VOL. VI, 1989
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England,
Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may
refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by
this compilation are given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600
080, India.)
Volume VI
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
QHD, VOL. VI, NO.1, MARCH 1989 ............................................................................................................... 3
TUBERCULINUM - DR. TOMAS P, PASCHERO ........................................................................................... 4
TUBERCULINUM - CH. BAUDEMPREZ ...................................................................................................... 9
TUBERCULINUM RESIDUUM - G. DESMICHELLE ........................................................................... 17
THE TUBERCULINS - H.V. MILLER ........................................................................................................ 18
BOOK SHELF ........................................................................................................................................... 30
QHD, VOL.VI, NO.2, JUNE 1989 ................................................................................................................... 31
FBMDSH ................................................................................................................................................... 32
A CASE OF MERCUIRUS SOLUBILIS - ROBERT ROMER ...................................................................... 36
FRCP(GLAS), FFHOM, DCH, DTM&H ................................................................................................... 38
FBMDSH ................................................................................................................................................... 41
A CASE OF PEMPHIGUS - DR. FRANCISCO X. EIZAYAGA .......................................................................... 45
“SEES SPIDERS” A CASE OF TONSILLITIS - BY DR. ARTUR BRAUN ............................................... 48
BOOK REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 53
QHD, VOL.VI, NO.3, SEPTEMBER 1989 ..................................................................................................... 59
NEWS ........................................................................................................................................................ 81
BOOK SHELF ........................................................................................................................................... 84
QHD, NO. 4, DECEMBER 1989 ..................................................................................................................... 85
AILMENTS OF DISAPPOINTED LOVE - GUY KOKELENBERG, MD ...................................................... 86
SYMPATHY - A DIFFERENTIAL - BY GEORGE VITHOULKAS ........................................................ 94
ANXIETY ABOUT HEALTH, A DIFFERENTIAL ................................................................................. 96
ANXIETY REMEDIES ............................................................................................................................. 98
JUGLANS CINEREA AND JUGLANS REGIA - BY A.WEGENER ......................................................... 102
SOME USEFUL RUBRICS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ...................................................................... 105
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
1 QHD, Vol. VI, No.1, March 1989
Dear Doctor,
This, the first number of Vol. VI, 1989, discusses only the TUBERCULINS. This is
rather an “up to date” on the TUBERCULINS.
The “drug-picture” of the TUBERCULINS are based on clinical findings only, repeatedly
verified. Many of these have to be added to the repertories currently in use.
The TUBERCULINS rank with such remedies as SULPHUR, CALCAREA,
LYCOPODIUM, PHOSPHOROUS and PULSATILLA in children’s sicknesses and no
practitioner can afford to do without a complete and full knowledge of this great remedy.
Verification of the indications given herein may please be communicated.
March 1989.
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
Volume VI
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Dr. Tomas P, Paschero
The fundamental characteristic of the tubercular type is the changeability of symptoms.
The patient has no fixed symptoms, only constantly varying ones. As soon as one thing is cured,
another appears. Today the trouble lies in one organ, tomorrow in another. One good day, the
next bad. The well-chosen remedy, corresponding nicely to the patient, far from helping him,
simply changes the symptom picture and he returns with another set of symptoms corresponding
to another remedy. The word change fully expresses the essence of the tubercular state.
This particularity, so characteristic of the tubercular miasm, is as much physical as
psychological. The patient has a desire to travel, to move about, to change his surroundings. It is
as though he were captivated by an uneasy restlessness from which he knows no respite, no
Another characteristic is irritability. An angry, excitable patient, he is weak, nervous and bad-
tempered, especially in the morning. Nothing satisfies him. It is impossible to please him.
Always ill at ease, he becomes angry at the least little thing.
He makes mountains out of molehills. He has a strong dislike for certain persons which
can become obsessive. He does not control his reactions; he cannot suppress his impulse “to do
something” or even break something in order to release his aggressivity and calm his hypertense
This irascibility is a symptom of great value in uncovering the tubercular miasm,
particularly in the case of a child normally mild-mannered and calm, who overnight becomes
transformed into an aggressive little monster, someone who curses, throws things, wants to fight,
is antisocial, and cannot tolerate having his anger in any way stifled. Like Colocynthis, Ignatia,
Natrum muriaticum, and Lycopodium, any restraints on his aggressive nature bring on trembling,
weakness, and general debility.
Tuberculinum is also very fearful, mistrustful, and anxiety ridden. He has a fear of death,
of animals, especially dogs. Fears he will die if left alone that he might succumb to a suicidal
impulse. It is as if the fears, the sadness; depression had been engrafted onto him. He cries
easily, often without reason. He can often be unable to stop crying over totally insignificant
matters. A non-stop complainer, he is filled with hopeless despair.
His dissatisfaction results in a marked indifference to everything combined with laziness,
apathy, and an uneasy restlessness. On the one hand he has an aversion to both physical and
mental work. To him everything is an effort, even eating and drinking. He has no enthusiasm for
anything. He detests speaking or being spoken to. He doesn’t even want to make the effort of
replying to a question. On the other hand, he is unendingly restless, always wanting to do
something; to travel to changes his job, occupation, his course of study. He changes doctors
constantly. He is full of doubts and cannot make even small decisions. Ambivalence characterize
him. He wants something and then does not want it.
Deep down, Tuberculinum is overwhelmed by a deep depression affecting his mind and
body. To concentrate and do intellectual tasks is painfully difficult. He must read and reread a
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sentence in order to understand it. He has brain fag plus a certain amount of dullness and
confusion which makes things seem bigger than life, out of proportion, or downright weird.
Because his reasoning powers are weak, it is difficult for him to have an appropriate intellectual
attitude toward his perceptions.
To summarize the mentals of Tuberculinum, we can say he is a patient subject to constant
changes, who has a variety of symptoms, and whose mental state is contradictory and
ambivalent. In addition, he is sad, depressed, angry, apprehensive, fearful, anxious, indifferent,
lazy, restless, and confused.
There is a certain Tuberculinum which presents with a schizoid personality: egoistic,
autistic, and introverted with a tendency to biting, destructive criticism. This destructive side of
his temperament is syphilitic. It binds with psora to form the tubercular miasm.
An important general symptom of Tuberculinum is that he is always chilly, always
feeling the cold. This chilliness makes him susceptible to catching colds though it is not easy to
know how or where he catches them. In children, for example, we see frequent bouts of
tonsillitis with swollen tonsils and adenoids and copious post-nasal catarrh. All these symptoms
come with fever and there are frequent relapses coming one after the other. Tuberculinum can
do what no other remedy can for these little ones with a tendency to eczema and a family history
of tuberculosis.
Despite Tuberculinum’s chilliness and lack of vital heat, he exhibits a paradoxical
symptom: a desire for fresh air. He wants the doors and windows open. He can have chills, but
he wants to be in the open air. Although he catches cold and becomes worse, he wants that open
His hypersensitivity to cold is extended to changes of weather. So sensitive is he that he
can predict a coming storm as can Medorrhinum, Phosphorus, and psorinum.
Another trait of fundamental importance in Tuberculinum is fatigue. It is an
overwhelming tiredness that peaks in the morning on rising when he feels faint as if he might fall
down with each step. So weak is he from the knees down that he is often forced to seek support
from any companion he happens to be with.
Tuberculinum presents with great fatigue, both mental and physical depletion, and with
an impaired ability to recover from acute illnesses, especially respiratory complaints, influenzas,
or seasonal colds. In children, for example, one can see wonderful results from a single dose of
Tuberculinum avaire after measles or a debilitating flu.
