©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 1
VOL. XXVIII, 3 & 4, 2011
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals
published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the
journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts,
while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Making Hahnemannřs ŘOrganonř a modern Text
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
Students new to Homœopathy find the Organon
difficult to read. The author has proposed a new format
and an updated translation that would greatly help.
Homœopathic principles and methodology are still true.
It only requires a modern presentation to nicely
motivate students. Only a thorough foundation in the
Homœopathy founded by Samuel HAHNEMANN leads
to true advances and enrichment of the science. The
author has suggested how the Organon may be made
into a Řmodernř Text Book (see Part II).
2. The Science of Homœopathy: Part I & II
WHITMONT, Ronald, D.
(AJHM. 102, 4/2009 & 103, 1/2010)
Conventional medicine is in a state of crisis.
Skyrocketing costs and growing discontent pervade the
field. Homœopathy is a centuries-old system of
medicine that offers a unique solution to the current
health care dilemma. The evidence base of the
conventional allopathic and homœopathic medical
systems are reviewed and contrasted. Ideological,
practical and methodological impediments to the study
of Homœopathy are discussed. Part II (next issue of the
AJHM) continues with an exploration of the scientific
data on Homœopathy, its benefits and safety.
3. The concept of health Ŕ in the history of medicine
and in the writings of HAHNEMANN
SCHMIDT, M. Josef (HOM. 99, 3/2010)
The number of notions of health is not infinite. In
the history of medicine we can only find a number of
different conceptions or paradigmatic ideas of health, in
a variety of references and combinations. Health was
seen as: 1. Harmonious balance between principles or
entities, 2. Result of a struggle against opposing forces,
3. Continuous dialectical process, 4. Hierarchy of
components or functions, 5. Potential to perform and to
develop, 6. Transcendence towards higher levels of
being, 7. Result of conscious autonomous action, 8.
Optimal causal functioning, or 9. Public task and
Hahnemannřs view of health, as reflected in his
writings, utilized virtually all of these elements. They
reappear for instance as: 1. Harmonious tuning of the
life force, 2. Defeat of pathogenetic influences, 3.
Admittance of aggravations, 4. Autocracy of the spirit-
like life principle, 5. Reference to a higher goal of
human existence, 6. Perfecting character of medical
service, 7. Concern about dietetics and life style, 8.
Utilization of causality and natural science, and 9.
Appealing to governmental provisions and medical
These paradigms have been repeatedly recombined
and applied. The theory of medicine is the attempt to
analyze, adjust, and develop concepts that meet the
demand of contemporary medical practice. Medical
theory lies between the fields of observable facts and
metaphysical convictions. Distinguishing the levels of
practice, theory, and metaphysics could allow the open
discussion of theoretical issues, such as the concept of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 2
health or disease, without raising purely theoretical
objections to well-established practice.
4. Paradigmenkrise in der Homöopathische Medizin
und naturwissenschaftliche Rationalität
(Paradigm crisis in Homœopathy Medicine and
scientific rationality)
WÜRGER, Wolfgang (ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
Present homœopathic Medicine seems to divide
into a multitude of schools and trends. The
circumstances require a critical self-reflection on the
concept of Reason in our Science. The first step is a
discussion concerning the paradigm of Natural Sciences
and its exclusive claims of scientific knowledge in
The interesting essay has chapters on identification
of the problem, a look at the history of science, the
mistaken self-identification of the scientific modern
medicine, grounds and circumstances of self-mistaken
stand of the modern medicine, paradigm difference
between the Scientific Medicine and homœopathic
Medicine, the Epistemological difference, the
methodological difference, practical difference,
difference of the nationality models, Theoretical and
Practical conclusions.
In the process of this study, the author has
explained Francis BACON, Rene DESCARTES, M.
5. 200 years Organon of Medicine Ŕ A comparative
Review of its six editions (1810-1842)
SCHMIDT, M. Josef (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
In 2010, the 200
anniversary of the Organon is
celebrated by the homœopathic community. Samuel
Hahnemannřs Organon of Rational Therapeutics,
published in 1810, however, marks neither the
beginning of Homœopathy nor the end-point of its
development. On the one hand, its contents are based
on terms and concepts developed and published by
HAHNEMANN during the preceding two decades. On
the other hand the five revised editions of Organon that
followed in the next three decades contain major
changes of theory and conceptions. Hahnemannřs basic
idea, running through all the stages of the foundation,
elaboration, and defence of his doctrine, may be
detected by a comparative review of his works from a
historical and philosophical perspective.
6. Susceptibility Bestow
POTDAR, Swapna (HCCR. 2/2009)
In this article, she writes about the susceptibility
and the role of Homœopathy in the inheritance of
susceptibility which we call ŘMiasmsř. Talking about
the modus operandi of the similimum she says that the
homœopathic remedy is like the clone of that suffering
soul, which vibrates on a similar energy frequency.
7. Homœopathy, Shamanism and Rajan Sankaranřs
Quest for the Vital Sensation
BUTEHORN, Loretta (HL. 20, 4/2007)
This article discusses how oneřs paradigmatic
viewpoint influences what information is considered
acceptable within a framework. Contemporary views of
SANKARAN are often rejected as non-classical
Homœopathy. However a shamanic worldview is
inherent in Hahnemannřs classical approach and
Sankaranřs innovative approach.
8. Paradise Lost:The Unified theory on Miasms
LOMBAERTS, Christel (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
Among the most discussed topics in the
homœopathic profession are the Miasm theories. Often
the word Miasm is not used or defined correctly. A
number of renowned homœopaths have tried to
systematize remedies and their Miasms in order to use
them as a tool to find the similimum. This article is an
attempt to put all these theories and concepts into
perspective in order to create a forum where there is
consensus about definitions and the nature of Miasms.
9. Miasma und Konstitution
(Miasms and Constitution)
(ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
Hahnemannřs Miasms concept as classified in his
Chronic Diseases, can be transferred into our daily
homœopathic practice, in this 21
century. His claim
that complicated chronic diseases could be cured with
homœopathic specific remedy for the (active) Miasm,
still holds true in todayřs case analysis, with only little
additions. The term of individual constitutional remedy
is not abandoned due to its lack of differentiation, but
instead defined more precisely thus gaining actually of
the background of miasmatic, heriditory and collective
This is a very interesting article.
10. Das Miasmenkonzept Hahnemanns in Lichte
aktueller epigenetischer Forschung
(The Miasms Concept of Hahnemann in the light of
actual Epigenetic Research)
MAYER, Gabriele (ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
Epigenetics means relating to, being or involving a
modification in Gene expression that is independent of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 3
the DNA sequence of a Gene; changes in Gene function
without involving DNA sequence.
In this article Hahnemannřs concept of the Miasms
is discussed in the light of modern researches in
Epigenesis. Also Epigenetic regulation and hereditary
are discussed; as well as the relevance of Epigenetics
for Medicine and particularly to Homœopathy. Main
emphasis is put on the phenomenon of inheritability of
epigenetic modifications in connection with heredity of
the chronic Miasms.
11. Neuere homöopathische Lehren:
Fehlinterpretationen des Organons
(The new teachings in Homœopathy; wrong
interpretation of the Organon)
VITHOULKAS, George (ZKH. 53, 4/2009)
For a correct homœopathic prescription, the
patientřs physical condition as well as his mental state,
both have to be taken into consideration. Prescription
based on Řmentalř symptom alone may only be doing
suppressive treatment. There has been much
misinterpretation of the §210. The new ideas only
confuse and in the opinion of the experienced author
Řdisastrousř for Homœopathy.
12. Zur therapeutischen Anwendung des
Seitenewechsels der Symptome
(Therapeutic application of symptoms that Change
BÜNDNER, Martin (ZKH. 53, 4/2009)
While Constantin HERINGřs article on
Hahnemannřs Three Rules concerning the rank of
Symptom wherein the Law of Direction of Cure has
been explained, is well-known, much less known is a
subsequent article of HERING on the ŘRule of the
Sidesř. In this Rule of the Sides HERING has
postulated on the basis of the conception of Alkalines
and Acids, that the remedy selected should be one that
is the opposite of the complaint, i.e. if a pain came first
on the right and then went on to the left limb, the
medicine that has the opposite in its Proving must be
However, in actual practice over several years, this
has not been borne out, and what has been in actual
practice would continue.
1. Venus Merceneria, the clam or quahog
EVANS JO (AJHM. 102, 4/2009)
Main Polarities: Split, detached, disconnected or
clamped, closed, tight. Open or Closed. Giving or
Receiving. Material or Spiritual. Money or Love.
Mind: Dr. RAESIDE writes of the Proving that
Ŗthinking and coordination were more disturbed than
feelings.ŗ Aware of acute senses and their emotional
effects; sensitive heart. Feels the need to cut off or
detach from others due to acute emotional sensitivity
and excessive sympathy. The patient experiences the
inability to feel emotion as a sensation of inner
coldness. Fears losing control; such as, screaming on a
bus. Unconscious life and dreams are violent and
fearful: dreams of murder, violence, spiders.
Sensations: Split, disconnected, detached, separated.
No emotional feeling, yet sensitive to touch. Cramping,
clamping, band-like, constriction. Stabbing. Heavy,
stone-like, pressing. Tingling, itching. Throbbing.
Dreams: Spiders, violence ending in death, disturbing
dreams of death and disease.
System Affinities: Cardiovascular. Respiratory.
Reproductive. Musculoskeletal. Skin.
Clinical Affinities: Psychopathology. Inflammations.
Arthritis, Peritonitis, Enteritis. Dysmenorrhoea.
Headaches, Migraine: like a band, clamp or helmet.
Bilious headache with constipation, frequent urination
and nausea. Chronic constipation. Boils, Eczema,
Urticaria, Ulcers. Stabbing sensation in heart, tender
sternum, anaemia, bruised sensation, Phlebitis.
Paralysis of the diaphragm.
Generals: Generally sensitive to touch, sound and
odors. Better for movement. The physical particulars
are of an inflammatory nature -itisŗ): ulceration
(mouth, stomach, gastrointestinal), while the general
sensation is of being cold, often with a cold or even icy
sensation in particular parts. Cold or icy sensations.
Desire for cold food and drink.
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Bivalvia
Order: Veneroida Family: Veneridae Genus:
Homœopathic name: Venus mercenaria. Abbreviation:
Latin names: Venus mercenaria, Mercenaria
Common names: Common edible clam, American hard
shell clam, quahog.
Etymology: Venus: goddess of love; mercenaria:
concerned with trading, exchange or money.
Remedy Source
The remedy is prepared from the mother tincture of
the animal, plus an equal part of a trituration, at 1/100,
of the shell. For the original proving, in 1960, Nelsons
pharmacy, London, received a live clam sent to them in
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 4
seawater from Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods
Hole, Massachusetts, USA. They minced the fleshy
portion and preserved it in alcohol. A portion of shell
was triturated up to 3C and used to make a 4C liquid
potency. The proversř powders were medicated with a
combination of the clam shell and clam flesh, prescribed
in three potencies Ŕ 30C, 12C, and 6C.
The proving substance was chosen by Dr.
FOUBISTER and the proving itself was conducted by
Dr. John ROBERTSON RAESIDE in 1960-61, in the
United Kingdom. There were nineteen provers during
three terms (nine men and ten women, plus three
controls in the first term and four in the second and
none in the third); powders were taken, one dose
morning and evening for fourteen days, using the
following potencies: 30C in the first term, 12C in the
second term and 6C in the third term. The third term
produced the most symptoms. Dr. FOUBISTER
suggested that these potencies might be more suitable
than lower ones (in the ŘXř range), since the clam is a
food and therefore less likely to produce symptoms in
low potency. (ŘA Proving of Venus mercenaria (clam)ř,
by J.R. RAESIDE. British Homœopathic Journal
1962; 51(3): pp. 200-206.)
Confusion in homœopathic literature
The common name of the remedy has been
confusingly and incorrectly given as ŘAmerican
scallopř, despite being correctly named by the original
prover, RAESIDE, as American clam. This has led to
some errors in homœopathic literature, confusing
Pecten jacobeus and Venus mercenaria. Samuel
SWAN experimented with the scallop, Pecten, as a
medicine, half a century earlier.
O.A. JULIAN states that Carcinosin is
complementary to Venus mercenaria. Conchiolinum,
another mollusk shell remedy, is also comparable to
Carcinosin. Prescribing Carcinosin or Venus
mercenaria does not necessarily relate to cancer
pathology, but it should perhaps be noted here that the
clam, and extracts of clam, are important in cancer
research, and the clinical data, below, reveals some
similarities to the Carcinosin remedy picture.
Sensation: Weakness, exhaustion, desire to lie down,
frailty. Sensation as if the body is bruised on being
touched or pressed. Sensation of extreme coldness
(worse 3-5pm). Weakness on rising. Stabbing pains.
Function: Faintness at 10 am. Symptoms are similar to
those at the beginning of Influenza. Allergies of
psychological origin. ŖAllergic (psoric) sycotic types,
tending towards a cancerous condition following severe
self-intoxication.ŗ Bilious headaches. Inflammation:
Gastrointestinal, Arthritis, Cystitis, Phlebitis.
Sensation: Split, detached, disconnected. Cut-off.
Senses acute: irritability from company and noise:
Ŗkeep away from meŗ. Boredom, indifference, apathy.
Delusion bus goes too slow, time passes slowly.
Concentration difficult. Thoughts disconnected.
Difficulty writing. Dreams of spiders, death, murder,
violence. Fear of crying or screaming for no reason.
Intoxicated feeling: as if drunk, cannot think or
coordinate well. Split mind: schizophrenia, delusions;
rift between emotion, thought and behaviour.
Functions: Concentration: difficult. Thoughts:
disconnected. Depression on first day of menstrual
bleeding. Tired and dizzy in the morning. Schizoid
Aversions: Noise, company. Claustrophobia.
Desires: Wide empty spaces. To go home. To be left
alone. Peace. Bright or light colours. Light.
Dreams: Spiders. Violence ending in death.
Disturbing dreams of death and disease.
Restless or disturbed sleep. Waking (after midnight,
2am). Waking from dreams.
Sensation: Itching skin.
Function: Spots turn into boils.
Sensation: Mind/brain/head is not coordinated with
Sensation: Dull, depressing, heavy, sensation as if head
is being held tightly: gripping, constricting, tightness.
Sensation of headache on waking, with blood rushing to
the head and tingling, itching of the scalp. Throbbing,
stabbing, sharp pain.
Function: Migraine accompanied by digestive or
urinary concomitants.
Location: Frontal, occipital, left-sided, right-sided,
behind the eyes, over left eye, at the back of the head,
Aggravation: Morning on waking, afternoon, going
upstairs, mental effort.
Amelioration: Darkness, quiet, sitting still, late
Concomitants: Vertigo, Nausea, buzzing, vomiting,
frequency of urination, digestive symptoms, difficulty
Time modalities: 4 pm, 1 pm, 10.30 am to 1.30 pm,
3.30 pm. 2 pm. 5 pm.
Blurred vision.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 5
Sensation: Of inflammation.
Function: Swollen. Redness and inflammation of
lower eyelid.
Sensation: Pain in left ear. Buzzing. Burning itch
behind ears.
Concomitants: Irritability from noise.
Sounds: Buzzing.
Taste and Appetite
Mind Sensation: Desires cold food and drink.
Taste: Metallic taste in the mouth, food tastes metallic.
Desires: Cold food and drink.
Aggravation: Nausea after eating followed by
Amelioration: Nervous tension in stomach > eating.
Sensation: Cold.
Function: White-coated; white at the root, furred.
Sensation: Cold feeling in mouth and throat. Soreness
of the lower lip, corners of the mouth.
Function: Blisters on the lips. Soreness in corners of
mouth and lower lip. Cracks in corners of mouth with
Sensation: Teeth sensitive to hot and cold, toothache
(upper left side).
Stomach Sensation: Nervous tension. Nausea.
Heaviness, sensation of a stone. Pressing pain.
Constricting feeling.
Sensation Abdomen: Waking at 4:30 am with pain in
left side of the abdomen, worse lying on left side.
Sensation of wind and rumbling. Pains feel like
menstrual pain.
Function: Indigestion. Stomach ulcers. Nausea.
Vomiting. Flatulence (extreme, continual). Slight
diarrhea (with stomach pain and nausea). Inflammation,
Peritonitis, Enteritis. Chronic, severe constipation (no
Ameliorations: Eating.
Aggravations: Nausea, worse after eating, during
headache, during pain in stomach, cycling, at night.
Concomitants: Heat and perspiration. Migraine.
Thirsty for cold drinks, better in the evening.
Sensation: No urging or desire for stool despite chronic
Function: Diarrhea or extreme constipation.
Function: Loose. Diarrhea.
Sensation: Pain in the right kidney, worse on waking.
Brief pain in left kidney. Pain in bladder.
Function: Frequency of urination day and night
(disturbing sleep).
Urine: Profuse, frothy, cloudy, offensive urine.
Nose and Sense of Smell
Sensitive to odors.
Sensation: Sensitive to odors.
Function: Common cold with discharge initially
watery, becoming thick. Green post-nasal catarrh.
Discharge: Green, watery, thick.
Aggravation: Morning, change of temperature, heat,
right side.
Amelioration: Evening.
Respiratory System
Throat Sensation: Dryness. Constriction in the
pharynx and larynx. Tight pain in the glands. Pain,
worse on the right side, extending to the ear, with pain
on swallowing, dryness and tightness.
Throat Function: Sore throat, going from left to right.
External Throat: Swollen lymph glands. Boils on the
Chest sensation: Very tender over sternum. Short,
stabbing pain in heart.
Sensation: Short stabbing pains. Marked tenderness
over the sternum.
Sensation: Pain in veins of leg (left). Sensation of
blood rushing to the head. Faintness: morning, 10 am.
Veins: Phlebitis (inflammation of the veins).
Sex: Female
Menstruation Sensation: Strong cramping, better heat,
lying down.
Menstruation Function: Dysmenorrhea.
Breasts Function: Mastitis.
Touch, Movement and Temperature
Subjective Perception of the Body: Mind and body
feel uncoordinated when trying to concentrate. General
heavy, painful, cold sensation. Loss of sensation in
limbs. Emotions are felt in the right hypochondrium.
Perception of Space: The patient guards his space and
privacy, intensely disliking any invasion of his privacy.
Balance: Dizzy headache. Dizziness worse when tired.
Faintness (morning; 10 am). Vertigo, worse on rising
after sitting for a long time, and with migraine, better
Perception of Pressure: Pressure and touch aggravate.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 6
Pains: Pressing, stone sensation, sensation of being
bound or held tightly, helmet-like pain in headache,
stabbing, throbbing.
Heat/Cold: Sensations of extreme coldness in parts;
e.g., the mouth, limbs, vagina. Desire for cold food and
cold water. Period pain, better application of heat.
Skin Sensation: Itchiness of face, ears, back and limbs.
Tingling, crawling, burning (worse 9 am and night).
Skin Function: Urticaria (left hand). Boils. Pimples.
Eczema. Prurigo. Bruises easily.
Back and Spine Sensation: Stiffness in muscles of
back and nape of neck on waking. Pain under right
Back and Spine Function: Arthritic pain.
Musculoskeletal Sensation: Cramps. Heaviness.
Pains in hip, knee and ankle joint. Dull, rheumatic or
sharp muscular pains in arms, with heaviness, tiredness,
heat and stiffness (worse right arm). Tingling in fingers
(worse right hand). Arms and legs itching (arms worse
at night).
Musculoskeletal Function: Arthritis. Swelling in
general; swelling of the lower limbs with heat and pain
(knees, right knee). Motion ameliorates.
2. Fehlerhafte Symptome in verschiedenen Ausgaben
von Hahnemanns Arzneimittellehre
(Erroneous symptoms in different editions of
Hahnemannřs Materia Medica)
HANSELMANN, Beat (ZKH. 53, 2/2009)
In the recent times there has been published a
ŖCollected Materia Medicaŗ of HAHNEMANN (in
German); the Materia Medica Pura, Chronic Diseases
and other works of the Master have all been put in one
place. This work has been carried out by Drs. Christian
LUCAE and Matthias WISCHNER.
These authors have said that ŖNo symptom was
taken off, no symptom was altered with regard to its
wordings, only clearly errors in writing have been
correctedŗ. However, in this article several mistakes
have been listed in regard to Sulfur, Lycopodium, and
Calcarea carbonica. These mistakes are not to be
lightly brushed aside. All these are with reference to the
German editions. In so far as the English version is
concerned we have the DUDGEON (Materia Medica
Pura) and LH. TAFEL, HUGHES et al editions wherein
only the original entries are put in and hence no
question of error. [However, I have made a random
comparison of these with the Řmistakesř pointed out in
this article and the English editions already in use since
decades are free from these mistakes = KSS.]
3. Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria
for Leptospirosis epidemic control
BRACHO Gustavo, VARELA Enrique,
FERNÁNDEZ Rolando, ORDAZ Barbara,
Luis, GILLING Esperanza, LEYVA Richard,
L Rosa BATISTA Niurka, BORRERO Reinier &
CAMPA Concepción (HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Background: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease of
major importance in the tropics where the incidence
peaks in rainy seasons. Natural disasters represent a big
challenge to Leptospirosis prevention strategies
especially in endemic regions. Vaccination is an
effective option but of reduced effectiveness in
emergency situations. Homœoprophylactic
interventions might help to control epidemics by using
highly-diluted pathogens to induce protection in a short
time scale. We report the results of a very large-scale
homœoprophylaxis (HP) intervention against
Leptospirosis in a dangerous epidemic situation in three
provinces of Cuba in 2007.
Methods: Forecast models were used to estimate
possible trends of disease incidence. A
homœoprophylactic formulation was prepared from
dilutions of four circulating strains of Leptospirosis.
This formulation was administered orally to 2.3 million
persons at high risk in an epidemic in a region affected
by natural disasters. The data from surveillance were
used to measure the impact of the intervention by
comparing with historical trends and non-intervention
Results: After the homeoprophylactic intervention a
significant decrease of the disease incidence was
observed in the intervention regions. No such
modifications were observed in non-intervention
regions. In the intervention region the incidence of
Leptospirosis fell below the historic median. This
observation was independent of rainfall.
Conclusions: The homeoprophylactic approach was
associated with a large reduction of disease incidence
and control of the epidemic. The results suggest the use
of HP as a feasible tool for epidemic control, further
research is warranted.
[I feel that it is erroneous to keep writing merely Ŗhighly
diluted substancesŗ; mere high dilution does not make it
a remedy. HAHNEMANN called his method
Ŗdynamisationŗ. In FN 269 to §269 of Organon
(p.237, Organon of the Medical Art, Edited and
annotated by Wenda Brewster REILLY, Bird Cage
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 7
Books, California; 1996) HAHNEMANN has said
Ŗdaily we hear homœopathic medicinal potencies
referred to as mere dilutions when they are, in fact, the
opposite. There is a true opening up of the natural
substances produced by trituration and succussion,
bringing it to the revelatory light of day the specific
medicinal powers that lie hidden in their inner Wesen.
The non-medicinal dilution medium merely helps as
supervening accessory condition. For example, the
simple dilution of a grain of salt in a large amount of
water results in just plain water, the grain of salt
disappears and never becomes the medicinal salt that
our well-prepared dynamizations have heightened to
such admirable strength.ŗ Ŕ we should always beware of
using the Ŗdilutioinstead of the word Ŗdynamizationŗ
or Ŗpotentization.ŗ Too many criticisms have been
made using this word Ŗdilutionŗ without understandlng
the process involved in preparing the homœopathic
medicinal Ŗdynamizationsŗ = KSS]
4. A proving of Chanel No.5
BENASSINI, Sandra & BESSERER, Lorrelaine
(AH. 15/2009)
The proving of the perfume Chanel No.5 was the
project of the fourth year at the Vancouver
Homœopathic Academy under the supervision of
Director Murray FELDMAN.
Remedy made by Helios Pharmacy. 13 provers.
Proved in 12c, 15c, &30c.
Double blind experiment. [In my opinion these are
crazy substances choice = KSS]
5. A Trituration Proving of the Ancient Bristlecone
LANDOWNE, Deborab (AH. 15/2009)
A trituration proving of Pinus longaeva, the ancient
Bristlecone Pine, was conducted in San Francisco on
October 29, 2005, at 10:00 A.M. There were 9 provers,
all female, who at the time were students or graduates of
the Pacific Academy of Homœopathy. The trituration
was supervised by Richard PITT, and the prover diaries
were analyzed by the author, under a single-blind
methodology. Only the supervisor knew what the
substance was until after the symptoms were reviewed
and sorted. A sample of needles and twigs from a
branch of ancient bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva, was
triturated to the 3C potency. Each prover kept a short
diary for up to a week following the trituration,
documenting any dreams and unusual symptoms or
Several themes emerged during the analysis of the
proversř experiences:
Emergence of old traumas with a sense of
resolution or understanding
Joint and extremity symptoms
Sharp pains
Restriction/Expansion of vision
Old feelings, memories, etc.
Heart and chest symptoms
Ocean and waves
Itching and dryness
6. A proving of Gavia immer (Common Loon)
HUENECKE, Jason-Aeric (AH. 15/2009)
the proving of Gavia immer for the Northwestern
Academy of Homœopathy in 2006.
COMPILATION: Lori Foley and Sandra Haering,
with students and alumni of the Northwestern Academy
of Homœopathy.
METHODOLOGY: 24 provers began and 18
completed this proving. Neither the provers nor their
supervisors knew what the substance was. The master
prover knew it would be one of three substances.
SOURCE: One whole loon feather: Loonřs feather
from the Queen Charlotte Islands, off the northwest
coast of British Columbia, Canada.
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
SUBPHYLUM: Vertebrata
ORDER: Gaviiformes
SPECIES: Gavia immer
Apathy versus productivity
Appearing, disappearing quickly
Contamination, disgust, disrepair & filth
Desire nature and fresh air
Distance & space from others, aversion to company,
desires solitude, self-reflective
Esoteric, mysterious, trance-like
Exhausted, walking with birds
Gaining awareness & a deeper understanding
Ghosts, undead, & vampires
Irritable, sudden anger
No worries
Playfulness, attractiveness, & sexuality increased
Spacey, disconnected
Vigilance, watching & observing
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 8
[Personally, I feel that it would be far more useful if our
old remedies are reproved, instead of trying new
substances. These new remedies where would I, a
simple practitioner in a part of the world, get the
medicine? These Řprovingř reports are of no value for a
regular practitioner. = KSS]
7. Niobium metallicum proving
MILLER, Linda F.G. (AH. 15/2009)
Niobium is found in Group five, Row five of the
periodic table. Niobium physically facilitates electrical
Helios Pharmacy prepared the remedy and 30c
potency was given to all 13 women provers in a triple
blind proving.
The themes and rubrics are given.
8. Die Bedeutung der hervorgehobenen symptome in
Hahnemanns Arzneimittellehre
(The significance of the symptoms emphasized in
the Materia Medica of HAHNEMANN)
WISCHENER, Matthias (ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
In his Materia Medica, HAHNEMANN has
emphasized certain symptoms by special typesetting Ŕ
for example, spaced letters, bold letters, or capital
letters. The author examines, with reference to such
emphasized symptoms, whether such symptoms were
characteristics in actual practice. As a result of careful
study the author has come to the conclusion that the
emphasis had no specific significance in actual practice.
For some reason HAHNEMANN felt some symptoms
as worthy of being emphasized. Not all those symptoms
are based on ŘProvingř but include toxicological as well
as clinical.
There is detailed discussion in the article.
However, George DIMITRIADIS has much to say
in this matter, in his ŘLetter to the Editorř (ZKH. 53,
4/2009) he points out that HAHNEMANN stressed the
grade of certainty, in respect of particular
observations. Exactly the same was the practice of von
BOENNINGHAUSEN who also has followed this.
9. Arundo Donax sive Mauritainca sive Mediterranea
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 53, 4/2009)
This is a Řsmallř Hayfever remedy. The remedy
appears to have only incomplete proving. However, the
author has studied this useful medicine with reference to
HERING, ERASTUS CASE, RABE, etc. He has cited
three cases from his own practice also.
10. Lac maternum or Lac humanum
How do we choose?
HATHERLY, Patricia
(HL. 20, 4/2007)
While Lac maternum and Lac humanum have
many similarities (as one would expect since they both
contain mature human milk) they are essentially
different, although complementary medicines. Lac-m
also contains colostrums and it is this which affords the
connection with in-carnation issues often as a
consequence of birth trauma or damage done to the
Vital Force through vaccination or drug abuse. It is this
which constitutes the primary aetiology for the lac-m
state while it is perceived lack of a suitable length of
time spent at the maternal breast that forms the basis for
the lac-h state.
Proving themes of Lac maternum are given.
- Disconnection between the spirit and physical
- Alternating states and sides
- Confusion of mind
- Indifference; detachment
- Heightened senses; sensitive to
A case example for Lac maternum from the book
ŖChallenging children: success with Homœopathyŗ by
Linlee Jordan is given. [Lac maternum M, three doses a
day for three days to be immediately followed by Lac
humanum 7c again for 2 weeks, for a four-year old
child! = KSS.]
1. An Autistic Boy
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
A case of an autistic boy is described. Prescribing
indications Ŕ largely, silly behavior, sexual acting out,
and loquacity, among others Ŕ led to the prescription of
Hyoscyamus, which acted effectively in various
potencies, until, at one point, the patient no longer
responded. At this stage the MMR Nosode was
prescribed, since the childřs autistic behavior appeared
soon after that vaccine was administrated. There was
definite benefit derived from the Nosode and,
subsequently, it also restored the patientřs receptivity to
later doses of Hyoscyamus.
2. Usefulness of the Bowel Nosodes: Two cases
CHASE, Sandra (AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
Two cases are presented, the first of which showed
few significant improvement from conventional
homœopathic remedies and the second of which, after a
satisfying response to Sepia, then developed intractable
recurrent urinary tract infections. Both of these cases
then responded very well to their respective Bowel
Nosodes, Dysentery-co and Morgan pure. The cases
illustrate the utility of bowel nosodes when evidence of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 9
dysbiosis (the first case of the respiratory tract, with
additional history of ulcerative colitis and ongoing
menopausal complaints; the second of the urinary tract,
with green leucorrhea and a history of hemorrhagic
uterine fibroids; both cases had been previously treated
with several antibiotics) is present and conventional
remedies either fail to act or obstacles to further action
3. A constipated child
NOSSAMAN, Nicholas (AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
Amelia, 2 years old, with past h/o recurrent Otitis
Media, presented with constipation. Tendency to
constipation before the onset of acute illnesses. Now
with the urge, she would cross her legs forcefully, grunt
and become red in face and resist the urge.
She is clingy with separation anxiety, fastidious Ŕ
angry when things are not tidy and refusing to use the
potty chair. Arsenicum album 200. Within a day, she
began having three to four stools a day without
resistance and within a week, much less anxious and
demanding with her mother.
4. A collection of Cases
WEMBER, David (AJHM. 102, 4/2009)
A four year old boy with emotional lability, temper
tantrums, contrary and sighed a lot. Disliked being
touched, hated to be combed and feared dogs. Loved
swings, rocking and dancing which calmed him down.
Purplish haemangioma on the right side of face.
Tarentula hispanica 1M. Definite improvement for 6
weeks. Calmer, less moody, less afraid of dogs,
brushing his hair. Relapse. Another dose helped for six
weeks. Then a dose of 10M.
Forty year old man with Prostatitis of 12 years
duration. Recurrent urinary tract infections requiring
six weeks of antibiotics. Resentments from prior work
and parental situations. Staphysagria 10M. Three
weeks later, no change. Now with acutely swollen and
tender right submandibular glands. Clematis 30. 20 Ŕ
30% >. Then daily dose for a week of Mycoplasma
urealyticum 30. Immediate > and any relapse subsided
with Clematis. (The author clarifies that Mycoplasma
urealyticum is a sexually transmitted organism which
frequently infects the Prostate gland. This medicine is
effective in Prostate patients.)
Fifty year-old woman with two day history of pain
and swelling in external throat. Felt exhausted and had
a low grade fever of 99 degree. Taken Aconitum
napellus for the anxiety. After a dose of Kali iodatum
200, fever subsided, energy returned and pain subsided.
Swelling persisted. Diagnosed as Thyroglossal duct
cyst and surgery was advised. Silica 12c once a day and
cyst gone in one week, without recurrence.
year-old boy with constipation since six months
of age ever since the third set of inoculations. Belly was
swollen and hard, stools hard, dark, dry but well
formed. Lot of gas. Itching rectum. Collinsonia 30
thrice a day. After four days stools more frequent and
less painful.
45 year-old woman singer with heartburn and
hoarseness. Six months earlier diagnosed with vocal
nodules and a polyp and gastroesophageal reflux.
Chronic sinus congestion. Three deaths in the family in
the past year and resentments. Weekly doses of Natrum
muriaticum XM. Six weeks later, 50% better. Less
anxious, sleeping better. Voice better. Much happier.
Six weeks later, digestion, congestion and voice much
A woman with neuralgia after herpes six weeks
ago. No relief after medication by Neurologist. The
skin was still sore and sensitive to any touch. Deep
sense of betrayal by former husband. Staphysagria XM.
Once daily for a week. One month later, pain almost
gone. No longer depressed. Better attitude in life.
18 month old boy, had Eczema at 3 months,
Impetigo at 5 months and failing to thrive since 6
months of age. Not vaccinated. On iron for anaemia.
Picky eater. Likes salty things and no fat yogurt.
Natrum muriaticum 6x twice daily. Two months later,
eating much better and gained 20 ounces. Eczema
much better. Two months later, Eczema almost gone
and gaining weight progressively.
50 year-old man with an abscess in the lower back
was admitted for 3 days with intravenous antibiotics. A
month later given Penicillin for dental procedure. The
same night the abscess started to develop again. It was
of six inch area, surrounded by a four inch darker red
area with multiple pus vents. Pyrogenium 200 and a
remedy made from the pus in 4x potency. Three days
later, improving. After another dental procedure,
relapse and subsided with Pyrogenium.
Six year old girl with Otitis thrice, Bronchitis thrice
and Pneumonia in the past years. Adenoids
removed. Increasing asthmatic episodes. Phlegmatic
and sweaty at night. Calcarea carbonica 1M and
Bacillinum 200 weekly. One month later, she was off
all daily allopathic medications.
A fifty year old woman with h/o chronic Crohnřs
disease, Asthma, recurrent Sinusitis and Bronchitis,
Insomnia on several medications. Kava Kava a calming
herb was given. Also Avena sativa tincture drops one
week later. Admitted for acute gall stone colic and pain
got relieved. No gas and bloating from Crohnřs disease
and her sleep was great.
A young highly stressed woman with sudden chest
tightness with difficult breathing and heart pounding.
Diagnosed as Panic attack and Hypertension and was
put on medication. Then developed reflux with
Oesophagitis and again sudden chest pain with anxiety
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 10
and difficult sleep. Was suggested Kava kava at
bedtime. Argentum nitricum XM. Six weeks later,
sleeping well, more relaxed.
5. One in a million: A four month old with
FIER, Timothy (AJHM. 102, 4/2009)
This is a case of Hepatoblastoma in a four month
old boy treated concurrently with Homœopathy and
allopathic care consisting of Chemotherapy and surgical
He was seen on 23.09.2004 Ŕ after two cycles of
Chemotherapy. His characteristic symptoms were the
perspiration on back at night, vomiting after nursing and
hiccoughs. Mild nature. Chubby appearance. Calcarea
carbonica 30, daily once.
2.10.04: After the first dose, vomited once, and no
fever, energy and mood better.
15.10.04: Calcarea carbonica 30, if he was cranky,
which averaged every two to five days.
29,11.04: Calcarea carbonica 200.
The hepatoblastoma was completely resected on
10.12.04. He did well post-operatively. He continued
to do well on Calcarea carbonica. On 22.2.05 1M and
on 14.2.07 10M. The remedy was repeated during acute
illnesses and facilitated rapid resolution.
On 14.3.08: Surgeon reported recovered well from
portal vein stenosis and hepatoblastoma resection.
On 21.3.09: Mother reported, he still takes Calcarea
carbonica XM occasionally.
6. Das Ŗunzuverlässigeŗ homöopathische symptom
(The Ŗunreliableŗ homœopathic symptom)
RABE Steffen (ZKH. 53, 2/2009)
This article refers to the work of Dr. Heiner FREI
with particular reference to his treatment of AD(H)S
applying BOENNINGHAUSENřs Therapeutic Pocket
Book. We also have a very good book by Dr. FREI on
this method.
However, in this article Dr. RABE discusses some
important points. In the course of his studies on the
homoeopathic treatment of ADHS, Dr. Heiner FREI
identified reliable and unreliable symptoms for the
choice of the homœopathic remedy. Using the
Symptomen-Lexicon by Uwe PLATE, it can be
substantiated that the rubrics of Clemens von
BOENNINGHAUSENřs Therapeutic Pocket Book,
which FREI found to be unreliable, contain even in their
so-called characteristic degree predominantly curative
symptoms, whereas the reliable symptoms and rubrics
can be traced back to symptoms of the respective
proving of the remedy.
7. Case history: Individualised Homœopathy and
Severe Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia (SCN)
POOLE, Jennifer (HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Boy of 3 years & 8 months with idiopathic SCN.
BCG vaccine at birth and repeated course of antibiotics
for variety of infections Ŕ including of the umbilicus
and Otitis. Perforated ear drums with foul smelling
discharge from left ear. Some speech delay and poor
short-term memory. Attending a special educational
needs unit. Grinding teeth in sleep. Sulphur XM. This
resulted in several earlier infections and skin eruptions
which were treated with few remedies reappear. After
10.75 months, Carcinosin 1M. 2 weeks later horrible
ear discharge and five days later, felt hungry with all
symptoms resolved. At the annual appointment, left
sided cellulitis. Lachesis 30. Silicea 50M as
constitutional remedy. 24 months following
commencing individualized homœopathic treatment,
ear discharge stopped, right ear drum healed.
Neutrophil count was 3-4 after 29 months of treatment
and 3.8 after 41 months. Healing followed the direction
and order of cure mentioned by HERING, with the Ear
symptom the last to clear.
SCN is considered incurable. But with
individualized homœopathic remedy it was cured.
8. The Healer within
MUELLER, Manfred (AH. 15/2009)
A well respected architect in her sixties, had
accustomed to too much drinks. She explained that was
for social reasons. Upon further probing, she said that
she found out a major error in a static calculation which
she had done for a high rise building which could affect
the structural integrity of the building. She buried the
secret and needed the alcohol to keep it there ŖI am such
a cowardŗ. Lycopodium.
Three weeks after she took the remedy felt the shift
and next day called the city council and told them.
They thanked her and wanted to redo the calculation
and make necessary recommendations to make it safe.
ŖWas it the Ŗconfession,ŗ or was it the remedy?
The author ventures to guess by activating the healer
within her, gave her the courage to reveal the
information. [Clearly Lycopodium helped her. Remain
grateful to HAHNEMANN = KSS.]
9. A case presentation Using Cycles and Segments
ROTHENBERG, Amy (AH. 15/2009)
A cycle is made up of a group of segments. A
segment is a group of symptoms that represent the same
idea in the patient. RADARřs Herscu Module reflects
this approach and is straightforward to use.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 11
A 52 year-old woman with Vertigo in her peri
menopausal years. During Vertigo she had dyspnoea
and was anxious. She felt it in crowded places and
when overcome with emotions. A sort of floating away,
confused. Loquacious and belching frequent. While
doing many things, love to begin with, feels constricted
when overdoing segments Ŕ Vertigo, confusion, closing
off, discharges, company > and overwhelm, Nux
moschata 200. Six weeks later, no vertigo, felt more
grounded. After a few years, Calcarea carbonica. [To
me, old HAHNEMANN and his genuine followers are
enough. No innovative methods = KSS].
10. Experiences with C4 Triturations
GWYNETH, Evans (AH. 15/2009)
The author discusses her experience while
triturating the remedy substances herself to C4. The
idea of C4 trituration was postulated by German
Pharmacist withold EHRLER.
She feels while triturating, there is resonance with
the energy of the remedy. This means we can be in a
different, deeper relationship to the clientřs state
because of the trituration experience. Trituration
discloses the essence of a remedy level by level C
physical, C
Ŕ Emotional, C
Ŕ Mental (Delusion), C
Spiritual (Core or Essence).
11. Homœoprophylaxis for Infectious, contagious
BIRCH, Kate (AH. 15/2009)
See full article in Part II.
12. A case of Opium
WOOD, Paula Grandpre PT
(AH. 15/2009)
A 2½ year-old boy with delayed speech, lack of eye
contact and difficulty with transitions. Not responding.
Seemed to be in his own world. Temper tantrum.
Tends to be independent and play on his own. Wants to
be held if he is sick. Fears strangers. Reactive Airway
Disorder. By using Paul Herscuřs cycles and segments,
Opium 30 was given. Two months later: much better.
Responding when called. Using 100-150 words.
Transitions are easier. More interactive. No need of
Six months later: Continued to improve in eye contact.
Responds 100%. Tantrums last only two minutes. Not
cupping ears, rubbing fingers. Respiratory issues
persist. Opium 200. Six months later Bufo 200. Then
due to aggressive behavior, kicking, biting
Tuberculinum 200. Doing well.
13. Cured long ago in the real sense: Malignant
MAMGAIN, S.K. (AH. 15/2009)
22 year-old patient, with a history of fall and
possible head injury. Meningioma in the left
parasaggital region. Undergone three Radiotherapy
sittings. Sudden attacks of Vertigo. Continuous
occipital and frontal headache > pressure. < exertion.
Periodic headache at vertex < 1 pm, maximum at 2 pm.
and declining at 3 p.m. Tears flow on seeing happy
scenes in T.V.
Itching inside thighs with dark, leathery skin.
11 Feb. 1992 Ŕ Conium maculatum 200, followed by
daily doses of Asterias rubens 30c for 29 consecutive
19 Aug. 1992 - CT revealed increase of tumor size,
though there was feeling of general amelioration.
Previous course was repeated.
20 Sep. 1992 - CT revealed reduction in the size of
26 Dec. 1992 - Final CT showed normal study.
19 Oct. 2008 - Till day he is normal. Successfully
completed his BHMS and practicing in Uttarkhand,
14. A case of Gavia immer (Common Loon)
JOHNSON, David, A. (AH. 15, 2009)
41 year-old female with conflict and anxiety related
to family issues. Itching rashes. Anxiety for children,
dreams of flying and swimming underwater, sadness, a
connection with birds, an affinity for bright colours, fear
of spiders and needle like pains. Gavia immer 200c.
Four months later no rash. Dreams have changed.
Feeling calm and more balanced and a confusion now.
Another dose. 10 weeks later, more focus. Working
through nightmares. No anxiety. No remedy. 15
months later feels less chaotic.
15. Seizure Disorders in children
MUELLER, Manfred (AH. 15/2009)
The author discusses three cases of children with
organic brain pathology, apparently cured of seizures
with homœopathic treatment. Two had severe Cerebral
Palsy (CP) caused by perinatal brain injury, and one had
Congenital Microcephaly. Parents tried homœopathic
treatment because of limited efficacy of conventional
anticonvulsive therapy and because of adverse health
and developmental effects. Homœopathic treatment
removed the seizure disorders in all three cases.
Seizures resulting from brain pathology constitute
what HAHNEMANN referred to as Ŗone-sidedŗ cases,
where only pathological symptoms can be elicited. This
makes it necessary to take an especially detailed case to
obtain every available element of the totality of the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 12
symptoms of the disorder and peculiarities to narrow
down selection of an appropriate remedy. It is
necessary to take note of subtle differences such as the
areas affected during convulsions and the character and
nature of the convulsive activity, as well as symptoms
that appear when no seizures are noticeable, since
convulsive disorders can affect the general well-being
of the whole person.
In such cases, it is important to understand that
emotional signs such as crying may be misleading in
severe organic brain pathology. Crying and laughing
are sometimes triggered by abnormal neurological
reflexes. It is often best to rely on the parentsř intuition
as to the meaning of their childřs emotional expression.
For these reasons, these symptoms are relatively less
reliable than they would be under other circumstances.
Case 1: Petitmal and focal seizures with severe cerebral
palsy. Adam was born with foetal distress, meconium
in amniotic fluid and forceps delivery, Asphyxia. Δ
with seizures and was put on medication incessant
crying. Failure to thrive. CT & MRI revealed Global
brain injury. Developmental delays, profound motor
impairment and Athetosis. Swallowing difficulties.
Increased dosage of medication further delayed
During initial assessment, distorted facial features,
sunken eyes, turned upward. Bluish discoloration
around eyes. Clenched teeth, horrible breath. Clenched
thumbs. Cuprum metallicum 30, single dose, liquid on
forehead. Seizure terminated in few minutes. In
consultation with paediatric Neurologist anticonvulsants
were weaned. Now conscious during seizures.
Nystagmus. Cuprum 200c, single dose and an
additional dose during each seizures applied to the
forehead in liquid. The seizures subsided more quickly
with Cuprum. Bluishness gone, countenance changed.
His arms still twitched. Cicuta virosa 30, followed
several weeks later with the 200c.
Seizures gradually improved, now of shorter
duration. Less distortion. Less dehydration. Prolonged
drowsiness and sleepiness for several hours after
seizures. Opium 30, followed four weeks later by 200c.
in the next few months seizures involved only right arm
could eat and drink. Then Opium was discontinued.
Based on several routine neurological checkups, no
seizures were recorded in EEGs. The boy remained
seizure free, while he remained compromised by CP. In
the next ten years of observation, no seizures were
Case 2: Petitmal seizures and Eczema with
Thomas was born with missing frontal lobes.
Seizures soon after birth. Microcephaly and unilateral
cleft on right side of the brain. Episodes of staring.
Eczema on his neck.
Sulphur 1Q, once daily, for 10 days then 2Q.
Gradually weaned off medication. Mild seizures.
Began with a jerk. Nystagmus. Tightness of face.
Looked weak, wrinkled, pale, drawn. Phenobarbitalum
30, three doses daily for three days. Change Sulphur to
olfactory dose. Alternate with Belladonna 1Q. Ten
days later Opium 1Q. seizures more intense. Rash on
face, upper arms, elbows and calves. Sulphur 4Q, then
5Q. alternate with Bell 2Q, then 3Q.
Seizures became less frequent and then no further
seizures. Thriving. EEG showed no seizure activity.
Case 3: Complex seizure disorder, causing multiple
focal seizures in child with profound CP.
Corrine with cord around neck with low Apgar
score and seizures on the first day of life and continued
to have. Delayed milestones. Multiple medications due
to hundreds of seizures daily. Viscum album tincture
reduced the frequency initially. Profound motor
impairment at 12 years. With physical therapy and
speech therapy. Multiple clonic motions. Esophageal
reflux. MRI Ŕ periventricular leucomalacia with
ventricular dilatation. Expressed displeasure, joy and
sadness through sounds and countenance. Nystagmus,
drowsiness after each paroxysm. Nux vomica 1Q ten
days, then 2Q. Tautopathic antidotes in 30c.
Seizures significantly reduced in frequency and
milder. Nux vomica 3Q, 4Q, alternating with Opium
1Q, then 2Q. Seizures completely gone.
Difficulty in falling asleep. Terrible sleep apnea.
Constipation. Stamina increased.
Nux vomica 3,4Q and Opium 2, 3Q.
Sleep apnea gone. No reflux. No seizures.
Nux vomica 5, 6Q, Opium 4,5Q.
Continued constipation, but improvement in stool.
Learning skills improved.
Homœopathic treatment continued for several more
months and finally discontinued.
16. Heilungsgewissheit aus der Materia Medica
(Certainty of Healing in the Materia Medica) Ŕ
Part I
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
One of the essential features of knowledge of
Homœopathic Therapeutics is the apriori knowledge
about the certainty of the curative action of the remedy
given to the patient.
On one side is the so-called apriori healing
certainty and the relationship of this certainty with the
Materia Medica on the other side. Several well-known
Josef SCHMIDT have studied this aspect Ŕ does the
similie principle come within the purview of being
considered in actual practice as being considered as
Řapriori certaintyř?
The discussion by the wellknown persons are
considered whether apriori certainty of cure and Law of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 13
Similar fall within Natural Law or Law of Nature. It is
pointed out that the role of the patient is not to be under-
17. Back from the Brink
Real help for the walking wounded: Healing Post-
traumatic stress
ACOSTA, Judith (HT. 31, 1/2011)
Lena, 17 year-old girl maintained that she was
pregnant despite evidence to the contrary.
Expressionless face. Distended abdomen. On returning
from a party, the problems had started. Inability to
urinate. Chilly. Left sided ovulation pain. Faintness
during menses. Sympathetic. Incoherent. All started
after she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her.
Ignatia XM. Within 24 hrs, she broke out in hives and
went to bathroom until her bowels were emptied of two
weeksř worth of stool. Till then none noticed her
retained stool. A week later, she was calmer, could
remember and communicate clearly. The anti-psychotic
medicines was reduced. Within a month she was back
to her usual self and continued to blossom, in the next
several months.
Four months later, she was becoming angry with
people whom she liked, confusion. Started vigorous
exercises. Felt estranged from family and leaving house
often. Bright red right cheek. Sepia 1M. Within a week
confusion gone and beginning to reach out her family
Stacy, 35, under wide range of stress symptoms
since starting a job working with abandoned children
since 6 months. Sleepless, intensely sensitive and
frightened for no reason. Irritable. Abortion at 16 yrs
of age. Stricken conscience. Cyclamen 30, once a day
for 3 days. She released her memories about the
abortion and her feeling of abandonment over the next
few weeks in dreams, long overdue crying. Next
periods was regular without pain and clots. Migraine
symptoms reappeared after many years and subsided.
She shed fears and learned to handle her work.
Melissa, mid 20s. was in tremendous distress,
breathed in puffs, looked horrified. Sexual abuse since
childhood. Raped by a friend six months ago and since
then terrified and fear of being attacked again.
Stramonium XM. A week later calmer and began
productive counseling. A month later no nightmares.
Few months later, wept openly, compassionate and
loved company and reassurance. Warm blooded with
feet out of covers, craved ice cream. Pulsatilla 1M.
Since then improving steadily.
18. Prescription for PTSD. Remedies to the Rescue
SHALTS, Edward (HT. 31, 1/2011)
Indications for Aconite, Arnica, Arsenicum album
and Stramonium for the use in PTSD are given.
19. Fertile Ground
Homœopathy Effective for Infertility
COWARD, Steven (HT. 31, 1/2011)
Trish, 37, already had four children. Last two
pregnancies were with the help of ovulation stimulants.
She wanted to conceive without the use of them. Since
her second delivery, menses was scanty, watery and
pale. Day time hot flashes and awakened by sweating at
night. Volatile moods, sensitive to criticism; noise.
Mild urinary incontinence. Intolerant of heat, sun,
humidity. Sensitive to collars and waistbands. Many
complaints in the past were left sided. Lachesis 1M,
three pellets per week.
One month later she was pregnant. Less tired.
Improved mood. Less anger. Feeling calmer, happier.
Urinary incontinence better. Two months later,
headache with chills, nausea and light sensitivity.
Sleepless after 2.30a.m. New fastidiousness. Panic
when house was out of order. Arsenicum album 1M Ŕ
once a day for 4 days and then weekly once. Two
months later, no headache , but increased anxiety and
melancholy. Sleep better. Compulsion to clean
completely gone. Arsenicum album XM as needed. in
the next visit no anxiety and melancholy. She gave
birth to a healthy baby girl.
Katie 31, having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
(PCOS). After hormonal treatment. She conceived and
delivered a son. Now wants to conceive without the
fertility drugs. Scanty menstruation. Volatile
emotionally, lighter the period, worse she felt. Hungry
but unable to eat. Distension from greasy foods.
Moodiness and irritability during mid cycle. Low
energy between 2 -5 p.m. Sleepless and woke up
unrefreshed. Pulsatilla 200, once a week.
A month later, improvement in several areas.
Better sleep and more energetic. Less distension. No
PMS & normal flow. Was pregnant. Slight nausea. >
with Ipecac. Delivered a healthy baby boy.
Nicole 32, menstruated just thrice in the past ten
years. Diagnosed with Hypothalamic Hypogonadism
and PCOS. She had a pregnancy scare at the age of 22
and stopped menstruating since then. Frequent hunger.
Extremely sensitive to anyone disagreeing with her.
Staphysagria 200, once per week. A month later she
had her menstruation. Noticed changes in vaginal
mucosa indicative of ovulation. To repeat one dose,
next month, if she does not get the sign of ovulation.
Two months later she was pregnant.
20. Babies, Springtime & Staying out of the doctorřs
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 31, 1/2011)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 14
Author explains why Homœopathy doesnřt always
work. Understanding that the remedy doesnřt actually
cure is key. All a homœopathic remedy does is act as a
catalyst for healing by stimulating the body to heal
itself. A well directed homœopathic remedy can send
healing ripples to every part of a person.
Grand daughter Amelie at 7 days of life had sticky
eyes, goopy during the day, cold hands and feet. Silica
30 and overnight became alright. At 2 months of age,
overtiredness and wanting to be carried a lot and
snuffles better in open air. Pulsatilla cleared.
Another case of recurrent cold and cough becoming
better by the use of Ars. alb. by referring to the
complete Homœopathy Hand book (by the author) is
21. 7 Stepping stones to select a successful Remedy
Practice is Everything
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 31, 1/2011)
1. Step back and consider the whole picture.
2. Make notes.
3. Gather 3 or more symptoms.
4. Remember, common symptoms are for dummies.
5. Identify a Ŗcauseŗ.
6. compare two or more remedies.
7. Give your chosen remedy and observe carefully.
22. Itřs Sneezing, Snuffling, Itching season!
Judyth (HT. 31, 1/2011)
Todd, 26 year-old, nose ran all the time, eyes
bleary, itchy, puffy and water. Sore throat due to
incessant post nasal drip. Pressing headache due to
swelling of sinuses. Worse outdoors. Usually his hay
fever symptoms last for about 4 months. Allium cepa
30. Three days later nose was dry, no sneezing.
Erik, 29, with Spring Hay Fever since 5 years of
age. Frequent, violent, paroxysmal sneezing, Watery,
runny nose. Skin under nose red and sore. Eyes itchy,
dry and irritated. Stuffy nose. Itchy forehead.
Lethargic. Sabadilla relieved him in 2 days.
23. Springtime joys and Challenges
Solutions for seasonal stings & allergies
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 31, 1/2011)
Indications for Apis mellifica, Ledum, Hypericum,
Staphysagria and Urtica urens for use in insect bites are
Hay fever
Indications for Allium cepa, Euphrasia, Ferrum
phosphoricum, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica,
Sabadilla and Wyethia are given.
24. Breast Cancer: Facts Women Should Care
GUHA, Debjani, CHATTERJEE, Ramdas &
BANERJEE Sarmistha (S & C. 72, 7-8/2006)
Breast Cancer is one of the most common cancers
among women worldwide. Risk factors for the disease
include aging, early menarche, late menopause,
nulliparities, family history, obesity, high fat diet, use of
contraceptives, exposure to radiation and viral
infections. Multiparity and lactation after pregnancy
have protective effects. The chances of cure in women
depend largely on early diagnosis. Surgery followed by
Radiotherapy is the usual treatment for breast cancer.
