© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. VIII, 1991
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over -
India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full
names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1. QHD, Vol. VIII, 1, 1991 3
2. QHD, Vol. VIII, 2, 1991 25
3. QHD, Vol. VIII, 3, 1991 46
4. QHD, Vol. VIII, 4, 1991 83
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD,Vol. VIII, 1, 1991
A list of current homoeopathic literature, subject-
wise is given below. The list includes original
contributions in th British, American, German, etc.
journals not readily accessible to every homeopath.
Some of the articles may appear in Part II in later
numbers of the Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST,
as abstract/summary/condensation/full, etc.
1. The eugenic cure in the homoeopathi
medicine (FAUST-ALBRECHT, H.
(AHZ, 235, 1/1990)
2. Hahnemann’s historical basis for the
origin of the Psora theory KLUNKER, W.
(ZKH, 34, 1/1990)
3. Homoeopathy and homoeostasis in the
vascular system –– Part 2, CROTTY,
Thomas P. (BHJ, Vol 79, 1/1990)
4. The strange case of the vanishing antibody
: the Nature controversy, LEE, Felicity
(The Homoeopath, Vol : 8, 1/1988)
5. Personal viewpoint : A meta-model of
homoeopathi philosophy for the
integration of apparent contradictions,
DAVIDSON, Robert (The Homoeopath,
Vol. 8, 1/1988)
6. Acute intercurrent disease, EIZAYAGA,
Francisco (The Homoeopath, Vol. 8,
7. Repetition of the dose LOGAN, Robin
(The Homoeopath, Vol. 8, 2/1988)
8. Dilemmas in prescribing The reason
we study the relationship of remedies and
how best to do this ROBERT, Ernst (The
Homoeopath, Vol. 8, 2/1988)
9. Homoeopathy and psychological problems
HOLLAND, L.K. (Homoeopathy, Vol. 40,
10. In defence of polypharmacy
MUKHERJEE, J. (JNIH, Vol. 1, 1/1990)
1. “Sadness” Stramonium GYPSER, K. H.
(ZKH, 34, 1/1990)
2. Evaluation of Bacillinum in tinea infection
R.K., GUPTA, RAMJI (BHJ, Vol. 79,
3. Staphisagria in psychiatry BARBANCEY,
Jacqueline (BHJ, Vol. 79, 1/1990)
4. Background to the plant drugs in
children’s diseases BODMAN, Frank
(BHJ, Vol. 79, 1/1990)
5. A case of Lyssin in a 10 yr. old girl
MORTELMANS, Guido (JAIH, Vol. 3,
6. Conium in a case of multiple sclerosis
JOHNSTON, Linda (JAIH, Vol. 83,
7. Hepar sulphuris calcareum ELMORE,
DUTT (Resonance, Vol. 12, 1/1990)
8. An image of DPT WARKENTEIN, David
Kent (Resonance, Vol. 12, 1/1990)
9. How to study Materia Media
CANDEGABE, Eugenio (Resonance, Vol.
12, 1/1990)
10. Another side of Phosphorous
(Resonance, Vol. 12, 2/1990)
11. Chamomilla ELMORE, DUTT
(Resonance, Vol 12, 2/1990)
12. Bromium BROWN, Plumb (Resonance,
Vol. 12, 2/1990)
13. Tuberculinum Children HERSCU, Paul
(Homoeopathy Today, Vol. 10, 9/1990)
14. Calcarea sulphurica CANDEGABE,
Eugenio (The Homoeopathy, Vol. 8,
15. Acute and life-threatening cases
i) Postman Pat and the bees : the hazards
of rural life GAINE, Janet
ii) Case of life-threatening septicaemia
CASTRO, Miranda
iii) an acute case CHAPPELL, Peter (The
Homoeopath, Vol. 8, 1./1988)
16. Leprominium : a new nosode VAKIL
Prakash (The Homoeopath, Vol. 8,
17. Aegle marmelos
Aranea scinencia
Athista indica
Cassia fistula
Tela aranea
Thea chinensis
(CCRH Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 12, 1 &
18. Bowel Nosodes
BARMAN, Rabin (JNIH, Vol. 1, 1/1990)
1. Homoeopathy and peppermint
REMBGES, H. (AHZ, 235, 1/1990)
2. Tips from practice – Herpes Zoster
SCHWEITZER, Wolfgang (AHZ, 235,
3. Therapeutic observations
International references (AHZ, 235,
4. Coma and hemiplaegia in cerebral
MASTER, F.J. (ZKH, 34, 1/1990)
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
5. A case of epidemic disease treated by C.v.
6. Day-today management of anxiety and
depression SPENCE, David. S. (BHJ, Vol.