Finally, this remedy exhibits a marked degree of loss of muscle mass, wasting, and even
cachexia. Despite a huge appetite, despite eating any time, day or night, he tends to lose weight
or to remain at a substandard weight. One can state clearly that a patient with such a voracious
appetite combines with an inability to assimilate food must be an extremely tired, exhausted
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
It is not good practice to prescribe on general impressions, but in the case of
Tuberculinum, like all the nosodes, the symptoms we have described, without unduly
emphasizing any of them, form what Compton Burnett characterized as the inherited tuberculinic
miasm. The particular symptoms of a given case must correspond to the general basic
constitutional framework. Local symptomatology, such as the migraine headache, thereby
acquire special significance.
The headaches of Tuberculinum are extremely intense and constant. Located in the right
forehead or above the right eye, they extend to the neck and spine. The headache produces a
sensation of heat and heaviness in the vertex or of an iron band squeezing the head. Frequent
flushes of heat often accompany this headache. Characteristically, the headache is periodic and
alternates with other complaints. It appears every one, two, or three weeks and in between one
can see respiratory, nervousm or other complaints. It is a known clinical fact that symptoms of
mental derangement can alternate with the symptomatology of pulmonary tuberculosis.
These very advanced tubercular states, which can go into meningitis or into a complete
loss of the mental faculties or into fulminant pulmonary TB, are extremely difficult to recover
from. One of our cases presented as an outbreak of schizophrenia with a total refusal to speak.
She improved with a single dose of Tuberculinum C.M. Her mental condition eased up; she
began to interact with her environment and she regained her speech. But at the same time, it
activated pulmonary tuberculosis which greatly alarmed her family. They were even more upset,
however when told that if we were to antidote the action of the remedy, we might very well bring
back her former mental state. Faced with the dismal memories of her madness, the family opted
to wait. The sick woman was placed in a sanatorium in Cordoba where later she died. The
deeply embedded tubercular taint could not be overcome, and it acted to stop the vital force as it
moved, curatively, from the mind to the organs, following Hering’s Law.
Another particular symptom in Tuberculinum is constipation alternating with diarrhea.
The constipation is as obstinate as in the sudden diarrhea which customarily forces the patient
out of bed, just as we see in Sulphur. Chronic diarrhea is a frequent symptom in pretubercular
patients. From Burnett we learn that intestinal parasites tend to take up residence in patients with
the tubercular miasm.
Rheumatic pains also trouble Tuberculinum. Like Rhus toxicodendron, the pains are
worse with movement. The afflicted person has trouble initiating movement as he has to
override the stiffness of the joints, but once walking or moving, he is better. That is to say, he is
worse at rest as well as from the cold, humidity, change of weather, and storms.
Finally, the classic particular symptom of all tuberculinics: the cough. It is hard, dry,
spasmodic cough producing abundant thick yellow expectoration. The cough by itself, however,
does not provide sufficient distinguishing characteristics if it is not accompanied by the general
symptom picture – loss of weight, fatigue, nervousness, and by the modalities – difficulty
breathing in a warm room, desire for cool open air in spite of a general chilliness, and sometimes
even chills.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Other particular symptoms could be mentioned, but we insist, none of them are worth
much if not accompanied by the basic mental and general symptomatology which must furnish
to the homeopath a faithful impression of the entire picture.
We consider it useful to relate several typical clinical cases which were benefitted by
A child of three was brought in on account of his nervousness and extreme anxiety.
Crying and shouting almost non-stop nothing satisfies or amuses him. At night he gets up and
cries or starts to sing. Every so often he catches cold. Permanent runny nose. Recurrent styes.
Constantly hungry yet always thin. Intense thirst all the time. Very unpleasant fetid breath in
the mornings. Fear of dogs. Crying and fearful shouting when he sees one.
Boy of six brought in for extreme lack of appetite. He is very thin with multiple
ganglionic infarcts mainly of the carotid chain (sic). Suffers from diarrhea and frequent
indigestion of unknown etiology. Fetid breath. Suffers from insomnia being too anxious to
sleep. Grinds his teeth forcefully during sleep. Is always bad tempered and unsociable. Of a
sullen, difficult disposition. He is annoyed when spoken to.
An 8-year old girl. She has a fever of 37.5C, more or less, every afternoon. She has lost
three kilos in the last four months. During the same time she has turned into an irritable,
agitated, sad and weepy child. She cries during her nightmare-filled sleep and screams with
horror. She cannot be awakened or her anxiety soothed except after quite a long time. For the
last 20 days she has had copious fetid diarrhea with three or four morning bowel movements.
The first stool forces her out of bed. She presents with intense pains in the right side of the
abdomen when running and sometimes even when walking. Lienteric stool and appendicular
pains. Intense thirst. Marked flatulence.
A 16-year old boy. Comes in because he is unable to put on weight. He is very thin,
tired, and exhausted. Unable to study due to poor memory and concentration. Sweats copiously
on hands, face, and trunk. Dizzy in the morning on rising. Great nervous debility. Everything
annoys and vexes him. Any little thing irritates him greatly. Finicky about food. Nothing
pleases him. He lives almost exclusively on café au lait. For the last three or four years he has
had a dry eczema on his forearm and thighs. Periodically he has vague headaches.
A 53-year old male patient. Comes in for the following problems: very painful rectal
fistula with periodic suppuration. Severe headaches accompanied by heat and tightness in the
forehead and nape of the neck. He catches cold quite often. Endless nasal discharge
accompanies. The colds go into bronchitis with copious sputum. He suffers greatly from the
cold, but he cannot live without fresh air. He is a vegetarian more than anything else because of
an overwhelming aversion to meat. Constantly thirsty. Very excitable and at the same time sad
and dejected. Always talking about the unpleasantness of his job. Though aware of his own
intolerant nature, nevertheless he manages to have constant run-ins with everyone. Wants to
change his surroundings and live somewhere else. He is waiting for his coming retirement in
order to fulfill his longstanding wish of moving to another place and travelling.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The above cases demonstrate different facets of Tuberculinum. Such examples,
demonstrating the essential characteristics of Tuberculinum, could be multiplied many times.
But the important thing is to grasp the morbid temperament of the tuberculinic miasm and to
diffenentiate it from the great polychrests.
1986 VOLUME 79, NUMBER 4]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Ch. Baudemprez
I would like to first put forth a study of Tuberculinum or to be exact, about Tuberculins and
their application in the so-called tuberculinic states.
What is Tuberculinum? Tuberculinum is a nosode. What is a nosode? According to
definition nosodes are curative medicines which are prepared according to the homoeopathic
method of attenuation and dynamisation. Their sources are pathological products from the
diseased organs.
Homoeopathy knows three specific methods of application of nosodes:
1. They are prescribed according to the totality of symptoms on the basis of individualisation after a
pathological diagnosis: this corresponds to the teaching of KENT and his followers.
2. On the other hand one can proceed according to the french school which has in many cases given
notable results when it is administered according to this method of a single dose or repeated doses to
consolidate a cure which has already been initiated and to stabilize as it were an immunity already
acquired considering the diathesis. For example the condition of an asthmatic who has already been
cured by Natrum muriaticum or Pulsatilla can be very impressively strengthened through
Tuberculinum 200 every month.
