VOL. III, 1986
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England,
Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may
refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by
this compilation are given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai- 600 080,
Volume III
QHD, VOL.III, NO.1, MARCH 1986 ................................................................................................................ 3
NATRUM FLUORATUM AND JOINT RHEUMATISM .......................................................................... 7
A WHOOPING COUGH SYMPTOM OF NUX VOMICA - BY HAUPTMANN. ........................................ 11
A SKETCH OF TELLURIUM BY H.DORNER. .......................................................................................... 13
SOME FRENCH CASES ........................................................................................................................... 16
A CASE OF CROTALUS HORRIDUS; BY H.LEERS ................................................................................ 17
SELENIUM ............................................................................................................................................... 23
SELF SAME MOON. ................................................................................................................................ 25
QHD, VOL.III, NO.2, MARCH 1986 .............................................................................................................. 29
B.CH., M.F.HOM. ...................................................................................................................................... 30
A CASE OF TUBERCULINUM - BY J. BAUR ........................................................................................... 40
SYPHILINUM - BY G. V. KELLER ........................................................................................................... 43
THERAPY WITH NOSODES - BY B.HAAS .............................................................................................. 48
CARCINOSIN - BY M.SALVEY ................................................................................................................. 56
ADDITIONS TO KENTS REPERTORY .................................................................................................. 59
CANCER RUBRICS- AHMED N.CURRIM, M.D., PHD .............................................................................. 63
PROBLEMS IN REPERTORISATION ..................................................................................................... 65
KENT RUBRICS FOR TREATMENT OF ASTHMA - BY DR.R.BOURGARIT .......................................... 67
IN THE SMALL RUBRIC IN THE REPERTORY.................................................................................... 72
THE DISADVANTAGES OF REMEDY WEIGHITIG IN HOMOEOPATHIC ....................................... 75
CORRESPONDANCE .............................................................................................................................. 78
TWO METHODS OF REPERTORISATION ............................................................................................ 79
SYMPTOM "AS IF" .................................................................................................................................. 81
REPERTORISATION VITH THE LARGE RUBRICS ............................................................................. 82
MEIERES DISEASES - A CASE REPORT BY DR.K.H.GYPSER .............................................................. 84
IS KENT THE FINAL .............................................................................................................................. 87
QHD, VOL.III, NO.3, DECEMBER 1986 ...................................................................................................... 89
ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA BY G.V.KELLER ............................................................................................ 90
ASA FOETIDA .......................................................................................................................................... 92
VIBURNUM OPULUS .............................................................................................................................. 94
PEYOTL –ANHALONIUM LEWINII MESCALIN .............................................................................. 96
ANHALONIUM PEYOTL BY ................................................................................................................. 100
BOTHROPS LANCEOLATUS ............................................................................................................... 102
COMPARISION OF ASTERIAS RUBENS AND CONIUM MACULATUM ....................................... 113
CONIUM IN TONSILLITIS AND GRIPPE ............................................................................................ 116
Year 1986
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1 QHD, Vol.III, No.1, March 1986
Dear Doctor,
The 'Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST' enters its third year, with this number.
The purpose of the DIGEST is to obtain for our practical purposes, the collective
experiences of the homeopathic world. No commercial or business thoughts have motivated this
venture, which is unique. It was thought that there will be enthusiastic welcome and
encouragement from the homoeopathy practitioners in our country, and that in due course we
will be able to add from the French, Spanish etc. Sadly these hopes have been belied so far.
However, hopes are still there.
As much possible care is taken that I do not give articles which have already been given
in other Indian Journals.
In this number are given some remedies which are generally not used much in the daily
practice though the cases frequent the clinics; for example, Natrum fluoratum, Tellurium,
Selenium. A careful study of the articles will reveal much of practical value like Tellurium in
It would be most worthwhile if the reader reports cases by way of verifications. Only so
can we progress. Holding back what will be of positive use to the profession is condemnable.
Come, let us join hands.
March 1986.
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
Volume III
1.1 CURES BY RARE MEDICINES - By S.Garzonis, I.Bachas,
S.Paterakis and J.Karavis.
(Phellandrium_Menyanthes, Jacaranda caroba, Kali arsenicicum, Ambra grisea)
This has come out of group-discussion of difficult cases held regularly at the
"Homoeopathic Seminars" of the Hellenic Association of Homoeopathy.
The special interest of these cases are that they all presented most peculiar symptoms
which were completely eliminated after the simillimum was given, which brought about a
general regeneration of the patient.
The reason that these cases are presented is that some of those peculiar symptoms were
not in the Repertories. The purpose of this communication is on the one hand to increase the
pathogenesis of these drugs and on the other hand to be added in the Repertory in case they are
confirmed by a second or third experience.
1st Case:
Mrs.T.N., age 44, rather stout, with black hair and black eyes. Complete nervous
exhaustion since last year. It started during the time of holidays. Feels continuously exhausted
and sleepy. Severe pain on right mamma extending along the course of milk ducts. So severe that
it keeps awake. Falling of hair Menses intermittent. Yellowish leucorrhoea. Pain on left
hypochondrium. Rumbling in abdomen. Dryness of mouth. Horrible visions on closing the eyes.
A feeling that the head is empty. Can sleep only on right side. Delusions that somebody is on her
back. Fear of being alone in the night. Aversion to milk. She is worse with coffee. If she drinks
coffee she has a fainting feeling as if she were going to die.
Only one dose of Phellandrium aquaticum 200 was given. She was seen one month later.
She was feeling psychologically well and much energetic but the pain in breast was stronger than
ever but only before the menses. Prescribed placebos. She was seen again when she brought to us
her sister and assured us that she was feeling fine, free from any pain, fear or delusion really
2nd case:
Miss M.S., age 24. She is 1.58 meter and weighs only 42 kg. No appetite. Continuous
tiredness. She cannot put on weight. Vertigo with nausea. She has difficulty in walking. This
going on for 5 years now. Vertigo looking from high places. Tonsils operated. Numbness and
swelling of left leg. Dryness of conjunctivas. Pain on left side of abdomen. Acne around mouth
(before menses). Menses always late. Drawing pain in genitals during the first day of menses.
Falling of hair. Complete absence of thirst. Desires sugar and sweets. Aversion to beans peas, to
butter and to fat of meat. Desires fish. Very cold fingers. Fear of being alone in the night.
Dreams of war.
Menyanthes 30, 1 dose and placebo.
She was seen after a month when she said that she was feeling well from every point of view, her
appetite was good, her strength came back. She wanted now the normal amount of water, had no
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fears or dreams, no falling of hair. No vertigo and no pains; in the face appears a slight eruption
resembling acne but already subsiding. She remains very well till this day, 6 months later.
3rd case:
Mrs.R.A., 43 yrs old. When she was 25 yrs.old menses stopped. Took a lot of hormones.
Operated for cyst in the ovary (right). Discharged pus for a whole year after the operation. The
operation was done at the age of 24. Present symptoms: Fears and colitis. She cannot remain in
closed places: cinemas or churches. When she is in any other house, apart from her she own, she
has the feeling that she will fall from her chair, holds on to her chair tightly in order not to fall. Is
not vertigo. It is a fear that she is going to fall. She feels much worse when is looked at. Cannot
do anything in presence of others. Trembling in any new circumstances. Anxiety about health.
Anxiety about others. Fear of being alone in the house. Fear of doctors. Thinks only the black
side of things. She is much worse when she feels that she is away from her house. Since 18 yrs.
pain on rt. hvpochondrium. worse sitting. Diarrhea alternating with constipation Mucus in stool.
All colon painful [v3-4] in different spots. Slight distention. Empty feeling in stomach. Rumbling
in abdomen.
Headache in occiput extending to forehead. Generally worse from 4 to 8 p.m. Worse
change of weather. Aversion to fat.
Lycopodium and Lachesis were given, but did not help. Ambra grisea 200 one dose
brought about a complete regeneration of the lady, after a short aggravation. The prescription
was based mainly on the symptom that could do nothing in presence of others, which is an
analogous symptom of Ambra "cannot have a stool in presence of any one".
4th case:
Female, age 45. Last year operated for cancer of the left mamma. She is now in a general
state of depression and low vitality. This case presented most peculiar symptoms. As if there
were a splinter on left side of the throat. Burning on tongue on the left side. Burning on left calf.
Numbness of lt. arm. Headache on the lt. side of head. A burning feeling in the urethra but only
on the lt. side of it. Past history. Pleurisy and TBC.
Was given one dose of Jacaranda caroba 30. All symptoms subsided after 20 days. She is
feeling very well. This also a recent case.
5th case:
Mr.T.C. age 36. Had gonorhhoea at the age of 26. Since 4 years duodenal ulcer, wandering pain
on lt.side of chest (heart region) which is very annoying and causes tremendous fear that he may
die. He goes frequently to cardiologists to have a cardiogram. He is in a panic because of this
pain. Apart from this has vertigo, due to spondyloarthritis of cervical region. Cannot work. Pain
occiput. Cracking in cervical region. Chills on back, worse in afternoon. Chills also during
urination. Feels the cold very much. Aversion to starchy food, to bread and much worse after
starchy food. Desires fruits, vinegar. Sleeps only on lt.side. A dose of Kali-arsenicicum 10M was
given. He was very well after that. The anxiety, the vertigo and the headaches completely gone.
He is working all day.
Volume III
5 cases from Athens showing rarely used remedies.
1. Phellandtium for mamma pains extending along lactiferous tubes (Kent p.846)
2. Menyanthes in a case with too many vague symptoms. The symptom guide was absolute
thirstlessness (Kent p.530).
3. Ambra in a case with many nervous symptoms. The symptom guide was: cannot undertake
anything in presence of strangers. It is an extrapolation of the known ambra sign: defecation-in
presence of strangers impossible.
4. Jacaranda in a case showing universal lt. laterality. Here the local lt. laterality of a burning
pain of the tongue (Kent p.411) was taken - a bit freely - for the whole side.
5. Kali ars. in a case of heart pains with fear of death. The guiding symptom was chill afternoon
(Kent p.1260).
[From the Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE HOMÖOPATHIE and Arznei-potenzierung, Band
25/1981, Heft 6. -- For private communication only.--Readers are requested to report
confirmation of the above remedies in the rubrics mentioned for improving the Repertory--
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(Provings and Cases reports by Dr.W.GUTMAN)
The progress of homoeopathy and research is the medicinal proving and clinical
verification. The following report of the proving of a medicine used as preventive Medline in
the health programme also depicts it as an individual curative medicine. Similarly we are
working with Acidum Sulphurosum: prevention of atmospheric air pollution also as curative in
respiratory illnesses. For this double purpose we took up Natrium fluoratum (Na.F) used for
preventive fluoridation of water, prevention of tooth caries. 22 healthy medicinal students were
the provers. As there were only purely allopathically trained students in the Faculty of the New
York Homoeopathic Medical College, it was difficult to obtain finer modalities. Six willing
provers were selected. Sixteen students took placebo. Neither the six selected students nor the
placebo group showed any symptoms. Now first 3 tablets and later 6 tablets Natrum fluoricm D6
were given for five weeks with intervals of placebo tablets, without the provers knowledge.
The essential symptoms are mentioned here:
Besides occasional itching of skin and isolated papulous eruptions and also occasional
brief periods of constipation all other symptoms are in the region of the organs of locomotion. In
many cases the ailments developed within a few hours, in others after a week, upto a month.
Collectively the pains were "gnawing" or "stitching", appearing and disappearing suddenly,
generally am. from pressure. Its location was in "nape, in the shoulder-joints (after 4 weeks),
hand-joints and in different parts of muscles. In some cases the characteristic was (in one case
after 40 days) Muscular fibrillation, light twitchings, which for the typical Fluor patients
manifest as muscle twitchings. The symptoms disappear when the medicine was replaced with
similar appearing placebo tablets from time to time and when the proving medicine was again
given the symptoms re-appeared.
As in all provings, there are specific"sensitive” provers. The symptoms of such have been
reported in detail. The prover had no symptoms during the placebo period. Three hours after the
taking of be the medicine stitching pains in the finger joints, in the shoulder region, calf and
ankle joints. On the second day elbow and knee pains. These were so troublesome that the prover
discontinued for the time being. The severe pains disappeared. After 3 days again took the
medicine and on the same day pains in shoulder-joints, followed by pains in finger-joints
muscles of calves, tolerably severe pains in the joints of the hand and elbows. The prover again
discontinued. After 3 days resumed the medicine. Muscle fibrillations appeared. Again
discontinued. During this period same ailments as after-effects. Now placebo tablets were given
which the student took only very hesitatingly. No symptoms during the following days.
TOXICOLOGY: Roholm reported that the workers in an Aluminium-Natriumfluorid suffered
from rheumatic pains.
Petro: degenerative changes in bones, tendons, muscles. Similar charges were observed in dogs
which were overfed with Natriumfluorid. Osteoplastic and osteoporotic changes were found.
Volume III
CASE REPORTS: In the following cases we use the word "joint rheumatism" since except in
purely specific cases like arthritis of venereal nature, the nomenclature are different in different
lands in different languages and classifications.
1) Mr.K.(65) joint pains since 6 months, severe pains radiating to the shoulder (x-ray:
advanced hyperostotic spondylosis). A single dose of Natrium fluoratum C200. After a month
completely pain-free, with immediate effect; can move the neck easily and without pain. The
dose was given on December 1979, until now (March 1981) no complaints.
2) Mr. H (60) Pains in nape of neck since 5 years (x-ray: spondylarthrosis), restricting
movement. In June 1980 received a dose of Natrium fluoratum C200. Occasional, little pains till
now, 26 February 1981, no ailments (earlier, had to take Aspirin many times a day, just as the
others similar).
3) Miss.L.(45): Since long, severe neck pains (X-ray: deterioration of the 6th and 7th
cervical). On 12 July 1980 one dose Natrium fluoratum C200 (by the way, the potencies were all
Hahnemann potencies). Travels and has reported on 24 October that with certainly after the dose
of C200, free from pain, similar report on 5 December 1980.
4) Idiopathic chronic polyarthritis: 23 yr.old lady; developed after a Grippe in February
1979. Shoulder, hips, low back; swelling of the rt.knee. Takes 2 aspirins every 4 hours, 8 per
day. Now 8 months later, in November 1979, one dose of Natrium fluoratum 200. Report of two
weeks: much better, required an Aspirin just now A and then. Rt. knee swelling gone. In brief:
this patient suffered repeated [v3-8] attacks of Grippe, every time followed with joint pains of
different joints which after repetition of a dose of Natr.fluoratum 200 (once in D12 potency as a
trial) disappeared. The patient received as a prophylaxis few doses of the epidemic remedy,
Gelsemium 200. Till now, 9 Feb.1981 free from ailments, remains under observation.
5) Miss G.(36) Since 10 yrs. stiffness of the finger joints and the toe joints. One dose of
Natrium fluoratum.200 on 22 May 1980 and repeated in July. Feb.1981 report: well.
6) Mr.F.(65) Since about 6 months thickening and pain of end-joints of tree fingers. 30
Nov.1970, Natr.fluoratum 200. After 14 days: definitely improved. Under observation every two
weeks (for other reasons also). Relapse of arthritis from time to time but every time relieved
from a dose of Natr. fluoratum 200. Till date remains free.
7) Mr.R(46). Pain in two joints of fingers, since 2 yrs. Sensitive to touch. Natr.fluoratum
200. Report, 25 Apr.1980: No pains. He taps the finger joints against the table to prove that it
was no more painful to touch.
8) Mrs.K.(47) Pain in jts. Of the middle finger since some months. Better after
Natr.fluoratum 200, completely gone after repttition of a dose. This case was followed up just
like other such successful cases.
9) Mrs. P(61): Arthritis in the fingerjoints since 10 yrs. Natr.fluoratum 200, one dose.
Repeated after 14 days. Distinctly improved.
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10) Miss S.(57) Since two yrs. slowly developing pains in elbows, knee, wrist joints.
Natr.fluoratum 200. Report after three weeks: Pains distinctly lesser.
11) Mrs.K. Since many yrs. arthritis of lumbar joints (x-ray), took regularly Aspirin.
Natr.fluoratum 200 at long intervals one dose whenever pain occurred with sustained
amelioration. Did not'need Aspirin anymore.
12) Mrs.D 65) Since about 10 yrs. arthritis in fingers, knees, with temporary am. from
Gold injections. Cannot turn [v3-9] her neck due to pains. Since 2 months knee pains. Natr.
fluoratum 200. 14 days after: neck pains much less. The knee pains of 10 yrs. duration somewhat
less now, can now go without the aid of a stick. No further doses. Further 2 weeks laters Finger
not-painful anymore (could not lift things earlier), knee appreciably better. Like other cases,
under observation.
13) Mrs.S (55) Arthritis of almost all joints since years. Takes daily 8 Aspirins. After a
dose of Natr.fluaratum 200 no need for Aspirin any more. Emigrated to another town end .hence
no follow-up possible.
14) Woman 48 yrs. Since yrs. suffering from arthritis which progressively attacked
affecting all the joints with partial deformities. In this case nothing was expected from the very
commencement but however, I gave a dose of Natr. fluoratum 200. Naturally no change. When
asked about her recently affected and inflamed big toes, she replied: "Yes, they are better", and
in fact it was less swollen. This case shows that as much recent the case is so much better the
remedy would work. Hence the necessity for early treatment of the arthritic process at the very
beginning itself. In the last case the drastic measures taken were of no help and finally she had to
be put in a nursing home, due to other circumstances.
15) Mrs.A.(69) Progressive arthritis of all joints since an attack of rheumatic fever at 7
yrs. age with much pain. As in similar cases, needed Aspirin many times a day. One dose of Natr
Fluoratumm 200. 14 days later could reduce the Aspirin to half. Under placebo, further relief 14
days later. One dose repeated. This case shows that even in long-standing and advanced
conditions a therapeutic result is possible.
Anti-fluoridation groups in small numbers who studied our provings took up through Press and
mass media for a poll on the fluoridation of water in South Portland in Maine, USA, thrice in 9
yrs. First by lesser and lesser fluoridation and finally to reject fluoridation. Seldom have I seen
such rapid success no sooner a homoeopathic remedy was given in a much chronic or less
chronic case. As in other remedies newly introduced, further clinical and reprovings must be
done so that more exact modalities may be obtained. The arthritic diseases are of a uniform
nature symptomatically with relatively least characteristic modalities. Hence the same remedy
helped in all the cases without any symptom-differentiation. These are 'fixed' disease like
epidemics for why Hahnemann recommended specific remedies through all cases. Jt.rheumatism
in all its forms belongs to this classification and perhaps this remedy is the 'specific' one to arrest
the process in the early stages itself. This has been my observation (finger joints), as of now in
some cases.
Volume III
[From the ' Zeitschrift für KLASSISCHE HOMÖOEPATHIE and Arzneipotenzierung' Band
25/1981--Nov./Dez.Heft 6, translated by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for private communication
Members are requested to communicate experiences with Natr. fluoratum 200 in arthritis of
Year 1986
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On 24.11.1980 the child Sebastian (DOB 11/8/1979) was brought for paroxysms of
cough. He had contracted bronchitis with fever a week ago which was treated with penicillin.
The fever declined but the cough however became worser. It began particularly at nights in
paroxysms and ended with vomiting of sour mucous. No appetite, merely thirst. Angry and
resistant to examination, rattling sound over the lung area, clean tongue. Ipecacuanha D12, 4
hrly. 5 drops in water and asked to come again on 26.11. with the hint "suspicion of whooping
On 26.11 condition became worse; continuous vomiting, without preceding cough,
without much choking. Ipecacuanha D12 continued and then a dose of Sulphur LM VI for effects
of suppression by penscillin. Next day the cough was somewhat [v3-11] lesser, but there was
severe epistaxis and in addition a little bleeding in the conjunctivae began. The boy was
peculiarly in-tolerable and weepy; he wept mostly either during or after the attacks of cough
which increased during nights. No perspiration, chilliness, peculiar restlessness: "cannot find the
right position in bed". The leucocytes count was 22750 cells; whooping cough was thus
confirmed. Arnica D12, 4 hrly. 5 drops in water. Ipecacuanha stopped.
1.12. after 5 days, new image. Cough and vomiting worse. The boy appears frightened.
The conjunctivae, left more than the right, are tense with blood filled up, as if may burst any
moment. The picture appeared like chemosis. Also the upper lid and the swollen lower lid were
blue-red. The boy is irritable, excited, weepy and constantly rubbing the eyes. The mother, a
medical-technical assistant, is understandably worried and to me also it was so. Examination by
Opthalmologist did not point out anything more than what had already been found by me. For
decisive diagnosis to exclude leukaemia, a total blood count was made. Result: Ery.: 7.7;
Hb.89%; leuco.13300; Eos.2;. Segm.5; lymph 92; mono 1, all mature cells 20000 Thrombo.
BKS.10/22. The diagnosis of whooping cough was confirmed and the remedy changed from
Arnica to Nux vomica D12, 4 hrly.
On the next day, 2.12. the mother reported that Sebastian had slept relatively better
during the night, only once during this forenoon vomited what he had eaten, which. was not the
case from the beginning;. Further Nux vomica D12.
Report on 5.12.: Cough only a little bad, occasional vomiting, disposition less weepy, the
effusion of blood in the eyes, specially in the conjunctiva was clearly receding. Examination now
showed a clear picture. Leuco. 10450. Nux vomica D12 further 4 hrly. On 15.12.: dry cough and
rarely vomiting, blood residue in eyes and conjunctiva normal. General condition good.
On 22.12.: the mother reported again: She had stopped the Nux vomica after the last
consultation a week ago, very early, and since yesterday the cough, vomiting and coryza [v3-12]
began again. Nux vomica D12 again 5 drops in water until completely well.
The catarrhal state of whooping cough of Sebastian was not recognised but as often is,
diagnosed as bronchitis and treated with penicillin. This upset. Ipecacuenha then given for
Volume III
vomiting from cough, loss of appetite, clear tongue, rattling breathing. The medicine was
wrongly chosen. The '-pointer' symptoms of this whooping cough indicated Sulphur particularly,
the disposition to bleeding and the weepy, irritable and intolerant conduct as also the continuous
vomiting. Arnica was chosen now for the disposition to bleeding, epistaxis as also conjunctiva
bleeding, weeping during and after the cough spell, also that the bleeding was possibly as a
consequence of over-exertion due to the jolt from violent whooping cough attacks. Belladonna
was not indicated from the beginning. The further course then indicated the right similia as Nux
vomica; "bleeding in eyes in whooping cough". As a local diagnosis one can definitely say that
blood would naturally come because of the violent paroxysm of whooping cough. After failure
of Arnica over a period of 5 days, Nux vomica gave great relief. General amelioration. The
normal period of 3 to 6 weeks of convulsive state was in the 3rd stage within 14 days due to Nux
vomica; the worse part of the whooping sough was scarcely three weeks, a very happy result.
The case impresses that Kent's repertory contains authentic in-formation. The low grade
symptom "bleeding from the eyes in whooping cough” (p.235) has been clinically verified.
Perhaps colleagues may also be able to add their similar experiences with Nux vomica in
whooping cough so that Nux vomica can be elevated to the 2nd grade.
[From the 'Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE HOMÖOEPATHIE and Arznei-potenzierung', Band
26/1 982--Heft 3, Mai/Juli 1982; Translated from German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for
private communication only. DIGEST members are requested to send in their experiences of
Nux vomica in whooping coughs--K.S.S.]
Year 1986
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A Tellurium patient is difficult to be understood. He works nervously, excitedly,
apathetically and is also unsociable. Forgetful, his paralysing mental weakness makes him
incapable of thinking and working. He is physically un attractive and works clumsily while in
company, either unfriendly, refusing and excited or uncommunicative, serious, silent, anxious
and hopeless.
Various physical inadequacies torment him: unpleasant smelling physical exhalations,
copious perspiration with garlic-like smell, acid, stinking discharges which cause sores,; weak
sensation in stomach, nausea, colics, audible and bad smelling flatulence; loss of appetite
alternating with fits extreme hunger, much thirst for small quantities, increased urging for
urination; delayed menses or absent; increased sexual instinct, genital infections and leucorrhoea.
Vertigo, flushes, partial internal chilliness and shivering, shuddering, palpitation and sleep
Besides many features of so-called Sycosis the tendency shows syphilitic diathesis.
Accordingly three systems are dealt with, namely, the skin, the nervous system and the
protective tissues with bones and joints. But, first the drug itself:
With Oxygen, Sulphur, Selenium and Polonium, Tellurium metallicum makes the Group
VI. An interesting group, it contains Oxygen, the element without which we cannot exist and on
the other extreme the Polonium, a product of radio-active disintegration from Uranus, finally the
Sulphur the great homoeopathic medicine. Selenium and Tellurium are considered as half metals
and Polonium as purely metal.
Muller von Reichenstein discovered in 1762 in demolished ore a peculiar element. Martin
Heinrich von Klaproth defined and named 16 yrs. later Tellurium. This discovery was in the pre-
homoeopathic era of Hahnemann but in Hahnemann's later meteria medica it has not been
mentioned. Provers were [v3-14] Metcalf, Hering and some more physicians mentioned by
In its element form Tellurium is not toxic but. Tellurium hydrogen and the different
Tellurium salts (Tellurite, Telluride and Tellurate) indeed are. Chronic poisoning from inspiring
Tellurium fumes expresses itself to headaches, vertigo and dryness of the mouth with metallic
taste. The expired air has an unpleasant smell like garlic. Dryness of skin, diminished
perspiration end loss of colour of hair. Further stomach and intestinal ailments and loss of
appetite, vomiting wasting away and somnolence.
The symptoms of acute poisoning are similar as from selenium and Arsenicum.
Diarrhoeas and somnolence come over a phase of increased excitement with fibrillous spasms,
tachy-cardia and finally central respiratory paralysis and diastolic arrest.
Tellurium, and its components are used in anthydrotica and hair-removers remedy.
Kalium tellurat inhibits secretion of perspiration, with unpleasant side actions, that is the volatile
Volume III
Methyl tellurite becomes toxic to the organism and the expired air is endowed with the typical
garlic smell. Medical provings report on the unpleasant exhalations from the body of the provers
and their bad smelling perspiration so that the provers had to avoid the nearness to other persons.
We see the secluded nature and declining relation of the Telluric patients and understand the
decisive and deep changes which such an apparently small symptom can bring about.
SKIN AND MUCOUS MEMBRANES: Characteristics are vesicular skin eruptions due
to inflammations; in groups often circular or garland form, with itching which Increases in
warmth the bed. These vesicles secrete an acrid, watery matter which characteristically smells
like fish brine and can cause fresh vesicles in places where the secretions moisten the skin. The
localisation of the skin ailments are the large joint bends, retro-auricular folds, auditory canals,
margins of hair, chin and perineum region. Indications: Eczema, herpes, pityriasis versicolor
Often there is dryness of skin with a stitching, pricking sensation as from fleabites.
Mostly it is with patients who have been neglected with bad body smell and weakness of liver.
On the other hand, copious perspiration with garlic odor.
The inflammatory changes are also found in ears, from eczema of the auditory passage to
chronic stinking ear discharges. Also dull, beating pain day and night. Vesicular dermatitis of the
external auditory canal and the ear auricle but Telluriun was successfully used in chronic
discharges in otitis media (Nash). It should be used more often.
In eye, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, stye with purulent, stinking secretions, pain from touch,
disposition to eczema of lids, copious whitish secretions in angles of the eyes, pterygiuem.
Catarrh of the nasal mucous membrane and in larynx. Fluent coryza from staying in the
open air, accompanied by flow of tears hoarseness and soreness behind the sternum. Pain from
empty swallowing the sensation of dry soreness is better by eating and drinking. The gingiva
may be affected, with inflammation of the gums and guff bleedings.
NERVES: Neuralgias are predominant. Pains in os sacrum which radiate to the sciatic nerve and
travel down, more on the right than left. Pains appear suddenly and disappear equally suddenly.
They become worse from pressure and therefore from lying on the affected side. They are
aggravated from pressing, sneezing, coughing, laughing and stooping. Moving about
ameliorates. It must be rewarding, from these symptoms, in post-traumatic, post-operative or
degenerative convalescents
A peculiar and. extremely sensitiveness of the vertebral column may be there and
particularly in the region from left throat up to the 5th dorsal vertebral. The patient has anxiety of
touch and fears if anyone approaches. From actual touch the pains shoot into distant parts of the
body. Also pains between shoulder blades.
Headaches as if the brain has been beaten. Headache in a circumscribed spot above the
left eye.
Facial neuralgias.