Chemotherapy, generally, is an adjunct to Surgery.
Consciousness and knowledge of women leading to
early diagnosis of breast cancer is the key solution of
this global problem.
25. A Case of Food Allergy
(HCCR. 2/2009)
Mrs. SCB, 45 years with urticarial rashes on nose,
face from sour food, ground nuts and ice cream since 25
years. Diarrhea from ground nuts and bony pains.
. Easily angered. Brooding. Hurt by
husbandřs behavior. Staphysagria 30/3 doses. Three
days later no < from sour food. Two months later,
loose, sticky stools with abdominal pain after outside
food. Pulsatilla 30. Two months later, < from sour
food. Staphysagria 30/3. Two months later again
headache, rashes. Gaining weight. Lazy. Scanty flow.
Calcarea carbonica 200. 80% improvement. 4 months
later another dose and no problem at all.
26. Osteomyelitis of left mandible
MAMGAIN, S.K. (HCCR. 2/2009)
37-year-old female, had her carious tooth extracted
from left lower jaw. Continuous pain even after that.
Then pus started exuding. Unable to chew her food due
to thin plate of bone. Δ OM. Aurum met. 200, once a
day for 3 days. One month later, some improvement
Aurum met. 200, once in five days. With Calcarea
phos. 200 once in two days. 7 weeks later, a small piece
of bone exuded out. Able to eat with ease. Aurum met.
1M and then Angustura vera 30.
7 months later, occasional discharge of pus. Silicea
1M. No more problem.
27. Chronic Fistula
MAMGAIN, S.K. (HCCR. 2/2009)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 15
29-year-old male with fistula since two years.
operated twice and then recurred. Offensive purulent
discharge painful. Silica 200, every two days. 4 weeks
later, wound dried up and no pain. One month later
relapse after long travel. Silica 200 every 3 days. Then
patient did not turn up.
28. Obstacles to recovery in a case of Mania
POTDAR, Swapna (HCCR. 2/2009)
12 year-old girl with bouts of violent behavior since
years. Throwing things, beating, biting. Jealous of
elder sister. Hates her. Number of Psychiatrists and
Counsellers could give no relief. Whimsical appetite
and mood. Desires cheese. Feels forsaken.
Stramonium 1M. 15 days later better. One week later,
intense irritability from being spoken to. Stramonium
10M. One month later better, but still losing control.
Tuberculinum 1M. Status quo. Investigations revealed,
very low B
level and Hb%. When these were
supplemented, she improved very rapidly.
The importance of §261 is stressed.
29. A case of coconut tree
POTDAR, Swapna (HCCR. 2/2009)
A lady with a garden, presented a problem of
coconuts growing well in size and drop down without
maturing fully. They are full of water. This tree is near
the sea.
Natrum mur. 6x powdered and dissolved in a half
bucket of water and the tree was watered with it once.
It is five years since this and never again did a coconut
drop down prematurely!
[Wonderful! If we apply Homœopathy in Agriculture,
chemical pollution and poisoning of the soil by the
Fertilisers Industry will end. So much economical too.
= KSS.]
30. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
SOLANKI, Manisha (HCCR. 2/2009)
26 year male with DMD since 9 years of age.
Since a year intolerable pain in right leg, < night.
Fastidious. Aversion to sour food. Sleepless due to
pain. Plumbum met. 200 as needed. Mag.phos. 30 for
pain. Syphilinum 200 as intercurrent Ŕ over the next 9
years. CPK levels Ŕ 12/12/99 Ŕ 26000 1u/L. 16/7/09 Ŕ
31. A case of Lac caninum
SHAH, Devang (HCCR. 2/2009)
23 year-old male with Acne, sneezing, Aphthae.
Black heads and discoloration below eyes. Avoiding
others due to the feeling others are better than him. He
feels he is a loser. Based on the Rajan Sankaranřs
understanding of case, Lac canium 1M. 15 days later,
acne decreased. Sneezing decreased. 2 months later,
confidence improved. Feeling of rejection reduced. 4
months later, constipation. Another dose. [The method
adopted appears to me, strange indeed and even
amusing. To label this line of treatment one need not
spend years in a Medical College. = KSS].
32. A Case Of Macular Degeneration
(HCCR. 2/2009)
45 year-old man with right inguinal hernia since 20
years, dimness of vision due to macular holes, chest
pain when tense, fear of heights and earthquake.
Tendency to loose stools from change of water and diet.
Anal Fissure. Anger on contradiction. Anxiety about
health. Nux vom. 200 and Ginko biloba Q 2 drops b.d.
Mucus in stools after street food. Nux vom. 1M. Two
months later slight reduction in vision. Thuja 30/3
doses. Six months later. Flatulence. Acidity.
Difficulty in vision ↓. Lyc. 30, 200, 1M. 1 dose each
hourly. [This dosage is strange. What is the excuse for
this kind of doses? It makes me shudder. = KSS.]
One month later all well. Then Sil. 30 for boils.
Lyc. 1M for gastric problems six months later.
Carcinosin 30 for disturbed sleep. His vision is
33. A case of Infantile Diarrhoea
MAMGAIN (HCCR. 2/2009)
3 month old infant crying incessantly with diarrhea
since a month. Relapse after DPT. Restless twisting.
Emaciated. Abdomen distended. Offensive greenish
stools. Podophylum 30, 4 hourly. 24 hrs later, only 3
stools. Kali phos. 30, 2 doses. Next day one normal
Eczema on palms
48-year old lady with Eczema on palms since 2
years. Rough skin with cracks. Even on feet. Slight
pain in hepatic region and lower angle of right scapula.
Petroleum 200 once in two days and Sarsaparilla 1M
once a month. Better.
34. A case of deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
CHOUHAN, Vikram (HCCR. 2/2009)
A swelling in the left leg was diagnosed with DVT
and then found to have segmental micro thrombi in
lungs when investigated for exertional dyspnoea. Better
with Warfarin and Heparin. Still discomfort. Platina.
No complaints. Repeat Doppler showed no evidence of
venous thrombosis or occlusion.
35. Journey towards being Unprejudiced
KARKARE, Amit (HCCR. 2/2009)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 16
Mrs. S. with chilliness and bodyache since 4 days.
High grade Fever with chilliness from feet. Knee pain
only during fever. Palms and soles hotter. Petroleum
200, within three hours 80% > and total recovery in a
day. Prescription was based on Boenninghausenřs
36. A Case of Vitiligo
KARKARE, Amit (HCCR. 2/2009)
7 year-old with Vitiligo since 2 years. Patches on
left forearm, forehead of scalp. Father has Vitiligo.
Buyont mood. Tolerates pain. Sweat on scalp.
Syphilinum 1M. One month later, Calcarea flour 30
q.i.d. One month later, forearm patch reducing in size
from periphery. Face patches, except one, all gone. In
the next 6 months gradually reducing in size.
37. A case of Vitiligo
KULKARNI, Ajith (HCCR. 2/2009)
years old boy with white discoloration of right
ankle gradually increasing in size. Greenish nasal
discharge < by damp weather, getting wet. Natrum
sulph. 30 was repeated at intervals and Thuja as
intercurrent remedy. The white spot disappeared in 21
38. Clinical Experience with Homœopathy in Vitiligo
Subhash (HCCR. 2/2009)
These two doctors share their clinical experience in
treating Vitiligo, by giving few case examples.
Different remedies were given based on the totality and
improvement was seen.
39. Bleeding Haemorrhoids
KAKADE, Vaishali
(HCCR. 2/2009)
A woman with bleeding piles after allopathic
medication for UTI. Protruding piles with burning and
itching. Nux vomica 30 od for 7 days in the evening.
Sulphur 30 one daily for 3 days in the morning, 2
weeks later. Piles > but pain abdomen with fullness and
breathlessness. China 30 tds for 3 days. All complaints
4 year-old child with loose stool since 10 days.
Profuse, sudden, watery, foul and sometimes undigested
food particles. Podophyllum 30 tds for 2 days. 10 days
later febrile convulsion with dry lips and poor thirst Ŕ
Bell. 30.
40. One individualizing Technique
SHUKLA, Chetna N. (HL. 20, 4/2007)
This article is about Řan-otherř technique into the
Individualizing examination of a case opf disease (after
following the guidelines of the Organon). It is the
integration (according to my understanding) of Footnote
9 to aphorism 16 of the 6
edition of the Organon of
Hahnemann: ŖMost severe disease may be produced by
sufficient disturbance of the Vital Force through the
imagination and also cured by the same meansŗ and
Carl C. Jungřs techniques of (Dream) Active
Imagination and Amplification.
These techniques were applied in a 19 year-old
female case and the remedy prescribed Raphanus
produced marked improvement. [This FN to §16 is
given in the Boericke edition and J.Reeveřs edition, but
not in KÜnzli, OřREILLY, HOCHSTETTER edition =
41. Metal prescription in paediatrics
ROUX LE, Patricia (HL. 20, 4/2007)
Stages of development are clearly discernible in the
child that grows up and matures. Remedies for these
stages can be found in every kingdom, but in no other
kingdom can the stages be traced back to remedies as
easily as in that of the minerals. Three cases are
presented as examples.
Case 1: Iron series. Chromium metallicum.
Mathilide, 12 years, consults for chronic Sinusitis.
Listless, lacks energy, odd joint pains. Needs
reassurance. Hugs mother. Negative, defiant. Likes
glittery clothes and bright jewellery. Conflict between
parents. Prefers not to act, rather than to act and fail.
Iron series has to do with performance, attack and
Stage 6: Forced to work or act.
Chromium metallicum 200. Three months later, her
Sinusitis disappeared. Needs less help. Nine months
later, situation is stable.
Case 2: Silver series: Indium metallicum.
Théo, lacks energy, disobedient, unable to
reconcile. Hyper sensitive. Loves to dress up as girl.
No responsibility for his actions. Nightmares.
Frightened of being abandoned. Spendthrift. Desires
raw meat.
Indium metallicum 200. 3 months later, stopped
dressing as a girl. Much calmer, obeys. One year later,
still stable.
Case 3: Gold series: Iridium metallicum.
11year-old Italian girl, developed Synovitis and
Cysts on her wrist, couple of weeks before a major
tennis competition, which could affect her future career.
She is taking care of financial responsilibity by winning
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 17
Iridum metallicum 9, 12, 15, 30CH for four days.
Ten days later, she is back on court. The Cysts and
Synovitis have gone.
42. A demanding child. A case of Rheum
PANCHAL, Manish (HL. 20, 4/2007)
Two year-old nephew with severe cough. Holding
genitals for no reason. Demanding mother to be with
him always. Screams and shrieks when he demands
certain things to be done. Chamomilla 1M did not help.
Using Phatakřs repertory Ŕ craving for a particular
object and Impetuous Rheum 1M. Cough reduced in
intensity, but change in behavior, gradually occurred
over a period of 5-6 months. Even 12 years later, no
43. Mandragora. The world of Angels and Demons
MESSAGER, Alain (HL. 20, 4/2007)
Through particularly expressive drawings, a patient
gives us direct access to the psychology of Mandragora,
a magical plant known as far back as the time of the
Egyptians. The study of the remedy led us to discover a
proving carried out in Germany in 1996 with C30, C200
and C1000 potencies. That proving contains a large
number of mental symptoms that confirm the
[In none of these cases we have any information about
any order in the Řcureř and the follow-up time. The
cases (and articles) end as old fables end Ŗand then they
lived happilyŗ = KSS].
44. An Energetic Model of Homœopathy
GOLDEN, Issac (HL. 20, 4/2007)
We are more than just our physical body. Who and
what we are is discussed in terms of the energetic matter
which makes up our different energetic vehicles or
bodies. Homœopathy is explained in these energetic
terms, showing that the remedies do not heal us, but
permit our own self-healing energy to do the job it will
always do if not obstructed. The true nature of our Vital
Force is explained in energetic terms, as is the nature of
miasms and our constitution. Homœoprophylaxis is
defined, and research showing its short and long-term
safety and effectiveness is presented. The mechanism of
prevention is also explained in energetic terms. The
need for objective study of homœoprophylaxis is
discussed to ensure that the full benefits of all aspects of
Homœopathy are available to all.
45. Post vaccinal Behavioral Problems
SMITS, Tinus (HL. 20, 4/2007)
In this article it is intended to show evidence of the
relationship between vaccination and behavioural
problems in children, from mild to severe (ADHD and
Autism), through 30 case histories. The evidence is
provided through the use of potentised vaccines. The
hypothesis is that if the complaints disappear or strongly
ameliorate with the treatment of the potentised
substance which is supposed to be the cause of the
complaints, the proof is delivered that the particular
substance caused the damage. The fact that mild
moderate and severe cases of behavioural problems,
often with concomitant physical problems, are seen and
cured by this method strengthens the evidence of a
casual relationship between vaccinations and
behavioural problems.
46. Identifying with society
(HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
35 year-old lady with severe Seborrhea and Acne
eruptions. Frequent bouts of Cystitis. Anxious.
Quarrelsome. Startled from sleep by noise. Desires
chocolate. Mouth ulcers. Spicy food disagrees.
Indifference to persons and pleasure. Does not want to
be in contact with other human being. Kali muriaticum
Q1. She had < of mouth ulcers initially. After three
months, no colic. Once mild Cystitis. Kali muriaticum
Q5. After 2 weeks leucorrhoea and mouth ulcers.
Stopped remedy and is on placebo for several months.
Calmer. [Repertorisation is done with more than 15-16
Řrubricsř in computers.]
47. Cases treated using Triple salts
LOUKAS, George (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
During the past few years, many new homœopathic
remedies have been prepared as a result of cooperation
with the pharmacists loannis and Christiana Efstathiou.
The most significant of these were new coordination
compounds consisting of three chemical elements,
excluding hydrogen and oxygen. These compounds
were named triple salts. In this article a few cases are
presented that were successfully treated using triple
[Are these proven medicines? Where is the Materia
Medica for these remedies? = KSS].
48. About the Beginning of creation
(HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
36 year-old patient consulted in 2003 for colitis.
Migraine, frequent stool with bleeding and flatulence.
Exhausted feeling in right side of the body. Feeling of
losing power and of being paralysed. Delusions of
being handicapped, feeling of dependence and
premonition of impending global dangers. Fear of
disease and finance. Barium arsenicosum. For 2½
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 18
years it stopped the bleeding Colitis and Migraine and
improved the exhaustion. Then relapse and the remedy
did not help. During retaking the case he spoke of the
beginning of the universe, and of having returned to the
origin and of Big Bang, which is the primary source. So
Positronium C 200. 4 months later 1M. 4 months later
XM. Since then no need of any further dose. Steadily
growing feeling of security. [Who has Řprovedř in the
homœopathic sense, Positronium? Is the Materia
Medica of this remedy easily accessible to an ordinary
practitioner? = KSS.]
49. Unlocking the case with one key 1
BJORNDAL, Andreas, N. (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
A woman in her late 30s with Ulcerative Colitis.
Stool once every 15-20 mins. So life limited to her
home and her office. It all started after twin brother
killed himself. Withdrawn state of mind. Diarrhea
from oranges. Chilly and slow in answering.
Phosphoric acid 200, 5 tablets 5 times a day for 5 days,
to be repeated after one week. 4 weeks later, she was
much better. Within 3 months, no diarrhea and no
relapse at all thereafter.
50. Astringent like a Taut Spring
SCHADDE, Anne (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
36 year-old mother of three children with
exhaustion and dyspnoea. Feels herself responsible for
everything. This causes Headache, Tension in head.
Feels tension, locked. Plant remedy Ŕ Cocculus indicus
30. A week later tinnitus gone, but headaches off and
on. Now Flu with severe cough and severe back pain.
Ultra sensitive to noise Natrum muriaticum 200. Better
but relapse 3 months later. Natrum muriaticum 200.
Two months later, dislocated neck, strong strain felt,
astringent. Tense feeling of nerves and tendons,
blocked feeling. Tension is like a taut spring. So a
plant remedy with astringent feature. Menyanthes
trifoliata. After the remedy, she got a fever and
suddenly discharge of milk from her breast. After
weaning many months ago, she had fever with nodes in
mammae, Ŗcuredŗ with Phytolacca. Tension in cervical
region and Headache disappeared. 9 months later,
heavy cold. Menyanthes 200.
51. The Excluded Feeling in Two remedies of the
Lili- florae
NOONEN, Resie (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
85 year old, widow, religious and a Jehovahřs
Witness. Warm blooded. Suffocating feeling at times.
Jealous. Lachesis had helped for 16 years. In 2002
acute event. Shocked by daughter-in-lawřs behavior
towards her in a public place. She became pale, could
not walk. Could not recognize her daughter. Restless.
Trying to escape. Religious delirium. Shrieking with
fear. Refused to eat. Abusive, insulting. Sleepless.
Was on psychiatric medication. Veratrum album 1M
every hour one spoonful of dilution. By evening of
same day she recognized her daughter, wept for 2 hours
and then became calm. Slept well and became normal.
A woman, who as a child was abused in Japanese
concentration camp in Indonesia and traumatized by
rigid military behavior of father developed a feeling of
Řout castř. Walking difficulty since 14 years of age and
from her thirties sitting in wheel chair. Nightmares,
Dreams of escaping. Suicidal thoughts. Constipation
since childhood. Severe pain in stomach. Tympanic
abdomen. Carcinosinum helped her.
Then severe stomach ulcers with pain at night,
oppression in epigastrium. Ornithogalum umbellatum
200. Two months later, sleeping better. No dreams.
Pains much better. For the first time in 40 years, normal
stool without laxative. Feeling of living. Three months
later came walking. One year later, Grawitz tumor, in
right kidney. Operated. Ornithogalum 200 and Conium
200 alternated. Recovered.
52. New Lac cases
ROUX, Patricia Le (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
A case of Lac asinum.
Louis, two years old, has not slept whole night
since birth. He is Vietnamese and was adopted. He
wakes his mother every hour in a very obstinate manner
asking for milk. When he gets it he falls asleep.
Mother is exhausted. During the day he is charming
and sociable. Lac asinum 1M.
Child slept since next night after the remedy and
relapse was 12 months later and a repetition of dose
Proving symptoms are given:
Forsaken sensation, lack of help
Surroundings are felt with injustice, lacking any
pity or compassion
The patient is victim, innocent, passive, without
He wants to rebel, often nasty
He has feelings of serenity, is in good shape, he is
never very hungry
Often suffers from headache, round the eyes as if a
Swarming, paraesthesia in head, chest and
Lots of sympathetic symptoms; vaso-dilatation,
oedema, oliguria.
A case of Lac lama
Llona, six years with severe tummy pains and
vomiting after meals. Abandoned by father. Weight
loss. Vomiting when contradicted. Severe since treated
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 19
for Pneumonia. Dry skin. Blepharitis. Likes to be in
open air. Desires chocolate. Lac lama 1M. No
vomiting and weight gain.
53. ŖLocked in a cageŗ. A case of Lac leoninum
CHAUHAN, Dinesh (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
47 year-old lady with a uterine fibroid with profuse
bleeding. Associated with pain and weakness. During
the course of interview she expresses sensations of
strangulation/oppression with gestures. Feels locked in
a cage. Feels crippled. In describing the sensation, she
expresses sensitivities towards animal issues, especially
with mammals and of lioness with which she identifies
most strongly, Lac leoninum 1M. There was initial < of
congestion in breast and then 10 weeks later normal
periods. 16 months later, USG revealed no fibroids.
[Because the patient identified herself with lioness she
was given Lac leininum! = KSS].
54. A Bitch or a Nun
A case of Naja tripudians
FRISCHKNECHT, Pablo (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
A 47 year-old with depression related to her
menstrual cycle. She feels she has neglected her duty.
Strong anticipatory anxiety. Fear of losing control.
Feels antagonism with herself. Desires alcohol which
aggravates. She feels strongly victimized. Sensation of
lump in throat. Naja tripudians Q9 once a day.
Five weeks later Ŕ anxiety decreased. Better before
10 weeks later Ŕ Depression gone. Naja Q10.
6 months later Ŕ Menstrual cycle improved. Coryza at
night. Naja 1M.
8 months later Ŕ Relapse of Depression. Naja 1M.
9 months later Ŕ Erysipelas on nose. Painful. Naja
In the next few years, a dose of CM.
55. Nature vs. Nurture in Homœopathy:
Toward an Environmental View of Homœopathic
ROWE, Todd (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
This article presents an environmental approach to
homœopathic case analysis. Rather than focusing on
Ŗnatureŗ based familial classifications, it explores the
use of Ŗnurtureŗ based biomes. The Desert is chosen as
a representative biome and themes, sensations and
energies are explored for this particular biome. A case
example of hyperlipidemia is presented using the desert
biome classification and the remedy Carnegia gigantea
(Saguaro Cactus) was prescribed curatively.
56. The Gold series Stages 8 & 13
Osmium & Thallium
SEVAR, Raymond (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
Case 1: Brendan, 41 years, with IBS for 8 years.
Worse from alcohol. Burning in abdomen.
Conscientious. He is hard, serious, emotionally cold, at
war with his illness by starving. Indicates heavy metal
of Syphilitic Miasm. High powered manager leads to
gold series. Aurum metallicum 200. Improved after
initial <. In the next five years few doses of 30, 200,
1M 10M & 50M, but relapse. Excellent response to
Aurum indicates a related medicine Ŕ of gold series.
Osmium is hard, and resistant to pressure. Osmium
metallicum 30. Clear improvement in 2 weeks. In the
next 2 years as and when needed Osmium 200.
Case 2: Miriam 62, short, fat, asthmatic, cramps in
legs, indigestion. Eczema as a child. Depressed.
Recurrent dream of sliding down a bank into deep
water. Sulphur 30. Asthma was bad for 6 days after the
medicine and then better. In the next one year few more
doses and then sadness returns with a feeling of being
sidelined, useless and finished Ŕ indicates stage 13.
Thallium metallicum 30. In the next 3 months few more
57. A constitutional remedy for a Burn
LEVANON, Dafna (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
60 year-old, had Mastitis. Belladonna 200 relieved.
Then a hot glass of tea fell on her arm and caused severe
Burn. Cantharis 200 brought slight improvement.
Arnica, Calendula, Gel. did not help. So an underlying
constitutional dyscrasia for slow and deficient healing
was suspected. Sad and complicated family situation.
Pale, trembling, nervous, frightened, bottled inside.
Feels guilty, restricted. Carcinosin 200. Healed
58. A case of Chikungunya Fever
USUF, Mass R. (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
42 year-old monk with great prostration, highly
febrile, severe frontal headache with vertigo and
crippling body pain. Severe physical and mental
restlessness. Fear, weakness of lower limbs, weak
pulse, b/l edema, worse after midnight, Arsenicum
album 30, two doses. > and Relapse. Ledum 200 as it
was due to mosquito bite. Eupatorium 30c tds x 2 days.
Arthralgia & Myalgia receded. Lecithin 12x Ŕ to
counter low vitality and symptoms of general
The patient experienced his complaints receding
fast and he felt much better. His mental symptoms
receded dramatically and his physical restlessness
abruptly. He finally had command of his mental
faculties were evident by the slight smile that lit his
otherwise despondent countenance.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 20
59. Leitsymptom Husten Ŕ Therapie Ŕ möglichkeiten
mit Homöopathie
(Leading Symptom Cough Ŕ Therapeutic
possibilities with Homœopathy)
LUCAE, Christian (ZKH. 53, 2 & 3/2009)
Cough is a symptom for which a number of patients
came to us. The cough could be due to Bronchitis, or
even Pneumonia or anyother serious disease. Whatever
may be, the homœopathic remedies will help speedy
restoration of health.
The author cites from cases Ŕ each case to indicate
the technique adopted to find the homœopathic remedy.
In one it was a Nosode, on the basis of the diagnosis. In
the next it was a characteristic Řmodalityř; in the third
the Řgeneralř and Řmindř symptoms lead to the remedy;
and lastly a ŖKey Noteŗ lead to the right remedy.
60. Ranunculus bulbosus bei Heuschnupfen Ŕ
Arzneifindung mit einen neuen Repertorium
(Ranunculus bulbosus in Hay Fever Remedy
selection with a new Repertory)
LUCAE, Christian, DAHLER, Jörn & TEUT,
Michael (ZKH. 53, 4/2009)
Homœopathic treatment of Hayfever requires
different strategies depending upon the symptoms of the
patient. In three cases the prescription was Ranunculus
bulbosus selected with the help of a new Hay Fever
Repertory. The characteristics symptoms as well as the
original Proving symptoms of the remedy also come
into the discussion.
61. Kinderzeichnungen in der Homöopathie Ŕ Haus
Baum-Mensch-Test und Tierfamilie als Wertvolle
Bereicherung bei der Findung der Gesamtheit der
(Drawings of children in Homœopathy House,
Trees Ŕ humans Ŕ Test and animal family as
valuable for the totality of symptoms)
HADULLA, Michael, M., PFEIL Tinu, A.
(ZKH. 53, 4/2009)
Drawing by children of house, tree, persons,
animals, family, etc. are important in understanding the
state of disposition of the child. It would be of great
help in the selection of remedy.
Practical cases are narrated to impress this.
1. Das Symptomen-Lexicon Ŕ Welches
(The Symptoms dictionary Ŕ which symptoms
KRITZENBERGER Irmgard (ZKH. 53, 2/2009)
Uwe PLATE has published a ŖSymptomen
Lexikonŗ sometime ago in 2004. This work was said to
fulfill Hahnemannřs wish for a reference source. The
author of this article analyses this work with regard to
what was meant by Symptoms-Lexicon in Hahnemannřs
time and whether the painstaking work of Uwe PLATE
can be reckoned so. Copious references to
JAHR and others are quoted.
This work is to self study of the Materia Medica
and cannot be considered as a repertory to lead one to
find out suitable remedy for a given case.
1. Preliminary investigation of metal and metalloid
contamination of homœopathic products marketed
in Croatia
Siniša & PUNTARIĆ, Dinka (HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Background: Due to their popularity as a
complementary therapy in many diseases, homœopathic
products of animal, vegetable, mineral and chemical
origin should be tested for the presence of contaminants
to prevent eventual toxic effects.
Objective: Thirty samples of homœopathic products
were analyzed to estimate possible contamination with
potentially toxic elements: Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Cr, Ni and
Zn, and to assess human exposure to these
metals/metalloid as a consequence of their consumption.
Methods: Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to
determine metal and metalloid concentrations.
Results: Most tested products had very low
metal/metalloid levels (below the limit of quantification
of the method), but the metal/metalloid levels in the
remaining products were in the following ranges (in μg
): Pb 0.33-1.29 (6 samples), Cd 2.78 (1 sample), As
0.22 (1 sample), Hg 0.02-0.12 (24 samples), Cr 0.40-
10.27 (10 samples), Ni 0.43-55.00 (19 samples), and Zn
2.20-27.80 (11 samples). In the absence of regulatory
standards for homœopathic products, the obtained
results were compared to maximum allowable levels
(MALs) as proposed by USP Ad hoc Advisory Panel.
Some analyzed preparations had metal levels above
MALs (Pb: 2 samples; Cd: 1 Sample; Ni: 2 samples).
However, estimated cumulative daily intakes from
tested homœopathic products were in all cases lower
than permitted daily exposures for all dosage forms.
Conclusion: The risk of bioaccumulation of
metals/metalloid from the homœopathic medicines
seems to be rather low, due to small quantities of those
products prescribed to be applied per day, as well as
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 21
insignificant metal contamination of the majority of
tested products. However, the fact that particular
formulations were contaminated by metals above MALs
indicates potential risk and points to the necessity of
regular monitoring of homœopathic products for metal
contamination, due to their frequent and mostly
unsupervised use.
2. LM or Q ? Signs and Symbol
FOURNIER, Denis (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
Samuel HAHNEMANN, in his posthumous 6
edition of the Organon, proposed a new process of
production of the remedy Ŕ the fifty millesimal.
However, in part owing to the secret development of it,
the issue of its denomination was not resolved. After a
brief review of the historical background of
designations for the new potency since HAHNEMANN,
we will see the suggestions of those who were, in the
century, the first ones to use them and help
maintain, even today, the confusion on this notation.
The choice is essentially between ŖLMŗ and ŖQŗ.
Arguments like the Latin rules for numbers and the
meanings of sign and symbol as determining factors to
name a homœopathic dynamisation will be the tools in
helping to solve the impasse. The conclusion is clear: Q
is the only coherent and justifiable symbol to appear on
the remedyřs label to identify the medicinal curative
power of such potency.
3. Dosage and Restoration of Health
Homœopathic Pharmacology
BEIJERING, Frank, J. (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
Homœopathy is based on the law of similars. From
Archimedes to Ralleighjeans (thermic equilibrium), all
natural laws can be expressed via a mathematical
equation. Homœopathyřs law of similars apparently
was an exception in this respect. This article aims to
provide an equation for the law of similars.
4. Die Entwicklung einer neuen Potenziermaschine
(The development of a new potentising machine)
(ZKH. 53, 2/2009)
The pharmaceutical firm who are wellknown -
Spagyros Ŕ have been manufacturing genuine quality
homœopathic medicines. In so far as Homœopathy is
concerned we have no way of verifying the genuineness
of a medicine and have to simply trust the manufacturer.
We must concede that in general all the pharmacies
have been manufacturing passable quality medicines.
But what methods do they use? The ŘKorsakoffianř;
someone said that beyond a certain potency Ŕ say above
the 10M Ŕ the higher potencies are made by ŘRadionicsř
method Ŕ which cannot be in any way considered as
Řscientificř. Of course the 50 millesimal potency
manufacture is another. Clearly there is much that is
hazy and it is for the homœopaths to demand an
approved, correct method by all pharmacies.
The author is the chief of the manufacturing unit of
Spagyros and she has explained the need and relevance
of a new potentiser machine invented by her Firm and
its advantages. She has traced briefly the history of
homœopathic medicine potentiser Machines.
An interesting article.
1. Homœopathic prescribing for chronic conditions in
feline and canine veterinary practice
MATHIE, T. Robert, BAITSON, S. Elizabeth,
John (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
Introduction: The peer-review literature contains no
controlled clinical research of Homœopathy in cats and
very little in dogs.
Main objective: To collect clinical outcomes data
systematically from individualized homœopathic
treatment of cats and dogs that would help to inform
controlled research in feline and canine Homœopathy.
Methods: Twenty-one homœopathic veterinary
surgeons recorded data systematically from consecutive
feline and canine patients over a 12 month period.
Records included: date; patient and owner identity
(anonymised); medical problem treated; whether new or
follow-up (FU) appointment; chronic or acute condition;
owner-assessed clinical outcome (7-point scale, range Ŕ
3 to +3) compared with first appointment.
Results: Data from 400 cats comprised a total of 372
individual chronic problems, of which 270 had FU
assessment. Data from 1504 dogs comprised a total of
1408 individual chronic problems, of which 1070 had
FU assessment. In both species, 22% of FUs in chronic
cases received conventional medicines concurrently. In
cats, 117 different chronic medical conditions in total
were treated with Homœopathy. Five of those
conditions included ≥ 20 cases, in which owner-reported
outcomes (in decreasing rank order of frequency) were:
dermatitis (69.6% patients with +2 or +3 outcome, 0%
patients with -2 or -3 outcome); renal failure (57.1%,
14.3%); overgrooming (57.1%, 7.2%); arthritis (80.0%,
0%); hyperthyroidism (66.7%, 0%). In dogs, of 301
different chronic medical conditions treated in total,
those most commonly recorded (≥ 20 cases) were:
dermatitis (66.2% with +2 or +3 outcome, 0% patients
with -2 or -3 outcome); renal failure (57.1%, 14.3%);
overgrooming (57.1% 7.2%); arthritis (80.0%, 0%);
hyperthyroidism (66.7%, 0%). In dogs, of 301 different
chronic medical conditions treated in total, those most
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 22
commonly recorded (≥ 20 cases) were: dermatitis
(66.2% with +2 or +3 outcome, 5.4% with Ŕ 2 or Ŕ 3
outcome); arthritis (80.2%, 0.8%); pyoderma (75.8%,
0%); colitis (85.2%, 0%); fear (31.6%, 0%); epilepsy
(63.6%, 4.5%); otitis external (72.7%, 0%); diarrhea
(68.2%, 0%); urinary incontinence (73.7%, 0%);
aggression (57.1%, 0%); spondylosis (81.0%, 0%);
lymphoma (40.0%, 6.7%).
Conclusions: A programme of controlled research in
veterinary Homœopathy for these feline and canine
conditions is clearly indicated.
2. Clinical Management of Anaemia Associated with
Babesiosis in Dogs with Trinitrotoluenum 200c
(HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
Anaemia is an important accompaniment of canine
babesiosis, caused by Babesia gibsoni, owing to
haemolysis. If anaemia is not attended to in these cases,
it may prove fatal despite treatment with antibabesial
drugs. Twelve cases of anaemia associated with
babesiosis in dogs were treated with Trinitrotoluenum
200C in conjunction with the antibabesial drug
diminazine aceturate, while six other cases of anaemia
associated with babesiosis were treated with the
antibabesial drug diminazine aceturate only. The study
indicated that supportive therapy with Trinitrotoluenum
200C improved erythrocyte indices and was effective.
3. Homœopathic Approach to Separation Anxiety in
LOUKAKI, Katerina & KIRKILESSI, Georgia
(HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
Separation anxiety (S.A.) in dogs is a behavioural
disease and is characterized as a petřs exaggerated fear
of separation from its owner(s). Homœopathy can
contribute to the treatment of these disorders. We
choose two homœopathic methods of approaching
animals: A) The specific characteristics are taken,
considering the factors that influence the idiosyncrasy
of the dog. B) The symptoms manifested by special
modalities are recorded and analysed only according to
the homœopathic repertory. Both methods have
advantages and disadvantages. With the help of the
homœopathic case history and the study of each cited
remedy, we can analyse the dogřs behavior that will
allow us to understand their idiosyncrasy and the
problematic picture that is presented, so we can
prescribe the simillimum.
4. Impfkomplikation bei einer tragenden Stute
(Vaccine complication in a Mare)
SOLAKOV Iris (ZKH. 53, 4/2011)
A load-carrying Mare suffered from a vaccine
complication which became life-threatening. Arsenicum
album M and later 10M brought the Mare back to
normalcy completely.
1. A Prospective Multicentric Observational Study to
Determine the Usefulness of Predefined
Homœopathic Medicines In the Management of
Acute Diarrheal Disease in Children
NAYAK, C., SINGH, Vikram., SINGH, K.,
Praveen., ROJA, Varanasi., NAYAK, Debadatta.,
HIMA, Bindu., & SARKAR, D.B.
(AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
Background & Objectives: Acute diarrheal disease is
one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in
developing countries. No data regarding the pediatric
population suffering from acute diarrhea seeking
homœopathic treatment in India are available.
Therefore, an observational study on acute diarrheal
diseases in children was undertaken with fourteen
predefined trial homœopathic medicines in an effort to
identify a group of homœopathic medicines useful for
the treatment of acute childhood diarrhea.
Methods: A prospective, multi-center observational
study was conducted by the Central Council for
Research in Homœopathy at its various Institutes and
Units throughout India during October 2005 Ŕ
September 2008. A total of three hundred twenty-
seven children in the age-group 6 months to 12 years
were included. Trial medicines selected on the
principles of Homœopathy were prescribed and the
diarrhea index score was assessed before and after
treatment using SPSS (version 16).
Results: The difference in the mean number of stools
and diarrhea index score was found to be statistically
significant (p=0.000, <0.05) after the prescription of
trial homœopathic medicines in 321 children. The
diarrhea index score got either worsened or remained
unchanged from the baseline score in 6 (1.83%)
children. Of the 14 medicines half of them, viz.,
Podophyllum peltatum (n=158), Chamomilla(n=49),
Aethusa cynapium (n=25), Mercurius solubilis (n=23),
Calcarea carbonica (n=21), Sulphur (n=18), and
Phosphorus (n=17) were found to be most useful among
the 14 predefined trial medicines.
Conclusion: This was an Observational study with
positive results requiring further validation by suitable
Randomized Control Trial(s).
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 23
2. Case history: Individualised Homœopathy and
Severe Chronic idiopathic Neutropenia (SCN)
POOLE, Jennifer (HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Background: Severe Chronic Neutropenia (SCN)
places the sufferer at increased risk of bacterial
infection, often requiring emergency hospital admission
and long-term antibiotic treatment.
Method: A single clinical case study of idiopathic SCN
in a boy of 3 years and 8 months at the start of treatment
individualized, classical homœopathic treatment was
given. Neutrophil count was measured at: 5, 17, 21, 29
and 41 months after commencing treatment.
Results: Low neutrophil count (0.6 and 0.3 x 10
was documented for 17 months prior to commencing
treatment. After 17 months of individualized
Homœopathy, neutrophil count was 1.74, rising to 2.22
at 21 and 3.4 at 29 months treatment. Forty-one months
after commencing treatment netrophil count was 3.8
with an intermediate peak of 9 recorded during the year.
As the child found the procedure distressing, blood
testing was then discontinued by the parents.
Conclusions: The child received no other treatment,
including complementary medicine or antibiotics, while
receiving homœopathic treatment. Individualized
homœopathic intervention may be the catalyst for the
resolution of idiopathic SCN in this case. However, as
this was a single case, a controlled study is
recommended as a next step.
3. Chelidonium majus 30c and 200c in induced
hepato-toxicity in rats
BANERJEE, Antana., PHATAK, Surajit.,
BISWAS, Surjyo Jyoti., KARMAKAR-Susanta
Roy., BOUJEDAINI, Naoual., BELON, Philippe &
KHUDA-BUKHSH, Anisur Rahman.
(HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Introduction: Homœopathy is a popular form of
complementary and alternative medicine and is used to
treat for certain liver ailments.
Aim: To analyze the efficacy of homœopathic
Chelidonium majus (Chel) 30C and 200C in
amelioration of experimentally induced hepato-toxicity
in rats.
Methods: Rats were randomized into six sub-groups:
negative control; negative control + EtOH; positive
control; positive control + EtOH group; Chel.30; Chel.
200. Rats were sacrificed at day 30, 60, 90, and 120;
various toxicity biomarkers and pathological parameters
were evaluated. Gelatin zymography for determination
of metalloproteinases activity and Western blot of p53
and Bcl-2 proteins were also employed. All analyses
were observer blind.
Results: Chronic feeding of p-dimethyl amino azo
benzene (p-DAB) and Phenobarbital (PB) elevated the
levels of aspartate aminotransferase (ALT), gamma
glutamyl transferase (GGT), lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH), triglyceride, cholesterol, creatinine and bilirubin
and lowered the levels of glutathione (GSH), glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD), catalase and HDL-
cholesterol. There were statistically significant
modulations of these parameters in the treated animals,
compared to positive controls. In both treated groups,
there was downregulation of metalloproteinases, p53
and Bcl-2 proteins compared to over-expression in the
positive control groups.
Conclusion: Both the potencies of Chel. exhibited anti-
tumor and anti-oxidative stress potential against
artificially induced hepatic tumors and hepato-toxicity
in rats. More studies are warranted. [What for Řmore
studiesř? At whose expense? Action of Chel. In so far
its homœopathic form is well-known to every
homœopath. It is immaterial whether it acts in rats and
cats, etc. Why should Homœopathy copy the
conventional Medicine ideas? = KSS]
4. Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor
expression in KATO-III cells after Helicobacter
pylori stimulation under the influence of Strychnos
Nux vomica and Calendula officinalis
MOSER, Doris., FRASS, Michael.
(HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Introduction: Previous studies have shown the
stimulating effect of Helicobacter pylori on the gene
expression of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor
(HB-EGF) using the gastric epithelial cell line KATO-
III. Strychnos Nux vomica (Nux vomica) and
Calendula officinalis are used in highly diluted form in
homœopathic medicine to treat patients suffering from
gastritis and gastric ulcers.
Aim and method: To investigate the influence of Nux
vomica and Calendula officinalis on HB-EGF-like
growth factor gene expression in KATO-III cells under
the stimulation of H. pylori strain N6 using real-time
PCR with and without addition of Nux vomica and
Calendula officinalis as a 10c or 12c potency.
Results: Baseline expression and stimulation were
similar to previous experiments, addition of Nux vomica
10c and Calendula officinalis 10c in a 43% ethanolic
solution led to a significant reduction of H.pylori
induced increase in gene expression of HB-EGF
(reduced to 53.12 ± 0.95% and 75.32 ± 1.16% vs.
control; p <0.05), respectively. Nux vomica 12c
reduced HB-EGF gene expression even in dilutions
beyond Avogadrořs number (55.77 ± 1.09%; p < 0.05).
This effect was only observed when the drugs were
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 24
primarily prepared in ethanol, not in aqueous solutions.
The data suggest that both drugs prepared in ethanolic
solution are potent inhibitors of H. pylori induced gene
5. Database on veterinary clinical research in
CLAUSEN, Jürgen & ALBRECHT, Henning
(HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Objective: The aim of the present report is to provide
an overview of the first database on clinical research in
veterinary Homœopathy.
Procedures: Detailed searches in the database
ŘVeterinary Clinical Research-Database in
Homœopathyř (http://www.carstens Ŕ
Results: The database contains about 200 entries of
randomized clinical trials, non-randomised clinical
trials, observational studies, drug proving, case reports
and case series. Twenty-two clinical fields are covered
and eight different groups of species are included. The
database is free of charge and open to all interested
veterinarians and researchers.
Conclusions: The database enables researchers and
veterinarians, skeptics and supporters to get a quick
overview of the status of veterinary clinical research in
Homœopathy and alleviates the preparation of
systematical reviews or may stimulate reproductions or
even new studies.
6. Semi-standardised homœopathic treatment of
premenstrual syndrome with a limited number of
medicines: Feasibility study
(HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Background: Individualised Homœopathy involves a
large number of possible medicines. For clinical
research purposes it is desirable to limit this number,
create more consistency between prescribers and
optimizing the accuracy of prescription. Using a semi-
standardised treatment protocol, we aimed to improve
homœopathic management of targeted subgroups of
women with premenstrual syndrome/symptoms
Objectives: To design a semi-standardised protocol for
individualized prescribing in PMS/S with a limited
number of homœopathic medicines, and to explore the
feasibility of working with it in daily homœopathic
Methods: With help of an expert panel, homœopathic
medicines were selected, as well as predictive
symptoms and characteristics (keynotes) for each
medicine. With those, we designed a patient
questionnaire and a diagnostic algorithm. The patient
questionnaire contained 123 questions, representing
potential predictive symptoms for 11 homœopathic
medicines for PMS/S. The medicines selected (in rank
order) were Sep., Nat-m., Lach., Cimic., Lac-c., Puls.,
Calc., Lil-t., Mag-p., Mag-c., Phos.
In a feasibility study 20 homœopathic doctors used
the protocol in daily practice. The diagnosis was
confirmed by daily rating of pre-defined symptoms
during two consecutive menstrual cycles. The
acceptability and feasibility of the protocol were
evaluated after 3 months follow-up, at which time we
also measured changes in premenstrual symptom scores
and patient-reported changes in symptoms and general
Results: The doctors mostly complied with the
protocol and valued the computerized diagnostic
algorithm as a useful tool for homœopathic medicine
selection. 33 patients completed 3 months follow-up.
By then, 19 patients still taking the first medicine on the
basis of the algorithm. We received valid symptom
records of 30 patients. Premenstrual symptom scores
dropped by 50% or more in 12 patients and by 30-50%
in 6 patients; scores dropped by less than 30% or
increased in 12 patients. Recruitment of patients (n =
38 in 9 months) proved difficult. Adherence to the
diaries and the questionnaire was satisfactory.
Conclusions: It is feasible to use a semi-standardised
protocol for individualized homœopathic prescribing in
PMS/S helped by the selected medicines remain to be
evaluated in further research. In future research, active
promotion will be needed to recruit patients.
7. Dose-effect study of Gelsemium sempervirens in
high dilutions on anxiety-related responses in mice
(HOM. 99, 4/2010)
Introduction: This study was designed to investigate
the putative anxiolytic-like activity of ultra-low doses of
Gelsemium sempervirens (G. sempervirens), produced
according to the homœopathic pharmacopeia.
Methods: Five different centesimal (C) dilutions of G.
sempervirens (4C, 5C, 7C, 9C and 30C), the drug
buspirone (5 mg/kg) and solvent vehicle were delivered
intraperitoneally to groups of ICR-CD1 mice over a
period of 9 days. The behavioral effects were assessed
in the open-field (OF) and light-dark (LD) tests in blind
and randomized fashion.
Results: Most G. sempervirens dilutions did not affect
the total distance travelled in the OF (only the 5C had
an almost significant stimulatory effect on this
parameter), indicating that the medicine caused no
sedation effects or unspecific changes in locomotor
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 25
activity. In the same test, buspirone induced a slight but
statistically significant decrease in locomotion. G.
sempervirens showed a little stimulatory activity on the
time spent and distance travelled in the central zone of
the OF, but this effect was not statistically significant.
In the LD test, G. sepervirens increased the %time spent
in the light compartment, an indicator of anxiolytic-like
activity, with a statistically significant effect using the
5C, 9C and 30C dilutions. The number of transitions
between the compartments of the LD test markedly
increased with G. sempervirens 5C, 9C and 30C
dilutions. (Psychopharmacology 2010; 210: 533-545.)
8. Comparative Analysis of Gelsemine and
Gelsemium sempervirens: Activity on
Neurosteroid Allopregnanolone Formation in the
Spinal Cord and Limbic system
(HOM. 99, 4/2010)
Centesimal dilutions (5, 9 and 15 cH) of Gelsemium
sempervirens are claimed to be capable of exerting
anxiolytic and analgestic effects. However, basic
results supporting this assertion are rare, and the
mechanism of action of G. sempervirens is completely
unknown. [Almost every practicing homœopath gives
Gelsemium in Řanxietyř related complaints and gets
positive results. = KSS]. To clarify the point, we
performed a comparative analysis of the effects of
dilutions 5, 9 and 15 cH of G. sempervirens or
gelsemine (the major active principle of G.
sempervirens) on allopregnanolone (3a, 5a-THP)
production in the rat limbic system (hippocoampus and
amyhgdala or HŕA and SC are two pivotal structures
controlling, respectively, anxiety and pain that are also
modulated by the neurosteroid 3a, 5a-THP. At the
dilution 5 cH, both G. sempervirens and gelsemine
stimulated [3H] progesterone conversion into [3H]3a,
5a-THP by HŕA and SC slices, and the stimulatory
effect was fully (100%) reproducible in all assays. The
dilution 3a, 5a-THP formation in HŕA and SC but the
reproducibility rate decreased to 75%. At 15 cH of G.
sempervirens and gelsemine (5 cH) on 3a, 5a-THP
production was blocked by strychnine, the selective
antagonist of glycine receptors. Altogether, these
results, which constitute the first basic demonstration of
cellular effects of G. sempervirens, also offer interesting
possibilities for the improvement of G. sempervirens-
based therapeutic strategies.
(ecam 2009; doi:10.1093/ecam/nep083.)
9. Dissipative Structures in Extremely Diluted
Solutions of Homœopathic Medicines: A Molecular
Model Based on Physico-chemical and Gravimetric
ELIA, V., NAPOLI, E. (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
Conductometric and pHmetric titrations of
extremely diluted solutions (EDS) were performed by
adding NaOH or HC1 solutions at concentrations
between 1 x 10
M 1 x 10-3 M. the aim of this work is
to obtain further confirmation of the hypothesized
presence, in the EDS, of molecular aggregates of water
molecules. The measurements on the EDS evidenced
some relevant differences compared to those on
solutions with just water as solvent. The conductivity
and the pH variations caused by adding the titrant,
namely NaOH or HC1 were markedly different to those
of the control solutions. We suppose that the
preparation procedure of the EDS could produce non-
equilibrium changes in the supramolecular structure of
The experimental results were interpreted by
considering the interactions that can take place between
the OH
or H
and the hypothesized molecular
aggregates of water molecules, i.e. dissipative
structures. A qualitative comparison was made about
the nature of the driving force that leads to the
formation of the complexes between the two ions
deriving from water and the molecular aggregates of
water molecules (dissipative structures). In this woRk
we have introduced a new methodology to study the
EDS and to have more information about the presence
of the dissipative structures, i.e. the gravimetric
analysis. We evaporate a known quantity of the EDS at
90ºC for 36ŕ48 h, and compare the obtained quantity
of solid with the expected one given the chemical
composition of the liquid, obtained via analytical
measurements: atomic absorption and ICP mass. We
systematically obtain that the experimental results are
higher than the expected ones. The ratio of the obtained
and expected results is about 3:2, putting in evidence
that some water remains stable even after a very long
treatment at 90ºC. A linear correlation is obtained
between the solid weight in excess, i.e. the difference
between the experimental weight of the solid obtained
after the complete evaporation of bulky water and the
expected weight according to the chemical composition,
Δ mg, and the conductivity in excess, namely the
difference between the experimental conductivity and
the expected one according to the chemical
composition, X
(Int. J of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics 2010; 5:
10. Research into the language of the patient:
Improving clinical outcomes
Iris, R. (AH. 15, 2009)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 26
This paper describes qualitative, quantitative, and
mixed-method approaches to linguistic inquiry that can
be applied by the discipline of Homœopathy to improve
proving research and clinical outcomes. In a previous
article published in The American Homeopath, Bell
(2008) provided an overview of the state of
homœopathic research and possible new directions for
developing clinically relevant research. The current
paper expands on specific methodological techniques
that can be used to examine the individualřs use of
language to determine the characteristic effects of new
remedies in proving and to select the simillimum for
patients in the clinical setting.
11. Extreme homœopathic dilutions retain starting
materials: A nanoparticulate perspective
CHIKRAMANE, Prashant Satish, SURESH, K.
Akkihebbal, BELLARE Jayesh Ramesh & KANE
Shantaram Govind (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
Homœopathy is controversial because medicines in
high potencies such as 30c and 200c involve huge
dilution factors (10
and 10
respectively) which are
many orders of magnitude greater than Avogadrořs
number, so that theoretically there should be no
measurable remnants of the starting materials. No
hypothesis which predicts the retention of properties of
starting materials has been proposed nor has any
physical entity been shown to exist in these high
potency medicines. Using market samples of metal-
derived medicines from reputable manufacturers, we
have demonstrated for the first time by Transmission
Electron Microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction and
chemical analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma-
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES), the
presence of physical entities in these extreme dilutions,
in the form of nanoparticles of the starting metals and
their aggregates.
12. Homœopathic Symphytum officinale increases
removal torque and radiographic bone density
around titanium implants in rats
NETO-Rubens Spin., BELLUCI, Marina Montosa.,
SAKAKURA, Celso Eduardo., SCAF, Gulnara.,
Elcio (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
Introduction: This study evaluated the effect of
Symphytum officinale in homœopathic potency (6cH),
on the removal torque and radiographic bone density
around titanium implants, inserted in rats tibiae.
Methods: Implants were placed in male rat tibiae, and
the animals randomized to two groups (Control and S.
officinale 6cH treated), which were evaluated at 7, 14,
28 and 56 days post-implantation. Radiographic bone
density was measured at 6 points around the implant,
using digital radiographic images, when implants were
inserted and at sacrifice. Removal torque of the
implants was also evaluated.
Results: Both removal torque and radiographic bone
density evaluation showed that S. officinale 6cH
treatment enhanced bone formation around the micro-
implants, mainly at 14 days. At 56 days, the
radiographic bone density was higher in the treated
Conclusions: we conclude that S. officinale 6cH
enhances, principally at the early stages of
osseointegration, bone formation around titanium
implants in rat tibiae, based on radiographic and
mechanical analysis.
13. Statins withdrawal, vascular complications,
rebound effect and similitude
TEIXEIRA, Marcus Zulian (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
HAHNEMANN considered the secondary action of
medicines to be a law of nature and reviewed the
conditions under which it occurs. It is closely related to
the rebound effects observed with many modern drugs.
I review the evidence of the rebound effect of statins
that support the similitude principle. In view of their
indications in primary and secondary prevention of
cardiovascular diseases, statins are widely prescribed.
Besides reducing cholesterol biosynthesis, they provide
vasculoprotective effects (pleiotropic effects), including
improvement of endothelial function, increased nitric
oxide bioavailability, antioxidant properties, inhibition
of inflammatory and thrombogenic responses,
stabilization of atherosclerotic plaques, and others.
Recent studies suggest that suspension of statin
treatment leads to a rebound imparing of vascular
function, and increasing morbidity and mortality in
patients with vascular diseases. Similarly to other
classes of modern palliative drugs, this rebound effect is
the same as a secondary action or vital reaction
described by Samuel HAHNEMANN, and used in
Homœopathy in a therapeutic sense.
14. Infection models in basic research on Homœopathy
CLAUSEN, rgen., WIJK, Van Roeland &
ALBRECHT Henning (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
Introduction: The objective of this study was to search
for effective agents for the treatment of infections in
animals or infected cell lines.
Methods: The Homœopathic Basic Research
experiments (HomBRex) database
(http://www.carstens-stiftung.de/hombrex) on model
biological systems in homœopathic research was
searched. Eligible experiments were reviewed and
Results: The database contains 48 eligible experiments
published from 1832 to 2009. Causative pathogens
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 27
were bacteria, fungi, viruses, proto- and metazoan. In
the experiments, various parameters were observed and
a large set of medicines was investigated. In eight of
the 48 experiments, at least one of the investigated
medicines was selected according to the similia
principle. Nosodes and homœopathic complexes were
investigated in 8 and 14 experiments respectively. Mice
were the most often used host organisms (13
experiments). In 31 experiments at least one
homœopathic medicine was found effective for
Conclusion: the results of basic research experiments
may invigorate new clinical trials that investigate
complementary treatments for infectious diseases.
However, all experiments reviewed here await
replication and no clear-cut conclusion can be drawn
regarding the transferability of in vitro results to in vivo
15. Efficacy of Homœopathy in childhood Asthmas
MOHAN, G.R. (HL. 20, 4/2007)
This is an open study of 81 cases of Asthma in
various paediatric age groups who received only
homœopathic treatment for two years. The remedies
were prescribed by individualizing each case. The
study showed that asthmatic attacks due to a variety of
causes, like exercise, infection and allergy, could be
treated successfully with Homœopathy. Exacerbations
and the use of nebulizers were reduced, and the
asymptomatic period prolonged.
1. Hong Kong Homœopathy: How it arrived and how
it connected with Chinese medicine
FAN, Ka-wai (HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Translated as ŘShunshi Liaofař in Mandarin,
Homœopathy received considerable attention from local
physicians, thanks to Dr. Heribert SCHMIDT who
shared his views on the similarities between this western
medical therapy and Chinese medicine during his visit
to Hong Kong in 1954. Considered widely as non-
scientific and superstitious, Chinese medicine was
pushed to the periphery during the 1950s. On the
contrary, adopted by western advanced countries,
Homœopathy was generally regarded as scientific and
reliable. Schmidtřs acknowledgement of the scientific
roots of Chinese medicine excited many traditional
therapists. The purpose of this paper is to trace the
history of how Homœopathy was introduced to Hong
Kong and discuss its relationship with scientification of
Chinese medicine.