3. The third possibility is not seldom met with. These are cases where a properly selected remedy was
able to start a curative process but did not succeed fully. Often the anamnesis reveals an earlier
infectious disease whose toxins have in their own way polluted the organism so that a spontaneous
medicinal action is not at all possible; in this case the nosode improves perceptibly the self-healing
state of the organism and reestablishes everything in their order even if there was, between the earlier
infection and the current symptoms, a relatively long time-interval and an apparent state of well-
Foubister, London reports the case of a Menieres disease which resisted traditional
therapy as well as homoeopathic. In the past history there was measles which was complicated
with a middle ear inflammation. After the measles wore off and during past 10 years the patient
felt extremely well until the moment the vertigo appeared. Foubister managed to totally cure this
patient by a single dose of Morbillinum (the nosode obtained from the measles virus) in higher
Generally the nosodes are used (associated with the 4 classical diathesis in which
naturally Tuberculinum is included) mainly according to the points 1 and 2 mentioned above.
This study is, above all, dedicated to Tuberculinum and the Tuberculins. The range of
Tuberculins is not those nosodes originating from tuberculous sources, like Bacillinum, Aviaire,
Tuberculinum bovinum, Tuberculinum Koch, Tuberculinum residuum Koch but also the serums
and vaccines which are used in their own way in tuberculosis. It is therefore clear that we must
possess a clear knowledge of those conditions which we consider as tuberculous if we were to
allot the different Tuberculins their special rolls.
What is tuberculinic? Tuberculinic is basically a patient who does not suffer from
tuberculosis from a tuberculous infection; the true bacillus which progresses further is absent.
Consequently, the tuberculinic is not a true tuberculous patient. However, because of the latent
infection still lying in him, his constitution is altered; he is also more predisposed to fall sick.
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© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Landouzy gives those indications which he very aptly and picturesquely describes and signify
those which indicated so much as “ailments lying behind”. Not really sick, the tuberculinic is
seldom well: here before us is a lanky weakling who at 16 years is 1.82 m tall almost constantly
chilly, perpetually tired (the waking up in mornings is an agony for him), without much appetite
although mostly very hungry and the emaciated condition can hardly be improved by either
energy foods, tonics or the usual vitamins administrations. He has to frequently discontinue
taking part in competitions because he feels very weak or headaches paralyses his thinking
ability; an unfortunate young man in his sorrowful youth visiting physician after physician who
tell him that “there was nothing wrong with him, only a weakness conditioned by his generally
poor state”. Actually X-rays reveal evident involvement of the hilus, frequently anaemia is
diagnosed, a leucocytosis and a BSG on the upper limit over normal. In brief, these as sketched
above, are the symptoms of the sick person.
This clinical comprehension agrees with the general understanding that the toxins of
tuberculosis were existing before the bacillus; this corresponds to the currently applicable
Calmette’s view about the ultraviruses (filterable microbes), Calmette describes a complete
series of diseases which take on malignant forms which are seen as the causative results of the
ultraviruses, without however proof of B.K.: effusion of the pleura, the pericardium, the
meninges, the peritoneum, hydrocele, true rheumatic types like erythema nodosum, recurring
joint effusions of knees, typhobacillus Landouzy (Fondroyant progressive tuberculi bacilli
A second group is drawn again according to Calmette from those chronic diseases in
which tuberculous bacilli are demonstrable. If on one hand the ultraviruses are considered as the
cause for the initial phase as also for the end state, likewise however, the terrain is already in a
susceptible condition for the organism to be penetrated by the BK and cause the disease. Also in
a tuberculous mother a foetus can be infected by the ultraviruses through the placenta.
These facts make us know that the progressive tuberculosis precedes a tuberculinic toxin
condition, which possibly is inherited in that the predispositions of the patient to disease and
typologic stigmata were loaded on to him through the ultravirus from his parents.
(To clarify further what has been said here - above all concerning the hereditary process –
Karl Stauffer is quoted: “Besides infection the disposition plays a not-to-be-under-estimated role,
perhaps the major role: usually the hereditary taints will be ascertained from the anamnesis and
since tuberculosis is seldom established in childhood years whereas often in the growing years
and 20s and later, the question is: if the disease develope latently, have the bacilli already taken
hold before their detection in the Organism? Are they reproductions from father or mother, are
they something that have been infected through the mother’s milk, is the disposition or the
disease itself hereditary? Many authors adopt the last mentioned and in some cases they are
right; majority of the cases are only the disposition, an inheritance of an Organism without
capacity to resist the bacilli and this constitutional anamoly becomes known to us in our practice
as scrofulosis, a condition which on the whole covers the Psora of Hahnemann”.) (Karl Stauffer:
Homootherapie, Johannes Sonntag Verlag, Regensburg, 1924).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The tuberculinic is recognized by positive symptoms. I will cite these symptoms in the
sequence in which Fortier Bernoville has described in his study:
1. Extreme changeableness and inconstancy of symptoms (Ignatia, Pulsatilla).
2. Disposition to colds and bronchitis particularly in wet cold and from least weather
3. Cyanotic condition of extremities (Pulsatilla, Ignatia),
4. Condition suggesting demineralisation will be indicated by the following symptoms:
emaciation, caries of teeth, leucorrhoea, phosphaturia (Natrum muriaticum, Silicea,
Calcium phosphoricum, Pulsatilla).
5. Chronic intestinal or cutaneous parasites.
6. To the general symptoms: progressive emaciation despite appetite which itself may
become ravenous hunger also.
7. Finally, the mental and emotional symptoms: a remarkable restlessness: compelled to be
moving constantly, accompanied by incessant desire to change position. In most of the
cases could be found, if not necessarily, an acquired or inherited tuberculosis in the past
From clinical experiences it can be deduced that a number of polychrests may be reckoned
under this group of the so-called Tuberculinum remedies, that is, those major constitutional
medicines which in different grades of efficiency exhibit some of the above mentioned
characteristics, and it is not that there must exist an aetiologic connection to tuberculosis. These
remedies, above all are: Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Sulphur iodatum, Drosera, Calcium
phosphoricum, Pulsatilla, Silicia and naturally Tuberculinum Koch and other Tuberculins. The
sickliness of the tuberculotics has been well depicted in the pathogenic description of
Tuberculinum. The pathogenesis of Tuberculinum is the result of the different experiments with
the mixture of Tuberculinum Koch and bovine Tuberculin with the addition of phenol as
preservative agent.
It should be remembered that some of the Belgian homoeopaths have done excellent work in
the early experiments: Dr. Gaillard, De Keghel and Mersch. The results of their works have
been set forth in the Congress of the Cercle Homoeopathique des Flandres in January 1891.
In the pathogenesis described below I have attempted to highlight the essential feature of
the different human and bovine Tuberculins. Tuberculinum is obviously a medicine of deep
action on the individual constitution.
A frequent indication is in cases in which the organism shows inadequate reaction to the
apparently well selected constitutional medicine (a specific reaction which, however, is for a
short duration only, indicates a Tuberculinum case: a Psorinum-case on the other hand does not
at all react).
For example: a patient consults you for asthma. This case speaks out for Sulphur:
indicated symptoms are the high value ‘general’ symptoms: nightly burning feet, irresistible urge
for stool in the mornings, sensation of weakness from hunger at 1100 hrs, characteristic skin
ailments etc….. You prescribe the medicine and declare much improvement; this holds for a
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few weeks but after this lapse of time the disease recurs and you have to disappointedly say that
the case does not anymore accord with Sulphur or you diagnose another disease which indicate
another medicine and so on it goes ……
In such cases Tuberculinum must be first considered, particularly if there was a
tubercular history which the patient himself had suffered or is demonstrably inherited.
This variableness in the reaction to the chosen remedy as also the necessity frequently to
change agrees totally very well with the predominant mental symptoms of our nosode:
nervousness with extraordinary restlessness with regard to quality of character and likewise a
peculiar variability.