79, 1/1990)
7. Sebarrhoeic dermatitis treated with
homoeopathic high dilutions of tobacco ––
a case study SUDAN, Bernard J.L. (BHJ,
Vol. 10, 1/1990)
8. A case of staphylococcus pyoderma
SULLIVAN, Andrea D., (Resonance, Vol.
12, 1/1990)
9. Relief for morning sickness
(Resonance, Vol. 12, 1/1990)
10. Tooth pain after filling
STEPHENSON, David L. (Resonance,
Vol. 12, 1/1990)
11. Sun allergy after antibiotics –– using the
additions to Mac Repertory
CARTE, Katie (Resonance, Vol. 12,
12. Temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction ––
the most effective therapy for the TMJ
STEPHENSON, David (Resonance, Vol.
12, 2/1990)
13. Herpes, Pre-menstrual Syndrome,
Irregular Labor contractions
SHAPIRO, Michael, (The Hahnemannian,
march 1990)
14. Homoeopathic treatment of
SHAPIRO, Michael (The Hahnemannian,
March 1990)
15. Homoeopathic treatment of hypersensitive
patients NCH/IFH annual case conference
GRAY, Bill (Homoeopathy Today, Vol.
10, 9/1990)
16. Dysfunctional relationships and
homoeopathic treatment, case confec.
(Homoeopathy Today, Vol. 10, 9/1990)
17. Taking the case of a newborn, case
confece. report ZAREN, Ananda
(Homoeopathy Today, Vol. 10, 9/1990)
18. The recurrence of acue mania in a
chronically hypersensitive patient,
NCH/IFH case confece. report SAINE,
Andre (Homoeopathy Today, Vol. 10,
19. AIDS : Some early clinical experience
STRANGE, Mike (The Homoeopath, Vol.
8, 2/1990)
20. I’m sorry I don’t have a clue
OLIVER, Terry (The Homoeopath, Vol.
8, 2/1990)
21. Menace of drugs and role of homoeopathy
in de-addiction HARISHCHAND, Diwan
(JNIH, Vol. 1, 1/1990)
1. Remedy errors in Kent’s repertory
Part II –– Myrica cerefera and Myristica
EPPENICH, H. (ZKH, 34, 1/1990)
2. Additions to the rubrics ‘Sciatica’ in
Kent’s Repertory SCHINDLER, M.
(ZKH, 34, 1/1990)
3. Compilation of the rubric from Part I & II
of the Book “Synoptic Key of the Materia
medica” under one head SHARMA, Mrs.
Anita (CCRH Quaterly Bulletin, Vol. 12.
1 & 2/1990)
1. Water and Information
ENDLER, P. (AHZ, 235, 1/1990)
2. Homoeopathy in the Veterinary practice,
Research Project
SCHUTTE, A. (AHZ, 235, 1/1990)
3. In-vitro effects of Viscum album
preparations on human fibroblasts and
tumour cell linces
KOOPMAN, Gerrit; ARWERT, Fre.,
ERIKSOON, Aldur W., BART, J., Kippa,
79, 1/1990)
4. Measles and homoeopathic immunizations
NEUSTAEDTER, Randall (Resonance,
Vol. 12, 2/1990)
5. Science of Medicine –– A new approach
Mahata, C.R. (JNIH, Vol. 1, 1/1990)
6. Drug response patterns in homoeopathic
treatment of chronic tonsillitis
DE, T.K. (JNIH, Vol. 1, 1/1990)
1. The approval of homoeopathic remedies
A view of the homoeopathic
pharmacopoeia of the United States,
BORNEMAN, Jay P. (Resonance, Vol.
12, 2/1990)
2. Homoeopathy for the pharmacist
FINKUS, Anthony (Homoeopathy, Vol.
