© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
of him to give the highest order of precedence of decisive clinical value to the mental symptoms:
the mental symptoms in the sense of internal resistance, concealed in the Unconscious like
suppressed feelings and moral Commandments which hinders the free deployment of the vital
energy for realising the true fulfillment of life.
The answers to the questions with regard to the physical and mental disease must result in
the restoration of free flow of life in our mental, emotional and physical levels, opening out to
the Universal or Absolute Spirit.
Man must be conscious of this "unity of the Vital Energy" which pervades in him as well
as in the universe. Thereby he dwells in his own reality, the identity of his true self as man and
therefore as expression of the Supreme Being, the Absolute of the universe. It leads to a creative
and fulfilled life in this genuine “condition humans". This understanding of the nature of self
which man achieves indicates the comprehension of the true fulfillment of the life or the
Absolute which lives in his centre and makes up the innermost self of his existence. This
comprehension is realized, however, only in his profound solidarity with other men and the
whole world and only there is found the expression appropriate to him.
The mental symptoms of purely emotional kind – and not the intellectual - are the unique
which disclose the core of the internal disturbance. The man unfolds his personal maturing
process, that is, his conduct or the mental attitude, the emotional factors of his total life, the
historic mould of his child-like conflicts , his life within his family and the social surroundings,
his disappointments in love-life and consequently in his self-estimation – in one word, all the
emotions which are indispensible clinical symptoms for the fundamental comprehension of the
disease which the physician must treat.
The Psora or the main miasm with the internal restlessness, the constriction, the anxieties
and phobias are the essential negative factors, those which hinder the free flow of the vital
energy – and therefore exposes the pot potential of energy, intelligence and sentimentality, it
constricts the growth of the level of consciousness and there with the identity of his true self. As
defense of the psoric anxiety are the syphilitic and sycotic life or way of life which the
homoeopath with much skill must uncover, by the biopathographic anamnesis. For that he must
always keep in view these aspects of level of consciousness with which the patient executes the
processes of growth and maturity and self-realization.
If the patient under treatment does not change his life situation, if he does not develop or
does not bloom and develop as a fully responsible person, then he is not on the path to cure. This
is only when he lays aside his child-like behaviour patterns which make him egoistic, dependant,
passive and needing protection. Also if he shows an aggressive craving for power, for
dominance over all others and that in a militant attitude for defence and aggression, or if he does
not overcome his anxieties, phobias, hatred and guilty feelings, he is not on the road to cure. He
who does not conquer his conditioned approaches which hold him captive in his autism and who
does not open up in some grade the richness of his life, such a man is not on the road to cure
even if the symptoms for which he seeks the help of the physician were to disappear. That is
only a suppression of the symptoms and not cure of the patient. On the other hand the fact is that
if his life attitude opens and his level of consciousness is raised and his intelligence and
sentimentality potentials in the sense of' expansion to the centre and charity for fellow-beings is