© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XXIII, 2006
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published
world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XXIII, 1, 2006
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Unity Within Diversity:
Moving Toward Dynamic Harmony Within the
Homeopathic Community
CICCHETTI, Jane (AH. 11/2005)
This article addresses some of the reasons for
the unusual degree of alienation and disagreement
within the homeopathic profession and explores
possibilities of dynamic harmony.
There are factors inherent within the
philosophy of Homeopathy that divide us from one
another. Empiricism creates a strong connection
with the patient and separation between
Professional disunity quarrelling over what is
true Homeopathy and general discord among
homeopaths has been all too common from
HAHNEMANN’s time until the present day.
HAHNEMANN himself created much discord
by criticizing anyone who did not agree with him or
who practiced “his” healing art in such a way that
did not meet his approval. [Of course,
HAHNEMANN insisted on following him exactly
if one wanted to get similar results. You cannot
practice as you pleased to and if results were not
positive blame Homeopathy and HAHNEMANN.
During days of LIPPE, ALLEN, WELLS there
were no individual trails. You give one and the
same case to them each separately and they would
prescribe one remedy unlike today when you refer a
case to three modern homeopaths you will get
three different remedies nowhere near each other
and claim individuality. In Homeopathy
‘individualization’ is with reference to the ill
patient and not the individual homeopath. = KSS.]
Another factor is the introverted nature of
many homeopaths. What are important in
professions made up of creative and independent
thinkers are guidelines that allow for discussion and
dialogue. Recognition of diversity of opinion and
forums for cross-pollination of ideas are important
steps toward co-operation.
The innovative solutions come from many
interactions between individuals.
Physicist David BOHM was interested in
dialogue through which it is possible to move to a
completely new way of looking at things.
In Bohmian dialogue groups, there is no
particular goal other than carefully listening to all
of those who wish to speak. This slows down the
thinking process enough so that underlying
patterns, preconceptions and prejudices that lie
behind the opinions and beliefs of each participant
are revealed within the group. It is when these
insights are shared within the group that completely
new ideas and views emerge.
If homeopaths were to participate in Bohmian
dialogue groups, perhaps would go beyond their
differences and find solutions for the difficult
health challenges from which so many are suffering
and might eventually develop a strong and resilient
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
There is difference between dialogue and
Honoring the opinion of others and not
alienating or offending them is a core principle of
dialogue. Dialogue requires that we leave our
egoistic view. This not only improves
communication, but also contains the possibility of
helping to expand consciousness and increase
maturity in those who choose to practice this fine
art of relating to others.
Once we can accept that there will always be
differences of opinion and we learn how to
communicate with one another about those
differences, we change what was once a schism in
the profession to an advantage. While
philosophical disagreements will always exist and
can, when respectfully encountered, create a very
positive dynamic, the emotional wounding requires
healing. [We cannot forget that ‘opinionsare not
the point. There is a Law and freedom should not
transcend that Law. HAHNEMANN criticized
edifices built upon opinions. ‘His’ Homeopathy
(Yes, it indeed is his: he gave us a Medicine
complete in itself Drugs, Materia Medica based
on Provings and ‘facts’ and not speculations or
opinions or surmises Pharmacology, and
application of all these all came from his,
HAHNEMANN’s, inductive intellect. We have no
regrets whatever; we stay contented. There is no
quarrel with ‘innovators’. But if they choose to
brand their innovations which are far removed from
the ‘basics’, as Homeopathy, it is an insult. While
eschewing quarrel need we smoke the pipe of peace
together? = KSS.]
2. Reclaiming the Meaning of Miasm
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
The purpose of this article is to reaffirm the
original meaning of Miasm and Chronic Disease in
the face of so many different interpretations. The
modern homeopath needs an updated frame of
reference for the description of chronic miasmatic
disease. An analogy will be made between the
naming of chronic Miasms and the naming of
clouds. A few current interpretations of Miasms
will be mentioned and compared to the original
observations of chronic diseases.
3. Hidden in Plain Sight
The Role of Vaccines in Chronic Disease
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
The adverse effects of vaccines are easily
ignored by the medical profession because they’re
limited to a few that are already documented (DPT
Encephalopathy, MMR Autism, etc.) and occur
within a few days after they are given. They are
also difficult to recognize even when looked for
because they represent only a more severe version
of whatever disease elements are already present in
each child; i.e., a non-specific effect of the
vaccination process per se, for which any vaccine
will suffice. Illustrative cases connect vaccines to
the common diseases of childhood (Asthma,
Eczema, Otitis, Allergies, Sinusitis, ADD, Autism,
etc.). This leads to a simple hypothesis to explain
how vaccines act. The remainder of the article
applies these ideas to vaccines of more recent
vintage, and concludes with recommendations for
vaccine and health policy.
4. Inductive Reasoning
(Excerpts from a forthcoming book)
AUSTIN, Michael (SIM. XVIII, 1 &2/2005)
Inductive reasoning use series of observations,
in order to reach a conclusion. Induction occur
when we gather bits of specific information
together and use our own knowledge and
experience in order to make an observation about
what must be true.
The varieties of inductive reasoning like
Generalization, Analogy, Statistical Inference are
discussed and the possible fallacies. [von
BeNNINGHAUSEN is the best example for
inductive reasoning = KSS.]
1. Taraxacum officinale
WILKENS, Johannes (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
Practical application of Taraxacum is
discussed. The author also made a small ‘Proving’
with the D6. The dullness, lethargic feeling, the
knee pains have all been verified in this self-
The author’s wife who also took Lac
taraxacum developed a definite feeling of being
pregnant for several weeks. She also felt heavy
tumescence of the breasts.
The remedy also is for diseases of the affluent.
It is also for chronic consequences of Hepatitis A or
B. In Fibromyalgia and Diabetes mellitus very
surprising results could be obtained from
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
2. Parallele, symmetrische HAMP von Silicea
und Bufo rana (C30) durch Kursteilnehmer
der A-F.Kurse
(Parallel, Symmetric Homeopathic Medicine
Proving of Silicea and Bufo rana)
MÖLLINGER, Heribert (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
Homeopathic medicine Proving is basic for
homeopathic therapeutics, and is a component in
the training courses for advancement in
Homeopathy Studies.
The design of a Proving, and the double blind,
randomized without placebo control in the A-F
Course in Hohenheim (10/2003) is explained.
The results of the Proving are given in full.
3. Viola odorata – Pathogenese eines Irrtums
(Viola odorota Pathogenesis mis-
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 49, 1/2005)
Two cases were reported in the ZKH.
46,1/2002 by Dr. Alois BAHEMANN in which he
had used the remedy Viola odorata and a peculiar
symptom with regard to this remedy is “Intellect
predominates over the emotion”. The source of this
symptom (in the Repertory) could not be traced
with certainty. This symptom seems to have been
drawn from JAHR. In his letter to the Editor
(ZKH. 46, 2/2002) Curt STERS explained the
Proving symptoms and concluded that “Intellect
predominated over the emotion” was an incorrect
rubric. However, later few more cured cases were
reported in the journals with the same symptom.
In this article HOLZAPFEL discusses both
BAHEMANN and Curt KÖSTERS and concludes
that the rubric is a misinterpretation, and should be
removed from the Materia Medica and Repertory.
4. Clinical Homeopathic Use of RNA: Evidence
from Two Provings
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Two Homeopathic Drug Provings (HDPs) of
RNA have been published. The methods are
reviewed. Our method is double-blind and
placebo-controlled, conforms to GCP and includes
run-in and follow-up phases. Symptoms are
selected from diaries according to predefined
criteria. The results of the Provings are compared
with each other and with the homeopathic clinical
use of RNA. At this stage it is difficult to draw
conclusions concerning the clinical use of RNA.
Further HDPs are required, they should follow GCP
and standard, transparent protocols.
5. A Deeper Look at Drug Remedies
HERRICK, Nancy (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
Polarities are one of the main characteristics of
drug remedies. There are 3 classifications of the
drug remedies: Stimulants, Depressants and
Stimulants – Go toward something i.e. Coffea
Creative mental work, Coca- physical activity,
Thea ideas and Ginseng – spiritual involvement.
Depressants – Attempt to escape from something
i.e. Opium from pain, Morphinum from moral
codes, Nux moschata from rationality, Alcoholus
from responsibilities, Piper methysticum from
boredom, Tabacum from burdens or oppression.
Hallucinogens Combine both aspects of the above
and they escape into delusions.
Another amazing dimension to the
understanding of drug remedies are Miasms of
Acute Miasm: Morphinum and Coffeinum.
Sycotic Miasm: Cannabis indica.
Cancer Miasm: Opium, Anhalonium.
Leprosy Miasm: Codeinum, Mandragora
Syphilitic Miasm: Nilumbo nucifera
1. Zur therapeutischen Bedeutung der zwölften
Dezimalpotenz bei isopathisches Anwendung
(The therapeutic significance of the 12 decimal
potency in isopathic application)
HÜBNER, Gerhard (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
It is shown that the 12
decimal potency (12x)
has an exceptionally therapeutic quality if used
isopathically. Side effects caused by allopathic
remedies, also allergic agents like heavy metals
which cause long time allergy (Type IV) can be
cured with the same agent in D12 (12K). This is so
in cases of body’s own substances e.g. Adrenaline
Thus the significance of the D12 potency is of
great value.
2. Schwindelzustände seit frühster Kindheit:
Cocculus indicus (Vertigo since early
childhood – Cocculus indicus)
HADULLA, Michael (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
A 53-year–old woman with Vertigo since
nearly childhood, abdominal pain with dyspnoea
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
and aversion to eat was cured of all these
complaints by Cocculus indicus 200 one dose.
This remedy is a ‘small’ remedy, used mostly
for travel sickness; ‘small’ because of our ‘small’
homeopathic knowledge!
3. Homöopathische Behandlung eine
Skorpionstiches (Homeopathic Treatment of
Scorpion Sting)
JAEGER, Johanr-Dietrich (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
A small case of scorpion sting (while on a
holiday in Greece) which required Ledum 30 (sting
of insects, better by ice cold application), followed
by Mercurius solubulis 30 (pain occiput, pain left
side of head) and lastly Sepia 200 (chilly, appetite,
etc.) all within 24 hrs. Patient became completely
Though an acute case, the author has given the
working with the KENT and BeNNINGHAUSEN
4. Fälle aus der Psychiatrie
(Cases from Psychiatry)
BRENNER, Stefan (ZKH. 49,1/2005)
Five cases from Psychiatry, treated
successfully complimentarily to psychiatric psycho-
and psycho-pharmaco therapy by following
principles of Classical Homeopathy, are presented.
Two cases in detail (Sep., Nat-m.), three more in
shortened versions (Hyos., Lach., Ign.). In spite of
high-dose combined psycho-pharmaco-therapy,
homeopathic Q-potencies were highly effective.
5. Zwei weitere Fälle von cerebralem
Anfalleleiden (Two Further Cases of Cerebral
Seizures – Epileptic)
RICHTER, Olaf & HADULLA, Michael
(ZKH. 49,1/2005)
A Case of a 5½-year-old boy suffering from
epileptic seizures (focal-partial-cerebral seizures
with Rolando-focus). As a result of Calcarea
carbonica, Opium D, 200 and Sulphur the seizures
disappeared clinically, also no further hyper
synchronic activity in EEG could be found. The
second case reports about an 8-year-old boy
suffering from epileptic seizures and multiple
cerebral defects. As a result of anti-epileptic
treatment (Frisium-Clogazam) increasing behavior
disorders as side effects. By homeopathic
treatment with Tuberculinum and Silicea the
seizures disappeared.
6. Skleritis – Senega (Scleritis – Senega)
WEGENER, Andreas (ZKH. 49, 1/2005)
A Case of Scleritis cured by Senega. The
characteristics were: aggravation on focusing,
bursting pain with sensation of enlargement and
sensitivity to touch of the eyes. Two symptoms of
Senega, hitherto not in the repertories, can be
7. Eine “complicierte” Krankheit – Krebs
(A “Complicated” Disease – Cancer)
FRIEDRICH, Uwe (ZKH. 49, 1/2005)
Treatment of an inflammatory breast Cancer
with Belladonna, Lac caninum, Carcinosinum and
Lycopodium. Analysis of Cancer as a complicated
disease, consisting of several dissimilar diseases.
The author refers, rightly, to the Organon as
“the basis of Treatment”. Cancer is perceived as far
more than a one-sided disease, and its treatment
basis has been clearly mentioned by
HAHNEMANN in the Organon. Most of the
authors say that in the treatment of Cancer great
attention is to be paid about treatment of dissimilar
disease. About potentisation and dosages also
HAHNEMANN has sketched the basis for the
concept of the homeopathic therapy of Cancer
72). The successful application of
HAHNEMANN’s instructions can be learnt from
all leading homeopaths from the beginning of the
Century who handled Cancers. Most of them
have slightly modified them according to personal
experiences, but within the Hahnemannian
tradition. In the author’s opinion, these were J.C.
8. Akutfälle nach BÖNNINGHAUSEN (2)
(ZKH. 49, 1/2005)
The author has earlier reported cases treated
using the BeNNINGHAUSEN method (ZKH. 48,
3/2004). Here he reports three more cases.
The difference between a characteristic
symptom in homeopathic and common language is
explained. Ref. to the § 153: The more
common and indeterminate symptoms (lack of
appetite, headache, lassitude, restless sleep,
discomfort, etc.) are to be seen with almost every
disease and medicine and thus deserve little
attention unless they are more closely
The three cases explain the above.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
9. Bonjour Docteur
LAPY, Benoit (RBH. 32, 1/2002)
A young girl suffered from cold and a cough
especially in a warm room or on exertion like
cycling. She seems a little haughty and indifferent.
Belladonna is prescribed. In the subsequent visit
she acts clownish. She is prescribed Opium and
later Veratrum album and Pulsatilla. But the ENT
problems recur.
Then during a new ENT infection she enters
the doctor’s consulting room acting like a clown,
she puts out her tongue and plays with an elastic
band. She is described as changing, sometimes
very active, sometimes very exhausted. She at
present has some problem at school but her mother
has not been able to bring it out of her. She is
prescribed Kali bichromicum 30K with very good
The analysis of the case: Prescription is based
on the rubrics
- antics playful
- timidity bashful
- rest, desire for.
Not satisfied with description of the remedy in
ALLEN’s Encyclopaedia, consulted HUGHES &
This work follows the chronology of events of
the provers and though incomplete in regard to
certain remedies, it is all the same very rich in
lessons for certain remedies: the sequence of the
symptoms of the prover (which is not found in
ALLEN’s presentation) is very descriptive and has
helped in this prescription.
1. The girl says that she is a big girl, she is very
sure of herself, very affirmative.
In HUGHES prover No.20. NEIDHART –
countenance fuller, clearer and more
2. When the girl is sick she takes no pleasure in
her usual work, here it is not tiredness, that
prevents her from playing but rather
No.26 MARENZELLER lassitude with a
feeling of general malaise, sullen and not
inclined to attend to his avocations, tired of
3. When she is sick, she wants calm, tranquility
and in the same prover… tiredness,
melancholy, desire for calm, rest.
4. When sick she wants to lie down, her mother
cannot make her tell her problems.
Under SCHWARZ – No. 33
Sensation heat and tiredness as after exercise,
exhausted, incapable of thought, desire to remain
seated, indifferent, desire to cut short all
conversation, lest I expose myself, desire to be
alone, better in open air.
5. Her attitude is particular – on one side ... it
appears that she wants to do her normal work, on
the other hand she claims to be very sick and wants
to be relieved immediately (first taken as sick so
that she could have the syrup but not so)
REISINGER (31)…. Great lassitude and malaise
which prevents him from sleeping even for an hour;
sensation as if a real sickness had arrived.
This case has shown that a better approach to
the complaints of the patient can lead to a judicious
An attentive reading of the Materia Medica
without any misinterpretation can help us in better
understand the remedies.
This case is just an illustration and one should
not hastily reach to conclusions to limit the
Materia Medica of this remedy just to the above
10. Cas clinique pour l’entrée á la Société belge
d’Homoeopathie (Clinical Case for Entry into
the Belgian Homeopathic Society)
SCHEEPERS, Leon (RBH. 32, 1/2002)
A 37-year-old entrepreneur with Eczema, since
a year, of the back of hands, wrist and forearms.
Dry and red patches with itching more in the
evening than the day. The eruptions had started
suddenly between the fingers and the wrist. Two
weeks later the eruption on the left eye lid.
Sometimes there are eruptions in the axilla and the
hips. He used a cortisone cream and a moisturizing
His arrogant mentality, egoism, ambition, food
desires Sulphur was prescribed. His eczema
disappeared only to return again.
Further consultation and re-repertorisation of
the following symptoms
- Capriciousness, rejecting things for which
he has been longing
- Discontented everything with
- Weeping music from
- Restlessness
- Eruption face
- Teeth caries
- Inflammation gums
Comes out with Kreosotum, which matches well
especially with the mental state of the patient. Over
a period of 9 years the patient required Kreosotum
12 times but there is very good improvement both
in his physical and mental state.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
11. A Case of Conduct Disorder
Violence and Audacity in a Fearful Boy
SHANNON, Tim (AH. 11/2005)
Ten-year-old boy, quiet and reticent presenting
with Conduct Disorder. Fear of the dark, being
alone, likes cats and dogs. Alligators and
crocodiles interest him. Dreams of blue whale
chasing and attacking. Fragile self-esteem.
Aggressive with deep-seated anger. Criticism
affects him. Alienates friends by being aggressive.
But when he meets one whom he cannot take on, he
cows down easily. Loves Dinosaurs. Pain in legs.
Jealous. He has low pain bearing.
Tyrannosaurus rex 200, 2 doses 12 hours apart.
The author has used Massimo’s Repertory
combined with Millennium Repertory.
Follow up – 5 weeks later – improved.
Three months later mild relapse. T. rex 200 3
doses 12 hours apart.
A year later Much improved. Still fear of
dark. Still being brash as a compensation for being
fearful. T. rex. Q1 Qd 20/80, in 4 Oz water, then
¼ tsp.
Doing well. [Case Reports like this simply
cause anguish. Where is the Proving of the
Tyrannosaurus? Should not homeopaths have
access to the Provings and medicines? Rare Cases,
Rare Materia Medica, Rare Repertories, Massimo’s
Repertory and K. J. MÜLLER’s References works!
Rare availability of the remedies. Honestly these
Case Reports are useless for the regular
12. General Practitioners and Classical
Homeopaths Treatment Models for Asthma
and Allergy
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Complementary and alternative treatment
(CAT) is increasingly popular with patients and
health-care providers. In the western societies an
increasing number of patients with Asthma and
Allergy combine conventional and CAT. But
health-care providers knowledge about the different
treatment models applied within the conventional
health care system and alternative treatment is
generally poor. ‘Treatment model’ includes
understanding of disease, diagnostic approach,
treatment methods and expected effects of
treatment. Different treatment models represent
different social constructions of understanding. We
present a conceptualization of general practitioners’
(GPs) and classic homeopaths(CHs) perceptions
of their treatment models in patients with Asthma
and Allergy. This is a first phase of a research
project conducted in Denmark to study
prerequisites for bridge building between
conventional and alternative therapists.
The research questions were: How do the GPs
and the CHs describe their treatment models for
Asthma and Allergy? What are the differences and
similarities between the treatment models? Is there
a logical connection between the components of the
GPs and CHs treatment models?
Six GPs and 11 CHs participated in semi-
structured interviews. The main difference is in the
GPs and CHs descriptions of the purpose of
treatment. Similarities are found in the perception
of a successful treatment. Both the GPs and CHs
experience treatment effects to be dependent on
contextual conditions. Differences and similarities
between treatment models are discussed in relation
to potential bridge building between conventional
and alternative health care.
13. The Unpredictable World of Allergies
Six Hay Fever Fighting Remedies
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 4/2004)
While allergies are mostly annoyance, in some
patients, it is a serious and potentially lethal
There are two aspects to homeopathic
treatment. One is acute relief, the other is a
curative response such that the patient stops
reacting and has no further need for relief of
Indications for Allium cepa, Euphrasia,
Sabadilla, Arsenicum album, Nux vomica, Natrum
muriaticum and Wyethia are given for Hay fever
like symptoms.
14. Sneezing and Yelling: Two parts of One whole
Homeopathy helps a severe Case of Hay Fever
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 4/2004)
30-year-old man, well dressed, neat and
punctual, with serious seasonal allergies that
troubled him about half of each year. Tremendous
itchiness of the eyes, a runny nose and frequent
bouts of explosive sneezing which exhausted him.
Irritable and yelling. Explosive anger which drains
He kept a strict routine and tended toward
constipation, desired spicy things and drank
alcohol. Sleep was frequently disturbed in the
middle of the night with worries about work,
finances and remorse over his outbursts during the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Nux vomica 6 twice a day for one month. Six
months later, he was pleased that he had no Hay
Fever the previous season and angry outbursts
much reduced. Nux vomica 200. One year later
wanted another dose as he was feeling the
irritability creeping back.
15. Eczema: Simple Disease or Deeper
Disturbance? Get help to overcome Eczema
HOOVER, Todd A. (HT. 24, 4/2004)
Eczema, also known as Atopic or Allergic
Dermatitis is usually described as a skin irritation
that causes dryness, itching and redness; it
sometimes progresses to weeping, crusting,
excoriation and flaking.
In reality, Eczema, is an immune system
disorder characterized by an over reaction of an
allergic nature. Typical allergens related to Eczema
include dairy, wheat, tree pollen, pet dander, dust
and mold.
Homeopathic medicines, by stimulating the
body to move into a more healthy state, the over-
response of the immune system may moderate and
the Eczema should improve.
Indications for Sulphur, Arsenicum album,
Arsenicum iodatum, Graphites, Rhus
toxicodendron, Lycopodium and Natrum
muriaticum are given.
16. Do-it-yourself learning
Healing Ear Infections
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 4/2004)
Most children experience a few episodes of
Otitis Media, usually associated with a Cold or
Upper Respiratory Infection. Antibiotics are over
used and homeopathic remedies stimulate a
response in the overall recuperative processes of
patients, helping their bodies fight infection
Indications for Chamomilla, Pulsatilla,
Belladonna, Ferrum phosphoricum and Hepar
sulphuris are given.
The use of antibiotics seems to create a self-
perpetuating cycle. Using Homeopathy seems to
break the cycle.
17. Earache Advice: Homeopathy and Common
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 4/2004)
Typical earache symptoms in infants and
- Tugging, pulling or rubbing the ears.
- Crying or pain when the ears are touched.
- Increased crying when lying down.
- Fussiness, fretfulness, irritability.
- Excessive crying or even screaming.
- Nasal discharge, fever, loss of appetite.
- Difficulty sleeping or frequent waking.
- Hearing loss (temporary).
- Ear pain when swallowing, chewing, blowing
It is helpful to identify the stress or stresses
that led up to the child’s illness to prescribe acutely
and to prevent future episodes.
Constitutional treatment for recurring attacks.
18. 15 Fabulous Remedies for Earache
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 4/2004)
The indications for remedies are tabulated as
Etiology, Side, Ear, Pain, General symptom, Mental
symptom, Worse, Better and Concomitant
Acon., Apis, Bell., Calc., Cham., Ferrum-p.,
Hepar-s., Kali mur., Lach., Lyco., Mag-phos.,
Merc. sol., Puls., Sil., Sulph.
A very useful ‘ready reckoner on any
homeopath’s table.
19. Nighttime earaches? This mom is ready!
MACK, Judith (HT. 24, 4/2004)
The author’s first experience was with her
daughter Hana Rose when she was 6 months old.
Her right ear was red, face flushed, skin hot and
restless. Bright red eardrum. Belladonna was given
after referring Dana ULLMAN’s Homeopathy for
Infants and Children.
She simmered down and fell asleep. One more
dose when she woke up to nurse. Next morning the
eardrum was pearly colored and she was back to
her cheerful self.
20. Five “Pearls” from Five Years in Practice
A Homeopath Shares What She’s Learned
SAMET, Lisa (HT. 24, 4/2004)
1. Don’t be intimidated by the name of the
patient’s disease.
2. Remember that characteristic General
symptoms are often most important in finding the
3. If you think you have made a good
prescription, stick with it.
4. Understand the concept of dissimilar disease.
5. Have the guts to be a homeopathic purist.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
21. Surgery: Speed Healing and Control Pain.
Four Remedies to Take to the Hospital with
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 5/2004)
Arnica - For all trauma
Bellis perennis - Trauma to abdomen and
deep Organs
Hypericum - Nerve injury, extreme pain
Staphysagria - Injuries from cutting
instruments; incision pain.
Raphanus - Trapped abdominal gas that
won’t go up or down.
22. Autism after immunization? A child with
unusual behaviour gets help from Homeopathy
LUEPKER, Ian (HT. 24, 5/2004)
Eight year-old Paolo was adopted at 27 months
from a Brazilian orphanage. He was cranky,
disgruntled at home. His questions were unending,
even after receiving answers. He began his
sentences referring himself in the third person.
Dyslexic. He also loved to pretend that he was an
animal. Swiveling his head from side to side and
sucking his thumb. Drooling, spinning, banging
and crashing into whatever obstacles were in his
His problems started with a severe reaction to
MMR Vaccine at 27 months age. Within 24 hrs
after vaccination, he developed an inflamed lump at
the site of the shot and he limped irritability for
days. He lost 2 years of language development. His
motor skills and balance declined as well.
Chocolate was prescribed. Within first 2
weeks, he experienced a return of symptoms from
the past and 6 weeks later, he was better than
before. The startling change was his spontaneous
affection. For two years, he continued to progress
with periodic repetitions.
23. Fetal Alcohol Effects or Immunisation Effects?
A daughter’s trials bring mom to Homeopathy
FULLER, Diane (HT. 24, 5/2004)
Catherine was adopted 21 years ago and her
birth mother had used drugs and alcohol during
pregnancy. At months DPT shot given in her
right thigh. It became inflamed and swollen from
her hip to knee. Hard lump developed directly
under the injection site and an angry looking
abscess appeared. She became unmanageable with
horrific unpredictable rages and screaming. She
demanded total attention. At 3 years consulted a
homeopath and Veratrum album 200 was given.
Within seconds she was in full-blown rage and in
few minutes became very quiet. She needed
remedies frequently. Catherine responded to daily
doses of LM medicine. In a tantrum, medicine was
administered as inhalations.
The symptoms of the Fetal Alcohol effects and
the Post Encephalitic Syndrome after the DPT
vaccine are alike. Many mothers have carried guilt
unnecessarily for having few glasses of wine during
pregnancy when the actual damage is due to
vaccine-induced Encephalitis.
The author became homeopath because of
Thanks to the love and commitment of her
family and teachers and the wonders of
Homeopathy, Catherine now 21, is capable of
making choices in her life in a more mature,
responsible way.
24. Summer travel?
Don’t leave home without these 2 remedies!
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 6/2004)
The indications of Arsenicum album and Nux
vomica are given for use in many travel related
maladies – especially of gastro intestinal nature.
25. Homeopathy – Made to Order for Pregnancy!
Tips and Reminders for Treating Pregnant
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 6/2004)
The author follows certain guidelines for
treating pregnant woman.
If previous pregnancies were difficult,
constitutional homeopathic care before conception
if possible or at least during the first trimester.
If previous children suffer or have suffered
from any chronic problem, constitutional treatment
for both parents before conception. If not feasible,
for the mother during the pregnancy.
Only very severe morning sickness, if it is long
lasting is treated.
A dose of constitutional remedy a month
before birth as a way of strengthening the patient in
preparation for the birth.
Emphasis given on proper nutrition, rest,
exercise and finding support at home and work.
26. The Ugliest Legs this Side of the Mississippi
A Case of Varicose Veins in Pregnancy
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 6/2004)
A long-term patient who responded well to
Lycopodium for her pre-menstrual syndrome and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
general constipation did not respond to it when
prescribed for the worsening of varicose veins
during the course of her first pregnancy. The veins
were incredibly painful and sensitive to touch.
Stinging pains. She simultaneously developed
varicosities around the vulva area. Hamamelis 30
given. Next week pain was much reduced. During
the eighth month, Hamamelis 200, when again
there was stinging.
Dr. HERSHOFF lists the following remedies
that may be helpful for varicose veins. Aesculus,
Bellis perennis, Carbo vegetabilis, Flouric acid,
Hamamelis, Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Sepia.
27. The Best Gift ... for Parents-to-be and their
(HT. 24, 6/2004)
The best time to begin treating our children is
before they are born. There is no better gift for a
newborn than for the mom and dad to receive
constitutional homeopathic care.
Physical, mental predispositions and complex
emotional and immunological patterns are passed
through genes. The simillimum can do wonders to
help heal deeply ingrained psychological patterns
and states.
Case 1: Darin, 5 year-old with Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder was defiant and
challenging. Provoked easily. He was convinced
that he was right and everyone else was wrong.
Pregnancy with Darin was unhappy and
frustrating. Mother had been miserably homesick
throughout the pregnancy.
One dose of Capsicum and two months later,
all was well and continued to do well.
Case 2: 7 year-old Connor with episodes of
rage, manifesting in clawing, screaming, biting and
Mother’s strongest feeling during pregnancy
was one of being trapped in a threatening situation
from which she could not escape. It was being
restrained that enraged the boy most violently.
Benefited from Stramonium, Lyssin. Connor’s
response to Falcon has been nothing short of
remarkable. Interestingly it turned out peregrine
falcons were his favorite animal. [Are we to reckon
the ‘favorite animal as a clear ‘indication’? If it
had been a horse would we prescribe Lac
equinum’? = KSS.]
28. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) during
POWERS, Donna (HT. 24, 6/2004)
During pregnancy, many women retain fluid;
this swelling can cause compression on the median
nerve which travels through the tunnel” of the
32-year-old Sherill, eight months pregnant with
second child complained of numbing, shooting,
burning pain from the middle finger going up. She
was crying throughout the interview. During the
previous labour, she had severe pain in sacrum
which is relieved by hard pressure. Aversion
husband to, though he was supportive.
Kali carbonicum 10M, within 24 hours, pain
was less, felt better. A month later another dose
repeated when CTS pain returned. She had normal
delivery and no postpartum problems as earlier.
Grace, 40, had a flare up of CTS while sewing
at 5
month of pregnancy and became unbearable
at 7½ months. She felt violent motions of fetus
disturbing. Much conscientious about trifles,
secretive, bad childhood.
Thuja 1M, 3 doses in 24 hours. Pain and
numbness were gone. Relapses over the next few
weeks and each time a dose of Thuja helped.
Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Indications of Arnica, Causticum, Guaicum, Ruta
graveolens are given.
29. Safe and Sound in Pregnancy
Some “almost specific” Remedies for
Pregnancy and Birth
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 6/2004)
Mary, who was three months pregnant was
involved in a minor accident and suffered some
abdominal bruising from banging into the steering
wheel. She was bleeding little from the uterus and
her whole abdomen felt sore and bruised. Though
concerned that she may miscarry, she told that she
was O.K. Arnica 30 every 2 hours. Bleeding
stopped and her pregnancy continued.
Bellis perennis is a remarkable little remedy for
bruising that goes deeper than Arnica. Almost a
specific remedy for groin pains during the last few
months of pregnancy, pains that come on suddenly
while walking and are severe enough to make
walking impossible until they have passed. These
pains are due to the stretching of the ligaments and
nerves of the uterus.
Caulophyllum can indeed pave the way for a
trouble-free childbirth if it is indicated, but if taken
routinely and unnecessarily, it can cause difficulties
in labor.
It is primarily indicated for sedentary women
with poor muscle tone. Useful for annoying
Braxton – Hicks contractions.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The author questions the wisdom of
unnecessary interventions to bring on labor that
appear to be designed for the convenience of
doctors and hospitals.
30. Top Ten Remedies for Birth and Beyond
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 6/2004)
Indications for Aconite, Arnica, Chamomilla,
Cocculus, Kali carbonicum, Kali phosphoricum,
Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur and Rescue remedy
(Bach Flower Remedy) are given.
31. Great Expectations
A Tale of Two Births
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 24, 6/2004)
This is a narration of personal experience. The
labor of first pregnancy lasted for 60 hours until she
took Pulsatilla 200 and Arnica 200 and within two
minutes child was born. Mastitis was relieved by
Seven years later, the labour lasted only three
hours and delivered. Kali carbonicum 200 was
taken for the pain in lower back during labor.
Aconite 200 to ease the rising sense of panic.
Pulsatilla 1M, helped to relax and deliver
within next 10 minutes.
After-pains were not relieved by Kali carb
10M, but 200 relieved.
32. Newborn Babies with Jaundice
What You Should Know. What You Can Do
FEDER, Lauren (HT. 24, 6/2004)
Typical symptoms are sleepiness and a lack of
interest in nursing with consequent dehydration.
If bilirubin levels are slightly elevated, increase
in the frequency of breast feeding, should lead to
more frequent bowel movements to aid in
eliminating bilirubin.
If bilirubin levels are higher Phototherapy.
Adverse effects include loose stools, temperature
problems or dehydration.
Two-day-old Madeline’s bilirubin count was
rising and she had a golf ball size haematoma on
her forehead, following a difficult twin delivery
with vacuum extraction. Several doses of Arnica
200. Madeline’s bruise resolved, her bilirubin
content came down.
5-day-old Jack was turning yellow, irritable
and colicky, had to be carried all the time,
inconsolable, constipated, abdomen noisy and
sensitive to pressure. Chamomilla did not help.
Lycopodium clavatum 30, three doses and Jack’s
Jaundice began to clear up immediately.
33. Beautiful Birth, Beautiful Boy and the
Power of Arnica
HENDERSON, Jesse Remer (HT. 24, 6/2004)
The author had severe Sciatic pain during
pregnancy and Hypericum relieved it. After a
prolonged labor, a boy was delivered with a large
haematoma. Arnica oil was applied to the head.
Within minutes swelling was going down.
34. Meniere’s Disease: A Case of Lotus
JOHNSON, Alan (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
The patient presented with Meniere’s disease
14 months after his retirement. Right ear deafness,
tinnitus and a severe sensation of spinning when
suffering a bout of the disorder. Worse from
consolation. Feels life is an unfolding, expanding
state. Had spells of Vertigo and then a shaky
effect. Pursues altered states through meditation.
As a child, he was a bully.
Lotus 200. In the next 21 months, Vertigo
gradually reduced, no nausea, no tinnitus, hearing
improved. [Again a remedy, which we do not find
in the Materia Medica available to us. Not
withstanding the ‘Themes’ listed, the prescription
seems to be based on signature’. The patient says
“I meditate. As the lotus flower expands, it
represents expanding states of self-awareness….”
35. Constipation in an Infant
MASIELLO, Domenick (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
LB, six-week-old female infant with
constipation. Stool soft and accompanied by much
flatulence. Bowel movements once in every 5-6
days. She did not appear in distress. Nux vomica
200 did not help. 7 weeks after, HiB and
Pneumococcal vaccines were given. She reacted
with extreme irritability, vomiting and high fever.
Belladonna 200 helped only to bring the fever
down. Chamomilla 200 and then M. Fever,
irritability and vomiting quickly resolved but
constipation continued. After 2 doses of Sulphur
200 and Opium 200, no change. A tiny rectal
fissure appeared. Retaking the case revealed that
the constipation was at its best during a period of
time when LB was receiving small amounts of
Chamomile tea.
Chamomilla 200, one dose daily for the next
three days. LB was having three bowel movements
per day. No further doses were required.
36. Emotional Case Taking
(SIM.XVIII, 1 & 2/2005)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Learning the mental/emotional make-up of the
patient and its contribution to the symptom picture
is usually more challenging. This depends both on
patient’s trust and the skillful questioning by the
Inability to reveal the emotional life may
include cultural and familial prohibitions and a
sense of shame. With some encouragement by the
practitioner, this material can be elucidated.
A more difficult situation is when one could
not reveal because of undeveloped self-awareness.
Very deep healing and the opportunity to
change can occur simply through a well-conducted
Case 1: ML, 32-year-old female presenting with
increasing distress since 2 weeks. After her last
prescription of Natrum muriaticum 1M, she was
doing well on all levels. She was a recovering
alcoholic and drug user. The reason for the
depression could not be elicited. On questioning
about anything unusual 2 weeks ago, she told she
went on a blind date. He was nice and drank much.
On returning home started feeling worse and worse.
With further talk, the patient started to realize
that she recognized her date and family to be
alcoholics and she couldn’t reconcile his
pleasantness with the alcoholism. She felt better
with this and no remedy was needed.
This case represents a situation where despite a
remedy the current problem relates to faulty
upbringing”. As suggested by HAHNEMANN,
“earnest, rational expostulation” resolved the
difficulty (§224-226)
Case 2: SB, 51-year-old female with menopausal
symptoms since 6 months. HRT worsened the
situation. Sepia 12 b.i.d. 10 days later, she was
better on every level. Since 2 days she had been
crying without reason and also pain in an old scar.
Upon further questioning, she told that when
her 25-year-old stepson came to visit and was
yelling, she wanted to say something but went out.
Her husband felt this as insulting and made her
write a letter of apology. She felt violated and
started weeping.
Three days later, pain in several other scars.
Staphysagria 200. Next day, pain decreased
dramatically and gone. In few days menopausal
symptoms returned and Sepia 200 resolved them.
37. A Case of Oral Lichen Planus
MEHER, Subhash (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
KS. 21 years. Salesman in a shop in a small
Feb. 23, 2004: Painful eruptions with burning
sensation, whitish and lacy appearance all over the
tongue and on buccal mucous membrane. A thick
black scale on lower lip. Lesions very painful,
burning. This recurs every 3 to 4 months. Skin
specialist treatment would keep it subsided for
sometime. Senior specialist diagnosed it as Oral
Lichen Planus, not confirmed by Biopsy.
Oral lesions were followed by itching eruptions
on palms and soles. Eruptions multiple; excessive
salivation, ropy, thick, white. Tongue border
ulcerated. Deep central fissure. First eruption
appeared on lip and then on oral mucous membrane
and tongue. Occasional mild burning urination.
Sweat++. Desires sweets, salt. Dreams of snakes.
Mercurius 30 (local symptom) on Feb. 23, 2004.
26 Feb. 2004: aggravated, could not open the
mouth, eat or drink. Syphilinum M (bilateral
symmetrical eruptions). Echinaecea and Calendula
mother tinctures for gargling.
28 Feb. 2004: Severity remains same. Nitric acid
30, six doses (local pathology). Kali muriaticum
March 7, 2004: much better. Tongue thick white
coating +++. Kali muriaticum 6x followed by
Natrum muriaticum 6x b.d. for 10 days.
March 19, 2004: almost totally better.
March 30, 2004: Mild diarrhoea lasted for 3 to 4
days. No medicine.
May 16, 2004: One, two small ulcers appeared on
the inside of lower lip and cheek and cleared within
a day or two. No medicine.
February 5, 2005: Sudden high fever, severe
headache and body ache, with drowsiness. Was
exposed to hot and cold weather a day before fever.
Aconite 30 followed by Bryonia 30 and Gelsemium
30, relieved him within 24 hours. [All the three
remedies were given within span of one day! =
KSS]. Mild dryness of lips, scaly with tiny
eruptions on them. Mild heaviness of head, thirst
and desire for salt. Natrum muriaticum 30 cleared
quickly. [Perhaps Kali muriaticum itself might
have cleared the whole case. Why Echinaecea and
Calendula mother tinctures together? How do we
accept these as homeopathic? = KSS].
38. Assessment of a Patient with Joint Pain
ASRANI C. H. (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Whenever a patient presents with a problem of
joint, the primary case physician has to picture ALL
the structures that make up a joint. The duty of the
physician is to assess the entire locomotor system.
Establish the extent of ability or disability to carry
out routine, day-to-day chores. Ask the patient to
disrobe as much as is comfortable to physician and
patient and observe closely as the patient carries out
your instructions. The easiest way to do this is to
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
watch appearance and movements of Upper limb,
Lower limb, Spine, Gait. normal or otherwise.
Any abnormality should be noted down.
Osteoarthritis is most likely to affect the joints
that receive most use or stress over the years.
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition
affecting the joints.
The concept of joint protection is vital for the
patient with Osteoarthritis, especially where large
joints are involved. Protection from overuse is
39. Correct your Postures
DUA, Shiv (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Correct postures of sitting, standing and
walking make a difference in patients of Cervical
Equal distribution of body weight on the legs is
a must to avoid backaches and neck pains. Erect is
the only method to sit, stand, walk or drive a
Traveling on rough lumpy road by bikes and
jeep should be avoided.
Persons who use Computers need more care for
neck pain.
40. Homeopathic Approach to Osteoarthritis
KAPSE, Anand; PHANSE, Anagha; DATEY,
Sonali (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Finer knowledge of the tissue involved and the
mechanisms of pain can improve our therapeutic
approach especially in defining the sector remedy
for a specific case. Patients describe different types
of pains which could be helpful to understand the
tissue affected. Prospective studies can bring about
a revolution in our therapeutic management of
Diagnosis, Ancillary measures, Clinical
experiences and four cases have been cited.
41. The Man who Slipped on Every Occasion
(NJH. 5, 4/2003)
A businessman 42 years calf pain and
numbness after slip disc. Other complaints;
Allergic Rhinitis; Throbbing headache, Supra
orbital; Vertigo from traveling, pain left lumbar
region, cured with Acute Nux vomica 30,
Constitutional Kali carb. 200, Intercurrent Thuja
42. Homeopathy handles Pneumonitis
JUNAGADE, Sachin and PAWASKAR, Navin
(NJH. 5, 4/2003)
25-year-old lady was brought to hospital with
complaints of cough and high-grade fever, was
unable to walk by herself. Complaint started 12
days ago; after drinking cold water; gave rise to
coryza 5 days after visiting, got wet and within 2
hrs developed high-grade fever with chilliness.
Had to use blanket in hot weather. 7 days later
cough increased with scanty expectoration chest
pain < coughing < deep breathing. Vertigo with
fever. One glass of water every 10 minutes. Bitter
taste. O/E: GC unsatisfactory. Toxic dehydrated
look. Had to be carried to the hospital.
Tubercular Miasm, High sensitivity.
Bryonia M 4 hrly.
Correction of toxic state and dehydration by
intravenous fluid.
Afebrile in 24 hrs.
Bryonia M continued. Complete radiological
clearance on day 10. Calc.carb. 200 1 dose.
Patient asymptomatic since then.
43. A Case of Prolapse of Intervertebral Discs
KAPSE, Anand,; YADAV, Pankaj; PAI,
Archana (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
70 year-old lady with left Sacro-lumbar joint
pain with sudden onset and numbness. X-ray of
left knee (AP and Lateral), mild to moderate
Osteoarthritis of the left knee joint.
18.9.2002: Sepia 200. There was regression in
pains for 3 days. Again pain Sepia 200 3 PHS.
After two weeks complained of stiffness in toes and
pains increased at nights. Sepia 200, 7 PHS.
16-10-2002: Frozen shoulder diagnosed. Thuja
200. Her sensation in feet restored. Frozen
shoulder also improved.
27-11-2002: Hepar sulph 200 was given for sore
Overall improvement in her functioning with
relief in the pain in lumbosacral joint, knee and
sensation of foot restored.
Any pathology can be treated provided the
patient gives characteristic symptoms. Expensive
investigations are not always easy to repeat in our
kind of practice.
44. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Urticaria (Chronic),
SHAIKH, Mehjabeen H. (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
49 year-old female with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Skin complaints since 1998-99. Itching of
whole body head, front and back of thigh, forearm,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
cubital fossae, lower eyelid, pubic area, etc. Itching
followed by urticarial eruptions. Pain stinging.
Itching < cold weather ++.
Rheumatic pains since 2001 first right knee and
then left knee, interphalangeal joints, face, elbow,
Down’s Syndrome
- Spinal muscles. On steroids.
Deeper investigation revealed that she
repressed her feelings, struggled for good “image”
in Society. Sensitive to Injustice.
Magnesium muriaticum 30 and Apis mellifica
200 s.o.s. for urticarial rash.
She continued on Magnesium muriaticum 30
then 200 from November 2002 to November 2003.
Much relief alround.
Test revealed ESR 23mm of 1 hr. RA
negative. Hb 12 gm % [What actually cured?
Magnesia muriaticum or Apis mellifica? =KSS]
45. Down’s Syndrome
SHAIK, Mehajabeen D. (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
10 year-old boy was lying in bed with his legs
tied so that his movements were restricted. He was
the second child. His mother suffered a shock on
learning about the sudden death of her uncle. She
lost her appetite and suffered from poor nutrition
during pregnancy. The child was delivered some
days early. The child did not cry at birth. For 15
days the child was unable to suckle. He was put in
Intensive Care Unit. Suffered Congenital Cataract.
Kidigram did not reveal any gross pathology. At
month diagnosed as Down’s Syndrome.
Lensectomy surgery done to correct the Congenital
Cataract of the eyes, under general anaesthesia. At
year age surgery for Duodenal obstruction;
Duodenectomy done; Appendix removed. At 8
year age Aphakia Corneal Oedema in the right eye
and Aphakia in the left eye. No surgery for the
right eye but glasses were prescribed for the left
Milestones delayed except dentition. Sitting at
8 year; talking at 9 year. Vaccinations given.
BCG, Polio, MMR.
Craves eggs, green vegetables, fish; aversion
milk. Tongue bright red with cracks all over. Very
particular about cleanliness, would wear only clear
clothes, was keen on punctuality (can’t delay his
bath, etc.) Loves music, film songs. Intolerant of
loud noises, like kitchen blenders, mixers. Lot of
fears. He loves his elder brother and would obey
him. Loves to be cuddled. Sensitive to rebukes,
scared of injections. Chews handkerchief always.
17.11.2002: Calcarea carbonica 30/3 Hs 3 nights
in a week.
Dec.: Jan. 2003: Improvement. Calcarea
carbonica 30/7 Hs.
Feb. 2003: Tried to speak full sentences. Medicine
March-April 2003: Great improvement in
pronunciation; could speak full sentences at a
By Aug.-Sept. 2003: Would try to walk by holding
hand of his mother for longer distance. Medicine
Oct. 2003: Can climb stairs alone. Medicine
Nov. 2003: Glaucoma of right eye. Left eye: vision
Jan. 2004: Could walk alone. Could sing. Could
speak full sentences. Could understand question
and answer and converse well. Was merry. His
head was nodding constantly.
Calcarea carbonica 200 one dose.
Still under treatment.
46. Endogenous Depression and Hypothyroidiism
SHINDE, Prakash (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
53 year-old female. Knee pains since 6 years.
Muscular pains since 6 years. Occipital headache
extending to head, intermittent, since last 5 to 6
years. Urge for urination if postponed, intense
headache, relieved after urination. Intermittent
diplopia during anxiety states. Weakness and
trembling in lower limbs on emotional excitement,
vexation or bad news.
Euthyroid since 6 years.
Hypertension since 8 years.
Urine: RBC 40-50.
Father Police Officer, disciplinarian.
Husband Pilot Officer, arrogant, short-
tempered. After her children had grown up and
husband retired she separated from husband.
On 13.8.2003: Gelsemium M one dose.
Improved. Allopathic drugs (Eltroxin, anti-
hypertensives) reduced.
20.9.2003: Further improved. Blood pressure
20.7.2004: Well. Blood pressure 120/80mm.
47. Ulcerative Colitis
MANGAT, Harprect (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
45-year-old male. Ulcerative Colitis. Severe
colicky drawing, and twisting pain umbilical
region, agg. morning, before stool, amel. stool.
Appetite less; thirst excessive. Tongue white
coated and slight fissures. Has to rush for stool
soon on waking up. Sweat profuse on scalp.
Dreams of snakes, accidents, of his own disease.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Cannot stand contradiction; obstinate.
Revengeful. Sulphur 30 one dose on 10 May 2004.
1 June 2004: repeated.
27 Dec. 2004: repeated.
25 Jan. 2005: Skin eruption on nape of neck with
severe itching and burning. He had skin eruption
10 years ago treated by allopathic drugs. Sulphur
30 repeated.
Case 2: 6 Oct. 2004: 12 year-old child: history of
fever on and off since 15 days with cold and
coryza. Fever agg. evening till midnight, weakness,
prostration and head hot. Loss of appetite. Less
The child’s father is very strict, angry, violent;
beat children often for trivials. He beats his wife
also. The boy hated his father. The child was so
much afraid of his father that he hid a knife under
his pillow at night.
Sulphur 30.
12 Oct. 2004: Fever completely relieved.
Appetite: increased. No weakness, no prostration.
He is now sleeping without fear and without a knife
under his pillow.
The child’s father was subsequently treated
with Nux vomica and he became a tolerant,
affectionate father. Mother also was treated with
1. Overcoming Vaccination Hurdles
Helping our Animal Companions through
Potential Problems
LAMPE, Kristy (HT. 24, 5/2004)
In 1989, 5-year-old whippets, Leilani and
Lovey received their annual DHAPP vaccination.
One hour later, Leilani started screaming and was
dragging her rear legs, which were paralysed.
Twenty minutes later, Lovey started screaming and
had same symptoms. Vet suggested it might be a
bad-batch vaccine.
Thuja 30 was given. Within three minutes both
dogs calmed down. A second dose 30 minutes
later, relaxed their bodies. An hour later moaning.
Third dose. Slept for 2 hours and then got up
though wobbly but moving on their own.
Late 1989, 5-month-old whippet had Rabies
shot. First he declined dinner and did not get up for
evening walk. Had T°-104.7° F. Eyes were glazed
and staring gums bright red. Belladonna 30. It
brought him instantaneous relief.
Two weeks later, oozy, greenish discharge
from the tip of the penis. A dose of Thuja 30,
repeated a week later and that was the end of it.
In 1991, a puppy, Blaze, got his second Rabies
shot at 16 months. That evening he dug up and
chewed everything the adopted family had planted.
Did not remember a single command taught in
obedience class.
Belladonna 6 b.d. for 3 days and back to
In 1992, Joy developed a lump at the
vaccination site. Thuja 30 did not relieve. Ledum
30, 3 doses in 36 hours and within a week lump
was gone.
2. Silver, the Cow
A Problem after Birthing
MOWATT, Sue (HT. 24, 6/2004)
Four-year-old Silver, a cow delivered a
beautiful calf. Retention of Placenta even after a
week. Sepia 30. By next morning the entire
placenta came gushing out. Both silver and her calf
have been doing well ever since.
1. Histopathological and Immuno-phenotyping
Studies on Normal and Sarcoma 180-bearing
Mice treated with a Complex Homeopathic
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Canova is a homeopathic complex medicine,
used as an immune modulator. We studied its
effects in normal and Sarcoma 180-bearing mice.
Three control groups were also evaluated. The
mice were examined at daily intervals and the
tumours observed histologically. Peripheral blood
was analysed by flow cytometry.
A delay in the development, and a reduction in
size of the tumours, and increased infiltration by
lymphoid cells, granulation tissue, and fibrosis
surrounding the tumour were observed with active
treatment compared to control. All animals from
the treated group survived, 30% of control groups
died. In 30% of treated animals, a total regression
of the tumour was confirmed using light
microscopy, no regression was found in the control
groups. Treatment with Canova increased total
numbers of leucocytes and lymphocytes. Among
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
lymphocytes, TCD4, increased in normal-treated
group and B and NK cells in S180-treated groups.
The results reflect enhanced immune response of
the host after treatment with Canova.
2. Models for Explaining the Homeopathic
Healing Process: A Historical and Critical
Account of Principles Central to Homeopathy
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
The success of Homeopathy in curing many
diseases has been a serious challenge to science.
Nineteenth century explanations for the healing
process of Homeopathy cannot withstand the
scrutiny of modern science and need to be
abandoned or modified. The surviving propositions
are discussed. A bio cybernetic model with multi
levels of electromagnetic feedback loops offers a
hope of explaining the healing process. This
model, its explanation of the healing process and
experimental support are elaborated.
1. Journey to India
Intensive Training in a Kerala Clinic
MOSS, Dale C. (HT. 24, 4/2004)
18 foreign students attended the outpatient
clinic at the Govt. Homeopathic Medical College,
Trivandrum, Kerala, for 2 weeks as part of an
Intensive Clinical Training Program organized by
In the afternoons long cases and lectures, Dr.
Abdul LETHIF, discussed a homeopathic
treatment he has invented for plants to keep them
disease-free without insecticides or fungicides.
The teaching staffs also use Biochemic
remedies as supplements to acute and chronic
1. Interview with Julian WINSTON by Melanie
GRIMES (AH. 11/2005)
Julian was first interested in folk music, then 5-
string Banjo, then Pedal Steel Guitar and then
Homeopathy. As time moved forward,
Homeopathy expanded to fill more space.
Throughout interested in Industrial Design
Studied Industrial design at Pratt Institute
(Brooklyn, NY). Teaching part time until 2004.
As parents were graphic artists who taught art
got involved in graphic arts. He knew all the colors
in the watercolor set even when in Kindergarten.
Done few records with Banjo and one solo album.
“I wanted to teach because I knew things that
are important for other people to know.”
The seemingly boundless energy of
homeopathic community encourages; while lack of
interest in things historic; the lack of desire to look
at the original literature; the use of computers to
find remedies which never give the full picture of
who the source is; the looking for the remedy rather
than the reason; the overwhelming run after the
latest ‘guru’ and the looking for short cuts that
these folks offer’, while bypassing the basic
lessons in Philosophy and Materia Medica – all
these discourages.
“In 100 years, Homeopathy would be the same
but a bit stupider. Those few who really understand
it will still be doing it by the books. Rest will have
gotten sucked into something they call
Homeopathy but is based on speculative process
and theoretical idea constructs. One cannot do
Homeopathy correctly without “hewing to the
“The biggest challenge is to get homeopaths to
pull their fingers out of the idiocy that they are
doing and start to re-evaluate the real truth of the
system. Trust its correctness. Don’t try to establish
an understanding with the world of Conventional
medicine. They will suck out the good and leave
the meaningless. And then they will call the shell
that is left ‘Homeopathy’ and others will have to
dig again for truth” [Very rightly said:
HAHNEMANN at the end of his life filled with
conflict and work, wrote down an insight which is
worthy of reflection: a ‘painstaking tester of the
effects of medicine is considered by physicians as
‘an enemy of their convenience’. = KSS]
Julian says that he is inspired by those who are
doing it right, whose first choice for a Pulsatilla
case is Pulsatilla and not the latest wing feather on
the latest bird of the month and also by those who
understand the treasures we have and the need for
their preservation:
Julian has a large collection of books, journals
and ephemera: bottles, letters, labels; about 21,000
volumes. There are very few such collections
Julian met his soul mate GWYNETH, in New
Zealand in 1991, when she started the Wellington
College of Homeopathy and invited him for the
summer school.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
He loved teaching basic level technical
drawing. Within the act of making a beautiful line
exists a communication directly with the source of
the Universe. He believed that all have a ‘life
reason’ that one may or may not know.
JULIAN passed away at 8.20 a.m. New
Zealand time on June 11, 4.20 p.m. Eastern time.
He died peacefully at home, his wife GWYNETH
at his side.
2. Pharmaco-economic Comparison between
Homeopathic and Antibiotic Treatment
Strategies in Recurrent Acute Rhinopharyngitis
in Children
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Objectives: A pharmaco-economic study to
compare, in terms of: medical effectiveness, quality
of life and costs two treatment strategies
(‘homeopathic strategy’ vs ‘antibiotic strategy’)
used in routine medical practice by allopathic and
homeopathic GPs in the treatment of recurrent
acute Rhinopharyngitis in 18-month to 4-year-old
Methods: Statistical analysis of data obtained
from a population of 499 patients included in a
previous 6-month prospective, pragmatic study.
The patients were re-grouped according to type of
drug prescribed. Medical effectiveness was
assessed in terms of (i) episodes of acute
rhinopharyngitis, (ii) complications, (iii) adverse
effects. Quality of life was assessed using the Par-
Ent-Qol © scale. Direct medical costs (medical
consultations, drug prescriptions, prescriptions for
further tests) and indirect medical costs (sick-leave)
were evaluated from three viewpoints (society,
patient, Social Security) using public prices and
French Social Security tariffs.
Results: The ‘homeopathic strategy’ yielded
significantly better results than the ‘antibiotic
strategy’ in terms of medical effectiveness (number
of episodes of Rhinopharyngitis: 2.71 vs 3.97,
P<0.001; number of complications: 1.25 vs 1.95,
P<0.001), and quality of life (global score: 21.38 vs
30.43, P<0.001), with lower direct medical costs
covered by Social Security (88Є vs 99 Є, P<0.05)
and significantly less sick-leave (9.5% of parents vs
31.6% of parents, P<0.001).
Conclusions: Homeopathy may be a cost-
effective alternative to antibiotics in the treatment
of Recurrent Infantile Rhinopharyngitis.
3. Patients’ Assessments of the Effectiveness of
Homeopathic Care in Norway: A Prospective
Observational Multicentre Outcome Study
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Objective: To evaluate the patient reported
effects of homeopathic care 6 months after first
Methods: Prospective uncontrolled
observational multicentre outcome study. All
patients visiting 80 homeopaths all over Norway
for the first time in eight different time periods
from 1996 to 1998 were approached. Patients
wrote down their main complaint and scored its
impact on daily living on a 100mm Visual
Analogue Scale (VAS) at the first consultation. Six
months later they were asked to score again. The
homeopaths recorded treatments given for up to
two follow-up consultations.
Main outcome measure: Predefined as a
reduction of at least 10 mm in the VAS score
between the first consultation and follow-up.
Result: Patients 1097 were recruited, 654
completed the follow-up questionnaire. The main
complaint improved by at least 10mm on the VAS
for 71% (95% confidence interval 67-74%) of
patients. The average reduction was 32 mm (95%
Cl 30-35mm). Fifty-one percent (95% Cl 48-55%)
of the patients had an improvement in their general
well being of more than 10 mm. The mean
reduction in the whole group was 14 mm (95% Cl
12-16 mm). The proportion of patients using
conventional medication reduced from 39% to
16%. Regression analysis showed that lower age
and higher baseline score were predictors of better
Conclusion: In this study, seven out of ten
patients visiting a Norwegian homeopath reported
a meaningful improvement in their main complaint
6 months after the initial consultation.
4. Weigh the pros and cons
Guidelines for parents researching
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 5/2004)
Weigh the pros and cons of each vaccination
What are the known risks (short and long term) of
each vaccination?
What is the known efficacy of each vaccination?
What are the known risks of the disease?
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Gather information from both sides
Make copious notes from books, articles, websites,
doctor and homeopath visits; sort this information
into columns-pros, cons, and miscellaneous!
Take your feelings into account
Do you have any gut feelings around this issue?
What are they? How much anxiety and/or fear do
you have around illness, for example?
Will a decision to “not vaccinate” stress you
Take your beliefs into account
How did your family of origin address illness and
How did your belief system develop as a result?
Do you believe that illness comes in the form of
viruses from the outside or do you believe that, as
Pasteur said on his deathbed, “The soil is all.
Take the medical history of each parent into
account where possible
Proceed cautiously if
Either parent had a bad reaction to vaccination
and/or if
Either parent has a history of allergies, asthma,
eczema, arthritis or hyperactivity (of any sort).
Seek out health care providers who support your
You’ll want the care of health providers including
physicians and homeopaths who support you in the
decisions you make whether you decide to
vaccinate or not.
Make a decision you can live with
You will have to live with the consequences of your
decision. If you decide not to vaccinate, ask
yourself whether you are prepared to nurse your
child through a childhood illness such as Measles
or Whooping cough, or a more serious disease such
as Meningitis. If you decide to vaccinate, ask
yourself how you will feel if your child becomes
chronically ill as a result.
Make peace with your final decision
This is a difficult decision and there are risks
attached either way whether you decide to
vaccinate your child or not. Your goal as a parent
is to minimize those risks.
Hold your horses
Wait as long as possible before starting your child’s
vaccination program until they are happily on
solid foods for example.
One at a time
Ask your doctor to administer one at a time: since
we do not contract more than one disease at a time,
it makes sense to have only one vaccine at a time.
This way, if there is an adverse reaction, you and
your doctor will know which one is the culprit.
Get smart
Take some of the fear and anxiety out of the whole
process by finding out more about childhood
diseases and the successful management of them
using natural methods.
Let the fevers go
There is a large body of evidence that proves the
benefits of fever in fighting infection. Study after
study has shown that children whose fevers are
artificially reduced (e.g., with Tylenol) have more
complications and are sick longer. Research into
the successful management of childhood illness and
the education of doctors and parents in this would
be of great benefit to the public health.
Get homeopathic help
Make sure you have the services of a local
homeopath to help your children through any
childhood illness that comes their way.
5. Why I Turn Some Patients Away
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 5/2004)
The author writes about the occasional patient
who she decides she will not be able to treat. These
patients fall into several categories:
Those with unrealistic expectations.
Those who are unwilling to work together with
allied health care providers.
Adult patients who are brought in unwillingly
and who will not be compliant.
Adult patients who are belligerent or violent to
me or my staff, either in person or by
Patients who have complaints, which I feel
Homeopathy and Naturopathic Medicine
cannot address.
6. The Freedom and Fun of HAHNEMANN’s
Homeopathy: Interview with Joseph
(SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
Joseph KELLERSTEIN is a licensed
Naturopath and Chiropractor, got interested in
Homeopathy and studied with VITHOULKAS,
Robin MURPHY and Andre SAINE.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Three years of practice with Andre SAINE,
made a big impact on clinical practice. He could
see severe pathologies, which Homeopathy could
method on a predictable and regular basis. This is a
beautiful method, but by definition it is not
Homeopathy (as it lies outside the inductive
method). May be better than Homeopathy.
The deductive paradigms of Essence, Theme,
Central Delusion and Vital Sensation deflects our
thinking automatically. Homeopathy is inductive.
(ref. HAHNEMANN’s The Medical Observer).
No preconceived ideas or notion; that you are going
to find the Essence, or the Central Delusion or the
Theme, etc. etc. Help the patient sculpt the case in
its entirety and the only importance is
completeness. With this background study
HAHNEMANN repeatedly.
KELLERSTEIN developed a love for the
original Provings and they have an infinite number
of possible connections. It’s really quite an art just
to read them and create the connections internally
yourself. There is such beauty in original
Homeopathy and he doesn’t think that we have
nearly enough mined the beauty out of that.
Various aspects of the chief complaints are
elaborated and especially of the stressors, trying to
get all the emotional feelings of each of those
stressors and the bodily representations of that
stress state as well. eg. And when you are feeling
that anger, what are you feeling when you feel that
anger? Once associated to that state, trying to get
back along a time line to the aetiology of that in
their life.
Questions are quite a passion with him. The
goal in questioning is to get to the primary
experience of the person. Patients describe their
feeling or state in abstract experience. Questioning
them to reconnect them to their original altered
sensory experience, which will be described to us
with rich emotional context. This initial interview
takes about two hours, rarely three.
Then elicit any breaches of lifestyle that might
be a primary hindrance to the remedy. What in
their background or education or belief systems
might be a hindrance to healing or at the basis of an
illness. Then reading the case over and over
determine what is primary in this case? Is it
hygienic, or imbalance in life or a food sensitivity
or a working condition or a life condition or
dynamic disturbance. The treatment system could
be exercise, diet or referral to another practitioner
depending on the case.
He repertorises a case in many different ways
but the idea is to get a original piece of literature
that will satisfy him in terms of the most unique
symptoms in a case.
In analyzing, he starts with the symptoms of
highest value in the case. Then selects symptoms
to help to distinguish between similar remedies.
This keeps the search through Materia Medica
Regarding the dosage, he is somewhere
between a fourth and fifth edition prescriber. He
does not have lot of experience with LMs.
Regarding the state of homeopathic education,
he opines that Organon, in its original sense is
rarely taught and very few schools teach the old-
fashioned Materia Medica and how to do a
detailed follow-up.
Bringing in new concepts before the basics
are solidified will end up with a superficial
version of both that will not serve in practice.
7. Working With Her Force
ANDERSON, James (NAMAH. 12, 4/2005)
You have been put upon earth, in a physical
body, with a definite aim, which is to make this
body as conscious as possible, make it the most
perfect and most conscious instrument of the
Concentrating on the lower nature is never very
good; you should concentrate on what you want to
develop, not on what you want to destroy.
To run away from difficulties in order to
conquer them is not a solution.
A divine life in a divine body is the formula of
the ideal that we envisage.
One must widen oneself, open the doors. And
the best way is to be able to concentrate upon what
one is doing instead of concentrating upon oneself.
The concentration in the heart and
concentration in head can both be used each has
its own results.
[The above is said by the Mother, Pondicherry]
8. A Sense of Wonder
MULLIKEN, John B. (NAMAH. 12, 4/2005)
Our teaching hospitals no longer seem to care
whether clinicians do research. The administration
tells us leave research to the basic scientists
because they are more likely to bring in large grants
with inflated over-heads. Surgeons belong in the
operating room. Some surgeons waste time
belittling others for doing plastic surgery’
especially those not trained in a surgical specialty.
Brief reflections on three Surgeons:
Charles Branton HUGGINS, Nobel Prize
winner in Physiology or Medicine in 1966 for
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
endocrine-induced regression of Cancer.
HUGGINS often said, “You must love your
experiment.” Avoid administration.” He
cautioned “it attracts inferior minds.” He
apparently never sat on committees. His
punctuality was legendary. People set their clocks
when he walked by. Mysteriously, he never wore a
watch. HUGGINS walked everyday to work in his
laboratory until 95 years.
Joseph Edward MURRAY is surgical laureate
who received Nobel Prize in physiology in 1990.
After 8 months internship at the Peter Bent
Brigham Hospital, he was sent to Valley Forge
General Hospital. There he learned to use skin
grafts for wound coverage in burned serviceman.
MURRAY joined the renal transplant team.
December 1954 he did the first successful renal
transplant in identical twins. The day after the
momentous operation, he was called to repair a
laceration in the emergency department. For years
he delighted in caring for an elderly lady on whom
he had excised a lesion from the sole of her foot
and primarily closed the defect with a split-
thickness graft. Dr. MURRAY gave all his gifts to
us fortunate to know him, the most precious was his
unbounded enthusiasm. He admits that many of his
colleagues accused him of being a “pathological
optimist”. Often when we were exhausted after
operating late in the night, his greeting on walk
rounds was “Did you see the sun rise this morning”
In 1960, Judah FOLKMAN was sent to the
Naval Medical Research Institute in Bethesda. His
assignment was to find a substitute for blood. He
and his colleagues devised a model of an isolated
rabbit thyroid, kept alive by perfusion with
hemoglobin solution. Murine melanoma cells grew
on the cultured thyroid but they formed small
tumors. His explanation was they failed to attract
new blood vessels. FOLKMAN in Bethesda, with
David LONG did a simple experiment to show that
the fat-soluble rhodamine diffused across silicone
tubing into the water bath. This observation
became the basis for sustained drug-release
FOLKMAN is the very embodiment of
MURRAY’s three requirements of a surgical
scientist: curiosity, imagination and persistence.
9. Clean language.
Interview with GROVE, David by Penny
(SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
David GROVE has developed a unique way of
working with the metaphoric and symbolic nature
of our inner worlds. The use of clean language is
very trance inducing without an induction. The
Clean Language is the language of facilitation. The
questions are aimed at the metaphoric part of their
experience so they don’t go through normal
cognitive processes.
The nine basic Clean Language questions are:
And is there anything else about…?
And what kind of…. is that…?
And where is…?
And where about?
And what happens next?
And then what happens?
And what happens just before…?
And where does/could…. come from?
And that’s... like what?
The process ultimately accesses conflicts,
paradoxes, double-blinds and other ‘holding
patterns’ which have kept the symptoms repeating
over and over.
1. Homeopathic Family Medicine ULLMAN,
Dana. Homeopathic Educational Services,
Electronic download from www.
homeopathic.com, 2003 (and regularly updated).
$29.95 for one-time download/$49.95 for 2-year
subscription. Review by ROWE, Todd (HT. 24,
The book comes as a pdf-Acrobat file. Divided
into three sections. First 25 pages solid overview
of Homeopathy. In the second section, of 200
pages, more than 100 acute and chronic conditions
are discussed.
The last part is a twelve-page reference section.
There is also a list of when each condition section
was last updated.
2. Dreams, Symbols and Homeopathy:
Archetypal Dimensions of Healing CICCHETTI,
Jane. North Atlantic Books: Berkeley,
California, 2003, Paperback, 261 pages, $ 18.95.
Review by Ken SILVESTRI (HT. 24, 5/2004):
“The book consists of four parts three of which
are named after ancient alchemical themes. The
first part, Emergence of opposites”, explores a
much needed reiteration of the holistic paradigm of
Homeopathy’s theoretical basis, without which one
cannot truly comprehend its power. The second
part, the “Mercurial fountain: The inner world of
the Psyche,” puts Jungian archetypes, the shadow,
anima/animus and the self into an easily
understandable perspective. Part three, “Descent
into the Baths: Moving toward the union of
opposites,” uses dreams in case taking in a manner
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
that opens new doors allowing access to
information from collective connections and
respecting constitution and temperament. Lastly,
“Symbolic Materia Medica,” is a new way to see
our Materia Medica from the wider perspective of
symbols and myth a perspective which very well
may be the best possible expression of our quest for
greater wholeness.”
“The book is well referenced, has a glossary of
Jungian and Alchemical terms, and a concise but
useful bibliography. It is a book that reframes case
taking and will greatly assist and profoundly alter
how one practices and uses Homeopathy.”
3. Medicine, Mythology and Spirituality.
Recollecting the Past and Willing the Future, by
R. TWENTYMAN, Forest Row, UK. Sophia
Books, ISBN 1-85584-182-7, 2004. Review by
Mimi IRWIN (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005): “….
‘Medicine, Mythology and Spirituality’ comes at a
time when there is great interest in consciousness
and spirituality, as witnessed for example by the
astonishing number of papers published on the
power of Prayer. Twentyman has an
extraordinary capacity to write about the wholeness
of man and also provides a remarkable reading list
to stimulate for many years. It is a tremendous
achievement that in his 90
year he has offered his
homeopathic colleagues such a thought provoking
and stimulating book. He is very generous in his
willingness to share the fruits of years of thought
and study ... It is a serious book and will repay
repeated reading and digesting ... It is small with
118 pages but the content is broad and deep ... The
central problem the book tackles is the crisis facing
humanity today and our collective inability to come
up with creative solutions to solve this crisis. The
book explores the paradigms underpinning our
medical and scientific culture. As a young man
Ralph TWENTYMAN was struck by the
realization that medicine was based on the study of
death and not on the study of the vital flow of
life…. Early in his life he recognized the need to
reintegrate the mind and the body. At the age 21 he
had the good fortune to come across ‘Exploring
the Unconscious by George GRODDECK. This
opened a new world to him and subsequently he
met Dimitrije MITRINOVIC who introduced him
to the work of Rudolf STEINER ...
TWENTYMAN gives numerous examples of how
we have become lost in materialism. …. Much of
medicine is based on the study of death and has
followed the path of reductionism ... In pursuing
the study of lifeless mechanism we lose sight of the
whole vital person who is unwell…. The solution
proposed by this book is the integration of the
material and spiritual realms. His book is full of
fascinating examples of how to look at our world
differently. GOETHE, a contemporary of
HAHNEMANN, espoused the view that with
imagination it was possible to see the living
metamorphosing ‘idea’ of a living organism. This
may be the interface for the action of homeopathic
medication with living organisms. With our
reliance on sense perception, we see only the dead
material ‘stuff’ that fills the immaterial spiritual
form and practices such as Homeopathy are
anathema to this world view.
In summary, humanity is in crisis. We are
however awake. The task is to continue to evolve
and ultimately to enjoy conscious unity with each
other ... ‘Medicine, Mythology and Spirituality’
will appeal to practitioners who are interested in
History and not afraid of new and different ideas.
The experience of reading this book is like
settling down to a very good conversation with a
wise and well-read friend. I would highly
recommend this book. It is stimulating and infused
with an obvious love of knowledge.”
4. Dictionnaire des auteurs d’ouvrages
d’homéopathie en langue française, Oliver
Boiron, Lyon, France. ISBN 2857422008, 2003.
94, 1/2005): “This is a most unusual book, a
dictionary of biography and bibliography
combined. Here one can locate details of every
book ever written in French, or translated into
French, on Homeopathy. This is one of the few
books I have encountered recently which requires
no index as it is, in itself, an index.”
“The result is much more readable and
fascinating than one might expect. It opens up the
lives of around 800 authors and of the institutions
of French, and indeed world, Homeopathy One
can see who has been translated into French, and so
who might have influenced French Homeopathy,
from KENT to VITHOULKAS ... Consider the life
of one author whose work is well known in
translation, Othon-André JULIAN (1910-1984);
(for example Materia Medica of New Remedies,
Beaconsfield, 1979). …. There are many more of
my favorite authors about whom I have learned so
much in this volume; ... This book is a major
contribution to the epistemology and historiography
of Homeopathy. It is time to learn French and
become European.”
5. Homeopathy: How it Really Works, by Jay
W. SHELTON, ISBN 159102109X, 2004.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005) Review by Tom
WHITMARSH: “The confident assertion in the
title of this book, which seems to promise much,
hides something of a let down. There have always
been people who sneer at Homeopathy and have
delighted in pointing out the implausibility of any
direct effect of remedies by the standards of
knowledge of the day. ……. The arguments
haven’t changed, though the metaphors have
expanded somewhat. We are promised that we will
discover how Homeopathy works. At least the
author, a Harvard and UC Berkeley educated
Physicist’ indirectly acknowledges that
Homeopathy has a positive effect on health. ….
He takes us through the whole process of
Homeopathy, starting from the doubtful validity of
a ‘Law’ of Similars ... He discusses the multiplicity
of practices which claim the title ‘Homeopathy’
and many different diagnostic practices ... He goes
into the absurdity of Provings …. If you need a
book which summarises the scientific arguments
against Homeopathy in an up-to-date language,
with nice graphs and tables, this is it ... This book
which confidently aims to tell us how Homeopathy
really works spends all but 20 of its 319 pages on
demonstrating from every conceivable angle how it
really doesn’t work. …. The author has no trouble
in demonstrating that homeopathic theory does not
satisfy most of the key elements thought to be
important in useful scientific theories. …. It is all
well-researched and reasonably well-written and, it
is hard to argue with many of the conclusions on
the information as presented. He has not
answered the hard question; how is it that people
with chronic physical, emotional and mental
distress and disease who have not been much
helped by well delivered and well indicated
conventional therapies feel a transformation in their
condition once they have received a particular
homeopathic remedy, having had no benefit from
previously prescribed remedies? May be that’s his
next book.”
6. Spiritual Bioenergetics of Homeopathic
Materia Medica by Y. SHARMA. Academy of
Light limited, London, Wembley, 2004. ISBN 1-
904472-01-X. Review by Bob LECKRIDGE
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005): …. Each remedy
‘picture’ described common patterns of experience
using a particular set of metaphors. The biomedical
model of health and disease uses a different set of
metaphors. There are many, many different sets of
metaphors in human usage. What this books sets
out to do is to collect together a number of these
metaphoric sets and place them next to each other
around the core set homeopathic metaphors. ….
Instead of improved communication and
understanding we end up with piles and piles of
metaphors each of which refer only to other
metaphors. …. In homeopathic terms this means
that Sharma’s book could be called ‘Sycotic’. In
‘Sycosis’ the individual runs further and further
away into fantasy as they try to escape the burdens
of reality. Sycosis is represented by over-doing,
over-activity and an over-growing. It’s no surprise
then that this is one big heavy book. It runs to
nearly 800 pages and this is only ‘Volume 1’!
In homeopathic terms, it’s a sycotic book and in
Lacanian terms it is a psychotic book. ….
7. Homeopathy at its Best by P.S.
KRISHNAMURTHY Salimashraf Publishers,
Hyderabad, 2002. Rs. 475/- US $30. Review by
1/2005): This collection of articles recreates the
legend of a mystical link between the disciple and
founding masters. In Chapter I, we read ‘Although
nearly fifty thousand homeopathic practitioners
come out every year in India from medical colleges,
the majority of them are practicing Allopathy ...
Because it is difficult to practice Homeopathy….
and the teaching staff are using allopathic therapy
in their private practice because they were not
thoroughly taught homeopathic technology in their
studies’. …. He considers Homeopathy capable of
causing iatrogenic adverse effects, although it has
long been considered a safe method suitable for use
by children and pregnant women. …. There is a
useful chapter on epidemics. Many could benefit
from his extensive experience of Encephalitis,
Dengue, Malaria, Influenza, Typhoid fever, Plague,
etc, for example the use of Eupatorium 200 in
Dengue fever. …. I was disappointed that a book
titled Homeopathy at its Best does not clarify
important issues like Posology or include principles
and therapeutic guidelines that can help to make
Homeopathy a practical solution to disease. It
should give students self-confidence. Instead it
tends to undermine the confidence of students.”
8. Homeopathy Research an Expedition
Report: An Old Healing System Gains
Plausibility by P.C. ENDLER, edition@inter-
uni.net: Austria. ISBN 3950144811, 2003.
Review by Jeremy SWAYNE. (HOMEOPATHY,
94, 1/2005): ‘And now’, as the saying is, ‘for
something completely different!
“Christian ENDLER is known for his
contributions to the study of high dilutions, and in
particular as editor, with J. SCHULTE, of Ultra
High Dilution, a book that reviewed the research
on the subject in 1994, followed by Fundamental
Research on Ultra High Dilution and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Homeopathy, in 1998 ... Its style is light hearted,
but its substance is serious. It is brief, but not
superficial. And the resulting format makes it a
compelling, entertaining, though sometimes mildly
exasperating introduction to the breadth of ideas
and many of the research themes that are current in
contemporary Homeopathy. It invites both the
sceptic and the converted to think more critically
about the phenomenon that they may be inclined
either to dismiss or to accept too lightly. And it
does so in a manner that will inform and should
excite any student of Homeopathy. ... ENDLER’s
expedition began in boyhood with an interest in the
metamorphosis of tadpoles into frogs and evolved
over the years, once he became aware of the claims
of Homeopathy, into a study of the effects of
dilutions and potencies of thyroxine on this process.
From the beginning he recognized that no one
factor acts independently to modify a biological
process; that change in a biological system is
always multifactorial. This applies as much to the
conduct of experiments as to the outcome of
therapeutic interventions. There is a great diversity
of material in the book, which ranges over many
fields of research and speculation related both to
the specific activity of high dilutions and the whole
nature of the therapeutic transaction in
homeopathic practice. …. As homeopathic
practitioners the book challenges us to be both bold
and humble in the claims we make for what we do.
Bold in affirming the role of the homeopathic
prescription; humble in acknowledging that we do
not understand that role, Bold also in asserting
that Homeopathy, for many reasons, has much to
offer the worlds of Medicine and Science.
There is a wealth of fascinating and provocative
idea here. This is a book I can whole-heartedly
recommend as a worthwhile ‘expedition’ of
discovery for the sceptical, the curious and the
committed. And indeed, for anyone who relishes
the adventure of Science as the open-ended process
of enquiry and investigation that it ought to be.”
9. ICR Operational Manual and Standardized
Case Record, Dr. M.L. DHAWALE, Memorial
Trust, Mumbai, India, 2003. Rs. 250.
(www.mldtrust.com;mldoff@vsnl.net): Review by
Jeremy SWAYNE (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005):
“The ICR (Institute of Clinical Research, Mumbai)
has used the Standardized Case Record (SCR) for
training and Clinical Practice since 1970, and the
Central Council for Research in Homeopathy
(CCRH) in India adopted it, as a research tool. It is
an extremely detailed, highly structured, and it has
to be said, complex 106-page 180 x 120mm case-
book for each individual patient. …. It could be
said to represent the highest ideal of systematic
case taking for training and research purposes that
could possibly be conceived, and I have nothing but
an astonished admiration for the diligence of our
Indian colleagues in using it. … Nevertheless, I
doubt that the SCR will prove to be an appropriate
tool outside India.The SCR is the brain-child of
the late Dr. M.L. DHAWALE, one of the most
renowned figures in the history of Homeopathy on
the sub-continent, and author of Principles and
Practice of Homeopathy, a book that deserves
study by serious students of Homeopathy,
particularly their teachers. There is an excellent
summary of 16 interview techniques (p.25).
Another valuable section (p.35) deals with the
presence of an observer at the consultation with the
trainee doctor, and the training of the observer for
this role. …. The later sections of instructions for
the use of the SCR are, as I have said, worth
browsing for the wisdom and knowledge to be
gleaned there by our teachers. ... There is an
interesting Glossary, ... I warmly recommend that
each teaching center and each library obtains at
least one copy.”
1. (Over 50 papers were presented in the Liga
Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis)
(International Homeopathic Medical League)
Congress in 2005 in Berlin. The year also saw
the 250
birth anniversary of Samuel
Abstracts of the papers presented have been
given in a ‘special’ Issue of the Allgemeine
Homöopathische Zeitung (AHZ. 250, 2/2005) –
[We give them here under relevant sections = KSS]
1. LM or Q Potencies: retrospective
consideration of a 15 year-use in Brazil by
ADLER, UC: The pathway to recover
HAHNEMANN’s “most perfected method” will be
reviewed in this lecture including historical
(HAHNEMANN’s manuscript) and basic research
(mice experimental leishmaniasis treated with
dynamised leishmanias), pharmaceutical and
critical standardizing, and a clinical case to
exemplify the homeopathic clinic in accordance
with the Organon 6
2. Retrospective of 20 years of research on
Homeopathy by Karl and Veronica Carstens
Foundation, Essen, Germany: Results of a study
requested by the WHO is 2004 to ascertain the
current status of research in Homeopathy
(fundamental scientific research, clinical research in
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Veterinary and Human Medicine), is presented.
The Carstens Foundation’s contribution of 20
years research finding is described. In order to
evaluate the research state the various perspectives
within and outside of Homeopathy is discussed.
The general conclusion is that a continuation of
present research strategies might not lead to
success, i.e., to identify the mode of action and
prone the effectiveness of Homeopathy. Why the
hitherto conventional methods applied are not
sufficient for a scientific penetration of
Homeopathy is explained.
3. Cuba’s Public Health System before and after
the Introduction of Homeopathy. Patients
under Homeopathic vs. Allopathic Treatment
by ALVAREZ, JL: Homeopathy was reintroduced
in Cuba 1992. Since then, the Cuban Ministry of
Public Healthy has made great efforts in the
development of Homeopathy, as a diagnostic
medical System based on evidence. The Ministry
pursues homeopathic investigations with the
scientific rigour characteristic of Cuban Medicine.
This presentation will include various double blind
studies of patients on homeopathic vs. allopathic
treatment, where homeopath’s usefulness and
value will be demonstrated. The first study of
Duodenal ulcer includes a treatment of 120 patients
for 8 weeks and 52-week control follow-up of acid
secretion in addition to follow up with endoscopies
at 4, 8, 26 and 52 weeks also a reconsideration of
the symptom progress, the scanning rate and the
negativity rate of Helicobacter pylori. The second
study focuses on the treatment of a Hepatitis A
outbreak, where 3 homeopathic drugs based on the
epidemic genius were used on 35 patients, showing
in patients treated with Homeopathy an evident
favourable progress, social impact and better
quality of life compared to those treated with
allopathic drugs. The third study books at 67
patients will Idiopathic Ulcerative Colitis treated
with individualized homeopathic drugs and
followed up for 5 years, with clinical,
haematological, endoscopies and histological
results. The results reveal, in most patients, better
clinical endoscopic progress compared to the group
treated allopathically, and the prevention of
Dysplasia in all degrees.
4. A logical approach to Homeopathy based
on Scientific Research by BASTIDE, M., HALM,
R.P.: “When the observed facts do not support a
well established theory the facts have to be
accepted and the theory rejected.” (Claude
One principle of Homeopathy is the use of
very dilutions which cannot be explained by the
mechanistic paradigm, the well established
theory” of modern science.
We propose an epistemological approach to
Homeopathy based on body information processes.
Information is not an object but only its trace
mediation between object and receiver is required
for a signal to be transmitted. Take, for example,
the story of Robinson CRUSOE who sees
FRIDAY’s footprint in the sand but not the foot
itself. FRIDAY’s foot is the originator (matrix) of
the information (‘another man on the island’) but
not an object; the sand is the carrier of the
information (the mediator). When the carrier
disappears, the information disappears too. The
information is understood only by the receiver and
the understanding of the information depends on its
In Homeopathy, the originator of the
information is the starting material of the remedy;
succussed dilutions are mediators. High dilutions
contains only information from that material, no
molecules. The receiver (the whole living body)
processes the information according to its state,
whether healthy (Proving) or sick (therapy).
The effect of information is very specific; the
context influences the interpretation by the receiver.
These characteristics have been demonstrated in
experimental models using succussed high dilutions
and immunological, toxicological and pharmaco-
logical models.
The results confirm the body information
paradigm by corporeal signifiers. Moreover, this
paradigm itself is a mediation between the
mechanistic and the symbolic paradigms and allows
a more complete understanding of the global vision
of the living body.
5. In-vitro Research with homeopathic
potencies a systematic review by BLUTH M.,
Since the introduction of potentized remedies with
specific effects the idea of the non-molecular action
of remedies has been irritating the scientific world.
In vitro research appears suitable to reproducibly
demonstrate potency effects, and explore the
mechanisms of their action.
To evaluate the evidence of such in-vitro
experiments, publications were collected from
databases, previous reviews and identified
publications, and through expert contacts. From
multiple publications only the most extensive
version was included. Abstracts, as well as
experiments with micro-organisms and isolated
organs or plant materials were excluded. The
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
quality of experiments was evaluated using a
modified SAPEH-Score (Score for the assessment
of Physical Experiments on Homeopathy).
Independently reproduced results were noted and
whether the publication demonstrated an intrinsic
activity of the investigated potencies.
Results: We found a total of 102 experiments
in 98 publications from 1932-2003 (32 involved
cell-free systems, 25 basophil granulocytes. 17 cell
cultures, 16 neutrophil granulocytes/leucocytes and
12 lymphocytes).
85% of them supported the existence of a
potency effect, but overall quality was low. The
rare use of adequate controls in particular made
judgement difficult. Surprisingly, the proportion of
positive results remained constant even among
high-quality experiments: 12 out of 14 experiments
(86%) showed effects of homeopathic potencies.
Two independently reproduced experimental
models were identified: stimulation of hydrolases
with Mercuric chloride, and modification of anti-
IgE triggered basophil degranulation by Histamine
The investigations demonstrating a potency
effect predominate by far, but a bias (e.g.
publication bias) cannot be excluded. Further in
vitro research should concentrate on the
verifications of existing promising models.
6. Homeopathy on Trial: Prospective clinical
studies in the 19
Century by DEAN M.E.:
Background: Historians have traditionally believed
that medical establishments in different countries
rejected Homeopathy in the 1830s and 40s on the
basis of negative evidence from fair clinical trials.
It was also believed that no further trials of
Homeopathy took place in the 19
century after
Methods: A systematic literature search and
review of prospective hospital-based observational
and controlled studies of Homeopathy from the
century was undertaken to test the validity of
these beliefs.
Results: 23 relevant studies and trials were
accepted for review, dating from 1821-86. Until
1835, of 12 attempted trials, 11 were uncontrolled
observational studies of Homeopathy for
unspecified diseases, and all contained serious
biases in design and conduct, making the results
impossible to evaluate. In the later period, 11
clinical evaluations took place, of which 10 used
historical or concurrent controls, and 6 of which
were for specified infectious diseases, such as
Cholera, Scarlet Fever and Pneumonia. Several of
the later trials involved thousands of participants,
and included economic as well as clinical
Discussion: Before the 1840s, virtually no fair
trials of Homeopathy had taken place. By contrast,
some more rigorous trials in the later provide
reliable confirmation of homeopathic efficacy,
seen previously in non-experimental conditions.
The rapid evolution of trial design over the whole
period show that fair evaluations did not emerge
solely from the efforts of clinical partisans of
homeopathic or allopathic method, but required
involvement from neutral administrations, at
institutional or governmental level.
7. In-vitro experiments to study the effects of
homeopathic dilutions, by NIEBER K., SÜß,
WA, MICHEL S.: Homeopathic drugs become
more and more important. Their effects are being
proved in several clinical studies but knowledge
about basic mechanisms is extremely rare. Only a
few in vitro studies exist in which the effects of
dilutions are investigated. The aim of the present
study was therefore to establish an in-vitro model in
which the effects of homeopathic Belladonna or
Atropine dilution could be determined on neuro-
transmitter-induced smooth muscle contractions.
The experiments were carried out on isolated
preparations of rat ileum under isometric
conditions. Tonic contractions were induced by
application of Acetylcholin (ACh). The dilutions
were prepared according to the Deutsches
Homöopathisches Arzniebuch (H.5.4.1 and
H.5.4.4). ACh induced contractions in a
contraction-dependent manner. In the presence of
Belladonna or Atropine in high dilutions the control
experiment with the impotentized reference
solution or the potentized liquid vehicle showed no
significant effect. The inhibitory effect of Atropine
D100 dilutions (43% Ethanol solutions) was
confirmed by a double-blind design. The
contractions induced by high K
ions were not
effected by dilutions. Variations of the
Ethanol/Water relationship in the liquid vehicle did
not influence the inhibitory effect. The inhibitory
effect of Atropine, D100 was also found by using
pure water, isotonic Sodium chloride solution,
Methanol 30%, 1-propanol 30% and 2-propanol
30% as the liquid vehicle. Atropine D 100 in
glycerolic or acetonic solution was without effect
on the ACh-contraction. Our results show that
neurotransmitter-induced tonic contraction may be
a parameter to investigate the effects of
homeopathic Belladonna or Atropine dilutions in
vitro. The described effect of the high potencies
cannot be ascribed to a material substance effect.
One possibility is that the homeopathic dilution
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
process causes modifications in transmission
8. Effects of homeopathic medicines on the
Human Control System by PARANJPE A.,
MANDLIK S., SINHA V.: Scientifically one
cannot expect the physical presence of medicinal
material in a homeopathic medicine with a potency
>12. There have to be, then some modifications in
the physical and chemical nature of this medicine
such as variations in the hydrogen-bonded networks
or in the delocalised vibrational states of the
molecules of the medium. When these networks
come in contact with fluids in the human system,
there is a relaxation of these structures, resulting in
energy transfer to the human system. We
demonstrate, using objective experiments that
homeopathic medicines might be acting as control
signals changing the response of the autonomous
nervous system. Normally, there are rhythmic
fluctuations in heart rate, blood flow rate,
respiratory rate without any stimulus such as food,
sleep or exertion. A frequency spectrum of these
fluctuations shows peaks in three regions, in the
low frequency region (< 0.1 Hertz) due to the
sympathetic nervous system, in the medium
frequency range (0.1 Hz to 0.3 Hz) due to the
parasympathetic nervous system and in the higher
frequency range (> 0.3 Hz) due to the respiratory
system. In normal human beings, the intensity of
these peaks drops as the frequency increases.
However, in diseased states this trend is not
followed, and the intensity of the respiratory signals
may be highest. Using an indigenously developed
instrument, we have studied the effect of
homeopathic potencies on these spectra. There is a
significant variation in the response of autonomous
nervous system to a homeopathic stimulus. Thus,
it appears that homeopathic medicines act as
control signals changing the variability in
physiological parameters.
Once proper control signals are established, the
system tries to restore to normality. During this
process, the disease products are removed from the
location of the disease and are thrown into the
blood circulation system. This has been
demonstrated by taking the example of the cure of
Jaundice, where Bilirubin increases considerably
when there is an apparent improvement in the
condition of the patient. This is because Bilirubin
stored in the liver during the disease state is
discharged into the blood when the liver function
improves. This information is vital to the
understanding of the process of cure since
otherwise such an increase may be misinterpreted
as due to progressive disease. Such results may
cause alarm to the patients and the doctor. The
results also show the difference between palliation
and cure, as, during palliation, biochemical
parameters decrease, but there may not be
symptomatic relief to the patient. Aggravation in
subjective symptoms need not always be due to
primary action of the medicine, that is, need not be
homeopathic aggravation.
9. The Challenging Ice and Water Data Banks
by REY L.: Water is a universal substance which,
though very simple in structure, shows very
unusual and remarkable properties. Most of them
derive from the fact that water molecules can
associate into semi-permanent complex three-
dimensional clusters thanks to multiple hydrogen
Depending on the average temperature of the
earth, water vapour escapes from the oceans
towards the polar areas where it is trapped as ice,
the isotopic composition of which allows a
reconstitution of the paleoclimates. Antartica is
also a privileged site for the deposition and
archiving of micrometeorites falling from outer
The introduction of foreign substances into
liquid water disturbs the hydrogen-band network
and when the liquid is frozen into ice it gets
specific defects in the crystal lattice. These “odd”
points may be identified by low-temperatures
thermo-luminicense and when applied to
homeopathic ultra-high dilutions it helps to
discriminate them beyond the Avogadro number.
10. Mechanism of the transfer of the
“therapeutically active ingredient” (TAI) from
homeopathie liquid dilution to a solid substance
by SÜß. W.G., RADAU, K. The transfer of the
TAI from a homeopathic liquid ultra-high dilution
to a solid substance by impregnation is used to
produce triturations, globules and tablets. The
objective of this study was to transfer the TAI from
a liquid Atropine sulfate (AS) D54 potency to
lactose monohydrate (L), other substances and
Sucrose (S) globules.
Methods: The effects of the homeopathic
preparations were shown in an in vitro model
based on the tonic contractions of rat ileum
preparations. Stimulator was Acetylcholine (ACh).
For each control and formulation 15 independent
experiments were carried out randomly and
statistical significance was examined.
Results: AS triturations D55 made from L,
anhydrous lactose, xylitol, crystalline or ground S
showed no inhibitory effect. However, triturations
made from activated L showed a highly significant
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
inhibitory effect (p=0.0006). It could be proved by
X-ray diffraction; FTIR-microscopy, thermogravi-
metry and DSC that the tribomechanical activation
of L. (e.g. Mortar/pestle) led to crystal lattice
defects connected with a higher water mobility in
the enlarged lattice channels. The transfer of the
TAI to S globules and porous substances with pores
less than 30nm was possible. The pore size in the
outer layer of the S globules could be determined to
about 8 nm by Mercury porosimetry. The TAI’s
transfer is also possible by using substances with
“non-freezing” water, e.g. microcrystalline and
powder cellulose, bentonite and maize starch.
Conclusion: A pre-requisite for the transfer of
the TAI are lattice defects in L which cause
exchangeable water molecules or pores less than
30nm with confined water and its special water
11. Homeopathy, Biophotone field and Healing
Homeopathic claims have required researchers to
demonstrate the clinical efficacy of Homeopathy
and its actions in non-human organisms utilized as
model systems. Notwithstanding the partially
positive results, the perceived implausibility of
homeopathic claims has led many to dismiss the
evidence as delusion. The goal of this paper is to
trace some concepts and collecting events
coherence and Photon field – in healing, and to
illustrate their value for Homeopathy research.
The concept of Coherence in Biology (and
Medicine) is far from general knowledge.
Incoherent systems are systems wherein each
particle is a separate localized entity interacting
with others through collisions and other energy
exchanges. In a coherent regime particles lose their
individual identity, cannot be separated, as if
performing a choral ballet. A biological system can
be considered as an array of units interacting
through coherent reactions.
The concept of Photon field is closely
connected to the concept of Coherence. Coherent
excitations are possible because the system does not
dissipate its energy immediately, but circulates it
among the different modes in the system.
Disturbance of the system results in decreased
coherence. Recent studies on cells, non-human
organisms and humans demonstrate direct
recording of disturbed energy distribution by
Photon emission analysis.
Concepts of Coherence and Photon field lead
to a better understanding of the healing process,
whereas an incoherent system requires an external
agent to become ordered, in a coherent regime very
strong forces are generated already, and are
involved in self-organization and self healing of the
system – at least when energy loss was limited.
Concepts of Coherence and Photon field can be
further extended towards the aspect of intention to
heal or stimulate self-healing processes in the
homeopathic practice.
Well-documented research contributes to the
conceptualization of the mechanisms operative in
focused intention and bonding of patient and doctor
in practice. A major assumption is the concept of a
consciousness field. The research illustrates the
influence of intention and human bonding on
physical processes, and most recently on the
Biophoton field. The experiments suggest a
fundamental inter-connectedness.
On the basis of these sets of data a hypothesis
is proposed for future trials in Homeopathy.
12. Beliefs of Students and Graduates about the
Allopathic Molecular Paradigm by ATTENA F.,
LUCIANO M., MENNA L.F.: Homeopathy and
Allopathy diverge not only in terms of their
medical systems but also in terms of their different
philosophical and cultural traditions. Homeopathy
embraces the tradition of Vitalism, Holism and
Ecology (ecological paradigm). Allopathy
developed in the wake of mechanistic and
reductionistic approach (molecular paradigm). We
have investigated to what extent students and
graduates have absorbed the general assumption of
the Molecular Paradigm.
Methods: 135 students and graduates in
Medicine and Veterinary Science answered a
questionnaire of 18 items, also containing
statements from well-known scientists concerning:
- The ability of Allopathy to give a complete
explanation of living matter.
- The need for Allopathy to integrate other
- The approach to patients and disease.
Results: 70.4% of interviewers (84.9% of
students; 54.9% of graduates) agreed, completely or
partially, that the characteristics of living matter are
completely explained by the knowledge of
molecules and molecular interaction.” This
percentage fell to 49.6% (59.6%-39.2%) for
agreement with the following statement: “brain
knowledge clarifies the properties of emotions and
ethical judgement.” Still fewer of those
interviewed, 19.2% (20.8%-17.6%) agreed that
“artificial intelligence progress will yield computers
like human brains”.
51.9% (35.8%-68.5%) thought that, to obtain a
complete explanation of living matter, a change in
perspective is needed, and 78.8% (69.8%-88.2%)
felt that further integration with other doctrines
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
(complementary medicines, human science) is
needed. Furthermore, 81.4% agreed with the
statement: “life has its own characteristics not
reducible to chemical laws”.
Disease symptoms must be eliminated rapidly
and safely for 75.0% (77.4%-72.5%): nevertheless,
85.2% (84.9%-86.3%) thought that disease
symptoms signify a body language to interpret and
comply with. Finally, 84.5% (94.2%-74.5%)
believed scientific research is experiencing and
period of progress, while only 15.5% (5.5%-25.5%)
perceived a slackening or a crisis in biomedical
Conclusions: Our results show that many of
those interviewed have absorbed the assumptions of
the molecular paradigm. The adherence to the
Paradigm is weaker in graduates when
reductionistic assertions are more rooted, and when
questions posed have taken an alternative point of
view to Allopathy.
13. Homeopathy and Biomedicine: the missing
links. The ‘Divided legacy reunited? By
BRANDS M.: For many homeopathic and
allopathic doctors, their practices seem
incompatible. The high dilutions and the similar
rules are regarded as something completely
different’. But, if we seek the interest of patients,
we see the need for building bridges towards a
better understanding and cooperation. The
keystones of these bridges are found in
neighbouring sciences such as Biology and
Cognitive Science. From here an overarching
model is made: that of interpretation of symptoms
or semantics. Therefore, this model is called the
‘semantic disease model’. Its elements are: system
theory and part-whole relationships, signals and
receptors, and bipolar effects of biological
System Theory: We can consider a human
organism as a summation of separate organs which
can have diseases as isolated entities. We can also
consider it as a web of interrelated organs. Disease
symptoms then logically do not need to arise from
one organ, but several organs can be involved. And
this can vary per patient so a group of patients with
one organ as the most affected site do have a
variation in symptoms, as other organs may be
affected. Which organs these are, depends on
hereditary weakness and external incidental
influences. This makes a multifactorial disease
model, which is compatible with both organ-related
pathology and the homeopathic notion of the
‘totality of symptoms’.
Signals and Receptors: Biosemiotics
Recent research in Immunology, Endocrinology
and Neurophysiology has shown that there is
physical basis for the systemic disease concept:
Cytokines, hormones and neurotransmitters form a
‘messenger system’ which links the separate organs
into a ‘biosemiotic’ network. This may have two
consequences: 1. the disease affects several organs
at the same time, and 2. symptoms arise which form
a significant pattern for that individual patient.
This notion finds its place in Homeopathy in the
individual diagnosis, and in the new discipline of
pharmacogenomics – allopathic medicines designed
taking genetic differences in account. Genetics
manifests itself in inter-patient differences, both at
enzymatic and clinical level. This is what
Homeopathy has done for two centuries already:
tailor made medicine. Here the two currents in
Western Medicine meet.
Bipolar action of substances: Many
biologically active substances such as toxins and
medicinal drugs have a bipolar effect: inhibition or
stimulation. This is dose-dependant reaction (cf.
intoxications with antiepileptics producing seizure,
or overdoses of Digoxin producing arrhythmias). At
the same time, receptors can react to minute doses
of the ‘key fits into the lock’. Together dose and
signal dependent reaction by an allopathic drug is
necessary for blocking a specific reaction in a
specific organ. A signal-dependent reaction by a
potentized homeopathic remedy is necessary for
changing the function of a receptor in one of the
messenger systems.
The Semantic Disease Model may assist in
bridging different understanding of 1. disease
concepts, 2. working mechanisms questions, and 3.
therapeutic communication.
14. Evidence Study of the effectiveness of
Homeopathy in treating Amenorrhoea and
Oligomenorrhoea by SCHMÜCK M.:
Methods: Study design and participants:
Pilot study with Placebo preliminary phase (n=44).
Indication of treatment: abnormal menstrual
cycle with voluntary childlessness (n=22) and
without (n=22).
Qualitative Layout of Study Therapy:
Doctor with additional qualification in
Homeopathy and Psychotherapy, additional use of
Location: Ambulance for Endocrinology,
women hospital Heidelberg University, Prof. I.
Sponsor and Scientific Advisory: Karl and
Veronica Carstens Foundation, Essen.
Recruiting Time: May 1995 to December
Testing Period: 12 months.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Post-Observation Time: Variable, median of
39.6 months.
Goal Criteria: Amenorrhoea: at least two
menstruations within six months of ovulation or
Pregnancy; Oligomenorrhoea: at least 10%
reduction of the cycle.
1. Assessment of the effects of the
homeopathic therapy on regulation of the
menstrual cycle considering effects of
nonspecific curative reactions and
2. Assessment of the effects of the
homeopathic remedy on psychodynamic
40.9% of the participants reached the goal
criteria in the Placebo preliminary phase, 75%
during the Placebo preliminary phase and testing
The influence on psychodynamic processes,
outgoing from homeopathic medication, could be
proven. Harmone substitutions in nearly all cases
can be called dispensable due to the results found
including during the post-observation period.
Pilot studies with a success rate of 75% are ill-
suited to proving the effectiveness of Homeopathy
and are hardly suitable for a serious scientific
argument. Such results include the entire effective
spectrum of the homeopathic therapy under study
conditions including the effects which arise only by
omitting the standard conventional therapy and the
unquestionable existence of the Placebo effect. The
high proportion of nonspecific curative reactions in
the setting of homeopathic therapy could be one of
the principal reason for the sometimes
unexpectedly good results of the Placebo group by
previously placebo-controlled conducted studies.
[The ‘conclusions’ appear to be surmises. These
‘studies’ are futile and do not help Homeopathy
Therapeutics, nor totally debunk Homeopathy. =
II. From the Editor (HT. 24, 4/2004)
Understanding our lineage, our heritage gives us an
anchor in time a direct link to those who came
before. It makes HAHNEMANN, HERING and
KENT more than names. It makes them family.
III. Second hand books wanted for Abha Light
Foundation which treats patients in slums of
Nairobi, with Homeopathy. (HT. 24, 4/2004) The
Foundation is in need of books for their student’s
resource library. (Abha Light Foundation, C/o Didi
Ananda Ruchira, P.O. Box 236-00515, Nairobi,
IV. Doctors’ Orders: Hold off on Antibiotics!
(HT. 24, 4/2004) “What doctors have traditionally
done is to prescribe antibiotics when they weren’t
necessarily needed,” said Dr. Ari BROWN,
spokesperson for the American Academy of
Paediatrics (AAP). On March 9, 2004, the AAP
and the American Academy of Family Physicians
(AAFP) attempted to change that behaviour. They
released a new guideline for treating Acute Otitis
Media, that recommends a “wait and see” approach
for most children over 6 months old and suggests
that doctors consider antibiotics only if symptoms
have not improved in 48-72 hrs.
Research shows that 80 percent of children
whose ear infections are not treated immediately
with antibiotics get better on their own and have no
increased risk of serious infection. The guideline
cautions that if children are given antibiotics and
don’t need them, they may build up a resistance and
not respond to antibiotics when used for a serious
V. Healing the World: Service through
Homeopathy. LANSKY, Amy L. (HT. 24,
5/2004) The author’s son was cured of Autism,
thanks to Homeopathy. So the important life goal
was to let others know about this wonderful system
of medicine. She suggests homeopaths to share
their secrets, to participate in efforts to legalize and
legitimize the practice of Homeopathy in their
states and to suggest to others that there is another
way to approach their health problems. Bringing
Homeopathy to others can help to heal our world.
VI. From the Editor. Julian WINSTON. (HT.
24, 5/2004) WINSTON’s personal friend Chris
ELLITHORP died of heart attack on March 17,
2004, at the young age of 54. Since 1974, he was
interested in our rich homeopathic heritage.
WINSTON and ELLITHORP were instant friends
since 1982 as they shared the love of the amazing
literature and ephemera that Homeopathy can call
its own. He was a fount of information and had
quiet presence.
If it weren’t for those few like Chris, who do
grasp the richness, we would have lost a good
number of the treasures that are the “worldly
remains” of our great history.
There are few who have unselfishly taken it
upon themselves to preserve our homeopathic
heritage. The two largest collections in the U.S.
were those of Chris ELLITHORP and Bill
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
KIRTSOS and they have certainly been looked
after with more personal love and affection.
Bill KIRTSOS too bemoans the passing away
of Chris ELLITHORP with equally great feeling.
Chris built up an important library over the years
with great love, passion and dedication. To quote
Thomas Lindsley BRADFORD: “Books that have a
real reason for being, that are founded upon fact
and not upon fallacy, live, nay, increase in value, as
the years mellow the whiteness of their pages.
Their owners change; hands that lovingly and
carefully turned the pages of the old volume are
still, the eyes that sought its wisdom are lusterless,
but the knowledge, the truth, the advice, may still
be found within its faded covers. And therefore
other hands seek the book, that other eyes may see,
and other minds inform themselves.”
[Who will fill the shoes of Julian WINSTON,
VII. Vaccination resources. NEUSTAEDTER,
Randall (HT. 24, 5/2004).
Organizations and Websites
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Immunization Program Public Inquiries
Mailstop E-05
1600 Clifton Rd., NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
(800) 232-SHOT
International Travel Hotline: (877) 394-8747 or
(404) 332-4559
U.S. Government organization with in-depth
website on vaccines, vaccination policies,
standards, recommendations, and diseases.
Extensive information on international travel
including disease incidence by region, current
vaccine recommendations, and travel advisories.
National Vaccine Information Center
512W. Maple Avenue, #206
Vienna, VA 22180
(800) 909-SHOT or (703) 938-DPT3
A parent-sponsored group that lobbies for safer
vaccines and freedom of choice legislation; advises
parents on legal rights; publishes a legal referral
directory, booklets on the vaccine-injury
compensation system, and instructions for filing
claims. Website includes access to a newsletter,
referral information, special reports, an extensive
catalog of books and materials, and an email news
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
P.O. Box 1100
Rockville, MD 20849-1100
(800) 822-7967
www.fda.gov/cber/vaers/vaers.htm - The National
Childhood Vaccine Injury Act requires health care
providers to report specific adverse events
following particular vaccines. This is the
surveillance system established to collect the
reports. Parents, other relatives, or anyone aware of
the occurrence of an adverse event may also file a
report. Call or visit the website for reporting forms.
www.cure-guide.com - Randall NEUSTAEDTER’s
website; includes updates to his book, The Vaccine
Guide, and many articles on natural health care for
http://home.san.rr.com/via/ - Vaccine Information
& Awareness contains links to most other websites
and newsgroups with vaccine information,
including both pro-vaccine and pro-choice sites.
www.whale.to - A huge site of articles that question
the advisability of vaccinations; a comprehensive
and searchable database of information and links
across the Internet.
www.thinktwice.com - Has ordering information
for books on vaccines and other health-related
topics; and an inclusive list of worldwide
vaccination support groups and information
www.vaccineinfo.net - Operated by a Texas-based
consumer group, Parents Requesting Open Vaccine
Education (PROVE). Includes vaccine topics in the
media, legal issues, and access to an email news
www.vaccines.org - Provides consumers and
professionals with data on diseases and vaccines,
current research, official international vaccine
websites, contacts for medical journals and
associations, and research centers.
www.tripprep.com - Operated by a private
company, Shoreland, Inc.; contains health
conditions and recommendations, country by
The Immunization Resource Guide, Diane
ROZARIO, 2000.
The most complete single resource for books,
organizations, information services, publishers, and
government offices that have anything to do with
vaccines, both pro and con. Extensive annotated
bibliography, address lists, book reviews, and
organization descriptions.
Vaccination: The Issue of Our Times, Peggy
O’MARA, Editor, 1997.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
A comprehensive collection of articles, research,
and references. Contributors include physicians,
public health workers, and parents.
A Shot in the Dark, H.L. COULTER and B.L.
FISHER, 1991.
Documentation of the devastating effects of the
Pertussis vaccine, including vivid case examples
and an expo of the campaign for mandatory
immunization of children regardless of the risks.