40, 4/1990)
3. A note on physical, chemical,
pharmacological and pharmacognostical
evaluation of Iberis Amara
(JNIH, Vol. 1, 1/1990)
4. We need self-dependant homoeopathic
pharmacy CHATTERJEE, S.N. (JNIH,
Vol. 1, 1/1990)
1. Homoeopathy in Veterinary practice,
Research Project SCHUTTE, A. (AHZ,
235, 1/1990)
2. Veterinary homoeopathy prescribing
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
MACLEOD George (Homoeopathy, Vol.
40, 4/1990)
1. Homoeopathy in the German Romantic
Movement, medico-historical and medico-
philosophical spot light, R. PIESCH – Part
I & II, (AHZ, 235, 1 & 2/1990)
2. Hahnemann’s Geneology
GEBBEOERM T, (ZKH, 34, 1/1990)
3. Homais, Homoeopathy and Madame
Homoeopath, Vol. 10, 1/1990)
4. Coming of age in the eighties
BORNEMAN, Jay (Resonance, Vol. 12,
5. A critical moment for homoeopathy in the
USA (Homoeopathy Today, Vol. 10,
1. Medicine and Toxicology, Therapeutics
International references (AHZ, 235,
2. Verifications and Clinical symptoms
(ZKH, 34, 1/1990)
3. International references
(ZKH< 34, 1/1990)
4. Where have we been, where are we going
5. Meeting of European homoeopaths
Maison de L’Homoeopathic, Brussels, 3
June 1989 (BHJ, Vol. 79, 1/1990)
6. IFH Professional Course –– the second
week LEVATIN, Janet (Resonance Vol.
12, 1/1990)
7. What in the world is homoeopathy ? A
report on the 1989 IFH Public Conference
8. IFH Professional course –– the third week
LEVATIN, Janet (Resonance, Vol. 12,
9. An interview with Jeremy Sherr
WINSTON, Julian (Homoeopathy Today,
Vol. 10, 9/1990)
10. Motivational factors in homoeopathic
MURUGAN, M (JNIH, Vol. 1, 1/1990)
11. Planned approach to setting up a national
information center for homoeopathy
(JNIH, Vol. 1, 1/1990)
1. J A I H : Journal of he American Institute
of Homoeopathy, 1500, Massachusetts
Avenue, N.W. Suite 42, Washington D.C.
20005., U.S.A.
2. Resonance : International Foundation for
Homoeopathy, 2366, Eastlake Avenue, E.,
Suite 301, Seattle, Washington, 98102,
3. CCRH Quarterly Bulletin : Central
Council for REsearch in Homoeopathy, B-
1/16, Community Centre, janakpuri, New
Delhi 110 058.
4. The Homoeopath : The Joural of the
Society of Homeopaths, 2, Artizan Road,
Northampton NN1 4 HU, U.K.
5. Homoeopathy Today : National Center for
Homoeopathy, 500, Massachusetts
Avenue, N.W. Suite 42, Washington D.C.
20005., U.S.A.
6. Homoeopathy : The Journal of the British
Homoeopathic Association, 27-A,
Devonshire Street, London WIN 1RJ.,
7. The Hahnemannian : Journal of the
Homooeopathic Medical Society of the
State of Pennsylvania, C/o Guy Hoagland,
M.D., 11, Flowers Drive, Mechanicsburg,
Pennsylvania, 17055, U.S.A.
8. Simillimum : The Journal of the
Homoeopathic Academy of naturopathic
Physicians, 11231 SE Market Street,
Portland, OR 97216, U.S.A.
9. B H J : The British Homoeopathic Journal,
Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital,
Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3
HR, U.K.
10. J N I H : Journal of the National Institute
of Homoeopathy, GE-Block, Sector III,
Bidhan Nagar, Calcutta 700 091
11. Z K H ; Zeitschrift fur Klassische
Homoopathie, Karl F. Houg Verlag 6900,
Heidelberg 1, Germany.
12. A H Z ; Allgemeine Homoopathische
Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900
Heidelberg 1, Germany.
We can only visualize with difficulty what it
signified, what hopes were generated in the
suffering humanity.
The medical world during
HAHNEMANN’S time was characterized by the
great infections, of helplessness of man against all
acute diseases as also the exanthematic diseases of
children. Measles itself often turned out to be fatal.
A method which would protect against such
lifethreatening diseases must appear to be a
wonder, Naturally, possibilities to protect against
G. v. Keller
AHZ, 229, 1/1984
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
other diseases in this maner were searched for.