Tuberculinum suits typically the enervated patient, sensitive, thin, tall, narrow-chested;
he is assailed by constant exhaustion, lax fibre, above all lax, in young women prolapsed uterus.
In evenings particularly the pulse is accelerated; the patient is nervous; very excitable in the
mornings on waking up, he perspires on least exertion, is moreover averse to every work,
anxious mainly evening to midnight and before a stormy weather.
To these major frailities is added a progressive thinning which is contrary to a generally
good, more often even extreme, appetite; this does not hinder our patient from constant
movement and continuous shifting of position since standing for long enfeebles him just as it
would be if he had exerted himself for a period of time while on the other hand he is unable to
employ himself for long period; a conspicuous sign is his changeable “caprices” likewise his
occupation, his fashions, his friends, his loves and such other affinities and his physicians
He is constantly chilly, especially in wet-cold weather and from least temperature
changes; inspite of this he cannot tolerate closed rooms, has the desire for fresh air and to take in
deep breaths.
Tuberculinum wants doors and windows open and short walk in windy weather.
He is generally a lean patient with blanched face, mostly light-skinned, with red and
cracked lips, blue sclera, with numerous blackheads on the wings of the nose. Children have
delayed teething. Downy hair on chest and lumbar region.
The Tuberculinum patient is very intelligent if not precocious as the case generally is
with inherited taints.
At school Tuberculinum is the truly thinker type, with large head and short-sighted,
lymphatic appearance, does not play during the interval when he considers it better to read a
book; mathematics is tough for him and unfortunately he has to suffer from constantly recurring
health problems like colds, headaches, his studies are interrupted so that he is unable to
successfully terminate his studies.
Very angry, our young patient covers it fully and develops a sullen attitude and reacts
curtly to every approach; it is a difficult child which always wants to have it own way (a “no-
child” as the English say). During a fever or during sleepless nights he complains of delusions in
which mostly haphazard and disordered bizarre thoughts follow each other.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
From out of this characteristic disposition and in contrast to his constitutional weakness
he develops a constant need for movement and change. He is the unsettled, always changing and
always invents new excuses to go on journeys; it is the young girl who looks for all the hair-
dressers and tailors of the town without obtaining gratification of her tastes; with the ease with
which he changes his underwears he changes his acquaintances, his friends, his political views
and his physicians.
When he lies ill in bed our patient tyrannises his society constantly with censorious
commands. (chamomilla)
In those cases in which the psychic disturbances are very striking the complaint of not
being in his own house may develop in the patient. This action moves on the border of
delusions. His mental hyper-activity with his constantly changing thoughts lead him ultimately
to a kind of compulsive loquacity.
Tuberculinum is very talkative, thoughts jumping from one to another constantly
(Lachesis.) Uses preferentially bombastic words like “fantastic”, marvellous”, terrific” when
speaking of even insignificant things. His talks are flighty and emphatic.
Some years ago I came across a study in the “Revue Rhodanienne” in which the author
attempted to compare our remedy pictures with personality of well known great men of history
and literature.
So he found in Ludwig XVI the indifference/apathy and irresclution of Graphites, in
Ludwig XI the restlessness, mistrust and pedantic covetousness of Arsenicum, in Don Juan the
disdainful extravagance of Platinum.
If I were to emulate this I would imagine Tuberculinum as the medicine of the romantic
heroes of the 19
The romantic ethics, as you may recall, entirely concerns itself with persons who are
well-known as enthusiastic and emphatic to unbridled freedom and tempestuous perceptions
conducive to their view of life and to which they were always faithful. You may perhaps think
of the complex dreamings of Lord Byron, the self-denying pathos of a Victor Hugo.
Lastly, both tubercular and the tuberculosis – so queer as it may sound – had high
reputation at the beginning of the previous century: remarks such as “disease of the century”
were made and lapsed into idlation when the destiny of the sentimental heroes were heard.
If Sulphur, Arsenicum and Phosphorous are the burners” in our Materia Medica then
Tuberculinum could be called as the “romantic”.
In practice we generally come across cases with different kinds of more characteristic
symptoms of the tuberculin medicines on these lines with ambivalence of reactions and
emotional life.
The abrupt interplay of laughter and weeping in Pulsatilla is well known to us. About
Natrium muriaticum Kent says: “Weeping turns into resonant laughter, laughing at inappropriate
occasion, for example in the church during a funeral; complete absence of moral sensitivity; a
young girl from a good family loses her head to a much older married man; a lady of good
reputation falls in love with the coachman (the moral-free, “authentic” love of Stendhal) etc …
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“In cases of this kind”, says Kent “Natrium muriaticum will turn her mind into order, and
she will look back and wonder why she was so silly”. And Kent’s concluding remark is” “This
remedy belongs to hysterical girls”.
Modalities: Tuberculinum is worse from wet cold: sneezes in open air; a very significant
symptom is the sensation as if the dress on the back is wet and similarly shuddering and icy
coldness of feet.
He is generally worse during change of weather; because of his hypersensitivity he feels
the electric change already before a thunderstorm (Kent)
Worse in a closed room where he thinks he cannot breathe anymore; in the same way he
is worse in standing position (Sulphur, Sepia). He feels better in the open air, by walking in the
wind; his rheumatic pains are better from fast and continued movement (Rhus tox.)
Tuberculinum can be totally without appetite but often there is ravenous hunger which
compels waking up at nights; desire for milk specially cold milk, for sugar and sweets, for fat
ham and bacon, for ice; similarly, for large quantities of cold water (Bryonia). On the other side,
aversion to meat. There is certainly more significant relationship between Tuberculinum and
Sulphur: With regard to the food there is an analogy in the aversion and desire; both are tired
while standing and both are similarly loquacious and boasters.
If the fundamental action of the remedy is spoken about, it should be stated that the
pathological symptoms are peculiar by their sudden appearance and disappearance. So also is it
necessary to bear in mind the possible interaction between the pulmonal and mental symptoms?
We should also remember that it will be useful in transient conditions: in intermittent
fever, if all the symptoms are of note.
Clinically viewed it will be useful in diseases of respiratory passages in which a series of
tuberculous symptoms are indicated: Coryza, hayfever, adenoidal vegetations, bronchitis,
inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy and asthma as also naturally, lung tuberculosis.
Tuberculinum must sneeze frequently particularly in cold air; also when he for example,
uncovers the hands when chill.
Irritating cough worse nights, without however waking him up; barking cough in cold air,
better in warm room; during cough a sweetish or rotten putrid taste.
Though a deep acting medicine of first rank Tuberculinum can relieve truly chronic
forms of cough surprisingly speedily when they are well individualised.
The cough causes perspiration, the characteristic Tuberculinum perspiration: sticky, oily,
bad-smelling, yellow staining; Tuberculinum perspires from least exertion as also from mental
work and at nights; often a preceding attack of cough indicates an increase of temperature. The
cough may cause an irritating pain radiating to rectum; similarly cough may cause pain on top of
the left apex pulmonis.
Nervous system: Tuberculinum is a very effective medicine against chronic and
periodically occurring headaches; it is a throbbing type of headache accompanied by a sensation
as if the cranial bones would burst asunder; pain radiating to the eyeball, especially from turning
the eyes; headaches boring; sensation as if the brain was pressed together by a steel band.
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Headache of students as a result of overstudy which are not as often otherwise relieved by
wearing spectacles. Smell of coffee also may cause headache.
Eyes-Ears-Nose: In the nose, particularly in the left nostril, ulcers from repeatedly;
inflammation of eyelids, styes, corneal ulcers (Tyler points Tuberculinum as the specific curative
remedy in corneal ulcer), chronic otorhoea.
