© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XXII, 2005
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published
world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD, VOL. XXII, 1, 2005 3
2 QHD, VOL. XXII, 2, 2005 53
3 QHD, VOL. XXII, 3, 2005 105
4 QHD, VOL. XXII, 4, 2005 169
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XXII, 1, 2005
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over – India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. The Role of JUNG’s Concept of Shadow in
Homeopathic Treatment
CICCHETTI, Jane (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
Using Carl JUNG’s concept of the shadow, the
author describes its relevance to homeopathic case
analysis and prescribing. This darker, repressed
side of an individual is often revealed in dreams.
The proper analysis of dreams, which should be
based primarily upon the dreamer’s own sense of
their meaning, often reveal core psychological
issues that can be critical to identifying the
homeopathic simillimum.
2. The Fundamentalist Controversy:
An issue That won’t Go Away
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
The author provides a comprehensive overview
of the current controversy between what Dr.
MOSKOWITZ terms the “Fundamentalists” and
the “Innovators” in Homeopathy, flavored with his
own viewpoint on the matter, one acknowledges
much of the recent innovations for their value in
effective case analysis and remedy selection.
Clearly, in Dr. MOSKOWITZ’s view, the
arguments of both sides have merit; thus, rather
than attack each other and further divide
homeopaths, he recommends that everyone
respectfully agree to disagree.
[This article is very interesting and scholarly.
However, it says ‘live’ and let live’ to so-called
“Fundamentalists” and the “Innovators”. We agree.
It is not a quarrel that anyone should mediate. It is
only about ‘what is right’ = KSS].
3. The Evolution of Homeopathy
PITT, Richard (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
Homeopathy, like all living things, is in a
constant state of evolution. This evolutionary
impulse is part of the natural development of all
systems and it requires the ability to evaluate the
impact of these changes on the philosophy and
practice of Homeopathy. The very boundaries of
the definitions of homeopathic practice will
inevitably be challenged as part of this evolutionary
shift, one that requires both flexibility and rigidity.
This article seeks to explore some of the
underlying dynamics and patterns of this
evolutionary change and at the same time to put
Homeopathy into a broader philosophical, social
and cultural framework. The premise of the article
is that Homeopathy is but one system of thinking,
which is connected to and impacted by much
broader evolutionary dynamics, and which, through
their exploration, can help us understand our own
struggles and debates within Homeopathy.
The article seeks to put forward a proposition
that as part of the evolution of Homeopathy itself
the onus is on those practicing the homeopathic art,
that the consciousness of Homeopathy will evolve
through those practicing it. It seeks to put
Homeopathy into a wider framework of thinking,
one that can reveal the implications of the holistic
philosophy and practice of Homeopathy and
identify it with other similar modes of thinking.
4. Health: An Integral Approach
SHARMA, Arati (CCR. 11, 1/2004)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
This brief article puts succinctly the ideas of
The Mother which is totally in agreement with the
homeopathic Philosophy.
The integral’ healing is the ideal. “An illness
of the body is always the outer expression and
translation of a disorder, a disharmony in the inner
being; unless this inner disorder is healed, the outer
cure cannot be total and permanent.” Healing
means to rediscover and restore communication
with our inner self.
5. Linear versus non-linear systems
WANSBROUGH, Charles (HL. 16, 2/2003)
This is a thought-provoking essay. In the
opening paragraphs Paul DAVIES is quoted
extensively to explain the expressions ‘linear’,
‘non-linear’. The author goes on to explain that
homeopathic principles and philosophy fall under
‘non-linear System’.
1. A Proving of Larrea tridentata
MESSER, Stephen; CAGE, Arlan; OKSMAN,
Linda; BEDELL, Sarah; ELLER, Dawn and
AUSTIN, Jane (SIM. XVII, 1/2004)
The Proving was conducted at The Southwest
College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health
Sciences, Tempe, AZ in October 2002, using 30
potency, t.d.s. for 7 days or until valid symptoms
appear, by 11 provers in a double blind study.
The most common medicinal uses include:
G.I.Complaints, Genito-Urinary tract conditions,
PMS, Dysmenorrhoea, Arthritis, Auto Immune
conditions, Wounds and Skin Infections and
possibly as both an abortifacient and to promote
The Proving symptoms are given and
concluded that reproving will verify the symptoms
as well as generate new ones and will help to speed
up the introduction of this remedy into clinical use.
2. Arzneimittelselbsterfahrung mit Taxus baccata
(Remedy Proving on self with Taxus baccata)
ABERMANN, Christoph and
PUSCHKAREKI, Mathias (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
Taxus baccata was selected for the Proving
because it was a known remedy but with a poor
record of provings. This Proving was conducted in
1998 in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, in
which 19 persons participated. The central themes
that emerged were symptoms of Depression in
combination with feelings of Forsakenness;
awareness of social responsibility with a desire to
help where help is needed, as well as a feeling of
helplessness when helping was not possible. The
most salient physical symptoms were localized
sensations of heat and redness, fatigue and throat
3. Bryonia
LAPY, Benoit (RBH. XXXVIIIb, 3/2003)
A thorough study of the remedy Bryonia with
reference to the Repertory, Provings. Although it
was Bryonia alba which was proved, recently
Bryonia dioica is being sold by the Pharmacies.
This study includes Bryonia dioica.
4. Pulsatilla
FLOUR, Agnès (RBH. XXXVIIIb, 3/2003)
This is an extensive study of Pulsatilla
pratensis, including the miasmatic aspects.
5. Juglans regia
(CCRH. 26, 1/2004)
The first Proving of Walnut – Juglans regia
was by Cloter MÜLLER in association with his
father Moritz MÜLLER, in 1846 and 155
symptoms were reported.
The CCRH has carried out ‘Clinical
verification of this remedy and tabulated the
results. It is seen from this that it has been
prescribed in much more cases of skin eruptions,
with good results. Seven females with leucorrhoea
were prescribed this remedy and all of them were
A ‘drug picture’ and ‘Prescribing Symptoms’
on the basis of the ‘Clinical verifications’ have
been drawn, which we may note for further
Drug picture:
Occipital sharp headache < in evening and
after dinner
Pain above the eyes < motion, shaking head,
moving eyes
Otorrhoea, yellowish pus like discharge with
Pustular eruptions behind the ear with sticky
Stye with redness and swelling, recurrent
Pimples over face with itching, with redness,
recurrent in nature
Acne or pimples on forehead, face
Small red with suppuration with itching and
pain oozing, pus like discharge
Face oily
Face dry with black pigmentation, cracks on
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Acne on face with itching
Pimples with itching < cold application
Dryness of mouth after dinner with excessive
White coated tongue
Pain in hollow teeth < in bed
Appetite diminished
Desire for sweet
Constipation – hard, difficult, scanty stool
Bleeding piles
Obstinate constipation, soreness in anus with
itching after stool
Vesicular eruptions on upper part of chest with
itching < night
Frequent micturition day and night, yellowish
Small reddish papular eruption with itching
< changing clothes
Eczematous eruptions with itching
Small reddish papular eruptions, with itching
on scalp
Axillary glands swollen, painful, indurated,
Clinical conditions: Headache, Sty, Acne,
Toothache, Constipation, Bleeding piles, Eczema.
Prescribing Symptoms:
Occipital sharp headache, agg. in evening and
after dinner
Pain above the eyes, agg. motion, shaking
head, moving eyes
Pustular eruptions behind the ear with sticky
Sty with redness and swelling, recurrent in
Ache on face with itching
Pimples on forehead and face with itching, agg.
cold application
Axillary glands swollen, painful, indurated,
Small reddish papular eruptions with itching on
scalp, agg. changing clothes
Vesicular eruption on upper part of chest with
itching, agg. night
Eczematous eruption with itching
6. The Toxicology of Latrodectus
tredecimguttatus: the Mediterranean Black
Widow Spider
BONNET M.S. (HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
The symptomatology of envenomation by the
Mediterranean Black Widow Spider, Latrodectus
tredecimguttatus, is reviewed. The results confirm
the hypothesis that the homeopathic remedy,
Tarentula hispanica, is derived from this Spider,
not from the Wolf Spider, Lycosa tarentula.
Agitation, psychomotor: incidence 17-33%
Amnesia/disturbance of memory.
Anxiety and agitation: 26% of cases, about
death (child).
Confusional state, acute disorientation in time,
person and place with desperation.
Consciousness normal; mental clarity; lucid
with anxiety sensation regarding gravity of illness.
Delirium. With hallucinations, visual.
Psychotic state of mind.
Mental disturbances with dyspnea and a
precordial oppression and anxiety; patient
repeatedly putting hand onto chest.
Depression and deep sadness with sighing and
crying, even grown men, terrified by feelings of
their impending death.
Obnubilation 8.33% of cases, persistent for
days with intermittent lucid periods, gradually
increasing in frequency.
Pavor mortis and pronounced restlessness.
Psychic picture, dramatic.
Restlessness, impulsive, with desire to get up
and go away, to leave (more rarely, to jump out of
Rolling in bed, pulling and tearing bed sheet.
Shouting, yelling, screaming, rolling on floor
with haphazard convulsive movements, uttering
incomprehensible words and terrorized by anybody
approaching, reacting with desire to stand up, to run
away, to escape.
Speak, incapable of, using gestures to
Torpor, general, profound, with all movements
becoming slow, almost fatigued, with intense
asthenia, early symptom. Weep, desire to,
inexplicable, sudden, abandoning activity before
crying desperately without apparent reason and
without answering questions, even from close
Worry, anxiety, concern; psychomotor: 50% of
Central nervous system
Clonic movements.
Convulsions, worsening on second day, with
tremors of whole body.
Fainting; coma.
Meningism: negative on first day; slight, with
headache and vomiting on second.
Motor incoordination.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Paralysis, flaccid: rarely.
Psychomotor excitation, mornings.
CSF pressure increased, clear.
Abdominal reflexes feeble.
Hyperreflexia particularly upper limbs.
Patellar pseudoclonus, bilateral.
Tendon reflexes increased, brisk (child),
constant symptom.
Sensation to touch, pinprick, vibration and
Pinprick sensation diminished, local.
Head pain
Cephalgia: 33% of cases, frontal, intense in child.
Conjunctivitis, with congestion, more or less
pronounced in all patients.
Miosis moderate.
Mydriasis, some cases.
Pupils constricted and not reacting to light.
Changes in the fundus of the eye, some cases,
Fundal veins full.
Accommodation difficulties with blurred, hazy
Angioedema, facial; congested facies, fixed (child)
and swollen, with facial hyperhidrosis and flushing.
Eyelids oedematous and loose tissue below the
eyes, hyperaemic.
Facial expression of indescribable terror with
facial congestion and eyelids oedematous with pink
Pale, anxious.
‘Facies Latrodectismica’: facial congestion,
trismus, rhinitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, mydriasis
and cheilitis: 6.6% of cases.
Hyperaemia of skin in face and head, giving
characteristic appearance.
Salivation, excessive profuse (up to 1.51 in 24h) or
dry mouth.
Sialorrhoea: 41.67% of cases.
Thirst, intense.
Tongue, oedematous.
Paraesthesia, dental.
Anorexia and constipation.
Heartburn despite normal gastric acidity or
even hypoacidic on gastric juice analysis.
Nausea and vomiting: of 13-25% of cases, after
about 1h after start of illness.
Vomiting, very frequent.
Abdomen distended, slightly.
Abdominal contractions; 83.33% of cases,
marked for several hours, guarding 50% of cases;
tense, very tender and tympanitic.
Abdominal musculature rigid disappearance of
abdominal reflexes.
Abdominal pains, colicky, with abdomen tight
and sensitive to touch and pains radiating to lower
limbs: 93.3% of cases
Abdominal pains with contractures in spasms:
66% of cases.
Liver, pronounced increase in size, liver edge
palpable and sensitive to pressure. Subicterus:
15.38% of cases.
Abdominal X-ray: normal.
Urinary system
Oliguria even with full bladder, sometimes
deteriorating to anuria and retention.
Increased urobilinogen.
Erythrocytes and leucocytes in urine.
Glycosuria, rare (child).
Granular and cylindrical casts.
Proteinuria: 25% of cases.
Male genitalia
Priapism with involuntary ejaculation, occasionally.
Chest and respiration.
Dyspnea (child): 13% of cases.
Tachypnea (25/min): 33.33% of cases and
superficial breathing.
Heartburn and violent precordialgia, violent.
Sensation of heaviness/oppression/pressure in
the chest (with fear of death) and thoracic pains.
Chest X-ray: normal.
Cardio-vascular system
Tachycardia 33.33% of cases, with extrasystoly;
moderate, early, frequently followed by bradycardia
Blood vessles spasm.
Arterial hypertension: 41.67% of cases; usually
Hypotension 7%.
Blood pressure rise to 200/125 (adult); 150/110
Pulse: 72-130 beats/min ‘small’ and slow.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
ECG: Abnormalities in 36% of patients.
Bradycardia, sinus: 42/min, P-wave high in
lead II& III. QT-interval prolonged: 0.48s, ST-
segment depressed.
Tachycardia, sinus in 33%; initial and
subsequent ECG’s (day 1). Tall T-waves in leads
V2-V5 with ST-segment depression in leads V3-
V5; initial ECG (day 1). Subsequent ECG (3h
later) shows negative T-waves in leads V1-V6 with
elevation of ST-segment. T-wave very low in lead
I; flattened in lead II; negative in lead III.
Echocardiography. Initially: dyskinesia of
interventricular septum and reduced systolic
function. On day 5: antero-septal hypokinesia with
ejection fraction of 0.45. On day 8: septum and left
ventricular anterior wall normokinetic with ejection
fraction of 0.54.
Musculo-skeletal system
Local erythematous oedema is followed in a few
minutes by muscular spasms in the trunk and the
face, accompanied by violent abdominal pains and
neuropsychic signs.
Affected limb, unable to use.
Hypertonia with muscular contractions.
Contractions, spastic with diffuse pains.
Myalgia, paroxysmal, becoming diffuse and
intolerable, particularly abdominal, thoracic and
Rigidity of the musculature, tetany with
tremors and contractures.
Dorso-lumbar pains/contractions, violent: 40% of
cases, may radiate to lower limbs.
Upper back pain, along scapular line.
Contractures in extremities: 50% of cases.
Extremities cold and cyanosed.
Pain in extremities radiating first from knee to
groin; followed by increased intensity involving
abdomen and chest.
Paraesthesia of extremities.
Lymphadenopathy, painful.
Stiffness of small joints, especially wrists.
Hyperthermia and paraesthesia (formication) in
upper limbs. 33.3-50%
Palmar numbing.
Heaviness, sudden, throughout legs (first
Marbling of the knees.
Moving legs, irregular choreiform.
Pains in lower extremities and plantar
burning/stinging sensation.
Paraesthesia and burning in feet especially in
the soles.
Unable to stand upright, incapable, frozen as if
had lumbago.
Walking difficulties; tabetic gait, ataxic,
Insomnia, night after night consecutively, with
intermittent weeping bouts.
Insomnia, with sensation of being cold all
Shivers accompanied by profuse sweats: 100% of
Afebrile (child).
Fever oscillating between 37
C and 37.8
‘anarchic’: 23% of cases.
Fever, slight: 33% of cases; warmth and
feeling ‘as if he could burst’.
Hyperhidrosis: 23-67% of cases, local with
excitation of erectores pilorum.
Sweating, profuse, cold, diffuse.
The bite site may be erythematous with oedema or
flat urticoidal, warm and hypoaesthetic, or
Anaesthesia dolorosa.
Erythema, local: 83% of cases with urticaria.
Erythema, generalized, diffuse (child),
appearing at 24-48 h: 17% of cases.
Necrosis: 20% of cases.
Oedema, local: 43% of cases, soon spreading
Urticaria, generalized/diffuse, erupting on
second day; ceased progressively 2 days later.
Scarlatinoid, morbiliform, papular, or vesicular
rash, may be generalized, or localized on abdomen,
chest or regional, commonly followed by pruritus.
Maculopapular rash on thorax and abdomen,
third day.
Plaques, red, surrounded by urticarial halo,
extending rapidly and extensively.
Purpura involving the trunk and lower limbs:
17% of cases.
Tumefaction, or slight swelling, reddish, with a
tiny hard and blackish tip and intense pruritus.
The whole syndrome starts with pain, at first
regionally, rapidly spreading to resemble an acute
abdomen; evolving into spasms, involving the
lumbar region and legs with plantar burning
paraesthesia and ‘formication in the upper limbs.
At start of illness, pains in abdomen and lumbar
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
region; on second and third days, the pains are
greater in lower extremities affecting mostly soles
of feet with sharp burning sensations.
Pain: burning, local, soon radiating to regional
lymph nodes with swelling.
Pain: acute, severe, especially in the loins,
abdomen, and extremities.
Pain: mostly in muscles and bones; as if
‘somebody was tearing the flesh with tongs’.
Pain: constrictive; compressive.
Pain: lancinating initially, diminishing
gradually over a few hours, reappearing at later
intervals. Progressively encompassing whole body.
Pain: local in 37-67% of cases.
Pain: loins especially, pressing and cutting.
Pain: lumbar, violent, exacerbated by pressure
on vertebral spines (especially L2-L3), radiating
into lower limbs.
Pain: radiating to groin, abdomen, lumbar
region and thorax, becoming paroxysmal.
Usually fall in eosinophil and lymphocyte count,
with a neutrophil leucocytosis.
Haematocrit (Hct): (normal: m-0.41-0.50; f-
Haemoconcentration with a haemoglobin of
19.7 g/dl (normal: m-13-16g/dl; f-12-15g/dl).
Leucocytosis: 14,600-24,100/µl in 33.33% of
cases (normal: 4,000-10,800l).
White blood cell count (WBC): 15,700-
(93% neutrophils) initially, rising to
(73% neutrophils) (normal: 4800-
Amylase (serum): 254 U/l (normal: 30-170 U/l).
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST): 100 U/l
(normal: 42 U/l).
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH): 395-828 U/l
(normal: 270 U/l).
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): 72mg/dl (normal:
7-30 mg/dl).
Cardiac enzymes initially normal.
Creatinine phosphokinase (CPK): 590-999 IU/l
(adult); child: 201IU/l (normal <200 IU/l).
Calcaemia: 2.75 mol/l (normal: 2.12-2.57
Hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia, slight, in some
Hyperglycaemia: 11.4 mmol/l (with
glycosuria) (normal: 3.3-4.4 mmol/l).
Hypoazotaemia: 8.0 mmol/l (normal: 14-21
Liver metabolism, disordered, temporarily.
Asthenia, prolonged: 13% and marked.
Convalescence prolonged, one month or more,
with intermittent psycho-motor agitation crisis,
gradually improving.
Debilitation and loss of appetite even a month
after illness.
Weakness, extreme.
Weight loss is characteristic, up to 5 Kg in 3
Brain: perivascular haemorrhages (experimental
Liver: hepatic cells swollen (30 min to 6 h)
increasing gradually to dissociation of cells,
massive hyperaemia, and pericapillary oedema
(10+h); necrobiosis (12h) and lobular necrosis
(24h) (experimental mammals).
Adrenals, enlargement.
Zona fasciculata cells swollen, vacuolated or
finely granular, followed (in 24 h) by
disorganization of the columns (experimental
Spleen and lymph nodes: hyperaemia (early),
followed by lymphoid depletion, lymphorrhexis
and haemosiderosis (experimental mammals).
Thymus: thymic cells show marked pyknosis
and karyorrhexis (12h); reticulum cells swollen and
prominent (experimental mammals)
Renal: Capillary thrombosis (40h)
(experimental rats).
Renal: Cortex enlargement.
Kidneys: degeneration of tubular epithelium
(10-20h) with necrosis (24h) (experimental
mammals). Zona fasciculata, Zona glomerulosa
and Zona reticularis enlarged.
Lungs: pale and inflated (mice).
Lungs: reddish marbled appearance with
numerous petechiae (mice).
Pulmonary oedema (experimental mammals).
Heart: perivascular haemorrhages
(experimental mammals).
Differential diagnosis
Acute abdomen.
Acute myocardial infarction.
Delirium tremens.
Dissection of aorta.
Renal colic.
7. A Clinical Study of Physostigma venenosum
in the Improvement of Progressive Myopia
BASU T.K. (HH. 28, 11/2003)
The Progressive Myopia of 75 patients was
determined following the examination of defective
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
vision, retinoscopy study, ophthalmoscopic
examination of the fundus and slit-lamp
examination of fundus stereoscopically under high
Physostigma venenosum is a climbing plant
found near the bank of Niger river of South Africa.
It belongs to the family Leguminosae. Common
name Calabar bean. The alcoholic tincture is
prepared from pulverized bean and triturations are
made from whole bean.
Physostigma was prescribed on the basis of
homeopathic philosophy only to those patients
who had the symptomatology.
Placebo group 20 patients.
Physostigma group 55 patients.
Much improvement of vision in 74.5%.
Slight improvement of vision in 19.05%.
No improvement of vision in 6.3%.
In placebo group, no improvement observed in
12.5%. Gradual loss in vision in 87.5% cases.
Dr. BASU has shown a relation of Myopia
with Glaucoma in his paper ‘Role of Physostigma
in Simple Myopia’. The Progressive Myopia was
due to long-continued over-use with symptoms of
irritability, dull pain after using the eyes, muscae
volitantes, flashes of light, twitching of lids, etc.,
and Physostigma venenosum is one of the important
drugs which can give good and favorable result.
8. Variolinum, Vaccininum and Malandrinum
The Powerful Smallpox Nosodes and their
therapeutic use
(HL. 16, 2/2003)
Ten years ago, Dr.Erika SCHEIWILLER-
MURALT found that Smallpox Nosodes such as
Variolinum, Vaccininum and Malandrinum are able
to cure deep-rooted disorders in cases where well-
chosen homeopathic remedies have failed. These
Nosodes are most powerful, and their effects are
deep, long lasting and surprisingly fast.
The whole of mankind has been in contact with
Smallpox, leaving a deep-rooted disorder in later
generations. The powerful healing effects of the
Smallpox Nosodes are demonstrated in a case study
with 120 patients, taking Variolinum as an example.
The differentiation between Variolinum,
Vaccininum and Malandrinum are mentioned. As
the symptoms and modalities of the three Nosodes
are very similar to each other, it is the intensity and
frequency of a complaint that makes the difference
between them.
Finally, the author presents, on the basis of her
practical experience, a table she has developed over
ten years of research. This table is easy to
comprehend and will help a great deal in choosing
the Nosode which will be most beneficial.
9. The Toxicology of Psilocybe semilanceata
The Liberty Cap
(HL. 16, 2/2003)
Dr. M.S. BONNET has, in the past, contributed
‘toxicology’ of several creatures. In this paper, he
examines the biological, medical and toxicological
aspects of the mushroom, Psilocybe semilanceata,
the Liberty Cap. It is placed taxonomically and
examined in regard to its structure, distribution and
toxic/hallucinogenic components, for which this
fungus has been used in social rites for thousands of
years. The Materia Medica based on human and
animal intoxication is enumerated in detail,
following the order of classical homeopathic
repertories. Laboratory values of affected victims
are compared to normal values.
The Synthesis Repertory refers to Psil. for
Psilocybe caerulescens’ which is a different
species with several varieties.
All experimental signs and symptoms are from
mammal experiments only; apes, cats, dogs, guinea
pigs, mice, monkeys, rabbits, rats, etc.
1. Lyssin: A Rabid remedy for Rage
ULLMAN, Robert (SIM. XVII, 1/2004)
Case 1: Kevin, 11, since 3 years of age began
his assaultive tantrums. After the tantrum, he felt
bad and would often apologize. He was also
destructive. He did not like being teased. Scared of
dark. Loved dogs and hated cats. Threatened
with knives. He had history of
Streptococcal Tonsillitis, Otitis Media and
First dose was Lyssin M and 12 daily. Had an
initial aggravation for 2 weeks and then began to
improve. He was less destructive and calmed
down. Now he was intensely afraid of the dark and
being alone at night. Stramonium 200. After 5
months another dose of Lyssin M and 12 daily
because of relapse.
Mother thought he was better when he took
Lyssin 12c regularly. He hated swimming and
would not get in the pool for anything. Followed
up for 18 months. His teacher said “he’s not the
same boy.”
Case 2: Todd, 6, would go into a blind rage
when angry or frustrated. His anger was often
turned inward (self-torture) and was also
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
destructive. Sensitive to loud noises. Had facial
tics and involuntary jerking movements of his arms
and legs. He drooled and spat constantly.
Lyssin 200 single dose. 3 weeks of
aggravation and then began to improve. Relapse
after 6 weeks Lyssin 200. He was worse. Lyssin
1M. Improved. Lyssin 10M. A month later relapse
with another dose improved for 3 months. The next
dose held for 10 months without any rage.
Case 3: Christopher, 5, was aggressive since
weaning. Scratching, biting, kicking, spitting and
hitting. Very sensitive to teasing and liked
chocolates. Had URI in winter followed by
asthmatic cough and increased aggression.
Lyssin 200 and 12 daily. 2 months later better.
Another dose improved his ability to handle
frustration. His mother felt the action of medicine
was shorter and weaker than the earlier ones. So
Lyssin 1M was given, followed by an aggravation
for a month and then much better.
2. Help for hot flashes
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 3/2003)
Indications of Lachesis, Sulphur, Sepia,
Glonoine and Sanguinaria in this common
menopausal complaint is discussed.
3. Three different experiences of Menopause
ALLEN, Karen (HT. 23, 3/2003)
Case 1: Caroline, 52, developed high Blood
Pressure through menopause and hot flashes.
Feeling of pressure in ears, pain above right eye,
symptoms worse in mid afternoon and aversion to
Belladonna 12 daily. As her symptoms
improved, she took less and less frequent and after
8 weeks back to her usual life.
Case 2: Nancy, 49, started having anxiety
attacks on waking, could not remember what she
has read, perspiration on face with hot flashes and
rumbling of gas in abdomen, as if there were snakes
inside her. After several doses of Lachesis 30. She
made it comfortably through the transition.
Case 3: Barbara, 56, copious menstrual flow
with hot flashes and recurrent pain in right shoulder
and to smell things no one else could smell.
Sanguinaria 200 one dose. Menstrual cycle
stopped completely. Pain right shoulder gradually
faded over 6 weeks and imaginary smell
4. Menopause: A terrible/terrific transition
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 23, 3/2003)
The emotional symptoms, hot flashes, and
general symptoms of fifteen remedies indicated in
Menopause are presented in a tabular format and
prescribing guidelines are given.
5. Six remedies and rubrics used in Menopause:
Psychological profiles
MASTER, Farokh (HT. 23, 3/2003)
Indifference, apathy – Cyclamen
Estranged – Asterias rubens
Anxiety with fear – Androctonus
Anxiety – Amylenum nitrosum and Trillium.
Fear of insanity - Cimicifuga
Other mental symptoms of the above remedies
in Menopause are also discussed.
6. Pain-free after Surgery
ROTENBERG, Bonnie (HT. 23, 3/2003)
The author was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer
in June 2002. Advised by Catherine COULTER,
she began a course of Carcinosin 200 and Aurum
muriaticum natronatum 200. After few months
neither increase nor decrease in the size of tumor
and so agreed for hysterectomy. She took Arnica
30 a day before the surgery and gave instructions
for Arnica 200 to be given after the surgery at
frequent intervals and a dose of Phosphorus 30 for
On day two, Staphysagria 200, as pain
transitioned from soreness to slight stabbing pain.
The level of pain never exceeded a ‘2’ on a scale of
1 to 10. No painkillers were used. Insomnia and
extreme restlessness each night after the surgery
disappeared with Bellis perennis 30.
7. What to expect when old symptoms return
HYDE, Rosemary C. (HT. 23, 3/2003)
A series of old symptoms can occur at different
times during a longer course of homeopathic
treatment. These symptoms are generally short-
lived and significantly less uncomfortable than one
might expect. Knowing what to expect can
reassure people that a return of old symptoms can
be a good sign, especially if it is accompanied with
general feeling of improvement. Two case
examples are given.
8. Accident: Three remedies to use
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 4/2003)
The use of Aconite, Arnica and Calendula in
skating accident involving his son is described.
9. An epidemic of Autism
How Homeopathy can help?
(HT. 23, 4/2003)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The various presentations of Autism are
discussed and the increase of the cases is suspected
with large number of vaccines being administered.
The progress under homeopathic care depends
on where the child falls on the autistic spectrum to
begin with, how clear an understanding the
homeopath can attain of the child and how well the
homeopathic remedy fits the child.
The author has discussed his approach and how
parents can support the treatment.
10. A beautiful mind
ULLMAN, Robert (HT. 23, 4/2003)
Sam, 5 years diagnosed with Semantic
Pragmatic Disorder, a serious deficit in thought and
language processing, poor social skills and
behavioral problems. He had special aptitude for
Mathematics and could calculate cube roots in the
head. He started talking late. Inclined to make
noises. Sam had history of a severe reaction to
Amoxycillin and later, a high fever induced by the
MMR vaccine potentially correlated with his
Autism. Very reserved.
Many homeopathic prescriptions given and no
lasting benefit. With the experience of treating 2
other cases of similar nature, Silica 200 was given
which also covered the totality.
After a month, he was doing considerably
better. He enjoyed playing with other children.
Over 18 months he was given 3 doses of Silica 200
and a dose of 1M. He is more interactive, language
is now age-appropriate. He has calmed down. No
11. A case of Attention Deficit Disorder
MESSER, Stephen (HT. 23, 4/2003)
Michael’s main problem is an inability to focus
his attention. This delays his homework. Always
hungry. He is happy when getting attention from
others. Perspires easily and profusely. His joints
are hyperflexible. Gets restless in tight clothing.
He is very concerned about his reputation so that he
can be very popular.
Veratrum album 6 once a day. 2 months later
improved in all aspects. Veratrum album 30, once
a week. 6 months later, relapse and so Veratrum
album 200, once a day for a week. Since then
12. Using Homeopathy to heal after circumcision
FEDER, Lauren (HT. 23, 4/2003)
Indications of Arnica, Hypericum and
Calendula are given. For healing the inflammation
Apis and Cinnabaris.
Aconite to be given if the baby is in shock after
surgery. Staphysagria for babies who look
resentful. Stramonium for shock when Aconite did
not help.
13. Three cases of Chicken pox
GRILL, Yolande (HT. 23, 4/2003)
Case 1: Eruption first appeared on Monica’s
genitals. Vesicles, inflamed, itchy and burning.
Bathing gives temporary relief. Refused to eat.
Much worse at night. Mercurius 30. 3 doses in 24
hours. Improvement was immediate.
Case 2: Paul, 8 years, ran a high fever, soon
after the appearance of eruptions. Restless and
delirious. Intense itching. Aconite 200. He calmed
down, fever and delirium disappeared.
Case 3: Alan, 6 years, complained pain in his
back, joints of arms and hands at the onset of
eruptions. Refused to take baths. Photophobia,
severe itching and restlessness. Rhus tox 30 and his
pains never returned.
Indications of Aconite, Antimonium crudum,
Antimonium tartaricum, Belladonna, Mercurius,
Pulsatilla, Rhus tox and Sulphur in the treatment of
Chicken pox are given.
14. A case of Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia
FLEISHER, Mitchell A. (HT. 23, 4/2003)
The author describes Dr. Divya CHHABRA’s
‘free association’ and ‘circle analysis’ method of
case taking, which enables the homeopath to reach
through the subconscious level of dreams to the
deep seated core delusion, which manifests as the
symptoms of imbalance and illness.
This is illustrated with a case of a 56-year-old
female with Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia.
Translating her symptoms into rubrics of mind:
Ambition, increased; Competitive; Loquacity;
Jealousy; Suspicious; Malicious; Censorius;
Mocking; Sarcasm. Dream rubrics: Falling and
Spiders, hairy. Clairvoyance and External throat,
Clothing aggravates.
Crotalus cascavella 1M. 3 months later, 80%
better. Feeling less annoyed by women and feeling
15. The Restoration of Health: a Physician’s High
and Only Mission – Evaluation of a Patient
Presenting with a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia
HOOVER, Todd A. (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
35-year-old man, with long history of
Schizophrenia. Intense guilt as if he had done
something that is unforgivable. Delusion he was
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
persecuted by devils; deserving of divine
retribution. Agitated, restless legs, tremulous,
anxiety from reprimands. Violence, striking
himself, striking walls. Waking 2-4 a.m.
Kali bromatum 200, single dose.
Two months later, significantly better. Had
developed very itchy groin rash. Two months later,
rash worse and it cleared only after antifungal
medication. Ten months later, picture changed.
Now fright, hypervigilance, impulse for violence
and childish hiding. Stramonium 200, single dose.
Two months later, significantly better, with
more energy and less anxiety. Relapse seven
months later and no response to repetition of the
A thorough re-examination was made:
1. Fear of reprimand; of something happening,
2. General detachment from others; living in a
world of his own creation practicing pure
3. Unique ability for dates.
4. Childish quality, unable to care for himself.
5. Guilty feelings, delusion he was a failure.
6. Picking at himself, striking himself, biting his
nails, reproaching himself, eccentricity.
Bufo rana was given and seven year follow-up,
with repetition in high potency about 6 times with
decreasing frequency.
This led to an increasing restoration of health.
The author opines the first two remedies acted
palliatively. They definitely halted the decline and
deterioration of the case, but did not restore health.
16. A Case of Tourette’s Syndrome
LEVATIN, Janet (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
BC, ten-year-old girl had some vocal sounds
and some motor tics from three year age. Dislike of
school and homework and showing an undercurrent
of anger that’s never been there before. Fears dark
room. Tics and vocal sound became worse.
History of Psoriasis on head. Cradle cap as infant.
Occasional Otitis Media. Mild to moderate hearing
loss diagnosed at 3 years.
Agaricus 200.
Over the next 16 months, potency was raised to
1M and 10M after relapses, and no further
improvement. So Coca 200 was given based on the
fact that her father was a cocaine addict.
Over the next year, she improved gradually and
having hard time with Psoriasis on her scalp.
She would need one more remedy, probably
17. Die begleitende Behandlung von Karies und
(The treatment of Consequences of Caries and
affections due to mineralisation)
FELDHAUS, Heinz-Werner
(AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
Caries is not only the result of sugar
consumption and the infestation by bacteria, but has
to be considered rather as a disorder of the whole
organism. Therefore it can only be regarded as a
local symptom, which can be used by the
homeopathic practitioner and dental practitioner in
the process of finding the simile. This article
presents the holistic approach and some main
remedies on the basis of their local symptoms.
(Kreosotum, Staphysagria, Thuja occidentalis,
Silicea - Acidum silicicum, Sepia, Natrum
muriaticum, Natrum carbonicum, Calcium
18. Zahnmedizinische Problematik in der
Homöopathie (Dental Medicine problems in
HÖR, Klaus Roman (AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
Homeopathic treatment of problems during
dentition in the background of hereditary taint are
described with Syphilinum, Medorrhinum and
Tuberculinum and their following remedies.
Frequently indicated remedies as well as acute
remedies are described.
The morphological peculiarities are classified:
1. Teeth, stunted, in children: Syph., Staph., Med.,
2. Teeth, notched, indented: Bac., Lach., Med.,
Plb., Syph., Tub.
3. Eruption of Teeth, distorted: Syph.
4. Irregular form: Bac., Chlorpr., Phenob., Phos.,
Syph., Tub.
5. V-formed teeth: Kreos., Syph.
19. Homöopathie bei Infektionen im Zahn- und
Kieferbereich (Homeopathy in infections of
Teeth and mandibular region)
KREBS, Johannes (AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
This article describes the often used
homeopathic remedies in cases of dental and
mandibular/maxillary infections. As far as they are
caused dentally, gingival infections are discussed as
20. Homöopathie bei Infektionskrankheiten im
Mund und Rachen (Homeopathy in Infectious
Diseases of Mouth and Throat)
FRIESE, Karl-Heinz (AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
All infectious diseases of the mouth and throat
can be well treated by Homeopathy because this
part of the body is easy to be observed and
remedies can be given by the colour of the mucous
membranes. Regularly the diseases are treated
quicker by homeopathic remedies than by
conventional medicine which is able to treat viral
diseases only symptomatically not causally. This is
the difference of Homeopathy. The most common
remedies in mouth and throat diseases are
Belladonna, Apis, Mercurius solubilis, Hepar
sulphuris, Borax, Kali bichromicum and Kali
21. Zahnungsbeschwerden Klinisches Stichwort
(Dental complaints – Clinical Keywords)
BLEUL, Gerhard (AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
The tenth section of this series gives the rubrics
from different repertories for affections during
dentition. The main remedies are briefly described.
22. Chorea minor und rezidivierende
Atemwegsinfekte (Chorea minor and recurring
airway region)
LORZ, Thomas (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
Course of treatment of a six-year-old boy with
Sydenham’s Chorea after a Streptococcal infection.
With daily Penicillin prophylaxis, infections of the
upper respiratory system with increased choreic
movements recurring several times per month came
on. A substantial improvement of hyperkinetic
movements disorder was reached with
homeopathic treatment. Also recurrent infections
lessened and general state improved.
23. Homöopathische Behandlung an der
Kinderonkologie in LKH Klagenfurt
(Homeopathic treatment in Children’s
Oncology Department of the Klagenfurt
Hospital, Austria)
PICHLER, Erfried (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
Establishing Homeopathy in public hospitals
of Austria is difficult because acknowledgement is
lacking. Nevertheless some homeopathic
outpatient departments have been founded in the
last years.
Since last 5 years, it has been possible to treat
children in the Children’s Oncologic Department of
Klagenfurt’s Hospital, with Homeopathy in
addition to conventional therapy. Radar Computer
Programme or the Synthesis in book form is used.
Generally one remedy is given and in exceptional
cases two and in very rare circumstances three in a
day. Potencies D12, C12, LM6 are mostly used in
the beginning.
Two cases show the homeopathic course of
24. Akute diffuse nummuläre Ekzeme (Acute
diffuse nummular Eczema)
EICHLER, Roland (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
13-year-old boy with an acute nummular
Eczema. During mid 1990 he had been treated by
me successfully with Tuberculinum koch for
Neurodermatitis. He was free from the disease upto
now (2003). In 1998 he came to me for an acute
Condylomata in anus, treated with Syphilinum,
successfully. He has not been seen again for 5
years until now.
In the face, arms, right leg and in the upper left
half of the buttock as also on the knuckles, palm,
coin-like vesiculo-papular, very red Eczema spots.
Sporadic itching, lesser in open air, worse if
sitting long in closed room.
Tuberculinum XM.
25. Homöopathische Behandlung von Notfällen
Anaphylaktischer Schock (Homeopathic
Treatment of Emergencies)
BÜNDNER, Martin (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
There is, in the mind of som, that Homeopathy
can be applied only in Chronic or harmless acute
diseases. Homeopathic treatment also can show
best results in very acute and life-threatening
diseases. In this case a baby got an anaphylactic
shock after eating chicken protein and is treated
with Belladonna.
26. Mercurius solubulis und die Beweglichkeit
(Mercurius solubulis and mobility)
MEYER-KÖNIG, Peter (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
In 1994, the parent of a twin children reported
that the cough of his two children who had been
given Mercurius solubilis had slowly gone away.
But there was also a surprising effect. The children
could crawl better after the Mercurius solubilis.
A group of 25 infants in robbing age between
11 upto 18 months gained a perfect ability for
crawling within a few days after Mercurius
The pathology of this disorder is also
In regard to this article Dr. Heinz PSCHEIDL
writes in the Letter to the Editor, AHZ. 249,
4/2004: All symptoms which Mercurius can heal,
Quicksilver (e.g. Amalgam) must be able to
produce. I have the mothers to do away with
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Amalgam fillings, in appropriate cases at time of
becoming pregnant (ref § 7, 67 FN). Many
Quicksilver intoxicated patient react to Mercurius
with severe aggravation. Others develop follow-up
In further response Dr. MEYER-KÖNIG
discusses the aggravations and other adverse effects
of Mercury-dental Amalgam.
27. Warzen eine Chronische Erkrankung (Warts
– a Chronic Disease)
TOST, Katharina (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
The importance of Warts as a sign of a Chronic
Disease as well as the therapeutic instructions of
HAHNEMANN are presented by means of the
Organon. The therapy of Warts is described in
three cases in which homeopathic remedies are
chosen according to the totality of the symptoms.
28. Akuter Myokardinfarkt (Acute Myocardial
BÜNDNER, Martin (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
An acute Myocardial Infarction is diagnosed
by laboratory and electrocardiography. An
echocardiography confirms Hypokinesia which is
associated with infarction of heart muscle. After
homeopathic treatment a coronary angiography
was carried out in the following but there was no
Coronary Stenosis or other indications for
Myocardial Lesion.
29. Uterine Fibroids: A Clinical Study with USG
GUPTA, Girish; GUPTA, Naveen; SINGH,
Vijay and BISHT, Deepa (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
A total of 217 cases of Uterine Fibroids (Single
and Multiple) were registered and available for
proper follow-up treatment. Analysis was made to
assess the percent response in each case following
treatment with homeopathic remedies at Gaurang
Clinic and Centre for Homeopathic Research,
Lucknow till December 31, 2002. Timely
diagnosis by Ultrasonography followed by
homeopathic treatment showed excellent response
in significant number of cases avoiding surgery
which has been the lone option in Allopathy.
After homeopathic treatment, 74 patients were
cured, 21 were best improving showing more than
50% reduction in the size of fibroid, 64 patients
showed significant improvement, 31 maintained
status quo and 21 patients did not improve, 4 cases
could not be reliably evaluated due to confusing
Ultrasonography reports. Two cases were
Nabothian Cysts and both were cured. The overall
results of this study is encouraging.
30. Knowing the Mind in Homeopathic Practice
DHAWALE K.M. (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
This is a brief extract from Dr. DHAWALE’s
article in the Journal of the Institute of Clinical
Research, Vol.1, 3/1991. The mental symptom,
mental state and disposition are differentiated.
31. Cancer
DHAR, Bansi and BHATNAGAR, Pankaj
(NJH. 5, 3/2003)
The authors have written with much feeling
that despite a good record in palliation/cure of
Cancer by Homeopathy, the general medical world
tend to criticize adversely.
Cases have been mentioned briefly.
The ‘Seven Warning Signals’ of Cancer:
1. Change in bowel or bladder habits.
2. A sore that does not heal.
3. Unusual bleeding or discharge.
4. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere.
5. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
6. Obvious change in Wart or Mole.
7. Nagging cough or hoarseness.
Trauma as a causative factor is also
Copious quotes from different authors are
32. Leucoderma – Vitiligo
PATEL, Mukesh (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
A brief write-up on this subject.
33. Miasm and its Therapeutic Implications
PUROHIT, Hitesh G. (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
Three cases treated with particular attention to
the underlying Miasm, are given.
34. A Case of Inferior and Right Ventricular
CHIMTHANAWALA, Adil (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
This is a very interesting case treated
homeopathically through and through. The patient
is 22-year-old with sudden onset on chest pain-
retrosternal, prostration, cold sweat, anxious,
restless, averse to being covered even though hands
and feet cold.
Camphora was the remedy.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
35. A Case of Osteosarcoma
KHAN L.M. (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
14-year-old girl, thin, limping gait with pain
and swelling right leg just below the knee since
years. Diagnosed Osteosarcoma of right upper
Tibia. Pain was constant, worse exertion. Very
fond of dancing, fast paced music. Very irritable
and rude behavior, dominating. Craving sweets.
Mother suffered throughout the nine months of
pregnancy, nausea and vomiting until delivery time.
X-ray: multiple fractures in the affected bone.
Thyroidinum 30 t.d.s, for three days, followed
by placebo.
36. Quick Short Cases
KANOJIA, Satish (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
Case 1: 20-year-old man bent double with pain
abdomen, diarrhoea, vomiting. Colocynth 200 and
in 15 minutes pain subsided. Two more doses
given to be taken same evening and next morning.
Remains well. [When one dose Colocynth 200
relieved why two more doses, same potency? =
Case 2: 25-year-old man with diarrhoea,
undigested particles. Oleander 30.
Case 3: 47-year-old female, obese, burning
micturition, frequent. Cantharis 200.
Case 4: 28-year-old man, epigastric pain and
heaviness chest; had drank beer previous day.
Green discharge from right eye, thready. Kali
bichromicum 200. Next day passed 3-4 loose
stools, felt better. Discharge from right eye also
Case 5: 25-year-old female, vomiting since
night after eating ‘Pulao’. Pulsatilla 200.
Case 6: 25-year-old man vomiting since night.
5-6 bouts of vomiting. Previous night alcohol. Nux
vomica 200.
Case 7: 13-year-old girl, throat pain. Feared
glands. Anxious look. Aconite 200.
Case 8: 11-month-old, fever; body cold except
head, which was very hot. Belladonna 200.
Case 9: 18-year-old man, fever since 7-8 days,
urine yellow, desired salted rice. Natrum
muriaticum 200.
Case 10: 35-year-old female. Vomited since 2
days. D &C done two days ago under anaesthesia.
Phosphorus 200.
37. Multiple Personality Disorder Syndrome?
BAIG, Mirza Anwar (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
This is an interesting article on the mental
disease ‘Multiple Personality Disorder Syndrome’.
Two cases treated by the author are narrated.
38. Mixed Cases
MISHRA S.C. (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
Case 1: 54-year-old man lost his wife in road
accident after which he suffered from sleeplessness,
severe body jerks when falling asleep. Ignatia 200,
without relief. Then Arsenicum album M also
without relief. Again Ignatia M, without benefit.
Repertorization (Mental shock, jerking head during
sleep, flatulence) Arnica M gave good relief.
Case 2: 2-year-old boy, passes stool, soils his
underwear, involuntarily, itching of penis, lying on
abdomen and rubs his penis by body movement.
Dominating. Stands only by leaning on someone.
Thuja 200 did not >. Repertorisation .. Lachesis M
(4 doses one daily) with some improvement;
Lachesis XM (4 doses one daily); marked
improvement. Thuja XM (4 doses b.d.); some pale
spots on face. No further relief. Lachesis XM (3
doses o.d.) [June 2001 to August 2001: M, four
doses; XM, eleven doses whatever medicine to
2-year-old child is baffling. This is an
Case 3: 70-year-old male, pain of many years,
right knee. Big hard tumor in the popliteal fossa of
the right knee causing pain when rising and sitting
down. Attacks of sneezing morning and evening.
Thirstless, Insomnia whole night. Irritable, very
short-tempered. Nux vomica 30/1 dr., t.d.s.
Growth of popliteal fossa reduced, pain has
gone down to leg. Overall better. Nux vomica 30
for a month more. The tumor has become very soft
and reduced in size. Pain leg still. Sleep well,
appetite good, no irritability. Medicine continued
until the tumor vanished.
Case 4: 30-year-old female with two children;
severe persistent nausea early morning after getting
up. Sight of food also brings on nausea. Total
anorexia. Thirstless. Horripilation when she thinks
that she will get the disease which the other person
whom she saw, has. Delusion of being mad.
Hopelessness of cure. History of recurrent coryza.
Natrum muriaticum 200/4 o.d. No>. Sepia M four
doses o.d. S.L. 10 o.d. Sepia XM two o.d. No
Case 5: 28-year-old male, a Trade Union
leader and Social Worker. Since sometime feeling
sick with crawling sensation on scalp and heaviness
in head with Vertigo. Palpitation before sleep.
Tension and restlessness in the brain. Tongue gets
stiff making difficult to talk. Bloated abdomen
with loud eructations. Better in general when
occupied. Sensation of heat emanating from palm.
Quick and hasty, impatient. History of Jaundice.
History of Multiple injury in legs and forehead.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Nux vomica 200 for six days o.d. No change
Nux vomica M/2o.d. Slightly better. Repeat Nux
vomica M/4 o.d. , then Sac Lac 7 o.d. and then
Sulphur 200/4 doses o.d.
Case 6: 53-year-old Electrical Engineer,
sedentary job. Pain heel, Hypertension, Piles and
sexual weakness. Zingiberis 30/one dram pills
t.d.s. for 7 days. Same repeated for another 7 days.
Heel pain better. During this period he got chest
pain. Zincum metallicum 30 b.d. Repeated 8 doses
75% relief heel pain. For high cholesterol
Allium sativa Q1oz 10 gtt. b.d.
He developed some ulceration in cheek.
Natrum muriaticum 200, three powders as his
cheek was sensitive to hot food/drink. A week later
cheek ulcer slight relief. Repeat Natrum
muriaticum 200/3 o.d.
A week later, no improvement: Lycopodium
200/4 b.d.
12 days later: erection still poor, early
ejaculation ++, Nitric acid 30/1dram pills t.d.s.
Three weeks later: No > in any respect.
Graphites 200/4 doses. Only ulcer amel. after 8
days. Allium sativa Q again. About two weeks
later cheek ulcer again flared up. To stop Allium
sativa and Graphites M/4 doses. About 20 days
after, Graphites XM/3 powders at 15 minute
Cheek ulceration much improved. All other
complaints remained.
It is interesting to note that Allium sativa
caused cheek ulcer in him. But his Cholesterol
came down.
[I feel bewildered; 30 potency repeated for
days together; 200, 1M, 10M too repeated. What is
the justification for Natrum muriaticum 200–three
powders? And Lycopodium 200-four powders!
Graphites M four doses and XM every 15 minutes
three doses!! Why 15 minutes? Why not 10
minutes or 20 minutes or for that matter every 5
minutes. What are the rules for these games? Or
are there no rules? And it is all a rule of the thumb?
Pardon me please=KSS]
39. My Learning Curve
SHAH, Bhavani (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
20-year-old student of Engineering with
complaints of frontal headache since 1984, <since
1999, as if some swelling inside head, < from
exertion, change of weather, exposure to sun, cold.
Concomitant: head feels hot, cold milk vomited,
bangs his head so that all will come out, drenching
sweat of head, Tense. Mother died of Leukaemia.
Depression after his lover girl ditched him. Natrum
muriaticum 200 one dose weekly for three months.
[The young doctor says that as students, the
importance of single dose was not impressed upon
and that they repeated what they saw in the OPD!
This remark speaks volumes about the
homeopathic education. No purpose in blaming
the students=KSS]
40. Dramatic Cases
33-year-old man, mechanical Engineer, now
into trading. Renal stones, pain in right lumbar
region, with increased urine frequency with
vomiting; pain > after vomiting, agg. 2-4 p.m., 6-7
p.m. 4 stones, obese, nail biting, desires sweets,
salt, meat.
Thuja occidentalis 200/7 doses (!) at intervals
of about two weeks, then Thuja M/10 doses (!!!) at
intervals of 15-20 days. Cured. USG confirmed.
[We see no reason or rationale for so many doses of
high potency Thuja. Has not HAHNEMANN said
that the same potency should not be repeated? =
41. A Case of Prolapse of Inter-vertebral Discs
KAPSE, Anand (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
70-year-old female, three children. Pain left
lumbo-sacral joint, sudden onset, amel. traction,
raising the leg up. Burning soles, fingers, since 7-8
years; amel. cold water, left thigh, right thigh
occasional pains > cold application on head, agg.
night. Throbbing pain, knees since 20 years. No
swelling, agg. sitting/flexing knees, amel. hot
fomentations. Maculo-Papular eruptions, watery
discharge, exertional dyspnoea. X-ray: mild to
moderate Osteoarthritis of the left knee joint.
Sepia 200 repeated daily for 10 days. Then
Thuja 200 and Sepia 200 again for six days. Frozen
shoulder also relieved.
42. Homeopathic Approach to Osteoarthritis
KAPSE, Anand; PHANSE, Anagha &
DATEY, Sonali (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
5 cases of Osteoarthritis successfully treated
homeopathically. Most of the cases needed Thuja
as intercurrent. In some patients Osteoarthritic
Nosode 30 was also used.
43. Homeopathic Management of Disorders of
Lumbar Inter-vertebral Discs
RASAL, Prasad (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Degenerative disc disease wide spread, severe
lumbar canal stenosis. Was on traction for long.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Homeopathic treatment: Lachesis 200 one dose, on
next day Bryonia XM t.d.s. for ten days. Also
Calcarea fluorica 6x t.d.s. for ten days. Patient
improved and could walk a km. Continued with
Calcarea fluorica 6x b.d. for a month and then o.d.
for two months. One dose Tuberculinum M
(antimiasmatic). [Such prescriptions are really
bewildering. It would appear that Calcarea
fluorica really did more benefit than the Bryonia
XM t.d.s. for 10 days=KSS]
44. The Man who slipped on every occasion
A man 42 years, with complaints of calf pain
and numbness after slipped disc L4-5 an year ago.
Cervical spondylosis. D12-L1 stiff as hardboard.
MRI showed mild degenerative changes D9-10,
D10-11 and D11-12 facet joints.
Nux vomica 30, 200, Kali carbonicum 200, 10
doses over a period. Thuja 200, M as ‘intercurrent.’
45. Homeopathy handles Pneumonitis
JUNAGADE, Sachin and PAWASKAR, Navin
(NJH. 5, 4/2003)
25-year-old lady with complaints of cough and
high grade fever. Couldn’t walk by herself. Her
complaints began 12 days ago after drinking cold
water. Developed coryza. 5 days later wetted and
in two hours high grade fever with chilliness.
Needed blanket in the peak summer. On 7
cough, chest pain < coughing, deep breathing.
Thirst increased, one glass every 10 minutes.
Loose stools since 2-3 days. Urine albumin ++++,
X-ray: Right upper lobar Pneumonia with loculated
Bryonia M 4 hourly and afebrile in 24 hours.
In 72 hours normal. Bryonia M continued to
‘restore’ pathology. Complete radiological
clearance on day 10. Calcarea carbonica 200, 1
dose ‘Constitutional follow-through’.
46. Cancer
BHATNAGAR, Pankaj (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Dr. BHATNAGAR lists the ‘Indian’ Drugs and
their indications used by him in homeopathic
potencies, and also as mother tinctures 38 herbs.
He also lists over 100 remedies from the
homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.
47. Post-vaccination Syndrome
SMITS, Tinus (NAMAH. 11, 4/2004)
Homeopathic practice has recognized that
chronic complaints can develop following
vaccination, ever since general introduction of the
Smallpox vaccination in the 19
century. For many
years, Thuja was acknowledged by homeopaths as
proven remedy for these complaints, whose
treatment appeared to be less than satisfactory.
Vaccines appear to have more side-effects than has
hitherto been accepted. These vaccinations can be
responsible for both acute and chronic health
A large number of these symptom are
frequently cited in the literature as post-vaccination
symptoms: other symptoms are own observations.
In this context any symptom that manifests itself
after treatment with potentised vaccine is deduced
as caused by the vaccine concerned. It must be
accepted that each vaccine can be responsible for
several symptoms like loss of eye contact,
squinting, inflammation of the middle ear,
Bronchitis, etc., Diabetes, etc., lack of
concentration, etc., behavioral problems etc. If a
vaccine is the cause of an ailment, the same vaccine
in a homeopathic potentised dilution is the
perfectly corresponding remedy. Basic description
of the ‘post vaccination syndrome’:
The homeopathic method, general principle
and treatment, prevention, injury to the general
defence mechanism, misconduct, changes in mood,
implied obstacles to the acceptance of the post-
vaccination syndrome, Research,
Recommendations are cited by Dr. Tinus SMITS.
48. Genèse du Cancer – La Cellule Cancéreuse:
Son Origine, sa signification (Genesis of
Cancer – The Cancer Cells, their Origin, its
FLOUR, Agnès (RBH. XXXVIIIb, 3/2003)
1 – Introduction
2 – Cancer and the remedy Carcinosinum
2-1 Etymology and significance of the word
2-2 Cancerisation and Cancerogenesis
2-3 Characteristics of the Cancer cells
2-4 The homeopathic remedy Carcinosinum
2-4-1 Recall of doctrine of HAHNEMANN’s
2-4-2 Nature and origin of the remedy
2-4-3 Mental and Physical symptomatology of
2-4-4 Themes and Words key to the
symptomatology of Carcinosinum
2-5 Common elements of Cancerology and the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
remedy Carcinosinum
3 – Homeopathic concept of Primary Psora
3-1 Theory of Dr. MASI
3-2 Example: Phosphorus
4 – Hypothesis of Primary Psora for Carcinosinum
5 – The Force
5-1 Etymology and definitions of the word ‘Force’
5-2 The symbols of the ‘Force’
5-3 The ‘Virtue of Force’.
6 – Study of Relations between the two Elements
Analysis, one part the Cancer/Carcinosinum,
the other part – the Force
6-1 Study of the relation between the words
‘Cancer’ and ‘Force’ a level etymology and
6-2 Relations between the words – Carcinosinum
and the word ‘Force’
6-3 Relations between the words – Carcinosinum
and the different aspects of the ‘Force’
7 – Psora primary of Carcinosinum
7-1 Exposition of details of Psora primary of
7-2 Consequences of Psora primary of
8 – Contribution of Psora primary in
comprehension of the Carcinogenesis
9 – Laws no longer general
10 – Conclusion
49. A Case of Hyperprolactinaemia
GUPTA, Girish (CCRH. 26, 1/2004)
40-year-old lady with pain both breasts
especially before menses with dark-colored
discharge from both nipples for six months but
previously similar pain for 16-17 years. Occasional
vaginal discharge before menses. Suffered
Depression in 1997 treated with allopathic drugs.
Serum Prolactin level raised.
Fear of ghost, fear of misfortune, consolation
amel., anxious about health, fastidiousness, tearful
mood, desire for sweet, etc. Pulsatilla M. Two
months later repeated.
No pain, almost no discharge from nipples.
Prolactin level within normal limits.
50. Homeopathy in Children’s Ailments
PATWARDHAN, Prabha (CCR. 11, 1/2004)
The author is a Paediatrician. She says that
children are usually brought to the Paediatrician
i. Mental ailments, e.g.:
Excessive crying
Mental dullness/retardation
School phobia
Examination phobia
Phobia in general
Aggressive behavior
Excessive timidity
Behavior disorders
Bed wetting
ii. Physical ailments, e.g.:
Respiratory problems
Gastrointestinal tract/diarrhoea, constipation,
Skin and hair
Teeth problems
Urinary infections, etc.
However, in Homeopathy these divisions do
not matter much.
Twelve cases are discussed, all interesting and
Dr. PATWARDHAN appends a ‘Note’ on
DPT Vaccine.
“It contains Formaldehyde, Mercury
derivative, Alum phosphate and damages the
immune and nervous system. Linked to Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome (SID), Brain damage,
Autism, Blindness, Epilepsy, Learning disability,
Hyperactivity and Dyslexia. Useful in delicate,
sensitive children with weak, damaged or under-
developed immune system. Children have frequent
colds, cough and long continued coughing spells
like Whooping cough, Asthma, Visual perception
problems, Auditory processing deficit, Fine motor
delay, Attention span deficit, Insomnia.
Children are nervous, trembly and fearful,
show sudden fear while playing. Hyperactive,
explosive, out of control, unable to sit for more than
a few minutes. Arch back while crying. Milk
aggravation, Loss of appetite, Projectile vomiting,
Chronic diarrhoea, sleep walking at night
frequently, Scream for long periods for no apparent
When the parents link a particular ailment as
having started after a shot of DPT vaccine, it is
worthwhile giving a dose of DPT in potency,
particularly if the child cried for a very long time
and the site of injection was swollen, painful and
inflamed for long time.
Dr. Prabha PATWARDHAN has contributed
32 case studies covering different disease states,
both acute and chronic. Very interesting in all.
51. A Case Report
MISTRY D.E. (CCR. 11, 1/2004)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
84-year-old lady with Numbness in the lower
limbs, hearing loud noises in the head on waking in
the morning, occasional vertigo with tendency to
fall on right side, stickiness in mouth on waking at
1 a.m.
Ignatia XM because she had been treated of a
toxic thyroid state many years ago, by her late
husband Dr. NAGAVANSHI, a pioneer
homeopath of Solapur.
The patient was treated for nearly years at
her home; various complications intervened
including a fracture of the left hip, very anaemic,
etc. Treatments according to the symptoms were
continued until she passed away peacefully.
52. Operated Case of Medulloblastoma
MISTRY D.E. (CCR. 11, 1/2004)
11-year-old girl operated for Medulloblastoma
in March 2003. After operation she developed
squint; vision good, mild bouts of vertigo and
She had ear discharges from both ears since
Vertigo and vomiting began years ago, 9-
12 in forenoon. Vertigo better after vomiting.
CT scan revealed hypodense mass involving
the vermis of the Cerebellum compressing the 4
ventricle and dilatation of the 3
ventricle and the
lateral ventricles with enhancement of brain sulci.
Diagnosis Medullablastoma with dissemination of
the pathology in the rest of the brain.
Surgery was done on 26 March 2003.
Radiotherapy was not done since prognosis was
She was averse to milk, eggs. Perspiration on
head and neck only in summer while playing.
Dreamt of death daily before her illness started;
also dreamt of robbers. Eyes pain in sunlight, liked
loose clothes always, liked to be alone, silent fears
if scolded, better consolation, fastidious.
Treatment was according to the method of Dr.
A.U. RAMAKRISHNAN for Brain Cancer.
Plumbum iodatum, Baryta carbonica, Aethusa
cynapium, Baryta iodata and Zincum sulphuricum
were given earlier.
Baryta carbonica 30 by plussing and next
week Carcinosin 30 plussing.
Between 11 June 2003 and 10 January 2004
several remedies were given. However, she went
down and on 10 January 2004, she passed away
53. Trifolium pratense for breast disease: A case
PARVU E. (HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
Modern studies confirm the antitumoral, anti-
inflammatory and oestrogenic effects of Trifolium
pratense. A series of cases in which the remedy
was used in breast disease with hyper-oestrogenic
symptoms is reported. Several patients with Cystic
Mastosis and Breast Cancer appeared to do well.
Case 1: BG age 48. Female presented with
general twitching, muscular cramps, persistent
fatigue, memory impairment. Sluggish cognition
and emotional lability, chilly and thin. Past history
of Hepatitis B, Hypothyroidism,
Hypoparathyroidism, Hyper-oestrogenaemia,
Precocious puberty. Breast examination revealed a
congested, painful left breast with palpable mass.
Trifolium pratense 200. Within 24 hrs
reduction in breast symptoms especially pain and
tension. Lump smaller and in a few days no lump.
Two months later Mammography normal and no
Case 2: 80-year female, operated for Invasive
Ductal Breast Carcinoma, optimistic and fastidious.
Father and son died of Cancer. Visible retraction of
left nipple.
Trifolium pratense 12 daily for one month.
She was sleeping well with good appetite and no
pain. Lump reduced in size. Medicine continued
again for a month and then 30 twice weekly for a
month and followed up for nine more months.
Case 3: 24-year female, operated for Invasive
Papillary Carcinoma, axillary node invasion, large
areas of necrosis with calcification. Emotional
shock after the surgery. Father died of Multiple
Sclerosis two years ago. In addition to her ongoing
grief, she was worried about Oophorectomy and
subsequent infertility.
Arnica montana 7 for 2 weeks. Wound healed
and pain alleviated. Trifolium pratense 200
repetition after a month.
Looking better and optimistic. Continuing
conventional treatment. No relapse of breast
symptoms after Chemotherapy. Twelve doses of
Trifolium pratense over a period of 8 months.
Case 4: 66-year-old female with the diagnosis
of left Mammary Neoplasm stage III with
lymphoedema of the left arm following Radical
Left arm hard with oedema of two months
duration and discolored purplish-blue.
Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy done. Easy
emotional upsets. Sometimes hot flushes. Weepy,
depressed, hopeless, yawning frequently.
3 doses of Trifolium pratense 200 at 12 hour
intervals. She felt better, more energetic and
oedema less, and less weepy in the next two
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
months. Apis mellifica 7 daily one dose for a
month. No change. Trifolium pratense 200 and
Ignatia 30. Better sleep, more cheerful. No
improvement of lymphoedema.
Case 5: 45-year-old female treated by Radical
Mammectomy, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
after a relapse. It has spread further. Mother died
of Breast Cancer, father of Cerebro-vascular
accident. She associated the recent lump with
injury from an elbow blow. Trifolium pratense 200
once monthly. Conium maculatum 7 daily once for
a month and Sepia officinalis 30 once weekly.
A month later, mammography shows no
evidence of lump and no sign of inflammation.
There was no further homeopathic follow-up.
Case 6: BC 35-year-old female with Cystic
Mastopathy and Uterine Fibroma. Pulmonary
Tuberculosis seven years ago. Acne with facial
hirsutes. Uraemic with intense itching, breast
tension and pain before menses. Menses painful,
irregular. Unmarried, emotionally vulnerable.
Unhappy love affair.
Trifolium pratense 200 on the basis that it
appears to be indicated in hyperoestrogenaemic
states. No pain or tension in the breast. Cyst seems
to be smaller. Acne >. No hair on her chin.
Relapse with severe pain and milky secretion.
Dose repeated and Tuberculinum 10M. Inspite of
the symptomatology cyst size reduced.
Case 7: 48-year-old female with Fibrocystic
Mastitis and left ovarian cyst. Sensation of lump in
stomach, bloated abdomen and heart burn after
2 years ago, Hysterectomy. Chilly, pessimistic
and anxious. Aversion to milk. Strong fear of
Sepia officinalis 30, two doses, 200 single
dose, Oophorinum 7 daily one dose. Two months
later, ovarian cyst decreased in size.
Mammography homogenous lump. Trifolium
pratense 200. 5 months later, amelioration of pain
and breast tension. No important problems.
Case 8: GE 25-year-old female with three
months of amenorrhoea, anovulatory periods,
hirsutism, cystic breasts. Strong sensation of heat
with perspiration, headache after emotional stress.
Frequent urinary infections. Irregular menses
without pain. Thin, sensitive, introverted, serious,
dislikes sympathy. Likes salt, dislikes fat, seaside.
Natrum muriaticum 30, two doses, 200, single dose
at 12h interval. Folliculinum 30, 3 doses at 24h
interval, then Progesterone 7, daily for 7 days.
Trifolium pratense 200 after 7 weeks.
Menstruated on the second day, with great
amelioration of the heat sensation and headache.
54. Elaps in advanced pathology – a case study
IPGA, female 70-years, operated for Rectal
Adenocarcinoma with several post-surgical
complications. MRI- Multiple Uterine fibroids,
bilateral renal cysts - pleural densities at the base of
right lung.
Minimum syndrome of maximum value:
- Dreams of falling, fear of falling, falling into a pit
- Desire of oranges.
- Dreams/fear of snakes
- General – Food and Drinks: Oranges - aversion,
Oranges – desire
Elaps corallinus 31K, 1 drop daily. Gradually
increased to 35 then 60, then 90%, all 1 drop daily.
The patient was followed up for one year.
- Subjective feeling of well-being
- More active life
- Amelioration of anticipation
- Improvement of sleep pattern
Referred to a dietician for dietary advice.
55. Heart and Homeopathy
CHANDRAN A.P. (HH. 28, 10/2003)
The moment we get a small pain in the chest
area we fear about some heart disease and become
panicky. Illustrates a case of 73-year-old man
cured with Nux vomica M. This was repeated twice
because he took Aspirin. Patient remains well.
56. The successful homeopathic treatment of
CHAPPELL, Peter (HL. 16, 2/2003)
The author discusses his experience with
treating HIV/AIDS in Africa in 2002, with
Homeopathy. This work, he says, became the
biggest experience in his life. “I had little support,
financial or otherwise, and enormous challenges to
face seemingly daily. I had to work intimately in
the consulting room under trying circumstances and
to think globally all the time. I also had to rethink
Homeopathy. It was also harrowing. I had to
attend funerals and the desperately sick in hospitals.
I had to refuse dying patients where there was no
alternative to offer. I had to be very compassionate
and highly reflective. I had no mentors within
reach by phone or in person. …. I ran out of money
twice, down to the wire, the last $100, and my
friends rescued me ….. My first observation is that
if you are deeply inspired you can move mountains.
My next observation is that when you really need
funds for something that’s radical, incredibly
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
uncertain, amazing in potential, yet unbelievable,
and Homeopathy, you don’t get it except from
your own bank account and that of friends.” The
author prepared his own HIV/AIDS medicine, after
long observation. The method is as follows:
Select the disease process,
Reduce it to its essential core process,
Create a magnetic analogue a fractal similarity
to the disease process.
Potentise this. [This is Homeopathy?! = KSS]
57. My son needs Consciousness A case of
FONTAINE, Pierre (HL. 16, 2/2003)
An 8-year-old boy with Attention Deficit
Hypertensive Disorder (ADHD). History of ear
infections. Can’t stay on tasks or follow directions.
A loner; usually hot. Has a cracked lower lip.
Absolute inability to focus any kind of attention.
Dreamt that he was on a boat, the whole family
gets off the boat and I go home but my parents are
not at home. I pound on the door but the door is
locked. I watch T.V., when it is almost time to go
to bed a T-rex crashed through the ceiling. A
helicopter chases me trying to kill me with water.
The T-rex swats the helicopter and saves me. We
then go to sleep.” Likes meat and sour.
The mother’s state during pregnancy and her
dreams are enquired into.
Using Jan SCHOLTEN’s thematics the remedy
Natrum iodatum 30 is given. Improvement. To
clear an intervening cough, sneezing, sore throat,
Phytolacca 30 given. The Natrum iodatum 30 is
repeated. Two year follow-up. The boy is well.
58. A Ditsy girl
FONTAINE, Pierre (HL. 16, 2/2003)
25-year-old woman with anxieties for the past
two years. They started at the beginning of a
relationship. Playing with fingers a lot. Wanted
something for the anxiety and depression. Her
story revealed that she lived superficially and for all
that glitters.
Using Jan SCHOLTEN’s thematics, Natrum
fluoratum M is administered.
One-year follow-up during which time this
remedy is repeated four times.
59. I am untouchable
MANGIALAVORI, Massimo (HL. 16,
A 20-year-old young cadet of the Military
Academy of Modena who had severe injuries while
horse-riding and developed backache and many
other pains. His case is taken in detail and
repertorized on the symptoms chosen from the
totality. Arnica XM, repeated, then 50M. Follow-
up one year. Well.
This is a very interesting case and teaches
choice of the rubrics from the whole story.
60. A Case of Diabetes Mellitus, Type-II
HOLIDA, Robert (HH. 29, 3/2004)
A 52-year-old male high school teacher
presents with polydipsia and polyuria. Glonoine
200 was prescribed for Blood Pressure which had
come down from 160/110 to 140/90 an year ago.
Glonoine was alternated with Crataegus D1. On
the basis Diabetes being preceded and being
concomitant dyspepsia Uranium nitricum 6c was
given. It was alternated with Olea europea D1, 20
drops t.d.s. One week later improvement in
micturition and polydipsia. The glycosuria was still
evident. Olea europea 50 drops t.d.s., p.c. One
month later improvement was so great that he did
not feel he had disease anymore.
3 months later Uranium nitricum 6c b.d. and
Olea europea D1 b.d. Then his B.P. was stable at
125/80 mm Hg.
During the first consultation he was taken off
his favourite foods like cakes, all sweet foods, his
favourite juice etc. On the last two visits he had
taken some cakes and concentrated drinks a day
before. After a month B.P. was normal. He is still
on Uranium nitricum.
1. Korrektur einer Rubrik in Synthetischen
Repertorium (Correction of a Rubric in the
Synthetic Repertory)
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
The Rubric “Speech affected” has been
translated incorrectly into German and French and
therefore classed as a pure “Mind” Rubric.
Correction and reference to the Repertories
Synthesis and Complete also are mentioned.
2. Korrekturen in Kents Repertorium und in
Bönninghausens Therapeutishcen
Taschenbuch (TBG) (Corrections in KENT’s
Repertory and BENNINGHAUSEN’s
Therapeutic Pocket Book)
SEIPEL, Jürgen (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
Some corrections in the German Editions of
KÜNZLI and KELLER’s Kent Repertory are
pointed out with reference to the ‘source’.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The revised Therapeutic Pocket Book – in
German edited by GYPSER in 2000 (second
edition in 2002) also has error which is pointed out.
1. Drug Classifications
FRYE, Joyce (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
The 7 criteriae for a drug to be included in The
Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United
States are given.
Criteria: To be eligible for inclusion in the HPUS,
the drug must meet criteria 1, 2, 3, and at least one
of 4, 5, 6, or 6 as set forth below:
1. The HPCUS has determined that the drug is
safe and effective.
2. The drug must be prepared according to the
specifications of the General Pharmacy and relevant
sections of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the
United States.
3. The submitted documentation must be in an
approved format as set forth in the relevant sections
of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United
States, and must include any date relevant to
4. The therapeutic use of a new and non-official
homeopathic drug is established by a homeopathic
drug proving and clinical verification acceptable to
the HPCUS. During the period of clinical
verification the drug will be accepted for
provisional review and should be available on a
monitored basis. Refer to the guideline for
Homeopathic Drug Provings and the guideline for
Clinical Verification for further information.
5. The therapeutic use of the drug is established
through published documentation that the substance
was in use prior to 1962. This documentation must
include the symptom picture, including subjective
and any available objective symptoms. Such use
and documentation may include but are not limited
to the medical literature of the following
homeopathic authors: S. HAHNEMANN, C.
6. The therapeutic use of the drug is established
by at least two adequately controlled double blind
clinical studies using the drug as the single
intervention; the study is to be accompanied by
adequate statistical analysis and adequate
description of the symptom picture acceptable to
the HPCUS which includes the subjective
symptoms and, where appropriate, the objective
7. The therapeutic use of the drug is established
by a) data gathered from clinical experience
encompassing the symptom picture, pre- and post-
treatment, including subjective and any available
objective symptoms or b) data documented in the
medical literature (all sources of medical literature
may be considered on a case by case basis)
subjected to further verification (statistical and/or
other forms of verification).
2. Remedia Homöopathie
MÜNTZ, Robert (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
Remedia does not only manufacture remedies
according to the German Homeopathic
Pharmacopaeia but also special preparations
according to Organon 5 and 6. The procedures of
manual trituration, shaking and impregnating are
illustrated. Q-potencies according to
HAHNEMANN are compared to LM-potencies and
differences regarding methodology and effects are
pointed out. Moreover, Remedia’s fluxion and
Korsakoff-potentisation facilities are described in
detail and a list of the available series of potencies
is provided.
3. Standardisation of Homeopathic Drug:
Plumbago zeylanica linn.”: Physico-
Chemical Perspective
SUBRAMANIAN P. (CCRH. 26, 1/2004)
This describes the methodology of
standardization of the drug Plumbago for preparing
the mother tincture for further use of potentisation.
4. Provings – Planning and Protocol
NAGPAUL V.M. (CCRH. 26, 1/2004)
This is a reprint from the British
Homeopathic Journal, 1987.
Much of the cautions and double-blind
techniques recommended are the ‘drug’ testing
methodologies adopted by the allopathic discipline.
HAHNEMANN’s directions are relevant for
5. Search for potential Anticancer Agents
Characterization of some Anticancer
Homeopathic Medicines
T. & DE A.U. (HH. 29, 3/2004)
In an attempt to search potential anticancer
agents in traditional medicines, some homeopathic
medicines like Thuja occidentalis, Apis mellifica,
Lycopodium clavatum and Hydrastis canadensis
were investigated and characterized. It was found
that there was a discrepancy between the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
specifications reported in Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of India and practical observations
in the laboratory.
1. Cottontail rabbit survives a dog mauling
CASEY, Shirley J. (HT. 23, 3/2003)
Two-week-old rabbits were examined shortly
after an attack by a dog. Their breathing were
extremely rapid and eyes wide open. While one
was alert, other seemed less responsive. He was
cool to touch and seemed in shock. Aconitum 1M
in water and a drop in the rabbits’ mouths.
Within 15 minutes, they were placed in small
warm cage. To address the trauma Arnica 1M
diluted in water and given to both. After one hour,
the second rabbit died and the remaining one
seemed stronger and more alert. He refused to
drink. The mind rubrics considered were
Anxiety, fear with; Eating, refuses; and startled
easily. Ignatia 1M dissolved in water was given.
An hour later, he seemed much calmer and
willingly ate. Over the next several weeks, he
improved and was let into the wild again.
As the rabbit was separated from his litter, a
grief component, seemed possible and so Ignatia
was given.
2. Teething pets
LAMPE, Kristy (HT. 23, 4/2003)
The most common signs of teething distress
include tenderness or soreness of the gums, fussing
or irritability, loss of appetite, fever and possibly
Usually occurs around 5-9 weeks of age and
again about 7 months of age.
Indications of Chamomilla, Calcarea
carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica, Rheum and
Silica are given.
1. Homeopathy: Science on the Brink of
(CCRH. 26, 1/2004)
The authors refer to several researches over the
years beginning with W. BOYD’s to Louis REY’s
in 2003, and express hope that “The present Laws”
(of Homeopathy) “seeming contradictory to a
natural phenomenon, observed as Homeopathy,
will come out one day to be only rough
approximations of some larger truth.” [Would that
be a ‘salvation’ for Homeopathy? Would it make a
difference in Practice of Homeopathy? Why
should keep looking for acceptance. None of the
researches referred to there are 22 ‘references’
have been of any use in the day to day practice of a
homeopath nor a wee bit to homeopathic
principles, Materia Medica, Therapeutics, or
Repertory. I am afraid that our ‘researches’ have
been of no relevance to Homeopathy as
2. An Observational Study of Patients Receiving
Homeopathic Treatment
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
There is increasing interest in data collection as
a valid research method. Part of the impetus arises
form the need to demonstrate to decision-makers
the economic advantages and benefits to patients,
rather than the more traditional research motive of
demonstrating the validity of Homeopathy to
skeptical scientists.
Background: Observational studies have
recently contributed useful information to the
debate about the utility of homeopathic treatment
in everyday practice.
Aim: To gather data about routine
homeopathic general practice.
Setting: Eighty general medical practices in
Belgium where physicians were members of the
Unio Homeopathica Belgica.
Methods: All patients and their physicians
visiting the practices on a specified day completed
a questionnaire.
Results: A total of 782 patients presented with
diseases of all major organ systems which were of
sufficient severity to interfere with daily living in
78% of cases. Compared to previous conventional
treatment, patients reported that consultations were
much longer but costed less. One or more
conventional drug treatments were discontinued in
over half (52%) of the patients: CNS (including
psychotropic) drugs (21%), drugs for respiratory
conditions (16%) and antibiotics (16%).
Conventional drugs were prescribed to about a
quarter of patients (27%), mostly antibiotics and
cardiovascular medication. The antibiotics were
almost exclusively (95%) used to treat respiratory
infections. Prescription costs (including
conventional medicines) were one-third of the
general practice average. Patients’ satisfaction with
their homeopathic treatment was very high (95%
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
fairly or very satisfied), and ratings of their
previous treatment was much lower (20%). The
great majority (89%) said that Homeopathy had
improved their physical condition; 8.5% said that it
had made no difference, 2.4% said that
Homeopathy had worsened their condition.
Physicians’ ratings of improvement were similar.
Previous conventional treatment had improved 13%
of patients, made no difference to 32%, and had
worsened the condition of over half (55%). A
similar pattern was seen for psychological
Conclusions: Patients were very satisfied with
their homeopathic treatment, both they and their
physicians recorded significant improvement.
Costs of homeopathic treatment were significantly
lower than conventional treatment, and many
previously prescribed drugs were discontinued.
3. Action of Causticum in inflammatory models
NETO, de Araújo Prado J.; PERAZZO F.F.;
CARVALHO, Tavares J.C.
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
The anti-inflammatory effect of Causticum was
evaluated using acute and chronic inflammatory
models in vivo. The administration of concentrated
Causticum solution into the hind paw of rats
produced an inflammatory reaction with oedema
formation within the first hour, showing that
Causticum acts as an oedematogenic agent.
Carrageenin induced rat paw oedema was
significantly inhibited (P<0.05) in the group treated
with Causticum 30 solution compared to control.
Groups treated with potentized Causticum (6, 12,
30 and 200), showed significant inhibition (P<0.05)
of the inflammation pre-induced by carrageenin.
However pre-treatment with Causticum 30 for 6
days (0.5 ml, daily) did not significantly inhibit
granulation using an implantation method.
4. Evaluation of a homeopathic complex in the
clinical management of udder diseases of
riverine buffaloes
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
We report an uncontrolled observational study
of the treatment of udder diseases of buffalo, using
a homeopathic complex medicine. Mastitis is an
economically important disease of buffaloes. In
India economic losses due to Mastitis are estimated
at US$526 million annually. Conventional
veterinary treatment relies on costly antibiotics;
cure rate is only 60% in field conditions with a
problem of milk residues. The present
investigation was undertaken to evaluate the
effectiveness of a homeopathic complex in the
management of clinical udder health problems of
riverine buffaloes. Cases of subclinical Mastitis
were excluded from the study. A total of 102
mastitic quarters (fibrosed-40, nonfibrosed-62) and
five cases each of blood in milk and udder oedema
in lactating buffaloes were treated with a
homeopathic complex consisting of Phytolacca
200, Calcarea fluorica 200, Silicea 30, Belladonna
30, Bryonia 30, Arnica 30, Conium 30 and
Ipecacuanha 30. The diagnosis of udder diseases
and recovery criterion was based on physical
examination of udder and milk and CMT/WST
score. Bacteriological analysis and somatic cell
count were not performed.
Treatment was 80 and 96.72% effective in cases
of fibrotic Mastitis and nonfibrosed Mastitis
respectively. Recovery period was 21-42 days
(fibrosed) and 4-15days (nonfibrosed). Udder
oedema and blood in milk responded favourably in
2-5 days. Cost of treatment was US$ 0.07 per day.
The homeopathic complex medicine may be
effective and economical in the management of
udder health problems of buffaloes. Definitive
conclusions are premature due to the limited
number of observations and lack of control group.
5. The Pitfalls of Clinical Case Research:
Lessons from the Delphi Project
BAAS C. (HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
Delphi is a project to make high-quality cases
treated with Homeopathy available for study. The
project encountered a number of major difficulties
including small number of cases submitted, ethical
problems and problems of analysis. The nature of
these problems and possible solutions are
discussed. May also refer to ‘The Challenges of
Clinical Case Reporting, Delphi Project
Conference’, Homeopathy, 2003: 92: 229-231.
6. A Clinico Mycological study on Oral
Candidiasis cases in response to Homeopathic
GUPTA, Girish and CHANDRA B.
(HH. 29, 2/2004)
Oral candidiasis is the commonest form of the
disease produced by the colonization of Candida
sp. It is also known as Oral Thrush.
Oropharyngeal Candidiasis occurs in infants,
diabetics, HIV patients and in those receiving
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
176 patients suffering from discolored patches
on oral mucous membrane were registered for
Oral mucous swabs of all the patients suffering
from lesions of oral mucosa were examined under
microscope in 10% KOH wet mount and cultured
for the presence of pathogenic fungus, if any, in
Medical Mycology laboratory of GCCHR.
For isolation of the pathogenic fungi, the
clinical material was cultured sabouraud’s Dextrose
Agar with Chloramphenicol and incubated at 37 +
1ºC for (15) days. Cream colored, smooth and
pasty colonies appeared after (4) days of incubation
Lacto-phenol cotton blue wet mount showed yeast
cells and pseudohyphae.
On examining a drop of suspension of Candida
albicans in normal human serum under microscope
the germ tubes were seen as long tube like
projections extending from yeast cells for
Chlamydospore formation. The isolated strain
grown on corn meal and rice starch agar showed the
formation of large, highly retractile, thick walled,
terminal Chlamydospores. This phenomenon was
seen in about 60% of the clinical isolates of
Candida albicans.
All cases of oral mucosal lesions (oral
candidiasis) were repertorised.
4 Cases are shown
Recurrent Oral Candidiasis is common in HIV
patients. The most important method of prevention
of Oral Candidiasis is strengthening the immune
Candidiasis is among the commonest
conditions in HIV positive patients. It is often the
first illness and signals that HIV disease is
Preventing and treating Oral Candidiasis, like
forms of the infection, is important not only
because it decreases discomfort caused by the
condition, but it also prevents further damage to the
immune system.
1. Land of the ‘free’?
The Drug Industry, Homeland security, and
Vaccine-related injury
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 4/2003)
The parents of Autistic children contend that
the mercury injected into their children through
multiple vaccines far exceeded the levels allowed
by the Environmental Protection Agency and
caused damage in the children’s developing
nervous systems resulting in Autism.
The December 16, 2002 edition of The New
Republic headlined an article by Arnold S.
RELMAN and Marcia ANGELL, which explains
how the drug industry distorts medicine and
politics; how through their economic clout they
garner favorable government policies, manipulate
FDA regulations and ‘guide’ medical research.
And with the complicity of the medical profession,
this same drug industry exercises considerable
influence over both the professional associations
and educational institutions.
2. Patient-Practitioner-Remedy (PPR)
entanglement Part 4. Towards classification
and unification of the different entanglement
models for Homeopathy.
The possibility of classifying and unifying
some of the recent entanglement models for
Homeopathy is discussed. Unification involves
combining the previous GHZ/WQT-based
entanglement model, itself a fusion of Greenberger-
Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) three-particle entanglement
and generalised version of quantum theory, called
Weak Quantum Theory (WQT), with Walach”s
semiotic model involving double entanglement.
The new combined model invokes a ‘geometry’ of
Patient- Practitioner-Remedy (PPR) entanglement
embedded in a therapeutic state space.
3. A Tale of Three Brothers
RESNICK, Vera (HL. 16, 2/2003)
This section in the HL., is titled Materia
Ludicra’. Some medicines in the homeopathic
Materia Medica are pictured as laughable persons,
e.g. King Aurum, Queen Pulsatilla, Lady Hyos etc.
[Five pages wasted; probably there were no
worthwhile contributions available to fill
4. The Euglycaemic Status and Infections A
step to real Immunity
MÉNDEZ, Juan Manuel Martínez (HL. 16,
This very interesting article discusses the
disease states caused by wrong foods, and lack of
nutrition. The tragedy of a rich few in contrast to
the majority who do not have daily food is pointed
out. This is the real cause for low immunity. Also
food additives, the various vaccinations are a major
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Prof. Antoine BECHAMP (1816-1908) made
landmark contribution with microzymes which
started a real understanding of the symbiotic
relationship between so-called germs and
organisms, in this case, human beings.
BECHAMP’s work also meant that a non-
pathological activity becomes a pathogenic
changing of form, but not function, into bacterias
and fungi’. This is opposed to the dogma of
monomorphism of unchangeable micro-organisms
The process of Polio and various trigger factors
for this disease is discussed.
Proper nutrition, the avoidance of excessive
sugar and smooth food, carbonated drinks and the
need for physical movement, the follows of
vaccinations etc. are also briefly but well pointed
The Polio vaccine comes in for severe
criticism. It is also pointed out that iatrogenics
could be considered as one of the real causes of the
degeneration of the human race.
Looking into our past, we can find the answers
for a better present and future.
‘The best vaccine against common infectious
diseases is an adequate diet.’ (WHO).
Finally a quote from HIPPOCRATES: “Foods
must be in the condition in which they are found in
nature, or at least in a condition as close as possible
to that found in Nature.”
1. Signatures, Miasms, AIDS: Spiritual
Aspects of Homeopathy by NORLAND, Misha
(with ROBINSON, Claire). Published by
Yondercott press. 25.00 USD 2003. Review by
Jay YASGUR (SIM. XVII, 1/2004):
“There are 4 parts to this well produced
monograph: Signature, Miasm and the Eternal
Philosophy, Signature and Miasm in Polycrest
Remedies, AIDS and Developmental Model of
“The Signature cuts through a remedy’s many
seemingly disconnected physical and mental
symptoms to reveal the main themes and essence.
Even if we don’t accept the concept, they make
excellent mnemonics to help us remember the
‘shape’ of a remedy….”
“…Viewing a case through a miasmatic
looking glass reveals the overall trend of
“….This book is not for everyone, especially
the beginner, as his points are deep, requiring
reflection and penetrating thought. It is a book to
be dipped into again and again…” [Going long way
with ‘Signatures’ will only go into more and more
‘speculation’ contrary to HAHNEMANN’s
teaching of depending on ‘facts’=KSS]
2. Emotional Healing with Homeopathy:
Treating the effect of Trauma by CHAPPELL,
Peter. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA.
2003. (Paper back 315 pages) $19.95. Review by
Neil TESSLER. (SIM. XVII, 1/2004)
“Emotional Healing with Homeopathy, though
full of interesting snippets of Peter’s thoughts, is
less a book for the professional and more a book of
pop-Homeopathy. It is in the anecdotal tradition
and has lots of those digestible remedy bits that
invite a more casual approach to Homeopathy.
The actual trauma information is interesting but full
of arguable assertions presented as established
facts. The Materia Medica and reportorial sections
are developed in a number of different formats and
offer many keynotes. In some remedies, reliability
is a question.”
3. Clinical Observations of Children’s
Remedies by Farokh J. MASTER. Second
revised edition. Lutra, The Netherlands, 2003
(Hard back, 724 pages) Review by Neil
TESSLER. (SIM. XVII, 1/2004)
“…There is a very useful discussion of normal
childhood developmental stages as well as the
indicators of abnormalities in development. There
is a system survey detailing points to observe on
physical examination, along with remedy
“As usual these days, we are left at the mercy
of the writer in terms of the reliability of his
“I appreciated his compilation on the milk
remedies, particularly for the fact that such a
collection has been lacking. Similarly, a pediatric
text of depth and breadth has been long overdue
and will likely prove to be of immense value to
4. Getting at the Root: Treating the Deepest
Source of Disease by Andrew LANGE, ND.
North Atlantic Books: Berkeley, CA, 2002,
Paperback, 137 pages $ 16.95. ISBN 1-55643-
395-6. Review by Francis TREUHERZ (HT. 23,
which I find impossible to classify. It is a creative
intellectual tome, written from the heart with a
personal approach. It is what homeopaths term
philosophy, but it is also biography, history and
Materia Medica.
I really enjoyed this book, but I had to
consume it slowly, like a rich fruitcake, to avoid
indigestion of the brain. It is a book of theories: of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
health and disease, of Vitalism and the immune
systems. The language is complex but very
rewarding once I grasped the style.
The book is generously proportioned with
luxuriously artistic font and some well-chosen
black and white illustrations and portraits.
LANGE guides the reader away from so-called
“New Age” myths and back into true healing based
on evidence that should be recognized as going
beyond the anecdotal. This book could usefully be
read by any reader of this journal, lay or
5. Colors in Homeopathy by Ulrich WELTE.
Narayana Verlag: Kandern, Germany. 68
pages. 58. ISBN 3-921383-90-0. www.narayana-
verlag.de) Review by Markus KUNTOSCH.
(AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
“… The idea to use color preference of a
patient in Homeopathy was first detected by the
German homeopath Dr.H.V. LLER from
Cologne (1921-2001). Through comparing the
color preference of successfully treated cases he
defined about 450 remedies and their corresponding
colors in a sort of Color Repertory. The book
contains the essence of eighteen years of working
with the color preferences obtained from cured
cases ….”
“…. Every homeopath can benefit from this
work, if he is open minded enough to try it patiently
and without prejudice.”
6. Classical Homeopathy by Michael
CARLSTON. Churchill Livingstone. 2003. The
Curtis Center, Independence Square West.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ISBN: 0-443-06565-
9. $49.95. Review by Timothy FIOR. (AJHM. 97,
“…. The target audience for this book is
students in the health professions, health care
providers with little understanding of Homeopathy
and academicians.”
7. Sacred Plants, Human Voices by Nancy
HERRICK. Hahnemann Clinic Publishing.
Grass Valley, CA. 551 Pages; Paperback.
$39.95. ISBN 0-9635368-3-4. Review by George
GUESS. (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
“…. In her introduction, Ms. HERRICK, lays
out precisely the methodology employed in these
provings as well as her procedure to identify the
themes she ascribes to these new remedies….”
“…. It’s my impression that the rubrics
selected or created based upon the provings are
accurate and valuable additions to our repertory.
Additionally, Ms. HERRICK, endeavored to keep
the creation of new rubrics to a minimum. For each
remedy she also identifies a corresponding Miasm,
but offers no explanation….”
“…. Despite its few flaws, it provides the
homeopathic community with quite a large volume
of valuable information about interesting new and
some existing homeopathic remedies……”
8. Compendium of Human Diseases and their
Cure by Homeopathic Treatment by Shaik
RAHMATHULLAH. 24, Garquhar Road,
London SW 19 8DA, UK Hardbound. 1532
pages. £64.95/$119. 2003. Review by George
GUESS. (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
“…The book is a testament to the author’s
industry and scholarship. It is a well-referenced,
attractive volume that can serve a useful, though
limited function for the homeopathic practitioner.
It can afford the practitioner an immediate
description of a remedy’s symptomatology as it
pertains to a specific, isolated condition, although
much of the information that makes a remedy
recognizable is lacking”.
9. Schlank und Suchtfrei durch Homöopathie
Ursachenbehandlung für rper, Geist und
Seele. (Slim and addiction-free through
Homeopathy. Treatment of the causes for
Body, Mind and Soul) Peter RABA, 471 S. geb.,
Andromeda-Verlag, Murnan, 2. Auflage 2002, Є
75. (German) Review by Martin BÜNDNER
(ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
“…The author writes about the treatment of the
fundamental problems of our society. Accordingly
it is in chapters titled “Food”, Fasting”,
“Drinking”, “Smoking” as also the psychedelic and
entheogene drugs and much other hallucinogenic
effects. References are from KENT Repertory.
The book has first class quality pictures, print
and get up. The author’s writing is lyrical
particular in a dry subject …. The book does not
say anything new. In all it is an absorbingly and
interestingly written book to read.”
10. Hautkrankheiten homöopathisch behandelt
(Skin diseases treated homeopathically) by
Gabriele BENDAU, 135 S. geb., Sun-rise Verlag,
Kirchzarten, verbesserte, New auflage 2003.
Є105 (German) Review by Martin BÜNDNER
(ZKH. 48, 1/2004):
“… The book is adapted to very well impress
in the mind the different characteristic skin
conditions with its typical causative and healing
remedies. An index is given remedy wise and
catchword/keyword-wise… A very highly
recommended book.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
11. Warnings and Advices of J.T. KENT by
S.K. RANA, pub. S.K. RANA, Amritsar Road,
Facing Tehsil Office, Kapurthala (Pb). 121pp.
Rs.200/- Review by Ajit KULKARNI (NJH. 5,
“… We now see Homeopathy blossoming in
all dimensions ranging from intricate philosophy to
complex practice. …a reader can tremendously
benefit from the perusal of this book. The
warnings, suggestions, brief teachings, some useful
clinical tips, etc. amounting to 250 in number
covering almost all aspects of homeopathic science
and art under important headings. …. Full with
suggestions, clinical guidelines and warnings, the
book fulfills the need of every serious student of
12. Tuesdays with Morrie An old man, a
young man and life’s greatest lesson by Mitch
ALBOM, published by Doubleday Dell
Publishing Group, inc. ISBN: 0-385-49649-4
Review by D.E. MISTRY (CCR. 11, 1/2004):
“This book is a deeply moving account of
courage and wisdom shared by an inveterate
teacher with one of his most favorite ex-student
during the last year of his own life. …. Morrie was
always more in touch with his insights than the rest
of us He was weary all the time, had trouble
sleeping and dreamt that he was dying Finally
biopsy revealed he had ALS-amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, also called Lou Gehrig’s disease, a brutal,
unforgiving illness of the neurological system.
Morrie knew that there was no known cure and the
rest of his life was quite short. Inspite of all these
Morrie continued all his regular routine including
his regular swims .. Morrie’s doctors gave him at
best 2 years of his life. .. After the author left his
graduation class he didn’t have any contact with his
teacher, he took a degree in journalism and became
a sports writer. His first encounter with death was
when he saw his favorite uncle die of pancreatic
Cancer at a very early age. To avoid facing this
issue, Mitch buried himself in accomplishments
thinking he would be in control of the things.
Whatever Morrie had taught him in the class about
“being human” and “relating to others” seemed to
be so far in distance as from another life. .. Morrie
passed away on a Saturday morning after being in
Coma for two days. .. But when he passed away it
was a time, where those whom he had loved, had
just left the room for a moment and Morrie stopped
breathing. Mitch believes Morrie died this way on
purpose, with no witness to his last breath and that
he wanted to go serenely and that is how he went.
.. In the concluding chapters of his book Mitch
rediscovered what his Professor had taught him…
there is no such thing as too late” in life. Morrie
was changing all the time until the day he said
goodbye. ………. This is a beautifully written
book of great clarity and wisdom It is a book of
a deeply moving account of courage and wisdom,
and an incredible treasure of an experience by a
great teacher that provides us with profound
wisdom and insight. ….”
13. First Aid with Homeopathy, S.M.
GUNAVANTE, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.,
ISBN 81-8056-159-5. Rs. 75/- Review by D.E.
MISTRY (CCR. 11, 1/2004)
“In a book of 122 pages Dr. GUNAVANTE
has given a wonderful book on first aid especially
directed towards a health worker working in a rural
set up. It is his contention that any village level
health worker could be selected and trained for 2-3
weeks in the use of this book in treating common
ailments. This could lead to tremendous saving of
cost to the Government, …. Having gone through
this book very carefully, I feel its usefulness would
be to all especially students preparing for their
exams and also the busy practitioner who may need
it as a ready reference in a day-to-day work….”
14. Dynamic Materia Medica Syphilis A
study of the Syphilitic Miasm through Remedies,
by Jeremy Yaakov SHERR, Dynamis Books,
Great Malvern, U.K. 2002, 280 pages ISBN: 1-
901147-04-5. £26 or $45. Review by Francis
TREUHERZ, U.K.:, also another Review by
Andreas BJORNDAL, Norway (HL. 16, 2/2003):
“Here is an exciting, challenging, essential and
original book on one of the three traditional yet
misunderstood Miasms. Take a look at your
shelves Ortega’s Notes on the Miasms
translated from the Spanish by Harris COULTER
but few have ever finished it from cover to
cover. We have grappled with HAHNEMANN’s
Chronic Diseases’ in the 1896 Tafel translation
and never seen the 1845 HEMPEL version, and we
have been forced into studying dry Textbooks by
VITHOULKAS. ….. there has been nothing as
deeply and firmly rooted in own history and in our
classic methodologies as this. I was really absorbed
while reading this book. ….. Another feature is
clean artistic and symbolic diagrams. There are
many more subtle and even hidden aspects, as
subtle as our Materia Medica. .. Then there are
Materia Medica chapters, relying on every
homeopathic source imaginable from Provings
through cases and toxicology, and always with blue
pages and a dynamic summary. Some of our
Materia Medica books read like a railway
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
timetable; this one is a contribution to our literature.
.. This is a work of maturity. JEREMY has
transcended the more prosaic yet necessary
methodology of Provings and the arduous work
involved in creating published provings. He has
begun a synthesis of the deeper possibilities of
homeopathic healing. … this book will be the
roots of the tree of life and knowledge.”
Review by Andreas BJORNDAL: “.. within
few minutes, I found myself reading the book from
the first page. …. I enjoyed it. .. If somebody was
not calling me back to this world I might have read
the whole book that night. .. This is a ‘Proving’ or
a voyage through the syphilitic Miasm. ….
JEREMY writes about his way of perceiving the
dynamic aspects of remedies. He parallels the
static noun and the dynamic verb with the process
of understanding the remedy on a more dynamic
level. . The last chapter, the conclusion,
synthesizes all the information into the essentials of
Syphilis. The two appendixes cover the syphilitic
disease and a detailed bibliography. … This book is
not just another Materia Medica but an example of
Aude Sapere. …”
15. Theory of Suppression, Prafull
VIJAYAKAR. 143 pp. Theory of ACUTES, 160
PP. Review by Alexander KOTOK, Russia (HL.
16, 2/2003):
“It has always been both a great pleasure and a
rare success to write reviews on the books that are
supposed to be no more and no less than a
breakthrough in our understanding of homeopathic
theory. The author introduces the reader into his
well-based theory of how diseases ‘behavein the
human organism in their natural course, and
consequently, how they should ‘behave’ under the
right homeopathic treatment. …… I believe that
the new theory proposed by Dr. VIJAYAKAR may
be well added to the armory of all classical
homeopaths who wish more clarity and more
success in their practice. ….. The second book by
the same author, Theory of Acutes’ can also be
considered as a beautiful assistant to the
homeopathic practitioner but in another way. ….
In fact Dr. VIJAYAKAR proposes here nothing
revolutionary but tries to reflect his huge
experience with thousands of acute patients seen
through his practice and thus introduce more order
and simplicity in managing acute cases. He
suggests that three main peculiarities of every acute
patient have to be taken into consideration in order
to base the treatment upon them: activity (decreased
or increased), thermal (hot or chilly) and thirst
(thirsty or thirstless). …… The book also contains
various especially helpful hints that are supposed to
warn homeopathic brethren from doing the wrong
steps in managing acutes.
I. Editorial: TESSLER, Neil. (SIM. XVII,
1/2004) Paul HERSCU’s two volume Provings is a
thorough and systematic presentation. The
Anthology of essays on Provings comprises parts of
first volume and the majority of the second. He
goes on to discuss problems and requirements for
effective Provings. Highlights include the errors
that can arise from heightened introspection, the
importance of first establishing a baseline of the
individual prover’s symptoms, the need to identify
the provers who are truly sensitive to the remedy,
the dangers of including symptoms from provers
who do not really show much overall sensitivity.
HERSCU points out that each symptom must
be understood fully by the homeopath supervising
the prover. In fact, this should be a case taking
process. Just as we delve deeply to understand the
expressions of the clinical patient, so it should be in
a proving.
…… Dr.HERSCU is very critical of modern
Doctrine of Signature proponents. He states that
reference to Doctrine of Signatures “is a refutation
and a rejection of the Sprit of Homeopathy”.
Quoting 2
Aphorism, the Editor writes that
the perception of the “shortest” may vary, the
understanding of “whole extent” may vary, the
level at which practitioners are working varies, so it
is sure that our criteria for evaluating cure also
varies. Symptoms, analysis and results can exist at
differing levels of depth and value.
In defence of Provings with too many
mental/emotional symptoms, Editor quotes
BENNINGHAUSEN’s Characteristic Value of
Symptoms” (Lesser Writings p.107). “As a matter
of course, the personality, the individuality of the
patient, must stand at the head of the image of the
disease, for the natural disposition rest on it… we
have all the more cause to fathom these states with
all possible exactness, as in them frequently the
bodily ailments recede to the background, and for
this very reason offer but few point for our
grasp…” “…Every man presents an individual
nature different from every other one, and …every
medicine must be exactly adapted to this
individuality, in agreement with the symptoms,
which it able to produce in the total man ...A great
many medicines are thrust aside, just because they
do not correspond to the personality of the patient”.
II. BENNINGHAUSEN’s inductive method.
Interview with Karl ROBINSON by Neil
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
expresses his concern about the current trend in
giving importance to mental/emotional symptoms.
The rubrics of Mind overlap each other. Primal
emotional states such as anger, fear, grief each lies
on a continuum, makes the task of fathoming the
‘State’ of the patient complicated. In the
determination of this, the prejudice of the
homeopath plays a greater role.
He is of the opinion that more than one
medicine can be effective in any given case. i.e.
Few use unusual remedies and others use mostly
Polycrests, as different homeopaths use different
criteriae as they evaluate their patient’s outcome.
Repertory (TBR) with great success.
He comments about the very high percentages
of mental and emotional symptoms in the Provings
of the last 15 years.
Mental and emotional symptoms can provide a
clue to the remedy when chosen judiciously.
III. From the president. Shadow remedies and
hero remedies. ROWE, Todd (HT. 23, 3/2003).
Often a prejudice influences a practitioner so subtly
that they may not even be aware of it.
describes that our ‘shadow’ aspects are those that
we strongly dislike and do not see, but see these
qualities that we don’t like in others. Through
careful self-observation, it is possible to reduce
errors of judgement and prejudice.
IV. Council for Homeopathic Certification
(CHC) revises exam. CROCE, Ann Jerome (HT.
23, 3/2003) The CHC process reflects an
appropriately high standard in knowledge, skills
and ethical behavior. Candidates for certification
submit their own cases, take an objective exam and
an essay exam and have a personal interview.
V. New project to train health professionals in
Homeopathy. (HT. 23, 3/2003) Members of the
American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH), the
nation’s oldest medical organization, have put into
a motion a project to train licensed health care
professionals in Primary Care Homeopathy (PCH).
So far, two 30-hour certification courses have
been held.
VI. Effectiveness of Smallpox vaccine
questioned (HT. 23, 3/2003) Citing Todd
HOOVER’s article on Smallpox in January 2003
issue, Randall NEUSTAEDTER opines that the
effectiveness of Smallpox vaccination has never
been proven. There is abundant evidence that
vaccination does not prevent Smallpox.