Year 1986
15 / 116
BONES AND JOINT'S: Spondylarthrose, as already explained, particularly of the cervical bones
extending unto the lower dorsal vertebrae and in the lumbar bones upto the os sacrum with that
peculiar sensitivity to touch, sometimes with aggravations from jar.
Pains in the hip or in knee joint, be it as a result of chronic inflammations or suppurations
due to bone sequestrum or fistulous formations, be it post-traumatic or as due to wear and tear.
Straining of the capsule of the joint, knee pain, also contraction of the flexor. Spohdylopathia
thoracalis and Coxarthrosis are reckoned as well-established indications. In the organs of
locomotion it deals with consequences of chronic inflammations and suppurations of bones,
consequences of injuries. Pains become worse from touch, pressure, coughing, sneezing and
straining and are ameliorated from moving about.
[From the ALLGEMEINE HOMEOPATHISCHE ZEITUNG, Band Heft; Translated from
German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for private circulation only]
Volume III
1. 30 YRS. old lady: complete loss of sense of smell after septum operation. Symptoms for
choice of medicine were: weeping from music, hearing better in noise, loss of sense of smell,
reddening and swelling of lids, tightly fitting clothes cause inconvenience, stinking stools,
tendency, to inflammation and unhealthy skin. The repertorisation indicated: Graph .Complete
restoration of sense of smell in a month.
2. 13 yr. old boy who had convulsion during birth, suffered from second year from attacks of
epilepsy which lasted a minute. Retarded growth; anti- convulsives given. General symptoms
elicited were not interesting nevertheless the symptom "laughing during convulsions" was
peculiar. The question regarding reaction to music lead to the choice of Graph., as the child was
very sensitive to music. After this medicine, complete disappearance of the fits.
Girl of 11 months with hydrocephalus, surgical intervention under consideration. The
child does not react to environment. The family thought fit to consult homoeopathy, Repertory:
Apis, Calc., and Sil. in CH 7 each one dose in 10 days intervals with instructions to report each
time. Apis did not produce results From Calc came drainage of the fluid. 8 days later the child
could see something. Because of the progressive improvement under Calc, with reduction of
circumference of the head the idea of surgical operation was abandoned as one did not hope for a
better result thereby. Though no question of cure, the social life of the child has been improved.
HOEMOP.FRANC (1982) 70: 577—598.
The author perceives in the 'genius' of this medicine the similie for spur in the heels .The
first patient treated, 50 yrs came with the sensation as if he was standing on something pointed
and the pain come after a long walk. The second patient is 70 yrs. and complained of pain in the
heels when he moved on feet; later this prevented him from long walks. In both the cases the two
typical conditions indicated were confirmed by x-rays. Hecl. 4CH thrice a day 2 glob. [v3-18]
every 4 to 5 days for a period of 5--6 months with instructions to stop when improvement set in.
In the 10% in which cure did not commence, a further Hecl, 4 CH trit, twice a day every 5 to 7
days for some months, gave the desired results. In the appropriate constitutions Calc.p., Aur-m.,
should follow as indicated.
ARZNEIPOTENZIERUNG V0l.27, No.2/1983 -March--April ;for private communication only.
Clinical results of HECLA LAVA in spurr in heels may kindly be communicated.K.S.S]
Year 1986
17 / 116
A 58 yrs old man came on 23.12.1980 with following complaints chronic offensive
secretions from the left ear, dull occipital pain. worse after a glass of beer or wine, attacks of
weakness, vertigo , stitching heart pains extending to left arm, fullness after eating, pressure
upper right abdomen, so that the pant and the bed-sheets caused inconvenience. The ear
discharge has been in existence since 38th year the heart since 28th yr.
Past history: 1943, injury with perforation both eardrums and splinter in lt. ear which
despite its removal continuously discharging pus. Since August 2980 lt. facial paralysis
Acknowledged war sufferings.
Findings: Offensive thin exudate from the lt. ear, lt. facial paralysis with incomplete
closing of the lids, tongue trembles when protruded; blood pressure fluctuated between 105 and
120 systolic. Liver swollen Tympanic rt. upper. Cold forefoot both sides (constipation) varicose
veins. General muscular rheumatism.
Because of Lycopodium symptoms the patient was given as constitutional medicine a
dose of D200 and again on 16.1.1981. The headaches had almost gone on 20.2.1981. The ear not
improved even by Naja D12. Repertorisation: predominant local symptoms: "ear discharge
offensive" "tongue trembles", "facial paralysis”.” alcohol agg.," "heart pains ext. to lt. arm",
"pulse alternate very much" and "abdomen sensitive to dress" . Only remedy covering all is Crot-
h. It also "septic processes” and debility. With LM XII, 5 drops daily for 8 days then twice a
week, the ear discharge was clearly decreased, lids closure complete. Since 11-4-1981 to date the
ear remains dry.
[From the KH Sept, Oct 5/ 1983 for private communication only]
Volume III
1.7 PARTS PER MILLION--The minimum dose--with special reference
to Selenium:
by V. S. Shuttleworth, MBBS., MRCS.,LRCP.
Trying to visualize a million is difficult. In Homoeopathic terms, remember 6x or 3c is a
dilution of one in a million. On the metric system, one microgram is a millionth part af a gram. It
was thinking in terms of parts per million that logically led me to have faith that homoeopathy
was no so unbelievable.
It was in July 1945 when we were in Hong Kong to start the evacuation of the POW. One
afternoon a middle aged white woman dressed in a faded Cotton with gross oedema of both came
to me. Flash diagnosis----wet beri beri. She was non communicative, surly simmering with
resentment, and said she wanted something for her legs. She got one single 3 mg. thiamine
(aneurine hydrochloride) tablet. I only had five left, and had been keeping them in reserve for the
Sister Superior of the local Convent.
A few days later, this woman reappeared. She was smiling, agreeable, grateful, and
gracious; a totally different person I gave 2 more tablets of my precious vitamin B1 and never
saw her again. This experience was a watershed. From that moment I questioned the official
dose of everything became a half dose man". I reduced the number dispensed. After taking up
homoeopathy, I actually prescribed for six months_ without using a single sleeping, tablet; not a
practical thing to do, but an interesting challenge. So, a result of my experience with, one POW,
my prescribing habits were radically altered. I did not hear about iatrogenic diseases until about
1971 and surprised that the problem existed as such.
The next milestone must have been in 1960. I was visiting a farm. In the kitchen on the
table I noticed a small slate blue cylindrical object, thumbnail in size. The farmer said "It's
cobalt". He explained that it was squirted down the sheep’s' throat and hoped that by its weight
and size it would settle in the reticulum for one year and slowly dissolve, thereby protecting the
sheep against cobalt deficiency. He added: "The vet thinks the cows and the sheep are cobalt
deficient”. This was a complete.[v3-20] A girl was of 18 months was an inveterate earth eater
and was subsequently found to have iron deficiency aneamia and achlorhydria. She had fickle
appetite and lived mainly on cow’s milk from the deficient cows. From the analogy of the
mineral deficient cows and calves licking walls and paint work I suggested quite speculatively
and not very seriously that the child might be cobalt deficient too. A chain reaction followed
culminating in the co-operation of the veterinary surgeon, a soil chemist and animal nutritionist
and myself. Within the limits of the laboratory facilities available at the time, we were able to
demonstrate cobalt deficiency in cows, sheep, hay and potatoes on the farm. The child was given
1 mg of cobaltous chloride a day in blackcurrant syrup. Within a week she stopped eating earth,
and at the end of the month was sleeping soundly, having previously suffered badly from
insomnia. Clinically we had hit the target, and as far as we knew we were the first in the world to
describe cobalt deficiency in human. The cobalt had no effect on the iron deficiency anaemia,
which resolved satisfactorily with iron fumarate during the second month.
Cobalt deficiency occurs in cattle and sheep when the amount of available cobalt is below
0.025 parts per million, or 1/10 of a part per million in dry hay.
Year 1986
19 / 116
The recognized treatment of earth-eating "pica" children is by iron salts, a well-known
and established fact. Iron salts are contaminated with cobalt and other trace elements. Indeed, it
is difficult to manufacture analytically pure ferrous sulphate for laboratory work. I think that
explains the success of iron salts in treating pica.
For a year of two after this experience I experimented with micro doses of cobalt and
copper with some inconclusive results, and minor triumphs were interesting to me. Vitamin B12
contains 4% of cobalt. Cobalt deficient calf was given B12 injection 250 microgram and was
found to have brought about good improvement in its coat and I later found that B12 can
enhance the colour of human hair, particularly on the nape of the neck. Unfortunately it had no
effect on white or grey hair. However, it was useful in restoring flexibility to the finger and toe
nails in elderly people. Not important, but worth knowing, and not in the books:
Similar experiments with-Vitamin B12 injections in the pregnant ewes proved that the
lambs were 'protected against cobalt deficiency. I transferred' this knowledge to my antenatal
care and, by chance, one- patient 7/12 pregnant remarked that her varicose veins were not only
More comfortable, but had actually gone down a' bit after Vitamin B12 injections. I was able to
confirm this in other-patients. The next step was to treat piles, with 1000 micrograms of B12
once -a week for three weeks. Believe it-or-not, 90% of patients were relieved, and only half
came back-after a year for a second course. An incredibly cheap, effective and convenient
treatment. At this stage of microgram treatment I had become homoeopathic without knowing it.
Now, nearly 20 years later my experiences with trace elements have turned full circle with an
enthusiasm for selenium. Cobalt, Copper and Selenium deficiencies are inter linked because they
generally occur in same soil.
My interest in selenium came by chance. A substantial number of animal experiments
have demonstrated the protective effect of selenium in cancer. In fact, scientific opinion seems to
range from the enthusiastic assumption that selenium is the breakthrough of the century, down to
a grudging admission that there is a link between selenium and cancer. There is an inverse ration
between selenium in the soil and cancer morbidity. Low selenium correlates with higher cancer
This year I have been treating selected patients with Selenium in potency, based on the
clues provided by the animal nutrition research. Very briefly I will relate the essence of cases
that show positive results.
1. Patient 5 years after a mastectomy, a secondary in the lung and large pleural effusion.
Presenting symptom an irritating cough. She is being treated with Tamoxifen. On her own
initiative she takes 1000 units of vitamin E daily and one tablet of Selenium 8x a day. The
effusion has cleared in 12 months. The secondary deposit is unchanged. Feels very well.
2. Patient had a lung cancer removed 2 years ago. Felt vaguely unwell, chesty and
apprehensive about himself. Tab Selenium 8x daily restored his appetite and well-being quite
quickly. When he finally, reported progress, he said he had constructed two flower beds, and felt
"euphoric”. He takes an occasional Selenium 8x tablet and remains well.
Volume III
3. Patient in the terminal stages of ovarian cancer with secondaries and weight 5 stone.
For the last 6 months of her life she had been admitted to hospital once a month for cytotoxic
drug therapy. This made her vomit for 3 weeks, and she had barely recovered when she was due
to start the cycle again. Tab. Selenium 8x stopped the vomiting in a few days, and her vitality
improved to the point that she could hold a newspaper, or a book, and enjoy reading. Regrettably
she died in six weeks.
This patient was one of three unmarried sisters, two of whom have died from cancer.
They led a unique and cloistered life, living on the farm, and off farm, produce completely, all
their lives. This farm is in the selenium-deficient area Was it a coincidence that two women
apparently living an ideal, simple, survival, back to nature type of life should have cancer?
SELENIUM AND HEPATITIS: An elderly patient was still icteric after hospital treatment for
infectious hepatitis, and feeling very weak etc. She had been told the condition might vary for a
year before recovered. Within a few days of taking Selenium 8x daily she felt more energetic,
and walked a few yards from the front door to the garden gate and back. This, she related as an
achievement. The jaundice steadily disappeared and she thought she had recovered. Within a
few weeks she detected a relapse--stools pale. She took more Selenium and this time she
recovered completely. She also combined her Selenium with vitamin E, 100 units a day.
SELENIUM AND ALLERGIES: Strangely, effective in children, but not so successful in adults.
I find myself in danger of using it as a "homoeopathic antihistamine", because the reults are
comparable, and it’s all too easy.
Case. Small boy has asthma and hay fever--responded quite well to House Dust Mite nosode,
Medorrhinum, Calc.phos., Euphrasia, etc. but treatment was a continuous struggle, and
unsatisfactory to me.
Selenium cleared his eye irritation and stopped his asthma, and he put on muscle bulk.
Even more strangely, for the first time in his 8 years, he developed a handsome sun-tan, without
burning. Photographic enthusiasts will appreciate the connection between selenium photo-
electric cells and light. Perhaps we have a treatment here for vitiligo and solar dermatitis, end
even freckles. He maintains excellent health on periodic 5-day courses of Selenium. My dosage
schedule has settled to one Tab. Selenium 8 x a day for 5 days, then rest from treatment for 5
days and repeat; principally because Selenium does cause aggravations. The choice of Selenium
8x was simply due to its availability and I am told higher potencies are definitely contra-
indicated in cancer patients.
[From the BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC JOURNAL, Vol.73, No.1, Jan.1984; slightly
condensed; for private communication only.--Very valuable practical tips are available in this
article. Kindly communicate clinical experiences with Cobalt and Selenium--K.S.S.]
HOMOEOPATHY, Vol.77, No.3/1984]
Year 1986
21 / 116
The Editor had the privilege to meet and talk with Dr.Jacques Imberechts. Dr.Imberechts
has his H.Q. in Belgium. Dr.Imberechts trained as a pathologist became a classical homoeopath.
He is a best known teacher in the world today in homoeopathy. Discussing “what is to be
perceived to be cured in a given patient - Organon Para (2)" Dr.Imberechts said that after the
entire anamnesis had been made, the physical examination done, the laboratory tests received
and a pathological diagnosis arrived at, the physician came face to face with the objectives of
What, with this particular patient, is my goal? He must ask himself. Am I interested in (i)
palliation? (ii) Cure? (iii) Substitution? Or (iv) suppression? And one might add (unfortunately)
Do I know the difference?
Many of us cajole ourselves into thinking we are bringing about cure when in reality all
we are doing is watching symptoms recede into some murky background. To try for core means
to see so deeply into the patient’s illness that one can discern the obstacles to cure. And what are
these obstacles?
*Repeated exposure to an unknown allergen, e.g. the patient who is allergic to wheat and
may not know it and keeps eating wheat, thereby antidoting his remedies.
*Working in a noxious atmosphere, i.e., a coal mine, where the lungs are compromised.
*Living with a cruel, abusive partner who takes a perverse delight in beating the patient.
*The patient who never got enough quality love as a child and youngster having grown
up in an orphanage.
The physician must deal with these obstacles to cure. He must see to it that his patient
avoids wheat, gets out of the mine, leaves the abusive partner, and learns how to love himself
with sufficient intensity so that the emotionally deprived childhood can be forgotten.
The physician must recognize the miasms and treat with anti-Psorics, anti-sycotics and
anti-syphilitics--and do so in the proper order.
So going in for cure is a VERY big deal. Palliation is giving relief WITHOUT the
illusion of cure. Substitution is using homoeopathic medicines in place of allopathic drug: in
order to provide relief. And suppression is getting rid of certain symptoms only to watch worse
ones manifest later on. At the very least, Imberechts pointed out, we can try to be aware of what
we are doing. Imberechts ended by orging the physician to ask himself another three questions
PRIOR to instituting therapy:
Is what I am about to do useful?
Volume III
Is what I am about to do necessary?
Is what I am about to do being done in a spirit of goodwill with the patient's best interest
at least? "If the answer is not 'yes' for all three questions" said Imberechts,"then give
[Abstract from the 'Guest Editorial' of the JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF
HOMOEOPATHY, Vol.uu, No.4, December 1984]
[Presented by Dr.Henry N.Williams, M.D. before the Southern *************
Englewood, Ohio.]
Year 1986
23 / 116
by V.S.Shuttleworth, MBBS, MRCS, LRCP.
Selenium deficiency: white muscle disease: Selenium is a trace element in human and animal
nutrition. In all trace element deficiency diseases the threshold between sufficiency levels is in
the soil, and inadequate, or deficiency levels, only amounts to 2--3 parts per million. The level
for adequate availability for selenium is thought to be 3 ppm. One ppm is inadequate, and leads
to deficiency states. Too much selenium, 5--20 ppm, causes toxic disease and death in horse and
Selenium deficiency in lambs: The commonest symptom of selenium deficiency in lambs is
limp, particularly affecting one or both, hind legs. As the animals hobble along, the impression is
given that the effected leg is "frosen". The animals to observe are those that are loath to move,
tardy when moving, or definitely limping. The limp is caused by a degeneration of blocks of
muscle, the cut surfaces of which are white to the naked eye, hence the name white muscle
disease. Microscopically, the muscle fibres are collapsed and degenerate.
Cardiomyopathy, causing sudden death in apparently healthy lambs, is quite common in a
deficient flock, and can account for a 6% death rate in some years. Supplements of sodium
selenite given to pregnant ewes can prevent the disease in lambs. The protection is temporary,
lasting a few weeks only.
Selenium deficiency in horses:
White Muscle Disease occurs, in horses grazing a deficient land. In race horses the symptoms are
detected earlier because of the extreme efficiency end fitness demanded by training. A common
clue is liability of the horse to kick itself, or unaccountably to sprain an ankle. Weakness in
hamstring or shoulder muscles. Clinically the symptoms are relieved in a few days by selenium
supplements, although it is obvious that regeneration of muscle, and scarring end fibrosis, must
take several weeks.
Selenium deficiency in humans--Keshan disease: The most interesting reports are from China,
where a cardiomyopathy in children and young women can be prevented by sodium selenite
supplements. The common clinical signs of the disease are gallop rhythm, heart failure, [v3-26]
abnormal ECG recordings and enlarged heart. It is not claimed that selenium deficiency is the
sole and absolute cause of the myopathy, but the association is very strong. Sodium selenite
supplement definitely decreased the morbidity and improved the prognosis, e.g. out of 21 cases
in the supplemented group, 3 died and one became chronic. The selenium content of human hair,
maize, beans and sweet potatoes was always found to be reduced in the Keshan endemic areas.
Invariably so when the selenium content of hair was below 0.12 ppm (unaffected areas--hair
content 0.2 ppm).
Antidoting deficient in animals: The assessment of a slow-release depot injection which will
maintain normal selenium blood levels for months on end is proceeding in the field. Sea fish are
e convenient source of selenium. Another source of trace elements, including selenium, is kelp,
preferably harvested from unpolluted are seas.
Volume III
Homoeopathic selenium: Normally used in low potency. The main indication is muscular
weakness, very remarkable observation when one considers that modern research is just coming
to grips with white muscle disease. Selenium is recommended in alopecia secondary to skin
disease of the scalp, e.g. seborrhoeic dermatitis; not necessarily alopecia areata. The atomic
relationship to tellurium and sulphur makes this understandable. Obviously a remarkable
opportunity exists to test homoeopathic selenium against sodium selenite or other compounds.
Association with vitamin E: Selenium is, known to be an essential component of glutathione
peroxidase, an enzyme that protects cell walls. Vitamin E has the same protective property, but a
different mechanism--hence the common use of the selenium compounds and Vitamin E together
in veterinary practice.
Possible clinical uses: In toxicity due to cytotoxic drugs, or heavy metals. Protection of cell
membranes following coronary thrombosis, multiple and in chronic degenerative disease such as
multiple sclerosis. Selenium deficiency, with or without Vitamin E may possibly contribute to
some cot deaths.
[From the BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOMOEOPATHY, Vol.72, No.2, April 1983; Slightly
condensed; Private communication only--Dr.K.S.S.]
Year 1986
25 / 116
A Zen Buddhist statement has been with me many years and like many such meditative words
opens up unexpected vistas when held in the mind's eye:
The apparent proliferation of methods of prescribing homoeopathic remedies over the last
few years makes me think of paths to the goal of alleviation of the patient's illness. Our success
is in direct proportion to our optimism, single-mindedness and willingness to study, A good
proportion of our patients come to us after multiple previous attempts to help them have failed.
Without the faith that homoeopathy can cure where other methods have failed, we will not be
successful. We must take time to hear the patient out then to probe for clarification of the
symptoms chronological relationships and possible causes of acute and chronic illness in the
mental, emotional and physical spheres. Homoeopathy only reveals its deepest secrets to those
disciples who prove their devotion.
For homoeopathy, like any other branch of science and art cannot be learned in a course
but is an expanding field of universal proportions. No one knows it all. It is only by continue,
study and a desire to better our approach and understanding that we can increase our success rate
and satisfaction. Part of this is remaining open to the suggestions, experience and sights of
others. Today we have a growing interest in the so-called 'classical Kentian' methods taught by
George Vithoulkas, William Gray and many others. This year for the first time approach of
Dr.Eizayaga of Buenos Aires was taught as a variation in the classical approach He advises using
lower potencies and treating the acute condition as separate from the chronic--an approach taught
by Dr.Hubbard and Dr.Sutherland. There has been an increase in the use of the 50 millesimal
potencies. I personally am finding these potencies helpful in selected cases where the simillimum
is clear but where the decimal and centesimal potencies are not effective. We must also hear in
mind that it has been the sale of combinations which has kept afloat a number of homoeopathic
manufacturing pharmacies during the past lean decades. The use of combinations the Schuessler
cell salts, and the Bach flower remedies have brought [v3-28] many lay people and some
physicians to homoeopathy.
I have found three areas where I have had great difficulty in satisfactory results more than 50%
of the time. One is in the area of mental illness. If the disturbance has become so deep that it
affects the mental level, then to relieve it may cause a major disturbance in the emotional and
physical realms. Vithoulkas has quoted a case where he was persuaded, against his best
judgment, to prescribe for a family’s schizophrenic son. He did so and the boy became rational.
But he then developed tuberculosis of a fulminating type that would not respond to treatment,
and the boy died. Thus in the treatment of deep seated mental conditions we as practitioners are
between Seyella and Charybids. Another area is in deep degenerative diseases of the nervous
system such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Scheloris (MS) The third
category is the group of patients who come in with set patterns of though--fixed delusional ideas
concerning their own illness. In conclusion I would like to stress that in my experience there are
areas of illness where homoeopathy usually so universally successful meets real problems. Here
we may find professional colleagues in other areas helpful in elucidating metabolic problem and
possible treatment.
Volume III
Case1: One year male dog: inordinate desire for affection very gentle worse beat aversion to
fatty foods, esp. butter. One dose Pulsatilla 200. Within 2 days the dog became very nervous and
anxious disobeyed previously well-known commands and howled incessantly even during sleep.
This continued for 1 week than a profuse ocular discharge appeared which lasted 24 hrs. 2 to 3
days later the dog’s feet appeared sore and upon examination the large foot pads were sloughing.
The toe pads were normal. The foot pain became so intense that for 24 hr, period the animal
could not stand. Full recovery occurred within 5 days of that. The dog has been perfectly healthy
for 5 years now. He has had only one to two fleas per year has not been wormed and his coat is
beautiful. Although he has undergone 3 general anesthetics [v3-29] for trauma repair, his level of
health has not decreased. He is exuberant and happy, but still craves attention. I feel this case
demonstrates several facets of homoeopathy:
1. Anyone who saw this animal before and after Pulsatilla could not deny that homoeopathic
remedies act.
2. Constitutional prescribing is occasionally possible in animals
3. Hering’s law is valid in animals.
4. High potencies can produce severe reactions in animals
Robert A. Anderson, DVM
Case 2: 36 yr. old woman: "bladder infection for past 6 weeks. All symptoms, she said, were
worse in the morning on waking. These were "calding" in the urethra throughout the act of
micturition; frequency about once an hour; urging. Pain in both flanks, worse night. Restless
night. Urine sent for analysis. She was started in the meantime, on Ampicillin as that was her
wish Next day urinalysis came negative. Ampicillin was stopped and a fuller history taken: She
had been experience lower physical energy since the onset of her urinary symptoms in August.
No explanation as to why it began at that time. In May 1984 her mother had died unexpectedly
following surgery for brain tumor. In August her father announced he was remarrying, which
triggered a quarrel between her father and brother. She felt herself in the middle of this most
unpleasant quarrel and her urinary symptoms began about this time--"when my brother was
everyday complaining about our father."
Other symptoms: Photophobia (1); sun headache (old); weakness from sun exposure (old);-
decreased appetite for past 6 weeks; aggravation from the summer heat(new); increased 'thirst for
tap water and a recent awareness that salty foods '"taste too salty". She said that she had sighed a
lot soon after her mother's death but that it had ceased. Now, however, she said, “I have been
breathing high in my chest." prescription: Nat.mur 30 twice daily. Follow up, 4 days later: Felt
much better for the first 3 days, but 4th day "agitated". Wanting to go outside to walk to relieve
Year 1986
27 / 116
this restlessness agitation. Advised to stop the remedy. Two days thereafter: A day after stopping
the medicine she awoke feeling happy. The urinary symptoms however were worse but only for
[v3-30] a few hours. Today they were gone 90%. Appetite returned last night. No longer
breathing high in her chest and no photophobia. Discussion: This case is unusual in that she had
symptoms consistent with a urinary tract infection (urging, frequency, burning yet had no
infection. Her bladder was the recipient of her grief and stress. As such it was the targer organ of
her psychic upset. But why the urinary bladder urethra? At the follow up interview she suddenly
exclaimed,"I know why it’s my bladder! When I was 6 yrs old I was hospitalised for a kidney
infection. I remember they waited until my mother had left for the day and then they catheterized
me. It was simply horrible. I’ll never forget how upsetting it was."
Case 3: 17 Oct.84: For the previous 2 months this 38 yr.old woman had been visiting doctors. In
early August she developed a bladder infection for which she received antibiotics. The sequela: a
vaginal yeast infection for which she was prescribed an anti-fungal agent. Throughout the
summer she complained of feeling tired and gaining weight uncontrollably. She went to a D.O.
who ran thyroid function tests and placed her on 3 grains of thyroid a day. She was also given an
appetite suppressant. She felt okay for about 3 weeks on this regimen and then developed
dizziness headaches and weakness which symptom she still complains of. The vertigo and head
aches began around labor Day together with hot flashes. She went to another D.O. who told her
she had the flu and gave her a shot. Her symptoms continued to worsen. She went to one of
Presbyterian Hospital Urgent Carecentres and was told she had a possible goitre and referred to
an internist. The internist said her ESR was31 (very slightly elevated). He heard a heart murmur
and an abnormal sound in her rt. carotid artery.
As for the dizziness he suggested she see an ENT specialist which she accordingly did.
This M.D .said her problem was in her temperomandibular joints and placed her on the steroid
Dexamethasone 75mg daily. Not only did she improve but she developed some numbness in her
rt.arm. The numbness lasted about 2 minutes and was followed by some tingling in her lt.arm.
The dizziness she said was more a wooziness than a true vertigo. It came on in bed in the
mornings and continued on rising. It was constant. "I feel my head is too big for my body".
When walking, she feels she is leaning to the lt. Also had had some pain the neck for which she
went to a chiropractor. "He didn't help, but it's going away by itself".
In June, her daughter was about to deliver and nearly died from toxemia of pregnancy. A
child was born but only lived 9 days. She experienced great grief over her daughter's near death
and the death of the grandchild. "Right after that I started getting sick" she said. Averse to salty
foods (2), milk (1), meat (1), sweets (1), fat (1), eggs (1) and raw oysters (2).
Desires: hot spicy (2); lemon & lime (1), bananas (1) and fried foods (1).
Thirst is slight. Prefers cold drinks.
Cold-natured (1), Cold air agg. (1), Stuffy rooms agg.
Said she had been sighing a lot. (Note: I did not observe this)
Her whole body tends to get hot under an electric blanket and she will stick her feet out.
Volume III
Sensitive to criticism (1). "I cry, but I don't let anybody see me," she said. "I cry when I'm
angry." Wants to be left alone when upset. (1). Most people do not discern how sensitive she is,
"I keep; everything inside," she said.
Bears a grudge, (1),"I get even," she said.
Married three times. Divorced from first two husbands.
Prescription: Natr.nur:200 at bed-time for two nights.
22 Oct.84: The day after the remedy, she became very short of breath, a new symptom. This
lasted about 3 hours and' ceased.
The second day she felt worse--very dizzy and nauseated. It lasted the whole day. Since
then, doing much better "....almost 100% better." "I 'm emotionally much better". No dizziness,
no headaches, no numbness or tingling. Less cold; still sticks feet out from under blanket at
night. Less depressed; still sighed.
Case 4: Patient, a long-standing asthmatic, had done very well in the past on Calcarea
phosphorica, prescribed infrequently, currently she complains of low physical energy, irregular
menses difficulty falling asleep and a constant cough.
On waking in the morning she feels very tired. "I drag and it lasts until early afternoon," she said.