Digestive System: Delayed teething, tooth aches, gingivitis, swollen tonsils.
Tuberculinum has either constipated, dry, hard stool or diarrhoea which shoots out with much
force, accompanied by copious perspiration; the diarrhoea drives the patient out of bed (Aloe,
The tuberculinic with chronic diarrhoea suffers from recurrent adenitis (Calcium
In Tuberculinum many heart ailments can also be found; increased excitability of the
heart, tachy-cardia, worse evenings. Tuberculinum is a big remedy in rheumatism with pain
particularly in bones and joints: here the medicine will work particularly only when there is
stiffness of the joints at the commencement of movement and continued movement ameliorates
(Rhus tox.)
Female genitalia: Menses come too early, copious flow, of long duration (Calcium
carbonicum) painful, copious leucorrhoea.
The skin symptoms are very many: eczematous eruptions, herpes, tetters, impetigo, acne;
night sweats mostly.
Tuberculinum has a dry or cracked skin; itching in fresh air; from undressing;
characteristic is that the itching changes place after scratching.
To recapitulate the outstanding features and leading modalities of this very important
Tuberculinum is indicated in diseases where despite good action of the indicated
medicine, the disease recurs of becomes chronic. The patient is exhausted and feeble; despite
normal appetite goes on thinning; he is anxious and worried; must constantly move and change
his position; his behavior is contradictory and peevish; He is easily affected by cold; open air
and rapid movement improved his condition; change of weather, wet cold, closed rooms and
standing position aggravate.
He desires cold milk, bacon, ice and sweets. The symptoms appear and disappear
suddenly; remarkable periodicity.
Alternation of pulmonal symptoms and mental symptoms.
To round up some specific indications of the different Tuberculins:
Bacillinum: prepared out of a drop of pus from a tubercular lung abscess. Introduced by
Burnett who used it in C30 with great success in numerous tubercular patients. The action is
gentler than the Tuberculinum Koch and is prescribed mainly in chronic bronchitis with choking
cough and slimy-putrid expectoration.
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Marmorek: when dynamised homoeopathically it also is a gently acting medicine; it is
indicated in tuberculars who react violently, who have poor resistance power, and rapid
emaciation; the patients who conform to this remedy picture are often pale, cheeks with red
flecks and thin lips of bluish-red color. Marmorek is also very useful at the beginning of a
Denys: it contains only the exotoxins (it is a broth culture, a filtrate of tubercle bacilli); its
action also is similarly mild; it is suitable to plethoric, thonic, arthritic types with congestive and
rheumatic manifestations; these patients look outwardly of healthy build, and despite sensitivity
to cold have great need for open air.
Koch: its action is far stronger than the above mentioned Tuberculins and the use of high
potencies requires caution. The prescription is limited to tuberculous cases and is
contraindicated in active states of tuberculosis.
Aviaire: is very useful in lung diseases tending towards malignancy, in children as well
as in grown-ups. It has been well established in acute broncho pulmonary diseases e.g. in
Grippe with lung complications as also in measles with capillary and bronchopulmonary
complications especially if the apices of the lungs are affected.
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Tuberculinum residuum (Tub. res.) is the lesional, fibrous stage of Tuberculinum. The author
investigates the main indications for this drug, notably periodical diseases showing fibrous
thickening of synovial joints. His personal prescription is as follows:
- Arthritis and ankylosis in rheumatism:
The pain is worse in the morning, after rest, better with movement, but indifferent to the
weather modalities. The major indication is progressive ankylosis and articular
deformities. It is a very effective remedy at the early stages of disease. He compares
Tuberculinum residuum with Rhus tox. (Worse in damp and cold), Calc. fluorica (lumbar
spine), Silica (osteoporosis, muscular waste, great chilliness), Causticum (muscular
stiffness and deformities), Radium bromatum (very close to Tub. res).
- Old tuberculosis with sequelae:
Case where a patient had, in the past, had pneumothorax and had persistent plural
thickening with fibrosis and chest deformity. The patient complained of chest pain and
stiffness, independent of the weather, which respond well to Tuberculinum residuum.
- Dupuytren’s contracture:
Probably the master remedy in Dupuytren’s especially in early stage, without previous
surgery. He compares Tub. res. with Baryta carb., Radium brom., Ant, crudum,
Guaiacum and Graphites.
- Tuberous acne:
Acne with pustules, leaving a thick scar on the skin. Complementary remedies: Kali
brom., Nat. mur.,
Sulph. Iod., Sulphur and Puls
- Sarcoidosis:
Tuberculinum after a relapse.
Homeopathic francaise 1988; 76: 15-19
[From the British Homoeopathic Journal, Volume. 77, Number.4, October 1988.]
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H.V. Miller
They are not used in active tuberculosis but:
1. As catalysts activating the defense with relevant symptoms, that is, as simile.
2. for favorably influencing the constitution affected by tuberculic-miasm which arise as
a) inherited miasm
b) Self-acquired miasm either through the particular specific disease or as BCG-
Tuberculins are more often referred to as the fourth miasm. I consider the individual Tuberculins
as having their part in the three well-known miasms. Accordingly the following:
To Psora: Bacillinum BURNETT and Tuberculinum KOCH, Tuberculinum BOVINUM
and SPENGLER’s immune body.
To Sycosis: Tuberculinum DENYS and Tuberculinum Residuum.
To Syphilis: Tuberculinum Avi.
Indications for Tuberculins are:
Leading symptoms:
- Psyche is unsteady with depression (Music moves).
- Begins new things constantly without completing any.
- Very erotic with constant change of life partners (Don Juan) and thereby weak
- Fear of animals, particularly dogs (Black).
- Constantly changing ailments which suddenly come and go and attack different
organs one after another.
- Much desire for fresh air, open doors and windows.
- Anxieties of children.
- Thin – narrow – chested – lymphatic.
- Pigmentation of cheekbone and temporal regions.
- Perspires from least exertion with night sweats which stain the clothes yellow.
- Eczema over the whole body with violent itching and desquamation.
- Diarrhoea, not only morning 5 hours but also during the day.
- Enuresis and weakness of the bladder during the day.
- Chilliness with rapid rise of temperature (recurrent catarrh, frequent tonsillitis)
- Lymphatism with glandular swellings, particularly throat, fistula, acne, adenoidal
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- Chronic stinking ear discharge, ozaena.
- Much tartar on teeth with feeling of furviness.
- Uric acid diathesis.
Modalities: Aggravations
wet cold
change of weather
before thunderstorm
summer heat
physical exertion
open air
Other symptoms:
All symptoms which can be traced to tuberculosis disease. Special points of attack of the
mycobacterium are:
1. Diseases related to lungs with bronchi and pleura: pneumonia, pleuritis, chronic asthmatic
bronchitis, irritating cough, bronchial asthma, hay asthma.
2. Naso-pharyogeal region: hypertrophy of tonsils with recurrent tonsillitis, sinusitis,
adenoidal changes (polyps), swellings of lymphatic glands in the throat, fistula, chronic
catarrh of the tubes, hay fever, ozaena, chronic stinking ear discharge.
3. Kidney Bladder: rephritis pyelonephritis cistopyelitis, urethritis, irritable bladder,
enuresis diurna et nocturna.
4. Bones and Joints: with all the symptoms of Rhus (wet cold, rest, first movement).
5. Skin: purple red heat rash, acne.
- Diarrhoea drives out of bed (Sulphur) Also the psyche is altered considerably by the
- Zest for life with strong sexual needs, also loquacious.