What was there so close as to exterminate Psora
well known since ages as the root of all evil ?
HERING experimented with Psorin and wrote
: “I would like to have a generally preventive
medicine for the itch which to me, is more
significant than just one more new medicine” and
in another place
if one could find a remedy
which would prevent Psora, then one would have
reached the peak of discovery”.
HAHNEMANN tried to find a specific
medicine against Psora : Homoeopathy was
already, without high-flying plans, sensationally
successful in the early days in treatment of the life-
threatening acute diseases. Especially through the
use of medicine “specific” to the infections, was it
possible to astoundingly contain and bring down
the mortality rate as against the usual methods of
“Specific medicine means the search for a
remedy similar to the collective characteristic
symptom picture of the entire infection and not the
single individual patient
m which would then be
administered to every individual afflicted with the
infection. The same specific method cured the then
prevalent venereal diseases if the primary affection
had not been treated externally
. while the curative
remedy for every contagion must be determined
afresh each time for every epidemic and for every
newly occurring infection bearing the same name,
the specific remedies for the chronic venereal
diseases were the same, Thuja with Acidum
nitricum for the Sycosis, Mercury for Symphilis.
Up to this Homoeopathy was completely
successful. But as much more hahnemann
proceeded to treat chronic diseases so much poorer
were the successes. HERING wrote
“HAHNEMANN had the same experience which
we all have, some men become healthy some do
not. He saw in the appropriate cases cures of course
but in chronic cases often without sustained
permanence. HAHNEMANN’s characteristic
greatness as observer indicated to him the
difference between those which remained cured
and those which did not remain cured. He
discovered that the symptoms must be removed in
the reverse order of their development, that the
symptoms appearing last are always the most
significant for the choice of the remedy, that if the
symptoms are removed in the reverse order of their
development, the patient remained cured, but not in
any other order”.
“The same talent made him recognize that the
chronic patients in whom an eruption followed
became well better and permanently than when the
internal symptoms went away without external
manifestation. Thus was the first ideas, the
hypothesis. Just as it usually was with
HAHNEMANN to comprehend the prevailing
contagion and the intermittent fever as one picture,
he similarly comprehended as one picture the itch
and the chronic disease as a consequence of driving
it away”.
The hypothesis of the miasmatic nature of the
non-venereal diseases began so. HAHNEMANN
though that with this discovery he was on the trial
of a specific cure for Psora
. In a letter in 1823
wrote : “To find without fail the art of completely
eradicating the ancient chronic diseases and clear it
completely, I have, during the past 4 years of my
life endeavoured day an night and have made a
thousand experiments and experiences as also
unbroken contemplation and at last attained my
Instead of that the procedure for treatment
of chronic diseases were formulate : The hopes
of HERING and HAHNEMANN have not been
fulfilled. A specific against Psora was not found
and a vaccination was, as HAHNEMANN straight
away foresaw
, not possible
. But the hypothesis
of the miasmatic nature of the non-venereal
diseases brought about a decided progressive step
in the development of homeopathis theory and
practice. HERING wrote about this event, as
: The HAHNEMANNian school only
followed without preconceived opinions, the pure
practical experience alone and whenever
hypothesis were allowed they were not considered
as intrinsic”.
HAHNEMANN investigated for 11 long years
to find a specific remedy against the Psora. With
the help of the theory of miasmatic nature of Psora
he thought that he could find this specific as we
have read in the above cited letter. He declared
soon that there was not just one medicine against
Psora and that there were more number of those
remedies. In a letter in 1827
he spoke of 6 or 8
medicines, in 1828 in the first edition of the
Chronic Diseases of 21 remedies and at last in
1835 in the second edition they were 47
Even so he declared tthat in one ailment only
one remedy was not sufficient and in 1829 in the
fourth edition of the organon he formulated for the
first time the paragraph 168 15: “In the non-
venereal chronic diseases arising out of Psora more
and successive one after another anti-psoric
remedies are required to be employed and indeed
so that after each previous medicine had completed
its action the next remedy must be homeopathically
chosen appropriate to the symptoms grou still
HAHEMANN followed the specific only
part of the way : This simple and laborious
procedure of treating chronic diseases, the patient
searching out a new curative remedy as soon as a
new disease picture presents itself
was not
acknowledged by many of his contemporaries.