Vaccination & Immunization, Dangers,
Delusions and Alternatives. L.CHAITOW, 1996.
Covers the history of immunizations, refuting
PASTEUR in favor of Antoine Bechamp and
explaining the immune system response to
Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?
N. MILLER, 1992 Immunization: Theory vs.
Reality, N. MILLER, 1996.
Both books take a hard-hitting critical approach to
vaccinations. The first presents the issues
surrounding each vaccine in summary form. The
second provides detailed descriptions of the vaccine
industry’s tactics.
Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality:
The Medical Assault on the American Brain,
H.L. COULTER, 1990.
Describes childhood vaccines as a possible cause of
Encephalitis characterized by Learning problems,
Developmental delays, Behavior disorders, and
What Every Parent Should Know about
Childhood Immunization, J. MURPHY, 1993.
A thorough and understandable critique of
vaccination, based on arguments about toxicity, low
efficacy, and failure to establish true immunity to
Handbook of Homeopathic Alternatives to
Immunization. Susan CURTIS, 1999.
Discusses the opposition to vaccinations citing
short and long-term adverse reactions. Most of the
book is devoted to describing various infectious
diseases and homeopathic remedies for prevention
and treatment.
Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases, Dorothy
A brief but practical guide on the use of
Homeopathy in epidemic diseases.
The Vaccine Guide, RANDALL
Revised and expanded edition packed with
information for parents and consumers wanting to
make informed choices about childhood
immunizations, flu shots, and vaccinations for
international travel.
VIII. The American Institute of Homeopathy
(AIH) is sponsoring primary care Homeopathy
courses. The course introduces licensed medical
professionals to acute care Homeopathy. Timothy
FIOR. (HT. 24, 5/2004)
IX. From the Editor, WINSTON Julian
“Constitutional prescribing” Misunderstood
and misused. (HT. 24, 6/2004)
Many homeopaths define “health” as having
freedom of functioning on all levels of the body
physical, emotional and mental. Using this as a
benchmark, we may recognize disposition and
temperament as pathological symptoms when they
are out of balance within the person. And it is this
“off balance” that determines the usefulness of the
trait as a symptom to prescribe upon not the trait
as a stand–alone description. It is the job of the
homeopath to understand the fine line between
what constitutes pathology and illness and what
constitutes health.
There is nothing to be treated if a person
simply likes order, dusts the shelves, organizes the
books and keeps lists of things to do (all part of the
Arsenicum album disposition). But when the
perfectionist person gets ill and those traits become
overbearing and they lose sleep because they are
up all night trying to remove a stain from the
bathroom floor then the perfectionism becomes
pathology. The homeopath should not be treating
the “personality” although that too may be used
as a confirmation of the indicated remedy. And
…… if there weren’t healthy Arsenicums in the
world, then the place would certainly be a Sulphur
X. In memory. Dr. Andrew H.LOCKIE (HT. 24,
6/2004) Dr. Andrew LOCKIE (of England) died on
April 30, 2004, at the age of 57, after a sudden
stroke. He maintained an open and positive attitude
to the role of professional homeopaths. His
writings have made a significant contribution to the
popularization and use of Homeopathy
TREUHERZ, Francis.
XI. The Art and Instinct of a Midwife-
homeopath. Interview with M.J. HANAFIN
GAHLES, Nancy. (HT. 24, 6/2004) M.J.
HANAFIN, has a mountain of experience after
8,000 births as midwife. Got interested in early
1970s, when there was heavy bleeding during a
delivery and Phosphorus given by another midwife,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
helped. Since then learned few homeopathic
specifics and got enrolled in homeopathic school.
There was a nasty tear in perineum after
delivery and skin was in poor tone with every stitch
blood squirted. The moment Crotalus horridus hit
the woman’s tongue the blood on perineum dried
up and began to clot on its own.
In another case, a woman pregnant with twins
with pre-eclampsia: her kidney function was
decreasing, blood pressure rising and blood
platelets falling. Not responding to allopathic
medications and a C-section was not possible and
there was a danger of Disseminated Intravascular
2 doses of Crotalus horridus 10M, 10 minutes
apart. One and half hour later, platelets had more
than doubled.
The art of midwifery is dying and she ensures
it is carried on. Observation is a key element of
Homeopathy and the art of midwifery.
The politics of working in midwifery in
obstetrics is distressing. Politics controls your
delivery. You may know that the woman can
safely deliver this breech baby, but the hospital may
not allow it. Mountains and birthing are the same.
“Before I climb a mountain, I ask permission to
pass. At births, I ask a Force greater than myself to
use me as an instrument trusting to let go to that
invisible force that can give the healing, the cure. It
always make me humble when I feel it go through
my hands at a birth”.
XII. Crossing Boundaries. Homeopathic
Precepts in Conventional Medicine? FRYE,
Joyce. (AJHM. 98, 1/2005) This refers to a
‘controversy’ between the pharmaceutical giant Eli
Lilly maker of Prozac and the British Medical
Journal (BMJ). The BMJ’s article “was a 1988
report that 38% of depressed patients taking Prozac
during clinical trials experienced side-effects like
agitation, Insomnia and Nervousness, a rate twice
that of those taking a Placebo. Such surge of
physical energy well ahead of psychological
recovery is like the aggravation familiar to all
homeopaths. Similarly the rash after anti-
depressants is an example of HERING’s Law. The
use of stimulants to treat ADD presents a modern
example of the Principle of Similars. The author
wishes to compile such a list of instances of
homeopathic principles in the conventional
medical literature [To prove what and to whom?
Will the mainstream Medicine accept Homeopathy
then? = KSS]
XIII. Sandra M. CHASE has been elected
President of Honor of The Liga Medicorum
Homeopathica Internationalis. Dr. CHASE has
served the LIGA for over 20 years. She has been
the Editor of The Liga Letter, the bi-annually
published mailed directly to each individual Liga
member around the World. (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
XIV. Liga 2004. Report to the USA.
HILTNER, Richard (AJHM. 98, 1/2005). The 59
Congress of Liga was held in Buenos Aires,
Argentina on October, 18-23, 2004.
Day one: Opening speeches by representatives
from various Argentinian homeopathic
Day two: Homeopathic Philosophy, Healing
Criteria, Paediatric Forum and Clinical case study
41 presenters.
Day three: Clinical Practice, Pharmacy,
Provings, Research, Fungi and Clinical case study –
44 presenters.
Day four: Veterinary, Clinical cases, Fungi and
Materia Medica – 45 presenters.
Day five: Vaccinations, Research, Computer
Day six: Dentistry and Miasms.
There were more than 1000 attendees.
Argentina has more than 1000 homeopathic
physicians and there is an Argentinian Association
of Medical Doctors. This Association has eight
Schools or Foundations under its umbrella. It has
four principal fundamentals that joins all parts:
1. The Law of Similars.
2. All medicines are diluted and potentised.
3. Use of healthy humans for Provings.
4. Use of one remedy at a time.
Berhrd FLEK, of Germany reported that in
spite of over 2500 homeopathic physicians in
Germany, the Government supported medical
Insurance is continuing to decrease its payments for
Homeopathic Medicine and Services. DEISY of
Spain reported that a Royal Decree in 2003 allows a
doctor in Spain to use Homeopathy and other non-
conventional therapies. Italy, it was reported, is
coming under not-so-friendly Health Minister, is
facing more restrictions. Argentina too, is said to
be facing similar situation.
The national Vice President of Latvia reported
that in her country there was considerable progress
of Homeopathy.
It was also reported that the Boiron has bought
out the Dolisos. Therefore Boiron is now the
largest homeopathic Pharmacy in the world.
Iran and Armenia were the two new countries
voted into the LIGA.
It was reported that the late Dr. GUTMANN
left a ‘legacy’ of 1½ million dollars which was
given to his daughter DAPHNE. Dr. GUTMANN
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
left a hand written letter indicating his wish to
donate these funds to the LIGA. However, his
daughter is not responding to this wish of her father
and there seems to be little hope of her letting the
legacy to the LIGA. [Dr. GUTMANN has left for
the homeopathic fraternity a far greater legacy in
his lectures and writings. We should be happier for
this = KSS]
It was also announced that with help of Dr.
Diwan Harish CHAND a publication has been
prepared Index of the Proceedings of the LMHI
Congresses from 1924 to 2002.
Abstract of the Papers:
Homeopathic Philosophy, Healing Criteria,
Pediatric Forum and Clinical Case Study (41
Josef SCHMIDT gave information on the
‘new’ German Editor of the Organon of Medicine.
This edition is a conversion into modern German
language. Although complete in contents, there is a
new arrangement of topics. And finally, there are
approximately 400 problematic terms placed in a
The Forum on Paediatrics discussed in depth
the remedy Psorinum.
Angel MINOTTI et al (Argentina) gave a
fascinating paper on the Proving of the AIDS virus.
The Provings of Immunosin were done by both
Brazilian and Argentinean researchers. The study
was done between 1998 and 2001. The virus was
obtained from the sperm of a HIV positive patient.
Antonio ABBATE of Italy elaborated on the
psoric miasmatic thought of Adolfo MASI
ELIZALDE. He indicated the inception of illness
basically originated from selfishness and the
substitution of excessive materialism for spiritual
Eighteen presenters participated in Veterinary
Homeopathy. Stefan KOHLRAUSCH of
Germany presented the case of a baby snake which
vomited for three months, quickly responded to
Arsenicum album 200. He also presented two new
remedy Provings: Cepaea hortensis, a snail over
330 symptoms in 27 provers and Testudo hermanni
böiettgeri, a Greek Tortoise about 330 symptoms
in 22 provers.
Eugenio CANDEGABE of Argentina spoke of
an interesting case of Agaricus. He emphasized the
necessity of looking at the total case and especially
admired the Kentian approach.
Mario DRAIMAN and Cesar CREMONINI of
Argentina stimulated discussion on the dangers
associated with vaccinations. Dr. DRAIMAN
especially considered Autism to be associated with
MMR immunizations. The incidence in the USA
has increased 718% from 1992-2002. The Mercury
in the MMR is thought also to at least be a part of
the problem.
Francisco ELIZAYAGA of Argentina gave a
research paper on the effects of Aspirin 15 CH on
rats with Portal Hypertension. Previous papers
indicate the Aspirin enhances platelet performance
to decrease the tendency to haemorrhage.
According to his study the increase in clotting is
Everybody who took part in the presentation
and discussion on Miasms, felt that Miasms must
be considered if one is to do Homeopathy well.
David Flores TOLEDO of Argentina, as well
known and respected homeopathic physicians gave
a beautiful description of the Proving of Psylocibe
caerulesens (Psylocibin).
XV. Massimo MANGIALAVORI Seminar
Boston, Massachusetts. Review by Bill GRAY
(AJHM. 98, 1/2005) Massimo MANGIALAVORI,
an Italian homeopath with the gift of profound
insight and the ability to communicate as teacher as
With disciplined thoroughness, Massimo
investigates families and groups to discover
Themes that are grounded in clear cases, which
have been selected by strict criteria.
The topic was Variations on Individuality
as demonstrated by Parasites, Insects, Spiders and
Massimo’s style of teaching emphasizes
teaching the class to think, rather than to merely
learn and memorize information.
Remedies discussed were Pediculus capitis,
Pulex irritans and Hirudo medicinalis which
represented Parasite family.
Common themes: Extreme self-centeredness,
acquisitiveness, exploitation of others, exclusion of
the feminine side of themselves, fear of water and
Cantharis vesicatoria, Apis mellifica, Vespa
crabro, Formica rufa and Coccinella
septempunctata of insect family.
Similarities in personality to the parasites, with
a higher activity level. More social connections
and exclude feminine side of themselves. They
seem to be running from themselves rather than
taking care of themselves.
Then cases of Doryphora decimineata and
Coccus cacti and then cases of Spider Family.
Again same themes of over activity and self-
centeredness overlap with Parasites and Insects.
Finally a discussion of unusual milk remedies.
A practical tip was there are always gastric
headaches in milk family patients. This is not to
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
say that all gastric headaches need a Milk remedy,
but it is a basic trait of the Milk nevertheless.
XVI. The Hans Walz Foundation at the Robert
Bosch Foundation announces herewith the Hans
Walz Prize for studies on the History of
Homeopathy. (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
The aim of the prize is to promote the research
of the history of Homeopathy outside the Institute
for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch
Foundation. The prize will be awarded for a major
study (Master or Diploma thesis; doctoral
dissertation, monograph), which is either still
unpublished or published in 2004 or 2005. The
language can be German, English or French. The
prize amounts to 1,000 Euro.
XVII. In Memory of Jacques BENVENISTE
POITEVIN, Bernard (AJHM. 98, 1/2005) The
doctor Jacques BENVENISTE, an immunologist
well-known for the discovery of Platelet Activating
Factor died the third of October 2004 in Paris.
Few lines written by POITEVIN, expresses
three feelings: gratitude for the scientist and ‘boss’
of the department, friendship for the man, respect
for the truth of the facts.
BENVENISTE had a reputation for being a
very good scientist and had also been an excellent
doctor and a Paris hospital department head.
POITEVIN, worked with BENVENISTE in a
program designed by Laboratories Homéopathiques
de France in 1983 and published three studies, two
about the modulating effect of Apis mellifica and
Lung histamine on the degranulation of basophils,
and other about the action of Silica.
The most remarkable event of his life was the
publication of the article in Nature, and subsequent
controversy. In spite of this adversity, he continued
his fight in scientific research and Media. He led a
‘scientific battle’ which was not principally that of
Homeopathy. It was rather, one of scientific
innovation, and additionally a fight for recognition
by the scientific establishment.
POITEVIN feels that future will confirm at
least part of the innovative scientific work for
which BENVENISTE, along with other scientists
and doctors, worked and fought. Such fights
ultimately are never lost.
XVIII. Nasal sprays can bring on a vicious
cycle. (Deccan Chronicle, 16 March 2006). Very
few drugs relieve a symptom as speedily as an
over-the-counter decongestant nasal spray clears a
stuffy nose. But this decongestion lasts for only
about 12 hrs. However, there are spray
decongestants like Afrin, Neo-Synephrine which
“come at a price” with the further risk of becoming
an addiction. The sprays can cause the nasal
linings to swell up again, even when the ‘cold’ or
‘allergy’ has passed. And the patient uses the spray
again and the patient then gets trapped in vicious
cycle of overuse and dependence. One out of
every seven patients with sinus and nasal
obstruction have abused nasal sprays. They say it’s
the only way they can sleep at night.” “They
cannot function without the drug” (like the
Asthma”puffs”). Dr.GOLDSTEIN an allergist says
that he has seen holes in the nasal septum from
overuse of the decongestant sprays. [The ‘Scientific
Medicines’ creates addicts so that the Drug Industry
prospers. – KSS]
XIX. Something more to confuse the public
about the ‘Bird Flu’. (The Hindu, April 13,
2006) Some ‘Scientists’ say that there is no fear of
catching the Flu if eggs, chicken are cooked well.
“But many ‘Scientistsare concerned, that although
the risks are low, there is not enough evidence to
say that the virus cannot be transmitted by eating
infected poultry products.” “Oral transmission is
an open question” says Masato Tashiro a Virologist
at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in
XX. Looking to the Past for a Better Future.
TESSLER, Neil. (SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
Regarding the criticism of modern Provings,
TESSLER says, there are also poor 19
Provings and demonstrably unreliable provers in
the old literature. [This cannot be an argument for
poor Provings now = KSS] New remedies are
being successfully applied in conscientiously taken
and followed cases brought before seminars and
published in journals and books. There are pointed
truths to be heard and applied as correctives in both
education and practice.
He admits there is a kind of ‘Pop’
Homeopathy, where cases indicate a lack of
fundamentals and a superficial application of
Kingdoms, Doctrine of Signatures etc. The first
hedge against the superficial application of new
ideas, however brilliant and worthy, is a careful
grounding in the fundamentals of Hahnemannian
philosophy and practice.
XXI. Electromagnetic Medicine. LIPTON,
Bruce (SIM. XVIII, 1 &2/2005) This is a short
excerpt from a long Essay by Dr. LIPTON.
It is well established that the function and
metabolism of the human body is an
electrochemical system. Physiology reveals that
most of the body’s natural chemicals are released
by an electrical signal or an electro-chemical
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
reaction. This can be done by an externally applied
bio electromagnetic fields. The high specificity of
the electromagnetic signals can be tailored to the
direct targeting of activity, without many of the
side-effects common to pharmaceutical substances.
XXII. Jacques BENVENISTE (12 March 1935
4 October 2004): [‘Obituary’ for Dr. J.
BENVENISTE has already been published in the
QHD Vol. XXI, 3 & 4, 2004. However, a ‘moving’
reference by Tony EDWARDS to BENVENISTE
has been published in the HOMEOPATHY, 94,
1/2005 and it was thought worthwhile to bring it to
the attention of the colleagues. Extracts are given
here below. Let us remember that this great
scientist of the last century is a ‘Martyr’ for
Homeopathy. We have read of the inquisition of
GALILEO by the Church. BENVENISTE, a
‘Scientist’ was pilloried by the so-called
‘Scientists’ themselves. A painstaking
experimentor is an enemy of convenience for the
hegemony Science. Homeopathic colleges must
perpetuate the memory of Dr. Jacques
was arguably the most controversial scientist of the
last 50 years. His ‘crime’ was to claim to have
found laboratory evidence for the efficacy of
homeopathic dilutions. At its height L’affaire
Benveniste’ involved some of the cream of the
scientific establishment on both sides of the English
Channel, but their treatment of the man sometimes
smacked more of a Papal Inquisition than of sober
scientific appraisal. …. Dr. BENVENISTE, at 32
years was clinic Head of at the Faculté de Médecine
in Paris. ….. In 1970 in Scripps Clinic in
California he discovered the Platelet Aggregating
Factor a major contribution to the Science of
Allergy. He returned to France in 1973 and was
immediately snapped up by the INSERM, the
French equivalent of Britain’s Medical Research
Council. However, in the early 1980’s the Hand of
Fate struck, after BENVENISTE took on a new
member of staff, Bernard POITEVIN, a young
medical doctor with a side-interest in Homeopathy.
When POITEVIN tested a homeopathically diluted
allergen on basophils, they degranulated as if they
had been exposed to the original full-strength
allergen. When these tests were repeated again and
again over a period of two years the same results
kept on recurring. Five other laboratories also
replicated the findings. He concluded “Even after a
billion billion dilutions, water was behaving as if it
could somehow remember the molecules it had
been originally exposed to” [HAHNEMANN said
that a medicinal substance can never be made so
small as not to have medicinal action.
HAHNEMANN’s conclusion was based on
practical ‘observation’ in practice. POITEVIN’s
conclusions were based on laboratory experiments
= KSS]. BENVENISTE’s paper on his
experiments and results were published in the most
important scientific publication Nature and that
was “stepping into hubris that led to his undoing”.
What followed was unprecedented in the annals of
modern science. [A mean action, to say the least =
KSS]. A three member team which included a
‘Fraud buster’ and a journalist who was known for
writing articles on such ‘frauds’. Nature declared
BENVENISTE’s conclusions a ‘delusion’. This
witch-hunting without a conscience ended
BENVENISTE’s laboratories and he was no more
with the INSERM. [That such witch-hunting and
pillorying a great Scientist who carried out genuine
experiments and observed results which were
antithetic to the Hegemony Science happened in
France which was considered to be a country which
allowed freedom, is shocking. One reason for
HAHNEMANN leaving his home country to
France was the freedom. = KSS].
BENVENISTE however extended his research
but before he could finalise a ‘million-dollar deal’
with a U.S. company he was taken away. Now his
former employer the INSERM who drove him out,
called him on his death “a brilliant, provocative,
and profoundly attached to the quest for
knowledge”! [What politics indeed!=KSS]
XXIII. Vaccines for an Influenza Pandemic.
Two companies join forces to make the
manufacturing process more efficient. (The
Hindu, Chennai.) Two bio-technology companies,
one in the United States and another at Hyderabad,
announced a strategic alliance to “pursue the rapid
development of pandemic Influenza vaccine for
India. The vaccine is based on “virus–like
particles” according to Novavax and Bharat
Biotech is by a cumbersome process. A ‘suitable
strain’ of the flu virus is grown in fertilized chicken
eggs. Extracts from the eggs are purified to
produce the vaccine. Much of Influenza vaccine is
produced in U.S. and Europe. Emerging Infectious
Diseases pointed out that if 100 million doses of the
vaccine have to be prepared, the manufacturer must
procure 100 million eggs and the vaccine takes
several months to produce. [What will be the cost
of such high tech. medicine? A large quantities of
these vaccines will be sold to India by Big Brother
at heavy cost= KSS]
Pandemic Influenza might emerge infecting
and killing people. No one can predict which strain
of the virus might set off a Pandemic or when such
a Pandemic may happen. The Novavax technology
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
proposed using “virus-like particles” (VLP) mimic
the overall structure of the virus and are thereby
able to evoke a strong immune response when
given as vaccine. Two vaccines against human
papillomavirus types that cause Cervical Cancer are
in advanced clinical trials and both vaccines which
use VLPs have shown promising results.
Clinical trials of the Novavax technology
based pandemic Influenza Vaccines would be
undertaken both in the U.S. and in India almost in
parallel, according to Krishna Mohan.
Several cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a
form of paralysis can be fatal. If a vaccine were
approved for use, then its widespread use must be
accompanied by close surveillance to detect side
effects, Dr. CASH told. [Extremely simple, sure,
certain and economically the most viable is
Homeopathy in prevention and cure of Influenza.
It is for the CCRH. New Delhi, to write to the
Government of India’s Health Ministry about this.
= KSS.]
XXIV. Seminar: 13
National Homeopathy
Conference, Amravati, January 2005. Report by
Drs. MISTRY & MEHER (CCR. 12, 1/2005). The
National Homeopathy conference under the
auspieces of the Research Society, Lucknow, was
held at Amaravati (Maharashtra) on 22-23 January
2005. the participants included those from
Ayurveda, Yoga, Allopathy and Naturopathy.
Dr. Ravindra BAPAT, Gastro-enterologist and
former Vice Chancellor of the Nasik Health
University was the Chief Guest of Honor. He
presented a paper of his research study of
Ayurvedic plant – Tinospora cordifolia.
Dr. BAPAT pointed out that while life and
death were not in our hands we are just mediators
in the journey of our patient’s lives. One should
never feel ashamed while accepting goodness of
other sciences. Dr. BAPAT was dead against
Ayurveda & Homeopathy before 1978. However,
he was convinced from the results of Homeopathy
& Ayurveda.
He explained why now-a-days people desert
Allopathic Medicine [Are they deserting? = KSS].
He spoke about Ayurvedic researches, and wanted
that Ayurvedic concepts, therapies needed modern
scientific research base. [Why should everything
be fitted into the Allopathic model? A demand may
come that our tender coconut water must satisfy
Coca Cola verification or that our Idlis and Pooris
must satisfy verification by McDonalds! = KSS]
Dr. BAPAT spoke upon Tinospora cardifolia
and shed light on many other drugs on which
research was carried out.
After this papers were presented by Dr. Praful
Marc. Daniel ABDI.
This year (2005) HAHNEMANN Memorial
Award was presented to Dr. D. E. MISTRY of
Solapur. Dr. MISTRY in his speech after accepting
the Award, raised and answered a question: are
homeopaths born or made? At the core a
homeopath, (every true Healer indeed) is born
MISTRY sketched his academic life, his life as a
College lecturer, as a Surgeon and later his spiritual
quest which pulled him to Sri Aurobindo and The
Mother. As for Homeopathy he owed his
invitation to Dr. NAGVANSHI, Dr.
UPADHYAYE. When MISTRY was transferred
from Anatomy Department to Surgery Department
at the V. M. Medical College in Solapur, he treated
pre- and post –operatively as well as during
operation with Homeopathy using minimum of
antibiotics. While the honorary unit of his surgery
colleagues utilized 100% of antibiotics Dr.
MISTRY used only about 15-20% in the wards and
hardly 10% outdoors. Whereas thus he saved large
amount of money for the Government, he earned
the animosity of his Colleagues. Dr. MISTRY
retired as Assistant Professor of Surgery and started
his own Practice.
Dr. MISTRY says that while he has heard
unfavourable remarks by some of his colleagues
who spoke derisively of lay homeopaths he found
many of them were far greater healers than what
one can imagine. In fact in several Western
Countries it was the lay homeopaths who kept the
torch of Homeopathy burning during the dark days
of Homeopathy between the two World Wars and
until 1960s [During the ‘Iron Curtain’ days of the
Eastern Europe, it was the so-called ‘lay
homeopaths’ who kept the vigil all through until
the autocrats were overthrown = KSS]. Dr.
MISTRY recalls how the Homeopathic Clinical
Case Recorder was born in 1988. He also
expresses his frustration with regard to the apathy
of the homeopath readers of the CCR [it is the
same with regard to other homeopathic journals
also. Feedbacks are seldom = KSS].
Dr. MISTRY expresses his hope that
Homeopathy should flourish, not as an alternate
therapy but as equal partner with the Allopathy.
He hails the Aphorism 9 of the Organon as his
most favorite [So is it with me too = KSS].
Dr. MISTRY is a spiritual Sadhak and is a
devotee of the Mother.
XXV. Horizon Homeopathy The Test. T.V.
Show by BBC Channel, 20 Mar. 2005. Excerpt by
K. MEHER (CCR. 12, 1/2005): This is a criticism
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
of Homeopathy by the BBC. Discusses the
negative approach of the ‘scientific’ journal
Nature’; the insult and damning of the eminent
scientist Dr. Jacques BENVENISTE (1935 2004)
the reflection of the favourable results of
experiment by Dr. David REILY (Glasgow
Homeopathic Hospital); - all these one recounted.
[It is not clear to me as to why Homeopathy should
let itself be judged by experiments which are totally
irrelevant in the homeopathic context. = KSS].
XXVI. The Diseases for the Market Drug
Firms often exaggerating ailments, reports claim
(The Hindu, Chennai, April 12, 2006): Just
everyday common actions of persons to overcome
stresses are labeled as ‘disease by the
Pharmaceutical manufacturers; healthy people are
being turned into patients. These “corporate-
sponsored” creation of disease wastes resources and
may even harm people. New diseases are being
defined by specialists who are often funded by the
Drug Industry. [These ‘Specialists’ are purchased
by the Drug Industry for their nefarious trade =
KSS]. Aspects of normal life such as sexuality,
irritability in children, etc. are enlarged as serious
ailments to boost drug sales. “Disease-mongering
exploits the deepest atavistic fears of suffering
death.” By extending the range of ‘abnormal’ the
drug Industry boosts its sales. Often mass media
also cooperate (e.g. Bird Flu, Diabetes, Flu, etc.).
[All is fair if it is a question of making money!
= KSS]
XXVII. The Health Effects of White Asbestos:
D. BALASUBRAMANIAN (The Hindu, Chennai,
23 Feb. 2006): “When the towers of the World
Trade Center (WTC) collapsed in Sept. 2001 they
released a cloud of hazardous material that included
2000 tons of Asbestos.”
Judge Deborah BATTS chastised the US
Environmental Protection Agency for having first
assured that the clouds were safe from Asbestos
and later admitting to this misinformation, calling
their assurances as ‘Conscience-shocking.’ The
Asbestos used at the WTC is what is known as
‘White Asbestos’ or Chrysotile.
The Asbestos cement Products Manufacturers
Association of India earlier issued a public Interest
advertisement [The sole aim of a manufacturer of
any product is to sell and make money; if interested
in the Health of the people, he will not be a big
manufacturer = KSS] to make the people believe
that the Chrysotile or White Asbestos is not
hazardous. In a publication by Drs. G.
TWEEDALE of the Manchester Metropolitan
University Business School, U.K. and J.
McCULLOCH of the RMIT University School of
Social Sciences and planning at Melbourne,
Australia in their paper in the Journal Isis (2004,
95: 239 259) give a historical account of the gory
story where Science was repeatedly given the short
shrift by Commerce. Industry Interests in the US
and in particular Canada (a major world source of
Chrysotile) campaigned and raised funds for
research purporting to show that Chrysotile was
When covering this controversy (safe vs
hazardous) political, economic and social factors
militated against a speedy resolution; in the
meanwhile over a period of over 50 years Asbestos
continued to be produced and used!!
There are over 141 published articles in the last
three years, on the health effects of Chrysotile and
just about everyone of them reports ill effects on
Proteins and DNA cells and tissues of the body.
Research in China concluded that there are
excessive risks of Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma
among workers exposed to White Asbestos alone.
Chrysotile Asbestos is not just associated with but a
cause of Mesothelioma.
Chrysotile is an established Carcinogen. There
is no ‘safethreshold and ‘controlled use’ is not an
effective to a national ban.
XXVIII. “Child constantly craving to punish some
animal (Puls. Opp)” Abrotanum. This most
interesting mental symptom was found in the
interleaved copy of HERING’s Condensed
Materia Medica owned by Dr. John A.
TOMHAGEN, exemplary student of J.T. KENT.
(HT. 24, 5/2004)
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly Homeopathic Digest are
given below:
1. AH: AH: The Journal of the North American Society of Homeopaths, 1122
East Pike Street, #1122, Seattle, WA 98122, USA.
2. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig
GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.
3. AJHM: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine, formerly Journal of the
American Institute of Homeopathy (JAIH). 801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 306
Alexandria, VA 22314.
4. CCR: Homoeopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Dr. Subhash Meher, Near Hotel
Chanakya, Anandrishiji Marg, Burudgaon Road, AHMEDNAGAR-414001.
5. DECCAN CHRONICLE: Newspaper, Chennai–600 002.
6. THE HINDU: Newspaper, Chennai–600 002.
7. HL: Homeopathic Links, Homeopathic Research & Charities, F/s, Saraswat
Colony, Linking Road, Santacruz (W), MUMBAI – 400 054.
8. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British Homeopathic Journal (BHJ),
Homeopathy, Faculty of Homeopathy, 29 Park Street West, Luton,
Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
9. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax
Street, Suite 306, ALEXANDRIA, VA. 22314, USA.
10. NAMAH: New Approches to Medicine and Health, Sri Aurobindo Society,
PONDICHERRY – 605 001.
11. NJH: National Journal of Homeopathy, 71B Saraswati Road, Near Gokul
Icecream,, Santacruz (W), MUMBAI – 400 054.
12. RBH: Dr.J. Alaerts, Av Cardinal Micara 7,1160 Bruxelles, BELGIUM.
13. SIM: Simillimum, The Journal of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic
Physicians, P.O. Box 8341, Covington, WA 98042, USA.
14. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig
GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
(This section contains abstracts/extracts from
selected articles; even the entire article in some
1. Homeopathic Links Found Guilty
International Hahnemannian tribunal sits in
Reported by Joel SHEPPERD (HL. 16, 2/2003)
A Cease and Desist affidavit has been
forwarded to the editorial offices of Homeopathic
Links. The overwhelming evidence presented to
the International Hahnemannian Tribunal has found
the journal guilty of continued violations of
homeopathic principles. The order states that ‘the
aforementioned journal may no longer use the word
“Homeopathy” or “homeopathic” in its title or in
any advertisements for said journal.’ The Tribunal
further declared that more and more articles
mislead readers into thinking that they are learning
about Homeopathy when they are in actuality
taught Heteropathy. They conclude by proposing
that the appropriate name for the journal be
henceforth, Heteropathic Links.
Various Friend of the Court’ briefs were filed
in support of the Tribunal’s decision. The
Interworld Order of Occult Therapists declared
members of Links who claimed to understand deep
important symbolism as dilettante dabblers,’ who
in no way reflected the current state of the art.
Homeopathic teachers have used colourful stories
about remedy types for many years to help their
beginning students to remember remedies. The
images remain in the student’s mind more easily
than unrelated facts. If the teacher elevates the
importance of these enjoyable portraits by calling
them an archetype, then it is no longer part of the
homeopathic method. Archetypes are patterns of
thought in the collective mind and represent a
common experience of the culture. Abstract ideas
about common characteristics are exactly opposite
to the homeopathic method of prescribing on the
facts of each new case. The prescriber should not
attempt to squeeze each person into a
predetermined category ignoring local signs and
symptoms of each case. For instance, if each
homeopathic student can only imagine a Pulsatilla
case as a certain type of little girl, then every old
man who needs the remedy will be missed. The use
of archetypes in Homeopathy can easily become a
degraded Psychology of stereotypes. The United
Witches and Warlocks cackled at the lack of
repeatable, verifiable experience demonstrated in
published articles. It is not correct to say that the
mental and general symptoms are the most
important, as if it were an accepted rule of the
homeopathic process. In a country where severe,
acute diarrhea outbreaks lead to death, a
psychological profile of a person is of little
usefulness compared to colour, consistency, size,
odour, painfulness and frequency of stool. The
mental symptoms may be important. They are very
often important. However, the decision about
which symptoms are important is to be made only
after taking each individual unique case, and not
beforehand. It is a pre-judgement and a
preconception to generalize about mental symptoms
without talking about a specific, real, case history.
Such preconceptions are not the homeopathic
method. They close the mind before the case is
taken so that other important possibilities are
The Federation of Magicians demanded an
apology for the defamation of their profession. ‘No
thema, no schema,’ they cried. So-called themes in
current homeopathic use are deduced. Deductive
reasoning starts with hypothesis or theory.
Deductive reasoning is a common source of ideas
in mainstream science that must then be tested by
experiments. Until scientific experiments prove the
hypothesis, it is just a guess. Applied to
Homeopathy, this line of thinking proposes a
common set of characteristics in some group after
analyzing some data. The most general and
common characteristics of a remedy are included.
Details such as local symptoms are excluded.
These schemes are also used to predict the
symptoms of remedies not well known. This is
called speculation because it draws conclusions
from poorly proven assumptions. Only validated
Provings are acceptable evidence. It is
misinformation to teach premature conclusions
when they are no more than hypotheses.
There is no deductive reasoning in the practical
application of the homeopathic scientific method.
Instead Homeopathy uses an internally consistent
inductive method. No theories come first. The
perceptible signs, symptoms and circumstances of a
person’s disease are the starting point. The same
types of phenomena are recorded in the Provings.
The Law of Similars is then applied. This rule of
nature is a Law because no example disproves it
within its constructed boundaries. The day-to-day
practical application of this principle of healing is
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
determined from experience and experiments, not
from unproven deductions. Stay with the
experience of the patient, not with the theory of the
practitioner! The most similar remedy is found
from the most characteristic symptoms, not from a
common pool of symptom ideas shared by a group.
Each person’s disease is different from every other
person’s disease, just as each fingerprint is different
and each plant is unique. We find the most closely
matched remedy by recognizing the importance of a
person’s individuality, not by reducing them to
their commonalities.
The Allied Alchemists were baffled by those
who resort to storytelling and fanciful imagination
in place of plain hard work. Each homeopath must
face the task of learning Materia Medica. Since
each person’s memory functions differently, many
styles of mnemonics have developed. One student
may learn the polychrests first. Another person
may choose to study one remedy and then compare
or contrast it with others. Still another studious
person may choose a rubric like ‘confidence’ and
learn the differences of each remedy listed. If a
homeopath was trained as a biologist first, he may
divide the remedies into families or orders, and
learn by groups. The initial strategy for learning
remedies may be to choose some arbitrary group
that has something in common, but this learning
technique should have nothing to do with the
technique in prescribing the correct remedy. The
most accurate remedy is found by what is most
unique, peculiar, individual and characteristic of
each medicinal substance, not what is common. If
a bushmaster snake and a rattlesnake are observed
side by side, the homeopath is interested in what
makes each one different, not that they are both
snakes. If a person’s symptoms are close to, but
not exactly the symptoms of Lachesis, it does not
mean they need another snake remedy. It means
they need another similar remedy, no matter
whether it is of plant or mineral or animal origin. It
is an error of scientific method to blur mnemonics
with prescribing.
Even HAHNEMANN did more than just roll
over in his grave when he repeated his warnings
about half-homeopaths and mongrel homeopaths.
A spokesperson for the Tribunal intoned, ‘Those
who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat
it. So beware ye heteropaths.’
It is an interesting phenomena that the
adjective ‘Hahnemannian’ is often used to oppose
any homeopath who dares to think for himself and
experiment. It seems that HAHNEMANN’s ‘Aude
Sapere’ is being contradicted by his ‘Mach es nach,
aber mach es genau nach’, and that the
homeopathic community is split along this schism.
Still these two recommendations are the main
ingredients of what is called research. As a journal
for Classical Homeopathy we intend to transcend
this seeming contradiction, and to link innovative
thought (aude sapere) with the trial of daily practice
(mach es nach) in order to further the development
of Homeopathy. To judge the so-called new ideas
without really investigating and testing them, is
anything but scientific, and is not very respectful to
those who dare to experiment. It reminds us of the
kind of opposition HAHNEMANN experienced in
his life.
We strongly feel the saddest legacy is to
consider it finished, and to let the inquisitiveness
that evolved Homeopathy die with its founder. We
therefore happily make room for old and new ideas,
for trial and error, for hypothesis and proof, for
discussions and disputes.
To shoot an arrow with optimal speed and
precision, it is necessary to draw it back first. The
analysis of what we know about snake remedies,
for instance, is the same kind of motion. By
defining what is common to them we can know
when we need a snake remedy, in general. This is a
useful step before exploring the vast amount of
different snakes that exist in this world. It is a step
aimed at bringing within our reach many more
snake remedies, each with its specific, unique
qualities, rather than the handful used so far. The
same applies to the research done on families of
elements and minerals, as well as families of plants.
More is not always better, but the very fact that
homeopaths who are in the forefront of this
research usually apply a wider range of remedies in
their practice, might indicate that defining families
is helping to make our treatment more precise.
According to the Native American Indians, by
rattling its tail a rattlesnake is saying: ‘Please don’t
step on me uncle, then we’ll go along.’ New
developments in Homeopathy usually raise a lot of
rattling. And as aggressive as it sometimes may
sound, I think fear is what underlies it. These
concerns are genuine and deserve to be heard. I
think the answer to it should be: ‘Thank you for the
warning cousin. I respect you and will mind you,
but don’t ask me not to dance.’
We contacted Occult Therapists, Witches and
Warlocks, Magicians and Alchemists, and were
informed that none of them were consulted by the
Tribunal, but that they all shared the experience of
being confronted with Tribunals of many kinds.
They confided the danger of having thoughts of
your own, especially when these are strange, rare
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
and peculiar. Somehow these last words sounded
familiar to us.
The Editors
[HAHNEMANN’s quote “mach es genau nach”
and “Aude sapere” are loosely quoted out of
context. The first quote is in HAHNEMANN’s
Nota Bene for my Reviewers (1817) and the
second is with reference to his Essay What are
Poisons? What are Medicines (1805) in regard to
branding certain substances as Poisons which are in
fact great remedies but only if they are applied in
appropriate doses to appropriate cases. It did not
mean that one can go on one’s way trespassing the
basic laws. = KSS]
2. Three Ways of Homeopathy
Dissimilarities in the Worldview of Prescribers
SHEPPERD, Joel (HL. 17, 3/2004)
There are different points of view about how to
evaluate which new ideas are truly an advancement
of homeopathic methodology. The fundamental
assumptions of the most widespread worldviews
are explicated so that each homeopath may better
understand the other. These belief systems are
named the vital mechanistic, the neo-homeopathic,
and the original homeopathic methodology. It will
be shown that the same principles in Homeopathy
can be very differently interpreted due to unstated
belief systems behind the same words.
This is a story retold for the homeopathic reader.
In the tradition of Greek mythology, Asclepius
became the God of medicine. One of his powers to
cure came about through an experience with snakes
(1). He had killed one snake, but then another
snake revived the first with a herb from within its
mouth. This experience of one snake curing
another snake was an experience of the Law of
Similars: dead snake is cured by snake-energised
herb. This revelation enabled Asclepius to virtually
bring the dead back to life in his medical practice
which upset the powers that be, namely HADES,
who saw his dominion receding, so he asked his
brother, Zeus, to put a stop to this overstepping of
boundaries. Zeus sent a thunderbolt and that was
the end of humanity’s hope for immortality for a
However, Zeus rewarded Asclepius for his
service as a healer by resurrecting him in the
heavens where he could remind all doctors of his
inspiring example. In his celestial transformation,
Asclepius is named Ophiuchus, which means the
Serpent Holder or the Healer. This constelallation
of stars is located just above Scorpio (2). Just
recently, Ophiuchus has entered the ecliptic, due to
the earth’s wobble on its axis. The original Zodiac
was formulated some 3000 years ago, and the
changing position of the stars in the heavens has
created discussions among astrologers as to
whether Ophiuchus is worthy to be the 13
sign of
the Zodiac. It would seem appropriate that this
newly significant sign should become a symbol for
the truly healing methods of medicine like
In his heavenly abode, Ophiuchus is grasping
the Serpent constellation in both hands and he
struggles for control over the two parts of the snake
(or the two snakes) named Caput and Cauda (3). It
is a reminder that the power of healing can be
harnessed but only with constant vigilance and
effort. The earthly Asclepius is pictured with a
single snake/staff; he successfully understood the
methods of healing.
The astrological symbol for the constellation
Ophiuchus is the Caduceus, according to sources.
The Caduceus with its three parts, the two snakes
and staff, will serve as a visual aid in discussing
three different methods of the practice of
The symbol of the Caduceus is found in many
cultures, according to the research of Joseph
CAMPBELL(4). He shows pictorial evidence from
the ancient Egyptian civilizations, the Sumerians,
the cultures of India, and even from the indigenous
art of North and South America. Some European
artists depict the biblical ‘tree of life’ (the other tree
in the book of Genesis) with two serpents
intertwining around the trunk representing the
Adam (male) principle and Eve (female) principle.
In medieval European alchemy, the two principles
of Corpus and Spiritus are shown spiraling upwards
like two snakes until they are transmutated to
Anima. The most well-known historical example
of the Caduceus in Western culture is the magic
wand of Hermes, the Greek messenger God who
guides souls to rebirth in eternal life.
The Caduceus has become one of the symbols
of medicine. The meaning of this universal symbol
is more easily understood with the help of writings
from India that describe the structure of the subtle
energies of the human form (5). The subtle or vital
energies of the body flow through subtle tubes or
channels. The most important energy channels are
three that flow within the spinal column. They
meet at the base of the spine. One energy channel,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
called the solar energy, starts on the left side and
extends spirally to the right nostril. The second
major energy channel starts at the right side of the
spine and extends spirally to the left nostril. It can
be called the lunar energy. The central channel of
energy in between the lunar and solar channel runs
through the spinal column to the center behind and
between the eyebrows. The vital energies cannot
pass through the central channel unless the solar
and lunar energies are uplifted and clarified. An
analogy between the three paths represented in the
Caduceus and three ways of practicing
Homeopathy will be made.
Three world views
How do we secure knowledge about nature, the
universe and ourselves? In recent centuries three
main approaches have been used in various fields
of knowledge, and these three ways of knowing
have influenced homeopaths. Often the
practitioner is not aware of their worldview, but
these belief systems must be made explicit so that
understanding the other homeopath becomes
easier. Comparisons will be made only among
homeopaths who prescribe one remedy at a time
using the totality of symptoms according to the
Law of Similars.
The image of the Caduceus depicts two
energies winding back and forth and crossing each
other at several points while a central energy runs
between them. Therefore, the energies influence
each other and borrow from each other. In modern
Homeopathy the solar energy of the Caduceus can
be compared to the mechanistic homeopath. The
lunar energy of the Caduceus can be assigned to the
neoplatonic thinking homeopaths. The central
energy of the medical ‘magic wand of the
Caduceus is identified with those homeopaths who
believe in phenomenology as a system of
knowledge. The nodes of intersection on the
Caduceus represent the principles or methods that
all the homeopaths hold in common, although with
different interpretations. These points include the
Law of Similars, the Totality of Symptoms and the
Vital Force.
Law of Similars
To the homeopath who assumes a
mechanistic point of view, the Law of Similars is a
fact, not a theory, and a certainty, not a hypothesis.
Like the law of gravity in physics, it is a truth
independent of any one person’s wishes or
intentions. There is an independent external reality
determined by objective analysis. The universe is
made of component parts that work in a logical,
cause and effect manner much like a machine or
computer, which is made from parts that work
together. The mechanistic homeopath wants to
find out how Homeopathy works. They turn to
biophysics or the chemistry of water or to
complexity science to explain the mechanisms of
homeopathic science. The randomized controlled
trial (RCT) in which statistics are manipulated is
the gold standard to prove that Homeopathy works.
The British journal Homeopathy’ applies this
standard to their most desired articles. All of their
other articles are hypothesis, opinion or anecdotal.
In the past materialist homeopaths looked for
similars in pathology with disease names, or tissue
similarities with the cell salts or similar remedies
chosen for parts of the body like organ therapy,
believing that if there are similars to totalities, there
must be similarities to parts.
Another worldview is represented by the
homeopaths who are predisposed to a neoplatonic
doctrine. They assume that there is a harmony and
universal order to creation. All phenomena are
interconnected by relationships that may not be
visible, but can be discerned by the intellect.
General ideas or theories are composed in the mind
by assembling similar phenomena and reaching to
concepts or universals. For instance, all
pachyderms with similar appearance must produce
similar symptoms during Provings (6). Plato said
that the visible world is but a likeness of an eternal
model (7). Neoplatonic homeopaths, or neo-
homeopaths for short, devote much attention into
classifying aspects of nature into groups and
families and pointing out the common or universal
characteristics that establish an ordered
understanding of nature. The individual form is but
a single example of the more important uniformity
of nature’s underlying organization.
The neo-homeopaths presuppose that if the
Law of Similars is true in one area of Science, then
it must be part of a universal Law of Similars. It is
only an assumed belief system that similar chemical
structures yield similar Provings or that living
forms with similar taxonomy will provide similar
symptoms in Provings. For example, if the Laws
that govern the force of gravity were thought to be
universal Laws of Force, then they would be
applied successfully to the force of
electromagnetism or the weak force or the strong
force in physics. It does not work. The Law of
Similars works for individual medicinal substances
tested, one by one, on individual people one by one.
Any attempt to raise the Law of Similars to a
fundamental universal principle shortcuts all
scientific methods. The Law of Similars has been
pushed beyond its specific domain of validity (8) in
the natural world.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The assumptions of phenomenology (9) stress
the reality of the sensory phenomena. Taste, touch,
sight, odour, sound and the internal sensations of
pain, hot, cold, balance, etc., are valid experiences
of truth. The perceptible phenomena can fully
describe nature as well as the signs and symptoms
of disease. The Law of Similars was formulated
only after actual experiences that recorded the
endlessly varied concrete phenomena that could be
observed or felt by the senses. There was no theory
first that needed proving or disproving. This is the
original Homeopathy.
The Totality of the Symptoms
Even a basic word like ‘Totality’ has different,
built-in meanings to different homeopaths. To the
mechanistic thinking homeopath, the Totality is a
totality of parts. Each characteristic sign, symptom
and circumstance is a fact and all the facts are
added together. This type of totality is an external
assemblage of the different parts (symptoms),
which are separate and independent of each other.
There is no necessary relationship between them.
This type of totality is like a container that holds all
the facts. The whole equals the parts. It is like
addition in arithmetic. One mental symptom plus
one emotional symptom plus one general symptom
plus one physical symptom equals a sum total. Or
it can be written as:
1 + 1+ 1 + 1 = Sum total.
The neo-homeopath assumes that the Totality
is more important than the parts. Each totality is
but a limited example of the organized order of all
of nature, and symptoms serve as symbols that
point out a greater intellectual concept. This
totality is like a blueprint. It is like a plan or type
already conceived in nature in an idealized image.
The blueprint of the Totality comes before each
person’s actual totality of symptoms. The Totality
precedes the parts. The Totality includes the
significant symptoms and the intellectually
explained meanings behind the symptoms. The
Totality or the whole becomes more than the sum
of its symptoms or parts. It may be written as:
1 + 1+ 1 + 1 = Super one.
Those who follow the point of view of the
original Homeopathy see the totality of symptoms
as all of the perceptible phenomena. The signs,
symptoms and circumstances are the totality of
sensory data either subjectively reported or
objectively observed. All the symptoms belong
together because each person is the unique whole.
Each person does not belong to a preconceived
category of nature based on arbitrary classifications
of the remedy they may need. Each person is a
unity in themselves and cannot be reduced to a
generalization. Each person’s Totality of
symptoms is not just a fusion of symptoms. Nor is
it an overview reached by standing back from the
symptoms, but it is a concrete seeing of the whole
(10). The whole is achieved through all the parts.
The whole is in every part and every part expresses
the whole. This Totality can be written as:
1 + 1 = Whole.
Vital Force
The materialist or mechanistic homeopath
would be more comfortable to use a more modern
term for Vital Force. They might prefer the term
vital energy or subtle energy, or perhaps Bio-
electro-magnetic energy or Bio-energies. The
living organism becomes part chemistry laws and
part physics laws with the laws of Bio-energies
added on to it. The total person can be
representated as parts again, and the equation
would be:
1 + 1 + 1+ 1 + VF = Living sum.
Where VF represents the Vital Force and each
1 represents a branch of Science. The living form
still remains a mechanism now with an added
energy, so these homeopaths can now be called
vital mechanists. They believe that the subtle
energies of the body will one day be measurable
with more sophisticated instruments, or perhaps
that these energies are too subtle to measure, or
even that the life force comes from a creator who
animated a material body.
The neo-homeopaths tend to view the Vital
Force of each living being as a connection to a
single Vital Spirit that permeates the universe as the
Vital Force permeates each human. There is an
indissoluble connection between humanity and the
elements of the universe. ‘I am that living and fiery
essence of the divine substance that glows in the
beauty of the fields. I shine in the water. I burn in
the sun and the moon and the stars … it is I … I am
Wisdom. Mine is the blast of the thundered Word
by which all things were made I am Life was
Hildegard von Bingen’s (1098-1180) poetic
imagery on the unity of nature and humanity (11).
This doctrine was not new to the Middle Ages. It
existed in China and the Pythagorean Greek school,
too, so it is certainly not a new idea now.
This belief is often expressed as ‘the
macrocosm is in the microcosm.’ It assumes that
each human is a universe in miniature. If that
human is sick, a part of nature will reflect in the
human form. That reflected part of nature is the
homeopathic remedy. The human form is but a
single expression of the universal form that extends
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
far beyond the senses. So, this worldview is of a
supersensible world where the concepts of the mind
are considered deeper and more real than the
sensory experiences. The homeopathic inner
mental symptoms become much more important
than the coarse body symptoms as a result of this
assumed belief system. The total person becomes
more than a separate being if the Vital Force is seen
as a universal Vital Spirit. In equation form, the
total person is primarily the Vital Force modified
by mind, body, nature, etc.; or:
VF (1 + 1+ 1+ …) = Universal one.
In the original writings of Homeopathy, the
Vital Force is not mentioned until over thirty years
into its history (12). Belief in the Vital Force is not
essential to the practical methodology of the
original Homeopathy. But the inherent healing
capacities of the material organism are put into
definite perspective. The Vital Force is called the
autocracy or dynamis of the living form. It is the
property of the body that animates and co-ordinates
the material processes. It is ‘spirit-like,’ not spirit.
It is instinctual, not intelligent. It is not another
thing or entity or measurable quantity, but it is an
integral quality of living material. ‘The two [matter
and life force] are one.’ (13) In the equation of the
total living person, the material parts and the Vital
part are inseparable.
1 + VF + 1 = Whole
Even though homeopaths use the same words,
such as ‘Totality of Symptoms’ and ‘Law of
Similars’, they connote different meanings to those
with different worldviews, and these different
preconceived belief systems lead to divergent
methods. A century ago, mechanists were swayed
by new chemistry, bacteriology and pathology.
Homeopathy was distracted by the attempt to
incorporate the new scientific facts. I used the
mechanistic way of thinking in my own practice.
After I finished the standard allopathic medical
training, I began to study Homeopathy on my own
without a teacher. I assumed that the accepted way
of thinking in biomedicine would apply to
Homeopathy. For instance, if there was a patient
with the diagnosis of Pancreatitis, I assumed that
only the remedies listed under the rubric, ‘Pancreas,
affections of’, could be applied to the case. I
assumed that the pathology was more important
than the rest of the symptoms.
I had adequate successes with the
reductionistic point of view to keep me in practice,
but I became disenchanted with mechanistic ideas,
and turned to an opposite worldview.
Constitutional types and psychological profiles
were popular and I quickly applied them to my
practice. For instance, I would never prescribe
Lycopodium unless I found the symptom, ‘Lack of
confidence’ in the case. This did not teach me how
to prescribe Lycopodium for a case of Pneumonia in
an infant (with right lung involvement and flaring
nostrils). A more recent example concerns the
Magnesium remedies. I have quite a few children
as patients who were adopted from China and
Southeast Asia. The new parents belong to support
groups and they have found Homeopathy by word
of mouth. I have never yet used a Magnesium
remedy on these orphans. I am sure that I will, but
so far Stramonium, Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum,
Lachesis mutans and many others have done their
work. The problem is the teaching that orphans in
general belong to a category. This prejudgement
sways a homeopath’s thinking during the
evaluation of a difficult case.
The symbol of the Caduceus with the two ways
of the snakes shows the mechanistic and the
neoplatonic energies winding back and forth, back
and forth. These worldviews are both attempts to
understand and explain the how and why of nature.
The original Homeopathy, symbolized as the
straight staff of the caduceus is not a reconciliation
of the two old ways. It is not a way that takes a
little from both whenever convenient. It is its own
exacting phenomenological methodology. It is a
descriptive method, not an explanatory method. It
is a sensory experience, not a theoretical construct.
For instance, if I listen to a beautiful work of music
for the first time, I can appreciate the coherence and
intrinsic wholeness of the work of art as it reveals
itself without preconceptions or attempts to
categorise it. If I decide that the music is ‘classical’
or ‘baroque,’ does it adequately explain the
meaning of the music? Similarly, each new
homeopathic case is an original creation, never
before seen on earth. The homeopath is to see
each case with the ‘first seeing’ of a receptive child.
Categories of nature or categories of psychology
only limit the real experiences.
It is discouraging to me that students are no
longer taught the original Homeopathy with
accuracy and depth in many existing schools, and
that they are no longer making the effort to master
the original teachings before trying to enrich it.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
1. Internet, 2002.
2. Internet, 2002.
3. Internet, 2002.
4. Campbell, Joseph. The Mythic Image,
Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1974.
5. Singh, Kirpal. The Crown of Life: A Study
of Yoga. The Sant Bani Press, New Hampshire,
6. The pachyderms are not that closely related.
The Elephant is related to the Manatee; the
Hippopotamus is related to the Whale; and the
Rhinoceros is related to the Horse. See the Internet
source www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/clad/ for a
discussion of cladistics.
7. Arber, Agnes. The Mind and the Eye, The
University Press, Cambridge, 1964.
8. Bohm, David. On Creativity, Routledge,
London, 1998, p. 14.
9. Chibeni, SS. ‘On the scientific status of
Homeopathy.’ British Homeopathic Journal, 90,
2001, pp. 92-98.
10. Bortoft, Henri. Goethe’s Scientific
consciousness. The Russell Press Ltd.,
Nottingham, 1998.
11. Arber, Agnes, p. 38
12. DUDGEON, RE, trans. Organon of Medicine
by S. HAHNEMANN, Boericke & Tafel,
Philadelphia, 1901, p. 245.
13. HAHNEMANN, Samuel. Organon of
Medicine, trans. J. KUNZLI, A. NAUDE. J.P.
TARCHER, Inc., Los Angeles, 1982, p. 20.
3. The Language of Chaos Theory and
Complexity – Applied to Homeopathy
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 96, 3/2003)
Introduction: Homeopathy works because it
follows a law of nature. As the knowledge of
modern science unfolds, the new understandings of
Nature can contribute to the understanding of
Homeopathy. New discoveries in Quantum
Chemistry, Solid state Physics and Chaos in
Biology, for example, lend scientific support for
Homeopathy. Several authors have developed
concepts and formulated experiments for
Homeopathy using Chaos theory of complex
systems, which will be the focus of this article. It
will be shown how these conceptual models
compare to the healing processes observed in
The fields of Mathematics and Physics
originally developed the language of Chaos theory
and complexity. In these sciences, observations of
Nature are reduced to abstractions or symbols and
simplified into models. These concepts are then
applied to the life sciences with the assumption that
it is useful to do so. A discussion of the
terminology and examples from homeopathic
authors follows.
Linear and Nonlinear
Linear is defined as the relation between two
variables that, when plotted on a Cartesian graph,
produce a straight line. Qualitatively, it is used to
imply that results are determined by the sum of
parts in a predictable manner. If a homeopath
thinks in a linear way, she would expect one
disease to have only one remedy. In a recent study
on treating diarrhoea, a homeopath found that five
remedies covered eighty percent of the diarrhoea
cases; so she proposed to mix the five remedies
together and administer it as one medicine to many
children with the expectation of still helping eighty
percent (1). This would only be true if the sum of
the remedies was linear and predictable.
Nonlinear is a mathematical property where
the output is disproportionate to the input of
variables. It is more than simple addition.
Qualitatively, nonlinear results can be of a cyclic
nature or they may become unpredictable. For
example, the timing of the different stages of
bipolar illness would be nonlinear, so would
virtually all the physiological rhythms in health and
disease, including sleep patterns, heart beat rhythms
or bowel functions. Homeopathy is nonlinear
when one dose of a remedy yield a multiplicity of
Order and Disorder
Order is a state in which there is a predictable
relationship between cause and effect. Order is
often linear. For example, there is more light as a
dimmer switch is turned up. Order may be
nonlinear as in the regular motion of the pendulum
of a grandfather clock. Order is then controllable.
Homeopathic authors still compare the definition
of health with the definition of order (2), but it is no
longer accurate to say this with the new language of
complexity theory.
Disorder implies a relationship between things
that is random, unpredictable and irregular.
Disorder is also a term for sickness, and it is the
definition of the usual meaning of chaos. However,
science has given a new definition to chaos. To
differentiate between the two, the terms
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
deterministic chaos or chaos theory are sometimes
Chaos Theory
Chaos as a mathematical description starts with
rules of deterministic equations that reveal certain
properties. When different values are used in the
equations, the result transitions to unexpected new
states (or shapes if it is plotted on a graph). One
state could even show apparent unpredictable
fluctuations as if it were complete disorder, but
closer examination shows a constrained disorder
with very definite, describable boundaries (3). This
is qualitatively like saying that one small stimulus
can result in large unpredictable results and it
shows “sensitivity to initial conditions,” as it is
called. Homeopathic authors realize that this
concept sounds like the effect of a homeopathically
sized dose (4).
Some homeopaths predict that remedies with
similar chemical structure will produce similar
Provings in people. This structure-function
relationship would be true only if potentized
remedies followed the rules of traditional
chemistry. Instead, remedies are dynamic and
nonlinear. Very small changes in the remedy will
lead to unpredictable outcomes in the Provings.
Homeopathic Provings provide another
example of the sensitivity to initial conditions. The
same remedy and potency can be given to a person
at different points in time, and different outcomes
will be observed due to the different initial
conditions of the person.
When the solutions of certain nonlinear
equations are plotted on a graph, then there is a
geometric description of the system. These
solutions can be plotted over time and connected so
that a limiting shape represents the system. Three
basic types of shapes are found in these geometric
descriptions, and they are called attractors.
A point attractor is related to a system that
settles into a steady state or equilibrium. A
pendulum that slows and stops due to friction
reaches a single state represented by a single point
on a graph. It was previously expected that the
body’s vital signs ideally settled into a steady state
called homeostasis, but in the chaos theory
language of physiology, stasis only occurs at death.
Temperature, pulse, and blood pressure are always
A limit cycle attractor represents a system that
goes from one state to a second state and back, like
a swing with no friction, and when plotted on a
graph, it appears circular, more or less. An
undisturbed circadian rhythm in the body would be
an example.
The strange attractor is an attractor whose
associated solution to equations is a periodic. It
appears on a graph as a bounded but unusual shape.
The weather is unpredictable, but never too
different within limits. In Chaos theory a typhoon’s
order is more like a limit cycle attractor, while
other severe weather is more like deterministic
chaos. In medicine, a seizure has more electrical
order than the usual brain activity, which appears
more variable in EEG measurements (5).
Fractals are the geometric shapes that describe
strange attractors. In physical reality, fractals
describe the shape of objects in nature where there
are no straight lines or actual circles. Instead,
natural objects take up a dimensional space
between a smooth flat surface (two dimensions) and
a completely filled volume (three dimensions).
Tree branches, the folds of a brain, or the
measurement of a cloud can more accurately be
described between two and three dimensions.
“Self-similarity at different scales of magnitude” is
a property of fractals. A seashore will appear to
have similar (not the same) ruggedness when
viewed close up compared to a view from a
distance (6). The branching structure of the blood
vessels looks similar at the capillary level and the
arteriole level. A homeopathic remedy can be
described as a similar oscillation on a small scale to
the oscillation of the diseased person. And if the
remedy oscillation can be represented as a shape, it
should be fractal.
In this new language, order is not part of the
definition of health because order represents
stagnation and stasis. Chaos is no longer a
synonym for disorder, so disease is not more chaos.
Health is a state of the system in which there is a
balance between stability and variability,
sometimes called “the edge of chaos” or
“complexity”. Disease is a loss of variability, a loss
of chaos (excess order), and an imbalance toward
stasis. Or disease is excess chaos that becomes
randomness and degeneration. This point of view
is closer to what is observed in Homeopathy and is
often called dynamic balances and imbalances.
Dynamical Systems
Originally, dynamical systems involved the
study of the behavior or change with time in
mechanical systems like pendulums. Other
mechanical systems include the influence of parts
of the solar system upon each other, or the vibration
patterns of an earthquake. More recently there have
been studies of population dynamics that define the
patterns between predator and prey, for instance.
There are now dynamical diseases. “The
recognition that many physiological signals are
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
intrinsically periodic means that the temporal
dimension of phase and frequency relations is
essential to normal physiological function, and
disturbances to these relations may underlie many
medical conditions. The importance of this
realization of course lies in treatment: simply
increasing the amount of a hormone or a drug may
be ineffective in treating the disorder. Phase or
frequency can be crucial.” (7).
In Homeopathy most non-surgical diseases are
considered dynamic. That is, disease is not an
entity or a thing, but a “mistunement” or
deregulation of processes that change in time. This
suggests that chemical analysis of molecules or
microorganisms will not fully describe disease.
BELLAVITE, et al use language of Chaos theory,
but then say, “Our models thus involved ‘classical’
regulation feedback based on molecular, cellular
and biochemical interaction (8). It is most likely
that homeopathic actions do not primarily involve
molecules and chemistry since there are none in a
potentized remedy. BELLAVITE is not using the
language of true dynamics in his homeopathic
No More Simplicity – Only Complexity
The study of Systems crosses scientific
specialties. The study of complexity includes
concepts from Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and
Artificial Intelligence fields. Complexity is
defined as the study of Systems in which there is no
simple, predictable cause and effect relationship
between different levels of organization. A
complex system is one with many interacting
components, and the collection of parts can change
over time (9). Change means the ability to perform
transitions between different states in a system,
with constraints and fluctuations like a chaotic
system. The many subunits of a complex system,
whether they are atoms, molecules, cells or the
people in a city, do interact, and an unanticipated
organization will result. This self-organization is
an unpredictable property of a complex system. A
possible application of this concept in Homeopathy
includes the observations about the healing
direction during treatment. It seems that there is an
inherent capacity for the living system to shift and
reorganize manifestations of the disease process.
Adaptive behavior or variability is another property
in complex systems, and cooperative or coherent
behavior is also observed. In a system with many
subunits, these novel, unanticipated global
properties are called emergent properties. “… an
intense search is now under way for characteristics
and Laws associated with emergent phenomena
observed across different types of complex systems
Nomenclature from Mathematics and Physics
has been extended to the life Sciences. A Nobel
Prize winning Chemist says, “Living beings are
undoubtedly the most complex and organized
objects found in nature they serve as prototypes
from which physical sciences can get both
motivation and inspiration for understanding
complexity (11).” Such physical scientists now
characterize a living being as a nonlinear, complex,
nonequilibrium system showing chaotic dynamics
that produce emergent properties such as self-
organization and adaptive, cooperative
characteristics. Homeopathic authors have applied
these concepts to various aspects of Homeopathy.
Chaos is Healthy
My interpretation is that the correct amount of
Chaos is necessary for health. A healthy living
system responds to environmental stimuli with
adaptability. It is more able to change
physiological states, each conceptually represented
by a set of strange attractors. As outside conditions
modify, the body mind can transition to new
strange attractor states. In health each of these new
physiological states is only transitory. In disease
the body becomes limited or trapped in one or only
a few strange attractors (12). There is a loss of
chaotic dynamics for the whole person. This
unhealthy state is relatively static or stable.
Because of this more limited dynamic, a consistent
symptom picture of the illness can be constructed.
In a perfectly healthy person, “symptoms” would
never be the same for any length of time unless the
environment never changed.
POPP also proposes that the remedy and the
disease interact according to the resonance
phenomenon. In this model, the homeopathic
medicine induces a resonance transfer of
disregulatory energy from the patient’s body to the
absorbing homeopathic dilution which is then
excreted (13).” In earlier papers, he says that
remedies “take up” the oscillation and “the outflow
of disregulating energy stabilizes and harmonizes
the fundament of the natural body’s own coherent
states (14).” This model would also require that the
disease energy be stable enough to have a
describable resonance; so it cannot be truly random
or disordered. When HAHNEMANN described the
interaction of remedy and body energy, he used the
verbs “extinguish” or “annihilate” rather than
“transfer induction.” Since the mechanism remains
unknown, either verb of action can be proposed.
newest appendix to the latest edition of their book,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
there are mixed messages about whether there is
more Chaos in health or disease. In one place they
state that, “physiological rhythmic phenomena in
healthy individuals show chaotic dynamics, and
nature uses Chaos in order to increase variability,
flexibility and adaptation. In complex systems like
the heart and brain, a decrease of Chaos means
disease and predicts serious pathology like cardiac
arrest or epilepsy (15).” However, on page 380, the
same authors say that normal oscillations can
become disorder and take on the aspects of disease.
Deterministic chaos is not disorder. Total
randomness is disorder, and then there would be
disintegration of the body. On page 391 they say
that a pathological process occurs because disorder
is generated. It would be more in keeping with
Chaos theory to say that a disease process occurs
because a new unhealthy order occurs. On page
390, instead of saying that the disturbing oscillation
should be changed by another frequency imposed
on the System, it would seem that the homeopathic
remedy should be the similar oscillator to the
disease state oscillations. The similar oscillations
would extinguish each other. Then the body can
return to a dynamic balance.
Bioelectromagnetic or Physico-chemical
TORRES, RUIZ and associates began in their
earlier papers to mention that linear interactions of
chemicals could not explain how homeopathic
dilutions worked. They introduced nonlinear
concepts. They explained how inputs to a
physiological system could produce resonance of
different types, and the process of potentizing a
medicine and then giving it to a person introduces a
noise to the system that yields deterministic chaos
(16). For instance, they measured the EEG sleep
pattern of rats before and after doses of Nux vomica
and noted that changes could be seen with
nonlinear mathematical analysis of the data (17). In
their trial on heart rate variability, they predict that
some cardiac pathologies seem to be associated
with simplification (loss of Chaos) in the ECG
measurements (18) and that a homeopathic remedy
will change that abnormality.
However, they want to characterize the
homeopathic effect in physical and chemical terms
and use the nonlinear interpretations only for
electromagnetic signals produced by the body (19).
They want the model of Homeopathy to conform
to the assumptions of reductionistic science. They
want a site of action, which is a physical structure,
even if it is called a biosystem or dynamic network.
They want health and disease to be a position or
distance, not an energetic resonance. When they
say, “health entails a characteristic distance (20)”,
they have reduced a thermodynamic concept of
complex systems to a mathematical space on a
graph. They have changed the metaphor of Chaos
theory to a material concept. The consequence of
this physical thinking is that they need a
corresponding model in the body that has material
entities, so they choose the immune system, which
has many specific cell types and locatable nodes
that form a physical network. Most theorists in
Chaos theory choose the brain or heart as a model
because there are many measurable electromagnetic
properties. The Torres model posits disease as a
thing or agent of change with cellular components
that affect the system’s position in a region of
mathematical space. In contrast, a resonance model
would describe disease as a mistunement of
frequent and amplitude vibration that causes an
electromagnetic dynamic to transit to another
energetic stable state.
Both models are “physical.” One model is
more physico-chemical, abstracted to mathematical
concepts. The other model is electromagnetic,
dependent on energies of physics that are
theoretically measurable in current science.
Beyond these models are formulations that mention
a unique biological energy variously called
electromagnetic bioenergy, or biofields or “subtle
energies.” Some people conceive of these energies
as within the realm of conventional physical forces
that will be detected; others adopt a belief system
that these subtle energies are a new undiscovered
physical force, and still others believe in a
supernatural cause of life energy (21).
More on Emergent Properties
The Vital Force of HAHNEMANN is one of
the fined subtle energies. Rather than admit to an
unknown, there is a tendency to explain away the
Vital Force with the most modern acceptable
scientific concepts available. Complexity theory
incorporates the newest ideas that cut across many
specialty fields. In particular, emergent properties
of complex systems are invoked to fill the
unexplainable spaces. The Vital Force is redefined
to be one of those emergent behaviors that cannot
be predicted from the properties of the component
parts. (22)
“The Vital Force could be understood as an
emergent property of billions of living cells. The
totality would generate a ‘field’ that, by feedback,
organizes the elements of that totality, thus
reinforcing itself.” (23) This new model rejects the
old deterministic bio-medical model of only pieces
and parts. In its place is a new model of current
biophysics and complexity science. Since this new
model is based on modern Physics, the metaphor
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
for the Vital Force is based on the new physics of a
spinning gyroscope. This model, for instance, can
predict that stressors, which lead to disease
expression, are outside forces that the spinning
energy force of the flywheel resists by throwing
them outwards (centrifugal energy) toward the
extremities. The limitations of the metaphor of the
gyroscope concern the limitations of the
reductionistic point of view. Is it appropriate to
reduce the life processes to a mechanistic model?
The definition of the Vital Force has also been
limited by the same point of view. The new
concept of the Vital Force now relies on non-
deterministic physics, quantums, chaos theory and
the dynamics of complexity. This allows for
continued investigation of mechanisms in a
scientific way and leads to new understanding. It
precludes the addition of the unknowable or
supernatural or mystery (magic), and so does not
accept ignorance as an answer.
But if the Vital Force is an expression of an
inherent quality rather than an “energy entity,” then
there is need for a different type of
conceptualization. The difference is in the
questions asked. What supplied the energy? Who
generated the spin? How is there vibration? Why
do wholes emerge? It is certainly useful to
challenge the frontiers of Biophysics, but the Vital
Force should not be reduced only to the biofield.
The Ultimate Emergent Property
I.R.BELL and colleagues have proposed an
ambitious group of empirical tests using complexity
theory, chaos theory and systems theory. They
foresee clinical research that will use multiple
physiological measurements and behavioral
measurements to capture each whole person, and
they analyze those measures with nonlinear
mathematics to reveal the dynamic changes. They
also point out that we need new ways to measure
whole system output in order to assess effects of
homeopathic remedies properly. (24) For this
research team, the patient is seen as a nonlinear
complex system. “From this perspective,
symptoms are emergent properties of component
organ subsystems and of the overall person-system,
expressed at each level of organization. In
homeopathic terms, the ultimate emergent property
of the person-system is the ‘essence’ of the
patient.” (25) The term “emergent property” has
been put to many uses. Health is called an
emergent property. Symptoms are an emergent
property and disease is an emergent property. But
the “ultimate emergent property” should not be
some partial synthesis of mental and general
symptoms or an interpretation of a psychological
state. It should be, in HAHNEMANN’s words,
“the totality of characteristic symptoms,” although
some symptoms may be more helpful than others to
see the whole. (26) “An organic whole, in contrast
to a mechanical whole, does not consist of a
hierarchy of parts which exert control over other
parts. Instead, it is a maximally responsive and
transparent system in which changes and
adjustments propagate simultaneously “upwards,”
“downwards” and “sideways” in the maintenance
of the whole.” (27)
Overall, the I.R. BELL team will make use of
Chaos theory concepts as well as actual empiric
trials. Their dedication and firm interest in
Homeopathy is encouraging for the future.
The purpose of using the language of
complexity theory is to reveal further the truths
already inherent in Homeopathy, not to remold
Homeopathy into a more acceptable theory. The
search for the mechanisms of Homeopathy will
continue. Chaos theory and complexity concepts
allow a restatement and a possible explanation of
the Law of Similars. Chaos theory concepts
propose that health is a dynamic balance of
harmony and chaos. This coherent bio-
communication allows exacting sensitivities to the
appropriate size and type of stimulus. Disease is
renamed; it is a restriction of dynamics that has an
energy picture. Medicinal substances also have
energy pictures. If these energy pictures are self-
similar at different magnitudes (fractal), they will
undeinteract according to resonant phenomena.
The correct resonant responses restore health.
HAHNEMANN used the language of his time
and now there is new language, but the law of
nature has remained the same.
Thanks to Gregory VLAMIS for gathering all
the references. I appreciate the support of Timothy
FIOR, M.D. at the Center for Integral Health.
1. JACOBS J. “President’s Message:
Homeopathic Research with heart.” JAIH. 2001;
94 (2): 89.
complex systems, and resonance.” In: Schulte J and
Endler PC (eds) Fundamental Research in Ultra-
High dilution and Homeopathy. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Acad. Publ., 1998, pp 105-116.
3. COVENEY P, HIGHFIELD R. Frontiers of
complexity. New York: Fawcett columbine 1995,
pp 423-433.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
4. GARNER C, HOCK N. Chaos theory and
Homeopathy.” Berlin J Res Homeopath 1991;
1(4-5): 236-242.
5. SOLE R, GOODWIN B. Signs of Life. New
York: Basic Books 2000, pp 132-139.
6. MANDELBROT B. The Fractal Geometry of
Nature. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company
1983, pp 1-5.
7. SOLE R, GOODWIN B. p. 107.
principle.” Br Hom J 1997; 86: 73-85.
10. GOLDSTEIN J. Emergence as a construct:
History and Issues. Internet:
ue 1.
Complexity. New York: W.H. Freeman and
Company 1989, p 32.
12. SHEPPERD J. “Chaos Theory: Implications
for Homeopathy.” JAIH 1994; 87: 22-29.
13. POPP FA. “Some biophysical elements of
Homeopathy.” In: Endler PC and Schulte J (eds)
Ultra High Dilution. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1994, p 182.
14. POPP FA. “Hypothesis of modes of action of
Homeopathy: theoretical background and the
experimental situation.” In Ernst E and Hahn EG
(eds) Homeopathy a Critical Appraisal. Oxford:
Butterworth Heinemann 1998, p 151.
Emerging Science of Homeopathy, revised and
expanded edn. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books
2002, p 385.
16. TORRES J-L, RUIZ G. “Stochastic resonance
and the homeoapthic effect.” Br Hom J 1996; 85:
17. TORRES J-L, RUIZ G. “Homeopathic effect
on the sleep pattern of rats.” Br Hom J 1997; 86:
NAVARRO R. “Homeopathic effect on heart rate
variability.” Br Hom J 1999; 88: 106-111.
19. TORRES J-L, VEGA GR, “A possible
characterization of the homeopathic effect.” Br
Hom J 1997; 86:4-9.
20. TORRES J-L, “Homeopathic effect: a network
perspective,” Homeopathy 2002; 91:89-94.
21. WALLECZEK J. Bioelectromagnetics: the
question of subtle energies.” Noetic Sciences
Review 1993; 28 (Winter): 33-36.
22. FISHER, P. “Reinventing vitalism.”
Homeopathy 2002; 91: 61-62.
23. MILGROM LR. “Vitalism, complexity and the
concept of spin.” Homeopathy 2002; 91: 26-31.
SCHWARTZ GER. “Proposed applications of
conventional research concepts and tools to
homeopathic clinical research.” JAIH 1999; 93(2):
GER. Translating a nonlinear systems theory
model for Homeopathy into empirical tests.”
Alternative Therapies 2002; 8(3): 58-66.
GER, RUSSEK LGS. integrating belief systems
and therapies in medicine: application of the eight
world hypotheses to classical Homeopathy.”
Integrative Medicine 1998; 1 (3): 95-105.
Bioelectrodynamics and Biocommunication.
Singapore: World Scientific 1994, p.432.
R.A.F. JACK (BHJ. 77, 1/1988)
I propose narrating four case histories where
the improvement that followed taking homeopathic
medicines would not have been expected; I am not
claiming ‘post hoc ergo propter hoc’. I agree the
accounts are anecdotal, but feel the results are
The first case concerns Matthew, who was 6
years old at the time of his first consultation. When
3 years old he had had a viral infection, followed by
a complete left hemiplegia, from which he slowly
recovered. He had a residual flexure contracture of
his left hand, but could extend his left elbow. At
that time his parents were living in the Midlands, so
he was admitted to a Midland’s hospital, and was
under a local paediatrician until the family moved
south to Powys, to take over a post office.
In the beginning of October 1985 Matthew
started having a typical fits; both his arms would
deviate to the left, he would gently go down on one
knee, fall on to his face, and be unable to get up
again. His eyes remained open, he appeared to be
conscious and aware of what was happening, yet
was unable to answer. He salivated profusely. As
a result of these episode he had become slightly
ataxic, was frightened to climb or descend stairs in
case he fell, and so started coming downstairs on
his knees. He had hurt himself many times through
falling. The attacks only lasted a few seconds.
On 11-11-85 his father telephoned me for an
urgent appointment for Matthew, and to ask for
advice as to any appropriate homeopathic
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
treatment for him to go on with, until I could see
him, as he had had 5-6 fits every day without
respite for the last 6 weeks. The father knew a little
about Homeopathy, and Matthew was regularly
given Arnica after each fall. I suggested he gave
Matthew Nux vomica 30. More than that, Matthew
was not losing his balance, as previously. He was
brighter, and more alert, and not complaining of
tiredness at the end of each school week. He was
now able to walk to school much better, not
needing to be held all the time. His teacher had
noted a ‘remarkable improvement’. His
grandparents, who lived with the family, and helped
to run the post office, were surprised with the
change, but had not been told Matthew was having
homeopathic treatment, as they were bitterly
opposed to Homeopathy, and most sceptical about
Matthew appeared to be a quiet, outgoing lad,
who had cold clammy feet, loved savoury food, and
was relatively thirstless. His mother remarked, ‘I
have to push him to drink’. She also stated that
Matthew, could be very defiant at times, and had
temper tantrums. In my letter to the General
Practitioner, I thanked him for allowing me to see
Mathew, and continued ‘When the father
telephoned me for urgent first aid homeopathic
treatment to go on with, about a fortnight ago, I
suggested he could use homeopathic Nux vomica
30. He and his wife are convinced that the
frequency and severity of the fits has dramatically
improved, so I have suggested he continues using
Nux vomica from time to time, and have prescribed
it in the 200
potency. I also prescribed Calcarea
phosphorica 200 as Matthew’s “Constitutional
medicine” which he will take at intervals of
approximately 3 weeks. I have emphasized to the
parents that they should take any conventional
medication that you, or the hospital prescribe, as
homeopathic treatment, in Matthew’s case, would
be additional to conventional.
About two weeks later I received a photocopy
of a letter from a Herefordshire paediatrician to
Matthew’s previous paediatrician in the Midlands.
‘Thank you for your letter about Matthew. I saw
him for an initial review today. As you say, he has
had many fairly stereotyped attacks where the left
arm shoots out and he falls down onto his right
knees. He says that his mouth feels full of saliva.
On occasions he has fallen right down and has had
difficulty getting up. There is no change in
consciousness, incontinence or post-ictal sleep.
These episodes last only a few seconds. He has
recently been seen by a homeopathic doctor and
has gone three weeks without further attacks. This
is certainly unusual for him’.
‘On examination he is very well, but he has the
obvious mild left hemiplegia’.
‘I would have thought that these attacks were
epileptic, or possibly extrapyramidal involuntary
movements. I will arrange for a further EEG. If the
attacks recur he will need anticonvulsants.
Carbamazepine would be the obvious drug of firs
choice, and I would be very tempted to try him with
a small dose initially.’
On 20-2-86 I received a copy of a report on
Matthew, this time to his General Practitioner.
‘Matthew, who is now six, developed an
encephalopathy at the age of three and was left with
a left-sided hemiparesis and persistent fitting,
which involved the left side of his body up until
November last year, when he was started on
homeopathic medicine. Since then he has had no
further fitting and is doing well at school and copes
very well with his moderate left hemiparesis.’
‘It was unusual to find that the EEG which was
performed at Christmas showed abnormality of the
left hemisphere, not the right, as would be
expected. We will not investigate Matthew further
unless he has any more fits and would like to see
him in six months’ time in the clinic.’
On 27-2-86 Matthew attended his second
consultation. He had had a small fit’ during the
car journey home from is first appointment 3
months previously. He was often ‘travel sick’. He
was then given his first dose of Nux vomica 200,
and had not had a fit since. He was progressing
very well at school, walked better, but always kept
his left arm behind his back, with his wrist flexed
like the position of the arm when receiving a
‘policeman’s tip’. He now had chilblains and cold
hands and feet.
Rx Agaricus 200 x 1
Agaricus 3 qid until chilblains
Homeopathic travel tablets.
On 1-5-86, his parents reported Matthew had
had a relapse; he was very tired by the end of the
Spring term, and during the Easter holidays had
been having 5-6 minor fits each day. They only
lasted a few seconds, and he did not go down on his
knee. His eyes could follow you, though he could
not speak. Nux vomica had not made any
Rx Strychninum 12 bd.
After a week’s treatment with Strychninum the
pattern of the fits changed, and decreased to two
morning fits only. The parents then independently
switched the medication back to Nux vomica 200
bd for 3 days, and the fits ceased altogether.
On 29-8-86 he again attended. He had had no
fits since May, but was embarrassed by his left arm
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
that ‘floateduncontrollably in an athetoid manner.
He had again become exhausted by the end of the
summer term.
Rx Scutellaria 3 tid.
Scutellaria did not appreciably control
Matthew’s left arm movements, though these have
decreased with time, but appeared to improve his
lassitude and apathy.
A year later, on 3-9-87 the parents reported
Matthew had his first relapse of fits since May
1986. The fits, however, were mild, and only
occurred 2-3 times a day. They associated this
relapse with his becoming very tired, again at the
end of the long summer term. ‘His left arm sticks
out, an he grins, as if to say “it’s happening again”,
he is doing well at the local school, is above
average in his reading, and average in maths”. He
only sees the consultant annually, and is not on any
conventional medication. The parents feel they can
cope perfectly well with him, and he is no longer a
trial to them.
On 23-9-87 Matthew woke up with a total left
hemiparesis from which he was fully recovered
within half an hour. He had a second similar
episode an hour later. Following this his left hand
started going into flexure spasms, as often as ten
times a day. Cuprum 3 qid was given, and the
incidence of these spasms fell to 2-3 times a day
during the next 48 hours, and ceased altogether
after a week. He still gets his turns, when his arm
‘floats’, and he salivates, but these episodes only
occur 2-3 times a day, and only last a few seconds.
He remains conscious throughout.
If Nux, which contains strychnine, or
Strychninum fails to control Matthew’s minor
‘turns’, there are still other homeopathic
anticonvulsants to be considered. As the
precipitating factor in both relapses appears to be
physical and nervous exhaustion, Scutellaria could
be indicated. This plant, the skullcap, resembles
the dead nettle, and is a tired and useful medicine
for treating ‘post flu’ debility. At one time used by
North American Indians to ease dysmenorrhoea, the
early American homeopaths used it in potency ‘for
its calming effects on the nervous system, the way
their European contempories used Valerian.
. It
also produces muscle twitching and spasms.
Nowadays it could be considered for treating the
‘post-viral syndrome’. Matthew’s hemiplagia
followed a viral infection.
In summary Matthew has had no major fits
where he has fallen since taking Nux vomica,
whereas they had occurred consistently 5-6 times
daily for 6 weeks. He is not yet fully recovered but
the parents are delighted; the paediatricians seem
Anecdotal but significant.
The patient was a 48-year-old electrician who
has suffered from chilblains and poor circulation all
his life. For the last 15 years his condition had
steadily deteriorated. Both his feet and hands were
affected, particularly his fingers, which went numb
with the cold. Every winter, without exception, he
developed chilblains. He was employed mainly in
wiring factories, and unoccupied buildings, which
usually were unheated, and he often had to
manipulate fine multicore wires, such as are used
by British Telecom. The coldness and numbness of
his fingers made this impossible, so that annually
he had to stop working for the duration of each cold
spell, on some occasions for as long as two months
at a time. Within minutes of leaving his warm
house and getting into his car his fingers went
numb with cold, despite his wearing thick woolen
lined gloves.
Although his sister had been diagnosed as
suffering from Raynaud’s phenomenon, he had not
been; he did not manifest the triphasic colour
change, i.e. pallor of the affected part, followed by
cyanosis and then redness. He did not complain of
pain or paraesthesia. He had never smoked, nor
worked with vibratory tools. Five years previously
he had been fully investigated, and been offered
cervical and lumbar sympathectomy, as no medical
treatment had relieved his condition. He was taking
Bradilan 250mg t.i.d. (nicofuranose, a nicotine acid
derivative) which he thought ‘helped a little’.
On 1-11-85 he presented as an otherwise fit
man, 175cm (5’9”) tall, and 70kg (11 stone) in
weight. His eyes were blue, and he had flaxen hair.
He was a chilly person who felt the cold keenly; he
much preferred hot weather to cold, liking heat
waves best, when he could sunbathe. The only
other significant homeopathic clue he offered was
that he preferred savoury to sweet foods. On direct
questioning he stated his hands were dry; on
shaking hands with him they were distinctly cold
and moist! His wife, who was with him, confirmed
that that was their usual state. He was
normotensive (BP 115/65), with a resting pulse rate
of 65. I suggested he tried taking a diet rich in fish
oils, and he then recalled that he had done this one
winter over ten years ago, when his condition was
not so disabling. He had purchased a carton of
tinned sardines, and had had sardine sandwiches for
lunch each day for over two weeks. This happened
to coincide with a cold spell, but despite this, he
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
had not developed his usual chilblains. His first
prescription was
Rx Silica 30 tds for one day, every 2 weeks.
Calcarea phosphorica 3 bd on intervening
On 10-1-86 he reported:
‘There has been a 60% improvement already.’
‘My fingers no longer go dead within minutes
of getting into my car, and I only need to wear thin
gloves when driving.’
‘I have not felt frozen in this cold weather, my
whole body feels warmer.’
‘I feel a definite improvement after each
“booster” dose (Silica). It works within a couple of
days and lasts until the next dose, and then I get a
further improvement.
His wife then remarked that this was the first
winter for ten years that he had been able to go out
shooting at their country cottage, in the early
mornings, in the cold weather – and it had been
very cold so far that winter. She added ‘He has
stopped moaning about his hands and fingers’. It is
not fair, when we are at our cottage I feel the cold
more than he does now!’
Rx Stop Bradilan.
Proteus 12 tds for one day.
Silica 30 every 2 – 4 weeks , as required.
Calcarea phosphorica 3 bd on intervening
8-3-86. Presented at Selly Oak Hospital
Homeopathic Tutorial.
He had had a relapse in Teneriffe during the
end of January, and the beginning of February. He
had not taken his homeopathic tablets with him, as
he was visiting a warmer climate. He attempted sea
bathing, but the cold water caused his fingers to go
numb. Later he went up a mountain to an altitude
of 3,657 metres (1,200 feet), and the cold again
precipitated numbness of his fingers. Since
returning home and resuming his tablets, he had
had no relapse, and kept working during the
following 4 weeks’ freeze-up, which the weather
experts described as ‘the coldest February in
England for 80 years’. He did not develop any
chilblains either!
Rx Proteus 10M, 1 dose.
Continue Silica and Calc. Phos.
22.6.87. ‘I had a good winter despite the cold
‘I was able to go shooting in the morning in the
coldest of weather.’
‘I have had no chilblains since I started taking
homeopathic medicines.
His improvement is unlikely to be solely
attributable to his fortifying his diet with fish oils,
as he got tired of this diet, and discontinued it as
soon as his condition improved. When he withheld
his homeopathic medicine his symptoms returned.
I have not ascertained which of the two medicines
is responsible for his improvement, though I feel it
is predominantly Silica. The patient is reluctant to
stop taking either, during cold spells, in case of
relapse (which involves being off work). He is a
typical Silica type, i.e. flaxen hair, blue eyes, chilly,
intolerant of cold and draught, < winter, > warm
weather, > warmth, generally and locally, cold
clammy hands and feet. He has, however, certain
Calcarea phosphorica features: chilly, cold
extremities, with cold numb feelings. < cold
weather, > warm weather, > summer, prefers
savoury foods. He noticed that most improvement
followed each fortnightly dose of Silica, which was
in the 30
potency, but then the low potency
Calcarea phosphorica 3c, taken three times daily,
would only be expected to produce a gradual, less
noticeable benefit. It may well be that both
medicines are working, and until they lose their
effect I do not propose adjusting the medication.
The reason why Secale was not prescribed was
because it was not indicated. Secale produces
profound vascular changes, similar to those in
Scleroderma and Raynaud’s disease, and is often
indicated in treating these conditions. But it also
produces a marked intolerance of external warmth.
The patient may objectively feel icy cold, as in
hypothermia, but wants to be uncovered, and in the
cold air; this was the exact opposite of this patient’s
In April 1982 Bonita, a 12-year-old epileptic
girl, was brought to see me for homeopathic
treatment. She was subnormal, retarded, mute,
dribbling, and inaccessible. She could not walk,
was incontinent of urine day and night, and totally
dependent. She was 137 cm (4’ 6”) tall and
weighed 44.5kg (7 Stone). She attended a ‘special
school’ and one of the staff came with her and her
mother to the consultation. She was under hospital
surveillance and her daily medication was
Clonazepam (Rivotril) 3½mg.
Clobazam (Frisium) 30mg.
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 700mg.
Despite all this anticonvulsant therapy, she was
having, on average, 50 major fits each day. The
teacher confirmed the mother’s statement that ‘she
is in and out of fits all the time, more in than out’.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
She recently had been in status epilepticus, and
required paraldehyde. The fits could be induced by
excitement, and by playing with certain objects.
The mother was exhausted, and to exacerbate her
problems, she had to change Bonita’s nappies 3
times each night.
In my letter to the family doctor I said:
‘Having worked for over 30 years at a hospital
for subnormal children, I do appreciate their
problems, and admire Mr. and Mrs. D. for
managing to keep their daughter at home, having
two other children to care for as well.
‘I first of all insisted that they must on no
account alter the medication that either you or the
hospital are giving, and gave Baryta carb. 10M to
be taken at monthly intervals. I further more gave
some Nux vomica 200 granules, which they could
try placing on the child’s lips or tongue during a
epileptic attack. Finally I prescribed Equisetum 3
to see if this would help reduce the nocturnal
urinary incontinence.
Five months later (6-9-82), I saw the girl again;
there had been some encouraging improvements:
She was not incontinent, and had been out of
nappies for the last three months, the first time in
her life.
The number of fits had fallen to 1-2 per day,
and they were much less severe. Usually only one
dose of Nux vomica 200 was needed in each fit, and
she was better in 10 minutes; in a bad attack she
would need 2-3 doses at 15 minute intervals before
the fit was controlled.
She was not dribbling, as previously.
She could feed herself with help and could now
pull her socks off, though not put them on.
She was ‘beginning to make noises, which was
quite unusual.
The mother stated that at the last out-patient
attendance when she told the Consultant
Paediatrician about the additional homeopathic
therapy, he had said ‘I can’t argue against it, the
improvement is so obvious’.
A year later the parents’marriage broke up, and
Bonita had some very severe attacks, finally
necessitating hospital admission, and a change of
medication. Her mother found that Nux vomica
200, given at the onset of a fit, reduced its duration
from hours to half an hour. In all her epileptic
attacks she kept her eyes open. The mother was
convinced that the domestic stress at that time was
responsible for Bonita’s relapse. Since the
mother’s re-marriage to a caring father’, the
domestic situation has been very happy, and Bonita
has been much more settled. Bonita’s revised daily
medication, which she still takes is:
Sodium valproate (Epilium) 1200mg.
Clonzepam (Rivotril) 6mg.
Bonita originally had been given sodium
valproate, but had to discontinue it, as it made her
so nauseated. It also made her hair fall excessively.
Now, when much older, she can tolerate this drug
better, and the bouts of nausea are alleviated by
Nux vomica 200. The effect on her hair minimal.
I have not seen Bonita since her second
consultation five years ago. She is 18 years old and
her mother reports that now (September 1987)
Bonita can walk for about 20 minutes in the park, if
somebody holds her hands. She has 4 5 petit mal
a day, and only occasionally a grand mal, if she
gets upset. She communicates with sign language
when she wants to go to the toilet. She still has
occasional lapses at night, and wets herself. On
these occasions her mother then starts giving
Equisetum 3
each night, and within a day or two
Bonita is dry again. The mother continues giving
Equisetum each night for about a month
(presumably to be on the safe side) during which
time Bonita’s enuresis is completely controlled.
Then regularly, after this duration of medication
with Equisetum Bonita has two consecutive nights
of incontinence, which her mother interprets as an
aggravation from Equisetum. (I had warned her
about the possibility of aggravation following over
treatment). She then discontinues the Equisetum,
and Bonita remains continent by night for the next
2-3 months. I instructed her in future to
discontinue the Equisetum sooner, after it has
controlled the incontinence. She is delighted with
Bonita’s progress, and gives her Baryta carb. 10M
at approximately 3 months intervals.
This is almost interesting case history:
Anecdotal but significant.
On 22-12-86 I was telephoned by the house
surgeon of a neurosurgeon, to ask me if I could see,
as soon as possible, a child in his unit. The
problem was long-standing the girl was
hydrocephalic. had had a meningocele closed on
the first day of life, and subsequently had her
hydrocephalus treated with ventriculo-peritoneal
shunt at the age of one month. After a long history
of repeated admissions for possible blocked shunts,
revision was carried out in September 1983, when
she was just two years old. The ventricular end of
the catheter was replaced’. (Hospital discharge
letter). The wound was constantly becoming
infected, and breaking down, so that the shunt had
already been replaced nearly thirty times. She was
only 5½ years old, and had spent much of her life in
hospital. The casual organism that was recovered
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
each time was Staphylococcus albus, and despite
vigorous intravenous antibiotic therapy, the wound
usually took a month to heal. She had been
readmitted in May 1986, when her shunt again
blocked, and been critically ill with septicaemia and
bacteraemia; her condition had been ‘touch and go’.
During this admission she developed epileptiform
seizures. She was only discharged at the beginning
of December 1986, and three weeks later was again
readmitted with her neck wound discharging pus,
and the shunt once again ‘rejected’ – hence the
urgency. The house surgeon explained that they
had heard of a rather similar, but less serious, case
of repeated shunt rejection in a child in a London
hospital, who apparently had improved
dramatically after being prescribed a homeopathic
medicine called Pulsatilla (he was not sure of the
name of the medicine, but he knew it began with a
‘p’ and what he said sounded nearer to Pulsatilla
than any other name) – hence the request for a
homeopathic opinion.
I visited the child in the ward next day (23-12-
86), amid all the Christmas decorations, and the
houseman asked which of the folders of notes I
would like to see. There were three of them, all
about 13 cms (5”) thick. As I only had about half
an hour to spare, I asked him to summarize the
history for me; he seemed a little surprised that I
wanted to spend more time seeing the girl and her
father who was with her, than on reviewing all her
past records.
The girl was Indian, hydrocephalic, spastic,
unable to walk, and doubly incontinent. She had an
intravenous infusion through which vancomycin
was being administered, and was catheterized three-
hourly. Despite all this she was a happy child, who
mixed well with the other children, and was popular
with the nurses. I first had a chat with her father,
and then we all went to see her in the ward. She
was eating biscuits as we arrived, and apparently
was ‘always eating’, no longer craving for sweets,
but asking for crisps and salty foods. Periodically
she helped herself to the glass of milk on her
locker, and the moment she had finished it she
called out, in demanding voice, ‘nurse, more cold
milk’. She drank cold milk in preference to water,
or pop, and was not on anticonvulsants or other
medication that could account for her thirst.
Although her father was with her, she treated me
with suspicion and reserve, and was obviously very
nervous of strangers. When the cold milk arrived I
took the glass from the nurse, and pretended to
offer it to her big doll. She snatched the doll away
from me and, with as fierce a look as she could
muster, said ‘No’. Later, when I asked her whether
the doll was a boy or a girl she replied, ‘Not telling
you; I don’t want to talk’. When I offered to let the
doll wear my spectacles, she angrily said ‘No’. she
jealously guarded her toys, yet could be ‘sweet’ at
times. She was attention-seeking, calling out
unnecessarily to the different nurses who walked
past the end of her bed. When I enquired whether
her feet were usually cold, her father uncovered one
of her feet to find out, and she obviously resented
him touching it. Admittedly it was the leg into
which she was having an intravenous infusion of
vancamycin. She would not let me hold her hand.
She did not bruise unduly, nor did she suffer from
boils, styes, or skin sepsis other than at the catheter
Being limited for time, I had to cut short my
visit. The neurosurgeon telephoned me the same
evening to thank me for visiting, and apologized
that he hadn’t been available to meet me when I
came. He was very concerned about this child, and
had discussed her recurrent problem at conferences
with other neurosurgeons from all over the world.
This was the first intractable case he had met, and
he had never yet lost a child, although they have
been admitted with pus pouring from the wound’. I
outlined the homeopathic treatment I proposed,
and agreed to put it in writing to him. He, in turn,
would discuss the proposed therapy with the
hospital microbiologist.
My letter included if homeopathic medication
was being considered as an additional form of
therapy, the appropriate medication, in my opinion,
would be:
Day 1. Tuberculinum 10M, 3 doses taken in one
Day 2. Start Staphylococcus albus 30c. om ac.
After two weeks. Reduce to one alternate mane.
Day 8. Start Phosphorus 30c bd ac at weekly
Review medication after one month.
He replied subsequently to say he had written to
London to obtain the medicines recommended.
I heard nothing about the child for the next four
months, so I wrote to the neurosurgeon, reminding
him of the need to review homeopathic medication
from time to time, and that in the event of
improvement, medication should be reduced or
discontinued, and resumed in the event of a relapse.
I also pointed out that if there were no
improvement, or if improvement has come to a
standstill, then alternative complimentary
homeopathic medicines should be introduced, of
which several appropriate ones existed. He replied
‘This child has enjoyed very good health since
commencing your medicine, although there is still a
tendency for scab formation over the scalp incision.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
I enclose photocopies of her last discharge
summary and my last letters to her GP, and will
keep you informed of her subsequent progress.’
The letter to the GP contained the following
information: ’25-3-87. I have just seen S. whose
neck has started to discharge some purulent
material again. She is so well in herself, however,
that I would really prefer to hold off re-admitting
her. If months go by and nothing settles I suppose
we shall have to consider a new shunt on the other
side, but she has had so many problems in hospital
that I would prefer to keep her out as long as we
can.’ A subsequent letter to her GP stated:
‘10-6-87. Despite the scabbing the child
remains well, and I am reluctant to do any more.
Given time the scabs may eventually disappear. If
she does become ill with them, however, we shall
need to re-admit her. I am sending a copy of this
letter to Dr. JACK, I believe the homeopathic
medicine can now be stopped.’
‘The complexity of treating this type of
problem has been highlighted recently.
‘Biomedical device may be classified according to
the intimacy of contact made with tissues. At one
extreme are true implants which make their
principal contact with blood (e.g. vascular grafts),
bone (e.g. replacement joints), or other tissues (e.g.
neuro-surgical shunts) Cerbrospinal fluid shunts
are particularly susceptible to early colonization by
Staphylococcus albus. In the case of
ventriculoperitoneal shunts may be abdominal
discomfort, shoulder tip pain, swelling around the
peritoneal end of the shunt, headaches, vomiting,
and visual disturbances. As these signs and
symptoms include the features of blockage,
attempts may be made to re-site the peritoneal
catheter before the aetiology is recognized
(blockage may arise from causes other than
infection, such as the accumulation of fibrin debris
and the occlusion of catheters by choroids plexus or
by omentum). A colonized ventriculoatrial shunt
typically gives rise to bacteraemia, shivering
attacks, intermittent fever, and anaemia. The
difficulties of correct diagnosis are not lessened by
the facts that blood cultures are often negative and
the organism being sought is one of the commoner
causes of contamination during blood sampling.
Conventional antibiotic prophylaxis is unhelpful in
shunt operations and the treatment of established
infections with parenteral antibiotics is often
ineffective if the shunt is not completely removed.
Encouraging results have been obtained in a
preliminary trial of preoperative intrathecal
In June (1987) ‘she was re-admitted
unnecessarily’ for one day, at her mother’s request,
but was discharged the next day as it was found that
there was no cause for anxiety. She continues to
thrive, is still attending her special school, and is
now ‘nice and chubby’.
The reasons for prescribing the particular
medicines listed were as follows:
Tuberculinum. Her ethnic origin made me
suspect that she might have a tuberculous diathesis.
She certainly was regularly having intermittent
fevers and frequently caught colds. Although
generally of a pleasant disposition she did have
temper tantrums: and could be stubborn. She
craved cold milk and was thirsty, and liked salty
foods. She had a voracious appetite, yet was a thin,
anaemic-looking child.
Phosphorus. Although showing hostility to me
a stranger, and another doctor who might make
her feel threatened, she loved the attention and
company of the nurses. She seemed to be a
nervous, restless child. She had a feeble
constitution, and a liability to catch colds. She was
thirsty for cold drinks and had a salt craving.
Staphylococcus albus Nosode. This was given
empirically because Staphylococcus albus was the
causal organism on each occasion.
It is interesting to note that in the first five
years of life this child rejected her shunt nearly
thirty times, and the last occasion last year
necessitated seven months’ intensive treatment in
hospital. Since having additional homeopathic
therapy she was retained her shunt for the last nine
months, and picked up in health.
Anecdotal but significant.
1. CLARKE J.H. Dictionary of Materia Medica
1947: Vol. 3, p.1130.
2. Diggle G.E. Adverse Effects of Biomedical
Devises Part 1. Adverse Drug Reaction
Bulletin. June 1987. No. 124.
3. Reasons for illness
(NAMAH. 13, 3/2005)
Can all physical ailments be traced to some
disorder in the mind as their ultimate source? If so,
what kind of mental disorder would produce such
an ailment as, for example, prickly heat or sore
There are as many reasons for an illness as
there are people who fall ill; the explanation is
different in each case. If you ask me, “Why have I
this ailment or that? I can look and tell you the
reason, but there is no general rule.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The ailments of the body are not always the
outcome of a mental disorder, disharmony or wrong
movement. The source of the malady may be
something in the mind, it may be something in the
vital; or it may be something more or less purely
physical, as in illnesses that arise from an outer
contact. Again, the disturbance may be the result of
a movement in the Yoga, and in that case too there
is a multitude of possible causes.
Let us take up the illnesses that are due to
Yoga; for our concern is more directly and
intimately with them. Here, although no one reason
can be given for any particular illness, yet we can
separate them into various groups according to the
nature of the causes that provoke them.
The force that comes down into one who is
doing Yoga and helps him in his transformation,
acts along many different lines and its results vary
according to the nature that receives it and the work
to be done. First of all, it hastens the
transformation of all in the being that is ready to be
transformed. If he is open and receptive in his
mind, the mind, touched by the power of Yoga,
begins to change and progress swiftly. There may
be the same rapidity of change in the vital
consciousness if that is ready, or even in the body.
But in the body the transforming power of Yoga is
operative only to a certain degree; for the
receptivity of the body is limited. The most
material plane of the universe is still in a condition
in which receptivity is mixed with a large amount
of resistance. But rapid progress in one part of the
being which is not followed by an equivalent
progress in other parts produces a disharmony in
the nature, a dislocation somewhere; and wherever
or whenever this dislocation occurs, it can translate
itself into an illness. The nature of the illness
depends upon the nature of the dislocation. One
kind of disharmony affects the mind and the
disturbance it produces may lead even as far as
insanity; another kind affects the body and may
show itself as fever or prickly heat or any other
greater or minor disorder.
On one side, the action of the forces of Yoga
hastens the movement of transformation of the
being in those parts that are ready to receive and
respond to the power that is at work upon it. Yoga,
in this way, saves time. The whole world is in a
process of progressive transformation; if you take
up the discipline of Yoga, you speed up in yourself
this process. The work that would require years in
the ordinary course, can be done by Yoga in a few
days and even in a few hours. But it is your inner
consciousness that obeys this accelerating impulse;
for the higher parts of your being readily follow the
swift and concentrated movement of Yoga and lend
themselves more easily to the continuous
adjustment and adaptation that it necessitates. The
body, on the other hand, is ordinarily dense, inert
and apathetic. And if you have in this part
something that is not responsive, if there is a
resistance here, the reason is that the body is
incapable of moving as quickly as the rest of the
being. It must take time; it must walk at its own
pace as it does in ordinary life. What happens is as
when grown-up people walk too fast for children in
their company; they have to stop at times and wait
till the child who is lagging behind comes up and
overtakes them. This divergence between the
progress in the inner being and the inertia of the
body often creates a dislocation in the system, and
that manifests itself as an illness. This is why
people who take up Yoga frequently begin by
suffering from some physical discomfort or
disorder. That need not happen if they are on their
guard and careful. Or if there is a greater and
unusual receptivity in the body, then too they
escape. But an unmixed receptivity making the
physical parts closely follow the pace of the inner
transformation is hardly possible, unless the body
has already been prepared in the past for the
processes of Yoga.
In the ordinary life of man a progressive
dislocation is the rule. The mental and the vital
beings of man follow as best they can the
movement of the universal forces, and the stream of
the world’s inner transformation and evolution
carries them a certain way; but the body bound to
the law of the most material nature, moves very
slowly. After some years, seventy or eighty, a
hundred or two hundred, - and that is perhaps the
maximum, - the dislocation is so serious that the
outer being falls to pieces. The divergence between
the demand and the answer, the increasing inability
and irresponsiveness of the body, brings about the
phenomenon of death. By Yoga the inner
transformation that is in slow constant process in
the creation is rendered more intense and rapid, but
the pace of the outer transformation remains almost
the same as in ordinary life. As a result, the
disharmony between the inner and the outer being
in one who is doing Yoga tends to be all the
greater, unless precautions are taken and a
protection secured that will help the body to follow
the inner march as closely as possible. Even then it
is the very nature of the body to hold you back. It
is for this reason that to many we are obliged to
say, “Do not pull, do not hurry; you must give your
body time to follow.” Some have to be kept back
even for years and not allowed to do much or
progress far. Sometimes, to avoid the
disequilibrium becomes impossible; and then you
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
have a disturbance which varies according to the
nature of the resistance and the measure of the care
you have taken or your negligence. This too is the
reason why each time that there is a strong
movement of progress, it is almost invariably
followed by a period of immobility, which seems to
those who are not warned a spell of dullness and
stagnation and discouragement in which all
progress is stopped, and they think anxiously,
“What is the matter? Am I losing time? Nothing is
being done.” But the truth is that it is the time
needed for assimilation; a pause is made for the
body to open itself more and become receptive and
approach nearer to the level attained by the inner
consciousness. The parents have been walking too
far ahead; they must halt so that the child left
behind may run up and catch them by the hand;
only then can they start again on the journey
Each spot of the body is symbolical of an inner
movement; there is there a world of subtle
correspondences. But this is a long and complex
subject and we cannot enter into its details just
now. The particular place in the body affected by
an illness is an index to the nature of the inner
disharmony that has taken place. It points to the
origin it is a sign of the cause of the ailment. It
reveals too the nature of the resistance that prevents
the whole being from advancing at the same high
speed. It indicates the treatment and the cure. If
one could perfectly understand where the mistake
is, find out what has been unreceptive, open that
part and put the force and the light there, it would
be possible to re-establish in a moment the
harmony that has been disturbed and the illness
would immediately go.
The origin of an illness may be in the mind; it
may be in the vital; it may be in any of the parts of
the being. One and the same illness may be due to
a variety of causes; it may spring in different cases
from different sources of disharmony. And there
may be too an appearance of illness where there is
no real illness at all. In that case, if you are
sufficiently conscious, you will see that there is just
a friction somewhere, some halting in the
movement, and by setting it right you will be cured
at once. This kind of malady has no truth in it,
even when it seems to have physical effects. It is
half made up of imagination and has not the same
grip on matter as a true illness.
In short, the sources of an illness are manifold
and intricate; each can have a multitude of causes,
but always it indicates where is the weak part in the
To whatever cause an illness may be due,
material or mental, external or internal, it must,
before it can affect the physical body, touch another
layer of the being that surrounds and protects it.
This subtler layer is called in different teachings by
various names, - the etheric body, the nervous
envelope. It is a subtle body and yet almost visible.
In density something like the vibrations that you
see around a very hot and steaming object, it
emanates from the physical body and closely covers
it. All communications with the exterior world are
made through this medium, and it is this that must
be invaded and penetrated first before the body can
be affected. If this envelope is absolutely strong
and intact, you can go into places infested with the
worst of diseases, even Plague and Cholera, and
remain quite immune. It is a perfect protection
against all possible attacks of illness, so long as it is
whole and entire, thoroughly consistent in its
composition, its elements in faultless balance. This
body is built up, on the one side, of a material basis,
but rather of material conditions than of physical
matter, on the other, of the vibrations of our
psychological states. Peace and equanimity and
confidence, faith in health, undisturbed repose and
cheerfulness and bright gladness constitute this
element in it and give it strength and substance. It
is a very sensitive medium with facile and quick
reactions; it readily takes in all kinds of suggestions
and these can rapidly change and almost remould
its condition. A bad suggestion acts very strongly
upon it; a good suggestion operates in the contrary
sense with the same force. Depression and
discouragement have a very adverse effect; they cut
out holes in it, as it were, in its very stuff, render it
weak and unresisting and open to hostile attacks an
easy passage.