Yet she cannot go to bed before 1--2 as she doesn’t feel tired before then, Her cough is her main
problem. It is an 'asthmatic cough' worse on rising at 7-8 a.m. When she uses her Medihaler
(isoproterenol) .Cough is worse cold air, worse between 11a.m. and 1 a.m. better warm drinks.
Larynx is sensitive to touch.
Exhaustion and heaviness of the body from slight exertion. Hot flushes on the anterior chest from
time to time.
Sensation of rawness deep in the bronchial tubes. The upper anterior chest hurts, extending to the
Expectoration is profuse and brown. Her air passages feel "caked'. Occasionally she wakes in the
night frightened feeling suffocated. I don’t feel I can breathe,” she said "I am not getting any
Physical examination, auscultation of the lungs revealed slight expiratory wheezes. Prescription:
Spongia 30 every 4 hrs.
Follow up: 2 days later: shortly after beginning the remedy she began to improve . No need to
use the inhaler. Energy excellent. Sleep is good. No flashes in the anterior chest.
Follow up one month later; Respiratory problem has not reappeared. Menses were late and she
had premenstrual symptoms.
December 1984]
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2 QHD, Vol.III, No.2, March 1986
Volume III
All writers on this subject are agreed that there is only one homoeopathic way of using
nosodes and that is homeopathically i.e.by proving them on healthy subject and then using these
provings to treat similar symptoms in sick patients. All of the great nosodes have been proved
and can in theory be used in this way which is no different that a disease is a natural drug picture
of its nosodes and this is taken into account as well as the provings.
In practice nosodes are not given to treat acute attacks of the disease from which they are
derived but they can be given for similar acute conditions e.g. DIPHIHERINUM for a sore throat
with fever white patches on the fauces, swollen neck and offensive breath or PYROGEN in
septicaemia when there is a high temperature with a slow pulse rate or vice versa or
ANTHRACINUM for carbuncles.
They may also be given as constitutional remedies in chronic disease. For instance where
a patient appears to need SULPHUR but is inordinately chilly and hungry one would think of
PSORUINUM especially if he feels particularly well before an exacerbation of his complaint.
In addition to their true homoeopathic use nosodes are also prescribed,
1. Where there is a past history of some complaint which may have a bearing on the present
illness. Thus in the case of a patient whose upper respiratory catarrh dated back to an attack of
measles, one would give a dose of MORBILLNUM.
2. Where there is a family history of illness, especially syphilis, tuberculosis or cancer.
CASE: A lady of 61 consulted me for misshapen finger nails which she had had for 18 years. A
fungus infection had been diagnosed, but the nail had not responded to anti-fungal treatment. She
told me that her father had died of loco-motor ataxia, and that her nail condition had appeared in
the year before his death. I gave her several apparently indicated remedies, but it was not until
she had a dose of LUETICUM 30 that the nails began to improve, and six months later they were
perfect with the exception of the one thumb. I saw her intermittently over the next five years,
illness and emotional stress would cause the nails to deteriorate, but LUETICUM always put
them right.
3. PROTHYLAXIS. Although there is no scientific evidence that nosodes confer immunity they
are sometimes given during an epidemic to patients at risk. The commonest example of this
practice is the use of Nelsons Common Cold and Influenza virus A several strains, B, and 1918
with Bacillinum, all in the 30 potency. It is brought up to date whenever a new strain appears,
and in my experience it seems to have protected many patients with previously bad records of
colds and flu.
4. The late Dr.Leon Vannier of Paris recommended that expectant mothers should receive
monthly doses of the major nosodes, to insure that their children would be born free of miasms. I
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have only recently persuaded one English patient undergo this procedure, and am not yet in a
position to describe results.
This is not prophylaxis so much as Constitutional Treatment in the French style a subject which
demands a lecture on its own .Very briefly the French School divides humanity into three basis
constitutional types, Carbonique, Sulfurique and Phosphorique corresponding roughly to
Sheldon’s Endomorphs, Mesomorphs and Ectomorphs and each subject to a predominant miasm,
Sycosis, Psora and Tuberculosis respectively. There is a fourth pathological constitution the
Fluorique or Sphyliptic which may be super imposed on any of the other three.
Treatment is given within this structure, and the nosodes are very important, being regarded as
leading or key remedies. However, that French authors stress the primacy importance of
homoeopathic similitude and the Materia Medica.
5. The Bowel Nosodes represent the most scientific clinical study yet made in Homoeopathy.
6. Lastly autogenous therapy, the practice of treating a patient with a potency of his own
pathological material (sputum, pus, blood, urine, etc.). It could be said that this is isotherapy, and
not Homoeopathy; but the best people, including Hahnemann, argue that potentization alters a
substance so that the potency becomes similar to, and not identical with, the original source.
My first experience with autogenous therapy was traumatic. It concerned a boy of five
years with recurrent tonsillitis. BELLADONNA cured the attacks, but they continued to recur, so
at my suggestion he was taken to see homoeopathic paediatrician, who gave a dose of
CARCINOSIN 200. A few days later he developed the worst attack of tonsillitis of his life, and
his mother insisted that something else should be done. I was fairly new to Homoeopathy then,
and less than confident, so I took a throat swab and sent it off for preparation of an autogenous
nosode. By the time it came he had of course recovered, and he only had two very minor sore
throats in the next twelve year.
That was the end of autogenous therapy for me until I heard a very straight forward talk
by Dr. Runcie at the British Homoeopathic Congress in Glasgow in 1967.' He reported
remarkable results with a do-it-yourself formula involving tap-water a ½-oz bottle, and S.V.R.
When I got home I tried it out on the next suitable case, who happened to be a lady of[v3-36]66
with chronic sinusitis which improved but did not clear with HEPAR SULP. She has taken a pill
of autogenous nasal secretion (approximately) 30 every fortnight during the winter for five years
now, and when we come to the last pill in the bottle we repotentize it. A lot of other things have
happened to her, but her sinus has remained painless.
I should now like to tell you of some personal impressions of the major nosodes:
The best modern equivalent of the word Psora is allergy. (This incidentally would confirm the
source material of the nosode, for what is a scabies vesicle but an allergic reaction to the acarus?
In Hahnemann's day scabies was considered to be a venereal disease.)
Volume III
The drug picture of PSORINUM is sometimes described as a "chilly SULPHUR". I think
of it as a mixture of SULPHUR, SILICEA, HEPAR SULPH and AURUM. The patient is very
like SULPHUR, but he feels the cold intensely, is probably even dirtier and more depressed, with
despair of recovery, has a voracious appetite, and often experiences a feeling of extra well-being
just before an attack of his complaint, whatever it is.
In private practice one does not see many typical PSORINUM patients, and yet the
remedy is often used, for instance in hay fever in clean, tidy, well-dressed but chilly young
ladies. The oddest case I can remember was that of a child who attended Out-patients, who
needed a dose of PSORINUM 200 every night before he would go to sleep.
MEDORRHINUM is the nosode of gonorrhoea, associated with the miasm Sycosis. My interest
in the drug-picture of MEDORRHINUM happened like this: As a medical student one was
competed to attend a statutory number of V.D. clinics. The girls who had gonorrhoea only
presented a characteristic picture. They were young, small, plump, pretty, with clear skins, very
embarrassed, usually in tears, and they always wore a cross around their necks. Nowadays if I
see a girl like that I think of MEDORRHINUM, though there was a lot and shame in syphilis and
gonorrhoea. These girls certainly demonstrated the shame. By contrast those with syphilis, and
with mixed infections, looked as if they couldn't care less if they were afraid, they hid it. They
were older, taller and rougher than the others, and their expressions varied from amusement to
resentment. I am not suggesting that these pictures are universally found in V.D. clinics.
MEDORRHINUM is a remedy to think of in all cases of persistent discharges, particularly
genital ones, and in arthritis, where the picture fits. These patients are better by the sea-side, in
contrast to LUETICUM, who are better in the mountains. It is related to THUJA, NAT.SULF.,
and the Sycotic remedies generally.
LUETICUM, or Syphilinum, is the nosode of syphilis, the third miasm of Hahnemann's triad-
Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis. It may be indicated where there is a history or family history of syphilis,
alcoholism, or repeated miscarriage, and also in failure to thrive, at either end of life, in which it
resembles its related bowel nosode. GAERTNER.
An elderly man, formerly a heavy drinker, was gradually losing weight for no particular
reason, though his appetite was normal. After a dose of LUETICUM 30, he gained a stone in the
following year.
It is also very helpful in cases of varicose ulcer, whether or not they are "punched out and
serpiginous", as in the following rather peculiar story:
A man of 47, a lifelong vegetarian, had suffered for several years from a varicose ulcer.
Whilst staying in Indonesia he underwent a local treatment which consisted in introducing
maggots into the ulcer to eat away dead tissue. The ulcer healed
[v3-38] and he returned to England where he went down with a sterile pyopneumothorax which
was diagnosed in hospital. When chest surgery was suggested he discharged himself and put
himself under the care of a naturopath, who advised him to eat meat, His chest cleared
symptomatically (he refused further x-rays ), and the leg ulcer broke out again. At this point he
came to me for treatment. I gave him various remedies, without much effect, and after six
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months a dose of LUETICUM30 .The ulcer immediately began to improve and continued to do
so until he returned to Indonesia the following year, He wrote to me for sometime and in the last
one told me that the ulcer which previously had completely encircled his calf had now shrunk to
the size of a shilling.
This case illustrates something that I have noticed about LUETICUM patients, and that is
their lack of straight forwardness. I do not mean that they are liars, but rather that they are
devious and difficult to comprehend. Their story does not make sense, because they have,
perhaps deliberately, left out a key point. There is something not quite right about the whole.
Even as liars they are unsatisfactory; one may THINK that they are lying, and FEEL that they are
lying, but it is very difficult to PROVE that they are lying.
A number of remedies are related to LUETICUM, including AURUM, CALC. FLUOR.,
MERCURY. Before the advent of penicillin, mercury was, with arsenic, the chief drug used in
orthodox treatment of the disease. The drug pictures are very similar. In fact, it has been
suggested that some of the manifestations of neurosyphilis may have been due to mercurial
TUBERCULINUM. Tuberculosis had not been described as a disease in Hahnemann’s
time - Pasteur was admitted to the Ecole Normale [v3-39] in Paris in the year of Hahnemann's
death - but it is not surprising that when it was recognized, with all its protean manifestations,
that tuberculosis was acclaimed by homoeopaths and allopath alike as the answer to many of the
unsolved problems in the medicine of the time. In particular it was (and by some still is)
identified with that mysterious miasm Psora.
There are eleven tuberculin nosodes in Nelson's list of remedies, including
others prepared from different sera and vaccines, mostly developed in France. In this country
those most often used are BACILLINUM for respiratory and catarrhal conditions, and TUB.
BOV. when glandular enlargement is a prominent feature. TUB. AVIAIRE is also used in lung
conditions. The nature and location of the lesion suggest which particular nosode should be used;
but the TUBERCULINUM drug picture is common to them all. It is based upon provings, and
upon observation of patients suffering from tuberculosis. It may be summarized as a composite
picture of a large number of related remedies: PHOSPHORUS, NAT.MUR, SILICEA, CALC.
PHOS, SEPIA, NUX VOMICA, DORSERA, ARS.IOD and others. It is hardly surprising that
the picture is often self-contradictory. The patient too has been described as contrary, obstinate,
answering every suggestion with "No" - though in my experience TUBERCULINUM patients
are equally likely to be those who can hardly say "Yes", with at times disastrous results! They
are extraverts and philobats (a philobat is one who loves going on roundabouts at fairs). They are
cosmopolitan, they like travel and change and excess of everything, except work, which exhausts
them. The French describe them as demineralized. They usually look very young for their age.
BACILLINUM was used by Burnett for the treatment of early cases of pulmonary
tuberculosis, on the other hand some homoeopaths, particularly of the French school, counsel
[v3-40] sternly against ever giving it to a patient in whom a tuberculous lesion exists -on the
grounds, presumably, that it may reduce the patient's immunity, and lead to
Volume III
miliary spread. I have never heard of this actually happening with TUBERCULINUM.
There is no argument about its value in cases of "tuberculinism" patients, especially those
with a family history of tuberculosis, who exhibit the TUBERCULINUM drug picture.
The following case has puzzled me. A lady of 65 had a profuse watery discharge from the left
nostril for a year following a motor accident in which she was frightened but not hurt.
PULSATILLA, NATRUM MUR and ALLIUM CEPA helped but did not cure the
condition. On her youthful appearance and outlook I prescribed a dose of TUB BOV. 30. A
month later she had a severe attack of piles lasting for several days, and her
sub maxillary glands swelled to the size and consistency of squash balls. Then the discharge
from here left nostril became bloodstained and offensive, and she described it as "like passing
pieces of liver". This cleared up and so did the rhinitis, and she is now very well except that here
submaxillary glands have remained enlarged and hard for a year. Her blood count and ESR are
CARCINOSIN. It was my great privilege to work for several years as clinical Assistant to
Dr.Foubister in the children's out patients clinic at this hospital, and it was from him that I
acquired an interest in the nosodes, especially CARCINOSIN. The best account of this remedy is
to be found in his article, “The Carcinosin Drug picture”, published in British homeopathic
journal of July 1958. CARCINOSIN is of course nosode made from cancerous tissue. The
original potency was prepared from a breast adenoma, but Nelson's now have thirteen other
nosodes from different sites in the body. As with TUBERCULINUM, the indications for giving
any particular preparation vary with the case; but the CARCONOSIN drug picture runs through
them all.
It is the broad-spectrum nosode par excellence, and one could say that it combines the pictures of
Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Lueticum and Tuberculinum, in the same way as they relate to simpler
remedies. In this way Carcinosin is related to a very large number of remedies, the closest being
perhaps, Arsenimum album, Natrum mur., Lycopodium and Silicea.
The Carcinosin patient has a characteristic appearance, observed in children with a close
family history of cancer, diabetes or pernicious anaemia, delicate, cafe au lait complexion, blue
sclerotics, and numerous moles and a characteristic personality, nervous but determined,
introverted but competitive, full of tightly controlled energy. Mental dullness was described in
the provings, but I usually find them highly intelligent. This patient is more complex than
Tuberculinum, and as obstinate. But where Tuberculinum will meet a suggestion with an
emphatic Yes or No according to his mood, Carcinosin is more likely to say "Perhaps" (or to say
nothing at all) and go on doing his own thing. He is more socially responsible and emotionally
disciplined. If he has irrational fears or impulses, they are respectably disguised. Like Lueticum,
Carcinosin is insomniac.
This remedy is not often used in the treatment of cancer, though Dr.Hamilton of South
Africa has done so successfully. It is of greatest value in sub acute or chronic complaints of
young people who present the picture of Carcinosin and/or have a direct family history of cancer.
My most classical case concerned a boy of four with recurrent otitis media and sleeplessness
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since birth. He was a lively, precocious, self-willed child, with the Carcinosin appearance, and
his grandmother and three aunts had died of breast cancer Both his complaints improved
dramatically after Carcinosin 30 and cleared up completely when this was followed my
Pulsatilla. I have also used Carcinosin successfully to disperse a verruca which had been present
for two years and resisted all other attempts at treatment. And, again following Dr.Foubister's
advice, I usually give a dose after an attack of glandular fever, and have the impression that it
shortens convalescence.
[From the BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC JOURNAL, Vol.LXIII, No.2, 1974; slightly
condensed--Dr. K.S.S]
Volume III
C.O.Kenndy, B.Sc., M.L., Ch.B., F.F.Hom
The purpose of this paper is to show the use of the Theory of the Bowel Nosodes in
clinical medicine and how the bowel nosodes can simplify patient care.
As you are aware, symptoms are of three groups. Some are vague and of little or no
significance. Others are pathological, giving prognosis and diagnosis, and lastly there are those
characteristic of the individual patient so vital to the patient's remedy. No symptom is taken at its
face value each must be carefully assessed, Signs can be similarly divided. In both the bowel
nosodes are relevant. As if these problems are not sufficient, there are others.
The consultation time is short and the clinical history complex and one may not have a
second chance. So it is important to get the right remedy. But this is not all. There are instances
where even a prolonged search reveals no individual symptoms; no outstanding changes either in
the present or previous histories. Likewise the family history is unhelpful. Yet the patient is ill.
These are just some of the problems we all face, young and old, and I hope to show Dys. Co.
At the consultation, the child is uneasy - restless and shy, but alert - notices everything,
yet remains sitting on his mother's knee.
The complaint may be periodic headaches, twitching of his face, attacks of difficult
breathing or of vomiting, usually in large amounts, or perhaps frequency of micturition - all
aggravated by the anticipation of a party, an examination or a public appearance indeed he may
be so ill as never to be able to attend.
The standard of his regular work is very high, yet he is not satisfied with it.
His complexion is "pink and white" - blushing easily; he may have a dry, scaly
symmetrical rash. The heart rate is fast and may be irregular.
Nervous tension is the keynote, affecting the autonomic nervous system, and triggered by
Gaertner Co.
In marked contrast with the Dys.Co. child is the Gaertner - brought because of failure to
thrive or poorly healing wounds; Otitis media or enuresis.
This child is likely to have recurrent bouts of ketosis, with intolerance of fat, but a
craving for oatmeal and chocolate.
In spite of his poor physique, he is imaginative and precocious, unpleasantly so, I think,
always wanting to know why? - restless, walking round the consulting room momentary
examining objects oblivious of their use and betraying none of the timidity and consideration of
the Dysentery Co. child, who as you may recall sat tight on his mother’s knee. The under
nourished frame with prominent head is obvious- and the cold clammy extremities. The keynote
is nutrition, and this is commonly found in the young and old.
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Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Silcea and Mere. viv. are among the related remedies.
Suddenness of onset is the outstanding character of this nosode and this is seen in the
herpetic eruptions of lips, mouth and eyes - where the pain is out of proportion to the size of the
lesion. Similarly, if boils are present they are exquisitely tender, indurated, discharge little and
are slow to heal.
Migrainous headaches are often found, with blurred vision, in these cases.
Raynaud's phenomenon is common--and the older children may have peptic ulcers, presenting
first as a perforation or haematemesis. The child may suffer recurring rectal spasms.
Mentally the child is a "loner" but dislikes to be ignored; he is depressed, with sudden
outbursts of temper in which he lies on the floor, kicks and screams. There is a background of
emotional tension in the family in these cases. He may suffer from epilepsy. His skin is light,
sensitive and may be pigmented or the opposite, leucoderma. He is liable to flexural dermatitis of
knees and elbows.
Arteriolar spasm is the seat of action here and is the result of prolonged nervous tension.
Natrum mur. is one of the chief related remedies and we shall see how different this
picture is from the nosode of Sepia, though this is often mistakenly referred to as similar to
Natrum mur.
Weakness and faintness from standing, wits syncope on exertion, is the typical story in
this group. It has developed insidiously and is often associated with wasting of muscle groups,
with myocardial weakness which may strike suddenly.
In the respiratory system, asthma with bronchial catarrh with tough mucus especially
troublesome at 2 a.m. Generally he is very sensitive to the cold and slightest draft.
He complains of heaviness after food.
Here, even the thought of doing anything is sufficient to exhaust him.
The condition is reminiscent of an accumulator which has been allowed to run down, and
it takes a long time to recharge. The Potassium salts are involved in this group, with either Iodine
or Bromine. The site of action is the neuromuscular junction.
The child is brought because of "chilblains" or "blue legs"--or because of an intensely
itchy moist eczema with teething. Or perhaps she suffers from recurring headaches with bilious
Volume III
vomiting--affected by thunder or the menses--characteristically; these attacks are preceded by
ravenous hunger.
Appetite is frequently absent in the morning, but by 11 a.m. the child suffers from sinking
feelings relieved by eating. There are recurrent bouts of indigestion, even with vomiting of
mucous and occasionally blood--but ulceration is not usually found.
Congestion in the lungs, even to lobar and broncho pneumonias.
At night profuse head sweats are marked the hands are usually uncovered and the feet fidgety.
Micturition is often burning and vulvovaginitis may be present. Mentally the child is anxious
introspective and sluggish. Typically, venous congestion of systemic and portal circulations are
Sulphur, Calcarea, and Lycopodium are related, with the nosodes of Medorrhinum, Psorinum
and Tuberculinum.
This was the last of the nosodes to be formulated. It presents with recurrent respiratory
involvement, genito urinary problems, gastro-intestinal diarrhoea.
Headaches are chronic, deep-seated in nature, meningeal or sinusal in origin.
The respiratory mucous membrane is congested, with chronic juicy or spasmodic
persisting coughs.
Albuminuria is a frequent feature.
The vaginal discharge is offensive and "fishy".
In appearance, the child is sallow and anaemic; eyelashes arelong; there may be a “measles-like"
or vesicular rash. Genital warts and Herpes are characteristic.
At night, profuse head sweats are marked, the hands are usually uncovered and the feet fidgety.
Mentally, outbursts of temper from resentment, with fear, are characteristic. These may
proceed to epileptic convulsions.
Alternatively, mental retardation is present.
Rhus tox, Thuja and Bacillinum are related remedies. The keynote is irritability, affecting
all the mucous and serous membranes.
In these last two, we see how easy it is to differentiate Thuja and Medorrhinum; Bacillinum and
You may say these symptom pictures can be made up easily from the materia medics.
What is so special about them?
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Just this, that the associations between those symptom, and pathological signs and the
drugs, were made in the bacteriological laboratories. They were not subject to the individual bias
of one doctor, and the value of the bowel nosodes is the confirmation they afford of what we
have learned from Hahnemann and his followers.
Further you need not use the actual nosodes, at all, to gain the advantages of their theory.
Such was the genius of the late Dr.John Paterson, a bacteriologist, who was able to bring
the laboratory findings to the benefit of the clinician. It is to him we owe this great debt.
Volume III
Mr.G., 50 yrs. consulted me in April 1971 for certain severe mental ailments. He has
been unfit for work since 4 yrs. and does not go out.
It all began with a severe overwork 16 yrs ago. He had taken tranquillizers for 3 yrs.
In1960 his profession changed and he had to learn a new profession. In 1965 attempted suicide
due to disappointment in love. Following year his wife wanted a divorce. In 1967 after
hospitalisation thrice in a series he was again able to take a job, but was later discharged.
Feels very tired, cannot concentrate. He spends more time in bed and would not meet
anyone. Continuously broods over the past, about the family, lost jobs, present unemployment,
and wife having left him children who were diving away from him, reproaches himself, and
Although he would like to seek a job, he cannot go about alone due to anxiety. The
anxiety was in the chest, in the throat where it choked him; thought he would be suffocated.
Diarrhoea from anxiety, pains in the right upper abdomen. For the past 15 yrs. he has
been suffering from lumbo-sacral pains, when he bends forward, turned in bed and lifting and
The pains come in thrusts and continue far months. Agg.while sitting and also while rising up
from sitting. After a few steps it is better; as also lying on back or on the rt.side.
Since 13 yrs. suffering from a chronic skin eruption while began on
the palms and itched severely. Diagnosed as lichen ruber planus.
Steroids gave relief for 3 months but shortly thereafter eczema patches appeared on the legs
particularly on the lt.ankle. The continuous itching made his other ailments also unbearable.
Poor sleep. Goes to bed at 9 PM and never gets up before 10 AM. But actually slept not more
than 2 to 3 hours after mid-night. Seminal emission in sleep without erotic dreams. Has
ejaculation praecox since 4 yrs. preventing sexual intercourse.
He also spoke of indigestion, disposition to diarrhoea which drives him out of bed at 5
Mr.G. is a corpulent man weighing 79 kgs. 1.71 m. tall. Due to his inactivity he has put on
X-ray indicated a hemi-sacralisation L5 left; the examination revealed nothing particular
How to go about these mass of symptoms? We have been taught that in cases of typical
mental disease we should consider only the physical complaint. In this case, the nightly
pollutions, the ejaculation praecox, the morning diarrhoea at 5 AM and the lumbar pains with its
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modalities were all first taken. The physical ailments fitted Sulphur and the mentals also
indicated this medicine.
On 30.4.1971 a dose of sulphur 10 M. This did not at all have any effect and therefore in
June a dose of 10M and again in July 1971 a dose LM., which all were also ineffective.
It was the experience that in many cases of severe neurosis particularly anxiety neurosis,
Tuberculinum has beer wonderfully successful. With the first dose of Tuberculinum 10m. there
was relief. In the next consultation he was less irritable and tense. Sleep was better with daily 4
hrs. Of course no change of the physical ailments (back, eczema, sexual, digestive). The second
dose of Tub. LM given in the end of Jan.1972 gave further improvement. The patient began to go
out alone 3 or 4 times in a week which he had not done since 4 yrs. he anxiety troubled him less,
sleep was further improved; the eczema itched lesser. In the middle of April 1972 he took a dose
of TUB.LM as he felt unwell.
From the beginning of July the improvement was clear. He went out, played, slept better.
In three weeks period he had lumbar pains only thrice. After the third dose of Tub.LM. We saw
the patient again in Oct.72 and enjoyed an excellent summer, pleasant holidays, two hours
walking and swimming daily. Since return from holidays, has been going about here and there,
did gardening and played chess. Physical condition good, no more lumbar pains, eczema also
gone, no pollutions. The Sleep although better, was insufficient, woke up often, and rolled about
a dose of Tub.CM. From then on the patient has not turned up.
It would appear strange that a remedy has been prescribed without basing it on
characteristic symptoms. Apart from pollutions. [v3-49] no other symptoms indicated Tub. To
understand this we have to study the special aspect of Homoeopathy which belongs to the theory
of Chronic diseases.
What is to be done when the indicated medicine acts insufficiently? One must look for a
reaction medicine. The nosodes are in the forefront of reactive medicines. We need not enter into
this question further; it has been studied thoroughly under the control of P. Schmidt
(Groupement Hahnemaannie, Series 3).
To come back to Tuberculinum: We perhaps wonder that in this case it has followed an
unsuccessful Sulphur prescription. Kent does not consider Tub. as an anti-psoric, unlike a small
number of others after him amongst whom we must cite only Fortier-Bernoville and his essay
"Tuberculosis and Hahnemann's Psora.”
To understand this medicine, we must go through its study by Margaret Burgess-Webster
in the “Homoeopathic Recorder” in which a complete survey of Tuberculinum has been given. It
will then be possible to understand the mental symptoms because of which this patient was given
Tub. Which succeeded in curing within a few months a serious ailments ailment “tuto, cito,
[From the Zeitschrift fu: KALASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIE unde Arznei
Volume III
potenzierung, Band 27/198, Jan.Feb.; translated from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, FOR
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Characteristics are not those symptoms noted by every prover but symptoms which are
more specifically indicated, those rare or unique and not generally observed ones. Such
symptoms are interesting; they draw our attention to the original proving reports in our literature.
Here-below are some of the "more clearly indicated" symptoms of Syphilinum which would be
Cannot recall names of persons, books or places.
Arithmetical calculations more difficult than before.
The pain begins at 14 hours increases slowly up to 21 hours, remains same till 3 or 4 hours and
subside precisely by day-break.
Pains from the eyes through to occiput with sensation of a weight in the occiput which draws the
head back, the eyes pain thereby and sting.
Before an epileptic seizure, headache which extends in a parallel line from both the sides of the
forehead to the occiput.
Headache through both temples and from the middle upwards like an inverted T.
Sensation in the right eye as if it stood wide open and as if cold wind upon it.
In Diplopia one image appears lower than the other. Very peculiar, painless flutterings in a tooth
as from something alive, but cannot distinguish which tooth.
Can raise the arms only up to horizontal position and attempt to raise it further make the muscles
immediately weak and the arm drops.
Pain middle of the anterior chest, as if the skin had been drawn up, when bends the head
At nights, heart pains, lancinating, from the base to the apex.
Asthma from a sensation as if the sternum would be pulled towards the dorsal vertabrae slowly.
Has nightly cough, fears because the terrible physical and mental exhaustion on waking every
time he coughs and which is so unbearable that he preferred death.
Two deep cracks lengthwise on the thick and red tongue on both sides of the median line.
The male genital painful so that he is unable to sit still.
[From the Zeitshrift fur KLASS1SCHE HOME0PATHIE and Arznei¬potenzierung, Band
27/1963, Jan.-Feb.; translated from the German and condensed by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras;
for private communication only]
Volume III
Dr.Eugenio F. Candegabe
The erotic-aggressive instincts are exalted and heightened in the Medorrhinum patient,
resulting in sudden brief spurts of over-activity. When this is compounded with a tuberculin [v3-
51] background, it is much more detached or subdued than Thuja.
This Medorrhinum-Tuberculin combination produces a "minus condition" and does not show the
destructive activity usually found in the more hypertrophic Thuja type.
