VOL. IV, 1987
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England,
Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may
refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by
this compilation are given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600
080, India.)
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
QHD, VOL.IV,NO.1 MARCH 1987 .................................................................................................................. 3
MIASMS REVISITED - ANTHONY CAMBELL, MRCP, FFHOM ................................................................. 4
IMAGES - J.GNAIGER ................................................................................................................................ 15
THE MIASMS THEORY OF ORTEGA - J. GNAIGER ............................................................................... 19
CASE - Z.J.BRONFMAN .............................................................................................................................. 26
QHD, VOL.IV, NO.2 MARCH 1987 ............................................................................................................... 30
POTENCY - R.A.F.JACK .......................................................................................................................... 31
BEHAVIORAL PROBLEM - WILLIAM SHEVIN, M.D., D.HT ................................................................... 37
TAKING A HISTORY - H MORROW BROWN MD, FRCP.................................................................... 43
HOMOEOPATHY IN ALLERGIC DISEASES - BY M.WIESENAUER ...................................................... 50
ARSENICUM ALBUM IN LICHEN RUBER PLANUS - BY DR.H.V.MULLER ....................................... 54
AN INTERESTING CASE OF ANGINA PECTORIS - BY DR.H.V.MULLER .......................................... 55
ROUTINE TREATMENT OF SCARLATINA? - BY DR.G.BEHNISCH ..................................................... 61
QHD, VOL. IV, NO.3, SEPTEMBER 1987 .................................................................................................... 64
SCORPION: REPORT OF A RECENT PROVING - GEORGE GUESS, M.D. ............................................ 65
A PROVING OF GLONINE - JULIAN WINSTON ....................................................................................... 74
UNGER ........................................................................................................................................................ 78
A PROVING OF BERBERIS VULGARIS D3 AND D30 - BY G.BAYR. ................................................... 80
BOOK SHELF ........................................................................................................................................... 90
QHD, VOL.IV, NO.4, DECEMBER 1987 ...................................................................................................... 94
LACHESIS - L.R. TWENTYMAN, M.B., B.CH., F.F.HOM. ................................................................... 95
THREE LACHESIS CASES A. HENNESSY, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.F.P.S., M.F.HOM .................. 105
PSYCHOGENIC STIFF-NECK - BY M. STUBLER .................................................................................. 108
FEED - BACK .......................................................................................................................................... 113
BOOK SHELF ......................................................................................................................................... 115
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
1 QHD, Vol.IV,No.1 March 1987
Dear Doctor,
What better theme could we choose to commemorate Hahnemann's birthday in April than study
of his monumental work on the theory of Chronic Miasms? We have, therefore dedicated, this number to
the 'Chronic Miasms' of Hahnemann.
Much has been said in the past and being said to-day either doubting his theory or confirming it.
All these are part of the history of Homoeopathy. We are concerned with examining the theory with
reference to its practicability in the clinic. Except the Latin American School and in Germany not much
study of the chronic miasms seems to have been done and practiced either in Britain or America or France
and we have not been able to find any in the journals from those parts, recently; and not a single article, to
the best of our Knowledge, in any of the Indian journals within the past 5 years. This is rather surprising.
To come to the contents of this number Anthony Campbell seems to doubt the practicability of
the miasmatic theory, and goes to the extent of even stating that "the theory has been actively harmful".
Contrast this with the famous Dr.John Paterson's article "PSORA AND SYCOSIS IN RELATION TO
MIASMS IN CONTACT THERMOGRAPHY given in this number; these confirm the theory of chronic
miasms and its practicability.
The Latin American School of which Dr.P.S.Ortega has been a great leader has been making very
detailed study and the Vienna school of Dr.Mathias Dorcsi is also associated. Dr.Ortega's theories and
practicability have been clearly brought out in the two articles of Dr.J.Gnaiger who spent a few years in
Ortega’s school and clinic.
From Venezuela Dr. Grammcko; a student of Dr.T.P.Paschero has commented on the chronic
miasms in terms of Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis and lastly Argentinian Dr.Brofmann on the value
of Psoric symptoms for the prescription and follow-up, citing actual case. There is much more on the
chronic miasms but they will come later.
Incidentally it may be seen that great value has been given to our Dr.Ghatak's comments on the
chronic miasms; we however, seem to have forgotten him. Dr.T.P.Paschero a great teacher of
'Constitutional Medicine' expired in August 86 and in his memory we have given the article of
May the lights of these guide us.
March 1987.
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Generations of homoeopaths since Hahnemann have discussed the miasm theory from
every conceivable angle. Today, it seems, Kentian ideas are becoming more widely accepted
among homoeopaths in many countries, and this has led to an increased emphasis on the
importance of the miasm theory, which is often represented as being essential to homoeopathy.
I propose first, to examine what Hahnemann actually taught about miasms, as opposed to
what he is commonly supposed to have taught, which is by no means the same thing. Next, I
shall briefly review some of the ways in which later homoeopaths interpreted the theory. Finally,
I shall consider the present meaning and value of these ideas.
Hahnemann's formulation of the miasm theory
The outlines of the miasm theory are well known to all homoeopaths. In essence, the
theory states that all chronic diseases not attributable to faulty diet or environment or to
allopathic treatment, is due to one of three "miasms": sycosis, syphilis, and psora. Of these, much
the most importance is psora, which Hahnemann claims is responsible for seven-eighths of all
miasmatic chronic disease.
Hahnemann did not invent the term miasm, which was already in use in orthodox medicine in his
day, but he gave it a new meaning and importance. The word derives from the Greek and means
"taint" or "contamination". Hahnemann supposed that chronic disease occurred by the
introduction into the organism of one of the contaminating agents—miasms—through the skin.
The initial sign of this is a skin lesion of some kind. If the contaminating agent is then "driven
inwards" by misguided allopathic treatment it will become established throughout the organism
and thereby rendered ineradicable.
The clue to an understanding of Hahnemann's idea, therefore, is to realize that he
believed skin disorders to be merely the outward, visible manifestation of a systemic disorder.
He was by no means alone in this view, which he shared with a number of his orthodox
contemporaries, but he emphasized its importance much more than anyone else had done
Each of the three miasms has its own characteristic skin lesion: for sycosis it is fig warts,
for syphilis the chancre, and for psora the itch-vesicle (scabies). Notice, however, that the range
of skin disorders that Hahnemann regards as primary lesions of the miasms is a good deal wider
than the modern labels imply. For example, any warty growth anywhere on the skin is sycotic,
and almost any kind of skin eruption is Psoric. To identify psora with scabies pure and simple is
thus a considerable over-simplification.
Hahnemann's concept of the say in which the chronic miasms act can best be understood
by considering syphilis. Hahnemann held (rightly, from our point of view) that in syphilis the
disease is not confined to the so-called primary lesion—the chancre—but is systemic from the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
outset. Treatment of the chancre alone is therefore ineffective (Hahnemann would say, positively
harmful), and the disease, if left to itself, will produce all kinds of subsequent manifestations.
Sycosis and psora are exactly analogous to syphilis. In each, an apparently trivial skin
lesion is merely the outward sign of a deep-seated disorder that has already become established.
The course of events is therefore as follows.First, the contamination takes place; it becomes
generalized throughout the organism (probably travelling via the nerves); third, it gives rise to a
skin eruption.
The most important miasm, psora, is much more contagious than syphilis, and can be
communicated—especially to children—simply by touching the skin. Almost everyone is
susceptible to contamination with the psoric miasm, whereas sycosis and syphilis are more
The symptoms of latent psora are almost infinitely varied and are quite impossible to
summarize; they correspond to almost every mental and physical disease imaginable.
Hahnemann gives a confessedly incomplete list.
In summary, Hahnemann's miasm theory depends on the idea of contamination through
the skin by one of three agents. To the modern reader the temptation to equate miasm with
"infective agent" is almost irresistible. We must be clear, however, that Hahnemann himself did
not make this identification; on the contrary, he held that the actual nature of the miasms is
forever unknowable.
Later interpretations
Succeeding generations of homoeopaths have made many attempts to interpret the miasm
idea in the light of medical ideas of the day. In the early part of this century, for example,
orthodox medicine was much preoccupied with the notion that chronic sepsis (in teeth, appendix,
and so on) was an important cause of disease, and consequently we find homoeopaths attempting
to equate psora with sepsis. More recently, ideas of allergy and of autoimmunity have been
The Kentians, however, with their scorn for pathology, adopted a different view, which
derived from the teaching of Constantine Hering. This is the notion that the miasms are
hereditary (constitutional). Hering and his followers recognized a number of other miasms in
addition to Hahnemann's (for example, tuberculosis), and developed appropriate nosodes to treat
Today, Kentian and other homoeopaths often claim that Hahnemann made a brilliant
anticipation of the modern orthodox teaching that there exist heritable tendencies to various
diseases (for example, the well-known association between blood groups and certain diseases).
As we have seen, however, there is no justification for this in Hahnemann's own writings, which
make it quite clear that the miasms are acquired and not hereditary. (Hahnemann does not even
appear to have recognized the existence of congenital syphilis.)
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
It is an interesting question why it should be so widely believed today among homoeopaths that
the miasms are hereditary. What seems to have happened is that Hahnemann's early followers,
especially in America, introduced a meta-physical element into the miasm theory to explain why
human beings should be liable to contamination in the first place.
The significance of the miasm theory today
The first thing to say about the miasm theory from a modern standpoint is that it is
essentially pathological. As we have seen, it is very easy to equate the miasms with infective
agents, and indeed it is almost impossible today not to make this identification.
Now, Hahnemann, as we know, rejected all theorizing about disease processes, and
taught that disease is nothing more than the sum of its symptoms: no symptom, no disease.
Clearly this is quite inconsistent with the miasm theory, which depends on the idea that the
miasms can persist for long periods without giving rise to overt symptoms. However,
inconsistency never troubled Hahnemann, and his writings contain many glaring examples of it.
At one stage, he did in fact anticipate the modern, microbial, theory of disease, at least in the
case of cholera. Thus he writes of the (acute) miasm responsible for cholera as M probably
consisting of a murderous organism, undetected by our senses, which attaches itself to a man's
skin, hair, etc., or to his clothing and is thus transferred invisibly from man to man." He does not
seem to have made the same suggestion in respect of the chronic miasms, but for us today the
temptation to do it for him is overwhelming. But where does this leave the miasm theory of
chronic disease?
If we equate miasm with infective agent, the theory states that virtually all chronic
disease is due to infection. This seems improbable. We know that many forms of chronic disease
are, in fact, due to infection, but many other things do not appear to be, at least in the light of our
present understanding. On this interpretation, therefore, the miasm theory is a gross over-
An alternative way of expressing the miasm theory is to say that all internal disease has a
cutaneous manifestation and vice versa. Again, however, this is a considerable over-statement.
Certainly some diseases may have cutaneous manifestations (cancer, for example), but the
association is by no means invariable or even very frequent.
No doubt many supporters of the miasm theory would reject both these interpretations. If
we do so, however, we are left with some very vague general statements to the effect that chronic
diseases fail to get better because there is some underlying factor which prevents them from
doing so. This is true but trite. It amounts, in fact, to little more than a tautology: chronic diseases
are chronic because they fail to get better. The miasm theory is not only platitudinous; it is
comprehensive to the point where it fails to explain anything at all. Hahnemann lists literally
hundreds of symptom complexes as due to psora. So vast and all-embracing is the list that it is
almost impossible to think of any disease that is not attribute to psora. But a theory that excludes
virtually nothing has almost no explanatory value.
At least if the theory had useful practical implications that would be something. In fact, however,
the choice among the various "antipsoric" remedies still has to be made in the usual way, on the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
similimum principle, so we are not much enlightened. Indeed, it could be argued that the theory
has been actively harmful, in that it has concentrated the minds of homoeopaths on the
"antipsorics" to the relative exclusion of many other remedies that might be indicated. Certainly
if one reads some of the homoeopathic literature of the nineteenth century, written by
homoeopaths who were not over-awed by the miasm idea, one finds much wider range of
remedies being used in chronic disease than is commonly the case today.
[From the BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC JOURNAL, VOL 72, NO.1, January 1983 abridged
slightly by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for private communication only]
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
and Dr.Jutta Rost
Hahnemann's miasms, the three categories of chronic disease postulated by him and
confirmed by Ortega, are still not accepted or perhaps not understood by many homoeopathic
physicians today. They doubt that these three miasms, psora, sycosis and syphilis, really exist
and believe Hahnemann's thinking on the subject to be completely out of date, deeming it best to
ignore it.
The terms used to describe the three categories do of course reflect the state of
knowledge in Hahnemann's day. Nothing has changed, however, when it comes to his brilliant
powers of observation in relation to these chronic states. They represent the three ways in which
patients may react, something which became instantly obvious when we analyzed the data
obtained in contact thermography, a method used to monitor and record a patient's capacity for
heat regulation.
One of the symptoms Mezger refers to in many of his drug pictures—usually left to the
last and unfortunately often disregarded-is 'heat regulation', it is a symptom patients do not often
refer to spontaneously.
Heat or warmth is not merely a subjective sensation, for it can be objectively determined.
It is the essential product of intermediary metabolism in any organism, and therefore reflects the
quality of the life processes.
This is no doubt the reason why pathological changes in heat regulation tend to be in
evidence years before any form of functional disorder and hence also subjective symptoms make
their appearance. Subjective symptoms in their turn make their appearance a long time before
organic changes and hence clinical evidence can be registered.
Heat regulation therefore provides very early and extremely valuable data on the total
reactivity of the patient. Recorded in a thermogram it provides indications of both local and
general pathological processes.
The method generally referred to as thermography was introduced more than thirty years
ago by Dr Ernst Schwamm who used an instrument called a bolometer to measure the heat
radiated by the body i.e. infrared radiation, at a distance of a few centimeters.
In clinical medicine somewhat different methods of thermography have been developed.
Electronic thermo vision and later the use of liquid crystals (plate thermography) produce colour
zones to indicate heat distribution in the skin, different colours representing different levels of
The above three methods are not adequate to meet our aims, but the most recent
development in the field does meet requirements. This is a direct contact method determining
skin temperatures with highly sensitive thermometers, and the method is therefore known as
contact thermography.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
In general terms, thermography determines and records body temperature. A single
determination would merely relate to a particular moment, and we would fail to utilize the major
diagnostic potential of getting information on the reactive capacity of the system, an assessment
of reactive potential. Determinations are therefore made twice, before and after a specific stress
stimulus consisting in exposure of the body at room temperature. This will cause characteristic
changes in skin temperature. The difference between initial and post-stress readings reflects the
patient's regulatory capacity. It is completely reproducible.
The method consists in first of all recording a standard thermogram by determining skin
temperature in sixty specific sites. Indications of acute or chronic organic processes may be
obtained by relating segmental skin areas to internal organs via the viscero-cutaneous reflex ares.
An integral recorder plots the initial temperatures in black. The patient is then asked to undress
and stay like that for ten minutes at a room temperature of approximately 22°C. This provides
adequate stimulus to provoke a skin temperature reaction. Temperatures are then once again
recorded in the same sites, with the results plotted in red next to the initial readings.
Assessment is based on the following parameters: absolute level of temperature readings, lateral
correspondence, and most important of all the regulatory range: i.e. the difference between initial and second
No one would of course be expected to show normal values in absolutely' every region, for there is no
such thing as a person with one hundred per cent normal healthy functions. The criteria for a
normothermogram are however known from physiology. The surface of the human body has a characteristic
heat pattern, and there is a temperature gradient from within outwards and above downwards. Laterally
corresponding sites should given equal readings. Regulatory changes after cooling should be no less than 0.5°C
nor more than 1.0°C in the periphery.
Only a small percentage of patients show the characteristic normal pattern of regulation we should like
to see. Individual variations when the overall picture is normal suggest an acute condition which has not yet
caused profound changes. In/such acute cases one gets excessively high readings in individual sites with a poor
or paradoxical regulatory response after cooling. The normality of other readings in the area indicates that the
prognosis is good and that treatment will be straightforward because the patient still functions fully at the level
of autonomic regulation. These are cases where homoeopathic physicians see rapid progress using 'well-
established indications' and the 'short route to drug diagnosis'. They are the cases where we find ourselves
amazed how rapidly homoeopathic treatment takes effect, with the patient responding well.
It may occur to the reader that acute conditions should be diagnosable without the aid of thermography. This is
of course true for the fully developed stage; a contact thermogram will however reveal the process in its nascent
state, long before acute organic symptoms appear. It is possible with this method to find the weak points.
Organotropic homoeopathic treatment given at this early stage can stop the process short and prevent the
disease from evolving.
If homoeopathic physicians could join forces and do research in this area, a completely new
indication for homoeopathy could emerge: prophylactic therapy, a genuine safeguard against disease, which is
sorely lacking in the whole of medicine.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The thermogram also provides information in acute cases as to whether this is a genuinely acute
process in a terrain or soil that is otherwise untainted, or whether one might not be dealing with an exacerbation
of a deep-seated chronic condition, the tip of the iceberg, as it were. Compared to the good-quality regulatory
capacity of an untainted terrain, the thermogram of a chronic patient shows a completely different picture, and
this is something we have been giving much thought to over a considerable period of time.
From the beginning of our work with thermography, it struck us that there were three highly
characteristic response patterns shown by chronic patients, three extremes of pathological reaction. The first two
have already been described by Pichinger. They consist in 'frozen' or hyporegulation, when there is little or no
regulatory response, and excessive or hyperregulation. These were the only two types of response Pichinger had
been able to find with his method based on the examination of venous blood.
Both types of regulation may also be found in contact thermograms. The regulatory range may be
limited to a decrease in skin temperature of less than 0.5°C, or it may be excessive, with skin temperature
decreases of more than 1.0°C. With these two types, practically all readings will show the one trend or the other,
still under general, though pathological, autonomic control.
Many cases however showed a third type of regulatory pattern where the 60 readings in the
thermogram revealed no general trend and it was impossible to see a uniform response. Excessively high and
excessively low temperature readings occurred within a few centimeters of each other in the abdominal skin, i.e.
hypo and hyper regulation occurred side by side with total lack of co-ordination. The picture which presented
itself was literally 'all over the place and it was practically impossible to evaluate it and arrive at a proper
diagnosis. What had happened in these cases? What had caused this obviously pathological
chaos of autonomic regulation?
Hahnemann’s and Ortega’s doctrine of miasms finally offered an explanation that
helped us to understand the chronic conditions presented by our patients.
Thermal hypo regulation, 'frozen' regulation, seemed to correspond to poor autonomic function, indicating a
deficit, a reduction, inadequacy. This surely represented the psoric terrdain.
Thermal hyperregulation in the other hand would reflect a general autonomic hyperreaction,
exaggeration, excess. This, we felt, must correspond to the sycotic terrain.
The chaotic process where there is no evidence of co-ordination would accordingly correspond to the
terrain characterized by destruction, lack of cohesionthe syphilitic miasm.
One would expect regulatory trends to be consistent for all parts of the organism. It is difficult to
imagine that heat regulation is subject to different laws from those pertaining to all other organic functions. It is
fascinating to think that contact thermography may provide us with a method to Confirm, prove and objectively
demonstrate Hahnemann's theory of the three miasms (Table 1). TABLE 1 Types of reaction shown by
diseased organisms.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
lack of moderation
(desperate defence reaction)
Hahnemann used the term 'miasm1 to define three types of pathological reaction shown by patients
who did not respond to his medicinal stimuli in the manner expected. The Greek word miasma means
'pollution'. In Hahnemann's day, physicians used the term to describe polluted vapors rising from the ground
which were thought to be responsible for epidemic diseases. Hahnemann (deliberately?) applied the term to
internal rather than external pollution of his patients, considering these polluted state to be the cause of changes
in reactive potential. Did he have an early, almost prophetic, intuition of the basic regulatory system explored
and described by Pichinger? Did he already suspect the possibility of the mesenchyme being filled up,
polluted, with waste products, a concept familiar to us today? Hahnemann found exactly these three types of
potential reaction, no more and no less, and these correspond entirely to the three so clearly demonstrated by
There was however a proviso. The connexions which appeared to exist had to remain hypothetical
until the syndromes described by Hahnemann could be clearly shown to correspond to the different types of
We proceeded to look for the most extreme thermograms among the many we had on filethose
showing definite blocks, those showing marked hyper reaction, and the most disparate. It must be clearly
stated that the majority of thermograms lie between these extremes, just as one only rarely finds purely psoric or
sycotic patients in practice. (Ortega actually attempted to express the percentage proportions of different
miasmatic taints in individual patients).
We found 38 hypo reactive, 34 hyper reactive and 39 chaotic thermograms on which to base our
evaluation. These were not large figures, but we were sure that some indications could be obtained.
The data on which our analysis was based derived from the type of record we have been keeping for
years: history; patients spontaneous report, specific questions to round out the medical and dental record. These
were case notes taken at earlier dates when miasmatic aspects were not even considered. This lack of bias on the
part of both patient and doctor may be regarded a positive factor, as it excludes any suspicion of preconceived
We extracted all relevant data relating to diagnosis and symptomatology from those records and
combined them in a few large rubrics.
The outcome of this somewhat crude method was the following:
At first sight it struck us that the type of reaction shown in the thermogram of a chronic patient does not
necessarily relate to the diagnosis. This makes it difficult for us to present the concept of thermograms to
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orthodox clinicians. Homoeopathic physicians on the other hand find confirmation thatfirst having made a
proper clinical diagnosis, of coursehomoeopathic treatment must be based on the individual symptom
picture if the patient's regulatory capacity is to be restored to order and healthy function.
Let us start by considering Group II, the group of patients whose initial thermal readings tend to be on
the cold side and who then show excessive, i.e. sycotic, reaction. This group has the greatest number of
significant figures. No other group has so many patients with joint and spinal symptoms, with inflammatory as
well as degenerative joint disease, rheumatism as well as gout. The group also has a high incidence of patients
with a history of liver and gall bladder disease or of kidney and bladder conditions, renal colic and surgery in
this area. We had hardly dared hope for such close agreement between thermal records and the typical
syndromes of sycotic patients. Doresi's use of the term 'lithaemia' defines the group very well. By the way,
almost all patients showing hyper regulation admit to a rather high intake of animal protein.
Another group found to come under these headings are patients with a history of powerful drug
therapy. Interestingly enough this relates not only to allopathic drugs, but also to intensive natural
therapies, often and wrongly combining a number of agents, compound drugs given in too great a number
and for much too long.
Group I, the group of patients showing hypo regulation, the psorics, also included many who had a
history of previous treatments of the above kind. It appears, therefore, that this type of reaction is also likely to
occur after the wrong kind of treatment, probably taking the form of suppression, as Hahnemann did actually
There was also a relatively high incidence of diffuse, nonspecific symptoms in the hypo regulative
group, with no demonstrable clinical evidence, symptoms interpreted as 'vegetative dystonia'. By the way, this
much maligned, nonspecific term suddenly looks quite different in the light of miasm theory, for these patients
really have a dystopia, subnormal function or hypo regulation of the autonomic system.
Twice as many of these particular patients were however found in the group showing chaotic
regulation. A homoeopathic physician will need to establish the difference on the basis of
symptoms specific to the patient and know how to adapt treatment to the particular miasm. The
difference is immediately apparent in the thermogram. Dorcsi's concept of 'destruction' is tailor-
made for this third group, and the temperature recordings provide a graphic illustration.
The most remarkable finding relating to Group III with its chaotic, syphilinic reaction
patterns was the large number of manifest precancerous conditions: myomas, mastopathies,
polyps, cysts, adenomas. To date, homoeopaths taking the miasmatic view have generally
considered such changes to come under the heading of 'excess, proliferation, hypertrophy' and
therefore sycosis. This opinion will have to be revised, for thermography shows that on too often
they nave a background of autonomic co-ordination breaking down.
The number of actual malignancies is surprisingly almost the same in all three groups. It
appears that every miasm is capable on its own of producing a carcinoma, leukaemia or systemic
malignant disease.
Two other interesting rubrics finally merit special attention in so far as they relate to
matters of principle. In the group with chaotic regulation, a family history of carcinoma is much
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
more common than in the other two groups. On the other hand the personal history shows
relatively little evidence of serious illness. This raises the question as to whether and to what
extent miasmatic taints are congenital. Are they something people have for life, something
which cannot be changed? It appeared that the group with chaotic regulation points to some
extent in that direction. Hahnemann's and above all also Ortega's further thoughts on the basis
mentality of an individual and the way this relates to one miasm or another certainly suggest that
the roots are genetic.
No doubt we have to accept that every human being is born with miasmatic taints in
different proportions and that these influence the constitution and diathesis throughout life. Yet if
these were irreversible, any attempt at treatment, even homoeopathic, would be utterly pointless.
This is not the case however, Thermographic monitoring can demonstrate that
environment, life style and above all therapy can achieve much, in a positive as well as a
negative direction. They show that miasmatic taints are a protracted but at the same time also
thankful task for both doctor and patient.
The thermogram of an untreated individual not subject to powerful influences remains
amazingly constant from day to day and week after week. Therapeutic measures will however
be seen to be followed by changes in regulatory capacity—deterioration if the treatment has
failed, and improvement if it has been successful, always parallel to the subjective and objective
condition of the patient.
TABLE 2 Characterizations of the three types of reaction seen in chronic illness
Miasm Psora Sycosis Syphilis Hahnemann
Symptomatology Lymphatic Lithaemic Destructive Dorcsi
Characteristic Frozen' Excessive - Pichinger
Hypo regulation
Rost and
Contact thermograms therefore permit us to assess the patient's reactive potential at any given
stage and consequently the miasmatic taint. They provide this information at a very early stage,
often years before the patient becomes aware of the subjective symptoms and is able to describe
them to us. Thermograms may therefore also influence-drug diagnosis, for it is only too often
that we do not suspect a lively person, presenting with no serious complaint, to be carrying a
syphilitic miasm.
If further proof were needed that homoeopathy is a form of therapy aimed at regulatory
processes, the evidence is there in front of our eyes, from the pen of the recorder.
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Samuel Hahnemann taught all this about 150 years ago. He established the laws without
recourse to laboratory reports, X-rays, ECGs or thermographs. Different lines of thought put
forward in two centuries are brought together here and slow remarkable agreement (Table 2).
They have to agree, they have to confirm each other, for they relate to the same law of nature,
that a cure not merely relieves undesirable symptoms; a cure also restores full regulatory
potential. To achieve this, Hahnemann's homoeopathy is for us the therapy of choice.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
"The miasms are the cause for all human misfortunes," – Ortega.
The image
The Origin of the Miasms
The Miasm and the human race
The Miasm and the Individual
The Health.
What is the general image of the persons and their miasms and their development
according to Ortega's theory?
The personality: The three miasms, Psoric deficiency, Sycotic surplus and Syphilitic
degeneration. Do these "Types" actually exist? Observations and experience indicate that every
individual person has the distinctive features of all the three miasms "Mixture of miasms" and
that they are present in fixed relationship specific to each individual. They are better indicated by
numbers; No.1 indicated Psora, No.2 and 3 for Sycosis and Syphilis. They are indicated in
accordance with the preponderance of one or the other of the miasms. For example 231 indicate
the prevalence of Sycosis over Syphilis and Psora.
Every person comes into the world with some parts of all the three miasms, "miasmatic
inheritance". It is composed of the entire family anamnesis data and follows throughout life as
the basis for the individual reaction.
The environment modulates this inheritance by interfering with it from the beginning.
Which of the miasms will be excited depends upon its influence.
It is a governing rule that every suppression - the central theme of Hahnemann - promotes the
Sycosis, just as every allopathic treatment, every infection and every operation. The same thing
happens in an agitated, superficial, noisy, shrill atmosphere and they awaken the Sycosis.
If a person lives in a hostile, aggressive, demoralizing environment then the destructive
syphilitic element is provoked. Such a person suits himself easily with this environment in
accordance with his syphilitic inheritance (like 321 or 312). If he has inherited preponderantly
the psoric miasms (like 125 or 132) he would respond to the same milieu first with his inhibition
and anxiety conformable to him.
In the same manner a psoric part of the miasms is turned on in a harmonious, calm
In the course of life everyone passes through the different phases. Similarly, different
aspects of the miasmatic inheritance can rise to the surface. From 312 it can, due to the influence
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of the environment, turn into a 132 and later 231 and so on; "layers of miasms" lie over each
Every phase exhibits the "predominant miasm" appropriate to it which has significance in
the classification and repertorisation. It determines the remedy choice.
