buenos Aires,
1991. 315 pp. $ 44, reviewed by
Julian WINSTON (The Homoeopath,
12, 3/1992)
“…The book is well worth reading by
the practicing homoeopath. If it is read
slowly, with though, it will give all
prescribes a lot to think about. It lets
Elzayaga present Homoeopathy as he sees it,
and not how other people think he sees it,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 128
and not how other people think about it. it is
concise and surprisingly clear…”
7. Sports and Exercise injuries:
Conventional Homoeopathic and
Alternative Treatments by Steven
SUBOTANIK. Homoeopathic
Education Services & North Atlantic
Books, Berkeley, California, 1991,
393 pp. $ 18.95 reviewed by Jim
ROGERS (The Homoeopath, 12,
“This book is the most useful I have
yet seen on the treatment of sports injuries…
Steven SUBOTNIK’s book… offers not
only a detained self help guide but an
itegrated manual treatment which will be a
valuable reference for physiotheraphists and
many other professsionais. The author is a
podiatrist and foot surgeon who became
interested in Homoeopathy after his son was
cured of recurrent bronchitis and pneumonia
with constitutional treatment. His
enthusiasm for the subject comes over in the
book which is well thought out and
enjoyable to read. …the book which is set to
become an invaluable reference for all those
involved in treating sports injuries”
8. Homoeopathic Paediatrics:
Assessment and Case Management
Homoeopathic Education Services &
North Atlantic Books 1991, 337 pp. $
39.95 reviewed by Madeleine van
Homoeopathic, 12, 3/1992)
“… This is a textbox for practitioners
specializing in homoeopathic paediartrics in
North America. It nevertheless, does provide
a detailed and extensively referenced
overview of the techniques that have been
developed, mainly by American
Psychologists, to assess children with
complex chronic problems.
“The book is divided into three main
sections, an introduction to the use of
Homoeopathy for children’s problems, the
assessment of children, and homoeopathic
management. The text is enlivened by the
use of case studies to example of illuminate
specific points.
“The major section on assessment is
comprehensive, including descriptions of the
various techniques, charts and tables to
determine the motor, cognitive and
emotional development of children at
different ages.
“An authoritative book by a highly
respected author and homoeopath. Its major
content is concerned with specialized
assessment techniques for children and it is
therefore of limited use to the generalist
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 129
9. The one minute or so healer 500
Quick and Simple Ways to Heal
Yourself Naturally by Dana
ULLMAN, Jeremy P. Tancher, 207
pp. $ 8.95 reviewed by Mirando
CASTRO (The Homoeopath, 12,
“…It is jam packed full of information
and good common-sense suggestions for
helping yourself in a wide variety of
illnesses using natural ‘remedies’
including herbs, Homoeopathy (key-note
prescribing), nutrition, acupressure and
10. Catching Good Health with
Homoeopathic Medicine, by
Raymond GARRETT and TaRessa
STONE, CRCS Publicatons:
Sebastopol, California, 1990. 138 pp.
є 6.95 reviewed by Paulette BLISS
(The Homoeopath, 12, 3/1992)
…The books is patient friendly’.
Indeed more than half of its 138 pages are
devoted to case histories told by patients in
their own words, that is what makes it so
irresistible and convincing…
“Throughout, the book is sprinkled
with quotations from VITHOULKAS,
“Neither of the authors are
homoeopaths… I cannot compare this book
with others because there are none like it. If
the worn state of my two copies is anything
to go by, it must be serving some good
purpose. Patients are reluctant to return it
and often lend it to their friends.”
11. Homoeopathy in the United States: A
Bibliography of Homoeopathic
Medical Imprints, 1825-1925 by
Francisco CORDASCO, Junius-
Vaughn Press, Fairview, NJ (USA)
1991 $ 42. Reviewed by Chris
ELLITHORP (HT, 1, 11/1991)
Prof. CORDASCO relies heavily on
T.L. BRADFORD’S ‘Homoeopathic
Bibliography of the United States, 1825-
1892; while he has drawn from many other
sources, he has not taken assistance from the
homoeopathic community.
The book has many shortcomings and
is not a big improvement upon
BRADFORD’S Bibliography. …If the
author had taken the pains to seek the help
of some of the best private collections (like
for instance Chris ELLITHORP’s Bill
KIRTRO’s Danas ULLMAN’s B & T’s.
Richard MOSKOWITZ’s. Julian
WINSTON’s the National College of
Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregaon,
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 130
Ohio State University in Coloumbus, the
collections of Andre SAINE in Canada, the
Faculty of Homoeopathy in Great Britain,
the library of the BHA, the collections of
Franchis TREUHERZ’s, Jacques BAUR’s
and K.H. GYPSER’s etc) the work could
have been really useful.
The book is not complete. “The only
way to find out about the homoeopathic
literature is to go the only people who really
care about it – the homoeopaths.”
12. Clinical Experiences by Erastus
CASE, MD, edited by Jay YASGUR,
Van Hoy Publishers, Greenville, PA,
1991, 329 pages, pb. $ 22.50
Reviewed by Francis TREUEHERZ’
and Julian WINSTON (HT, 12,
…”He (Dr. CASE) “did not
philosophize much. His mind was pre-
eminently practical in its workings, although
he was quick to sense any deviation form the
straight and narrow way in practice, or any
perversion of doctrine in teaching. To heal
the sick according to the strict principles of
homoeopathy laid down by HAHNEMANN
in the Organon of medicine was his mission
and his highest ideal. No man ever applied
those principles more conscientiously nor
more successfully than did Dr. CASE. …He
was a most painstaking and conscientious
examiner, systematically writing down
every symptom of each case, and every
change occurring during treatment. Each
case was carefully studied and the remedy
worked out by the repertory method of
which he was past master … Dr. CASE
had, to a very high degree, the ability to
discern the essential elements of a case upon
which a homoeopathic prescription is based.
He studied and sifted the symptoms until the
characteristics of the remedy stood out clear
and distinct. …He was an acute observer, an
able diagnostician and an accurate prescriber
Dr. CASE published from time to time, a
series of cases, so concisely stated, so
admirably constructed, so systematically
worked out and so brilliantly cured that the
international Hahnemannian Association,
before which many of them were presented,
did him the honor to request him, in 1915,to
collect and publish them in a volume,
together with such other articles on the
practice of medicine as he thought fit to
include. …he consented and the volume of
226 pages was published in 1916 …The
entire edition was bought by members of the
Association and colleagues …It is safe to
say that no more valuable and important
illustration of the verification of the
principles and methods of homoeopathy
have ever been published. Every case
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 131
reported is a model of clearness,
conciseness, and completeness. …Much
verification of new and rarely used remedies
are presented in most attractive form.
Practical hints and suggestions appear on
almost every page …Thought it all shines
the modesty, the tender sympathy with man
and animals (some of the most charming
cases reported are those of sick animals), the
love for his work, and the fidelity to the
principle which characterized the man in all
his relations… To Dr. CASE homoeopathy
was a science, an art, and a religion. To it he
gave the devotion of an humble, teachable
spirit and highly trained mind for forty-four
years…” (Stuart CLOSE)
“…should be on the shelf (and in the
mind) of everyone who loves homoeopathy.
NOTE: The ‘Current Literature
Listing’ is only a classified list with brief
abstract summary of the articles, which
appeared in the various homoeopathic
journals, world over. Readers should refer to
the original articles for detailed study.
Full address of the Journals covered
by this Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST
(Vol. X, No, 3/1993) is given below.
1. ZKH: Zeitschrift fur Klassische
Homoeopathic, Karl F. Haug Verlag,
2. JA1H:
The Journal of the
American Institute of
1585, Glencoe, DENVER, Colorado
Van Walbeokstr.
85-3 1058. CM
4. HL:
Homoeopathic Links,
Homoeopathic Research &
"Dinar", 20 Station Road, Santacruz
BOMBAY - 400 054.
5. HH:
Homoeopathic Heritage, B. Jain
Publishers (P) Ltd.,
1920 Street, 10th
Chuna Mandi, Pahargnj, Post Box 5775,
NEW DELHI-110 055.
The International
Foundation for
Homoeopathy, 2366,
Eastlake Avenue E, Suite 329,
7. ACD:
Archiv fur Homoopathik,
18, 4200 OBERHAUSEN 11,
8. BHJ:
British Homoeopathic Journal,
Royal London,
Homoeopathic Hospital,
Great Ormond Street, LONDON,
The Journal of
the Homoeopathic
Academy of
Naturapathic Physicians, 11231 SE
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 132
Street, PORTLAND, OR 97216,
National Journal of
Homoeopathy, Milan Clinic,
Saraswati Road, Santa Cruz (W),
BOMBAY - 400 054.
Medicina futura
Homoeopathy, 1-2-217/7,
Gaganmahal Road,
HYDERABAD - 500 029.
Asian Homoeopathic Journal,
37, South Anarkali
Extension, DELHI -110051.
Indian Journal of
Homoeopathic Medicine, CMP
Homoeopathic Medical College,
N.R. Gadkari Marg, Irla,
Vile Parle (West), BOMBAY - 400
Journal of the Society of
Homoeopath, 2, Artizan Road,
4HU, U.K.
H.T.: Homoeopathy Today,
National Center for
Homoeopathy, 500, Massachusells
Avenue, N.W. Suite
42, WASHINGTON D.C. 20005,
Allgemeine Homoopathische
Zeitung, Karl F. Haug
Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1,
GERMANY. Some more journals
would be included from 1994.
Suggestions are welcome.
Some more journals would be included
from 1994.
Suggestions are welcome.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 133
4.QHD, Vol. X, 4, 1993
1. Das ewige innere der "black box" - Oder:
Uber das biologistische
Selbstmissverstandnis in der Homoopathie
(the eternal "black-box" - or the
misundertstandiny in Homoeoopathy)
DEUTSCHMANN U. (AHZ, 237, 6/1992)
Attempts to explain the effectiveness of
homoeopathic drugs basing on proofs of active
substances are criticized in general, beginning
from the muddled discussion about
homoeopathic therapy within the medical
profession. Homoeopathy history is compared
with the history of a contemporary
phenomenon in medicine: Hypnosis, which
because of a physicalistic and spiritualistic
interpretation lost its credibility since decades.
The inability of the official medicine to
investigate the powers of homoeopathic healing
in a less reductionist manner is explained by the
dogmatic separation of body and soul. The blind
spots in such explanations are also clarified.
Reflecting the patient-physician relationship in a
case history, a hypothetic position is given that
opens the possibility to understand more
appropriately the phenomenon of
homoeopathic therapy.
2. Medicine and Science
BERGMAN Herbert (HL, 5,
"Only from the natural sciences can the
salvation of the medical sciences be expected" - a
statement from the turn of the century from the
time when soul and emotions have been
sacrificed to a materialistic dogma. The author
leads us through medical history to the
renaissance of human qualities in our time, and to
a future 'ecological medicine.' He shows us how
the paradigms in the natural sciences went
through a process of change, which so far has
only had little impact on modern medicine.
3. Hormesis
ROBINSON Karl (HL, 5, 1/1992)
The Arndt-Schulz law which states that
biological systems respond very differently to
chemicals in different doses has been
rediscovered by research biologists and renamed
Hormesis. Much new experimental evidence has
accumulated over the last forty years showing
that biological, physiological or bio-chemical
responses to a drug at a low dose may be
completely opposite to that response when a larger
dose is administered. This paper reports on some
of that research which is thought to buttress
homoeopathic theory.
4. Chaos theory and Homoeopathy
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 134
HOCK Nikolaus and GARNER Christoph (HL,
5,1/1992) In recent years Chaos theory has been
increasingly used to describe different
phenomena in various areas of science. Some
basic aspects of this theory, which may be of
importance with respect to homoeopathic
principles, are discussed. Chaos theory may
provide a mathematical model to explain the
findings of "sinusoidal" curves in
homoeopathic research and to demonstrate the
princple of self-similarity in Homoepathy This
model may give a possible explanation for a
specific action of high homoeopathic potencies
far beyond the Avogadro number.
5. Syndrome Shift oi - The morbid substitution
as a leading principle in Homoeopathy
DEBATS Fernand (HL, 5, 1/1992)
The phenomena of syndrome shift, the
substitution of one disease by another, has been
described thorugh-out medical history. Although
not explainable in orthodox medicine, it has
never been investigated thoroughly. In
Homoeopathy we not only do know this
phenomenon but actually apply it in our
therapeutic approach. Homoeopathy is curing
diseases by inducing syndrome shifts by means
of potencies, chosen according to the law of
similars and guided by Hering's taw of cure.
6. Theory of Miasms
SANKARAN Rajan (HL, 5,2/1992)
Is the miasms theory still valid? There are
varying views on this. Dr.ORTEGA has
developed a theory of chronic miasms.
SANKARAN classifies the Miasms as: Acute,
Psoric, Sycotic, Syphilitic, and Tuberculinic.
Acute = acute threat; Psoric = struggle;
Sycotic = cover-up of internal weakness,
masking; Syphilitic = Breaking, no recovery
possible and so change or destroy; Tuberculinic
= struggle, if failure then destroy.
(VITHOULKAS opines that the theory of
miasms although conceptually sound is useless
for choice of remedy. He proposed to add to the
three classic miasma the Tuberculinic, the
Carcinomatous, as well as the more modern
miasms of Penicillin and Cortisone. = See Report
on George VITHOULKAS Seminar in Verona. =
7. "Familienahnlichkeit" zwischen
Prufungssymptomen in der Homoopathie
("Familysimilarity" between Proving
Symptoms in Homoeopathy)
WEGENER, A. (ZKH, 36, 5/1992)
In 1860 HOPPE wrote in an article that since
the 'prover' could possibly have many ailments
which may be slumbering and the 'proving
may cause any or many of these
slumbering symptoms become worse. To avoid
confusion of such symptoms with the symptoms
which belong purely to the 'proving remedy', the
personal symptoms of the 'prover' must be
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 135
observed and noted before the 'proving
, said
HOPPE. In 1861 HERING, in an article in the
Homoopathischan Vierteljahrschrift, dealt
thoroughly with the homoeopathic remedy
provings, and said that every symptom is a
product of both = the remedy and the prover. He
pointed out that a remedy can only express
something belonging to the prover. He
demonstrated this by the resemblance of
symptoms obtained by the same prover with
different remedies. The author says as a further
proof of HERING's observation,
HAHNEMANN's symptoms in Cocculus and
Hepar - "Serious, and though caring little about
his own health, he is very anxious about the
illness of others" (Symptom No.531 of the
Materia Medica Pura) and "Fears about the
illness of his family, especially while walking in
the open air" (Symptom No.5 of the Chronic
Diseases) Possibly these were HAHNEMANN's
personal symptoms (see HAHNEMANN's
"Extracts from a letter to a high-ranking
1. Notes on Guao
NAVARRO Jose J (HH, 17, 7/1992)
Guao is a plant that grows in Cuba. Four
cases are published. Dr.Carrol DUNHAM
remarks that Guao is 'Comocladia dentate'
belonging to the same family as Rhus
toxicodendron (Anacardiaceae). The article is
very interesting. A reprint.
2. Taxus baccata - An experience with a new
remedy KAPADIA Sarabhai (HH, 17,
The author draws attention to the peculiar
symptom of Taxus baccata "Abdomen,
rumbling, fasting, while" on the basis of which
he cured such conditions as Metromenorrhagia
with copious leucorrhoea, piles and fissures,
osteoarthritis with high levels of uric acid,
asthma with sinusitis, chronic migraine and
pigmentation on face, recurrent styes,
meibomian cysts.
3. Symphytum - a clinical verification
MANKAD S.K. (HH, 17. 8/1992)
The author highlights the role of
Symphytum in gastric/duodenal ulcers and
gastralgia. He also mentions that this patient
suffered, before the gastric ailment, profound
grief following the death of a close relative.