If the disease form of the Medorrhinum comes first in the beginning of the psychotic
manifestations, and then is impregnated with tuberculosis, Thuja then offers a picture of
complete psychopathic development in the mental spheres.
The anxiety of conscience is expressed much the same as Thuja. The moral conscience
may develop a claim of an affected perversion, such as "he is a genius" whereas the
Medorrhinum-Tuberculin patient will undervalue his conflict, and his solution will be in Fear
and Insecure pattern' of reaction. Thuja will find solutions through hypertrophic and ego
To summarize the mental scheme of Medorrhinum, there are two fundamental aspects of
the psychotic miasma; a weakening memory and mind, and an "affected" perversion to solve
First Aspect
Characteristic symptoms
Anxiety of conscience.
or conscience such as moral
Conscience claims.
Religious affections
Reaction to conflict is fright (usually mental).
Fear of Dark
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Conditioned by Two symptoms
Presentiments - a mixture of fatalism, and
clairvoyance causing him to anticipate evils,
pessimistically, which punish him from the
beyond for imaginary sins.
Three Reactive Symptoms featuring fright:
A. Paranoid projection of his own
aggressive pushes buried in the
unconscious towards the world as he
sees it, and appearing as delusions
will awake, and as dreams while
Repressions of movement forming
On other side the basis for an
obsessive neurosis.
Impending disease
Over-excited of coming event
bad news
evil will overtake him
Anticipates something will happen.
Delusion something terrible has happened
-sees rats, faces, people
-some is behind him
-someone comes and looks at him
-voices whisper and say"come"
of permanent escaping vis
these aggressions, a state of
enlivened psychosis. Escape from
C. C. Hypersensitive towards the
circumstantial world, expressed
through startling.
-ghosts, specters
-frightful, horrible
Restless anxiousness at night.
Anxiety for time, appointments.
Starting from noises, during sleep.
Sensitiveness to rudeness.
Children appear dull mentally
weakness of memory names, address, his
own name
forgets words while speaking
forgets for stating his symptoms thoughts
vanish, cannot write connected sentences.
Second Aspect
Memory Deterioration
Selective ability for
abstract things, forgets names, what he had
read, uses inaccurate words, mental dullness
Volume III
as a weight on the vertex seeming to affect
the mind. Two symptoms featuring mental
A. Anticipation, provoked by loss of self-
confidence, due to mind weakening.
B. Hurried, anxious, restless
pushing him to try to think faster than
his mind is capable.
Does not want to speak or listen to
Five symptoms resulting from Mental
1. Procrastination of work or thought
Being forced to produce seems to
drive him crazy.
2.Irritability at mental effort either in
reading or writing
3. Fear to be wrong – writes down
minute. Trivial details to try and prevent
4.Loss of time – a consequence of hurry
and dullness
Self confidence lacking.
Mistakes made during headache.
Time anxiety if supposed to keep, or to meet
at given time.
Indisposed to talk or listen when weary
Prostration of mind during headache
Morning on waking
Aversion to mental work
Work seems impossible
Work seems to drive him crazy
Over-conscious about trifles
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5. Loss of feeling for reality – despairs of
recovery, tired of living, thinks of suicide
as a solution to his torments.
passes slowly
confounds present with past
delusion, as if in a dream
delusion, everything is unreal
Mood changes cross by day, exhilarating at
Weeping when spoken to sad thinking of
complaints loathing of life.
Indifference to life.
Despairs of religious salvation.
Volume III
The treatment with Nosodes began, in a narrow sense, when the German Veterinarian,
Wilhelm Lux, who practiced homoeopathy in veterinary medicine was requested by a landlord
for homoeopathic medicine for Mange and Glanders. As the Similie did not succeed in this he
replaced it by the equal that is potentized blood of an [v3-54] animal suffering from Mange and
mucous of an animal suffering from Glanders, potentized upto 30c. In 1831 Hering put the
nosodes on firm scientific base with his medicinal provings.
CONSTITUTION AND DISPOSITION: According to the current homoeopathic view everyone
exhibits inherited or acquired but not measurable weaknesses which can be partly traced back to
pest infectious diseases. These could have occurred to during the Course of life and apparently
not completely cured. The homoeopathic experience confirms that constitutional weaknesses of a
patient is based not the least upon his ancestors. Tuberculosis, Syphilis and Gonorrhoea were
wide-spread and their consequences cannot be completely got over for many generations. So
everyone carries "burdens" which disposes oneself to definite diseases and in this sense man at
the time of his birth is already "old" and his health development is broadly pre-indicated.
The therapeutic mission of these nosodes is their ability broadly to at least diminish these
"burdens" which appear to be hindering the curative processes of many diseases.
PRACTICE: I place the nosodes principally as an intercurrent in the course of all chronic
diseases and begin mostly with a dose of Tuberculin or Medorrhinum according to indications
present. Every indicated nosode should be given in ascending potencies. I always begin with
C200, two weeks later 1000, then after at least six weeks C10, 000. After a further 6 months at
the earliest the neat nosode can be considered.
Principally I give children with infectious disease the appropriate nosode. Only in
improperly developed exanthema or in intermitting fever is Sulphur to be preferred.
TUBERCULINUM: For Tuberculinum, tuberculous bacteria are grown in bovine meat broth and
the culture is evaporated and filtered. This is the old Tuberculinum koch which is the most
frequently used in homoeopathy. It contains the ecto- as also the endo-toxins of the bacteriae.
The drug picture has been drawn from out of the cured symptoms of the tuberculin era, as also
the then observed side-effects and the bad effects of the treatment of tuberculosis. Teacher
carried [v3-55] out in 1912 a proving on the healthy. The latest and the best summary of the drug
picture has come from M.Stubler.
The remedy is indicated in patients,- children and grown-ups,-who cannot thrive, suffer
from restless sleep at nights and night-sweats, grow thin and lack appetite. In ailments of the
nose, throat and bronchi from taking cold, it kindles reaction. Also in intermittent fevers in the
declining phase; in pneumonia and after
a past history of tuberculosis disease this remedy should be remembered it is cautioned in acute
phases of tuberculosis.
Recurring styes on head and painless discharges from the ear are to be stressed. Reg. the
food, aversion to all foods, esp. for meat and sweets. On the other hand there is much thirst for
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small quantities of water and desire for cold milk. It is useful in children with navel colic.
Further, sudden bad smelling diarrhoea in the morning with concomitant weakness are
characteristics. Chronic tonsillitis with dry sensation. Tendency to catch cold easily with coryza,
much sneezing, painful hoarseness and in the evening cough disturbing the sleep Dyspnoea is
relieved when the patient is engaged in conversation. In the heart Basedow's ailments with
palpitation may appear. An important remedy in bed-wetting. Premature, copious end protracted
menses is also to be observed.
Particularly to be stressed are the mental, symptoms. Remedy of great restlessness. Has to
travel, he has the urge to go to other places. Students who suffer from lack of concentration,
headache from mental strains, give up their studies to something else. Grown-ups aspire for
change of jobs. The "tuberculinic" (Vannier) is always in quest. Many great artists, musicisians
and painters belong to this group. They may clairvoyant and have prophetic dreams. A dream of
flying is often of importandce. Previously calm, gentle persons become excitable. Addiction to
alcohol, nicotine and such other may arise. The irritants are not however tolerated clue to weak
physique. The weakness may progress to hopelessness to anxiety fall into delusion, to weariness
of life and at the same time yearning for life, everything in excess. It can be said as an all-
important medicine of our times.
Case 1: Fibrous bone dysplasia :A girl born in 1965 came with a fibrous bone dysplasia
of Jaffe-Lichthnstein. In 1972 at 7 years she suffered spontaneous fracture of the upper arm. It
did not show any tendency to heal spontaneously. Expert opinion confirmed the diagnosis.
Operation was contemplated. In the anamneses of the father tuberculosis in his younger days was
noted. It decided the following therapy; Tub.200 was given first on 10th November 1972. On
16th January 1973 Tub.1000. During the next week improvement of appetite and general feeling
of betterment. No more pain of arm On 19th February 1973, Tub .10000 followed. During the
entire period of treatment Calcarea carbonica LM6 3 x 5 drops was given as constitutional
On May 1973 the child passed the freestyle swimming exam. There was no more bone
changes. The diagnosis was thereupon changed as bone dysplasia.
In January 1974 the child came for bronchitis. Now the indicated Tub. bacillinum was
given. First Bacillinum C200; in April 1974 Bacillinum C1000 and in July, Bacillinum 10000.
The annual checks revealed no more pathology till date.
Case 2: chronic obstipation:
A two year old boy, sensitive, intelligent, blonde and blue-eyed, suffered since birth from
a stubborn obstipation which had been treated with laxatives. BCG, triple antigen, measles and
polio immunisations had all been given.
On the basis of prevailing constitution the boy received for the first time on 12 October
1977, a single dose of `tuberculin Koch C200 and in addition Carduus marianus D4 and Nux
vomica D4 as liver draining remedies. From this treatment he had stool every day. On the 13th
November 1977 he received Tuberculin Koch C1000. The liver drainage was continued. If there
was a relapse the mother had to give the third dose of Tuberculin However, after a further period
of 4 weeks, report came that the boy was passing stool every day and everything was well.
Volume III
LUESINUM: Luesinum is prepared out of the secretions from a luetic [v3-57] ulcer. Provings
are from Swan, Morrison and others. Violent and particularly nightly headache relieved by
warmth. Ptosis of eyes so that the patient appears very tired. Strabismus and diplopia
Purulent watery discharges from the ears, chronic mastoiditis, paroxysmal coryza with sneezing
or dry and nightly obstructed nose. Asthma attack at nights in warm weather . Deformed teeth
and ulcers in mouth and on tongue. Desire for alcohol. Destructive tendency of a disease and
aggravation at nights to or the marav_ations at sea are some leading symptoms for the choice of
the remedy.
The mental symptoms are important. An unusual forforgetfulness, of faces, dates, books
and pieces, is predominant. Children find it difficult to think logically and fail in mathematics.
Lastly, Luesinum should be considered in all kinds of characters gone astray.
Case 3: Sleeplessness: The astonishingly small child was one year old on 29 August 1979. The
intolerance of milk and other foods was treated with Calcium carbonicum sleeplessness of the
child, from 24 hours to 6 hours exhausted the parents. During the day the child slept deep and
As Luesinum has been indicated prominently in Kent for sleeplessness after mid-night
the weakened child was given Luesinum C200 on 15 December 1978. As there was a relapse on
11th January C1000 was given and on 13th February 1979, C10,000 Since then the child slept
every night.
MEDORRHINUM: Medorrhinum is prepared from the urethral secretion of an acute gonorrhoea.
Swan made a thorough proving.
Medorrhinum may be indicated in persons who are nervous and over-excited, who are
always hasty and cannot be calm. He cannot oppose mental burdens. Aggravation in
Medorrhnium is during the daytime. Amelioration at sea-side.
Chronic rhinitis. The nose continuously flows as well as in the posterior nares. In chronic
bronchial catarrhs the cough causes pain particularly in the throat and the tough mucous can be
brought out only with difficulty. There are some patients who take [v3-58] cold from the least
draft of air and which extends down from the head to the bronchi. There may also be ravenous
hunger immediately after eating and also desire for stimulants. There is oozing from the anus
which has fish brine odour. From that the anal region may be itching violently. The leucorrhoea
also has a fish smell. The menses are very painful and it may particularly be too difficult to wash
it off. There may be pains in every section of the vertebral column with radiating neuralgia in the
shoulders or in the chest. The skin itches at different places which is aggravated from thinking of
it. Like all secretions, the perspiration also smells bad. The Medorrhinum patient feels too chilly,
Tip of the nose, hands and feet are cold. The breasts feel cold sometimes icy cold or one-sided
coldness of the nipples.
Mentally these nervous sensitive and restless persons manifest forgetfulness and
difficulties in concentration or they lose track of their talk. Pre-sentiments or hallucinations may
also appear. Sudden alterations of character, sleep is particularly after midnight. The depressive
phases awaken the patient with weariness of life, fear of impending catastrophes that they must
die and forecast their hour of death. They think even of suicide with a fire-arm.
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Case 4: Weak state: On 18th June 1976 a 36 year old patient came in an exhausted
condition. She has two children, she was very calm and with concentration while she attempted
to narrate her ailments. She complained of a continuous and very pronounced feeling of
tiredness. on awakening in the morning she is not refreshed. Flatulence with eructation often
stitches in the right abdomen, frequent urging for urination throughout the day a feeling of
pressure in the bladder region; further ailments of veins and hair falling , Everything is
aggravated in autumn . Worst is inner restlessness which she said was not felt while narrating her
For the prevailing nervous restlessness I gave on 21 June 1976 a dose of Medorrhinum
C200. On 16th August she said that she soon felt much better and the ailments in the abdomen
were not felt that much. Medorrhinum C1000. After a month she said that abdominal complaints
and flatulence have disappeared and she has no more pressure in the abdomen and no more
urging for urination.
In view of the chronic rhinitis I gave on 20th April 1978 Medorrhinum C 200. After 8
days the mother reported, the coryza became better and the child bloomed. On 2 May a coryza
again appeared. It was accompanied by small skin efflorescence. Medorrhinum C 1000. After
that it felt very well for a longer time. An intercurrent cold was got over. On 8 July finally
Medorrhinum, C 10,000. Since then no more coryza, colds.
PARATYPHOIDINUM-B: The source for this nosode is bacterial culture from different
Paratyphus bacteriae of Type B. There is no proving but it has of course of great therapeutic
efficacy. Julian emphasises its superiority over Eberthinum (-Typhinum)
Leading symptom are; perspiration, bad-smelling diarrhoea, or marasmus after long
recovery from Typhus or paratyphus.
Clinical indications are, particularly, toxic infections, from Salmonella and its consequences;
further, summer enteritis, chronic cholecystitis with intemitting fever paraoxysms, neurotoxicosis
of infants, protracted anginas or pharyngitis and relapsing Otitis. Lastly it is an important remedy
for protracted discharges.
Case 6: Trigeminus-neuralgia : An elderly man, born 1907, came to me after much
hospitalisations and unsuccessful treatment. He had such violent trigeminal neuralgia since 3
years that he could only cry out until an injection was given to relieve.
Past history: Migraine since 15th year which was over by his 30th year. 1944/45
hepatitis; 1972 Biliroth II; from 1975 Trigeminus: neuralgias; 1975 and 1977 teeth extractions
gave only a temporary relief.
On 7th June 1978 the patient entered my treatment. As the first trigeminal-neuralgia
commenced in 1975 in the mountain in Switzerland I gave Tuberculin C 200. On 14th June I saw
the patient again. There was high grade sensitivity to touch of the entire right half of the face
with agg. in the morning. He did not venture to shave or clean his nose because these could
immediately cause an attack. By acupuncture he could have some pain-free period for few
weeks. [v3-60] This did not of course remain so. In July 1978 I gave the nosode Hepatitis C200,
Volume III
one dose, because of his having suffered with the disease during the war. It did not also help so
we had to make do with acupuncture and neural therapy.
In October 1978 I again took the anamnesis in which I went back up to the childhood of
the patient. When I enquired whether before the migraine he had any other ailment, infection like
Typhoid, he said, for the first time, that he had in fact suffered from Typhoid for about 6 months,
until he was reduced to a skeleton and was almost dead. Six months later, at 15 years age the
migraine appeared. On 18th October therefore the patient received a dose of Paratyphoidinum .B,
C 200 after which he had remained for 6 weeks free from the attacks. On October 25 he again
called and said two days before he had had at least 60 attacks which, however, were remarkably
not so painful as before. After this episode there were no further attacks. Hesitatingly I again
gave on 29th November gave a dose of Paratyphoidinum B, C1000. Now the remaining least
traces in the face vanished. Since October 1978 the patient remains free from attacks and could
undertake after many years, a journey.
Case 7: Salmonella--prolonged evacuations:
A young woman, born 1943, became ill in 1977 from Salmonella infection 1978
and therefore was in the Clinic for many weeks. In January she was discharged although the
stool test was not negative. In spite of further anti-biotic treatment the stool tests showed positive
twice. Now diarrhoea, flatulence and intestinal colic began again. I now stopped the anti-biotic
and ordered, on the basis of the symptoms, Mercurius corrosivus D 6. The stools test after this
showed part negative sometimes partly positive sometimes.
On 20 January 1978 I wrote out a prescription for Paratyhoidinum B, C 200 globule, as I
did not have it in stock. The pharmacy had to cider for it first.
An exclusively homoeopathic treatment could not be done. In stool different germs were found
continuously. Salmonella Gaertner was established. On morning of 9th March the patient was in
miserable state. Throughout the night she had continuous diarrhoea and vomiting. I questioned
[v3-61] for a dietic error. It was denied. The pharmacist had delivered the globules previous day
evening which the patient had immediately taken. It was the nosode Paratyphoidinum B C 200.
Since then the woman began to recover and the stool test results remained negative.
Apropos a Diphtheria epidemic in 1874 Collete treated in Le Havre his patients for the
first time with Diphtherinum. He stirred and shook some pieces of a pseudo-membrane first with
water and potentised finally with alcohol up to C 500. With that he impregnated globules of
milk-sugar. He reported of cures if the globules could be given at the commencement of the
disease. Later Cahis prepared the nosode Diphtherinum, in which he used the Loefflers bacteria
itself. Today mostly Diphtherinum is used. There is no proving.
Leading symptoms: Bad smell of breath and secretions in malignant angina, with
pseudomembranes, epistaxis and drinks coming out through nose.
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Clinical indications: Severe attacks of angina with lymph nodes in throat swollen very much and
exhausted conditions, post diphtheritic paralysis and non-diphtheritic paralysis of vocal chords,
chronic bronchitis of the aged, myelitis and weak paralysis. Also in epistaxis of the aged.
Case 8: Relapsing angina: In angina I often begin with Diphtherinum. 30 year old man who in
summer 1976 came to me for a relapsing angina. First I treated him without nosode and could
not have any worthwhile success.
On April 3 1979, he again came for an angina tonsillaris with mucous-crusty-septic
coating and a sensation of much weakness. I prescribed Diphtherinum C 200 and told him that
possibly a coryza may set in. On 5th April the patient came again, the expected nasal secretion
had already set in, the throat, however, was already free from coating and the patient felt well.
No more relapse of angina.
Lysates from the squams of a Scarlatina patient is used in the preparations of this nosode.
Indications consequences, of scarlatine for example, nephrotic syndromes, rheumatic pains or
asthenia. In relapsing anginas also Scarlatinum is indicated
Case 9. Tendency to get frequent infections: On 11 Feb.
1976 the 8 year old Jens was brought for treatment. The mother said that since three months
repeated attacks of fever have occurred. The boy was dark-skinned, blue-eyed and thin. The
tonsils were hypertrophied. Submandibular, axillary and
Inguinal glands were enlarged and palpable. 3 months earlier there were some cases of Scarlatina
in the school. On that basis I gave the child a dose of Scarlatinum C 200, there was no more
fever, the lymph glands swellings reduced and on 17 March, that was four weeks later, all
This nosode is prepared from the exudates of the mouth and pharynx of patient suffering
from measles but treated yet. There is no proving.Morbillinum is indicated at the end of a
measles disease, in consequences of a measles infection as well as in chronic eve and nasal
Case 10: Neurodermitis: One day my hair dresser told of her two year old son. She has taken him
to all Paediatricians and eventually to the Professor of skin clinic. He had explained that it was a
neurodemitis and that the child will always have it. The child appears horrible and has an itching,
severely scratched skin all over the body. I asked as to since when the child began to suffer this.
Since about 6 months, she said before that nothing. Now we considered as to what happened, six
months ago. An infection perhaps, I asked. The mother recalled thin the measles. Far me it was a
clue. Some days later she came to the clinic with the child. I saw the little Demis a blue-eyed
blond-head pitifully sitting there with Neurodermitis flocks all over to the full, which caused too
much itching, arousing him from sleep particularly at night and the family also. Up to now he
has [v3-63] received Cortison and Anti-histamines. On 9th May 1977 these medicines were
Volume III
stopped and the child was given a dose of Morbillinum C 200. On 31st May, the mother returned
after a short trip in the sea, to report excitedly that the skin of the child was as a good as pure.
Only in the flexors of the joints few focuses could be observed. Now the child received a dose Of
Morbillinum C 1000. In the next week was completely free from eczema and in autumn was
given a dose C 10,000. A memorable case.
For the preparation of this nosode the expectoration of an untreated case of whooping
cough is used. There is no remedy proving available.
Leading Symptoms: spastic cough attacks, with expectoration of mucous, the cyanosed
face, the restlessness and the accelerated respiration. The nosode is indicated, besides in
whooping cough, in pseudokrupp as also in bronchitis, asthma, epilepsy and encephalopathy
with feeblemindedness, if these disturbances appear after a whooping cough or if this disease is
found in the anamnesis. For the consequences of whooping cough vaccination also is this remedy
even if the vaccination was many years before the appearance of a relapsing spastic bronchitis.
Case 11. Spastic bronchitis: On 21 June 1976 I was called to a 5 year old boy who was
suffering from a 6 recurring spastic bronchitis. The mother had Euphyllin and Brondiletten at
home because these attacks have been appearing so often. The child was pallid, blond, bright-
skinned, very sensitive and very lively. Spastic sound could be heard over both the lungs. In the
anamneses; a whooping cough attack was seen.
Pertussinum C 200 given. On the third day the mother said that after my visit the child
had vomited awfully, but in the morning he had calm respiration and was free from fever. In July
1975, that is 2 years later, another dose of Pertussinum C 1000 because of a bronchial infection.
There was no more spastic bronchitis.
NOSODE PAROTITIS: No literature is available on this nosode. [v3-64] Nevertheless I could
convince myself about its efficiency.
Case 12: Juvenile hypertension: On 5th July 13 years old Frank came for juvenile high blood
pressure. The blood pressure was 160/90 in the right and 150/100 in the left. Because of this he
had persistent headaches, intolerance of food items and nausea. Only yogurt was tolerated.
History: 1975 mumps, then measles. Both the diseases were treated by fever-reducing
medicines. The blood pressure was manifested after these diseases. In August 1977 a treatment
for blood pressure and headaches. In November 1977 a middle ear operation was done.
In my first visit on 5 July 1978 there was a continuous stomach ache besides the high
blood pressure, which was relieved by Nux vomoca D 6, 3×1 tablets. Because of the mumps
which occurred before the blood pressure, the patient received on 10th 0ctober a dose of Parotitis
C200. The, patient reported that for some days after that he was not feeling well, but developed
an appetite which he had not known all these days. On 16th October the blood pressure had come
down to 115/80. On 24th October the mother telephonically reported that the boy was again
playing tennis and enjoys.
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[From the AHZ Band 227/NO.3 /1982: translated from the German and slightly abridged by Dr.
K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for private communication only.]
Volume III
2.7 CARCINOSIN - By M.Salvey
Many clinical indications for Carcinosin have been published in different homoeopathic
journals which have been confirmed by clinical experiences.
I had said, and Dr.Foubister also in his "The Carcinosin Drug Picture", that in active
cancerous process Carcinosin was not indicated and that in malignant processes it very
dangerous to give Carcinosin.
Different clinical cases made this stand change. Dr.Foubister also clarified that in two
cases of neoplasms in the digestive tract Carcinosin-Adenom-Stom 30 worked much stronger
than the older Carcinosin. If the nosode were to be used in the treatment of cancer then the older
Carcinosin should be prescribed.
This was because Dr.Twentyman observed that in a case of neoplasm, a Carcinosin, made
out of the same tissue worked very strongly. This fully corroborated Foubister's opinion.
Carcinosin is very efficacious in malignant processes provided it is the older preparation
Carcinosin as rightly observed by Foubister and Twentyman. The difference between the old
Carcinosin and Carcinosin-Adenon-Stour, Carcinosin Vesica and Carcinosin scirrhus mammae is
that the older preparation has, with passage of time, lost its aggressiveness. The action of the
specific Carcinosin of the organs, in which the neoplasm of the patient is found is, as has already
been explained, intensified. The prescription of the specific Carcinosin is therefore, a absolutely
contraindicated; but it may be indicated as a constitutional remedy in any other disease
And Carcinosin can indeed be a very useful palliative medicine in that it can prolong life
in carcinomatous diseases, as also in post-operative, and in inoperable states. I can verify these
through clinical cases which I will report at the end. This is confirmed by other authors like
Compton-Burnett, Clarke, Kent and others all neglected over a period of almost a century,
indeed out of fear that a malignant process may be provoked by this treatment.
We can add to this medicine Folliculinum, as pointed out by Dr.Foubister. Foubister
refers to Folliculinum as a valuable medicine, which if given about 5 days before the
constitutional medicine, works very well". Folliculinum appears to prepare the organism for the
action of the constitutional medicine.
What is the connection between Folliculinum and Carcinosin? The first by Foubister who
says that in every patient in whom the previous history of self-control, bet it out of exaggerated
fear or sense of responsibility (which we may equate with ‘Fear of conscience’, of Kent),
Folliculinum is a very valuable remedy. Fear like exaggerated sense of conscience are important
symptoms of Carcinosin and that is a point between the two medicines. The second similarity is
the fact that Carciosin and Folliculinum provoked malignancy in animals. Further indications for
Carcinosin are: mono-neuclosis infection. Foubister thought that this disease has a "superficial
similarity" to a malignant process. This is shown by grouped adenopathies:"Carcinosin is a very
important medicine in acute states as well as in consequences which in some patients remain
months to years". Foubister found that Carcinosin 200, three times daily for two days. works
"almost like a specifics, In persisting conditions in Which liver is predominantly involved
Carcinosin-Adeno-Stom is useful in clearing the picture within a short time.
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57 / 116
Other indications pointed out by Foubister are the relapsing infections in children.
Carcinosin may be indicated in chronic or relapsing tonsillitis. Foubister considered Carcinosin
30 as particularly effective in these cases in combination with Iodum 30. Both the medicines
touch scar tissues. Cyclic vomiting, for example, as constitutional medicine between the attacks
and with the prophylactic and acute medicines (Senna). In liver involvement Carcinosin-adeno-
stom works specially well and is therefore considered in acetoneemia. Keloid: Paschero
recommends Carcinosin, following vaccinations. Kent (p.1410) gives 9 remedies. P.Schmidt
adds to the rubric the following 15 remedies: Apis., Ars., Echi., Sep., Kali-chl., Maland., Mez.
Psor., Sab., , Sul., Thuj., Tub., Vac., and Vario. Now Carcinosin follows. Independent of
Paschero, Shapiro also adds Carcinosin here. The discussions with [v3-67] Dr.Foubister at
London made clear to me about the general grasp of this nosode. The same about my discussions
with Dr.Sanchez Ortega (Mexico) a world-renowned authority on miasms theory. I learnt from
him that the prognosis of a patient with a malignant process can be better perceived by
understanding the pre-dominant miasm. Three situations are to be discerned far that:
1. Predominant Psora: Infiltrative carcinoma with slow progress is the main characteristic of
2. Predominant Sycosis: Proliferative carcinoma, aggressive and speedy progress.
3. Predominant Syphilis: Ulcerative and destructive carcinoma and speedy progress, with poor
Lastly two instructive cases:
Case I: On Sept.1, 1975: Mrs. Anna B., 56 yrs. Abletio mamma 5 yrs. ago; at that time
there was retraction of nipples and suppuration. Cobalt radiation, had lung and mediastinal
metastasis with alteration of the oesophagus. Pronounced difficulties in swallowing, dyspnoea,
constant cough which did not permit sleep. Recently lost weight. BP 130/90, wt. 74.kgs.
Symptoms: Desires Company cannot be alone; feelings accentuated. Sympathy. Worse in
twilight. Feer of darkness, thunderstorm and intrusion. Desires salted things. Thirsty for large
quantities. Cough better from lying (however, it does not allow sleep).
Gave her Carcinosin 30, 200 and M, in interval of 3--4 hrs. A week later Phos. M. After
one more week Laur.6 because of cough better lying. On 6th Oct. saw her again. She was much
better and doubtless indeed from the time she took Carcinusin. Can swallow better; appetite
better; cough less; can sleep. A second series of Carcinosin is indicated, this time in a sequence
of 200, M, XM. BP.110/80, wt. 74.8 kgs; I saw her again on 9.1.76. For 2 months, all was well
with her, but cough and anorexia again. BP.110/80. Wt.72kgs. I gave one globule Carcinsin M
(Nelson) and a week later Phos XM. On 3rd Feb.1976 saw her again. She was getting on well
and in good mental state. Despite cough she could sleep; violent pains in lumbar region with
bilateral sciatic pains; these pains are such as to presume metastasis in the vertebrae. [v3-68] The
results of examination of blood confirmed this. She received a dose of Carcinosin CM, Phos. XM
and Laur. M in weekly interval. An x-ray on 17 Mar.1976 confirmed a metastasis in the bone.