According to Ortega by the right therapy "layers of miasm" are removed and of course in
reference to Hering's law in the reverse order of the appearance of the symptoms. It can therefore
occur that a predominantly psoric person may, from the treatment, become unexpectedly violent,
excited, aggressive; which meant that the underlying layer of his biography has more syphilitic
element. In numbers, 132 becomes through therapy, 312; a "so-called rotation of the miasms"
actually experienced in Ortega's clinic.
In the course of the treatment the physician can gain ground down to the inherited
miasms constellation. A truly therapeutic resolution of the ultimate miasm is extremely difficult.
It is therefore said (said to be by a classical American homoeopath: Kent? Hering?) that the
congenital miasmatic taint may be dissolved only in the seventh generation of a family treated
Ortega says that with the introduction of this concept in the form of a "miasmatic layers"
and "miasmatic inheritance" it is possible to draw a prognosis in homoeopathy. Further
researches are being carried out in this regard.
Every person brings into his world his miasmatic burden inherited from his forefathers.
The consequence is that the first cause, the "causa prima" of every illness, is fixed in the internal
of every person. Every one carries this in him. The environment, that is the external factors, only
modulate these internal conditions. Ortega refers to this: "People generally look for causes for
their misfortunes in the environment. Diseases have been experienced as due to something
exogenous, from outside. But it is fixed in each one of us, our inner is sick"
The origin of the Miasms: Ortega expresses his ideas about the origin of the miasms in
the clearest terms in his doctoral work "Nature and Homoeopathy". He considers its contents as
relevant even today.
In the beginning the "primitive man" lived as "King of creations" in harmony with Nature
and its Laws Just as now the plants do. One of those days began his selfishness and therewith the
infringement of this natural order and the loss of the balance. It began with the abuse of food,
eating as an end in itself. Ortega links it to Psora whereby the skin manifestations relating to it is
seen as an attempt to throw out the surplus. Then follows the sexual excesses, in accord with
Sycosis and Syphilis.
The infringement began in the Thought and Will of the man. Firstly, in course of time, it
depressed the working of the total organism; and only when the miasm penetrates through the
whole man "We perceive the idiosyncrasy of the miasms". Kent called this infringement as
original sin.
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The Miasms and the Mankind: The removal from the original natural state increased
continually, particularly flagrantly in the era of civilisation. "In what paradise live men!" laments
Ortega about this damage and only perceives that humanity has since then sunk. "Since centuries
man is a criminal and thinks like a criminal while he mishandles the natural law. Self being sick
internally, making all his external situations also sick: the art, the culture, the "spirit of the age".
All these are the play of the internal disorder of the man and mankind affected by the miasms.
Almost all human efforts to know, understand, remained unsuccessful. The sick society
produced its sick thinkers, politicians, doctors and so on. True knowledge is denied to the men
by nature.
If we look unbiasedly at a group of persons we notice innumerable signs of disharmony:
one limps, another deformed, the third has dissimilar ears, another winks, or stammers -almost
every one indicates a deviation of harmony from ideal condition. The miasm is everywhere. It
imprints its stamp on the society and history. All submit to it. It is collective, specific to the
Most will see the ephemeral separate individual. The welfare of the whole humanity is
important. The individual is sacrificed according to the law of preservation, when the miasm in
him gains the upper hand. In this view the infections are strictly rejected and through the acute
disease a true "natural selection" is maintained.
The Miasm and the Individual: In the Dissertation cited of Ortega the individual, personal
dimension of miasms are not the point. They come up later. In accordance with C.G.Jung he
conveys in a lecture, "Personality and Individuality" 1980, new thought: Every person possesses
the crux of true being, his individuality. The form of expression by which this internal being
responds to the circumstance at a given moment is considered as personality. Mostly a large
cleavage exists between this true being and the expression which is found in the here and now,
which presented as mask of its environment. Those which hinder the free natural expression of
man, what estranges him, distort, that is the locus where the miasm dwells.
The core of the Individual, the Spirit, lies outside the scope of the miasm. In the chapter
on Psora this is explained: "What refers to the Spirit, inhibition can neither diminish the
individual, nor weaken the Will nor injure the Understanding but it can determine, arrest, anchor,
Is the individual totally at the mercy of his miasm? A brief opportunity allows Ortega to
explain the conscious "I" of the individual: If his I, his nature or his indestructible individuality
are in a position to overcome miasmatic state, its weakness, he develops himself amazingly
far,................. naturally within the scope of........ his personal capabilities."
Here is a new view of the miasms in consideration of the individual. He has a definite
place in the total theory.
The Health: "Health is an indescribable and instinctive state of well-being. It should be
interpreted correctly through the void, through emptiness". For Ortega health belongs to this past
state of the primitive man. Contemporary man cannot anymore live according to the natural law.
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He has already moved so far away that the power of nature as well as the vital energy and also
the natural way of cure are not anymore capable of curing him. Homoeopathy is the only
efficacious counter-force which with the help of potentisation of its medicine has the power to
approach nearer to the creator and therefore is efficacious. And then a complete cure, a complete
termination of the miasms which is almost unattainable (over seven generations as explained
Health and Sickness are two states of men. Similarly vital energy and miasms are the two
antitheses. "One could see therein a dualistic principle", Ortega adds in a conversation in this
[From title KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIC, No. 1/1983; translated from the German and
abridged by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for private communication only.]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Hahnemann in his later work "Chronic Disease", tried to lay the basis for all the manifold
individual diseases particularly the chronic, under three miasms: Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. It
discusses the nature of these three diseases the "primary disease", the "three paths of disease",
(Ortega). Hahnemann's predications are the first sketches. It was for the posterity to carry on
with those sketches, work upon them so that the miasms theory could be properly related to
practical homoeopathy.
For quite long time, Hahnemann's miasms theory remained forgotten in actual practice.
It has now again found itself as the innermost enigmatic nucleus. In this movement the Latin
America, particularly Ortega in Mexico has had the most important role. Ortega more than
anyone characterised the three miasms in clearly and easily understandable manner in the spirit
and teaching of the "vital force" in the Organon, so that this could be used in the daily practice.
Ortega distinguished Psora as Deficiency ("el defecto"), Sycosis as Excess ("el exceso")
and Syphilis as Degeneration ("le perversion"). This is the main idea of the Mexican miasms
theory. Ortega said: "It is evident from our observance of Nature. For example, see this cat
here", he points to the cat slumbering by his side on the couch, “If it is threatened, if it is
touched, it has three basic possible reactions which can enhance into pathology. Either it is
startled, overcomes it and lies in its place and does not attempt to defend itself; it corresponds to
deficiency, the inhibition of Psora. Or it hurriedly takes to its heels, which is analogous to
excess, the "flight to the fore" in which we find Sycosis. Or without any consideration of loss,
without appraising the situation of its own or its opponents ability, kills or itself goes down: the
degeneration, the aggression, the destructive as the element of Syphilis........ "I have found the
same principle in the cellular pathology. To me it was the confirmation."
In all levels these three basic forms of pathological reaction, the deviation of the healthy,
can be found as the basic themes of "miasms" facing the healthy, that is an appropriate coping
with an obstruction, a disturbance, a threat in accordance to a given situation.
1. The personal, individual, existential planes:
The response of an individual to a threat will be basically exactly just as the individual’s
behavior to a particular acute situation like inhibition, flight or aggression and destruction: in his
existential dimension. The three miasms represent difficulties in coping with life.
The 'Psoric' is defined by his inhibition, his deficiency which he himself is aware of and
suffers from: deficiency of self-confidence, deficiency of energy and capability, deficiency in
drive for success. He suffers from his weakness and is dominated by his over-all anxiety of life:
anxiety about his life, to cope with his job, anxiety particularly for anything new, of being
laughed at, of being handicapped, of being passed over and lastly fear of the fear, anxiety that
others would observe his fear. He is incapable of asserting himself. Despite his abundant inner
sentimental, passionate spirit he is insignificant in society. He is disposed to be meditative; he
has an inner relationship with nature, with everything beautiful and great. In those circumstances
he can feel himself sheltered, exactly as while with benevolent friends. He needs protection,
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support, love. He is a romantic and a deeply religious person with a consciousness of the
Almighty, a loving God and Creator.
The "Sycotic" is in a perpetual exaggerated "flight to the fore" with which he overplays
his inner weakness and emptiness. He is egoist for no cause, thoroughly superficial and always
tries to draw attention from, recognition by, others, which nourishes his sense of self-value. He
elbows his way forward at the cost of others. He dominates the scene with his restlessness, his
urge for importance and his bragging. If his speculative, dirty tricks are perceived he then jumps
to falsehood or tries to rescue himself by digression or he absconds through the rear door.
Because he is a coward. His life goal 'is valued only by the present time.
The "Syphilitic" breaks all norms, all forms, and all conformity in inter-human
relationship. He cannot and will not adapt himself, is always an odd character, anarchist. He does
not feel himself as responsible to anything. Honor, pride, life in society as well as with his own
are all same to him. Basically he despises the world, life, his own self. He understands no
limitations, consumes himself and others with his passion. He spreads aggression and destruction
and is ready for every crime: a cold-blooded nihilist.
The personalities are so clear before the homoeopathic eyes and the principles of
inhibition-flight-aggression can be applied widely in practice! It was a theme of a pantomime
play in the Liga Congress in Acapulco in 1980 in which the students of Ortega took part, Mr. &
Mrs. "Psora" in blue dress, the pair "Sycosis" in yellow and the two "Syphilitics" in red, and
played their particular rolls.
In the three basic colours Ortega found the correspondence to the three principles. Blue -
Yellow - Red have been so described that the researches in colour psychology is found better
In Ortega's circle the discussion of the miasms is so intensive that it has found its place in
the daily practice. We hear such comments as: "With my Psora I do not have confidence in
that." Or he mobilises his Syphilis and bangs," Or: "What a Sycotic atmosphere!" when it is loud
and shrill. A newcomer will be soon asked "What is your miasm? I think......."
2. The Cellular plane: Every cell reacts to a disturbance first with an inhibition of its functions
which then flows into an Over function in its attempt as compensation mechanism. When these
compensatory mechanisms are overburdened, the destructive phase begins with its degeneration
and cell death: Under function, Over-function, degeneration as trios in cellular range.
3. The pathophysiological range: The psora corresponds to deficiency: under function,
hypotone, hypotrophy,' hyposecretion. The Sycosis is indicated by its surplus: Over function,
hypertone, hypertrophy, hypersecretion, metabolic diseases, inflammations and tumours. The
Syphilis is degeneration classified as: defective function, spasms, atony, atrophy, destruction,
haemorrhage, ulcers.
4. The physical symptoms: The psoric deficiency expresses itself in every "too little":of appetite,
the intestinal function, sweat glands function (dry skin) and is diametrically opposite of surplus
of the Sycotic "too much". The abnormal indicates the Syphilis: "Despite good appetite, satiety
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after few mouthful", diarrhoea or obstipation with spasms or intestinal bleeding, rhagades as a
result of dry skin or stinking excoriating perspiration.
Psoric pains are dull, diffuse, pressing, unclear; the sycotic suffers from wandering,
changing, intolerable pains of appealing character and lively embellishments. The syphilis
causes spasmodic, constant, boring, irritating, hectic, inescapable pains.
5. The modalities:
The three modalities correspond successively: aggravation mornings-evenings-nights;
agg. from cold - change of weather, temperature changes - from heat; movement aggravates the
tired sleepy Psoric, while it ameliorates the fluctuating, restless Sycotic and he always tries to
take rest. The Syphilitic presents paradoxical symptoms like: "must keep on moving despite
perpetual weakness," "must move although it is painful" or complete collapse of a function as a
6. The Aetiology: The factors which cause disease and the time also indicate the miasms.
Infection, suppressive allopathic treatments, also operations promote sycosis even as mental
over-excitement or business competitions. An aggressive, heartless, cold negative atmosphere
provides the Syphilitic elements while in a calm, harmonic atmosphere the Psoric constituent
comes forth.
Deficiency - Excess - Degeneration: so fascinatingly simple and elementary this three
principles, the three characteristic traits of the miasms. Everyone can elaborate on this theme. It
will be a thorough comprehension of the miasms in their dynamic and their processes. Every,
single symptom, every sickness of the total organism and its internal situation of a person can be
comprehended this way. This model also brings out the reciprocal dynamics in that it indicates
the sequence of reaction: in a disease the debility comes first, which then in course gets over-
compensated and from continuous duration of the overwhelming disease factor, ends in
destruction. Debility comes first at the beginning in all pathology exactly as Hahnemann pointed
out as the "basic sickness", as "the real origin of all chronic diseases."
[From title KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIC, No. 1/1983; translated from the German and
abridged by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras, for private communication only.]
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A.Aristeguieta Gramcko
In the light of today's scientific knowledge the miasms concept do not require much
mental exertion to be understood.
In Latin America there are groups of homoeopaths who have a clear understanding of its
importance and have given special interpretation. These come from Kentian, unicist view with
which the miasms theory can be linked.
In "Miasms" there is the risk that statements which Hahnemann never said are attributed
to him. He is interpreted in this or every other' way and there are endless discussions. Thus we
come to the Latin American contribution of psychiatry to the understanding of miasms. For this
we are much grateful to Thomas Paschero in Buenos Aires; it comes from the direct observations
in psychiatric clinics and of biology.
This psychiatric knowledge has been wonderfully borne out by the Transactional
Analysis of Eric Berne: The human feelings can be divided into two major groups:
The first groups are the so-called positive feelings; they are the feelings of a healthy
individual. There are no unpleasant tensions whose cause is not directly in opposition to the
reality. There is optional ability for activity, meeting other people and for development of
leadership in harmony with groups to which the person belongs. There is no misrepresentation of
reality by erroneous ideas. The healthy human is free and open for original ideas; he is adequate,
successful with joy and intelligence.
The second group is the so-called negatives. This can be divided into three classes - like
the three miasms of Hahnemann with which it is incredibly analogus in its essence.
The first emotion is anxiety. It arises in an individual when his vital equilibrium is
endangered. It may become a depression, a confusion, a certain uneasiness. The natural reaction
of the human is to strengthen and secure the bearings. He searches for one or more ways, by
which he can find security and protection. The existence of this predominant sensation of
anxiety which actually determines the behavior corresponds to the negative sensation states,
which Eric Berne has indicated as: "I am not o.k., you are o.k." In other words, "I am bad, I am
of no value; you are good, you are alright."
The second step of negative emotion follows customarily when the defence mechanism
of the first step fail and the individual discovers that through a negative connection and
aggressive behaviour and dealings attain the desired security. He attempts to get better of that
which threatens him, to destory it and assert himself through his power. There is a real lack of
self-criticism as also the inability to place himself behind others. This existential position, Berne
says: "I am o.k. - you are not o.k.”
The third group of feeling proceeds in the same manner when the individual in his desire
to acquire the original position again, repeatedly fails and is not capable of meeting the demands
of the environment. In this position in which nothing more is of importance and value, the
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person isolates himself, fails and separates himself from the group, incapable of associating
himself with others. His feelings are sadness and sometimes despairs of death. Berne
corresponds this to the existential position: "I am not o.k., you are not o.k.” In other words: I
am ill, you are ill”.
This scheme of three negative emotions correspond to the three possibilities of reaction
of a microorganism like amoeba or protozoa when they are affected or when the environment
become adverse: the first reaction is Evasion, the second reaction is Attack. They defend
themselves in that they either secrete substances, to envelop with their membrane the enemy or
swallow it up and lock up in its vacuole. The third reaction would be self-destruction if it was
not possible to encapsulate it in the form of a cyst.
When the nature of pathology of animals and humans are observed, it can be not only in
the study of its behaviour modalities and modalities of feelings but also in the Soma, the tissues
and organs, the triple possibilities of the responses to injurious stimuli. Firstly the simple
dysfunction, like a depression in mechanism and functions without further deeper disorders in
the cells. The second response possibility may be a hyperplasia, in that more cells are made.
And the last response may be anything where the cell muscles get damaged and lead to necrosis
with impossibility to 'restitutio ad integrum'.
When we observe the social relations we observe the three possible forms: 1. the person
who is poor in his ability to make bonds, 2. the other who tries immoderately to dominate others,
and 3. the destructive person.
Similarly we can speak of three universal ways of reaction of an organism or an
individual through an aggression, a crisis or a conflict: the simple dysfunction analogous to
Psora intuited by Hahnemann, the second hypertrophy, over-acting reaction corresponding to
Sycosis and the third, the perverse distortion, the Syphilis. All these doubtless, ingenious, which
Hahnemann experienced at that time with his observation and intuition and which are analogous
to current psychiatry, biology and pathology.
A miasm is similar to a disposition, a particular way and manner of the relation and the
personality of the whole individual which responds with its vital energy to the disturbed
equilibrium. At this point when we expound the difference between the miasms and the
constitution, further difficulties arise. The two are, as such, inseparable indeed but conceptually
different. The miasms are difficult to be accepted and, understood because it is without physical
signs and data and also is not measurable. The constitution is difficult like all other concepts
arising out of dynamic psychiatry and not yet accepted by experimental medicine. In para
Organon VI Hahnemann explains that a weaker dynamic disorder is destroyed by another but
stronger disorder. Thus he covers the concept of disease. Exactly here is the point: a dynamic
disorder. What is a dynamic disorder? When is it a dynamic disorder? What is the difference
between a dynamic disorder and one that is not a dynamic disorder?
The traditional scientific physician is trained so that he can understand only an organic
functional disorder. But if he were to change his understanding of pathology from somatic to
something different as when we are to discuss dynamic aspects, then it is not so simple.
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Dynamis means energy. Dynamic disorder is energy disordered in its form, potential and
quality. Energy may be compared to waves and these waves have their own qualities like
intensity, height and timbre, like of musical waves.
To understand the dynamis one must try to understand mankind and the living nature in a
more wider aspect. The human being is an energy field like an energy laden matrix in whose
womb life energy has been condensed and organised. This energy field is already there in
advance and with the Organism contained therein, makes a totality. This unit is inseparable and
this power or energy is the life force (Vital force).
The Chronic diseases are the consequences of the disorders of exactly this dynamis, this
life force. They are cured by another force, as liberated in the best prepared homoeopathic
medicament. If this force become altered in another way, it could be into three different types
and ways: imprint itself in all pathological functions, the tissues or in the human relations and
manifest their own characteristic miasms: Dysfunction - production - destruction; Dysfunction -
hyperplasia - scleroris; furthermore hypo-function - hyper function - perversion.
We know that injuries and pathologic processes of different types and different niveau
could be corrected or cured, as the case may be. If we proceed with the curative action really up
to the basic cause, we then will enter deep. Hahnemann came up to energy and the charged
fields. The true cure is that by which the energy is regained.
If one works in true homoeopathic sense - that is include the totality of the individual,
then the curative remedy works deep and total and extends itself in the entire organism.
Therefore this effect which reach into the deepest, and preserves the human balance can be said
to be real cure.
Now let us discuss the following: A constitutionally curative medicine is really a deep-
acting medicine, but it is not at the same time the appropriate miasmatic medicament. The
curative medicine is miasmatic only when it corresponds to the similarity of the case and chosen
in accordance with the topical symptoms and this medicine corresponds to the personal history of
the patient and his family. It is the total sum from out of the symptoms of the familial and
personal past, which gives the knowledge of the miasmatic remedy, or the pathologic modality
which has taken the energy waves. When the curative medicine is found in this way then one
has found the appropriate homoeo-miasmatic remedy and not merely the constitutional medicine.
To know the modality of the disturbed dynamis (even so the miasm), the mental and
general symptoms the functional and habitual characteristics which define a man are considered;
thus along his whole life and in his genealogic anamnesis and in the nature of his trauma.
Another important point in a therapy based on miasmatic historical points is: In cases different
medicaments come up for the similie choice, the medicine which correspond to the most serious
and destructive miasm must be chosen. The remaining symptoms are to be considered for choice
of a later medicament. None can have a miasms-free life. One can, however, mitigate the
symptoms so that pathological expression of syphilitic scope is removed.
More often all the three miasms are present to a more or lesser extent. The miasms
concept is a form of interpretation of the morbid, low-threshold disposition, which defines the
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nature of becoming ill of each individual. In the same way there is a more or lesser constant
correlation with the heredity.
The greatest endeavour of a homoeopathic physician is to treat the patients so, that the
destructive miasms are mitigated and the psoric miasm is let to prevail as least as practicable so
that the patients have a balanced life till the end of their lives. Very often I have been asked as to
the practical advantages, or usefulness of the differentiation between miasmatic remedies and
constitutional remedies. In the opinion of Sanchez Ortega if the so called constitutional
medicine is taken as the miasmatic remedy there is risk of a diagnostic error. An apparent cure
follows by disappearance of the symptoms, which in reality corresponds to suppression, just as in
allopathic treatment. Thereby the aggravating factors that the disorder has very deep in the
energetic or dynamic realm of the patient still exist. This disorder may thereby become much
serious and the possibility of cure become poorer. Through diagnostic error a sick patient may be
made incurable.
True cure is that which works deep down to the actual origin of the disease and which
corresponds to the energy-fields, to the disordered 'dynamis', just as Hahnemann said in
paragraph 26 of his Organon. Other physicians speak of practical use of the miasmatic concepts
or the therapy on the basis of miasms, as for example Ghatak in India who classifies the
symptoms of the sick in psoric, sycotic and syphilitic and he always begins the treatment of the
last miasm as that is the most difficult. I cannot speak from my experience, anything about
Ghatak's method.
The above stated aspects of practical employment of miasmatic treatment come from the
homoeopathic physicians of Venezuela.
[From the 'Zeitschrift fur KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIE und Arzneipotenzierung' Band
28/l984, No.2, March/April 1984; translated from the German. by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan., Madras.
for private communication only]
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As homoeopath it was great concern to me to determine the exact value of the symptoms
of Psora, whether they are acute or latent, for treatment and progress. I would like to share my
thoughts and experiences on this.
Two main points:
a) Psora is the basic illness of man and if that is not cured nothing is cured; only
some symptoms are suppressed for certain time.
b) The aim of homoeopathy is to cure the basic illness of men and their diseases
which disappear as soon as the man becomes healthy. Therefore the simillimum
must cure the man and not the Psora which is only his disease.
These two points contradict each other apparently, but I think that the simillimum cures
the person and thus the Psora also and that therefore it is essential to recognise its symptoms so
as to recognise it in the patient and the simillimum. There is therefore no contradiction. The
intermediary third point is: The object of the simillimum is the cure of the person. The
movement of the developed or active Psora to latency validates cure as Hahnemann asserted in
para 9 of the Organon 6. This transition of the developed Psora into latency allows the alteration
of the direction of life, i.e. cure.
It would apparently therefore be logical and simple to take up the psoric symptoms of the
patient and repertorise -and we have the simillimum. But is it so simple in practice? Let us
consider some examples.
Take Mercurius: what is the Psora of Mercurius? From the pathogenesis I find that its
psoric complaints are to be observed in its feeling of forsakenness, homesickness and qualms of
conscience. These traid enslave and torment the life of Mercurius. If we sum up these three
symptoms the following remedies come up: Aurum, Carbo animalis, Coffea, Hyoscyamus,
Lachesis, Magnesia carbonica, Medorrhinum, Mercurius, Pulsatilla and Veratrum. It is therefore
logically impossible to diagnose the simillimum with these symptoms alone. If we add to this
list other psoric symptoms like lack of self-confidence, fear of death, anxiety about health and
intolerance of contradiction then Aurum, Lachesis, Mercurius and Pulsatilla are added. This
confirms what I have said above: we cannot decide upon the simillimum with psoric symptoms
exclusively. One more example: Aurum. Its basic psoric symptoms around which the whole life
has been built about are: Guilty conscience, feeling of forsakenness and lack of self-confidence.
Add to these three psoric symptoms, the symptom - homesickness. If we repertorise these 4
symptoms, the result: Alumina, Calcarea carbonica, Carbo animalis, Carbo vegetabilis, China,
Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Stramonium and Veratrum. Conclusion:
On the basis of the psoric symptoms alone we cannot decide the simillimum. But suppose in the
first case, Mercurius, further symptoms like, the patient has an extraordinary craving for butter,
has perspiration, that his dress smells like almonds or that he perspires around head while
sleeping, then we need not hesitate a moment to prescribe Mercurius. Take another patient who
has besides the usual psoric symptoms of Aurum, great desire for hard bread, hatred for those
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who have offended him, who has doubts about his identity; without hesitation we may prescribe
In para 153 of the Organon, Hahnemann has very clearly formulated that only the
characteristic, rare, peculiar symptoms are to be considered. The question rightly arises as to why
if the above symptoms are to be considered the psoric symptoms of the medicines should be
ascertained for prescription of the right medicine. Because that it is the unique sure way, which
allows us to know with certainly whether the patient is on the curative path, whether he has
already been cured and we can give him the discharge certificate, Whether we can hope for cure,
how far we have come and how much more to come with the medicine. And we know
considering an acute pathological picture, how we should handle or not and in cases where we
observe that the psoric symptoms abate it is the rule that nothing should be done and we should
not intervene wrongly with a medicine which would suppress the acute picture and aggravate the
condition of the patient. In the Aurum example we know that he is on the path of cure when his
qualms of conscience, his feeling of forsakenness and lack of self-confidence, all abate and not
just when his desire for hard bread is gone. And in the Mercurius case when his qualms of
conscience, feeling of forsakenness and homesickness all go away and not when his desire for
butter or yellow-staining perspiration, perspiration of head during sleep are all ameliorated. The
disappearance of the symptoms on basis of which we gave the medicine will indicate cure or
suppression of the symptoms. Only the disappearance of the fundamental illness, Psora, with the
alteration of the individual's feelings of life, indicate cure.
Are these psoric symptoms not essential at all for repertorisation of the disease picture?
Do they only serve to enable us to follow the development of the case: The deep psoric
symptoms which indicate how the patient lives his life, how he suffers from loss of values of life,
how the Psora expresses itself in this patient, are characteristic, I would like to even say, they are
so much possibly characteristic, that they won't be lost while repertorising. We should be
thankful to our teacher Paschero for his thorough instructions for diagnosis of the
biopathographic anamnesis, the fundamental basis of the entire clinical homoeopathy.
A small example should throw light on what I have said. A Uruguayan woman, Maria
Julia 39 years, came to my clinic November 1982, for a Lupus erythematosus disseminatus. This
diagnosis had been made through laboratory tests and skin biopsy. Her biopathographic history
gave following clear symptoms: Feeling of forsakenness, constantly dwelling upon unpleasant
past, feeling that she has lost divine grace, anxiety that her sons would die of saturation, fear of
death (worst from the time she learnt of her diagnosis ) very easily excited against her husband
and sons who she won't see for hours, and grudging. Interrogation: Anguish, fear of
hallucinations, fear of heights, she uncovers her feet in bed, disposed to rage before menstruation
and irritable on waking up. The medicine was Sepia, the miasm Syphilis. The medicine brought
about what we expected in serious organ changes: a severe and long continued aggravation,
happily followed by slow and continuous relief which indicated that here before us was a curable
disease, contrary to the clinical diagnosis. From her first consultation till now I had to give 3
doses of this medicine, because of reappearance of the symptoms on which the first prescription
was based, always with progressive improvement of the L.e. till a normal clinical condition
came. 3 months before (July 1984) she rang me up from Rocha where she lived in Uruguay and
said as follows: Since 14 days she has a severe pain in the left shoulder which radiate to the
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pericardial zone and a painful Oedema of the costal cartilages of the first 5 ribs. She went to a
physician in Montevideo, a specialist in diseases of connective tissues who said: "you have the
beginning of a Lupus erythematosus and must immediately take Decadron in high doses intra-
venously". In this situation she rang me up. "The conversation was as follows:
- How are you?
- Overall well, but I am concerned........
- The sensation, which you had earlier reported, of feeling forsaken, is it still so?
- No, no, since over an year I do not feel so any more.
- And how is the anxiety that your husband's job was not good, and that your sons would starve?
- Ah, no, no, that fear I do not anymore have, since long. -- How is your disposition to brood
over the sad things of your childhood and past offences.
- Ah, no, no, I do not any more think of the past
- And the fear of dying?
- No, I do not have it anymore, but because of what the specialist has said I again have fear
- And your feeling that you have fallen from divine grace?
- No, I do not have much of it any more, but now I have that feeling that I am an unlucky person.
I feel, I was well and now I am again ill.
- How are you with your husband?
- Good, as always.
- As always?
- Yes, as always, after I have taken this Sepia powder
- How are you with your sons?
- The small one, I do very well with him and he too is very good.
- Good, now listen to me carefully, you are not sick. You do not have any new Lupus; what you
now are having is a passing indisposition. You require rest with light nutrition, especially
vegetables and you will see that shortly you will become better.