4. Homoeopathic drug proving - a scientific
FRANK Wieland (HL, 5,1/1992)
Many attempts have been made in the past to
develop a drug proving concept which should be
accepted by at least a number of doctors in a
country. This draft of a concept is the
crystallization of a great number of
discussions with many homoeopathic
doctors in Europe. It is presented as a draft
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 136
for discussion with the hope to finally
develop a drug proving protocol which
follows a clear method, serves the purpose to
get reliable symptoms for the Materia
Medica and is practicable.
A"Symosium on homoeopathic drug
provingson healthy persons" was to be held
on 12 June 1992 to 14 June 1992 in Fried
rich rhods, Eastern part of Germany. 5. A
proving of Candida parapsilosis
DONALD Brown, and ANDREW Lange
(HL, 5,1/1992) Candida parapsilosis is a
common yeast-like organism that has been
implicated in human infection. It has been
recovered from respiratory secretions, urine,
gastric washings, blood, vagina, oropharynx,
skin, transtracheal aspiration, stool, pleural
fluid, ear, and nails. In the vagina it is found
less frequently than Candida albicans and
Torulopsis glabrata.
A homoeopathic proving of Candida
parapsilosis was carried out between
September 10,1989 and October 2,1989 with
20 participants aged 25-65 years; however,
finally after screening 16 provers (9 females
6 males) were chosen.
Very tired and scatter-brained Total "loss of
mind"; seeing red lights and thinking they
green. Mind races and words come
3ut in wrong order or
mispronounced. Spacey and poor
concentration. Concentration difficult
Extremely anxious.
More easily aggravated and frustrated.
Explosive anger at minor incidents - as
though their rights were
being infringed upon.
Forgetful. Unusually
Dizziness and hot flushes - butter in
open air.
Pain - frontal constriction; worse in
direct sunlight. Wakes with a
headache - "banging" sensation.
Outer edges of scalp itch.
Eczema-like patches on hairlne - red,
scaly and itching. Itching of scalp, dry,
flaking, 'eddened spot along hairline.
"Sick" headache with frontal aching and
mild throbbing. Eyes Itching (2)
Burning pain - wakes at 1 a.m. with
burning eyes. Eyes bloodshot - worse
medial to iris.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 137
Left nostril bleeding - bright red
blood. Stuffiness (3 provers)
Tiny, white pimples with dry skin. Lower lip
burning and tingling. Lower lip: Small dry
patch - flaking skin {1 x 1/2 cm). Swollen
feeling around face sensation of fine
Burning and tingling of mouth and lower lip
with a hot feeling down the oesophagus imo
the stomach. Boil on buccal mucosa of left
cheek. Woke with hive-like swelling of
lower lip Tingling of lips immediately after
taking medication. Sensitive nodules on
posterior tongue bllaterlly - like an apthous
Itching throat.
Woke at one a.m.with burning throat
and thirst.
Decreased appetite.(1) Very thirsty. Increased
appetite. (3) Craves salt. (2) Craves pickles
and garlic.
Abdominal cramping four hours after eating
lunch - better with
Abdominal cramping five hours after lunch.
Gas and bloating after eating with heartburn.
Fullness in stomach two hours after eating -
duration of 7 days, Ratulence - odorous and
frequent with lower abdominal cramps.
Lower left quadral abdominal pain - cramps.
Constipation (3)
Well-formed and hard.
Loose stools. Green,
acidic stools.
Increased urge to urinate
Urine Intense smelling urine. Strong-
smelling urine with very dark .yellow
Genitalia Male
Decreased sexual desire.
Genital la Female
Itching in pubic hair - red and sore - better
with bathing. Vaginal itching. Clear vaginal
discharge. Fertile mucous for the entire active
proving (7 days) when 1 -2
days normal. Menses eight days
late. Egg-white ieucorrhoea -
dripping discharge.
Larynx and Trachea
Heartburn. Esophagal reflux.
Burning and tingling with hot sensation
down the oesophagus.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 138
Sensation of arrythmia with light-headed
feeling. Prominent quick heartbeat which
reverberates through the chest. Violent
heart flutter for five seconds which caused
immobilizing fear - occurred while lying
on left side. Worst premenstrual breast-
tenderness ever.
Woke with hive-like swelling on the right
hip. Forearms very itchy and slightly red on
volar surface - worse
with a wool shirt on.
Itchy heel - pruritis.
Two small vesicles on right arm under watch
very red and itchy.
Recurring, burning spot on medial border of
left scapula - feels
as if stung by a scorpion. Upper, lateral
aspect of right scapula - point feels as if
bitten but
no lesion present.
Pimple-like sore on buttocks - pink and raised and
sore to touch. Itching all over as if a bug or other
irritant were on skin, scratching skin relieves
6. Ginkgo Biloba D30 - A proving
SWOBODA Franz and KONIG Peter (HL,
5,1/1992) A double-blind placebo-controlled
study of proving of Ginkgo biloba D30 was done
in Vienna on 25 provers in two parts in 1987
AND 1989, by Franz SWOBODA and Peter
KONIG. The proving symptoms confirmed the
empirically known focus of GThkgo, namely the
reduction in the function of the mind, e.g.
forgetfulness and concentration problems,
indifference, and a shying away from social
The abstract indicates Ginkgo as a very
useful remedy, a "deep psoric".
7. Cuprum metallicum
SMITS Tinus (HL, 5, 2/1992)
The most difficult differential of Cuprum
is with Carcinocin; another is Arsenicum
because of the enormous anxiety, fear of death,
fastidiousess, cautiousness, amelioration from
occupation, anxious restlessness and
The main points which can direct us to
Cuprum are first of all the appearance of the
patient: the combination of the blue sclera,
protruding eyes and swelling around the eyes is
a very strong indication. Secondly there is
tension from anxiety plus anticipation,
overworking, fear of failure and mental,
emotional or physical suppression. They try to
control everything in a rigid manner, are
fastidious and have to respect the rules. They
plan everything and have difficulty to adapt.
Serious and cautious and do not like to take risks.
Less anxious when occupied. Their anxiety for
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 139
others especially for their family members has
been verified many times. On physical level
there is always some form of cramps or tension:
migraine, epilepsy, asthma, hypertension, angina
pectoris, tension in the neck and shoulders and
cramps in the muscles, especially the toes.
Exhaustion and prostration -'burnt out'.
Cuprum children can be very difficult; they
are not soft with aversion to touch or to be
approached. They don't have even good contact
with their parents.
Twenty cases have been narrated. A
'Synthesis of Cuprum metallicum' has also been
appended which is very valuable.
8. Graphites
SANKARAN Rajan (HL,5, 2/1992)
A vivid portrait of Graphites is drawn with
the aid of the more important rubrics from the
SR. It is clear that no remedy can be firmly fixed
with an image; every remedy is plastic with very
wide range of application often quite opposite of
what one has generally understood it to be.
9. Ferrum phosphorieum - a group dream
BECKER Jurgen (HL, 5, 2/1992)
Ferrum phosphorieum is a remedy poorly
known. Except for its application in 'fever' it Is
rarely prescribed. The results of this proving offer
new modalities as well as a mental picture and
may open new application for this interesting
remedy. The method of proving itself is
unconventional. 10. Syphilinum, the remedy
BIANCHINI Roberto (The Homoeopath, 12,
Syphilinum is not fully represented either in
the Materia Medica or the Repertory. This
paper focuses on the symptoms based on the
Provings and Clinical experiences.
A brief study of Syphilis as a disease is
given. The author says that the symptomatology
of AIDS resembles Syphilis to a large degree.
The study proceeds under chapters:
Generalities, Disgust, Dwarfishness,
Secretivenass, The dark depressive side, Insanity,
Despair and Hopelessness, The obsessive trait,
Dreams, etc. in interesting detail.
Key modalities:
Syphilinum has a marked aggravation at night.
This does not have to be present in every case, but
will be there in most. Aggravation from sunset to
in winter, long nights aggravate
morning on waking
at seashore
extremes heat or cold
during thunderstorms Amelioration in
mountains; this is a marked amelioration
slow, gentle motion which is the case with
many venous
remedies (Puls.)
during the day
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 140
cold bathing,especially to the part
Desires/Aversions Desire for alcohol
possible for coffee. Dr.Tinus SMITS states that
in two cases
he observed strong desire tor coffee and I have
observed it
in one case.
Aversion to meat; to food in
general Key Physical symptoms:
Bone pains; sawing; agg.at night
Salivation during sleep (Merc.)
Feels as if hot water or blood boiling in veins,
agg. at night. Dwarfishness Sleeplessness
Succession of abscesses; chronic abscess, fistulae
Leucorrhoea profuse, running to the heels
Headache, deep crushing headache; like inverted
T temple to
temple Rheumatic shoulder joint at the
insertion of deltoid agg.raising
the arm laterally Varicosities, agg. heat Epilepsy
agg. after menses
Based on CANDEGABE's Schema here is a
condensation of what I feel are the Minimum
Syndrome of Maximum Value:
Despair hopelessness
Disgust delusions of dirt, contamination
phobias Secretive hiding
Distant averse to company, far farway
feeling, estranged
Destructive anti-social, impulse to kill
Degraded low self-esteem, worthlessness
Nighttime agg. Mountains
Differentials and comparisons with Aurum,
Mercurius, Arsenicum and Causticum are
discussed followed by four cases. 11.
Revisioning Silica
CARLYLE Julian (The Homoeopath, 12,4/1992)
This is a study of 5/Y/ca, in two parts. The first
part is a review of the nature of the substance
itself with an attempt to understand what it
stands for in nature and in the human being;
external nature and internal nature. The approach
is allegorical. The second part entitled 'The
Silica patient's story' is a documentation,
using the language of the patient, of the
fundamental themes and symptomatolgy of
Silica derived from observaton of over 20 cases
that have done well on the remedy.
The author discusses these cases under
key-words and phrases used by the patients: Lack
of confidence
Lack of self-esteem
Fear of failure
Lack of identity
Avoidance of confrontation
Worry about others
Rigidity; barriers
Feelings, emotions and selt-expression blocked
Bottled up feelings; bottled up anger; cannot
express feelings,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 141
wants or desires
Maintaining control; controlling; fear of
losing control Instability and changeability;
fluidity; malleability;
drifting; swaying. Divided; duality;torn in two;
feel like two people; living in two
worlds; pulled two ways; battle In me; struggle
between two
elements; two sides to my life, inner life and
life in the
world. Separated from the body; not on earth;
don't belong in this
body; don't feel actually in body;normal state
is being off
the grounds; cannot be in the world; never
found a niche in
this world. Separation between the upper and
lower; problem of upper and
lower; lower level is blocked off; crude side of
body not
integrated; somebody or something trying to
get out;
something inside, wild, instinctual, trying to
get out; fear of
lower stuff getting out; something not
right inside. Refinement; perfection
Isolation and separation
Abandoned; aloneness; lonelines; fear of
rejection The commonest food desires in these
cases were for salt,
sweet, cheese, fruit. The commonest aversions
were to
fatty, oily foods (includig milk and butter),
meat and hot
spicy foods. The author also suggests
following additions of rubrics:
Delusion, separated from the world, he is.
Delusion, soul, body was too small for or
separated from
Fear, narrow place, in; claustrophobia.
12. Tarantula hispanica, Lycosa tarantula the
Wolf Spider
BEDAYN Greg (The Homoeopath, 12,
A study of Tarantula hispanica. First he gives
a brief history of the many myths and facts about
the spider, about 'Tarantism'.
The Essence of Tarantula: Perpetual restless
motion linked with boundless energy; an
overstimulated nervous system that is compelled
to diffuse energy. It is as if there is an excess of
neurotransmitters. a chemical state. The
venom hyper-accelerates the nervous system.
It is a big epilepsy remedy. The key-notes:
Hurry, Industrious; Music amel.; Threatening;
Cunning; Feigning sickness; Hysteria. An
addition is suggested: Sympathetic, worse seeing
others in trouble.
The author refers to &n excellent lecture by
VIKKIMENEAR which beautifully high-lighted
the characteristics of Tarantula hispanica.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 142
13. Pneumonie bei Kindern - Antimonium
(Pneumonia in children - Antimonium
FREI, H. (ZKH 36,6/1992)
Two children, 4 and 6 years of age, one
suffering with acute Pneumonia as a
complication of an Asthamatic-bronchitis, and
the other presenting with Pneumonia in measles
were cured by one dose of Antimonium
tartaricum 30. The leading symptoms were: a
severe dyspnoea, with short and frequent
breathing, and an asphyxiating cough with little
expectoration, rattling on auscultation,
aggravation at night, inactivity and apathy, and
in one child an oversenstiveness to touch and in
the other a white tongue with small round ulcers.
14. Chronische Rhinitis Magnesium
carbonicum (Chronic
rhinits - Magnesium carbonicum)
GENNEPER, T. (ZKH, 36, 5/1992)
A 35-year-old female suffering from chronic
rhinitis was cured with Magnesium catbonicum
chosen on the basis of particular symptoms.
15. Applying Materia Medica in
The author has been preparing a book on the
"Genius" of the remedies, i.e., the characteristics
of the remedies. Each remedy is described under
the following headings: Synopsis; Causation;
Modalities; Food; Mind; Male/Female; Child;
Peculiar, uncommon, guiding symptoms,
General and Particular.
Argentum nitricum is given as a study in the
above manner.
16. Argentum nitricum
TARKAS, P.I. (NJH, 1, 3/1992)
A brief article on the remedy Argentum
17. Hydrastis
TARKAS, P-l. (NJH, 1,3/1992)
A brief sketch of Hydrastis canadensis.
1. Spondylosis
The author points out that excellent clinical
description of cervical spondylitis is given by
W.A.FRAMHOLD in the Hahnemannian
Gleanings 1981 pp.670-72and the suggestion of
Dulcamara because of the aggravation from cold
damp weather. The author claims to have cured
several cases on this modality. He gave 200
potency daily for four days. The author gives a
Dr. RAMANATHAN also recalls Dr.HUI
BON HOA's suggestion that a "very
characteristic pain at the level of the first dorsal
vertebra as if covered with bruises" for which
Nux was the remedy.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 143
(The Editor of HH adds that he could cure
many cases with Spigelia 200, M, Kalmia 30 to
M, Agaricus M, Theridion, Tellurium 30 to M.
Refer to CLARKE, ALLEN Key Notes, for
specific symptomatology i.e.the specific areas of
pain and nature of pain, extention of pain, etc)
2. Ischiorectal Abscess treated by
RAVIKANTI Murali (HH, 17,
A case of ischiorectal abscess treated by
Hepar 30 to 200 and cured in three weeks. (The
Editor comments that in his experience Silica M
three doses on one day heals fistula or abscess
right from within. He also recommends a dose
of Tuberculinum M at the end to hold the cure.)
3. Gerio-psychosis
DE H.N. (HH, 17, 8/1992)
Old age psychosis is discussed and cases also
given. A 63-year- old woman with Parkinson's
disease since three years was treated with Mygale
lasidora 30 t.d.s. for ten days followed later by
Oxytropis 30 t.d.s. and then b.d. and then
Plumbum metallicum XM in 'minim dose'.
A61-year-old woman with obsessional
neurosis since her climaxis at 46 years. Lachesis
200, then Stramonium XM, then Zincum
metatlicum XM.
4. Hepato-renal syndrome
MISHRA S.C.(HH, 17, 8/1992)
A 55-year-old-man with hepato-renal
syndrome was helped with Lycopodium 0/1,0/2
(sweating profusely between 4-5 p.m. to 7 p.m.,
desire for sweets, intelligent and a miser) and then
his allopathic medicine was continued. Follow-
up after an year: he needed a dose of
Lycopodiuum 30 and continues to be well.