To this Todd HOOVER replies: Studies
suggest that Vaccination given earlier after
exposure and revaccination have the greatest effect
in decreasing the likelihood of contracting
He agrees to the point that overall effect of
Smallpox vaccine is of limited duration.
VII. Homeopathic clinic in Sarajevo needs
support. BENNETT, Margaret. (HT. 23, 3/2003) 5
years ago, the London International School for
Classical Homeopathy conducted homeopathic
training in Sarajevo, for the people affected by the
war. Funds are lacking for the clinic. Donations
are sought, payable to Julian JONAS, with memo
of “Sarajevo clinic” and sent to: Saxton’s River
Natural Health Care, POB 515, 26 Main Street
Saxton’s River, VT 05156.
VIII. A homeopathic practice laboratory.
SACHETTI, Dor. (HT. 23, 4/2003). William
SHEVIN is a director of Homeopathic
Pharmacopeia Convention of the U.S. He
conducts seminar with the aim to help practitioners
move toward more effective prescribing. He
stresses the importance of recognizing the mistakes
and understand the case, when the prescription was
in error. Philosophy and repertorization are not
taught but rather applied during the practice work
on cases.
IX. The Zeitschrift für klassische Homöopathie
(German) has opened a new series of articles on
Pharmacology/Pharmaceutical subject.
Manufacturers of homeopathic remedies will
furnish all information about their sources,
methodology of preparation of different potencies,
hand made potencies availability, etc. There will
be thus transparency in the manufacture of
homeopathic pharmaceutical products. (ZKH. 48,
X. Of late there has been great resurgence in
the works of von BENNINGHAUSEN. In 2000
Dr. K-H. GYPSER edited a thoroughly revised
version of the Therapeutic Pocket Book (PB).
Various sources available in certain Archives like
the Robert Bosch Institute for History of Medicine,
have been carefully gone through for this
publication. For colleagues who study the PB
carefully and discuss amongst themselves a
consistent Nomenclature of the different editions
has been proposed.
In so far as the English language version is
concerned these are:
1. ‘Anonymous’ Publication in 1846 (Münster:
Coppenrath) TPi
2. Publication Hempel of 1847 (New York: Radde
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
& London: Bailliere) TPH
3. Publication Okie of 1847 (Boston: Clapp.) TPO
4. Publication Laurie of 1847 (London: Leath)
5. Publication Allen of 1891 (Philadelphia:
Hahnemann Publ.) TPA
6. The Benninghausen Repertoy - Therapeutic
Pocket Book Me thou by Dimitriadis, 2000
(Sydney: Hahnemann Institute) TBR
(ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
XI. The ZKH has brought out ‘Special Edition’
a supplement to of their journal ZKH. 48,
S-1/2004. This special edition introduces a
selection of important and interesting homeopathic
webpages. Pages from the German speaking
countries have been investigated in more detail and
structured into several parts (e.g. Institutions,
Education, Research, Free and Commercial
information, Manufacturers, Hospitals). Some
important and/or interesting International sites in
English are also portrayed.
We have 65 pages covering all these and we
have before us such a treasure of information a
comprehensive Library.
XII. Penta-C Agnosis: Fivefold Blindness in
Clinicians: Manu KOTHARI and Lopa MEHTA
(NJH. 5, 3/2003) say that “akin to the six blind men
of Hindusthan we are clinicians grouping with
unrecognized handicaps in five major areas of the
day to day grind of medical practice, be it
Homeopathy, Allopathy or any other pathy.” The
five ‘C’s are the Concept (definition of the disease),
Cause of the Disease, Course of it, Cure for it and
the Complications of the disease as well as the
therapy. Our continuing ignorance in these five
areas has been abbreviated by us as Penta-C-
Agnosis. The ignorance is more of the so-called
‘killer diseases’. How many of us know of the fact
that the magical figure of 120/80 as the ideal BP
has been foisted on medical world and hence on
mankind by American Insurance Companies with
the sole idea of reaping huge profits? Sir George
PICKERING, a leading British Authority on BP
cried hoarse all his life that nobody has defined
until today, normality of BP. CAD, Cancer, CVD
have not been defined as yet and so are Diabetes
Mellitus or Arthritis. This should teach humility.
XIII. In the Question & Answer Section of
NJH. 5, 3/2003, a reader asks “What do you mean
by Polka Dot? What is its clinical significance?”
and Dr. Kasim CHIMTHANAWALA answers
“Polka Dot is an erythematous papule, usually
single, without any itching or burning on the chest
or abdomen. According to Dr. J.H. ALLEN it is “a
surest sign of malignancy.” Even Dr. FOUBISTER
has referred this peculiar clinical expression in the
Chapter to Carcinosin.”
XIV. VIJAYAKAR Seminar: August 2003,
Mumbai. Treating Incurable Cases with
Homeopathy: The Seminar was attended by 1000
students and homeopaths.
First day focussed on importance of Miasms.
Illustrated with audio-visual case presentations,
VIJAYAKAR says that Miasm is the defense an
individual adopts in a particular illness. There are
only three Miasms – Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis.
Psora is manifested as Irritability, Sensitivity,
Anxiety at the mental level and as inflammatory
process at physical.
Sycosis: Sycosis excess, Sycosis shallow.
Excess: Extravagance, display, facade,
haughtiness at the mental level and induration,
accumulation, hyper pigmentation at physical level.
Sycosis shallow: Timid, bashful and
unintelligent at mental level and hypo functioning,
hypo pigmentation at physical level.
Syphilic Miasm: “Out of control” emotions
out of control. Distorted, perverted and ugly. All
destructive processes. Two types of Syphilitic
Miasm – Apolysis, Necrosis
The first one auto-immune diseases; anxiety of
conscience, as if guilty of crime. The latter one
destruction of a particular part. Violent towards
Cancer belongs to syphilitic Miasm where
there is no control over cell division and growth.
Even so-called incurable diseases when treated
with Homeopathy show (a) HERING’s Law or (b)
Compensatory cure, that is Cancer goes away and
Diabetes comes.
Reasons for failure: not finding the right
simillimum, not understanding HERING’s Law.
Eleven cases are narrated. Very educative and
interesting. (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
XV. Mandragora. COHN P. 20-year-old had
worked in a humanitarian mission in a Sub-saharan
Africa, where she had encountered a lot of poverty
and death. Nightmares of murders.
Mandragora 30 cured. (L’ Homeopathie
Europeenne 2003; in HOMEOPATHY, 93,
XVI. Rajan SANKARAN on the Umbelliferae
and Compositae families: a review by
BURLEY V. Ms. BURLEY, who writes a
Homeopathy column for The Daily Mirror and is
a registered member of the Society of
Homeopaths (SOH), reviews a Seminar given by
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
SANKARAN. This seminar presented his
philosophy and latest insights – that of ‘sensation’ –
which links the remedies within a particular plant
family. Previously he had concentrated on delusion
as a focal point.
‘Consider the Loganiaceae family, where the
main sensation is shock. The way in which this
shock is perceived and experienced will determine
which member of the family is indicated. Nux
vomica perceives the shock as something that must
be recovered from as quickly as possible (hence
symptoms such as ‘Anger from interruption’). This
attitude represents the Typhoid Miasm. So we find
that Nux vomica is the typhoid remedy of the
Loganiaceae. Gelsemium, on the other hand,
perceives shock as something that must be avoided,
so we have symptoms such as ‘Ailments from
anticipation’. In this case, the qualities of
avoidance and acceptance belong to the Sycotic
Miasm. Whereas Ignatia perceives shock as
something that must be controlled a reaction
typical of the Cancer Miasm. This is an example of
how the various plant families can be differentiated
according to the quality of sensation (level 5),
rather than according to their delusion.’
Four cases are presented and Case 3 is
summarized as follows:
‘She talked repeatedly of accident and injury,
which suggests the Compositae family. The
sensation for the family is of being injured, hurt or
insulted, with a fear of being touched, hurt or
approached. The remedy of the acute Miasm in the
Compositae family is Arnica. Her experience was
at level 4 (delusion), so the potency given was 1M.’
A fascinating article which provides insight
into a great homeopath’s mind. See also ‘The
Homoeopathic Links, 16:3, pp 165-167) in which
SANKARAN explains his thought. (The
Homeopath 2003; in HOMEOPATHY, 93,
XVII. Zirconium sulphuricum: a case by ALEX
P. The author, who has recently been working in
Torgau in the very building in which
HAHNEMANN lived and worked from 1805 to
1811, presents a case handled by a synthetic
remedy based on SCHOLTEN’s work.
This article is noteworthy because the patient is
profusely quoted and because of ALEX’s thoughts
on the chosen remedy, Zirconium sulphur. This
remedy is presented in Homeopathy and the
Elements (SCHOLTEN) but only as a short Dream
Proving. ALEX nicely justifies his thought and
remedy selection. (The Homeopath 2003; in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
XVIII. Bluebell: a proving DEEKS S. The
British homeopath presents a proving of Agraphis
nutans 30 and 200 (Bluebell) on eight volunteers.
Though certainly incomplete the Proving: ‘….
Seemed to bring out images of sadness and grief,
along with a strong sense of fear and foreboding.
There was also an identification of trust as an
important theme in Agraphis nutans. In terms of
opposition or polarity, we can see a tension
between fear and trust; also between agitation and a
sense of calmness.’ ‘The general state of the
remedy is indicated by a desire to withdraw, and to
hide (Cooper’s amelioration from shelter). There is
a dislike of consolation or attention. (The
Homeopath 2003; in HOMEOPATHY 93, 1/2004)
XIX. Homeopathy and the quantum world
why bother? MILGROM L. Some will argue
‘Why Bother?’, but the author shows us why he
does by creating associations between
Homeopathy and quantum models. He discusses
the memory of water linking it to cellular memory.
He helps in understanding the concept of non-
locality; ‘….everything in the universe is
inextricably and instantaneously linked to
everything else in a vast matter-energy network that
transcends ordinary notions of space and time. This
fundamentally new view of the world is called
‘entanglement’ or, more simply, ‘non-locality’.’
He talks of ‘complementarity’, mathematical
operations, weak quantum theory and suggests a
number of quantum metaphors for homeopathy:
‘By replacing the two entangled particles with the
patient and practitioner, the ‘handshake’ between
them results in the remedy. Through this metaphor,
I was able to develop quantum-theroretical
interpretations of such homeopathic phenomena as
aggravation (as incomplete entanglement), the
treatment of animals (as being ‘entangled’ with
their owners), and a concept of Miasms as
atemporal entities initiating and affecting dis-ease
processes in time. Thus, the concept of treating
Miasms could involve the strange notion of healing
in the past and the future, as well as in the present.
Several of the 22 reference citings are
noteworthy, eg The Interpretation of Nature and
the Psyche (Jung and Pauli), The Non-Local
Universe: The New Physics and Matters of the
Mind (1999, Nadeau and Kafatos), and The
Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos
(1994, Waldrop). (The Homeopath 2003; in
HOMEOPATHY 93, 1/2004)
XX. The Fluorine Civilisation DAMONTE J.
This short treat is reprinted from a 1979 issue of
The Homeopath in which the influential British
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
lay practitioner and teacher notes the theme of
Fluorine to be one of instability and representative
of the times. This pathology, which is really only
the modern extension of the syphilitic Miasm,
especially deserves the name of Fluorism …’ He
covers the keynotes and constitution of Fluorine as
well as the salient points of the Syphilitic Miasm.
‘Owing to aggravations of all kinds vaccinations,
medicaments, operations, food and atmosphere –
there is a rapid transformation to a Sycosis which is
very often different from the well-known carbonic
Sycosis of Natrum sulphuricum and Thuja. The
latter is a dry, thin, nervous Sycosis which is
difficult to detect and to treat, and which generally
justifies Silica and Causticum.
There are many delightful quotes leaving the
reader with much to chew on. (The Homeopath
2003; in HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004).
XXI. Alternative vaccine methods
NEUSTAEDTER R. This article is extracted from
the author’s book The Vaccine Guide: Risks and
Benefits for Adults and Children (2002). In four
brief pages much information is presented
including: Belladonna as a Scarlet fever
preventative, prevention during epidemics, long-
term prevention, the Schick test, GRIMMER’s
protocol for Polio prevention, PATERSON and
BOYD, etc. ‘Unlike conventional vaccines, the
homeopathic alternative does not rely on antibody
formation.’ He postulates that ‘Homeopathic
remedies reduce the patient’s sensitivity to the
dynamic stimulus of the virus or bacteria, thus
lessening the patient’s predisposition to being
overcome by this stimulus.’ (Golden, 1998)
It is quite interesting reading but citations are
not referenced nor explained as footnotes. This is
not helpful to the reader and references should, of
course, be included even though this is a direct
excerpt from the book. Nevertheless, this article
contains fascinating information and should help to
increase sales of NEUSTAEDTER’s important
work. (The Homeopath 2003; 90: in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004).
XXII. A Correspondant, BARBARA, from
Sarajevo in Bosnia writes (HL. 16, 2/2003) about
the state of Homeopathy in that country. She has
been in projects for children and adults.
Homeopathy was introduced in Bosnia only four
years (report dt. 2002-2003) ago by Colleges of
Homeopathy in Britain and Netherlands. There is
a Sarajevan Homeopathic Society, which is
working to place homeopaths into law. Most
Bosnians do not have money for homeopathic
treatment. Dina Manko, is one of the seven full
time practicing homeopaths in Bosnia. This is
seven out of forty who were trained in Bosnia.
Nearly 60% of her patients Dina treats free. There
is severe shortage of funds. She works with people
who suffer in greater or lesser degree the
consequences of the war. Contributions for helping
Dina are urgently called for.
XXIII. Another correspondant from Zagreb in
Croatia writes (HL. 16, 2/2003) giving a brief
history of Homeopathy in Croatia. The most well
known homeopaths of Croatia are Lord Josip
ZLATAROVIC (1807-1874), and Joseph
ATTOMYR (1807-1856). ATTOMYR suffered
from Consumption and he cured himself with
Sepia. [“In this situation his good genius led him in
reading the Chronic Diseases’, to Sepia. It was
especially symptom 717 which led him to select
this especial remedy. He took one dose, and this
gradually effected his cure. ….” Pioneers of
Homeopathy, T.L. BRADFORD, Boericke &
Tafel, 1897, =KSS]
Today Croatia has more than a hundred
qualified homeopaths who acquired their know-
how at many European and World Schools of
Homeopathy. Approximately half of them are
XXIV. Dr. Joel SHEPPERD, USA criticizes
(HL. 16, 2/2003) the trend since nearly a decade to
bring in ‘innovations’ in homeopathic therapeutics.
These innovations’ or ‘new trends’ include study
of remedies according to their ‘signatures’, or
‘periodic table’, weave themes. We also have been
reading of ‘depth psychology’, ‘Jungian
Archetypes’, ‘Kingdoms’ ‘Dream Provings’, ‘Paper
remedies’, etc. We also read of ‘Core’ of the
disease state ‘deep healing’, etc. None of these
words could be found in the works of our Masters
whose books alone have been our ‘sources’ and
with which homeopaths have carried out great
Additions to the Repertories are many fold;
most of the references for these are unavailable to
the user of the Repertory for verification.
Joel SHEPPERD therefore calls for ‘cessation’
of all such activities in the name Homeopathy.
The Editors have responded by recalling the
‘slogan’ aude sapere which the neo-homeopaths
claim to follow.
XXV. Second dose to keep pox at bay. (The
Hindu, Chennai, Thursday, August 12/2004).
“In an ever-changing world of medical
developments the micro-organisms seem to have
the last laugh. Almost. There is mounting evidence
that Vaccination against Chicken pox is no longer
foolproof and that children and adults are still
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
vulnerable to fresh attacks. Many medical journals
now reveal an ever-increasing trend in Chicken pox
reinfection. A recent issue of the Journal of
Infectious Diseases reports a whopping 25% of
vaccinated children getting reinfected during the
Chickenpox outbreak in Minnesota, U.S. in the fall
of 2002. Another recent paper in the Journal of
American Medical Association cites a study that
showed that 15.1% of the vaccinated got reinfected.
The effectiveness of Chicken pox vaccine is 56%.
The journal Pediatrics clearly states that
reinfections from varicella virus may occur more
commonly than previously thought. A booster
vaccination deserves additional consideration. The
company (Biologicals Worldwide Medical, Glaxo
Smithkline Biologicals, Belgium) is already on the
job and come next year, it plans to launch the two-
dose schedule as a combination vaccine by
combining it with the already prevailing MMR
vaccine. Both doses will be given in the second
year of life of the baby.” [After few years we may
need three doses, later four like the Polio vaccines
with its boosters, Pulse Polio drops etc. The virus
sustains ultimately! = KSS]
XXVI. Clinical case of Sulphuric acid GODET
P. 35-year-old woman with diarrhoea for 23 years.
Exhausted, wanted to work quickly and was always
anxious, as if anticipating a disaster. Sulphuricum
acidum was prescribed with success.
Previous history of accidents, hurrying. (Les
Echos du Centre Liegeois d’Homeopathie 2003;
in HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
XXVII. Clinical case of Conium LOUVEAU F. A
Young girl had recurrent urinary infections.
Belonged to a family with lot of sexual secrets and
indiscretions. Repertorization led to Conium,
which cured this girl. (Les Echos du Centre
Liegeois d’Homeopathie 2003; in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly
Homeopathic Digest are given below:
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121,
2. AJHM: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine,
formerly Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy
(JAIH). 801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 306 Alexandria, VA
3. CCR: Homoeopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Dr. Subhash
Meher, Near Hotel Chanakya, Anandrishiji Marg,
Burudgaon Road, AHMEDNAGAR-414001.
4. CCRH: Central Council for Research in Homeopathy,
JLN Bhartiya Chikitsa avum Homeopathic Anusandhan
Bhawan, 61-65, Institutional Area, Opp. D-Block,
Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110 058.
5. THE HINDU: Newspaper, Chennai–600 002.
6. HH: Homeopathic Heritage, B. Jain Publishers Overseas,
1920, Street No.10, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, Post Box
5775, New Delhi - 110 055.
7. HL: Homeopathic Links, Homeopathic Research &
Charities, F/s, Saraswat Colony, Linking Road, Santacruz
(W), Mumbai 400054.
8. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British Homeopathic Journal
(BHJ), Homeopathy, Faculty of Homeopathy, 29 Park
Street West, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
9. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for
Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
10. NAMAH: New Approches to Medicine and Health, Sri
Aurobindo Society, PONDICHERRY – 605 001.
11. NJH: National Journal of Homeopathy, 71B Saraswati
Road, Near Gokul Icecream,, Santacruz (W), MUMBAI
400 054.
12. RBH: Revue Belge D’Homeopathie, Avenue Cardinal
Micara, 7, B-1160, Bruxelles, BELGIUM.
13. S&C: Science and Culture, Indian Science News
Association, 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road,
KOLKATA – 700 009.
14. SIM: Simillimum, The Journal of the Homeopathic
Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, P.O. Box 8341,
Covington, WA 98042, USA.
15. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F.
Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
(This section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some cases)
1. Non Inutilis Vixi
(I have not lived in vain)
BRADFORD, Thomas Lindsley
The Torch of Homeopathy (Vol.VIII, No.3,
July, 1966)
[This article is republished in celebration of the 250
Birthday of Samuel Hahnemann. Hail Hahnemann]
Samuel Christian Frederick HAHNEMANN
was born on the night of April 10, 1755, at
Meissen, Saxony, the son of a porcelain painter. It
is related that the father gave his son, when the
latter was five years old, lessons in thinking,
devoting a certain time each day to that instruction.
The good father during these hours would advise
the boy to prove all things and to hold fast to that
which was good. Early in life he was placed in the
village schools, and it was habit of his boyhood to
wander over the beautiful hills of Meissen. He
loved to study the plants and made a herbarium; he
was fond of natural history. So apt was he that
when twelve years old, the good master MULLER
entrusted to him to teach the rudiments of Greek to
the other pupils. About this time the frugal father
wished to take him from school and, after the way
of German fathers, set him to work, but Magister
MULLER, the principal, entreated the father and
offered to remit the tuition, upon which the bright,
studious lad was allowed to remain at his books. At
sixteen he entered the Meissen private school.
Several times the father took his son from school
only to be persuaded to allow him to return. Once
he apprenticed him to a grocer at Leipsic, but the
lad ran away and returned home, where his mother
concealed him for several days until the father’s
heart was softened. It is also related that the father
objected to the waste of lighting fluid needed for
midnight study, upon which the son fashioned a
rude clay lamp and hid himself with his books at
night in a retired nook in the rambling old Eck-
house where he lived.
There was a wonderful native force within the
boy impelling him to study, to store his mind with
useful knowledge, and that despite paternal frowns
and other difficulties. He had to learn – it was
destiny and the father at last began to realize that
there was something in this country-bred lad of
twenty years; this eccentric son, who already knew
somewhat of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, History and
Physics, and whom nothing in the way of
opposition could deter from knowing; and that he
ought no longer attempt to curb. And so when
Samuel was twenty years old in 1775, and when the
Easter bells were ringing, HAHNEMANN, the
student, received from his father about twenty
dollars, with permission to journey, to Leipsic, the
University town, and win his own manner.
He began student life in Leipsic, by attending
lectures during the day and devoting the nights to
translations from the English into German, and he
also taught German and French to a rich young
Greek. A generous citizen of Meissen had
presented him with free tickets to the medical
lectures, but his literary occupations were such as to
prevent him from attending them regularly; but he
studied hard and saved his money that he might
sooner go to the more advantageous schools of
Vienna. Soon after he went to Leipsic, he was
defrauded of his savings, and for nine months was
obliged to live on a little more than sixty-eight
florins, and then to seek a self-supporting position.
But the way was provided in the person of Dr. Von
QUARIN, who was physician to Maria Theresa and
Emperor Joseph. He assisted this young Saxon
scholar, who thus spoke of his benefactor many
years afterwards: He respected, loved and
instructed me as if I had been the first of his pupils,
and even more than this, and he did it all without
expecting any compensation from me. To him I am
indebted for my calling as a physician. I had his
friendship and I may almost say his love, and I was
the only one of my age whom he took with him to
visit his private patients.”
Von QUARIN secured for HAHNEMANN the
position of private physician and librarian to the
Baron von BRUCKENTHAL, who was Governor
of Siebenburgen and lived in the city of
Hermannstadt. For a year and nine months he
remained in the delightful seclusion of von
BRUCKENTHAL’s great library, filled with
priceless books and manuscripts. He catalogued his
collections of rare coins and also the books, and
arranged them. And he studied them. He was
always studying making ready for the future and
that as yet he dreamed not of, and was impelled
always by an unknown inward force to gain new
and varied knowledge. When HAHNEMANN left
Hermannstadt he was Master of Greek, Latin,
English, Hebrew, Italian, Syriac, Arabic, Spanish,
German, and had besides a little knowledge of
Chaldaic. And then he was only twenty-four years
of age.
This is the man who has been called “that
ignorant German fanatic.” He bade the good Baron
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
farewell in the Spring of 1779, and went to the
University of Erlangen to take his degree as Doctor
of Medicine, choosing Erlangen because the fees
were less than at Vienna. At this place on August
10, 1779, he successfully defended his thesis, and
received his diploma. From the time of graduation
in August until sometime in the year 1780, it is
probable that HAHNEMANN travelled about in the
towns of Lower Hungary. In the summer of 1780 a
home longing overcame him and he returned to
Saxony, at his home located in the little town of
Hettstadt in a copper mining country, where he
found little to do but study the mining. He
remained there nine months, going thence in the
spring-time of 1781 to Dessau, where he first
turned his attention to Chemistry, of which he
afterwards became one of the most able exponents
and experimentalists of the time. Here also he
gained much knowledge of practical mining and
smelting, which he afterwards utilized in writing
upon those subjects; and, as he so quaintly said: I
filled the dormer windows of my mind.”
In Dessau HAHNEMANN met Johanna
Henrietta Leopoldine KUCHLER, daughter of
apothecary Kuchler, who became his life
companion. They were married on December 1,
1782. He was twenty-seven and she nineteen years
old. He had a short time previous taken the post of
parish doctor at Gommern, a small town not far
from Magdeburg. They went there and he at once
began regularly to practise his profession.
HAHNEMANN said that there had previously been
no physician at this place, and that the inhabitants
had no desire for any such person. Here he
remained two years and nine months. While there,
he made some important translations and published
his first original book On the Treatment of Old
Sores and Ulcers.In this work he gave the results
of his experience in Transylvania, and said that the
patients probably would have done quite as well
without him. And in writing of his treatment of a
case of caries of the metatarsal bone he said: “I
scraped the carious bone clean out and removed all
the dead part, dressed it with alcohol and watched
the result,” (not a bad method of treatment for the
surgery of the present day, and that was in 1784).
The matter of hygiene was mentioned in his book,
although at that time it was very little understood.
Even then the master was teaching in advance of
his time.
He now began, as he says, to taste the delights
of home; he was contented; his books and his
official position supported him; but the rude and
barbarous medical methods of the day disturbed his
logical and educated mind, which was trained to
expect definite results; and he disliked to give
compounds whose effects on patient he was
ignorant of. He could not accept the loose ways
and methods of the existing medical schools. In the
celebrated letter to HUFELAND, the Nestor of
German Medicine, on the Necessity of a
Regeneration in Medicine”, published sometime
afterward, HAHNEMANN fully explained his
feelings at that period of his life, and his reasons for
giving up the old practice of medicine hampered by
dogmas of doubt. He resigned his position at
Gommern in the autumn of 1784 and entirely gave
up practice that (in his own words) “I might no
longer incur the risk of doing injury, and I engaged
exclusively in Chemistry and in literary
occupations.” His mind was now reaching out
toward his ideal. As he once said to HUFELAND,
he could not understand a God who had not
provided some certain method of contemplating
diseases from their own aspect and of curing them
with certainty. “But why has this method not been
discovered during the twenty-five or thirty
centuries in which men have called themselves
physicians? Because it is too near us, and too easy;
because to attain it there is no need of brilliant
sophisms or seducing hypothesis.” Impelled by a
something within him to seek, HAHNEMANN
gave up the old practice of medicine and reduced
himself and family to comparative poverty for
conscience’s sake, and in the fulfillment of the
immutable law in his nature that he was powerless
to overcome. From Gommern he removed to
brilliant Dresden, then the home of arts and
sciences and devoted his time to translations and
the study of Chemistry. He also studied medical
jurisprudence with Dr. WAGNER, the town
physician or Health Officer, who became his friend
and gave him charge of the hospitals of the town
for a year. At this time HAHNEMANN was well
known in Germany as a scholarly translator of
scientific books, and a daring and successful
experimentalist in Chemistry. He was received
with warm welcome by the distinguished scholars
who resided in Dresden - ADELUNG, who had
made a compilation in five volumes of the history
of all known languages and dialects and who was
perhaps the foremost philologist in the world;
DASDORF, the librarian of the great Electoral
library himself a ripe scholar; BLUMENBACH,
the naturalist; and LAVOSIER, the ill-fated
chemist, a victim of the reign of terror. Such was
the company HAHNEMANN enjoyed, scholar in
scholarly atmosphere and in the companionship of
men of wisdom. This life continued four pleasant
years. Up to this time all the translations of
scientific works and the original books he had
written were of such a nature as to render more fit
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
for the great discoveries he was soon destined to
In September, 1789, HAHNEMANN removed
to Leipsic and continued his literary work. Before
this it is probable that he had no idea that he was to
be a medical reformer. There is nothing in his
writings to indicate such a thought.
He was simply a learned physician and
chemist, too honest to bleed and purge and dose his
fellow men and vaguely seeking in his own mind
for some more reasonable and safe method of cure.
Soon after his arrival at Leipsic and while he was
translating from the English the Materia Medica of
the great Scotch physician, William CULLEN, he
was led by certain statements in the book to make
some original experiments upon himself regarding
the effects of Peruvian bark. As a result he added a
footnote to the second volume of his translation in
which he said: “I took by way of experiment, twice
a day, four drachms of good China. My feet, finger
tips, & c., at first became cold; I grew languid and
drowsy; then my heart began to palpitate, and my
pulse grew hard and small; intolerable anxiety,
trembling (but without cold rigor), prostration
throughout all my limbs; then pulsation in my head,
redness of my cheeks, thirst, and in short all those
symptoms which are ordinarily characteristic of
Intermittent Fever, made their appearance, one after
another, yet without the peculiar chilly rigor. This
paroxysm lasted two or three hours each time, and
recurred, if I repeated the dose, not otherwise. I
discontinued it and was in good health”. This
discovery led to experiment; analysis led to
HAHNEMANN passed six years in noting the
effects of different drugs and poisons on healthy
persons and in studying old volumes of recorded
experiments in Materia Medica. His family was
pressed into the service and friends also assisted
him. Each was tried in various doses and in every
possible variety of circumstance, that the real effect
might be clearly understood. All the time he could
spare from his translations was devoted to these
provings and to chemical research.
He then had several children and was so poor
that the whole family lived in a single room, while
the father pursued his work in one corner, separated
from the others only by curtain. It was his custom
to sit up every other night translating in order to
gain more time for his experiments. In 1791
poverty compelled him to go to the little village of
Stötteritz, where he could live still more cheaply.
While there he helped in the work of the house,
wore the garments and the heavy wooden clogs of
the poor German, and even kneaded the bread with
his own hands - sickness befell his family. He had
lost faith in medicine. Of this period he writes:
“Where shall I look for aid, sure aid?” sighed the
disconsolate father on hearing the moaning of his
dear, inexpressibly sick children. “The darkness of
the night and the dreariness of the desert all around
me; no prospect of relief for my oppressed paternal
heart.” Yet always he had in mind the
determination to continue his experiments, to
elaborate the new law that he had begun to make
Previous to this time HAHNEMANN had no
opportunity of testing on the sick the result of the
drug provings on the healthy but now it came. A
certain influential man, Herr KLOCKENBRING,
had by ridicule been rendered violently insane, and
his wife, having heard of HAHNEMANN, was
induced to request him to attend her husband.
Through her influence the Duke of Gotha gave up
to HAHNEMANN for the experiment, a wing in his
old hunting castle at Georgenthal at the foot of the
Thuringian mountains, nine miles from his own
capital of Gotha. He caused it to be properly
arranged for the reception of the maniac and his
keepers. He was taken with the madness in the
winter of the 1791-92. It probably was in the
spring of 1792 that HAHNEMANN was first called
to the case, and during that summer went to
Georgenthal. It was a case of acute mania and
KLOCKENBRING was very violent, requiring
several keepers. HAHNEMANN says that for two
weeks he watched him without giving him any
medicine. It was the fashion then to treat insane
person with great severity, chaining, beating and
placing them in dark dungeons. HAHNEMANN
did not approve of this and treated his distinguished
patient with great gentleness. It has been claimed
that HAHNEMANN was in advance of the
celebrated scientist PINEL in this plan of treating
the insane. It was during this same year of 1792
that PINEL first unchained the maniacs in the
hospital of Bicetre at Paris. In 1793
KLOCKENBRING returned to Hanover
completely cured.
HAHNEMANN left Georgenthal in May 1793,
going then to Molschleben, a small village near
Gotha. From letters written at this time by him to a
patient and what have been published, we are able
to determine his whereabouts very correctly. He
went from Molschleben to Pyrmont, and from there
in 1796 to Wolfenbüttel, and thence to
Konigslutter, where he remained until 1799, when
he went to Hamburg. The life at Konigslutter is
memorable because while living there he published,
in 1796 in The journal for Practising
Physicians,” edited by his friend HUFELAND, and
which was the most important medical journal of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
that time, his celebrated essay on a New Principle
for Ascertaining the Curative powers of Drugs.”
In this he gave to the world for the first time his
principle Similia Similibus Curentur, explaining
how he had experimented and the result. It was
only after six years of constant trial and study that
he had shared his wonderful secret with the medical
During the last year of the life at Konigslutter
an epidemic of Scarlet fever occurred, and
HAHNEMANN found his new found knowledge to
the proof, and declared that Belladonna, in as much
as it would produce a similar drug condition would
cure Scarlet fever, - and it did; and because he first
tested the cure on the sick and did not reveal its
name until he was sure of its effect, his enemies
even to the present day, have accused him of
dealing in secret remedies and nostrums.
But in prescribing with his own medicines for
these patients he had offended against the Law, and
the jealous apothecaries of Konigslutter hounded
him forth to fresh wanderings. In the autumn of
1799 he packed all his goods and his family into a
large wagon, some sunshine, and started on the
road to Hamburg. On the journey over a
precipitous part of the way the wagon was
overturned; the driver was thrown from the seat;
HAHNEMANN himself was injured; a daughter’s
leg was broken; an infant son ERNST was so hurt
that he soon died, and his property was damaged by
falling into a stream. At the nearest village of
Muhlhausen he was obliged to remain six weeks at
a considerable expense.
He settled after this at Altona and did not go to
Hamburg until 1800. It was in this year that
FLEISCHER, the Leipsic publisher, gave to
HAHNEMANN to translate an English book
containing medical prescriptions. He translated the
text into good German, but added an original
preface in which he so ridiculed and satirized and
belittled the compound prescriptions of the great
lights of the English medical world that it put an
end to his employment by that publisher. His only
further translation was the Von HALLER Materia
Medica from the Latin, which was published in
1806. At this period he wrote several articles for
Hufeland’s journal. In 1802 he went from
Hamburg to Mollen in the Duchy Lauenburg, and
from there journeyed to Eilenburg in beloved
Saxony. He was not allowed to remain there
however, as the Health Officer ordered him away.
From thence he went to Machern, a village five
miles from Leipsic, where poverty again distressed
him. It is related that after toiling all day at
translating (at the Haller Materia Medica) he often
assisted his wife to wash the family clothing at
night, and as they could not purchase soap, they
employed raw potatoes instead. The portion of
bread allowed to each was small that he was
accustomed to weigh it out in equal proportion.
From Machern he went to Wittenburg, departing
soon after for Dessau, where he lived for two years.
HAHNEMANN left Hamburg about the
beginning of 1802. He could not have remained
long in one place. He was poor and persecuted,
driven from town to town. He passed about two
years at Dessau, and, according to a letter written
by him, he was in June, 1805 domiciled at Torgau,
where he remained until 1811, when he went to
Leipsic. As his essays in the medical journals only
brought him into condemnation he afterwards
published his articles in the General German
Gazette of Literature and Science.”
HAHNEMANN’s first collections of provings
‘Fragmenta de Viribus’ was published in Latin
while he was at Torgau, in 1805. Five years later
the first edition of the Organon appeared. In this
he gave to the world a careful explanation of his
new medical discoveries and beliefs. It contained
everything relating to the new medical method and
in it he for the first time mentioned the name
the term ‘Homeopathy’ for the first time in 1807 in
the penultimate paragraph of his article
Indications of the Homeopathic Employment
of Medicines in Ordinary Practice” = KSS.] The
work appeared in 1810, from the press of his friend
and patient, ARNOLD. The book consists of an
Introduction and the Organon itself. The
Introduction is entitled Review of the
Medication, allopathy and palliative treatments
that have prevailed to the present time in the old
school of medicine and comprise the first one
hundred pages of the Organon.
HAHNEMANN here presents the curious story
of the efforts of mankind to conquer disease……
HAHNEMANN devoted about sixty pages to
quotations from the writings of old physicians from
HIPPOCRATES to SYDENHAM, describing cures
effected according to the Dotrine of Similars. Each
cure is plainly stated with a reference in each case
to the medical writer responsible for the statement.
The book itself is devoted to instructions in
practical Homeopathy. HAHNEMANN never
claimed to discover the Law of Simili, but he did
claim that he was the first person to make any
practical demonstration of that Law.
It is needless to say that the propositions
advanced in the Organon brought down upon the
head of the reformer an avalanche of abuse. He had
raised his hand against the traditions of years and
he was attacked by the medical journals of the day.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Books and pamphlets were fulminated against him.
The reviews were so virulent that even the better of
HAHNEMANN’s enemies condemned them. He
was called a charlatan, a quack, an ignormus. In
1811, his son published a refutation, which it is
believed HAHNEMANN himself wrote. All this
storm of abuse he answered in no other way. He
gave his answer in a better way, in 1811, when he
presented to the world the first volume of the
Materia Medica Pura”.
But the grand impulse was strong within him.
He felt that he must find a wider platform from
which to shout his glad tidings to sick and suffering
humanity, and in the year 1811, he transferred his
“Lares and Penates” to his old home in Leipsic, the
place he had first entered as an enthusiastic and
scholarly lad of twenty. Since then Vienna,
Hermanstadt, Erlangen, Dessau, Gommern,
Dresden, Georgenthal, the wander years, and
afterwards Torgau, with its literary results. Trials,
malevolence, privation, and false accusation, all
had followed him like furies, and yet impelled by a
strange force, the genius of right and justice, he had
ever and steadily gone on towards the future of
whose brightness even yet he did not know.
It now became impressed upon
HAHNEMANN’s mind that he must teach this
Doctrine of Medicine publicly to men; and he went
to Leipsic and began to lecture on the principles of
Homeopathy. In December 1811, he inserted a
notice of his Medical Institute” in a journal of the
city. But before he was permitted to lecture he was
compelled to defend a thesis before the Faculty of
Medicine. This he did on June 26, 1812. Its title
was A Dissertation on the Helleborism of the
Ancients,” and it was such a marvel of erudition
that no one attempted to dispute it. In its pages
containing quotations from the Hebrew, Latin,
Greek, Arabic, Italian, French, English and German
there was evidence of profound knowledge. It
seemed an echo from the great libraries of
Hermanstadt and Dresden.
HAHNEMANN now began lecturing
Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 3
o’clock. The lectures were continued seminally
during his entire stay at Leipsic, and soon attracted
hearers from the medical and law students and the
younger of the Leipsic physicians. The fame of his
learning and desire to see the man who taught such
medical “heresies” attracted many to him. Soon
from the audiences he gathered a circle of young
men under his direction who began to make
provings on themselves. The result was the
Materia Medica Pura”. These faithful disciples
lived near HAHNEMANN’s house and were
almost constantly with him. Each had his duty to
perform, and HAHNEMANN, after collecting the
symptoms, verified them, subjecting them to the
finest scrutiny and with the most scrupulous
exactitude analyzed them. The plants were
collected, the preparations according to the formula
of the master were made, and results noted. They
who sat at the feet of the teacher, afterwards carried
the new doctrine into many places. Fortunately, the
story has been told by some among the number so
that it is known how the reformer lived at this time.
He was fully occupied with his lectures and the
receptions of his patients at his home. He did not
visit them at their houses. Daily with his wife and
daughters he walked in one of the public gardens of
the city. After the day’s labour he was accustomed
to sit among his students in the evening, and with
the mug of “ghose” at his side and the long German
pipe in his hand, he would tell his disciples of the
curious actions and ways of the older physicians at
the sick bed, or relate circumstances of his former
life; and then he would become lost to the
surroundings, his pipe would go out, and one of his
daughters would at once be called to relight it.
But persecution came. The students were
accustomed to prescribe for patients and
HAHNEMANN’s reception room was thronged
daily; both master and students gave medicine.
This practice was contrary to the law of that time,
and the apothecaries whose privileges were
supposed to be encroached upon appealed to the
courts against HAHNEMANN, and he was cited to
appear. He did so, and also addressed a letter to the
authorities in which he argued that he did not give
compound prescriptions but only simple remedies
in such minute doses, and of whose preparation the
apothecaries knew nothing, that they could not put
up these medicines; that their exclusive right was
only to make up compound prescriptions and that
Homeopathy did not compound or dispense. He
was soon notified that he would be fined twenty
thalers for every dispensation afterwards.
In 1820 a celebrated general Prince von
SCHWARZENBERG, who had been a leader of
the allied armies against Napoleon, applied to
HAHNEMANN for treatment, asking that he attend
him at Vienna. HAHNEMANN replied that if he
wished his services he must come to Leipsic as he
was too busy to go to Vienna. So desirous was the
Prince to consult HAHNEMANN that he came to
Leipsic and established himself in a suburb of the
city. His case was incurable, and he died about six
months afterwards of Apoplexy. His death was the
cause of renewed attacks on HAHNEMANN, and
the legal persecutions, that during the treatment had
been prevented by Saxon government on account of
his illustrious patient, were resumed with redoubled
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
vigour. HAHNEMANN’s students were arrested,
fined, and even imprisoned. He himself was so
persecuted that he must either give up practice or
resume his journeying in quest of another abiding
place. Of a truth it may be said:
“His life was like a battle or a march,
And like the wind’s blast, never resting,
He stormed across the war-convulsed earth”.
Not far from Leipsic was one of the many little
principalities of which at that time Germany was
composed. It was the duchy of Anhalt-Coethen.
One of its notables, the Grand Duke Frederick, had
heard of HAHNEMANN’s wonderful cures and
was, besides, a lover of justice. He offered an
asylum to the persecuted old teacher, appointed him
his privy physician with the title of Hofrath, and by
edict gave him permission to dispense and prescribe
within the limits of his kingdom. Early in May,
1821, HAHNEMANN shook the dust of
inhospitable Leipsic with his faithful students
accompanying him on the road set out for Coethen.
It was a delightful place, nestled in the valley
of a small river and in its quiet the master passed
fifteen years of his eventful life. In a summerhouse
at the end of a paved garden he studied and wrote
and meditated, formulating, completing, and
perfecting his life work. His Chronic Diseases
was written at Coethen, the last four editions of the
Organon, and the last two editions of Materia
Medica Pura.
The year 1829 was memorable because on
August 10, HAHNEMANN celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of his graduation at Erlangen. His
disciples came to him bringing gifts. The old
Savant’s portrait was done in oil, his bust was
modelled. STAPF, his favorite pupil, had collected
the fugitive essays he had written, and brought the
first copy from the printer as his token.
ALBRECHT, the Dresden friend and after-time
biographer, delivered a poem in his praise.
RUMMEL presented the honorary diploma from
his alma mater. The scholarly MUHLENBRING
made a Latin oration, giving a sketch of his life and
labors. The good Duke and Duchess remembered
their beloved physician. Afterwards there was a
grand dinner. The disciples came from all parts of
the country, and those who could not come sent
letters of amity. This occasion resulted in the form
of the German Central Homeopathic Union.
Soon afterward, however, a great sorrow came,
and the wings of ashen gray were unfolded over the
good housewife. For years she had devoted herself
to the cares of life that her husband might be free to
pursue his studies. At the time of her illness
HAHNEMANN also was ill, but he kept himself at
her bedside and comforted her. After her death his
daughters continued to care for the household, and
there was little real change in his domestic life.
The Cholera year of 1832 came, and although
HAHNEMANN never had seen a case of that
character his knowledge of the effects of medicines
upon the system enabled him to suggest the
remedies that would be found useful. His opinion
proved correct, because it was founded upon a law.
Now the years passed peacefully and happily; the
wanderer at last had come home. Homeopathy
was known and men of ability, physicians and
laymen journeyed to the little village, to hear the
old sage talk and to learn more of the new and
rational method of healing. Coethen became the
school house of Homeopathy from whence went
willing disciples to carry the teachings to all parts
of the world.
HAHNEMANN always was a very industrious
man; he never was idle. He proved about ninety
medicines himself; he wrote about seventy original
works on Chemistry and Medicine, some of them in
several volumes; he translated fifteen large medical
and scientific works from the English, six from the
French, one from the Italian and one from Latin.
These translations were not alone on Medicine, but
Chemistry, Agriculture and general Literature.
Among them was History of the Lives of
Abelard and Heloise which was considered a
remarkable work from a literary standpoint.
Besides this was the labor of attending to a very
large practice a great part of which was by letters.
He was not only a physician, reformer and chemist,
but he was an accomplished classical scholar and
critic, well versed in Astronomy and Meteorology
fond of Geography. In the days at Coethen he was
at seventy-five, interesting himself in the habits of
spiders, still studying Chemistry, and keeping
himself by letter en rapport with his followers in
different parts of the world.
In stature HAHNEMANN was a small man,
inclined to stoutness; his carriage was upright and
his work dignified; his step was firm and all his
motions active; his forehead was very high, arched,
and bore the impress of thought. In early life he
wore a queue; later on he became bald on the top of
his head, and locks of curling white hair fell over
each temple. His eyes were particularly piercing
and brilliant, as though a great soul looked over
defiantly upon the noisy world. He seldom smiled;
life had been too real for much laughter, yet he
enjoyed the pleasure of others. In early life he wore
small clothes, knee breeches and shoes with
buckles, and later on the long trousers; his coat was
dark. In his home life a gaily figured dressing
gown with long skirts, wadded slippers and always
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a black velvet cap on his head, completed his attire.
In Paris it was said that he wore his hair in curl
paper at night. In food he was abstemious; he was
fond of sweets and preferred a simple cake to bread.
His vegetables were cabbage, new beans and
spinach. He usually took a nap after eating. Daily
he took exercise in the open air, and worked until
late at night. His usual companion was a little pet
dog that lay near his chair. HAHNEMANN had
eleven children.
In January, 1833, a fond wish of the great
teacher was realized. A homeopathic hospital was
formally opened at Leipsic. He visited it later on
and had the satisfaction of knowing that there was
at least one institution pledged to a fair trial of his
doctrines. There were differences afterward
between the physicians and himself, but he
continued his interest in the hospital as long as he
remained in Germany.
In 1835 this old man who had for some time
thought that according to the law of nature he might
finish his pilgrimage at any time, renewed his lease
upon life. He married a French lady of thirty-five
years, one Marie MELANIE D’HERVILLY
GOHIER, daughter of a painter who had been
adopted by a prominent Frenchman. She had heard
of HAHNEMANN, and on visiting him they were
mutually attracted. He made a will giving his
children most of his property, and on January 28,
1835, he married; and on the first day of
Whitsuntide of the same year he departed from
Coethen with his bride. His children and
grandchildren dined with them at Halle, and the
doctor and his wife went on to Paris. Madame
HAHNEMANN was a woman of ability, an artist
and poetess, and she soon became also a physician.
She was of good family and the life became a gay
and busy one. They lived in style in a fashionable
part of the city. Soon HAHNEMANN, though it
was supposed that he intended to rest from his
labors at Paris, was engaged in a larger and more
exacting practice than he ever before had, and
contrary to the old custom he now made visits,
driving about in his carriage after the manner of
other city physicians. His clientage constantly
increased, and although he had given away most of
his property on leaving Germany, it is said that
during the eight years of his life in Paris he earned
4,000,000 francs. The French Homeopathic
Society honored him by making him their Honorary
President, and his every birthday was made the
occasion of a festival in his honor. Many
distinguished strangers called on and recognized
him as the founder of a new and successful school
of medicine. His home life was happy; he enjoyed
the opera and public receptions, but he did no more
literary work.
Death came at last to take away the great man,
and calmly, trustingly, uncomplainingly, although
at the last he suffered much, he passed away early
in the morning of Sunday, July 2, 1843, gently
whispering “I have not lived in vain.”
- The Homeopathic Bulletin, April 1961.
2. Mandragora Officinalis E Radice
(Torch of Homeopathy, April 1966)
We made provings on thirty persons. Eight
were women of whom seven were of a mature age.
Twenty-two were, disregarding small
deviations in the physiological balance of their
functions, adequate to the requirements which were
necessary for a healthy pharmacological prover.
Most of the provers began the provings with the
D4; a smaller group with the D6. These potencies
were taken for fourteen days, five drops three time
daily. Then a placebo of 45% alcohol was taken for
fourteen days and after that the D2 was taken for
fourteen days.
Intellect and Emotions: These were
characterized by apathy, irritability, loss of interest
in work, mental fatigue, poor concentration and loss
of memory; or the nervous irritability was
expressed primarily by hypersensitivity to noises.
In contrast to this depression, euphoria with a love
of work occurred before the depression. After the
depression, enuresis occurred. Some of the provers
were tired during the day despite a good night’s
sleep, and also noted vertigo. Some of the provers
had disturbing dreams and woke between 3.00 and
5.00 A.M. One prover felt as though he had
scopalamine and noted numbness of the hands from
D4. One prover noticed anaesthesia of the mouth,
and Stomatitis. He also lost tactile sensation. In
contrast to this feeling of anaesthesia, another
prover noted hypersensitivity of the skin to touch
and to pressure.
Eyes: No changes in the pupils were noted
with the second potency. However, after placing a
decoction of Mandragora into the lachrymal sac,
there occurred a strong, even a maximal, dilation of
the pupil on that side. One prover who took, in all,
forty-one drops of the D1 over a period of six days,
noticed darkening of the visual field and for several
weeks saw only stripes. On the outer rim of the
eyes were Styes. Also conjunctival irritation was
Ears: One prover noted noises in the ear
during the whole proving period and even after it
was finished.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Lungs: Catarrh of the nose occurred with
frequent sneezing, associated with a dry, raw throat;
also a cough from tickling in the throat followed by
frequent mucous expectoration and rales and
Heart and Blood circulation: At least nine
out of twenty-nine provers noted heart trouble with
palpitation. The heart pains increased in intensity,
becoming pinching pains in the chest during the
day, extending to the left shoulder at night, causing
wakefulness. Anxiety was associated with the
anginal pains in the chest, as well as a sensation in
the heart as though an iron ring were contracting
around it. Movement and stress aggravated the
complaints but rest, warmth and lying down
ameliorated them. The reactive phase was
recognized by symptoms of collapse, such as
balancing of the face, loss of the peripheral pulse,
cold sweat on the forehead and a feeling of pressure
on the heart.
In one of the provers one had the impression
that gastric symptoms underlay the heart symptoms.
For instance, the heart symptoms improved after
diarrhoea and the distension associated with the
heart trouble improved after motion, which caused
expulsion of gas, with relief.
The action in the head is characterized by
congestion of blood in the head causing a facial
congestion obvious to the observer, similar to that
of Belladonna but without hallucinations or
delirium. These effects lasted a long time, even
several weeks after the proving was finished. One
prover noticed pains in the head associated with
noises in the ears during the proving period and for
several weeks thereafter. The headache was
characterized by heat and fullness relieved by cold
applications. It was aggravated by stooping
forward, from alcohol, tobacco, sunbathing and
physical activities. A light touch was disagreeable
but a strong touch brought relief. The site of the
headache was in the forehead, the temples and the
occiput radiating forwards. Associated with the
headache were cold hands and feet, even in a warm
room, the hands so cold that they became white and
contracted, the blanching extending up the arms to
the axilla. This was associated with abdominal
fullness increased by digestion and by gas. The
female noted before her period a foul discharge,
with increased flow during the period. Both men
and women noted congestion of Haemorrhoids and
Varices in the legs.
Digestive system: Some provers noted
inflammation in the mouth and burns on the tongue
as if burned with hot water or pepper, as well as
aphthae on the tongue and on the lining of the
mouth. Also the tongue has a whitish-yellow coat.
One of the provers, who was particularly sensitive,
noted Stomatitis of the mouth with oedematous
swelling and a fur-like feeling in the whole mouth.
The feeling of dryness in the mouth was not as
strong as that experienced under Belladonna,
Hyoscyamus and Stramonium. Sometimes they
also noticed excessive salivation. The feeling of
burning is typical of Mandragora and is similar to
that of Capsicum.
In the region of the pharynx one noticed an
increased tendency to a rasp and to dryness in the
mouth and throat. Three provers noticed a pain and
catarrh in the throat. One of the provers had a
severe angina lacunaris with pus and fever up to
104 for two days. This prover was susceptible to
throat infections but in this case it was felt to result
from the Mandragora. Another prover noticed
aggravation of a chronic Tonsillitis to such an
extent that they had to be removed.
The intestinal symptoms are characterized by
spasticity, meteorism and fatty-food dyscrasia.
Seventeen of the twentynine provers noticed
increased gas with pressure and fullness of the
stomach, relieved by eating, and also eructations,
even on an empty stomach. Distention was noticed
particularly in the right lower quadrant. Some had
little or no relief from eructations or flatus, and
some were markedly relieved. The stomach
discomfort came immediately after eating, reaching
a peak one to two hours later. In spite of a
ravenous appetite, because of the stomach
distention, they were full after two or three bites
and actually had a dislike for solid food. One
prover noted more gas dispelled after liquids than
after solids. Two provers had pains from an empty
stomach, associated with great emptiness and
nausea, all relieved after eating. The same provers
were ameliorated by stretching and bending
Nausea and burning for thirty minutes, and
hiccups are noteworthy. These give a picture of the
disturbing influence of Mandragora on the
persistalsis a hint as to the usefulness of the drug
in motion sickness.
In connection with the stomach symptoms
occurred a disturbance in the secretion and
excretion of gall and in the function of the gall
bladder. In four provers there was aversion to
greasy foods, with vomiting followed by diarrhoea.
Altogether there were seven provers who showed
marked symptoms of gall-bladder and liver
disturbance, with piercing pains in the region of the
gall-bladder. There were light yellow to grey stools
(in four of these seven provers), showing
involvement of the gall-bladder and liver system.
Coffee was not tolerated by two provers, a
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
symptom which can be taken in this connection,
again, as a symptom of gall-bladder dysfunction.
Three provers showed a desire for spicy foods such
as meat, fish and cheese, although one was a
vegetarian. Two provers noted improvement of a
hangover from the Mandragora. Intolerance to
sweets was shown by two provers, in spite of their
craving for them.
Other changes in the need for food were as
follows: Craving for butter and sour milk, for rice
dishes, and an aversion to solid food in one prover.
In the intestines there was repeated distention.
Radish, through its high cellulose content, caused
distention and colic. Dyskinesis of the intestinal
movements were seen during excretion. The stool
was hard and bulky and could only be excreted
after long sitting and pressure. After the stool was
passed there was the sensation of incompleteness.
The stool appeared in little balls, like sheep dung.
Diarrhoea followed the colicky pains. After
excretion, tenesmus followed. The stools often had
a bad odour and were light yellow or whitish,
indicating poor gall secretion. This appeared
particularly in the early morning, very often
associated with severe colicky pains and diarrhoea.
In the female prover colicky pains with distention
appeared several times between 12.00P.M. and 2.00
A.M. Particularly, the right side of the abdomen
was distended, with pains radiating to the right
shoulder. There was a painful burning in the gall
bladder area and a strong urge for defecation. Once
there was frequent watery diarrhoea. There was a
complete picture of a gall-bladder colic. The
hemorrhoids that occurred had an inclination to
frequent bleedings and the burning sensation
characteristic of Mandragora.
To summarize the symptoms of the intestines,
we can see deep-growing disturbances of the
neurovegetative distribution of these organs,
particularly of the parasympathetic parts. You can
classify them in the following way.
1. The disturbance of peristalsis with severe
spasm and other functional disturbances.
2. Disturbance of secretory and fermentative
3. The inflammation of the mouth with stomatitis,
gastritis and enteritis.
4. The abdominal plethora with meteorism,
hemorrhoids and bloody excretion.
Urinary Organs: All the functions of the
bladder present the same difficulties; stranguary of
the bladder, interference with urinary excretion, so
that the last portion must be pressed out, and also
urinary incontinence in bed at night.
Sexual Organs. One of the provers noted a
loss of libido which lasted some time after he
stopped taking the medicine. This is an interesting
observation because in ancient times the medicine
was given as an aphrodisiac.
In women it gave dysmenorrhoea and
discontinuation of the menses after it had started
symptoms of the uterine musculature. During the
congestion in the lower part of the abdomen there
was a tendency to Hemorrhage. Also, we saw a
white discharge with a bad odour, before the
The Limbs, Muscles and Peripheral Nerves:
The complaints with regard to the limbs,
musculature and peripheral nerves show a
heaviness and aching in the muscles as after
exercise or after the grippe. At the same time there
was a clear improvement of the motor function.
As far as the joints and the muscle segments
are concerned, all the regions of the body were
affected the joints of the arms and the legs as well
as the joints of the vertebral column. A pain in the
right shoulder was often noted, connected with
discomfort in the gall-bladder as well as a
predilection for the muscles of the thighs,
particularly the quadriceps femoris of both thighs in
which the muscle pains were like a “charleyhorse.”
There were two well pronounced sciatic illness, in
both cases in the right leg, interfering with the
movement of the innervation of the sciatic nerve.
A third prover indicated difficulty in the sciatic
nerve of the left leg.
The two first mentioned provers were free of
pain in the legs. The course was similar in both
cases; beginning in the morning. There was pain
from pressure on the nerve where it had been laid
upon, relieved by motion. Therefore, the provers
were forced to get up several times and move
around. After moving around, however, such an
improvement occurred that pain became tolerable.
Warm applications were very helpful. In one of the
provers there was a necessity for treatment in the
hospital for three weeks, with his legs elevated by
suspension. It is interesting that this pain was
induced after an unsuccessful try with Arsenicum
All the pain in the muscles and in the joints
improved with motion. I think it is correct to
assume that improvement from motion is typical of
Mandragora. One of the provers who had a
sprained ankle believed that after using the drug he
had a fast improvement.
Skin: The skin shows an inflammatory
reaction with vesicular eruptions, itching of face,
Herpes simples labialis, and Furunculosis with
Styes. In Furunculosis, again the sensation of
burning was mentioned.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The skin of the face and neck appeared greasy
and unclean, even the neck of the shirt; and the hair
was dirty and uncouth. There is a noticeable
tendency to perspiration which appears after mild
stress or at night. It very often had a bad odour.
The perspiration is sometimes cold, for instance, in
connection with pressure on the heart. On the
palms of the hands it is sticky.
Temperature Regulation: There seems to be,
due to the excitement of the circulatory system, a
connection with a fever reaction with an increased
sensation of warmth and very rarely a chilliness.
Modalities: Colitis in stomach and gall-
bladder system at 12.00 P.M. to 2.00 A.M. and for
a few hours after. Insomnia occurs between 3.30
and 5.00 A.M. Pain in the joints and Sciatica at
7.00 A.M. Hangover is in the morning in
particular. Most complaints increase from 12.00
P.M. to the morning with a high point at 5.00 to
8.00 A.M. Fullness and distention after the first
bite, most severe one to two hours later.
- The Journal of the A.I.H., January-February,
3. Miscellaneous Hits
Royal E.S. Hayes
(Homeopathic Bulletin, Jan. 1949)
Whatever of interest there may be in these few
reports might come out better in the reading than in
the reciting. They are simply a few of those rather
spectacular cures that result occasionally from a
combination of lucky prescribing and responsive
patient some of those that remain in the memory
and encourage us while performing more tedious or
more ordinary work.
I Boy æt 10, Chorea; abject and helpless, unable to
rise from bed six weeks; complete amnesia; head
lies always to the left; loud mitral murmur, pulse
60; crack in center of lower lip; gnashing of teeth
during sleep; craving sweets, marked emaciation
though eating well: Eczema suppressed when a
baby. Sepia 10M. Fincke.
Three weeks later he could talk, threw himself
on the floor and crept like a baby. From then on he
improved so well that I did not see him until three
years later when he needed another administration
for a slight return of twitching.
II Woman, æt. 67. Had fallen four years
previously and hurt her back at the right sacral
region and had been incapacitated for work since.
She could not rise alone and could walk but little
and that with much difficulty and assistance
because of continued soreness. She complained of
soreness and a dislocated sensation, hurting with
every step, ameliorated while lying with the thigh
flexed, ameliorated by warmth, aggravated by first
motion and relieved by continued motion but
aggravated by osteopathy, aggravated by stormy or
damp weather, severe catching pain when
attempting to move while lying but relieved by
change of position.
After four years of this she was brought to the
office with a cane on one side and her daughter on
the other, scarcely able to lift the feet from the
floor. Calcarea fluorica 12
was taken every 4
hours for five weeks. Three months later she could
do everything and even run when necessary.
III Boy aged 11; Acute encephalitis lethargica.
Headache relieved by cold; liked to have the head
drawn backward; fidgety legs; general tossing from
12 to 4 or 5 a.m. Talked complainingly of work;
answers often irrelevant; grateful for cold drinks;
noise annoyed him. The characteristic facies very
Phosphorus 10M. Skinner’s, was given. His
countenance was brighter the next day, the
following day he spoke of his own incentive. As he
improved copious drooling appeared while asleep.
He was sitting up in a week and in two weeks
walked about the house.
IV Girl æt 4, Throat specialist said Adenoids, the
writer’s humble digit concurred; also large tonsils,
nasal intonation, etc. She was pale, blinking,
always fretty, tiring easily, no appetite; history of
many colds and bilious vomiting. Psorinum 50M,
Twelve weeks later she was taken to the
specialist; Wrong diagnosis; “it must have been
something else.”
V Woman aged 49, Gallstones out fifteen years
previously, malarial chills five years before that.
Having distressing colic again, always after eating.
The X-ray showed an adhesive band from the
stomach to the liver.
Bryonia relieved enough for two weeks to
rouse hopes and three meals were digested without
any pain. The pain is referred to the site of the gall
bladder, much worse after eating, like a weight
pulling across the abdomen and stinging aggravated
by deep inspiration, conscious of ‘motions about
the gall bladder,’ aggravated in evening; full
smothered sensation after eating. Sharp pains up
chest. Chilly sensation inside the stomach and
empty, gone sensation in stomach. Sensitive to
cold and dampness. She came to the homeopath
hoping to escape the needle and operation.
Four administrations of Carbo veg. during nine
months cured most of the pain. Then the malaria
returned and was gone after Natrum muriaticum.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Calcarea ost. cleared up the few remaining
discomforts. Nothing worth mentioning the last
three years.
VI Girl of three, Diphtheria; tonsils and adenoids
cut six months previously; marked stiffness,
swelling and pain of the neck, so that she had to
turn the whole body to get the head round; feet and
hands cold; sopor; craving cold drinks but vomits
them. Averse to noise or any disturbance but wants
company. Very restless at night. Transparent
pinkish pallor (observed clinically in some
Phosphorus conditions.)
This cure was not spectacular for having
noticed BOGER’s admonition as to aggravations
from the 1000
of Phosphorus in some patients, it
was tested and it made a rather exciting case out of
an apparently simple one. At first she was much
worse all day and night, then the expected
improvement came. But it lasted only three days
when an alarming relapse occurred. Phosphorus
10M improved at once and for six days, then
another relapse. The 10M again improved but
glandular swelling and stiff neck was still present
four days later when Calcarea carbonica came to
the rescue two weeks from the first prescription, at
least a week longer than it should have taken, it
seemed. Although the culture remained negative
after the first week some membrane persisted up to
the end of the third week in fact I became tired of
watching it and dismissed myself from the case.
VII Young married woman, sudden attack of
grippe. Aching relieved by change of position;
Headache severe, with some modality. Had had
chill at 3 a.m. Thirst for cold. Rhus tox. was
prescribed in the morning, but she continued worse
and had another chill in the evening, then came an
urgent call at 11 p.m.
More symptoms. Intense heat, intense aching.
Had become decidedly worse at 4 p.m. Lying
dozing with a peculiar moaning sound interrupted
by active delirium – men on the wall, some obstacle
preventing her getting away, screaming and
fighting to free herself. Throbbing headache
relieved by cold applications; shivering after cold
A trip to look at the Repertory was necessary to
select the correct remedy Eupatorium purpureum,
the 900
, was used. She was asleep in a half hour
and very bright indeed the next morning.
VIII Robust girl æt. 10. Icthyosis nigricans,
congenital of course, with itching from the middle
of the torso to the middle of the thighs. Mosquitoes
poison her more than the average person; large
tonsils; craving milk; averse to fish; flushed and
uncomfortable in warm room.
Ars. iod. 20M, Fincke. As she improved a
peculiar odor as of fermentation followed her. In
less than two months the skin has become perfectly
normal. Whether it will continue so may be a
IX High school girl minus tonsils and history of
Diphtheria. Recently had toxin-antitoxin followed
immediately by grippe”. Remained very pale,
white and exhausted, unable to attend school. The
exhaustion was especially sensed in hands which
were also numb. Cramps in the hands when
washing them or whenever flexing the fingers;
could not lift anything. Constantly spitting mucus
from the throat; easy perspiration.
Anthracinum CM, Fincke, acted exceedingly
X Illustrating Echinacea: Farmer of 24, History
of Meningitis at 14 with three weeks of Coma and
Strabismus; he remembers the intense headaches;
never strong since.
Having impetiginous appearing sores on scalp
with red crusts, faint stomach and morning
tiredness. Sulphur 200
was given without much
benefit and he went from one doctor to another
until he landed in the office again three years later.
The ulcers had spread to the face, neck and arms,
they still had the red crusts, were rather deep. Very
irregular in outline, itching, turning blue when in
water; a red Cellulitis process was spreading across
the face, not sore but followed up by the steadily
encroaching ulcers. One wing of his nose was
already gone. A sister and a visitor of the family
had also contracted the disease.
He slept badly, tossing until midnight;
“nervous pain in the heart as if he had been running
He acted and walked like an old man, walking
or standing with knees bent, he turned around
slowly as if thinking about it, lifted the feet but
little while walking. Mental processes slow and
simple, slow to answer. He kept his eye on one as
though he saw something amusing. He was quite
sceptical as to the doctor but was always looking
for one to perform a miracle. He was possessed, in
addition to all the other qualifications, of a constant
extension and flexion of the left thigh, day and
Dr. Gorton’s “double dosage” was tried,
Echinacea 200
one day and the 1000
the next.
Three months later the sores were all healing and
there were no new ones. Did not see him again
until 11 months from the date of the prescription.
He was then bright, erect, strong and the wing of
his nose had grown out; but a concave ulcer was
now appearing on his neck. The prescription was
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
repeated but we heard some months that he still had
a few sores and was still searching for a miracle.
XI A young married woman, with Epilepsy
gravior since appendectomy five years previous;
frequent attacks, sometimes three in a day; delayed
and painful menstruation, no morning appetite,
faint stomach at 11 a.m. Pounding headaches every
8-9 days; weeping spells. Fincke’s Sulphur5M.
A month later, no headaches; hungry but too
“full” to eat, cannot eat until 10 a.m. Urgent thirst
for cold and craving for ice cream and sour things
but aversion to sweets Phos. 200
, Dunham’s.
No attacks for a month, then one Phos. 200.
No attacks for five months, then three. Sulphur
10M, Skinner’s. No attacks during the last thirteen
years. But she threw out boils, a rectal abscess and
had two attacks of Psoriasis, meanwhile having
Sulphur again, then Calcarea. Eczema then came
out which was cured with Nitric acid.
XII Girl, 16. Goitre five years. Obese, moustache;
much perspiration clammy cold feet, easy
dyspnoea. Calcarea carb. 200
A year half later a ringworm about the size of a
fifty cent piece appeared on the face. It was
surrounded by smaller ones, the whole in strikingly
circular arrangement. They were much aggravated
by all the applications that had been attempted.
We think of Echinacea in very irregular
eruptions but the 1M of Calc. carb wiped out this
XIII Miss of 23, Goitre 2 years. The gland was
moderately but distressingly enlarged and not hard.
She was always tired, which was aggravated by
even moderate exercise, tired expression, always
sleepy, fantastic dreams, talking and striking during
sleep. Headaches in left temple beginning in mid
afternoon and relieved by open air and by cold
applications. Easily excited and irritable and the
office nurse says her pulse runs to 133 when
excited. Cough while asleep only; canine appetite;
thirstless; prefers cold food; averse to salt; nausea
and distress in epigastrium; eructations of rotten
egg flavor; menses five weeks apart and protracted;
heat is exhausting; palms perspire when excited.
Calcarea iodata 30
, one administration. Six
weeks later the size of the thyroid was normal and
of course there was striking general improvement;
but a small cystic lump remains.
XIV Man fifty-one, Goitre several years; had
reduced it some with iodine and thought he was
feeling some better. Continual cough and colds
several years. Coughs regularly in the morning
until he has had his hot drink, relieved in the open
air. Tired easily and sweating easily. General
amelioration in the open air and after eating;
aggravated in warm room, canine appetite.
Drowsiness. Face often flushed.
Calc. iod. 6x every two hours for five days. In
three months the Goitre, to all appearances, and the
accompanying symptoms, were gone.
-The Homeopathic Recorder
(Read before the I.H.A. Bureau of Clinical
Medicine, June, 1939.)
4. The Value of Old Symptoms
BAUR, Jacques (HH. 29, 2/2004)
(Translated from the Groupement
Hahnemannien de Lyon, 11
series, No. 5,
When the Little Prince said goodbye to the Fox
the latter told him a secret. “The most important
thing,” he confided, “is invisible to the eyes. Men
have forgotten this truth.”
That is a fact. If men have not exactly
forgotten this truth, many of them accept it more
than they really know it. And yet, is there any
domain of human activity, religious, philosophical,
or scientific, that is not concerned with
investigating the invisible?
Medicine, which is the study and the science of
man, is no exception to this rule. How many times
haven’t we heard it said that the most important
thing about man is not what one finds in his coffin!
Because if we study living man in his illnesses and
in his physiological balance, it is life itself which
concerns us, and not the passing form which it
borrows in order to manifest itself. In that invisible
side of things which escapes all our efforts to
understand it, the philosopher seeks the causes of
all concrete, material, tangible manifestation; the
mystic sees it as the seat of the soul; the doctor,
who may be scientifically, mystically, or
philosophically inclined, seeks in the invisible that
which is infinitely small, vibrations of the vital
force, emotions and thoughts.
More than any other medical doctrine
Homeopathy pursues this study, this search after
the invisible in human beings. In the profusion of
modern medical doctrines which only recognize
manifestations of life that are accessible to the
sensory organs of the observer, only Homeopathy
has established its foundations on principles and
laws, feeling that these non-visible phenomena are
in essence nearer to truth than the simple data of the
sensory world. Perhaps we may accept this
statement in theory without fully realizing all its
implications. Although we agree on proclaiming
the fundamental errors on which the medical
theories of the Allopathy school are founded, we
are nevertheless not above using their terminology
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
and their classification of diseases. How can
Homeopathy, which claims to be an exact medical
science, fit into artificial structures of disease
classifications; how can it use a vocabulary which
was designed to describe disease entities and other
concepts which we all recognize to be false?
Since it was discovered and formulated by
HAHNAMANN, Homeopathy has been
proclaiming that the mission of the physician is to
study the patient and not the illness. It tells us to
cure the patient and to base our medical
prescription on his symptoms, and not only on
pathological results. Can we possibly be in
agreement with these principle if we think in terms
of particular remedies that correspond to such and
such a nosological entity described by the official
On the one hand we categorically state that the
human being bears within him from birth that seed
of imbalance which will take him through the gates
of death after an evolution of variable length; and in
our practice we prove every day that the single
remedy which corresponds to the patient in the
totality of his symptoms will help him for the rest
of his life to negotiate all the trials of health which
he may meet: one being, one patient, one remedy.
And on the other hand we try to cut this
individual into slices when the meaning of that
word, if nothing else, should tell us that he cannot
be so divided. Exactly like the allopaths we study
the child, the adolescent, the adult, and the aged,
using a three-dimensional system of reference
which even our materialistic science of today has
long since discarded!
During his evolution in space and time the
human being is objectified by a series of
manifestations which all have their roots in the
depths of his most secret being. When the outer
manifestations disappear these roots continue to
live, just as much as before. Appearances are no
longer there, but the essential reality remains the
same. And HERING’s Law, which states that old
symptoms return during a cure as a patient retraces
in the opposite direction all the steps along which
his illness progressed, shows us how much these
roots have remained alive and are ready to repeat
old pathological manifestations which one thought
were forever extinguished.
Now if that which is invisible is the most
important factor in a human being, where are we to
look for it, what tracks must we follow towards it?
Since we have to work as doctors we must speak
the language of symptoms and limit ourselves to
seeking those manifestations which are useful in
prescribing the remedy. First of all, we must
distinguish several degrees which lead
progressively to the most tangible and material
manifestations. They are as follows:
1. The pathological symptoms that the patient has
never presented, and which are not directly his. We
will have to pass over this question rapidly but it
deserves a long development.
2. The pathological symptoms that the patient
presented in the past but no longer presents today.
This is the chapter which will be the object of this
3. Present pathological symptoms physical,
emotional, and intellectual symptoms. This section
is sufficiently well-known and we will not concern
ourselves with it here.
The manifestations which most escape our
efforts to understand them, pathological symptoms
which seem most deeply imbedded in the intimate
life of our patient, are without any doubt those
symptoms which he never had himself, those which
existed even before he was conceived and which
nevertheless have profoundly left their mark on
him. We are speaking of hereditary tendencies,
deep morbid impregnations of forebears. And we
have all proved to ourselves in our practice that
prescribing Nosode Tuberculinum, for example,
simply because there has been some Tuberculosis
in the family, can prove to be extremely beneficial
to our patient.
We also know that hereditary symptoms
generally cross over, so that those of the father can
help us to find the remedy of his daughter; for boys
it can be good to know the symptoms and the
remedy of their mother. Is there any greater
mystery than these bonds which invisibly unite
successive generations?
There is a great deal one could say about this
aspect of homeopathic medicine. One could also
write at length about the symptoms that the mother
may have presented during her pregnancy for
instance, emotions which may have shaken her so
much that they left a deep pathological imprint on
her child, and could therefore indicate the saving
remedy to restore the balance of his health. In the
same way we must take into accountancy
therapeutic influences which she may have been
subjected to. For instance, there are hormonal
treatments which are more and more common and
are used to terminate pregnancies that are in any
way threatened. Such treatments are also used
preventively for women who have a tendency to
abort. We must also note any irradiation which
may have been suffered by the foetus in utero when
the mother underwent abdominal radiography: we
know for a fact that the incidence of Leukemia is
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
twice as high in these infants. We have to unearth
all these things as much as we can, not merely
because they are interesting to speculate about, but
because they throw light on the means of cure.
We do not wish to dwell upon the preceding
matters, but simply to insist that it is necessary to
seek out, study, and evaluate all the symptoms of an
adult, and particularly those which he had at the
beginning of his life. Of course it is true that
present symptoms are most frequently the ones
which lead us to the right remedy. But the
simillimum remedy exists throughout the life of the
patient, and in certain cases it is the study of his old
symptoms which can help us find it.
We will mention first of all the etiological
symptoms, that is the totality of outer influence
which may have been determining factors in a
health crisis. These are the symptoms which
HAHNEMANN mention in paragraph 93 of his
The most simple case, and the one we find
most often, is that of an old infection which deeply
marked the patient’s organism. There are cases of
measles, mumps, whooping cough and scarlet fever
which developed later into real chronic sicknesses,
as HAHNEMANN defines them in paragraph 73 of
the Organon. And even if these developments
seem through the years to have diminished to the
point of disappearance, it remains true that our
patient presented a disturbance which left a deep
imprint on him. We are often surprised to find
patients who have obstinate symptoms many years
after such illness-symptoms that refuse to respond
to well-chosen remedies-but instantly recover as
soon as we prescribe the correct Nosode. After one
dose of the 200
potency the constitutional remedy
which didn’t act before can play its role. If the
Nosode gives a very good result it will be a good
idea to repeat the dose at intervals until its action
has ceased and there is no more result. One should
read the masterly pages written by Margaret
TYLER on this subject, in a chapter devoted to
Morbillinum in her Homeopathic Drug Pictures.
Yesterday two out-patients appeared
opportunely to emphasize the above last words.
For each the prescription had been
Streptococcinum, and the report was
“No better, worse!”
“In what way?”
“I’ve been having pains again in my fingers.”
“But how are you yourself?”
“Oh I’m better! My heart” (in the one case)
“My stomach” (in the other) “is much better.
It is well to ask in what way are you worse?
Because here the Homeopathic Philosophy comes
in. Parts worse yet patient better or again the
direction of cure “from within, out,” demand
always that we keep our hands off, and give the
patient a chance.
Etiological symptoms are a very vast field and
include such things as the result of vaccinations.
Since BURNETT’s wonderful writing on the
indications of Thuja for the result of vaccination,
we often use this remedy successfully many long
years after the initial vaccination.
In the same way a former traumatism or a
series of traumatism can be an etiological symptom
justifying the use of Cicuta, Arnica, Natrium
sulfuricum, or other remedies. Our homeopathic
repertories are very rich in indications on this
subject, and the locality of a traumatism, or the
results it leaves behind it, correspond to different
remedies. That is why we would be wrong to
neglect these indications.
We must also look for etiological factors of an
emotional order-the results of fear, sadness,
jealousy, anger, or indignation…for which we have
a rich spectrum of remedies.
Looking for the etiological factor can be very
rewarding, yet we must always remember that the
etiological factor we are looking for is not the real
cause of our patient’s trouble. In reality it is only
the opportunity which the patient uses to reveal to
us his initial disorder which, deeply hidden, existed
before any exterior etiological factor triggered it
off-his own inborn predisposition.
In his Aphorisms and Precepts KENT says,
“Susceptibility is prior to all contagion. If an
individual is not susceptible to Smallpox he cannot
take it and will not receive it though he goes near
the worst cases or eats a Smallpox curst.”
What KENT says about Smallpox can also be
said about a traumatic shock, or any emotional
shock. The original idiosyncrasy is really the
trouble throughout life and will express itself by
various pathological manifestations. One can find
its exact image in the symptoms which it
exteriorizes throughout life, and particularly in the
first years of life. Of course it is true that other
manifestations appear later on, and analyzing them
will lead us to the right remedy which is the same
as the remedy indicated by the symptoms in youth.
But there are cases where the analysis of present
symptoms in an adult does not succeed in leading
us to a clear image of the remedy, and sometimes in
these cases old symptoms which are more precise
will make it possible for us to find the simillimum.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Madam Camille C., 68, came for a consultation
in June 1960 with Glossitis and Gingivitis which
had troubled her for the last four years
intermittently. She complained especially of the left
side of her tongue, which was purple and looked
varnished and had stabbing pains. The present
aggravation had been going on for more than a
month. She also had stitches in the left lower side
of her gums when she ate and sometimes when she
spoke. These pains were attributed to an irritation
caused by her dentures which she had been using
since the age of 50, but nobody told her why they
should hurt her on the left side and not on the right
Her medical history was quite extensive.
There was a congenital atrophy of the left upper
extremity. There were the usual infectious illness
of infancy-measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough-
which had no after-effects and evolved in the
normal period of time; and in addition she had
Ascariasis when she was 12, and at 13, paratyphoid
that left headaches several months later. At 22 she
had an acute bronchitis and since then caught cold
every winter; these colds lasted the whole of the
cold season and manifested as a copious green
discharge especially from the left nostril. At 26 she
had the Spanish flue without complications; at 35
cystitis; at 40 double-pneumonia which kept her in
bed for a month.
She was naturally expansive, confident, loved
sympathy and consolation. She remembered that
she had had terrible attacks of anxiety accompanied
by a feeling of suffocation in the dark, especially
when she went through tunnels, from the time of
her infancy until she was 40. During her
adolescence, at about 13 or 14, every night for
about a year, she was afraid to go to bed because
she had such a strong impression at that moment
that she would die during the night! She had lost
her husband three years before her visit and since
then had been unable to weep any more.
She suffered from an excess of body heat,
couldn’t stand the heat of summer, of the sun, or
artificial heat. She loved the open air but avoided
drafts which she didn’t like. She didn’t like
standing and if she had to she felt as if she would
be overcome by weakness.
Her puberty came at the age of 12 and the
menopause at 45. Her periods were regular, from
26 to 27 days, lasted 8 days, were abundant,
especially every second month. When she was
upset her periods became black, had clots, and felt
weight in the hypogastric region. She had pain in
the breasts which were hard, and she felt chilly and
Married at 25, she remained sterile. At 45, at
the time of the menopause, she had a large
carbuncle in the right nostril, and hot flushes which
had continued; flushes without sweat, which started
in the back and came up to her face. Since the
menopause she had suffered from varicose veins
which had already started a few years before that in
the left leg.
She slept well, from 10:30 to 5’oclock in the
morning, and got out of bed feeling rested at 7’0
clock. She slept on the right side, because if she
slept on the left side she felt palpitations. She often
felt pains in her big toes, which made her uncover
her feet at night, and cramps in the calves, which
would wake her up. She had nightmares if she fell
asleep again after waking in the morning, and often
she used to talk in her sleep.
She perspired easily, especially on the head, as
a result of effort or heat and had photophobia-light
made her eyes burn.
Excellent appetite, could eat even when she
had fever, and digested everything except milk,
which always gave her diarrhea. She drank a lot
half a litre of liquid or more at every meal to make
the food go down!
In winter, she caught cold frequently in the left
nostril, and the cold made her voice hoarse.
For years now she was suffering from
rheumatic pains in the big toes which were worse in
the heat of the bed and worse before the snow.
Every winter she suffered from cracks in the ends
of her fingers, and her skin was chapped on the
back of the hands.
On examining her, one saw that the patient was
robust, weighed 65 kilos, was 1 meter 65 in height,
had a blood pressure of 17/9. She had big varicose
veins on the whole of the left lower extremity.
Sharp pain on pressure in the right hypochondrium,
but the liver could not be felt. On the left side of
the tongue, and on the lower edge of the gum, the
mucous membrane was violent and looked
This was a case in which the symptoms seemed
over-abundant, and one could feel perplexed in the
beginning, trying to choose the leading one, but we
were struck by two former symptoms:
- The fear of never waking up once she fell asleep.
- Anxiety and respiratory trouble when she was in
the dark.
These two symptoms, which are to be found in
KENT’s Repertory on pp. 47, 6, and 769, pointed
to Aethusa, which made us study this remedy in
HERING’s Guiding Symptoms. A rapid
inspection of the Materia Medica revealed that this
remedy felt worse in the heat - the heat of summer,
the heat of the bed: and that standing made this
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
patient feel weak. And the Repertory also indicated
it for diarrhea after milk. We concluded that there
were enough symptoms to indicate this remedy,
which was not extensively developed in any
Materia Medica. Our patient had mental
symptoms, general symptoms, and local symptoms;
therefore, we prescribed a dose of Aethusa 10M,
accompanied by different kinds of Placebo.
We saw this patient again 8 weeks later. She
came to tell us that everything had improved
rapidly; her stomatitis, the pains in her tongue, her
hot flushes, her nightly muscular cramps. And
interestingly enough, for the last eight days, she had
pains in her left knee, a tearing pain when she got
up from a sitting position or when she sat...and this
was the same pain which she had felt after a fall
sustained several months earlier. Since she had a
return of the trouble in her tongue the last ten days
before her visit we advised a second dose of
Aethusa 10M, and have never again seen her!
Madame Agate G. was a stout, red-faced
loquacious woman-fat dark red lips-who smelt
strongly of alcohol when she came to consult me in
December of 1954. She told me with passion a
story that I found confused. Finally, I understood
that she thought her stomach was too big and she
suffered from nervous crises which brought on
weeping attacks without any reason. In addition,
she complained of digestive trouble at night, which
came on when she went back to bed after getting
up, and she felt a sensation of suffocation and
dislocation in the region of the stomach; this had
been going on for the last 2 years, and these attacks
made such an impression on her that she thought
she might be going to die, and kept the light on all
night! For the last twenty years she had been
suffering from pains in the lumbar region-it was
like dogs gnawing away at her flesh or like a knife
cutting between the skin and the flesh!
It was hard to take her case history. I learned
that after an emotion when she was 7, she had
Chorea (St. Vitus’ Dance) and that she had a son
when she was 31.
She was a laundry-woman by profession, had
always loved wine, and didn’t deprive herself of it.
In fact, she used to get up at night to drink because
she always was thirsty, and at present, she said, she
was limiting herself to 2 litres of liquid a day, water
wine or beer, and at least one of these two was a
litre of wine, and before that, it was much worse
still! She had an excellent appetite, was very fond
of food, accustomed to good cooking and
particularly liked anything that was difficult to
digest: fatty foods, brains, sweat-breads, anything
greasy, cold milk without sugar, salt and meat.
Very constipated, she had to take at least 5 or 6
Carter’s pills every evening in order to go to stool!
Her puberty came at 11, and the menopause at 52
without any trouble. She had her period every 21 days,
they lasted 3 days, of normal quantity. Before the
periods, there was itching and swelling of the breasts, and
especially there was an increase in her desire for wine,
which never seemed to her as good at any other time of
the month! It was only during her pregnancy that she
didn’t drink, because wine disgusted her then.
She went to bed at 9, got up at 7, in spite of
difficulty getting up. She slept on the right side and
uncovered the top of her body, window open. She
had dreadful dreams, dreams of animals that
frightened her and even made her cry out! At night,
when she undressed, or at night in bed, general
itching without eruption.
Breatheless going up the stairs.
Medical examination in addition to obvious
signs of ethylic impregnation revealed obesity. She
weighted 71 kilos, was 1 meter 60 tall and had high
blood pressure at 22/12.
When we saw this set of symptoms, we
thought that alcoholism was the dominant
symptom, and that it had a very particular modality
which was an increased desire for alcoholic drinks
before her periods. This symptom to be found in
KENT’s Repertory on page 484, and only one
remedy indicated: Selenium, and this symptom is
indicated in the 3
Of course it is always dangerous to prescribe
on only one symptom; you do that, it can soon turn
into a bad habit. So we studied the case again and
looked up her symptoms is ALLEN’s
Encyclopedia on one hand, and KENT’s
Repertory on the other hand. In fact, our patient
had several symptoms that were clearly indicated in
- loquacity
- aversion to salt
- increased appetite
- sleep that is not restful
- constipation
So we were much more confident of the future
of our prescription and advised one dose of
Selenium 10M.
A month later the woman who came back to
see us was transformed. She spoke of a miracle,
and couldn’t stop covering us with praises. The
improvement came in a few days, almost
immediately. She didn’t feel in any way the same.
She felt much more energetic, had no more pains in
her kidneys, no more epigastric troubles at night, no
more crying fits! Her head was more orderly-
previously she was always mixing up the linen
which she washed for her clients, until finally she
didn’t know what was what as she surrounded by
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
her dirty linen. . . . She slept well, no longer needed
a light at night and had no more nightmares. She
was much less thirsty and had less desire for wine.
She reduced her ration without difficulty whilst six
years before had been very unhappy when her
doctor had forbidden her to drink wine.
On the fifteenth day of treatment, and for the
next fifteen days, she noticed every night, from 11
to 3 the next morning, a generalized eruption with
small red very itchy spots. Her face had become a
normal color, but she was still very constipated and
her blood pressure was 20/12. We gave her one
dose of Sacch lac. In March 1955, and again in
January 1957. Since then, we haven’t seen her
The homoeopathic doctor should not neglect
anything in seeking out symptoms. All his efforts
must go towards obtaining the most precise image
of his patient in the expression of his symptoms. If
it is true that in acute conditions the doctor can take
the over-all symptoms of the moment-we mean the
most recent-in chronic cases on the other hand he
must seek out the totality, that is, all the symptoms
present and past. In this numerical totality of the
symptoms the doctor will choose the symptom
complex which truly gives a picture of the patient
and forms the base on which to prescribe. This
symptoms complex doesn’t only represent the
numerical totality of symptoms, but is the small
number of symptoms that have maximum
importance, and finding them, choosing them,
grouping them in their order of importance needs a
particular technique.
But, there are cases in which we must not base
our remedy on symptoms, but, in conformity with
the advice in paragraphs 221 and 243 of the
Organon, make a “symptomatic disjunction.”
Whilst in chronic illnesses we must try to prescribe
antipsoric remedies and base them on the symptoms
complex, in acute illness on the other hand we must
prescribe apsoric remedies and base our
prescription instead on the totality of the
symptoms of the moment. In this case there is no
need to note that the patient walked only when he
was three or had a bad whooping cough during his
childhood. When you have a patient with toothache
or Pneumonia, for the moment you must put aside
the fact that his father or mother was syphilitic.
You must give him the remedy of the moment,
which is indicated by the present symptoms, and
which is an apsoric remedy.
In the same way we must take into account any
lesions which the patient may have. A patient who
has many lesions, who has cavities or is in an
advanced stage of cancer, must not receive
remedies which act too deeply and strongly. The
depth at which a remedy acts partly depends on the
nature of the symptoms which have guided the
physician to its choice. The patient’s reactions must
proceed along natural lines: if the way is free, if
there is no obstruction, everything will be
according to plan, but if there are congestive
conditions, fibroses, scleroses, tumors, any remedy
which acts too deeply could cause real revolutions
in the patient’s economy. In such cases one had to
prescribe remedies that have a superficial action in
low potencies or medium potencies, and above all
one must not repeat them too often.
In a note at the bottom of page 562 of his
translation of Kent’s Lectures on Homoeopathic
Philosophy Dr.Pierre SCHMIDT tells us that
“KENT and his disciples always repeated a dose
only in terminal incurable cases. We must study the
image of the moment and base the remedy on that.
We must particularly seek out the most personal
symptoms of the patient, and above all give
preference to nonpathognomonic symptoms if we
can find them because these reveal the patient
himself better than any others.”
These are the considerations which inspired us to
study old symptoms. Whatever our inner attitude to such
problems, we must admit that they belong to a domain
which is hidden from us and which we call the extra
ordinary”. To see old symptoms returning according to
the Law of HERING to see the return of manifestations
that our every-day logic told us were long since cured,
and to base a prescription on symptoms that the patient
himself never had, or symptoms which appear to be long
since cured, seems behavior which cannot be objectively
and materially justified. And yet experience speaks for
itself and tells us that such an attitude is based on, and
leads to, tangible results, that nothing in man dies as long
as he lives. Truly there are more things in heaven and
earth than the human spirit can dream of.”
First of all my congratulations to my colleague
for this masterly presentation of a subject which is
far from being common or easy and which demands
study and reflection.
May the rising generation know how to apply
the recommendations and principles in this chapter
because it is an essential subject in Homeopathy.
The success of every practitioner depends on this
knowledge. Read it, read it once again, and polish
it.” You will never come to the end of its benefits!
Homoeotherapy, October 1974
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contributions and
other original articles.)
1. Medicinal Plants in Tropical Countries
Traditional use Experience – Facts, by Markus
S. MUELLER, M.D. and Ernst MECHLER, Ph.
D., Thieme, Stuttgart, 2005. pages VIII, 168.
Nearly 80% of the World population is
primarily reliant on traditional methods of healing
which use empirical knowledge based on the use of
medicinal plants. In the words of ‘Native Healers’
there are no weeds; all are medicinal plants; only
we should know their healing powers. Most of
these plants grow in road borders, fences. These
are not cultivated as such unless one does grow for
business purposes.
To bring these hundreds of plants under code
and ensure that the correct plant in any
family/species is used,
pharmaceutical/pharmacological studies have been
undertaken. Monographs of the like of the book
under review will, it is hoped, satisfy the ‘evidence-
based’ medical world.
The present book covers 25 plants, most of
them used in Africa. However, several of them e.g.
Allium sativum, Aloe, Capsicum, Carica papaya,
Cassia senna, Curcuma longa, Eucalyptus, Jatropha
curcas, Mangifera indica, Punica granatum,
Rauwolfia serpentina, Ricinus communis, Zea,
Zingiber are all plants in India too and are well
known in the Indian Folk Medicine as also in
Ayurveda. More important, all these have been
‘proved’ and are used in homeopathic medicine
in day to day practice.
The advantage in ‘traditional’ Medicine is that
they can be procured locally and prepared and
administered by ordinary people at low cost. It
would be very advantageous if medically qualified
physicians shed their white coats and reservations
and accept the role of ‘traditional Medicine and
encourage it.
The first chapter in the book calls for
colloboration between ‘Traditional Medicine and
the so-called ‘Scientific Medicine’. However, since
the pharmaceutical industry is behind the ‘medical
doctors’ and profiteering is the only goal, the wish
for colloboration may remain only as a wish.
In the Chapter I the authors rightly say that the
‘traditional’ healers are often specialists, e.g.
bonesetters, obstetricians, and acute emergency
handlers, etc.
In SIEGERIST’s ‘History of Medicine’ he
writes about a Jesuit priest witnessing a ‘caesarean’
delivery of a fully pregnant woman in the deep
Congo! This was done by a tribal medicine man!
The period sometime in the 1700s!
The Second Chapter discusses the possibility
of integrating the ‘traditional’ medicine with the
mainstream medicine. Whereas traditional
medicine is empiricalthe mainstream medicine is
laboratory based. There is also the fear, justifiably,
that ‘integration’ will erase totally the ‘traditional’
From next Chapter “monographs” begin in
alphabetical order beginning with Adansonia
digitata, then Allium sativum, Aloe barbadensis and
so on ending with Zingiber – 25 medicinal plants.
Each monograph contains details of traditional
uses, constitutional results of experimental studies,
dosages etc., cautions and adverse effects and at the
end a long list of reference literature.
The monographs are succinct.
There is a useful ‘subject index’ at the end.
Well printed, hardbound with pictures either
photographs in black and white or line drawings
of each plant.
A useful book for all healers and physicians.
1. April 6-12, 2005, National Center for Homeopathy
Celebrates 31
Annual Meeting and Conference with special
pre-and Post-Conference Seminars & Celebrating the 250
Birthday of the Founder of Homeopathy Samuel
Hahnemann, MD at Wyndham Orlando Resort, Orlando,
For further details: National Center for Homeopathy, 801
North Fairfax Street, Suite 306 Alexandria, VA 22314-1757
2. A two day International Conference on 19-20 May
5. A Global Perspective. Venue: Institute of Child Health,
30 Guildford Street, London WC1N 1EH. For further details
Mrs Amy Bowrin MBE – Academic Unit
The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital
Greenwell Street, London W1W 5BP United Kingdom
Tel: +44 [0] 20 7391 8823
Fax: +44 [0] 20 7391 8812
E-mail: rlhhconference@uclh.org
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
VOL. XXII, 2, 2005
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over – India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. The Mind in Homeopathy: Rhetoric vs Reality
TESSLER, Neil (SIM. XVII, 2/2004)
The intention of this presentation concerns
with the characteristic symptoms coming through
the mental/emotional sphere. As long as we lack
full and complete understanding of each remedy or
a sufficiently accurate knowledge of what is
characteristic of the patient, there can be no straight
path to the simillimum in every case.
The author quotes § 211 of the Organon and
the Essay A Contribution to the Judgement
Concerning the Characteristic Value of
Symptoms from Lesser Writings of
Benninghausen to stress the value of mental
symptoms. Neil TESSLER says that even though
to the mental state strongly, this was not reflected
in their cases.
There is little evidence that these wonderful
ideas translated into practice.
KENT philosophized wonderfully about the
innermost of man and wrote eloquently on the
mental and emotional aspects of remedy and
patient. Yet in his cases too, emotional points that
come up are left with little development or context.
Many teachers are delving more deeply into the
fundamental characteristics of patient and remedy.
The ability of homeopaths to access the inner
world of the patient has certainly seen great
advance. This also reflects in our ability to
understand our remedies in new ways. Evolution in
understanding and utilizing the mental, emotional
realm was an inevitable natural development.
It is a quest into what is uniquely and
holistically characteristic in each individual case
and a valuable aid in the homeopathic cure of
many patients who might otherwise have never
received help. [As long ago as 1832 both
agreed that the ‘spirit’ of the ailment and the ‘spirit’
of the remedy must match for a quick, gentle cure:
See HAHNEMANN’s letter dated 21/8/1832 to
BENNINGHAUSEN. The quest of every
homeopath is to ascertain the information
symptoms and signs facts which would point to
the individual characteristics. It is not necessary
that we must keep digging for ‘mental’ information:
if we have other data which are clear and properly
qualified with their modalities, aggravations and
ameliorations we can certainly prescribe rightly.
KENT, BOGER, were not ‘holistic’ compared to
Rajan SANKARAN, Divya CHABRA and their
followers is, to say the least, not right. About
KENT’s observations of BENNINGHAUSEN’s
concomitants, etc, that such ideas were dangerous
to Homeopathy”, we should remember that KENT
himself did use Benninghausen’s Pocket Book
before he compiled his Repertory = KSS].
2. Miasm
MORRISON, Roger (SIM. XVII, 2/2004)
The author discusses about Miasm, which is
staging a comeback.
The author discusses briefly the history of
Miasm that there has been almost no general
agreement about the need for the miasmatic concept
nor the characteristics of various Miasms. Relevant
‘quotes’ from BENNINGHAUSEN, KENT and
others are given.
He refers to the Repertories of KENT,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
rubrics Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis. The three
concur only in about four antipsoric, four
antisycotic and eight antisyphilitic remedies, and
differ widely over other remedies.
VITHOULKAS’ justification for Tubercular
Miasm is also referred.
The author finally speaks of the understanding
of Miasms by Rajan SANKARAN.
Brief descriptions about the ten Miasms of
Rajan SANKARAN are given and the ‘known’
remedies for that Miasm and the relevant Nosode
are mentioned. [In the HL. 16, 2/2003, Erika
SCHEIWILLER-MURALT has in a lengthy article
suggests a ‘Small Pox Miasm’ = KSS]
3. Symptoms : Totality :: Parts : Whole
Sketch : Picture :: Phenomena : Gestalt
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
Several different words and phrases in the
Organon have been translated as “totality.” Each
different word reveals a different perspective that is
needed in the practical application of the
homeopathic method. Some prescribers bring
unstated assumptions to the meaning of Totality.
One example is the wrong definition of Gestalt. In
addition, there is a clash of meaning between the
original definition of symptoms” and modern
usage of the word. The homeopathic definition of
disease as untunement is contrasted with disease
names and hyperphysical explanations of disease.
A shared understanding of the phrase “totality of
symptoms of the disease” no longer exists in the
homeopathic community. [The title of the article
makes it all clear. There can be no
misunderstanding if that is understood = KSS].
The study is interesting, scholarly.
4. Chronic Diseases: What are they? How are
they inherited?
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
Background: Chronic Diseases (CD), Miasms
or reactional modes, remain one of the darkest
concepts of Homeopathy. They are supposed to be
heritable and originate after suppression of other
diseases. Besides this nothing is known about how
they might produce the large number of diseases
mentioned in homeopathic books. They have been
described in a variety of terms, ranging from KENT
and GATAK’s spiritual or metaphysic conception;
the biological-allergic by PASCHERO, and,
ROBERT’s materialist-nutritional point of view.
FLORES-BEJAR et al have outlined an approach to
Chronic Diseases from a cellular and bioenergetic
point of view.
Results: Cellular pathology has led to an
understanding of the basic repair mechanisms of
every cell and tissue. These mechanisms exist in
order to avoid necrosis or cell death. The main
mechanisms are molecular repair, apoptosis and
cell proliferation.
Failure of these mechanisms leads to
‘dysrepair’. Consequences of these ‘dysrepair’
mechanisms resemble the homeopathic reactional
modes or Miasms. These abnormal or ‘dysrepair’
mechanisms are probably the basis of Miasms or
reactional modes.
A new interpretation of Miasms is proposed:
Psora corresponds to the dysmolecular
reactional mode.
Syphilis corresponds to dysapoptotic reactional
Sycosis corresponds to dysproliferative
reactional mode. [What is the role, if any, of the
Vital force in this model? Does this throw out the
concept of Vital Force? = KSS]
5. Übertragungs und Gegenübertragungs
phänomene in der homöopathischen Praxis
(Transference and Counter-transference in
homeopathic Practice)
FOERSTER, Gisela (AHZ. 249, 3/2004)
The concept of transference and counter-
transference as emotional access within the
relationship between physician and patient is first
of all discussed against the background of
psychoanalytic thinking. The development from
FREUD via Melanie KLEIN up to recent authors as
well as the relationship between physician and
patient in homeopathic literature, as it can be seen
KENT, are reconstructed. The article concludes
with reflections from the homeopathic practice of
the author, which are intended as an encouragement
to ask questions about the value of transference and
counter-transference feelings for the choice of
6. Die Rolle des vorurteilslosen (objektiven)
Beobachters in der Homöopathie oder: Wie
soll man die Technik der Sehgal-Methode
beurtielen? (The role of the unprejudiced
(objective) observer in Homeopathy or: How
should one judge the technique of Sehgal
LANG, Gerhardus (AHZ. 249, 3/2004)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
In the Sehgal-Method only the Mind is taken
for treatment. Will the method suffer mistakes if
the so called “objective symptoms” also are taken
by the Sehgal method physician due to his own
state of mind? What is the Art of Healing?
7. Subjekt, Begehren, Synergie (Subject, Wish,
Synergie) Wider die Sehnsucht nach
homöopathischer Monokultur (Against the
longing for a homeopathic monoculture)
GALLASCH, von Christian
(AHZ. 249, 3/2004)
Homeopathy is based on speaking, its inner
rules and the structure of language itself. This will,
within Homeopathy, exclude the paradigmata of
Natural Science. “Similarity” as a historically yet
newborn paradigm of perception and existence has
to be developed and assimilated. Therefore
homeopathic methodology has to be kept open
critically. A result of this, the radical turn to the
“Subject Patient”, is outlined. This leads to a
concept of Homeopathy as a “subversive
1. Another View of Spider Remedies:
Overachievers and the Olympian Archetype
ALLEN, Karen (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
The author feels that the Spider remedies have
a range as well. Most often we are prescribing for
the more advanced end of the continuum, as the
softer beginning of the state, the ‘healthier’ spider
state, has not been documented in our Materia
In her ten years of practice, she is able to add
the features of relationship and sexual difficulties,
lack of perception of fatigue, adventurous or risk-
taking behavior, competition, communication,
pursuit of education, lack of play or joy, awareness
of suffering and service work.
The author presents this information as still
somewhat theoretical and feels will certainly evolve
further as our understanding deepens.
These concepts are illustrated with cases.
A table of Spiders of class Arachnida and their
suborders and which are used in Homeopathy are
given. [There is much of ‘signaturein this article
= KSS].
2. A Case of Ginseng: Habitat in Homeopathy
UNGER, Kathrin (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
The author illustrates the central ‘themes’ of
Ginseng by reporting the correlations between
Ginseng’s characteristics and her own.
Many of the Mind rubrics of Ginseng reported
by Nancy HERRICK which suited the author are
She also likes to ask the patients about their
favorite environments and to note whether they
match the natural habitats of their constitutional
remedies. [Surely Homeopathic Materia Medica is
not to be built with these information. I am afraid
we are going too far from the basics = KSS.]
3. The Toxicology of the Dermacentor
Andersoni: The Rocky Mountain Wood Tick
BONNET, Michael S. (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
Some aspects of the biology of this Tick,
including its taxonomy, life cycle and its behavior
are presented in order to familiarize the reader with
the source of the toxin.
Materia Medica based on Human
envenomation is presented.
Outline Review
Flaccid, symmetrical paralysis of the ascending
type, affecting the lower extremities first and the
upper extremities next, progressing to a bulbar
paralysis. Respiratory distress and difficulty
swallowing and speaking.
Alert and active (humans & dogs)
“Cranky”, cross tempered, crotchety (child).
Fully conscious and able to answer all questions
Intellectual performance unimpaired.
Irritability, vague.
Irritable (adult & child), more pronounced in
mornings, vague initial symptom.
“Just not himself.” (child).
Restlessness: extreme, vague initial symptom.
Sensorium: clear.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Central Nervous System
Amplitude of muscle-action potential reduced (0.8
mV vs. normal 6.0-14.0).
Ascending paralysis with bulbar involvement.
Ascending quadriparesis, progressive.
Balance loss.
Clumsy (child).
Cranial nerve function intact.
Falls when trying to walk (child).
Flaccid symmetrical paralysis (humans & dogs)
within hours
Feed self (child): unable, because of weakness and
loss of coordination of arms and hands.
Jerky movements of arms and head (child).
Lower cranial nerves are paralyzed first, followed
by involvement of the face and extraocular muscles
and finally the respiratory muscles.
Motor-nerve conduction velocity slowed (43.3
M/sec. vs. normal 47.0-64.0).
Myoclonic jerks, generalized.
Paresis precedes paralysis.
Staggering, bumping against obstacles and falling
occasionally (child).
Unable to get out of bed unassisted (child)
Unable to move about in bed.
Unable to support own weight at all. (dogs).
Unable to stand unsupported (child & dog).
Unsteady on feet (child): very.
Cerebro-Spinal Fluid
CSF pressure: normal.
Abdominal reflex absent.
Areflexic quadriparesis, flaccid and marked.
Cremasteric reflex absent.
Deep tendon reflexes in upper and lower limbs
markedly diminished or absent.
Diminished or absent reflexes.
Lower limb reflexes gone.
Sensations to touch, pinprick & vibration, position
Head & Neck
Alopecia. “Moth eaten” appearance with oval areas
completely devoid of hair and follicles, affecting
principally the occiput, without inflammation or
scales and superficially resembling alopecia of
secondary syphilis.
Nuchal rigidity.
Nystagmus to the right: transient.
Reflexes normal.
Wide-eyed look.
Small white area about left disk, but no
papilledema, hemorrhage or exudates.
Flushed (adult & child).
Mild weakness in upper & lower facial muscles.
Opening mouth voluntarily: considerable difficulty.
Throat & Pharynx
Difficulty with mucus in pharynx.
Megaesophagus (dogs).
Paralysis of muscles of deglutition.
Paralysis of throat and tongue muscles resulting in
difficulty swallowing and speaking.
Posterior pharynx: signs of irritation and trauma.
Swallowing: considerable difficulty.