It is the action of this medium that partly
explains why people often feel a spontaneous and
unreasoning attraction or repulsion for each other.
The first seat of these reactions is in this protecting
envelope. Easily we feel attracted towards people
who bring a reinforcement to our nervous envelope;
we are repelled by those who disturb or hurt it.
Whatever gives it a sense of expansion and comfort
and ease, whatever makes it respond with a feeling
of happiness and pleasure exercises on us at once
an attraction; when the effect is in the contrary
sense, it responds with a protecting repulsion. This
movement, when two people meet, is often mutual.
It is not, of course, the only cause of affinities, but
it is one and a very frequent cause.
If the whole being could simultaneously
advance in its progressive transformation, keeping
pace with the inner march of the universe, there
would be no illness, there would be no death. But it
would have to be literally the whole being
integrally from the highest planes, where it is more
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
plastic and yields in the required measure to
transforming forces, down to the most material,
which is by nature rigid, stationary, refractory to
any rapid remoulding change.
There are certain regions, which offer a much
stronger resistance than others to the action of the
Yogic forces, and the illnesses affecting them are
harder to cure. They are those parts that belong to
the most material layers of the being, and the
illnesses that pertain to them, as, for instance, skin
diseases or bad teeth. Sri Aurobindo spoke once of
a Yogi who, still enjoying robust health and a
magnificent physique, had been living for nearly a
century on the banks of the Narmada. Offered by a
disciple medicine for a toothache, he observed, in
refusing, that one tooth had given him trouble for
the last two hundred years. This Yogi had secured
so much control over material nature as to live two
hundred years, but in all that time he had not been
able to conquer a toothache.
Some of the diseases which are considered
most dangerous are the easiest to cure; some that
are considered as of very little importance can offer
the most obstinate resistance.
The sources of an illness are manifold and
intricate; each can have a multitude of causes, but
always it indicates where is the weak part in the
Nine-tenths of the danger in an illness comes
from fear. Fear can give you the apparent
symptoms of an illness; and it can give you the
illness too, - it effects can go so far as that. Not so
long ago the wife of one who frequents the Ashram
but is not herself practicing Yoga, heard that there
was Cholera in the house where her milkman lived;
fear took her and the next moment she began to
show symptoms of the disease. She could however
be rapidly cured, because the apparent symptoms
were not allowed to develop into the real illness.
There are physical movements, effects of the
pressure of the Yoga, which sometimes create
ungrounded fears that may do harm if the fear is not
rejected. There is, for instance, a certain pressure in
the head of which there has been question and
which is felt by many, especially in the earlier
stages, when something that is still closed has to
open. It is a discomfort that comes to nothing and
can easily be got over, if you know that it is an
effect of the pressure of the forces to which you are
opening, when they work strongly on the body to
produce a result and to hasten the transformation.
Taken quietly, it can turn into a not unpleasurable
sensation. But if you get frightened, you are sure to
contract a very bad headache; it may even go as far
as a fever. The discomfort is due to some
resistance in the nature; if you know how to release
the resistance, you are immediately free of the
discomfort. But get frightened and the discomfort
may turn into something much worse. Whatever
the character of the experience you have, you must
give no room to fear; you must keep an unshaken
confidence and feel that whatever happens is the
thing that had to happen. Once you have chosen
the path, you must boldly accept all the
consequences of your choice. But if you choose
and then draw back and choose again and again
draw back, always wavering, always doubting,
always fearful, you create a disharmony in your
being, which not only retards your progress, but can
be the origin of all kinds of disturbance in the mind
and vital being and discomfort and disease in the
body. (From The Collected Works of the Mother,
Vol.3, Pondicherry)
Organon § 9 says that we should hive
for “higher purposes”. Tao Te Ching says
“higher purpose” = higher good” And
what is meant by “higher good”? Tao Te
Ching says:
“Higher good is like water:
The good in water benefits all,
And does so without contention.
It rests where people dislike to be,
So it is close to the Way.
Where it dwells becomes good ground;
Profound is the good in its heart,
Benevolent the good it bestows.
Goodness in words is trustworthiness,
Goodness in Government is order;
Goodness in work is ability,
Goodness in action is timeliness.
But only by noncontention
Is these nothing extreme.”
- K.S.S.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
VOL. XXIII, 2, 2006
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Die geistigen Hintergründe der Homöopathie
(The Spiritual Backgrounds of Homeopathy)
BRUNNER, Heidemarie (AHZ. 250, 3/2005)
In this brief essay the author seeks to find the mental and
spiritual connections between Samuel HAHNEMANN and
fundamental questions, and searching for answers of Mankind.
HAHNEMANN was born at the ‘Era of
Enlightenment’. At school – the Princes School, St.
Afra he learned the classical philosophy. New
editions of antique writings SOCRATES,
LEIBNIZ, for example were taught. ‘He
expressed his great respect for Immanuel KANT,
SCHELLING. He read many of these authors in
their original. Was he a confirmed believer in
Humanism? Was he a rationalist in the sense of the
period of Enlightenment convinced that true reality
determines Reason? Was he a lonely Pioneer who
had undertaken the responsibility of Proving the
truth of Medical Art for many years? Indeed in the
Introduction to his Organon (I edn.) he says that in
his “search he found the way to Truth, and he had
to tread it alone. …”.
Inorganic Chemistry, Technology etc. were
progressing very fast during HAHNEMANN’s
times. LAVOISIER in 1789 sent a list of Elements
to him. Certainly HAHNEMANN was much
interested in these and he experimented with them;
he was acquainted with Periodic Systems of
also knew PARACELSUS. He knew that the
natural substances should be living, fresh and raw
to obtain the spirit-like powers from them.
As early as 1805 itself HAHNEMANN had
come to the firm view based on pure experiment
that the innate power of a medicinal substance gets
released so much more as it is refined by
continuous serial dilution and succussion. [In fact
HAHNEMANN’s discovery of the Law of Similars
and the Potentisation are the greatest discoveries of
the Century and of the greatest benefit for
Humankind. It is indeed very unfortunate that the
World Community of Physicians including the
homeopaths themselves have not realized this. At
least hence, shouldn’t we? = KSS]
2. Die philosophischen Hintergründe der
Homöopathie (The Philosophical Background
of Homeopathy)
GEBHARDT, Karl-Heinz (AHZ. 250, 3/2005)
Following a definition of Philosophy, the
development of Natural Science, until
HAHNEMANN’s times is described. Leonardo Da
VINCI (1452 1519) and Francis BACON (1561
1626) have both said that the starting point of
knowledge is Experience. PARACELSUS (1494
1541) threw out every authoritative statement and
took only experience as the trustworthy one.
In the light of these HAHNEMANN is the
leader of a new direction in Science and discoverer
of fundamental new facts which are not only valid
for today but is also a possibility for clinical
treatment in order to avoid detriments for the
patient. HAHNEMANN was not dogmatic. His
ideas were so far advanced that contemporaries and
even his students were unable to comprehend his
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
ideas; only very few could. Such is the fate of
geniuses. It is therefore more our duty to carry his
ideas forward [and not join the gang of those who
criticize HAHNEMANN and dump his epoch-
making works, the Organon as unnecessary or out-
dated etc.; some even say, “The Organon is not the
Bible of Homeopathy”! These are attempts of
“one-up-man ship” over HAHNEMANN. Such
persons would do well to listen to Stuart CLOSE:
Great Personalities All great forward
movements in religion, science or art originate in
the mind of some individual who appears at the
psychological moment and announces his mission.
His personality and his teaching represent the truth
for which he stands.
“To a Moses or a Luther, to a Washington or a
Lincoln, to a Plato or a Bacon, to a Hippocrates or a
Hahnemann, each in his own sphere and period, the
world comes and must come for instruction,
inspiration and leadership.
“Always, following the appearance of a great
teacher or leader, opponents, detractors, or
corruptors spring up and attempt to stay, or destroy
or divert to their own glory the progress of the new
movement. Disciples or would-be disciples have
always to be on guard against false teaching. Their
principal safeguard is in maintaining a sincere and
intelligent loyalty to the historic leader whose
personality and teachings represent the original
truth, and in intellectual and personal fellowship
with other followers who maintain the same attitude
and relation.
“Lesser lights and lesser leaders there must and
always will be, to whom, each in his own rank and
degree, honor and loyalty are due; but the disciple
is never above his master. He only is “The Master”
to whom the first great revelation of truth was made
and by whom it was first developed and
proclaimed; for such epochal men are supremely
endowed and specially prepared, usually by many
years of seclusion, intense thought and labor. They
are raised up at last to do a great work. They stand
on the mountaintops of human experience, from
whence they have a field of view and a grasp of
truth never before attainable. Like Moses they
have, as it were, received the “Tables of the Law”
direct from the hand of the Almighty.” = KSS]
3. Das Phänomen Homöopathie
(The Phenomenon Homeopathy)
MEYER-KÖNIG, Peter (AHZ. 250, 3/2005)
Who is Man? The author discusses this
question by explaining the difference of spiritual
and physical reality, using a model, featuring the
infrastructure of human beings by a connection
with the phenomenology of Martin HEIDEGGER.
These basics lead to a deeper understanding of
diseases and Homeopathy.
4. The Depth of Homeopathy
SANKARAN, Rajan (HL. 17, 1/2004)
Rajan SANKARAN explains the evolution of
his understanding the depth of Homeopathy
through the concept of the levels.
Level I – Name – Is giving a remedy based on the
diagnosis of the disease condition. (Pathological prescribing).
Potency – 6C, 12C.
Level II Fact Prescribing on symptoms of
disease. Potency – 30C.
Level III Emotion Prescribing on the
emotional state of the patient. Potency – 200C.
Level IV – Delusion. Potency – 1MK.
Level V – Sensation. Potency – 10 MK.
Level VI Energy or universal level. Potency
50 MK.
How the patient experiences the disease,
determines the level.
A patient with extensive Cancer who has
accepted it will experience no emotions but only
symptoms related to Cancer. He accepts this as a
A young woman with Rheumatoid Arthritis
may experience much anxiety about her future.
Pains and limitation of movement is experienced as
Anxiety. She experiences the Arthritis as anxiety
A young woman with a patch of Eczema may
fear that she will be shunned by the society as a
result of her problem and her itching and scaling is
not so bothersome. The Eczema is experienced as a
A man with Bronchial Asthma may experience
the Sensation of being bound tightly and also in the
mental plane.
A child with recurrent colds and coughs,
moving about continuously and rapidly. The child
may not even experience the cough, rather only the
energy that compels him to keep running.
It is interesting to note that in each case, the
deepest level the patient takes us to spontaneously
is the level at which he experiences all phenomena.
Dr. SANKARAN concludes that results
convince him that there is at least some truth in this
idea and it has much potential. As long as we have
failures, we need to look deeper, to look wider and
to continue to evolve in our concepts and
techniques. [But no ‘speculations or ‘opinions’
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
1. A Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and
Compatibility. Understanding your Type and
Finding Love
LALOR, Liz (SIM. XVIII, 1 & 2/2005)
The themes, emotional history, emotional
challenges in relationships of Lycopodium are
discussed in detail and compared with the themes,
emotional fragility and need of Pulsatilla.
2. Sanicula aqua: Three Clinical Cases and a
SEVAR R. (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
Case 1: 3 year-old girl with febrile convulsions
at 6 months and Otitis Media from 10 months, one
after the other and had operations for glue ears.
Very thin. Stomach ache after milk. Very thirsty.
Bowels very loose. Chamomilla helps her when
teething. Had Measles at 18 months. Stinking
yellow-green pus from ears like rotten fish.
Averse to drafts of air. Needs to be carried/rocked
all the time when she is ill. Restless.
Poly Bowel Nosode 30, 3 doses 12 hours apart.
Two weeks later Sanicula aqua LM1, 1 drop daily
in winter. The case was started with Bowel Nosode
because the patient had undergone long courses of
antibodies from the age of 10 months.
Two months later, no stomach ache. No
constipation or diarrhoea. Had discharge of huge
quantities of pus. Responded within a week to
antibiotics. Offensive discharges from all the
outlets of body.
Less clingy. Gained weight. Since 10 days
mood beginning to slip back.
Restart Sanicula aqua LM1 drop daily.
Case 2: 9-year-old, tall, thin girl with bad breathe
for 5 years, smelling like rotten fish, glue ears and
perforated right ear drum for 5 years. Constipated
since 9 months of age. Tidy. Hates milk, butter
and yoghurt. As a child used to stop crying only
when carried.
Sanicula aqua 200.
3 months later: Bad breath gone after few days.
Felt warmer inside body. Energy much better.
Bowels open easily.
Sanicula aqua 200 drops when required.
10 months later: OK till 6 weeks ago. Sore
throat and bad breath. Hair greasy again.
Sanicula aqua 1M and 30 as required in next
acute illness. 9 months later – Normal.
Case 3: Three-year-old girl, tall, thin, Eczema,
since 3-4 months of age. Allergy to eggs. Itching
bad. Wakes up with itching during sleep. Eczema
got better at sea. Ate sand. Very stubborn. Scared
of sudden noises.
Silicea 30 then Psorinum 30. No effect.
Sanicula aqua 200. A severe aggravation for the
next 2 weeks. Then less itch and better sleep. For
the next 21 months better. Then had wheeze.
Sanicula aqua 12 daily once. 4 weeks later wheeze
much less and Eczema slightly aggravated.
Frequency of dosage reduced.
Materia Medica of the remedy is discussed.
Heuristic for Sanicula aqua
Like Silicea terra but Silicea terra doesn’t
Infant colic, teething, itch ameliorated by
Odour of rotting fish or strong cheese from
orifices or discharges.
Perforated ear drum which will not heal.
Sycotic case – exuberant thick discharges.
Symptoms/keynotes of several polycrests.
3. Natrium silicicum und Kalium silicicum
Zwei Wertvolle Arzneimittel aus dem Nachlass
von J.T.KENT (Two valuable medicines from
KENT’s legacy- Natrium silicicum and
Kalium silicicum)
TREBIN, Ernst (AHZ. 250,3/2005)
These two new remedies” are from J.T.
KENT’s legacy. They are yet to find their place in
the general homeopathic practice although they
have been added to the modern Repertories.
However, the remedies are worked out by way of
synthesizing their separate characters. The
miasmatic background of these remedies is
discussed; cures prove their great value. [It is true
that this author has cited four cases, wherein these
synthetically manufactured Materia Medica has
succeeded. Success alone cannot be the criteria for
scientific evaluation. If mere synthesizing assured
the nature/character of so combined remedy the
Materia Medica will be made in the laboratories
and soon Homeopathy will be in the clutches of the
Pharmacists from whom HAHNEMANN rescued
Medicine. Once we decide to create such pictures it
will be endless and chaotic. H.C.ALLEN warned
KENT of such synthesizing and production of a
Materia Medica of assumed remedy indications
and, it is reported, KENT dropped the further
efforts in that direction. However what had already
been rendered by him seem to have survived. =
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
1. Considering Homeopathy as a Viable
Alternative for Helping People with AD/HD
PAGRAM, Robin and FORLIN, Chris
(Similia, 17, 1/2005)
Conventional treatment of children with
behavioural disorders with stimulant medications,
sedatives and anti-depressant produce side effects,
some annoying and some serious. Many
conventional drugs, only suppress the symptoms
without changing the underlying condition. The
efficacy of Homeopathy as an Alternative Therapy
is discussed in this paper.
Once analysis of 25 years of clinical studies
using homeopathic medicines was carried out by
published in the British Medical Journal, 302,
Their meta analysis covered 107 controlled
trials, of which 81 showed homeopathic medicines
were effective, 24 showed ineffective and 2 were
In a study comparing homeopathic treatment
and Ritalin FREI and THURNEYSEN (2001)
determined that after an average treatment time of
3.5 months, 75% responded to Homeopathy and
concluded that, in cases where treatment of a
hyperactive child is not urgent, Homeopathy is
valuable alternative to Ritalin.
A Double-blind study conducted by Lamont
(1997) comparing homeopathic treatment of
AD/HD and placebo. In the second comparison,
placebo group was given homeopathic medicine
and results evaluated. Both yielded positive results.
The medicines found to be most successful by
Lamont were: Stramonium, Cina, Hyoscyamus
niger, Veratrum album and Tarentula hispanica.
In Emotional Healing with Homeopathy,
CHAPPEL (2003) argues that emotional trauma is
at the root of many disease conditions and can
reveal a hidden key to healing. We often restrict
ourselves by suppressing and denying feelings of
fear, anger, grief and loss and in doing so lead to
disease. Understanding this emotional reaction and
its resolution is much more powerfully effective
way forward for our well-being today.
NESS and PRICE (1990) propose that the best
non-medical interventions for AD/HD are practical,
commonsense adjustments to an impulsive and
disorganized style.
They further state that persons with AD/HD
will be more frustrated, apathetic and pessimistic
than others about psychosocial treatments thereby
decreasing the probability of success.
The four problems of child with AD/HD are
stress and anxiety resulting from struggles to meet
life’s demands, low self-esteem and feelings of
incompetence, grief over the lack of
accomplishments and helplessness.
2. A Case of Lac felinum
BAILEY, Philip (Similia, 17, 1/2005)
36-year-old single mother with headache from
milk, insomnia and mastalgia premenstrually and
right sided menstrual cramps. Feeling of being
neglected, cheated by circumstances; of being
misunderstood by family. Feels like having a rope
around neck. Feels guilt easily. Very critical and
judgemental and aggressive outbursts. Loves to
travel but stuck with an autistic child. Liked to get
her own way, to do what she wants. Having
problem with authority.
Lac felinum 30 once daily.
4 weeks later: Less yelling, menstrual pain
less. Felt good for 2 weeks, then drank milk and
got scabs in nose. Lac felinum LM 6 daily.
4 weeks later, yelling a lot less. No headache despite
mild. Appeared calmer.
3. Studying a Remedy Through Different Lenses
BHOURASKAR, Shilpa (Similia, 17, 1/2005)
22-year-old male with severe Asthma since
childhood. Starts with cold and cough. The breath
stops, does not go in completely and feels
suffocated; only by breathing deep, feels calm and
satisfied. < lying down. Fever during Asthma and
eyes burn and breath is hot. A sense of stiffness >
by playing and vigorous physical activity. Change
of position >. Tense if he has to move in a small
gap or place for fear of getting stuck. Dreams of
getting caught by a ghost and trying to escape.
Conventional Repertorisation – Rhus tox.
Understanding the case in the light of newer
concepts of sensations by Rajan SANKARAN
using plant family, Miasm.
Common sensation throughout the case
Caught, stiff, tight, tension, stuck, pressing.
Active reaction Activity, movement, loosen
up, relax, escape.
Family: Anacardiaceae.
Miasm – Typhoid.
Remedy – Rhus tox.
Rhus tox. M. A month later, mild attack of
Asthma without fever for the first time. Stiffness
same. One dose to be taken only during any attack.
A month later, stiffness of body gone completely.
Feeling positive. Mentally and sleep much better.
No Asthma. He was much better even after trying
every aggravating substance. He continues to be in
touch and keeps well.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The author concludes that it is amazing that no
matter what way you look at a case the simillimum
is crystal clear.
4. A Surprising Remedy Selection for a Gentle
and Quiet Patient
BARTON, Louise (Similia, 17, 1/2005)
Tracey, 51, suffering with menopausal symptoms –
flushes and sweats, Osteoarthritis in her spine, neck, wrist,
elbow and knees and depression. Hysterectomy three years ago.
Flushes were coming every hour for about ten minutes.
Scoliosis since 15 years of age and had an operation for that.
When she had periods, had bad PMS. “Very
angry could choke another” and was > with the
flow. Stiff and sore joints > warmth, < touch.
After a dose of Lachesis 200, flushes reduced by
half in intensity and frequency. As only partial
relief was there, another remedy was looked for.
A feeling of helplessness and walking around
constantly in circles in anxiety.
Facial diagnosis determined Syco-Syphilitic
The reportorial result yielded – Lyc., Sep., Ars.,
Puls., Rhus tox., Hell., Phos., Stram., Anac., and
In this only Stramonium and Anacardium were
Syco-syphilitic remedies and Stramonium covers
walking in circles.
Stramonium M. A month later, hardly any
flushes. No feeling of anxiety or depression.
Feeling strong within herself. Joint pain much
better. Feeling well even after 4 months of the first
dose. [In these kinds of case analysis dividing as
plant, mineral etc. or Miasmatic, - the remedy
selected is claimed to have cured. Good. Have
these symptoms, which have been cured been
verified with the Materia Medica, the Provings? If
not Why? = KSS]
5. A Case of Gangrene
BULLARD, Catherine (Similia, 17, 1/2005)
Male, 72 years with Gangrene of left three
middle toes overwhelming stench. Intermittent
burning pain, with sharp electrical shootings. On
the back of his right heel, a sore about 3 cm wide
and 1 cm deep and oozing bloody pus. Gangrene
was attributed to a spider bite 15 years earlier. Lot
of trouble urinating since his Prostate operation.
The surgeon had decided to amputate in ten
Crotalus horridus 30 b.d. 10 days later, pain
less in intensity, odor less putrid, discharge was pus
free and the surgeon agreed to wait. To continue
medicine b.d. Few days later, finding easier to
move around. Lamenting with depression. Secale
cor 200 and then Crotalus horridus b.d. Then
Crotalus horridus 200. Giddy after TIA. Speech
had deteriorated markedly. Arnica 200 tds.
Few days later, heel ulcer began to bleed.
Crotalus horridus 200 daily. Head symptoms
improved immediately and speech settled and
continued to improve. Toe was dead and readying
to detach. Gangrenous spots almost gone.
Secale 200 and Crotalus horridus 200 once
Few days later, the toes of left foot completely
healed. Black and green colours were unpleasant.
Tarentula hispanica 30 t.d.s. A few days
before he was to go to hospital, skin, where the
spider had bitten, began to form large peeling flakes
itching and burning. Toe was hanging by tendon.
Angiogram was done and there was a block. Toe
had fallen off totally few days prior and the plan
was only to remove the surrounding area.
Naja 30. One week later, foot was healing
beautifully and the surgeon decided not to operate
at all – not even “clean up surgery”.
The patient went home. Later learnt that he
developed new symptoms and he preferred to take
Herbal treatment elsewhere; the gangrene
reappeared and began to spread. No further
6. A Case of Neuropathy and Restless Legs
MATHIEU, Brent (SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
86-year-old woman, with Peripheral Neuropathy
since 3 years and restless legs even as a child. Cramps in legs at
night severe and sudden. Tenderness of legs. Electric shock
sensation shooting to toes on touching legs. Bruised feeling only
on touch. Self-dependent not trusting others. Loves pickles.
Dyslexic. Difficulty in understanding what she has read. She
regularly uses nutritional supplements. Voice weak. Insomnia.
Argentum metallicum 200 and Thorne Basic
Nutrients and NutriRice stabilized rice bran.
8 days later. First day remarkable. Then < of
insomnia for three or four days aggravation of
insomnia, then everything better.
A month later, feeling very good. Perspiring
all over on exertion. Voice stronger and improving.
A month later, partial relapse of all complaints.
Argentum metallicum 200. Better for
months and relapse and a dose was repeated in 200
and then 1M.
7. A Case of Interstitial Cystitis
(SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Ms. Ginger, 33, urgency and frequency of
urine. Spasms of bladder at the end of urination.
Vulvodynia from intercourse. Also seasonal
allergies and allergic to fruits, nuts, dust mites and
animal dander. Nails peeled easily. She was
organized, focused and impressive attention to
details. Sense of anxiety about everything.
Using cycles and segments approach, the case
was analysed into bladder and vulvar pains, general
anxiety, conscientious, outgoing, oversensitive/
allergic, tries to connect.
Arsenicum album 200. Advised to follow
portions of a naturopathic protocol, including the
supplementation of L. Arginine, Vitamin E and
A month later, less frequency, less discomfort
overall and no pain during intercourse.
Four months later, less anxious, no other
A year later, a dose was repeated because of
the worsening of seasonal allergies and anxiety.
8. A Drug-Free Approach to Asperger Syndrome
and Autism: Homeopathic Care for Exceptional Kids
and LUEPKER, Ian
(SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
An Excerpt from a new book: Homeopathy for
ASD: Exceptional Medicine for Exceptional Kids.
“Homeopathy can address the social, learning and
behavioural problems typical of ASD, as well as help many
acute and chronic health problems.”
Many such reasons are discussed in detail.
Case: Cody, a boy of 8 years, diagnosed with
Asperger Syndrome. Very sensitive. He developed high fever
and inconsolable crying after each round of immunizations.
Recurrent ear infections when he was young and had Asthma.
Conventional medications resulted in weight gain. Has a
problem with sensory overload. He breaks down and starts
crying. Screams at the top of his lungs. Intelligent but
disruptive in class. Emotional outbursts over something sad or
happy. Cody can’t stand noise, lights, touch or smell. Pains are
described as of arrows piercing eardrums, like needles, splinters
etc. Fear of being injured by sharp objects. Recurrent headache
with sensation of anvil rotating in brain.
One plant family indicated for sensitivity to pain is
Loganaceae. The medicine was Spigelia. Cody responded well
for several months and then deterioration. Improved after
another dose and dramatic response to the higher potency.
Despite discontinuing the Risperdone, less irritability. No
headaches and sensitivity were far less frequent and his clothing
size has dropped from 18 to 12.” [Spigelia keynote is Fear of
pointed things.. Where for “Kingdom” Approach? = KSS]
9. An Essay on the Importance of ‘Location’ in Case Taking
ROBINSON, Karl (AJHM. 98, 2/2005)
The concept of complete symptom provides the
practitioner with a ready mini-checklist as he is taking the case.
In this essay ‘Location’ is emphasized which is most often
overlooked. The Vital Force when moves into a state of
disorder, certain parts manifest more symptoms than others i.e.
Location often makes a symptom strange, rare and
e.g. A chill that either begins in the back or moves up
and down the back: CAPSICUM, Eupatorium purpura,
Eupatorium perfoliatum.
Chill beginning in the hands: GELSEMIUM or in
the hands and feet: NATRUM MURIATICUM.
Chill beginning in the lips: BRYONIA, in the thighs:
Anxiety, beginning in stomach and rising to head:
Natrum muriaticum.
These examples are chosen because homeopaths fail
to ask our patients, where in the body, they perceive their chill to
originate or wherein the body the patient feels their anxiety?
Sepia causes and cures ulcers of joints of fingers.
Caries of the teeth localizing near the gums or in the roots:
Silicea affects the occiput in many ways. A sweetish
odor to the sweat of the genital: Thuja.
10. Elaps corallinus
Brazilian Coral Snake
OLSEN, Steve (AJHM. 98, 2/2005)
Case 1: Angela, 33, with deep sense of loss and
depression and guilt for having an affair though married. Left
sided headache, worse from touch. Depressed in rainy weather.
Tightness and constriction of body, worse from collars about
neck. Binges and salads and crave cottage cheese and orange
juice. Though separated from husband, still loves him.
Elaps 30 given, on the basis of high moral standards.
Yet has a tendency to betray those standards and a theme of
unwanted attachment.
For the next one year, gradually better in all aspects.
Case 2: Richard, 48, with bleeding Sinuses, Asthma
and Migraine. Worse from heat of Sun, perfumes, weather
changes. Stomach ulcers, ear infections in the past. Eyes
sensitive to light. Worse from collars, panic in a crowd.
Depressed in rains. Loved salads, worse from cold drinks. Set
high moral standards and fear of betraying them.
Elaps 30. For the next 8 months better.
Summary of Guiding Symptoms of Elaps corallinus
given after a search in Radar and Encyclopedia
Homeopathica and eight cases including one of Rajan
SANKARAN, two of HERING and one of Eric
SOMMERMANN are given. Horror of rain is an important
symptom of Elaps.
11. Unexpected Results From a Well-Known Remedy
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
SCHAFFER, Rodney (AJHM. 98, 2/2005)
8-year-old boy with Asthma, winter aggravation,
craving sweets, sensitive to others’ feelings and to animals.
Sleeps on back with arms above head. Averse to fats. Throw
things in anger, dreams of fire, fear of fire and robbers and
comfortable on mother’s lap. Headstrong. Pulsatilla 200. Six
weeks later: No cough, sleeping well, no dreams and no fear of
The author feels that as the fear of intruders and fire
and dreams of fire disappeared after Pulsatilla, which it did not
cover, it warrants its addition of Pulsatilla to those rubrics.
[Unless we have some more cases of cure of these symptoms it
cannot be incorporated in the Repertory. We should look for
further confirmation. =KSS]
12. Cycles and Segments: A Case Study
ROTHENBERG, Amy (AJHM. 98, 2/2005)
This is an approach of repertorisation using Herscu
module on RADAR. A cycle consists of five to six segments,
which are groupings of related symptoms; i.e. symptoms which
reflect similar concepts. By seeing the patterns, reflecting it
back to the patient, case taking is shaped. Thereby no one
symptom becomes the focus of the case, but rather each
symptom represents a particular aspect of the person, which the
physician aims to understand in the context of the whole person.
If there is a patient with chronic UTI, questions
would be asked of any other inflammations in the past and it
would be first segment inflammation. What does the symptom
lead the person to do? Answers to this would lead to second
segment. What leads the person to get the initial symptom in
first place will lead to next segment. The opposite of first
symptom when found will form the next segment. In this
fashion one segment leads to next till it comes to the first
segment and the cycle is completed.
Case: Harry, in mid fifties, with debilitating anxiety
not relieved by many therapies. There was tremendous
confidence, social ability and an element of haughtiness. The
segment confidence/sociability consisted of rubrics.
Mind: Haughty, Confidence, Positiveness and Dictatorial.
The next segment Restlessness/anxiety represented by
Rectum, Diarrhoea, anxiety after
Mind, Anxiety – beside oneself from.
Restlessness – anxious.
The third segment Destructiveness represented by
Mind, Anger easily
Violent, deeds of violence, rage leading
The fourth segment Anxiety of conscience represented by
Mind: Anxiety about salvation,
Fear of death
Anxiety of conscience
Remorse, quickly repents.
The fifth segment of Low confidence represented by
Mind: Confidence, want of –
Confidence, want of – self-deprecation,
- failure, feels himself.
The sixth segment Desires connection includes
Mind – Consolation >
Generals – Sweets >
Warm air >
From the listing of the remedies that came through all
six segments, Veratrum album was selected, as it matched the
cycle the author understood of Veratrum.
A dose of 200, and six weeks later, less stress, better
sleep, no anti-anxiety medications. After four months, no
problem. Over the next 4 years, several doses of 200 and one
dose of 1M. He continues to do well.
13. Sneezes and Wheezes: Acute Homeopathy for Allergic
Rhinitis and Asthma
FLEISHER, Mitchell A. (AJHM. 98, 2/2005)
Indications for the following remedies in the
treatment of Acute Allergic Rhinitis are given.
All-c., Ambr-art., Apis., Ars-alb., Ars-iod., Arum-t.,
Arundo-m., Dulc., Euph., Gels., Histaminum., Kali-bich., Kali-i.,
Nat-m., Nux-v., Puls., Sabad., Sinap-n., Sticta-p. and Wyethia.
Indications for Acon-n., Antim-t., Aral-r., Ars-alb.,
Ars-iod., Carb-v., Cham., Cupr-m., Euphr., Ip., Kali-c., Lach.,
Nat-s., Samb., Spongia – are given to be used in the treatment of
Acute Asthma.
14. A Homeopathic Approach for the Treatment of
Streptococcal Pharyngitis
CAPOBIANCO, Anthony (AJHM. 98, 2/2005)
The methodology that is discussed in this article is
one developed by Dr. A.U. RAMAKRISHNAN.
Strep Pharyngitis warrants an increased tempo and
range in prescribing similar to Cancer. This is because of a brief
window of opportunity for correct treatment coupled with the
potential severity of the pathology in vital organs, affording a
narrow margin of error.
A consistent pattern of favorable results in
Homeopathy has benefitted patients.
All patients with an active infection or in a carrier
state were successfully treated when two homeopathic
medicines were prescribed aggressively. These were a
combination of Sulphur and Streptococcinum administered
simultaneously. This suggests that they may be the genus
epidemicus for Group A betahemolytic strep pharyngitis,
tonsillitis or pharyngo-tonsillitis.
Follow-up has not presented any signs or symptoms
to suggest that a suppression has taken place.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Case: M.K. 12-year-old daughter of an alcoholic
father complained of earache, fever, slight hoarseness and sore
throat with difficult swallowing for 4 days. She had exudates on
left tonsil with a positive rapid strep test.
Sulphur 1M and Streptococcinum 200 every 15
minutes while awake. Two days later again positive rapid strep
test. “A decision was made to treat for a total of ten days, the
patient to continue taking the remedy mixture, now with the
addition of Streptococcinum viridens 1M.” Five days later
significant improvement and re-test negative. [This article,
despite the Editor’s reasoning for publishing it, causes much
anguish. To claim cure of ‘Strep throat’ with a ‘mixture’ (a
mixture in homeopathic therapeutics? God forbid = KSS) of
three high potency ‘medicines’ in 10 days time is considered
‘great’. A really experienced well-read (e.g. LIPPE, HERING,
WELLS) would have cured it in half the time with single
remedy. Homeopathy! whither going? into the hands of
‘Pretenders’? = KSS]
15. Colds, Coughs and Earaches
A Do-it-yourself Guide to Caring for your Kids
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 7/2004)
More and more evidence is accumulating that taking
antibiotics when not really necessary is a dangerous practice.
All that is required to help parents overcome their
natural parental fear is the experience of treating a few ill
children with Homeopathy.
Five common homeopathic remedies useful in
children with URI and ear infections are Chamomilla, Pulsatilla,
Aconite, Belladonna and Ferrum phosphoricum.
16. Homeopathy for Cardiac Conditions
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 7/2004)
The indications for Nux vomica, Lachesis, Glonoine
and Sepia in cardiac conditions are discussed.
An increasing number of surgeons recommend
Arnica after any kind of surgery, including heart surgery. They
report noticeable reductions in swelling and inflammation as
well as faster healing times.
17. A Matter of the Heart
Pain, Palpitations, Pressure, Grief … and Relief
UDELL, Eric (HT. 24, 7/2004)
Jane, in her early seventies diagnosed with mild
Hypertension, LVH and Cardiac Arrhythmia. She continued to
have episodes of chest discomfort, palpitations. Pain was in the
region of heart. Tightness, as if her chest was being squeezed at
random. Anxiety would become prominent during the cardiac
symptoms. These symptoms caused her to begin grieving again
for her husband who had died nine years earlier. Feeling guilty
and blamed herself. Strong desire for salt and intolerant of sun
and disliking sympathy.
Natrum muriaticum 6 twice daily for three weeks.
Much improved. No chest discomfort or palpitation. Not
dwelling on husband’s death and not blaming herself. Craving
salt less frequent and blood pressure normal. Natrum
muriaticum 6 twice daily for 4 weeks.
Recently begun to experience the chest pain again,
accompanied by fear and anxiety.
Natrum muriaticum 30 twice daily for four weeks.
All of her symptoms continued to improve over the next five
18. Diagnosis: Fatal Heart Disease
How One Outdoor Enthusiast Got his Life Back
MESSER, Stephen A. (HT. 24, 7/2004)
Rick, 39, diagnosed with Primary Pulmonary
Hypertension, with right-sided heart failure. Three-year survival
rates for this condition are 30-60%. Shortness of breath from
walking little distance. Achy, burning pain and fatigue in the
muscles of torso. He loved mountains and his complaints
improved there. Does not like sympathy. Prefers solitude.
Past history of serious Pneumonia, an episode of
Syncope and a Pulmonary Embolus at age 28. Recently loose
stools with gassiness. Sensitive to restrictions of any kind.
Loved smoked foods. Tuberculinum 1M. Three weeks later,
better overall. His breathing capacity and ability to exert
improved. Since 3 days a bit worsening of shortness of breath.
Another dose of Tuberculinum 1M.
Three months later, his progressive improvement has
now stopped. Tuberculinum XM.
A week later, feeling more energized. Able to hike
for two hours with no shortness of breath or chest pain. He
continues to do well.
19. Homeopathy from the Sidelines
Root for the Home Team – Help those Injured Athletes!
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 7/2004)
Apart from actual sports injuries, most of the
problems that arise have to do with over-exertion, dehydration
and too much sun.
When there is any sort of hard blow, collision,
sprained ankle, or dislocated joint, it is reasonable to start with
Glonoine for heat stroke, Apis and Ledum for stings
of bees, wasps, puncture wounds. Magnesium phosphoricum for
severe leg cramps.
The author’s sports first-aid kit includes: Ice packs,
Band-Aids, Tweezers, Antibiotic ointment, Calendula Salve,
powdered lemonade, Ginger candy, Protein bars, Sun block,
Extra socks, Moleskin and small scissors.
Homeopathic remedies: Arn., Acon., Apis, Ars., Bell., Bry.,
Canth., Carb-v., Glon., Hyp., Led., Mag-phos., Rhus-tox., and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
20. Clearing up Cold Sores … and Other Eruptions
Four Fantastic Remedies
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 8/2004)
Cold sores (Fever blisters) are caused by Herpes
simplex type 1 virus, which are burning, itching blisters
appearing on the face near mouth. Some have recurrent episodes
brought out by changes in nutrition, exposure to sun or other
Indications for Capsicum, Natrum muriaticum,
Arsenicum album and Rhus toxicodendron are given.
21. Fatigue: Your Most Common Complaint
The Endpoint of all Disease
HOOVER, Todd A. (HT. 24, 8/2004)
Fatigue is the endpoint of all disease and is just one
outcome of the chronic and progressive disturbance of the
vitality. Fatigue as a primary feature of the case is due to 1.
Severe life-threatening acute illness. 2. Acute loss of resources.
3. Since an illness or stress. 4. Chronic fatigue syndrome.
For fatigue due to severe fever or fluid loss,
indications for Belladonna, Baptisia, Muriatic acid, Arsenicum
album, Veratrum album, Carbo vegetabilis are given.
For fatigue ever since an acute illness, indications for
Phosphoric acid, Stannum metallicum, Gelsemium, Zincum
metallicum, Argentum metallicum, Picric acid, Nux vomica, Kali
phosphoricum, Selenium and Natrum sulphuricum are given.
Case: Martha, 60-year-old woman with severe
fatigue after Flu 20 years ago. Confined to bed almost. Needs
assistance to eat and use bath. Heavy sleep. Sometimes wakes
with a severe, one-sided headache. Headache worse from
exertion of eye and mind. Photophobia, sensitivity to noise and
voices. Chilly, craves refreshing drinks. Difficulty in
concentrating, clumsiness and illegible writing.
Onosmodium virginianum 200. Over the next six
months, steady improvement with increasing ability to perform
mental and physical work, progressive independence and more
normal sleep patterns. She had done well over a number of
years, requiring a single repetition.
22. Less is More!
Are you Giving too many Remedies to your Kids?
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 8/2004)
The author discusses about when to use and not to
use Homeopathy at home – for kids.
23. Spider Remedies
Overachievers and the Olympian Archetype
Report on the Presentation by Karen ALLEN
CROCE, Ann (HT. 24, 8/2004)
Well-understood themes of Spider remedies include a
sense of hurry, neurological disturbances, sensitivity to sound,
music or vibration, joint problems and amelioration from Coffee
and Cigarettes.
The archetype in author’s practice: Lack of
perception of fatigue, Relationship and sexual difficulties,
Extreme activity, Awareness of suffering, Travel far and often,
Well educated and Serious.
24. Facing Dreaded Ordeals
Remedies for Stage Fright, Test anxiety, Fear of Flying
and more
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 9/2004)
This column is about using Homeopathy to help one
deal with the fears, dreads and anxieties encountered when
facing difficult or painful situations. These might include
medical appointments, academic examinations, public speaking,
legal proceedings, etc.
Indications for Argentum nitricum, Gelsemium and
Aconite are given.
25. My Favorite “Exam Remedy”, Fool’s Parsley
WINSTON, Julian (HT. 24, 9/2004)
Aethusa person is afraid that they will forget what
they know. Often, they do know the material, but when they get
to the exam their mind goes blank; they cannot dredge the
material up.
26. Vaccine Shortage!
Steps you can take to prevent the Flu
MESSER, Stephen A. (HT. 24, 9/2004)
There is a severe shortage of Influenza immunization
this year in the USA. To reduce the risk of catching this
infectious disease, eat sensibly, get enough sleep, cut back on
stress, take your vitamins, wash your hands frequently and for at
least 20 seconds.
As a preventive, Influenzinum or Oscillococcinum.
Another method is ‘genus epidemicus’ prescribing.
27. Homeopathy “awesome” for Flu
ROUHANI, Shidfar (HT. 24, 9/2004)
After returning from student clinic, the author felt
more tired than usual. Next day all the typical flu-like
symptoms: joint pain, muscle pain, weakness and fever. Just
wanted to stay in bed. On moving joints hurt a lot initially and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
hurt less once he got moving. Dr. MESSER prescribed Rhus
toxicodendron every two hours. By morning joint pains gone
and fever gone by noon.
28. Homeopathy and the Flu
A Proven Track Record against the Flu
What Homeopathy can do for you
NEUSTAEDTER, Randall (HT. 24, 9/2004)
This article is an excerpt from the book FLU:
Alternative Treatments and Prevention by the author.
Most Flu seasons and epidemics fit a common
homeopathic remedy’s symptom profile so the majority will
benefit from genus epidemicus.
For at least the past 150 years, homeopathic
practitioners have used Influenzinum as a Flu preventive.
Oscillococcinum used to treat the Flu has been
subjected to clinical trials in France in 1987 and in Germany in
1990. Both studies show a significant curative effect of the
homeopathic medicine in the treatment of Flu in carefully
conducted, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials.
Indications for Gelsemium, Bryonia, Rhus
toxicodendron and Baptisia are given.
29. Preventing and Treating the Flu
A Natural Medicine Perspective
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 9/2004)
General recommendations for Flu prevention:
Plenty of rest and enough water.
Reduce refined sugar in diet.
Increase fruits and vegetables.
Continue regular exercise.
Wash hands often, especially before eating.
Supplements for prevention:
Vitamin C, 1000mg t.d.s.
Beta carotene 25,000 IU per day.
Zinc 15 mg per day.
Vitamin E 400 IU per day.
Treating the Flu naturally:
Hot Epsom salt baths.
Hot water bottle.
Gentle massage
Bromelain (Enzyme).
Vegetable or chicken broth.
Case: Jana, 42 years complained of vague
headache and over all body aches. Head felt heavy
and pain in occiput. Dozing. Dull expression and
deep exhaustion, and heavy eyes. Gelsemium 30
several doses on first day and 200 next day. By the
end of the week recovered.
30. “Go-getter” goes down with the Flu
GAHLES, Nancy (HT. 24, 9/2004)
The author’s 14-year-old daughter felt
exhausted, after coming home from school. The
night before her hand was trembling. Eyes half
shut. Low-grade fever.
Gelsemium 30, three doses. She slept much.
Following day much improved.
31. Winter Solstice
Remedies to Consider at Holidays
GAHLES, Nancy (HT. 24, 9/2004)
The indications for Arsenicum album, Ignatia
amara, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica and
Coffea cruda are given for use during the holidays.
32. Pneumokokkensepsis
(Pneumococcus Sepsis)
BÜNDNER, Marten (ZKH. 49, 2/2005)
This case illustrates well classical
Homeopathy. 70-year-old male. Diagnosed
unclear abdomen and suspected Myocardial Infarct,
as Emergency referred to the Clinic on 17-3-2002.
Since 15-03-2002, suffering severe abdominal
pain, intensively in mornings and evenings. When
inquired about possible cause, he said his ailment
was due to a mental cause. His son wanted to
migrate to America. He was not accepting this idea
and this caused him much sadness.
He had pains in the right hypochondrium and
in the middle abdomen. Lying on side was better.
There was also an internal restlessness. The family
Doctor has given Nitrolingual Pumpspray, which
made him confused. He said the Myocardial Infarct
was suspected because he complained of pain in the
left chest and he recalled that it was after he became
aggrieved on knowing that his son had planned to
migrate to America on 12-03-2002. He spoke very
slowly which was not his normal.
Further diagnosis: a severe Vertebral Column
Syndrome, a Dilatative Cardiomyopathy, a
Hypertensive Heart Disease, Kidney Insufficiency,
Arterial Hypertension, a Latent Hyperthyroidism,
Arrhythmia. Temp.40.8ºC.
He was examined: X-ray, ECG, blood tests.
Phosphorus 30 one dose (Ailments from Care,
Sadness; Speech, slow; Restless, internal; Warmth
agg; Lying, on side amel; morning and evening).
Symptoms verified with G.H.G. JAHR’s
Ausführliche Arzneimittellehre”, HERING’S
Guiding Symptoms”.
Few minutes after taking the medicine, he
began to sweat profusely, drops of sweat on his
face, he felt so hot and wanted to uncover. Fever
38.8ºC. Shortly after this slept well. Few hours
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
later his temperature had completely normalized.
No antibiotics given. Remained well on succeeding
days. He was astounded at the speed of his
recovery. In the subsequent days his Bilirubin
came to normal. Kidney parameters improved, the
Gamma-GT values came down.
In the meanwhile his Blood test revealed
Pneumococci and the diagnosis was a Sepsis
(Leucocytosis). Retrospectively, he has passed
through a Septicemia due to Pneumococci. After
thorough examination, it was concluded that
Phosphorus has removed the Sepsis thoroughly.
33. A Case of Haemophilia
SRINIVASAN K.S. (ZKH. 49, 2/2005)
Patients with Haemophilia rarely get
homeopathic treatment. A Case is presented in
which the frequency of administration of
Coagulation Factor VIII could be reduced already
after one year of treatment. [This patient, when last
seen about six months ago, remains well without
Factor VIII. = KSS]
34. Insight into § 84 Keeping Silence himself ...
Falguni K. (HL. 17, 1/2004)
A 50 year-old man, presented with Urticaria to the point of
dermographia in mid 1997. Urticaria started after application of
hair dye. He has gone through much stress and grief and had
right Nephrectomy in 1998, bilateral Hydrocele in 1987, burst
Appendix in 1990, and right Inguinal Hernia in 1996. Now red
wheals appear wherever there is a scratch. He is punctual and
his file neatly arranged. Frequent use of the phrase “against all
odds”. Great desire to succeed, an inner drive and
determination. Craving for fish.
Onchorynchus tschawytscha 30 (Salmon) on
14.6.1997 and then in ascending scale up to 33
potency and later 200 in ascending scale up to 204
potency till mid 1999. In 2000 & 2001, infrequent
doses of 1M up to 3M.
The sensitivity of his skin has disappeared. The
author quotes § 84 and concludes that the most important thing
required when receiving a case is ‘Silence’.
[There is lot of ‘inferences’ speculations in the
article. And whatever may be the story, 4 years, for
the patient to be ‘restored’! Can we call it ‘rapid’?
= KSS].
35. I Cannot Move my Life Forward
A Case of Salmon – Onchorynchus
SHARFSTEIN, Catherine (HL. 17, 1/2004)
A large woman, extremely overweight,
consulted for pain in knees and feet. Much pain
especially when getting up from a sitting position
and other problem is rosaceae. A series of
questions (84 in all) were asked. The questions
framed from her answers and when the patient
connected her physical pathology with her deepest
delusion confluent point, the case was finished.
The patient got up and 70% of hurt was less (!).
Then she was given a dose of Onchorynchus 30 and
was repeated 6 times.
The case confirmed what was revealed in the
Jeremy SHERR proving of Salmon: Going in
circles, going upstream, going to the roots, going
[This again is a tedious, long interview. I do
not know how many patients would stand this kind
of interview. An answer by the patient is put back
to the patient as a question and again answer to that
is used to raise another: e.g.
The patient says: “My feet were trying hard, like
they were a tons of bricks.” Q: Describe “tons of
bricks.” A.: “… they hurt so much”. Q: Explain
“They hurt so much”. A.: “…I had to concentrate
to put one foot in front of another”. Q.: Tell me
more about “putting one foot in front of another”….
and so on and so on. After 50 such questions and
answers, the patients says “It’s like Salmon … “ At
this point I knew the remedy. The patient gave it to
me on a platter. …” Eureka! The patient has
diagnosed his remedy. It’s Salmon! Great
Homeopathy. Now another 30 questions and
answers follow. At the end the remedy is ‘Salmon’.
In the previous article of “Insight into § 84” you are
asked to be silent and the authors take great pains to
speak of the virtues of ‘silence’. Here in the next
article is the Socratic dialogue! No examination
with regard to any location, modality etc. Don’t
bother about generals, particulars, or peculiar, rare
symptom etc.
Incidentally the patient is still on the medicine.
How come a case report is presented before a
treatment is over? = KSS].
36. A Case of Sturge Weber’s Syndrome
VIJAYKAR, Praful (HL. 17, 1/2004)
A girl with Haemangioma above her lip on right side,
palate, cheek and in right eye, closing it. When she was ten days
old, had vomiting and diarrhoea from milk, was hospitalized and
stopped with allopathic medicines. After this, the child started
having lachrymation and eye drops were used. After the first
month, she developed small spots on her face. At two months of
age had projectile vomiting and started getting convulsions.
After the age of two to three months, Haemangiomas increased
rapidly. Mother had hysterical fits because of a stillborn baby.
The child has shuddering from noise, rage, and obstinacy, with
convulsions and with urination. She moves ahead with much
force and pressure.
CT Scan: Intracranial Vascular Malformation.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Analysis: The disease had gone easily from
endoderm i.e. gastric hypersensitivity to mesoderm
i.e. tumors of blood cells. The speed of the disease
and the reaction to suppression was also too fast.
Hysterical and syco-syphilitic traits. Moschus 200.
In the next 15 days, convulsions and fainting
stopped, which was the first indication of regress of
the intra cranial lesions. The right eye started
opening by the end of the month. The lesions
disappeared first from the eye, then from under the
eye, then from right side of nose and then of upper
Moschus 200 repeated 3-4 times a year for the
first three years and then three doses of 1M in two
Her face had to lose a set of muscles of the
right side. (Where Haemangioma was present).
[What was the age of the child when she came for
treatment? What is the follow-up period? Did the
muscles that she lost, did not grow at all? Did the
physician plan to do something to restore the facial
muscles? = KSS]
37. A Case of Orbital Haemangioma
SANKARAN, Rajan (HL. 17, 1/2004)
48-year-old man with Orbital Haemangioma
consulted on 19.11.2001. Through step-by-step
questions from holding on to chief complaint
following was arrived at.
There was the compulsion to be perfect and to
perform and accomplish and his chief complaint could affect
these. The performance and perfection were often required in
situations that had to do with something new, and something
dangerous and in order to maintain his performance in these
situations, he needed to be in full control. That would give him
the acknowledgement that he needed so he would not feel
Argentum nitricum LM 3 on 20.11.01.
10.01.02: Feeling better. Argentum nitricum LM4.
26.03.02: Major reduction in the size of the
swelling by 90%. – MRI. Argentum nitricum LM4.
08.08.02: Anxiety and stress levels have reduced.
Argentum nitricum LM6.
17.09.02: Continue LM6.
On questioning, what difference has the
medicine made to you, he felt calmer, peace. No
anxiety. Not much of worry. Good feeling. [The
patient is still on medicine, i.e. not ‘cured’.
Probably this case is reported more to explain the
latest methodology of Dr. Rajan SANKARAN and
the good results. = KSS].
38. A Case Treated on the Basis of Miasms and
GANDHI, Mahesh (HL. 17, 1/2004)
A 42-year-old female with Eczema on thumb
and toes and quite a few cracks on her feet. Since
childhood afraid of the dark, dead bodies and
ghosts. She was also superstitious. Conflicts
regarding God. After the birth of her daughter,
developed obsessive symptoms. She was afraid of
Cancer. Stramonium in various potencies did not
The desire to be in perfect control indicating
Cancer Miasm and the sensations of Solanaceae
family, indicated Tabacum and 1MK was given on
16.02.02. Two more doses on 28.06.02 and
08.07.02 when her obsessive symptoms flared up.
After seven months much better. Remains
positive most of the time. Compulsions have
stopped completely. Eczema got aggravated a bit
initially, but now it is 80 to 90% less. The Eczema
is there still an year later but it “negligible”. [Why
are cases reported in which the complete ‘cure’ has
not occurred? Is it right to claim a ‘cure’ when it
has not been totally healed? A case is ‘cured’ only
if it has been “rooted out” according to
said that one has to wait for two years at least to
verify that the cure was lasting before reporting it in
a journal. = KSS]
39. A New Dimension
A Case of Nitricum acidum
SHAH, Priti (HL. 17, 1/2004)
A 38-year-old male with headache of twenty
years duration, coming on anytime with a sensation
of imbalance, worse looking down or hanging head
down. Vertigo coming for a few seconds during
mental tension. Recurrent pustular discharge from
ears after being slapped by teacher at the age of
eight. Never forgives. Takes revenge.
Sympathetic disposition for those who are suffering
and sick. Ambitious to earn lot of wealth.
Attached to family and relatives. Loves meditation.
Recurrent ulceration of the mouth. Painful.
Nitricum acidum 200, 1 dose. 15 days later
better. No more headache, no ear discharge.
After 7 months: Ear discharge only watery,
aphthae better. Memory still weak. Nitricum
acidum 200, one dose.
After one year: All complaints much better.
Remedy repeated. [Why? In this case too the
patient was still under treatment. How does one
know whether there was a relapse of the headache
and/or ear discharge? = KSS]
40. Failure: A Foundation for Success
A Case of Oxalicum acidum
SHAH, Prashant (HL. 17, 1/2004)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Y.D., age two with chronic cough and cold, chronic
diarrhoea, poor hair growth, excessive desire to eat lime,
bedwetting and habit of biting nails. Past history of frequent and
severe diarrhoea.
Tympanitic abdomen. Craving for oranges and
grapes which aggravate his physical problems.
Calcarea phosphorica in various potencies only
relieved. Then Corallium rubrum, not of much help.
In the rubric fruits aggravate, China, Ox-ac and
Verat. alb are given. In the textbook of Pharmacology, it was
written that the main antidote for Oxalic acid is chalk.
Oxalic acid 200 on 16
February 1998. Diarrhoea
stopped immediately. Cough and cold subsided and desire for
lime considerably reduced. Medicine was repeated during
relapses till February 2002. Good hair growth, destructiveness
vanished. [This case is refreshing among the many speculative,
tortuous ones. = KSS]
41. Love for Approbation
A Case of Rosa damascena
SHAH, Priti (HL. 17, 1/2004)
A six-year-old girl with earache and fever since three
years of age. Sneezing with discharge from nose and mouth.
Pain in legs, abdomen and head during fever. Jealous,
demanding as well as caring for sick. Constipation. Spitting
during fever. Feels she is more beautiful than others. Strong
aversion to be touched by anyone. Throws in anger. She loves
roses. Loves being appreciated. Rosa damascena 30 one dose.
A week later: Stomach pain and constipation better.
Better than before. One dose repeated.
Two weeks later: All complaints better.
Two months later: Relapse. One more dose.
Eight months later: Needed only one repetition.
Absolutely fine.
[There is no bibliographical data of the Proving.
Some ‘points’ from the ‘Proving’ by Dr. Chetna SHUKLA is
given. That does not make it a Materia Medica of Rosa
damascena = KSS].
42. Too Bothered about Family Image!
A Case of Kali silicatum
GUJJAR, Bipin (HL. 17, 1/2004)
Mrs. G., age 35, consulted for diarrhoea since the age
of five. Watery yellowish stool, with extreme weakness, vertigo,
flatulence and pain. Cramps in calves, worse when stretching.
Lumbar back pain worse in winter. Occipital headache from
exposure to sun. She is very sensitive about her family and is
very image conscious.
Kali silicatum 1M, one dose on April 11, 2001.
Two weeks later, no tiredness. No cramps.
In the next 18 months, relapse only from overeating.
Subsiding with Sac lac. No problems. [The ‘essence’ or ‘theme’
of the this synthetic remedy – synthesized by Jan SCHOLTEN –
has been given. = KSS]
43. A Miracle of the Infinitessimal
MAMGAIN (CCR. 12, 2/2005)
Female infant 15 days old, who was continuously
crying. Extensive inflammation of her left upper arm and left
scapula with much swelling. Pus was running out from a
number of openings, two quite large. This condition only since
four days. There were numerous angry boils like all over her
back especially over the lumbar region.
Anthracinum 30 four hourly, six powders. Next day
noticeable improvement; the child was comparatively at ease.
Anthracinum 30 continued t.d.s. Eight days later, still better;
further four days same medicine. In the meanwhile a new
eruption came up, burst and discharged pus. One month from
the date of the first prescription all healed. Ten days further
child in good health, skin normal.
44. Bilateral Sacralization and Spina Bifida
MISHRA S.C. (CCR. 12, 2/2005)
17.04.2004: 28-year-old male health worker. Pain
left thigh, joint, flexing difficult; walking < pain. Earlier h/o fall
on back from roof of his house injuring his right buttock. TB
Arthritis right hip. July 1992 diagnosed bilateral Sacralization
and Spina Bifida.
Rhus toxicodendron, Lycopodium were given over a
period of 7 months and patient is able to attend to his normal
[What is baffling in this case is the repetition of
Rhus-t. M daily one dose for about 2 weeks. Similarly
Lycopodium 200 and then M, for several days! This is baffling.
What long-lasting deeper actions that may come up in due
course over a period of time, who can tell? That the patient has
been relieved of his suffering for which he approached the
Physician does not validate such practices. The effects of such
repetition of high potencies will be known long, long time later
= KSS]
45. A Case of Uterine Fibroid and Homeopathic Approach
D’SOUZA, Vilma (CCR. 12, 2/2005)
32-year-old female teacher with Uterine Fibroid.
Pain abdomen < during menses, walking, exertion, lying down;
amel. night. Menses irregular, profuse, dark and clotted.
Concomitants: backache, weakness, constipation, less urine
Irritable, weepy; pain lower abdomen during sex. No
child! Hypogastrium tender.
Thuja XM; on 06.03.1998. After menses stops,
Pulsatilla 200, t.d.s. for 3 days.
On 18.03.1998: Natrum muriaticum 200 HS weekly.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
27.03.1998: No complaints.
22.04.1998: Thuja XM. HS.
Natrum muriaticum 200
15.06.1998: Natrum muriaticum 200
46. A Case of Fibroid Uterus
DEY M. (CCR. 12, 2/2005)
28-year-old female, mother of three children.
Occasional cramping pain in Hypogastrium. Malaria at 11-year
age. Vesicular eruption at 23-year age.
Natrum muriaticum 200/2 doses.
After nearly 3 months, Sepia 200/2 doses. Few
months later, Medorrhinum 200/2 doses.
Subsequent scan shows negative for Fibroid. [Why
every prescription two doses? What reasoning? = KSS]
47. A Case of Hypertension
DEY M. (CCR. 12, 2/2005)
61-year-old retired bank employee. Essential
Hypertension, on anti-hypertensives. Very pessimistic.
Tendency to cold, tickling cough < night. Occasional mild
frontal headaches. Koch’s lung at 25 years. Vaccinosis.
Craving salt.
Tuberculinum 200 on 19.07.2003.
06.09.2003: Conjunctivitis; Belladonna
30/6 one in 3 hours.
08.03.2004: Dry cough: Bryonia 30/6.
13.04.2004: Aphthous mouth: Merc. sol.
30/3 doses.
07.08.2004: Cough, Tuberculinum M.
Is not taking any drugs. Much better in all aspects.
48. Mind and Miracle
TULPULE, Ravindra (CCR. 12, 2/2005)
Four cases treated on “Sehgal’s Method.”
Meeting the ‘Lion of Homeopathy’
Interview with Dr. Praful VIJAYKAR.
THAKAR, Munjal (HL. 17, 1/2004)
Dr. Praful VIJAYKAR refused to provide a
single case to HL, as it does not represent ‘True
Homeopathy” where mind is given importance and
body is often neglected while prescribing remedy
and the cases presented does not follow HERING’s
Law. In his view: it is the basic genetic make up
i.e. the Genotype that is responsible for the defence
reactions of the organism. This is influenced by
inherited Miasm.
Miasm is a taint in the genetics of the individual and also is
a mode of defence for the organism. The miasmatic tendency is
reflected in the mode of defence adopted by the organism to deal
with the problem/stress (internal or external).
There are three fundamental functions of the
cell or organism.
1. Energy production
2. Reproduction
3. Defence in hostile situation
Psoric mode of defence is a breach in the
energy producing function; when this fails, there is
mode of accumulation, i.e. disturbed reproduction
of cells too much or too little this is the Sycotic
mode of defence. The last line of Syphilitic
defence is destruction [Are these in tune with
HAHNEMANN and later of J.H. ALLEN? = KSS]
The very reason for getting sporadic results in
deep pathology is the failure to recognize the
A genotype represents the basic innate
character of a person including will, intellect,
defence, speed etc.
A phenotype is actually the result of the
combination of the basic traits of the person in
reaction to external environment.
In VIJAYKAR’s opinion, ‘delusion’ represents
one’s tendency to produce a particular pattern of
thought and he takes it only as a guiding indication.
Right remedy is the one that will bring about a
cure in accordance with HERING’s Law’ with
mathematical certainty. He follows this
dogmatically and rigidly.
He explains this with basic laws of Bio-
energetics and Thermodynamics.
He follows certain criteria as curative
If the remedy given is a simillimum, the
following reactions should occur:
Disappearance of weakness (if any)
Normalisation of stamina and desire for work
Restoration of original desires and passion (for
e.g. to read, play, eat, study, wander, etc.)
Normalisation of sleep (without dreams)
Normalisation of appetite and stool
Increased tolerance to aggravating factors (e.g.
noise, sun, wind, cloudy weather, cold food, etc.)
Decreased sensitivity on the emotional plane
Tempering off of temper, reduction of fears,
and anxieties
Disappearance of symptoms from the higher
layer to the lower layer of disease, as well as the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
outward and downward direction of symptom
Reverse order for the disappearance of
One more corollary to this, which is my addition, is the
Downgrading of Miasm
There are some more aspects to which a lot of
importance is paid, in addition to those already mentioned.
In an attempt to cure a skin lesion, one must be
vigilant to watch for the appearance of dullness, giddiness, loss
of interest in work or sleep, reduced stamina, bad bowel
movements, loss of appetite, appearance of joint pains, sneezing
or burning urination. If any of these general symptoms appear, it
is a definite sign of suppression, and turning a blind-eye to such
‘trivial ill-defined generals’ will sooner or later manifest as full
blown disease of the respiratory system or the gastrointestinal
Very often disappearance of an eczematous skin
condition is followed by appearance of crops of boils/abscess
with fever and inflammation. This condition is a bad sign and
indicates a poor defence capacity of the body. We cannot justify
exteriorisation of illness with an increased susceptibility to
staphylococcus or streptococci. The right simillimum will make
all the tissues in the body immune to invasion by any
If in treating a skin condition (or any condition) there
are frequent relapses or the remedy needs frequent repetition,
this is sure sign of suppression.
In case of a circular skin lesion under treatment it
must heal from the periphery to the centre, i.e. during the course
of illness it must shrink in size. A disappearance of the circular
lesion in the opposite direction is a sure sign of suppression.
This is in contradiction to our expectations.
Similarly, if the condition of the patient demands
frequent repetition in spite of increasing the potency, it is again a
sign of suppression even if the disease disappears.
Appearance of gumboils or aphthous ulcers in the
mouth during the course of cure is a bad sign.
In cases where the pathology has advanced to a level
of incurability, one must not expect a complete disappearance of
the symptom according to HERING’s Laws. In such a case
what can best be achieved is a dampening of the destructive
effect of the Miasm and the body developing compensation by
producing a less morbid symptom on some other part of the
body, along with general improvement in all other natural habits,
tolerance and functioning of the patient. The physician then
must not tamper with these ‘new’ less morbid symptoms and
must instruct the patient against tampering with them.
His basis of gradation of importance is in accordance
with the embryological origin of the various systems of the
His approach to acute and emergency cases is
1. Mittel Verwechelungen und Fehleintragungen
in Repertorium und Materia Medica (Remedy
Confusions and wrong entries in Repertory and
Materia Medica)
(ZKH. 49, 2/2005)
Agaricus: Temperature and Weather: In open
air: … drowsiness”.
The Entries in the GS, EN, SR, Condensed
MM, BOGER (Synoptic Key) have all been
carefully examined and the conclusion is
“Drowsiness in Open, >” in p. 199 of GS.
Confusion of Carb-v/Carbn-s.
“Stomach, pain, pressing, beer after: Carb-v
(K521, KK. 3/502, CR. 1076).
Source verification: Materia Medica Pura,
Chronic Diseases, Encyclopedia, Guiding
Symptoms: no such symptom.
Carbn-s: “Pressure in stomach from whatever
he eats or drinks, even from beer and sugar” (EN,
Vol. 2, p. 623, Syn. 326)
“Pressure in stomach, with eructation of wind,
after drinking beer” (EN. Vol. 2, p.623, Syn. 327).
Evidently there is a confusion in the remedy
abbreviation and should be corrected as Stomach,
Pain, beer, after: Carbn-s.
Confusion fago/fagu:
“Fear, death of: fago(SR. Vol. I, p. 488, CR.
Source verification:
Fago: Entry originated from EN. Vol. 11, p. 444:
“Fear, death, fago.”
In the Materia Medica Part of Fagopyrum, EN.
Vol. 4, p. 277 such a symptom is not to be found.
Fagu: “On the fourth day after, I found him in great
pain, languid, and terrified with apprehension of
present death” (EN. Vol. 10, p.501).
Fago. Should therefore be corrected as fagu. In
SR. I. p. 488, as fagu.
CR. 189 and EN Vol. 11 p. 444.
Confusion gnaph/graph.
Gnaph.: In the Guiding Symptoms of C.
HERING, under Gnaphinum is the following
symptom: “Upper limbs, Feeling of debility in
anus with rheumatic pains” (GS. Vol. 5, p. 434).
In the next page 435, same book is given:
“Debility in arms” (GS. Vol. 5, p. 435). Here
is debility in arms not anus.
Source: Gnaph: Feeling of debility in the
arms, as if incapable of raising the lightest weights”
(EN. Vol. 4, p. 458, Sy. 55)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
“Feeling of debility in the arms, with
rheumatic-like pains” (E.M. HALE in MM and
Special Therapeutics of New Remedies, Vol. I, p.
The weak feeling is in the arms. Necessary
correction may be made in the GS. Vol 5, p. 434.
Confusion graph/gnaph:
“Irritability, stool after: graph(SR. Vol. I, p.
671, CR. 246) – Source STAUFFER
Sources: “Stool complaints, after passing;
restlessness; nit-ac; (excited): graph, rheum
(STAUFFER: Symptomen verzeichnis p. 491).
“Irritable, excitable” (STAUFFER, p. 32)
graph is not given there.
Also in the rubric “Excitable” (p. 416)
STAUFFER has not given graph.
Appropriate symptom is not to be found in the
CD, GS and EN.
But if looked under Gnaphalium in ALLEN, it
is found: “very irritable for two or three days, after
the diarrhoea” (EN, Vol. 4, p. 456, Syn. 1)
Also HALE but instead of “after” he mentions
“Diarrhoeic discharges in morning and during
the day with irritable temper” (HALE, Vol. I, p.
“Outer head, sore feeling as if bruised in back
part of head > on stooping” (GS, Vol. 5, p. 532)
that is stooping amel.
But it is not subsequently endorsed in the same
“Rest, Position, Motion: Stooping: Vertigo into
nausea; stupefying headache; sore feeling in back
part of head <” (GS, Vol.5, p.538). Here stooping
is given as agg., not amel.
KENT Rep. “Head, pain, stooping: hell. (K.
“Head, Pain, sore, occiput, stooping: hell.
Source: Head ache, as if beaten, in the occiput,
particularly when stooping” (MMP. Vol.3, p.205,
Sy 2).
ALLEN Headache as bruised in the occiput,
especially on stooping” (EN, Vol.4, p.551, Sy 138)
Consequently GS, Vol.5, p.532, the modality
should be corrected as < on stooping.
In BOGER’s Synoptic Key p.260
“Shattering cough; from a spot in Larynx; with
lumbar stitch, > cold”.
PHATAK “Cough, shattering: from a dry spot
in Larynx, with stitching pain in Lumbar region <
cold, winter.” (PHATAK, Materia Medica p.428).
Source: nit.ac.: “Stitching in the lumbar back
when he coughs” (CD. Sy. 942)
“Back pain after least cold” (CD, Sy. 944)
HERING has verified this symptom clinically
this modality: “Pain in small of back; drawing; as if
stiff; from cold; ….” (GS. Vol.8, p.65).
aggravation, cold, taking after: nit-ac. (BB. p. 801)
In view of these corrections should be made in
BOGER’s Synoptic Key, as “< cold”.
Confusion Nux-v/Nux-m.
“Ear pain, wind and rain: nux-v.” (K 306,CR
Source: nux-v.: no confirming entry in the
Nux-m: “Pain in Eustachian tube as from a
foreign body before wind and rain (GS, Vol.8,
And in the source book:
“Temperature and weather: wind and rain: pain
in ears” (GS, Vol. 8, p.99).
“While sitting in a wagon, towards evening just
before storm of wind and rain, he experienced a
painful sensation of heat, extending from within the
ear towards the posterior wall of the Pharynx (tuba
Eustachii), almost as if a rough body had lodged
there, and had to be pressed out forcibly; the
sensation began first in the posterior wall of the
Pharynx, afterwards in the ear and at last extended
to the buccal cavity” (EN, Vol. 7, p.68, Sy.160)
Nux-v. should therefore be corrected as nux-m.
1. Das Unternehmen Deutsche Homöopathie-
Union (The Firm Deutsche Homöopathie-
(ZKH. 49, 2/2005)
This article provides a summary of the history,
the range of products and the manufacturing
principles of Deutsche Homöopathie-Union (DHU).
Deutsche Homöopathic-Union is the largest
pharmaceutial manufacturer of Homeopathic and
Biochemical preparations in Germany. The
company supplies not only a comprehensive
selection of homeopathic single drug and complex
drugs but also biochemic drugs according to Dr.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
1. Constitutional Prescribing for Pets
A Condensed Guide to Case taking and
Selection of Remedies
KOPATSY, Diana (Similia 17, 1/2005)
This article explores some important factors in
successful constitutional prescribing for pets. It is the aim of a
practitioner to strive to improve the pet’s mental, emotional and
physical health.
The difficulties in pet case taking include
relying on owner for accurate and detailed
information. Valuable information can be gained
by observing the animal in his/her environment. It
is important to identify the owner’s feelings about
the pet’s reaction and feelings.
Facts must be derived from observable
behaviours and these need to be interpreted with
The correct interpretation can only be
ascertained by thoroughly observing the pet under a
number of similar and different conditions and by
observing the pet’s behaviour in general.
To prescribe constitutionally, it is imperative
that the practitioner has some understanding and
knowledge about each species anatomy,
physiology, disease and behaviour. Understanding
seemingly perplexing behaviour is critical to pet
case taking.
Four polycrests are compared with reference to
the behaviour displayed in pets and common
Grief Clinging close to a family member,
withdrawal, lack of appetite, disinterest in usually
enjoyed activities, Desire to be with the dead
person (visiting grave), disobedience, whimpering,
Hysteria – Running about wildly, Yapping,
snapping and desire to bite oneself.
Aversion to consolation Shunning the company
of family members.
Aggravation from kind words/actions.
Common Themes
Ailments from grief; Hysterical reactions,
worse for consolation.
Sympathy: Clinging close to a family member.
Taking on the emotions of the other
Sociability: Greeting a visitor enthusiastically.
Being curious about the visitor.
Desire to spend time with others and a
dislike of being alone. Licking liked
Separation anxiety: Destruction of property,
digging and chewing.
Vocalisations eg. howling.
Restlessness eg. Running in
Urinating in the house.
Anxiety: The above four symptoms and concentration difficult.
Submissive body language eg. Tail down. Desire to escape.
Common themes: Excitability;
Reactions to thunder.
Anxiety when left alone
Enjoys being comforted
Loquacity: Barking excessively or other
Jealousy: Muscling in closer to the pack leader.
Standing over another pet/human.
Attacking another pet/human.
Taking toys away.
Common themes: Loquacity, Domineering, Throat
restriction, Suffocation and Jealousy.
Lack of self-confidence and
want of grit: Clinging close to a family
Lack of appetite.
Seeking reassurance form
Submissive body language.
Fear to go into other’s territory.
Fear of new situations or persons.
Timidity leading to aggression.
Obstinacy: Disobedience – selective deafness.
Difficulty to train.
Refusal to eat certain foods.
Regurgitation of medications.
Seeking warmth: Getting close to the fire, heater
Snuggling close to others.
Curling into a ball.
2. Llama Stories
How Homeopathy helped them get back on
HARRISON, Betsy (HT. 24, 7/2004)
Sun trail, is a seven year-old male Llama, difficult to
catch and halter. Distrustful, tense and sensitive to being
touched. Hard knot on left side of neck, with a central Crater.
Matted and hardened over the lesion. Silicea 30, 3 times a day
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
for 3 days did not help. A week later, became aggressive and
attacked another male Llama.
Highly agitated if the matted fur is lifted. Hepar
sulph 30. Next day calmer, relaxed, easier to halter. 3 weeks
later relapse and another dose given. No change.
Hepar sulph 200 and no problem.
Interestingly Black Hawk, which was attacked by
Sun trail turned aggressive and Staphysagria 30 brought back to
its previous easy-going nature.
Katie was an 8-year-old female Llama, when she
birthed Wally. At 5-6 weeks, he was trying to nurse constantly
but Katie was spitting at him and walking away. On
observation, no milk from Katie’s udder. Calcarea carbonica
200. The morning afterwards, Wally was nursing greedily and
continued for next five months.
In the following months, Katie’s coat, which had
been quite rough and coarse, became smoother softer and silkier.
3. A Puppy in Extreme Pain after Surgery
The Vet had no Answers: Homeopathy did
HYDE, Rosemary C. (HT. 24, 8/2004)
Deva, a six-month-old Maltese puppy had spayed
surgery. Severe pain not > by opiates. Three doses of Arnica
did not help. Next day unable to sit or lie down, unresponsive
refusing to eat or drink. Aconite 200 – for the shock had
immediate effect, bringing back to conscious presence.
Deva began to walk, but her hind legs retracted
spasmodically into her abdomen on attempting to move. She
continued to be in great pain, licking groins on both sides.
Hypericum, Bellis perennis, Phytolocca – not of much help.
Based on the observable symptoms and repertorisation Nux
vomica 12. Within 5 minutes transformed into her normal self
with no remaining pain or spasms. One dose each on next days
as there was mild relapse.
In the next 6 months, one dose of 30 and 200
whenever there was a spasm.
1. The Latest Research into Long-term
GOLDEN, Issac (Similia, 17, 1/2005)
The purpose of the article is to share the major
findings of the long-term research with readers.
The author has recently completed a 4-year
Doctoral research program at Swinburne University
examining different aspects of this subject.
The overall effectiveness of the long-term
program was 90.4%. Seven different tests were
performed on the data to further support the
findings and validated the findings of effectiveness.
The long-term safety of the program was firstly
tested by examining comments by parents of
children regarding the general health of their child.
The result was 92.3% positive and 7.7% negative.
2. Effect of Fortification of Mulberry Leaves with
the Homeopathic Drug, Chelidonium on
Bombyx Mori
HIWARE C.J. (SIM. XVIII, 1 & 2/2005)
The Mulberry Silk worm Vth instar larvae
were fed on the Mulberry leaves fortified with the
homeopathic drug, Chelidonium mother tincture.
Its impact on the larval weight, mortality, during
rearing and while spinning, cocoon weight, pupal
weight, shell ratio %, average filament length,
average weight of filament, average denier of
filament and No. of breakages during reeling were
investigated during the period of experimentation.
The results were positive in all the parameters
under study except cocoon weight and pupal
3. Research Development in Homeopathy: A
Question of Methods and Priorities
MATHIE, Robert T.
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
Excellence in homeopathic research means more
than addressing standard methodological issues – it requires that
the research ask a question that is relevant to the therapy and that
the study design and conclusions from the data are both
appropriate and wise. The importance of clinical observational
studies and pilot trials should be highlighted as prerequisites for
more definitive clinical investigation.
The National Institutes of Health (U.K.)
intimated their support for the principle that
standards of research in Complementary Medicine
must equate to those in Conventional Medicine.
But we need to define the terms of this ‘equation’
as they apply to Homeopathy. [The ‘standards’ are
set by the Conventional Medicine, whose mind set
in so far as Homeopathy is concerned, is negative.
The ‘standard’ will always be set in such a way that
it cannot be satisfied. = KSS]
4. Adjunctive Homeopathic Treatment in
Patients with Severe Sepsis: A Randomized,
Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial in an
Intensive Care Unit
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Background: Mortality in patients with severe
sepsis remains high despite the development of several
therapeutic strategies. The aim of this randomized, double-
blind, placebo-controlled trial was to evaluate whether
Homeopathy is able to influence long-term outcome in critically
ill patients suffering from severe sepsis.
Methods: Seventy patients with severe sepsis
received homeopathic treatment (n=35) or placebo
(n=35). Five globules in a potency of 200c were
given at 12h interval during the stay at the Intensive
Care Unit. Survival after a 30 and 180 days was
Results: Three patients (2 Homeopathy, 1
placebo) were excluded from the analyses because
of incomplete data. All these patients survived.
Baseline characteristics including age, sex, BMI,
prior conditions, APACHE II score, signs of sepsis,
number of organ failures, need for mechanical
ventilation, need for vasopressors or veno-venous
hemofiltration, and laboratory parameters were not
significantly different between groups. On day 30,
there was non-statistically significantly trend of
survival in favour of Homeopathy (verum 81.8%,
placebo 67.7%, P = 0.19). On day 180, survival
was statistically significantly higher with verum
Homeopathy (75.8% vs 50.0%, P = 0.043). No
adverse effects were observed.
Conclusion: Our data suggest that
homeopathic treatment has a beneficial effect on
the long-term survival of patients with severe
Sepsis, Further research is required before making
firm recommendations. The lack of trained
homeopaths available to advise on treatment on
ICUs is an important constraint to further research
and implementation.
5. Comparative Efficacy of Homeopathic and
Allopathic Systems of Medicine in the
Management of Clinical Mastitis of Indian
Dairy Cows
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
Mastitis is the major problem of dairy animals
despite a number of preventive and therapeutic approaches.
Treatment is costly and out of reach of farmers of developing
countries like India. The treatment cost of bovine Mastitis with
conventional treatment has been calculated. Good results have
been claimed with homeopathic treatment however, treatment
costs are not available. This article reports the treatment
economics of homeopathic drugs conventional drugs for the
management of bovine Mastitis.
Ninety-six mastitic quarters (non-fibrosed 67
and fibrosed 29) were treated with a homeopathic
combination medicine. Another 96 quarters with
acute Mastitis (non-fibrosed) treated with different
antibiotics were included in the study. The animals
were selected from dairy farm of the Indian
Veterinary Research Institute and from private
dairy farms. The overall effectiveness of
homeopathic combination medicine in the
treatment of acute non-fibrosed Mastitis was 86.6%
with a mean recovery period of 7.7 days (range 3-
28), and total cost of therapy as Indian Rupees 21.4
(Є0.39, US$0.47). The corresponding cure rate for
the antibiotic group was 59.2% with a mean
recovery period of 4.5 days (range 2-15) and an
average treatment cost of Rs. 149.20 (Є2.69,
US$3.28). We conclude that the combination of
Phytolacca, Calcarea fluorica, Silica, Belladonna,
Bryonia, Arnica, Conium and Ipecacuanha
(Healwell VT-6) was effective and economical in
the management of Mastitis in lactating dairy cows.
6. Histamine at High Dilution Reduces Spectral
Density in Delta Band in Sleeping Rats
ORDAZ L. (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
Histamine is a central neurotransmitter, it
increases arousal via H
receptors. This study
examines the effect of ultra-diluted histamine on
arousal through changes in the sleep pattern of
Wistar rats. The spectral density in delta (0.5-2.5
Hz) band, one of the three major spectral
components of the sleep-electroencephalogram,
was analyzed against time. Rats were randomized
to receive histamine 30c (histamine 30c, 0.05 ml
every 20 min during the first 2h orally), histamine
intraperitoneal pre-treatment/histamine 30c
(histamine 6 mg/kg i.p., followed by histamine 30c)
or solvent control. The mean delta band spectral
density was lower in the histamine 30c and
histamine pretreatment/histamine 30c groups than
the control group. Significant differences between
histamine 30c and baseline during the first 2h imply
an immediate effect. These results also suggest a
dynamic process in which the system
spontaneously evolves between two locally
stationary states according to a power law. From
the time perspective, the system approaches,
asymptomatically, an equifinal state.
7. Presentiment or Entanglement?
An Alternative Explanation for Apparent
Entanglement in Provings
Michael E.
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
A number of authors have recently discussed the
possible role of entanglement in Homeopathy. Walach et al
have published a homeopathic proving which they interpreted
as demonstrating entanglement between placebo and verum
groups in a proving. The lack of a ‘run-in’ period was a
weakness of this trial.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
We present further results of our proving of
Belladonna which show that subjects who reported
symptoms during the placebo run-in-period
(‘presentiment provers’) were more likely to report
symptoms during the treatment period. This data
suggests and the observations of Walach et al may
be explicable by conventional mechanisms
including differential reporting and constitutional
8. Entangled – and Tied in Knots!
Practical Consequences of an Entanglement
Model for Homeopathic Research and Practice
WALACH H. (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
The assertion that ‘local’ theories of
Homeopathy are traditional appears to be
contradicted by HAHNEMANN’s description of
the action of homeopathic medicines as spirit-
like’. Entanglement theory prohibits the use of
entangled states to convey information.
Experimental proof of entanglement can only come
indirectly. The implications for clinical research
include that positive results will probably be found
only in large series and that studies should avoid
imposing a causal framework.
9. The Sound of Two Hands Clapping:
Could Homeopathy Work Locally and Non
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
Homeopathy might require both local and
non-local mechanisms to describe fully its mode of
action. The increased prevalence of self-
prescribing does not necessarily refute the
possibility of non-local mechanisms.
The concept of Entanglement will need
deepening and broadening far beyond its explicit
and relatively simplistic formulation by orthodox
Quantum theory before it can be of practical value
to health practitioners.
10. Entanglement and Some Heretical thoughts
About Homeopathy
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
This paper proposes the emergent
entanglement theory of Homeopathy. This is
based on the lack of evidence that choice of
homeopathic medicine is important and predicts
links between effectiveness of homeopathic
medicines and their manufacturers. It predicts that
there will be a consistent variation, in terms of
outcome, between homeopaths, and between
medicines made by different manufacturers, but not
the specific homeopathic medicines prescribed.
This theory is potentially testable. [Actual practice
over several years by many homeopaths cannot
accept the theory, which is only an ‘arm-chair’
thinking. Homeopathy is practical therapeutics.
The word spiritual’ in Homeopathy used by
Samuel HAHNEMANN does not connote anything
mystical. One should read carefully
HAHNEMANN’s Essay The Spirit of
Homeopathic Medical Doctrine’ (1833) = KSS]
11. Priorities and Methods for Developing the
Evidence Profile of Homeopathy.
Recommendations of the ECH General
Assembly and XVIII Symposium of GIRI
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
To achieve scientific acceptance, Homeopathy
must investigate several questions:
1. The activity of very highly diluted preparations. The
consensus of the meeting was that there is clear evidence of this.
2. The content of very highly diluted
homeopathic preparations. More research is
needed but evidence exists that a specific signal is
present in homeopathic preparations.
3. A theoretical framework in which the effects of
homeopathic diluted preparations can be
explained. The ‘Body Information Theory” is such
a theory.
4. The clinical effectiveness of Homeopathy.
Because they avoid the placebo effect, animal
studies are a priority.
For human trials using Quality of Life questionnaires,
studies on the activity, content and theoretical basis of
homeopathic preparations were reviewed approximately 70% of
cases; more in children showed improvement. Homeopathy
reduced costs and allowed a better improvement in work-days
lost compared with conventional practice. Randomised
controlled trials (RCTs) implicity test the placebo hypothesis;
RCTs have been performed and meta-analyses conclude that
there is clear evidence of efficacy which cannot be attributed to
placebo effect.
Priorities depend on the audience. More
research is needed especially regarding the content
of homeopathic preparations and the transmission
of information. Theoretical issues are also
important to avoid incorrect design of research
protocols. More effort should be dedicated to
veterinary research. Clinical effects analysis in
humans remains important. Many others questions
should be prioritized, such as the potential of
Homeopathy to avoid invasive procedures in
children and the long-term effects of Homeopathy
in preventing chronic complications.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
1. Ein geübter und ernsthafter Augenzeuge – Zur Erinnerung
an Martin GUMPERT (1897 – 1955) (A Skilled and
Earnest Eyewitness – Recollection of Martin GUMPERT)
(1897 – 1955)
APPELL, Rainer (AHZ. 250, 3/2005)
While the 250
birth Anniversary of
HAHNEMANN was celebrated on 10
April 2005
in Berlin, the 50
death Anniversary of Martin
GUMPERT went more or less unnoticed.
GUMPERT had something to do with
Homeopathy and his work is recalled here.
Martin GUMPERT was born on November 13,
1897 in Berlin. His parents were considered
Prussian liberalists and were German-Jews. His
father was an enthusiastic Western Humanist.
After his School Leaving he was Medical Orderly
between 1916 and 1918 in Turkey. He was upset to
see the bestial way in which the Turkey troops
destroyed the Armenian people. He joined the
Socialist Students Party during the end of the
World War I and went on to study Medicine, which
raised certain questions in him. He attempted to
understand Man in his psychic multiplicity and
“read many mystic and romantic literature:
Early 1919 he went to study in Heidelberg, and in
1921 he wrote the State Examination in Berlin. He graduated in
1923 and in the same year he married Charlotte BLASCHKO,
the daughter of a renowned Dermatologist and President of the
Dermatological Society, Prof. Alfred BLASCHKO.
BLASCHKO was a leading Social historian and he was co-
worker of Paul EHRLICH, who experimented in his Practice
Salvarsan (Arsenic). He worked in the following years in the
Dermatology section of the Rudolf-Virchow-Hospital in Berlin
and was in charge of section for Sexual Diseases in children, etc.
In 1933 his wife expired. Two years later
GUMPERT arranged for his emigration to America with his
daughter. He went to America and opened his Dermatology
Practice in 1936 in New York. On 18 April 1955 he expired.
GUMPERT’s famous writing work was a
biography of HAHNEMANN titled
HAHNEMANN Die abenteurlischen schicksale
eines ärztlichen Rebellen und seiner Lehre der
Homöopathie (HAHNEMANN, The
adventurous Destiny of a Medical Rebel and his
Teaching, Homeopathy) published in 1934 by
S.FISCHER in Berlin. This biography of
HAHNEMANN is singularly rich in knowledge
and beautifully written. After GUMPERT’s demise
this biography was translated in English and was
much appreciated. [Unfortunately this English
version has not been republished = KSS]
In 1939 GUMPERT published Hölle im
Paradies” (Hell in Paradise). In this he wrote
about his parents and his childhood/youth. There
were some more publications of GUMPERT. He
was also a poet and Lyricist. [Those privileged to
read GUMPERT’s Biography of the Founder of
Homeopathy will certainly appreciate that
GUMPERT is indeed a lyricist = KSS]
1. Homeopathic Education
A Panel Discussion
SCHEPPER, Luc De; SAINE, Andre (AJHM. 98, 2/2005)
Comments on what characteristics are essential to
good quality homeopathic education.
Inspiring students on their homeopathic journey ROWE,
There are three keys to any good homeopathic education.
Teaching the requisite knowledge, solid clinical training
and problem-based styles of learning.
More important is to teach students how to learn. Good
modeling of self-learning by the teachers is paramount.
The key to negotiate the difficult homeopathic
journey is to help the student stay deeply connected with his love
for Homeopathy. This needs to be modeled by the teacher.
Students should revisit their source continually. The roadmap of
what to expect will remind the students that others have been
there before and helps to sustain them. Homeopathic education
changes the student, providing new ways of seeing and
perceiving. There is a deep need inside each of us for this kind
of learning.
Enthusiasm and Entrainment: Key Qualities of a
Homeopathic Educator MOSKOWITZ, Dick:
To evoke much enthusiasm in students, the teacher
must first exemplify and exhibit it themselves in demeanor,
direct emotional rapport and communication with students and
patients; and own interest in and engagement with them and case
taking as a vehicle for helping them understand their own illness
and participate in their healing and/or learning.
Teaching depends on what the students hope to learn
and seek to accomplish in future.
Homeopathic Educators: Inspiring Detectives and
Captivating Entertainers ROBINSON, Karl:
To be effective, homeopathic education has to be
sufficiently interesting and has to create homeopaths who can
cure (or substantially improve) the patients who come to them.
Homeopathy should not pretend to be a medicine
based on psychological profiles. The author abhors the way the
personality traits of the patient are seen more important than the
illness itself.
Cogent case analysis is compellingly interesting for
most students. When one is doing his best work, mind and heart
are open and intellect is constantly evaluating. Much interaction
with students to sharpen their reasoning abilities.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
By solving a paper case of the medicine, its other
aspects with constant references to the rubrics, Materia Medica
gets anchored.
Innovative and Effective Methods of Homeopathic
Education – How to Motivate and Inspire a Sustained
Commitment to Learning Homeopathy SCHEPPER, Luc De.
The teacher, the student, and the successful
application of what is taught forms a successful education.
Equal strength of these three parts is ideal.
Sustained commitment has to start with the student.
An ideal student must possess several characteristics such as:
love for Homeopathy and people, patience, concentration,
learning how to concentrate on everything one does, discipline
and supreme concern with the mastery of the art.
A teacher able to inspire his students has already
made a reputation in practicising Homeopathy and obtaining
consistently good results. The characteristics are: sympathy and
love for humanity, objectivity towards self, patients and
students, and his in-depth knowledge of his science and art.
The Organon is the text on which homeopathic
healing is based. To ‘modernise’ Homeopathy by ignoring its
legacy is like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
The only thing that stimulates anyone in any
profession is the true real successes they achieve.
A new live case taken in front of the class and
follow-up in subsequent classes, managing them on the basis of
what has happened, will arouse the enthusiasm and desire of
Reflections on Homeopathic Education SAINE, Andre:
It is very interesting to note that only a very small
proportion of those who study Homeopathy achieve excellence.
Also many of the best practitioners learned their art without ever
receiving formal homeopathic training. Dedication and work
ethic characterize their spirit.
Education has clearly been Homeopathy’s Achille’s
heel as only a minority of practitioners have studied
Homeopathy thoroughly enough to be able to practice it
Two basic requirements to ensure that an educational
program helps the greatest number of qualified applicants reach
1. Faculty of experienced and qualified teachers and
clinicians who would teach the principles of pure Homeopathy
systematically and without discordance.
2. Concurrent clinical program, not less than 2 years long, in
which the students would be taught step-by-step how to practice
Homeopathy with excellence.
2. We have a Dream
Arizona Group to Create Homeopathic
Medical School
ROWE, Todd (HT. 24, 8/2004)
The Arizona Homeopathic Community is planning
the formation of a full-time homeopathic Medical School.
Graduates would be licensed by the Arizona Homeopathic
Licensing Board to practice homeopathic Medicine in the State
of Arizona.
This represents the next stage in the growth of
homeopathic education and the development of
homeopathic community.
Arizona, along with Nevada and Connecticut
are the only states to have Homeopathic Medical
Licensing Board.
1. Ian WATSON in Conversation with Michelle
An Excerpt from “What about the Potency”
SHINE, Michelle (SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
Ian WATSON favors a combination of factors in
selecting the potency, like age of the patient, his perception of
the strength of the constitution, the depth of the pathology, any
features like ongoing medication or anything else that might
interfere with the treatment. But the main thing would be the
clarity of the prescribing image.
He uses high potency in advanced pathology if
the picture is clear and no interfering factors such
as overdose of Chemotherapy or something of that
kind and in instances of intense pain.
He favors low potencies exclusively when a
person needs a lot of doses on a regular basis
because they are on a lot of medication.
He does not think aggravation is a function of
potency primarily. It is determined by the
sensitivity of the patient and also the expectation of
the prescriber.
Understanding a person’s type and nature of
sensitivity is one of the most crucial things about case taking.
He feels it is worth uncovering what kind of assumption one
holds about what he thinks will happen, because he will tend to
see that mirrored in his practice. Once the internal reality is
changed, what happens to the person one treats also changes.
The strategy he adopts is that people will get well in whatever
way is right for them.
He permits the patient to modify the dosage
themselves. The idea is to repeat till the response
appears as individuals have varying degrees of
ability to respond. Potency is changed when they
seem to plateau or start slip back.
Water potencies give them more adjustment
possibilities in case of over sensitivity of the
2. Deutscher Zentralverein homöopathischer
Ärzte Porträt 2005 (German Central
Association of Homeopathic Physicians
Portrait 2005)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
(AHZ. 250, 3/2005)
The German Central Homeopathic
Association is the oldest medical association. It is
in existence since 175 years. In this article a brief
view of its various activities, achievements, Library
services, renovation of the Hahnemann house at
Koethen, etc. is presented.
3. Penta-C Agnosis: Five fold Blindness in
(NJH. 5, 3/2003)
Physicians, be they of Allopathy, Homeopathy or
any other system must remember that most of our common ideas
about Cancer, Coronary Artery Disease, Hypertension are all
grouped up ideas. There has been indeed no progress in
Medicine in the past 300 years, in so far as Allopathy is
concerned. All that the Medicine do or the patients receive is
some form of palliation. Either the symptom is suppressed, or a
sign removed without honestly doing anything to alter the course
of disease. The biggest sacrifice is given by the animals who are
tortured beyond imagination in the experimental labs. It is
humbling to realize that the killing of billions of animals has not
mitigated our Penta-C Agnosis even for such basal things as
Arthritis or infection. Physician, heal thyself.
4. Tiny Tots, the Victim of Food Additives
BAIG, Mirza Anwar (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
Our modern day foods contain toxins through
coloring, preservatives and additives as well as the use of
pesticides and insecticides. Chocolate and Cola are capable of
causing various kind of food allergy, common in Migraine.
Refined food also is injurious. Children’s foods – Candies,
Chocolates, drinks are all competing with each other in
providing flavors, Coco Chocolate based; deep fried products are
packed and sold in attractive plastics. These products advertise
with children in their mind. [The (American) Culture of
Consumerism is raging and almost all the products so advertised
are not only unwanted for a healthy life but on the contrary most
of them are harmful in many ways. We should beware of this =
1. The Homeopathic Practice of Dr. John BASTYR.
Extracted from Dr. John BASTYR: Philosophy and Practice
Including BASTYR’s Practical Homeopathic Materia
Medica by Melanie GRIMES. Alethea Book Co. ISBN 0-
96595500-3-6. $24.95. (SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
“Dr. John BASTYR (1912-1995) was a naturopathic
physician of tremendous skill and widespread respect. He was
part of the early homeopathic heritage in the US. His study of
Homeopathy followed his training in chiropractic and
sanipractic. He was unique because he trained extensively with
a surgeon who used Homeopathy in a hospital setting, to
Surgery, in Obstetrics and as a family doctor. According to
Julian WINSTON, “BASTYR’s education was unique in that he
had good homeopathic mentors.” Because he was fascinated by
Homeopathy and used it consistently and successfully in his
practice, Homeopathy has become a vital part of the
naturopathic tradition.
He used Homeopathy from birth to death, treating
women for infertility, turning infants in utero, and to soothe the
pains of elderly and terminal patients. He studied one remedy a
night, from books he kept by his bedside, frequently
FARRINGTON’s Materia Medica. “Core knowledge” of
Homeopathy through constant study was his advice to students.
Case: A woman with bladder infection who had
taken all the traditional medicines with no relief told that she
was chilly and had to sit with her legs crossed as everything will
fall out. Dr. BASTYR gave Sepia 200, 4 doses to take one hour
apart. Next day no chills, no pain, no leakage.
This convinced him of Homeopathy.”
2. The Sensation in Homeopathy by Rajan
SANKARAN, Homeopathic Medical Publishers, Mumbai,
Hard cover 732 pages $ 94.00 Review by Neil TESSLER.
(SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
The Sensation in Homeopathy is a detailed
statement of SANKARAN’s thought to the present. The book is
richly illustrated with cases, charts and a stage by stage
unfolding of the concepts that have gradually formed into an
entire integrated system. At the outset, he asserts that his
concepts have developed from a solid homeopathic education
and experience of the foundations of Homeopathy and
crystallized his knowledge of Philosophy, Materia Medica and
Repertory. Without this foundation, there may be a tendency to
over simplify and misapply these ideas.”
“The chief complaint is the best route to the non-
human level; it is perhaps the most direct route, to the central
disturbance. … the deepest sensation and everything peculiar
unfolds before us.”
“With regard to case taking he states: One does not
add to or subtract from, interpret, analyse anything concerning
the patient. One only has to uncover the patient’s inner turmoil
“SANKARAN’s Miasm map and his view of
Kingdoms are all restated in complete detail based on his current
understanding. To this he adds the concept of the “Vital
Sensation” and the “Seven levels”.
This book offers a tremendous amount of practical
information covering every phase of practice. It requires much
study and exposure to apprehend and develop skill in its various
elements. It is apt to be misunderstood and misapplied, without
a plenty of exposure to his seminars and literature.”
3. A Drug-Free Approach to Asperger Syndrome
and Autism – Homeopathic Care for Exceptional Kids by
“This new volume is another excellent addition that
is sure to be of tremendous value to those that find their children
suffering from disorders affecting mental and emotional
functioning … This is an excellent example of using diverse
tools to understand and solve a wide range of cases. Highly
recommended for practitioners seeking a better understanding of
Autism spectrum disorders and their homeopathic treatment.”
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
4. What About The Potency: A Compendium Guide
to Homeopathic Potency and Dosage. Michelle SHINE RS
Hom. Food for Thought Publications, London. Soft cover,
224 pages 49.95. Foreward by Miranda CASTRO RS Hom.
Review by Neil TESSLER. (SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
“Michelle SHINE takes stock of her experiences
regarding questions of potency and shares this with us at length
and in detail. She turns many sides of the question and covers a
wide range of considerations. There are various suggestions that
readers may find useful. The middle section provides a practical
summary of her views on potency as applied to a variety of
situations. There are many case examples through which she
illustrates her changing and evolving experiments with dose, that
very likely mirror the experiments and experiences of many of
us. In the process, we also learn about her case taking,
Repertory and case analysis approach. Though these are meant
as direct illustrations, at times this can be distracting to the
discussion as one weighs her case, her analysis, the
repertorization and remedy choices, quite apart from the issue of
potency. In some respects the book’s greatest value to
practitioners is as a vehicle of reflection and contemplation of
their own experiences.
The last seventy-five pages is a series of interviews
with various experienced practitioners. These are full of value,
especially as it is a rare treat to have the words of an entire
collection of homeopaths on the same subject. There are many
insights and worthwhile thoughts throughout.
The book is also esthetically pleasing, a warm violet,
well bound, on heavy paper and designed for easy reading.”
5. The Tao of Homeopathy. Ian WATSON. Cutting
Edge Publications, Kendal, Cumbria, England. Hard cover
91 pages. Review by Neil TESSLER. (SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
“Homeopathy abides in contradictions; dualities that
play in, out and around each other to form a whole. Ian
WATSON’s thoughtful reflections, written in the manner of the
Tao Te Ching, poetically reveal this dynamic interplay. Each
turn of the page is a new topic considered, a new luminosity, an
unfolding of the simple yet mysterious nature of the
homeopathic healing art.
As a firmly gentle mirror, this is a wonderful vehicle
for slowing down, softening and feeling one’s way behind the
daily doing of practice.
Beautifully illustrated with remarkable Arabic
calligraphy. A gem.”
6. Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and Compatibility:
Understanding Your Type and Finding Love. Liz LALOR.
North Atlantic Books. Berkeley, California. Soft cover, 274
pages 18.95 Review by Jennifer SHERMAN-TESSLER. (SIM.
XVIII, 1&2/2005)
“Liz LALOR’s, Homeopathic Guide to
Partnership and Compatibility is designed for those who
know little or nothing of Homeopathy. The focus is on
recognizing yourself and significant others through summaries
of homeopathic “constitutional” types and using this knowledge
to make positive changes and/or compromises in your
The heart of the book is a discussion of various
partnership combinations.
The partner combinations section explores themes,
strengths and emotional challenges of each remedy, as well
discussing some remedy “types” as partners. She also describes
what she terms each remedy’s “emotional legacy”, a phrase that
seems to refer to the ‘baggage’ they carry. Well-known movie
characters are used to illustrate the different constitutional types,
their compatibility and challenges.
This book is similar to a study of astrological signs
with their strengths, weaknesses and compatibilities. It is easy
and fun reading that might also be useful for homeopathic
clients and teachers seeking images with which to express
certain aspects of a remedy.”
7. Birds (Homeopathic Remedies from the Avian
Realm) by Jonathan SHORE, Judy SCHRIEBMAN, Anneke
HOGELAND. Published by Homeopathy West $59.95. 505
pages. 2004. ISBN 0-975-4763-0-0. Review by William
SHEVIN. (AJHM. 98, 2/2005)
“In the section named “Bird Characteristics” the
‘general picture’ of the family is given which includes:
conceptual organization, impartial detachment, intuition or
natural knowing, sensation as if drugged/disorientation in time
and space, spiritual awareness, empathy, relationship, freedom
and travel, perfectionism, physiognomy and physiology of birds
and particular symptoms common to the group.
Following the general picture is a discussion of the
“Key Features” of the individual birds.
Following this, a larger section with data from the
The individual birds in the book are: Brown Pelican,
Scarlet Macaw, Ring Dove (Woodpigeon) Red tailed Hawk,
Great Horned Owl, Great Blue Heron, Bald Eagle, Raven,
Peregrine Falcon, Saker Falcon, Turkey Vulture, Andean
Condor, Humboldt Penguin, Whooping Swan, Mute Swan and
Wandering Albatross.
Cases of each of the remedies (excluding Saker
Falcon, Great Horned Owl, and Great Blue Heron) with
comment by the prescribers are presented.
An appendix follows which consists of a compilation
of the rubrics listed in the book. An index forms the last
section.” [One more book to confuse those still not fully
confused = KSS]
8. Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum:
‘Strategic Case Management for Successful Homeopathic
Prescribing’ by Luc De SCHEPPER. Full of Life Publishing,
Santa Fe, NM $75. 370 pages, Hardbound 2004. ISBN 0-
942501-14-4 Review by George GUESS. (AJHM. 98, 2/2005)
“In essence, this volume comprises an ode to the
liquid dilutions, both centesimal and LM, of the fifth and sixth
editions of Organon.”
The book “begins with a discussion of the primary
and secondary action, then detailed explication of potency
selection and management. Subsequent chapters, a series of
thorough essays on all aspects of clinical homeopathic
“Chapter 12 is invaluable – very detailed analyses of
the varied patterns of response to the first prescription.”
“Part three entitled “Management Inquires” recounts
many questions about practice methodology.”
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
“… Part Four provides many edited case histories
illustrating the practical application of the lessons contained in
the book.”
“… Part Five consists of the author’s preliminary
review and commentary on HAHNEMANN’s Paris case books,
the subject of a planned future book by Dr. De SCHEPPER.”
“… is an excellent book that will deepen and broaden
any homeopath’s understanding of our discipline.”
“… I would recommend that his book be required
reading in all serious homeopathic educational curricula.”
9. A Vital Force: Women in American Homeopathy
by Anne Taylor KIRSCHMANN. Rutgers University Press,
New Brunswick, NJ, 2004. Paperback, 230 pages, $ 23.95.
ISBN: 0-8135-3320-1. Review by Julian WINSTON (HT. 24,
“Good books about the history of Homeopathy are
few. Homeopaths are typically interested in therapeutics, not
history. Ann KIRSCHMANN has done an outstanding job of
shedding new light on an important part of our homeopathic
In A Vital Force, Anne KIRSCHMANN traces the
involvement of women in the homeopathic movement from the
beginnings in 1850s through the decline of Homeopathy in the
1930’s. …
Chapter one, “The New School of Medicine” is a
concise description of Homeopathy and how it was placed
within society in the mid – 1800s.
The book traces the rise of the female physicians and
the changes in American medicine after the turn of the century
that led to the demise of formal homeopathic education. It
discusses the rise of the involvement of the lay community to
protect Homeopathy during the time when the homeopathic
schools were folding.
The book has extracted the best of all other histories
... It deserves a wide reading by all those who wish to
understand not only where we came from but also to understand
what we can do to keep history from repeating itself.”
10. Dreams, Symbols and Homeopathy, Archetypal.
Dimensions of Healing. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books;
2003, 259 Seiten, paperback: $ 19.00 Review by Rainer G.
APPELL (AHZ. 250, 3/2005)
“We have be thankful to Edward C. WHITMONT
essentially to have taught the Jungian Depth Psychology with
Archetype theory, the alchemistical presentations, its connection
with symbols and the Freüdian Dream interpretation, etc, in the
homeopathic therapeutics. … The American Jungian Jane
CICCHETTI has published a book in which WHITMONT’s
thoughts are gone into in depth and own experiences are given.
… She gives a good readable introduction into Jungian
Psychology and explains its significance in homeopathic
therapeutics through case reports. … It is hoped that this book
will be soon translated into German.”
11. Samuel HAHNEMANN, Begründer der Homöopathie,
(Samuel HAHNEMANN, Founder of Homeopathy) Robert
Jütte, München: dtr; 2005. 280 Seiten, Paperback, E.14/-
Review by Karl-Heinz GEBHARAT (AHZ. 250, 3/2005): “The
author is attempting to bring HAHNEMANN closer to the
readers through this Biography. This intention has been
achieved in an excellent way. We understand how the youth
HAHNEMANN left the narrow provincial hometown Meissen
behind and went on to Leipzig, Vienna, Hermannstadt and
Erlangen, which were his places of Medical Studies. ...
HAHNEMANN learnt from his experiences at the bedside. As a
progressing Chemist and Pharmacist of his times he knew the
weakness of the Pharmacology then and criticized it severely.
This lead to his discovery of Homeopathy which with very high
energy and activity and brilliant observations he built up
systematically, at last, between 1812 and 1821. He taught as
Assistant Professor in the University of Leipzig and he had his
followers. He had lot of successful cures. …. From 1821 to
1835 he lived in Koethen. Here he developed his Miasms theory
After his wife died, he married the 35 year-old French lady
MELANIE and went to Paris where he built up anew his large
Practice and further experimented and discovered the 50
millesimal potentisation. The book is fluently written and
very absorbing. One will not let the book down from one’s
hand. The genius of HAHNEMANN has a worthy monument in
this book. I wish the book is read by enthusiastic readers.”
12. Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment by ROY,
Ranjeet K., B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, Rs. 85/- Review by
Dr. D.E. MISTRY (CCR. 12, 2/2005): “The author is a scientist
converted to Homeopathy and his book is one of the most
comprehensive texts that I have read so far on Cancer. The book
is divided into 23 chapters and each chapter deals extensively
with all aspects of this disease. … An extensive Bibliography of
around 116 references, which the author has referred to, is given
at the end of the book. This book is very cheaply priced,
compared to the wealth of information available in the book …
And Dr. Ranjeet K. ROY must be congratulated for giving his
readers a vast amount of information and treatment methodology
and his own contribution to the treatment for all types of Cancer
in just 242 pages.”
13. Evaluation of Remedy’s Thermal State by SIJU
P.W., Indian Books & Periodical Publishers, New Delhi,
1993. Rs. 30/- Review by D.E. MISTRY (CCR. 12, 2/2005):
“This book gives considerable details on the topic of evaluating
a patient’s thermal state. As one knows there are a lot of
controversies not only finding out the thermal state of the patient
but also different authors have given different guidelines for the
same. … Has given Kanjilal’s 8 criteriae and ICR’s 10 criteriae
for finding out the thermal state of the patient. … This is a handy
reference book for all students and homeopaths. …”
14. Stress Management by Dr. Arvind Singh
PANWAR, Indian Books & Periodical Publishers, New
Delhi. Rs. 100/- Review by D.E. MISTRY (CCR. 12, 2/2005):
“The author is a doctor of allopathic medicine and alternative
sciences and this book is specially meant for those who are
victims of stress … He has also given a Chapter on the spiritual
aspect of Stress management … This book will be very useful to
all concerned and it’s printing is of very large type with black
underlines and is reasonably priced.”
15. Guide to Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Published
by B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, Rs. 179/- Review by D.E.
MISTRY (CCR. 12, 2/2005): “This is an excellent book on the
subject of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology … The
language of this book is very simple both for students and
practitioners and also for layman … The print is large and price
is moderate.”