5. Homoeopathy in treatment of patients with
of the uterus
POPOV A.V.(BHJ, 81, 4/1992)
The efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of
patients with fibromyoma of the uterus has been
studied. Eighty-four patients with various clinical
manifestations of the disease were under
observation. All patients revceived
homoeopathic therapy only. Besides pelvic
examination, real-time ultra-sonic sounding was
used for evaluation of tumour volume. The
period of observation varied from one to three
In our opinion Homoeopathy used alone is
an effective method of treatment of patients with
fibromyoma of the uterus. It is possible to stop
the growth of a tumour and even to reduce its
size, as well as to control pain and abnormal
endometrial bleeding. In the course of
investigation certain pattern of response to
treatment were found. These require further
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 144
The most frequently used remedies in their
order of frequency are: Puisatilla, Conium,
Calcium fluoricum, Sepia, lodum, Sabina,
Argentum nitricum, China, Ignatia, Siiicea,
Calcium carbonicum, Cimicituga, Apis
mellifica, Calcium iodatum, Lycopodium,
Sulphur, Nux vomica.
The authors say that the frequency of use of
various medicines may depend mainly on
personal peculiarities and the skill of the
homoeopath. The only condition of treatment is
following the principle of similarity.
6. Evolution of 26 cases of bronchial
asthma with
homoeopathic treatment
This is a review of a series of asthmatic
patients to evaluate the efficacy of their
homoeopathic treatment and the prognostic
features to take into account. Data of 26 patients
suffering from bronchial asthma (BA) are
analyzed, with a follow-up from 18 months to 11
years. Their evolution and special circumstances
and conditions that seem to facilitate or to
impede the cure under homoeopathic criteria
have been considered. The effectiveness of the
homoeopathic treatment (57% cured) is
confirmed and a relationship between BA and
vaccinations and suppressive treatments of
exanthemata was detected. The percentage of
patients cured with only one homoeopathic
remedy was high. There were 12 adults and 14
children and that makes this study more
interesting and valuable.
7. Thiosinaminum in the treatment plantar
fascitis with
calcaneal spur
PAIP.A. (BHJ, 81, 4/1992)
43 patients with plantar fascitis and caicaneal
spurs were studied. Rhus toxicodendron has been
recommended for this condition but gave
disappointing results. Most patients with
relatively recent symptoms responded to
Thiosinaminum 3x. Patients with longer
standing symptoms responded to
Thiosinaminum 3x combined with Mercurius
corrosivus 30c or Mercurius biniodatus 6c. After
resolution of symptoms patients were treated
with placebo and followed up for at least 8
8. Complementary cancer care
CLOVER Anne (BHJ, 81,
The demand for complementary cancer care
(CCC) is increasing. Cancer is a systemic
process and involves psychological factors. A
study published in the Lancet purporting to show
that CCC had a negative effect has been
discredited. The role of CCC and the
modalities employed, including
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 145
Homoeopathy, Acupuncture, Iscadors,
Relaxation, Diet and Massage are discussed.
The author recalls HAHNEMANN's advice
that physicians should be careful observers and
must constantly develop their skills. (The article
is based on the Richard HUGHE'S Memorial
Lecture, 14 May 1992).
9. A simple case of ankle fracture
KIPNIS Sheryl R. (Simillimum, 5,
A 36 year-old woman, a rock climber,
fractured her right foot talus, which she neglected
for two days as a result of which she sufferred
excruciating pains and swelling. Three days later
she had an open reduction surgery on her ankle
with a screw inserted. Her orthopaedist told that
because of the area involved and its limited blood
supply, there was a significant possibility that she
would have permanent loss of sensation, poor
healing and arthritis joint. He alsc said that she
might be just fine.
After a montt- she consulted the homoeopath
when she was still on pain medication every day,
especially to sleep.
None of the common remedies for injuries
seemed to fit her (taking the patient's history and
full case) and what was peculiar was that she
woke up between 2-4 a.m.
Kali carbonicum 30 one daily and in the
follow-up two weeks later she reported feeling -
stronger and stronger every day, oedema much
less, able to do isometeric exercises with her foot.
She was also surprised that she found that her
energy level went on improving.
Four weeks later, she continued to make
rapid progress. (KENT: "You have no idea as to
what remedywill be homoeopathic in the case
until you have examined all the symptoms, and
then proceed to find out that which
10. Ailments after mortification
SWOPE Harry (Simillimum,
A 71 year-old woman not well since a viral
cold. For many years she had been the patient of a
homoeopath who had retired recently. She felt
weak and weary with aching around the chest
that was better from pressure. Sensation
throughout her body "as if I were plugged into a
light socket. Felt "shaky", a general trembling.
Heat intolerable. Great anxiety about her health.
Heart pounding from just walking across the
street. H/o heart problems since being diagnosed
with a heart murmur in 1949. 1969 her mother
died of massive heart attack. Shortly after there
was an unpleasant scene in which her brother
harshly accused her of interfering in some family
matters regarding finances and she felt
"devastated" and she felt most hurt that none of
her family members defended her. She lost
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 146
She had on a number of occasions heart
palpitations, which at least on one occasion
required her to go to the emergency room. Her
treatment there frightened her so much that she
wanted to stay as far away from conventional
medicine as possible. Her treatment by the retired
homoeopath had relieved these symptoms when
they recurred and helped with other health
She refused to undergo an EKG or other
conventional tests.
Ailments after mortification and heart
palpitation were mainly considered and
Argentum nitricum came on top, although several
other confirmatory symptoms like craving for
sweets were absent. Argentum nitricum 200 was
Two days later she developed 'emergency'
call at the middle of night and there seemed to be
a return of 'old' symptoms. Then she felt much
Post script: over the course several years one
strange symptom recurred. She described it like
being "as if I were plugged into a light socket."
Along with this she also had dizziness. In the
1992 IFH Case Conference Nancy HERRICK
made some comments on Argentum metallicum
that included an electric-like shock on going to
sleep, dizziness, and sudden onset of symptoms.
By co-incidence this patient too had an
occurrence of those symptoms and she was given
Argentum metallicum 200, and she quickly felt
11. A menstrual disorder case
(Simillimum, 5,4/1992)
A 'vibrant' woman of 43 years with severe
PMS; starting nine days into the menstrual cycle
her troubles would begin. Lower abdominal
cramps abdominal bloating, swollen, painful
breasts, total exhaustion and a 'spacy hung-over
feeling, all relieved by the flow which was
bright-red, heavy during the first day; during
menses pain in the uterus and ovaries requiring
medicines. Although she has had always painful
menses, the PMS began three years ago after a
very stressful time.
Exhaustion on waking, but once she was on, her
energy was fine in the morning and in the early
afternoon and it dropped severely between 2 and
5.30. Much ameliorated with exercise and dance.
Despite her fatigue she was loquacious and spoke
rapidly with passionate intensity. As a child she
masturbated frequently which her mother
attempted to stop by shaming her. Her strong
sexual energy persisted with a sense of guilt.
During college she became more introspective
and doing a lot of drugs, smoked marijuana and
took LSD. "My college experience was drugs,
sex, and rock 'n
roll. I have not done anything in
moderation." She was thirstless; as a child she
chewed ice constantly. Although Medorrhinum
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 147
was indicated, Carcinosin was chosen due to the
family history of cancer.the history of parental
domination, the love of and amelioration by
dance, the extraversion, vitalness and
expressiveness that is characteristic of
Carcinosin 200 was repeated twice. She
continues to do well.
12. A case saved by my daughter
WARREN Don (Simillimum, 5,
This patient did not keep her appointment
twice and it was felt by the author that she was
not interested in her health; however, the
patient's daughter remarked "may be she needed
you much". A third appointment was arranged.
She had been unwell since a serious fall nine
months ago. Had taken too many sleeping
pills,lost her balance and fallen backwards;
fractured her skull from hitting the back of her
head on the bare floor, and lain unconscious for
two or three days. Remained in the hospital for
30 days. She was now on long-term disability.
Her tongue seemed too thick (it was thick and
beefy-red) and her words jumbled together and
it was difficult to understand her. Sometimes she
couldn't find the right word and would become
frustrated at her inability to communicate. She had
other problems with her speech. Everything
seemed different since her fall. Although she lived
alone she felt there was someone with her in the
room. Dreams so vivid as if they were real. Felt a
loss of self-control. Since the accident her short-
term memory failed. Also lost her sense of
balance and had an overwhelming fear of falling.
Natrum sulphuricum XM
No significant change after a week.
Stramonium 30 b.i.d. About 3 weeks after she
came in beaming reporting considerable
improvement which began about a week before.
Could walk without falling, speech was clearer
and energy returning, memory improved
dramatically. She still felt as if there was someone
in the room but it was a "reassuring" presence,
like that of her mother and it didn't worry her.
No change in the prescription.
After another three weeks she said she was
again fearful of falling. Stramonium 200
q.d.Immediate improvement. About three weeks
later complained of feeling weak in the legs and
again fear of falling. Stramonium M q.d. Again
immediate improvement, sense of smell had
started to return. She was on Stramonium M q.d.
for about six weeks and Neurologist's tests
showed that she was able to pass all the tests
which she was earlier unable to do. Her physician
was so much taken aback that he called in another
doctor and repeated the tests. They both declared
that she was back to normal.
13. A case of severe constipation and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 148
NONTIETH Richard V. (Simitlimum,
5, 4/1992)
A 23-tear-old female with severe
constipation - only one bowel movement in a
week; she also suffered from an unidentified skin
rash on her upper lip, some areas of her face, and
a more severe rash that covered most of the
crease on her left elbow. There was no discharge
from any of the skin lesions. These conditions
were since several months; had not been to a
doctor for treatment.
At 12 years of ago her father left the family,
and after that she was very bitter, angry, and
depressed for several years.
Ignatia amara 30 t.i.d. for one day. After
about 36 hours she had several profuse oowel
movements over a period of five hours. Rash on
the upper lip improved significantly. Felt relaxed
and had slept very well.
After 3 days all cf her previous symptoms
returned but with less severity than before taking
Ignatia. One dose of Ignatia 200 was given and
all symptoms again significantly improved.
Three days later severe skin eruption on face
oozing and appeared to be infected. 'Diagnosed
as impetigo. She suffered as a child severe
impetigo which was treated with antibiotics.
Viola tricolor 30 t.d.s. cured in three days,
without in anyway interfering with the beneficial
effects on the mental and emotional levels and
the constipation, brought about by Ignatia.
14. Threee cases
PARSONS Phil (Simillimum, 5, 4/1992)
1. A 38-year-old female with severe
periodontal disease.
The teeth are literally waving in the breeze. Gums
tender, swollen,
bleed when brushing; Teeth sensitive to heat, cold,
sweets; much
salivation and loss of appetite; tongue has patches
of red,sensitive
spots. Burning in right patella. She used to eat
(Taraxacum) as a child. Has dipsomania.
Four teeth were extracted and Taraxacum
30 given. Bleeding was controlled.
2. A case of Penicillin poisoning in a 53-
year-old woman
with an abscessed first molar. Has a heart murmur
and is taking
Penicillin as a prophylactic before dental care.
Feels feverish with
soreness, right-sided maxillary pain, pain in back
and kidney
region. These were recognised,
homoeopathically, as Penicillin
poisoning. Penicillin 200 was given and in one
minute pain in the
right maxillary region was gone. Better. As George
says she had an acquired miasm (Penicillin
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 149
3.43-year-old female, attractive and pleasant
person. Pain in the lower right first molar at the
gum line on the facial side. Pain worse from
warm liquids and food. Tongue indented and
trembles. Pain right forehead in the sinus area.
Pain across the kidney area in back. Has been
poisoned with Penicillin.
Penicillin M. For subsequent ailments she
received Rhus toxicodendron, Calacarea
carbonica, Agaricus muscarius, over a period of
about five years.
15. White hat and sunglasses
HERINGTON Heather (Simillimum, 5, 4/1992)
A33 year-old man, gay, with AIDS diagnosed
eight weeks before. An interesting personality.
He came for skin allergy to sulfa-based drug that
had been given to him for pneumocystic
pneumonia three weeks before. Sulphur 200. He
had other subsequent ailments like tumour in the
speech center, seizures, herpes, headaches, itchy
skin, and shingles, etc. The remedies indicated
for the comditions were given. However, his end
came despite the fact that he had significant
improvement of his conditions when the
homoeopathic remedies were given.
It is interesting that the patient prepared
himself for the end and died peacefully accepting
death. In this case Plumbum metallicum acted
16. A case of recurrent vomiting
MORGAN Al (Simillimum, 5,
An eight year-old boy with intermittent but
frequent vomiting. All tests and change of diets,
etc., did not produce any improvement. The boy
was very athletic and popular with students,
teachers, and family, gentle; confident, sensitive
to rudeness, even-tempered, slightly timid;
sympathetic and very affectionate; desires travel;
seldom cries yet does so easily if reprimanded;
restless sleep; hurried at meal-time because he
wants to play
Phosphorus 200; began to improve. Later
Phosphorus XM thrice for recurrence over a
period of over an year. His episodes of vomiting
seemed to be associated with his anger with
mother for divorcing his father.
17. "Hypochondriacal Anxiety" and "Anxiety
about Health"
WEBLEY Don (Simiilimum, 5,4/1992)
The author says that "hypochondriacal
anxiety" is not "anxiety about health" and that
therefore we would be wrong if we use the rubric
"hypochondriacal anxiety" for anxiety about
health, Hypochondriacal anxiety is a melancholic,
depressive, state about one's health.
18. A case of autoimmune
SPENCE David (HL, 5, 1/1992)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 150
A 65-year-old male with Thrombocytopaenia
diagnosed in February 1988 treated with
Prednisotone and Azathioprine in varying
combinations with the resultant side-effects,
Homoeopath ically viewed: anxious, sensitive,
conscientious, like to be organised, tended to
dyspepsia, late afternoon aggravation, woke early
in the mornings. Six doses of Lycopodium 30
while he was still on the Prednisolone 10mg.
After this his Consultant
informed that it was
easy for him to maintain his platelet count
and his steroids could be stopped.
A case of mastitis
A 26-year-old woman who has
recently given birth to a baby and was
breast-feeding complained of pain in right
mamma, sensitive, redness and swelling.
Associated symptoms: Photophobia,
headache cervical region extending to
forehead worse by motion worse walking,
face intense red, congested; pulsating
carotids; very cold feet. Leuc.15700.
Belladonna XM,
four doses on one day
and next day three doses. Allround
improvement. Leuc. 9460. (See
A case of Acute Pulmonary
Oedema and Anoxic
GUESS George (HL, 5,1/1992)
A 67-year-old male developed while
out camping, acute dyspnoea, orthopnoea,
cyanosis and diaphoresis; he went into
ventricular fibrillation. He remained
comatose, with severely depressed
respiration; admitted to hospital. He was
in coma for 8 days despite treatment and
improved vital organ functioning. The
author was called in consultation on the
eighth day. He was still on the respirator.
'With the aid of an astute observer at the
scene in the coronary care unit the
following information obtained: comatose
and unresponsive, cold to touch, eyes open
but vacant and unresponsive; slow side to
side constant nystagmus, periodic jerking
of head and head tremor, lies with head
and neck hyper-extended.
Benzinum nitricum 30
t.d.s. (See
KENT Rep.Eyes, motions, pendulum-
like, from side to side; See CLARKE also)
Within 24 hours the patient very
rapidly regained consciousness; all the
above symptoms vanished and his vital
functioning improved considerably.
A case of Neurodermatitis
SPRING Beat (HL, 5,
A 14 months-old-girl with severe
neurodermatitis. Since the age of 6-7
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 151
months, eczema behind the ears, which
spread all over the body except the face.
Hospitalized several times due to febrile
super-infections with Staphylococus
aureus, subsequent stomatitis aphthosa
and generalised eczema
herpeticatum,predominantly of the lower
body. Treated with steroids and whenever
attempted to withdraw the medication
there were relapses. The doctors at the
hospital said that it was one of their most
difficult cases.
Eczema moistening. Copious sticky
secretion - the pyjamas had to be loosened
with water in the morning. Offensive,
rotten discharge, especially during
superinfection. Extreme itching, worse
On the basis of the family history,
personal history, character,
one dose given. There was increased
itching "like never before" and then slow
but steady improvement.
to XM was given 7 times during 1989 and
since 1990 the eczema hasn't returned.