Some held that HAHNEMANN meant as specific
the medicines used in acute diseases. One of his
eminent exponents, Richard HUGHES wrote in an
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
article titled “The Two Homeopathies”, as
: “The innovation that one
(HAHNEMANN is meant here) in his 74
establishes must to bein with, not be good and the
fact that HAHNEMANN introduced the 30 dilution
as the standard dose for proving and treatment, this
reform is not welcome. To consider the
HAHNEMANN of 1830 to 1843 as our leader is ,
in my opinion, exposing his senility”. Richard
HUGESS was 41 years old then.
Others attempted to further proceed, with
HERING, Psorin researches and hoped that it
would be possible to remove disease with products
of the same disease.
wrote 1833 : “The finding of a
class of remedies of contagious disease products as
curative medicines against those same contagious
diseases form which they were drawn was a
temporary muddle, which created a temporary
misgiving about the correctness of the homeopathic
precepts”. HERING and HAHNEMANN quickly
found the doctrine of healing by symptom
similarity, whereas others continued to attempt to
establish the class of remedies against diseases
which it had caused, thus Tubercullnum against
tuberclosis in exended sense or Syphillnum against
the concocted syphilitic diathesis.
The Quintescence of HAHNEMANN’s Psora
experiments came to this : While in acute diseases
it can be treated with one medicine perhaps with
one disease-specific, in the developed Psora, that is
in every prolonged and serious chronic disease,
more or many remedies following each other will
be needed, while the disease merely changes its
form but not become extinguished. Often Psora
crosses over only into its latent state, a condition
which HAHNEMANN described as
: “Subjected
with one or more of these diseases (the slumbering
Psora), one considers oneself healthy and others
also consider him so. He can live many years
tolerably well and carry on his duties apparently
Psorinum as Intercurrent remedy :
Psorinum which HERING hopefully though could
prove to be a protection against Psora, became an
extraordinarily valuable remedy in another way in
the treatment of chronic diseases. HERING wrote
on it
: “All potentized bioproducts need not be
considered to be absolute specifics but as chronic
intercurrent medicines. The remedies given after
that then work with longer reactions and those
given before develop thei power also” and in
another place
: In many cases have observed,
what to me appears to be highly significant, a slow
appearance of new symptoms which are not
serious, particularly on the skin, through which an
antipsoric remedy is generally very clearly
indicated”. To think of it, one can confirm it from
one’s own pratice. One patient, after being
prescribed. psorinum for the first time said as
The anus which is so sore itches so much after
cleaning it well with water; now I have used Nivea
oil and cotton padding.
Sulphur was the next medicine for him.
HERING wrote further as follows
: “The
cause the same disease symptoms which
are indicated by another medicine. Just as Sulphur
for example. The nosodes cure many diseases
completely which were not at all similar to the
mother of the stuff… But undoubtedly they cure
only according to symptoms similarly because
every other cure is impossible”.
Psorinum according to symptom similarity :
Psorinum works as antipsoric remedy like every
other remedy according to symptoms similarity. In
psoric, that is chronic disease the treatment
procedes just as other diseases in
HAHNEMANNian Homeopathy, that is that the
disease as presented before us at this moment is set
against the medicine known as most similar in the
materia medica. Never even once can we proceed,
without examination, under preconceived
medicinal sequences, we must choose each
following medicine anew on the symptoms we
encounter in this patient at this time
I would like to demonstrate this procedure with
the testimony of the above cited patient
, which
lead to the prescription of Psorinum, he had a
colitis ulcerosa :
When there is diarrhea, first it smells very much, it
then smeist really much. I can note it even before
when stinking flatus is discharged before that and
then comes the diarrhea. First a few flatus is
discharged and then the stool. Abdominal pain
around the nave, a sensation as if widn would come
and when I visit the loo and the wind and stool is
discharged, the abdominal pain goes. Some times I
mus strain so that I need not then again visit the
The comparable proving symptoms are :
“Cutting abdominal pains, after that much stinking
flatus is passed after which it is relaxed
“pinching in abdomen which compels to go to stool
after which would be better
”; “Stool in the night
almost involuntarily, he could not bear to reach the
toilet, at the same time severe discharge of
Now, another woman patient whose prevailing
symptoms were aggravated by Psorinum and in
whom itching and burning skin came on. In this
Sulphur given later, ameliorated
Before the eyes it began to dance, rings like smoke
rings, then so hazy, a light grey mist. That may
occur to me in the mornings on waking, when I
wake and open my eyes, it begins, Or it begins
when I am quietly sitting in the bus, and I close the
eyes. It goes off when the eyes are closed and I
again open my eyes, it comes again. It does not
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
occur while I am reading, indeed, because I must
somehow concentrate.