1. The Heart of the Volunteer
SMITH, Suzanne, J. (AH. 15/2009)
The heart of volunteerism is taking the first step Ŕ
whether itřs to volunteer at a soup kitchen or proofread
an article. Itřs giving oneself whether for an hour, a day
or a month. Itřs giving, not just of oneřs time but of
oneřs heart and spirit. It keeps us whole, reminds us we
are part of the wheel of life and as part of this wheel, we
become more empathetic people and that makes us
better homeopaths. When you reach out you are
rewarded. By reaching out to others, you develop a
sense of inter connectedness to your community, to your
country, to your profession or to the world.
2. International cooperation in support of
Homœopathy and complementary medicine in
developing countries: the Tuscan experience
ROSSI, Elio., STEFANO, Di Mariella.,
VERDONE, Marco., FACCHINI, Mario.,
STAMBOLOVICH, Vuk., VIÑA, Martha Perez &
CALDÉS, Maria José. (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
Health is a fundamental human right which
contributes to reducing poverty, and encourages social
development, human safety, and economic growth.
International initiatives have fallen far short of their
goals. This paper describes collaboration between the
region of Tuscany and Cuba, Western Sahara, Senegal
and Serbia. These have introduced various forms of
Complementary and Alternative Medicine, including
Homœopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine into
primary healthcare particularly obstetrics, and into
veterinary medicine.
Complementary and traditional medicine can
represent a useful and sustainable resource in various
fields of health care. Inclusion in the public health
system must go hand in hand with scientific evaluation.
3. My Tryst with PC
Individualising Examinations of PC-Cancer and
SHUKLA, Chetna (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
The need for a scientific inquiry led me into an
Individualizing Examination of two PC remedies
(Cancer and AIDS) designed by Peter CHAPPELL. I
can now validate the claim that PC remedies are
Homœopathic Disease Specific. The gestalt that
surfaced in the PC-Cancer proving was archetypal for
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 28
Cancer and that PC-AIDS for AIDS. Like any other
proving this is not complete because the whole of the
elements of the disease that PC-Cancer/AIDS can/is
capable of producing can only be brought to anything
like completeness by numerous observations 135) to
the point where subsequent experimenters can notice
little of a novel character from its action, and almost
always only the same symptoms as had been already
observed by others. But these first proving convince me
beyond doubt that they have definite sphere of action.
The emerged image talks of an energy pattern similar to
that of the usual disease images of respective diseases
(call it prototype or archetypal) which makes the
remedies homœopathic for these diseases.
I. SEIDENDER, A.: Heilmittelarchiv,
Homöopathische Materia Medica Ŕ 6 Bände,
(German) Kanderr, Narayana; 2008. 12064 S.geb.
preis Є890. Review Thomas GENNEPER. (ZKH. 53,
ŖA thorough and much a pathfinder work like this
deserves detailed reviews. Armin SEIDENDER is an
expert in Materia Medica Study particularly Ŗdetails of
the drugs in Homœopathyŗ so far known, and he has
now in 12,064 pages covered 1380 medicines. The
source for the book are the 19
century references
which form the ground work of Classical Homœopathy.
Literature of present day are considered where relevant,
and thus there are about 550 source literature in which
the major are 160 sources. Journals like AHZ and ZKH
are also in place …. Can be recommended to every
Practitioner; it makes Materia Medica comparison
easier…. This volumes could be reckoned as standard
reference work….ŗ.
II. Kombinierte Arzneimittel in der Homöopathie,
SPRINGER, WITTNER, H. (Combination
Medicines in Homœopathy) Stuttgart, Haug: 2008.
195s. Karl Preis Є 39.95. (German) review Elizabeth
HÄCKER-STROBUSCH. (ZKH. 53, 3/2009).
Ŗ… This is a first work on this. W. SPRINGER has
written a Foreword to help us the further study. . 23
salts are dealt with in this Ŕ from Alumina phosphorica
over Calcarea arsenicosa to Natrium silicicumIn my
relaxed reading of the individual drugs the pictures
came up before my internal eye and I pick up this book
III. Hahnemannřs Krankenjournal D22 (1821):
Transcription und KommentorBand von Markus
MORTSCH. (Case Register D.22 (1821): Transcription
and commentary volume): Herausgeben von Robert
JÜTTE Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert
Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart. 2008. Geb. 948s.
(Transkription) /249s. (Kommentarband.) Preis
Є129.95. (German) review Christian LUCAE (ZKH. 53,
The Case Register D22 has been transcribed by
Marcus MORTSCH with commentary; this was taken
up by the University Bochum 2005 as medicohistorical
dissertation. The period covers February to October
1821. Since HAHNEMANN shifted from Leipzig to
Koethen in June 1821 there are patients from both and
one may study the type of patients in a large city and a
small town. 415 patients were treated during this
By reconstructing HAHNEMANNřS Practice
Markus MORTSCH has given very interesting
accounts: Sulphur was the most often prescribed with
1417 prescriptions in 108 forms; Stannum alone
between Feb. and March with 198 prescriptions so often
prescribed! Nitric acid and Thuja were close by. Many
symptoms were marked with N.B.
Excellently researched workŗ.
1. In Memoriam
Dorothy COOPER: 30 June 1915-29 December 2008.
(SPENCE, David. HOM. 99, 2/2010).
Dorothy COOPER was born on 30
June 1915 on
highgate Hill to a London business family.
In 1934, she passed her First MB at Croydon High
School and obtained a place at the London School of
Medicine for Women.
In 1948, she entered General Practice with the
inception of the NHS. She frequently attended Faculty
meetings and lectures in London, being taught by
amongst others, Sir John WEIR, Dr Lees
TEMPLETON, Dr. Hamish BOYD and Dr. Elizabeth
In 1954, she was asked to take over the Bath
Homœopathic Clinic, a charity endowed in 1849. She
was very interested in and undertook much study of the
Nosodes. Dr. Foubisterřs work on the Carcinosin and
later Folliculinum fascinated her and she studied and
discussed these with him. She wrote a number of
excellent papers for the British Homœopathic Journal.
Her singular contribution will long be remembered.
I. Presidents Message: HOOVER, Todd, A.
National Healthcare Policy & Homœopathy. (AJHM.
102, 3/2009).
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 29
President Obama is driving healthcare policy
toward three goals:
1. Quality, affordable and portable health coverage for
2. Moderating the U.S. healthcare system to lower
costs and improve quality.
3. Promoting prevention and strengthening public
The Integrative Healthcare policy consortium,
which represents multiple members of the
complementary and Alternative Medicine Community
was instrumental in passing an amendment to expand
the definition of healthcare providers, for the purposes
of bill, to include the following: Licenced
Complementary and alternative medicine providers and
integrative health practitioners.
Unlicensed providers wish to be included in
potential reimbursement structures, so they prefer the
language in upcoming bills as Řcertifiedř practitioners as
opposed to Řlicensedř practitioners.
Many such relevant issues are being discussed
within the Homœopathic Action Alliance.
II. LIGA Conference Report
WARSAW, POLAND 26-30 Aug. 2009.
HILTNER, Richard (AJHM. 102, 4/2009).
The theme of 64
LMHI Congress: Timeless
quality of Homœopathy on 26
August evening, the
President Elzbieta-Dernalowicz Ŕ Malarczyk elaborated
the strong history of Homœopathy in Poland.
Ulrich FISCHER, highlighted the work of LIGA in
a number of countries.
Lex RUTTEN gave the opening lecture on the
ŖLancet Reviewŗ.
On 27
, Ton NICOLAI reflected on Homœopathy
as a Integrative Medicine.
Radko TICHAVSKY spoke about perspectives of
Agro-Homœopathy which is economical practical and
amenable to very rustic conditions. There are
scientifically verified data.
Leon SCHEEPERS gave some wonderful details on
Homœopathy in Thailand.
Larysa HUTSOL described some fascinating
experiences teaching Homœopathy at Vinnytsia
National Medical University in Ukraine.
Vangelis ZAFEIRIOU, a Psychiatyrist, identified
similarities that exist between national ŖPersonality
characteristicsŗ of Japan, Greece, Italy, Germany and
Israel and the remedy pictures of Aurum, Sulphur,
Lycopodium, Nux vomica and Arsenicum album
Gloria FEIGHELSTEIN delivered some important
information about the prophylactic dental treatment of
children. She emphasized the constitutional typing by
especially three important remedies. Calcarea
carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica and Calcarea
fluorica. Each of these salts impregnate our teeth and
bones and thereby impart distinct different anatomical
characteristics, metabolic types, and disease
Josef SCHMIDT discussed the notion of health in
the history of medicine, writings of HAHNEMANN and
Nunzia CHIARAMIDA expounded on what he
called ŖDarwinian Homœopathyŗ and biological basis
of diseases. Molecular genetics identifies the subtle
differences in the gene expressions on the basis of
variation. It permits the investigation of the
individuality of biological reactions to homœopathic
remedies. The study of homœopathic medicines
according to this approach enables a deeper knowledge
of the working mechanism of homœopathic substances
and of the biological bases of diseases. Many examples
of this approach were described.
Anna FURMANIUK described patients with anoxic
brain injuries. Over the past 25 years more than 50
cases of coma due to this pathology were successfully
treated. The role of Zincum sulphate and Carboneum
hydrogenisatum were emphasized.
Clinical Studies
Michael TEUT, et al., presented a paper on the
ŖHomœopathic treatment of Elderly Patients-A
Prospective Observational Studyŗ with 2 years follow
up. Disease severity demonstrated marked and
sustained improvements under homœopathic treatment
eventhough conventional medication was reduced.
Jaroslav CUPERA, delivered some case reports on
the effective use of Pyrogenium in cases of sepsis in
intensive care units.
Raymond SEVAR presented a fascinating case of a
58 year old woman with squamous cell bronchial
Carcinoma treated homœopathically. She has been
doing well for seven years.
Jonathan SHORE stressed the importance of
penetrating to the center in case taking.
Ashley ROSS discussed the evolution of an African
Materia Medica Ŕ a methodological overview of fifteen
Ronko ITAMURA presented two cases in which
the psychodynamics of Magnesia muriatica and
Magnesia carbonica were examined.
Michael van WASSENHOVEN gave an excellent
discourse on his favorite subject: Evidence Based
Homœopathy. He gave specific data on different
studies on allergic conditions, including: Randomized
Controlled Trials (RCT); Economic surveys; Quality of
Life; Clinical Verification.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 30
Lex RUTTEN, discussed on likelihood ratio and
Bayesian algorithm
Karin LENGER, gave what could prove to be an
historic presentation on how homœopathic medicines
work, by two Magnetic Resonance Methods Ŕ Tesla coil
method and the modified photomultiplier method.
Izel BOTHA explored a systemic review of the
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy studies of
the physico-chemical structure of homœopathic
Nikolay ZAMARENOV spoke for his colleagues in
the Russian Homœopathic Association about the
method of Crystallography in Homœopathy.
Chiaramida NUNZIO and clement LAURA
developed a fascinating paper on the Ŗhomœopathic
symptoms of allopathic drugsŗ.
Markus DUNTOSCH gave an original paper on
finding the remedy based on the color preference of the
Veterinary & Agro-Homœopathy
O.I. DINCHENKO related a variety of cases
associated with good results in veterinary medicine in
Russia with combination remedies. (!)
Elzbieta MISZCZAK Ŕ DZIADOSZ gave a very
useful and optimistic report on the treatment of cats
with worm infestation (Helminthiasis) with Calcarea
carbonica in high potency. In addition to a radical
regression of pathological symptoms, Calcarea
carbonica provoked the massive expulsion of worms
and improvement of aggressive behavior. Regarding
dogs she said that she found Phosphorus as very
effective in treating the symptoms often associated with
this medicine. Thirst for cold water which is vomited
after it becomes warm in the stomach, weakness and
bleeding were the key symptoms.
E.A. ELIZAROVA et al, looked at a variety of
relationships and approaches to treating dogs
homœopathically for psychological states.
Stephen BAUMGARTNER, et al., presented 8
randomized, blinded studies for the prevention and
treatment of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea
Pass) on apple seedlings.
Leoni Villano BONAMIN, et al., did a study using
Thymulin 5c to increase productivity of chickens.
Clinical Studies
Grazyna MILEWSKA described a research project
involving patients which demonstrated the clinical
picture of Causticum. Also spoke of Crocus sativa in
hypercoagulative states of the blood.
Antje OSWALD discussed the technique of applied
Kinesthiology which improved the accuracy of his
Purnima SHUKLA and Rajiv MISRA did a study
with 45 cases of infertility successfully with
Thyroidinum, Spongia, Natrum muriaticum, Calcarea
iodata, Fucus etc.
Sandeep KAILA, emphasized the importance of
Samir CHAUKKAR approached the problem of
addition to various drugs and alcohol in teenagers.
Ideas in practice:
Sigrid KRUSE, et al., presented a very important
and optimistic report on the co-operation of
conventional physicians and homœopathic physicians in
the Dr. Von Haunerřs Childrenřs University Hospital in
Munich, Germany. The single remedy homœopathic
approach has been especially successful in
Neonatology, Paedatric Oncology and Surgery,
Neurology, Pulmonology and Gastroenterology.
Herbert PFEIFFER outlined the primary and
secondary miasmatic views of paediatric illnesses. The
psoric child is retarded and slow. The sycotic child
develops quickly and immoderately. The syphilitic
child is not only retarded, but also it can lose the
capacity to move in a normal manner; as in a cerebral
palsy child. Endogenous factors are the manifestations
of miasmatic problems; we can find them in the primary
miasmatic case history, the anamnesis of the childrenřs
family, and/or in the secondary miasmatic case history,
in the prenatal, natal and postnatal anamnesis. The
exogenous factors in the secondary miasmatic case
history are diseases, injuries, intoxications, invasive
techniques, etc. the knowledge of the normal and
disturbed neurophysiologic development in children is
called Primaristic. The diseases which are
characterized by reversible dysfunctions are named
central coordination disturbances (CCD per Vojta). He
gave a number of cases demonstrating the above ideas.
Jonathan SHORE developed seven phrases in the
complex proving process.
Carmen STURZA presented clinical information
and proving of Ytterbium metallicum.
Tomas KOKOSZCZYNSKI enumerated the
positive results of Tuberculinum and in his experience
repetition in higher potencies is frequently without
aggravation and brings about a faster healing process.
Natalia VORONINA reviewed the stress of Russian
woman since World War II and found the medicines
Cimicifuga, Helonias, Lilium tigrinum, Onosmodium
and Sepia have been instrumental in dealing with
present day female illnesses.
Julia VASSILIEVA pursued Tinus Smitřs ŖTheory
of Universal layersŗ in reference to the contemporary
economic crises. She expounded on Anacardium when
the patient becomes unable to live in compliance with
his own wishes. She mentioned also Rhus
toxicodendron, which typifies the patient who feels a
helpless victim.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 31
Clinics and Pharmacology
Leon SCHEEPERS discussed Proteus. It has the
symptom of feeling good in sea. All the chlorides are
listed as associated remedies by Paterson. Also
proposed possibility of Anisum stellatum as being a
Genus Epidemicus of H1N1 Fever. He presented some
cases of this remedy.
RIBEIRO, et. al., gave evidence of the possibility
of a relationship between dental flourosis and the
prevalence of fluoric characteristics in Constitutional
NARDY, R.O., et.al., had positive results for
Homœopathy in a study of treatment of dental
hypersensitivity with Hypericum 3D over conventional
oxagel. Also spoke on another study of third molar
symptoms Ŕ of pain, edema, infection and ameliorating
cicatrisation with Arnica 6c, Staphysagria 6c and
Streptococcinum 30D.
Clinical Studies
Sigrid KRUSE, et al., delivered a useful paper on
the complementary homœopathic treatment of
premature and newborn children with severe
intracerebral hemorrhage in the Paediatric Hospital of
Dr. von HAUNER in Munich, Germany. A 12 month
outcome study revealed that adding homœopathic
therapy can be successful in the ICU.
Also presented another paper on the
complementary use of Homœopathy in Pediatric
Oncology at the above mentioned Hospital.
Maria-Luc FEYTON gave examples of how
Homœopathy is a medicine in full harmony with
Christian thought. She elaborated on patients aided in
their pursuit of a higher spiritual and ethical life.
Father Jacek NORKOWSKI, a Polish Roman
Catholic priest stated that many Popes, right from
GREGORY XVI from the 19
century, have supported
Ulrich FISCHER concluded with closing remarks
and thanked everyone who helped the congress.
III. My experience with HWB and La Escuela
Homœopatica de las Americas. FLEISHER, Mitchell
(AJHM. 102, 4/2009).
The author recounts his teaching experience in El
Salvador and Guatamela at the invitation of Dr. Karl
Robinson as visiting clinical faculty for a La Escuela
Homœopatica de las Americas (The Homœopathic
School of the Americas) in Feb. 2009.
IV. Results of 8 year-long, prospective,
multicentbral Cohort Study by WITT and
Colleagues. The study pertained to 103 chronically ill
patients under treatment by Homœopathy.
The frequent complaints were Allergic Rhinitis and
headaches in grown-up persons, Atopic Dermatitis and
other recurring infections in children. Serious deseases
rapidly withdrew considerably. (p < 0.001) between
baseline, 2 and 8 years (Grownups from 6.2 ± 1.7 to 2.9
± 2.2 and 2.7 ± 2.1, children from 6.1 ± 1.8 to 2.1 ± 2.0
and 1.7 ± 1.9). The physical and psychological life
qualities improved impressively. Younger patients,
women and patients with serious diseases profit much
more from homœopathic therapy. (ZKH. 53, 1/2009
from BMC Public Health 2008, 8:413)
V. Literaturdatenbank CAM base wit erweiterten
Inhalten: Literature data bank complementary and
Alternative Medicine (CAM) base with enlarged
contents (ZKH. 53, 2/2009): This online Databank has
enlarged contents www.cambase.de. Now it contains
more than 30 German language journals of repute with
regard to Complementary Medicine Ŕ including
The library team works continuously to update and
improve the Data bank and old to the list of journals.
VI. Dr. Gerhardus LANG (who follows the Sehgal
Method) has, in response to the article of
VITHOULKAS (ZKH. 53, 1/2009) about the concerted
Media attack on Homœopathy argued for tolerance of
the Řinnovativeř Řnewř methods.
In response Dr. VITHOULKAS has reiterated his
well-known conclusions that the modern Ŗinnovationsŗ
like Rajan Sankaranřs ideas, the Periodic Table etc. of
Jan SCHOLTEN, the Řmind onlyř of Sehgal et al. are
reasons which are responsible for the Media attack.
VII. Guest Editorial.
The International Scientific Committee for
Homœopathic Investigations (ISCHI) (HOM. 99,
ISCHI was established to fund research in
Homœopathy, initially exclusively in influenza. It has
now expanded its scope to include all research in
Homœopathy, the main criteria in selecting studies to
support impact and replication. Its international
membership meets twice yearly to review research
applications. Those with some or all of the following
features will have a higher chance of success:
1. Impact: credible study design and immediate
practical application with significant health economic
2. Replication of promising concepts or studies or
potential for future replication.
3. Co-funding by other funding agency or research
4. Collaboration with established institutions or
researchers who are impartial but open minded about
Homœopathy with no potential conflict of interest.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 32
5. Groups with a strong record of completion of
research studies and publication.
The ISCHI website is currently being revised.
Until it is operational enquiries should be sent to:
VIII. Editorial
The Spirit of volunteerism ELAND, Richa
Christine (AH. 15/2009).
With any simple act of kindness, such as
volunteering time: we serve that Greater good. In
volunteering we are the spirit of kindness and the
handmaiden to what it represents. Hundreds of hours
are volunteered by the authors and thousands more are
logged in editing, advising, proofreading to present this
journal. These volunteer hours are pretty astonishing,
especially in a time where fiscal contributions, as well
as manual hours of contributions are falling nationwide.
The editor mourns the loss of Michael QUINN of
HAHNEMANN Labs in San Rafael, CA. [See obituary
reference, QHD. 3&4, 2009, P. 121]
IX. Freeing Homœopathy: A conversation with Diana
MILLER, JD by MUELLER, Manfred. (AH. 15/2009).
Diane MILLER is a Minnesota attorney for
National Health Freedom coalition(NHFC), which is a
national information resource for health freedom
decision makers and leaders, to support them in their
work of protecting access to healing options of all kinds.
In a long conversation with Manfred MUELLER,
he discusses about safe harbor exemption laws for
homœopaths, naturopahs and herbalists, so that they
will not be charged with practice of medicine without a
He advocates against state licensing of homœopaths
as it will restrict others from practicing. He opines that
best way to protect Homœopathy is to promote in the
public eye and do a campaign on the safety of
Homœopathy and homœopaths and the benefit of the
safe harbor model instead of always being on the
X. The Vital Force and the Law: one Homœopathřs
story. ROZENBERG, Vega (AH. 15/2009).
Vega ROZENBERG is the founder of the Evolution
of Self School of Homœopathy (ESSH). This has acted
as an educational foundation to many of Arizonařs
medical doctors and homœopathic Medical Board
members, and also to many other students. The
requirements to become a licensed homœopathic
medical doctor in Arizona were 1. Being a medical
doctor and having only 90 hours of homœopathic
After these were fulfilled by ESSH, the author and
many non-licenced homœopaths were directed to desist
from teaching and practicing. After a long and costly
battle, a paragraph was included in the law indicating an
exemption exists for the treatment of the spiritual vital
Force with homœopathic remedies. This exemption has
been a great relief for Homœopathy in Arizona.
XI. A sketch of Dr. Maesimund B. PANOS (1912-
1999). BRIDGMAN, Laura (AH. 15/2009).
Dr. PANOS made everybody feel very special she
was very observant and always gave incredible care and
attention to her patients, students and colleagues as
individuals. She put a lot of effort to arrange guest
speakers for the Ohio State Homœopathic Medical
Society(OSHMS). She placed great value in newsletter
one of her greatest strengths was in forming
relationships that lasted a lifetime. She was committed
to the AIH postgraduate course and NCH summer
school. Her vision for the future of medicine was that
licensed physicians should be trained in Homœopathy.
After practicing in Washington DC, she moved to Ohio
and founded the Woodward Foundation for
Homœopathy. Her library is preserved at NCH.
Without her efforts, Homœopathy in America might
have died out in the 1950s and 1960s.
XII. Joint American Homœopathic Conference
2009. Barbara, FORREST (AH. 15/2009).
The fourth Annual joint American Homœopathic
Conference in Seattle was about ŖRaising Healthy
The pre-conference seminar ŖFamily Dynamis and
Remedy Relationshipsŗ was presented by Dr. Luc De
SCHEPPER. On the advanced schedule, Dr. Luc
presented ŖThe womb of Disease: The importance of
Intra-Uterine Trauma to unlocking casesŗ.
Dr. Will Taylor spoke on Ŗchildhood through the
Miasmatic Prismŗ spoke of the correlation of ADHD
and Tubercular Miasm.
Conference attendees were invited to join in round-
table discussions over lunch with Mirando CASTRO
XIII. In tribute to William Herbert Tankard Ŕ
Hahnemann. COOK, Trevor (AH. 15/2009).
William Tankard Ŕ Hahnemann passed away
peacefully at his home in Crowborough, East Sussex on
January 2009, his 87
birthday. He was the great,
great, great grandson of Samuel Hahnemann. He served
as a Major in the British Army and then honoured by his
appointment as a Freeman of the city of London. On his
retirement became the patron of the British Institute of
Homœopathy in 1987. Since then he has given his time
generously to promote Homœopathy in UK and around
the world, in the next 22 years.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 33
XIV. Forging alliances, making progress.
Homœopathy to benefit from healthcare reform.
GAHLES, Nancy (HT. 31, 1/2011).
NCH has been working hard to protect and advance
the interests of everyone who uses Homœopathy.
Integrated Healthcare Policy Consortium (IHPC) is a
coalition of clinicians, patients, educators and
organizations committed to ensuring access to safe, high
quality conventional, complementary and alternative
health care. Through the efforts of IHPC Practitioners
who have earned the certified classical Homœopath
credential will eventually be identified as integrative
health care practitioners.
XV. Swiss health insurance to cover Homœopathy
again. (HT. 31, 1/2011).
Beginning in 2012, Homœopathy and other
complementary and alternative therapies will be
reimbursed by Switzerlandřs medical insurance. Data
published in Swiss medical journal shows they lead to
higher patient satisfaction and 29% lower costs than
conventional medicine.
(Swiss Medical Journal, Dec. 15, 2010).
XVI. Nobel laureateřs research significant for
Homœopathy. (HT. 31, 1/2011).
Luc MONTAGNIER, the French virologists and
2008 Nobel Laureate will move to a research institute
Shangaiřs Jiaotong University to further his studies of
the electromagnetic properties of dilute DNA fragments.
Ŕ as funding in Europe became difficult. He speaks of
Jacques BENVENISTE, as modern Galileo who was too
far ahead of his time.
His research parallels the basic principles of
Homœopathy ….Montaigner speaks of the intellectual
fear around research into this topic in Europe Ŗby
people who donřt understand it.ŗ
(Science, Dec. 24, 2010).
XVII. Patients turn to Homœopathy for kidsř
coughs & colds. (HT. 31, 1/2011).
Since 2007 when the FDA and the American
Academy of Paediatrics began warning about the
ineffectiveness and dangerous side effects of
conventional cough and cold medicines for children
under age 6, there is 30% growth in the sales of
homœopathic products. Boiron, reported 300% sales
increase in its childrenřs cough syrup last winter.
(Herald News, Dec. 19, 2010).
XVIII. Homœopathyřs rich history at National
Library of Medicine. (HT. 31, 1/2011).
The National Library of Medicineřs History of
Medicine Division now offers free web access to its oral
History collections. Visit
www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/manuscripts/oh.html and click
on Ŗoral history collectionsŗ and search for
XIX. University of Michiganřs large Homœopathy
library online. (HT. 31, 1/2011).
Taubman Mediocal libraryřs homœopathic
collection originated with the Homœopathic Medical
College which was part of the University in Ann Arbor
from 1875 until 1922. At present 381 items are onliune
dating from mid 1800s to the present. Browse at
XX. A toast to Homœopaths in the Trenches! Video
premiere: Homœopathy around the world. BOYCE,
Carol (HT. 31, 1/2011).
The video is a multimedia salute to the
accomplishments of Homœopathy Ŗin the trenchesŗ.
Taking stock of just how far Homœopathy has spread in
the last 25 years and looking at the incredible work
being done across the world Ŕ with little or no resources
apart from the devotion of the clinicians and teachers Ŕ
is truly food for our collective Ŗhomœopathic soulŗ.
Homœopathy around the world offers a tasty and
nourishing reminder of that truth!
A smile and a toast
Despite all the current turmoil in our world, we can
smile knowing that HAHNEMANN has been right
about so many things. As the father of experimental
pharmacology, he developed proving-the first double
blind drug trials. He developed the well-tested and
increasingly useful Genus Epidemicus model, which has
proven so vital in the developing world. With his
theory of Miasms and the concept of predisposition, he
saw what the new science of epigenetics has only just
discovered: that genetics are not fixed, but are malleable
and respond to environment, to life traumas and, in the
case of homœopathic treatment, to miasmatic
We have many millions of cured cases - solid
clinical evidence that cannot be dismissed by redefining
Ŗanecdotal.ŗ We can be confident in what we do, in
who we are, and in the very real and positive impact that
Homœopathy is having around the globe. I hope to see
you at the conference, and to share Homœopathy
Around the World as a toast to those in the
homœopathic trenches who lift our hearts!
Our shared vision of global Homœopathy is
becoming a reality, right here and right now in our
XXI. Council for Homœopathic Certification (CHC)
completes 20 years. Karen ALLEN. (HT. 31, 1/2011).
The CHC is taking an active role in helping to
define the homœopathic profession moving it forward.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 34
XXII. Thermodynamic parameters for the binding
process of the OH
ion with the dissipative
structures: Calorimetric and conductometric
titrations (HOM. 99, 4/2010). Conductometric and
calorimetric titrations of Extremely Diluted Solutions
(EDS) were performed by adding HC1 or NaOH
solutions. The aim of this study is to obtain further
confirmation of the hypothesized presence, in the EDS,
of molecular aggregates of water molecules. The
measurements on the EDS evidenced some relevant
differences compared to those on solutions with just
water as solvent. The conductivity and the pH caused
by adding the titrant, namely NaOH or HC1, were
markedly different to those of the control solutions. We
suppose that the preparation procedure of the EDS could
produce nonequilibrium changes in the supramolecular
structure of water. The experimental results were
interpreted by considering the interactions that can take
place between the OH
or H
and the hypothesized
molecular aggregates of water molecules i.e. dissipative
structures. A comparison was made about the nature of
the driving force that leads to the formation of the
complexes between the two ions deriving from probes
and the molecular aggregates of water molecules
(dissipative structures). In this study, we have
determined the thermodynamic parameters of
association between molecular aggregates of water
molecules (dissipative structures) in the EDS and OH
or H
probe ions. The experimental results were
interpreted by considering a favorable interaction
between the H
and OH
ions and the dissipative
structures, due, probably, to steric hind-rance and
chemical affinity with the aggregates.
(ELIA, V., NAPOLI E., NICCOLI, M. J Therm Anal
Calorim 2010; doi: 10.1007/s 10973-010-0757-1.)
shared the 2005 Nobel Prize for Medicine for the
discovery of the bacterium ŖHelicobacterpylori and
its role in gastritis & peptic ulcer diseaseŗ. (S&C. 71,
90% of duodenal ulcers and 80% of gastric ulcers
are caused by this bacterium. This has been established
on the basis of studies of human volunteers, antibiotic
studies and epidemiological studies. H. pylori can be
diagnosed by antibody tests. Even in single infected
individual all bacteria are not identical and during the
course of chronic infection, it adopts to the changing
conditions with time.
XXIV. Medical Law Ŕ some aspects. (GOOPTU,
Naranarayan) (S & C. 72, 5-6/2006).
Medical Law has to be understood in the context of
medical ethics and the Hippocratic tradition. The key
element of the Hippocratic oath is for doctors to practice
and prescribe to the best of their ability for the good of
their patients and to try to avoid harming patients.
The six important aspects of Medical Law namely
1. Medical negligence, 2. Consent, 3. Children &
Consent, 4. Medical confidentiality, 5. Abortion and 6.
Euthanasia are discussed.
XXV. Homœopathic Museum in Saxony to be
opened in HAHNEMANN house, Torgau, Oct. 6,
2007. (HL. 21, 1-2/2008).
This 500 year old renaissance building, was to be
demolished, when experts discovered its historical value
back in 1992. This is the very place where the first
edition of Organon was written as well as the first
volume of MMP.
This building is being renovated since 10 years
with 3 million Euros from the EC and is ready for
public from Oct. 2007. [I had the great good fortune of
visiting Torgau and seeing this house, in Sept. 2007.
Renovation was still on. There were floral paintings on
the ceilings and in some places in the walls. These were
carefully being restored. Great work indeed = KSS].
XXVI. Uta Santos-König on Massimo Mangialavori
Ŕ Interview by Harry van der zee. (HL. 21, 1-
Ms. Uta was impressed by MANGIALAVORIřs
case taking and high level of observation and
documentation. Also impressed by deep investigations
of substances. All possible sources like Myths,
toxicology, traditions. Another factor is reliability of
his cases presented. His model is based on experience
and cured cases. A deep understanding of human
survival strategies and a refined ability to observe these
and compare them with those of possible sources in
nature seems to lie at the basis of his work.
XXVII. Moving on.
An Interview with Anne SCHADDE.
MUCKENHEIM, Mareen (HL. 21, 1-2/2008).
Anne talks of Rajan SANKARANřs technique of
case taking Ŕ a step by step progression based on his
system of the seven levels of disease. His continuous
creative development of ideas teaches us to be
Ŗunprejudicedŗ while listening to the descriptions of the
patient. It is important to keep guiding the patient by
following his own words and descriptions to come as
close as possible to the ŘVital Sensationř. The somatic
expressions of the body offer us the possibility of
perceiving the movement of the soul.
The idea is to trace this movement from the
symptoms of the sickness to the general energy of the
disease. This makes it possible to uncover ŖThe
undoubtedly morbidŗ.
XXVIII. Introducing Jan Scholten. Harry van der
ZEE. (HL. 21, 1-2/2008).
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 35
Ulrich WELTE is impressed by the intuitive genius
of SCHOLTEN. His ideas are simple, clear and
systematic. His new concepts pass the test of clinical
verification worldwide so they are beyond the stage of
hypothesis. The idea that proving are Ŗthe only wayŗ to
understand remedies/patients is one of the intrinsic
homœopathic prejudices. One can find remedies in so
many ways. [The very foundation of Homœopathy is
denied by this hypotheses although the results favor it.
Can these Ŗso many waysŗ become Homœopathy? =
KSS.] The stages are the universal steps of creation,
preservation and destruction. The eighteen steps are
natural phenomena of the periodic table and shows the
evolutionary structure of the elements of the universe.
They are valid chemically, physically and
A case of Crohnřs disease successfully treated by
Scandium based on Scholtenřs ideas is given.
[We do not need HAHNEMANN any more nor
BOENNINGHAUSEN, HERING including his Law of
Direction of cure -, ALLEN, BOGER, KENT, etc. If
we follow SEHGAL we do not need even the Materia
Medica! Ŕ just Mind section of the Repertory is
sufficient! All these are Homœopathy Ŕ will these fit
into the Healing (Medical) System authorized by
Government? = KSS.]
XXIX. Linking Provings and sources. WICHMANN,
rg (HL. 21, 1-2/2008).
A new website on homœopathic plants:
www.pflanzenportraits.com by Jürgen WEILAND gives
a collection of plant images named and classified by
their natural families, plus an introduction to each one.
It also includes themes of the families and their
mythology as well as links to late proving.
The book ŖThe Living Wisdom of Treesŗ by Fred
HAGENDER, Duncan Baird publication, London.
Photographs by Edward Parker Ŕ also gives similar
XXX. Cancer seminar Dr. R.P. PATEL Ŕ Voice of
Experience. GAMBHIR, Kushali (HL. 21, 1-2/2008).
On Jan. 27
and 28
2007, a seminar on Cancer
cases was organized at Vadodara. Dr. PATEL
highlighted his success with the LM potencies. He
made it evident that a command over the ŘOrganon of
Medicineř and the ŘChronic Diseasesř by Dr.
HAHNEMANN can make a homœopath treat and
succeed with Cancer cases giving the much desired
hope, care and quality of life.
Cases were presented directly from his records.
Cases that had survived more than 10 years were
displayed with all relevant pathological reports.
Decades of experience came wrapped up in a concise
form over these two days.
Dr. PATEL instilled confidence in everyone to
handle Cancer cases.
A case of Cancer colon in a 58 year-old woman
treated with Calcarea carb. 0/30, Ornithogallum 0/1 &
2 and Hydrastis D3 is given.
XXXI. Tribute to Madeleine. Jean M. BASTIDE,
Leon; V. BONAMIN & AGNES, Lagache.
Madelina BASTIDE, Head Professor of
Immunology at the University of Montpellier born on
March 1935 died on 10
June 2007. In the
beginning of 1980s, she published several articles on
scientific validation of the effectiveness of
Homœopathy. In 1986, in collaboration with Dr. Re
Hahn, she founded an association devoted to research in
Homœopathy, GIRI (Groupe International de Recherche
sur Infinitesimal).
XXXII. Maun Homœopathy Project (MHP). (HL.
21, 1-2/2008)
MHP is making a real difference in a small town
Maun, Bostswana, Africa, where 35% have HIV, many
people live below poverty line and traumatized by
multiple bereavements, stigma and fear. MHP and
School of Homœopathy and Alternative Training are
training local homœopaths and its home study course is
its cornerstone. MHP has become an integral part of the
local society by treating over 200 patients a month, all
HIV positive or victims of rape and trauma.
XXXIII. Face analysis in Homœopathy. A seminar
with Grant Bentley. BARENDREGY-GEIST, Hetty
(HL. 21, 1-2/2008).
Bentley has given a colour code for every Miasm.
Psora - Yellow; Sycosis Ŕ Red, Syphilis - Blue;
Tubercular Ŕ Green, Syc + Syphilis Ŕ Purple, Psor + Syc
+ Syp Ŕ brown.
After seven years of studying facial features, he
could determine the leading Miasm.
XXXIV. Proscribed drug threat to vultures: ŖThe
illegal use of Diclofenac for Veterinary purpose is
posing a threat to the vulture population in the country
despite a ban on its veterinary use in 2006. Recent
studies showed that it is available in a number of
pharmacies. The drug was banned after its traces were
found in cattle carcasses. The drug proved fatal for
vultures feeding on the carcasses, resulting in a steep
decline in their populations …ŗ (The Hindu, Chennai 21
Sept. 2011)
[We have been witness to steady and continued loss
of several creatures Ŕ the house sparrows, even cats that
were a common sight where I live, several herbs etc. Ŕ
all due to Řscientificř progresses = KSS].
XXXV. Legacy in the Institute for History of
Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart:
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 36
The legacies of Robert FLURY, the famous Swiss
homœopath of the last century are now in the Institute
for History of Medicine. Dr. Robert FLURY (1903-
1977) was one of the top homœopaths of the century
apart from Pierre SCHMIDT, and Adolf VOEGELI.
FLURY discovered the until then unknown Q-
potencies-50 millesimal-and he established for himself a
complete rang of Q potencies. In the 1960s he
conducted several courses in Kentřs Repertory, in the
Munich University.
The legacy contains several letters, index of the
medicines his writings and several manuscripts of
several lectures in the Swiss Academy and the
International Homœopathic Medical Association.
All these are carefully preserved for posterity.
XXXVI. Malarial deaths in India grossly under-
estimated by WHO (The Hindu, Oct.21, 2010).
According to World Health Organisation, 10,000
adult and 5,000 child malarial deaths occur each year.
But the Lancet points out (Oct. 21) the number could be
as high as 2,05,000 per year. The upper limit is around
2,77,000 and the lower limit is nearly 1,25,000. This
number for India alone is much higher than WHOřs
estimate of 1,00,000 deaths per year worldwide!
WHOřs estimation are a gross underestimation.
The number of deaths is more than WHO estimates.
WHO takes into account only those deaths that have
been confirmed cases, and restricted to those seeking
healthcare facilities.
Can the results from small studies undertaken in
select states or in select subpopulations, and only from
those families that the access to healthcare facilities be
extrapolated to arrive at a national estimate?
The paper shows how wrong the estimates can be if
the current protocol is used. For instance, the Lancet
paper shows that the majority of deaths occur in rural
areas and in people who do not seek medical assistance.
Deaths due to Malaria can be easily prevented with
prompt treatment and proper diagnoses will not result in
The data provided by the field workers in 2001-03
confirm the cause of death of 1,22,000 people 90% of
these deaths occurred in rural areas and 86% were not in
health care facility. The authors agree that their study
has a degree of Ŗuncertaintyŗ as the cause of death is
deduced in those people who were never properly
diagnosed or treated. ŖThe major source of uncertainty
in estimates arises from the possible misclarification of
Malaria deaths as deaths from other diseases and vice
Many workers have also noted that the health
management information system in India is not fit for
the purpose of recording malaria morbidity and
mortality. If the numbers are indeed much higher than
WHO estimates, then serious re-evaluation of disease
control strategies is required.
Also, as the authors note, there is an urgent need to
concentrate on rural areas where healthcare facilities are
poor. At a global level, it calls for enhanced funding to
fight malaria, efforts to develop easy and rapid access to
better diagnosis and effective drugs.
XXXVII. The Tamil language daily ŘDinamaniř
dated 3 Dec. 2011 carried Editorial on the health of
school children. (ŘDinamaniř dated 3 Dec. 2011).
It says that 411 students of the City High School
(run by the Govt.) were examined on the first day; in
this 99 were suffering from skin disease, 65 with dental
ailments, 41 with lack of stamina-Vitamin deficiency.
Besides these 25 students were Řreferredř to special
branches for Visual, TB, hearing loss etc. etc. This is
the situation in almost all Govt. schools. The children
who are referred for special branches must visit the City
Hospital which is possible for them on Sundays, when
they will be accompanied by their parents; but on
Sundays the doctors are not available!
So much about Govt. healthcare of school children.
The doctors group may make another visit to the same
school after 3-4 months and thatřs all. The students as
well or ill as they were.
Neither the Govt. nor the School authorities nor the
doctors are sincere in the least to restore the children to
health. [What has Homœopathy to offer in this? =
XXXVII. 64 Liga Congress: ŖTimeless Quality
Homœopathyŗ/ 26-30 August 2009, Warsaw,
Poland.ŗ Report by Dr. Thomas PEINBAUER (ZKH.
53, 4/2009). Extracts: 70 Patients were there. The
Congress was organized by Poland Society for
Homœopathy, Warsaw which was founded in 1892.
Homœopathy has been shining in Poland under very
trying condition.
There was a good international gathering.
The Congress Themes ŖTimeless Quality
Homœopathyŗ opened up a wide field for discussion.
There were Veterinarian, Odontologian,
Pharmacologians and Agro. Homœopathical
Marcin MOLSKI Professor in Theoretical
Chemistry in the University programme opened with the
key lecture on Quasi-Quantum phenomenon of key to
the understanding of Homœopathy. Prof. Gerhard
RESCH spoke on Homœopathy as key to understanding
the Nature. In his second lecture he spoke Copernicusř
methods in Hahnemannřs thoughts between the 1
& 2
edition of the Organon; they were explained by the
study of the book title, the motto, parts of Introduction
and the paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 37
Ashley ROSS gave interesting brief look into 15
Provings which were carried out in the last 10 years in
the Durban University of Technology, South Africa.
Official guidelines on H1N1 Ŕ Influenza pandemy was,
presented by Dr. Michael van WASSENHOVEN and
Dr. on SCHEEPERS, with Anisum stellatum as the
Genus epidemicum.
Prof. Dr. Josef SCHMIDT spoke on ŖThe Notion of
Health in the History of Medicine in the writings of
Hahnemann and Homœopathyŗ. Dr. Ton NICOLAI
spoke on the role of Homœopathy as part of integrative
Medicine. Dr. Michael TEUT presented data on
prospective observational study of homœopathic
treatment of aged patients.
Dr. Lex RUTTEN spoke on the study of the 2005
Lancet study and he said that after careful study of all
the data the conclusion was clearly that the quality of
homœopathic studies particularly the smaller ones make
better than the conventional ones.
XXXVIII. E-mails not all that Řgreenř. (The Hindu,
Chennai. 10
Nov. 2011).
We send electronic greetings. We believie that by
switching from paper to electronic mode of
communications, we are Ŗgreenŗ, and that in doing so
we have saved paper and thus done a bit to save the
environment and generate less CO
However, ŖE-mails are not so greenŗ reports a news
item in a recent issue of the journal Science.
The often-quoted estimate by Mr.Matthew Yeager
of Computacentre claims that sending an e-mail
attachment of 4.7 megabytes (MB) creates as much
greenhouse gas as boiling a tea-kettle 17.5 times. His
study claims that an e-mail of 1MB would be the
equivalent to the emission of 19grams of CO
, and if
that mail is copied (ccřd, as we type) to 10 people, its
impact is 73 grams of CO
. Keira Butler in Atlantic
(Aug. 12, 2010) says if you send a picture to 20 people
by e-mail means the use of equipment such as personal
computers, server storage centres (not to mention
printers for hard copy, if used). All these cause energy
and hence more CO
French Governmentřs environment and Energy
Management Agency suggests that if 100 employees
sent 10 percent less e-mails for a year, they would save
emissions equivalent to one round-trip flight
between Paris and New York.
When Jeremy Nathan of John Hopkins was invited
to give a lecture in Hyderabad in 2009, he declined
coming in person, stating that he is doing his bit to the
environment by not flying from Baltimore and back. He
gave a lecture electronically and estimated how much
he would have saved by not flying.
Keira Butter points out in The Atlantic, you get an
idea of how much energy is lost in electronic
communications. Yes, e-communication does save
trees, is more efficient and produces less CO
, than
paper-based communication. But the scale of it is what
needs to be kept in mind. Facebook users alone are
uploading over 1000 photos per second, or 3 billion
photos per month. Recall the tea kettle boiling
equivalent of sending a 4.7 MB attachment, and you get
the idea.
There are several ways of saving energy and cutting
down greenhouse gas from our end.
1. Free up the memory space in computer. Clean up
the e-mail box (in and out mails) periodically. Not
doing these means greater demand for storage and
energy used by that storage.
2. Limit the number of recipients for each e-mail (cut
down the number of ccřs to).
3. Cut down the size of the attachments (boil less tea-
4. Enter the URL address directly rather than use a
search engine. Cut down the times you ŖGoogleŗ,
ŖYahooŗ etc.
5. Do not leave your computer and accessories on
overnight (as many offices do), not even on Řsleep
modeř (even if that eats up only 1-10 watts).
6. Laptops use 15-60 watts while desktops use 250W.
Cut down the power by doing more Řofflineř work
than online. Finally, remember Facebooking and
Twittering burn carbon and make CO
Talk more
and twitter less! - D-BALASUBRAMANIAN
XXXIX. Ultra dilute aspirin and rebound effects.
(HOM. 99, 2/2010).
Aspirin remains the most widely used drug for
prevention of vascular events. Recent observational
epidemiological evidence has raised the concern that
aspirin withdrawal for treatment non-compliance,
surgery or side effects can carry an increased thrombotic
risk. The delay to the thrombotic event was between 7
to 30 days in most reports and most frequently 7 to 10
days. The mechanism underlying this effect remains
poorly understood. Using an in vivo model of laser-
induced thrombosis, aspirin injected in one single dose
of 100mg/kg bw has also shown a prothrombotic
activity in the rat 8 to 10 days after injection in the
normal rat. The hypothesis was made that minimal
concentrations of aspirin or ultra-low dose aspirin
(ULDA) could induce this effect. ULDA showed
prothrombotic properties in the same model of induced
thrombosis that were very similar to those described
after aspirin withdrawal, but the effect was observed
only one hour after aspirin administration. The
prothrombotic effect of ULDA is very similar to the
effect observed after COX 2 selective inhibition with
NS 398. The administration of both the selective COX
2 inhibitor and ULDA did not produce further changes.
High-dose ASA counterbalances the lack of COX 2
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 38
with an antithrombotic effect. No effect of residual
ASA was observed in COX 2 -/- mice, thus confirming
the existence of a COX 2 inhibition pathway. COX 2
inhibition produced by residual ASA is the probable
cause of ischaemic accidents and drug-eluting stents
thrombosis a few days afer ASA withdrawal.
(Doutremepuich C, Aguejouf O, Desplat V,
Eizayaga FX. Aspirin therapy: An attempt to explain
the events of prothrombotic complications after
treatment discontinuation. Thromb Haemost 2010;
103: 171-180).
XL. Likelihood Ratio assessment. (HOM. 99,
Background: Signs and symptoms can be considered as
diagnostic tests, updating prior odds by applying Bayesř
theorem. In Homœopathy, signs and symptoms guide
the doctor when prescribing appropriate medicines but
the powers of these indicators are largely based on
common experience.
Objective: We want to know whether it is possible to
calculate the power of arguments of signs and
symptoms indicating homœopathic medicines,
expressed in likelihood ratios.
Methods: An observational patient-outcome study as
advocated for diagnostic test evaluation. There was no
independent observation of symptoms and results.
Instead, observers were extensively trained in assessing
each otherřs cases and the process was regularly
Results: A total of 4072 prescriptions for 4094 patients
were recorded. The relation between six clinical
symptoms and outcome was calculated. Variance
between observers in assessing symptoms and results
were considerable. Some indications of confirmation
bias were detected by follow-up, and 48 statistically
significant likelihood ratios regarding six symptoms
were calculated.
Conclusion: A diagnostic patient-outcome study within
Homœopathy collecting a large amount of data is
demonstrated. Results partly confirm clinical practice at
a 95% confidence level. This kind of research could
validate knowledge from practical experience.
(RUTTEN ALB, STOPLER CF., Diagnostic test
evaluation by patient-outcome study in Homœopathy:
balancing of feasibility and validity. J Eval Clin
Practice 2009; 15: 1230-1235.)
XLI. The Clinical Trial in Homœopathy Exploring
the limits. David BRULÉ, Riverdale Homeopathic
Clinic. (HOM. 99, 2/2010).
Background: Classical Homœopathy involves
individualized homœopathic drug treatment of the
patient. Thus for anyone conventionally diagnosed
disease, the homœopathic drug given varies from patient
to patient. Applying randomized controlled trial
methodology to studies investigating the efficacy of
homœopathic drugs in a classical Homœopathy setting
is fraught with difficulties, especially if the design is
meant to maximize model validity (clinical
Objectives: To discover what adaptations to the
standard randomized controlled trial design are
necessary when designing a clinical trial in classical
Homœopathy with high model validity.
Methods: A literature review of homœopathic trials for
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was
undertaken. The following databases were accessed
using keywords Řhomeopathyř, ŘAttention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorderř, ŘADHDř, and ŘADDř:
PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, ALT Health
Watch, AMED.
Results: 180 studies and discussion papers were
identified. Trial design issues identified include: need
for pilot data to establish estimate of sample size
requirements for powered studies, need to have an
extended treatment period to allow for practitioner
prescription error, need to use drugs that have a history
of use in the clinical literature.
Conclusion: For a RCT in ADHD it is recommended
that a pilot study using the same homœopaths for pilot
and future trial is undertaken. The treatment period
should be 9-12 months for the pilot trial. Remedies
with a history of clinical use should only be considered.
XLII. The Effectiveness of Homœopathy for
Mothers with Low Milk Supply. Dugald SEELY,
Taya GRIFFEN. The Newman Breastfeeding Clinic
& Institute (NBCI), Canadian College of
Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) (HOM. 99, 2/2010).
Background: Insufficient milk production is a real
problem for some women soon after giving birth and
current conventional treatments can be inadequate to
treat this condition. Homœopathy, a safe non-invasive
therapy, is used in lactation management yet there has
been no formal investigation of its potential to help
resolve low milk supply.
Objectives: This study explores the potential benefit of
a select number of classically prescribed homœopathic
remedies to increase milk supply for mothers who have
an insufficient milk supply within the first three weeks
Methods: Individualized open label pilot clinical trial.
This study tests a non-invasive and non-toxic therapy to
help newborn babies achieve complete nutrition through
their motherřs breast milk. Phase I assesses the volume
of formula consumed by newborn babies of mothers
with low milk supply via a lactation aid. Phase II will
provide women with low milk supply, who are also
supplementing via a lactation aid, an individually
selected homœopathic remedy. Flow volume will be
indirectly measured by changes in formula consumption
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 39
and compared to a set of control values previously
established for infant formula consumption in women
who have shown signs of insufficient lactation but were
not treated with Homœopathy.
Outcomes: The primary outcome will be the change in
formula consumption over a three week period.
Secondary outcomes include perceived levels of
satisfaction and satiety in both mothers and newborns
Results and Conclusions: We will focus our discussion
on the processes involved in getting this trial off the
ground and running. Key points include building a team
of collaborators, developing the trial protocol, the
clinical trial application process to Health Canadařs
Natural Health Products Directorate, and applying for
ethics approval at CCNM.
XLIII. Chronic diseases in the light of normal
physiology: A homœopathic review. Olga IMAS.
Healing Wheal Homeopathy clinic. (HOM. 99,
Background: There are only five types of immune
responses known to normal physiology (inflammation,
exudation, allergic reaction, autoimmune reaction,
regulation of carcinogenesis by activating cytotoxic
function of the T-killer lymphocytes in order to
eliminate cancerous cells). Each of these types occurs
in chronological manner (starting with initial
inflammation) and constitutes the depth of disease
development. Homœopathic treatment of chronic
disease also involves a chronological approach:
ŖHeringřs Lawŗ posits that positive responses to
treatment occur when symptoms shift from more vital
organs to less vital organs.
Objectives: In this case study analysis we investigate
the chronology of the symptomatology in two clinical;
cases of Breast Cancer and Diabetes.
Methods: Two Řbest casesř in the treatment of Cancer
and Diabetes using an adapted form of classical
homœopathic methods were documented. The patients
received a series of homœopathic remedies, including
daily dosages of constitutional and simultaneous
dosages of organ affinity remedies over the course of
18-24 months and the changing symptom picture was
Results: The cases resolved in a distinctive pattern.
The chronic disease was resolved by the development of
an acute inflammation during the treatment. The case of
the diabetes had a rapid response consisting of recurrent
inflammatory reactions (such as flu-like symptoms,
gout). In the Cancer case, the final state of the
treatment developed an inflammatory reaction
consisting of an exudation and excretion phase, which
subsequently resolved the case.
Conclusion: Treatment started from chronic disease in
an acute state (Cancer) or from deep chronic state
(diabetes) can be Řturnedř into an acute state disease (the
initial inflammation), leading to resolution. The state of
initial inflammation may be a key to the ultimate
resolution of such chronic disease. This observation
warrants a further examination of this phenomenon
using well-documented case studies and/or controlled
XLIV. Intersex: Neither His nor Hers. Rachel
LEVINE Toronto Schol of Homœopathic Medicine.
(HOM. 99, 2/2010).
Background: Intersex individuals are born with
possible anatomical and physiological sexual
differences, resulting in many different intersex
variations. Intersex best describes genital, gonadal and
chromosomal variants, which are neither completely
Řmaleř nor Řfemaleř. Conventional medicine has
historically defined intersex variations as a disorder in
need of correction or potential elimination. Many
intersex patients seek medical treatments for conditions
(such as Klinefelter Syndrome and Polycystic Ovarian
Syndrome) frequently seen in intersex individuals.
Homœopathic treatment addresses the being from an
integrated approach that encompasses both the internal
and external structures.
Objectives: To examine whether Homœopathy can
successfully treat individuals with intersex variations.
Method: This method of research is a case study
analysis. Each case is approached with the
understanding that the primary contagion is not a
disease, but a variation of what society deems as
normal. Two cases, one of Klinefelter syndrome and
one of polycystic ovarian syndrome, were taken using a
Hahnemannian approach to case taking.
Results: The Klinefelter case has been managed
initially with Phosphorus 200c with Sepia 200D used as
an intercurrent. The Phosphorus helped manage
asthmatic and eye symptoms; while the Sepia helped
manage testosterone and a monthly Řemotional periodř.
In the polycystic ovarian case, Lachesis 200c and
Sulphur 30c were also used as intercurrents. Lachesis
helped regulate cysts and recurring ovarian pain at the
start of menses. The Sulphur helped with digestion,
perspiration and acne, which are all secondary effects to
polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Conclusion: This is a promising method of treating
individuals with intersex variations. More research
using more rigorous trial methodologies is needed.