The child's behaviour too changed and
from a difficult child she became a much-
loved-by--«veryone child.
There is an interesting discussion at the
end of the report.
Epidemic cases of Whooping
BAKER Jeff (HL, 5, 1/1992)
Whooping cough in the family, in the
neighborhood, and the community at
large is designed to push you to your
limits. Although it is a childhood illness,
individuals of all ages may be
susceptible. Defintive diagnosis is done
by nasopharyngeal culture. During the
epidemic the author treated 18 cases (in
Two cases have been selected for
narration. The first case is of a child of 19
months age which was prescribed a rare
Dirca palustris.
The clue to this
rare remedy came from the symptoms
relating to the head and central nervous
system. Very rapid improvement set in. In
the second case.a boy of 18 weeks was
Arsenicum 200
- a choking and
gasping cough that is worse night, worse
lying on his back, and espeially worse
from drinking, fussiness, irritability and
needed to be carried. Rapid improsvement
set in. However, cough was worse lying on
the left side; friction rub was evident in
lower lobes and
Phosphorus 200
was given
and cured.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 152
A case of epilepsy
A ten year old boy developed epileptic
fits suddenly since four years and was on
allopathic treatment. The attacks would
recur whenever he was scolded or pulled
up or frightened. The attacks came during
sleep. He would get up frightened. On the
basis of the total picture he was given
Lachesis 200
and later M and XM without
improvement. Case re-examined: the boy
had witnessed few days before his attack
two horror movies and got
terriblyfrightened. He was now given
Sframon/um 200three doses 12 hourly and
A case of Psychotic Crisis
(HL.5, 2/1992)
A35 year-old girl who has been under
psychiatric care for over ten years in
hospitals all over Italy came down with an
acute attack: biting, tearing her hair,
hitting out, kicking, knocking her head
against the sofa, and it took four men to
restrain and carry her to the surgery. She
was clenching her fists and teeth and
flexing her thighs to her abdomen, giving a
raging shout, keeping her eyes shut.
Stramonium 200
ten drops every two
minutes and after the fourth dose she began
to calm down. After 15 minutes she was
A case of Rheumatoid Arthritis - or
"The tragedy of a
HENK Hootegem (HL, 5, 2/1992)
A 69 year-old salesman with a history
of Osteomyelitis since his 49th year. His
history and present nature of complaints
led to the diagnosis of RA. The author
argues that the data available would point
to different remedies depending upon the
rubrics the prescriber chooses to give
priority. However, that would mean that
the prescription is on random data. For
chronic cases we must have an idea how
the disease developed, how the disturbance
came from the dynamic level into the
material level.
A case of Whooping Cough
EICHLER Karl (HL, 5,
A one-year-girl with Pertussis.which
was well controlled with
However, after
about 18 days the mother of the child
called and said that the child was
catastrophically worse.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 153
The child had developed 39 deg. fever
and was lying weak and pale in her
mother's arms. The coughing attacks had
become so worse that the child coughed so
much that she became blue in the face and
for a short time lost consciousness, then
stiff and cramped and on coming round
vomited white phlegm. After about 20-30
minutes the attacks started all over again.
Cuprum metallicum 30
and within
one minute the coughing and seizure
stopped, the blue discoloration
disappeared as also the stiffness of the
Two cases of
In both cases there was cramping pains
in the abdomen during menses and
Cuprum metallicum
in chronic disorders
CURTIN David (Simile, 2,4/1992
issued with the
BC a 9 year-old boy with tics; can't sit
still for five seconds; picks at his nose to
bleeding point and it's getting worse.
Covers his nose and sniffs loudly; says
he's recharging his batteries. When he has
an idea he won't give up; goes on and
on,still talking about it the next morning.
He chews on things, anything. Warts on his
hand recently. Has always been disruptive,
difficult. Drinks so much, anything. Likes
making things; clever mechanically. No
interest in school. At school he clowns
around the whole day. Says he will destroy
what his 11 year old sister is doing.
Difficult to be controlled. Fearless.
In the consulting the room the boy
rocked backwards and forwards in front of
a fan and grunted at it. Then he curled up
in a ball and grunted and snarled like an
animal. He made an extraordinary variety
of noises. He started talking to the fan.
Likes dancing and loves listening to
stories on tapes. Very honest. Can't bear if
someone says something that is untrue.
Belladonna M
was given on
17.11.1990. Report on 3.1.1991: The first
weak after the remedy he was terrible.
Everything was worse, "hen began to
improve. He has been fine, much more
reasonable person. Sits at the table. He is a
normal naughty boy now. The tics are still
there but much better.
A female 55 years who has been under
the psychiatrist for 32 years. She lived in a
ghetto in Eastern Europe during the World
War II, and lived through severe bombings
and the trauma left deep marks in her
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 154
mind. In 1958 she had a nervous
breakdown after her first child was born;
all the trauma came out during the
breakdown. She was given
Electroconvulsive therapy and put on
tablets which gave her headaches and
drowsiness. Her weight went up by six
stones. Swells up with fluid. In 1944 when
the Nazis were attacking she wa:; 9 years
old. Almost every year she had trouble
with her nerves.
On the basis of her mental and general
symptoms (Ailments from fright;
Delusions pursued by soldiers; Irritable,
alternating with indifference; Suicidal;
Spring agg.; Warm agg. Swelling puffy,
oederratous; Delusions pursued by
was the onl/
indicated remedy.
M. There
was good improvement after an initial
aggravation for two days. Long-term
follow-up not available. 29. Abusive
MARK Prunella (Simile, 2, 4/1992
issued with the BHJ,
Three cases are reported by the
author with the introduction: "In geieral
practice I come across many
depressed/anxious women whose main
problem seems to be their husbands. These
men are often physically violent and/or
verbally abusive."
Case 1: Mr.A, 55 year-old engineer. He
had rushed at his wife with a knife
shouting:"Let's top ourselves, life isn't
worth living!" His presenting symptoms
were suicidal depression, weepy, cannot
hear injustice in the world. Suppressed
rage against employers and mother.
Violent verbal anger directed at wife for
no reason. A:; a child had been physically
abused, neglected by mother. Mother
cruel to father, patient always peacemaker.
1978 father suffered brain damage
following suicide attempt, died 10 years
later: patient felt guilty, blamed mother.
Rubrics selected: Sensitive, sympathetic,
hates injustice. Suppressed anger, erupts
against family, never hurts them
physically. High sex drive, good sex with
wife. Cares + + + welfare of family.
Staphysagria XM
12 hourly for three
doses. Severe aggravation fo< two weeks,
then improved. After two months for
return of symptoms
Staphysagria M,
hourly.three doses. Three days minor
aggravation, then improved,
Antidepressants now stopped. Very well.
Case 2: Mr.B,
46 years, nursing home
proprietor, with wife. Wife came on
20.4.92 badly beaten, inflicted by patient.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 155
He had been violent throughout married
life, now she feared he would kill her.
Couple came together on 27.4.92. He has
no self confidence; dependent on wife;
loquacious, rambling. Sudden, terrible,
violent rages lasting 24-48 hours, triggered
by trivia he saw as demeaning. Muttering
in corners puffing himself up, pale face,
bulging veins and eyes, sweating + + + +,
hyperventilation, shouting and haranguing.
Would threaten to kill her with knives,
would hit her with fists or objects, demand
instant sex on threat of death (tantamount
to rape). Always worse night. Wept as he
told me the thought of killing her was
terrible, as his life would be unbearable
without her. Past history: Verbally abusive
father, fearsome rages. Patient constantly
belittled. Lifelong depression:
antidepressants for fou years.
three doses 12 hourly. 3.6.92
Stramonium XM
three doses 12 hourly.
Case 3: Mr.C, 45 years, nuclear
engineer. Very unhappy, obsessed by
work, anxious about performance, very
clever and capable, but feels indadequate.
lntolerant,bad tempered at home and work.
Sudden rages at home over trivia.red
face,bulging eyes, smashing things,
shouting, wrestling with wife, but never
hurting her physically. Malicious,
devastatingly hurtful remarks to wife,
reducing her to despair, picks on Achilles'
heel. Pathologically jealous of wife,
jealous of daughters' boyfriends and
career success. Withdraws into long sulks;
almost worse than the rages. Depression,
weeps, desperate at losing daughters, no
friends, hobbies, cold to outsiders. Proud,
difficulty admitting problems. unhappy,
lonely childhood, cold, unloving parents,
subject to constant criticisms.
Hyoscyamus XM
three doses 12 hourly.
Remains well.
Bronchitis - A case from the Cells
Homoeopath, 12, 4/1992)
This is an extract from VITHOULKAS
Celle Seminarfin
is discussed.
Strong arguments are made for forbidding
Coffee while under homoeopathic
medication. (See pp 178-186 'The Celle
Seminars', Vol.I)
Leistenhernie (Inguinal
A five-year-old girl who developed
rightsided inguinal hernia after whooping
cough, who had been earlier given
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 156
Tuberculinum aviare
for nasal polyp
which was however later surgically
removed, was cured with
Akute Infekte bei Kindern mit
chronischen Krankheiten
(Acute infections in children with
chronic diseases)
PFEIFFER, H. (AHZ, 237, 6/1992)
The treatment of acute infections in
children who are being treated
homoeopathically for chronic illnesses
demands the application of the similie rule
with every change of the health condition.
Such change in health condition may be a
'children's disease', new symptoms,
aggravation of known symptoms from
physical or mental strains or accidents.
The basis for this is given by
HAHNEMANN in paragraphs73 and 92
in his
and in Part I of his
Chronic Diseases. These intervening acute
infections need to be treated only when
absolutely necessary. The administration of
an acute remedy leads to an interruption of
chronic treatment, Later the similie
indicated by the new symptoms should be
administered and the treatment continued.
The author cites two cases of his in
which such intervention had to be
undertaken. In one case it was necessary to
give an acute remedy after which the
chronic treatment was continued with the
remedy indicated by the symptoms then; in
the other case the remedy for the acute
condition was the same as for the chronic
Ein Fall von Osteoporose (A case of
HOYMANN, G (AHZ, 237, 6/1992)
An unmarried, 44 year-old woman,
nervous, excitable, fear of diseases,
otherwise overall good to move with. She
has been with
Natrum muriaticum
XM since 1986. From time to time she
complained of back ache and as she had
fear of Osteoporosis an x-ray was taken
which confirmed the diagnois
Osteoporosis. She was full of fear and was
(Staufen-Pharma) in 6x
and later 12x, 30x, and this was continued
independent of the usual therapy
Natrum muriaticum
the case may be). For about an year this
therapy was continued and x-ray taken
after this indicated that the remedy helped
improve her condition.
Der Konstitutionsbegriff in der
Hombopathie (The
concept of Constitution in
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 157
Over the years Homoeopathy has been
developing two different directions with
reference to the "Constitution" and these
two are further proceeding along and
getting farther from the other; the
homoeopaths are not able to understand
the reasons for this development. One
reduces the "Constitution" to the rare "pure
constitution types" on the basis of the few
attributes or individualities (e,g.so-called
"essence") and opines that such a patient
(e.g."coward" =
has only one
remedy for him which is called
"constitutional remedy" in high potency at
large intervals for almost all ailments, life
The other homoeopaths on the other
direction attempt to cover the symptoms
and syndromes as they come up varyingly
with different remedies which fit every
time the symptoms/syndromes, and in
this way the patient receives a different
remedy every time, in quick succession.
These two diverging directions
developed - although the purpose was
same for both - due to wrong
presumptions and conceptual obscurities.
Calcium carbonioum
KELLER, G.v. (ZKH, 36,
Sometimes the improvement in a
chronic case cannot be seen immediately; a
case is presented where three weeks after
the medication a slight cold in the head
was experienced by the patient together
with a quick improvement of the chronic
symptoms. We should be careful in the
interpretation of this kind of process; if, as
is often the case in these situations, we have
given a second prescription for the catarrh,
the possibility of a retarded effect of the
first prescription should not be
MD who ruled with an iron hand
(NJH, 1, 3/1992)
A 48-year-old man with complaints of
flatulence, belching, empty, all-gone
sensation, headache, hypertension,
pouches under the eyes; dictatorial,
impatient, anger from contradiction,
abrupt, fastidious, ambitious, was
Nux vomica -
repeated - with
Carcinosin M.
Involuntary bow&l
NAGAR Rashmi (NJH, 1,
A7-year-old girl began to pass stools in
her underwear and not know it or mind it
despite her mother trying her best to change
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 158
this habit. This had begun only since a
month. The author says that she chose the
following mental symptoms from the
observaton of the child in the clinic:
Obstinate, dictatorial, violent anger,
irritable when spoken to, indisposed to talk
and heedless and
Chamomilla 200
given four doses for three days. The child
responded immediately. (The author says
that since the mental symptoms were
'strong' she did not "care to check up if it
covered involuntary stools or diarrhoea" I
= K.S.S.)
Xerostomia in Gl tract
DASTUR Burjor (MJH, 1,
Two cases of Xerostomia: one a lady of
39-years age, was given
Lycopodium M
the other a 47 year-old man, was given
vomica M
(In both the cases the remedies
in M potency were repeated few times even
three times a dayl No explanation given for
such repetitions = KSS)
Cases of irritable bowel
(NJH, 1, 3/1992)
Two cases of irritable bowel syndrome.
In both
was an important
remedy which was used in 50 millesimal
Mind is the mirror
A 60-year-old man with ulcerative
colitis was promptly prescribed
album M
on the basis of 'mentals'.
A 36-year-old man with cirrhosis of
liver made dramatic and prompt
improvement with
Natrum muriaticum M,
prescribed on the basis of the 'mental'
The silent attacker
SHAH Bhavna (NJH, 1, 3/1992)
A 5-year-old g rl with hyper-
pigmentation on the extremities
resembling ecchymosis; cough; grinding
teeth at night; stye on the upper lid; very
short tempered, very possessive about her
things; anger ending in weeping; naughty;
mischievous when everyone at home were
sleeping in the afternoon; loved music and
to dance; new clothes; liked sour fruits and
grapes; tears pictures from books.
Tarantula hispanica M.
Three-year-old buy with milk
indigestion; cough and cold on taking
citrus fruits; very moody; likes to play
with water; hyperactive, wants to do
something or the other;breaks things, bites
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 159
his nails, clothes; stubborn; short-
tempered; no fear of anything; rough and
rude to elders; quarrelsome, revengeful;
very possessive, does not like to give his
things to other children; dees not like the
same food in his iunch box; always wants
new things, new dishes.
Tubercullnum M.
Aone-year-old with big belly and thin
extremities with dry, hacking cough (day
and night); wakes up at night with cough,
frightened, restless. Very stubborn, throws
things in anger, pulls his own hair, wants to
play in water, impatient. When hungry
wants his food immediately, canine,
excessive hunger, eats fast. Temper
tantrums. Averse to be touched when
unwell, he screams when someone
approaches him; very jealous when
someone goes to his mother's lap, fear of
noise; indolence after eating; craves sweets
and milk; mother gets tired of thinking
what to give him next to meet his
voracious appetite.
Cina M,
after which he passed a big
round worm.
In all the three cases above the
prescription was based on the basis of the
mental symptoms. 42. Cancerinic state
BANERJEE Subrata Kumar (NJH, 1,
Pre-cancerous manifestations, for early
diagnosis and prophylaxis through
antimiasmatic, constitutional treatment. 43-
Magic of
in warts
UPADHYA Sameer (NJH, 1, 3/1992)
A 28-year-old lady with multiple,
small, flat warts on right hand for last two
years, occasionally itching, was cured by
China M.
Her mental state (suicidal
disposition, forsaken feeling, anxiety about
future) also improved.