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
16. Homeopathic Posology by Ajit KULKARNI,
Soham Prahashan, Second enlarged edition 2005. Rs. 50/-
Review by D.E. MISTRY (CCR. 12, 2/2005): “The popularity of
this book is evident from the fact that it has come as a second
edition after the first one was published in 1999. … He then goes
on to deal with definitions of Posology and Potency and
Standardization and then goes on to deal with the historical
background of potency selection. … Dr. KULKARNI presents
essential ideas of authorities in the form of Box Brackets,
wherein he gives adequate quotes of these masters like William
BOYD, Stuart CLOSE, HAHNEMANN and others. … I feel
that it is in a short scope of 68 pages packed with the most
intense and useful information about this aspect of Posology,
which I feel is as vast as an ocean. … The book is excellently
published, and very reasonably priced, the print is very easy to
read and with my editorial eye, I could hardly point out any
printing mistake.”
17. Klassikal Homeopathy by Otto
EICHELBERGER, translated by Sulochana BHAGWAT,
Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers, 1
edition 2002.
Price Rs. 250/- Review by D.E. MISTRY (CCR. 12, 2/2005): “
… In this book of cases of all sorts of common illness have been
given – at least 290 of them covering 439 pages … The
translation done by Sulochana BHAGWAT must have been very
difficult to convert it from German into English. This translator
was the pupil of the late R.V. RANADE, a pathologist turned
homeopath who encouraged her to do this particular translation.
… There have been innumerable errors … and many printer’s
devils also … The translator has done her best. … This is a very
useful book indeed.”
I. Divya CHHABRA Seminar Review Susan
DRURY. (SIM. XVIII, 1 & 2/2005) A five-day
Seminar in Vancouver in Oct. 2004 by Divya
CHHABRA. In her introductory remarks she
talked of each person driven by a unique,
unconscious inner story that is constantly but
unknowingly acted out in external reality. When
life circumstances block this, internal conflict is
created and this causes tension that will eventually
be expressed through symptoms. If this conflict is
not resolved pathology begins. Therefore, case
taking becomes moving backwards through
sequence of events to understand that deep,
fundamental unconscious story and match it with
the inner reality of a remedy.
Her technique is to discover how the presenting
complaint relates to the mental/emotional state.
The sign posts used are (1) Same words of patient
to describe physical and mental/emotional feelings.
(2) Spontaneously expressed polarities. (3) Same
expression/symptom/group of phrases runs
repeatedly in different situations and parts.
By using dreams and technique of free
association the center or deepest dimension is
Presentation of video taped cases of many
different families of remedies were discussed. She
offered family themes as a way to recognize
patients that reflect the same themes in their inner
stories. In every case Dr. CHHABRA clearly
showed how the delusional state of the patient was
reflected in the delusional situation of the substance
Everyone left with a new knowledge and
learning as well as renewed enthusiasm and
gratitude for this healing art that brings all
substances available in our physical world together
in a mutual journey of understanding and healing.
II. Homeopathy Without Borders: Chronicle
of the First Steps in the Tsunami Relief Effort.
2/2005) Homeopaths Without Borders North
America (HWB-NA) in association with
Homeopates Sans Frontiers (HSF) contacted
Director of Health Services, Sri Lanka to provide
homeopathic help for the Tsunami Victims. They
stayed there for 3 weeks and 600 consultations
Case: A middle-aged lady with clear asthmatic
attack and with signs of obstruction at the wider
bronchi level. The sounds were like hoarse bass
deep notes. Wakes up at 0200 hrs every night.
Arsenicum 200 with granules still in mouth,
auscultation revealed that the hoarse sounds started
fading. [We salute the yeomen service of the team
to the Tsunami victims. People will become more
aware of the great role of Homeopathy in
Emergencies, calamities, etc. = KSS]
III. AJHM Rebuffed by Medline. President’s
Message FRYE, Joyce (AJHM. 98, 2/2005) The
President Dr. Joyce FRYE writes that the
American Institute of Homeopathy’s application
to the National Library of Medicine, USA, for
inclusion of the AJHM in Medicine was declined.
The reviewers commented, “Many case reports and
interviews, as well as single opinions, in the issues
examined. There is much jargon used and the
homeopathic approaches presented are not clearly
communicated for non-homeopathic practitioners.
There are no references cited.”
So, at least, we have to provide evidence of the
diagnosis and some kind of comparative data from
the medical literature to indicate how likely such an
event might be – if we wish to reach a broader
audience with the message of successes.
The President Dr. FRYE, welcomes opinions
and discussion of this issue, as it has direct bearing
on decisions regarding editorial efforts as well as
financial outlay in journal production.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
In this regard, the Librarian, of the British
Homeopathic Library writes (AJHM. 98, 3/2005)
that the British Homeopathic Library have
online database of homeopathic literature which
contains over 20,000 reference. This database is
freely available to search via website www.hom-
inform.org - Photocopies if required, are charged.
It would be useful in the long run to establish an
international partnership to benefit the practice of
Homeopathy. [Good letter. First let the
homeopaths unite. Then Medline will surely let
entry = KSS]
IV. A Tarentula Case. GODET P. 8-year-old girl,
with chronic cough for 3 years. Cough from
talking, running but not from smoking. Jealous of
sisters. Talkative. Feared Spiders, talked in sleep.
Did not like being teased. Tarentula cured the
cough. ( Les Echos du Centre Liegeois
d’Homéopathie 2004; 104: 5-8, 43-46 in
HOMEOPATHY 94, 2/2005)
V. Conium maculatum. ALAERTS J. Four
clinical cases are presented in this article: a 57-
year-old woman with chronic Rhinitis, a 56-year-
old woman with recurrent Rhinitis and Breast
Cancer, a 37-year-old woman with chronic
Laryngitis, and a 50-year-old woman with Tinnitus.
The main symptoms of Conium are discussed:
weakness of body and mind, Paralysis, problems
from sexual abstinence or excess, induration of
glands, Breast or Prostate Cancer, Vertigo when
lying down or when turning head or eyes.
According to the author, the main theme of
Conium is a sense of threat and humiliation. The
patient may become dictatorial or cheerful,
alternating with mental depression. (Revue Belge
d’Homoeopathie 2004; 3: 12-25 in
HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
VI. Ruta graveolens EYNDE E.V. By way of
introduction, the plant is described in a very
complete way: it is a small evergreen aromatic
shrub, which produces a strong foetid aroma. Some
typical symptoms are described: discontented with
himself, feeling of intense weakness and despair;
eye strain from reading or sewing, followed by
headache; rectal prolapse; pain in periosteum,
tendons and about joints, especially wrists.
Ruta is compared with other medicines: among
them, Rhus tox is more restless, Sulphuricum
acidum is more hurried, Nitricum acidum may be
Two other articles deal with Ruta in this issue:
a clinical case from Dr. Ramon FRENDO (themes
of mistrust and of delusions of guilt), and another
clinical case from Dr. Simone FAYETON (theme
of feeling misled). (Revue Belge d’Homoeopathie
2004; 3: 74-115 in HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
VII. Sticta pulmonaria EYNDEN E.V. A full
account of the biology of this lichen is given.
Then, the main psychic symptoms of this medicine
are recalled: feels as if floating in the air, desires to
talk to someone and does not care whether anyone
listens, cannot collect thoughts. There is lack of
affectation, lack of constraint, without any ulterior
motives. Everything has to be connected.
Other symptoms include: feeling of fullness at
the root of the nose, constant need to blow the nose,
but no discharge; Hay fever, incessant dry, hacking
cough which prevents sleep; inflammation of
affected joint; chorea-like spasms, restless hands
and feet; profuse sweat on hands.
Finally, Sticta is compared with Bismuthum
(no hierarchy with Sticta, hierarchy and relationship
between and child with Bismuthum), with Ruta and
with Euphorbium. (Revue Belge d’Homoeopathie
2004; 4: 176-195 in HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
VIII. Low-Field NMR Studies on Silica Low-
field (0.02-4 MHz) proton nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) longitudinal relaxometry was
applied to ultrahighly diluted aqueous solutions in
order to detect physical modifications induced in
the solvent by the dilution process. A mixture of
silica-lactose (1.67-10
M silica, 2.92-10
was initially solubilized in water or in saline, then
submitted to 18 iterative centesimal dilutions in
water or in saline under vigorous vortex agitation
and rigorously controlled atmospheric conditions,
and compared to similarly treated pure water and
saline as controls. Several independent series of
samples were measured according to a blind
protocol (total of 140 code-labelled samples). A
slight frequency dispersion (about 4%) was found
within the 0.02-4 MHz range, centered around 0.55
MHz, and ascribed to combined effects of silica and
trace paramagnetic contaminants, both concentrated
and in a reduced motion at the borosilicate wall
tube interface. The iterative dilution-agitation
process in pure water and saline induced no
significant effect on relaxivity. Slightly increased
relaxivity compared to solvent was found in the
initial silica-lactose dilution (especially in saline,
about 4%), which vanished unexpectedly slowly
upon dilution, as adjusted to an arbitrary log-linear
model. Statistical analysis was applied to succeed
in discriminating solutions from their solvents
beyond the 10
level of dilution. No clear
explanation emerged, but post-experiment chemical
analysis revealed high amounts (6 ppm) of released
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
silica from the glass material used, with excess in
silica-lactose samples, and lower amounts of trace
paramagnetic contaminants in highly diluted silica-
lactose samples, which could provide a clue. (Appl
Magn Reson 2004; 26: 465-481 in
HOMEOPATHY, 94, 2/2005)
IX. (Over 50 papers were presented in the Liga
Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis)
(International Homeopathic Medical League)
Congress in 2005 in Berlin. Abstracts of the
papers presented have been given in a special’
Issue of the Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung
(AHZ. 250, 2/2005)
Some of the abstracts were given in QHD.
XXIII, 1/2006. Some more abstracts from the
papers presented in the LMHI Congress, in 2005 in
Berlin are given:
1. Medicinal plants and Homeopathy: A
Scientific and Literary Study by AMENGUAL
C.: Medicinal plants are the most important source
of homeopathic remedies, compared with minerals,
animals and other sources, HAHNEMANN knew
well the Pharmacopoeia of the 18
and 19
centuries: in his first work published in the Journal
of Hufeland, 1796, he talks about 51 plants and 2
minerals. Since then, there have been various
classification systems used for homeopathic
remedies, including alphabetical, morphological,
chemical, pathological, and based on origin (plants,
animals, minerals, etc.).
When we study a homeopathic remedy, all the
information about it (scientific, botanical,
zoological, chemical, pharmaceutical) is useful in
understanding the action of the remedy, which is
classified by pure experimentation or proving in
healthy persons. When we add other sources of
information to this knowledge we will have a more
complete idea of the remedy including its effects
and consequently a higher familiarization in its
therapeutic use.
We focused on the medicinal plants of a
specific Mediterranean area (the Balonic Islands).
Out of 2200 plants, 659 were chosen and
information on each plant was gathered in the
following categories:
1. Scientific name, popular names and names in
several languages.
2. Botanical description.
3. Localisation.
4. Parts used in Phytotherapy.
5. Chemical compounds.
6. Physiological and therapeutic action on the
human body.
7. Therapeutic comparison between Homeopathy
and Chinese Medicine.
8. Folk Medicine, with special reference to
popular talks.
9. Classical writers – Latin and Greek.
10. Writings from the Canon in several languages – Catalan,
English German, French, Spanish and Italian.
About 2500 pages of information in the
Catalan language have been collected on 659
medicinal plants of the Balearic Islands.
Homeopathic medicine, most of whose remedies
come from the Vegetable kingdom, can use this
knowledge for a better understanding of the Materia
Medica. Local studies from different areas of the
world will enlarge the corpus of information and
furthermore, help homeopathic physicians to apply
these remedies in their daily practice.
7. Aurum and its salts: long-term follow-ups of
Chronic cases by ANGALKI B.: Introduction:
Aurum muriaticum natronatum is less often
prescribed than other Polychrests by homeopaths
even when it is the remedy of choice. This remedy,
which combines the characteristics of Aurum
metallicum and Natrum muriaticum, has its own
place with its own individual characteristics, and
deserves its place in the Materia Medica. In the
case we highlight here, a woman of 42 years came
with multiple complaints of low mood, headache,
uterine problems lasting 2 years; this case has its
own individual characteristics, suggestive of the
Aurum muriaticum natronatum constitution.
Method: Longitudinal study via follow-up of
the case for the past 4 years where patient has been
visiting only when it was necessary, especially after
Result: There has been over-all improvement
in the patient mentally, emotionally, physically and
spiritually after treatment with her constitutional
remedy, Aurum muriaticum natronatum.
Conclusion: Aurum muriaticum natronatum is
a Polychrest, which should be carefully
distinguished from other polychrests such as Aurum
metallicum, Natrum muriaticum and even other
remedies like Ignatia, Carcinosin. My study
suggests that it is a deep-acting remedy to which
patients react for longer period of time and that it
helps patients to properly channel their emotional
problems and develop their overall personality.
3. Homeopathic Provings in Brazil, MARIM
M.: This presentation is a continuation of the work
presented at the 54
LMHI Congress in Salvador,
Brazil, 1999. The pathogenetic trials by Brazilian
colleagues during the last 30 years mark the
resuscitation of Homeopathy in Brazil. For this
period we have data of:
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
- long-term provings with extensively elaborated
- short experiments with simplified protocols,
- simple provings named sensorials by the groups
developing them.
Included are the Provings that were published
or presented at the Congresses. Many others
carried out with more limited aims (such as
verification of peculiar aspects of a specific
medication or education of homeopathic doctors)
are not included.
Within the last two years it was not possible to
perform a new proving at national level but we
conducted one in 2 small groups (with 12 and 9
provers). Protocols and symptoms will be
presented at the end of our presentation.
In addition to former Provings new information
about the remedies will be given (symptoms
observed in clinical cases and in new Provings,
etc.). And with regard to the new Proving we will
present a list of the symptoms that were considered
important and reliable by the performing groups.
The experience gained during the last 30 years
will be considered and a comparative picture of the
protocols will be presented as well as interviews
with Provers and group directors.
4. Sanicula aqua three paediatric cases and a
Heuristic SEVAR R.: Three children who
responded well to the homeopathic medicine
Sanicula aqua are presented in the exact words that
the patient’s mothers or the patients used. All three
are: first born girls, tall and very thin with blue-
green eyes. Two have recurrent Otitis Media with
perforated tympanic membrane and smell of rotting
fish, the third has atopic Eczema and Asthma. Case
analyses, Materia Medica of Sanicula aqua and the
creation of a remedy heuristic are presented. [The
Sanicula spring has long since been closed and
concrete structure has come upon it, I learnt. The
source is now dead = KSS].
5. Crown-of-thorns- Star fish (Acanthaster
planci) Proving the threat of the Coral Reefs,
HILDEBRANDT J.: Acanthaster, is a poisonous
voracious Starfish with far more than the typical
five arms, which causes great epidemic damage to
coral reefs worldwide.
The remedy was prepared from a part of a living animal
taken from the shores of Bohol/Philippines and was potentized
to C30 and C200. 14 healthy provers between 21 and 50 years
of age and one patient provided symptoms. The double-blind
proving took place from Oct. 1998 to Dec. 1999.
“Characteristic symptoms” were very much
those of the toxicology: tearing, stitching, bruising
pain or sensation of heat, itching, local numbness,
especially in the face. A very prominent symptom
was a Ezcema on the eyelids, which had to be
antidoted in one Prover by Nat-m., and could be
cured in one patient. Another focus lay on Flu-like
and Sinusitis-like symptoms (weakness in muscles
in the afternoon, feeling of impending illness, pain
in head, eyes, and teeth aggravated by bending
The mind picture seems to reflect the tuberculinic Miasm:
dreams of wandering, trains, getting lost comparable with the
larval stage of the starfish. Themes of eroticism, pregnancy, and
marriage are comparable with its tendency to rapid propagations.
Illness, disgust, necrosis are comparable with its poisonous slime
and armoured appearance, and itself being a plaque to the coral
reefs. An interesting delusion of being naked or not properly
dressed in one prover was repeated in a dream of another prover.
[Themes and signatures again. What are the symptoms at other
levels like head, stomach etc.? Is only Mind and Dreams were
elicited? = KSS]
6. Toxopnuestes pileolus Proving of the
poisonous but edible “flower” Urchin,
HILDEBRANDT J. The edible Sea Urchin
toxopneustes is exceptional because of its small
spines but poisonous claws.
The remedy was prepared from a part of the
fresh animal taken from the shores of
Bohol/Philippines according to the procedure
described by HAHNEMANN and was potentized to
C30 and C200. 14 healthy provers between 21 and
49 years age and one patient provided symptoms.
The double-blind Proving took place from June
1998 to August 1999.
Characteristic symptoms were stitching pain,
burning pain, pressing pain, itching. Local
numbness and coldness were found especially in
the extremities. The Mind picture showed fear and
aggression in dreams (knives, rape, crime). Sleep
was disturbed. A Migraine settled in the right
forehead could be cured (in a Prover) and a similar
Migraine, which had turned into a supra-orbital
Neuralgia with decreasing visual field, could be
brought back and cured in the patient, while her
antinuclear antibodies dropped to normal. Many
symptoms were related to the upper gastro-
intestinal tract: to mouth (aphthae), wisdom (teeth),
abdomen, and to appetite/hunger. Others were
related to the spine, with pains extending in
different directions.
This sea remedy is the first big Proving of a
member of the family or sea urchin, which was
benefit in quite severe auto-aggressive disease. It
should be considered in treatment of Migraine, pain
extending from the spine, perhaps also in rheumatic
diseases, and ailments of the upper gastro-intestinal
tract in patients showing the characteristic signs and
mind symptoms.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
7. The Proving of Dioxin MARIM S.;
SOMMER M. and VIEIRA AAL. Background:
Dioxins are usually found adhering to or dissolved
in fatty tissue where they can (bio) accumulate.
Dioxins are not manufactured as commercial
products or ingredients. They occur as unintended
byproducts of incomplete combustion (low
temperature), photochemical and some chemical
processes. These processes include waste
incinerators, motor vehicles, wood burning,
smoking, forest fires, etc. Most human exposure to
Dioxins is through the food chain, such as tobacco
smoke and other products finished by roasting
smoking (coffee, Barbecue, smoked fish and slam).
Symptoms of exposure to a large quantity of
Dioxins are allergic Dermatitis, Hepatic necrosis,
haemorrhage, lymphoid depletion and chlonacne,
and it may cause Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or
psychiatric disturbances (neurasthenic, depressive
Aim of the Study: We conducted a
homeopathic drug Proving of 2, 3, 7, 8
tetrachloridibenzenopdioxin (2, 3, 7, 8, - TCDD),
one of the most toxic man-made” substance. The
homeopathic preparation of Dioxin was tested on
healthy volunteers, in an attempt to get information
of the effects of this substance, prepared into 30
centesimal homeopathic dilution (after the twelfth
dilution, the homeopathic preparation goes beyond
what is called “Avogadro’s limit” where there is no
discernible trace of the original substance).
Design: The proving of Dioxin was conducted
in Rio Grande do Sul state in Brazil with volunteers
as Provers, using the modified Protocol of Natural
Proving Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trials in
Human Beings from the Brazilian Medical
Association of Homeopathy. The total number of
subjects involved included 30 healthy volunteers.
They were randomly assigned to the Placebo or
Verum group. Healthy’ was defined by medical
judgement and laboratory tests. Both trial
investigators and the volunteers did not know the
8. Estimate of specificity during Proving
repetition SIGNORINI A.; LUBRANO A. and
MANUELE G.: There is a strong need to repeat
Provings of the same remedy at different times and
in different research groups. § 135 of Organon is
the first call for this conventional science
demands repetition of the experimental trials and
the repeatability of specific results in different
experiments. In a single-blind pilot study we save a
repetition of about 50% of the symptoms between
two Provings of Arsenicum bromatum and now we
wanted to confirm (or otherwise) this first result.
- 31 medical doctors from seven different Italian
homeopathic schools were randomly assigned in
three groups (Plumbum metallicum 30C, Piper
methysticum 30c and placebo) in a double blind
- Diaries and classic supervision.
- First week: run-in period.
- Second week: administration of the liquid
preparation 4-6 times daily.
- Third week: observation without administration.
The phrases with new strongly aggravated and
modified symptoms (excluding ameliorated,
moderately aggravated, recurrent and actual
symptoms) were selected from diaries. Modalized
symptoms (MS, symptoms with anatomical,
physiological, sensorial, chronological, etiological
details, aggravation or amelioration) were chosen
from the selected phrases of all three groups and
compared with MS of an earlier Proving of
Plumbum 12C (HARTLAUB and TRINKS,
Leipzig, 1828). Also concordance percentage was
calculated (% of selected phrases containing at least
one MS concordant with a MS of the German
Results: 8 (Pip-m), 2 (placebo) and 30
(Plumbum) MS were found concordant with MS of
the German Proving while the Concordance
Percentage gave results of 9.6%, 27% and 47.5%
Conclusions: MS may distinguish the
specificity of symptoms between two Provings of
different remedies or of the same remedy. Further
more a certain repeatability, about 50%, can be
expected between two different Provings of the
same remedy while a repeatability of 10% could be
seen between different remedies.
9. Homeopathic Provings from the times of
HAHNEMANN until Today, FLICK R.: The role
of Provings as a source and foundation of our
homeopathic Materia Medica is undisputed. Much
of our knowledge today is based on historic
Provings. In a critical comment on today’s
situation in this respect many new Provings with
many mental and few reliable physical symptoms
we present a historical review of famous Provers
Austrian Provings of the 19
Century and
HERING’s comments on them, as well as SWAN,
In conclusion we suggest a set of core
requirements necessary to conduct high-quality-
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
10. Homeopathy in a Neonatology Ward
BALTOCIS B.: In the Neonatology Ward of the
KA Rudolf stiftung, Vienna, Austria, Homeopathy
is integrated into Neonatal Care. The Ward is
situated close to the Maternity Ward and the
Delivery Room.
Premature babies from 27 weeks of gestational
age and sick newborns are treated. Homeopathy
has its place in acute interventions in the delivery
room as well as in the intensive and intermediate
care unit. Although homeopathic treatment can be
primary, and in some cases the only intervention, in
most cases it is used as an additional treatment and
complementary to the intensive medical treatment.
Some brief reports on typical cases, including
photos or short video clips, show important acute
remedies and considerations regarding the
homeopathic approach to the newborn.
Homeopathy in Intensive Care is also discussed.
11. A Way of Setting up a Homeopathic
Outpatient Clinic for Obstetrics at a University
Hospital: BASTIDE M. and HALM R.P. At the
University Hospital of Vienna a homeopathic
Outpatient Clinic for pregnant women was
established in the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology in 1999. This lecture aims to
demonstrate how a homeopathic clinic can be set
up at a University Hospital, how it is organized,
how patients are referred and what diseases can be
cured. The ideal indications of the use of
Homeopathy as an alternate treatment and the
indications for complementary use will be
differentiated. The possibility of organizing the
institutionalized use of homeopathic remedies in
Labour and delivery room as well as on the
puerperal ward will also be discussed.
The importance and advantages of doing
research on Homeopathy will be highlighted as
well as the problems in using traditional study
designs in homeopathic trials.
This speech will show one way in which
Homeopathy can gain acceptance and respect from
medical staff, midwives and referring doctors.
12. Homeopathy incorporated in a Swiss
University Aims and Results 10 years
Institute for Complementary Medicine KIKOM
arose from a public demand in 1992 for the
establishment of a professional chair in Natural
Healing Methods at the University of Bern,
Switzerland. This chain would undertake teaching,
research and patient care in selected areas of
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
and was established in 1995. Four certified CAM
Practitioners were engaged as part-time Professors
for Anthroposophical Medicine, Classical
Homeopathy, Neural Therapy, and Traditional
Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture.
KIKOM initiated the inclusion of CAM in the
Swiss medical association. During the University
Course students are trained in Case Histories.
Lectures on specific Complementary Medical
topics are held for students and for doctors,
continuous education in cooperation with Clinics of
the University Hospital. Public lectures on basic
questions of conventional and complementary
Medicine, regular seminars and colloquia as well as
occasional Symposia and external lectures are
offered, and published as books.
Basic research is carried out in cooperation
with a botanic/scientific anthroposophical Institute.
Joint research projects are carried out with other
clinical departments of the University Hospital
putting emphasis on the development of
investigation procedures and the specific features of
Complementary Medicine.
Results are frequently presented to the public.
The research project “Homeopathy for Children
with Attention Deficit Disorder” was presented
with a CAM award.
A homeopathic Outpatient Clinic gives up to
approx. 450 consultations per year both within and
outside the University Hospital.
Other fields of KIKOM activity include
advising colleagues, board-editing and reviewing
articles for international journals, and carrying out
public mandates.
13. The Integrative Project: “Homeopathy in
Paediatrics” at the Childrens’ Hospital of the
University of Munich, Germany KRUSE S.;
“Homeopathy in Paediatrics” was established in
the Dr. von HAUNER’s Childrens’ Hospital,
University of Munich in 1995 to integrate
Homeopathy into a University Hospital. Selected
children (outpatients and in the wards) are treated
conventionally and homeopathically. The Karl and
Veronica Carstens-Foundation initially financed the
project over six years. An association of parents,
whose children were treated for Cancer, funded the
project for one year. Since 2002, for the first time
in Germany, the National Health Insurance is
providing the financial background for two
consultants for Homeopathy at this University
Who are we? Dr. Mira DORCSI-ULRICH, who
initiated the project and carries out the supervision.
She is a paediatrician in her own Practice with 23
years of experience.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Dr. Sigrid KRUSE has managed to integrate
Homeopathy into the clinic, starting at first in 1995
as a resident for Paediatrics. Now she fulfills the
requests of doctors and parents in the wards
demanding concomitant homeopathic treatment.
Dr. Christian LUCAE mainly treats the
outpatients while focusing on his research project
with children showing attention-deficit-
hyperactivity-syndrome (ADHS).
Concomitant homeopathic therapy was
successful in the following cases intracerebral
bleeding 3
degree in premature babies, drug
withdrawal in neonates, addicted mothers,
Epilepsy, handicapped children, ADHS, Migraine,
Tic, recurrent Infections, Asthma and Atopic
Eczema, complications in wound healing and other
problems. Homeopathic treatment of children
parallel to conventional methods a particularly well
accepted in the treatment of Cancer. The side
effects of oncological treatment like vomiting and
stomatitis can be relieved, aggressions and anxiety
intercepted and life quality improved.
14. Cost effectiveness of Homeopathy in
Chronic Diseases SPENCE D.: A study was
initiated at Bristol Homeopathic Hospital to
evaluate the effectiveness of Homeopathy in real
world clinical practice in large group of patients in
the secondary care sector of the State Health
System in the United Kingdom.
Method: Every patient attending the hospital
Outpatient Department, without exclusion, was
entered into the study and their clinical outcome
assessed. All clinical diagnoses were classified
using ICDIO coding. Outcome was assessed on a
seven-point Leikert-type scale, incorporating as
much objectivity as possible, e.g. increase in peak-
flow rates and reduction of intake of beta-2 agonists
in asthmatics.
Drug costs are those provided by the Pharmacy
Services Directorate of the main University
Teaching Hospital, which purchases all pharmacy
supplies for homeopathic outpatients.
A sub-group of patients with inflammatory
bowel disease, who were already listed for surgical
intervention, is also examined and the cost savings
to the health care community are evaluated.
Results: Over seven years, more than 30,000
consultations have been analysed and it is possible
to identify more than 7,000 patients. An analysis of
the overall effect of the clinical outcome shows that
around 70% of patients experience positive health
gain following homeopathic treatment. Total drug
costs show that this treatment is provided at
relatively low cost and comparative data in the
small sub-group show how much more costly other
interventions would have been.
Conclusions: The data presented indicates that
homeopathic treatment provides both clinically
effective and cost effective health care for a wide
range of patients with chronic diseases.
15. The Caged Bird Sings a prospective
Formal Case Series of 18 Referrals to Bristol
Homeopathic Hospital THOMPSON T.; WEISS
M. Introduction: Most published case reports are
retrospective, rely on the memory of the prescriber
and vary in the detail of follow-up provided.
Though valued by practitioners, they are not
sufficiently systematic to be considered part of the
evidence base for Homeopathy. On the other hand
rigorous scientific studies such as clinical trials do
not reflect the realities of daily practice. In this
presentation we aim to demonstrate the power of
the formal case study (1) to investigate both process
and outcome in Homeopathy.
Methods: For several months every patient
referred to the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital and
living with the diagnosis of either Chronic Fatigue,
IBS or Eczema was offered the opportunity to join
the study. Recruitment continued until we had six
patients in each category. Patients were
interviewed before and after a course of five
homeopathic consultations with one of three
homeopathic physicians over eight months. All
interviews and consultations were recorded and
transcribed. We additionally tracked outcome
using condition-specific and generic outcome
scores, reports from “significant others” and
pictures drawn by the patients.
Results: All but one patient completed their course
of treatment. About one third had substantial health
gain, one third were helped and one third were not
helped. Homeopathic phenomena documented
included aggravations; return of old symptoms and
examples of HERING’s Law. We have
characterized many other aspects of the process,
such as the doctor-patient relationship and patient
expectations that have a bearing on outcome.
Conclusions: These cases provide a naturalistic
account of patients under routine homeopathic care
based on verifiable prospectively obtained data. As
such they open up a new approach to studying the
process and outcome of homeopathic care. Formal
case studies can be used by homeopaths to study
Materia Medica and real world case management
and by researches in the appropriate design of
larger studies. They also provide valuable
educational material.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
16. Summary of Cancer Treatment: Cure or
amelioration of Cancer by using Mineral
Remedies PAYRHUBER D.: The results using
potentised Mineral remedies to treat Cancer are
presented on the basis of eight cases. In relation to
conventional treatment, each of the cases shows
significant amelioration or cure once homeopathic
treatment is started.
Methods: The anamnesis is mainly based on the
life conflict and the mental conditions of the
patient. The mental constellation of the patient
represents the very source of one’s disease and
indicates a specific remedy. Local symptoms have
to fit the overall healing capacity of the chosen
remedy. In principle, a repertorization is made on
the elaboration of the Periodic Table by J.
SCHOLTEN. Usually group analysis reveals one
element of the mineral (e.g. bar), the second one
has to be elaborated carefully (e.g. Phos. for Bar-
Results: Remedies used by this method show a
deep action upon the Psychological constellation of
the patient and are capable of dissolving malignant
tissues to restore health. Correct prescriptions act
promptly enabling a healing process to take place,
even if the patient is resistant to conventional
therapy, i.e. Surgery, Radiation, Chemotherapy.
Conclusions: In comparison to higher biological
entities (plants, animals, Nosodes) used in
Homeopathy, Elements/Salts are simple in their
structure (atoms, molecules). However, in their
potentized form they represent life-themes
associated with a given Mineral as well as with the
patient’s life conflict (Law of Similarity). Indeed,
we compare the energized state of the Mineral,
which is equivalent to a theme, archetype, with the
mental constitution of the patient. The Tumor as a
local symptom is a result of the disturbed life-force
(C. BURNETT, Curability of tumors) and only
part of the system. Since Elements and Minerals
are the tiniest and most archaic units, out of which
life springs, the potentized forms represent pristine
archetype, which must have profound organizing
capacities (Carbon for father/self-confidence and
their attributes. Chlorine for Mother or Child and
their attributes, and Iodine for cultural
transformation). In most cases the psychological
constellation is already evident in early childhood
and is more fully manifested later on.
17. Oncology and Homeopathy at the General
Hospital in Klagenfurt PICHLER E.: A
homeopathic Inpatient and Outpatient clinic at the
Paediatric Oncology Department at the General
Hospital in Klagenfurt was established in 1997.
Homeopathy is used in addition to Conventional
Medicine. The outcome of this combined therapy
is so successful that Homeopathy has become a
fixed part of treatment in Paediatric Oncology
Department. Rhabdomyosarcoma are rare in the
different types of Cancer in Paediatric Oncology.
Some cases are demonstrated and in the conclusion
the experiences are presented.
18. The Importance of Phosphorus in Cancer
Treatment SPINEDI D.: During Cancer Therapy
in our Clinic over the past seven years we have
come to recognize the prominent role which
Phosphorus plays in the treatment of Cancer.
According to our observations, application of this
remedy fall in one of three groups:
1. Constitutional Phosphorus cases who, in all
likelihood would have benefited from this
remedy since their birth.
2. Phosphorus cases in Cancer patients who need
this remedy during their disease despite a
different constitutional remedy.
3. Patients who require Phosphorus because of
the Chemo- or Radiation therapy.
4. In our paper we will present several illustrative
19. Homeopathic Treatment of Metastatic
Carcinomas WÜRSTER J.: Homeopathic
treatment of metastatic Carcinomas poses a great
challenge to the practitioner, because the treatment
plan must incorporate several levels of information
in order to influence the Tumor. Treatment
blockages through Chemotherapy, Radiation
Therapy of miasmatic influences has to be dealt
with before deeper acting remedies can be
Patients with advanced or metastatic Tumors
have been treated by Q (LM) potencies. The
reaction to Q-potencies and the changes in
pathogenetic parameters were included in assessing
the action of the homeopathic remedy. Through
consideration of the individual pathogenesis and
application of a suitable therapy plan already
metastatic Tumors could be made to disappear, as
has been documented in several cases. We present
cases of metastatic Melanoma, Lingual Cancer with
cervical metastases, Carcinoma of the naso-pharynx
with cervical metastases, and a case of ossal and a
Pulmonal Metastatic Thyroid Carcinoma. In those
cases, Tumor and metastases were made to
disappear through homeopathic treatment.
20. Homeopathy in Cancer treatment
Homeopathy should in future be the first option in
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Cancer treatment. In this study of 151 cases 80%
opted for homeopathic treatment because of either
- Relapse after completion of standard (allopathic)
- No response to standard treatment
15% were diagnosed as advanced/terminally ill, 3%
could not afford allopathic treatment, and 2% opted
for homeopathic as first-line treatment.
Cases considered advanced or terminal
responded well in terms of morbidity and mortality
rate. Thus if patients choose Homeopathy as the
first option after diagnosis, the response percentage
will definitely increase.
Inclusion Criteria: Patient who
- Chose to take homeopathic remedies,
- Had undergone surgery for resection of
primary Tumor. These were selected to
prevent local or metastatic recurrence,
- Had undergone surgery for resection of
primary Tumor and were inoperable or partial
resection of Tumor achieved.
- Had advanced Carcinomas and were put on
palliative treatment.
Various types of Cancer like ovarian, stomach, pancreas,
lung, urinary and bladder were included in the study.
Exclusion Criteria: Cases where surgery had a
definite role to play were not included.
The response to homeopathic remedies was
graded as
- Very good (28.15%): morbidity decreased
assessed in terms of pain, weight, appetite and
fatigue/prolongation of life achieved/regression
in disease or preventing the progress of the
disease achieved indicated by investigation like
CT Scans, Tumor markers.
- Good (46.60%): morbidity decreased assessed
in terms of pain, weight, appetite and fatigue.
- No response (25.24%): patients did not have
any relief after treatment.
The Simillimum was selected on
- Preventing symptoms,
- Miasms,
- Repetition of the remedy on susceptibility and
aggressiveness of disease.
21. Homeopathic Work in the Slums (Favelas)
of Brazilian Cities BRUNO C.G.: Homeopathy is
recognized in Brazil as a medical specialization.
More than fourteen thousand medical doctors have
already followed some form of homeopathic
course in the last twenty years. In spite of this, the
majority of the Brazilian population, mostly the less
socially and economically advantaged, has no
access to homeopathic treatment. To correct this
situation many homeopathic medical groups have
been working inside the “favelas” treating the
people who live there.
The various approaches, methodologies,
difficulties and results are presented and discussed.
X. The End of an Era WINSTON, Julian (HT.
24, 7/2004) The Hahnemann College of
Homeopathy, California shut its doors after 20
years of operation. It was originally instituted to
support the teachings of George VITHOULKAS.
The idea was to combine a large functioning clinic
and a non-profit school housed together. It began
in 1985 with a two-year course of 96 total days of
teaching. Eventual goal was to establish a four-
year, full-time homeopathic medical school and
independent licensure. While the school is no
more, the HAHNEMANN Clinic remains.
Washington Homeopathic Pharmacy, on the
East coast, in Bethedsa, Maryland closed its doors.
This establishment dated back to 1873 by Mr.
McPHERSON. Bought out by Boericke & Tafel in
1884. In 1889, bought by Dr. C.W. ROBERTS and
Miss C.V. DORMAN. In 1891, bought by C.V.
DORMAN. In 1927, sold to Mr. W.H. FURR, and
moved it to Del Ray Avenue, Bethedsa by E.B.
FURR. In 1991, Joe and Linda LILLARD bought
and changed the name to Washington
Homeopathic Products.
The shop served several generations of
homeopaths and it held a treasure trove of
homeopathic memorabilia. One of them is a large
book in which is recorded every prescription filled
by Washington Homeopathic Pharmacy, day by
XI. In Memory Gretchen WORDEN by
WINSTON, Julian (HT. 24, 7/2004) Mütter
Museum in Philadelphia filled with beautiful wood
cabinets a trip into the past and into the
strangeness of medicine. Gretchen WORDEN was
the curator of the museum and came from a long
line of homeopaths. She was helpful to JULIAN
in obtaining much information for his book, The
Faces of Homeopathy.
She died on August 2, 2004 at the age of 57,
from complications of Myleodysplasia while
awaiting a bone-marrow transplant.
XII. Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital (GHH)
Threatened (HT. 24, 7/2004) The National Health
Service’s Greater Glasgow Board is threatening to
close the hospital’s inpatient facilities as part of a
series of cost-cutting measures.
GHH is the only one in UK able to look after
patients 24 hours a day and tackle complex cases,
which are not responding to conventional medicine.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
After much public outcry, the GHH has
received a stay of execution while the NHS Board
reconsiders its proposal to close the hospital.
XIII. Creating a Thriving Homeopathic
Profession. Gaining Public Recognition and
Acceptance is Key SWOPE, Harry (HT. 24,
8/2004) The most likely options for expanding the
professional practice of Homeopathy include:
1. Pursuing the passage of “health freedom” laws
in all states of USA.
2. Expanding the accepted practice of Homeopathy
within existing licensed health care professions.
3. Creating a new licensure category for
professional homeopaths.
XIV. Obituary: Bernard, HAVILAND J. Oct.
22, 1915 Aug. 24, 2004 From the Editor
WINSTON, Julian (HT. 24, 8/2004) Bernie
HAVILAND, long time NCH member, died
peacefully after a lengthy illness. In 1967, he
played a key role in organizing the first study group
in Philadelphia. He worked under the guidance of
Dr. Henry WILLIAMS, NCH Dean of summer
school, in taking patient cases.
XV. The Henry N. WILLIAMS Professional
Service Award was presented to Sandra M.
CHASE and The Martha OELMAN Community
Service Award presented to Mary F. YANO on 28
April 2004 at NCH’s 30
Annual meeting and
Conference in Portland, Oregan. (HT. 24, 8/2004)
XVI. From the Editor. WINSTON, Julian
(HT. 24, 9/2004). Jacques IMBERECHTS from
Belgium explained that while a homeopath’s
primary work is to help people get well, that is just
one aspect of what they should be doing. For
Homeopathy to grow, the practitioner must engage
in other work besides just helping people. That
other work is called production” and can take
many forms: Participating in Provings, participating
in Research, developing, clinical trials, teaching,
writing articles for journals etc. All of these
activities feed back into and strengthen
If we don’t participate in the growth of our
science, then we have no one to blame for its lack
of success but ourselves.
“At a lecture to the Connecticut Homeopathic
Society back in 1948, Anthony SHUPIS, MD, said:
“Let us question ourselves. Are we
homeopaths, or better still, are we ‘fightin’
homeopaths? Do we follow the teachings of
HAHNEMANN or are we just graduates from
where once Homeopathy was only apologetically
mentioned? …. Have we pursued the study of
Homeopathy beyond our school borders? We
are a society which slumbers all but two widely-
separated days a year [i.e., Connecticut
Homeopathic Society biannual meetings], then to
awaken, peep at our waning shadow, and again
retire abashedly from our self-defamed Temple of
Medical Truth.”
Now, 56 years later, the question still remains:
“Are we fighting homeopaths?
[We agree whole-heartedly. Feedback is
seldom, particularly from the experienced
homeopaths. Let us think for few minutes as to
where we would we all be if ALLEN, WELLS,
PULFORD, NASH, JEANES and other gems had
not fedback via Journals and discussions in their
periodical meetings and arranged to have all those
material published? Today we are standing on their
shoulders. It is tantamount to dishonesty if we
don’t help “production” in the sense mentioned by
XVII. The Flu is back! Help us Track it!
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 9/2004).
Homeopaths know that sharing of information is
crucial to identify the genus epidemicus remedies
– that are specific to that Season’s Flu.
So NCH has created a Flu Tracker project at
the NCH website. The heart and soul of the project
is the Data Collection Page. If more practitioners
share their results, the more valuable Flu tracker
will be to everyone. A Message Board is added
where busy practitioners can write notes about
remedies they are giving than to fill out a Data
Collection form.
XVIII. Is it a Cold or the Flu? What’s the
Difference. (HT. 24, 9/2004) Flu comes more
suddenly and the symptoms of fever and chills,
muscle aches, severe headaches, exhaustion,
painful dry cough and chest pain are more
prominent. Often cannot even get out of bed,
feeling as though “hit by a truck”. Flu lasts up to
two weeks with additional time for recuperation. In
the northern hemisphere, Flu occurs almost
exclusively during fall and winter months.
Colds occur year-round. They feel unwell,
may have a slight headache and mild muscle aches,
usually able to go about their normal routine with
some difficulty. Intense nasal congestion and
stopped up nose is typical of head cold.
XIX. Report: Seminar in Slovenia WINSTON,
Julian (HT. 24, 9/2004) In Aug. 2004, Julian
WINSTON spoke for 2 days about Why
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Homeopathy failed in the US, the History of
Women in Homeopathy, the Reliability of our
Literature, Some Homeopathic “Myths”, and the
Sources of our Remedies, liberally illustrating with
slides and power-point presentations. A full
transcript of the proceedings (minus pictures) is
available from Zivan Krevel at <zkrevel@siol.net>.
XX. Dr. Hans LEERS (1909-2005): A
distinguished homeopath of Germany passed
away. Dr. LEERS was an entirely and very unusual
person of a kind the like of whom we do not in
these days, come across. He was sincere, upright,
honest, industrious, idealistic who pursued what he
under-stood as right, with singular devotion. His
specific great work is his punched Card following
KENT’s Repertory to which he has added very
important additions. The punched cards were very
helpful and he published a periodical journal at cost
price with impressive cases, aimed at those who
used the Punched Card Repertory. A collected
work of this also was later published. After his
wife passed away he comforted himself with his
busy Practice and spectacular cures of difficult
cases. In spite of his serious ailment and an
accident from which he recovered with the help of
Homeopathy, he took up his practice soon again.
So was he until few days before his 96
busily engaged in his practice. He then caught an
infection exactly like HAHNEMANN in his old age
from which did not recover.
Dr. LEERS had in him a highly successful
Physician with progressive scientific temper and
character, an example of a Man and teacher. That
is a rare combination. He is a role model for the
young homeopaths. (Karl-Heinz GEBHARDT, in
the AHZ. 250, 3/2005) [A very useful publication
of Dr. Hans LEERS is a book titled Sammlung
Seltener Symptome “Collection of Rare
Symptoms not available in the KENT”
published in 1973. This contains collections from a
large number sources right from HAHNEMANN.
This is a very useful collection. The Synthesis
and Complete Repertory seem to have
incorporated this in their Repertories. Still this
small book of only 128 pages is very useful. =
XXI. In the ZKH. 48, 1/2004, Katharina TOST
has reported three cases of Warts; The authoress
has pointed out that Wart is a sign of Chronic
disease; Warts are not simple, harmless
In the opening Paragraph (p.5 of the article in
ZKH. 1/2004) the authoress has said that bleeding
Warts may be of syphilitic diathesis. In Ramanlal
PATEL’s Chronic Miasms and their Cure, with
Classification of their Rubrics/Symptom in
Kent’s Repertory” this symptom is given under
Psora (p.1225); the sources he gives are J.H.
Chapter “Extremities, Warts, Upper limbs”
(p.1143) almost all warts are mainly put under
Sycotic Miasm source mostly being J.H. ALLEN
and J.T. KENT.
XXII. A Scientific Proof of Activity of
Homeopathic Remedies. KWAAITAAL Ir, Th.
(HL. 17, 1/2004) Thermoluminescence is a well-
known and accepted physical phenomenon also
used as a means of dating various minerals and
archaeological. Dr. Louis REY, a renowned
physicist in Switzerland has found that the
Thermoluminescence glow of the three systems i.e.
pure water, and solutions of 15CH Lithium chloride
and 15CH Sodium chloride were substantially
XXIII. Homeopathy in Malawi. Jacqueline
KOUWENHOVEN (HL. 17, 1/2004). Malawi is a
relatively small country in the south-eastern part of
Africa with about ten million population. The Eva
Demaya Centre, in Northern Malawi is a rural
health and development centre, which aims
improving their health and living standards of the
population. Karen van LEER an experienced
homeopath from the Netherlands, had the courage
to practice Homeopathy at this centre. Since 2002
she is coming on a voluntary basis to practice and
develop Homeopathy at the centre. For further
information, please contact: Judith KEIJZER, The
Netherlands. Tel. + 31 20 659 4922
XXIV. Seminar “The Secret Life of Plants” of Rajan
SANKARAN (HL. 17, 1/2004) was held in Montreal in
November 2002. The vital sensation, is the level at which the
mind and body meet, [Are they un-united at any time? = KSS]
where emotional and physical symptoms are described using the
same terms. The sensation of the case is elicited with questions
centred around the patient’s chief complaint, which is viewed as
a “crystallization of the entire problem in the moment!” – Laura
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest are given below:
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung,
Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im
Weiher 10, 69121, HEIDELBERG,
2. AJHM: American Journal of Homeopathic
Medicine, formerly Journal of the American
Institute of Homeopathy (JAIH). 801 N.
Fairfax Street, Suite 306 Alexandria, VA
3. CCR: Homoeopathic Clinical Case Recorder,
Dr. Subhash Meher, Near Hotel Chanakya,
Anandrishiji Marg, Burudgaon Road,
4. HL: Homeopathic Links, Homeopathic
Research & Charities, F/s, Saraswat Colony,
Linking Road, Santacruz (W), MUMBAI – 400
5. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British
Homeopathic Journal (BHJ), Homeopathy,
Faculty of Homeopathy, 29 Park Street West,
Luton, Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
6. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for
Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite
306, ALEXANDRIA, VA. 22314, USA.
7. NJH: National Journal of Homeopathy, 71B
Saraswati Road, Near Gokul Icecream,,
Santacruz (W), MUMBAI – 400 054.
8. SIM: Simillimum, The Journal of the
Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic
Physicians, P.O. Box 8341, Covington, WA
98042, USA.
9. SIMILIA: Journal of the Australian Homeopathic
Association. P.O. Box 252, Mount Martha VIC
10. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl
F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-
(This section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some case)
Jacob JEANES, M.D.
(Read before the PHIL. HOM. MEDICAL
Although judicious observation is the medium
for the attainment of knowledge, that is, of a certain
perception of truth, tact, or existence, still we may
resort to speculation as a means of stimulating the
mind to observation. And we may do this properly
and profitably whilst we are careful to discriminate
between the speculative and the real, between
opinion and knowledge.
Opinion, like belief indeed, they are nearly
convertible terms, may be rational, speculative, or
arbitrary. It is rational when it is a just judgement
of strong probability resulting from reasoning upon
ascertained facts. It is speculative when it is the
result of reasoning upon opinions or hypothesis. It
is arbitrary when it exists from the determination of
the will.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The rationalisation and resulting opinion
constitute a theory. But for convenience, this term
is often applied to either of these constituents. It
would, therefore, seem that theory could only
appertain to rational or speculative opinion. But, a
theory may be arbitrarily adopted, and this will
most frequently occur from a confidence in the
judgement of its propounder. It may be proper for
the pupil to receive with respect the doctrines of his
preceptor. But when the time has arrived in which
his pupilage ought to terminate, it becomes his duty
to submit the precepts which he has received to the
ordeal of observation and reflection. And when, in
his turn, he endeavours to become the teacher of
others, he should remember that arbitrary opinion,
in which the Will usurps the place of reason, ought
to be excluded from the realm of science, and
fortunately for the progress of mankind, it is not
now nearly so influential in medicine as it was a
few centuries since. Then the authority of great
names was much more potential than it is at the
present time. No man of sense would dare at this
day to utter a sentiment similar to that of the
zealous Galenist, who said, “Malo cum Galeno
errare, quam Harveyo esse circulator” – I would
rather err with Galen, than be a circulator with
After this brief elucidation of the sense in
which some important terms are employed in these
papers, we may proceed to the consideration of a
few of the theories which exist among the
cultivators of homeopathic medicine. And first,
the theory of the single dose. This, which has some
influence in modifying the practice of many
physicians, is nowhere absolutely taught. It ought
not, therefore, to be called a doctrine. It is
suggested by the writings of HAHNEMANN, but
he can easily be exonerated from the charge of
having taught it absolutely. His “Eine oder ein Parr
Gaben,” his one or two doses, together with his
allowance of the repetition of a medicine in certain
cases, are sufficient to settle this matter.
The rational theory of the single dose is an
induction from the following facts.
First, that violent and even inveterate diseases
have been cured by single doses.
Second, that the repetition of the dose appears
sometimes to excite needless aggravation, and
seems to delay rather than to expedite the cure.
Third, that in some cases there is a diminution
in the amount and duration of relief from each
successive dose, evidencing merely palliative
operation; whilst, at the same time, medicinal
symptoms of a severe character may be produced.
Such facts are sufficiently prominent in
Homeopathic practice to call our attention to the
theory of the single dose, and to demand for it a
careful investigation, but they are far from being
sufficiently constant to justify its acceptance as
worthy of universal or even of general application
in the treatment of disease. It is, indeed, too
extensive an induction from certain facts, whilst
others of a counterpoising character are either
entirely neglected or much undervalued. The fact
that very many cases of disease appear to require a
repetition of the doses, and to be benefited thereby,
certainly militates against this theory, which we
will agree may be usefully accepted in those cases
in which the single dose is evidently effecting a
In order to prepare ourselves for the proper
appreciation of facts, it will be necessary for us to
free ourselves from the bias of speculative opinion,
or at the least to ascertain the true value of any
speculation which is allowed to operate upon our
The evident truthfulness of this proposition
should induce us to vigorously examine and
criticize every speculative theory which may have
an important influence over us. Therefore great as
is the debt of gratitude which we owe to the genius
of HAHNEMANN we are justified in a close
investigation of his theory of disease, and of the
modus operandi of remedies in its cure,
remembering that he did not enunciate it as
absolutely true, but as most highly probable. The
following inelegant but literal translation of Article
29 of his Organon, shows us his theory.
“In that every disease (the purely surgical
excepted), depends upon a disturbability of our
vital power, in feelings and activities; so in the
Homeopathic healing of the vital power disturbed
by natural disease, through the administration of a
medicinal potency, selected accurately according to
symptoms resemblance, there is produced a
somewhat stronger, similar morbid affection, and as
it were substituted in the place of the weaker,
similar natural morbid commotion against which
then the instinctive vital power, now only
medicinally disordered (but stronger), is compelled
to direct an increased energy, but on account of the
shorter working-duration of the now morbidly
affecting medicinal potency, soon overcomes this,
and as at first from the natural, so now from the in
its place entered artificial (medicinal) affection
becomes free, and therefore fitted to guide the life
of the organism again into health”.
In the consideration of these theoretic
explanations, we may first notice the opinion, or
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
rather the hypothesis of the DISTURBABILITY
The terms employed in the statement of this
hypothesis may be new, but the idea which they are
intended to convey is old. The theory of dynamic
and adynamic diseases appears to contemplate
disturbances of the dynamis or vital power. In
many other theories of disease there is an
approximation to this idea. Indeed, at first view, it
appears so truth-like, that we are ready to accept it
as truth. But remembering that the apparent is
often very different from the real, let us try its
merits by instituting a comparison between it and
the directly opposite hypothesis of the
This, also, is not novel. For the Archaeus of
some, and the vis medicatrix naturæ of other writers
convey the idea of a power residing in the living
organism, which is constantly operating for the
development, perfection and integrity of the
organization. The functions of such a power are the
same as those of an indisturbable vital power or
principle. Therefore we may consider the power as
a thing with different names. Of these, that of the
indisturbable vital principle may have sufficient
advantages to justify its employment.
Upon the admission of this hypothesis, we
must look elsewhere than to the vital principle for
the primal seat of disease. And we can now only
look to the organization for this; since it is the
recipient of the injuries and offence which
constitute diseases. For, however extensively, we
may consider diseases as consisting of symptoms,
and may name them therefrom; we all have a
perception of something beyond this; namely, the
disease itself. Then, considering an injury or
offence to the organization to be the morbus ipse,
the disease itself, which must have as its necessary
consequences, alterations of the actions and
feelings; and, also, considering that the vital
principle in establishing new and extraordinary
processes must produce alterations of actions and
feelings, we must arrive at the conclusion that these
alterations are of two kinds. These may be termed
the direct and the indirect. And, as all these
alterations are called symptoms, we may say of an
incision by which a muscle is divided, that the
gaping wound, the haemorrhage, the immediate
pain and the loss of power, are direct symptoms of
the injury, the morbus ipse. And, that the
symptoms which speedily become blended with
these and finally supersede them, being the
production of the vital power in its processes of
preservation and restoration, are indirect symptoms.
Some among us may by this time be ready to
ask, what are offences: It may be replied, that they
are conditions of the organization which might be
termed injuries, if it were not that they are as yet
not attended by structural lesion, and therefore
permit a restoration to the original condition. When
from the particular nature, the violence, or the long
continuance of an offence, structural defect is
produced, it becomes an injury. The most
necessary and proper food when eaten in too large
quantity, becomes a cause of offence. These cases,
which are not infrequent, the sensations of weight
and fullness, the general lassitude and many other
uncomfortable feelings, are the direct symptoms of
the offence of the organization; whilst the
paroxysmal pains, the nausea and the vomiting, are
the results of the action of the vital principle for the
removal of cause of offence, being the indirect
symptoms. Another illustration derived from those
organs which are provided for the reception and
temporary retention of certain excretions. When
these accumulate until they ought to be discharged,
the vital principle establishes its processes for their
removal which are marked by alterations in the
actions and feelings.
Extending our views to the exhalents of all
kinds, we find that the performance of their
functions may sometimes be interrupted or entirely
suspended. The causes of offence which occasion
such interruptions or suspensions, are generally
from the exterior of the organization. But whether
their causes be interior or exterior, their effect is to
overload the system with matters which ought to be
eliminated from it. So important is the removal of
these matters, that the vital power when it does not
succeed in removing the primary offence, and
recalling the inactive exhalents to their work,
imposes their duties upon other sets of exhalents.
These in their turn being over-tasked, perform their
own duties imperfectly, render it imperatively
necessary for the vital principle to overwork other
exhalent with similar results. In all this, the vital
power is doing the best which it can now do to
preserve the life organism first great appears to the
…preservation of the organization in health and
integrity, and when from the force of adverse
circumstances it has been unable to do this, its
second great duty commences, which is to maintain
the life of the organism as long as may be possible.
Therefore, the vital principle, as the inimical forces
become more powerful, contends inch by inch in
retreat, yielding position after position, until it is
compelled to succumb, and the life of the organism
is extinct.
The offences to the organization from external
as well as from internal causation, are innumerable,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
but the vital power resists or overcomes the larger
portion of them by its own forces. When from the
violence of a cause or from a complication of
causes, serious disease results, we are often able to
afford aid through the employment of medicinal
agents. These are useful, not from their nutritious
or invigorating properties, therefore, not from any
power which they possess of adding directly to the
power of the vital principle. Their utility appears to
consist in modifying the conditions of the offended
parts of the organisation in a manner favourable to
the removal of the offence. Sometimes, the
medicinal power may substitute the existing disease
by that which it is capable of producing, and when
this is of a nature to be speedily overcome by the
vital power, a rapid cure must ensue. At other
times, the medicinal offence being super-added to
the pre-existing, serves as an additional incentive to
the vital principle to free the organization from the
irritation of both. And, at many, if not at all times,
the medicinal power operates through its offence
both as substitute and incentive. The last of these
methods is deserving of special attention, as being
substantially that given by HAHNEMANN in his
explanation of the mode of operation of
homeopathic remedies in the cure of disease.
From this, it can be seen that whichever hypothesis
we may accept, our views in regard to the mode of
operation of medicines in the cure of diseases are
the same, except as relates to the hypothetical
connection. And here it is that either of these
hypothesis becomes of importance, because of its
power of giving a bias to the mind in relation to the
repetition of doses. For under the idea of adding a
new disturbance to an already disturbed vital
power, we may sometimes fail to repeat the dose
when it might be repeated with great advantage.
Whilst under the view that the medicinal offence is
offered to a part or parts of the organization, the
vital principle being fully capable of overcoming it,
will give us much greater freedom in the repetition
of doses.
Fellow members, if on this occasion there has
been evoked from the realm of thought a creature of
the imagination and named the Indisturbable Vital
Principle. It has been done not only for the purpose
of offering matter for discussion this evening, but
also to show how careful we ought to be to avoid
bias from speculative reasoning, and how watchful
we should be in the proper observation and
estimation of facts.
Discussion on Jacob JEANES’ paper “Single
Dr. WILLIAMSON: We are all deeply
engaged in the treatment of cases as they arise in
practice, that we have not permitted ourselves to
penetrate very deeply into the realms of science.
While I appreciate the valuable paper, I do not wish
to comment until I see it in print. A judicious
practitioner will not repeat the dose when he
conceives it to be unnecessary, he will not refrain
from repeating it on any theoretical grounds, where
it may appear to be necessary. He must be
governed by the indications of his case. We have
not arrived at that point where we are able to decide
when and how often the dose should be repeated,
but I have no doubt that this would eventually be
At first, the almost universal plan was to give
two doses following HAHNEMANN’s method.
We must remember, however, that from 1835 to
1843, HAHNEMANN treated almost exclusively
chronic diseases, generally prescribing from the
detail of symptoms given to him. There are acute
diseases that have no specific course to run, and
these may often be out short by a single dose of the
right remedy; but it has always appeared to me
sound both in theory and practice, that in particular
diseases arising from some morbific agency, where
the cause continues to act, that a single dose
exhausts its action on the system before the action
of the morbific cause ceases. Thus by theory I
would be led to repeat the dose and it has been
confirmed in practice.
Dr. H.N. MARTIN: Does it not make a
difference in regard to repetition, whether you use
the high or low potencies?
Dr. WILLIAMSON: Most assuredly. If in a
case of acute disease, as Scarlet fever, the physician
were to prescribe a single dose of a low potency
and wait 24 hours, he might have no opportunity of
repeating it; whereas, if a high potency were given,
and frequently repeated the case might become
considerably mixed.
Dr. GUERNSEY: It is quite as hard to know
when to repeat as it is to know what to prescribe in
a given case. The phase of the case may vary so
from time to time, that we may be prompted to
repeat where it would actually be injudicious. In
nature, the transition from season to season is
gradual. Summer approaches through Spring,
gradually. The Spring days often assume the garb
of Winter, and then become more genial, and thus
changing fine weather is established, and Summer
is fully set in. In the natural processes of the body,
as after parturition, the same thing is observed.
Thus the lochial discharge, gradually fading, with
occasional outspurts, ceases, and the woman thinks
she is well; but it returns again and again, in the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
nature of a pinkish discharge, until it finally ceases
and the woman is then well. Thus in disease, also,
we find the same thing obtains; the same ups and
downs. We give a high potency of a carefully
selected and homeopathic remedy, and after a time
we find the patient is not so well as at the first.
Now the questions arise, is this the natural action of
the remedy, or of the disease influenced by the
remedy or is the patient getting worse? This
appears to be a difficult point to be decided. If he
fully assured of the homeopathicity of his remedy,
his course is to await patiently its action, and he
finds everything come right. In consequence of the
varying action of the diseased organism, it is
difficult to know when to repeat a remedy, and
when not to repeat it.
Dr. H.N. MARTIN: I have frequently observed
that after giving a single dose of high potency with
good effect, that the patient got worse. By waiting
in these cases, I had found the patient get better
again, and well. Some I had repeated the dose, and
the patient became worse; repeated again and still
worse; changed the remedy, still worse; then in
disgust had given nothing, and the patient speedily
The idea of a medicine curing a disease, is
something, I have grave doubts about. I have
established a theory of my own in this regard.
Nature has always some-thing held in reserve. We
might suppose it impossible that we could jump
twelve feet, yet if pursued, under the influence of
terror, we would develop surprising power that
would enable us to leap the distance readily. If the
vital powers become depressed, and the patient
lapses into that condition we call disease, I would
think of giving medicine, by its action the power
lying dormant in the system is released and
compelled to drive the disease out. If the first dose
does not call up the force, it will be necessary to
repeat. This idea is very crude, but I have
entertained it for sometime.
Dr. JEANES: Under both hypotheses, as laid
down in the paper, we are led to the single dose.
Under one, however, the disturbability, we would
be exceedingly timid about repeating the dose, or of
even giving the first dose. I had had the same
experience as Dr. GUERNSEY. Had seen many
such cases as alluded to by him. The bad part of
the wheel will come uppermost again and again,
and yet the patient be gradually getting better.
Repetition of doses is something that the physician
seems prone to. The one who uses low potencies
repeats frequently, while he who uses high
potencies dissolves his pellets in water and orders
doses to be given so and so, which is certainly
repeating the dose. I think it is often prejudicial to
repeat the dose.
Dr. GUERNSEY: There is absolute danger in
repeating the dose, in these “turning up of the bad
part of the wheel,” as Dr. JEANES happily
expresses it. Dr. WILLIAMSON had said to him, a
long time ago, and I had never forgotten it, that he
had had patients getting along finely, until he
unfortunately repeated the doses, and he could not
get his patients back into the old good condition
again. Where aggravations of the nature spoken of
before occur, I think it bad practice to repeat.
Dr. B.W. JAMES: Just here we see the
importance of knowing the difference between the
symptoms of disease, those of the drug, and those
of nature in her reaction. There certainly is a line of
demarcation, where the disease symptoms leave
off, and those of restoration set in; the same as there
is in the proving of a drug, where a certain train of
symptoms are the effect of the drug itself, and other
symptoms are only those produced by the system
itself, in re-establishing a normal state or in
bringing the functions again into healthy play.
These latter effects, if noted in the proving of a
remedy, are, of course, not properly drug
symptoms, and will not be cured, in disease
manifestations, by that drug. We cannot yet
discover the dividing line, but I think we might, at
some day, by close observation, be able to do it,
and then we will be able to know just when to give
a remedy, and how often to repeat it, and when to
stop and leave nature to herself.
Dr. J.C. MORGAN: I usually give three doses,
have often found my patient on the first after
prescribing better of some symptoms; on the second
day others are better, but some new, collateral
symptoms are presented. I have often at this point
been at a loss whether to repeat or not. I was called
to a case of Croup. The child was fat; had barking
cough, like the barking of a dog, fever and
vomiting. Gave Spongia 200 every two hours for
some days. The child was constipated, and on
calling again, found the mother had given Castor
oil. I then gave S.L. Two days after the cessation
of the Spongia, he found the child’s cough much
softer, yet still barking. I gave Hepar, three doses,
and there was no more of it. In another case, that of
an old lady, there were symptoms of Pneumonia.
Auscultatory symptoms those of Bronchitis; sibilant
respiration; crackling sound in upper part of left
lung, with bellows sound, chills, etc. Gave first,
three doses of Belladonna, in water, in repeated
doses, this was followed by amelioration, but
subsequently its action ceased. Then gave Sulphur
in water. This produced amelioration also,
followed by aggravation of double the former
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
extent. At this point, after much doubt and
hesitation as to what I should do, gave S.L. and the
patient has been getting better ever since. If I find
the periodicity the disease started with, changed, I
regard it as the effect of the disease. If the
periodicity and the morals are manifestly changed,
while the main affection is unchanged, I regard it as
an aggravation by the remedy, and repetition
unadvisable. In the old lady’s case, I regarded it as
the aggravation of Sulphur, because the nose
became very red, a Sulphur symptom. In treating
Gonorrhoea, I have found that by repeating the
dose, violent aggravations have resulted. I think
that this disease, belonging to the animal sphere, is
liable to show aggravations. I would like to know
what it is that we term “Vital Principle.” I regard it
as composite.
Dr. WILLIAMSON: If we would know the
true end of things, we must study the means. We
must study the natural history of diseases. A large
number of diseases, attacking the organism, in
course of time change their locality and conditions.
I was called to see and old gentleman who had
Apoplexy. I gave an appropriate remedy, and he
got better. But while his health was better, his heart
was worse. HAHNEMANN’s doctrine, that
symptoms disappear inversely as they appear, was
in his experience, correct. The appearance and
aggravation of the heart symptoms in this case,
were the natural results of the apoplectic condition
being removed. When we relieve the heart
symptoms, we have showing itself, a kidney
affection. Thus, in Apoplexy in old persons, we
almost invariably find they had, earlier in life, some
heart affection, and before this, perhaps in child-
hood or youth, a kidney affection. Thus, the
symptoms last appearing are the first to be cured.
Thus we will perceive it is important to study the
natural history of the disease, as well as the
pathogenesis of drugs.
[First published in the Hahnemannian Monthly
1868. Reprinted in THE HOMeOPATHIC
RECORDER, October 1941]
Without the slightest doubt the practice of
medicine carries a heavy responsibility. The
biological field is slippery and requires a firm
footing so as not to fall down pitifully; there is no
other scientific education that requires so much
sharpening of the senses. Medicine, particularly,
takes pleasure in hiding the true facts of the
phenomena, leading us to the darkness of error if
we do not make use of logic as a secure and faithful
guide to our reasoning. Homeopathy occupies a
special place in the field of the biological sciences.
In it, truth appears to us with an intense and
brilliant light, but only if we make great efforts to
discover her. The truth within the homeopathic
doctrine does not present itself naked and clear to
the first who tries to lift the veil which envelope it;
at first we believe ourselves before a paradox and it
looks like unpardonable puerility to fix our
attention on a subject which seems to contain all the
ear marks of foolishness. Pretty soon, however, we
realize that the ingenuity was in ourselves and that
its sources came from our ignorance. Then comes
the day in which our eyes are opened and we accept
as a uniformity of Nature the fact that, in order to
effect the phenomena of cure, it is necessary to fill
the requisite of homeopathic relation as an
indispensable and absolute condition, for the Laws
of Nature do not admit exceptions. If they did, they
would not be laws and more, and all this admirable
harmony in creation would immediately disappear.
The mind of man is incapable of visualizing the
spectacle which the Universe would present if on a
given moment it were to escape from the control of
the Natural Laws, for, consciously, or
unconsciously, we always try to adjust our images
and representations to the inexorable law of what
we judge to be “natural”. If the uniformities of
Nature stopped being anything but real and
positive, our reason, deprived of the precious
support constituted by them, would oscillate and
instantly vanish.
As the study of medicine is carried on and
Homeopathy unveils itself before our eyes, we
more easily perceive her great beauty, and soon
enough the results will confirm that which theory
has been building up in our minds. But how many
deceiving roads we are liable to follow while yet on
the open road of Homeopathy! Obeying the law of
least resistance, avoiding the pain which every
exaggerated effort involves, we run the risk of
following the easy and pleasant roads, the roads to
which laziness, apathy and occasionally vanity too,
lead us. On reaching the gates of Homeopathy, we
are often overtaken by a great weariness, and
believing that the results of our efforts have many
merits and deserve high praise, we feel we have the
right to a rest. This is a dangerous rest that may
turn into a sleep which it is difficult to wake in
time. Many homeopaths, after the long pilgrimage
from the field of common medicine, reach the gates
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of HAHNEMANN’s structure and content
themselves with only enjoying a lodging allured
only by exteriorities. They know the law, basis and
foundation of the doctrine, and this they believe to
be sufficient to exercise their practice, which
satisfies them because the results are far superior to
those the ordinary practice allotted them.
But the variety of pathological cases that come
to us in the search of the proper treatment requires
something more than the simple application of the
Law of Similars. Complying with this requisite is
much, but not enough. Our practice is impregnated
with errors, bad procedures, vices, etc., etc., which
we could justify with difficulty if we were
compelled to do so. We boast about having a
complete scientific doctrine, but many times our
practice shows a sad disparity between the ideal
and the real. It often happens that we believe, in
good faith and with deplorable ingenuity, that we
are homeopaths, but, to be really meritorious, in an
exact and complete way, of this honorary title
means a task which requires enormous sacrifices.
HAHNEMANN was very strict, and with good
reasons. It is necessary that we make a minute
examination of our professional conduct before
declaring publicly that we are homeopaths.
HAHNEMANN cautioned us sententiously: “If the
physicians do not practice carefully that which I
teach, do not permit them to call themselves my
disciples, and above all, do not let them shield
themselves with the hope that their treatments will
be crowned by success.”
To pretend that, in order to become a
homeopath, it suffices to prescribe the special
remedies of the homeopathic school in the various
cases of disease, is a great error, alas, very common
and only explainable because, we must
acknowledge it, we forget the original sources of
our knowledge as homeopaths. The Organon and
Chronic Diseases of HAHNEMANN should once
more take the first place in our mind where many
physicians have displaced them, to put in their stead
all this enormous production of modern works on
medicine which, generally, only gives a knowledge
of relative utility and which, as Dr. Pierre
SCHMIDT expresses himself to pertinently, hardly
give only “a varnish of knowledge”.
Without the careful reading of the The
Chronic Diseases” it is really impossible to solve
this tremendous and daily problem produced by
chronic maladies, about which HAHNEMANN
It never happens that they are
conquered by the energy of a robust
constitution, yield to the most sanitary
regime, the most regulated way of
living, or that they extinguish
themselves; on the contrary, they,
without pause, get worse with the years,
till the end of life; taking the form of
more grievous symptoms. (Chronic
The Hahnemannian concept of chronic
diseases differs from that which the allopathic
school sustains. In reality all the maladies are
chronic since all of them develop through the
element of time. To HAHNEMANN chronic
maladies differ from the acute ones in that the latter
have within themselves a natural tendency to cure,
while the others, if left alone, will accompany the
individual till his death. The cases of healing
which sometimes can be observed without the aid
of the similar remedy are not real and positive.
Frequently, in such cases, the illness has only taken
on another aspect and thanks to this change permit
the superficially minded to harbor the belief that
they have accomplished a cure, a belief pretty soon
belied by the reality; the patient suffers again and
now from another organ, nearly always more
important, which has to suffer the new onslaught of
the undermining forces of life. The physician who
has not been a homeopath in treating such a
patient consoles himself and the sufferer with the
explanation that it is a question of a new illness,
different from the one he curedwhich he has to
fight with new resources of the art. If physician
and patient are “fortunate” enough to effect another
change, it is only because the unhappy patient
descends one more step and is nearer to the final
days of his existence. After one of these tragic
changes “there is no difficulty in recognizing,”
says HAHNEMANN, “that the new malady
equally has its source in the old existing affliction
and cannot fail to be part of a much larger entity.”
If we forget these teachings from
HAHNEMANN we are only capable of solving
clinical problems of medium importance. Most
certainly we will often be able to handle an acute
illness, making it follow the simplest road and even
cure it with surprising promptness, but we should
not forget that when the organism is ill, it is nearly
always because in its innermost parts there exist
inclinations and morbid predispositions, creative
and inexhaustible sources of the polymorphism
which pathology assumes. Without the correction
of the deep chronic disease we will not be able to
effect a lasting restoration to health.
HAHNEMANN gives us ample and precise
advice about how to treat chronic diseases and only
by following his teachings step by step shall we be
able to demonstrate the enormous power of
Homeopathy as a restorer of this invaluable gift of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Nature built up by complete health. He who
follows these teachings with the utmost care,” says
HAHNEMANN, “will be the physician who
obtains the greatest success.” And he adds: “The
confidence of the people has brought to me patients
of all classes, from neighboring countries and even
from far-off lands. Do you wish to obtain the same
success? Then, imitate me frankly and loyally.”
(Lesser Writings)
The white sugar tablets do not signify or
identify Homeopathy. Many people say, “I have
tried Homeopathy with no satisfactory result”,
alluding to the fact that they have taken tablets or
globules of the shape and aspect of those which the
homeopathic school habitually uses. To the
people in general, the powders, globules, tablets
and spoonfuls of clear water make Homeopathy.
Unfortunately, it is the same way with many
physicians who call themselves homeopaths.
Nothing is more difficult than being a real
homeopath. “I have a homeopathic remedy”, we
often say, referring to such or such a patient; but
how many times we were allopaths when making
that prescription! We have wandered so far from
the simillimum that our pretended remedy enters
the open field of Allopathy. In accordance with
HAHNEMANN’s exigencies it is not enough to
prescribe the special remedies of the homeopathic
school in order to consider ourselves his disciples.
Nor is it enough to use the repertory daily and be
guided by it in all cases. Nor does it suffice to
assign proper value to the symptoms, classifying
them judiciously. Being able to find the remedy in
accordance with the Law of Similars is not
sufficient. Nor can we look to ourselves as
accomplished homeopaths by the fact of
exclusively using high or low potencies. In order
to be a homeopath it is necessary that we follow
the precise instructions which HAHNEMANN
gave us for the treatment of the sick. If we do not
adjust our practice exactly to his teachings we have
no right to expect the brilliant results which the
doctrine put in his hands, or in those of HERING
and KENT, because, when they put it into practice
it always proved to be most efficient.
HAHNEMANN asks us before repulsing his
doctrine, to submit it to a proof, and says: (Lesser
Writings) “Homeopathy solely turns to the verdict
of experience. Repeat the tests, repeat them
carefully and conscientiously and you will find
them confirming the doctrine at each step.” And
he adds: “If everything the homeopathic doctrine
promises, after having faithfully followed it, does
not come true, if it does not prove itself efficient,
even notably so, then we shall, by common
consent, declare Homeopathy to be false.”
To get an idea of HAHNEMANN’s procedure
let us make some considerations, even if
superficial, about its most important points. We
shall consider, in the first place, that which the
homeopathic school understands by
individualization. “What distinguishes
HAHNEMANN’s school from all other schools,
consists in that we individualize, while the others
do not,” says Sir John WEIR. The allopathic
school claims to also individualize, but one cannot
call individualization the cataloguing of the
individuals by groups, and thus, for instance, the
allopath distinguishes a group of patients with liver
and kidney insufficiency to whom he does not
administer the arsenicals in accordance with the
classical form in which it is used in the treatment
of Syphilis, on account of the risk they would run
in submitting them to this cure; if the allopath feels
compelled to administer quinine sulphate to a
woman, he watches carefully whether she is
pregnant or not; he divides his patients into groups
of various ages, for he knows that in order to obtain
the same effect, it is necessary to administer
different doses of Ipecac or Belladonna as the case
might be, to a boy two years old or to a young man
twenty years of age. This is not individualizing.
Proceeding thus we do not distinguish one
individual from the other. To pretend that such is a
case of individualization is like pretending we have
individualized a recruit when saying he belongs to
regiment No.13, for instance, or that we have
individualized a citizen when discovering that his
name is Smith, for there are many soldiers
belonging to the same regiment, just as there are a
great number of citizens with the same name.
HAHNEMANN does not proceed so coarsely.
To him the patients differ one from another by their
character, by their affections, by their desires and
aversions, by the defective way of reacting
physically and mentally to the influence of their
environment; by the cry of protest from the human
organism which indicates there is no perfect
adjustment between him and the environment in
which he lives, that is, by his special way of
becoming ill, by his special way of suffering. The
subjective symptoms for which the noblest part of
the nervous system intervene in its perception and
valorization, constitute the most precious material
in individualizing. The objective symptoms, on the
other hand, are of much more limited value and
only become apparent when the disease has
advanced in such a way that the tissues have
reached the point of suffering such transformations
about which pathological anatomy is concerned; it
is then that the tumour appears, or that the murmur
in Endocarditis becomes evident; Ankylosis sets in;
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
the liver gets scirrhus and atrophies, the lung is full
of tubercles, etc., etc. The sudden changes of
discoloration, the modifications in the diameter of
the pupils, the fan-like motion of the nostrils, etc.,
are also objective symptoms, although when they
are just beginning to show they do not necessarily
indicate deep anatomical modifications and are
therefore of great value for individualization.
From HAHNEMANN’s point of view there is
a distinct difference between general and particular
symptoms. The general symptoms are those which
refer to the person in his totality and to
HAHNEMANN and KENT they are those which
have to lead us to the group of remedies amongst
which one has to find the Simillimum. The
particular symptoms are those which refer to a part
or an organ of the patient. It is easy to realize that,
logically, the general symptoms will be of much
greater importance than the particular ones,
because they indicate how the individual suffers in
his totality. But unfortunately the particular
symptoms so intensely draw the attention of the
patient that the physician often fixes his own on the
same symptom, disregarding the patient’s general
way of reacting. The result is that he succeeds in
improving or in making disappear the local trouble,
leaving the morbid potencies of that organism
untouched. Soon the patient again requires our
services, for, once more, he suffers from the same
trouble, although it may be on another location and
that because we did not administer his remedy, his
chronic remedy, his constitutional remedy; the
homeopathicity of our first prescription was only
partial and we cured only partially; we
individualized, if it can be called thus, but only on
the organ which suffered most. This therapy,
useful in acute diseases, has little or no value at all
in chronic cases or in acute diseases, has little or no
value at all in chronic cases or in acute diseases,
with deep and marked roots. Still it is necessary to
make one exception: among the particular
symptoms there might be some of those which
HAHNEMANN calls rare, singular and
characteristic”, which are peculiar to the patient,
distinguishing him from the rest, and due to this
fact we must consider them among the most
important. Frequently the characteristic symptoms
serve us as guides to find the remedy, but if we
abuse the we would not succeed in giving our
patients all the benefits which Homeopathy, if
faithfully followed, is capable of giving; in chronic
diseases the characteristics assume much less
importance than in acute ones. The language of
chronic suffering is more complicated, lacks that
clearness and precision of the acute one and the
characteristic symptom hides itself, making the
selection difficult. Thus, then, in chronic cases, it
is better to abandon the hope of finding the remedy
by way of the characteristic symptoms; it is
necessary to take the case in its totality, judiciously
classifying the symptoms in the following order:
First, the general symptoms (general aggravation
from change of weather, cold or hot; in the open
air; in a closed room; standing, sitting or lying
down; desires for or aversions to food, etc.)
Immediately after that we have to fix our attention
on mental symptoms, so important for the correct
selection. The mind is a perfect registrator of the
slightest alterations in the physiology or the
morphology of the organs, and thus, the symptoms
of this class range themselves in an immediate
second place, which makes them come up to
almost an even place with the general symptoms.
We must investigate these symptoms with the
utmost care in order not to produce an unpleasant
reaction from the patient, if we directly ask him
whether he is jealous or inclined to weep, before
gaining his confidence, thus avoiding giving him
the impression that such are only silly questions.
Particular symptoms should be considered at last
for instance, the catarrhal discharges, the hardening
of such or such an organ or tissue, heartburn,
hoarseness, chronic enlargement of the tonsils, etc.,
etc. Symptoms and signs that, when they do not
carry the stamp of the particular, are of little use in
regard to the prescription, for they do not
individualize and frequently only serve to get us
lost, inducing us to proceed allopathically. This is
what happens when, seeing the enlarged veins in a
leg, we prescribe without further investigations
Hamamelis or Pulsatilla; Aesculus for
Hemorrhoids; Baryta carbonica for chronic
enlargement of the tonsils, etc. This is not
Homeopathy. In these cases there only exists a
relation of affinity between the remedy and the
diseased organ and we have not been given the
trust of treating only the enlarged tonsils, but a
patient with enlarged tonsils. KENT mentions, for
this particular condition, thirty-two remedies, and it
may well be that the remedy of our patient is not to
be found in this list. SCHMIDT of Geneva, relates
a brilliant case of curing some Varices of the lower
limbs with Magnesia carbonica, notwithstanding
that in turning the leaves of KENT’s Repertory, we
will find that he does not mention this remedy as
useful for the correction of this condition of the
lower limbs; but Dr. SCHMIDT was guided by the
general and mental symptoms of the patient.
Indeed, that which interests us is the sick person
and to discover in what way he manifests his
deficient fitting with the environment, for when
this is lacking, when this deficient in the adaptation
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
prolongs itself, the modifications in the
morphology of the organs establish themselves and
it is then that the pathologist becomes active. Once
the definite damage has been established, the end
results – as KENT calls them – may make the
services of the surgeon necessary.
Our role as physicians “consists
(HAHNEMANN said it apparently with great
simplicity) in restoring health to the sick, which is
what we call curing.” In order to perform this task
it is first of all necessary to individualize and to do
so with precision, according to what
HAHNEMANN and KENT taught us; thus we will
have a firm basis for reaching the simillimum. If
we are fortunate enough to determine the remedy
with exactness, we will only have gone half the
way, for it is not enough to arrive at the diagnosis
of the remedy, but it is imperative to know how to
administer the remedy. In the fundamental works
of Homeopathy we find precise instructions about
these delicate points. KENT has gone into detail
about some of them and in this lies his principal
merit, having revived and insisted on that which
HAHNEMANN taught, thus becoming his most
distinguished commentator. When some European
homeopaths, especially French and German, speak
about the Kentians” they only reveal their
ignorance of HAHNEMANN’s works, for KENT’s
teachings do not depart from HAHNEMANN’s.
He himself has said, “It has always seemed strange
to me hearing people say that I meant to produce a
diversion from HAHNEMANN’s teachings. I have
simply tried to explain what they signify and how
to put them into practice after a hundred years. I
made no discoveries. There is nothing that I can
claim to be of my invention.”
When, after careful mental work, we have
reached the diagnosis of the remedy, great
difficulties are still to be overcome as far as the
best way to administer the remedy is concerned
and how to give the exact value and to interpret the
language of the sick organism, stimulated by the
specific which is the homeopathic remedy. Then
we must emphasize the fact and must justify the
necessity of the unique remedy; we must also
consider the delicate problem of the dosage and its
repetition in accordance with the response of the
patient’s organism and should consider as well the
delicate problem of the almost always present
handicaps which render the cure more difficult.
To discuss this most important subject is not a
matter to be limited to the narrowness of one paper,
but must be left open for further study.
Monterry, N.L., Mexico. [Read by title before
I.H.A. Bureau of Philosophy, June 19, 1941].
HENRIQUE (Abstract from the book)
Since everything rests upon the practitioner’s
understanding of exactly what has happened to the
patient after the administration of the first
prescription, success or failure to cure is in delicate
The great challenge of second prescription lies
in confirming that the first prescription acted,
understanding how and why it acted or did not act
and deciding with confidence what to do next.
It is important that we observe and pace our
actions strictly according to the pace of the Vital
The pattern of change during the month
following administration of the remedy will
indicate the degree of progress or decline &
whether there has been a change in the patient’s
ability to adapt changes in his life.
Look for an orderly or disorderly change of
direction. Always look at the location of symptoms
to determine their direction.
Ascend through the whole range of potencies
and at the end of the scale, go back to the beginning
and ascend again. Due to the patient’s improved
state of health, Vital Force and susceptibility and
quieted Miasm, the remedy will be effective.
Through consistent, meticulous case taking,
accurate symptom evaluation, methodical case
analysis, Repertory and Materia Medica study, we
should always aim to get the first prescription right.
1. A remedy shows its action by
1. Producing new symptoms.
2. The disappearance of symptoms.
3. The aggravation of the symptoms.
4. The amelioration of the symptoms.
5. A change in the order and direction of
1. New Symptoms
a. Proving of the remedy from the
hypersensitiveness of the patient. This will
disappear on its own and so has to wait for it.
b. The patient may be experiencing long forgotten
symptoms in which case, we have to wait for it to
c. The prescription is a partial one. Patient
improved in original symptom but now has new
symptoms. This totality facilitates the discovery of
a second, more accurate medicine.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
d. The new symptoms, if, are burdensome, has to
be antidoted either with a known one or with the
remedy which covers the present totality.
e. If new symptoms not belonging to the
remedy given, disappear on its own, they may
in fact belong to the remedy and some day be
included in the proving dates.
f. Great number of new symptoms appear after
the administration of a remedy, indicates improper
selection of medicine. Wait till the new
symptoms disappear and to the return of original
symptoms without any improvement. Restudy the
case and put new symptoms in the higher hierarchy
of evaluation to select the next remedy.
2. By the > of Symptoms.
a. Recovery without <. The patient had
functional disease – Ideal response.
b. Disappearance of characteristic symptoms but
minor symptoms prevails. Wait.
3. By the < of Symptoms.
a. Initial < and then feels better in every way
wait for the return of original symptoms to repeat.
b. Initial improvement and then standstill,
Wait and Repeat.
c. Short < and rapid > - wait for the return of
original symptoms.
d. Prolonged < with slow > with decline.
- potency too high for the weakened Vital Force
Antidote if < persists.
e. Severe < with organic pathology.
- Doses were large in low potencies. Stop medicine
immediately. If no > after this, antidote or select a
better remedy.
f. Over reaction to the remedy.
i. Excessive dose of low potency
Antidote or select a more Similar remedy.
ii. Wrong remedy/Patient oversensitive
- Select a related remedy.
iii. Too high a potency for Vital Force.
4. By the > of symptoms
a. > and now worse again.
- unaltered image Ascending scale of same
b. > and return of symptoms but patient feels
well – wait.
c. Characteristic symptoms come and go, but the intensity is
less – wait till the original symptoms commence to rise again
and then repeat.
d. Too short >.
i. Partial remedy Restudy and Select similar
more deep acting remedy.
ii. Something has occurred to disrupt the action of
the remedy like excessive alcohol, toxic exposure,
shock, trauma, excessive stress. Find it and remove
it. Wait and then repeat.
iii. Wrong dose.
iv. Case incurable.
5. By a change in the order and direction of
i. Correct direction is < of particular symptoms and
general >
ii. Some symptoms are better, some worse. Wait.
iii. Return of old symptoms wait. They will pass
off. If not repeat.
iv. Only local symptoms remain select a remedy
on the basis of it and remaining totality.
v. Harmless, painless symptoms have become
worse, of - Physicals better, mental and emotional
symptoms unchanged or worse bad sign.
vi. Local symptoms better, but patient worse - bad sign –
Restudy the case and select more similar remedy.
If no change occurs after the remedy
i. An error in the selection.
ii. Wrong potency try higher, lower or LM
iii. Weakened Vital Force due to long suppression
or deep advanced pathology.
iv. Obstacles to cure including maintaining cause
and miasmatic barrier.
1. > Without any <
Dosing continues up through the scale so long as
the patient improves steadily.
2. Continued > with eventual return of presenting
symptoms. - End <. Sign of cure. Stop
3. Remnants of the disease persist after treatment.
- After the end <, the above situation implies that the original
disease has not yet been completely extinguished.
Treatment with higher potencies must be renewed
i.e. from where it was left off.
4. No >
i. Incorrect remedy – search for a more similar
ii. Block Find out the maintaining cause if any
and remove it and repeat. If no response, there is
error in understanding the case or it may be
iii. Lack of reaction in the Vital Force.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
- Increase the frequency of doses. If no >,
discontinue medicine and restudy the case.
- If by increasing the dose different set of
symptoms is experienced, unfavourable Select a
more similar remedy.
5. Intensification of symptoms at the
Homeopathic < - The dose is too large –
(i) Stop the medicine. If the symptoms subside, no further need
of medicine.
(ii) Vital Force is over stimulated – use 2 or 3 glass technique. If
still there is <, - inaccurate selection of remedy.
Doses can be reduced by extending the
intervals between each dose or by reducing to half
tablespoon from one.
6. New Symptoms appear
When there is not even a slight improvement or
an <, it is an incorrect remedy and likely harmful to
repeat or increase the dose.
Stop the medicine and find a more appropriate
4. Heart of Gold
HICKMAN, Rosemary as told to Judy Van Der Walt
(Reader’s Digest, July 2006)
Hamilton NAKI stood at the stainless steel operating
table in his green surgical gown and white rubber boots.
As he picked up a scalpel with a big hand, the trainee
research surgeon beside him craned his neck.
The bright theatre light shone on Hamilton’s broad
forehead and his expression turned serious as he bent
towards the abdomen that lay exposed under blue drapes.
Without the slightest pause he started slicing with his
scalpel from below the chest towards the abdomen until
he had made a deep cut almost 30 centimetres long.
His enormous hands gently moved the bowel out of the
way so that the abdominal cavity lay open in front of
him. He started cutting through the tissue around the
liver and his long, strong fingers danced over the veins
and arteries that had been cut loose, clamping and tying
When at last only the main blood vessels connecting the
liver were still intact, he replaced the bowel and covered
the incision with a sterile drape. “The pig’s liver is ready
for transplant, Mama,” he told me. The trainee surgeon’s
eyes widened in surprise as, he realized that Hamilton
was not the principal surgeon. Indeed, the tall man from
an impoverished rural region of South Africa had never
even been to medical college and had only about eight
years of the most basic schooling. Everything he knew
he had learnt, as he put it, “by stealing with my eyes.”
I was associate professor leading the surgical research
team at the University of Cape Town, and for 30 years
Hamilton was the person I most relied on in the
He had got his first job at the University as a gardener.
But one day he would be a member of the pioneering
surgical research team that paved the way for one of the
most important moments in medical history the first
human heart transplant. Although I was surrounded by
highly skilled medical professionals during my career as
a surgeon, it was Hamilton, who had no formal
education, who taught me some of the precious things I
knew: patience, modesty, grace and diligence against the
worst of odds.
Barefoot Hamilton was born in 1926 in the remote area
of Centani in the Eastern Cape. He grew up wearing
goatskins and running barefoot over the rolling green
hills, herding cattle and goats.
His family was very poor and when he was about 16 he
had no choice but to drop out of school to find a job to
help support them. He hitchhiked more than 900
kilometres to Cape Town and found a job at the
University as a labourer. For the next few years, his job
was to roll the grass tennis courts.
The courts happened to be on the Fledgling Medical
College. One day a professor, Robert Goetz, was about
to open up a dead giraffe to find out why giraffes didn’t
faint when bent their long necks to drink water. He
needed a pair of strong arms to help, walked outside and
called the strapping young gardener into the lab. Goetz’s
pioneering post-mortem revealed that giraffes had one-
way valves in their veins that stopped all the blood from
rushing to the head when they bent down.
Hamilton stayed on to become Goetz’s right hand man in
the lab. He absorbed knowledge like a sponge, learning
to anaesthetize animals, different ways of cutting and
stitching and how to set up drips.
Then, in 1958, Hamilton got his second lucky break. Dr.
Christian Barnard, who would one day be world famous
for transplanting the first human heart, came to the
research lab and pioneered his open-heart surgery on
stray dogs. This research would become Barnard’s
lasting legacy and save thousands of lives.
A few years before his death in 2001, Barnard said in a
documentary: “I saw that Hamilton was a surgical
assistant with a lot of skill and gave him more and more
to do. Before we did the first human heart transplant, we
did 48 heart transplants on dogs. Eventually he could do
a heart transplant sometimes better than the junior
doctors who came here.”
Then Barnard made a remarkable comment: “Hamilton
probably had more technical skill than I had. If he had
had the opportunity he might have become a great
It’s difficult to describe surgical skill. Yes, you need
dexterity and precision, but the best surgeons have an
indefinable something, best described as intuition or an
instinct. Hamilton had it.
When Groote Schuur Hospital was thrust into the world
spotlight with the first human heart transplant on
December 3, 1967, one of the people closest to Barnard
in many of the photographs was a smiling Hamilton.
Although Hamilton had not been involved with the actual
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
human transplant, Barnard considered him a valuable
member of his research team.
Overnight Cape Town became the epicenter of the
medical world. But once a young researcher from
Europe treated Hamilton in a very disrespectful manner
and Hamilton, who would not accept treatment like that,
asked for a transfer to another lab at the University.
Liver research: That was when Hamilton and I started
working together. When I put my hand out, Hamilton
would already be waiting with the correct instrument.
When I stitched up animals, his hand would be right
behind mine, maintaining the tension of the silk thread.
He called me ‘Mama’, an expression of great respect in
South Africa.
It was the early 1970s and we were doing research on
liver transplants, which is far more intricate than heart
transplants because the liver is such a complex organ.
Hami, as we called him in the lab, took to his job with
ease. One day he called me over: “Mama, look at this.
This hepatic artery has an extra branch.” I was
astonished. He had noticed the unusual artery going to
the liver and called it by its correct anatomical name.
Very few medical students with some anatomy training
would have recognized this. I would often be struck by
his ability to remember all the correct anatomical names
despite his limited education.
Over the years this man would teach generations of
surgeons surgical skill in the only way possible: by
showing them. Many brash know-it-alls swaggered into
the lab, but every time they fell silent, sensing that they
were watching a master at work.
He had the ability to do many things at once. He could
assist surgeons, watch a monitor, keep an ear out for the
anesthetic and sometimes rock my baby’s crib, all at the
same time. Once I heard squeals of laughter coming
from a huge cardboard box, which had contained a piece
of lab equipment. Hamilton had made a playhouse and
was crawling around inside it with my little daughter.
Many of those surgeons who learnt from Hamilton would
go on to become professors and top surgeons all over the
world. He was often credited in their academic papers.
Hamilton was not intimidated by anyone. Dr. Brian
(Benzy) Cohen who now runs the national fertility center
in Texas, was performing an intricate operation on a pig’s
main vein. As he was completing the procedure, he was
about to put in another stitch. Hamilton who had done
the operation many times said: “Benzy, that’s enough.
Tie it off now.” Believing that an extra suture would stop
any bleeding, Cohen proceeded and the operation was a
failure. The next time, Cohen recalls: “When Hamilton
said, ‘Benzy tie it off’ my immediate reply was, Yes
Hamilton” and I tied it off. I learned immediately that
here was a man who understood vascular surgical
technique better than anyone else.”
When there was a quiet time in the lab, Hamilton would
read his Bible or be down in the cemetery where vagrants
met. I would often see him sitting on a bench, trying to
influence them, sometimes successfully.
Township riots: In 30 years Hamilton almost never
missed work, even though the apartheid riots of the 1980s
often disrupted public transport. Sometimes he would
leave before the blockades had been put up in the
townships and be at work by 3 am. Although I’m sure he
often had to walk long distances, he arrived at work every
day at 6 am, his large frame dressed in a sharply pressed
suit, tie, hat and sparkling shoes.
Through those difficult times he kept a good sense of
humour. A young surgeon asked him: “Hamilton, if the
riots break out here, will you shoot me?” Hamilton
looked at him in his dignified way and said: “No, but I’ll
ask someone else to do it.”
Although South Africa’s apartheid policies had dictated
where Hamilton could live and which school he went to,
he took offence at the idea that because he was black he
couldn’t get anywhere. Hami didn’t work like that. He
never saw himself as a victim of anything. He had made
use of the opportunities he had and never failed to share
what he learned. He had the same humble attitude as
Nelson Mandela.
In 2003, the University of Cape Town made an
extraordinary announcement. For the first time in its
history a man who had never finished school would
receive an honorary Master of Medicine degree. The
man who started working there as a gardener more than
four decades before walked down the aisle of the
graduation hall where legions of students before him had
received their degrees. Hamilton, looking stately in a
dark suit, stood erect and motionless on the stage as
David Dent, Professor of Surgery, read the citation,
describing him as “an extraordinary teacher and surgical
craftsman.” As he read the words “the University
honours a man who taught the craft of surgery to so
many,” Hamilton stepped forward. A thousand students
and academics burst into applause.
I last saw Hamilton just before Christmas 2004. We sat
in his living room, updating each other on our families as
his children and grandchildren ran in and out. The family
involvement in medicine goes on: His daughter
Vuyokazi is a nurse in Cape Town.
On a sunny Cape Town winter’s day in June 2005,
Hami’s family, friends and former colleagues gathered in
the old lab, now closed. He had died a month before,
aged 78, and lay buried in the green hills of the Eastern
Cape that he had loved so much.
Surgeons, professors, doctors and lab assistants all shared
their memories of him. Anwar Mall, an associate
professor of surgery, an associate professor of surgical
sciences, captured the essence of how we all felt:
“Hamilton Naki was a giant. When I grew up, Chris
Barnard was my hero. But as I became older, I realized
people like Hamilton were the real heroes.”
That’s when I realized that the most important measure of
our lives is not public recognition, but the legacy we
leave behind, the people we have touched and the way in
which we did it.
“First they
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contribution and other
original articles.)
1. Pocket Atlas of Acupuncture by Carl-
Hermann HEMPEN and Velia Wortman
CHOW Thime publications, Stuttgart New
York. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 70469,
Germany. 2006. ISBN 3-13-141721-8 Price Eur
(D) 39, 95.
Pocket Atlas of Acupuncture written by Carl-
Hermann HEMPEN and Velia Wortman CHOW is
an excellent book for the beginners to understand
the basics of Chinese Acupuncture. The first part
gives details of the philosophy of Chinese Medicine
and the technique of Acupuncture broadly. The
eastern medical science is based on a holistic
approach to the human being, correspondences
between the organs of the body, mind and spirit.
This is the key also in the Chinese Medicine.
Everything consists of unending cycles and
rhythms. In the Chinese Medicine also, this cycle
of rhythm happening in the macrocosm reflects in
the microcosm, i.e., the body.
The energy flow within the body flows in pre-
determined pathways called ‘Meridians’ in the
Chinese Medicine. In blockages or excesses, this
energy flow causes disease, disharmony or pain. It
is of interest to Medical Graphologists to go
through this book to gain better depth of
knowledge. The dearth of books on Medical
Graphology will make it all the more interesting to
gain better dimensions in Medical Graphology. For
example, the 12 organ functions described in
Medical Graphology corresponds exactly to the
pathway of Energy Flow mentioned in the Chinese
For the common man who is not aware of the
richness of knowledge of the eastern medical
practitioners, this book will be very helpful. The
important aspect of this book lies in the chapter
describing the connections between the emotions
and organs and changes that may occur in organs
either psychologically or pathogenically in the body
due to environmental changes.
[The review above is by Prof. RAMANAN a renowned
Graphologist, interested in Acupuncture also. His review is with
particular reference to Graphology]
This is a handy volume of 304 pages with 135
color plates. This book is intended to be a bedside
reference book on the history of Acupuncture, its
Chinese Medicine, i.e. Acupuncture takes note
of “all information and considers the patient in
their totality.” The authors say By taking careful
notice of the information that is available the
Chinese Medicine Physician considers the patient
in their entirety – an approach that contrasts so
markedly, and reflects so unfavorably, on the
practice which still dominates Western Medicine of
separating Psyche from physical body...”
Homeopathy also is similarly different from the
Western Medicine and closer to the Chinese
Medicine. Also “The aim of Acupuncture Therapy
is to activate the patient’s energy potential”. In
Homeopathy too we do so.
The authors have also criticized, justly, that the
Western Medicine Practitioners adopt Acupuncture
if it accords with their “diagnosis”, “measurable
data”; it must ”satisfy” the methodological
requirements of the dominant School.
Homeopathic “research” is bending backward and
straining much to meet the “standards” and
“methodologies” of the dominant Medicine.
Whatever “evidences” are produced, they all are
brushed aside with contempt as it happened in the
case of the late scientist Dr. Jacques
BENVENISTE. It is up to the Practitioners of
Chinese Medicine to stick to their proven
methodologies and go ahead. The people would
Whatever be history of Chinese Medicine with
regard to its entry into Europe in general and
Germany in particular, its relevance to
Homeopathy is traced back to when Dr. Augustus
WEIHE, the grandson of Augustus WEIHE,
Botanist and friend of Clemens von
BeNNINGHAUSEN who cured the Phthisis of the
latter with a dose of Pulsatilla, had returned from
China well-trained in Acupuncture. This grandson
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
WEIHE was also a Homeopath and he identified
several points” along the Meridians” which were
specific to certain remedies. Identifying these
points and testing that point to a remedy selected
homeopathically would confirm the correctness of
the prescription.
Only very few homeopaths have applied this method
“Weihe’s Points” as determinants in the right selection of the
remedy. Henry DUPRAT of France wrote a book and in the
recent years Dr. E. BAUER has written few articles on this in
the ZKH. It would be helpful if homeopaths learn this art of
“Weihe’s Points” which would make their work lighter. In an
article in the ZKH, 3/1988 Dr. BAUER has listed the
homeopathic remedies and their specific points for confirmation
of the homeopathic remedy.
Next the “Doctrine of Channels” is described;
Eight “diagnostic principles” are delineated, viz.,
Cold Heat; Rest Restlessness; Pale Flushes;
Quiet – Talkative – etc. etc. These are all important
observations. Influence of Climatic Forces is
The “Channels” are then described in six
Chapters and the Acupuncture points” with regard
to these Channels are also given in 10 Chapters.
Clear colour plates in respect of the Channels,
their whole pathway, the anatomical parts, and the
acupuncture points are given in almost every
The “Practice and Technique” of the puncture
are covered in a Chapter at the end.
In the Appendix a long list of ‘Proven
Treatments’ is given and it is exhaustive. A list of
literature for further reading is also given.
A list of the “361 Classic Acupuncture Points”
is given. At the end we have a useful Index.
There is much that will be useful to a Classical
homeopath in this Chinese Medicine. Surely
practitioners of Acupuncture will profit well by
carefully studying and applying the instructions in
this book.
It is handy and can be carried and studied, and
used at the ‘bedside’. = K.S.SRINIVASAN.
Dear Sir,
Recently I had a Seminar on ORGANON OF
ORGANON OF MEDICINE for two days. It was a
surprise that none came except one with the book
of Organon. Hence I worked out how
homeopathic doctors spend their time to study
Homeopathy and what we can expect from them
according to Dr. HAHNEMANN for the progress
and practice of real Homeopathy.
I have my duty to do for Homeopathy.
By Dr. Ramanlal P. PATEL, Director, Institute of
Homeopathy for Research and Education,
Vadodara, Gujarat.
Dear Homeopathic Physician,
Please read and go through and try to learn,
understand the purpose given in the first aphorism
of Organon of Medicine and also read, learn and
understand the Preface of the first edition of
Organon of Medicine wherein it is written by Dr.
Samuel HAHNEMANN, the founder of
Homeopathy thus:
“I must warn the reader that indolence, love of
ease and obstinacy preclude effective service at the
altar of truth, and only freedom from prejudice and
untiring zeal qualify for the most sacred of all
human occupations, the practice of the true system
of medicine.
The physician who enters on his work in this
spirit becomes directly assimilated to the Divine
Creator of the world whose human creatures he
helps to preserve, and whose approval renders him
thrice blessed.” (Bold letters mine.)
Are we obeying him - the discoverer of
Homeopathy? Once, I felt guilty but all have
changed in my life. I am running eighty-one (81)
of my life and fifty-five years (55) in the
homeopathic practice. In 1960 I realized the
situation to learn and understand the real
Homeopathy and devoted practically 16 to 18 hrs
of the day. I had to sacrifice and restrict my
activities for Homeopathy and finally I came to
realize that in spite of “Untiring Zeal” one life on
the Earth is not sufficient to understand and master
many shades and facets of real Homeopathy a
God given gift to mankind. Are you willing to
follow for DE MEDICINA FUTURA? Let us
know how we spend our days in a Year and how
much time and days we devote for Homeopathy.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
15 DAYS 136 DAYS
Etc. 30 DAYS 61 DAYS
Etc. 3 DAYS 13 DAYS
NOTE: If you have any other activities not listed above do include them in one day and let others know.
Or for interaction Call Dr. R.P.PATEL. (If Dr. PATEL has time. All depends on the mood of the
1. XV ALL INDIA HOMeOPATHIC CONGRESS 2006 Aurangabad (Maharashtra). Under the
auspices of Homeopathic Medical Association of India on 23
, 24
& 25
Dec. 2006 at St. Francis High
School Jalna Road, Aurangabad (M.S.) 431 004. For further details: Ph. 0240-
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
VOL. XXIII, 3 & 4, 2006
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. The Necessity for an Inner Preparation of the
Classical Homeopath
VITHOULKAS, George (SIM. XIX, 2006)
The meaning of inner preparation is an inner
process that has led you to the realization that you
must stay detached from all your successes, even if
people around you say that you are the greatest.
This is the great secret.
This spiritual preparation is necessary to have a
mental balance.
If the desire to help the other person is missing
steady success in Classical Homeopathy can be
forgotten. If there is the desire to cure the patient
then the spark will become a flame and burn the
disease and bring about that which is miraculous,
but at the same time will give a deep satisfaction
that you have not lived in vain.
A homeopath should be a master of his own
feelings. It is difficult to cure a person who is not
giving the right information or only partial
information. The interest and attention shown by
the physician helps to bring out the emotional
levels from the patient and when he reveals the dark
side that bothers him and causes suffering, the
correct remedy can be prescribed. [This is a short
report of a lecture given by Prof. George
VITHOULKAS at the end of the four-year course
in his International Academy of Classical
Homeopathy, at Alonissos, Greece. This is a
masterly piece and in fact should be given to all
homeopaths when they complete their course of
studies. There is also a ‘Valedictory Address’ by
HERING and one by DUNHAM. All these must
be brought to the knowledge of the students before
they go out into the World of Healing. = KSS]
2. HAHNEMANN’s legacy in a New Light A
Systematic Approach to the Organon of
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
The sixth edition of Samuel HAHNEMANN’s
Organon of Medicine is an obligatory work of
reference for Homeopathy. Nevertheless, its
philosophy can be questioned with constructivistic
and historistic objections. Three levels of content
may be distinguished:
(1) Practical directions and maxims.
(2) Theoretical explanations and hypotheses.
(3) Conceptual foundations and premises.
Ideally, these levels should be considered,
studied, and taught separately and gradually. My
new German edition of the Organon, published in
2003, tries to meet these demands. It contains:
(A) A complete version of HAHNEMANN’s
original text, in the original order of paragraphs, but
in modern German with section headings, summary
boxes, etc added,
(B) Another full version of its content, organized in
three levels, as indicated above,
(C) A glossary of about 40 problematic terms.
1. Malandrinum
ROTTLER, Gaby (AHZ. 250, 6/2005)
To get the picture of a Nosode e.g.
Malandrinum more things are to be learnt: on the
one hand the knowledge about the course and
symptoms of the disease of which Nosode is the
product – and on the other hand the Totality of
symptoms of a drug, where it is available.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Successful cures in different cases would
supplement these.
The Proving symptoms are listed from the
source, repertorial rubrics are given, Head to Foot
Schema Materia Medica follows.
2. Kali silicicum
WITTWER, Heinz (HL. 17, 2/2004)
39-year-old woman suffering with severe burnt
out syndrome for a long time. When she is
overworked, fear of failing in job and feels guilty
and low confidence and then depression. She does
her work passionately. Abdomen distended
massively after eating with cutting pain and worse
by coffee. Constipated when travelling. Chronic
vesicular eruption with a miserable itch after
washing. Tendency for abscess at root of teeth.
Very sensitive to cold. Attached to family. Many
remedies were ineffective. Kali silicicum 1000. Six
weeks later emotionally stronger. Sleep and
digestion improved and Eczema less severe.
Relapse with the febrile convulsions of her
daughter. Another dose repeated and it helped
Remedy picture
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Open-hearted and broad-minded
Determination and discrete dominance
Strong sense of family.
General and physical characteristics
Here is a list of some of the physical characteristics
as found in the Materia Medica, which might be
helpful to confirm the choice of the remedy.
Headache (1000 small and smallest headache-
Vertigo with tendency to fall backwards.
Eczema on hairline.
Perspiration on head.
Recurrent sinus-infections.
Sinusitis ethmoidalis.
Eczema in eyebrows.
Photophobia for daylight.
Mouches volantes.
Corneal ulcers.
Ear, nose, mouth
Discharge thick and yellow.
Hearing or taste: acute, diminished, wanting (in
Catarrh of Eustachian tube.
Permanent obstruction of nose.
Eczema of face (with itching, worse cold).
Suffering expression (in disease).
Ulcers of lips.
Vomiting after cold drinks.
Aggravation by milk and fat.
Aversion meat.
Coldness felt in stomach.
Sensation of heat in abdomen (only exception;
otherwise only sensations of coldness)
Difficult stool, sheep dung.
Constipation during menses.
Enuresis nocturna.
Coughing after eating.
Coughing during fever.
Expectoration purulent, tough, yellow.
Abscess in axilla.
Weakness in chest (Stannum), Sensation of
emptiness in thorax.
Backache during menses.
Skin cracks of hands from working in cold water.
Eruptions on thighs.
Perspiration of feet.
One-sided chilliness.
Profuse night-sweats.
Pain in old scars.
Stubborn Eczema (in case Sulphur and Graphites
have failed!)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Shrivelled warts (Ferrum phosphoricum, Calcarea
Very marked chilliness (‘coldness penetrating to
the bones’)
The worse they are, the chillier they get.
Worse from cold drinks, from getting cold, etc.
Lack of any kind of aggravation from heat
(Calcarea silicata).
Worse from mental exertion (final stages).
Worse after midnight.
Better from physical exertion.
Compare: Silica, Kali nitricum
1. Drei homöopathisch behandelte Scabiesfälle
(Three Cases of Scabies Treated
ABERMANN, Christoph (ZKH. 49, 3/2005)
Three cases of acute treatment of Scabies
within the same family are presented. The
management of acute diseases during a
constitutional homeopathic treatment can be
demonstrated with these cases, which had to be
treated partly by repeating the constitutional
remedy and partly by prescribing an acute remedy.