Appetite poor or none (child).
Lower right quadrant abdominal pain.
Tenderness just lateral to McBurney’s point.
Sphincter may or may not be involved in the
ascending paralysis.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Sphincter may or may not be involved in the
ascending paralysis.
Albuminuria. (normal: negative)
Hyaline casts: many.
Respiratory System
Cyanosis not responding to Oxygen therapy.
Speech indistinct.
Respiratory distress: sudden and unexpected.
Cardio-Vascular System
Tachycardia > 100bpm.
Musculoskeletal System
Ataxia, truncal, mild.
Motor paralysis, flaccid, ascending and acute.
Weakness throughout body (severe), especially
Nuchal rigidity and tenderness.
Pain on anteflexion of neck.
Sudden onset of pain in lower back, persistent for
days, then subsiding.
Ataxia, marked.
Incoordination and partial paralysis starting in
lower extremities, and later involving upper limbs.
Ascending flaccid paralysis.
Numbness in hands and feet, early symptom,
progressing to paralysis, initially of the legs, then
moving up the body.
Jerky, involuntary movements.
Paralysis of all four limbs (dogs).
Upper limbs
Coordination loss (child).
Lift arms, cannot.
Numbness of hands and arms usually following that
of feet and legs.
Paresis of arms: marked.
Tone decreased.
Weakness in both arms.
Lower limbs
Ankle jerks absent.
Coordination loss.
Flaccid paralysis.
Knees buckle under patient (child).
Knee jerks absent.
Legs lift, cannot.
Loss of use/control of legs (child).
Muscle tone and strength diminished in both legs.
Muscle tone normal.
Numbness in feet and legs causing difficulty
walking and standing.
Stand, cannot, or only briefly before requiring
Weakness in legs, severe, with progressive loss of
Reluctant to walk.
Stumbling as if drunk.
Stumbling walk before becoming fully paralyzed
Unsteady gait.
Difficulty standing.
Reticuloendothelial System
Regional adenopathy, but without systemic
Little or no fever.
Mild fever but near end of illness.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Cutaneous anesthesia: rare.
Scarlet, irritable local patch.
Prickling, tingling, or creeping sensation on skin.
Pain, local, severe without signs of inflammation.
Pain, little.
Recovery & convalescence
During recovery, the paralysis disappears in a
descending order.
Bleeding tendencies, local.
Eosinophils: 1%. (normal:2-5% of total WBC
Lymphocytes: 12%. (normal: 25-33% of total WBC
Monocytes: 4% (normal: 3-7% of total WBC count)
Polymorphonuclear cells: in 83% of WBC count.
(normal: 25-33% of WBC count)
White Blood Cells: 15,000/cu.mm. (normal: 4,800-
Acutely ill.
Sudden onset.
Weakness, lasting for days.
CNS: Congestion of brain and cord.
Skin: Subcutaneous hemorrhage.
Shoshone American Indians are said to have sent
the women into tick infested areas to test the ‘evil
spirits’ associated with the Rocky Mountain
foothills. Otherwise men avoided these areas that
were inhabited by evil spirits. When large numbers
of domesticated animals were brought in by the
European settlers, ticks and their diseases affected
them and their settlements much more than they
ever had the native nomadic population.
Differential Diagnosis
Acute appendicitis.
Anterior poliomyelitis.
Epidural ascending spinal paralysis.
Infectious polyneuritis (Guillain-Barré syndrome).
Myasthenia gravis.
Toxicity due to organic and inorganic poisons.
4. Abgezählte Sepia - Modalitäten darf’s etwas
mehr sein? (Enumerated Sepia modalities
may be more?)
WACKER, Andreas (ZKH. 48, 2/2004)
In some earlier numbers of the ZKH Dr.
HOLZAPFEL has pointed out several deviations
and incongruences in the work of von
In this essay Dr. Andreas WACKER points out
further variations and discrepancies.
The complete modalities of Sepia was drawn
from HAHNEMANN’s Materia Medica Pura and
compared with von BENNINGHAUSEN’s
Therapeutic Pocket Book and many discrepancies
were found. This raises the question whether von
BENNINGHAUSEN integrated systematically
HAHNEMANN’s Materia Medica.
Many such discrepancies are listed. It is
possible that such discrepancies were taken on in
repertories which came later and drew liberally
from the Therapeutic Pocket Book.
The author has analysed Sulphur and Silicea
also similarly and found the discrepancies as much
as in the case of Sepia. This will appear in
subsequent number of the ZKH.
Jüngen SEIDEL, gives a detailed response to
this article, in his letter to the Editor in the ZKH.
48, 4/2004.
5. Hura brasiliensis
BAHEMANN, Alois (ZKH. 48, 2/2004)
Hura brasiliensis is not prescribed often.
Mrs. G.M. 47 years. Her main complaint: a
chronic pain in the back almost the whole vertebral
column. Also, considerable headaches since
cerebral injury in 1971 extending to pelvis and also
thrombosis of right leg. Since 1992 a Tinnitus,
both sides, of a constant frequency. In the right
knee there was a Baker cyst diagnosed some years
ago, but it did not cause her any pain. In 1978 she
had intervertebral prolapse in the L5-S1; the right
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
leg has been numb. Craving for sweets before
She worked as a paramedical helper. Her
father was an autocrat. Her mother died of
Intestinal Cancer and her father blamed her for it.
She could not weep during her mother’s funeral.
She used to bite her fingernails earlier and now
she bites the skin around the nail.
In 1993 her husband deserted her for another
but he returned to her in 1995. She suffered deep
grief and mortification and this is remembered by
her often. Her husband does not give her any
security. She felt that there was none who cared for
her. Upto 2002 she had already had homeopathic
medicines: Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum, Thuja,
Aurum muriaticum, Calcium phosphoricum and
Lycopodium all these gave temporary relief.
1. Mind, ailments from grief
2. Mind, bites, nails
3. Mind, reproaches herself
4. Mind, death, thoughts of death
5. Mind, unlucky, feels herself
6. Mind, abandoned
7. Delusion, she is alone, alone in the world
8. Back, pain, lumbar region, lifting a weight,
Her feelings matched well what Rajan
SANKARAN has written in his book The Soul of
The Encyclopaedia of T.F. ALLEN gives the
words of the original Proving by Benoit MURE.
Hura brasiliensis 200; after two months 1000,
repeated once.
Hura brasiliensis should be thought of in cases
where Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum have not been
6. Busy, Healing bees
Amazing Apis mellifica
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 23, 7/2003)
The general, emotional and physical symptoms
of the remedy Apis mellifica are discussed.
1. Psychosomatism in Homeopathy
PASCHERO, Tomás Pablo
(SIM. XVII, 2/2004)
A lady, presented with dyspeptic disorders that
persisted inspite of innumerable treatments and
which she could endure no more. Careful analysis
revealed it was a simple case of Flatulent
Dyspepsia with acid eructations, constipation and
especially a painful sensation of fullness in the
stomach shortly after the beginning of every meal.
The author concluded that an underlying factor
which she either ignored or tried to conceal was
responsible for the alteration of her normal gastric
Direct and adequate enquiries as to her
personal situation and private life, revealed the
following facts.
She is confronted with the impossibility of
bearing a child and considering her incapacity as a
sign of immaturity, due to the lack of normal
psycho-hormonal development, for which her own
thwarted childhood and dependence on her mother
were responsible, reacted by developing an anxiety
Rubrics selected:
MIND; ANXIETY; salvation, about
MIND; ANXIETY; walking; while; air; open, in;
GENERALITIES; HEATED, becoming; agg.;
walking while.
STOMACH; FULLNESS; eating; agg.; after; ever
so little.
2. A Case of Internal Rage
TESSLER, Neil (SIM. XVII, 2/2004)
This is a case of 48-year-old female being seen
by the author for 10 years. He was able to help in
her very deep fatigue and chronic chest problem,
but could not fundamentally offset her chronic
pattern of anger, being scattered, mental fogginess
and recurring bouts of deep fatigue.
So SANKARAN’s method is followed.
“Constantly suppressing anger” is the
fundamental and central theme. She is absolutely
feeling based and closely matched SANKARAN’s
attributions of the plant family which show
sensitivity and reactivity, emotional, sentimental
and disorganized.
The plant family characterized by rage,
violence, panic and sluggishness is the Solanacea
Her intense and incessant struggle with a
desperate, chaotic feeling, the continual effort to
exert control over her emotions, as well as Cancer
in both parents indicates the Cancer Miasm as
defined by SANKARAN and So Tabacum 1M is
In nine months she was 90% better.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
The author concludes that this remedy hardly
would have been arrived at by ‘traditional’ means.
Careful use of Dr. Rajan SANKARAN’s methods
of analysis succeeded over traditional methods.
[Where is the question of ‘insufficiency’ of the
‘traditional’ method and the ‘superiority’ of ‘new
method’. Perhaps the ‘traditional’ method might
have indicated another remedy and it could have
succeeded, and may be in a lesser time! How can
any one say for certainity? There have been and
still there are more cases of more severe nature
being treated successfully by the traditional’
method = KSS]
3. The Story of Connor: An Excerpt from a
forthcoming book
(SIM. XVII, 2/2004)
Connor, a seven-year-old, with his temper out
of control. Suddenly he’s screaming, clawing,
biting. He hates being held down. He will bite if
restrained. Rude and insolent, he just did not know
when to stop.
At 19 months, he was dehydrated and given IV
in the neck. He was strapped down and screaming
for 24 hours.
Connor became frightened during the stillborn
delivery of his sister. He never got over that
The first medicine given was Stramonium, for
violent behavior coupled with fears of dark and
water. Later Lyssin made a big difference.
Five weeks after Stramonium, his fears were
less intense and no nightmares. Fear of dogs
lessened. Biting diminished.
Not satisfied with the improvement after eight
months, case was restudied and based on rage, fear
of water, animal like behavior and terror of dogs,
prescribed Lyssin.
After this, biting was gone, better with water,
significant improvement socially. At this point, he
was diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome.
A new technique to explore his attitude
towards the animal kingdom. His favorite animal
was Peregrine Falcons. The theme of Falcon is a
strong feeling of being restrained, confined or
trapped. A homeopathic medicine made from a
drop of blood of the Peregrine Falcon was
The improvement was remarkable and better
than ever. He had reached another stage of
development and maturity and appropriate social
awareness. Nine months after changing to Falcon,
all positive changes have continued and his sense of
smell which was lost since he was four is back.
[This case is again is based on ‘signature’. The
theme of Falcon is a strong feeling of being
restrained, confined or trapped. The main feeling
of those needing this animal is of being trapped and
restrained. Which animal including human, would
docilely agree to be trapped and restrained? A
mouse caught in a trap overnight would be gnawing
at the thin iron bars, the wooden door the whole
night, to escape. In the morning as the trapdoor is
opened even a little, the mouse would dart out
lightning-like and escape into the bushes. Anyway,
what could we, who do not know the Provingof
Falcon and its symptoms, or have the remedy in
any of the pharmacies here do, if we get a case like
Connor? Are there no ‘Plant’ remedies which have
these symptoms? The search for a suitable remedy
in the available armamentarium is equally
fascinating and challenging. This is not to deny the
successful application of Falcon, in the case. It is
there, for all to see. The idea of Falcon came up
only because the boy’s favourite animal was
Falcon. A signature? In his book ‘Medicine in the
Veda - Religious Healing in the Veda’ by
Kenneth G. ZYSK, we read the following: From
this, we notice that the frog, whose nature is cool
and wet, served as the receptacle for the hot fever.
Bloomfield and Henry consider that such a practice
is an example of allopathic, as opposed to
homeopathic medicine which is exemplified at
KauśS 26. 14-21 (AVŚ 1.22), where yellow birds
are used to carry away the yellowness (jaundice) of
a patient. This is, indeed, one explanation.
Filliozat, however, has proposed a different, equally
valid, interpretation: In this way, Filliozat
understands both the yellow birds and the frog to be
used homeopathically ….” Perhaps this kind of
‘Homeopathy’ (in ancient India) is not far from
the ‘themes’ of the present day! = KSS]
4. A Case of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
FLEISHER, Mitchell (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
56-year-old female businesswoman with severe
Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. Fatigue began
after she lost a major business to a female
competitor. She harbored profound resentment,
anger, disgust and distrust toward most women.
She vehemently denied of having jealousy, envy
and any fears.
Using free associative techniques promulgated
by Dr. Divya CHHABRA, her core qualities like
Dreams of spiders and falling, Fear of hairy spiders
attacking, and Rage and pure malice were elicited;
and also clairvoyance.
She could not stand anything against her neck.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Crotalus cascavella 1M dry on tongue. Three
months later, fatigue and muscle pains were more
than 80% better. She also noted that her sinus
problems which she did not mention were also
better. She has continued to do progressively well
at subsequent follow-up visits. [Many of the cases,
like the one given here, gives the Repertory
‘rubrics’ and whatever the repertory directs is
chosen. What is the Materia Medica’s role? We
have very little information in the available Materia
Medica: VERMEULEN’s Concordant, Roger
MORRISON’s Desk top, Robin MURPHY’s
Lotus. These confirm the Clairvoyance, hairy
spiders, but not the Sarcasm’, ‘Loquacity’,
‘Ambition’. Is Repertory the final authority? =
5. Clinical Snapshots
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
Case 1: Headache after Viral Illness.
PR - 60-year-old patient with an Upper
Respiratory Infection. Clear nasal discharge,
exhaustion, chilliness without fever and sore throat
relieved by warm beverages. Arsenicum album 200
several doses in water. After 3 days better except
for fatigue and dull headache. Self medicated with
Gelsemium 200 no avail. Upon further questioning,
headache as similar to a helmet. Crotalus
cascavella 200. Three daily doses brought relief
until the headache was completely gone in three
days and his energy returned normal by the fifth
Case 2: Right Remedy, Wrong Outcome
A man in 30’s with haggard look and ill at ease
in ill-fitting clothes. He had quit his job and
socialising. Not interested in food or beer which he
enjoyed previously. His apathy had resulted from
an excess of drugs, alcohol and sex.
Phosphoric acid 200. A month later, he was
nicely dressed and animated. Restarted his job,
began partying and frequenting bars again.
Two months later, he died of drug overdose.
[Amen = KSS]
6. Acute Intercurrent or Intermediate
Remedies in Chronic Diseases
SCHEPPER, Luc De (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
Dr. De SCHEPPER, using the Organon as a
guide, details the appropriate management of
various acute disorders. He advocates the treatment
of significant acute illnesses, and asserts that most
often an acute remedy other than the chronic
remedy will be required. As sources he cites
BENNINGHAUSEN. Acutes are grouped as
follows: IA. Acutes caused by lifestyle or diet
habits, for which no homeopathic treatment is
indicated; IB. Acutes with clear exciting factors and
strong symptoms, for which an intercurrent acute
remedy will be required; IC. Acute exacerbations of
the Chronic Miasm, which, if not extreme, can be
tempered by a repetition of the chronic remedy, but
which, if severe, usually require an intercurrent
emergency remedy; II. Sporadic acutes due either to
1) meteorological or telluric influences, the
susceptibility to which reflects a constitutional
sensitivity; hence the treatment is the chronic
remedy, unless the situation is severe and urgent,
when an acute intercurrent remedy might be given,
or 2) epidemic diseases, for which either the
chronic or an acute remedy could be indicated
depending upon the severity of the illness; and,
lastly, III. Acute Miasms of well-known, readily
diagnosable diseases; such as, Smallpox, Measles,
Mumps, etc, which are treated only with acute
intercurrent remedies, and after which follow-up
treatment with the indicated chronic remedy is
important. [The full article is given in Part II]
7. Homeopathy as a supportive therapy in Cancer
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
Case 1: 64-year-old male. Adenocarcinoma
Rectum. Metastasis to Liver and regional LN.
Bloody stool 10-12 per day for 5 months.
Distension in abdomen. Oedema less. B/L inguinal
hernia repairs. Craving for sweets and non-veg.
Thirst increased.
Abdominal pain > after stool and urination.
Hurried. Breathless after exertion. Tongue dry,
coated. Sigmoidoscopy: Neoplasm 10cm. from
anal margin. Biopsy: moderately differentiated
Adenocarcinoma. Metastasis in Liver and regional
lymph nodes. Colectomy refused.
Lycopodium 30. t.d.s. for 4 days. Ruta Q 5 gtt
t.d.s. for rectal bleeding.
12 days later: Generally well. Stools 4-6
times/day. Ruta not required.
45 days later: Some recurrence.
Lycopodium 30 b.d. for 2 weeks. A month
later Lycopodium 30 every 3 days for 5 months.
Severe cough and wheezing. Antimonium tarticum
30 hourly until improvement. Then resume
Lycopodium 30 and Ruta 30.
Thuja 1M 2 doses intercurrent.
2 months later recurrence. Mer.sol.30 q.i.d. for
a week then b.d. 6 weeks later exhausting
diarrhoea for 2 days with thirst for warm water.
Ars. alb 30 q.i.d. for a week then b.d.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
5 weeks later died peacefully.
Case 2: 77-year-old female. Terminal
Squamous Carcinoma of face.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma right cheek since 9
months. Radiotherapy. Ulceration spreading
rapidly since 3 months. Unable to open mouth.
Offensive pus mixed with blood. Excruciating pain.
Flabby, fair, chilly, perspiration on head.
Calc. carb 30, 2 pills q.i.d. No pain after first
2 doses. Calc. carb 30 to be taken as required.
5 weeks later, able to drink milk and fruit juice.
2 months later stable with increased weakness
and emaciation. Calc. carb used 3 times.
A week later died.
Case 3: 70-year-old male. Carcinoma of
Hoarseness after public speaking since 2 years.
Advised immediate Surgery and Radiotherapy.
Then homeopathic treatment started.
Sensitive, sympathetic, chilly, thirstless,
craving sugar and salt, ailments from milk, egg.
Carcinoma Larynx; Fistula in Ano; bleeding
Haemorrhoids; Dermatitis; Chronic Pharyngitis;
Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media; Ferrum phos
LM 3, 15 drops t.d.s. for a week and then daily.
10 weeks later No throat pain and Sinusitis.
Patient advised to undergo Ayurvedic treatment for
Fistula in Ano.
Ferrum phos. LM 3, 15 drops every 3 days.
4 months later: stable except slight increase in
Throat pain and Eczema.
One year later: 80% better.
Ferrum phos LM 4, 15 drops every 4 days.
4 months later: Free from all complaints except
5 months later: Ferrum phos. LM 6. 15 drops
daily for a week then every 2 days for 2 weeks.
He was on placebo for a year and advised to
discontinue medication.
[How was Lycopodium 30 and Ruta 30 given?
Simultaneously or one after another?
HAHNEMANN’s instructions are that the same
potency cannot be repeated but every time the
potency should be different by way of succussions.
The author of these cases has repeated 30 potency
several times a day (b.d., t.d.s., q.i.d.) and for many
weeks! LM potencies in ‘drops’ for days together
without succussing? = KSS.]
8. Curing Constipation
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 5/2003)
Factors such as diet, habit, genetics, hydration,
personality and environmental toxins all interact to
determine how a person’s elimination functions.
Indications of Nux vomica, Bryonia, Silica,
Alumina, Plumbum and Aesculus are discussed.
Drink plenty of water, eat whole grain foods,
fruits and vegetables; avoid processed foods, white
9. Sticks and stones and broken bones.
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 23, 5/2003)
Maria, 91, had fallen and had hairline fractures
of two of the metatarsals of left foot more or less in
the middle of the foot. She was confused,
frightened, exhausted and in lot of pain. She had
been taking Arnica 30 sporadically throughout the
Swelling was less but pain was bothering.
Symphytum 1M, and next morning foot was sore
but not painful. Arnica 1M b.d. The ace bandage
was replaced with a comforting sock. 15 minute
ice bath gave her a tremendous relief. Cream
containing Arnica, Ruta and Symphytum rubbed 2-3
times daily. Ledum for a couple of days in a row.
On the 5
day she sank into an apathetic
depression. Phosphoric acid single dose. She had
a peaceful sleep and woke her old spunky self.
She was doing exercises from her sick bed and
after 17 days, she is walking carefully without pain.
On days when she became anxious, she had
diarrhoea and talk about death. Sips of water and
covering with quilt. A dose of Arsenicum and she
bounced back from despair.
Instructions about caring for bed-bound,
elderly folk are given.
10. Homeopathic First aid for Fractures
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 23, 5/2003)
Immediately after the injury : Arnica, Ledum
Healing the pain : Symphytum, Bryonia,
Healing the emotional body : Conium, Phosphoric
acid, Staphysagria
Other remedies : Hypericum, Arnica
Helping bones that are slow
to heal : Calcarea phos. 6x
Silica 6x
Prescribing guidelines are given.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
11. Homeopathy for a Healthy
ALLEN, Karen (HT. 23, 5/2003)
Homeopathy offers a holistic solution to a
senior’s health problems, with remedies that are
gentle, safe and inexpensive.
Larry, 68, had Pneumonia an year ago and not
well since then. Tired much more easily, sleeps
longer and wakes up groggy. Tonsils are larger
now, swell up with a cold more often. Despair of
recovery. Funny smoky feeling inside the lungs.
Repertorised using Mac Repertory. Baryta
carbonica 6c b.d. for next 6 weeks. Within a week,
noticed a change in his level of energy, with less
fatigue and more enthusiasm about life and within
three months back to his old self.
12. Managing Stress and Loss as we Age
MULLIS, Nancy (HT. 23, 5/2003)
Homeopathy gives us excellent opportunities
to maximize health in the aging process. One of the
greatest predictors of living to a healthy old age is
one’s ability to adapt to stress and loss of loved
Jim, 68, with severe foot pain. Persistent
hoarseness after being on the phone for a while,
dryness of throat not eliminated by drinking,
photophobia, painful haemorrhoids, incomplete
emptying of bladder and BPH. Majority of the
problems started after the death of his wife 3 years
ago. He was still caring and concerned about his
adult children.
After treatment with Causticum, foot pain,
Hoarseness and Photophobia resolved and his other
complaints improved greatly.
13. A Septugenarian with Emphysema
ALLEN, Karen (HT. 23, 5/2003)
ELIZA, in her late 70’s sought help for
Emphysema. Her respiratory symptoms included a
spasmodic sensation and aggravation from walking.
She had a strong contempt for others, and no
interactions with family members. As she spoke,
the color of the face changed from pale to sallow to
yellow to red in varying degrees.
Platina 12 daily. 7 weeks later, facial color
stable, looked healthier. She was more pleasant
and less condemning. No need of Oxygen tank
now and need of inhaler only once. She still had a
long way to go.
Homeopathy can be successful in helping to
increase functionality within the limitations that
14. Top ten remedies for Seniors
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 23, 5/2003)
The indications of ten remedies most often
required for the elderly people are given in brief.
The remedies are Alumina, Ambra grisea,
Arsenicum album, Baryta carbonica, Carbo
vegetabilis, Conium maculatum, Ignatia amara,
Lycopodium, Phosphoric acid and Rhus
toxicodendron. The indications are tabulated.
15. Easing the Suffering of a Loved One
WYCKOFF, Valeria (HT. 23, 5/2003)
95-year-old grandmother of the author had a
Stroke and was dying. She never wanted tube
feeding or other measures to prolong her life.
There was agitation in her hands: They moved
constantly as she lay there, body still and eyes
closed. Arsenicum album 30, 4 pellets were placed
inside her lower lip. Her hands had stopped
moving. She remained serene till next day when
she seemed to get agitated again. Arsenicum
repeated and she calmed down. She died later that
16. Vertigo makes the World go round …, and
round, …
HOOVER, Todd A. (HT. 23, 5/2003)
Vertigo is a whirling, spinning sensation
produced by a malfunctioning of the balance
apparatus of the inner-ear.
Faintness (or pre-syncope) is a light-headed
sensation caused by a fluctuation in blood pressure.
For Labyrinthitis/Vestibular Neuronitis, the
indications for Gelsemium, Cocculus, Nux vomica,
Belladonna, Bryonia alba and Pulsatilla are
For Motion sickness, the indications for
Tabacum, Conium, Theridion, Calcarea carbonica
and Petroleum are discussed.
17. Help for Hay Fever and Allergy Season
ULLMAN, Dana (HT. 23, 5/2003)
Indications for Allium cepa, Euphrasia,
Arsenicum album, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Natrum
muriaticum, Ambrosia, Sabadilla, Solidago, House
dust mite, Arum triphyllum, Kali bichromicum,
Wyethia and Histaminum are discussed in brief.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
(This is an excerpt form Dana ULLMANN’s book
Homeopathic Family Medicine, an e Book.)
18. Quick Recovery from Surgery Homeopathic
healing for accidents and injuries
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 6/2003)
The indications for Ledum palustre,
Hypericum, Hamamelis, Bellis perennis, Ruta
graveolens, Symphytum and Arnica are discussed in
19. “Wow! It’s a miracle!”
The healing power of Calendula
BABICKE, Dee (HT. 23, 6/2003)
Christopher, 10 years, had a very bad fall from
bike with blood streaming from each knee, side of
his left leg, left elbow and top of his nose. In
addition a ‘burn mark’ across the top of his left foot
along where the sandal strap lay.
The wounds were dressed with Calendula
ointment and Arnica 30.
Next morning everything had scabbed over.
The ‘burn mark’ was swollen, red and full of
yellowish pus. A red streak extending toward
ankle. Calendula 30 thrice within the hour.
Redness and Swelling began to subside. Pus over
scab was beginning to dry.
Next morning scabs and pus reduced in size
and the scab began to detach. Calendula 1M.
Within one hour, on wiping the scab came off and
wound was completely clean. [The point one
would like to make here is the rapidity with which
the complete healing occurred under the
homeopathic remedy = KSS].
20. Homeopathy works for Women
(HT. 23, 6/2003)
The author discusses about clinical conditions
where one can treat oneself and when to find a
professional homeopath, for many ailments
peculiar to women.
21. Homeopathy for Menstrual Pain
(HT. 23, 6/2003)
The indications for the following 8 great
remedies for menstrual cramps are tabulated.
Belladonna, Cactus, Chamomilla, Cimicifuga,
Colocynthis, Lachesis, Magnesia phosphorica and
Nux vomica.
Naturopathic self-care tips for menstrual
cramps are given.
22. Redefining Fertility: Choosing to be Fertile in
the whole of your life
ALLEN, Karen (HT. 23, 6/2003)
Fertility implies abundant production that is
inherent in the power of Nature, so full of life that it
keeps bursting forth. It is an odd tendency of
human nature that pain and discomfort have a way
of narrowing our focus and narrowing our
definitions. As our worlds shrink to hold only this
one reproductive agenda, we do indeed become
infertile putting careers on hold, withdrawing
from social events, ceasing to create and
productively use all of the resources at our
With infertile couples, there is obsession with
child-bearing. The author emphasizes the
importance of a fertile life with the broadest
definitions of the word. For them, this is a new
concept, a new way of thinking about their
parenting possibilities and their own lives.
Case: Mary consulted after many months of
Infertility treatment. She was depressed and
joyless. She felt guilty and regretful about her past.
Chilly, very irregular menstrual cycles, pain in her
heels, aversion to meat and a strong desire for
Cyclamen 1M. Six weeks later refreshed,
depression and worried affect gone. Periods
regular. No more burdened feeling. Heels hurt less
often. She no longer has an unreasonable focus on
becoming pregnant. Over the next 9 months, the
remedy was repeated twice when her menstrual
period did not start as expected. No heel pain and
stopped lemonade. Within a year, she was
pregnant, and delivered a girl child and later she got
another child.
23. The atypical Pap test – What it means and what
to do about it
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 23, 6/2003)
Pap test is a screening test for Cervical Cancer
– not a diagnostic test.
The risk factors and the outcome of the test are
discussed in detail. These are interesting.
Indications for Aconite, Arnica, Gelsemium,
Magnesium phosphoricum, Millefolium,
Staphysagria are given to heal after a Pap test or
surgical intervention.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
24. Homeopathic approaches to Urinary Tract
HOOVER, Todd A. (HT. 23, 6/2003)
Urinary Tract Infections can be a serious
medical problem. The commonest causes are
discussed. The role of conventional treatment and
preventive strategies mentioned.
Indications for Cantharis, Sulphur,
Sarsaparilla, Mercurius corrosivus, Arsenicum
album, Chimaphila umbellata, Pulsatilla and
Staphysagria are given.
25. Healing stiff and painful joints with
ULLMAN, Dana (HT. 23, 6/2003)
To provide relief of the acute phase of arthritic
inflammation, the indications of the following
remedies are given.
Rhus toxicodendron, Bryonia, Apis,
Belladonna, Ruta, Rhododendron, Kalmia,
Caulophyllum and Pulsatilla.
26. Eight remedies for indigestion
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 7/2003)
Environmental conditions involved in the onset
of disease often help determine which
homeopathic medicine will help that individual
Indications for Nux vomica, Pulsatilla,
Antimonium crudum, Arsenicum album, China,
Carbo vegetabilis, Lycopodium and Bryonia are
27. A young girl with Epilepsy
SHANNON, Tim (HT. 23, 7/2003)
This again is an experience in Kenya, when the
author visited Nairobi in 2000. 10-year-old girl
with Epilepsy since one year of age. She gets the
feeling as if her knees are tied with a chain and then
she gets ‘fits’.
She thinks touching things could be poisonous.
So avoids eating outside home. She gets
Convulsions 3-4 times a day. She washes atleast
three times a day.
Syphilinum 200. 5 days later, no convulsions,
washing once a day. Not scared of being poisoned.
Several months later, it was reported that she
was well with fewer Convulsions.
These people in Africa were living in slums,
with no health care at all. Patients with Epilepsy,
AIDS, Sickle Cell Anaemia, TB, were all suffering.
Homeopathy worked in these serious diseases as
the only medicine.
28. Lyme Disease: A summertime Danger
HOOVER, Todd A. (HT. 23, 7/2003)
Lyme disease is an extremely complex,
invasive disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi
bacterium a Spirochete, and infected by deer
The symptoms of the three stages of disease,
the difficulty in diagnosis and testing and
prevention are discussed.
Indications for Ledum palustre, Arnica
montana, Belladonna, Mercurius solubilis are
Case: Mary, 30, with chronic and recurring
Lyme disease.
Tremendous anxiety about her health and fear
of dying from the disease. Despite deep fatigue and
depression, she was hurried and excitable.
Wandering pain in joints. Dizzy feeling and
confusion of mind.
Argentum nitricum 200. Six weeks later, her
anxiety, depression, confusion and insomnia had
improved significantly.
3 months later, fatigue resolved and no joint or
muscle pains. Mary had no further signs of Lyme
Disease. Six years later, remains free of any Lyme
Disease symptoms.
29. Giant hives “like Dozens of Fried Eggs”
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 23, 7/2003)
Mary was suffering from terrible Urticaria,
with huge hives covering her whole body. She had
been to ER thrice in 2 days. Diagnosed as
The hives felt burning hot and stung, itching,
better from cold applications. She kept on saying
she was OK.
Taken Apis 6 for 2 days. Apis 200 was taken
and within hours the swelling went right down and
the itching and burning dramatically improved.
30. Glowing in the hot Arizona sun
GRILL, Yolande (HT. 23, 7/2003)
Ted, had driven around all day with the top
down enjoying 100+degree desert temperature. His
head was pounding and glowing. Skin on his head
and face stung and lips burning. Belladonna 30
repeated with minimal results. Apis 30. Stinging in
lips stopped immediately and he felt overall relief.
Swelling of lips started to subside soon.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Apis 30 at 2 hour intervals while his symptoms
persisted. ‘Glazed’ appearance accompanying the
burning, stinging and swelling is the characteristic
of Apis.
31. Nearly delirious and horribly swollen
WINSTON, Julian (HT. 23, 7/2003)
A counselor was just stung by numerous
wasps. He was nearly delirious and arm horribly
swollen and red. Burning and stinging pain. Apis
200. Within a minute redness lessened and burning
decreased. One minute later arm burning again.
Another dose, 5 minutes later, burning again.
Another dose. This continued with the lengths of
time between doses increasing to 8, then 12 and
then 15 minutes. He took a shower and came 2
hours later. The swelling, burning, stinging
returning. Another dose and symptoms abated
32. Fallaufnahme und Analyse (A Case Report and
SHAH, Nandita (AHZ. 249, 3/2004)
A Case is given in detail and analysed
according to Rajan SANKARAN’s methodology.
The Kingdom’s method is detailed.
33. Homöopathische Behandlung eines
Bewusstlosen Pastienten (Homeopathic
Treatment of an Unconscious Patient)
BÜNDNER, Martin (ZKH. 48, 2/2004)
M.H. suffered in 2001 a right-sided fronto-
temporal intercerebral massive Haemorrhage in a
Hypertension crisis, which was cleared on
5/12/2001 by a Craniotomy. Since then he suffered
a left-sided Hemiparesis as also a right facial
Paresis. In the course of the treatment he
developed a recurring Pneumonia. Because of a
swallowing difficulty, a percutanic endoscopically
controlled Gastrotomy was done.
He was again suddenly unconscious on
25/1/2002. The Computer Tomography of the head
showed a fresh intracerebral bleeding. The Hb. was
8.5 g/dl. Since his unconsciousness was unaltered
he was put in intensive care.
M.H. was 63-year-old had a complete Paresis
left-sided as also a right-sided facial paresis.
Bilateral bronchitis. In the Glasgow-Coma-Scale
he had 10 points. Hb. 8.6 g/dl. Urea 55.6 mg/dl.
Creatinine 1.60 mg/dl. TSH-basal<0.05 µU/ml.
Serum iron 40 µg/dl.
It was difficult to awaken him. He would
however, after much shaking, wake up and could be
spoken to but would again sink back into
unconsciousness. During unconsciousness his eyes
would be narrow.
Breathing is irregular and slow.
Repertorisation: Mind: Unconsciousness,
answers right, when spoken to, but delirium and
unconsciousness returns immediately.
Eyes: narrow and wide, alternating, in the same
Respiration: slow
Verification with HERING’s Guiding
Symptoms: p. 199 and p. 204
Samuel HAHNEMANN’s Materia Medica
Pura”: “Frequent, slow, shallow breathing”.
On 25/1/2002 evening 2000 hrs, two globules
of Arnica 30 (Spagyros) was given. In the next 2-3
hours, the patient was awake and talking, without
anyone waking him up. Around 0100 hrs he went
to toilet. There was no more spell of
He rested and the next two days he received
two Erythrocyte concentrates.
On 29/1/2002 another Echo-cardiogram and
Color Doppler examination which showed a
beginning of a concentric left ventricular
hypertrophy, EF 60%. Sonography showed sludge
in the Gall Bladder.
Cause for the sudden unconsciousness was not
clear. Subsequent neurological examination
showed the patient in good state, stable. Hb. was
34. Akute Pulpitis Pulsatilla (Acute Pulpitis –
FREYER, Astrid (ZKH. 48, 2/2004)
48-year-old Mrs. H. came on a Friday, with
severe pain of the upper right premolar since two
Pain is sensitive to touch and temperature,
worse from warmth (both external and internal),
sometimes from cold. Worse evening, amel. lying
on the painful side. Clinical and X-ray: nothing
There was clinically no reason for the certain
Pulpitis. The patient who was well known to me
explained that her daughter who was living with her
had left her suddenly. This caused much
“emotional” upset. The tooth pain started then.
Unusual is the aggravation of the pain in the
evenings. The pain was pulsating.
Pulsatilla came out as the singular remedy in
all the rubrics.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Materia Medica of G.H.G. JAHR was
consulted for confirmation, as well as HERING’s
Guiding Symptoms.
Two globules of Pulsatilla 200 (Spagyros) was
given. There was rapid relief. Subsequent follow
up: she remained free from pain. [In the allopathic
medicine Pulpitis would call for ‘root canal’
treatment and other expensive measures = KSS]
35. Rheumatoide Beschwerden der Hände
Streptococcinum (Rheumatic ailments of the
Hand – Sreptococcinum)
SOCHA, Martin (ZKH. 48, 2/2004)
28-year-old female, a nurse complained of pain
in both hands since 14 days. Felt while rising in the
morning. Finger joints red and swollen. During the
day while moving about and working with hands
the pains are ameliorated. Stitching, hot hands,
particularly the fingers. When the fingers are
moved the pains are better. Cold < and warmth >.
Cold and humid weather <.
She had suffered similarly nine years ago. She
had to take antiphlogistics until the pains and
swellings etc ceased at last after 9-10 months. She
wanted to avoid the antiphlogistics this time.
With the ‘localisation’, the ‘sensation’, the
‘modalities’, no concomitant, the remedy was
worked out.
Rhus toxicodendron came through all the
Rhus toxicodendron 30 (DHU), 2 globules
everytime the pain came on. The result was quick
and good. There was no recurrence from change of
weather or cold or humid weather.
Now the chronic state was explored. About 14
days before the complaints began she went through
an attack of Angina tonsillaris. She remembered
that even when she suffered the attack of
Rheumatism of hands nine years ago, it was
preceded by an Angina tonsillaris.
I decided for a Nosode after obtaining the
above information. With the flare-up during May
with humid and cold weather after a warm and dry
weather, the patient was given a dose of 5 globules
of Streptococcin 30 (DHU).
Within two hours the complaints came down.
Four weeks later the remedy was repeated.
Patient remains well to date.
36. Kasuistiken von Pierre SCHMIDT und Jost
KÜNZLI exzerpiert aus den Cahiers du
Groupement Hahnemannien”.
(Cases from Pierre SCHMIDT and Jost
KÜNZLI excerpted from the “Cahiers du
Groupement Hahnemannien”.)
FOERSTER, Gisela (ZKH. 48, 2/2004)
Case 1: (From KÜNZLI): Pale, thin, nervous
patient. Half an hour after food she developed
stomach pains. She narrated with silent gestures.
This since 6 months; loss of weight. Much dryness
in mouth and throat. She has been prescribed drops
for stomach, which contained Belladonna. Pains
begin in the epigastrium and goes down to the
umbilicus and the flanks. It always came on half an
hour after meal and was pressing and crampy. The
dryness comes immediately after eating and is very
disturbing, making him hawk and cough. The food
remained in the esophagus and he cannot take
more than three mouthful.
She was restless. Her head and hands were
constantly in motion and was not still for a
After ascertaining her past history, life
situation, etc. the rubrics selected were:
Sensitivity to Music (according to KÜNZLI
this is the constitutional symptom since it was
stressed by the patient)
Haste and Hurry
Anxiety in stomach
Noises in mouth
On 8.10.: Tarentula hispanica 200.
24.1.: Tarentula hispanica M.
17.2. : Tarentula hispanica XM
May : Tarentula hispanica XM
In summer she was again emaciated and after
Alfalfa M weight improved. Patient felt further
improved and well.
Materia Medica references: See EN.IX. p.541,
S.No.806, 807, p.519, No.65, p.518, No.28, p.517,
No.4, p.526, No.350, 420. (EN: Encyclopaedia,
Case 2: Eczema: Case of Pierre SCHMIDT: 3
year-old boy: since two days severe itching, crusty,
cutting Eczema on the arms. The unpleasant,
discontented, irritable character of the boy made the
eruptions unbearable. The mother did not know
what she could do. It was also tiresome to make
him eat. The child was occupied in a corner of the
room without bothering. The crusty eruption was
on the mouth, on the left cheek, and the temple up
to the hair border; on the left hand as also on the
right knee extended. As the doctor approached the
child calling him affectionately, he turned his back
on him. When attempted to examine became angry
and howled. Even when his mother held him, it
was not possible to examine his Eczema close up.
A diagnosis of Impetigo was made. The child will
not go to sleep without drinking a half glass of
Mind: Sulky; irritability in children; cannot
bear to be looked at; indisposed to talk, taciturn;
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Thirst, night; Appetite, wanting; Generalities, left
A globule of Antimonium crudum in half a
glass of water, from which half teaspoonful, three
times a day. The child had a good night almost
without itching, the crusts dried up and in 48 hours
the eruptions had all healed.
Materia Medica sources: Chronic Diseases,
Guiding Symptoms.
Case 3: Prolonged Fever: 27 February 1961: 9
year-old girl with prolonged fever. Since eight
days, every evening between 16 and 17 hours she
had fever from 3to 39°, which continued into the
night. She also complained of weakness and felt ill
without any particular pain. (Pierre SCHMIDT’s
comment: The fever in the evening time is a
common symptom). The child was somewhat pale
and had blue rings around the eyes (Pierre
SCHMIDT: This is striking in a child and it is also
characteristic of the remedy which has cured it).
The lower-eyelids are much swollen.
The parents considered this as symptoms of a
liver disorder since the child was always treated by
the family physician as such, although the digestive
system has never been affected. From the
beginning an eruption, pustular, suppurative
appeared and 4 days after fever, eruptions appeared
on the hands and feet. She was very thin and it was
considered due to the liver. He was always thin.
The eruption on the face was a true inflammatory
Acne with considerable black heads. The borders
were inflamed. It appeared that at first there was
only one black point which increased during this
illness. On the hands and feet were found Measle
like small eruption which were violet-coloured. On
closer examination it was observed that such
eruptions were all over the body. There were
palpable painless lymph nodes in neck and sub-
maxillary areas. In the throat there was ugly-
looking Angina tonsillaris, which the patient had
not told. The mucous membranes were purple red
and dark. The uvula was long and appeared
inflamed. The tonsils and posterior throat were
coated with a slimy mucous.
The calmness of the family appeared to Dr.
BOURGARIT as very strange. Dr. BOURGARIT
thought of Infective Mononucleosis but doubted
whether it could be an acute leukaemic state. He
asked for a blood test which revealed nothing but
lymphocytosis. He ordered a dose of Kali iodatum
7 and next day the child felt very much better.
After four days the child was looking still better.
Physical examination also showed alround
Comments of Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT: That is an
interesting case. The remedy is not found under
Acne. We have Iodum, Kalium bromatum and
others for inflammatory acne. The elongated uvula
in this child was a striking symptom. Acne at this
age is also very rare. The swollen eyelids also are
Repertorisation: Throat: elongated uvula;
Discoloration, redness, dark red; Suppuration,
tonsils; Face: eruptions, pustules; Discoloration,
bluish, eyes, circles around; Eyes: swollen, lids;
skin: purpura haemorrhagica.
Ref. to Materia Medica: Encyclopaedia,
Guiding Symptoms, CLARKE, LIPPE, KENT.
[All the three cases clearly on ‘facts’; no
speculations; no long list of mental symptoms; no
themes. All symptoms verifiable in the source
books. This is ‘Homeopathy’ = KSS]
1. Towards an evidence - based
repertory: clinical evaluation of
Veratrum album
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
The analysis of data collected by
applying information technology in
daily practice opens the possibility
of validating homeopathic
prescribing symptoms. The author
has collected data on Repertory
rubrics, homeopathic medicines
prescribed, and clinical outcomes,
for 16 years. As an example of
clinical verification the outcomes of
patients prescribed Veratrum album
are correlated against rubrics.
Remarkable results were obtained
when Verat-a was presented to 24
patients, 52 rubrics were used. The
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
data were analysed using the
classical method and the likelihood
ratios method. There is good
correlation in the results given by
these methods. Among the most
important symptoms of Verat-a are:
ailments from mortification,
vomiting and cough in Spring.
This study confirms the essence of Veratrum
album and opens new perspectives for a future
Repertory. The use of Winchip software in daily
practice does not take time and by using it, you
contribute to the improvement of Homeopathy.
Computerized daily practice gives the opportunity
to open the black box, to be confronted with the
real world of Homeopathy. Evidence-based
Homeopathy is an approach specific to
Homeopathy seeking to validate different
homeopathic concepts, methodologies and
strategies. [Homeopathy was born on the basis of
practical evidence. HAHNEMANN called it
Practical therapeutics Heilkunde der Enfahrung.
Every homeopath experiences the evidence every
day. Who is calling for evidence? = KSS].
2. Furcht vor Extravaganz die Übertragung und
Interpretation von Gemütsrubriken (Fear of
Extravagance The transference and
interpretation of Mental rubrics)
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 48, 2/2004)
Rediscovery of Homeopathy by Dr. M.L.
SEHGAL, translated into German has been taken
up for study particularly. Dr. HOLZAPFEL has
taken up six ‘rubrics’, which have been interpreted
for clinical applications by Dr. SEHGAL, and
applied extensively by the followers of the method.
These rubrics are:
1. Fear of extravagance: Remedy Opium.
2. Will, muscles refuse to obey the will, when
attention is turned away: Remedy Gelsemium.
3. Recognizes everything but cannot move:
Remedy Cocculus.
4. Longing, for repose and tranquility: Remedy Nux
5. Asks for nothing: Remedy many.
6. Embarrassed, ailments after: Remedy many and
Sulphur among them.
The first: [The interpretation of SEHGAL may
be seen in his books=KSS]. The source of this
symptom is verified from EN. Vol. VII, No. 182.
When the source of this symptom No. 10 is verified
(Source No. 160) we find it a “self experiment” and
in relation to a travel report made by Maden
Travels in Turkey’ – published in 1829 in Boston
Medical and Surgical Journal. Can the fear of
extravagance during a journey be an analogous to a
sick person fearing whether he will be able to avoid
a mass or cannot bear it anymore?
The second: See sources EN. IV, 397, No. 422,
GS. V, 366, 367, 387, 388.
This symptom in the Repertory SR. is via
BOGER, who gave it briefly “Will, muscles refuse
to obey”. Gelsemium and Lilium tigrinum have
been wrongly included in “Will, muscles refuse to
obey when attention is turned away”.
The third: SEHGAL has given a new meaning
to this rubric “recognizes the reality and accepts it”.
The symptom in the GS reads: “Puerperal
Eclampsia; …spells cause mental terror at the
time; is conscious during paroxysms, but cannot
move, eyes open and immovable.” (GS. IV, 278).
The case was published in the Annual Record of
Homeopathic Literature, in 1874.
This rubric Recognizes everything but cannot
move” has to be removed and an appropriate rubric
must be worked out. A more appropriate remedy
for this rubric “Recognizes everything but cannot
move” would be Gelsemium. Refer to: EN. IV,
400, No. 512: “Complete loss of muscular power;
was unable to move the limbs or even raise the
eyelids, although he could hear and was cognizant
of all transpiring around him”. Unfortunately
Gelsemium is not in this rubric.
“Longing for repose and tranquility”, has been
analysed well by SEHGAL.
“Asks for nothing”. SEHGAL’s interpretation
is far from the rubric.
“Ailments from Embarrasment”. The original
symptom from HAHNEMANN is, She finds her
state very distressing and she is afraid of future”.
(Chronic Diseases, Symptom No. 11). The rubric
in SR I must be corrected suitably at least in respect
of Sulphur.
The observations of Dr. HOLZAPFEL has
been commented upon by Dr. Gerhardus LANG in
his ‘Letter to the Editor’ (ZKH. 48, 3/2004). Dr.
LANG practices Sehgal-method.
Dr. LANG explains SEHGAL’s interpretation
and justifies it by the results in practice.
Dr. HOLZAPFEL (ZKH. 48, 4/2004) again
points out the inconsistencies in the methodology.
[There are so many points involved in these
methodologies which depends upon the Repertory
only, and ignores the Materia Medica, the Provings.
Whether clinical symptom, or Proved and verified
symptom, is irrelevant to this method. We have
also observed that there are many errors in the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
translations of the Symptoms particularly the
Proving symptoms. We cite the Encyclopaedia of
T.F. ALLEN wherein such errors had crept in. The
jumbling of Dreams with Delusions, ‘as-if’
symptoms as ‘Delusions’ - the ‘as-if’ symptom is a
way of the Prover/patient explaining his symptom.
Many women have said that their pains were so
severe as ‘labour-pain’. Can we interpret
‘Delusion, she is in labour’? We have to contend
with many aspects: there is the error in translation;
there is the error in transferring the symptom into a
‘rubric’ in the Repertory; and there is the further
imagination playing in the interpretation of the
rubric in practice. Unfortunately there is no place
for the Materia Medica in these. Are not these
‘whims and fancies’. Of course everyone claims
grand results! And that justifies everything!=KSS].
1. Anti-inflammatory activity of Arnica montana
6cH: preclinical study in animals
F.F. and CARVALHO, Tavares J.C.
(HOMEOPATHY 93, 2/2004)
The anti-inflammatory effect of Arnica
montana 6cH was evaluated using acute and
chronic inflammation models. In the acute model,
carrageenin-induced rat paw oedema, the group
treated with Arnica montana 6cH showed 30%
inhibition compared to control (P<0.05). Treatment
with Arnica 6cH, 30 min prior to carrageenin, did
not produce any inhibition of the inflammatory
process. In the chronic model, Nystatin-induced
oedema, the group treated 3 days previously with
Arnica montana 6cH had reduced inflammation 6h
after the inflammatory agent was applied (P<0.05).
When treatment was given 6h after Nystatin
treatment, there was no significant inhibitory effect.
In a model based on histamine-induced increase of
vascular permeability, pretreatment with Arnica
montana 6cH blocked the action of histamine in
increasing vascular permeability. [What is the
purpose of these experiments? What is the use of
these experiments to a practitioner? We should be
careful that Homeopathy is not high-jacked by ‘HI-
TECH Medicine’ = KSS]
1. A puppy with Muscular Dystrophy
WARKENTIN, Linda (HT. 23, 5/2003)
Rex, a puppy of six months came with a
diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy, which is rare in
the dog world. At 3 months he reacted badly to a
Parvo vaccination. He began a disturbingly loud,
high-pitched and continuous shrieking.
From then, he would wake in the morning
‘screaming’ as if he were in great pain. Muscle
wasting of his back legs and an open fontanelle.
Poor stamina.
Apis LM 1 twice a day and within couple of
days, he improved dramatically. Screaming
completely disappeared. He continued to improve,
and is being monitored by a research group.
His muscles have become strong. Cases like
this reinforce love for Homeopathy and make all
the hard work worthwhile.
2. A sudden case of Anaphylactic shock
MURRAY, Kimberleigh (HT. 23, 7/2003)
Doberman Dixie was snuffling intently through
the vines, - went in to an Anaphylactic shock. Her
whole face, head, tongue and throat began to swell
and troubled breathing. The swelling was soft and
puffy. Eyes swollen shut. Possibility of sting by a
wasp or bee. Apis mellifica 30 2 pellets under
tongue. A minute later another dose. Dixie was
able to breathe easily. Panic lessened. Very slowly
the swelling decreased. Within 30 minutes,
breathing well and stable.
1. Evaluation of a GP Practice based
Homeopathy Service
BARKER, Peter J.
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a
GP-led practice-based Homeopathy service on
symptoms, activity, well-being, general practice
consultation rate and the use of conventional
medications. Data were collected for 97
consecutive patients referred to a Homeopathy
Service between 1 July 2002 and 23 January 2003.
Self-rated symptom severity, activity limitation and
well being were scored on a seven-point scale at
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
initial homeopathic consultation and via postal
questionnaire at a mean follow-up time of 134 days.
Primary symptoms improved by a mean of
2.49 points (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.08-
2.90; P<0.0001); secondary symptoms by 2.49
points (95% CI 2.00-2.98; P<0.0001); ability to
undertake activity by 2.43 points (95% CI 1.95-
2.91; P< 0.0001) and well-being by 1.41 points
(95% CI 1.02-1.80; P<0.0001). Following use of
the Homeopathy service the mean 6-month
General Practice consultation rate decreased by
1.18 consultations per patient (95% CI 0.40-1.99;
P=0.004). Fifty-seven percent of patients reduced
or stopped taking their conventional medication,
saving £2,807.30 per year. The main limitation of
this study is the absence of a control group. The
findings warrant further research including
controlled studies and economic analysis.
[Howsoever the result is favorable to Homeopathy,
the ending will be same or similar note The
findings warrant further research …” = KSS].
2. ‘Cure’ as the gold standard for likelihood
ratio assessment: theoretical considerations
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
A gold standard is necessary to assess the
validity of homeopathic symptoms. The gold
standard is ‘cure’, but this is difficult to define, and
depends on consensus. The likelihood ratio (LR)
method will give valid results only if the gold
standard is reliable. False positives (patients
incorrectly classified as cured) weaken results of
LR investigation. Weakening the standard to
enlarge the research population will seriously bias
the results. The same gold standard should be used
in LR assessment of all symptoms. [We agree that
we must have GS. Every Practitioner must have this
GS test of his cases. Of course we already have the
‘safe, sure, gentle and rapid’ process toward ‘Cure’.
In his Introduction to China (MMP)
HAHNEMANN writes: “I say Cure, and by this I
mean a recovery undisturbed by after-sufferings”. =
3. Patient-Practitioner-Remedy (PPR)
entanglement. Part 5. Can homeopathic
remedy reactions be outcomes of PPR
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
The possibility that well-documented types of
reaction to the prescribed homeopathic medicine
may be outcomes of PPR entanglement is discussed
within the context of a previously described model
of Homeopathy that incorporates GHZ three-
particle entanglement and Weak Quantum Theory.
[In my opinion these studies are like a dog chasing
its own tail! = KSS]
4. Homeopathy research – What’s the story?
Everyday homeopaths as researchers
BELL, Iris R. (HT. 23, 7/2003)
Any effective homeopath is a good researcher.
Homeopaths already perform an informal type of
qualitative research, that is, individual and group
interviews and observations, to accomplish the
goals of understanding the meaning of illness,
health and healing to the person as a whole.
Qualitative researches use naturalistic methods
to assess the person in his/her usual context, and
unlike quantitative researchers, do not impose
artificial situations for data collection.
A compelling reason why we need more
observational research in Homeopathy is that we
do not yet know enough to guide the design of
proper homeopathic clinical trials.
Historically, homeopaths have entered the
field to treat patients, not to do formal research.
In addition to qualitative and observational
clinical studies, Homeopathy needs more basic and
pre-clinical research.
5. Incidência De Efeitos Patogenéticos não-
farmacológicos e Triviais numa amostra de
Estudentes de Medicina (Pathogenetic non-
drug effects and everyday symptoms in
Healthy Medical Students)
DANTAS, Flávio (RH. 69, 1-4/2004)
Pathogenetic trial is the basic method used in
Homeopathy in order to identify mind and body
changes in healthy volunteers by using highly
diluted and serially succussed or agitated
medicines. Procedures for doing it were clearly
established by HAHNEMANN and had been used
upto now with some modifications. Everyday
(common) symptoms should be differentiated from
symptoms directly related to the medicine being
used in the trial (proving). A questionnaire with 31
common symptoms was applied to a sample of 93
third-year medical students from Escola Paulista
de Medicina/UNIFESP in order to identify the
incidence of changes in health state in the last seven
days. For each symptom was asked its occurrence,
severity, frequency and factors that make it better
or worse. Mean age of the sample was 21.6 years
and all reported at least one change in the last seven
days. Mean number of symptoms per subject was
7.2 (range 1-20). In women this mean was 8.1 and
in men 6.5. Changes were generally mild and non-
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
continuous. Body changes were reported by
38.5%, followed by mental changes in 35% and
general symptoms in 26.5%. Sleepiness was
reported by 89% of respondents, anxiety in 53%,
pain muscles in 50%, headache in 44% and
irritability in 43%. Women presented more
headache than men but they had more difficult
concentration than women. These results suggest
the need to use appropriate controls in
homeopathic pathogenetic trials, basic
experimental source of information about the
effects of homeopathic medicines in healthy
human beings.
6. Saúde e Sofrimento Pesquisa qualitativa
sobre as implicações do tratamento
homeopático na saúde de uma criança com
retardo mental)
(Health and Suffering Qualitative research on
the implications of homeopathic treatment in
the health of a child with mental retardation)
SOLON, Luiz Ricardo (RH. 69, 1-4/2004)
The research introduces a discussion on the
necessity of a qualitative epistemology for
Homeopathy, founded on subjectivity theory,
transposing empirism and organicism that in it
predominate. During the study of a case of a 7
year-old child, diagnosed with serious mental
retardation and subnormal vision, submitted to
homeopathic treatment, a hypothesis of concurrent
relationship between advance in health and social
interaction efforts was constructed, allowing him to
come closer to a new zone of subjective senses for
his life. Such hypothesis revealed congruity with
the homeopathic qualitative approach that
understood the subjective pathology as the
Causticum way to suffer. The study points to
continuity of theoretical construction of the
homeopathic physician, to contribute to the real
development of that citizen in new ways to live and
to signify reality.
7. Efeito Antioxidante in vitro dos Medicamentos
Homeopáticos Arsenicum album, Cuprum
metallicum Manganum and Zincum
(In vitro antioxidant effects of homeopathic
medicines Arsenicum album, Cuprum
metallicum, Manganum and Zincum
BATELLO, Celso (RH. 69, 1-4/2004)
This dissertation with the support of a
theoretical and practical foundation, presents the
scenario that fits into the proposal: The antioxidant
effects in vitro of homeopathic medicines,
Arsenicum album, Cuprum metallicum, Manganum
and Zincum metallicum.
In the first chapters is demonstrated the
theoretical bibliographical substantation, the
Homeopathy and Oligotherapy as therapeutic
techniques, as well as the importance of oxidation
phenomena for a better comprehension of the
organic phenomena, mainly in the genesis of many
diseases. It is also experimentally demonstrated the
homeopathic medicines antioxidant action in
different dilutions in comparison with Melatonin in
various concentrations over the lipidic peroxidation
in homogenate of mice brains measured through
malondialdehyde dosage obtained through
absorbancy technique.
For the analysis of the results, the Kruskat
Wallis and Dunn’s Multiple Comparisons tests
were realized, that revealed significant differences
among the experimented groups.
It was verified a greater lipidic peroxidation
inhibiting effect with Melatonin 1M, followed by
Melatonin 0.5 M, Cuprum metallicum C12,
Cuprum metallicum C80, Arsenicum album C30,
Melatonine 0.24M, Manganum C30 and Arsenicum
album C12.
It was proved that Melatonin has an in vitro
lipidic peroxidation inhibiting effect, and so being
adopted as reference. However, a new fact arises
from the observation of the significant lipid
peroxidation inhibition obtained with the usage of
homeopathic medicines, sometimes with dilutions
that surpass the Avogadro number, as in the cases
of Cuprum metallicum C30, Arsenicum album C30
and Manganum C30 in decreasing order.
This work emphasizes the possibility of the
existence of a different antioxidant mechanism of
homeopathic medicine from the known dose-effect
8. Avaliação Dos Resultados Do Tratamento
Homeopático De Crianças Da Comunidade Do
Morro Dos Cabritos - RJ (Evaluating the
results of homeopthic treatment in children of
the “Morro Dos Cabritos” Community Rio
de Janeiro)
FONSECA, Ademar, et. cols. (RH. 69, 1-
The development of evaluation models
compatible with homeopathic medical rationality is
still a challenge and a necessity.
The author presents his contribution to
establish an evaluation model compatible with the
homeopathic concepts. The criteria used to
evaluate effectiveness and efficiency are presented,
as well as the partial results of the individual
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
homeopathic treatment in 93 children from the
Morro Dos Cabritos community, from April 2000
to September 2002, and evaluated until December
2002 by the Society Homeopatia Ação pelo
Semelhant from Rio de Janeiro.
The results are discussed, as well as the
difficulties faced during the process, the limitations
in the presented methodology, and some
suggestions for future models.
The author concludes that the indexes used in
this model point out to the efficiency and
effectiveness of Homeopathy, with even better
results in time, specially after 20 months of
treatment, although they do not solve all the
methodological problems discussed.
The author makes several suggestions specially
the need to develop a general and individual index
that contemplate all the criteria used in the
evaluation of the cases with an objective point of
1. Ambulatõrio Diadático Homeopático Relato de
Experincia (Didactical Homeopathic
Ambulatory: Experience Report)
P.V. (RH. 69, 1-4/2004)
This is a description of the authors’ clinical
experience during four months in the second group
of master degree program in homeopathic
didactical ambulatory in the Faculdade de
Ciências da Saúde o Paulo. They present their
experience with the classic tripod: Science,
Assistance and Teaching. All patients had classical
homeopathic anamnesis and had the prescription
according to the similitude principle with new
appointments each 30 days.
2. Experimentação Patogenética Homeopática
Breve Como Método Didático (Brief
Homeopathic Pathogenetic Experimentation as
a Didactic Method)
TEIXEIRA, Marcus Zulian (RH. 69, 1-4/2004)
Introduction: Everyone devoted to
Homeopathy teaching is aware of the difficulties of
the apprentices concerning the theoretical
understanding of the homeopthic presuppositions,
as they are inserted in Paradigms that are different
from those of the hegemonic Science.
Objective: Based on this, it was suggested to
include brief homeopathic pathogenetic
experimentation as a curricular subject and teaching
method to the Homeopathy disciples taught in
medical school, so that the theoretical knowledge of
the homeopathic presuppositions is supported by
practical experience.
Method: Following the instructions in the
Organon, the pathogenetic experimentation was
offered as a voluntary activity, including only the
students who are free of chronic diseases and who
had not used the regularly used medicines in the
last three months. It was suggested that the
experimental medicine given once a week in one
single dose in the 30CH potency, should be a
polychrest with symptom already described in
various homeopathic Materia Medica, so that at the
end of the self-observation period the
experimentor’s symptoms could be compared with
the previous pathogenesis.
Results: Twenty one of the thirty students of
Homeopathy as elective discipline of the Medical
School of the University of Sāo Paulo (FMUSP)
participated in the experimentation in 2003,
describing the several classes of symptoms
according to the specific methodology and daily
report, many of them with peculiar characteristics
and notable idiosyncrasy. The whole group of
students were favourable to the didactic proposal,
experiencing as a personal experience, or via their
friends’ experience, the dynamized substances’
property of arousing symptoms in healthy
individuals, as well as arousing a healing reaction
in pre-existent symptoms, according to the
principles of therapeutic similarity.
Conclusion: As a didactic method, the brief
homeopathic pathogenetic experimentation is
extremely effective regarding the sedimentation of
the homeopathic foundations, enabling the
observation of idiosyncratic manifestations of the
human individuality based on a qualitative
methodology. Nothing impedes that, with a larger
number of participants, we can even apply the
randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled
method, increasing the scientific rigidity in the
valorization of the emergence of pathogenetic
symptoms. [Double blind, randomized, etc.,
experiment is only useful for academic purposes, if
at all. Empiric application is more certain =KSS]
1. Pragmatism: The Heart of Homeopathy
Interview with Will TAYLOR by TESSLER,
Neil. (SIM. XVII, 2/2004)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Author shares his perspectives on some of the
modern controversies in Homeopathy.
Tension and conflict is where growth starts.
‘Classic’ is not fixed, its an organic reality, it
evolves and moves. The error we follow is to
proclaim one is right and aligning ourselves with a
dogmatic position and creating alliances. We need
to be adaptable, look at our case and apply the tools
that case will yield to.
He gives an example of how staying locked
into one way of finding a remedy can get us into
Understand Chronic Miasms by understanding
that larger image of disease which helps in treating
the individual affected by it.
He has taken the common and frequent
symptoms of Lyme disease, and some of the
oddities that occasionally happen and repertorised
all of them. Kalmia latifolia, came first, Ledum
second, Rhododendron sixth or seventh.
What was interesting was all these belong to
the family of Ericacea. Another remedy Gaultheria
procumbens has almost all the symptoms.
His current speculation is Lyme is an Ericacea
disease. His bent is to use the family relationships
within a classical analysis which can help us may
be recognize patterns and find some small
remedies, we might not be able to find otherwise.
[See No. 28 in Section III Therapeutics in
which Todd HOOVER has given a case of Lyme
Disease cured with Argentum nitricum 200, one
dose. How can we limit Lyme disease to ‘Ericacea’
family and put it in the box of ‘Plant only? We
should beware of these ‘new Masters’ = KSS]
When this extends into poorly proven or
unproven remedies, we enter into that area with that
knowledge, with some trepidation and some
caution. It’s a trial, it’s an experiment we can do at
this moment.
We have to do our best with the tools at hand,
which sometimes are inadequate. This is where he
struggles with those who promote rigidity in the
methodology. [The tools are sufficient. Keep them
honed and apply = KSS]
He points out that BENNINGHAUSEN’s
method was really designed to make up for the
inadequacies of the Materia Medica.
Regarding the modern provings his biggest
concern is the separation of pre-existing symptoms
of the individual from the symptoms of the proving.
Regarding the new Miasms, he keeps an eye
open to see if they are useful in practice. He is very
clear that Sycosis is Human Papilloma Virus.
HEMPEL mistranslated the word for urethral
discharge as Gonorrhoea and he feels it nothing to
do with Sycosis.
2. Nutrition does count in Homeopathic Healing
WYCKOFF, Valeria (HT. 23, 5/2003)
Nutritional deficiencies can limit the success of
homeopathic treatment (i.e. becoming “obstacles to
Deficits may result from the aging process,
poor eating habits or conventional drugs.
Absorption of vitamin B12 slows down with
age. So they are energized by a B12 shot.
Studies show Aspirin therapy increases the loss
of Folic acid, vitamin C and Zinc.
By changing one’s eating habits, changes in
health do happen. Plenty of fruits and vegetables
are advised. With homeopathic treatment and
lifestyle changes, we can reap healthy rewards at
any age.
3. A Homeopathic Physician in Kenya
SCHEPPER, Luc De (HT. 23, 7/2003)
Dr. Luc De SCHEPPER, writes briefly about
his experience in Kenya, in January 2003. He spent
his first 7 days in a small village called Lusi, where
there was no doctor, nurse or clinic or electricity or
running water. Two-day course in acute
homeopathic prescribing was given to 15 nurses;
each one of them received a homeopathic kit of 48
remedies and a copy of the book The People’s
Next two days were spent in treating children
in a nearby orphanage.
A ‘homeopathic vaccination’ against Malaria
for the whole village was organized using the
Nosode Malaria officinalis.
Series of lectures were scheduled in Nairobi for
4 days.
10-year-old son of one of the most popular
doctors in Nairobi had been ill for 14 days with a
continuous, suffocating cough, with no relief. He
had been seen by the best doctors, X-rayed, liver
scan, cortisone, etc. etc. all to no avail. After two
doses of Ipecac 1M, he slept through the night.
35 difficult cases were also referred.
He had 5 Radio interviews on Capitol FM in
The author wishes that every homeopath could
have a chance to offer his services to a country, so
greatly in need of our wonderful, inexpensive and
effective science, Homeopathy.
4. Homeopathy below the Poverty Line
A teaching clinic in Nairobi, Kenya.
RUCHIRA, Didi Ananda (HT. 23, 7/2003)
Abha light is a service project whose goal is to
bring affordable medicine to the people of Africa
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
through Homeopathy. Kenyans are trained for two
years and clinics set up.
36-year-old, WANJERU, came to the clinic
with gasping and panting for each breath and could
hardly talk. In the past treated for TB and
Pneumonia. Pains in lower left chest and sensation
of water in that area. Phosphorus 30 b.d. A week
later, no cough, breathing eased. Vomiting
improved. “Succussion splash” was heard now. So
probable diagnosis of Pyloric stenosis. In
Murphy’s Repertory only Aethusa and
Ornithogalum are listed. On further examination of
WANJERU, Aethusa was seen as the remedy.
Aethusa 30 b.d. for 3 days. She was 70%
better. No vomiting or no nausea. Succussion
splash reduced.
The scope of the problems that Homeopathy
can address for the people in Kenya and Africa is
tremendous. [As it indeed is in India. In fact
Homeopathy is ‘people’s medicine’ and must
address itself to the needy, i.e. those who need
medicinal attention most who may, in the majority,
be the poor. A ‘boxed’ item in this on the same
page of HT mentions of the role of Homeopathy in
Africa in 1930s, 1940s. If healing the sick is the
calling of the physician, Homeopathy must be
protected from being hijacked by the high-tech
medical hands = KSS].
1. Clinical Observations of Children’s
Remedies by Farokh J. MASTER. Lutra
Services: Eindhoven, The Netherlands. ISBN:
90-74456-11-1. 2003 (Second edition) 724 pages.
Hardbound $70.00 (US) Review by George
GUESS. (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
“The book provides detailed and highly
accessible information on 76 remedies, all
emphasizing how these remedies present in
children. There is even frequent inclusion of
relevant physical examination findings. ... The
volume is replete with differential diagnosis charts.
… The book is extensively indexed….”
“This is an excellent text which any
professional homeopath treating children would
benefit from by reading…”
2. Clinical Focus Guide to Homeopathic
Remedies, Volume 1 by Louis KLEIN. Luminos
Homeopathic Courses Ltd. Canada 2003.
Paperback. 259 pages. ISBN 0-9731843-1-0. $
39.95 (US). Review by George GUESS. (AJHM.
97, 2/2004)
“… The material presented is novel and fresh.
It is culled from Mr. KLEIN’s extensive clinical
“Each chapter begins with essential portrait of
the remedy, then its classification, then detailed
outline of central characteristics and lastly pertinent
3. Dreams, Symbols and Homeopathy:
Archetypal Dimensions of Healing by Jane
CICCHETTI. North Atlantic Books and
Homeopathic Educational Services, Berkeley,
California. 2003. ISBN 1-55643-436-7. 257 pages,
Soft cover $ 16.95 (US) Review by Nicholas
NOSSAMAN. (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
“…The book is well-indexed and contains
chapter-by-chapter bibliography…”
“This book is a unique and comprehensive
explication of the fruitful marriage of Homeopathy
and Depth Psychology. It is thick with
understanding and imagery, is written in a readable
style and is a valuable trail-breaker for the
understanding of human health and disease. …”
4. Impossible cure: The promise of
Homeopathy by Amy L. LANSKY Ph.D., R.L.
Ranch Press: Portola Valley, CA, 2003,
paperback, 302 pages $18.95. Review by Lia
BELLO. (HT. 23, 7/2003).
“… Impossible cure succeeds in demystifying
Homeopathy’s approach to healing and will help
people understand what embarking on
homeopathic treatment is all about. The facts and
history are accurate and well documented …”
Review by Julian WINSTON.
“….. It is the finest general introduction to
Homeopathy I’ve yet read. She weaves
together a seamless exposition about Homeopathy
what it is, how it developed, what research exists
and with it gives us her personal journey of
discovery. It has something new in it for
everyone – no matter what their level….”
5. Homöopathische Psychiatrie, Wolfgang
BARCK, (Homeopathic Psychiatry), 310 S.,
geb., Grundlagen und Praxis, Leer 2003, Є. 48/-
Review by Rainer APPELL (AHZ. 249, 3/2004):
“A true surprise: while the homeopathic mode
market is increasing with younger authors with the
motto, “as much younger, so much Guru” and the
time to let an idea ripe does not seem to be the
practice – now four years after the death of the
author a noteworthy new edition comes which is
not such a ‘fashion’ book.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
This book is about homeopathic Psychiatry by
the late Wolfgang BARCK, who worked so much
in the background … BARCK who studied first
Psychology with the theme Gestalt Psychology and
Epistomology, and after the end of his study of
Medicine in different psychiatric university clinics
and absolved it with Prof. BENDETTI. Besides
Psychiatry and Psycho-therapeutic, his interest
extended to Homeopathy which fascinated him so
that in his practice he began to use Homeopathy
more. In his book besides giving the principles of
Homeopathy in very readable manner, also gives
very clear cases. … Four remedies – Lachesis,
Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Phosphorus are
thoroughly explained and with cases very clearly
presented. . The book should be – ‘Homeopathy as
6. Vergleichende Arzneimittellehre
homöopathischer Polychreste (Comparative
Materia Medica of Homeopathic Polychrests),
FOERSTER, Gisela; HEÉ, Hansjörg, 628 S.,
geb., Karl F. Haug Verlag, Stuttgart 2002, Є
79.95 (German) Review by Leopold DREXLER
(AHZ. 249, 3/2004): “A big praise for the authors
for this book which has been written with much
exactness. Eight remedies, two compared with
each other This book puts in an impressive way
not just the symptoms of the remedy, but also the
psychoanalytical connections but remains strictly
with the symptoms. This well done work can be
well recommended to those who work deeply...”
I. The Homeopathic Symposium SMITH,
Malcolm. (SIM. XVII, 2/2004) The Homeopathic
Symposium is a project that has the potential to
grow the study of Homeopathy exponentially, and
to rally our community into working together for
the common cause of furthering our medicine.
It is an encrypted, private site on the Internet
that is an archive of interactive cured patient videos
for use in teaching of Homeopathy. It is a high-
tech fully interactive venue in which both students
and practitioners of Homeopathy can exchange
information and share in patient video cases from
skilled practitioners in the field.
Each case is interspersed with commentary
most often from the practitioner who solved the
case. The themes together with discussion of what
led to the remedy is presented.
“Team effort” series was created to share
difficult uncured cases on-line. The case is open to
the community and analysis invited. Each month
follow-up on-line is posted to track the progress.
Homeopathy is not easy to practice, there’s no
way around it and this project is designed as an
adjunct to teaching. Internal dissertions about
methodologies must be kept by and an honest
attempt to apply new methodologies should be
made; the results will speak. It is also good
experience to the homeopaths. [It is these
‘innovators’ of ‘themes’ and speculations who
make it more difficult to practice. Results do not
always justify the means = KSS]
II. White paper on the homeopathic
profession: How can we create a widely
accepted and thriving homeopathic profession?
SWOPE, Harry. (SIM. XVII, 2/2004) The author
was a founder of the Council for Homeopathic
Certification in 1991.
In order for a homeopathic profession to have
any credibility and for the public to put any trust in
it, there must be standards that define what it means
to be a professional homeopath.
He has discussed various options to achieve
III. In a Letter to the Editor, (SIM. XVII,
2/2004) the Librarian, Homeopathic Library
Information Service writes that the British
Homeopathic Library holds a pre-eminent
collection of homeopathic literature, right from
HAHNEMANN’s first article on Homeopathy and
many 19
and 20
century British Homeopathic
Literatures. Users can request articles directly from
the library or by searching the online database
which is free and requesting article copies online.
E-mail www.hom-inform.org .
IV. Our Homeopathic Heritage. WINSTON,
Julian. (AJHM. 97, 2/2004) “Chris ELLITHORP
died on March 17, 2004. He toiled for
Homeopathy so far behind the scenes that few
knew him. Few are interested in the rich heritage
we have. [Very few are interested. It is a sad
situation = KSS] Most of those only want to “find
the remedy”.
Only some few understand the treasures of the
books. Fewer understand the richness upon which
the whole edifice is built the paper trail of letters
from homeopaths, invoices written in a flowing
script from Boericke and Tafel from the 1870’s,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
photographs of old homeopaths never seen before
… all that “stuff”.
Chris’s wish was to keep his whole collection
Can our community rise to this? Or do we just
not care, being willing to stand by as more of our
history disappears?
V. Hahnemann Monument Update CHASE,
Sandra M. (AJHM. 97, 2/2004) Work is on for
repair of the famous and largest monument for
HAHNEMANN, in Washington, D.C., USA.
As of October 2003, $ 30,000 for the purpose
of underwriting the renovation of the exquisite
bronze and granite monument to Dr. C.F. Samuel
HAHNEMANN at Scott circle in Washington D.C.
was amassed (or raised).
Senior Conservator Judith JACOBS will be
performing the actual repair, with particular regard
to the mosaic in arch above Hahnemann’s head.
The additional challenge is that it is actually
fashioned of pieces of colored glass, rather than of
ceramic tiles.
Items to be addressed in the restoration include
the following:
- the brick paving
- the bronze entablatures
- the granite paving
- the bronze statue
- the tree replacement
- the granite structure
- the grounds improvement
VI. Interview with Francis TREUHERZ by
GRIMES, Melanie. (AJHM. 97, 2/2004) Francis
TREUHERZ pursued a career in Social Services of
the Jewish Community in France, Israel and
England before moving to academic teaching.
After his homeopathic studies he entered private
practice and from 1986 to 1993 he edited the
Journal, The Homeopath. He has taught in many
Homeopathy schools. He has helped development
of Mac Repertory Programme. His only book so
far, Homeopathy in the Irish Potato famine
(1995 the 150
anniversary of the Potato Famine)
has been very well received. He has one of the
largest libraries, with 6250 volumes on
TREUHERZ recalls that it was Pyrogen and
later China which saved him from an essential
Surgery (Peritonitis), in 1991 and once two three
years ago again Calcarea carbonica and then
Calcarea renalis saved him from the surgeons knife
(kidney stones).
TREUHERZ traces the history of the Society
of Homeopaths and the Colleges. He gave a
historical paper on KENT and Swedenborgianism.
He was in India and studied with Drs. S.P. DEY, S.
He feels that the problems facing us are the
same as they were. There are many who are
attempting to destabilize Homeopathy. [and many
of them are homeopaths themselves = KSS]
TREUHERZ says that BURNETT is his hero.
About Repertories coming out now-a-days he feels
“there are too may symptoms in the repertories
from over mentalized provers…”
VII. Cough. CHOFFRUT, Franck. The different
causes of this symptom are set out: Asthma,
Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Sinusitis, Rhinopharyngitis,
Allergic rhinitis, Nasal polyps, etc.
Some medicines are recalled with their main
symptoms. The author stresses the lack of
auscultatory symptoms in the Materia Medica. (L’
Homéopathie Européenne 2003; 6 in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
VIII. Comparison between Naja and Aurum.
COLIN, Philippe. Both may be indicated for
depressive and cardiovascular symptoms. They can
be suicidal, they like alcohol but do not tolerate it.
They can have alternations of depression and
excitement. Aurum has symptoms we do not find
in Naja. Aurum has anger, sense of responsibility,
religious concerns. Naja more self-centred, shy and
gentle and feeling of duality. On the physical level,
Aurum has infectious symptoms and Naja
Pustular eruptions, Testicular diseases, pain
long bone, Diplopia, Hemiopia, Hypertension seen
only in Aurum; Oedema, chilblains, left ovarian
pains and flatulence only in Naja.
Aurum more chronic, whereas Naja’s action is
acute or subacute. (L’ Homéopathie Européenne
2003; 6 in HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
IX. Dengue CARVALLO N.S. This paper is a
clinical and therapeutic review of Dengue fever.
The classical symptoms of the disease are
repertorised. The following useful remedies are
discussed in detail: Eupat., Gels., Acon., Bry., Ferr-
p., Cad-s., Chin-ars., Bapt., Rhus-t., Sulph., and
Phos. (Gaceta Homeopáthica de Caracas 2002;
10 in HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
X. The Hyperactive Child. ROJAS, Vahlis de
F.M. Definition, Diagnosis, Prognosis and
Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder are
discussed. The following categories are presented
for guidance:
Predominance of hyperactivity and
psychomotor agitation: Kali-br., Zinc., Merc.
sol., Tarent., Coff., Nux-v.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Miasmatic remedies in ADHD: Calc-p., Calc-
f., Iod., Med,
Predominance of sleep disturbance: Ars.,
Hyos., Stram., Cina.
Predominance of inattention and
comprehension problems: Aeth., Bar-c., Sil.,
(Gaceta Homeopática de Caracas 2002; 10 in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
XI. Symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease.
Homeopathic Evaluation of Symptoms presented
in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.” This is a
study of 23 patients from Venezuela. Each case
was analysed, repertorised and results discussed. A
differentiation was made between premorbid
personality and the symptoms of the disease. In the
former Lach., Nux-v., Sulph., Ars., Nat-m., and Lyc.
were prominent. In the latter group Sulph., Bell.,
Nux-v., Lach., Phos., Sep., Ign., Bry., and Con.
(Gaceta Homeopática de Caracas 2002; 10 in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
XII. Parasites in rabbits treated with Cina.
LÓPEZ, R.J.L. et al. This study evaluates the
effectiveness of Cina 30 in the treatment of
Intestinal Coccidiosis in rabbits. The rabbits are
bred for their meat and fur. Thirty rabbit breeders
and 1455 rabbits were involved. There is high
mortality and morbidity rate from the disease.
Faecal analysis for the presence of eggs by a
flotation method was carried out before and after
treatment. Cina 30 was administered in the rabbit’s
drinking water for 5 days.
There was a marked reduction in the levels of
infestation by faecal analysis, reduction in
mortality, marked increase in weight and physical
condition in treated group, which resulted in
significant economic benefit. (Gaceta
Homeopática de Caracas 2002; 10/2 in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
XIII. Silica in the treatment of Chronic Skin
Ulcers. FERNÁNDEZ I.M. After general
discussion on causes and grading of ulcers, three
cases of different aetiology are presented.
Case 1: 21-year-old male with plantar ulcer
refractory to antibiotics since a year. 3 cm in
diameter, clean base, painless, yellow fetid
discharge. He had Charcot’s joint. Sepia reduced
the ulcer, Silica 30 brought about complete
resolution in one month.
Case 2: 37-year-old woman with umbilical Ulcer
following a Hernia repair. Initially 11.2 cm in
diameter, reduced to 1 cm with Ignatia which was
given because she lost her son. Silica 30, because
of abundant yellow fetid discharge. Complete
healing in a fortnight.
Case 3: 62-year-old man with Diabetes. His ulcer
of vascular origin was 1.2 cm in diameter under left
big toe. Painless, yellow fetid discharge. Silica 30
healed it in 15 days. (Gaceta Homeopática de
Caracas 2002; 10/2, in HOMEOPATHY, 93,
XIV. Unusual resolution of Parauterine Tumour
RODRÍGUEZ G.D. 36-year-old woman had a right
parauterine mass as well as a uterine Myoma. She
had been treated constitutionally a month ago with
Lycopodium 200. So Lycopodium 200 was
repeated in Plussing method for 3 days.
On third day she had vaginal bleeding, with
dark odorless blood containing some tissue, and
severe right-sided abdominal pain which resolved
uneventfully. Few days later, Ultrasound showed a
complete disappearance of the Ovarian tumor,
while Myoma remained. (Gaceta Homeopática de
Caracas 2002; 10/2 in HOMEOPATHY, 93,
XV. The four elements and the selection of
potencies. NORLAND M. Misha NORLAND
offers a variety of thought on these two topics (this
article is an excerpt from his new book,
Signatures, Miasms, AIDS: Spiritual Aspects in
Homeopathy, (www.yondercottpress.com). In the
area of potency he suggests: “Go high (200c-MM):
When the path to exteriorisation of the disease is
unblocked”. “Stay low (6c-30c and LM1-3):
When the path to exteriorisation of the disease is
DAMONTE into his discussion. These two
homeopathic contemporaries were responsible for
a ‘new wave’ of thinking which touched a large
number of homeopaths:Of relevance here was
their understanding of the analogous relationship of
potency to planes of consciousness. The scheme
relates mind, emotions and body to the three planes
of potency: high, medium and low.’
The author examines the four elements in detail
weaving in Tantra, the Bhagavad-Gita and Jung:
‘The four psychological functions described by
C.G. JUNG, namely intuition, thinking, feeling and
sensation, correspond to fire, air, water and earth.
JUNG described how these functions operate in the
human psyche (here in the order of earth, water, air
and fire) as follows: ‘There are four aspects of
psychological orientation, beyond which nothing
fundamental remains to be said…’
And: ‘Patients who operate in an elemental
“fire” mode also do best on high potencies: 10M
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
and above. Elemental fire communicates in
images; intuition is the primary modus operandi
and as in the case of ether, the person experiences
the world spontaneously. When questioning about
a thing, they want to ascertain, “Where did it come
from? Where it is going?” They often see things in
terms of connections. In health they are passionate,
ardent and motivated. “Hot is the key-concept.
This expression may correspond to SANKARAN’s
level of vital sensation.’ (The Homeopath
2003; 91 in HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
XVI. Two cases of Mimosa pudica. LINNANE K.
and WANSBROUGH C. The prescription is based
on applying principles of imaginative Materia
Medica where understanding is derived through
applying a subtle use of Doctrine of Signatures.
‘Oversensitive, mild and yielding disposition,
with dislike of confrontation, and fear of dark’ are
mentioned as common features of this remedy.
(The Homeopath 2003; 91 in HOMEOPATHY,
93, 2/2004)
[Only by Hahnemannian Proving Pure symptoms,
indications are obtainable; these are ‘facts’ with no
speculations. Weaving symptom is not
Homeopathy = KSS].
XVII. My nightmare patient. TREE J. A case of
Polycystic ovaries in a 32-year-old woman, Apis
mellifica 1M followed by Lycopodium 30. Six
months later further information emerged and Lac
caninum helped profoundly.
“The deeper feeling is, patient’s self disgust,
guilt, inability to follow things through and her
need to be dominated, controlled and told what to
do. This reminds us of how a dog might feel, a
correspondence which of course points to Lac
caninum. (The Homeopath 2003; 91 in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004) [How does any one
know for certain what a dog ‘feels’? If only man
would really ‘know’ what a dog, or for that matter a
chicken, a cow, or any other animal feels he
wouldn’t be so cruel as he/she now is.
Once the ‘signature’ is accepted as a “safe,
sure, rapid” method, the symptoms would be as
good as one’s imagination could conjure up.
Homeopaths should beware of this ‘trap’, and not
fall into fascinating pits = KSS].
XVIII. Lapis lazuli: a proving. Proving of Lapis
lazuli by 10 provers in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2000/1.
90CK potency was used. It was double blind and
the provers were instructed to take one dose per day
until symptoms commenced and to record those
symptoms for 30 days. (The Homeopath 2003; 91
in HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
XIX. The Korsakovian potencies OLINGTON V.
The author reviews the history and technical details
of the Korsakovian potencies. Comparison
between Korsakovian and Hahnemannian
potentisations’ in which she brings up the fact that
Korsakovian potencies could be viewed as multi-
dynamisations (the solution is a mixture of all
previous potencies). (The Homeopath, 2003; 91 in
HOMEOPATHY 93, 2/2004)
XX. Treatment of experimental stroke with low-
dose Glutamate and homeopathic Arnica
montana. JONAS W. et al. This article concludes
that Arnica 200 reduces the long-term damage and
death rates from brain injuries in experimental
animals. It also seems to suggest that the remedy
may exacerbate Ischaemia in the initial stages of
brain injury. (Perfusion 1999; 12 in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
XXI. The nature and origin of Calcium
compounds DAEMS W. This brief article by an
anthroposphically trained pharmacist provides an
interesting perspective on calcium metabolism and
provides a rationale for why the anthroposphical
products Calcon AM and Calcon PM should be
administered according to the time of the day.
(Lilipoh 2003; 8 in HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004)
XXII. Efficacy of Arnica in Varicose Vein
W. and HEGER M. The results of this pilot study
showed a trend towards a beneficial effect of
Arnica D12 with regard to reduction of Haematoma
and pain during the post-operative course. (Forsch
Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2003; 10
in HOMEOPATHY, 93, 2/2004).
XXIII. Homeopathy for SARS. WINSTON,
Julian (Editorial). (HT. 23, 5/2003) The common
symptoms of SARS – Sudden Acute Respiratory
Syndrome – Sudden onset of symptoms, High fever
with shaking, Malaise to the point of feeling faint,
Violent cough with Pneumonia are repertorised.
The remedies which have all these symptoms
are Arsenicum, Belladonna, Eupatorium
perfoliatum and Phosphorus. Indications to
differentiate these remedies are discussed in brief.
XXIV. The Martha Oelman Community Service
Award was presented to Janice A. WENGER. The
Henry N. Williams Professional Service Award
was presented to Roger MORRISON. (HT. 23,
XXV. The Editor (Julian WINSTON, HT. 23,
6/2003) narrates his personal experience with
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
regard to the power of Arnica in potency to relieve
pains from dental work. It is not just relieving pain
but the speed with which the pain goes away. He
comments on some ‘researches’ published in the
Media which dub Arnica as no more effective than
placebo! He also quotes Dr. Jennifer JACOBS
extensively from the AJHM. 2003 Homeopathy
is not a ‘Complementary’, or ‘Alternative’ or even
worse ‘Integrative’ medicine. Homeopathy is not
an adjunct to Conventional Medicine. The
homeopaths must realize that Homeopathy is
complete in itself. [I have been reading the British
Homeopathic Journal now ‘Homeopathy’ for
over 35 years now and over the years it is devoting
almost the entire journal for scientific’ whatever
it means researches which more often are helpful
in damning Homeopathy = KSS]
XXVI. Is knitting oil-painting? WINSTON,
Julian. (HT. 23, 7/2003) The author knew of no
other field of endeavor where people involved
persist in calling their art something that it is not.
The definition of Homeopathy is very clear.
Calling any other technique which rests not on
similarity as Homeopathy muddies the water and
confuses the consumer.
XXVII. A Native American remedy. (HT. 23,
7/2003) The first cure of Dropsy by Apis ever
reported was in 1847. This article appeared in 1866
in The Elements of New Materia Medica and
Therapeutics, based upon an Entirely New
Collection of Drug-provings and Clinical
Experience, by E.E. Marcy, J.C. Peters And Otto
Fullgraff. [For the full text of this story see Apis in
Margaret TYLER’s book Drug Pictures= KSS]
XXVIII. Valuable Hahnemann Manuscript
acquired: The Institute for History of Medicine
of the Robert Bosch Foundation in Stuttgart, has
recently acquired the second improved and
corrected edition of Vol. VI of the Pure Materia
Medica (Printed in 1827). The valuable
Manuscript came up in the springtime auction of
Reiss & Sohn. Hahnemann Manuscripts are rarely
available and are as costly as GOETHE’s. With
this acquisition the Institute for History of
Medicine now possesses almost all important
HAHNEMANN works (Prof. Dr. Martin DINGES
in ZKH. 48, 2/2004)
XXIX. Sinnvoller Fortschritt Oder
Rückschritt in die Zeit vor HAHNEMANN?
(Significant Progress or regress to the pre-
HAHNEMANN time?) by Klaus HABICH, Curt
KÖSTERS and Joachim ROHWER (ZKH. 48,
2/2004). This is a criticism of the new wave of
methodologies in regard to Homeopathy like the
‘Mind only’, the ‘signature’ theory, the ‘periodic
table’ theory, the speculative’, etc. These are
claimed to heal the sick ‘deeply’. They are also
claimed to be innovative’, new ideas, etc. and
hence a big progress. Sometimes it is also said
Homeopathy has been ‘re-discovered’ and new
‘insights’ are claimed. After reading and listening
to them it would seem as if the entire galaxy of
such personalities as LIPPE, GUERNSEY,
KENT were all superficial, they did not do the
‘deep healing’. [How deep is deep? Generally man
takes his deep’ with him without letting anyone
be it wife/husband fathom the depths of Mind. If
there are readers who disagree, please let me know
= KSS].
The signatories to this paper carrying the three
names Klaus HABICH, Curt KÖSTERS, Joachen
ROHWER – include many from different countries.
Attention is drawn to HAHNEMANN:
“Appreciable, distinctly appreciable to our senses
must that be, which is to be removed in each
disease in order to transform it into health, and right
clearly must each remedy express what it can
positively cure, if medical art shall cease to be a
wanton game of hazard with human life, and shall
commence to be the sure deliverer from diseases”.
(Spirit of the Homeopathic doctrine, 1813. tr.
R.E. DUDGEON in Lesser Writings of Samuel
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly Homeopathic
Digest are given below:
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag,
Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121, HEIDELBERG,
2. AJHM: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine, formerly
Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy (JAIH). 801 N.
Fairfax Street, Suite 306 Alexandria, VA 22314.
3. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British Homeopathic Journal (BHJ),
Homeopathy, Faculty of Homeopathy, 29 Park Street West, Luton,
Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
4. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for Homeopathy, 801,
North Fairfax Street, Suite 306, ALEXANDRIA, VA. 22314, USA.
5. RH: : Revista De Homeopatia, Rua Estado de Israel, 639 Cep
04022-001 – SÃO Paulo Brazil
6. SIM: Simillimum, The Journal of the Homeopathic Academy of
Naturopathic Physicians, P.O. Box 8341, Covington, WA 98042,
7. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 HEIDELBERG,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
(This section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some cases)
1. The Debt We Owe To Homeopathy
(Editorial, Homeopathic Recorder, December,
Perhaps none of us, who have experienced
unbounded success with Homeopathy, have ever
stopped to ask ourselves if we fully realize the
magnitude of the debt that we each and all owe to
Homeopathy and what we are doing to help toward
discharging that enormous debt. Is it just either to
Homeopathy or to those to whom, as we pass on,
we are to leave this rich legacy, to go into seclusion
and take with us the store of riches that we have
garnered by the wayside during a busy and
prosperous career? What of us, if those who had
preceded us had done this? Are we not in duty
bound to continually keep on nurturing and
supporting the coming generation of rising young
homeopaths, helping them through the years of
lean competency, trials, heartaches and
discouragements? What if those who preceded us
had done as we are doing now? What would have
happened to us if they had permanently withdrawn
from all professional activity as soon as they had
financially succeeded and found they could get
along without us? Is it not meet that we should
remain and aid those who are to take up the banner
and carry it on to victory! Should we desert and
forsake them?
Why are not all the great and splendid
homeopaths attending the I.H.A. meetings, giving
the very best of what is within them, helping to
keep out politics, lending encouragement to the
younger men and helping educate the older men
into the straight and narrow path? This would tend
not only to the fulfillment of the above but would
give power and prestige to Homeopathy and help
in part to discharge the enormous debt which we all
owe to that fine art which had been the means of
our success. Every true homeopath has every
reason to be proud of his calling.
Thus, in the interest of humanity, let us all,
until our last breath, give of our stores of wealth
and lore and time in an effort to discharge our
honest debt to Homeopathy, to the rising
generation of homeopaths and to suffering
humanity. Let those who have given up in
despair because things have not gone right,
and those who have come to the conclusion that
they can get along without us come back into the
camp for the sake of that rising younger generation
of homeopathic physicians. The paying of the debt
cannot be evaded. Let us all be proud to be listed in
the category of active workers for the advancement
of Homeopathy.
So we appeal with all the manhood within us
for such great and good men as have temporarily
held themselves aloof to come back and help us to
show the world that America can yet stage a REAL
RENAISSANCE of Hahnemannian Homeopathy,
and that America has the brain and the stamina to
produce one.
2. Post-vaccination Syndrome
SMITS, Tinus (NAMAH. 11, 4/2004)
Editor’s note
This article only explores the negative effects
of vaccinations. This does not negate the positive
effects of vaccination namely, protection against
the concerned disease. Written from Netherlands,
the terminology may be a little different, and is
explained by the author.
has for several
years now been an increasingly common diagnosis
in my daily practice. By degrees, I have established
an effective method for treating this syndrome. I
now publicise my findings: for doctors, parents and
any other persons interested in or concerned with
this matter.
Purpose: The recognition of the ‘post-vaccination
syndrome’ its diagnosis, method of treatment and
Scope: The findings are a consolidation of accurate
observations over a number of years based on
discussion with children’s parents and patients and
experience acquired from the treatment and
prevention of this disorder.
Method: Homeopathic techniques, including the
use of carefully potentised and diluted vaccines for
the confirmation of diagnosis, therapy and
Post-vaccination: After vaccination.
Syndrome: The collective symptoms of a
particular ailment.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Results: The results achieved by the use of
potentised vaccines in the diagnosis and at the same
time the treatment of PVS (post-vaccination
syndrome) appear so consistent and successful that
the method can be used to provide a conclusive
answer to the sometimes vexed question of the
presence or absence of post-vaccination syndrome
in a patient.
Recommendations: The insights obtained from
careful observation and the use of potentised
vaccines have led to a number of recommendations
with respect to Dutch vaccination policy, as
formulated in the chapter recommendations.
Conclusions: The ‘post-vaccination syndrome’
diagnosis has unquestionably earned a prominent
place in paediatrics. The condition can at the same
time be treated successfully by the use of potentised
vaccines as described.
My interest in vaccination and its adverse
effects dates from the time, some 20 years ago, that
my own children were small. Throughout the
intervening period I have collated information and
mainly, during the last ten years, have recorded the
testimony of my own practice.
Homeopathic practice has recognized that
chronic complaints can develop following
vaccination, ever since the general introduction of
the Smallpox vaccination in the 19
century. For
many years Thuja was acknowledged by
homeopaths as the proven remedy for these
complaints, whose treatment by homeopathic
means however appeared to me to be less than
satisfactory. About ten years ago, I acquired the
book La medicine retrouvée (1) by my colleague
Jean Elmiger, which caused me to change my
methods of treating post-vaccination disorders and
my feelings of helplessness began gradually to
disappear. The method he described was simple
and easy to use, both for treatment and prevention.
I made a habit of enquiring about each child’s
vaccination history and a grateful mother would
frequently exclaim:
“It’s just what I’ve always said, but nobody
would believe me; they said those complaints
couldn’t have anything to do with the
Vaccines appear to have more side-effects than
has hitherto been accepted. It must be recalled that
vaccines are composed of weakened, dead or
divided germs or toxins with their additives, to
which impurities (aluminum phosphate, aluminum
hydroxide, neomycin, thiomersal a mercury
compound, formaldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol,
chicken protein) always cling.
These vaccinations can be responsible for both
acute and chronic health problems.
Basic description of the ‘post-vaccination
syndrome’ (PVS)
The symptoms of this syndrome originate from
two sources. On the one hand a large number of
these symptoms are frequently cited in the literature
as post-vaccination symptoms; other symptoms are
my own observations. It must be stressed in this
context that any symptom that manifests itself
following vaccination and only disappears after
treatment with the potentised vaccine is deduced as
caused by the vaccine concerned. The PVS can be
divided into an acute and chronic syndrome. The
following are the main symptoms of the acute
syndrome: fever, convulsions, absentmindedness,
encephalitis and/or meningitis, limbs swollen
around the point of inoculation, whooping-type
cough, bronchitis, diarrhoea, excessive somnolence,
frequent and inconsolable crying, penetrating and
heart-rending shrieking (cri-encephalique),
fainting/shock, pneumonia, death, cot death since
the Japanese delayed the whooping cough
vaccination to the age of two years, cot-deaths has
been practically obliterated in Japan (2).
By carefully studying and recording the cases,
we arrived at the following catalogue of chronic
post-vaccination symptoms: colds, amber or green
phlegm, inflamed eyes, loss of eye contact,
squinting, inflammation of the middle ear,
bronchitis, expectoration, coughing, asthma,
eczema, allergies, inflamed joints, tiredness and
lack of vigour, excessive thirst, diabetes, diarrhoea,
constipation, headaches, disturbed sleep with
periods of waking and crying, epilepsy, rigidity of
the back, muscle cramps, light headedness, lack of
concentration, loss of memory, growth
disturbances, lack of coordination, disturbed
development, behavioral problems such as
fidgeting, aggressiveness, irritation, moodiness,
emotional imbalance, confusion, loss of will power,
mental torpidity.
This list must needs be incomplete as the
symptoms of post-vaccination illness can be
extremely varied. The diagnosis is based not so
much on the actual symptom as on the point of time
of its appearance and disappearance after treatment
with potentised vaccines. To add to the
complication, it is not possible to attribute certain
individual symptoms of the PVS specifically to the
or DTP
vaccination, others to the MMR
DKTP: vaccine against Diptheria, Whooping
cough, Tetanus, Polio.
*DTP: vaccine against Diptheria, Tetanus, Polio
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
vaccination and yet others to the HIB
In practice it must be accepted that each vaccine
can be responsible for several of the symptoms
named and also for additional symptoms that have
not been mentioned. There is also no clear
demarcation between acute and chronic complaints
as the acute conditions are often the beginning of
chronic suffering.
The fact that someone has displayed no direct
or acute reaction to a vaccination does not
necessarily exclude the possibility of the vaccine
being the cause of chronic complaints. These
complaints usually become clear only after one,
two or even more weeks have passed and
dismissing a diagnosis of PVS in chronic cases
because of the time-lapse between the cause
(vaccination) and the appearance of the condition is
fundamentally wrong. Ellen demonstrates this.
Ellen was eleven months old when I first saw
her in the middle of February and had constantly
had colds ‘since birth’. She cried continually at
night for the first few weeks, probably as a result of
stomach cramps. At five months she suffered
terribly for two weeks from fluid, squirting
diarrhoea. At eight months she was first bothered
by a suppurating inflammation of the middle ear
and a temperature of above 40º. She was then
given her first antibiotic treatment. After this she
had four further attacks of middle ear inflammation,
the last accompanied by vomiting, watery diarrhoea
and a temperature between 37.5 and 38.6C. She
was otherwise a bright child, quite well-developed,
she ate and slept without difficulty. She smelt sour
when she was unwell. She has had three DKTP’s,
to which she showed no direct reaction. Middle-ear
inflammation and digestive disturbances are
prevalent on the mother’s side of the family. I
began applying a common homeopathic treatment,
without success. On April 15
, she was given the
fourth DKTP and 14 days later she again had a
cold, brought up mucus, developed purulent eyes,
ate less, cried at night and got another inflammation
of the middle ear. When I saw her at the beginning
of June with both ears discharging, a dirty nose and
purulent eyes, it was clear to me that she had PVS.
I prescribed a DKTP 30K
, 200K
, MK
and XMK
on four consecutive days. [Why such aggressive
*MMR: Vaccine against Mumps, Measles, Rubella
(German measles).
*HIB: Vaccine against Haemophilus influenzal B
virus that can cause meningitis.
NB the author uses K-potencies, so you will find
30K, 200K, MK and XMK corresponding with
30C, 200C, 1M and 10M.
prescription 30, 200, M, XM on four consecutive
days? What would have happened if he had given
one potency, whether 200 or M on one day only?
Or, why did he stop with XM and not go to 50M on
the 5
day, CM on the 6
day? Is there no law or it
all one’s whims? Does his experience, teaches us
to follow same methodology in our patients? The
‘orthodox’ teaching is to give one dose of one
medicine and wait and watch. Has that teaching
been dumped into the trash can and replaced by
‘modern’ aggressive method? = KSS] On July 20
the mother rang me to tell me that the child ‘had
never been so well’. Everything has finished and it
surprised everyone that the child looks so healthy.
There was no relapse.
Also, often only the second, third or fourth
administration of the vaccine creates problems. A
good example of this is Jurgen. He was exactly one
year old when his mother first appeared at my
practice. When he was three weeks old he
contracted a cold that had still not disappeared. Up
to six months he was lovable and quiet, but this
suddenly changed: he became restless and noisy
and often had one-day fevers, ten times in that year.
It was as if he was a different child, said his mother.
Nothing pleased him anymore, he refused to sit on
his mother’s lap, even for a game or nursery-rhyme.
He had his vaccinations exactly on time ‘with
absolutely no problems’ according to the mother,
except that after the fourth DKTP/HIB, a month
ago, he had a one-day fever. His colds were
characterised by a watery running nose,
expectoration and noisy breathing: “you can always
hear something,” his mother said. From six months
he was given vegetables and fruit juice as well as
the bottle.
“What is the matter with him? He has suffered
colds since he was three weeks old so he very
probably has an innate tendency to infection and
weak defences.”
But the enormous change in Jurgen’s character
at six months is the most noticeable part of this tale.
Theoretically this could be caused by the change in
diet, but it is most unlikely that this could cause the
change in character. These changes can however
easily be explained by a post-vaccination
syndrome. His total lack of reaction to the various
vaccines is more likely to be a sign of his poor
general defences than of the harmlessness of the
vaccinations. We gave him a series of potentised
DKTP/HIB. His weak defences (which are shown
by his constant colds) will remain to be treated
later, as this was present before the vaccination
period. After the DKTP/HIB 30K, which he was
given in the evening before going to bed, he cried at
night incessantly for four hours, after which he was
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
noticeably more content. He also had diarrhoea
that day. The 30K was therefore repeated a few
days later, after which the series was completed.
After three weeks I saw Jurgen again. His mother
said that his behaviour had improved beyond
measure. He was now much more content and
remained on her lap, and expressed real pleasure
(for example when his parents came home). He
played more happily, and no longer ran from one
thing to another. He had become calmer. Since the
treatment he often had diarrhoea and he slept
fitfully, waking at night and wanting to play as if to
make up for lost time. He yelled whenever his
mother went away. I prescribed a repeat series of
potentised DKTP/HIB, to which he reacted with
three days of fever of up to 40º, a runny nose,
coughing and inflamed eyes. This was followed by
almost constant diarrhoea, rejection of his food and
continuing colds. Then came a period with bodily
disturbances: teething difficulties, expectoration
and squeaky breathing. It seemed as if he was
bothered by something other than his vaccinations,
so I decided on the basis of his symptoms to treat
him with Cuprum metallicum after which he finally
recovered. He sleeps peacefully, no longer has
diarrhoea, the colds and inflammation of the eyes
have disappeared and Jurgen is fully recovered.
The homeopathic method
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention are all
carried out according to the homeopathic method.
[Where is ‘homeopathic method’ in giving a series
on consecutive days, to a baby? = KSS] A basic
knowledge of Homeopathiy is therefore necessary.
[Yes, indeed = KSS] Homeopathy was discovered
200 years ago by the German Samuel
The principles of Homeopathy are based on
the Law of Similars, which is to say that patients
should be treated with medicaments that produce in
healthy individuals symptoms that are similar to
those present in the patient. Such properties of
medicaments are published in a Materia Medica.