1. Mittelverwechslungen im Repertorium
von KENTTeil
25:Mercuria!is perennis
Mercurius vivus
(Remedy confusions
in KENT'S Repertory - Part
25:Mercurialis perennis
WOLF, H. (ZKH, 36,6/1992)
The following corrections have been
suggested after
carefully comparing the
symptoms in the
Encyclopaedia of
Materia Medica
by T.F.ALLEN, the
Symptoms by
Medica Pura
Correction as
Mercurialis perennis
instead of
Mercurius vivus:
HEAD, Pain, pressing, stooping,
on: p.191 Pain, shooting: p.201
Pain, shooting, Forehead: p.202
EYE, Pain, pressing, stooping
agg.: p.257 Pain, pressing,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 160
reading, while: p.297 Tension,
morning: 268
EXTREMITIES, Drawn, outward, the left
hand, while playing the piano: p.984 Pain,
pressing, Forearm: p.1110 Pain, stitching,
Fingers, tips of: p.1143 SLEEP, Dreams,
children, about: p.1237 Dreams, horses:
p.1240 Dreams, horses, ugly: p.1240
CHILL, Afternoon, dinner, after: p.1260
(The author also suggests the following
rubrics for correction as
after the readers make further
EXTREMITIES, Pain, stitching,
Fingers, nails, around:
see Symptom No.458, p.204 of the
Pain, stitching, Toes, tips of: p.1154
see Symptoms No.522, 523, 529,
p.206 of the
Correction as
Mercurius vivus
instead of
Mercurialis perennis
RECTUM, urging, stool during:
1. A veterinary case of Cervical Disc
PITCAIRN Richard (HL, 5, 1/1992)
A 5-year-old male coolie and springer cross
dog suffered cervical disc herniation ("slipped
disc") confirmed by x-ray.
Bryonia 200 prescribed on the basis of the
information obtained over the telephone. No
positive response after three days.
Thorough examination and case-taking
revealed the remedy to be Belladonna which was
given in XM potency in water with the
instruction to give one dose every four hours
until improvement sets in. After two doses the
dog startled its owner by running into the
bedroom asking to be let out to urinate! He
continued to improve. After 24 hours he needed
one more dose; all in all 6 doses over the next
couple of weeks. Completely well.
2. Lupus Erythematosus in a three-year-old
Cocker Spaniel
BLAKE Stephen R. (HT, 12, 6/1992)
A spayed female cocker spaniel which
suffered from Lupus Erythematosus was healed
with Pulsatilla,
3. Homoeopathy for reptiles
SHAEFFER C Edgar {HT, 12,
This is an unusual report because it
speaks of homoeopathic treatment of a
chameleon in labour(!) with Pulsatilla. The
baby chameleons which developed dyspnoea after
excitement were given Antimonlum tartaricum
and Arsenicum album.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 161
4. Daisy's dilemmas
DeWEESE Cyndde(HT, 12, 6/1992)
An ewe in labour was helped whenever she
had ineffective labor with Carbo vegetabilis.
One of the newborn, Daisy, was found sleepy
and weak, went into arching and thrashing
convulsions and even her eyes rolled back.
Hypericum brought her out of the convulsions. It
was found that Daisy was deaf and blind!
Remedies listed in the KENT under Loss of
vision, Hearing, impaired, were tried but of no
help. The homoeopath Veterinarian, Ed
SHAEFFER, was consulted by telephone; He
suggested Causticum because Daisy had some
diarrhoea (discharges) greenish, Causticum was
given and next morning Daisy could see and hear!
5. Horses
SHAEFFER C.Edgar (HT, 12,7/1992)
SHAEFFER reports of the treatment of a
horse 22 year-old, for itchy and thin coat and also
a granuloma which was still producing some
discharge. The horse, Traveler, had excess thirst
after eating. Silica 30 once a day was given and
two months later Traveler was doing well
including the granuloma. (See BOERICKE and
1. Hahnemann's LM and Water potencies
DOMENICK Rochelle (HT, 12, 7/1992)
The Hahnemann Academy of North
America(HANA) in Santa Fe, New Mexico,
under the directorship of Robion MURPHY, ND,
is currently doing clinical experiments with LM
potencies and water solutions. Application of
the principles found in the 6th edition of the
Organon are used in chronic and acute cases, and
this information is evaluated in a fair and
objective manner at the HANA.
HAHNEMANN emphasizes that the dry
dose is the weakest dose; giving the remedy in
water makes the dose 'strong', There have been
consistently excellent results in administering the
remedy in liquid form and by succussing the
remedy between each dose. The body seems to
accept without aggravation, resulting in gentle,
rapid and permanent restoration of health. Refer
to paragraphs 247 and 248, footnotes 133 and
134, and to the Preface to Chronic Diseases. The
following applies to any potency, X, C or the 50
A. How to make a remedy solution bottle:
1.Fill a clean amber bottle with distilled
or purified water
(no tap water except in emergency). For an
X or C potency, 1/2
oz.dropper bottle to 4 oz. bottle may be used.
For LM potency, 4
oz.bottle. The more sensitive the more the
water used (8 oz.)
2.Add 10% pure ethyl alcohol (190
proof Everclear) not
methyl or rubbing alcohol! If Everclear is
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 162
not available, use the
highest proof, least smelly, and most
colorless alcohol possible.
If the solution is to to be stored, at least 20%
alcohol is necessary.
3.Put one dose of the remedy into the
bottle and allow to
dissolve. X or C potency = 12 to 15 pills of
10 size or one or two
of 35 size pills. LM potency one 10 size pill.
B. Succussing the remedy solution bottle:
hold the bottle
and strike the bottom of the bottle smartly against
the palm of your
other hand or against a soft leather bound book
from a distance
of about 2 feet. The remedy solution bottle should
be succussed
before each dose. 2-5 succussions for infants and
children and
hypersensitive persons; 5-10for the average
person; 10-12forthe
C. While the X or C may be taken directly
from the
succussed bottle, for the 50 millesimal ' dosage
cup' must be
used, i.e.in an 8 oz. cup filled with 4 oz. distilled
water put 1-2
teaspoonsful of the succussed remedy, stir well,
and take one
teaspoon from this 'dosage cup', The remaining
water in the cup
may be thrown or may be used to water the
plants. A new dose
should be prepared everytime required and taken
D. Dosage amounts: X or C potency: 1
teaspoon 1-3 times
a day, 50 millesimal: 1/4 to 1/2 for infants, 1/2-1
teaspoon older
children adolescents and sensitivie persons. 1-2
teaspoonsful for
the average person or as needed. May take 1 dose
once a day or
every other day or as needed.
E. Dose adjustments: If strong reaction
take the remedy less often
succus only two times
use more water (8 - 20 oz) in the remedy
solution bottle
use the 2nd, 3rd or more dosage cups.
F. Dose repetition: In emergency may repeat
the remedy
every 5 minutes to one hour or as needed. In
acute cases dose
maybe 1-3 times daily or as needed. Chronic
cases: ForXorC, 1
teaspoon, 1-3 times a day, for the 50 millesimal
one teaspoon
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 163
every day or every other day from the dosage
2. Rhus radicans und Rhus toxicodendron -
Beitrag zur botanischen Klassifizierung von
Arzneipflanzen: selbst HAHNEMANN
stiftete Verwirrung! [Rhus radicans and
Phus toxicodendron - on the botanical
classification of medicinal plants:
HAHNEMANN himself caused
FURLENMEIER, S. (ZKH, 36, 6/1992)
Rhus radicans and Rhus todicodendron are
taken as example to demonstrate how botanical
inaccuracies in the literature - from the
'proving' to the actual medicine - lead to
obscurities and consequent mistakes and failures
in the therapy.
1. Information on Research in Homoeopathy
- Where to
get it?
RIGHETTI Marco (HL, 5,1/1992)
Homoeopathy began with 'research' - the very
first was the Cinchona experiment by
HAHNEMANN. Every remedy that entered
into the homoeopathic Materla Medica was a
result of research. However, the kind of research
useful for homoeopathic therapeutics has never
been in accordance with the thinking and research
systems of the Allopathy. Researches on the
allopathic models have little if not nil value for
Homoeopathy. In this article the author furnishes
the sources from where one can obtain
information on the researches in Homoeopathy.
1. Dr.Herbert A.ROBERTS (1868-1950)
DAS Kuhu(NJH, 1,3/1992)
A very brief like sketch of Dr. H A
1. 160 Jahre Allgemeine Homoopathische
Zeitung Eine Wiirdigung aus
verlagshistorischer Sicht (160 years of
Allgemeine Homoopathische Zeitung - an
evaluation in the light of publication history)
FISCHER E. (AHZ, 237, 5/1992)
The Allgemeine Homoopathische Zeitung
is the oldest homoeopathic medical journal in the
world. It was founded in 1832, during the
lifetime of HAHNEMANN. The first number
was published in July 1832, At that time there
were of course, other homoeopathic journals,
foremost being the "Archlv fiir
hombopathlsche Heilkunst", known as
STAPF's Archiv, and "Annalen der
hombopathischen Kllnik" by HARTLAUB and
The article traces briefly the development of
the journal, the different editors over the years,
up-to-date. It is interesting that the journal is now
in its 161st year of publication.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 164
2. Paganinis Besuch bei Hahnemann
(PAGANINI's visit to
JUTTE, R. (AHZ, 237, 5/1992)
It is well-known that many famous persons
consulted HAHNEMANN in Paris. With the
examination and plans to print HAHNEMANN's
Case Records, details of many of these are
coming to light.
Among the famous persons who were
treated by HAHNEMANN while he was in Paris
is the virtuoso on the violin Niccolo
PAGNINI(1782-1840). The detailed case history
recorded in the fifth French case journal has been
studied. HAHNEMANN treated the famous
musician whose short life was one of long
ordeal, with Sulphur 30 and later on Pulsatitla 30.
For reasons not known the treatment could not be
3. Klassische Homoopathie - Ein Esay zur
historischen Entwicklung und Definition
(Classical Homoeopathy an essay on the
historical development and definition)
SCHWEITZER, W. (AHZ, 237, 5/1992)
The author describes the historical
development of the term 'Classical
Homoeopathy' as well as the new interpretation
of this term in the recent decades. He also opines
that a clear and definitive clarification must be
made as to 'Classical Homoeopathy
4. Jahrestage der Homoopathie: zum100.
Todestag von CARL GERSTER SEN.
(1814-1892): Versuch einer
Rekonstruktion der Gedenkenwelt und des
geistigen Umfeldes eines homoopathischen
Arztes der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderte
(Anniversary of Homoeopathy: 100th death
Anniversary of CARL GERSTER SEN.
1814-1892. An attempt at reconstruction
of the ideal world and the society around
during the life of a homoeopathic
physician in the middle of the 19th century)
WILLFAHRT, J. (ZKH, 36, 6/1992)
By examining the records of a homoeopathic
physician the homoeopathic history of the period
as well as the society may be obtained. The
author has examined the records of Carl
GERSTER(1814-1892) and typical trends of
medicine in the middle of the nineteenth century
can be seen. GERSTER was besides being a
homoeopath, engaged with Hydrotherapy,
Mesmerism and Natural therapy. His urge for
theoretical foundation of practical experiences
led him beyond the close borders of
Homoeopathy. His way was guided by two
directions, which may appear as contrasts: the
new pathology and physiology on the one hand
and a systematical pursuit of mesmerism on the
1. HAHNEMANN and today's medicine
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 165
SPRING Beat and JUNI Peter (HL, 5, 1/1992)
'Always referring to the founder is characteristic
of a sect' Acomment, to be seriously considered
Hf HAHNEMANN'sfindings prove to be correct,
we must be able to verify them with our own
experiences, and instead of hiding behind the
"great master", start expressing them in our own
"Nevertheless, the following few examples
illustrate that HAHNEMANN was an
extraordinary and gifted physician and scientist
of his day who deserves our respect.
"Despite being wrong in several assumptions,
he was able to deduct information from accurate
observatious of his patients which later were
rediscovered by 'modern medicine'. Many of his
discoveries and conclusions in regard to
Homoeopathy we have been able to verify in our
clinical practice."
With the above preamble the authors go on
to narrate briefly the justification for the above
statement. HAHNEMANN's observations on
Cholera, Hygiene, Side effects, Primary and
Secondary effects, Rebound effect, Allergy and
Allergen, etc. are brought before our attention so
that one can easily see that HAHNEMANN was
indeed far ahead of his times.
2. A pilot study of the attitudes and
awareness of Homoeopathy shown by
patients in three Manchester
ALTON Sarah, KAYNE Steven (BHJ, 81,
4/1992) This pilot study was designed to
determine public awareness of, and attitude to
Homoeopathy by distributing questionnaire to a
random sample of three pharmacies in different
areas of Greater Manchester. It was found that
78% of the people had some degree of knowledge
of Homoeopathy, but a significant number of
these were adjudged as being from social classes
A, B, and C, Attitudes did not appear to differ
between those who had used Homoeopathy and
those who had not, there being a positive view in
A need for a continuing homoeopathic
education programme for prescribes and the
provision of more information for potential
patients was identified.
3. Homoeopathy-A pilot study of the
attitudes and awareness of pharnmacy staff
in the Stoke-on-Trent area
DAVIES Maurice, KAYNE Steven (BHJ, 81,
The survey was designed to study the
attitudes of a sample of pharmacists, technicians
and unqualified staff towards Homoeopathy, and
their understanding of the principles involved.
The most significant findings were that the
majority of those who expressed a view (i.e.
excluding the "don't know") were favourable to
Homoeopathy, but there was little
understanding of the subject. Most pharmacists
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 166
thought that homoeopathic medicines worked 'by
faith'. An urgent need for an education
programme was demonstrated.
4. The over-the-counter market for
LOCKIE A.H. (BHJ, 81, 4/1992)
There is a growing market for the over-the-
counter (OTC) homoeopathic remedies in the
U.K. OTC Homoeopathy market grew from £8 m
to £12 m between 1988 and 1990. This compares
with the European markets £230 m in France 210
m in Germany. Changes in the attitude by both
consumers and the health-care professionals have
contributed to growth in the UK, the report says.
The potential for a huge expansion in demand
for OTC Homoeopathy is further emphasized by
study paper from a management consultancy
entitled 'Growing ECC market for
Homoeopathy'. Another study says that
Homoeopathy is becoming an increasingly
important element in the European medical
5. Der "Genius der Arznei" bei Boenninghausen
(The "Genius of the Remedy" of
GYPSER, K.-H.(ZKH, 36, 6/1992)
What did BOENNINGHAUSEN mean by
"Genius of remedy"? We come across the word
"Genius" often in the works of
BOENNINGHAUSEN in connection with a
definite class of symptoms. The author traces the
development of the idea of Genius of a remedy"
In the Second Edition of his Organon in 1819
HAHNEMANN explained what he meant by
"Genius" (paragraph 136). This passage is
maintained upto the Fifth Edition and in the Sixth
Edition (paragraph 130) "Genius" is replaced
by "characteristic". However,
BOENNINGHAUSEN's "Genius" is different.
Attention is invited to his essay "Three
Precautionary Rules of
Hahnemann',(1844)wherein he speaks of the
characterise pain of Asafoetida. The author also
draws attention to the Theraputic Pocket Book,
and suggests the study of Materla Medica and
the Therapeutic Pocket Book and ascertain the
"Genius" of remedy. As example he has given the
study of the remedy Asafoetida.
1. Raffaella POMPOSELLI, Verona, Italy,
reports {HL, 5, 2/1992) about the Seminar by
George VITHOULKAS at Verona: In his book
The Science of Homoeopathy', VITHOULKAS
says: "The symptom is the expression of the
defence mechanism that tries to restore the
equilibrium to the organism." VITHOULKAS
gave his definition of the value of a Symptom;
the symptom should be evaluated according to
four parameters:
1. The intensity of the symptom is the strength
with which the patient expresses his problem
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 167
subjectively. The subtle facial
expressions and gestures which can give greater
emphasis to the symptom, must be noted by
careful observation. The
more intense a symptom the more relevant it is.
The intensity of this symptom should also be
equally intense in the remedy.