Following proving symptom is relevant
“Glittering before the eyes and all objects dancing,
also black flecks and rings”. The “rings” and the
“dance” called to my mind Psorinum while KENT
has taken these symptoms in his Repertory. The
modalities “mornings when I awake and open the
eyes”, “it comes again when I open my eyes again”
and “I then close my eyes” are new, they are not to
be found in the provings, like the continual
collection of symptoms as the case is in the history
of the homeopathic material medica. Impelled to
compare Psorinum I recalled the other symptoms of
this patient as follows: “Wears a fur cap, a coat or a
shawl even in the warmest weather”, would not
like the hed exposed”.
The head must always be kept war, I have always
kept the head covered even at nights in bed. I
always wrap a towel around the head and throat
even in summer.
Now the well-known symptom
“Predisposition to involvement of the head,
ameliorated by epistaxis”
The nosebleed, I may say, I have every four
weeks really, but rapidly, but everytime when I get
the more really very severe flow, I am free. Every 4
weeks I have nosebleeds and have the feeling,
there I am going to get the headache and when I
have the headache for a couple of days and if I can
again have the nasal flow and a bit of blood flows
out, my head will become lighter. I am even glad
when the blood comes. When I have the headache
it remains for a couple of days and then it feels as if
it will begin to slacken in the head and then it will
flow out just as I have observed : the flow
somewhat warm and it can really be blood.
Another female patient
Yesterday morning my nose bled again. I wake up
and without any reason, the blood flowed and I
allowed it to flow, you know why? Now my
headache has gone I Out of both the nostrils,
without my having sneezed or even having touched
the nose, morning at 6 O’ clock it has flowed. Nose
bleed and there the headache was not merely better
but gone away!
Psora is not simply a third miasm : I have
shown that for some time HAHNEMANN was of
the view that Psora could be reckoned as a third
miasm besides the two well-known chronic miasms
Sycosis and Syphilis and Psora could, just like the
Sycosis and Syphilis, be treated by a specific
medicine. Soon it came to be that the venereal
diseases also could be complicated with the Psora
and it can therefore be treated with specific remedy
but must be treated by the general direction of
antipsoric cure. HERING wrote
: “As much more
I attemped to learn to separate the psoric diseases
from all the others so much more that limits
disappeared before my eyes”.
Psora is not simply a third miasm besides
Sycosis and Syphilis so that all diseases and
particularly all the remedies could be put into three
classes, but Psora is that principle of chronic
diseases of humans, the inherited disease
disposition in general.
Through this depiction of the theory of chronic
diseases I remain firmly on the foundations of
HAHNEMANNian homeopathy. If modern authors
have put forward their own miasms theory
, they
are free to do so, but then they should not cite
1. Compare HAHNEMANN’s foot-note to
paragraph 56 of the 6
edition of the
Organon”………….the benefit which
mankind experienced from the use of
cowpox vaccination, that hereby those
who had been vaccinated remain free from
infection by human pox and at the same
time were cured of the latter in advance”.
2. Book 5 Moses Chapter 28, Verse 27 If
the people of Isreal do not obey the voice
of the Lord their God and do not observe
and do all his Commands and Statutes,
the Lord will smite you with the scab
and itch, so that you cannot be healed”.
From HENCKE, Hahnemann’s theory of
nature of diseases in general”.
3. STAPF’s Archiv, 13 Vol. 3 (1833), 33.
4. STAPF’s Archiv, 10 Vol. 2, (1831), 30. In
this letter HERING spoke first of all that
JENNER’s cow pox vaccination was only
a last resort and we should hold that since
until now we do not have anything better,
and proposed then, to otentise the cow pox
poison and vaccinate with it. If one
succeeded with it, one can perhaps prevent
every infection in his manner.