The patient underwent an operation recently for retinal weakness, and stood it well. She has
symptoms of bone marrow depressions, but no mental symptoms particularly no anxiety which is
usual in such cases. Further Carcinosin CM.
Volume III
Case II. On 4th Aug. 1376, Mrs. M.H. 59 yrs., seven children; carcinoma of the
oesophagus. Extxreme difficulties in swallowing, but could take thick liquids till the
commencement of the cobalt therapy which she did not withstand well. Now she has swallowing
difficulties not only for thick fluids. The constitutional medicine is Arsenicum Symptoms:
Persistent pains in the chest as from "burning coals"; desire for company; the burning becomes
unendurable while swallowing; the vomitus look like coffee ground; thirst for small quantities
(this symptom is valuable because it was present before the swallowing difficulties); desire for
warmth despite the burning. Carcinosin 30, 200 M (Nelson) in ½hrly intervals; further daily one
dose of Carcinosin 200 a week later Arsenicum LM and a further week later Arsenicum LM.
25th Aug. after 3 weeks. Her daughter had told me over telephone after a week, that is,
before taking the Arsenicum that there was a wonderful amelioration. The patient ate normally
and could swallow solid food. The nausea vanished and the adverse effects of radiation also had
improved. Noticeable change of mental state. She had hopes which she earlier did not.
The patient is completely changed; in the last3 weeks she had gained3 kg she received
again a dose of Carehosin (Nelson) and then daily Carcinosin 10 M as well as Arsenicum CM.
The prescription of a higher potency in a case in which there has been spectacular
improvement appears unorthodox; the to quick repetition of high potency will also raise
questions. I would like to recall here Boger who is competent in case of malignant processes and
who opined in 1930 that constitutional medicine must be [v3-69] be repeated frequently without
waiting for reappearance or symptoms. He recommended repetition in intervals of 5--6 weeks
instead of months according to Kent. My experience indicated that in malignant processes
Carcinosin should be repeated frequently, for example twice a week and in very serious cases
even every day. In this case it was a 'race against time'. As much aggressive a disease so much
aggressive the treatment must also be. In Pierre Schmidt's view, in pains a homoeopathic remedy
is called for frequently and must therefore be repeated.
To summarise: with Carcinosin, (and with constitutional medicine, naturally) a definite
prolongation of life can be achieved (for example, for a year in the first case) and that without
much fear and pain.
Higher potencies are not always contraindicated in serious conditions. In general the fear
is that the life of the patient may be shortened. On the contrary high and very high potencies
work very well in these cases. There is no stereotype rule in homoeopathic therapy; the singular
rule is that there is no regulation in this.
[From the "Seitschrift fur KLASSISCHIE HOMOEPATHIE and Arznei potenzierung", Band
28/1984, Heft 2, Mar./Apr.1984; translated from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for
private communication only]
Year 1986
59 / 116
(Compiled by the Rhus Tox study Group)
This is the first in a series of reports to be presented to the homoeopathic community
from the work being done by study groups in North America and Europe. To be presented in this
paper are symptoms of Rhus toxicodendron which are listed in Allen's Encyclopedia of kateria
Medic, 'Hering's Guiding symptoms of our Materia Medica_, or Hahnemann' s Materia Medics
Pura and yet are not listed in Kent's Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medics. Only
symptoms which have been shown to be clinically verified in the literature are included in this
list, and redundancy within the repertory was avoided whenever possible.
This group is composed of five homoeopathic physicians with an overage of more than
nine years of homoeopathic clinical experience each. We had our first meeting in a secluded
setting, one hour's drive from Denver, Colorado, August 1-4, 1985. Each individual prepared
material for presentation and discussion prior to the meeting. The working sessions lasted
approximately 12 hours per day, from noon Thursday until noon Sunday, a total of 35 hours,
with work divided equally between mater ia medica, homeopathic doctrine, and clinical cases,
We will be meeting your times per year, studying a different remedy each time. The group is
named after the first remedy studied, following the pattern established by Homoeopathia
Europea. The first study group of this type, to be organized in this country, is the Kali Cart
Group, located in Washington, D.C. The Kali Carb Group recenly held its third meeting. Study
groups of this type have been in existence in Europe for the past ten years.
Each individual is assigned sections of the materia medica from a specific source, so that
each section of the three main reference texts (Allen, Hering, Hahnemann) are studied by at least
one person. Every individual studies the mental and generalities sections of his/her assigned
materia medica. The provings and clinically-verified symptoms are studied, and each symptom is
searched for in the Repertory of Kent. Those symptoms not found in the Rrertory are added to a
list of proposed additions, together with the specific source of the sympom (the page and line
numbers are the symptom number) and the page in the Repertory where the symptom may be
added. These lists are presented and reviewed by the group as a whole, and those symptoms
which are clinically verified and which are not found in the Repertory through cross referencing
are added to the final list of additions.
An effort was made to avoid redundancy. For example, "lassitude before stool" was not
added to this list. It is symptom number (1115) in Allen's Encylopedia and it is not in the
Repertory as such, yet a nearly equivalent rubric, “weakness before stool" does contain Rhus-
tox. In another example, "Aching in left wrist" is a symptom recorded in Allen's Encylopedia,
symptom number [913]. Such a rubric exists in the repertory on page 1085, "Pain, aching, wrist,
left," and Rhus -tox is not listed there. On the other hand, Rhus-tox is listed under "Pain, aching,
Volume III
wrist" on rage 1085 of the Repertory and is also listed under "Pain, upper limbs, left' on page
1049. An addition to the Repertory was felt to be unnecessary in cases such as this.
Any symptom found with reference to one proving, with no confirmation from other
provings and no verification from clinic experience, was not included. If multiple verifications
[V3-72] were found for a specific symptoms, the addition was entered as grade 2, 0r italics.
Otherwise the additions were made as grade 1, or plain type.
Each addition to the Repertory is listed with the symptom first, followed by the page
number on which the rubric can be found or should be added. Following this is the grade of the
addition (in parenthesis), and the source, for the addition. [In brackets, with the author’s name
and the symptom can be found] Allen’s symptoms are listed by number, as are Hahnemann’s.
Herings symptoms are listed by page number. The following abbreviations are used for source
Al=Allen, Hn =Hahnemann, Hg=Hering
Grief: p.50 ;( 1) [A1, 3]
Gesture, plays, with fingers, sleep, during, p.50 ;( 1); [A1, 1362]
Indifference, business affairs, to; p.54 ;( 1);[A1,45]
Genitalia, Male:
Erections, urination, with urging to urinate; p.696 ;( 1); [A1,697]
Erections, violent, p.696 ;( 1) [A1, 679]
Redness, penis, p.709 ;( 1); [A1, 1161]
Redness, perpuce, spots, p.709 (2); [A1, 683]
Menses, return after having ceased, the periods; p.728 ;( 2); [A1, 706]
Metrorrhagia, during pregnancy; p.731 ;( 2) [A1, 693]
Larynx and Trachea:
Hoarseness, weather changes; p.760 ;)( 2); [Hg, p.70]
Difficult, stomach, from pressure and pain in; p. 771 ;( 2); [Hg, p.70]
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Heart affections, with; p.793; (2); [Hg, p.71]
Bloody, exertion too much, on a wind instrument; p.813; (1); [Hg. p.73]
Pain, excitement agg; p.843; (2); [Hg, p.73] ;
Stiffness on beginning to move; p.880;(1) [Hg p.73]
Pain, lumbar region, warm, becoming, in bed aggrav; p.908 ;( 1); [Hg, p.74]
Eruption, itching, immersing hands in water agg; p.986;(2); [Hg, p.847]
Heaviness, leg, standing, preventing; p.1017; (2); [A1, 1019]
Heaviness, leg, walking amel; p.1017; (2);[A1, 1019]
Inflammation, erysipelatous; p.1018; (2); [Hg, p.84]
Jerking, wrist, right; p.1030; (2); [A1, 9027]
Pain, storm aggrav: p.1046; (1); [Hg, p.84]
Pain, forearm, ulna; p.1057; 1(2) [A1, 910]
Pain, fingers, evening; p.1060; (2); [A1, 1060],[ Hg, P 77 ]
Pain, calf, walking, beginning; p.1077; (1); [A1, 1032]
Pain, boring, forearm, bones; p.1089; (2); [A1, 907]
Pain gnawing, knee; p.1116; (1);[ Hg, p.81]
Pain, sprained, wrist, motion; p.1135; [Hg, p.76]
Pain, stitching, joints, on touch; p.1138; (1); [Hg. p.84]
Paralysis, upper limbs, sudden; p.1177; (2); [Hg, p.76]
Paralysis, sensation of, left; p.1178; (2); [A1, 868]
Swelling, wrist, painful; p.1197 ;( 1); [Hg, p.76]
Swelling, ankle, sitting, after, too long; p.1201; (1); [Hg, p.83]
Volume III
Tension, knee, short, as if too; p.1205; (2); [Hg, p.81]
Eruption, red, striped; p.1318; (1); [A1, 1269]
Erysipelas, vesicular discharge, slimy; p.1324 ;(2);[A1, 1204]
Evening, 6 p.m.; p.1342; (1); [A1, p.3767]
Storm, during storm; p.1403; (1); [Hg.p.84]
This is not a complete listing of additions to the Repertory that can be found in the
literature, nor is it a complete listing, of those additions that can be found in the three materia
medica mentioned above. Our group is small, so we selected those parts of the Reperatory that
we felt would be most useful in the study of this particular remedy. Those sections of the
Repertory that we did not cover include Vertigo through Urine, and Sleep through Perspiration.
Future efforts will include all sections of the Repertory for each remedy studied.
This information is provided to the homoeopathic community with the hope that it will
add to the usefulness of the body of knowledge that makes up the science of our therapeutics.
Those interested in contributing to this effort by joining one of tnexisting study groups or starting
a new one should contact Robert Schore, M.D., 9618 .Lake Highlands Dr.Dallas,Texas 75218,
(214) 328-7713.
Submitted by: Dean Crothers, M.D., Jennifer Jacobs, M.D.,
Nick Nossaman, M.D. Robert Schore, M.D.,
Jacquelyn Wilson, with thanks to Jacques Imberechts, M.D. for his invaluable
No.4 Dec. 1985; for private communication only]
Year 1986
63 / 116
2.9 CANCER RUBRICS- Ahmed N.Currim, M.D., PhD
The following remedies are additions to cancer remedies given in Kent's Repertory. I
have collected them from various articles on cancer written by Dr.A.H.Grimmer. Page numbers
refer to Repertory. These articles, edited by me, will appear in a forth-coming book. Many of the
articles appeared in previous journals, but many have never ben published and the manuscripts
were entrusted to me by Dr.Grimmer's family.
NOSE (p.324): Aur.sulph., Symph. (antrum cancer)
LIP (p.355): Ant.mur., Aur. sulph.
TONGUE (p.398): arg. cy., Aur.m. n . , Galium, Semper. tect., Rad. Brom.
MOUTH (p.398): Hydr. mur
THROAT (p448): Esophagus: Plat. mur., Phos.
STOMACH (p.482): Actea spicata, Cadmium met., all the Cadmiums, Euphorbia corrolata,
Lap. a (cancer of cardia and pylorus), Methylene-blue, (Methylenum coeruleum), Plat. mur., Sul.
ac., Calendula (hemorrhage from stomach cancer and metatasis to liver or other organs.)
ABDOMEN (p.541): Intestines: All the Cadmium preparations; Euphorbia corr., Kreos.,
Methylenum coeruleum, Phos.; Liver: Calc. ars , Calen., (Hemorrhage of stomach cancer and
metatasis to Liver), Chion., Choles., Hydr. Phos., Therid., all the Cadmium preparations but
especially, Cad met., Cad. phos., cad.sulph. Spleen cad met., Pancreas: Calc. ars., Cad iod.
RECTUM (p.606): Alumn., Paeonia (malignant hemorrhoids), Phyt. , Thios. (Stricture),
Toxicophis (sarcoma)
BLADDER (p.645): Congo-red, Sabal. serrulata
PROSTATE (p. 667): Sabal serrulata
MALE GENIITALIA (p.693): Aur. m., Brom. (Testes), Scrotum,. Scirrhus: Alum; Testes: Ox.
ac., Brom.
FEMALE GENITALIA (p.715): Uterus: Equis., Erodium,
Methylenum-coeruleum, Ol.-an., Thios, Cad.-met., Benzoquinine; Ovary: Aur.m.n.
LARYNX (p.746): Arg.-cyan.
CHEST (p.824): Breast: (mammae): Acon., Alum.-sil. (Indurated with ulcers, axillary glands
enlarged); Bar.-iod;, Cad. met., Congo-red., Formalin, Hippoz., Iod., Lac.-c (after amputation of
one breast and spread to another), Lap.-a., Lob.-erin., Nat-thio.-cyan., Plb. (hemmorhages and
serum discharged), Sars., Scirrh; Sternum: Ars.-s.-r.; Lung: Acalypha Indica, Aran. diad.,
Cobalt-mur., Methyleneum coeruleum, Phos., Therid .
GENERALITIES (p.1346): Cancerous Affections; Mer.-cor., .Aur.-ars., Syph., Thios.
Volume III
Fungus hematodes: Sabal.-serrulata
Epithelioma: Ars.-s-f, Ars.-s.-r., Bufo, Cad-met. , Cic., Cund., Epiphigeus, Formalin, Hippoz,
Jeq., Kali.-ars., Kali-thio-cyan., Methyleneum-coeruleum, Sol (sunlight) , x-ray.
Bones: Aur. ars., Aur.-m.-n., Gum-euphorbiurn, Hippoz. (Skull, dura, choroid-,plexus, frontal
and skull bones), Methyleum-coeruleum (femur), Phos., Symph., Hecla (jaw), Cad.-met
(sarcoma: skull, upper arm) Symph. (Saroma jaw); Calc.-fl., Toxicochis (sarcoma of tibia and
Glands: Aur.-ars., Aur.-rn-n., Carb.-an., Cist., Ferri-i., Hippoz., Iod., Brom. (Thyroid, maxillary,
Parotid, testes), Lap,-a., Sars., Sil., Thios., Nat-sil-fl (neck glands)
Lupus: Alumn., Hrs., mur.-ars., Hippoz., Kali-bi., Sol., Thios.
Pains of Cancer: Bell, 30; Codeine-phos 1x to 3x (Cancers rich in sentient nerves; ex. optic and
other nerves); Cham 30 (Morphine addicts to decrease anxiety). Euph. - heter., Gum.-euph., Ox.-
ac. (extreme pains in breast cancer;. Phyt.;
Bis.-dx. (gastric Cancer pains.) Mal. odor in Cancer: Bufo.
Advanced stages of cancer: Alum.-sil, Anantherum, Ant.-ars., Ant-iod., Arg-met., Bell.-
p., Benzoquinine, Cad.-chrom., Cad.-sulph., all Cadmiums, Calc.-f., Con., Hydr., Kali-thio-cyan.
Lap.-a., Meta static melanoma, Nat. -hexa-metaphos . , Phyt. , Phos., Scirrhinum , Scrophularia-
nodosa, Symphytum.
vol.78,No.4/1985 for private circulation only]
Year 1986
65 / 116
Presented through a case of acute hemorrhagic cystitis
On 13th May 1983 evening I got a telephonic call from a colleague. She had an acute
catarrh of bladder since the previous day. At the commencement she had frequent urging for
urination, in the night, due to which there was painful spasm, almost a tenesmus. Once she
passed a fully red urine.Warm pad did not relieve the pain. Only spasmolytics gave some relief.
Now despite the palliatives the pain was severe.
As I could not decide upon a medicine straightway, I requested her to come in person and
give further details: Sediment; large quantity of erythrocytes some leuco., no thirst, appetite
poor, no elevation of temperature. The causative: she had been to an improvised theater in the
evening, which was in a large unheated shop. The seat was quite cold. She also got drenched in-
heavy rain. At other times she used to take a warm bath after exposure to cold but this time as it
was already very late she did not do so. Otherwise she suffered from bladder troubles frequently.
As probable cause the cold and dampness have to be considered. As one or the other
cannot be ignored and we have to come to "approximation", both the factors are to be taken into
For repertorisation the following symptoms were taken: [V3-78] "Bladder. spasms"
"urging for urination. frequent" "painful urging for urination" "Bladder affections frog cold and
Evaluating, the symptoms, the 'causa efficiens' comes first, followed by the spasms of
bladder and other mediocre symptoms. The important rubric 'urine, bloody' contain too many
remedies and was not helpful in differentiating the remedies.
After repertorisation the following remedies same through: Lycopodium, Nux vomica,
Pulsatilla. I chose Nux vomica mainly because of the intesnity of the spasms of the bladder and
the hectic condition of this patient since commencementof her illness. The medicine was given in
LM 12 potency - as I did not have deeper potency then - 10 drops in a glass of water, one sip
every½ hour until relief set in after which to increase the interval between doses. The symptoms
were removed in two days. The call on the next day revealed a further peculiar point:
The tenesmus was gone immediately as also the troublesome urging for stool. This
unusual symptom is further indication for Nux vomica. This was not told to me by the patient
during the first consultation as she thought it to be a reflex action. Such Cartesian ideas,
analogous to analytical geometrical transmutation of natural sensations, hinders discussion
during homoeopathic consultations.
The key symptoms of "Bladder affections from cold and dampness", used by me, had six
variants: "Urination, involuntary after becoming cold" has CAUST. as the main remedy;"Urging
constant from becoming cold" has Dulc. (2nd grade) Urging constant from becoming cold" has
in addition, in 2nd grade: Eup-pur., Ip. and Lyc.; "Cystitis from taking cold" with 3rd grade Puls.
and finally"Albumin in urine after exposture to cold and dampness" where for the first time Nux
Volume III
vomica was found in first grade. The difficulty in finding the remedy was that it was not
expected in a relatively clinical rubric.
In Kent Nux vomica is not seen under modalities consequent on wetting but in Boenninghasen
and synthetic repertory it is there. It is hoped that this lacuna of which this case is only an
example will be rectified in an improved Kent. As the organism functions totally even in the So-
called local diseases, nothing is to be overlooked if the appropriate medicine was missing in the
relevant organ rubrics as this case teaches.
[From the Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCFHE HOMOEPATHIE, andArzneipotenzierung translated
from the German and condensed by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, Madras; for private communication
Year 1986
67 / 116
My own experience as paediatridian and those of colleagues of general medicine indicate
that it is difficult to treat acute asthma attacks with classical homoeopathy alone.
The indicated remedy is in different places and is difficult to find out. The patient either
presented only the pathognomonic symptoms such as are common to all asthmetics and no fine
individualising is possible. It is then a 'one-sided disease' as explained by our teacher Pierre
Schmidt. Or too many remedies appear which pose problems in differentiating. Lastly our
knowledge of materia medica and repertory may be insufficient.
My work here is to present different rubrics in the repertory which may help good
prescribing in an acute asthmatic attack. It will be easily seen that one cannot restrict one-self
with the rubric "Respiration, asthmatic" (P.763). I have attempted to investigate the symptoms
which are valuable for choice of the remedy:
I propose the following sequence to be kept in view:
The socalled objective symptoms of the attack, the type and nature, how the patient
behaviour and postures adopted by the patient for obtaining relief;
the desires and aversions during the course of the attack;
the agg. modalities, the time or others;
the accompanying symptoms and alternating symptoms, if they are there.
All these, symptoms are found in the repertory, but it is not always easy to find them out
when one is under pressure for finding a quick and often instantaneous remedy to help the
It is not my idea to copy out, here all the rubrics and remedies but only to give the page
numbers and formulations, which can be chosen. I think that with 3 or 4 characeristic symptoms
of the case the suitable remedy can be found out.
The objective symptoms of the attack
These are the directly observeable respiration symptoms. It is sufficient to listen to and
observe the altered respiration. It is then possible to note the following characteristic symptoms:
Res., difficult, expiration (769)
Res., difficult, inspiration (769)
Res., difficult, inspiration, rapid expiration (769)
Res., difficult, open mouth with inspiration (770) deep, impossible (766)
Res., gasping (772), panting (774)
Res., irregular (773)
Volume III
Res., irregular, at one time slow, at another time hurried (774)
Res., loud, (774)
Res., loud, expiration (774)
Res., loud, inspiration (774)
Res., difficult, from mucus in the trachea (770)
Res., whistling (776)
Res., wheezing (776)
Res., moaning (774)
The position of the patient during the attack:
The body position which the patient adopts to get relief and each patient insist [v3-81]
and each patient instinctively adopts such position in his/her own manner, can therefore be a
distinct symptom:
Resp., difficult, standing, can only breathe, when (771)
Resp., asthmatic, bending back amel. (768)
Resp., asthmatic, bending head backwards amel. (764)
Resp., difficult, bending forward amel. (768)
Resp., difficult, hang down legs amel. (769) Resp., difficult, lying while, amel. (770) Resp.,
difficult, lying back amel. (770) Resp, difficult, lying side amel. (770) mORep., Resp., difficult,
lying right side amel. (770)
Resp., difficult, lying left side amel. (770)
Res ., difficult, lying back, arms outstretched amel. (770)
Resp., difficult, lying back, with shoulders elevad amel. (770;
Resp., difficult, lying on knees and elbows amel. (770)
Resp., difficult, sitting amel. (771)
Resp., difficult, sitting bent forward amel. (771)
Resp., difficult, sitting, half sitting amel. (771)
Resp., difficult, sitting upright amel. (771)
Resp., difficult, sitting with head bent forward on knees amel. (771)
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Resp., difficult, walking, while, amel. (772)
ResT., difficu-t, walking rapidly while, amel. (772)
Resp., difficult, walking slowly about, amel. {772)
Resp., difficult, motion amel. (770)
Resp., asthmatic, rocking amel. (765)
Resp., asthmatic, eructations amel. (765)
Modalitics which ameliorate
Resp., asthmatic, open air amel. (764) + Resp., difficult, open air amel. (768)
Resp., asthmatic, cold air amel. (764) + Resp., difficult, cold air amel. (768)
Resp., asthmatic, eating amel. (764) + Resp., difficult, eating amel. (769)
Resp., difficult, reading amel. (771)
Resp., difficult, riding amel. (771)
Resp., asthmatic, cold water amel. (764)
Resp., difficult, wants doors and windows open (770)
Modalities which agg.
Times of the day: Resp., asthmatic, morning, forenoon, noon, etc (764),
Seasons: Resp., asthmatic, autumn (764), spring (765), winter (765)
Weather: Resp., asthmatic, change of weather (764) + difficult,
change of weather (768)
Resp., asthmatic, cold air, cold damp weather (764) + difficult, cold wet weather (768)
Resp., asthmatic, wet weather (765)+difficult, wet weather (772)
Resp., asthmatic, warm wet weather (765)
Resp., asthmatic, thunderstorm (765) + difficult, stormy weather (771),
thunderstorm, before (772)
Resp., asthmatic, walking; against wind (765), + walking against wind (772)
Resp., difficult, windy weather (772) .
Volume III
Different environments
Resp., asthmatic, warm room (765) + difficult, warm room (772)
Resp., asthmatic, warm room from the open air
Resp., asthmatic, warmfood (765), + difficult, warm food (772)
Resp, asthmatic, cold air (764), + difficult cold weather (768) (765)
Resp., difficult, open air (768)
Resp., difficult, handkerchief, cannot bear to have, approach the mouth, (769)
Resp., difticult, dressing, wile (769)
Resp., asthmatic, talking (765), + difficult, talking (769)
Resp., asthmatic, eating (769) + difficult, eating (769)
Resp., difficult, drinking (769),
Sleep: Resp., asthmatic, coming on sleep (765) + difficult falling asleep (771)
Resp., difficult, sleep, during (771)
Journey, Transport; Resp., asthmatic, riding (765) + difficult, riding (771)
Menses: Res., asthmatic, menses (765) + difficult, menses (770)
Mental condition: Resp., asthmatic, anger (764) + difficult, anger.(768)
Resp., asthmatic, mental exertion (765) + difficult, mental exertion (770)
Resp., asthmatic emotions, after (764)
Resp., asthmatic excitement (765) + difficult, excitement (769)
Resp., difficult, fright (769)
Resp., asthmatic, vexation (765) + difficult, vexation (772)
The concomitant symptoms
Cough: Resp., difficult, with cough (768)
Cough, asthmatic (782)
Pollen: Resp., asthmatic, hay asthma (765)
Fever: Resp., difficult, with heat (769)
Year 1986
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Chill: Resp., difficult, chill, during (768)
Palpitation: Resp., difficult, palpitations, during (770)
Perspiration: Resp., difficult, respiration, during (770)
Convulsions: Resp., difficult, convulsions, during (768)
Cyanosis: Face, discoloration, bluish, in asthma, with dyspnoea (358)
Extr., discoloration, blue, upper limbs, with asthma (978)
Extr., discoloration blue, lower limbs (981)
The patient types
Children: Resp., asthmatic, children (764) + difficult, children (768)
Old people: Resp., asthmatic, old people (765) + difficult, old people (770)
Hysterical: Resp., asthmatic, hysteric (765) + difficult, hysterical (769)
Sailors: Resp., asthmatic, sailors as soon as they ashore (765)
This should be differentiated from the atmospheric and mental aetiology which are included as
modalities in the aggravation and [V3-84] causation. Like an asthma after catching cold (Resp.,
asthmatic from taking cold p.764; after suppression of an eruption (Resp., asthmatic after
suppression of eruption 765); after suppression of an acute eruption (Resp., asthmatic after
suppression of a rash 764); after measles (Resp: asthmatic, after measles, 765); after vaccination
(Resp., asthmatic, after vaccination, 765).
All these Kent rubrics, in my opinion, would help every physician to choose to medicine.
[From the 'Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE HOMOEOPATHICArzneieotenzierun Band 28, deft
4/1984: translated from the German by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN for private communication only]
Volume III
by Dr.J.F. Paille
The following observation in a case illustrates approach to the Repertory: the constant
search, the care taken for the details, the particular interest for the "peculiar, queer, rare unusual"
symptoms according to para, 153 of the Organon as also the inseparable link between the
analytical reeertory and the synthetic study of the materia medica. All these we have learnt in the
past from our master Dr.Pierre Schmidt who has taught us with examples.
Mrs. Marcelle L. born 1941, consulted me on 8th June 1981 for a periodic infection of
the salivary glands, particularly Parotid, since 13 years.
Personal anamnesis: Uncomplicated appendectomy, at 12 years uncomplicated parotitis
at 13 years, 3 pregnancies with normal deliveries who are now 19 years, 15 years, daughters and
11 years son, all healthy.
Family anamnesis: the mother died 18 years ago at 56 years, from breast the father in the
previous year from cancer of stomach. The patient is the seventh of 8 children. The oldest sister
died at 11 years from leukaemia, a brother died in an accident.
Occupation anamnesis: The patient did housework for 10 years in a kindergarten. After
the first pregnancy she worked in a large jewellery works which she gave up in 1976.
Important symptoms: Periodical inflammation of the salivary glands, particularly parotid
glands. The recurrence occurs all of sudden without any prior indication or causative factor. At
worst occurs a purluent secretion from the Ductus stenoni sometimes from the Ductus Wharton.
The manifestation is one-sided and of course on alternating sides. This disease recurs about
thrice a year, since 13 years. Everytime antibiotics were given. There was never fever.
During the illness the face becomes bloated and inflamed painful swelling of the salivary
glands. Also trismus which made eating impossible. Only liquids could pass and cold things best.
The mouth is dry, but the patient had no thirst and must be compelled to drink. In the region of
the gland the pain is diffused but in the ramus of the lower jaw it was very intensive, "extending
into the ear". The teeth are very, painful and unable to bear the pressure of. At nights the pains
become worse and hence sleeplessness.
Two Sialographies were taken in two positions. In 1980 everything was normal.
Four wisdom teeth had been pulled out at 20 years of age. Dental examination have been
regular and found to be normal.
Regarding desires and aversions there was only aversion to tea.
Appetite, thirst, digestion, urination and gynecological were all usual.
The patient suffered from repeated anginas in her youth and could not feel the change of season
and since that time she has been spending her holidays in the Mediterranean. She has, [V3-86]
however, such a fear of water that she could not bring herself to bathe in the sea. She is sensitive
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to temperature changes but can tolerate extreme heat and cold. Lastly she has repeated dreams of
falling into a precipice. Otherwise refreshing and sound sleep.