XLV. Medicinal plants for the treatment of infant
colic: remedies from homœopathic formulations in
Satkhira district of Bangladesh
Ariful Haque MOLIK, Khadiza AKTER, Rohimul
FARUQUE, Debashis SEN, Torikul ISLAM. (HOM.
99, 2/2010).
Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, etc.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 40
Background: Homœopathic medicine is a frequent
choice of parents with a colicky infant in Bangladesh.
The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of infant
colic varies considerably between different districts of
Objectives: The objective of the survey was to conduct
a medicinal plants survey amongst the homœopathic
medicinal practitioners of Satkhira district which,
because of its mangrove [Sundarbans] forest regions,
contains a diversity of medicinal plants.
Methods: Interviews were conducted of the
homœopathic medicinal practitioners and medicinal
plant specimens as pointed out by them were collected
and identified at the Bangladesh National Herbarium.
Results: A total of thirty two medicinal plant species
were used by homœopathic medicinal practitioners of
Satkhira district to treat infant colic. These medicinal
plant species included Alstonia scholaris, Carica
papaya, Strychnos nux-vomica, Aegle marmelos,
Saccharum officinarum, Oryza sativa, Cocos nucifera,
Trichosanthes dioica, Luffa acutangula, Musa
sapientum, Alocasia macrorrhizos, Lagenaria vulgaris,
Trapa bispinosa, Maranta arundinacea, Cuminum
cyminum, Streblus asper, Blumea lacera, Zingiber
officinale, Swertia chirata, Centella asiatica,
Foeniculum vulgare, Piper longum, Emblica officinalis,
Holarrhena antidysenterica, Justicia adhatoda,
Andrographis paniculata, Luffa cylindrical, Ocimum
sanctum, Scirpus grossus, Agaricus albolutescens,
Curcuma longa, and Solanum surattense.
Conclusions: It is expected that scientific studies of the
above-medicinal plants can lead to discovery of novel
compounds to treat infant colic.
XLVI. Homœopathic products are used to treat
diminution of milk of cattle: a pragmatic
randomized survey in Bogra district of Bangladesh
Ariful Haque MOLLIK, Saroar SHADIQUE, Ikhtiar
ZAHID, Mahbub HASAN, Azmal Ibna HASSAN
Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, etc. (HOM.
99, 2/2010).
Background: Homœopathic products are made from
minerals, botanical substances, animal substances,
synthetic substances, and several other sources.
Objectives: A survey was carried out amongst the
homœopathic practitioners of Bogra district, Bangladesh
to find out the type of minerals, botanical substances,
and animal substances used to treat diminution of milk
of cattle. The rural population can scarcely afford to
visit modern veterinary practitioners and obtain modern
medicines to treat various cattle diseases. Instead they
rely on minerals, botanical substances, and animal
substances administered by the homœopathic medicinal
practitioners to treat diminution of milk of their cattle.
Methods: Homœopathic medical practitioners were
interviewed and botanical substances as pointed out by
them were collected and identified at the Bangladesh
National Herbarium.
Results: These botanical substances included Aconitum
napellus, Agnus castus, Ricinus communis, Vigna
mungo, Oryza sativa, Saccharum officinarum, Piper
longum, Cicer arietinum, Aegle marmelos, Amaranthus
spinosus, Lagenaria vulgaris, Musa sapientum,
Cynodon dactylon, Nigella sativa, Triticum aestivum,
Bambusa arundinacea, Pisum sativum, and sorghum
vulgare. The names of various minerals obtained
through the interviews and guided field-walks included
Acidum fluoricum, Calcarea caarbonica, and Natrum
muriaticum. The animal substances mostly used to treat
diminution of milk of cattle included Labeo rohita, and
Apis florae.
Conclusions: Since the rural people of Bogra district
Bangladesh mostly do not have access to modern
veterinary medical facilities, the above minerals,
botanical substances, and animal substances can form
the basis of treatment for diminution of milk of cattle
without resorting to costly urban visits or veterinary
XLVII. Framing a transdisciplinary perspective for
health research: Where does Homœopathy fit?
Martin PICARD, Judyann McNAMARA. MICH,
Montreal, Canada. (HOM. 99, 2/2010).
Background: To grasp the complexity of health
processes and enhance health care, researchers must
integrate knowledge from different disciplines and
paradigms of health. Integrating discipline-based
knowledge in a common conceptual framework is a
challenge because of conceptual framework and
pragmatic divergences between health domains (e.g.,
biological, psychological, energetic). The concept of
transdisciplinarity, defined in the literature as a
boundary-crossing integration of the natural, social and
health sciences, implies generating a novel perspective
and the creation of new knowledge. In Homœopathy,
health is closely related to the Vital Force, a
paradigmatic principle underpinning the expression of
health and disease states.
Objectives: The purpose of this work is to synthesize
and integrate health domains and key principles
identified from the scientific literature into a
transdisciplinary perspective of health, and then relate
these concepts to the homœopathic principle of vital
Methods: We performed a Medline search using
combinations of the keywords Řhealthř, Řconceptř,
Řbiopsychosocialř, Řmodelř, Řframeworkř,
Řtransdisciplinary/transdiciplinarityř. Relevant articles
were categorized, and manually searched for additional
Results: We identified five main domains of health:
biological, psychological, social, behavioral, and
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 41
spiritual. Key principles identified in the literature and
integrated in the framework include: 1) discipline-based
epidemiological and clinical variables, 2) complex and
bi-directional casual relationships between domains;
and 3) subjective and self-perceived measures of health
and well-being.
Conclusions: Health Ŕ or global health Ŕ is defined as a
holistic phenomenon simultaneously emerging from,
and underpinning the expression of illness/wellness in
various health domains. Similarities exist between the
concepts of global health and Vital Force used in
Homœopathy. Integrating discipline-based elements
with global health may help to bridge current gaps
between disciplines and paradigms of health.
XLVIII. Medical and social impact of the
homœopathic consultation on mothers. Anne
TAILLEFER. Université du Québec á Montréal
(UQAM) (HOM. 99, 2/2010).
Background: Homœopathic medicine, as a complex
system, requires innovative evaluative approaches.
Inclusion of qualitative research methods along with
well adapted RCTs can markedly increase our
knowledge by addressing why an intervention works,
and how participants experience benefits and derive
meaning from it. There is little sociological research
done exclusively on Homœopathy. In Quebec, as in
many western societies, Homœopathy has no legal
legitimacy, despite an increase in homœopathic
Objectives: To explore, in Quebecřs sociopolitical
context, a) how mothers (as Řcaring laborř) get to
consult a homœopath and for what reasons; b) why they
then adopt this health practice; and most importantly c)
the evaluation of its long term medical and social
impact on health.
Methods: Qualitative research using thematic analysis,
taking the perspective of social constructionism and
standpoint epistemology for the study of interviews with
Results: Giving a voice (back) to participating women,
we learn about a) the difficult trajectory that leads to
homœopathic consultation; b) the various
transformations that effect health behaviours and
empowerment; c) the unequivocal therapeutic
effectiveness of Homœopathy on acute and chronic
health problems; d) socioeconomic benefits, such as
reduced medical visits and medication.
Conclusions: Homœopathic consultation offers a
unique social environment which permits the sharing of
expert-lay knowledge. Its therapeutic efficacy,
emphasizing womenřs discourse on the subject, could
provide a long term solution for the multiple needs of
Quebecřs health care system. This research will also
permit revision of previous studies, which simplistically
attributed the effectiveness of Homœopathy to
consultation length or patientsř beliefs.
XLIX. Safety, tolerability and effectiveness of the
homœopathic preparation
Euphorbium compSN for the symptomatic treatment of
rhinitis in young children. Ilie Urlea-Schön, Vitalia
Marinella Corgiolu. Zentrum für Ganzheitsmedizin,
Siegen, Germany; Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH,
Baden-Baden, Germany.
Background: Hoopathic therapies are common for
symptomatic treatment of rhinitis in children. Few
safety data are available from postmarketing studies.
Objectives: To study safety, tolerability and within the
limits of the study design, effectiveness, of the
homœopathic preparation Euphorbium comp SN
(Euphorbium) in young children in clinical practice.
Methods: Prospective non-interventional, observational
study in 25 German practices. Children aged 2-6 years
with acute rhinitis (physiciansř diagnosis) received nasal
Euphorbium spray (3 x 1 puffs/day). No concomitant
nasal-spray therapies were given. Adverse Events
(AEs) were recorded. Tolerability was assessed by
physicians and parents separately. The primary
effectiveness variable was overall symptomatic
Results: 283 subjects were followed for 6.6 ± 2.1 days.
Mean age was 4.1 ± 1.1 years; 47% were girls. At
inclusion, mean duration of illness was 5.4 ± 10.7 days.
97% of physicians (96% of parents) reported Řvery
goodř or Řgoodř tolerability. One (0.4%) probably
treatment-related AE was reported: mild, transcient
burning sensation in the nasal mucosa, which resolved
after discontinuation of therapy. There were no serious
AEs. 48% of subjects had moderate to severe
symptoms at first visit and 6% at final observation.
Similar improvements were seen on specific symptoms.
At study end, 95% of subjects improved, 82% were free
of all symptoms and 89% had no sneezing or itchy nose.
The mean time between starting therapy and first
improvement was 2.1 ± 1.3 days.
Conclusions: Euphorbium comp SN is well tolerated
and appears effective for symptomatic treatment of
acute rhinitis in children in clinical practice.
XLX. Twelve clinical cases of Ecezema cured by
Twelve children, between 5 months and 10 years
old, were treated by Borax MK (one dose) with success.
Most of the cases had pathological pregnancy or
delivery: threatened miscarriage, difficult delivery,
caesarean due to impending eclampsia or breech
presentation, prematurely. In one case, the mother fell
downstairs, and in another case, mother and child were
separated immediately after the delivery while the infant
was admitted to neonatal intensive care. Mother and
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 42
child were nearly always intensely close, the father
sometimes rejected.
The fears of these children are numerous: fear of
slight noises, of downward motion, of being touched, of
going to toilets. We should think of Borax when we
encounter problems of separation, autonomy, or
(Philippe L. Revue Belge dřHomœopathie 2009; 1: 140-
155.) (HOM. 99, 2/2010).
XLXI. Indigo tinctoria.
The author describes a clinical case of back pain
and hypothyroidism in a 37 year old man. This patient
had a peculiar sensation of enlargement of his face and
of his thyroid, and dreamt of flying. The main
symptoms of this remedy are recalled: active persons,
flushes of heat from stomach to face, rheumatic
affections aggravated by rest and sitting, ameliorated by
motion, worms with anal itching, convulsion preceded
by anger or excitation, easy vomiting, epistaxis after
sneezing, palpitations and rush of blood to head.
(NICOLAS F. Revue Belge dřHomœopathie 2009;2:
170-186.) (HOM. 99, 2/2010).
XLXII. Aranea Diadema
This article begins with a clinical case of a man, 47
years old, who had atypical neurological symptoms
withdrawing from intravenous drug abuse. He had
cirrhosis due to hepatitis C, and AIDS treated with
combined antiretroviral therapy. He felt as if his arms
were too long, as if everything was unreal and made
mistakes in speaking. The repertorization indicated
Aranea diadema. After Aranea 200k all the
neurological and psychological symptoms disappeared
within ten days.
Other typical symptoms of this remedy include:
exact periodicity, icy coldness in bones, numbness
waking, sensitivity to damp, to music, to noise, to
vibration, restlessness, aggressiveness, fear of crowds
and narrow places, deep despondency and longing for
(SUERINCK W. Revue Belge dřHomœopathie 2009;1:
69-76.) French-language journals reviewed by Philippe
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly
Homœopathic Digest are given below:
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121, HEIDELBERG,
2. AJHM: American Journal of Homœopathic Medicine, formerly
Journal of the American Institute of Homœopathy (JAIH). 801
N. Fairfax Street, Suite 306 Alexandria, VA 22314.
3. THE HINDU: Newspaper, Chennai Ŕ 600 002.
4. HCCR: Homœopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Dr. Subhash
Meher, Near Hotel Chanakya, Anandrishiji Marg, Burudgaon
Road, AHMEDNAGAR-414001.
5. HH: Homœopathic Heritage, B. Jain Publishers Overseas,
1920, Street No.10, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, Post Box 5775,
New Delhi - 110 055.
6. HL: Homœopathic Links, Homœopathic Research & Charities,
F/s, Saraswat Colony, Linking Road, Santacruz (W), MUMBAI
Ŕ 400 054.
7. HOM: Formerly British Homœopathic Journal (BHJ),
Homœopathy, Faculty of Homœopathy, 29 Park Street West,
Luton, Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
8. HT: Homœopathy Today, National Center for Homœopathy,
801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306, ALEXANDRIA, VA.
22314, USA.
9. S & C: Science and Culture, Indian Science News Association,
92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, KOLKATA Ŕ 700 009.
10. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 HEIDELBERG,
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 43
(This Section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some case)
1. Historiographical aspects in Homœopathy
(IJHDR. 2, 5/2003)
The traditional approach in the history of medicine
Ŕ Pedro Laín Entralgo, Paul Diepgen, Antonio
Castiglioni, Roy Porter, to mention only a few names Ŕ
states that Homeopathy arose outside the mainframe of
positive Medicine, a kind of tangential strange body.
But most surprisingly, homeopathic historians also seem
to agree to this ahistorical status of Homeopathy Ŕ
obviously, on different grounds. (Priven, 2002, p.8)
Hence, it may be said that as a rule, Homeopathy is
considered a historical orphan.
This article compares both approaches mentioned
above. We chose Lester S. Kingřs The medical world of
the eighteenth century from the Positivist traditional
approach, as this author is frequently quoted in the
specialized bibliography concerning the Medicine of the
century. Laín Entralgo chose him to write several
chapters of his impressive History of Medicine, which
may serve as proof of Kingřs merits. In this article, we
will discuss the sixth chapter of the book mentioned
above, ŖSimilia Similibusŗ.
From the homeopathic apologists, we chose
Richard Haehl
, as his Samuel Hahnemann: Sein Leben
und Schaffen is held as the most accurate and complete
historical-biographical account of Homeopathy and its
founder. Unsatisfied with contemporary bibliography,
Haehl devoted himself to the search of documentary
sources, especially in their original German language,
amassing an impressive array of documents, including
Hahnemannřs personal correspondence. The resulting
work was organized in two volumes; in the first, he tells
the history of both Homeopathy and Hahnemann, the
second consists of transcriptions of original documents.
In both cases, our hermeneutic approach was
designed to highlight the historiographical foundations
of each author´s work. That is to say, we didnřt focus on
the data offered but on the explicit and implicit
epistemologic and historiographical assumptions that
directed each work. We had to take into account the
obvious asymmetry arising from the fact of comparing a
single chapter of a book and a full two-volume work.
1873-1923. Homeopathic physician from Stuttgart.
Member of the German Central Homeopathic Society;
received his doctorate from the Hahnemann Medical
College of Philadelphia.
A positivist approach
Following an established tradition in homeopathic
history, King discusses his version of the history of
Homeopathy in intimate relation to the biography of its
founder. He grounds his analysis on one single
bibliographical source, Thomas L. Bradfordřs work. As
homeopathic apologists, who usually fill their books
with exaggerated exaltations of the figure of
Hahnemann, also King makes his feelings explicit, only
that in his case, are feelings of the deepest possible
Any historical approach must restrict itself to a
history of ideas. Yet King makes use of
psychopathologic categories and judgments. This may
be shown by the expressions he privileged all along the
text: he uses adjectives such as Ŗimbecileŗ (King, 1958,
p. 188) to allude to Hahnemann, his ideas provoked the
Ŗjustified vomit of some criticsŗ (King, 1958, p. 181),
Homeopathy is a Ŗmonstrous abortionŗ (King, 1958, p.
Not yet satisfied, King decides to psychiatrically
diagnose Hahnemann, concluding that he was a
delirious paranoid, who eventually ended by creating a
parallel imaginary world for himself, alienated from
reality, where he ruled as a king at the center of a court
of adulators (King, 1958, pp. 157; 174-176; 179-180) .
Mental disease affected too his affective and familiar
relationships, which didnřt escape King´s venomous pen
(King, 1958, p. 175).
His despise reaches such levels, that he dares to
state that Hahnemann wasnřt the founder of any
medicine; moreover, he did not have any skills to be a
physician (King, 1958, pp. 189-190). His unfitness
included too his intellectual abilities, which range,
according to King, from Ŗunskilledŗ to Ŗlacking
judgmentŗ (King, 1958, pp. 157; 178; 183; 185-186).
The only reasonable approach to deal with Hahnemann
is contempt and laughter (King, 1958, pp. 181-185).
Kingřs anachronic attitude is self-evident. We may
be tempted to classify him as a whiggish author, as he
appeals to contemporary categories to judge the past.
Yet he doesnřt even try to recover from the past features
that what may still be of value in Ŕ or presage Ŕ the
present, but he merely judges past science by present
day standards.
So that he once and again falls prey to
contradiction. For instance, King states that although
Homeopathy developed in the 19th century and that
Hahnemann Ŗlived 40 years into the 19th centuryŗ
Ŗ(King, 1958, p. 188), from a historical point of view
both Hahnemann and Homeopathy belong to the 18th
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 44
century as this medical approach was Ŗborn from the
medical problems of the 18th century, it employs the
logic of the 18th century, it grew around 18th century
conceptsŗ (King, 1958, p. 191). Only that immediately
he contradicts himself by stating that Ŗif he had lived at
the beginning of the [18th] century, he would have
established exactly the same doctrineŗ.
Without putting into question the accuracy of the
statements above, it is evident an essential flaw in
King´s thinking: how one and the same doctrine may be
a product of the 18th century but be unaffected by 18th
century developments? If Homeopathy actually Ŗarose
from 18
century medical excessesŗ, employing 18th
century conceptual and methodological categories, how
could it have been Ŗexactly the sameŗ at the beginning
of the century?
Kings approach attacks the basic foundations of a
history of sciences. Yet he seems impervious to
contradiction: he goes on to explain that in 1837, Oliver
Wendell Holmes definitively Ŗdemolishedŗ
Homeopathy in an article published in William
Whewell´s celebrated History of the inductive science
(King, 1958, p. 157). Itřs, hence, incomprehensible why
King brings proof of further Ŗdemolitionsŗ (King, 1958,
p. 157). We cannot help wondering how it may be
possible to Ŗdemolishŗ so many times a single work. If
it had been destroyed, as King states, there would be
nothing left to be further destroyed!
Attacking Hahnemann from every possible side,
King continues by stating that Hahnemann lacked
practical medical experience Ŕ one of the reasons that
help to explain his deviations. The fact that he saw
patients Ŗfrom 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from to 2:00
to 4:00 p.m.ŗ (King, 1958, p. 174), doesnřt seem enough
to King, neither the fact that at 66 he would Ŗsee many
patientsŗ and that he was Ŗthe most fashionable
physician in Parisŗ (King, 1958, p. 176). To King´s
prejudiced eye, any circumstance in Hahnemann´s life
may be only assessed under a negative light:
King forsakes so deeply the proper attitude of a
historian that he even appeals to literary devices,
inventing dialogues that Hahnemann never had with
himself, told in the first person and preceded by the
introduction, ŖWe may imagine him thinking...ŗ (King,
1958, p. 165).
Concerning Hahnemann´s self-experimentation
with Cinchona Ŕ that would eventually lead to
Homeopathy Ŕ King contradicts himself once again,
stating that it was methodologically Ŗexcellentŗ (King,
1958, p. 165) and Ŗflawedŗ (King, 1958, p. 190).
To summarize, to King Homeopathy own existence
is an absurd (King, 1958, p. 179), a sort of magic (King,
1958, p. 181), whose adherents do not hearken anymore
to the voice of reason (King, 1958, p. 182). The only
thing that Hahnemann did right was to criticize the
current therapeutics of his time.
The partisan defense
Haehl begins his work making explicit his
historiographical approach. He says that he is following
a tradition inaugurated by Constantin Hering, who in
1847 published an article where he stated that an
accurate understanding of Homeopathy demands a
thorough knowledge of Hahnemann´s biography,
including not only his academic and other activities but
also the detail of his personal and familiar life and his
moral attitude (Hering apud Haehl, 1922, Vol. 2,
preface [first page]).
Haehl explains that Bradford abide by these rules in
his 1895´s book, but nonetheless, it is incomplete and
containing several errors as its author was not a
German. Hence, it is implicitly affirmed, that only a
German may be able to accurately interpret
Hahnemann´s life. He mentions other arguments,
especially the fact that Bradford hadnřt access to many
original documents.
Endowed with the advantage of citizenship, Haehl
devoted himself to travel through Germany looking
successfully for such documents, which are transcribed
in the second volume of his work. This may represent
Haehl´s main contribution to the history of Homeopathy
and ought to be welcomed with thankfulness as it truly
facilitates any later historian´s work. Concerning his
hermeneutic approach, Haehl once again makes his
position explicit: heřll try to objectively describe the
path of Hahnemann´s life and thought.
Yet, by the end of the preface, Haehl cannot help
introducing personal opinions. He strongly believes that
Medicine has progressed. ŖProgressŗ means to him, the
shift from mechanism to vitalism so that he attributes
current therapeutic advancement to the assimilation of
homeopathic doctrine into medical ideas.
This argument allows us to inscribe him in a
Sartonian view of the history of Medicine: Medicine has
reached its goal, Hahnemann destroyed all previous
medicine, and set forth the definitive foundations of the
science of healing.
In short, these are Haehl´s main historiographical
ideas. Let´s review them. In the first place, the idea that
a history of Homeopathy must necessarily include
Hahnemann´s biography was first introduced by Hering
and has been unquestioned until the present Ŕ even
King, as we have seen, shares this opinion. But this
should call our attention, as in general, scientific ideas
are never related to the minutia of their proponentsř
lives. Is this another homeopathic idiosyncrasy?
Second, homeopathic writers have created a kind of
mythology, transmitted from generation to generation,
as a tradition. For instance, the only source concerning
Hahnemann´s early years is an autobiography written in
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 45
. We had already discussed the accuracy of the
data shown in this work (Priven, 2002). What we want
to discuss here is the fact that no single homeopathic
historian has ever tried to check the accuracy of such
data: they come straight from the Ŗmasterŗ, so they must
be true.
Finally, Hahnemann is portrayed as a revolutionary
that broke with all scientific medicine of the past,
founding the only possible scientific medicine of the
future, so that he is alienated from the scientific
framework of his time and thus, we arrive to same
conclusion as Kingřs: Homeopathy is a historical
We have compared two historians, from two
different periods, one of them clearly opposed to
Homeopathy;the other, overtly devoted to the task of
showing it under the most favorable light.
Surprisingly, both conclude that Hahnemann was
completely outside from history, having developed con-
cepts and methods absolutely alien to his time. One of
them tries to explain his insanity; the other, his genius.
But in truth, both are nothing but the two faces of the
same coin of the Positivist currency.
According to the Ŗofficial historyŗ, Hahnemann lost
the track of progress. Although he started by a most
welcomed criticism of current therapeutics, his lack of
skills and his mental disease led him to a doctrine whose
mere existence offends the sensibility of the historian of
According to the Ŗpartisan defenseŗ (Jütte,1999), it
is the opposite situation. But in order to Ŗdiscoverŗ
Homeopathy, Hahnemann had to abandon Medicineřs
main street Ŕ as he himself wrote in the preface to the
first edition of the Organon (Hahnemann, 1810, p. II).
Both approaches are grounded on a Positivist
conception of progress. To King, Homeopathy is a
Ŗmonstrous abortionŗ; in Haehlřs view, the final goal of
any scientific Medicine.
This situation may represent a mere chapter of the
history of science, but most regrettably, both positions
are equally sustained today
. This is the reason why we
Published for the first time in 1799 by J.K.P. Elwart
in his Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Schriften
jetztlebender teutscher Aerzte, Wundärzte, Paotheker
und Naturfoscher (Hahnemann, 2001, p. 116). Haehl,
mistakenly, believed that the first publication was an
anonymous version of 1851, published by Hinrich under
the title title Christian Friedrich Hahnemann: Ein
biographisches Denkmal.
As an example of the Positivist approach, R. Lafetá
Novaes, O Tempo e a Ordem: Sobre a Homeopatia, of
the partisan apology, J C Pellegrino, ŖPrincipios
believe that further research of the relation between
Hahnemann and his historical background is necessary.
2. Infertility and homeopathy
Case Report
(IJHDR. 2, 5/2003)
Case description
Female, 39 year-old patient. Consulted in May,
2003 with uterine myomata diagnosed 6 years earlier.
Very concerned about her fertility, she had tried
unsuccessfully to conceive for 9 years. Other
complaints: constipation, flatulence, hay fever, acne.
Symptoms and themes
* ŖTo have a child is to give love, to receive love, as
if I had received much love and would give it to
somebodyŗ; ŖIf I canřt have a child, to be happy Iřll
adopt a child, or raise more puppies, I love soft things,
to hold them, to pat them, the people I like, I like
physical contact, to give and receive love. If I canřt have
nor adopt a child, Iřll give love to animalsŗ; ŖAnguished
upon seeing a lost dog on the street, if I could, I would
take them all with me.ŗ
* ŖI feel bad when I hurt people; when I realize I'm
wrong, I need to talk to them, to show the other that it
wasnřt intentional. I like to apologize.ŗ
* Playing: ŖOur house is made for leisureŗ; ŖI
couldn't playŗ; ŖAt home, we play, we pretend we are
little children and we want children to play with them.ŗ
* Oneřs word: ŖI felt I broke my wordŗ; ŖOneřs word
is very importantŗ; ŖThey said I had no word, I felt very
* Stitching pain in the area of the uterus, 2 days
before menses and during coition.
* Perfumes and makeup provoke redness on the face,
specially around the mouth, no matter where they are
* Desire for pasta.
* Heartburn after eating fish.
* Aversion to spicy and fatty food.
* Lack of perspiration.
* Thirst increased.
* Desire for alcoholic beverages.
* Beer: desire + aggravation
* Ailments from suppressed anger.
* Soft, submissive temperament.
* Dreams: airplane accident (repetitive, since
fundamentales de la Homeopatíaŗ, in AMHA, Tratado
de doctrina homeopática, p. 41.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 46
* Oily skin.
* Pimples, worst by external touch and before menses.
* Sensation as if something moves in abdomen.
Physical examination
No significant data.
Lab tests
Endovaginal Doppler Ultrasound showing huge
subserous myoma on the left side of the uterus (4.6 X
3.8 X 7.6 cm), and a second smaller one on the anterior
1- Clinical: myomata; constipation; acne; hay fever.
2- Dynamic: slight injury (anatomical damage of
nonvital organ).
3- Miasmatic: covert egotrophy (according to Masi
Elizaldeřs classification).
Maximal Value Minimal Syndrome composed by:
I- Delusion, an accident would happen + Delusion, a
train-engine was going to run over her + Dreams,
accidents + Dreams, disaster + Dreams, something
would happen+ Fear, accidents + Fear, disasters.
II- Face, redness, mouth, around + Face, redness, chin.
III- Affective + Affect, need of.
IV- Generalities, alive, internally, sensation of
something + Abdomen, alive, sensation of something.
Comparing the remedies obtained by simple
repertorial analysis with their pure Materia Medica,
Pulsatilla was chosen, which was prescribed at the
, single dose, and later at the CH300
and 1M,
according to clinical evolution.
The patient conceived a child immediately after
taking Pulsatilla CH1M (3
month of treatment). The
pregnancy is still in progression at the time of the
present publication.
The present case report is relevant on several
grounds. First, it shows the instant effect of the
homeopathic remedies. Second, it shows that vitality
may be restored to a normal performance of
physiological functions notwithstanding the presence of
anatomical impediments. Finally, a word concerning
the choice of the remedy. The full repertorial analysis of
all symptoms listed did not indicate Pulsatilla;
moreover a thematic approach, added to key-note
symptoms indicated Ignatia amara. Yet, the selection of
a few (four!) extremely characteristic symptoms,
constitutive of the patientřs individuality, suggested
other medicinal alternatives, including the remedy that
produced the desired outcome.
It is generally thought that homeopathic remedies
are effective but Ŗtake too long to actŗ. Yet, it would be
more reasonable to think that a remedy whose effect
does not relate to its matter but to some kind of
Ŗenergeticŗ action, would act immediately. Vitalism
involves a most peculiar understanding of the biologic
phenomena, completely against the materialist-
mechanist paradigm characteristic of contemporary
Homeopathy developed outside the frame of
Ŗofficial scienceŗ; not only out of external exclusion,
but also by a sort of auto-exclusion. One way to correct
this negative trend, is to publish well-documented case
reports, which is the aim of the present article.
3. Editorial: Unpredictable dice, addicted boards
(IJHDR. 3, 9/2004)
ŖBefore stopping
at some last point that consecrates it
Every Thought sends forth
One Toss of the Diceŗ
ŖOne Toss of the Diceŗ, by Stephane Mallarmé
Itřs an honor to affirm that the magazine Cultura
Homeopática has became, at the same time, a reference
and a novelty in the homeopathic field. It happened
more due to the effort of the authors who Ŕ in an area of
very low productivity Ŕ has concentrated their entire
endeavor to present the best in research and reflection
about our art, than due to the merit of all the CH team.
In this special and bilingual edition, that is annual,
some of our best brains entered in our list of articles
trying what all the ones who do research should look
for: make phenomena talk again, unveil what is under
the surface until the digging starts to show meanings,
evidences, sometimes conclusions, certainly the
The unicists are finally stepping down the pedestal
to show that there is another kind of clinical Ŗproof ŗ.
And this time without things inapplicable and showy,
nor the mecanicist reduction. There are still the ones
that believe in the strategy of Ŗhidingŗ their brilliant
cases without ask themselves to which secret posterity
they will keep them in the end.
Thatřs why we present here this interesting case
report ŖTreatment of chronic dishydrosisŗ, written by
Leni Hatsue Yoshihassu. The case was elaborated by
EPHřs students and teaching assistants who were
inductors and witnesses of an interesting homeopathic
interference in an academic environment, which has the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 47
advantage of allowing a more shared and dialogued
analysis of evolution, suppression and clinical conduct.
This is also the spirit of Vanessa Guimarãesřs work,
who brings us her epidemiological lucidity to show that
yes, a method of investigation mathematically and
probabilistically measurable, and, at the same time, that
respects the theoretical and practical presuppositions of
homeopathic proceeding is possible. Extremely complex
but also enforceable, it considers that the quantitative
epidemiological chance of homeopathy is doing studies
having the subject as its own control.
The work of Marcia Gutierrez et als., ŖValidation
of techniques and methods for the impregnation of
homeopathic globulesŗ, translates the healthy awareness
of validating the proceedings of homeopathic
pharmacotechnique with methodic and clearing
proceedings. Thatřs an area in which Brazilian
homeopathic pharmacotechnique is, with no doubt, one
of the most prolific and influent.
The editor of this magazine and Silvia W. Priven
present ŖSome reflections about symptoms in
homeopathyŗ, trying to evidence what can be called the
atom of homeopathy: the symptom. Thatřs a vital
subject, even being a discussion postponed by
homeopathic community. Especially when this point of
view doesnřt starts from something given, but
understood from its roots: What does configure a
symptom? How can it be divided? Which are the
semiotic and therapeutic implications involved in its
admission, for example, that there are constitutive
symptoms and marker symptoms in the evolution of a
clinical case?
We still have the erudite article ŖDid Hahnemann
plagiarize Thomas de Aquina?ŗ, by Silvia W. Priven,
who uses the historiographical technique of analysis.
She approaches the polemic question about the
supposed plagiarism made by Hahnemann, who would
have evoked ideas and entire texts of Thomas de Aquina
without mentioning him as a source. The Argentinean
homeopath Masi-Elizalde was pretty convinced of this
aspect and pursued anxiously an impugnment that could
satisfy him intellectually. Let the readers check in which
plagues his pleas circulate.
Amarilys de Toledo César et als., in ŖDynamization
techniques. Divergences between the proposals of
Hahnemann, and todayřs practicesŗ, also evokes a
fundamental pharmacotechnique question: Was there
any kind of change in relation to a better comprehension
of the fundaments established by Hahnemann?
The article ŖOntogenesis of illnessŗ, by our gaucho
colleague Renato Sampaio de Azambuja, develops
reflections about Maturanařs autopoiesis, showing that
the interfaces in perception of the health-disease
phenomena that touches a vitalist rationality. So points
of interface to homeopathy underlies in the article, even
that any linear transposition of an episteme to the other
should present the traditional difficulties of linkage.
The article ŖBiomedical semiotics and its limits:
opening up paths between the subtle and the evidentŗ,
by Amarylis Triana, follows the path of her thesis and
shows that the tune and the differences between
different semiotics can be a way of knowing the
specificities of each rationality. And itřs in this
trajectory that she detects the problems of biomedical
We couldnřt forget to mention in this edition, with
the explicit purpose of make a homage to a person who
will be recognized in some point of History as the one
who transmitted to us definitively an inexorable path to
the elucidation of infinitesimal doses. We are talking
about Jacques Benveniste, the French immunologist
who, among other contributions to immunopathology
and alergology, dared to look for necessary explanations
- against the bet of scientificist fundamentalism - to
build a more scientific rule to homeopathy. His decease
occurred on October 2nd, in Paris, in 69 years old.
Press announced the fact all over the world and at big
Brazilian centers.
Even if basic research isnřt enough to validate
alone the homeopathic proceedings, Benveniste
relighted the debate that used to be warm and took it to
the point of incandescence inside the hardcore of
contemporary science. What drived more the attention
it was the emphasis on the fact that he would have
turned in to a joke among the scientists due to the
methodological flaws Ŕ admitted afterwards - in his
famous work about ŖWater Memoryŗ, published in
Nature magazine in 1988. The same media also
published that he would have died Ŗconvincedŗ of his
pretense Ŗ Ŗ. What was not published is that his theories
about the biological action of infinitesimal doses has
been rescued in European important labs and research
centers as a valuable contribution to nanotechnology
and to the behavior of water.
Even if the redeem havenřt occurred the most
important here is to emphasize that Benveniste enters
the role of the ones who feed knowledge with the
enlightenment progress, even if the cost was his own
reputation, maybe the abbreviation of his life.
Canguilhen, Thomas Khun and Paul Feyrabend already
mentioned that every challenge to established science
generates, in the first moment, refusal and repulse. Only
the future, always more indulgent and fixing, reserves a
judgment less full of prejudices to the ones that dare to
roll the dice of uncertainty in the addicted board of
4. Did Hahnemann plagiarize Aquinas?
(IJHDR. 9, 3/2004)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 48
The status of Homeopathy as scientific medicine
has been problematic since its inception. Along the 19th
century, medical approaches which dated from the
Antiquity were finally overcome, while new models
were formulated in order to build medicine on sound
Ŗscientificŗ grounds.
Homeopathy emerged as one of
such new proposals. It was only natural that a thick
shield would be erected around it.
Such defensive strategy, allied to other political,
sociological and economic factors, may help to explain
how it was that homeopathy severed itself from the
outer scientific medical world, transforming its
literature into an almost sacred corpus, which was to be
transmitted with no changes whatever to future
The instance we discuss here may be considered a
paradigmatic example of the hypothesis above. It
alludes to one of the most polemic stances in
contemporary homeopathy.
Alfonso Masi Elizalde (Argentina, 1932-2003)
suggested a new model for homeopathy grounded on
Thomas Aquinas Scholastic philosophy. This view
resulted in an original approach to homeopathic theory
and practice, that gathered over many followers around
the world in a short time.
Masi Elizalde views may be summarized as
. Argentinian homeopathy witnessed an
S. Priven, ŖHahnemann, um médico de seu tempo.
Articulação da doutrina homeopática como
possibilidade da medicina do século XVIIIŗ.
Dissertation, Masterřs Degree in the History of
Sciences. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São
Paulo, 2002.
R. Jütte, ŖHistoriography of Non Conventional
Medicine in Germany: A Concise Overviewŗ. Medicine
History, 43 (1999): 342-358.
This has been noticed by other authors. Cf, as an
example, A. Saine, ŖHeringřs Law: Law, Rule or
Dogmaŗ, Website of the Canadian Academy of
February 2004.
Masi Elizalde didnřt write any books. The only written
sources he left where the Proceedings of his Instituto de
Altos Estudos Homeopáticos ŖJames Tyler Kentŗ. He
would explain once and again that as his thought was
continuously changing, he was afraid that any work
would be outdated even at the moment of its
publication. On the other hand, he spent the last 20
years of his life giving lectures in Europe and South
America. A number of his Brazilian lectures were taped
and stored at the library of the Escola de Homeopatia,
amazing evolution in the second half of the 20th
century, especially under the influence of Tomás Pablo
Paschero (1904-1986), a student of Grimmer who, in his
turn, was a direct student of James T. Kent. Pascherořs
elaboration of homeopathy as a Ŗmedicine of the
personŗ or an Ŗanthropological medicineŗ eventually
turned to Psychoanalytic anthropology as such form of
psychotherapy found a fertile soil in Argentinian
Masi Elizalde questioned such a bias, claiming that
homeopathic frameworks must be sought in
homeopathy itself instead of importing alien modes of
knowledge into it. This was the reason why he devoted
himself to the study of psychology, in order to be able to
detect indexes of homeopathyřs founder Christian F. S.
Hahnemannřs anthropological views.
Yet, when faced to the amazingly wide scope of
psychological theories, he didnřt know where to begin.
Thus he decided to choose what he thought it was the
most classical, less questioned, psychological approach,
i. e., Scholastic psychology. It was while reading
Aquinasř 13
century Summa Theologica that he was
stricken by a dazzling realization: he found
Hahnemannřs exact words in the pages of the Summa.
He felt it was sound enough to justify an
epistemological leap that allowed him to infer an
absolute identity between Aquinas and Hahnemannřs
thought. Hence he devoted the second phase of his
research to read homeopathy through Scholastic lenses,
which fully convinced him of the actuality of his initial
This approach finally resulted in a most novel
approach to homeopathic theory and practice, extremely
fruitful in therapeutic terms.
On the other hand, a religious - actually, a Roman
Catholic - homeopathic approach was naturally destined
to give rise to the most heated polemics. Many
distinguished practitioners felt morally offended by the
inclusion of religion into medicine. Fiery arguments
were followed by many attempts to refute Elizaldeřs
views, especially his basic tenet: Hahnemann had
grounded homeopathy on Scholastic philosophy.
Elizalde claimed to possess Ŗmany proofsŗ of
Hahnemannřs Scholasticism. Yet, as years went by, he
reduced such Ŗproofsŗ to a central thesis: Hahnemann
São Paulo. Such tapes and personal notes taken at
lectures by this author are the sources used in the
present article.
Itřs noteworthy that any discussion of homeopathy
inevitably begins with its founder. Science historian
Ana Maria Alfonso-Goldfarb explains that this is due to
the fact that homeopathyřs nature is essentially
historical. Personal communication.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 49
had plagiarized Aquinas.
And he didnřt plagiarize him
merely because he liked some of Aquinasř ideas or his
literary style, but such plagiarism was a sign of the
absolute identity of thought shared by both. That is to
say, Hahnemann didnřt quote the references he took
from Aquinasř work owing to negligence nor, worse,
dishonesty, but as both had exactly the same ideas, such
quotations were totally superfluous, or even unjustified.
What did Elizalde find in Aquinasř Summa that
convinced him so positively?
Ŗ... horns and nails, which are the weapons of some
animals, the thickness of the skin, hair and feathers that
cover them, constitute one more evidence of the earthly
element, which the homogeneity and delicacy of the
human complexion abhor; it was because of all of these
that they werenřt convenient for man. In their stead, he
has reason and the hands, through which he can seek by
himself all kinds of weapons, clothes and necessary
things to life, in a thousand different ways...ŗ
Upon reading the paragraph above Elizalde was
immediately reminded of similar ideas in Hahnemann:
ŖMan, regarded as an animal, has been created
more helpless than all other animals. He has no
congenital weapons for his defence like the bull, no
speed to enable him to flee from his enemies like the
deer, no wings, no webbed feet, no fins - no armour
impenetrable to violence like the tortoise, no place of
refuge provided by nature as is possessed by thousands
of insects and worms for their safety, no physical
provision to keep the enemy at bay, such as render the
hedgehog and torpedo formidable, no sting like the
gadfly, nor poison-fang like the viper; - to all the attacks
of the hostile animals he is exposed defenceless. He has,
moreover, nothing to oppose to the violence of the
elements and meteors. He is not protected from the
action of the water by the shining hair of the seal, nor by
the close oily feathers of the duck, nor by the smooth
shield of the water beetle; his body, but a slight degree
lighter than the water, floats more helplessly in that
medium than that of any quadruped, and is in danger of
instant death. He is not protected like the polarbear or
the eider-duck by a covering impenetrable to the
northern blast. At its birth the lamb knows where to
seek its motherřs udder, but the helpless babe would
perish if its motherřs breast were not presented to it.
During the last years of his life, Elizalde would not
merely insist on the truth of such Ŗplagiarismŗ in his
lectures, but he made it a personal mission to teach that
idea to his patients. Personal communication of
Elizaldeřs former patients.
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Q. 91st, art.
3rd. Buenos Aires, Club de Lectores, 1988, vol. IV, pp.
Where he is born mature nowhere furnishes his food
ready made, as she provides ants for the armadillo,
caterpillars for the ichneumon fly, or the open petals of
flowers for the bee. Man is subject to a far larger
number of diseases than animals, who are born with a
secret knowledge of the remedial means for these
invisible enemies of life, instinct, which man possesses
not. Man alone painfully escapes from his motherřs
womb, soft, naked, defenceless, helpless, and destitute
of all that can render his existence supportable, destitute
of all wherewith nature richly endows the worm of the
dust, to render its life happy... Behold, the Eternal
Source of all love only disinherited man of the animal
nature in order to endow him all the more richly with
that spark of divinity - a mind - which enables man to
elicit from himself the satisfaction of all his
requirements.. - a mind, that indestructible itself, is
capable of creating for its tenement, its frail animal
nature, more powerful means for its sustenance,
protection, defence and comfort than any of the most
favoured creatures...ŗ
Elizaldeřs conclusion was absolutely
unquestionable: Hahnemann had plagiarized Aquinas,
since itřs only too Ŗevidentŗ the exact correspondence
between both texts and, as mentioned above,
Hahnemann didnřt quote the source where he had
obtained his. From this he inferred the Ŗidentity of
thoughtŗ between Hahnemann and Aquinas, which he
summarized by stating that Ŗhomeopathy is nothing but
Scholasticism applied into medicine, or Scholastic
Elizalde didnřt put forward his view as just one
amidst many others, but as the only possible path
leading to the understanding of Ŗhomeopathic
orthodoxyŗ, the true Hahnemannian homeopathy. On
these grounds, he submitted homeopathy to a Ŗcritical
reviewŗ, developing the plan he had designed: to
elucidate homeopathy from a Scholastic hermeneutical
As mentioned above, such an approach
immediately became polemical, giving rise to two
irreconcilable Ŗsidesŗ: equally rabid partisans and
critics. Nevertheless, none was able to bring up nothing
but emotional claims, without being able to put forward
sound evidence to ground acceptance or rejection.
This impasse may be explained by the fact that
homeopathyřs episteme doesnřt include tools to perform
the kind of analysis this requires. As well as traditional
history of medicine, the historiography of homeopathy
seems to ignore that no single science can be analyzed
without referring it to its historical context.
Hahnemann, CFS ŖThe medicine of experienceŗ, in R
E Dudgeon (ed.,) The Lesser Writings. Nova Delhi, B.
Jain, [s.d.], pp. 435-6.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 50
The notion of Ŗplagiarismŗ doesnřt belong to the
historian of scienceřs vocabulary. Such a researcher
knows that when a scientist passes off anotherřs ideas as
his/her own, or his/her own ideas as if belonging to
someone else, this doesnřt automatically involves
Ŗplagiarismŗ. The requirement of citing sources is very
recent, it wasnřt as normative in the 18th century as in
the present time. On the other hand, during Antiquity
and the Middle Ages, it was common practice for an
unknown author, who wished to make his ideas known,
to pass them off as if belonging to some established
authority. This was how Ŗpseudo-Aristotleŗ, Ŗpseudo-
Geberŗ and many other Ŗpseudo-ŗappeared. Such
practice was no longer favored in the 18
which thus represents the transition between this ancient
practice and our modern Ŗcopyrightŗ.
This historiographic fact would suffice to refute
Elizaldeřs idea of plagiarism, but further considerations
are in order. Our research let us find out that the text
quoted above isnřt originally authored by Aquinas. A lot
older is Plinyřs (1st century ) Natural History. This
encyclopedic work was the main reference concerning
natural history up to the time of Conrad Gesner (1516-
1565) - who, by the way, followed Plinyřs approach.
There it may be read:
Ŗ... of all other living creatures, man she hath
brought forth all naked, and cloathed him with the good
and riches of others. To all the rest, given she hath
sufficient to clad them everie one according to their
kind: as namely, shells, cods, hard hides, prickes,
shagge, bristles, haire, downe feathers, quils, skailes,
and fleeces of wool. The verie trunkes and stemmes of
trees and plants, she hath defended with barke and rind,
yea and the same sometime double, against the injuries
both of heat and cold: man alone, poore wretch, she hath
laid all naked upon the bare earth, even on his birthday,
to cry and wraule presently from the very first houre
that he is borne into this world: in such sort, as among
so many living creatures, there is none subject to shed
teares and weepe like him..
... How long is it ere we can goe alone? How long
before we can prattle and speake, feed our selves, and
chew our meat strongly? What a while continueth the
mould and crowne of our heads to beat and pant, before
our braine is well setled; the undoubted marke and
token that bewrayeth our exceeding great weakeneße
above all other creatures? What should I say of the
infirmities and sicknesses that soone seaze upon our
feeble bodies? What need I speake of so many
medicines and remedies devised against these maladies:
besides the new diseases that come everie day, able to
check and frustrate all our provision of Physicke
whatsoever? As for all other living creatures, there is
not one, but by a secret instinct of nature knoweth his
owne good, and whereto he is made able: some make
use of their swift feet, others of their flight wings: some
are strong of limme; others are apt to swimme, and
practice the same: man onely knoweth nothing unlesse
hee be taught; he can neither speake, nor goe, nor eat,
otherwise than he is trained to it: and to be short, apt
and good at nothing he is naturally, but to pule and
... Mans life is most fraile of all others, and in least
securitie he liveth: no creature lusteth more after every-
thing than he: none feareth like unto him, and is more
troubled and amazed in his fright: and if he be set once
upon anger, none more raging and wood than he. To
conclude, all other living creatures live orderly and well,
after their owne kind: we see them flocke and gather
together, and readie to make head and stand against all
others of a contrarie kind: the lyons as fell and savage as
they be, fight not one with another: serpents sting not
serpents, nor bite one another with their venimous teeth:
nay the verie monsters and huge fishes of the sea, warre
not amongst themselves in their owne kind: but beleeve
me, Man at mans hand receiveth most harme and
Yet, thereřs a still older version of the same text,
belonging to an author that may be considered one of
the mainstays of Western culture. Weřre alluding to
Plato (5
century). In his dialogue ŖProtagorasŗ, he
elaborates on an ancient Hellenic myth concerning the
beginning of the world as an illustration of his ideas
about the World of Ideas and the Perceptible World:
ŖOnce upon a time there were gods only, and no
mortal creatures. But when the time came that these also
should be created, the gods fashioned them out of earth
and fire and various mixtures of both elements in the
interior of the earth; and when they were about to bring
them into the light of day, they ordered Prometheus and
Epimetheus to equip them, and to distribute to them
severally their proper qualities. Epimetheus said to
Prometheus: ŖLet me distribute, and do you inspect.ŗ
This was agreed, and Epimetheus made the distribution.
There were some to whom he gave strength without
swiftness, while he equipped the weaker with swiftness;
some he armed, and others he left unarmed; and devised
for the latter some other means of preservation, making
some large, and having their size as a protection, and
others small, whose nature was to fly in the air or
burrow in the ground; this was to be their way of
escape. Thus did he compensate them with the view of
preventing any race from becoming extinct. And when
he had provided against their destruction by one
another, he contrived also a means of protecting them
against the seasons of heaven; clothing them with close
Pliny, ŖPreface to book VIIŗ, Historioa Naturalis.
WebsiteJames Eason, University of Chicago. Version
of Philemon Holland (1601)
http://penelope.uchicago.edu/holland/pliny7.html July,
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 51
hair and thick skins sufficient to defend them against the
winter cold and able to resist the summer heat, so that
they might have a natural bed of their own when they
wanted to rest; also he furnished them with hoofs and
hair and hard and callous skins under their feet. Then he
gave them varieties of food-herb of the soil to some, to
others fruits of trees, and to others roots, and to some
again he gave other animals as food. And some he
made to have few young ones, while those who were
their prey were very prolific; and in this manner the race
was preserved. Thus did Epimetheus, who, not being
very wise, forgot that he had distributed among the
brute animals all the qualities which he had to give, and
when he came to man, who was still unprovided, he was
terribly perplexed. Now while he was in this perplexity,
Prometheus came to inspect the distribution, and he
found that the other animals were suitably furnished, but
that man alone was naked and shoeless, and had neither
bed nor arms of defence. The appointed hour was
approaching when man in his turn was to go forth into
the light of day; and Prometheus, not knowing how he
could devise his salvation, stole the mechanical arts of
Hephaestus and Athene, and fire with them (they could
neither have been acquired nor used without fire), and
gave them to man. Thus man had the wisdom necessary
to the support of life... And in this way man was
supplied with the means of life....ŗ
And we were still able to find another version of
the same text. It belongs to British astronomer John F.
W. Herschel (1792-1871), thus a contemporary of
ŖThe situation of man on the globe he inhabits, and
over which he has obtained the control, is in many
respects exceedingly remarkable. Compared with its
other denizens, he seems, if we regard only his physical
constitution, in almost every respect their inferior, and
equally unprovided for the supply of his natural wants
and his defence against the innumerable enemies which
surround him. No other animal passes so large a portion
of its existence in a state of absolute helplessness, or
falls in old age into such protracted and lamentable
imbecility. To no other warm-blooded animal has nature
denied that indispensable covering without which the
vicissitudes of a temperate and the rigours of a cold
climate are equally insupportable; and to scarcely any
has she been so sparing in external weapons, whether
for attack or defence. Destitute alike of speed to avoid
and of arms to repel the aggressions of his voracious
foes; tenderly susceptible of atmospheric influences;
and unfitted for the coarse aliments which the earth
affords spontaneously during at least two thirds of the
year, even in temperate climates, - man, if abandoned to
Plato, Protagoras,
http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/protagoras.html The
Internet Classics Archive - MIT. July, 2003.
mere instinct, would be of all creatures the most
destitute and miserable... Remarkable only for the
absence of those powers and qualities which obtain for
other animals a degree of security and respect, he would
be disregarded by some, and hunted down by others, till
after a few generations his species would become
altogether extinct... Yet man is the undisputed lord of
the creation... The spoils of all nature are in daily
requisition for his most common uses, yielded with
more or less readiness, or wrested with reluctance, from
the mine, the forest, the ocean, the air. Such are the first
fruits of reason...ŗ
Weřve still have to take into account Hahnemannřs
particular cultural context. During the 18th century up
to the Treaty of Vienna (1815), present-day Germany
was still the Holy Roman Empire, which wasnřt a
political unity but a loose conglomerate of small feudal
Heterogeneity wasnřt merely political but also
religious. Itřs noteworthy to remember that even today a
Germanřs religious identity is a fundamental value, very
different from the situation in South America.
Saxony, Hahnemannřs fatherland, was a Protestant
duchy. Itřs very difficult to believe that Hahnemann
learned Scholastic theology at Lutheran schools. Also
hard itřs to imagine that Hahnemann learned such a vast
and complex system during his stay in - equally
Protestant - Leipzig, where he not only had to attend
lectures, but he needed to do translations and give
private lessons to make a living.
We may think that he got acquainted with Aquinasř
works during his stay in Catholic Vienna. Yet, a new
obstacle arises: such visit lasted merely nine months,
which were devoted to the learning of practical
For the sake of brevity, itřs very difficult - if not
impossible - to try and find out when it was that
Hahnemann became a Scholastic scholar in any period
of his life. Actually, whenever he explicitly refers to
Scholasticism, he does it in a most critical way.
John F. Herschel, A preliminary discourse on the
study of natural philosophy (1830). Chicago/Londres,
The University of Chicago Press, 1987, pp. 1-3.
M. Fulbrook, A Concise History of Germany.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, p. 70.
Up to recent times, there was a compulsory tax, 8-9%
of wages destined to some religious community, called
the Kirchensteuer.
Cf, a few examples: The Lesser Writings, op. cit.,
ŖDietetic conversation...ŗ, p. 184; ŖA nursery...ŗ, p. 251;
ŖView of professional liberality...ŗ, pp. 364-5. Actually,
Enlightenment as a whole was strongly critical of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 52
Evidence suggests that it would be more reasonable
to infer that Hahnemann was better acquainted with
classical Greek authors, as we are told by himself in his
, than with Roman Catholic
dogmatics, alien to his background and cultural
And from the strict perspective of text
analysis, itřs too obvious the asymmetry between
Aquinasř version and the remaining four.
Letřs examine the case of Herschelřs. Once again a
Protestant, and one whose family had originally been
Jewish. How are we to explain that also he learned
Catholic theology?
All evidences point to the fact that Elizaldeřs
hypothesis to explain the inclusion in ŖThe Medicine of
Experienceŗ of the text weřre discussing is not accurate.
Most probably, it was a common motive frequently used
along history and precisely for being so well known,
nobody would mention its original source. Itřs highly
probable that weřll keep finding it in the works of other
Homeopathy is established enough as not to be
afraid of reviewing its notions and methods. Itřs mature
enough as to face the ghosts and spirits it has inherited
together with the proper clinical and therapeutic corpus.
ŖExorcismsŗ as the one we performed here can only
contribute to the development of a truly Ŗscientificŗ
homeopathy. In this context, the tools provided by other
fields of knowledge ought to be welcomed.
5. Dynamization techniques. Divergences between the
proposals of Hahnemann and todayřs practices
CÉSAR Amarilys T., PEREIRA Cleudi,
SOLLERO Paula Azevedo, & ADLER Ubiratan
(IJHDR. 3, 9/2004)
In 1992 a group of medical doctors and
compared Hahnemannřs guidelines on the
C. F. S. Hahnemann, [ŖAutobiographieŗ] in J. M.
Schmidt & D. Kaiser (orgs.), Samuel Hahnemann:
Gesammelte kleinen Schriften. Heidelberg, Karl F.