- Without restraint in love and in sport.
- Desire for constant change in everything, in life partner, place of abode, with constant
need to travel, desire for always new medicaments and other doctors. Also, the
complaints change place and kind invariably (Puls. – Kali bi.)
- Keeps on commencing new works without completing any,
- Great desire for open air, would like the doors and windows open always.
- Peculiar fears of children, especially of dogs (specifically for black dogs)
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- The mental changes can be so that it borders on delusion. Phtisis and psychoses overflow
into each other.
- When the disease progresses the symptoms change so that they indicate the
- Thinning down with bodily weakness and perspiration from every exertion but
specifically at nights with perspiration which stain the dress yellow. Specific
indication further are:
- Menses early – heavy – protracted.
- Aversion to meat, craving for cold milk.
- Pigmentation of cheek bone and temporal bones.
- Easy chilling from draughts, wet feet, sitting on cold stones.
Tuberculinum KOCH C30-200
Bacilli culture grown in beef broth and then filtered, containing the exo- and
- Very chilly.
- Cold-catching
- Thin with good appetite (even at nights) – always tired.
Leading symptoms.
- Desire for variety with objection to least exertion.
- Oversensitivity for smell of food and cooking.
- Extraordinary sensitivity for music (Natm.)
- Air hunger
- Much thirst for small amounts of water (Ars.)
- Palpitation mornings (mornings faster: Ars.)
- Cramp calves and cold feet in bed.
- Perspiration easily. Yellow-staining of night sweats.
- Lids swollen (Apis, Kali-c., Phos.)
- Tendency to diarrhoea, not only at 0500 hrs; But also the whole day (0500hrs. - Sul.)
- Violent alternating symptoms.
- Hypertrophy of tonsils of thin and nervous children.
- Coughing causes pains in arm.
- Eczema over the whole body, much itching – Cold – Water (Graph)
- Erythema nodosum – Lupus
- All kinds of recurring catarrhs of mucous membranes.
- Aversion to meat and sweet things.
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- Desire for cold milk and smoked meat.
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Modalities: Aggravations
Wet cold dry warmth
closed rooms in open
before thunder storm fresh air
least exertion Rest
Menses: 21/protracted/profuse
According to Boericke particularly indicated in acute and chronic parenchymatose
nephritis and in lobar pneumonia.
Bacillinum BURNETT C30-200
Prepared from maceration of a typical tuberculous lung. Leading symptoms according to
Cartier and all others:
- Particularly for chronic lung and bronchial ailments with greenish yellow and thick
expectoration in compound infections. Choking catarrhs (suffocating catarrh).
- For old people with recurring colds (coryza runs into coryza), poor recovery capacity,
pulmonary congestion.
- Tired and disinclined to work, loves all variations (Globe-trotter).
- Constitutionally weak and emaciated persons, anaemic, with stooping shoulders.
- Firm, small and deformed teeth, tartar on neck of tooth.
- Parts exposed to sun become pale.
- Chronic suppurating hardened tonsils with hard and enlarged lymph glands.
- Eczema lids.
- Pityriasis versicolor.
By way of its preparation (preparation from a tuberculous cavity) Bacillinum is
polybacillary and besides contains bacilli of mixed infection.
Modalitis: Aggravations
nights and on
early mornings
motion in open air
before storm rest
cold air
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SPENGLER’S immune body C6-30
Serum from rabbits immunised with tubercle bacilli and mixed infections.
- Extreme paleness of face and the mucous membranes (anaemia)
- Stout women of Calc. carb. Type
- Chilly
Leading symptoms
- Increased temperature before menses which passes off with the onset of menses.
Tuberculinum bovinum C 6-12
Obtained from tuberculous glands of slaughtered cattle.
- Thin and weak children or youths.
Leading symptom:
- Obstipation
- Tendency to periodical headaches
Tuberculinum RESIDUUM
Endotoxin of tbc – bacilli vacuum dried tbc-H bacilli are triturated, emulsified and
centrifuged so that after throwing off the upper layers only the endotoxin-containing deposit
remains.(tbc-tubercular bacilli)
- Paleness which has a shade of green (tubercular demineralisation).
- Pale lips, which are not so heavily discolored as in SPENGLER’S immune body.
- Shrivelling of the entire lower lip (Nat-m. only middle).
Leading symptoms:
- Fibrosclerosis with wrinkled facia and aponeurosis (Dupuytren’s contraction).
- Progressive ankyloris with increasing joint deformities. The small as well as the large
joints are affected, specifically the finger joints (never monoarticular!). The
aggravation comes in paroxyzms with free intervals.
- Skin: acne tuberosa and come-dones in back.
- (Stone diathesis of kidney and gall?)
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Modalities: Aggravtions
rest and
commencement of motion
continued motion
(as against the other Tuberculins)
Rhus but not in any way influenced by hot, cold, dry or wet weather. Recommended by
Stauffer in D6 and by Kritzler-Kosch in C 200 – M.
Tuberculinum DENYS C30-200
Filtered tbc-bacilli inoculated into beef-broth, manufactured by Belgian Denys and Sluyto. Most
of the exotoxins are available by this filtration.
- Blooming appearance, often fat and rosy often congested.
- Lips red as in Sulphur, tongue normal and not coated as in Marmorek but increase of
fever up-to 38 39 suddenly and without cause (often after least physical exertion)
and all possible disturbances or even acute toxin explosions (Asthma Hay fever
- Sudden upsets: Sudden hoarseness, suddenly appearing and quickly again receding
coryza, bronchitis, sudden migraine attacks with fever mostly, gastritis.
Tuberculinum MARMOREK C30-200
Horse serum after inoculation with cultures of fresh tbc-bacilli
- Pale – thin and without appetite
- Bright red lips (seldom livid as in RESIDUUM or particularly in SPENGLER) and
red circumscribed spots on checks.
- Oxygenoid dry (mouth, lips, skin even in fever no perspiration stool, hard and
dry without any urge)
- Bones: pains in bones and periosteum, chronic fistula periosteum and suppuration.
- Joints: erratic arthralgia of sudden beginning
- Glands: frequent swellings of glands of throat – axillae – and groin.
- Skin: generalised vividly-red eruptions with excruciating itching. A red granulation
over the entire body (like granite) must always recall MARMOREK.
Leading symptoms:
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All pains come suddenly, are drawing and often tearing often changing place (Puls.
Modalities: Aggravations
prolonged physical
or mental suffering rest
Tuberculinum AVIAIRE C12-30 (C6-9 according to VOISIN)
From cultures of pathogens of bird tbc. For children, and also for grown-ups who are weak and
without appetite and who are also very restless!
Leading symptoms:
Conditions are the acute disease:
- Acute bronchitis broncho-pneumonia, also in broncho-pneumonal complications of
measles (no action in lobar pneumonia, here TK, T.Denys or B. Burnett more likely), with
irritating laryngeal cough.
- Acute otitis media.
- Asthma bronchial with acute attacks of fever.
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By Hedwig
I wish to put forth the following aspects:
1. Children who conform to the Tuberculinum picture without having been infected by
the mycobacterium.
2. Children who have been infected by the mycobacterium.
3. Children who are not actually infected with the mycobacterium but suffer from a
tuberculous toxic state.
4. Children who suffer from diseases which have no direct connection to tuberculosis but
who can, however, be successfully treated with Tuberculinum without the remedy
picture conforming to Tuberculinum.
In the 1 group: Children who correspond to Tuberculinum is a matter of course but the
remedy picture is seldom found in small children, and in the case of infants almost never.