Findings: 61kgs/163 cm; BP 140/75. Puls 70. Local: the glandula submandibularis is hard and
painful and the glandula parotis also is so, both left. Buccal mucous membranes ((left side
showed Koplik's spots. The tongue is thick, coated white and takes imprint of teeth. One dose of
Mercuris XM, one dose produced a severe aggravation on the next day and the condition shifted
to the right side. Inflammation and suppuration continued for 12 days and the patient could not
sleep due to the pains.Finally she consulted a dentist who relived the condition through anti-
inflammatory drugs. Three months later recurrence of inflammation with a new symptom: "small
plugs" came out through the left Parotid excretory duct. The patient despaired of recovery. She
was convinced that she was certainly suffering from cancer. At the same time a further new
symptom: an eczema at the spot where her wrist-watch clasp comes into contact with skin (it was
a new strap with a chromium clasp).
On September 3, 1981 she revealed another new symptom. She insisted in saying that
before the collection of purulent matter in the salivary gland there was a sensation as if "sand in
her mouth".
There was also a 'ranula´; that is, a sudden painful swelling of a salivary gland whose
excretory duct is obstructed by a concretion. The repertory was consulted under the rubric
'ranula' and 'ranula periodic' (p.416) which was the unusual and spesfic symptom of our patient.
There are only two remedies tie under this rubric: Chr. ac., Lys. The reliable symptom of Chr. ac.
was looked for in the Materia medica of alien, Clarke and Hering.
General symptoms from Clarke: The symptoms appear suddenly and disappear suddenly and
come periodically. This suddenness of many symptoms is very pronounced. Agg. at nights and
Local symptoms from Hering: Trismus: periodic ranula with dryness of mouth.
Now to complete the interrogation: "what was the exact nature of your job when you
were working in the jewellery factory?" The reply was enlightening: "I was doing chromium
plating of traps.” Because of the agreement of her symptoms with the materia medic and the
reaction of her skin to chromium acid she was given Chromicum acidum 5 CH six doses in
interval of 2 weeks.
The similie rule was proved: There was no relapse of the salivary glands when the patient
was examined on 15th January 1982, 21 January 1983 and 2 January 1984. We may perhaps say
she was 'cured'.
This case shows how a small rubric from the repertory can be applied to the study of
materia medica and thorough interrogation of the patient so as to see the correspondence of the
materia medica to the patient's symptoms.
I may be reproached for the repetition of the dose. I could not help it as I did not have
then in my medicine chest a higher Korsakoff potency.
Volume III
[From the 'Zeitschrift fur KLASSICHE HOMOEPATHIEl and Arzneipotenzierrung' Band 28,
No.4/1984; translated from the German by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, for private communication
Year 1986
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by Dr.E.A.A.A.D.de RUYTER.
Samuel Hahnemann stresses the strict individualization or the treatment of each patient.
He stresses the importance of the selection of the remedy most similar to the totality of the
patient's symptoms. Hahnemann admits that this is a laborious task and he commends von
Boenninghausen for developing the first repertory. He emphasizes that in the selection of the
homoeopathic remedy particular attention must be paid to the unusual, peculiar, characteriscic
and mental symptoms. He also warns against the use of 'favourite' remedies which one is
inclined to use if not careful. An excellent safeguard against this is a repertory analysis of all new
cases or of cases where symptoms have markedly changed.
However, in actual practice this is much too time consuming. Thanks to the computer it is
now practical to repertorize all symptoms easily. Remedy selection is then based on all
symptoms including the characteristic ones, as Hahnemann said it should be.
Repertory analysis can be done by listing the patient's general symptoms and other symptoms
and the remedies also listed according to the repertory. When all symptoms have been
repertorized the tally marks for each remedy are totalled end written down. This completes the
repertory analysis. Even for a case with only 20 symptoms such a repertorization may take two
or more hours. Repertory analysis only indicates a number of likely remedies from the hundreds
in the materia medica, from which the final selection must be made. This final selection is
usually done by the novice by checking the patient's symptoms against the most likely remedies
in the materia medica. The more experienced homoeopath can make a final selection by looking
at the names of the remedies with the highest repertory analysis tally marks and then making a
mental, intuitive, decision as to which is the most appropriate. Such final remedy selection is
done by the mental process called "recognition" in learning theory. For people who know their
subject well there is nothing wrong with remedy selection by recognition, since they will know a
sufficiently large number of remedies well enough to make a sound [v3-89] decision based on
recognition. For the beginner, it is difficult. He, in order to acquire this knowledge, has to study
the materia medics for a long time. And even then he might only have a thorough knowledge of
perhaps 50 of the most common remedies after two years of study. No wonder homoeopathy is
considered a time consuming, if not difficult, study.
The mental recognition of something or someone is not based on conscious logical
analysis of a set of a set of data from which a conclusion is then drawn. Some people think that
unless decision is made consciously it is not much good. It is well to bear in mind that much of
our knowledge e in many fields of life is based on "recognition", though in our estern culture it
was originally learnt by practicing "recall " It is also a fact that many things we do not learn by
conscious study and practicing recall. 'We never leant our mother tongue that way, nor how to
walk. Even the experienced homoeopath who makes his remedy selection on the basis of the
recognition mechanism his intuitive selection was to the most similar remedy as based fhe
Volume III
thorough repertory analysis.The fact that this remedy works does not mean that another "more
simlar" remedy might not have worked even better.
Through computer repertory analysis over the past 9 years I have come to the conclusion
that there is no such thing in homoepathy as one single exclusively indicated remedy. For each
case there are a number of remedies which are likely to work some quicker, some slower, some
treating first one group of symptoms, some another group.
In the past few years interest in computer repertory has awakened, and various programs
are available or under development in various parts of the world. However, a number of these
computer programs give each remedy a "weighting" of 1, 2 or 3
marks based on the type of print used in the repertory. Kent's Repertory used three types or print
and Boericke’s used two.
A little reflection will show that if we give certain remedies 2, and others 3 marks, we act
as if these remedies were twice or three times as often indicated as the remedies given only 1
mark. What right do we have to make such a claim? On what facts, statistical or otherwise, do
we base such a claim? In 35 years [v3-90] of reading the homoeopathic literature in four
languages I have never found a justification for such"Weighting".
These weighted totals do not represent the frequency with which any remedy occurs. A
remedy that only occurs under of the patient's total of 10 symptoms may yet end up with a total
of 12 marks in the weighted total if two of its marks counted double and two counted treble.
Another remedy which occurred under everyone of the patient's 10 symptom, and hence would
be the simillimum, might only get a total of 10 weighted marks if none of its remedies obtained
double and treble marks. It would seem quite obvious from the above that this sort of 1, 2, 3
weighting seriously distorts the final tally each remedy obtains. An exprienced homoeopath can,
of course, correct such when he Distortions When he makes his final remedy selection. But an
experienced homoeopath does not really need a repertory analysis in the-first place. However,
the novice homoeopath is likely to be influenced, and therefore misled, the weighted remedy
totals in his final remedy selection. If he is told to ignore the weighted totals when making his
final remedy selection, then what is the point of giving remedies weighted marks in the first
Certainly, not all remedies are equall for a certain symptom, so some form of remedy
weighting would be desirable. What is questioned is the 1, 2, 3 type of weighting.
When the distortion that this type of weighting gives in the final result was pointed out in April,
1982to a proffessor in computer science who wrote a repertory analysis program, he immediately
agreed that it would have been better if the weighting had been perhaps: 1.1, and 1.2, or some-
thing similar.
[In order to illustrate to more fully what happens with the various forms of weighting,
here follow five examples.*]
Year 1986
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Weighting, even the mild form of 1.1 and. 1.2 weighting, gives a distorted and
misleading result. However, by concentrating the analysis mainly on the generals, the distortion
is less severe. In any event it can be corrected by a final materia medica check.
It is interesting, that those homoeopaths who have used weighted [v3-91] repertory analysis
recommend that one concentrate mainly on the generals end analyse only few of the other
symptoms, but certainly NOT ALL symptoms.
It would be clear that Hahnemann was right when insisted that remedy selection should
be based on ALL symptoms, with particular emphasis on what we now call generals. So, if any-
thing should be weighted, symptoms rather than remedies should be weighted. Since inexpensive
computers are now available to do high speed weighting calculations, it would desirable to
develop a weighting system that does not distort.
Abstract drawn. *The examples which run to nearly 10 pages have been omitted in this
condensation. For private circulation only]
Volume III
Dear Sir,
Remedy weighing undesirable and unnecessary.
Over three years ago I asked homoeopathic bodies in Australia, the UK and the USA to give me
Continental homoeopathic literature references, advising remedy weighting. I have none to date.
My paper 'the Disadvantages of Remedy weighting in Homoeopathic Repertory Analysis
demonstrated clearly how distorting remedy weighting is. To date my reasoning has not been
shown to be wrong, nor has it been challenged.
Appropriate use of program options made it possible to select the similimum directly
from the computer print-outs in many cases in the past twenty-two months. In sixty consecutive
analyses the similimum was the top remedy in each of the three print-outs in 33.3% (20). In
58.3% (35) it could he selected from the top three remedies, in each print-out and in 8.3% (5)
came from below the top three remedies; without remedy weighing. If the computer results were
irrelevant it would seem fair to expect the similimum to have an equal chance (20) to be at the
top in each of the three print-outs. The chi square was 22.5. For two degrees of freedom the
result would seem highly significant.
It would seem obvious that remedy weighting, apparently introduced by Dr.H.A.Roberts
in the 1930s (he used up to five points per remedy) should now be abandoned.
Yours sincerely
Med. Drs. (Amsterdam) FAIH, AACS
Year 1986
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KENT distinguished two methods of repertorisation. The scientific method which is
mechanical and the artistic method. Repertory study must be science ane art at the same time.
The listing of all the symptoms and writing down all the remedies against those symptoms and
add their value is the mechanical method. The artistic method is better but not all have command
over it. It requires the capacity to recognise the peculiar, rare symptom which could lead to the
remedy, provided the general symptoms do not contraindicate.
KENT recommended the mechanical for the novice. By this method 5 to 10 mdicines are
arrived and they are studied in the materia medica in the context of the case on hand. For this
method the rubrics must be complete which is not so in KENT'S repertory. For example, the
symptom "stomach pains better from eructation", the remedy is Phosphorous. But the rubric
"stomach pain better from eructation" does not contain PhosPhorous. Phosporous is found only
under pressing and, stitching stomach pain with these modalities. Therefore if KENT’s repertory
is to be suited to the mechanical method it has to be done by laborious work, through detailed
work through-out the repertory.
This can be clarified as follows:
Boenninghausen wrote two repertories: the first, The Systematic Alphabetic Repertory in
2 volumes (1352 - 35) and the second the Therapeutic Pocket Book which was arranged in such
a manner as to be useful to the novice. The Systematic Alphabetical Repertory was translated by
Boger in 1900 and later revised and enlarged by him and printed in India in 1936.
The Pocket Book has been prepared on the principle of analogy that is, if a remedy
produced stitching pain in one place it may produce sticthing pains in other places too. If there is
agg. of pains from movement of the leg, such agg.can also occurs from movement of the arm.
The entire book has been produced on these principles.
The repertory is easy for the mechanical method than the KENT’s repertory which is
more comprehensive. The mechanical method was also easier for the students for the study of
comparative materia medica. Also errors by too early working with the key symptoms,-the
artistic method-were thus avoided: that is, when a key symptom is obtained, referring it in the
repertory and automatically prescribing, the remedy without verifying whether that remedy
agreed with all the symptoms of the patient. When we work with a key symptom it is necessary
to verify whether any of the other remedies also has that symptom.
We cannot, generally, find the key symptom in the Pocket Book. Take the case given by
T.F.. Allen in the Introduction to his translation of the Pocket Book: A 65 year old woman
complained of pains in epigastrium and right hypochondrium, amel while sitting, and from
eructation; aggr. from lying on back and lying on right side, turning over in bed. A pulling and
ulcerative pain. The pain caused sweating. Pain in right scapula as of repeated blows. Mouth
extradinarily dry, without thirst, aversion to strong odours and vomiting of the water drunk as
soon as it becomes arm in the stomach.
Volume III
All the symptoms could be repertorised in the Pocket Book except the last, that is
vomiting of water as soon as it becomoes worm in the stomach. The resulting remedies: Sul.,
Phos., Nux v., Puls., Bry and ACon.The last symntom clearly indicates Phos.
Here we see working from generals to the particulars, which KENT recommended for the
novice. but KENT went further and prepared repertory for the busy practitioner at the sick bed;
for the art prescriber who has a thorough knowledge of the materia medica and who will not
prescribe blindly and automatically on a key symptom. By his arrangement KENT made it
possible to gather a proving symptom in correlation with a the repertory. Therefore he has not
given phosohorous under [V3-95] stomach pains amel. from eructation";only remedies which do
not qualify the pains have been included.
By this the composite symptom was retained in the context just as BOENNINGHAUSEN
did in his Systematic Alphabetical Repertory. So we see that both BOENNINGSHAUSEN and
KENT differentiate the repertories for the Novice and Experienced. One proceeds from the
general symptom to the special symptom while the other begins with the key symptom and uses
the general symptoms as control. Even the experienced physician will, on hearing the symptom
"the water drunk is vomited as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach" use the repertory to
verify whether the other symptoms of the case are also covered by Phosphorous.
As it is, we are all beginners with every case. Every case is unique, never-before-existed. In the
course of the examination we observe the symptoms of the patient, we wait until a similarity to a
remedy is recognisod. As much more experience we have, so much frequently do we hear
symptoms "which would lead to the remedy." Mostly, however, the similarity is only vague and
we have to have sharp attention so as to distinguish the case better.
Here begins the artistic method of repertorisation. In the light of the peculiar symptom we
look into the repertory to confirm our recognition of a remedy to the key symptom and then we
proceed to hear the exact text of the key symptom and finally verify whether not only the key
symptom but also the totality of the symptoms of the patient agree with the remedy symptoms.
That is, the turnaround of repertorisation, of the Particulars to the Generals.
Which of the two methods depends upon the individual physician; in which grade and
connection the two methods are to be used is dependant upon the individual case also.
Year 1986
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by Dr.H.V.Muller
The patient, a woman, occupied as secretary was suffering from heart attacks from 1978
mostly while alone sometimes while at work like the last attack which was just three weeks ago.
The attacks begin with an oppressive feeling in the heart region with perspiration and diarrhoea,
pain in the left arm which becomes heavy and numb. She has anxiety and restlessness and during
such attack takes sedatives and goes off to sleep. She has unusual fear especially for the super-
natural. Her friend said that once she was on the floor when some others were doing table-
turning. She does not take part in those sessions since she knows what the consequences would
Other symptoms are: tenacious mucous in the throat. She strains and attempts to swallow it but
in vain. She has a sensation as if "a pot of boiling water in her stomach region", 'a pot which was
boiling over". Then there was sensation of tension and bursting there. Her favourite color:
Orange. Repertorisation was not successful. Arg.nit., Ars., Bell., Acon., Arnica or Coffee were
not suitable.
Finally the last symptom "simmering cooking pot" in stomach was considered and
referred to ROBERTS,"AS IF" p.291 and 323.'Sumbulus' was given there for sensation
as if "warm water flowing in stomach". For further evaluation Boericke's Materia Medica was
referred. The picture matched totally. A single injection of Sumbulus C30 brought a complete
[From the "Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIE and Arzneipotenzierung", Band 30,
Heft 4/86, translated by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, Madras; for private communication only]
Volume III
by Dr.R.Eisenmann KENT'S advice:
In his Foreword to the first edition of his Repertory,
Kent wrote:
"The method of working out a case from its general symptoms.without modalities first
and then proceed to the particular symptom is the most satifying. That has been confirmed by the
old practitioners. When a case is worked out from symptoms limited by their modalities it is
possible that the right $remedy was overlooked because the modalities of the remedies contained
in the large general rubrics have not been observed and recorded. Therefore if choice is made
from a small group of remedies containing the modalities it is possible that the remedy which is
more suitable to the case on hand is excluded.
The large rubrics also contain individual symptoms:
To remove the wrong impression that the large rubrics do not contain individual
symptoms, a case of Obstipation is ptesented. Assuming, you have a patient with migraine who
has at the same time a stubborn, chronic obstipation. Are we to
Ignore or set aside this symptom because the rubric contains too many remedies and is a general
rubric? It is not that for this patient, this is a characteristic, individual symptom
which we should not ignore and which would help us further because we will not exclude any
remedy from the large rubric. Experience shows that from such ten to fifteen large rubrics a
small number of remedies can be narrowed down which may be suitable for the case. An
example from actual case for demonstration: A 28 year old lady: since 15 years suffering from
left sided trigeminus neuralgia. Begins early in the morning, becomes worse during the course of
the day, becomes better in the evening but again the pain begins at 22 hours and continues till 3
or 5 in the morning. Usually localising in the left eye ball, extending to the entire left half of the
[V3-98] face. It culminates in flow of tears from the affected eye. In damp weather asthma, with
rheumatic pains over all, but specially in the intercosteal muscles with sudden stabbing pains in
the left chest and very violent, visible palpitation.
Facial expression sad, anxious, despairing.
Symptoms for Repertorisation:
1. Face, pain left side (p.380) approximately 35 remedies;
2. Chest pains left side (p.846) approximately 55 remedies.
3. Palpitations violent, tumultuous sound (p.877) approximately 95 remedies.
4. Lachrymation (p.245) approximately 150 remedies (Note: our indicated remedy is not to be
found in the small rubric.)
5. Asthma (p.763) approximately 135 remedies.
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There is least peculiar symptom in these 5 large rubrics but there are characteristic,
individual symptoms and we look for the required remedy. If these are not sufficient then we
may take the remaining symptoms also.
1. Face, pains, left (approximately 30 remedies)
2. Chest, pains, left side (approximately 55 remedies); the following remedies come through in
the differentiation: Dulc., Kali bi., Phos., Spig., Staph.
We are asbnished that with these two peculiar symptoms alone which we got without
questioning the patient we have arrived at a small number of remedies.
3. Palpitation, violent, tumultous (approximately 90 remedies) The following remedies remain:
Phos., Spig., Staph.
4. Asthma (approximately 135 remedies) only. Phos., Spig., remain.
Final choice of the remedy: If we refer to a good materia medica it will be easily seen taken
Spigelia is cured the most suitable and indeed that was the remedy that cured the patient.
However, we should keep in view Phos. also since as a deeper acting mineral complimstary
medicine it could be considered in case Spig. did not give the required relief or cure.
Repertorisation technic: Naturally without appropirate equipment it would be difficult to
repertorise with the large rubrics since it would require much time which may not be posible in
busy practice .For that we should have card repertory which contains large rubrics.
In the present times it is ideal that this can be done through computer .But this does not
mean that homoepathic remedy selection is a mechanical action. The evaluation of the symptoms
and the quetioning of the patient is the core of our work and the study of materia medica cannot
be had through computer. But computer will help us in the mechanical part.
[From the Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE HOMOOPAT1IE and arzneipotenzierung, Heft 4/86,
translated by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, Madras; for private communication only]
Volume III
A 38 year old man complained of roaring noise in the left ear since many years without
any known cause with hardness of hearing and attacks of vertigo. The diagnosis of the University
Hospital was Meniere's disease. After unsuccessful conservative treatmert a saccotomy was
performed after which there was relief for two months. The attacks then returned with greater
intensity and the patient therefore sought relief from so-called alternative therapies which did not
however, cure.
1. Permanent roaring noise in left ear with hardness of hearing with some sensation of pressure.
2. Vertigo: Begins from sudden turning of the head, slowly developing into a rotating vertigo,
increasing proneness to easily fall on the left, he becomes pale and must then lie down, then
vomiting which brings about a speedy relief; the condition lasts for about half an hour and it
comes irregularly.
3. Cough since many years, always in spring and autumn, for weeks: dry, worse in the evenings,
lying down (for some time) in the evening and morning on awaking am. in fresh air: wakes up at
night from cough.
4. Angina, 4 - 5 times an year
5. Heartburn
6. Dry sensation in throat
7. Pain in nape of neck, cramping
8. Feet cold
Anamnesis :
Whooping cough, measles, mumps, chicken-pox, during childhood; all overcome well.
Warts on fingers and heels in childhood.
Sinusitis maxillaris, right side, at 23 years.
Appendectomy at 24 years
Tibia fractue at 28 years
Rheumatic pains, particularly in the thighs, at 30 years; Car accident at 35 years, due to which he
lost 2 fingers.
Lumbago now and again
Sleep, mind, weather changes, appetite etc: NAD
Year 1986
85 / 116
Symptoms chosen:
1. Vertigo followed by vomiting which am.
2. Vertigo from turning the head suddenly
3. Cough in evening, from lying down for a few minutes
4. Cough, awakened at nights due to
5. Anginas, relapsing.
Repertorisation: Kent's Repertory:
1. VERTIGO, vomiting after, am. (p.105)
As this rubric has only one remedy which would restrict our remedy choice at the beginning
itself 'VERTIGO, vomiting with' (p.105) was taken)
2. 'VERTIGO turning the head quickly' (p.105)
3. 'COUGH, lying first lying down on' (p.797)
4. 'COUGH, sleep, wakens from' (p.804)
5. 'THROAT, inflammation, tonsils, recurrent' (p.454)
Only Sang. comes through all these rubrics. Ars., Calc., Kali-c., Lach., Merc, and Sep. come
For 1 and 2: ".... Vertigo with singing before ears ...."(He. Ar., p.130, No.1)
"Frequent Vertigo with loss of vision before vomiting ...." (He, Ar. p.130, No.2)
"Vertigo from turning the head quickly ...."(He. Ar. p.130, No.5)
"Head feels dizzy and cannot turn back ...."(Al., VIII, p.482, No.23)
"Head is dizzy at times, and vertigo on ....
turning the head quickly ...." (Al., VIII, p.482, No.24)
For 3: "Mostly in evenings after lying down, a cough from tickling throat." (He. Ar., p.140,
No.232) (He. Ar., p.140, No.233)
"Dry cough .... in the morning." (A1.VIII, p.490, No.400)
"Paroxysms of coughing .... in the morning." Al. VIII, p.491, No.407)
Volume III
For 4: "Tonsillitis, chronic, recurring frequently" (He. G.S., IX, p.2v5)
For 5: "Burning in pharynx ...." (He. Ar., p.134, No.96)
"Burning in throat" (He. Ar. p.134. No.97)
"Pyrosis and nausea" (He. Ar., p.136, No.146)
For 6: "Dry sensation in pharynx ...." (He. Ar. p.134, No.92)
For 7: "Pains in nape" (He. Ar. p.141, No. 269)
For 8: "Feet cold in the afternoon" (He. Ar., p.143, No.315)
The agreement of symptoms 5 to 8 is of less significance since these are met with in
almost all medicines. The characteristic symptoms - vertigo followed by vomiting, vertigo from
turning the head quickly, coughs in evenings from lying down and waking up at nights from
cough - are sufficiently similar under Sanguinaria. The other remedies are not found
comparatively similar.
The patient's symptoms and the proving symptoms come closest in Sanguinaria. It is
clear from this that reference to the Materia Medica is indispensable.
Kent has wrongly placed Sang, under "Vertigo, vomiting, with". A further rubric may
therefore be added "Vertigo, vomiting, followed by" to which Lachesis also belongs. Repertories
give only clues and final choice should be by comparison with the materia medica only.
Therapy: Sanguinaria 200, 1 glob. Report after 3 weeks: on the third day after taking the
medicine, increased coryza for more days: Vertigo rarely and in the last few days not at all; no
pyrosis or pains in nape of neck. Further report after 2, 4 and [v3-103] 6 months: same: "There
has been no further vertigo." There was no cough during the autumn. The roaring in left ear with
hardness of hearing is in a very weak form.
Allen, T.F.Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica (Al)
Hering, C: "Sanguinaria Canadensis," Archiv. fur die homoopathische Heilkunst, 22 (1845), H.2,
p.114 -160. (He. Ar.)
Hering, C: The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica. Vol. I - X.
Kent, J.T.: Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
[From the 'Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIE und Arzneipotenzierung' Band 30,
Heft 4/1986; translated from the German by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, for private communication
Year 1986
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by Dr.H.V.Muller
Many uses exclusively but there are cases where Kent is not sufficient. There is no symptom
which cannot be located in some repertory or the other. Here are some examples to cite some of
the literature which should be kept alongside KENT.
Case 1: An Israeli lady 52 years who has been my patient since years. She now complained of
abdominal pains. She has had similar pains before and every time relieved by the appropriate
medicine but this time it gave her much worry. She had now sensation of fullness in abdomen
and rumblings but the peculiarity was that these rumblings were aggravated at nights and so
loudly that it awakened her from sleep. Otherwise nothing. Eating did not either agg. or am. and
no passing of flatus, with one exception: when she passed urine it was with flatus. Only the last
symptom was peculiar of course. It was not found in KENT. I found it in GENTRY, Vol.3,
p.648; "Flatus during micturition: Merc. sol." Comparing other symptoms in KENT: "Flatulence,
nights": "noise, rumbling nights”, agreed.
Case 2: Patient 20 years who did not make it secret that he was homosexual said that since some
months he had a rare sensation in anus which could best be described as ''a foreign body,
sensation as if." The nearest similar in KENT the "sensation of a plug" was rejected since the
patient said that the sensation was not only while passing stool when it is agg. but that it was
always there. Finally I found in KENT in Rectum 'Foreign body, sensation of" wherein 5
remedies were given: Lil.-t., Nat.-m, Rumex, Sep., Sulph.
He further had pain in left testicle from time to time which did not seem to be connected
with anything and lastly a troublesome fissure in the prepuce which was there since long and
which could not be healed by anything.
I could not begin in any way with the first symptom and the second symptom I searched in
KENT in vain and finally found in KNERR p.624 "Prepuce, fissured": Sep.
With a high potency Sepia (200) all the complaints were speedily removed.
Case 3: 40 years lady suffering since 3 years with throat inflammation. Treated with massive
antibiotics and since then suffering from, as is often the case, micotic ailments. The mycotic
condition alternates often and when she came to me the forearm, leg and feet were affected.
Mycosis of the vulva also. I always prescribe in such cases Sulphur and Psorinum in D12
potency in alternation daily and in addition the nosode Mykot.-Fluor (Stauffen-Pharma) in higher
potency generally.
In the meantime the skin eruptions receded leaving a rare symptom: Persisting severe
itching on the mons veneris. It was not a pronounced itching but rather, she opined, that
something alive crawling there. She has a similar sensation in the nose also.
I did not find the symptom "as if something alive on the mons veneris" anywhere but the
symptom "itching" was found. "Itching on mons veneris"(KNERR, 526):Nat-s., "Mons veneris,
itching"(KNERR, 640); Euphoypium "Itching at mons veneris" (GENTRY, Vol.3, 853): Eup.
Volume III
With the symptom "as if something alive in the nose" my search was made easier.
"Insects nose", "crawling as of insects, in the back of the nose, several times": Nat.s
(Unabridged Dictionary of Sensation "AS IF" Part I, 437)
The repertories mentioned in the above 3 cases are all equally good and I cannot say
which deserves greater praise. I can only say that all the 3 must be had for homoeopathic
[From the"Zeitschift fur KLASSISCIS HOMOOPATHIE und Arzneipotenzierung" Band 27,
Heft 6/1983; translated from the German by Dr.K.S.3RINIVASAN, Madras for private
communication only]
Year 1986
89 / 116
3 QHD, Vol.III, No.3, December 1986
Dear Doctor,
The theme for this number is 'Materia Medica.'
A number of medicines which are of great use in even serious ailments have been long
ignored either for want of clear drug picture or just neglected. The homoeopathic remedies
chosen for study in this issue of our DIGEST are the so-called 'lesser' remedies—namely,
'polychrest' Conium maculatum for the reason that additional symptoms clinically verified have
been given by the author of that article. To the best of my knowledge none of these have been
discussed or drug-pictured in the English language homoeopathic journals during the past decade
at least. All these studies would be of definite help in day-to-day practice.
I would once again earnestly request the members to convey their experiences with these
remedies in the light of the symptomatology given herein. Only thus could the Materia Medica
be up-dated. There is much criticism that our Materia Medica has been stagnant. If so, the
responsibility is solely ours. Unless clinical experiences with appropriate data are conveyed we
cannot make reliable up-dating of our literature. I earnestly invite all to join in this exciting
venture. (Vide HERING's preface to the 'GUIDING SYMPTOMS').
Wishing a happy NEW YEAR,
31 December 1986
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66th Street,
Madras - 600 080.
Volume III
A lay medical Practitioner (born 1939) treated himself for the following symptoms:
Very troublesome pains in the left shoulder and from the anterior to the scapula and
upper arm.