2. The continuity of the symptom depends on the
frequency of its manifestation and therefore
indicates how important it
is for the defence mechanism.
3. The depth of the symptom - its hierarchical
value has to be taken into account.
4. The uniqueness of the symptom: intense,
profound, stable and also unique are of the
greatest value in prescribing.
VITHOULKAS underlined the importance
of the correct sequence in administering the
remedies. He also said that he proposed to add to
the three classic 'miasms' the miasms of
Tuberculinic, the Carcinomatous as well as the
modern miasms of Penicillin and Cortisone.
2. Fons Vanden BERGHE, Genk (Belgium)
reports on the seminar of Vassilis GHEGAS in
Greece: The seminar was attended by more than
120 participants from all over the world.
(HL, 5,2/1992)
He discussed the rubric "Delusions" and the
About Murex: Murex is very much like
Lillium tigrinum and to a lesser degree like Sepia.
In Murex the sensitivity of the genital is so much
that by just washing the genital intense sexual
desire may be produced, Sadness due to
suppression of leucorrhoea is characteristic;
melancholic after "cure" of the leucorrhoea by
allopathy. Murex has empty feeling in the
stomach which produces the desire to eat
continuously (Sepia). If Staphysagria has been
given without result and if there are strong
uterine symptoms think of Murex. The
combination of sadness before menses, sexual
problems, and uterine problems should take your
mind to Murex.
About the use of small remedies his advice is:
If the patient is in homoeopathic treatment for a
short time and his general energy is good it may
be better to try with the small remedy that fits the
special problem of the patient. He gave a lot of
examples from his own experience to make this
topic clear.
3. The 17th Annual Symposium on
Homoeopathic Medicine, Faculty of
Homoeopathy, Midlands Branch chose for the
1992 Symposium theme, Audit (BHJ, 81, 4/1992)
By studying how we use a particular medicine and
how we treat various conditions with
homoeopathic medicines we hope to add to our
knowledge and improve our practice. The audit
was done on Phosphorus.
Thrombocytopenic purpura, upper or lower
respiratory symptoms, anxiety, asthma, phobias,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 168
coughs, were the conditions
treated with Phosphorus and of course as
'consitutitonal' medicine also among others.
The next audit was Migraine and Tension
headache. A comparison of the medicines
recommended by BOYD, BLACKIE, TYLER
with the medicines that came up in this audit was
done and third list compiled by repertorizing
migraine and tension headache symptoms was
presented by Dr.Bill RICHARDSON. While the
results of migraine headache was good that of
tension headache was not.
Two very interesting cases illustrating
possible adverse effects of homoeopathic
medicines were also presented.
4. Report by Steven KAYNE about the Second
Russian Homoeopathic Congress, Moscow, May
1992 (BHJ, 81, 4/1992):
The theme of the Congress was 'Homoeopathy
and Ecology
A Lithuanian doctor introduced a new
remedy, Aqua crystaiisata, which is made by
adding ice crystals to alcohol and potentizing the
resulting solution. It appeared to have a localized
role and 'activated the liquid crystals protein in
the body'. Case studies were presented including
the treatment of obesity, but no proving had been
After democratization within Russia, there
was increased demand for unorthodox medicine
including Homoeopathy; the German
Pharmacopaeia which was presently used may
be replaced by Russian pharmacopaeia.
Dr.ZAMARENOV presented a paper concerning
the use of Mercury potencies in the treatment of
Mercury poisonimg. A liquid potency was
reported to have increased the urinary excretion
of Mercury in poisoned patients.
Jacques BENVENISTE spoke about his
current work, still to be published. In these studies
both in vivo and in vitro methods were used in the
further investigations on highly diluted solutions.
A hypothetical mechanism of the biological
effects at high dilutions was presented. This was
based on the idea that in biology molecular
comunication involves electro magnetic fields. A
further lively debate would surely follow the
publication of this study.
There were speakers about the environmental
pollution in their countries.
5. (There are more journals in Homoepathy
around the world in different languages to which I
do not have access - yet - and
therefore depend upon the 'abstracts' published in
other journals like the British Homoeopathic
Journal. Material gleaned from these abstracts
are also included especially those that are of
special value = K.S.S.)
The quarterly organ of the Austrian
Homoeopathic Medical Associaton -
Homoopaihie In Osterreich, since 1990 -
reflects the tremendous energy Austrian medical
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 169
homoeopaths are putting into their work, with
much thought given to the present-day situation
and the needs of the future, clearly relating to the
medical situation of the day, official
requirements, and the work that is being done in
other German-speaking countries. Information
and reports on meetings, conferences, training
and further training are thus given considerable
6. Stevene KAYNE writes (Simile,
Vol.2,4/1992 issued with the BHJ 81, 4/1992)
about what Jacques BENVENISTE had to say
about the way his experiments were criticised by
the Nature team:
"I saw the results with my own eyes Okay we
make mistakes, but the basic threat of our work
was based on hard facts. They also said I was
arrogant. Peter MEDAWAR the British Nobel
Laureate researcher said that humility is not a
state of mind conducive to the advancement of
learning and I agree with him to some extent.
Those people will apologise to me some time."
When asked what kindled his interest in
Homoeopathy, he said "in 1982 I thought
Homoeopathy was a new sexual disease", he
joked. "I knew nothing - infact I still know little
of the discipline, except in the context of
considering its mechanisms as a branch of
nature's general transmission of messages
through electromagnetic forces. That one of my
students asked if he could carry out some
homoeopathic experiments for his MD thesis
and I gave permission, providing that he did not
waste time. His results were interesting and I
became involved in my present work from 1983."
BENVENISTE also felt that there was a
publication bias in English language journals
against positive results - especially ones that
cannot easily be explained."
7. The potency question by K.BIELAU, in
Homoopathie in Osterriech 1991 2:109-1
(BHJ,81,4/1992): Potentized medicines
are not innocuous and they can have undesirable
effects. Four examples are given; e.g. Rhus
toxicodendron 200 given
half-hourly for 24 hours was followed by severe
torticollis which was treated by different
practitioners with Tarantula M and a number of
unknown highpotencies and Chelidonium with
the patient ultimately in hospital with jaundice. In
Dr.BIELAU's opinion we can count ourselves
lucky that no one believes in the powers of
potentized medicines and everyone thinks they
are harmless!
He sums up his views as follows:
- Homoeopathic medicines can have
undesirable effects,i.e. proving symptoms
in patients.
- The higher the potency, the more
persistent and deep-reaching the the
effect, which may prove difficult to
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 170
- Accurate drug diagnosis based on
careful history-taking and use of the
repertories is the most important element,
not the potency.
- LM potencies are always adequate, mostly
medium high, with the 30th needed only
very occasionally.
- 'A homoeopathic prescription today and
tomorrow we'll have a cure' merely
serves to make the practitioner feel good.
In reality we, as physicians,
never heal the patient but at best
provide the medicament that will
stimulate the dynamics of life.
PARACELSUS knew this.
8. The Editor Julian WINSTON in
Homoeopathy Today, 12, 5/1992 says that he
came across, in Philadelphia in an exhibition
on the future of health statement introduced in
the exhibit: "We are in the early stages of a
revolution of biomedical science. In the past we
saw illness as diseased organs.Today, scientists
are beginning to study diseases at microscopic
level of cells and molecules." There was also a
question of how do you think that the hospital
life-supporting systems which can often keep a
hospital patient for an indefinite period of time,
should be used? (a) used for everyone; (b) used
only if the patient has a chance of
recovery; (c) the patient and his family decides.
Out of 4253 votes 446 chose(c), while 964 chose
(b) and 2843 said that it should be
There was also another question whether
preventive medicine should be available to all
Americans. Out of 3495 votes 342 said Yes, since
it saves money in the long run, 3153 said No,
because it would be too expensive. The Editor
concludes that "these answers are from people
who are coming to the 'newest' science museum
in the City and if that is truly the state of mind of
this country we are in big trouble"
(This is a sample of the confusion in which
the people are=K.S.S.)
9. Acorrespondant reports on the severe adverse
effects she had after a 'swine flu vaccine' in 1976.
She was diagnosed as
suffering from 'Guillain-Barre Syndrome', a
disease of the central nervous system and
involves demyelinization of the spinal cord,
the base of the brain and the peripheral and
autonomic nervous system which affects the
entire life force. The patient writes "some
things I never imagined could happen to my body
have become reality". She narrates in detail the
sufferings that she passed
through, and they are terrible. She further says
"The treating neurologist at the University of
Miami has treated, at the request
of the Government, all the victims of the swine
flue vaccine (582 people). To date, there are only
three of them alive and I am the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 171
only one who is mobile." She has been treated
with Homoeoathy by Saivatore WILLIAMS
and her progress has been very
encouraging. As on date of the letter "My
balance has improved with the Alexander
Technique and Feldenkrais body work. I am
stronger, my stamina has increased tenfold, my
balance much better, I know most of the time
when I am being touched or burned without
looking, and I can even type now. Some of the
tingling numbness in my hands, feet and face still
remains. When I had an MRI in 1989 it showed
that my spinal cord has remyelinized-
pretty remarkable after being demyelinized for
13 years. The treating neurologist when I told him
what has was happening. said that's impossible'."
{HT, 12,6/1992) (It is surprising that still some
speak of the 'limitations of Homoeopathy': one
should only speak
of one's own limitation = K.S.S)
10. A recent Associated Press article reported
that 'excessive use of the most widely prescribed
anti-asthma drug may increase the risk of fatal
asthma attack patients who used two inhalers
a month-the recommended dosage is one a
month-faced a risk of death or near-death that
was double that of patients who used only one a
month.' (HT, 12, 6/1992)
11. In 'A Fish Story' Susan MYATT reports that
when she found that the pet fishes in the tank
were dying one by one and that at
the request of the children she put one tablet
of the 12 tissue salts (a combination) twice a
day and soon there were no more deaths
of the fishes, the fishes were healthy, and the
water was sparkllngly clear! (HT, 12,
12. A very interesting observation from a
correspondant in the HT, 12, 7/1992, Shanti
MANDELKORN reports that she saw many
cases of Flu and some of the most
interesting were seen in children from a
private school. The teachers of this school
been exceptionally severe in trying to make
a point about the children's behaviour. On
the day of the upset the children had left
for home not knowing whether there will
be school next day, pending one of the
children's confessions to some wrongdoing.
The children had come home stunned and
affected. Within the next 3-4 days more than
half of the kids in that class came down with
the flu. This is very unusual for this school of
healthy kids and
health conscious parents. Gelsemium was
the most beneficient remedy. "Bad news"
and "chagrin" are both listed as causal factors
for Gelsemium states.
13. Dr. M.S. SAXENA informs (HT,12,
7/1992) that he found the times of
occurrence of great interest. At a particular
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 172
time the
medicine manifests its full therapeutic
action. The time can vary about 15 mts.
either way. For example, if the aggravation
starts at
1 a.m. Arsenicum album will be the major
remedy to consider. He has also observed
that the symptoms of food poisoning and
cholera for which this is the remedy usually
develop at this hour. Others found in his
8 a.m. to noon: Natrum muriaticum
11 a.m. Sulphur
Noon to 12.30 p.m. Gelsemium
3 p.m.: China sulph. (if chill exists); Thuja
(if no chill)
4-8 p.m.: Lycopodium
Aggravation starts just after falling asleep:
Every third day: Sulphur
Every two weeks: Niccoium
Every three weeks: Arsenicum album,
Magnesia carbonica
Every spring: Lachesis Every
year: Urtica urens
14. Homeopatisk tidskrift, Vol.1, 1/1992, gives
notes from Paul HERSCU Seminar, at Oslo and
Gottenburg, March 1992. The following are from
the Notes of Chris JOERGENFELT. (English
translation from the Swedish by kind courtesy of
Marita BYRNE, Editor of Homeopatisk
A relatively common remedy, majority
indications in women.
Ailments after FEAR
Meningitis; Encephalitis; also during
Severe pain
Scare after operations; in children,Fear of
separation from
Emotional problems often begin at about two
years of age Often symptoms from the nerve
system, least touch from the
hair causes a motion in that direction
Different kinds of tics, twisting; biting
nails. Gyratory motions of the hands
Movement of head from side to side
Sucking in air, involuntary
Rocking back and forth, fast, intense (Bell.,
Tarent.Tub.) Grabbing the genitals
Stammering Sleep:
Restless, or restless only during hot
nights Dreams, anxious, fearful
Night terrors, terrible; wakes screaming in
terror, not awake properly
Fear of dark
Teeth, grinds, in sleep
Uncovers the body or sticks feet out
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 173
Children often sleep with parents, out of
fears and dreams, The fears disappear after the
remedy; sometimes violent children get
nightmares for some months after the remedy.
They don't like bright light
Pupils may be dilated May
have an evil expression
They might blink a lot when stammering, or
when frightened History of conjunctivitis (Med.,
Expression, wild or frightened
Redness, during excitement or
diarrhoea Nose:
Runny, constant
Mouth: Speech stammering, when afraid,
when excited or after
Respiration: Cough, constant; dry, barking,
light croup;chesty, agg, morning, night.
Bronchitis, constant Stomach: Desires sweets;
strong thirst for ice cold drinks; chewing ice;
Appetite diminished; aversion to food.
Rectum: Diarrhoea: recurrent; agg.sugar; brown,
watery stool, lienteric;
soft; Difficult to toilet train because of
irregular bowel
Extremities: Motion
Redness around anus Fever:
Might act wild, biting, kicking, rolling over
the bed, etc.
Restless on hot days Tend to be warm-blooded
Tend to get agg.from sun; also through the
MIND; Type t: Extroverted, intense:
Parents will be holding them, wants to break
away. If let they go totally out of control
Can start talking loud to themselves - out of
control Might like to interfere during the
Might torture, kill or injure animals
Very mischievous; malicious, fearless, violent;
Tearing things apart, example: a doll
Restless, wants to go, go, go (Veraf.). If parents
say they cannot go out anywhere, the child
destroys everything.
Violent towards the parents and other children,
also older children. When they get to 14-15-16
years, they are not concerned so much about
violence Violence may be inside, so they start to
shake from fear of
letting it out {Staph.)
Might play with snakes, ate. - a lack of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 174
Children draw monsters and
warewolves; After the remedy the
violent type can become very weepy,
gentle, calm, affectionate - like Puts.
Fascination about guns Doing mean thing to
others No affection to father, hitting him A very
wild child that never gives up. It is a constant
battle of
Hates to change diapers, runs away - fights!!
Delusion during fever; that rabbit is coming from
the toilet Stammering; can also be only acute. Can
go away slowly or
Short concentration span, runs off after some
minutes "Genius as a baby, after high fever this
ended", Slowness of speech. Might not be able to
say certain letters
Speech that does not improve
After the remedy very active kids can become
very, very passive. It swings back to normal after
a while. Parents usually state that the children
become "truly more affectionate in one month."
"Plays better with other children". "Less angry".
Type II Autistic state of Stramonium
Like they are in their own world, e.g. rocking
back and forth,
totally withdrawn;
Wild imaginations, but do not play with other
kids or mother. Lock themselves inside a room
and like to talk to the spirits Something closes,
stops interacting with people So shy, will not talk
to you, so painfully shy Forsaken feeling: feel
alone in the world, extreme sense of
loneliness In this group of Stramonium there
need not be any violence;
after the remedy the children start to play
with others. The shy, introverted type can look
like Puls., Staph. The shy ones may
masturbate Fears: of being/going outside, so
they stay inside the house, in a
closet, under the bed, etc. of
being alone(3) of sudden
strong/loud noise of the dark (3) of
thunderstorms of being alone of
of animals of all types; esp. dogs (3) of
water, showers, of the ocean, of waves(3)
of snakes
of small places; claustrophobia of
sharp instruments (A/um., Plat.) of
monsters (3); have to look under the
bed of shadows
They will lock everything at night
A sense of isolation, as alone in the world Like
they did something wrong - anxiety of
conscience, and
somebody might just as well kill them A
certain percent is fastidious about their fingers, to
have them
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 175
clean, clothes to be clean Agg.
closed places Agg, being alone
Agg. stopping them from doing something
Could be constipated, but much more comon is
diarrhoea The fear of shining things is not so
common, most common is
fear of showers, dogs and the dark
Complementary -
It is more that
looks so alike, but
acts for
a long, long time. They can go into
afterwards, but just as well any
other remedy.
you would believe
If the pregnant mother gets a big fear the
child can develop a
state. Ear
infections with antibiotics may cause
develop many fears
(See also Extract of Rubrics -
- in QHD,
Un livre sans frontieres. Histoire et
Metamorphoses de I' Organon de
Hahnemann (A book without boundaries,
History and metamorphoses of the Organon
of Hahnemann), Jacques BAUR, France):
Edition Boiron S.A. 1SBN-2-85742-077-3.