In the 2 group: Children who have been demonstrably infected with mycobacterium, that
is, a positive to tuberculin test. To this belong:
a) The early cases without organ manifestation. The diagnosis, unfortunately, is difficult
now because of universal BCG vaccination. If, however, the earlier Moro-test proves positive
later then treatment of every case with Tuberculinum independent of symptoms is
indicated. It is always surprising to note how within a short time after a single dose of
Tuberculinum Koch D200 a turn begins for good, particularly the mood, sleep and appetite.
b) the Erythema nodosum as a transition to organ tuberculosis. In childhood it is seldom
not of tuberculous origin and generally precedes organ manifestation.
A three year old girl came for consultation. The mother complained that the child was
still wetting. And when something did not please her it was worse. Routine examinations
revealed blue spots on the tibia, actually not much more than what is otherwise usually seen on
children’s legs. The first vague suspicion of an Erythemanodosum was confirmed by accelerated
sedimentation of 40/80 and was later confirmed by positive tuberculin test. After a dose of
Tuberculinum D200 the child remained well during the following weeks. The usual
manifestations accompanying Erythema nodosum like fever, nightly perspiration, and joint pains
were absent. The sedimentation came down to 25/50. The general feeling was good. Increase in
weight satisfactory. The diagnosis was the sole factor which decided for the prescription for
c) the cases of organ tuberculosis. My observations extend only upto those like Hilus-
lung tuberculosis and after-treatment of tubercular meningitis. Also here Tuberculinum is a
remedy not to be underestimated even when besides the nosode tuberculo-statics are applied. A
case report on this:
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3 yr. old girl. Poorly eating since weeks. Otherwise nothing particular. Tubercular test
positive. X-ray showed hilus tuberculosis with perihilar infilatration and interlobar pleuritis.
The lung specialist recommended hospitalisation. Until then, tuberculostatics should be
prescribed. I gave a dose of Tuberculinum D200 and no other medicine. As a result the
emaciated child recovered splendidly. In 14 days the blood sedimentation decreased from 19/45
to 2/6. The x-ray also showed normal. Four months after the proposal for hospitalisation was
made by the lung specialist he found that it was not anymore really necessary. Up to this time
the child received 3 doses of Tuberculinum D200.
The treatment of tuberculous meningitis in its acute state is the domain of allopathy now,
while the treatment of the sequelae is the scope of homoeopathy. Cases of these types are rare.
Here I can only mention about the father of a child.
The 27 yr. old postal clerk had suffered a tuberculous meningitis. He is attending office
since 8 months again. Counter work was difficult for him, almost impossible because of
continuous severe headaches, vertigo and buzzing in ears. After a single dose of Tuberculinum
D200 the headache became worse and unbearable, on the next day. All the ailments subsided
during the course of a week and only light singing in the ears remained. About every two
months the old ailments recurred lightly and everytime it subsided after Tuberculinum D200 in a
few days. Since this treatment patient is completely fit for work.
d) As a last piece of this series the sequelae of BCG vaccination are to be mentioned, if it
is only of an attenuated tubercle bacilli that is discussed here. The tubercle growths generally
recede spontaneously, in other cases they break and form into small ulcers and heal completely
after months. A dose of Tuberculinum D200 leads to a quick resorption.
I would like to report of another case of sequelae of vaccination:
An 8 yr. old girl suffered from a smooth impetigo-like eruption in both axillae which ran
over the adjacent chest region. Remedies like different salves by the family physician were
unsuccessful. The mother now asked me whether the skin eruption could be a consequence of a
tbc. infection which occurred 14 days ago. The family physician did think it possible. Before
the vaccination, however, the child had nothing wrong with its skin.
I said to her that I too had not seen anything like that as a consequence of vaccination but
if the drops would help then it will be so. Two drops of Tuberculinum D200 healed the eruption
within few days without any further treatment.
To group 3: They are children who are not infected by the mycobacterium but suffer from
tuberculous toxic state. To this belongs inherited tuberculous taint.
I have narrated two cases of this nature in my book “Homoeopathy in Paediatrics”, Haug-
Verlag. The mother and to some extent the father had suffered for a year from tuberculosis. As
a peculiar symptom there was anorexia in one case and diarrhoeic stool in the other. Both the
children responded immediately to Tuberculinum D200. The first child began to eat normally
within few hours and the second child, because of previous protracted treatment, had normal
stool from the next day.
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A third case. 4 months old infant. Mother suffered from lung tuberculosis. The child
was not taking the feed since quite some time and has not put on weight. Now acute infection,
cough, coryza.
The grandfather of the child is a pediatrician while the father is an Internist and mother an
Anaesthetist. You will visualize my nervousness when I proposed a homoeopathic treatment to
these “others”. But Tuberculinum fulfilled its obligation: after two days the child began to drink
again, put on weight and develop normally.
To the 4 group: belong some diseases for which as far as current knowledge goes no
direct connection can be seen with tuberculosis but which according to experience react well to
e) Otitis media. It is indeed the most frequent disease with fever in early childhood. And
the homoeopathic treatment of the acute otitis does not prevent the disposition to recur. A
follow-up treatment is essential. Tuberculinum marmorek D18 is acute state besides the
indicated homoeopathic medicine and to finish three doses of Tuberculinum aviaire D18 in
interval of 10 days, prevents recurrence in many cases.
b) the chronic eczema of the borders of the eyelids. Not always, but frequently a dose of
Tuberculinum D200 cures these otherwise difficult to cure eczema.
c) the primary chronic polyarthritis, a disease in which allopathy fails and for which there
is no favourable prognosis of cure.
A yr. old girl was brought to the clinic. Since an year swellings and increasing
disability of movement of the right hand and left elbow joints and both knee joints. Therapy by
the family physician and Medical College Hospital were unsuccessful.
The child received every six weeks a dose of Tuberculinum D200 and after few weeks
Sulphur D6 (because of its relationship to chronic rheumatism). Soon even before the Sulphur
a slow but steady improvement set in. After 8 months except for a small obstruction in the
hand and elbow-joint, otherwise all the joints were freely moveable and painless.
After yrs. slight recurrence. Again the same treatment with the same success. No
more recurrence. The follow-up extended for over 10 years.
Primary-chronic polyarthritis is rare. Essential for Practice are the not-so-seldom
abortive cases. As illustration the following:
A 3 yr. old boy. The only report of the mother: “He does not walk any more.” The child
was careful with its right knee. It is slightly swollen. The sedimentation is with 24/45
particularly increased. Tuberculin test negative. The child received in the clinic 2 drops of
Tuberculinum D200. After 8 days no more complaints. Swelling of knee subsided,
sedimentation normal.
How to distinguish the indications for Tuberculinum in Paediatrics from Adult practice?
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1. The prescription is more on diagnosis than on symptom-similarity. Tuberculinum
symptoms may be totally wanting or there may be only few symptoms like anorexia, perspiration
or diarrhoeic stools, symptoms which belong to many other remedy pictures. If peculiar
symptoms which are not part of Tuberculinum arise as a result of prescription of Tuberculinum
then these symptoms must be noted in the materia medica as clinical experiences.
2. The previous drainage which is indicated in adults is not necessary in children and also
not in acute lung processes. I never say serious conditions, not even primary aggravations.
3. JULIAN writes: Tuberculinum requires long time to manifest its action” and
SCHILSKY: “Tuberculinum does not work from to-day morning”. The experiences with
children is contrary to this: Tuberculinum works when indicated - within few days, sometimes
within few hours.