2. Hauterkrankungen in der homöopathischen
Praxis (Skin Diseases in Homeopathic
FOERSTER, Gisela (ZKH. 49, 3/2005)
The phenomenology and meanings of skin
symptoms and their relation to colloquial language
and Mythology is described. Further studies of
modern psychosomatic medicine are presented.
Beside psychosocial facts also possible fantasies
related to skin symptoms and their meaning in early
relationships are reflected. Some homeopathic
cases illustrate the meaning of psychosomatic
knowledge and reflections in our observance of
symptoms and recognizing the remedies.
3. Kraurosis vulvae Kreosotum (Craurosis
vulvae – Kreosotum)
MEISEL, Silke (ZKH. 49, 3/2005)
A 66-year-old female patient is suffering from
a Craurosis vulvae and Eczema on her foot. It
developed when the patient was only nine, and is
resistant to therapy. Treatment with Kreosote
positively affected both the Craurosis and the
Eczema. Since the treatment has only been
observed for two years, it cannot be considered
completed yet. However, it did increase the quality
of life of the patient. Furthermore it improved local
4. FSME Akute homöopathische Behandlung
im Krankenhaus (FSME Acute
Homeopathic Treatment in Hospital)
MOHL, Petra (ZKH. 49, 3/2005)
39-year-old patient, high fever (between
39.5°C and 40.5°C) since 4 days. 2-3 weeks before
had suffered an infectious fever, which was
completely cured.
The patient was lying “stiff as a poker” in the
bed and did not move; every move worsened his
already unbearable headache. Clinical indications
were of Meningitis. He was very sensitive to touch
and light, he kept the eyes tightly closed. He was
very giddy. Laboratory tests revealed a fresh
FSME infection.
He has been heavily dosed with antibiotics for
3 days and fever-reducing medicines without least
relief. After three days for the first time he gave a
very peculiar symptom: The eyes pain are the
worst. The eyeballs feel as if they are too large as
if they would not fit in. The stitching pains in the
eyes become severe with every movement and it
was drawing back in. Because of the pain I could
not sleep since several days.” In addition he has
severe pain of the lumbar back. He was lying
almost without any movement, because every
movement worsened the pains. He was very
sensitive to pain.
The symptom that the eyeball does not fit into
the hole was very peculiar. Symptom No. 95 and
88, in the Materia Medica Pura fitted this
patient’s characteristics and a dose of Spigelia 30
was dissolved in a glass of water and two doses
from this was given in the evening.
He could sleep sometime during the night and
next morning he was somewhat better. Next day he
took frequent sips of the Spigelia 30 solution. By
evening the pain had gone away. The patient sat on
the bed and could move. Fever between 37° and
38°C. Next day onwards completely well.
5. Erfahrungen mit der homöopathischen Arznei
Staphisagria (Experiences with Homeopathic
Remedy Staphysagria)
THOMAS, Christoph (ZKH. 49, 3/2005)
In cases where the correct remedy could not be
determined through repertorisation, examining the
mental state was often the key in diagnosing the
remedy as Staphysagria. The typical Staphysagria
mental state as well as the method of recognizing it
is described here. Patients who require
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Staphysagria as their simillimum can obviously be
hypersensitive to allopathic medication,
immunization and potentised remedies. Treatment
with remedies that are not the simillimum,
especially when conducted over years, may trigger
the manifest psychopathology of Staphysagria.
6. Die Rolle des Phosphorus in der Krebs-
behandlung (The Role of Phosphorus in
Cancer treatment)
SPINEDI, Dario (ZKH. 49, 4/2005)
The leading role of Phosphorus in the
homeopathic treatment of Cancer is demonstrated
via a historic review and our own experience.
Through several case reports the differential
indications of the remedy are shown. The
significance of Phosphorus is explained through the
Biochemistry of the human body. A list of reliable
symptoms follows.
This is not only a scholarly study but of very
great practical use to the homeopathic
practitioners. Over a period of seven years Dr.
Dario SPINEDI and his team have treated several
cases of Cancer. These have been carefully studied
and presented in this article. Phosphorus emerges
as a very important remedy in homeopathic
treatment of Cancer.
7. Folgen von Kummer – bei Phosphorus
(Sequelae of Grief – Phosphorus)
GENNEPER, Thomas (ZKH. 49, 4/2005)
Sequelae of grief, care, (besides insult,
wounded honor, etc) are not infrequently met with
in the day-to-day practice. Phosphorus does not
come in the forefront of the remedies peculiarly
suited to this mental symptom.
However, the author clearly shows, with two
cases, in which Phosphorus came out as the
curative remedy for sequelae of grief. [Lesson:
don’t have fixed ideas; handle every case as totally
new and an open mind that any one remedy may be
suitable even if it is not put so in the Repertory =
8. Akutes Abdomen bei gedeckter
Magenperforation (Acute abdomen with a
stomach perforation)
BÜNDNER, Martin (ZKH. 49, 4/2005)
On 2.7.2002 a man, known alcoholic, with
acute abdomen with a stomach perforation was
rushed to the clinic. The patient was unkempt, dull,
trembling arms (due to alcohol abstinence), with
severe abdominal pains, cirrhotic liver, pancreatitis,
Sulphur 200 three globules given and within 10
minutes improvement set in. He was out of the
hospital soon. On 9.7.2002 he was thoroughly
examined and was found well.
9. Cactina Case
BAKER, Jeff (SIM. XIX, 2006)
BAKER, starts with his justifications for
giving a remedy for which there was virtually no
information existing in the homeopathic literature.
[It is not unusual that many ‘homeopaths’ – the
modern ‘innovators’ create remedies out of their
own fertile imagination, like a spider weaving a
large web from out of its own mouth. These
modern ‘weavings’ are quite fanciful, fantastic;
that’s all. Where is Homeopathy in it, I do not see
= KSS]
AG, 23 years, consulted in May 2000, with
predisposition to panic attacks since the age of five,
severe since 6 years. Also Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder (OCD). Afraid of contamination of food
with poison. Hypersensitive. Feeling of shallow
breathe. Claustrophobic. Fast in everything.
Afraid of everything. Order gives a sense of
security. Dreams of being larger than life, but body
of same size. Like plants and taking care of them.
Cactuses are the favourites. [Aha! Hence it is a
Cactus, you go straight to the rare remedy not so far
in Homeopathy literature, no so far ‘provedin the
homeopathic way. Yet it is claimed as a
“homeopathic remedy”! = KSS].
Analysis – High sensitivity – Plant Kingdom.
Sensations of expansion – Cactus family.
Cancer Miasm – Anhalonium.
Anhalonium 200. Better. In the next 32
months, 2 more doses of 200, then 1M and then 2
doses of 200. As time went on doses had less and
less effect. Jan. 2003. Pretty bad.
Retaking of the case.
The sensations of bracing, clamping,
tightening, oppressing still pointed to Cactaceae
family. The ever-present sense of panic and
anxiety pointed to the Acute Miasm.
SANKARAN’s periodic table of plants indicated
Cactina is an alkaloid found in Cactus
grandiflorus. Bob LAWRENCE of Helios
Pharmacy U.K. prepared Cactina after much
difficulty and it took 10 months to possess 1M. In
that lengthy interval she became worse. [You let a
person suffer for such a length of time and
Homeopathy is to cure rapidly! = KSS] Aug. 2003
Cactina 1M. One month later, lot better.
Improving in all aspects till March 2004. Relapse.
Cactina 1M. In next 11 months, 2 mild relapses.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Cactina 10M after the second relapse and she is
relaxed. [Why didn’t you give her Cactus
grandiflorus? Long ago Margaret TYLER wrote a
very useful Essay: How not to do it. I would add
this Essay as an annexure to it = KSS]
10. Getting Sixty Percent of Your Case in Two
BERNO, William (SIM. XIX, 2006)
This article, which is from the teaching of Dr.
S.K. BANERJEE, Calcutta, is about how to get to
the miasmatic root of a case very quickly by
looking at the nails.
Psora: Dry, harsh, look rough.
Sycotic: Wavy nails, Waves or ridges or corrugated
either vertical or horizontal. Long ridges or ribs on
the nails. Thickness of nails, convex. Squaring of
the nails to some extent.
Syphilitic: Thin, paper like nails that bend, tear
and split easily (Brittle) Spoon shaped or concave
nails. Mottled nail. All fungal infections. Ridges
on the underside of the nail. Eaten up appearance.
Pin holes.
Tubercular: Glossy nails, white spots. Stains or
spots. Symptoms near the edges of nail.
Redness behind the nail. Haemorrhage and
Syco-syphilitic: Thick nails with mottled eaten up
texture. Thick nails with pock marks.
If toenails and fingernails are different, this
shows lot of suppression. Because of suppression,
very difficult to get a Totality sometimes. When a
correct Miasmatic remedy/Nosode is given, it will
bring the suppressed symptoms onto the surface.
11. The Legitimate Use of the Keynote
YINGLING W.A. (Read before the IHA, June
1928. From Homeopathic Recorder, Vol.
XLIII) (SIM. XIX, 2006)
The Keynote is not the only Note by any means
but it is the guiding and controlling Note. The
reputation and advance of Homeopathy has been
largely through the Keynote. In the beginning it
was essential. The Keynote led to the proper and
easy study of remedies similar to the case.
The old Provings of remedies are the most
reliable and superior, because the peculiar and
uncommon Keynotes are recognized and
The most difficult part of our duty is taking the
case to discover the Keynotes.
The Keynote has been shamefully abused by
entirely depending on some peculiar symptom,
whether that symptom is a true Keynote or not.
This abuse will often cause the prescriber to miss
the mark. There are apparent inconsistencies in the
pathogenesis of remedies, which are valuable in the
hands of the skilled prescriber.
12. The Firefly: A Case and a Proving Merge
BEGIN, Marty (SIM. XIX, 2006)
E.A., 35-year-old female with low-grade
chronic depression with one or two weeks of
heightened intensity per month not related to the
period. Unable to make decisions.
Waking up with a start from nightmares with
pounding heart. Immense passionate energy.
Smart and articulate and also loquacious with a
child-like enthusiasm.
Dreams are dark and light white and black,
big and small, very distinctly contrasting. Hyper
responsible in everything. People are attracted by
her energy. “I am a little firefly”. Better by
travelling. She had constipation and diarrhoea
associated with her stress levels.
Marty BEGIN came up with the Firefly remedy
for this case when the patient mentioned that she
was like one and when the symptoms of
oppositional dynamic correlated with the Provings.
E.A. was out of her depression in one week,
she worked through her inner dichotomy and all her
problems got resolved. [There is lot of story,
intuition, etc. in this and I see no Homeopathy;
such articles mystify Homeopathy more and more
= KSS].
13. Beyond Tarentula hispanica: Brown Recluse
Spider for a Child with Oppositional-defiant
ULLMAN, Robert (SIM. XIX, 2006)
The general characteristics of individuals
needing spider medicines are given.
Sensitivity to vibrations, noise, music
Cunningness, conniving, and deceit
Movement, jumping, climbing, hiding, dancing
Activity of the hands
Jealousy, revenge
Hurriedness as if time is passing quickly
Teasing, trickery, flattery
Feeling of being small, powerless, weak
Often a fear of or fascination for spiders
Issues of being trapped or caught
Fear of death.
Attractiveness, heightened sexuality
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Issues of female dominance.
Trey, 5-year-old, adopted child girl was
manipulative, extremely concerned about
appearance. Major risk taker, with little regard for
safety. Impulsive, anxious, habit of chewing finger
and toenails and clothing. Loves to dance.
Threatening to kill with knife in rage. Afraid of
monsters with sharp pointy teeth. Dreams of
frightening animals.
In the first ten months forty percent
improvement from several repetitions of
Stramonium 1M and no change from 10M.
In the next 4 months improved by 10% with
Tarentula hispanica 1M.
He developed 12 new warts on his knee.
Mother described the child’s nature as reclusive.
Does not wish to go to school, to interact and just
stay at home. Much affected by loud noise.
Diagnosed with Dyslexia. One dose of Loxosceles
reclusa 200.
One month after this high fever, sleepy, dry,
chapped lips and canker sores, red face.
Belladonna 30, three doses and recovered
The rage is not even there. Developing more
friendships. There is a huge change. In five and
half months 3 doses. Co-operative and loving.
When there was no response to 10M, 18 months
later, 200 was given with great improvement. [The
author of this article opens thus “One of the main
criteria that we use to select a medicine for a patient
is the kingdom: animal, plant, or mineral”! Search
as much, I could not find such instructions in the
Organon or Chronic Diseases or KENT’s works.
I don’t know whether we should dump all these
“basics” and learn “neo Homeopathy” in which the
‘Kingdoms rule, the Periodic Tables and
Signatures are the criteriae, the Miasms are not just
three but five with some, seven or ten with some
others quot hominess, tot sententiae” (as many
men, so many opinions). In this sense only perhaps
“modern” Homeopathy is individual! The author
claims that, “homeopathic prescribing is more
accurate and sophisticated now. Indeed! Then
why Homeopathy, which was at its peak, has come
so much down now? All the old Masters whose
text books we read were distributing inaccurate
prescriptions since they did not use kingdoms’!
Really! Quo Vadis Homeopathy? = KSS]
14. When You Don’t Eat Right….
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 25, 1/2005)
Eight remedies for indigestion. The indications
of Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Antimonium crudum,
Arsenicum album, China, Carbo vegetabilis,
Lycopodium, Bryonia are given.
15. Tobacco – A Medicine and a Poison
ULLMAN, Dana (HT. 25, 1/2005)
Tobacco is an important homeopathic remedy
for various minor ailments such as dizziness,
motion sickness, diarrhoea, and as well as
numerous serious conditions such as Angina,
Stroke, Cancer, Chronic respiratory ailments and
Meniere’s disease.
Homeopathic medicines can provide a unique
benefit to a smoker who wants to stop. They can
strengthen a person’s overall constitution so that the
person is not only less physically addicted to
tobacco but also stronger emotionally.
Some prescribe Tabacum 6x or 12x to help the
person eliminate tobacco from their body and help
reduce cravings for it. Some use Caladium 3x or
6x to develop a distaste for tobacco.
16. Everyday Stimulants and Sedatives
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 25, 1/2005)
(Excerpt from the book Homeopathic Guide
to Stress: Safe and Effective Natural Ways to
Alleviate Physical and Emotional Stress)
The bad effects of Alcohol, Tea and Coffee,
Sugar, Chocolate, Spicy foods, Tobacco, are
discussed in detail.
The following homeopathic remedies help you
to deal with side effects or even withdrawal
symptoms when giving up a stimulant or a sedative,
to help your body to rebalance and giving your
flagging nervous system a boost.
Tea - Alumina, China, Thea.
Sugar/Sweets – Argentum nitricum, Lycopodium.
Tobacco – Caladium, Staphysagria, Tabacum.
Tobacco smoke – Ignatia.
Soft drinks – Calcarea phosphorica.
Coffee – Chamomilla, Coffea cruda.
Chocolate – Chocolate.
Caffeine – Coffea cruda, Ignatia.
Alcohol – Opium, Sulphuricum acidum.
17. Exercise your Resolutions!
SCHEPPER, Luc De (HT. 25. 1/2005)
Common exercise injuries
Sprained anklesArnica first to absorb the
blood and reduce the swelling and then follow with
Rhus tox to heal the sprained ligaments.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Tennis elbow or Epicondylitis - Ruta, Bellis
Knee injury from Aerobics Ruta can
specifically address knee problems like sprains,
tendonitis, cartilage tears, and bursitis.
Bryonia helps red, swollen, tender, inflamed
knees. Rhus tox helps the bad effects of exposure
to cold weather after sweating much.
An over stretched tendon or muscle may get
relief from Arnica, Bryonia, Rhus tox or Ruta.
Stiffness of lowback and Sacrum – Phytolacca.
Muscle cramps – Magnesium phosphoricum.
18. New Year’s Resolutions
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 25, 1/2005)
We often see patients who stay in unsupportive
relationships or unsatisfying jobs that may add to
the maintaining causes of the pathology. They
don’t just need a homeopathic remedy, they need a
whole new living environment. The best thing
Homeopathy can offer is a two fold combination:
clear resolve and enhanced energy level.
Claire, 30 and single, consulted 15 years ago
for seasonal allergies, premenstrual syndromes,
excess weight and a long term depression that kept
her from enjoying her work, family and friends.
She responded well to Natrum muriaticum over
several years and was well and did not consult for
many years. She returned in crisis, with severe,
chronic, debilitating Sinusitis and recurrent Styes.
She had married a man who became gravely ill
soon after their wedding. He was fault finding and
abusive. Because of her religious convictions,
divorce was not an option.
Homeopathic medicines, Hydrotherapy,
Botanical medicine and Therapeutic nutrition did
not help.
Being and staying sick was Claire’s way of
manifesting her deep-seated frustration with her life
situation. The immense anger, resentment, sadness
and disappointment at the core of her marriage
provided an endless source of negative thoughts
and bad feelings.
Claire would have to leave this man, and it
would not be easy. Such a move went against her
every moral fiber. By using her physical
pathologies as a guide and seeing them in the
context of her overall mental and emotional health
Staphysagria was given in ascending potencies to
shore up her resolve and to help her build a
stronger, healthier sense of self. This is a well-
known remedy for curing recurrent Styes and
fullness in the back of head.
After taking Staphysagria, Claire felt it boosted
her resolve, quieted her negative mind talk and
gave her the confidence to do the difficult things
she had to do. As she went through the process of
making changes in her living situation and
relationship, her Sinusitis and Styes became less
and less of an issue.
19. Whooping Cough is on the Rise
LOCKWOOD, Amy E. (HT. 25, 2/2005)
A whopping 11,871 cases of Whooping cough
has been reported in US in 2004. Whooping cough
is highly contagious and the complication is
secondary bacterial Pneumonia.
Conventional Antibiotic Therapy can prevent
the disease and render an infected person non-
contagious, but it does not treat the symptoms.
Homeopathic remedies can effectively stop
vomiting and reduce the severity of the cough and
shorten the duration of the illness.
Indications for Anacardium, Antimonium
tartaricum, Coccus cacti, Cuprum metallicum,
Drosera and Ipecac are given.
Pertussin, Drosera or a Genus epidemicus can
be used for Prophylaxis.
20. Coughing, Whooping, Choking kids
LOCKWOOD, Amy E. (HT. 25, 2/2005)
Sam, 13 year-old, with Whooping cough since
July 29, 2004. On 5
August rashes all over body
because of poison ivy. > Warm application.
Spasmodic cough with vomiting. Rhus tox did not
>. Irritable since the onset of cough. Dr. FIOR
found Anacardium covered this unusual
combination of symptoms. A dose of 200C given
and repeated as needed. The rash started improving
within a day. In a week paroxysmal cough
decreased markedly in frequency.
Beth, 14 month-old baby with severe cough.
After each paroxysm, She would stop breathing for
up to 10 seconds and would vomit yellow stringy
mucus. Whoop occurred on waking and after
eating. Clingy and > cool air. Ipecac changed the
color of expectoration and no other change. Coccus
cacti 30. Beth’s choking and vomiting improved
immediately and the paroxysmal attacks quickly
became shorter and less intense and further apart.
It was repeated with increasing potency as and
when needed.
21. Healing Hypericum
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 25, 2/2005)
The main first-aid application is for injuries to
nerve-rich areas of the body such as fingers, lips or
genitals. Any injury with disproportionate pain.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Hypericum tincture and oil used for external
application used in this way, it prevents infection,
control pain and promote healing.
Also indicated in puncture wounds, animal
bites and injuries to tail bone.
Herbal doses for depression.
22. Safe Alternatives to Arthritis drugs
(HT. 25, 2/2005)
Mike, 36-year-old musician with complaints of
joint pain and swelling in the fingers. On 30
2004, the pain medication Vioxx was withdrawn in
His Liver was under stress because of staying
up late, playing in smoke-filled bars and drinking
alcohol. Ibuprofen added to its toxicity. So
Before giving homeopathic remedy, he was
advised to decrease intake of meat and alcohol and
increase intake of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA), blue
berries, cherries and vegetables (beets, artichokes,
onions and garlic). This was done to remove the
obstacles to cure and clear the internal terrain
Two weeks later better by 30% just from the
dietary changes. Sulphur 200 and herbs for
inflammation and pain over the course of the next
month. A month later, 80% improvement.
By increasing hydration, intake of fruits and
vegetables and increasing EFA, promotes joint and
connective tissue health.
Nutritional supplements like Vitamin D,
Manganese, Methylsulfonyl methane (MSM),
Glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate
help joint pain and degeneration.
Indications for Bryonia, Dulcamara, Magnesia
phosphorica, Rananculus bulbosus, Rhus
toxicodendron are given.
23. “Wear and Tear” Arthritis
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 25, 2/2005)
Osteoarthritis leads to breakdown of cartilage
and bones rub against each other. Typical
symptoms are morning stiffness, painful swollen
joints, reduced range of motion and possible
deformation of the joints. Things, which can
worsen Arthritis, are food Allergies, mineral
deposits in the joints, past injury to the area, poor
diet, stress, extra weight, hormone imbalance and
changes in barometric pressure.
Homeopathic help in the form of
constitutional remedy which will reduce
inflammation and pain in the joint as the person
moves to a more balanced overall state of health.
Foods with anti-inflammatory effects
High in EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) like flax
seed and cold water fish
Fruits high in bioflavonoids like blueberries,
rasp berries, black berries
High in element Sulfur like asparagus, garlic,
onions, cabbage
Pineapple, as it contains the anti-inflammatory
enzyme, bromelein.
The recommended supplements include
glucosamine sulfate, fish oil, low dose Vitamin E,
Vitamin C and bromelain.
Simplest form of Hydrotherapy recommended
is hot bath with 1-2 cups of Epsom Salt
(Magnesium sulfate) dissolved in water, which
helps to draw out inflammation.
Stress reduction techniques are another
important components.
24. Free from Arthritis pain, after 20 years!
POWERS, Donna (HT. 25, 2/2005)
Irena, 67-year-old client, with chronic urinary
infection for 2 years. Dysentery, off and on for 20
years and Arthritis for 20 years. Burning in the
palms and soles like red hot pepper. Feeling of
dullness, sluggishness. Burning after urinating.
Gets angry very fast but calms down quickly.
Using Reference Works, Berberis 30 b.d. for 5
days given and she felt refreshed and no burning,
only slight pain of Arthritis. 5 weeks still only brief
episodes of burning of palms and soles. No
burning after urination. Doses were repeated.
25. Recurring Infections, Repeated Antibiotics
KUNKLER, Karen (HT. 25, 3/2005)
Mark, quadriplegic since spinal cord injury in
1990 with catheter. Frequent UTI since 1994.
Cold sweats, bladder spasms, cloudy and foul
smelling urine. He is chilly, sensitive to drafts.
Likes hot and spicy foods. Much ambitious,
compassionate and mild temper.
Nux vomica 200, 4 weeks later, only less
sensitive to cold. 4 doses a day. Felt lot better.
Urine sediment greatly reduced and chills reduced.
Following weekend worse. Nux vomica 1M t.d.s. 3
days later, no sweats, no spasm. Only mild attacks
in the next one year.
26. Practical Help for UTI
HOOVER, Todd (HT. 25, 3/2005)
Simplest prevention strategies include drinking
adequate fluids, avoiding bubble baths, urinating
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
after intercourse. Cranberry extracts helpful at the
first sign of infection.
Roger MORRISON suggests the following
remedies with their indications: Cantharis,
Pulsatilla, Sarsaparilla, Staphysagria.
27. Softball in Spring
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 25, 3/2005)
Laila, 11 years, with severe Gastritis after
medicines for pain left shoulder. Passion for living,
strong sense of self. Unusually organized and
careful. Sensitivity and deep caring nature.
Carcinosin 200.
Naturopathic product to heal the damage
caused by Anti-inflammatory medication.
Six weeks later much improved but shoulder
still bothering. In cases of tissue damage, the
authoress uses natural supplements to help build
and renourish the area.
So with curcumin and bromelain and extra
Vitamin C for 6 weeks relief of shoulder pain.
28. Dangerous Descent Explorers Raft Full
Length of the Blue Nile
SCATURRO, Kim (HT. 25, 3/2005)
Renowned adventurer and geophysicist
Pasquale SCATURRO and Gordon BROWN, an
expert kayaker and adventure filmmaker completed
one of the last great adventures of the modern age:
the first descent of the Blue Nile from its source in
Ethiopia to the shores of the ancient Egyptian city
of Alexandria, where the river spills into the
Mediterranean Sea. The expedition of 3,260 miles
took 114 days. Their incredible journey was
documented with an IMAX Camera and two video
Pasquale had several recurrences of Malaria
and Homeopathy helped in preventing a new
infection and treating a recurrent attack. He took
Malaria officinalis 200.
Two months into the expedition he had a
relapse from a recent mosquito bite. Cinchona 200
aqueous doses. Chills lasted an hour, then fever.
Weak and delirious. No dehydration. Next day he
After the expedition he had Schistosomiasis.
Terebinthina 1M, 2 doses weekly and next stool
sample was negative. [Isn’t this evidence enough.
No, you want “double-blind”? = KSS]
29. Cancer of Right Breast with Metastasis to
Brain: A Palliation
JAGOSE, Ardeshir T. (NJH. 5, 6/2003)
94-year-old lady, Cancer of right breast.
October 2002: Vomiting brownish lumpy
discharge. When vomiting redness of face.
Vomiting more after eating and drinking.
Past history of Tumour in the right breast. A
strong history of Cancer in the family.
Lycopodium 200 1 dose. Gradual improvement
and vomiting reduced. After 15-20 days again
Lycopodium 200. Again Lycopodium 200 after a
Patient was improving. So stopped Tab.
Domstal, which she was taking 3-4 times a day. In
this case palliation was achieved, which reduced
the suffering of the patient and also boosted the
immune status of the patient.
30. Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
JAGOSE, Ardeshir T. (NJH. 5, 6/2003)
A 58-year-old male suffering from Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome came for consultation in 1996.
His symptoms were covered with peculiar pain in
the lower back, which disappeared as soon as the
tired feeling abated.
Has Borderline Diabetes Mellitus controlled by
medication. This whole case revolves around
suppressed grief, which forms the core of the case.
Though Mag. mur was the constitutional remedy,
Nux vomica was given. Nux vomica 200 QDS was
given. He was off all medication till 10-9-99.
After two months, the constitutional remedy
namely Mag. mur 200 was given repeatedly and the
chief complaint was totally relieved. Nux vomica
200 was given on 9-10-2001 for recurrent cold
followed by Tuberculinum 1M. The fundamental
Miasm was thus tackled, paving the way to cure.
31. Do We Truly Understand Vaccine Reactions
and Vaccinosis
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
Vaccinosis is the syndrome produced by the
adverse effects of Vaccination: state of chronic ill
health resulting from immunization.
Every acute reaction following Vaccination is
not Vaccinosis. Fever, diarrhoea, in addition to
skin symptoms are part of the normal, immediate,
post-vaccination syndrome. The way in which
normal reactions to Vaccination are treated have a
great influence on the establishment or otherwise of
Either the absence of reaction or local
treatment of acute reactions have the potential for
creating long-term illness.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
A history of suppression of an immunization
reaction should be sought in the case history and of
course such treatment should be avoided in the
management of Acute Vaccine reaction.
32. The Colour of the Homeopathic Improvement:
The Multidimensional Nature of the Response
to Homeopathic Therapy
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
Homeopathy differs from conventional
medicine in many aspects. Little recognized to date
is the unique, multidimensional nature of the
response to homeopathic treatment. We discuss
this ‘colourof the homeopathic response; altered
temporal awareness, paucity of language, selective
amnesia, lack of self-awareness, the holistic
character of the improvement, and the development
of acute illnesses, all in response to successful
homeopathic treatment. We conclude that, beyond
its biological effect, homeopathic treatment affects
the awareness.
33. Klassisch-homöopathische Therapie bei
Endometriose (Classical homeopathic Therapy
in Endometriosis)
SCHANTZ, Martin (AHZ. 250, 4/2005)
In this study the effect of Classical
Homeopathy in women with Endometriosis is
examined. 28 patients, including 13 desiring
pregnancy were treated with homeopathic single
remedies for 12 months. The effect of this therapy
was measured by the criteria of pregnancy rate,
change of investigated facts (ultrasound, palpation
CA 12-5), subjective complaints (questionnaire)
and general state of health. A significant effect
could be shown concerning pregnancy rate,
complaints and palpation results.
In this, thirty homeopathic single remedies
were used. When intercurrent acute diseases came
up, they were treated individually with single acute
remedies low potencies (C30).
KARL and Veronica Carsteus-Stiftung
sponsored the study and the complete version of it
has been published in book form titled Klassisch-
Homöopathische Therapie bei Endometriose.
Eine prospective Verlaufsstudieby KVC Verlag
34. Adjuvante homöopathische Therapie bei
konventionell behandeltem Mammakarzinom
(Adjuvant homeopathic Therapy with
Conventionally treated Breast Carcinoma)
Katharina; PACHMANN, Ulrich
(AHZ. 250, 4/2005)
A reduction in the number of circulating
epithelial cells could be shown in response to
homeopathic therapy, preceding or accompanying
conventional adjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast
Cancer. Using the objective enumeration of
Epithelial cells in blood which according to a
recently published study has been shown to be
correlated with prognosis gives us for the first time
the possibility to prove an immanent anti-tumoral
influence of homeopathic therapy.
35. Fünf lle von Schwangerschaftsübelkeit und -
erbrechen (Five Cases of Hyperemisis
MATHAN, Roland (AHZ. 250, 4/2005)
Hyperemisis gravidarum or Morning sickness
in early pregnancy is quite common. Exactly
because the embryo is very sensitive in those early
stages of development, mild and gentle
homeopathic treatment is called for. Five cases are
presented to validate this.
1. 29-year-old female: second pregnancy: Gemini
gravidity in 8-week pregnancy. She was
continuously feeling nauseated but couldn’t vomit;
felt that if vomited it would be well for her.
Irritability, from trifles. Nux vomica 6 once a day
for seven days. Remained free.
2. 23-year-old, Primipara, 22
week pregnancy.
“Minimum vomiting, but severe heartburn, from
stomach with burning in throat and then in mouth.
Peevish and annoyance. Much thirst and a pressure
in throat”. She appeared overweighty, much
stressed and tired. Liked fatty. Capsicum D6 once
a day. She took it for two days only and felt free
from her complaints.
3. 34-year-old second pregnancy. Eight weeks:
Suffered morning sickness during the first
pregnancy and allopathic medicines were of no use
then. Now severe nausea with stomach pain.
Worse from riding car, motion, and stop the car
twice enroute because of the nausea. Rest and
lying is better, particularly lying on the right side.
Smell of food agg.
Tabacum C30 once. No improvement.
Colchicum C6 once a day. Rapid
4. 34-year-old, third pregnancy. Seventh week.
Continued nausea and vomiting, headache. She
suffered Migraine during her pregnancy 12 years
ago. Nausea the whole day, whether after food or
empty stomach. Smells <. Sight, Smell, thought of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
food <. Smell of perfume also <. Recently much
personal stress. Annoyed at her condition.
Colchicum C30. Very rapid relief.
5. 32 year-old; second pregnancy. 9
Nausea and vomit through the day. Restlessness.
Nausea better after eating. Smell of food agg. She
is very thin, girly appearance, restless, hasty, fast
Colchicum C30. Rapid relief.
36. Conium maculatum Eine wichtige
homöopathische Arznei bei Kleinhirn und
Hirnstammserkrankungen (Conium
maculatum An important homeopathic
remedy in small brain and brain stem diseases)
TEUT, Michael and LOCHBRUNNER, Bergit
(AHZ. 250, 5/2005)
The effects of Conium maculatum on human
organism, as seen in Toxicology and homeopathic
Provings, show similarities in symptomatology
with cerebellar- and brain stem- diseases.
Historical homeopathic reports underline the
therapeutic potential of treating these diseases with
Conium. We report three geriatric cases, which
show the effect in patients suffering from
Cerebellar Infarction, Ataxia, Vertigo and
Relevant in many old age complaints.
Three cases of geriatric patients are given.
Case 1, of an 81-year-old female, in a state of
Cerebellum Infarct, Suprarenal Tumor.
Sonography confirmed good control on the
Suprarenal Tumor. Vertigo, Ataxia and uncertain
walk were all also improved with Conium.
Case 2, of a 94- year-old female with Ataxia
and Vertigo. All these were improved to a good
extent with Conium 200.
Case 3, of 70-year-old female, Downbeat-
Nystagmus-Syndrome, Ataxia. Conium 200
improved her state to a good extent. That Conium
is important in “Old age, Senility” is verified by
these cases.
37. My Child will become a Criminal
A Case of Calcarea bromata
GUJJAR, Bipin (HL. 17, 2/2004)
Male, 31 years with multiple Warts over both
legs and fingers since 1997. He wants to hide them
by covering and feels these Warts are because of
his carelessness. He feels because of his Warts
others may avoid him; fears his son will develop
criminal activities. He is insecure, concerned about
home, money, family and company. Fear of dogs,
accidents, cockroaches.
Calcarea bromata 200 on 27.7.01. Over a
period of next six months Warts reduced in size and
number and disappeared. Confidence increased.
More assertive. Followed up to 14 months with no
problem. (Author followed Rajan SANKARAN’s
[This case and methodology overrules the
instructions in the Organon and expositions by past
masters with regard to casetaking. HAHNEMANN
advised the physician to be silent and let the patient
narrate his sufferings and ailments; no interruption.
84) But here in this ‘new methodpracticed by
the author Dr.Bipin GUJJAR who is also a teacher
in a Homeopathic Medical College, the physician
keeps firing questions. The Materia Medica of this
remedy Calcarea bromata is not based on Proving.
It has not been proved. By synthesizing Calcarea
carbonica with Bromatum a ‘Materia Medica’ is
created, and deep action is attributed to the remedy.
If we ‘prepare’ such Materia Medicas where will it
stop. Depending upon the fertility of the
imagination of individual, it will be built up. That
the Warts had gone is another matter. We know
cases where Warts have disappeared after the
patient offers salt and pepper to Goddess and prays
for some days. = KSS.]
38. Alopecia areata
A Case of Calcarea fluorica
GUJJAR, Bipin (HL. 17, 2/2004)
Female, 22 years with right sided Alopecia
areata, constipation and decreased appetite.
Negative thoughts because of illness. Dreams of
eating and death of relatives. Doesn’t like to spend
money. Itching over the affected area. Tongue
cracked in the middle. Likes spicy and sour food.
Hot patient. Constant anxiety about home, money
and future. Calcarea fluorica 1M. In the next 16
months many doses were repeated and once 10M.
Alopecia completely disappeared. [Refer to Rajan
SANKARAN’s The Soul of Remedies, p. 42 ref.
baldness and Calcarea fluorica =KSS].
39. Sibling Rivalry in Calcarea sulphurica
ANKALGI, Bharati (HL. 17, 2/2004)
Nine-year-old girl with recurrent colds and
tonsillitis. Continuous dry cough, worse in the
morning. Irritable. Extremely obstinate,
possessive. Poor selfcare. Felt bad when compared
with elder sister. Calcarea sulphurica 200. A
month later dry cough better. Selfcare improved.
No change in anger and irritability. Another dose.
5 months later, no dry cough. No recurrent colds.
Less angry and more friendly. Eight months later,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
mild relapse. Another dose repeated. One year
later, improved at mental, physical and emotional
40. Chronic diarrhoea cured with Natrum
DATTA, Amiya Kumar (HL. 17, 2/2004)
32-year-old female, with watery stools for
twelve years. Mainly in the morning, 4-5 times a
day. Worse after a Gall bladder surgery 3 years
ago. She also has wheezing worse in humid
weather. Headache with blocked nose. Extremely
irritable, very anxious about the situation.
Disgusted about her life. Natrum sulphuricum 1M,
two doses on successive days. Mild aggravation for
first 10 days and then steady improvement. Mild
relapse two months later and two doses repeated
and improved gradually over a period of two years.
[Wheezing still, after two years although ‘mild’.
The case report does not say whether the diarrhoea
was before the wheezing or otherwise = KSS]
41. Wants to go to Heaven
A Case of Natrum muriaticum
KAWAN, Bishnu Bhakta (HL. 17, 2/2004)
88-year-old female with Cancer of distal
Oesophagus with difficulty in swallowing solids.
The solid food reaches down to some length, would
stop and vomited immediately. Frequent fever
blisters. Dwells on past sad events, hurt by
consolation. Death of parents, brothers and sisters
affected her. Prefers salty food. Natrum
muriaticum 30 for 3 days. Three months later all
complaints are better and happy. Over the two
years one more dose and is well. [Why such titles
are given to the articles Wants to go to Heaven”?
Do they not lend an ‘esoteric’ tone to an illness? =
42. Homeopathic Medicine in Prenatal Life
(HL. 17, 2/2004)
The circumstances of pregnancy and delivery
need to be put into a greater perspective. Various
references are given.
Michael, 12 years, with poor sleep, always
tense, easily excited, sensitive to sounds, smells.
High intake of food. Conscientious and lack of
self-confidence. Mother had a difficult labor for 44
hours and delivered in an emergency C-section.
The newborn was tense at birth. Nux vomica LM
XII 2x5 per week. Also Nux vomica XM to mother
as she was also tense.
Six weeks later, he was physically in good
shape. He appeared more relaxed. Mother was
also more relaxed.
Case 2: A young woman, early in her
pregnancy was mugged and was much disturbed by
that person and premature labor started. Opium 200
calmed her and stopped premature labor.
Case 3: Johanna, with weak defence
mechanisms, sleeping disorder and multiple fear
symptoms. Recurring URTI. At the 28
week of
pregnancy she was diagnosed with Acute Renal
Failure and was told that foetus was dead.
Emergency consultation with an Urologist revealed
that the diagnosis was based on the mistake of lab
values. She was frightened and delivered
prematurely at 34 weeks. Aconite LM VI twice a
week and in the following months fear symptoms
decreased significantly.
43. The Usefulness of Opium in the treatment of
WULFSBERG, Terje (HL. 17, 2/2004)
The most common symptoms of Opium in
Children in author’s practice are
- High pain threshold.
- Lack of sense of danger.
- Restless, busy, active.
- Desire for risky activities.
- Difficulty in learning from their mistakes.
- Sleep disturbances and sleeping with mouth
- Snoring.
- Arrested and irregular respiration during sleep.
- Kicks off their covers.
- Constipation.
- Likes to make noise.
- Anger, biting, knocking of the head.
Case 1: 5-year-old boy with recurrent ENT
problems. Otitis right to left. Nose block and
cough worse in warm room. During fever quiet and
never complains. Eyes are large and open.
Reserved. Constipation daily for a year. Always
kicks the covers off. Sleeps with mouth open.
Obstinate, violent anger for trifles. Fear and
startles from noise. High tolerance for pain.
Opium 1M. Improved in all aspects during the next
six months and then relapsed. Opium 10M. Then
relapse after 3 months. Opium 50M. 4 months
later another dose. Remained well after this.
Case 2: 11-year-old boy with strong multiple
allergies, warm-blooded and always kicks the
covers off. Lack of energy. Biting lower lip
frequently. Difficulty in falling asleep. Violent
anger inside and controls his emotions. Weeps only
when alone. Recurrent headache. High threshold
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
for pain. He was delivered by an emergency
A dose of Ignatia 200 and over the next nine
months a dose of 1M and 10M. Anger less,
headache reduced. Now overwhelming sleepiness.
In the next fifteen months, Opium 1M, 10M and
50M. His sleep improved and less restless. Pain
threshold reduced. Still jealous, has become now
abusive, aggressive and quarrelsome and strange
compulsive thoughts. Hyoscyamus 1M and he
became quiet and relaxed. Fear became less and
two months later relapse and another dose given.
In the next two and half years 10M and 50M for
relapses and his compulsive thinking disappeared.
Many Repertory additions for Opium are
44. Thuja – with Emphasise on Children
JORGENFELT, Chris (HL. 17, 2/2004)
This article is based on thirty cases of children,
and older, in the author’s experience. The common
mental symptoms of Thuja.
- Anger towards parents, want of self-
confidence, fear of dark, fear of the opinon of
others, fear of people. Irritability, Desire to play
alone, Reserved, Timidity about appearing in
Illustrated with a case.
New rubrics, several additions to existing
rubrics and upgradation in some are suggested.
This table is quite large. [It would be useful only if
verification of these additions are furnished to the
author = KSS]
45. Why am I Still a kid?
A Case of Primary Amenorrhoea
SHAH, Hiren (HL. 17, 2/2004)
A girl of fourteen years with Hypothyroidism
and Primary Amenorrhoea and short for her age.
Chubby and moon faced. Feels lonely. Feels elder
sister is given importance. Avoids going into
crowds. Very shy. Likes spicy food and fear of
dark. Anxious before exams. Feels neglected.
Bilateral-polycystic ovaries and a small uterus
and underdeveloped breasts and not menstruating.
No relief even after many remedies. Three rubrics:
Timidity, about appearing in public
Menses absent in young girls
Anxiety when alone, were considered.
Among the remedies, which covered it
Corticotropinum was referred. It had a correlation
with the case ACTH 200, one dose given.
Menarche at the beginning of second month.
Height increased by three inches, 6 months later,
menstruating regularly. Breasts are also
developing. The medicine was repeated thrice over
a period of eight months and a dose of 1M once.
She improved a lot mentally too.
46. The Hidden Link - Juvenile
ZAHEER, Rozina A. (HL. 17, 2/2004)
The growing incidence of Juvenile onset of
diseases is a global threat to younger generation.
This can be described as auto-immune diseases.
Dr. Mirza Anwar BAIG relates this with the
increase of venereal diseases ill treated or semi
The offspring of older parents are usually born
with suppressed or incompetent immune responses,
which BAIG describes as HIV constitution.
Dr. BAIG says that modern symptomatic
treatment and use of too many vaccines are the sole
cause of various mysterious and deeper ailments of
younger age group.
Case: A boy of two and half yeas with partial
deafness and dumbness. Totally deaf for human
voices but could easily hear the sounds. At birth
the child showed signs of Asphyxia and Cerebral
Apoplexy. Paralytic affection of hearing nerves
because of Asphyxia.
Chenopodium 30 daily one dose for two weeks
supported with Nosode I, which is a molecular
dilution of Carcinosinum. The patient did well on
the combination of these remedies.
47. Insight into Aphorism 153
Symptom… its meaning and significance
SHETYE, Prasad S.; KHARIWALA, Falguni
K. (HL. 17, 2/2004)
Striking, singular, uncommon, peculiar
(characteristic) signs and symptoms lead us to the
remedy. For an expression to be considered a
symptom homeopathically, it is essential that it
satisfies §153 to the word.
Case: A man of 23 years keeps on postponing
everything inspite of knowing that he should not do
so and inspite of being reminded often. He is
behind time in all his actions. Slowness, quiet
disposition, indolence and dullness. Walking as if
drunk. His understanding is deficient. Cocculus
indicus 30 and later few doses in the ascending
potency of 200 through to 210
Rubrics considered:
- Recognises everything but cannot move.
Dullness, understands questions only after
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Gait, reeling, staggering, tottering, and
Gradually he felt better in his postponing. He
started enjoying his walk. Case was followed for 5
years till 1999 and medication was stopped. He has
become a successful businessman and remains well.
48. Sensations and Miasm
A Case, illustrating their Power and Potential
BAKER, Jeff (HL. 17, 2/2004)
The need of new method is because there are
too many failures. This is illustrated by a failed
case which was solved by utilizing the new method,
i.e. Dr. Rajan SANKARAN’s ‘Vital Sensations’.
K, 33 years with severe, intense, violent itching
since 8 years. It attacks like bites. Worse at night.
No eruptions but scabs because of scratching till
bleeding. Loneliness, craving for friendship, love
and intimacy. Long-standing hatred towards his
father. Episodes of Depression with suicidal
thoughts. Badly decayed teeth.
In the forty plus consultations many carefully
selected remedies based on different analysis
strategies had a slight or no effect.
Vital sensations connect the disturbance of
Vital Force of patients with that which is vital in
our medicines.
The vital sensations of K were: being invaded,
violated, controlled, forced (coming) into my space.
These belong to the Fungi family and the Miasm is
The two remedies that are indicated by this are
Secale cornutum and Solanum tuberosum
Secale is not having the violent itching whereas
the other one has.
Solanum tuberosum aegrotans 1M. Dramatic
decrease in itching. Reduction in levels of
hopelessness and in being invaded. He had all four
of his decayed teeth extracted. In the next thirteen
months one more dose of 1M and a dose of 10M.
1. Ergänzungen, Fehler, Ungenauigkeiten und
Unklarheiten in Repertorien und Materia
Medica (Supplements, Errors, Inaccuracies and
Vagueness in Repertories and Materia Medica)
SEIPEL, Jürgen (ZKH. 49, 3/2005)
BeNNINGHAUSEN’s Therapeutic Pocket
Book of 1846:
Rubrics: “Lying on the painless side agg. TB.
P. 333: among others Stann. (Grade III)” and “lying
on the painful side amel. TB. P. 367: among others
Stram. (Grade II).
Verification with Manuscript in the Archives
of IGM (TBm):
VI.2. aggravation from lying on the painless
side p. 388: Stann (twice underlined meant III
VI.3. amelioration from lying on the painful
side p. 428: Stann (one underline meant II grade).
This is a clear error in transferring from
handwritten manuscript to print of 1846. Errata, p.
512 also does not clarify.
Therefore, Stramonium is to be struck off and
Stannum put into the place. 1846 English edition p.
363. In the revised edition 2000 (German) in p.
392; and in p. 1131 (Indian Edition 1987 and 1995)
J.T. KENT’s Repertory of the Homeopathic
Materia Medica p. 1373. P. 1132 (Generale); p.
1373 Patel Edition; SR. Vol. II. P. 361.
BOGER C.M. Benninghausen’s Characteristics
and Repertory. Indian Editions 1987 and 1995:
P.464 mouth tongue coated (not clear) white one
sided only: daph-i – correct is daph. for Daphne
P.619 Prostate gland: pop-t. correct is pop. For
Populus tremuloides.
P.639 Bladder neck of: pop-t. Correct is pop. for
Populus tremuloides.
P. 644 Conditions during menses + pregnancy: pop-
t. Correct is pop. for Populus tremuloides.
P. 675 Menstruation: menses too long duration:
PALT. Correct is PLAT in the Parkersburg edition
of 1905 p. 452.
P. 1132 Moon waning agg. daph-i. Correct is Daph.
for Daphne indica.
P. 1148 Twilight agg CLAC-C. Correct is CALC-
C. in the Parkersburg edition 1905 p. 765.
P.1149 Walking while amel. bly. Correct is bry. In
the Parkersburg edition 1905. p. 766.
BARTHEL H., KLUNKER W. Synthetic repertory
Vol. II col. 252: ben-ac. Correct is ben. (or benz.)
Evidence for Benzinum Craving for lemons
and Cider (EN. Vol. II p. 129 No.14). For Ben-ac.
or Benz-ac. - no literature evidence could be traced.
The error is found in KENT’s Final General
Repertory p. 485, KENT’s Repertorium Generale
p. 414 and in Lodispoto p. 106.
HERING Guiding symptoms
Natrum muriaticum Vol. VII p. 565: Painful
cracking in ear when masticating.
Correct is: Painless cracking in the ears when
masticating (CD. Vol. IV p. 364. No.303)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
2. Mastitis Klinisches Stichwort (Mastitis
Clinical Keywords)
BLEUL, Gerhard (AHZ. 250, 4/2005)
This is the thirteenth (13
) in this series. This
is a ready-reckoner.
The Repertory rubrics (LIPPE, KNERR,
others are consulted. The relevant rubrics as also
the remedies are given. The sources are also given.
A very useful reference for day-to-day practice.
1. Dosis, Gabe und Potenz (Dose, Quantity and
RISSEL, Roger (AHZ. 250, 5/2005)
The meaning of ‘dose’ and ‘potency’ are well
known in their fundamental sense. Nevertheless
there are confusions in this as well as the dosage,
which include the number of pills or the quantity of
the liquid dose. All these have their impact in the
restoration of health.
The potentisation process 269 of the
Organon), the rubbing and succussing, the dilution,
the size of each dose, the size of the globule, the C
and Q potencies are discussed.
This article makes a thorough study of all
1. A Sick Dog in the Middle of the Night
KRAMER, Teresa (HT. 25, 1/2005)
Sally, 2-year-old dog, vomited few times in the
night. Frothy vomitus. Arsenicum 30 did not help.
She was licking her chops and swallowing all the
time. Anxious and restless. RADAR helped in
arriving at the rubric Stomach, retching with
salivation. Only Hepar sulph. and Antim. tart.
Within an hour of Antim. tart., she calmed down,
smacking lips less often and finally dozed off.
2. Lucas in the Sky…
SHALTS, Edward (HT. 25, 2/2005)
Luke, a puppy with ear infections few times a
year, at a young age and each time we’d use the
Vet’s drops. Whenever, he had ear infection, he
abandoned his comfortable warm bed and chose to
lie on cold tiles in the mudroom. He lay on his left
side, where the infected ear was. Drink less
frequently and become more affectionate.
Pulsatilla 30, few pellets and infection went away
very quickly. Recurrent attacks were relieved by
Pulsatilla. He was stubborn and wasn’t hearing all
that well. Silica 30 and never had any other
infection and hearing became normal. He was
healthy for few years. Scratching in the mornings
and then at every opportunity and began removing
the fur. In a couple of weeks fur from both sides of
trunks and area below its tail removed. Vet
diagnosed it as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and
suggested Prozac. The itching was worse in the
morning, better when in motion. Restlessness and
recent problems in joints. Itching > hot bathing.
Rhus tox 30. He became quiet and spent 24 hours
lying. Then he became normal and his hair grew
Later he developed Lyme disease. Phosphoric
acid helped him to some extent. Later he became
thirsty for small sips of water. Arsenicum album
30. Next day passed off peacefully.
3. Calendula for Injured Paws
SPERLING, Vatsala (HT. 25, 3/2005)
Kovil, two-year-old German shepherd, with
injured paws. Pieces of pad an eighth of an inch
thick had peeled off and were hanging loose.
Calendula 30, 5 pellets and two more doses the
same day. Next morning all wounds were licked
clean and scabbed, no swelling. Sixteen hours after
the accident Kovil was still limping. Fourth dose.
Two days later, no limping, no fever, no infection.
Vet suggested painkillers. Despite having three
bleeding and injured paws, Kovil was up and about
in 3 days.
4. Unter allen Tieren dem Affen am nächsten
Menschliches, Allzutierisches und die
Homöopathie (After all animals the
Chimpanzee as the next Human, all
animalistic and Homeopathy)
APPELL, Rainer G. (AHZ. 250, 6/2005)
The attitude towards animals in Homeopathy
is mainly determined by HAHNEMANN’s
perception of human beings. These are evident
from his several earlier writings like On the
Wonderful Structure of the Human Hand”,
Arsenic Poisoning”, Medicine of Experience,
HAHNEMANN knew the significance of
Homeopathy in Veterinary Medicine. In a lecture
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
in the Royal Economic Society, Leipzig he said that
animals were until then treated in the least
perceptible basis and with least success. He
pleaded for a homeopathic Medicine “since these
poor animals, which cannot hold their tormentors
responsible deserve human compassion”.
Despite HAHNEMANN’s admonitions animal
experimentation are still performed, whereas
Medicinal Provings in animals are neglected. The
necessity for a homeopathic with-one-another is
5. Der Große Wandel von Mensch und Tier
Sterbebegleitung statt Euthanesie in der Tier
Medizin (The big change of Human and animal
Vigil at death-bed instead of Euthanasia in
Veterinary Medicine)
DOMBERG, Anke (AHZ. 250, 6/2005)
Burden or favour? Veterinarians, under certain
circumstances, may use euthanasia in case of
animals. This article describes the attendance on
one’s deathbed, supported by healing methods of
Medicine like Homeopathy and explains the
process of dying. It wants to encourage people to
follow alternative paths.
Some cases are mentioned in brief.
6. Stramonium und die Idee der Gewalt” von
Hunden, Katzen und Menschen (Stramonium
and the “Idea of Violence” Dogs, Cats, and
KOWALU, Gerhard & MICHELS, Hans-
Lothar (AHZ. 250, 6/2005)
KENT has described in his Lectures on
Homeopathic Materia Medica, Stramonium as
suitable for states of great violence. Observations
in dogs and case-taking in men more often show the
experience of a forsaken feeling together with
feeling of constant threat.
Case of a 46-year old male is described.
1. The Feasibility of a Randomised, Placebo-
controlled Clinical Trial of Homeopathic
Treatment of Depression in General Practice
J. & FEDER G. (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
Depression is common in general practice and
lack of concordance is an important problem in its
treatment. Homeopathy has few side effects and is
generally associated with good compliance. We
report a study investigating the feasibility of a trial
to compare the effectiveness of Homeopathy with
a conventional antidepressant and placebo.
Objectives: To assess the feasibility of a
General Practice-based clinical trial comparing the
effectiveness of individualized homeopathic
treatment vs Fluoxetine (Prozac) vs placebo in the
treatment of major depressive episodes of moderate
Design: Randomised, double-dummy, double-
blind parallel group clinical trial.
Setting: Lower Clapton Group Practice, East
Method: Patients were recruited through their
general practitioners as they presented during a 9
month period. Recruitment target was 30 patients.
Eligibility was confirmed by a consultant
Psychiatrist using standard criteria (DSM-IV) and
instruments Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD).
Suicidal and psychotic patients were excluded,
additional precautions against suicide were
incorporated. There was a 1-week run-in period
and patients showing spontaneous improvement
were excluded. Homeopathic treatment was
prescribed by a GP qualified in Homeopathy, from
a limited list’ of 30 homeopathic medicines, with
the help of decision support software. Patients
were randomized to receive verum Fluoxetine and
placebo Homeopathy, or verum Homeopathy and
placebo Fluoxetine, or placebo Homeopathy and
placebo Fluoxetine. Treatment duration was 12
weeks. The outcomes were: adverse drug reactions,
clinical global impression (CGI); HAMD; mini
international psychiatric Interview; Pittsburgh sleep
quality index; Side-effects checklist; Short Form
12; treatment credibility questionnaire; work and
social disability scale. The primary outcome
measures were HAMD and CGI.
Results: A recruitment calculation indicated
that over 230 suitable patients would be expected to
attend the practice during the recruitment phase.
Thirty-one patients were referred for possible
inclusion in the trial by their GPs. Twenty-three
met the entry criteria, 11 were randomized and 6
completed the study. Of the completers, one
received Homeopathy, 2 placebo and 3 Fluoxetine.
Conclusion: A trial of this design in general
practice is not feasible, because of recruitment
difficulties, many of them linked to patient
preference. Different approaches are required to
recruit adequate patient numbers to trials of this
2. Homeopathy for Depression: A Systematic
Review of the Research Evidence
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
Objective: To systematically review the
research evidence on the effectiveness of
Homeopathy for the treatment of Depression and
depressive disorders.
Methods: A comprehensive search of major
biomedical databases including MEDLINE,
EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and the Cochrane
Library was conducted. Specialist complementary
and alternative medicine (CAM) databases
including AMED, CISCOM and Hom-Inform were
also searched. Additionally, efforts were made to
identify unpublished and ongoing research using
relevant sources and experts in the field. Relevant
research was categorized by study type and
appraised according to study design. Clinical
commentaries were obtained for studies reporting
clinical outcomes.
Results: Only two randomized controlled
trials (RCTs) were identified. One of these, a
feasibility study, demonstrated problems with
recruitment of patients in primary care. Several
uncontrolled and observational studies have
reported positive results including high levels of
patient satisfaction but because of the lack of a
control group, it is difficult to assess the extent to
which any response is due to specific effects of
Homeopathy. Single-case reports/studies were the
most frequently encountered clinical study type.
We also found surveys, but no relevant qualitative
research studies were located.: Adverse effects
reported appear limited to ‘remedy reactions
(‘aggravations’) including temporary worsening of
symptoms, symptom shifts and reappearance of old
symptoms. These remedy reactions were generally
transient but in one study, aggravation of symptoms
caused withdrawal of the treatment in one patient.
Conclusions: A comprehensive search for
published and unpublished studies has
demonstrated that the evidence for the effectiveness
of Homeopathy in Depression is limited due to
lack of clinical trials of high quality. Further
research is required, and should include well-
designed controlled studies with sufficient numbers
of participants. Qualitative studies aimed at
overcoming recruitment and other problems should
precede further RCTs. Methodological options
include the incorporation of preference arms or
uncontrolled observational studies. The highly
individualized nature of much homeopathic
treatment and the specificity of response may
require innovative methods of analysis of
individual treatment response.
3. Classical and New Proving Methodology:
Provings of Plumbum metallicum and Piper
methysticum and Comparison with a Classical
Proving of Plumbum metallicum
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
Objective: To study the reliability of a
Proving methodology and the reproducibility of
proving symptoms.
Methods: Two homeopathic medicines and
placebo were given, in a double-blind randomized
design, to 31 healthy volunteers (13 Piper
methysticum 30C, 11 placebo and 7 Plumbum
metallicum 30C), 5 drops 4 times daily, until the
onset of unbearable symptoms, or at most for 1
week. The primary outcome measure was the
number of phrases containing unusual or new
symptoms selected by supervisors (SEL) from
unstructured diaries and the number of these
symptoms (SYM) present in SELs. The secondary
outcome measures were the number of symptoms
with modalities of both verum groups concordant
with symptoms reported in a previous proving of
Plumbum 12C. Other parameters evaluated were
repeated and crossed symptoms in SELs.
Results: Both medicines showed qualitative
and quantitative differences from placebo. Piper:
146 SELs (median: 5), Plumbum: 118 SELs (16),
placebo: 48 SELs (2), containing 260 (8), 199 (29)
and 58 (2) SYMs, respectively. There was a
significant difference from placebo in Plumbum but
not in Piper SELs and SYMs (P<0.05). 31, 24 and
4 ‘repeated’ and 18, 22 and 2 ‘crossed’ symptoms
were found in Piper, Plumbum and placebo. 8 and
30 symptoms concordant with the classical proving
of Plumbum were found for Piper and Plumbum,
corresponding to about 10% and 45% of their total
Conclusions: Open diaries, supervision and
double-blind placebo are useful methods in
homeopathic pathogenetic trials. Estimates of
concordance should be introduced in proving
4. Effects of Homeopathic Treatment on Salivary
Flow Rate and Subjective Symptoms in
Patients with Oral Dryness: A Randomized
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
Twenty-eight patients with xerostomia
participated in a blind, placebo-controlled
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
longitudinal study of the possible effects of
homeopathic medicines on oral discomfort. All
patients were first divided in two groups according
to their medication. After that the two groups were
randomly assigned according to a coin-toss to the
experimental or control group. Most patients had
systemic diseases, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis
and/or Sjögren’s syndrome, and frequent daily
medications. The randomly selected experimental
group (n = 15) got an individually prescribed
homeopathic medicine and the control group (n =
13) a placebo substance (sugar granules), both for 6
weeks. Neither group knew of the nature of the
medicine. Oral dryness was evaluated by
measurement of unstimulated and wax-stimulated
salivary flow rates and visual analogue scale. With
only two exceptions, the experimental group
experienced a significant relief of xerostomia
whereas no such effect was found in the placebo
group. Stimulated salivary flow rate was slightly
higher with Homeopathy than placebo but no
consistent changes occurred in salivary
immunoglobulin (lgA, lgG) levels.
In an open follow-up period those receiving
homeopathic medicine continued treatment and the
placebo group patients were treated with
individually prescribed homeopathic medicines.
The symptoms of xerostomia improved in both
Our results suggest that individually prescribed
homeopathic medicine could be a valuable adjunct
to the treatment of oral discomfort and xerostomic
5. The Influence of Childhood Infections and
Vaccination on the Development of Atopy: A
Systematic Review of the Direct
Epidemiological Evidence
ADLER U.C. (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
Background: The ‘hygiene hypothesis’ has
been used to justify a belief common among
homeopaths, that the suppression of childhood
infections and immunization may lead to the
development of chronic atopic diseases.
Objectives: To analyse the influence of
childhood infections and immunization on the
development of Atopy.
Methods: Qualitative systematic review of
direct epidemiological evidence (Medline 1993-
2004) concerning the influence of childhood
infections and immunization on the development of
Atopy and discussion based on Homeopathy.
Conclusions: (1) Childhood infections do not
protect against Atopy; on the contrary, they
increase the risk of allergic diseases, in agreement
to HAHNEMANN’s observations, which included
epidemic diseases among the factors capable of
stimulating the development of chronic diseases.
(2) Vaccination is not a risk factor for Atopy,
notwithstanding the allergenic effect of some
6. Audit of Outcome in 455 Consecutive Patients
Treated with Homeopathic Medicines
SEVAR R. (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005)
This paper reports an audit of clinical outcome
in 455 consecutive patients (1100 consultations)
presenting for private homeopathic treatment of a
chronic illness in which conventional treatment had
either: failed, reached a plateau in effect, or was
contra-indicated by side effects, age or condition of
the patient. Three hundred and four patients
(66.8%) derived benefit from homeopathic
treatment. One hundred and forty-eight patients
(32.5%) were able to stop or maintain a substantial
reduction in their conventional drugs. The 10 most
frequent clinical conditions treated were Eczema,
Anxiety, Depression, Osteoarthritis, Asthma, Back
pain, Chronic cough, Chronic Fatigue, Headaches
and Essential Hypertension. These 195 patients
constitute 43% of the total, 151 of them (77%) were
improved. The success rate of treatment is similar
between age ranges. There was a difference in
outcome between the sexes in adults: 296 females
treated, success rate 71.3%; 159 males treated,
success rate 58.5%. Two patients (0.4%) had
prolonged aggravation of their presenting
complaints apparently attributable to homeopathic
7. Changes in Patients Visiting a Homeopathic
Clinic in Norway from 1994 to 2004
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005)
Aim: There are a few examining changes in
patient groups seeking homeopathic care. This
study describes changes in complaints and
characteristics of patients visiting a homeopathic
clinic in Norway from 1994/1995 to 2003/2004.
Methods: Two surveys were conducted, each
including data for 700 patients who had visited the
same homeopathic clinic, with five (1995) and
seven (2004) homeopaths, respectively. Data on
patients’ gender, age, occupation, reason for
encounter and where they had heard about
Homeopathy and the homeopathic clinic were
registered by the homeopaths. In 2004, the
patients also answered questions on the previous
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
use of conventional treatment and how long it took
them to decide to consult a homeopath.
Results: There are no changes in the reason
for encounter and gender proportions between 1995
and 2004. Over 36% of patients were under the age
of 16 in 2004, compared to 26% in 1995. Most
patients still consult homeopaths through a lay
referral network. In 2004, more than 60% made an
appointment with a homeopath within the first
month of first considering it.
Conclusion: There are few changes in the
characteristics of this homeopahic patient
population. There is a need for studies that explore
the ‘why question’; Why an increasing percentage
of patients are children? Why people with higher
education and why certain age groups visit
homeopaths more frequently than others?
8. Stimulation of Bovine Sperm Mitochondrial
Activity by Homeopathic Dilutions of
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005)
Mitochondrial activity is an important viability
parameter of spermatozoa and is linked to sperm
motility. Monensin is commonly used as an
inhibitor for sperm mitochondrial activity in the
laboratory. This study was conducted to evaluate
the influence of some homeopathic dilutions of
Monensin on sperm mitochondrial activity. Fresh
ejaculates from 6 mature bulls were used in the
study. Samples of the semen were tested using a
flow cytometer for mitochondrial activity and
sperm viability using Rhodamine 123 and SYBR-
14, respectively. The 9x dilution of Monensin
resulted in very highly significant (P<0.001)
stimulation of mitochondrial activity. Monensin
5x, 7x, 8x, and 13x caused highly significant
(P<0.01) stimulation of the sperm mitochondrial
activity. Other homeopathic dilutions of Monensin
(6x, 10x, 11x, 12x and 14x) also had a significant
(P<0.05) stimulatory effect. The use of Monensin
did not have any negative effect on sperm viability.
We conclude that some homeopathic dilutions of
Monensin increase mitochondrial activity of bovine
spermatozoa without negative effect on sperm
viability, the 9x dilution was the most effective.
Further in vivo studies are required to estimate the
effect of homeopathic dilutions of Monensin on
semen quality.
9. Harm in Homeopathy: Aggravations, Adverse
Drug Events or Medication Errors?
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005)
Background: The assessment of harm arising
from the use of homeopathic medicine is much
discussed, but there is little published data on the
Aim: To study prospectively adverse drug
events related to homeopathic medicines.
Setting: The data were gathered between 1
June 2003 and 30 June 2004 during follow-up visits
consecutively carried out at the Homeopathic
Clinic, Campo di Marte Hospital, Azienda USL 2,
Lucca (Italy). They refer to effects following the
administration of a homeopathic medicine,
prescribed according to the classical homeopathic
Methods: Reports collected by a homeopathic
doctor (not the prescribing doctor) on the nature
and intensity of the effect, dose and frequency of
administration, time relationship between the drug
use and the adverse events, challenge, unchallange
possible concomitant factors, causality
(improbable, unlikely, possible, probable, certain).
Results: Out of 335 homeopathic consecutive
follow-up visits between 1 June 2003 and 30 June
2004, nine adverse reactions were reported (2.68%)
including one case of Allergy to lactose, excipient
of the granules.
Conclusions: Adverse events to homeopathic
drugs exist and are distinguishable from
homeopathic aggravations, but are rare and not
10. A New Approach to the Memory of Water
W. (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005)
We investigated whether water has a ‘memory’
for succussion compared to unsuccussed controls.
The method is based on a bioassay using
dinoflagellates. The duration of memory measured
by this method is at least 10 min, and may be
longer. The effect may be based upon solitons. A
hypothesis about the mode of action of
Homeopathy may be experimentally investigated
by this method.
11. Komplementarität der physikalischen
Forschung zur Homöopathie (Complimentarity
of Physical Research in Homeopathy)
WEINGÄRTNER, Otto (AHZ. 250, 5/2005)
This paper is concerned with congruances
between the dual pairings mind/matter and
body/mind on the one hand and complimentarity in
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Physics on the other hand. Reasons are given why
physical complementarity might open new insights
and perspectives to basic scientific research in
Homeopathy. The latest papers concerning this
topic are reviewed.
12. Die klinischen Prüfungen der Homöopathie.
Rückblick und Ausblick (Clinical Provings in
Homeopathy. Retrospective and
DEAN, Michael Emmans (AHZ. 250, 5/2005)
This is a deep and well-researched Essay. A
systematic review of the past ‘trialsand the recent
randomized placebo-controlled experiments are all
recalled and considered. Recent work in the
clinical history of Homeopathy is outlined.
Hospital based clinical studies from 1821 to 1953,
controlled trials are all studied. In the 19
pragmatic trials provided more useful information
for hospital administration than the modern
placebo-controlled explanatory trials. The author
concludes that current homeopathic research
should focus on “real world” evaluations. [I am
afraid that the Chemistry, molecular biology,
pathology based ‘proving’ of Homeopathy will not
be possible, at least for some years hence. What
kinds of ‘proofs’ are warranted? Any ‘scientist’
wishing to test the efficacy of a homeopathic
remedy may do so on himself and convince
himself. The laboratory-oriented ‘trials’ are
unsuited to Homeopathy. Every ‘Scientist(of the
dominant School of Medicine) knows it and
therefore insists on it to damn Homeopathy. The
question How does Homeopathy work? is
different from “Does Homeopathy work”. The
priorities paradigm and informations sought for
should be clear before embarking on experiments.
Homeopaths should design their own models for
the research and not copy the other School’s =
13. Efficacy of Homeopathic Drugs in Dermatitis
of Atopic Diathesis – A Clinical Study
(HL. 17, 2/2004)
An open study of 36 cases of Atopic Dermatitis
of various age groups, who received only
homeopathic treatment between June 1995 and
June 2001, has concluded that Homeopathy has a
greater scope in the treatment of Atopic Dermatitis
and prevents remission successfully without any
undue side effects. In the authors experience
Atopic Dermatitis occurred in adults too.
1. Studien zur Entwicklung des ärztlichen
Berufbildes in der Frühzeit Ägyptens (Studies
in the Development of Medical Profession in
Early Days of Egypt)
ENGELMANN, Heinz and HALLOF, Jochen
(Med GG, 23/2004)
This study begins in the early times of Egypt
from 3100 B.C. and end in the times of Pyramids
with the entry of Physicians with which the old
Egyptian medical history begins first.
Shamanism in pre-dynastic Egypt, practiced by
Sem-priests, combines social, psycho-hygienic and
para-medical elements of both Near Eastern and
African provenance. Highly qualified advisors of
the Pharaoh with the establishment of Egyptian
State religion organized these activities, which
included health care and medical prophylaxes.
Their aim was to protect the Ruler against his
“enemies”. These enemies included illnesses of all
kinds, as well as injuries to health caused by impure
food. The importance of this task is emphasized by
the fact that it was usually the eldest son of the
Pharaoh who was responsible for the correct
performance of the royal rituals, which included
these medical aspects. Changes in religious
concepts made these special advisors and priests
superfluous. They took over other tasks in the
funeral service of the Pharaoh or were included in
the professional group of physicians, known from
the time of Pyramids as “Sahkmet-priest”, i.e.
medical specialists. They were particularly
responsible for precautionary measures against
epidemics and for curing snake and scorpion bites.
They created the first medical papyri and
established the legal foundations for the medical
care of the inhabitants of Egypt by Royal Order.
2. Medizinale Fachliteratur in der Aufklärer-
Bibliothek des 18 Jahrhunderts. Zum
Buchbestand des medizinish gelehrten “freien
Schriftstellers” Johann Gottwerth LLER
(1743-1828) (Medical Literature in the Age of
Enlightenment, in Private Libraries. The
medically qualified Writer Johann Gottwerth
MÜLLER and his stock of Books)
RITTER, Alexander (Med GG, 23/2004)
The German Novelist Johann G. LLER
was one of the popular writers of the late 18
century. The encyclopaedically educated scholar,
from his point of view obliged to support publicly
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
the Welfare of State and Society. Although
MÜLLER studied Medicine he did not practice. He
made his living from his novels, which dealt
critically with absolutist Society. Medical studies
and serious illness caused a lifelong interest in
medical affairs ranging from the treatment of
patient, the organization of Healthcare, the
distribution of medicines, charlatanism, to
everybody’s responsibility for health. For him the
syndrome of heath/illness/medical science became
part of the general status of Science and a metaphor
for the present and future conditions of class
society. This engagement led to the compilation of
approximately 280 medical books as part of his
library, which contained more than 13,000
volumes, documented in the catalog printed for
public sale in 1829.
This essay comprises an Introduction to
MÜLLER’s collection of medical books and a
complete bibliographical documentation. For
MÜLLER library is a functional instrument of
knowledge. His books cover the medical literature
from the 17
to 19
centuries. The oldest
publication in the library dates to 1577 A.D. and
latest to 1823 A.D. The largest number relates to
Century. They offer information on medical
bibliographies, catalogues, biographies, history of
medical science, reference, specific publications on
a large variety of actual topics such as medical
science, treatment, politics, appliances and social as
well as hygienic questions. This stock of
publications reveals itself as an additional source
for an understanding of book-collecting in the 18
Century, the history of privately organized medical
libraries and the discourse of medical science and
treatment at a time of transition from a humoral-
pathological to a firmer understanding of
pathological concepts around 1800.
3. A Misery beyond Description? Plague as
Metaphor in Moscow, 1770 – 1772
RENNER, Andreas (Med GG, 23/2004)
The Moscow Plague raged during the period
1770-1772 as never before any other epidemic of
the early times. The Moscow General Infantry
Hospital was closed for ten weeks, but in summer
when the disease burst forth further the Plague was
officially recognized by the municipal authorities.
The Tsarina CATHERINE insisted that there was
and could be no Plague in Moscow and there was
therefore delay in official acknowledgment. And in
early Summer when the disease simultaneously
broke out in several places in the City, the
acceptance that there was Plague could not be
delayed. The 1770-1772 Moscow Plague was of
‘Classic’ pattern.
Officially in 1771 more than 56,000 people
died in Moscow alone, most of them of Plague.
The estimated total of victims amounts to about
1,00,000. As is usual in such epidemics the ravages
were more in the lower stratum of the inhabitants
who also suffered more from shortages of work and
supply of food.
This study of the great Plague epidemic in
Russia has not been done on social, cultural,
commercial, medical and political historical basis
so far. There were some publications, which
purported to be based on eyewitnesses of the
epidemic. These were physicians from the West
who wrote their experiences for the benefit of
colleagues and far wider public. They justified a
secular interpretation of the Pest, which principally
is curable but also preventable. That way, not only
is the patient is personally responsible for his fate,
but is also of great value to the academic Medicine.
Traditional, religious explanations of the Pest, were
explained as superstition, and fear as unnecessary.
As against the old western, often literary reports
about Pests Russia explained this as enlightened”,
conscious of dramatization explanation.
Entmystification of the Pest is not the question; it
remains a Metaphor for particularly dangerous,
infectious and mortal diseases, which threatened the
development of social order. Of course this danger
for the sub-strata of Moscow was projected. In the
judgement of the popular, violent opposition the
evidence pertaining to the period, the official
version of the event was anticipated.
4. Kloster-Asyle - Ein Beitrag zur
Ethnopyschiatrie Griechenlands (Monastery
Asylum – On the Ethno-psychiatry of Greece)
RUISINGER, Marion Maria
(Med GG, 23/2004)
This research begins with a quote from
Charalambos CHRISTOPOULOS the Internal
Minister (1861) in the Parliament:
“It is well known that until today there is no
Institution for caring and treating the mentally ill.
Some of these unlucky persons are looked after in
the Monasteries, where they suffer badly, without
any treatment, others are cared for at home with all
care and attention, some others are let to roam
about in the streets. …” (Christopoulos, 1861,
The history of the mentally ill in Greece, at
least from the foundation of the Kingdom of Greece
in 1832 until the incorporation of the Ionian Islands
in 1864, is without either lunatic asylums or
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
specialised Psychiatrists. Instead, it is a history of
the intermingling of two psychiatric concepts. On
the one hand, the imported “Professional
Psychiatry” supported by Government and Western
educated physicians and, on the other hand, the
indigenous (autochton) Folk Psychiatry”
supported by the majority of the people and by the
Orthodox Church. The interaction of both systems
resulted in the phenomenon of the Greek
“Monastery Asylum”. This paper based on rich
archival material, presents this little-known chapter
of Greece Psychiatry from Social History point of
view. [Attention of the Readers is invited to the
state of Psychiatric Treatment, if any, in Germany
as described by Samuel HAHNEMANN in
Description of Klockenbring during his Insanity,
1796, nearly a century before this. Evidently not
much had happened in this branch of Medicine for
Centuries; the mentally ill remained ill-treated and
ignored. We read the death of several mentally
affected persons in a fire in the T.N. State in 2001.
These ‘mental patients’ were all chained to trees or
strong stakes and they could not escape when fire
ravaged! Nearly 30 died. What a pathetic state of
the mentally ill at the end of the 20
century. It
seems that there still are some psychiatric patients
abandoned in the streets, or tied up, etc. = KSS]
5. Pharmazeutische Industrie und “Neue
Deutsche Heilkunde” (Pharmaceutical Industry
and “New German Medicine”)
MEYER, Ulrich (Med GG, 23/2004)
The so-called “New German Medicine”,
initially propagated in the health policy of the
Natural Socialist Party, promoted greater use of
phytotherapeutic and homeopathic drugs by the
medical community. In response, the
“Reichsfachschaft der pharmazeutischen Industrie,
e. V.” was obliged to pursue a carefully chosen
double strategy, given that the members of the
Association were both manufacturers of natural
remedies and manufacturers of allopathic drugs.
However, the fact that I.G. Farben completely
ignored the New German Medicine” suggested
that the large chemical-pharmaceutical
manufacturers did not take this policy very
seriously. The only documents pertaining to
increased research in the area of natural remedies
stem from the medium-sized manufacturers Knoll
and Schering. In the case of both companies it is
noteworthy that they worked to obtain a scientific
foundation for the developed preparates, and that
they employed conventional methods of analysis
and proof of activity.
The growth of the classical manufacturer of
natural remedies, such as the Company Willmar
Schwabe was, as far as any growth at all could be
observed significantly smaller than had been
theoretically postulated. There is causal
relationship between any commercial success
during the period in which the Nazis were in power
and in today’s commercial prosperity.
Moreover, from the viewpoint of the
pharmaceutical Industry, the “New German
Medicine” seems to have passed its zenith before
1936, when the 4-year plan for War preparation
entered into force.
6. An Overview of the History of Homeopathy in
Slovenia in the 19
ŽIDOV, Nena (Med GG, 23/2004)
Homeopathy came to Slovenia during
HAHNEMANN time itself. Traces of
Homeopathy are found in the 19
century poetry.
One might say that Homeopathy was prohibited in
Slovenia before it managed to become established.
As early as in 1819 Homeopathy was forbidden.
There were priests who practiced. Some Slovenia
homeopaths are believed to have learned straight
“from the horse’s mouth”. Sources indeed mention
that Baron Anton MOŠKON was a zealous
homeopath and a friend of HAHNEMANN. As
early as 1814 the Organon and Materia Medica
were studied by the physician Franc ŠUKLIČ from
Sevnica. There were manuals like “home guides”
and “domestic medicine” boxes.
It was aristocracy, which practiced and used
Homeopathy mostly. Daybooks used by some of
these Practitioners are in the Archives.
The Clergy were enthusiastic practitioners
who, evidently, served the common people. The
hatred of the official Medicine towards
Homeopathy was to the extent that the Physicians
complained to the Bishop about the priests who
practiced homeopathic healing methods, but it was
ignored. Although there was a regulation that only
certified physicians should treat patients, and
Homeopathy was strictly forbidden, it failed to
prevent homeopaths from practicing. In the
countryside Homeopathy spread rapidly among the
peasant population towards the end of the 19
century when the number of self-taught
homeopaths was considerable.
In this scenario it seems few physicians in
Slovenia were attracted by Homeopathy or they
may have practiced it secretly because it was
banned, and the professional community was
against Homeopathy. [This situation remains so
world over even today, i.e. 21
century! How
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
strong Homeopathy must be to survive such
animosities for well over 200 years! = KSS]
Materiž GRADIŠEK (1776-1837) joined The
Monastery of the Order of the Brothers of Mercy
whose main task was to take care of the ill. He did
monastic medical studies and did his further did
Medical studies in Prague; during the entire
duration of studies he also worked at the hospital of
his Order in Prague. In 1806 he passed the
examination and became a physician. He
subsequently held several positions in the hospital.
He established a Medical School in 1808 where
Homeopathy was also taught and therefore came
into conflict with the Town Physicians because the
school was a major competitor of the Surgery
There were political changes during the years
following and in 1811 the French authorities
dissolved the Order of the Brothers of Mercy.
GRADIŠEK abandoned the hospital to French
authorities; as he had lot of experience he soon
established himself in Practice and treated several
cases in epidemic of Typhus. The people liked
GRADIŠEK very much. He became an ardent
In 1818, he returned to his place Ljublfana and
treated to poor and the needy and next year he
experimented on himself and other people. In
1821, he finished his Materia Medica which he
started to write in 1812. GRADIŠEK was very
successful. He treated the rich and the poor alike,
and particularly those who had already tried all
other methods of treatment, also the elderly and the
mortally ill. Because of his use of Homeopathy in
treating people, he was taken to task by the Bishop
of Ljublfana in 1828.
When Cholera broke out in Slovenia,
GRADIŠEK and his assistants were very successful
in treating the ill. Of the 200 patients in his care,
only five died.
With GRADIŠEK’s death in 1837, began
decline in Homeopathy. Homeopathy was later
practiced only by laymen.
7. Die Geschichte der Homöopathie in Ungarn
(1820-1871) (The History of Homeopathy in
(Med GG. 23/2004)
This paper analyses the development of
Homeopathy in Hungary between 1820-1871. A
brief account of the spread of this new method
during the 1820s is followed by a history of the
foundation of homeopathic hospitals in the first
half of the 19
century and the publication of
homeopathic self-help books of laypersons. The
attempts to establish a homeopathic association
and on university chair of Homeopathy which were
to succeed ultimately are discussed. The
homeopaths conflicts with allopaths and the
difficult situation presented to homeopaths after
the revolution of 1848-49 are analysed. The paper
concludes with a short representation of five of the
most famous homeopaths in Hungary during the
period under discussion.
8. The History of Homeopathic Medicine in
Mexico (1849-2001)
FLORES, Fernando Dario Francois
(Med GG. 23/2004)
The coming to Mexico of the first
homeopathic doctors in 1849 coincides with the
loss of more than half of its territory (2.1million
square km) after the war with the United States and
the end of the 10
presidency of Antonio LOPEZ
de SANTHA ANNA. Many Wars, European
intervention and the re-establishment of the
Republic were the events, which characterized the
first year of Homeopathy in Mexico. In this Essay
the 150 years’ history of Homeopathy in Mexico is
looked into.
The early years of Homeopathy in Mexico is
detailed when isolated homeopaths were
responsible for the development of Homeopathy.
In fact homeopaths fought intensely when an
attempt was made (by the President of the
Republic) to close the Free School of Homeopathy
with the result that School remained open. The
period between 1893 and 1921 may be regarded as
the official recognition of Homeopathy and the
turn for the establishment of the Associations and
Schools. The period from 1921 to 1940 was the
conflict with the authorities. The period from 1940
to 1960 pointed out as a period of slow
development of Schools and Study groups. The last
part of the Essay discusses the period (1960
onwards) when Postgraduate Studies in
Homeopathy came up for developing Homeopathy
further. [How much struggle Homeopathy had to
put up with! Even today there is struggle. If only
the homeopaths join together without personal
bickerings! = KSS]
9. August Biers Aufsatz “Wie sollen wir uns zu
der Homöopathie stellen?” (1925) und die
nachfolgende Discussion um die Homöopathie
in der deutschen Ärzteschaft (August BIER’s
article “What shall be our attitude toward
Homeopathy?” and the discussions that
followed it among the German Medical
DOMS, Misia Sophia (Med GG. 23/2004)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Two reports appeared in the Münschener
Medizinischen Wochenschrift (MMW) during the
period 1918-1924, concerning Homeopathy. One
was Rudolf TISCHNER’s lecture in the Munich
Physicians Association on Homeopathy and the
modern scientific experience (1921). In 1925 there
were several references in the MMW to
Homeopathy and lead to discussions on
This intensive interest in Homeopathy lead
to a contribution by a very well known Surgeon of
those times, Dr. August BIER (1861 –1949). BIER
contributed two articles in the MMW May 1925
addressed to his allopathic medical colleagues
raising the question “What should be our attitude to
Homeopathy?” This drew much discussion
including opposition to Homeopathy, not only in
the MMW but in other journals and dailies too.
These spoke of the effectiveness or otherwise of
The crisis of Medicine in the 1920s as well
as BIER’s position as a famous surgeon paved the
way for a new interest in Homeopathy. Central
issues in these discussions were the potentisation
(often misunderstood as a mere dilution process),
the Law of Similars and the Proving of remedies on
healthy persons. The analysis of this debate shows
that most of the arguments used in 1925 resemble
those of the 21
century in a surprising way. [It is
true. Those of us who have been with
Homeopathy for half a century now know that the
same objections, criticisms, ignorance about
Homeopathy by many of its practitioners as well
as its rabid opponents are put out today too. This
means that what has ‘advanced’ is only technology
and not ‘Science’ or ‘scientific temper’, over the
centuries. The same blindness, the refusal to ‘look’
as it was in Galileo’s case, persists till date. The
English version of Dr. August BIER’s article was
published in the Hahnemannian Gleanings,
Calcutta, in 1961 = KSS.]
10. HAHNEMANN at Hermanstadt: Discoveries
in Bruckenthal Library
JURJ, Gheorghe (SIM. XIX, 2006)
HAHNEMANN went to Hermanstadt in 1777
to Baron BRUCKENTHAL as Library Archivist,
on the recommendation of his Mentor, Dr. von
QUARIN. This period was formative of his future
intellectual life.
During a recent research, the author found the
Manuscript of the Library’s catalogue of 1780
created by HAHNEMANN and also SOTERIUM,
the nephew of the Baron. BRUCKENTHAL gave
the gifted student, HAHNEMANN, an opportunity
to bathe in this vast literary watershed. Soon after
his arrival at Hermanstadt HAHNEMANN was
admitted in the Freemason’s Lodge St-Andreas
zum drei Blättern through the recommendations
The Catalog contains about 12,000 books from
various domains, the majority being rare first
editions printed from all-over Europe.
The works of such great names as Cornelius
AGRIPPA, Francis BACON, Marsilio FICINO,
de AQUINO, etc., etc. were all there in the library.
The greed of HAHNEMANN for knowledge was
quenched by the generosity of the Baron von
This was achieved intellectually (the library),
professionally (he named him his personal
physician), and also socially (freemasonry). The
last deserves more detailed comment. Another
evidence that BRUCKENTHAL had in view the
interest of his protégé is also suggested by
HAHNEMANN’s extremely rapid initiation into
freemasonry. In that epoch, involvement with
masonry meant a presence among the influential
personalities of the time and many open doors. We
have to understand his initiation in masonry not
only as an acceptance into a local elite, united by a
conspiratorial and fraternal system, but also, his
acceptance into a large, trans-national European
family. It was a fraternal organization, which went
beyond the state limits, and the freemasons
recognized and mutually helped each other all over
Europe, considering themselves “brothers in
The influence of masonry was remarkable over
the entire enlightened and modern period.
Alongside its significant social and political
influence, freemasonry had the assumed aim of
favoring the spiritual development of its members.
The conceptual structure upon which classic
freemasonry rests is directly related to the European
esoteric tradition. Freemasonry claimed to be the
bearer of sacred knowledge of remote antiquity. A
young freemason, recently initiated, is quite likely
to be interested in the literature of European
esotericism, abounding in references to a secret
science, symbols and occult processes.
The fact that HAHNEMANN had those books
in his hand is not a direct proof that he read them;
but it is also impossible to coherently sustain the
position that he could not have been interested by
them or that he might have passed them by without
even looking into them. Rather, we make the
presumption that the time spent at Hermanstadt was
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
one of the most essential formative periods of his
life, may be the most significant. He had in hand
an immense library, among the largest of that era.
He had the time to study, had no pecuniary cares,
was young, avid of knowledge and exceptionally
He had in his hands volumes that addressed the
foundations of knowledge in the western tradition:
the inductive philosophy of Francis BACON and
HUME, the mineralogy of AGRICOLA, the botany
of THEOPHRASTUS, the physiology of HALLER.
Along with this he had the literature that spoke of
life’s hidden and subtle connections, as in
undoubtedly had the capacity to understand both
realms of knowledge, positive and scientific, as
with BACON, HALLER, and HUME, or
speculative, magical, and esoteric as with
AGRIPPA and FICINO. In addition, almost all the
great alchemists, from PARACELSUS to
AGRIPPA and AGRICOLA, were also renowned
physicians. Indeed, the reconciliation of the
scientific and the apparently esoteric, on the
foundation of inductive reasoning, is perhaps the
hallmark of the homeopathic system.
HAHNEMANN was extremely parsimonious
in disclosing the conceptual sources of his doctrine
(excepting HALLER and HUXHAM, he does not
quote any other physician or thinker as a precursor
of his ideas). Although PARACELSUS proclaimed
before him the principle of similarity and the dose-
effect relation (“All things are poison and not
without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a
poison”) [73] HAHNEMANN denied he knew his
When TRINKS, from his own narrative,
pointed out to HAHNEMANN whilst visiting him in
Köthen in 1825, that the main features of
Homeopathy were to be found in PARACELSUS,
HAHNEMANN replied that it was unknown to
him.” and “In a letter to STAPF, HAHNEMANN
refused very definitely and with some indignation to
be associated with PARACELSUS’s fantastic and
none too seriously written ‘Will o’ the Wisp’, as
had been suggested by professor Dr.C.H.
SCHULTZ” [74, 75]. The full name of the article
of SCHULTZ was The Homeobiotic Medicine of
Theophrastus PARACELSUS contrasted with the
Medicine of the Ancients, and the Source of
This does not mean that Homeopathy was
born from nothing. Homeopathy is an outcome of
HAHNEMANN’s inherent mentality and viewpoint
as leavened by diverse influences of idea and
circumstance. It also can be placed in cultural
The period at Hermanstadt was probably the
time when HAHNEMANN had his first contact
with some of the greatest ideas of humanity
regarding reality and its attainment, such as with
the inductive logic of BACON and influence
through similitude and correspondences of
AGRIPPA. What matters in this kind of intellectual
contact is not just the ideas per se but their capacity
to mold the mind, to create referential patterns, to
form a certain assemblage of ideas, values and
In all of HAHNEMANN’s latter work we find
him striving to rest his statements on facts,
observation and experiment, an aspiration for
wholeness, the idea of similarity as an essential
principle, the idea of a vital unifying principle, and
so on. From the analyses of books registered in the
catalog from Sibiu we can see that these concepts
did not fall from the sky. They were the outcome
of a process of maturation and development, more
or less conscious, of the seeds planted by these
works in the rich soil of his intelligence. Only after
many years of crises, experiences, observations,
and reflections do some of them reappear in the
incontestably original formulation of Homeopathy.
It was seventeen years until Fragmenta de viribus,
until the first edition of The Organon, thirty-one
years, and until The Chronic Disease, forty-nine
The period at Hermanstadt was for
HAHNEMANN a formative one, of great
intellectual accumulation, in which he acquired a
certain system of values and in which have outlined
the aspirations of his entire life. Without the
readings made there it is hard to imagine the
sources of his development. Therefore, we believe
that this study of the Bruckenthal library fills a gap
(felt by many homeopathic historians) regarding
the cultural influences in Hahnemannian
This article is very scholarly and gives lot of
information on HAHNEMANN’s formative
(medical and philosophical) years. A very valuable
addition to HAHNEMANN Biography.
1. Gegendarstellung zur Berner Homöopathie-
Studie und zur Publikation der Stiftung
Warentest (Reply to the Berne Homeopathy
Study and the publication of Stiftung Waren-
(ZKH. 49, 4/2005)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
This is a brief but well-researched ‘reply’ to
the (un) scientific’ ‘study’ (?) of Homeopathy
published in The Lancet titled “End of
Homeopathy” “Crushing Verdict”. ‘Studies’ to
kill Homeopathy are as old Homeopathy itself.
History is full of examples of such trials to
disprove. Many of them ended in the inquirer
becoming convinced of the action of Homeopathy
viz. Constantin HERING whose experience
converted him. Dr. James COMPTON BURNETT
faithfully recorded his conversion in 50 reasons
for becoming a Homeopath” (the first reason).
James Tyler KENT converted after he experienced
his wife’s recovery under PHELAN’s treatment.
There are some more examples. Here at home in
India Dr. Mahendralal SIRCAR, M.D. converted to
Homeopathy after personal experience. Dr. N.M.
JAISOORYA, who did his M.D. in Pathology in
Vienna converted to Homeopathy and was a
lifelong fighter for Homeopathy. These and many
more were spontaneous; no proselytization.
Unfortunately the modern-day ‘experimentors’ do
not do the ultimate practical experience, i.e. giving
the appropriate remedy homeopathic to a sick
person according to homeopathic principles. They
carry out experiments, which are totally contrary to
homeopathic principles.
Homeopaths world over have answered to the
Lancet publication. The main Media
Newspapers, journals, T.V. have ignored the
responsive writings from our side. Certainly the so-
called scientists are a bigotted lot. They are
Inquisitors. Otherwise why use such terms and
‘final death blow’ etc?
2. Medical Mistakes
ASRANI C.H. (NJH. 7, 1/2005)
A mistake in any profession can be a nuisance
that prolongs work, results in loss of income and
can cause embarrassment. In the practice of
medicine, however, a mistake may result in serious
morbidity or even death. A medical mistake while
examining an insurance client may result in the
company forced to pay a fraudulent claim as, we
know, a policy is accepted based ONLY on our
inputs as regards a client’s health/fitness.
1. Physicians in India are reluctant to openly
discuss mistakes they make because of an inbred
culture that to make a medical mistake, no matter
how small, is a sin and may make one a laughing
stock. Secondly, having enjoyed a Demigod status
it is unthinkable that even we can make mistakes.
We need to be able to openly discuss errors that are
made in an attempt to learn from these mistakes.
How can we forget the knowledge we gained
attending death conference(s) during medical
graduation. After all, what were death conferences
but focusing on errors: both of commission and
2. It is important to know that the vast majority of
medical errors are not being made by bad, uncaring
or negligent physicians, but rather by caring,
hardworking, conscientious professionals who do
NOT pay equal attention to a healthy customer as
they would to a seriously ill patient.
3. We must achieve proper and rapid evaluation
of diagnosis, treatment and outcome; carefully
avoid handwriting misinterpretation, adverse drug
reactions and do justice to what is expected from
If someone is relying on our judgment
whether a patient or a corporate client (pre-
employment and pre-insurance health checks), the
least we can do is to come up to that expectation.
3. A Glimpse of Homeopathy in Calcutta, India
KREISBERG, Joel (SIM. XIX, 2006)
Dr. S.K. BANERJEA, Director of the Bengal
Allen Medical Institute in Calcutta has two types
of clinics – one private and one free.
He often treats about forty to fifty people per
morning at the free clinic. The average visit lasts
about five minutes, new visits last fifteen minutes,
though he will take as much time as needed. He
has adapted his treatment methods to meet the
unusual and often extreme demands of this setting.
He asks them to describe the main complaint,
combatants, generalities and any other related
health complaints. Examines if necessary. Then
asks a few pointed questions to home in on his
remedy choice. He is well versed in ALLEN’s Key
Notes and BOERICKE’s Materia Medica. He
uses this to rule in or rule out a remedy. He
primarily uses the centesimal scale. He prefers to
give the remedy in one ounce of water, shaken ten
times. If there is a change, he will wait. If there is
no change after three visits, he will change or give a
higher potency. If he feels he cannot help, he will
send the patient to another doctor.
In the private clinic, the patients fill out an
extensive form with practically every piece of
information a homeopath needs. One or two intern
doctors review the chart, analyse and flag the
outstanding information for Dr. BANERJEA. He
sees the patient, asks a number of questions, thinks
over them and prescribes covering both the Totality
and the Miasm. If a Totality cannot be found, he
begins with a Nosode that covers the miasmatic
diagnosis and will look for Totality later.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
4. Henny HEUDENS-MAST, A True
ELMORE, Durr (SIM. XIX, 2006)
Henny HEUDENS-MAST, is essentially a self-
taught homeopath. She went to the source,
carefully studying HAHNEMANN and all of the
old masters. She worked over twelve hour days, six
days a week for years. She devoted her life to her
patients and to Homeopathy. Every spare minute
of her time was spent studying Materia Medica,
homeopathic Philosophy, and working on her
cases. She discovered that HAHNEMANN’s work
on the Miasms is an essential part of the puzzle of
correct prescribing.
In seminars, she sees patients live in front of
the class. Each case is followed by a discussion
and her prescription. She is accessible to any
questions. Never arrogant. She empowers students
to be inquisitive, to share their ideas, to question
her prescriptions or plans. During case taking, her
powers of total observation are phenomenal. She is
thorough, careful, has clarity in perception. Her
love and enthusiasm for Homeopathy is
She describes herself as an “old fashioned
homeopath”. She has found that the reason we fail
in our practice is not due to inconsistencies or
inadequacies in homeopathic philosophy, but
rather in our lack of perception of the patient’s
symptoms, our lack of knowledge of Materia
Medica, our lack of expertise in repertorization,
and/or mistakes which homeopaths make in
ongoing management of our cases. One glaring
omission is lack of understanding of Miasms and
how to use miasmatic knowledge in every
She feels no need to invent more Miasms than
Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis, Tubercular and Cancer
Miasms, but need to really understand them to
achieve greater success in practice. [Tuberculosis
and Cancer were known during HAHNEMANN’s
time and in fact HAHNEMANN refers to Cancer in
his several writings earlier to the discovery of
Homeopathy and after it including the time after
the discovery of theory of Chronic Miasms. But he
did not consider Cancer as a separate Miasm. =
Henny teaches that by first identifying the
predominant Miasm in a case, we can select the
appropriate remedy with the right prescribing, this
Miasm becomes dormant.
Case: A five-year-old sweet child became
aggressive, angry, destructive and develops night
terrors, after being frightened by his estranged
father, who ransacked the house, beat and
threatened the child. He started brushing teeth
several times a day. All these point to syphilitic
Miasm. Father was syphilitic, mother psoric. The
Miasm was dormant in the child until the shock
brought that forth. Mercurius removed these
symptoms and brought back to his initial state.
After few months, he developed cold, cough, fever,
wanted to be held, seeking love and reassurance.
Thirstless. Pulsatilla. All symptoms resolved in 2
One of the biggest mistakes homeopaths make
is over-prescribing. Knowing when to, and when
not to, prescribe is essential. In a case of
Ankylosing Spondylitis, a dose of Calcarea
fluorica 30 was prescribed and a year later, no back
pain, better energy, creativity and overall
She is averse to sloppiness in Homeopathy.
She brings experience and knowledge, passion,
determination and enthusiasm into her practice and
5. Diagnosis: Medicine’s Holy Grail
BROWN, Doug (HT. 25, 1/2005)
A diagnosis offers us comfort and gives us a
handle on an unpleasant, often painful experience.
A diagnosis points to a cause, some biochemical
breakdown that can be understood and hopefully
It reduces uncertainty because of its association
with statistics and prognoses.
Many diagnoses are inexact or even incorrect,
and applying a diagnosis to a patient’s condition
tends to abort further effort at understanding
exactly what the patient is experiencing and how
this person’s healing is inhibited.
In case of more serious illnesses, there is
another seldom acknowledged risk: the very act of
naming a particular kind of pathology may actually
help bring it about.
Researchers found exactly this when they
studied the “Nocebo Effect” in 1992: Women who
believed that they were prone to heart disease were
nearly four times as likely to die as women with
similar risk factors who didn’t hold such fatalistic
Illnesses are expressions of our soul’s distress.
Our lives become an expression of a pain or
disturbance that is somehow beyond us and that
holds us in its grip. Hence become dependant upon
the doctors and their MRIs, Laboratory tests, etc.
We should let go of this. Homeopathy helps me to
overcome this dependence.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
6. My Conversion to Homeopathy: A Slow
MERRON, Myrna W (HT. 25, 2/2005)
The emphasis on the individual was the most
significant one in Homeopathy to the author. She
was inspired and wanted to believe. When she was
hiking, she slipped and landed on rt. knee with a
resounding crack. Her knee swelled instantly and
began throbbing. Few pills of Arnica 30 and
swelling began to subside and could actually feel
the knee drawing inward and the pain diminishing.
Within 10 minutes, she could resume hiking. 5-6
doses later, knee showed no signs of injury.
1. Homöopathische Krebsrepertorium.
Homöopathie und Symbol (Homeopathic
Cancer Repertory. Homeopathy and Symbol)
SONNENSCHMIDT R., Berlin: Verlag
Homöopathie +Symbol; 2005: 154 pages Є. 25/-
(German) Review by Uwe FRIEDRICH (ZKH. 49,
“The Repertory is in Head to Foot Schema
The authoress thanks Dr. Eli JONES and
work inspired her. A collection of remedies,
which have been particularly applied to different
homeopathic Cancer patients during the 19
early 20
Centuries and proved successful. An
important question was how BURNETT, CLARKE
or COOPER have in several cases of advanced
Cancer cases could speak of an “easy to follow
treatment”. Mrs. SONNENSCHMIDT opines that
the confidence of these successful Cancer therapists
in application of the homeopathic remedies,
directly in the low potencies, has an important part
in their success. In general homeopaths were often
fixed on the Tumor and lost sight of the pre-
cancerous life phase and the course of the disease.
The changes in the tissue is the end and not the
beginning stage of a disease which indicates that in
Practice it is not sufficient to focus on the type of
Cancer but also other “familial systemic disease
picture”. The aim of this Cancer Repertory is to
make it easier for the Homeopathy practitioners.
If I have understood the authoress correctly, the
remedies are based on their keynote symptoms and
their miasmatic relationship. This is not a
Repertory but more of a condensed Materia Medica
of several Cancer medicines. This book can be
recommended. …”
2. Samuel HAHNEMANN, Begründer der
Homöopathie, JÜTTE R. München: dtv; 2005:
280 Seiten, 16 Abbildungen, Paperback, Price Є.
14/- (Samuel HAHNEMANN, Founder of
Homeopathy) (German) Review by Thomas
GENNEPER (ZKH. 49, 4/2005):
“With this HAHNEMANN Biography Robert
JÜTTE has succeeded in bridging a gap between
the long-winded, detailed biography by HAEHL
and brief and succinctly readable, but inaccurate
books. The interested readers will find all the
important facts of the exciting life of the Founder of
Homeopathy, without extravagant details to
interfere with the flow of reading. New
information obtained through his own
HAHNEMANN research has been added in this
book, like the birth dates of HAHNEMANN’s
children, which have altogether been given wrongly
in the HAEHL-biography; also his stay at a small
town Schildau between Torgau and Wurzen which
was not known until now or a second Dissertation
needed for settling down in Gommern. For those
interested in the knowledge of HAHNEMANN’s
life is an absolutely recommended literature. …”
3. Organon der Heilkunst, S. HAHNEMANN.
Neufassung von Josef M. SCHMIDT (Organon
of Medical Art, S. HAHNEMANN, New version
by J.M. SCHMIDT) Elseview Virlag, München,
2003: 471 Seiten, gebunden: Price Є41/-
(German) (ZKH. 49, 4/2005):
“… At last a modern Organon Version
prepared with careful procedure and identifiable,
diligent research, can therefore be said as excellent
4. Die Struktur der quantenlogischen
Homöopathie, (The Structure of the Quantum
Logical Homeopathy) W. KÖSTER, Frankfurt:
Selbst verlag: 2003: 282 Seiten. geb. Price Є 78/-
(German) Review by Jürgen PEHLING (ZKH. 49,
“Walter KÖSTER has written in 2003 a new
textbook for Homeopathy. It is official textbook of
the International branch of the University Masters
in Homeopathic Medicine of the University
Sevilla, Spain.
He was inspired by the works of the Physicist
Carl Friedrich WEIZSÄCKER to whom the book is
dedicated. According to KÖSTERS
homeopathic medicine is a “physical method”.
The textbook by KÖSTER is less recomended for
beginners with the exception of his comments on
anamnesis. The reviewer is eager to read the
“explosive successes of cures” of the
quantumlogical Homeopathy and hopes that
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
thereby carefully documented longterm followed up
cases of KÖSTERS would be available for it.”
5. Bitten in the Soul: Experiences with Spider
Remedies in Homeopathic Medicine. Massimo
Paperback 301 pages US$75.00 Review by
Richard PITT, RS Hom. (SIM. XIX, 2006):
“This book attempts to explore the world of
Spider remedies and to distinguish the differences
between the following remedies: Tarentula
hispanica, Mygale lasiodora, Aranea diadema,
Theridion curassavicum, Latrodectus mactans and
Buthus australis.
MANGIALAVORI has spent much time
developing themes that remedies can be grouped in
and identified by, and the spider family is one
example of this. They are a good example of his
His criticism of the validity of old and new
Provings is an interesting debate.
Both authors in the introduction define their
approach and the importance of exploring
information about possible remedies from every
source possible, including Biology, Toxicology,
and Cultural Anthropology. They give a very good
explanation for why this is important. They then
make some general remarks about spiders,
discussing the importance of spiders in human
consciousness from a psychological, mythological
and anthropological approach.
The book itself is well presented though there
are a number of spelling mistakes and grammatical
errors, which do detract slightly. Although it is not
easy to make such things perfect, the book would
have benefitted from a more thorough editing.
Therefore, the book succeeds well in
broadening our awareness and knowledge of spider
remedies and illuminates a picture of a previously
little known remedy – Buthus australis. All the
cases are very interesting, and that alone can greatly
help practitioners recognize when a spider remedy
may be needed. However, the book doesn’t
succeed so well in distinguishing between the
remedies and perhaps suffers from an
overgeneralization of archetypal themes for each
remedy. In order to really accept some of the
themes, which the authors attribute to each remedy,
other practitioners will have to confirm these
observations in clinical practice. However, the
authors have made a significant contribution to our
knowledge of the spider family of remedies.”
6. The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza.
Sandra PERKO, Benchmark Homeopathic
Publications, Second edition 2005 435 pages
Paperback US$39.95 Review by Neil TESSLER
(SIM. XIX, 2006):
“This is a valuable book that deserves to be
owned and reviewed by all practitioners as a
homeopathic resource and to gain some
perspective on the modern issues surrounding
Influenza’s epidemic potential.
The homeopathic section is enormous. She
begins with lists of remedies and relevant
indications categorized according to the
predominant system that is affected. She then
offers a detailed discussion of the Influenza
indication of sixty-eight remedies, adding the
thoughts of several specific authors regarding each
remedy. She has a separate section for remedies
pertaining to complications of the Flu, particularly
Pneumonia, post-influenza complications and
remedies of convalescence. The majority of these
are referenced to one author or another.
The last section of the book is an up to date
discussion of the rise of Avian Flu and the specific
reasons that it is causing a great deal of alarm. It is
a hair-raising tale of how a combination of modern
farm practices, cultural habits and the overuse and
abuse of medications is spawning viral monsters in
the avian world that have the very real possibility of
one day devastating the human one.
SANDRA discusses the possible cause of the
current H5N1 Avian Flu:
Although there are a number of strains of avian
Influenza, which pop up from time to time
throughout the earth, H5N1 is truly the “Typhoid
Mary” of all bird Flu. It is one that causes the most
fear among the world’s virologists. It is the one
that commands the constant nervous world
monitoring by the CDC and WHO. It is the one
that stands alone as having the ability to cause a
worldwide pandemic to rival the infamous 1918
Spanish Flu. This strain was believed confined
only to other fowl that is, until 1997, when a
Hong Kong boy died from a highly pathogenic
strain of H5N1 believed to have been contracted
directly from a single infected duck. This alarming
event triggered the immediate slaughter of almost
the entire population of Hong Kong’s poultry
Even though this extreme action was
successful in heading off a dangerous chain
reaction, it by no means put an end to this virus.
Since that first momentous case in 1997, country
after Asian country has been battling the now
infamous H5N1 bird Flu. As of February 2005,
Vietnamese officials reported that their latest
outbreak of Avian Influenza was finally showing
signs of abating this after recording its ninth bird
Flu fatality in only two months. Despite stringent
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
efforts throughout Asia, and the destruction of over
100 million chickens, ducks, and geese, United
Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization
representative, Anton RYCHENER, cautioned that
the virus is not likely to be easily eradicated.
“What is happening this year (2005) is not an
outbreak,” he warned. “It is an endemic recurrence
of a disease that is here to stay.” The most logical
question then is: What caused this frightening
situation in the first place? What change in the
avian ecology of Asia is possibly responsible for
allowing a here-to-fore impossible viral jump from
birds directly to humans, producing this new
horrendous viral threat?
A disturbing disclosure that appeared in the
summer of 2005, may point to the possible cause.
The World Health Organization (WHO), on June
20, 2005, formally asked China to “explain a new
report saying authorities encouraged the
indiscriminate use of a poultry antiviral drug that
may have given rise to the resistant H5N1 strain of
bird Flu.” Apparently, Chinese farmers, since the
late 1990’s had been widely using the antiviral drug
amantadine in their flocks’ water sources in order
to suppress bird Flu outbreaks. Roy WADIA,
WHO spokesman, warned, “Any misuse of drugs,
and especially antivirals which are key in the fight
against pandemics would be very disappointing
indeed.” Later that month, The United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Strongly warned China that they could expect
serious consequences for all Asian countries if they
did not stop the misuse of this considered effective
bird Flu drug intended only for humans. FAO’s
representative in China, Noureddin MONA, said,
“If poultry farmers continue to be provided with
amantadine, and the virus becomes resistant in
birds, the drug would be useless in future human
cases of Avian Influenza.”
Unfortunately, due to this astonishing and
reprehensible unchecked practice by Asian farmers,
this situation appears to already be a reality. Labs
in the United States, Hong Kong, and England,
have been zealously testing the H5NI strain’s
susceptibility to several antiviral drugs, and the
findings so far are not encouraging. Initial genetic
tests indicate that the anti-influenza class of drugs,
namely amantadine (Symmetrel) as well as
rimantadine (Flumadiine) demonstrate H5NI
resistance. This, at a time when Vietnam had just
announced that 6000 chickens in the south of that
country had become infected with the Flu strain,
and Indonesia had confirmed its first human case of
the H5NI bird Flu.
It is no secret that farmers the world over, for
years, have routinely used antibiotics in their
poultry feed in an effort to keep down bacterial
infections in their flocks. They also routinely
vaccinate whole flocks against various avian
viruses. This, in spite of virology experts warning
that “such vaccinations done in hopes of saving
farmers’ livelihoods could, at least theoretically,
increase the danger of a mutation occurring if the
virus succeeds in resisting the vaccine.” If the
Asian farmers’ use of the relatively new antiviral
drugs in combination with antibiotics and vaccines
eventually proves to be the “ground zero” cause of
the deadly H5N1 bird Flu, then the world is in deep
medical trouble indeed. It’s anyone’s guess what
eventual consequences will result from the
continued “medical messing” with the bacterial and
viral environment of the avian and mammalian
Part social study, part history, part
epidemiology, part Homeopathy, this is a vast,
informative, practical and highly readable
discussion of one of the most common illnesses that
effects humanity. One that we have perhaps taken
too much for granted before now.”