Price 190 FF. In
French, no English translation available.
Reviewed by Caroline A.GUBERT, (BHJ,
81, 4/1992)
"At last a logical, detailed, precise
chronological list of different editions and
translations of the Organon! It is an
excellent reference book and of interest to
every homoeopath. Firstly it can help the
beginners find reasons for working on a
certain edition of Organon pointing the
weaknesses and strengths, and showing
which editions would complement one
another. For the more competent
practitioner it is a way of better
understanding why homoeopaths all over
the world base their knowledge on other
editions and of explaining the nature of
their different approaches. At a time when
everything should have a global
dimension, we should be grateful to
Dr.Jacques BAUR for
the enormous work
he has done
One is aware throughout
the book is the result of painstaking and
precise research into books, newspapers,
and articles of the last two hundred years,
in many different languages, and one is
gratified to know that someone has had
the patience, the ability and the tenacity to
undertake the task. So much has been
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 176
written about the Organon that it is very
refreshing to come across not another
interpretation of it, but a thorough research
into its history and variations." (S©e also
'Book Shelf of QHD, IX, 3/1991)
The barefoot homoeopath, Madeleine
Glen FINN, Clanfield; Hyden House
Limited 1991 ISBN:l-85623-00
1-5. Reviewed by Moira
HOUSTON.(BHJ, 81, 4/1992) "In this
book, the authors borrow the term
"barefoot" and use "barefoot
homoeopathy" to refer to taking
responsibility for one's own
health and health-care
intention of
the book is to ancourage people to take
initiative in their health-care, both
preventatively in lifestyle management and
with first-aid treatments, naturopathic and
homoeopathic. ... The review of lifestyle
management including diet, exercise, work,
play and inner emotional health gives
ideas for people to develop themselves
along a particularly environmentally
friendly line.. .. . In all this book has a
balanced and comprehensive approach to
individual health care...."
Thorson's Encyclopaedic Dictionary
of Homoeopathy, Harald GAIER.
Thorsons 1991, pp.601 ISBN 0-7225-
1823-4, reviewed Jeremy
"The book is a real 'tour de force'. It is
certainly encyclopaedic, covering every
facet of homoeopathy and much of the
medical and biological landscape that
surrounds it.... Its scope embraces systems
of medicine from Ayurvedic to Witch
Doctor; medical personalities from
ARISTOTLE to WHEELER;... .. There is
probably no theme that any of us might
wish to explore that is not dealt with here,
and copious reference throughout the
material to other sources that we might
wish to consult. I would like to insist that
everyone involved in homoeopathy should
at least browse this book, and at best
should study some chunk of it
in depth
we were to read this book critically,
identify all the
issues, and formulate the
questions and protocols which are needed
to clarify and resolve them, we would
have definitive agenda for the next 25
years' clinical and academic development
of homoeopathy that would be absolutely
daunting and thrilling. there are
sections which will extend and enrich the
knowledge of even the best qualified and
most experienced of us with an
authority that we could not claim
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 177
The Immunisation Decision. A guide
for parents. Randal NEUSTAEDTER.
Berkeley, California 1990, North Atlantic
Books. ISBN 1 -55643-071 -X, reviewed by
John ENGLISH <BHJ,81,4/1992).
"The author rejects the standard view on
the advisability of immunization. His
book is really written to support parents
who already share this opinion. It has two
stated goals: " to give information about
the(relevant)diseases, the vaccines and
their side-effects"; and to give support to
those parents who choose not to immunize
according to the recommended schedule".
He certainly succeeds in the latter respect.
The book is well written and free enough
from technical jargon for the average
reader to follow without
be correct in counselling caution in the
introduction of new vaccines such as
Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib)
meningitis, where so far the efficacy is
poor and the side effect profile high.
Would I recommend the book to parents?
Normally I am in favour of adult,
responsible behaviour. , . in this instance,
with you parents in a vulnerable position, I
think, on balance, that they are better
served by firm, well-informed,
authoritative advice, and that that advice is
that the currently recommended vaccines
are worthwhile. So, no, I would not."
Proceedings of the 1991 professional
case conference. International Foundation
for Homoeopathy, Seattle, USA. ISBN-0-
8403-7208-6. pp.302 reviewed by David
OWEN (BHJ, 81,4/1992).
A Case Conference can provide an
excellent forum for experienced
homoeopaths to learn from each other
and to generate new educational
material for those studying
The proceedings are
much more than just a
souvenir copy for
participants of the Conference. They are a
well-presented collection of cases
allowing homoeopathic observations and
elucidating principles from experienced
prescribers in a form which is not
immediately forgotten. You don't find
immediately after reading a case, that you
see this remedy walking through the door
in the guise of every clinical
presentation. Rather while taking or
analysing the case a nugget of information
comes back to youfyou can't always
remember where you heard it), but it is
there for you to confirm it or not."
Homoeopathy, a family handbook.
Recommended by
the BHA. London: Thorsons 1992 ISBN 0-
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 178
7225-2721-7. Pp.126, paperback, reviewed
by Joan FORD. (BHJ, 81, 4/1992)
"This book is for the newcomer to
homoeopathy, and as such it provides an
easily readable, light-weight practical
The Controlled Clinical Trial - An
Analysis by Harris COULTER, Center for
Empirical Research. Washington D.C.
1991. pp 165. reviewed by Lorraine
TAYLOR (HL, 5,1/1992)
".... In this book COULTER examines
the issues around CCS (Case Control
Study) showing how such a procedure can
only be scientifically valid if it allows for
and accommodates the
heterogeneity of
human sickness
COULTER'S doubts
the CCS are backed up by quotes
from doctors and professors and example
of trials with critical comments…"
Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der
Homoopathie (Scientific foundations of
Homoeopathy) by RESCH, G.,
GUTMANN, V, published by Barthel &
Barthel Verlag, p.551. DM 96,-/english
pp,498, DM 66,-. reviewed by SPRING
Beat. (HL, 5, 1/1992).
"The authors, GUTMANN, a
professor for inorganic chemistry and
RESCH, a doctor for internal medicine,
conducted chemical experiments about the
process of potentialisation. They show that
there is a significant difference between
simple dilution
and potentialisation
This is clearlya book for the
orientated and is a
milestone on the way to a deeper
understanding of the scientific
mechanisms underlying homoeopathic
Vassilis GHEGAS Holland Seminars,
Home-Study, v.z.w., De Schom 67, B-
3600, Genk. pp.180, BEF.900.- reviewed
by Lorraine TAYLOR. (HL, 5,1/1992)
" ... This is not therefore just another
transcript of a Seminar but a life's work
which he is willing to share for the greater
good of homoeopathy and humanity."
10. Proceedings of the Professional Case
Conference 1991, IFH, USA pp.302 reviewed
by Lorraine TAYLOR. <HL,5,2/1992)
"It is always a pleasure to review
transcript of this
conference which takes place every year in
America ................................. is a collection
of cases presented by some wellknown
homoeopaths from Europe and America and
this year Prakash VAKIL from India
presented the 'emerging picture of
Leprominium' - the leprosy nosode There are
difficult cases and ones which we may also
be confronted with in our own practice, so
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 179
there is much to be learnt. The cases are well
presented with details of allopathic
diagnosis, prognosis and of course
differential diagnosis and materia medica"
11. Small remedies seminar, Hechtel 1990
and 1991. reviewed by Lorraine TAYLOR
(HL, 5, 2/1992)
"These two books are a merit to the
industriousness of the Clinical Training
Centre in Hechtel. Each year the Centre
invites homoeopaths to present cases where a
small remedy cured and these books are
transcript of these seminars. In the appendix
is an extensive list of symptoms of the
presented remedies taken from such materia
medica as CLARKE and BOERICKE and
not found in the repertory Both these
books are over 450 pages long and the cases
show the relevant information from the
videos and comments of the practitioner.
They are not books one reads from cover to
cover in one go the information is too
overwhelming and the layout rather tiring for
the eyes. However they contain a wealth of
information which could help in those cases
where we get stuck..."
12. How to use Homoeopathy, by Dr
Christine HAMMOND, Element Books
1991 (2 edition) pp.148 reviewed by
Lorraine TAYLOR (HL, 5, 2/1992)
"This is an expanded version of the 1988
edition and acts as a practical guide for the
treatment of common ailments with
Homoeopathy This is a useful reference
book for those wishing to understand the
basic principles of Homoeopathy and to use
it for treatment of minor ailments...."
13. The Celle Seminars, toll by George
Ulrich Burgdorf, Gottingen.Germany 1992,
480 pages reviewed by Francis TREUHERZ
(The Homoeopath, 12,
".... This book certainly shows George
VITHOULKAS as a virtuoso homoeopath
with tremendous confidence and opitimism
for his patients. I know that it is one of his
ambitions that there should be a full video
and paper records of his work and that
of his colleagues and students so that the
medical world may learn that homoeopathy is
eff icaceous beyond the anecdotal. I do hope
the next volumes show us the follow-up
treatments ............................ "
14. The Classical Homoeopathic Lectures
by Vassilis GHEGAS trans. Fons Vanden
Berghe, De Schom 67, B-3600
Genk,Belgium 1991, pp.184 800 Belgian
francs reviewed by Richard WYNE. (The
Homoeopath, 12, 4/1992)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 180
".... In this volume are the materia
medica with essences of Natrum muriaticum,
and Natrum sulphricum . . . The materia
medica are excellent, divided into clear
sections with good headlines. They read
easily, although they are not in narrative
form like the VITHOULKAS Essences - but
neither are they in cryptic note form as in
Boericke. Characteristic symptoms have the
relevant rubric and page numbers in Kent.
There are also extensive differential
diagnoses of the described remedies with
other remedies.... The bock finishes with
eight pages of useful tips and snippets of
information and an index of remedies
mentioned with relevant pages (152 remedies
in this volume). The book handles easily, is
on easy to read type and is full of GHEGAS'
vast knowledge of practical homoeopathy."
15. Homoeopathy for Mother and Baby,
Pregnancy, birth and the post natal year, by
Miranda CASTRO, Macmillan, 1992, pp.319
reviewed by Roger LICHY. (The
Homoeopath, 12, 4/1992)
"Miranda CASTRO has written an
excellent sequel to her best selling The
Complete Homoeopathy Handbook. Her
new book is primarily a do-it-yourself
guide for the lay reader who wishes to help
herself during pregnancy, birth and the post-
natal year, It will also be useful for both
students and the professional
homoeopaths and should prove very popular
with midwives wanting to prescribe
homoeopathic remedies "
16. History of Syphilis by Claude QUETEL
translated by Judith BRADDOCK & Brian
PIKE, Polity Press & Blackwells, 1992,
pp.342 reviewed by Paul HUGHES. (The
Homoeopath, 12,4/1992)
"This is an exhaustive study of the
global evolution of syphilis, traced from its
supposed historic European origin in 1495 to
the present. Discussive and engaging in style,
it synthesizes the clinical and therapeutic
aspects with the growth of hospitals and
social welfare policies which evolved in
response to the increasing pandemic, with its
impact in every economic and social,
cultural and sexual spheres of life
Homoeopathy is given a slender
token appearance, in ironic context. The
History of Syphilis is broadly addressed to a
scholarly readership It qualifies still as
a useful source of enlightening clinical and
historical detail which promises to further
illuminate the nature of chronic disease and
syphilitic miasm."
17. The Guide to OTC Homoeopathy, New
Era Laboratories, Hedon Road, Marfieet,
Hull HU9 NJ. 1992, pp.150 reviewed by
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 181
Zofia DYMITR (The Homoeopath, 12,
". . . . As practising homoeopaths we
will become increasingly aware of this
commercial approach to homoeopathy. We
will only realistically tackle it as a profession
by ensuring the public has access to sound
information and education."
18. In Serial No.3 above a review of
Thorsons Encyclopaedic Dictionary of
Homoeopathy by SWAYNE in the BHJ,
4/1992 has been given. Julian WINSTON in
the Homoeopathy Today, 12,
6/1992 gives a different review. Dr. Julian
WINSTON says that the book abounds in
Neologisms, a plethora of unnecesary cross
references. There are many errors, e,g. Carrol
DUNHAM died in
1877 but the book lists it as 1887; the
biography of KENT is filled with
inaccuracies "As it stands, Thorsons
Encycloapedic Dictionary has different
degrees of reliability. It certainly should not
be used as a definitive reference source."
(Homoeoapthy has been gaining all over the
world and therefore many publishers,
pharmaceutical manufacturers, authors
want to avail the opportunity and turning
out material in haste. There is greater need
now more than ever for genuine material
from genuine homoeopaths = K.S.S.)
19. Homoeopathic Remedies for Health
Professionals and Lay People by Dale
Himalayan International Institute, Honesdale,
PA. 1991, pp.250
reviewed by Julian WINSTON (HT,12,
". . . . This is an ideal book for anyone
interested in prescribing for acute ailments.
It will probably be the "text" used in the IFH
Acute Care course. A better recommendation
cannot be made."
NOTE: The 'Current Literature Listing'
is only a classified list with brief
abstract/summary of the articles which
appeared in the various homoeopathic
journals, worldover. Readers should refer to
the original articles for detailed study.
Full address of the Journals covered by
this Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST (Vol.
X, No.4/1993) are given below.
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homoopathische
Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900
2. HL: Homoeopathic Links,
Homoeopathic Research &
Charities, "Dinar", 20 Station Road,
Santacruz (West), BOMBAY - 400 054.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 182
3. ZKH: Zeitschrift fur Klassische
Homoopathie, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900
4. HH: Homoeopathic Heritage, B. Jain
Publishers (P) Ltd., 1920 Street, 10th
Chuna Mandi, Pahargnj, Post Box 5775,
NEW DELHI-110 055.
5. THE HOMOEOPATH: The Journal
of the Society of Homoeopath, 2,
4HU, U.K.
6. NJH: National Journal of
Homoeopathy, Milan Clinic,
Saraswati Road, Santa Cruz (W),
BOMBAY - 400 054.
British Homoeopathic Journal,
Royal London, Homoeopathic
Hospital, Great Ormond Street,
The Journal of the
Homoeopathic Academy of
Naturapathic Physicians, 11231 SE
Market Street, PORTLAND, OR 97216,
H.T.: Homoeopathy Today, National
Center for Homoeopathy, 500,
Massachusells Avenue, N.W. Suite 42,
LAKEKONST Svenska Akademin for
Kiassik Homeopati, Folgunagagatan 84
HOMOEOPATHY Three Days Seminar
with Dr. Rajan Sankaran on 13th, 14th
& 15th August 1994
{Saturday to Monday) at Patkar Hall,
1, Nathibai Thackersey Road, (New
Marine Lines) Opp. Sundarabai
Hall, BOMBAY-400 020.
Fees; Medical Doctors
Interns and
Rs. 500/- (after 20.7.94)
Rs. 250/- (after
Station Road, Santacruz (W),
BOMBAY-400 054.
49th Congress of the International
Homoeopathic Medical League (Liga
Medicorum Homoeopathic
Internationalis) 19-23, October, 1994,
New Delhi.