Haug, 2001. Originally published in J. K. P. Elwert,
Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Scriften
jetzlebender teutscher Aertze, Wundärzte, Thierärzte,
Apotheker und Naturforscher. Hildesheim, 1799, vol.1,
Besides the fact that Hahnemann toyed with Platořs
style, as in the dialogue, ŖSocrate et Physon. Les
apparences et la realité; où se trouve le bonheurŗ (1795),
Études de médecine homéopathique. Paris: Maloine,
1989. Vol. 2, pp. 260-265.
preparation of homeopathic medicines with the
proposals of pharmacopeias and textbooks on
homeopathic medicines
Homeopathy developed substantially in Brazil in
the past few years. New editions of pharmacopeias, both
Brazilian and foreign, were published or became
accessible, in addition to specific books on homeopathic
pharmaco-techniques. There was a large increase in
homeopathic training. Currently the teaching of
homeopathic pharmaco-techniques extends to diverse
diploma courses, including obligatory and optional
disciplines. Was there any change in relation to a better
understanding of the fundamentals established by
Hahnemann? Gauging the desired levels might make it
possible to compare results obtained by different
applications of the homeopathic therapeutic method,
with those achieved by diverse pharmacopoeia
Highlight the propositions of Hahnemann for the
preparation of homeopathic medicines.
Demonstrate that there are different
pharmacotechniques between Hahnemannřs proposals
and a large extent of what various pharmacopoeias and
text books prescribe.
Reflect upon the possible consequences of the
differences in medicine preparation on their
Collaborate for a gauging of dynamization
techniques, and, consequently, on the results and
comparisons of homeopathic therapeutics.
In order to achieve our objectives, we used the 6
edition of the Organon by Hahnemann
, comparing
diverse topics selected as key aspects of pharmaco-
techniques with what is found in current editions of the
Brazilian pharmacopoeia, and a diversity of textbooks.
The 6th edition of the Organon
and the book on
chronic diseases (Doenças Crônicas)
as well were
used to compare with centesimal dynamizations.
Demonstration of different
1 - The process of dynamization
ŖHomeopathic medicine developed, for its special
uses, and to a hitherto unheard degree, the internal
medical powers of crude substances, through a peculiar
process known as dynamizationŗ
. This process
depends on:
- The intensity, and quantity of mechanical action
(triturations or grinding and sucussions) applied;
- The relationship between the attenuation means
(lactose, alcohol or distilled water) and the substance to
be dinamized.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 53
TABLE I: Comparison of differences observed in the guidelines of homeopathic medicine preparation technique in the centesimal scale,
proposed by Hahnemann and findings in various bibliographic references.
All substances need to be grinded
No need to triturate
Stages of grinding
Three grindings of one hour each, made in three
stages, each comprising two times 6-7 minutes of
grinding and 3-4 minutes of grating (i.e. 18 steps of
One stage, undefined time
(3, 13,17, 20)
; three stages of six
minutes each
;six stages of six minutes
(3, 21)
; 18
stages of six minutes
(16, 15)
Intensity/strength of grinding
Strong, such that lactose not be compressed against
mortar and be grated in four minutes
German pharmacopoeia mentions intensity, requiring
that after the first six stages, 80% of particles have a
diameter of less than 10 microns, and none be larger
than 50 microns
. Grind vigorously
Method for the addition of lactose
Three de-concentrations in a series, in a proportion
of 1:100, resulting in a product a million times more
diluted that the initial one. In each stage, one grain
(0,06g) is de-concentrated with 100 grains of
lactose(6g), divided in three equal and successively
increased parts.
Continuous increase of lactose, up to100 times the
weight of the grinded substance
(3, 17, 18, 20)
; the
proportions of lactose correspond to 1/11, 1/33 and
1/55 (6g), divided in three equal and successively
increased parts.
of the 100 grains
; only two
attenuations at 10%(21); only proportions are
Number and intensity of sucussions
Two, ten or more sucussions, perfomed with Ŗsome
Ten sucussions
(16, 15)
; ten to 12
; at least ten
(7, 6)
; at least 100
(3, 17, 18, 20)
; 200
; not
. Regarding intensity: vigorous
; other do not specify
(17, 21, 20)
The first factor refers to the amount of energy
applied on the system, and the second relates to the
proportion of dilution (or de-concentration) of the initial
and submitted matter, at each degree of potency.
*2 - Comparative analysis between the Hahnemannian
centesimal method (before the publication of the 6th
edition of the Organon) and current practice.
The table below includes various critical topics of
the Hahnemannian centesimal method, comparing the
original proposal with current practices.
3 - Comparative analysis between the fifty-
milesimal Hahnemannian (6th Edition of the Organon)
and those currently practiced.
Hahnemann considered his method, known today as
LM or fifty-milesimal, as the most developed for
dynamization. In a previous study, published in 1992,
this method included the German and Indian
pharmacopeias, although with differences from the
original Hahnemannian proposal
(14, 16, 8, 4)
. Today it
appears in the Brazilian, American and Mexican
homeopathic pharmacopeias
(7, 13, 6)
Are the failings observed in clinic homeopathy
caused, at least partly, by divergences in the methods
used for the preparation of medicine?
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 54
TABLE II: Comparison of differences observed in the guidelines of homeopathic medicine preparation technique in
the fifty-centesimal scale proposed by Hahnemann, and findings in various bibliographic references.
Grinding, stages, intensity/strength, addition of lactose
Same as described for centesimal
Differences described in Table I.
Number and intensity of sucussions
100 vigorous sucussions
No specification on the number of
and/or strength of sucussions
13, 15, 2)
The previous solution (degree I) is used for
humidification of globules of a determined
weight (100 weight 1 grain, or 0,06g)
The correct mass of globules is specified by
some authors(3, 7, 13, 16);and not by others,
who either do not describe them or do so
(14, 15)
. An impregnation requirement
of 500 globules
(7, 2)
Dynamized medicine in the centesimal scale were
described in the pharmacopeias and textbooks reviewed.
The only expected change would be a modification in
the standardization of the processing stages by the
homeopathic practitioner. However, this modification
did not occur, and the statements about the use of
grinding, even for soluble substances, as proposed by
Hahnemann in 1835, long before the 6th edition of the
Organon, and therefore applied to centesimal potencies,
are still a cause for concern, even among homeopathic
pharmacists (
4, 5, 12)
A change related to the increased awareness of the
fifty-milesimal method in the more recent editions of
international homeopathic pharmacopeias. If in 1992 the
method was only included in the German and Indian
pharmacopeias, today it is also found in the Brazilian,
American and Mexican ones
(6, 7, 13, 14, 16)
It is important to discuss a number of topics, that in
our opinion are still incomplete and even incorrect, both
for the methods of the 5th as well as the 6th edition of
the Organon by Hahnemann.
It is worth mentioning that Hahnemann went from
the use of dry plants and juices from fresh plants to
tints, preferably achieving a grinding of all crude
material (understood as plants and fresh animals). If his
medicines, in those times, were dinamized in the
centesimal scale, he clearly referred to initially grind
substances that were then made soluble, diluted in the
proportion of 1:100 and Dynamized through two
moderate sucussions. It can be verified by the following
ŖAfter the initial grinding, 1 grain of degree I
potency (or from the 3rd Product of grinding) needs to
be diluted in 100 drops of a hydro-alcoholic solution (50
drops of water and 50 drops of alcohol), and then this
solution needs to be shaken twice with a moderate
intensity. One drop of this solution needs to be added to
99 or 100 drops of pure alcohol, and then two moderate
sucussions need to be applied.
The description of the process of grinding is
mentioned in the preface, in the chapter of medicine,
Chronic Illnesses, and later in paragraph 270 of the 6th
edition of the Organon. In this ways, there are no
reasons to modify the proposed technique, either by a
change in time, by the sequence of grinding/grating or
the addition of a solid diluent, lactose.
The solubilization of the 3rd grinding was proposed
as 1 grain (0,06g) in 100 drops of a hydro-alcoholic
solution, composed of 50 drops of water and 50 drops of
. It is important to mention that the ethanol
available in Europe, even today, is of a lower alcoholic
degree. It is assumed that Hahnemann must have had
alcohol with strength of close to 52%
. Thus, the
solution in equal parts would be closer to 26% and not
50%, with the ability of making a solution through the
grinding in lactose.
The number of sucussions was altered in the
various phases in which Hahnemann tested his
medicines. He only used two, afraid of the violent
effects that medicine dinamized with more sucussions
might produce in weak or sensible patients
(12, 9)
. It is
noteworthy that in each step a dynamization with ten
sucussions exceeded the moderating capacity that the
attenuation of the proportion of 1:100 on the strength of
the medicine. Thus, he did not achieve his aim to
moderate to a certain level the effectiveness of the
medicine, in terms of increasing its power to
. In 1837, Hahnemann began to prepare
medicine with increases of ten sucussions, addressing
the problem of the violent effects of a single dose (be it
in globule, or its solution - as he used globules to
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 55
dispense liquids to his patients), splitting the single dose
in various smaller doses to be taken daily, or in alternate
days, during a period of 15, 20 or 30 days
His response to critics who doubted the
effectiveness of dynamizations was curious,
recommending the application of 10, 20, 50 or more
sucussions, as in this way more potent medicine would
be produced. He suggested that if the solutions were
mere dilutions destitute therapeutic activity, just by
shaking them they would become more potent
This happened in 1838, four years prior to his
death, and before the publication of the 6th edition of
the Organon. This text, known only many years after
his death, reiterated the dangers of diverse vigorous
shaking applied to a solution of 100:1. He presented a
new method, that according to his experience,
conciliated the effectiveness with softness of action,
through the application of 100 vigorous sucussions on a
dilution in excess of 50.000:1
. In this way we can
understand the reasons why Hahnemann varied the
number and the strength of the sucussions. In the
centesimal method, the preparation of dynamizations
with more than two sucussions (the original indication
of the 5th edition of the Organon
), was linked to the
indication of a fragmentation of the therapeutic dose. He
increased the number of sucussions when he preparared
solutions of centesimal potencies, administred en
various daily doses. Until 1837 Hahnemann used two
sucussions for his dynamizations. From this date on, he
started to use ten or more. We cannot consider
theexistence of a pharmaco-technical pattern related to
the number of sucussions for centesimal analysis, as
Hahnemann evolved the number of sucussions in
addition to the posology. Starting in1837, there was an
association of the dispensation of solutions in globules,
splitting them in doses to be ingested in various days.
This dose previously was single and now allowed for a
relative control of treatment. Later, he found a method
to increase dilution, allowing the shaking in a larger
number of times and with more strength, achieving a
medicine that combined softness (probably due to its
dilution) with effectiveness (due to numerous and
stronger sucussions). that the excess be dried with
paper, in conformity with indications found in
paragraph 270 of the 6th edition of the Organon
Considering LMs, it is interesting to note that in a
different manner from centesimals, which were altered
during many decades, the fifty-milesimals were
introduced in their definitive form almost a hundred
years after the death of Hahnemann. In principle this
should lead towards the single and correct following of
the technique. However, this has not happened yet,
when we compare the determinations of Hahnemann
with those founds in literature. The variations were
highlighted by several authors
(8, 4, 5)
In the case of the fifty-milesimals, we note that the
rules for grinding, a standard for this new method, relate
to the material to be grinded (in its crude state), or to the
stages, their duration, proportion of lactose and
intensity, as were described earlier
After solubilization of 1 grain of the 3rd grinding in
500 drops of a solution formed by 4 parts of water and 1
part of alcohol, a drop is added to 100 drops of ethanol.
The shaking of this solution must be vigorous, as
Hahnemann states, in a different manner than the former
ones. We think that this difference needs to be kept.
When the use of non-manual dynamization is chosen,
with the aid of a device known as Ŗmechanical armŗ, it
is not possible to keep this difference. We thus defend
manual sucussions, and that they be vigorous.
In relation to the stage of humidification of the
globules, it is important that their size be specified, and
followed. The use of larger than prescribed globules
leads to a smaller material de-concentration of
potencies. It is essential that the globules be
standardized in terms of their mass. In their production,
globules are split with the use of wire mesh; this is
related to their size and not their mass. The possibility
that globules of different lots present the same size, but
different mass, or vice-versa, has been observed.
Perhaps this fact is linked to globules with different
surface, rugosity and/or density. These are aspects that
need to be studied in the future, in a way to guarantee
the standardization of the amount of dynamization
absorbed in each stage, and therefore increased to the
next potency.
There is no need to use 500 globules, but of using
globules of a standard size, as well as guaranteeing their
complete humidification. Hahnemann does not impose
the use of exactly 50 globules, but he affirms that the
globules must be of such a size so that 500 of them can
be humidified with 1 drop of solution. This does not
mean that a larger number (for example 700) could not
be completely humidified with 2 drops of dilution, and
The German pharmacopoeia
favors the use of
globules of such a size that between 470 a 530 weight a
gram (and not that 100 weight 1 grain, or 0,06g). In this
case, 500 globules will weight 5 times, or 0,3g, and not
1g, as mentioned in the pharmacopoeia. The use of
larger globules than indicated leads to a smaller
dilution, and possibly to a larger frequency of
aggravations. According to Grimm, the pharmacopoeic
potency would be equivalent to a material de-
concentration of nearly 22,700 times, and not of at least
50,000, as Hahnemann intended.
(8, 4, 5)
established that globules should be
used in such a way that 500 be soak in one drop of
dynamization, without considering the size of the
globules. In truth, the standards are the mass of the
globules and their complete humidification, not their
number. Hahnemann stated the following:
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 56
ŖA globule made of lactose and starch, of
indeterminate dimensions, but with average dimensions
such that 100 weight 1 grain, Řwill carry with thea
fraction of less than 1/500 of a drop of alcohol. Thus,
this globule will offer a dilution higher than 1/500 when
well humidified with such a fraction of a drop of a
determined potency, to be used for the preparation of
the next potency.ŗ
Probably due to the fact that the 6th edition of the
Organon was published almost 100 years after
Hahnemannřs death, it is easy to believe that its
publication generated doubts in its veracity. During
several years this fact reduced its acceptance. The
globules also offer supply problems, with the
appropriate quality. The largest difficulty refers to the
grinding of fresh substances. If we add the fact that that
plant and animal material be used in their habitat, this
limits most homeopathic manufacturers from preparing
potencies of fifty-milesimals with an ideal quality.
The differences demonstrated lead to the following
probable clinical consequences:
Non grinding or incomplete grinding, or done during
insufficient time, will result in a probable loss of
medicinal potency, in relation to the same product, if it
were grinded according to Hahnemannřs guidelines.
This statement is valid for centesimal and for fifty-
milesimal potencies.
The technical uniformity as determined by
Hahnemann is also broken when the norms related to
intensity or homogeneity of grinding are not respected.
• Many (100) vigorous sucussions (when a factor of
dilution of 100:1 is used) can result in too violent
medicines, with possible dangers to human life, when
one of these medicines, correctly selected, is
administered to weak or excessively sensitive patients,
according to Hahnemann
(11, 12)
• There is a registry of the use of globules of larger mass
and size than the Hahnemannian standard. This fact
should lead to an increased quantity of dynamization to
be transferred to the preparation of the next potency, or,
a reduced material de-concentration (dilution). The
larger the used globule, the smaller the dilution, as the
globule needs to be saturated with the dynamization
during its impregnation. As a result, medicines should
be less potent, and with a more violent action, leading to
a higher frequency of aggravations. The use of non
standardized globules will impede the comparative
analysis of results.
With the review of a similar work published in
1992 it was possible to observe that the propositions of
Hahnemann for the preparation of homeopathic
medicines are still integrally followed. There are
pharmacotechnical differences between the proposals of
Hahnemann and a large part of various pharmacopeias
and textbooks, especially in the pharmaco-technical
description of grinding, use of fresh material and
number of sucussions, for centesimals. For fifty-
milesimals, beyond the topics mentioned, there are
differences in the size of globules and in the intensity of
sucussions. Medicines prepared in various manners
receive the same denomination, even when their
effectiveness is probably different.
In regard to possible consequences of differences in
the preparation of medicines on their effectiveness, it
can be assumed that these are less diluted, and thus less
potent, with a more violent action, leading to a higher
frequency of aggravations.
Once we accept that it is necessary to follow the
indications established by Hahnemann for the
preparation of homeopathic medicine, emphatically
spreading his guidelines, we think that we are
collaborating with the standardization of dynamization
techniques, and that, consequently, to the effectiveness
of homeopathic medicines.
Finally, more effective homeopathic medicines can
bring superior therapeutic results, to the benefit of
consumers and patients of homeopathic therapies, as
well as a result of research and comparisons of methods,
scales, and clinical experiences.
As there are divergences between various authors
after Hahnemann, we suggest that before we create
modifications, a serious effort to review all critical
aspects of the Hahnemannian method be addressed. This
should also include the adequate following of his
guidelines, given the relevance of the teachings of the
author who regulated the therapeutic application of the
Law of Similarity, as well as the 40 years of
experimental development using homeopathic
We wish to thank the financial and bibliographic
support of HNCristiano; and LMHI (Dr. Sandra Chase)
for the HPUS 9th edition.
6. Making Hahnemannřs ŘOrganonř: a Modern
SHEPPERD Joel (AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
Introduction: The closing sentence for an article
published in Homeopathic Links says, ŖIt is
discouraging to me that students are no longer taught
the original Homœopathy with accuracy and depth in
many existing schools, and that they are no longer
making the effort to master the original teachings before
trying to enrich it.ŗ(1) Now instead of wishing that the
Organon be taught in detail, it is happening.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 57
The National University of Health Sciences in
Lombard, Illinois, includes a full naturopathic medical
school curriculum successfully on the official
accreditation track. The required courses include
Homœopathy. The first of four lecture classes
introduces homœopathy in 15 hours. I teach
Homœopathy 2, which is Hahnemannřs Organon, in 60
hours. Homœopathy 3 includes the repertory, case
taking and polychrests in 60 hours of classroom work.
Homœopathy 4 teaches more Materia Medica for 60
The naturopathic medical school is under the
direction of Fraser SMITH, ND. I thank him for his
vision to teach the original Homœopathy.
Hahnemannřs ŘOrganonř as Textbook
After reviewing most of the books that teach
Homœopathy, I find that the Organon of Medicine by
HAHNEMANN remains the most concise and carefully
written text on the principles and practice of
Homœopathy; however, many students new to
Homœopathy find the Organon difficult to read.
The modern reader encounters several obstacles
when first trying to read the Organon. There is no
obvious beginning and ending to each subject. No
chapters divide the material. It is difficult to
differentiate major points from minor points in the
original Aphorism style. Translation from a different
language and a different two hundred-year old culture
makes some of the teachings obscure. For instance,
how does the new student know that §70 is a summary
of all the preceding paragraphs and §71 delineates the
content of the rest of book?
A New Format for the ŘOrganonř
A new format addresses some of the difficulties in
studying the Organon. The experienced reader of the
Organon divides the text into sections or units and
assigns titles to each part. It may be of academic
interest to memorize what each Aphorism says by the
number, but it is of no practical value to a new student.
The goal is to understand the principles of
Homœopathy, not to memorize quotes. For this reason
the Aphorism numbers are de-emphasized. Instead, a
bullet point arrangement is used. Major points in each
unit are listed first. Further descriptive points are listed
under the major point. For example, Unit 12 is named,
ŖIntermittent Diseases/Alternating Diseases - §231-
244.ŗ One of the major points of this section of the
Organon is written as follows:
Each epidemic of intermittent fever has a specific
remedy common to every sick individual - §239 Ŕ 241.
That remedy is found according to the totality of
symptoms common to all the patients.
Every medicineřs pure action produces a particular
fever different from all other fevers, even intermittent
fever with its alternating states.
There is homœopathic help for the numerous
natural intermittent fevers in the large realm of
The remedy helps those who were in fairly good
health before the epidemic (i.e., those who were not
chronically sick with developed psora)
New translations are made when it seems
necessary. When possible, shorter sentences are used for
the modern attention span. Every generation must
retranslate the Organon because words change meaning
over time; the cultural norms change and real scientific
knowledge changes.
A modern format and a modern translation is not
enough, however. The teacher still has certain
unavoidable responsibilities. In the above example, the
teacher must remind the class of Hahnemannřs specific
definition of Ŗepidemicŗ in §73; he must compare the
term Ŗintermittent feverŗ to Ŗmarsh feverŗ and the
modern category called Ŗmalaria.ŗ He must point out
that HAHNEMANN never uses the term Ŗgenus
epidemicus,ŗ but says Ŗspecific remedyŗ in this
Aphorism as well as in §100-103 where he introduces
the collective disease. The teacher must clarify that
Ŗmoderate numberŗ refers to around 100, and he must
especially point out the last sentence as a modern
warning to those homœopaths who believe that
Homœopathy will provide a panacea for the next
pandemic: the specific remedy for a serious epidemic
will help many, but not cure because of the prevalence
of chronic disease and general low level of health in the
The Organon in modern textbook form is not a
condensed or shortened version. No teaching by
HAHNEMANN is left out. It provides maps of the
Organon Aphorisms to show overall structure (see Map
A). It includes an outline for each section of the
Organon (see Table 1), provides a list of key words to
define in context; discourages rote memorization and,
instead, forms an answer based on the context of the
Aphorism where the word is used. For example, in
allopathic medicine, Ŗsymptomŗ has devolved into a
specialized meaning: descriptions of disease that are
subjective. HAHNEMANN uses the word Ŗsymptomsŗ
interchangeably with the word Ŗsignsŗ to include all
subjective and objective phenomena. (2)
A textbook of the Organon also includes additional
quotes from HAHNEMANN taken from his other
written works. Each unit lists self-examination
questions to encourage class participation. A summary
in slide format ends each unit. When a student receives
only a short list of principles summarizing
Homœopathy, it is not enough. The students relish the
chance to understand Hahnemannřs observations and
reasoning step by step, and are motivated to incorporate
this methodology into their developing worldview of the
many systems of medical treatment.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 58
Translation Problems
There is an Italian saying, Ŗtraduttore, traditoreŗ
Ŕ the translator is a traitor. Consulting eight English
translations of Hahnemannřs Organon and comparing
them to two German editions reveals several problems
of interpretation. The title of the book is a good
example. Organon der Heilkunst (3) is variously
called Organon of the Art of Healing (4), Organon of
Medicine(5), Organon of the Medical Art (6),
Organon of the Healing Art (7). What title conveys
Hahnemannřs intent for todayřs American Culture?
ŖHeilŗ means both Ŗcureŗ and Ŗhealŗ in German. The
word ŖCurŗ that HAHNEMANN occasionally uses, as
in §206, is not a German word. Currently, in American
usage, curing and healing no longer mean the same
thing. ŖExperts cure, but people heal each other I
can heal with my humanity things that I can never cure
with my science.ŗ (8) The word ŖKunstŗ refers to Ŗart.ŗ
In an English dictionary, there are two pertinent
meanings for Ŗart.ŗ One meaning is, Ŗa work of
imagination or imitation.ŗ The major meaning is Ŗa
skill mastered as result of practice.ŗ (9) If Homœopathy
is called an art these days, it gives permission for
anyone to fabricate anything they wish from their
imagination. If we use the word Ŗmedicine,ŗ then we
are confused with allopathy. Should we call
Hahnemannřs book ŖOrganon of Skillful Curing?ŗ
If we donřt even agree on the title of the book, then
the more complex content of the text is bound to
generate irresolvable diversity. Why does the Kunzli
edition translate ŖKrutz-Siechtuin §206 as Ŗscabies
diseaseŗ instead of Ŗitch disease?ŗ (10)
HAHNEMANN certainly included much more than one
mite in the psoric process. Why does the OřReilly
edition translate ŖSchlusseŗ as Ŗdeductionsŗ instead of
Ŗconclusions?ŗ (1) HAHNEMANN does not allow
theories and deductions in the Organon. See §1a. His
conclusions are based on observations, experiments and
experience. How is ŖGleichgewichtŗ in §289
translated? Kunzli says Ŗequally,ŗ (12) thereby passing
up one of HAHNEMANNřs major definitions of health.
Definitions, Axioms &Principles
The Life Force in Health and
Dissimilar Disease, Complex
Initial Action, Counteraction
What Medicines Do
Similar Disease
Acute & Chronic, Disease
& Miasms
What Doctors Do and
How Homoeopathy Works
Allopathy, Antipathy,
Isopathy, Homoeopathy
Summary of Aphorisms 1-
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 59
The German dictionary offers Ŗbalance, equilibrium,
equipoise.ŗ (13) OřReilly leaps to a newer word
Ŗhomeostasis.ŗ(14) This so-called newer word
borrower from mechanistic physiology is out-dated. A
more modern term is Ŗhomeo-dynamics.ŗ(15) In such
detail does the interpreter of HAHNEMANN get
involved. The new student has no way of judging
which teacher is more useful, more practical until she
actually treats the sick and sees the outcomes.
Dissimilar Disease Interaction
Two Natural
Dissimilar Disease
If the older is stronger
It repels the newer
If the older and newer are
The newer is kept away
If the newer is stronger
The older is suspended,
then reappears
If the older and newer join
One Natural, One
Medicinal Dissimilar
If the medicinal disease is
Then older nature disease
is uncured
If the medicinal disease is
A new disease begins
It suspends the older
natural disease for a time,
but no cure
Or a complicated disease
made of old and medicinal
The Worst Error in the English ŘOrganonř
As in most books, there are misspellings and typing
errors. The error in DUDGEON, however, is an error of
content. The last phrase of §70 says, Ŗwhen to an old
disease there is added a new one similar to the first,
whereby the old one is rapidly and forever annihilated
and cured.ŗ(16) The emphasis is added. Boerickeřs
translation of the sixth edition carries over this
error.(17) Kunzliřs 1982 translation does not have this
error. This implies that American homœopaths who did
not speak German lived with this incorrect teaching for
80 years. I have, so far, not seen it mentioned in the
literature. Did they not really study the Organon? The
Wesselhoeft translation of 1875 is rather ambiguous:
ŖWhen a new and similar disease is added to the older
one, this is permanently extinguished and cured.ŗ(18)
The English translation of 1833 that Heringřs group
used says, Ŗby adding to an existing disease a new one
that resembles it, he cures it promptly and
effectually.ŗ(19) Emphasis added to §LMVI. On the
final exam given to the students in the class on the
Organon, almost all of them recognize the error and
correctly restate it.
Why Teach the ŘOrganonř
The reasoning may go like this: It is an old,
outdated book. For instance, they do not teach the law
of gravity using Newtonřs original manuscripts. Much
has been discovered since then. However, like
Newtonřs laws, the law of Homœopathy is not out of
date; it is still the truth. It is the presentation to the
student that changes according to the needs of the time.
Before any practitioner can truly advance and
enrich Homœopathy, she must completely master the
pure principles and methodology. Without real
experience based on the consistent application of the
authentic laws of Homœopathy, no true advancement
takes place. Witness the short cuts and easier methods
of homœopathy promoted by teachers in much of the
world today that leads to the deterioration of applied
If there were another reliable textbook of all of
Hahnemannřs teachings, I would use it. No other
textbook goes through the careful reasoning of
HAHNEMANN. Instead, other authors summarize or
explain the main points. A short list mentioning the
conclusions of Homœopathy is not enough to convince
a student of the importance of the Law of Similars.
Instead, we must present all of the Organon, but
anew to meet the challenge of the times. Is the
following translation of §1-2 too new, too radical?
Make sick people well - §1, 2
The doctorřs highest and only calling
Termed curing
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 60
The highest ideal of curing
Cure rapidly, gently, permanently
Remove and annihilate the whole disease
In a short time
In the way
Most reliable
Least harmful
By clear intelligible principles
1. SHEPPERD J. Three ways of Homœopathy:
dissimilarities in the worldview of prescribers.
Homœopathic Links 2004; Vol. 17(1):9.
2. SHEPPERD j. Symptoms: Totality::Parts: Whole.
AJHM 2004; 97(2):121.
3. SCHMIDT JM, editor. Organon der Heilkunst, 6.
Auflage. Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag; 1999.
4. WESSELHOEFT C., trans. Organon of the art of
healing by Samuel Hahnemann. 5
Edition Translated from the 5
German Edition.
Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel; 1875.
5. KUNZLI J., Naude A Pendleton P., trans. Organon
of medicine of Samuel HAHNEMANN. London:
Orion Books, Ltd.; 2003.
6. OřREILLY WB, editor. Organon of the medical art
by Samuel HAHNEMANN, MD. Redmond,
Washington: Birdcage Books; 1996.
7. FINCKE BM, trans. The Organon of the healing
art by Samuel HAHNEMANN from the 5
transcribed by Maria Mackey. Tawa, New
Zealand: Great Auk Publishing; 2004.
8. REMEN RN. Recovering the soul of medicine.
Alternative therapies 2006; 12(3):88-9.
9. The new shorter Oxford English dictionary.
Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1993. Art;p.120.
10. KUNZLI, §206.
11. OřREILLY, §53.
12. KUNZLI, §289.
13. The new Casselřs German dictionary. New York:
Funk & Wagnalis; 1971. Gleichgewicht; p.201.
14. OřREILLY, §289.
15. SHEPPERD J. Chaos theory: implications for
Homœopathy. JAIH 1994; 87; 22-9.
16. DUDGEON RE, trans. Organon of medicine by
Samuel HAHNEMANN. Philadelphia: Boericke &
Tafel; 1901. P.93.
17. BOERICKE W, trans. Organon of medicine by
Samuel HAHNEMANN. Philadelphia: Boericke &
Tafel; 1935. §70.
18. WESSELHOEFT, p. 104.
19. DEVRIENT CH, trans. The homœopathic medical
doctrine or Organon of the healing art from the
German of S. HAHNEMANN. Dublin: W.F.
WAKEMAN; 1833. P.163.
7. Homeoprophylaxis for Infectious Contagious
BIRCH, Kate (AH. 15, 2009)
Despite the use of vaccinations, antibiotics and
other medications, infectious contagious diseases
continue to scourge the planet. Despite the ability to
reduce the incidence of acute disease with vaccinations,
chronic disease is on the rise. The continued use of
antibiotics or anti-parasiticals has lead to disease
resistant infectious strains and an increased toxicity
from the medications. Furthermore, there are some
contagious diseases with no known treatment or
prevention in western medicine.
Since the time of Samuel HAHNEMANN,
Homœopathy has effectively treated many epidemics,
demonstrating empirically its superiority over
conventional medicine in this area of public health.
However, public health programs in developed
countries do not choose Homœopathy as a viable
defensive approach against contagious diseases. Within
the homœopathic community there is also considerable
debate as to how mass homœoprophylaxis campaigns
would satisfy basic homœopathic principles. Moreover,
debate continues over whether this would constitute a
non-classical application of Homœopathy. Other
questions have arisen regarding factors such as lack of
homœopathic education of physicians, limited supply of
remedies, rapidity of epidemic disease contagion, and
confidence levels in prescribing. And how does a
government actually orchestrate a homœopathic
prevention program in a crisis situation?
The answers to these questions and more were
deliberated upon in December 2008 in Havana, Cuba.
There, an historical and inspiring event took place. The
Carlos J. Finlay Institute (a Cuban vaccine
manufacturer) under the guidance of its director-
general, Dr. Conception Campa Huergo, Dr. Gustavo
Bravo and others, hosted NOSODES 2008, an
International Meeting on Homœoprophylaxis,
Homœopathic Immunization and Nosodes against
Epidemics. I was honored to present a paper at this
conference, discussing how acute diseases can shape
societies, and the potential role of Homœopathy in
preventing epidemic disasters.
At this conference, speakers from twelve countries
considered such topics as: Childhood Disease
Prevention with Homœopathy; The Development and
Creation of Nosodes, Genus Epidemicus and
Homœopathic Remedy Complexes; and
Homœoprophylaxis in Chagas disease in Honduras.
Each presentation helped to build a shared vision of
the global application of Homœopathy to help prevent
and treat infectious disease. While many of the
programs discussed did not adhere strictly to classical
homœopathic principles, many of the results showed
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 61
that homœopathic remedies were more effective than
conventional medicine in preventing the diseases
studied. Furthermore, the Ministry of Health in Cuba
demonstrated what can be achieved with the application
of Homœopathy in emergency situations if
administrated by the national healthcare system.
Some of this information is available on the
internet. However, the bulk of the work presented by
the Cubans is awaiting publication in medical journals
before it is released to the general public. This, along
with editorial constraints, guided my selection of reports
I felt most crucial to the professional homœopathřs
knowledge. You will find these detailed below.
Homœopathy in Cuba
Homœopathy was first introduced to Havana in
1842 by Dr. Francisco de P. Escoper from Spain. The
journal, La Bandera de la Homœopatia en la Habana,
was first published in 1856. Between 1856 and 1889,
twelve Cubans graduated from Hahnemann Medical
College in Philadelphia and subsequently returned to
Cuba to practice Homœopathy. But then, Homœopathy
in Cuba all but vanished in the first decades of the
twentieth century as a result of American influences in
the medical sciences. In 1958, only four physicians in
Havana listed themselves as homœopaths. The most
frequently used homœopathic drugs at that time were
combinations of Humphreyřs remedies prescribed by
lay people. At the beginning of the Revolution (1959),
the government did not recognize Homœopathy as
scientific or effective.
In 1992, an epidemic of a post-chickenpox viral
neuralgia swept the island, affecting some 50,000
people. The Cuban government put out an international
call for medical assistance. Some homœopaths who
responded to the situation, determined the appropriate
homœopathic remedies, and the epidemic quickly
This tremendously successful homœopathic
intervention, under the direction of Dr. Conception
Campa Huergo and the Cuban Society of Bioenergetic
and Natural Medicine, served as a catalyst for
incorporating Homœopathy into the Cuban National
Health System in 1992.
Since then, the Cuban Ministry of Public Health has
made great efforts toward establishing the validity of
Homœopathy as a diagnostioc medical system based on
evidence. The Ministry pursues homœopathic
investigations with the scientific rigor characteristic of
Cuban medicine.
Since 1997, Cuban homœopaths have been
responsible to the Vice Ministry of the Ministry of
Health known as Direction Nacional de Medicina
Natural y Tradicional. An Advisory Group of
Homœopaths (Grupo Asesor de Homeopatia) plans and
regulates the national programs with regards to
Homœopathy. The training for homœopaths is through
traditional medical schools with a postgraduate training
in CAM methods. Over 1,478 homœopaths have
graduated from these programs. The original professors
were Brazilian and Mexican. But nowadays the
academic homœopathic program is covered by Cuban
professors in the Cuban medical system.
For research and science, Homœopathy has a
section at the Sociedad Naturista y Bioenergetica which
is recognized by the Consejo Nacional de Sociedades
Cientificas. The continued development of
Homœopathy in Cuba is due to the achievements of
Cuban homœopaths with their research projects, their
ability to manage many health problems, their closer
relationship with patients, and because Homœopathy is
a much more affordable therapeutic method than
modern allopathy. Due to the economic sanctions by
the US blockade on Cuba, natural medicine is sought
after because of its affordability.
Over the last decade, several homœopathic
humanitarian aid organizations have contributed to the
growth and expansion of Homœopathy in Cuba. Since
2001, Homœopaths Without Borders (HWB) has made
two trips to educate and distribute supplies.
Homéopathes de terre sans frontiers (HTSF) of Quebec
has also made numerous trips to Cuba to assist in
providing continuing homœopathic education in
Leptospirosis in Cuba
Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects
humans and animals. It is caused by bacteria of the
genus Leptospira. There are 3 different strains, 23
different serogroups of and over 200 serotypes of the
bacteria. Leptospira organisms have been found in
cattle, pigs, horses, dogs, rodents and wild animals.
Humans become infected through contact with water,
food or soil containing urine from these infected
animals. This may happen by swallowing contaminated
food or water, or through direct contact, especially with
mucosal surfaces, such as the eyes or nose, or through
broken skin. Outbreaks of leptospirosis are usually
caused by exposure to water contaminated with the
urine of infected animals. The disease is not known to
spread from person to person.
The time between a personřs exposure to a
contaminated source and becoming sick is 2 days to 4
weeks. Illness usually begins abruptly with fever and
other symptoms. Leptospirosis may occur in two
phases. After the first phase, with fever, chills,
headache, muscle aches, vomiting, or diarrhea, the
patient may recover for a time but becomes ill again. If
a second phase occurs, it is more severe; the person may
suffer kidney or liver failure or meningitis. This phase is
also called Weilřs disease. In rare cases, death occurs.
Many of these symptoms can be mistaken for other
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 62
diseases. Leptospirosis is confirmed by laboratory
testing of a blood or urine sample. The illness lasts
from a few days to 3 weeks or longer. Without
treatment, recovery may take several months.
Leptospirosis is conventionally treated with antibiotics,
such as Doxycycline or Penicillin.
The Cuban Health Ministry has been studying
incidence rates of Leptospirosis since 1981. They have
observed that incidence rates go up with increased
rainfall, and at times of flooding or natural disasters,
when public water sources may be contaminated. The
Finlay Institute developed a vaccine for Leptospirosis
but despite its use for the past 10 years, disease
incidence has remained the same.
In 2007, the Finlay Institute developed a Nosode,
called noso-Lep from 20 different strains of Leptospira
from sick people. Each strain was isolated and cultured
for viability. Each strain was potentized to the 29C
individually and then combined all together for the 30C.
Subsequent potencies were derived from this
combination. The remedy was then potentized to 199C
and 99,999C (to be made into 200C and 10M
respectively upon final delivery).
In the fall of 2007, Cuba was hit with two
hurricanes, Dean and Felix. As with most hurricanes
that pass over Cuba, most of the damage occurred in the
eastern provinces. The Finlay Institute decided to
introduce the nosode into the population in the
provinces of Las Tunas and Holqiun for preventative
measures. Considering the possible impact of the
hurricanes on peopleřs emotional states it was decided
to also include two Bach flower remedies with the
administration of the remedy. In early fall of 2007 in
the midst of the hurricane impact, the 199C potency was
delivered to local health clinics. Doctors were
instructed to combine in one liter of water the 199C
potency of nosoLep and the Bach flower essences.
Patients received one drop of the mixture orally; this
treatment was then repeated seven days later. The
process was repeated with the 99,999C potency in 2008
prior to the two hurricanes, Gustav and Ike, that
devastated the region in September. In 2007, 99.1
percent of the population in these provinces was given
the nosode. At the end of a 40 week study period there
were found to be only 379 suspected cases and 49
confirmed cases of Leptospirosis (numbers are lower
than expected for the amount of rainfall). When the
procedure was repeated in 2008 with the 10M, 98.1% of
the population received the nosode and there were 251
cases suspected, with only 2 confirmed cases.
From the following chart you can determine that
even though the incidence of Leptospirosis was
expected to increase in 2007 and 2008, the incidence of
disease in the two provinces of Las Tunas and Holguin,
where the nosode had been administered, dropped to
nearly 0 cases. In comparison you can see that in the
other provinces in the same vicinity where the nosode
was not used, disease incidence in 2007 and 2008
increased, as predicted.
The subsequent chart is a comparison between
doses of vaccine and nosode administered, included the
time required to make the respective form of
In order to appreciate the above statistics, we need
to convert the value of the Cuban peso. Eight Cuban
pesos (CUP) equal twenty USA pennies. The cost of
the production, storage and administration of the
vaccine runs about $3,876,126 Cuban pesos (CUP)
whereas the relative cost of the nosode from
manufacturing to application is $22,207 CUP. Whereas
it took hundreds of people one year to create 2,000,000
doses of the vaccine, it took only 10-15 people seven
days to create 5,000,000 doses of the 200C potency of
The 10M took a week longer to prepare in
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 63
2008. These figures demonstrate that during epidemics
and natural disasters, when the disease entity may be
unknown until the last minute, Homœopathy proves to
be a more cost effective and timely method of disease
prevention. This is particularly true in countries with
economic challenges that limit access to raw materials,
glass vials, needles, cold storage and all the other
trappings of the vaccine protocol. Sugar in Cuba is
cheap: 8 CUP/pound. Farmers or families can afford to
arrive at the place of nosode administration with a cup
of sugar, have it anointed with the remedy, and then
return to their mountain village or farm to treat the
local population at minimal cost and with great
The results of this study, as well as the work the
Cubans have done stopping Hepatitis A outbreaks in
schools with Phosphorus, and the treatment of
hemorrhagic viral conjunctivitis with Euphrasia will
soon be published and presented to the international
community. Cubařs health care system has long been
extolled as a model for the developing world by the
World Health Organization, particularly in the area of
primary and preventive care. We can only hope that
international acceptance of Homœopathy for the
treatment and prevention of infectious disease will soon
Homéopathes de Terre sans Frontières
Translated as ŖHomeopaths of Earth Without
Borders,ŗ HTSF has headquarters in Quebec, Canada.
Under the presidency of Martine Jourde, this
organization has been working in Central America for
humanitarian purposes. Out of the work Martine had
previously done in the Middle East and Africa in the
early 1980řs, Martine developed the Clover Project: first
line homœopathic care and training, autonomy for
remedies, and exchange and research for sustainable
development of community health programs.
The goals are to create self-reliance in local
communities by developing treatment protocols for
particular diseases, training homœopaths locally to
administer the projects, making remedies from local
sources, and dispensing remedies to the local
When engaging a community, the organization
starts by training the mothers for self-care and persuades
the government to endorse the programs. Due to the
contributing factors of illiteracy, lack of
telecommunication and transportation between villages,
and lack any of other forms of conventional medicine,
the protocols for treatment have to be easy to use with
people who have minimal education. Because many
acute diseases have a sudden onset and rapidly become
critical, combination remedies are necessary in order to
gain time. Accordingly, HTSF has developed a kit of
12 combination remedies to address a variety of acute
situations. These first line homœopathic remedy
complexes had been developed over the years from
experiences in working with stock animals and then
further with people. Each complex is designed to
address different phases and etiologies of acute disease.
HTSF then trains two people per village in a two day
course to get familiar with the remedies, what is in
them, and their indications for use. In different
diseases, more than one combination remedy may be
indicated, depending on the presenting condition. many
of the combination remedies have nosodes in them, in
addition to the common homœopathic remedies
indicated for that particular condition (eg. Carbo-v.,
China, Cupr. etc. for the diarrhea remedy). HTSF has
developed protocols for the treatment of rotavirus,
dengue fever, hemorrhagic dengue, bacterial infections,
parasitical diseases and viral infections.
The remedies were originally prepared by a
homœopathic pharmacy in Quebec, Canada, called Labo
Solidago for use in animals, but were later adapted to
human use by Homeodel (a homeopathic Pharmacy also
based in Quebec). When HTSF began the Chagas
project and started research in Honduras (as described
below), funding was obtained partly from CIDA
(Canadian International Development Agency) and
CSN (Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux,).
Scientific collaboration from CNRP-Mc Gill (Canadařs
National Reference Center on Parasitism) was called
upon to isolate the strains of Trypanosoma Cruzi for
the creation of two homœopathic nosodes for Chagas.
These were then passed on to Homœodel, which
prepared the homœopathic dilutions. HTSF can be
found at
Chagas Disease in Honduras
Chagas disease is a tropical parasitical disease
caused by the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi.
T. cruzi is commonly transmitted to humans and other
mammals by an insect vector: blood sucking assassin
bugs. As the bug sucks the blood of the host, it may
pass stools on the skin. Scratching and breaking the
surface of the skin introduces the contaminated stools
into the body where the disease can take hold. The
disease may also be spread through blood transfusions
and organ transplants, ingestion of food contaminated
with the parasites, bodily secretions such as semen and
motherřs milk, and placental transmission from a
mother to her fetus. Once acquired, the infection is
Chagas disease occurs exclusively in the Americas,
particularly in poor, rural areas of Mexico, Central
America and South America. It is estimated that as
many as 8 to 11 million people have Chagas disease.
Most victims do not know they are infected. Large-
scale population movements from rural to urban areas of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 64
Latin America and to other regions of the world have
increased the geographic distribution of Chagas disease.
Control strategies have mostly focused on eliminating
the vector and preventing transmission from other
sources such as contaminated food.
The symptoms of Chagas disease vary over the
course of an infection. In the early, acute stage, which
happens in only 30 percent of those infected, the
symptoms are mild and usually produce no more than
local swelling at the site of infection. Then there is a
silent phase where the disease can remain dormant for
many years. After a trauma or other form of stress, the
disease wakes up and progresses. Over many years,
serious lesional chronic symptoms begin to appear, such
as heart disease and malformation of the intestines. If
untreated, the chronic disease is often fatal. Current
drug treatments are generally unsatisfactory, and
available medications, particularly those used to treat
the chronic stage of the disease, are highly toxic and
often ineffective.
HTSF treatment protocols of Chagas employ
several combination remedies depending on the stage of
development of the disease. HTSF-Leuco (Ceonanthus,
Conium, Natrum muriaticum and Psorinum) HTSF-
parasite, HTSF-Sep (septic) and HTSF-Car are used
along with TC1, TC2 which are nosodes prepared from
the T.cruzi protozoa.
In Central America HTSF has also had much
success with the use of HTSF-Viral (Acon., Ars., Eup-
p., Nat-m., Phos-ac., Rhus-tox) in viral conditions;
HSTF-Intox for toxic or septic conditions (Ars.,
Camph., Phos., Verat., Colibactirium, Parathyroidinum,
and Pyrogenium). Cases of rotavirus respond well to
the diarrhea combination. Dengue fever is usually
responsive to Eupatorium perfoliatum given in
combination with HTSF-Viral. In cases of hemorrhagic
dengue, the addition of HTSF-Mam1 (Merc., Lach.,
Sec., Anthrax., Pyrog., Streptococcinum) is used to
prevent further bleeding and autointoxication from
streptococcus infection.
Abha Light Foundation (ALF) in Kenya
Didi (Sister) Ananda Ruchira (Barbara Lynne) has
been the driving force behind the work of the Abha
Light Foundation (ALF) since 1998. Didi has been a
yogic nun of Ananda Marga for 30 years, and a
homœopath since 1997. The main goal of ALF is to
support the health of the people through natural and
affordable medicine as a method of managing
HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria in Kenya and to study and
promote appropriate African indigenous medicinal and
herbal knowledge.
Since 1998, ALF has treated thousands of patients
through the mobile clinics in the Nairobi slums and at
various villages throughout Kenya. By the year 2000,
there was enough public support and confidence to open
the first clinic at Kariobangi North slum. Now there are
18 clinics and 25 mobile clinics throughout Kenya and
Tanzania. ALF, in Kenya since 2001, has developed
training programs in alternative medicine and schools of
Homœopathy. The website is http://www.abhalight.org.
Malaria in Kenya
350-500 million cases of Malaria occur worldwide
annually with approximately 40 percent of the world
population at risk for contracting the illness.
In many of
the slums and villages of Kenya, Malaria incidence is
very high. Many people suffer from chronic and
remitting fevers, with blood in the urine, pulmonary
edema, neurological deficits, severe anemia, rupturing
of the spleen, epilepsy and mental retardation. The
situation is compounded by lack of medicines, high cost
of medicines, drug resistance, and ailments from
suppression of symptoms from the medicines. As the
people cannot afford to take the medicines long enough
to actually control the symptoms, they take the medicine
only long enough for the symptoms to abate and then, in
a few weeks, the symptoms recur.
The ALF treatment protocol looks at three major
areas of concern: symptoms in individuals with
suppressed Malaria, the side-effects of the anti-malarial
drugs, and the need for continued prophylaxis and
protection. In order to address these three conditions
ALF has developed the following treatment protocol
called the Malaria X 3-step which treats the side-effects
of the drugs given, removes the parasite from chronic
sufferers and protects against re-infection.
MalariaX 3-step
1. Neem 2X potency. Neem or Azadirachta indica
is a large evergreen tree local to eastern Africa and has
strong health maintaining properties. It has been used
as a tonic and astringent that promotes wound healing.
Neemřs traditional use is based on its detoxifying
benefits that help maintain healthy circulatory,
digestive, respiratory and urinary systems. It is used for
external applications in skin diseases. Neem extracts
also posses anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral
properties. It can also act as birth control as it sterilizes
This 2x potency is derived from the bark of the tree
and prepared in a homœopathic alcohol-based tincture.
It helps in cases of Malaria, as it strengthens the liver,
pancreas and spleen, purifies the blood and is good for
many skin ailments.
Neem is indicated for clearing out cases of chronic
malaria. Patients are directed to take 5 drops a day for
15-21 days to kill the malaria plasmoidia by sterilizing
them so they cannot replicate.
2. China sulphuricum 30C. This is to reduce all of
the side effects of prolonged, continued and/or repetitive
use of Quinine based medicines. Repetitive use of these
drugs suppresses the symptoms of malaria and causes its
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 65
own miasmatic state which looks much like chronic
malaria. These drugs can also cause other symptoms
such as catalepsy or epilepsy. A dose of China sulph
30C is repeated for five days one week after
commencing the Neem 2X drops.
3. Malaria X. This is a combination remedy of
Natrum muriaticum, China officinalis, Arsenicum
album, Eupatorium purpureum and Malaria nosode
(made from a combination of all four species of malaria
plasmodia). Directions are to begin after the China
sulph series. The protocol requires one dose per day of
three pellets for three days, then one dose per week for
two weeks, and then repetition as needed to avoid
recurrence. This remedy may be taken continually once
a week or once a month for continued prevention.
Homeoprophylaxis-fifteen year clinical study Issac Golden
Figure 1 The Current Homeoprophylaxis Program, and Status sheet
Name is being protected
Age given
Date of
Administered by
1 months
2 months
200, M, 10M
4 months
Lathyrus sativus
5 months
Lathyrus sativus
200, M, 10M
6 months
7 months
9 months
10 months
200, 200, 200
11 months
Tetanus Toxin
12 months
Tetanus Toxin
200, M, 10M
13 months
200, M, 10M
14 months
15 months
200, M, 10M
16 months
Lathyrus sativus
200, M, 10M
17 months
200, M, 10M
19 months
20 months
200, M, 10M
22 months
200, M, 10M
24 months
Tetanus Toxin
200, M, 10M
26 months
Lathyrus sativus
200, M, 10M
28 months
M, M, M
32 months
200, M, 10M
41 months
Tetanus Toxin
200, M, 10M
46 months
M, M, M
50 months
200, M, 10M
54 months
200, M, 10M
56 months
Lathyrus sativus
200, M, 10M
60 months
Tetanus Toxin
200, M, 10M
Remedy-Disease Relationship: Pertussin- Whooping Cough; Tetanus Toxin- Tetanus; Lathyrus sativus- Polio;
Haemophilus-Hib Influenzae; Diphtherinum-Diphtheria; Parotidinum-Mumps; Morbillinum-Measles
According to this protocol, thousands of patients
have been treated for Malaria with no subsequent
relapses. Symptoms start to abate under the influence of
the Neem 2X; old symptoms relating to the chronic use
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 66
of the drugs are then cleared with the China sulph 30C,
Malaria X supports the whole system addressing the
individualřs response to the Malaria and preventing
future reinfection. At this point, no verifiable data has
been collected demonstrating the treatmentřs efficacy.
However, the reports of patients and practitioners
working with the Abha Light Foundation indicate their
positive outcomes.
Homœopathic Prophylaxis in Australia
Dr. Isaac Golden has been a homœopathic
practitioner in Australia since 1984. He is world
authority on homœoprophylaxis (HP), and has
undertaken the worldřs largest long-term study of
patients using such a program. In 2004 he completed a
PhD research program at Swinburne University,
Melbourne, studying HP and analyzing the data he
generated through his study. The results are published
in his eighth book, HomeoprophylaxisŕA Fifteen
Year Clinical Study: A Statistical Review of the
Efficacy and Safety of Long-Term
The purpose of this study was to determine the
efficacy of HP for disease prevention and also to
contrast HP with vaccination for ailments common in
children. Previous independent studies had
demonstrated that vaccinated children showed an
increase in the following conditions: Asthma, Eczema,
Ear/hearing conditions, allergies and behavioral issues.
Following is the Status Sheet of the HP program that
monitors an individualřs progress through the program.
The participants were then asked to complete
questionnaires annually to grade disease incidence vs.
exposure and to monitor incidences of the other
conditions listed above. Participants were also asked
what if any other vaccinations were used.
All HP
Hp Only
Not Golden
Not Golden
Number of the Respondent
HP only
Vaccination Also
General protection Also
Proportion with Asthma
Proportion with Eczema
Proportion with Ear/Hearing
Proportion with Allergies
Proportion with Behavioral issues
Proportion with Measles
Proportion with Whooping cough
Proportion with Mumps
TABLE 24 Comparison of HP Use Program Supplied/Not supplied by Golden Ŕ Proportions (2)
Some patients also used HP programs supplied by other
practitioners. The following chart (Table 24) compares
the incidence of mumps, measles and whooping cough
with those that followed HP programs (HP only, as
below) and those that were vaccinated and had received
some degree of HP prevention (ALL HP). From the
data it is clear to see that those individuals who had
followed the HP program alone under Golden
experienced statistically better results, with fewer of the
common ailments developing and no incidence of
infectious disease. Those who, in addition to the HP
program, used vaccinations had more adverse events.
The HP recipients not under Golden also did much
better than the HP/vaccination recipients not under
Golden. This chart also demonstrates that there are
statistically greater incidences of other ailments in those
children who received some form of vaccination. What
this chart does not tell us is to what extent the HP
programs of other practitioners differs from Goldenřs,
which and how many other vaccinations were used in
those that had some vaccination, and what the exposure
rate to infectious disease was. The answers to these
questions are delineated in many of the other charts
present throughout his research.
To his surprise Golden also found that those
children who had received HP without constitutional
homœopathic treatment were healthier than those
children who had only received constitutional treatment.
This conclusion leads us to ponder the effects of
nosodes alone on the improvement of health and to
wonder about any preconceived notions as to the best
philosophical approach to apply homœopathic remedies
for disease prevention.
Dr. Jamie Alexander Mora was also present at the
conference, where he presented a similar finding from
his research with an equivalent HP program that has
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 67
been used in Columbia, South America. Analysis of
blood titers drawn at three years of age from children
who had received only homœopathic nosodes for
disease prevention showed antibody levels
demonstrating immunity to the diseases for which they
had received prophylactic remedies.
Select presentations from the International Meeting
on Homœoprophylaxis, Homœopathic Immunization
and Nosodes Against Epidemics: NOSODES2008.
Dec. 10-12, 2008, Havana, Cuba. (listed in order of
presentation at the conference)
1) World Health Organization. Disease incidence
rates. www.who.int/en/.
2) CDC. Disease incidence rates. www.cdc.gov.
3) Cristia, Dr. Rafael Perez. Panorama of Sanitary
Regulations and Nosodes. General director of
regulatory agency for health protection. MINSAP,
4) Golden, Dr. Isaac. Homœoprophylaxis: Research
Demonstrating the Effectiveness and Safety.
Head of the school of holistic medicine, Endeavour
College of Natural Health, Australia.
5) Cruz, Dr. Raul. Homœoprophylaxis: Cuban
Experiences on Leptospirosis. With Dr.
Conception Campa, Dr. Luis Varela, Dr. Esperanza
Gilling, MCs. Rolando Fernandez, Tec. Barbara
Ordaz, Dr. Gustavo Bracho, Dr. Luis Garcia, Dr.
Jorge Menendez, Lic Natalia Marzoa, Dr. Ruben
Martinez. Finlay Institute, Cuba.