-What medicine should I take?
-No Sepia powder?
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-No, absolutely nothing. Please come to Buenos Aires when you can and we will discuss further.
A month-and-half later Maria Julia came to my clinic with a thick file full of laboratory
tests reports, all normal, with good laughter and with an expression revealing that she felt well.
She asked: "How could you tell me over the telephone, without examining me, without blood
tests, in such a decisive way that what I felt was not the beginning of a Lupus? Particularly, after
the specialist had told me so categorically and it was so serious?" I wanted to tell her that the
Psora was in a latent state and therefore she could not be sick, that when the Psora is cured, she
too is cured, but instead I said: "My teacher, Hahnemann, Kent, Ghatak and Paschero taught me
to know - and have taught me everything to be known, how these things are ….”
I have, not said anything new and of course Hahnemann has spoken all about it. I wish
that this is accepted by all. We have perhaps progressed a step further if we are united in
accepting that we prescribe on something which is rare, peculiar, particular, that we have in view
the cure of the human entity, that only the pacification of psora, which is the singular enemy
which holds the nature of men in chain, that it is possible to alter the wrong direction of the
patient's life and the path leading him to the world and from the world to him and lead him from
meaningless survival to transcendental fulfillment.
[From the KLASSISCHE H0MOOPATHE, Band 29, 4/1985; translated from the German by
K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for private communication only.]
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2 QHD, Vol.IV, No.2 March 1987
No.2 June 1987
Dear Doctor,
The theme for this number is THERAPEUTICS.
There has always been, in homoeopathy, the controversy - high potency/low potency;
frequent repetition/no repetition. It is doubtful whether these questions can ever be finally
settled. We have in this, an article on ZINC in low potency; following it, is another case report of
frequent repetition of PLATINA in high potency. You may draw your own conclusion. It may,
however, be pointed out that while the first one was a Neuropathy (pathology) the other was a
behavioural problem (psychology). (Hence perhaps, low in one and high in the other?).
'Allergy' forms a good portion of the practice of a physician. Even those- who visit the
dominant school for other illness come to the homoeopath for a permanent cure of the 'Allergy'.
What should form essential part of 'case-taking' of Allergy has been briefly given by Dr.Morrow
Brown, M.D.,FRCP, with an appendix of questionnaire and interpretation of the answers. It is
felt that this 'questionnaire' will be of great use in our daily practice.
How homoeopathy treats actually allergic cases could be seen in the next article. The
significance of choice of this article is the use of 'new' remedies: Galphimia, Cardiospermum,
Luffa. The MM of these remedies will come in a futare 'DIGEST'.
Next, "ARS.ALB in Lichen Ruber Planus": Although final selection was on 'symptoms'
and'patient type', it was the clinical diagnosis which led to it.
Whoever will give LYSSINUM in Angina pectoris? Only a true homoeopath. Who chose
it on symptom similarity. Note the 'mental' type of LYSSIN. The symptom complex in Hering's
GUIDING SYMPTOMS, p.160, Vol.VII may now be raised to a 're-verified' level.
Can there be such a thing as a 'fixed' medicine, a routine prescriptions, in diseases of
‘fixed’ nature? The two articles on MEASLES & SCARLATINA speak for themselves.
Supporters of vaccination for immunization should note the complications.
June 1987.
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66th Street,
Korattur, Madras 600 080.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Mrs M.G., age 44, first consulted me on 20.8.82 and gave the following history. She had suffered
from diabetes since 6 years old and had had insulin twice daily for the last 37 years, including
32 years on protamine zinc insulin. All this time she had been under regular hospital
surveillance, and was currently maintained on insulated (pork isophane insulin) 40 strength, 9
units b.d. Her diabetes was still unstable, she could not control her glycosuria satisfactorily, and
still had severe attacks of hypoglycaemia. (She failed to keep one of her subsequent follow-up
appointments, because on that morning her husband found her nearly unconscious, and just
managed to get sugar into her before the ambulance arrived in response to his 999 call.) Ten
years ago she had developed severe diabetic peripheral neuronathy, and in recent years had had a
frozen shoulder (left), a transposition of her left ulnar nerve (1981), and an operation for a left
median carpal tunnel syndrome (1981). To add to her problems she suffered from angina pectoris
and fluid retention.
For the previous year her medication had been:
Dolobid (diflunisal) qid.
Feldene (piroxicam 10mg) tid.
Distalgesic (dextropropoxyphene) 8 tabs daily
Sectral (acebutolol ) 100 mg daily
Frusemide 40 mg on alternate mornings, alternating
with Moduretic (amiloride and hydrochlorothiazide). Despite this heavy dosage with analgesics
she was Still in considerable pain.
She complained of:-
1. Severe pain "like someone permanently sticking needles in the soles of my feet" and "like
electric shocks in my legs and bottom", especially severe at night, and on waking. The
pain was better by cold, so that she spent most evenings sitting on rubber ring with her
legs exposed.
2. Severe cramping pains on sitting, necessitating constant changing of position; she had to
stop the car three times during the 20 miles journey to her consultation, and be helped
out, to stretch her legs, to ease her pain. These pains began about 10 years ago, but had
been very much worse for the last year.
3. Loss of sensation in her legs, and lose of balance after sitting so that she had "to be
helped to get balanced on attempting to stand up and walk". She was only able to walk
about 20 yards,
4. Total bilateral anaesthesia of lower limbs, up to her (She demonstrated how she could
insert a hypo-dermic needle full length into different parts of her thigh without any
feeling of pain).
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5. Inability to dorsiflex her ankles, so that in the days when she was still able to drive, she
had to lift the whole of her foot off the pedal.
6. Inability to stand unless wearing shoes with adequate high heels.
7. Paraesthesia of upper limbs. "My arms go numb, so I don't know where they are." "It
makes me drop my knitting". Wrists and fingers stiff and numb on waking, with
"jumping pains" better by movement.
8. Dependency on others, needing help to get up in the morning and dress. "I have to come
down stairs on my bottom." "All joints from the waist down are painful and stiff on
waking", necessitating movement to ease.
9. Profound lassitude.
10. Ulcers of her ankles and feet, and recurrent sepsis around her toe nails. The ulcers started
about 5 years ago, invariably following minor trauma, last d 6-8 weeks, and there was
usually at least one present at a time.
11. Fluid retention. "If I don't Lake my diuretics I rapidly gain 2 stone (12.7 kg) in weight.
Treatment: As her most pressing need was for relief of pain, I prescribed mainly on her particular
1. Phytolacca 3rd qid until improvement.
2. If no response after 10 days change to Agaricus 3rd qid.
I instructed her to continue taking all her conventional medication, explaining that in her
case homoeopathic medication was an additional therapy, but that she could reduce the
analgesics if she found the pain diminishing. Pnytolacca in its provings produces:
Shooting pains like electric shocks, that radiate,
especially in the distribution of the brachial plexus.
and sciatic distribution.
Rheumatic type of pains—very like those produced by
Rhus tox., i.e., worse am, worse wet, worse cold, worse night& better warmth better dry
but are worse motion (like Bryonia)
In the United States of America the fruit and root of the plant have been used to allay
pain, and as an antirheurnatic.
Agaricus (which contains muscarin) in contrast produces:
Jerkings, twitching, tremblings, chorea -like movements,
and itching.
Neuralgia--painful spasms, tearing pains, with numbness,
coldness and tingling cold movement
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Paralysis of lower limbs
Pains as if pierced by needles of ice
Itching of toes, and feet, as if forozen--burning,
itching, redness
Swelling as if from frost bite (hence its use homoeo-
pathically in the treatment of chilblains)
At her second visit 2 months later (22.10.82) she reported:
Sleeping better
Discontinued all dolobid and feldene, and reduced distalgesic from 8 to 2 daily.
"I have only taken 4 in last 4 days". She considered Agaricus helped more than
Phytolacca, and after 3 weeks had reduced the dose to Agaricus 3rd one nocte only. "It
stops me waking up." She could not sit for short spells without her cushion. Rx Zinc.met,
200 X 1, repeating every 14 days if required. Try withholding Agaricus.
22.12.82: "Zinc, helped for 3-4 days, but best improvement came after reverting to
"Occasionally wakened by restless legs, then I have to walk the room".
Rx Zinc. met, 10M x 1 and try Zinc. met. 6 tid in place of Agaricus.
19.1.83: "Zinc. 6 suits better than Agaricus 3rd."
She c/o burning, swollen, hot, stinging wrists, swollen
feet and ½ stone (3.2.Kg) weight gain each evening (despite
diuretics) which disappeared each morning.
Rx Apis 3rd qid until relief.
2.3.83: Discontinued all conventional analgesics for last 3 weeks. Apis relived both wrist
pains and fluid retention dramatically.
"I can now move more easily, and walk 50 yards, the best
for over a year."
"I have no jumping pains, and the numbness is considerably
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9.5.83 No analgesic for last 3 months.
Sleeping isort comfortably—less dependent, more mobile.
Takes Zinc. 6 qh 1-2 doses on days when pain returns, on average on four days each
fortnight. She stated that one or two doses of Zinc.6 predictably stopped her pain.
However, she complained of persistent dyspepsia for last
month with hunger pains, eased by Tagmet (cimetidine)
and Maxolon (metoclopramide).
She was awaiting a cholecystogram.
She was intolerant of fats, admitted to being
"wet eyed" (found her eyes watered when she saw, or heard
anything moving or touching); she liked change. ("My
husband is often surprised when he comes home, because
I've had the furniture rearranged.")
Rx Pulsatilla 30 qh until reaction.
14.5.33: Five days later she attended the Midlands Branch Tutorial at selly Oak Hospital
as a pass demonstration.
She stated her dyspepsia was already much improved, "better than in all the previous
In the discussion that followed, Dr Mollie Hunton observed that there was a relationship
between plasma zinc levels and healing of ulcers, and asked if the patient's ulcers had improved
since using Zinc.6. On learning that there had been no significant chance, she suggested giving
dietary zinc. Dr.Anita Davies, who made a video recording of the demonstration, commented on
the balance between zinc and copper in the body, and that the body used up a lot of zinc in
healing ulcers. She suggested that a plasma zinc estimation might be of value.
12.9.83: Patient is still controlling her neuralgia adequately with Zinc. met.6. "The pain goes
within one hour of taking a tablet." Her cholecystogram and gastric investigation were all
11.10.83: Not taken any conventional analgesics for the last 8 months.
Pulsatilla no longer eased her dyspepsia, but surprisingly she found that Zinc. met.6 did,
and was more effective - than Maxolon. She needed to take it qid, otherwise her gastralgis lasted
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for hours. Her neuritic pains were still controlled effectively with Zinc. She could now walk 3/4
of a mile—a big improvement on her original limit of 20 yards.
McLeod- states that "the most common form of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes
mellitus is a symmetrical, predominantly sensory, polyneuropathy. When there is severe sensory
impairment, perforating ulcers of the feet and neuropathic joints may occur, with associated
sensory ataxia (diabetic pseudo-tabes).
Motor and sensory conduction are impaired.
"Isolated peripheral nerve lesions are common, particularly carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar
nerve lesions at the elbow and radial, femoral and lateral popliteal nerve palsies."
The same author lists the metals and Industrial agents that cause peripheral neuropathy,
and includes arsenic, lead, mercury, thallium and gold (but not zinc).
The reason 1 considered Zinc. met. might be even more effective than Agpricue was
because of two previous occasions when I had prescribed it for diabetic patients with peripheral
neuropathy. Both had received protamine zinc insulin (PZI) for many years, and both found that
low potency Zinc. met. afforded considerable relief. This patient had had PZI for 32 years, and
displayed several of the features one associates with the provings of Zincum:
Severe rain, twitching and trembling of her lower limbs with marked weakness.
Pain temporarily relieved by motion, making her constantly move her legs and change
position ("restless legs", "fidgety feet").
Very sensitive soles of her feet.
Profound prostration, "feeling totally exhausted", with mental apathy.
She claims that Zinc, affords more relief than Agaricus, which certainly helped her.
This woman was presented at our Tutorial, for teaching purposes only, and not in an
attempt to prove that Zinc, met. in potency would predictably alleviate, or improve diabetic
neuropathy. It is interesting to speculate or, the possible association between her prolonged use
of PZI and the apparent benefit she obtains from low potency Zinc.
It la also worth observing that it often happens, as in this case, that more than one drug in low
potency may help a patient, though none may be the exact simillimum; obviously the one whose
side effects most nearly . match the total cluster of the patient's symptoms should prove the most
effective. Finally, this patient found more benefit from low potency Zinc than high—confirming
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common experience that where there is advanced pathological change, with physical rather than
mental symptoms, low potency prescribing is generally the most successful.
[From the British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol 73, No.1, January 1984; for private
communication only.]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Shevin, M.D., D.Ht
(The following paper was presented to the December 12, 1985 meeting of the Connecticut State
Homoeopathic Medical Society. Participants were, in addition to Dr.Shevin, T.C.Cherian, M.D.,
Ahmed Currim, M.D., William F.McCoy. M.D., and Percy Ryberg, M.D.)
INTRODUCTION: This paper is a report on R.M. who was born on January 12, 1968 and who
first consulted me with his mother on August 8, 1984. His chief complaints were: 1) "confused"
feeling since the fall of 1983, 2) constant fatigue, 3) recurrent low fevers sometimes
accompanied by streptococcal infections mostly in the winter, and 4) headaches.
In childhood, he had chickenpox, but was otherwise healthy. Somewhere around 1982, he
rebelled against his father. His parents were divorced and he thereafter lived with his mother. His
father demanded good marks. The patient had always wanted to go to military school, and
believed his father would support him financially. There was great disappointment when his
father refused to do so. He became furious, but did not direct his anger towards the father. In
September 1982, he developed fatigue and sore throat. The diagnosis of a streptococcal throat
was made and he was treated with antibiotics. In November 1982, he developed dizziness which
he described as a sudden "spinning, black hole". There was no loss of consciousness. He also
had nausea and blood in urine although not much detail is known about these last symptoms. As
of January 1903, he continued to be fatigued. Mononucleosis was diagnosed. No treatment was
offered. By August I983, a confusional state became more prominent, which I shall presently
Somewhere in late 1982 or early 1983, he began to crave sweets intensely. He
would hide a box of cookies in his room and consume all at once. After the intake of sugars, he
became increasingly fatigued and would sleep for up to 16 hours; he would experience a
"confused" state of mind.
"Confusion" means, in this case, "strange thoughts.'' "For example, while walking down
the street he imagined that a telephone pole would leave the sidewalk and obstruct his path, or
that he would be run over by a car even though where was no car in sight. There was no anxiety
with these thoughts. Following such thoughts would come a state of feeling very powerful, very
strong."A good feeling, like I could do anything I anted to." "Very much in control." Sometimes
he would go out in the woods with friends and shoot animals. Once they physically abused a
schoolmate, but generally the violence took the form of killing animals. This stale would last Tor
approximately 24 hours, and there was no remorse following it.
He became "addicted" to classical music, listening to "stormy" music (Wagner) for hours
on end. He tended to separate from his friends. He didn't like people and felt that music was the
only thing that mattered. He felt that other people wore "beneath" him and sank into a rather
depressed, fatigued state. He felt much, much better if he lifted weights vigorously, or during
thunderstorms. He read a lot of historical novels, focusing on Hitler, extreme violence,
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bloodshed, etc. He developed fantasies of killing which, by the end of 1983, he was acting out as
described above.
In December 1983, his mother diagnosed hypoglycemia and instituted rigid control of his
diet. This resulted in great improvement of his symptoms. The repressive state, with great
interest in violent music, subsided. He became less violent, but was still fascinated by Hitler
memorabilia and had fantasies of being in combat. If he drove in a car with his mother and it
seemed like a pedestrian might; step out in front of them, he delighted in describing, in gory
detail, the consequences of them hitting the person. If he did eat an appreciable amount of
sweets, he would become confused, developing feelings of "power", as described above.
Many relatives on the father’s side had allergies (pollens, grasses,.etc.). His mother had
eczema as child. One grand-father had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Hunger made him "weak" and produced a feeing of "don't give a damn," plus defiance.
Other than the symptoms described above, there was very little else. He appeared somewhat
bored during the interview and clearly felt that he was just talking to humor his mother. He
didn't feel that he had any problems even though he was willing to describe his feelings freely to
me. To the question: "How do you cope with stress and conflict?" he answered, "I meet it head
on and destroy," or "I fade out, go into a world where I win." Despite his symptoms, he really
felt that he was in great health. He appeared very muscular, calm, slightly aloof. His goal was to
be a jet fighter pilot in the Air Force. Physical examination unremarkable.
I was struck by the air of superiority of this child. He felt that everyone else in his grade
was "stupid" and that he was biding his time until he could get into the Air Force. He felt all-
powerful. This led me to consider Platina. Hering's Guiding Symptoms lists the following.
- Attacks of cheerfulness; increased feeling of strength.
- Great indifference.
- Arrogant, reserved, absent-minded.
- Pride and overestimation of one's self; looking down with haughtiness on others.
- Very peevish and easily excited; he could have beaten anyone without provocation.
- Everything seems strange and horrible to him.
- Sits alone, sad and morose, without talking.
- Illusions of fantasy on entering the house after walking an hour.
- Talks almost continually about fanciful things or such as having really occurred.
- Mental disturbance after fright,grief, or vexation.
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Hering, makes no mention of complaints following hunger, craving for sweets,
aggravation from sweets, etc. Platina also tends to have many symptoms of anxiety which were
completely absent from this case. The lack of moral feeling was prominent. I also considered
Anacardium, Sepia, and Lycopodium. On August 14, 1984, I gave one dose of Platina 30C and
asked the Mother to call back in three days.
When she called, she said that she had noticed a "drastic" change in her son. For 24 hours
following the dose of Platina, "I had my old son back", He became considerate, more open, etc.
She noted that on a car trip, he was concerned about some pedestrians, warning her to watch out
for them. I ordered Platina- 30C once daily.
SEPTEMBER 12, 1984: He stated "Platinum is great." When eating sweets he still reacted, but
much less so (50% decrease). He said, "It brings me down to earth. I'm not living in my
imagination." He was not reading Hitler stories any longer. Now he was reading The Hobbit, and
mystery stories. He said his "purpose" in selecting reading materials had changed.
Over the next few months, he continued to do well. Platina was continued on a daily
basis, raising the potency from 30 to 200, then to 1M, and by the end of December 1984, he was
taking Platina 10M daily. If he forgot it for, a few days, his mother noted the return of symptoms.
He began to get a few sore throats reminiscent of those he had gotten in 1982, but the treatment
regimen was not changed. The sore throats wore all mild.
JANUARY 21, 1985: He had been off the Platina 1OM for two to three weeks and was starting
to regress. Platina 10M was restarted and he improved.
MARCH 26, 1985: Still taking Platina 10 M. but regressing. My analysis was that either he
needed a higher potency or was proving the remedy after virtually continuous dosage for seven
months. I discontinued Platina.
APRIL. 29, 1985: All symptoms subsided within one week of discontinuing Platina 10M. On the
rare occasions when he did eat sweets, he had no adverse reaction unless he ate chocolate. In
that case, within three minutes, he had the sudden or set of sharp stomach pains with slight
nausea and dizziness. These feelings tapered off after approximately 3 minutes.
He enlisted in the Army with the goal of going into military intelligence, to "crack down
on some communists." His mother (a social worker; was completely satisfied with his status. She
-left that he was completely back to normal and that his interest in the military was acceptable.
He was caring towards her and Sister and doing well socially.
SEPTEMBER 23, 1985: He continues to do well. Concerning his reading materials, he stated:
"I'm getting tired of serious murder mysteries. I want something more- fun." As usual, with the
onset of cold weather, he felt less energetic, preferring to read. "everything goes by slowly," he
said. His mother felt he was continuing to do very well. He had not eaten any chocolate.
(At this point in the meeting Dr.Shevin stepped down and a general discussion ensued.
William Franklin McCoy, M.D., was the first to comment)
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Thank you for presenting this fascinating and instructive case. We in America are not
used to the treatment of chronic cases with the frequent administration of high-potency
homoeopathic remedies. However, in India, this form of treatment is not unknown. Dr.Maganlal
B.Desai (1906-1971) read a paper to the International Homoeopathic Congress in New Delhi in
1967 entitled "Frequent Repetition of High Potencies." Another of his apers. "Use of High
Potencies and Repetition”, appeared in the Silver Jubilee Commemorative Souvenir-—1948-
1973 issue of the Homoeopathic Sandesh.
Dr.Sarabhai Kapadia, a student of Dr.Desai, reported his experience in the frequent
repetition of high potency medications in Area C-4 of Symposium 1 of the Institute of Clinical
Kesearch in Bombay (Copyright I.C.R., Bombay: Symposium Council, May 1978). In that
paper, Dr.Kapadia stated: "Dr.Desai experimented in the use of high potencies in repeated doses
over a prolonged period of time. I have also followed this method consistently and find it highly
effective as well as safe in all curable diseases. In incurable diseases with advanced pathology,
however, it does hasten the destructive process that is already in operation and produces what is
known as 'killer Homoeopathic aggravation.' He further elaborated that in such advanced cases,
the physician should put the patient on a trial prescription of the 30th potency initially to
determine curability. If the patient responds favourably, then one can gradually raise the
potency. He selected the 30th potency following Kent's suggestions regarding initial potencies in
cases of doubtful curability.
The Question I have with respect to long-term daily administration of high potency
remedies to patients concerns the question of the possibility of "grafting" a remedy onto one's
constitution which has been described in the literature with respect to such remedies as Lachesis,
Silica, and Thuja. Is it possible that such grafting occurred because she remedy was close
enough to what the patient needed, but far away enough to be a mismatch? I do not know.
Dr.Kapadia's experience encompassed 25 years with no reports of such grafting.
Returning to the case Dr.Shevin hap presented to us, one -question might be: Was the use
of a nosode considered? Another might be whether the patient was given Sac.lac?
Regardless of the answers to these questions, I cannot argue with success, and I commend
Dr. Shevin for presenting a case which is sure to stir the pot, so to speak.
Dr. Ryber: This is not a clear-cut schizophrenia, as such, according to what is escribed.
There is now a term called schizophreniform disorder, in the DSM.III, where this patient would
be classified, I am struck by the issue of hypoglycemia in this case as I am biochemically
oriented. The confusion and fatigue, lasting up to 16 hours,is unusual for manic-depressive
disorders. When I did many glucose tolerance cases, if found many flat curves, especially in
Dr.Cherian: This is a very miasmatic ease. This is a sycotic miasm. Bonded to psora, we
see this desire to kill animals. They want to be like a Hitler.
Dr.McCoy: Dr.Shevin poses the question of whether the patient is cured. He seems to
still have certain violent tendencies. He might need, for example, Medorrhinum.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Dr.Cherian: I still wonder if this case is cured. For this reason, I have to consider
antimiasmatic remedies to follow the Platina.
Dr.Currim: I though the prescription of Platina was a good one in view of the fact that the
patient improved. I believe that he is using the approach of Dr.Eizayaga with the daily
repetitions. I don't know, in view of the patient's response, whether I would have raised the
potency the way he did. Perhaps he night have tried repeating less often with the higher
potencies With Kent's method, you give one dose and wait, when the symptoms return, you
repeat. On one occasion here, the patinet had been off the 10M potency, in January, and relapsed.
He could have done this all throughout. It is also possible that the patient may need Lycopodium
as a constitutional remedy following the Platina. The craving for sweets in this case is so intense
that the patient would get a box of candy and hide it in his room and then eat it. But if you look
under the rubric Cruelty. You have Nux Vomica, which also has the craving for sweets, although
not as intensely as Lycopodium, and is also a remedy of cruelty. So I would consider Nux
vomica. On other symptom in this case, the sensitivity to music, is a strong symptom of Nux
vomica. My may need a nosode, possibly Tuberculinum or Syphilinum. But his first prescription
was a good one. At least the remedy choice was excellent. He describes how he located the
remedy under the delusions of superiority, with Platina the only remedy.
Later comments by Dr.Shevin: Unfortunately, I was not able to be present after the
meeting. I would like to address some of the questions raised in the discussion. It is true that I
had attened Dr.Eizayaga's seminar two months before seeing this patient and I did tend to start
patients with lower potencies (6-30) on a repetitive basis. In this case, however, elected to five a
single dose of the medicine. I spoke with the mother a few days later. She had seen a very
drastic change which lasted only one day. At that point, based on my experience with repetition
over the previous two months with other patients. I elected to repeat the remedy daily.
The regimen was adhered to reasonably well, but he did tend to relapse when not taking
it. At first, these relapses were within just a few days, but gradually the remedy effect was
noticeable for increasingly long periods of time after cessation (because he would run out of
medicine, or forget to take it because he was feeling well, etc.). I raised the potency whenever
there was a relapse (even though he was taking the meoicine daily) or if, after at least several
weeks on a given potency, I felt he was not making enough progress. This is my understanding
of Dr.Eizayaga's technique. The patient continued to improve and stayed on the 10M potency for
quite a while. When he began to get symptomatic again, despite being on the 10M potency, I felt
somewhat reluctant to push him up to the 50M, a potency I rarely find necessary to use. A drug-
free trial was instituted and the symptoms cleared; he has remained well since.
The term "well" in the above paragraph needs clarification, I still feel that there is a very
low-grade illness here. I am particularly grateful to the suggestion of Dr.Cherian and others that
a nosode might be in order, or some indicated anti-sycotic remedy. His mother, however, feels
that he is completely well. She is not unmindful of his reasons for being in the intelligence
branch of the armed forces, but feels that this is acceptable to her. There are some philosophic
questions raised in this situation about the physicians' judgment of "cure" as related to "moral"
judgments. At this point, I am basically waiting to see how the case unfolds.
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The selection of Platina was based on the strong feeling I had that the main presenting
symptom was the arrogance and feelings of superiority. I do not feel that it would be justified, as
yet, to consider the inclusion of Platina in the rubric "Desires sweet," and "Sweets aggravate,"
even though these two symptoms appear to be almost completely clear, "Almost" is the
operative term in this discussion. There is still some reaction to chocolate and sweet cravings
seem to be virtually absent.
As to the allopathic diagnosis, I considered bi-polar illness and schizophrenia as being the
proper diagnostic categories, but could not make either of those on the basis of his condition at
my first visit. Reactive hypoglycemia seemed a more clear-cut diagnosis as well as food allergy.
No.2 June 1986; For private circulation only]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
(Emeritus Consultant Physician, Derby Hospitals and Consultant and Research Director,
Midlands Asthma and Allergy Research Association)
SUMMARY: The taking of a clinical history is of paramount importance in the investigation of
any allergic or suspected allergic situation because it is essential to recognise a demonstrable and
repeatable cause/effect relationship. Guidelines to taking histories and key questions which
should be asked are given.
CARELESS usage of the word 'allergy' by the laity and the media has blurred the meaning of the
word, but its implications are readily understood by everyone: allergic patients are abnormal in
that they produce exaggerated self-damaging defence reactions to substances which are tolerated
perfectly by normal people.
When every encounter with a specific substance produces immediate and/or relayed
reactions which conform to a repeat-able pattern, then that reaction is due to allergy. This
deliberately broad definition emphasises the association of cause with effect, and depends on
clinical observation, Attempts to impose narrow definitions, such as confining 'allergy' to IgE-
mediated reactions, are too restrictive and do not recognise our comparative ignorance of the
mechanisms involved.
Any foreign substance, usually but not always a protein or a combination of a small
molecule with a protein (hapten), may act as an allergen which reaches the sensitised organ or
system by the final common pathway of the blood and extracellular fluids, thus exposing every
cell in the body to the allergen. When the specific allergen reaches the specifically sensitised
piece of tissue a reaction takes place with the liberation of chemical mediators which trigger
muscle spam and local inflammatory changes, producing symptoms according to the function of
the affected tissue. Sensitised bronchi produce asthma and sensitised skin eczema, for example,
but the allergen may be absorbed without a local reaction and pass to a distant sensitised site, the
best example being the seasonal nephrotic syndrome due to grass pollen.
allergic or suspected allergic situation the neglected art of taking a clinical history is of
paramount importance because it is essential to recognise a demonstrable and repeatable
cause/effect relationship. If such a history can be firmly established, this is better evidence than
can be obtained from laboratory or skin tests. All laboratory tests are only ancillary to clinical
assessment, and I would comment that the modern tendency to regard results from the laboratory
as holy writ without discrimination is to be deprecated. In fact, it is possible to practice good
clinical allergy without performing any immunological tests at all.