The homeopathic remedy acts on the deeply seated
energetic disturbance that is cause of the disorder.
It will be clear that complaints can only become
chronic if the injected substance I am limiting my
arguments here to problems associated with
vaccination has brought about such an energetic
disturbance or directly caused this damage. The
injected substance is quickly excreted from the
body and can only be the cause of continuing
disorders when tissue has been damaged. Chronic
conditions associated with PVS are therefore
mainly based on energy disorders.
If a vaccine is the cause of an ailment, the same
vaccine in a homeopathic dilution (for example
DKTP 30K) is the perfectly correspondent remedy
(similimum) and has the power to antidote its
effects. It can therefore be applied both as remedy
and as diagnostic agent. [This is ‘Tautopathy’
according to Dr. R.P. PATEL = KSS]
General principle
How can it be claimed that homeopathic
dilutions of a vaccine can cure an ailment that has
itself been caused by that same vaccine? In reality
the vaccine propagates the ailment. Homeopathy
has ever since its beginning used agents which
cause disease, after dilution and potentisation, as
remedies. Remedies such as Tuberculinum
(Tuberculosis), Syphilinum (Syphilis) and
Medorrhinum (Gonorrhoea) were successfully
applied in the 19
century and today are still
frequently used homeopathic remedies. [Yes, We
have these remedies but they Medorrhinum,
Syphilinum etc., have been ‘proved’ in the genuine
manner of homeopathic Provings and applied to
disease with such similar symptoms = KSS]
Once a complaint has penetrated to the
energetic level we are considering chronic
ailments it is possible to use the potentised cause
of the complaint (the homeopathic remedy) [This
is not Homeopathy = KSS] to cure the ailment.
Such ailments are not only caused by vaccines but
also by other medicines. The course of Peter’s
illness, is a clear example of this. Peter, 10 months
old, was suffering from colic and stone-hard stools
and could scream dreadfully for hours on end
following his first DKTP. His mother, who is a
, has Crohn’s disease and took
during and after pregnancy so could
not breast-feed her child. Peter has had hard stools
from his sixth week and always needed two days to
expel his faeces. He turned red, perspired over his
whole body, got cross, shrieked and kicked. After
his first DKTP/HIB he had fever for a day and his
whole thigh became swollen ‘like a sausage’. He
screamed incessantly for nearly five hours. After
the second DKTP/HIB, he again developed a fever
with a swollen, red leg. Growth disorders were also
observed. The third vaccine was injected into his
arm, after which he again developed a fever, with a
swollen arm.
The following potentised vaccines were
administered: DKTP/HIB 30K, 200K, MK and
XMK on four consecutive days; after the MK Peter
cried all day and then started to recover. After two
weeks he fell back into his old pattern of ailments.
DES-daughter: Daughter of a mother who used
DIETHYLSTIBESTEROL during pregnancy.
Salazopyrine: Infection inhibiting medicine
against enteritis.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
The DKTP/HIB 30K and 200K were then repeated
and again he recovered. His mother speaks of a
miracle; Peter is happier and no longer screams.
The drop in his weight curve started to rectify itself.
He still suffered from hard stools, which was to be
expected as this was the case before vaccination.
Two possibilities can be considered: he either
has a predisposition to intestinal problems or these
manifested themselves before birth as a result of his
mother’s use of Salazopyrine during pregnancy. If
the latter is the case, the problem could relatively
easily be solved. My initial tentative diagnosis was
chronic constipation caused by the mother’s use of
Salazopyrine during pregnancy. If this diagnosis is
correct, the ailment should be cured and eventually
entirely disappear after treatment with potentised
Salazopyrine. I prescribed Salazopyrine 30K once
a week. After two months the constipation was
fully cured. [This again is Tautopathy = KSS]
Naturally occurring diseases such as chicken-
pox, influenza, glandular fever and
cytomegalovirus etc. can equally cause chronic
symptoms long after the actual ailment has
Luuk was born in early November 1994 and
received his first DKTP/HIB on 15
1995. A few days later he first became ill; he had
shortage of breath accom-panied by noisy
breathing. The GP prescribed Bricanyl
but this appeared unsatisfactory and
Luuk was given a second course of Clamoxyl. On
April his lungs were finally completely clear
and he was given the second DKTP/HIB. Two days
later he contracted diarrhoea which lasted a week,
for which the doctor prescribed Diar-olyte
. On
May followed the third DKTP/HIB and on 16
May Luuk was again short of breath and the doctor
represcribed Clamoxyl, this time together with
. However, Luuk’s condition did not
improve and halfway through June he was given
and Erythrocine
. On 23
June he was
given Erythrocine again with Zaditen
and on 13
July (four months after the beginning of his
complaints) he visited the paediatrician, who did
not offer a diagnosis but suggested stopping the
treatment. Luuk’s condition improved gradually.
Bricanyl: A bronchodilator.
Clamoxyl: An antibiotic.
Diarolyte: A medicine for the prevention of
Depropine: A remedy against allergy and a
Atrovent: A bronchodilator.
Erythrocine: An antibiotic.
Zaditen: A medicine against allergy.
On 21
November the fourth DKTP/HIB was
given. On 26
November his nose started running,
he began to cough and he had trouble breathing.
Luuk was visiting his grandparents in a different
town at the time. The mother consulted the local
GP on duty, who suggested PVS and referred Luuk
to me. The following Monday I saw Luuk, who
had breathing difficulties and was heavily
congested. I prescribed a solution of DKTP/HIB
30K. Within 24 hours the breathing problems were
noticeably improved. For several days he
continued to cough and expectorate and in the
following week the phlegm was completely cleared.
To complete elimination of the disturbance by the
vaccines, he was given a further series of potentised
vaccines from 30K to XMK on four consecutive
days. Since then (a period of nine months) Luuk
has no longer been ill. Because of its high degree
of reliability and efficacy, this method offers an
excellent opportunity for establishing the cause of
certain illnesses. One can trace step by step the
vaccine, medicine or illness that has caused the
complaint. This scheme also allows us to find the
cause of the often discussed ‘Jungle syndrome’, a
syndrome which has claimed so many young
soldiers as victims; as was also the case of Johan, a
19-year-old seaman. Johan reported for duty with
the Marines in August 1993 and was given a
Mantoux injection on 13
August. On 20
a DTP and Typhoid jab was given and on 16
September a booster Typhoid vaccination. He
gradually deteriorated, as he says himself. He was
overtired, had serious difficulty concentrating,
became very forgetful and had a strained left knee.
At night particularly, he had bellyache, a burning
feeling in his stomach and palpitations. After three
months he was discharged from service. He went
back to his former employer, but could hardly
work. For a year and a half he was very poorly,
then he ended up in the summer of ’95 on social
security. A rheumatologist declared him ‘in perfect
health’. After that he sought help in the alternative
medicine circuit and ended up visiting me. He told
me that he felt fluey all day, perspired heavily, had
to drink a lot and urinate very frequently. At night
he was thoroughly exhausted. He felt too weak to
ride his motor-bike. He got stomach cramps and
felt ill from two glasses of beer. His problems were
almost certainly due to one of the vaccinations.
Any other explanation seemed simply untenable.
Treatment with Typhus 30K up to XMK on four
consecutive days was started without any success.
Three weeks later, the DTP series 30K to XMK
was given, again without any improvement being
recorded. As suspicion still fell heavily on one of
the vaccinations, I repeated both series, again
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
without result. What was left is the Mantoux.
Immediately following the potentised Mantoux
series he felt better and was again able to work
whole days. Although he felt a lot better he was
still a long way from being what he was. The
Mantoux series was therefore repeated several
times, each time after an interval of three weeks.
He now anticipates a full recovery from this.
And what must we think about all the children
worldwide who are given a BCG
, which is many
times stronger than Mantoux, in the first few days
of their life! In the Netherlands, BCG is never
given to children. Nevertheless, the incidence of
Tuberculosis in the Netherlands is the lowest in the
Treatment is with potentised vaccine. Usually
the best method for chronic PVS is to administer
this remedy at four different potencies on four
consecutive days; the first day 30C, the second day
200C, the third day 1M and the fourth day 10M. In
each case about 10 globules are introduced directly
into the mouth without any fluid to be drunk. [Why
ten globules? Good Lord? What is the sense? =
KSS] The granules dissolve completely within one
minute. It is advisable not to eat or drink or brush
the teeth for half an hour before or after this
administration so that the medicament can act
without interference. If the symptoms are
aggravated after one of the four potencies, it is
always necessary to wait until the reaction is over
before continuing treatment. In such cases the
same potency is then repeated. This procedure is
continued as long as necessary for the patient’s
reaction to cease, normally after one or two repeat
doses. The series is then completed. It is also
possible to treat a severe reaction with a solution of
the 30C. For this, ten globules are dissolved in half
a glass of water which is administered, a sip or
teaspoonful at a time, for one or two days. The
most common reaction is fever, which does not
require further treatment. If the child is vulnerable,
as for example as a result of serious vaccine-related
complications or if oversensitivity is anticipated,
each potency can be administered weekly. Severe
reactions can similarly be treated by weekly repeats
of the same potency until no reaction is clearly
discernible. If the disorder has not completely
cleared up after three weeks, the whole series can
be repeated. One to three series is usually
In acute cases the treatment is largely similar,
differing only in that the preference in acute cases
BCG: Vaccine against Tuberculosis.
is given to aqueous solutions of a 30C or 200C as
described above. This solution is administered at
the rate of sip or a teaspoonful an hour for a number
of days; three doses are usually sufficient as is seen
in the following case. Ragma was a one-year-old-
girl. In the early morning on 4
May, 1992, a
worried father rang me because his daughter was
quite seriously ill. Both of Ragma’s parents were
homeopathic doctors and knew the dangers of
vaccination. They had chosen to have their
daughter only partially inoculated at a later date to
avoid vaccination risks as far as possible. As they
both enjoyed long-distance travel, they decided to
give Ragma a DTP at 13 months. Up to then she
had been a healthy child. She had occasionally had
coughing fits but these had spontaneously
disappeared. The day following the vaccination
Ragma became very listless. After a week she
began coughing and vomiting with a temperature of
38-39°. She did not want any food or drink beyond
her single daily breast feed. She woke frequently
and only began to sleep properly at about 5 o’clock
in the morning. She was prone to frequent crying
fits, especially at night. Her parents gave her Thuja
1M after she had been coughing and had a fever for
four days. She did not react to this. Her condition
worsened and five days after the beginning of her
illness she clearly had an infiltration in the lower
lobe of her left lung. Her temperature was 39.5°.
she would neither eat nor drink and vomited as a
result of her coughing fits. Her parents were
worried about dehydration and feared
hospitalization. The family doctor involved pressed
for an immediate course of antibiotics. When the
father rang me on that May morning, I advised him
to start immediately with the administration once an
hour of a teaspoonful of a solution of DTP 200K. I
arranged to see Ragma at the end of the afternoon.
Her condition was then essentially unchanged.
Crepitations were clearly audible in the lower left
lung; there was (as yet) no sign of dehydration but
we clearly had a seriously ill child. We agreed to
continue with the treatment and to postpone further
decisions until the next morning. The next morning
I received an enthusiastic telephone-call from the
parents. Ragma had slept better, her temperature
was 37.9°, she was coughing a lot less, had stopped
vomiting and was more active. The treatment (a sip
of DTP 200k every hour) was continued. [Same
potency in solution every hour (every waking hour
I believe) which means 10-12 doses, without
succussing, stirring the solution? Why this every
hour panic prescription? = KSS]
The next morning Ragma was full of beans.
The fever had abated completely, her appetite was
first-rate and she was drinking normally. Her facial
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
colour was back to normal. Medication was
stopped and the lungs healed without problems.
I dared to tackle Ragma’s case because I had
ample experience of treating PVS-complaints with
potentised vaccine and had built up my faith in the
efficacy of this method. Antibiotics would almost
certainly have worked too slowly to prevent
dehydration and hospitalization, whilst the DTP
200K not only very effectively cured the post-
vaccination syndrome but also restored the general
Even where the post-vaccination syndrome is
of several years’ standing, it can still be treated
Homeopaths used to recommend, and
sometimes still do, Thuja 30C before vaccination.
Personally I have had unfortunate experiences with
this and have never been able to confirm its
efficacy. Paediatrician Yvonne Pernet has
recommended Thuja 30C to the parents of all the
children she has vaccinated for several years.
When she stepped over to the preventive use of
potentised vaccines, the difference in the results
was indisputable. There were patently fewer side-
effects to vaccination with this novel method. In
fact, the energetic level becomes safeguarded so it
can no longer be disturbed by the vaccine. It is as if
the organism is warned of the approaching
‘artificial’ illnesses and can therefore better
maintain its balance. It must be remembered that
chronic complaints can only occur because the
deeper levels of our energy have been disturbed.
The procedure is as follows: two days before
vaccination, give the potentised vaccine (e.g.
DKTP) at 200C, about 10 small granules
(globules), and repeat after vaccination, on the
same day. If there is to be no further vaccination
for time being, it is a good idea to administer the
potentised vaccine a month later in increasing
potencies of 30C, 200C, 1M and 10M on four
consecutive days in order to correct any possible
disturbance to the deeper energy levels. If, as can
never be completely excluded, complications still
occur despite these preventive measures, it is
recommended that a solution in water of the 200C
be given for three days at the acute stage and to
repeat the whole series several weeks later as is
seen in Lisette’s case.
Following the DTP-jab at four years, Lisette
showed an enormous decline in her developoment
despite the preventive measure of DTP 200K two
days before the vaccination and later on the same
day: she started eating badly again, was very tired
and reverted to baby behaviour: she talked
gibberish, wanted to be fed and to revert to bottle-
feeding. She became listless, spent a lot of time
lying on the ground and wanted to be cuddled a lot
as well as developing oversensitivity to pain. I
gave her a complete series of DTP 30K, 200K, MK
and XMK over four days, after which the
complaints completely disappeared and her
development continued normally.
Injury to the general defence mechanism
Whereas the body’s specific defences against
certain diseases can be increased by means of
vaccination, which is obviously the effect intended,
practice shows that the defences as a whole can also
be significantly broken down.
We see a group of children previously in good
health suddenly develop all manner of infections
after vaccination, or children in whom existing
complaints worsen. The case of Ragma’s
pneumonia is an example of this. Weakened
natural defences often manifest themselves in
chronic colds, ear infections and bronchial
infections. Generally speaking, the family doctor
and, at a later stage, the paediatrician will prescribe
antibiotics. In such cases, the weakened defences
are already discernible: antibiotics suddenly appear
to be less effective and several courses need to be
given consecutively. Even then, infections often
linger for weeks or even months. Moreover, the
general defence mechanisms can deteriorate further
after this repeated treatment. This weakening of the
defences can possibly be ascribed to a shift from a
defensive system at the cellular level (aided by
white blood corpuscles) to an essentially humoral
defence (brought about by antibodies). Vaccination
strengthens humoral defence and weakens cellular
defence. If this happens while children are but a
few months old and their cellular defences are still
being built up, a serious loss of natural defenses
with consequent sensitivity to infection can be the
Johan E. Sprietsma (3) is of the opinion that
the body’s immune system, by shifting form a
cellular to a more humoral defence mechanism,
becomes a lot less effective and diseases
consequently take on a chronic character.
The WHO (Geneva, April 1977), has
confirmed an enormous increase in the incidence of
infectious diseases (4). This is explained as a result
of the self-sufficiency of rich countries and the
deplorable conditions in poor countries. But are the
conditions in poor countries any more deplorable
now than they always have been? Malaria and
Tuberculosis are becoming increasingly difficult to
combat and are returning to many parts of the
world. Also plague, yellow fever, diphtheria and
cholera are on the increase. The WHO considers
this to be a consequence of mankind’s penetration
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
into previously uninhabited areas and of urban
overpopulation. The collapse of the former Soviet-
bloc countries and the enormous increase in air
traffic (more than 50 million people annually) are
also given as causes. However, living conditions in
many countries cannot be seen to have led to
reduced sensitivity to infection; on the contrary,
infectious disease is on the increase in these areas.
The WHO can also explain this: aging, migration
and tourism, industrial food production. This last
cause must certainly not be underestimated. It has
gradually been established that we in the opulent
West are becoming under-nourished owing to the
structure of our whole food-production chain of
cultivation, reaping, preservation, production and
preparation. The belief that a varied diet ensures
adequate nutrition has long been questioned and has
now been overthrown by the results of scientific
research. But the WHO disregards the fact that the
populations of rich and poor countries alike display
poor defences and have therefore become
increasingly susceptible. A person with good
defences need scarcely worry about infectious
diseases. Medicine attributes the incidence of
infection to external contamination, whereas in
reality the individual’s general defence plays the
leading part. The only cause that really affects the
whole world population is the multiplicity of
vaccines that are administered to the new-born,
often within a few days of birth. [The BCG is given
within 24 hours after birth = KSS] I have for many
years been able to substantiate that it is precisely
these vaccines that cause the drop-off in resistance
to all sorts of infectious disease. I have observed
this both in the Netherlands and in Nepal, where I
worked for several months as a homeopathic
doctor. Newly born Nepalese are given a BCG
injection and so infected with Tuberculosis, before
they are a day old, while as long ago as 1979 the
WHO itself published the results of a very
extensive parallel research project into the
effectiveness of the BCG vaccination in southern
India, in which 260,000 people were involved and
which had a seven and a half year follow-up (5).
The results demonstrated that the BCG was entirely
without protective value.
“The distribution of new cases of bacillary
Tuberculosis among those not infected at intake did
not show any evidence of a protective effect of the
BCG vaccines”.
A year later, in an article: Does BCG
vaccination protect the newborn and young
infants against Tuberculosis? H.G. Tendam and
K.L. Hitze assert that there is little direct evidence
of BCG vaccination against infant Tuberculosis
(6). It is incomprehensible that in Nepal, and also
in many other countries, children are given a BCG
vaccination at birth: it is certainly not in the child’s
interest to be infected with Tuberculosis at such a
tender age, which serves to injure his general
defence mechanism. If exposure to a genuine
Tuberculosis infection does not provide resistance
against later Tuberculosis infections, how can a
weakened form be expected to?
It is high time for serious consideration to be
given to the effects of vaccination on immunity by
those whose interest in, or dependence on,
vaccination is not financial. Hans Rumke, for
example, paediatrician at the RIVM
, Bilthoven, the
Netherlands, who is responsible for the quality and
production of vaccines in the Netherlands and is
also a member of the side-effects committee!
speaks of the present publication about the post-
vaccination syndrome as dangerous rubbish’
because he is seriously concerned about what could
happen if the post-vaccination syndrome were to
receive wider recognition (7). Here, too, we see
this confusion of interests. The time is ripe for an
independent side-effects committee which is in no
way involved with vaccination policy as such. At
present, the side-effects of vaccination are seen as a
threat to a specific vaccination policy and critical
approach, even one based entirely on practical
experience, is laughed out of court as ‘dangerous
rubbish’ without any attempt on the part of those
responsible at serious research. One researcher,
Viera Schneibner, who has conducted a colossal
amount of research into the consequences of
vaccination based exclusively on orthodox medical
research material, makes her conclusion
immediately clear in the title of her book:
Vaccination, 100 years of orthodox research
shows that vaccines represent a medical assault on
the immune system (8). I have arrived at the same
conclusion in my own practice entirely
independently of her investigations.
The following example demonstrates how a
small child’s resistance can be almost
imperceptibly weakened as well as the high level of
competence necessary to recognize and treat this
process as post-vaccination syndrome.
Sabina was nearly two when I saw her halfway
through March 1997. Her disorder began in
November ’96 when she started attending day-
nursery. She was subject to nasal catarrh,
RIVM: Rijks Institute Volksgezondhei &
Milieuhygiene; Government Institute for Public
Health and Environmental Protection responsible
for the development of new vaccines and for the
introduction ad execution of the vaccination
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
coughing, fits, vomiting and diarrhoea. She had
been given three courses of antibiotics (November,
December, January). She contracted Chicken-pox
at the end of November. Before this, her life had
been unproblematical. The pregnancy ran its
course without much trouble and she was born by
Caesarean section. She was breastfed for seven
months. She received her vaccinations at the
normal time. Following the first DKTP/HIB, she
had her first cold and her last vaccination (MMR),
to which she showed no noticeable reaction, was in
July ’96. The problems did not start until three
months later, when she was attending day-nursery
three times a week. Her mother described her as ‘a
real nuisance’, a pusher who quickly got cross
when things went wrong and then started throwing
things. She was eager to learn, happy, boisterous,
she had trouble eating and sleeping. She was a
chatterbox, reacted violently to pain and could not
leave things alone. She loved being cuddled and
liked sucking her dummy. She was pale, ate hot
meals with difficulty but would eat bread without
trouble. She drank a lot, and still more when she
was not well. She needed to eat a lot between
meals. There is a history of Cancer in the family
(PM/MPM/MMM) and diabetes mellitus (MP).
The father’s side tends to obesity. Expressed in
homeopathic terms, this child clearly displayed a
Saccharum-pattern and I therefore prescribed
Saccharum officinale 200K, once every two weeks.
The child’s defences had clearly been
undermined. She is an only child and had had little
contact with other children. That is why the trouble
revealed itself at the day-nursery. Ten days after
the treatment had been started, the mother rang
because the ailments had worsened and Sabina was
running a temperature of 40C. I prescribed
Saccharum officinale 30K in water, a sip an hour,
but the next day she was worse and the mother was
in a panic. We made an appointment for Sabina to
see me and it appeared that she had an infection in
both ears. Her lungs were clear. I concluded that
another layer was blocking the efficacy of the
constitutional remedy (Saccharum officinale), a
layer that was screening her Saccharum layer. The
Saccharum was not able to improve her defences
and their weakened state must have had its origin in
something other than a constitutional cause.
Experience has taught me that vaccines are the
most common source of such problems, and there
had been little else in her short life that could so
clearly have weakened her defences. I therefore
started immediately to combat the MMR
administered three months before the illness started.
I prescribed a sip every hour of MMR 30K and the
next day Sabina was free of fever, had had a good
night’s sleep and was visibly improving. The
neutralization of the MMR was continued with
higher potencies in the following weeks, after
which the DKTP and HIB were counteracted. This
way Sabina was completely cured of her PVS and it
was only then that her mother realized that Sabina
had actually been unsettled before attending
nursery, but that had not come out in the form of
infections. Her enjoyment of life has greatly
increased, she is once again a delightful and
contented child liked by everybody.
Sanne’s case is also interesting. She is
seriously handicapped and is especially prone to
epileptic attacks and Pneumonia. I have been
treating her for seven years and in all that time she
has not once been hospitalized, though it was
sometimes a near thing and a large share of the
credit for this must go to her parents, whose
courage and competence have greatly influenced
her wellbeing. I have only seen her occasionally
during recent years and number of consultations by
telephone together with a good collaboration with
the GP, who has kept an eye on the medical
background, have been sufficient to control the
Pneumonia and prevent aggravation of the epilepsy,
using Opium or Cuprum metallicum. And so she
reached her ninth birthday and at the instigation of
her parents was given a DTP and an MMR, not on
the same day, but still…. At the end of February,
the mother rang me because Pneumonia was
imminent so I prescribed for Sanne the usual
Opium but this time it did not help and even with
increased potencies there was no improvement to
be seen. The new GP wanted to hospitalize her, but
the mother refused: she set up a drip-feed for the
child herself and at her wit’s end, we decided to
give a course of antibiotics even though this had
never really helped her in the past. She showed
some improvement but three days after the ten-day
course she was in the same state again with obvious
Pneumonia. We conferred with the previous GP. I
then prescribed Cuprum metalicum and Cuprum
sulphuricum, without success. And so a further
course of antibiotics followed, again without
success. Nothing seemed to help. Then I
personally made a thorough examination of Sanne
and discovered that she had had an MMR in
October and a DTP half a year before that. I started
immediately with a sip of MMR 30K hourly, and
the next day Sanne had a splendid Opium-pattern
back. She slept all day, could not be woken and
rolled her eyes back up. Sanne was reacting and
could therefore be treated. Then she recuperated
fully within one week, first thanks to Opium,
followed by Cuprum metallicum. The reactivity
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
was restored once the DTP had been further
This shows clearly how a constitutional’
remedy that for seven years had given outstanding
results can fail when the patient has been
inoculated, and how antibiotics then also fail to
help. It is necessary to restore the immune system
by counteracting the PVS, so that both
homeopathic remedies and possibly antibiotics can
function effectively. The following case is also a
clear example of such diminished general defences:
Patrick was nine months old when I first saw him.
He constantly had a cold with green mucus. His
breathing had been erratic since birth, but was now
heavy and accompanied by phlegm. His mother
stopped breast-feeding him after four and a half
months. At this time he also developed Eczema in
the elbows and behind the knees, which was treated
with cortisone ointment. He had been inoculated
according to the normal scheme (i.e. at 3,4 and 5
months). Eight to ten days after the first
DKTP/HIB, he contracted bronchitis with coughing
fits, for which he was given antibiotics by the
family doctor. Since then his breathing had been
attended by expectoration. He caught a heavy cold
following the second DKTP/HIB. Only the third
vaccination was given in stages, first the DKTP and
fourteen days later the HIB, which resulted in fewer
reactions. In the spring, his right eye became
inflamed and produced green pus and at the time I
saw him he had an infection of the left inner ear.
He had in total three courses of penicillin and
reacted each time with a rash. At the time he was
taking two puffs of Becotide
three times a day. He
was perspiring heavily. I started treatment with a
series of HIB, followed a week later by a series of
DKTP and again two weeks later by a series of
DKTP/HIB. When I next saw him five weeks later
there had been no clear improvement; of the last
series he had only taken the 30K and had just had
an ear infection with a fever of 40.6°, which the
family doctor treated with penicillin. It still seemed
that the injections were the only explanation for his
complaints. Apparently one disorder was masking
another. Homeopathy recognizes that multiple
disorders must always be treated in the correct
sequence, that is to say in the reverse order to that
in which they appeared. It appeared that the
antibiotics had caused their own problems, which
prevented him from benefiting from the given
therapy. I therefore started treatment with a series
of Penicillinum 30K, 200K, MK and XMK; after
Becotide: A powder of Beclamethasone for
the MK he reacted with amber phlegm and a dry
cough. Then the XMK was administered and the
amber phlegm disappeared entirely. Two weeks
later he had the series DKTP/ HIB, after which his
improvement continued. One month later he was
fully recovered: his colds have disappeared and he
no longer expectorates.
Misconduct, changes in mood
It is to be expected that a child with a cold has
some irritation or whose hearing has become
impaired will be abnormally peevish, difficult or
tearful. We still see a number of children who
display behavioural disorders after vaccination,
which cannot be characterised as restlessness or
‘the fidgets’. Up to the present, nobody has paid
any serious attention to disturbances of this kind
and nobody, apart from a handful of ‘initiates
suspects that vaccination can completely interfere
with the character of children, let alone adults.
Parents regularly say to me after vaccines have
been neutralized:
“It is unbelievable, but my son/daughter is just
as he/she used to be, he/she now enjoys life as
much as before the inoculations. My child has
stopped complaining and it is now a pleasure to
spend time with him/her, where it had become a
heavy chore”.
It is significant that in most cases the parents
had not complained particularly about the child’s
behaviour; they had come because of a physical
complaint. People do not generally complain to the
doctor about their children’s behavior; in those
serious cases where they do the cause of the
problem has never been associated with
vaccination. This is seen in the case of Jurgen,
cited above.
Implied obstacles to the acceptance of the post-
vaccination syndrome
To accept that a connection between
vaccination and its consequences can only be
verified if the malady becomes apparent within
three days is to disavow the reality of the PVS.
This period of three times 24 hours would only
allow for the possibility of an acute PVS so that the
most pronounced and at the same time most
important manifestation of the PVS, the chronic
cases, would necessarily be excluded from
consideration. This acceptance shuts out what
should in reality be the fundamental subject-matter
of the study. The available statistics about the side-
effects of vaccination (9, 10, 11, 12, 13) then
become completely meaningless, especially when
(as is the case in the Netherlands) those responsible
for the implementation of the vaccination policy are
included in the side-effects committee and
disorders have to be explained by word of mouth.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
A large part of the damage goes almost unnoticed
and can only be established at a later date when the
symptoms only appear weeks or even months after
This situation is well exemplified in the case of
Sabina. The damage only became evident when,
three months later, a demand was made on her
immune system at the day-nursery. Only then did it
emerge that her natural defences had been
weakened by the MMR vaccination, which up to
then had given no discernible problems. But it is
typically instances of this sort that are seized by
opponents to the recognition of the PVS to suggest
that the culprit is the contact with other children
rather than the vaccine. No consideration is given
to the fact that good defences were originally
present or that a child needs to be able to rely on
these defences in order not to become ill as a matter
of course at each infectious contact, once he starts
attending a creche, day-nursery, school or some
other social meeting-place where bacteria and other
germs can be passed on. Administration of
potentised vaccines has shown that in the majority
of cases such weakened defences can be restored,
so such social contacts are merely the provocation,
not the cause, of the malady. We must ask
ourselves – and accurate independent research is
needed to answer the question satisfactorily if we
are not actively destroying an indispensable
mechanism that is of vital importance to our
survival in a world where germs are part and parcel
of the environment. For a long time we have
effectively attempted to counteract atrophied
general defences by antibiotics, but it seems that a
satisfactory natural immune system is becoming
increasingly important. However good medical
remedies may seem at first, they always exhibit
It is therefore essential to see what happens,
not in the first three days following vaccination, but
after. The use of potentised vaccines can play an
essential part here. This method provides excellent
opportunities for confirming or rejecting a
diagnosis. This is invaluable and can help achieve
a clear insight into the real extent of the problem.
The following case demonstrates how lightly
and irresponsibly acute cases can at present be
regarded. Anita received her third combined
DKTP/HIB vaccination at five months. The same
evening, her temperature had risen to 40C, she
cried incessantly and appeared to have stomach
cramps. Her mother was concerned and consulted
the doctor next day, who examined the child and
advised waiting to see what happened. He did not
actually exclude the possibility of an acute post-
vaccination syndrome, but was not able to treat this.
Anita did not improve and a second visit to the
doctor produced neither new opinions nor
treatment. When the mother on the third day
approached the clinic where her daughter had been
inoculated for advice about these post-vaccination
disorders, a nurse told her that the vaccinations
could not be the cause as any effects would wear
out within 24 hours. Then the mother rang me,
where-upon I immediately prescribed a solution of
DKTP/HIB 30K, after which Anita fully recovered
in 12 hours. When I later contacted the doctor
responsible at the health-care centre to complain
about the advice given, I was treated to a
meaningless albeit diplomatic answer “Most
complications do not last longer than 24 hours”.
And once again reality is denied and attributed to
The next step in relation to the above should be
to initiate a thorough large-scale parallel research
project in which one group of children is given a
preventive 200C dose of vaccine two days before
vaccination, as described above, and another group
a placebo. Immediately following vaccination the
same procedure (200C or placebo) would be
repeated. A carefully tabulated record of the
child’s state of health before the commencement of
vaccination and its reaction to the inoculation
should be kept: Fever, crying, sleeplessness,
Convulsions, Epilepsy, growth-pattern
disturbances, behavioural disturbances, infections
such as inflamed ears, Bronchitis, Bronchial
asthma, Eczema, along with motor development
and mental development. The project should cover
the age group from three months to eighteen
months. This way the differences in reaction
between children treated and those not treated with
a homeopathic dilution of the vaccine can be
charted. This work would gain an extra dimension
as a similar comparison between vaccinated and
unvaccinated children has never been made
anywhere in the world despite the massive scale on
which vaccination is carried out. No other
medication would be allowed on the market under
these conditions.
Besides the preventive measures using
potentised vaccine in the 200c dilution as described
above, other means of prevention can lessen the
Parallel research: A research project in which one
group (the experimental group) is given the
medicine to be tested while the other group (the
control group) is merely given a placebo and during
which neither the experimental subject nor the
researcher knows who is given what.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
risks from vaccination. In the first place this means
being alert to signals from the child following
vaccination. All too frequently it is assumed that
all will be well and a following vaccine is
administered unadvisedly.
In the Tijdschrift voor Jaugdgeondhoidszorg
for 1994 (14) is an interesting illustration.
“The commission considered the case of a girl
who is now two years old whose mental and
physical development was very seriously retarded.
She had undergone a normal development since her
full-term birth at normal weight. She became
seriously ill following the second DKTP, with a
temperature of 41C and symptoms that clearly
suggested Whooping cough: six weeks later it was
obvious that her mental development was retarded.
Following the first DKTP she had also been ill with
a temperature of 40C, coughing bouts with
tightness in the chest and vomiting, but less
seriously than after the second inoculation.
“The committee recognizes that whereas a
causal connection with both inoculations cannot be
ruled out, this must be considered unlikely owing to
the particularity of the course of the illness and
against the background of the corpus of scientific
literature relating to such a connexion.”
The commission’s opinion is in fact not very
interesting here, although it does underline how
such problems are generally tackled. What is much
more relevant is the question as to the grounds on
which it was considered that the responsible person
or organization should go ahead with the second
DKTP. At the very least it should have been
decided to leave out the Whooping cough
vaccination because of the coughing and oppression
and 40C, temperature following the first DKTP.
It would be unjust to conclude from the above
that the various organizations responsible do not
seriously consider reports of ailments. The
problem is double-edged. First, most cases of PVS
do not reach the commission because doctors and
paediatricians are not trained to recognize a post-
vaccination syndrome, so the parents are told that
the vaccination has nothing to do with the ailment.
Secondly, the commission does not possess the
means of establishing a definite relationship to the
vaccine when a post-vaccination syndrome is
reported, which leads to parents being fobbed off
with unsatisfactory conclusions characterised by
such phrases as “It is unlikely that….” It is after all
only possible from a scientific viewpoint to confirm
something on the basis of a definitely established
relationship, which up to the present has not been
possible. However, the method described here
provides an excellent possibility for doing that,
which can mean the end of the annoying
uncertainty while at the same time offering some
prospect of recovery for the patient.
Dr. Jean Elminger declares in his book La
medicine retrouvée (1) that:
1. Vaccination is carried out too early;
2. too many vaccines are administered together;
3. vaccination is carried out too frequently; and
4. vaccines cultivated on animal proteins are used,
also contain chemical additives that can excite
It is clear that some sort of preventive action
can be undertaken against these situations:
Point 1
Vaccination is carried out too early in the sense
that the new-born baby is building up his own
cellular (general) defence and will pay for a shift
towards humoral defence with a weakening of its
immune system as a whole. It is interesting to note
in this context that cot deaths have practically been
eradicated in Japan, where the Whooping cough
vaccine is not given before two years of age.
Point 2
Marieke is a good example of too many
vaccines being administered together. Her fourth
DKTP and HIB were postponed and at 15 months
she had to receive another DKTP, HIB and MMR.
She was given these at the same time, a total of
eight vaccines. Her mother’s anxious question
whether that was all right was answered in the
affirmative: the child was strong enough.
Nevertheless she reacted to the first three DKTP’s
and HIB’s with a temperature above 30C and by
shrieking inconsolably (especially the first time).
The ninth day after this massive inoculation, she
had a seizure with rattling respiration accompanied
by slimy expectoration and her right side became
completely rigid. Her temperature rose to 41.2C.
She was admitted to hospital where she was given a
lumbar puncture and further blood tests, but no
infection was diagnosed. After two days she
appeared completely recovered, but at eight o’clock
on the third morning she had a serious epileptic
attack which lasted until the evening. Marieke was
no longer Marieke. Her speech was reduced to
hmm, hmm.. She constantly rocked backwards and
forwards and up and down. There was no longer
any eye contact; it was ‘as if she’s looking straight
through you’. All warmth, joy and feeling of
happiness and sorrow had disappeared. She had
become an invalid baby that needed help feeding,
could not crawl, walk or talk. Her growth
practically ceased.
Marieke appeared to have lost her sense of
balance; she waved her arms when walking and by
now had had two months of physio-therapy and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
speech therapy. She only said ‘mummy’ and
‘daddy’. But there was no repeat of the epileptic
attacks and the medication was reduced after three
months. Now two and a half, her condition had
never been diagnosed as a post-vaccination
syndrome. Her paediatrician repeatedly enquired if
her mother still believed it came from the
vaccinations, and the mother replied that she was
99% certain it did. Actual proof of a casual
connection would also in this case have to come
from the potentised vaccine, however. We started
the treatment carefully with just a MMR in
homeopathic dilution with a week between each
administration. It was not certain that Marieke
would still be able to recover fully. This misery
could probably have been avoided if such vaccine-
cocktails had been a thing of the past.
Treatment was started on April 22
and I saw
her again on 14
August, nearly four months later.
She had been given each potency of the MMR
twice because her condition worsened each time.
The last dose (XMK) was given three weeks
Marieke had changed enormously. She
immediately got a runny nose and went through a
highly emotional period during which she cried
about literally everything and held on to her
mother, just like when she was in hospital. But by
now she feels safe again with her father and mother
and she can safely be left with people she knows.
Her mother describes her as radiant; she is freer,
approaches people, is decided in what she wants.
Her coordination has improved beyond measure.
Her bearing is no longer that of a baby, her
muscular control and balance have improved by
leaps and bounds. She can walk normally again
without waving her arms. Her pupils are no longer
dilated and function normally and her
oversensitivity to light is much reduced. Her
digestion has improved; there is no undigested food
in her faeces, which smell more normal. Her
speech has improved; she uses some new words but
in this is still backward for her age. Generally
speaking she is about half a year behind her actual
age which means she has caught up about one-and-
a-half year in four months. A consultation with the
welfare-centre doctor who gave her all the vaccines
together has not proved very satisfactory. She
maintains that she acted correctly and says that she
would do the same in similar cases in the future.
I decide to eliminate the disturbances from the
other vaccines (DKTP and HIB) after one treatment
as Marieke is far healthier. If necessary the whole
procedure can be repeated. It looks as if Marieke,
too, can recover completely from her post-
vaccination syndrome. This treatment has at the
same time definitively shown the cause of the
bodily and mental retardation to be post-
vaccination syndrome.
Economic considerations have dictated for
several years now that an increasing number of
vaccinations be given at the same time, e.g. MMR-
D(K)TP or DKTP-HIB. Six or seven different
vaccines at one time brings added risks; after all,
one would not naturally contract six or seven
diseases at the same time. The original notion was
to give the HIB separately from the DKTP as a
combination of the two would overburden the child.
In practice this created organisational difficulties so
it was decided to give DKTP and HIB together.
Three month old babies are therefore given fifteen
vaccinations in two months. The child’s defence
mechanism at this age is undeveloped and
vulnerable. The defences passed from mother to
child are slowly breaking down and the child has to
develop its own defences. It is therefore not
surprising that the child experiences difficulty in
coping with the heavy stimulation of its specific
defensive mechanism caused by the combined
disease germs, foreign proteins, chemical pollutants
and additives all being pumped into its body within
a short period. Consequently all sorts of chronic
complaints stemming from weakened general
defences occur at this time. This way the child is
forced to concentrate on the specific defence
against the administered diseases and is not given
the chance to develop its own more general defence
mechanism. The general defences can even be
seriously broken down, as is shown in the cases
The necessity for vaccinating so young and so
frequently in a period of vulnerability has never
been demonstrated. Generally speaking, two
D(K)TP vaccinations and one booster six months
later should be sufficient for the first four years of
Point 3
The case of Saskia shows that owing to an
unnecessary repeat of the Whooping cough vaccine
Saskia has adverse reactions after each vaccination.
At three months she was given her fist
DKTP/HIB and fourteen days later she contracted
Whooping cough from an infected child. The
paediatrician diagnosed Whooping cough which
lasted nearly five months. But even after that she
was constantly unwell: Colds, Flu, Diarrhoea and
any other illness she came into contact with.
Nevertheless, at eight months she was given a
DKTP/HIB despite the parents’ direct query about
the necessity. She developed a high temperature
and was very ill for two days.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
A month later the third DKTP followed, after
which she was ill for a week with a high
temperature. Only then was it decided to drop the
superfluous Whooping cough vaccine at the next
inoculation. She hardly showed any reaction to the
DTP/HIB vaccination, but her further development
had clearly been disturbed. At nearly two, Saskia
still did not talk and would only take minced food.
Her back and neck were strained and she crawled
with her body to one side. She hardly walked and
constantly supported herself on whatever was to
hand. Now, three months after starting on the
recovery programme with DKTP/HIB 30K, 200K,
MK and XMK and with Pertussin (Whooping
cough) 30K, 200K, MK (she did not have the
XMK), Saskia is a different child. The
improvement started slowly, but it became
increasingly obvious that she was recovering. The
results can now be called spectacular. She has
completely made up lost time. She can now walk
normally and even run, jog, climb stairs and walk
backwards. She crawls symmetrically. Her speech
is satisfactory and her articulation has much
improved. She is energetic, less dependent on her
mother and no longer panics if she cannot see her.
She needs less sleep and no longer takes
medication. A cold with green phlegm cleared up
for the first time without going on to her lungs and
without any wheezing. She is content and is a joy
every day, reports the mother. Saskia is practically
cured of the detrimental effects of the DKTP/HIB
and the Whooping cough.
Point 4
The preparation of safer vaccines without
animal proteins or chemical additives is no easy
matter. One possibility would be the fully synthetic
preparation of vaccines. The first fully synthetic
vaccine (against Malaria), originating in Bolivia, is
already being used on a small scale.
Summing up, I should like to make the
recommendations concerning vaccination policy:
1. To implement vaccination later. Hold back
vaccination until the child has built up its cellular
defences (general defences) sufficiently.
There are enough variations worldwide in the
age at which children receive their first vaccination
for a preliminary balance-sheet of the advantages
and disadvantages to be made up. A useful
example is the Whooping cough vaccination in
Japan, which is not given before two years. A
comparative study could be made by, for example,
not vaccinating children from a particular region
before ten months and following their progress
compared with a control group of children
vaccinated from their third month.
2. To administer vaccines separately where
possible. In the first place the HIB can be given by
itself again, as in the USA. Moreover the DKTP or
DTP should never be combines with the MMR, as
now happens with nine-year-olds. Vulnerable
children who displayed strong reactions to an
earlier vaccination should as a matter of course be
given a DTP instead of a DKTP. Research shows
that DKTP gives more cause for complaint than
3. Increase the intervals between vaccines: two
months instead of one month. This is less
troublesome to the child and is more efficacious.
4. Reducing the total number of vaccinations to
three from four for the D(K)TP and HIB, the first
two with an interval of two months and the third
after six months, as is already the case for children
of foreign origin.
5. Keeping a careful record of the child’s
reactions to the previous vaccine before further
vaccinating the child. A more stringent and
cautious policy than the present one towards
complications needs implementing.
6. No further vaccinations before complete
recovery from post-vaccination symptoms.
Children with a suspected post-vaccination
syndrome require treatment and cure with the
potentised vaccine. Following this, full or partial
vaccination should be abandoned and preventive
measures with the vaccine at 200K need to be
7. Systematic protection with potentised vaccine
at every vaccination if the comparative study yields
positive results.
8. Specific instruction concerning PVS to doctors,
nurses and parents.
Armed with potentised vaccines, we have an
efficient weapon in the fight against post
vaccination syndromes. It is a proviso that doctors
recognize these conditions for what they are. We
are confronted by an ailment that has almost never
been diagnosed up to the present. Nevertheless, a
correct diagnosis can lead to a simple treatment.
For this reason it is important for the parents to be
able to report to the doctor or at the welfare centre
on the reactions of their child. Their diligence can
mean the finding of an effective treatment.
The treatment of PVS with potentised vaccine
confirms or disproves the diagnosis. If a doctor
believes he has a case of PVS, he can check his
diagnosis with the potentised vaccine. If his
diagnosis is correct, the complaint will disappear or
improve with this therapy. Where no improvement
is observed it will be necessary to check that there
is no more recent cause for the complaint or its
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
aggravation. The most recent disturbance must
always be treated first. If, for instance, the
complaint started after the fourth DKTP but the
child has had MMR in the meantime, it can be
advisable, even necessary, to eliminate the MMR
disturbance before the DKTP. If this does not
effect a cure, a different diagnosis must be sought.
1. Dr.Jean ELMINGER: La medicine retrouvée
ou les ambitions nouvelle de l’homeopathie.
2. CHERRY et. al. Report of a task force on
Pertussis + Pertussis immunization. Pediatrics
(supp), 1988.
3. Dr.Johan E.SPRIETSMA. Ortho nummer 1,
Februari, 1995, p.30.
4. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation.
57(5): 819-827, 1979.
5. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 57
(5): 819-827, 1879.
vaccination protect the newborn and young infants?
Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 58 (1):
37-41, 1980.
et al. Agglutinin response to pertussis vaccine. J.
PEDIATR., 1971; 79: 197-202.
years of Orthodox research shows that vaccines
represent a medical assault on the immune system.
178 Gavottes Leap Rd., Blackheath, NSW 2785,
Australia; viera schneibner (Fax 047-87 8988).
9. Kathleen R. STRATTON, Cynthia J.HOWE,
Richard B.JHONSTON, editors, Vaccine safety
committee, Division of Health Promotion and
Disease Prevention, Institute of Medicine. Adverse
events associated with childhood vaccines;
evidence bearing on causality. National Academy
Press, March 1994, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington D.C. 20418 USA or 36 Lonsdale Rd.,
Summertown, Oxford, UK OX2 7EW.
al. Nature and rates of adverse reactions
associated with DTP and DT immunizations in
infants and children. Pediatrics 1981; 68: 650-660.
Primal Health Centre, London. Pertussis
vaccination and asthma: is there a link? JAMA,
1994; 272/8:592-3.
12. American Institute of Medicine, Division of
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, C.P.
Editors, Committee to Review the adverse
consequences of Pertussis and Rubella vaccines.,
National Academy Press, 36 Lonsdale Rd.,
Summertown, Oxford, UK OX2 7EW.
13. PETER FOKKENS. Gevonden en gewraakt:
het postvaccinaal syndroom. Care 40, Febr/Mrt
14. Tijdschrift voor Jeugdgezongdheidzorg.
Jaargang 26, juni 1994, nr.3, p.41.
[When Lancet published in its Editorial about the
adverse effects including Autism from the MMR
vaccination, “as many as 30 Fellows of the Royal
Society, which included two Nobel Laureates,”
charged the Lancet with “desperate head-line
seeking”, “sensationalism”, “scare mongering”, etc.
Scientists claimed that the incidence of Measles
went up as panicked families refused to give MMR
vaccine to their children. Similarly about Hormone
Replacement Therapy (HRT) about which Lancet
said that it made risks of breast Cancer almost
double. The Scientists” called it “inflammatory”.
News from The Hindu News Paper of June 24,
2005. The experience of Tinus SMITS is
confirmed in the experience of many of us. We
have our experience of not vaccinating our children
for any ‘feared’ disease – because of our confidence
of treating successfully cases of Measles, Mumps
and even Rubella, etc. None of the children be it a
handful because the majority of the population
are frightened by the exaggerated dinning by the
media supported by the ‘scientists’ of fatal results if
the children are not vaccinated. Over the years we
have seen cases of Autism increasing, be it ever so
subtle. Whatever may be the view of the
‘scientists’ who refuse to accept the evidence
available, we are convinced that vaccinations are
not a blessing = KSS].
3. Acute Intercurrent or Intermediate Remedies in
Chronic Diseases
SCHEPPER, Luc De (AJHM. 97, 2/2004)
(A61): Organon Aphorism by HAHNEMANN
Reference. This symbol represents the paragraph
from HAHNEMANN’s Organon, specifically the
Aphorism number from where the reference
CD: Chronic Diseases by HAHNEMANN
Reference. This symbol represents the thought
taken form HAHNEMANN’s Chronic Diseases
Using Acute Intercurrent Remedies.
Many homeopaths seem to lack an understanding
of how to use an acute intercurrent remedy. Often
acute remedies have been called everything from
drainage remedies and tandem remedies to support
and lesional remedies. Some homeopathic
teachers, who claim to be constitutional prescribers
(homeopaths who say they do chronic layer”
prescribing), totally forbid the use of acute
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
intercurrent remedies and misinform others by
saying that the use of acute remedies during the
administration of a chronic remedy is suppressive.
These individuals always try to find one remedy
that goes throughout the chronic case history, no
matter what the patient’s present acute disease state
may be. They use this “constitutional” remedy for
everything, no matter what disease state arises!
This limited view is too extreme for the general
practitioner of homeopathic healing.
Why does this approach very rarely work?
We only have to refer to Aphorisms 36-40 of the
Organon on similar and dissimilar diseases. In
Aphorism 38, HAHNEMANN tells us that the
stronger and dissimilar acute disease will postpone
or suspend the older chronic and weaker disease.
Thus, administering the constitutional/chronic
remedy during emergencies such as dangerous
pathological crises, severe traumas, overexposure,
serious injuries, and virulent acute Miasms, is a
serious mistake as it runs the risk of disrupting the
natural symptom pattern and causing unproductive
aggravations as well as accessory symptoms of
the chronic remedy!
During an acute crisis the remedy of choice is
the acute intercurrent. This acute illness shows a
different clinical picture from the chronic natural
disease. How could a dissimilar remedy correct
this situation? That would fly in the face of our
most sacred principle: Like cures like. A
homeopath must have the tools to prevent and cure
dangerous epidemic diseases, treat emergencies,
crises, and acute virulent Miasms. The acute
remedy must be chosen according to the causal or
exciting factor and its active symptoms (von
BENNINGHAUSEN [VB] method), not according
to the chronic case history. The desired middle
path is the class of homeopaths who find a balance
between those who treat in layers and those who
use the grand constitutional remedy for everything.
No doubt, the closer the remedy is to the
simillimum the deeper and more all-encompassing
its action will be on the Vital Force (VF). This is a
very subtle aspect of the single remedy and
minimal dose and is a wonder to perceive. The
goal is always to use the minimum number of
remedies, the smallest amount of medicine, and the
fewest repetitions. Since the simillimum addresses
the soil on which acute and chronic diseases grow,
it can sometimes cure both acute and chronic
manifestations as well as act as a prophylactic.
Especially with the use of HAHNEMANN’s
medicinal solutions (5
and 6
Edition of the
Organon), we often find that the adjustment of the
succussions or size of the dose will keep the
remedy working.
The skillful use of intercurrents is an essential
method in Classical Homeopathy, an aspect of
complete case management. Acute intercurrent
remedies are used during temporary disruptions of
the chronic treatment. For example, “taking cold
in the stomach by eating fruit, [cured] by smelling
of Arsenicum (Hahnemann, 1997, p.131). These
remedies are chosen because of the exciting cause
and the active acute symptoms so that they do not
disrupt the deeper layer associated with a different
fundamental cause and with the constitution. These
intercurrents mainly act superficially; thus they will
not interfere with the complementary constitutional
treatment. They are specialized specifics, which
deal with the disruption of the chronic treatment by
occasional exciting causes that would delay the
The practitioner might be temporarily
successful with his “chronic remedy for all
situations” (especially a practitioner who runs a
sheltered psychosomatic clinic), but this method
will not work when strong acute emotional and
physical factors surface. Emotional shock (fright,
grief which causes the menses to cease, etc.), Head
trauma, Sun stroke, Food poisoning, Worm and
Parasite infestations, Meningitis, Cholera, Typhoid
these are just a few examples that require acute
intercurrent remedies.
Because of the continued suppression of
miasmatic chronic diseases in modern countries, we
must know when to use acute intercurrents. If one
reads the old masters (see von
BENNINGHAUSEN’s Lesser Writings), one will
see that they dealt with horrendous acute situations,
which are still present today. Nothing has really
changed except that we have some new acute
diseases: SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome), West Nile virus, the Four Corner’s
disease (hantavirus), etc.
The reason some homeopaths speak about
disrupting their chronic cases with acute remedies
is that they do not know the strategy behind using
acute intercurrents. As mentioned above, if one
uses the exciting cause and active symptoms of the
acute syndrome as a basis for selecting a remedy
(VB method), then the intercurrent will not disturb
the chronic condition. But if, during an acute
attack, the homeopath continues to administer a
deeper-acting chronic remedy which envelopes the
previous deeper and often different fundamental
causes, this may disrupt the natural symptom
layers. Simply put, one-dimensional constitutional
prescribers are wary of treating acute diseases
because they do not know how to do it.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
HAHNEMANN and Acute Intercurrents
What does HAHNEMANN have to say about
acute intercurrents? He introduced the idea in 1828
by presenting the following examples in Chronic
Diseases: (CD)
“Among the mishaps which disturb the
treatment only in temporary way, I enumerate:
overloading the stomach (this may be remedied by
hunger …; disorder of the stomach from fat meat,
especially from eating pork (to be cured by fasting
and Pulsatilla); a disorder of the stomach which
causes rising from the stomach after eating and
especially nausea and inclination to vomit (by
highly potentized Antimonium crudum); taking
cold in the stomach by eating fruit (by smelling of
Arsenicum); troubles from spirituous liquors (Nux
vomica); when vexation is joined with fright, by
Aconite; but if sadness is caused by fright give
Ignatia seed; ….. unhappy love with jealousy
(Hyoscyamus); …. Burning of the skin by
Arsenicum; homesickness with redness of
cheeks by Capsicum, etc.” (1997, pp. 131-132).
After talking about this first class of acute
illnesses, HAHNEMANN tells us not to continue
the chronic antipsoric treatment in cases of
epidemic diseases or intermediary diseases, so as
not to mix the symptoms of the acute crisis with
those of the chronic disease. If one needs to
administer a first aid, crisis or genus epidemicus
remedy, the constitutional chronic remedy should
be withheld until after the crisis subsides.
(CD) “But during the treatment of chronic
diseases by antipsoric remedies we often need the
other non-antipsoric store of medicines in cases
where epidemic diseases or intermediate diseases
(morbi intercurrentes) arising usually from
meteoric and telluric causes attack our chronic
patients, and so not only temporarily disturb the
treatment, but even interrupt it for a longer time.
Here the other homeopathic remedies will have to
be used, wherefore I shall not enter upon this here,
except to say that the antipsoric treatment will have
for the time to be totally discontinued, so long as
the treatment of the epidemic disease which has
also seized our (chronic) patient may last, even if a
few weeks in the worst cases may thus be lost. But
here also, if the disease is not too severe, the above
mentioned method of applying the medicine by
smelling a moistened pellet (olfactory method) is
often sufficient to help, and the cure of the acute
disease may thus be extraordinarily shortened.”
(1997, p.132) (Author’s emphasis and words
The same idea – not taking into account the
active miasmatic state in acute events is reflected
in the Organon,
(A221) “If, however, insanity or mania
(precipitated by fright, vexation, alcohol, etc.)
suddenly bursts forth as an acute disease from the
patient’s usually calm condition, although it almost
always arises from internal Psora (like a flame
flaring up from it), at this initial, acute stage it
should immediately be treated, not with antipsoric
remedies, but with medicines such as Aconite,
Belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Mercury,
etc., chosen from the other group of proved
remedies and given in highly potentized subtle
homeopathic doses, so as to overcome it to the
point where the Psora returns for the time being to
its former, almost latent condition, in which the
patient appears to be well.”
In such acute flare-ups, HAHNEMANN tells
us to use those very specific acute remedies without
taking into account the dominant miasmatic state as
we would for chronic cases. This is one of the few
exceptions together with the one-sided diseases,
which can be regarded as severe acute situations
suspending the chronic miasmatic natural illness
in which we use the VB method. With this method
you select the remedy according to modalities,
location, sensation and concomitant symptoms.
The Vital Force needs an intercurrent remedy in
high potency and subtle or minute dose to subdue a
threatening acute flare-up.
In Chronic Diseases, HAHNEMANN makes
an interesting point about Malaria, which presently
kills about three million people per year worldwide
and is a tubercular miasmatic expression.
(CD) China is only appropriate to the
endemic intermittent fever in marshy regions ...
Even at the beginning of the treatment of an
epidemic intermittent fever, the homeopathic
physician is most safe in giving every time an
attenuated dose of Sulphur or, in appropriate cases,
Hepar sulphuris in a fine little pellet or by means of
smelling and in waiting its effects for a few days,
until the improvement resulting from it ceases, then
only he will give, in one or two attenuated doses,
the non-antipsoric remedy which has been found
homeopathically appropriate to the epidemy of this
year. These doses should however only be given at
the end of the attack. With all patients in
intermittent fever, Psora is essentially involved
in every epidemy, therefore an attenuated dose of
Sulphur or Hepar sulphuris is necessary at the
beginning of every treatment of epidemic
intermittent fever, and makes the restoration of the
patient more sure and easy.” (1997, p. 133,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
KENT and Acute Intercurrents
KENT continued this discussion in his
Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy in Lecture
XXVI titled,The Examination of the Patient.”
“It is important to avoid getting confused by
two disease images that may exist in the body at the
same time (that does not mean both are equally
active). A chronic patient, for instance, may be
suffering from an acute disease and the physician
on being called may think that it is necessary to
take the totality of the symptoms; but if he should
do that in an acute disease, mixing both chronic and
acute symptoms together, he will become confused
and will not find the right remedy. The two things
must be separated. The group of symptoms that
constitutes the image and appearance of the acute
Miasm must now be prescribed for. The chronic
symptoms will not, of course, be present when the
acute Miasm is running, because the latter
suppresses or suspends the chronic symptoms….
This illustrates the doctrine of not prescribing for
an acute and chronic trouble together… The acute
disease is never complicated with the chronic; the
acute suppresses the chronic and they never become
complex…. Prescribe first for the acute attack, and
the symptoms that belong to it. It is well, however,
for the physician to know all the symptoms that the
patient has of a chronic character, that he may know
what to expect, that he may look at the close of the
acute attack for the coming out of the old
manifestations of psora, although often an entirely
new group of symptoms will appear. (KENT,
1979, pp. 174-176) (Author’s note added.)
As you can see, here KENT follows
HAHNEMANN and lays to rest those “modern
myths” of not treating acutes while you are treating
a chronic disorder. He speaks here of true virulent
acute Miasms, not sporadic befallments or non-
threatening exacerbations of chronic Miasms. After
the acute crisis is over, the homeopath can resume
the chronic treatment.
Von BENNINGHAUSEN was another
homeopath who talked about acute intercurrents in
the first published homeopathic Repertory (1832),
A Systematic Alphabetical Repertory of
Homeopathic Remedies. Within a sub-chapter
titled “Interruption of the Antipsoric Cure” is the
section, “Intercurrent Remedies in Chronic
Disease”. This section includes a list of acute
intercurrents and their symptoms in crisis during
chronic treatments. These therapeutic hints are
characteristic keynotes of the acute intercurrent
remedies and the homeopath must refer to the
Materia Medica for confirmation and differential
diagnosis with other remedies. Some examples
Stomach, overloading of (main rubric) with
Deranged with gastric fever, chills and
coldness with eructations, Bry.
And inclination to it, Ant. crud.
By fatty foods, Puls.
Chilled as from fruit, Ars.”
Among the remedies listed by the Baron are
non-miasmatic remedies like Aconite, Antimonium
crudum, Arnica, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Coffea,
Ignatia, Ipecacuanha, Rhus toxicodendron, etc.
These are used for acute emotional crises,
accidents, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness from loss
of fluids, and acute Miasms such as colds and flus.
Why would a deep-acting remedy such as
Arsenicum be found among these acute
intercurrents? It is in the acute list of
use in an upset stomach in other words an acute
local complaint. If Arsenicum had a deeper
relationship to the individual’s case history
(anxiety, fear of death, fear of contamination,
obsessive compulsive behavior, etc.), it should not
be used during a serious acute crisis as it might
interrupt the chronic treatment and delay the cure.
Another more superficial simillimum must be
chosen at that point. Most intercurrents are non-
miasmatic remedies that have no relationship to the
deeper aspects of the case. They are chosen
according to the location, sensation, modalities, and
concomitants (a complete von
BENNINGHAUSEN case). These acute
intercurrents act as superficial remedies that suit the
acute layer of symptoms one wishes to remove, but
are not directed toward the underlying Miasm or
constitution. This also means that we should
choose these intercurrents only for serious acute
events, only if the crisis needs special attention, and
not for every trifling situation as often happens. A
homeopath should treat strong acute Miasms,
painful exacerbations of chronic states, and
dangerous crises whenever necessary, because it is
preferable to administering allopathic dissimilar
As an example, let me describe choosing the
right intercurrent for myself when I was plagued by
an annoying, lingering cough and while I was
taking a chronic constitutional remedy. After
waiting for fourteen days and finding that the cough
was getting worse, I decided to take an intercurrent.
The rubrics included:
Cough, dry
Cough, with convulsions
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Cough, constriction in larynx
Cough, irritation in larynx
Larynx/trachea, irritation in throat-pit
Chest, sensation as a band
Chest, constriction
Larynx, tickling, in throat-pit
Irritability, wants to be left alone
Very thirsty, usually thirstless except with
Far stronger than the rest of the remedies
which appeared were Phosphorus (first), and
Cuprum (second). Because Phosphorus is a deep-
working anti-miasmatic remedy, which would have
interrupted my chronic treatment, I decided on
Bryonia 200, (the acute of Phosphorus), split dose
in bottle, 12 succussions, 1 tsp. PRN. After one
dose my cough was already much better, and it
disappeared completely the next day. Later,
chronic treatment was resumed.
This leads me to the following question:
What changes are important in acute
All the symptoms that have changed since the
onset of the cough belong to the cough. For
example: being very thirsty now that the cough
started where usually I am not thirsty. This
becomes very important. It would not be important
if I were always thirsty, even before the onset of
this cough.
Another very important facet of change in
acute diseases is the change in disposition and
mental/emotional symptoms: the disposition during
the acute disease as compared to the usual
disposition will be a key factor. This absolutely
must be investigated and plays an important role in
finding the remedy. The more drastic this change
is, the more important it is. The “feeling of
wanting to be left alone” is very unusual for me,
and Bryonia, the indicated remedy, has certainly
this symptom as well as the great thirst mentioned
in this case. This resembles of course the VB
method, where von BENNINGHAUSEN takes
only into account the mental/emotional symptoms
as a tool to differentiate between several remedies
close to the case.
HAHNEMANN stresses the importance of
emotional changes even in acute diseases in,
(A213) “Therefore one will never cure
according to nature – that is, homeopathically –
unless one considers the mental and emotional
changes along with the other symptoms in all cases
of disease, even acute ones, and unless for
treatment one chooses from among the remedies a
disease agent that can produce an emotional or
mental state of its own similar to that of the disease
as well as other symptoms similar to those of the
disease. Thus Aconitum napellus will seldom or
never cure either quickly or permanently if the
disposition is calm and undisturbed; nor will Nux
vomica if it is mild or phlegmatic; nor will
Pulsatilla if it is glad, cheerful and willful; nor will
Ignatia if it is steady and without fearfulness or
There is one good thing about acute versus
chronic disease. In (A82), HAHNEMANN tells us,
“In acute diseases the principal symptoms become
prominent and recognizable to the senses more
quickly, so the taking of the case requires far less
time and there are far fewer questions to ask
because most of the questions are self-evident;
whereas in chronic diseases that have been evolving
gradually for a number of years, it is far more
troublesome to obtain the symptoms.”
And, (A99) “On the whole it will be easier for
the physician to take the case in diseases that are
acute or that have arisen recently, because all the
symptoms and deviations from the healthy
condition, which was only recently lost, are to
patient and relatives still fresh in memory, still new
and striking. The physician must of course know
everything here also, but he needs to probe far less,
because everything he needs to know is told to him,
most of it spontaneously.”
Proceeding with Treatment After Using an
Acute Intercurrent
Again HAHNEMANN guides us very clearly
in Chronic Diseases.
(CD) “The intelligent homeopathic physician
will soon note the point of time when his remedies
have completed the cure of the epidemic
intermediate disease (usually they appear in the
form of a fever) and when the peculiar course of the
chronic (psoric) malady is continued.
“The symptoms of the original chronic disease
will, however, always be found somewhat varied
(altered) after the cure of such a prevailing
intermediate disease. The homeopathic
physician will then choose his antipsoric remedy
according to the totality of the remaining
symptoms, and not simply give the one he
intended to give before the intermediate disease
appeared.” (1997, p. 132-133). (Author’s
emphasis and words added.)
Therefore, after the acute event (a strong one,
that is), one must retake the case with special
emphasis on any newly appeared symptoms. The
most recent and permanent symptoms point to the
next remedy. Some of the chronic symptoms also
persist during an acute crisis and thus obtain a
higher value for the selection of the simillimum.
If the same remedy that was serviceable before the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
acute crisis is still indicated, it may be repeated. If
the symptom picture has changed, the new
symptoms must be investigated in relationship to all
the data associated with the chronic strategies
before. This tells you how disruptive it is to
continue administering the chronic remedy during
acute crises! It is also wise, after the acute episode,
to see whether the constitutional state improves
greatly without the administration of any remedy.
Better to wait and watch and give a placebo to
please the patient until the VF has been able to
produce all the symptoms you must prescribe on.
HAHNEMANN further reminds us in Chronic
Diseases to pay attention to another event, which
can occur at this point, after treating the acute
event, even when the acute has been properly
(CD) “Here is a fitting opportunity to note that
the great epidemic diseases…. when they complete
their course especially without a judicious
homeopathic treatment, leave the organism so
shaken and irritated, that with many who seem
restored, the Psora, which was before slumbering
(dormant) and latent now awakes quickly, either
into itch-like eruptions or into chronic disorders,
which then reach a high degree in a short time, if
they are not treated properly in an antipsoric
manner. The allopathic physician, when such a
patient…. dies after all his unsuitable treatment,
declares that he has died from the sequelae of
Whooping cough, Measles, etc.
“These sequelae are, however, the innumerable
chronic diseases in numberless forms of developed
Psora which (were) unknown and consequently
remained uncured.” (1997, pp. 133-134) (Author’s
words added.)
How often do we see a patient in the clinic who
comes to us and says, I had this simple cough (or
flu, or small trauma, or small upset), and I have
never been well since then”. These statements are
explained by the above quote: this “innocent-
appearing event” has activated the dormant, often
psoric Miasm, leaving the patient in a state worse
than he ever was before. This is incomprehensible
to the patient and his allopathic physician, but
easily managed by a well-trained homeopath.
Allopathic Recourse
In a footnote to Aphorism 67, HAHNEMANN
elaborates on situations where allopathic
intervention is justified.
(A67) “Only in the most urgent cases, where
danger to life and imminent death do not allow time
for a homoeopathic remedy to act neither hours,
nor often quarter hours, nor even minutes in
sudden accidents to healthy individuals, such as
asphyxiation, apparent death from lightning,
choking, freezing, drowning, etc., only in such
cases may we and should we as a first measure at
least bring back irritability and sensitivity (physical
life) by using a palliative ...”
Apart from the previous examples, if an acute
situation becomes dangerously uncontrollable, we
can use allopathic palliative treatment to give us a
second chance to find the curative homeopathic
treatment. This situation is an exception for
example, severe bleeding spells in a patient with
chronic Ulcerative Colitis and not at all the same
as preferring to give your patients OTC drugs or
antibiotics as acute interventions for fear of
disrupting the chronic treatment. Obviously those
homeopaths do not know the basic principles of
Homeopathy. They should know that OTC drugs
(just like other allopathic drugs) cause a dissimilar
disease, thus creating a more complex disease
which is more difficult to treat. They do a
disservice to the patient as well as to other
homeopaths who inherit such cases. And, of
course, they have passed up a chance to show how
well Homeopathy works on acute diseases. The
use of allopathic drugs might be an easy way out
for the incompetent or lazy homeopath, but it will
make the management of that patient’s case a lot
more difficult. And even though antibiotics might
overcome the infection, they do not favorably affect
the susceptibility of the human organism. After
antibiotics, the person is to a certain degree even
more susceptible to micro-organisms, not to
mention side-effects such as overgrowth of yeast
and destruction of the normal flora. The foregoing
are notwithstanding the fact that Homeopathy is
superior to anything that exists for the treatment of
infectious diseases.
What Acute Events Need an Intercurrent
Not treating a serious acute event at all is a
mistake. Due to its nature, an acute disease evolves
in four possible directions. The patient can
succumb to it; it will suspend the chronic disease
and can become an independent chronic state; or it
will combine with the existing chronic disease and
create a complex chronic disease, which will be
much more difficult to treat. The best outcome is
that the strong Vital Force might overcome this
acute Miasm without causing further sequelae.
“The physician amuses that patient while Nature
cures,” Voltaire said but this is not a reason to
refrain from treating acutes!
Margaret TYLER wrote in her book
Homeopathic Drug Pictures (in the lecture on
Natrum muriaticum Nat-m.) about a crisis situation
where she treated a chronic Nat-m. patient with a
severe acute headache. She advises against the use
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
of the chronic constitutional remedy at this time
because it may produce severe aggravations.
Instead, she suggests using the acute of Nat-m.,
Bryonia, to deal with the acute crisis. Afterwards
she resumes the chronic remedy to remove the
underlying cause. This advice comes from years of
clinical experience and should not be ignored. It
also means that you do not continue Bryonia once
the acute stage is over, as I have seen some
homeopaths do!
Which acute crisis needs an acute intercurrent
remedy rather than a continuation with the chronic
constitutional remedy? As usual, HAHNEMANN
gives us definite guidelines. In Aphorism 73 of the
sixth edition Organon, HAHNEMANN describes
three kinds of acute diseases. Group 1 combines
those relating to lifestyle/diet and miasmatic
predisposition; Group 2 includes epidemic and
acutes belonging to idiosyncrasy; and Group 3
includes acute Miasms such as those belonging to
childhood diseases.
Group One Acute Diseases
Group One is subdivided into three different
A. Acute situations caused by lifestyle or dietary
(A73) “…Exciting causes of such acute febrile
conditions are: excesses or privation in eating,
traumatisms, chilling or overheating, fatigue (from
poor lifestyle choices), strains from lifting, etc., or
else psychic agitation and upsets.” (Our modern
TV, video games, magazines, and now Internet
exposure) (Author’s notes added.)
These issues are also discussed in Aphorism 77
(see remarks on the aphorism in Chapter 9).
(A77) “Diseases engendered by prolonged
exposure to avoidable noxious influences should
not be called chronic. The include diseases brought
about by:
The habitual indulgence in harmful food or
All kinds of excesses that undermine health;
Prolonged deprivation of things necessary to
Unhealthy places, especially swampy regions;
Dwelling only in cellars, damp workplaces, or
other closed quarters;
Lack of exercise or fresh air;
Physical or mental overexertion;
Continuing emotional stress; etc….”
HAHNEMANN refers to these situations also
as “false chronic diseases”, since they can become
chronic through continued abuse, but all they will
require to be cured is a sensible change to diet
and/or lifestyle. He continues:
(A77) “These self-inflicted disturbances go
away on their own with improved living conditions
if no chronic Miasm is present, and they cannot be
called chronic diseases.”
In al these cases no remedy is required except
placebo (if called for) to temper the demands of the
drug-oriented or hypochondriacal patient. The best
treatment is rest, sleep, appropriate diet, and good
B. Acute situations with a clear exciting factor
and strong symptoms
If the exacerbation is moderate to strong, and
a clear causality is manifested, an intercurrent
remedy, which acts superficially on the chronic
Miasm, may be chosen according to the VB
method, rather than giving a deep-acting
polychrest. This will calm the symptoms for the
moment without acting too deeply on the case.
After the crisis has subsided, complementary
constitutional treatment is needed to remove the
underlying cause.
Acute physical trauma: in this case the etiology
and the organ or tissue affected will be of
importance to identify the remedy. In other words,
if the injury is a puncture wound compared to a
blow (e.g. to the eye) it will correspond to a
different remedy Ledum and Hypericum versus
Arnica and Ruta).
Emotional trauma: we must look at the kind of
trauma as well as the reaction of the patient to the
trauma, which will be determined by the active
miasmatic condition of the patient. And the trauma
can of course wake up the Miasm! The first ninety
pages of KENT are full of examples and the
miasmatic reaction will help us in selecting the
appropriate remedy; e.g., we have the tubercular
jealousy of Pulsatilla, the psoric variety of Nux
vomica, the syphilitic variety of Hyoscyamus and
the sycotic variety of Lachesis.
Poisons and vaccinations: we are talking here
of street drugs, allopathic drugs, food poisoning,
etc. The best antidote again is not the same or
isopathic substance, but the most similar remedy.
Sometimes one finds effects of poisonings when
one looks into the “relationship of remedies;”
specifically looking at the “antidoted by…” section
will point to the group of remedies that should be
looked at.
C. Acute exacerbation of a Chronic Miasm
This situation can also be an acute
exacerbation of a Chronic Miasm (like catching
the flu through lack of sleep or partying too much).
In this case we do not always want to interrupt the
action of the constitutional remedy with an
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
intercurrent remedy. If there is no obvious exciting
cause, it may be a healing crisis brought on by the
constitutional chronic remedy. Rest, massage, and
hot and cold water treatments (hydrotherapy) might
be sufficient to render the patient comfortable until
this acute exacerbation subsides.
In Third World countries like Kenya, I have
found myself exposed to situations like those
European and American homeopaths faced at the
turn of the twentieth century. Many people came to
us in an “acute” stage, excited by physical strain
(all the women in the village where I worked in
Kenya had at least four children and eight was not
uncommon), by becoming chilled or overheated, by
eating unsuitable food, mental stress, etc. How
many of these cases are really acute?
As you can see in Aphorism 73,
HAHNEMANN suggests, and experience confirms,
that most of these cases are acute exacerbations of
fundamental chronic states and Miasms, activated
by exciting causes. When the symptoms do not
represent an extreme crisis, the simillimum, which
suit their constitutional nature, often clears the
acute exacerbations and then addresses the
fundamental chronic states. That is the majesty of
the grand simillimum. This may account for
statements by homeopaths, such as Massimo
Manglialavori, who state that it is possible to find a
single remedy to successfully treat both chronic and
acute situations. However, when the same author
claims that “he does not believe in Miasms and
knows nothing about them,” I wonder about the
veracity of his statement. Don’t we all owe it to
our patients to investigate before we reject the
concept of Miasms or worse still, we fail to
investigate at all because of our knee-jerk negative
feelings about Miasms? Let’s not fall into
allopathic reasoning, which borders on fear of and
hostility towards one of the greatest discoveries of
(A73) “In reality most of these acute diseases
are only passing flare-ups of Latent Psora, which
returns by itself to a dormant state if the flare-ups
are not too violent and if they are quickly
Only if the exacerbation is moderate to severe
do we want to intervene with intercurrent remedies
as an emergency measure. Again, the VB method
will help you choose the intercurrent remedy.
In his Lesser Writings, KENT expresses the
same scenario:
“The acute expressions of a chronic disease
have a different management from the acute
diseases; e.g., a child suffers from Bronchitis at
every change of weather. It may grow worse if
treated with the remedy for the acute symptoms.
The Miasm that predisposes the child to
recurrent attacks must be considered.” (KENT,
1994, p.419) (Author’s emphasis added.)
Group Two Acute Diseases
(A73) “Then there are sporadic acute diseases,
which affect a few individuals at a time here and
there, acute diseases brought on by harmful
meteorological or telluric influences to which only
a few people are susceptible at any one time.”
This was long recognized in Traditional
Chinese Medicine: certain climate factors are
known to influence specific organs which have an
affinity for those conditions; e.g., cold to kidneys or
dampness to spleen-stomach, though only certain
people seem to have a high susceptibility to that
particular climate factor. Sometimes, but not
always, these diseases form acute layers, which
repress the constitutional picture until they have run
their course or are removed by homeopathic
remedies. These acute disorders are so closely
linked to the patient’s chronic susceptibility that
they can often be treated with their constitutional
simillimum. It is only in emergencies such as
sunstroke, dehydration, severe exposure to cold,
anaphylactic reactions, poisoning, and severe
physical or mental trauma that these cases are truly
an acute crisis. In such an exigency, the symptoms
will indicate a crisis remedy. Acute Miasms
present a different situation from sporadic diseases
because they involve infectious etiologies.
HAHNEMANN discusses a second type of
sporadic diseases.
(A73) “Bordering on these are the epidemic
diseases, in which many individuals are affected
very similarly from a similar cause. In crowded
areas they tend to become contagious. These
epidemics cause fevers, each with its own
characteristics; and because each case of disease in
the same epidemic has the same origin, those
affected manifest a similar disease process, which,
left to itself, ends either in death or in recovery
within a limited time. Wars, floods, and famine are
often the exciting causes or the breeders of such
In acute Miasms, the susceptibility factor is
closely related to acquired and inherited Miasms
and family disorders. For this reason, the remedy
for the acute Miasm may also be the remedy for the
patient’s constitutional condition. This is especially
common to acute Miasms that run a non-
threatening natural course with few or no
complications. This may not be the case, however,
when the acute disease is of a very virulent nature.
Because of their intensity, these acute diseases will
suspend the chronic disease and an intercurrent
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
acute remedy is needed to deal with this new acute
natural disease. It will display a new symptom
image that will either run its course or be removed
by homeopathic remedies.
In these circumstances an acute intercurrent is
the remedy of choice. We’ve all seen patients who
have been never well since (NWS) a certain illness.
The NWS acute disease has now become a chronic
disease, stronger and dissimilar to the previously
treated chronic disease, which is now suspended.
SARS is a good example.
Deep-acting complementary remedies
(constitutional and anti-miasmatic treatment) must
remove the chronic underlying causes after the
acute crisis is ameliorated. Let the constitutional
factors, the nature of the disease, and the totality of
the symptoms (Organon, Aphorisms 5,6 and 7) be
your guide to the homeopathic remedy, and you
will have success. Follow the revelations of the VF
and it will demonstrate, through causation, signs
and symptoms, which remedy it needs. Trust your
recuperated VF to tell you what to do!
Group Three Acute Diseases
HAHNEMANN also alludes to the third kind
of acute diseases.
(A73) “Then there are those acute Miasms that
always recur in their own particular form, which is
why they are known by an established name. Some
of them are contracted only once in a lifetime, like
Smallpox, Measles, Whooping cough, …Scarlatina
…Mumps, etc., while others recur frequently in
fairly similar ways, like… the Yellow fever of
coastal regions, Asiatic cholera, etc.”
We see the same in modern times: Bubonic
Plague in India; Tuberculosis (TB) and Cholera
epidemics in South Africa; Malaria and TB in
Kenya; epidemics during the war between the Tutsi
and Hutu in Rwanda and Burundi or the civil wars
in Zaire; Flu epidemics worldwide, etc. These
acute Miasms are caused by microorganisms and
are self-limiting but tend to form a quick crisis and
end either with complications, perhaps even death,
or convalescence (a person can fall prey to these
illnesses more than once). By contrast, the once-in-
a-lifetime illnesses provide permanent immunity
after only one attack.
All these acute diseases should be treated with
remedies reflecting the picture of the acute
Miasmatic state alone the acute genus
epidemicus. A follow-up with constitutional and
anti-miasmatic remedies to remove the underlying
susceptibility is then necessary.
HAHNEMANN warns us to not pay attention
to the name attached to the epidemic disease, like
the yearly flu in modern times.
(A100) “In investigating the totality of
symptoms of epidemics and sporadic diseases, it
makes no difference at all whether something
similar, by the same or a different name, has ever
appeared in the world before. Whether or not such
an epidemic is new or unusual makes no difference
either in the examination or in the cure, since in any
case the physician must presume the true picture of
every epidemic to be new and unknown and must
thoroughly examine it as it is in all of its details if
he wants to be a true and thorough physician who
never replaces observation with guess work, who
never lets himself assume that the treatment of any
given case in his care is wholly or partly known in
advance and that he need not carefully seek out all
its expressions. This is all the more necessary
because every epidemic is in many ways unique
and upon careful examination if found to be very
different from all previous ones falsely bearing the
same name, the only exceptions being those caused
by the same unvarying infectious agent, such as
What a scathing condemnation of present
allopathic practices where the severe flu strain of
this year was treated, of course unsuccessfully, with
a vaccination of the previous flu variety!
We can emphasize that the proper use of an
acute intercurrent in the treatment of a patient is
essential for a speedy cure of a chronic illness.
When and where to use these acute remedies are
equally important issues as when to continue the
chronic treatment, especially when the homeopath
should recognize where the acute manifestation is
nothing more than an expression of a chronic
miasmatic state. Homeopaths throwing one acute
remedy after another to the unsuspecting patient for
trifling matters are just as guilty of misconduct as
those homeopaths who refuse to use acute
intercurrents under any circumstances. Knowledge
of HAHNEMANN’s teachings is the only guide!
1. HAHNEMANN, S. 1997. The Chronic
Diseases: Their Peculiar Nature and Their
Homeopathic Cure. Translated by L. TAFEL,
edited by P. Dudley. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers
Pvt. Ltd.
2. HAHNEMANN, S. 1982. Organon of
Medicine. Sixth Edition. Translated by J. KUNZLI,
A. NAUDÉ and P. PENDLETON. Washington:
Cooper Publishing.
3. KENT, J.T. 1979. Lectures on Homeopathic
Philosophy. California: North Atlantic Books.
4. KENT, J.T., 1994. New Remedies, Clinical
Cases, Lesser Writings, Aphorisms & Precepts.
New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
5. von BENNINGHAUSEN, C.M.F. 1991.
Lesser Writings. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers
Pvt. Ltd.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contribution and other
original articles.)
1. What is Tautopathy? by Dr. R.P. PATEL,
Dr. R.P. PATEL Institute of Homeopathy for
Research and Education in Homeopathy,
Baroda 390023. Seventh Edition 2005. Rs.
150/- US $ 5.
“Tautopathy is a method of curing or removing
bad or side effects of drugs by means of the
identical harmful agent in potentised form.”
Many of the modern ‘wonder drugs’ of
allopathic medicine cause many adverse ill effects,
making one wonder whether the medicine had
made the health worser than it was before the
‘wonder medicine’. These are very clearly
discussed in the Chapter “What is Tautopathy?”
The sure and quick way of removing the ill
effects of such drugs is by administering the same
drug in potentised form. So simple and sure.
Dr. PATEL has potentised 112 such drugs
which are available to the profession for therapeutic
In Chapter 2 the ‘process’ of preparing
medicines is explained.
In Chapter 3 the ‘side-effects’ of various drugs
from Aspirin, Adrenaline, Atropine to Vitamin (A,
B, D, K) are listed. This we may take as the
Materia Medica of these drugs.
However, in Chapter 4 there is a truly
homeopathic Materia Medica of 7 drugs, based on
Chapter 5 presents ‘a few cases’.
At the end ‘Bibliography’ covers 49 sources.
The book is well produced, sturdily bound and
is a must for every Homeopathy Practitioner.
Almost everyday we get patients who have had
already lot of drugging by Allopathy. This book
will help in recognizing the iatrogenic from the
natural disease symptoms. The homeopath will
thus be able to get the true picture of the natural
disease and make a true cure.
The long chapter on ‘What is Tautopathy?’
citing many sources pointing to iatrogenesis is very
interesting and useful. There are strong arguments
in the chapter on the serious ill effects of
vaccinations. There is the warning that “humanity
today is drug ridden as never before in history.”
Dr. PATEL has said, Proving according to
Homeopathy requires men and money and it is my
experience that homeopaths won’t allow me to
prove these drugs on them to save money
for Homeopathy….”. It is only for allopathic
experiments that money is required. What money
is required for a few homeopaths to take some
homeopathic pills and just record changes in a
notebook? Nothing. There is only one requirement
– that is willing homeopath volunteers. Neither
HAHNEMANN nor his fellow provers were
moneyed. In fact HAHNEMANN was poor. They
were sincere homeopaths and devoted.
Unfortunately, none of us today are so. This is the
curse. With 180 homeopathic colleges in India we
have not one proving (published) in one year. That
speaks for the quality of education.
To come back to the book under review, the
book is strongly recommended to every
Homeopathy Practitioner.
2. Biophysical Therapy of Allergies, Peter
SCHUMACHER, M.D., George Thieme Verlag,
Stuttgart, 2005. 264 pages.
The author is an experienced Paediatrician who
disillusioned with the Allopathic Medicine sought
out for something better. His disillusionment is
succinctly said: I was an expert in medical
Philosophy, which in fact seemed to serve only the
scientific process (whatever that means) to help
the ill no longer seemed that important.”
Dr.SCHUMACHER therefore left the University
Hospital and opened up his own Practice with the
hope that he would thus be directly in contact with
the patients and would realize his ideals of a
medical practitioner. But still he felt unsettled. He
felt that the “conventional medical training” was
more a “mastering the implementation of the list of
medicines sold by the pharmaceutical Industry.”
He despaired that “many patients he treated
according to allopathic medicine were not able to
truly regain and/or maintain their health. Instead,
many children developed a deceptive state of health
(it might be better to say ‘visibly free from
symptoms’). They would suffer recurring illness,
often with different symptoms to those initially
treated. These symptoms then required additional
treatment.” [HAHNEMANN has said similarly
over 200 years ago = KSS]. SCHUMACHER
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
reflected and recalled PARACELSUS. He then
turned towards ‘naturopathic approach’.
SCHUMACHER saw impressive healing
results using high potency homeopathic
preparations; the oscillating balance between the
opposing forces Yin and Yang according to
Chinese Acupuncture; regulatory Thermography
offering deep insights into an organism’s regulatory
processes; electro-acupuncture bringing about
fascinating phenomena; and finally the almost
implausible possibility, electro-magnetic
oscillations as used by the bio-resonance modality
to cure illnesses.
SCHUMACHER specialized in Allergies and
their subsequent problems. He thanks three
personalities who were instrumental in his change:
First Samuel HAHNEMANN, who discovered
not only 200 years ago the Law of Similars, but
also showed that information containing no
actual matter (in the form of homeopathic high
potencies) can indeed have an effect on an
organism. He showed that even if the principle is
initially incomprehensible, it is possible to learn
how to implement it in practice.
Second Reinhold VOLL. Using a discovery
made in the 1950s to identify functional processes
and energetic conditions in an organism by means
of electrical measurements conducted upon the
epidermal layer of the skin, he created the
impressive therapy modality of
Third Franz MORELL. Based on the
principles of Electro-acupuncture, he had the
ingenious idea to use the body’s information
directly for therapy. In this way he created a link
between the Homeopathy by HAHNEMANN and
the latest finding by VOLL. Thus Bioresonance
therapy, also known as MORA Therapy, based on
the patient’s own oscillation was born.”
“Without these practical men and of course, the
fundamental knowledge of the ‘Great Sages’ like
PLANCK, EINSTEIN and all those erudite
Professors of Physics, Quantum mechanics, and
Biophysics, the biophysics, the biophysical aspect
of medicine as expressed in this book would be
unthinkable as during HAHNEMANN’s days.”
I have quoted extensively from the Preface of
the book so that the reader will have a clear idea as
to what the book is about and relevance to
The book is in two parts Part I has chapters
on Foundation and Basic Terminology, with sub-
heads as the Physics Aspects in Medicine, Allergy:
A Medical Phenomenon, Allergy from a Physics,
Point of view, Symptoms of Allergic Reactions,
Classification of Allergies, Biophysical Allergy
diagnosis, Biophysical Allergy Therapy. Part II has
Chapter of Allergies Clinical Studies with sub-
heads on Hay Fever, Inhalation Allergies,
Bronchial Asthma, Ingestion Allergies,
Neurodermatitis, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s
Disease, Celiac Disease, Allergies to Insect Venom,
Each of these is well discussed.
An Appendix follows: This Chapter contains
1. Cow’s Milk Allergy, 2. Wheat Allergy, 3.
Hyperergy, 4. Intestinal Mycosis.
A fairly long list of references (Bibliography)
is given at the end.
The book is well produced and has much
useful information and can be recommended
without hesitation for all practitioners.
3. Carcinosin A Classical Study by Ajay
Kumar Babu, 123 pp. Thavarakkattil
Publishers, Modakalloor P.O. Kozhikode
673721, Kerala, India. Rs. 120/-
Carcinosin is a Polychrest. It has become a
remedy of such importance that an international’
teacher giving many Seminars in Europe and USA,
etc., particularly on Cancer, recommends this
remedy to be applied in all Cancers.
Dr. Ajay Kumar BABU says that this book is
the fruit of many years research and practical
clinical experience with Carcinosin.
The book is in two parts 1. Lectures on
Carcinosin and 2. Clinical Repertory.
Carcinosin is more often required in children
and Dr. BABU gives a brief chapter on this. The
characteristic of the remedy is also well brought
The Materia Medica of Carcinosin in presented
in narrative form, and this makes interesting
List of related remedies, Clinical Indications
are given at the end of Part I.
Clinical Repertory in ‘Schema form makes
Part II.
The book will certainly be useful for all
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
It is with great sadness that I learned of the demise of my dear and longtime friend
and well-known homeopathic physician Dr. H.L. CHITKARA, at New Delhi on 29 April
He was suffering from Parkinson’s Disease since few years and was slowly declining.
Dr. Harbans Lal CHITKARA was born on 12 August 1924 in Village Vallah (now in
Pakistan) in a family practicing Unani Medicine. He was B.A. (Hons) in English. After
partition he came to India and joined Govt. service. He passed the D.H.S. Examination in
Homeopathy and became a regular practitioner of Homeopathy and soon became well-
known. He mastered the Science, took part in scientific meetings and wrote in journals.
He was Editor of the Journal Homeopathic Sandesh. As internal bickerings began in
the Homeopathic Association, he distanced himself from groups and was a no-party
Dr. CHITKARA was closely associated with Dr. S.P. KOPPIKAR in editing for
nearly a decade and half the Journal Homeopathic Heritage. He regularly authored a
column ‘Pill Box’, in the journal.
Dr. CHITKARA took great interest in the Quarterly Homeopathic Digest which I
began to bring out in 1984 (and still going on, in its 22
year) and he was sad at the
apathy of the younger generations towards homeopathic journals.
He authored/edited books which were all well received all over including abroad: the
major works are Quick Reference Guide to Repertory of Mind, The Best of
Burnett, New Comprehensive Homeopathic Materia Medica of Mind. The latter
book has seen four editions and has been translated into German.
Dr. CHITKARA, during his later years was a dedicated supporter of the ‘Sehgal
Method’ which he practiced with some slight alterations. He called this
‘PROMISALONE’ (Prescribing on Mental Symptoms Alone). He trained many younger
homeopaths; there were regular periodic meetings of his group and the discussions were
recorded on tapes. I have a few of them.
He was very much interested in Philosophy. He avidly read the books of
Nisargadutta Maharaj and also Ramesh Balsekhar. Whenever he came across a good
book, he used to send it on to me or a copy of it. Of course I too would send some books
from my side.
It is unfortunate and strange fate that such a man as he was a teetotaller was
disabled with Parkinson’s disease during the last few years and he declined slowly. He
was stoic and took all his sufferings with faith in God.
To me it is great personal loss. I have a fairly large file of our correspondance
covering a period of over 20 years. I cannot express my sense of grief in words. May his
soul rest in peace.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
2. “That the original malady that I was looking for had to be of a miasmic-chronic
nature, was obvious to me, because it was never conquered by the force of a robust
constitution, never beaten by the healthiest diet or regimen of life, never died down of
its own accord, but, with the passing of the years, becomes worse and shows more
and more alarming symptoms, till the end of life, as in every chronic, miasmatic
3. Dr. Hahnemann writes, “In communicating to the world this great discovery, I am
sorry that I must doubt whether my contemporaries will comprehend the logical
sequence of these teachings of mine, and will follow them carefully and gain thereby
the infinite benefits for suffering humanity which must inevitably spring from a
faithful and accurate observance of the same; or whether frightened away by the
unheard of nature of many of these disclosures, they will not rather leave them
untried and uninitiated and therefore useless.” (Ch. Diseases-p.7.) Is it true with
present day HOMEOPATHS?
4. “Dr. Hahnemann’s Striking, singular, extraordinary, and peculiar symptoms are
basic miasmatic ones, always: hence the wonderful curative effects produced by
remedies selected upon such symptoms, they are capable of reaching down deep
enough to extinguish or what is a better term, to separate their miasmatic bond
from the life force.” (Dr.J.H. Allen, Chronic Miasms, p.101.)
Write for further informations to:
one in the world at above address.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
VOL. XXII, 3, 2005
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over – India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Analyzing a Case: Kingdoms, Remedies and
SHAH, Nandita (AH. 10/2004)
If Homeopathy is to succeed as a Science, it is
very important that we come to a common or
similar group of remedies for a given case, no
matter which methods we choose to use. [We will
not reach this state in the existing condition with
speculative Materia Medica, individual ‘insights’
etc. If we wish a ‘scientific’ Homeopathy we must
follow the method laid down by the old Masters.
We cannot lay our own roads and expect it take us
aright = KSS]
No one method is better than the other, but all
methods demand a high degree of sincerity and
concentration. [These soothing words will serve
the ‘politics’ of Homeopathy. There cannot be
several methods. Recently a long case was narrated
and the remedy was Eagle. The author avers that
the patient could not have been cured, if this
remedy–Eagle-had not been introduced. A similar
assertion about a case of Rat’s blood. Wouldn’t
another homeopath cure these cases without
Eagle’ and Rat’s blood? He/She would. Tolerance
of many methods will make Homeopathic
Therapeutics a caricature = KSS.]
The patient expresses his state in every sphere
of his life – words, postures, gestures, emotions,
interests, and of course by his physical disease. It
would be better to confirm the same remedy
through several facts, than through only one.
A recent development in the method of case
taking is to take the physical complaint in all
details, and then go into the state of mind, which
helps to make the connection between two.
Another approach is to understand in detail the
way in which the physical complaint stresses the
A useful step in narrowing down the choice of
the remedy is to decide to which kingdom the
patient belongs to. In brief, structure is the
keyword of a mineral case, sensitivity plant case
and competition or survival animal case [These
are the ideas of Dr. Rajan SANKARAN = KSS]
The next step is to understand the Miasm of the
The Miasm, as defined here, is the depth to
which the patient perceives his problem or
The Miasms Acute, Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis,
Typhoid, Malarial, Ringworm, Cancer, Tubercular
and Leprosy are discussed in brief and their
respective remedies mentioned.
Case: A young woman, 34, with complaints of
stomach upset from change in food and
susceptibility to worms. Her stomach was hard, as
if the intestines were in a knot. She was critical of
herself and felt she wasn’t loved enough. Afraid of
closed spaces, being trapped, claustrophobic. She
liked freedom and didn’t like to be bound.
Kali carbonicum 200, based on her
conscientiousness and family relationship. Two
weeks later, felt hungry, which had been rare. Six
weeks later Carcinosin 200 because of her need for
perfection, cleanliness, improving herself and
sensitivity to criticism.
Two weeks later better emotionally. 20 weeks
later, feeling of tightening of guts, like a knot.
This sensation and the opposite feeling of
openness, freedom and lightness is the central
sensation of Cactaceae [Who decides this fixed
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
‘central sensation’? = KSS] and the Cancer Miasm
remedy in that family is Anhalonium.
Anhalonium 200. Over the next 24 weeks she
improved and then another dose, when there was a
2. The Structure of the Organon
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
The Organon of Medicine is the seminal text
of Homeopathy. However, its grammar and
structure make it obtuse and remote to both new
students and veterans. We propose a demarcation
of the Organon into sections, exposing the didactic
structure of the Organon, and display this
demarcation in concise graphic form. It is hoped
that this representation will improve accessibility
and understanding of the Organon for readers at all
3. Patient-Practitioner-Remedy (PPR)
entanglement. Part 6. Miasms revisited: non-
linear quantum theory as a model for the
homeopathic process
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
The possibility that non-linear quantum theory
could be used to model PPR entanglement is
discussed in relation to the treatment of Miasms. In
this model, Miasms are imagined as disease entities
behaving like solitary waves, or ‘solitons’ which,
when trapped in a therapeutic state space, requiring
equally soliton-like (miasmatic or high potency)
remedies to effectively ‘annihilate’ them.
1. Carbolic acid
KLEIN, Lou (AH. 10/2004)
Carbolic acid should be considered a remedy
for someone who is suffering from effects of
allergy shots or who has a personal or familial
history of allergy injections.
One constituent in the allergy shot is Phenol
from which this remedy is made.
This is highly indicated in “environmental
It is also to be considered in severe Asthma
where it is life threatening and triggered by
The symptoms of this remedy from few
Materia Medicas are given.
2. Flying under water. Serum anguillae case
SHARFSTEIN, Catherine (AH. 10/2004)
A 65-year-old woman, bald, with complaints of
‘Bladder problem’. She runs to the bathroom with
diarrhoea-like symptoms. Eel serum (Serum
anguillae), helped her all through. [Lot of story in
the manner of Dr. Rajan SANKARAN’s teachings
and perhaps also Dr. Divya CHABRA’s . May be
this kind of case-taking suits some persons (both
patient and physician) and they could spend all the
time in extended investigations. Most of the
‘signature’ cases seem to be fascinating fancies.
But people get cured! = KSS]
3. Clarity and intoxication The proving of
and LOCKWOOD, Amy E. (AH. 10/2004)
The Homeopathy School of Colorado
conducted this Proving over a period of five years
with five different groups of students (1996-1998
and 2000-2001).
The Proving was conducted according to the
directions given in the Organon. Helios
Pharmacy in England prepared Amethyst in
The ‘themes’, Dreams and Mind and rest of the
symptomatology and the ‘rubrics’ are given.
Themes Occurring in Dreams
Big buildings/malls/supermarkets
Windows, doors, openings Up/down (climbing,
going down, levels, flying)
Water (snow, rain, ocean, wet, ice, boat,
Groups of people (classes, schools, teachers)
Old (old people, old friends, old buildings)
Famous people
Sick, infection
Colors (red, white)
“After the first proving I became fascinated with
specific themes of the proving, especially
certain dreams and how they related so closely
to the nature and structure of the Amethyst.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
During the proving one of my own dreams
reflected similar dream elements experienced
by a number of provers. Was this because I
knew the substance or was I just part of a
group experience? This is when I decided to
deep proving the remedy to see if certain
themes and dreams would repeat in unrelated
groups of people.” Barbara SEIDENECK C.
Hom, CCH, RSHom (NA)
1. I was in a small room when hands were
coming at me. I didn’t want hands to touch me. I
tried to scream so that someone could hear me.
Couldn’t seem to scream. Then I finally screamed
out loud.
2. Had to climb down from boxes; going to a
wedding. In a warehouse with steel shelving and
boxes. Climbing down and to the left, toward
door with light. Boxes filled with juice. Can’t let
people with horse in to see me. But once to the
door, don’t care if people see because I’m gone.
Different day was doing the same thing again. This
time, I was showing someone else how to do it
because I was good at it. Realized I was part of a
group. After second time, realized I wouldn’t have
to do it anymore. Warehouse was at bottom of
hill underground. Woke up and thought it was
between 1:30 and 3, but it was 6:09. Weird.
Unusual. I usually know what time it is when I
wake up.
3. Dream occurred a.m. I was running through a
burning wheat/oat field of golden color towards a
building for shelter. When I got inside the shelter,
into a dark small wet room, I was locked in. This
room was stuffy and of concrete walls and floors.
Aliens came to take me from this room; however, I
escaped and ran out the back of the barn through
another golden field. This field was not on fire.
Then I woke up and was super-tired. Woke
exhausted from the dream and stayed in bed. Woke
at 9:30 am.
4. I had dropped off someone at the airport and
felt a sense of freedom. I had time for myself to go
shopping for clothes, some sort of mall, which
seemed enjoyable at first and then turned chaotic.
Many people, it seemed dark, dishevelled racks. I
pick out a few items, but nothing I’m really
interested in. The shopping seems to turn into more
of an obligation, or something forced. I
contemplate leaving, but don’t. Something is
keeping me there. I look for a dress in a room for
what seems like a long time, finally I find one.
There is a waiting line for the dressing room. The
dressing room area is strange. Cubby holes, no
walls between the rooms, no barriers, just small.
The one I get into, the mirror is set on the floor.
So I have to squat down to see what I’m wearing.
Another woman comes into my dressing room,
which seems a bit threatening at first. She is a
young, somewhat tough looking woman. The ice is
broken between us when she asks me for my
opinion on a vest. It’s dark in the dressing room
and I can’t see the detail on the vest.
5. Shopping mall. Homeopathic books. Went
home was living in a white house. The characters
were bad guys. A friend appears and says I’ll
protect you. Stand in front of window, and they’ll
go away. Bad guys started to mess with car license
6. Top row of seats at a theatre, but steep like
bleachers in a gym. Taking person there to see if
could get into dance class; watching person and
teacher. Three people in red baseball uniforms
with white numbers and name on back of shirt.
The person I was watching was wearing a different
color. Then studying; had just climbed down from
loft. Same person was asleep on bed with light
coming in through window. Dreamt had mucus in
eyes, so wipe eyes and there’s blood on my finger.
Look in mirror and scratch on sclera horizontal.
Realized I was dreaming in my dream. Didn’t
really climb down from loft and scratch eye. Big
clock above person sleeping by the window. Clock
said 11:16, numbers really big and really small.
Felt I had to be a good example and felt I had
about falling to sleep because they were watching
me. Felt good when I woke up.
7. Water leaking into a building and I am
playing an imaginary game with children.
8. Dreams of psychiatric hospital for adolescents,
a big old building in the country. Full of unhappy
people. Some locked up in wards; some trying to
run away. Later I was back at college – big classes,
lots of people, walking around campus. I also had
a daughter at the same school. She was unhappy
about her apartment. It also became her
classroom and was so overcrowded. All her
friends had seats up front and she had to sit way in
back. She thought about quitting because the
school was so crowded.
9. Going to the mall because of a famous rock
band. It was crowded. We were on the upper
level and on the lower level were guys from the
band. Some guys from the band were floating on a
raft in some sort of canal.
10. Husband and I flying on an airplane, like a toy
airplane that landed on a beach. We left the hotel
and went back. The maid was angry because we
came back after checking out. The maid squirted
us with a hose. Then I was shopping with my
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
mother in a department store, where all the
dresses were too short or too tight.
11. Went to work with husband and 5-year-old
son. Worked in a huge old Victorian mansion
with elevators and big stairways. Husband works
in the basement and my office is upstairs.
Chinese restaurant and bar with lots of people in
the building. The son gets lost in the building. I
try to drive him to the children’s center in the van.
But we had to sit on the van like we were riding on
a big animal. Couldn’t steer or reach the pedals,
kept sliding on icy rocks. Went the wrong way on
the highway ramps.
12. Dreamt of being in a supermarket buying
chicken. Got only half a container, which was
upsetting. It was a nasty, dirty run down
supermarket, like in Mexico.
13. Was in a supermarket with a friend who
wasn’t feeling well. Made an appointment with
homeopath and visited them at a booth in the
store. Told her not to worry about money. Got
hungry, sat down in an aisle and ate spaghetti.
Worried about it being messy. While eating saw
the friend’s grandmother walk down the aisle.
She used some lotion and didn’t pay for it. I
thought that was inconsiderate.
14. Dreams of whole bunch of people in engineer
training. Big classroom, big cafeteria, big
shopping mall. Went on a bike trip up and down
hills on a big highway. Get to someone’s big
house with big yard and big kitchen. I’m trying to
water the big lawns.
15. Dreams about fast running water.
16. Son went swimming in John Elway’s pool. I
went to talk to John Elway (famous football player
in the United States.)
17. Dreamt of snow falling.
18. I was with the Russian army in the winter on a
frozen lake covered with snow with lots of people
and vehicles. I was riding a little convertible
sports car with the top down.
19. Dreams of ice hockey. About to play. This
theme came up two to three times this month.
20. Flying over water and saw the words “Ben
Eon” on a piece of nearby land. I was with mom.
It looked like a map. I swooped down into the
water and swam freely. No fear. Some flamingos
appeared and started snapping at my ankles.
21. On an island in the ocean that had been used
for weapons testing or training troops. Families
had died there, falling down in front of their homes
as if poisoned. Pictures of documentation like
newspaper articles in a scrapbook. My husband
and son were excited about being in a movie. We
were on some sort of metal pier or platform that
collapsed into the ocean. We swam in the ocean
and then were riding on a big rubber raft.
22. Dreams of old friends, I haven’t seen in an
long time.
23. Dreamt of an old friend and son and they
looked older.
24. Went to visit an artist friend, not a real person.
I had to go through large dark room, which had a
bar in the middle. I had to go through and out back
door. I had to go through a door and a window
well. I never got to this person. I went to visit him
again at a festival at an artwork booth.
25. At old piano teacher’s house, in bed in a dark
room and the teacher was playing the piano for
me. Other people in the house.
26. Last night dreamed of Princess Diana, alive. I
wanted to assure her that things would be OK.
27. Watching a wedding of no one she knew.
There is a big leafy vine growing out of the
building. The vine went and grabbed my new
mother-in-law and dragged her out of church
toward the bride. Laughing in the dream.