6) Lynne, Barbara. Malaria Prevention and
Treatment in Endemic area of Kenya.
AbhaLight foundation, Nairobi, Kenya.
7) Mora, Dr. Jamie Alexander. Program for
Homœopathic Prophylaxis; Experiences in
Columbia. Homœopaths Terra San frontier,
8) Jourde, Martine. Nosodes, Genus Epidemicus
and complexes: Illustration of the Resources of
Homeoprophylaxis for Treatment of Dengue and
the Development of an Early Diagnostic Tool for
Chagas Disease in Honduras. President of
Homœopathes de Terre sans Frontieres, (HTSF),
and SPHQ, Quebec, Canada.
9) Fernandez, MCs. Rolando. Development and
Large Scale Production of nosoLep. Biotherapies
Laboratory, Finlay Institute. Cuba.
10) Gualardo, Dr. German. Cuba, Sugar and
Homeopathic Impregnation. Homœopathic
Medical Association of Baja California, Mexico.
ŖHomœopathy: Ex nihilo fit nihilŗ?
(HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Dear Editor,
We recently came across an article by Prof. M.
Pandolfi in the European Journal of Internal Medicine.
This contribution reads like a letter to the editor but
appears as a Řspecial articleř, a type of article not
included on the journalřs editorial submission checklist.
It is not a scientific paper, since it does not report
methods or any results. It would have been more honest
to publish it as an editorial.
Some years ago we chanced upon Titus Lucretius
Carořs De Rerum Natura.
Lucretius (98-55 BC.) was a
Roman philosopher known for his naturalistic view.
We tend to agree with Pandolfi when he (wrongly)
quotes Lucretius as saying ex nihilo fit nihil, this
quotation (correctly exnihilo nihil fit) should have been
attributed to René Descartes in his Principia
Philosophiae. Lucretiusřs concept of nothingness was
not an Řemptyř non-being. He said Ŗnil igitur fiery de
nilo posse fatendumst semine quando opus est rebus
quo quaeque creatae aeris in teneras possint
proferrier aurasŗ (One must admit that nothing can
rise from nothingness, as things need a seed, from
which each thing, once generated, can spread out in the
light breath of air…)
, further on, he wondered about the
order of cosmos (neque forte deum nobis immense
potestas sit, vario motu quae candida sidera versit)
(and, by chance, isnřt that a great divine power turning
shining stars in their moving shows himself to all of
The concept of never ending creation leads to two
consequences: the eternity of being: ŖHaud igitur
penitus percent quaecumque videntur …ŗ (Hence,
whatever is visible will never dieř)
; and the Řhiddenř
reality of non-visible things Ŗquod nequent oculis
rerum primordial cerni accipe praeterea quae
corpora tute necessest confiteare esse in rebus nec
posse videriŗ (since primordial elements cannot be seen
by eyes, listen how many bodies you too have to
recognize which are in nature though they cannot be
And the concept of vacuum: ŖNec tamen
undique corporea stipata tenentur omnia natura;
namque est in rebus inane Est igitur nimirum id
quod ratione sagaci quaerimus admixtum rebus,
quod inane vocamus…ŗ (But everything is not made
of tight compact matter, as it has vacuum within. What
we see with our intelligent minds for, it does exist
really, mixed with matter and it is called vacuum.)
Thus Lucretius could be considered a forerunner of
modern physics.
2, 3
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 68
Ancient philosophers, as proto-scientists, held
different views about natural world and many hard
questions still remain the same throughout the history of
human knowledge. Lucretius believed in indivisible
atoms, anassagora of Clazomene (5
century BC) in the
infinite subdivisibility of atoms. Who was right? In
1935 Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen questioned whether
quantum physics could depict reality or if physical
theory should be newly addressed. When we talk about
quantum physics we should not confound it with
physical reality and thus be much more cautious.
Lucretius replaced horror vacui with the immortality of
matter through its never ending transformation. So, in
quoting Lucretius, we admit that matter can contain
vacuum, but never Řnihilř. Modern physics has
dramatically changed this picture. We can replace
Descartes Ŗex nihilo nihil fitŗ with ex nihilo omnia if
we consider nothingness as quantum vacuum. Vacuum
and nothingness are non interchangeable words.
Nothingness is not present within matter. Quantum
vacuum is present, but it is able to produce photons
which can affect matter.
Pandolfi starts by misquoting Lucretius, then goes
on to quote Wilkinsonřs mocking article on
Homœopathy and quantum physics in the Annals of
Improbable Research-Newsletter.
Why does he not
report a genuine reference to quantum physics? Perhaps
Pandolfi has read Milgromřs work.
This may be
difficult to understand, due to our inability to
comprehend quantum physics, as pointed out by
Feynman. Can humans be entangled? Gisin et al.
wondered if entanglement could be seen by humans:
this strange question is speakable in physics, it is not
black magic. These issues should be faced in a
scientific debate, not mocked. There is evidence that
quantum phenomena are not limited to the sub-atomic
We do not know if clinical research in
Homœopathy fails due to Ŗthe collapse of wave
function of an entangled state patient-practitionerŗ.
This is a very difficult concept to understand.
Consciousness and wave function collapse are not
necessarily separate
and it would be preferable if this
topic was confronted with the genuine curiosity of
scientific research. But this is very difficult, if the
starting point is not serious reasoning. Why does
Pandolfi talk of nothingness? He discusses
Oscillococcinum but does he know what this
preparation Řreallyř contains? In quoting Descartes we
suspect that he means to imply that all homœopathic
remedies contain Řnothingnessř; is that certain? What
would Lucretius have made of that? How should we
define this entity within matter which Pandolfi calls
Řnothingnessř? This is an interesting issue for
condensed matter physics. But Pandolfi prefers to joke,
especially when in conclusion he speaks of statistics,
forgetting, perhaps, how many incongruent P values are
reported in prestigious medical papers.
1. Pandolfi M. Homœopathy: exnihilo fit nihil. Eur J
Intern Med 2010, 21:147.
2. Lucretius TC. De rerum natura. In: Conte GB,
editor. Milan, Italy: RCS Publisher, 1990. L.
Canali trad.
3. Capra F. The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of
the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern
Mysticism. Berkeley, CA (USA): Shambala
Publications, 1975.
4. Wilkinson MFH. Towards a quantum mechanical
interpretation of Homœopathy. Ann Improb Res
Newsletter (MINI AIR) 1999; 3: 1-3.
5. Milgrom L., Patient-Practitioner-Remedy (PPR)
entanglement: part 1. A qualitative, non local
metaphor for Homœopathy based on quantum
theory. Homp 2002: 91: 239-248.
6. Milgrom LR. Conspicuous by its absence: the
memory of water, macro-entanglement and the
possibility of Homœopathy. Homp 2007; 96: 209-
7. Milgrom LR. A new geometrical description of
entanglement and the curative homœopathic
process. J Altern Complement Med 2008 Apr;
14(3): 329-339.
8. Milgrom LR. The eternal closure of the biased
mind? The clinical and scientific relevance of
biophysics, infinitesimal dilutions, and the memory
of water. J Altern Complement Med 2009 Dec;
15 (12): 1255-1257.
9. Brunner N, Branciard C, Gisin N. Can one see
entanglement? arXiv:0802. 0472v2 2008; Nov 13,
10. Hameroff SR. A new theory of the origin of cancer:
quantum coherent entanglement, centrioles, mitosis,
and differentiation. Biosystems 2004 Nov;77(1-3):
11. Mesquita MV, Vasconcellos AR, Luzzi R,
Mascarenhas S. Large-scale quantum effects in
biological systems. Int J Quantum Chem 2005;
102: 1116-1130.
12. Mavromatos NE, Mershin A, Nanopoulos DV.
QED-cavity model of microtubules implies
dissipationless energy transfer and biological
quantum teleportation. arXiv: quant-ph/0204021vl
2002; Apr 4, 2002.
13. Steele RH. Harmonic oscillators: the quantization
of simple systems in the old quantum theory and
their functional roles in biology. Mol Cell
Biochem 2008 Mar; 310(1-2): 19-42.
14. Frolich H. Quantum mechanical concepts in
biology. In: Proceedings of the first international
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 69
conference on theoretical physics and biology,
Versailles, 1967. Amsterdam: North Holland,
1969, p. 13-22.
15. Teixeira MZ, Guedes CH, Barreto PV, Martins
MA. The placebo effect and Homœopathy. Homp
2010 Apr; 99(2):119-129.
16. Thaheld F. Does consciousness really collapse the
wave function? A possible objective biophysical
resolution of the measurement problem.
Biosystems 2005; 81: 113-124.
17. Garcia-Berthou E, Alcaraz C. Incongruence
between test statistics and P values in medical
papers. BMC Med Res Methodol 2004 May 28;
4: 13.
9. GUEST EDITORIAL: Do serial dilutions really
(HOM. 99, 4/2010)
The article by Chikramane et al. ŘExtreme
Homœopathic Dilutions Retain Starting Materials: A
Nanoparticulate Perspectiveř, in this issue reports the
fascinating observation that high potency homœopathic
remedies made from specific metals, prepared at two
different commercial plants in India, contain measurable
amounts of the starting material, even at 200c.
We are
all familiar with the simple calculations showing that a
series of 1:99 dilutions done sequentially will produce a
significant dilution of the starting material in very short
order. Specifically, if the starting material is at one
molar concentration (6.023 x 10
atoms [or molecules)
per litre], then at about the 12
centesimal dilution
(12C) there should be no or very nearly no atoms (or
molecules) left of the starting material. At 200c the
likelihood of there being even one atom of the starting
material approaches zeroŕif the process of dilution
follows the normal assumptions. However, it seems
those with those assumptions, we go astray.
Chikramane et al. found that, contrary to our
arithmetic, there are nanogram quantities of the starting
material still present in these Řhigh potencremedies.
We encourage the reader to inspect this article critically
to appreciate the full gamut of the findings and
They offer a possible explanation for this finding.
The size and shape of the metal nanoparticles they
observe are consistent with the very high forces and
temperatures that would occur with putative
nanobubbles produced during succussion. From this
they hypothesize the formation of nanoparticleŕ
nanobubble complexes that would rapidly rise to the
surface of the mixture forming a monolayer, especially
at high dilutions. In this way a non-equal distribution of
starting material would result during any settling
between dilutions. When the top 1% of the solution is
used as starting material for the next dilution, as they
observed at one plant, and this process is repeated for
each Řdilutionř step, no dilution in fact occurs.
How these explanations might apply to remedies
made from organic starting materials will provoke still
further intriguing questions. We have previously shown
that there are ponderable contaminants with biological
implications present in homœopathic remedies, even at
Although we briefly considered testing for the
presence of compounds from the mother tinctures, at
these potencies, this was quickly lowered in our
research priority because of the apparent futility and
because we did not have the technologies available to
measure organic molecules (our choice in mother
tinctures). Chikramane et al. have now directly tested
for the presence of starting material and disproved the
tenet that nothing but the Řspiritř is left in high potency
homœopathic medicines.
One might expect a different outcome if the starting
material were an organic compound as much of the
chemistry described here would have very different
implications. In addition, there are several other
difficulties in determining the relevance of these
findings to Homœopathy. If nanocomplexes rise to the
top of a vial, many manufacturers discard this portion of
the solution. For example, the Korsakoff method of
remedy manufacture empties the vial and uses the
remaining solution from the walls and bottom (not top)
of the tube for the next dilution. Finally, even if the
persistence of small amounts of any substance were
proven, how they could elicit significant clinical
responses from the chemicals themselves would have to
be explained. We might expect clinical relevance if the
concentrations fall within the range of hormesis, which
these concentrations appear to be.
Simultaneously, the studyřs findings of wide
disparity between batches and between manufacturers in
the quantity of material identified at high potencies raise
new concerns. Is it variations in manufacturing
techniques and protocols with the resultant differences
in quantity of active moiety in the final remedy that lead
to some of the difficulties encountered in clinical
homœopathic research?
We do not know the details of these manufacturersř
processes or even which pharmacopoeia they employ.
As companies operating in India, do they use the Indian
pharmacopoeia or that of their original parent company
(e.g. Dr. Willmar Schwabe India (WSI) Private Limited,
the German homœopathic pharmacopoeia; SBL, India,
originally Boiron, the French homœopathic
pharmacopoeia)? The WHO Safety Report, using the
example of Aconitum, notes that the amount of mother
tincture in the 1DH dilution ranges from 10% in the
French pharmacopoeia to 20% in the German
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 70
pharmacopoeia to 100% in the US and Indian
pharmacopoeias with a resulting alkaloid content
ranging from 0.002% to 0.075%: a 38 fold difference.
At the very least, the findings in this study beg for
renewed efforts at harmonization between the
pharmacopoeias and greater specificity and
standardization in their descriptions of pharmaceutical
The identification of nanogram amounts of the
starting minerals in 200c remedies is both astounding
and welcome. To quote Thomas Pynchon, ŖIf they can
get you asking the wrong questions, they donřt have
to worry about answersŗ.
The skeptics have gotten
the homœopathic world so busy trying to defend various
theories of water memory that we have overlooked the
possibility that some of the material somehow actually
persists in highly diluted homœopathic medicines. If
these findings are independently replicated, we can
perhaps turn to the more relevant questions of how a
remedy may interact with the individual organism based
on the Principle of Similars and, beyond a certain
threshold, how much the potency matters.
1. Chikramane PS, Suresh AK, Bellare JR, Kane SG.
Extreme homœopathic dilutions retain starting
materials: a nanoparticulate perspective.
Homœopathy 2010; 99: 231-242.
2. Ives JA, Moffett JR, Arun P, et al. Enzyme
stabilization by glass-derived silicates in glass-
exposed aqueous solutions. Homœopathy 2010;
99: 15-24.
3. Calabrese EJ, Jonas WB. Homœopathy: clarifying
its relationship to hormesis. Hum Exp Toxicol
2010; 531-536.
4. Safety issues in the preparation of homœopathic
medicines. Geneva: World Health Organization,
5. Pynchon T. Gravityřs Rainbow: New York City:
The Viking Press, 1973.
10. 200 years Organon of Medicine Ŕ A comparative
review of its six editions (1810-1842)
SCHMIDT, J.M. (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
This year, 2010, Homœopathy is once again said to
have reached its 200
anniversary. The truth is that
homœopaths have already celebrated Ř200 years of
Homœopathyř at least three times within the last 20
years. These correspond to important stages in the
foundation and development of Homœopathy by
Samuel HAHNEMANN (1755-1843). In 1990 the 200
anniversary was commemorated of Hahnemannřs
famous experiment on himself with Peruvian bark in
1790, later considered to be the Řdawnř of the
homœopathic idea.
1, 2
1996 marked 200 years since the
basic principles of Homœopathy were published by
HAHNEMANN for the first time, in his essay ŖOn a
new principleŗ. This included drug proving on healthy
humans and treatment according to Ŗsimilia
In 2007 the term Ŗhomœopathicŗ finally had its
birthday, having been introduced by
HAHNEMANN in 1807.
It was mainly German-
speaking people who celebrated this anniversary, as the
corresponding article has never been translated into
The noun Ŗhomœopathyŗ was first used by
HAHNEMANN in 1810.
Also, the basic maxim of
Homœopathy Ŗsimilia similibus curenturŗ was first
published in its complete version in the Organon of
Rational Therapeutics.
Thus, in 1810, Homœopathy
acquired a basic textbook and a distinctive label,
constituting itself as a discrete entity. This first edition
of the Organon is widely known under the title
Organon of the Rational Art of Healing, as it was
under this title that it was introduced to the English
speaking world by CE Wheeler in 1913.
But this translation obscures the difference between
the German words ŖHeilkundeŗ (knowledge of healing)
and ŘHeilkunstŗ (art of healing). In Hahnemannřs day,
the professional dispute was exactly centred on this
issue, i.e. whether medicine can or should be considered
an art or a science/knowledge.
Consistent with modern
positions in the theory of medicine,
10, 11
in 1819
HAHNEMANN revised his initial emphasis on
rationality in medicine in favour of a broader concept of
medicine as an art rather than an applied science.
The fact that the title of the first edition of the
Organon, published in 1810, is Organon of Rational
Therapeutics, while all the subsequent editions bear the
title Organon of the Art of Healing, gives a first hint
that the development of Homœopathy cannot be
considered to have been complete in 1810. A
comparative examination of the different editions
discloses changes of concepts and theories in the
development of the Organon, rather than a continuity
of attitude and approach. The latter does, of course,
exist, but is more difficult to unravel.
Homœopaths who read the sixth and final edition,
may also get a sense of this problem, if they study it in
depth. Apparent contradictions arising from a critical
reading can often be resolved by demonstrating that
HAHNEMANN, when revising the Organon, was not
always totally consistent in eliminating old concepts and
substituting new ones.
Comparison of all six German editions is facilitated
by a literary tool called Organon Synopse. This is a
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 71
book in which the complete contents of all six editions
are printed, with corresponding phrases side by side,
enabling the reader to trace continuities and
discontinuities in the development of Hahnemannřs
So, although the Organon is often called
Řthe Bible of Homœopathyř, for many the basic
reference of Homœopathy has always been very
difficult to understand.
In order to shed new light on the content of the
Organon, let us take a step back to obtain a broader
perspective, from where we may be able to place it in a
historic and philosophic context.
Historical perspectives
From time immemorial Ŕ due to the precarious
condition of human existence Ŕ the motive to heal
people has been a perennial challenge, an
anthropological basic constant. It can be found in all
epochs of history and on all continents of the world.
This goal Ŕ whether inspired by compassion, worship,
curiosity, or convention Ŕ can be and has been purused
and achieved in very different ways. As the history of
medicine shows, concepts, terms, and theories of how to
cure people varied widely Ŕ depending on time, place,
intellectual climate, socio-economic, cultural, and
political circumstances.
Seen from a historianřs view,
for instance it was not by chance that Homœopathy
emerged in 18
and 19
century Germany. It would not
have fitted with Greek antiquity, Western middle ages,
traditional Chinese culture, or the like.
In the wake of major political, social, and economic
changes, such as the French Revolution, emancipation
of citizens, and early industrialization, and of
intellectual movements, such as enlightenment, German
Idealism and Romanticism, toward the turn of the 18
and 19
centuries a remarkable culture of critical
thinking evolved.
As if triggered by an ever-rising consciousness and
relevance of economic relations, not only scientists and
physicians, but even theologians and philosophers tried
to expand the realm of rationality within their fields.
The term Řratioř derives from the commercial rendering
of accounts, so Řrationalismř may be seen as the triumph
of money Ŕ as a form of thinking Ŕ over all realms of
Immanuel KANT (1724-1804) claimed to have
elevated metaphysics to the rank of a true (rational)
science, and many physicians (as well as philosophers
and artists) were anxious to achieve the same for
Against this background and within this context,
Hahnemannřs lifeřs work, the finding, foundation, and
development of Homœopathy, may be contemplated
and assessed: from his first vision of the principle of
similar in 1790, to his completion of the sixth edition of
the Organon in1842. Seen in this context, the first
edition looses some of its alleged status as an
outstanding landmark in the history of Homœopathy, let
alone a kind of holy scripture. It rather turns out to have
been one of several transitional stages in a busy literary
and medical career, extending over six decades, from
Hahnemannřs dissertation (1779)
to his manuscript of
the last edition of the Organon (1842).
Philosophical perspectives
Apart from taking into account the regional and
cultural circumstances, influences, and biases of his
time and contemporaries (a vast field for medical
historical research), it is important for a clear
understanding of Hahnemannřs work to consider
philosophical and epistemological problems, with which
any explorer of anything new and previously
undiscovered is confronted. It is a paradox of the
human condition, that language, logic, and concepts
allow humans to communicate their thoughts and
opinions to other fellow human beings, but at the same
time limit the content of what is communicable to
As a rule, ordinary people are only able to perceive,
experience, and grasp those things for which they have a
sense, and also basic concept in their minds. For
instance, without having a concept of a chair we would
not able to recognize any chair in a room, since we
would not even know what to look for. Everything
alien to our senses and concepts, though it may be
sensed by bats, bees or eels, or spiritual or mystic
insights of saints, drops through the meshes of our
perception and understanding and will thus remain
unknown to us.
Given the case that somebody has discovered
something that is truly new and unheard of, be it by
chance, intuition, revelation, providence or the like Ŕ in
order to communicate this to his people, has no option
but to try to express it by means of existing language,
logic, and concepts. But were it possible to easily grasp
and communicate it by these means, it would have
probably been discovered long before. History contains
many examples of how philosophers, writers, and also
physicians had to challenge the boundaries of language,
or even create a fresh terminology for their new
Unlike for example PARACELSUS (1493-1541),
who could develop his own world of concepts along
with his alchemical, astrological, and therapeutic
findings relatively undisturbed (most of his work was
published posthumously),
HAHNEMANN, living 300
years later, was more obliged to comply with the
conceptual standards and fashions of his time.
Although modern peer-review procedures did not
yet exist, to publish an article for instance in Hufelandřs
Journal or to find a publisher for a book on medicine,
certainly was not possible without talking the same
language as oneřs colleagues and sharing their scientific
interests. Empirical details could be reported at will, as
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 72
long as the intellectual framework was understandable
to readers. This is why HAHNEMANN used terms like
organism, life-force, life-principle, dynamic, potencies,
agencies, remedies, miasms, causes of disease, signs,
symptoms, etc., and why he never stopped working on
clarifying their relationship and meaning during his long
life of practicing and writing.
Had HAHNEMANN lived today, in order to obtain
access to a peer reviewed medical journal he would, like
everybody else, have to comply with writing in terms of
modern science, such as immunology, epigenetics,
cybernetics, etc. he would have probably used
progressive concepts such as complexity, semiotics,
systems theory, or salutogenesis.
In order to put the Organon of Rational
Therapeutics into the context of Hahnemannřs striving
for recognition by his contemporaries, let us now take a
closer look at the way he modified his presentation of,
and arguments for his cause over the course of more
than 50 years.
Behind ostensible shifts of perspective, emphasis,
and concepts, one can detect the continuous
development of a basic idea, although, there are
certainly some theoretical and terminological
discontinuities. The task is to abstract the original
vision or experience from contradictory concepts, to
identify the non-verbal essence of Homœopathy which
should be expressible in more than one theoretical
frame-work and be transferable to different times and
Early writings of HAHNEMANN
In 1790, in his translation of William Cullenřs
Materia Medica, HAHNEMANN drew the attention of
the reader to his observation that Ŗsubstances which
arouse a kind of fever extinguish the types of
intermittent feverŗ.
Referring to this early statement, in article
published in Hufelandřs Journal in 1796,
HAHNEMANN presented himself as a Ŗtrue physician
having the perfection of his art at heartŗ. He focused
exclusively on two questions: 1. What pure effects do
medicines bring forth in healthy human bodies? And 2.
What do their effects in distinct diseases teach us?
Rejecting all other (indirect) sources of medicinal
knowledge, such as chemistry, botany, animal
experiments, etc., HAHNEMANN advocated drug
provings on healthy humans and treatment according to
the principle Ŗsimilia similibusŗ. However, if a basic
cause of a disease, such as a tapeworm (taenia), was
known, its elimination would be the Ŗvia regiaŗ of the
art of healing. If no basic cause was known, i.e. in the
majority of cases, antipathic treatment (treatment by the
contrary) would be suitable only in acute diseases.
Chronic diseases, on the other hand, were to be treated
with so-called Řspecificsř, i.e. remedies which have
proven their practical uses in similar cases. For any
state of disease there should be a specific remedy.
Hahnemannřs uncompromising pragmatic attitude
toward his goal of healing human beings in this early
publication is very striking. It results in a differentiated
and balanced handling of the causal and
phenomenological approach.
In another publication in Hufelandřs Journal, in
1797, HAHNEMANN for the first time distinguished
between Ŗdynamicallyŗ and Ŗchemicallyŗ acting
In 1800, in his translation of Richard
Pearsonřs Thesaurus Medicaminum, he contrasted
Ŗdynamicŗ with Ŗmechanicŗ,
and in 1801, in
Hufelandřs Journal, with Ŗatomicŗ.
In 1801, again in Hufelandřs Journal,
HAHNEMANN introduced his conception of Ŗfixed
(stable) diseasesŗ which have a stable cause, for
instance a Ŗquite invariable miasmŗ, like Syphilis or
Psora, and run a similar course. All other diseases,
infinitely different in their symptoms, had to be
individually considered.
ŖIn practically useful
regardŗ HAHNEMANN also distinguished Ŗmaterialŗ
and Ŗdynamicŗ causes of diseases. If a material cause,
such as a splinter, a foreign body, or a gall-stone, could
be detected and eliminated, this should be done. Since
dynamic causes were not known in their essence,
however Ŕ even if one knew their names, like Psora,
Syphilis, or Smallpox Ŕ they could not be treated
In these publications HAHNEMANN presented
himself as a practical physician who emphasized the
distinctions mentioned, because these seemed to him to
have direct therapeutic consequences.
In 1805, in Hufelandřs Journal, HAHNEMANN
presented his doctrine under the heading Therapeutics
of Experience (known also as The Medicine of
[I feel that the right translation of
Heilkunde der Erfahrung will be ŘPractical
Therapeuticsř = KSS]. Once more he pointed out that
some diseases may have one and the same cause (e.g. a
miasm): these may be called Ŗpeculiar diseasesŗ, bear
single names, and be treated with the same remedy. All
the rest of the diseases, however, were not homogenous
and could not be enumerated. They had to be
considered and treated individually, comprising a
unique combination of manifold influences in this
person under these particular circumstances. In case-
taking the physician should ask for basic causes as well
as for exciting causes.
Aside from these practical considerations this paper
was dominated by Hahnemannřs attempt to theoretically
explain his doctrine in terms of contemporary concepts.
For this (academic) purpose he had to resort to a
stimulus theory in order to explain the principle of
similar: pathogenic and medicinal stimuli (potencies)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 73
provoke diseases. If they are dissimilar, they suspend
each other; if they are similar, they extinguish each
By means of a semiotic theory he tried to
substantiate his phenomenological approach toward the
many individual diseases: since the inner essence of any
disease reveals itself through signs and symptoms, they
are Ŗthe disease itselfŗ.
To justify why a knowledge of all signs and
symptoms suffices for healing every individual disease,
HAHNEMANN took refuge in teleological and
metaphysical concepts: God, the wise and beneficent
creator of humankind, guarantees that, also under the
condition of a limited perception, humans must be able
to cure. ŖTherapeuticsŗ was now defined as a Ŗscience
of experienceŗ.
However, ostensible cures by non-
curative remedies were denied.
This publication was the forerunner of the
Organon. HAHNEMANN embarked upon the
scientific discourse of his time, and was obviously
under pressure to explain and sustain in current
academic terms what he had been doing in practice for
more than 10 years. With the claim of conforming to
science, the necessity arose to give reasons for
everything. Since any proof or argument is based on
certain premises, HAHNEMANN was ultimately forced
to introduce theological topics into his medical writings,
as the ultimate premise.
In 1807, again in Hufelandřs Journal,
HAHNEMANN coined and defined the term
Ŗhomeopathicŗ, complained that the Ŗtruthŗ of
curative healing was not yet Ŗscientifically
recognizedŗ, and called his doctrine Ŗthe most rational
and perfect way of healingŗ.
Up to this publication
the term Ŗrationalŗ was used by HAHNEMANN only
casually, for example when he spoke of the Ŗmore
rational modern timesŗ in 1797,
a Ŗrational
physicianŗ in 1800,
or the Ŗrational useŗ of coffee in
From this time, however, when
HAHNEMANN entered a phase of defending his
doctrine as an entity, the term Ŗrationalŗ Ŕ as well as
Ŗtruthŗ Ŕ became increasingly important to him.
At the same time, in a series of articles in a popular
journal for a broader public known as Allgemeiner
Anzeiger der Deutschen, HAHNEMANN kept his
distance from traditional sciences. In 1808 he stressed
that since the way Ŗvitalityŗ works is not reducible to
any mechanical, physical, or chemical measure, the wise
physician confines himself to a Ŗknowledge of vitality
by experienceŗ.
In 1809 he recommended to a
student the Ŗstudy of medicineŗ, but only because Ŗone
has to know, what concepts people who consider
themselves clever physicians have, of all the things
which they do not understandŗ.
On the other hand, in an open letter to Hufeland, in
1808, HAHNEMANN tried to reconstruct his discovery
in a picture as consistent and incontestable as possible,
drawing heavily on teleological arguments. In this
context, for the first time he called his new therapeutic
maxim a Ŗlaw of natureŗ and compared his difficulties
in being recognized to those of Luther.
In 1809 HAHNEMANN made a significant change
of meaning in his terminology: the term Ŗart of
remedyingŗ was used pejoratively, while the term
Ŗtherapeuticsŗ became the new ideal.
The six editions of the Organon
Hahnemannřs high valuation of the terms Ŗrationalŗ
and Ŗtherapeuticsŗ during that period may certainly
have influenced the title of the book, whose 200
anniversary is celebrated this year: the Organon of
Rational Therapeutics. In this work HAHNEMANN
introduced the noun ŖHomeopathyŗ and for the first
time presented the full formulation of the basic maxim
of Homœopathy: Ŗsimilia similibus curenturŗ.
on a quotation from Francis BACON (1561-1626) first
mentioned in 1805,
the Ŗart of healingŗ was now
denounced as having been a Ŗconjectural artŗ Ŕ until
Hahnemannřs revision had brought forth the Ŗbeneficial
Hahnemannřs own ambition was Ŗrationally
curingŗ, i.e. Ŗaccording to fixed reasonsŗ.
His doctrine
was claimed to rest upon the Ŗhomœopathic law of
the Ŗhomœopathic law of natureŗ,
the Ŗlaw of
homœopathy without exceptionsŗ,
and some more
Ŗspecial laws of rational therapeuticsŗ.
Regarding the
examples of involuntary homœopathic cures by former
physicians he even spoke of Ŗhomœopathic causal
The stimulus theory advocated in 1805 was now
replaced by the idea that Ŗthe organism obtains a special
tuning from the diseaseŗ and cannot receive a second
one without having to abandon the first.
Drug proving
was explained entirely in Cartesian terms: Ŗmedicinal
substances produce disease symptoms, according to
special lawsŗ.
In 1810, more than in 1805, HAHNEMANN was
concerned about fitting his knowledge and insights into
standard scientific terms and concepts. In consequence,
some of his more practical findings almost sank into
insignificance, like his further differentiation between
fixed, individual, and collective diseases
and his
elaboration of the conception of Ŗvicarious maladiesŗ,
which substitute, mask or replace the danger of an
internal serious disease, for instance by an external
eruption on a less important part of the body (a concept
introduced in 1809),
56, 57
as a warning against treating
local symptoms without curing the Ŗinner diseaseŗ, such
as Syphilis or Psora.
The problem of the attempt to grasp phenomena of
the living in terms of rationality is a tendency to
generalization and dogmatism. Indeed, in 1813, in an
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 74
article in the popular journal mentioned above,
HAHNEMANN even claimed that nature acts according
to the (homœopathic) Ŗlawsŗ Ŕ Ŗwith mathematical
certaintyŗ Ŗin all casesŗ. Homœopathy was asserted to
be the most Ŗcertain, reliable, gentle, quick, and lasting
wayŗ of healing.
In 1819, a second edition of the Organon appeared,
now entitled Organon of the Art of Healing. In the
preface HAHNEMANN stated several times that his
subject is the Ŗtrue art of healingŗ, conceptualized as a
Ŗpure science of experienceŗ.
The term Ŗrationalŗ, so
prominent in the first edition, was now erased from the
entire book, except for one footnote where it was used
to denounce the errors of the old Řrationalř school.
This ostracism of the term Ŗrationalŗ was maintained
through all subsequent editions of the Organon.
The same change of attitude may also be seen in a
subtle shift of wording in paragraph 1: In 1810 the
starting point and subject was Ŗthe physiciawho had
a Ŗgoalŗ. From 1819 to 1842, the emphasis was laid
upon the Ŗcalling of the physicianŗ, putting the
physician into the genitive. In addition, a new footnote
to this section from now on served as an explicit
demarcation from academic theorizing, in which
professors of Ŗtheoretic medicinal artŗ used to indulge.
While in the first edition a teleological poem from
Chrisitian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715-1769) was on the
title page, this was now substituted by the motto Ŗaude
sapereŗ (Ŗdare to knowŗ or Ŗdare to be wiseŗ) Ŕ
whereby Řsapereř not only means Řknowingř, but also
Řsmellingř, a sensual activity that may not entirely be
translatable into rational concepts.
The terms and concepts used in the second edition,
to give Hahnemannřs medical colleagues a clear idea
about Homœopathy, were less Cartesian-academic and
closer to the phenomena. Diseases were now described
as Ŗspiritual derangements of our life in feelings and
activitiesŗ or Ŗimmaterial derangements of our well-
At the same time, he continued to claim (up to
the sixth edition), that his doctrine was based on the
homœopathic Ŗlaw of natureŗ or Ŗhealing law of
Of practical relevance was Hahnemannřs
suggestion to ask patients for a former infection with
specific miasms, such as Syphilis, Psora, or Sycosis,
since the local symptom, such as the chancre or the skin
rash, may have disappeared and with it the
completeness of the picture.
The third edition of Organon, published in 1824,
was a largely unaltered version of the second.
Nevertheless, HAHNEMANN inserted an approving
comment on Mesmerism and some extensions of
practical rules for the treatment of chronic diseases.
Sycosis was depicted clearly, as an internal disease with
specific local and secondary symptoms, taking its place
besides Psora and Syphilis. For the treatment of Psora
HAHNEMANN suggested the internal use of the best
Ŗantipsoric remedyŗ, using the term Ŗantipsoricŗ for the
first time.
In 1828, HAHNEMANN published his monograph
on the nature and treatment of Chronic Diseases. As he
wrote, he had been working on this issue since 1816,
i.e. since the time between the first and second edition
of the Organon. Based on his concepts of fixed
diseases, vicarious maladies, and original and exciting
causes, HAHNEMANN now attributed all chronic
disease to a previous infection with a chronic miasm
(Psora, Syphilis, or Sycosis) and claimed that these
could only be healed homœopathically. The fact that
Psora was conceptualized to be the most infectious and
versatile disease, persisting, without cure, lifelong, like
a Ŗparasiteŗ,
had the far-reaching consequence that
virtually nobody would be free of it. HAHNEMANN
considered himself to be one of very few exceptions.
Upto the Psora theory, normality had consisted of
healthy people occasionally becoming ill. Now (almost)
everybody had to be considered to be chronically ill, at
least in a latent state, and unable to recover without
homœopathic aid.
In the fourth edition of the Organon, published in
1829, the paradigmatic changes resulting from Psora
theory had been incorporated and digested. One of the
main concepts helping HAHNEMANN to explain why
the average human would be ill, and not healthy, was
the Ŗlife-forceŗ. In the first edition of the Organon this
term appeared only once,
in the second edition twice,
in the third edition 10 times (mainly in connection with
and even in the Chronic Diseases, in
1828, only three times,
always in a general and non-
specific sense. In the fourth edition, however,
HAHNEMANN used it 70 times,
in the fifth 139
times, and in the sixth, posthumous, edition, 106 times.
In contrast to his earlier use of the term Ŗlife-forceŗ
as a metaphor or synonym for Ŗnatureŗ or Ŗorganismŗ,
HAHNEMANN now distinguished between Ŗwiseŗ Ŗbig
nature itselfŗ and the Ŗmere individual nature of the
organic humanŗ, namely the Ŗinstinctive, unreasonable
life-forceŗ which once out of tune acts Ŗblindlyŗ,
Ŗautomaticallyŗ, and Ŗinappropriatelyŗ and whose
Ŗefforts are itself illnessŗ.
This, of course, should not be imitated. On the
contrary, the Ŗart of healingŗ required the Ŗhigher
human spiritŗ Ŗfree deliberationŗ, and Ŗreasoningŗ,
Ŗretuneŗ the Ŗdetuned life-forceŗ. Only from this point
on was disease defined as Ŗa derangement of the life-
forceŗ and chronic miasms considered to be the Ŗbiggest
tormentors of humansŗ.
The fifth edition of the Organon, published in
1833, was influenced by issues of confrontation and
demarcation, including significantly harsher attacks on
but also a new delimitation of
Homœopathy as distinct from Ŗisopathyŗ
against a
putative Ŗsect of bastard-homœopathsŗ,
and a new
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 75
group of Ŗconceited beginnersŗ and converts.
In the
course of a tightening of homœopathic identity, from
now on he claimed Homœopathy to be the Ŗonly true art
of healingŗ, just as Ŗbetween two points there is only
one straight lineŗ,
and suggested using the 30c potency
as a standard dose, especially in the form of Ŗsmellingŗ
(also known as olfaction).
Outstripping his former assessments,
HAHNEMANN now estimated the number of people
affected by chronic diseases at 99% .
In the sixth
edition, however, he reduced this to Ŗthe majority of
The sixth edition of the Organon, completed by
HAHNEMANN in manuscript in 1842, contained few
changes of concept and ideas in principle. From a
practical point of view, there were a number of relevant
modifications of doctrine presented for the first time.
The most surprising was his new and more sophisticated
method of potentisation, later called Q or LM, fifty-
millesimal potencies,
88, 89
together with new directions
for dosage and intervals of prescription and rules for
following-up cases, including the description of a new
kind of late aggravation.
Contrary to the editions three to five,
HAHNEMANN no longer considered mesmerism as a
mere Ŗauxiliary aidŗ which could Ŗact
homœopathicallyŗ but not perform a Ŗlasting cureŗ.
Rather mesmerism was now granted the peer status of
an Ŗinvaluable gift of Godŗ, equally able to Ŗextinguish
the derangement of the life-forceŗ.
also admitted Ŕ under certain circumstances Ŕ the
usefulness of the application of magnets, electricity, and
galvanism, as well as of massages and baths.
For the
first time he also included a vision of homœopathic
hospitals and education.
Conclusion and outlook
It should now be clear that the Organon of
Rational Therapeutics, published in 1810, cannot be
adequately understood and judged without considering
its context. With the first edition of the Organon,
Homœopathy neither began nor ended. On the contrary,
its position seems to be rather in the midst of
Hahnemannřs literary and practical lifeřs work. Basic
principles of Homœopathy, like drug proving and
treatment by similar, had already been prefigured in
Other fundamental concepts, such as Ŗdynamicŗ,
Ŗfixed diseaseŗ, Ŗmiasmŗ, and Ŗoriginal and exciting
causesŗ were developed in 1796, 1797, 1801, and 1805,
respectively. In 1805 various scientific theories were
drawn upon to make the new method plausible,
understandable, and acceptable to academic physicians.
Even the name Ŗhomœopathicŗ had already been coined
in 1807. Compared to these preliminaries, the particular
achievement of the first edition of the Organon was
little more than a deliberate alignment with the
prevailing trend of rationality.
On the other hand, formal similarities of the six
editions of the Organon, viewed superficially, may give
the impression that all editions were basically the same,
just republished at different times, with some
corrections. A deeper, comparative analysis shows
them in a different light. Each seems to possess an
individual personality: from the first, most ambitious
and rationalistic edition, to the second, more artistic and
phenomenological, to the third, almost unaltered, to the
fourth, which was dominated by the Psora theory, to the
fifth, the most pugnacious and delimiting, to the sixth,
probably the most pragmatic and balanced. Each
corresponded to a phase in Hahnemannřs life and
development, his social conditions, and intellectual
After starting out to impress readers of his first
Organon by means of the rationalistic claim to make
medicine a natural science in 1810, HAHNEMANN
anew the ideal of medicine as an Ŗart of healingŗ in
1819, had almost nothing to add to this in 1824,
assimilated a large paradigmatic change in 1829,
defended his doctrine against various threats and false
friends in 1833, and, after moving to Paris, perfected
his lifeřs work in 1842.
The six editions of the Organon are different, but
connected by a strong invisible thread. It is
Hahnemannřs basic idea of an art of healing that, on the
one hand, attempts to conform as closely as possible to
the sick human and primary phenomena (disturbed well-
being/feeling, detuned vitality, remedies as potencies to
influence these states) and, on the other hand, strives to
find tools, rules and laws that make the highly
demanding practice of medicine certain and reliable.
If one admits this basic idea to be the core of the
spirit of HAHNEMANN, pervading all his writings,
practice, and research, there still remains the need to
translate this hazy vision into concrete terms and
concepts: a challenge which HAHNEMANN met and
pioneered throughout his life. That he had to comply
with theories, ideas, and conceptions of his time and
contemporaries, does not at all impair his achievements.
On the contrary: instead of criticizing or deconstructing
Hahnemannřs dependence on contemporary conditions,
homœopaths should engage in the task of carrying his
noble and beneficial intention into the 21
trying to translate the perennial mission of medicine into
the language of modern science, humanities, and
Only if one tried to write a seventh edition of the
Organon, would one probably realize how much
HAHNEMANN had already accomplished in the
previous six.
Conflict of interest
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 76
I thank Francis Treuherz MA RSHom FSHom for
reviewing and editing the paper.
1. Hahnemann S. Reine Arzneimittellehre, Vol.3,
Dresden: Arnold, 1817, p.35; 2. Aufl. Vol.3.
Dresden: Arnold, 1825, p.99.
2. Hahnemann S [Dudgeon RE, Transl.]. Materia
Medica Pura, Vol.1, London: Hahnemann
Publishing Society, 1880, p.408.
3. Hahnemann S. Versuch über ein neues Prinzip zur
Auffindung der Heilkräfte der Arzneisubstanzen,
nebst einigen Blicken auf die bisherigen (1796). In:
Schmidt JM, Kaiser D (eds). Gesammelte kleine
Schriften [=GKS (2001)]. Heidelberg: Haug, 2001,
4. Essay on a new principle for ascertaining the
curative powers of drugs, with a few glances at
those hitherto employed. In: Dudgeon RE
(Transl.). The Lesser writings of Samuel
Hahnemann. New York: William Radde, 1852, pp
249-303, here p.265.
5. Hahnemann S. Fingerzeige auf den
homöopathischen Gebrauch der Arzneien in der
bisherigen Praxis (1807). In: GKS (2001). P.461.
6. Hahnemann S. Organon der rationellen Heilkunde
[ = Organon 1]. Dresden: Arnold, 1810, pp xliii,
xlv, xlvi, §§ 199, 246.
7. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, p.v.
8. Hahnemann S. [Wheeler CE, Transl] Organon of
the rational art of healing. New York: Dutton,
9. Wiesing U. Kunst oder Wissenchaft?
Konzeptionen der Medizin in der deutchen
Romantik. Stuttgart, Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-
Holzboog, 1995.
10. Wieland W. Die Diagnose. Überlegungen zur
Medizintheorie. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter,
1975. Neuaufl. Warendorf: Hoof, 2004.
11. Wiesing U. Wer heilt, hat Recht? Über Pragmatik
und Pluralität in der Medizin. Stuttgart: Schattauer,
12. Wischner M. 200 Jahre Organon der Heilkunst.
Allg hom Ztg 2010: 255: 6-10.
13. Hahnemann S [Luft B, Wischner M (eds)].
Organon-Synopse. Die 6 Auflagen von 1810-1842
im Überblick. Heidelberg: Haug, 2001.
14. Porter R. The greatest benefit to mankind. A
medical history of humanity from antiquity to the
present. London: Harper Collins Publishers. 1997.
15. Unschuld PU. Was ist Medizin? Westliche und
östliche Wege der Heilkunst. München: Beck,
16. Brodbeck KH. Die Herrschaft des Geldes.
Geschichte und Systematik. Darmstadt:
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2009.
17. Schmidt JM. Believing in order to understand:
Hahnemannřs hierarchisation of values.
Homeopathy 2008; 97: 156-160.
18. Conspectus adfectuum spasmodicorum aetiologicus
et therapeuticus (1779). German translation:
Betrachtung zur Ätiologie und Therapie der
krampfartigen Erkrankungen. In: GKS (2001), pp
19. Schmidt JM. Bibliographie der Schriften Samuel
Hahnemanns. Rauenberg: Siegle, 1989.
20. Braun L. Geschichte der Philosophiegeschichte.
Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,
21. Benzenhöfer U. Paracelsus. 3. Aufl. Reinbek bei
Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2003.
22. Cullen W [Hahnemann S, Transl.]. Abhandlung
über die Materia Medika, Vol. 2. Leipzig:
Schwickert, 1790, p.109; Also in GKS (2001), p.
23. Hahnemann S. Versuch über ein neues Prinzip
(1796). In: GKS (2001), P 222.
24. Hahnemann S. Versuch über ein neues Prinzip
(1796). In: GKS (2001), pp 220-221.
25. Hahnemann S. Gegenmittel einiger heroischer
Gewächssubstanzen (1797). In: GKS (2001), p.
26. Schmidt JM. Die philosophischen Vorstellungen
Samuel Hahnemanns bei der Begründung der
Homöopathie (bis zum Organon der rationellen
Heilkunde, 1810). München: Sonntag, 1990, p.64.
27. Hahnemann S. Ueber die Kraft kleiner Gaben der
Arzneien überhaupt und der Belladonna
insbesondre (1801). In: GKS (2001), p.349.
28. Hahnemann S. Monita über die drey gangbaren
Kurarten (1801). In: GKS (2001), p.321.
29. Hahnemann S. Monita über die drey gangbaren
Kurarten (1801). In: GKS (2001), pp. 326-327.
30. Hahnemann S. The medicine of experience. In:
Dudgeon RE (ed). The Lesser Writings of Samuel
Hahnemann. New York: William Radde, 1852, pp
31. Hahnemann S. Heilkunde der Erfahrung (1805).
In: GKS (2001). pp 390-393.
32. Hahnemann S. Heilkunde der Erfahrung (1805).
In: GKS (2001). p 395-398
33. Hahnemann S. Heilkunde der Erfahrung (1805).
In: GKS (2001). p392.
34. Hahnemann S. Heilkunde der Erfahrung (1805).
In: GKS (2001). P.390.
35. Hahnemann S. Heilkunde der Erfahrung (1805).
In: GKS (2001). p 405.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 77
36. Hahnemann S. Fingerzeige auf den
homöopathischen Gebrauch … (1807). In: GKS
(2001), pp 461, 471-472.
37. Hahnemann S. Gegenmittel einiger heroischer
Gewächssubstanzen (1797). In: GKS (2001), p
38. Schmidt JM. Die philosophischen Vorstellungen
Samuel Hahnemanns München: Sonntag, 1990,
p 65.
39. Hahnemann S. Der Kaffee in seinen Wirkungen
(1803). In: GKS (2001), p 364.
40. Hahnemann S. Ueber den Werth der speculative
Arzneysysteme, besonders im Gegenhalt der mit
ihnen gepaarten, gewöhnlichen Praxis (1808). In:
GKS (2001), pp 503, 505.
41. Hahnemann S. An einen Doctorand der Medicin
(1809). In: GKS (2001). P.531.
42. Hahnemann S. Auszug eines Briefs an einen Arzt
von hohem Range über die höchst nöthige
Wiedergeburt der Heilkunde (1808). In: GKS
(2001), pp 495, 498.
43. Hahnemann S. Zeichen der Zeit in der
gewöhnlichen Arzneykunst (1809). In: GKS
(2001), p 540.
44. Hahnemann S. Aeskulap auf der Wagschale (1805).
In GKS (2001). p 370.
45. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, pp i-iv, § 122.
46. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, pp vii, xxi.
47. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, pp xviii, 21, § 19.
48. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, pp §199.
49. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, pp § 200.
50. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, p xlviii
51. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, § 21.
52. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, § 89.
53. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, §§ 48-60.
54. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, pp 137, 145, 149,
55. Schmidt JM. Die philosophischen Vorstellungen
Samuel Hahnemanns München: Sonntag, 1990,
pp 128, 148-151, 179, 330, 353, 356, 398, 515.
56. Hahnemann S. Belehrung über das herrschende
Fieber (1809). In: GKS (2001), p.538.
57. Hahnemann S. On the prevailing fever. In:
Dudgeon RE (ed). The Lesser Writings of Samuel
Hahnemann. New York: William Radde, 1852, pp
555-565, here p 563.
58. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, §§173-175.
59. Hahnemann S. Geist der neuen Heillehre (1813).
In: GKS (2001), p 647. (Spirit of the Homœopathic
Doctrine of Medicine)
60. Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst. 2. Auflage
[=Organon II]. Dresden: Arnold, 1819, pp 6ŕ14.
61. Hahnemann S. Organon II; 1819, §6.
62. Hahnemann S. Organon II; 1819, §1.
63. Hahnemann S. Organon II; 1819, §53.
64. Hahnemann S. Organon II; 1819, §20, 43, 65, 116,
142; p.53, §45.
65. Hahnemann S. Organon II; 1819, §228.
66. Hahnemann S. Organon II; 1819, §319-320, 108b,
67. Hahnemann S. Organon II; 1819, §220.
68. Hahnemann S. Die chronischen Krankheiten, ihre
eigenthümliche Natur und homöopathische
Heilung, Vol. 1, Dresden, Leipzig: Arnold, 1828,
69. Hahnemann S. [Tafel LH, Transl]. The Chronic
Diseases. Their Peculiar Nature and Their
Homœopathic Cure, Vol.1, Philadelphia: Boericke
& Tafel, 1896, p.5.
70. Hahnemann S. Die chronischen Krankheiten…
1828; Vol. 1, pp.14, 231.
71. Hahnemann S. Die chronischen
Krankheiten…1828; Vol. 1, p.57.
72. Hahnemann S. Organon I; 1810, §227.
73. Hahnemann S. Organon II; 1819, §§75, 287.
74. Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst. 3. Auflage
[=Organon III]. Dresden: Arnold, 1824, §§ 75,
287, 319, 320.
75. Hahnemann S. Die chronischen Krankheiten…
1828; Vol. 1, pp.2, 86; 1828, Vol. 3, p.49.
76. Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst. 4.
Auflage [= Organon IV]. Dresden, Leipzig:
Arnold, 1829, pp iv-vi, xii, 9, 15, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29,
32, 34-41, 43, 45, 51; §§ 17, 24, 40, 46, 48, 60, 65,
66, 68, 72, 105, 142, 191, 198, 202, 263, 280, 291,
77. Hahnemann S. Organon IV; 1829, pp iii-vi.
78. Hahnemann S. Organon IV; 1829, p 41.
79. Hahnemann S. Organon IV; 1829, p 9, §§ 24, 40;
80. Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst. 5. Auflage
[=Organon V]. Dresden, Leipzig: Arnold, 1833, pp
81. Hahnemann S. Organon V; 1833, pp 67-70, §56.
82. Hahnemann S. Organon V; 1833, p ix, §§67, 149,
83. Hahnemann S. Organon V; 1833, §253.
84. Hahnemann S. Organon V; 1833, §§109, 143; 54,
85. Hahnemann S. Organon V; 1833, §§ 270, 246,
287; 288, 285.
86. Hahnemann S. Organon V; 1833, p v.
87. Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst. 6. Auflage
(1842) [ = Organon VI]. Schmidt JM (ed).
Heidelberg: Haug, 1992, p 2, §204.
88. Hahnemann S. Organon VI; 1842, §§ 270-271.
89. Schmidt JM. Q/LM potencies: historical reasons for
the long delay in their recognition. Homeopathy
2006; 95: 121-122.
90. Hahnemann S. Organon VI; 1842, §§280-282.
91. Hahnemann S. Organon III; 1824, §319.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 78
92. Hahnemann S. Organon IV; 1829, § 291.
93. Hahnemann S. Organon V; 1833, § 293.
94. Hahnemann S. Organon VI;1842, §288.
95. Hahnemann S. Organon VI; 1842, §§286-287; 290-
96. Hahnemann S. Organon VI; 1842, § 271.
11. 7 Stepping Stones to Select a Successful Remedy
Practice is Everything
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 31, 1/2011)
Practice these seven steps as you would any other
new skill and the results will be deeply rewarding. As
you become familiar with the unique patterns of your
childřs way of falling sick and the remedies that tend to
help, youřll find you are spending less time in the
doctorřs office and more time enjoying life. Once you
have gone through this remedy selection process a few
times, youřll find it becomes easier and quicker.
1. Step back and consider the whole picture
2. Make notes
3. Gather 3 or more symptoms
4. Remember, common symptoms are for dummies
5. Identify a Ŗcauseŗ.
6. Compare two or more remedies
7. Give your chosen remedy and observe carefully….
If at first you donřt succeed …
Read on for more details about each step.
1. Step back and consider the whole picture
Home prescribers often make the mistake of
focusing on the one symptom or complaint that is
bothering them or their child. It is completely
understandable. Unfortunately it will not guide you to
the best remedy for that person. Take more of that
person into account (i.e., 3 or more symptoms) and you
are now pinning the tail on the donkey without a mask
over your eyes!
2. Make notes
Write down each and every remedy given and the
date (donřt forget the year!)
Got down the reason and the symptoms Ŕ a simple
list is fine.
Make a note of any other remedy or remedies you
considered and why, just in case the one you give
doesnřt work.
Make a note of the response to the remedy---even if
itřs just a few words.
Write down other medications given including
herbs, supplements, aspirin, and cough syrup, etc.
The quicker and better a remedy works, the more
likely it will be that your child will need it again for a
similar complaint, especially if you have taken a stress
factor into account when selecting it. Occasionally,
home prescribers will throw a pebble that lands in the
dead center of their childřs pond-they will hit on their
childřs constitutional remedy. This is the remedy that
works for everything: from colds and teething, to
growing pains and exam nerves. It is always brilliant to
catch this gift because you made good notes as you were
going along. We donřt often get that same super clear
picture again to guide us.
3. Gather 3 or more symptoms
Any time you give a remedy based on a single
symptom, you are just guessing. You want a nice strong
Ŗ3-legged stoolŗ to support your choice---or even more
Ŗlegs,ŗ if you can:
One physical symptomŕnewbies (and some oldies)
make the common mistake of choosing three or
more physical symptoms. Unless the physical
symptoms are unusual or unique, they will rarely
lead you to a good remedy.
One general symptom (i.e., that affects the whole
person, such as feeling chilly or feeling worse from
motion or feeling worse in a stuffy room, or being
more or less thirsty or sweaty than usual)ŕ
especially if it is unusual or very strong or brand
One emotional symptomŕespecially something
new or different from normal (e.g., irritable with a
fever, or weepy and whiny with teething pains, or
wanting to be carried with earache, especially if in a
formerly easy-going or contented child).
A cause.
4. Common symptoms are for dummies
Common symptoms (those symptoms that are so
common to the complaint that just about anyone with
that complaint will have them) pop up in the
descriptions of nearly every remedy that might be used
to help that complaint. If you select a remedy based
primarily on the common symptoms of an illness, you
will often find yourself giving one remedy after another
that doesnřt work.
ŖMy teething baby is drooling and chewing on
everything. Sheřs in pain and is waking a lot at
night.ŗ Of course she is. Thatřs the nature of
teething babies. Youřll have to elicit some more
unique symptoms to help you find a good remedy!