History taking may be time-consuming and difficult, but it is well worthwhile when
evidence pointing to a removable or avoidable cause can be obtained. Guidelines to history
taking are given in tables I to IV, which also outline the key questions which should be asked
and how to interpret the replies. Patients will often have observed a great deal about their
problems, but this information is a meaningless jumble unless it is sored out in an orderly
fashion. In my view it is essential to use leading questions to avoid being bogged down and
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confused. When patients find that some questions fit their own observations they begin to react
positively and helpfully, and may then offer significant and useful observations. It is most
important for the examiner to appear interested and to be ready to ask supplementary questions
as they occur. This ensures the future co-operation of the patients, who will by now have decided
that you are on their side and seriously trying to make some sense out of their problems. It is
very important to question the patient in logical sequence; otherwise vital information will be
missed. My custom is firstly to ask about major illnesses, and then enquire about the family
history, with particular reference to asthma, hay fever, polyps and eczema, and then a few
questions about conditions which are only sometimes related to allergy such as colitis, Crohn's
disease, arthritis and migraine, and behaviour problems in children. A unilateral family history
suggests that the problem may be allergic, but a bilateral history makes this much more probable.
The next enquiry, even in elderly patients, should be regarding infant feeding difficulties
which either clear up never to return or are replaced by infantile eczema, which may or may not
persist or change into asthma. It is surprising how much information can be obtained in this way.
At this point, particularly with respiratory problems, it is necessary to separate seasonal
from perennial, unless the case is a combination of both. Perennial problems encompass a much
wider range of possibilities, and the questions regarding observed differences between symptoms
at home, at work or on holiday can given valuable clues and establish characteristic patterns. The
tables of questions given here should help to pin down causative factors. In questioning an
asthmatic the questions regarding cough are absolutely essential, especially because patients
seldom realise how important it is to observe sputum and its consistency.
Many other possibilities, sometimes bizarre, may be suggested by patients as a result of
real or fancied observations. I think it is unwise to dismiss these notions without adequate
enquiry, but essential to cultivate objectivity in the patient and to insist that they demonstrate
repeatability of such reactions on two or preferably three occasions.
FAMILY HISTORY: Some surveys have reported that with a bilateral history the incidence of
allergic disease is 50-70% and when unilateral 25%. Although there is a tendency to inherit the
same type of allergic syndrome, such as asthma or hay fever, this is by no means an invariable
rule. Also, the question of just what is classed as allergic disease and what is not is difficult and
Various allergic problems may be caused in different generations, usually due to different
allergens. Milk allergy or intolerance is a remarkable exception as it clearly runs in families but
may produce different allergic syndromes in members of the same family. Thus, removing milk
from the whole family diet can benefit more than one member of that family and be dramatically
Allergic disease can develop at any time of life and I have frequently been consulted by
the parents or even the grandparents of children I have already been looking after for years
because their elders have now developed an allergic disorder for the first time.
The main importance of the family history is to support the concept that the symptoms
may be allergic in causation, especially when the syndrome being investigated is one of the less
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
common ones such as arthritis or a gut problem. When enquiries are made from relatives,
interesting information often comes to light, so it is really essential to find out everything you
can about the family history.
TABLE 1—Key questions for all allergy problems
Question Significance of reply
Is there a family history of allergic disease?
(Inquiry should embrace a fairly wide
range of allergic disease, particularly
asthma, eczema, hay fever, urticaria, angio-
oedema, nasal polyps, perennial rhinitis,
migraine, and also gut problems such as
ulcerative colitis)
Positive history, especially of respiratory
and skin allergy, increases the probability
of the problem being an allergic one,
particularly if on both sides of the family
Any problems with infant feeding? (Should
always be asked no matter what age)
Affirmative answers suggests possibility of
a background milk allergy. Should lead to
supplementary questions about pyloric
stenosis, pylorospasm, diarrhoea,
malabsorption, failure to thrive, eczema
Are symptoms in summer only?
If a clear 'yes' ignore perennial or
environmental aspects and foods. Go to
seasonal aspects as laid out in tables III and
Are symptoms perennial but also worse in
Affirmative suggests that this is a
complicated multifactorial problem
Are symptoms the same all year round?
If a clear 'yes' follow the scheme laid out
for perennial allergy investigations (table
What was the age of onset of the first
allergic problem?
This is an important question because the
earlier the allergic problems begin the more
severe they tend to be and the less likely is
spontaneous remission.
Do you have nasal catarrh? Polyps?
Sinusitis? Noises in the ears? Deafness?
Allergic rhinitis, Eustachian dysfunction
and polyps may be missed if not asked for
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Can you smell and taste?
and looked for. Loss of taste and smell is
TABLE II—Key questions for perennial allergic problems
Possible interpretation
Are you worse in winter?
bedding (feather quilt), ducted air heat
(dust, on the move), Aspergillus in damp
cellars, mouldy basements
At week
Working wives have more contact with house
dust mites or pets at weekend. Husbands drink
more beer at weekends
House dust
or other bed allergens
At home?
Environmental factors
Environmental factors, usually dust mites, or
At night?
Bed allergens, dust mites, pets, bed
drinks, sex
On holiday?
Eiderdowns, bedding and caravans, cottages
may cause problems, more wine or change of
diet, other animals, seasonal factors
At work during the week?
Occupational factors of all kinds, old dusty
Visiting relatives and so on?
Usually pets or very dusty house
Outside in summer?
Seasonal factors
Are you
better at Work?
Adverse home environment
Are you better at home?
Adverse work environment
Outside or working in air
Dust or pets and so on, seasonal factors also
better in air-conditioning
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
On week
ends away?
Home environment
dust mites,
and so on
On holiday in Britain?
Suggests dust or pets at home
On holiday abroad?
Improvement in dry warm Mediterranean
climates, or at high altitudes in central Europe,
suggests environmental or occupational
factors at home, particularly if relapse on
return home is swift. Change in food may also
cause improvement.
TABLE III —Questions for seasonal allergic problems
Possible interpretation
Easter or before
Local tree pollens, especially birch, hazel, ash,
plane, mainly London in May
Hot, dry, windy,. In the country near
Grass pollens can only become airborne when
ripe and dry (June/July)
Grass cutting, especially hover mowers
Pollen stirred up from ground. Moulds are also
Warm, humid, during rain, e
specially if near
deciduous trees
Moulds sporulate when temperature and
humidity are optimum
Before rain. Some patients can predict rain
Moderate rise in humidity before rain may
induce sporulation of yeasts and moulds
In early hours of
morning in July and August
Yeasts and basidiospores are shed by the
million when conditions are right
Near harvesting or combine harvester. Grain
Moulds are disseminated in very large
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numbers by these operations
Dry summer
Pollen count higher in
dry summer
Wet summer
Mould spores mope abundant in wet damp
In rain in June/July
Grass pollen is washed down by the rain
In a dry summer
Moulds and yeasts are much less because
humidity needed to sporulate
In a wet summer
and yeasts sporulate
profusely, and several species may sporulate
on the same day
In frost or snow
Mould allergies await the frost
with impatience, as the spores will all
disappear from the air. Will also be well when
at winter sports resorts
Notes: Some seasonal patients sneeze in the pollen season and wheeze in August and September, as the
nose is sensitive to one allergen and the bronchi to another. Careful questioning and well-kept patient
diaries may be helpful, but the British weather is so fickle and variable that no clear pattern may
TABLE IV - A guide to seasonal allergies
March,, April and May
Tree pollens
rarely a major
Problem. Knowledge of local tree population
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Late May, Jun, July
worse during w
Fading out end july
Grass pollen. Counts rise earlier in the south.
The season in Spain and the South of France is
May, in the Shetlands, August/ September
End July into August
Some times nettle pollen, often peak for
mould spores and so on. Cladosporium,
Sporobolomyces, Botrytis, Alternaria
Late August into September Or even early
October ceasing at first frost
Phoma, Botrytis, basidiospores (not proven).
Mould spore peaks very greatly from year to
year depending on weather. Skin tests with
moulds are unreliable. Symptoms from moulds
usually occur after the pollen count has
become insignificant.
[From the PRACTITIONER, Vol.231, 8, April 1987; abridged slightly by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan; for private
circulation only.]
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
In accordance with its therapeutic principles and understanding as specific regulations therapy
homoeopathy treats allergic diseases by curing the cause. Consideration of the aetiology and
pathogenesis of allergic diseases will make this more clear.
In many paragraphs in the Organon Hahnemann has discussed the medicines and their
influence on the organism. It will be particularly clear from the summary in paragraph 33 how
much unusually high value Hahnemann awarded to the disease-making power of the medicines
in comparison to the power of the other disease-making noxious agents. Thereby he speaks of a
pathological conversion of the human health. The observation of the medicinal action is within
the hypothesis of the medicinal disease and its related preliminary aggravation. It is evident that
what we now comprehend as allergic reaction belongs to this sphere of observations and
In the past the nature of allergy object was according to practical observation and its
manifestation was comprehended as idiosyncrasy. In para 117 Hahnemann referred to a
constitutional disposition and the causative thing (= antigen) which are absolutely essential for
causing the idiosyncrasy, but not reacting in the same manner in every Organism. The different
possibilities of the causative allergens are mentioned in paragraph 207. Hollenberg has therefore
rightly given top value for these in treatment of allergic diseases.
In case recording and in grasping the totality this has a special value: In Symptoms
Register with gradations, every symptom which is predominantly in keeping with the paragraph
153 is accorded the first grade. Foremost with it, is the causative or aetiologic symptom. Braun
clearly says that the constant grappling with the manifold environmental influences exposes the
temporary immune weakness of the Organism, The causative stimulus may be trivially below
normal and only due to the presence of the corresponding disease disposition (̎ Psora̎), disorders
occur. The causative stimulus as well as the abnormal reaction are absolutely characteristic in the
sense of paragraph 153.
If we find clear aetiologic symptoms we should not then loose sight of it in our search for the
Case 1: A mother with her 10 weeks old infant boy. She complained that the child has chronic
tendency to vomit. This began immediately after birth. The child was kept under observation for
a week.
The clinical examination did not reveal anything: all normal for its age. When questioned
further the mother said that the child aid not take the feed sufflciontly full, She further observed
that if the child was fed with something other than mother's milk, there was no vomiting and also
not so profuse.
This confirmed the suspicion "intolerance of mother's milk". The mother was advised as
to how the child was to be nursed further and Aethusa D6, mornings and evenings a tablet to be
given to the infant in its feed.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Within a week the vomiting became lesser and after two weeks of medication there was
no more vomiting. Follow-up for 6 Months.
Here Aethusa was given because of the aetiology.
ALLERGIC DISPOSITION: In infancy and childhood atopic skin diseases occur which are
summarised as constitutional Eczema and Neurodermatitis. The therapeutic problem in this are
well-known and homoeopathy therefore becomes a necessity. The broad action of homoeopathy,
from pure organ range and histotropic prescriptions extending to treatment with constitutional
medicine and polychrests and thereby the individual treatment, exemplifies per se the different
action points of the homoeopathic remedy.
In this manner homoeopathy can be instituted as prophylactic remedy. Such a
prophylaxis -- right in allergic disposition of the parents -- has been developed by Vannier with
his work on "Eugenic treatment" as pre-natal treatment. As is well-known, a systematic treatment
during the early period of pregnancy, with high potency (Tuberculin Luesin, Sulphur) and then
high potency Calcium derivative is to be carried through. Neurodermatitis and Asthma of the
parents, Milk-crust of the parents which are more likely to be inherited by the children can be
averted by the eugenic treatment. It is of course difficult to statistically state as to how much
foetal development was affected without the eugenic treatment.
The knowledge about the exudative diathesis of the Lymphatic and Scrofulous makes it
clear as to how we can begin to treat the skin diseases of the children within the first seven years
of their life, with Calcium. Purely suppurative processes which develop primarily as such are
treated with Hepar sulphuris, whereas all the bland chronic, constitutional skin ailments of
childhood can be treated by Calcium carbonicum as initial therapy in possible high potency.
Only so can we prepare the ground for a further rational treatment.
In later years also in the treatment of constitutional diseases Calcium carbonicum should
not be ignored although in principle it is a medicine for early childhood and later we can replace
it with Magnesium or Barium.
Such an individualised therapy with constitutional medicine along with intermitting
application of nosodes helps an effective influence on the Atopic after which in case of
suppression-syndrome Sulphur may be employed.
FUNCTIONAL REMEDY: It has also been repeatedly proved in practice that at the same time
we must employ functional and histotropic medicines. Some new medicines proved as valuable
in the aetiology and organ affinity in allergic skin and mucous membrane diseases may be
discussed here. These pre from the botanical medicine researches made by Willmar Schwabe
who has also initiated therapy experiments.
CARDIOSPERMUM: Cardiospermum halicacabum is a creeper plant found in Tropical
countries considered as weed in some places. In its habitat it is considered as non-poisonous
although occasionally it causes allergic reaction in sensitive persons. It was also observed from
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the first trial itself on patients that not only allergic reactions in skin and mucous membranes
were observed more often but that at the same time the prevailing rheumatic symptoms also were
relieved. This additional effect was obtained by use of deep potencies whereas in skin diseases
D3 and D4 were used. In the trials the remedy was used in different potencies, later by injections
and then the effects during prolonged interval were observed; the symptoms were reproduced
when the medicine was given again.
Cardiospermum is indicated, besides in rheumatic diseases in skin diseases. Schwabe
points to cases in which a corticosteroid had been used for months and upto a year without relief
but which became definitely better from Cardiospermum.
Further experience with Cardiospermum as topical application have been mentioned
(Cardiospermum salve). Favourable indications are in inflammatory dermatosis, accompanied by
itching. This form of application of cardiospermum has been found of value in two
pharmacological studies in clinical and ambulant so much so that it compares with a cortisone-
like preparation.
GALPHIMIA GLAUCA: Whereas Cardiospermum halicacabum is suitable in histotropic skin
diseases with allergic aetiology, Galphimia glauca is useful in diseases of skin and mucous
membranes of allergic genesis.
Galphimia glauca (synonym: Thryallis glauca) belongs to a small and unknown plant
family. In the Middle and South America and other tropical countries it is known as an
ornamental plant only. Willmar Schwabe came to know Galphimia while on a botanical
excursion; otherwise there is no hint at all in any literature about its use.
Indication for Galphimia on basis of experience at sick bed are given:
Case 2: 10 years old boy continuously suffering from severe hay fever every early summer in
the flowering season although he avoided the flowering meadows. Particularly difficult now
during the school days especially since the anti-allergic drugs made him very tired.
The child was given therefore Galphimia D4, 5 drops every 3 hours.
A couple of days later came the report that the drops relieved the hay fever promptly and
feeling of tiredness also was not anymore felt.
In the succeeding year the boy got as prophylaxis Galphimia D6, 5 drops in evenings one
month before the flowering period. The effect of Galphimia was clear, since he suffered his usual
hay fever only to a minimum although the "hay weather" was prevalent; further doses of
Galphimia D4 ( 4 X 5 drops daily) made a total cure. Critical observations over a period have
revealed that patients treated with Galphimia improved year by-year needing less and less
medicine and developed hypo-sensitivity to Pollinosis.
This also indicates that Galphlmia may be used in asthmatoid bronchitis and in allergic
bronchial asthma.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Both Cardiospermum and Galphimia are similar in skin affinity. In 1980 there was a
double-blind trial of Galphimia in hay fever syndrome. Example:
Case 3: 17 years girl, not hyposensitised. Galphimia D4 6 X 10 gtt. The patient suffered from
neuroderma also. Upto the middle of trial period (15 days) while the hay fever was better the
skin condition became worse; during the end of the trial (30 days) both faded away although
heavy pollen dust persisted during the east wind and sunny days.
Herz has also observed similar results in a series of Neurodermatitis patients.
The individual symptoms useful for prescription in accordance with para 153 could be
ascertained if a "proving" is made.
LUFFA: Willmar Schwabe, learnt from one of his botanical tours of South America about Luffa
and its use by the natives in nasal and sinus inflammations.
Therapeutic use of Luffa has been confirmed in many cases of diseases of upper
respiratory passages. This holds good in cases of allergic etiology and allergic genesis. Luffa
may be used in high potency in moist catarrh and in low potencies in dry, irritative conditions of
the mucous membranes.
[From the ALLGSMEINE HQMOOPATHISCHE ZEITUKG, Band 230, no.4, 1985; Translated
from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for private circulation only]
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
A 61 years old lean woman came for treatment of a skin eruption. She has been suffering
from this since 6 months. She warned to be treated only by homoeopathy and was therefore
referred to me by a colleague. It was a case of Lichen ruber planus of elbow.
My colleague had taken the case in full and has rightly given predominance to the mental
symptoms. As the patient suffered all her complaints from emotional excitement he considered
the rubric "Emotional excitement, ailments from" (Kent, P.40), then "palpitation from
excitement" (Kent, p.875) and lastly "exophthalmus" (Kent, p.240) as characteristic symptoms.
On these and other symptoms he treated her with Aurum, Natrum muriaticum and Phosphorous.
This was not successful. The peculiar symptoms like the blue-red color of the small nodules and
particularly the shining and glittering transparent fish-scales like were not found anywhere in the
KENT either under "Skin eruptions" or "Eruptions on elbows".
I did not know how to proceed now. The appearance of the eruption pointed to the
diagnosis as Lichen ruber planus. But the diagnosis also was of no use since it was not found in
I referred next to KNERR and succeeded. I found the rubric "Eruption, lichen" with the
sub-rubric "exudative ruber" wherein 8 remedies were given -- namely, Apis, Arsenicum,
Chininum arsenicosum, Iodum, Kali arsenicosum, Phosphorous, Sarsaparilla and Sulphur.
As I found a mapped tongue in the patient (Kent p.407) and also as the patient's type and
constitution suggested, I chose Arsenicum as the suitable medicine.
Arsenicum C 200 was given as intravenous injection and 4 weeks later the skin eruption
began to fade and finally totally cured.
(“Ed. Note: As differential diagnosis Neurodermatitis may be suggested. However the clinical
diagnosis had only a prognostic value. For choice of medicine only the symptoms are guides, as
in this case." - Necessary additions may be in the Kent Repertory - Dr.K.S.Srinivasan)
[Prom the ALLGEMEINE HOMOOPATHISCHE ZEITUNG, Band 230, No.4, 1985 translated
from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for private circulation only]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
A strong and robust 60 years old patient with rather overweight complained of heart
The patient is under my treatment for a fairly long time and I knew that he took his job as
editor of a well-known journal with too much devotion and extraordinary industry. I knew him as
a man of quick reaction and precise expression just as the load of his daily work with its large
monthly earnings demanded of him.
Is it a wonder that he has, since some months, heart complaints, which have by now
increased? And his heart complaints now run thus:
It mostly commences when he sits and works. The pain does not come slowly, but
suddenly and with force. In the chest cage laterally on the right of the sternum he has
particularly severe pain which compels him to stand up and move around, which however does
not ameliorate. These pains were so cramping and crushing that he felt he would die.
He received nitrolingual from a colleague who suffered similarly. In the meanwhile he
purchased some nitrolingual. He took at short intervals two squirts from the sprayer and up to 5
times until the attack was got over.
On days when he got these attacks he mostly woke up with headaches and could not
concentrate on his work then.
A reference to Kent was not helpful since it covered heart ailments poorly. Luckily I
found in Knerr the following indication:
Heart pain constant in lower part: Lyssinum
Dull, all day, with pinching about fourth rib, right Side: Lyssinum.
With corresponding pain in right side, severe sticking and shooting, shortness of breath
and sighing: Lyssinum
Not only the heart symptoms agreed with the drug picture but also the mental symptoms
to Mezger:
"Mostly the mental functions are in a state of increased excitement, which manifest as quick
conception, astoundingly sharp understanding and rapid replies to questions."
The picture became further clear when he answered to my further questions which
matched Lyssinum:
He could not tolerate sun-heat. The sound of running water caused him urging to urinate.
Therapy and progress: After an i.v. Injection of Lyssinum (Hydrophobinum) C 200 the patient
did not anymore suffer heart ailments.
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[From the ALLGEMEINE HOMOOPATHISCHE ZEITUNG, Band 2 7, No.5, 1982; translated
from the German by Dr.K.S,Srinivasan Madras; for private communication only]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
2.7 ROUTINE TREATMENT OF MEASLES?- by M.Freiherr v.Ungern-
Early May 1984 a very anxious and worried grandmother consulted me whether I could
do anything to her grand-child who now, after the disappearance of her measles eruption, has a
sudden attack of convulsions. Now he is in hospital with continuous convulsions and the doctors
were battling to save him. I knew the lady since 18 years and had helped her often and knew the
child's father also who died under tragic circumstances. He had an epileptic fit and fell on a saw.
The child had suffered during the formative years. The grandmother said that the daughter-in-law
did not, for a whole year, make any contact with others. The measles was treated with the usual
fever remedies and cough syrups since the modern medicine did not have anything else against
viral diseases. Because of this helplessness and the above-mentioned complications and diseases
as consequence, vaccination is being propagated. The suppressed skin eruption and fever
convulsions indicated Cuprum which was prescribed in the C 200 potency. The grandmother
gave it to the boy on the next day without his knowing it and the child recovered. It cannot, of
course, be proved that this single dose brought about the cure of this child once given up as lost.
Complications and sequelae: The question has been in my mind as to how closely the much-
feared complications, complications, particularly the measles Encephalitis, Otitis, Pneumonias,
Noma and so on and not to forget the Pulmonal sequelae, Pertussis and Tuberculosis all belong
originally to the measles - and how much the suppression of symptoms could cause. In the 25
years of my own experience with homoeopathic treatment except two cases of mumps after
measles, I never had any case of complication or sequel diseases, no eye complaints and no heart
involvements. And my mother too had none in her 56 years of practice, our other homoeopathic
doctors also similarly none. Dr.Hauptmann, Paediatrician who was interviewed by me had
observed among his 500 cases only one measles Pneumonia and one Otitis. These complications
are well handled by homoeopathy. It must be evident that the homoeopathically chosen remedy
enables the organism to conquer a disease by a medicinally induced art cure similar to nature's
Observing physicians have averred about mothers who have spontaneously reported
about children who have made developmental leaps every time the disease had been conquered
has if a blocked stove has been cleaned. I know cases of perpetual tendency to suffer from
repeated infections get over it after they at last come into homoeopathic treatment and the
measles, for which they had been vaccinated, is produced.
Tendency to infections, colds which are taken from where and how they do not know, is a
leading symptom for Tuberculin. Not only the pulmonary complications, but especially the
much-feared sequel Tuberculosis make us think of diathesis disposition. Measles and tuberculous
terrain -this hypothesis is strongly held in theory. It has been observed that measles excites
chronic inflammatory processes in lymphatic regions.
Recent observations have shown the connection of polysclerosis with measles
encephalitis which follows vacccination. H.V.Miller has brought about remission of multiple
sclerosis with high potency Morbillinum. Another preparation found useful by him in this was
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the nosode Distemperinum - in the anamnesis question has to be asked regarding association
with dogs.
Homoeopathic evidences: What does the Master Hahnemann say? The paragraphs 38, 40, 46, 50
and 73 of the Organon are particularly relevant here.
While Hahnemann speaks of two dissimilar diseases in the earlier paragraphs, he then
speaks of the so-called fixed diseases to which measles belonged and which because of its
similarity with whooping cough and skin eruption would remain permanently cured. Para 73
speaks about acute diseases which are flare-ups of latent psora; they may also occur partly as
epidemics or partly sporadically from psychic or physical upsets.
It is therefore eminently essential to give in acute diseases the homoeopathic single
remedy not only to meet the tip of the ice-berg but at the same time to deal with the diathesis.
The correctly chosen remedy gives the clue to the specific follow-up remedies thus minimising
future difficulties. It is a fact borne out by my experience that an individual who displays a
definite affinity to a particular medicine holds that affinity for a very long time in certain
What is homoeopathy's view of measles? The homoeopathic medicines may be found in
the rubric 'eruption, measles' in Kent; we must add to this Tub according to H.C.Allen. The
choice of the remedy is on the type of fever, the time modalities and the patient's reaction to
warmth, rest; touch, constriction, noise, smelt etc., thirst, desires, aversions and especially
peculiar symptoms of mind.
On the first day of measles mostly no eruption is seen until fever sets in and then Acon,
or Bell. is given C 200 occasionally and after a day or two Sulphur may be required as
complementary. In my opinion, a child afflicted by measles and in whom the Koplik's spots are
not seen still, is observed to be"weepy". In addition if thirstlessness in fever is also observed a
dose of Puls. C 200 or M is sufficient to overcome the disease in a few days. In a series of cases
the children had typical swollen face and all symptoms pointed to measles and they had,
however, much thirst for cold water, a bottle of water was at the bed-side and a half-empty glass.
During the dry, racking cough, they rather sat up than lying down. Here I gave Phos. C. 200 and
as soon as the thirst was over I followed with Puls. C.200. Generally I leave the dose of Puls with
the mothers with appropriate instructions.
In one case of a 12 year old girl who 3 weeks after one dose Phos. given for fear of
school, had measles finally. Here I provoked the exanthema to break out through a dose of Sul.
C.200 and then when much thirst appeared Phos LM6 and on the third day Pulsatilla was called
for and after 4 days the measles was cured. If the children do not any more feel unwell then I
have no anxiety.
Most of the cases of measles I had this spring needed this remedy so that it may be almost
called a routine treatment. Nothing of the kind, however, I had Spongia, Ant-tart and other cases.
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Two cases I consider as worth discussing; they date spring 1984: A 9 year old boy who
had got over the trauma of separation of his parents through the loving care of the second wife of
his father and who became very much upset every time after staying with his mother, suffered
from scarlet fever when his mother became pregnant. In my experiences in scarlet fever deep
emotional problems have to be overcome and in this case the coming to terms with the
opposition situations. They consulted an Anthroposophical lady doctor. As I was called the child
had already received for a while Bell. D 6. The foster mother was very anxious as she was much
careful to provide for the child a proper motherly love and care. I prescribed Bell. C.200 by
which the scarlet fever passed off in a few days and the measles followed shortly thereafter for
which Puls. C.200 was given successfully. Through the week-long fever and Bell D.6 the boy
was out and out i11. Who can describe the astonishment of the parents as they stated that the
child had grown 6 cm. and increased 600 grams weight!
On easter Monday the parents of a one year old child called me. All the three children
were suffering from measles but the youngest howled terribly, one cheek was red and the other
pale, was teething and had had Chamomilla C which did not help. I gave C 30 which I
considered appropriate to a one year old child. Evening about 22 hours the parents rang me and I
could hear over the telephone the child's cry and I rushed immediately. The two other children
had been treated by my partner Dr.G.Behnisch, with Acon, and then Sul. This infant was treated
with Puis. The baby wanted to be carried by the mother, continuously wriggling back and forth.
The parents feared brain affection since the child was stretching violently. If the mother put it on
the bed, the child immediately reared itself into Opisthotonos immediately. I gave Bell. C.200
and waited. There was no change in about 20 minutes and now because of the continuous
howling of the child and the exhaustion of the parents I decided to given Cham. C 200 and gave
one globule. Ten minutes later the child became calm much to the relief of the child, parents and
the physician. The C 30 given in the afternoon had brought relief for only about an hour.
A third important case is from my partner Gotthard Behnisch. A child with Asthma
complicated by Neurodermatitis was treated by a lady colleague with complex remedy with
seeming success; the child immediately got Angina which was treated with Silicea which was
followed by Hepar Sul, and Merc. that is exactly the wrong sequence. The child developed
thereby an exanthema which quickly vanished. As the child then got Meningitis the parents
called Dr.Bfehnisch Bell. 10M was given but then restlessness, stiffness of neck and jerking of
limb began again. Because of the suppressed skin eruption, Zincum was now prescribed and the
child got measles. It was ill about 6 weeks totally, and this spring its eczema of one year's
duration has been cured; for the first time it has no asthma and a vicarious hay fever also was
We observe that every patient received individual medicine even in a "fixed disease" like
measles and there cannot be, in homoeopathy, a routine treatment even considering the genius
(From the KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIC, Band 28, No.6/1984; translated from the
German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras for private circulation only.
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Dr. H.V. Muller's case of Multiple sclerosis in which the nosode DISTEMPERINUM was used
has been given in art ‘Qrtly Hom DIGEST’ Vol, I. No.2 September 1984]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
In paragraph 100 of the Organon VI edition Hahnemann speaks of the treatment of the infectious
diseases and sporadic diseases; "the epidemics of fixed nature" like pox, measles, scarlatina etc.
are exceptions. For scarlatina Hahnemann gave, according to his Pure Materia Medica,
Belladonna C 30. Can that substantiate a routine treatment of scarlatina?