28. Vivid, colorful. Best friend came before our
class (student clinic), was deathly sick. She only
wore a t-shirt and underwear. I felt sick to see
her, but couldn’t do anything for her.
29. A dream of spiritual nature, speaking to my
30. Dreams of being with lots of people in a
crowd or a party.
31. Had to do a presentation about a subject she
didn’t know in front of a lot of people. Drove co-
workers home, couldn’t see, got lost in the dark.
Unusual for her to dream about groups of people.
32. I was at my old piano teacher’s house with a
lot of other people. It was raining and dark
outside. I was washing windows and closed one
window where the rain was pounding in onto the
floor. My sister was there. I was with a guru or
teacher with a lot of others, and we were
pondering questions. Image of a very large rough
featured man, like a giant cowboy.
33. Girlfriend, daughter and I go around town.
The vehicle you drove dictated what tasks you did.
I was in charge of deciding who got which car,
keeping this in order. There was light coming
through a door.
34. Dreams without much emotion. My family
went to the moon. Traveled in space shuttle-like
vehicle homemade. Told son not to go out. He
went anyway but it was OK. We were out on the
moon’s surface jumping around.
35. I rode a bike out to the highway, going west to
look for an address that I would go to later. I was
very big. Could look into second floor windows.
But riding on the highway was scary. Cars going
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
fast around me, I didn’t know where to turn off.
Dizzy and afraid to fall. Big trucks almost push me
off the road. I was on a very small bike and I was
regular size with some people from class. We
stopped at a rest stop under an underpass that was
like a cave with rooms in it. I found something
that I had left there that wouldn’t fit into my bike
basket. Then there was a big flea market inside the
cave/house, very musty and dusty. Other rooms in
there like an old house. Dark bedrooms.
Wandered around in it. Old painted dressers
pink with scenes from the Hobbit and fairy tales.
Thought of calla lilies; was looking for a vase.
36. Being in a VW bus and looking out of the
37. Taking out insides. Three red bloody balls.
38. Dreams of being stung by a bee.
39. Dreams of sexual relations with the same sex.
Very disturbing.
40. Between 6-8 AM dreamt that my husband had
a carbuncle. Husband was worried about it. I was
worried about infection. The carbuncle was on the
41. Dreamt of skin peeling off.
“And they did many dreams of buildings,
small spaces, upper and lower levels as well as
dreams of groups and crowded spaces were
experienced by all four proving groups. If you look
at a segment of the geode, this is what you see
many pink to purple crystals large and small, high
and low compressed into a confined space.”
Barbara SEIDENECK C Hom, CCH, RSHom (NA)
Interestingly, the proving of Amethyst bore a
resemblance to some of the traditional thought of
healing crystals. The mental and emotional realms
yielded the most significant symptoms. The remedy
affected relationships, as well as mental calm and
clarity. This sense of well-being and positive
energy was countered by themes of confusion,
dullness, and poor concentration. Some provers
even experienced the intoxication theme from
Greek legend drinkers did not feel the effects of
alcohol, while others felt “buzzed without
drinking. The dreams had some of the same themes
of relationship (old friends, teachers, weddings).
Other dreams were reminiscent of the Amethyst
crystal itself (small rooms, caves, underground).
In the physical realm, the head, eyes, nose,
throat, and stomach as well as female issues
produced significant symptomatology.
MIND – Mental Themes
The symptoms below were derived from
journals of all the provers who actually received
doses of the remedy in potency. The symptoms
have been aggregated into common themes. The
text of the proving in its entirety will be available at
the website of Homeopathy School of Colorado at
1. Snapping at people.
2. Cranky, irritable. It’s awful.
3. People are more aggressive with me. Argued
with boyfriend.
4. Fighting with husband. Never has done this.
Ran away for 10 hours without letting anyone
know where she was going.
5. In the afternoon a little more irritable. For 30
minutes very irritated.
6. Irritability and impatience.
7. A little more patient than usual.
8. Very impatient with my son. Quick and tense.
9. Irritable with daughter and myself.
10. Irritable at every little thing.
11. Irritated. I have harsh language.
12. I speak loudly and create havoc with it.
13. Sharp tongue; got into bad fight with husband.
I say whatever I want to.
14. No hysterical or irritated state before menses.
My husband can usually tell when my periods
begin because of my bad temper.
(symptom free after remedy for the first time in
10 years – cured symptom)
1. People react with abruptness. Feel more awake.
Nervous energy. Not sleepy after meals as
usual. Getting a lot of things done.
2. Thinking more clearly.
3. The remedy seems to help with decision
4. I seem really clear mentally. Really busy.
Lots going on. Lots of room to handle it and
figure things out. Felt able. (Normally I feel
pulled in different directions and get frustrated
when my mind doesn’t function. Usually can
only figure out one thing at a time.)
5. Mentally very active, calm and clear.
6. Thinking more clearly, even the emotions are
more clear.
7. Unusually busy all day.
8. More aware of myself. More mental clarity.
Not quite clairvoyant. But aware of higher self.
9. Feeling open and clear in the evening.
10. Feeling much clarity and positive energy at
moments. Vacillation of mental and emotional
symptoms, feeling self-conscious at times, and
at other times feeling spiritually connected
with others.
11. Waking in the morning with good energy.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Feeling very happy. Feeling really good.
12. Woke up feeling really good, tons of energy.
Good energy, feel good, very active.
13. Was very busy at work, very focused, lots of
energy, feel good.
14. Felt focused all day.
15. Fast/restlessness/”buzzy”/hyperawareness
16. Something is about to happen to me, like male
energy. Like a premonition.
17. Feeling that something dramatic was going to
18. Pacing on the phone. Wound up.
19. Restless at bedtime. Couldn’t sleep at first.
20. Quick to answer. Fast talk.
21. Sense of acceleration – moving faster, thinking
faster, but not anxious.
22. Feeling as if he had been poisoned before.
Now mental awareness has returned.
23. Heightened sense of awareness.
24. Moments of buzzy, high energy. Occurred two
hours after taking second dose of remedy.
25. Feels hyper aware of body and mental
1. Since the remedy less in touch with emotions.
Feels unemotional
2. During call to supervisor, mental confusion.
Couldn’t readily remember previous day’s
3. Couldn’t remember what he did the previous
4. Thinking feels slow, sluggish and dull.
5. Concentration difficult. Loss of mental focus.
Mentally dull.
6. Had trouble counting while playing dominos.
Something unusual for me.
7. Forget where I parked, felt disconnected.
Unusual. I didn’t know which way to go. I
found the car pretty quickly; stumbled upon it.
8. Strange feeling of being tired and bored.
Weak memory/poor
1. Noticed difficulty concentrating, not wanting
to focus on paperwork.
2. I’m writing things on the wrong pages!
3. Spaced out two phone calls.
4. Spaced out feeling and irritability. Forgot to
call supervisor for proving.
5. Mentally not as sharp. “Floating through the
day.” Feels more mellow. Talking more slowly.
6. Seems a little difficult to concentrate because
of fatigue and mental cloudiness. Difficulty
focusing on calendar dates.
7. Scatter brained; hard to concentrate.
8. I do everything wrong. Constantly making
mistakes as if my head is cloudy. I’m not smooth
in my daily operations. My handwriting is terrible.
I speak very “matter of factly” to everyone; I don’t
care if I hurt their feelings.
9. I’m very spacey; starring out of the window.
1. Problems at work, owner uptight. Stay very
calm with this (unusually calm).
2. Feel patient and calm.
3. Feeling anxious. Wanted to eat. Huge
4. I’ve become more negative towards others.
Anxious feeling. Too much energy.
5. The remedy seems to intensify the fears and
anxieties; makes me more aware of them.
6. Increasing agitation and some anxiousness. I
feel a little out of sorts.
7. Anxiety about taking the remedy.
1. More sensitive to odors, which seem to give
me a feeling of pressure in the top of my head. The
smell from books and a down comforter give
instant headache. Usually sensitive but not this
sensitive. Car exhaust and dirty air have been more
intolerable than usual and have caused the same
head pressure reaction in varying degrees. The
headache was worse and was accompanied by an
anxious, speedy feeling that lasts for sometime
beyond exposure.
2. Every noise seems to be amplified. Own voice
sounds very loud.
3. Own voice seems violent.
4. I felt like I was turning into a wolf. I hear
every little sound in or out of the house as if
amplified a thousand times.
5. I can smell everything.
1. Drank 1 quart of 3.2 beer. No intoxicating
effect. (This is something unusual for prover.)
2. Drank Fosters beer (one 25-ounce can). No
intoxicating effect. (He usually doesn’t drink beer.)
3. Buzzed feeling, light headed, like being drunk.
Mentally disconnected to what’s going on around
me. I’m separate.
4. Supervisor remarks that the prover sounds
5. Feeling buzzed.
1. Depressed while talking to supervisor on the
phone. Don’t feel normal joviality.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
2. Depression set in. Overwhelmed feeling.
Wanted to escape.
3. Depression all day. A gloom over me.
4. Unusual intensity with depression and sadness
regarding issues with daughter.
5. Emotionally very sensitive. Crying over an
animal on an environmental show on TV; not
something that I normally do.
6. Weeping easily.
Unusual sensations
1. In the evening a creepy feeling like someone is
watching me, or someone is behind me. I looked
around and no one was there.
2. One hour after taking the remedy, I felt a
sensation of something moving inside while I was
driving. It moved upward; had a brief image of a
spirit inside unfolding.
3. In the morning, sensation of being in an empty
tube or tunnel scooping up light and colors. The
world is coming in at one end and going out the
4. Images of “largeness.”
1. Feels sick when thinking about taking more of
the remedy.
2. I don’t want to look anyone in the eye. My
eyes feel like they’re looking downward.
3. Desires to be held quietly.
4. Persistent erotic feeling throughout the nap;
felt aroused. Feeling center mostly around breasts
feeling warm and full.
1. Bent down, on rising from stooping sense that I
could black out. Vertigo action momentary.
2. Sort of dizzy, light-headed, shaky feeling for
about 15 minutes, like I’ve lost too much blood.
1. Pain dull across top of eyes. Dull headache
with pain in eyes. Headache all day but gone by
the morning.
2. Headache over right eyeball. Dull pain. Not
relieved by nap. Continues through the afternoon.
3. Despite chiropractic adjustment got a headache
over right eye and eye socket. Sharp pain.
4. Pain in right temple. Piercing. Continues until
5. Waking with headache above right eye. Dull
pain. The next day, drifting in and out of sleep.
Headache worsening as the day goes on. Headache
dull, slight and steady. Across front forehead and
in right eye. On the fourth day, still has headache.
Low-grade. Moved from across the eyes to behind
the eyes. Dull ache. Mild continuous, steady. Not
6. Strong headache. Aching pain above and
behind eyes.
7. Headache banded. Over forehead. Minor pain
around the head from side to side.
8. Sensation of heat. Left side of head.
9. Lots of hair fell out in shower (unusual).
10. Sinus pressure. Dull aching pain. Feels like
first stage of migraine. Started previous day on and
off < night < right side above eye.
11. Had sharp pain over left eye like a knife above
left eyebrow. Dull headache. (Not irritable with
headache, which would be usual for this prover.)
12. Shortly after taking third dose of remedy
experienced flash of pain in left side of head. The
next day, five minutes after taking a dose of remedy
experienced a headache in the left side of scalp.
Flash – front to back. Stitching, sharp.
13. Feeling funny. Sensing headache on top to the
right front to back. Feeling buzzed; like after
14. Light-headed. Mentally disconnected to
what’s going on around me. I’m separate. Buzzed;
could feel it down my body to arms and legs.
Headache moving around. Stabilized, dull pain on
top of head toward the front. Sense of nausea,
subtle. Headache continues and moves to left side
of head; temporal. Dull. Tension kind of
headache. Headache stronger in left temple.
Headache moving all around. Stabilized as dull
pain in the top of head, towards the front. Subtle
sense of nausea with the headache. Headache
continues and moves to left side of head; temporal.
Dull. Sensation of pulsation in the head. Energy is
moving. Headache continues, mostly on top front
to mid-point.
15. Burning pain in temples (this prover never has
16. Mild headache in temples (this prover never
has headaches).
17. Headache all over with neck involvement.
Took Advil. The next day, headache again with
stiffness in back of neck and shoulder. Occipital
headache that went up to the forehead. I usually get
headaches at the beginning of my period but not
after, and they usually occur in the morning on
waking and not in the afternoon. The third day,
feeling pressure mostly on top part of my head.
The third day, slight headache in temples and
forehead. Pressure feeling continues. Head not
clear. Headache (?) comes and goes in intensity;
symptoms last 8 days.
18. Sensation as if I’m inside my head listening.
While drying my face and bending over, I hear a
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
hollow sound inside my head, caused by the friction
of rubbing the towel back and forth.
19. A hollow sensation in the head while bending
over and scrunching my hair. I am hearing the
sound from inside my head, like my head is hollow.
20. Have noticed minor head and sinus congestion
since I had the headaches on Day 5 and 6 of the
21. Brief, sharp pains in upper head. The next day,
brief, sharp pains on right side of head.
22. Headache behind eyes, forehead and temples;
occurring in the late morning.
23. Headache starts in the back of head and neck,
goes up in the head on the right side to above the
eyebrows, extends to whole right side; > with
rubbing the neck, > with cold applications, >
pressure, > lying down. Dull ache; > when keeping
head up while lying down.
24. After taking remedy, low-grade, very dull
headache starting in forehead region and extending
into crown of head. Headache moved to top of
head and towards the back. Experienced a sharp
twinge on the left side that lasted a few seconds.
Headache continues but only in the forehead area
above the eyes. Dull ache.
25. Dull headache in forehead area, especially over
eyes. Feeling foggy and tired. Headache
worsening. The weather is clear. The storm moved
through last night. Low-grade headache lasts all
day and continues in the forehead area.
1. Eyes itching dramatically. Like a stick right in
the socket.
2. Itching right eye.
3. Twitch in left eyebrow where the socket meets
the skull.
4. Burning, a little gritty, a bit irritated. Itchiness
of the eye, especially right corner of right eye.
Look congested, and vision feels a bit tired and
5. Eyes feeling dry and a little gritty.
6. Eyes burning.
7. Eyes sensitive to light.
8. Right eye itchy. The next day both eyes itchy.
9. Both eyes are itchy this morning. Eyes very
itchy. Feels better to rub them. My eyes are
REALLY red. Symptoms last for about 15
minutes. Eyes got better after a hot shower.
10. Eyes feel very heavy.
11. Vision foggy. Sensation of film across eye.
1. Hot right ear.
2. Tingling in left ear.
3. Piercing pain in both ears like dull pencils
being driven in.
4. Pressure on ears and congestion. Three days
later slight congestion with more fluid in ears.
5. Pain in right ear like an insect; seconds of pain.
Milder in left ear. Boring pain. Pain behind both
ears. First right then left. The next day, brief,
sharp pains in right ear. Pain in right ear continues
to third day, it vibrates.
6. Brief throbbing in both ears, worse on the
right. Noticeable sensation, but not a bad pain.
7. Woke up with shooting pain in my left ear.
Pain in left ear continues intermittently.
8. Lobes of ears dry.
1. Heightened sense of hearing, on and off during
first four days of proving. While listening to music
I can hear the high-pitched percussion sounds
extremely well, especially the triangle; it stands out
much more than usual. Sitting quietly in car
hearing white noise very intensely, as if I could
hear the vibration of electrical wires and everything
around me (like the plastic in the car, the concrete
outside). I feel like screaming because there is no
way to escape this crazy buzzing. Acute awareness
of high-pitched constant sound from down the
street coming through an open window.
2. My ear feels very open to the sound coming
in, as if there is no filter. Heightened hearing
awareness for sounds coming in through the
window. Someone in the distance is pushing a
shopping cart and it sounds very sharp.
3. Heightened hearing upon drying hair with a
towel; rubbing.
1. Noticeable smell of manure.
2. Pressure from sinus headache. Lots of watery
discharge. Sinuses so full that passage feels
3. Frequent sneezing in morning.
4. Constant post-nasal drip though don’t have a
cold. Spitting all day. Not feeling sick.
5. Stuffy when waking up.
6. Twitch at root of nose on the left side.
7. Running nose: clear, watery drips from end of
nose, lasting one hour. Two days later, nose runny
with nausea.
8. A general feeling that my acute sense of smell
is increasing.
9. Heightened sense of smell, on and off. The
next day, sense of smell heightened at times.
Smells, not pleasant or agreeable, ranging from
mildly pungent to intolerable: neighbors’ barbeque,
smell from clothes dryer, car exhaust, fast food, etc.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
10. Three huge sneezes. Sniffly, itchy nose; drips
into the back of the throat. An hour later, sneezes
again. Eyes itchy. Nose very itchy. Post-nasal
drip down back of throat. Another hour later, nose
not sniffly, just draining into throat. Symptom
lasted until 11 am. Then the symptom returned at
16:30 when I took the second dose.
11. Nose sniffly again, followed the next day by
post-nasal drip, scratchy throat, >while in the steam
room. On the third day after sneezing, out came
yellowish thick green mucus. Lots of post-nasal
drip. On the fourth day post-nasal drip; have to
swallow. < in am, > in pm.
12. Driving to work, big globs of mucus, post-
nasal in the throat and couldn’t get it out. Then ate
at 9:15 and the mucus cleared out.
13. Nose stuffy in am and worse pm. The next
day, nose dry, inside nostrils, as though I’d inhaled
a bunch of dust.
1. Two small pimples on right forehead and left
cheek bone. They were gone the next day.
2. Small pimple on right jaw. It was gone the
next day.
3. Heat sensation in face.
4. Sensation of flush in face, but it wasn’t
discolored. Forehead around to temple. Tingling
in face; in general, like after dentist over most of
5. Pain/pressure in the face just below the eyes.
6. In the morning, pressure in forehead about
nose; passed quickly.
1. Wine didn’t taste sweet. Salsa tasted terrible,
normally craves spicy. Tasted too spicy, didn’t like
that taste.
2. Food didn’t taste quite as flavorful.
3. Spit felt thicker.
4. Saliva acrid and burning.
5. Gums swollen, left side, top, lasting to
following day.
6. Burning sensation, right side of lower lips, as if
I’d eaten something spicy. An hour later,
numbness at mouth, both lips and top of tongue.
7. Bitter taste, tip of tongue. Lots of saliva.
8. Dry mouth but thirstless during cold
9. One hour after taking remedy, increased saliva
in the mouth; swallowing a lot.
1. Teeth hurt all day; both sides; upper and lower.
Feels like there is a coating on teeth, especially
with sweets and even with fruit. Makes me want to
brush my teeth. > rinsing. >vegetables. >toast. >hot
water. Teeth very sensitive even without sweet.
2. While eating suddenly a metallic taste. Feeling
like I can taste the fillings in my teeth.
3. Tight molars, achy.
1. Swelling in esophagus after eating cookies.
2. Throat feels swollen. Hard to swallow.
3. Began to notice something in my throat, as if
the glands were swollen. The next day, still
noticing my throat in the same way. It’s very
unusual for me to get throat symptoms.
4. Swollen glands. The next day throat is slightly
sore. Two day later, dry, tickling throat.
5. Throat sore and scratchy. Better warm drink.
Better lying down.
6. Scratchy throat; has to clear a lot and that
makes it feel better. Symptom lasted until 11 am.
Then the symptoms return at 16:30 when she took
the second dose. One half hour after taking the
remedy, the scratchy throat returns; must clear
throat all day. Woke from nap with a scratchy
throat (remedy taken at 15:15). The next day, woke
in the morning with dry throat, scratchy, feeling
dusty. Better with clearing and swallowing. Better
drinking hot tea. Better moving about. Better in
general. The throat symptoms were gone by the
sixth day.
7. Feels like the swallowing mechanism is not
working; feels like food is staying in her throat after
8. Small tickle in throat that made me cough
once; it never came back.
9. Having to clear throat.
10. Slight symptoms of sore throat.
11. Sore throat around 4 PM > drinking cool
fluids; > massaging neck. At the same time has
greenish mucus in the nose. The next day, wakes
with sore, dry throat, not painful, just irritating.
Lots of yellow mucus. Spitting out the mucus. >
cool drinks, > massaging throat, > 10:30 AM.
12. Dry throat, really thirsty, on waking and
retiring. Spit out mucus 6-7 times today. Two days
later, dry throat and have been drinking quite a lot
of water. Did not urinate frequently today. The
dryness continues for two more days.
Spot on neck with weak twinge of pain on left
side. Spot sore for a short time.
1. Sudden nausea.
2. Nervous stomach. Burning, turned sour.
Acidic feeling. The next morning, nervous rushing
to center of stomach.
3. Thirsty all day. Drank 3.5 liters.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
4. Very mild nausea almost immediately after
taking first dose of the remedy. Took 3
dose of
remedy and again experienced mild nausea, like a
bubbling or churning in stomach.
5. Empty, little nauseous, and pressure at center
of sternum.
6. Appetite diminished. Not hungry.
7. Mild sense of having to vomit, a passing thing.
8. Mild nausea (prover has never had stomach
problems) during the first three days of the proving.
Nausea started 15 minutes after taking the remedy.
Nausea better after eating a bowl of chicken soup
(normally doesn’t eat this time of day; went to great
effort to get the soup). Has aversion to eat the soup
but does so anyway.
9. Thirstlessness and appetite decreased during
first six days of proving.
10. Nausea during yoga with muscle shaking and
11. Mild acidic feeling located below the sternum.
12. Thirst increased.
1. Gas in the afternoon. The next day more gas.
2. Woke with gurgling in the lower left abdomen,
lasting 30 minutes.
3. Sour smelling gas; haven’t eaten any foods that
usually give me gas.
1. More bowel movements. Going to the
bathroom a lot.
2. Spasms in rectum. Felt like having ball in butt.
Lasted two minutes. Incapacitating pain. Felt
nauseous during it. After lying on floor in pain,
gone in two minutes.
3. Constipation. Passes only hard balls. Stool
like sheep dung. Little pellets. Symptoms last two
Urination decreased by 50%, lasting two days.
1. Sexual desire increased since taking remedy;
lasting 3 days.
2. Sex drive completely gone.
1. Sex on back burner; so irritable.
2. Severe cramps in uterus. Sudden onset. On a
scale of 1-10, these cramps were a 10 in severity.
(This prover usually has extremely painful periods,
and after the remedy she had her first painless
period ever.)
3. Menstruation – not as irritated as usual.
4. Vaginal discharge stringy like cloudy egg
5. Bleeding during menses increased.
6. Very mild contraction of uterus during menses.
7. Pelvic floor feels warm, somewhat burning;
lasts for about 10 minutes.
8. Sensation on right side of labia: has a
tightening, rubbed feeling. Like I’m going to get
9. Increasing sexual energy, arousal in genital
area. Pulsating sensation in vulva and clitoral area,
on and off for 10 minutes.
10. I have a very itchy spot on my pubic bone.
Red spots on pubic bone, under hair, itching; better
with scratching. This lasts 4 days.
11. Relaxation of vagina with bubbly feeling
inside. Sexual desire is low.
12. There is a feeling of swelling under the hair.
Sensation as if I can feel every hair. High sexual
13. Period started 3 days late. No cramping in
lower abdomen or lower back, which she usually
14. Period starts one day early. Cramps worse than
1. Constriction and tightness with breathing.
Pressure on inhalation. Need to make an effort to
2. Lungs dry when walking up hill, breathing
difficult, has to stop to breath.
1. Cough while lying in bed in the morning,
lasted 10-15 minutes.
2. A little cough from tickle in throat. Woke
from nap with a dry cough and tickle in throat. The
next day, dry cough; makes throat raw. Cough like
choking on the third day. Went out in the cold
weather and coughed a lot. Dry, choking cough.
Tried to cough deeply but throat would close. The
cough lasts 5 days.
1. Empty sensation, little nausea, and pressure at
center of sternum. The next day, minute amount of
pressure on the chest, lower than armpit level.
Lower end of sternum; upper epigastrium.
2. Empty feeling extending to abdomen.
3. Brief, slight fluttering feeling in the heart.
Breasts feeling tender, slightly swollen, lasting
about a week (usually happens before menses, but
this isn’t the right time). The third day, a short
period of uneasiness in my heart. Aware of it
beating harder than usual.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
4. Occasionally shooting pain right breast,
shooting from outside toward nipple. Has occurred
about six times today, very quickly. The next day,
same quick shooting pain of right breast as
yesterday. Feel it about every 10 minutes.
5. Congested tight feeling in upper abdominal and
lower chest and below the sternum.
6. My heart is pounding. Felt it the next day also.
7. Not time for menses, breasts feeling thick.
Husband noticed that they were swollen. This
continues to next day.
8. Heaviness in the chest, followed by a sharp,
stitching pain like a needle; 3 inches down from the
collar bone. First the left side then the right, then
back to left. Lasted until 6 pm. Worse pressure.
Later, chest pain again, size of tennis ball. Better
erect, but worse on rising.
1. Spine stiff.
2. Back pain, lasting six days.
3. Tingling on each side of spine, mid-back,
between shoulder blades. Sensation comes and
goes. Two or three hours later, muscles on left
side, mid-back, contracting and warm. Neck tight.
Then, two days later, tingling sensation on both
sides of mid-back.
4. I feel tense in the middle of my back (unusual
for me).
5. On waking have back pain between spine and
shoulder blade on right side. Very tight, stabbing,
hurting very bad. Can’t go to work. Occasionally
gets this, but never this bad and usually on both
sides. Cold applications helped a little.
6. Stiffness, discomfort of low back; followed by
coolness running up my back. Upper back stiff
three days later.
1. Weakness and tiredness in shoulders and arms;
weak and slightly painful.
2. Sensation on top of right foot. Felt weak.
3. Clumsiness. Dropped cap while screwing on
laundry detergent bottle. Five days later, dropped
toilet seat. Usually careful.
4. Numbness in left arm, left thumb, and fingers.
5. Buzzed, could feel it down the body, arms and
6. Light numbness in hands and fingers. The next
day, numbness in hands and fingers. < left side.
7. Feet feeling burning, dry, uncomfortable and
8. A pin-point of burning pain that comes up from
time to time for a few days. It occurs on the top of
my right ankle where it bends into my right foot.
There’s nothing showing. I’ve never had this
9. Bright red patches, streaks on inside of knees.
Starting at bend, going outwards toward the front.
Slightly raised, about one inch wide. Itching and
burning. Six days later, red patches on knees
almost gone, but now slowly returning.
10. Shortly after taking remedy, brief tingling, pins
and needles in right arm. Later, brief sharp pains in
right leg knee and above. Feet itch. The next
day, brief, sharp pain on right side.
11. At midnight, noticed swelling of the feet from
the base of the toes up to the bend in the foot. Feet
look fat and stubby. I’ve never had anything like
this. The swelling lasts two days.
12. Ankles and feet feel thick and swollen.
1. More groggy than usual upon rising.
2. Sleeplessness between 2:30 and 5:30 am.
3. Sleep disturbed. Difficult to go to sleep.
Needed to take naps.
4. Couldn’t sleep (unusual). Took over two hours
to fall asleep not because of thoughts. The body
was tired; the mind was awake.
5. Still awake, can’t fall asleep. It’s windy
outside and that’s agitating me. It’s hard to stay still
or find a comfortable position. I’m not going to
repeat the remedy.
6. Took a nap one hour after taking remedy.
Usually can’t nap.
7. Can’t fall asleep; it’s windy outside and that’s
agitating me. It’s hard to stay still or find a
comfortable position. I’m not going to repeat the
1. Burning rash on shoulders and on both sides of
breasts. Spots on left side of neck.
2. Rash on neck. Bumps on arms. Rash all over
neck and back. Rash blotchy, raised, brownish-pin,
spreading onto shoulder.
3. Itch on right arm near elbow.
4. Skin became drier, itchy (skin normally very
5. Rash on neck.
6. Dry nose, lips and skin.
Food desires
1. Craves lemonade and orange juice.
2. Strong desire for chocolate, like it is obsessive,
can’t stop. Ate lots of M & Ms.
3. Ate lots of chocolate, obsessive for the entire
week. (This is an entirely new symptom.)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
4. Crave watermelon.
5. I only enjoy things that are soothing and gentle.
Don’t like sharp tastes in my food.
1. Wave of heat – torso and arms.
2. Hot, cold, and tingling sensation all at the same
time. > walking.
3. Felt very chilled. Needed sweater. Felt very
sleepy. Lay down and didn’t sleep. Later on got
very warm.
4. Felt hot, but puts on socks and wool sweater.
5. Felt cold and desired salt.
6. Very cold in the evening before going to bed.
Needed to use two blankets.
1. Unusually good energy with her periods.
2. Felt fine in the sun, which was strange.
3. Tons of energy, anxious and jittery.
4. Have more physical energy. Going and going
and not feeling tired.
5. Light-headed, weak, like I hadn’t had any food,
but had eaten two hours before. Almost dizzy and
some nausea. > exercising.
6. Felt good but expected otherwise because there
was a change in the weather (cured symptom).
7. Tiredness; came and went quickly.
8. Stirring quietly in car hearing white nose very
intensely as if I could hear the vibration of
electrical wires and everything around me (like the
plastic in the car, the concrete outside). I feel like
screaming because there is no way to escape this
crazy buzzing. [that exact sx is higher, under
9. Moments of buzzy, high energy. Occurred two
hours after taking second dose of remedy.
10. After the remedy first felt more energetic, then
starting on day 6 I felt exhausted.
11. Have energy. Wants to walk to places instead
of driving.
12. High energy; wants to do lots of projects.
13. Energy low all day. Feels quiet.
14. Tired all day; yawned all day. Wife had to
drive. Fell asleep in the car. Woke up exhausted
from the nap. Never felt like this before.
15. Woke up exhausted as if I had taken sleeping
16. Waking at 7 am feeling refreshed, which is
unusual for me.
Right-sided sharp pain.
1. Tingling sensation throughout body.
2. Shakiness after lunch. Felt shaky all over:
stomach, legs, arms; heart rate is also increased.
3. Tremors inside whole body, like an engine
reviving in neutral. Lasted for one hour; whole
body shaking.
4. Calypte anna a homeopathic proving of
Anna’s Humming bird
SHEPARD, Cynthia A. (AH. 10/2004)
Proving took place in British Columbia,
Canada in 2003. Two male and six female provers.
The author has chosen to present his proving
data with comparisons to humming bird anatomy,
physiology, biology and behaviour. The
correlations are strong and help provide a clearer
image of the remedy.
Swing of energy levels, internal coldness and
sluggishness, absence of digestive problems, strong
aggravations from chocolate and alcohol, stiffness
of hips, a feeling of calmness, inability to
communicate the thoughts are some of the
5. Vincetoxicum Proving
GLUECK, Walter (AH. 10/2004)
In Folk medicine, this is used as a “poison
conqueror”. Proved in 1986 in 30C in seven
Symptoms of Vincetoxicum officinale (sym.
Cynandricum vincetoxicum) in schematic manner
and some of the confirmed symptoms are given.
Four ‘Flu’ cases helped by the remedy are
Schematic Head – Foot Survey
Mind: Apathetic
Dizziness: Dizziness with headache, dazed
Head: Funny feeling, as if dazed, heavy,
Headache: From nape of the neck continuing
to crown of the head,
Headache: Oppressive dull, heavy
Headache: Head dull, hammering,
exploding, better when lying
Headache: Crown of the head dull, as if
Eyes: Feeling of pressure in the eyes
Nose: Watery nasal catarrh, from time
to time, blocked nose
Nose: Secretion watery, white-yellow,
Neck: Feeling of stiffness, lateral
dragging feeling
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Throat: Sore throat, worse when
swallowing, feeling of enlarged
Stomach: Nausea from swallowing of
Bladder: Urinary incontinence when
Cough: Dry, during daytime, spasmodic
Cough: Expectoration viscous, white
Cough: Cough painful, leaving burning in
Cough: Coughing at night, walking
through coughing not clear
Back: Cervical pain. As if gripped in a
bench-vice; stiffness in back of
Back: Stiffness in back of head
Extremities: Aching limbs, all bones aching
Sleep: Nightmares, bad sleep; dreams of
day’s occurrences
Temperature: Feeling hot (objective: slightly
raised temperature)
Temperature: Hot feeling in the morning,
alternating hot and cold
General: Weakness, worse in the morning,
exhaustion, with apathy, lack of
Confirmed symptoms and Differential
More or less rapid onset of illness (within 1-6
hours), with weakness, leaden tiredness, aching
bones and shivers (Eup. per.)
Numb headache, beginning mostly in crown of
head or entire head, worse for movement; with
stupor, incapacity to think clearly; sometimes with
dizziness and/or pain in eyes or sensitivity to light.
Aching limbs, pain throughout body, or pain in
spinal column, in region of cervical and/or lumbar
Possibly beginning with runny cold and/or
slight sore throat, caused by cold (Quill.)
Better for resting, lying down, warmth, hot
Possibly increased appetite during shivers
(Eup. per. Phos., China, Veratr. etc.); thirst normal.
After shivery stage (Pyrogen.), within 6 12
hours: sensation of heat and/or fever (with or
without sweating); with strong dull headache,
mostly on top of head (differential diagnosis Gels.),
thirst mostly normal, little appetite.
Worsening of sensation of heat mostly
afternoon, evening or night; asks for more cover,
possibly alternating feeling of hot and cold during
Possibly dry, spasmodic cough with burning in
chest, headache worse for coughing (Bry.)
During feverish stage, sometimes slight feeling
of nausea and unspecific abdominal discomfort.
Similarity to Bell., Ferr., Phos., Gels.
6. Comparison of Provings of Larrea tridentata
ROWE, Todd (SIM. XVII, 3/2004)
This article is a comparison between two
provings done on Larrea tridentata by Dr. Stephen
MESSER et al and Todd ROWE.
It is remarkable that both groups chose the
same substance to be proven at the same time and
were done completely independently.
Repetition of provings provides an opportunity
to deepen our understanding of our medicines.
The proving methodologies, rubrics and
themes are compared.
The concordance of symptoms between the
two provings was approximately 50%. 80-90%
concordance would ultimately prove ideal.
7. Brown Pelican: An excerpt from: Birds
Homeopathic Remedies from the Avian
SHORE, Jonathan; SCHRIEBMAN, Judy and
HOGELAND, Anneke (SIM. XVII, 3/2004)
Proving done in September 2001.
Core idea: Freedom to be. Freedom from
judgement. They suffer from the opinions of others
as to how they should be in the world.
Key aspects: Connection versus separation
Instinct versus reason
Mental confusion versus
conscientiousness over details
Calm versus Anxiety/fear
Solemnity, Joy, Purity
Right sidedness
Prominent rubrics are given. [This is in tune
with the time, i.e. data collection more on ‘mind’ =
8. Magnesia carbonica and Sulphur:
Compatibility in Relationship
LALOR, Liz (AJHM. 97, 3/2004)
Ms. LALOR authored the book A
Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and
Compatibilityas a means to introduce the public
to Homeopathy, specifically in the context of how
differing constitutional remedy types might interact
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
when in relationship with one another. Here we
have excerpted the chapter on Magnesia carbonica
and Sulphur. The two remedies Magnesia
carbonica, with its great need for security within a
relationship and peaceful harmony, and Sulphur,
with its need for recognition and egotism create
an interesting relationship dynamic, which is
thoroughly explored in this article/chapter.
[Here again is a 12 pages article. Lot of
speculations. The basis for the findings Healthy
Sulphurs are intensely passionate, intensely
creative, and intensely inspirational! How come
these? And the ‘Unhealthy Sulphurs’ are the
opposite. Do we have ‘healthy Sulphurs’, healthy
Lycopodiums’ and so on? = KSS]
9. The Toxicology of Claviceps purpurea: Ergot
of Rye
(AJHM. 97, 3/2004)
The signs and symptoms of poisoning by
Claviceps purpurea (Secale cornutum) has been
gathered from medical, hospital and veterinary
reports and presented in a classical homeopathic
repertory fashion in order to supplement the
homeopathic Materia Medica.
Materia Medica Based on the Human
Envenomation by Claviceps purpurea, Ergot of
Rye. Its Toxicology.
Outline review
Ergot, in most cases, will be limited to digestive
disorders, insomnia and slight disturbances of the
autonomic nervous system. Less frequently, severe
delirium, muscular spasms and cardiovascular
collapse are encountered. Peripheral arterial
constriction progresses slowly but persistently.
Ergot disorder develops more quickly in children
but, equally, leaves them more rapidly. The
condition is more noticeable during winter when it
resembles frostbite or freezing of the extremities.
Pregnancy and lactation are adversely affected.
Aggressiveness (cattle & occasionally swine).
Agitation, worse for attempt at restraining patient
(severe phase).
Belligerence (animal symptom).
Confusion, mental.
Crying loudly, shrieking, complaining that a
devouring fire is burning their feet and hands.
Delirium, confusional but can be interrupted
momentarily by strong external stimuli (severe
phase); duration of delirium variable (humans &
Delirium and hallucinations; seized with a fearful
and dangerous disorder.
Depressive state of mind initially, with anguish and
slight agitation.
Dullness and depression (livestock).
Coldness, complaining of.
Confusional state of mind.
Consciousness level disturbances.
Delirium, systematized, with animal hallucinations
and self-accusation; sometimes mystical or
macabre; at other times terrifying visions followed
by fugues, leading some patients to throw
themselves out of windows (severe phase).
Delusion of being consumed by flames.
Depressive state with anguish and slight agitation,
generalized, early first symptom becoming clearly
defined a few hours later at start of digestive
disturbance (first phase).
Disturbances of Autonomic Nervous System
accompany digestive disorders (first phase).
Dull and depressed (humans & animals) (long
Frantic running in the streets.
Hallucinations, visual, appearing towards evening;
recalling those of alcoholism, with particular
themes of visions of animals and of flames (severe
Hallucinations, visual, all fleeting and variable,
often followed by dreamy delirium (severe phase).
Hyperexcitability (animal symptom).
Logorrhoea, psychomotor agitation and absolute
insomnia always presage appearance of mental
disorders (severe phase) which can include mania
or psychosis with hallucinations.
Memory loss.
Mood alterations from ‘maniacal for some, to
‘melancholic for other, or still others seem to
plunge into a comatose sleep’.
Restlessness, hyperactivity of short duration,
followed by depression, early symptoms (100% of
experimental mice).
Stamping of feet (may be due to pain) (animal
Stupor (cattle & occasionally swine).
Writhing and screaming in bed.
Dizziness and Vertigo.
Fainting attacks, severe, with imperceptible pulse,
low and feeble arterial tension and a feeling of
anguish (severe phase); spontaneous remission.
Giddiness, persistent, accompanying abundant
sweating and a disagreeable (striking) odor (first
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Central Nervous System
Ataxia or staggering (animal symptom).
Autonomic nervous system disturbances
accompany digestive disorders such as gusts of
warmth, followed by impressions of cold waves,
with intense sweating crises (first phase).
Convulsions (acute) (human, rarely, & animal
symptom, including livestock, cattle & horses;
occasionally swine); intermittent (28.6% of
experimental mice) beginning with muscular
tremors and subsiding within four minutes, to start
again repeatedly, followed by complete exhaustion
and loss of movement. (experimental mice).
Cranial nerves intact (infant).
Discoordination (acute).
Hemiplegia (rarely).
Hypotonic (infant).
Incoordination (livestock).
Lameness (livestock, cattle & occasionally swine).
Neurological examination most often shows the
following signs during the severe phase:
intensional tremor, nearly always present;
accompanied by fibrillary twitching, sometimes;
and myoclonus, suggestions of.
cerebellar syndrome (unusual);
Romberg’s sign never seen.
Paralysis (experimental mice).
Paralysis, never (severe phase).
Paralyis, temporary (cattle).
Tremblings and twitchings.
Unconscious but reacting sluggishly to painful
stimuli (infant).
Unconsciousness, possible.
Cerebro-Spinal Fluid
Cerebro-spinal fluid: normal (infant).
Babinski’s reflex, transient (severe phase).
Lower limbs reflexes present and equal.
Reflexes slightly exaggerated, especially the
patellar reflex (severe phase).
Tendon reflexes (all) present, sluggish, and equal
on both sides. (infant).
Claudication distance reducing from 1,600 metres
down to 23 metres within 18 months, but worsening
and deteriorating rapidly in final month.
Intermittent claudication affecting left calf initially,
but both calves involved eventually.
Tottering, wobbling, staggering, faltering on
walking, as if drunk.
Walking in a stiff-legged gait, falling in unusual
and awkward positions (cattle).
Sensation to touch, pinprick, vibration & position
sensations reduced over soles of feet; loss of
peripheral sensation in poorly vascularized distal
Skin sensitivity variable (cattle).
Head & Neck
Cephalgias follows hand symptoms.
Headaches, daily with nausea, relieved only by
further doses of causative ergotamine.
Headaches, well marked; for several years, more
frequent under stress, characterized by pain in the
back of the neck, radiating over the left temple;
occasional blurring of vision and vomiting, but no
warning aura.
Headaches with a sensation of heaviness or
weightiness, usually following the pains in the
Nape of the neck pain and more rarely, true
headaches (first phase).
Mydriasis, very frequent, with diminution of the
light reflex (first phase).
Mydriasis disappearing during severe phase but
accommodation remaining difficult.
Pupils dilated and reacting to light (infant).
Pupils pin-point and not reacting to light (infant).
Fundi normal (infant).
Blindness, total (humans), intermittent (cattle).
Double vision.
Vision as if eyes were covered by thick fog.
Deafness, intermittent (cattle).
Gangrenous extremity (animal symptom).
Gangrenous extremity (animal symptom).
Facial muscles contractions.
Mouth & Tongue
Mucous membranes (oral) inflamed or display
shallow superficial erosions (cattle).
Salivation, excessive, frequent (first phase)
(humans, livestock & sheep).
Tongue necrosis.
Throat & Pharynx
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Sensation of pharyngeal constriction, often,
distressing (first phase).
Gastrointestinal System
Bleeding internally within digestive tract (sheep).
Digestive disturbances/disorders quickly becoming
worse (first phase).
Gastrointestinal catarrh (livestock).
Gastric disturbances.
Feed intake reduced (livestock & swine); refuses
Weight gain reduced (livestock & swine).
Nausea & Vomiting
Nausea, particularly notable, with diffuse
abdominal pains (first phase).
Nausea, retching or vomiting in 46% of patients.
Vomiting with diarrhea, less often noted, in about
30% of patients (first phase).
Vomiting, blood-stained material, suddenly
unexpectedly, following a rigor which itself
followed an initial improvement (infant).
Abdominal pains colicky and frequent (first phase)
(humans & livestock).
Abdominal pains diffuse or subhepatic, with
burning sensations throughout the whole of the
digestive tract (first phase).
Abdominal pains frequently complained of.
Abdominal pains increasing for the duration of one
Gut lesions (swine).
Burning sensations at the anus with the colicky
abdominal pains (first phase).
Diarrhea (acute & chronic) (humans, livestock,
cattle, sheep & occasionally swine) or constipation.
Urinary System
Renal artery spasm, reversible.
Renal failure.
Urinary Output: 3L/24 hrs.
Urine output remaining high.
Intravenous Urography (IVU)
Instant dense persistent nephrogram with normal-
sized kidneys.
Creatinine (urinary): 6.8 µmol/L.
Creatinine clearance (urinary): 3ml/min. (normal:
m: 97-137ml/min; f: 88-128ml/min).
Creatinine clearance at recovery: 54-59 ml/min.
(normal: m: 97-137 ml/min; f:88-128 ml/min).
Potassium (urinary): 25 mmol/L.
Sodium (urinary): 48 mmol/L.
Urea (urinary): 140 mmol/L. (normal: 250-500
Female Genitalia
Premature menstruations (severe phase).
Pregnancy & Post-Natal
Abortion in early pregnancy. (human & animal
symptom; livestock, sheep & swine but not cattle).
Abortion within three days in 100% of
experimental mice, but within 10 days in cows in
late pregnancy.
Agalactia (cattle, cows & sows).
Contractions, relatively fast (compared to
oxytocin), and superimposed on sustained tonic
Foal death in mares, early.
Frank hemorrhages in pregnant women (severe
Gestations prolonged (cattle).
Lactation reduced, depressed (livestock & swine
but not cattle).
Mammary gland nondevelopment (cattle).
Neonatal mortality, high (livestock, sheep &
Postpartum headaches.
Postpartum hypertension.
Tendency to abort.
Uterine contractions in gravid uterus.
Uterine motor activity increased, with contractions
increased in force or frequency or both; followed
by a normal degree of relaxation in mild conditions.
In more severe cases, contractions become more
forceful, prolonged with resting tonus markedly
increased and markedly sustained contractures.
Respiratory System
Chest clinically clear. (infant).
Dyspnea, progressive (humans, livestock, cattle,
sheep & occasionally swine).
Dyspnea, severe (infant).
Respiratory depression.
Respiration rate:32-70 per minute, shallow (infant).
Coughing in spasms (infant).
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Angina pectoris due to coronary vasoconstriction,
reduced coronary microcirculatory blood flow and
associated ischemic changes.
Angina pectoris due to a rise in central venous
pressure that will increase the size of the heart and
so augment the metabolic needs of the left ventricle
thus facilitating the development of angina pectoris
in response to exercise or other stress.
Crepitations right base and middle lobe (infant).
Pulmonary edema (especially in patient with
impaired cardiac function) due to decreased
capacity of vascular reservoir.
Thoracic pains; cardialgia (violent) rapidly follows
feet formication as an early symptom.
Chest X-Ray (Chest Roentgenogram) : normal.
Cardiovascular System
Arteriolar vasoconstriction and spasms (long lasting
and persistent).
Bradycardia or tachycardia.
Bradycardia of 40 to 50 beats per minute, regular
(patient pale), even without an increase in blood
pressure (first phase) (predominantly due to
increased vagal activity, but also due to reduction in
sympathetic tone and direct myocardial
Cyanosis, peripheral, marked (infant), gradually
Heart sounds rather muffled (first phase).
Mitral stenosis, severe.
Peripheral arterial insufficiency.
Peripheral blood flow reduced.
Sinus tachycardia of 180 per minute in
semicomatose state (infant).
Veins rapid constriction, resulting in rise in central
venous pressure.
Venous pressure, central: +3.5 cm H2O.
Blood Pressure (BP)
Arterial tension generally rather low with a
disquieting fall during fainting attacks (first phase).
BP ranging from 95/50 to 145/75 mm Hg.
Blood pressure may rise (hypertension) and/or fall
(hypotension), usually in that order.
Hypertensive attacks (190/100 mm Hg) in between
fainting attacks, representing generalized
vasomotor crises (severe phase).
Normotensive with BP ranging from 140-145
systolic over 75-80 diastolic in adult in both arms.
Systolic blood pressure: 50mm Hg (infant)
Pulse rapid and weak.
Pulse rate: 120 per minute, regular and of fair
volume (infant).
Weak pulse (with the bradycardia) (first phase) and
weak peripheral pulses.
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
ECG: normal.
Angiogram of upper limbs:
Aorta (ascending, arch, descending &
abdominal): no abnormalities found.
Axillary arteries: normal, with multiple
collaterals originating from Axillary arteries
and reconstituting distally to form the Ulna and
Radial arteries.
Brachial arteries: long stenotic segments.
Common Iliac arteries: normal.
Radial arteries: short, multiple, stenoses.
Subclavian arteries: normal.
Ulnar arteries: short, multiple, stenoses.
Angiogram of lower limbs:
Femoral arteries, superficial, proximally:
Femoral arteries, superficial, distal: diffuse
Popliteal arteries: diffuse narrowing.
Profunda & Geniculate artery collaterals
supplying legs, mainly.
Tibial arteries: not well visualized and mainly
supplied by small vessels from Profunda &
Geniculate collaterals.
Bilateral femoral arteriograms: Superficial femoral
arteries: severe narrowing throughout their lengths.
Calf vessels very narrow.
Smoothness of arterial walls seen at all levels.
Atheroma or occlusion not demonstrated.
Calf and foot blood flow show bilateral peripheral
arterial insufficiency with narrowing of superficial
femoral arteries extending throughout both thighs.
Hyperemic flow present.
Vasoconstriction in the distal vessel bed present
and persistent.
Tibial, Dorsalis pedis pulses and indirect ankle
systolic pressure flow velocity confirmed peripheral
arterial insufficiency and showed recovery is rather
Hyperemic flow demonstrated after foot pulses
return (St. Anthony’s Fire).
Musculoskeletal System
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Crippling and loss of movement within ten days
(71.4% of experimental mice).
Muscular spasms recalling those of tetanus, but less
sustained and less painful, with abundant sweating
and a raised temperature (severe phase).
Muscular pain.
Muscular trembling (acute).
Painful contraction of muscles (acute).
Smooth muscles stimulation.
Trembling, muscular (livestock).
Wasting disease, gradual development (livestock).
Acræ (distal parts of extremities) ischemia.
Burning sensations in the limbs.
Coldness of the extremities (first symptom)
combined with numbness.
Formication, with pallor and cold in the extremities
recalling Raynaud’s syndrome, with hands and feet
equally affected (severe phase).
Gangrene develops in distal extremities (humans &
animals) (tail, feet, ears, teats) (long term or
Hands and feet cold, blue and puffy (infant).
Ischemia of limbs (confirmed by angiography).
Joint swelling, tenderness and a loss of feeling (this
may be followed by dry gangrene).
Nails white, but no edema; may lose nail.
Numbness and cooling of extremities.
Pale, cold and pulseless upper and lower limbs.
Doppler examination showed diffuse arterial
spasms affecting the aorta and the femoral and
humeral arteries (ritonavir drug interaction).
Paresthesias, painful (severe phase).
Peripheral vasoconstriction damaging capillary
endothelium, resulting in vascular stasis,
thrombosis and gangrene.
Pulses, distal, absent (ritonavir drug interaction).
Tingling and paresthesia of extremities.
Trembling of the extremities, inconspicuous, in a
pale and limp patient complaining especially of
inability to read due to disorders of visual
accommodation (first phase).
Twitching of limbs, trembling (humans & cattle).
Weakness in front legs and stiff-legged in hind legs
with general incoordination (cattle).
Upper Limbs
Coldness, tingling, numbness and loss or lack of
sensation in the fingers.
Difficulty in using fingers in fine movement.
Finger contractions, so strong as to appear
Finger numbness and tingling, progressive to
include entire upper limbs, bilaterally.
Gangrene in hands.
Hands cold and painful (can be severe), progressive
to include entire upper limbs, bilaterally.
Loss of pricking sensation in fingers.
Pale and cold upper limbs, but no cyanosis.
Pulses, brachial and radial, not palpable.
Pulses, upper limb present and equal.
Raynaud’s disease (more prevalent in winter).
Sensations intact.
Lower Limbs
Burning feet pain, increasing.
Burning leg pain (arteriogram showing smooth
segmental narrowing and bilateral vasospasm
suggestive of severe, generalized large vessel
(Femoral arteritis).
Burning pain, severe, experienced as legs become
warmer, requiring large doses of analgesia.
Calf, right, pulling cramp sensation, after short
(five minutes) walk.
Capillary return slow.
Cold and pale lower extremities, bilateral.
Contraction of legs (livestock).
Cool, pulseless and painful (right) leg.
(Arteriogram showing subtotal stenosis and
pseudoaneurysm of popliteal artery).
Cramps in calves, following formication,
aggravated by the weight of the bed sheets (severe
Cyanosis and edema in both legs (initial symptom)
(ritonavir drug interaction).
Feet and legs cold and pale.
Feet uncomfortable, sensation of formication,
signals start of illness.
Femoral pulses present bilaterally and of normal
volume, but no pulses felt below femorals, while
pulses of upper extremities and carotids normal.
Fetlocks swelling with pain and eventual loss of
hooves (cattle & occasionally swine).
Foot, right, numb and cold sensation.
Hind feet tenderness (cattle).
Lameness, particularly in the hind limbs (cattle).
Legs ‘icy cold and dead’ sensation to touch.
Moist gangrene of toes (severe phase).
Necrosis of feet (livestock) as well as tail & ear tips
(gangrenous phase).
Paresthesia followed by gangrenous change at
tendon junction.
Pulses below the femorals in either legs absent/not
palpable; no bruits.
Soles paresthesia, bilateral, aggravated by walking
and persistent even after recovery, for one or more
months, though diminished.
Soles paresthesia, bilateral, severe.
Symptoms usually start in the hind limbs. (animal
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Toes, bilateral gangrene (ritonavir drug interaction).
Toes numbness and tingling.
Toes paresthesia, bilateral, severe.
Toes show cutaneous reactive hyperemia on
improvement and warming.
Weakness in legs.
Gangrenous extremity (animal symptom).
Staggering gait.
Backward arching of the back (animal symptom).
Lameness (animal symptom).
Lying down (animal symptom).
Reticulo-endothelial System
Edema localized (initial symptom) and pruritic.
Insomnia, constant symptom, lasting several days
(first phase).
Sleepiness, prolonged.
Coolness of affected area (animal symptom).
Hyperthermia, with increased pulse and respiration
rates, accompany lameness and a greater
susceptibility to heat stress (livestock & cattle).
Hyperthermia of 39.5°C (infant).
Temperature low, both in morning and evening
(36.5° to 36.8°C) (first phase).
Temperature subnormal (livestock).
Sweats, very abundant, streaming over whole body.
Cold and pale.
Gangrene, dry (animal symptom).
Itching, a common symptom.
Skin excoriation; desquamation edema. (eventually
death and loss of affected tissues.)
Skin pigmented.
Skin paresthesia, exhibiting reactive hyperemia on
improvement and warming up.
Pain: angina, suggestive of.
Pain: Intractable pain in both legs (initial symptom)
(ritonavir drug interaction).
Pain: muscular, severe.
Pain: sensation of pain is lost in the affected areas
(chronic case) and indented line appears between
normal tissue and gangrenous tissue (animal
symptom); eventually all tissue below this line
Pain: shooting.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): normal.
Film: normochromic, normocytic.
Full blood count (FBC): Normal.
Hemoglobin: 8.4 g/dL. (normal: m: 13.5-18.0 g/dL;
f: 11.5-16.0 g/dL)
VDRL: normal.
White blood cell count: 8.4 x 10
L. (normal: 4.0-
11.0 x 10
Anti-cardiolipin antibodies: negative.
Antinuclear cytoplasmic antibodies: negative.
Antinuclear factor: negative.
Calcium (serum) (Ca++): 2.3 mmol/L. (normal:
2.12-2.65 mmol/L).
Creatinine: 2750 µmol/L (normal: d” 150 µmol/L).
Creatinine clearance (during illness): 3 ml/min.
(normal: m: 100-125 ml/min; f: 85-125 ml/min).
Creatinine clearance (at recovery):54-59 ml/min.
(normal: m: 100-125 ml/min; f: 85-125 ml/min).
Coagulation profile: normal.
D-dimer serology: negative.
Double-stranded DNA antibodies: normal.
Fibrinogen: normal.
Liver function tests (LFT): normal.
Lupus anticoagulant: weakly present at ratio 1:4.
Phosphate: 4.5 mmol/L. (normal: 0.8-1.45
Platelet count: normal.
Potassium (K+): 4.8 mmol/L. (normal: 3.5-5.2
Prolactin levels (serum) depression, pronounced,
accounting for galactia (livestock).
Protein C and protein S levels: normal.
Sodium (Na+): 126 mmol/L. (normal: 133-145
Thyroid function test (TFT): normal.
Urate: 1.02 mmol/L (normal: 0.12-0.42 mmol/L).
Urea (plasma): 70 mmol/L. (normal: 2.5-7.0
Urea & electrolytes (U&E’s) (renal profile):
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)
serology: negative.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
GIT: Small intestine: necrotic areas
Colon, sigmoid: necrotic areas.
CVS: Arteries, mesenteric: hypertrophic smooth
muscles, severe (resulting from chronic
Affected part is cool and dries up; a small furrow or
line of separation appears and completely surrounds
the limb, dividing the living tissue from the dead
tissue. There is minimal loss of blood or none at
Debility (humans & 100% of experimental mice).
Epidemic madness with chaos and despair.
Sensations of ‘as if’
Sensation ‘as if’ an insect were creeping under or
over the skin (common symptom).
Ability to sleep is a sign of recovery (end of first
CNS: Cerebral edema (infant).
GIT: Gastritis, hemorrhagic (infant).
Laryngeal submucous hemorrhages (infant).
CVS: Pericardial (visceral) petechiae (infant).
Synthesis Repertory: Claviceps purpurea sec.,’
for Secale cornutum.
Kent Repertory: Sec.,’ for Secale cornutum. (no
claviceps mentioned).
Provings to date: In Bradford (page 248), the
earliest reference to Secale cornutum is by
LORINSER in “Versuch u Beobach. u d Wirk.
Mutterkoens, Berlin, 1824.” Followed by HELBIG
in “Heraklides, 1833, p. 55”; Glock in “Diss. De
Secale corn. Dorpat, 1837”; GIBBON in
“Am.J.Med.Sc., 1844, V.I, p. 244”; Parola in “Gaz.
Med., 1844” and “Essterr Zeit., V.3, pt.2, 1847,
No.19”; ALLEN in “Med.Adv., V.16, p.I” and
“Tr.Am.Inst.Hom., 1885”, and Mrs.P. in “I.H.A.
(Trans.), 1890”.
Secale cornutum is mentioned together with the
following synonyms: Secale cereale,’ ‘Acinula
clavus’, ‘Claviceps purpurea,’ Spermedia clavus,’
‘Ergota’, ‘Sclerotium calvus,’ ‘Secale clavatum’,
‘Secale corniclatum’, ‘Secale mater’, ‘Secale
turgidum’. The same author mentions the following
common names: ‘Cockspur rye,’ ‘Ergot of rye,’
‘Horned rye’ and ‘Spurred rye’.
Mother tincture prepared from dried ergot, C.
purpurea, cultivated from rye.
All experimental signs and symptoms are from
mammal experiments only: apes, cats, dogs, guinea
pigs, mice, monkeys, rabbits, rats, etc.
Ergot was known and used in the medicine of
Avicenna (980-1037 AD), the Arab physician, and
by Chinese midwifery at an even earlier date.
Differential Diagnosis (the determination of which
one of two or more diseases or conditions a patient
is suffering from, by systemically comparing and
contrasting their symptoms (Dorland’s))
“Fescue foot” resembles gangrenous ergotism in
Arterial thrombosis.
Median vessel spasm.
Thrombo-embolic phenomena.
10. Nux vomica, the overindulgence remedy
FULLER, Diane (HT. 23, 11/2003)
The indications for the remedy Nux vomica
according to PIERCE W.I., BOERICKE W.,
CHOUDHURI N.M., TYLER M.L., are discussed.
1. A Diagnosed Case of Cystic Hygroma of Neck
Beautifully Cured by Calcarea Iodatum
BANERJEA, Subrata K. (AH. 10/2004)
17 Nov. 1998. Mast. S.M. three-month-old
baby was brought with a large lump on right side of
neck. At birth, there was a nodule which within
two months attained the size of a grapefruit.
Paediatric Surgeon advised Surgery and told that
recurrence was possible and so parents opted for
Homeopathy. Dry, hard, offensive stool. Kicks
off covering, left cervical glands enlarged. Sweats
profusely on head. Miasmatic Analysis: Mixed
miasmatic case with Syco-Tubercular
Calcarea iodata 200, one globule to be
dissolved in 8 ounces of pure water, shaken and
sipped slowly throughout the day, save a little at the
bottom, top it up next morning, keep sipping
throughout next day. To be continued for 7 days.
Then for 7 days, no medicine. Followed by another
dose to be shaken and sipped for 7 days.
Calcarea iodata gradually ascended up to 50M
in two years time. Within 3 months mass started
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
reducing and within eight months, it came down to
the size of a small lime. In two years time, it totally
2. I am Anxious and Disconnected
WALDSTEIN, Steve (AH. 10/2004)
43-year-old man complained of Depression,
Glaucoma and Headaches. Fear of going insane. A
disconnected feeling between him and the world for
about 8 years after LSD. Fear of poverty and
selfishness. Delusion that he is repudiated by
Hydrogen 30. One month later, felt more solid,
less fear, better overall. Then relapsed. Another
dose given. Everything continued to improve over
the next 4 years. He only needed one more dose of
Hydrogen 200. [The choice of Hydrogen is
explained in this way: “Again the aloneness, the
going inward to point of disappearing and the fear
of making the transition. He talks about aloneness
all through the case, Hydrogen is right at the border
between non-existence (energy) and matter. At the
border between G-d and the physical world. It is
the first element – the first matter alone and then all
the other matter comes from it. So feeling quite
satisfied, I gave one dose of Hydrogen 30.” What a
reasoning. It is all about the doctor’s feelings!
What has this to do with homeopathic teachings by
HAHNEMANN and his true lineage? =KSS]
3. Cuban Rum with Cuban Cigars
POPEN, Andre Y. (AH. 10/2004)
64 year-old woman with irritable colon.
Terrible abdominal pain, cramping. Heat, pressure
on abdomen and bending forward help with pain.
Gluten intolerance. Diarrhoea all the time. Pain
abdomen if no diarrhoea. Smoking cigars help her
toilet. Abdomen bloated and very hard. Doesn’t
like even the smell of food. Losing hair because of
Menopause. Bright red blood in stool after
drinking tea. Even the smell of cooking food is
disliked. Has high Blood Pressure and is taking
tablets for it. Milk, cream and butter also help with
the pain. Music relaxes her. Clairvoyant.
The peculiar symptom of ‘pain abdomen better
by smoking’ is covered only by Colocynthis.
Colocynthis LM I – one pellet in 4 oz. of water,
succussed 5 times, from which one teaspoon to be
stirred in 4 oz. of water. One teaspoon was taken as
test dose. Rapid improvement. To continue the
remedy. In 4 days she could do without the cigars.
To continue the remedy. Further 15 days later
gluten test was negative.
For over a year, she has continued to improve
on higher potencies, upto LM 15.
4. A Case of Oleander
POPEN, Andre Y. (AH. 10/2004)
M.S. 12 year-old boy with learning disabilities.
Reading and comprehending difficult. ADHD and
allergies to tomato and acidic fruits. Dry, itchy
skin. Eczema on back of his elbows and knees. He
is more an auditory learner. Learns from science
experiments. Main problem is with concentration
while studying. He is dyslexic.
MM references of N.M. CHOUDHURI,
HAHNEMANN, ALLEN T.F. and Radar Keynotes
4.0 are given.
Oleander LM 1 as per the directions of
HAHNEMANN. Immediately after the first dose
his concentration was good as never before. He
remembered just after one reading.
Improvement lasted for 48 hrs.
Another dose with 5 succussions. Not the
same strong reaction. Third dose worked well and
is doing well. Wait as long as the improvement
lasts and another dose when it stops working.
Two more doses in the next five months and no
complaints. [What other medicine system in the
world would give so good and speedy
improvement, at a negligible cost? The critics
would still say ‘Placebo effect’? = KSS]
5. Homeopathic Treatment of Emergencies and
Terminally Ill Patients
MASTER, Farokh (AH. 10/2004)
The indispensable qualities to be possessed by
a homeopath to treat the emergencies and the
parameters to be examined are discussed. The
causative factor (physical/emotional) precipitating
the present state and objective symptoms and the
dominant pathology at that time are to be noted.
Determination of the type of pathology will
help to study and understand the sphere of action
and pathogenesis of the remedy. Few examples are
Severe gram-negative Septicaemia leading to
multiple organ failure especially of lungs and
kidneys – Hydrocyanic acid.
Extensive sub-arachnoid haemorrhage affecting the
respiratory center – Opium, Solanum aceticum,
Carboneum hydrogenisatum and Lobelia
Severe Septicaemia with haemolysis – Crotalus
horridus and Taipan.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Uncontrolled Hypertension with CVA –
Hypophysis post. and Toxoplasm gondi.
Uraemia with uncontrolled Hypertension –
Melilotus officinalis.
CVA due to severe damage to mid-brain – Naja,
Adrenaline and Acetanillidum.
Severe LVF where the ejection fraction is very poor
- Caffeinum and Pituitarinum.
Extensive internal bleeding – Hirudo medicinalis.
Case 1: 66-year-old female with Septicaemia
and Cerebro-vascular insult causing hypoxic
damage to the brain. Hypotension severe and
metabolic acidosis due to kidney failure. Comatose
with staring eyes and contracted pupils, swollen
lips, paralysis of right side. Evidence of paralytic
ileus. CXR shows Pulmonary Oedema and CT
Scan CVA on left side. She had been wrongly
harassed by Income Tax Department and heavily
fined. Opium 50M inhalation at 20 minutes
Patient regained consciousness on 4
day, with
improvement in the Acidosis and Hypotension.
Pulmonary Oedema resolved. Patient was weaned
off Ventilator after 10 days of homeopathic
treatment and discharged with Hemiplegia after a
hospital stay of 45 days.
Case 2: 63-year-old man with Carcinoma
Larynx with Pulmonary metastasis leading to
compression of trachea and respiratory distress. He
refused tracheostomy.
Respiration was accelerated, especially on
going to sleep; respiration was difficult and deep,
with moaning; grasping throat while coughing,
hands icy cold and slow pulse.
Hydrocyanic acid 30 every 6 hours. Distress
under control within 48 hours. Lived for 3 months
without tracheostomy.
Case 3: A man of 52 years, with uncontrolled
Hypertension, leading to massive MCA bleed,
leading to extensive cerebral edema with shift of
midline structures with central neurogenic type of
ventilation with respiratory acidosis. He was in
Observations: Comatose; Cheyne-stokes
respiration, imperceptible pulse; deep tendon
reflexes lost, Trismus and suppression of urine.
Morphinum 50M, by inhalation every 3 hours.
Urine output normal after 48 hours. After 6
days, recovered from coma. After 15 days, patient
came out of spinal shock. He was discharged with
extensive, dense Hemiplegia. [How long was the
Morphinum 50M continued? = KSS]
Case 4: 22-year-old man with extensive head
injuries after a car accident, leading to subdural
haematoma and extensive cerebral edema. Had
respiratory distress, on ventilatory support,
unconscious with convulsions.
Observations: Severe Hypertension; eyes
were staring; intermittent and irregular pulse;
grinding of teeth; gasping respiration.
Drainage from suction was bloody and lot of
gurgling sounds in abdomen.
Cuprum metallicum CM given every 4 hours.
Regained consciousness after seven days. [Was
Cuprum metallicum CM 4 hrly given for 7 days? =
KSS]. Clinical signs of cerebral edema much better.
Discharged with residual neurological effects.
Case 5: Male, 62 years, developed severe
hypoxic cerebral insult during anesthesia, leading to
coma, respiratory distress, hypotension and kidney
Observations: Constant hiccough in coma
vigil; sudden jerking of lower limbs, high urea and
creatinine. Cold and clammy feet. On attempting
to wean the patient off the ventilator, Cyanosis
developed within two to three minutes.
Laurocerasus 50 M via inhalation every 4 hours.
After 6 days, responded to painful stimuli.
After 10 days, responded to verbal stimuli.
After 15 days, weaned off ventilator.
After 21 days, fully conscious.
After 30 days, discharged with residual
neurological defects and aphasia.
Case 6: 32-year-old male with gram negative
Septicaemia with cerebral Malaria due to
Plasmodium falciparum, leading to coma with
severe hepato-renal failure and Convulsions.
Observations: High fever with coma; evidence
of septicaemic shock; stertorus breathing. Frequent
and small pulse with the body icy cold to touch, yet
throwing off the cover involuntarily. Camphor 1M
every 4 hours.
Consciousness regained in 48 hours, on 4
temperature touched 99°F. Hepatorenal functions
improved by 6
day. Weaned off Ventilator within
7 days.
After each case, the symptoms of the remedy
which were frequently confirmed in practice are
given. [All very interesting cases. Scientists
demanding ‘evidence’ may read these. The best
evidence is a series of cases of serious nature
recovering after failure of the Hegemony medicine.
What more evidence? One point needs
clarification. In those cases high potencies were
given every 20-30 mts. or hour-4 hrly and patient
recovering steadily over a period. It is not clear to
me whether the remedy was continued at same
intervals all through the period = KSS]
6. Akutfälle nach NNINGHAUSEN (Acute
cases following BENNINGHAUSEN)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
(ZKH. 48, 3/2004)
Two cases are presented. These cases are
analysed and worked out with the aid of
BENNINGHAUSEN’s Therapeutic Pocket book.
In the first case, a female patient, 46, with
Angina and Sinusitis. On 12.11.2003, she
presented with a cold which began with burning
and scratchiness in the throat, which then became a
pain in the forehead, agg. from bending the head
forward or lifting up some object. Since the
beginning of the ailment, she is somewhat feeling
chilled”, had cold hands and feet. A day before the
cold, she was exposed to cold wind while at a
railway station. Yesterday the voice was lost, and
she had flowing mucous from the sinuses. She
suffered from a severe Sinusitis 14 years ago after
catching a bad cold. Since then she was disposed to
get a Sinusitis easily.
There was no peculiar characteristic symptom
(§ 153 Organon) in this case.
Since the symptoms were not well defined,
repertorisation with KENT was not possible.
The following symptoms were selected for
working out with BENNINGHAUSEN’s
Therapeutic Pocket Book: Frontal sinuses and
inner throat (Localisation); Chilliness
(accompanying general symptom); Whitish mucous
from the sinuses (Condition); Burning pains; Loss
of voice.
The rubrics chosen: Face, Forehead; Coryza,
discharge, mucous; Throat; Burning, inner parts;
Voice poor; Chilliness, worse from becoming cold.
Phosphorus 30: one globule under the tongue.
Two hours later, an aggravation in the forehead.
Next morning, all the complaints had gone away
The second case, a female patient, 31 years, in
her 9
month of pregnancy was suffering from
severe throat pain while swallowing. Swallowing
saliva was particularly painful, as also swallowing
food was very much so, and it made no difference
whether it was cold or hot. She felt very weak and
had to lie down and sleep. She had little sleep in
the recent days because of her son’s illness.
Doubtless she was tired particularly as she was
pregnant and needed much sleep. Sub-febrile
temperature. Little thirst. Poor appetite. At the
very earliest the throat felt sore; stitching pains.
Nights, the complaints are worse.
Sensation of mucous in the back of throat.
Slight nausea from the period the complaints began
which could have some connection to her
pregnancy. Until three weeks before she had taken
Natrum muriaticum Q6 for recurrent abortions.
Oedematous swelling. Slightly bluish-red lymph
follicle in the back of the throat and near the tonsils.
Her tonsils had been removed during her childhood.
Swollen lymph nodes, bilateral throat.
HAHNEMANN stresses about the peculiar
symptoms, the characteristic 153, 154, 178, 209).
Every symptom is characteristic when it is clearly
defined (§ 153) by a modality, a concomitant or
closely characterized. In this is included the
relative value of disease symptom whether it is
common or unusual in three criteriae:
1. Rarity: rarely occurs in diseases in general or
specific disease forms, elevates the value of a
symptom for choosing it as an indicator for remedy
choice. A symptom unusual for a disease,
unexpected symptoms have, comparatively higher
value than a pathognomic symptom.
2. Intensity: the intensity of a symptom becomes
characteristic by its intensity itself.
3. Certainty: the way the patient defines his
symptom has a relatively greater value. Symptoms
about which the patient is not clear or certain is of
doubtful value. Certainty is more of the symptom
spontaneously told.
In this case Pulsatilla 200, one globule was
given. Two hours after taking the medicine, she
had a severe Migraine and nausea. Also fever.
Next morning no more fever. Nausea gone in a
week. The throat pain much reduced and gone in
two days.
Both the cases tell how acute cases which at
first seemed unclear with least characteristic
symptoms, could be solved by repertorizing with
7. Eine Chronische Behandlung Sulfuricum
acidum (A Chronic Treatment Sulphuric
ALTENBACH, Monique (ZKH. 48, 3/2004)
A Chronic case treated over a period of 16
years is presented. The treatment began when the
patient was a 35-year-old man. Sulphur, several
times brought only partial relief. It took 12 years in
this case to make the right homeopathic diagnosis
of Sulphuric acid. After this remedy all round
improvement began.
Several acute episodes which occurred during
the 12-year treatment are described.
8. Androctonus: A Case
SHANNON, Tim (AJHM. 97, 3/2004)
Eight-year-old boy with Asperger’s Syndrome
presents with angry explosions, hates school, very
defiant and obstinate in general. Averse, intolerant
of strangers, privacy around stool, constant
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
fidgetiness, eating little, temper tantrums, getting
into fights often.
Intense mood swings, sensitive to noise.
The themes pointed to an arachnid, specifically
Androctonus. 1M dry split dose in two separate
envelopes, to be taken on clean palate
approximately 12 hours apart.
Two months later, mild improvement.
Androctonus 10M.
Two months later: Much better, wait.
Three months later: Still progressing but severe
A month later: Now has long stretches of good
days. Back pain persists in spite of osteopathic
treatment. Androctonus 10M, two doses 12 hours
45 days later: Excellent progress. Androctonus
LM3 daily.
3 months later: Several things were getting a
bit worse. Androctonus 10M.
4 months later: The patient was more
approachable, less restless. Mother commented
that he was 80% better overall. Much less angry,
defiant. Communication better. [Eleven large
pages for this case giving verbatim transcript’ of
the Interview! Why report a case that is 80% better.
Should we not wait for 2 or 3 years after a ‘full
cure’ before we go to publish as “Cure”? This is
what von BENNINGHAUSEN has warned in his
‘last’ article = KSS]
9. The Homeopathic Treatment of Vertigo
GORDON, Deborah L. (AJHM. 97, 3/2004)
Vertigo results from the diseases of the inner
ear or the balance centers of the ear and brain.
Sensation as if the external world were
revolving around the patient (objective vertigo) or
as if he himself were revolving in space (subjective
The descriptions of the remedies for the
treatment of acute vertigo are given: Aconite,
Arnica, Belladonna, Cocculus, Conium, Natrum
muriaticum, Natrum sulphuricum, Nux vomica,
Sepia and Silica.
In the treatment of chronic vertigo the author
has found great success by following the method
developed by Rajan SANKARAN.
Case 1: SR, 68 year-old woman with a ten year
history of paroxysmal vertigo. Worse any motion.
Better from closed eyes, lying down, sleep, holding
perfectly still.
Considerably better from vomiting. She had
wide-eyed wondrous view of the world and
interested in re-embodiment, finding higher levels.
The severity with which she described her
problems led to the Papaveraceae family and
Sanguinaria (Sycotic miasm).
A dose of Sanguinaria 200 and within a month
similar auras of vertigo but they weren’t frightening
and never recurred.
Case 2: WS, 58 year-old woman with paroxysmal
vertigo for fifteen years. Her attacks threw her
across the room, vomiting and spinning. The spells
started after beginning to write a book about her
son’s life – who was a drug addict and murdered.
The themes of violence, death alternating with
“idyllic life” pointed to Papaveraceae and the
Cancer Miasm to Opium.
Opium 10M and symptom free since then.
10. Homeopathy heals bones
Five remedies for fractures
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 10/2003)
For the relief of pain and to promote healing,
the indications for Arnica, Symphytum,
Eupatorium, Calcarea phosphoricum and Ruta are
11. Treating Teenagers with Homeopathy
Some thoughts and tips
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 23, 10/2003)
The information shared in homeopathic
interview is kept private, unless the author feels that
the teen’s behaviour is truly dangerous to
themselves or others.
To understand them the author looks for the
following when they are in the waiting and
consulting room.
- Interaction with parents
- Interaction with siblings
- Interaction with office staff
- What they are reading
- What they are wearing
- What they are listening to
- What else they are doing
Noticing physical appearance: Posture, skin,
hair, makeup, piercings and tattoos.
Every symptom, every outward
manifestation of the person is context dependent.
There is almost no face value without the
context. [Stress mine = KSS]
12. The Eating Habits of Teenagers
OLENEV, Deborah (HT. 23, 10/2003)
The author pays very close attention to the
food preferences which help her in choosing and
deciding the remedy.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Sarah, 19-year-old girl had sore and swollen
tonsils on left side, headache, low energy, 102°,
weepy mood. Pulsatilla 1M did not help. Craving
something cold to drink with ice, craving for milk
and aversion to egg and meat. Twilight agg. Tiny
ulcers on roof of mouth, and tendency to fall asleep
between 1-2 a.m. Phosphorus 200. Next day the
blood tested positive for Infectious Mononucleosis.
Within 4 days all symptoms resolved. (Usually
the symptoms of Infectious Mononucleosis resolve
in 3-4 weeks.)
13. Watch Warts Disappear!
Insomnia too … with homeopathic treatment
POWERS, Donna J. (HT. 23, 10/2003)
Josie, 12-year-old girl with sleeping problem
and fear of dark and of being alone at night and fear
something bad will happen to the family.
Warts on right foot, right knee and left thumb.
Sweaty palms and soles. Causticum 30, thrice in 24
Three months later, emotionally better, but
warts and sweat persists. Causticum 12, once a day
for 3 days.
Within a week, warts and sweaty hands and
palms cleared up.
14. Terrible teens?
A tale of one teen’s transformation
(HT. 23, 10/2003)
Randi, 17-year-old with ADD and easily
angered and quarrelsome. Talks too much, stringy
Epistaxis. Having real hard time focusing in
studies. Likes snakes and hates spiders. Crotalus
horridus 200. Six weeks later, was reading well, no
nose-bleeds, not so angry. Mother reported that she
was cheerful and more communicative.
Two months later there was a relapse and
improved with another dose. Two months later,
Hay fever and Crotalus horridus 30. A dose of
1M, eleven months later. At the end of this period,
felt well enough to discontinue treatment.
15. Two different shoes
GOLDMAN, Ellen (HT. 23, 10/2003)
14-year-old boy with two different shoes. One
shoe had the whole toe area cut off. Painful story
of chronic ingrown toe nails. Three surgeries and
myriad of treatments. The felon has been oozing
pus for months. He could not play because of this
and had a feeling of being unappreciated by others.
He was desperate to wear normal pair of shoes.
Calcarea sulphurica 200. His ingrown toe-nail
cleared up nicely over the course of a month and so
did his acne.
16. Homeopathic Remedies for Acne
-from Roger MORRISON’s Desktop
Companion to Physical Pathology
(HT. 23, 10/2003)
Snapshots of 13 remedies are given.
17. Chronic Fatigue in an Active Teenager
Never well since Shingles, Mono, Strep and
GAHLES, Nancy (HT. 23, 10/2003)
Marissa, 14-year-old girl has series of illnesses.
Shingles across her lower back to her hips, then
Mononucleosis, then Strep throat and Bronchitis.
Since then little energy. Pain in temples, irritable
and tired on returning from school. Irregular
periods. Difficulty in reading and anticipatory
anxiety. Recurrent dreams of being kidnapped.
Iris versicolor. Nine months later, became well;
experienced a unique awareness of what the healthy
human state feels like.
18. A family Affair: Treating Parents and Kids
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 23, 10/2003)
A Chinese saying: “If the child is sick then
treat the mother”. Children are like psychic
sponges mopping up the “dis-ease” their parents
transmit and then broadcasting it loud and clear.
A mother with debilitating fears which started
after being trapped in a car with her children during
a flood. She was terrified of thunder and lightning.
Caring, sympathetic disposition. Prescribed
Phosphorus and she was delighted with the results.
Her daughter had an operation for a large
ovarian cyst and intense pain in the other ovary.
Always had painful periods with ovarian pains
alternating sides. Low self-esteem.
A dose of Lac caninum and all issues resolved.
The author wonders if the daughter would have
stayed so well had her mother’s anxiety gone
19. Blackout in the Northeast
Homeopathy acts in a State of Emergency
STRONG, Anna (HT. 23, 10/2003)
17-year-old Kelly, fell and scraped the front of
her ankle. Washed with diluted Calendula tincture
and it began to heal. Two days later, after tubing
behind a ski boat, she complained of pain in the
ankle. Next day, a State of Emergency was
declared after the power, water and gasoline pumps
went down suddenly. That evening Kelly, could
not even stand.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
On examination, her whole foot and an area six
inches up her leg was swollen, hot and red, though
not shining or throbbing. The wound had a black
center, which was circled by yellowish-green pus
and angry red margin. The wound was closed and
had a lot of pressure built up in it. Her foot was
sensitive to touch, pressure, movement and
Belladonna 30. Within an hour the heat,
swelling and redness were 95% better. But pus
remained visible.
Next day the wound had not got worse. Hepar
sulph. 6 in hopes that the pus would vent or be
In 4 hours, heat, redness, swelling was back in
all its glory. Belladonna 30 repeated and followed
by improvement.
Kelly’s wound was now clearly closed ulcer
with jagged edges. Mercurius vivus 30. Within an
hour, the angry red margin changed to a healthy-
looking pink. Pain went away and energy
improved. The swelling and heat went away
Repeated thrice that day, twice next day and
once the following day. The wound responded by
granulating from inside out.
20. Holiday Travel Season
Pack these remedies and be prepared
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 11/2003)
Travel anxiety: Gelsemium, Argentum
nitricum, Aconite and Rescue remedy.
Motion sickness: Cocculus indicus, Tabacum,
Bryonia, Nux vomica, Petroleum, Ginger root.
Jet lag: Arnica.
It appears that homeopathic remedies can pass
through Security Scanners (X-rays) a few times
without affecting their efficacy, but after four to six
passes they seem to diminish in potency. [See item
No. V, in News & Notes Section of this QHD. =
21. Home for the Holidays
Homeopathy can encourage harmony
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 23, 11/2003)
The author discusses various scenarios where
Homeopathy can help before, during and after the
Along with the homeopathic kit, also
recommends with supplements and botanical
22. Cruising through the Holidays
Nine remedies you should know
SCHEPPER, Luc de (HT. 23, 11/2003)
Nux vomica: Workaholics incapable of
unwinding themselves; hangovers, overeating and
eating too much rich food.
Arsenicum: Traveler’s diarrhea.
Lycopodium: Traveler’s constipation, often
with gas, bloating and burping.
Kali phosphoricum: Worry and nervousness
bring on mental exhaustion. Over-studying.
Picric acid: Weakness and tiredness in body
and mind.
Argentum nitricum: Anticipation, apprehension
and fear, be it stage fright or examination nerves.
Ignatia amara: Emotional turmoil, prevents
many physical ailments; a stiff neck, painful joints,
headaches and exhaustion when linked to
memories of loss and grief.
Sepia: Nightmare for the unrewarded woman
who guides the family ship through rough waters
throughout the year.
Gelsemium: Paralysed with shock, numb, dizzy
and unable to move after bad news.
23. An acid test for Homeopathy
How Homeopathy kept this family together
MALYON, Jenny (HT. 23, 11/2003)
The author’s partner developed a painful
earache after swimming in the surf. After referring
The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by
Miranda CASTRO, Nitric acid 12 was given. No
earache and all the long-standing Warts on the
palms of his hands had also cleared, as also
emotional improvements.
She understood that people’s negative traits are
symptoms of their own “dis-ease” and used Nitric
acid whenever her husband seemed unduly stressed
out and angry.
When her daughter was seven years old, she
developed filiform Warts all over face and looked
dreadful. For months many remedies were tried but
Warts got worse. Then the author remembered that
at the time of her conception her father was in a
Nitric acid state. Nitric acid 12 and in a few days
all Warts disappeared.
24. Kidney Stones and Other Lumps
TREUHERZ, Francis (HT. 23, 11/2003)
This is about the personal experience of the
author. In March 2002, suddenly he was in extreme
agony with pain in back. Literally writhing on the
floor with screaming. As suggested by a colleague,
Calcarea carbonica 30, every 15 minutes.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Hospitalised. 2-3 hours later pain left as suddenly
as it had come.
With a naked eye pieces of stone could be seen
after passing urine in the glass bottle.
After few days took Calculus renalis 30 once
daily for three months. At the end of June 2002, a
cyst in eyelid became inflamed and blown up
suddenly. Swollen, painful and red. Apis 30 only
palliated. Staphysagria 30 did nothing. A local
surgeon slit the lid and out popped some fragments
of stone.
This cyst was there for 25 years and every year
it would gradually fill up with pus, burst and drain,
but there was always a small hard lump remaining.
Some months after this, a couple of calcified
lumps or arthritic nodules on his knuckles had
become smaller.
So he believes that there must be a similarity
between calcifications wherever they may occur
and Calculus renalis has the potential to address
them. [Note this very useful tip = KSS].
25. Kidney Stones in the Family
WINSTON, Julian (HT. 23, 11/2003)
The author passed his first stone in 1971 and
the last one in 2002. According to an ultrasound
three more stones were left. In 1978, needed
surgery and a general anaesthetic to be removed.
Number of years later, he was in agony while
passing a stone. Berberis 200 advised and within a
half hour he felt relief. He felt Berberis cut the
pain better than the painkillers.
26. Look for the Strange, Rare, Peculiar Symptom
WINSTON, Julian (HT. 23, 11/2003)
Many years ago, Dr. David WEMBER
presented a case of renal colic. The pain was felt in
the ureters on right side and the pain was extending
to his penis and testes. Pain was better by bending
backward over a chair.
A single dose of Dioscorea relieved the pain in
about 15 minutes and a stone was passed three
hours later.
27. “It feels as if …”
Unique Repertory holds the key
WINSTON, Julian (HT. 23, 11/2003)
A friend had a bad cough. The author did not
observe the fact that she was chilly, exhausted by
coughing and burning in chest while coughing.
She had a sensation ‘as if’ she had a ball of
mucus in her throat. H.A. ROBERT’s Sensations
As If gave Arsenicum as the remedy. A single dose
in 30 potency cleared her symptoms within 2 hours.
Arsenicum covered all her other symptoms also
very well.
28. Kopfschmerz und Migräne aus
Psychosomatischer Sicht (Headache and
Migraine in the light of Psychosomatics)
SCHRAMM, Hans-Jürgen (AHZ. 249, 4/2004)
The importance of giving priority to mental
and emotional symptoms when interpreting any
disease phenomenon for purposes of finding the
simillimum as HAHNEMANN instructed is
demonstrated in the four cases presented here; cases
of headache and Migraine. The value of Depth
Psychology which has been rarely used in
Homeopathic Therapeutics is pointed out.
29. Die homöopathische Behandlung der Migräne
mit Hilfe der Sehgal-Methode (The
homeopathic treatment of Migraine with help
of the Sehgal-method)
LANG, Gerhardus (AHZ. 249, 4/22004)
With three cases of Migraine Dr. LANG shows
that with the Sehgal Method in which only the
presenting mental symptoms are required to find a
remedy in the Repertory without taking into
consideration any physical symptoms, is possible.
[The author who practices “Sehgal-Method” quotes
HAHNEMANN. It is strange that while denying
the very basic of Homeopathy viz. Provings,
Materia Medica, Miasms, but reckoning only the
Repertory which consists mostly of clinical
material and a fair amount of these unreliable, -
HAHNEMANN is invoked! When I met Dr. M.L.
SEHGAL first time – I was taken by my good
friend the late Dr. H.L. CHITKARA - I asked Dr.
SEHGAL whether, after choosing the remedy
according to his method of Mind’ only, from the
first chapter of the KENT Repertory, he verifies the
suitability of the remedy with the Provings or the
Materia Medica, and Dr. SEHGAL replied that he
does not refer to the Materia Medica. He needed
only the ‘Mind’ Chapter of the Repertory, no need
at all for Materia Medica! I met him a second time
later. SEHGAL said that I can use his method and
the results will prove that it was worth all that “It
works”. It was my good fortune that I already had
over 25 years practice then and had learnt
Homeopathy by dint of hard work, study of
German, then study of the source books in original;
I had no need for the ‘revolutionized
Homeopathy. I also felt that if Provings and
Materia Medica had no value at all for the
practitioner, then it was not Homeopathy. Today
we see that speculative Homeopathy based on
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
‘Periodic Table’, ‘Signatures’, Families’,
‘Kingdoms all far, far from HAHNEMANN and
his Homeopathy, are the ‘rage’. All these
‘innovators’ invoke HAHNEMANN! = KSS]
30. Erfahrungen in der Behandlung chronischer
Kopfschmerzen (Experiences in the treatment
of chronic headaches)
ELIES, Michael (AHZ. 249, 4/2004)
According to a recent large-scale
documentation of classical homeopathic care in
Germany, headache was among the five most
frequent diagnoses in adults (Migraine and
headache even leading in adult females). As a
contribution to the ongoing discussion therapeutic
observations of 20-years-homeopathic pain-
therapy in clinic and general practice are reported.
Especially the importance of former accidents,
injuries in chronic Migraine is pointed out. The
reliable use of Bryonia and Natrum muriaticum in
accompanied Migraine and Natrum sulphuricum in
headache after spinal anesthesia/lumbar puncture
are suggested for further studies in this field. In
chronic headache a trauma before that must be
looked for.
A physical examination would reveal scars if
any and on careful inquiry the injury which caused
the scar will be revealed. Mostly a connection
between the injury and the chronic headache is
seen. KENT rubric Headache, from injury” gives
Arnica, Calcium sulphuricum, Hypericum, Natrum
muriaticum and Natrum sulphuricum. These are
useful as remedies to begin with when symptoms
are not clear. (see Table).
1. Korrektur einer Rubrik im Complete
Repertory (Correction of a rubric in Complete
ZAUNER, Bernhard (ZKH. 48, 3/2004)
In the Complete Repertory for the Rubric
“Cough; pain, from; distant parts in, and Offensive
breath is given Capsicum as the only remedy from
the source Oscar BOERICKE. There is no such
rubric in Kent or Synthesis.
The following sources were examined in
chronological order with reference to this
The Fragmenta de viribus of
Materia Medica Pura’ of HAHNEMANN,
Guiding Symptoms’ of HERING,
Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica’ of
Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia
Medica’ – William BOERICKE.
There is no mention of offensive breath in
2. The Homeopathic Repertory
Not the final answer
WINSTON, Julian (HT. 23, 11/2003)
There was a concern over the fact that people
were using Repertory as a shortcut to finding the
remedy, without bothering to look further to the
source material – the Materia Medica – to more
finely differentiate among remedies.
In a letter to BÖNNINGHAUSEN on Dec. 26,
1834, HAHNEMANN implied this.
The same concern exists today.
3. Repertories Today and Yesterday
How are they structured?
Which are most valuable?
WINSTON, Julian (HT. 23, 11/2003)
Brief description about various Repertories are
4. A Vision for the homeopathic Repertory
ALLEN, Karen (HT. 23, 11/2003)
The inconsistencies in the different Repertories
currently with us are discussed including the
‘archaic’ terms. [The archaic’ terms remain so in
our source books and it is wise to let them be so.
One may give the modern terminologies alongside
or give it in a Glossary = KSS]
The author proposes the following:
Perhaps there is a better way. Perhaps we are
coming to a time when the Repertory can be viewed
as a resource belonging to the profession as a
whole, best managed and expanded by the
collaborative consensus of a broad group of
practitioners from around the world. Perhaps in the
future, there could be a governing board for the
Repertory that would review suggested changes and
additions. Perhaps that board could be comprised
of dozens of practitioners from various countries,
and a quorum vote would approve each change.
Remedies that appear to be inaccurate based on the
actual content of provings or the result of clinical
experience could be removed. Suggestions for
additions of rubrics or remedies could be held as
possibilities until they have been confirmed by an
agreed-upon number of practitioners. This
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
consensus of a larger group would ensure that there
was a more conservative attitude toward
management of new Repertory information as a
resource. The approved recommendations of this
governing body could be distributed to the various
Repertory producers to include or ignore as they
If such a governing body has the support of the
profession as a whole, its recommendations might
be followed, and the Repertories produced would
benefit practitioners and patients alike. Of course
this would take time, money, and collaboration to
5. Klinisches Stichwort Aura vor
Kopfschmerzen (Clinical Keyword Aura
before Headaches)
BLEUL, Gerhard (AHZ. 249, 4/2004)
This is the 12
in the series of specific ailments
and their keywords in the different repertories.
The rubrics containing the aura before
headache and a brief description of the ‘main’
remedies are given.
6. Repertory and likelihood ratio: time for
structural changes
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
Likelihood Ratio (LR) is based on the relation
between the prevalence of a symptom in the
population responding to a medicine and the
prevalence of the same symptom in the rest of the
A study concludes that introducing LR to the
Repertory will not only change its content but also
its use. Because of the altered use we should
consider structural updating. Entries must reflect
the importance of the symptom in relation to the
remedy, not the occurrence of the symptom in the
provings and casuistry.
[Repertory has, in the recent times, been given
the prime importance in a practitioner’s tools. Lot
of data (many of them doubtful authenticity) have
been added, esp. to the ‘Mind’ Section. A ‘mind’-
boggling vast data. The recent addition like
Hydrogen, etc. have come up in bold CAPITALS
in some ‘rubrics’ and the ordinary practitioner has
not got the Materia Medica source to verify it.
Blessed are those who stick to good old KENT. I
have seen ‘Provings published in (Western)
journals with a brief write-up, lot of signatures and
suggesting rubricsto the Repertory! We also see
the practice of ‘preparing’ a Materia Medica from
the reportorial rubrics! Quixotic! There are still
some who use the Therapeutic Pocket Book of
BENNINGHAUSEN and do well. The Repertory
is getting fatter and fatter and especially with
computer it can bloat to any extent, that remedy
selection is becoming more and more mechanical.
Repertory can never replace sound knowledge of
Materia Medica. In my younger days 50 years
ago I have come across colleague students ‘reading’
the Oxford dictionary and memorizing the different
meanings in the hope of doing well in Essay writing
Exams. They fared very poorly. = KSS]
1. Homöopathische Arzneimittelherstellung
Symbiose von Tradition und Moderne
(Homeopathic medicine manufacture
Symbiosis of Traditional and Modern)
HAUSCH-HAAG, Petra (ZKH. 48, 3/2004)
This is in the series ‘Pharmacology’ of this
journal, a new column, since ZKH. 48, 1/2004.
In this the homeopathic pharmaceutical
manufacturer ‘Spagyros’ is detailed. Such articles
helps gain confidence in the product and ensures
that the methodology of HAHNEMANN is
followed exactly.
2. CERES AG Schweiz und ALCEA GmbH
Deutschland (CERES AG Switzerland and
ALCEA GmbH Germany)
UNDORF, Klaus (ZKH. 48, 4/2004)
A great deal of care goes into producing
CERES and ALCEA mother tinctures. Space and
Time (the most important principles underlying the
effect) are at the focus of attention in preparing
medicinal plants. Pharmacological studies have
shown that the fresh plant tincture most probably
constitutes the most effective form of preparation of
medicinal plant medication and the most efficient
way of taking the medication. This is based on the
observation that the space between the molecules of
the active ingredient, which are filled with watery
alcohol, has a significant effect. The same thing
applies with respect to the factor time: grinding the
medicinal plants in a slow, correct rhythm with a
mortar and pestle leads to a sustained stabilization
of the fluid structure, thus enhancing the
effectiveness of the mother tincture. Mother
tinctures of CERES and ALCEA are probably the
only mother tinctures in the world which conform
not only to the currently applicable, simplified
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
HAB methods – they are also in full conformity
with the original HAB methods.
1. Hector, the piglet
MOWATT, Sue (HT. 23, 10/2003)
The piglet’s mother had rolled onto her baby
and injured his foot. This caused the siblings to
reject and tear the inside of his back leg. The
animal looked weak, and was sighing repeatedly
while rolling his eyes.
Ignatia 200 and a recipe of Calendula oil, sea
salt and warm water to be used as a wash for his leg
wound. Next day was running around with
improved energy.
2. Stray Cats on the open prairie
One Cat’s story of Healing
MEDEA, Dianna (HT. 23, 11/2003)
A male cat with a large, deep wound on the left
side of the neck about 2 inches in diameter. A dose
of Arnica 200 in his food for 4-5 days.
Then Hypericum 200 – three doses.
A few days later, Silica 200 for lot of debris
coming from his wound.
Later the wound was red, raw and angry.
Calendula 200 once a day for 4 days.
The wound almost closed and even his fur was
growing back. [What more evidence is needed?
What do those ‘scientists’ mean by term ‘evidence-
based’? They can’t call this placebo-effect’ or
‘suggestions’ = KSS]
1. High Sensitivity NMR Studies of
Homeopathic Remedies: A Mystery Solved
and Lessons Learned
ANICK, David J. (AJHM. 97, 3/2004)
During 2002, results of high sensitivity NMR
studies of homeopathic remedies made in water
were announced, which claimed that the NMR
spectra of most remedy samples studied contained
certain signals which were absent from the spectra
of most control (unprepared water) samples. The
peaks had not been detected before because they
were too weak (between 5 and 60 mmol/L of H) to
be seen without a special high sensitivity method.
Most strikingly, the peaks appeared to obey a
mysterious “D
O effect.” This first person account
summarizes the story of this research and explains
how the mystery of both the signals and the D
effect was ultimately solved. Telling the story
serves three purposes: to explain to the
homeopathic community and interested others
what became of the announced results; to provide
enough details so that other researchers can
understand how what appeared to be a
breakthrough turned out to be false; and to reflect
on lessons that the experience as a whole can teach.
[Attention is drawn to an article in JAIH, Vol.
61, 10-12/1968, titled Changes caused by
succussion on N.M.R patterns and Bio-assay of
Bradykinin triacetate (BKTA) succussions and
dilutions.’ See part II of this QHD = KSS]
2. How do homeopaths make decisions? An
exploratory study of inter-rater reliability and
intuition in the decision making process.
LEWITH G. (HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
The validity of clinical decision making in
Homeopathy is largely unexplored and little is
understood about the process or its reliability. This
exploratory study investigated, in the context of a
questionnaire based re-proving of Belladonna 30,
the extent to which decisions are based on clinical
facts or intuition and how reliable decisions are.
Three experienced, independent homeopathic
clinicians/proving researchers rated the symptom
diaries of the 206 subjects taking part. They
reported their proving decision (i.e. positive
proving response, no proving response or
undecided) based on the total symptom profiles and
rated (on a scale of 0-10) their use of clinical facts
or intuition. Keynote symptoms and overall
confidence scores were also reported. The level of
agreement between raters was generally poor
(weighted kappa 0.349-0.064). All raters used both
facts and intuition. The rater’s reliance on the facts
was significantly associated with classifying those
subjects who had no proving response [rater 1,
P<0.001; rater 2, P<0.001]. Raters used
significantly higher intuition scores when
classifying a prover [rater 2, P=0.001; rater 3,
P=0.012]. Issues regarding the education and
practice of Homeopathy are discussed.
3. Homeopathically prepared dilution of Rana
catesbeiana thyroid glands modifies its rate of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
One strand of research on the scientific basis of
Homeopathy is based on inversion effects of
dilutions and the biophysical properties of
information transfer. A model developed by
Endler, was the basis for the study of the influence
of high-diluted solution (1:10
part by weight) of
thyroid glands on the rate of metamorphosis of the
frog Rana catesbeiana from the no legged to four-
legged stage. The glands were obtained from
tadpoles and prepared accordingly (dilution and
succussion). Similar pure hydroalcoholic solution
(unsuccussed) was used as control. In order to
identify significant differences in the frequencies of
four-legged tadpoles, in homeopathic and control
group, we used a chi-square goodness-of-fit test
(P<0.01) and the cumulative risk for
metamorphosis by Cox’s Proportional Hazards
model (P<0.05). The number of animals that
reached the four-legged stage is generally smaller
in the treated group, than in the hydroalcoholic
control group. It was postulated that thyroid
hormones transmitted information’ specific to the
molecules used to prepare the solution, even though
the molarity was beyond Avogadro’s number. The
“experimental results reported here demonstrate the
influence of highly diluted solutions (1:10
part by
weight) of thyroid glands of Rana catesbeiana,
prepared by stepwise dilution and agitation,
controlled against (unsuccussed) diluent on the rate
of this frog’s metamorphosis. The probers were
added directly to the basin water. …. On the basis
of the known physical laws and properties of water,
a vast majority of scientific community does not
allow even a remote possibility that water might
store any information about substances once diluted
in it. However in spite of this presumed physical
impossibility, researchers have claimed that
differences between homeopathically potentized
solutions (diluted and succussed) and those that
have been diluted only are physically observed and
measurable. ….”
[In spite of several experiments by non-
homeopathic researchers confirming the specific
power of ‘homeopathically’ prepared substances,
there are still ‘witch hunting’ by so-called scientists
and ‘prestigious medical and scientific journals
publish them and the BBC repeatedly telecast such
canards. This is just to keep Homeopathy in a
defensive position = KSS]
4. The effect of Fluorine and homeopathic
medicines in rats fed cariogenic diet
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
Although some sectors of dentistry have
benefited from technological advances, dental
caries is still a major problem. Prevention and
treatment of dental caries by Fluorine is considered
a major advance in public health. Nevertheless
fluorosis, caused by ingestion of excessive amounts
of Fluorine during the period of teeth formation, is
of great concern. In accordance with the
homeopathic doctrine, minimum doses of Fluorine
and other substances could prevent and/or treat
caries. [This is not correct. Homeopathy is not
giving small quantity of the same substance which
caused a derangement in large doses.
Homeopathic doctrine is ‘similar’ not same = KSS]
In this experiment, we compared the preventive
action of Fluorine and evaluated the effect of
homeopathic medicines on the teeth of rats fed a
cariogenic diet. None of the groups included in this
study developed caries. However, microscopy
revealed the presence of precipitate and/or deposit
in the groups treated with homeopathic medicines.
This phenomenon might be due to deposit in the
dental surface or precipitation of bacterial plaque or
calcium salts. It was not possible to identify the
composition of the deposit/precipitate due for
technical reasons. In one of the groups treated with
homeopathic medicines fur loss was observed in
40% of animals. These reactions might be caused
due to the action of the homeopathic medicines.
[This experiment does not validate the action of
homeopathic medicine in humans, but action in
animals also. However, homeopaths have been
applying Homeopathy on animals also since over a
century = KSS]
5. Permanent physico-chemical properties of
extremely diluted aqueous solutions of
homeopathic medicines
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
The purpose of this study was to obtain
information about the influence of successive
dilutions and succussions on the water structure.
‘Extremely diluted solutions’ (EDS) are solutions
obtained through the iteration of two processes:
dilution in stages of 1:100 and sucussion, typically
used in homeopathic medicine. The iteration is
repeated until extreme dilutions are reached, so that
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
the chemical composition of the solution is
identical to that of the solvent. Nine different
preparations, were studied from the 3cH to 30cH
(Hanhamannian Centesimal Dilution). Four of
those were without the active principle (potentized
water). Two different active principles were used:
Arsenicum sulphuratum rubrum (ASR), As
, 2, 4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4D). The solvents
were: a solution of sodium bicarbonate and of
silicic acid at 5x 10
M (mol/l) each, and solutions
of sodium bicarbonate 5x 10
, 7.5 x 10
and 10 x
M (mol/l) in double distilled water. The
containers were Pyrex glass to avoid the release of
alkaline oxide and silica from the walls.
Conductivity measurements of the solutions were
carried out as a function of the age of the potencies.
We found increases of electrical conductivity
compared to untreated solvent. Successive dilution
and succussion can permanently alter the physico-
chemical properties of the aqueous solvent. But we
also detected changes in physico-chemical
parameters with time. This has not previously been
reported. The modification of the solvent could
provide an important support to the validity of
homeopathic medicine, that employs ‘medicines
without molecules’. The nature of the phenomena
here described remains still unexplained,
nevertheless, some significant experimental results
were obtained. [This again is a ‘validation’ of the
‘action’ of homeopathic potencies. It is also
interesting that Pyrex glass was used.
“Successive dilution and succussion can
permanently alter the physico-chemical properties
of the aqueous solvent.” BENVENISTE proved
this. And he was hounded out by the Scientific
men. BENVENISTE is no more with us. = KSS]
6. A Landmark for Basic Research in
FISHER, Peter (HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
It is now 16 years since the ‘Benveniste Affair’
erupted on the pages of the world’s leading
scientific journal Nature, and the dust has not yet
settled. About the only thing that many scientists
remember is the allegations of pseudoscience
involving Homeopathy. While it is
BENVENISTE’s counterallegations of witch
hunting and McCarthyism which stuck in the minds
of many in the homeopathic world. The
controversy was renewed by a programme made by
the BBC TV Horizon programme and broadcast in
the UK in November 2002, and subsequently in
many other countries, which alleged that
experiments related to BENVENISTE’s were
irreproducible. Similar claims were broadcast by
the US ABC Network’s 20/20 programme earlier
this year.
Meanwhile, in the background, the real,
scientific story has been gradually unfolding.
History may come to view a scientific paper
published in the journal Inflammation Research in
May, as a turning point in the scientific controversy
surrounding Homeopathy.
The experimental
method concerned in all this is the Human Basophil
Degranulation Test (HBDT), a well-established
model of immune response. Basophils are
leucocytes which play an important role in the
anaphylactic reaction. Their cytoplasm contains
granules containing histamine and other immune
mediators which, when released, produce an
allergic reaction. Degranulation is a manifestation
of basophil activation. It can be observed in vitro
and is the basis of the HBDT.