KENT writes: “in certain places it prevails and is taught that anything relating to syphilis
must be treated with Syphilinum; that anything relating to gonorrhoea must be treated with
Medorrhinum, anything psoric must be treated with Psorinum and anything that relates to
tuberculosis must be treated with Tuberculinum. That will go out of use some day; it is mere
isopathy . . . . and is not a better idea of homoeopathy.” KENT cannot, in this, appeal to
HAHNEMANN who of course rejected Isopathy at first but said in his Organon: “until such
improbable statement has been proven by doubtless observations and experiences”. This
confirmation required by HAHNEMANN has been obtained repeatedly in the clinic. But why
this theoretic quarrel between Isopathy and Homoeopathy? In my opinion there is no
fundamental difference but only a difference of grade. Isotherapy is the ideal case of
[From ACTA HOMOEOPATHICA, Band XV, (3), 1971, Heft-6; translated from the German;
for private circulation only]
Volume VI
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SEQUELAE by D. Lakshminarayanan Ph.D., published by Drs. Jaisoorya, Seshachari,
Chiranjeevi Shilpa Endowment Trust, Hyderabad, pp.125, Royal size, Rs.30/-. Copies can be
had from the author Dr. D. Lakshminarayanan, Ph.D., 1-2-217/7, Gaganmahal Road, Hyderabad
– 500 029, A.P., India.
If there is any need to objectively prove the efficacy of homoeopathy that homoeopathic
remedies would bring about tissue repairs rapidly and gently it can be done by treating wounds
and injuries. Anyone who experiences in his/her own body rapid wound healing through
homoeopathic medicine will no more doubt the “mighty power of the tiny pill”.
Most Homoeopathy practitioners have developed themselves into consultants’ treating
chronic ailments only abandoned by the others. Consequently people at large believe that
homoeopathy is “good” only for children (“Tonsils cured without surgery”), or that it will
improve memory and learning power, and that in adults it would be useful more in joint diseases
(rheumatism, arthritis), blood pressures, diabetes, asthma etc.
This wrong impression in the minds of the people (and even in some homoeopaths too!)
can be very easily removed and proved that homoeopathy is equally effective and perhaps better,
in traumatic illnesses.
Many latter diseases are a result of earlier traumas. Had the trauma been treated by
homoeopathy the latter chronic manifestations could have been avoided. We have to; therefore,
understand better our homoeo therapeutics in reference to traumatic ailments.
The book under review is therefore most welcome to a practitioner. To my knowledge
there is no book of homoeotherapeutics in trauma covering almost its entire scope, as the one
under review.
After a brief description and classification of traumatic ailments, the role of
homoeopathy, etc., the book proceeds to deal with the trauma ailments in alphabetical order,
beginning with Abrasions, it goes on to Adhesions, Amnesia, Bed sores, Bites of insects and
animals, Blows, Bruises, Burns and scalds, Cicatrices, Crushing injuries, Electrical shock,
Fracture, Gangrene, Nerve injuries, Sprains and strains, Tetanus etc.
In the second part, injuries are dealt with anatomatically beginning with Head and ending
in Feet. There is a supplement on Homoeopathy in war injuries.
Under every head a brief description of the disease is given.
The author has drawn copiously from Kent, Boger, M.L. Tyler, Grimmer, P. Schmidt and
other titans of homoeopathy.
The book is well produced, in clear print and on good paper and reasonably priced. It is
very warmly recommended as a desk reference by every busy homoeo practitioner. It will be
very useful in homoeopathic hospitals also.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
2 QHD, Vol.VI, No.2, June 1989
Dear Doctor,
Many colleagues have appreciated the last Review on the TUBERCULINS. (Vol.VI,
No.1, March 1989). To be of practical use it is necessary that additions are made in the
repertories under use; for example Dr.T.P Paschero has said the TUB. is ‘Mistrustful,’ has ‘Fear
of death,’ ‘Fear would die if left alone,’ Fear of suicide if left alone’ etc. These have to be
added to the repertories including the Synthetic Repertory. Similarly about the ‘location’ of the
TUB. headache on the rt.forehead extending to the neck and spine. Dr.Sarat Chandra Ghosh,
M.D. has reported many cases of Pneumonia cured with a single dose of Tuberculinum 200. (The
HOM. RECORDER, 1923). Dr, Ghosh has summarised: “The grand characteristic symptoms
which call for the administration of Tuberculinum in pneumonia are, in my opinion, oppression
of breathing and mucopurulent, viscid or rust-coloured expectoration. Difficulty in breathing
resulting from bronchial and pulmonary obstruction produced by a superabundant secretion from
the mucous membrane is wonderfully relieved by Tuberculinum. In some cases, a single dose of
Tuberculinum is quite enough to do away with these symptoms. It is also a grand remedy in
influenzial pneumonia, relieves the weakness, mitigates the cough; improves the appetite, stops
the perspiration and braces up the whole organism.”
The current number of our DIGEST carries clinical cases which you may find
Once again I request you to communicate FEED BACK. Communication should be,
surely, two ways.
June 1989.
Yours sincerely,
1253, 66
Madras 600 080
Volume VI
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The patient presented was a 54-year-old man who had suffered from frequent disabling
attacks on Menieres for three years, for which no conventional treatment had been effective, and
who had not had a single attack in the last eighteen months, since starting treatment with
homoeopathic Chenopodium. He had been under regular hospital survelliance all this time.
A 54-year-old manufacturing jeweller developed tinnitus and increasing deafness in his
left ear ‘due to the hammering in the factory.’ He was already ‘90% deaf’ in his right ear
following a mastoid operation in 1962, as a consequence of which he had attended the Ear and
Throat Hospital regularly at six month intervals for the last twenty five years. He could not
tolerate using a hearing aid in his left ear, because it only increased his tinnitus, but without an
aid he could not understand conversation: ‘words were just a jumbled noise.’ Two years ago he
was supplied with a hearing aid for his right ear, with which he can now hear conversation,
including telephone conversation, by using a special Telecom amplifier. He now has to attend
the Hospital every two weeks for a quick cleaning’ of his right ear, as ‘the aid makes the ear
sweat, and it is essential to keep a mastoid ear dry.’
Three years ago the tinnitus in the left ear diminished, and the deafness increased. At the
same time he started getting attacks of vertigo and vomiting, which the hospital diagnosed as
Menieres disease. Initially the attacks occurred at about eight week intervals, lasting from 1½-9
hours, but usually between 2-3 hours.
Treatment with Stemetil (prochlorperazine), either orally or by injection, made him feel
much worse. Diuretics were ineffective, as was Serk (beta histidine dihydrochloride), which
made him feel lightheaded. For the last three months he had been taking Stugeron (cinnarizine)
15 tid which ‘helped a little’
However, recently the attacks had been getting more frequent, coming every two weeks
and becoming more severe. He stated that the uncertainty, severity and frequency of the attacks
were beginning to unnerve him and make him feel insecure. He no longer felt safe, or confident,
to drive any distance. At his last visit to his GP he apparently had been told that conventional
medicine had nothing further to offer him: hence his request for homoeopathic treatment.
On 8 October 1985, at his first consultation, he presented as a cheerful, normotensive
man (BP 140/80), his peak expiratory flow was 540 (target for his age and height: 595).He had
never smoked, had always been strictly tea-total, he avoided drinking coffee, and only drank tea
in moderation. He was overweight at 92 kg (14 stone 7 lbs), height 175cm (5’9”). Apart from
his aural pathology, physical examination was otherwise unremarkable. He was free from nasal
catarrh, and only recalled two occasions in the last ten years when he had suffered from catarrh.
His most significant symptoms from a homoeopathic prescribing aspect were: