© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Hahnemann in his later work "Chronic Disease", tried to lay the basis for all the manifold
individual diseases particularly the chronic, under three miasms: Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. It
discusses the nature of these three diseases the "primary disease", the "three paths of disease",
(Ortega). Hahnemann's predications are the first sketches. It was for the posterity to carry on
with those sketches, work upon them so that the miasms theory could be properly related to
practical homoeopathy.
For quite long time, Hahnemann's miasms theory remained forgotten in actual practice.
It has now again found itself as the innermost enigmatic nucleus. In this movement the Latin
America, particularly Ortega in Mexico has had the most important role. Ortega more than
anyone characterised the three miasms in clearly and easily understandable manner in the spirit
and teaching of the "vital force" in the Organon, so that this could be used in the daily practice.
Ortega distinguished Psora as Deficiency ("el defecto"), Sycosis as Excess ("el exceso")
and Syphilis as Degeneration ("le perversion"). This is the main idea of the Mexican miasms
theory. Ortega said: "It is evident from our observance of Nature. For example, see this cat
here", he points to the cat slumbering by his side on the couch, “If it is threatened, if it is
touched, it has three basic possible reactions which can enhance into pathology. Either it is
startled, overcomes it and lies in its place and does not attempt to defend itself; it corresponds to
deficiency, the inhibition of Psora. Or it hurriedly takes to its heels, which is analogous to
excess, the "flight to the fore" in which we find Sycosis. Or without any consideration of loss,
without appraising the situation of its own or its opponents ability, kills or itself goes down: the
degeneration, the aggression, the destructive as the element of Syphilis........ "I have found the
same principle in the cellular pathology. To me it was the confirmation."
In all levels these three basic forms of pathological reaction, the deviation of the healthy,
can be found as the basic themes of "miasms" facing the healthy, that is an appropriate coping
with an obstruction, a disturbance, a threat in accordance to a given situation.
1. The personal, individual, existential planes:
The response of an individual to a threat will be basically exactly just as the individual’s
behavior to a particular acute situation like inhibition, flight or aggression and destruction: in his
existential dimension. The three miasms represent difficulties in coping with life.
The 'Psoric' is defined by his inhibition, his deficiency which he himself is aware of and
suffers from: deficiency of self-confidence, deficiency of energy and capability, deficiency in
drive for success. He suffers from his weakness and is dominated by his over-all anxiety of life:
anxiety about his life, to cope with his job, anxiety particularly for anything new, of being
laughed at, of being handicapped, of being passed over and lastly fear of the fear, anxiety that
others would observe his fear. He is incapable of asserting himself. Despite his abundant inner
sentimental, passionate spirit he is insignificant in society. He is disposed to be meditative; he
has an inner relationship with nature, with everything beautiful and great. In those circumstances
he can feel himself sheltered, exactly as while with benevolent friends. He needs protection,