5. Organon, 6
edition, paragraph 102 :
“Everyone of those who suffered from the
infection then had indeed a and only
source from which the infection spread
and therefore same disease, but such an
epidemic disease encompassed in its
entirety and the totality of its symptoms
(the knowledge of which appertains to the
whole outline of the disease picture so that
a homeopathic medicine most appropriate
to the symptoms comprehended could be
chosen) cannot be perceived from a single
sick person but drawn and fully deducted
(abstracted) only from many patients of
different physical conditions”. See also
annotation 8 Paragraph 241 “Every
single (intermittent fever) epidemic has its
own character general to the ailing
individuals, which may be established
according to the totality of all the common
symptoms found out and which would
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
indicate the homeopathic curative specific
(homeopathic) medicine appro-priate to all
the cases which almost always helps”.
6. HAHNEMANN, the Chronic Diseases,
edition, Vol 1, 18 : Even Syphilis
because of its easy curability yields to the
smallest dose of the best mecurial
preparation, as also Sycosis because of its
not difficult curability requiring few doses
of the juice of the Tree of Life with
Potassium Nitrate alternated and when
complicated with Psora they become
chronic, difficult to be cured”.
7. Homop. Vierteijahrschrift, 15 (1864)
8. HAHNEMANN, The Chronic Diseases,
edition, Vol. 1, p 10. “The most
accurate observations have taught me by
comparing different patients with so much
differing apparently chronic ailments and
infirmities are all merely the progeny of
the one and the same primitive illness and
therefore are to be seen as only parts of
one and the same disease and are to be
treated medicinally just as in a large
epidemic of yphus in which only the
symptoms of all or many other patients
suffering with this disease are take
together which depict the whole and
complete picture of the prevalent Typhus
and the curative remedy cured the whole
epidemic of Typhus and thus proved to be
specifically helpful in every individual
9. Allg. homop. Ztg. 32 (1847), 42.
10. Annotation to paragraph 56 of the 6
edition of the Organon : “a hman disease
product, e.g. a Psorin, obtained from a
human itch would cure similar human
itch, – that is going far”!
11. ATTOMYR, Letters on Homoopathy,
Vol. 3 (1834), 34: HERING appeared to
expect more from Psorin than it is capable
12. STAPF’s Archiv, 9 Vol. 3 (1830), p. 102.
13. HAEHL, R., Samuel HAHNEMANN,
Letter of STAPF to HAHNEMANN on
6.9.1827, p. 155, Vol. II : “You now
possess the solution to the riddle why
neither Nux nor Puls. nor Ignat., etc. will
or can do good, whilst the homeopathic
principles remain unaltered….. Therefore
be reasonable, and do what you can with
your antipsorics…. you can make
excellent observations on their peculiar
effects and gain much knowledge, as also
from the many splendid cures you may
make with them, since you have only 6 or
8 medicines to choose from and not from
the whole realm of medicines”.
14. ATTOMYR, Letters on Homeopathy,
Vol. 3 (1834), 35: ‘How have we, a few
years ago, separated the antipsoric
medicines so rigorously, and how is it now
? The Psora theory has not nay more the
least influence in my therapy. I do not at
all any more ask about Psora and if I do, it
is more out of novelty rather than for the
purpose of therapy”. Page 36 : “Not to
give similar medicine in a psoric disease
because it is not in the list of the
antipsorics would be a sin against the
basic principles of homeopathy”.
15. In the 6
edition of Organon this is
paragraph 171.
16. ATTOMYR, Letters on Homeopathy,
Vol. 3, 28 : Every case is different.
Therefore we are, with every patient, a
beginner, as a pupil”.
17. Monthly Homeopathic Review, Nov.
1877 and New England Medical
Gazette, Vol. 12 (Dec. 1877), p. 556. In
the CLARKE, a student of HUGHES
wrote in the Journal of the American
Institute of Homoeopathy. 4 (1911), p.
232 : Dr. HUGHES has been successful
in laying down the idea of disease as
entity and he put it forth that diseases have
their specific medicines”.
18. Practical contributions In the field of
Homoeopathy (THORER). 2 (1835), P.