Case 1: J.B. a young Sam woman and teacher came with her son A.B. from a place about 35 Km.
away, on 6.11.1980 Tor her septic sinusitis which was cured by a single dose of Thuja CM; In
May 1961 her corn disappeared. An intestinal influenza and left sided tonsillitis were cured
without any medicine.
On 28.7.1981, Sepia C 30 was prescribed for prolapsus uteri. On 24.2.1982 left tonsillitis
reappeared which likewise went off without any particular treatment. On 10.6.1982 Hepar sulph.
C 30 was prescribed for reappearance of a left sided suppurative tonsillitis which was cured 2
During summer she suffered from prolapse feeling during menses for which on 27.8.1982
Sepia CM was given with good result.
On 15.11.1982 she telephoned that he tonsils here red since 2 days and in the meanwhile
the right tonsil had become septic. She herself had taken on the previous day at 1800 hrs
Belladonna C 30 and at 2000 hrs because of the septic condition and chilliness with 39°c
temperature, Hepar sul. C 30. Because of painfulness of hair when touched (Kent p.120; binding
up the hair, p.137), I waited. Telephone: severe pallia while swallowing, stitching pains and now
the left tonsil much swollen. I ordered a single dose of Lyc. C 200. On 17.11.1982 throat still
dark-red, right tonsil septic, stitching and pulsating pain in the right half of head and temple and
ear, very negligible scarlet exanthema. Wait!
22.11.1982: The scarlatina has completely gone; she felt tired, mild desqamation. Throat
is not irritating, tonsils have regained normal size.
Case 2: At the same time her daughter with right tonsillitis. 1 immediately took a swab and sent
for haemolysing streptococcus and in the meanwhile a dose of Bell. C 200. The daughter Alice
then had a normal scarlatina with primary tonsillitis, fever, the typical scarlet exanthema for few
days and finally normal temperature, desquamation and complete cure. Both the patients had no
complications till now of any of the much-feared sequel diseases.
In my experiences 80% of the case terminate in this way. But the mo her required
Lycopodium which is given in Kent in 3 grace.
Case 3: Last year (19.5.1983) a mother from neighbourhood rang me: "My son R.F. has a septic
right tonsillar inflammation and 39°c fever". Instructions: Throat swab (result after six days -
haemolysing streptococcus positive) The child has already cough. He got a single dose of
Belladonna C 200. The scarlatina was cured in the usual 7 days period. No sequel diseases.
Case 4: Mrs.Roseraarie F the mother was again seen by me on 16.5.1983; she was well. Last two
years she had been successfully treated with single doses of Nat.m., Tub., Calc. carb,
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On 1.6.1983.12 days after the illness of her son called me on Saturday afternoon: "Right-
sided throat pain, pain in right sinus, 39.6°c fever". Prescription: A single dose of Belladonna C
200. Sunday, 2.6.1983: 40.2° c temperature, without thirst. Ho symptoms of sinusitis anymore,
temperature dropped to 39.40 c and going down during the course of the day. Otherwise the
severe throat pain not altered. Hence re-examinations: left tonsil purulent. Swab positive.
Lachesis C 200 one dose. Severe pain left throat. Tonsil farther septic, light erythema which
transformed into a scarlatina exanthema.
10.6.1983: Swab negative. Patient felt well. Case 5: 12 years old girl came recently with
a diagnosis of PCP. Within this short period of life she has been given different penicillins 70
times and had thrice suffered scarlatina. During the second infection with haemolysing
streptococcus the mother of the child asked the paediatrician! "Can one not suffer scarlatina once
only during life?" Answer: "The first time the Scarlet fever as treated with Penicillin too early!"
Naturally it is much easier to successfully treat an acute scarlatina homoeopathically,
rather than complicated and frequently occurring diseases a result of suppression of an acute
exacerbation. Children's ailments are signiflcant markers in the development of the child and its
defence mechanism. (See the article of Dr.v.Ungern-Sternberg in this DIGEST).
Of course, if we heed to Hahnemann's tenets we will not become discouraged Aad
surrender to the sequel diseases or chronic diseases.
What do we learn by the example cases cited above?
1. Homoeopathy treats and cures according to the paragraphs 153, 164, 211 etc., according to
Symptoms. An exact and complete anamnesis is pre-requisite for finding the remedy and the
2. And in a stereotypically flowing disease condition Like scarlatina provoked by the
haemolysin streptococcus we must analyse the symptoms to find the apt homoeopathic remedy
In Kent (p.1286) there are about 30 remedies for scarlatina and Its sequel diseases.
There are no routine prescriptions in homoeopathic treatment in the narrow sense. In any case
there is no specific treatment according to disease indications (diagnosis) or by poorly sketched
disease pictures (“fixed diseases").
We must never escape our responsibility to know the individual behind the disease and
find the singular cause for the individual's acute disease. That is, we cannot conclude: Scarlatina
= Haemolytic Streptococcus = Penicillin. (Statistics in the USA showed that treatment of
scarlatina by Penicillin curtailed the disease duration of course, but increased the risks of sequel
diseases. Not treating scarlatina by Penicillin is less risky.)
In homoeopathic therapeutics it would be: scarlatina, tonsillitis acuta = Belladonna. That is our
experience of course which confirms Hahnemann'a but that is not all.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
If we dedicate ourselves to the examination and interrogation of he patient to arrive at the
totality of the picture then we can achieve the utmost benefit to the
patient and always practically avoid sequel diseases. The patients are generally already cured by
the time the laboratory results come.
I have been practicing homoeopathy since 17 years, 5 years in private practice. If the
homoeopathic treatment according to Hahnemann's principles, the prescription
of high potencies in single doses were ineffective, should be starving since long. Fact is that we
homoeopaths have not grown to meet the rush of patients.
We should not, because of that take it easy and fall into routinsm. or polyprescrlptions! If
we treat out patients by the individual remedies according to their disease picture (paragraphs 71
- 104) in future at least a few physicians will learn from it to treat on these principles.
[From the KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIE, Band 28, No.6/1984; translated from
Dr.K,S.Srinivasan, Madras;for private circulation only].
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
3 QHD, Vol. IV, No.3, September 1987
Dear Doctor,
The theme for this number of our DIGEST is "PROVINGS". Hahnemann said: "In
practical science there is no place for speculation. Neither the source, color, smell, taste nor
chemical structure of the medicines can reveal anything about medicines' curative powers, in the
living organism; experiment on animals cannot reveal anything about the sensations aroused by
the medicines since animals are dumb creatures. Therefore experiments on healthy humans alone
could reveal the medicinal powers. Every medicine arouses in human body its specific kind of
disease …..... Imitate nature . . ... and give in a disease that is to be cured a medicine which has
been found to be capable of producing symptoms similar to the disease to be cured . . . Similia
Thus, the very foundation of homoeotherapeutics is based on practical experiments, that
are called 'provings'. Our Materia Medlca has been built on provings by the pioneer homoeopaths
who carried out on their own and their families'
bodies (and mind) these experiments, not withstanding doubts raised by Anthony Campbell and
his likes.
This spirit is sadly lacking in the modern homoeopaths. However, there have been/are,
experiments from time to time which bring out new facets of known homoeopathic remedies as
such. These are our very 'weapons' which enable us to fight diseases and help restore health.
I am sure that you will carefully study the material in this number and benefit.
'Verifications' of the symptoms given in these provings will be eagerly awaited. Please do
A new column has been added: BOOK SHELF.
September 1987
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the reader to the exciting results of
a proving recently conducted by Mr.Jeremy Sherr, an Israeli homeopath currently living in
England, where the proving was conducted. The proving illuminates a great deal of
symptomatology, especially in the mental and emotional realm that has never before been
reported. There is a definite possibility that Scorpion will, when more widely recognized,
become a very valuable and effective remedy.
TOXIC EFFECTS OF THE SCORPION: To reacquaint you with the toxic properties of
Scorpion, let us review the effects of the sting:
"The pain resulting from the sting is extremely severe, its character is sharp and burning.
The pain spreads very quickly up the affected limb. There is not usually any local swelling or
redness, just a small accumulation of tiny sweat beads. Later constitutional symptoms may
appear—headache, chest pain, dyspnoea, nausea and vomiting, sweating, frequent sneezing,
increased salivation and lachrymation.
"The pains are unbearable and are ameliorated by ice packs. There are also severe chills
and shivering and loss of consciousness; blood pressure rises, and there are irregular heart beats
and tachycardia. The pupils dilate, and later there may be white froth from the mouth. The hands
and feet turn blue, and the abdomen becomes swollen, hard and painful. Death may result, the
post mortem examination revealing a picture similar to that of pulmonary edema."
Different species of scorpions have differing toxic effects In Israel alone there are at least
twenty species. The severity of the sting is directly related to the maturity of the scorpion. The
stronger poisons are known to be six times more lethal than that of the viper. The toxin is
considered primarily a neurotoxin, affecting the autonomic nervous system and subsequently the
There is an interesting phenomenon of apparent allergic reactions to scorpions in people
who handle them regularly. Such reactions can occur even if the scorpion is only in a
neighboring room. The reactions resemble a "flu-like" syndrome with constant sneezing, profuse
nasal secretions, lachrymation, nausea, headache (as if hammers were beating inside the head);
the eyes burn and the hands tremble. All symptoms are better in the fresh air. Similar "flus"
appeared in the provings.
PAST REFERENCES TO SCORPION: Referring to Clarke's Dictionary, one is struck by the
paucity of information provided on Scorpion. There are two partial provings of Scorpion in
existence: one by a Dr.Rzam of Rigiers which was presented at the International Congress at
Berlin in 1939, the other by Dr.Vincent de Laurier which appeared in the British Homoeopathic
Journal of 1939. The more pronounced symptoms revealed by these provings were as follows:
1) Pain with numbness and a "pins and needles" sensation.
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2) Radiating pains
3) Choking sensation "as if there was a pad of cotton-wool in the throat".
4) Rubbing the nose.
5) Salivation
1) Pins and needles all over.
2) Objects seem large when touched.
3) Sense of a veil before the eyes.
4) 4-8 pm aggravation.
5) Everything tastes like a lemon.
1) Mental fatigue, inability to perform mental effort.
2) Lack of will or drive.
3) Desire to criticize.
4) Memory deficit, almost aphasic.
PREPARATION OF THE REMEDY The type of scorpion used by Mr.Sherr for this proving
was the Androctonos Amurreuxi Hebraeus. It was obtained in Israel at the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem. This species of scorpion is known to be extremely dangerous. The specimen used was
a full-grown, yellow male. It was killed by injecting 95% alcohol. Most of the scorption was
dissolved except for a small portion of the exoskeleton. This solution was then potentized
manually using thiry succussions per potency.
PROVING METHODOLOGY Thirty-two provers, nineteen female and twelve male, served as
the subjects in this proving. Most were students of homoeopathy. The remedy was given in
potencies ranging from 6C to 60C, usually three times a day. Three persons served as controls
and were given placebos. As much as possible, all provers were supervised by a homeopath.
Remedies were taken until definite symptoms arose, after which the remedy was discontinued.
All antidoting factors such as coffee, camphor, and mint were discouraged. Communication
between provers about symptoms experienced was discouraged.
RESULTS OF THE PROVING A rich variety of symptoms and sensations was produced during
this proving. Many of the symptoms were described quite vividly and, especially in the mental
realm, there seemed to be a large degree of overlapping of symptomatology suggesting that it
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
was, indeed, the remedy that was responsible for the production of the altered mental states. A
condensed summary of what appeared to be the salient characteristics of the remedy follows.
MIND A sense of detachment was one prevailing symptom that appeared, detachment from other
people, from the world in general, and from one's own pain and discomfort. There was a
pervading disinterest in other people, in the opinions of others, and in one's usual sources of
pleasure and intellectual stimulation. Often accompanying this state of detachment was a state of
dreaminess or a feeling as of being drugged.
"I feel entirely alone, that I am viewing the world through one hole, for it all seems just a
picture, and the rest of the world shares a different view-finder altogether. I don't want to
join theirs though".
"I felt disconnected from the human race, as if everyone were another species.
Directionless". "Felt remote and ineffectual, a dreamy state. Felt more like a spectator
than a participant".
An especially intriguing symptom that appeared was a diminished sense of guilt that
could, on the basis of its expression in the proving, easily be interpreted as indicative of
developing amorality. There were close parallels between the statements of the provers and the
lack of moral discrimination associated with psychopathic personalities.
"I pushed the kids out of bed with no compassion. I would usually have felt very guilty
doing this".
"I feel much more self-centered. I have given up all the permanent favors I do for people.
I don't want to do any more. I feel I need more time for me. I must feel guilt, but I don't
think I do. I feel the nasty side of my character is emerging; I'm much more aggressive
and domineering. I don't want people's good opinion of me as someone who is nice. This
is very unusual".
"Able to argue without upsetting feelings of guild which felt marvelous”.
A trait which greatly flavored the proving was the emergence of an impressive amount of
irritability, censoriousness, and anger. Hostility, maliciousness, and a desire to hurt others were
strong components of the proving image.
"Felt increased irritability, a 'How dare you!'" feeling. Felt like tearing offenders to pieces
with my bare hands. I felt an enormous surge of violent emotions at trifles and had to
exercise great control to stop outbursts of violence and impulses to hurt others. Felt that
everyone were 'creeps', could not be bothered with anyone".
"Assertive, impatient, aggressive. Felt resentful and abused. Had no control over her
temper. Bellowed and lashed out at everyone. In the evening was furious for no apparent
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reason. Wanted to kill her husband and children, banged doors and threw things. By bed
time she felt fine, but the intensity of her evil thoughts was very frightening."
"Had a very caustic conversation with someone she hardly knew. Enjoyed her rudeness
and was surprised by it".
"Pursued conflict almost with relish".
".... am free from pressing, nagging responsibilities. Just a black thunder sits within me,
and I feel afraid of what I might do next. My eyes are staring and full of hate. Just
looking at the children sends them frantic. I have no control over my emotions. Then
after 9 pm a sense of deadness resumes and I feel O.K., but the end of myself as I usually
Some provers reported such feeling lessening by mid to late evening; others complained of
irritability in the evening. In addition to the hostility, there was evidence of suspiciousness.
"When talking to friends felt 'paranoid', suspicious and guilty. When asked questions, he
becomes hot and sweaty; he felt it was a game of who was cleverer and tried to lie and
outwit his friend, though this gave no satisfaction. His friends reported that he seemed
unusually distant and cool".
The remedy seems to convey a strong sense of self-confidence, cheerfulness, and vitality.
If these feeling are extrapolated to a pathological degree, possibly characteristic symptoms of
Scorpion might well be an exaggerated sense of confidence and an inappropriate sense of well-
"Felt very self-confident that everything would turn out fine, both now and in the future.
Self-assured, could not care about anyone or anything. He felt much stronger in
personality, that he would take a firm line on things in the future instead of his usual
weak response". "Felt more energetic, self-assertive and confident. She has lots of
energy, worked hard and exercised. She was very bouncy and happy to be busy".
"Pretended to feel well although sick".
In two cases this sense of confidence was distinctly immature and potentially dangerous,
either to self or to others. A sense of adolescent omnipotence, of invulnerability emerged.
"It seemed as though he was a different person, very similar to the way he had been in
adolescence, but in a much more powerful manner. These emotions were so intense he
wanted to rip his chest apart to let them out. He lost all control over his emotions which
seemed to come from a deep and distant part of himself, a darker side. He desired to
continue the proving for the rest of his life".
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
"Although absent minded, he was not bothered by it. Did not notice people he knew on
the street, even though he knew them. Began reading a newspaper while driving—as if
the car would go on without him....."
This later quotation also illustrates the marked tendency to absent-mindedness which the
remedy produced in a number of the provers. There was a significant disturbance of
concentration and mental disorganization.
There were expressions of reclusiveness, of a self-imposed isolation.
"Felt constrained and had a gloomy approach to everything. Averse to company, a desire
to be alone. I feel people will not want to talk to me or be with me."
"Desired company but could not be bothered to see anyone; felt lonely as if he didn't
Six provers displayed significant fearfulness. Specifically, fears of being attacked on the
street, of a dog, and of the occult were mentioned. Two provers commented that the fearfulness
occurred when lying in bed; in one the sense of panic was relieved by sitting up. One prover's
fear was ameliorated in the dark. A fear of driving was expressed. Finally, one prover reported
an episode of panic and visual illusions as being very similar to an LSD experience he had had
previously. This comparison, in addition to a number of other references to feeling "drugged" or
stoned, suggests that Scorpion may have a use in reversing chronic psychological states induced
by street drugs, alcoholism, etc.
"Overwhelmed by terror, panic and fear, like a psychic attack. Then become specifically
fearful of being psychically tested, as if confronted by something absolutely horrible, as
in a 'cult initiation ordeal.' He felt so scared he had to shut the door with a feeling that
something would appear from behind it if he left it open".
Additional mental symptoms that appeared were anxiety, depression, apathy, changeable
moods, frequent mistakes—in writing, spelling, with details, etc.—impatience, hurriedness. A
few provers were clumsy and accident prone. Two provers enjoyed a strong reaction to music;
both were ameliorated by music, and one engaged in frenzied dancing.
VERTIGO: There were several expressions of vertigo and dizziness without any clear modifying
influences. One prover’s dizziness was aggravated from 6 to 9 pm.
HEAD: Headaches emerged quite strongly in the proving with fourteen provers developing
symptoms. Generally, the headaches were left-sided, focused mostly in the occiput and temple.
The quality of the pains varied but were mostly described as heaviness, pressure, or throbbing.
Modalities were mixed; two provers' headaches were ameliorated by fresh or cold air. Nausea
and vomiting and dullness not infrequently accompanied the headaches.
EYES: The remedy provoked eye irritation, heaviness, and photophobia. There was also
difficulty with accommodation.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
EARS: There was a tendency for affections of the left ear involving pain, itching, or ringing.
NOSE: There was a suggestion that the left side of the nose would be more frequently involved.
Coughing and sneezing were present. One prover's nasal discharge was worse in a warm room
and better in the open air.
FACE: The face was more often pale in coloring, and the lips cracked.
THROAT: A sore, dry throat appeared rather strongly. Throat pain was better from warm drinks
in two provers. The sensation of a lump or of a foreign body in the throat was common, often
with a desire to swallow. In one prover, the throat pain was worse after 6 pm.
STOMACH: Thirst was pronounced. A great deal of nausea was produced and vomiting. Nausea
was better from lying down in two provers. One cured clinical case displayed nausea which was
worse lying and better sitting up. A craving for milk emerged; one prover desired and was
ameliorated by warm milk. There was also a desire for warm drinks and an amelioration of
nausea from warm drinks.
RECTUM: The rectal area produced many symptoms. There was much rectal pain from
hemorrhoids, fissures, and a vesicular eruption. The rectal pain tended to be better from hot
bathing. There was diarrhea with urging, and constipation. The diarrheic stool was brick red in
one case, and smelled like rank fish in another. An interesting sensation made its appearance in
the rectum.
"Sensation as if parts above rectum in an iron fist, closing in on parts and dragging them
BLADDER/URINE: Frequent urination, nocturia, and dribbling were produced.
GENITALIA FEMALE: Dysmenorrhea occurred with a dragging, gripping or bearing down
SEX MALE: Five male provers displayed an increase in sexual desire. There were increased
sexual thoughts, erotic dreams, and intense orgasms.
"Felt as if he would explode with sexuality".
SEX FEMALE: Two female provers experienced an increase in sexual desire. One prover was
especially profoundly affected by the remedy; she displayed very intense sexual desire, increased
after intercourse. Her desire seemed situated in the genitals. She complained of an irritating
arousal and painful sensitivity of the genital area.
CHEST: Palpitations were the most frequently appearing symptom in the chest.
BACK Much pain in the back was produced, focusing on the cervical area (more on the left
side), between and about the scapulae, and the lumbosacral area. The lumbosacral pain extended
to the thigh, down the leg, to the sides, or to other parts of the back.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
EXTREMITIES: There was much heaviness and aching of the limbs. Burning and itching of the
thighs was present. Pronounced pain of the heels and soles was experienced by one prover.
Awkwardness was a complaint. Pins and needles, as from hot water on the skin, arose in one
prover (see 1939 proving). One prover, while suffering pain in the right hip, complained of a
peculiar sensation "as if his leg was held back"; another complained of a floating sensation in the
SLEEP: There were complaints of sleepiness, unrefreshed sleep, and waking during the night.
DREAMS: Several provers noted having a number of dreams. Many of the dreams centered
around such themes as violence, murder, being chased, etc.
FEVER/CHILL: Fever and chill made their appearance. One prover experienced an impressive
syndrome with fever—bruised, sore pains as if beaten, requiring frequent, slight changes of
position; beaten sensation in the joints and bones which was better from stretching, worse
movement, worse lying still.
GENERALITIES: The majority of provers were worse in the evening; several experienced the
onset of symptoms or a general worsening at 6 pm, one from 6 to 9 pm. Three provers were more
mentally alert late at night. A desire for and amelioration from fresh air was a strong
characteristic. More persons were cold than warm. An amelioration from lying down was the
most notable effect of posture. (Interestingly, Mr.Sherr had occasion to treat a patient for the ill
effects of a wasp sting with Scorpion. A symptom which proved useful was nausea with a desire
to lie down; however, lying down aggravated the nausea while sitting up ameliorated it.)
Exhaustion, lethargy, and fatigue were frequent complaints. There was no consistent effect of
motion. Warm applications were noted to ameliorate a number of symptoms, including vomiting,
rectal pain, and extremity pain.
DISCHARGES: The color orange, or yellow-red, may well prove to be very characteristic of
Scorpion discharges. Many discharges occurring during the proving were of this color, including
nasal discharge, vomitus, diarrheic stool, urine, vaginal discharge. There was even a dream of
orange-red walls.
SUMMARY: If we were to sketch a hypothetical Scorpion individual by utilizing all of the
predominant symptoms that emerged from this proving in their more extreme form, we would
probably picture a person who is detached, disinterested aloof, lacking in moral feeling, hostile,
malicious, suspicious, overly-confident (and potentially arrogant), and lascivious. This person
could also be absent-minded, rather fearful, hurried, and subject to mental states similar to drug-
induced or dream-like states.
Associated with these personality characteristics there may also be a tendency for left-
sided headaches, left ear pain, left-sided nasal discharges, a sensation as of a lump in the throat, a
disposition to swallow, sensitive genitalia, and bruised, sore extremities.
COMPARISONS: The image of Scorpion that emerges invites comparison with other
established homoeopathic remedies. One of the first remedies that come to mind is Lachesis. The
egotistical, malicious, suspicious, critical, and ¦ sexual elements of both remedies are similar.
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Further, the lump in the throat, disposition to swallow, suggestion of left-sidedness of some
complaints, and the slurred speech tend to confirm the validity of this comparison.
Platina also has similarities with this remedy. The potential for arrogance of Scorpion, the
lustfulness, and the sensitivity of the genitalia are shared characteristics.
There are also similarities with Sepia. Detachment, indifference, irritability, the caustic
tongue, the dancing element, left-sided headaches, the disposition to swallow, and an
amelioration at night are comparable symptoms of each remedy.
Some of the provers' induced mental and emotional states bear a relationship to Thuja,
especially the distrust, self-centered, aloofness, and the suggestion of deceptive caginess. These
characteristics coupled with left-sided headaches invite a comparison of the two remedies.
Another sycotic remedy, Medorrhinum, shares a few elements with Scorpion.
The extreme hostility and urge to kill, combined with other qualities such as hurriedness,
dancing, increased sexuality, etc., bring to mind such remedies as Tarentula hisp., Stramonium,
Hyoscyamus, Nux vomica, and Hepar sul..
Certainly, the absent-mindedness, dreamy or drugged quality, and the potential euphoria
suggest Cannabis indica as another relaxed remedy.
Want of moral feeling, changeable moods (anticipating the vacillation of moods between
the extremes of anger or indifference and cheerfulness), plus dancing suggest Crocus sativa.
The detached, self-assured critical Sulphur personality type also shares some qualities
with Scorpion.
Finally, the flu-like syndrome that was apparently produced during the proving evokes
associations with Rhus tox, and Arnica (especially Arnica when we couple the physical
sensations with one mental symptom that arose in the proving, namely, "pretended to feel well
although sick”).
FINAL COMMENTS Again, it is quite likely that Scorpion has the potential of being a very
powerful and effective homeopathic remedy, especially for mental and emotional pathology. The
sizeable amount of material elicited by this proving was rich and colorful. Of course, the next
step incumbent upon us as homeopaths is to undertake to repeat the proving of Scorpion that we
might verify and supplement the material already obtained. Only after this verification and
subsequent clinical cures will the actual essence of the remedy be discernable.
The primary flaw of the proving (and of most previous provings appearing in our
literature) is, in my opinion, the lack of a sufficient number of controls and a recording of the
symptoms that arose in the controls during the experiment. However, this inadequacy is
insignificant beside the valuable addition to our knowledge of this remedy that Mr.Sherr has
provided us. We are indebted to him.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
[From the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY, Vol.79, No.1, March, 1986; for
private circulation only]
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
3.2 A PROVING OF GLONINE - Julian Winston
BACKGROUND: With a firm belief that the essentials of the Materia Medica are inexorably
linked to the concept of the provings - the testing of the medical substance upon healthy people -
the faculty at the National Center for Instruction in Homoeopathy and Homoeotherapeutics
decided that a proving should become an integral part of the instructional program. The choice of
the substance to be proved posed some interesting questions. Since the provers would be part of
an ongoing instructional program, the substance to be proved should meet the following criteria:
1. It should be well proved in the homoeopathic literature.
2. Its known action should be of short duration.
3. It should not have serious gastro intestinal upset as parts of the known picture, nor any
physical symptoms that would cause extreme discomfort for an extended period of time.
4. The onset of symptoms should happen within the first few doses.
An examination of Allen's Encylopedia of Pure Materia Medica and Hughes' and Dake's
Cylopedia of Drug Pathogenesy revealed several substances that met the criteria. The majority of
the provings done with this substance have been done with 1st and 2nd decimal dilutions. The
headaches produced by a single dose of this substance have been recorded as starting within one-
to-three minutes. These dilutions are mentioned often in the literature as being used by
homoeopaths to convince others of the power of the minute dose. Nash talks about keeping a
bottle of the 1st centesimal dilution at hard to "convince the unbelievers," and James C. Wood in
his book An Old Doctor Of The New School tells of the homoeopathic students passing a bottle
of "sugar pellets" -in reality a 2X Glonine - to the unsuspecting allopathic students in his class at
Ann Arbor.
It should be noted that the dilutions which are spoken of in the homoeopathic literature
are now used in regular medical practice as a sublingual administration of nitroglycerine for
angina pain. It was felt that if we used a 2X in a 1 grain tablet, then some of the provers might
feel that the results were physiological. For this reason we decided to use a higher potency.
PROCEDURE: The proving was done with 12X Glonine provided of John A.Boreneman and
Sons. It was not a double blind study. The entire group met on the evening of Monday, July ll,
1983 to discuss the concept of homoeopathic provings. Fifteen of those present decided to take
part. Each person was given a cup with 10 one grain tablets. The dose was to be one tablet every
10 minutes. The participants had the option of taking all ten doses or stopping whenever they felt
symptoms develop. All participants took all 10 doses. The provers were instructed to write down
any symptom they noticed. They were asked to record the time at which the symptom occurred.
They were asked not to speak to each other about the proving and to continue with the work at
hand - exercises in the use of Kent's Repertory. The records were collected at noon the next day
and tabulated. A discussion was held that following evening.
OBJECTIVE OBSERVATIONS: Within 20 minutes of the first dose, everyone seemed to be
dutifully at work. The room was unusually quiet. There were some conversations. Several people
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
seemed to be giddy. Within an hour, several people complained of the room being "very warm".
Two or three people looked quite flushed. One doctor, who was not participating in the proving,
asked if we were proving Cannabis. He said that the group appeared to be quite "stoned". People
were having trouble remembering their thoughts, and many kept losing track of what they were
doing. After about two hours the group broke up and retired for the night.