7. The Homeopathic Physician’s Guide to
Lactation by Patricia HATHERLY, Luminoz
Pty Ltd, Cahpel HILL, QLD, Australia,
Paperback 278 pages US $59.95 Review by Neil
“Patricia HATHERLY has offered an
outstanding combination of scientific, practical and
homeopathic information on the subject of
lactation. It is both informative and above all,
thorough. The volume is illustrated with photos
and charts and each chapter has a long list of
Nutritional and homeopathic considerations
are applied to a wide list of conditions and
situations. Towards the end Ms. HEATHERLY
offers a detailed consideration of three remedies,
Lac caninum, Lac maternum, and Lac humanum.
Her extensive usage of milk remedies and long
homeopathic experience makes this a singular
volume. If helping people is your goal, and you
work with pregnant and nursing woman and
infants, this is a book not to be missed.”
8. Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum:
Strategic Case Management for Successful
Homeopathic Prescribing. Luc De SCHEPPER
2004 Full Of Life Publishing Hardback 366
pages US $75.00 Review by Neil TESSLER (SIM.
XIX, 2006):
Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum
is an outstanding reference for those seeking a clear
picture of HAHNEMANN’s posology. It is less
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
about the selection of remedies but instead offers a
minutely detailed dissection of “Strategic Case
Management”. Special emphasis is placed on the
effect of dosing method and the superiority of water
dilutions over dry pellets.
In order to set the stage for his discussion of
potency ‘Dr. Luc’ begins with a detailed and nicely
illustrated section on the fundamental concepts of
the homeopathic action of medicines, discussing
the primary and secondary action of the Vital Force
and the effect of the artificial remedy disease. It is
only by understanding the nature of homeopathic
effects on the Vital Force that we can begin to
appreciate the importance of dosage in the process
of curing.
He next lays out chapter by chapter the various
phases of development of HAHNEMANN’s
selection of dose. This much is similar to LM
evangelist David LITTLE, who has also been at the
forefront of disseminating the value and
significance of this later life discovery of
HAHNEMANN that had remained essentially
unknown until the early part of the twentieth
century. This section is well illustrated by special
summaries and boxes, so that it becomes very clear
why the method is so valuable and how to practice
it with both centesimal and LM dilutions. In this
regard, he offers very precise instructions as to the
appropriate potencies according to the different,
dosing methods for differing clinical situations.
Chapter twelve is a series of illustrations and
associated discussions on case management, not
dissimilar to those offered by VITHOULKAS in
the Science of Homeopathy. What is unique is
that he offers different follow-up scenarios
depending on whether the prescriber is applying the
posology method of the fourth, fifth or sixth
editions of the Organon.
Along the way, Dr. LUC offers clarification on
the alternation of remedies, the position of Nosodes
and isopathic remedies in Homeopathy,
complementary remedies in chronic illness a
section that includes several valuable charts, and a
detailed discussion of obstructions to cure.
The later sections of the book offer various
clinical examples and answers to questions. He
ends with an interesting discussion of
HAHNEMANN’s Paris case books, from his last
years of practice.”
9. The Companion Guide to Homeopathy, The
Practitioner’s Guide. Colin GRIFFITH, Watkins Publishing,
London. Hardbound 820 pages US $45.00 Review by Neil
“Despite the title, this is not a practitioner’s
guide as such. In fact, the book is written for a
general audience. Essentially, GRIFFITH offers a
very wide-ranging collection of thoughts, insights,
opinions, information and experiences on generally
homeopathic topics.
This is a more or less a roving introduction to
the philosophy of Homeopathy, including
discussions of Vital Force and the hierarchy within
the organism and disease.
The second section covers a wide range of
topics under the general rubric of ‘maintaining
causes’, a reference to various management issues
in the process of the homeopathic case.
The last and longest section of the book,
weighing in at four hundred pages, is on Miasms.”
10. The Homeopathic Journey: A Guide For
Learners, Teachers And Leaders by Todd
ROWE. Phoenix AZ: Desert Institute
Publishing, 2002, 367 pages, paperback $40.
ISBN 0-9720224-0-6. Review by Ann Jerome
CROCE (HT. 25, 1/2005):
“This book reflects Todd ROWE’s own unique
blend of practicality and idealism and his
outstanding personal track record in every role in
homeopathic education and the profession as a
whole. Its clear and user-friendly “how-to” aspects
make it a worthy primer for people who are
choosing a school, developing a curriculum, or
assessing a teacher with (including oneself), while
its undercurrent spiritual consciousness reveals its
true nature as inspirational literature.”
“The practical side of this book should give it a
prominent place in the library of every study group
and school.”
Review by Kathryn DERR and Patrick
HESSELMANN. (HT. 25, 1/2005):
“In The Homeopathic Journey, Todd ROWE
addresses the vital if neglected subject of
homeopathic education today. Central to Dr.
ROWE’s discussion is the idea that in order to stay
relevant and be effective, homeopathic education
must be equal parts instruction and inspiration. The
subject of teaching Homeopathy is treated in a
similar framework.
A tour de force on homeopathic education in
all its aspects, the book is easily readable and
conversational in tone.”
11. 111 Great Homeopaths. Edited and Compiled by Jay
YASGUR. Van Hoy Publishers, Greenville, PA, 2005, soft
cover, 300 pages, $28. Review by Julian WINSTON (HT. 25,
“Essentially, the book is a collection of brief
biographies of 111 of the most influential homeopaths of the
last two centuries. Each biography is accompanied by a
portrait or some visual record of the individual. The
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
biographies appear in six languages: English, Chinese,
French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.”
12. Copeland’s Cure: Homeopathy and the War
Between Conventional and Alternative Medicine by Natalie
ROBINS. Alfred A. KNOPF, New York, 330 pages, hardcover,
$24.95. ISBN 0-375410-90-2 Review by Julian WINSTON
(HT. 25, 3/2005):
Copeland’s Cure is well bound, and the
illustrative photos are interesting. The footnotes are difficult
to check as they are a jumble of sources, sorted as to
category. The bibliography is not comprehensive.
The story of Copeland’s political life is
fascinating. A book like this might get some people
interested in looking at this magnificent therapy called
Homeopathy. But it would have been better if the author
had had even the slightest inkling of what Homeopathy is
about – rather than learning about it from a half-
homeopath like Copeland and unreliable sources like the
To me, the lessons from this are clear. The more
you try to sell Homeopathy to those steeped in the
conventional medical model, the more you will fail. No trial
will be large enough. No “cures” will be certain enough.
Every outcome can have another explanation. And
Homeopathy – the real Homeopathy that HAHNEMANN
teaches in the Organon – will be the loser. Homeopathy will
survive, however, because those who do it right know that it
works. All it takes is to watch the teething Chamomilla child
stop in mid-cry when the remedy is placed on the tongue to
know the power of this medicine.”
13. Mastering Homeopathy – Accurate Prescribing for a
Successful Daily Practice. Jon GAMBLE, Karuna Publishing,
NSW, Australia, 2004. Price: £20, ISBN: 0-9752473-0-1.
Review by Mollie HUNTON (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005):
“The preface says that this book is intended for
‘competent and fully trained homeopaths who are familiar
with homeopathic aggravation, the primary and secondary
response triggered by a medicine and HERING’s Law of
Cure. Also, one should be familiar with the common
symptomatologies of disease.’
The idea is to have a desk top reference to the
common problems that come our way in G.P. There is no
general advice about potency. This book mainly
concentrates on acute prescribing. Part 2 is devoted to
“illness in women”. Finally eight case histories are
described. They illustrate different aspects of prescribing
including the layered approach, paucity of symptoms to
prescribe on and the relationship between the physical and
mental symptoms. A useful book to keep by you for a quick
guide to a choice of remedy. If all the G.P.s in the country
had a copy and a rudimentary knowledge of Homeopathy
prescriptions for antibiotics would decline considerably.”
14. The Sensation in Homeopathy. Rajan SANKARAN
Homeopathic Medical Publishers, Mumbai, India, 2004. Price
not stated: www.thespiritofhomoeopathy.com, ISBN: 81 901103
6 5. Review by Maggie CURLEY (HOMEOPATHY, 94,
“Rajan SANKARAN’s latest book ‘The Sensation
in Homeopathy’ represents the next stage in his epic journey
of discovery and understanding of Homeopathy; the journey
which started in his first bookThe Spirit of Homeopathy
and has progressed through ‘The Substance of Homeopathy’.
The System of Homeopathy’ and ‘An Insight into Plants’ He
describes the process thus:
‘When I started as a homeopath, the state of the
profession could be likened to a man with an air gun
standing in a field shooting up in the air randomly. Once in
a while a bird flew into his aim and was shot. And the
homeopath would say, “What a great shot that was!”
Patients had to struggle to get into the line of fire! There was
a lack of consistency. Each of us had some brilliant results
but not consistently … I realized that consistency was a
necessity if we were to have any credibility as a system of
treatment … My effort all along has been to find a method
… that is consistent and reproducible.’
The aim of this book is to revise and enlarge upon
concepts, which he has developed to systematize
Homeopathy. The concepts of Kingdoms, Miasms,
Sensation and Levels, as he is at pains to point out on several
occasions, are based on the very solid foundation of
knowledge of Homeopathic Philosophy, Materia Medica and
Repertory. This is not a new method of Homeopathy, which
disregards traditional teaching but rather leads to a deeper
understanding of the case and the remedy.
I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter on the ‘Realm of
Nonsense (the world of the source)’ ‘Often the most
fascinating point in a case is the passage into the sensation
level … this is the inner world of the patient- … this inner
reality has no reason to be; it is illogical, unreasonable,
unexplainable and therefore incredible. This is what I call
the world of complete nonsense … the inner world is the
world of the source and serves as the ultimate confirmation
of the remedy.’ If only we could all get to the source!
This is a giant of a book and a wonderful read. It
takes us on a journey of discovery in which we can dare to
share, dare to put these methods into practice and dare to be
amazed at the results. I have little doubt that this is by no
means the final part of the epic; Rajan’s thirst for knowledge
and understanding of Homeopathy is boundless. He quotes
an old Tamil saying: “What is known is a handful, what is
unknown is an earthful.’” [While this last quote indicates the
humility of SANKARAN at the same time the opening
remark that homeopaths before were only shooting at
random and their successes were sheer luck! is an insult to
all the stalwarts who preceded laying a safe and sure path. If
SANKARAN’s intention is to improve our success rate, we
are happy and appreciate his continued efforts. Exciting
adulations and praises should restrain one. .If we claim to
have a more far-reaching vision, it is because we are
standing on the shoulders of our forefathers. We owe them a
lot of debt. = KSS]
15. Textbook of Veterinary Homeopathy. John
SAXTON and Peter GREGORY. Beaconsfield
Publishers Ltd., Beaconsfield, Bucks, UK, 2005 £
27 (paperback) ISBN: 0906584574 Review by
Richard ALLPORT (HOMEOPATHY 94, 4/2005):
“It is a textbook a solid mass of information.
This is the first real in-depth textbook of
Veterinary Homeopathy written by Vets, for Vets,
with total conviction and authority. … There are
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
two main sections: the theory and the practice, of
The practice section highlights the
importance of training courses. Each body system
is covered: digestive, skin, endocrine and so on
with additional chapters on surgery, first aid,
behavioural problems, the geriatric patient and
Overview of each body system its function
and the general problems associated with it,
followed by the major modalities and rubrics that
are most important and then the four or five major
remedies likely to be of most value with an
accompanying list of other remedies to consider.
As in all good textbooks, there is a general
bibliography, a glossary of terms, a list of useful
addresses, and a comprehensive index. It is a
well-written, clear, concise, factual volume …”
16. What About the Potency? A Comprehensive
Guide to Homeopathic Potency and Dosage.
Michelle SHINE. Food For Thought
Publications, London, UK, 2004 Price: £20
ISBN: 09547033008 Review by Anton van RHIJN
(HOMEOPATHY 94, 4/2005):
“At last, a bold attempt to shed light on one of
the most controversial and least understood but also
neglected areas of homeopathic practice This is
a welcome and timely book …
The author shares her clinical experience by
portraying 19 case histories … and concludes by
interviewing 10 distinguished homeopaths to share
their clinical wisdom on the subject.
The book is firmly based in clinical
practice, without philosophical deviations,
questioning every aspect of Homeopathy and
addressing just about every practical challenge a
homeopath might encounter in formulating a
prescribing strategy. New information and
strategies are revealed. This book is highly
17. High Dilution Effects: Physical and
Biochemical Basis. SUKUL N.C. and SUKUL A.
Kluwer Academic Publishers:
Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2004 $ 83. ISBN 1-
4020-2155-0. Review by Robert T. MATHIE
(HOMEOPATHY 94, 4/2005):
“… The book has four main chapters: The first
describes the sources of homeopathic medicines
and their preparation, the second focusses on
research evidence available, the third concentrates
on physico-chemical characteristics of drugs at high
dilutions and the main findings that are of relevance
to Homeopathy. The final chapter grapples with
the possible mechanisms of action of high dilutions.
is a book that has depth and substance in parts
but is superficial and frustrating in others.”
18. La Homeopatía y el Método. Germán
Guajardo BERNAL Editorial Malabares:
Mexico, 2004. Review by Gabriel BLASS
(HOMEOPATHY 94, 4/2005):
“This book is based on a collection of articles
and divided into four sections:
1. Homeopathy and Philosophy.
2. Homeopathic biophysics.
3. Historical perspectives.
4. Semantics.
This book paints a picture of Homeopathy
within the historic and philosophical landscape of
Science and Medicine, in an attempt to define its
future direction. It weaves various strands of
thought from a broad range of disciplines. The
approach is erudite and well researched. This book
would be useful to anyone who wants to gain a
wider perspective on the evolution of Homeopathy,
be it student, researcher or practitioner.”
19. Materia Medica der homöopathischen
Veterinärmedizin, MILLEMANN J. (hrsg.):
Stuutgart: Sonntag Verlag, 2002: 415 Seiten,
geb., Price Є 69.95. (German).
20. Arzeimettellhre der Tierhomöopathie 1.,
(Materia Medica of Veterinary Homeopathy)
Aude Sapere: 2002: 432 Seiten, Paperback, Price
Є 74.90 (German)
21. Homöopathische Materia Medica für
Veterinärmediziner, 3, new bearb. . ergnate
Auflage. (Homeopathic Materia Medica for
Veterinary Physicians) 3 new revised and
enlarged edition STEINGASSNER H.M. Wien:
Mandrich: 2004: 436 Seiten, geb. Price Є 68.
22. Berliner Homöopathie Geschichten zur
Prozessorientierten Homöopathie bei Mensch
und Tier (Berlin Homeopathy. History of
Process-Oriented Homeopathy for Humans and
Animals), KRÜGER Andreus; KRÜGER, Arne:
Bonn: Verlag Volksheilkunde; 2004: 400 Seiten,
kart., Price Є 19.95 (German)
All the four books on Veterinary Homeopathy.
Review by Dr. Rainer G. APPELL (AHZ. 250,
“… Although HAHNEMANN opined that
animal experiments cannot be carried over to
humans, we felt that careful experients as medicinal
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Provings on useful domestic animals with single
remedies will be useful which can be compiled as a
pure Materia Medica (Pure Materia Medica vol.
II. 117). This wish remains unfulfilled. In
MILLEMANN’s Materia Medica besides
Polychrests some less proven remedies have been
given in which important clinical observations,
not so far entered into Repertory Not lesser
readable are the tables for differentitaing remedies
(like Phos.) with specific symptoms. There are
well-selected case reports. …
Similarly in the Materia Medica of BÄR and
others of which the Vol. I is now available. The
clinical examples, e.g. the Cannabis indica history
for dog. In this book there is no brief indication
index and Register for the different animals and
A symptoms Repertory is at hand as help in the
STEINGASSNER’s solid Materia Medica. The
books speak of the experience of a country doctor
when he writes about Lachesis in cattle. Valuable
are the indications for Propolis … Symptoms of
human and animals are mixed. There are several
errors. The Materia Medica is very small and
relevance to animals is rudimentary.
I wouldn’t miss any of the four books,
however. The omissions in one book is
compensated in another.
23. Der Hund des Philosophen, GAITA R., (The
Philosopher’s Dog), Hamburg: Rogner &
Bernhard bei 2001; 2003; 272 S., geb. Price Є
24. “Für die Tiere ist jeden Tag Treblinka”
Über die Ursprünge des industrialisierten
Tötens, PATTERSON, C., Frankfurt a. M.:
2004; 307 S. geb. Price Є 16.90
25. Leben-Töten-Essen Anthropologische
Dimension (Life, Killing, Eating:
Anthropological dimension): BARRANGKE H.;
Stuttgart Hirzel; 2000: 422- S. kart. Price Є
26. Über die Unsterblichkeit der Tiere,
Hoffnung für die leidende Kreatur (On the
immortality of the animals. Hopes for the
suffering creatures). DREWERMANN E.
Düsselforf: Patmos; 2005: 64S., Paperback,
Price Є 7.95.
(All these 4 books in German). Review by
Rainer G. APPELL (AHZ. 250, 6/2005):
“The question about the difference between
humans and animals and the practical and moral
consequences thereof as faced with ecological
catastrophy according to Raimond GAITA, moral
philosophy in London in the light of his life time
experiences with different animals. What do the
animals think? Do they have an idea of death and a
right to funeral? Where do their position begin and
where does it end? Questions which in the light
animal trials, and they are also there in
Homeopathy arise. …
For that the anti-Semitic unsuspecting historian
and Psychotherapist Charles PATTERSON has
presented a well-grounded and deeply concerned
search, which gives in detail that the road to
Auschwitz began from the slaughter-house. “First
the animals are exploited and killed and then
humans are treated like animals and exactly ended
so.” PATTERSON explains how the western
tradition has immunized itself against pain. …
“References to PYTHAGORAS,
and the materialism theme is found in the book
“Leben-Töten-Essen” A complex moralistic-
religious humans-animals relationship is implied.
Eugen DREWERMANN mourns that the
Christian Western World knows no Ethic that the
suffering of the animals and the sufferings of
humans are balanced. He pleads for an Ethic which
has sympathy for the animals and that we have a
responsibility to let them live in peace. …”
27. 111 Great Homeopaths by Jay YASGUR,
GreenGK; Van Hoy Publishers; 2005: 299
Seiten, kart., Price $ 35. (English) Review by
Rainer APPELL (AHZ. 250, 6/2005):
“To the question as to who the most important,
impressive homeopaths are, Jay YASGUR
attempts to reply with his inadequate as he
himself says minibiographies. There are, in this
list of 111 some who do not fit to be called ‘great’,
for example G.A.H. HLENBEIN and C.
NEIDHARD, as aso Moritz MÜLLER, August
ELIZALDE to mention few. There is very scanty
information about Mathias DORCSI. The contents
give very spare information. The text is given in
six languages parallelly, and errors are found in
YASGUR may bring out later a revised and
improved second edition with good information and
obtain competent translators.”
28. Von der Tarentel gebissen – Erfahrungen
mit Arzneien aus Spinnentieren in der
homöopathischen Medizin (Bitten by the
Tarentula Experiences with remedies from
Spiders in homeopathic Medicine),
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Augsburg: Faurt Verlag; 2005: 343 Seiten, Price
Є 49/- (German) Reiew by Gerhard BLEUL
(AHZ. 250, 6/2005):
“A wholly unusual book not only about
Spiders and the remedies, but also about
MANGIALAVORI’s radical method of Anamnesis,
remedy consideration and finding the remedy.”
“The Introduction alone is almost worthy of the
value of the book. Anthropological sources and
subtle case studies. “Themes of Spiders” are
worked out as the great need to do something, fast
working and tempo, aversion to be touched, desire
for rhythmic music, better from smoking tobacco,
extreme coldness, etc.
In Part 2, five spiders are discussed (Tarentula,
Mygale, Aranea, Theridion, Latrodectus mactans)
and the Scorpion medicine (Bothus australis). In
some cases discussed in this regard, some have
obtained astounding cures with a medicine, which
have been followed up for a period of two years.
A wholly characteristically wonderful form of
Materia Medica study. For all who are old and
wish to become young, his book will enrich them.”
29. Homöopathische Spuren. Beiträge zur
Geschichte der Homöopathie in Österreich,
(Homeopathic Footprints. History of
Homeopathy in Austria) by Sonia HARN, 186
S., brosch., Verlagshaus der Arzte, Wien 2003. Є
19.90 (German) Review by Rainer APPELL
(AHZ. 250, 6/2005):
“The connections with the non-doctors is
always an exciting theme in homeopathic
community, a theme which other therapeutic
profession is not strange. the Homeopathy in
Austria thankfully obliged to the Lay homeopaths.
30. Warning Signs and Similar Symptoms: A
Desktop Reference Guide for Alternative and
Complementary Practitioners. Ernest
874581 43 6 $ 11.95 Review by Ivo WIESNER.
(HL. 17, 2/2004):
“This is a tiny featherlight booklet bringing us
a concise synoptic desktop guide covering the
basics of standard diagnostic skills collection of
basic signs and symptoms in order to serve purely
as an introductory aid in diagnosis.
The purpose was that all qualified graduates in
Homeopathy should recognize health conditions,
which, being urgent, could be life threatening or
require prompt and accurate treatment of a
specialist or need purely surgical intervention.
The contents are sorted into 29 chapters.
This is a crucial book for all homeopathic
students, practitioners or healers of alternative and
complementary medicine …”
I. Fundamentalism Versus Science is the title
of an Editorial in The Hindu, Chennai. The
Editorial sharply criticizes the American President
George BUSH for vetoing Federal funding to
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research. It accuses
that “fundamentalist religious objections, and not
scientific considerations were the reasons” for the
President’s decision. It is also argued that “the
exact time when life begins is a debatable issue and
scientists see such embryos as nothing more than a
‘bunch of cells’. It further says that “in a war
against diseases, all possible approaches need to be
explored and the best ones adopted.”
In a recent report (The Hindu, Chennai, 28
Sept. 2006) it is mentioned that the “Criteria for
embryo’s death is not clearly defined”. “Scientists
know too little about early embryos to discern when
one is truly dead.” Thus the ethical concerns
about embryonic stem cells research are not
answered conclusively”. [The words
“fundamentalism” is loosely used as a ‘smear’
word. Flippant dismissal as “such embryos are
nothing more than a bunch of cells” reveals the
attitude of the ‘Scientists’. Aren’t all of us, just
“bunches of cells”? Is Science a ‘coldone, does
not care whether it kills many as long as it can save
one? We know the unimaginable cruelties to which
animals have been and continue to be put to in the
name of ‘Science’. ‘Science’ should give up
pretenses of power to eradicate all illnesses if it is
allowed freedom to sacrifice lives of many other
creatures. There are other ways. Use them. =
II. Bird Flu: of Mice and Men: “A study shows
that live attenuated Vaccine based on a single
H5N1 virus strain can provide protection (in mice
and ferrets, at least) against different H5N1 viruses
that emerge years later” (The Hindu, Chennai, 28
Sept. 2006). The researchers developed Vaccines
using three artificially constructed, weakened forms
of the Influenza Virus one of the Vaccines is
now being tested in human volunteers who
participate in carefully controlled clinical trials.”
[God help these human volunteers for testing a live
Vaccine. The medical world knows the horrible
results of the Polio Vaccine trials, the Tb trials, etc.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The common public has no access to the ‘inside
story of any of these trials = KSS]
III. Extremely Drug-resistant TB emerges
PRASAD R. (The Hindu, 28 September, 2006)
“Drug-resistant TB has been frequently
encountered in India and its presence has been
known since anti-tubercular drugs were introduced
for the treatment of TB”, notes the ‘TB India 2006’
report of the Ministry of Health and Family Affairs.
Tuberculosis Research Centre, Chennai and
Bangalore based National Institute in eight districts
found that 12% of patients on average were
resistant to one of the drugs Isoniazid used for
treating TB and less than two percent were found
resistant to Isoniazid and Rifampicin. The
emergence of a new form of extremely drug-
resistant TB (XDR-TB) is making TB treatment
extremely difficult. The cost of treating multi drug-
resistant TB (MDR-TB) is 40% more. The XDR-
TB is virtually untreatable according to an editorial
in the BMJ.
“WHO guidelines recommend the use of at
least four drugs for those with MDR-TB, XDR-TB
is untreatable to international standards” notes
another editorial in another Journal Lancet. “The
first drug will not be ready for regular use until
2012” notes a news item in Nature.
The first outbreak of XDR-TB was seen
recently in the KwaZulu-Natal province in South
Africa and reported last month at the XVI
International AIDS Conference in Toronto of 53
treated for XDR-TB, 52 died within 25 days of
infection. Many of those who died were HIV
The outbreak in the Kwazulu-Natal province
was not an isolated case. News about 120 patients
in 28 hospitals in Kwazulu-Natal province infected
by XDR-TB emerged during a recent emergency
conference in Johannesburg. “Nearly all of those
known to be infected are now dead, but others may
be carrying the bacteria”, notes the news item in
Nature. It also says there is no systematic survey.
“XDR-TB has been identified in all regions of
the world. But it is more frequent in the countries
of the former Soviet Union and in Asia. The
findings done in 2000-04 by WHO and the Center
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in
Atlanta four per-cent of MDR-TB cases met the
crisis for XDR-TB”.
Despite the wide prevalence of MDR-TB in
many parts of the world an effective strategy to
tackle MDR – TB by WHO is still in a pilot stage.
The first centers for undertaking Directly
observed Treatment, Short-course (DOTS) Plus
programme to manage MDR – TB are coming up in
Ahmedabad and Nagpur.
If drug resistance was observed from the time
anti TB drugs were introduced, as the TB, India
2006 report points out, what prevented the
government from initiating steps ‘to tackle this
truth earlier?
Treating all patients with DOTS was the
Priority of the Revised National Tuberculosis
Control Programme (RNTCD). And it is now
looking for testing drug resistant TB.
DOTS Programme was started in 1993. We
have already achieved 70% detection rate recently.
A full-fledged programme was in place in 1997
said Dr.Narayanan Director Tuberculosis Research
Centre. It has achieved the target set by the Global
TB. Programmes.
Drug resistance is likely to be higher in those
people in whom the previous infection have been
treated successfully.
Every day about 5000 people develop the disease
and 1000 die. With the threat of XDR-TB looming
large and the number of HIV positive. People also
going up, the mortality rate is bound to increase
exponentially unless some urgent measures are
taken up. [Is it not high time that Homeopaths rise
up and prove Homeopathy’s roll = KSS]
IV. Henny HEUDENS-MAST in Conversation
with John COLLINS August 17, 2005. (SIM. XIX,
2006). HENNY’s teaching sessions of a day
include eight hours of class and seeing four or five
new patients and follow-ups. The new patients are
difficult cases referred by students. The live
interface of the homeopath and her patient is
brought forth unmistakably as the “core
curriculum” of her teaching.
After each interview, she leads the group
patiently on a thorough search to identify
predominant Miasm(s), list the characteristic
symptoms and finally comparing indicated
remedies. Prescription based on strongly confirmed
totality of symptoms with Miasm applied as the
final filter, i.e. Miasmatic build-up from the patient
that decides between the remedies that would come
up. She considers five Miasms. Tubercular and
Cancer Miasms. [Numbers of Miasm seem to be
anyone’s. HAHNEMANN gave three and his
theory of Chronic Diseases is upon those
classifications. Later some one added a fourth
Miasm Tubercular. Then one added Cancer and
made it 5. To these has been added Ringworm,
Typhoid Miasms! = KSS]
HERING’s Law is her guide and change of
remedy in the follow-up is only after meticulous
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
She thinks that we don’t have to fear that
allopathic thinking will ruin Homeopathy.
Homeopaths can ruin Homeopathy. For this
reason she gives Seminars, to show how
Homeopathy works, and no need for theories other
than the basic ones. She mostly sees follow-ups
after two months, to prevent herself from repeating
the dose during an aggravation, which will spoil the
case. She refers to HAHNEMANN that six weeks
after a remedy there will be an aggravation and she
agrees that it is so. It is time that we take our hands
off then. She thinks that the ‘Miasms’ theory is
practical and very applicable.
The best teacher is one who teaches
Homeopathy, not trends, not fashions. It is wrong
to create division in Homeopathy. We must
discuss in detail and come to a conclusion. Then
there will be a united group of teachers, who will
train a united group of students.
V. Bitten in The Soul: Hans ZWEMKE and
Massimo MANGIALAVORI Excerpts from the
Introduction (SIM. XIX, 2006) Homeopathy
today cannot ignore the enormous change of
perspective that Psychology has brought about in
the evaluation of the emotional and behavioral
aspects of the patient and his symptomatology.
Other fields of science offer Homeopathy insight
into the remedies. Although the information is
often less precise than ours, it contributes useful
empirical knowledge to the picture of those
remedies. Biology and Ethology furnish interesting
information. When homeopaths limit
themselves to proving data, they cut themselves off
from beautiful information about remedies and thus
about their patients. …
The study of successfully cured, well-
documented cases is essential to the complete
understanding of a remedy.
HAHNEMANN criticized ‘Doctrine of
Signatures and freed himself from the mysticism
and metaphysical theories that supported the
medical theories of his time; but he also lost truths
these theories encapsulated.
We want to increase the awareness of the
substances in use. We wish to connect what is
known of a substance from its historical use and
homeopathic Provings to the patient’s clinical
history, using a process of metaphor and analogy.
Remedy relationships can be studied
extensively by the use of biological, chemical and
other criteria of resemblance between remedies.
[There can be endless debates about the usefulness
of the signatures’, historical, etc, data. There are
several other sciences, which may help
Psychology, Anthropology, Botany, etc. etc. There
are homeopaths who bring into relevance
Shamanism. HAHNEMANN had had a lot of
literature up to his time. We read that he had
access to the large library of the Baron von
BRUCKENTHAL, which contained very rare
books of great authors. These include the occult
the magic, Esoteric, etc. see the excellent article
HAHNEMANN in Hermanstadt in this
Simillimum, XIX. Nevertheless HAHNEMANN
was certain that what a Medicine can cure can be
known only by knowing its (artificial) disease-
making capacity and not by any other method.
The ‘insights’ that many modern teachers teach
are their individual fancies and cannot be taken as
facts. The signature of a remedy must be found in
the Proving Symptoms and not from study from
other aspects, howsoever fascinating they may be
or successful in cures = KSS]
VI. There has been much discussion about the
merits or otherwise of Avian Flu anti-viral
medicines in the media but no discussion of the
effectiveness of Homeopathy in the treatment of
Influenza. History shows that homeopathic
medicines were very effective in the 1918-1919
Influenza epidemic. The mortality rate was very
low when compared with the Conventional
Mortality Rate.
In 1918 epidemic Bryonia and Gelsemium
were most commonly indicated. (SIM. XIX, 2006)
VII. The week of April 10 – April 16, 2005 is
being heralded, world-wide as Homeopathy
Awareness Week. This is an international effort to
celebrate the 250
birthday of Samuel
HAHNEMANN. Julian WINSTON wants the
people satisfied by Homeopathy, to speak about
their experiences to others. Unless the success of
Homeopathy is told, it will remain unknown and
locked in the closet. (From the Editor, Julian
WINSTON. HT. 25, 1/2005) [Many celebrities
who benefited much from Homeopathy do not
speak out in the open. Even some star Sportsmen
who got benefit don’t speak out. Give them money
and they will speak for Coca cola! = KSS].
VIII. Share the Dream. BOYER, Nancy (HT.
25, 2/2005) The National Center for
Homeopathy’s vision has been that Homeopathy
be widely accepted and recognized as a legitimate
therapeutic modality. The goal is to increase
awareness of Homeopathy. The marketing and
media committee are working about the plans.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
IX. Think Globally, Act locally. WINSTON,
Julian. (HT. 25, 2/2005) The terrible Tsunami that
struck in 2004 has left many in shock, families
separated forever. Aconite, Opium, and Ignatia
could be used to great effect for the immediate
shock and grief over lost loved ones and changed
lives; Other homeopathic remedies could be used
to help battle infectious epidemics that might arise
from poor sanitation. We all want to change the
world on a grand scale. The reality is we can’t.
The best we can do is to feel the compassion for
those who are suffering and support the relief
efforts and then apply our combined energy to
make Homeopathy an acceptable “alternative” in
our areas. To really change the world, we must
start by planting the seeds of change at home.
Tsunami Relief Effort Underway.
Homeopaths without Borders (HWB) in Sri
Lanka. UDELL, Eric (HT. 25, 2/2005) On 9
2005, the first group of volunteer homeopaths of
HWB were sent to offer Tsunami relief. They were
briefed by two French homeopaths from
Homeopathes Sans Frontiéres who had already
been working in the area.
There were many cases of necrotic ulcers and
large bullae. Kali bichromicum, Secale cor., Silica
were prescribed. Arnica and Staphysagria for the
emotional issues arising from this traumatic event.
Every problem from cough to joint pain to
emotional trauma was treated and wounds cleaned
and dressed.
A woman with persistent pain in heels and
swelling of feet who had lost her parents and weeps
when alone. Ignatia was given.
A taxi driver, a strong swimmer saved 17 of his
neighbours from drowning. Unable to sleep for
weeks because of guilt and dreams of whom he
could not save. So started on alcohol. Aconite and
Arnica and the man slept soundly and was in better
frame of mind.
XI. Autism, One Radio Features Show on
Homeopathy (HT. 25, 2/2005) Homeopathy is
receiving increasing attention as a successful
treatment for Autism. The works of Paul
and Judyth Reichenberg are beginning to get
noticed by the larger Autism community.
Last May 1000 parents and practitioners
attended the Autism One conference in Chicago.
Since January 2005, Amy LANSKY began
hosting her own show on Autism One Radio
XII. On April 8, 2005, Julian WINSTON, was
honored with the first-ever NCH Lifetime
Achievement Award and in Julian’s honor, the
NCH announced the creation of The Julian
Winston Homeopathy Today Fund. (HT. 25,
XIII. Tsunami Relief Work Continues in Sri
Lanka. An Update from Homeopaths Without
Borders (HWB) KELLY, Nancy (HT. 25, 3/2005)
A second team comprising of Luc De SCHEPPER,
George STROM and Ivy DIELTIENS worked at a
variety of facilities in Sri Lanka from open-air
clinics to orphanages to homes for the
developmentally disabled.
Dr. DIELTIENS is staying there and regularly
attending camps. HWB is supporting her in starting
a homeopathic clinic and teaching center in Sri
XIV. Homeopathy in the News (HT. 25,
3/2005) The Boyce Thompson Arboretum in
Superior, Arizona, displayed an exhibit called
“Desert Medicine” from May 2 through Oct. 31,
2005. The display introduces Homeopathy and
features remedies made from desert plants, minerals
and animals. http://arboretum.ag.arizona.edu.
A United Airlines passenger flight from New
York to San Francisco made an emergency landing
in Chicago on April 26, 2005 because of suspicious
materials with a passenger which turned out to be
MP3 player, homeopathic medicines and wires.
Chicago Tribune, USA Today.
Patient groups from across Scotland are
fighting the threatened closure to the Glasgow
Homeopathic Hospital. A patient told, “it doesn’t
just add years to life, it adds life to years”. People
with complex needs are cared at the Glasgow
hospital. – Glasgow Evening Times, UK.
French Government approves Boiron-Dolisos
merger and reduces homeopathic medicine
Reimbursement from 65% to 35% - Pharma
Market letter. Feb. 25, 2005.
XV. Preventing Malaria Naturally Didi Ananda
RUCHIRA (HT. 25, 3/2005) Didi Ananda
RUCHIRA who does charitable Homeopathy
Clinics in Kenya finds that Malaria officinalis 200
once a month as prophylactic for Malaria. The
bitter white inner skin of grapefruit contains natural
quinine and act as a prophylactic. Ingesting a
thumbnail swatch of the inner skin each day can act
as a prophylactic.
Neem (Azadrachta indica) either in tincture or
2x, 5 drops daily for 3 weeks also acts as
preventive, effective up to 6 months.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
XVI. Depression Research in Homeopathy:
Hopeless or Hopeful? (Guest Editorial) Iris R.
BELL (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
Homeopathic Research on Depression has suffered
from a lack of high-quality Randomized Controlled
Trials (RCT) and a relative paucity of observational
data to guide study design. Homeopathic research
may advance best by retaining a patient-centered
emphasis on the individual, drawn from its own
clinical practice. This can be rigorus and evidence-
based, but will need to emphasize individual
differences over group averages in subject
recruitment and assessment procedures as well as in
data analytic procedures. [What is “evidence-
based”? which the Hegemony Medical Science
keeps repeating. The British Homeopaths are
always willing to be followers of Allopathy who
demand that Homeopathy stand up to their
inspection. Why should we join that club? Why
shouldn’t Homeopathy be what it actually is,
whether it is accepted by the Hegemony Medicine
or rejected by it? From what we have seen for the
past 50 years there have been several ‘researches’,
‘trials’ and nothing has satisfied the scientific’
men, who behave like Inquisitors-witness the
‘BENVENISTE’ affair. The time and efforts spent
in RCTs could well be spent in other day-to-day
problems of Homeopathy practitioners. = KSS]
XVII. According to Animals’ Defender and
Anti-vivisection News, London, Monkeys pass
through London Airport consigned to all up-to-date
nations for use in vivisection and the production of
vaccines in the following mounting volume:
1953 20,000
1954 66,000
1955 93,000
1956 1,20,000
[Contributed by A.B.G. in Layman Speaks, Oct
1957, in H.G. 1960, P. 286] [Availability of
Primates appear to be dwindling rapidly = KSS]
XVIII. Chickens on the Run (The Hindu,
Chennai, July 23, 2004) A busy road near Oxford
was closed today when around 1,000 chickens
escaped from a lorry that collided with four other
vehicles, injuring four people. “They were all over
the carriageway,” said a police spokesman. The
birds’ escape was short-lived: Thousands of
shooting enthusiasts, game keepers and falconers
were in the area for a game fair.
XIX. More to the paper on ‘Homeopathy in
Sepsis in ICU than meets the eye: Guest
Editorial by PATEL, Kamal (HOMEOPATHY, 94,
4/2005): This editorial is with reference to
Adjunctive homeopathic treatment in patients
with severe Sepsis’: a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial in an Intensive Care
Unit’ by M.FRASS, et al (HOMEOPATHY, 94,
2/2005) which concluded “Our data suggest that
homeopathic treatment has a beneficial effect on
the long-term survival of patients with severe
Sepsis, further research is required before making
firm recommendations.”
The trial of Homeopathy in Adult Septic
Shock by FRASS et al is a great achievement. In
this study, the homeopathic intervention was
simplified, apparently to a single homeopathic
review within 48h of enrolment in the study and the
same medicine repeated every 12h.
Where a therapeutic intervention has been
simplified to essentially one-step or task, the
Double Blind Randomised Control Trial method of
assessing efficacy is a powerful tool.
The difference in survival at 180 days of 75.8%
in the Homeopathy group compared to 50% in the
placebo group has a P-value of 0.043. This means
that there is a 1 in 23 probability that the results
obtained are purely by chance.
To be more certain, a trial repeated in different
setting with same or more number of patients. Dr.
PATEL seems for vital information regarding the
methodology used by FRASS et al.
XX. The Hygiene Hypothesis Revisited
Hygiene hypothesis suggests ‘an inverse
relationship, between atopic diseases and an
environment that leads to increased pathogen
The author lists out a number of articles that
are in favour of this hypothesis.
This is in continuation of an article by the
author that Suppression of acute diseases in
childhood induce chronic diseases in future in
HOMEOPATHY, 91, 4/2002. P. 207-216. QHD.
XX, 3&4/2003 p. 130. Article No. 6 in Research
section. The author has listed a very large number
of references from various journals in this
XXI. Vaccinations: For or Against ESKINAZI
D. (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005) This is with
reference to what has been discussed in ‘The
Hygiene Hypothesis revisited’. The author raises
many questions, particularly wth reference to
Atopic Eczema and Asthma. [In my clinic I have
seen 5-6 cases of children (born in the US) in the
past few years, who were brought with severe
Asthma; all of them had Atopic Dermatitis which
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
were treated with external applications
suppressed in the ‘homeopathic’ sense and resulted
in the Asthma. All the theories and researches’,
for which as HAHNEMANN said, chairs have been
founded in Universities are irrelevant to the
homeopath; cases we have treated are confirmation
of suppression by vaccinations. = KSS]
XXII. Tela aranea DEGROOTE, Filip. Severe
depression with a relative absence of fears. Patients
feel disconnected, mistakes in spelling and time;
tingling sensation on scalp, aphthae, epistaxis,
coryza, conjunctivitis. Pain left hypochondrim,
offensive leucorrhea, sensation of stiffness of
cervical region with desire to stretch, hot feeling in
feet preventing sleep, perspiration of hands and
feet. Main dreams are animals, fire, murders,
accidents, being abused or forsaken. (Revue Belge
d’Homoeopathie 2005; 1 in HOMEOPATHY, 94,
XXIII. Statistical Analysis of Mineral
Medicines: Two questions, three surprises. Jean
Jacques KASPARIAN. Statistical analysis of
mineral medicines from KENT’s Repertory and
French Materia Medicas was done. Characteristic
features of elements and chemical bonds are set
out: Carbon-oxygen bond corresponds to slow
mind, cold skin, sweat of scalp, fatty constitution,
sensitivity to dampness.
Nitrogen-Carbon bond corresponds to aversion
to loneliness, desire to stay motionless, pale or blue
lips, desire for warm drinks, wine or alcohol.
The benzene ring corresponds to deep sleep,
slow pulse, renal pulse, renal pains and
insufficiency and insensitive skin. (L’
Homèopathie Europèenne 2005; 2 in
HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005)
XIV. Cactus grandiflorus Eric Vanden
EYNDEN Complete description of the plant and
peculiar symptoms of fear of commitment, fear of
betrayal. This patient may not attend appointments,
often stays in the background and feels melancholy.
The author quotes T.F. ALLEN: “Felt a
considerable degree of difficulty in fixing upon
anything settled or fixed in what he was pursuing;
when conclusions were arrived at, however, they
were to the mind quite satisfactory.” (Revue Belge
d’Homoeopathie 2005; 2 in HOMEOPATHY, 94,
XXV. Nuphar luteum (yellow pond lily) Thierry
TRIQUENOT, Ramon FRENDO. Excessive moral
sensibility on witnessing sufferings of animals,
pressive headache, brilliant sparks before eyes,
especially after coughing, painless yellow diarrhoea
between 4 and 6 a.m., complete absence of sexual
desire, eruptions like Leprosy or Psoriasis. (Revue
Belge d’Homoeopathie 2005; 2 in
HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005)
XXVI. Behavioural Problems in the Cat: the
Kali bichromicum and the Problem of Territory
Didier NOTRE-DAME. Cat is a solitary hunter
with a well-defined territory. This is compared
with Kali bichromicum. This remedy has sense of
duty, importance of appearance, indifference;
everything has to be perfectly delimited. Three
cases of which two are of cats are given. (L’
Homéopathie Européenne 2005; 4 in
HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005)
XXVII. Bombyx processionae Pierre
LENTHÉRIC. Urticaria, followed by general
swelling; sensation as if a foreign body were under
the skin; dreams that his arm is cauterized and
arrows being thrust into the muscles; great desire to
scrape the skin. Eight clinical cases. (Cahiers du
Groupement Hahnemannien 2005; 3 in
HOMEOPATHY, 94, 4/2005)
XXVIII. Obituary: Dennis SOMPER (6 April
1922 28 May 2005) (HOMEOPATHY 94,
4/2005) It is ironic, those from whom we learn the
most may not be outstanding academically, but
deliver something more Vital to the human spirit.
Dennis was one such person. His strength was as a
truly caring physician, who endeared himself to all.
Open and honest with his patients and knowing
vulnerability to be a strength than a weakness, he
gained huge love and respect of patients and peers.
He converted to Homeopathy after attending
Margery BLACKIE’s course.
Friendship with Donald FOUBISTER led to
remarkable knowledge of Bowel Nosodes which he
employed to great effect and published an article in
BHJ., 1988.
His patience to listen to his patients without
interrupting their flow and the gift of eliciting
unsolicited information made him a renowned
XXIX. Obituary: Eric Karl LEDERMANN (16
May 1908 7 May 2005) Brian KAPLAN
(HOMEOPATHY 94, 4/2005) For seven decades
Dr. LEDERMANN gave his life and considerable
intellectual prowess to create a new kind of doctor
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
an holistic physician for both physical and
psychological problems. In 1933, he requalified in
Medicine at Edinburgh. He spent a year at the
College of Natural Therapy in Edinburgh and then
moved to study and work at the Glasgow
Homeopathic Hospital. Throughout his long
career, he was most insistent that homeopathic
doctors keep up to date with progress in
conventional Medicine to enable them to choose the
best for their patients.
Psychotherapy, Ethics and Philosophy of
Medicine were to become the passion of his life and
the spawning of many books. According to him,
many psychological problems were really issues of
morality and ethics. He continued to see few
patients at his home until the very end. As far as
continuing professional development is concerned,
he was a perpetual student and in his early 90s was
awarded an honorary degree in Chinese Medicine.
XXX. Ein Denkmal für Clemens Maria Franz
von BÖNNINGHAUSEN (1785-1864) (A
Monument for Clemens Maria Franz
(ZKH. 49, 4/2005): It is not so long since that there
is an awareness of Clemens Maria von
BÖNNINGHAUSEN as the most significant
student of HAHNEMANN in German in the
German environment. Since 70s KENT was
considered the most important person in classical
Homeopathy was reclaimed in the German-
speaking world by P. SCHMIDT, H. BARTHEL
and J. KÜNZLI, who knew then
BeNNINGHAUSEN-method, who knew his
Therapeutic Pocket Book.
This author himself a resident of Münster and
practicing Homeopathy since the 80s, came to
know of the significance of BeNNINGHAUSEN
and his contribution to Homeopathy through an
Indian colleague (Dilip Dikshit from Bombay
ICCR); the response to the Therapeutic Pocket
Book and the completely different method of
Repertorisation worldwide was also clear.
In 1993, when Jayesh SHAH (Bombay) came
for his first Seminar on SANKARAN’s method in
Münster it was surprising to hear from him that he
had the great honour to teach in Münster the town
to which BeNNINGHAUSEN belonged. The
awareness and great regard in which they hold
BeNNINGHAUSEN was very impressive.
During a visit to Damp where
BeNNINGHAUSEN’s grave was, Jayesh SHAH
said that he could not understand why there was not
even the smallest memorial for this famous person.
He also wished that this author (Andreas
HOLLING) must set right this state of affair.
The idea began in 1999 during the Annual
Meeting of the Central Union in Münster. The
Memorial was unveiled on Sunday, the 2 Oct. 2004.
BeNNINGHAUSEN’s famous hexameter Quis,
Quid, Ubi, Quibus auxilis, Cur, Quomodo,
Quando” was well represented by the construction
of the memorial. In the evening of the same day a
Podium Discussion “The Unity of Homeopathy”
was held.
XXXI. Readers may recall (QHD 22,4/2005,
section IX News &Notes, p.190) the use of White
Phosphorus in USA in the Iraq War and the
horrendous result. It is now reported. (The Hindu,
Chennai, Oct. 24, 2006): “Phosphorus Weapons
used in Lebanon, admits Israel”. “The Israeli
Government has admitted that it used controversial
Phosphorus Weapons in its attacks during its
month-long War in Lebanon earlier this year….
The chemical causes horrific burning when it
comes into contact with human flesh. “White
Phosphorus weapons have not yet been “classified”
as chemical weapon to be banned”. Why is it not
classified so? “Israel has been using experimental
weapons in Gaza Throughout the War, Israel
was accused of using controversial weapons,
including White Phosphorus and cluster munitions
against civilian targets. Unexploded cluster bombs
in Lebanon regularly used have maimed civilians
since the end of the War…” [How sadistic can one
be, particularly a group of sadists who run
Governments! And is it not the much-touted as
“holy” and accredited as “knowledge” Science and
the Scientists aiding and abeting the manufacture
and use of these horrendous weapons? = KSS]
XXXII. Die Restaurirung des Hahnemann-
Hauses in Köthen (The restoration of the
HAHNEMANN House in Coethen). Report by
Karl-Heinz GEBHARDT (AHZ. 250, 4/2005):
HAHNEMANN is the central figure and his
Science Homeopathy, for the homeopaths all over
the world. Until now his instructions and scientific
knowledge help at the bedside of the patient
actually. The homeopaths have therefore long
been wishing justly, for a place, which can be
identified with the Master. His birth house does not
exist anymore. The house he lived in Jorgan has
been rebuilt and altered often and involved a very
long and expensive proposal. The house in Ku Rue
de Milan, Paris where he lived last has disappeared.
His longest sojourn was in Koethen. His Chronic
Diseases was written here, published new edition of
Organon and had a large number of patients, both
within and internationally. His Doctor-jubilee was
held here in 1829 and the German Central
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Association was founded then, and in 1832 this
journal Allgemeine homöopathische Zeitung.
Fortunately his native house is available.
There has been, over the years, several changes of
ownership, additions, etc. and such misuse by the
DDR. During the Iron Curtain period nothing
could be done and with the fall of the Soviet Union
this situation changed for the better. The discussion
for acquiring the house began in 1991.
With the overcoming of several problems the
house was purchased and restoration proceeded.
Upto this Є. 906078 has been spent.
HAHNEMANN’s furniture from Paris was brought
and placed here for all to see. [A ‘Pilgrimage’ spot
for every homeopath = KSS]
XXXIII. Meaning by Curt KÖSTERS (AHZ. 250,
5/2005): Man is an animal searching for Meaning.
A clutter of stars is shown, scattered in the
Universe we search to perceive its model and
meaning. We are shown some color spots, which
have come up by chance, and we figure in that. It
is not down right acceptable if a form with meaning
is not established.
In my opinion the genius of HAHNEMANN
comes out exactly in his refusal of this desire for
Meaning that he let the symptoms series in a
Medicine remain so as symptom series and that the
search for a deeper meaning were empty
But self-evident it is as with the symptoms as
with the color spots, if we have looked at them long
enough, we perceive a meaning. And when our
colleagues recognize this meaning as plausible we
take it as corroboration.
I think we do not require Meaning any more,
but rather more questions.
XXXIV. Could Evidence-based Medicine be a
Danger for the Progress by J. Wu. Lancet 2005:
366: 122 (AHZ. 250, 5/2005): “If everything has to
be double-blinded, randomized, and evidence-
based, where does that leave new ideas?” was the
title of a letter to the Editor regarding its 9 July
2005 issue. This letter said: “In this 100
year of Albert EINSTEIN I have to reflect about his
paper on theoretical Physics which was exclusively
inductive based and how it changed our world
view. His way of thinking was sharply in contrast
to evidence-based Medicine, which was almost a
dogma in certain medical circles. If everything
must be double-blinded, randomized and evidence-
based where does that leave new Ideas? Should the
evidence-based Medicine become the dominating
thought, I am afraid that it would harm the progress
of Medicine.” [Unfortunately that exactly is what
the hegemony Medicine do. Whatever does not fit
in into their experiments and evidence-requirements
is ‘false’ and they have to be ‘killed’. Note the
screaming headlines in these journals and daily
tabloids deathblow to Homeopathy!” Who in
his/her considered opinion, would call such
vituperative shouts as ‘scientific’ or ‘rational’.
They only point as ‘evidence’ of Rabidity. = KSS]
XXXV. Eichornia crassipes, J. MILLEMANN:
Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2004 (18): 151-154:
In MEZGER we will find therapeutic hints of H.
SCHOELER on the application of Eichornia
crassipes Water Hyacinth. Disease states with
involvement of pancreas like Stearrhoea,
Emaciation, complaints of upper abdomen find
their therapeutic hints. MILLEMANN reports
about a cat and two dogs with stool problems which
were due to Pancreas insufficiency and was cured
with Eichornia in low potencies (D6 and C5).
Brief indications: Chronic, exocrine Pancreas
insufficiency or adjustment of fodder. (AHZ. 250,
XXXVI. Acute Treatment of Light to Severe
Depression with Hypericum by SZEGEDI A.;
Med. Jl. 2005: 330. 503-506: In a randomized,
multicentral doubleblind study with 251 patients it
was seen that light to severe Depressions could be
treated with a Hypericum extract which is at least as
effective as treatment with Paroxetin, and with little
side complaints. (AHZ. 250, 5/2005)
Industry. The Lancet on the Lancet’s
International Advisory Board, Lancet 2005; 366:
868. Lancet criticizes its owner as host to an
International Weapons Display, DYER O.: Br.
Med. Jl. 2005; 331: 591 (in AHZ. 250, 6/2005):
In recent years The Lancet has repeatedly
pointed to the murderous character of the modern
Weapon systems in different conflicts from
Kosovo to the altercation in West-Darfur. It was so
unexpected for the Editorial Board to be confronted
by a reader about the activities of its owner, whose
high ethical claims of the well-known international
journal ran to the contrary. In September 2005 in
the Spearhead Exhibition a part was of REED
ELSEVIER not for the first time the host for the
World’s largest Military show, the Defence
Systems and Equipment International! Earlier in
2003, Reed ELSEVIER allowed the display of the
far-reaching splitter Bombs which had been
banned. The Editorial of the Lancet sought
clarification of the owners of the largest and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
prestigious medical journal; it said that one
expected differently. REED ELSEVIER replied in
a letter which is not convincing. (Readers may
refer to the BMJ. 331/2005).
XXXVIII. Lac caprinum or the end of the Billy
Goats, HEIN A.; www.mickler.de (AHZ. 250,
6/2005): This article speaks of the difficulties of
finding an epidemic remedy for a group of Billy
goats which suffered for inexplainable reasons from
a variant of Morbus Boeck. A new aspect of the
Materia Medica of Lac caprinum is arrived thereby.
XXXIX. Laughter is forbidden: The renowned
Lancet shows itself always as an advocate of
Homeopathy. For what the patients already knew
it now finds a “scientific” valuation: Homeopathy
does no harm! Patients who have not reaped the
benefits of nil nocere therapy may look up
sometimes. The “Scientific” “well-established
therapy” costs of steroid drug doses for brain injury
in the year 80s more than 10,000 lives as it is seen
in Lancet itself. From these studies to lead to the
inferiority or even the end of Homeopathy, or to
feel assailed right misguided. That the
homeopaths feel defamed through the Lancet
publication is, if need be, from lack of knowledge
of the literature, deep seated complex against the so
called Allopathic Medicine or aversion to explain
the Horace-Hahnemannian imperative aude sapere.
(AHZ. 250, 6/2005)
XL. Report (AHZ. 250, 5/2005): Zahnärztetag
beim homöopathischen Weltärztekongresses, Berlin
2005 (Dentists next in the Homeopathic World
Congress, Berlin, 2005)
During the Liga-Congress in Berlin from 4 to 7
May, a whole day (Thursday) the Theme of
Dentistry was held as Satellite symposium.
Glorie Andre FEIGHELSTEIN from Brazil
referred to the Constitutions in prophylactic
treatment. She pointed to the typical symptoms of
Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica,
Calcarea fluorica and Sulphur, with regard to teeth
formation and the mouth symptoms. She also said
that in Brazil there is fluoridation as prophylaxis,
while on the other side caries prophylaxis is
obtained rapidly with potentised Calcium salts.
In another lecture anxiety medicines in dental
work were discussed: Gelsemium, Arsenicum
album, Aconite, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Chamomilla
and Argentum nitricum, also Magnesium
Another Brazilian participant Maria Jose
Carvas PEDRO pointed to a clinical study of
“Eagle Syndrome” the distinct calcification of the
Process Stylo-hyoideus and the insertion of tendon
resulting in a very painful cranio-mandibular
dysfunction (CMD), sometimes with massive
limitation of movement and swallowing difficulties.
The connection with fluoridation was discussed.
The conventional treatment of splint therapy or
surgical intervention involved much risk. The
study of homeopathic treatment with Hecla lava
was pointed out. Two cases in which calcification
was dissolved and subjective wellbeing and
functional improvement was achieved were
In the afternoon Klaus HÖR (Germany)
presented the homeopathic medicines that are
relevant to Trigeminal neuralgia; and dentogenic
symptoms have great regard in this. Trigeminal
neuralgias are much within the Magnesium salts,
especially Magnesium phosphoricum and
Magnesium carbonicum (main remedy, left sided).
Further mineral remedies like Mercurius, Hecla
lava and Kreosotum are clearly aggressive and
penetrate adjacent tissues.
Plant remedies are rather dependent from
external influences, for example weather changes
(Dulcamara), cold air (Aconitum, Mezereum) or
touch and concussions (Spigelia, Bryonia).
Verbascum and Cedron have clear periodicity (one
can “set the clock with it”). For the third branch
region Verbascum is characteristic and as against it
Cedron for neuralgia pains from temple to temple.
Further differentiating probabilities are the one
sided facial pains.
Hecla lava came in for much discussion.
Nicole RAFAI reported about a double-blind
study in Government Army Hospital in Hamburg
on the action of Arnica and Hypericum (in C30)
after Wisdom tooth operations.
Roland SCHULE spoke on successful
treatment of Pulpitis for avoidance of Endodontish
intrusion. Pulsating toothache caused and
aggravated through bodily movement and bowing
of head makes up the acute picture of Belladonna.
Characteristics are the rapid alternation of pain free
intervals and severe attacks of pain. The state of
Hyperaemia is influenced by Phosphorus. This
medicine regulates a severe arterial bleeding in
Pulpa- or Gingiva tissues. A chemical irritation of
Pulpa as may be possible in the adhesive
composite-reconstruction will respond to Apis.
The “paradoxical symptoms” (Cold agg. while
warmth amel. or the opposites) would help
diagnosis. Better by cold are Belladonna, Bryonia,
Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Clematis and in extreme
Ferrum. Bryonia and Pulsatilla may be
differentiated by their “movement”. Better by
warm and hot application are Arsenicum,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Magnesium-ph., Nux vomica, Nux moschata,
Rhododendron and Rhus toxicodendron. Mercurius
is least affected by temperature change.
Roland SCHULE spoke about root-canal
process with regard to Gangrene and dry Necrosis:
think Pyrogenium (suppurating Pulpa), Lachesis
with Echinacea. Pyrogenium has been of great
value in acute suppuration. Hepar sulphuris,
Silicea and Mercurius must be differentiated here.
In Mercurius three parameters must be examined:
nightly aggravation around midnight with increased
sweating without relief, increased salivation with
mouth odour and the gland enlargement of the
mandible. The dry Gangrene or the general
“Ptomaine poison” secretion like Indol and Skatol
are dissolved by Arsenicum album. According to
the observation of the author these toxic discharges
and the treatment of dental fistula with Arsenicum
is better than Silicea as recommended in the
XLI. We will continue with the ‘Abstracts’ of the
papers presented in the LIGA Congress, in Berlin in
2005 (AHZ. 250, 2/2005):
1. The Clinical Course of Patients with
Inflammation of the Optic Nerve and Paralysis
of the Eye Muscles Under Exclusive
homeopathic Secondary Treatment by
BUCHINGER T.; Homöopathiezentrum Steyr,
Two cases demonstrate the possibilities and
limits in the homeopathic treatment of severe
disorder of the Optic nerve. The effects of therapy
were documented by Perimetry (Visual field
analysis); Bilateral Neuritis Nervi Optici in a 17-
year-old patient with description of a great, but
rarely used remedy as its main feature. Extensive
Scotoma with Hemiplegia after intrathecal
application of anaesthetics in a 36-year-old patient
Sciatica. Finally a short statement on paralysis of
eye muscles.
2. Case Reports on Cured Patients with Severe
Psychiatric Diseases by CAMPORA C.N.:
Fundacism Médica Homeopática Vitalis, Buenos
Aires, Argentina: Reporting clinical cases is
considered the lowest step in the pyramid of
evidence-based medicine; however, research based
on high-quality case reports is one of the most
useful tools to understand and improve the
outcomes of homeopathic prescriptions. A series
of cured severe psychiatric cases is presented:
Schizophrenia, Mental retardation, Dementia,
Tourette Syndrome, Trichotillomania, Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder, etc. Although all the patients
had previously been treated with conventional
medicine and various psychological approaches,
and some of them had homeopathic treatment, they
were in a severe condition and had shown no
significant sign of improvement. All these cases
have been incorporated in the Vitalis Clinical Case
Bank, which requires a rigorous standard of
presentation, documentation and assessment of
outcomes. A brief description is given of the main
homeopathic issues of each case (Verbatim
expressions, Repertory translation, repertorization,
case analysis and approach strategies prescribed
treatment, follow-up) and one detailed case history
is reported. The strategies of prescription, the
difficulties posed by these patients and the
appropriate handling of such patients is highlighted
to obtain better results in daily practise.
3. Homeopathic Care of Dying Patients, Pla i
Mèdic HAHNEMANN, Barcelona, Spain; Ars
Medica, Bukarest, Romania: Treating patients
considered as “terminal cases” is of great value in
better understanding life and the possibilities of
Homeopathy. We connect with the depth of the
patient and higher relation with the family and the
world. This global approach is important.
The end of life is a unique certitude. There are
medical, cultural and spiritual concepts, some
showing birth as a mirror between intrauterine and
extrauterine life. The end of life is symmetrical to
conception and incarnation. Stanislav GROF
pointed out fundamental perinatal matrices which
can be converted to the process of death. The
Enneagram and § 9 of the Organon give further
We collected patient files from different
homeopaths in a multicentre study. There are four
areas of attending the patient at the end of life:
- Medical care,
- Hygienic care,
- Psychological support,
- Spiritual assistance.
A difficulty has been the lack of detailed
written information. But the emotional intensity
experienced during this case, the “record of the
remedy prescribed, answers of the patient etc.
remain in our mind. We remember many more
details, conversations, sensations and emotions than
we normally do.
It is always most important to accompany and
teach the family how to deal with fear, sadness and
other emotions, how to give company to the dying.
4. Homeopathic Research in India CHAND
D.H. New Delhi, India: The Central Council for
Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) was
established by the Government of India as an
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
autonomous organization in 1978. To my
knowledge no similar organization exists at
Government level in any other country.
The main objectives of the CCRH were to
initiate, aid, develop and co-ordinate scientific
research in different aspects of Homeopathy
fundamental and applied. To achieve these
objectives CCRH set up 51 subordinate units in
different parts of the country. Its activities include
Remedy Proving, clinical verifications of Provings,
Clinical Research (different diseases), Remedy
Standardization, Survey, Collection and cultivation
of Medicinal plants, Literary Research (including
documentation and publications.)
Research other than by the CCRH: some
research of note has been in showing the effects of
homeopathic potencies on viruses and fungi in the
laboratory, on plant growth (experiments with
micro-nutrients in homeopathic potencies on
Elaborate animal experiments have been
carried out by Professors of Zoology in
Homeopathy at two Universities and a unit of the
CCRH. The CCRH Unit showed the possibility of
pancreatic beta cells regeneration. The experiments
by scientists are mainly aimed at Proving the
effects of homeopathic remedies in experimental
models both in vitro and in vivo. Several
experiments have been conducted to demonstrate
the action homeopathic potencies 30 and above at
genetic level. Also to protect against certain
environmental pollutants. Work on anti-fertility
activity of homeopathic high potencies.
There has been success in some epidemic for
prevention and treatment especially Japanese
Encephalitis (JE) and Meningitis. As a result the
JE programme has been adopted at Government
level for prophylaxis.
Work has been done in challenging fields such
as HIV/AIDS and TB, especially MDRTB. Also
detoxification work with drug abusers.
Fundamental research has so far not received
due attention by the CCRH. More activity is being
considered now to support results with full
scientific evidence. Some attempts will be made to
explain the action of small doses. Publications:
Homeopathy a light isotopic treatment; A
working hypothesis to explain the mechanism of
action of potentised remedies in vitro.
5. Iconography of HAHNEMANN, CHAND
D.H.: A photographer’s journey, I consider it a
pilgrimage from HAHNEMANN’s birthplace in
Meissen through Leipzig, Köthen, Paris, smaller
places like Gommern, nigslutter to his last
resting place in the famous Cemetary in Paris; the
houses he lived in, streets bearing his name,
monuments and statues, paintings and pictures from
all over the World, homage paid by nations by way
of stamps.
His personal belongings and articles in
personal use. These include his visiting card, his
elegant seal, chairs used in Germany and in Paris,
his table, Stethoscopes, Tobacco pipes, Caps,
Plaster cast of hand, original bottles of medicines
used and Medicines chest and a lock of his hair.
Original Cinchona bark used in experiment in 1790,
Mercuris dulcis he prepared. Original copy of
Organon and hand-corrected 6
edition. Copy of
Hufeland’s Journal published in 1796 with a page
of HAHNEMANN’s article on New Principle,
Register of patient’s history, attempt at compiling a
Repertory, some of his letters.
A brief review of the annual celebrations in
India on 10
April, as a homage and re-dedication
at scores of functions throughout the country. Also
numerous charitable treatment centers. Garlanding
and floral tributes at HAHNEMANN’s monuments
and statues, a typical Indian custom, as for saints
and seers. Such functions inaugurated and
participated in by high dignitaries of the
Government, the Public and Senior Officers of the
German Embassy.
6. KENT’s unpublished Materia Medica
CURRIM A.N., Norwalle, CT, USA: At the LIGA
Congress in Washington in March 1997, I
presented a paper entitled History of KENT’s
Repertory and KENT’s own corrections”.
Finding KENT’s corrections in the 2
(1908) of his Repertory involved an adventure in
India (1980) and tracking down Dr. K.C. MITTAL
in various cities and villages in India and obtaining
his copy of the 6
edition of KENT’s Repertory in
which the actual corrections that had made in his
personal 2
edition were copied with 100%
At this time Dr. MITTAL also gave me notes
on Materia Medica lectures that KENT gave from
1895-1897 as copied and collected by his students
Mary F. TAFT and Betty and Louis PRESLOTT-
DOLBEASE. Around 1992, I found other notes of
Lectures on Materia Medica that KENT gave in
1893 and 1894. These notes originally belonged to
Alice BASSET and were passed on to Elizabeth
WRIGHT-HUBBARD. Later, one half of the
lectures (Aesculus to Mag-carb) that KENT gave in
1902 at Dunham Medical College were found.
These notes showed a progression and
evolution of KENT’s thoughts and understanding
of Materia Medica. They also presented interesting
clinical pictures not easily gathered or recognized
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
or known from existing works in Materia Medica or
The results show different pictures of each
remedy as KENT saw them in 1893, 1894, 1895,
1897 and 1902. Many clinical snapshots and
pictures are seen which are not easily collected
from elsewhere. Many of these symptoms should
be introduced into the Repertory.
From these notes one concludes the dynamic
evolution of the Materia Medica through the years
as seen through KENT’s eyes. This evolution is
similar to HAHNEMANN’s evolution in the
understanding of Homeopathy through the years.
7. Substance and Form: from Reality to
Potentiality, DÜRR H.P. Max-Planck Institut für
Physic, München, Germany: The findings of
Physics at the beginning of the last Century have
caused a revolutionary change in our commonly
accepted view of the World. Because of their
seemingly paradoxical features the philosophical
consequences of the new insights, however, were
never really adopted by the scientific community
despite the quite apparent and far-reaching
technical innovations they enabled. The new so-
called “Quantum” Physics revealed that the world
at its foundation is no longer the familiar, tangible
(thing-like) reality but rather a holistic immaterial
“gestalt” of pure “inter connectedness”, inseparable
“potentiality”. Its evolution in time does not follow
from strictly determined laws but is only guided by
certain inherent tendencies exhibited in terms of
definite probabilities for possible material-energetic
realizations. Generally these realizations recover
the appearance of the familiar classical world as an
objective reality with rigorous dynamic Laws. In
contrast to the old world view, where matter,
consisting of discreet, constant building blocks,
ranks first, and its various forms result secondarily
from different law-determined arrangement of these
building blocks, the situation in the modern view is
turned around: Relationship or “gestalt” or
“information” is now more fundamental and
substance or matter/energy appears subsequently as
an as-if phenomenon on the macroscopic level.
The new Worldview sets limits to knowledge
and the related Science on principle. It proves to be
very powerful because it establishes bridges
between all disciplines and hitherto conflicting
paradigms and descriptions. In particular in this
more open framework the non-living and living
phenomena (including the human species) no
longer appear as basically different, but as two
different structures of the same immaterial essence,
relating respectively to static stable and static
instable (highly sensitive), but dynamically
stabilized (homeostatic) configurations. In such a
“basically alive” World Biology and Medicine,
therefore, have to accept that logistically the
immaterial, information type (“spiritual”) software
in the background becomes more important than the
(physical) hardware being guided by it.
The well-known difficulty of Complementary
Medicine - and in particular Homeopathy with its
impressive healing record to explain its
experience in the language of the old science, based
on substances and a mechanistic, dynamic, may
thus be resolved within the more open and flexible
framework of modern “science” in which
knowledge has a more open meaning (due to basic
indeterminism) offering many more discussions for
healing to the devoted healer. The observation of a
highly diversified filigree crystalline structure of
(liquid) water, as demonstrated by recent studies,
may represent a material/energetic point-out of the
hidden information coded in the basic immaterial
8. HAHNEMANN and Chronic Diseases,
FRANÇOIS-FLORES F.D., Homeopatia de
México A.C., México D.F., México: This short
historical essay shows how the founder of
Homeopathy, Samuel HAHNEMANN, foresees
the lack of a milestone in the homeopathic way of
healing: the concept of Miasms.
The study of Miasms has been very
complicated and has given rise to a lot of discussion
throughout the years. Infact, the main group who
studies homeopathic science still cannot agree on
this matter. The study of how they were discovered
and what made the wise man of Meissen dedicate
the efforts of the last years of his life to the
knowledge of these Miasms has a basic importance
for anyone who practices classical Homeopathy.
On the basis of his qualities as the clinical and
deep observer he was, his intuition brought him to a
knwledge of the mechanics of the suppression and
the propagation of Chronic Diseases.
Other clinical men of his times had already
observed these mechanics, but their observations
were quite different.
HAHNEMANN published a treatise, 4 books
of Materia Medica and 4 of the first Repertory
dedicated to the subject of Miasms.
The letters and articles of the venerable author,
from 1789 until 1837, shows us the evolution of his
thought, as well as the results of his most discussed
book: The Chronic Diseases.
9. Thrombotic-thrombocytopaenic Purpura: A
Case Report from an Intensive Care Unit
FRASS M., Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Homeopathy, Deptt. of Internal Medicine I,
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria: The patient
(33 years, Female) was admitted to intensive care in
her 22
week of pregnancy because of a HELLP
Syndrome (Haemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes,
Low Platelet Count). A C-section was performed
resulting in a stillbirth. Subsequently a
Thrombotic-thrombocytopaenic Purpura (TTP)
developed, which necessitated daily Plasma
separations. Owing to a hypertensive pleural
oedema the patient had to be intubated and required
artificial respiration.
After 4 weeks she could breathe independently
for a few days but had to be intubated again. The
thrombopaenia did not improve, so Splenectomy
became necessary. Subsequently she got a fever
due to an infection with Candida albicans and
Aspergillas. She recovered under antimycotic
therapy but again the number of thrombocytes
decreased. Then her relatives started her on an
additional homeopathic therapy giving Lachesis
(200 twice a day). Thrombocytes increased from
24G/1 to over 400 G/1. The therapy was continued
with Phosphorus C200; thrombocytes went up to
800 G/1. Because of her depressive mood Natrum
muriaticum C12 was added for 12 days. 5 weeks
after beginning the homeopathic therapy the
patient could leave hospital, getting Crataegus C12
for some more days until her total recovery.
10. Homeopathy in Hyperactive Children:
Experiences in a Double-blind Placebo-
controlled Cross-over Trial with Individualized
Prescription: FREI H., Loupen, Switzerland:
Double-blind trials, the ‘gold standard’ in
conventional clinical research, are a difficult matter
in Homeopathy due to the need for an
individualized prescription. Furthermore the initial
aggravation may mask verum-effects if the
observation time is too short.
In this trial we used the observation that in the
beginning of homeopathic treatment of hyperactive
children with liquid Q-potencies (dilution steps
1:50,000) the amelioration obtained deteriorates at
least partially within four to six weeks after
treatment interruption.
Patients were diagnosed for ADHD according
to international standards (DSM-IV criteria) at the
Paediatric department of the University Hospitals
of Bern. They were then referred to the author for
individualized treatment with Q-potencies until an
amelioration of atleast 50% in the Conners Global
Index rating of the parents was obtained. After
written informed consent the children were
assigned at random and double-blind to treatment
arm A, receiving placebo for six weeks and then
Verum for another six weeks, or treatment arm B
with reversed sequence. The medicines or
placebos, were sent to parents by the manufacturer.
Conners Global Index rating of the parents and
independent neuropsychological testing was
performed at the Paediatric Department prior to the
Proving phase, after crossover period one and two
and after the final recovery phase of six weeks.
Patient recruitment exclusion of children by the
strict diagnostic criteria, inadequate results of
Homeopathy during the definite time of treatment,
questions of compliance, lowering dropouts during
the Proving phase, and difficulties due to the
Crossover design were some of the challenges
which had to be overcome.
11. Depression, Pharmacological Treatment and
Homeopathy, HOCK N., München, Germany:
Only 50-60% of patients with severe Depression
respond to appropriate antidepressant medication
after 2 months of treatment. Also double/triple
therapy and the addition of a modern stabilizer
often give no relief. Can these patients be treated
successfully with Homeopathy while still under
psychopharmacological treatment?
Two cases are presented: a 42-year-old woman
with severe Depression for two years (3
came for treatment in 10/2000. Several anti-
depressants, neuroleptics, mood stabilizer and 2
months of hospital treatment without amelioration.
Four Psychopharmacons were taken at this time.
Two homeopathic remedies were given without
success. Aurum muriaticum cured this patient in 5
weeks. Since 1/2001 no psychopharmacological
treatment needed, and no relapse.
A 50-year-old man came in 11/2000 with
major Depression (4
phase) for homeopathic
treatment. 2½ years of psychopharmacological
treatment, 18 months of hospitalization in 1998 and
2 months in 2000 without sustained relief. 3
psycho-pharmacons were taken at this time.
Alumina cured him in 5 weeks; to date no relapse
and no Psychopharmacological medication since
Both remedies were chosen according to the
presented signs and symptoms and worked safely
and fast. The allopathic treatment did not
complicate the finding of the homeopathic
remedies nor did it disturb or even hinder their
action. It was not necessary to stop the
psychopharmacological treatment at once as doing
so would have been a risk to the patient. After 15
years of practice in the homeopathic treatment of
thousands of psychiatric patients I can state that
there is often no severe suppression of the action of
homeopathic remedies by psychopharmacological
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
drugs. Unsuccessful treatment cannot always mean
suppression. There are nearly always enough
symptoms to find the right remedy. It is not
necessary or useful to stop allopathic drugs at the
beginning of the cure; this can even be dangerous.
My feeling is that it is better to heal simultaneously
and slowly reduce the psychopharmacological
medication when we have an amelioration of the
clinical state of the patient and/or clear indications
for the action of the chosen homeopathic remedy.
12. Homeopathy in Cardiac Arrhythmia,
National Medical Universtiy, Vinnitsa Clinical
Town Hospital, Vinnitsa, Ukraine: The
management of Arrhythmias is known to be one of
the key problems of modern cardiology because
this pathology often results in sudden death.
However, according to numerous clinical trials, the
allopathic remedies at present used for Arrhythmias
control are reported to have many serious side
effects and contraindications.
This investigation aims to study the efficacy of
homeopathic treatment of atrial fibrillation, which
is one of the most severe forms of Cardiac rhythm
Methods: For several years we have studied
23 elderly patients suffering from atrial fibrillation.
The patients were treated only with homeopathic
drugs, which were chosen according to Similarity
Law. The patients took 1 to 3 remedies in high
potency periodically or constantly for 1 to 7 years.
Results: In 87.3% of the patients clinical
improvement was marked by the end of the third
week of the treatment. Two months after the
beginning of the Homeotherapy all the patients
reported a stable normalization of cardiac rhythm as
well as a stable improvement in their ability to
work a reduction of cardialgia frequency and
intensity and a significant decrease of the number
of concomitant pathology symptoms.
This work is illustrated with interesting results
of the homeopathic management of a patient
suffering from Atrial Fibrillation, Ischaemic Heart
Disease and Essential Hypertension.
Conclusion: We believe that Classical
Homeopathy is an effective way to control atrial
fibrillation even in elderly patients having severe
organic cardiovascular pathology. As this method
is free of any side effects, it seems to be an ideal
choice for therapeutical intervention in such cases.
13. The unknown HAHNEMANN New
Sources Supplementing his Biography. JUETTE,
R. Institute für Geschichte der Medizin, Robert
Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart, Germany:
HAHNEMANN lead a restless life, especially in
the two decades after his graduation from the
University of Erlangen. From the years 1779 to
1805 HAHNEMANN moved no fewer than twenty
times. Among the many places where he stayed for
a rather limited period were a few bigger citites
such as Dessau (1781-82), Dresden (1785-88/89)
and Hamburg (1800). In general, he preferred
smaller towns (e.g. Gommern, Georgenthal, or
Eilenburg, to name only a few), mainly because it
was cheaper to live there and also because he
thought it was easier to make a living as a town
physician in a smaller place. Only recently it
became known that in Gommern, where he stayed
from 1783 to 1785 HAHNEMANN was obliged to
write yet another dissertation in order to obtain the
licence allowing him to practice as a town
physician. This second thesis, still unpublished,
deals with obstetrical and forensic aspects of
cutting the umbilical cord. At that time
HAHNEMANN was already married to Johanna
Leopoldine Henrietta Küchler (1764-1830), the
daughter of an apothecary in Dessau, who gave
birth to eleven children, two of whom died as
infants. Unfortunatley, the dates of birth of his
children given by HAHNEMANN’s biographer
Richard HAEHL proved to be incorrect.
It was not for lack of patients HAHNEMANN
moved from the little Saxonian town of Machern,
where he stayed for a few months in 1801, to
Eilenburg, 24 km north east of Leipzig. In the
formative years of Homeopathy, HAHNEMANN
was still forced to find a place for his rapidly
growing family where the cost of living was not too
high. But there can be no doubt that
HAHNEMANN’s temperament was partly
responsible for his restless wanderings. More than
once he got into trouble with people, not only
quarrelling with colleagues, apothecaries, and
medical officers, but also litigating about lodgings
with landlords or former owners of houses in which
he lived with his large family. It was not until
1805, when he established himself, after a short
stay at Schildau (a small, Saxonian town, hitherto
not mentioned by his biographers), in Torgau on the
river Elbe, that HAHNEMANN’s restless years
were interrupted for a considerable span of time
(six years). From then on his life took a relatively
quieter turn.
Another unknown facet of his later life is
HAHNEMANN’s attempt to leave then and to
settle in Dessau. This happened in 1827 when it
seemed that he was more than satisfied with the
privileges he enjoyed as personal physician to the
Duke of Anhalt-Köthen.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
14. Taking the Case: Methodology and
Flexibility, KAPLAN B., Faculty of Homeopathy,
London, U.K.: HAHNEMANN left few guidelines
on how to take the homeopathic case. He pre-
dated FREUD in advocating very little interference
from the doctor. HAHNEMANN correctly stated
that if the patient were interrupted s/he may never
say what s/he were going to say in quite the same
way. Thus he recommended a very non-invasive
way of communicating with patients. A century
later, FREUD would advocate a similar way of
communicating in which the function of the few
words uttered by the doctor was to stimulate the
patient to reveal more about himself or herself.
This can be effective but can sometimes be very
frustrating and time-consuming.
Since HAHNEMANN, much has been written
about communicating with patients. Other
viewpoints have emerged since our founder’s death.
HAHNEMANN clearly wanted to avoid making his
way of taking the case into a dogma but gave some
honest guidelines on what he found useful at the
time. He wrote far more about remedies and case
analysis than he did about taking the case.
Thousands of homeopathic remedies have been
added to his Materia Medica Pura. Some of these
have even been proved. Different schools of
thought on analyzing the case and how to prescribe
have also emerged but very little has been written
about taking the case other than to parrot
HAHHNEMANN’s sage advice on the issue. It is
time that homeopaths pay attention to innovative
ideas that can be time effective and cost effective.
It seems reasonable to explore complementary
methods of communicating with our patients. I
would like to put forward some of the case-taking
strategies that have proved useful. Methods to be
considered will include reverie, creative images and
humorous provocation. My objective is simply to
stimulate a much-needed debate on this vital part of
the homeopathic process.
15. Practical everyday Science – Data Collection
in Routine Care. KOSTER D., Leider,
Netherlands: Data collection in our own practices
is very basic daily repetitious work. It is every day
a small effort, then waiting and, much later, getting
The Dutch Project began 6 years ago. There
- An ECH standard,
- A good computer program, a combination of a
practice administration program and a registration
tool: HARP,
- The understanding that we should work together,
- Support by the national society VHAN,
- A grant by VSM and a Pharmacy (Hahnemann
- Support by the DHV, sharing the main aspects of
their ISH-10 Project.
So all members (400) of the VHAN received a
free copy, and 20 members (now 25) started to
work with HARP. After six years, 60,000
consultations have been monitored.
What do we register?
- Name?: no names, the data are anonymous but
retraceable by the participating doctor.,
- Date of birth/age,
- Gender,
- Diagnosis in ICPC – Coding,
- Quality of life (Euroqol measure),
- The remedy, including dose, etc.
Result measured by the Glasgow Homeopathic
Hospital Outcome Scale (GHHOS).
The idea was and is that the more we ask, the
less doctors will participate or will be able to keep
Apart from or in addition to this bare
backbone, extra projects can be superimposed, as
we are doing now, with a likelihood ratio project
and, starting soon, an adverse reactions project.
In this Research:
You might call this an uncontrolled
multicentred prospective documentation approach
study. It is more proto-research, defining and
exploring areas for possible future research, getting
suggestions of the therapeutic effectiveness and
efficiency of our education program.
The information from the study is rudimentary
rather than in-depth, though it can help in finding
the more interesting cases within our own
These are as a result of the latest collection of
data, a lot of interesting things to be seen and this
will be shown at the Congress. These include:
- Age and gender patterns,
- Diagnoses as reason for encounter,
- Quality of life changes (in effect:
ameliorations) per diagnosis or per remedy,
- Result per remedy and per diagnosis: which
diagnoses can we treat well, which do we have
difficulties with? Which remedies do we prescribe
with success, which not?
- Remedies effective per diagnosis.
Apart from this we can try to validate our
parameters like GHHOS and Euroqol.
Future plans:
- More participants,
- Easy feedback and a simplified program, even
for cyber-novices,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
- To use the results for adjusting and
benchmarking our continuous programme,
- Projects like L/R project and adverse events
- Advertising our good results to profile
Homeopathy as a viable first-choice treatment,
- (Restricting patients with poor treatment
- Joining international projects.
Motto for Data Collection:
A little bit of everyday improves your work
and keeps the critics away.
16. Miasm and Quantum Logic – a Synthesis
from HAHNEMANN to KENT, Ortega and
Masi, KOSTER W., Frankfurt, Germany:
Homeopathy is holistic medicine. With the
separation into parts, classical logic had abandoned
the idea of primary wholeness. But one century
after HAHNEMANN, physicists discovered
connections, which defied the logic. From this
Quantum Logic, a holistic logic, was developed,
which holds that no parts can be completely
separated. Every separation into parts is nothing
but an approximation; an inherent structure always
To prove that this holistic logic is able to
explain and develop Homeopathy, a clarification of
known homeopathic structures is required.
HAHNEMANN describes such inherent
structures with the “dynamis” and with the Psora. I
presented the first step, the separation of the
“dynamis” into particular symptoms, at the
Congress of the LIGA in Cologne and New Delhi.
But also the Psora shows a structure of breaking, a
breaking open of the skin as Eczema. With
Quantum Logic the polarity of ORTEGA’s view of
Sycosis and Syphilis is obviously integrated as well
as MASI’s model of the original sin. Other
classical Miasms follow Quantum Logic:
- The Sycosis as a producer of a replaced
- The Syphilis as a renunciation of wholeness to
hide the loss.
The Carcinosinic and Tuberculinic Miasm are
Quantum logically at the social level, either
producing collectives of wholeness or destroying
them. In my opinion, Quantum logic will be the
backbone of an exact Homeopathy. Quantum
- Makes the theory of Psora logical.
- Completely matches this theory with that of the
- Joins symptoms exactly to a structured
quantum of the remedy.
- Shows the structure of a homeopathic remedy
even for symptoms unknown in the Repertory and
helps for the differential diagnosis.
- Enables the use of Homeopathy despite
simultaneously taking chemical medicine,
- Leads Homeopathy to become an exact
Therefore Quantum logic will essentially raise
the safety of Homeopathy. Recognizing the
Quantum logical structure of the Miasms is a basic
17. Homeopathic Treatment of Addiction,
KUSSE, F., Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Treatment of addiction needs an individual, holistic
approach and teamwork. In my seven years
experience, as a homeopathic doctor in a regular
clinic for addiction, Homeopathy has played an
important role, especially with clients who decided
to stop taking drugs or alcohol and were capable of
some self-reflection.
Three levels of action can be distinguished.
Homeopathy clears up the actual state, by
detoxification and by bringing more balance
physically and emotionally. It helps to cure the
underlying cause, in most cases an emotional
Trauma. ‘Constitutional remedies’ bring more rest,
deeper balance and can help overcome family
patterns, reducing the chance of the client returning
to old addictive behaviour.
The responses of clients, treating therapists and
the homeopathic physician to a questionnaire were
unanimous: 70% of the clients respond positively to
homeopathic treatment. They feel emotionally and
physically better and more capable of overcoming
their addiction. The long-term results are good, but
more study is needed to distinguish the effects of
Homeopathy from other therapies given (i.e. group
therapy, bodywork, creative therapy, family
constellation, relation therapy).
18. The First Edition of Organon in the Work of
Bergerae, France: The Organon of Rational
Medicine” represented a major homeopathic
publication of HAHNEMANN. It expressed in 271
paragraphs, his convictions about Medicine in
1810. This work already well prepared in
HAHNEMANN’s former publications, in
particular, The Medicine of Experience”, used an
inductive analysis of both the work of earlier
writers and of observations of HAHNEMANN
§1: “The medical practitioner’s highest aim is to
restore the sick to health, called to cure.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
§ 19 described the principle of similarity, § 234 the
use of only one single, simple drug at a time in
order to cure.
The conceptual bases of Homeopathy were
elucidated in §§ 1-37 of the Organon: the concepts
of healing; of health conservation; of disease; of
similarity; the nature of diseases; the definition and
curative nature of drugs. §§ 38-271 dealt with the
nature of the curative homeopathic process;
research of the individual signs of each disease;
noting of observations; trials of each drug in
healthy subjects; research of striking, singular,
characteristic symptoms of the disease; diseases
where the range of drugs is too small for the
discovery of a perfect homeopathic remedy;
treatment of internal and external partial diseases;
treatment of psychic diseases; specific laws of
rational medicine with regard to the art of using the
homeopathic remedy.
The foundations of the five later editions were
already laid in this first edition of the Organon.
There remained the trials in healthy subjects, still
ill-defined in 1810; these were developed from
1812 onwards.
The observations and the prescriptions in some
of the German and French series of
HAHNEMANN’s patients’ diaries showed an
almost complete continuity between the principles
presented in the Organon and their practical
19. The State of Mind as a Key to Everyday
Practice in Accordance with §§ 210-214
Organon, LANG G., Boll. Germany: The main
emphasis in classical Homeopathy has been laid on
peculiar symptoms 153), which is both obvious
and thoroughly useful. The physical symptoms
play a predominant role, whereas the state of mind
is often considered too difficult to conceive and is
moreover subjective.
HAHNEMANN clearly attributed in §§210-
214 Organon a greater importance to the mental
symptoms, particularly their change in the event of
illness. In a Proving too, the remedy shows its
distinctive characteristics by mind symptoms.
HAHNEMANN remarks that in cases of “so-
called corporeal diseases the condition of the
disposition and mind is always altered” 211
Org.) We use repertories, which give us mental
symptoms to some extent only in analysed form,
reducing the original wordings of the symptoms to
M.L. SEHGAL from India developed a method
to generalize the different expressions and attitudes
(versions) of the patients representing his state of
disposition and mind, thinking in an analogical
manner, which enables us to reduce the different
versions of different patients to a common
denominator, i.e., to the same symptom as listed in
the Repertory.
The Sehgal-Method will be demonstrated on
selected cases and proof of success shown in
everyday practice. It enables us to make
comprehesive use of §§ 210-214 reaching a broader
application of Homeopathy in everyday practice.
The Sehgal-Method should therefore play a leading
role when studying Homeopathy today.
20. Cost effectiveness and Efficacy of
Homeopathy in Primary Health Care Units of
the Government of Delhi a Study,
Directorate of ISM and Homeopathy, New Delhi;
Directorate of Health Services, Government of
Delhi, India: Homeopathy is one of the recognized
systems of Medicine in India and is widely
practiced. 180 colleges, 7,411 dispensaries and 307
hospitals. The Government of India is committed
to the development of Homeopathy along with the
other traditional systems of Medicine.
Delhi, the Capital of India, has a total
population of 13.7 million, about 35% belonging to
the poor strata residing in slums. The Government
of Dehi has adopted a cafetaria approach in primary
health care units and 66 homeopathic clinics have
been established within the allopathic health centers
to help patients to seek treatment from either
system. To assess the cost effectiveness and
efficacy of these homeopathic clinics two studies
have been undertaken.
Study 1: The data pertaining to homeopathic
clinics of one year (1999-2000, 24,943 patients)
with respect to patient turnover, morbidity profile
and expenditure incurred were compared to those of
the allopathic clinics (27,508 patients) functional at
the same centre. 1.25 million patients visited these
clinics and their morbidity profile included
respiratory diseases (26%), gastro-intestinal
diseases (20%), skin diseases (20%),
gynaecological diseases (9%), viral diseases and
injuries (4% each) and other miscellaneous diseases
(14%). The expenditure incurred per patient per
visit in allopathic clinic was Rs. 76.90 and Rs.
15.43 in Homeopathy clinics.
Study 2 (by Evaluation Cell, Planning
Department Government of Delhi): The staff
members and 840 patients of 57 homeopathic
clinics were interviewed using structured
proformas. Several aspects including economic,
cultural, social, administrative and patient
satisfaction etc. were studied. The outcome of the
survey revealed that the majority of patients
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
attending these clinics were fully satisfied and the
staffs of these clinics were very cordial, cooperative
and confident. There were instances of referrals of
patients from allopathic clinics to homeopathic
clinics and vice versa.
Conlcusion: Both studies have established
that Homeopathy is quite popular, very cost-
effective and can be used widely at primary health
care level for common diseases. Its adoption at
primary health care level can serve as a model for
promoting Homeopathy in developing countries.
21. HAHNEMANN and the Independence of
Argentina, MORTINA G., Academia de
Homeopatia de Tucumán, San Migerel de
Tucumán, Buenos Aires, Argentina:
HAHNEMANN unknowingly contributed to the
independence of Argentina by preserving the health
of the father of our country. General José de San
Martin, a visionary man with failing health who
adopted the newest and most revolutionary
humanistic ideas of his times, to attain health for
himself and freedom for the people of the nation he
envisioned. The beginnings of Homeopathy in
Argentina go as far back as the beginnings of the
nation itself.
The territory today called Argentina was since
1516 part of a Spanish colony in South America.
1810 was a special year in world history. The
first edition of HAHNEMANN’s Organon of
Rational Healing was published in Germany
while in May of that year started the Independence
Revolution to free Argentina from Spanish Rule.
The very same year (1810) General José de San
Martin, the Liberator of Argentina was released
from French Napoleonic prisons in Spain and
travelled to London in 1811 where he entered the
Lantaro Masonic Lodge which had advocated
American Independence. He got acquainted with
the innovative homeopathic principles exposed by
HAHNEMANN and cherished them.
His health was poor and it is historically
reported that he cured himself with homeopathic
22. The Cycle of Life: Homeopathy during
Birth and in Terminal Case, MOONEN, R.,
Maastricht, The Netherlands: Dr. MOONEN has
been working as a homeopathic family doctor for
20 years. She has the opportunity to help women
who give birth, and she also helps people when
they are in their terminal stage of life and dying.
In this lecture she presented some cases with
patients who needed the same remedy in a life-
threatening situation and in giving birth.
She also presented case of a woman who was
alive but felt herself ‘dead’. The patient stopped
living after she came out of a concentration camp
and she started living again after a remedy that
helped her enormously, 60 years later.
All remedies are lilliales, and this is certainly
no coincidence. Dr. MOONEN noticed that
Lilliales are needed in situations where people feel
pushed out of their normal circumstances, and
where some strong process is going on which they
feel unable to stop, where they are ‘forced out’,
exactly like birth and dying.
Long follow-up cases of Veratrum album and
Ornithogalum umbellatum are presented.
23. Understanding the Psychology of the
Patient: Reading Body Language,
Belgium: In their search to find the right remedy,
homeopaths ask their patients many questions
about the emotions and the mind. We notice
everyday that you can understand a lot about the
Psychology of the patient by observing the body,
the gestures and the energy that is coming from him
or her.
These symptoms are more reliable than just
conversation alone, because the body doesn’t lie.
The movements of the body are an expression of
the Vital Force.
During the interview we also look at our own
emotions, our own body sensations, our attitude and
at the energetic sensations we feel.
Becoming more aware of the body of the
patient and his energy enables us to be in deeper
contact with his complaints and his energetic
By being very consciously present in our own
body we also become more aware of our own
essence and mission.
The information we get from our own body is
checked with the information we get from the
patient and with the Materia Medica.
Using this method gives us a deeper insight
into people. It also gives more satisfaction in
treating people because we can go much deeper
than a purely mental analysis. This method
requires a major engagement but that is as it should
be. Helping other people at a deep level also helps
in curing oneself.
The lecture is illustrated with clinical cases.
24. Vaccines and Chronic Diseases,
MOSKOWITZ, R. American Institute of
Homeopathy, Watertown, MA. U.S.A.: All
attention has hitherto focused on specific vaccines:
DPT Encephalopathy, MMR and Autism, etc.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
My experience suggests that these cases are the
tip of huge Iceberg.
What I see in my Practice is mainly the non-
specific effect of the vaccination process, for which
any vaccine will suffice. These effects are harder to
see or credit, because 1) they involve simple
exacerbation of whatever chronic tendencies are
already there, 2) they encompass the whole range of
chronic ailments that any child may exhibit Ear
infections, Eczema, Asthma, ADHD, Behavioural
problems, etc., 3) they are treatable with the same
range of remedies, homeopathic or otherwise,
whether the children are vaccinated or not, and 4)
the reaction is peculiar to the child and will thus be
the same, no matter which vaccine is administered.
A representative sample of some cases are
presented. From them it is surmised 1) that the
morbidity of vaccine-related illness is far
commoner, more severe, and more significant
economically than is generally suspected, 2) that
the absolute number of vaccination events
undergone by each child is an important
determinant of risk, and 3) that the usual cost-
benefit analyses are wholly misleading because the
added costs of caring for these major ailments are
omitted from the equation.
25. E-learning: an Innovation in Homeopathic
MACH A.; Clinic Preleben, Special Center for
Biological Cancer Treatment, Special Pain Therapy
and Homeopathy, Greiz, Germany. PC-based
partial education with multimedia learning systems
represents an alternative to introductory courses
and is particularly interesting and effective for
computer users. The programme concentrates on
the theory of Homeopathy without losing sight of
the practical aspects. It is more than just a simple
slideshow like a power point presentation.
E-learning means “electronically-based
learning”. Since the spread of home PCs and the
Internet, computer-based educational platforms
have become alternatives to time-consuming ‘live’
seminars in many disciplines. Research indicates
that theoretical content in particular can be better
conveyed through Multimedia Learning Systems
than through lectures or slide shows.
The advantages of E-learning are clear:
- Time-saving
- Money-saving
- Higher efficiency of learning (professional
systems deal with all types of learning, contents can
be repeated or extended at any time).
In 2001 a project for the development of a
homeopathic E-learning System was carried out
through development funds provided by the Federal
Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The programme concentrates on the theory of
Homeopathy. The starting point depicts the
creation of a screenplay, which is realized step by
step and by programming diverse networks.
“Hello, my name is Globulus. Welcome to the
Course in doctorial Homeopathy: …” Starting with
these words globulus takes the user through all the
part of the programme and offers the narrator’s text
as a choice, which does not match with the written
text but imitates the lecturer by explanations and
additional hints to the content presented. In the
main menu the topics are presented using both
graphics and text. Through mouse click you can
choose the requested sub-menu or theme? The
Lecturer’s text can be turned off, stopped or
repeated as with a CD-player. The glossary is an
electronic reference book, which offers
explanations of any specific technical terms
26. Homeopathic Concepts and Diagnosis in
the Management of Chronic Renal Failure,
PAREEK P., Moti Katra, Agna, India: The kidneys
have a generalized function – the fluids entering
and leaving them influence each organ, tissue, cell
of our body. Sometimes kidneys are damaged
beyond repair and high mortality is attributed to
kidney failure. Skilful homeopathic prescribing
greatly lessens the danger and complications of
Dialysis and Transplantation.
Scientific clinical research was carried out with
great success on a very large number of cases in the
period 1998-2003, when intensive care and
transplantation methods were indispensable.
Relevant pathological, radiological and
ultrasonic investigations are called for to determine
the cause and nature of renal disease. Early
detection ensures proper management of renal
dysfunction. The skilled homeopath does not wait
for the findings of various experts. He can act
immediately guided by the symptoms.
The main homeopathic keys used to unlock
the doors to release the imprisoned disease were
Acon., Apis mellifica, Acetic acid, Arsenicum
album, Benzoic acid, Cuprum arsenicosum,
Digitalis, Eel serum, Glonoine, Helleborus niger.
The organ remedies in physiological doses play
an important role and help in enhancing the body’s
natural force: Aegle folia, Apocynum cannabinum,
Solidago virgo.
The majority of cases of ARF (Acute Renal
Failure) are emergencies, with patients critically ill
and hospitalized. Haemodialysis and renal
transplants are not within the reach of the majority
of people in underdeveloped countries.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Considering the gravity of critical illnesses, most
homeopaths feel difficulty in handling and treating
them, but indicated homeopathic remedies backed
by accessory medical help can act instantaneously
in these cases.
No organ can become diseased without a
preceding disturbance of the life principle.
Homeopathy can work even in advanced
pathology. At the least it improves the patient’s
quality of life and delays early death. Had
Homeopathy been started earlier, results would
have been better in cases of ESRD (End Stage
Renal Disease).
27. Review of Homeopathic Therapy of Colitis
and Crohn Patients, PAPAFILIPPOU G., Athens,
Greece. The retrospective analysis of cases of
patients suffering from Colitis and Crohn’s disease
shows the basic rules of evaluating the follow-up.
There are three basic classes of symptoms:
1. The patient’s general state, his vitality (Vital
2. The patient’s mental and emotional symptoms,
3. The patient’s local symptoms.
By classifying these symptoms we can
understand the patient’s health level and the
prognosis of the homeopathic therapy.
The evaluation of the response to the Therapy
is carried out over a period of a few months,
according to three parameters:
1. The pathology,
2. The state of the defence mechanism,
3. The remedy given.
We also mention the difficulties of the
evaluation, the mistakes we discovered and the
reasons for them, such as:
- The condition of the patient during the interview,
the subjectiveness of his answers and also
weaknesses of the therapist, e.g. wrong
information given and wrong understanding,
- Evaluation of acute conditions,
- Correct waiting time for administering the next
remedy or repeating the same one,
- Intervention of allopathic or other treatment
(Acupuncture, Osteopathy, etc.).
28. The Power of Potencies: from 1M to 10MM,
PETRULLI R., Milano, Italy: Since 1995 we have
been using high potencies in the treatment of
chronic and acute cases, also repeating the remedy
every day.
It is vitally important for us to know that we
can use even very high potencies that can prove to
be useful for a complete cure of the case.
During the therapy the dilution can be changed
but so can the frequency of the administration or
the quantity. We have been working on the
quantities since 1999 and we have seen
amelioration in the health of the patient after
changing the quantities of the drops taken during
the day.
We can have different approaches depending
on whether the case is an acute case, a simple
chronic case or a complex chronic case,
reappearance of old symptoms or an aggravation of
the symptomatology.
Five cases are analysed:
1. Obsessive-compulsive manias treated with a
single remedy in a single administration.
2. Selective dumbness treated with repetitions of
the remedy in different potencies and increase in
3. Serious, chronic and intermittent fever treated
with repetition of the remedy in different potencies
and increase in dilution upto MM.
4. Diabetic gangrene and kidney failure treated
with continuous repetition of the remedy in high
5. Bronchopneumonia treated with continuous
repetition of the remedy in high potencies,
including improvement in chronic symptoms.
29. Vaccination Today - differences between
effectiveness and effect of a Vaccine, RABE S.,
München, Germany: So-called evidence based
medicine” (EBM) is the self-proclaimed gold
standard of conventional medical therapy and
disease prevention. Application of methods and
terms derived from EBM to current vaccination
programmes and recommendations is extremely
helpful in the context of a differentiated discussion
and evaluation.
Particularly when evaluating studies on the
effectiveness of vaccination there has to be a clear
dysfunction between the “surrogate endpoints”
(often used as criteria in such studies) and the
solely relevant “clinical endpoints”. Here one finds
numerous examples of immunization and
vaccination programmes, which are highly effective
in terms of surrogate endpoints, which, however,
are largely ineffective with reference to clinical
There exist few convincing studies today on
the effects of immunization on the general state of
health individuals or populations. The available
data, however, often give rise to concern; be it
about the increased incidence of childhood diseases
at older ages due to immunization programmes,
where they cause many more sequelae compared to
the otherwise uncomplicated course in children; be
it about signs of a general weakening of the
immune system through childhood vaccinations
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
with sometimes dramatic results, as suggested by
African studies.
A critical review of effect, effectiveness, and
results of vaccinations and immunization
programmes shows that we still have no answers to
the important questions. This fact ought to give
rise to cautious restraint when it comes to
preventative care measures such as immunizations.
30. The Development of Potencies and
Repetition in HAHNEMANN’s last years:
Literature’s Roots, SCHURICHT U., Berlin,
Germany: We describe the evolution of
HAHNEMANN’s Posology in his late work,
starting with the publication of the first edition of
the Chronic Diseases 1828 until his death in 1843.
Our conclusions are based on his publications and
the so far published casebooks. HAHNEMANN
progressed through several intermediary steps from
the single dose of a C-potency spaced several
weeks apart to the daily administration of C- and Q-
potencies. Toward the end of his life he used all
these methods, including olfaction, in parallel
according to the requirements of the case. We
identify and discuss the relevant motivations of
HAHNEMANN’s which influenced the evolution
of his posological regimen. Next to excerpts from
his casebooks, this evolution can be demonstrated
by the changes, which an important paragragh
underwent in the different editions of the Organon.
31. The Theory of Miasms: an up-to-date for
the 21
Century, von der PLANITZ C., Bayreuth,
Germany: The miasmatic theory is, next to the
Law of Similars, HAHNEMANN’s most important
legacy. Even today we are met with differing
opinions whether it actually is a serious theory and,
even more important, whether it can be put into
practice. Today’s proponents of the miasmatic
theory go beyond a deeper understanding of
Pathology. Apart from prescribing for the essence
or core of the remedy, they desire a framework for
case management applicable to complex chronic
cases with significant hereditary background.
In order to resolve miasmatic entanglements
through carefully selected remedies we not only
require extensive knowledge of a reliable collection
of miasmatic symptoms but also long clinical
experience about the miasmatic dimensions of our
remedies. It may seem strange to many of our
colleagues that we have to deviate at least
temporarily from prescribing according to the
Law of Similars or the Totality of symptoms. This
strategy in particular, however, is well rooted in
HAHNEMANN’s tradition.
His urgent plea in the 1
volume of his
Chronic Diseases”, i.e. to take miasmatic theory
seriously, is again being perceived by more and
more practitioners. In doing so, today’s clinical
experiences with Miasms are juxtaposed against
those of previous homeopaths and after
incorporating current academic knowledge put up
for discussion at a new level.
32. Nosodes Now-a-days = Nosodes of the Past?
Discussion of Sources and Methods of
Preparation, ROTTLER G., Weißenburg,
Germany: Currently it is often difficult to know
what hides’ behind the name of a Nosode.
Different regulations in Pharmacopoeia concerning
the manufacturing process of the various countries
confuse the view even more.
The information in the literature about Nosodes
ranges from being very detailed, as in the case of
Psorinum, with extensive Provings and clinical
experiences, to very limited, as in
Staphylococcinum. The question arises whether we
can still rely on the descriptions of the older
Materia Medica or Provings, if a Nosode now a
days has a different source and is being used
homeopathically, i.e. according to symptoms
produced by Provings (not in an isopathic way).
Clarifications may be achieved on the one hand
by insisting on getting detailed information from
the manufacturing process, on the other hand by
evaluating old and recent Provings, encouraging
new Provings or reprovings. This should enable us
to get an actual ‘Totality of symptoms’ of the
current Nosodes.
33. Homeopathic Treatment of Multi-drug
Resistant Tuberculosis Patients, RASTOGI D.P.,
New Delhi, India: The WHO declared
Tuberculosis a global emergency in 1993. India is
listed amongst the 22 high-burden TB countries and
accounts for 30% of the global burden of TB. The
National Tuberculosis Control Programme
launched in 1962 in India was a failure and a new
approach called Revised National Tuberculosis
Control Programme (RNTCP) based on the WHO’s
Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS)
Strategy was adopted in 1997. After adopting
DOTS, treatment success rates more than tripled
from 25% to 84% and TB death rates have been cut
7-fold from 29% to 4%. Though DOTS treats the
majority of TB patients and prevents new drug-
resistant cases from arising, patients with Multi-
Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) are
generally not cured by standard 4 - 5 drug short-
course Chemotherapy, the cornerstone of DOTS.
The incidence of MDR-TB in India is estimated to
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
be 25% of total cases. The WHO’s initiative of
DOTS plus to control MDR-TB within the DOTS
Strategy through second-line anti-TB drugs in low
– and middle-income countries is still in its trial
phase. The drugs are expensive or unavailable.
Multi-drug resistant TB is therefore often
untreatable and is a virtual death sentence in low-
income countries.
Therefore a project to evaluate the role of
homeopathic treatment in MDR-TB cases has been
started at one of the RNTCP DOTS Therapy
Centres with indoor and outdoor facilities for the
treatment of Tuberculosis. The cases of MDR-PTB
who had taken full course of the WHO
recommended regimen containing Rifampicin plus
Isoniazid throughout and who remained or became
again sputum smear-positive at the end of repeat
treatment (the second-line regimen) are being
included in the study. The cases were evaluated on
the basis of symptomatic changes, sputum smear
examination, sputum culture and changes in
Haemoglobin, ESR and radiological appearances of
the lungs. Five cases from the study are presented
in detail, highlighting the working methodology
and efficacy of homeopathic treatment in MDR-
TB cases.
34. Bayes, Likelihood Ratio and Homeopathy,
RUTTEN L., Breda, The Netherlands: Bayesian
statistics and philosophy are even older than
Homeopathy, but only recently they have become
one of the most popular paradigm in science. As it
happens, Homeopathy is an excellent example of
Bayesian thinking. Experience, like ‘Amelioration
by motion is 10 times more frequent in Rhus
toxicodendron patients than in other patients’ and
‘Rare symptoms are most important’, can be
expressed in Bayesian terms like likelihood ratio
Homeopathic Diagnosis
The choice of a homeopathic Medicine is
usually not based on one fact (diagnosis). In the
Bayesian perspective we can describe the decision
process: if we add symptoms, our certainty about
the curative effect of a medicine will grow; if our
symptoms are peculiar our certainty will grow
faster. Suppose that a homeopathic medicine will
be curative in 1% if these are no symptoms, then
our conviction that Rhus toxicodendron will be
curative grows as follows with 3 subsequent
This is the normal procedure in Homeopathy.
The patient visits the doctor because of joint pains.
The homeopathic doctor then asks about
circumstances that influence the complaints.
Amelioration by motion will make him think of
Rhus toxicodendron as one of the possibilitites. A
definite desire for cold milk increases the
expectation that Rhus toxicodendron will help.
Aggravation from wet weather is subsequently
enough to prescribe this medicine.
A Reliable Repertory
Suppose you hesitate between the remedies
Sepia and Sulphur, then you notice that the patient
is loquacious. In KENT’s Repertory Sulphur is in
the rubric ‘Loquacity’ and Sepia is not, so you
should choose Sulphur.
But how certain you can be about the
Repertory? What do these entries actually mean?
Who entered these data? How many homeopaths
agree on these data? How many Sulphur patients
proved to be loquacious, and how many not?
Five Dutch homeopathic doctors performed a
prospective pilot study to assess the LR of the
symptom ‘Loquacity’. In 9.5% of 369 patients we
found the symptom ‘Loquacity’, 19 patients
received Sepia and 22 patients received Sulphur.
After one year the results of these remedies were
assessed using the following scale: 0=no result,
1=little result, 2=fairly good, 3=general
constitutional improvement, 4=cured. Our analysis
shows that 10 patients had results 2-4 on Sepia, two
of them being loquacious (20%). We counted 13
patients with results 2-4 on Sulphur, none of them
being loquacious. Two loquacious patients did not
respond to Sulphur.