Basophil activation
Various stimuli activate basophils, for instance
the basophils of hay fever sufferers activate when
mixed with pollen extract in vitro. This is a
specific allergen the basophils of insensitive
individuals do not react. But there are also non-
specific stimuli which activate all basophils,
sensitized or not. These include anti-IgE. IgE is
the immunoglobulin on the surface of basophils
which recognizes and binds to allergens. Binding
to allergens leads to cross-binding between IgE
molecules which in turn activates the basophil.
Anti-IgE is an IgG antiserum produced by
inoculating goats with human IgE, it binds to IgE
on the basophil surface triggering activation.
BENVENISTE’s group claimed that
degranulation can be triggered by anti-IgE at
dilutions far into the ultramolecular range up to
. However, two independent groups
2, 3
unable to reproduce these results.
The more recent work also used the HBDT.
But instead of measuring degranulation provoked
by ultramolecular dilutions of anti-IgE, as
BENVENISTE did, examined the inhibition of
activation of basophils by ultramolecular dilutions
of histamine. Substantial doses of histamine inhibit
activation, the granules themselves contain
histamine, so this is a negative feedback loop. The
paper recently published in Inflammation
Research is a follow-up to a couple of short
abstracts published in the same journal.
4, 5
But this
is a full paper including methodological and
statistical detail and a series of supplementary
experiments which corroborate the main thesis.
The authors are: Philippe BELON, Director of
Research of the homeopathic pharmaceutical
company Laboratoires Boiron (Lyon, France),
Marcel ROBERFROID and Jean CUMPS (Catholic
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
University of Louvain, Belgium) Madeleine ENNIS
(Queen’s University of Belfast, UK), PF
MANNAIONI (University of Florence, Italy), Jean
STE-LAUDY (Paris), Fred WIEGANT (University
of Utrecht, Netherlands). Four laboratories
conducted the same main experiment, the
supporting experiments were done by various of the
laboratories and the analysis by the Louvain
researchers. The researchers trained together at the
Paris lab to ensure consistency of methods.
The experiments used ultramolecular dilutions
of Histamine 10
M (15-19c), prepared in
steps of 1:100 with vortexing (instead of
succussion). The main experiment, performed by
all the labs, was based on inhibition of basophil
activation as measured by degranulation, using
Alcian Blue staining. Basophil activation,
measured by an automated method, flow cytometry,
was done in three labs. CD63 is a cell surface
marker expressed by activated basophils, but by
very few inactivated basophils. CD63 was tagged
by an antibody and CD63 positive and negative
cells separated by an electronic gate. Other
supporting experiments were measurement of
histamine release, the effects of the histamine
receptor blocking drugs Cimetidine and Ranitidine
and of histidine, a structural analogue of histamine.
Basophils were taken from the blood of healthy
donors of either sex, who had taken no medication
in the preceding 4 weeks. They were incubated for
30 minute at room temperature with or without
histamine dilutions, then mixed with anti-IgE.
Control was distilled water, diluted and vortexed in
the same way. Dud’ experiments (when no
activation occurred after anti-IgE stimulation) were
excluded, leaving a total of 2706 data points.
The researchers examined various stimulating
concentrations of anti-IgE: inhibition of activation
occurred consistently only with the lowest
concentration (0.04 µg/ml), which is closest to
physiological concentrations. Nevertheless, the
overall result, including all stimulatory
concentrations of anti-IgE and all dilutions of
histamine showed statistically highly significant
inhibition from ultramolecular dilutions of
histamine (p 0.0001). Flow cytometry
experiments at three of the labs, using various
dilutions of histamine, showed compatible results,
with inhibition of activation as high as 43%.
Nearly all experiments showed statistically
significant inhibition of basophil activation.
Two of the laboratories also looked at the
effects of H
–receptor blockers Cimetidine and
Ranitidine. Preincubation of the basophils with
Cimetidine partially blocked the effects of
ultramolecular dilutions of histamine, the effect of
Ranitidine was not statistically significant. Other
experiments done in one lab each showed
significant reduction in the amount of histamine
released into the supernatant when the basophils
had been pretreated with ultramolecular dilutions of
histamine. And that histidine, which is structurally
similar to histamine but does not have the same
physiological effects, did not have the same effect
as ultramolecular dilutions of histamine (both in
16c). Histidine 16c had the same effect as water
What next?
In discussing their results, the authors
comment on the variability between laboratories,
which they attribute to the differing susceptibility
of donors. Also on the lack of a dose-response
curve, as would be expected in classical
pharmacology and the specificity of the effects as
shown by the H
-receptor blocker and histidine
experiments. They refer to other work with
ultramolecular dilutions notably the work of
They conclude that they are unable to
explain their results but suggest that it may involve
biological information from the solvent, a
hypothesis which is supported by recent physical
Inflammation Research published a
supportive editorial, saying that ‘More and more
patients are turning to this form of complementary
medicine’, and that the paper was published in a
spirit of openness after rigorous review.
not much used in the UK, histamine (often in the
form of lung histamine) is widely used in
homeopathic dilution elsewhere in the world, in the
treatment of allergy. But clinical relevance is not
the issue here. Of course further repetition is
required, but it may be that this represents the
‘Holy Grail’ of basic research in Homeopathy—a
method that can be reproduced in any suitably
skilled and equipped laboratory, and which
unequivocally demonstrates the effect of an
ultramolecular dilution.
The other take home message is perhaps that
we should rely on trial by science, not on
pseudoscientific trial by media, which has
characterised far too much of the history of this
series of experiments.
LAUDY J., WIEGANT F.A.C., Histamine dilutions
modulate basophil activity. Inflamm Res 2004; 53:
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
W.C.J., van WIJK R. Mechanical agitation of very
dilute antiserum against IgE has no effect on
basophil staining properties. Experientia 1992; 48:
PEARCE F.L., FOREMAN J.C. Human basophil
degranulation is not triggered by very dilute
antiserum against IgE. Nature 1993; 366: 526-527.
POBERFROID M. et al. Inhibition of human
basophil degranulation by successive histamine
dilutions: results of European multi-centre trial.
Inflamm res 1999; 48: S17-S18.
5. BROWN V., ENNIS M. Flow-cytometric
analysis of basophil activation: inhibition by
histamine at conventional and homeopathic
concentrations. Inflamm Res 2001; 50: S47-S48.
DOUTREMEPUICH C., Time related
neutralization of two doses acetyl salicylic acid.
Thrombosis Res 2000; 100: 317-323.
Neuroprotection from glutamate toxicity with ultra-
low dose glutamate. Neuroreport 2001; 12: 335-
study of the effect of decimal and centesimal
dilutions of arsenic on the retention and
mobilization of arsenic in the rat. Human Toxicol
1987; 6: 315-320.
9. REY L. Thermoluminescence of ultra high
dilutions of lithiumchloride, sodium chloride.
Physica A 2003; 323: 67-74.
10. FALUS A. Homeopathy, high dilutions is
there a real effect? Inflamm Res 2004; 53: 179-
1. Women in Homeopathy
WINSTON, Julian (AH. 10/2004)
This article is about the women homeopaths of
the U.S.A. and about the earliest colleges which
admitted women.
Details about Clemence Sophia LOZIER,
Elizabeth Cady STANTON, Mercy Bisbe
JACKSON and Mary Florence TAFT are given.
List of 21 female graduates listed in Egbert
CLEAVE’s Homeopathic biographies is given.
2. Eight Themes of HAHNEMANN Seen
Through HAEHL
MORRELL, Peter (AJHM. 97, 3/2004)
The author, after reviewing the biography of
HAHNEMANN authored by HAEHL, identifies
and explores eight themes in HAHNEMANN’s life
and work 1. What he condemned, 2. Prevailing
systems of medical thought in his day, 3. His
unhappy wanderings, 4. The Miasm theory, 5. His
religion and philosophy, 6. The subtle realm of
disease causation, 7. The life force the core of his
medical teaching, and 8. His intolerance of
opposing medical viewpoints.
1. An Interview with Ewald STÖTELER
TREE, Jenni (AH. 10/2004)
Ewald STÖTELER is a highly respected
member of the Dutch homeopathic community and
is a Hahnemannian practitioner through and
through. His book Hahnemann Understood is
soon to be available in English.
He studied in the Stichting Klassieke
Homeopathie and started practicing in 1980. He
worked with a group of students and translated the
sixth edition of Organon into Dutch.
Whenever he stumbled across a problem in
practice, he searched in Organon till he found the
The failure in homeopathic education is due to
teachers who have never read Chronic Diseases.
HAHNEMANN never talks about treating the
patient, but about treating the disease. [No,
HAHNEMANN talks about the sick person in
many places = KSS]
The Vital Force can only be disturbed in three
ways: it can be slowed down (Psora), accelerated
(Sycosis) or it may be destructive (Syphilis).
Tubercular or carcinogenic tendency is either
by infection or inheritance.
If the symptom cannot be explained from the
life circumstances of the patient, it must be a
constitutional (miasmatic) disturbance, and it
needed a mineral remedy.
If the disease from without is connected to life
circumstances, they needed a plant, animal or
Nosode remedy.
When a plant remedy gives a curative reaction,
the complementary mineral remedy will also show
a curative response.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
The Nosodes are used to give direction to the
powers of the Dynamis and gives it a second
chance to cure itself from the disease and its
blocking consequences. [It is unfortunate that such
decisive statements are made: Plants for acutes”,
“minerals for chronic”. Will not Lycopodium be
indicated in chronic cases, or for that matter
Staphysagria? STÖTELER says “HAHNEMANN
knew Psorinum. He refers to it in the last stage of
Chronic Diseases; but it wasn’t proven enough for
him to use. At that stage it needed more testing.”
How does STÖTELER say that HAHNEMANN
felt that it needed more Proving? Further, to the
query by the Interviewer “Did he ever know
Medorrhinum?” STÖTELER answers “I haven’t
come across any remarks showing this.”
Medorrhinum was proved by Samuel SWAN and
published in the Transactions of the International
Hahnemannian Association in 1889, long after
HAHNEMANN had left this world. It became a
remedy in our Materia Medica only after SWAN’s
Provings. Exact date of Proving by SWAN is not
known. However, SWAN became an M.D. in 1867
and so his Provings were after this. About his
“using two remedies in the same day” STÖTELER
says It is all in HAHNEMANN’s teachings!”
Nothing can be more blasphemous than this
assertion! To the best of our knowledge
HAHNEMANN never taught so. He insisted on
one remedy at a time which should cover the
‘totality’ and he also taught not to repeat the same
potency. STÖTELER also says “In relation to the
subject of potency, HAHNEMANN called the
centesimal potency a ‘mistake’” Where did he say
this? He used the centesimal until his last day of
practice. Was he practicing a ‘mistake’ for years?!
Neither the Interviewer nor the Interviewee can be
forgiven these wrong statements = KSS]
2. Elemental Symbols
LILLEY, David (AH. 10/2004)
Correspondences between Nature’s symbols
and Human Nature is explained through Carbon,
Magnesium and Iron.
3. Interview with Dr. Brian KAPLAN: Second
Prescription and Case Management
ROSS, Shann (AH. 10/2004)
The most important aspect of second
prescription is the assessment of first prescription
and acting accordingly. The most difficult aspect
of second prescription is to make an assessment of
whether someone has genuinely improved. The
easiest mistake is to prescribe too early. The only
reason to go for a higher potency of the same
remedy in second prescription is when you get a
response each time but of shorter duration. The
easy mistake that occurs in case management come
from the relationship between the homeopath and
the patient, when the trust is breached.
One cannot have an intuitive feeling which a
person needs with an unfamiliar remedy.
He is more interested in reading new ways of
getting information about people. More interested
in understanding people than understanding new
He feels it is logical to ask about the main
complaint and then how they feel about having the
problem, what it has done to their life.
4. Homeopathy and the Legal Question:
An Historical Perspective
STEWART, Robert (AH, 10/2004)
History is not so much a spectacle of significant
events and dates, as it is a witness to an evolution
of Consciousness. And all the outrageous
misadventures of History give further evidence to
conflicts between established institutions and the
inexorable changes that have occurred in Human
Consciousness over time… Even the adjective,
“outrageous”, already betrays a bias that has been
created within this very evolution.
One of the chief characteristics of
contemporary humanity is what can be called the
‘Social Question’. Never before has the relation of
one human being to another acquired such
complexity, nor demanded such conscious
participation. Even in the not-so-distant past,
relations were more instinctively determined, and
the individual was entirely subsumed by the group,
the tribe, the people… All were bound by blood.
One was merely a member of a religion, a trade, a
Today, this is no longer true. Each of us today
assumes at least the posture, if not the catchet, of
individuality. Simply as a matter of course, we
affirm our own unique pedigree. It is not a
criticism but a characterization to say that modern
humanity has become increasingly ego-identified.
This is especially true in the English-speaking West
where a self-absorbed feeling of entitlement has
become almost a way of life. Not only has this
contributed to the peril of the global eco-system, it
has sometimes put a strain on the existing systems
of governance.
Thus, the Social Question How are we to
find ourselves within the social organism so that all
our capacities have an opportunity to develop
freely? And how are we to relate so as not to
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
intrude on these same developmental needs in
others? Is a community of individuals an
Oxymoron? What kinds of social institutions
would best serve the growing needs of an
increasingly self-conscious humanity? In a Society
where each claims the freedom of an independent
Conscience, what, if any, should be the legal
The relationship of the above thoughts to the
practice of Medicine in general and of
Homeopathy in particular is discussed in this
essay. What is the legal situation of Homeopathy
in the West. In so far as India is concerned it is
clear; we have separate course of study, separate
examination and licence with due protection to both
Practitioner and Patient. However, once licensed
clearly the homeopathic profession (as also other
systems of Medicine like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani
each of which has separate courses of study,
examination and licence) strongly become
hegemonic and rule denying space to others not
‘licensed’. STEWART very aptly points out:
“Medical licensing laws only serve to distort and
impair healthy social relations. . . . the halls and
chambers of State and Federal buildings every-
where are simply crawling with the maneuvers and
true outright manipulations of a veritable legion of
lobbyists. ... by dozens of competing ‘special
interests,’ a concept that should have no place in a
realm where rights-awareness should advance.
A thought-provoking, very relevant essay.
5. My mind should be out of the way
Interview with Jonathan SHORE
TESSLER, Neil (SIM. XVII, 3/2004)
Jonathan SHORE talks about how he came into
Homeopathy and about his training with George
VITHOULKAS, and his association with Robert
He feels that his mind should be out of the way
while trying to find the remedy. In 50 percent of
the cases he thinks “may be it’s this remedy” and
whole thing comes into line. In rest of the cases
different symptoms are taken and elimination done
to see what remedies fit to his feeling of the case.
To judge what is strange, rare and peculiar, he
puts himself in the person’s situation and see how
he would have reacted. If the reaction is way out
from his, then it becomes peculiar.
He sticks to his principle of never criticizing
someone else’s work.
The idea of the kingdoms and birds as a group
was in no way theoretical but arose from the
provings. [How is it that HAHNEMANN did not
see ‘kingdoms in all his decades of extensive
practice? And he proved so many remedies and if
the ‘kingdoms’ came from the Provings did he not
perceive it? = KSS]
6. Interview with Louis KLEIN
TESSLER, Neil (SIM. XVII, 3/2004)
Louis KLEIN believes that there need to be
room in the profession for uniquely artistic
methodologies that are grounded but still intuitive
in nature. The profession has to evolve and
proceed to a new independent level and not just
derive its juice from HAHNEMANN only. [Then
whose juice? Louis KLEIN’s? or a mixed juice of
all the modern ‘innovative ‘uniquely artistic’
homeopaths? Far superior cures have been
experienced by those in the past who took the
He believes the new ideas and concepts can
only strengthen the profession.
Jan SCHOLTEN’s information is reliable in
his experience.
In a well-done and safe proving, not a
poisoning, the prover should experience a reflection
of possible pathologies.
Of late he is distinguishing the difference
between pathology and disposition. The disposition
shapes each person’s unique way of responding to
Our evaluation of the effectiveness of a
homeopathic prescription needs to be based on the
initial change in pathology. [The views of Louis
KLEIN is in tune with the neo-homeopaths who
seem to be one-up on HAHNEMANN. References
to HAHNEMANN, in some places in his Interview,
are, in my opinion, derisive. For example, he says
“Homeopathy originally created by
HAHNEMANN and his friends”. HAHNEMANN
had some students only and not ‘friends’.
Homeopathy was “originally created” by
GALILEO. It is all one great man’s discovery.
Louis KLEIN says further that those who stick to
HAHNEMANN only ‘live in little town’. Further
that Homeopathy was in ‘psychological imbroglio
in the past’! that he and others like him have their
own ‘unique ways’; that by applying Jan
SCHOLTEN’s methodology he has been able to
cure serious problems of patients which included
homeopaths, and not just the Materia Medica
information.” Louis KLEIN ridicules the very
basic of Homeopathy which is Materia Medica
arrived at by Provings. HAHNEMANN insisted on
Pure Materia Medica, and here is a
‘homeopath who marks it just the Materia
Medica information’! KLEIN, defending
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
‘speculation’ says, “well, even HAHNEMANN did
a lot of speculation”. Did HAHNEMANN
speculate about a remedy’s curative powers? He
relied only on facts obtained by Provings only.
HAHNEMANN even criticized Immanuel KANT’s
speculative Philosophy. If this is the attitude of the
‘modern’, ‘innovative’ neo-homeopaths they have
no basis at all for invoking the name of
HAHNEMANN. Someone said that Homeopathy
needed no enemies from outside. We are good at
Harakiri. =KSS]
7 Building a homeopathic profession
ROWE, Todd (SIM. XVII, 3/2004)
Building a homeopathic profession is a vital
step toward greater public recognition and
acceptance and a means to end differences between
The need of full time homeopathic medical
colleges in USA is discussed.
8. Health Sciences in the 21
Century. A Preview.
MAJUMDAR, Sisir R. (S&C. 70, 11-12/2004)
‘Health Sciences’ are changing. The Health
Profession is also changing. Medico-legal and
medico-moral principles are already dictating the
conduct of Medical Profession. Modern medicine
claiming to be founded on scientific study may also
be incomplete or erroneous. Alternative forms of
medicine have made significant inroads into the
popular perception of treatment strategy of various
incurable disease of still unknown aetiology.
[There will always be. In proportion to what is
known, what is not known will always be many
times more = KSS]. Alternative Medicines need
our tolerance and even respect and not disdain.
These are the realities of the 21
Century Medicine.
In Health-Care it is the individual’s well being
that matter and not machine and statistics. Our
approach in this millennium should be both
evidence-based and experience based.
He quotes Albert EINSTEIN: “Not everything
that can be counted always counts, and not
everything that counts can be counted.
1. Heal Thyself: Nicholas CULPEPER and the
Seventeeth-Century Struggle to Bring Medicine
to the People by Benjamin WOOLLEY
Published UK, Feb. 2004. Harper Collins, in
USA and Canada, July 2004. 402 pp. Review by
Peter MORRELL (AJHM. 97, 3/2004)
“Although this book does not mention
Homeopathy and the events it describes occurred
in the 1600s, a century before HAHNEMANN was
born; nevertheless it reveals a real struggle, a
familiar pattern whenever any vulnerable medical
minority finds itself pitted against a tyrannical
medical monopoly…….. In 1634, CULPEPER
began an apprenticeship to an apothecary, but
abandoned that too in 1640, and set up instead as a
freelance astrologer and medical practitioner..”
“CULPEPER’s practice and his published
works were part of his conscious struggle to bring
medicine to the people, rescuing it from the
reactionary institutions which had hitherto
controlled its use……. One of his main criticisms
of physicians was that they concentrated on the
disease rather than the patient …. CULPEPER’s
chief legacy is the idea that medicine is not
something that should be controlled and
administered by the elite, but something belonging
to everybody – is as important and, perhaps, as
revolutionary now as it was in the 17
This makes this story still very relevant today.”
2. Dreams, Symbols & Homeopathy Jane
CICCHETTI, North Atlantic Books, California,
USA, Price $ 15.95, ISBN: 1 55643 436 7, 1993
Review by Yubraj SHARMA (HOMEOPATHY,
93, 3/2004)
“The book is largely written for the
homeopathic practitioner, but kept easy enough for
therapists or physicians of other persuasions. It
would be of particular interest to Psychotherapists,
Counsellors and Shamanic healers. The book is
divided into four sections. .,. In the fourth section
there is interesting new proving information
concerning tree remedies. The information is
provided in the context of cultural usage and
mythology surrounding these trees. The milk
remedies are human, cow, cat and dog. Again
reference is made to the Mythology and cultural
history surrounding these animals. Jane
CICCHETTI has nonetheless brought a range of
analysis that adds to the richness of homeopathic
philosophy.” [What has Homeopathy to do with
Mythology and Folk Tales? We resort to these
storytelling, collect mythical tit bits because it is
easier to construct a Materia Medica than to
conduct ‘Provings’ and obtain factual data? = KSS]
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
I. Abha Light Foundation (ALF) has been a
registered NGO in Kenya since 2001. (AH.
10/2004) Primary goal is to introduce Homeopathy
into Kenya and East Africa as an affordable low-
cost medicine for the populace in the urban slums
and villages. The students from the villages and
slums are taught in basic clinical physiology,
anatomy and pathology in an informal two-year
course in Homeopathy. They have four
permanent clinics. ALF is engaged in research of
effective means in the treatment, management,
prophylactic or cure of Malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS.
The two-year training is being given on “a
shoestring” budget.
II. Scientists take on Science Media: The
publication of badly conducted and poorly referred
scare stories has had devastating consequences for
individual and public health, in the U.K. and
abroad, and carried a heavy economic cost.
Since disowned by Lancet that the triple
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, for
children could cause Autism.
Scientist claim that the incidence of Measles
went up as panicked families refused to give MMR
vaccine to the children – The study published in
Lancet in 1998 had “ruined the vaccination
programme and as a result, children had died of
measles and mumps.
Another discredited research warned women
against Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
suggested that it could increase almost double the
– risks of Breast cancer.
It is a case of people in glasshouses throwing
stones at each other.
The messages they get are often contrary
creating not only confusion but also panic.
“There will always be an element of hype, even
quality newspapers, but the problem would be
much worse if a serious journal were hyping too”.
Example a serious journal like Lancet. [The pro-
vaccination ‘Scientists’ also create scare. We know
many unvaccinated living healthy = KSS]
(The Hindu, Chennai, June 24, 2005).
III. Doctoring trials is the name of the game: (R.
PRASAD, Chennai) How does it matter as long as
you get cured? The question is simple, the answer
is not.
‘There is growing evidence that doctors’
prescribing habits are influenced by drug
companies, either through discussions with medical
representatives or through sales drives dressed up
as medical education’ wrote Kamran ABBASI and
Richard SMITH in the British Medical Journal
(BMJ) in 2003.
Mr. SMITH was the editor of BMJ then.
Information supplied to doctors by drug companies
is systematically distorted. It is the doctors who are
perhaps more to blame in coming to depend on
drug company largesse. Drug companies have
managed to deflect the moral compass of the
Marcia Angell, editor in chief of the New
England Journal of Medicine has said in her
recent book “The truth about drug companies”
highlighted how patients unwittingly become a part
of phase IV trials have more to do with the way
companies make doctors prescribe their drugs in
lieu of even cheaper generic drugs.
Two chapters in her book have been dedicated
to highlighting the ways in which companies
market their products in the guise of education and
But many doctors rarely use journals to update
themselves. Are journals truly unbiased and
scientifically correct all the time?
Journals no saints
A plethora of studies has indicated the nexus
between drug companies and journals and how
journals knowingly or unwittingly become a part
and parcel of the companies’ propaganda
They have developed strategies to co-opt
journals in marketing their products. It is a sad
state one of the last bastions of unbiased
information has been successfully infiltrated by
drug companies.
(Journals) are little more than a marketing tool
of the drug companies.
Assured monetary benefits (to the journals) and
some deft manipulations by the companies have
made this possible.
Respected and reputed journals like the British
Medical Journal, the New England Journal of
Medicine and the Lancet were caught napping.
Only results that are favourable to their interest are
ever published. And they go about doing this very
Biased from the start
The new drug tested against a treatment well
known to the inferior or against a placebo. Even if
tested against too well known drug, it is done
against too low a dose of competitor drug.
Multicentric trials trials conducted in many
places simultaneously are considered as one of
the best ways to test the drugs’ safety and efficacy.
Journals tend to treat results obtained from such
trials with greater respect. And it is precisely this
sanctity that companies try to misuse.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Being multicentric in nature, many data sets
are obtained. And only those that are favourable to
the company are ever published. At times only
those parts of the data that are favourable to the
company get published. The favourable results are
then published repeatedly in many journals by
combining data from more than one centre.
The first author of such papers is always
different and no mention is made about the first
time the data was published in a journal. This
makes it very difficult for journals to do the cross
checking. These are but some of the strategies
adopted by the pharmaceutical companies to
hoodwink the journals.
Lure of money
The journals are no saints either. Monetary
gains are an implicit part of it. Companies tend to
buy thousands of reprints. The financial gains runs
to thousands of dollars. If few thousands of dollars
are sufficient to buy a doctor’s loyalty, nearly a
million dollars of revenue do the same with
The financial gain runs to thousands of dollars.
These reprints are in turn used by companies as
propaganda material to convince doctors of a drug’s
superiority. So what started as a biased study gets
published and is used as a marketing tool!
(The Hindu, Chennai, July 7, 2005)
IV. Homeopathic Clinic Opened: Another
homeopathic Clinic was opened in February 2004,
at Bad Imnau. (ZKH. 48, 3/2004) The Clinic has
24 beds and has a Day/Night Duty Sisters and
Doctors, headed by Dr.Uwe FRIEDRICH and
Heinz HUBER. Treatment is in accordance with
the rules of Hahnemannian Homeopathy. No other
therapeutical methods are applied. Essential
allopathic treatment may be if required.
Patients of all age groups with Chronic
Diseases will be taken up.
Closely connected with homeopathic
therapeutic concept is a programme in which
Mindfulness exercises, Energy work, Breathing
exercises, Relaxation techniques, Meditations,
Visualisations for activising of self-healing powers,
Stress management and Development of creativity,
all are a part.
V. A question which homeopaths and the laity
ask is whether the X-ray search made of air
travelers would affect the action of homeopathic
remedies. (Uwe FRIEDRICH, ZKH. 48, 3/2004).
An experimental answer is given by
M.HAIDVOGL and M. FRASS, from Ludwig –
BOLTZMANN Institute for Homeopathy. They
used an animal model (Amphibian), in which the
Amphibians, experience rapid learning with
Thyroxin. Thyroxin D30 steers along this
reproducible hyper-stimulation.
If Thyroxin D30 is passed through X-ray
radiation as is done in airports, there is no loss of its
Homeopathic home remedies pack need not be
passed through X-ray search during flights. The
authors point out that on the other hand household
gadgets could have an injurious effect.
VI. SPINEDI-Seminar. Bad Imnau, 25-
27.6.2004. Report von Sabine KUSE-
ISINGSHULTE (ZKH. 48, 3/2004): Two main
points were stressed by SPINEDI in the course of
his Seminar about two Breast Cancer patients.
Case 1: 33 year-old female, came in 1989 for
severe back pains bothering her which began three
years ago. Had, painkillers for 2 years but Sepia
healed within few weeks.
In the year 2000 11 years later she came
with a diagnosis of Breast Cancer. Already had
Chemotherapy and Radiation. Parallelly
homeopathic treatment with Phosphorus, Bryonia,
Sepia and Conium. Conium at last improved and
Sepia cured the Miasm finally.
SPINEDI’s comments:
If a medicine has worked well, we have to
reflect well before changing it, if symptoms of
another remedy appear which we perhaps
examine well.
In 20% of cases SPINEDI has observed that
the chronic medicine does not come into
question if a tumor has developed.
Interesting are the symptoms which have not
improved are the ones which we should further
work with. When we neglect this, the disease
goes further on. We should concentrate on
these symptoms.
If old symptoms appear, the remedy, if it is the
right one, must cover these symptoms.
The appearance of dreams, which should suit
the remedy, which are new, could be a hint of a
new symptom and the remedy given be wrong
under the circumstances.
New symptoms of the remedy must be
evaluated according to Organon §§167, 248,
Although in case new symptoms came up after
Phosphorus, pains increased it indicated a good
response to the Chemotherapy with the further
progressive administration of Phosphorus and was
also a confirmation of the specific action of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Phosphorus in Chemo- and Radiation therapy. In
the course of the treatment luckily the symptoms
for the first indicated medicine came up again. It
was the dream of Breast which was forgotten by the
patient. In the anamnesis in 2000 the patient had
said when questioned, that the bandage with
flowers of Camphor which was too tight and very
painful. “Suppressed Trauma” in this manner are
many which may not be recalled by patient:
Blow on the Breast from small children; with
its feet while swaddling the infant, or with the
head when it is carried, or a kick with its feet
when the child sleeps with the mother.
Mammography or painfully tight bandages.
Auto or sports injuries (ball hitting the breast:
Handball, Badminton, Squash)
SPINEDI commented: with this case we come
to understand better the §162 of Organon. Cancer
originates from the Miasm explained it.
Case2: 35 year-old pregnant woman in the 20
week of pregnancy was diagnosed with axillary
lymph node metastasis of an occult primary tumor.
Two years ago after the first pregnancy she suffered
a papilloma virus constellation of cervix. She was
She has in the meanwhile undergone treatment
from many homeopaths and taken many remedies
and in the last two months Carcinosinum LM 120.
With Phosphorus in C potencies she could be
without Chemotherapy during her pregnancy. In
January 2000 a healthy boy was born. In
November 2000 with Phosphorus CM this
treatment ended. Further chronic remedies were
used. In August 2001 a Breast Tumor was
diagnosed. Further treatment proceeded with
different Polychrests.
In Spring 2002 the patient emigrated. She
received plenty of reserve remedies” and took
them one after the other without further
consultation. Contact with the patient was poor but
she wrote, however, on 15.1.2004 a letter to Dr.
SPINEDI that she had contacted a well-known local
homeopath and with Phytolacca LM6 she
remained in remission until now.
SPINEDI’s fundamental thoughts on this case:
With Similie therapy the young lady during
pregnancy could keep off Chemotherapy, for
mother and child. This should encourage us to
treat every Cancer case with Homeopathy.
The basic error was, the symptoms were not
exact and strong enough to be evaluated.
The symptoms which were not covered by the
selected remedy would surprise us.
A conisation only leads to shifting of the
disease to another region. Much better it is to
take the PAP as marker of the progress.
The CM potency brings to light the “reality”.
If under the CM everything is covered and if it
has at first improved then that is not the right
When the constitutional medicine selected does
not bring the expected improvement, must
consider always organotropic medicine.
When we make a constitutional prescription,
the patient is carried further, particularly if the
Cancer is slowly progressing. If a wrong
organotropic medicine is prescribed, a
fulminating exacerbation of the tumor will
occur. Beware! In doubt we should apply
always the Chronic remedy, to make the
patient overall strong and supportive.
General on Cancer treatment: In general
SPINEDI spoke in the Seminar the history of
Breast Cancer. Conium and Phytolacca were
spoken of as two important remedies in Breast
Cancer. In respect of Phytolacca much less
information is known about mental symptoms.
Besides KENT a valuable Materia Medica is
available in Homeopathic Drug Pictures of
Margaret TYLER, which is well worth studying.
Eli JONES found Phytolacca as most
important remedy in Breast Cancer. In Breast
Cancer patients, the suckling anamnesis is of
greater significance: if pains or other problems
arise, they must be elevated as the most possible
complete symptom. Pains in the breast after blow
(after mammography) pass away with Conium XM.
About the extensive possibilities of reactions
and Observations after the administration of Q
potencies only the essential are given again here:
For the early aggravation, SPINEDI opined,
badly selected or wrongly administered remedy
is the cause. The different individual reaction
must be borne in mind.
The appearance of a new symptom is, in 50%
of the cases, mostly an old symptom which the
patient had “not recalled to memory”.
The frequent and a fatal variant of the
appearance of a new symptom is, that the new
symptom disappear, although the remedy was
wrong. Then this new symptom is lost!
procedures in respect of one-sided diseases, to
select the best suited medicine and then to treat the
new symptom is not proven, in every case. He
does not change the medicine implicitly, but
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
differentiates very vigorously between the old
symptoms and symptoms of the medicine. Also old
symptoms must be covered by medicine or they are
signs for the following medicine. Symptoms of the
medicine on the other hand indicate a wrong
Again and again it is advised to study these
paragraphs in Organon thoroughly.
Effects of Radiation
The effective antidote to Radiotherapy are,
according to SPINEDI: Phosphorus, Radium
bromatum and X-ray. Both Radium bromatum as
well as X-ray come under consideration for the
adverse actions of Radiation therapy, they are the
frequently needed medicine after Phosphorus.
Radium bromatum is similar to Phosphorus and
antidotes it also, as peculiar symptom is the “only a
one day lasting mens.” (Comp. Sepia). A Materia
Medica for X-ray is to be found in ALLEN’s Book
on Nosodes. According to SPINEDI, X-ray is fully
unrepresented in the Repertory (and must be
added). A Materia Medica of Radium bromatum
may be found in the Collected Works of A.
SPINEDI has observed that the positive effects
of radiation remain, when the side effects of
Radiation therapy begins to be treated by potentised
There are patients who do not suit the
Phosphorus schema which however indicated as
antidote. For patients who are exposed intensively
to Electricity or Electrosmog, e.g. locomotive
driver, may have a penetrating effect from
Phosphorus. For ulcerative areas of Necrosis,
according to GRIMMER, Cadmium iodatum is the
only medicine, which has never let him down, for
burns from radiation, Fluoric acid is the frequently
indicated medicine.
VII. Interview with André SAINE. von KARIN
und Ralf VIGOUREUX (ZKH. 48, 3/2004) Some
extracts: Dr. André SAINE is a well-known
homeopath from Canada; he is a fighter for
genuine Homeopathy. KARIN and Ralf
VIGOUREUX interviewed him at his place. They
also spent three weeks with him to actually appraise
themselves with SAINE’s methodologies.
André SAINE takes up severe difficult disease
conditions. Of course he takes up other cases too;
he may let other colleagues treat routine cases and
take up himself with the severe cases.
20 years ago he began to practice with his
father and has seen patients with severe diseases,
and therefore saw from beginning on, difficult
cases. Treating severely ill people is not slow but is
challenging. By this one can test one’s ability and
methodology and the remedies used and the
possibilities and limits of Homeopathy.
The limits of homeopathic healing are, as a
rule, the limits of the inborn healing ability of
the particular organism. [Bold mine =KSS]
Healing is faster in Homeopathy. For
example, injuries heal much more rapidly; Also if
treated before and after operation the patient
recovers much faster as observed by Surgeons.
Similarly griefs are overcome faster. Homeopathic
healing proceeds para-physiologically or it
transcends normal physiological processes. I think,
in this connection, that we are observing a rapid
increase of the normal healing process and that
there is no new healing process. There are
mechanical problems which limits Homeopathy.
[FN § 7 Organon = KSS]. The real limits of the
Organism for self-regeneration due to disease
processes are the limits of Homeopathy. [It is
inferred that here ‘regeneration’ meant, reactivation
of the functions. I have however, read of case of an
actual regeneration of a part of a limb amputated
earlier! Dr. K. GANAPATHI of Coimbatore
reported the case of a professor whose phalanx of
right thumb was lost due to an injury sustained
from a car door that was being closed. Myristica
sebifera tincture was used for a long period and a
small rudimentary thumb grew and the professor
could again hold a chalk-piece and write on the
black board = see Homeopathic Heritage, Vol.
VIII, 8/1982, P. 445. How many of us realize that
none of the organs howsoever small or trivial like
the Appendix, are essential and nobody could
afford to lose it, although Surgeons may feel that
one would not be a big loser if a small organ
considered not so important is sliced off austensibly
to save the patient’s greater suffering. Years ago, I
remember to have read in the British Medical
Journal a report wherein it was said that a certain
number of persons (50 I believe) whose spleens had
been removed in their childhood had, over the
years, grown a rudimentary spleen! Not all of those
who had undergone splenectomy but quite a few of
them, enough to make one sit up and think. Would
it be wrong or foolish if one felt that if
Homeopathy is used in surgical cases there is good
chance of not only rapid healing of the operated
part but also the limb getting regenerated speedily,
in some cases at least? Think it over = KSS]. In
such cases, for example, as Multiple Sclerosis,
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Spondylitis, Ankylosis, etc.,
Homeopathy can stop the further progress of these
processes. In due course further improvement too
would come about.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Cancer is pure dynamic state but in most of the
cases the result of a false or undue stress and
ultimately failure of the defence power of the
organism. Both the body’s defence powers as well
as life energy reserves are limited. As much longer
and intensive the false or undue stress is so much
more is the risk of the individual Cancer to develop.
If we take 100 persons and their skin is scratched
when they are exposed to ultraviolet rays, some of
them, if not all of them, may develop Skin Cancer.
In principle every person could develop Cancer
according to the state appropriate. When a person
has Cancer we should find out whether it is a
question of alteration of the reaction and whether
this person can be restored back to harmony. As
much younger the person is, as much slow as the
Cancer develops, so much better is the prognosis
with Homeopathy. As much visible a tumor, so
much better the prognosis, since it would be helpful
about the control the treatment has. Further as
much less the characteristic symptoms, and only
few symptoms are present, so much less good is the
prognosis. Nevertheless older persons with
metastasis and a rapidly progressing Cancer have
been seen to react quite satisfactorily to a well-
selected remedy. As much greater the similarity so
much better the reaction of the patient to the
remedy. For all that, we cannot foresay the
measure of the reaction. Will it be sufficient to
overcome the Cancer. That remains ultimately
An example: a 73-year-old female with
Multiple Myeloma, which did not show any
positive result in spite of Chemotherapy. Since
conventional medicine could not offer anything
else, she came to Homeopathy. Although she was
in an advanced developed state and in high degree
of Cancer state and was 73-years-old she was fully
restored to health by pure homeopathic treatment.
The point is that the measure of reaction remains
unknown when the prescribed medicine is similar
to a great degree and in this case many factors
raised the doubt of a good prognosis.
To declare a patient to have been ‘cured the
patient must be free from every sign of Cancer for
at least five years following a homeopathic
treatment. Only a small number of patients can be
followed up. So it is difficult to say how many
were ‘cured’. Also many patients who had already
been treated by conventional medicine come to
Homeopathy in a very weak state. There are
patients who simultaneously undergo both
conventional as well as homeopathic treatment.
Patients who are in a very advanced stage of the
disease come and it is too difficult to find a suitable
remedy. It is always good to carefully select a
remedy to suit the symptoms presented. Each time
if a remedy to suit the symptom is carefully
selected there will be good reaction. What we do
not know is, the measure of reaction.
There is a fine line of demarcation between
palliation and cure in the treatment of patients with
Homeopathy. Often the patient would say that he
felt better with the medicine given, but the Cancer
spreads further. That is a complicated situation.
The physician must decide whether the Cancer has
no more energy and whether with the same
medicine in increased dosage must be
proceeded with or a complimentary medicine to suit
the later disease state must be searched for. We can
see the situation an inexperienced person
encounters. To treat Cancer patients, one must, in
the first instance be a good clinician, secondly a
very good homeopath and thirdly must have had
some experience in treating Cancer patients. If one
could combine all these preconditions then his
results will be high. When I say results I mean that
he finds a suitable remedy for every altered
different phases of the disease. When I recall my
21 years practice, I cannot say exactly how many
Cancer patients have been followed up for 5 years
after their cure. I am not sure but perhaps five or
ten. For many different reasons patients do not stay
connected to their doctors after they are restored.
There are some persons who I have accompanied
until their end. Many of these react well to the
remedy, but in the course of the treatment
complications develop, often without reference to
Cancer, some other disease and die. I recall a
young man in the mid 20s with recurrence of an
Acute Lymphatic Leukaemia refused further
conventional treatment. He came to me (André
SAINE) in a very bad state. We went through
severe times. I treated him for about two years. He
became seemingly much better and soon he took up
his job again as a long distance lorry driver. Many
months later one late night in the course of his
work, he suffered a severe blow on the abdomen.
Around midnight he rang me. It appeared as if he
had internal bleeding. I told him that he should go
to a hospital but he declined. Instead he went to
bed and died in sleep. No autopsy was done. I had
a pair of such cases in which the patient, the family,
friends and I worked very hard and the patients died
due to other reasons.
In many other cases a reaction did come about,
but then a point in which either I was unable to or
the organism was not possible to recover. I pursue
to acquire the capability to thoroughly overcome
this limitation. Homeopaths with less years of
experience in solid practice should not undertake
these patients alone by themselves.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
What can be said about incurable cases? I do
not use the word “incurable”. The word often
indicates again simply our present knowledge of
what is incurable. History teaches us that the limits
of Homeopathy have widened. What goes as
“incurable” is only an opinion and therefore is not
to be taken at its word. Rather what kinds of
disease states has been cured gives a reliable mark
in regard to curability as the opinion of one
homeopath in his practice as a singular reference
point. Many patients of whom it was thought as not
curable by Homeopathy have become healthy.
Many professional homeopaths have said that
Cancer patients are not curable by Homeopathy,
but that is not true. Patients with Cancer can be
made healthy again with Homeopathy as the only
mode of treatment. We cannot always know
apriori as to who is curable who is not. I do not
assert that I have masterly control over the
treatment of Cancer patients. But I can predict that
in future, we will excel. I have seen some unusual
successes in men with bad prognosis but restored to
normalcy under homeopathic treatment. We have
only scratched superficially upto now of what
happens to those who are treated for Cancer. I have
seen great potential, but also many failures and
disappointments. I do not teach beginners about the
treatment of Cancer patients while not many
homeopaths are capable to treat Cancer thoroughly
good. Only experienced homeopaths with
advanced knowledge should do this. The room for
errors is too small. To remain successful in such
cases the physician must, every time, work with
100% precision.
With regard to Auto-immune diseases when we
have favorable circumstances, that means when the
homeopath find the right remedy, 100% patients
with severe Auto-immune disease must recover;
this means that the inflammatory process does not
go on and a true regeneration of the tissues occur
within the limits of the recovery limits of the
organism. Particular tissues could have died
permanently and even with the best homeopathic
treatment cannot be renewed. We observe that
within the curative possibilities of the body, under
good homeopathic treatment, recovery can be had.
If the capability of the homeopath is not
sufficiently rich or if the patient does not cooperate
or if the symptom of the patient cannot be well
defined, as a result of allopathic medications, the
results are affected. There are disease states which
cannot be restored to health either by Homeopathy
or Allopathy. Cases of fully developed Lupus or
obstinate Psoriasis come under this. Only a well-
experienced homeopath will know how to go about
successfully with such cases. For purposes of
demonstration we can have a study of Auto-
immune diseases with regard to homeopathic
treatment in comparison to other modes. A large
number of patients will not only be restored to
healthy state and be free from medicines and their
side effects, but also the relative low costs and with
minimal burden upon the Society.
About the treatment of children with Epilepsy
and Cerebral Paresis: If these cases are treated with
suitable homeopathic medicines the chances are
excellent for restoration of health. Many cases of
Cerebral Paresis have been followed up for many
years. Nevertheless there are limitations. The
chances of the Nervous system to recover their
efficiency are restricted. But within these limits,
the recovery of Epilepsy patients is excellent.
Severe psychiatric diseases: The outcome is
similar to Cancer patients, not every patient of this
disease could be treated. You have to improvise in
cases of severe psychotic patients. An error could
be severer. One must be a good clinician. Just as
in any other serious disease state one must be
thorough in Homeopathy in accordance with the
rules of this art and with patience get good results.
Again one must be a good homeopath, and a
patient who works well with him and the
appropriate support from the relations and family to
obtain success; most of us do not get this. There
are some cases of Autism which have responded
wonderfully well. On the other side we have idiotic
or imbecile person with neurological hindrances
whose prognosis is bad. With neurotic patients it is
another story. §§ 17 and 208 are very relevant
here. Such cases need more than Homeopathy.
How to obtain such very good results as you
(André SAINE) are getting? A better training and
learning is the answer. The history of Homeopathy
teaches us clearly that the successful homeopaths
were those who studied HAHNEMANN’s work
thoroughly, understood it and applied it
scrupulously. History also reveals that the teaching
and training of Homeopathy is in a very weak
state. Very small number of homeopaths are well
taught and done the essential exercises so that
mastery could be got. It is the nature of men to take
to fast and easy and short methods to overcome
laborious methods. These would lead to failures.
Discipline in thorough learning of
HAHNEMANN’s works as also of the great
Hahnemannians would bring forth the best results.
Many homeopaths have learnt Homeopathy
through Seminars and much less by study of
HAHNEMANN’s work. A turn about can come
about by founding institutions which have teachers
and practitioners who have well done their home
work and thus capable of training and building up
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
good students. High standards can be obtained
Already established homeopaths also must
follow the same path, if they have not already, of
learning HAHNEMANN’s work well and work
rigorously as laid down by HAHNEMANN and his
genuine followers. With discipline and hard work
alone this can be achieved. There is no reason why
one cannot do so. The most useful is the study of
HAHNEMANN’s works and the works of the past
Regarding use of Nosodes André SAINE uses
them rarely for the reason that very few of them
have been well proven. Most of these Nosodes
give only clinical symptoms, and few of these
symptoms are clear, complete and give
characteristic symptom. Take for example
Carcinosinum. BURNETT’s original proving has
only few symptoms. But now we have hundreds of
symptoms and pathological many of them. From
where do we suddenly get all the whole
information? It is said proven Nosodes like
Tuberculinum”. Strictly speaking SWAN’s
symptoms are clinical symptoms and not based on
Tuberculinum Proving. Take for example the well-
known symptoms ‘Fear of dogs’ and ‘Desire to
Travel’. The fear of dog is from BURNETT’s case
of a two-year-old boy who was easily frightened
particularly by dogs and many other remedies other
than Tuberculinum was also used. It has not been
told whether the symptom was cleared after the
remedy. Regarding the Desire for Travel’ of
BURNETT, is an exaggeration. BURNETT wrote
of a man who went from place to place, to escape
from cold since he had tendency to catch lung
inflammation in cold weather. It is clear that the
Proving of Tuberculinum and most of the Nosodes
are very scanty and unreliable.
There are however, some interesting aspects
about Nosodes. One aspect is that more people
react to Nosodes than to other remedies, although
such reactions are not deep often as one would
expect from ‘similia’ and not from a remedy with
greater similarity. Great prescribers like LIPPE,
GUERNSEY or WELLS seldom used Nosodes.
Once LIPPE who doubted the clinical value of
Nosodes said that over the years he had treated
Gonorrhoea and Syphilis without using
Medorrhinum and Syphilinum, and his cases did
not, even once, fail. He had predicted that
SWAN’s Isopathy would not withstand, that it was
in opposition to every experience. And he was
right. Likewise, it is interesting to note that
HAHNEMANN did not publish his proving of
Psorinum in his Chronic Diseases, since he found
that it had not been proven thoroughly. In 1834,
HAHNEMANN wrote to a physician in Lyon that
the results which one gets through Nosodes were
not lasting enough, and that it was premature to put
up Hydrophobinum for Rabies, since there were
already useful medicines for that.
In his experience, said André SAINE best
results from Nosodes were obtained when it was
used like every other homeopathic medicine, that
is, according to symptom similarity with the patient
and the prover. In the cases published in respect of
the Nosodes, it has been found that as a rule, it was
prescribed on keynote symptoms of case history of
family anamnesis and seldom on the basis of
comparison with the Provings. Many Nosodes
have been applied in an inverse way so to say, that
is on the basis of clinical cases without thorough
There are cases in which one requires more
than one remedy; it depends of the intensity in
which the disease state is at a particular time. At
the same time there are patients who need the same
remedy in several altered states.
In a fully blown AIDS, the patient may have
several infections at the same time. Typically one
infection will be dissimilar to another, and the next
and the next, so on. It may be so that every time a
different remedy may be called for.
HAHNEMANN has said, in the light of his
experience that not only that for the complete cure
more antipsorics may be indicated, but also for
acute complaints apsoric medicines were needed.
What he has observed has not changed until now.
For some reason Homeopathy is drawn up as
fanatic, that it is a Faith System, a Religion or a
Cult and much less as a Science. They look up to
their teacher as a Guru. Then they relinquish
themselves to faith rather than to factual
observations and reason. In reality Homeopathy is
a Science and it cannot be anything else.
VIII. AIH member Sandra M. CHASE received
the prestigious Henry N. Williams Professional
Service Award on 28 April 2004. (AJHM. 97,
IX. Planting Seeds WINSTON, Julian (HT. 23,
10/2003) In a weekly documentary about the
Auckland Zoo in New Zealand, a segment was the
story of a female Gibbon (small ape) who had given
birth to twins but was refusing to nurse them. It
was an uphill struggle to keep them alive.
WINSTON remembered some of his successful
cases with Sepia, e-mailed the head veterinarian of
the Zoo and suggested Sepia. The head
veterinarian thanked and told he would contact
veterinary homeopath.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
WINSTON trusts it was a well-planted seed.
[Indeed it is. More of us should do = KSS]
X. From the Editor WINSTON, Julian (HT. 23,
11/2003) The Repertory is not a Materia Medica
and should not be used as such. We cannot view
the context of a symptom in the Repertory. The
rubric and remedy found in the Repertory should
always be referenced to the Provings to decide if
the choice of remedy is appropriate.
Information from new provings should be
added with great care and forethought.
A Repertory is only as reliable as the
information from which it was gleaned. Examples
are cited.
XI. In the Homeopathic Materia Medica
Salicylicum acidum is mentioned mostly with
reference to Rheumatic diseases. Respiratory
symptoms do not find place in the Repertory or
Materia Medica although it belongs to the drug
picture. In a review, the works for 1964-2002 have
been considered, the authors have come to the
opinion that Aspirin-induced Asthma occur
frequently. The study mentions that in grown-ups it
occurs in 21% and children 5% of cases and that
Aspirin-induced Asthma is the singular syndrome,
which can become life-threatening. It will be
worthwhile if this finding is included in the
appropriate place in the Materia Medica. (From the
BMJ. 2004: 328: 434-437, by C. JENKINS et al.
Report by Reiner APPEL in the AHZ. 249, 4/2004)
Valuable HAHNEMANN Manuscript
acquired report by Prof. Dr. Martin
DINGES: The Institute for History of
Medicine of the Robert Bosch
Foundation in Stuttgart acquired the large
collection of original manuscripts of the
founder of Homeopathy, Dr. Samuel
HAHNEMANN. Latest is the acquirement
of a complete manuscript the second
corrected and extended edition of the Vol.
VI of the Pure Materia Medica (which
appeared in print in 1827). The
auctioneers Reiss & Sohn put this to
auction in the Spring 2004.
HAHNEMANN manuscripts are rare and
are priced high. The Institute for History
of Medicine of the Robert Bosch
Foundation, Stuttgart has now almost
complete works of HAHNEMANN. (AHZ.
249, 4/2004)
HAHNEMANN’s Torgau house
rediscovered: The house in which
HAHNEMANN lived during the years
1805-1811 in Torgau, has been
rediscovered. The Organon (I edition)
was published during this period. The
house needs to be repaired extensively
both internally and outwardly and
renovated fully so that there can be a Trust
to use the place suitably, internationally.
From 24.05.2004 to 10.10.2004 it is open
for visitors between 10 to 18 hours. (AHZ.
249, 4/2004)
XIV. Practice and Limits of mental
symptoms GUERMONPREZ M. The
author gives example of acute diseases
such as sore throat treated with
Belladonna, Ignatia or Pulsatilla
according to their typical psychic
symptoms. In Chronic diseases, the mind
has to be studied twice: to find psychic
symptoms which have been changed by, or
have appeared with the disease; but also
the constitutional character, and not only
the current mood: for example a
Lycopodium patient may have recurrent
carbuncles requiring Sulphur. (L’
Homéopathie Européenne 2004 in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
XV. Staphysagria: an increasingly
important medicine: GARCIA C. A
complete description of this medicine is set
out in this article. A section is devoted to
the child. Staphysagria is compared with
many other medicines. Staphysagria is
more and more useful because of the
increase of frustration and indignation in
our modern life styles. (L’ Homéopathie
Européenne 2004; 2: in HOMEOPATHY,
93, 3/2004)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
philosopher and scientist and attached a lot
of importance to experimentation. Lot of
concepts were shared by LEIBNIZ and
HAHNEMANN. The similarities in the
thought allow us to see how Homeopathy
can open doors to other fields of Science
ad Philosophy.
HAHNEMANN studied medicine in
Leipzig only 60 years after LEIBNIZ. (L’
Homéopathie Européenne 2004; 2: in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
KANT’s Critique of Pure Reason:
COLIN P.: The Critique of Pure Reason
emphasizes the importance of
individualization, of infinitesimal, of
simultaneity, of unity, of finality. The two
men agreed on the dangers of dogmatism,
on the importance of scientific
development but also on the limits of
Science. KANT repeated the concept of
division ad infinitum, which was already
developed by LEIBNIZ.
HAHNEMANN’s knowledge of this
concept may have contributed to his
infinitesimal doses. (L’ Homéopathie
Européenne 2004; 1: in HOMEOPATHY,
93, 3/2004)
XVIII. An Osmium Case: PAYEN G. A
47-year-old woman with oedema legs and
spondylitis. Treated successfully with
Osmium metallicum, because she was very
obstinate. The Materia Medica of this
remedy is set out. (Les Echos du Centre
Liegeois d’ Homéopathie, 100, 2004 in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 3/2004)
XIX. The HL. 16, 3/2003 carried two
‘Letters to the Editors’: one by Dr. A.S.
MANN from India which has been written
in a flippant manner. Dr. MANN ridicules
those who hold HAHNEMANN in
reverence; he wants the Organon to be
rewritten. He says “Homeopathy is
Similia Similibus Curentur” and leaving
this basic law “all associated laws can be
changed from time to time”. He wants “a
committee must be constituted to rewrite
the Organon of Homeopathy”. Why
shouldn’t Dr. MANN and his likes found a
new medicine? He quotes Otto LEESER
“had HAHNEMANN lived he might have
written 600 editions of the Organon,
considering he wrote six editions in a short
span of life”. MANN further says that
bacteriology and virology have fully
developed and Vital Force, Miasms have
no place. If Virology, Bacteriology
displaces Vital Force, Miasm, we can
simply drop Homeopathy and take to
But then who will write the Materia Medica to
suit the ‘modern’ virology, bacteriology masters.
MANN wants to displace a Philosophy and
Therapeutics which was quite useful to render
excellent cure by von BENNINGHAUSEN,
WELLS, DUNHAM, KENT and a large host of
others, until recently.
It is unfortunate that the journal The
Homeopathic Links published this and a
subsequent letter from Gabriella Serban, Sweden.
This is a lengthy rambling essay of
HAHNEMANN’s Pathology and FREUD’s
Pathology, that HAHNEMANN was an Arsenicum
while FREUD a Lachesis! I have read of another
analysis of FREUD in which the conclusion was
that he was an Arsenic. These speculations are of
no use whatever. It is none of our business to
besmear these great personalities.
Gabriella says that while classical
Homeopathy worked well for her for sometime and
then “it did not work anymore”. So she took to
other methods and her advice is that others also
understand this and become “creative”. All wise
people. They would also quote “Aude sapere” to
justify caricatures of Homeopathy.
The journal (Homeopathic Links) just
publishes whatever received without any comment
by the Editor. Does HL. Support such views?
If I say that I am a homeopath but that I
disown HAHNEMANN excepting his Similia
Similibus Curantur” am I not a great hypocrite?
There is another letter to the Editor in the same
HL. 3/2003 in which Peter BERRYMAN, Australia
refers to an article in HL. 3/2003 by Walisinghe
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
PATHIRANA of Sri Lanka about “Summation
Potencies”. PATHIRANA has said that
HAHNEMANN introduced the decimal potencies!
People write such wholly wrong things without
citing the source of the information. In
Homeopathy one can write any nonsense and get
away with it. In actual personal practice many of
us have found the existing C and LM, as quite
serviceable. Such mongrel attempts as putting
different potencies in one vial and claiming success
is preposterous. BERRYMAN says: “the subject of
posology is so badly understood”. How can he say
so? Probably he has understood it so badly. = KSS
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly Homeopathic
Digest are given below:
1. AH: The Journal of the North American Society of Homeopaths,
1122 East Pike Street, #1122, Seattle, WA 98122, USA.
2. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag,
Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121, HEIDELBERG,
3. AJHM: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine, formerly
Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy (JAIH). 801 N.
Fairfax Street, Suite 306 Alexandria, VA 22314.
4. THE HINDU: Newspaper, Chennai–600 002.
5. HL: Homeopathic Links, Homeopathic Research & Charities, F/s,
Saraswat Colony, Linking Road, Santacruz (W), MUMBAI 400
6. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British Homeopathic Journal (BHJ),
Homeopathy, Faculty of Homeopathy, 29 Park Street West, Luton,
Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
7. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for Homeopathy, 801,
North Fairfax Street, Suite 306, ALEXANDRIA, VA. 22314, USA.
8. S & C : Science & Culture, Indian Science News Association, 92,
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, KOLKATA – 700 009.
9. SIM: Simillimum, The Journal of the Homeopathic Academy of
Naturopathic Physicians, P.O. Box 8341, Covington, WA 98042,
10. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 HEIDELBERG,
(This section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some case)
1. Processionary Caterpillars
FABRE J.H. (From The Story Book of
PUBLISHERS, Workwick Square, London,
E.C. 4)
Beware of caterpillars which have bodies all
bristly with hairs, sometimes very sharp and
barbed, which can lodge in the skin, leave their
points there, and thus produce lively itching or even
painful swellings. It is well then to mistrust velvety
caterpillars, particularly those living in companies
on Oaks and Pines, in large silk nests, and called
Processionary Caterpillars.
We frequently see, at the ends of pine
branches, voluminous bags of white silk intermixed
with leaves. These bags are, generally, puffed out
at the top and narrow at the bottom, pear-shaped.
They are sometimes as large as a person’s head.
They are nests where live together a kind of very
velvety Caterpillars with red hairs. A family of
caterpillars, coming from the eggs laid by one
butterfly, construct a silk lodging in common. All
take part in the work, all spin and weave in the
general interest. The interior of the nest is divided
by thin silk partitions into a number of
compartments. At the large end, sometimes
elsewhere, is seen a wide funnel-shaped opening; it
is the large door for entering and departing. Other
doors, smaller, are distributed here and there. The
caterpillars pass the winter in their nest, well
sheltered from bad weather. In summer they take
refuge there at night and during the great heat.
As soon as it is day, they set out to spread
themselves on the pine and eat the leaves. After
eating their fill they re-enter their silk dwelling,
sheltered from the heat of the sun. Now, when they
are out on a campaign, be it on the tree that bears
the nest, or on the ground passing from one pine to
another, these caterpillars march in a singular
fashion, which has given them the name of
processionaries, because, in fact, they defile in a
procession, one after the other, and in the finest
One, the first come – for amongst them there is
perfect equality starts on the way and serves as
head of the expedition. A second follows, without
a space between; a third follows the second in the
same way; and always thus, as many as there are
caterpillars in the nest. The procession, numbering
several hundreds, is now on the march. It defiles in
one line, sometimes straight, sometimes winding,
but always continuous, for each caterpillar that
follows touches with its head the rear end of the
preceding caterpillar. The procession describes on
the ground a long and pleasing garland, which
undulates to the right and left with unceasing
variation. When several nests are near together and
their processions happen to meet, the spectacle
attains its highest interest. Then the different living
garlands cross each other, get entangled and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
disentangled, knotted up and unknotted, forming
the most capricious figures. The encounter does
not lead to confusion. All the caterpillars of the
same file march with a uniform and almost grave
step; not one hastens to get before the others, not
one remains behind, not one makes a mistake in the
procession. Each one keeps its rank and
scrupulously regulates its march by the one that
precedes it. The file-leader of the troop directs the
evolutions. When it turns to the right, all the
caterpillars of the same line, one after the other,
turn to the right; when it turns to the left, all, one
after the other, turn to the left. If it stops, the whole
procession stops, but not simultaneously; the
second caterpillar first, then the third, fourth, fifth,
and so on until the last. They would be called well-
trained troops that, when defiling in order, stop at
the word of command and close their ranks.
The expedition, simply a promenade, or a
journey in search of provisions, is now finished.
They have gone far away from their nest. It is time
to go home. How can they find it, through the grass
and underbrush, and over all the obstacles of the
road they have just travelled? Will they let
themselves be guided by sight, obstructed though it
be by every little tuft of grass; by the sense of
smell, which wafted odours of every sort may put at
fault? No; processionary caterpillars have for their
guidance in travelling something better than sight
or smell. They have instinct, which inspires them
with infallible resources. Without taking account
of what they do, they call to their service means
that seem dictated by reason. Without doubt, they
do not reason, but they obey the secret impulse of
the eternal Reason, in whom and through whom all
Now, this is what the processionary caterpillars
do in order not to lose their way home again after a
distant expedition. We pave our roads with crushed
stone; caterpillars are more luxurious in their
highways; they spread on their road a carpet of silk,
they walk on nothing but silk. They spin
continually on the journey and glue their silk all
along the road. In fact, each caterpillar of the
procession can be seen lowering and raising its
head alternately. In the first movement, the
spinneret, situated in the lower lip, glues the thread
to the road that the procession is following; in the
second, the spinneret lets the thread run out while
the caterpillar is taking several steps. Then the
head is lowered and lifted again, and a second
length of thread is put in place. Each caterpillar
that follows walks on the threads left by the
preceding ones and adds its own thread to the silk,
so that in all its length the road passed over is
carpeted with a silky ribbon. It is by following this
ribbon conductor that the processionaries get back
to their home without ever losing their way,
however tortuous the road may be.
If one wishes to embarrass the procession, it
suffices to pass the finger over the track so as to cut
the silk road. The procession stops before the cut
with every indication of fear and mistrust. Shall
they go on? Shall they not go on? The heads rise
and fall in anxious quest of the conductor threads.
At last, one caterpillar bolder than the others, or
perhaps more impatient, crosses the bad place and
stretches its thread from one end of the cut to the
other. A second, without hesitating, passes over on
the thread left by the first, and in passing adds its
own thread to the bridge. The others in turn all do
the same. Soon the broken road is repaired and the
defile of the procession continues.
The processionary caterpillar of the oak
marches in another way. It is covered with white
hairs turned back and very long. One nest contains
from seven to eight hundred individuals. When an
expedition is decided on, a caterpillar leaves the
nest and pauses at a certain distance to give the
others time to arrange themselves in rank and file
and form a battalion. This first caterpillar has to
start the march. Following it, others place
themselves, not one after another, like the
processionaries of the pine, but in rows of two,
three, four, and more. The troop, completed, begins
to move in obedience to the evolutions of its file-
leader, which always marches alone at the head of
the legion, while the other caterpillars advance
several abreast, dressing their ranks in perfect
order. The first ranks of the army corps are always
arranged in wedge formation, because of the
gradual increase in the number of the caterpillars
composing it; the remainder are more or less
expanded in different places. There are sometimes
rows of from fifteen to twenty caterpillars marching
in step, like well-trained soldiers so that the head of
one is never beyond the head of another. Of course
the troop carpets its road with silk as it marches, so
as to find its way back to its nest.
The processionaries, especially those of the
oak, retire to their nests to slough their skins, and
these nests finally become filled with a fine dust of
broken hairs. When you touch them the dust of the
hairs sticks to your hands and face, causes an
inflammation that lasts several days if the skin is
delicate. One has only to stand at the foot of an oak
where the processionaries have established
themselves, to receive the irritating dust blown by
the wind, and to feel a smart itching.
If owners of pines understood their interests
better, they would, in the winter, when the
caterpillars are assembled in their silk bags, have
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
the nests collected and burn them, in order to
destroy the detestable breed that will gnaw the
young shoots, eat the buds, and arrest the tree’s
development. The harm is much greater in our
orchards. Various caterpillars live in companies on
our fruit trees and spin nests in the same way as the
processionaries. When summer comes, the
starveling vermin scatter all over the trees,
destroying leaves, buds, shoots. In a few hours the
orchard is shorn and the crop is destroyed in its
budding. So it is necessary to keep a careful
lookout for caterpillar nests, remove them from the
tree before spring, and burn them, so that nothing
can escape; the future of the crop depends on it. It
is fortunate that several kinds of creatures, little
birds especially, come to our aid in this war to the
death between man and the caterpillar; otherwise
the worm, stronger than man on account of its
infinite number, would ravage our crops.
2. Mothers’ Concepts of Normality, Behavioural
change and Illness in their Children
BURLEY, British Journal of General Practice,
September 1991)
Summary: Several sociological models have
been put forward to explain illness behaviour.
However, little research has examined general
practitioners’ understanding of mothers’
perceptions of their children’s health and illness.
The aim of this study was to attempt to understand
the cultural context of children’s illness. Mothers’
concerns about their children’s health and illnesses
were examined by describing the mothers own
perceptions of alterations in their children’s
behaviour. The mothers’ perceptions of normality
appeared to underpin their negotiation of illness.
The concept of normality was found to change over
time, to be uniquely based on individual
experience, to be related to health, and to a process
of normalization. The mothers’ perceived
importance of children’s behavioural changes are
discussed: they may be precursors or results of
illness, causes for concern in their own right, or a
management problem for the household.
Identifying and acknowledging the unique way in
which mothers perceive health and illness in their
children may lead to enhanced understanding and
satisfaction for both the general practitioner and
mother in the consultation process.
Introduction: It is probably a common
experience at the end of a consultation for a general
practitioner to feel that, inexplicably, the patient is
dissatisfied, despite the general practitioner having
done all the right things. Recent literature has
highlighted the differing perceptions of health
between professionals and lay people, and about the
relationship between symptoms and illness
2, 3
outlined the concepts of illness held by
middle class Londoners, which were at variance
with conventional medical beliefs. Blaxter
reported that mothers in deprived families ‘may
have cultural values and definitions of health and
illness which may differ from those of the medical
profession’. The Royal College of General
Practitioners’ report Health and prevention in
primary care
stressed that careful attention
should be paid to patients’ beliefs about health
and disease.
Over the past 50 years several sociological
models have been advanced to account for illness
However, authors such as
have assumed that there is an
established process through which every individual
passes in becoming ill. In the case of mothers of
young children, writers have sought to measure
knowledge of illness and reaction to professionally
pre-defined symptom categories.
9, 10
They have
seldom addressed the problems of lay perception or
definition of illness. Most studies have focused on
particular medical encounters,
or interactions
with services.
In addition, there has been a
tendency to study deprived populations
or to
focus on symptoms heralding potentially life
threatening disease.
This paper is based on a
Scottish study of the cultural context of childhood
and it examines mothers’ perceptions of
childhood health and illness. A qualitative
approach is used to examine the process of defining
health and illness and the concepts and beliefs
underlying such negotiation. Through this kind of
intensive data collection and analysis the processes
that are otherwise implicit or ‘taken for granted’
can be explored.
Method: The study sample was drawn from a
non-deprived predominantly lower middle/working
class community in a new town in Scotland. Fifty-
six women with at least one child under five years
of age were randomly selected for the study from
one health centre’s register. Each mother was
initially visited at home and invited to take part in
the study. Having gained consent, each mother was
then asked to complete a health diary for her family
over a four-week period, and be interviewed by one
of the researchers (SC-B) in the mother’s own
home. The interviews were tape-recorded. The
study employed qualitative, sociological techniques
to explore the mother’s perspective in relation to
childhood health and illness, and to examine this
within the context of the family.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
After piloting, a broad topic guide for
interviews was developed, covering a range of
issues including recognition of illness, self-care, lay
referral and health maintenance activities. The
mothers were encouraged to talk about their own
concerns, and to describe how they went about
dealing with the various illnesses and health
problems, however minor, that occurred in their
children. An informal, unstructured approach to the
research interviews was used to encourage the
women to talk freely, and in depth. The health
diaries were used to examine how the mothers
recognized and managed symptoms on specific
occasions. The form of the diaries was relatively
unstructured. The mothers were asked to make
daily entries in a booklet over a four-week period,
and were visited twice during this period by one of
the researchers (S C-B) to encourage completion of
the diaries and to discuss any health issues raised.
The mothers were asked to note down each day
whether they had noticed any symptoms in their
children and whether they had taken any action, and
to comment on the day in general.
The data were analysed inductively, using
techniques of coding and indexing with categories
that were data driven rather than predefined by the
researcher. Thus professional definitions are
avoided in the results and the analysis is grounded
in the point of view of the mothers. Quoted from
the interviews and diaries are used to illustrate
Results: Fifty-four of the 56 mothers contacted
agreed to take part in the study. The median age of
the sample was 28 years; 53 of the women were
married. The families were not necessarily
involved in any professional encounters, or
experiencing episodes of illness at the time of
sampling. Forty-two of the 54 women interviewed
filled in the diary, although not all managed to do
so for the whole four-week study period. A total of
927 days were collected in all. There were
differences in the amount of data obtained
depending on the morbidity experience of different
families. However, the range of concerns was
consistent across the sample.
Normality: The recognition of illness and
symptoms appeared to be embedded in a
commonsense knowledge about what was normal
and acceptable, particularly in relation to a child’s
behaviour. Normality was not a static concept. For
these mothers it changed over time as the child
developed from baby, to infant, to school child.
Thus, for example, a baby not eating was a
worrying deviation from the normal, and a cause
for concern:
‘When she was a baby she couldn’t tell
you that she wasn’t hungry and you used to
worry because you would think there was
something wrong with her’.
A toddler not eating was seen as being part of a
normal ‘fad’, and not anything to worry about.
‘He is a wee bit of a picky eater depends
on what kind of mood he’s in as to what he
Thus, normality was related to the
developmental stage of the child.
The concept of normality, while having
similarities across the sample, was embedded in
everyday experience. The mother’s perception of
what was normal was closely related to her child’s
individual behaviour, and to that mother’s unique
knowledge of her child or children. This element
of the concept of normality was important in the
process of recognizing illness. Mothers said they
could tell if something was wrong because the child
differed from his or her normal self:
‘She gets kind of cross if she is getting
anything. C used to go off his food for a
whole week and he was bad with eating
but he went right off it if he was going to be
ill. L gets fretty and under the weather, you
can tell’.
The mothers’ ideas of normality were related to
health; a normal child who developed well, ate well
and slept well, was healthy. The mothers were
guardians of their children’s well-being and a
concern for health in a general sense underpinned
their notion of normality. A healthy child was not
necessarily one who was never ill since a range of
minor illnesses were considered normal, and
unrelated to health as such:
‘Well, they quite often just get the runny
nose, but as I say they are quite healthy
‘They’ve never had anything to really worry
about other than normal childhood illness.’
Similarly, some illnesses became normalized,
even though they were not routine. In the
following example, M’s croup became normalized,
and the mother’s overall assessment of her child as
healthy was left intact:
‘They have been great. They catch colds
like every other child. M’s bothered with
croup, but apart from that, that’s all’.
One mother described her daughter’s fit as a
‘one off thing’:
‘S took a fit, but it was just a one off thing,
you know, she was in Sick Children’s and
she has got a wee touch of Eczema just now
but that’s about all. They get coughs and
colds and … but they are very healthy’.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Behavioural change: Much of the process of
recognizing illness was grounded in behavioural
changes in the child, instead of or in addition to
physical symptoms such as a runny nose or
stomach ache. The noting of behavioural changes,
and the extent to which these were concerns for
mothers were built on the concept of normality.
The diaries provided a clear statement of the
mothers’ concerns, and of how they monitored their
children. Overall, something was noticed about a
child on 49% of all the diary days. Often more than
one change was noted on the same day, and the
mothers were as alert to behavioural changes as
they were to traditional physical symptoms.
Physical symptoms were noted on 311
occasions, with cough, runny nose, cuts and bruises
being the most common. Fever/temperature was
noted occasionally, and was regarded with concern,
especially in a very young child, Pallor was not
Behavioural changes were recorded 315 times,
with changes in sleep patterns, either sleepy, tired,
or wakeful, figuring prominently (124 recordings in
the diaries). From a doctor’s point of view,
tiredness may be considered to be a specific
symptom, but for the mothers it was seen as a
behavioural change, important because the child
was not his or her normal self. Concerns about
eating were particularly important for these
mothers, and although recorded in the health diaries
only 39 times, were mentioned by mothers in all of
the interviews, together with concerns about
sleeping. Changes in mood were also recorded in
the diaries, with irritable/grumpy behaviour noted
88 times, and positive behaviour (indicating
positive health or recovery) noted 52 times. Other
behaviours were noted 12 times. Remarks from the
mothers’ health diaries show the various ways in
which behavioural changes were related to health,
illness and everyday experience. (Figure 1)
Sleep patterns/tiredness (n= 124)
‘S a bit tired late afternoon. She wanted to lie
down on the sofa. Bit of a cold starting.
‘I noticed A was very tired and irritable and
hanging around me all the time. M was his usual
soft but only slept one hour in the afternoon to his
usual 2½ hours.’
Eating/not eating (n=39)
‘Slightly sore bottom, not eating much. (She often
goes off food for a day or two then gets back to
‘S’s throat still sore. Still off food and drink.’
Irritable/grumpy (n= 88)
‘He seemed grumpier than usual, as though he was
sickening for something, but nothing came of it.
‘P pretty bad tempered today and cried a lot.’
Positive behaviour (n=52)
‘He’s picking up nicely although his appetite is not
back to normal.’
‘L’s cough is slightly worse, but she is otherwise
just the same, bright and quite cheerful.’
Figure 1. Examples of children’s behavioural
changes recorded in mothers’ health diaries. n =
total number of times recorded in all of the diaries.
Deviation from normal behaviour could be
perceived in any one of the four following ways
and could be a reason for going to the doctor, if the
mother was worried enough, as illustrated in these
quotes from the interviews.
It could be seen as a precursor to illness:
‘But you ken when he’s no well when he
does nae want sweeties and crisps, that’s
sure sign there is something wrong with
‘If you had a couple of broken nights then
you knew there was something wrong with
the wee one and then it would stop because
they slept very well and quite good through
the day.’
It could be perceived as concomitant or a
result of illness, as illustrated by statements
interpreting both positive and negative
‘Well she never really went off her
eating, I think that was why the doctor
never bothered because she was still
eating and drinking and running about’.
‘And I kept on thinking it is not natural
to have this cough. I mean he couldn’t
sleep at night for this cough’.
or as an illness or problem in itself:
‘He could eat and eat for about three
days and for the next three days he’ll
just pick. He just has days off and on
… it did bother me at first. I used to get
bothered that he would lose weight and
they would think I’m no feeding him.’
‘She has been really good, I have not
really had any bother, apart from not
sleeping. That was a great big problem
at the time’.
or as a problem for the family:
‘It got to the stage that my husband was
coming out of work at tea time and I
was going to bed until he was ready for
bed because it was the only way I was
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
getting a sleep. She just doesn’t need
‘He’s the kind of child that you’ve got
to sit with and you’ve got to be with
him and that puts a strain on you all.’
This investigation focused on the meanings
which the mothers attached to children’s symptoms
and behaviours seen as relevant to health and
illness. The strength of the qualitative method
employed here lay in the researcher’s ability to
elicit the respondent’s (research subject’s)
viewpoint. It would have been counter productive
to begin data collection with a predefined set of
issues and questions: ‘appropriate or relevant
questions are seen to emerge from the process of
interaction that occurs between the interviewer and
The limitations of the method lie in its inability
to test hypotheses, and to produce statistically
significant results, and the results cannot be
presented in the traditional scientific manner.
However, through the use of illustrative quotes
from both the health diaries and interviews, the way
in which the mothers in this sample routinely
negotiated health and illness within the family is
demonstrated. The identification of the specific
dimensions of normality, and the development of
the four categories interpreting behavioural change
may be useful in practice.
In common with other studies,
23, 24
mothers’ recognition of illness and symptoms
appeared to be embedded in a commonsense
knowledge about what was normal and acceptable.
The mothersperceptions of normality underpinned
negotiation of their children’s illnesses. Normality
could be interpreted as a yardstick that operated in a
variety of ways, as a measure of whether or not the
child was ‘ill’ with the condition, for example a
cough, whether the child was sickening for
something, was experiencing normal illness or was
experiencing illness normally. It was only through
understanding the features of their concept of
normality that deviation in their children’s
behaviour took on any meaning. Interpreting what
the women said in this way helped to provide some
understanding of how they constructed illness,
other than simply recognizing predefined or
commonly known conditions.
As we have reported elsewhere,
closely monitor their children’s well-being. It is
important to examine the recorded behavioural
changes in detail because these are based on the
mother’s unique knowledge and may not be readily
perceived by the doctor. These behavioural
changes, especially regarding eating and sleeping,
were found to be problematical concerns for the
mothers. Given the emphasis which society places
on the nurturing role of the mother, and on the
adequate physical and emotional development of
children, it is not surprising that changes in eating
and sleeping emerged as major concerns among the
mothers. A concern for healthy development, and
the ability to resist disease seemed implicit in their
concern for good eating and sleeping behaviours.
However, the relationship between these
behaviours and illness was found to be varied and
complex. Unlike previous investigations,
behavioural changes were not simply interpreted as
clues to an underlying problem. Although they
were sometimes interpreted as a symptom of
illness, their relationship to health and illness was
more complicated. In fact, whether or not illness
was present was not necessarily the primary
concern for the mother.
While some illnesses were normalized by the
deviation from normal behaviour could
be recognized as a precursor, concomitant or result
of illness, as illness itself, or as a problem because
of its effect on the well being of the child and of
other family members. Such changes in behaviour
may be all of these things at different times or some
of these at the same time.
Although general practitioners may make a
rapid global assessment of a child’s state of health,
they are searching for the presence or absence of
specific signs and symptoms of high discriminative
value, for example dysuria or a red eardrum. On
some occasions this will allow a definite diagnosis
to be made; on many others the diagnosis will
remain tentative, but collaboration of whatever
‘hard’ information is available should allow the
general practitioner to decide how to act. Mothers,
on the other hand, recognize illness largely through
behavioural change, that is, data of low
discriminative value from a medical diagnostic
point of view, for example, changes in eating and
sleeping. This variation in the meaning of a ‘soft’
non-specific symptom is not necessarily recognized
by those professionals to whom the mother goes for
What are the consequences of these potentially
divergent needs and viewpoints? The doctor’s
response is critically important. If he or she
operates solely on the basis of signs and symptoms,
he or she may be perplexed to find a mother
worrying excessively over a seemingly trivial
diagnosis such as a cold. If he or she is aware that
the consultation has been unsatisfactory despite, in
his or her terms, having done all the right things,
feelings of anxiety and inadequacy may be
engendered, particularly in the less experienced
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
doctor. Alternatively, the doctor may make a
judgement about the coping skills of mothers who
seem to bother him with trivia, thus creating and
sustaining the stereotype of the neurotic or
inadequate mother. Cartwright recognized that
general practitioners often respond to perceived
trivia with a prescription.
Children with Upper
Respiratory Tract Infections form the largest single
component of general practice workload, and
consume a vast quantity of prescribed medicines.
Might this cost be reduced if general practitioners
had a different understanding of the processes
involved when mothers consult with young
children? The argument that busy general
practitioners must prescribe to keep going is not
valid, as there is evidence that short term gains are
offset by increased overall workload.
It ignores
the potential within the consultation for education
and for the enhancement of help seeking
and is not compatible with aspirations
for a quality service.
What are the consequences for the mother if
she feels that she has been unable to communicate
her concerns or that her concerns have not been
acknowledged? If she has been made to feel that
she has wasted the general practitioner’s time she
may be left with doubts and anxieties about her
own adequacy as a mother. The sense of rejection
is likely to be felt most keenly by those whose self
esteem is already vulnerable, such as the depressed
or the young first-time mother, the more so if she is
no nearer to resolving the anxieties about her child
which caused her to consult initially. The more
experienced and confident mother may feel anger
that her legitimate status as the expert on her child’s
behaviour is not being acknowledged. Her
perception of being fobbed off may be heightened
if, in addition, she receives an unlooked for
prescription. In both instances, the process of
deciding to seek professional help on a subsequent
occasion will be much more fraught and might
involve significant delay. Creditability, trust and
respect will have vanished from the relationship.
It was possible to test the validity of our
findings in practice, and one off us (S I) did so
while working as a general practitioner. This
consisted of focusing on what the mother presented
as her major concerns, no matter how ‘soft’ these
were from a diagnostic point of view. The method
was not time consuming and is likely to be used
already by doctors who are good communicators. It
was in keeping with the observations of
to determine the cause of mother’s concern is a
potent source of further anxiety.
After further
direct questioning and then examination of the
child, the findings, diagnosis, advice or treatment
were discussed in the context of the mother’s
concerns. On the basis of a subjective and informal
assessment this appeared to result in successful
consultations. Eating and sleeping difficulties
arising during the course of a minor illness, such as
a cold, were often mentioned by mothers. If
concerns about these particular issues were not
volunteered, but their discussion was subsequently
initiated by the doctor, this also appeared to
increase the chances of a mutually satisfactory
Mothers have a unique and intimate knowledge
of their children, and their concept of normality in
their children’s behaviour underpins their
negotiation of illness. Although much illness in
children is taken for granted, considered normal,
and treated at home,
changes in eating and
sleeping were of particular concern to mothers,
even when these behaviours were not overtly
related to illness. These are important and emotive
issues, linked to ideas of the mothers’ competence,
and to their perceptions of the general health and
development of their children. If health
professionals can become more sensitive to these
issues and recognize mothers’ concerns, their
quality of communication with mothers of small
children can be enhanced, resulting in more
effective client-professional relationships, and
greater satisfaction to both parties.
1. BLAXTER M. The health of the children.
London: Heinemann, 1981.
2. HELMAN C.G. Feed a cold and starve a fever.
Folk models of infection in an English
suburban community and their relation to
medical models. Cult Med Psychiatry 1978;
2: 107-137.
3. HELMAN C.G. Feed a cold, starve a fever.
New Society 1981; 5 November; 223-224.
4. Royal College of General Practitioners.
Health and prevention in primary care.
Report of a working party. London: Royal
College of General Practitioners, 1981.
5. SIGERIST H.E. The special position of the
sick. In: Roemer MI (ed). Sigerist on the
sociology of medicine. New York: MD
Publications, 1960.
6. PARSONS T. The social system, London:
Tavistock, 1952.
7. MECHANIC D. The concept of illness
behaviour. Journal of Chronic Diseases
1961; 15: 189.
8. SUCHMAN E.A. Stages of illness and medical
care. J Health Human Behav 1965; 5: 114.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
M.J. Babies’ illnesses from the parents’ point
of view. Maternal child Health 1983; 8: 252-
DOWNHAM M.A.P. Mothers’ appreciation of
their children’s symptoms. J.R. Coll Gen
Pract 1982; 32: 149-162.
11. BLOOR M., HOROBIN G., Conflict and
conflict resolution in doctor/patient interaction.
In: Cox C, Meade A (eds). A sociology of
medical practice. London: Collier-
MacMillan. 1975.
12. DAVIS A. Children in clinics. London:
Tavistock, 1982.
13. STIMSON G., WEBB B. Going to see the
doctor. The Communication process in
general practice. London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul, 1975.
14. BIWAS B., SANDS C. Mothers’ reasons for
attending a child health clinic, Health Visitor
1984; 57: 41-42.
15. BLAXTER M., PATERSON E. Consulting
behaviour in a group of young families. J.R.
Coll Gen Pract. 1982; 32: 657-662.
consultation patterns in general practice
comparing high and low consulting families.
BMJ 1984; 228: 1426-1428.
month of illness and health care among low-
income families. Public Health Rep. 1967;
82: 705.
OAKLEY J.R., et al. Terminal symptoms in
children dying suddenly and unexpectedly at
home. BMJ 1978; 2: 1249-1251.
19. IRVINE D.A. The general practitioner and
upper respiratory tract infections in childhood
Fam Pract 1986; 3: 126-131.
C.M.U. The role of the chemist in primary
health care for children with minor complaints.
Soc Sei Med 1987; 24: 371-377.
And have you done anything so far? An
examination of lay treatment of children’s
symptoms. BMJ 1987; 295: 700-702.
22. SCHWARTZ H., JACOBS J. Qualitative
sociology. New York: The Free Press, 1979.
23. SPENCER N.J. Parents’ recognition of the ill
child. In: Macfarlane J (ed), Progress in child
health. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1984.
24. LOCKER D. Symptoms and illness, the
cognitive organization of disorder. London:
Tavistock, 1981.
25. BLAXTER M., PATERSON E. Mothers and
daughters. London: Heinemann, 1982.
26. CARTWRIGHT A. Patients and their
doctors. London. Routledge and Kegan Paul,
Antibiotics and respiratory illness in general
practice: prescribing policy and workload.
BMJ 1978; 2: 1342.
28. STOTT N.C.H., DAVIS R.H. The exceptional
potential in each primary care consultation. J
R Coll Gen Pract 1979; 59: 201-205.
29. Royal College of General practitioners. Policy
statement 2: quality in general practice.
London: Royal College of General
Practitioners, 1985.
Mothers are easily worried. Arch Dis Child
1984; 59: 380-384.
The study on which this paper is based was
undertaken at the Department of Community
Medicine, University of Edinburgh and supported
by a grant from the Scottish Home and Health
Department, Health Services Research Committee.
We would like to thank Una MACLEAN and John
DAVIES for their support, and Neil McKEGANEY
and Sally WYKE for helpful comments on an
earlier draft.
3. Changes Caused by Succussion on N.M.R.
Patterns and Bioassay of Bradykinin Triacetate
(BKTA) Succussions and Dilutions
Rudolph B. SMITH, Jr. M.T. and Garth W.
Department of Special Therapeutics
Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia,
Penna. (JAIH. 61, 10-11-12/1968)
Summary: This paper records continuing work
using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (N.M.R.) to
study succussed serial dilutions and serial dilutions
to 60x together with bioassays on homeopathic-
produced Bradykinin Triacetate up to 30x.
It can be concluded that the act of succussion
will increase the area of the N.M.R. hydroxyl
Supported by a grant from the Harrington Fund
and the Research Committee of the American
Institute of Homeopathy.
Dr.Boericke died on January 8, 1968. He was
very active on the early work recorded in this
Presented to the American Institute of
Homeopathy, 124
Annual Meeting, Bal Harbour,
Florida, June 23-27, 1968.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
spectrum in 87% EtOH, 13% H
O when compared
to identical unsuccussed dilutions containing the
same solute (drug). The hydroxyl areas become
large and small in cyclic order as the dilution of the
solute is carried to as high as 60x, and the CH
hydrogen spectrum does not change except the
area of tincture of Sulphur 1/5000 in absolute
The area under the hydroxyl curve (which is
related to hydrogen) is most probably supplied by
the water component of the mixed solvent when
one component is EtOH. How these additional
hydrogen are coupled or combined
“These all died in faith, not having received
the promises, but having seen them afar off,
and were persuaded of them, and embraced
to produce these changes has not, as yet, been
determined. There are several probabilities
possible. One good probability is they may be
water polymers
It is reasonable to suppose that the
homeopathic act of succussion, which is the
variable factor in the experiments, does, in some
way, change the physical structure of the solvent
(which is always a part of the dose) even when the
order of dilution is higher than 6.023 x 10
(approximately 24x). If, therefore, these changes
are related to drug action, then high potencies can,
by an accepted scientific method (N.M.R.), be
proven active therapeutic agents; that is, when the
additional hydrogen in the succussed hydroxyl
spectrum is greater than that in the dilutions or
controls. (These additional hydrogen are related to
the calculated area under the OH curve of the
spectrum, see Data Sheets.) [not given here = KSS]
It was established, during a period of five years
of research, that there is a definite recurring
reproducible change in N.M.R. patterns by
succussion and that these patterns are reproducible
and may be caused by water polymers. It was then
decided to begin a series of biological studies that
might indicate that these structures postulated by
N.M.R. studies would, by bioassay, begin to prove
the therapeutic action of homeopathic drugs. The
first series of these bioassays that was studied was
Additional proof of the effect of succussion,
compared to identical dilution, was carried out by
studying the effect of serial succussions and
dilutions of BKTA
The experimental procedure
of this bioassay was suggested by Dr. M. John
BOYD of Hahnemann Medical College. The
results of these bioassays are given later in this
paper (Graph IV). It should be noted that they are
the first of a series of bioassays and although the
results look favorable, it is far too early to draw
definite conclusions. It can be noted that the drug,
Veratrum viride, which was suggested to possess
some properties of BKTA, did not show any results
using identical assay procedures.
It is worth noting, to those of you who are not
familiar with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
(N.M.R.), that in all the chemicals used in these
experiments which included water, alcohol,
sulphur, lithium chloride and deuterium oxide, no
chemical elements in the above can be observed on
the Varian 60 HR N.M.R. spectrum except
hydrogen. These resulting N.M.R. spectra are then
basically fingerprints of hydrogen. The changes
thus observed in the hydroxyl end of the spectrum,
which are not like the controls, are probably
additional hydrogen nuclei attached to or grouped
around the hydroxyl radical of the spectrum. They,
in turn, (hydrogen nuclei) are probably bound to
oxygen, as water or water polymers from the water
phase of the solution.
These data which were assembled to produce
Graph I and II were based upon the following
experimental values:
1. A series of dilutions and succussed serial
dilutions were prepared using throughout the
experiment the same 100% EtOH
, 99.7% D
Distilled H
, and Tincture of
2. All the dilutions and succussed serial dilutions
were made using the same volumetric glassware,
and were made according to U.S.H.P. VII methods,
that is, 87% EtOH by volume and 13% H
O or D
by volume, and 5% EtOH and 95% H
3. The basic solutions were all prepared from the
same alcohol, water, deuterium oxide, and tincture
of Sulphur and BKTA, so that the only change
throughout the experiment was imparted to the
solvent through serial succcussion.
4. The dilutions and serial succussions were made
by pipetting 4.5 ml of solution into small bottles
(from the low to the high x) except the first bottle
of the series which contained 5.0 ml of solution.
From this first bottle, 0.5 ml was pipetted into the
next bottle and so forth until the entire series was
produced. If the sample was succussed (40 times),
it was left standing one minute before the next
transfer; and if diluted, it was left standing three
minutes before the next transfer. This procedure
was carried out on the H
O dilutions and
succussions and on the D
O dilutions and
succussions and on the BKTA dilutions and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
5. The entire series was renumbered and then the
N.M.R. graphs were produced (at the University of
Delaware) and matched with their laboratory
numbers to the corresponding dilutions and
succussions. The entire series OH spectrums were
xeroxed (see this paper for Method) and the curves
were cut and weighed and their weights were
recorded on Data Sheets Number 1 and Number 2.
6. After these data were assembled, and the OH
areas calculated, the Sulphur D
O potency was
subtracted from the Sulphur H
O potency, and the
Sulphur D
O dilution was subtracted from the
Sulphur H
O dilution. Then the entire results of the
dilutions were subtracted from the potencies (Data
Sheet Number 3 and 4 and Graph II).
It was reasoned as follows: The D
O, H
O and
EtOH, N.M.R. spectrograms would give no
hydrogen signal except that due to the H in the OH,
and CH
and since the CH
and CH
did not change during the experiments, except in
one case, any change in the OH would be pertinent
to the problem. If, on the other hand, a change in
the OH of the H
O and EtOH, N.M.R. spectrum
would result, it was due to hydrogen supplied from
the H
O Graph II shows very vividly this change.
In the earlier papers, the calculated areas of the
curves were made by Amsler’s planimeter method;
although very accurate, this method did not satisfy
more meticulous work.
In this paper, the curves used were calculated
by a new, more rapid, more accurate method which
is as follows:
The N.M.R. spectrograms were stapled
together to form a collage, which was then
accurately copied on a Xerox copier. The
individual xeroxed sheets had a one inch square
ruled on them which was used as a control. The
curves were then carefully cut and weighed against
the standard from each sheet and their areas
calculated by weight (weight of standard: weight of
curve: 1:x). When a curve, picked at random, had
its area calculated, this area compared favorably to
the xeroxed method.
With the weighing procedure, several
experimental precautions were observed. As the
weighing was carried out on an analytical balance,
the sensitivity of the balance was checked daily.
The weights used were also checked against
themselves, and the one high and two low weights
were checked on a Mettler Balance. The one
milligram weight was exactly equal to one
milligram on the Mettler. The ten milligram weight
was exactly equal to the ten milligram weight on
the Mettler. The hundred milligram weight was
equal to 99.9 milligrams on the Mettler.
The areas under the curves were then evaluated
to 0.2 spectrum amplification as standard. The
calculations appear in the data.
(We believe this experimental work to be as
accurate as it is possible to obtained, except if the
areas were calculated by the Disc Integrator
method. Several various ways to calculate
(compute) peak areas are as follows: 1) Length x
Width at ½ Height; 2) Triangulation; 3) Planimetry;
4) Cut and Weight; and 5) Disc Integration.)
The changes caused by succussion are always
best produced when the original low dilutions
contain a solute (drug). We have used both an
ionizing and non-ionizing solute in our
If these changes in total hydrogen are caused
by succussion, we would have water polymers
present as proposed by G.P. BARNARD and James
, Microdose Paradox: a New
Biophysical Concept, “…water polymers as
proposed, then these will be of low mobility as
compared with free water molecules. They will,
because of their greater viscosity, stay in the
vicinity of alcohol molecules for relatively longer
times and so increase the rate of exchange of the
hydroxyl group protons between the neighbors.”
[see JAIH. 58, No. 7-8/1965 = KSS]. This concept
could account for the changed alcohol OH areas in
the N.M.R. graphs.
The physical structure of these water polymers
is not known. There is an agreement that water
differs from other liquids in that it has a
considerable amount of structure; but no agreement
on what such structure is. Stanley L. MILLER
states, Ethyl alcohol forms a clathrate hydrate it
is not clear whether the OH of the alcohol is
bonded into the water lattice or not.” It is my
theory that since succussed N.M.R. dilutions show
this OH change (increased hydrogen) that a new
O group, Figure III, is produced and this could
explain the therapeutic activity of succussed serial
This water group shown in Figure III is a
hexakaidecahedron and is formed by 28 water
molecules. There are four hexagonal and twelve
pentagonal faces. This water group could couple
with the OH of Ethanol and thus show the patterns
in Graph II. There are, however, other structures
theoretically possible.
Succussion and resulting water structure
appears to be the practical answer to explain
Homeopathic drug action.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
A succussed serial dilution and a serial dilution
of BKTA was produced to the 30x in 5% EtOH and
95% H
O. Using an assay procedure which
measured a muscular displacement under 2.0 grams
tension, the above serial succussion and serial
dilution were tested. The muscle was the uterine
horn of a 200 to 250 gram white rat. The muscular
reaction was measured against 10 µl.
This dose
gave an average displacement of about 6.1 cm.
Against this control, the succussed serial dilution
and the serial dilution were plotted on Graph IV.
This very definitely shows some reaction above the
20x potency. The apparatus used in the experiment
is shown in Figure I and II and the chemical
structure L-Bradykinin, which is a polypeptide,
Figure IV.
1. Research Committee, A.I.H. and Dr. James
STEPHENSON, its Chairman.
2. Dr. M. John BOYD, Em. Professor of
Chemistry, Hahnemann Medical College, for his
work and advice on the study of BKTA.
3. Dr. William A. MOSHER, Professor of
Chemistry and Head of the Department of
Chemistry, University of Delaware for his constant
constructive criticism of N.M.R. studies and
experimental advice.
4. Mr. Dale M. CROUSE, Graduate Student at the
University of Delaware for his work on N.M.R.
5. Dr. Z. Stuart CHANCE for many months of
valuable help on experimental work and help in
producing the Homeopathic drugs used in this
6. Dr. John C. SCOTT, Professor of Physiology
and Head of the Department of Physiology,
Hahnemann Medical College, for supplying
laboratory space and some apparatus.
1. JAIH, Sept-Oct. 1963: JAIH, Sept.-Oct. 1966;
AIH Convention, 1967 (paper not published as of
this date).
2. BKTA, Bradykinin Bioassay, British Journal of
Pharmacy Chemother, 29: 367, (modified by Dr.
3. Barnard, G.P., D. Sc., Ph. D., M.I.E.E., F. Isnt.
P. 53 Woodside Road, New Maiden, Surrey,
Stephenson, J.H., M.D., Dir. Res. AIH, 66 East
Street, New York City, New York.
4. Miller, S. L., Effects of Anesthetics on Water
Structure. Volume 27, No. 3, May-June 1968, Fed.
Prov., Fed. Of Amer. Soc. Exptl. Biol.
1 µl= 1 manogram = 1 billionth gram = 10
10µl = 10 manograms = 10
(a) EtOH, U.S.P., 200 Proof, Publicker Industries,
Inc., Phila., Pa. DSP-PA-160.
(b) D
O, Chemi. Standards, Inc., 4027 New Castle
Ave., New Castle, Del., Lot B-2, 19720.
(c) Distilled H
O, sterile, nonpyrogenic (water for
injection). Baxter Laboratories, Inc., Morton Grove,
Illinois, 14165OB.
(d) Tincture of Sulphur, Boericke and Tafel, 1011
Arch Street, Phila., Pa.
(e) BKTA, Bradykinin Triacetate, Sigma Chemical
Company, St. Louis, Mo.
1. Water H
O or H
? Gregory R. Choppin,
Professor of Chemistry, Florida State University,
Welch Physics and Chemistry Digest, Volume 16,
No. 1.
2. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, John D. Roberts,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1959.
3. Lecture Notes in N.M.R. Beach and Vogel,
Rutgers University, 1953.
4. Ion-Solvent Interaction, Frank and Wen,
University of Pittsburgh, Discussions Faraday Soc.
24: 133-140, 1957.
5. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Symposium, Federation
Proceedings (Water, etc.), University of Vermont,
Volume 25: 951-1002.
6. N.M.R. Studies of Ions in Pure and Mixed
Solvents. Hinton and Amis, Chemical Reviews,
Volume 67: 367, 1967.
7. High-Resolution N.M.R. Spectroscopy.
Ferguson and Phillips, Science, Volume 157, No.
3786, 1967.
--------------------------- ----------------------------------
Following Rudy Smith’s paper.
Discussion by Professor Mosher of Rudy Smith’s Paper.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
This is the second of your conventions I have had
the rare pleasure of attending; I am getting educated.
Yesterday someone told me that he was getting
brainwashed by the chemists. You must remember that
the great Paracelsus, a chemist, spent his life developing
his hypothesis of medicine and that Dr. HAHNEMANN,
whom you greatly revere and whom I know very little
about was also a chemist. This morning I had the
pleasure of hearing some of your people talk about drugs
in chemical terms and this is very good. The chemists
are not here in the United States or anywhere else in the
world to prove or disprove HAHNEMANN or anyone
else. We are here for only one thing: to find the truth in
the hope that the truth from scientific studies may, in the
hands of practitioners such as yourselves, be of value in
man’s life.
Some years ago, Rudy came down to see me and
asked if I could have some N.M.R. curves run for him
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
and I told him that I would be pleased to do so. Then he
started talking about succussions, potentiations, serial
dilutions and potencies, and I thought he was a nut and I
told him so. So we ran the spectra for him; we ran them
again and again. I want you to know that this work has
been done completely blind. My operators who did this
work had no idea what was in the samples, but it wasn’t
long before they came to me and told me what was in a
particular sample. They could tell the differences by the
slight changes in the curves. Because of the small
differences, I was afraid of artifacts, contaminants from
the bottles, the pipettes, the alcohol and that sort of thing.
I think we satisfied ourselves and Rudy satisfied himself
that we were not dealing with artifacts. Differences exist
between the materials given us by Mr. Smith, between
succussed and non-succussed materials.
After I had seen a few of these results, I was
reminded of a couple of experiments which had been
carried out by some of my students a number of years
ago. Some pepsin-containing material was ground in a
Waring Blendor and it showed much less enzymatic
activity than it was supposed to. We ran a few tests and
we found that the action of this machine was able to
destroy the activity of the enzyme. Believe it or not, we
even found that the activity of the enzyme was destroyed
simply by bubbling an inert gas such as nitrogen through
the enzyme solution. We have also demonstrated that the
structure of nucleic acids can be materially effected by
very gentle mechanical treatment. It is clear that very
mild treatments may have profound biological or bio-
chemical effects. As yet, I do not know what physical or
chemical changes have been produced by Mr. SMITH’s
treatments, but changes have been produced. I do
believe, however, that this proposed studies will shed
considerable light on this problem as well as on many of
the things you have been working with.
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contribution and other
original articles.)
1. Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment, by Dr.
Ranjeet K. ROY, B. Jain and Co., I Edition,
Reprinted 2003, Rs. 85/- ISBN-81-7021-832-2
The author is a scientist converted to
Homeopathy and his book is one of the most
comprehensive texts that I have read so far on
Cancer. The book is divided into 23 chapters and
each chapter deals extensively with all aspects of
this disease. Chapter 1 first deals with the
biological mechanism and causation of Cancer
wherein the role of external carcinogens and the
role of internal defects in the gene due to intrinsic
errors and DNA replication have been prominently
conveyed. The role of DNA tumour virus
particularly Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) with its
subtypes are also highlighted in this chapter.
Majority of the human Cancers according to the
author are known to be the results of mutations in
P-53 gene. Secondary factors in this Mutation are a
high fat, high protein meat diet and cooking food in
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
aluminium utensils are also factors in the formation
of some Cancers, particularly Colon Cancer. The
aspect of metastasis occupies a second. Sub-
chapter and the progress of disease from Dysplasia
to Leukoplakia to obvious Polyp formation and the
various stages from stage ‘0’ to stage ‘IV’ have
been satisfactorily explained. The stage ‘III’, ‘IV’
malignancies therapies like Radiotherapy and
Surgery fail to effect a cure in most cases while
Chemotherapy can control the disease for a short
term effect but is very often very toxic to the
human body producing a million of adverse side
effects. It is important to not that a particular
normally functioning nm 23 gene can present
metastasis by about 90%.
Chapter 2 deals with warning signals of
Cancer, the presence of unusual carcinogens and
the role of electricity, sunlight and electromagnetic
fields in homes of people that can make them
vulnerable to the development of Cancer. There are
some plant carcinogens whose role has not been
adequately evaluated. Croton tiglium is one such
plant and may have a curative effect in certain types
of Cancer.
Chapter 3 covers the topic in a broad outline of
modern treatment paradigm of Cancer which are
namely Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy,
Immunotherapy, surgical procedures etc. But the
actual reality of such therapy shows almost 90% of
such patients die with in 5 years of diagnosis due to
various causes. The latest field of research known
as Gene therapy involving insertion of a functional
gene to correct either hereditary errors or restore
functions of an inactivated gene.
Chapter 4 deals with pre-cancer states
including signs and symptoms of such a state and
its treatment by homeopathic remedies. Seven
case reports treated by the author are given in this
chapter. The case reports however do not reveal a
long-term follow-up.
The role of irritation and Cancer is given in
Chapter 5 and the role of Miasms also has been
adequately explained.
Chapter-6 deals with the major type of Cancer
tumours in various parts of body with its clinical
symptoms while Chapter-7 gives a broad role of
vitamins and diet in Cancer. This includes the
common usage of Vitamin C and E as anti-oxidants
and the role of selenium as a protective agent along
with Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Similarly, various
forms of retinoids in Vitamin A, B-vitamins have
also been found to be effective. Improper diet and
what is proper diet is also given in this chapter and
a special mention has been made of the role of high
fibre diet, deeply pigmented fruits, plenty of
vegetables and consumption of black tea and
avoidance of tobacco, alcohol, smoked, salty and
artificially preserved food etc.
Chapter 8 gives further details of signs and
symptoms of Cancer in various parts of body.
Chapter 9 is an exhaustive one giving a total
concept of present status of homeopathic treatment
in Cancer. This includes the various lines of
approach from HAHNEMANN, KENT,
SANKARAN and gives the method suggested by
and some others. The specific aspects of each
one’s method has been adequately explained. The
role of constitutional medicines has been given and
20 of these medicines starting from Ars. alb., Calc
fluor., Carbon group, Caust., etc. to Thuja has been
mentioned. Some specific Cancer remedies
according to BERNOVILLE is now given along
with specific location remedies and drainage and
canalization remedies. The role of special Cancer
Nosodes like Carcinosinum, Scirrhinum and the
non-specific Nosodes like the Bowel Nosodes and
the Nosodes Medorrhinum, Tuberculinum,
Syphilinum occupy relevant paragraphs in this
chapter. Dr. A.H. GRIMMER was one of the
greatest homeopathic physician who has treated
Cancers with astounding success of all types and in
all locations. Some aspects of his observation, the
author has mentioned in this chapter.