MIND: Spacey/giddy/impatient/difficulty concentrating/ place gets lost in the book,
cannot remember where I left off/ light-headed (60 min)/using caring words improperly,
transposing words (80 min)/feel "energized" (115 min)/lack of concentration (30 min)/feel
"stoned"/disoriented/difficult to concentrate (90 min)/lack of mental acuity, dullness of mind (60
min)/sensitive to noise worse lying down (90 min)/ upon awakening; hands seem to expand in
size (12 hours)/ "spacey", vague fullness in the head (40 min)/feel "spaced out" (30
min)/difficulty in keeping mind on work at hand (60 min)/spaced out" (45 min) tired and sleepy
(50 min)/time seems to be passing slowly (75 min)/light headedness upon rising (59
min)/"foggy" sensation (1 hr.20 min)/feels as if "high" (10 min)/sensation of being "high", esp.
when turning head quickly (10 min)/feels "out of it", tired (30 min)/ getting very sleepy (50
min)/numbness/lack of caring about condition (60 min)/mind is active, although body is relaxed
(90 min) "foggy" and tired upon awakening (12 hrs.)/disassociated/other people's movements
seem exaggerated (30 min)/ very animated when talking (80 min)/time seem to pass slowly (1 hr.
30 min) general mental dullness (1hr 30 min)/slow in speaking (20 min).
VERTIGO: dizziness when bending over (2 hrs. 30 min). "Buzzing" of head like a
spinning top when closing eyes (2 hrs)/ dizziness better closing eyes better rubbing eyes (80
HEAD: Pain in right temple (17 min)/tightness between temples - as if pulled together
(50 min)/pain between eyebrows/dull occipital headaches (30 min)/dull ache between eyebrows
(40 min)/pain between eyes/pain below temples, (50 min)/pain between eyes/face flushed (1 hr)
pressure in head/throbbing under right eye/tightness in occiput/headache (30 min)/face flushed
(80 min)/tight pulling pain below right chin (60 min). Pain under right ear at angle of jaw (65
min)/ sharp stabbing pain over night eye - started after first dose (60 min)/throbbing headache,
especially on vertex (1 hr. 32 min)/frontal pain goes to vertex, then right front side (50
min)/pressure in entire head (40 min)/tightness in temples (30 sec)/tightness across temples (10
min)/ "buzzing" 'sensation (20 min)/pressure from within (1 hr. 20 min)/pain in temples moving
to back (40 min)/feeling of heaviness (40 min)/ forehead very warm (100 min)/throbbing
headache over eyes worse right side (10 min) pain over eyes (40 min)/fullness at root of nose (40
min)/pain over eyes moving to temples, lasting four minutes (50 min)/slight pressing pain in
temples worse left side (1 hr 30 min)/slight pounding especially left temple moving to right (3
EYES: pupils dilated (1 hr)/eyes feel heavy and droopy (60 min)/burning sensation (1 hr.
20 min)/heavy feeling, better rubbing (10 min)/heaviness of lids (50 min)/sensation of pulling
under lids (70 min)/heaviness (3 hrs)/constant blinking (30 min).
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EAR: right ear ringing (1 hr)/sensation of tightness (1 hr)/burning inside right ear.
VISION: tendency to go out of focus. "aura" appeared around paper while reading (30
min)/sensation of sluggishness (1 hr. 50 min)slowness in reading print (20 min).
FACE: feels as if bug is on face (25 min)/lower lip peeling (11 hours)/cheeks feel warm
(50 min)/feels as if cheeks are drooping (90 min)/red and blotchy (3 hrs 20 min).
NOSE: tickling in nose, sneezing, sniffles (1 hr. 40 min)/ sneezing (30 min).
MOUTH: metallic taste (2 min)/dryness of mouth (1 hr)/ dry mouth/ "slimy" taste/gums
feel tight, upper inner teeth, left side have a metallic taste, (5 min)/aching in left upper molars(25
min)/metallic taste (55 min)/yawning (40 min)/flat taste (40 min)/ "flat" taste (4 hrs)/ "metallic"
taste (1 hr) lasts for about a week.
THROAT: dry, as if getting a sore throat (50 min)/spre throat, scratchy worse from cold
air (3 hrs).
NECK: aching pain in neck (45 min)/sensation of heat along right side of neck (25
min)/sensation of heat at rear of neck and ear lobes, more on left (50 min)/stiffness (2 hours)/
sharp intense pain ton right side, fading slowly (90 min) 'stiffness in right neck near shoulder (3
hrs. 20 min) very stiff, better twisting, with headache to temple (2 hrs).
STOMACH: hunger, empty eructations (100 min)/eructations (40 min)/eructacions (80
min)/eructations (3 hrs. 30 min).
ABDOMEN: drawing, pulling pain to the left of the umbilicus (90 min)/throbbing pain in
right inguinal region (60 min)/pressure as from gas (50 min)/feeling of gas and bloating when
lying down (3 hrs, 30 min).
STOOL constipation (two days later)/constipation, black stools (2 days later-lasting
seven days)/constipation with black stools (three days lasting a week)
CHEST: brief cardiac awareness (90 min)/"pulse" of pain in left chest (70 min)/pain in
left side as if heart were grabbed (10 min)/sharp, grabbing pain three minutes after taking dose
(for 4 doses)/pain in left chest worse when standing (30 min) /sharp pain running from center of
chest to left shoulder (30 min)/sharp pain in chest, momentary (60 min).
EXTREMITIES: unsteadiness of gait (2 hrs )perspiration on ankles and feet (8
min)/sharp momentary pain in left leg just below knee (55 min)/trembling in arms which feel
weak especially left arm (1 hr)/legs weak (80 min)/feet and legs ache (90 min)/ stiff neck (90
min)/restlessness, moving of legs, twitching of feet, (100 min)/hands feel hot when lying down
(90 min)/pain, outside of left upper arm (1 min)/breaking out in a sweat on back, legs, buttocks
(55 min)/knees very sweaty (60 min)/ muscular soreness (2 hours)/sensation of dry heat on face
and arms (88 min)/left wrist hurting as if from a blow (40 min)/ feet cold when lying down (4
hrs)/sharp pain in right knee when walking (2 hrs)/weakness in lower limbs (1 hr. 30 min)/
weakness of knees lasting for several days.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
BACK: sharp pain on right side worse sitting (90 min).
SLEEP: difficulty falling asleep (2 hrs)/difficulty falling asleep (4 hrs.)/poor sleep.
SKIN: red, flat, rash with itching on right lower interior chest (3-4 hours)/insect bite on
neck itching badly (2 hrs)/intense itching of two insect bites (2 hrs. 30 min).
GENERAL: sensation of heat as if in warm stuffy room, sensation moves across chest
and rises, perspiration, (30 min)/ Itchy all over (30 min)/heat, especially nape of neck, top of
thigh (1 hr. 37 min)/sensation of warmth in upper body (1 hr. 55 min)/itching all over, first left
side then right side (80 min)/sleepy (1 hr, 17 min)/tiredness in body (30 min)/ sensation of
weakness as if after wine (60 min)/feeling very relaxed (70 min)/body feels loose and relaxed
(80 min)/head and body feel heavy (100 min)/feeling warm and flushed (30 min)/ awareness of
pulse when lying down (70 min).
SUMMARY: At our evening meeting we read to the groups the proved symptoms of
Glonine from Clarke's Dictionary of Materia Medica. The recorded symptoms were duplicated
by many of our provers, and our group was amazed at the similarity between the recorded
symptoms in Clarke and the ones which they had experienced. We then told them about the
name of the substance they had proven.
All who took part in the proving felt that it was a valuable experience and felt that they
would be willing to do another proving in the future. We look forward to doing one in 1984.
Hopefully, that one will be a full double blind proving. We encourage all homoeopaths to
partake in this essential part of homoeopathy. When one has experienced the symptoms in his
own body then he can appreciate and clearly recognize the symptoms that are presented to him
by a patient. All the great masters of homoeopathy have talked about the importance of the
proving. It feels good to be doing it again.
December 1983 for private circulation only).
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VULGARIS - Dr.Von Herbert Unger
A Review
THE FOLLOWING is a condensed report of a long time observation of a three year old
child who had an involuntary poisoning with Berberis vulgaris. The case was observed and
treated by a pediatrician and a urologist, and the accurate observations of her intelligent parents.
K.R.was born February 11 1957. She had the usual childhood diseases of measles,
mumps, scarlet fever and whooping cough. In the summer of 1960 she began to have daily bitter
gall-like vomiting, and also some diarrhea. The illness continued to the end of summer although
she was given medical care, and the usual dietetic counter measures. A coincidence brought? the
mother's attention to the probable pathogenesis. The mother found in the child's dress pocket
some leaves and berries. Upon questioning the child, it was found that she had been picking and
eating the leaves and berries of this bushy scrub that grew in the yard at her nursery school she
attended daily. In the winter the symptoms became less frequent as the plant became dormant
during the cold weather. The berries were available through September.
K.R.renewed her intake of berries that summer and the mother noticed in September of
1961 small amounts of blood in the urine. This micro hematuria was not given much importance
by the physician who was treating her then. In October a new episode of hematuria cause the
parents to contact another physician, and to point out to him the possible connection that might
exist between the berries and the hematuria.
The Botanical Institute of the University of Jena had identified scrub as Berberis vulgaris. The
attention of this homoeopathically oriented physician was immediately directed to the effects of
Berberis vulgaris in the recorded provings of this remedy. The hematuria continued and at the
end of October the child was hospitalized in the children's clinic of the district hospital where she
stayed until December 20.
Several specimens of bacteriologically sterile urine were obtained by catheterization. The
urine contained large quantities of erythrocytes and noticeable mucus formation. The salts
present or the Ph was not checked. The consulting physician in view of the hematuria did
observe large amounts of oxalates. The blood picture at the time of entering the clinic showed
Hb—74% (= 11.8 gms.%), E.-3.6, FI-1.02, Lymph. 8100. Differential blood count: relative
lymphocytes 38%. The post operative blood picture showed 56% Hb. Especially noteworthy
were the increased values of cholestrin (230 mg.%) and gamma globulin (9.0%). The repeatedly
performed pylegrams (because of the left kidney pain) showed a suspicious shadow of a
concretion of the left kidney cavity.
The concerned parents connected their child's illness with the effects of Berberis vulgaris
and felt that such poisonous scrubs should be abolished where children could so easily be
attracted to eat the berries. A consulting toxicologist was contacted, and he stated that to his best
knowledge poisonings by this plant were unknown. In complete opposition to the toxicologists
report, the pediatrician and the pharmacist at the hospital insisted that the active principle of the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Berberis plant can and does produce nephritis and hemorrhages in experimental animals.
(Angaben von Lewin).
The child went home for the holidays, and was again hospitalized January 20, 1962 until
March 5, 1962 in the Urological Department.
She was given several cystoscopies and pylographies which confirmed the stone in the
left kidney cavity. A pyelostomy was performed Feb.13, which confirmed the analysis of
accumulation of fragmented calcareous deposits in the left kidney cavity. Unfortunately a
chemical analysis of the stones were not made.
Rightfully the clinical authorities arranged for the removal of the Berberis vulgaris scrubs
from the garden of the day nursery.
A particular point made concerning this case of poisoning is that only the leaves and
stems of Berberis can be the carriers of poisonous substances. The scarlet red oblong berries
existed only in September. The main content of these berries is malic acid, high molecular
polysaccharides, gums, and vitamin C which are not considered poisonous even when the fruit is
ripening. The dried berries are extracted by boiling or by tinctures and used popularly as a
medicine against bronchial catarrhs, enterecolitis. A second peculiarity in this case was the long
time nearly two years that this chronic poisoning continued after the child stopped eating the
Berberis Leaves.
(The remaining report is an analytical consideration of the differential action of the
natural substances contained in the leaves and the stems, and the morphological and biochemical
details concerning them. He also points to earlier observations in the 17th and 19th century
which bear on the analysis of Berberis). The summary concludes: In view of the correct analyses
made of the substances contained in the plant, and the substances which are effective in Berberis
vulgaris which were established in the 18th and 19th century, it is necessary for an early
diagnosis to be made to prevent chronic sequela as seen in this case from occurring.
Homoeopathic physicians have confirmed the need for an early diagnosis many times in their
No.7, 8, 9, 1969; for private circulation only]
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
In spring 1982, the German Central Union Of Homoeopathic Physicians and the Austrian
Society 0f Homoeopathy carried out a medicinal proving with new criteriae for the execution and
evaluation of provings. It was a double-blind study in which a low potency and a high potency
were both experimented and a statistical comparison of remedy—placebo was done. The
evaluation of the proving was for 3 weeks. Those who attended the course in Bad Bruckenau and
in Baden bei Wien offered themselves as provers. They were divided into 3 groups. First week
all the 3 groups received placebo, in the 2nd and 3rd week the first group received medicine D3
the 2nd group in D30 and the 3rd group placebo. All the provers were to take daily 5 drops.
In the 2nd and 3rd week of provings 22 provers under D3 reported 142 symptoms, 23
provers under D30 161 symptoms and 24 under placebo 149 symptoms. The full details have
been published in a book separately.
The condensed list of 51 symptoms of the remedy picture given herein has been from the
303 symptoms which the 45 provers observed during the period they took the drug.
Euphoria: On the 11th, 19th and 21st days "optimistic'' and capable “than at other times",
on the 11th day despite short sleep and 19th day despite heavy strain.
Euphoria in 5 provers, once under D3, four times under D30.
Restlessness: 16th to 19th day "restlessness" cannot read longer time, happiest to be
physically occupied. Restlessness in 2 provers under D30. Irritability: On 8th and from 12th to
14th day irritable, discontented and unbalanced temperament. On 8th day "very irritable".
Irritability in 5 provers, thrice under D3, twice under D30
Illusions: On 12th , 16th and 20th day: On 12th day in the neon while falling asleep sees
a face with distorted mouth and has the feeling as if lying in a very large room. On the 16th day
behaves as if many of the well-known persons were strangers and thinks saw two of her sons
who were living away "rapidly one after the other". Awoke on 20th day with the feeling that she
has had a separation from her husband.
57 yrs. old woman prover under D30. "I have never before experienced such confusions
and illusions."
Depressive mood: On 10th, 13th and 14th day sad and depressive, on 10th day inclined to
weep after music. Depressive mood in 6 provers thrice under D3, thrice under D30.
Concentration: Inability to concentrate on 8th and 9th days, was followed by "increased
ability to concentrate" on the 16th and 18th days in the evening with least tiredness.
Inability to concentrate in a prover, under D30.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Exhaustion: from 9th to 14th day and on 21st day tiredness, as if beaten and exhaustion;
on the 13 day evening suddenly occurring "leaden" exhaustion and on the morning of the 14th
day after "death-like" sleep renewed "leaden" exhaustion
Exhaustion in 6 provers, thrice under D3, thrice under D30.
Nightly vertigo: On 21st day night vertigo particularly from change of lying position;
consequently nausea and inclination to vomit in morning and during the entire day. Vertigo in 6
provers, 4 times under D3, twice under D30; ones "as if the head was too large", under D3.
Waking after midnight: On 8th day after taking the proving material for the first time on
the evening before, by otherwise good sleep, wakes up with increased pulse at 3 a.m. and lying
awake for longer time.
Waking at 2, 3 or 4 a.m. in 5 provers
four times under D3 once under D30.
Waking up with headache: From tendency to headache on the 18th day wakes up at 4
a.m. with severe headache; at 5 a.m. vomiting and diarrhoea; the headache continued the whole
day despite analgesics. Under D3.
Pressing headache: On 9th, 14th and 15th day pressing headache both sides parietal
region; on 9th day from 14 hours; on 15th day am. of the headache which was there since the
previous day, after taking the proving material.
Pressing headaches in 4 provers once under D3,
thrice under D30; in 3 provers on early afternoon.
Dull headache: On 11th day forenoon dull feeling in the forehead and "drawing from the
forehead up to the soft palate".
Dull headache in 3 provers, under D3.
Trigeminus neuralgia: One year ago severe trigeminus neuralgia after chilling in wind.
On 8th day after eating warm soup slight complaints in the region of 2nd branch of the right
trigeminus. Udder D30.
Dimness in the field of vision: from 12th to 21st day-symptom similar to what was
years ago: "from looking down at bright objects a wandering gray screen from left side of field
of vision, which again passed off" or "as if a gray oil moved from the left side of field of vision,
as if the spectacles have been smudged" on 13th day in the morning, from 17th day onwards
passed off.
59 years old prover (woman) under D30.
Oedema of the upper lid: On the 12th day evening itching in right eye and clearly "never
before" observed oedema of right upper lid.
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Under D30. In another prover on 8th day
evening "feeling of swelling around both eyes", under D3.
Burning of eyes: From 8th to 10th day conjunctivitis of both eyes with reddening but
without much burning, on morning of the 9th day somewhat agglutinated lids.
Burning of eyes in 5 provers four times under D3, once under D30.
Discharge from nose: Already before and at the commencement of proving rhinitis
through 2 weeks. From 10th to 19th day considerable agg. of the existing rhinitis; on 13th and
14th day profuse watery nasal secretion and frequent sneezing "as if from pollinosis but had
never before had such complaints"; on 14th day "acrid secretion"; on 15th day changes to "thick
cold". Simultaneously temporary catarrh of the eustachian tubes, pharyngitis with lymph nodes
sensitive to pressure, cough, occipital headaches and tendency perspire.
Rhinitis in 4 provers under D3, twice under D30; twice only retronasal flow.
Throat pain: From 10th to 15th and on 20th day throat pains, partly sore, pulling, partly
raw, dry sensation with am. from drinking:. The throat pains began always in the a.m. mostly at
15 hrs. only on 21st day around 23 hours. In the morning everything was again completely
normal. The pains were always on the right side, on the 11th day on the left side in a small
measure; on 13th day the pains extended after an hour to the left. On the 20th day there was pain
from swallowing which extended into the ear, also the feeling "as if something too large was
there". On 11th day swelling of the cervical lymph nodes was clearly observed.
Throat pain in 10 provers, 5 times under D3,
5 times under D30; once only on right side under D3,
twice shifting from right to left under D30;
Amelioration from drinking twice under D30,
out of which once from drinking cold;
radiation into the ears thrice; splitting pain once;
cervical lymph nodes twice under D30.
Globus feeling; sensation of enlargement,
pressure or constriction in throat in three of these provers and in 3 others, thrice
under D3, thrice under D30.
Dry cough: From 8th to 13th day paroxysmal spastic cough, particularly nights.
Dry cough in 4 provers, twice under D3, twice under D30.
Cough with expectoration: On 16th impulse to cough with salty tasting expectoration.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Expectoration in 3 provers. Once under D3 twice under D30.
Tachycardia: From Extrasystole which has seldom appeared befere on the 9th, 10th and
14th day "faster heart beat", than at other times.
Tachycardia in 2 provers once under D3, once under D30.
Palpitation: On 8th and 9th day heart beat at normal frequence, on 8th evening before
going to sleep, on 9th day while lying at 13 hours. The beat was heavy, could be felt upto the
threat and could be heard in the ears "as if I had taken too much coffee (I do not at all take
coffee)" Palpitation in 2 provers under D30.
Stenocardia: Paroxysmal tachycardia till stopping smoking 15 years ago. On 16th and
17th day heart pains, on 16th day at 22 hours stitches. On 17th day from 14 to 15 hours drawing
pains which radiated to left arm.
Stenocardia in 5 provers once under D3, four times under D30.
Thirst: On 19th and 2Cth day much thirst for cold drinks.
Thirst in 4 provers, for cold drink in 2 provers, once under D3, thrice under D30.
Ravenous appetite: On 19th and 20th day much appetite.
"Overeating in 4 persons, without becoming satisfied."
Ravenous hunger in 2 provers under D30.
Stomatitis: From 8th to 15th day painful swelling "as large as a coin" in the middle of the
hard, palate. After slow increase on the 11th day the spot is "swollen thick, curved in front,
painful", on 15th day tongue distinguishable and no more painful.
Stomatitis in 7 provers, thrice under D3, four times under D30;
thrice right, once left; twice swellings, twice aphthae.
Nausea: On 10th and 11th day nausea in mid-day before meal, on 11th day "frantic"
before meals and am. from meals.
Nausea in 8 provers 4 times under D3;
twice vomiting, once under D3; once under D30.
Stomach pain: On 12th and 16th day stomach pains
After cold drinks: On 12th day midday after a hasty swallow of ice cold coca cola a severe pain,
as if "a hole being bored in the skin in the stomach region".
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Stomach pains in 7 provers, thrice under D3,
four times under D30; twice as if from stones;
once better from eating.
Pain in the gall bladder region: On 17th day from 14 hours a pressure in upper abdomen
"as if a stone lying under the gall bladder", lasting for 2 to 3 hours.
Pains in the gall bladder region in 2 provers under D30;
once shining stool, under D3.
Meteorism: On 9th day at about 20 hours after meals a feeling of fullness, "that I was
aware of nothing else", and am. after a glass of red wine.
Meteorism in 4 provers, thrice under D3,
Once under D30; once with bad smelling but relieving flatus.
Haemorrhoidal bleeding: For years trifling complaints from haemorrhoids "on rare
occasions" and "very small quantity blood". On 15th day morning after taking the proving
material "fairly heavy" haemorrhoidal bleeding, about a thimble full; concomitantly from 15th to
18th itching haemorrhoids.
Under D3
Frequent evacuation of stool: From a tendency to obstipation on 8th, 18th and 19th day
mere number of stool in a day; on 8th and 18th thrice, on 19th twice.
Unusually frequent stool in 4 provers,
Under D30
Imperative urging for steal: During the usual two to three times daily stools imperative
urge on 14th and 21st day. "The urge comes very suddenly and I must then go quickly".
Under D30
Tenesmus: Disposed to obstipation during the proving although easy stool. On the 16th
day after the stool, feeling of "not finished".
Under D30
Diarrhoea: After complete absence of symptoms in the first two weeks on 15th day night
2 O' clock woke up with nausea, diarrhoea, perspiration with consequent weakness. The
diarrhoea remained for 3 days upto the 17th day and the proving had to be abandoned.
Under D3. Diarrhoea in 5 provers thrice under D3,
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twice under D30, once at 5 hours morning once stinking like carrion, burning &
corroding, once with relapse of anal fissure.
Obstipation: Disposed to diarrhoea and on 4th, 5th and 7th days diarrhoea under placebo.
On 12th and 13th day profuse and voluminous stool of normal consistency. On 17th and 19th
day scanty and dry stool.
Obstipation in 7 provers, four times under D3, thrice under D30, Of them, 3
provers under D30 scanty stool after earlier having had profuse stools: Once from
disposition to diarrhoea on 2. days scanty stool (see above); once after usual
evacuation of soft stool two to three in a day, on 19th day frequent urge but only
scanty evacuation; once with otherwise normal stool on 17th day three
evacuations of a formed stool and on 20th and 21
days obstipated.
From 4 provers indications of spastic obstipation; Under D3 every 1 to 2 days
once "spastic", once "sheep dung like" and once "large balls" stool; under D30 on
one day frequent urge, but scanty evacuation (see above)
Frequent urge for urination: Recurring urinary tract infection; on 4th day under placebo
already frequent strong urge far urination, "and that when the bladder was not full yet", but then
this only on some one day. On 13th, 14th, 16th, 20th and 21st day frequent and sudden severe
urging; had to wake up on 16th day at 4.30 hours and on 21st day at 6 hours; "that has never
before happened to me".
Bladder symptoms in 4 provers: frequent urinary urge twice, once under D3, once
under D30, once burning while urinating an 11th day under D3; urine once scanty
lemon-yellow urine on 20th day under D30.
Testicles pain: On the 11th, 12th and from 17th to 19th day continuous drawing in left
Under D3
Painful mammae, uterine pain and leucorrhoea: From 17th to 19th day pains in uterus as
only during the menses period (the 17th proving day was the 21st day of the cycle); an 18th and
19th day downward pressing pain. At the same time from 17th to 20th day sensation of strain and
pressive pain in the breasts as normally 2 days before period. From 19th to 21st day first white at
commencement, later yellowish and bad smelling leucorrhoea, which causes itching of vulva and
Painful mammae in 3 provers, under D30;
once only painful nipples,
first right, then left. Under D3.
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Uterine pain in 2 provers, under D30;
Once from the 21st day of the cycle (see above)
Once unusually during the menses and radiating to sacrum and the trochanter.
Libido and Potency: On 18th and 19th day intense" sexual desire" and despite "intense
sexual activity unusually fresh".
Sexual symptoms in 6 provers: Four times much increased libido in 2 provers
under B3 (see above), in one female prover and in one male prover under D30;
once frequent erections on 20th day under D30; once from 16th to 19th day "no
desire for sexual intercourse" in one prover under D3.
Neck pain: From 10 to 14th day painful stiffness of left side of neck.
Neck pains in 2 provers, under D3.
Intercostal neuralgia: On 12th, 19th and 20th day. On 12th day at 16 hours, severe,
circular pain along lower thorax aperture. On 19th and 20th days 3 to 4 times light
pressure in the 3rd intercostal space right parasternal, lasting few minutes.
Intercostal neuralgia in 4 provers,Twice under D3,
twice under D30;twice pressing, twice stitching;
twice right, once left.
Backpain: With incidental Lumbar syndrome from 16th to 20th day paravertebral pains
in the lower lumbar vertebra which extends to the right flank; on 16th day with an intensity not
experienced since 15 years; holding the part am.; the pain which was independent of movement
slowly passed off upto 20th day.
Back pains in 4 provers, twice under D3,
twice under D30; twice right, once on
one day right side and following day on the left.
Pain in arm: On 20th day "pain on movement" in the joints of the 4th and 5th fingers, on
21st day drawing pains in the left upper arm.
Pain in one upper extremity in 5 provers, twice under D3,
thrice under D30; Once left right, four times left;
localisation now in shoulder joint, now in upper arm (see above),
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
in elbow, in wrist joints and left finger joints (see above).
Pain legs: On 12th and 13th day drawing pains from gluteal to dorsal thigh right.
Pains in the lower extremities in 5 provers, once under D3, four times under D30,
twice right, twice left; once on 10th, 11th day pain in knees, right on the 10th
day, on 11th day first right and then left, with am. at rest. Further localisations
once in the achilles tendon (see below) once in the anterior part of the ankle joint
and once on 4th days stitching pains in the left big toe as if pricking by needles
"for the first time".
Pains in achilles tendons: On the 13th day and to a lesser extent on the previous day a
drawing pain in the right achilles tendon, which felt "as if too short" and, in the heel.
Under D3
Paresthesia in extremities: From the 8th to 10th day weak feeling in the right arm with
sensation as if swollen and "furriness" and with limited movement of finger.
Paresthesia in 3 provers once under D3, twice under D30; further localisation:
once numb feeling on back of left hand on three days and once
"crawling" in the soles of feet while sitting with sensation of warmth.
Blotches, Blisters and Pustules: On 10th day a pin-head sized efflorescence en the right
lower lip and a blister on the left thumb which bursted on the 12th day and formed crust; en 12th
day an itching blotch on the left calf; en 14th day three efflorescences on the right under lip; on
15th day "violently itching" blotches on left lower arm and right upper abdomen; on 19th day a
pustule on borders of lower lid.
Under D30. In a 2nd prover under D3 from 17th to 21st day a pustule on the right
angle of mouth and from 20th to 21st day a painful reddening of upper left half of
Pimples: From 11th to 20th day on the face and hands isolated eruptions of pinhead size
to pea-size bright, dry. In the course of the day the earlier eruptions begin to disappear while new
eruptions come up.
Papules in 4 provers twice under D3,
twice under D30; localisation in left
angle of jaw, on the hair roots on neck,
over the sternum with itching and on the
radial side of the index finger.
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Chill sensation: General need for coolness. On 8th and from 12th to 17th day cool feeling
in evening, first at 18 hours, en 15th and 16th day from 21 hours; on 8th and 15th day especially
cold hands and feet; en 15th day after meals "much freezing"; en 16th day felt that despite the
warm weather no perspiration unlike other times.
Cold feeling or unpleasant coldness in 10 provers,
in 10 provers, twice under D3, eight times under D30.
Warmth sensation: From 7th to 11th and from 13th day "sensation of good peripheral
blood flow", light warm flushes; "not disagreeable", the cold shower bath could be had without
Warm sensation without perspiration in
5 provers, once under D3, four times under D30.
Warm sensation with perspiration in
further 4 provers, thrice under D3, once under D30
Laboratory findings: Increase of serum bilirubin: Under D3 from 1.0 mg% before
proving to 1.2. mg% after the proving.
Increase of GPT and Gamma GT under D3 in another prover: Before proving GPT
11mU and Gamma GPT 8mU; after the proving GPT 34 mU and Gamma GT 32 mU.
Decrease of urea in serum. Within the normal values under D30: before the proving 41.1
mg% after the proving 28.1 mg. In another prover: before the proving 40 mg%, after the
proving 26.8 mg%.
Short duration of the usually recurring stomatitis aphthosa: The stomatitis aphthosa
which appeared again on 9th day disappeared on the 12th day "surprisingly fast". "Otherwise it
remained for a full week". Under D30.