Result Medicine
0 1 2 3 4 Tot
Sepia No. of
5 4 4 2 4
Sum of
0 0 2 0 0 2
Sulphur Number
5 4 6 4 3 22
Sum of
2 0 0 0 0 2
We are now performing an open prospective
study of 6 symptoms (including loquacity) in 12
practices. This kind of research should be done for
about 300-500 Repertory rubrics: an extensive task,
but with unprecedented advantages.
35. Homeopathy on its Way to the Universities
Resume and Outlook of Students’ Initiative in
Germany, SCHETZEK S., Wilseder Forum
Studentische Arbeitskreise Homöopathie, Berlin,
Germany: It is impossible to study Homeopathy in
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
any University in the very motherland of
Homeopathy. As a consequence the “Wilseder
Forum” was founded in 1992 on the initiative of
students of Medicine in the town of Wilsede,
uniting the collegiate homeopathic students groups
in Germany, which currently exist at 27 of 36
Universities offering human Medicine. There are
also two study groups dealing with Veterinary
Medicine. The number of students in the groups
varies, altogether they are about 300. Between 50
and 70 of them meet twice a year for four days.
Since 1996 these meetings, which are the
organisation’s core, have been taking place in the
town of Wissen (coincidentally the German word
‘knowledge’). Based upon a well-prepared
structural set up the lively forum provides a unique
space for intellectual freedom. Homeopathy is
being looked at in a benevolent, competent but also
critical fashion, usually not lacking a sense of
humour. Benefitting from previous meetings
attendees have been able to establish a wide
network of contacts and relationships and
constantly worse towards the establishment of new
Seminars and initiatives, which develop teaching
material. One of the students’ goals is to deal with
Homeopathy on a scientific level without
submitting it to a dissimilar methodology. This and
many other activities are generously supported and
financed by the ‘Karl und Veronica Carteus-
The Forum provides an important framework
for the enrichment of existing structures in
academic Medicine and also valuable input within
the field of Homeopathy. In order to officially
institutionalise Homeopathy at the Universities
there are plans to increase its presence at the
faculties of Medicine through further study groups,
series of lectures and Seminars. In this way
thousands of students have already benefited from
an unprejudiced approach to Homeopathy at least
once in their carreers.
36. The Points of Weihe a Confirmatory
Method in Classical Homeopathy, SEILER H.,
Maur, Switzerland. The method of WEIHE
consists of examining the sensitivity of certain
points on the surface of the human body. Every
homeopathic clinical picture corresponds to a
certain distribution of point whih are sensitive to
pressure. This fact can be used as a confirmatory
diagnostics in Classical Homeopathy.
Constantine HERING said that we should be
able to find a useful homeopathic remedy if we
have three really characteristic symptoms, in the
same manner that a chair can on three legs. The
result of an examination of the Weihe Points is the
fourth leg of homeopathic diagnostics, which
makes the chair stand more securely.
A short example: A boy of 12 years shows the
following three characteristic symptoms:
1. Headache on studying at school, ameliorated in
open air,
2. Cannot sleep on his left side,
3. Afraid of thunderstorms.
In this case calling for Phosphorus we will find
that the point on the insertion of the Xiphoid in the
median line of the sternum is clearly more sensitive
to pressure than its environment.
So the sensitivity of one or several specific
points for a certain homeopathic remedy is nothing
else but a physical sign of high value, which
completes the classical homeopathic picture of the
The WEIHE method has a sound scientific
basis. After its discovery in Germany by the
homeopathic physician August WEIHE (1840-
1896) it was developed in France particularly by
Soulié de MORANT and de la FUYE who found
interesting parallels to the System of Chinese
Acupuncture points. Nevertheless the European
Weihe-Method was developed without any
relationship to Chinese Medicine. This method is
useful for the Homeopathic Practitioner as it gives
him more security in the choice of remedy.
XLI. Bridging the Gap THAKAR, Munjal
(HL. 17, 2/2004) Large number of homeopaths are
not even aware that Homeopathy can suppress
dangerously or even if they are aware do nothing
about it. There exists a very large gap between
what cure means to one physician and to another.
The lack of strict and universal criteriae for
cure is causing irreparable damage when clinical
data from cases is added into the Repertory.
Once these criteriae are defined, lot of quality
control will come in the presentations. [What is
‘cure’ has been very clearly defined by
HAHNEMANN and delineated by Constantine
HERING. We should study these sources carefully
and adhere to them = KSS]
XLII. Homeopathy and Jazz PITT, Richard
(HL. 17, 2/2004) Similarities between
Homeopathy and Jazz Music are discussed in this
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest are given below:
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung,
Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im
Weiher 10, 69121, HEIDELBERG,
2. CCR: Homeopathic Clinical Case Recorder,
Dr. Subhash Meher, Near Hotel Chanakya,
Anandrishiji Marg, Burudgaon Road,
4. HL: Homeopathic Links, Homeopathic
Research & Charities, F/s, Saraswat Colony,
Linking Road, Santacruz (W), MUMBAI – 400
5. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British
Homeopathic Journal (BHJ), Homeopathy,
Faculty of Homeopathy, 29 Park Street West,
Luton, Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
6. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for
Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite
306, ALEXANDRIA, VA. 22314, USA.
7. NAMAH: New Approches to Medicine and
Health, Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry –
605 001.
8. NJH: Nation
Journal of Homeopathy, 71B
Saraswati Road, Near Gokul Icecream,,
Santacruz (W), MUMBAI – 400 054.
9. SIM: Simillimum, The Journal of the
Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic
Physicians, P.O. Box 8341, Covington, WA
98042, USA.
10. The Hindu: Newspaper, Chennai–600 002.
11. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl
F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-
“Man’s Science builds its abstracts cold
and brief
And cuts to formulas the living whole.
It is a brain and hand without a soul
An eye that tests the outward caused
Blind to the depths, the occult roots
The visible hides its base in the unseen
The invisible guards the truth its symbols
In a yet deeper invisible’s unknown”
- Sri Aurobindo Collected Poems,
Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, 1972,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
(This section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some case)
1. A Parable
SRINIVASAN M.S. (NAMAH. 13, 1/2005)
The period is ancient China. A doctor from the
West came to China to study the ancient Chinese
system of medicine. He met a Chinese doctor and
“What is your ideal of health?”
The Chinese doctor replied: “Harmony
harmony of the body, life-force and mind; harmony
of the outer life with Nature; and ultimately
harmony of the inner being and outer life of man
with the eternal harmony, Tao, which governs the
The doctor from the West said, “Seems a little
abstract, philosophical and dreamy,” and queried
further. “But how do you treat various forms of
“We don’t think in terms of sickness but in
terms of health. For the function of the doctor is
not to treat sickness but to maintain and improve
the health of the people. His function is not just to
give medicine when a person gets sick but to
provide the individual and community with as
complete and continuous a health education and
guidance as will help them lead a healthy and
harmonious life.”
“Your concepts and ideals are very high and
noble,” said the western doctor. “But tell me how
the system is put into practice. For example, how
do you detect, prevent and cure an illness? How do
you charge a patient for treating or curing his
The Chinese doctor replied with a frown on his
face, “I don’t like your constant emphasis on
sickness. As I told you already, here, the doctor is
paid not for treating sickness but to maintain health.
Each family has a doctor and he is paid a fixed
monthly fee for maintaining and improving the
inner and outer well being of the family.”
The other doctor interjected, “But suppose a
member of the family falls sick...?
The Chinese doctor let out an exasperated sigh
and said with a serious and mournful face:
“If such an unfortunate thing happens, it will
be viewed as a serious moral and professional lapse
on the part of the doctor. He has failed in fulfilling
his responsibility to the family. He has to ask
forgiveness from the family and God. He has to
introspect humbly and deeply to find the root
causes for such a lapse and correct them. And,
apart from treating the sick person with great care
and consideration, he has to pay a fine to the family
for his dereliction of duty to the family.”
The western doctor exclaimed in amazement,
“You mean the doctor has to pay the patient! That
is ludicrous!!”
The Chinese doctor replied calmly, “Why, it is
perfectly justified,” and explained further.
“The family doctor is the guardian of the health
of the family. He is paid to maintain the health of
the family. A family having a good, competent and
responsible doctor is not supposed to have any
serious health problems. But if a family or any of
its members have serious health problems, then it
means the family doctor is either incompetent or
negligent in discharging his responsibilities to that
family. For example, if a theft happens in a
building or house which has a security guard, then
the sentinel is responsible for the theft”.
The doctor from the West interrupted again and
asked, “But surely the doctor cannot be held
responsible if the patient falls sick due to his
unhealthy habits?”
The Chinese doctor nodded his head in
agreement and said, “Of course, the doctor cannot
be held responsible for someone who disregards the
doctor’s advice and willfully or deliberately ruins
his health by indulging in self-destructive habits.
But such cases are rare. In a family with sane and
reasonable people, if someone falls sick with
serious health problems, then the family doctor, as
guardian of the family’s health, has to accept the
blame and responsibility on himself. And for this
lapse he has to compensate and pay a fine to the
“What sort of compensation and fine?queried
the doctor from the West.
The doctor from the East explained: “For
example, if the breadwinner of a family falls sick
and is unable to go to work, then the doctor, apart
from treating him for his illness, has to pay the
family the amount he might have earned during his
sickness. Similarly, if a housewife falls sick and is
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
unable to do her work, the doctor has to employ a
servant to do the household work and pay him or
her from his own money. Apart from this
compensation, he must also pay a fine to the family
as a token of repentance for his negligence in
fulfilling is responsibility towards that family.”
The doctor from the West, who came from a
nation that had never attained the level of culture
and idealism achieved by the ancient Chinese,
listened to his eastern counterpart with mixed
feelings; admiration for the high and lofty ideals of
this eastern nation but at the same time a sense of
disbelief, whether such ideals were really
practicable. He remained silent and thoughtful.
His silence was interrupted by the voice of the
Chinese doctor, “I have described to you our
system of health. Now let me learn something
about your paradigm for health.”
The doctor from the West replied hesitantly,
“Our system of medicine doesn’t have your great
ideals. But I think it is more practical. Our system
is very individualistic, impersonal and pragmatic.
Our central emphasis is on the cure and prevention
of disease. When a person falls sick, he goes to a
doctor who treats him and receives a fee from the
patient for the consultation and medicine”.
“Which means,” said the Chinese doctor, “that
in your system, the relation between the doctor and
patient is like that of a mechanic and a machine, not
between two living human souls. The human
machine when it goes out of order goes to the
doctor and the mechanic, who sets right the
machine, gets paid for it.
The other doctor nodded his head, a little
ashamed, and said, “Yes, it is somewhat like that.”
The Chinese doctor thought that the system
described by the western doctor was primitive and
inhuman. But he concealed his feelings and said
“It seems to me that in your nation all the
doctors are solely preoccupied with disease and
sickness. And also, you seem to have no higher
ideals than treating sickness and making money. In
such a system, all the doctors will consciously or
unconsciously want people to become sick so that
they can treat them and make money. When the
doctors of a nation think on these lines, then the
health of the entire nation will be ruined. And you
call such a barbarous system practical!”
2. The Two Spirits
PANDEY, Alok (NAMAH. 13, 2/2005)
There is a spirit of enquiry and there is a spirit
of doubt. The two appear similar and close but are
really very different in their origin and function.
The spirit of enquiry is born of a veiled faith;
the faith that what is being sought for exists. The
spirit of doubt springs from distrust, the distrust that
what is being sought for does not exist. The spirit
of enquiry is open, but the spirit of doubt is
presumptuous. The former infers that things we do
not know of may exist and can still be found.
Therefore it tries to find them, even through a slow,
methodical way, for that is how the ordinary mind
works. Doubt presumes that things we do not
know, or of which we have no experience, most
likely do not exist. Therefore it seeks to deny and
discard any possible evidence it may find in support
of the contrary.
Behind enquiry, there is a positive faith in the
possibility of finding what we seek. Behind doubt
too there is faith, we may say, but a negative faith
that what is being sought can never be found since
it does not exist. The first leaps from the hilltops of
affirmation climbing towards unreached summits.
The other billows from nadir of darkness dragging
down higher truths into a fulminating abyss. So,
where enquiry opens the doors to greater seeking
and finding, doubt closes those left ajar, sealing
whatever we may have found by colouring it with
its own grey hue.
It may be said that the spirit of enquiry creates
and builds, whereas the spirit of doubt destroys and
demolishes. Both science and spirituality are built
upon spirit of enquiry. This is seen in their search
for truth, light and wisdom or a seeking for the new
and unknown. Anything short of this turns science
into a repetitive cycle for the reproduction of old
formulae until newer discoveries overtake them.
So too, the absence of a thirst for truth, light and
wisdom turns spirituality into a blind cult or
ritualistic religion.
In the divine providence of things, both are
reconciled and used by the secret divinity inside us
to hasten our climb and open the roads to a greater
discovery. For when science becomes a matter of
fixed formulae and inflexible laws, and spirituality
a mass of mechanical systems and dead customs,
doubt emerges to challenge this safe edifice, the
cocoon we have built around ourselves to hide our
lethargy and inertia. This fixed rigidity, this dearth
of Will for progress, opens the floodgates for doubt
to demolish our old familiar structures, though
paradoxically awakening a fresh seeking in those
who have survived its onslaught. Doubt razes to
the ground our apparently secure monuments
forcing us to dig deeper and raise new buildings on
a stronger base and foundation. Or else, it frees us
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
of all structures so we may stand before the infinity
of truth that exceeds every man-made formula.
Yet enquiry and not doubt is the true way; a
spirit of enquiry consistent with the faith that if
there is a seeking, there must somewhere be a
finding too. For thirst pre-supposes water
somewhere. Enquiry strengthens faith and faith
adds impetus to the spirit of enquiry. Or shall we
say enquiry is like a waft of wind that fans the fire
of faith? Doubt in contrast is like a storm that
smothers and extinguishes it.
And so the wise advise us to proceed in our
search for truth on the basis of a faith that searches
and seeks rather than on the shifting grounds of
doubt and scepticism. Let us then seek out and
enquire, let us search and find. [On March 12,
1843 nearing the end of his life filled with painful
trials and grand successes HAHNEMANN wrote,
“I sought truth earnestly and found it” = KSS]
3. The Colour of the Homeopathic Improvement:
The Multidimensional Nature of the Response
to Homeopathic Therapy
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 3/2005)
Introduction: Cartesian philosophy has been
the central pillar of scientific discovery, and a great
benefit for humanity. From locomotive to space
shuttle and from Penicillin to PET scan, this
paradigm has dominated western scientific
production for over 400 years. However, the
wholesale adoption of Descartes’s worldview has
not been without cost. Lost in the shuffle have
been many of the subtler aspects of our existence.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine based
upon the Law of Similars. It maintains a holistic
philosophy of health and illness. In that vein,
Homeopathy anticipates a subtle and qualitative
model of cure and improvement. Samuel
HAHNEMANN, the founder of Homeopathy,
declared that ‘after careful selection of similar
homeopathic medicine, health, recovery, follow in
imperceptible, often rapid transitions’
, and that
‘commencement of amelioration or aggravation
is not perceptible to every one [and] cannot be
described in words
. We maintain that this
‘multidimensional’ nature of the homeopathic
response has gone largely unrecognized, in no
small part due to our prevailing cultural bias
towards Cartesian logic.
Response to conventional medical treatment is
typically measured along a linear,
monodimensional scale. This is exemplified by the
widespread use of visual analogue scores to
quantify subjective response to conventional
treatment. Responses are graded by a single digit,
lacking volume’, depth’ or scope. Subjective
experience, while possibly of personal interest to
the physician, carries no weight in therapeutic
The homeopathic response, by contrast, is
characterized by subtle changes in the character of
symptoms, the patient’s mood, appetite, energy
level, and overall well-being, not just the severity
of the symptom. Moreover, these changes cannot
be judged in isolation: only the overall pattern of
changes reveals the nature of the response. The
patient’s rash may be exacerbating, but due to
improvement in the patient’s mood, relationships
and sleep pattern, the diligent homeopath will
judge that the patient is proceeding toward cure.
In contrast to the monodimensional measure of
conventional improvement, the homeopathic
response typically carries ‘colour’: The stitching
pain may change to burning, numbness may replace
formication, clarity of vision may ensue. The
description, ‘cheerfulness after stool’, beyond
curiosity value, has no meaning in conventional
medicine. Only resolution of constipation carries
therapeutic relevance for the conventional
physician. The homeopathic physician, in contrast,
would find such a symptom of great practical
import, possibly indicating a healing process or the
need to change a prescription.
The monodimensional dynamics of
conventional medicine is thus traded for a
multidimensional one, with appearance of new
‘symptoms’, recurrence of past symptoms,
development of symptoms remote to the main
complaint, and sweeping changes in the general,
mental and emotional spheres.
The emotional improvement of a Rheumatoid
Arthritis patient responding to conventional
treatment can only be understood as secondary to
the physical improvement. In contrast, the mental
or emotional improvement in a patient treated
successfully by Homeopathy is a separate entity,
wholly independent of the physical process. To the
contrary: homeopathic patients often improve
mentally and emotionally early on, in spite of
aggravation of the main complaint.
HAHNEMANN and KENT both gave
instructions for judging the response to
homeopathic treatment
but ‘HERING’s Law’
widely recognized as the yardstick by which to
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
measure homeopathic improvement. We wish to
discuss several subtle phenomena observed
frequently in homeopathic practice but not to the
best of our knowledge yet part of the homeopathic
literature. The examples below represent actual
excerpts from patient interviews. Each represents
many similar cases seen during our experience with
tens of thousands of patients.
Following homeopathic treatment, the
patient’s sense of time is frequently impaired.
Conventionally treated patients generally recognize
when the improvement began. ‘Two hours after
taking the Vioxx’, ‘Ten days after starting the
Cipramil’. Homeopathic patients, in contrast, are
typically unable to say. ‘When did the headache
stop? ‘I don’t know exactly. Sometime between
Epiphany and Mardi Gras’. Only on more thorough
interrogation are they often able to reconstruct the
process, frequently with the aid of temporal
Homeopathic treatment accentuates the
poverty of language. During the homeopathic
improvement, patients are typically unable to
articulate the permutations they are undergoing.
Frequent is the resort to metaphor (‘as if’) to
explain these changes. In fact, whole volumes of
Repertory are devoted to Sensations As If’.
Conventional medicine also recognizes metaphor
(‘as if a sack of potatoes was sitting on my chest’),
but only in specific, time-honoured circumstances,
not in the spontaneous manner recognized in
Homeopathy. We propose that the limitation rests
not with the patients, nor their physicians, but with
the inability of language to express such nuances.
Whereas conventional medicine is little hindered by
this limitation, homeopaths must remain aware that
language is an imperfect conduit for expressing the
full gamut of human experience.
Homeopathic patients typically undergo
‘selective amnesia’, particularly toward secondary
complaints. These complaints, well documented in
the patient file, are completely forgotten. ‘I didn’t
suffer from nausea before the menses!’ the patient
will protest, only to reconsider. ‘Well, it was
getting better anyway …’. The repudiation is so
heart-felt that we sense not only that the complaint
has disappeared, but that all memory of the episode
has been obliterated.
A corollary to this is what we term the ‘Oh
yeah!’ phenomenon. The patient is asked if
anything had been changed since the remedy. ‘No’
is frequently the answer. ‘And what about the
headaches you complained about’? Oh yeah! That
went away’. ‘And the ringing in ears?’ ‘Oh yeah!
I’d forgotten about that’.
Conventional patients frequently experience
general or emotional improvement, secondary to
improvement in their main complaint.
Homeopathic patients often share this
interpretation: ‘My mood is better since my Colitis
went away’. I have more energy since my Blood
Pressure rose’. ‘I’m sleeping better because I’m
breathing more freely’. No doubt physical
improvement contributes to overall well-being,
however homeopaths frequently observe overall
improvement far beyond what could be anticipated
secondary to mere physical amelioration.
‘Changes’ in the environment
Patients treated homeopathically frequently
attribute improvements in their general, mental and
emotional well-being to changes in their
environment. My Asthma improved, but there’s
been no change emotionally or mentally’. ‘What
about your relationship with your husband? Last
time, you complained that he was driving you crazy
…’ the homeopath will ask. ‘Well, you know,
it’s interesting. Since my last visit, he has totally
changed. He’s calmer, kinder, and more attentive
to my needs’. ‘And what about your boss?’ ‘Now
that you mention it, she’s changed too. She’s more
appreciative of my work, and has even offered me a
big project …’. The patient perceives the change
not in herself but in her environment, unlikely as it
may seem.
Acute Illnesses
Chronically ill patients respond to successful
homeopathic treatment with an acute illness. Even
patients who, though chronically ill, have been free
from acute disease for years will, to their great
surprise, suddenly develop fever or other acute
afflictions. ‘You’re right doctor, my Arthritis has
improved, and I am also much better emotionally.
But I hadn’t had a fever for years! Since I started
your treatment I’ve been sick twice!” The
homeopath must realize that this is not a negative
development but rather a step on the road to cure.
We submit that our firm cultural grounding in
Cartesian logic blinds us to subtle alterations in
health and renders us incapable of correlating
seemingly disparate processes. Homeopaths are
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
not immune to this cultural influence, though it
would be hoped that homeopathic training would
to some extent mitigate this effect.
One may certainly ask, What is the import of
these minutiae?’
The importance lies, first and foremost, in the
homeopathic interaction. Homeopaths unaware of
these subtleties may misinterpret their patients’
reactions to therapy and fail to respond
appropriately. Patients frequently present at
follow-up declaring that ‘nothing has changed’,
only to discover that much indeed has. After
receiving homeopathic treatment, a patient
claiming that ‘only my environment has changed’,
or denying ever complaining of a documented
symptom, is probably responding well. A patient
with a monodimensional’ aggravation but
multidimensional improvement is most likely on
the road to cure, though he or his physician may be
concerned. On the other hand, a patient expressing
a clinical improvement but no ‘colour’ is likely to
be experiencing a short-lived placebo effect.
A corollary to this lack of awareness on the
part of the patient is a lack of gratitude.
Homeopaths greatest successes often go
The second important implication of these
observations rests in their relevance to
homeopathic research. We suspect that many of
Homeopathy’s failures in clinical trials stem from
a lack of attentiveness to this unconventional’
response. Clinical trials measure specific,
monodimensional primary and secondary
endpoints, missing many of the more subtle,
individualized aspects of the homeopathic reaction.
Arnica montana is a case in point.
Arnica is Homeopathy’s leading anti-
traumatic remedy, and one of the few which can be
applied on the basis of a simple indication,
regardless of the ‘Totality of symptoms’. This
makes Arnica particularly suitable for randomized,
blinded clinical trials. Anecdotal accounts of
Arnica’s success in trauma are numerous.
However, ERNST and PITTLER recently reviewed
eight such tirals
and, to the surprise of many
homeopaths, did not find Arnica superior to
placebo. We offer two explanations for the
disappointing study results.
One is the flawed experimental model. Arnica
is homeopathically indicated for blunt trauma, not
surgical incisions, the model used in most of these
trials. We believe studies examining its utility in
blunt injury would yield more favorable results.
Our second explanation relates to the subject of this
paper. Monodimensional evaluation, the type most
commonly used in clinical trials, misses the
multifarious nature of homeopathic improvement.
A patient’s swelling may be temporarily
exacerbated (monodimensional), but his mood
exuberant (multidimensional). The bleeding time
may indeed be abnormal, but function rapidly
returning. We submit that holistic measures such as
well-being, mood, energy levels and attitude, in
conjunction with traditional measures such as
bleeding and coagulation time would better
represent the multidimensional nature of the
homeopathic improvement than these traditional
measures alone.
In recent years, a growing body of literature
has addressed the question of the scientific
evaluation of CAM, with an eye toward
multidimensional outcomes.
We highlight
additional burdens to be overcome in the
development of adequate outcome measures of
homeopathic therapy.
Aphorism 2 of HAHNEMANN’s Organon of
Medicine describes the highest ideal of cure as
‘rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the
health’. We extend the interpretation of the word
‘gentle’ to include mildness, subtlety and
imperceptibility. Our descriptions of patients
mistiming, inability to explain, forgetting
completely, or attributing changes to the
environment, leaves us with the impression that
such symptoms have been ‘deleted from the hard-
disc’. In fact, the patient’s complaints have
transmuted, contemporaneous with a change in
himself. From his morphed vantage point his
transfigured health seems natural, unremarkable as
the morning sun.
Medicine sees in ‘Restitutio ad integrum’,
complete restitution, the highest ideal of cure. We
feel that Homeopathy goes one step further,
erasing the disease not only from the organism,
but from awareness. [Bold mine = KSS]
1. HAHNEMANN SC. Organon of Medicine,
ed. 1922 reprint. New Delhi: B. Jain
Publishers, 1995 aphorism 148.
2. HAHNEMANN SC. Organon of Medicine,
ed. 1922 reprint. New Delhi: B. Jain
Publishers, 1995 aphorism 253.
3. HAHNEMANN SC. The Medicine of
Experience. 1805; In: The Lesser Writings of
Samuel Hahnemann. New Delhi: B. Jain
Publishers; 1995.
4. KENT JT. Lecture 35: Prognosis after
observing the action of the remedy in: KENT
JT editor. Lectures on Homeopathic
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Philosophy. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers,
5. HERING C. HAHNEMANN’s three rules
concerning the rank of symptoms.
Hahnemannian Monthly 1865; 1: 5-12.
6. ROBERTS HA. Sensations As If. New
Delhi: B. Jain Publishers 1993.
7. Ernst E. PITTLER MH. Efficacy of
homeopathic Arnica: a systematic review of
placebo-controlled clinical trial. Arch Surg
1998: 133. 1187-1190.
GEVA L et al. The effect of the homeopathic
remedies Arnica Montana and Bellis perennis
on mild post-partum bleeding-a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study-
preliminary results, submitted for publication.
BALDWIN CM. Homeopathic practitioner
views of changes in patients undergoing
constitutional treatment for chronic disease. J
Altern Comp Med 2003; 9: 39-50.
10. GOULD A., MacPHERSON H. Patient
perspectives on outcomes after treatment with
Acupuncture. J. Altern Comp Med 2001; 7:
11. PATERSON C., BRITTEN N. Acupuncture
for people with chronic illness: combining
qualitative and quantitative outcome
assessment. J Altern Comp Med 2003: 9:
12. PATERSON C, BRITTEN N. Acupuncture as
a complex intervention: a holistic model. J
Altern Comp Med 2004:10:791-801.
13. SCHULMAN D. The unexpected outcomes of
Acupuncture: Case reports in support of
refocusing research designs. J Altern Comp
Med 2004: 10: 785-789.
14. THOMPSON TD. Can the caged bird sing?
Reflections on the application of qualitative
research methods to case study design in
homeopathic medicine. BMC Med Res
Methodol 2004; 4: 4
71-2288-4-4, pdf. (last accessed: 10.4.05).
RJ. Assessing efficacy of complementary
medicine: adding qualitative research methods
to the Gold Standard”. J Altern Comp Med
2002; 8: 275-281.
4. Non-Routine Skin Prescriptions
WHITMONT Edward (HOM. 7, 1/1987)
Among our great difficulties, we count the
cases, which, according to the symptoms present,
seem to require a certain remedy, yet fail to respond
to the apparently well-chosen medicine. Often the
correct prescription cannot be arrived at from the
symptoms which the case presents on its surface.
In such instances we are confronted with the
strange phenomenon that the organism produces a
deceptive remedy indication, resembling, as it were,
a surface mirage, while the true condition hides in
the depths of an unrevealing silent vital force. For
a completely satisfactory explanation we are at a
loss. Sometimes an engrafted drug miasm may
produce the mirage. In other instances, a
constitutional weakness may prevent the expression
of the true dynamic nature of the disease: The
deeper defence mechanism is temporarily paralyzed
and only the surface, as it were, produces
symptoms, comparable to the deceptive fata
morgana of the desert. When even this surface
reflection becomes extinguished the completely
asymptomatic, mute case results, usually found
wherever pathology has too far advanced for a cure
to be possible.
Systematic comparison of the relation between
the “mirage” remedy and the truly indicated one
may shed some more light upon this strange
Case 1. Engineer, age 27. Chronic Eczema on face
and hands; also complaints of abdominal gas with
flatulence. History of Hypertension from exposure
to carbon tetrachloride; also overuse of sedatives.
The skin disturbance started when he began his
present job as an inspector in the tool department of
an aircraft factory. X-ray treatment made the
eczema spread from the face to the hands without
giving relief to either place. He is of Finnish
extraction, stocky, short, dark haired, with a slight
goiter and flushed face, irritable, the skin worse
from mental emotions, worse from dampness.
Vehement itching and burning with a feeling of
dryness and constriction. Typical dry eczema with
redness, scabs and cracks. Stomach: aversion to
and worse from meat, and milk.
The symptoms clearly point to Petroleum.
Unfortunately it is found that his work continuously
exposes him to petroleum vapours and grease. He
probably presents a Petroleum proving. This
assumption is confirmed by the fact that Petroleum
30 produces and profound aggravation without
subsequent improvement.
What next? The patient must continue his
work, thus perpetuating the exposure. On the basis
of the nervous symptoms and the history of the
other drug exposures the most likely antidote
appears to be Nux vomica, and potencies from 10M
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
to 6x helped for two months, then failed. Sulphur
gives no response. Then, struck by the angry bright
red appearance of the skin, Belladonna 200 was
tried as a stop-gap prescription in the hope of
palliating until a better remedy could be worked
out. There was a violent aggravation followed by
dramatic improvement within 24 hours. Two more
doses within a month completely removed any trace
of eczema in spite of continued exposure.
Recurrence, three and five years later, promptly
yielded to the same remedy.
One would not think too readily of Belladonna
as deep enough for a chronic occupational eczema,
yet here it was the true simillimum covering the
case as to its generalities: Congestion, constriction,
dryness, irritability, aversion to meat, to milk.
Case 2. A fellow worker, recommended by the
first case. Chronic Eczema of both hands and
forearms. Migraine headaches every one or two
weeks. Constipation. He is slender, tall, narrow-
chested and stoop-shouldered, with a history of
active TB ten years ago. He has large tonsils and is
subject to frequent colds. Lack of vital heat, but the
skin is worse from warmth and warm washing. The
eczema itself presents the usual picture of cracks in
indurated dry areas with oozing of yellow liquid,
resulting in crusts and scabs. Acne on face and
back. The whole of the skin appears oily and
greasy with many blackheads. Feet perspiring.
Other symptoms are a desire for sweets and highly
seasoned and fat foods. Also this patient is exposed
to petroleum as well as to the vapours of copper,
zinc and tin. The obvious prescription, of course,
would be Sulphur. The choice was as disappointing
as it was obvious.
Upon complete physical examination, an
elongated, narrow, triangular patch of faintly pink
color was found on the chest. Upon questioning,
the patient remembered that this was the remnant of
an erythema caused by exposure to a welding arc
with the shirt partly open over the chest; forearms
and hands were fully exposed, suffering a first-
degree burn. Exact reckoning with the calendar
confirmed that one month later the eczema erupted
in the exposed area. It was assumed that possibly a
radiosensitization may have given rise to the
eczema. Prescription: Radium bromide 30 up to
200, four doses in a six-month period. The Eczema
completely disappeared and interestingly enough,
so did the Migraine, which had antedated the burn
and Eczema. No recurrence on later checkups.
Radium bromide, it should be added, is better from
warm application. This case showed the opposite
Case 3: Hairdresser, 41 years, Allergic Eczema
from hair dyes. Positive patch tests. Whenever he
ceases to use the hair dyes his hands clear up; upon
resumption of work the eczema returns. Referred
by the foregoing patients, he consults the doctor
directly with the demand to be freed of his
sensitivity. For allopathy such a thing is
impossible, as he had found out after making the
rounds of specialists. To the homeopath it is a
challenge. He is thin, narrow-chested, of sallow
complexion and sanguine temperament, restless,
jumpy, irritable and impatient. He perspires freely
and is disturbed by his own body odour. Sensitive
to drafts, tendency to colds, generally worse in
winter. Hot, burning feet which he likes to
uncover. Desire for meat, highly seasoned and
salty food. A textbook case of Sulphur, yet Sulphur
does not touch the case at all.
Sulphur was prescribed high and low, then
Nux, Radium, Rhus venerata (itching between the
fingers) all in vain. Potencies of the offending hair
dye were tried without effect. After five months,
both doctor and patient were ready to quit. Then
came a “bronchial cold”: Dry cough with laboured
breathing and gasping for air. Worse lying down,
worse at night, better from open air but worse from
cold air. He felt chilly and wanted warm covers.
On examination, one heard a wheezing, as in
bronchial asthma,. Thuja should be needed for an
inter-current cold. Close questioning of the patient
now unearthed a formerly unmentioned old G.C.
infection. Medorrhinum 200 promptly cleared the
remaining chest affection and left the patient
generally greatly improved, yet with the skin still
unchanged. It was considered now that this case
may present a blending of several miasmatic states,
thus calling for still another Nosode to complement
the first one. An X-ray examination of the chest
showed a doubtful shadow. This finding together
with the general phthisical habitus, the tendency to
chest colds, and the failure of the apparently
indicated Sulphur formed the basis for the
prescription of Tuberculinum 200. Within a few
weeks the skin cleared completely in spite of
continued exposure. Repetitions were necessary
approximately every six weeks for about a year.
Then the Eczema recurred, with little response to
Tuberculinum. Sulphur 200, now given, acted
promptly as it should have done in the first place
restoring almost normal skin. The patient is still
under treatment, though.
Case 4. Male 25 years. He suffered several sore
throats during the preceding few months. Now his
knees and ankles are swollen and painful. The most
interesting feature is a bright scarlet-red,
haemorrhagic, maculo-papular rash covering both
legs. The temperature is around 100 degrees.
Diagnosis: Rheumatic Purpura. Previous therapy in
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
the Outpatient Department of the Hospital of Joint
Diseases consisted of salicylates and
sulphonamides, without any benefit.
The patient is of heavy, athletic build, dark
haired, with a sallow, muddy, bilious complexion.
The skin is sticky and oily. The swelling and
tenderness extend from the joints diffusely into the
muscular sheaths and aponeuroses. The rash occurs
in crops, at first bright scarlet-red, then fading into
brown pigment spots, simultaneous with the
appearance of a new bright-red crop. W.B.C.
10,000, with lymphocytosis. Normal sedimentation
rate. History of infectious mononucleosis, and
much tiredness with chronic headaches for the last
Concomitants and modalities: Profuse, oily
perspiration at night which does not relieve his
pains. Joints better from rest and worse from cold.
The remedy, obviously Mercurius was given in
200. Within ten minutes intense aggravation, next
morning much improved. Three days later full
return of the condition. Mercurius vivus 5M, with
good response. Three days later another relapse.
Mercurius vivus 50M. Now the swelling, pain and
rash concentrate around the ankles leaving the
knees and legs free. At the same time there is an
attack of cramping abdominal pain which he
describes like an ulcer pain which seems to be a
former symptom. Then everything improves.
The response seems to follow HERING’s Law
yet two weeks later we are confronted with a full
return of all symptoms, as bad as ever. It is
obvious now that the symptomatically seemingly
well-selected remedy is not deep enough for the
case. A Nosode might be needed. But which
symptoms would point to the right one?
HAHNEMANN points out that where in a
mute case the best possible prescription is only
partly similar, it may raise the vitality sufficiently
to manifest additional symptoms leading to the
correct prescription.
This patient, while temporarily improving,
produced intestinal symptoms. Furthermore, he is
constipated and shows evidence of intestinal
putrefaction. Rheumatism with constipation is a
leading indication for Bach’s intestinal Nosodes.
Prescription: Polyvalent (Bach) 200. Violent
aggravation involving all joints of the lower
extremities with a profuse outbreak of the rash,
accompanied by intense burning of the skin,
followed by a complete and permanent recovery.
The patient was repeatedly seen during the five
years since and is completely well, also free from
his tiredness and headaches.
The analysis of these “mirage” indications
1: Petroleum instead of the indicated Belladonna
2: Sulphur instead of the indicated Radium.
3: Sulphur instead of the indicated Tuberculinum
4: Mercurius instead of the indicated Intestinal
Case 1: probably being an actual Petroleum
proving, may suggest an antidotal relationship of
Belladonna to Petroleum.
Case 2: probably was basically, a Sulphur
constitution which was altered or sensitized by the
radiating energy of the welding arc. We know too
little, as yet, about the detrimental constitutional
effects of the various radiating energies. An
organism which out of its own constitutional
totality would produce a Sulphur disease was, by
exogenous injury, depressed into the deeper sphere
of Radium.
Cases 3 and 4: belong in the sphere of miasmatic
pathology, the tubercular diathesis masking as a
skin allergy; intestinal autointoxication producing
Rheumatic Purpura. The last three cases also
illustrate the value of a complete clinical
examination and diagnosis as an essential part of
the homeopathic case-taking. Since the true
totality is subjective as well as objective, the
omission of the objective search may not
infrequently deny us a missing part of the full
evidence on which to build the correct prescription.
Dr. Eugene UNDERHILL, Jr.: I find that Dr.
WHITMONT’s work and writings are a credit to
Homeopathy in general and to our Association in
particular. I want to commend to you his
wonderful article on Lycopodium which I believe
appeared in the March number of The Recorder.
In my opinion he is well on the way to
becoming one of the great masters of the true art of
He mentioned a Petroleum case. Every now
and then you will find cases of Rhus tox. poisoning
where successful suppression of the eruption has
been obtained by local application of petroleum
jelly, especially the yellow petroleum jelly. An
attempted suppression is merely an error on the part
of a physician, but a successful suppression is a
very serious matter indeed, and often in direct
proportion to two things: the area of skin eruption
which has been suppressed and the amount of
vitality in the patient. Not sufficient vitality means
he is able to receive the suppression or the
suppression would be unsuccessful;.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
A symptom I have observed from the
suppression of Rhus tox. poisoning from petroleum
jelly was a feeling on waking up in the mornintg as
if it were going to be impossible to move, a logy
feeling, a heaviness, as if he cannot get started in
any motion at all, and in those cases Nux vomica, as
the doctor mentioned, has proven a wonderful
antidote when indicated by the symptoms, and
sometimes, also I have seen Rhus tox., high, bring
back the eruption, with complete relief of all
internal symptoms.
Dr.JOHN E. Ames: I enjoyed the paper very
much. I treat a lot of skin myself. I wonder if he
were to have a patient come in the office tomorrow,
would he have his Petroleum and Sulphur as much
as these cases did, and he would not give that
remedy again.
My thought in the matter is Petroleum and
Sulphur were indicated. Perhaps they have done
something to the case that brought the other
remedies out so you could see them later. Certainly
in the case of the first one he described. Petroleum
would be sort of stretching the imagination not to
give it and expect to get results.
I believe in his case administration of solution
of Petroleum probably overcame the poisonous
effects of the petroleum products and allowed the
case to develop.
Dr. A.H. GRIMMER: I can’t let this go by
without saying something about these skin
conditions. They are among the hardest we have to
deal with, sometimes because we have the blending
of the Miasms in the most of them, added to the
effects of bad drugging and suppressive conditions;
hence, we cannot be surprised if we fail sometimes
to get a single remedy to do the work.
The doctor has shown great homeopathic
sense in analysis, and in going to the spot to carry
on consecutive efforts to eliminate one Miasm at a
time, or one poisonous effect at a time, in order to
bring about a condition wherein he could see the
simillimum that effected the cure. I think that is the
way we all have to proceed, but a good many are
discouraged because of the difficulty of these
chronic skin conditions. The doctor has brought us
the ways and means by which to proceed if we are
going to be successful. I want to thank him.
Dr. Thomas K. MOORE: You know,
HAHNEMANN says that in the face of a
continuing cause we are not to expect results. Here
we get results and a continuing cause, possibly
because we are using a higher potency than was
available to HAHNEMANN, and here this case,
disturbed by petroleum, is taken care of. It seems
to have cured the tendency which it had in the first
place to be disturbed by petroleum, and so this
patient became normal in that respect.
Dr. GRIMMER: It removes the susceptibility to
Dr. Edward WHITMONT: I am quite convinced
that Sulphur or Petroleum did not act at all: The
patient was given enough time. There was no
hurrying. He was prepared for the fact that it would
take a long time. The remedies were given.
Absolutely nothing occurred. In order to get
certainty about this point I tested against the
patient’s reflexes, Sulphur and Petroleum, and they
did not test at all.
The Petroleum case had apparently such
definite Petroleum symptoms because he proved
Petroleum. There is no getting away from the
point, sometimes we apparently do have absolutely
definite remedy indications and yet the remedy
does not work.
I picked these cases especially for the fallacy
inherent in them. Of course I think it is, as Dr.
MOORE said, a matter of removing the
susceptibility to the exposure that counts, and
indeed the skin cases are our worst cases,
[Reprinted from the Homeopathic Recorder, 1947.]
[Dr. Edward WHITMONT(1912 1998), a reputed
homeopath and Jungian analyst, was practicing in
New York; he is the author of Psyche and
Substance and Return of the Goddess. This
article is not found in the book Psyche and
Substance = KSS]
5. On the Genesis, Nature and Control of
Migraine. With Particular Reference to the
Bowel Nosodes as Expounded by Dr. John
MOUNT S.J.L. (BHJ. LXII, 3/1973)
Historical Introduction: Migraine affects a
substantial minority of the population, occurs in all
civilizations, and has been recognized since the
dawn of recorded history. If it was a scourge, or an
encouragement, to CAESAR, PAUL, KANT, and
FREUD, it is also a daily fact of life to anonymous
millions who suffer in secrecy and silence. Its
forms and symptoms, as BURTON remarked of
melancholy, are irregular, obscure, various, so
infinite, Proteus himself is not so diverse”. Its
nature and causes puzzled HIPPOCRATES, and
have been the subject of argument for two thousand
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The major clinical characteristics of Migraine –
its periodicity, its relation to character and
circumstance, its physical and emotional symptoms
– had all been clearly recognized by the second
century of our era. Thus ARETAEUS describes it,
under the name of Heterocrania:
“And in certain cases the whole head is pained,
and the pain is sometimes on the right, and
sometimes on the left side, or the forehead, or the
fontanelle; and such attacks shift their place during
the same day … This is called Heterocrania, an
illness by no means mild. It occasions unseemly
and dreadful symptoms nausea; vomiting of
bilious matters; collapse of the patient there is
much torpor, heaviness of the head, anxiety; and
life becomes a burden. For they flee the light; the
darkness soothes their disease; nor can they bear
readily to look upon or hear anything pleasant
the patients are weary of life and wish to die.”
While his contemporary PELOPS described
and named the sensory symptoms, which might
precede an Epilepsy (the aura), ARETAEUS
observed the analogous symptoms, which
inaugurated certain Migraines:
“… flashes of purple or black colours before
the sight, or all mixed together so as to exhibit the
appearance of a rainbow expanded in the heavens.”
Fourteen hundred years elapsed between the
observations of ARETAEUS and the treatises of
Alexander TRALLIANUS. Throughout this period
repeated observations confirmed and elaborated the
terse description of ARETAEUS, while reiterating,
unquestioned, the theories of antiquity concerning
its nature. The terms Heterocrania, Holocrania, and
Hemicrania, struggled with each other for many
centuries; Hemicrania ousted its rivals, and has
finally evolved, through an immense number of
transliterations, to the Migraine or megrim we
speak of today. The terms sick headache, bilious
headache (cephalia biliosa) and blind headache
have been in popular use for many centuries.
Two categories of theory have dominated
medical thinking on the nature of Migraine since
the time of HIPPOCRATES; both were still a
matter of serious dispute at the end of the
eighteenth century, and both, variously
transformed, command wide popular assent today:
the humoral theory and the sympathetic theory.
An excess of yellow or black bile, it was
supposed, could occasion not only a liverish
feeling, a black humour, or a jaundiced view of life,
but the bilious vomiting and gastric upset of a sick
headache. The essence of this theory, and of the
form of treatment which it implies, is precisely
expressed by Alexander TRALLIANUS:
“If therefore headache frequently arises on
account of a superfluity of bilious humour, the cure
of it must be affected by means of remedies which
purge and draw away the bilious humour.”
Purging and drawing away the bilious humour
in this lies the historical justification of
innumerable derivative theories and treatments,
many of them practiced at the present day. The
stomach and bowel may become laden with bilious
humours: hence the time-honoured use of emetics,
laxatives, cathartics, purgatives, etc. Fatty foods
draw bilious humours to the stomach; therefore the
diet of the migraineur must be sparse and ascetic.
Thus FOTHERGILL, a lifelong sufferer from
Migraine, considered the following especially
Melted butter, fat meats, spices, meat-pies, hot
buttered toast, and malt liquors when strong and
hoppy …
Similarly, it has always been considered, and is
still so held, that constipation (i.e. retention of
bilious humours in the bowel) may provoke or
prelude an attack of Migraine. Similarly, bilious
humours might be reduced at source (a variety of
“liver pills” is still recommended for Migraine), or
diminished if their concentration in the blood
became too high (blood-letting was particularly
recommended in the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries as a cure for Migraine).
Contemporary in origin with the humoral
theories, and evolving concurrently with them, have
been a variety of “sympathetic” theories. These
hold that Migraine has a peripheral origin in one or
more of the viscera (the stomach, the bowel, the
uterus, etc.), from which it is propagated about the
body by a special form of internal, visceral
communication; this occult form of
communication, hidden from and below the
transactions of consciousness, was termed
“sympathy” by the Greeks, and “consensus” by the
Romans, and was conceived to be of particular
importance in connecting the head and the viscera
(“mirum inter caput et viscera commercium”).
The classical notions of sympathy were
revived, and given a more exact form by Thomas
WILLIS. WILLIS had come to reject the
Hippocratic notions of Hysteria as arising from the
physical trajectory of the womb about the body and
instead came to visualize the uterus as radiating
the phenomena of hysteria through and infinitude of
minute pathways about the body. He extended this
concept to the transmission of a Migraine
throughout the body and of many other paroxysmal
WILLIS set out, three centuries ago, to review
the entire domain of nervous disorders (De Anima
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Brutorum), and in the course of this work included
a section (De Cephalalgia), which must be
considered as the first modern treatise on Migraine,
and the first decisive advance since the time of
ARETAEUS. He organized a vast mass of
medieval observations and speculations on the
subjects of Migraine, Epilepsy and other
paroxysmal reactions, and added to these clinical
observations, which were extraordinary in their
accuracy and sobriety.
WILLIS, discussing Migraine, shows himself
fully aware of the many predisposing, exciting and
accessory causes of such attacks; “… And evil or
weak constitution of the parts sometimes innate
and hereditary an irritation in some distant
member or viscera changes of season,
atmospheric states, the great aspects of the sun and
moon, violent passions, and errors in diet.” He was
well aware, also, that Migraine, though frequently
intolerable, is benign.
A classical concept revived by WILLIS was
that of idiopathy”, a tendency to periodic and
sudden explosions in the nervous system. Thus the
migrainous nervous system, or the epileptic nervous
system, could be detonated at any time, by a variety
of influences – physical or emotional – and the
remotest effects of the explosion were conveyed
throughout the body by sympathy, by presumed
sympathetic nerves whose existence WILLIS
himself could only infer. This concept is very close
to the syndrome picture that PATERSON
correlated with Proteus.
Sympathetic theories were particularly
favoured and elaborated in the eighteenth century.
TISSOT, observing that stomach disorders might
precede and apparently inaugurate a Migraine
headache, and that vomiting could rapidly bring the
entire attack to a close, suggests:
“It is then most probable that a focus of
irritation is formed little by little in the stomach,
and that when it has reached a certain point, the
irritation is sufficient to give rise to acute pains in
all the ramifications of the supraorbital nerve …”
Contemporary with TISSOT, and also lending
the weight of his authority to such sympathetic
theories, was Robert WHYTT; observing the
vomiting that generally accompanies inflammation
of the womb; the nausea, the disordered appetite,
that follows conception the headache, the heat
and pains in the back, the intestinal colic suffered
when the time of the menstrual flow approaches
etc.” WHYTT pictures the human body as riddled,
from one extremity to another, by obscure but
strangely direct paths of sympathy; paths which
could transmit the phenomena of a Migraine, or a
Hysteria, from their visceral origins.
It is important to note that the finest clinical
observers of the eighteenth century TISSOT,
WHYTT, SYDENHAM, etc. made no arbitrary
distinctions between physical and emotional
symptoms: all had to be considered together, as
integral parts of “nervous disorders”. Thus Robert
WHYTT brings together, as intimate and inter-
related symptoms,
“… An extraordinary sensation of cold and
heat, of pains in several parts of the body; syncopes
and vaporous convulsions; Catalepsy and Tetanus;
gas in the stomach and intestines vomiting of
black matter; a sudden and abundant flow of clear
pale urine palpitations of the heart; variations in
the pulse; periodic headaches; vertigo and nervous
spells depression, despair madness and
This central belief, this concept of the
inseparable unity of psychophysiological reactions,
was fractured at the start of the nineteenth century.
The “nervous disorders” of WILLIS and WHYTT
were rigidly divided into “organic” versus
“functional”. LIVEING and JACKSON, however,
portrayed Migraine as an indivisible
psychophysiological entity without internal
divisions, but their views were exceptional and
against the bias of their century.
Homeopathy can valuably contribute to this
approach whereby the whole body is seen as a
single functioning unit, where a man’s
psychological aspect is part of his physiological
state and body and mind are not divorced.
At the end of the eighteenth century, theories
and writings on Migraine dwelt on the physical
aspects of Migraine attacks, while neglecting their
emotional components, antecedents, and uses. The
theories of the nineteenth century, likewise, lacked
the generality of the earlier doctrines, and were
usually concerned with very specific mechanical
aetiologies of one type or another. Vascular
theories were very popular, whether these
envisaged general plethora, cerebral congestion, or
specific dilatations and constrictions of the cranial
vessels. Local factors were given great weight,
swelling of the pituitary gland, inflammation in the
eyes, etc.
Edward LIVEING’s treatise On Megrim, Sick
Headache and Allied Disorders, published in
1873, is a remarkably penetrating work and
contains much valuable comment on Migraine. An
essential part of LIVEING’s vision (and in this he
was more related to WILLIS and WHYTT than to
his contemporaries) was the realization that the
varieties of Migraine were endless in number, and
that they coalesced with many other paroxysmal
reactions. His own theory of “nerve-storms” of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
great generality and power, explained, as no other
theory could, the sudden or gradual metamorphoses
so characteristic of Migraine attacks. The same
thesis was expanded by GOWERS, who portrayed
Migraine, faints, vagal attacks, vertigo, sleep
disorders, etc., as related to each other and to
Epilepsy all such nerve-storms being mutually if
mysteriously transformable amongst themselves.
The present century has been characterized
both by advances and retrogressions in its approach
to Migraine. The advances reflect sophistications
of technique and quantitation, and the
retrogressions represent the splitting and fracturing
of the subject, which appears inseparable from the
specialization of knowledge. By a historical irony,
a real gain of knowledge and technical skill has
been coupled with a real loss in general
A Migraine is a physical event, which may also
be from the start, or later become, an emotional or
symbolic event. A Migraine expresses both
physiological and emotional needs; it is the
prototype of a psychophysiological reaction. To
understand it demands a convergence of thinking
which must be based, simultaneously, both on
neurology and on psychiatry (the convergence
envisaged and brought nearer by CANNON, the
physiologist, and GRODDECK, the analyst);
finally, Migraine cannot be conceived as an
exclusively human reaction, but must be considered
as a form of biological reaction specifically tailored
to human needs and human nervous systems. For
this purpose Migraine must be seen as an attempt
on the part of the body to heal itself, to achieve
balance and find harmony. The “disease” precedes
the migrainous attack, while the attack itself is the
“healing” reaction.
The Nature of Migraine
The cardinal symptoms of common Migraine
are headache and nausea. Complementing these
may be a remarkable variety of other major
symptoms, in addition to minor disorders and
physiological changes of which the patient may not
be aware. Presiding over the entire attack there will
be, in du Bois REYMOND’s words, a general
feeling of disorder”, which may be experienced in
either physical or emotional terms, and tax or elude
the patient’s powers of description. Great
variability of symptoms is characteristic, not only
of attacks in different patients, but between
successive attacks in the same patient.
Headache: The character of the pains varied
very much: most frequently they were of a
hammering, throbbing or pushing nature (in
other cases) pressing and dull boring with sense
of bursting … pricking, rending … stretching
piercing and radiating in a few cases it felt as
if a wedge was pressed into the head, or like an
ulcer, or as if the brain was torn, or pressed
PETERS, 1853
Migraine headache is traditionally described as
a violent throbbing pain in one temple, and not
infrequently takes this form. It is impossible,
however, to specify a constant site, quality, or
intensity, for in the course of a practice one will
encounter all conceivable varieties of head-pain in
the context of Migraine. WOLFF has stated
“The sites of the Migraine headache are
notably temporal, supraorbital, frontal, retrobulbar,
parietal, postauricular, and occipital They may
occur as well in the malar region, in the upper and
the lower teeth, at the base of the nose, in the
median wall of the orbit, in the neck and in the
region of the common carotid arteries, and down as
far as the tip of the shoulder.”
One may say, however, that Migraine headache
is unilateral in onset more frequently than not,
although it tends to become diffuse in distribution
later in the attack. One side is generally attacked
by preference, and in a few patients there may be an
invariable left- or right-sided involvement
throughout life. More commonly there is only a
relative preference, often associated with the
severity of pain: severe frequent Hemicrania on one
side with mild occasional Hemicrania on the
opposite side. A number of patients complain of an
alternation of Hemicrania from one side to the other
in successive attacks, or even in the same attack.
The quality of Migraine headache is similarly
variable. Throbbing occurs in less than half of all
cases, and in these may characterize the headache
only at its inception, soon giving way to a steady
aching. Continued throbbing throughout the attack
is uncommon, and occurs chiefly in those who
drive themselves to continued physical activity
despite a Migraine. Throbbing, when it occurs, is
synchronized with arterial pulsation, and may be
accompanied by visible pulsation of extracranial
arteries. One may say, however, that almost all
vascular headaches are aggravated by active or
passive head movement, or by the transmitted
impulse of coughing, sneezing or vomiting. The
pain is therefore minimized by rest, or by splinting
of the head in one position. It may also be
mollified by counter-pressure; many Migraine
sufferers will press the affected temple into their
pillows, or hold the affected side with their hand.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The duration of Migraine headache is very
variable. In extremely acute attacks (“migrainous
neuralgia”) the pain may last only a matter of
minutes. In a common Migraine, the duration is
rarely less than three hours, is commonly of eight to
twenty-four hours’ duration, and on occasion may
last several days, or in excess of a week. Tissue
changes may become manifest in very extended
attacks. The superficial temporal artery (or arteries)
may become exquisitely tender to the touch and
visibly indurated. The surrounding skin may also
become tender, and remain in this state for more
than a day following the subsidence of the
headache. Very rarely a spontaneous Hygroma or
Haematoma may form about the affected vessel.
The intensity of migrainous headache is
extremely variable. It may be of incapacitating
violence, or so faint that its presence is only
detected by the transient pain consequent upon
jolting of the head or coughing. Nor need the
intensity remain constant throughout the attack; a
slow waxing and waning with a period of a few
minutes is commonly described, and much longer
remissions and exacerbations may also occur,
particularly in protracted menstrual Migraines.
Migrainous headache is frequently complicated
by the simultaneous or antecedent occurrence of
other types of head-pain. Characteristic “tension-
headache”, localized especially in the cervical and
posterior occipital regions, may inaugurate a
Migraine headache, or accompany it, particularly if
the attack is marked by irritability, anxiety, or
continued activity throughout its duration. Such
tension-headache must not be construed as an
integral portion of the Migraine, but as a secondary
reaction to it.
Conversely a cervical osteopathic lesion can
cause a Migraine and the physician should be well
aware of this possibility and arrange to have a
Migraine patient examined by a suitably qualified
colleague for such a lesion.
Homeopathic remedies associated with the
headache as such, include Belladonna, Bryonia,
Glonoine, Natrum mur., Nux vomica, Sanguinaria,
Silicea, Spigelia, Iris, Pulsatila, Gelsemium,
Lachesis, Sepia.
Nausea and associated symptoms
Eructations occur, either inodorous and without
taste, or of an insupportable mawkishness;
abundant mucosities and salivary fluid flow into the
mouth, intermixed at times with those of a bitter,
bilious taste; there is extreme disgust for food;
general malaise paroxysmal distensions of the
stomach with gas, followed by belchings, with
transient relief; or vomiting may occur …
PETERS, 1853.
Nausea is invariable in the course of a common
Migraine, whether it is trifling and intermittent, or
continuous and overwhelming, The term “nausea”
is used, and has always been used, in both literal
and figurative senses, as denoting not only a
specific (if unlocalizable) sensation, but a state of
mind and pattern of behaviour – a turning away
from food, from everything, and a turning-inwards.
Even if there is no overt nausea, a vast majority of
Migraine patients will be averse to eating during
the attack, knowing that the act of eating, the sight,
the smell, or even the very thought of food may
bring on overwhelming nausea. One might almost
speak of latent nausea in this connection.
A variety of other symptoms, local and
systemic, are likely to be associated with nausea.
Increased salivation and reflux of bitter stomach
contents (water-brash), with the necessity of
swallowing or spitting, may not only accompany
the sensation of nausea, but precede it by several
minutes. Not uncommonly patients are alerted to
the imminence of a severe sick headache by finding
their mouths filled with saliva or waterbrash, and
may be enabled, by his timely signal, to take
appropriate medication and ward off further
oncoming symptoms.
Established nausea provokes various forms of
visceral ejaculation: hiccup, belching, retching and
vomiting. If the patient is fortunate, vomiting may
terminate not only his nausea but the entire
Migraine attack; more commonly, he will fail to
secure relief from vomiting, and suffer instead an
excruciating aggravation of concurrent vascular
headache. When florid, nausea is far less tolerable
than headache or other forms of pain, and in many
patients, especially youthful ones, nausea and
vomiting dominate the clinical picture and
constitute the crowning misery of a common
Repeated vomiting first empties the existing
stomach-contents, is followed by vomiting of
regurgitated bile, and finally by repeated Dry”
heaving or retching. It is the chief cause (in
company with profuse sweating and diarrhoea) of
the severe fluid and electrolyte depletion, which
can prostrate patients suffering, protracted attacks.
Nausea as a homeopathic symptom in
Migraine is associated with such remedies as Nux
vomica, Sepia, Arg.nit., Bryonia, Ipecacuanha, Iris,
Facial appearance
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The picturesque terms “red Migraine” and
“white Migraine” were introduced by du Bois
REYMOND, and retain a certain descriptive value.
In a red Migraine, the face is dusky and flushed; in
the words of an old account:
Congested, with rushing and roaring in the
head, bloating, glowing, and shining of the face,
with protrusion of the eyes great heat of the head
and face throbbing of the carotid and temporal
arteries …
PETERS, 1853.
A full-blown, plethoric appearance, as
PETERS describes, is distinctly uncommon,
occurring in less than a tenth of cases of common
Migraine. Patients predisposed to red Migraines
often have a marked propensity to flush with anger
or blush with embarrassment: facial erythema, we
may say, is their “style”:
Case 40
A 60-year-old man of irascible temperament
subject to common Migraines since the age of 18,
and bilious attacks and severe motion-sickness in
childhood. He has a beef-red face, with tiny dilated
arterioles in the nose and eyes. He flushes in his
frequent rages, and indeed, his face always seems
to glow with a red smouldering fire, which is the
precise physiological counterpart of his chronic
smouldering irritability. His face becomes crimson
a few minutes before the onset of Migraine
headache, and remains flushed throughout the
Such attacks would of course suggest remedies
such as Belladonna, Sanguinaria and the bowel
nosode Morgan.
Much more familiar is the picture of white
migraine, in which the face is pale, or even ashen,
thin, drawn and haggard, while the eyes appear
small, sunken, and ringed. These changes may be
so marked as to suggest the picture of surgical
shock. Intense pallor is always seen if there is
severe nausea. On occasion, the face becomes
flushed in the first few minutes of an attack, and
then abruptly pale, as if, in Peters’ words, “all the
blood passed suddenly from the head to the legs”.
Remedies such as Lycopodium, Arsenicum,
Natrum mur., and Silicea are suggested, and
Veratrum which has paleness and collapse.
Oedema of the face and scalp may occur, either
as isolated features or in the context of a very
general fluid-retention and oedema. Facial, lingual
and labial swelling, reminiscent of an angio-
neurotic oedema, may occur at the inception of the
attack in some patients. In one such patient
observed at the inauguration of an attack, a massive
periorbital oedema developed on one side a few
minutes before the onset of headache. More
commonly, facial and scalp oedema develop after
prolonged dilatation of extracranial vessels, and are
associated, as WOLFF and others have shown, with
fluid transudation and sterile inflammation about
the involved vessels. The oedematous skin is
always tender and has a lowered pain-threshold.
Ocular symptoms
It is almost always possible to detect changes
in the appearance of the eyes during or before an
attack of migraine headache, even though the
patient himself may not volunteer any visual or
ocular symptoms. There is usually some suffusion
of small vessels in the globe, and in particularly
severe attacks the eyes may become grossly
bloodshot (this feature is characteristic in attacks of
Migrainous neuralgia). The eyes may appear moist
(Chemotic) from an increase in lachrymation-
analogous too, and often synchronized with, the
increased salivation-or bleary from an exudative
inflammation of the vascular bed. Alternatively,
the eyes may appear lustreless and sunken; a true
enophthalmos may occur.
These changes in the eyeball, when severe,
may be associated with a variety of symptoms;
itching and burning in the affected eye(s), a painful
sensitivity to light, and blurring of vision. Blurring
of vision may be of incapacitating severity (“blind
headache”), and one may find it impossible to
visualize the retinal vessels with any clarity at such
times, due to the exudative thickening of the
With Gelsemium heavy eyes are noted,
Belladonna has injected eyes, and Nux vomica too.
Increased lachrymation is associated with
Chelidonium, Rhus, Spigelia.
Nasal symptoms
Descriptions of Migraine rarely pay much
attention to nasal symptoms, although careful
questioning of patients will reveal that at least a
quarter of them develop some “stuffiness” of the
nose in the course of an attack. Examination at this
time will show engorged and purple turbinates.
Such symptoms and findings, when they are
present, may mislead both patient and physician
into making a diagnosis of “sinus” or “allergic”
Another nasal symptom, which may come
either towards the beginning or at the resolution of
the attack, is a profuse catarrhal secretion.
Abdominal symptoms and abnormal bowel
About one-tenth of adults who suffer from
common Migraine complain of abdominal pain or
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
abnormal bowel action during the course of the
attack. The proportion is notably higher in younger
patients, and the abdominal symptoms described
here as a minor component of a common Migraine
may constitute the predominant or only symptoms
in so-called “abdominal Migraines”. Two types of
abdominal pain are described with some frequency:
the first is an intense, steady, boring “neuralgic”
type of pain, usually felt in the upper abdomen and
sometimes radiating to the back-it may mimic the
pain of a perforated ulcer, Cholecystitis or
Pancreatitis. Somewhat more commonly, the
patient describes a colicky abdominal pain, often
referred to the right lower quadrant, and not
infrequently taken for Appendicitis.
Abdominal distension, visceral silence, and
constipation tend to occur in the prodromal or
earlier portions of a Migraine, and contrast studies
performed at this stage have confirmed that there is
stasis and dilatation throughout the entire gastro-
intestinal tract. This is succeeded in the later or
closing portions of the attack by increased
peristaltic activity throughout the gut, clinically
manifest as colicky pain, diarrhoea, and gastric
Abdominal pains associated with headache are
reviewed later, but Colocynth, Cina and Veratrum
album, Aloes and Cocculus are some of the lesser-
known remedies that can be used.
Lethargy and drowsiness
Although many patients, especially
indomitable and obsessional ones, make no
concessions to a Migraine and insist on driving
themselves through the usual round of work and
play, a degree of listlessness and a desire for rest
are characteristic of all severe common Migraines.
A vascular headache exquisitely sensitive to motion
of the head may in itself enforce inactivity, but one
cannot accept this as the only, or even the chief,
mechanism at work. Many patients feel weak
during an attack and exhibit diminished tone of
skeletal muscles. Many are dejected, and seek
seclusion and passivity. Many are drowsy.
LIVEING writes:
It is important to distinguish this drowsiness
from the comparatively natural and graceful sleep
which, in a large proportion of cases, terminates,
and sometimes shortens the paroxysm. It is, on the
contrary, of a most uncomfortable and oppressive
character, sometimes verging on coma.
LIVEING compares this drowsiness with the
altered states of consciousness, which may
sometimes precede an asthmatic attack, citing the
following introspective description of the latter:
Symptoms of an approaching fit began to
appear at 4 p.m. The principal were fullness in the
head, dullness and heaviness of the eyes, and
disagreeable drowsiness. The drowsiness increased
so much that I spent a great part of the evening in a
succession of “trances” as I call them. This horrid
drowsiness generally prevents one from being
sensible of the approach of a fit till it has
Sometimes the drowsiness may precede other
symptoms by minutes or hours, while at other times
it presents itself pari passu with the headache and
other symptoms. Repeated yawning is a
characteristic feature of these lethargic states,
presumably an attempted arousal mechanism to
stave off the torpor. Migrainous drowsiness is not
only “irresistible”, glutinous and unpleasantly
toned, but tends to be charged with peculiarly vivid,
atrocious and incoherent dreams, a state verging on
delirium. It is best, therefore, not to yield to it.
Some patients do, however, discover that a brief
deep sleep near the commencement of a Migraine
may prevent its subsequent evolution.
The duration of such curative sleeps may be
very brief. LIVEING cites the case of a gardener
with typical abdominal Migraines; this patient was
able to abort the development of a full-blown attack
if he could lie down under a tree and secure ten
minutes’ sleep at its inception.
Headaches associated with drowsiness call to
mind Gelsemium and lesser known Indium,
Ailanthus, Leptandra and Chelidonium.
Dizziness, vertigo, faintness and syncope
True vertigo must be considered quite
exceptional in the course of a common Migraine,
although it is often experienced in a Migraine aura
or classical Migraine. Milder states of
“lightheadedness” occur with notable frequency.
SELBY and LANCE (1960), in a clinical study of
500 patients with Migraine of all types, found that
“some 72 percent complained of a sensation of
dizziness, lightheadedness and unsteadiness …”.
They further observed that “sixty patients of 396
had lost consciousness in association with attacks
of headache”.
The possible causes of such symptoms may, of
course, be multiple, and will include autonomic
reactions to pain and nausea, vasomotor collapse,
prostration due to fluid loss or exhaustion, muscular
weakness and adynamia, etc; in addition to the
action of direct central mechanisms inhibiting the
level of consciousness.
Alterations of fluid balance
A number of Migraine patients complain of
increased weight, or tightness of clothes, rings,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
belts, shoes, etc., in association with their attacks.
These symptoms have been submitted to precise
experimental investigation by WOLFF. Some
weight-gain preceded the headache stage in more
than a third of the patients he studied; since,
however, the headache could not be influenced
either by experimental diuresis or hydration,
WOLFF concluded that “weight gain and
widespread fluid retention are concomitant but not
causally related to headache”.
During the period of water retention, urine is
diminished in output and highly concentrated. The
retained fluid is discharged through a profuse
diuresis, sometimes associated with other secretory
activities, as the Migraine attack resolves.
Case 10
A 42-year-old who has had Migraine
headaches for 4 years, knows the previous day he is
about to suffer a bout. For the day before he
experiences compulsive eating and drinking. He
retains fluids and puts on weight and when the
headache is on verge of breaking, he passes urine
profusely. The day before he also suffers anxiety in
his stomach, pounding heart and awful depression.
Spigelia and Pulsatilla were two remedies this man
benefited by. Gelsemium is often also associated
with this symptom. Ignatia and Sanguinaria have
polyuric symptoms alongside a headache.
Many patients may complain that they feel
feverish during the course of a common Migraine,
and they indeed demonstrate flushing of the face,
coldness and cyanosis of the extremities, shivering,
sweating, and alternating feelings of heat and cold
preceding or accompanying the onset of headache.
These symptoms are not necessarily accompanied
by fever, although the latter may be present, and are
of considerable severity, especially in youthful
Minor symptoms and signs
Contraction of one pupil, Ptosis, and
Enophthalmos (Horner’s syndrome) may produce a
striking asymmetry in cases of unilateral Migraine.
There is no consistency, however, concerning
pupillary size. In the earlier stages of an attack, or
if pain is very intense, the pupils may be enlarged;
later in an attack, or if nausea, lethargy, collapse,
etc., dominate the picture, small pupils will be seen.
The same considerations apply to pulse-rate: an
initial tachycardia is likely to be followed by a
protracted bradycardia, the latter sometimes
associated with significant Hypotension and
postural faintness or syncope. Observant patients
may comment on such changes of pulse and pupil
during their worst attacks.
There is no end to the number of odd,
miscellaneous alterations of physiological function,
which may occur as a result of Migraine; a
complete listing of these would provide a
fascinating catalogue of curiosa. It will suffice,
however, to make brief reference to the occurrence
of widespread vascular changes and occasional
trophic changes associated with Migraines.
Flushing of the entire body has been reported
and the appearance of spontaneous ecchymoses of
the limbs. The literature makes reference to
whitening and loss of scalp hair though rarely
Organic irritability
the patient could not bear anything to touch
his head, and the least sight or sound, even the
ticking of his watch, was insupportable.
TISSOT, 1778
Irritability and Photophobia are exceedingly
common in the course of Migraine attacks, and
have been adopted, by WOLFF and others, as
pathognomonic features aiding the diagnosis.
We are concerned with two types of irritability
as accompaniments of the Migraine state. The first
is an aspect of the mood-change and defensive
seclusion, which may be so prominent in the
behaviour and social posture of many Migraine
patients. The second type of irritability arises from
a diffuse sensory excitation and excitability, so
great that it may render all sensory stimuli
intolerable, as the old words of TISSOT remind us.
In particular, Migraine patients are prone to
photophobia, an intense discomfort, both local and
general, provoked by light, and an avoidance of
light, which may become the most obvious external
characteristic of the entire attack. Some of this
photophobia is on the basis of conjunctival
hyperaemia and inflammation, as described earlier,
and is associated with burning and smarting of the
eyes. But a major cause of photophobia is a central
irritability and sensory arousal.
An exaggeration and intolerance of sounds
phonophobia is equally characteristic of the
severe attack; distant sounds, the noise of traffic, or
the dripping of a tap, may appear unbearably loud
and provoke and patient to fury.
Very characteristic of this state is an
exaggeration, and often a perversion of the sense of
smell; delicate perfumes appear to stink, and may
elicit an overwhelming reaction of nausea.
Similarly with the sense of taste, the blandest foods
acquiring intense and often disgusting flavours.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
It is important to note that sensory excitability
of this type may precede the onset of headache, and
in general, is characteristic of the early portions of
the Migraine attack. It is often followed by a state
of sensory inhibition or indifference for the
remainder of the attack. The alterations of
sensation and sensory threshold, which occur in
common Migraine, however distressing to the
patient, are very mild in comparison to the intense
hallucinations and perversions of sensation, which
are characteristic of Migraine aura and classical
Irritability and sensitivity are common
symptoms in Migraine and are not necessarily
ultimate pointers to a remedy, but Nux vomica,
Bryonia, Chamomilla, Ignatia, Anacardium, are
associated, and Belladonna.
Mood changes
Profound affective changes may occur during,
and only during, a Migraine attack, changes which
are particularly startling in patients of normally
equable temperament. Moreover, it will become
clear that such mood-changes are not simply
reactions to pain, nausea, etc., but are themselves
primary symptoms proceeding concurrently with
the many other symptoms of the attack. Very
profound mood-changes may also occur before and
after the bulk of the attack, and as such will be
considered later. The most important emotional
colourings during the clinically recognized portion
of a common Migraine are states of anxious and
irritable hyperactivity in the early portions of the
attack, and states of apathy and depression in the
bulk of the attack.
The common picture of anxious irritability has
already been sketched in the preceding section.
The patient is restless and agitated; if confined to
his bed, he will move about constantly, rearranging
the bedclothes, finding no position of comfort; he
will tolerate neither sensory nor social intrusions.
His irascibility may be extreme. Such states are
exacerbated if the patient continues to drive himself
through his habitual routine of work, and their
exacerbation, by a vicious circle, is likely to
provoke a further increase in other symptoms of the
Very different is the picture presented in the
fully established or protracted attack. Here the
physical and emotional posture is characterized by
accepted suffering, dejection and passivity. Such
patients, unless compelled to act otherwise by
internal or external factors, withdraw or regress into
illness, solitude and seclusion. The emotional
depression at such times is very real, often serious,
and occasionally suicidal. The following account is
taken from an eighteenth-century description:
From the first perception of uneasiness in the
stomach the spirits begin to flag. They grow more
and more depressed, until cheerful thoughts and
feelings fly away, and the patient conceives himself
the most wretched of human beings and feels as if
he were never to be otherwise …
This old description brings out the true
depressive quality-the sense of utter hopelessness
and permanence of misery-a reaction, which is
clearly far in excess of a realistic response to a
short-lived benign attack of which the patient has
had innumerable experiences.
Feelings of depression will be associated with
feelings of anger and resentment, and in the
severest Migraines there may exist a very ugly
mixture of despair, fury and loathing of everything
and everyone, not excluding the self. Such states of
enraged helplessness may be intolerable both for
the patient and his family, and should not be under-
rated. The anger remedies include Nux vomica,
Ignatia and Chamomilla.
Symptom-constellations in common Migraine
There have now been listed the major
symptoms of a common Migraine as if these are
unrelated to one another and occur at random.
Certain groups of symptoms tend, however, to
occur with some consistency. This severe vascular
headache usually occurs in association with other
evidences of dilatation in extracranial vessels:
suffusion and chemosis of the eyes, vascular
engorgement within the nose, facial flushing, etc.
In other patients, gastro-intestinal symptoms form a
coherent phalanx: gastric and intestinal distension,
abdominal pains, followed by diarrhoea and
vomiting. A shock” picture is seen in severe
“white” Migraines, constituted by pallor, coldness
of the extremities, profuse cold sweating, chilliness,
shivering, slowness and feebleness of the pulse, and
postural hypotension; this picture is frequently seen
in association with very severe nausea, but may
occur when nausea is not prominent.
These three types are but three of many
variants but in a later section an attempt will be
made to relate these types to Paterson’s Bowel
Nosodes. There is a fairly obvious physiological
linkage of symptoms in a particular symptom
picture, but in Homeopathy one is looking for
more than this, one is looking for the homeopathic
symptom picture.
The sequence of a common Migraine
As generally understood and described, a
common migraine is constituted by vascular
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
headache, nausea, increased splanchnic activity
(vomiting, diarrhoea etc.), increased glandular
activity (salivation, lachrymation, etc.), muscular
weakness and atonia, drowsiness and depression.
We will find, however, that Migraine neither starts
nor ends with these symptoms, but is both preceded
and followed by symptoms and states which are
clinically and physiologically the reverse of these.
We may speak of premonitory or prodromal
symptoms, while recognizing that these pass,
insensibly, into the earlier phases of the attack
proper. Some of these prodromal or early
symptoms are local, some systemic; some are
physical, and others are emotional. Among the
commoner physical prodromes we must include
states of water-retention and thirst, states of visceral
dilatation and constipation, states of muscular
tension and sometimes hypertension. Among the
emotional symptoms we must recognize states of
hunger, restless hyperactivity, insomnia, vigilance,
and emotional arousal, which may have either an
anxious or euphoric colouring. A sufferer from
severe common Migraines would speak of feeling
“dangerously well” the day before his attacks.
Such states, when they are acute and extreme, may
achieve an almost maniacal intensity. Milder forms
of this are quite common.
Case 22
A 53-year-old woman who had lead a hard life,
having spent most of her childhood at an
orphanage, would suffer Migraine headaches
mostly at a weekend. But the day before her
headache she would walk with “real bounce in her
step” and feel doubly well.
The resolution of a common Migraine, or
indeed of any variety of Migraine attack, may
proceed in three ways, as has been recognized since
the seventeenth century. It may, in its natural
course, exhaust itself and end in sleep. The post-
migrainous sleep is long, deep, and refreshing, like
a post-epileptic sleep. Secondly, it may resolve by
“lysis”, a gradual abatement of the suffering
accompanied by one or more secretory activities.
As CALMELL wrote, almost 150 years ago:
“Vomiting sometimes terminates a Migraine.
An abundant flow of tears does the same, or an
abundant secretion of urine. Sometimes
Hemicrania is terminated by an abundant
perspiration from the feet, hands, half of the face,
or by a nose-bleeding, a spontaneous arterial
haemorrhage, or a mucous flux from the nose.”
The third mode of resolution of a Migraine is
by crisis a sudden accession of physical or mental
activity, which brings the attack to an end within
There has already been intimated an analogy
between Migraine and sleep, and this analogy is
dramatized by the sense of extreme refreshment,
and almost of rebirth, which may follow a severe
but compact attack. Such states do not represent a
mere restoration to the pre-migraine condition, but
a swing in the direction of arousal, a rebound after
the migrainous trough. In the words of LIVEING:
“… (the patient) awakes a different being”.
Rebound euphoria and refreshment is particularly
common after severe menstrual Migraines. It is
least in evidence after a protracted attack with
vomiting, diarrhoea and fluid loss; such attacks fail
to “recharge” the patient, and necessitate a period
of convalescence.
Consideration of the many symptoms which
may compose a common Migraine has shown us
that the term cannot be identified with any one
symptom. A Migraine is an aggregate of
innumerable components, and its structure is
composite. The emphasis of the components is
extremely variable within the framework of a
general pattern. Headache may be the cardinal
symptom; it may constitute only a subsidiary
symptom; it may even be entirely absent. We use
the term “Migraine equivalent” to denote symptom-
complexes, which possess the generic features of
Migraine, but lack a specific headache component.
The concentrated experience of working with
Migraine patients must convince the physician,
whatever his previous beliefs, that many patients do
suffer repeated, discrete, paroxysmal attacks of
abdominal pain, chest pain, fever, etc., which fulfil
every clinical criterion of Migraine save for the
presence of headache. Some of these variations are
here reviewed.
Cyclic vomiting and bilious attacks
Frequency and severity of nausea is a
component of Juvenile Migraines. Frequently, it
forms the cardinal symptom of a Migraine reaction,
and as such is often dignified with the term “bilious
attack”. SELBY and LANCE provide the
following figures from their large series:
“… of 198 cases (of Migraine) 31 percent
recalled frequently-occurring bilious attacks. Of a
further 139 patients, 59 percent have a history of
some bilious attacks or severe motion-sickness
during their early years.”
Severe nausea is always accompanied by
multiple autonomic symptoms - pallor, shivering,
diaphoresis, etc. A majority of attacks are put
down to dietary indiscretion in childhood, and in
adult life ascribed to “gastric flu” or gall-bladder
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
pathology, according to the persuasion of the
Such attacks may persist throughout life, or
may undergo a gradual or sudden transition to the
“adult” form-common Migraine. The following
case-history, provided by VAHLQUIST and
HACKZELL (1949), illustrates the genesis and
evolution of such attacks in a young patient:
“… When he was 10 months old he was badly
frightened by an air-raid siren, and after this had
abnormal fear-reactions…. The first typical attack
occurred at the age of one year. He suddenly
turned pale, and later had an attack of violent
vomiting. During the next two years he had several
attacks a week, always of the same type When
he was about three, he began to complain of a pain
in his head during the attacks… They generally
ended in a heavy sleep.
Abdominal Migraine
The symptoms in any type of Migraine are
multiple, and the division between “bilious attacks”
and “abdominal Migraines” is an interesting one. A
case will be made in this thesis for differentiating
biliousness from abdominal Migraine on the basis
that the former is covered by Paterson’s Morgan
Nosode and the latter by Paterson’s Proteus
Nosode. The former shows a congested liverish
bilious nature, the latter a picture of cramp and
explosiveness. The dominant feature in the latter is
epigastric pain of cramping character and great
severity, accompanied by a variety of further
autonomic symptoms. The following incisive
description is provided in LIVEING’s monograph:
“When about 16 years old, enjoying otherwise
excellent health, I began to suffer from periodic
attacks of severe pain in the stomach … The seizure
would commence at any hour, and I was never able
to discover any cause for it, for it was preceded by
no dyspeptic symptoms or disordered bowels …
The pain began with a deep, ill-defined uneasiness
in the epigastrium. This steadily increased in
intensity during the next two or three hours, and
then declined. When at its height the pain was very
intolerable and sickening it had no griping quality
whatever. It was always accompanied by
chilliness, cold extremities, a remarkably slow
pulse, and a sense of nausea … When the pain
began to decline there was generally a feeling of
movement in the bowels The paroxysm left very
considerable tenderness of the affected region,
which took a day or two to clear off, but there was
no tenderness at the time.”
Some years later, this particular patient ceased
to have his abdominal attacks, but developed
instead attacks of classical Migraine coming at
similar intervals of three to four weeks.
The remedies for abdominal Migraine would
fall into the Proteus category and would include
Natrum mur., Cuprum, Secale and Sepia.
Case 27
Illustrates abdominal Migraine, in this case not
cured by treatment. A 66-year-old woman had
started Migraines at the age of 50. They had
presented at first as follows: The pain would start
on the left side of her abdomen and move to the
right. It was a pricking and then a burning pain and
would later develop a feeling as if there was a
blockage. The burning pain would spread all over
the abdomen and then up the spine. Later on the
pains became associated with sinus congestion,
lachrymation, pain in the neck, and later on still a
typical Migraine headache. But headache was not
associated at first with these attacks. Arsenicum
alb. gave a temporary relief, and Bidor, but
Homeopathy did not help in the long term.
Precordial Migraine
The term “precordial Migraine” (pectoralgic,
or pseudo-anginal Migraine) denotes the occurrence
of chest-pain as a major constituent of a common or
classical Migraine, or its occurrence as a periodic,
paroxysmal symptom with Migrainous rather than
anginal qualities and antecedents.
The presentation and diagnosis of such attacks
has been very fully considered by Fitz-Hugh
(1940). Both PATERSON’s Nosodes of Dys. co
and Proteus are relevant in the precordial Migraine
picture, but if cramp is predominant a Proteus
remedy is indicated.
Periodic sleep and trance-states
The drowsiness, which often accompanies or
precedes a severe common Migraine is occasionally
abstracted as a symptom in its own right, and may
then constitute the sole expression of the
migrainous tendency. The following case
illustrates the “transformation” of common
Migraine to a sleep equivalent.
Case 31
A 50-year-old woman started Migraine attacks
after first pregnancy with classical scotomata,
paraesthesiae in half of the face and half of the
tongue followed by a left-sided headache that lasted
24 hours. Nausea, vomiting, loss of vision and
distorted vision were common. She was greatly
helped at this time by Homeopathy and was
completely free of headaches for several years.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Lycopodium 10M and Bidor were the two
remedies that secured this cure. Mentally she
presented as conscientious, ambitious, introspective
and intellectual. She easily tired at evening time.
At the menopause, however, she started
experiencing dreamy turns. She would talk to
people then dream off. Dreamy turns would come
while under pressure and she would act as if in a
trance. She would dread the night following one of
these attacks on account of the nightmares
experienced. Homeopathic treatment helped these
greatly and they became less frequent. A
combination of remedies was tried in succession:
Sulphur, Silicea, Arg. nit., Hyoscyamus and, of
course, Nux moschata, but the improvement was
never marked enough to single out one remedy as
curative. Bidor was frequently prescribed.
Menstrual syndromes
A large minority of women experience marked
affective and autonomic disturbances about the
time of menstruation. GREENE has estimated that
“about 20 women in every 100 suffer sometimes
from premenstrual Migraine”, and if we include
under this heading autonomic and affective
disturbances not accompanied by headache, the
figure must be substantially higher than this.
Indeed, we may say that the menstrual cycle is
always associated with some degree of
physiological disturbance, even though this may
pass unobserved by the patient. The disturbance
tends to be in the direction of psychophysiological
arousal prior to the menses, and “let-down”
followed by rebound after the menses.
The arousal period may be characterized by
“tension”, anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia, fluid-
retention, thirst, constipation, abdominal distention,
etc., and, more rarely, Asthma, Psychosis, or
Epilepsy. The “let-down” period or derousal”
may be manifest as, lassitude, depression, vascular
headache, visceral hyperactivity, pallor sweating,
etc. In short virtually all the symptoms of
Migraine, as they have been described thus far, may
be condensed into the biological turmoil
surrounding menstruation.
Of particular relevance in the present context is
the frequent alternation, during the life history of a
single patient, of differing formats of menstrual
syndrome, with the emphasis on vascular headache
at one time, at another on intestinal cramping, etc.
The following case history illustrates a sudden
“transformation” between two types of menstrual
Case 32
A 37-year-old woman had experienced severe
abdominal (probably intestinal) cramping at the
menstrual period between the ages of 17 and 30.
She suddenly ceased to experience these symptoms
at that age, but suffered in their place, typical
premenstrual Migraine headaches.
Other patients may suffer severe menstrual
syndromes for several years, lose these to acquire
frequent attacks of paroxysmal headache or
abdominal pain unrelated to the menstrual periods,
finally reverting to the original pattern of menstrual
disturbance. But there are many ways in which
Migraine headaches can inter-relate with the
menstrual periods, as various in fact as woman
herself and her complex psychology. The
menopause can relieve Migraine or worsen it, as
can hysterectomy.
Case 2
A 65-year-old woman had suffered headaches
all her life which had started with her periods.
They were not severe until middle age and were not
associated with vomiting. She openly admitted to
severe frustration due to having no outlet for her
sexual energies. She was talkative, emotional, and
verged on the hysterical. She was resentful at life
generally. She underwent a hysterectomy at the age
of 47 for menorrhagia. Ten years later the
headaches became really severe and migrainous.
She would suffer “knots in her abdomen” from
tension and tachycardia. Natrum mur 10M and
Bidor were given to this patient, with great relief
Case 20
This patient also underwent a hysterectomy for
menorrhagia, which did not solve her Migraines.
A 56-year-old woman, she had suffered headaches
since 7 years of age. Marriage eased the situation
and lessened the frequency of the headaches, but
they returned in force at the age of 50. At that time
she was experiencing heavy periods with bleeding
every three weeks and a hysterectomy was
performed. After the operation the headaches were
still severe and it was not until this patient was
given relaxation therapy in art classes and neck
manipulation that true relief was experienced. She
was a constant worrier and ambitious in her drives.
From an early age she had felt the need to better her
sisters who were always held up to her as an
example. Sepia 200 and Pulsatilla 30, together
with Lachesis 200, were remedies that gave relief.
Case 9
In some cases definite relief from Migraine is
experienced at the menopause. A 51-year-old
woman had suffered Migraines on and off for ten
years. The headaches would occur just before the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
periods and were associated with severe
premenstrual tension. She would not be able to
focus her eyes on the preceding days and suffer
severe blinding headaches that would centre on the
top of her head. Her emotional life at home was far
from happy. There was a long-standing feud with
the daughter and the patient experienced anger and
frustration in this relationship. She was impulsive,
sympathetic and sensitive. She was prone to tears
easily. Since her periods stopped four years
previously she had been much improved.
Menodoron had been prescribed in drop form with
success and Sulphur 30 and Sepia 30 had both
given good therapeutic results.
At attempt has been made in the preceding
pages to give an idea of the complexity of
Migraine. There is not one Migraine, there are
many. Migraine is a dynamic happening and
intimately related to the patient’s psychology,
constitution, social environment and “place in life”.
The form the Migraine takes relies to a large extent
on the physique and make-up of the individual.
This is perhaps where Homeopathy comes into its
own, where the homeopathic constitution plays a
part. But again care should be taken not to rigidly
set individuals into certain categories and there
leave them. Migraine is an expression of a need in
the individual. It is a release force in itself and
should be seen as such. Probably many remedies
can benefit the one patient at different times both
during his attack and during his whole life
experience of Migraines. In the next section an
attempt is made to set the Migraine pattern against
the larger scale back-drop of biology, psychology
and energy release. An attempt is made to see the
disease more in its totality and highlight its volatile
nature. By so doing the importance of
PATERSON’s Bowel Nosodes and the concepts he
formed of the different Nosode types” comes
clearly into its own. The Nosodes are seen as a
valuable aid to homeopathic treatment.
Let us examine in closer detail the structure of
a Migraine. The sequence of a typical Migraine
might be as follows:
1. The initial excitement or excitation of an
attack, emotionally experienced as rage,
elation, etc., and in the sense nervous system as
sensory hyperacusis, sensitivity to stimuli,
scintillating scotomata, paraesthesiae, etc.,
accompanied by vasoconstriction.
2. A state of engorgement in the early stages,
characterized by visceral distension and stasis,
vascular dilatation, faecal retention, fluid
retention, muscular tension, etc., and
concurrently with these symptoms, feelings of
emotional tension, anxiety, restlessness,
irritability, etc.
3. A state of prostration characterized by apathy,
depression and retreat, while its physical
concomitants are nausea, malaise, drowsiness,
faintness, muscular slackness, and weakness.
4. A state of recovery or resolution, which may be
achieved abruptly (crisis) or gradually (lysis).
In the case of the former, there may occur a
violent visceral ejaculation (vomiting or even
sneezing), in the case of the latter, a variety of
secretory activities (diuresis, diaphoresis,
involuntary weeping, etc.) all representing a
catharsis of a certain emotional state.
5. A stage of rebound (if the attack has been brief
and compact) accompanied by euphoria and
renewed energy.
If one could telescope these phenomena for the
sake of clarification one could say there is a stage
of acute excitation of the sense nervous system, and
related autonomic system, followed by a phase of
inhibition. The relationship here between Epilepsy
and Migraine is seen to be close. It is important to
note, too, that Migraine is no more a suspension of
physical and mental activities than sleeping. It is
charged, on the contrary, with activities of an
inward private kind. Inhibition at one level releases
excitations at other levels. The diminution of motor
activity and external relationships during a
Migraine is matched by a great increase in internal
activities, vegetative symptoms and their attendant
effects-a paradoxical combination of inner violence
and outer detachment.
LIVEING in the nineteenth century in his
clearly-written Doctrine on Migraine distinguishes
the notion of nerve force or energy in the nervous
system from accumulation of any one substance.
The biochemical theories of our time mislead in
that they draw one away from observing the attack
of Migraine as a general phenomenon and would
tend to concentrate ones attention on one particular
chemical reaction going on at one particular level of
the brain. Chemical reactions are concomitant
phenomena, not causal ones.
LIVEING writes of …
“… a gradually increasing instability of
equilibrium in the nervous parts; when this reaches
a certain point, the balance of forces is liable to be
upset and the train of paroxysmal phenomena
determined by causes in themselves totally
inadequate to produce such effects just as a mere
scratch will shiver to dust a mass of unannealed
glass …”
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
He comes to this conclusion from a
consideration of the enormous number of factors of
different kinds, which can precipitate an attack:
“… the impression may come from without,
and be of the nature of an irritation of some
peripheral nerve, visceral, muscular, or cutaneous;
or it may reach the centres through the circulation
or it may descend from the higher centres of
psychical activity …”
So many exciting factors, yet the effect is the
same: in every case the nervous system responds
with a Migraine. Therefore, the Migraine is
implicit in the cerebral repertoire. Its structure is,
as it were, preformed.
LIVEING recognizes that a Migraine can act as
a consummatory discharge, following and
terminating the build-up of a tension; thus he
compares it with a sneeze, a voracious meal or an
orgasm. Indeed, these discharges may be
“equivalent”, and are thus liable to metamorphoses
among themselves; he instances the ability of a fit
of sneezing suddenly to terminate, or replace a
Migraine; or the apprehension of sudden danger
terminating an intense sea-sickness; sexual
excitement provoking an Asthma; or tickling an
The last thirty years have witnessed an
intensive search for vascular, chemical and
electrical disturbances occurring in relation to
Migraine attacks, and a proliferation of theories
postulating physical abnormalities as essential
fundamental mechanisms in causation of attacks.
These theories at best, however, are but partial
answers, can never explain the whole Migraine
phenomenon and are self-limiting.
Vasoconstriction, vasodilation and release of
serotonin are chemical results and not primary
causes in themselves.
The Psychology of Migraine
Migraine is a remarkably primitive reaction
involving massive alterations of vegetative activity
and of general activity and behaviour. We have
considered Migraine, thus far, as the symptoms of
which a patient may complain, and at this level,
obviously, we can derive no information from
animals, which may suffer but cannot express
complaints. If we are to form any picture of the
biological role(s) of Migraine, and of its
homologues and analogues in the animal world, we
must instead concern ourselves with the behaviour
of the migraine patient, and the circumstances to
which this behaviour has relevance.
Let us then construct a picture of migrainous
behaviour. As the symptoms mount, the patient
will go to his room and lie down; he will have the
blinds drawn and the children hushed; he will
tolerate no intrusions. The intensity of his
symptoms will drive other thoughts from his mind;
he may be sunk, if the attack is very severe, in a
leaden, stuporous daze. He pulls the blanket over
his head, excluding the outer world, and enveloping
himself in the inner world of his symptoms. He
says to the world: “Go away, Leave me alone.
This is my migraine. Let me suffer in peace.” At
length, perhaps, he falls asleep. And when he
wakes, it is all over, the migraine is done, its work
is accomplished; there may be a postmigrainous
surge of energy, almost literally a re-animation.
The essential terms of the attack are these: retreat
from the outer world, regression, and finally
In somewhat less formal terms, the migraine
reaction tends to be characterized by passivity,
stillness and immobilization; commerce with the
outer world is minimal, while inner activities-
particularly of secretory and expulsive type are
maximal. It is in these general terms that we may
perceive the primary adaptive function of a
Migraine and in these terms that we may seek for
parallel reactions both in the human and the animal
It is as a protective reflex that we envisage
primary role of Migraine, as withdrawal of the
whole body from “the operation of noxious or
endangering stimulus”, in short, as a particular form
of reaction to threat. Concurrent with this role, and
perhaps inseparable from it, is an offensive function
and an explosive function, both of which would
seem to be of particular relevance when the
“harmful agent” is felt or symbolized as a harmful
or hateful emotional situation.
Response to threat, in the animal world, may
take either or both of two fundamentally different
forms. The form which is most familiar, and which
springs immediately to mind, is the use of an active
physical response, the fight-flight response, with its
emotional correlates of rage or terror.
The fight-flight reaction is dramatic in the
extreme, but it represents only half of biological
reality. The other half is no less dramatic, but it is
dramatic in a contrary style. Its characteristics are
those of passivity and immobilization in response to
threat. The antitheses between these two styles of
reaction was memorably described by DARWIN in
his comparison of active fear (terror) and passive
fear (dread). In the former, says DARWIN, there is
“the sudden and uncontrollable tendency to
headlong flight”. The picture of passive fear, as
DARWIN portrays it, is one of passivity and
prostration, allied with increased splanchnic and
glandular activity (“… a strong tendency to yawn
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
…death-like pallor beads of sweat stand out of
the skin. All of the muscles of the body are
relaxed. Utter prostration soon follows. The
intestines are affected. The sphincter muscles cease
to act, and no longer retain the contents of the body
…”). The general attidude is one of cringing,
cowering, and sinking. If the passive reaction is
more acute, there may be abrupt loss of postural
tone or of consciousness. If the passive reaction is
more protracted, the physiological changes are less
dramatic, but still in the same direction. we find
throughout the animal world a repertoire of passive
reactions at least as important, and considerably
more variable, than the active responses to threat.
All of them are characterized by immobilization
(with some inhibition of postural tone and arousal),
usually in conjunction with increased secretory and
splanchnic activity. A handful of examples will
suffice. A fearful dog (especially if it belongs to
Pavlov’s weak inhibitory type) cowers, and may
vomit and be incontinent of faeces; the hedgehog
responds to threat by curling up. The frightened
horse may “freeze” and break into a cold sweat; the
threatened skunk freezes and secretes profusely
from modified sweat-glands (here the secretory
response has assumed an assumed an offensive
function); the menaced chameleon freezes and
changes colour to mimic the environment through
another variant of internal secretion. It is clear that
the passive response to threat has been utilized,
from the start if life as a biological alternative to
active reactions. The passive reaction, indeed, is
frequently superior to the active response in terms
of survival value. Where the aroused animal faces
(or flees) danger and threat, the inhibitory reaction
enables it to avert these, to become, one way or
another, less accessible to danger.
The development of large social units, and the
cultural repressions inseparable from this, have
doubtless necessitated, as they have permitted, a far
greater variety of vegetative retreats and protracted
passive reactions than were previously possible.
These psychosomatic reactions, along with neurotic
defences and reactions, represent the only
alternatives in situations where direct action is
neither permissible nor possible. A complex world
needs complex defences.
The circumstances the patient finds himself in
are intimately related-usually-to the pattern of the
Migraine. It is well known for instance that
Migraines occur at weekends, and on the first day
of holidays. These reactions can be grouped
together as “slump reactions”. There is a common
characteristic of “let-down” in the circumstance,
whether it is a missed meal, hot weather it is a
missed meal, hot weather, exhaustion from hard
work, or after a strenuous event, or a nocturnal
migraine. In all these circumstances the person’s
defences are down and the movement of energies
from metabolic regions into sense nervous regions
takes place uninhibited. It is rather as if the
terminals, positive and negative, can be connected,
and resistance being lowered the current flows.
If one takes the analogy of electricity further, it
helps to understand the phenomenon of arousal
stimuli in Migraine. Circumstances or stimuli
which activate, arouse, annoy or jangle the
organism can trigger off a Migraine reaction. They
are enough to set the current flowing between the
two poles. Light, noise, smells, climate, exercise,
food, excitement and most important of all violent
emotion can all precipitate an attack. The
menstrual period is often related in the case of
woman to their Migraine attacks and the
psychological reasons for this relationship are often
complex to unravel but significant. Hormonal and
body fluid before a period and at the time of a
period must impinge strongly upon the psyche of
the patient. Premenstrual irritability, depression
and mental disturbance is of common occurrence.
Case 9
A 51-year-old woman suffered Migraine
headaches since the age of 40. They would come
first before a period and would last 24 hours. She
would be unable to read, as her eyes would be out
of focus. The headache was relieved by the period
flow. Since her menopause she has been much
Pulsatilla and Menodoron both helped her
Case 25
A 56-year-old woman suffered nausea,
vomiting and severe pain in the right eye with zig-
zags in front of the eyes and distorted vision since
the age of 26. She was fastidious, sympathetic and
unmarried. Her symptoms were made worse by the
Sepia was the remedy that most helped her.
Referring to the circumstances and situations
that surround Migraine, sometimes a precipitating
factor is obvious to see and sometimes not. It may
not even be present as such. One may suppose that
certain individuals have built into their system a
certain nervous instability of the migrainous type.
This then requires release at certain times
independent of the environment. But such stimuli
as noise, light, food and emotion are enough to
spark off an attack of Migraine.
Deeper than these superficialities lie the
complexes that explain Migraine in the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
psychological sphere and much work has been done
on classifying and analyzing these complexes. The
outward appearance of a Migraine might well be
that of “passive crisis” or “extreme helplessness”,
but the inward dynamics of the various forces of
Migraine are more complex. It is not necessary in
such a work as this to detail the psychoanalytical
arguments that have been developed relating to the
Migraine syndrome but mention can be made of the
various categories that have been agreed upon.
They help our understanding of the illness, and our
homeopathic prescribing.
Four basic types are recognized, the
recuperative, the regressive, the encapsulative and
the aggressive. Tolerance must be asked for
following the introduction of such psychological
“jargon”. The types themselves, however, are
fairly obvious, though they often merge and
The first category the recuperative-
experience their Migraine following prolonged
physical or emotional activity; the notorious
weekend attack. The phase of prostration may be
profound and even stuporous. Euphoria and sense
of awakening sometimes follow such attacks.
Obsessive, conscientious and driving personalities
can be subject to such attacks.
The second category those who experience a
regressive Migraine, have taken their Migraine a
stage further. Allied also to environmental or
emotional stress the Migraine is both a vegetative
retreat” and a “cry for help”. They are marked by
pitiful suffering, dependency needs, and a crippling
of the personality. They are frequently found in
illness prone individuals and hypochondriacs. They
become an indulgence and are morbidly welcomed
by the individual, unconsciously.
The third category the encapsulative
Migraine, is also a variant upon the other two.
There are a number of patients in whom periodic or
sporadic Migraines are experienced which seem to
embed, enact and work through certain emotional
conflicts. Menstrual Migraines could well act by
condensing the stresses of the month into a few
days of concentrated illness. Treating such outlets
in a superficial manner has been observed merely to
displace the conflicts into another area, for instance,
by spreading the neurotic energy into a general
anxiety syndrome. The Migraine could serve a
purpose in binding or “encapsulating” the conflict.
In the aggressive Migraine (if all Migraines are
not aggressive) there is a background of intensive
chronic and repressed rage and hostility and the
function of the Migraine is to provide some
expression of what cannot be expressed, or even
acknowledged, directly. Such Migraines often
occur in family situations where relationships
between individuals are intolerable to a degree.
When the hostility is turned inward the attacks
become self-punitive, masochistic, paranoid and
Examples of these various psychological
aspects of Migraine will be given in the following
section on Nosodes. But it should be noted here
that one particular case may show several aspects.
All of us have aggressive tendencies which have to
be repressed and all of us have work tensions which
produce a need for recuperation. However, it is the
way that these various aspects are blended in one
particular case that make the study worthwhile both
from the point of view of psychology and, more
important, in the case of this paper from the point
of view of prescribing homeopathic drugs.
Migraines can be said to arise, as most diseases
can, from chronic repressed emotional needs. This
would be a perfectly acceptable psychological
viewpoint and a reasonable one, but it does not say
very much! And if you call the emotional needs
libido and say that Migraine is an expression of
repressed libido, you have said no more. A
Migraine should be seen as a function, as a healing
reaction, as an expression of an individual, as a
dissemination of energy throughout an unbalanced
body system. When the individual Migraine is
observed in these various lights it becomes
meaningful and then treatable. For as in all
diseases there are many paths to healing, and the
more the illness can be seen in depth and in true all-
round perspective, the more accessible it is to
Migraines fill a dramatic role in the emotional
economy of the individual. They perform a task of
emotional equilibration, and as such are analogous
to dreams, hysterical and neurotic symptoms,
Epilepsy and many other forms of dramatic human
symptomatology. Migraines are both a physical
event and an important inner event for the
individual and in this latter aspect they are a form
of symbolic drama into which the patient has
transported important thoughts and feelings. Thus
a rage-migraine may be regarded as a complex but
stereotyped reaction to rage, in patients who
experience this. The earlier stages of such an attack
(termed earlier the phase of “engorgement”) are
likely to be characterized, emotionally, by
irritability and angry tension, and, physiologically,
by vascular and visceral dilatation, fluid retention,
oliguria, faecal retention, etc., the symptoms of a
generalized sympathetic discharge. The patient is
stuffed, impacted, and bloated with anger. The
resolution of the attack may proceed by crisis (brief
forceful vomiting, sudden passage of flatus and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
faeces, sneezing, etc.), or by lysis (diuresis,
diaphoresis, epiphora, etc.). Thus the rage of such
attacks is expressed in plethora, and discharged
with a sudden visceral ejaculation (analogous to an
oath or a blow), or a slow secretory catharsis
(analogous to weeping).
We must allow the possibility that not only
may the entire Migraine have meaning for the
patient, but that certain individual symptoms of the
attack may also be invested with specific symbolic
importance, and further, that they may be
susceptible to modification in accordance with this
importance. We have seen that nausea and
vomiting are cardinal symptoms of Migraine:
These could be said to signify disgust, and in many
cases may be interpreted as efforts at symbolic
expulsion of a disgusting (feared, hated) situation,
person, etc. The action of the bowels, initially
determined by physiological needs and
periodicities, may be further determined, often
overwhelmingly so, by the (unconscious) symbolic
values attached to faeces and defaecation.
Constipation and diarrhoea, wreathed with a variety
of symbolic meanings, are among the commonest
of functional disorders and also, as we have seen,
frequent and important parts of many Migraines.
FURMANSKI (1952), in an interesting character
study of 100 Migraine patients, has remarked on the
frequency of “oral traits” and “anal traits” in this
group, but has not attempted, regrettably, to
determine whether there existed any correlation
between these traits and the type of Migraine
There presumably exist in every one of us
particular physiological idio-syncrasies, preferential
pathways and mechanisms, which predispose a
patient towards one Migraine format rather than
another. In certain rare and stereotyped forms of
Migraine such as hemiplegic Migraine these
formats are rigidly set. In others they are plastic
and interchangeable. But physiology plays upon
psychology and psychology profoundly affects
physiology and the truth lies in the interaction
between the two.
The interaction of these two fields, physiology
and psychology, becomes easier if we look at the
human body as basically divided into three parts,
striving continually to find a harmony and balance
in their proportionate relationships. Life in all its
dimensions is continually adjusting to achieve
balance and nowhere is this more true than in the
human body.
The three areas are:
1. The head and sense-nervous system.
2. The chest, heart and rhythmic system.
3. The abdomen and metabolic system.
The metabolic-abdominal area and the sense-
nervous system represent two opposite poles of our
human physiology. The first is warm, continually
renewing, metabolizing, filled with blood. The
sense-nervous system is bloodless by comparison,
is not renewable and is static. It is rooted in the
head, is the seat of thought and senses. The two
polar opposites of fear and shame help us to realize
these contrasts. Fear is the nerve process
overstepping its normal limits. One can be
petrified by fear. Shame is the blood process
which can overwhelm us. One can be drowned in
If there is a conflict between head and belly,
resolution can take place by a passage of energy
between the two and Migraine is but a passage of
energy from the belly to the head.
The metabolic energies have to be transmitted
to the other two spheres and similarly nervous head
energy in its right dimension must exert an effect
upon the abdomen. But where unnaturally great
energies are focused or where there is inhibition
then there is conflict and tension. Inhibition by the
sense-nervous system upon the free flowing
metabolic energies can lead to a Migraine reaction
just as can too great a concentration of energy in
the metabolic spheres per se. In the next section an
attempt will be made to delineate certain forms of
reaction that take place in these three spheres and
relate these to the Bowel Nosodes of PATERSON.
This can give a very valuable clue to the
appropriate homeopathic remedy. Fear, anxiety
and stress build up inhibitory barriers to free
flowing energy patterns and are precursors of
The genesis of a Migraine attack is often, as
will be shown later, related to circumstance and
situation. Frustration of the free flow of energies in
a relaxed and harmonious way round the body leads
to a build up in tension within the body, the trigger
is released, the dam bursts and the metabolic
energies flood the sense-nervous system. An
overwhelming assault via the autonomic nervous
system leads to such symptoms as have been
enumerated, as various as human physiology will
The various symptom complexes can then be
seen to be a natural occurrence. The metabolic and
dynamic causes are basically the same, the final
outlet chosen may vary.
The differences between abdominal,
precordial, febrile, affective and other forms of
Migraine are not so significant after all. The
human body can transmute one form of attack into
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
another with ease. It would not be absurd to talk of
paroxysmal Asthma, Angina and Laryngospasm as
being Migraine equivalents. They could be filling a
biological role analogous to that of Migraine
attacks. HEBERDEN (1802) recorded the already
established observation that “the Hemicrania had
ceased upon the coming of an Asthma”.
Asthma in this context could be looked upon as
an involvement of the rhythmic sphere. If one
supposes the inhibitions from the cortical nervous
system are so strong as to prevent a Migraine, one
could postulate that the displaced energy from the
metabolic areas meets the cortical inhibitions in the
intermediate rhythmic system, the gateway between
the two, and produces an Asthma.
Migraine must be seen to be a release
phenomenon and if viewed as such it then becomes
understandable. The manner of its release depends
upon the make-up of the autonomic system, and the
peculiarity of the psyche, in fact, the constitution of
the individual. Here is where Homeopathy plays
its part.
The research work that has been done in
Homeopathy upon the Bowel Nosodes is
inextricably linked with the name of John
PATERSON. He derived his Nosodes and the
mode of preparation from doctors BACH and
WHEELER in the 1920s.
Doctors BACH and WHEELER in their work
Chronic Disease, a Working Hypothesis, describe
how it was possible to isolate from the stools of
patient suffering chronic disease certain non-lactose
fermenting gram-negative bacilli. These bacilli
when given back to the patients in the form of a
vaccine cured their disease. They state:
“A point which we particularly wish to stress is
that a non-lactose fermenting gram-negative
bacillus in the faeces, whether it falls into a known
variety or not, may be the cause of toxaemia, even
though it may not give rise to obvious lesions.”
Vaccine therapy principles warrant the belief
that if disease symptoms disappear or are much
ameliorated after the use of a vaccine made from a
particular organism, then that organism counts at
least for something in the production of the disease
Referring to the bowel organism B.Coli,
PATERSON introduces his study of the Bowel
Nosodes as follows:
“In nature, where there is balance, there is no
disease and the germ, in this case the B.Coli in the
intestinal tract, performs a useful function. Where
the intestinal mucosa is healthy the B.Coli is non-
pathogenic. Any change in the host which affects
the intestinal mucosa will upset the balance and
will be followed by a change in the habit and the
bio-chemistry of the B.Coli, which may then be
said to become pathogenic, but it should be noted
that the primary change, the disease’, originated in
the host, which compelled the bacillus to modify its
habit in order to survive.”
In 1936, PATERSON presented a paper to the
British Homeopathic Society, which was published
in their Journal of April 1936, under the title of
The Potentized Drug and Its Action on the
Bowel Flora”. It dealt with the clinical and
bacteriological observations on 12,000 cases. A
brief summary of the findings is as follows:
(A) Non-lactose fermenting bacilli were isolated in
25 percent of the stool specimens examined.