ŖMy baby has a high fever and sheřs really
uncomfortable and sleepy. The fever is higher in
the evenings and at night, and lower in the
mornings.ŗ Yup. Thatřs the pattern with most
fevers. So that symptom wonřt narrow down the
remedy choices.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 79
ŖMy child has the snuffles and her nose is quite
blocked. She canřt fall asleep at night and sleeps
with her mouth open.ŗ Oh yes. Blocked nose,
mouth breather. (Big yawn. Such a common
symptom for anyone with snufflesŕit wonřt help
you decide anything!)
ŖMy baby has a cough. Itřs worse when he lies
down at night.ŗ Coughs are nearly always worse
lying down. Iřm afraid itřs a common symptom
that will get you absolutely nowhere.
5. Identify a cause
This is the most important symptom of all. If you
can identify it, it will lead you to a great remedy. Did
you or your child experience any obvious (or not so
obvious) stresses before falling sick? For example:
Physical stresses: getting chilled, lack of sleep, an
Emotional stresses: any kind of upset, a loss or
6. Compare two or more remedies
Having written down the symptoms, you can look
them up in a repertory/index to the Materia Medica. (If
youřre a home prescriber, you will find the mini-
repertory in one of my books a good and non-
intimidating way to start using a repertory.)
After you have narrowed your choice down to a
few remedies compare them in a Materia Medica to help
you to become familiar with their whole symptom
profiles. When you read the whole picture does it seem
like it matches? Or not so much? Now read each
profile more carefully and notice any other symptoms
you can check up on, in order to add to your childřs
whole picture. For example, one remedy may be
indicated for a pale tongue and the other for a bright red
tongue. You can check your childřs tongue to see
whether it matches one remedyřs profile over the other.
You may also notice symptoms that donřt fitŕ
make a note of those too as they will help you decide
where to go next if the first remedy doesnřt work. The
more of a picture you have, the more confident you can
be in your remedy choice.
7. Give the remedy & observe carefully… If at first
you donřt succeed…
Remember patience at this point. Jumping from
one remedy to another will get you all discombobulated
and lead you astray. If your child seems better in
herself even if her symptoms are no better, then a
healing process has been initiated. Cross your fingers
and wait as patiently as possible! Observe your child
during this time to gather additional symptoms that crop
up in case she eventually does need a new remedy.
If the first well-indicated remedy does not help,
then the work you have already done will help
tremendously in selecting your next remedy. You may
even be able to go straight to your #2 choice. Because
you have written it down you wonřt mistakenly give the
remedy that hasnřt worked again, plus you wonřt have
to go back to the drawing board.
If the remedies you give donřt help or the
symptoms worsen, of course you will want to seek the
advice of a professional homœopath.
How to take a remedy
You can treat yourself and/or your loved ones for
minor/everyday, recent complaints. Do not treat
yourself for recurring or chronic complaints. Seek
professional advice for chronic, recurring, or long-
standing complaints.
Take the remedy in a 6c, 12c, 30X or 30C potency.
Repeat the dose according to the severity of the
Life-threatening: every 5-15 minutes.
Severe: every ½-1hour (e.g., high fever,
unbearable pain)
Moderate: every 2-4 hours
Mild: every 4-6 hours (e.g., able to carry on
Tonic: every 8 hours (e.g., tiredness after
Stop on improvement: take it less often if there is
moderate improvement and stop taking it as soon as
there is significant improvement.
Repeat as needed: repeat the same remedy if it
helped and the symptoms returnŕstarting and
stopping as needed until better.
Change the remedy if 6ŕ10 doses have been taken
with no result. It is probably the wrong choiceŕ
select another one or get help.
Bottom line: If you are not sure whether to give a
remedy, donřt. If you are not sure whether to repeat a
remedy, wait!
GOOPTU, Naranarayan (S & C. 5-6/2006)
The Directive Principles of State Policy in Part IV
of the Constitution of India clearly stipulates that ŖThe
State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and
the standard of living of its people and the improvement
of public health as among its primary dutiesŗ and, in
particular, the State shall endeavour to bring about
prohibition of Ŗthe consumption except for medicinal
purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are
injurious to healthŗ. In the case of Paschim Banga Khet
Mazdoor Samity v. State of West Bengal JT, 1996 (6)
SC43, the Supreme Court also held that providing
adequate medical facilities for the people is an essential
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 80
obligation for a welfare state. But even after 57 years of
our independence, have we been able to make any
progress towards attaining this fundamental goal of
good governance?
Certainly some progress has been made. Medical
science and Medical Law in our country have reached
new heights; mortality rate is certainly on decline. Yet,
lot more needs to be done. Isnřt it a matter of shame
that at least one TB patient dies every minute in India
and that one lakh children die of malnutrition every
? The doctor-patient ratio, especially in the rural
areas, is abysmally low. Besides, the increasing
commercialization of the medical profession is making
modern modern medical facilities beyond the reach of
the vast multitude of the population. It is in this
perspective that the subject chosen for todayřs oration is
of crucial significance.
Medical law and medico-legal issues involve a
relatively new subject area. Previously medical law
was regarded as a mixture of criminal law, tort, contract
and property concepts. Nowadays medical law has
emerged as a subject in its own right, but there is still
debate as to what, if anything makes it a discrete area of
the law. Medical law does not respect the traditional
compartments with which lawyers have become
familiar, such as torts, contracts, criminal law, family
law and public law. Instead, medical law cuts across all
of these subjects and today must be regarded as a
subject in its own right. It is a discrete area concerned
with the law governing the interactions between doctors
and patients and the organization of health care.
Medical law is about rights and duties, which are legal
and ethical as well as moral. Where issues of medical
law and practice area concerned, human rights issues
abound. Modern medicine has increasingly been seen
in terms of human righs.
Medical law has to be understood in the context of
medical ethics and the Hippocratic tradition. The key
element of the Hippocratic Oath is for doctors to
practice and prescribe to the best of their ability for the
good of their patients, and to try to avoid harming
patients. The patient-doctor relationship is based on
trust here, although in some views, this might place the
patient in a hierarchically subordinate position to the
doctor, and may lead to Řprofessional paternalismř. The
infusion of a discourse of rights of patients is seen to
inject an equitable element in the doctor-patient
In 1999, the European Federation of Internal
Medicine and the American Board of Internal Medicine
combined to launch the Medical Professionalism
Project, which published a document entitled ŖMedical
Professionalism in the new millennium: A Physicianřs
charterŗ. In this, three fundamental principles provide
definitive professional responsibilities: (1) Principle of
primacy of patient welfare (beneficence and non-
maleficence; altruism); (2) Principle of patient
autonomy; (3) Principle of social justice Ŕ to promote
justice and non-discrimination in the healthcare system,
including fair distribution and access to healthcare
resources. Medical Law thus goes beyond medical
ethics governing the practice of doctors, but is also
geared to ensure patientsř rights, resolve conflict and
ensure equity.
Since the scope of the topic is so vast, I have
chosen to restrict myself to the most important six
aspects of Medical Law, namely
I. Medical Negligence.
II. Consent
III. Children and Consent
IV. Medical Confidentiality
V. Abortion
VI. Euthanasia
Medical Negligence:
One of the most important aspects of any
profession is the degree of excellence, which a person
practicing that profession can give in his results. There
are many aspects, which determine the relative
competence of an individual in a group, vocation or a
particular line of personalized and highly skilled
practice. What is more important is that one acts,
conducts himself and discharges his duties in such a
manner as would be expected from a prudent
contemporary in a similar situation having access to
similar facilities and in the know-how of the principles
of such a practice in general. Medical negligence is the
result of some irregular conduct on the part of any
member of the profession in the discharge of the
professional duties.
The essential components of the tort of negligence
are as follows:
a. The existence of a duty to take care, which is owed
by the defendant to the complainant
b. The failure to attain that standard of care prescribed
by the law, thereby committing a breach of such
duty, and
c. The complainant has suffered damage, which is
both casually connected with such breach and
recognized by the law.
The duties, which a doctor owes to his patient, are
clear. In Dr. Lakshman Balkrishna Joshi v Dr. Trimbak
Babu Godbole (AIR 1969 Sc 128) it was held that a
person who holds himself out ready, to give medical
advice, and treatment, impliedly undertakes that he is
possessed of skill and knowledge for the purpose. Such
a person, when consulted by a patient, owes him certain
duties, like duty of care in deciding whether to
undertake the case, a duty of care in deciding what
treatment to give or a duty of care in the administration
of the treatment. The test for medical negligence was
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 81
laid down in two cases, those being Bolam v Frien
Hospital Management Committee [1957] 2 AIIER 118
and Hunter v Hanley [1955] SLT 213, Mc. Nair J.
encapsulated in the Bolamřs case that Ŗ…It is sufficient
if he [doctor] exercises the ordinary skill of an ordinary
competent man exercising that particular act…ŗ and the
same was done by Lord Clyde in Hunterřs case from
Scotland in the following words: Ŗ…The true test for
establishing negligence in diagnosis or treatment on the
part of a doctor, is whether he has been proved to be
guilty of such failure as no doctor of ordinary skill
would be guilty of, if acting with ordinary care.ŗ
There may be many instances where a doctor may
be negligent. In the case of K. Gracykutty v. Dr.
Annamma Oommen and Another, 1992 (1) CPR 251,
The Kerala State Consumer Disputes Redressal
Commission observed that the following acts would fall
under the ambit of medical negligence:
a. Misrepresenting that one possesses the skill or
expertise which he does not possess;
b. Recklessness in undertaking a treatment or
recklessness in the treatment of it;
c. Indifferent handling of medical cases;
d. Failure to act diligently and alertly at the
appropriate time;
e. Evident negligence like amputating a wrong limb or
administering a prohibited or known counter
productive medicine;
f. Negligence in conducting operation;
g. Unqualified nurse or unqualified person attending
to serious delivery cases
h. Supply of contaminated blood
i. Wrong diagnosis or treatment which under no
norms of practice can be justified.
The above list, however, is only illustrative and by
no means exhaustive.
There are, however, exceptions where wrongful or
mistaken diagnosis would not amount to medical
negligence. A doctor cannot be found to be negligent
simply because one of the risks inherent in the treatment
actually took place, or because in a matter of opinion, he
made an error of judgment. He can be guilty of
negligence only when he has fallen short of the standard
of reasonable medical care. What is the standard of
reasonable medical care to be adopted would again vary
and would depend on the facts and circumstances of
each case. However, in every case of medical
negligence, it is for the person initiating the complaint
to prove that there was infact negligence on the part of
the doctors/authorities in providing their services.
Where the complainant fails to establish any deficiency
of service or negligence, the complainant would not be
entitled to any compensation. The following are actions
that do not amount to medical negligence, as decided by
various Consumer Courts in India.
a. Not obtaining written consent or not providing
ambulance by the hospital [K. Gracykutty v Dr.
Annamma Oommen 1992 (1) CPR 251.]
b. Patient not getting the desired relief or the medical
treatment not being successful [K.M. Singh v. Sir
Gangaram Hospital 1992(2) CPR 307; Sri Ram
Singh v Sampatraj 1993(2) CPJ 869]
c. Not providing a bed to a serious patient in ICU of
hospital where no vacant bed is available [Sir
Gangaram Hospital v. D.P. Bhandari 1992(2) CPJ
d. Mistaken diagnosis [Pearaylal Verma v A.K. Gupta
1993(3) CPR 144].
e. Doctor giving precedence to one patient over
another [B.S. Hegde V Dr. Sudhanshu Bhattacharya
1993 (3) CPR 414] = II (1992) CP 449.
f. Charging exorbitant fees (although the act was
deprecated by the Court), it was held that the same
does not amount to medical negligence. [B. S.
Hegde v Dr. Sudhanshu Bhattacharya 1993(3) CPR
414] = II (1992) CPJ 449.
But the question remains if there is criminal
liability for medical negligence.
The existing Relevant Legal Provisions on this
matter are: According to S. 304A of the IPC, whoever
causes the death of any person by a rash or negligent act
not amounting to culpable homicide, shall be punished
by imprisonment for up to two years, or by fine, or both.
(Other relevant sections relating to obstctrics cases are:
314, 336, 337 and 358 IPC.).
According to S. 80 of the IPC, Řnothing is an
offence which is done by accident or misfortune, and
without any criminal intention or knowledge in the
doing of a lawful act, in a lawful manner, by lawful
means and with proper care and caution.ř In other
words, if a person commits an act by accident or
misfortune without a criminal intention, using lawful
means and with proper care and caution, his action
cannot be labelled a criminal offence.
Again, S. 88 of the IPC provides that nothing plain
which is not intended to cause death, is an offence by
reason of any harm which it may cause, or be intended
by the doer to cause, or be known by the doer to be
likely to cause, to any person for whose benefit it is
done in good faith, and who has given a consent,
whether express or implied, to suffer that harm, or to
take the risk of that harm. In other words, an act, not
intended to cause death, and done in good faith and with
the consent of the other party, cannot be labeled an
offence even if it leads to the other partyřs death or
disability. It may also be mentioned here that the word
Řgood faithř used here has a special meaning. It means
an act done with due care and attention.
The Supreme Court in its judgement dated February
4, 2004, in Mohanan v Prabha G Nair & another
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 82
(2004)CPJ 21(SC) case = 2004(2) SCALE 606 had laid
down the law of the land on the issue of medical
negligence. In this case a woman in the seventh month
of pregnancy underwent medical intervention and
delivered a dead child on the next day. She passed
away three days later, while under medical care. The
husband alleged in his police complaint that though he
repeatedly asked for permission to remove his wife to a
medical college hospital, the doctor advised against the
shift saying that the patient had no serious problem and
that everything would turn out all right. Subsequent
events obviously proved otherwise. Based on the
opinion of the radiologist and the doctor who conducted
the autopsy, the Magistrateřs Court took cognizance of
the offence punishable under S.304A of the IPC. The
doctor petitioned to quash the proceedings invoking S.
482 of the Criminal Procedure Code, on the ground that
there was no prima facie case. The concerned High
Court held that the mere fact that a patient dies in a
hospital does not lead to the presumption that the death
occurred due to the doctorřs negligence. To hold a
doctor criminally responsible for a patientřs death, it
must be established that there was negligence or
incompetence on the doctorřs part which went beyond
civil liability. Criminal liability would arise only if the
doctor did something in disregard to the patientřs life
and safety. The Supreme Court, however, set aside the
said High Court decision holding that the doctorřs
negligence could be ascertained only by scanning all
material and expert evidence that might be adduced
during the trial. The High court was held not justified in
quashing the complaint at the threshold invoking the
special power under S. 482 of the Criminal Procedure
Code, as that would do away with a full-fledged
criminal trial necessary for fixing criminal liability.
However, the Supreme Court declared on August 4,
2004, in Dr. Suresh Guptařs Criminal Appeal [Appeal
(crl.) 778 of 2004] [2004 (6) SCC 422] that to sustain a
prosecution for the offence under S. 304A of the Indian
Penal Code (IPC), and to fix criminal liability on a
doctor or surgeon, the standard of negligence required
to be proved should be so high that it can be described
as Řgross negligenceř or Řrecklessnessř, not merely lack
of necessary care. On those premises it quashed the
criminal proceedings against Dr. Gupta before they
reached trial in the Magistrateřs Court. In this case the
Supreme Court also noted that every careless act of a
medical person cannot be termed Řcriminalř. It can be
termed Řcriminalř only when doctors exhibit gross lack
of competence or inaction, and wanton indifference to
their patient safety, as a result of gross ignorance or
gross negligence. When a patientřs death results merely
from an error of judgement or an accident, no criminal
liability should be attached to it. Mere inadvertence or
some degree of want of adequate care and caution might
create civil liability; but not criminal liability. It was
held that but for this approach, the hazards in the
medical profession which include civil liability would
also unreasonably extend to criminal liability, and
doctors would then be at the risk of landing up in prison,
a result that would shake the mutual confidence between
doctor and patient. The Supreme Court held that though
the patient was a young man with no history of any
heart ailment, the operation to be performed for nasal
deformity was not so complicated or serious; and that
the alleged lapse, i.e. the failure to introduce a cuffed
endotracheal tube of proper size to prevent aspiration of
blood from the wound in the respiratory passage, could
not be described as a rickless or grossly negligent act as
to make him criminally liable. Holding that such
evidence was wanting, the doctor was let off without
It appears that if the decision in Mohananřs case
decided on 4.2.04 had been followed by the later Bench
that subsequently decided Dr. Suresh Guptařs case on
4.8.04, the ultimate decision might have been different.
The earlier decision was not cited before the later
Bench. The impact of the judgement, though
significant, may be short lived. The reason is that
according to press reports, a Bench of the Supreme
Court consisting of Justice Arijit Pasayat and Justice CK
Thakker, on or about September 9, 2004, has referred
the question of medical negligence for determination by
a larger Bench of the Supreme court observing that the
words Řgross, reckless, competence, indifferenceř etc.
did not occur anywhere in the definition of Řnegligenceř
under S. 304A of the IPC, and hence, they could not
agree with the judgment delivered in the case of Dr.
Suresh Gupta. Thus the matter will come up for a
decision before a larger bench of the Supreme Court any
time now.
Consumer Protection Act and Medical Negligence
The judgements of the Kerala state and
subsequently the national consumer disputes forum
upholding the right of patients to file complaints against
doctors under the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) has
indeed shaken up the medical profession, vide Indian
Medical Association vs. V.P. Shantha (AIR 1996
SC550). What has probably come, as a bigger shock
however is the almost simultaneous indictment of
prominent and senior members of the profession by the
consumer court as if to immediately exemplify the
implications of the judgement. Multiple meetings have
been held by various associations of medical
professionals over the last few months where there have
been heated and emotional discussions on the issue.
The issue is being discussed and debated by the medical
fraternity as never before and the majority seems to be
opposed to the CPA. On the other hand, consumer
bodies and health activisits who have fought for long to
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 83
make the medical profession more accountable have
welcomed the development.
The first thing to be realized is that it is not as if
increased litigation against medical professionals in this
country has coincided with the above judgement. Even
before this development one has seen a steady rise of
cases both in the Medical Council as well as civil courts
on matters of medical negligence in the last few years.
On certain issues public interest litigation by activist
groups has led to courts intervening and asking the State
to take action. For example in a recent landmark
judgement the Bombay High Court has directed the
Municipal Corporation to set up minimum standards for
the thousands of private nursing homes that exist in the
city. In other instances the Government itself has been
forced to enact new laws in response to a public uproar
on issues like female foeticide and racketeering in organ
transplantation. Thus increased medical litigation is a
phenomenon that was on the rise and the CPA has just
given a boost to it by making the process simpler for the
Before going into the arguments against the CPA
being applied to medical practice it would be important
to look into factors responsible for judicial intervention
in medical matters. On one hand there is the increased
awareness of the patient and the public, which to some
extent has been inspired by support from consumer and
social organizations as well as the media. And on the
other hand is of course the crass commercialization of
the medical profession coupled with a general failure to
self regulate itself. The criticism that Ŗnon medicalŗ
individuals preside over consumer courts and thus are ill
equipped to deliver judgement on Ŗmedicalŗ matters is
faulty for nowhere in the world is medicallitigation
decided by doctors sitting as judges. In fact, the judges
in the consumer courts are senior retired high court
judges and are likely to be more experienced. Another
argument advanced by the opponents of the CPA is that
increased litigation leads to the practice of Ŗdefensive
medicineŗ wherein doctors in order to Ŗplay it safeŗ
may resort to excessive investigations and increase the
financial burden on the patient. This is partially true.
But simultaneously it will also lead to more informed
consents and extra vigilance on the part of the treating
doctor, which in some areas would get translated into
better patient care. In any case it is unrealistic to draw a
parallel between the situation in the USA where medical
litigation is rampant and that in this country where
because of the socio economic conditions common
people cannot generally afford to take recourse to a
court of law.
It is well-known that there happens to be a close
link between excessive privatization and excessive
commercialization of medical practice, a fact not
sufficiently appreciated and emphasized by many in the
whole debate. For, privatised medicine has profit, as
itřs primary motive. When quick Ŗreturnsŗ are expected
against Ŗinvestmentŗ in medical practice, this could
make sound economics but this situation is potentially
dangerous for the patient. How else does one explain
managements of big five star hospitals turning a blind
eye to the kidney transplant rackets that flourish in their
institutes? Or the fact that these hospitals assess their
staff members five star hospitals turning a blind eye to
the kidney transplant rackets that flourish in their
institutes? This is not to say that public hospitals are
free from unethical practices. But the logic and
economics of private medicine actually forces it
practitioners to extract money from patients and hence
unbrided privatization could partially contribute to
Informed consent
A major and important aspect of medical practice
which has been a cause of action in several litigations is
that a doctor has administered treatment or performed a
procedure or investigation without consent or consent
taken was invalid. This aspect of medical practice,
which is considered routine by doctors, has been subject
matter of judicial scrutiny in quite a few medical
malpractice cases, as it involves the individual right of a
patient on one hand and the duty of a doctor to take due
care of his patient. Hence, it is of paramount
importance that correct and proper consent should be
obtained by doctor before proceeding to perform any
investigation or procedure.
Under Section 13 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872,
ŖConsentŗ is defined and it states that two or more
persons are said to consent when they agree to the same
thing in the same sense. The fact that a patient comes to
a doctor for treatment of an ailment implies that he is
agreeable to medical examination in the general sense.
This is implied consent and would encompass physical
examination (not intimate examination), palpation,
percussion, auscultation and routine sonography.
Implied consent (tacit consent) is the most common
variety and is generally accepted in the practice of a
family physician or consultant who generally
prescribers medicines after noting the history of the
patient and physical examination.
For other major diagnostic/therapeutic procedure
such as lumbar puncture, radiology endoscopy, laser
treatment, dye-induced tests, CLW suturing, FNAC, I/D
of abscess, CT Scan, MRI, etc. express written consent
should be obtained. It is advisable that Written Consent
should be obtained in presence of a dis-interested 3
party. Consent should be taken in the patientřs own
language and it is vital that if the patient is incapable of
giving Consent, then Consent of guardian or person in
lawful charge of him should be taken. Many a time in
gynaecological cases it is observed that a gynaecologist
takes the consent of the husband and proceeds to
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 84
perform procedure on the wife. In the event of marital
disharmony the doctor is put to trememdous harassment,
as variety of charges including charge of being an
accessory to killing the baby, are leveled against the
Doctor. It is, therefore, advisable to ensure that Written
Consent of the patient is taken.
Informed consent is a part of the physicians duty to
disclosure. However, this duty has an exception. In the
event, the physician is of a considered opinion that, the
patient is in a highly disturbed condition or so anxious
that the information given would not be processed
rationally or that it would only cause significant
psychological harm then the doctor may choose not to
inform the patient about the treatment or procedure.
The other exception is where the patient prefers not to
be informed. These exceptions are known as
ŖTherapeutic Privilegeŗ.
A word of caution would be in order and a
physician seeking to exercise Therapeutic Privilege
would be well advised to discuss the matter with the
family physician of the patient. It is well known that
revelation of the risk may frighten off the patient from
beneficial treatment but at the same time the patient has
a valuable right of benefit of reasonable information. In
such an event a fine balance ought to be struck and law
always values the judgment and opinion of the treating
physician and would examine it on the anvil of the
condition and circumstances of the patient at the time
when the treatment was being administered or
procedure/investigation performed.
The three vital components of Informed Consent
are, (1) the capacity of the patient to contract, (ii)
complete information in comprehensive terms and (iii)
voluntary acceptance of the patient to undergo treatment
or procedure as prescribed. In case of medical
emergency, consent need not be obtained, the well-
being of the patient is paramount and hence medical
rather than legal consideration shall prevail. In fact
Section 92 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 specifically
declares that nothing is an offence by reason of any
harm which it may cause to a person for whose benefit
the act is done in good faith even without that personřs
consent if the circumstances are such that it is
impossible for that person to signify consent or if that
person is incapable of giving consent and has no
guardian or other person in lawful charge of him from
whom it is possible to obtain consent in time for the
thing to be done for his benefit. Law, therefore,
expressly declares that an act done in an emergency will
not be called in question for want of consent. In other
words emergency ratifies an act done for the benefit of a
person even in absence of a consent.
Besides Medical Emergencies the other situations
where consent need not be obtained are when
A person is unconscious
New admissions to prisons
Examination under Court Order-especially to
ascertain mental condition of the person
ordered to be examined.
Request by a police officer under Cr. P.C.
Section 53(1)
Members of armed forces
Persons handling food or dairy products.
For a proper and valid consent, a doctor would be
well advised to ensure that
1. The consent must be a free consent. That is, it must
not be obtained under coercion, undue influence,
misrepresentation, fraud or mistake.
2. The consent must be executed by parties having
capacity to enter into contracts. That is, they must
not be minors, they must not be of unsound mind,
unconscious or intoxicated.
3. In case of minor or person otherwise incapacitated
consent of guardian or person in lawful charge of
the patient can give consent.
4. The consent must be to do a lawful act and it must
not defeat any provisions of law. For example; a
free consent to terminate a 22 weeks pregnancy is
void ab-initio.
5. The consent must not be against ŘMoralit or
ŘPublic Policyř. For example: Husband consenting
to inseminate donor semen in his wife who believes
the semen to be her husbandřs.
6. Unilaterally executed consents are void. Consents
being an agreement between two or more persons,
all concerned parties must execute the same.
Consent signed only by patients and not by the
doctor or his representatives is void ab-initio.
7. Consents duly witnessed are more dependable
legally, as the parties concerned can not
subsequently deny execution.
Children and Consent
In order to enter into a valid contract the person
should be competent to do so. Section 11 of the
Contract Act stipulates that every person who is of age
of majority and is of sound mind and is not disqualified
to contracting by any law to which he is subject is
competent to contract.
The Indian Majority Act, 1875 declares that every
person domiciled in India shall be deemed to have
attained majority when he has completed 18 years of
age. Thus a person who is 18 years of age and above,
who is mentally sound and conscious is competent to
contract. In the case of a minor the parents of the
minor, being the natural guardian or a guardian
appointed by a Court shall be the person competent to
contract for and on behalf of the minor.
Under Criminal Law, the Indian Penal Code, 1860
in Chapter IV has set out general exceptions to an
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 85
offence. Section 89 stipulates that an act done in good
faith for benefit of a person under 12 years of age or of
un-sound mind by consent either express or implied by
the guardian or other person having lawful charge is not
an offence by reason of any harm. The aforesaid
exception is not available if there is an intention to
cause death or grievous hurt. Section 90 of the said
Code further stipulates that a consent given under fear
of injury or mis-conception of fact would not be a valid
consent under the Code.
Medical confidentiality
Medical confidentiality is believed to be one of the
basic ethic for a physician since ancient time. It was
perhaps Hippocrates who first described medical
confidentiality as, Ŗ… whatsoever I shall see or hear in
the course of my profession, as well as outside my
profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what
should not be published abroad, I will never divulge
holding such things to be holy secretsŗ.
Presently, in the era of hi-tech information
technology this environment of confidentiality is fast
changing. The situation of one doctor, one patient and
one medical file belongs to the past. Patients records
have become computer based, linked to clinical
decisions making systems and are accessible to
subsequent health care providers irrespective of time
and place. Health data about individuals are among the
most sensitive types of personal information.
Computerized data bases of personally identifiable
information may be accessed, changed, viewed, copied,
used, disclosed or deleted more easily by more people
(both authorized and unauthorized) than paper based
records. As the access to patient record is not limited to
those involved in the health care delivery and patient
management, they can be retrived and used secondarily
for different purposes like: (a) education (classroom
teaching and conferences); (b) regulation (limitation,
post marketing surveillance and accreditation); (c)
commercial enterprises (development of biotechnology
and marketing strategies); (d) social services and child
protection (medical records of spouse or child abuse);
and (e) public health services (reports on disease
mortality and morbidity, partner notification and
surveillance). Since each of the searcher has different
aim of search on the vast amount of health and personal
information available on the information highway, there
is every likelihood of breach in privacy. For example,
millions of patients records are scrutinized (PBM)
companies that have overt financial interest in
manipulating prescribing practices. Patients are usually
not told that these entities have access to their records.
A survey may reveal that the patients would object if
this was brought to their knowledge.
Physicianřs Role in Medical Confidentiality
The sensitive nature of the medical information
makes it more deserving for special protection. The
duty to preserve confidentiality resides with the holder
of the record which may not be limited to a single
primary care physician alone. Medical files are never
free from undue access. The risk is more pertinent with
electronic patient file. This risk has potentials to disrupt
the fiduciary relationship between the patient and
doctor, rather than supporting it. Thus, the physician
who uses electronic files and e-mail must ensure
reasonable precautions to avoid exposing patientřs data
specially related to identity to unauthorized entities.
Moreover, physicians should caution patients against
using e-mail for those matters that patients themselves
would not wish to be available to payers, employers and
Different countries have enacted laws to maintain
the communication privacy such as Electronic
Communications Privacy Act of USA, which also
includes electronic communication.
India is also among a dozen countries of world and
second in whole of Asia to have Information
Technology (IT) Act (cyber related law). The Act
which came in force on October 17, 2000 gives legal
sanctity to e-documents. Section 72 of the Act, that
deals with breach of confidentiality and privacy, states
ŖSave as otherwise provided in this act or any other law
for the time being in force, any person who, in
pursuance of any of the powers conferred under this
Act, rules or regulations made thereunder, has secured
access to any electronic record, book, register,
correspondence, information, document or other
material without the consent of the person concerned,
discloses such electronic record, book, register,
correspondence, information, document or other
material to any person, shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to two
years, or with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees,
or with bothŗ. But, this act is also silent on the special
nature of medical confidentiality. Thus, till the time it is
incorporated in the Act, physicians should adhere to the
basic principles of medical confidentiality strictly in
order to avoid ethical as well as legal repercussions.
The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act
1971: In order to understand the basis on which the
MTP Act is based, it is necessary to identify the two
main driving forces behind the Act, those being:
a) Those who were proponents of family planning and
population control and saw the legalization of
abortion as a potential way of lowering the birth
b) Those who were concerned with abortions being
conducted by non-qualified, untrained and ill-
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 86
equipped medical practitioners under unhygienic
conditions and therefore were concerned with the
health factor.
Hence, female foeticide was, at that point of time,
not considered an issue at all which justifies the fact that
not a single section in the entire Act deals specifically
and expressly with the problem. The objective of the
Act, as given at the onset of the Act itself, is essentially
confined to dealing with the termination of certain
pregnancies by registered practitioners and matters
connected therewith and incidental thereto and does not
extend beyond this.
Section 3 of this Act, which talks about when
pregnancies may be terminated by registered medical
practitioners, may be summed up as follows Ŕ
Ŗpregnancies can be terminated by registered medical
practitioners where the pregnancy is not more than
twelve weeks if the medical practitioner, or where the
pregnancy is more than twelve but less then twenty
weeks, atleast two medical practitioners are of the
opinion formed in good faith, that the continuance of the
pregnancy would involve a risk to the life of the
pregnant woman or grave injury to her physical or
mental health, or where there is a substantial risk that if
the child were born, it would suffer from such physical
or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped.
Pregnancy of any woman who has not attained the age
of eighteen or who is eighteen but is mentally ill
(incorporated in place of lunatic by the 2002
Amendment), shall be carried out after obtaining the
consent of the guardian in writingŗ.
However, all these clauses may be mis-utilized by
doctors or the parents in the following ways:
Firstly, it is important to note, that the section
mentions that the registered medical practitioner must
act in good faith. This is a very vague notion and no
number of legislations can guarantee that a doctor is
acting in good faith, if his intention is to flout the law,
unless it is very obvious in the face of it. In a country
like India, where citizens abide or do not abide by laws
as per their wishes, where authorities expected to
maintain law and order may be bribed, and where the
medical profession has turned into a money minting
industry from what it was meant to be- a profession
rendering service to the society, some doctors do not
realize that their patientřs well-being is their top priority
and that whatever they do is to be done for the
maximum benefit of his patients, do not act in good
Secondly, it is to be kept in mind, that rape is an
evil, women have suffered not only in the hands of
outsiders and unknown people, but also in the hands of
family members and near relatives. However, very few
cases dealing with the second category have been
reported so far, because it tarnishes the family name.
Such circumstances are usually hushed up and the girl is
taken to shady hospitals, using unhygienic conditions to
abort the child. Looking at the clause from another
angle, a particular family may frame up such an incident
in order to get a female foetus aborted. Such a sensitive
issue as this would save them from having to face police
authorities because they would let the doctor know that
they want the whole incident to be kept under cover.
And the doctor understanding the gravity of the whole
situation would do his work as secretively as possible in
order to guard the privacy of his patient.
In a case, where a couple have taken certain
precautions to avoid future pregnancies and already
have children, but still have conceived, they are allowed
to have an abortion done. However, a close study of the
clause will show, that where a couple already have a girl
child and the woman has conceived another female
foetus, they may use this clause to get the foetus aborted
and their actions cannot really be questioned by police
authorities or doctors for it is exclusively their decision
whether to increase their family or not.
Furthermore, doctors reckon that these conditions
are more aggravated because the Medical Termination
of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, which was brought in to
protect a womanřs rights, is being misused by society
and the concerned parents often carry out the sex
determination tests in some clinic and get the abortion
done in another recognized clinic or hospital where the
reasons for abortion are not questioned. There are about
20,000 registered ultrasound clinics in the country and
several hundred unregistered ones, especially in rural
areas. Furthermore, in 2003, the AIIMS along with
WHO, ICMR and the Ministry of Family Welfare, felt
the need to launch the pill in the family welfare
programme as a safe alternative to surgical termination
of pregnancy. However, the administration of the pill
should only be under medical supervision with proper
back-up facilities for blood transfusion and MTP
services. This rules out self-medication and clandestine
administration of the pill as has been reported from
some parts of the country. This is a very important
aspect, which should be kept in mind, because more
often than not, due to the lack of stringent laws to check
such malpractices, people would abuse such a provision.
Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic
Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act 1994:
The most prominent feature of the amended Act seems
to be the inclusion of pre-conception sex selection
processes. This concept has been introduced very
recently to tackle the problem posed by US based
company Gen Select, who have introduced a method
called ŘFully Integrated Programmeř by which couples
can select the gender of their next child even before its
conception. Another important change introduced in the
amended Act is that the explanation of the terms
ŘGenetic Clinicř and ŘGenetic Laborator in Sections
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 87
2(d) and (e) respectively have been made to include
even a vehicle which has an ultrasound machine, or a
scanner or an imaging machine or other equipment or a
portable equipment which can determine the sex of the
foetus. Though the 1994 Act had used the phrase Řor
any placeř in an attempt to include all such vehicles, the
amended Act, expressly speaks about them to be a part
of Genetic Clinics or Laboratory.
The term ŘSex Selectionř under Section 2(0) of the
Amended Act, has also been defined extensively and the
Act has also used the term Řparticular sexř in an attempt
to ensure that both male and female foeticides are made
a crime, though the presence of the former is rarely
anticipated in the Indian scenario.
The amended Act has also introduced Section 6 (c)
which tries to plut the loopholes created by Sections
6(a) and 6 (b) of the previous Act. While Section 6(a)
prohibits sex determination of the Řfoetusř only a person
who carries out sex determination tests on an Řembryoř
or a Řconceptusř, by whatever means would escape
liability under Sections 6(a) and 6(b). Section 6(c) has
been introduced to deal with this problem. Hence
Section 6(c) attempts to cover borderline cases. A shift
in the hierarchy with the creation of the State and Union
Territory Supervisory Boards, in addition to the Central
Supervisory Board existing under Section 7 and the
appropriate authority constituted under Section 17 might
help in catering to the overall supervisory functions and
a better monitoring of the entire scheme of
implementation of the Act. Section 22(2) of the
amended Act has tried to put an end to advertisements
in this regard, which most clinics do in order to attract
customers. It extends a ban on advertisements and also
has substantially increased the quantum of punishment
to deter the delinquents.
It is pertinent to note that the unamended 1994 Act,
under Chapter VI, Section 18, dealt with the grant of
registration to any Genetic Counselling Centre, Genetic
Laboratory or Genetic Clinics. No prenatal tests were
allowed to be conducted unless these places obtained
registration. However, in several parts of India, on
account of the laxity on the part of the State
Governments, there was rampant mushrooming of such
centers on vehicles, catering to the rural population at
affordable prices.
Lastly, it should be noted that the unamended
Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994, curbed the
practice of sex determination tests using amniocentesis,
chorion biopsy and ultrasound. All these were non-
bailable offences under the Act. The amended Act
however, seeks to bring the issue of eugenics back by
the introduction of reproductive technologies and
medical advances in prenatal and neonatal care. The
Act justifies the use of prenatal diagnostic tests for the
purpose of detecting genetic abnormalities or metabolic
disorders or chromosomal abnormalities or certain
congenital malformations or sex linked disorders.
Medical science has now acquired life supporting
systems and medications to extend life artificially for
long periods, even after the loss of brain activities and
the control of bodily functions. Today, many people
have a fear that they will be kept alive artificially in this
manner. This will cause great suffering to them as well
as to their near and dear ones. The decision to reject
such artificial treatment should be of the patient alone
and no one else. This decision of the patient constitutes
the act of Řeuthanasiař. Earlier this was called Řmercy
killingř. However, now, the term Ŗeuthanasiaŗ
encompasses acts from lethal injection to Ŗassistingŗ in
suicide; to withholding basic levels of care from non-
terminal patients. In all cases of euthanasia, the action
or omission is expressly intended to cause the death of a
person. Traditionally, persons suffering from a terminal
illness were allowed to die naturally. Under this
centuries-old ethic, patients are not obligated to use
extraordinary or heroic medical treatment that would
only prolong the dying process. Ordinary care and
treatment should be provided to all patients to sustain
their daily needs and comfort. When a person has
clearly reached their Ŗlast day,ŗ the focus of medical
treatment may be switched from curing to caring.
In the case of Euthanasia and Physician Assisted
Suicide, the countries that advocate Řmercy killingř are
Holland, Northern Provinces of Australia as well as
some states in the United States of America. The
Netherlands is the first country in the world to legalize
euthanasia. The bill allows doctors to kill patients with
terminal diseases who are suffering Ŗunbearably,ŗ if
they request it.
ŘRight to deathř is different from euthanasia.
Euthanasia means Řa good and peaceful deathř. The
term Řterminalř, as defined by medical experts, means a
disease that cannot be cured or has no remedy. In fact,
the final remedy is death. These terminally ill persons
should be permitted to assess the relief which is granted
by euthanasia. A practicing consultant, who is an expert
in that particular field of illness, must confirm the
terminal illness of the patient.
Euthanasia is like a Řwillř, made by a person when
he is hale and hearty, just as the will, which deals with
property and inheritance. Any person, who is
competent in the eyes of the law, should be allowed to
make a will. This will should be made in front of two
witnesses, stating his desire to die in case of terminal
illness. He should also state that his decision can be
revoked by him at his own will at any given time in the
future. It should not be binding on him that he must
exercise his right to die in case of a terminal illness. He
should have the option of revoking such a decision at
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 88
any given point in the future. A person should be given
the choice to decide the time and place of his death.
The medical profession holds that the life of a
patient has to be saved. However, in cases of a terminal
illness, medical professionals do not prolong the life of
a person. Instead they prolong the death of the person.
One cannot say that since the Constitution of India says
that Article 21 is the right to life of an individual, he
must be kept alive through all the sufferings that he has
to undergo throughout the period till death releases him
from his ordeal. Sufferings can be physical, mental as
well as monetary. Euthanasia can be considered to be a
solution to get rid of such sufferings. It can be of the
following two types:
Active euthanasia
Passive euthanasia
Under the active form of euthanasia, giving the
patient a lethal injection after his consent can eliminate
the sufferings. Under passive euthanasia, the doctor
plays a passive role. He can be granted with immunity
against criminal proceedings. Hence, this cannot be
termed as a Řphysician assisted suicideř.
Issues Involved Under Euthanasia are:
1. Whether there can be a misuse of the practice-
wherein property matters and inheritance come to
light. This can be a hindrance to the spirit of
2. Life is precious and here the ethical principles of
life are involved.
In case of minors or mentally retarded persons, the
will of the parents can be taken into account. The
earlier mentioned procedure for consent will remain
constant. In the Jain religion, there is provision that
considers euthanasia as legal and this is called Santhara.
As the law now stands, physicians and surgeons who
wish, in the interest of compassion and humanity, to
respond to the patientřs wishes iun a suitable case, are
inhibited from acting in accordance with their
conscience for fear that they might be breaking the law
of the land of which they are loyal citizens. It is also
possible that a doctor in such a predicament may be
exposed to blackmail. It is therefore necessary that
doctors, who act with care and humanity, must be
protected from prosecution and persecution.
The Indian Constitution says that the ŘRight to Dieř
is not a fundamental right under Article 21. Whether
the right to die is included in Article 21 of Constitution
came up for consideration for the first time before the
Bombay High Court in The State of Maharashtra v.
Maruti Shripathi Dubal [(1987) Cr LJ 549]. The Court
held that the right to life, guaranteed by Article 21
includes the right to die. Consequently, the Court struck
down Section 309 IPC, which provides punishment for
the attempt to commit suicide as unconstitutional. The
judges felt that the desire to die is not unnatural, but
merely abnormal and uncommon. They listed several
circumstances in which people may wish to end their
lives, including disease, cruel or unbearable condition of
life, and a sense of shame or disenchantment with life.
They held that everyone should have the freedom to
dispose of his life as and when he desires. The Supreme
Court in P. Rathinam v. Union of India [(1994) 3 SCC
394] upheld the Bombay High Courtřs decision.
However, in the case of Gian Kour v. State of Punjab
[(1996) 2 SCC 648], a five judge Constitution Bench of
the Court overruled the P. Rathinamřs case and held that
ŘRight to Lifeř, under Article 21 of the Constitution,
does not include ŘRight to Dieř or ŘRight to be killed.ř
The Right to Die is inherently inconsistent with the
Right to Life.
The Court held that the Right to Life is a natural
right, embodied in Article 21. However, suicide is an
unnatural termination or extinction of life and,
therefore, incompatible and inconsistent with the
concept of Right to Life. Supporters of euthanasia are
of the opinion that being in a permanent comatose and
helpless condition was not at all beneficial to the
patient. It was held that this concept was unrelated to
the ŘPrinciple of Sanctity of Lifeř or the Řright to live
with Dignityř. The Court said that this argument was of
on assistance to determine the scope of Article 21 of the
Constitution while deciding whether the guarantee of
ŘRight to Lifeř includes the Řright to dieř.
The court made it clear that the ŘRight to Life,ř
including the right to live with human dignity, would
include the existence of such a right to a dignified life
up to the point of death, including a dignified procedure
of death. This may include the right of a dying man to
die with dignity, when his life is ebbing out. However,
the ŘRight to Dieř with dignity at the end of life is not to
be confused with the ŘRight to Dieř an unnatural death,
curtailing the natural span of life. The Court reiterated
that the argument to support the views of permitting the
termination of life in such cases (e.g. a dying man, who
is terminally ill and is totally dependant on life support
systems), by accelerating the process of natural death,
when it was certain and imminent, was not available to
interpret article 21 to include the right to curtail the
natural span of life.
Euthanasia can never be implemented in a country
where there is a clash of ideologies. There has been a
lot of debate on this topic over the past few decades.
The right to life of an individual is certainly the most
fundamental right. Yet in extreme cases, it should not
be binding on the individual to exercise that right in
cases of agony. Suicide should not be confused with
euthanasia. The former is a narrower term when
compared with euthanasia. In Greek, euthanasia means
a Řgood deathř. This policy of good death has been
implemented in the Netherlands. Other countries will
have to decide for themselves. Maybe, the Dutch style
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 89
of an open policy is the best way to deal with such a
delicate and ambiguous concept.
Patientsř Rights: It is often overlooked that
patients have the common law right to refuse any
medical treatment. A doctor who treats a patient against
his or her express wishes can be charged with assault. It
would be wise to educate people as to their right to
refuse treatment. There is no need to convert this well-
established legal principle into legislation. Regardless
of the intention of Ŗright to dieŗ or Ŗaid in dyingŗ laws,
they could very easily open the door to active
euthanasia. In the present climate of opinion, it is easy
to imagine a doctor giving a lethal dose of pain-killing
drug and then claiming that death was the best way to
eliminate physical suffering. If the doctor could also
show that the patient had requested the lethal dosage,
the court might well interpret the law in the doctorřs
favor. Many do not find the prospect of legal voluntary
active euthanasia in any way alarming. But two things
should give us pause. First, as the Canadian study on
the same will show, most health care professionals
endorse the patientřs right to refuse medical treatment,
but oppose legalizing active euthanasia. The
professionals recognize that if pain is controlled, as it
can be in virtually all cases, very few terminally ill
people ask to be put to death. Second, experience in
Holland tells us that voluntary Euthanasia can quickly
become involuntary euthanasia.
The Alternative to Euthanasia: The alternative to
legalized euthanasia is not extraordinary. The
alternatives are appropriate medical care Ŕ including 1)
the withdrawal of treatment upon patient request, or if
that treatment serves no therapeutic purpose; and 2)
dispensing drugs as necessary to control pain. No
doctors, laws, or organizations oppose ceasing care
when the time to die has arrived.
I hope my submission has amply highlighted the
importance of medical law and medical ethics in the
balanced, sustained and harmonious development of
medical profession in our country. But at the end of the
day the fact, however, remains that mere formulation of
laws cannot be a sufficient condition for the regulation
of medical profession in social interests. In a class
divided society like that in India, many of the laws
geared to social welfare cannot be adequately enforced
because of the inaccessibility of the common multitude
to the law courts. Hence, I feel that along with the
development of a medical law regime, there should be a
consciousness raising exercise within the medical
profession itself so that there can be adequate self-
restraint on the part of the medical practitioners
themselves. In ensuring this, a constant dialogue
between the medical practitioners and other sections of
the civil society is a must. From this perspective
holding of orations like this can serve a fruitful purpose.
1. Advocate Anoop K. Kaushal, Medical Negligence
and Legal Remedies with special reference to
Consumer Protection Law (Second Edition: New
Delhi: 2000) p.2
2. Certain explanations accompany this particular
a) In a pregnancy caused by rape, the anguish caused
by such pregnancy shall be presumed to constitute a
grave injury to the pregnant woman.
b) Where any pregnancy occurs due to the failure of
any device or method used by the woman or her
husband for the purpose of limiting the number of
children, the anguish caused by such unwanted
pregnancy may be presumed to constitute a grave
injury to the mental health of the pregnant person.
c) In determining whether the continuance of the
pregnancy would involve the above-mentioned risk,
account may be taken of the womanřs actual
reasonable foreseeable environment.
13. SOCRATES Ŕ a man for our times
(He was condemned to death for telling the ancient
Greeks things they didnřt want to hear, but his
views of consumerism and trial by media are just as
relevant today.) HUGHES, Bettany
©Guardian Newspapers Limited, 2010
(The Hindu, 19.10.2010)
Two thousand four hundred years ago, one man
tried to discover the meaning of life. His search was so
radical, charismatic ad counterintuitive that he become
famous throughout the Mediterranean. Men Ŕ
particularly young men Ŕ flocked to hear him speak.
Some were inspired to imitate his ascetic habits. They
wore their hair long, their feet bare, their cloaks torn.
He charmed a city; soldiers, prostitutes, merchants,
aristocrats Ŕ all would come to listen. As Cicero
eloquently put it, ŖHe brought philosophy down from
the skies.ŗ For close on half a century this man was
allowed to philosophise unhindered on the streets of his
hometown. But then things started to turn ugly. His
glittering city-state suffered horribly in foreign and civil
wars. The economy crashed; year in, year out, men
came home dead; the population starved; the political
landscape was turned upside down. And suddenly the
philosopherřs bright ideas, his eternal questions, his
eccentric ways, started to jar. And so, on a spring
morning in 399 BC, the first democratic court in the
story of mankind summoned the 70-year-old
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 90
philosopher to the dock on two charges: disrespecting
the cityřs traditional gods and corrupting the young.
The accused was found guilty. His punishment: state-
sponsored suicide, courtesy of a measure of hemlock
poison in his prison cell.
The man was Socrates, the philosopher from
ancient Athens and arguably the true father of western
thought. Not bad, given his humble origins. The son of
a stonemason, born around 469BC, Socrates was
famously odd. In a city that made a cult of physical
beauty (an exquisite face was thought to reveal an inner
nobility of spirit) the philosopher was disturbingly ugly.
Socrates had a pot-belly, a weird walk, swiveling eyes
and hairy hands. As he grew up in a suburb of Athens,
the city seethed with creativity Ŕ he witnessed the Greek
miracle at first-hand.
But when poverty-stricken Socrates (he taught in
the streets for free) strode through the cityřs central
marketplace, he would harrumph provocatively, ŖHow
many things I donřt need!ŗ Whereas all religion was
public in Athens, Socrates seemed to enjoy a peculiar
kind of private piety, relying on what he called his
Ŗdaimonionŗ, his Ŗinner voiceŗ. This Ŗdemonŗ would
come to him during strange episodes when the
philosopher stood still, staring for hours. We think now
he probably suffered from catalepsy, a nervous
condition that causes muscular rigidity.
Putting aside his unshakable position in the global
roll-call of civilisationřs great and good, why should we
care about this curious, clever, condemned Greek?
Quite simply because Socratesřs problems were our
own. He lived in a city-state that was for the first time
working out what role true democracy should play in
human society. His home-town Ŕ successful, cash-rich
Ŕ was in danger of being swamped by its own vigorous
quest for beautiful objects, new experiences, foreign
Fundamental questions
The philosopher also lived through (and fought in )
debilitating wars, declared under the banner of demos-
kratia Ŕ people power, democracy. The Pelo-ponnesian
conflict of the fifth century against Sparta and her allies
was criticized by many contemporaries as being
Ŗwithout just causeŗ. Although some in the region
willingly took up this new idea of democratic politics,
others were forced by Athens to love it at the point of a
sword. Socrates questioned such blind obedience to an
ideology. ŖWhat is the point,ŗ he asked, Ŗof walls and
warships and glittering statues if the men who build
them are not happy?ŗ What is the reason for living life,
other than to love it? For Socrates, the pursuit of
knowledge was as essential as the air we breathe.
Rather than a brainiac grey-beard, we should think of
him as his contemporaries knew him: a bustling,
energetic, wine-swilling, man-loving, vigorous, pug-
nosed, sword-bearing war-veteran: a citizen of the
world, a man of the streets.
According to his biographers Plato and Xenophon,
Socrates did not just search for the meaning of life, but
the meaning of our own lives. He asked fundamental
questions of human existence. What makes us happy?
What makes us good? What is virtue? What is love?
What is fear? How should we best live our lives?
Socrates saw the problems of the modern world coming;
and he would certainly have something to say about
how we live today.
He was anxious about the emerging power of the
written word over face-to-face contact. The Athenian
agora was his teaching room. Here he would jump on
unsuspecting passersby, as Xenophon records. ŖOne
day Socrates met a young man on the streets of Athens.
ŘWhere can bread be found?ř asked the philosopher.
The young man responded politely. ŘAnd where can
wine be found?ř asked Socrates. With the same
pleasant manner, the young man told Socrates where to
get wine. ŘAnd where can the good and the noble be
found?ř then asked Socrates. The young man was
puzzled and unable to answer. ŘFollow me to the streets
and learn,ř said the philosopher.ŗ Whereas immediate,
personal contact helped foster a kind of honesty,
Socrates argued that strings of words could be
manipulated, particularly when disseminated to a mass
market. ŖYou might think words spoke as if they had
intelligence, but if you question them they always say
only one thing … every word … when ill-treated or
unjustly reviled always needs its father to protect it,ř he
When psychologists today talk of the danger for the
next generation of too much keyboard and texting time,
Socrates would have flashed one of his infuriating ŖI
told you soŗ smiles. Our modern passion for fact-
collection and box-ticking rather than a deep
comprehension of the world around us would have
horrified him too. What was the point, he said, of
cataloguing the world without loving it? He went
further: ŖLove is the one thing I understand.ŗ The
televised U.K. general election debates earlier this year
would also have given pause. Socrates was withering
when it came to a polished rhetorical performance. For
him a powerful, substance-less argument was a
disgusting thing: rhetoric without truth was one of the
greatest threats to the Ŗgoodŗ society.
Interestingly, the TV debate experiment would have
seemed old hat. Public debate and political competition
(agon was the Greek word, which gives us our Ŗagonyŗ)
were the norm in democratic Athens. Every male
citizen over the age of 18 was a politician. Each could
present himself in the open-air assembly up on the Pnyx
to raise issues for discussion or to vote. Through a
complicated system of lots, ordinary men might be
made the equivalent of heads of state for a year; interior
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 91
minister or foreign minister for the space of a day.
Those who preferred a private to a public life were
labeled idiotes (hence our word idiot).
Socrates died when Golden Age Athens Ŕ an
ambitious, radical, visionary city-state Ŕ had triumphed
as a leader of the world, and then over-reached herself
and begun to crumble. His unusual personal piety, his
guru-like attraction to the young men of the city,
suddenly seemed to have a sinister tinge. And although
Athens adored the notion of freedom of speech (the city
even named one of its warships Parrhesia after the
concept), the population had yet to resolve how far
freedom of expression ratified a freedom to offend.
A scapegoat
Socrates was, I think, a scapegoat for Athensřs
disappointment. When the city was feeling strong, the
quirky philosopher could be tolerated. But, overrun by
its enemies, starving, and with the ideology of
democracy itself in question, the Athenians took a more
fundamentalist view. A confident society can ask
questions of itself; when it is fragile, it fears them.
Socratesř famous aphorism Ŗthe unexamined life is not
worth livingŗ was, by the time of his trial, clearly
beginning to jar.
After his death, Socratesř ideas had a prodigious
impact on both western and eastern civilization. His
influence in Islamic culture is often overlooked Ŕ in the
Middle East and North Africa, from the 11
onwards, his ideas were said to refresh and nourish,
Ŗlike the purest water in the midday heatŗ. Socrates
was nominated one of the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, his
nickname ŖThe Sourceŗ. So it seems a shame that, for
many, Socrates has become a remote, lofty kind of a
When Socrates finally stood up to face his charges
in front of his fellow citizens in a religious court in the
Athenian agora, he articulated one of the great pities of
human society. ŖIt is not my crimes that will convict
me,ŗ he said. ŖBut instead, rumour, gossip; the fact that
by whispering together you will persuade yourselves
that I am guilty.ŗ As another Greek author, Hesiod, put
it, ŖKeep away from the gossip of people. For rumour
[the Greek pheme, via fama in Latin gives us our word
fame] is an evil thing by nature sheřs a light weight to
lift up, yes, but heavy to carry and hard to put down
again. Rumour never disappears entirely once people
have indulged her.ŗ Trial by media, by pheme, has
always had a horrible potency. It was a slide in public
opinion and the uncertainty of a traumatized age that
brought Socrates to the hemlock. Rather than follow the
example of his accusers, we should perhaps honour
Socratesř exhortation to Ŗknow ourselvesŗ, to be
individually honest, to do what we, not the next man,
knows to be right. Not to hide behind the hatred of a
herd, the roar of the crowd, but to aim, hard as it might
be towards the Ŗgoodŗ life.