The pains were 'aching', paroxysmal and jerking-tearing. Particularly worse when he sits
and holds a book in both the hands. Also by movement of the body while in bed. Begins in the
mornings immediately after waking up, and perceived through—out the day. Dreams of flying
over the top of a town and looking down with slow movements of large wings.
XANTHOXYLUM has symptom which best corresponds with these dreams: "Dreams of
flying around over house-tops." He took this medicine for some days, perceived no improvement
just as the other remedies taken previously too were. He had therefore changed the medicine
every two days.
In his despair he decided to take up consideration of all the medicines which produced
the symptom 'flying' and soon came across the following symptom in Asclepias tuberosa
"Shooting from left side of chest to left shoulder which was painful by movement." "Pains in the
left shoulder some moments after waking up in the morning."
As he read these, he realised immediately that this modality was exactly right, that as a
matter of fact just after some seconds after waking up, not immediately on awaking, the pains
were perceived. He now took Asclepias.
The action of this remedy was very impressive. Whereas he was previously so much
annoyed due to the pains and had no definite relief even after variation of medicines and
therefore had to search for new medicines, this time he could, in a short time, forbear, and await
the perceptibly progressing cure. The pains in the left shoulder diminished and after 5 days
similar pains came on in the right foot, which he previously had. By this another Asclepias
Symptom became clear, namely, the appearance of pain diagonally, for example left arm
and right leg or left wrist and right shoulder.
I cite this case for two reasons. First I want the symptoms of Asclepias, stated above, to be well
known. In a similar case we will not think of Asclepias since the key-symptom namely the
appearance of shooting pain few seconds after waking up morning, are not to be found in a
Repertory. A Repertory, as far as those published till now, must restrict with general symptoms,
in this case "mornings on awaking" or "morning getting up"; otherwise it would become really
For the same reason our Repertories restrict themselves extensive clinically verified
symptoms. Kent has Asclepias, only in the section "Pains, shooting" and in the rubric "motion,
after" and 'after dinner". He has given also certain other shoulder symptoms of Asclepias but not
these symptoms. Hale in his 'New Remedies', has spoken adversely about the French provings by
Dr.Savary from which our symptoms come: "I should hold this proving as unreliable because
only two drops of the tincture had been taken and all symptoms which appeared on the following
40 days evaluated." One need not wonder over this. It speaks of the opinion of the physiological
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school in Medicine in 1875; it was in line with the thoughts of Hughes in England who sometime
later called out loudly for purification of the Materia Medica of all the symptoms whose
authenticity could not be proved directly.
Asclepias in the rubric 'flying' in the Synthetic Repertory is by chance. In the proving it
is: "Tiresome dreams of duels, flight, etc." Flight can be Flying also.
All the same, I am of the opinion, that the dreams of Asclepias, of flying over house tops
should be noted. It may be that it was caused by Asclepias. It also follows that all the
Possibilities should be taken and not merely the hundred percent proven facts. If we do not do so,
we will miss the possibilities of curing, as the above case shows.
That is one reason why I have published this case. Secondly I would like to point
out how necessary it is to understand the [v3-109] full wording of the symptoms. If the
patient had only the possibility to consult the abbreviated Materia Medicas he would never have
chosen Asclepias. On the other hand , had KENT had this in complete wording in his Repertory,
the patient would have been spared of the round-about way of finding the remedy by the dream
ARZNEIPOTENZIERUNG, Vol.27, No.2/1983 - March—April 1983; translated by
Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for private circulation only]
Volume III
M.Stubler and H.Ungern
What type of person requires Asa foetida:
KENT says that it is useful for plethoric persons with puffed and dusky face. The patients say:
"I get no sympathy when I am ill because I look so well." The remedy is required in fat, flabby
persons. They are nervous, sensitive to pain and hysterical; a venous constitution which is
extremely disposed to hysteria. Almost without any cause they faint, in closed room, from
excitement, from any kind of disturbance, sometimes cramps come on.
Leading symptoms:
Meteorism, distension of the abdomen, especially left, with reversed peristalsis and continuous
loud eructations of air.
Disposed to faint-like weakness.
Inflammation and suppuration of bones with increased
sensitivity to pain from touch.
Discharges offensive.
Venous stasis in the whole organism with purple general appearance.
Agg. from. touch; from sitting and standing.
Am. from pressure; from movement.
Am. of the general condition from stool.
Veterinary medicine: (according to Walter)
The medicine suits the cow; the reversed peristalsis corresponding to rumination, the
swelling of breasts with secretion of milk corresponding to the normal milk secretion, the
fainting spells with milk fever etc. The left-sided meteorism corresponds to the Pausen-
meteorism, which leads to rumination. It is given to the cow when the rumination is affected with
continence of milk. The cow does not wish to be alone during nights.
Premenstrual dystonie:
Meteorism of left lower abdomen, explosive [v3-110A] eructations along with premenstrual
irritable states. Pelvic stasis. Am. from menses. UNGER found retroversion/retro flexion of
uterus in seven women, frequently with Farametropathia spastica, especially left-side.
IRRITABLE COLON: UNGER found a transversum-coloptose with general sinking of the
bowels with diminution of the peristalsis; In seven patients he found a Macrosigma, in three
patients functional dippelflintbildung of the transverse and descending colons with heavy
meteorism. Even the Hirscpurngs' disease (genetic megacolon) and the coeliac (megasigma)
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could be relieved. The sensation of reverse peristalsis from below upwards was frequently
observed and the left sidedness was not particular. Explosive belching of large quantity of air
was characteristic; Stool was thick, sticky and offensive odor. All symptoms were am. after
stool. UNGER mentions of a "colon-migraine."
Venous syndrome of the legs: The pelvic stasis extends to the legs and causes serpigenous
veins, enlargement, thickening and varices. The stasis extends to the long bones also; x-rays
have frequently revealed formations of stones in the veins. In this condition the skin is cold,
puffy; cramps in calves and popliteal space. Ulcus cruris with offensive secretion. The ulcers are
extremely painful and cannot tolerate bandage;
Doses: UNGER has found higher potency less successfully than D4, D6 or D2.
A Case Report: N.H. 31 years: paratyphoid in 1946, a left tube resection in 1944. Since then
extreme paroxysmal flatulence which localises in left upper or lower abdomen. From time to
time heart ailments as a result of flatulence and constipation. Offensive stool mixed with
mucous. Menstruation always with pains particularly left side and scanty. Sensation of stasis
eight days before. General feeling of illness, offensive leucorrhoea and swelling of the breasts.
Ball sensation in the oesophagues.
The patients constitution was with venous stasis of the legs. The skin was cold. Descending
colon was distended; gynaecologically, a retroversio flexio uteri fixata. Para metritis left. X-ray
revealed a double barrel form process of the left transverse colon and the descending. The
deformities did not help diagnose anything. Stimulation of the nerves of descending and
transverse colons as a result of post-operative cicatrisation of the left tube for the left sided
parametritis was assumed to be the reason for this.
Under Asa foetida D6 commenced a steady improvement of the constipation and flatulence as
also the menstrual pains. The menses became stronger and more days. After long interval Asa
foetida D30 which after taking for 14 days brought at first slow and steady improvement. Later
relapse of all the ailments. By Asa foetida D4 immediate am. Because of the chronicity D3 was
given then with further speedy success and after that B2. The improvement was so impressive
and permanent that since then the patient takes Asa foetida D2 for her pre menstrual phase and
remains free from ailments. Her stools are regular and her general condition well.
[From the ALLGEMEINE HOMOOPATHISCHE ZEITUNG Band 228, No.6/1983; translated
from the German by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, for private communication only]
Volume III
M.Stubler and K.Unger
History: In earlier times the remedy was used with remarkable success in dysmenorrhoea.
Alcoholic extract of the rind has action on spasms of the large and small intestines and uterus;
the blood coagulation is improved.
Leading Symptoms: Spasmodic pelvic pains of cramping nature (pelvic migraine) before menses
Retarded, scanty menstruation with intermittent passage of blood. The menstrual blood is
clotted and often interspersed with slimy membranes. Because of recurring menstrual colic,
menses is protracted.
The spasmodic pains radiate to the adjacent organs: large intestine (spastic obstipation),
ureter (ureter colic), vasomotoric cramps of the thighs and calves.
Vasomotoric heart syndrome like slowing down of the pulse, decrease of the heart-beat sequence
with hypotonic dysregulation and disposition to collapse.
Motor restlessness with am. from moving about.
Constitutional hypoplasia of the genitalia with intestines descending down.
Allergic diathesis with migraine, bronchial asthma, spastic obstipation.
Doses: Optimal D2, D3 and D12 recommended as prophylactic.
Comparison: Asa foetida has colon migraine, Viburnum opulus for the hypotonic type of 'pelvic
migraine' with dysmenorrhoea.
Sanguinaria is of help in hypertonic cervical migraine with pelvic migraine.
VIBURNUM OPULUS: Case Report by H.Unger:
Mrs E.B., 41 years suffered from hay fever, migraine and an Ulcus ad pylorum confirmed
radiologically. Since her 15th year of age dysmenorrhoea with spasmodic pains which
commences [v3-113] violently a day before menstruation, from sacrum to deep in the
hypogastric region, both sides. Before marriage treated with different medicines, short wave
therapy instead of surgery, all without benefit. Even after delivery of two normal children, no
She was an asthenic person with hypotonic, varicosis of legs, soft Struma as also spastic
Obstipation. The dysmenorrhoea was so violent that she had to take leave from her work 1-2
days at the commencement of her menses every time, despite massive doses of anti-neuralgia
drugs. She responded very promptly for Viburum opulus D2 half hourly 5 drops. Since then
Viburum opulus has been her prophylactic.
Year 1986
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[From ALLGEMEIKE HOMOOPATHISCHE ZEITUNG, Band 230, No.6/1983; translated
from the German by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN; for private circulation only]
Volume III
Case of Shock: A lady dental surgeon, energetic and well built consulted me over
telephone about a shock she suffered a couple of days back. Since then she trembles, could not
sleep and the picture of the incident which she saw would not be forgotten. While she was alone
during a week-end holiday she went to visit her neighbour. The door was found open and the
lively energetic man, about 40 years old was lying on the floor in ¦a pool of blood. She thought
that an accident had occurred or a murder but she found no injury and so then thought that it
could be a haemorrhage from the lungs or oesophagus. Shortly a doctor and ambulance came
and took care. She could not remain calm, could not sleep. Every time she closed her eyes the
scene came before her eyes.
I recalled immediately a case of Herbert Fritsche who was eye witness to a train accident
in which his best friend was torn to pieces. He rang Gisevius who asked him to come in person
and gave on his tongue a few drops of medicine. Fritsche rested in the guest room of Gisevius,
The terrible picture went off and a wonderful calm overtook and he had a refreshing sleep. In
the morning he asked Gisevius the name of the medicine he had been given. It was Anhalonnium
So I too then asked my patient to come immediately and take some powders of
Anahalonium D30. She took the medicine and very soon experienced calmness and the fearful
scene was forgotten.
TOXICOLOGY: Anahalonium Lewinii is a cactus. When a homoeopathic physician hears of
cactus he immediately associates it with heart and pains. In fact Anhalonium has, in its
vegetative symptoms, a lot of heart symptoms: pulse beat increased or slowed, palpitation,
tachycardia, chest oppression particularly left-side, stitches in heart, anxiety in heart, and the
feeling as if the heart stood still - not however the cramping sensation of Cactus grandiflorus.
Respiration becomes difficult. Dyspnoea and superficial breathing is also in the drug picture.
Nausea compels him to lie down.
Besides certain other unpleasant symptoms like increased pressure in the head internally
and trigeminus neuralgia of the first branch left side with furriness and numbness due to that,
dryness of the conjunctivae, disorders of salivation, sudden appearance of pain similar to
Belladonna, beating and poking radiating from within without, better from lying and in darkness
and besides abnormal sensitiveness of temperature, heat and cold, the sensation of acute increase
of energy is particularly characteristic of the remedy. Mexican Indians sustain hunger and thirst
to the extent of 5 days in the steep heights of the Sierra. This is conditioned by thyreogen. The
thyroid gland is swollen with sensation of pressure and palpitation and perspiration. The libido
is reduced or lost. Exophthalmus and gleaming eyes are the external indications.
Anhalonium arouses and abundance of hallucinations. A large number of the
hallucinations are optical which occur particularly when eyes are closed. They are so many -
scintillations, lines, sparkles, muscae volantes, mist and especially an enormous increase of optic
efficiency, particularly distant ones, enlargement or reduction of objects, intensely colorful
appearances which become manifold and which after a stage appear as stereoscopic plastic
Year 1986
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forms. The existential border-line situation with the dissociation of Form and Space is
experienced in Time experience. Time expansion, time cessation and, quickening, a moment and
eternity, biographical past and visions of future blend themselves.
Flights of ideas and absent-mindedness lead to intra psychical inhibitions and stereotypes.
Difficulties in finding words and mental unruliness with slurring over (swallowing) of syllables
and words with altogether uncoordinated movements also belong to this drug picture. Increased
memory without control and uninfluenced by disturbances of actual fresh memories and illusions
of memory, are important.
Now we understand the symptom existential anxiety. This important symptom is in close
association with the early stages of split consciousness and with the egocentric introversion
associated with it and the loss of will-power. While the consciousness of the environment
remains, "he does not know where he is". The orientation of the actual situation is blurred. The
cogency of thought is destroyed, aims and efforts crumble, self-assertion is lost and indifference
takes over.
Drug picture and indications:
Herbert Unger has made a planned proving of Anhalonium with 6 provers over a period
of one year. The proving contains over 10 alcoloids amongst others. Mescalin, Anhalonidin,
Anhalomin, Bufotenin, Harmin and Lopohophorin. It is worthwhile to re-read the drug picture
drawn by Unger as also by Mezger and Leesser. The following therapeutic indications come into
1. Schizothyme conditions and schizophrene episodes particularly with optical hallucinations
2. Exhausted conditions and vegetative ataxia with disorder of Will while intellect is preserved.
3. Disordered sense of time with weak memory.
4. Sleep disorders consequent upon optical over-stimulation. Change of sleep-awake rhythm.
5. Disorders of vision particularly the steroscopic vision and contrast color visions, astigmatism,
myopia, defect of visual field, amaurosis, one-sided enekleation
6. Phantom pains of the joints.
7. Vision disorders from electric welding, after watching T.V., from pituitary tumors.
8. Trigeminus neuralgias.
9. Congestive headaches in the region of the frontal sinuses with optic disturbances. The
unbearable pressure in the frontal sinuses localises exactly upto the optic nerve junction, so that
Unger gives the indication as 'pituitary tumour'.
10 Psychosyndrom with loss of sense of Form and Time
A long sustained subjective amelioration of a "rheumatic syndrome controlled by nerves"
has also been mentioned. Gisevius viewed the medicine as "psychic antipsoric" and employed it
Volume III
in different anxiety states, in psychosis with anxiety, in those attempting suicide, in psychosis
conditioned by ovaries and in neurotic single children. "Not only the expression and form of the
countenance, but often the hair style the tone of the voice are all changed in such cases; people
appear handsome. Tension disappears. The children blossom." Orlowski reported of therapeutic
success in homosexuality after D2 for long time.
We are grateful to Horst Barthel and Will Klunker for inclusion of Anhalonium in the
Synthetic Repertory. The indications are not so rare at all. Youth seek ecstatic states. The drug
may leave its impressions behind in the organism, We have observed reappearance of Cannabis
indica symptoms in patients who had long ago given up smoking of hashish.
Further experiences: Alduous Huxley affirmed in his book "The Doors of Perception"
that for a normal healthy person Mescalin is completely non-injurious. It is injurious only to
those who had suffered from jaundice recently or suffered depression or chronic anxiety. We are
grateful to him for much of the total psychodelic picture.
It is also clear from the practice of use of Peyotl by the Menomini Indians that the drug is
not dangerous. The threshold of sensation is not increased by long usage and even 40 or 50
years use of Peyotl does not cause drug dependence. The American anthropologist J.S.Slotkin
cited interviews wherein it has been said:" When I used it for the first time I did not believe in
God .... Then I had a vision .... I perceived him."
It is possible that it influences a direction of perceptions.
The Oxford Professor of Asian Philosophy, Zaehner, observed visions of colours and
after-images. He also had vision of an atom explosion; for three days he dreamt of it and was
anxious that it could indicate death. In the joints and genitals he felt [v3-118] severe coldness
which again made him fear that he would perhaps die. There is also religious purport; it
appeared to him to be concerned with God, about whose compassion he was convinced. He
sighed or became excited while talking of the pictures and spoke of them with exalted clarity.
"Everything was suddenly so totally comic ..... I could only go on laughing until tears came..... I
would only laugh on very calmly - over nothing." It has been repeated in the Report: Intractable
laughing and sighing, Tremendous thirst suddenly because of that: "When one laughs and
perspired so much as myself then one requires unusually large quantity of water"
Accordingly following symptoms may be noted in the Materia Medica and Repertory on
Anhalonium: Laughs till tears come -laughs over serious matters - Immoderate laughing -
Involuntary laughing - sardonic laughing - laughing over every word said -laughs when someone
comes in - laughing and sighing - sighing. The following may be supplemented to Delusions: the
time to die has arrived - things have become alive - being in unison with God - the letters in the
book move - an ink-stain seems to be moist or wet. Under perspiration or 'Stomach': Perspiration
with thirst - thirst with perspiration.
The possibility of lasting structural, changes appear to me to be important. If hashish
symptoms remain for as long as a year why not Anhalonium? I recall the disassociation amnesia
and the memory illusions of Unger. He mentions months-long even yearlong disturbances of
colors and split conscience.
Year 1986
99 / 116
Abuse and its consequences: Mesclin played an ugly role in the Third Reich. One wondered as
to why the officers who manned the concentration camps were unable to recall any of the
cruelties: during the trials. A patient (woman born in 1914) told me that she was a close friend of
Dr.Mrs.Dorette Topfer, the personal physician to Hermann Goring. She treated besides Goring's
family many others who were politically important in those days and knew many more. This
lady knew through the assistant professor of Serology who was also Goring’s Adjutant, Dr.Adolf
Eichelbaum that those who manned the concentration camps were under the influence of
Mescalin all through.
Of great historic interest would be that Adolf Hitler would have come into contact with
drugs in earlier years. It would also seem that during the years between 1909 and 1912 he made
pointed experiments with drugs. Those were also the years when he often stayed in the asylum
for the homeless and from where he wrote "Mein Kampf" and it was the period when he
"received the most through lessons of his life". Ernst Pretzsche the book seller who spent most of
his life in Mexico arranged specially for Peyotl for Hiller for his yoga training. Under these
circumstance the phenomenon Hitler was not just an accident. Just as the old Aztecs aroused
their clairvoyance with Peyotl, he too trained himself with Peyotl for a transcendental
consciousness. Thence his missionary consciousness.
[From the ALLGEMEINE HOMÖÖPATHISCHE ZEITUNG, Band 229, No.2, 1964; translated
from German by Dr.K.S.SRINIVASAN, Madras; for private circulation only. In James
STEPHENSON'S "Hahnemannian Provings 1924 - 1959 - A Materia Medica and Repertory"
Anhalonium is given as 'LOPOPHORA WILLIAMSII'. - K.S.S.]
Volume III
The M. Stubler and H. Unger
The cactacae Peyotl is grown in Mexico particularly in the interior high mountain regions
at approximately 2000 mtrs high. Anhalonium is a thorn less sturdy plant. As a protection against
radiation from sun the plant retains water by production of slime. The topmost part of the plant
is dry and disc-like. They are called by the Trade "Mescaline buttons".
The knowledge of their alcoloid is linked with the history of the Inca empire. The Incas
had Peyotl celebrations when with music and dancing the Priests and other participants took
Peyotl until they became intoxicated.
What type of persons require Anhalonium-Peyotl? Peyotl was called by GISEVIUS as the
"psychic anti-psoric" as against Sulphur the physical anti-psoric. Herbert UNGER proved Peyotl
on himself and five colleagues. The pupils are constantly wide. Salivation and feeling of hunger.
Stiffness of the muscles, sensation of coldness, tom-cat voice, over-sensitivity to sounds.
Increased distinction of color nuances. Abnormal stereoscopic perception. Every article seems to
be shining. Deformity of forms, distorted. Universal coldness. General over-sensitivity. Loss of
earth's gravitation. Experiences as if out of body, spiritual existence. Split personality -a
personal reality and a deeper lying 'I'. Blending with the overall environment to such an extent
as to lose limitations of Subject-Object. Lot of ideas close to each other can occur. Alterations of
sense of time. The past comes up brilliantly. Time sense is lost. Phantom pains and trigeminus
neuralgias, of the upper branches are particularly "Physical symptoms for Peyotl.
Major areas of operation: States of exhaustion of brain:
Shifting of the sleep-awake rhythm, depressed states of conscience brightening up,
increase of whole optic memory and recall efficiency.
Peyotl in high potency causes a deep and long-lasting shake-up of the personality. It is a
remedy of pronounced ability to alter the cerebral condition, that after every dose of the
constitution and situation is excited or inhibited, activated or made passive, makes i extrovert or
Pains: The pains appear suddenly, throbbing and beating, mostly in the left half of the face in the
upper trigeminal area. It radiates from deep down up towards the skin. Ameliorating from lying
particularly darkness of the nights. Aggravation from sun light particularly mid-day and from
Sensory: Refinement of the hearing. Enhanced efficiency of vision particularly of distant things.
Abnormal increase of stereoscopic vision and plastic relief vision. Objects appear too small and
at the same time too large; appear double. Objects appear rushing about apparently moving
about. Increased perception of colours, particularly contrast colours.
Personality stratum: Existential anxiety because of the experience of cleavage of conscience at
the commencement with a threatening loss of interest of all corrections with the outer world.
Side by side more planes of consciousness is experienced. Loss of the subject - object
relationship limits in the sense that the "I" is fused with the environment. Separation of the
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personal "I" from the environment with complete detachment from the external world. Enrapture
and craziness. Experience of time magnification or otherwise with space visions. Also thoughts
arise not anymore influenced by the Will} a look of apathy and absorption.
Doses: D3 to be very cautious, better D6 or D12 in physical ailments.
For psychic conditions D30 once a week or D2G0 once a month. In serious cases slow increase
from 6LM over 12LM to 18LM every second day 5 drops.
[From the ALLGEMEINE HOMOOPATHISCHE ZEITUNG, Band 230, Heft 6/1983; translated
from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan; for private communication only]
Volume III
Bothrops lanceolatus has entered into the homoeopathic Materia Medica without
provings on the healthy. The finer toxic symptoms have still not been obtained. The rare use of
this medicine is therefore supported only by the symptoms obtained from poisonings from the
bite. A majority of these symptoms are from the report of Rufiz on this poison from the Isle of
Martinique through Ozanam.
If we consider the list of the symptoms mentioned there like blindness, necrosis of the
bones, gangrene, haemorrhages, congestion of lungs, paralysis of the tongue, it will become clear
that we are dealing with catastrophic symptoms and we can hardly use the medicine. It is
therefore not a wonder when Leeser says that by employment of Bothrops in D 12 in some cases
of obstinate motor aphasia he got results as never expected. On the other hand because of the
close relationship of Bothrops with the group Crotalus with Lachesis there must be similar
30 years ago when I began study our materia medica; I did not nave the Kent's Repertory
but only the materia medica of Boericke and of Mezger. Therefore to handle cases properly
homeopathically I was compelled to fix in my mind the maximum possible remedies. For
Bothrops I remembered the indication that the right half of the body is affected and that the
symptoms appear diagonally. Further characteristic indications were not available. The well-
known sensations of constriction of the throat and haemorrhages, disposition to the thrombosis
are common to all snake venoms.
From the materia medica I knew only two remedies with crosswise symptoms, namely
Agaricus (left upper/right lower) and Merc. iodatus flavus (right upper/left lower). Much later I
got Kent and to my surprise found that there were about 120 remedies with diagonal aliments
amongst which Bothrops has not [v3-123] been given. The question arises whether I would have
prescribed Bothrops at any time if I had referred to Kent Repertory. I think, never.
The two cases cited by Clarke indicate the characteristic, that is, diagonal appearance of
the symptoms. However, it is rather interesting to reflect that the bite in the little finger of one
hand paralysed the tip of finger of the other hand and it extended to the entire side and that the
bite in the left thumb produced unbearable pain in the right great toe. I feel that this is a peculiar,
rare, unusual and singular symptom. (aphorism 153).
Without knowing Kent and Clarke I have prescribed Bothrops in appropriate cases.
These cases are reported below:
Case 1: E.H. Book-seller, 36 Years: 8 or 9 years ago has got rid of his foot-sweat with Digentral.
Since then, pain in right arm which extends from wrist to fingers and thumbs up to the right
shoulder. They are drawing, stitching. Finger as if stiff; pain is less during heavy work, worse
from light occupation, for example writing; worse nights and during rest, better from warmth.
The arm was in plaster thrice because of pains. X-ray revealed damage to the cervical inter-
vertebral disc. Pain extending to head more on the right side. Besides, since 3/4 years pains in
the hip Joint, worse while sitting and which at times are so violent that he had to drag his feet.
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The pains radiate downwards anteriorly up to the left knee. X-ray revealed wear of the socket of
the left hip joint. The patient further said that he had restless sleep, sometimes jerks in sleep,
occasionally muscle twitching. Small wounds bleed much and bright. Earlier he suffered from
epistaxis. He has pressure in throat, trembles when excited with palpitation and pappy stool,
otherwise soft stools, 2-3 times daily in the afternoons and evenings.
Findings: 175 cm tall, wt.83.5.Kg. Tongue dirty, coated thick grey, Lungs: n.a.d., Heart: left
border IQF outside the MCL, Action: regular, Tone; clear; B.P. 140/100; Abdomen: n.a.d.; pain
from pressure on the median nerve and ulnar nerve. [v3-124]
Remedy: Because of the diagonal relationship (right arm, left hip) I decided to give Bothrop.
D8, 3 X 5 drops daily.
18.5.65: Right arm is not so heavy in the evening. Pains particularly from lying remained, often
as if cramped, however, not any more pulling high in upper arm. The left hip pains sometimes.
Continue the medicine.
15.6.65: In the last 4 weeks the hip pains decreased rapidly and now entirely disappeared. Did
not have to drag his leg anymore. Pains in right arm has however increased. The right finger
nails had many white flecks particularly more in those fingers in which there was maximum
pain. The left fingers were not at all affected. Bothrops D8 further.
17.9.65: No improvement in right arm and fingers. From Bothrops there was much more
stinking sweat from the axilla (suppressed foot sweat) and he has therefore stopped the medicine.
Since 8 days he is again having pains in the left hip. In general, I observe a kind of slowly
developing agg. from Bothrops. I waited.
12.10.65: Pain in right arm is less in general but recurs after exertion, but not at nights any
more. In the meanwhile, no more hip pains. Now Bothrops D.12 morning and evening for 5
days (5 drops)
3.12.65: Under Bothrops D.12 arm pain from exertion has become substantially much less; off
and on hip pains. Continue remedy.
28.1.66: Since last 3 weeks feels that the medicine has not helped further. He stopped the
medicine 8 days ago after ensuring that he felt increased pain in the left. little finger and also
reappearance of the offensive smelling perspiration of the axilla (more on the left). Offensive
odor mouth. I stopped the remedy for 8 days and then began with Bothrops 12LM 5 drops in ½
glass water, one sip on two successive days.
12.10.79: The patient came to day for complaints of the prostate gland. The medicine given last
has done excellent work and since then he had neither pains in the right arm nor in the left hip.
Till the commencement of the prostate trouble he has been very well all these years.
Case 2: G.K. 46 Years; clerk whom I had helped 4 years ago with Merc.c. 6LM and 12 LM for
gastro-enteritis of over 25 year’s duration (1959 Billroth II for ulcus) came again on 30.4.65 for
severe rheumatic complaints. Since 1 ½ years has been suffering from inflammatory swellings
Volume III
of the toe joints particularly the right foot fourth toe. During the last month he had pain in the
sciatic nerve of the left foot, just as it was 2 years ago. Often a sensation of pain in the right
occipital joint at the top as if a numb mass wobbled during movement. Simultaneously a severe
heat sensation in the whole body particularly in the right foot which then was more painful. The
fingers become easily numb in the mornings. Often pains in the right upper abdomen am. by
eructation. Sometimes exceptionally massive stools. Averse to Cereal food, ankle joints sprain
easily while walking. Nat-sul C.30 5 glob.
26.8.65: He was free from all the ailments including the pains of feet for 3 months. Since 3
weeks now perceptible pains in the right arm up to shoulder, drawing in the right side of head,
and ailments of left sciatic and hip region worse from movement. The arm is am. from rest and
warmth. On the basis of the modalities I prescribed GUACO D.6 (3X5 drops daily).
