© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
Psorinum to bring about a shift and dislodge the
blockage of many cases. But Psorinum itself is
even better. Psorinum unjams jammed-up cases
because it is a feature of the miasm. Sulphur does
the same because it is the leading antipsoric
remedy after Psorinum. In torpid cases, one of the
first and centrifugal effects of taking Psorinum is
the return of itchiness of the skin, and of taking
Psorinum is the return of itchiness of the skin, an
dthis, as KSNT among others, noticed is always a
good sign.
The Drug Picture.
The main features of Psorinum are :
1. Inveterate conditions in general
(never get well).
2. Inveterate dirtiness and offensiveness
– mouth, sweat, axillae, genitals, flatus,
stools, eruptions, feet, etc.
3. Lack of reaction (sensitivity) to
remedies, to diseases, to weather, to low
potencies, to anything (torpor).
4. Itchiness of the skin especillay in
folds and where the skin is thin, for
example : behind ears, behind knees, in
fold of elbow, folds of neck, wrists,
axillae, groin, genitals, between toes,
between fingers, around and in th navel,
around anus and perineum, on face, along
the jawline, in whiskers and around
mouth. Itchiness made worse by wool,
abrasion of clothes, heat, hot bath, het of
bed, undressing, (NB. the above
symptoms also apply to scabies itself).
5. Skin cented case and complaints ––
psoriasis, eczema, impetigo, acne,
blackheads, herpes, warts, itchiness, dry
crusts or watery oozing, scabs, scales,
cracks, desquamtion, etc. Generally
itching intensely at times and in place
indicated above. At first relieved and later
aggravated by scratching.
6. A history of skin conditions (see 5) in
certain places (see 4) in parents,
grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc.
7. Hard and uncomfortable nasal crusts
and scabs form high up in the nostrils,
difficult to detach and re-form after doing
so. Leads to chronic nose-picking.
8. Fungal infections – oral and genital
candida (thrush), ring-worm (of scalp,
hands, legs, etc), anthelete’s foot,
recurrent attacks that are temporarily
improved by Sulphur, Lycopodium or
9. Parasitic infestations –– pinworms,
nits, fleas, headlice, crabs. Recurrent
attacks, especially among children.
10. Allergic reactions of all kinds –
asthma, hayfever, skin, nose and eye
reactions to pollens, dust, feathers, certain
foods, detergents, oils, chemicals, etc.
11. Reactions to vaccinations and
immunizations, giving rise to chronic
nasal catarrh (mucus clear or green),
asthma, bronchial colds, frequent colds,
chronic coughs, and more serious
conditions, for example : brain damage.
12. A hose of infant and childhood
complaints, especially as listed above (See
5, 8, 9 an d10) in places indicated (see 4,
5). Theses also include nappy-rash, nasal
catarrh, painful teething, susceptibility to
colds of flue, night terrors, sleeplessness
in infants, petulant behaviour, waxiness,
crustiness and offensiveness of the ears
including discharges (otorrhoea), measles
German measles, chicken pox, heat rash.
13. Haemorrhoids, Varicosities, ulcers
and chilblains of extremities – ankles, feet,
toes, fingers, legs – all itching and painful
inflamed to some degree, worse for cold,
heat, undressing, scratching.
14. Non-sycotic (that is most forms of )
asthma, bronchial catarrh, bronchitis,
shortness of breath, incipient tuberculosis.
15. Offensively sweaty feet, hands and
axillae of an inveterate nature, often
associated with fungal infection (tinea
16. Dandruff, greasy hair, itching of
scalp, greasy and dirty skin (face, hands,
chest, back). Desires to wash them
frequently. especially hands.
17. The patient will not improve while
drinking coffee or remedies seem to be
antidote by coffee.
18. Well indicated remedies fail to act, or
act for a time and then abort and fail
thereafter. Needs remedies too frequently.
Needs high potencies to achieve an effect.
Needs the highest potencies too frequently
(e.g. weekly or even daily).
19. Frequent indications for Sulphur,
Petroieum, Zincum, Graphites, Natrum
muriaticum, Lycopodium, Arsenicum
album, Phosphorous, Argentum
nitricum, Calcarea carbonica, Sepia or
silica which improve for a time and then
20. A history within a family of any or
several of the above symptoms (esp. 4, 5,
8, 9, 10, 13 & 15) strongly indicates a
Psoric state and thus the certain indication
of Psorinum at some time in their
treatment, most probably towards the end
of it.
21. Seasonal conditions, that appear in
one season only for example : the spring,
summer or winter (less so autum), worst