(From the Homœopathic Recorder, October, 1941)
Without the slightest doubt the practice of medicine
carries a heavy responsibility. The biological field is
slippery and requires a firm footing so as not to fall
down pitifully; there is no other scientific education that
requires so much sharpening of the senses. Medicine,
particularly, takes pleasure in hiding the true facts of the
phenomena, leading us to the darkness of error if we do
not make use of logic as a secure and faithful guide to
our reasoning. Homœopathy occupies a special place in
the field of the biological sciences. In it, truth appears
to us with an intense and brilliant light, but only if we
make great efforts to discover her. The truth within the
homœopathic doctrine does not present itself naked and
clear to the first who tries to lift the veil which envelope
it; at first we believe ourselves before a paradox and it
looks like unpardonable puerility to fix our attention on
a subject which seems to contain all the ear marks of
foolishness. Pretty soon, however, we realize that the
ingenuity was in ourselves and that its sources came
from our ignorance. Then comes the day in which our
eyes are opened and we accept as a uniformity of Nature
the fact that, in order to effect the phenomena of cure, it
is necessary to fill the requisite of homœopathic relation
as an indispensable and absolute condition, for the Laws
of Nature do not admit exceptions. If they did, they
would not be laws and more, and all this admirable
harmony in creation would immediately disappear. The
mind of man is incapable of visualizing the spectacle
which the Universe would present if on a given moment
it were to escape from the control of the Natural Laws,
for, consciously, or unconsciously, we always try to
adjust our images and representations to the inexorable
law of what we judge to be Ŗnaturalŗ. If the
uniformities of Nature stopped being anything but real
and positive, our reason, deprived of the precious
support constituted by them, would oscillate and
instantly vanish.
As the study of medicine is carried on and
Homœopathy unveils itself before our eyes, we more
easily perceive her great beauty, and soon enough the
results will confirm that which theory has been building
up in our minds. But how many deceiving roads we are
liable to follow while yet on the open road of
Homœopathy! Obeying the law of least resistance,
avoiding the pain which every exaggerated effort
involves, we run the risk of following the easy and
pleasant roads, the roads to which laziness, apathy and
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 92
occasionally vanity too, lead us. On reaching the gates
of Homœopathy, we are often overtaken by a great
weariness, and believing that the results of our efforts
have many merits and deserve high praise, we feel we
have the right to a rest. This is a dangerous rest that
may turn into a sleep which it is difficult to wake in
time. Many homœopaths, after the long pilgrimage
from the field of common medicine, reach the gates of
HAHNEMANNřs structure and content themselves with
only enjoying a lodging allured only by exteriorities.
They know the law, basis and foundation of the
doctrine, and this they believe to be sufficient to
exercise their practice, which satisfies them because the
results are far superior to those the ordinary practice
allotted them.
But the variety of pathological cases that come to
us in the search of the proper treatment requires
something more than the simple application of the Law
of Similars. Complying with this requisite is much, but
not enough. Our practice is impregnated with errors,
bad procedures, vices, etc., etc., which we could justify
with difficulty if we were compelled to do so. We boast
about having a complete scientific doctrine, but many
times our practice shows a sad disparity between the
ideal and the real. It often happens that we believe, in
good faith and with deplorable ingenuity, that we are
homœopaths, but, to be really meritorious, in an exact
and complete way, of this honorary title means a task
which requires enormous sacrifices. HAHNEMANN
was very strict, and with good reasons. It is necessary
that we make a minute examination of our professional
conduct before declaring publicly that we are
homœopaths. HAHNEMANN cautioned us
sententiously: ŖIf the physicians do not practice
carefully that which I teach, do not permit them to call
themselves my disciples, and above all, do not let them
shield themselves with the hope that their treatments
will be crowned by success.ŗ
To pretend that, in order to become a homœopath, it
suffices to prescribe the special remedies of the
homœopathic school in the various cases of disease, is a
great error, alas, very common and only explainable
because, we must acknowledge it, we forget the original
sources of our knowledge as homœopaths. The
Organon and Chronic Diseases of HAHNEMANN
should once more take the first place in our mind where
many physicians have displaced them, to put in their
stead all this enormous production of modern works on
medicine which, generally, only gives a knowledge of
relative utility and which, as Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT
expresses himself to pertinently, hardly give only Ŗa
varnish of knowledgeŗ.
Without the careful reading of the ŖThe Chronic
Diseasesŗ it is really impossible to solve this
tremendous and daily problem produced by chronic
maladies, about which HAHNEMANN says:
It never happens that they are conquered by
the energy of a robust constitution, yield to
the most sanitary regime, the most regulated
way of living, or that they extinguish
themselves; on the contrary, they, without
pause, get worse with the years, till the end
of life; taking the form of more grievous
symptoms. (Chronic Diseases).
The Hahnemannian concept of chronic diseases
differs from that which the allopathic school sustains.
In reality all the maladies are chronic since all of them
develop through the element of time. To
HAHNEMANN chronic maladies differ from the acute
ones in that the latter have within themselves a natural
tendency to cure, while the others, if left alone, will
accompany the individual till his death. The cases of
healing which sometimes can be observed without the
aid of the similar remedy are not real and positive.
Frequently, in such cases, the illness has only taken on
another aspect and thanks to this change permit the
superficially minded to harbor the belief that they have
accomplished a cure, a belief pretty soon belied by the
reality; the patient suffers again and now from another
organ, nearly always more important, which has to
suffer the new onslaught of the undermining forces of
life. The physician who has not been a homœopath in
treating such a patient consoles himself and the sufferer
with the explanation that it is a question of a new
illness, different from the one he Ŗcuredŗ which he has
to fight with new resources of the art. If physician and
patient are Ŗfortunateŗ enough to effect another change,
it is only because the unhappy patient descends one
more step and is nearer to the final days of his
existence. After one of these tragic changes Ŗthere is
no difficulty in recognizing,ŗ says HAHNEMANN,
Ŗthat the new malady equally has its source in the old
existing affliction and cannot fail to be part of a much
larger entity.ŗ
If we forget these teachings from HAHNEMANN
we are only capable of solving clinical problems of
medium importance. Most certainly we will often be
able to handle an acute illness, making it follow the
simplest road and even cure it with surprising
promptness, but we should not forget that when the
organism is ill, it is nearly always because in its
innermost parts there exist inclinations and morbid
predispositions, creative and inexhaustible sources of
the polymorphism which pathology assumes. Without
the correction of the deep chronic disease we will not
be able to effect a lasting restoration to health.
HAHNEMANN gives us ample and precise advice
about how to treat chronic diseases and only by
following his teachings step by step shall we be able to
demonstrate the enormous power of Homœopathy as a
restorer of this invaluable gift of Nature built up by
complete health. ŖHe who follows these teachings with
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 93
the utmost care,ŗ says HAHNEMANN, Ŗwill be the
physician who obtains the greatest success.ŗ And he
adds: ŖThe confidence of the people has brought to me
patients of all classes, from neighboring countries and
even from far-off lands. Do you wish to obtain the
same success? Then, imitate me frankly and loyally.ŗ
(Lesser Writings)
The white sugar tablets do not signify or identify
Homœopathy. Many people say, ŖI have tried
Homœopathy with no satisfactory resultŗ, alluding to
the fact that they have taken tablets or globules of the
shape and aspect of those which the homœopathic
school habitually uses. To the people in general, the
powders, globules, tablets and spoonfuls of clear water
make Homœopathy. Unfortunately, it is the same way
with many physicians who call themselves
homœopaths. Nothing is more difficult than being a
real homœopath. ŖI have a homœopathic remedyŗ, we
often say, referring to such or such a patient; but how
many times we were allopaths when making that
prescription! We have wandered so far from the
simillimum that our pretended remedy enters the open
field of Allopathy. In accordance with
HAHNEMANNřs exigencies it is not enough to
prescribe the special remedies of the homœopathic
school in order to consider ourselves his disciples. Nor
is it enough to use the repertory daily and be guided by
it in all cases. Nor does it suffice to assign proper value
to the symptoms, classifying them judiciously. Being
able to find the remedy in accordance with the Law of
Similars is not sufficient. Nor can we look to ourselves
as accomplished homœopaths by the fact of exclusively
using high or low potencies. In order to be a
homœopath it is necessary that we follow the precise
instructions which HAHNEMANN gave us for the
treatment of the sick. If we do not adjust our practice
exactly to his teachings we have no right to expect the
brilliant results which the doctrine put in his hands, or
in those of HERING and KENT, because, when they
put it into practice it always proved to be most efficient.
HAHNEMANN asks us before repulsing his doctrine,
to submit it to a proof, and says: (Lesser Writings)
ŖHomœopathy solely turns to the verdict of experience.
Repeat the tests, repeat them carefully and
conscientiously and you will find them confirming
the doctrine at each step And he adds: ŖIf
everything the homœopathic doctrine promises, after
having faithfully followed it, does not come true, if it
does not prove itself efficient, even notably so, then we
shall, by common consent, declare Homœopathy to be
To get an idea of HAHNEMANNřs procedure let
us make some considerations, even if superficial, about
its most important points. We shall consider, in the first
place, that which the homœopathic school understands
by individualization. ŖWhat distinguishes
HAHNEMANNřs school from all other schools,
consists in that we individualize, while the others do
not,ŗ says Sir John WEIR. The allopathic school
claims to also individualize, but one cannot call
individualization the cataloguing of the individuals by
groups, and thus, for instance, the allopath distinguishes
a group of patients with liver and kidney insufficiency
to whom he does not administer the arsenicals in
accordance with the classical form in which it is used in
the treatment of Syphilis, on account of the risk they
would run in submitting them to this cure; if the
allopath feels compelled to administer quinine sulphate
to a woman, he watches carefully whether she is
pregnant or not; he divides his patients into groups of
various ages, for he knows that in order to obtain the
same effect, it is necessary to administer different doses
of Ipecac or Belladonna as the case might be, to a boy
two years old or to a young man twenty years of age.
This is not individualizing. Proceeding thus we do not
distinguish one individual from the other. To pretend
that such is a case of individualization is like pretending
we have individualized a recruit when saying he
belongs to regiment No.13, for instance, or that we have
individualized a citizen when discovering that his name
is Smith, for there are many soldiers belonging to the
same regiment, just as there are a great number of
citizens with the same name.
HAHNEMANN does not proceed so coarsely. To
him the patients differ one from another by their
character, by their affections, by their desires and
aversions, by the defective way of reacting physically
and mentally to the influence of their environment; by
the cry of protest from the human organism which
indicates there is no perfect adjustment between him
and the environment in which he lives, that is, by his
special way of becoming ill, by his special way of
suffering. The subjective symptoms for which the
noblest part of the nervous system intervene in its
perception and valorization, constitute the most
precious material in individualizing. The objective
symptoms, on the other hand, are of much more limited
value and only become apparent when the disease has
advanced in such a way that the tissues have reached
the point of suffering such transformations about which
pathological anatomy is concerned; it is then that the
tumour appears, or that the murmur in Endocarditis
becomes evident; Ankylosis sets in; the liver gets
scirrhus and atrophies, the lung is full of tubercles, etc.,
etc. The sudden changes of discoloration, the
modifications in the diameter of the pupils, the fan-like
motion of the nostrils, etc., are also objective
symptoms, although when they are just beginning to
show they do not necessarily indicate deep anatomical
modifications and are therefore of great value for
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 94
From HAHNEMANNřs point of view there is a
distinct difference between general and particular
symptoms. The general symptoms are those which
refer to the person in his totality and to HAHNEMANN
and KENT they are those which have to lead us to the
group of remedies amongst which one has to find the
Simillimum. The particular symptoms are those which
refer to a part or an organ of the patient. It is easy to
realize that, logically, the general symptoms will be of
much greater importance than the particular ones,
because they indicate how the individual suffers in his
totality. But unfortunately the particular symptoms so
intensely draw the attention of the patient that the
physician often fixes his own on the same symptom,
disregarding the patientřs general way of reacting. The
result is that he succeeds in improving or in making
disappear the local trouble, leaving the morbid
potencies of that organism untouched. Soon the patient
again requires our services, for, once more, he suffers
from the same trouble, although it may be on another
location and that because we did not administer his
remedy, his chronic remedy, his constitutional remedy;
the homœopathicity of our first prescription was only
partial and we cured only partially; we individualized,
if it can be called thus, but only on the organ which
suffered most. This therapy, useful in acute diseases,
has little or no value at all in chronic cases or in acute
diseases, has little or no value at all in chronic cases or
in acute diseases, with deep and marked roots. Still it is
necessary to make one exception: among the particular
symptoms there might be some of those which
HAHNEMANN calls Ŗrare, singular and
characteristicŗ, which are peculiar to the patient,
distinguishing him from the rest, and due to this fact we
must consider them among the most important.
Frequently the characteristic symptoms serve us as
guides to find the remedy, but if we abuse the we would
not succeed in giving our patients all the benefits which
Homœopathy, if faithfully followed, is capable of
giving; in chronic diseases the characteristics assume
much less importance than in acute ones. The language
of chronic suffering is more complicated, lacks that
clearness and precision of the acute one and the
characteristic symptom hides itself, making the
selection difficult. Thus, then, in chronic cases, it is
better to abandon the hope of finding the remedy by
way of the characteristic symptoms; it is necessary to
take the case in its totality, judiciously classifying the
symptoms in the following order: First, the general
symptoms (general aggravation from change of
weather, cold or hot; in the open air; in a closed room;
standing, sitting or lying down; desires for or aversions
to food, etc.) Immediately after that we have to fix our
attention on mental symptoms, so important for the
correct selection. The mind is a perfect registrator of
the slightest alterations in the physiology or the
morphology of the organs, and thus, the symptoms of
this class range themselves in an immediate second
place, which makes them come up to almost an even
place with the general symptoms. We must investigate
these symptoms with the utmost care in order not to
produce an unpleasant reaction from the patient, if we
directly ask him whether he is jealous or inclined to
weep, before gaining his confidence, thus avoiding
giving him the impression that such are only silly
questions. Particular symptoms should be considered at
last for instance, the catarrhal discharges, the hardening
of such or such an organ or tissue, heartburn,
hoarseness, chronic enlargement of the tonsils, etc., etc.
Symptoms and signs that, when they do not carry the
stamp of the particular, are of little use in regard to the
prescription, for they do not individualize and
frequently only serve to get us lost, inducing us to
proceed allopathically. This is what happens when,
seeing the enlarged veins in a leg, we prescribe without
further investigations Hamamelis or Pulsatilla;
Aesculus for Hemorrhoids; Baryta carbonica for
chronic enlargement of the tonsils, etc. This is not
Homœopathy. In these cases there only exists a
relation of affinity between the remedy and the diseased
organ and we have not been given the trust of treating
only the enlarged tonsils, but a patient with enlarged
tonsils. KENT mentions, for this particular condition,
thirty-two remedies, and it may well be that the remedy
of our patient is not to be found in this list. SCHMIDT
of Geneva, relates a brilliant case of curing some
Varices of the lower limbs with Magnesia carbonica,
notwithstanding that in turning the leaves of KENTřs
Repertory, we will find that he does not mention this
remedy as useful for the correction of this condition of
the lower limbs; but Dr. SCHMIDT was guided by the
general and mental symptoms of the patient. Indeed,
that which interests us is the sick person and to discover
in what way he manifests his deficient fitting with the
environment, for when this is lacking, when this
deficient in the adaptation prolongs itself, the
modifications in the morphology of the organs establish
themselves and it is then that the pathologist becomes
active. Once the definite damage has been established,
the end results Ŕ as KENT calls them Ŕ may make the
services of the surgeon necessary.
Our role as physicians Ŗconsists (HAHNEMANN
said it apparently with great simplicity) in restoring
health to the sick, which is what we call curing.ŗ In
order to perform this task it is first of all necessary to
individualize and to do so with precision, according to
what HAHNEMANN and KENT taught us; thus we
will have a firm basis for reaching the simillimum. If
we are fortunate enough to determine the remedy with
exactness, we will only have gone half the way, for it is
not enough to arrive at the diagnosis of the remedy, but
it is imperative to know how to administer the remedy.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 95
In the fundamental works of Homœopathy we find
precise instructions about these delicate points. KENT
has gone into detail about some of them and in this lies
his principal merit, having revived and insisted on that
which HAHNEMANN taught, thus becoming his most
distinguished commentator. When some European
homœopaths, especially French and German, speak
about the ŖKentiansŗ they only reveal their ignorance of
HAHNEMANNřs works, for KENTřs teachings do not
depart from HAHNEMANNřs. He himself has said, ŖIt
has always seemed strange to me hearing people say
that I meant to produce a diversion from
HAHNEMANNřs teachings. I have simply tried to
explain what they signify and how to put them into
practice after a hundred years. I made no discoveries.
There is nothing that I can claim to be of my
When, after careful mental work, we have reached
the diagnosis of the remedy, great difficulties are still to
be overcome as far as the best way to administer the
remedy is concerned and how to give the exact value
and to interpret the language of the sick organism,
stimulated by the specific which is the homœopathic
remedy. Then we must emphasize the fact and must
justify the necessity of the unique remedy; we must also
consider the delicate problem of the dosage and its
repetition in accordance with the response of the
patientřs organism and should consider as well the
delicate problem of the almost always present
handicaps which render the cure more difficult.
To discuss this most important subject is not a
matter to be limited to the narrowness of one paper, but
must be left open for further study.
Monterry, N.L., Mexico. [Read by title before I.H.A.
Bureau of Philosophy, June 19, 1941].
15. On The Best Method Of Studying And Teaching
Materia Medica.
HUGHES, Richard, BRIGHTON, England
(From the Hahnemannian Monthly, July, 1894)
(Read before the American Institute of
Homœopathy, Denver, 1894)
I am pleased to respond, as far as possible, to the
questions asked of Ŗstudents and teachers of
homœopathic Materia Medica the world overŗ by the
section on that subject of the American Institute of
Homœopathy. I say Ŗas far as possibleŗ, because
several of the inquiries made---as Nos.II.c. and IV.----
address teachers only, and this I am not and never have
been. It may be said that my MANUAL of
PHARMACODYNAMICS, in its editions from the
third onwards, has taken the form of lectures. True, but
these are of the post-graduate type. They assume, in
their hearers, a knowledge of the ordinary action and
uses of drugs, and discuss rather than inform concerning
them. The question now before us is, how students in
homœopathic colleges shall be taught; how, to minds
presumably ignorant of the whole subject, such
knowledge shall be imparted and such methods of study
recommended as shall furnish them with ŖMateria
Medicaŗ indeed, the material wherewith the medical
practitioner goes forth supplied for his combat with
disease. From any practical experience as such a
teacher I cannot speak, but as a student and expositor of
the subject for more than thirty years, I have my
thoughts upon it and upon the best way of giving
instructions in it. These I now submit to my colleagues.
The first question is that raised in I. and II. It is,
how shall the student be initiated into Materia Medica
before his regular class-teaching begins? On this point I
would urge one thing: that the text-book commended to
such a learner shall not be one consisting of symptom
lists. Of whatever use they may be to the practitioner,
to a beginner they are uninteresting, confusing
disheartening. He wants an introduction which shall
lead him to easy access to the inner shrine, which shall
prepare him to understand and appreciate what he finds
there. For this purpose a literary work is required; one
susceptible of continuous and not disagreeable reading;
one that deals wth outlines and generalities instead of
burdening the memory with details. It was to supply
such need, mainly, that I originally wrote my
PHARMACODYNAMICS, but I must not let a parentřs
natural partiality blind him to the probability of other
works suiting the student as well or better. I only insist
that if you want to interest him and prepare him to
approach with zest to his further studies in this sphere,
you must choose such a book for his preliminary
2. ŖWhat is the best method of teaching Materia
Medica for the teacher to his classes in the college?ŗ
This is question II.b., and is, I think, the most important
of all that are asked. My own main answer to it has
been given, by anticipation, in the paper contributed to
this section of the Institute of 1892. I there urged that
teacher of Materia Medica, in a college dominated by
the method of HAHNEMANN, should first of all
ground his students thoroughly in the pathogenetic
action of drugs; and that for this purpose he should use
original material---Hahnemannřs own works when the
drug is contained there, and, for later proving and
poisonings, the detailed narratives of the
from these, quoted and shown to the class, the sick-
making powers of the drug have been demonstrated, its
power to heal should be exhibited and the two classes of
action correlated. My aim in pressing this point was to
eliminate from the class-room those compilations of
symptomatology, which have multiplied so largely of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 96
late, in whch clinical symptoms are mixed up with
observed facts in undistinguished mass. Whatever use
the practitioner may make of such lists, they are simply
fatal to the student, blinding his sense of true and false,
and preparing him to be a symptomatic empiric rather
than a follower of the ruleŕŖlet likes be treated by
The discussion which followed the reading of my
paper is an interesting one. Four Materia Medica
professors took part in it. Of these two agreed with my
views, and stated that they followed the practice I
advocated. The other two thought my remonstrances
needless, but went on to warrant them by defending the
very aberrations I had argued against---one advocating
the clinical method of teaching Materia Medica, the
other stating his plan to be the grouping of symptoms
about hypotheses as to the general physiological action
of the drug. I think, then, that I am justified on the
present occasion in reiterating the views I expressed in
1892, and urging the teaching in our colleges of pure
drug-pathogenesy based on original material.
3. In question IV, inquiry is made as to teaching
regarding the potency of the remedies to be employed. I
would advocate here the historical method. It is notŕI
think---individual DICTA that the student should hear
from the chair of Materia Medica; but the general
experience of the homœopathic body. There are
medicines in favor with all sections, high-potency and
low-potency men alike; there are those like Calcarea
and Sepia---which the latter scarcely think of; and there
are those---like the alkaloids---which seem unknown in
the practice of the former. Let the lecturer state these
facts, and refer each medicine to its proper class. His
hearer will thus start on their own career unprejudiced
on the general question of potency, but furnished with
the broad results obtained by their predecessors up to
the present time.
4. As regards the teaching of the Organon, it does not
seem to me to belong to the chair of Materia Medica at
all, but to that of the theory and practice of medicine.
From this I would have it, at sometime in every
studentřs course, read and critically commented on; and
I would urge that for this purpose Dr.DUDGEONřs
revised translation, published last year, should be in the
teachersř hands. Its appendix, based on a collation of
the five editions of the book, and containing excerpts
pertinent to the various points from the other writings of
HAHNEMANN, is invaluable for a full understanding
and exposition of his mind.
May I take this opportunity of pressing also on
those who write upon Materia Medica the importance of
using first-hand matter, and quoting it correctly? Dr.
G.S. PECK is the last who has illustrated the
inconvenience of doing otherwise. In an article on
Mercury in the December number of the NORTH
writes thus: Ŗon the male sexual organs Dr. HUGHES
speaks of Mercurius sol., producing various ulcers
which bleed when touched, and cause pain over the
whole body; ulcers are round, raw-looking, with
overhanging edges, base covered with a cheesy lining;
red vesicles at termination of glans, later ulcers form
which break and exude a yellowish, or white, strong
smelling matter.ŗ Now what I have written is the
following: ŖOne of Hahnemannřs provers (Hornburg)
reports the following symptoms---Řa number of small
red vesicles at the termination of the glans penis under
the prepuce, which break open and pour forth a
yellowish-white, staining, strong-smelling matter;
afterwards the large ulcers bled, and, when touching
them, a pain was felt in them which affected the whole
body; they were round; their edges which looked like
raw flesh, overhung the ulcers, the base of which was
covered with a cheesy lining.řŗ A similar symptom was
experienced by one of the provers of Cinnabaris. I am
sure that Dr. PECK himself will see how truth suffers
by his version of this statement. The ulcers are
disconnected from the vesicles, by being placed before
them; are described without warrant as Ŗvariousŗ and I
am made responsible for their frequent production by
Mercurius solubilis (for that is what his words imply).
Whereas I only cited a single incident or such
16. Dosage and Restoration of Health
Homœopathic Pharmacology
BEIJERING, Frank, J. (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
ŖLife is short, [the] art long, opportunity
fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgment
Introduction: For the ordinary person, a dream is a
separate reality. For some people the meaning of a
dream is false and for others a dream can have a
prophetic value.
In Homœopathy a dream is used as a symptom.
Dreams that arose during a proving are weighed the
same way as other symptoms, such as a feeling of hurry,
a cramp in the calf, or palpitations. However, a dream
has a more specific individual meaning.
In exact science dreams actually played a decisive
role and led to important discoveries.
Descartes interpreted his vivid dreams as a sign
from God himself. Following his dreams and
meditations he felt carried to a state that
banished remaining doubts.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 97
Strangely enough, nowadays his work has led to a
mechanistic view from which most scientists derive
their mandate of truth.
In 1844 Howe discovered the principle of the
sewing machine in a dream. He discovered that the hole
for the thread must be located at the point of the needle.
In 1865 the chemist Kekule discovered the structure
formula from hydracarbon benzene in a dream.
In 1869 the chemist Mendeleev realized in a dream
that the elements from which matter exists are arranged
in an orderly manner according to their atomic number.
In 1920 the biologist Leowi found the solution of
neurotransmission of the nerveendings through a dream
that brought back to his consciousness (….) the idea he
had seventeen years before.
My dream was that I walked in an old city along a
quay wall and opened a very old book. There was
written 0,000000001 over the pages. I knew that this
was a reflection of an infinitesimal dose that is used as
such in Homœopathy.
This dream occurred after I had taken two tablets of
Causticum D12 and fell into a deep sleep for fifteen
hours. At that time I did not know very much about
I looked in the Materia Medica by Boericke and
read that Causticum was an antidote for Sulphur. Years
before I had used Sulphur ointments for a skin problem
of longstanding.
Since that dream, dosage has been an intriguing
subject for me.
Polarity Ŕ Entity
All things in life are determined by dosage. Every
step, every word, every moment, how much, how long.
The dosage, an amount of something,
between two polarities.
For example: Hot Ŕ Cold, Dry Ŕ Moist, White Ŕ
Black, Right Ŕ Left, Many - Few.
Accordingly the entities to which these polarities
belong are temperature, humidity colour, symmetry,
quantity etc.
In the homœopathic context one should read:
Poisonous Ŕ Curing.
Poisonous is the phase of production of symptoms
that arise during a proving.
On the basis of the Law of Similars, elimination of
symptoms take place with the homœopathically
prepared remedy and along with that the restoration of
health which we call cure.
So the polarity within Homœopathy concerns
Poisonous Ŕ Curing or Sickness Ŕ Health or Symptom
production Ŕ Symptom elimination.
The entity on which Homœopathy is based is called
Compared with regular medicine, as polarity we
distinguish Diagnosis Ŕ Cause. The entity is pathology.
Homœopathic and conventional medicine can be
seen as polarities of the entity medical science.
As I knew no better at that time, I had used the
Sulphur ointments for a long time, so repeating
Causticum seemed beneficial.
Again I fell in a deep sleep for more than ten hours
and in a new dream i discovered the system of dosage as
used in Homœopathy in the form of an equation.
The equation I saw was:
x R
= C
The variables represent objects that are related by a
calculus in such a way that a binding mutual
Calculating could be possible if we knew more
about the composing factors from the exponent Řnř.
This factor Řnř, the symptom collection, will be
discussed later.
Concerning the variables we recognize
1. The constant C that is called by HAHNEMANN:
Sense of wellbeing, the state of health that is
regained after the elimination (disappearance) of
This variable constant C has two faces:
On the one hand it is apprehended as a factor that is
constant in a single individual but of course is
different between separate individuals.
This is the general view and applies to a group of
patients. For example: ŖHe is back to his usual self.ŗ
On the other hand the constant C (Homeostasis) is a
variable constant factor.
Variable within the range of what is naturally given
to the body (Dynamis) but constant where different
individuals are concerned (Physis).
This is the individualistic look at the individual
For example: ŖWe all have different
In the equation, for the moment, the general look is
The constant C stands for Homeostasis, the state of
balance which is generally the leading principle when
sickness and health are considered.
We consider the constant C as the ultimate goal of
the treatment.
2. Variable R
, denoting the remedy, diluted and
pharmacologically potentised, is noted as for example
10000000000000 = D
or R
3. Variable S
denotes the intensity of the disease. It is
an exponential expression-of the number of symptoms
of the patient at a certain time but also, on account for
the law of similar, is equal to the exponential expression
of the production of symptoms during a proving.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 98
During a cure there is an elimination of symptoms
taking place.
In spite of explanations with stronger diseases
dominating weaker diseases, the fact is that the
symptoms disappear and that the very inherence of the
process of potentization is playing a central role in such
a way that stronger diseases need higher potencies.
According to an increase in the number of
symptoms or with the special importance of one or more
symptoms, it is plausible to presume an exponential
increase in the intensity of the disease.
During a cure, in fact, variable S
is being reduced
(transformed) into the variable constant C (state of
health of the patient).
On the basis of the law of similar, reduction is
accomplished by virtue of the dynamized homœopathic
Only by taking into account the ultimate goal of
the cure, namely, the restoration of health, can one
ascertain a regular interrelation between:
1. The disease, the complex of symptoms S
2. The medicine, the remedy R
3. The state of health, the (variable) constant C.
On the basis of the Law of Similars there exists a
delicate defined mutual interrelation between these
The state of health can be taken as the product of
the complex of symptoms S
and the equal-like, similar
remedy R.
Mathematically speaking, in the equation the factor
R must be exponentiated to the power-n in order to
come to C and that, in the case of curing with a similar
remedy, the dosage of the substance must be
inversely proportional to the intensity of the disease.
When the intensity of the disease increases (with
essential, peculiar and concomitant symptoms) the
dosage decreases proportionally in quantity and the
diluting/process of dynamization, is the implied
The mutual relationship is represented by the
x R
= C
n1 stands for the collection of symptoms which is
similar to the collection in the proving (Materia
From the equation it is clear that the dosage of a
remedy, from which the symptoms are similar to
those of the disease, must be infinitesimal in order to
comply with the terms of the Law of Similars.
The character of the equation indicates that there is
a continuum within which the potency varies according
to the disease intensity.
The determination of the potency firstly has to
correspond with the intensity of the disease.
That is what the formula makes clear at first sight.
It shows a uniform connection between empirical
phenomena as they are experienced in Homœopathy.
In terms of quantity the dosage must be inversely
proportional to the disease intensity. Changes in quality
which the remedy undergoes during the diluting/process
of dynamization, move beyond our direct field of
Then the response of the autocracy is Ŗthe onlyŗ
guideline to choose an adequate potency.
Exponent Řnř.
The exponent Řnř is not only determined by the
amount of symptoms by number (Physis), but also by
their intensity (Dynamis).
The exponent Řnlř can be made clear by
representing n T (n in Therapeutic situation) and the
exponent n2 in that respect would be nP (situation of
The formula then is:
x R
= C
The variable S
stands for the disease intensity,
the complex of symptoms in the phase of therapy.
The variable R
stands for the diversity of
symptoms that arose from the proving.
In fact it is the toxic exponent Řnř from the Materia
Medica which is reproduced in the repertory with the
notation in italics and bold etc.
The recording of symptoms that is common in the
repertories hides the very complex way in which three
factors are coherent.
These 3 factors are:
E, Envenom, poison, the toxicity (-signal) of the
remedy. For example Arsenic will produce more
symptoms and probably sooner than Viola tricolor.
Q the metabolic sensitivity of the individual person
A, will display symptoms from for example
Belladonna D2 after 2 days and person B after 7
The results of the proving are also determined by
these differences. T, the time, duration, and
frequency of intake and observation.
The symptom collection Řnř is composed of the
vectors E, T and Q.
The metabolic sensitivity Q is within limits beyond
our control during the proving.
Homœopathic Pharmacology
Within the field of research of Homœopathy some
models of explanation show a strong analogy with
regular pharmacology.
Then the question of the mechanism of how
Homœopathy works plays a central role as if it were a
pharmacological substance (pharmacon) in the regular
meaning of the word.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 99
Thereby the research into how Homœopathy works
is dictated by the chemical paradigm. A search is
conducted for an explanation while even the
phenomenon of disease itself is still not understood first.
When we detach the homœopathic remedy from the
nature of the disease it means that during research we
get half of the factual evidence.
Research on the working mechanism of a
homœopathic pharmacon (potency) by itself is
comparable to research into the behavior of a stone
outside the influence of the field of gravity. If one
blows against the stone, it will change its direction
(which in some respects is of course also interesting).
Nevertheless the research must be done, for new
facts will possibly contribute to new hypotheses about
factual constituents of the origin of diseases. It is still
unknown what the basic origin of a symptom is.
As far as Homœopathy is concerned, the remedy
functions Ŗthanks toŗ the disturbance of the autocracy.
A homœopathic pharmacology is based upon a
number of concepts.
In the Hippocratic Corpus the concepts Physis and
Dynamis are first mentioned.
Hahnemann mentions the Autocracy two thousand
years later and he postulates that disease stems from a
dynamic origin and that cure must come about from this
level (Vis medicatrix naturae).
The Physis is the original composition of the body
where the state of health is lodged with accessory
experiences and spiritual concepts.
From here performance of life is carried out. It is
in this field that the potential energy is located (Yin).
The Dynamis is concerned with disturbances as
well as restoration of the Homœostasis. Here the kinetic
energy is located (Yang).
Homœostasis is a situation free from symptoms. It
is strived for by the autocracy given by nature (Tao).
During Homœostasis the Physis and Dynamis are
complementary and balanced.
Autocracy is an integrated form of reaction that we
can compare with Ŗfuzzy mathematicsŗ whereby
different impulses at the same time can be integrated
and reaction follows.
During a chronic disease the Autocracy cannot take
back the Physis to the situation of Homœostasis
whereby the Dynamis maintains the unwanted
The homœopathic remedy fits in with the dynamic
level of disturbance on account of its intrinsic manner of
preparation, the succusions, which lead to dynamisation.
By virtue of the dynamic influence of the remedy the
autocracy can restore health.
Practical consequences
The choice of potency must be proportional to the
intensity of the disease.
As the intensity increases then the potency of the
similar remedy must increase and the dosage must
In the stage of the determining the potency,
estimating the variable S
is as yet a subjective element.
Because of the empirical content there is a need of
posterior verification.
In the stage of determining the potency, the
estimation of the disease intensity is central to this issue,
nevertheless this in its turn is determined mainly by
the autocratic (reactive) restoring capacity of the
When the autocratic ability decreases, the
disease become chronic and the disease intensity
increases with it (Vecter T from the facter Řnř)
In daily practice the following combination occur:
Chronic, but yet with signals of Ŗreasonableŗ autocracy:
lower potency.
Chronic, but also with a poor autocracy: higher
Acute, with signs of good autocracy: lower
Acute, with threat of becoming chronic because of
poor autocracy: higher potency.
It is wrong to relate the potencyto the notation used
in the repertories, or to given data which are
derived from it, because there is no necessary
correlation between this notation and the situation
of the autocracy in the individual case.
The experienced homœopath can admit the fact that
a high disease intensity sometimes can be treated
successfully with a low potency. In this case the
autocracy appeared reasonably intact (Vector Q in
exponent n).
The above-mentioned cases are valid in principle in
the Řnaturalř course of a disease.
The disease intensity can increase through
circumstances, for instance prolonged cold weather or
strong emotions, while the autocratic ability is not
changed, yet, given the circumstances, is no longer
This is also true for the interference effects of
regular medication. After prolonged interference with
regular medication one has to realize the amount of
Also in such cases the disease intensity can be
increased while autocracy, naturally given, is not
weakened or diminished. In this case the relationship is
no longer proportional.
This means that if there is any lingering doubt, the
perception of the autocratic ability has to be decisive in
the choice of the height of the potency.
In the homœopathic aetiology we hold that diseases
start with a disturbance in the sense of wellbeing.
Starting from the premise that the disturbance
begins in the sphere of awareness, sensation or
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 100
perception and that there is not yet a physical substrate,
we can conceive mind symptoms as having a lower
disease intensity. This is because they arise in the
beginning and the intensity is determined by time
(Vector T in factor Řnř).
So if the collection of symptoms mainly consists of
mind symptoms, a lower potency is to be used. Quite
often we see that mind symptoms lead to the choice of a
high potency. It is possible for mind symptoms to be
strong, suggesting a high disease intensity.
Of course it can be that a situation with mainly
mind symptoms needs a high potency, yet this choice
must be based upon the degree of autocratic weakness
and not from the fact that they are symptoms of the
The more symptoms have increased physical
correlations, the higher the potency should be. With
degenerations, swellings, discolorations, cancer etc. The
disease is more chronic and the disease intensity higher
(Vector T within exponent Řnř). Then higher potency is
needed. Also vector E should be taken into account.
It is also true that with symptoms that resort under
§153 of the Organon, the potency can remain low.
However, if many concordant symptoms occur in the
case, the potency increases correspondingly when the
autocracy is properly estimated.
Starting from an adequate choice of the simillimum
an improvement in the patient will take place (Well-
being). When the patient improves, in other words
when the autocracy appears to react according to
expectations, then raising the potency after this is
contra-indicated and not compatible with the equation
of the Law of Similars.
When a restoration has taken place, meaning a
reduction in disease intensity, the next choice has to be
lower potency.
Raising the potency during the treatment can be
only an emergency measure because the starting
potency has not been right, and an aggravation occurs.
This throws a new light on the LM potencies where
gradually increasing with potencies is a common
procedure and whereby an Řend aggravationř, is being
interpreted as completion of the Řcureř.
During this raising of the potency one supposes an
apparent increase in disease intensity. But actually a
proving is being imitated and the end aggravation
becomes understandable.
In spite of an extensive explanation to patients in
practice, it occurred more than once that this end
aggravation was experienced as: ŖI thought I was better
and now everything is coming back…!ŗ
Now, as far as a we can rationally approach
Homœopathy, there is no solid justification for climbing
with potencies when patients are becoming better; in
that case the autocracy is actually neglected and the
remedy is suspected to work like a regular farmacon.
Climbing with potency by so-called Ŗplussing upŗ
looks like an experiment with the autocracy where the
starting point is that potency of the first choice is not
sufficient so the autocracy has to be Ŗtriggeredŗ.
In my experience it is successful (enough) when the
patient for example begins with, depending on the
estimation of the autocracy of course, LM18 and after
improvement continues with LM 12 or LM8.
The ultimate goal in Homœopathy is to restore
health in a mild, rapid and gentle way (§2, Organon).
In this respect an aggravation can be seen as the
result of the potency and the autocratic disturbance
being incompatible. And because we can only alter the
potency beforehand, it is obvious that if an aggravation
takes place, we should Ŗblameŗ the choice of potency or
the frequency in which it is given.
When prejudice is ruling then an aggravation might
comfort the patient (and the therapist!) in the sense that
he Ŗreally feelsŗ that it is working…
If we take into account that there are twelve
reactions to a remedy, we can learn from it that the
autocracy is really a Ŗpersonŗ that we are dealing with.
It is beyond the scope of this article to go more
deeply into these situations but generally we can say
that as soon as an improvement has taken place we can
give time for its course, either repeating after a certain
time or lowering the potency. Besides an aggravation,
in no situation an increase in potency is to be
If there is a change of remedy because of a
different disease then again we should estimate the
autocracy in that respect to adjust the potency.
Concerning paradigms
The reality that results from the equation of the
Law of similars is that the homœopathic dosage MUST
have an infinitesimal character in order for the diseased
organism to be taken back (forward) to the desired
From the infinitesimal character it is also clear that
a shift is taking place from the chemical realm into the
physical. Here the small particles exist.
With explanatory models in chemistry nowadays
more and more solutions are looked for in physics.
Nevertheless, regular medicine wants to keep the
medication within chemical limits.
This is understandable, because in acute
lifethreatening cases control is made possible with
chemical medicines only. Moreover, when one realizes
that in acute cases we have no time to collect all the
symptoms that are necessary, the chemical intervention
is to be preferred.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 101
In chronic diseases, however, we see regular
medicine repeat itself by treating the chronic disease in
an acute way.
In times of paradigm shift, as in Copernicusř time,
there was a whole change taking place where the old
Ptolemean system could not withstand the new
In the dispute where conventional medicine does
not accept other ways of thinking it is not a matter of
paradigm in the sense that conventional medicine is
false or not valuable anymore.
The rigid resistance to accepting other approaches
that are more suitable for chronic diseases looks like a
gap between different paradigms but this is a
misunderstanding and confuses.
Even where a new approach is accepted, acquired
scientific truth remains. What is just not right is that the
single method of local diagnosis claims the whole
medical field, but, in my opinion, this is not a matter of
paradigm but more of epistemology.
The more we focus on the paradigm as if
conventional medicine were basically (profoundly)
wrong, the more conventional medicine will react with
resistance and rigidity.
It is debatable whether the variable S
is the most
adequate notation for the disease intensity.
Looking at the equation, however, it fits the way in
which dosage has developed since Homœopathy has
The diluting/potentizing procedures in
Homœopathy are quite similar to an algorithm.
Because of the different variables concerned (E, Q
and T) additional study is necessary to know more about
complexity classes as in computational complexity
The restoration of health (Homeostasis, variable
constant C) is the main characteristic in Homœopathy
that deals with individual combination of symptoms.
As a (major) factor it characteristically distinguishes
homœopathic from conventional pharmacology given
that the latter is adapted to local diagnosis and has its
focus on antagonizing dysfunctions in biochemical
processes. In conventional pharmacology, Homeostasis
is not accomplished when the medicine has to be
repeated every day. Therefore in Homœopathy this
factor is indirectly of decisive influence on the choice of
The main interest of the equation so far is that the
restoration of health is the implicit ultimate goal in
treatment. In this light the disease intensity and the
potency height become evidently and intrinsically
related to each other.
The thought that the disease intensity is a parameter
from the autocratic ability follows from there and is
equally important.
(With thanks to M.Plouvier-Suijs [homœopathic
Adler UC, Cesar AT, Adler MS et al. LM or Q
potencies. Homœopathic Links 2005; 18:87
Auerbach D. her potentieringsprocess bekeken
vanuit de modern fysica. SSC 2000; 30: 23-24
Kurz C. The last word in posology. Homœopathic
Links 1996; 9:186.
Chatterjee SK. My experiences with LM potencies.
Homœopathic Links 1997; 10:17
Debars F. Her gebruik van LM potenties, SSC
1996; 26:19
Discussion on posology. Homœopathic Links
1993; 6:12
HAHNEMANN S. Organon der Heilkunst. 6
Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag, 1979
Morozov A. Avogadrořs number and
Homœopathy. Homœopathic Links 2003; 16:97-
Pelt M. Over potenties. SSC 1997; 27:2-5
Sankaran P. Repetition of dose. Homœopathic
Links 1993; 6:34
Sankaran P. Elements of Homœopathy Part 2.
Mumbai: Homœopathic Medical Publishers, 1997
Schaardenburg van D. Energetische aspecten van
de homeopathie. SSC 1991; 21: 100-105
Schepper de L. Achieving and Maintaining the
Simillimum, Santa Fe: Full of Live Publishing,
Scholten J. Homœopathy and science.
Homœopathic Links 2004; 17: 160
Suijs M. Aspecten van de homeopathie, Uden:
Private Publication, 2002
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 102
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editorřs own contribution and other original
I. Materia Medica Revisa Homoeopathiae Ŕ Crocus
von Michael REICHERT, Wunnibald Gypser
Verlag 2011. ISBN Ŕ 978-3-940940-22-3.
This Monograph deals with the homœopathic
remedy Crocus sativa commonly known as Safron.
First proved by E. STAPF and G.W. GROSS and
published in the ŘStapfs Archivř in 1822.
The ALLENřs Encyclopaedia (No.III, p. 578)
contains 339 symptoms including STAPF, GROSS and
other sources.
This Monograph under review has accessed very
reliable sources and has compiled 661 symptoms.
A reference to the Kent Repertory shows that there
are symptoms in the Materia Medica which have not
been entered into the Repertory. For example ŖNeck
and Ext. throatŗ Symptom No.500 says ŖThe nerves of
the entire neck and back of head were very sensitive to
touchŗ is not found under ŖBack, sensitiveř or ŘExt.
throat, sensitiveř or ŘPain cervicalř.
I must undertake to verify every symptom with the
Kent Repertory and see the result.
A valuable work, beautifully produced and well
worth to be in the library of every homœopath.
II. Materia Medica Revisa Homoeopathiae Ŕ
Laurocerasus von Gertraud ROOS. Hrsg
Wunnibald Gypser Verlag, 2009. von Klaus-
Henning GYPSER. ISBN 978-3-940940-05-6.
This Monograph is one in the series of several such
- each remedy dedicated a separate book, containing all
reliable material well verified.
Laurocerasus Prunus
Laurocerasus is a Řsmall remedyř. The first
ŘProvingř was done in 1825.
1298 symptoms are given in this work; while the
EN. Vol. 5 has 1085 symptoms, the Guiding Symptoms
has only few pages for this remedy.
Dr. ROOS has mentioned in the ŘNachwortř that the
Řobjectiveř symptom ŖSweat on the Noseŗ as a Key
Symptom. However, this is not found in the EN and in
this Monograph it is found under ŖPerspirationŗ Chill
and Heat. I did not find it under Nose!
Personally, I have used this remedy more often in
cough and respiration disorders. In young persons with
h/o Řasphyxiař in the new born or h/o Řbluishnessř of
face on birth, respiration distress at birth Laurocerasus
has to be thought of. I recall a case of a young girl of
15 year age who was an athlete at ŘNationalř level. She
was now going to higher class and needs to spend more
hours of study, but in her history it was said that she
must have at least 8 hrs. sleep and anything short of it
would cause respiration distress. She had already cut
her Řathletic practiceř sessions so thatřs she could
Řstudyř. The parents wanted that this girl should be
helped to do with a little less sleep without hindering
her health in anyway; she has so far been under
treatment of Řspecialistsř and the parents were very
circumspectual. No indications were available to
confidently prescribe; her mother said that the delivery
was Řnormalř. I asked her whether the Řnormalř
delivery took long time, whether the foetus was stuck
up, etc. and the mother poured out that it was most
painful, it took more than 2 hours the childřs face
became blue and she gasped. However the hospital
declared all well including the Paediatrician!
I gave this girl a dose of Laurocerasus 200 and she
went on to do well, do with 7 hours sleep, study well,
etc. I could follow-up for nearly an year and she
remained well.
Similarly Laurocerasus has been a great cough
remedy. It has also helped several Řheartř cases.
Laurocerasus is indeed a Řbigř medicine, and not to
be relegated to the Řsmallř. The symptom need to be
carefully studied and thought over.
Very well prepared Monograph and should be in
the library of every Homœopathy Practitioner.
The Print paper, etc. are all of the highest quality.
III. Materia Medica Revisa Homoeopathiae Ŕ
Ipecacuanha von Klara BREVER. Hrsg
Wunnibald Gypser Verlag, 2009. von Klaus-
Henning GYPSER. ISBN 978-3-940940-07-0.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 103
Ipecacuanha is one of the earliest remedies
HAHNEMANN had recorded in his Materia Medica
ŘFragmenta de viribus Medicamentorum….ř, 1805. It is
a most often used remedy, in Cough, nausea and
vomiting, bleedings, bronchitis, Asthma, and is in our
daily use. Everyone of us can readily recall some cases
where Ipecacuanha has brought about remarkable
An experienced senior homœopath asked in a
seminar, ŖWould you prescribe Ipecacuanha in a case
where the bleeding was not bright red (arterial)?ŗ The
answer was to be ŖYes, in exceptional caseŗ.
Ipecacuanha is also great ŘFeverř remedy,
including the Intermittent Fever; it is also of great use in
ŘFemaleř complaints.
1093 symptoms are given in this Monograph. It
will be useful in day to day practice.
As always the book is very well produced and well
worth. Colleagues are requested to give Řfeed-backř;
only in that way do we progress.
Materia Quasi - Medica.
I. 1. More than 1.5 million children under five die every
year from preventable causes. Columns have been
written and hours have been spent by different
channels on why children are dying. Children are
left lying on the floor in the hospitals and mothers
share the beds. One child under the age of five,
dies every 20 seconds in India. Close to 1.7 million
children die every year in India. The majority of
these are preventable. Having trained health
workers in the community who can diagnose
symptoms of diarrhea or Pneumonia can save
thousands of childrenřs lives. The Govt. spends a
pittance Ŕ 1.04% of the GDP Ŕ on health. Given
the scale of the problem, this is baffling. About
70% of Indians spend their entire income on health-
care and purchasing drugs according to the WHO!
Those who are in seats of power appear almost
unconcerned by the fact that India holds the No.1
spot for the most number of children dying under
the age of five. We have lived with lack of toilets,
poverty, malnutrition for so long that they are not
seen as political issues. Another equally callous
response of the state is to the issue of child labour.
…. (Extract from A Silent Tragedy of Ananthapriya
Subramanian in The Hindu, Chennai, Nov. 18,
2. India is considered an agrarian land. However over
the past few decades the agricultural activities are
dwindling for various reasons; and there have been
large scale suicides by farmers who were in deep
financial debts and unable to pay. ŖIn 16 years
farm suicides cross a quarter million; past 8 years
show a rising trendŗ (The Hindu, Chennai, dated 29
Oct. 2011). If salt loses its saltiness with what can
it be salted? ŖAll technological progress minus
agriculture is like a mirage in the desert.ŗ
II. The State and evil of drink. (The Hindu,
Chennai. 12 Jan. 2010).
As it is happening in Kerala and Tamil Nadu the
State is often profiting from the ruinous stuff. This
should end. V.R. KRISHNA IYER.
Kerala is perhaps the Ŗmost drunken Stateŗ in India.
The Government benefits from its monopolistic
business arm. Of course it provides jobs for a number
of people. This also makes young people taste the
delight of the drink. Many a fracas, felony, road
accident and incident of street vilence starts with
alcoholism. Terrible crimes are committed. Most rape
cases happen after taking sips of the liquid. With final
gulp one become comatose and lie down somewhere not
knowing where. If it happens at home, the wife gets
beaten if she protests and the family ends up bankrupt.
Hospitalization owing to drink evil seems to rise.
Liquor can be seen to violate the fundamental right of
the citizen to travel around in peace, have friendly
association with others, and live in fraternity.
Governments make people bankrupt by granting
easy licenses to clubs with liquor Ŕ dispensing bars
attached to them. Tamil Nadu not only manufactures,
but vends liquor. Who will dare dismiss the
government for violating Article 47?
Gandhi and Rajaji implemented a prohibition
policy successfully. Even now it can work a la Gujarat.
President Pratibha Patil at a public meeting said
that Kerala is plagued by alcoholism.
When Nehru was in power he asked Indian
Embassies not to serve liquor on Independence and
Republic days and also said that if people would attend
only if liquor is served, then such celebrations need not
be held Morarji Desai introduced dry days on wage
payment days and festival days. So far as liquor
consumption is concerned, the centre, if it believes in
the constitution and in particular in Article 47, should
force the States to practice prohibition.
Alcoholism is a national enemy and our import
policy must ban foreign liquor.
Great men like Bernard Shaw to Mahatma Gandhi
were free from liquor. From Vedanta to Islam and
every faith which is committed to dignity has advocated
this. Absolute ban should be given to alcoholism.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 104
I hold drink to be more damnable than thievery and
perhaps even prostitution. Is it not often the parent to
both? Government revenue from drinking should be
swept out and liquor shops should be abolished.
This nation will perish with the drinking bowl with
atrabilious liquor because the powerful lobby can
purchase the politician at any price to do away with dry
days and flood the youth with liquor until blood colours
streets and homes red.
III. Are the days of Incurable diseases really over?
Venkatraman RAMAKRISHNAN & Richard J.
ROBERTS deconstruct the unseen world of
bacteria: (The Hindu, Chennai dated Dec. 20, 2011).
Two Nobel laureates Deconstructed the fascinating
workings of that invisible yet ubiquitous life form
Are the days of incurable diseases really over? Not
quite, when diseases such as Tuberculosis are seeing a
resurgene, said Biologist Ramakrishnan.
He was delivering a lecture on ŘHow antibiotics
illuminate Ribosome function and vice versa.
ŖThe world has 100 million active cases of TB, a
disease that claims two million lives every year.,ŗ he
said, attributing the complexities in treating the disease
to drug resistance, among other reasons.
When a new antibiotic is introduced, you can be
guaranteed that it will at some point gain drug
Bacteria counter antibiotics through several
operandi: by degrading or altering enzymes and by
actually ejecting them out of their cells, said Professor
Ramakrishnan, who was awarded the Nobel prize for
Chemistry in 2009 for studies of the structure and
function of the ribosome.
It was significant that it took $1 billion to develop
new drugs from scratch, he said.
ŖAs public we need to be aware that structural
biologists and pharmaceutical companies cannot alone
solve the problem of drug resistance. We need infection
control, measures to improve sanitary conditions and
promote the rational use of antimicrobials.ŗ
Do not for instance insist on an antibiotic if catch a
cold and flu.
In his lecture ŖWhy I love Bacteria,ŗ he said, if we
removed every bacterium from our body, we will cease
to exist,ŗ Our bodies have some 10 trillion human cells,
but it has 10 times the number of bacterial cells: 100
trillion to be precise.
He described as Ŗillogicalŗ the European fear of
genetically modified products, which has stalled
research in several areas, including probiotic food that
could have had several benefits.
The M.J. Thirumalachar and M.J. Narasimhan
Endowment Lectures were organized to honour the
memory of biologist Thirumalachar, who established
the Jeersannidhi-Anderson Institute at Walnut Creek,
California, along with his son M.J. Narasimhan.
[Extract from Foreword to Synoptic Key of the Materia
Medica by C.M. BOGER.]
ŖWhat often makes a cure hard is the laying of too
much stress upon some particular factor at the expense
of the disease picture as a whole, thus destroying its
symmetry and forming a distorted conception of the
natural image of the sickness. This does not, however,
mean that all symptoms stand on the same level, for
certain effects must be more prominent than others, yet
be part and parcel of them. This is the sense in whch we
must learn to know our remedies, just as we do our
friends, by their air or personality; an ever changing,
composite effect, but always reflecting the same
1. Strumous constitutions; children and girls who
become awkward esp. in handling things; hysterical
2. Anxiety with tearful restlessness; impaired memory
and absent-mindedness in elderly persons.
3. Oedematous swellings, serous effusions, and
4. Pains burning, darting, stinging > cold (rev. Ars.)
5. General soreness and sensitiveness of body surface
< touch or pressure esp. uterine and ovarian
regions; constriction disliked; weary, bruised
6. Marked restlessness (physical causes) without > to
7. Great drowsiness; sleep much disturbed by pain or
anxious dreams; spoor interrupted by piercing
screams (meaningitis).
8. Thirstlessness in nearly all complaints esp.
dropsical conditions.
9. Ailments right-sided or travel from right to left.
10. Patients < all forms of heat; general < 4-6 p.m.
< sleep.
Notes: Slow-acting remedy. In acute conditions wait
an hour or two. Low potencies should not be given
during pregnancy. Keynote-Oedema.