Chapter 10 deals with the known Cancer
remedies of Homeopathic Materia Medica
arranged alphabetically from Acetic acid to Viola
Chapter 11 deals with the relationship of the
mental state to the Cancer evolution and genetic
Chapter 12 deals with two basic types of
Cancer medicines what is known as Organ specific
and systemic remedies based on organ sensitivity
and generalized sensitivity.
In Chapter 13 the author has given schematised
strategy of Cancer based on four types of
I Category Patients whose diagnosis is confirmed
and who are treated with Radiation or
Chemotherapy or Surgery.
II Category – Confirmed diagnosis but have not
been given the above therapies.
III Category Patients who can be diagnosed as
Cancer clinically but not confirmed by
histopathological studies.
IV Category – Patients with pre-cancer states.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
For all four categories one important factor is
the vitality of patient and for the first three
categories another important variable is the clinical
stage of the disease. The author has then given the
further details of the treatment of patients in these
categories. One important factor that he has
stressed in the treatment of patients in Category ‘I’
is the role of potentised X-ray, Radium brom.,
Okubaka, Cadmium-iod., Phosphorus to minimize
the side-effects of Category I patients who have had
Radio and Chemotherapy. He says that, the rest of
the category II, III and IV patients can be
successfully and adequately treated with
Chapter 14 gives out a multi method approach
for Cancer therapy whether palliative or curative.
All available methods from HAHNEMANN,
SANKARAN etc can be initiated and the starting
point often is either the latest symptoms or gravest
symptoms or those symptoms which the patient
desires to be relieved of first. So, we then have an
acute situational treatment, the treatment by
constitutional remedies and the treatment by
inducting some Nosodes. These 3 steps are
elaborated in Chapter 15.
Chapter 16 seems to be the author’s own
unique contribution which he calls as ‘Thematic
Determination of Cancer Remedies’. The themes
behind the clinical characteristics of malignancy
and the dynamic behaviour of malignant cells can
be used to transform into reportorial rubrics of
mind to give us certain groups of Cancer
susceptible remedies and their degrees of
effectiveness. To give an example, a fundamental
tendency to malignancy is its tendency to hide in
early stages, deceiving its host. This is translated
into mental rubrics Hide, desire to; Deceitful, sly
and Dishonest. Remedies in these rubrics are then
selected from such a thematic principle based on
either a concomitant symptom or an individualising
symptom. Similarly, the uncontrollable behaviour
of Cancer cells can be thematically represented by
rubrics Defiant, Obstinate and Disobedience and
11 remedies occur in the rubrics Defiant and
Obstinate which are useful Cancer remedies.
Similarly, the rubric Irritability can be utilized for
the aggressive nature of Cancer cells. There are
various rubrics like Destructiveness, Violence,
Rage, Fury, Cruelty, Hatred, Malicious and
Spiteful, Desire to kill, Threatening and Desire to
destroy. Also, the wandering behaviour of Cancer
cells that forms metastasis could have the theme of
desire to travel giving us remedies under this rubric.
Elaboration of this particular topic is given in
Chapter 17 wherein all the rubrics with their
remedies have been mentioned. In the terminal
stage the author has mentioned Tarent., Hep.and
Ars .as the most often indicated remedies.
Chapter 18 gives us the degree of susceptibility
of some good remedies like Graph., Ars., Thuja,
Belladonna, etc. Some 16 such remedies are
Chapter 19 deals with the application of
medicine in Cancer treatment. The period of
remedial action, when to repeat or change the
medicine, the choice of potency, number of doses,
the management of acute emergency situation, the
aspect of aggravation, the role of peculiar
concomitants as symptoms of vital importance and
clinical behaviour of metastasized Cancer.
Chapter 20 deals with 7 case reports managed
by the author though cases no. 4 and 6 obviously
needed further follow-up on their condition. What
are the future possibilities in Cancer treatment is
dealt in Chapter 21. Chapter 22 is a very brief one
which deals with prognosis in malignancy and
Chapter 23 is an epilogue on the whole topic of
Cancer, its Miasms and management.
An extensive Bibiliography of around 116
References is given at the end of the book. This
book is very cheaply priced compared to the wealth
of information available in it and Dr. Ranjeet K.
Roy must be congratulated for giving his readers a
vast amount of information and treatment
methodology and his own contribution to the
treatment for all types of Cancers in just 242 pages.
2. Iconography of HAHNEMANN – A
Pilgrimage by Dr. Diwan HARISHCHAND, Indian
Books and Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi – 110
005, 2005. ISBN 81-7467-161-7 price not
Samuel HAHNEMANN (1755-1843) was a
celebrity of his times to such an extent that the
sculptor Pierre Jean DAVID who sculpted ‘famous’
personalities like GOETHE did a bust of
HAHNEMANN. There have also been several
paintings, engravings, etc., of HAHNEMANN
during his life-time itself. Such tributes are rare
and one can count them on one’s fingers.
We have HAHNEMANN monuments in
several parts of the world. To this date, no one
person has been honored so to the best of our
HAHNEMANN founded not just a therapeutic
technique which is complete in itself but gave a
totally new concept of health, disease,
pharmacology and a purpose for being alive,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
healthy in body and mind, viz. for higher purpose,
higher good, of humankind. It is just right and
proper that one who vows to follow him has great
reverence for HAHNEMANN. One speaks of him
with awe and reverence. It is therefore most
befitting that Dr. Diwan HARISHCHAND has
titled his travels looking about for HAHNEMANN
Memorabilia as a ‘pilgrimage’. It indeed is so.
The ‘frontispieceitself is a photograph of Dr.
Diwan HARISHCHAND touching the feet of the
Master’s statue in the Monument in Washington
D.C., U.S.A. Under this picture is written “The
author touching the Master’s feet, an Indian
tradition to express reverence …” A very good
beginning. The ‘dedication’ of the book reads In
worshipful homage to the Prime Guru (Master) and
Founder of Homeopathy …”
I mention these so that we understand the
author’s approach to this historical record.
A ‘Time’ Table of HAHNEMANN’s life the
period of his stay at various places, the authoring of
his great works etc. – is given at the beginning.
The book has 3 sections covering
HAHNEMANN’s places of stay and practice:
Meissen, then, Leipzig to Paris; pictures of the
houses where the Master lived, memorial busts and
Plaques erected at these places, some memorabilia
of Meissen pottery are covered in these three
sections – 36 pages. The town Meissen on the
banks of the river Elbe as it now is, is the beautiful
picture opening this Section. The photograph of the
narrow road leading to the school where
HAHNEMANN studied (‘Princes School’) is
beautifully pictured; also the full view of the
School, and its entry with the inscription ‘Sapere
Aude’ at its entrance.
The next Section titled ‘Koethen’ covers pp. 16
to 24. The interior of the house where
HAHNEMANN lived, the small garden where he
sat and wrote his Chronic Diseases, the monument
in the grounds of the Lutze Hospital, are all
represented here.
The next Section from p. 26 to 36 titled
‘Leipzig, Gommern, Königslutter, Paris’ gives the
beautiful statue in Leipzig, HAHNEMANN sitting
slightly bent in thought. This monument is in a
Public Square. The house where HAHNEMANN
lived in Paris has been pictured beautifully.
Now we come to the Chapter ‘Objects of
Veneration’ a grand round of medallions, lock of
HAHNEMANN’s hair, a chair used by him, his
Cap, Smoking pipes, Stethoscope, Office table, his
Seal, Pocket medicine case, Medicine Chests.
The Chapter ‘Monuments, Statues, Busts,
Profiles’ opens with the grandest HAHNEMANN
Monument in Washington D.C., USA which has
been renovated in the year 2000 100 years after it
was first dedicated to the Nation by the then
President of USA. The pictures of this Monument
cover 8 pages. We then have pictures of statues,
busts at Mexico City, Oaxaca (Mexico), a Park in a
Square with bust of HAHNEMANN in Sao Paulo,
Brazil, another in Rio de Janeiro, then the panels,
and other artistic works in Barcelona, Spain. Then
we have glimpses of the busts and statuettes in
other private hands, (Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT; the
Nelsons Pharmacy, London; Rome, Paris,
Argentina, Lahore). A grand panorama indeed.
Next section “Books, Registers & Writings of
Historical Importance”. This is a nice collection -
right from HAHNEMANN’s writing in 1782, the
collections of original manuscripts of
HAHNEMANN’s Case Registers, Materia Medica,
Chronic Diseases, the Cover pages of the several
editions of the Organon, some letters of
HAHNEMANN. These cover 13 pages.
Next we have Paintings’. This section carries
the several Paintings, Steel engraving, Embroidery,
a Photograph, etc.
‘Stamps and Streets’ is the next 10 pages.
We see stamps issued in Germany, Brazil, India,
Monaco, Greece, etc. There are streets named after
HAHNEMANN – in Stuttgart, Germany, Buenos
Aires (Argentina), Sao Paulo (Brazil). There is a
special chapter on Monuments, Busts, Squares,
Streets, in India – Delhi, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar,
Lucknow, Baroda, Gangtok, Eluru (A.P.),
Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu), Ludhiana.
The book ends with pictures of
HAHNEMANN’s Grave and Monument at the Peré
Lachaise Cemetery, Paris.
And so the pilgrimage ends.
Printed in good moonlight glaze paper, pictures
clear, inscriptions readable, with very few printing
errors, sturdily bound. Nothing short of complete
dedicated devotion to the great Master and his work
could have produced a book of this kind.
To the best of my knowledge there has so far
been no work comparable with this. I frequently go
through the pages and it tones me up like nothing
else. I feel that one should go through the
HAHNEMANN biography (Richard HAEHL,
Rudolf TISCHNER, Gumpert MARTIN, et al) and
gaze at these pictures. It is a great feeling.
The Publishers have done a good job.
I earnestly wish that all colleagues possess a
Thank you Dr. Diwan, Thank you very much.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Julian WINSTON (1941-2005)
The World of Homeopathy has been getting
poorer and poorer in that that it has lost some of its
treasured personalities within the last two-three
years. Some of them were well-known to me; and
so the sadness is much personal too.
It came as a bolt from the blue when I learnt of
the expiry of Julian WINSTON (1941-2005). I sent
an e-mail and Neil TESSLER, Editor, Simillimum
Julian WINSTON was only 64. Silently he
had been suffering from Prostate Cancer and
Scleroderma since 1998, for seven years cheerfully
putting up with this disease, slowing down its
I had not recovered from the sense of great loss
CHITKARA all my very good friends since many
years and with whom had very frequent exchange
of correspondance on everything homeopathic, for
over 20 years. There was lasting bond between us.
It was genuine Homeopathy which bound us
Prof. Dr. LAKSHMINARAYANAN, was truly
a ‘musketeer’ who never left a challenge to
Homeopathy go scotfree; he gallantly picked up
the gauntlet. I miss him sorely now in the
circumstances of the BBC repeatedly showing in its
TV programme falsehood about Homeopathy; also
the ‘ignorance’ of the ‘scientists’ who attempt to
put Homeopathy on the pillory via the Lancet’.
LAKSHMINARAYANAN would have surely
written no less sharply than HAHNEMANN.
However, age creeps upon everything and the call
came to him on 23
January, 2001.
Sri GUNAWANTE was quiet and unassuming
but a very learned person and who wrote such
books on Homeopathy which could be studied by
all; for those who found BOGER et al difficult to
comprehend, his works were very much welcome.
His books have been translated into German. His
life of four score and ten years was worthy.
Dr. H.L. CHITKARA who was ‘resident
editor’ of the Homeopathic Heritage’, was a
devoted homeopath and he stoically bore the
Parkinson’s disease during his last years. He was
in his 81
year when he passed on. His books too
were very welcome. He was spiritually inclined.
Drs. Will KLUNKER and Jacques BAUR were
both students of Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT, and they
wrote and taught and practiced exactly what
they were taught. In turn they taught their
students genuine Homeopathy. It was my
privilege to have had regular correspondance for
many years with these two great personalities.
KLUNKER wrote, in the Zeitschrift für
klassische Homöopathie whose Editor he was for
some years, several articles which are all very
instructive. He fell ill in from which he did not
recover and passed on 26 March 2002. He was 79.
Dr. Jacques BAUR was editor of the journal
Cahiers du Groupment Hahnemannien du Dr.
Pierre SCHMIDT for many years. This journal
carries articles of high quality classical
Homeopathy. His major works are (1)
L’enseignement du Dr.Pierre Schmidt’ being a
two volume compilation of Pierre SCHMIDT’s
teachings, (2) Un livre sans frontiers, - histoire
et metamorphoses de l’ Organon’, which is about
the Organon in all the world languages in its
several editions. (3) Les Manuscrits du Docteur
Comte Sébastian des Guidi’ The Case Registers
of Dr. Sebastian des Guidi –. and (4)
Homéopathie médecine de l’individu’.
Homeopathy Medicine of the Individual a
comprehensive work on the history of Medicine
and Homeopathy in particular and all its aspects.
This is his lifetime work.
Nearing 80-year-age Dr. BAUR was well and
healthy but suffered the loss of his dear wife. This
loss was followed within about three weeks by the
death of his sister. These two calamities shattered
him. Shortly after, he became ill, suffered a
cancerous growth in his back which was not in any
way relieved by Homeopathy or hospitalization
and he left this world. He was 83. He left behind a
vast library.
Apart from the fact that these giants of
Homeopathy left a great void when they passed on,
it was a still greater personal loss to me since I
knew personally all of them well and had many
years of enlightening communication. I have found
it very difficult to come off these griefs.
I have known Julian WINSTON only through
his writings in the Homeopathy Today’, the
journal of the National Center for Homeopathy,
USA. I have been reading Julian for the past
several years through the Homeopathy Today. In
these years, I have found no one else who wrote for
genuine Homeopathy so clearly as Julian. He did
much to recover homeopathic treasures works of
masters, many memorabilias, etc. and store them
carefully. Unfortunately much had already been lost
before Julian came on the scene, We have lost a
true Renaissance man”. He became a legend in his
own time. His devotion to Homeopathy was so
great. Karl ROBINSON rightly says that Julian
WINSTON was “the central figure of American
Homeopathy of the last 40 years. There simply
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
has been no one of his caliber, his diligence, his
understanding, his kindness, his all-encompassing
love of pure Homeopathy. It is a rare event when
so much talent gets born into one body”. Christian
KURZ of Austria says “Talking to Julian about
Homeopathy is akin to drinking water from a fire
hose. There is so much information and
knowledge, insight and clarity, that I didn’t want to
miss a word.” George GUESS sums up the feelings
of some of us: “He was always the ready and
available recourse to settle a question on almost any
topic involving our Science and Art, especially the
history of Homeopathy and the lives of those who
populated it. Who will I ask now? I feel adrift….
You always feel that if you strayed too far from
Hahnemannian doctrine, Julian would be there to
nudge you back on path.” Julian was hyper-
vigilant about the misuse of the word
“Homeopathy” by those who were advocates for
Homeopathy”. It was not only Julian’s knowledge
but that he gave it to whomsoever asked him. “If
there is a homeopathic paradise, then Julian
WINSTON is there with the great ones. May his
soul soar amongst the great homeopaths of all time
and with his loved ones awaiting him beyond the
II. Dr. B.N. CHAKRABARTY (1925 2005).
One of the great luminaries of Homeopathy in
India, Dr.Bhola Nath CHAKRABARTY was born
on 26 August 1925. His father was a reputed
homeopath and social worker and he was also the
Principal of the Sankarmath Homeopathic Medical
College, Howrah, later named as Mahesh
Bhattacharya Homeopathic Medical College.
As a student he was good in athletics, sports and
music. He graduated in Science and joined the
Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College and
obtained his DMS. Soon he handled a problematic
case of childbirth of his friend’s wife. His friend
Sailendranath Khan’s father Ray Bahadur
Panchanan Khan was so pleased that he sent
Bholanath CHAKRABARTY to England for higher
education. Bholanath obtained his D.F. (Hom),
London in 1953, and subsequently M.M. Dublin in
Gynaecology. However Bholanath was a staunch
homeopath. After return to his motherland he had
extensive Practice and teaching.
Dr.CHAKRABARTY had a very busy practice and
earned name, fame and wealth. He enjoyed good
sports and was a supporter of the Mohan Bagan
Club (Football). His list of VIP patients is long.
He was Physician to the President of India and also
the Governor of West Bengal. He was also
member of the Central Council of Homeopathy
and the LMHI.
He was suffering from a lingering illness and
breathed his last on March 3, 2005, leaving behind
his wife and son, Dr. Rathin CHAKRABARTY and
a daughter. His passing away is a great loss.
- M. DEY
3 Day Seminar with Dr. Rajan Sankaran
Nov. 11-13, 2005, Birla Matushri Sabhagar, 19
new Marine Lines. Near Bombay Hospital. Time:
9.00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fees (till 30
Sept. 2005):Practitioners: Rs.950/-
Interns and final year students: Rs.600/-
After 30
Sept. 2005:Practitioners: Rs.1250/-
Interns and Students: Rs.850/-
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Table for page no. 132
Table: Commencement/Reactive remedy (“Injury medicine”) in Chronic headaches
V. Aconitum
remaining before
> rest,
< light, noise,
Like boiling
water, sees as
through water
VI. Arnica
Injury with
extravasation of
> rest,
< shock,
Sportsman with
Calcium sulfuricum Brain
suppression of
> pressure, in
open air
< alcohol,
Causticum Burns,
suppression of
> humid
weather, (Bed)
< coldness,
draught, thinking
of pain
Scars become
sore, breaks
VII. Hypericum
Splitter injury,
Numbness with
> stretching < mist, chill,
Head sweat,
Natrum muriaticum Accident,
herpes, mapped
> sweat, sea
< motion,
Natrum sulfuricum
electric shock
> lying,
cold, mist, music
Chilly, sensitive
to cold/chill
Opium Fright/shock,
> chill,
< heat Mouth dryness
Rhus toxicodendron Exertion, sprain > heat, motion,
massage, sweat
< cold, rest Stiffness of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
VOL. XXII, 4, 2005
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-
known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France,
Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to
the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals
covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book
Reviews, etc.
1. The Importance of HAHNEMANN’s
In this article Dr. DIMITRIADIS
extols the many virtues of a thorough study
of and familiarity with HAHNEMANN’s
Organon, as well as his other writings. It
provides an essential foundation of
knowledge for the successful practice of
Organon is the distillation of
HAHNEMANN’s constant thoughts and
significant experiences in the practice of
medicine. It is a highly condensed
expression of a methodical and practical
application of his discovery of a single and
general therapeutic principle (similars) to
the clinical situation for the specific
purpose of healing the sick in the simplest,
most gentle and reliable manner.
The need to study the Organon
carefully again and again and throughout
one’s learning and practice can never be
2. Homeopathy Serving Spirituality
Spirituality Serving Homeopathy
Spirituality is something practical, for
it refers to a powerful dimension of
reality, albeit one we cannot see with our
human eyes. Our healing
paradigm rests on the workings of Vital
Force, and we routinely assess its strength
in our patients without able to see or
measure it. Objectively quantifiable
physical symptoms are often the visible,
palpable manifestation of an inner
energetic mistunement. To deny the
spiritual underpinnings of the
homeopathic paradigm for fear of
appearing unscientific, is to limit our own
Once we perceive the infinite
Consciousness, we realize we are on a
journey towards the awakening of this
Consciousness within us and we realize we
have a higher purpose, that life on earth
does have a meaning and direction as
mentioned by HAHNEMANN in § 9.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
VITHOULKAS uses the word Teleosis
to the process by which a human being
becomes more and more organized in his
spiritual and psychic level.
LENNIHAN meditates for ten minutes
in the office to silence busy-day mind, set
aside ego to fully receive each patient.
She often asks patients how
Homeopathy can help them fulfill their
highest purpose on earth or what they feel
is the purpose of their illness, what are
they learning from it.
She often recommends books
depending on the patient.
She meditates briefly between each
patient and at the end of the day, thanking
and giving responsibility to the Supreme
Consciousness who is the real healer.
3. The Immateriality and Material
Alchemy of Homeopathy
GRIMES, Melanie J. (SIM. XVII,
HAHNEMANN’s life and philosophy
echo the dichotomy between material and
immaterial that we all face as homeopaths
everyday. HAHNEMANN took
inspiration from KANT, SCHELLING and
the School of Natural Philosophy and also
In potentizing remedies,
HAHNEMANN spoke of the process as to
“liberate the medicinal power from its
material bonds.”
Homeopathy has an immaterial
element. To practice Homeopathy is to
delve into a subterranean realm, a realm of
great sensitivity, where insight and
extensive listening on a profound channel
leading to a remedy correctly selected, can
bring about physical changes so profound
as to confound logic.
The author has seen Homeopathy
change people’s lives, make decisions to
marry, to procreate, to deal with the death
of a loved one. Certainly these are
spiritual aspects of human life.
Homeopathy liberates the deepest
elements of our being, an essential
change that effects the person entirely;
the ability to make amends with the
4. Archetype in a Medicine Bottle
Re-integration of Mind and Brain in
the Homeopathic Treatment of Mental
BROWN, Doug (HL. 16, 4/2003)
Modern medicine considers mental and
emotional illness as a biologically caused,
chemically treatable illness, expressed by
neurohumoral imbalances with roots in genetic
Depth Psychology describes this as
mythic power struggles between cosmic
forces of instinct and Super-Ego, Self and
Ego, individuation vs. regression.
Psychopharmacology and Depth
Psychology operate from two
fundamentally different paradigms.
A truly holistic medicine would not act
by manipulation of brain chemistry to
suppress end-stage symptoms of clinical
syndromes, but would rather reflect back
to the patient an image which resonated
with his or her own particular way of
becoming off-balance, thereby helping the
individual return to a place of
psychological equilibrium.
Homeopathy is becoming understood
as just such a medicine. Many speak of
Mind-Body Connection as if they are
two separables. Suffering is not merely an
epiphenomenon of organic malfunction. It
is an expression of consciousness.
Symptoms form a detailed, descriptive
statement of the inner condition of the
organism. Symptoms in their essential
nature are not haphazard sequella of faulty
wiring or pathological processes. The
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
organism is expressing its state, and the
symptoms are the working materials of its
5. One, Two, Three – Miasms … Light
SWOBODA, Fransz (HL. 16, 4/2003)
Three steps in the understanding of the
concept of Miasms.
Step one: All the single events of
disease in one’s life are but one chronic
disease, sometimes mingled with venereal
Miasms, Sycosis or Syphilis, but mainly
one, called Psora.
Step two: Different diseases of each
individual patients overlap in one or more
aspects; for example A may suffer form
Asthma, Eczema and Melancholy; B from
Asthma, Arthritis, Weakness; C from
Eczema, Asthma and Joint pains. They not
only suffer from one chronic disease each,
but altogether from the same disease
named Psora. By finding antiPsoric
remedies against the chronic disease the
Psora is eradicated.
Step three: From the very beginning
on, mankind has suffered from Psora.
The article is in the form of an
imaginary dialogue between a medical
(Homeopathy) student and
HAHNEMANN. Interesting indeed!
Himmel und Holle - Opium in der
Literatur und im vorgeburtlichen
Erleben (Heaven and Hell Opium in
the literature and in pre-natal
MICHELS, Hans-Lothar (AHZ. 249,
Opium was formerly described as a
small remedy for acute conditions such as
complaints from fright, cramps and
paralysis. The examination of the drug
literature and the analysis of the prenatal
experiences of patients show that a special
feeling of life is the basis for these human
suffering: the feeling to be expulsed from
paradise into hell.
This study is with particular reference
to the ideas of MASI ELIZALDE, Rajan
2. Lac humanum: der Junge Ödipus auf
dem Berg Kithainon (Lac humanum:
the young OEDIPUS on the Kithainon
HADULLA, Michael and PROKOP,
(AHZ. 249, 6/2004)
During the last few years, a growing
number of well-documented cases have
come up which were treated successfully
with Lac caninum (or milk of other
animals) and Lac humanum. It is
interesting when we consider the great
antique Greek heroes and their probable
homeopathic medicines. This article
attempts to relate one phase of OEDIPUS’
life, when he was an abandoned child on
the mountain of Kithainon, to Lac
3. Diospyros kaki - Der Weltbaum. Ein
neues homöopathisches Mittel (Diospyros
kaki: Tree of the World - A New
Homeopathic Remedy)
CREVELD, Marijke (AHZ. 249,
A species of the tree Diospyros kaki,
survived the Plutonium bomb on Nagasaki.
A new homeopathic remedy was made
from this tree.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
While three Provers took the C200, 20
persons slept with the remedy under their
pillows. The ‘dream proving’ in this
manner was worked out and the author
treated 30 persons with Diospyros kaki
Creveld. The results were ‘positive’.
Some others also used the remedy and
obtained positive results. The remedy was
prescribed for patients who had mental and
physical complaints caused by a trauma on
account of war, disaster and burning,
problems caused by Chemotherapy and
Radiotherapy and by toxic substances.
[What would have happened if the
‘Provers’ had simply carried a powder in
their pocket or put it close to the chest or
under the bed sheet instead of under the
pillow?; would there have been similar
dreams if the powder had been simply kept
somewhere in the bedroom. Can this be
considered as ‘homeopathic Proving’ by
any stretch of imagination? And yet ‘cures’
are obtained! = KSS]
4. Chamomilla – the Parents’ Friend
FULLER, Diane (HT. 24, 3/2004)
The characteristic symptoms of the
remedy are discussed in brief from
different sources.
5. The Toxicology of Amanita virosa:
The Destroying Angel
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 4/2004)
This paper examines the biology and
medical consequences of ingesting the potentially
lethal poisonous mushroom, Amanita virosa, the
Destroying Angel. The fungus, its structure,
distribution and toxic components are described.
Symptoms of human poisoning by A. virosa are
described, following the order of Homeopathic
Repertories. Laboratory values for comparison
with normal values of haematology,
biochemistry and urine analyses are given.
Materia Medica based on the human poisoning by
A. virosa
The symptomatology of A. virosa is similar
to that of A. phalloides. The symptoms start at
about 10-12 h after ingestion, initially lasting for
1 or 2 days. This is followed by a few days of
apparent remission only to recur with severe,
sometimes irreversible, hepatic and renal
damage. After a relatively short gastrointestinal
presentation of vomiting, diarrhoea and
abdominal pains, the actions of A. virosa
concentrates on the liver, blood cells and
Alert and oriented.
Distress, mild.
Lethargic but awake and oriented.
Drowsy but easily aroused.
Pale complexion (adult & child).
Nausea & vomiting
Nausea, first symptom.
Vomiting, 10-12 hours after ingestion.
Bilious vomiting (early symptom).
Abdomen soft with mild tenderness and
bowel sounds slightly hyperactive.
Abdomen tender without localizing
character and diminished bowel sounds.
Abdomen tender in upper right quadrant
but soft and liver not enlarged.
Abdominal cramps/discomfort, severe but
not tender.
Abdominal pain, mild, right upper-
Abdominal pain, severe, intense, diffuse
colic with vomiting.
Epigastric pains; acute, non-radiating
pains, associated with nausea, bilious
emesis and frequent watery stools,
persisting for 8h or more.
Epigastric tenderness; minimal.
Liver enlarged (child), tender to pressure,
together with anuria and disturbances of
Diarrhoea, acute, severe, profuse, about
10-12 h after ingestion.
Diarrhoea with vomiting.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Persistent bloody diarrhoea with mucous
Copious brown liquid diarrhoea, strongly
positive for occult blood.
Diarrhoea negative for faecal occult blood
Trace positive for blood.
Urinary system
Bilirubinuria: 1+ (normal: negative).
Blood (occult): 2 + (normal: negative).
Colour: deep yellow.
Microscopy: erythrocytes (adult): 50-100/
high- power field. (normal: 3/ high-
power field).
Microscopy: leucocytes (adult & child): 3
15/high-power field. (normal: 5/ high-
power field).
Protein: 3+ (normal: negative).
Specific gravity: 1.018 1.023. (normal:
Respiration rate 24/ min.
Hypertension, with a BP of 160/112
Hypotension, with a BP of 84/60 (adult).
Pulse rate of 88-150 beats per minute.
Cold and cyanotic distally.
Muscular movement in limbs difficult
(second day of illness).
Spasm in legs, severe.
Shaking chills.
Temperature of 36.9-37.5ºC (adult);
38.1ºC (child).
Jaundice, yet no hepatosplenomegaly
(adult & child).
Jaundice develops on the 4
or 5
day of
Factor V: 11.5% (normal: 50-150%).
Haemoglobin (m): 16.2 g/dl (normal: m:
13.0-18.0 g/dl).
Haemoglobin (f): 17.8-18.3 g/dl (normal f:
12.0-15.0 g/dl).
Haematocrit (m): 47.5% (normal: m: 38.0-
Haematocrit (f): 48-55% (normal (f): 37.0-
Leucocyte count: 13,320-13,324,100/µl.
(normal: 4,800-10,800/µl). 5,800-
17,600/µl. (normal: 4,800-10,800/µl).
Lymphocytes: 5% of WBC count (adult);
22% (child). (normal: 20-45% of total
WBC count).
Lymphocytes, atypical: 1% of WBC count
Neutrophils: 94% of WBC count (adult);
77% (child). (normal: 40-75% of total
WBC count).
Platelet count: 144,000-421,000/µl.
(normal: 150,000-450,000/µl).
Prothrombin time (PT): 22.3s (control:
Prothrombin time (PT): 13-30% (normal:
Biochemical parameters of liver function
may take 25 days to normalize.
Alanine amino transferase (ALT): up to
4,875 IU/l (normal: 7-43 IU/l).
Alkaline phosphatase: 60 U/l. (normal: 48-
125 U/l).
Ammonia (blood): 30-100 µmol/l.
(normal: 21-51 µmol/l).
Amylase: 334-532 IU/l (normal: 25-115
Aspartate amino transferase (AST): up to
9360 IU/l (normal: 13-37 IU/l).
Bilirubin, total: from normal to 22 mg/dl.
(normal: 0.2-1.3 mg/dl).
Bilirubin, total: 11 mg/l reaching a peak of
50 mg/l (85 µmol/l) (normal: 2-12 mg/l).
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): 33 mg/dl
(adult); 5 mg/dl (child) (normal: 8-23
Chloride: 103 mmol/l (adult); 108 mmol/l
(child). (normal: 95-105 mmol/l).
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Creatinine: 11 mg/l (normal: 6-10 mg/l).
Creatinine: 1.5-6.1 mg/dl (adult); 0.4 mg/dl
(child) (normal: 0.6-1.2 mg/dl).
Globulin: 1.7 g/dl (adult); 0.9 g/dl (child).
(normal IgG: 5.3-16.5 g/dl).
Glucose: 129-186 mg/dl (adult); 81 mg/dl
(child). (normal: 70-120 mg/dl).
Glucose: 2.4 g/l (normal: 0.65-1.1 g/l).
Lactate dehydrogenase: 322-4,540 IU/l
normal: 270-560 IU/l).
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT): 165.7s
(control: 28-51s) (normal: 19.6-34.0s).
Partial thromboplastin time, activated
(aPTT): 51.7s (normal: 29-45 s).
Potassium (K+): 2.7 mmol/l (adult); 4.4
mmol/l (child) (normal: 3.5-5.2 mmol/l).
Protein, total: 4.6 g/dl (child) (normal: 6.3-
8.2 g/dl).
Prothrombin time (PT): 45 sec., but can
exceed 600s (normal: 12-14s).
Urea nitrogen level (serum): from normal
to 77-86 mg/dl. (normal: 6-20 mg/dl).
Uric acid: 15.6 mg/100 ml (normal: 3-7
Arterial blood gases
HCO3 (venous): 17 mmol/l (normal: 22-
30 mmol/l).
Lactic acid: 3.09 (normal: 2.0).
Metabolic acidosis.
pCO2: 16 mmHg (normal: 35-45 mmHg).
pH: 7.31 (normal: 7.35-7.05).
Liver: bile duct proliferation.
Liver: hepatocytic vacuolization.
Liver: massive haemorrhagic necrosis.
Liver: postnecrotic fibrous accumulation.
Kidneys: distal convoluted tubules normal
Kidneys: thin loop of Henle: eosinophilic
US (female): Kidneys: tubules necrosis,
mild: scattered along inner, border of outer
stripe of outer medullary zone; severe:
straight & convoluted tubules: necrosis as
continuous belt, same zone.
1. Hydrophobinum - A miracle that
brought a child’s life back from fatality
KUMAR (HH. 29, 12/2004)
3-year-old child was given by mistake
a spoonful of acidified liquid (that is
generally used to clean silver and other
metals) in place of cough syrup. As soon
as the liquid was in the mouth, child began
coughing so loudly that all liquid fell off.
A small part entered his esophagus and
made him unconscious. The child was
hospitalized for a week. Examination
(from different angles) was done. No
abnormality was found. The radiology
showed the stomach was pushed anteriorly
by a retro-gastric mass and secondly,
circoesophageal junction was narrowing.
Constricted state of oesophagus was still
beyond control of physicians and surgeons.
However, another surgeon began to
dilate the oesophagus. The technique of
dilating the oesophagus had to be repeated
more than four times. That technique too
failed due to intolerable condition of the
child. Last time, while dilating the
oesophagus began to bleed.
Many homeopaths were consulted
without satisfactory result. Then the case
came to this author. Hydrophobinum M, a
well-selected remedy expelled a lot of
saliva from the esophagus. Next morning
the child longed for milk with a piece of
bread. Within 2 months much improved.
At present, he is running 5th year having a
sound physic and sound mind.
Hydrophobinum a miraculous remedy that
brought the child’s life back from fatality.
Hydrophobinum 1M was given weekly for
a month and then fortnightly. And in 2
months he came to normality.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Symptoms that led to Hydrophobia.
2. Konjunktivitis infolge
(Conjunctivitis from Contamination of
Color paint)
BÜNDNER, Martin (ZKH. 48, 4/2004)
28-year-old lady was painting a picture
with the ‘window-colors’, on 2.08.2002.
Small drops of the paint were sprinkled
accidentally when the color tube was
squeezed. The drops fell on the left half of
her hair, face and on the dress.
Immediately the face and hair were
cleaned but not the eyes since her eyes had
not got the color droplets.
Two days later she felt a foreign-
particle in the left eye. The troubles began
slowly. The eye became sensitive to
touch. Rub was felt when she blinked.
The eye became red a little but around it
there was a circular discolored swelling.
Lachrymation heavy; extreme pain like
never before. The pain was far more than
the redness of the eye indicated. The eye-
ball burnt; photophobic; put on sunglasses
in her room.
Pulsatilla came out as her remedy after
repertorisation. (Eyes inflammation after
injury: Eyes consequences of injuries,
modalities; alternating states; Eyes,
swelling, lids; Eye pains, boring).
Ref. to NASH’s Leaders in
Homeopathic Therapeutics”, “There is
another condition of Pulsatilla which may
be considered characteristic, and which
HERING does not mention in his cards,
viz., changeableness of symptoms (Ignat.,
Nux mosch.). All that HERING said was
wandering pains shift rapidly from one
part to another, also with swelling and
redness of the joints.” Now if this occurs
in rheumatism (Manganum acet., Lac
caninum, Kali bichrom., Kalmia lat.), and
especially if in the Pulsatilla temperament
we may perform a miracle of curing with
this remedy. But this shifting or
changeableness is not confined to the
pains, which may be either rheumatic or
neuralgic, but is found in the disposition.
The patient is now irritable, then tearful
again, or mild and pleasant; but, even with
the irritableness, is easily made to cry. The
haemorrhages flow, and stop, and flow
again; continually changing. The stools in
diarrhoea constantly change in color; they
are green, yellow, white, watery or slimy;
as GUERNSEY expresses it - “no two
stools alike.” (Sanicula.) This is often
found in the so-called cholera-infantum or
entero-colitis of children in hot weather.”
On 4.08.2002. two globules of
Pulsatilla 30 dry under the tongue. By
evening improvement was
felt alround. On 6.08.2002. there was
again some setback and two globules of
Pulsatilla 200 and soon complete cure.
3. von Fall zu Fall: Falldokumentation
und Fallredaktion: Clemens von
BÖNNINGHAUSEN und Annette von
Case: Case documentation and Case
Editing: Clemens von
BENNINGHAUSEN and Annette von
Klaus (ZKH. 48, 4/2004)
A manuscript case of
thoroughly and is presented as a case
history; the characterization of the person,
evaluation of contemporary medicine and
Homeopathy. The course of the disease,
correction of an error, problematic
reflections form part of this study. A
detailed and interesting study.
4. Ten Remedies for Simple Insomnia
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Homeopathy can often help by finding
a similar remedy to the specific type of
Insomnia to which the patient is suffering
from. By correcting the underlying state in
the patient’s nervous system, improved
sleep will follow at its own pace.
The indications for Coffea cruda, Nux
vomica, Aconite, Chamomilla, Arnica,
Cocculus, Belladonna, Gelsemium,
Capsicum and Staphysagria are given.
5. The Flu, the Vaccine, the treatment
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 24, 1/2004)
It makes sense to seek advise on the
risks and benefits of Flu shot from
independent sources that will neither profit
nor lose from your decision. Flu vaccine is
relatively ineffective in those patients most
at risk of Flu complications because of the
inherent weakness of their immune system.
Homeopaths can greatly help one
another by sharing information on
symptom patterns and remedies they have
found effective in their patients. “Genus
epidemicus” has the potential to greatly
reduce suffering and save lives.
A Case of Post-vaccination Blues
Woman, 35, ill since the Flu
vaccination nine months earlier. Shooting
pain behind her left breast and pain in right
breast extending down right arm.
Developed strong fear of Cancer, anxious
and bit
nails. Prone to ‘colds’ and chilly person.
Silica 30. Initially the pain in breasts
worsened and some old symptoms
reappeared briefly. Two months later the
pains disappeared, mind more focused,
fear of death diminished and generally less
anxious. Eighteen months later, continues
to be well.
6. The Flu: What you can do
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 1/2004)
Influenzinum as preventive.
Oscillococcinum at the very beginning
of feeling ill.
Aconite in the first few hours of fast
developing Flu.
Ferrum phosphoricum if Aconite hasn’t
helped and no other symptoms yet.
The indications for Arsenicum album,
Baptisia, Bryonia, Eupatorium
perfoliatum, Gelsemium, Mercurius
solubilis, Nux vomica, Pyrogenium and
Rhus toxicodendron are given.
Kali phosphoricum: General
exhaustion and depressed after Flu.
China: Debilitated after the Flu.
Gelsemium: Continue to feel dull,
apathetic, heavy and trembly even after
acute flu symptoms have passed.
7. More than the Sum of our Physical
Understanding Stress: the Key to Good
Homeopathic Prescribing
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 1/2004)
There is almost unlimited help
available in the homeopathic medicine
chest for life’s multitude of stresses
whether the stress is physical, emotional or
It is always important to think about
the stresses that which preceded the illness
developing - in yourself or those close to
Case 1: David, suffered from mild but
annoying cough and cold every winter
from the age of three until seven. He had
been treated but without relief. Careful
observation revealed that winter caused it,
cold, wet weather. He is generally sensitive
to cold and always needed wrapping.
Smelly, sweaty feet, shy and sensitive.
Silica 6 three times daily. By day four, his
cough and runny nose cleared.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Case 2: 78-year-old female
complaining of burning pain when she
urinated; incontinence. She was getting up
every hour at night to urinate. Recurrent
UTI in the past but this time the tests were
clear. She suffered from food poisoning at
a party and lost control of her bowels and
was mortified with embarrassment. She
was forgetful of late.
After few doses of Baryta carbonica
30, she slept well, burning and
incontinence cleared and started enjoying
her life again.
8. My top Ten Stressbusters
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 1/2004)
The indications are tabulated under
heads - Remedy, Stress, Summary and
Keynote symptoms - for Aconite, Arnica,
Arsenicum, Coffea, Gelsemium, Ignatia,
Kali phos, Nux vomica, Phosphoric acid,
Staphysagria and Rescue remedy.
9. Stress isn’t all bad!
How we handle stress and what we do
to minimize it are important factors in
many of the illnesses homeopaths treat.
Understanding the cycle of stress and the
pathology it generates helps the author to
the correct remedy. The nature of the
stress itself is less important than the
individual response to it.
Sheila, a 45-year-old lawyer working
80 hours a week, suffering from severe
CostoChondritis. Constant sharp pain in a
small area. Worse in the middle of the
night. Minimal improvement with
Chiropractors and Physical Therapists.
Job expectations causing tremendous
anxiety and in turn pain worsens. Worried
about her own death and insomnia.
Kali carbonicum 200, one dose. Six
weeks later, milder episodes and feeling
much better. Sleep improved dramatically.
Anxiety reduced. Six months later flare up
and another dose. For next two years no
Through her own efforts, her work
with a counselor and her constitutional
homeopathic treatment, she recognizes her
early signs of too much stress and acts by
cutting back at work and doing things that
help her relax.
Stress isn’t all bad - it’s what we do
with it and how we use it that counts!
10. The Stress of Chronic Illness
Homeopathy helps a Debilitating Case
of Crohn’s disease
PAPSO, Cindy (HT. 24, 1/2004)
Long-term chronic illness affects all
aspects of a person’s life - family
relationships, social life, finances, physical
activities, sleep, energy and moods.
David, 32, with Crohn’s disease of 10
years, with sudden, watery and bloody
diarrhoea was accompanied by ‘never
done’ sensation and a feeling of ‘openness’
of rectum. Stools 10-30 times a day. < by
spicy food and fruits. Feverishness and
chills before stools as well as dry cough.
Pain, stiffness in joints and muscle
tightness of back on waking or after
getting chilled.
At 19, he coughed up blood and on
extraction of wisdom teeth, had bleeding
for 3 days.
Phosphorus 30. After 4 weeks,
frequency of diarrhoea began to diminish.
After 3 months, no back or joint pain,
occasional episode of diarrhoea with fever
and at six months rare episodes.
Phosphorus 30 every 3-4 weeks.
After nine months, all the symptoms of
Crohn’s disease abated. He started playing
and injured hamstring. The author
recommended the Feldenkrais Method, as
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
she did not want to interfere with an
additional homeopathic remedy.
David, after two years, takes
Phosphorus 30 whenever he has a bout of
mild feverishness which in the past was a
precursor. [Would higher potencies of
Phosphorus have ‘Cured’ the condition? =
11. A Case of Traumatic Emotional stress
MESSER, Stephen (HT. 24, 1/2004)
Judy, 45, being treated for life long
Depression and Bulimia, stemming from
severe sexual and emotional abuse in her
childhood. She made great strides over the
year, significantly with Phosphorus.
Unfortunately after series of traumatic
events she looked horrible. She was
severely dehydrated, given intravenous
drip and Phosphoric acid as she was
depleted and emotionally flat.
Few days later looking better but was
experiencing intense terror with a feeling
that she will die in 5 minutes. Sensation of
blood being cold. Aconite 10M every two
hours until better and then to take as
needed. Next day she reported 50% better
and slept well. She started eating and
drinking normally. In the next two weeks
she took Aconite as and when needed.
Steady improvement.
12. Top Ten Remedies for Loss and Shock
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 1/2004)
For the treatment of acute loss and
shock, the indications for Aconite, Arnica,
Aurum metallicum, Causticum,
Gelsemium, Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum,
Opium, Phosphoric acid and Pulsatilla are
13. Ankle Sprain: Taking the Right Steps
OWEN, Jonice (HT. 24, 1/2004)
Jim, 40 twisted right ankle outside his
mother’s home after visiting her and
planning to stay elsewhere for which he
felt guilty. He thought his injury might
have been emotionally related. Arnica 30
several times for 2 days, followed by Rhus
tox 30 several times for 2 days. They
helped little and sprain remained.
Strontium carbonicum 30, three times a
day for three days or until the swelling
subsided. Strontium carbonicum covered
the ‘anxiety of conscience’ (guilt) also.
Three days later pain and swelling
completely subsided. If you sprain your
ankle, remember to: Protect, Rest, Ice,
Compress and Elevate.
Inserting shoe cushions take pressure
off the joint when walking or standing.
Therapeutic massage can help the joint,
ligaments and muscles to recover its
motility and stability.
Stretching gently before and after
exercising is mandatory after a sprain to
avoid re-injury and prevent chronic
The indications for six sprain remedies
- Arnica, Bryonia, Ledum, Rhus
toxicodendron, Ruta and Strontium
carbonicum - are given.
14. Toilet training made easier
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24,
There are a lot of factors involved in
toilet training. The readiness of the child,
the comfort of the environment and the
attitude of the caregivers all make a
difference. Toilet training must be
tactfully encouraged and never forced.
Case: Carmen, 3 years old, already
toilet trained but suddenly regressed and
was experiencing extreme fear and anxiety
about using a toilet and fear of actually
passing the stool. Mother thought it was
more related to the new baby sitter and not
getting enough time with her.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
She also began to crave salt and startle
easily from noises. Natrum muriaticum
brought back normalcy for about a month
and then regression and not responding to
subsequent doses. Now she was having
many fears and anxieties and craving sugar
and sweets. The Paediatrician opined that
it was painful, hard stool and aversion to
this pain was causing everything else and
recommended stool softeners for at least
six months to allow Carmen to forget the
painful experience of passing stool and to
allow time for her colon to contract so that
the stool will be smaller.
The case was reconsidered and
Argentum nitricum was given and then no
fears and anxieties and no toilet problem
for many months [How is this healing vis a
vis stool softeners for 6 months!
Homeopathy is placebo therapy? = KSS]
15. Natural remedies for Colic
To treat babies with colic, the
indication for Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Nux
vomica, Lycopodium, Colocynthis,
Magnesium phosphoricum and Ignatia are
Some naturopathic recommendations
are also given.
16. Baby boy avoids surgery
Severe acid reflux healed with
GRILL, Yolande (HT. 24, 3/2004)
Ethan, five-month-old baby boy with
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disorder since 3
weeks of age. Vomiting 1-3 hrs after
every feed. Consultation with many
paediatricians did not help and he was
scheduled to have exploratory surgery.
Sour vomiting. Grunting before
vomiting and at other times. Hard stools
once a week. Sleeps on back with his arms
and legs spread-eagled. He loves being
outside in fresh air.
A single dose of Pulsatilla 30. One
week later, no vomiting. He was trying to
crawl for the first time. He didn’t grunt.
Daily bowel movements and soft stool.
Two more doses as and when needed
were given and he was thriving and had
not needed any further treatment. “There
is nothing more satisfying than watching a
baby stop in mid-scream as the pellets
touch their tongue – or in this case, nothing
more rewarding than averting surgery on a
five-month-old baby. When Homeopathy
works on an infant, it always affirms for
that our remedies are really not placebo!”
17. A 7-week-old total fusspot and his
GAHLES, Nancy (HT. 24, 3/2004)
Infants can communicate only through
crying and other body language. So the
cardinal rule is to take the case of the
mother. Understanding the state of the
mother at conception and during
pregnancy and delivery is often crucial to
find the remedy for the child.
Nicholas, seven-weeks-old, liked to be
held over the shoulder and walked around.
Sleeps little and wakes up screaming.
Looks angry and fearful all the time.
Easily startled. Doesn’t like to be touched.
Mother revealed that he was a surprise
conception and she was in shock. During
the pregnancy she was told that she could
have a Stroke and die. There was lot of
Nicholas was born three-and-a-half
weeks premature, with low oxygen and
low blood sugar.
Chamomilla 30 did not help. The child
was “cross, almost mean”. Cina 30 and he
was better immediately his mood, his
sleep, everything. He never needed
another dose.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
18. Castle turrets in the gums
Teething babies
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 3/2004)
Case 1: Jacob, a plump nine-month-old
baby, drooling copiously and screaming
every now and then in pain. Has 4 teeth
and several “castle turrets” in his gums:
big, red, swollen bumps of teeth trying to
come through for several months now.
Wants to be carried the whole time and has
been coughing a lot. Chamomilla given
many times seemed to help for a short
Calcarea carbonica XM, based on
slow, difficult, painful dentition, cough
during dentition and salivation.
A week later, Jacob is sleeping well,
not coughing and no need of another dose.
Case 2: Luke, two-year-old, sweaty
head and feet, loved boiled eggs, and
taking ages to bring each tooth out and
producing diarrhoea, coughs and colds all
the while.
Calcarea carbonica helped him. At
age 2 all four back molars trying to erupt at
the same time. Very painful and could not
sleep because of pain and cold turning into
Bronchitis. Many remedies did not help
and he had been sick for about 10 days.
Search through Reference Works for
very painful teething and cough during
dentition produced 8 remedies and
Kreosotum fitted Luke’s state. A dose of
200 and his cough cleared overnight, his
health stabilized and he returned to his
former sunny self. All four teeth came
through within days!
Indications for Aconite, Belladonna,
Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea
phosphorica, Chamomilla, Kreosotum,
Magnesia muriaticum, Magnesia
phosphoricum, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla,
Rheum and Silica are given.
19. A toddler with Hand, Foot and Mouth
POWERS, Donna (HT. 24, 3/2004)
Rebecca, 27 months old, having great
difficulty in nursing because of very painful
sores inside her mouth. Developed rash on her
feet, knees and buttocks. Blisters on the inside
of lower lip and inner cheek, as well as palms
and back of hands. She is cuddling more and
desired apples.
Antimonium tartaricum 30 hourly, 3
Within minutes, her mood changed
remarkably and fell asleep. Within three
hours, she was nursing. The symptoms
disappeared in the opposite order in which
they appeared.
A week later, very loose rattly cough, no
mucus was coming up and infact, this was how
the whole illness had begun.
Antimonium tartaricum repeated and
within 3 hours her cough completely
20. Homeopathy and Dreams: Functions
or Purposes of the Dream
Dr. De SCHEPPER catalogs a wide
variety of dreams, describing both their
psychodynamics and their great utility in
analyzing clinical cases homeopathically.
Several options of purposes are
1. Showing repressed and suppressed
leading mainly to parallel dreams.
2. Resolving a long-lasting painful issue.
3. Showing the shadow side of the patient.
4. Showing the action of the simillimum
5. The next prescription appears.
6. Showing the patient’s real-intentions or
7. Showing the active miasmatic state.
8. Showing the diagnosis and prognosis
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
9. Showing the etiology
10. Prospective dreams
11. Reductive dreams
12. Reaction dreams
21. Anxiety and Depression
SHANNON, Tim (SIM. XVII, 4/2004)
69 year-old female, a childhood
survivor of a concentration camp
presenting with chronic panic attacks.
Awakened easily by a feeling of being
scared to death. Tightness and constriction
at the chest and throat. Panic in closed
places and small rooms. Shaking and
suffocating during panic attacks. Bad
dreams about horses.
Headaches and sick feeling after milk.
Always cleaning.
Lac equinum 200. Five weeks later,
anxiety better. Sleep better. Intensity of
panic and tightness less and relapse since 3
days. Lac equinum 200 weekly once.
Six weeks later Still doing well. Lac
equinum 1M for possible use.
5 months later, was advised Gall
bladder surgery for pain and she was
agitated about the Cancer possibility. Lac
equinum 1M, one dose a week.
3 months later, did not undergo surgery
and no need of medicine since 2 months.
Note: The author feels that the patient
clearly had the “signature” of the substance
she needed and these types of cases are
thirty per cent in his practice.
22. Miasms: The I.C.R. View
The author explains about the Miasms
as viewed by I.C.R., Mumbai and from
other sources. We can regard the theory of
Miasms as HAHNEMANN’s scientific
approach to the classification of Chronic
Diseases (as illustrated by ROBERTS,
1942) to facilitate homeopathic
prescribing. Miasms, from that part of
view, are just figments of imaginations;
they are not real, since they cannot be
demonstrated in a patient; Miasms are
inferential, they owe their existence to our
acceptance of a theoretical explanation of a
certain phenomena, which are observable
and hence real. The symptoms are real,
their miasmatic interpretation, theoretical
(DHAWALE 1994). Using this method;
Miasm theory becomes an integral part of
every prescription, a real aid at the
bedside, not merely a theoretically
confusing concept.
23. A Case of Atopic Nummular
MEHER, Subhash (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
9-year-old girl with Atopic Nummular
Dermatitis in her extremities and buttocks
since 3-4 years, not responding to the
conventional treatment. The eruptions
were vesiculo-pustular, suppurating,
bleeding, burning, scaly, cracked, scratchy,
erythematous, circular lesions. Itching <
night, > uncovering. Appetite ravenous.
Bowels constipated.
The child looked very sad. She was
irritable, obstinate, intelligent, abusive.
Fearless, except for
darkness. Grinding teeth in sleep. Craves
Pneumonia at 6-month age, Measles at
3 years.
Several remedies were given over a
period of 20 days without desired result.
Case retaken. The mother suffered much
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
forsaken feeling during the pregnancy; fear
of being deserted or that life will be ruined,
fear of poverty.
The child was now very ill but putting
up without complaining. She was chilly.
Psorinum 200 followed by Hepar
sulphur 6, then 200.
Report a month later. Child
completely well.
24. Bronchitis due to Failure of Love
MAMGAIN (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
23-year-old young lady with Bronchitis
since 5 years. No improvement with
allopathic treatment.
She was deeply affected when her
parents did not accept her marriage with a
boy whom she loved. She became easily
affected by change of climate. Caught
cold easily. Sneezings, dyspnoea, craving
for salt, Vertigo, great weakness.
Hyoscyamus 200, Natrum muriaticum
200, Tuberculinum 200, Arsenicum album
Fully restored.
25. A Case of Dysuria
MAMGAIN (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
46-year-old lady, Dysuria since 7
years; very scanty, deep yellow urine.
Obese, copious sweat, body cold, clammy.
Cramps in calves < walking, night;
tenderness right calcaneal bone since two
All joints painful. Right-sided
headaches. Feels puffed up.
Plumbum 200 repeated at suitable
intervals made her urination normal.
Still under treatment for other
26. Varicose Ulcer
MAMGAIN (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
Case 1: 50-year-old male, Varicose
Ulcer about 3" above right malleolus.
Varicose veins +. Copious bleeding from
the ulcer. Large area around the skin,
black discoloration. Itching all around the
Lachesis 30 t.d.s. for 4 days. Rapid
improvement. Lachesis 200 at longer
intervals. Improved.
Case 2: 33-year-old male with Varicose
Veins of left leg, swollen. Recurrent
Varicose Ulcer above left ankle inner side.
Skin all around dark. Ulcer is painless and
no profuse bleeding.
Heavy feeling in abdomen; much flatulence.
Carbo vegetabilis M followed by
Lachesis 200 at ‘long-interval’. Lachesis
continued and in three months there was
very good improvement.
27. Retro Calcaneal Bursitis
MAMGAIN (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
57-year-old male, pain left heel since
six months. Diagnosed Retro Calcaneal
No relief with conventional treatment.
Cyclamen 30, then 200, M followed by
Mercurius M, Rhus toxicodendron 30.
Completely cured. (Follow up 18 years,
remains cured)
28. Trauma
MAMGAIN (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
First case is of a woman, 45, who
suffered a fracture treated by Surgeon, but
wound healing was wanting because of
which skin grafting could not be done.
Silicea healed rapidly after which the
grafting also was done successfully.
A boy of 12 fell from the first floor on
to the roof of the ground floor (10 feet) and
suffered head injury. The usual Surgical,
neurological treatments helped some way
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
but did not regain consciousness. He was
discharged with very poor prognosis.
Remedies as indicated by the symptom -
Kali bichromicum (Cough, ropy
expectoration), Alum. (Constipation),
Conium, later Arnica made him recover
over a period, to normalcy.
Two cases of girls, 8 years age, who
both had fish bone stuck in the throat, in
the evening. Silica 30 relieved the pain in
half an hour. No further troubles at all.
29. Uterine Fibroids: A Clinical Study with
USG Follow-up
GUPTA, Girish et al (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
217 cases of Uterine Fibroids (single and
multiple) were registered and treated. These
were followed up. Timely diagnosis with
Ultrasonography followed by homeopathic
treatment showed excellent response in
significant number of cases avoiding surgery. 74
patients were cured, 21 were best improving,
showing more than 50% reduction in the size of
Fibroid. 64 showed significant improvement, 31
maintained status quo
and 21 did not improve. The overall results of
this study are encouraging.
149 cases were of single Fibroid, 26 two
Fibroids and 40 multiple Fibroids. Married
women were more prone to Fibroids than
unmarried. Occurrence was maximum between
age 21-50. Maximum (120) were between 36-50
year age, 89 between 21-35 year age.
Nulliparous and multiparous were more
prone to Fibroids in comparison to those with
one child. 179 patient were from urban and 27
from rural.
30. Cancer
(NJH. 5, 3/2003)
Misuse of homeopathic medicines at
the hands of untrained, unqualified or ill-
equipped homeopaths can equally result
or bring about adverse effects beyond
repair or reversal. Few case reports have
been given.
Trauma is an important exciting cause
of Cancer. Cancer of Gall bladder is due
to constant irritation by the stones on the
inner lining of the Gall bladder.
Cancer of Prostate due to repeated
trauma to prostatic path of urethra.
Glans penis gets traumatized if the
cervix of the female is hard or soft.
Breast Cancer due to trauma to the
Side effects of Chemotherapy: Nausea
and vomiting, Alopecia, Depression and
Anxiety, Altered Growth, Impaired
fertility, Insomnia, Loss of weight.
31. Aggravation
MAMGAIN (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
Male, with recurring Stye (single Stye
always). Someone had given him
Staphysagria 30. The patient took the
remedy indiscriminately and in two weeks
he consumed 4 vials of 5ml bottles
globules. Developed several Styes both
eyes, the lids were studded fully with
Styes, some suppurating, some in process
of developing. Camphora 30 and soon all
the Styes vanished permanently. [An
interesting question arises from this. A
potency has no molecule and far
beyond the Avogadro number. With
nothing ‘material’ in the 30 potency is it
capable of ‘producing’ a ‘pathology’ such
as Stye? In the ‘Provings’ (ref.
Encyclopaedia of T.F.ALLEN) there is no
Stye produced in the course of the
‘Proving’. There is no indication whether
the Provers took the mother tinctures or
low potency etc. If a 30 of Staphysagria
can produce Stye it would mean that it is
not placebo effect. That it was
Staphysagria 30 which produced the crops
of Styes is beyond doubt since the antidote
Camphora succeeded in averting the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
further aggravation and also cured the
‘tendency to get Styes’. = KSS]
Acute Sore Mouth, whole mouth raw
and painful was given Carbolic acid 30
t.d.s. Patient reported that he was rid of
the complaints but insisted for some more
of the medicines and six more doses were
sent with two doses of this there was
recurrence of the complaint and worser
than it was at first. Placebo given and he
became well. [In the Staphysagria case
above, antidoting was done and patient got
over the aggravation and ‘cure’ of the
ailments also. In this case of Carbolic acid
no antidote was given but the aggravation
came down by itself and patient was free
from the complaints. Is it that the
aggravation was not by the pathological
organisms but only a ‘tendency’ and on
stopping the medicine, the tendency also
went away? = KSS]
32. Allergy to Wood
MANN (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
35 year-old Carpenter who suffered
“allergy” to a particular wood which
affected his earnings.
Based on SEHGAL method, Sepia 30
one dose was given and he rapidly
improved and he did not suffer “allergy”
after that even though he worked with the
same wood.
33. Vocal Cord Paralysis Zincum
MHAMANE, Vaibhav K. (CCR. 11,
75 year-old man whose voice was
hardly a whisper due to paralysis of the
Vocal Cord. His work in a cloth mill
involved blowing into a contraption
He was found constantly moving his
legs. While Causticum, Kali carbonicum,
Zincum metallicum, Phosphorus came up
in repertorisation, Zincum 200 was given
and the patient began to improve promptly.
34. A Case of Dysfunctional Uterine
MHAMANE, Maeesha (CCR. 11,
42 year-old female; since 8-9 months
heavy bleeding p.v., profuse. Bright red
clots, Protracted 10-15 days, intermits 4
days and again bleeding. Allopaths treated
4 months; advised hysterectomy.
Sudden stiffness in any part of body
with pains. Headache severe; < sour,
tension, spicy food, vomiting, > tight
binding. Irritable. Lightning before eyes
as if sparks.
Lot of worries, stresses. Anaemic.
Kali carbonicum 200. Phosphorus 200
for acute.
35. Lachesis.
SINGH, Bhupinder (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
48 year-old female, became vindictive,
swore to kill her husband since he was
having an illegitimate affair with another
woman and lied to her. She also swore to
kill the other woman.
Lachesis. (Remedy Selection on
‘SEHGAL method’)
36. Phosphorus
SINGH, Bhupinder (CCR. 11, 2/2004)
This is a case of a ‘childless’ couple.
Phosphorus the woman became pregnant.
[This case too has been prescribed on
SEHGAL Method. The ‘rubrics’ selected are
beyond comprehension of a normal homeopath.
It seems that one must have a wild and bizarre
thinking to work with this method. = KSS.]
37. A Case of Wilson’s Disease
MISTRY D.E. (NAMAH. 12, 1/2004)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
A six-year-old boy diagnosed of Wilson’s
Disease. Wilson’s Disease is an inherited,
autosomal recessive disorder that results in
abnormal copper metabolism, causing excessive
copper to be deposited in several organs leading
to damage in their respective functions. The
predominant clinical features are symptoms of
serious hepatic disease, neurological damage,
dementia, haemolysis, osteoporosis and renal
tubular damage. The observation of Kayser-
Felischer sign in the eyes is characteristic of this
particular disease.
In this case the child was brought in an
advanced stage and despite the best under the
circumstances (Nux vomica and then
Antimonium tartaricum), he passed away.
38. Homöopathische Behandlung von
Krebserkrankungen durch der Allgemeinarzt
(Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer patients
by General Practitioners)
(AHZ. 249, 5/2004)
This very interesting article discusses
the experience of 6 General Practitioners in
the homeopathic treatment of Cancer.
A retrospective observation study of 72
patients suffering from Cancer in their own
consultations. Good effect of
Homeopathy was observed in Stages I and
II, in some cases full remission, in Stages
III and IV, a palliation in about half of the
cases, especially reduction of pain. The
significance of family history is exposed.
The paper ends with 5 exemplary cases.
The article discusses many aspects –
the kinds of Cancer, results of
conventional treatment, the cases that may
be treated with Homeopathy combined
with the Conventional Therapy, whether
there is a pre-cancerous state, whether
patients under homeopathic treatment for
some other ailments are not free from
contracting Cancer, whether there is a
Cancer Miasm, the beneficial effects of the
‘Plussing’ method, etc.
The relevance of BURNETT, ELI
39. Erfahrungen bei der Krebsbehandlung in der
Clinica Santa Croce (Orselina, Schweiz)
(Experiences in Cancer treatment in the
Clinic Santa Croce)
TAKÁCS, Miklós (AHZ. 249, 5/2004)
This article again documents homeopathic
treatment of Cancer in Clinic at Santa Croce, in
Orselina, Switzerland.
The article says how Dr. Dario
SPINEDI got the facility in the Santa
Croce Clinic to treat Cancer patients and
how Dr. SPINEDI and his team of
dedicated Homeopathy doctors treat.
The planning, the methodology, the use
of the Q potency (50-millesimal potency)
and its excellent results are detailed.
The rare application of the D Potency
(where an ‘Organ remedy’ is considered
necessary) or still rarer ‘mother tincture’
are used in exceptional circumstances; but
the Q and C Potencies are the normal.
The treatment of pains, treatment of
iatrogenous disorders, palliative measures,
the question of dosage, psychological
support to the seriously ill, the role of other
therapeutic methodologies, along with
Homeopathy, the co-operation with the
specialist Oncologists are all briefly given.
The ‘model’ adopted in the St. Croce
clinic in the treatment of Cancer is well
worth consideration
by hospitals where homeopathic treatment
are proposed.
40. Homöopathische Behandlung von
Krebs in der Allgemeinarzt praxis
(Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer in
General Medical Practice)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
(AHZ. 249, 5/2004)
This again is a very interesting article on
homeopathic treatment of Cancer by a General
Medical Practitioner.
The author studied with Dr. Alfons
GEUKENS who taught that irrespective of
the name of the diagnosis, be it Cancer,
individualize and treat. Be flexible in that
that every case is singular and therefore
take the case and find the appropriate
medicine for the patient at that time in the
life of the patient from our Materia
Few cases of Cancer treated by the
author explains.
41. Using Vital Sensations to Connect the
Disturbed Vital Force and the
An Example of the Use of Vital
Sensations in Practice
BAKER, Jeff (HL. 16, 4/2003)
A case to illustrate a somewhat ‘new way’ of
practising Homeopathy according to Rajan
SANKARAN’s latest teaching.
In the new approach the idea is to go
from the specific to the broad, to build the
edifice of the case upon the chief or
presenting complaint.
The author says that excellent results
are much more consistently obtainable and
along with that, confidence in how to
proceed in the management of cases is
greatly enhanced, since the correct remedy
has been mapped from two directions and
then reconfirmed.
Case: 56-year-old lady with very
sharp, stinging, pain in the medial aspect
of left upper chest. Pain feels like several
probes of stinging. Feels this could be
something serious and would have to have
a different life. Father was very violent.
Husband a negative person. When he
yells, it is like an assault. “By living with
him I feel I am settling some account of
Analysis: Easy movement from one
complaint to another, from one subject to
another and expression of complaints using
sensations indicates plant kingdom.
The vital sensation of stinging, sharp,
probes and jabs come under the family of
The feeling that she has to live with the
problems, accept things as they are and
lead a rather restricted life indicates
Sycotic Miasm.
The remedy for the Sycotic Miasm in
the family of Araceae is Caladium
A dose of 200
potency was given.
Brief aggravation, followed by an
extra-ordinary response. Significant
improvement was obvious in all her
physical complaints. She was even finding
it somewhat easier to cope with her
Eight months follow-up is given.
This method gets its impetus directly from
dissatisfaction with failures in practice. [This
seems to be in accordance with Rajan
SANKARAN’s latest theory. In this case, the
author ends his report “Although the results,
thus far, are impressive, I believe my patient has
still a long way to go, but I do not see another
remedy in the horizon. In two or three more
years, she should be much more healthy…” Does
this mean that the patient is only partly cured?
There is no reference to the Materia
Medica or Proving. The Guiding
Symptoms mentions ‘stinging’, stitching’
The patient is still as at time of
reporting the case not completely free of
her ‘sharp’ feeling in the upper area of the
chest, not so frequent as when she came to
the doctor first. = KSS]
42. Insight into § 84
Voluntary Detail … its Meaning and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
SHETYE, Prasad S. &
KHARIWALA, Falguni K. (HL. 16,
A person’s individuality is expressed
through the language he uses and through it we
reach to the innermost essence of where the
individual is stuck … where his ‘state’ is stuck.
A man aged 49 years, consulted in
1990 with severe Osteoarthritis of the knee
joints since 5 years, after his daughter
eloped with a muslim boy. He was very
angry as he had a ‘generational’ hatred
towards muslims. Earlier he was religious,
now not so as he felt let down by God.
Angry form contradiction and throws,
breaks things in anger. “I have a strong
feeling that I have supported everyone but
everyone has bitten me like a snake.”
Crepitations in knee joints. Severe
acidity and nausea after fatty food and very
severe cough < 3 a.m. since 8 months.
Left sub-mandibular lymphadenitis.
The expression ‘bitten by a snake’ is
interpreted as Delusions, deceived being
which is there in Drosera and Ruta in the
PHATAK’s Repertory.
Delusions, persecution for his
feelings towards his brother.
Drosera 200 on 25
March 1990.
Two weeks later, pain knees better and
his cough disappeared.
A month later, No knee pain. No
Two months later, cough since 2 days
as he smoked. Severe Sinusitis with pain
and tenderness above the eyes and green
nasal discharge. Drosera 1M and reported
consistently better. In the next 6 years,
Drosera 10M and 50M infrequently. Later
Sulphur as his totality of state changed.
The case explains what is said in § 84:
how a case is taken, how to listen without
interruption, etc. etc.
43. Alice
KOSTER, Dick (HL. 16, 4/2003)
Alice, 42-year-old woman with
trembling hands, alternating with pain in
her hands. Can’t hold anything and drops
with a feeling of weakness, a diminished
muscle strength. Feet tremble while
driving and restless feeling in feet.
Became gloomy with the trembling.
Lolium temulentum 200. Five days
later, the trembling worse for a day or two
and then hands became more and more
quiet. No usual Migraine, Vertigo, better
by closing the eyes and a cold stiffening of
her arms and legs, both existing before the
remedy was given. One dose to be taken
when necessary.
Seven months later, frequent Migraine
and trembling of hands. She panics easily,
is restless and feels powerless on the left
side of the body. Third dose.
After 18 months, headache more often.
Now she tells about her clairvoyance since
childhood and feels the pain from other
people and her sympathetic nature and
about people dependent on her for help.
Guilt feeling because of leading a dualistic
life for directing choir at church and using
her special power to help others, which
will not be accepted by the church.
Fourth dose and a month later a dose of
Three months later, no headache.
Comfortably calm. The details about this
plant are discussed and other grass
remedies are mentioned. [The author has
used 25 rubrics – Mac Repertory and
Complete Repertory. This is rather a
mechanical method. = KSS]
44. Medorrhinum a Remedy for Modern
Children Management of Allergic and
Nervous Children
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
BÖHLER, Mirjam (HL. 16, 4/2003)
This is the lecture at 56
Congress of
LIGA in 2001. This is regarding the
successful prescription of Medorrhinum in
42 cases during the period 1988 to 2000,
37 of them children. Various tabular
columns of the cases regarding distribution
of age, frequency of prescription,
diagnoses, birth and infantile development
and related remedies are given.
The author concludes Medorrhinum is
a remedy for wide range of allergic or
atopic children.
1. Homöopathie und Phytotherapie
(Homeopathy and Phytotherapy)
GRIMM, Andreas (ZKH. 48, 4/2004)
2. CERES AG Schweiz und ALCEA
GmbH Deutschland Die Verbindung von
Homöopathie und Phytotherapie
(CERES AG Switzerland and ALCEA
GmbH Germany. The blending of
Homeopathy and Phytotherapy)
UNDORF, Klaus (ZKH. 48, 4/2004)
A medicinal plant as such is neither
homeopathic nor phytotherapic, but it depends
upon its preparation. Similarly the ‘mother-
tincture’ if it is prepared in same manner. In
the case of phyto-therapeutic application the
preparation will be from dry plant parts, while
in respect of homeopathic it will be from fresh
plant parts. However we cannot obtain fresh
plant, we will use the dry ones (e.g. Cinchona
bark). Only when applied in accordance with
the Laws of Similarity, it becomes homeopathic.
CERES uses a specially constructed
apparatus for squeezing out the plants,
pressing, etc., ethanol extraction and
A review of the history of
homeopathic remedy manufacture shows
the long path from HAHNEMANN’s in
the manufacture and dosage of remedy
from the ‘moderate’ prescribing (1796), to
the minute-long succussion (1801) to the
exact preparation of the 50,000 potencies
in the Organon VI (1842). Between these
was big time gap of intensive work, the
remedy preparation and dosage
instructions continuously improved.
A great deal of care goes into
producing CERES and ALCEA mother
tincture. Space and Time (the most
important principles underlying the effect)
are at the focus of attention in preparing
medicinal plants. Pharmacological studies
have shown that the fresh plant tincture
most probably constitutes the most
effective form of preparation of medicinal
plant medication and the most efficient
way of taking the medication. This is
based on the observation that the space
between the molecules of the active
ingredient, which are filled with watery
alcohol, has a significant effect. The same
thing applies with respect to the factor
time: grinding the medicinal plants in a
slow, correct rhythm with a mortar and
pestle leads to a sustained stabilization of
the fluid structure, thus enhancing the
effectiveness of the mother tincture.
Mother tinctures of CERES and ALCEA
are probably the only mother tincture in
the world, which conform not only to the
currently applicable, simplified HAB
(Pharmacopæia) methods - they are also in
full conformity with the original HAB
1. Rapid Induction of Protective
Tolerance to Potential Terrorist
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Agents: A Systematic Review of Low-
and Ultra-low Dose Research
Objective: To systematically review
the literature on the ability of low-dose
(LD) and ultra-low-dose (ULD) toxin
exposure to prevent and treat biological
and chemical threats.
Methods: Laboratory research articles
on protection or treatment from LD or
ULD exposure for the 13 high-risk
chemical and biological warfare threats
were collected and systematically
evaluated for quantity and scientific
quality using pre-defined methodological
Results: Over 2600 articles were
screened. Only five studies met the
inclusion criteria examining stimulation
and protective effects of LD- or ULD-
exposures to the 13 pre-identified
biological and chemical agents. The
quality evaluation (QE) of these studies
was above average with a mean QE score
of 70.6% of maximum. Two articles of
fair to good quality reported both
protective and treatment efficacy from
exposure of
animals or humans to LD- and ULD-
exposures to toxins of risk in biochemical
Conclusion: There is little research on
agents of biological and chemical warfare
investigating the possible use of LD- and
ULD- toxins for protection and treatment.
The existing literature is generally of good
quality and indicates that rapid induction
of protective tolerance is a feasible but
under-investigated approach to bioterrorist
or biowarfare defense. In our opinion,
further research into the role of induced
protection with LD- and ULD- toxic agents
is needed.
2. Homeopathic Proving Symptoms:
Result of a Local, Non-local, or
Placebo Process? A Blinded, Placebo-
controlled Pilot Study
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 4/2004)
Background: Homeopathic
pathogenetic trials (HPTs) (provings) are
the pillar of Homeopathy. Symptoms
experienced by healthy volunteers are used
to find the correct medicine for therapy. It
is unclear whether these symptoms are
specific or due to placebo noise.
Furthermore, it is uncertain whether
proving effects, if present at all, are due to
a local or non-local process.
Objectives: To develop a test model
which allows for testing if homeopathic
proving symptoms are caused by placebo
or causative mechanisms, and if these
symptoms are due to local or non-local
Design: Randomised, blinded,
placebo-controlled, parallel-group study,
with 1-week baseline and 2-weeks proving
Subjects: 11 healthy volunteers from
two different homeopathic schools.
Proving substance: A homeopathic
medicine (Cantharis 30), blindly chosen
from 12 potential medicines, compared to
Outcome measure: Number of
symptoms typical for the medicine in the
experimental and control group during
baseline and proving period.
Results: During baseline there was no
difference in the number of typical or
atypical symptoms in either group. During
the proving period, both more typical
symptoms for Cantharis (P=0.03) and
more atypical symptoms (P=0.02) were
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
observed compared to baseline. Between-
group differences were not significant.
Effect sizes for the difference between the
proving and control group for typical
symptoms was d=0.4, and for atypical
symptoms d=0.6.
Discussion: This proving model could be
valuable in studying the validity of proving
symptoms of homeopathic substances in
healthy volunteers.
Conclusion: Homeopathic proving
symptoms appear to be specific to the
medicine and do not seem to be due to a
local process. Since this was a pilot study
using a small number of provers, rival
hypotheses cannot be ruled out and the
study needs replication.
3. The Placebo-controlled Trial as a Test
of Complementary and Alternative
Medicine: Observations from Research
Experience of Individualised
Homeopathic Treatment
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 4/2004)
The authors’ experience of conducting
clinical trials in Homeopathy and
analysing data from these has drawn
attention to a fundamental problem with
the interpretation of results from placebo
controlled trials in Homeopathy: It is not
reasonable to assume that the specific
effects of homeopathic medicine and the
non-specific effects of consultations are
independent of each other - specific effects
of the medicine (as manifested by patients’
reactions) may influence the nature of
subsequent consultations and the non-
specific effects of the consultation may
enhance or diminish the effects of the
For clinical trials of Homeopathy to be
accurate representations of practice, we
need modified designs that take into
account the complexity of the
homeopathic intervention. Only with such
trials will the results be generalisable to
homeopathic practice in the real world.
The authors propose that comparative trials
are a meaningful way of evaluating the
effectiveness of homeopathic treatment.
[All the tests for evidence are generally
modelled after the Hegemony Medicine -
Allopathy. Medicine’ is taken to
exclusively mean the Allopathic System.
All the other time-tested, people-friendly,
less cumbersome, far less cost, non-
invasive methodologies are lumped
together as ‘Complementary Medicine’,
‘Alternative Medicine’. For two hundred
years, if not more, Homeopathy has been
curing, including many so-called
incurables. As many years since there
have been enough and more ‘evidences’,
but they are not accepted. Ever and more
repeatedly ‘evidence’ is demanded. In this
very journal there have been, over the
years, several papers published to
‘evidence’ yet in this journal again such
papers are published. = KSS]
4. Repertory and the Symptom Loquacity:
Some Results From A Pilot Study on
Likelihood Ratio
Treatment outcome in a pilot study
indicates that it is possible to assess
likelihood ratios of homeopathic
symptoms. Entries in Repertory rubrics
can be validated, but must still be handled
carefully. Prospective research is the only
acceptable way. Software to support this
research must be carefully designed to
export correct data.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
5. Effect of Atropa belladonna and
Echinacea angustifolia in
Homeopathic Dilution on
Experimental Peritonitis
K.S.; MASSOCO C de O and
93, 4/2004)
Atropa belladonna and Echinacea
angustifolia have been used in
Homeopathy as modulators of
inflammatory processes, in simple potency
or ‘accord of potencies’, as recommended
by homotoxicology. We evaluated their
effects on leukocyte migration and
macrophage activity induced by
experimental Peritonitis in vivo. Mice were
injected (i.p.) with LPS (1.0mg/kg) and
treated (0.3ml/10g/day, s.c.) with different
commercial forms of these medicines.
Echinacea angustifolia D4 a simple
potency preparation and Belladonna
homaccord, Belladonna injeel, Belladona
injeel forte, Echinacea injeel and
Echinacea injeel forte- all in ‘accord of
potencies’ – were tested.
The association of Atropa belladonna
and Echinacea angustifolia in accord of
potencies’ produced an increase of
polymorphonuclear cell migration
(Kruskal-Wallis, P=0.03) and a decrease
of mononuclear cell percentages (Kruskal-
Wallis, P 0.04), when compared with
control, mainly in preparations containing
low potencies. The proportion of
degenerate leukocytes was lower in the
treated groups, compared to a control
group (P 0.05). The treated groups
showed increased phagocytosis (P 0.05),
mainly in preparations containing high
potencies. Our results suggest that Atropa
belladonna and Echinacea angustifolia,
when prepared in ‘accord of potencies’,
modulate peritoneal inflammatory reaction
and have a cytoprotective action on
6. On the Dynamics of Water Molecules
at the Protein Solute Interfaces
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 4/2004)
Proteins, with the large variety of
chemical groups they present at their
molecular surface, are a class of molecules
which can be very informative on most of
the possible solute-solvent interactions.
Hen egg white lysozyme has been used as
a probe to investigate the complex solvent
dynamics occurring at the protein surface,
by analysing the results obtained from
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, X-ray
diffractometry and Molecular Dynamics
simulations. A consistent overall picture
for the dynamics of water molecules close
to the protein is obtained, suggesting that a
rapid exchange occurs, in a picosecond
timescale, among all the possible hydration
surface sites both in solution and the solid
state, excluding the possibility that solvent
molecules can form liquid-crystal-like
supramolecular adducts, which have been
proposed as a molecular basis of 'memory
of water'.
7. A Preliminary Audit Investigating Remedy
Reactions Including Adverse Events in Routine
Homeopathic Practice
Homeopathic medicines are regarded
as safe but practitioners report several
types of healing or remedy reactions
including aggravations, new symptoms and
recurrence of old symptoms, some of
which could be regarded as side effects or
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
unwanted effects. Some remedy reactions
may be regarded as adverse events.
Audit Questions: Do such reactions
occur within our unit, and if so, how
frequently? Do patients regard these events
as “adverse”?
Methods: The audit was carried out in
the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital
Outpatient Department. All patients were
given a questionnaire to complete when at
their first follow-up consultation approx 6-
10 weeks after their first appointment.
One hundred and sixteen patients were
sampled over a 2-month period.
Results: Reactions were frequent: 28
out of the 116 (24%) patients, experienced
an aggravation.
Thirteen patients (11%) reported an
adverse event even though 5 of those were
patients who also reported an aggravation
followed by an overall improvement of
their symptoms. Thirty-one patients
described new symptoms (27%) and
21(18%), a return of old symptoms. Those
experiencing the latter appeared to have
better outcomes.
Conclusions: Remedy reactions are
common in clinical practice; some patients
experience them as adverse events.
Systematically recording side effects
would facilitate our understanding of these
reactions and would enable standards to be
set for audit of information and patient
8. Homeopathic Treatment of Radiation-
induced Itching in Breast Cancer
Patients. A Prospective
Observational Study
93, 4/2004)
Following surgery for Carcinoma of
the breast, patients receive local
Radiotherapy. This can cause itching,
which may be severe, in the radiation field.
The affected skin usually is dry, rough and
red. Twenty-five patients were treated
homeopathically for radiation-induced
itching. Fourteen patients developed
itching during their course of post-
operative radiation at 27 days median
(range: 14-40). Eleven patients
experienced itching in the radiation field
after completion of treatment (median 21
days) after the end of their radiation
treatment. A single dose of an individually
selected homeopathic medicine in 30
dilution was given in the clinic, on the
basis of repertorisation. Patients were
asked to record a visual analogue scale
(VAS) before prescription of the
homeopathic medicine and at follow-up.
Patients were evaluated at median 3
days (range: 1-27 days) after
administration of the homeopathic
medicine. In total, 14 of 25 patients (56%)
responded to the first medicine. Nine
patients had a second medicine, seven
responded. Altogether 21 of 25 (84%)
patients were successfully treated. The
following medicines were employed
successfully: Fl-ac 9/13, Rhus-t 3/5, Caust
2/3, Ign 2/2, Psor 2/2, .γ.-ray 2/2 and Kali-
bi. 1/1. The VAS measurements before
and after homeopathic treatment showed a
reduction of the median value of 64 mm
(range: 20-100mm) to 34 mm (median;
range: 0-84mm). Homeopathic treatment
of radiation-induced itching appears quite
successful. The most frequently indicated
and most frequently effective medicine
was Fluoric acid. An
approach that allows greater understanding
of the patient as a whole in the short time
available in a busy clinic may be required.
Three cases are presented.
Case 1: 62-year-old woman with Stage
1 Breast Cancer and Post-operative
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
radiation of right breast. The skin is dry,
hot and itchy
. Worse at night because of
warmth of bed clothes and hot flushes. >
by cold water. Fagopyrum 30. 4 days
later, no change. Fluoric acid 30. 3 days
later, 60% better.
Case 2: 59-year-old woman with Stage
1 Cancer of right breast, reported itching of
irradiated skin on the 30
day. The skin
was dry, red and itching and better by cold
application. Fluoric acid 30 and itching
stopped after 4 hours and has not come
Case 3: 44-year-old woman with Stage
0 Cancer of left breast. The nipple of the
irradiated breast hurt and itched. Skin was
rough and itching <warmth. >cold shower.
Fluoric acid 30. Next day no change.
Rhus tox 30. Three days later, substantial
9. Research suggests Homeopathy is
Clinically Effective (HT. 24, 2/2004)
There is a growing body of research
demonstrating that Homeopathy does work!
The following is a compilation of major studies
from the past two decades.
Hay Fever and Allergic Asthma
Results from a group of researchers in
Scotland have shown homeopathic
preparations effective in the treatment of
Allergic Asthma and Hay Fever (Lancet,
1986 and 1994). Their most recent study
in the British Medical Journal (2000)
showed that Hay Fever sufferers given a
homeopathic preparation had a 28%
improvement in nasal airflow compared to
Influenza and Fibrositis
Homeopathy has also been found
effective for the treatment of Influenza
(British Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, 1989) and Fibrositis
(British Medical Journal, 1989).
The May 1994 issue of Paediatrics
published a randomized double-blind
clinical trial showing Homeopathy
effective in the treatment of acute
childhood diarrhea. This was the first
study of Homeopathy published in a
mainstream peer-reviewed American
Medical Journal. Since that time, the
authors have published a second study
confirming these results in the Journal of
Alternative and Complementary
Medicine (March 2000).
Head injury studies
A study in an AMA publication,
Archives of Otolaryngology Head and
neck Surgery (August 1998), found that a
homeopathic medicine produced a
reduction in symptoms that was equivalent
to conventional medicine in the treatment
of patients with vertigo. The National
Institutes of Health Office of Alternative
Medicine funded a double-blind, placebo-
controlled study on the homeopathic
treatment of mild traumatic brain injury
which found a significant improvement in
some of the measures used. (Journal of
Head Trauma Rehabilitation, December
Miscellaneous studies
More recently, a study of Homeopathy
for Acute Otitis Media in children found a
significant decrease in symptoms within
the first 24 hours of treatment. (Pediatric
Infectious Disease Journal, February
2001). There have also been several
studies showing no difference between
Homeopathy and placebo in the treatment
of dental pain (British Medical Journal,
1995), muscle soreness in long-distance
runners (Clinical Journal of Pain, 1998),
and Rheumatoid Arthritis (Rheumatology,
A meta-analysis combining results
from the two diarrhea studies above and a
third pilot project found highly significant
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
results (Pediatric Infectious Disease
Journal, 2003).
The Lancet (1997) published a
comprehensive review of 89 double-blind
and placebo-controlled studies on
Homeopathy. On average, those patients
who were given a homeopathic medicine
were 2.45 times more likely to experience
a therapeutically beneficial result than
those patients given a placebo.
The British Medical Journal (1991)
published a meta-analysis of 107 clinical
trials of Homeopathy; of the 22 best-
quality studies, 15 showed positive results
in conditions such as Hay Fever, Influenza,
Migraine headache, Trauma, and duration
of delivery.
The nature of remedies
Several different physical-chemistry
techniques have reproducibly
demonstrated that, despite the lack of
source molecules at dilutions beyond
Avogadro’s number (at potencies higher
than 12C), homeopathic remedies
prepared with succussion do possess
measurable ordered differences in their
solvent structure compared with plain
solvent (Journal of Alternative &
Complementary Medicine, 2003; Annals
of the New York Academy of Sciences,
1999; Physica A: Statistical mechanics
and its applications, 2003).
200 years of use
Homeopathy has stood the test of time
with literally millions of satisfied patients
world-wide. More research will surely
further confirm its efficacy.
10. The General Iteration Theory of
Homeopathic Potentisation
The Iterative Paradox of Potentised
ZOEBL, August (HL. 16, 4/2003)
The General Iteration Theory shows the
(quantum) physical basis of potentising and
explains how there can be effects when there is
no substance and why potentised remedies:
Get amplified despite dilution
Do not follow the Law of Mass Action
Are independent of Avogadro’s
Iteration is a process where in a
feedback loop the result of the last step
becomes the initial condition of the next so
that at the end of the process all preceding
steps are contained in the final result.
Iteration is a well-known process in
Chaos Theory and Quantum Physics with
its non-linear equations.
11. Avogadro’s Number and Homeopathy
MOROZOV A. (HL. 16, 4/2003)
Experimental data show that dissolving
substrate changes a chemical composition
of impurities in a solvent and these
changes are specific for dissolving
substances. Due to this fact, an organism
can ‘know’ about the appearance of a
dangerous compound in the environment
before-hand by changes in impurities in the
basic component of the environment
(water, air, food). Homeopathic
potentisation disrupts the link between
excess concentration of a dangerous
substance and changed composition of
impurities. As it is shown in the
experiments, the changes in patterns of the
components of impurities are presented in
very low concentrations, when even single
molecules of a primary substance are
absent. Hence, the reaction of the
organism on the changed pattern of
components of impurities in a
homeopathic remedy is a response to the
absence of a toxic agent in a remedy.
12. Improving the Success of Homeopathy – 4
Or Why is it so difficult to prove how good
we are?
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
KOSTER, Dick (HL. 16, 4/2003)
The author explores the various possibilities
of why we are not able to prove the effects we see
in daily practice and suggests that we should be
looking more for the things we don’t know and
explore our terra incognita, filling in all the
white spots instead of proving how good we are.
1. A Sound and Reliable Witness:
Wilhelm AMEKE
MORRELL, Peter (AJHM. 97,
This short piece brings to the attention
of others the useful work of Wilhelm
AMEKE from his little known book A
History of Homeopathy. Being out of
print for over a century and hard to obtain,
this useful text illuminates
HAHNEMANN’s life in a fresh and
masterful way. This is an interim piece
Mr. MORRELL compiled recently for
some lectures, and which will be extended
as time permits. In due course, it is hoped
that the full text of AMEKE might be
placed online where all can admire its
many gems. This selection mostly focuses
upon AMEKE’s description of
HAHNEMANN’s views on many clinical
matters and snippets regarding the origin
of Homeopathy. It also highlights what is
unusual, important and remarkable in his
character as a physician. [It would be a
great service if the work of AMEKE is
placed ‘on line’ = KSS]
1. Keeping Homeopathy Education
Searching for Issues
HOWDEN, Ian (HL. 16, 4/2003)
The potentially radical idea floated in
this paper is that ‘contemporary’
Homeopathy students need a broader
education and include Naturopathy, Herbal
medicine, Phytotherapy, Massage and
Nutrition. This can only strengthen our
understanding and practice of our
The author encourages students to find
examples of the principle ‘like cures like’
in fields
beyond the boundaries of Homeopathy as
found in Biomedicine Hormesis and in
Systems Theory – Harmonics.
The corroboration of the information in
Materia Medica from the non-
homeopathic world is another aspect of
this paper. Information about each remedy
gleaned from Science, Mythology, Popular
culture and many other sources has been
given in the recent publication of Prisma’
(VERMEULEN, 2002).
The author concludes homeopathic
education must continue to encourage a
spirit of enquiry in order that the valuable
additions to our knowledge from other
disciplines may be used to enhance our
field. [HAHNEMANN has said that the
curative powers of a medicine can be
known only by proving what that medicine
is capable of producing in a healthy
person; and in no other way. Imaginations,
stories etc. will only be ‘junk’ information
in so far as homeopathic therapeutics is
concerned. = KSS]
1. Fontane und die Homöopathie
(FONTANE and Homeopathy)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
SAUERBECK, Hare Otto (AHZ. 249,
In FONTANE’s works Homeopathy
plays a great part where medical actions
are described although the author himself
had not used Homeopathy for himself. He
does not make any allusion to
Homeopathy in his verses. But he speaks
of it in his Novels with exact knowledge
(FONTANE was an Apothecary) of the
primitive traditional Homeopathy of
female herbalists in “Der Stechlin”, and as
well as HAHNEMANN’s doctrine in
“Unwiederbringlich” (irremediable). He
takes into consideration more points of
view than the other writers of his time.
The reader is much impressed of his
discussions and portrayal of the persons
and discusses them, though all seem, at
first sight, as small-talk uttered in Society
for pastime. The present day reader sees
that Homeopathy occupied the Victorian
2. Stress-proof your daily life
OWEN, Jonice (HT. 24, 1/2004)
To help build a strong immune system
that can deal with everyday stresses more
easily, the author who is also a Chiro-
practitioner suggests the following
- Daily exercise is essential to disperse
- Breathing deeply and evenly
- Eat good food in moderation. Cut out
refined, processed foods. Cut caffeinated
and carbonated drinks.
- Before sleep turn off all phones and
leave TV and Computer outside the room.
- Proper posture will decrease stress to
your muscles and reduce wear and tear on
your joints. Follow the rule of 90-degree
angles while sitting.
- Worn out shoes cause bio-mechanical
- Build some relaxation time into your
- Limit TV time before bed.
3. We need a remedy
SMITH, Jennifer and JENSEN, Carol
(SIM. XVII, 4/2004)
Technology and other discoveries have
accelerated many aspects of our lives and also
catapulted us into uncharted territory. The
practice of Homeopathy has remained steady
but with different techniques of prescribing.
What has not held steady is the
acceptance or non-acceptance of it as a
legitimate medical practice.
The authors appeal to the homeopaths
to prove the legitimacy by offering in what
they are good at to the profession.
4. Future Psychology A New Paradigm
of Man
PANDEY, Alok (NAMAH. 11,
In the latter part of the 20
arose new paradigms in many aspect of life
including and mostly on the health and
well-being of mankind. Understanding the
past, the future and the lessons to be learnt
and further elevation have been subject of
many thinkers including the great
physicians from Erwin SCHROEDINGER
to EINSTEIN and further.
In India we have great thinkers in this
area and one of the foremost is Sri
AUROBINDO. The author of this article
Dr. Alok PANDEY is a Psychiatrist and
Editor of the journal NAMAH (New
Approaches to Medicine and Health).
In the recent years homeopaths of
repute have shown great interest in
In this interesting article Dr. PANDEY
says that while in the past Psychology
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
focused on Man’s atavistic, unconscious
past, the yogic wisdom of India focuses on
the Super Conscious that hold’s one’s
potentialities that are yet to manifest. At
any moment in Time, man is not only
propelled by the
unconscious forces of the nadir but also
influenced by the superconscient forces of
the zenith. A Psychology of the future is
needed to span the hierarchies of
5. The Individuation Process and Care of
the Self
The author is a clinical Psychologist
practicing Jungian.
This paper is about the care of Self. It
is observed that there is an evolution of
consciousness and that, today, we are
being asked to make a quantum leap in
consciousness. Some comments on the
contemporary ‘spirit of the times’ and its
pathology, are made. Then JUNG’s path
of individuation which has two aspects,
one involving the search for vocation and
surrender to a higher will and the other
involving Alchemy and in-depth
transformation of Nature with the goal of
realizing the chthonic (of, belonging to, or
inhabiting the underworld) Spirit.
6. Health Management
PANDEY, Alok (NAMAH. 12,
This small article is based on the
Philosophy of Sri AUROBINDO and the
Can an individual take care of his or
her own health? Nowadays, it is certainly
in vogue. Health is in our own hands.
This article discusses the various aspects of
health management with an in-look.
1. Homeopathic Diagnosis:
DIMITRIADIS, Hahnemann Institute
Sidney. 2004. ISBN 0-646-43380-6. 159
pages Paperback. $79 (AU). Review by
George GUESS. (AJHM. 97, 4/2004):
“The goal of the homeopath in pursuit of
the suitable homeopathic diagnosis is to
identify symptom(s), which when
sufficiently defined in all of its essential
characteristics, accurately reflects the
essential nature of the patient’s disease
“Part One - Conceptual” covers many
additional aspects of the history,
construction, conceptualization and
application of the Therapeutic Pocket
Part two Practical, provides a large
number of case studies analysed
using the TBR and cases in which remedy
concordances helped identify the
The case taking approach is the precise
definition of the chief complaint or complaints,
which itself alone (or in conjunction with one or
two concomitant symptoms) - again, if
adequately expressed - serves to sufficiently
represent the patient’s illness.
This book is ripe with fascinating
clinical observations and an example is his
resurrection of the utility of sequence of
febrile symptoms in achieving accurate
remedy selection.
In analysis DIMITRIADIS ranks
highest those remedies displaying both the
highest number of rubrics and surprisingly
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
the greatest consistency of remedy grading
through the rubrics chosen.
The book closes with three interesting
appendices - “The sources of our Materia
Medica,” “Primary and Secondary
Reactions”, and “Facsimiles: The
Repertorial lineage of TBR”.
“I strongly recommend this book to all
practicing homeopaths and homeopathic
students. I believe that it will some day be
regarded as a classic homeopathic text.
“Homeopathic Diagnosis” is a work of
impeccable scholarship and a perfect
companion piece to TBR, almost essential,
in my opinion for the proper application of
2. Homeopathy: How it Really Works
by Jay W. SHELTON Amherst NY:
Prometheus Books. 2004. Paper back
(6"x 9") 319 pages. ISBN 1-59102-109
X $ 22. Review by George GUESS.
(AJHM. 97, 4/2004): “If your belief in the
curative efficacy of homeopathic medicine
is at all fragile, be wary of reading this
book! It should, perhaps, be more aptly
named “Homeopathy; Does it really
work?” ... He questions the precision with
which we can reliably attribute a symptom
to the remedy as opposed to other factors,
bringing into focus the especially
improbable assertion that everything that
transpires in a proving subject is the result
of the remedy (an
assertion I have doubted for some time)”
[One’s doubts are endless. One who has
read HAHNEMANN’s own Cinchona
Proving will see how he, HAHNEMANN,
concluded that whatever transpired after
his taking the infusion of the Peruvian bark
were due to that only. Moreover,
according to our understanding whatever
that transpired which were unusual,
uncommon, in so far as that Prover was
concerned alone were reckoned as
“Proving symptom”. This was
HAHNEMANN’s method. He asked
question to the left and right” and after
ensuring that these symptoms came up
only after taking the proving medicine, he
entered them. Whether this same
exactitude can be said of latter day
Provings and more so of the Provings with
the medicine packet under the pillow or
symptoms from holding a vial (of Proving
substance) in hand, is an open question.
The “fringe Provings” are not
Homeopathy, let us be clear about it. =
3. New Lights: Lectures on Homeopathy and
Philosophy, Dr. E.S. RAJENDRAN, published by
Mohna Publications, P.B. No. 1, Kayanna (P.O.)
Calicut 673526. Rs. 500/- Review by D.E.
MISTRY (CCR. 11, 2/2004): “This is a book in
which Dr. RAJENDRAN has given a collection
of a series of lectures which he has been doing
for homeopathic students and postgraduates.
However it is a book that should be read very
slowly though senior practitioner may well find
it fit to omit the chapters on Philosophy and
evolutionary history.”
4. Teachings Psychiatric Patients Pure
Classical Homeopathy by Andre SAINE. B. Jain
Publishers (P) Ltd. 2004. Rs. 300/- Review by D.E.
MISTRY (CCR. 11, 2/2004): “The publishers
have brought out in one bound edition both
parts of Dr. SAINE’s book. In Part I, which
runs up to 336 pages deals entirely with
psychiatric patients. He begins his psychiatric
lectures by a full article on what is known as the
HERING’s Law and he has attempted not only
to understand the Law but has attempted to find
out how psychosomatic diseases fit in HERING’s
Law. ... In every chapter Dr. SAINE gives
examples of cured cases by GRIMMER,
BULLER and others In Part II which is pure
classical Homeopathy covering almost 179
pages, he has repeated his chapters on
HERING’s Law and has then given
classification of symptoms, presenting symptoms
of the disease and the aspect of skin eruptions at
the end of the cure. ... deals with case taking,
case analysis and case management with
relevant quotations from various aphorisms of
the Organon. He has specifically mentioned
paragraphs that deal with dissimilar diseases,
treatment of severe acute situations, and
different stages of infectious diseases and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
different indispositions. Here he has mentioned
many case reports. ... Part III of this section
deals exclusively with evaluation of symptoms.
an excellent book for all of us to read which I
think we should read again and yet again.”
5. The Homeopathic Proving of Lac maternum.
HEATHERLY, Patricia. Amamusus
Publications 2002. Є22. Review by HARRY van
der Zee. (HL. 16, 4/2003): Lac maternum is
made from the milk of nine women collected
from day three to ten months following
In her book, she starts by giving information
on milk and the change in its constituents during
the lactation period.
The second and major part of the book is
about the proving. Five themes:
Disconnection between the Spirit and the
physical body
Alternating states and sides
Confusion of mind
Indifference; detachment
Heightened senses; sensitive to.
The author then continues with a synthesis
Tinus SMIT’s picture of Lac maternum.
I. In the Editorial (ZKH. 48, 4/2004)
Klaus HOLZAPFEL refers to the increased
interest in von BENNINGHAUSEN’s
Therapeutic Pocket Book, in the recent
years. The modern repertories have
become so voluminous and contain several
errors and it is felt by many that von
BENNINGHAUSEN is more dependable.
In so far as KENT Repertory is concerned
much errors that crept into the translations
from German to English, and also the
Therapeutic Pocket Book itself from
which KENT drew much contained many
errors. In the recent past PATEL’s version
of KENT Repertory carried out many
errors pointed out in the several issues of
the ZKH. as well as correction to SR. and
SY. The interpretations given by
SEHGAL regarding the ‘Mind’ symptoms
in the KENT as well as in the SR has
motivated a careful examination of the
correctness of the entries in the several
repertories extant.
With regard to the revision of the
Therapeutic Pocket book much doubts
have to be cleared. For example,
BENNINGHAUSEN prescribed to many
during his tours of the countryside and
whom he did not meet further, how far
these can be verified’? He also repeated,
or followed with other remedies at short
intervals, gave intercurrent remedies, had
‘fixed’ course of remedies - series, follow-
up, etc. How much of these can be taken
into the Repertory?
Confusions in remedy names, grades,
etc. must be cleared; after these
corrections, KENT could be taken up.
II. In a Letter to the Editor Klaus
HOLZAPFEL refers to some
interpretations of SEHGAL (LANG, in
ZKH. 48, 3/2004. p 141-142). The
symptom ‘alert’ is based on the Proving
Symptoms Nos. 83, 91, 94 in
Encyclopaedia of T.F. ALLEN, which is a
response to crude doses of Opium. As far
the rubric Recognises everything but
cannot move’, this too needs to be
examined with the proving and verified
symptom complex.
III. A prize of Є1000 has been announced
for a single person or group for significant
contribution for research on
HAHNEMANN’s life, establishment of
Homeopathy as an acknowledged curative
method, popularization of Homeopathy
through interdisciplinary scientific work.
This Prize is in celebration of the 250
year of birth of the founder of
Homeopathy, Dr. Christian Fredrich
Samuel HAHNEMANN and offered by his
birth town Meissen. The Prize is of the
Porcelain manufactury Großer Meißner
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Globulus” funded by the State Porcelain
Manufacturers Meißen.
The relevant recommendation should
be not more than two A4 size pages and
should be sent before 31.01.2005.” (ZKH.
48, 4/2004)
IV. The Board of Directors of NCH
congratulates Julian WINSTON for
completing 20 years as Editor of
Homeopathy Today. (HT. 24, 1/2004)
V. Remedies prepared according to the
methodologies peculiar to Homeopathy
can be called ‘homeopathic’ only if they
have been prescribed according to the Law
of Similars and have cured the patient.
From the Editor … Julian WINSTON (HT.
24, 1/2004)
VI. Flu Vaccine Facts. The Flu vaccine is
prepared from the fluids of chick embryos
inoculated with specific types of Influenza
virus. It only protects against the three
specific viral strains that are included in
any given year’s Flu vaccine.
The most common reactions which
begin within 12 hours of vaccination are
fever, fatigue, painful joints, and headache.
The most serious affection is Guillain-
Barre Syndrome.
Vulnerable groups for serious
complications from Flu are pregnant
women and the elderly.
A Live-virus Nasal Flu Vaccine was
approved in June 2003 for healthy people
between the ages 5 and 49. This nasal-
spray vaccine is squirted up the nose and
contains a diluted, live virus that could
endanger people with weak immune
systems. (HT. 24, 1/2004)
VII. Promoting Homeopathy at the Grassroots
(HT. 24, 2/2004) National Center for
Homeopathy (NCH) was founded in 1974 and is
not-for-profit. It has the largest grassroots
membership in US. The magazine Homeopathy
Today published by NCH is widely read and is
available online. More than 150 study groups are
affiliated to NCH. NCH conducts annual
conferences with plethora of homeopathic experts.
NCH conducts weekend and week-long summer
school courses. NCH Website
VIII. Homeopathy it’s
transformational! From the Editor Julian
WINSTON, (HT. 24, 2/2004) The visit to
Dr. Raymond SEIDEL in 1971 changed
the life of Julian WINSTON. The first
transformation was the realization that
non-dependence on many over-the-counter
drugs, as the conditions went away after
homeopathic medicine and never came
The second transformation was that he
slowed down. Gained new tolerance for
people whom he used to find annoying.
Homeopathy changed his outlook and his
life. [I’m sure that many of us will aver to
this = KSS].
IX. Whereas much has been written from
time immemorial on the heroism of
partisans in war and epics have been
written, the fact remains that much cruelty
and wanton destruction happen in any war.
HAHNEMANN said war is a disease. The
world has seen the brutality of Hydrogen
and Plutonium bombs on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. We read of the destruction by
Napam bombs in the Vietnam War. And
now in the Iraq war the criminality of
using the White Phosphorus! (See The
Hindu, Nov. 23, 2005) Documentary
broadcast was made in the Italian Network
RAI called Falluja: The Hidden
Massacre. “It claimed that the corpses in
the pictures it ran showed strange injuries,
some burnt to the bone, others with skin
hanging from the flesh The faces have
literally melted away, just like other parts
of the body. The clothes are strangely
intact.” White Phosphorus is an illegal
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
How can one be so heartless, so
vicious! And who are the ‘scientists’ who
do such researches as to produce such
horrendous weaponry? No scientist worth
his salt should be a party to such
inventions. = KSS
X. Most money does not come from just
armament sale, which seems to be
America’s main industry, but by creating
scares of epidemics. For example, says
Maneka GANDHI in her article ‘Fear
Factor’ (The New Sunday Express, Dec.