Cessation of the usual Nycturia: Must wake up every night for urination. On 10th and
11th day no urge for urination at night. Under D30.
Amelioration of Incontinence of urine: Urine incontinence since myoma operation done
15 years ago. From the nineth proving day clear amelioration of urinary incontinence. Under
Disappearance of Insectophilia: Six weeks after the end of the proving the prover
(woman) reported "strange: in spite of much midges and gnats, extreme heat and corresponding
perspiration during my holidays with horse riding, not even a single sting by insects. Normally
every early summer full of insect stings". After D3.
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The identification of the proving substance: The appropriate symptoms already taken up
through repertorisation lead to an ambiguous result. It was therefore attempted to proceed from
the above mentioned laboratory results. The increase in GPT and the gamma GT speaks in
favour of the action of the proving substance on the liver. The subsidence of the urea value was,
although the output value was within the normal value, estimated as result of a tendency to
improvement of metabolism or excretory function of the kidneys, especially when the symptom
in two provers were observed. Whether it was a primary action or whether because the urea
value subsided both times under D30 it was not more likely a homoeopathically caused, contrary
action by high output values, is not discussed here further.
An organotropic affinity of Berberies to liver and kidney comes for foremost
Because this was of course an uncertain allusion, a comparison of the proving symptoms
was made with drug picture of Berberis. The comparison was made with the drug picture of
Berberis in Dr.von Kellers monograph on Berberis and was found to concur in respect of a large
number of peculiar symptoms and thus the proving remedy was confirmed as Berberis.
The dry root of Berberis was taken for proving substance. The potencies used in the
proving were supplied by the DHU which also supported the organisational management of these
translated from the German by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for private communication only)
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
(A review of books recently read including those received 'for review')
1. THE HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE, Vol.1, compiled and arranged by Satyaprakash, with a
brief introduction by Dr.H.L.Chitkara P.O.Box No.13 Gurgaon-122 001 (Haryana), pp 552,
With the renewed interest in homoeopathy the world over, and the 'timelessness’ of its
law and basis of therapeutics has come a great interest in the past treasures. The
HOMOEOPATHIC HERITAGE which has been publishing material culled from these old real
masters of the art of prescribing has been very much appreciated. However, the extent of
material is so vast and scattered that it is feared that much may become lost. It is to preserve
them that the present series have been proposed.
This first volume holds much promise of what are to follow. The compiler has under-
taken a big task of about 100 volumes.
The book is divided into sections: History, Philosophy, Materia Medica, Pharmacy,
Therapeutics, Obstetrics and Gyanaecology, Paediatrics, Jurisprudence, Dietetics, Veterinary,
etc. in chronological order. There are 63 articles in this first volume with a useful index at the
We find Hering, Drysdale, Hale, Hempel, Marcy, Wesselhoeft, Pierce, Kent, Ad.Lippe,
Farrington, Berridge, Guernsey, Boyce, Burt, Raue and many others. A great galaxy indeed!
Personally, I found to my greatest joy an article in this volume which I have been
searching for a very long time. It is Hering's essay in which he has, for the first time, mentioned
the famous 'law of cure'. The late Dr.J.N.Kanjilal had written and spoken to me personally more
than once wishing to locate the essay. Since then I have been searching and learnt that it was in
the 'Hahnemannian Monthly' Vol.1, No.1, We find the complete essay in this volume.
"Let every one come out with every little observation, even if it be not "certain", or if it
be "incomplete", and that not only with respect to the old remedies, but also as to the new. What
is there in the world that is complete? What certain? There is no end to doubt when we once
begin. Let us have one observation, and hope for more; if more follow, the first may be
established, and by thus ascertaining one thing after another, we shall in time, render all
"I find PHOSPHOROUS more frequently indicated for stricture of the oesophagus than
any other remedy" says H.N.Guernsey in the article "STRICTURE OF OESOPHAGUS"
A report on Homoeopathic Congresses, 1850 says that Des Guidis offered a price of 300
francs to the best essay on the indication of a useful method of determining exactly the
characteristic peculiarities of remedies which have been tried on healthy persons; as applied to
Calcarea, Lycopodium, Silicea and Causticum.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Dasasi offered a price of 500 francs to the best essay on the question: 'In what potency
have the homoeopathic remedies most efficacy in acute diseases? What characters of disease
decide the superiority of one potency over another? What conclusion can we form as to the
repetition of the dose?'
These are just one or two samples. It is hoped that apart from the foreign journals the
compiler will also draw, for the future volumes, from the old Indian Journals in which some of
the greatest Indian homoeopaths like Dr.Ghosh, N.M.Chaudhuri, Sarkar and many others made
original contributions.
Printed on good paper with very few printing errors and well-bound, the book is warmly
recommended for all interested not only in homoeotherapeutics but also in the history and
development of homoeopathy the world-over. Every homoeopathic college must have a copy of
this in their library.
2. "PSYCHE & SUBSTANCE, Essays on Homoeopathy in the light of Jungian Psychology", by
Edward Whitmont, M.D., North Atlantic Books, USA 1982, 204 pp.
Dr.Whitmont had training in Adlerian psychology and he studied homoeopathy with the
late Dr.Elizabeth Wright Hubbard. Later he met Carl G.Jung and studied Jungian therapy. His
approach to medicine is holistic.
Those who have read some of his earlier articles in the homoeopathic journals will know
his 'constitutional' approach.
In the book under review: the first part is devoted to an 'overview' which include 'basic
law of psychic and somatic interrelationships', 'the law of similars in analytic psychology' and
'constitution and disposition'. The second part deals with 'homoeopathic remedies and their
archetypal forms', 'Psychosomatic studies of SujLphur, Lycopodium, Sepia, Phosphor, Lachesis,
Carbo animalis, Mandragora and Aristolochia clematis'; 'a comparison of Calcarea and
Magnesia', 'Additional Symptoms of Latrodectus mactans'. ["A peculiar strain of conservatism
and slowness runs through all shades of Lycopodium personalities. It is the caution of a person
who has learned to rely not on physical strength and impulsiveness but upon the slower pace of
deliberation and careful scrutiny (CONSCIENTIOUS EVEN ABOUT TRIPLES) ..........
Frequently Lycopodium is indicated in tuberculous conditions. It would be an interesting task to
investigate to what extent a personality type that, as it were, over-reaches himself in his mental
efforts is characteristic of the tuberculous make up."
" ....... A good many of the less known Magnesium indications are simply duplications of
Calcarea indications. The ignorance of this fact will make the prescriber consider Calcarea only
in the face of symptoms which would actually call for Magnesium.
"........ Lactrodectus Mactans presents itself as a medicine with characteristic symptoms of
broad range and deep effect upon the vital force. It probably deserves an important place in our
therapeutic armamentarium. We should consider it in acute emergencies of surgical as well as of
Volume IV
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circulatory nature, as well as in the spastic paralytic and neuralgic syndromes which conform
with the mental and general symptoms thus far elicited.
" ........ In routine office work, first consideration is to be given to Aristolochia clematis
before any other remedy (unless definitely indicated) in any case of suppressed or deficient
menstruation (such as usually associated with Pulsatilla), as well as in the average case of
cystitis. As a vulnerary, it seems to be superior to Calendula)."
Next part deals with 'problems of chronic prescribing1, 'a differential diagnosis' of
"impatience", Surgery, an attitude of present day medicine'.
The last part deals with 'allergic diathesis', 'new or forgotten indications of Tuberculin', 'the
intestinal nosodes' and 'the chronic miasms'. ["Thyroidin is the nosode for the allergically,
hysterically and emotionally disturbed vasomotor constitution."]
An excellent book, recommended to all homoeopathy practitioners.
3. FRUHZEIT DER HOMOOPATHIE von Renate Wittern, Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart, 1984,
223 pages, hard bound, DM 48. (THE EARLY DAYS OF HOMOEOPATHY by Renate
The loyal disciples of Samuel Hahnemann, ERNST STAPF, G.W.GROSS and MORITZ
MULLER started in 1822 in Leipzig the publication of a journal titled ARCHIVS FUR DIE
HOMOOPATHISCHE HEILKUNST - the first Journal of homoeopathy. With the creation of
this first homoeopathic journal began a new epoc in the history of homoeopathy. The journal had
a clear concept: every issue had five parts: basic work in general, cures, aphorisms and ideas of
the past and present masters of the art, debate on homoeopathic and non-homoeopathic writings
and lastly proving reports.
The ARCHIV survived till 1848 - in 23 volumes with 3 supplements.
For 8 years the ARCHIV was the only homoeopathic journal. In 1830 HARTLAUB and
SCHWEIKERT brought out another journal. And in 1832 the ALLGEMEINE
HOMOOPATHISCHE ZEITUNG was brought out by GROSS and HARTMANN; this journal is
existing till date, since 155 years. Some other journals like the HYGEA appeared and
disappeared after some time.
The book under review contains 12 articles culled out of the ARCHIV from 1822 to
1838. We have articles from- the earliest followers of Hahnemann - Moritz Muller, Benjamin
Schweikert, Paul Wolf, Caspari, Wilhelm Gross, Jakob Rummel, von Korsakoff, Hartlaub. The
book is in three parts: Distinctive features of Homoeopathy,
Homoeopathy-Allopathy, aspects of the homoeopathic dosage. At the end there are brief
biographies of the authors of the articles. Two facsimile prints from the original letters to
Hahnemann by von Korsakoff and Hartlaub are also given.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The book enables us to form a fair picture of the early days of homoeopathy; the
potencies generally used then, the struggles and the successes. The originals of the material are
in the Robert-Bosch Stifftung, Stuttgart, Medical Historians in general and Homoeopathy
historians in particular are much obliged to Renate Wittern for this work.
Printed on art paper, excellent get up and well bound.
Volume IV
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
4 QHD, Vol.IV, No.4, December 1987
Dear Doctor,
If we are to single out one man but for whom homoeopathy would not have spread world-
wide it will be CONSTANTINE HERING. It will be a separate and lengthy essay if we were to
write about this great homoeopath and his works.
HERING was born on 1st January, 1800 and therefore we felt that the NEW YEAR
should be heralded with celebration of HERING's birth anniversary. No better tribute can be paid
to HERING than to recall his works and master the materia medica he built up.
HERING proved many remedies; however LACHESIS is considered as his 'pet child'.
This number of our DIGEST is therefore devoted to LACHESIS.
We have presented an archetypal study by Dr. Twentyman and a study according to
Jungian psychology by Dr. Edward Whitmont; followed by clinical case reports.
A section 'Feed back' has been added. 'Book-shelf discusses two books.
December 31, 1987
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
In spite of all that has been said perhaps it is Justified to attempt yet a further look at
Lachesis. It behoves us to do all that we can to bring out the genuine wholeness in our drug
pictures, for mostly these present themselves to us, still, more or loss as agglomerations of
paradoxical symptoms. We are faced with the question whether the source or only the chemical
nature of this venom is significant. The chemical nature was the basis of Otto Leeser's study and
must be allowed to stand, but the serpent nature, as revealed in myth, forms the basis of
Whitmont's interpretation. Both approaches convince us of their validity.
Let us these begin with the serpents. Some of them are poisonous, most of them are not.
In evolution they appeared as polar opposites to the birds, both developing from primordial
reptiles, but in opposite directions, clearing the air, so to speak, for the mammals and man to
make their appearance in the middle. Whereas in birds the whole trunk has been condensed into
a sort of cage serving altogether as a head, in the snakes everything has become digestive.
Snakes, as Jaworski also saw, are intestines served by other organs. Everything in them is
concerned with swallowing and digesting. The digestive capacity of these creatures is staggering,
they do not eat it or chew, and they swallow it whole. The digestive force is so strong that
practically only pure uric acid is eliminated. In this elimination of uric acid they resemble the
birds; mammals eliminate urea, with the strange exception of Dalmatian dogs which also excrete
uric acid. This colossal digestive capacity is true of both the poisonous and non-poisonous
The snakes are a series of almost non-ending vertebrae, up to 400. They have lost their
legs and pelvic and shoulder girdles. Their heads with attached jaws are almost just a simple
continuation of the vertebrae, with ribs for jaws. There is no sternum, no thorax, and the jaws can
move separately so that the snakes can, so to speak, walk over their prey. In them segmentation,
metamerism, reaches its highest expression but it is entirely in service to the digestive function.
They have usually only one lung, the left is greatly reduced or practically absent. Here the
asymmetry which governs the abdomen extends strongly into the lungs, again showing how
everything has dropped backwards or fallen downwards in these creatures. Just as in the birds
everything has jumped ahead, so in snakes everything has become intestine has fallen down. It is
interesting also to note how in lizards and kindred forms, as legs diminish towards limbless
forms the number of vertebrae correspondingly increase.
In the realm of the senses similar tendencies meet us. The eyes of the snake, contrasting
with the ever-open eyes of the cuttlefish, are forever sealed; the eyelids have become transparent
but are closed. It seems, too that the snake only sees movement. Stationary objects it cannot see.
It probably has no sense for colour.
The sense of sight therefore can be said to have fallen out of its true sphere into a sense of
movement. The tongue, flickering in and out through a small hole in the closed lips, seems rather
to touch the air around than to taste anything. The swallowing whole of the victim is against any
real tasting.
The tongue, with horny tips, seems to be an Extended organ of touch, not taste, The ears
are scarcely developed, the middle ear, with the three ossicles, morphologically representing
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thigh, leg and foot, is absent, as is to be expected inccreatures without limbs. Hearing has
become a sense for mere vibration extended through the length of the creature. The senses also
are fallen degraded lower than their proper station. We have the impression that everything has
slipped down a stage, is out of its proper place.
In the birds, a great range of colourful motifs and gestures come to outer expression in
plumage, ritual dances and behaviours, and in song. In the snakes very little of all this psychic
world, which the birds have around them, manifests outwardly. No bird is poisonous. In the
snakes, we are compelled to see that all this rich realm of psychic forces has entered into the very
metabolic, digestive processes. It is this world of forces, penetrating too deeply into the
physiological realm that gives rise to the poison. Is it not also this occulted world of the psychic
which has become concealed in, rather than manifested around, the creature, that is the wisdom
of the serpent. Like the blind sage Teiresias, like the blind Homer, the snake’s attention is
towards an inner world in which profoundest wisdom is concealed.
But the endless repetition of the vertebra, the inability as it were, of the snake to put an
end to it, is skill enigmatic. The vertebral note sounded again and again, like the repeated nodes
of plant growth, points to immense vegetative forces of life. The bringing of this to a conclusion
in skull and pelvis, as in root and blossom, belongs to other than purely vegetative forces. In the
snake these other psychic forces have gone entirely into the digestive realm, neither can they
bring forth limbs, and proper lungs from which inner sound can come forth. The snake can only
The snake often has a sexual, phallic, significance. This again is enigmatic, seeing that its
life patterns are much more digestive than sexual. In considering the cuttlefish, Sepia off., we are
faced with the bipolarity of sex; the cuttlefish and cephalopods can represent both the uterus and
head. Conception in mankind is predominantly female in the uterus and male in the brain, and we
are reminded of how the bisexual primitive forms became divided into separate sexes as Plato
indicates in the Symposium and as indicated also in Genesis. This moment of division is usually
associated with the fall of Man and we have been seeing how much the serpent is a revelation of
fallen state. Now we also saw in the molluses how the oyster is a polar contrast to the octopus
and cuttlefish, and how the oyster strikes a predominantly cephalic note, the octopus a
predominantly uterine one. In the case of the snakes, we shall have to look to the birds to find the
complementary form. Taken alone, the serpent represents a sexuality concerned only with
sexuality and reproduction. The higher pole of sexuality concerned with knowledge and
consciousness is missing, sex has also collapsed into a fallen, or partial aspect which again for
this reason fills the soul with a horror, the meaninglessness of mere feeding and reproduction, the
horror of the snake pit.
How far can this picture of the snake help us to unriddle the drug picture of Lachesis?
The greed of the snake which compels it to swallow its victim whole finds it place in the egotism
of Lachesis. The great emphasis on swallowing must be related to all throat symptoms of all the
snake venoms, but particularly Lachesis. In the egg-eating snake this note is most tellingly
expressed. Special bony knobs on some of the vertebrae break right through into the oesophagus.
The egg, swallowed with difficulty, is held behind the head as a great bulge; then it is cracked
against the vertebral bones and the shell sent up, the egg contents swallowed down. In the globus
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hystericus, which in minor degreed is a common symptom, we sense a difficulty in swallowing, a
reluctance to swallow the bitter pill of truth, a fear of being poisoned.
The question of the throat, of swallowing, so central to the Lachesis picture, calls for our
further consideration. The throat is the gateway to the world of the belly, the world of the
unconscious, the underworld. When we swallow something it passes from the sphere of
consciousness into the unconscious, there we digest it and absorb it and are ourselves changed in
the process. We swallow not only food but experience. We are often reluctant to swallow
unpleasant truths and experiences and thus they stick in our gullet, but then we cannot forget
them either, nor can we grow through their digestion. The throat is a threshold and we learn from
mythology that at doorways or thresholds there are guardians.
Now in the mythology of the healing god Asklepios, snakes and dogs are
interchangeable. In the Roman museum at Bath there is an altar to Asklepios and on one side
there is a snake, on another a dog. San Rocco, the patron saint of the plague and mediaeval saint
of healing, is always portrayed with a dog. It is indeed strange to find that Lac caninum, our
remedy from bitches' milk, has also this predilection for the throat and with Lachesis and
Mercurius is one of three great remedies for sore throats and diphtheria. The God Mercury, of
course, carries the Caduceus and is the psychopompus, the guide to the underworld, whilst our
remedy Lac caninum is characterized by dreams of snakes.
The egotism of Lachesis may also be based on the selfishness of the snake digestion
which gives so little back to the earth. In contrast we have to think of the cow, another sacred
animal, which however, with its profound and mysterious digestion gives to the earth the potent
restoring manure of the excrement and bestows its beneficent milk.
The great sensitivity of the throat to touch in the Lachesis patient belongs partly to the
general throatiness of snakes we have been considering and partly to the extreme sensitivity to
touch altogether shown by these patients.
Bearing in mind the main features of our characterization of the snake, the predominance
of the digestive function and the fall of other-function to a lower status than normal, we have to
see how certain main symptoms of the Lachesis picture fall into place.
Firstly, there is the aggravation of symptoms during and after sleep, with waking into an
aggravation of symptoms. The predominantly katabolic activity of the brain and nervous system
during waking life gives way during sleep to a predominantly anabolic life. The balance tilts
decisively during sleep in the direction of anabolism and those symptoms and disease processes
which arise from anabolic superfluity are exaggerated. These are exactly the Lachesis conditions.
Over-sleeping can be as much a cause of illness as under sleeping, which falls more into the Nux
vomica field of action. Sepia conditions can be ameliorated or aggravated by sleep, in my
experience they are often ameliorated and Phosphorus is usually better for even short sleeps.
Secondly, symptoms are relieved by the onset of discharges, whether nasal, menstrual or
other. Again here we see how a disbalance which has developed under anabolic supremacy is
restored to harmony by the excretory, katabolic functions culminating in discharges.
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Thirdly there is the extreme sensitivity to touch and particularly to constriction of any
form. It is a little like the Ignatia hypersensitivity and is more to light touch than firm pressure. It
seems to be associated with hypersensitive, hysterical types of women and it may be connected
with the definite tendency for hysterical symptoms to manifest more on the left side of the body.
Hysterical symptoms proper reflect a predominance of the metabolic pole, in contrast to
neurasthenic symptomatology which expresses the overweighting of the balance in the direction
of the nerves and senses pole. This connection with the left right polarity is also suggestive. The
left side is both the feminine and the unconscious side and so here again we are brought up
against the balance of conscious and unconscious which we have considered in relation to the
throat. We should also bring it into relationship with the arterial-venous polarity. The left side is
the arterial and centrifugal side, whereas the right side is venous and centripetal. The Lachesis
tendency to purplish, venous discoloration is thus found to be related to the left-sidedness and
sensitivity to constriction. Any constriction, more particularly on the left, centrifugal, side, will
result in congestion and venous distention. A firm enough pressure will also result in stopping
the arteriolar flow and hence will prevent the venous overfilling. This preponderance of the
venous side of the circulation may well be the basis also for the desire for air, for open windows,
characterizing these patients. The aggravation from warmth with the relation to digestive and
metabolic activities and its tendency to dilate the skin circulation is to be expected, as is the
aggravation from alcohol. The Lachesis headaches of congestive type, aggravated by heat or sun
and often left-sided, can be included here.
There is one further mental symptom which needs to be mentioned, the loquacity
sometimes seen in and indicating this remedy. It is an endless chatter of unrelated themes in
which no real expression of the personality is achieved no real communication. Any restriction
on their logorrhea is felt as a constriction in the physical symptoms. It reminds, too, of the
endless repetition of the vertebrae, with the inability to put a stop to it, and finally the flashing in
and out of the tongue, restlessly touching the air as the chatter seems to be more a feeling, a
testing of the environment than an utterance from within. The snake can only hiss, it cannot
sound forth its inner world.
The Lachesis patient may have a craving for oysters which seems indeed another telling
symptoms'. The oyster as head puts an end to and a crown on top of the vertebral column and so
it is indeed what the snake in us seeks; as a healing and completion of its exaggerated one-
Amongst the general indications for Lachesis we find the menopause and this seems to be
related to certain features, two of them already familiar to us. The menopause marks the
threshold of a new phase of existence; it marks the time when the individual can begin to take in
hand his or her renewal, when the primary tasks of reproductive life are over. It is the transition
from tasks of generation to those of regeneration. The cessation of the healing discharge of
menstruation adds another note. The other feature of the snake which finds expression here is the
changing of the skin, the renewal which it experiences every spring. We can also relate the
spring and autumn aggravations to these same dynamics.
So far we have attempted to sketch the relation of the Lachesis drug picture to the serpent
archetype, using as a help the essential features revealed by biology and mythology. It is perhaps
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surprising how far this can go, especially when we consider that the remedy is prepared from the
venom rather than from the snake itself. It does seem that the mental and general symptoms and
modalities are more understandable in terms of the characterization of the serpent as a whole
than in terms of the chemistry of the venom and the acute symptoms of snake bite.
The acute picture of snake bite depends on the injection of venom, usually some mls, into
the flesh of the victim. The venom, considered as a complex mixture of enzymes, is also
understood as a powerful secretion of salivary or digestive glands, The presence of such
powerful enzymes in salivary or modified salivary glands again relates these glands of the mouth
to the intestinal and pancreatic juices. The same note which we have observed before is again
struck here and emphasized by the presence in snake venom of zinc, which is a normal
constituent of the pancreas. Powerful digestive processes, normally only occurring in the secret
coils of the intestine, are after snake bite unveiled to our observation, Perhaps this is one further
reason for the dread they invoke. These processes should not happen to the living, intact, victim.
They should be reserved for the digestion of the chewed up, masticated portions of already killed
prey. Understood in this way, these phenomena find their natural place within our overall
picture. They manifest clinically in the severe septicaemic states which in the pre-antibiotic era
were one of the chief successes in the Lachesis claim to fame. The crude toxic phenomena of
snake bite then find their disease correlate in the toxic inflammatory states. The phenomena of
provings, in which potencies are ingested, find their general correlation in the organs and regions
of the body, e.g. the throat, in laterality and in the modalities. The mentals on the whole seem to
be correlated with those 'provings', as I would maintain that are expressed in myth and legend
and which are the response to the total impact made by the serpent through all the senses of the
soul and not merely through the sense of taste.
[From The British Homoeopathic Journal published by Volume LXIV 1975; abridged by Dr.
K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; slightly for private circulation only]
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I am going to confront you with an approach to the remedy that is entirely different from
any you have been hearing. It comes not from the physiological angle but from that of depth
psychology; I might almost say, from a spiritual angle.
To begin, I would like to say, that in thinking in holistic terms, Hahnemann was ahead of
his own as well as our time with his anticipation of an overall pattern which encompasses not
only substance but also what we now call energy. This was his most revolutionary discovery, a
oneness that underlies illness and cure as one and the same. Both have begun to be repostulated
in our time by modern physics, biology and depth psychology.
Our drug pictures constitute what in German are called Sinnbilder. Translated, Sinnbild
means image of meaning, or symbol. Through the symbol we grasp the way the forces of cosmic
and biological energy operate meaningfully. The symbolic model is now used in nuclear physics,
in depth psychology and to a certain extent in modern biology but has not as yet, by and large
reached the science of medicine. It is unconsciously inherent in Hahnemann's approach. I now
propose to use the symbolic approach for the sake of understanding more fully the dynamic force
of the serpent, the snake remedies, the foremost of which is Lachesis.
Let me diverge for a moment and say that a good deal of clinical pathology can be
understood in terms of body symbolism. It is for instance true that when you analyse the
psychosomatic background of cardiac disorder, you will nearly always find very central
problems of feeling that have been repressed. This is in keeping with the old tradition, the old
intuitive insight, of the heart symbolizing the functions of feeling. With gastric of duodenal
ulcers, you might ask yourself the question. "What is eating this person, emotionally?" This is an
organism that devours itself. The typical rheumatic state is somehow indicating a rigidifying
tendency in the personality as well as the body.
Also when in psychiatry we aim at understanding the unconscious psyche we proceed by
relating its dynamics of dream and fantasy images to mythological and symbolic motives
(themes) which are the languages of the unconscious psyche. Mythological symbolism offers the
most ancient as well as the most modern, and therefore timeless, comprehension of man's
relationship to the action of cosmic forces.
Now let us look at the image pattern, the Gestalt or form, the symbol of the serpent as
though it were a dream of nature in which a particular state of man, a particular potential state of
pathology is represented. The serpent is one of our most ancient and most grandiose
mythological motives. May I remind you that the staff of Aesculapius features the serpent wound
around a central staff. The serpent is the image of primordial, autonomous, impersonal life
energy underlying and creating existence and consciousness. It is the image of the instinctual
life-will, of desirousness, hunger for life (Latin, libido), the urge to taste life, to learn and grow
through testing life. In Eastern tradition it represents what is called Maya, namely the illusion of
existence, and the manifestation of primordial energy, Prakriti. You are given a feeling about the
consciousness-offering quality of the snake in the Old Testament; it is the urge to taste from the
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tree of life and of knowledge. Hahnemann referred to it when he prefaced his Organon with
"Aude sapere" - Dare to taste and understand Sapere means both taste and understand. Hence the
snake force involves us in life and living, not theoretically, but by deeply emptying the cup. It is
a force which is wrapped around the tree of life and knowledge in the story of Paradise, leading
to the fall from Paradise but also to life's healing forces in the staff of Aesculapius.
You also find the serpent on the cross, substituted for Christ in the Christian Gnostic
tradition. It is that which involves the fall of man and again leads him out of it. The serpent is to
be elevated, to be brought to a higher level. It is the force which leads to life and into life and is
being developed into consciousness, but, and here is the great paradox, in this development of
consciousness life has turned against itself.
Therefore the image of the snake which eats its own tail, the uroboros, is the symbol of
the infinity of life. In the development toward consciousness, toward an ego, life of necessity
turns against itself. Ego development rests upon at least partial repression of instinctual urges. If
we are not willing to live like animals, we must take a stand against our spontaneous emotional
and instinctual drives; and this is the split within the life forces of the serpent itself. It is a de-
integration, a fragmentation, which rends the harmonious wholeness. Where logos apposes bios,
spirit stands against life and you encounter the pathology of the serpent. The serpent pathology is
the unintegrated life impulse, the unintegrated libido, the unintegrated instinct split off and split
in itself. It is the rebellion or paralysis of the life urge or libido; you can say Lachesis is the
penalty of unlived life. Thus you have the egocentricity of Lachesis and on the other hand, the
motif that appeared in the dream in Dr. Stubler's paper, with the depth psychological symbolism
quite evident. In a woman's dream that motif of cutting up one's own husband means cutting
one's own unconscious maleness. Cutting up the "totally other", namely the unconscious side,
amounts to the destruction of the unconscious libido. This is a dream which I would say is indeed
typical of Lachesis inasmuch as the woman is severing herself psychologically from all the life
impulses, but it need not refer only to Lachesis (Let me say in parenthesis that the rubric on
dreams in Kent ought to be taken with a grain, or several grains, of salt. They often fit, but owing
to the lack of psychodynamic understanding and dream symbolism one can easily be led astray.)
The main heading of serpent pathology is the repression and cutting off of vital forces as
a price to be paid for personal and personality development. This covers all that which
Hahnemann intuited under the heading of Psora, the universal sickness of man. Consequently we
have Kent's remark that the basic snake nature is that which we all have. In a way, I would
consider the snake venom a most violent anti-psoric medicine.