(B) The appearance of non-lactose fermenting
bacilli often followed and seemed to bear
relationship to the previously administered
homeopathic remedy-the choice of the remedy
being made according to “the Law of Similars” and
prepared by “potentization”.
PATERSON wrote of his findings as follows:
“In the laboratory one observed an unexpected
phenomenon, that from a patient who had
previously yielded only B.Coli, there suddenly
appeared a large percentage of non-lactose
fermenting bacilli of a type which one associated
with the pathogenic group of Typhoid and
“If one accepts the view, generally held, that
the B.Coli of the intestinal tract is a harmless
saprophyte and is non-pathogenic it must be
concluded that, so far as the intestinal tract was
concerned there was no evidence of disease in these
patients during the first series of examinations.
Now the patient’s stool yielded a large percentage
of presumably pathogenic organisms, and
according to the accepted PASTEUR and KOCH
theory, the patient was suffering from disease.
Clinical investigations, however, revealed that the
patient did not feel ill, but had experienced a sense
of well being which he had attributed to the last
medicine he had received. Since the non-lactose
fermenting bacilli had appeared after a definite
latent period of 10 to 14 days, following the
administration of the remedy, it would seem that
the homeopathic potentized remedy had changed
the bowel flora, and had caused the ‘disease’. The
pathogenic germ in this case was the result of vital
action set up in the patient by the potentized
remedy. The germ was not the cause of the
“Is the ‘specific germ’ the actual cause of
disease, or is it the result of the action of the Vital
Force (Dynamis) which characterizes all living
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
cells, in their resistance to disease? That is a
question which I must ask you to consider and
answer for yourselves in the light of the
observations I have placed before you to-day.
Meantime, it will be sufficient for the purpose of
continuing the subject of this paper, if we agree that
each germ is associated with its own peculiar
symptom picture (disease) and that certain
conclusions may be made from these clinical and
laboratory observations and translated into the
practice of medicine.
(A) The specific organism is related to the disease.
(B) The specific organism is related to the
homeopathic remedy.
(C) The homeopathic remedy is related to the
(PATERSON 1950).
PATERSON categorized the non-lactose
fermenting organisms of the bowel into certain
categories. They were as follows:
Bacillus Morgan. Gaertner.
Bacillus Morgan-Gaertner. Dys.co.
Proteus. Sycotic co.
Bacillus No.7. Mutabile.
A study has been made in this thesis of the
relationship of four of these Bowel Nosodes and
their symptom pictures to the Migraine syndrome.
The four Nosodes most often associated seemingly
with Migraine are Bacillus Morgan, Morgan
Gaertner, Proteus and Dys.co.
Morgan is the bacillus most commonly found in
faeces of the population and the keynote of the
Morgan Nosode is “congestion”. The symptom
pictures is as follows:
Appearance:Florid: dark more than fair.
Pale: either dark or fair.
Head:Congestive headaches, with flushed face;
worse from hot atmosphere; thundery weather;
excitement; travelling in bus or train. Vertigo from
high blood pressure.
Mentals: Introspective, anxious and apprehensive
about state of health; irritability; avoids company
but often shows mental anxiety if left alone.
Mental depression, often with suicidal tendency.
System: Congestion of gastric mucosa and liver;
heartburn and a dirty tongue; bitter taste in mouth
in the morning with accumulation of mucus causing
gagging as soon as rises from bed. Congestion of
liver; “bilious attacks” with severe headache which
is finally relieved by vomiting large quantities of
bile-stained mucus. (A history of “bilious attacks”,
especially occurring at the menopause in women
should lead one to consider the use of the Nosode,
Morgan (Bach).) Cholecystitis, gall-stone;
constipation, haemorrhoids, pruritus ani.
System: Congestion of nasal and bronchial
membrane, especially in children, broncho- and
lobar Pneumonia.
It is worth noticing, in view of the frequent use
of the Sulphur drugs in the treatment of Pneumonia,
that Sulphur is outstanding among the remedies
associated with Bacillus Morgan of the intestinal
System: The congestive headache associated with
the menstrual onset has already been mentioned,
and this is often accompanied by ovarian pain
(congestive dysmenorrhoea) or by the congestive
flushings of the menopause period. Menorrhagia.
Circulation: Congestion and sluggish action is
seen by the tendency to haemorrhoids and varicose
Fibrous Tissues: Chronic congestion around the
joints causes Arthritic conditions, usually affecting
the phalangeal or knee joint regions.
Abdomen: Bilious attacks.
Epigastric pain or discomfort.
Tenderness epigastrium.
Pain right and left hypochondrium.
Pain right and left iliac fossae.
Pain liver and gall-bladder.
Tender liver and gall-bladder.
Gall-stones; confirmed by X-ray or
operation. Attacks jaundice.
Bowels: Constipation - present in 95 percent of
present series.
Pruritus ani.
Piles-bleeding; itching or painful.
Skin: It is here that the outstanding action of the
Bacillus Morgan group of organisms is to be found.
Morgan (Bach) is the Nosode indicated where there
is congestion of the skin with itching eruption,
worse from heat. The type of eruption which
characterizes this can be ascertained from a study of
the provings” of well-known skin remedies found
among the list of remedies associated with the
Bacillus Morgan, e.g. Sulphur, Graphites,
Petroleum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Calc.carb.,
Kali carb., and Nux vom.
PATERSON states that Proteus will seldom
have any therapeutic reaction unless there are
outstanding symptoms in the case relative to the
central or peripheral nervous systems and
symptoms which appear with a degree of
suddenness. “Brain Storm” is the phrase which
characterizes this explosiveness and its applicability
in the case of Migraine is obvious.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The picture of Proteus is as follows:
Mentals: Mental symptoms are prominent in the
clinical proving and “Brain Storm” might be taken
as the keynote to indicate this sudden and violent
upset of the nervous system. Tense, irritable,
Outburst of violent temper, especially if
opposed in any way; will throw any missile which
is at hand; kick or strike; the child objecting to
parental control will lie on the floor and kick and
Emotional hysteria, suggestive of the remedy
Ignatia is also found in the Proving of this B.
Proteus preparation and convulsive and
epileptiform seizures and meningismus in children
during febrile attacks often responds to the action
of the Nosode Proteus (Bach). Further indication
for the use of this Nosode is disturbance of the
peripheral nervous system, evidenced by spasm of
the peripheral circulation, e.g. “dead fingers”;
intermittent claudication in the circulation of the
lower limbs; anginal attacks due to spasm of the
coronary capillaries. There are two well-known
diseases associated with capillary spasm where the
Nosode Proteus (Bach) has been found useful in
treatment - Raynaud’s disease, where there is
spasm of the capillary circulation of the extremities,
and Ménière’s disease where spasm of the brain
circulation results in vertigo attacks. Headache
before menstrual period.
System: It is important to note that any of the
symptoms manifest in the digestive system are
secondary to the action of the central nervous
system. It is now being realized that prolonged
nerve strain is a factor in the production of
duodenal ulcer, and in the Proteus proving, this is
also to be found. This is the type of case where
there are no prodromal symptoms in the digestive
system and the first sign is that of a haematemesis
or melaena. These ulcers have a tendency to
perforate, probably due to the innervation and
interference with capillary circulation in that area.
Acidity and heartburn do occur.
System: As one might expect from the foregoing
indications, cramp of muscles is a characteristic
symptom and Cuprum metallicum is also found
among the list of remedies.
Pain in the chest, intermittent claudication.
Skin: Angio-neurotic oedema, which one
associates with the remedy Apis mellifica is found
in the Proving of the B.Proteus preparation and also
a tendency for the production of herpetic eruption
at the mucocutaneous margins.
Remedies associated are Nat. mur., Cuprum,
Secale, Kali mur., Mag mur., and Calc. mur.
PATERSON noted an increase in Proteus after the
last war and associated it with nerve strain, continued
over a long period.
Dys co.
This is the Nosode prepared from B.
Dysentreriae and the keynote for its use is nervous
tension of a peculiar type and best described as
“anticipatory”, since it is that sense of nerve tension
which a student might feel immediately before
facing his examiners, or a business man before
attending an important engagement. The picture is
as follows:
Appearance: Thin. Fair hair, dark lashes, pink and
white skin. Dark hair, pale, good colour.
Mentals: Nervous tension, mental uneasiness in
anticipation of some event; hypersensitive to
criticism; shyness and uneasiness among strangers;
mental uneasiness shows itself by physical
restlessness, cannot keep still, fidgets, choreic
movements of facial muscles, or limbs. Headache,
frontal over the eyes, or in vertex, brought on by
excitement; often occurs at regular time periods of
7 to 14 days’ cycle, associated with loose bowels.
More headache than vomiting in Migraine.
System: B. Dysenteriae has been shown to have
selective action on the pylorus causing spasm and
retention of digested contents; dilatation of
stomach; wakened at 12 midnight to 1 a.m. with
acute pain in stomach, relieved by vomiting of a
large quantity of mucous material.
Fond of fats, sweets, salt, milk.
Indigestion pain for years with distension and
Loose bowels.
Duodenal ulcer often calls for the use of the
Nosode Dys. co. (Bach), but there must always be
present also evidence of nervous tension, which
always precedes the physical symptom and which
the patient feels and refers to his “stomach and
heart area”. This is in contrast to the type of
duodenal ulcer found associated with the B.
Proteus, where the nerve tension is insidious in
action, unperceived by the patient, and the physical
condition - the ulcer - tends to come on as a “crisis”
without previous warning.
Cardiovascular: Functional disturbance of heart
action, associated with nerve tension; palpitation
before important events; anticipatory discomfort in
the cardiac area.
These are the outstanding symptoms found in
the clinical proving of the Nosode Dys. co. (Bach),
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
and they are found in each of the associated
remedies: Arsen.alb.; Argent. Nit.; Kalmia.
This is a variant of Bacillus Morgan, but a very
important one. The picture is that of Lycopodium,
the chief remedy of the group. Whereas Morgan
has many skin symptoms, Morgan-Gaertner has
strong emphasis on the urinary tract; renal stones,
renal colic, cystitis, vulvo-vaginitis are all covered
well by this remedy. The mentals are akin to
Morgan. Flatulence is the main symptom in the
stomach syndrome and respiratory symptoms are
The picture is as follows:
Appearance: Pale faced (occasionally florid).
Dark haired.
Mentals: Irritable; Quick tempered, impatient,
tense. Nervous. Restless, weepy, depressed.
Fears crowds.
Head: Congestive headache. Flushed face.
Nose: Nasal catarrh.
Mouth: Bitter taste, bad taste.
Appetite: Fond of sweets, salt and prefers hot food.
Stomach: Flatulent indigestion; excessive
eructation. Fullness in epigastrium.
Abdomen: Flatulence, distension. Pain ileocaecal
region. Pain gall-bladder, cholecystitis. Heartburn.
System: Renal colic, cystitis. Aggravation 4 p.m.
8 p.m. Associated remedy: Lycopodium.
It is dangerous to over-simplify, and in the
world of Homeopathy we like to think that our
remedies are chosen for each individual as a unique
event. However, we are all, if we are honest,
simplifying and categorizing in our minds to a large
degree while we are choosing a remedy. We have
half a dozen “hot” remedies we know by heart and
a dozen “cold” remedies. We have so many “tidy”
remedies in our mind and favourite skin remedies,
and so on.
It is possible to characterize various forms of
Migraine reaction and some of these have been
outlined. One can define therefore certain
categories of Migraine observing the event as a
dynamic happening, and observing the patient as a
total individual. By fitting the two together one
sees a form emerge that alongside our
understanding of the Nosodes gives a clue to the
indicated remedy.
We have so far analysed the Migraine reaction
in terms of psychology, and also of flow of energies
between three systems. To summarize briefly, a
Migraine reaction is seen as a flooding of the sense-
nervous system by energies from the metabolic
spheres. The autonomic nervous system is seen as
the physiological “wiring” that enables this release
of energy to occur while the psychology of the
individual sets the tone, pattern and circumstance of
the event.
If again the three-part body system is
visualized, the metabolic-abdominal region, the
rhythmic-chest system, and the head-sense-nervous
system: in different people the energies are set at a
different potential, they move in a different manner,
and are controlled by different stimuli.
PATERSON spoke of Morgan as a liver
remedy and gave congestion as the keynote to the
symptoms, indicating the importance of biliousness
in the abdominal reaction. He spoke of cramp”,
on the other hand and “brain storm” as the keynotes
of Proteus. The contrast between these two
remedies can be nicely brought out in the study of
the Migraine reaction.
The following cases illustrtate this:
Case 23
A 63-year-old woman had suffered Migraines
for years, at first associated with her periods. She
was round, fat and jolly, but suffered chronic
indigestion and “liverishness”. She had an appetite
for most foods, but cream in abundance upset her.
She had to rest after a meal or walk slowly, or a
bout of indigestion would occur. She tended to eat
too quickly. She was prone to constipation. She
stated that aggravations and disappointments in her
life had made her ill. She was unmarried, and
suffered Hypertension. Headaches were pressing
and congestive. She loved people but easily got
depressed and weepy. Often felt frustrated with
Pulsatilla and Sulphur are this lady’s remedies,
and she responded to the first. But Morgan is the
bowel nosode. The liver is the organ of note.
Here is a woman suffering a degree of
frustration. The energies from the metabolic
system centre in the liver and stomach regions.
There is constant biliousness and indigestion. They
spread into the sense-nervous system by means of a
general congestive Migraine headache. The
frustration, freely volunteered upon, is relieved by
the Migraine reaction. The resentment is reduced.
The Migraine resolves, temporarily, an imbalance.
This lady is chronically ill. Her stomach is a
continual focus of irritation. She does not suffer a
duodenal ulcer, no doubt on account of her
Migraine release pattern. If the energies were
continually abnormally focused upon the stomach
with no release possible, then no doubt an ulcer
would develop.
Let us contrast this reaction to that associated
with the Proteus Nosode.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Case 10
A 42-year-old salesman has suffered Migraine
attacks characteristic of the “brain storm” of
Proteus. He suffers prodromal symptoms of the
headache with an anxious tummy, pounding heart,
and bad depression. The back of the neck stiffens
up and pain comes from the neck over the right eye.
The headache comes suddenly and lasts 15 hours.
It is a very severe gouging headache, which forces
him to bed for 15 hours.
His personality is the Proteus personality. He
works under moderate pressure and in his own
words “has to conceal aggression in his work”. He
feels generally apprehensive and significantly of all
he volunteers that he never feels better than when
“tearing an audience apart”. He is an amateur
entertainer, it unwinds him and gives vent to his
explosive temperament. His headaches are a safety
valve and an important release factor.
Interestingly Pulsatilla and Spigelia were the
two remedies that helped this man though the
remedies associated with Proteus include Natrum
mur. and all the chlorides: Amm. mur., Bar. mur.,
Calc. mur., Ferr. mur., Kali mur., etc. This
association between the “chlorine” remedies and
Proteus was of particular research interest to
PATERSON, but his work in this direction has
never been followed through. It is probably
accurate to say that these chloride remedies are for
the most part ignored by contemporary
homeopaths, with the exception of Natrum mur.
PATERSON maintained that the “brain storm”
picture of Proteus was related to the physiological
action of the autonomic nervous system and
influenced by the chlorine equilibrium in the body.
The physiological action took place through the
sympathetic control of the capillary circulation and
the sudden increase or decrease in blood supply
gave such characteristic features of this remedy as
sudden blanching, sudden oedema, cramp,
Raynaud’s phenomenon, intermittent claudication
and headache.
Others have found a link in Proteus more with
the kidney. If one remembers that the kidney is
juxtaposed to the adrenal gland and is intimately
related to this gland hormonally the picture of
Proteus begins to take shape. Chlorine as an ion is
controlled in its excretion by the kidney. The “brain
storm” vasoconstriction and reflex vasodilation
mechanisms are both mechanisms referrable to the
action of adrenalin and noradrenalin and these two
hormones are certainly involved in apprehension,
fear and anger reactions. The steroid hormones of
the medulla can “explode” in many and various
ways as evinced by such reactions as high blood
pressure, and steroid psychosis; Hans Selye is
famous for his analysis of the stress syndrome and
its relationship to the adrenal cortex.
The Dys.co bowel nosode isolated and
potentised by PATERSON is a third Nosode which
in its symptom picture is relevant to the Migraine
syndrome. The picture that PATERSON paints for
this remedy has been outlined above.
The Dys.co patient is thin, fair or dark hair,
shy, insecure and apprehensive. Typically the
Arg.nit. type, they are full of fears and can be
phobic. They have abdominal symptoms not of the
sick bilious Morgan type, but symptoms due to
apprehension. They may suffer diarrhoea or
indigestion from eating sweets and fat which they
are fond of. They suffer heartburn and wind.
Nervous tension is their keynote, of the anticipatory
type. They do not explode as the Proteus are wont
to do. They have too much inhibition and
insecurity to explode.
Case 22
A 53-year-old woman had suffered Migraine
headaches since the age of 20 exemplifies the Dys.
co. picture nicely.
She was a spinster who had an unhappy life
following an upbringing at an orphanage. She
suffered a nervous breakdown in 1944 with
symptoms of anxiety, diarrhoea and loss of weight.
She admitted to strong inferiority feelings, great
loneliness, and constant worries. Shy, she would
cry in private. Irritable, she was never angry. A
perfectionist, she was tidy in her habits. Others
dominated her. The slightest tension would
precipitate diarrhoea and urinary frequency.
Both Ars. album and Arg. nit. were given to
this patient, with relief. At other times Silica, Sepia
and Tub. bov.
If one analyses the Proteus reaction and the
Dys. co. reaction in terms of the three-part body
system, one can see that the body is handling its
repressed energies in different manners. In the
Proteus reaction there is a barrier between the
sense-nervous system and the metabolic system,
which is suddenly overwhelmed. The energies
from the hot metabolic-abdominal system suddenly
overwhelm the cool reasoning of the intellect.
Anger must out and frustration be released. Whilst
in the case of the Dys. co., reaction the patient is
permanently in a state of resolving tensions. They
suffer palpitations, frequency of urine, diarrhoea,
frequently expressed anxieties and the Migraine
episodes come as a gradual climax to this story of
continuous nervous tension. They represent the
patient with the continual anxiety tension state
which is on the verge of a headache most of the
time. The three systems here, metabolic-
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
abdominal, rhythmic-heart and sense-nervous are
continually experiencing distress from the general
tension state. Hence the Diarrhoea, Palpitations,
Asthmatic attacks, anxieties and the multitude of
symptoms associated with this type of personality.
Observations of the dynamic state of the patient
should be of help in indicating suitable
homeopathic remedies.
The fourth Nosode of relevance to the
Migraine syndrome is the Morgan-Gaertner Bowel
Nosode. The picture is of Lycopodium, one of our
commonest remedies in contemporary prescribing.
Here we have a mixture of the Nosode patterns
already enumerated. There is irritability and
anxiety and also some liverishness with occasional
nausea. If there are abdominal pains PATERSON
relates them to the gall-bladder or the presence of
renal stones. But above all we are searching for the
symptom picture of Lycopodium. The tiredness
between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m., the anxious
introversion, the worrier, the city business man who
has to be careful over his food.
Case 21 illustrates some of these points.
Case 21
A 47-year-old woman who responded
dramatically to an initial prescription of
Lycopodium 30, followed later by Lycopodium 200,
presented as follows. Migraine attacks would start
with a pain in the neck which worked over her
head. She would feel bilious, dizzy and suffer pins
and needles. She suffered emotional troubles and
said these made her headaches worse. She was
tense and irritable and kept feeling she wanted to
run away. Does not cry easily but gets depressed.
She worried a lot and could not relax at night. She
is sympathetic.
Food was uninteresting to her but she enjoyed
sugar, cheese and eggs. She suffered nausea in the
morning and tiredness at night between 6 p.m. and
8 p.m. She was uncomfortable in very hot or very
cold weather and disliked winds and cold damp
Lycopodium gave her principal relief. Other
remedies found useful were Ignatia, Prunus
spinosa, Bryophyllum and Nat. mur.
These then are the various symptom pictures
presented by the Bowel Nosodes Morgan, Proteus,
Dys. co., and Morgan-Gaertner. The three
principal Nosodes in this analysis are Morgan,
Proteus and Dys.co. Morgan-Gaertner is really a
sub-group of Morgan. It is not proposed that every
Migraine case that presents itself falls nicely into
one of these categories. There is overlap and there
are also many cases that do not fall into any
category. The primary task of the homeopathetic
physician must be to find the appropriate
homeopathic remedy first. However, it is certain
that greater attention could be paid to the
application of Nosodes in homeopathic therapy.
None of the cases reviewed had been treated with a
Bowel Nosode. Where a case is not responding to
homeopathic treatment it is important to consider
the Bowel Nosodes as a possible line of treatment
that might help the patient dramatically. They are
too often ignored.
In this section certain selected case histories will
be detailed and analysis made of therapy. Where possible
the appropriate Bowel Nosode for each case will be
suggested. It is realized throughout such an exercise that
there are “no absolutes in Homeopathy”. It is realized that
not every case will fall nicely into a category, and that some
cases will fall between categories or merge them. Neat lines
of distinction may exist in the philosopher’s head but not
necessarily in the human being’s reaction. Forbearance is
therefore asked for in making assessments. Assessments too
are made in the light of PATERSON’s classification of types
and this might in some cases be faulty. Not enough work has
been done to confirm or refute his original findings.
The weakness of such analysis also lies in the fact
that it is theoretical and not followed through by testing the
results by the giving of the actual Nosode. This could well be
a possible study for the future. Despite these strictures it is
hoped that the following case analyses might be helpful in
throwing light upon Nosode and Migraine prescribing in
The first case, Case 6, illustrates a Morgan Bowel
Nosode symtomatology and responded well to treatment with
Sulphur 10M. A 41-year-old man had suffered Migraines for
four years. The day before the Migraine he would feel very
fit. The headache would start with violent pain at the back
of the eyes or back of the neck. He would be forced to lie
very still in the dark for 24 hours when the Migraine was in
full flush. He was of stocky build and athletic and
significantly suffered from depressions (a liver
characteristic). His home life was happy, but he was
ambitious at work as a tool fitter. He admitted to irritability
and frustrations. He used to have a “bit of a tongue” when
telling people off. He was slow speaking and had a swarthy
countenance. He experienced a lot of sickness and
biliousness with his headache. His reactivity in his stomach
region was linked at the beginning of a Migraine by a
heightened sense of smell. Smells from drains would
penetrate through to his nostril from a distance and make
him nauseous! Normally he was fond of all foods; cheese,
onions, sweet food, spice and savouries. He responded well
to Sulphur 10M and Morgan would here be the Bowel
Nosode associated. The picture is one of congestion and the
temperament fits the prescription.
Abdominal Migraine is an interesting variant of
normal Migraine and illustrates well some of the
symptomatology of the Nosodes.
Case 27
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
A 66-year-old woman started headaches at 50
years of age. Ten years previously she experienced pains in
the right abdomen associated with the Migraine and
sometimes replacing the Migraine and came to the surgeons
for investigation. The pains were originally of a severe
burning character and spread all over her and up her back.
The pains moved from the left to the right abdomen and
were later of a pricking and piercing nature. She sometimes
felt that there was a blockage present. The surgeons found
nothing amiss in the abdomen and referred her to the
medical side.
At the same time as the abdominal pain she
would experience lachrymation, blocked sinuses
and strong pain in the right eye. The headache and
Migraine syndrome could be started by certain
foods and these included fatty foods which upset
her, spring onions, fried foods, and chips. She had
no liking for sugar and was a cold person who
preferred warmth.
This patient did not respond to Homeopathy in
the long term. There was a temporary improvement
with Arsenicum alb. 30 and later with Argentum
praep. D6, but this did not hold long enough. The
picture of abdominal pain in this case is more a
cramp picture and therefore a Proteus picture rather
than Dys. co. Arsenicum alb. is a Dys. co., remedy.
Natrum mur. is Proteus. It would be interesting to
see how this patient responded to Natrum mur. or
Cuprum, another Proteus remedy, and one
associated with abdominal pains.
Case 13 illustrates a response to Cuprum. This
57-year-old man suffered an unusual variant of
Migraine, a restless leg syndrome. He reported
headaches as far back as he could remember which
became migrainous at the age of 20. During his
Migraine his legs became painfully restless and he
has to pace up and down. His legs twitch and he
can’t keep them still. So severe is this symptom
that he might have to pace up and down for most of
the night. After the headache is over he trembles
all over. If under pressure, and he has a lot of
pressure at his work, he suffers heart thumping and
head pounding and ordinary headaches.
Medorrhinum helped this man and later Cuprum.
He had Cuprum in three forms, Cuprum per
Chamomilla, Cuprum ars. and Cuprum met. His
improvement was marked both in headaches and
leg symptoms.
Abdominal pain in many forms is a common
prelude or accompanying symptom to Migraine.
Case 29 illustrates this. Case 29 was a 45-year-old
man who had suffered cramp pains in the stomach
for 10-15 years. He would suffer a mild stomach
ache which would gradually increase in severity, so
much so that he would be unable to unbend.
Raging headaches would follow and he would
become delirious and rave; feverish and run a high
temperature. He would then become totally
incapacitated for 48 hours. Homeopathy helped
this man greatly and mostly Sulphur 200 and Bidor,
particularly the latter. Pulsatilla 12 and Silicea 200
also helped him.
The situation could be said to be a congestive
Sulphur-Morgan picture.
Normally extrovert, this man had a volatile,
easily explosive temperament. His job was
exacting and his episodes of headache
corresponded with his job. He did not suffer fools
gladly and was ambitious at work. His appetite was
keen and he ate most foods, being rather fond of
spicy foods. He disliked heat and was upset by the
sun, a rather typical Sulphur-Morgan picture.
In that most Migraines are a form of “brain-
storm” one could argue that all Migraines should be
treated with Natrum mur., PATERSON’s remedy
for the Proteus reaction which he linked with brain-
storm. However, this would be hardly good
Homeopathy and one has to look closer to identify
the sudden overwhelming cramp-like explosiveness
of the Proteus reaction to identify the Natrum mur.
type. This reaction found in a personality who
otherwise corresponds to the Materia Medica of
Natrum mur. is suggestive, and confirms the
Proteus prescription.
Case 17 was a 40-year-old woman who first
suffered Migraine attacks when her father died 12
years ago. She lost 2 stone in weight at the time as
she was so close to her father, and took
tranquillizers for 2 years following this. Natrum
mur. is, of course, indicated for the shock here. She
was a melancholic personality who was prone to
brood. She was lonely, depressed and worried a
great deal. She used to be quick tempered but now
“kept it to herself”. She didn’t cry easily and she
had lately developed a compulsive washing of her
hands. Her Migraine headaches would explode
upon her without any warning symptoms. A pain
would centre in the left eye and she would feel sick.
This would last 9 hours to 2 days. The headaches
were nearly always on a Saturday. Nat. mur. 200
helped greatly. Ignatia M was another successful
therapy and Bidor gave her good relief.
Case 30 responded well to Natrum mur. as
well. Case 30 was a 46 year-old woman who
started Migraine attacks at the birth of her first
daughter - at age of 25. The Migraines were
violent, accompanied by a lot of sickness. Pain
would be through the right temple and end up in the
eyeball. The pain was so violent she would beat
her head upon the floor! The headaches were
sudden in onset. This patient stated she always felt
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
unwell. She suffered constant pain over the liver,
indigestion pain after eating, and nausea. She
suffered constant trouble with her bowels-diarrhoea
or constipation. She felt most unwell in the
mornings. Emotionally she volunteered that she
experienced very strong guilt feelings due to the
fact that she was illegitimate and on top of this had
experienced very difficult emotional situations in
her marriage.
Bidor and Gelsemium 30 were the first
remedies given in this case, with improvement in
symptoms, but later success came always following
Natrum mur. 30 alongside Bidor. The bowel
Nosode to choose from here could alternate
between Morgan with the very marked liver
symptoms and Proteus with the Natrum mur.
characteristics. She also suffered a duodenal ulcer
5 years previously which can be associated with
Case 7 again illustrates a Natrum mur. success
in the initial stages of treatment, later to be
followed by response to Aurum. An 80-year-old
woman suffered blindness of the right eye. The
blindness was only associated with slight headache
and was of a horizontal nature in that the top half of
the right visual field was obscured and this would
clear horizontally. She had suffered a fair amount
of stress in her life in particular some difficult war-
time experiences and the death of her husband from
Cancer of the throat in 1953 had upset her a great
deal. Outwardly placid, she admitted to many
mental worries. She was a perfectionist, and tended
to bottle up her emotions. She worried about other
people, was active and restless. She reacted to the
cold. She would shriek if startled and was highly
strung. She slept badly and was fearful of the dark,
and of death.
Many remedies are suggested in such a history
but she responded extremely well to an initial
prescription of Natrum mur. 200, later 10M.
Natrum mur. is a remedy for shock, grief and past
psychological trauma and perhaps was helpful here
because of these factors. Later the remedy that
most helped her was Aurum per primula. Aurum is
a heart remedy and a remedy for depressions. This
patient had suffered Angina 1 year previously and
had an old mitral lesion leading to a systolic
murmur at the heart apex.
Case 8 was a 76-year-old woman and a typical
Dys. co. patient. She had suffered headaches all her
life and Migraine since 16. The headaches would
centre over the forehead and the left eye. Initially
there was sickness, but not constant. She suffered,
in her own words a hard life”. Work was hard,
with a lot of worry and responsibility. She worked
at a bank till retirement and at home looked after
her parents. She was a poor, thin, anxious, very
nervous soul who had obviously found life an
uphill struggle. In her terms, she had always had to
do things she didn’t want to do. Her skin was dry
and she was cold. She had to be careful what she
ate for she had suffered nervous indigestion during
the bombing in the war. She loved sweet things,
and suffered anxiety diarrhoea.
This patient was a classical Argentum nitricum
case. The thin nervous hypersensitivity is a pointer
to her remedy clinched by such symptoms as
nervous diarrhoea, love of sweet food and other
symptoms. Arg. nit. is a Dys. co. remedy. Natrum
mur., however, was the first remedy tried, followed
by Silicea and Sepia. She made no great response
to those remedies and dropped away from the
hospital. PATERSON describes the Dys. co.
patients as in a constant state of anxiety and
nervous tension which is overt and obvious. Both
Arg. nit. and Arsenicum album have such obvious
anxiety in their symptom picture.
An interesting case is presented by Case 15. A
53-year-old man started Migraine headaches at the
age of 47. He used to get sick headaches as a child.
He suffered a nervous breakdown at 47 and
headaches came after this. They would either come
when he was tired or bored. They were frontal
headaches and would make his eyes feel as if they
were bursting. He would feel sick. His stomach
was a little sensitive. He suffered from heartburn
and indigestion and had had a Duodenal ulcer in
1958. Lack of sleep would worsen his stomach
symptoms. He had a very sweet tooth but could not
take fried foods. His skin was subject to sweating
and temperamentally he was restless. He could not
sit still. He was fidgety and had to be up and about
doing something. He could be emotional and fly
off the handle and was tense underneath. He was
not tidy. He seemed full of unresolved conflicts,
and admitted to these. He stated he felt insecure.
The remedies given that helped greatly his
condition were Coffea 30 nocte, Iris versicolor 200
and Bidor. Iris is a remedy associated with sick
headaches. Remedies that are specific for
restlessness include Arsenicum, Silicea, Ferrum,
Tarentula, Arg. nit., Cuprum and Hyoscyamus.
Lycopodium is restless while sitting, as are
Causticum and Iodum. Lycopodium, the Morgan-
Gaertner Nosode associated remedy, might well
have helped this patient, though he responded to his
prescribed treatment satisfactorily enough.
Case 19 illustrates the way other catastrophies
such as a Stroke can play across the Migraine
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
syndrome and alter the symptomatology. In a
previous section it was outlined how the energies of
the lower abdominal sphere in the Migraine
reaction invade and storm the sense-nervous
system. A stroke in essence is the catastrophic
culmination of such an occurrence.
Case 19. A 58-year-old man started Migraine
at 17 years of age. He suffered whirling spots in
front of both eyes, moving left to right for twenty
minutes, followed by headaches, which were like a
violent pressure and lasted 12 hours. The inside of
the head felt detached from the skull. In 1970 he
suffered a minor stroke. This left him with a weak
voice and effectively reduced his Migraines.
However, it increased another symptom he had -
palpitations. One can say that the repressed
anxieties had merely transferred from the Migraine
syndrome to the palpitation syndrome.
This man suffered obvious anxiety. He had a
Lycopodium countenance, sad strained face, lined
with worries and he was introvert and intellectual.
His wife was emotional and extrovert and
difficulties arose at home. He kept his emotions
very much under control. His wife did not. He
would be upset inwardly, withdraw and become
depressed as a consequence of conflict. In his work
he was ambitious and conscientious. He had little
interest in food and disliked hot weather.
Treatment with Arnica 30 helped this man a great
deal after his Stroke, also Bidor and later
Staphysagria 200. Lycopodium is an indicated
remedy though there were no stomach symptoms to
note. The palpitations indicate, as has been
mentioned, that the anxieties have moved to a
different sphere and the Dys. co. remedies Arg. nit.,
Arsenicum and Kalmia should be thought of.
Syndrome shift and often with no shift there is
overlap between remedies, groups of remedies, and
Case 24 is an illustration of success following
upon treatment with Sulphur where the indications
were strong for a liverish Morgan remedy. She was
a 48-year-old woman of pyknic build who had
suffered bilious attacks since the age of 5. She had
had a “nervous tummy” as a child and been put off
by such smells as the Sunday lunch cooking!
Migraine started at 14. Flashing lights could trigger
a Migraine off. In 1967 she had suffered a very
severe Migraine in which she went stiff and cold
from head to foot and thought she was dying.
Following this she had a fit of uncontrollable
sobbing. Foods easily upset her and in particular,
sugar, chocolate, fats and fried foods. Fat would
immediately give her a sick headache. Emotionally
she had had a great deal of stress at home to put up
with, “children, husband and so on” as she
described it! Her husband had been ill for some
time and required nursing. She was irritable. Hot
weather upset her. Bidor was the remedy that first
gave her relief and she responded to this remedy
dramatically. Sulphur 30 and Sanguinaria also
brought about improvement. Bidor contains
Sulphur, Silica and iron compounded together in
the mother substance by a heat process - then
potentized up to 1 percent., which is equivalent to
2x homeopathetic potency, and 0.1 percent., which
is equivalent to 3x. There is no doubt that this
remedy has a very effective therapeutic effect upon
many Migraines and in the Appendix a listing is
given of the remedies that appear most successful
in these Migraine cases and Bidor is very
prominent amongst them. It is perhaps relevant that
Case 24 had so many liver - Sulphur symptoms and
responded especially well to Bidor.
Case 26 is interesting in that the therapeutic
response was dramatic to one remedy - Spigelia. In
fact no other remedy was given but Spigelia in the
potency, later the 200
, and finally the 6
. A
33-year-old woman had suffered severe headaches
for one year. They had been present occasionally
before this period. Headaches would settle over the
forehead and in both eyes as if pushing the eyes
out of the head”. The headache was accompanied
by vomiting. The headaches would come on a
Saturday morning, and were worse at the time of
the menstrual period. The patient had been a
member of the Plymoth Brethren and was bothered
by this. She had left this group recently, but felt a
little guilty about it. Her temperament was not
obviously a nervous one though there were strong
underlying tensions. Fairly ambitious, she liked to
be tidy and could get annoyed. She was a hot
person and could not bear stuffy rooms, or hot
weather. She had no indigestion. Spigelia cured
her headaches. Spigelia is a heart remedy and is
associated with Dys. co. more than other Bowel
Case 18 was another case that responded
dramatically, this time to two remedies, Kali bic.
and Bidor. A 34-year-old man had suffered
headaches since the age of 8 years. He had had
various illnesses throughout his life, dysentery from
the Middle East when young, heart complaints and
aching in the body as a student, recently Cystitis
and Balanitis. He had been prone to biliousness
when young, and had a tendency to constipation
with retrosternal indigestion pain after eating. He
suffered bouts of tachycardia. He was fond of salt,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
cheese and tea and fatty foods upset him.
Temperamentally he was sensitive, intellectual, and
hid fairly strong feelings under his reserve. He
flushed easily and used to prefer hot weather but
now liked cold. Here was a case with a definite
liver bias and Bidor cured his headaches. He was
first given Kali bic. 12 twice daily and showed a
moderately good improvement on this. (Kali bic. is
a liver and stomach remedy that has “plenty of
headaches”). But the striking improvement
occurred after Bidor 1 percent which was given
twice daily for two months. Morgan was, of
course, the Nosode indicated here.
Finally, two cases which show contrast
between Proteus and Dys. co. Case 31 was greatly
improved by Phosphorus, normally a Gaertner
remedy but in this instance related to Dys. co., and
Case 32 treated by Natrum mur. representing
Case 31 was a 36-year-old woman who
suffered her first headache at 13, and an
emotionally difficult life to follow. She
experienced two types of headache. Due to her
general state of nervous tension she suffered a
steady form of headache every three days which
was like a finger pressing into her right forehead.
Every so often this would build up to a Migraine in
the top of her head with obscured vision, ziz-zags
in front of the eye and vomiting. She was anxious,
nervous, and suffered constipation. Her hands
sweated, and she had constant tension pain in the
neck. Her nerves produced a diarrhoea often - a
strong Dys. co.-Arg.nit. symptom. Her emotions
were in conflict over her marriage. She had been
married twice-unsuccessfully. Her first husband
was a philanderer though she thought the world of
him, whilst her second husband was ice cold and
built up considerable frustration in her. She was
never violent, and never expressed strong emotions
but felt murderous towards him. Phosphorus 200
helped her instantly and dramatically. Bidor did
not give her relief (there was less of the Morgan in
her symptoms) but Silica later also helped. Dys. co.
is the indicated Bowel Nosode with the evident and
obvious nervous tension.
Case 32 was a 65-year-old woman who had
suffered Migraine for 15 years. The symptoms had
been aggravated by a hysterectomy in 1954. The
headaches would centre on the back of the head
with floating spots in front of the eyes. There was
little sickness. She had a tendency to constipation,
and flatulence. Temperamentally there was great
irritability, resentment and anger. She had
experienced no sex life in 20 years and was
resentful concerning this. She was talkative, touchy
and a little hysterical in her reactions. When her
emotional tension was discussed as a possible cause
to her symptoms she became hostile. She suffered
“knots in her abdomen” from her tensions and
tachycardia on occasions.
PATERSON notes in connection with Proteus
the irritability, the tendency to explode (the “brain-
storm”) and the hostility to criticism. This patient
obviously “exploded” her resentment into her
Migraine and the menstrual period was often a
focus for the Migraine reaction. When this symbol
of release was denied and the actual decongestion
of the menstrual period prevented by the
hysterectomy, her Migraine symptoms worsened.
Natrum mur. 10M greatly helped and Natrum mur.
is the Proteus remedy.
It is not always obvious that a Bowel Nosode is
indicated in any disease but where there are
symptoms that point towards a Nosode, the Nosode
should surely be given. In Homeopathy today, the
Bowel Nosodes are underused and undervalued. It
has been the purpose of this thesis to analyse the
total Migraine reaction with a view to extending
and improving our homeopathic therapy with
particular regard to the use of the Bowel Nosodes.
BACH, WHEELER and PATERSON were certain
that chronic disease had to be treated differently to
acute disease. It was not enough to give the
indicated remedy or the “constitutional” remedy.
What was needed was an approach that affected the
Chronic Miasms that underlay disease. Until these
were treated no effective cure would result.
Migraine is a syndrome that has certain
dynamic patterns of reaction built into its
physiology. It has been attempted in this thesis to
break these down and analyse them so making the
task of choosing a Bowel Nosode that much easier.
Homeopathy has the distinct advantage of being
able to “look at the whole patient”. So often,
however, in our ordinary everyday prescribing, this
is but a look at the superficial person - the
resemblances that fit a remedy - and not an
approach that gives an understanding of the whole
person, in depth. It has been the aim of this thesis
to open up some of these depths.
Analysis of effective remedies
Class Remedies given
Very good 1 Thuja 10M Arg.nit. 200 Bidor
2 Nat. mur. 10M
3 Sulphur 10M
4 Nat. mur. 200, Aurum per
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Primula Bidor
5 Staphysagria 200, 10M
6 Nat. mur. 200, Ignatia 1M Bidor
7 Kali bi. 12 Bidor
8 Sulphur 30 Iodum 12 Bidor
9 Spigelia 30
10 Sulphur 200 Silicea 200 Bidor
11 Ars.alb.10M Lyco10M Bidor
Bidor (7 cases)
Nat.mur. (3 cases)
Sulphur (3 cases)
Good 1 Nat. mur. 10M Bidor
2 Nat. mur. 200, 10M Bidor
3 Phosphorus 30 Sepia 30
4 Medorrhinum 1M Curprum 30
5 Iris 30 Coffea
6 Sepia 200 Lachesis 30, 200
7 Lyc. 30, 200 Ign. 30 Prunus
8 Sep. 200 Puls. 30 Sil. 30 Bidor
9 Argentum praep. Bidor
10 Nat mur. 30 Ars. 200 Bidor
11 Phosphorus 200 Bidor
12 Sulphur 10M Bidor
13 Nat. mur. 30 Thuja 10M
Bidor (7 cases)
Nat. mur.(4 cases)
Sepia (3 cases)
Moderate 1 Spigelia Conium 30
2 Menodoron Sepia 30
Sulphur 30
3 Medorrhinum Lycopodium30
Bromium 10M
4 Arnica 30 Staphisagria 200 Bidor
5 Sepia 200 Silicea 10M
Sulphur 10M Bidor
6 Lycopodium 10M Sulphur 30
Silicea 30 Bidor
Bidor (3 cases)
Sulphur (3 cases)
Silicea (2 cases)
Sepia (2 cases)
No effect 1. Nat. mur. 30, 200, and others
2. Spigelia 6 Pulsatilla 10M and others.
Overall reactions to therapy Numbers
Very good 11
Good 13
Moderately good 6
Poor effect 2
These 32 cases were those who answered the
invitation to come up to the hospital for an
interview concerning their Migraine.
One hundred and twenty-four patients were
written to and given an interview appointment, but
only these 32 actually managed to come to the
hospital. This was a disappointing response.
They do not represent a true cross-section of
the outpatient material, for those who have
benefited from treatment would be more ready to
co-operate in a research study than those who have
not benefited.
Appendix B provides a study of a truer cross
section of all Migraine cases that attended Dr.
TWENTYMAN’s outpatient clinic over a period of
2 years. However, therapeutic effect has only been
assessed superficially, from the clinic notes. The
disadvantages of such an assessment are fairly
Appendix B
Assessment of homeopathic therapy upon 124
cases of Migraine based for the most part on a
study of the outpatient records.
Overall reactions to therapy Numbers
Very good 25
Good 31
Moderately good 20
Poor response 20
(Unsuitable for assessment) 28
Of those assessed therefore, 57 percent.
showed a good or very good response to
homeopathic therapy.
Analysis of prominent effective remedies
Very good results Bidor 19 cases (1 per cent.)
Nat. mur. 5 cases (200 and
Silicea 3 cases (200)
Sepia 3 cases (30, 200)
Lyc. 3 cases (30, 10M)
Sulphur 3 cases (200, 10M)
Good results Bidor 13 cases (1 per cent.)
Nat. mur. 9 cases (30, 200,
Sepia 5 cases (30, 200
Phos. 5 cases (30, 200)
Lachesis 5 cases (30, 200,
Several remedies are used in the course of
treatment of one case and Bidor is almost always
used alongside other homeopathic treatment.
It is therefore difficult to dogmatize as to the
curative remedy in any one patient though certain
remedies recur often amongst the effective group.
Finally, it should be remembered that this
analysis pertains to the treatment instituted and
carried out mainly by one doctor in one single
outpatient department and is not representational of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
the full therapeutic possibilities available to
Migraine through Homeopathy.
ALEXANDER, Frans. (1950) Psychosomatic
Medicine: its Principles and Applications. New
York: W.W. Norton & Co.
ARETAEUS (1856) The Extant Works of
Aretaeus the Cappadocian. (Francis Adam’s
translation: printed for the Sydenham Society.)
London: Wertheimer & Co.
FARQUHAR, H.G. (1956) Abdominal Migraine in
Children, British Medical Journal, 1, 1062. Fitz-
Hugh, T., Jr. (1940) Praecordial Migraine: an
Important Form of “Angina Innocens”. Net Int.
Clinics, 1 (series 3), 143.
GREENE, R. (1963) Migraine - the Menstrual
Aspect. Journal of the College of General
Practitioners, 6 (suppl. 4), 15.
GRODDECK, Georg (1949) The Book of the It.
(Authorised translation of Das Buch vom Es, 1923.)
New York: Random House.
LIVEING, Edward (1873) On Megrim, Sick-
Headache, and some Allied Disorders: A
Contribution to the Pathology of Nerve-storms,
London: Churchill.
PATERSON, Elizabeth (1960) A Survey of the
Nosodes, The British Homeopathic Journal 49,
161. Reprints published by A. Nelson & Co.,
PATERSON, John (1950) The Bowel Nosodes.
The British Homeopathic Journal, 39, 153.
Reprints published by A. Nelson & Co., London.
PETERS, J.C. (1853) A Treatise on Headache.
New York: William Radde.
SACKS, O.W. (1971) Migraine, Evolution of a
Common Disorder. Faber & Faber.
SELBY, G., and LANCE, J.W. (1960)
Observations on 500 cases of Migraine and Allied
Vascular Headache. Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 23, 23.
TISSOT, Simon André (1770) An Essay on the
Disorders of People of Fashion. (Translated by
F.B. Lee.) London: S. Bladon. See also the last
volume of Traité des nerfs et leurs maladies, of
which 83 pages are devoted to the subject of
Migraine, Paris. 1778-1790.
VAHLQUIST, B., and HACKZELL, G. (1949)
Migraine of Early Onset. Acta Paediatrica, 38,
WHYTT, Robert (1768) Diseases commonly
called Nervous, Hypochondriac, or Hysteric.
Edinburgh: Becket, Pond & Balfour.
WILLIS, Thomas (1684) De Morb. Convuls.
(Amstel. 1670). De Anima Brutorum (Oxon.,
1672), First English translation (Pordage) in Dr.
Willis’s Practice of Physics, Being the Whole
Works of that Renowned and Famous Physician.
WOLFF, H.G. (1963) Headache and other Head-
Pain. New York: Oxford University Press.
6. The Anxiogenic Effects of Caffeine
BRUCE, Malcolm S. (Postgrad Med J (1990)
66, (Suppl. 2), S18-S24
Unit of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Institute
of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, Denmark
Hill, London SE5 8AF, U.K.
Introduction: During psychiatric history
taking in the U.K. enquiry into caffeine use remains
the exception. A review in April 1986 of 50 current
outpatients’ notes at the Maudsley Hospital
revealed no recorded reference to caffeine intake in
the initial detailed assessment, whereas reference to
alcohol was made in 70% and tobacco in only 30%.
Current psychiatric textbooks used in the U.K.
do not give caffeine any prominence, if mentioned
at all. The classification used by UK psychiatrists,
the ICD-9,
has no specific category for caffeine.
Between 1981 and 1988, no case reports or studies
concerning caffeine in psychiatric patients have
appeared in the British psychiatric literature.
However, editorials, the most recent being in the
British Medical Journal,
have referred to the
association between caffeine and anxiety, first re-
documented in America in 1974 by GREDEN.
contrast the American Psychiatric Association’s
classificatory system, the DSM-III-R
has a specific
diagnosis in the organic mental disorders section,
Caffeine Intoxication. The diagnostic criteria are
given in Table I. Further more, American
psychiatric text books contain extensive details of
caffeine, for example the Comprehensive
Textbook of Psychiatry by KAPLAN et al., has
pages on caffeine.
This difference may be due
either to American ‘hypersensitivity’ to
psychoactive substances or dietary constituents
generally, or a misplaced ‘tolerance’ in the UK.
The aim of this review is to disseminate further the
present knowledge of the anxiogenic effects of
caffeine. The paper will be confined to these
effects in line with the theme of this symposium,
although concern has also been expressed regarding
caffeine and other issues related to psychiatry and
physical medicine.
Table I. Caffeine toxicity as defined in DSM-III-R
A. Recent consumption of caffeine, usually in
excess of 250 mg.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
B. At least five of the following:
(1) Restlessness
(2) Nervousness
(3) Excitement
(4) Insomnia
(5) Flushed face
(6) Diuresis
(7) Gastrointestinal complaints
(8) Muscle twitching
(9) Rambling flow of thought and speech
(10) Tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia
(11) Periods of inexhaustibility
(12) Psychomotor agitation
C. Not due to any other mental disorder, such as
an Anxiety Disorder.
Tables II and III show the similarity between
the accepted somatic symptoms of anxiety and
caffeine effects. Table II is part of the familiar
diagnostic criteria for Generalized Anxiety
Disorder (GAD), and Table III the symptom criteria
for Panic Disorder (PD).
The marked symptoms
are also listed as criteria for caffeine toxicity.
Before dealing specifically with caffeine’s
anxiogenic effects, it is useful to summarise the
dietary sources, pharmacology and effects of
caffeine on normal subjects.
Table II Symptoms present in Generalized Anxiety
(1) Dyspnoea
(2) Palpitations or tachycardia *
(3) Muscle tension
(4) Trouble swallowing
(5) Dizziness
(6) Nausea, or abdominal distress *
(7) Restlessness *
(8) Easy fatiguability
(9) Hot flushes *
(10) Sweating
(11) Trembling
(12) Insomnia *
(13) Dry mouth
(14) Frequent urination *
(15) Feeling keyed up or on edge *
(16) Exaggerated startle response
(17) Difficulty concentrating
(18) Irritability *
* = also listed as symptom of caffeine toxicity.
Table III Symptoms present in Panic Disorder
(1) Dyspnoea
(2) Palpitations or tachycardia *
(3) Chest pain
(4) Choking
(5) Dizziness
(6) Nausea, or abdominal distress *
(7) Depersonalization or derealization
(8) Paraesthesia
(9) Hot flushes *
(10) Sweating
(11) Trembling
(12) Fear of dying
(13) Going crazy, or loss of control
* = also listed as symptoms of caffeine toxicity.
Dietary sources
Caffeine is consumed mainly in drinks, either
naturally occurring or as an additive. The actual
caffeine per drink’ varies with the method of
preparation and the size of the cup. Highest
concentrations are found in percolated coffee
often up to 150 mg and, rarely, 175 mg per 150 ml
cup. Lower amounts occur in instant coffee, 60-
100 mg per cup. Caffeine levels in tea depend
greatly on length of brewing, and vary between 40-
60 mg per cup. Note the number of milligrams of
caffeine in a kilogram of tealeaf is greater than that
found in an equivalent weight of coffee bean.
However, we use less weight of raw product per
drink in making tea and the extraction process is
less efficient, unless, that is, you live in Ireland,
where the tea is brewed all day. Hot chocolate
drinks average about 5 mg per cup, and some soft
drinks, for example cola drinks, contain caffeine,
averaging 40 mg per 360 ml can. A summary of
standard caffeine content values are given in Table
Table IV. Average caffeine content of drinks
Coffee – ground roasted 125 mg/225 ml cup
instant 90 mg/225 ml cup
Tea 60 mg/225 ml cup
Cola drinks 40 mg/330 ml can
Chocolate 5 mg/225 ml cup
The foods, which contain caffeine, are made in
part with either coffee or chocolate, for example
coffee ice cream, chocolate gateaux, and chocolate
bars. The caffeine content of the last is about 20
mg per small bar.
Caffeine is also a constituent of many ‘over-
the-counter’ (OTC) preparations used for analgesia
and Migraine. There are 47 prescribable compound
analgesic preparations listed in the British National
13 of which contain caffeine. The
mean caffeine content is 26 mg (range 7.5-50 mg).
There are 89 OTC preparations of systemic
analgesics for aches and pains, 32 of which contain
caffeine. The mean content is 35 mg (range 7.5-95
Further OTC sources of caffeine can be
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
found in drugs bought as treatment for Asthma,
coughs and colds and as a tonic. Estimates of
caffeine consumption in the UK based on large
samples are not freely available. In the USA,
however, mean consumption of caffeine by people
over 18 years old was estimated to be 200 mg per
From the limited data available in the UK we
probably consume approximately 350 mg per day.
Caffeine (1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine) is one of
the naturally occurring xanthine derivatives or
methylxanthines. Caffeine is readily absorbed
following all routes of administration, for example,
absorption after oral ingestion is 99% complete at
45 minutes.
The exact absorption rate depends on
the formulation of caffeine, stomach contents and
type of drink, being slower from soft drinks than
from tea and coffee.
Caffeine is distributed into
all body compartments, it crosses the placenta and
is excreted in mothers’ milk.
Fifteen percent is
plasma protein-bound.
It is highly lipid-soluble
and higher concentrations are reached in the CSF
and brain than in plasma.
Random plasma caffeine samples from 600
adults attending a medical outpatient department
for blood tests for reasons other than caffeine
estimation yielded a mean level of 2.1 mg/l, range
0.2 mg/l to 13.1 mg/l. One in 20 patients had levels
about 5.6 mg/l.
Experimental peak plasma concentrations after
a 250 mg caffeine challenge in adults vary between
12 mg/l
and 6 mg/l
. A simulated daily intake
using a fixed dose of 80 mg caffeine per cup, with 2
cups at times 08.00 h, 12.00h, 15.00 h and 18.00 h,
produced a maximum plasma concentration of 4
mg/l at 19.00 h.
After six doses of 150 mg of
caffeine given 8 hourly a mean plasma
concentration of 9 mg/l was found 1-2 hours after
the last capsule.
Liver metabolism is by demethylation followed
by excretion in the urine, about 1% of the caffeine
remaining unchanged. The mean plasma
elimination half-life is 4 hours (range 4-6 hours),
but this may vary; increased in pregnancy,
with use of an oral contraceptive pill for more than
6 months (up to 10.4 hours);
decreased in
possibly in high caffeine users,
and in
patients taking drugs which induce liver enzymes,
e.g. rifampicin.
The biochemical action of caffeine is believed
to be mediated by blocking receptors for
Adenosine dilates blood vessels,
particularly in the coronary and cerebral
vasculature, and inhibits the release of
noradrenaline from the autonomic nervous
It also slows the rate of discharge of
cardiac pacemaker cells and a variety of neurons in
the central nervous system. Adenosine receptors
have been found using the technique of
autoradiography, and adenosine maps have been
made of the central nervous system in the rat.
significance of these sites and possible actions are
as yet speculative. It is uncertain whether the
presence of these receptor sites indicates that
adenosine is a neurotransmitter, although the
evidence is suggestive.
Effects of caffeine on normal subjects
Much research contains contradictory evidence
about caffeine’s actions. Some have expressed the
view that probably more contradictory literature
concerns the physiological and psychological
reactions to caffeine than any other
pharmacologically active agent. Recently,
however, it has become apparent that tolerance
occurs to some of caffeine’s effects, and that
withdrawal can cause effects similar to the acute
reaction. To interpret the findings observations
need dividing up into 4 groups: (A) acute studies
(i.e. on caffeine-naive subjects); (B) acute on
chronic studies (i.e. caffeine challenges in habitual
caffeine users); (C) toxic effects; (D) withdrawal
A. Acute Studies
Charney and colleagues
studied 11 subjects
after a two-week abstention, using a 700 mg
caffeine challenge with double-blind placebo-
controlled conditions. Using analogue self-rating
scales, caffeine produced significant increases in
anxiety and nervousness at 30 minutes, and a
decrease in calmness at 90 minutes.
A shorter, one week, period of abstention was
used by UHDE and colleagues
with challenge
doses of 480 and 720 mg. Eight normal subjects
showed a dose-related increase in self-rated anxiety
scores. After the 720 mg dose, 2 subjects
developed unequivocal panic attacks, characterized
by acute fear of imminent death; hyperventilization
and carpopedal spasm was prominent in one case.
Significant increases in plasma cortisol and
noradernaline concentrations occurred at 1 to 2
hours but MHPG levels were unaltered. The 2
subjects with panic attacks showed 5-fold increases
in mean cortisol level.
B. Acute on chronic studies
Regular users given 500 mg show less
response. This is due to tolerance. People who
have gradually increased their caffeine intake to
between 500 mg and 1 gram per day will tend to
report no ill effect from being given an acute dose
up to 500 mg. What is important is any change in
caffeine intake, a sudden increase of more than 500
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
mg of caffeine in a day will result in caffeine
toxicity. More gradual increases may not do this.
A ceiling effect on tolerance also occurs. After 2
years of more than 1,200 mg daily, 2 subjects still
complained of toxicity symptoms, the association
with caffeine use not being made until referred to a
specialist unit.
Regarding sleep, tolerance does
occur, but if omitted, people still report falling
asleep sooner and having a better quality of sleep.
The one benefit of regular caffeine use seems
to be boosting of performance that otherwise fails
due to boredom or fatigue.
Caffeine’s effects have been studied in relation
to many physiological and psychological correlates
of anxiety, however, only a couple of measures will
be used as illustration.
Self-rating scales. Various methods have been
used for the self-rating of mood and bodily
symptoms, such as multiple adjective checklists,
digital scales, analogue scales and standardized
questionnaires. Analogue scales using antithetic
adjectives to represent dimensions have shown
increasing alertness and shaking, 1-5 hours after up
to 500 mg caffeine.
Questionnaires designed to
sample a single dimension, e.g. the Spielberger
trait-state anxiety questionnaire, were not sensitive
to 500 mg doses.
In chronic caffeine use,
however, associations have been found between
high caffeine users and trait anxiety.
Electroencephalogram: The EEG is the only true
central measure readily available for
psychophysiological study, although its true
significance is not fuly understood. In anxiety
states alpha activity is reduced and there is a higher
proportion of beta activity. Generally, stimulants
affect ongoing EEG by increasing beta (13.5-32
Hz), and decreasing alpha (7.5-13.5 Hz) and theta
(4.5-7.5 Hz) waveband activity. Caffeine
significantly decreased alpha and beta power 30
minutes to 1 hour after 100 mg to 400 mg.
32, 34, 35
Delta (less than 4.5 Hz) increased 2 hours after 100
Skin conductance: Palmar sweating is believed to
be emotionally determined and evidence of
increased skin conductance in anxious patients has
been repeatedly shown. A reduction in skin
conductance was also found to correlate with
clinical improvement. Caffeine challenges in
normal subjects result in dose related increases in
mean skin conductance levels reflecting those
changes found in anxious patients.
30, 32, 36
C. Toxic effects
About 10% of the American population is
taking in excess of 500 mg daily, and the
percentage is probably higher in the UK. However,
few present with Caffeine toxicity. Individual
tolerance of symptoms, lack of both medical
services and awareness in medical staff have all
been suggested as explanations for the low
detection of what should pose a major problem.
Individual symptoms may be more prominent,
leading to referral to different specialists, e.g.
cardiac arrhythmia to the cardiologist. An intake
over 1000 mg involves the consumption of a very
large volume of naturally caffeinated fluid. Usually
these levels are attained with the additional use of
tablets, often taken as a stimulant. High, sudden
increases in consumption have been associated with
abdominal cramps, vomiting, high
anxiety, hostility
and psychosis.
All these
symptoms clear within 48 hours of abstention from
caffeine. Rare fatalities have occurred with oral
doses about 6.5 grams in adults.
D. Withdrawal effects: As well as inducing the
above plethora of physiological and psychological
effects as a direct effect, caffeine is also associated
with effects on withdrawal. The best-known of
these is headache.
The most comprehensive
assessment of withdrawal has been carried out by
GRIFFITHS and colleagues.
Their findings are
that the withdrawal syndrome has an onset at 12-24
hours, peak at 20-48 hours, and duration of about 1
week. Headache and fatigue are the most frequent
withdrawal symptoms, with a wide variety of other
signs occurring less often including, anxiety,
impaired performance, nausea/vomiting and
Caffeine and anxiety disorders
The above outline on the sources of caffeine,
its pharmacology and its actions on normal subjects
enables a more specific evaluation of its clinical
Caffeine toxicity may be indistinguishable
clinically from anxiety states other than by history.
Induction of anxiety by caffeine has been
established from the above data, and challenges of
750 mg may induce panic attacks in normal
Caffeine intake enquiry as a routine part
of a psychiatric history taking will ensure that this
diagnostic error is avoided. Of equal clinical
interest is how important is normal caffeine intake
as as external factor in the triggering and/or
maintenance of anxiety states and does caffeine
affect the subsequent severity of the anxiety state.
Caffeine consumption in inpatients has been
surveyed. BOULENGER and UHDE
studied 16
patients and 16 matched controls. Assessment
measures included the Spielberger trait-state
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
anxiety inventory (STAI), and a caffeine-associated
symptom checklist. The anxiety disorder patients
were significantly more sensitive to caffeine and
drank less caffeine than the control group. Daily
consumption was 186 mg (s.d. 158) compared to
216 mg (s.d. 175). The STAI trait but not state
measure correlated significantly with caffeine
consumption in patients but not in the controls.
The Caffeine-associated symptom checklist showed
increased sensitivity to caffeine with respect to
anxiety, tremors, muscle tension, panic attacks,
light-headedness and diarrhoea. The authors
emphasize the marked significant correlation
between trait anxiety and caffeine consumption in
anxiety disorder patients (P < 0.0001)
Other workers have replicated these findings
showing that in the average population 40% are low
caffeine users and in anxiety disorder patients 90%
are low caffeine users. So, no doubt some patients
have caffeine intoxication but, in the light of these
studies it seems we are not overlooking large
numbers of anxiety state patients who actually
consume toxic amounts of caffeine. This and the
reported increased sensitivity to caffeine together
with a decrease in consumption suggests that a true
increase in sensitivity to the anxiogenic effects of
caffeine might occur in this patient group.
These workers however emphasize that caffeine
challenges would be necessary to establish this.
Using Caffeine challenges, two Panic Disorder
patients with agoraphobia were more sensitive to
the anxiogenic effects than 7 controls, as measured
by the STAI.
My current work involves caffeine challenges
in anxious patient groups to further assess this
reported sensitivity to caffeine. The results are not
yet available.
However, I would like to report an
unanticipated finding. My previous research
involved caffeine abstention for 12-24 hours prior
to testing, but withdrawal phenomena confounded
results after such a short abstention period.
studies with 10 or more days of abstention, the
caffeine withdrawal syndrome was established as
having an onset latency of 19 hours, peaking on
days 1 and 2, and decreasing progressively over the
next 5 or 6 days.
Conversely, abstention periods
of 2-4 weeks have been associated with some loss
of tolerance to caffeine effects.
For our study a
compromise abstention of one week was therefore
chosen, giving minimal loss of tolerance with few,
if any withdrawal effects still expected at one week.
There were 25 consecutive referrals collected
from a psychiatric out-patient clinic, all cases being
diagnosed at assessment as having GAD or PD.
Patients with GAD also had a Hamilton Anxiety
Rating Scale (HARS) score greater than 18, a
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score less than
14, and were considered suitable for a short course
of anxiolytic medication. Patients with PD were
also considered suitable for a short period of
anxiolytic medication. The protocol of the study
required caffeine abstention for 1 week prior to
caffeine challenges in the following week. Caffeine
abstention consisted of decaffeinated coffee and tea
(or herbal teas), no cocoa, chocolate, or cola drinks,
and allowing only aspirin or paracetamol rather
than compound analgesics which frequently contain
caffeine. No prescribed medication was given
during this period. The following is one of six
similar case reports.
Case 2
A 33-year-old single female, working as an
assistant architect and looking after a 3-year-old
child. Daily caffeine consumption was 540 mg, in
the form of tea only as she found coffee made
‘everything go inside-out’ with the onset of tremor
and other panic-like symptoms. She gave a 10-year
history of anxiety with panic attacks. Ten years
ago the initial symptom was palpitations, with later
unsteady feelings, depersonalization, paraesthesia,
fear of dying and the fear of doing something
uncontrolled. Attacks had a rapid onset, lasted 5 to
30 minutes and the recent frequency was 2-3 per
week. Additional symptoms during panic attacks
were hyperacusis and an urge to get home, although
there was no agoraphobic avoidance behaviour nor
any specific fear of being in places where panic
attacks might occur. Previous treatments included
chlordiazepoxide for 6 months, once weekly
psychotherapy for 4 years, relaxation therapy, and a
trial of propranolol, all with minimal benefit.
Her family history was negative. In her
personal history, her father died when she was 5
years old from heart disease and she was brought
up away from home from the age of 11 at various
schools as her mother was severely handicapped
with Emphysema. She was not in a long-term
personal relationship at the time of presentation.
Panic disorder was diagnosed and after 1
week’s abstention from caffeine she felt better and
volunteered herself to abstain from caffeine.
Treating her PD with drugs no longer seemed
appropriate. At 8 months follow-up she continued
to be free from panic and limited symptom attacks.
She had remained on an almost caffeine-free intake,
taking a once weekly half-cup of tea. On 2
occasions when she took more caffeine mild
anxiety symptoms recurred.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
All 6 cases had either GAD or PD. Some were
consuming sufficient caffeine to be classified as
having caffeine toxicity as defined by DSM-III-R
However, their consumption of caffeine had been
stable for many years, and in no case had the onset
of the symptoms coincided with an increase in
caffeine consumption. Even if high levels of
caffeine had recently been introduced this would
not have been detected as caffeine consumption is
rarely enquired about in psychiatric history taking.
Caffeine abstention improved symptoms in all 6
cases, in 5 such that anxiolytic medication was no
longer required and in 1 where the dose of
anxiolytic was probably less than would otherwise
have been required.
This observation is not double-blind, nor is
there a control group. The improvements reported
occurred before the caffeine challenges. However,
the time spent with patients during the study was 16
hours in total. During this time, if and when
patients became anxious, supportive Psychotherapy
and relaxation training was given. The possible
therapeutic effect of the induction of anxiety in a
controlled situation cannot be ignored.
addition, a 25% remission rate for these chronic
disorders appears high. The study was carried out
in patients referred to the University of London
Postgraduate Psychiatric Hospital, and such
patients might be unrepresentative of other
outpatients or in general practice.
This association of improved symptoms in a
quarter of our patients with Anxiety Disorder and
abstention from Caffeine, maintained at follow-up,
does merit further research. It does concur with
previous reports of increased sensitivity to Caffeine
in this group. Caffeine abstention will do no harm,
but patients should be advised of the short-term
withdrawal symptoms of increased headache,
sleepiness and laziness and decreased alertness and
activeness. High users of Caffeine might best be
advised to taper their intake over a week or two to
obviate such withdrawal.
This work was supported by the Medical
Research Council (UK). The case report is
reproduced from Psychological Medicine (1989)
by permission of Cambridge University Press.
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MARANGOS, P.J. Effects of caffeine and
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32. BRUCE, M., SCOTT, N., LADER, M. &
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45. BOULENGER, J.P. & UHDE T.W. Caffeine
consumption and anxiety: preliminary results of a
survey comparing patients with anxiety disorders
and normal controls. Psychopharmacol Bull
1982. 18: 53-57.
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J.F. Anxiety and caffeine consumption in people
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HENINGER, G.R. Agoraphobia with panic
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JATLOW, P.I. Increased anxiogenic effects of
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51. BRUCE, M. & LADER, M. Caffeine
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Psychol Med 1989, 19: 211-214.
52. WOPLE, J. Carbon dioxide inhalation
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Dr. N. CHOUDRY: Were the effects of
Nicotine smoking controlled in those patients and
how can the Caffeine effect be correlated with the
Nicotine effect?
Also, how does the Caffeine effect compare
with Amphetamines and other stimulants?
Dr. BRUCE: There was no change in tobacco
intake during the study. Patients were allowed their
regular tobacco intake. There have been studies
comparing Caffeine and Amphetamines. However,
Amphetamines tend to give a euphoriant effect and
Caffeine does not do this. Amphetamines make
one more alert and an increased dose does not give
a euphoriant effect; there are unpleasant anxiogenic
7. Coffee and Homeopathy
BAKER, Don (Journal of the Australian
Traditional-Medicine Society, 10, 4/2004)
HAHNEMANN’s Early Years: A brief
examination of HAHNEMANN’s formative years
shows that he demonstrated an exceptional
academic aptitude, becoming proficient in several
languages prior to completion of his school years
Despite being taken out of school for several
periods to assist with the family income, he went on
to attain his medical degree.
Coming from a reasonably poor background,
HAHNEMANN would not have been able to
achieve this without the support of several
influential patrons who were impressed with his
intellect and dogged persistence. He applied a
meticulous and methodical approach to his own
private study, revealed through his declaration that
he read “always the best that was procurable and
only as much as I could assimilate”
approached study and learning with a desire for
detail and accuracy. This is reflected in a writing
style that uses long, often repetitive, sentences
which sometime obscures the meaning. Indeed,
MORRELL goes so far as to describe him as a
“fussy pedant”
HAHNEMANN was interested in more than
just medicine. He also studied Botany and
Chemistry. His skill in Chemistry enabled him to
manufacture his own medicines. He later
antagonized the apothecaries due to his advocacy
that all medical practitioners should manufacture
their own medicines. He was a skilled linguist and
was fluent in French, English, Greek, Latin, Italian
and was familiar with Hebrew and Chaldaic
According to HAEHL, HAHNEMANN considered
that Philosophy formed the foundation of all
knowledge. His whole cultural development was
permeated by Philosophy, although he does not
seem to have accepted any particular school of
HAHNEMANN’s Religious Leanings
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
His attitude towards religion, while not clearly
as defined by documentation, is an important
component of HAHNEMANN’s character and may
have been a contributing factor in his attitude
toward the use of coffee.
Despite being born of Protestant parents and
being baptised and raised as such, there is no
evidence of religious affiliation. Rather, his belief
centred on the existence of an omnipresent, living
God whose principles should be reflected in each
person’s “moral and good life”
. This rather
simple approach to religion was to assume fervour
akin to fanaticism. In a reply to a letter from
STAPF indicating difficulty in procuring a certain
religious text, HAHNEMANN believed that
without it (the text) mankind were deprived of the
knowledge that might enable them to be “perfectly
good” and they would forget the purpose of their
being, and prefer the satisfaction of their animal
passions to His approbation”
His religious convictions assumed almost
evangelical proportions in his advocacy of
principles to support a ‘good and moral life’. In this
pursuit, HAHNEMANN was only too willing to
offer guidelines for others. He strongly advised
against excess in any way and promoted
moderation as a virtue without which health may
not be attained
. He warned that sexual excesses
encouraged use of stimulants and aphrodisiacs with
a “wretched and premature death” as a natural
consequence of destructive intemperance”
. He
considered coffee to be a potent stimulant.
HAEHL is of the opinion that HAHNEMANN
became convinced that he had been chosen by God
to deliver his new method of healing to mankind as
a whole
. In the introduction to the Organon,
HAHNEMANN wrote of the need for the “wise
and benevolent Creator and Preserver of mankind”
to allow the discovery of Homeopathy
. His
belief in being the chosen representative of God
explains the evangelical rigour and single-
mindedness that he applied to his campaign against
the allopathic physicians and anyone, including
homeopaths, who disagreed with him.
Coffee in the European Setting
Coffee spread into Europe from Turkey during
the seventeenth century and with it, controversy
and mythology. Not only was Coffee said to cause
impotency and sterility
but through its perceived
association with homosexuality, it was accused of
causing men to become effeminate. A 1663
English pamphlet, The Maidens Complaint
Against Coffee reflected such mythology
Generally, the Western view of coffee was
associated with the depravity of the East. It was
even for the downfall of the Turkish Empire at the
end of the sixteenth century
During his life, the anti-coffee movement
gained strength, and HAHNEMANN, as a ‘moral
and good’ person, must have been encouraged by
this movement. During the later stages of the
eighteenth century, the industrial revolution was
beginning. The accompanying social changes such
as overcrowding and poor living standards in cities
had a marked effect on health, with outbreaks of
epidemics being common. Many of these effects
were blamed on coffee drinking. Coffee drinkers
associated in coffee shops, were perceived to
assume a different set of characteristics, and so
were regarded as a sub-group separated from the
rest of society
It must be remembered that at this time,
Germany was a loose federation of independent
states and, as such, did not have the colonies and
associated trade such as the Dutch and the French.
Germany was dependent on these countries for
many of its exotic trade goods, such as Coffee. To
reduce the outflow of money, State measures were
introduced to restrict Coffee consumption. When
health reasons failed to do this, it was promoted as
being unpatriotic to drink Coffee. For example, the
preparation and consumption of the beverage
involved time that could have been better spent in
work. The inference was that Coffee caused a
decrease in national output
Of the literature on Coffee, some actually
promoted its health benefits; however, much of that
written to 1800 was based in the Galenic tradition
of medicine. Depending on who was the author,
medical discussion on the benefits of coffee was
around hot and choleric people and moist and
phlegmatic temperaments
. It was recommended
for use in a wide array of conditions, including
pains in the head, vertigo, lethargy, coughs,
swooning, consumption, rickets, running sores,
worm infestations in children. It was also regarded
as an antidote to the effects of Opium
(8, 9)
HAHNEMANN and Coffee
HAHNEMANN was exposed to the politically
motivated anti-coffee movement in Germany, the
coincidental decrease in general health in the
increasingly populous towns and cities, and
possibly, to this early literature on coffee. Given
his religious stance, the perceived reduction in
moral values must have been an affront to him.
This is clearly demonstrated in several of his
references to the use of the beverage. He mentions
in footnotes to his translation of CULLEN’s
Materia Medica that Coffee’s frequent use may
cause, amongst other things, “barrenness and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
. He believed that Coffee excited
sexual desire and caused premature ejaculation. He
purports that this excitation, especially in the
young, was the cause of early impotence
. This
action of Coffee is seen by HAHNEMANN to be a
“refinement that has the most perceptible influence
on our morality and mortality
More importantly, HAHNEMANN regarded
Coffee, along with tea and alcoholic spirits, as a
medicine. He believed that any medicinal
substance has the capacity to exert a physiological
effect on the body. In 1803 he wrote a treatise On
the Effects of Coffee
in which he declared that
“Medicinal things are substances that do not
nourish, but alter the healthy condition of the
body…Coffee is a purely medicinal substance.” He
described the primary stimulant effect of Coffee as
a “more or less agreeable exaltation of the vital
activity” but warned against the subsequent
secondary effects that included “a disagreeable
feeling of existence, a lower degree of vitality, a
kind of paralysis of the animal, natural and vital
In §59 of the Organon HAHNEMANN
described the primary stimulatory action of Coffee
as being used to overcome day-time drowsiness,
and the subsequent secondary action resulting in
increased drowsiness
. Some of his observations
of the actions of Coffee are remarkably similar to
what we now recognize as the effects of Caffeine.
The primary actions listed by HAHNEMANN
compared to Caffeine in Table 1. A similar
comparison of the secondary effects
is shown in
Table 2.
HAHNEMANN was not opposed to the use of
coffee for medicinal purposes. When writing to his
brother some time prior to 1792, he described his
observation of Coffee being used in beverage form
to effect a cure in a case of post-partum
haemorrhage and pain
. He later wrote of its use
for chronic ailments whose symptoms resemble the
primary action
, an obvious reference to its use as
the similimum. Of note is his claim that Coffee
could be used beneficially to counter the effects of
Opium. He also listed some acute situations where
coffee may be beneficial: sea-sickness, poisoning
by Opium-syrup, poisoning by Veratrum album,
unconsciousness through drowning, suffocation,
and coma from exposure to cold.
Table 1. A comparison of Hahnemann’s
observed primary effects of coffee with known
caffeine effects.
Primary Effects
Prevents hunger and thirst Increased heart
Diuretic action Increased urine
Laxative action Increased blood
Decreased nutrient
stomach acidity
Analgesic effect Increased body
Wakefulness Wakefulness
Muscle irritability leading
to tremor
Enhanced memory Restlessness
Stimulates sexual desire
Mood swings
Lack of constraint in almost
all behaviours
Table 2. A Comparison of HAHNEMANN’s
observed secondary effects of coffee with known
caffeine effects.
Secondary Effects
Increased anxiety Nervous anxiety
Headache Headache
Difficulty in getting to sleep Sleep disorder
Decreased sexual desire Depression
Raveous hunger Digestive
Constipation Constipation
Heavier sleep
Hand and feet become cold
Tearing pains in the limbs
Tooth decay
HAHNEMANN clearly stated his opposition to
the use of coffee as a dietary item. Similar to his
admonition against using more than a single
homeopathic medicine at any one time,
HAHNEMANN warned that coffee, used in
conjunction with the homeopathic medicine, would
compromise the desired medicinal effect.
However, he also warned against other dietary
substances. This was clearly reinforced by
Professor Reicke in 1833 when he stated that
“Homeopathic diet forbids, during the use of a
remedy, anything in our food which of itself has a
medicinal effect, and which might by that very
means disturb the action of the drug which is being
. HAHNEMANN lists Chinese tea,
alcoholic spirits (whisky, brandy), Beer, Vinegar or
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Citric acid, Perfumes, Tooth-powders, Onions,
Pepper and Tobacco usage as having potential
medicinal effects and substances to avoid in chronic
. An extensive list is found in the notes to
§ 260 of the Organon
The Composition of Coffee
Modern analytic methods allow the evaluation
of HAHNEMANN’s claim regarding the medicinal
properties of Coffee as a beverage. Table 3
describes the major constituents of Coffee and
compares the three common forms of
Table 3. The major constituents of Coffee and a
comparison between the three common
Constituent Miligrams(mg) per 100 grams
Calcium 2 2 4
Magnesium 80 3 3
Phosphorus 7 3 3
Potassium 115 49 30
Sodium 14 2 2
Caffeine 212 40 26
Apart from the listed constituents, trace
amounts of iron, zinc, copper, and manganese are
also evident in all three preparations. Similarly,
there are trace amounts of some B group vitamins,
folate and theobromine to be found. Interestingly,
except for Calcium, Tea shows a similar profile to
both the Coffee brewed from grounds and instant
. Table 4 compares this data.
Table 4. The major constituents of tea
Constituent Milligrams (mg) per 100 grams
Phosphorus 1
Potassium 37
Sodium 3
Caffeine 20
Except for Caffeine, all of these constituents
are known to have a physiologically beneficial
effect when taken in therapeutic amounts
. From
a nutrition perspective, the amounts of these
constituents are less than what is considered a
medicinal dosage. Even in the case of the espresso
coffee, all are well below the Recommended Daily
Intake (RDI). As an example, about twenty cups
per day of espresso coffee are needed to reach the
RDI for potassium i.e. 2,000 mg
. It must also be
noted that RDIs are set with generous safety
margins and are usually far below any known
toxicity level. If the lack of therapeutic effect is
accepted for the major (and trace) constituents, then
the caffeine element must be the probable cause for
any physiological effect of coffee.
From a homeopathic perspective, the
constituents are in amounts that may be interpreted
as conforming to the homeopathic tenet of the
minimum dose. However, as these have not been
prepared homeopathically i.e. by the accepted
process of serial dilution and succussion, their
definition as medicinal substances in the full
homeopathic sense may be debated.
Caffeine is rapidly absorbed after ingestion and
metabolized by the liver for excretion in the urine.
The half-life of Caffeine is approximately 3.5
hours, although serum concentrations of caffeine
generally peak within two hours of ingestion. Food
consumption does not appear to affect the
absorption of Caffeine
Depending on the brewing process, a cup of
Coffee contains roughly 26 mg to 200 mg of
Caffeine, compared with 20 mg to 90 mg in tea.
Analgesics tend to have 30 mg to 60 mg, and diet
and alertness tablets have 100 mg to 200 mg of
. The minimum lethal dose for humans
is estimated at 150-200 mg/kg. The signs of acute
Caffeine toxicity may be seen following a dose of
10 mg/kg. Symptoms can initially include nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, and muscle twitches.
Central nervous system effects are manifested as
restlessness, agitation, and irritability
Caffeine’s pharmacological effects are felt in
several systems of the body. The physiological
responses of the central nervous system include
stimulation of the cerebrum and medulla, resulting
in the often desired effect of alertness and
In toxic doses the cardiovascular response to
Caffeine includes direct stimulation of the
myocardium which can lead to Tachycardia,
Bradycardia, Hypertension, or Hypotension. Such
doses can also cause ventricular irritability, which
can typically result in palpitations. Likewise, direct
vasodilation occurs and can result in pulmonary
oedema. This may be counteracted by
vasoconstriction from stimulation of the medullary
vasomotor center, and may cause either increases or
decreases in Blood Pressure. Caffeine has a
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
diuretic action. It also acts in the stomach by
stimulating parietal cells to increase acidity.
Smooth muscle is relaxed by caffeine, while
skeletal muscle is stimulated
Coffee As An Antidote
The Concise Oxford dictionary defines an
‘antidote’ as ‘a medicine taken to counteract a
poison or disease’
. HAHNEMANN’s only
reference to antidotes is in the explanatory notes for
§ 67 of the Organon
. He lists coffee, camphor
and Ipecac for Opium poisonings, Hepar sulphuris
for metal poisonings, and Alkalis for swallowed
mineral acids, all used as antipathic treatment in
cases of sudden poisonings. It may be inferred that
he uses these substances in potentised homeopathic
Yet that list is greatly expanded today and
encompasses the non-homeopathic form of the
substances. It is interesting to note the expanding
list of substances to be found on the Internet that
are purported to act as ‘antidotes’ for homeopathic
medicines. This list includes: X-rays, electric
blankets, mint, prescription drugs, Acupuncture,
eucalyptus, ginger, garlic, phenol-containing tree
barks and others. Of course, as with all such
claims, the reader must be aware that many lack the
foundation of evidence to support them. It seems
then that HAHNEMANN’s original warnings have
indeed been expanded and incorporated
unchallenged into homeopathic theory.
It is quite clear from the literature that
HAHNEMANN’s warnings against the use of
Coffee were based on his belief that it was a
medicinal substance and, as such, he believed that it
competed with homeopathic medicines and altered
the desired curative effect. HAHNEMANN
himself admitted that he may have overstated the
role of coffee in his 1803 leaflet on the subject. He
suggested that, prior to discovering Psora as the
chief cause of chronic diseases, he made
prominent, perhaps too prominent, the part which
coffee takes with respect to the bodily and mental
sufferings of humanity”
. Importantly, he did not
retreat from his position that coffee is harmful.
A contemporary homeopath, Miranda
CASTRO, has explored this question in practice.
She compared patients who were warned against
using coffee during treatment with those who
weren’t, and observed little difference. Her
conclusion was that anything that affects a person
strongly can interfere with their healing
. In other words, each case must be
taken on its own merit and nothing is a definitive
It appears that there is no evidence for the
premise that Coffee is an antidote for all
homeopathic medicines. HAHNEMANN’s belief
that coffee is a medicinal substance and should not
be used as part of the dietary intake has persisted
and appears to be an integral component of
contemporary homeopathic teaching. It is now
known that Coffee does contain vitamins and
minerals that may contribute to healthy nutrition;
however, modern analysis reveals that these are not
present in what is now regarded as therapeutic
amounts, even in the strongest of the brewing
It is now known that Caffeine is the component
of coffee that exerts the prime physiological effect.
This effect is not considered to be particularly
harmful in low doses, depending on the sensitivity
of the individual. Apart from anecdotal evidence,
there appears to be no basis for the proposition that
Coffee alters the effect of homeopathic medicines.
Rigorous research is needed to resolve this issue
and so strengthen the claim that Homeopathy is a
valid healing alternative to allopathic medicine.
Life and Work (Vol I.) Reprint 2001 ed. New
Delhi: B. Jain; 1922.
(2) MORRELL P. The Character of
HAHNEMANN and the Nature of Homeopathy.
Internet, 21/9/2004,
His Life and Work (Vol 2). Reprint 2001 ed.
New Delhi: B. Jain; 1922.
(4) HAHNEMANN S. The Friend of Health
Part 1. In: Dudgeon R (ed). The Lesser Writings
of Samuel HAHNEMANN. New Delhi: Indian
Books & Periodicals Syndicate; No date cited.
(5) HAHNEMANN S. The Friend of Health –
Part 2. In: Dudgeon R, editor. The Lesser Writings
of Samuel HAHNEMANN, New Delhi: Indian
Books & Periodicals Syndicate: No date cited.
(6) MORRELL P. Eight Themes of
HAHNEMANN Seen Through HAEHL. Internet,
(7) O’REILLY W (ed). Organon of the Medical
Art. 6
ed. Palo Alto: Birdcage Books; 1996.
(8) BERSTEN I. Coffee, Sex and Health. Sydney:
Helian Books; 1999.
(9) HAHNEMANN S. On the Effects of Coffee.
In: Dudgeon R (ed). The Lesser Writings of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Samuel HAHNEMANN. New Delhi: Indian Books
& Periodicals Publishers, No Year Cited.
(10) HAHNEMANN S. The Chronic Diseases.
Their Peculiar Nature and their Homeopathic Cure.
ed. New Delhi: Indian Books & Periodicals
Publishers; No Date Cited.
(11) USDA National Nutrient Database for
Standard Reference, Release 17. U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,
Internet, 28/9/2004.
(12) REAVLEY N. Vitamins, etc. Melbourne:
Bookman; 1999.
(13) SAUER A. Clinical Toxicology Review.
Massachusetts Poison Conrol Centre, Internet,
(14) The Concise Oxford Dictionary. 5 ed. Oxford:
Clarendon Press; 1958.
(15) CASTRO A. The Vexed Question of
Antidotes. Internet, 21/9/2004,
antidotes. html.
(16) Anonymous. Child and Youth Health Drugs
and Alcohol Government of South Australia,
Internet, 1/3/2004,
(17) Anonymous. DPB Publications Caffeine
Factsheet. NSW Health, Internet, 1/3/2004,
Homeopathic Viewpoint in Cancer, BOGER C.M.
In common with most homeopathic physicians, I have
seen a few almost unbelievable Cancer cures from the internal
use of our remedies. Almost any remedy has occasionally cured,
when it was in fact solely prescribed upon some special or
prominent indication but happened also to have the general
symptoms which corresponded to the life history of the patient,
hence corresponding accurately and in its entirety to the
disease picture. This was, of ocurse, done in reverse, therefore
the cure was a rare occurrence.
BeNNINGHAUSEN in his Aphorisms of Hippocrates,
5-54, page 327, stresses the correct method where he
substantially and clearly says:
Swelling with induration of the os uteri is always
dangerous and easily terminates in malignant uterine Cancer.
Only in the beginning, by means of the accurately discerned,
not local, but general symptom complex, along with sufficient
concomitant or side symptoms, upon whch after all the final
choice depends, can a fortunate and complete cure be
prognosticated. If once fully developed ichorous pus has
appeared, there is little or no hope. From the beginning there is
the most urgent necessity to choose with the greatest
conscientiousness and care the most fitting from the following
recommended remedies, wherewith my colleagues and myself
have always succeeded in averting the threatened danger before
it had reached an incurable stage: Ars., Aur., Bell., Barb. An.,
Chin., Clem., Ferr., Iod., Kreos., Lach., Mag. mur., Merc., Plat.,
Puls., Sabi., Sars., Sec.c., Sep. and Thuja.
My own experiences have been as follows: A middle aged
woman subject to frequent aphthae showed a ragged,
serpiginous, rapidly advancing cancerous ulcer of the inside of
the lower lip penetrating almost to the outer skin. The main
ulcer was large as a cent with a deep fissure running down
toward the chin and there were already several metastatic ulcers
on the soft palate. She had wandering, shooting pains through
the body that left soreness behind. Milk left a sour taste and she
was indolent, fat and not very clean. A dose of Kali
bichromicum MM, repeated in sixty days, made a complete cure.
Radical cures in recurrences after operation have been few
and far between, but Nitric acid given on the usual indications
has cured several times, so has Silica. After operations done
early or on what is usually on suspicion only, when new
mammary nodules have appeared after several years, Bellis
perennis has usually done the trick. As you know these are very
anxious moments for the patient and she awaits the result of the
prescription with great trepidity. In the toxic crises which so
much resemble the onset of low types of erysipelas, tendency to
haemorrhage to almost nil, makes a light affair of the toxic
attack and lengthens the interval between attacks very greatly.
Bellis comes to my mind as a greater and deeper Arnica the
rest of the picture you will know without being told. The
prominenet remedies that have palliated incurable cases for me
are especially Calc. carb. for phlegmasia alba dolens like
attacks. Tellurium for the vile odor and purpura figurata,
sometimes present, and
above all Opium in very high potency
when the patient looks prematurely old, brownish and withered.
Sabal serrulata controls the stinging pains of Cancer of the
urinary tract and prolongs life to great lengths, so much so that a
cure seems almost in sight. PARKERSBURG, W. VA.
From the treatment of animals to the treatment of
Tuberculosis in humans these papers highlight the need for both
a very fine discrimination in choosing the appropriate Totality of
symptoms to palliate incurable cases and, on the other hand, the
need for not missing the obvious objective signs in the treatment
of children and animals. (From Int. Hah. Assn. Proc. 1916).
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contribution and other
original articles.)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
1. Past Dawns and Future Noons; Towards a Resurgent
India SHONAR Price Rs. 595/- Published by UBS Publishers’
Distributors Ltd. Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry.
This is one of the most remarkable books that I
have read in my lifetime taking me almost a month
to read word by word, line by line. The book is a
small contribution as the author has said, towards
building of a new India which will realize it’s true
destiny, both in the spiritual and material fields,
occupy it’s rightful place in the community of
nations, and play it’s role as a leader in the ways of
the spirit and a friend and helper of all man-kind.
The book was conceived by the Sri Aurobindo
Society, which initiated the “Resurgent India
Project.” With this end in view the author traveled
all over India and also went through innumerable
books and manuscripts to bring about what I would
feel a book of immense magnitude and unbounded
greatness. The whole aim of the “Resurgent India
Project” was meant for those who love India
coming from all nationalities, to become aware of
India’s great past and heritage and even more of it’s
greater future. To this effect, SHONAR has said
that a new approach is needed in all fields of human
activity like education, health, art, culture, science
and technology, mass communications, politics,
agriculture, etc, so that with this new approach,
while absorbing the best, the world has to offer.
Our activities would be based on and derive
inspiration from the Indian genius and ethos.
The book runs through 535 pages and is
divided into 19 chapters. To review each chapter in
detail would be an impossible task for me, because
then this review would be a book in itself.
Beginning with an invocation to Mother, the
Soul of India, this invocation was given by
Pondicherry Mother herself. SHONAR points out
that there were 3 or 4 objectives in view when this
book was conceived and written. If we call
ourselves “Indian” as she writes, we are not just
something that belongs to a patch of land between
Himalayas and Kanyakumari. So the first objective
in bringing out this book was to give a broader
vision without getting the reader either lost or fall
off to sleep. The second objective was to go
through some of the past ideas which were often
mistakenly or willfully labeled superstitious and
exploring deeply those same ideas to come to the
conclusion that they were in fact superbly rational,
sensible and logical; ideas which today could make
our presence more beautiful and worthwhile. The
third objective was to shake up men who may have
fallen into a state of slumber. Such people today
may be in thousands, and perhaps those who are
awake are mere minorities, helplessly working
against a tide of inertia. The fourth objective was
to bring across a fundamental idea of the Indian
soul and spirit which ran consistently as a backdrop
to all that ancient India had done and achieved. In
short, this would mean attempting to get a glimpse
of the Indian soul so that as a final and important
objective, we could have some suggestions and
ideas, regrasp those lost secrets and utilizing them
lead the present India to the gates of perfection and
towards a still more brighter future. Some people
Indians and Westerns have had a very distorted
view that India is entirely ‘other worldly’ or
‘mystical’. But ancient India neither rejected the
world nor life by merely staying in constant
meditation, but in fact used that state of constant
introspection and eternal search for making that
very world and that very life more meaningful,
richer and deeper. With this end in view, each
chapter that has been written and has been carefully
chosen. Briefly mentioning these chapters are as
follows Indian-ness of India, The World of
architects, and painters and Sculptors, Life on a
stage, Here today, gone Tomorrow, of Rhythms and
Sways, Songs from the Heart, of Hymns and Core,
of Frogs and Blackboards, Food for Thought, The
makings of liberty, equality, fraternity, a chapter on
war what it is good for which will make many
readers when they go through this chapter, shiver in
their shoes, scientific tempers, counting stars, and
beautiful chapter on Healing systems, which I
found very interesting and chapters titled the one,
last thoughts – of the author and words galore.
The photographs in this book on Indian
architecture and sculpture are simply amazing.
Each chapter begins with an opening illustration by
an artist from Sri Aurobindo Society, and in
addition there are many line drawings scattered
throughout the book. Words of Sri Aurobindo have
been profusely mentioned in all the pages in italics,
and no wonder because Sri Aurobindo represented
the highest of the East and West as an Avtar for
present day humanity.
From page 512, each chapter has got references
from various western and Indian sources ancient
and modern. Page 518 gives the meanings of
various words, which might not be known to many
readers. Page 523 gives the list of personalities that
have been written in this book and page 528 gives a
still more exhaustive list of places that have been
mentioned in the book. Page 531 gives a list of
works, which SHONAR went through in this
monumental work.
The authoress born in 1972, first wanted to
work in any capacity with animals. But then after
graduation, her career map started shaping up-
when she began writing about music, reporting on
environmental issues for national T.V. exploring
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
every nook and corner as a travel writer, and even
at times trying her hand as a farm hand milking
cows and ploughing land. This only showed her
intense love for India with the rising feeling in her
of the need to go beyond stereotype clichés and
explore deeper than what was apparent to the eye
resulting thereby in this first book of hers. With no
formal training as a writer, yet her writing shows
the inspiration, the power and a grace of
expression, which many an established writer
would envy. If readers may like to contact her they
may do so at shonar@vsnl.com.
Excellently published and reasonably priced I
would recommend this book to every Indian and
also to non-Indians whose souls are one with the
soul of India and who believe in her role as the
Guru of the community of nations for the benefit of
all human kind. Perhaps, even for those whom I
consider almost soul dead, which could include
many of our politicians, bureaucrats, and leaders,
may if they go through this book carefully, may
awaken in their hearts, their sleeping souls to
India’s past greatness and make them tread the path
of truth, integrity, and honesty for India’s still
greater future. I strongly recommend everyone to
buy this book and read it word to word, line by line
and chapter by chapter.
2. Homöopathie in der Klinik - die Geschichte
der Homöopathie am Stuttgarter Robert-Bosch-
Krankenhaus von 1940-1973 (Homeopathy in
the Clinic the History of Homeopathy in the
Robert Bosch Hospital at Stuttgart from 1940 to
1973); Thomas FALTIN, Karl F. Haug Verlag,
Stuttgart, 2002. (German). 453 pages.
This book is the 7
in the series Quellen und
Studien zur Homöopathie Geschichte(‘Sources
and Studies in the history of Homeopathy’).
This study details the founding of the Robert
Bosch Homeopathy Hospital, its development, its
failures and finally its closure in 1973. The idea of
this study is that exclusively homeopathic hospitals
may avoid the pitfalls that lead to its failure. Of
course the social, governmental environment may
differ in different countries; nevertheless there are
certain factors which are common. We read from
time that serious attempts are being made to close
Homeopathic Hospital in Glasgow (U.K.) and
concerted efforts are being made from the patients
and Homeopathy doctors to resist it. We should
remember that whatsoever be the favorable records,
the attempts of the dominant school will always be
there to close the homeopathic hospital. Recall the
recent Lancet article, which carried the exuberant
cry ‘Death blow to Homeopathy’ which indicates
clearly the fear the dominant school has of
Homeopathy. Homeopathy practitioners should
always be on the watch that whatever we do is
‘right’ and stregthens the foundations of
Homeopathy; that we keep our cure rates high
enough for the people to insist on Homeopathy.
The example of the downfall of Homeopathy
from its great heights during the second half of the
century to its fall to low levels in the first half
of the 20
century, in the USA is also an example.
Homeopaths should be well aware of the
history of Homeopathy.
The ‘Introduction’ to the Book says that a
homeopathic hospital cannot ask for anything
better than what the Robert Bosch Krankenhaus
(RBK) established. The founder Robert Bosch
(1861-1942) himself well knew personally since the
1910s, the great benefits and blessings of
Homeopathy and financed the “Homeopathic
Hospital, Stuttgart” which existed from 1921 to
1940. He also financed another Hospital in 1940.
Renowned homeopaths worked here and the
hospital treated a large number of patients. They
were considered as the “Mecca of Homeopathy” in
Germany and in the world too.
With all the advantages the largest and well-
provided hospital, funds, good doctors etc. – the
RBK failed! One reason was the clinical
Homeopathy oriented researches, teachings and the
leading physicians in the RBK absolved themselves
of their responsibility. And so a hospital which was
established exclusively for Homeopathy became
soon an exclusively allopathic hospital with no
place in it either for Homeopathy or any other
‘alternative’ Medicine!
Several factors contributed to this unfortunate
end of a homeopathic hospital. Perhaps the most
important one was the dominance of the clinically
oriented doctors in Homeopathy, conflicts between
the homeopaths and the allopathic doctors, the
developments in the Allopathy, etc.
The book is divided into two main parts: I.
Homeopathic Hospitals in Germany from 1833 to
the present time. II. Homeopathy in the Robert
Bosch Hospital. The Part II has three chapters: 1.
The Scenario and Structures. 2. Homeopathy in
Robert Bosch Hospital in Therapy, Research and
Teaching. 3. Problems and Failures in the Robert
Bosch Hospital.
The Appendix has
1. Important dates of the temporary hospital and
the Robert Bosch Hospital.
2. Brief biography of important persons of the
Robert Bosch Hospital.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
3. Source Index to the history of homeopathic
hospitals in Stuttgart.
4 . Abbreviations Index.
5. Sources and literary references.
7. Reference for the pictures.
8. Index of personalities.
9. Place, Region and Town Indexes.
10. Contents Index.
The book details the activities and explains the
researches carried out and where and how they
went wrong.
A sumptuous book of great value to all of us
who would like found homeopathic hospital and
‘promote’ Homeopathy.
Good print, sturdy binding, well-researched.
The Metals and Their Relation To the Functions of the
Reproductive Organs, BOGER C.M.
The symptoms appearing within the general
sphere of the metals hardly deserve any special
prominence except as they are related to or
accompany other manifestations.
To say that this or that remedy is good for this
or that thing is absurd for any drug having a special
field of action in the generative sphere, of necessity
has a still more general action, of which the former
is but a partial expression. I wish especially to raise
my voice against piece-meal prescribing although it
is admittedly a great temptation in this particular
instance. That it may be imperative is doubtless
true; that it is the most advisable thing, is open to
much doubt.
I wish especially to urge that we train ourselves
into the habit of thinking of the sick as units,-hence
as treating them as such. The thing that we are
internally must finally show itself externally, hence
the only radical cure proceeds outwardly in every
sense of the term. Let us study every patient by his
acts, by his thoughts, and by his sensibilities. No
other guide will so quickly lead to the desired goal
and point out the similimum. Homeopathy is only
as strong as its curative power. Just as soon as we
begin to adopt makeshifts, we weaken it by that
The natural law which HAHNEMANN
demonstrated has been with us from the beginning
and will be here when we are gone. It behooves us
to learn all about it in order that we may, while we
are here, learn our lessons so well that no
emergency may catch us napping and unprepared.
The habit of looking too closely at localized
symptoms is, in its very nature, confusing and
misleading. It makes for therapeutic myopia, and
unsettles our confidence in the larger and more
embracing things. The thing that will cure the
patient, will remove her leucorrhea, her pus tubes,
or what not; provided the disease is curable.
Dynamic action pertains to available powers within
and not to powers from without, although the latter
may be admittedly necessary in order to prolong
life. But we should always bear in mind that such
things are palliative only and have nothing in
common with a radical cure.
A man once cried “What shall I do to be
saved?” Our patients every day ask “What shall I
do to be cured? All we can say is FIRST, - be
cleansed from within, then all other needed things
shall be added unto you.
The human economy is, in a sense, a self-
eliminating machine. Crudely imitating this it has
led the old school practitioner into giving laxatives,
purgatives, soporifics, etc. The results of these
procedures we all know. Occasionally similar
crises are provoked by potencies of crude or only
apparent similarity. The ideal course is gentle,
radical and envigorating, both physically and
mentally. A new world appears and life becomes
richer and more joyful. The absence of these leaves
the cure in doubt.
Dr.STEARNS: I agree with what Dr. BOGER
has said and with what the others have said, but am
much disappointed at not hearing something about
the cures that have been made through the
symptoms and conditions that have been caused by
these remedies in their provings.
I have never used Palladium but I have always
had it in mind as a uterine and ovarian remedy;
Platinum, I have used only once or twice and some
of the others not at all.
Dr. DIENST: Dr. BOGER, have you anything
to say defence of this paper?
Dr. BOGER: There is nothing in that paper
that conflicts with any of the criticisms. Because I
called it piece-meal prescribing does not mean that
I did not take into account allt he symptoms that
occur in any particular organs. The best of us do
some piece-meal prescribing when we cannot help
ourselves. All patients are cured from the mental
phase out and you cannot get around it; when you
are supposedly curing piece-meal, you are only
patching, that is all, and after a time it is going to
give way again. (From Int. Hah. Assn. Proc. 1916).
Dr. med OTTO EICHELBERGER (1918-2005),
by Dr. Herbert PFEIFFER: On 26 July 2005 Dr. Otto
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
EICHELBERGER in his house in Munich. His house
was the Mecca for many homeopaths in Germany.
Out of his 87 years life he was a homeopath for 54
years. After his 80
year, he gave up his practice and
led a quiet life. His aim was to make classical
Homeopathy as indispensable part of dignified
treatment of sick persons. He stressed the § 1 of the
Dr. EICHELBERGER was known as the first
German homeopath of the modern times who knew
only classical Homeopathy of HAHNEMANN as true
Homeopathy and has future. And he therefore began
to build up classical Homeopathy in Germany. From
1947, he gave up as Panel doctor and exclusively used
only homeopathic and anthroposophical medicines.
In 1955, classical Homeopathy had a good
beginning with A. VOEGELI’s book Heilkunst in
neuer Sicht (Medical Art a fresh view). This
enthused Dr. EICHELBERGER to attend for an year
VOEGELI’s Seminars in Germany. In 1971,
EICHELBERGER began his own Seminar in all
German-speaking cities. However, he remained also
as a learner and therefore attended the Seminar of
Masters; thus he was with Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT for
some weeks in Geneva.
After 20 years of labouring learning he came into
the open straightaway to take on the “scientific”
Homeopathy group. He was keen about
HAHNEMANN’s Homeopathy. And so from 1967
he began to teach. His first lecture was “the artistic
recording of the Anamnesis as a requirement for
finding the Similie.” He published regularly until
1995 a Circular letter on Classical Homeopathy
which was meant for both doctors and the non-doctor
Homeopaths. Three volumes of his Classical
Homeopathy – Theory and Practice” followed.
Dr. EICHELBERGER was a tireless worker.
Since 1972 he collected the widely scattered
synonyms in the KENT Repertory and compiled them
together. After eight ears of practical work came his
KENT’s Praktikum” in 1984.
From 1974 he began, as a true follower of
HAHNEMANN, to use the LM potencies.
Simultaneously he began to use the “Case Record
Form containing Interrogation” in his daily Practice.
His Case Questionnaire would have been used at least
a quarter million numbers for the first Anamnesis. He
was the earliest who foresaid that in modern times you
cannot do Homeopathy without Computer. He
therefore prepared with Mr. ALBRECHT the first
Programme for Repertorisation.
In 1980, Dr. EICHELBERGER laid the
foundation for the German Association for Classical
Homeopathy. (Deustschen Gesellschaft für
klassische Homöopathie). This Association set the
standard for Classical Homeopathy in Theory and
Practice as well as for Teaching and Research. The
first Board of the Association contained 3 doctors, 3
non-medically qualified Homeopathy practitioners
and 3 lay persons. Since June 1983 the journals
Naturheilkunde” published every month a section
“for Classical Homeopathy”.
His great efforts were to make Homeopathy
education in the University. From 1986 he worked for
founding an Academy in applied Homeopathy. At 70
years age he took up this much vigorous work. Those
who were with him at this time knew energy filled
dynamis that this “young man” had.
Dr. EICHELBERGER wrote lot of articles in
homeopathic journals, many Forewords to classical
homeopathic works. He initiated with great impulse
the development of classical Homeopathy in entire
Germany with Seminars, his several writings, not least
the countless number of patients whose health were
restored by him. All of us will remain ever grateful.
(AHZ. 250, 5/2005)
Offers, Chair of Homeopathy in Five (5)
Homeopathic Colleges which are recognized by
the C.C.H. and Universities for the following
subjects: 1. ORGANON OF MEDICINE, 2.
which are interested to have Chair of
Homeopathy may write to: The Secretary, Dr.
Hahnemann Homeopathic Service Trust,
Hahnemann House-Meissen, Atmajyoti Ashram
Road, Subhanpura, Vadodara-390023. Gujarat.
Ph.: (0265) (2390089).
1. The College authorities, the Principal and if the
Trust or Society whosoever are managing the
College, the Principal, the Secretary of the Trust or
Society have to sign an agreement (M.O.U.) with
the Chairman and the Secretary of Dr. Hahnemann
Homeopathic Service Trust, Vadodara, Gujarat,
2. Dr. Hahnemann Homeopathic Service Trust,
Vadodara will put Rs.1,00,000.00 ps. (1 Lakh) as a
“Corpus fund” in the name of the college in any
local bank which can generate higher interest rate
each year, no money at any time can be withdrawn
by the Principal or the secretary of the college or
Trust or Society or anybody from the “Corpus
fund” and its interest without written permission
from the secretary, Dr. Hahnemann Homeopathic
Service Trust, Vadodara. “Corpus fund” can be
transferred to any bank which offers higher interest
with the permission of the secretary of Dr.
Hahnemann Homeopathic Serviuce Trust,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Vadodara. “Corpus fund” account shall be a joint
account in the name of the college and Dr.
Hahnemann Homeopathic Service Trust,
3. Only the income from the interest of the
“Corpus fund” shall be utilized for the activities of
the Chair of Homeopathy which will be named as
The Chairman or Secretary of Dr. Hahnemann
Homeopathic Service Trust, Vadodara, will visit
the college to see the facilities provided for the
students for the subject and the final decision will
be final to grant Chair of Homeopathy.
4. Every year a function is to be conducted after
giving information to the secretary. Dr.Hahnemann
Homeopathic Service Trust, Vadodara, with the
date of the function in which a renowned lecturer in
the subject of the Chair of Homeopathy of any
college from that particular state or nearby state of
India will be invited to give oration on the subject
of the chair.
5. During this function a “Silver Medal” will be
awarded to a student of a Degree holder of this
particular college who has secured highest marks in
the subject of the chair in the University of that
particular state of India where the college is
situated. The said Silver Medal” will be supplied
by the Dr. Hahnemann Homeopathic Service
Trust, Vadodara.
The Principal of the college have to send mark
sheet of the student who has secured highest marks
in the subject of the chair which is to be certified by
the Registrar of the University and a certificate of
approval and recommendations by the Principal
with college seal and both are to be forwarded by
registered post to the secretary of Dr. Hahnemann
Homeopathic Service Trust, Vadodara, at least one
month before the function is fixed by the Principal.
6. All expenses of the said Annual function can
be arranged within the income of interest from the
“Corpus fund” and the account of expenses can be
sent by the Principal to the secretary of Dr.
Hahnemann Homeopathic Service Trust,
Vadodara, for the record.
7. If no function is held within the particular year
i.e. between 1
April 31
March of the year
ending, the amount of interest from “Corpus fund”
will be credited in “Corpus fund” itself and it
should be reported to the secretary, Dr. Hahnemann
Homeopathic Service Trust, Vadodara.
8. Dr. Hahnemann Homeopathic Service Trust’s
member or trustee or the secretary may visit or
attend the function or depute any local reputed
person to oversee the function and send the report
of the function to the secretary, Dr. Hahnemann
Homeopathic Service Trust, Vadodara, for record.
9. Regular failure in conducting the function
without any valid reasons by the Principal, the
Trustees of Dr. Hahnemann Homeopathic Trust,
Vadodara, can withdraw the “Corpus fund” and the
accumulated interest with the approval of MoU.
signatures of the college. This fund such
withdrawn will go to Mother Trust Dr.
Hahnemann Homeopathic Service Trust,
10. The Chair of Homeopathy in the college is for
the lifetime of the college. If in any case the
college is closed down the amount of “Corpus
fund” with its interest whatever it is has to be
transferred or returned within one year from closing
the college or derecognized by the C.C.H. or the
University to Dr.Hahnemann Homeopathic Service
Trust, Hahnemann House Meissen, P.O.
Subhanpura, Vadodara – 390 023, Gujarat, India, so
that the same “Corpus Fund” with its interest can be
given to other college for the same Chair of
11. The Chair of Homeopathy is created to give
incentive to students for the study of the particular
subject, to do Research work in the subject, and to
create a band of lectures in the particular subject for
the Homeopathic colleges and Hospitals in the
states of India.
12. No opportunity should be given on either side
Dr. Hahnemann Homeopathic Service Trust,
Vadodara and the college authorities who have
signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to
go to court or make a political issue for money of
“Corpus fund” and its interest and also the subject
of the Chair of Homeopathy as the Chair of
Homeopathy and the “Corpus Fund” is sponsored
by Dr. Hahnemann Homeopathic Service Trust,
Hahnemann House Meissen, Vadodara, Gujarat,