11, 2005) “Bird Flu, the latest scare
“perpetrated by the American government
and the Pharmaceutical companies.” She
writes - “In eight years since the H5N1
Virus was supposedly detected in poultry
birds, 53 people have died - 37 in Vietnam,
12 in Thailand and 4 in Cambodia. Seven
thousand people the world over are struck
by lightning-strike. [As many thousands
still die of Typhoid = KSS] Are 54 deaths
an epidemic - or worse still a Pandemic?
Billions of dollars are amassed by the
Pharmaceutical Companies which hold the
patent for so-called vaccinations against
‘Bird Flu’. Many of the high level
members of the Government in America
are in the Pharmaceutical trade. For each
vial of the ‘vaccine’ Tamiflu sold there is
royalty. “WHO warns of human Flu
pandemic. How many cases reported in
Europe so far by WHO? Not one. The
only thing that is mutating is the
propaganda line, and the resulting fear
So where do all these point to?
Money-making by simply creating a panic.
And the ‘scientific’ community play along
with these people!
XI. Surviving The Monsoon, Kalpana
SHARMA (The Hindu, Chennai, 17 June,
2005): In the remote rural areas and tribal
hamlets there is no access to health care as
such especially to the poor. It is these
people who need health care the most, but
in fact are deprived of it. Some NGOs
have been doing very dedicated service in
these areas, quietly.
During the monsoon season, there is a
spurt in the number of child deaths,
especially of infants within the first 28
days of their birth. The Infant Mortality
Rate (IMR) is 68 per 1000 live births at
Decentralised health care seems to be a
good answer to the rural health problems.
This involves local women. Accredited
Social Health Activists (ASHAs), as they
will be termed.
The pioneers in this work is the doctor
couple Rani and Abhay BANG, and their
organization, Society for Education,
Action and Research in Community Health
(SEARCH) based in the tribal-dominated
Gadchiroli district.
Recognising the problems, the BANGs
trained village women as Village Health
Workers (VHWs). It was observed that it
was neonatal mortality that was pushing up
the IMR figures. One of the crucial factors
causing death, apart from Asphyxia during
the birthing process and low birth weight,
was Pneumonia.
The BANGs work has reduced the
mortality significantly. Their work was
recognized internationally.
The one important factor that has a
particular bearing on rural health mission,
in the experience of the BANGs is the
selection Of Village Health Worker
(VHW), selection of the right person
“probably the single most important
decision for ensuring success at the
community level”. The BANGs involved
the community in selecting the VHWs.
The VHWs were all women. They were
well-trained. Supervision every 15 days
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
was built into the programme. The
VHW’s salary was pegged at an amount
marginally higher than what she could earn
as an agricultural labourer. This ensured
that only the poorer women applied for the
job. They were trained in routine ailments
even in adults and not just in infants.
By picking up and training women
from the villages where the problem
occurs, the BANGs have shown a practical
way to deal with the problem of lack of
access to health care. [It is high time that
the Homeopathy practicing community
rises up to the occasion and provide similar
health care in rural areas, with
Homeopathy. Don’t we have young
talents, committed to the welfare of the
poor who need the health care the most.
And is not Homeopathy the most cost
effective? = KSS]
XII. Health care and Homeopathy.
Where do we fit? (HT. 23, 10/2003, 24,
1/2004): ‘Notes from the Board of
Director’, NCH says that homeopathic
community is composed of numerous
constituencies, each with its own agenda
and needs; “in this way it is not dissimilar
to the way it was in the 1880s” [When
Constantin HERING passed away = KSS]
Paul STARR in his 1984 Pulitzer prize
winning book The Social Transformation
of American Medicine while analyzing
the rise and fall of Homeopathy in the
U.S. says that “divisions within the
homeopathic school caused a crisis of
identity - with some homeopathic
practitioners becoming too politically
extreme to communicate to the rest of the
medical world and others being slowly co-
opted, eventually evolving into allopaths
Several questions are raised by the
‘Board of Directors’ of the NCH of
licensing of Homeopathy because of other
disciplines within (Medical Doctors,
Osteopathic physicians, Chiro-practice
physicians, Nurse Practitioners, etc.).
There are also questions of clinical drug
trials. Can we embrace completely, the
slowly emerging changes in the Health
Care and can we maintain our identity as
In reference to the above Robert
STEWART writes that the allopathic
Medicine has become a world, a world
unto itself, and as if everything must
fit within its view, and everyone is forced
to frame their discourse in terms of it.
[The recent Lancet condemnation of
Homeopathy is most relevant in this
context = KSS.] This coup by Allopathy
has been made by the Licensing Laws [In
India although the licensing is separate and
exclusive, the “medical education” is
mostly embracing Allopathy and the
licensed homeopathic doctor wishes to be
recognised within this hegemonic group of
‘Doctors’. The present trend in India of
Post Graduate degrees in several branches
- Pharmacology, Gynaecology, etc. -
would lead to these becoming a mongrel
group = KSS]. Robert STEWART rightly
calls attention to the fact that medical
licensing laws were never put in place by
consumers looking for protection … but by
a medical profession seeking to establish
positions of power and privilege.
“An aware, egalitarian, and pluralistic
society should find all medical licensing
laws abhorrent. It has to do with a basic
constitutional understanding of the
difference between inalienable rights and
practitioner freedoms.”
XIII. President’s Message. FRYE,
Joyce (AJHM. 97, 4/2004) There was a
two-day conference on the homeopathic
treatment of the patient with Pneumonia
led by Andre SAINE. He provided two
full days of cured cases of Pneumonia
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
from his own practice as well as the
historical literature with the remedies
removed so the audience could work
through the remedy selection with him.
The cases focused primarily on physical
signs and symptoms for both baseline
assessment and follow-up e.g. changes in
fever, pulse rate and temperature along
with the usual search for peculiar
symptoms and without the “psychobabble
that has come to dominate too much of
modern Homeopathy.” It is said that
“200,000 people are hospitalized annually,
and 36,000 die from Influenza each year.”
XIV. Hahnemann Monument
Restoration Report. CHASE, Sandra
(AJHM. 97, 4/2004) The project started on
15 September 2004. Colored mosaic glass
to renovate the arch was obtained from Ori
Colorati from Italy. Several formulations
of grout were made to match what is there
on the arch. The Senior Conservator Judy
JACOB is in charge of the work.
XV. Homeopathy and Spirituality: A Practical
View TESSLER, Neil (SIM. XVII, 4/2004) The
author recognized Spirituality in the Philosophy
when he became interested in Homeopathy
thirty years ago. It seemed to him there was a
natural harmony between a spiritual point of
view and Homeopathy as a system of medicine.
Certainly, a spiritual consideration of the
implications of Homeopathy, will be found in
the writings and thinking of every major
homeopath from HAHNEMANN, through
A journey down into the assumptions, notions,
interpretations, sensations and images that form our
inner world can be as startling, awesome and
liberating as transcendent visions of light, love and
truth reaching down to us.
The personal journey to wholeness of the
physician becomes a significant and practical
intersection of Spirituality and Homeopathy. It
requires only the willingness to do the exploration
we expect of our patients.
XVI. CHC Exam preparation SHORR, Heidi
(SIM. XVII, 4/2004) Instructions for the
preparation for the examination of Council for
Homeopathic Certification are given. A case is
54-year-old man with a lively, chatty
presentation. Pain in testicles as being squashed.
More on left side. Worse by tight clothing. First
started on waking in the morning one day. Feeling
as if bed is sinking on the left side on waking.
History of Rheumatic Fever as a child with weak
heart. Occasional chest pain extending to left
axilla. Fear of water.
Analysis: The center of gravity in the case is
physical. No predominant indications of any
typical miasmatic patterns. What needs to be
healed is the limitation of the state by the Orchitis
and delusion of bed sinking.
Remedies considered were Lach., Merc., Phos.,
Con., Spong., Rhod.
Lachesis was chosen and given in 1M potency.
The pain increased for 6 hours and then stopped. A
week later, pain in left arm and hand that reminded
him of when he had been ill as a child; this resolved
in few days. No recurrence.
XVII. An Interview with Begabati
4/2004) Begabati LENNIHAN is the Director of
Teleosis School of Homeopathy in Cambridge,
She graduated in History from Harvard and
opened a health food store through which she was
familiar with about every alternate healing modality
and was convinced that Homeopathy had the
greatest power to heal on all levels.
Most of the homeopathic schools teach in a
lecture format and not encouraging students to
think for themselves because of the highly
individualized nature of the homeopathic process.
In the Teleosis school founded by Joel
KREISBERG teaching consists of conveying
knowledge, skills and attitudes. Most of the time is
spent practising skills. Homeopathic process is
broken into manageable chunks and exercises
created to practice and master one of those chunks
at a time. The result is a classroom in which
students are active and lecturing is kept to a
Supportive environment is created by forming
groups of three to try out their ideas and come up
with answers.
Placing the focus of power and energy in the
students rather than the teacher reflects the
homeopath-patient relationship.
Homeopaths need to have some kind of
spiritual or self-reflective practice that helps them
to stay centered and inwardly attuned while with
patients. If we can become inwardly silent, we can
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
be receptive to the patient’s energy. There can be
tremendous learning from this.
Meditating before a class or a case helps to
focus and be more receptive and at the end
consolidates learning.
LENNIHAN would like to develop the positive
aspects of remedies and the notion of Homeopathy
as a way to support people in their spiritual growth
and helping them to fulfill their own highest
purpose on earth.
XVIII. HERON, Krista (SIM. XVII, 4/2004) The
author has attended 30 seminars of Massimo
MANGIALAVORI in 8 years. Massimo teaches
from his experience and his cured cases. He
presents cases that have a minimum of two years
follow-up. The remedy acting both constitutionally
as well as acutely.
By comparing cases, he builds an
understanding of the family themes as a whole
while individuating the remedies within the family.
In addition, he teaches case analysis and
methodology. The main goal is to understand the
strategies in the patient that have been present
throughout their life, particularly those that are
related to the basic needs of the system and the
patient’s essential themes.
XIX. Pathogenesy of Cisplatinum JULIAN O.A.
This Proving was originally published in 1983 in
the same journal – La Revue Belge. This
republication is linked to another article about
Cisplatinum in Flemish by Dr De GROOTE, which
gives several clinical cases and a Repertory.
The Cisplatinum patient is irritable,
changeable, restless, and more active in the
evening. The patient dreams about journeys,
meetings, accidents or suicides. She or he suffers a
lot of headaches and neurological symptoms,
including tremor, paraesthesia, loss of coordination
of hands, and decrease of knee jerk. Other
interesting symptoms are bleeding gums,
Leucopaenia, Thrombocytopenia, Asthma, Rhinitis
with sneezing or nasal blockage, Renal
insufficiency, Cramps, muscular pains, skin allergy,
Acne, and loss of hair. (La Revue Belge 2004; 2: in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 4/2004)
XX. Cocculus indicus IRIGOYEN E. Cocculus
indicus is well known for travel sickness, but has
many other symptoms. The patient is anxious
about the health of sick persons and very
susceptible to all mental disturbances. He answers
slowly, reflects long, and dwells on past
disagreeable events. Everything is slowed down.
There may also be: vertigo when sitting up;
metallic taste with loss of appetite and inclination
to vomit; amenorrhea with headache or faintness
with nausea; faintness from pain during stool;
weakness in cervical or lumbar region; paralysis
from the small of the back downward; paraesthesia
alternatively in feet and hands; totters when
walking. (La Revue Belge 2004; 2: in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 4/2004)
XXI. Polychrests indicated in maturity-onset
Diabetes DECAIX E. Homeopathy is useful in
maturity-onset Diabetes, alongside the allopathic
treatment, because it helps to stabilize the disease.
Homeopathy might also help to avoid some
complications (an assessment should be
Some medicines are particularly indicated.
Different Sulphur types’ are described, especially
the ‘fat Sulphur’, which should be compared to
Antimonium crudum, and the ‘thin Sulphur’ which
should make one consider whether the patient has
developed Insulin-Dependent Diabetes (as well as
Arsenicum album, Phosphorus, Psorinum or the
different acids). Other potential medicines include
Graphites, Thuja, Calcarea carbonica and Baryta
carbonica. (Homéopathie Européenne 2004; 3: in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 4/2004)
XXII. Study of 4553 cases in a homeopathic
practice COLIN P. This study was done between
1999 and 2001, and confirms a previous study,
published in the British Homeopathic Journal
(2000; 89: 116-121). Paediatrics constituted 28.7%
of the cases; of which group, 60.5% are infectious
diseases, and 16% are psychic disorders. In the
adult group, 31.9% of the cases are psychological
disorders, 15.2% infectious diseases and 10% are
rheumatological. The other main diseases are
cardiovascular (8.62% of adult cases), gynaecology
(7.7% of adult cases), digestive diseases (6.3% of
adult cases), dermatology (5% in both child and
adult group), and allergy (2.5 % in children and
1.7% in the adult group).
The results show that Homeopathy is useful in
a lot of diseases, and can avoid side effects of
allopathic medicines and iatrogenic diseases. The
very low percentage of allopathy used in this study,
particularly in infectious, allergic, rheumatological,
and psychological ailments, seems to be a strong
argument for the efficacy of Homeopathy in these
diseases. In the conclusion the status of
homeopathic doctors and the problem of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
homeopathic training are mentioned.
(Homéopathie Européenne 2004; 3: in
HOMEOPATHY, 93, 4/2004)
XXIII. Obituary Dr. John Stephen HUGHES-
GAMES 26 May 1927 - 22 July 2004 by David
SPENCE. John qualified from Bristol University
in 1954. His first homeopathic course was in the
early 1960s and met Dr. Margery BLACKIE with
whom he established a warm friendship. For 18
months he studied Homeopathy in the morning and
helped her practice in the evenings. He spent a
great deal of time and energy in promoting medical
Homeopathy and had local radio broadcasts. He
also wrote a number of original articles. 15 years
ago he started Bristol Medical Homeopathic Group
which had about 200 members. He was an
enthusiastic lecturer and inspired generations of
doctors to take up Homeopathy.
(HOMEOPATHY, 93, 4/2004)
XXIV. Obituary George Patrick KINSELLA 16
April 1958 - 27 July 2004 by Peter GREGORY.
George KINSELLA graduated as a Vet fromTrinity
College, Dublin in 1981. George always needed to
learn more and to share what he knew and his sheer
energy and love for people commanded the
attention and respect of anyone prepared to listen.
He obtained Vet MFHom in 1999. His great
passion in life was to spread the word of
Homeopathy, its practice and its philosophy. He
brought humour, enthusiasm, passion, commitment
and love, he had a spiritual view of the Universe of
great depth and wisdom and this world will be less
rich for his leaving it. (HOMEOPATHY, 93,
XXV. After a Stroke, Artistic Transformation.
New research has shown that minor brain damage
can modify a person’s approach to creativity.
Dr. Jean-Marie ANNONI and colleagues at
Lausanne University in Switzerland have
documented a change in the work of two skilled
Swiss painters who suffered mild strokes. The
artists’ use of colour and line has altered
significantly. This is due to the subtle losses of
emotional control and executive function
intellectual self-editing skills.
The lack of strict formal rules in artistic
creativity allows the development of new abilities
after brain dysfunction, which depend not only on
the artists’ personality, but also on the lesion site
and the brain’s ability to reorganize.
Bruce MILLER, a neurologist at the University
of California, San Francisco, has documented a
variety of creative changes in people who suffer
brain damage, said that much of the brain was
involved in inhibition, and that damage to one area
might free activity in another. CAREY, Benedict
(The Hindu, 25 May 2005)
XXVI. It is machine indeed. It seems that some
libraries in the U.S. have book bound in human
skin! “Infact, a number of finest libraries in the
U.S. including Harvard’s, have such books. ….
Wealthy bibliophiles acquired skin from executed
criminals, medical school cadavers, and people who
died in the poor house. “The Boston Athenaeum, a
private library, has an 1837 copy of George
Walton’s memoirs bound in his own skin. Walton
was a highwayman and left the volume to one of
his victims ...” (The Hindu, Chennai, 12 Jan.
2006). [How mad and insensitive can one be! It is
said that skins of some of Jews who were in death
camps of Nazi Germany were used to make
pouches, wallets, hand bags! And all these have
happened only with connivance of the
XXVII. When Science Turns to Wishful
Thinking: (Tim RADFORD, Guardian
Newspapers, The Hindu, Chennai 12 Jan. 2006):
narrates some of the ‘frauds’, ‘hoaxes’ played by
‘scientists’ craving to get rich, fame and name by
announcing grand experimental results. The Stem
cell Therapy and advances in cloning’ in May 2005,
which he retracted later, the claim of two Scientists
in Utah, USA to have achieved cold fusion, which
later proved to be ‘illusory’, the American
“discovery” of the HIV virus; also that in 1999 a
famous U.S. laboratory extended the periodic table,
which ‘discoveries’ were later withdrawn and a
physicist fired for cooking the books; that the
British Psychologist Cyril Burt used respect data to
“prove” that IQ was inherited, and “warped
academic thinking for at least a decade”; and “in
the Philippines in 1971 a Government expert
claimed to have found a Stone Age tribe untouched
by modern civilization ….. it turned out to be a
hoax and their discoverer disappeared 12 years later
with millions of dollars raised to ‘protect’ them
from modernity.” (Guardian Newspapers, in The
Hindu, Jan. 12, 2006)
XXVIII. It is well known that cruel unethical
“medical” experiments have been going on since
decades mostly to quench the scientist’s passion.
These experiments were performed ostensibly in
the ‘promotion’ of Medicine, upon hapless animals
mostly and sometimes upon humans. The
experiments during the Nazi regime is unbeatable
in cruelty.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
A report in The Hindu, 29 Sept., 1998 reads
“The only surviving man to have practiced
Medicine at Nazi Germany’s Auschwitz
concentration camp during World War II Hans
MUENCH said he had no regrets and defended his
work as “important for science” (!). MUENCH
defended his superior Josef MENGELE who was
charged with “torturing thousands of children while
conducting genetic experiments”. MUENCH said
he was lucky to have been able to conduct ‘cutting-
edge experiments previously possible only on
[And what benefits indeed have flown to the
humans from these horrific experiments, pray? It is
a blessing that Homeopathy does not at all need
such experiments and we keep far, far away from
the Hegemony Medicine=KSS]
XXIX. Internationaler Coethener Erfahrungs-
austausch (Koethen International Discussion of
the experiences) (ICE 3) 11-13 Sept. 2003.
Homeopathic treatment of Cancer Patients: Five
participants from four countries reported in Koethen
theirpractical experiences in homeopathic treatment
of Cancer patients during the course of three days.
Over 100 delegates visited the Congress and
discussed enthusiastically the encouraging results.
Manuel MATEU-RATERA (Barcelona, Spain)
presented a study of a 60 Cancer patients with
statistics and with 10 cases presented the course of
the treatment and results. A short form of this is
published in this issue of the Journal (AHZ. 249,
(Walbröl, Germany) spoke.
XXX. Vaccines: Are they Really Safe and
Effective (CCR. 11, 2/2004). This is a collection
of some information from periodicals and books.
India Today Hindi version edition 4 October
2004 gives statistic to show that in so far as U.P.
State in India is concerned Polio cases are more in
the Muslim community which may perhaps be due
to non-vaccination (for Polio) of Muslim children
due to the fear that this immunization would make
their children infertile and perhaps it is a conspiracy
against Muslims.
There is an extract from the book Vaccines:
Are they Really Safe and Effective? A Parent’s
Guide to Childhood Shotsby Neil Z. MILLER”.
The Foreword by Harold E. BUTTRAM to the
above books is given. This Foreword questions the
efficacy and safety of the “current childhood
vaccination programs”.
This is followed a small write-up about the
“Mandatory” vaccines and also a brief about the
history and efficacy of the Polio Vaccine (The Salk
Dr. Subhash MEHER “ponders” over the
vaccinations and the role of Homeopathy.
Dr. MISTRY writes on the ‘Pros and Cons’ of
vaccines. Also mentions the homeopathic
medicines which will give immunity to the many
childhood illnesses for which they are now given
several vaccinations.
XXXI. Address by Prime Minister Dr.
Manmohan SINGH at the CSIR Diamond
Jubilee Technology Award and S.S. Bhatnagar
Prizes Presentation Function. Excerpts relevant to
health and Medicine: “Last week, I was informed of
a breakthrough discovery, of a new molecule to
treat a dreadful disease like Tuberculosis. I am told
that this is the first new molecule to appear since
1963. …Since Tuberculosis takes a toll of 5 lakh
lives every year in our country, this discovery could
be of immense social and economic significance.
I assure you that in so far our Government has a
role, our Government is fully committed to give
Science and Technology a place of pride in all our
national endeavors. … Let me recall what Louis
PASTEUR said in 1871. He said, “There does not
exist a category of Science to which one can give
the name Applied Science. There are Science and
the application of Science, bound together as the
fruit of the tree which bears it”. This has
historically been characteristic of our approach in
India. Therefore, I wish to rest today the debate
about what our priority should be basic or applied
Science. I think the answer is both”
[In so far as Homeopathy is concerned it is
Practical Therapeutics = KSS] (Source: CSIR
News. Oct. 15, 2004, Science & Culture, 70, 9-
XXXII. Health at the Cross Roads
the Indian Scene Dr. D.B. BISHT with
his decades of experience in high offices in
the Health Ministry of the Government of
India writes (NAMAH. 11, 4/2004) that
India has “on the one hand the most
modern sophisticated institutions and on
the other the most primitive health centers
where even the bare minimum of facilities
for health and sickness are yet to be
provided”. “As long as hunger and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
poverty stalk our population, enjoyment of
health, human dignity and quality of life
will remain a distant dream”. In spite of
“planning”, over the years the distinction
between the affluent and deprived classes
has become more sharp. Suicides, even
group suicides due to primary economic
strains have increased manifold; such as
amongst farmers.” [Exactly contrary to
what Louis PASTEUR is quoted to have
said (see above), Dr. BISHT says
“Health is an applied Science.”
The cure of the whole problem is that
‘doctors’ who get medical college
admission at a high cost (some Universities
are above Rs. 25 lakh for a seat) have to
make all the money as soon as possible.
Hence the high costs. Hence the medical
graduates throng the city. In a rural set up
they cannot get much money. All is
“professional”, no dedication to Serve”
and be served. Grab as much as you can as
early as you can. Let specialty hospital
spring up in all cities and in the name of
investigations milk the patient dry and
dead, is the motto. As for the farmers
suicides, they have not only lost their crops
but their sickness has costed them a hefty
expenditure (without appropriate benefit)
leading to borrow more from private
money lenders at exhorbitant interest rates
which even their next generation cannot
pay off. This is the “medical” scenario in
same parts of India.
And such cost effective, benign
Medicine like Homeopathy also attempts
to join this club of Health looters for
fraternity sake”. It is all quite sad.=KSS]
XXXIII. Dr. BISHT, Editor NAMAH says
(NAMAH. 12, 2/2004) that while many talk of
‘holistic Medicine’, a holistic approach etc.,
neither is it taught in the medical school, nor it is
practiced. Only lip service is given. “It is
doubtful if there is a single text book on holistic
medicine for medical students.”
Dr. BIGHT suggests a unified” system.
“Attempts were made in India by the Director
General of Health Services, to bring top
Practitioners of different systems under one roof
so that they could consider ways and means of
achieving something which might be called a
‘national system’. But what was the result?
Chaos. The so-called system Practitioners
started high-lighting the pitfalls of all the others
and the meetings could achieve nothing.
“A question is posed: which alternative
system will survive? Only time will tell, but
meanwhile we should continue to study in an
unbiased manner the outcome of various
therapies. Truth cures and Truth survives.” [We
agree. Truth alone will succeed. Satyameva
Jayathe = KSS]
Full addresses of the Journals covered by
this Quarterly Homeopathic Digest are
given below:
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische
Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig
GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121,
2. AJHM: American Journal of
Homeopathic Medicine, formerly
Journal of the American Institute of
Homeopathy (JAIH). 801 N. Fairfax
Street, Suite 306 Alexandria, VA
3. CCR: Homoeopathic Clinical Case
Recorder, Dr. Subhash Meher, Near
Hotel Chanakya, Anandrishiji Marg,
Burudgaon Road, AHMEDNAGAR-
4. THE HINDU: Newspaper, Chennai–
600 002.
5. HH: Homeopathic Heritage, B. Jain
Publishers Overseas, 1920, Street
No.10, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, Post
Box 5775, New Delhi - 110 055.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
6. HL: Homeopathic Links,
Research & Charities, F/s, Saraswat
Linking Road, Santacruz (W),
7. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British
Homeopathic Journal (BHJ),
Homeopathy, Faculty of Homeopathy,
29 Park Street West, Luton,
Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
8. HT: Homeopathy Today, National
Center for Homeopathy, 801, North
Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
9. NAMAH: New Approches to
Medicine and Health, Sri Aurobindo
Society, PONDICHERRY – 605 001.
10. NJH: National Journal of
Homeopathy, 71B Saraswati Road,
Near Gokul Icecream,, Santacruz (W),
MUMBAI – 400 054.
11. S&C: Science and Culture, Indian
Science News Association, 92,
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road,
KOLKATA – 700 009.
12. SIM: Simillimum, The Journal of the
Homeopathic Academy of
Naturopathic Physicians, P.O. Box
8341, Covington, WA 98042, USA.
13. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische
Homöopathie, Karl F. Haug Verlag,
Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121
(This section contains abstracts/extracts
from selected articles; even the entire
article in some case)
1. Dr. HERING’s Preface
(to HAHNEMANN’s Chronic
(AH. 6/2000)
[Original publisher’s note:
The following article has been kindly
furnished by Dr. HERING of Philadelphia,
in German. The Editor, Dr. HEMPEL, is
responsible for the translation.].
HAHNEMANN’s work on Chronic
diseases may be considered a continuation
of his Organon; the medicines which will
follow the present volume may therefore
be considered a continuation of his
Materia Medica Pura. As the principles
and rules of general therapeutics have been
developed in the Organon, so does
HAHNEMANN develop, in the present
treatise, the principles and rules which
ought to prevail in the treatment of chronic
diseases, whose name is legion. In the
Materia Medica Pura HAHNEMANN
describes to us the symptoms which the
general remedies that he tried upon healthy
persons, are capable of producing; the
present treatise, on the contrary, will be
succeeded by an account of those
remedies, which HAHNMANN especially
employed in the treatment of chronic
diseases, and which he therefore called
anti-psorics. In the Organon
HAHNEMANN tries to establish the fact
that the principle Similia Similibus
Curentur is the supreme rule in every true
method of cure, and he shows how this
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
rule is to be followed in the treatment of
disease; whereas in his treatise on the
chronic diseases, which is based upon the
Organon and does not, in the least, modify
or alter its teachings, HAHNEMANN
shows that most chronic diseases,
originating in a common source and being
related amongst each other, a special class
of remedies designated by HAHNEMANN
anti-psorics, should be used in the
treatment of those diseases. This common
source of most chronic diseases, according
to HAHNEMANN, is Psora.
The shallow opponents of
Homeopathy - and we never had any
other! - pounced upon the theory
of the Psoric Miasm with a view of
attacking it with their hollow and
unmeaning sarcasms. Making Psora to be
identical with itch, they sneeringly
pretended that according to
HAHNEMANN’s doctrine the itch was the
primitive evil, and that this doctrine was
akin to the
doctrine of the original sin recognized by
the Christian Faith.*
With the same impudence with which
they had, on former occasions, asserted,
that HAHNEMANN rejects all pathology
in his Organon, they now asserted that he
himself advanced a pathological
hypothesis, and “that the true which it
contained was not new, nor the new true.”
Equitable judges will not fail to
recognize in this treatise on chronic
diseases the same carefulness of study and
observation which the great author of
Homeopathy has shown in all his other
writings. HAHNEMANN had no other
object in view except to cure. All the
energies of his great soul were directed to
this one end. His object was not to
overthrow pathology, although the
pathology of his time had been set aside as
a heap of foolish speculations, and has
been replaced by other systems, that may
perhaps suffer the same fate in fifty years;
he merely contended against the foolish
and presumptuous application of
pathological hypotheses to the treatment of
disease. He rejected and overthrew the
foolish belief which had been driven like a
rusty nail, into the minds of the Profession
and, by their instrumentality, into the
minds of the people, that the remedies
should be given against a name, against an
imaginary disease, and that the name of
this imaginary disease indicated the
remedy. Up to this day physicians have
been engaged in accrediting that
superstition. Whence should otherwise
spring the desire which so many patients
manifest, of inquiring into the name of the
disease, as if a knowledge of that name
were sufficient to discover the true remedy
against the disease. Many patients are
disconsolate when the doctor cannot tell
them what is the matter with them. Do we
gain anything by being able to say that the
disease is Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver-
complaint? Does it avail the patient any to
be able to repeat his doctor’s ipse dixit
“that he is bilious, nervous, etc.?” Do
these words mean anything definite? Are
there yet physicians foolish enough to
believe that their speculative explanations
mean any thing? Does not every body
acknowledge that they are mere ignes fatui
(Wills o’ wisp - Ed.) flitting to and fro
upon the quagmire of the old decayed
systems of pathology?
Assuredly, a physician of modern date,
who has not remained altogether ignorant,
would be
ashamed of assuring his patients with the
air of a deep thinker, that one has a disease
of the spine, another consumption, a third a
uterine affection, etc. Every tyro in
pathology knows that all this means
nothing definite, and that it is only to very
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
ignorant persons that such assertions can
be given as science. Every tyro knows that
the question is, to find out what are the
symptoms and the nature of that disease of
the spine or the uterus. It is moreover
known that this more precise knowledge is
necessary as respects prognosis, and for
the purpose of regulating the mode of life
of the patient; but it is also settled that to
know merely the variety, to which the
disease belongs, is not sufficient to cure it.
All the successful and celebrated
practitioners of the old school have been
such as have constantly modified and
individualized the treatment of disease.
This is all that HAHNEMANN has tried to
accomplish; with this difference that he has
individualized every case of disease with
much more precision than any of the older
physicians had done. HAHNEMANN had
courage enough, at once to face the
contradictions which constantly existed
between practice and theory; he declare
that the speculative knowledge of
physicians was merely learned dust which
they were in the habit of throwing into
people’s eyes for the purpose of blinding
them and inducing them to consider the
ignorance of the doctors and the
insufficiency of their knowledge as
something respectable. HAHNEMANN
dared to lay down this maxim: that, in
treating disease, he had nothing to do with
its name.
HAHNEMANN teaches that the
remedies should be chosen according to
the symptoms of the patient. The
physician should be governed by what is
certain and safe, not by that which is more
or less uncertain and unsafe, and which is
changed according to fashion. Both in the
Organon and in his treatise on the
Chronic Diseases, HAHNEMANN insists
upon the remedies being chosen in
accordance with the symptoms.
It is not an easy matter to choose a
remedy according to symptoms. This may
be inferred from the manner in which tyros
in Homeopathy and physicians of the old
school who come over to us, go to work.
They constantly rely upon names, giving a
certain remedy in Scarlet fever, because
some one else had found it useful; or a
certain remedy in pulmonary
inflammation, because it had been
successfully exhibited upon a former
occasion; whereas HAHNEMANN teaches
that, because a remedy has helped before,
this is no reason why it should help again
in a similar disease. The symptoms and
not the name are to point out the
remedy. This is also the case in chronic
diseases. In the treatment of chronic
diseases HAHNEMANN has been taught
by experience to give preference to the
anti-psoric remedies. This preference is
not theoretical, and is constantly
subordinate to the general principle.
HAHNEMANN has never said that the
principal constituents of mountains, which
are the most important materials in nature -
the metals, for instance - are the most
important remedies for the cure of the most
universal diseases. However, he has
pointed out the oxides salts of Ammonium,
Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Aluminium,
Magnesium, as the most important anti-
psoric remedies. HAHNEMANN has said
nowhere that the most important
metalloids constitute the most important
remedial agents, although he has
introduced Sulphur, Phosphorus, Silicea,
Chlorine, and Iodine, in one form or
another, as anti-psoric remedies. In
selecting a remedy HAHNEMANN has
never been guided by theories, but always
by experience. He chose his remedies
agreeably to the symptoms which they had
produced upon healthy persons, looking at
the same time to their remedial virtues
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
having been tested by practice. This is the
reason why the general views which have
been expressed just now did not prevent
him from admitting as chief anti-psorics
Borax and Ammonium carbonicum,
Anacardium and Clematis.
Why, it may be asked, has a great
number of homeopathic physicians,
neither recognized HAHNEMANN’s
theory of Psora, nor the specific character
of the anti-psoric remedies? Why have
some even gone so far as to set the theory
sneeringly aside, and to decry the anti-
psorics as less trustworthy than the other
For the same reason that the astronomical
discoveries of our Herschel are doubted by
people who have no faith in the discoverer, and
are not able to verify his discoveries. To do this,
knowledge, instruments, talent, care,
perseverance, opportunities, and many other
things are required. Not one of all these
requisites can be found with those who are mere
dabblers in practice, scribbling authors
opposing their own opinions and imaginations to
facts and observation.
Or, for the same reason the Ehrenberg’s
discoveries cannot be appreciated by those who
have either no microscope, or who have one
which is not good, or who have a microscope
without understanding the difficult art of using
it; or else who know how to use it, but do not use
it with the same exactness and carefulness as
Ehrenberg, who discovered in the chalk-dust of
visiting cards the shells of new species of
animals, by simply making the cards
transparent by means of the Oil of Turpentine.
Or lastly, for the simple reason that
physicians find it more easy to write
something for print, that to observe nature;
that it is more easy to impose upon people
than to cure the sick, and because the
greater number of physicians is affected
with the delusion that things which they do
not see, do not exist.
If such physicians succeed in effecting
a cure, they are at once ready to boast of
their exploits, whereas the cure was due to
HAHNEMANN’s doctrine, to the
remedies which he has discovered, to the
researches of other physicians, to their
instructions or example, or to so-called
chance. But if they do not succeed, they
impute their failure to anything but
themselves: it is Homeopathy that is
deficient; this or that rule is not correct; the
Materia Medica is at fault; or, if
something in HAHNEMANN’s system
does not suit them, they are prone to say
that they have never seen this or that, that
they cannot agree with it. And in talking
in this way, they really imagine to have
said something against the matter itself.
Upon the same ground that
HAHNEMANN carefully distinguished
from the disease the symptoms which
owed their existence to dietetic
transgressions, or to medicinal
aggravations; upon the same grounds that
he acknowledged as standing and
independent diseases the acute Miasms,
known as Purpura, Measles, Scarlatina,
Small pox, Whooping cough, etc., or that
he distinguished the venereal Miasm into
Syphilis and Sycosis, we may afterwards,
if experience should demand it, subdivide
Psora into several species and varieties.
This is no objection to HAHNEMANN’s
theory. HAHNEMANN has taken the first
great step without denying the faculty of
progressive development inherent in his
system. But let improvements be made in
such a way as to become useful, not
prejudicial, to the patients. We ought to
raise our super-structure upon
HAHNEMANN’s own ground, in the
direction which he has first imparted to his
Although it matters little what opinions
the respective disciples of HAHNEMANN
hold relatively to the theory of Psora, I
will nevertheless, communicate a short
extract from my essay, Guide to the
Progressive Development of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Guide to the Progressive Development of
“As acute diseases terminate in an
eruption upon the skin, which divides,
dries up, and then passes off, so it is with
many chronic diseases. All diseases
diminish in intensity, improve, and are
cured by the internal organism freeing
itself from them little by little; the internal
disease approaches more and more to the
external tissues, until it finally arrives at
the skin.”
“Every homeopathic physician must
have observed that the improvement in
pain takes place from above downward;
and in diseases, from within outward. This
is the reason why chronic diseases, if they
are thoroughly cured, always terminate in
some cutaneous eruption, which differs
according to the different constitutions of
the patients. This cutaneous eruption may
be even perceived when a cure is
impossible, and even when the remedies
have been improperly chosen. The skin
being the outermost surface of the body, it
receives upon itself the extreme
termination of the disease. This cutaneous
eruption is not a mere morbid secretion
having been chemically separated from the
internal organism in the form of a gas, a
liquid, or a solid; it is the whole of the
morbid action which is pressed from
within outward, and it is characteristic of a
thorough and really curative treatment.
The morbid action of the internal organism
may continue either entirely, or more or
less in spite of this cutaneous eruption.
Nevertheless, this eruption always is a
favourable symptom; it alleviates the
sufferings of the patient, and generally
prevents a more dangerous affection.
“The thorough cure of a widely
ramified chronic disease in the organism is
indicated by the most important organs
being first relieved; the affection passes off
in the order in which the organs had been
affected, the more important being relieved
first, the less important next, and the skin
“Even the superficial observer will not
fail in recognizing this law of order. An
improvement which takes place in a
different order can never be relied upon. A
fit of hysteria may terminate in a flow of
urine; other fits may either terminate in the
same way, or in haemorrhage; the next
succeeding fit shows how little the
affection had been cured. The disease may
take a different turn, it may change its
form and, in this new form, it may be less
troublesome; but the general state of the
organism will suffer in consequence of this
“Hence it is that HAHNEMANN
inculcates with so much care the important
rule to attend to the moral symptoms, and
to judge of the degree of homeopathic
adaptation, existing between the remedy
and the disease, by the improvement which
takes place in the moral condition, and the
general well-being of the patient.”
“The law of order which we have
pointed out above, accounts for the
numerous cutaneous eruptions consequent
upon homeopathic treatment, even where
they never had been seen before; it
accounts for the obstinacy with which
many kinds of herpes and ulcers remain
upon the skin, whereas others are
dissipated like snow. Those which remain,
do remain because the internal disease is
yet existing. This law of order also
accounts for the insufficiency of violent
sweats, when the internal disease is not yet
disposed to leave its hiding-place. It lastly
accounts for one cutaneous affection being
substituted for another.”
“This transformation of the internal
affection of such parts of the organism as
are essential to important functions, to a
cutaneous affection - a transformation
which is entirely different from the violent
change effected by means of Autenrieth’s
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
ointment, ammonium, croton-oil,
cantharides, mustard, etc. -is chiefly
effected by the anti-psoric remedies.
“Other remedies may sometimes effect
that transformation, even the use of water,
change of climate, of occupation, etc; but it
is more safely, more mildly and more
thoroughly effected by the anti-psoric
This latter is altogether an individual
opinion; others may have different
opinions relative to the same subject; this
needs not to prevent us from aiming all of
us at the same end, side by side, in perfect
But alas! the rules which the
experienced founder of Homeopathy lays
down in the subsequent work with so much
emphasis, are not always practiced, and
therefore, cannot be appreciated. Many
oppose them; cures which otherwise might
be speedy and certain, are delayed; much
injury is being done by the wiseacres who
intrude themselves into our literature and
mix with it as chaff with the wheat. On all
this we may console ourselves with the
expectation that also in the history of
science there will be those great days of
harvest, when the tares shall be gathered in
bundles and thrown into the fire.
It is the duty of all of us to go farther in
the theory and practice of Homeopathy
than HAHNEMANN has done. We ought
to seek the truth which is before us and
forsake the errors of the past. But woe
unto him who, on that account, should
personally attack the author of our
doctrine; he would burthen himself with
infamy. HAHNEMANN was a great
savant, inquirer, and discoverer; he was as
true a man, without falsity, candid and
open as a child, and inspired with pure
benevolence and with a holy zeal for
When at last the fatal hour had struck
for the sublime old man who had preserved
his vigour almost to his last moments, then
it was that the heart of his consort who had
made his last years the brightest of his life,
was on the point of breaking. Many of us,
seeing those who are dearest to us engaged
in the death-struggle, would exclaim:
“Why should’st thou suffer so much! So
too exclaimed HAHNEMANN’s consort:
“Why should’st thou who hast alleviated
so much suffering, suffer in thy last hour?
This is unjust. Providence have allotted to
thee a painless death.”
Then he raised his voice as he had
often done when he exhorted his disciples
to hold fast to the great principles of
Homeopathy. “Why should I have been
thus distinguished? Each of us should here
attend to the duties which God has
imposed upon him. Although men may
distinguish a more or less, yet no one has
any merit. God owes nothing to me, I to
him all.”
With these words he took leave of the
world, of his friends, and his foes. And
here we take leave of you, reader, whether
our friend or our opponent.
To him who believes that there may yet
be truths which he does not know and
which he desires to know, will be pointed
out such paths as will lead him to the light
he needs. If he who has sincere
benevolence and wishes to work for the
benefit of all, be considered by Providence
a fit instrument for the accomplishment of
the divine will, he will be called upon to
fulfill his mission and will be led to truth
It is the spirit of Truth that tries to unite
us all; but the father of Lies keeps us
separate and divided.
Philadelphia, April 22, 1845.
C. Hg.
* * *
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
* Note of the editor, Dr. HEMPEL: I beg
pardon of my distinguished and learned
friend for annexing a few remarks to this
passage. In doing so I merely anticipate
what I intend to express more fully on this
subject some other occasion.
As it would be absurd for a
philosophical Christian to reject the
doctrine of original sin, so it is absurd for
any one who professes to have a clear
perception of Homeopathy, to reject the
doctrine of an hereditary morbific Miasm.
Both these doctrines must stand and fall
together; and, as truth is one and
indivisible, they both hold and illustrate
each other. If we admit with ROUSSEAU
that everything which leaves the hand of
God, is perfectly holy, then the first
created man must have been perfectly
pure, and must have appeared in the image
and likeness of his maker. It seems to me
absurd to suppose that something perfectly
pure can, of itself,
by its own free and orderly development,
produce things impure and evil. We do not
know how far God permitted an adaptation
to evil to co-exist in the first man together
with an adaptation to goodness. But this
we certainly know that evil fruits must be
the result of evil forces. In a certain
moment man, or God through man,
permitted the adaptation to evil to prevail
in his nature; and instantaneously the
forces of evil, be they called serpent, devil,
or otherwise, invaded man’s nature,
engrafted themselves upon it, and have, up
to this moment, perpetuated their existence
in it. This is relatively speaking, a fall,
although, this fall, having been the first
necessary phasis of human development, it
may, in reality, be considered a progress.
Man’s destiny consists in reuniting himself
again with the Divine Life through the
universal expansion of all the faculties of
his soul, and the realization of all the
celestial harmonies the germs of which
God had deposited in his nature, and
towards the construction of which Science
and Art will furnish him the means. The
principle of division or dissolution which
man had suffered to be introduced into his
spiritual nature, must necessarily have
embodied itself in a corresponding
principle in the material organism. It is
this principle which HAHNEMANN calls
Psora. In proportion as man’s spiritual
nature become developed and purified, this
Psoric Miasm will be diminished, and will
finally be completely removed from the
life of humanity. This complete physical
regeneration of human nature will
necessarily be attended with great changes
in all the external relations of man,
education, mode of labouring, living, etc.,
The principle of division or dissolution in
the human organism as an established and
constituted fact, does not preclude the possibility
of this organism being invaded by acute Miasms.
The Psoric principle marks the general
adaptation to evil, recognized and inherently
received by the human organism; acute diseases
are violent and sudden invasions of the organism
by the forces of evil - which I have named
subversive forces in my Preface. Those sudden
invasions could never have taken place without
man having first admitted the Psoric principle to
be constitutional in his organism.
Editor’s Note:
This Preface was first published in
1845 in New York by William RADDE, in
Samuel HAHNEMANN’s The Chronic
Diseases: Their
Specific Nature and Homeopathic
Treatment, translated and edited by Dr.
Charles J. HEMPEL. It was omitted form
the 1896 translation by Prof. Louis H.
TAFEL which has a Prefatory Note by Dr.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Richard HUGHES. It is reprinted here
without any editorial changes except
2. Behold the Whole: Case Analysis/Case
Dynamics/Case Wholeness
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 97, 4/2004)
1.0. Introduction
Homeopaths labor hard to master the
techniques of proper case taking. They
learn a unique skill and apply it to the best
of their ability. They study what to do and
how to do it. After gathering the
information about the sick person,
homeopaths begin the case analysis. They
decide what is important or characteristic
in the diseased person. But wait. What is
it that we are doing while we do a case?
What are we doing when we analyze
This paper will explore what it is to do
a case. In addition, this paper will expand
on what case analysis is doing, and why
analyzing is only one of the steps in
deciding on the remedy.
2.0. Doing the Case
Doctors must do certain things when
the patient is before them. They must ask
questions; so they memorize which
questions are necessary. If they know the
remedies well, they know more exactly
which questions are pertinent. With
experience, they develop a technique or a
skill. Physical examination is also an
acquired craft. If the doctor interacts
appropriately with the patient, he can apply
these capabilities usefully. No one should
assume that he has a natural aptitude for
people communication. It is also a skill to
be mastered.
2.1. Listening
There are whole books written about
interpersonal communication. How many
homeopathic schools include this
knowledge in their curriculum? Such
courses would develop interviewing skills
and listening skills. “Before we go any
further, it is important to offer a clear
definition of listening. There is more to
this activity than passively absorbing a
speaker’s words. In truth, listening is a
process that consists of five elements:
hearing, attending, understanding,
responding, and remembering.” (1) “How
do I listen? How do I listen to others? As if
were my Master speaking to me his
cherished last words.” (2) The art of
listening is part of a larger technique
required by the homeopath: the doctor as
2.2. Objective/subjective observing
In mainstream science, the first
presupposition is that the subject is
separate from the object. This is the
starting point and purpose of the research.
“Science represents the attempt to describe
the world to the extent that it is
independent of our thought and action.
Our senses rank only as more or less
imperfect aids enabling us to acquire
knowledge about the objective world.” (3)
This division of the world into two
sections creates a very crude image of
reality. Science is further and further away
from the immediate world of the senses -
more abstract and remote from the
common experience.
Mainstream science creates a myth of
objectivity. The act of observing always
changes the observed. “It was originally
the aim of all science to describe nature as
far as possible as it is; i.e. without our
interference and our observation. We now
realize that this is an unattainable
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
goal…we decide by our selection of the
type of observation employed, which
aspects of nature are to be determined and
which are to be blurred.” (4) Modern
science equates objective observation with
quantitative measurements and
mathematical descriptions.
Subjective observations include
sensations from seeing, hearing, tasting,
touching or smelling; feelings as of anger
or sadness; thoughts as of memory,
judgment or truth. These are qualitative
phenomena experienced within people.
The homeopath does not doubt that
subjective data are part of reality and a
necessary part of the research of people
with disease. …He sees in any given case
of disease only the disturbances to the
senses: subjective symptoms, incidental
symptoms, objective symptoms.” (5)
Scientific truth does not reside with the
objective observer who misses
complexities and multiple perspectives of
the “Object.” There is an interrelationship
of the subject and the object, and it cannot
be ignored.
2.2.1. The homeopathic observer
The goal of a good homeopathic
observer is not to be objective, but to be
accurate. “This capability of observing
accurately is never quite an innate faculty;
it must be chiefly acquired by practice, by
refining and regulating the perceptions of
the senses together with a constant
distrust of our own powers of
apprehension.” (6) The
subjective perception can create unwanted
assumptions, prejudices or theories; so we
must question repeatedly to verify the
reliability of the data. The first step to
freeing oneself from the limitations of
one’s perspective is to become aware of
what that perspective is.” (7) Allopathic
physicians are taught that scientific
objectivity makes them most effective.
They believe that mental distance protects
them from becoming wounded by this
difficult work. “Yet objectivity makes us
far more vulnerable emotionally than
compassion or a simple humanity.
Objectivity separates us from the life
around us and within us Objectivity is
not whole No one who is untouched by
it can really understand the life around
them either.” (8) Inner calm or inner peace
is needed instead. “It is more a spiritual
quality than a mental quality.” (9) Self
knowledge is a necessary prerequisite to
this state. Introspection, meditation and
experience help us attain it. The essence
of all true wisdom: know thyself.” (10)
2.2.2. Participatory observing
The observer is not detached, aloof or
disinterested. She is not impartial or
objective. To be an accurate observer, she
needs to exert an active attention and not to
remain a passive onlooker. She needs to
be receptive, not an aggressive intruder.
She needs to be interactive, not overly
open or quietly closed. She is not
objective or subjective, but a participant
who dialogs in a reciprocal relationship.
She does not take the case, but gives and
takes the case.
The participatory stance of the
observer is an integral part of the holistic
view of nature. The doctor and patient
constitute an indivisible whole. The
patient’s illness is not complete until it is
known. The observer recognizes (re-
cognizes) and re-presents the totality of the
sick person. The observer acts as a
mediator between the phenomena of the
sickness and its continuity with the
substances of nature that can heal. The
observer does so from the perspective of
the human being, the whole organism, not
from the perspective of tissue pathology
and not from the starting point of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
2.2.3. Observing without interpretation
It is not so hard to be an observer of
mere objects and about things assumed to
be wholly unconnected to us. But we have
to distinguish within ourselves the qualities
that are merely our own from those
belonging also to the phenomena under
study. (11) “Poetic fancy, fantastic wit and
speculation must for the time be
suspended, and all
over-strained reasoning, forced
interpretation and tendency to explain
away things must be suppressed. The duty
of the observer is only to take notice of the
phenomena and their course.” (12)
In the tradition of Zen, there is the
expression of the “beginner’s mind.” A person
sees something for the first time with no
presumptions or expectations, and this enables a
seeing as it is. Oliver Sacks uses the expression,
“The literalness of this child’s-eye vision.” (13)
In another tradition of knowledge it is said, “The
phenomenologist approaches the phenomenon as
a beginner - in fact, phenomenology is often
defined as a science of beginnings.’ Whereas in
positivist research, the student typically begins
her inquiry knowing what she doesn’t know; the
phenomenologist does not know what she
doesn’t know.” (14) After the homeopath
becomes self-consciously aware of the best
mental stance and internal attitude, he can begin
the case.
3.0. Case analysis/case dynamics/case
The modern definition of the word
“analysis” does not agree with the actual
experience of working with a case. “The
breaking up of something complex into its
various single elements (15) is only the
first step in case study, case assessment,
case evaluation, and case review. The first
step is an investigation of all pertinent
data. The second step is to arrange the
meaningful information. This step is for
the purpose of “the discovery of general
principles underlying concrete
phenomena,” (16) which is another
dictionary definition of “analysis.” The
second step is to dynamically arrange and
re-arrange the symptoms without going
behind or underneath the symptoms to look
for explanations. The third step is to see
the picture of the whole sickness; so that
the analog of this sick state can be found in
the Materia Medica.
The phrase “case analysis” or
“analyzing the case” is not found in the
original homeopathic literature. It is
borrowed from mainstream positivist
science. The original homeopathic
scientific methodology rejects mechanistic
thinking, and it rejects theories and
hypothetical generalities. These days
every homeopathic teacher seems to
“analyze the case” in a different way. This
means that analysis has lost its depth of
meaning in Homeopathy. The novice
homeopath has not enough experience to
judge the usefulness and accuracy of these
different methods. I hope to clarify the
process of case study with more explicit
descriptions of three steps.
4.0. The Sherlock step - the first step
Like the detective Sherlock Holmes,
the homeopath first gathers all the clues.
The most minute detail is investigated as is
directed in §83 to §103 of the Organon.
The prescriber gathers in information with
thorough depth and breadth. Every fact is
itemized. All the signs, symptoms and
circumstances are noted. The objective
data such as color and size are noted. The
subjective phenomena such as sensation
and intensity are included. The observers
of the signs and symptoms include the
doctor, family and friends, and the patient
himself. The practitioner records all the
units of information including proximate
causes, modalities, concomitants,
locations, and times. All of the senses are
required to register a precise description.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Without all the clues even the celebrated
Sherlock admitted, “I had come to an
entirely erroneous conclusion; which
shows, my dear Watson, how dangerous it
always is to reason from insufficient data.”
(17). Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a doctor
and he used one of his teachers, Joseph
Bell, as a model. Sherlock’s companion in
detection was a doctor of the everyman
type. The homeopath aspires to be more.
He needs to master the skill of exact
looking. “’How did you ever see that?’
Holmes answers, ‘Because I looked for
it.’” (18)
At this stage, all the facts are recorded
without value judgments or interpretations.
The observer has resisted the tendency to
filter the observations or select only some
facts and transform them into a rigid
system that resists further questioning.
The data are like separate, unrelated parts
of a jigsaw puzzle. (See Figure 1.) The
case of the sick person is taken apart in an
attempt to understand it. “From the
mathematician we must learn the
meticulous care required to connect things
in unbroken succession, or rather, to derive
things step by step.” (19) This step cannot
be skipped over or taken lightly. In the
homeopathic literature, it is advised, “a
knowledge of mathematics gives us the
requisite severity in forming a judgment.”
(20) Homeopaths are not to weave theory
or formulate explanations to fit the facts.
However, endless analysis can lead us
further and further away from the unity.
How do we order the material? The
homeopathic method is to construct the
totality of the disease case into a total
disease image.
5.0. Nonlinear step - the second step
The first mode of case taking
investigates and collects the data point by
point in a complete but linear way. Points
can be arranged to form a straight line or
they can be arranged in a nonlinear way.
How the symptoms are sorted occupies the
second step of case appraisal.
5.1. Not just synthesis
The homeopath, at first, takes apart the
disease symptom by symptom. Simply
adding all these symptoms together is not
enough. It is like throwing many objects
in a box and randomly pouring them on a
table. The objects of the investigation
must be ordered in some meaningful way.
“Separating and coordinating are two
inseparable acts of life And the more
vitally these two functions of mind are
conjoined, like breathing in and out, the
better it will be for science An
important point is apparently overlooked
when analysis is used alone: every analysis
presupposes a synthesis Why would we
submit ourselves to the torment of
anatomy, physiology, and psychology if
not to reach some concept of the whole, a
concept which can restore itself to
wholeness no matter how it is torn to
pieces? The analytical thinker ought to
begin by examining or rather by noting
whether he is really working with a
synthesis or only an aggregation, a
juxtaposition, a composite or something of
the sort.” (21)
A synthesis is often defined as an
opposite of analysis, but both words have
been appropriated by mainstream science
and lose their unique meaning for
Homeopathy. The dictionary says that to
synthesize is “unifying isolated sense-data
into a complex whole.” (22) We are not
looking for just any complicated whole
that can be imagined. Synthesis is not just
putting together again all the parts that
analysis has laid out side by side, but it is
starting with living wholes. “Disease is
not to be considered separate from the
living whole,” says HAHNEMANN (§13,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
5.2. Not theoretical
In the practical method of
Homeopathy, we do not pretend to
understand the “inner nature” of the
disease. The ultimate nature of disease
may never be fully uncovered, and we do
not pretend to explain causes. “The
physician’s calling is not to spin so-called
systems from empty conceits and
hypothesis concerning the inner nature of
the life process to which the name
theoretical medicine is given …” (23)
Goethe, a contemporary of
HAHNEMANN expresses the same
beliefs, “Any attempt to express the inner
nature of a thing is fruitless. What we
perceive are effects, and a complete record
of these effects ought to encompass this
inner nature. We labor in vain to describe
a person’s character, but when we draw
together his actions, his deeds, a picture of
his character will emerge.” (24)
Goethe compares the analytical man
and the theoretical thinking person. He
says that practical man notes details and
draws distinctions, and he is at home in his
labyrinth. The theoretical person is one
who has a higher vantage point and is
quick to disdain detail; he creates a lethal
(deadening) generality by lumping things
together that live only in separation. (25)
5.2.1. Seeing the elephant
I will modify the parable of the blind
men examining an elephant to serve as an
example of the analytic approach versus
the theoretical approach. The analytical
researchers are very nearsighted and
without their glasses in my story. One
scientist sees the trunk as a flexible hose;
another myopic scientist experiences the
tusk as a sharp spear; another feels the ear
is like a flapping fan; a fourth finds the leg
to be like a tree trunk; the fifth finds the
elephant’s side to be like a rough wall; a
sixth researcher, who also forgot his
glasses, is sure the elephant resembles a
rope when he touches the tail. “And so
these men of Indostan disputed loud and
long, each in his own opinion exceedingly
stiff and strong; though each was partly in
the right, and all were in the wrong.” (26)
They could not see the whole elephant.
Imagine if they tried to see the elephant
with microscopes.
On the other hand, there are the
farsighted scientists who are not satisfied
with their corrective glasses. These
observers are interested in their elegant
theories. They stand back from the
phenomena like someone flying in a
helicopter with a pair of binoculars,
interested in getting an overview of
elephants. No matter how good the pilot or
how powerful the telescope, can these
scientists smell the musk, feel the skin or
hear the low vibrations emitted that allow
elephants to communicate for miles?
Instead, they come up with wide
generalizations from their distant
perspective or they detach from the
experiences intellectually. They categorize
elephants as machines or survival
strategies; or knowingly conclude that
elephants incarnate for learning to control
their massive ego and engage in
appropriate social behavior.
This is in contrast to the true
homeopathic approach, which includes
living with the elephants, knowing them
individually and observing their habits
over time. This is more comparable to
what in the past a naturalist would do.
5.2.2. No hypothesis
Here are quotes from various authors
on the problems of forming hypotheses.
“Theories are
usually the premature conclusions of an
impatient understanding which would
prefer to get the phenomena out of the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
way.” (27) For example, in Homeopathy,
the idea that a practitioner can decide
whether any patient needs a plant, mineral
or animal remedy is called a prior
hypotheses because it is assumed to be true
before the concrete observations of a new
case. The hypothesis takes precedence
over the phenomena they were designed to
represent. The hypothesis starts as only an
approximate representation, but then
substitutes itself for the observed
phenomena and overpowers and
immobilizes the actual symptoms.
Theory is merely the surface
rationalizations of a set of beliefs,
conscious or unconscious, about the nature
of the world. It invents does not find and
accept the world as it is. (28)
The brain is an organ of perception and
of thinking. We see with the bodily eye,
and we have ideas with the intellectual eye.
The “sensory mind” has percepts and
sensory embodiments (pictures). The
“thinking mind” has concepts and schema
(abstractions). (29) The signs and
symptoms of a disease are known by the
senses; hypotheses are imagined in the
5.3. Immerse oneself
The homeopath must be like the
naturalist observer who participates with
the elephants to know them. This requires
a particular kind of attention and inner
activity. The observer directs his total
awareness into the details of the signs and
symptoms. He steps into the experience
and stays only with the perceived
phenomena. He does not try to explain or
find a supposed cause of the phenomena,
which fixes the mind in narrow pathways.
All possible paths are kept open. See
Figure 2. The jigsaw puzzle can be
arranged in different ways.
The signs and symptoms of the disease
are not separate things. They have a
relationship and we shift our consciousness
from possibility to possibility until we see.
In Homeopathy, we help ourselves in this
task by noting all of the modalities,
concomitants, locations, sensations and
timings related to the symptoms. We
actively enter the phenomena as an
experience and see the phenomena
concretely. We do not look beyond the
symptoms for reasons. We do not look
behind the data for hidden mechanisms.
We do not search under the sensory
appearances for inner nature theories.
We can compare all the perceptible
phenomena to a body of water. The signs,
symptoms and circumstances make up the
constituent elements of
the water. The formative mobility of
water is a more independent aspect of its
quality. It supplements the analytical
investigations by contributing to a holistic
understanding of quality. Here we are
concerned with picture creating, not an
analytical method.”(30)
Stand in the experience. Immerse the
awareness. Plunge into the phenomena.
This fluid participation shifts the mode of
5.4. Living pictures
Each case demands of the physician
only impartiality, sound senses, attentive
observation, and faithfulness in recording
the disease picture.” (§83, Organon) The
homeopath investigates every detail and
then makes exact pictures in the mind’s
eye of every useful symptom. He builds
exact, concrete images over and over,
moving from one pattern to another until
the interconnected whole or unity reveals
itself. The isolated symptoms are within a
context that fits together. We may find
this coherent expression individualized in
any one symptom - the characteristic
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
symptoms - just as we find something of
each symptom permeating the whole.
One problem is the language of modern
psychology. It confuses the language of
mental and emotional symptoms in
Homeopathy. The pictures in psychology
are general categories of fixed types, like
stereotypes or archetypes. For instance,
the terms paranoid” or co-dependent”
are not meaningful enough for a
homeopath. If someone says they have
low self-esteem, the homeopath must
investigate further and determine if this
means low self-confidence or timidity or
humiliation, etc. These general categories
are ideas or concepts, not direct sensual
perceptions. These so-called pictures are
static types and not living pictures. To a
psychologist, the pictures of remedies
become fixed types rather than dynamic,
living portraits. Some remedies have
physical symptoms that may form no
psychological picture, but the sum of the
symptoms is still a portrait of a disease
It takes training and experience to see
the pattern of the disease image. There is
no short cut to diligent practice. A chess
master can play twenty games at once
because he sees the dynamic patterns, not
because he analyses every possible move
or has a fixed preconception of how he will
move. The homeopathic prescriber does
not arrange the symptoms in just any way.
It is not like connecting the dots
(symptoms) at random. The dots must
form an accurate living picture.
5.5. Dynamic pictures
At this second step in studying the case
the homeopath’s perspective remains
many-sided as possible. This is the time of
active indetermination on the part of the
observer. He is freely active in the
oscillation between self-reflection and
selfless immersion in the phenomena.
There is a constant tension within. The
desire to see permanent forms conflicts
with the unceasing changes that reveal the
process of life. There are no fixed
contours in living forms; there are no
straight lines in nature. Every living form
must transform to stay alive. In modern
movies there is a special effect called
“morphing”. Metamorphosis is part of
health. In modern mathematics, nonlinear
dynamics more closely describes living
systems. (31) After the left-brain linear
analysis of the first step, “it is as if the left-
cerebral hemisphere is not involved - as if
all is achieved by the right cerebrum with
its structural ‘geometric’ vision, its holistic
gestalt view.” (32)
6.0. The integral seeing step - the third
The first step in studying the case
involves investigating each symptom in
detail point by point. This separation of
the disease case into its component parts
requires analysis. The second step in case
evaluation is to arrange the data in a
meaningful way. This requires a fluid,
dynamic immersion into the perceptible
signs and symptoms, and does not
introduce interpretations beyond. The
third step reveals the whole of the
particular disease case.
6.1. Grasp the whole
Seeing the whole requires a new mode
of perception by the observer. He knows
the whole by reorganizing the parts, but a
sum of the parts is not the same as
integrating the parts. Integral seeing
reveals the unity of seeing and knowing.
This new perception requires skill and
effort of practice. This wholeness focuses
on the sensory phenomena rather than on
general formulas.
The signs and symptoms are brought
into perceptual clarity. The homeopath
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
experiences the evidence until it carries a
force of conviction. It is a seeing all at
once - a gut feeling, a just right feeling, the
moment of “aha”. The homeopath is now
a “see-r” or seer. He grasps the whole of
the case. The practitioner feels this
moment of actualization. The case shows
itself in its original entirety.
6.2. The wrong whole
In Homeopathy, case wholeness is
usually called the totality of the
symptoms”. Each homeopath means
something different when he
uses this term. One homeopath might
look at the symptoms more and more
closely and just see pieces. Figure 3 of the
jigsaw puzzle shows a totality of the pieces
fitting together nicely but blankly. This is
an analytical whole. The authentic whole
“avoids fragmenting reality into sheer
multiplicity. It allows the uniqueness of
the particular to appear within the light of
the unity of the whole.”(33). The
analytical homeopath should learn to
experience the quality of the group of
phenomena that determines the unity.
The theoretical or neo-platonic
homeopath (34) removes himself from the
phenomena and engages the realm of
generalities. “Seeing comprehensively is
not to be confused with seeing generally.
The essential point about this is that it is
the capacity to comprehend differences as
a unity in a concrete way, whereas seeing
generally is abstract and looks for unity by
removing differences. Seeing
comprehensively is a higher cognitive
function than abstracting what is
common.”(35) Seeing generally involves
the mind in ideas, and ideas are
independent of time and space - they have
no real context. Seeing comprehensively
looks at only the experience of the signs
and symptoms that are rooted in time and
6.3. Parts and wholes
The homeopath encounters a whole
person first. The separate signs and
symptoms are discerned later. The
belonging together of the symptoms is
first. The characteristic symptoms lead to
the identity of the whole that is already
there. The perception of the best possible
remedy follows after the whole is known.
The separate symptoms are not arranged
and rearranged to fit a predetermined
remedy picture. Each person’s unique
disease is not a type of remedy. The
remedies, whether we have 4,000 or
40,000, are only close approximations to
the completely new disease process never
before seen in creation.
The whole picture of the disease case
cannot be seen accurately without every
one of its parts. To ignore the parts is to
ignore half of the creative dynamics that
defines the system. The parts are the
content; the whole is the context. (36) That
is, the content is like the trees and the
context is like the forest. You cannot see a
real forest unless you have all the trees. “If
you would seek comfort in the whole, you
must learn to discover the whole in the
smallest part.” (37)
Why do so many homeopaths
trivialize the detailed physical symptoms?
“Perhaps we can liken the scientist who
leaves the field of direct sense-impression
in order to see nature as a whole, to a
climber who wants to master the highest
peak of a mighty mountain in order to
survey the country below him in all its
variety …… Eventually he reaches a
dazzling, clear region of ice and snow in
which all life has died and where he can
only breathe with great difficulty, and only
by traversing this region can he reach the
top.”(38) These homeopaths may be on an
important personal quest, but they do not
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
bring back verifiable homeopathic
Other homeopaths build their
homeopathic case on every analytical
detail, but do not look for a unity. “It is
not by mere addition of brick to brick, that
we try to construct this building, but it is
rather the actual Gestalt of the intrinsic
architecture of this building that we try to
discover, a Gestalt from which the
phenomena, which were formerly
equivocal, would now become [seen] as
belonging to a unitary, ordered … whole in
which one can differentiate, among the
observed phenomena, between the
‘members’ which really belong to it and
the less relevant, contingent connections of
arbitrary parts.” (39) The characteristic
symptoms, the rare and significant
symptoms cannot be recognized without a
meaningful whole in which to see them.
Figure 4 shows a collection of meaningful
parts, but they do not make an integral
6.4.Seeing and seeing
The following quotes point out that
seeing is an every day function, but that
the true observer sees in an integral way.
“The question is not what you look at - but
how you look and whether you see.”(39)
“There is a difference between seeing and
seeing; he failed to recognize that the
intellectual eye must work in constant and
spirited harmony with the bodily eye, for
otherwise the scholar might run the risk of
looking and yet overlooking.” (40) In
German, there is the quote, zum sehen
geboren, zum schauen bestellt.”(41) This is
interpreted to mean, Born to see, to see
integrally is a disposition.” Other authors
further describe the type of seeing called
Schauen. “Goethe’s scientific method -
‘steady, clear-sighted perception, Schauen,
will reveal what no amount of speculative
enthusiasm, Schwärmen, can convey;
certainty is accessible to informed and
painstaking observation, not abstract
conjecture.” (42)
HAHNEMANN also mentions a
Schauen, a Durchschauen, in §104. The
homeopath first records exactly the
defining and distinguishing totality of
symptoms, which is the picture of the
disease case. Then, “he can behold it in all
of its parts and lift out the characteristic
signs.” (43) The
specific way to see the whole is “to
behold” according to this translator. In
Figure 5, we behold the whole.
Thoreau has said, “The true man of
science will know nature better by his finer
organization; he will smell, taste, see, hear,
feel, better than other men We do not
learn by inference and deduction
Wisdom does not inspect, but behold. We
must look a long time before we can
7.0. Conclusion
The original homeopathic method of
science is not unique in the history of
science. Many quotes have been cited to
show that the method of Homeopathy
connects with a scientific way of knowing
that continues to this day. It may not be
part of the mainstream, but it exists from
HAHNEMANN’s time until the present.
Three steps describe the specific and
exacting method of studying a
homeopathic case. Case analysis, case
dynamics and case wholism complete the
assessment of a sick person. The
homeopathic prescriber succeeds if he is a
proper observer: he sees; he participates;
he beholds.
I thank Gregory Vlamis for searching
out and finding the sources of the
references used in this paper. The
illustrations were created by my wife,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
1. ADLER RB, TOWNE N. Looking
out/looking in. 7th ed. Forth Worth:
Harcourt Brace College Publishers; 1993;
p. 247.
2. LADINSKY D, trans. The gift: poems
by Hafiz the great Sufi master. New York:
Penguin compass; 1999; p. 99.
3. HEISENBERG W. Philosophical
problems of quantum physics.
Woodbridge (Connecticut): Ox Bow Press;
1979; pp. 64-68.
4. Ibid., p.73.
P, trans. Organon of medicine by Samuel
HAHNEMANN. Los Angeles: J. P.
Tarcher, Inc.; 1982; p.11.
6. HAHNEMANN S. The medical
observer. In: Materia Medica Pura, vol.2.
Liverpool: Hahnemann Publishing Society;
1881; p.40.
7. TANTILLO AO. The will to create:
Goethe’s philosophy of nature. Pittsburgh:
University of Pittsburgh Press; 2002; p.55.
8. REMEN RN. Kitchen table wisdom.
New York: Riverhead Books; 1997; p.78.
9. Ibid., p.79.
10. KUNZLI, p.117.
11. TALBOTT S. To explain or portray?
2003; [10 screens]; Available from URL:
12. HAHNEMANN, p.41
13. SACKS O. An anthropologist on Mars.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf; 1995; p.171.
14. SEAMON D. Phenomenology, place,
environment, and architecture: a review of
the literature. 2000; [33 screens]; p. 11.
Available from
15. The New Shorter Oxford English
Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press;
1993;Analysis; p.72.
16. Ibid., p.72.
17. MILLER L. Sherlock Holmes’s
methods of deductive reasoning applied to
medical diagnosis. Western J of Med
1985; 142 (3): 413.
18. CHERINGTON M. Sherlock Holmes:
neurologist? 1987; 37: 825.
19. MILLER M, editor. Goethe’s
collected works, volume 12: scientific
studies. Princeton (NJ): Princeton
University Press; 1988;p.16.
20. HAHNEMANN, p.41.
21. NAYDLER J, editor. Goethe on
science. Edinburgh: Floris Books;
22. The New Shorter Oxford English
Dictionary. Synthesis, p.3191.
23. O’REILLY WB, editor. Organon of the
medical art by Samuel HAHNEMANN.
Redmond: Birdcage Books; 1996; p.60.
24. MILLER M, p.158.
25. Ibid., p.61.
26. ADLER RB, p.111.
27. NISBET HB. Goethe and the scientific
tradition. Institute of Germanic Studies
1972; p.31
28. HELLER E. Goethe and the idea of
scientific truth 1950; 3(8):467.
29. MUELLER B, trans. Goethe’s
botanical writings. Woodbridge: Ox Bow
Press; 1989; p. 180,208.
30. Availablefrom:
htm. [4 screens]; p.2.
31. SHEPPERD J. The language of chaos
theory and complexity applied to
Homeopathy. Am J Hom Med 2003;
32. WILBUSH J. The Sherlock Holmes
paradigm - detectives and diagnosis:
discussion paper. J Royal soc Med
33. BORTOFT H. The wholeness of
nature. Hudson (NY): Lindisfarne Press;
1996; p.247.
34. SHEPPERD J. Three ways of
Homeopathy: dissimilarities in the
worldview of prescribers. Homeopathic
Links 2004; 17(1):9-12.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
35. BORTOFT H. p.292.
36. ROWLAND H. editor. Goethe, chaos,
and complexity. Amsterdam:
37. NISBET HB, p.20.
38. HEISENBERG W, p.76.
39. THOREAU H.D. A year in Thoreau's
Journal 1851. New York: Penguin Books;
1993; p. 146.
40. MUELLER B. p. 180.
41. FAIRLEY B. translator. Goethe's
Faust. Toronto: University of Toronto
Press; 1970; p. 142.
42. WILLIAMS J.R. The Life of Goethe.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishers; 1998; p.99.
43. O'REILLY W.B. p.141.
44. BODE C. Editor. The portable
Thoreau. New York: Penguin Books;
1982; p.56.
3. Chronic and Migraine Headache
(The Homeopathic Prestige, May,
In a short paper it would be impossible
to fully explore such an extensive subject
as the title suggests. The subject is,
however, of great interest to all physicians
because of the numerous patients who
complain of such headaches, and because
of the difficulty met with in giving
anything like permanent relief to these
OSLER lists headache as relative to its
cause, and gives Migraine headache in a
separate chapter. The layman uses the
term Migraine as descriptive of any
headache which has proved difficult to
relieve and which may show some
evidence of periodicity.
Among the causes listed by OSLER are
Cerebral Tumour, Cerebral Syphilis,
Mouth breathing, Uraemia and Migraine. I
might add arterial Hypertension. George
ROYAL, in his book Diseases of the Brain
and Nerves, classifies headache into two
general classes direct exogenous and reflex
endogenous. Drugs, excitement, and
shock, may be the cause of these direct or
exogenous headaches while the cause of
the endogenous or reflex form, may be
many and difficult to ascertain. Injuries;
eye strain; disease of the brain and spinal
cord; remote effects of drugs such as tea,
coffee, quinine; effects of the sun; reflex
symptoms from the digestive tract; the
generative organs; allergic conditions; and
many others including arterial
Hypertension, all come under this
classification and include Migraine.
Migraine headaches appear to have as
well as hereditary back ground. Some
authors claim these are closely related to
Epilepsy, and state that more parents
suffering from Migraine have epileptic
children than do epileptic parents.
Certainly Migraine sufferers have
prodromal symptoms, frequently ocular
with blurred vision, half vision, or
temporary blindness, before the full
violence of the attack is established. More
cases are seen in women than in men and
the attacks tend to decrease in number and
violence, and many cease entirely after
Other authors do not subscribe to this
theory and take the position that the
disease is of vasomotor origin, a neurosis.
In support of this, they claim there is a
tendency to arteriosclerosis of the vessels
on the side of the head usually affected.
During the attack the arterial tension may
be considerably raised; while in many
cases in chronic headache, and true
Migraine, there is present an increased
arterial tension. Marked periodicity is
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
present as a cardinal symptom of true
Because of the numerous causes listed
and unlisted, it behoves every physician to
make a very thorough examination and
enquiry into the past history and present
physical state of these patients. He should
listen carefully to all their subjective
symptoms, and check these and their
objective symptoms against the results of
his complete physical examination. Then
only is he in a position to make a real
diagnosis and offer any reliable prognosis.
The case of Mrs. M. well illustrates
this point. Healthy woman of 38;
throbbing left-sided headache of several
years standing; occipital area most
affected; was worse from jar, stooping; and
strong light; two moderate sized Wens
were found in this area which were tender
to touch and pressure. Belladonna was
given, the Wens removed by surgery, and
the headaches have never recurred.
Belladonna would have relieved this
condition temporarily, but it was evident
that the removal of the Wens produced the
If no cause can be found your case may
at once become much more difficult of
successful solution; for with no discernible
physical cause you are forced to the
conclusion that you have to deal with a
possible allergic or hereditary neurotic
state. For example, let me quote the short
history of Mrs. R., young matron;healthy
vigorous mother of two sons; violent
headaches from time to time for which no
cause could be ascertained. She went the
round of many physicians of note in our
University Medical Centre without relief.
At last, she consulted an elderly Professor
of Medicine who finally removed apples
from her diet with the result that her
headaches ceased. This conclusion was
brought about by careful questioning and
not by the use of skin tests. The Professor
was not a member of the
homeopathic fraternity, but he had not
entirely relegated all subjective symptoms
to the care of the waste basket.
From the very first it is your duty to
discover whether your patient merely
wants temporary relief or wants to attain as
nearly as possible the so-called cure. If he
only wants something to take at the
headache, it will not pay you to take the
time for discovery of possible pathology
and a proper study of his history and
subjective symptoms, for these cases are
rarely cured by one or two prescriptions.
The above is not always true but is
generally the case.
To illustrate the cure in one
prescription of a terribly severe case of
chronic headache, I will quote the
following short case history. Mr. S.,
Halifax, N.S., has had terrible chronic
headache for years; had been to a well-
known clinic and many prominent to be
added as in original text, that any further
examination by me would be pointless, he
is a dapper, dark haired man, commercial
traveler; has had bad foot sweat for years
and history of three carbuncles; wants the
head wrapped up warmly when the
headache is on. Silicea is clearly indicated
and prescribed. Two years after he again
visited me as the headache were beginning
to recur.
The climatic conditions which obtain
in any given section of the country where
the patient resides, may help in the
selection of the acute remedy indicated for
a first prescription; while the results of
your examination and analysis of the
subjective symptoms, will point the way to
the selection of the chronic or
constitutional remedy. ‘ In colder
climates where any exposure to cold winds
may start off a headache of the neuralgic or
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
congestive type, Aconite or Belladonna
may be quickly palliative. The so-called
sinus headaches are relieved, and
sometimes cured by Belladonna. They are
made worse by jar, stooping, light and
noise. The face is red and flushed, the
pupils are dilated and the carotids throb
visibly. Belladonna in any potency is
marvelous in this type of headache.
In the warmer climates it is probable
that there are more patients who need
Bryonia, Gelsemium and Melilotus.
Bryonia is a truly remarkable remedy, in
that its action is both acute and chronic.
When indicated it will cure permanently
with no second remedy to follow up. The
typical cases are usually found in dark
complexioned, brown-eyed people. The
headache comes on in the morning with
first movement in bed is a dull full feeling
attended with some vertigo, and is made
worse by stooping. It is relieved by
bathing the face and head with cold water.
Mentally, these patients are
irritable, they are also usually constipated,
but with no desire for stool.
Nux vomica patients also have
headaches first thing in the morning and
are constipated, but have frequent
ineffectual urge to stool. They are
irritable, quick, nervous, depressed and the
headache is generally relieved by their
morning cup of coffee.
The Migraine patient with terrible
morning headache attended by a great deal
of nausea, and more nausea, is frequently
cured by Ipecacuanha. In my experience,
the presence of a clean tongue and a great
deal of nausea, plus periodicity, points the
way to Ipecacuanha. It is quite able to
cure this type of case.
When the headache is found to change
sides each time it returns, Lac caninum is
indicated, or the headache may change to
the other side during the same day. The
headache is extremely violent, probably
because these patients are neurotic and
fanciful. They are attended with a peculiar
type of vertigo which is described as if
floating on the bed, or walking on air,
when walking.
Iris versicolor produces a periodical
type of sick headache attended with
salivation and burning in the stomach with
vomiting of very acid, burning, watery or
ropy mucus. There is often blurring of the
vision and one sided frontal pain.
Sanguinaria produces the typical sick
headache, periodical, commencing in the
morning and not relieved until evening.
This is attended with hot flushes, vomiting,
and the pain is right sided from the right
eye to the occiput.
Silicea patients sweat profusely,
generally give a history of suppuration or
foot sweat, and the headaches are relieved
by wrapping the head up warmly.
In Spigelia, we usually encounter the
seat of pain over the left eye or in the
eyeball. It is a neuralgic type of pain and
is frequently accompanied by elevation of
the blood pressure and rapid heart action.
The presence of, or history of stabbing
pains in the region of the apex area will
assist in making the decision, and also
assist the patient with the resultant drop in
blood pressure, and relief of both headache
and stabbing pains. This remedy is often
indicated in sinus headaches after
Influenza and acute sinus involvement, and
will cure the postnasal catarrh which
attends such cases.
Sepia patients are easily identified by
their facial appearance, uterine history,
relief of symptoms from moving about,
and by the fact that their headaches are
frequently relieved by eating.
For cases where the only apparent
cause seems to be elevation of the blood
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
pressure, accessory measures to help in
reduction of the tension are in order.
These include more rest and proper diet,
the elimination of stimulants, the reduction
of salt intake and increase of water and
decrease in fat and protein consumption
must be considered and stressed. In short,
a change in their mode of living is
The ideal way to prescribe for your
patient is to take the totality of his
symptoms, work it out in the Repertory,
then look up the resultant remedies in the
Materia Medica, and make your choice.
This becomes easier the oftener it is done.
Personally, I have not the time so essay
some shortcuts.
If your patient has had a history of
Epistaxis, or bleeding, is nervous, likes
cold drinks, has nightmare, is upset by
thunderstorms, you will have possibly two
remedies to consider, namely Phosphorus
and Natrum muriaticum. If the patient has
weak ankles, a red V in the neck, dislikes
consolation, you eliminate Phosphorus. If
mild, tearful, chilly, is upset by fats and
has a catarrhal tendency, you will think of
Pulsatilla with possibly Silicea in the
offing. If a history of car sickness and
uterine disorders, or Tinnitus and Eczema,
you think of Sepia or Petroleum. For those
with heat flushes and blood-pressure, you
think of Natrum muriaticum, Ferrum,
Lachesis, Sulphur, and Sanguinaria. For
the more gastric type, you think of China,
Iris versicolor, Ipecac, Bryonia, etc.
It is really very easy and rather rapid,
of course the more you consult your
Repertory, the better your knowledge of
Materia Medica becomes, and that in the
end determines your choice remedy.
I never see one of these patients oftener
than once every two weeks and the great
majority of all my chronic cases are given
one month’s supply of medicine at each
consultation. This prevents the too
frequent changing of the prescription. In
an old chronic case it is not reasonable to
expect brilliant results in one or two
Here follow a few short illustrative
case reprts:
September, 1945. Mrs. S., age 26;
slender, brown hair and eyes; has suffered
from Migraine headaches for ten years;
was run down and anaemic when they
commenced. She usually wakes with a
headache which may stop from taking
aspirin; when not relieved it becomes
worse and is attended by a great deal of
nausea, but she does not vomit. The
headache is in the middle and left side of
forehead and extends to the occiput; is
worse from light, jar or false step from
stooping, and is a dull headache. It is hard
to decide between Belladonna and Bryonia
CM was given. October 1945, a slight
improvement; the headache is worse
during the menstrual period. Natrum
muriaticum has this symptom in high type.
I find she is afraid to be alone at night,
worse from thunderstorms, and dislikes
sympathy. Nat. mur. is given with great
relief. January 1946, Nat. mur. repeated in
higher potency. April 1946, Nat.mur.
again given in still higher potency. This
girl is now practically well.
January 1944. Mr. R., age 47; fair hair,
blue eyes; complains of attacks of
indigestion from fats, raw fruits, and
sweets; feels bloated and belches a great
deal during the attack; has a weak gone
feeling relieved by eating; and whenever
he is constipated the urine becomes scanty
and objects seem to tremble or print
jiggles; he then gets a severe headache
attended with little nausea but no vomiting.
Three remedies stand out, Sulphur, Carbo
veg., and Cyclamen. Sulphur 200 was
given with several powders of Cyclamen
200 to be taken in case the headache
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
becomes severe. Patient returned in April
1944, reports great relief, prescription
repeated. Reported for more medicine
September 1944, did not want any
headache powders as no more headaches;
stomach gas now the only complaint given;
Carbo veg. low twice a day. Every three
of four months since I get a telephone
request for more gas pellets.
January 1939, Mrs. F.S., age 55, stout;
twelve years ago diagnosis made of an
infected gallbladder; has recurring severe
attacks of headaches with vomiting; starts
with a dazzling light in the right eye which
comes suddenly; the vision is reduced to
half of normal within twenty minutes; this
prodromal condition is followed in about
one half hour by terrible headache attended
with nausea and vomiting white stringy
mucus; she never vomits food; the
vomiting stops when all the mucus has
come away; the attack usually commences
about 11 a.m. and lasts for two days; they
are becoming more frequent and intervals
are never more than two months; there is
no vertigo, only a few flushes, some loud
belching. The arterial tension is up
180/110. Kali bichromicum 200 every
four days to report in two months. March
1939, no attack, but was a little dizzy on
stooping when next headache was due;
S.P.B 160/90. There elapsed one year
without any headaches, then she was
persuaded to give a blood transfusion.
Following this she suffered a slight left
sided stroke, and consulted me again in
1941. B.P. 200/120; headaches have
returned; Kali bichromicum 1M once a
week soon put her right again. It is evident
that this woman is suffering from a toxic
condition, probably the focus is in the
gallbladder. She lives 175 miles out in the
refuses operation, and feels she can stand
the very rare headaches she now has.
Mrs. B. slender; brown hair and eyes age
40; frequent morning headaches on first moving
in bed; no vomiting but a lot of vertigo on
stooping. Bryonia CM one dose a month. Only
slight return of the headache.
February 1942. Mrs. B., slender; fair
haired: mother of two boys, allergic to dust
and house mould; has had hay fever for
years; gets injections for it. Moved to
Toronto from California where Hay fever
is much less, probably due to living in
heated house; Migraine headaches for
years; they come on with a great deal of
nausea but no vomiting. Ipecac 200 once a
week completely cured her in three
- Journal of the American Institute of
Homeopathy, November 1946.
4. Medorrhinum a Remedy for Modern
Management of Allergic and Nervous
BÖHLER, Mirjam (HL. 16, 4/2003)
Lecture at the 56
Congress of the LIGA
INTERNATIONALIS; Sibiu, Romania, 29
August to 2
of September 2001.
I have practiced for almost twenty years as a
homeopathic physician. An important
emphasis in my practice is children. I have
made a file in which I document successful cases
with remedies and diagnosis in a simple form.
Up till now there have been 42 cases of
Medorrhinum that we have evaluated, among
them 37 children and one teenager.
Medorrhinum seems to be a remedy
especially for male patients. Every age was
I had to discover Medorrhinum as a child’s
remedy first and then gain experience.
Table 1
Medorrhinum – 42 cases
Distribution among age/sex:
Age Male Female
4 adults 3 1
1 teenager 1 0
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
37 children total 35 2
0 – 6 a 14 2
7 – 14 a 21 0
Table 2
Medorrhinum - 42 cases
Frequency of prescription from 1988 – 2000
1988 – 1996
18 cases = 2 cases/year
Allergy 9 cases
Nervousness 5 cases
Other 4 cases
1997 – 2000
24 cases = 6 cases/year
Allergy 7 cases
Nervousness 13 cases
Other 4 cases
This chart shows us how experiences with a
remedy helps us recognize it and helps raise the
number of successful prescriptions. The
indications for Medorrhinum shifted from
allergies to nervous disorders over the years.
Does this very observation correspond with the
increasing number of hyperactive adults and
children nowadays?
I – The 37 case histories of children
All of these case histories documented
children who received vital help with
Medorrhinum at one point of their development.
Medorrhinum was given as a single remedy in
the 200C or MK potency and observed over
several months. Some children needed only
Medorrhinum, which led to obvious success
quickly. Other children received other remedies
before and after Medorrhinum. These remedies
can be possibly examined as related remedies.
For the purpose of documentation one
diagnosis was assigned to each case. These
diagnoses are meant to be descriptive. A more
exact differential diagnosis wasn’t required. I
rather wanted this primary focus (with the
concomitant symptoms and complaints)
according to the phenomenological access of
The homeopathic practitioner doesn’t treat
diagnoses, but ill children with their sufferings
and symptoms recorded in their totality.
There has to be an improvement in the whole
child and as a result also in their diagnosis and
clinical dates; that’s what I want to discuss.
A. Main diagnoses of the 37 Children
1. Nervousness: 17x
Restlessness 7x
Lack of concentration 3x
Sleeping problems 2x
Bruxism, biting nails, migraine each 1x
Dyslexia, aggressive behaviour each 1x 2x
2. Allergy: 13x
Allergic Asthma 4x
Recurrent spastic bronchitis 3x
Rhinitis allergica 2x
Neurodermitis 3x
Acute eczema 1x
3. Inflammation: 3x
Frequent infections
(viral, bacterial) 3x
Conjunctivitis neonatorum
(bacterial) frequently*
Diaper rash,
Diaper candidiasis
(*several times observed, not documented)
4. Urogenitary-tract: 4x
Recurrent balanitis 1x
Enuresis nocturna 1x
Synechia of labia majoria 1x
Cryptorchism 1x
(treatment had to be stopped because of massive
reaction to the remedy)
B. Accessory diagnoses of the 37 children
Apart from the main diagnosis per patient,
various accessory diagnoses or concomitant
complaints frequently exist. They have two
They improved simultaneously together
with the main complaints, or they belong to the
history of the patient. In this case, they help to
record the process of the disease over a long
period of time, according to the idea of
Constitution and Miasm in Homeopathy. They
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
show the surroundings that promote the
Medorrhinum pathology.
In revision of the case histories, the
following data attracted attention:
Medorrhinum children often show symptoms
on several organ systems at the same time. The
nervous symptoms, combined with allergic,
atopic symptoms of the skin, the respiratory
tract and the intestines as well as combined with
various recurrent infections.
The main symptom ‘restlessness’ culminates
in symptoms such as biting nails, masturbation,
jerking the face and various malfunctions of
sleep. Furthermore there is a tendency to
dyslexia. There are also many lefties as well as
pupils who refuse to go to school. This is often
the result of learning disabilities and impaired
co-ordination of movement.
Three children out of 37 suffered from
concussion of the brain, one child even twice.
The result of over-daring and uncontrolled
They often suffer from head-and
The infections derive from putrid
inflammations such as putrid tonsillitides and
otitides on one hand to dry spasms as in
laryngitis and asthmatic bronchitis on the other
hand. Some of them had gone through an
The intestines are also very sensitive in sense
of frequent gastro-enteritides. Some children
fell sick on the respiratory tract as often as on
the gastrointestinal tract.
During the infection the children develop
high fever, or don’t develop fever at all (or not
any more). As a sign of an immunodeficiency
there are also episodes of sub-febrile
It is to be concluded that there are all the
symptoms of a typical acute infection, but also
the typical picture of the pure allergic ‘dry’
Asthma. But there are also all stages of sub-
acute and recurrent infections, with or without
spastic signs. I want to call them a transitional
stage between infectious susceptibility and the
allergic child, in many case histories.
They often suffer from intolerance to food,
especially milk. Children are often very
fastidious and show a bias towards monotonous
nutrition. It’s remarkable that they often switch
their favorites, always with the same exclusive
The tendency to diarrhoea described above
has surely to be seen in context with this
intolerance to food, which was confirmed by
several mothers.
The atopy on skin and mucous membranes
often starts very early: The skin-manifestations
in the first week, Asthma in the first year of life.
You can often find diaper rash and diaper
candidiasis in their history. All of the atopic
children are very restless.
C. The early infantile history
All 37 cases were analysed regarding their
early infantile development. The notes are not
complete records, but they are expressive. This
gives us a clue to the aetiology of the symptoms
of Medorrhinum children.
In nine cases, problems during pregnancy
were quoted, with the following authentic words:
Painful injuries of the coccyx
Of a house in the nearest neighbourhood
Previous abortion in the past, then difficult
pregnancy with long lasting tendency to
abortion (in two cases)
Haemorrhage since beginning of pregnancy,
chaos and worries, death of the 2
twin in
Psycho terror and mortification of the
mother by the grandmother
Child was thought to be dead in ultrasonics
Fear of birth
Table 3
Medorrhinum – 37 cases
Perinatal anamnesis
Problems during pregnancy: 3x
Difficult delivery:
Caesarea: 5x
Breech presentation: 3x
Long lasting labours: 3x
Exhausting labours: 1x
Precipitate labour: 1x
Premature birth:
Birth late in time, induced:
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
Twenty-seven out of 37 births deviate from
the norm. This must be considered as
Table 4
Early infantile development
Medorrhinum – 37 cases
Neuro-physiological development in the early
Accelerated: 5x
(4 of them without crawling)
Retarded: 7x
Accelerated: 1x
Retarded: 3x
Twelve out of 37 infants showed disorders of
their neuro-physiological development.
PFEIFER understands this as a sign of deviation
of the ‘normotonic’ tension of muscles. There
are three ‘crying babies’ and the mothers twice
reported that their children have looked ‘old’
since their birth and seemed to be unharmonic.
‘He never looked like a baby and never behaved
helplessly, like a baby.
As to vaccinations:
There are no spontaneous statements in the
case histories; specific questioning on this topic
has not taken place.
First step of conclusion:
There are many remarkable deviations
regarding the early childhood history.
‘Marching to a different drummer’ – that’s what
Medorrhinum children are inclined towards,
from their birth on.
Table 5
D. Related remedies
Medorrhinum – 37 cases
Related remedies
For nervousness:
Kalium bromatum
Nux vomica
For allergy:
For urogenitary disorders:
Coccus cacti
Acidum nitricum
These are the remedies that the children
received successfully as following or as remedies
for inter-current diseases.
There is much more to say about these
relationships, and much more work to be done
on it. This remains to be elaborated on for
another lecture.
II – Literature
Origin of the remedy
Medorrhinum is a classic Nosode and is
produced from the urethral ichor of an acute
Gonorrhoea. The secretion is extracted before
any treatment and from several persons.
The microscopical analysis shows: many
Neisseriae gonorhoeae, polynuclear leucozytes,
and cells from the epithelium. It involves a
complex biological compound from the microbe
and the reaction products of the surroundings.
The sample is checked for innocuousness and
(Materia Medica der Nosoden, O. A. JULIAN)
Medorrhinum as a children’s remedy
The children are anaemic, with multiple
adenopathies, they have a large head, a sweating
face and frequent catarrhs. The babies show the
typical sleeping position on the abdomen, with
their buttocks raised up in the air. Further
symptoms are the Eczema perianale, prolapsing
anus, enuresis, infantile asthma, and ailments
from immunization.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
don’t mention Medorrhinum among ‘children’s
types in Homeopathy’.
In his book The Homeopathic Treatment of
Children Paul HERSCU has developed a vivid
picture of Medorrhinum in children. His
experiences in the USA match with my
observations in many aspects.
III Medorrhinum a children’s remedy: results
from 37 cases
All of these children, mostly boys, love to
move. Whenever they can ramp outdoors, they
are happy. They love practical things, and feel
utmost bothered by the requirements at school.
Often the intensity on the one hand and the
flightiness and contrariness of the mind
symptoms on the other hand lead to the selection
of the remedy. The same features can also be
found in the children’s appetite: craving for the
very dishes that they refuse immediately
The children often suffer from sensation of
heat. They like to undress and sleep uncovered.
How angry and aggressive are these
children? In our repertories nothing about rage
can be found, but in Medorrhinum children we
often find aggressive behaviour.
In early childhood striking seems to be an
important form of expression of these children
when other ways to express oneself are not
accessible. In school, the aggression seems to be
reactive followers and ready to join every
nonsense. If there is a storm center, they follow
without doubt. Most of the time the leaders are
other children. Often you can hear the mother
say: ‘I can’t understand his behaviour at school.
If he’s alone with me, he is obedient and a good
There are many mind symptoms in the case
histories of these children that can’t be found in
the Repertory under this remedy:
For example:
Breaking things
Morose – morning
Heat – sensation of
Shrieking – during sleep
Throat – inflammation – tonsils
Male genitalia/sex – phimosis
Mouth – speech –indistinct
Extremities – in-coordination
Medorrhinum: boys who charm their
mothers possibly in competition with their
Medorrhinum: a remedy for boys who feel
attracted by girls, in a premature and excessive
The premature child in the sense of:
Vigorous denial of all kinds of conformity
and book learning, long before puberty
Great interest in all kinds of technology
Precocious curiosity for fashion, trends and
The clairvoyance of the children is revealed
by their ability to detect every weakness and
tension in their surroundings. They are the
children who unerringly expose adults to
ridicule. The negative and disharmonious
moments of life inevitably attract them.
‘Prophesying of disagreeable events’ is a strange
rubric, where only Medorrhinum is named.
Is Medorrhinum well enough known as a
remedy for the allergic child? In addition to the
Nosodes Tuberculinum and Carcinosinum it
proved to be a very useful remedy.
Regarding early infantile development,
many remarkable deviations were found. Also
these children present very particular
disabilities: in the sense of ‘attention deficit
disorder’ also described as ‘frühkindliches
psychoorganisches Syndrom’ i.e. Minimal brain
dysfunction (RUF-BÄCHTIGER). These are
common diagnoses by the neuro-physiologists.
In the picture of Medorrhinum there is a
whole string of symptoms that correspond with
the above observations:
Sleep – position – genupectoral
Motions of head – rolling head
Lack of perseverance
Concentration – difficult
Making mistakes – in writing
In time
On this topic, PFEIFFER has elaborated
much information.
A good physiotherapy, play-therapy or ergo-
therapy can supplement the homeopathic
treatment in a significant way.
‘Fighting, raving madness, madness for
writing and reading’ only Medorrhinum shows
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
these key symptoms. This describes the summit
of the problems at school, with the well-known
disability in writing that also reminds us of
legasthenia and lefthandedness.
The symptoms of: ‘ailments from
reproaches’, ‘sensitive to reprimands’ and
‘despair from the smallest criticism’ are to be
added for the pupil. This should be taken into
consideration with these children: they need
encouragement and real help, not criticism.
What makes the children requiring
Medorrhinum fall ill?
The question for aetiology arises, in the
sense of ‘ailments from’:
Bad news, emotional excitement,
Reproaches, contradiction
Mental exertion, fear
Rudeness of others, egotism (acc. to
From my own observations, it should be added:
Jealousy of siblings
Quarrels in the family
Overcharge at school
Heavy competition at school
IV – Discussion
Thirty-seven cases on the topic
Medorrhinum were evaluated. They show the
spectrum of diagnoses and clinical symptoms.
Medorrhinum as a Nosode is classed as a
remedy for ‘miasmatic stigmatised’ children
(KENT, HERSCU). I want to say the same in
modern words:
Medorrhinum is a remedy for the wide range
of allergic or atopic children.
For children with neuro-physiological
deficiencies, in the sense of a minimal brain
For children suffering from behavioural
disorders, for whom it’s difficult to find their
place in modern meritocracy.
Medorrhinum is a big remedy, a real
polychrest and a deep acting Nosode; a
predominant remedy for today’s children.
Literature and references
1. HERSCU Paul: Die homöopathische
Behandlung der Kinder, Kai KRÖGER, Groß
2. JULIAN Othon-Andre: Materia Medica der
Nosoden. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg, 1983, 5.
3. PFEIFFER Herbert, Hoftheim bei
Frankfurt: Mündliche Mitteilungen in
Kursen über kindliche Entwicklung und
4. RUF-BÄCHTIGER Lislott: Das
frühkindliche psychoorganitsche Syndrom.
Thieme, Stuttgart, 1995, 3. Aufl.
5. RADAR Computer repertorisations
“Direct your eye right inward, and you’ll
A thousand regions in your mind
Yet undiscovered. Travel them and be
Expert in home-cosmography.”
- Henry David THOREAU, in
“Why should the lord of the country
Flit about like a fool?
If you let yourself be blown to and fro,
You lose touch with your root.
If you let restlessness move you,
You lose touch with who you are.”
- Lao-Tzu, in Tao-Te-Ching
“The Master sees things as they are,
Without trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way,
And resides at the center of the circle.”
- Lao-Tzu, in Tao-Te-Ching
(While Part II features articles from other
journals, Part III contains the editor’s own
contribution and other original articles.)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
I. The Tongue Symptoms in Clinical Diagnosis
by DEY, M. First Edition 2004. Indian Books and
Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi 110 005.
ISBN 81-7467-145-4. Rs.35/-.
Internal diseases are reflected via many
organs and their performance. The tongue plays
a very important role in guiding the physician to
proper diagnosis.
The various symptoms of the tongue – its
color, coating, the various tastes etc. are lying
scattered in the Repertory. However, we have
not had any particular book on this. Some years
ago the late Dr. Prakash VAKIL published a
book titled Tongue that does not Lie (also
published by Indian Books & Periodicals
Publishers, New Delhi 110 005) in 1987, a
second edition in 1988 and a reprint in 2000.
The book contains some good color plates. It is a
useful book at the bedside.
The present book by Dr. M. DEY is
differently laid out. In the first Chapter
General considerations, the anatomy, physiology
of the tongue, and the different changes
manifested on the tongue in certain ailments are
given. Chapter two covers ‘diagnostic
indications’. These Chapters though brief are
useful. Chapter three mentions the ‘Miasmatic
Influence’. Then follows the long Chapter Four
‘Remedy Indications’ wherein over-200
remedies’ ‘tongue symptoms’ are given. Next
Chapter has a repertory of “Sensation of
Tongue, as if”. Chapter Six is also a Repertory
in alphabetical order. Chapter Seven carries
‘Cases’ from the author himself followed by
Cases from the Literature. There is a valuable
Chapter Eight in which Diagnostic
nomenclatures are given – e.g. what is a bifid
tongue? One with a cleft at its anterior end, a
forked tongue. What is a blanket Tongue The
tongue is dry and swelled with a thick white
coating, as found in rheumatic fever.
Few printing errors may be corrected in the
next edition.
The book is useful to students and also for a
busy practitioner.
My close friend, the late Dr. H. L.
CHITKARA has given a nice ‘Foreword’ to this
The book is low priced. I gladly recommend
it to every homeopath.
II. Snapshot Prescribing in Homeopathy and
Therapeutic Hints by Dr. E. BALAKRISHNAN
and Dr. (Mrs.) Ramani PRADEEPKUMAR, Indian
Books & Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi 110
005. 2005. Price Rs.55/-.
The contents of the book will be self-evident
from the title itself. The author has drawn from
various reliable sources, from rich mines. There
are VII Chapters. In the Chapter II ‘Snap-shot’
prescribing BALAKRISHNAN briefly quotes
many stalwarts on the need to equip oneself with
a good knowledge of the Materia Medica.
“There is only one road by which success in
homeopathic practice may be obtained, and the
name of this road is - WORK. It is only hard
application, intelligent and unremitting, that can
ensure success in the mastery of the infinity of
details comprised in the homeopathic Materia
Medica.” (CLARKE). [Is there any other sure
road at all? = KSS.]
Dr. Dorothy SHEPHERD’s “There are no
stock-mixtures, each patient has to have
individual attention and the indicated medicine
should be found. The doctor must have a
prodigious memory”, is recalled. The galaxy is
WELLS, BOGER et al. The ‘Key Note’ was the
great clue for ‘snapshot’ prescribing.
While the term ‘Key Note’ in prescribing is
attributed to H.N.GUERNSEY, GUERNSEY
himself credited it to Jacob JEANES.
Homeopathy’s popularity shot up to great
heights in ‘emergency cases before the
‘antibiotic’ came upon the scene. Homeopaths
of today are not, in general, masters in this art of
prescription. In these days long hours, 2 hours
or more of ‘Case-taking’, collecting pages and
pages of ‘dreams’ and ‘delusion’ and calling
FREUD, JUNG into consideration has become
the fashion. And of course the in” thing now is
the “signature”. In this forest of Mind’ the
individual tree (the Key Note) is lost.
BALAKRISHNAN brings you back to the
golden days. Pay heed.
A good amount of material has been drawn
from J.H.CLARKE, the gems.
Chapter IV is ‘A Compilation of
Therapeutic Hints’. These will be useful in day-
to-day prescriptions.
In subsequent Chapters Cases’ from his
own practice are given with some from the
This small book is of great relevance today.
Every homeopath particularly the freshers from
the colleges will benefit much by reading it
carefully. The older homeopaths who have
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXII, 2/2005.
been drawn into the floods of signatures,
dreams, etc. also will benefit immensely.
Strongly recommended to all.
Rs.25000/- (Twenty Five Thousand) each
Scholarship for a year to Homeopathic
Physician (D.H.M.S., B.H.M.S., M.D. (Hom.) for
Fundamental Research in Dr. Kent’s Repertory of
the Homeopathic Materia Medica.
For Verification & Confirmation from the
Source Books at:
Hahnemann house-Meissen, Atmajyoti Ashram
Road, Subhanpura, Vadodara-390023. Gujarat,
India. Ph: 0265-2390089.
Note: Only honest, sincere, deligent, active,
having good attitude and aptitude with
PULSATILLA temperament can apply to THE
DIRECTOR of the Institute. Interview will be
the toughest in the History of Homeopathy for
the scholarship. Knowledge of the use of
computer is essential and thorough use of Dr.
Kent’s Repertory especially 6
edition corrected
by the Faculty of the Institute is required.
§ 9 of the Organon:
“In the healthy human state, the spirit-like
force (autocracy) that enlivens the material
organism as dynamis, governs without
restriction and keeps all parts of the organism in
admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as
regards both feelings and functions, so that our
indwelling, rational spirit can freely avail itself
of this living, healthy instrument for the higher
purposes of our existence.”
Higher purpose = higher good. What is higher
Tao Te Ching says:
“Higher good is like water:
the good in water benefits all,
and does so without contention.
It rests where people dislike to be,
So it is close to the Way.
Where it dwells becomes good ground;
Profound is the good in its heart,
Benevolent the good it bestows.
Goodness in words is trustworthiness,
Goodness in government is order;
Goodness in work is ability,
Goodness in action is timeliness,
But only by non-contention
Is there nothing extreme.”
Tao Te Ching
“Those who know others are wise;
Those who know themselves are enlightened.
Those who overcome others are powerful;
Those who overcome themselves are strong.
Those who are contented are rich;
Those who act strongly have will.
Those who do not lose their place endure;
Those who die without perishing live long.”