Now, I would say Lachesis is a particular, special version of this, as all snakes have their
own personalities and diversions of pathology. Lachesis represents what I Would call a jungle
variety of this libido aspect. It is the emotionally and sexually charged picture which reminds me
somewhat of a chronic Gelsemium with its sultry sensuousness. It is something like a thick smell
of repressed emotionally and sensuality which makes me think of Lachesis.
Now, having this model in view, how does it establish a sense of order among the chaos
of clinical and proving symptoms? How does it apply to the materia medica? Let us take the
guiding symptoms one by one. First, the left sidedness of left to right; here you have an
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extension, an invasion, as it were, of pathology from the left side. The left side is the sinistra
side, the sinister aide, because left has always been equated with unconscious function. It is the
heart side the relatively receptive not to say passive side. Therefore it is the feeling and
emotional side. You will find that the left side is always overburdened emotionally and
programmed toward the unconscious; with all this we also think of Sepia and Phosphorus. These
two are predominantly unconscious-determined, oversensitive even clairvoyant medicines.
Lachesis also has this, as well as Sepia, a heavily repressed emotional type. You have here the
classical typical invasion of repressed energy from the unconscious, emotional personality.
The next keynote is constrictiveness, constriction anywhere but particularly of the throat.
I find this quite frequently as a psychiatric syndrome when the capacity to ascertain oneself as a
personality is threatened. The globus hysterieus for instance is a typical response for the throat
when the ego has a difficult time holding its own against the invasion of emotional and
especially sexual forces. The constrictiveness is a response to unseen yet powerfully experienced
Next is the breakdown of the blood life and the autonomous nerve control. You may
remember that Nazi slogan was "Blood and Soil". With all its viciousness in the political
circumstances this was a profoundly moving symbolic image psychologically. It would not have
been so vicious, had it not been so valid. Blood is indeed the deepest, most basic expression of
life and living. When life is repressed, it is cut off. The constriction of blood, of life force, is a
physiological constriction corresponding to the psychological image of cut-off emotion. Think of
the anaemic young ladies of the Victorian age whose goodness did not allow them to live a red-
blooded life.
Finally, the epitome of unlived life is to be found in the tendency for carcinoma. To me
cancer is number one on the list of psychosomatic disorders arising from unlived life which
assumes concrete form as autonomous unintegrated growth. It then exceeds the total organism
and does not fit into the whole. In cancer pathology you will always find a sense of hopelessness,
disappointment bitterness, grimness, resentment against existence, whether events have
precipitated these feelings or not. Even in the Rorschach pattern these personality traits have
been confirmed, namely the constrictive, over-controlled personality that has come to a
breakdown of controls. It is not merely the "repressed" personality, since everyone nowadays is
found to be repressed in one way or another but specifically the personality repressed with
respect to the life-supporting qualities of aggression, emotion and sexuality. It is a repression of
emotional intensity, of violent intensity underlying a controlled surface. Hence this personality is
suspicious to the degree of paranoia, tense and depressed. I do not believe too much in jealousy
as a leading or helpful symptom because as in the case of repression, everyone has it. Rather the
condition is similar to that of a snake lying quiescent ready at the slightest provocation to strike,
to bite. With a acceptability to hallucinatory and ecstatic states the slightest triggers the crack-up
that may lead to explosion.
From this standpoint, the intense aggressive urge is also more comprehensible. The
Lachesis personality is very uptight and the underlying tendency to close off hides a vicious hate,
meanness and even cruelty, the revenge for a life not lived. There is restraint, a seeming shyness
overlaying a bitter tongue. We also find states that are the result of grief, fright, suppressed love,
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a danger encountered or a sorrow which could be integrated into the overall feeling life of the
personality. The flow of life is stopped, blocked on both the physical and the psychological level.
Body fluids, menstrual or other, are blocked in their flow. So it is understandable that a keynote
of Lachesis is improvement from the opening of discharges.
Lastly the climactic point, the last chance at the change of life for the juices to flow. The
change of life represents a critical point for the Lachesis symptomatology. In this last-change
situation, the life force and the emotions produce something akin to the eruption of a volcano.
There is also aggravation from sleep. In sleep all of our conscious controls are relaxed.
The same, by the way, applies to the effects of alcohol, also a keynote of aggravation. The
consciously controlled activities are relaxed and the unconscious can take, over, and it takes its
compensating revenge. When we wake up, what do we find? We find ourselves overwhelmed by
all the forces and impulses we cannot consciously accept and permit. We try to pull down the lid
again, and conflict and aggravation ensue from the rebound toward repression.
Aggravation from touch, You know when you are pressed or hit, psychologically, you
bound back but when the soft approach is used, you are "touched" Your feeling overrules your
defences and comes forth. This is what the Lachesis person's repressed life, feelings and
emotions cannot afford. Touch evokes feeling, evokes emotion, and thus evokes an aggravation
of the repressed tendencies. On the other hand hard pressure improves because we can respond
by tightening and shaping up to the pressure. However there is oversensitivity to anything
constricting, because the constrictive tendency is a threat to vital functioning. This is a poignant
example of how body function, taken symbolically reflects the working of the archetype.
Finally we have aggravation in the autumn but foremost in the spring. These seasons of
transition, of budding love and life, lower the conscious defences and are times of Lachesis
aggravation. Conversely, motion, cold, fresh air, wakeful activity, stimulate conscious control
and close and lid effectively on the intense unconscious upsurge.
Let us now consider the development of organ pathology, head, throat, heart, ovary and
veins, and blood decomposition.
The head is the centre of ego consciousness. When pathology is no longer head in check,
the superior, most controlled organ breaks down first. When a revolt succeeds, it first topples the
ruling chiefs. Take for instance migraine headaches: migraine expressing the psychological state
of forcing one's head through a wall. The wall doesn't suffer, but the head does.
The throat area we have already characterized as the area of conflict between continued
control of the sense of identity on the one hand and the onrush of unconscious emotions on the
The heart is the centre and the seat for validating life qualities and life feelings.
The ovaries and sexual organs evidently are the centre of repressed libido, sexual and
biological urges.
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The veins are the channels where the life flow becomes relatively turgid. Remember
again the image of the sultry jungle world of Lachesis. Ac the life flow slows, stagnation sets in,
in waters already stilled. Whatever the organ, whenever the lower half of the body is reached by
the repressive effects, the vital functions are most centrally threatened.
I have attempted to give you a sense of the personality traits of Lachesis, the Gestalt
underlying isolated keynote symptoms that you may recognize, in the pathological state of
Lachesis, this picture of a repressed intense life urge pushing back.
Let me close with the remark made by Fritsche, "that whoever attempts to speak
plausibly of Homoeopathy, regresses to the time of the powdered wig", to the Zopfzeit.
I hope I have talked plausibly, but not rationally in the sense of our medical confreres'
particularistic tradition. I believe that a readiness to perceive those holistic, psychosomatic,
indeed personality patterns, such as is now, albeit slowly, making its advent into some branches
of modern psychology, may be able to bring us a step nearer to the profound mystery of
Homoeopathy, The contradictions in Homoeopathy may eventually open a way toward
comprehension of it.
Yet this mystery is the mystery of life and of its paradox of the hidden unity of suffering
and healing, the mystery of the snake and the mystery of how Homoeopathy heals.
[From the British Homoeopathic Journal Volume LXIV – 1975; Slightly abridged by Dr.
K.S.Srinivasan, Madras; for private circulation only]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
First case: Mrs.X, age now 49. I met her first socially 8 years ago. As she comes from
the same part of the world as I do, we became friendly. She also consults me as a patient at
intervals of 2 to 6 months. Her father was an aristocrat, a widower with 3 grown-up children
when he married his second wife - my patient's mother, who had a small daughter from her
previous marriage.
Mrs. X was a very spoiled child, looked after by servants whom she did not obey, and she
told me once that if the maid angered her she defaecated on to the carpet for her to clean away.
My theory is, a spoiled child remains so all through her life. Mrs. X was, and still is,
unreasonably Jealous.
I was ill some time ago, and because a friend of mine was looking after me she did not
come to see me for many months. She maintained she should have been asked first, although she
could not have stayed with me.
That all is typical of Lachesis, the Surucuccu snake which has her domain in the dark
forests of Brazil where any creature that enters will be attacked fiercely by her.
According to D. G. Fabre, this creature is of extraordinary malevolence. It will attach anything,
even a Jaguar and a campfire.
My patient is charming to meet, lively, talkative full of fun, but gets depressed easily,
also angered. Has people round her whom she dislikes intensely. She may cry. One day she told
me, whatever faults she has, she never lies, whereupon I said - "but you do, I never know which
is the right version of a happening you are telling". She sat down and cried all afternoon,
relieving herself with a flow of words, being accused of telling too much, etc., and etc. She is
often unpredictable, incredible also in her emotions. She has a strange pride of being better than
others mingled with inferiority complexes. She fears to fly by plane, fears the dentist neglecting
her teeth. She is the most egocentric person I have ever met. She also can be very helpful, if it
suits her.
Her appearance is attractive and liked by the opposite sex. Although married she is
suffering from some kind of nymphomania, picking her prey with a very refined art of seduction.
She is active and industrious, music loving, was at one time a chorus girl in the opera, cannot
stand T.V. being too noisy and poor programmes. She likes a good alcoholic drink in which she
over-indulges at times, suffering from its ill-effects afterwards. Appetite is good, avoids sweet,
and desires savouries and acidy food and potatoes. Thirst for cold drinks.
Sleep: always poor, even after a sleep not refreshed. A long lie upsets her even more.
Generally: Cannot stand excessive heat, nor cold, desires fresh air, flushes easily, cannot
stand any constriction.
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She came to me as a patient for the first time in January 1967. Her periods were very
heavy, lasted a week, were regular. She felt worse before, wakens with a headache and often also
with anginal pain. Also pain in the liver region, and backache.
O.E. - thin, slightly flushed face with oedema under her eyes. B.P. 140/100. Heart NAD.
Chest - clear. Abdomen: tender liver and gall-bladder. Urine - NAD. Lachesis 200/3 and placebo
for one month given.
Seeing her after a month, she felt much better, calmer, but complained of much flatulence
and fullness. Lycopodium 30/3 given. She was well up to June. Then Lachesis was repeated, and
again in October. In November 1967. Wheezy dry throat, nervous terrified from having to fly
home to see her mother. Gels. IOM helped her then. In December still coughing, palpitations at
night, afraid to sleep in case she would not waken. B.P. 170/100. Lachesis kept her going until
next August when she lost her job from the information desk at the Airport. She felt tired; loss of
appetite, Lachesis M/1 and placebo helped her. In October 1968, again extremely tired,
headaches, backache, blown-up in the afternoon, Lycopodium M/3 repeated. In December,
bronchitis. Her B.P. was 210/110. Morgan Bach 30/6 helped, she was well up to February 1969,
when she wakened again not feeling well. Lachesis 30/3 given.
All these years she has had Lachesis in different potencies up to IOM at different times.
Now she phones me when she is feeling under the weather asking for the "Snake Powders". In
that time she has had 5 different jobs. Has had ups-and-downs, now also with her menstruation
which is irregular, Lachesis keeps her going.
Second case: Here is another lady who has had nearly nothing else but Lachesis for the
past 4 years. She was hypertensive and developed loss of speech, and paralysis of her right arm
and leg in June 1969. She was in the Homoeopathic Hospital in Glasgow up to September 1969.
She had improved with hospital care and physiotherapy. Her speech is still slow and she can
walk slowly with the aid of a stick. She has still a poor grip in her right arm which is also much
weaker. She is able to do the cooking for her husband and has had further courses of
physiotherapy at intervals.
An X-ray of her chest shows the heart to be considerably enlarged with congestion of
pulmonary vessels.
Opposite to the former case this lady has a very nice and considerate personality, but she
is very anxious, easily hurt, easily excited. Her BP. varies between 180 and 160/100 and 110.
She has a flushed face. She always wakens full of anxiety and unwell. She has an oscillating
tongue. She also has some "turns" of a kind of convulsions with breathlessness which waken her.
She is also wakened by nightmares. Also this lady knows she is having "snake" powders and
'phones for me to come every 2 or 3 months. It is Lachesis 50M, without placebo, which keeps
her going.
Third case: A man aged 51 years; he was the driver of a disposal van when he came to
see me on 2/8/63. He wakened daily with an occipital and frontal headache. He had taken ill with
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a slight right-sided hemiplegia 2 months previously and had been in a hospital that time. His
speech had been slurred. He got drugs for lowering his BP to which he was allergic, he got a
rash. Aspirins helped his headache for a very short time only. Otherwise he had never been ill.
Mentally he was depressed and irritable, had a good appetite, eating anything. Thirst for
cold water.
Sleeping well but wakening with this headache.
O.E. - normal build, well coloured - clean oscillating tongue. C.V.S. B.P. 230/140, heart -
NAD. RS - NAD. Abdomen - NAD. CNS - NAD. Lachesis 30/6 and placebo given.
He came back on 30/8/63, feeling much better, Wakened only once at 5 a.m. with a
headache - right leg was Jerking - B.P. 230/140. Placebo given.
On 27/9/63, he was very much better, no headache, B.P. 220/140. Lachesis 200/3 was
given, and was repeated on 6 December 1973. when the headache had returned. He was not yet
working. He had been in a convalescent home.
On 10/1/64, he complained of a slight headache, of breathlessness on exertion - also some
stiffness -B.P. 210/140. Sulph. 30/3 and C.G.P. 6x (Carbo veg., Glonoin, Passiflora) t.i.d.
He was well in August, his B.P. was 200/130. He was on C.G.P. 6x constantly. June
1965, the BP was the same - as he was tired a.m. he again got Lachesis 30/3 and placebo and did
so at 2/3 monthly intervals up to June 1972, when he retired, and I have lost touch with him.
[A paper read to the 29th International Homoeopathic Congress of Homoeopathic Medicine,
Washington, May/June 1974 - From the British Homoeopathic Journal Vol.LXIV, 1975]
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Mrs. Helga V., born 16-5-43 came on 5-9-80: She lived in a small town, about 250 KM
away. She has been married since 1960, has a good husband and had normal parturitions in 1965
and 1968. She has never visited a hospital or for that matter never ill as such.
In 1975: She purchased meat from the butcher and some sausages. A dog followed her
for one KM and sprang upon her from behind causing her great alarm. Apparently it had smelt
the meat. From this terror and shock she had fever of 39° and had to be in bed for a day. On the
next day she observed that her neck was not freely moveable. In the next 4 months the twist to
the left side slowly increased to such an extent that she could not see her feet and then her right
hand and she could not work with her right hand any more. Besides the household work she had
a special liking for sewing. She had to give it up completely. She worked for clients, did it well
and with interest.
First she went to the family doctor, who ordered irradiation, then to a Neurologist in a
larger town, finally was directed to the University Neurology Clinic at Munich where she was
thoroughly examined. It was diagnosed as "psychogenic stiff-neck". A lumbar puncture was
made and she was in-patient for two weeks. Different treatments were undertaken. An operation
was also thought of to which she could not agree. In the meantime the right sterno-cleido-
mastoid muscle became thick and stiff, while she attempted to move the neck forcibly. The
muscle was longer, it made the neck inclined to left. Much general restlessness with fidgetiness
of the hands and the entire body. She could not therefore go to the church which she liked to.
Better while lying. Can move the head to the left and right while lying. She slept on her
abdomen with her head to the right. She can bear that. The menses was punctual. It had no effect
on the condition.
She had prophetic dreams, for example: A relative of her was pregnant and hoped for a
boy. The patient however dreamed that it would be a girl, large and weighty which would then
die. The child actually died when 8 months old. She had also dreamed of the name of the child in
The case was worked out on the "Practical Repertory" of Dr. R.Flury:
Card 100, visionary, Clairvoyant, Prophetic dreams.
Card 184, Lying am.
Card 320, Fright agg. (The causative trauma)
Lachesis came through all the cards.
I questioned further thoroughly for such Lachesis symptoms, as those relating to Periods,
Warmth, Sun, Mental attributes, which one otherwise finds with Lachesis. These attributes were
all not perceivable. She is neither sad nor Jealous.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Progress: 5-10-80 first dose Lachesis C 10,000. In a short time amelioration set in, she was more
relaxed, could turn her head to the right more, could once again use her right hand. This she
could not do earlier as she could not bring her hand before the field of vision. 2-3-81 second dose
Lachesis C10, 000. The first dose acted till then repeated. This dose also acted for a longer time.
24-7-81 third dose Lachesis C10, 000. It acted further. This time the improvement lasted till
December 1981. 5-12-81 fourth dose Lachesis C10, 000. This does worked best so far. She can
see straight on, can turn the head to the right and left. She can again go the church since there
was no more restlessness. She is very much impressed by the improvement.
And I was also very much impressed by the success. I prescribe Lachesis in high potency
only when the emotional and mental attributes typical of Lachesis are presented. It was not so in
this case. It was a case of an openhearted, gentle, good-natured, uncomplicated lady and mother.
Secondly, the causative factor. In Kent, amongst a large no. of remedies Lachesis has
been given in 2nd grade. In Synthetic Repertory Vol.I. P.17 Lachesis has been given in 2nd
grade. This rubric is larger and contain more no. of actually well-established remedies. Both in
Kent as well as in Barthel, Pulsatilla is given in the 1
grade, which would have suited this lady
better. For the choice of Lachesis the strong, impressive and dominating symptoms of left-
sidedness was decisive.
I mention this case which has been treated with a single medicine, for two reasons to be
1. Lachesis has been chosen in high potency on basis of local manifestations add it has
2. The action of Lachesis C10, 000 runs to about 90 days, considerably much more than
what was hitherto observed and then repetition was needed.
Sufficient amount of time existed before and after the administration so that the action of
the medicament is clear.
Perhaps one can consider the prophetic dreams as a rare, striking, characteristic symptom
in terms of para 153. It is found both in Kent as well as in the Synthetic Repertory. In the latter
one in Vol.1 page 135, where different medicines have been given in grade, Lachesis only in
third grade. In '(clairvoyant dreams' only small number of medicines have been given but
actually Lachesis not given. The patient suffered from this rare symptom, when she dreamed of
the death, but she did not speak about it.
In a discussion with a psychiatrist it was asked whether during the period of treatment
1980-82 the patient had any changes in the personal and family relationships. This was not so in
this case. He opined that from psychiatric point of view the case may be one of hysterical
conversion neurosis. Every psychiatrist wo61d like to ask as to what stresses have been suffered
between 1975 and 1980? What else in connection with the stresses between 1980 and 82? The
answers are negative. In consultations with the patient she could not say of any period of stress
neither in 1975-80 nor 1980-82. Her husband whom I have come to know, she described a good,
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
with the two children only the usual problems of rearing up 10 - 17 years old children. These all
were however for the patient not much of a stress to upset her.
As this case has thrown up different problems I will be thankful if experienced
homeopathic physicians express their views.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
LEG - by Artur BRAUN
17th July 1978: 41 years old women, sporty, suffering since 5 weeks from an atonic
paralysis of right foot. Orthopaedic, neurologic examinations and treatment did not bring about
the desired result and the paralysis remained.
The ailment came suddenly when apparently healthy. One morning on awaking she
observed the paralysis of the right foot, without any pain, sickness, fever or inflammatory
processes before the paralysis. The foot became from then on somewhat numb. She recalled that
on the previous day her left foot pastern surprising often "cracked", but the right feet cracked
perhaps only once or twice. She has never had so before. She had taken part much in sports
especially tennis, but could not now anymore.
She consulted an Orthopaedist the same day morning. He straightaway referred her to a
Neurologist. EEG and other neurological investigations were carried out. Ultimately she was
referred to the Neurology department of the Technical University of Munich where it was
diagnosed as paralysis of the peripheral nerves below the head of the fibula. Nothing except
stimulation of the part was considered first. For 5 days she was treated by a chiropractitioner and
there was slight amelioration. She could move to a little extent "walk on lawn without much
I found the patient suffering from paralysis of Peronaeus. The front part of the right foot
could not be raised or turned sideways. These remained as they
were. At best it could be turned slightly inward. Turning outward was the most difficult. The
measures so far taken helped improve the function of raising the foot 60%, Such a relatively
acute disease is to be treated homoeopathically on the data of most probable cause (Paragraph 5,
Organon Of Medicine). The interrogation revealed finally that a day before the foot joint
"cracked", which the patient felt as the loss of "her stability", she experienced an upset. She
caught her husband in an apparent infidelity which, however, did not develop seriously. While
narrating this patient tried to control her tears.
She is married since 19 years, happy and with three children.
The significant cause is jealousy. The ailments began on the left ankle joint and then
settled itself in the left foot.
I prescribed LACHESIS LM18 once a day 5 drops in water and with instructions to
success with 8-10-12 strokes before taking the medicine daily and vary the water content and
drops of medicine slightly (see paragraph 248, Organon).
For choice of medicine I consulted the repertory rubrics "ailments from jealousy" and
"from left to right" in Synthetic Repertory and LACHESIS came out as the only medicine. In
Hering's "Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica", VoL.VI p.610 "Gressus galllnaceus" is
given as typical symptom which indicates Peronaeus paralysis.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
In 4-5 weeks everything became well. On 26th September, 1978 she said that her
movements were normal and that she has resumed playing tennis.
[From the "KLASSISCHE HOMOOPATHIE", Band 26, 2/1982, translated from the German by
Dr.K.S. Srinivasan, Madras; for private circulation only. *LACH. is one of the 5 medicines in
Kent Rep. p.1223 under the rubric: WALKING, Gressus gallinaceus = K.S.S.]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
[The following are excerpts from a 'Note' from Dr. D. Lakshminarayanan, Ph.D.,
Hyderabad, with reference to the article 'Routine treatment of Measles', in our 'Quarterly
Homoeopathic DIGEST" Vol.IV No.2, 1987]
The three most often indicated drugs for measles are Euphrasia, Pulsatilla, and Kali
Bichrom. To this trio, I have added Gelsemium and Bryonia as often indicated in the epidemic
conditions obtaining in A.P. State. Morbillin comes in as a 'block' remedy to treat all conditions
referred to as "not-well-since measles". Another Clinically important use for this drug is
congenital deafness, though here 'Rubella' would probably be much more appropriate.
An attack of 'Measles' now does not follow the pattern of the pre-antibiotic era. One sees
large varieties of atypical manifestations of Measles-like conditions- eruptions without fever,
eruption with a fleeting fever of 99-100F for a few hours, eruptions which disappear within
hours, no itching or minimal itching, little or no cough or eye, nose symptoms and attacks in the
cold months in the Indian winter.
But since an year or two, typical attacks with high fever, acrid lachrymation, sneezing
and coryza, followed (2-3 days later) by slow rash like eruptions on body, gradually invading
other parts and finally the face. Itching becomes troublesome at this stage and will last a number
of days even after the eruptions disappear. With the onset of eruptions, the temperature becomes
stable and starts to reduce slowly at first and rapidly within 48 hours after eruptions reach the
peak. Cough becomes troublesome as the coryza and eye symptoms recede. Cough will continue
for a more or less long period even after all other symptoms have cleared. Sleep becomes
impossible as a result.
Euphrasia is required in the first stage for acridity in the eye symptoms. Violent sneezing
and coryza; Pulsatilla in cases where discharges from eye and nose are bland, non-irritating,
substitutes for Euphrasia. Kali-Bich. is required for ameliorating the cough - not withstanding
Kent, who has included this drug under Skin-Eruption-Measles. Kent's drugs for cough in
Measles would come in where the characteristic symptoms of each drug are manifested in a case.
I am proposing Kali Bich, as a specific remedy for the cough 'per se-cough-measles' where
individualising is not possible.
The role of Gelsemium and Bryonia in Measles is based on very clear cut unique
symptoms of these two remedies in eruptive fevers unmatched by any other drug in the whole
Materia Medica. The keynotes of Gelsemium are 1) Drowsiness, sleepiness including spells of
deep sleep 2) Thirstlessness in febrile condition 3) Coryza, sneezing and lachrymation, not
necessarily bland or acrid. 4) Dullness, dizziness, mental apathy. Bryonia has 1) Thirst for large
quantities at long intervals 2) desire to remain quietly in one position 3) slow evolution of rash in
eruptive fevers 4) eruptions receding in eruptive fevers 5) symptoms worse in warm weather
after cold days.
In the 200, M and 10M potencies not one case had any sequelae. The course of the
disease was short 4 - 5 days to reach normal temperature and eruptions to begin receding. Itching
and cough could last a few days more, cough being the last symptom to go. The doctrine that a
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child of a few months requires a lower potency in an acute disease is not supported by clinical
experience. In a viral disease of great toxicity, the use of the higher and highest potencies
particularly in young persons from infants up, is the most effective method in altering 'dis-ease'
into 'ease' rapidly, cutting short the normal self-limiting duration, and period of convalescence
and avoiding sequelae. The side effects of prophylactic measles inoculation can be met either by
Gelsemium or Morbillinum.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
(A review of books which have recently come including those received 'for review')
HEIDELBERG, 1984, DM 145/-
The English version of Boenninghausen’s "Lesser writings" was first compiled by T.L.
Bradford and published by Boerieke and Tafel, Philadelphia in 1908. This book "presumably
includes all the magazine articles by Boenninghausen and a few of the smaller pamphlets written
by him ............ collected after very carefully examining all the German and French journals". It,
however, seems that quite a few days of
Von Boenninghausen have not found their place in the Bradford edition. A thorough review of
all the German and French Journals pertaining to the period was carried out by Dr. Med. Klaus-
Henning Gypser and a complete list was made and a facsimilie edition has now been brought out
as above.
The essays have been printed as they were first published in the respective journals in
English, German and French and not in translation. Thus the authenticity and correctness is
maintained. A quick study reveals that there are errors in the Bradford translation edition and
some essays have also been truncated like for example the essay "On the use of High
Attenkations in Homoeopathic Practice". This essay in the Bradford edition contain 12 'cases'
whereas the original essay contains 20 cases. It is very interesting to read the small case No.20:
"I conclude with the cure of a bird. The professor of languages to my children called eight days
ago to tell me that two of this canary birds bad died, and the third was about to die, apparently of
the same complaint. The bird ate constantly in the cage, but everything passed from him
undigested. Pulsatilla 2000 cured him completely, to the great astonishment of the professor".
Besides, there are also other errors like the mention of potencies etc. in the Bradford
edition; there are 15 essays in this German edition which are not "found in the Bradford edition.
All the articles have been put in chronological order with source, etc. There is also a brief
biography of von Boenninghausen. An index, an excellent portrait of von Boenninghausen,
photocopies of Samuel Hahnemann's certificate and the Royal license to von Boenninghausen to
practice homoeopathy completes this very valuable book published to coincide with the 200th
birth anniversary of von Boenninghausen.
Robin Murphy, N.D... edited by Kathi Head 321 pp (photocopy of typed notes) $35.00, available
from Homoeopathic Educational Services 2124, Kittredge St., Berkeley, CA. 94704, USA.
As the title indicates these are transcriptions of lectures delivered by Robin Murphy,
N.D., of 16 polychrest remedies: Ars.alb., Calc., Ign., Kali-c., Lach., Lyco., . Med., Nat-m.,
Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Tub.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The lectures are mostly 'mental' portraits and 'physical generals' e.g.; Ars.alb. "They just
want security… Their need for security is so strong that they would go to great lengths to keep
someone around. They demonstrate financial dependence, emotional dependence. Ars. is one of
the remedies that, expresses the roots of survival - keeping warm., keeping fed, companionship
... it's- real survival -originated remedy ... They come to your office and they cling to you.
'You've got to help me; you've got to help me. I've got this I’ve got that. Please help me'. They
call you up every couple of days. 'The remedy is not working, I'm getting worse'. They make a
lot of demands on you. The doctor feels oppressed by these people ....,".
Ign.: Deep in the essence of this person he is idealistic. They're extremely idealistic. They always
see how things are and that gets them into trouble.... They have high expectations of other
people, especially in relationships, and secondarily, in career type of things as well as in
politics..... They are perfectionists, desiring to be perfect. They're always living with this image
in their mind of hero they should. If they're in a relationship they want the relationship to be
Phosphorous: "When we think of Phosphor we think of champagne. You get a glass of
champagne that's very clear and bubbly; it put, out little twinkles here and there. This is the type
of personality these people have. They're very bubbly, twinkly type of people. A patient walks
in, sits down and there’s twinkle in his eyes. They have this little twinkle of excitement, of
These are some examples of the very interesting drug pictures.