Registration Fees:
Rs, 3,000/-
For details contact: Dr. DIWAN
VIJAY CHAND, 49th Congress of the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 183
LHMI National Homoeopathic Centre,
1, Hanuman Road, NEW DELHI -110
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 184
WEMBER David, MD, DHt (JAIN, VOL 85,
(Excerpted from a presentation given at the
Ohio Southern/Michigan/Pennsylvania
Homoeopathic Medical Societies' Meeting in
Dayton, Ohio, October, 1991.)
Several small and unusual remedies
prescribed for various clinical conditions
are highlighted. Covered are such
conditions as nausea of pregnancy, colds
and allergic rhinitis, external otitis, urinary
incontinence, postnasal catarrh, proteinuria,
pre-eclampsia, influenza chronic fatigue
syndrome, coughs, diabetic neuropathy,
herpes; zoster, and facial neuralgia. (I have
slightly condensed the article = K.S.S.)
In preparation fcr a presentation I
gave all
the Ohio/Michigan/
Pennsylvania and Southern
Homoeopathic Medical Societies'
Meeting in 1990,
I received my clinical
practice for a period of foui months,
paying special attention to smalt and
unusual remedies that I found especially
useful. The following is a report of my
One of the problems that came up
frequently was nausea, specifically nausea
of pregnancy. A lot of women go through
pregnancy just fine, but for some reason
there is a propensity for having queasiness,
nausea and vomiting. You can see the
entire spectrum, ranging from
sqjeasmishness to intractable, violent
vomiting. The remedies thai come to mind
most prominently are
Ipecacuanha, Nux
- especially for morning sickness -
Two of our other great
remedies are
both possess a very characteristic symptom
- even the sight or smell of food excites
nausea and vomiting, Many of these
patients feel terrible during the first few
months of pregnancy, and anything that we
can do to help them will be appreciated,
So, in addition to the indicated remedies, I
advise some dietary changes: always to
keep a little bit of food in the stomach.
There are two other remedies for
nausea of pregnancy which you may not
have encountered. One is
It has been a very important
remedy for me for nausea of pregnancy.
Looking back at that remedy, we find that
in 1882 Dr. MOFFIT read a paper about it.
He talked about Dr. BURDOCK who, years
before, had investigated the remedy
because he was trying to discover remedies
that had not yet been incorporated into the
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. He said of
the first prover, an intelligent lady, who, on
feeling the marked nausea which it soon
produced, said, "Doctor, this is precisely
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 185
like the morning sickness that I always
experienced during pregnancy." That is how
became an important
remedy in morning sickness. Julian
WINSTON said that in the Naturopathic
Library in Toronto there is a book with
letter from KENT in which he says that
10M potency is as
much a specific for the nausea of
pregnancy as any he has ever seen.
Another remedy that I have found to be
important in the nausea of pregnancy
Amygdalus persica
(Peach Bark). Now let
me read something that comes from
Old and
ANSCHUTZ. He talks about a paper by Dr.
EDSON in Chicago in 1890.
"Some ten years
I had
little patient
whose principle difficulty seemed that he
was unable to retain anything whatsoever
upon his stomach. He would vomit up
promptly everything that I gave him, and I
had given him everything I had ever heard
of and also had some eminent counsel, but
it was no go. I was literally at my ropes
end. At this juncture an elderly neighbour,
one of "the good old mothers" timidly
suggested an infusion of
Peach bark.
Interesting how we get some of our
remedies. After some thought I decided to
find the bark, which I was fortunate to
procure after a long tramp through the
country and two feet of snow, I prepared
an infusion; the deed was done and presto
the child was cured. He gives various
instances of its usefulness. It is a very good
remedy for nausea of pregnancy.
These four remedies --
Cocculus, Symphoricarpus,
keep on hand and prescribe
This remids me of
story. About five or
six years ago a patient of mine called and
asked if I could come over. She was
terribly sick with nausea of pregnancy. In
fact they had moved her from the country
where she lived to her parents' house, near
where I practiced, because she needed care.
She had been to the regular doctor and was
given injections and suppositories.
Nothing was helping. She was desperate. I
said I would come over after work. When I
got to the house, I was led downstairs to
the recreation room. Everything had been
removed, and she was there prostrate on
sleeper couch. I pulled up a chair next to
the bed. She looked miserable. She had a
pot next to her in which to vomit. I began
talking to her, taking her case with the
usual questions. I noticed she turned over
to look at the other side of the bed and just
started to retch. Her mother was on the
other side of the room talking to her. When
she sat up to answer, she vomited again.
What remedy do you think?
movement she made caused her to vomit.
So remember, you are always looking for
the specific symptoms of the patient. I took
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 186
out a vial of
and put a dose
in water
and told her to sip on it. She called the next
morning and said she was already getting better.
So, Individualization of the case is imperative.
With the onset of allergy season various
remedies call for consideration. There is A/Hum
cepa, Arsenicum album, and Euphrasia. If I had
to pick one remedy for this condition, I would
probably choose Sabadilla. It is a wonderful hay-
fever remedy. When there is a lot of itching,
especially in the palate, Wyethia is a wonderful
remedy. Accompanying the itching are a sore,
red, irritated pharynx and itching of the posterior
nasopharyn. Another remedy that has the same
deep- seated itching in the mouth, nose and ears,
sometimes so intense as to drive the patient
crazy, is Arundo. I learned of this remedy when,
years ago, a patient came in with allergy
symptoms. In her history she described a
peculiar symptom of pain in the stomach "as if
there were something alive", similar to when she
was pregnant. This symptom is not in KENT'S
Repertory, (The symptom is in the KENT
Repertory. See p.541, 554 - however Arundo is
not found in these rubrics. K.S.S.) but it is in
BOERlCKE's - "as if £ fetus in the abdomen."
Arundo had both of those symptoms, and it cured
her allergies. Succinic acid has been helpful to
me in the past. It has all the symptoms of
allergic rhinitis. Another remedy is Kali
sulphuricum chromico, which has sneezing,
watery eyes, runny nose, and nasal itching.
Recently I have found this remedy to be very
useful in allergies. Once again I want to remind
you that we are treating the patient; consequently
we try to find e. remedy to fit a patient's
constitutional nature, the deeper remedy that
seems to fit the nature of the case, but, in doing
so, we must not ignore the specifics.
A useful agent in my daily practice is
Mullein, Verbascum. Oil of Mullein is a classical
remedy for earaches. This oil can also be used for
itchy scallness in the ear canal - exfoliative
dermatitis in or around the ears, like Calcarea
picrata, as well as after suppuration, like
Calcarea sutphurica. Dr. GUSHING wrote in
1884: "My father's house was the home for all
poor tramps, as well as ministers, etc. One day
he fell into the river and got water in his ears and
was quite deaf fcr months. A blind man called,
heard loud conversation, asked the cause, etc.
then said that because of all the kindness he had
received, he would tell us how to make
something that would surely cure him. It was
worth a thousand dollars in New York City. We
made the oil of Mullein, put in his ears, and he
was well in the morning ..." Interesting how
these things come about. In one of HERING's
books he talks about how it is an old German
remedy to help ear conditions.
Another tip that I have recently found to be
helpful also comes from Dr. CUSHING. Here is
what he wrote: "For years we kept a bottle of it
(Mullein) and travelled around town, and it did
wonders for people. When I studied medicine and
I was practising, I wanted to know if the Mullein
was homoeopathic, and I made a proving. I
developed the symptom of almost constant, but
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 187
slight involuntary urination, keeping my pants
wet." I have used it recently for enuresis. There
are various remedies that we use for enuresis -
Causticum, Sepia, etc., various remedies that
appear in the Repertory with which we have
had some success in children. Mullein has this
constant involuntary urination, constant
dribbling. We sometimes get cases of children,
more often little girls than boys, who wet their
pants often during the day at school or daycare. It
is not an ensy thing to cure. The Mullein in low
potency homoeopathic doses has helped several of
those children whom I had not been able 10 help
previously. So, you might keep this remedy in
mind for day time involuntary urination. I have
not used it in adults yet. One other symotom of
Mullein is a teasing cough at bedtime. When the
patient lies down at night and starts to cough, a
dry, teasing cough that is hard to stop, Mullein
has proved helpful.
I had an interesting case recently, a patient
who came in with a two-year history of feeling
as though he were going to choke. There was a
constant drip in the back of his throat, in his
larynx, that was always annoying him. He had
been to half-a-dozen different allopathic
doctors, including ENT specialists. He had
sinus surgery in the hope that it might help. One
month later the symptoms returned. He had to
clear the mucus out all the time. He was better
talking, better eating, and worse swallowing, I
gave him Lachesis initially. The sensation of his
throat closing, worse from swallowing his own
saliva and ameliorated by eating solids, spoke for
that remedy. There was perhaps a 10%
improvement. The next remedy prescribed was
Arum dracontium, not Arum triphyllum. The
latter remedy has clergyman's sore throat and lots
of acrid discharge from the nose. In fact, it is my
prime remedy when chilldren have a dripping
nose and there is redness and excoriation between
the nose and upper lip. Whether the excoriation is
the result of a dripping nose or a cold sore, use
Arum triphyllum; it is a wonderful remedy for
that characteristic. In contrast, Arum dracontium
has a constant need to clear the throat, like
Phosphorus, which is often useful for this
symptom, if other symptoms fit. Well, after Arum
dracontium this patient Improved considerably.
There are various remedies for nasal and
post-nasal discharges. For thick yellow
discharges, Pulsatilla, Hepar sulphuris, Kali
bichromicum, and Hydrastis all have been very
helpful. I remember questioning a patient last
year about his discharges, and he said it was
white. Most patients mean clear when they say
white. So I always ask, "Do you mean like a
cooked or uncooked egg white or milky white?"
There are various color rubrics for discharges
throughout the Repertory. For white discharges
from the nose, Kali chloratum is in the highest
degree. Natrum muriaticum, Kali muriaticum,
Sepia and others all have white discharges, but
think of Kali chloratum for white discharges in
the respiratory tract. It is listed under white
expectoration from the chest and is the only
remedy under opaque white discharges.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 188
The first time I learned of Kali chtoratum
was from Dr. ROOD. She talked about it in
toxemia of pregnancy, where there is protein in
the urine, and I have used it successfully several
times in this situation. I have used this remedy
several times for proteinuria in children. This is
more frequent in boys than girls, especially after
exercise, but there are a few that will have it all
the time. It is not always pathological, but you do
have to be careful. I routinely send these children
to the urologist to make certain there is nothing
wrong with the kidneys. Then a dose of Kali
chloratum will often clear the protein. Another
remedy that has helped me in this same respect is
Ichthyotoxin, from Eel serum. 'Eel serum is to the
kidney as Digitalis is to the heart" is a quote I
recall which described this remedy's relationship
to the kidneys. When the kidney is affected
primarily and there is protein in the urine, as in
the nephrotic syndrome, think of Ichthyotoxin.
Kali chloratum can also be used to advantage in
this same way.
Another remedy I have used recently that
has helped patients with constant post nasal drip
is Antimonium sulphuratum auratum, the golden
sulphuret of antimony, FARRINGTON talked
about this in his Lesser writings, and it has helped
me. For chronic nasal obstruction, I find that
somewhere along the line the patient will require
a dose of Calcarea carbonica. Many of these
patients cannot breathe when they tie down; they
get hooked on nasal drops. Calcarea carbonica
over time will help them. Sanguinaria nitrica is
another remedy for chronic nasal obstruction; it
also has polyps in the nose. Calcarea carbonica is
also a great nasal polyp remedy. Lemna minor
and Sanguinaria come to mind for nasal
obstruction and nasal polyps.
Flu season is already upon us. The usual
Gelsemium, Eupatorium perfoliatum, and
Oscilloccinum are quite helpful and find frequent
use, but, of course, are insufficient to meet all
cases of influenza. What remedy do you think
BOERICKE is describing in the following
passage?" "Epidemic influenza, especially with
violent retching and greatest prostration, when
Arsenicum, has failed ... Tired feeling with
muscular prostration, worse any exertion. Sore
feeling all over, worse in afternoon. Restless at
night. Difficulty getting to sleep. Tired feeling in
the morning on getting up. Tired feeling in back
and neck... extreme weakness... stiffness". It is
Sarcolactic acid. It has fitted many cases of
influenza and has been very helpful, especially
for the tiredness, muscle aches and soreness
described above.
More recently many people have come in for
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have often found
Phosphoric acid, Picric acid and Sarcolactic
acid to be useful in helping relieve the
overwhelming tiredness characteristic of this
For gastrointestinal influenzas there are several
remedies, such as Cuprum, Cuprum arsenicum
and Veratrum album. Triosteum perfoliatum is a
remedy I have found helpful with the symptom
complex of queasiness (a little stomach upset),
muscular aches and frontal headache. These
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 189
cases display all kinds of mild flu symptoms;, but
they do not develop a full-blown acute flu. It has
really been helpful for that mild kind of upset
stomach and achiness.
Here is an unusual cough remedy. I have used
a remedy called Antimonium iodatum. We most
often use the classical remedies for coughs -
Phosphorus, Bryonia, Antimonium tartaricum
etc. However, often, when the cold seems to
descend straight down into the cheat and is hard
to get eradicated, I use Antimonium iodatum. In
my experience the cough is usually dry, the
mucous seeming stuck in the airways. The iodide
component seems to bring up the moisture from
the lungs. It is a great expectorant, just as is the
iodide, allopathically.
Here is an interesting case just recently seen
in my office. The patient came with a third
recurrence of the same symptom complex, the
episodes recurring every two years. Each time a
tremendous flu initiates the sequence. She feels
achy, tired, and hoarse. Before she is very sick,
she can hardly talk, with hoarseness, and she
knows she is going to be bedridden for six weeks.
She tried the antibiotics before without benefit.
She still spent six weeks In bed. I found the
remedy Populus candicans, the Balm of Gilead.
Normally I would have thought of Causticum or
Phosphorus, but neither remedy seemed well
indicated. She took Populus and the hoarseness
evaporated. All of her symptoms cleared after this
remedy, and she has not relapsed since. Keep this
in mind: cough with severe hoarseness (typically
pains less) Populus candicans.
Can Homoeopath help chronic disease?
Forgive the rhetorical question. I have a forty
year-old patient who has had diabetes since
childhood. She has had various complications,
one of which was a diabetic neuropathy with
numbness down the left lower extremity. Her
doctors said it could not be helped. 1 thought of
the sciatica remedies which have pain and
numbness, and I gave her Gnaphalium. After six
weeks it cured that problem; the feeling in her leg
returned. Another case, an elderly lady, came
with the complaint of post-herpetic neuralgia of
two years duration. The after-effects of shingles
can cause terrible pain. The pain was over the left
side of her head, face and eye. I gave her several
remedies without help. Then I used Zincum
valerianum. It helped within a week. I gave her
one dose because I only had a 1M potency, and
she got better. Another patient came in who had
both shingles and tic douloureux, with terrible
terrible pains. It was again on the left side, and
Zincum valerianum helped her too. Whether it is
just a left sided remedy, I do not know, Zincum
valerianum is a good remedy to keep in mind for
severe neuralgic pain in the face.
A patient called recently saying that he had a
spasm in the stomach. "It closes off right here
(pointing to the epigastrium)." "I cant eat, drink
or do anything. If I do, it comes right back up. It
is a terrible spasm. I just need to lie down for a
while. Usually after an hour or so it goes away. I
get it periodically. The spells came very close
together recently." I made note of the location of
the spasm - the junction of the esophagus and the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 190
stomach, the cardiac end of the stomach. Well,
why it came back to me I do not know, but I
remember hearing at the NCIHH summer school
of a remedy with cafdiospasm. I told the patient
that the next time experienced that spasm he
should take... It is right there in KENT'S Repertory
under the "swallowing" rubric. It is Phosphorus.
When he came for the next appointment, he said
that he had another attack, used the Phosphorus
immediately at the beginning of the attack, and
his stomach immediately opened up.
These are a few clinical observations from a
few months of my practice. I hope they have been
of interest.