7.10.65: The sciatic pains were relieved quickly by Guaco but not the pains in the right arm.
Since he suffered odd pains in the entire body from motion he stopped the medicine after taking
it for 8 days. After catching cold 4 weeks ago he has again been experiencing severe pains in the
right toes as also drawing in the right side of head. I now prescribed Bothrop lanc. C.200, 5
glob. 29.10.65: 10-12 hours after taking the medicine he experienced a severe drawing and a
general heat sensation especially in different joints and in back. On the 3rd day the pain was in
the side of the right upper arm and deltoid muscle and also in the left hip region which again
came in violent form and then passed off. On the days he took the medicine the urine had a
peculiarly strong smell and also with intense color. Moreover now his perspiration also had a
strong odour.
6.1.66: Since about 3 weeks renewed pain of right foot, right finger and since the day-before, the
right knee. Bothrops C.200 5 glob.
5.2.66: The right sided joint pains disappeared immediately after the medicine. Nevertheless on
the 3rd day after the medicine he had such a severe head ache on right side of vertex that he had
to lie down. In the course of three weeks this pain slowly decreased while he continued to
experience the sensation which he had at the commencement of the treatment that the brain was
swimming in the skull to and fro like a mass. Now there was no such sensation.
9.2.68: During the last weeks he has been having increasing pains in the right foot and in the
right little finger with drawing up to the arm. Again Bothrops C.200 5 glob.
9.3.68: Immediately after Bothrops heat sensation in the whole body, particularly conspicuous in
the legs so that he had to uncover them at nights. The pains in the foot and arm decreased and the
pain in the fingers completely am. The complaints in the head which he earlier had did not recur
at all.
I have seen the patient again for abdominal complaints. Bothrops helped him for a long term.
Case 3: 16.12.66: Mrs. A.H., 56 Years. Since weeks she has been suffering from bad
oppression behind the right ear particularly from draft. If she covered the ear with cotton she has
strange giddiness as if stupefaction in the head with downward pulling extending to the right
throat. Since 14 days she has also been suffering from stitching pains which is pulling from the
left interior ankle through the calf to the popliteal space. Since the last 2 days she has been
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troubled by a continuous drawing pain from the inner side of the left upper arm to the heart.
Since then sort of pressure in the right upper abdomen and in the liver region. The stools are
pappy, bright yellow. Coronary insufiency was discovered 3 years ago through an ECG.
O.E: 162 cm tall, wt 57 kgs, woman with blue eyes Chest organs: Percussion, auscultation n.a.d,
BP. 125/80. Heart action regular, tone clear. Liver not enlarged however, painful on pressure.
Medicine: Because of the diagonal symptoms (right ear region, left arm and leg,), 1 dose of 5
glob. Bothrops C.200.
23.12.66: After taking the medicine, on the first day there was an increase of the pain from left
arm to the heart as previously. From the 2nd day however the pressure behind the right ear and
the pain in the left calf completely gone, now only occasional light pressure in the liver region.
27.10.67: In the last few weeks she has a recurrence of the pains behind the right ear. She could
not lie on it. Pulling pain from left shoulder blade to heart. BP.140/90. Otherwise she has been
well during this period. Wt.64 Kg. Bothrops C.200.
9.1.68: The pain in the right ear and in the heart region had gone away immediately after the
medicine. She feels well. 9.3.68: The patient came very much agitated. Just now she has
violent stitches in the heart. Great anxiety. Yesterday pains in the right side of the throat and the
left leg. BP.145/90. Bothrops C.200.
12.3.68: Immediately after the dose the heart pain went off. 1/4 hour later he felt a short but
severe stitching pain in the left groin; since then he is again feeling well.
2.7.68: Since 8 days suffering from severe pains, from upper dorsal area drawing downward to
the elbow "as if inflamed" Bothrops C.200.
20.9.68: Up to now no pains in the right shoulder. The pains passed off immediately after the
last medicine.
2.12.69: In the last weeks she had heavy work. Three weeks ago injured the edge of the left foot
and there was loss of blood. Now there was a sensation as if there was stagnation of blood in that
part and that blood was not flowing to the ankle. Since yesterday frequent, abrupt, stitching and
drawing pains before and behind the costal arch. BP. 135/80. Lungs and heart: n.a.d. Bothrops
Report on 13.1.70: Since the last dose, feeling well.
Case 4: Mrs. B.S. 31 Years, housewife. 21.1.66: Since about 3 months pains in the heart region
beginning mostly at about 11 AM then increasing, cramping, but somehow bearable, [v3-128]
and so she came only now. The pains radiate to the left arm. Fingers become numb easily, (dead
finger) become pale, particularly the middle finger. Menses irregular, 4 days duration, somewhat
O.E: 163 Cm. tall, 53 Kgs, blonde, blue-eyed woman. Heart and lungs: n.a.d. BP. 120/90.
Volume III
Medicine: Because of the diagonal symptoms, left arm/heart and right middle finger, prescribed
Bothrops D.8 3 X 5 drops daily.
20.3.66: The heart pains passed away soon after the medicine. She did not anymore feel that the
finger was dead. More particularly the last two menses were very regular as never before. Since
the day before yesterday fever 38.5C with severe headaches; drawing from neck to back to the
arms and legs. Hips pain. Had copious perspiration this night; much thirst for cold drinks.
Coryza thin, flowing, yellow. Face feverish red. Brudzinski positive! Also meningism or
meningitis. Kali sul. C.30 and C.200 in water, every two hours on the first day and every 3 hours
the second day.
Visit 2 days later: Within few hours the fever and all the accompanying ailments
relieved. Now only a cough, agg. from draft. Brudzinski negative today. Rumex D.6. Later under
Pulsatilla LM6 and then 12, LM she recovered well.
Case 5: Mrs. M.Sch., 59 Years. 11.1.1957: Since last 3 weeks severe pains in the right big toe
often, drawing up to the ankle which then become hard. Agg. nights. When the toe and ankle
pains become less there was severe stitching pain in the heart. BP.155/90.
Medicine: Because of the diagonal ailments, left above and right below, a dose of Bothrop
26.2.57: For 2 days after the medicine . ains increased in the right big toe; then quick relief and
no more stitches in the heart.
Case 6: Housewife 39 Years. 23.5.61: Since 8 weeks continuous pains from left shoulder
blade/upper arm down to the finger-tips of the left hand; agg. from pressure and touch; itching;
particularly worse in rainy weather. The left hand is colder than the right. At the commencement
8 weeks before she had a week long violent heart [v3-129] pains which extended to the arm. BP.
120/90. Pressure along radial nerve, painful.
Medicine: Because of the definite agg. in rainy weather gave Aranea C.30
26.10.61: The patient said that the pain in arm went away immediately after the medicine but
has since 8 days returned. In addition a kind of boring pain in heart at the beginning. All worse
during rainy weather wind. She described the pain as if the left arm was wrung out; it was
drawing from the left hand to the shoulder. Aranea C.200.
6.11.61: This time Aranea agg. first then better for a few clays; since the day-before-yesterday
rains are so severe that she awakes nights often. Pains alternate in arm and shoulder; worse from
warmth and pressure of the blankets; worse from lying and rest; better from slow movement,
sitting and from hanging the arm down. Since childhood she blushes easily. Desires eggs, at
times putrid eructations. Menses decrease considerably on 3rd day. These were typical Ferrum
which I gave in C.30 (twice 5 glob.)
7.12.63: Since the last treatment two years ago she has been feeling quite well, the medicine
having relieved her ailments very speedily. Since 2-3 weeks however she is having pains in the
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right arm particularly during nights and before rain. This time I did not give Ferrum but as a trial
gave Bothrops C.30.
17.1.66: Left arm has been free from pain after last remedy but now since about 8. days relapse.
Repeat Bothrops C.200.
9.3.66: Right arm better immediately after the medicine as also the agg. before rain, nights and
exertion. Must wake up at nights for some time and move the arm Ferrum C.200.
17.11.66: The patient came for severe flushes of heat. All her ailments had very quickly been
relieved completely by the last remedy. The patient has visited me occasionally in recent times.
She has not had recurrence of the pains in arms or heart.
Case 7: Mrs. M.A. 48 Years, housewife. 2.3.57: Since 4-5 days a feeling of lack of circulation
in the right thigh. A hard knotty area in the thigh muscle was palpable, a kind of Myogelosis or
Thrombose. One dose Bothrops lanc C.30 and placebo for few days.
23.8.57: immediately after the first dose, the sensation of lack of circulation was relieved. The
knotty hardening also went off completely within few days. Feels very well.
Case 8: Mrs. H.H. 37 Years, teacher. Two years ago I had treated her with long range relief with
Zincum and Thyroidin in high potency. She came again on 18.4.67. Her earlier ailments have
been relieved completely and she has been quite well. Since an year she has observed that there
was severe pain in the right shoulder joint from continuous writing on the school blackboard.
From doing her room decoration the pain was agg. for some time. 8 weeks ago she had fallen on
her left hand. Pains in the left wrist and middle joint of the left middle finger. Right shoulder
pains better from warmth. Frothy stool sometimes, esp. after fruits. Because of the "right
shoulder/left hand", I prescribed Bothrops C.200 1 dose of 5 glob.
12.5.67: The next day after taking the medicine, pronounced increase of pains as never before,
in the right shoulder. It however passed off quickly and even after bowling game did not recur.
The pain in the left hand consequent upon the injury remained. Bothrops has no action in such
conditions. As the patient had much excitement; internal trembling, restlessness and frequent
pyrosis and with the trauma in mind I prescribed Acidum sulfuricum C.30.
10.11.67: After taking the medicine she had severe pains in the left hand for a whole day. Then
the pains passed off quickly and completely. The stiffness of the left middle finger also passed
off within 6-7 weeks completely. Since sometime she is having pains in the left shoulder region
(a little less in the right shoulder), pain in the right lower abdomen and ovarian region and in the
right lumbar region mostly before menses. Once again Bothrops C.200.
Report on 21.12.67: for two days she had agg. of pains in the upper arms and shoulders
particularly in the left. The pains then disappeared completely. No pains in hip or lower
abdomen [v3-131] during the next menses.
The patient comes to me every 2-3 years for treatment. Since Bothrops she has not anymore
suffered shoulder pains.
Volume III
Case 9: Mrs. I.K. 40 years old housewife came on 16.6.67 for constant headaches. She suffered
an injury in the occiput and this headache since then. At time it is so severe that it radiates from
the nape up over the skull to the teeth. Her hands and legs go numb since last few months.
Every morning she awakes with this. Particularly the right arm become benumbed and stiff then.
She could not bear pressure and clothing on the throat. In the morning immediately an awaking
she has to pass stool regularly.
O.E.: A vigorous, average built woman with red and somewhat thin face. BP.110/75. Liver
borders even, in the medial part somewhat painful to pressure.
Because of the agg. after sleep I first thought of Lachesis but because of the accent on
right side of the body, decided for Bothrops lanc. 1 dose 5 glob C.200.
31.10.67: I was called, for a house-visit since the patient was in bed because of a Grippe.
Yesterday she had chill, shivers and then fever up to 38.5.deg C in axilla, with violent headaches,
as also pain in throat, back and in the joints particularly in the shinbones. I gave a dose of Eupat-
perfol C.30; to dissolve 5 glob in ½ glass water and to take a sip every 2 hours first and then 3-4
hours. I asked her about the action of the medicine given in June. She answered that the
numbness of the arms disappeared quickly then but the headaches remained unchanged.
18.3.68: Eupatorium quickly restored her then. Since some weeks her arms again become numb
in morning; it remains numb and stiff particularly the right arm again. Vertigo after waking up.
Her headaches remain unchanged. Pressure in gall bladder region from eating cakes. One dose
Bothrops C.200 5 glob.
6.1.69: The arm pains and vertigo immediately relieved, headaches are tolerable and rarely now.
Since 2-3 weeks relapse, since 4-5 days rotating vertigo in mornings together with the numbness
of the arms and hands. Lately she has again the pressure in upper abdomen apparently after
exertion in her work, before food and on holiday [v3-132] after a good meal. Bothrops
5.3.70: Everything became better immediately then, felt well for long. Since 14 days sensation
of fullness in abdomen, passed malodorous wind frequently which am. Stools fermented at first,
became diarrhoeic, now pasty. Frequent stitching pains in the left upper abdomen which radiates
to below and especially to the left back, agg. forenoons. The pressure in the upper abdomen is
agg. when stomach is empty, am. from eating. Since her youth oily face. Recently again
numbness of the arms, rather in the veins, as if the blood there was stagnating, more in the right
arm. Because of the gastro-intestinal troubles, prescribed Raph.D.8 (3 X 5 drops daily) for 4-5
days. If am. she was to take after 8 days, one dose of Bothrops lanc.C.200.
2.10.70: The upper abdomen pains were quickly relieved by Raphanus and after Bothrops the
arms remain well till now. No headaches since long. The patient now came for mumps
(Bilateral) which was quickly cured with Ailanthus and nosode Parotitis.
Case 10: Mrs. E.M. 54 years housewife ; 16.2.70: Since some weeks pressing, benumbing
headaches in the mornings on awaking pulling from neck to the head as also a sensation of
stiffness and pains in shoulders, arms, elbows. She also has vertigo. Since yesterday she has
vertigo particularly hand. Tears flow frequently and in this also more in the right, burning. 15
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years ago she has had an operation for struma. The right side of the thyroid gland appeared
somewhat enlarged. She feels there a drawing pain during change of weather. Clothes or such
other pressure on throat is not tolerated. 10 years ago she underwent Operation for prolapsus. 4
years ago shingles on right back and upper abdomen. Recently peculiarly a sensation of
limpness, powerlessness of the legs while climbing stairs. BP.155/90. Conium C30.
12.3.70: On the next day after the medicine, nausea and vertigo agg. with peculiarly pale face;
all these the entire day. Next day, perceptible am. Vertigo gone completely; felt restoration of
power to her legs while climbing stairs. Stool now normal. Since Conium she has, as never
before had, a brownish, corroding disc. Because of the medicine, expulsion of toxins from within
without, on the surface, here on the vaginal mucous membrane! No medicine.
17.5.71: She has felt well for long. The corroding discharge at that time stopped after some time.
In the course of the last month [v3-133] again a sensation of prolapse in the lower abdomen
connected with bladder weakness and she has therefore undergone a plastic surgery 7 weeks ago
which has indeed benefitted only little. 3 weeks before this operation, a thrombose appeared on
the right tibia which was quickly relieved by applying a thin plaster of curd. Shortly after,
however, pain came on the left knee which is worse while standing better my movement. I
recalled the corrosive discharge and considering the modality "am, by movement" prescribed
Kreosote C.30 one dose.
6.6.72: After the above medicine she did not suffer from anything for a long time. The knee had
become well immediately. Two weeks ago she had again a thrombose in her right tibia which
was again removed by a curd pack quickly. Since then however, fullness of abdomen and
burning in the upper abdomen and often loud eructations which am. Her right arm again
becomes numb not only during the night but throughout the day also as soon as she begins to
write. At times stitching pains in heart. The thyroid region again frequently painful from
pressure. BP. 135/80. At this time, the patient did not complain about the pains in the left knee.
Nevertheless I took this older symptom also into consideration for choice of the remedy. I
thought of the diagonal relationship "right arm/left knee/right tibia" and also because of the
thrombose, Bothrops lanc C.30.
19.1.73: Since taking the medicine felt very much better in all ways, no stomach ailments until
about 8 days ago. The right arm did not become numb and no thrombose. In the mean—time
since 8 days she again experienced fullness in the upper abdomen, pyrosis and eructation after
every meal. Raw fruits disagreed particularly sour apples. Tongue coated white. Antim Crud.
16.9.75: Since the last medicine she could eat fruits well. She now prefers sweet apples. No
stomach complaints. Of late right arm again become numb in mornings, also from cycling.
Bothrops lanc. C.200.
25.4.82: Since the last medicine the earlier complaints have not returned. Since about an year
she has been suffering from a peculiar dyspnoea not only while climbing stairs but even while in
rest. Her [v3-134] family doctor called for an x-ray which revealed a growth below the sternum.
Which caused pressure upon the trachea and constricted the oesophagus so that solid food got
stuck up there while fluids slided down easily. Since then she has been taking 1 tablet Thyroxin.
Volume III
She cannot work in forward bent position because the dyspnoea and pressure under the sternum
would immediately become agg. and pain extend to the back. Similar pains occur when she
reaches up, for example, for hanging the washed clothes. Recently her fingernails grow
surprisingly fast. Cannot bear warmth, feels better in open, cool and by movement.
Evidently it is a tumour grown out of the residue of the earlier operation on the thyroid
gland. The surgeon had not considered it advisable to remove it then. In consideration of the
modalities and the relationship of the medicine to the thyroid, Ac.Fluor 6LM was prescribed, to
be taken on two successive days every week. (5 drops in 1/2 glass water one sip morning and
evening after thoroughly shaking.)
12.8.82: She felt very well soon after the last medicine. Pressure and pain below sternum have
disappeared. She can now do household work and gardening. Continue the medicine.
7.12.82: Medicine completed 14 days ago. From every dose of the medicine she felt she could
take in more air. Feels well. After 14 days Ac.Fluor 12LM.
Case 11: Mr. K.R.FL, 57 years, a master Carpenter whom in 1965 I have cured of a venous
inflammation of the tibia with a single dose of Naja C.30 and in 1977 with Naja C.200
occasional doses, and again in 1960 with Naja C.200 sciatica in the left leg (X-ray confirmed
changes in the inter-vertebral disc).
11.1.82: Since 3 days pains in the entire right arm from the shoulder downwards to the back of
the hand which is agg. as soon as he begins to work with his hands, for example shoveling snow.
Since day-before-yesterday therefore he could not work. The pains are agg. when the arms
becomes cold and also in the winter cold open air. By palpation I found the main area of pain in
the bicep muscle near the shoulder Joint and the root of the arm nerves are very painful to touch.
I thought of giving Naja again. It is a [v3-135] remedy which can relieve such neuralgia
thoroughly. Since the part involved was the right shoulder joint I decided to give 2 doses of
Bothrops lanc. C.30. He as to take one dose (5 glob) in the evening before going to sleep, the
second dose on the next on waking ( a procedure which I have observed to be quite successful)
13.1.82: In the evening I was called by the patient urgently. He was lying in the bed. With the
first dose he had remarkably deep sleep on the first night and next morning awoke without
pains in hand. He had forgotten to take the second dose in the next morning. He therefore cook
it yesterday evening. The night was restless and early morning pains "in all the bones" have
again increased. Since then he has the sensation, although he has' no fever, as if he was suffering
from severe grippe. Throughout the day he felt so much broken and therefore was lying in the
bed the whole day. The right arm, of course, was no more painful.
It was clear that there was an initial agg. because of the long interval between two doses
of the same potency. Hahnemann has had such an experience. The first dose was sufficient to
completely cure. I explained to him the connection and advised him to only wait and telephone
his condition to me next day. On the next day he reported free from all his ailments.
20.8.82: This would have been sustained. But about 7 weeks ago he had a violent blow on the
ball of the thumb of the left hand. Now he has pain there. Since 14 days he has been having a
drawing pain from the hands upwards to the inner side of both arms and also from the back both
Year 1986
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sides to the chest and hip joint to the interior part. 40 years ago he had, while as a soldier,
frostbite of the hands. Since then his fingers have been sensitive to the weather changes,
especially the left hand. For 8 days during the above suffering at that time he had been to an
internist who found the Magnesium content of his blood too low and prescribed Magnesium
tablets. Although he has been taking it regularly there has been no improvement. Keeping in
mind the earlier beneficial effects of [v3-136] NAJA I prescribed 5 glob of it and stopped the
magnesium tablets.
3.9.82: Through his sister who came to me in December 82, I learnt that he was feeling well.
Perhaps Bothrops would have given the same result. Moreover, I have already found in 1965
that Naja was suited to this patient since he had given the modality that he was comfortable lying
on the left side.
8 of the 11 cases have symptoms on both sides of the body, the cases 6, 7 and 11 only the
right side. The diagonal state, 'right above left below', was demonstrated by the cases 1-3 and 10
and those 'left above right below' by cases 5 and 8. Case 4 recalled the tendency for diagonal
From the small number of cases above it can be said that the diagonal symptomatology is
'right upper/left lower'. However, this is open.
The characteristic of Bothrops is its diagonal symptoms and it should be added to the
Kent Repertory at least in 2nd grade. I consider it in the 1st grade with Agaricus, Ledum,
Rhustox, Taraxacum (left upper/right lower) or Ambra, Phos., Sul-ac and Mere iod. flav. (right
upper/left lower) which should be distinguished from Bothrops by its modalities.
In the light of the modalities of my Bothrops patients the following emerge:
Agg. from motion Cases 1,8,11
after sleep .. 1,9,10
from cold, from becoming cold .. 11
Am. from warmth and warm applications .. 1 & 8
Sensations :
a) as if a dead mass was splashing in the skull (case 2)
b) as if blood was stagnating, ceased circulate in the limbs (case 7)
c) numbness in the blood vessel (veins)(case 9)
d) Heat in whole body especially of the affected parts (case 2)
Volume III
a) Numbness of the finger; ‘Digiti morbui’ (finger dead)[v3-137]esp. right middle finger (case 4)
b) Pain in left middle finger (case 6)
c) Pain right big toe (case 5)
d) Pain right toe 4th (case 2)
Disposed to thrombose: (case 7 & 10)
Blood pressure, epistaxis (case 1)
Pressure, pressure of clothing on throat, agg. (Case 1, 9 and 10)
Aphesis, amaurosis, blood pressure with hemiplegia and necrosis and such serious
disorders all mentioned by Boericke and Clarke have not been encountered in my Bothrops
patients. Despite very painful conditions, they were not dangerously ill but rather were suffering
from "impaired vitality"(Hahnemann)"
[From the "Zeitsechrift fur KLASSISCHE homoopathic Und Arznei potenzieung", Band 27,
6/1983; translated by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for private circulation only. Members are
requested to feed back case reports of Botnrops lanc. - K.S.S.]
Year 1986
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Prosper D. White, M.D
(Presented before the southern homoeopathic Medical society, September 12, 1984, Englewood,
Sycotic, flabby, lymphatic constitution Deep, long-acting antipsoric, “Old maids and
old bachelors”
Excitable. Emotions, especially contradiction. Excitement.
Contradiction (but less strong than in Asterias)
Anxiety noon to 3 PM Sadness, sometimes every 14 days
Irritability noon 2 PM Passive in sanity, sometimes periodic.
Impatience marked WEAKNESS, VERY SLOW
Especially of old people:
If mental, finally ends in imbecility.
If physical, ends in paralysis.
Memory weak.
Concentration difficult.
Thinking weak; unable to sustain any mental
Thinking slow.
Muscles weak.
Tremulous weakness; twitching
Paralytic weakness (of Cocculus ind.)
“Nodes and Indurations of mammae with dull
aching, neuralgic pain”
(Calc.Flour), with enlargement.
Lymphatic glands.
Testes, ovaries mammae.
Apoplexy, cereberal congestion (Bell. Amyl
nit., Glonine Melilotus)
Face red.
Pulse hard, full frequent “Heat of the head as if
surrounded by hot air.”
Burning on vertex of head.
Fear of apoplexy, of fainting.
Pressure “front of brain.”
Vertigo, transient as of “shocks in the head”
Photophobia slight
Vertigo TURNING EYES or head sideward.
(Coloc. Turning to left) lying down
Watching moving objects.
proportion to objective symptoms night.
Globus hystericus: “Pressure in esophagus, as
if a round body were ascending from stomach
Volume III
Appetite Wanting: tastelessness of food Appetite wanting
Fasting Pian epigastric 2-3 hours after eating
(Anacardium orient)
Coffee. Desires coffee, salt or sour things.
Epilepsy: Grand mal or “does not loose
consciousness, but has hallucinations-as if
away from home in the midst of strangers;
hears voice to which he replies.”
Memory extremely bad.
Dullness; difficulty in understanding what he is
Aversion to being near people, yet averse to
being alone.
Aura: Generalized twitching for 4-5 minutes
before attack.
Complete indifference.
Hypochondrical depression.
Weakness after attack Indifference when walking in open air.
Trifles disturb, moved to tears.
Morose mood, everything about him impress
him unpleasantly.
Ill humor marked 5-6 PM.
Symptoms from grief.
Hysteria Hysteria and hyphochondriasis.
Stopping customary sexual relations.
e.g. widows and widowers but especially in
men. (In women of. Apis mell.)
Sexual over indulgence.
Frequent erections during sleep and in the
Libido increased, with impotence.
Libido increased in women “Prolapsus uteri complicated with induration,
and profuse leucorrhea.”
Bearing down sensation Leucorrhea profuse, bloddy, excoriating
Painful swelling of breasts, especially the left
Painful swelling of breasts.
Ulcer of breasts with indurated edges. Ulcers with indurated edges.
Cancer, especially breast cancer more
frequently the left breast.
Cancer of mammae, uterus, uterine, cervix,
Stony hardness.
Acute lancinating pain. Especially caused by a blow.
Sensation as if breast were drawn in, especially
the left mamma may extend to fifth finger.
Uncertain with hard edge, fetid door.
Right breast more often
Hard indurated axillary glands Complaints after blows or [v3-141] contusions
especially breast cancer.
Tests and ovaries hard and enlarged.
Induration and hardness of mammae.
Pain and swelling of breasts.
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Before or during menses. (Calc. carb, Lac.
Astrophy of breasts (Iodium also has
mammary atrophy with swollen glands.)
Tremulous weakness after bowel movement.
Urination intermittent.
Cough with expectoration morning in bed. Cough dry, tickling, caused by tickling in
throat or chest Lying
Gait unsteady Tottering gait in middle-aged men.
Perspiration on closing eyes.
Aliments of legs letting the limbs hang down.
(Boericke’s Materia Medica gives this; he also
gives elevation of leg on chair.)
Alcohol in any form.
Sadness sometimes every 14 days.
“Insanity of periodic type”
Numbness with the pains.
Many complaints are painless.
Cold, wet weather.
[From the journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy Vol 77, No. 4, December 1984)
Volume III
On 18th May 1983 I visited D.M. 15 years old, who has again been suffering from
infectious high fever since 4 days. The temperature in mornings was 38.3° with chill which in
evenings go up to 39.5° with heat sensation. Earlier he had, during Christmas holidays, suffered
from similar infectious fever for 14 days continuously. He had recovered slowly but not
completely. In early March he again had an attack. As he now again fell ill during his school
vacation, with high fever and throat pain he despaired: "there go my holidays again" and feared
that he may have to suffer longer because he had headache, vertigo and tenacious retro nasal
discharge which was worser than in the previous attack and he had to be in bed the whole time.
There was also pain while swallowing extending to ears; the tonsils were red, swollen and with
pus spots.
I prescribed Conium LM6, 4 times a day 10 drops. The sensation of illness immediately
decreased and the temperature came down to normal on the next day. The patient experienced
the difference clearly. While during the previous attacks he felt very unwell during the infection
and even after the temperature came to normal, this time he said on the next day itself that at last
he was feeling well.
It is wrong to think that although in infections with suppurative process Conium works
with the same speed and efficiency of anti-biotic, it can be given in general for tonsillitis. Please
note that Conium alone in high potency was prescribed-if given as a complex together with other
medicines in the market it may not have been effective-secondly that it worked very well only in
this patient. This result was foreseen because of the following distinguishing symptoms of
Conium: Headache reported as "pulsating headache in the forehead, from bending forward and
shaking the head, drawing in the nape from turning head" was further clarified as "from shaking
the head a sensation as if the forehead was loose”. When such a peculiar sensation is
spontaneously narrated by a patient it should be given maximum [v3-143] importance for
selection of remedy. Kent gives only Conium, Natrum-mur, and Sul-ac. Only the previous year
I had compiled my Conium monograph and it was frequently observed by me that Conium
patients described their sensation in forehead from shaking the head. The patient said that on
waking up there was a kind of flickering before the eyes with vertigo and both vertigo and
flickering were am. from closing the eyes.
Besides this there was a 3rd symptom. During these repeated infections the patient had a
peculiar and totally unusual aversion to cheese.
I had no doubt about the prompt and dependable cure by Conium in this case of a recurrent
infection which was given for the characteristic symptoms of the patient and not for the disease
Tonsillitis. Also that Conium was as fast-acting as penicillin in tonsillitis.
[From the 'Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIE und Arzneipotenzierung', Band
28/1984 No.1; translated and condensed from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, for private
Communication only.]