19. Chronic Diseases, 1, 61
20. STAPF’s Archiv, 14, Vol. 2 (1834), p.
21. STAPF’s Archiv, 13, Vol. 3 (1833), p. 61
22. Mr. H. H. born 1936 died 20.3.1975.
23. Allg. homoop. Ztg. 46 (1853), 245.
24. HERING, Allg. homoop. Ztg. 43,
(1852), p. 315 : I have until now
considered the medicines in this whole
range as nosodes and understand thereby
only the disease products, and particularly
the active salts contained in them”.
25. Organon, 4
edition, paragraph 166, 6
edition, paragraph 170 : “Much more
here than in other cases, where a change
of the disease state has occurred, the
remaining set of symptoms now present
must be taken anew and (without regard to
the medicine which at the beginning
appeared to be the second suitable
medicine) a homeopathic medicine which
is as appropriate as possible to the present,
new state must be chosen afresh”.
26. Mr. H.H. on 16.9.80. On 4.3.75 other
symptoms indicaed Psorinum of which we
are not interested here.
27. HHNEMANN’s provings in STAPFs
Archiv. 13, Vol. 3 (1833), 163, No. 206.
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 10
28. Op. cit. No. 212
29. Op. cit. No. 245
30. Mrs. S.M….., born 1914, on 5.12.1975.
31. The last appearing symptoms in a proving
in a lady of 24 years, used by Dr. J.E.V. of
Vienna, reported by HARTMANN in
Allg. homoop. Ztg. 1 (1833), 162.
32. Proving in STAPF’s Archiv. 15, Vol. 3
(1836), 177, No. 1.
33. Mrs. R. W. born 1918, on 15.10.1974.
34. Mr. W. A., born 1910, on 08.12.1977.
35. STAPF’s Archiv. 13, Vol. 3 (1833), 35
36. Compare e.g. AELBLY, Criticism on a
lecture of Frenchman VANNIER’S
student in the Liga Congress 1931 in
which is said : “We know from Dr.
VANNIER that the phosphoric
constitution stems from the basis of
measles, the fluoric from the basis of
scarlet fever. The first one depicts a pre-
tubercular manifestation while latter one
the syphilitic basis”. (Allg. homoop. Ztg.
180 (1932), 108.
The provings which appeared in STAPF’s
Archiv. fur Homoopatische Heilkunst in 1833 are
not those of HAHNEMANN himself only, but
were carried out on a number of people. Because
they are written down just as the provers
experienced them, a certain amount o f near
duplication will be found (c.f. Nos. 299 and 300,
for example). There is also no uniform style of
description; sometimes nouns are used, sometimes
adjectives; sometimes the description is terse and
clinical, at other times it verges on the anecdotal.
Unlike today’s medical publications, many of the
provings contain vernacular expressions, and some
contain dialect or antiquated words which are not
to be found in any German-English dictionary, not
indeed in the vocabulary of any educated Germans
of today.
The date of the provings, 1833, means that
they were too late to be included in the third edition
of reine Arznelmlttellehre. Margaret Tyler, in her
picture of Agaricus, writes that she believes we
have no translation of the provings of Psorinum in
English. That statement provided the stimulus for
this attempt, and I hope that it will be of interest
both in practice and as an insight into the character
of the provings carried out by the founding figures
of homeopathy, upon which the early Materia
Medica was based.
Introduction from the 1833 edition of Archiv
fur homopathische hellkunst. edited by Johann
Ernst STAPF : The following highly important
symptoms of one of the most effective and
therefore most beneficial of medicines have been
proved by two very shrewd and notable observers,
Dr. S. of L….., and Dr. R. of P….., mostly on
themselves aftr a few doses of Psorinum 30
globules, and accurately and conscientiously set
down. The Archiv owes the communication of
these provings to the kindness of Privy Counsellor
HAHNEMANN. Though far from exposing the
entire, undoubtedly vast therapeutic field of
Psorinum, they do at least grant us for the time
being a highly desirable insight into it, and give
many suggestions and hints for the healing
application of this grat remedy in most serious
cases. Several excellent physicians, such as
ATTOMYR, GROSS, HERING and others, have
discovered, as I myself have, what Psorinum
properly applied can accomplish; things up to now
unsuspected –– incredible things and we can only
hope that more and more new provings of
Psorinum on healthy people, and more and more
over the sick will unite to give us a more complete
and proper understanding of it. Readers are
referred to what our esteemed colleague HERING
has to say about it in his invaluable article on this
most important substance: that it will serve for the
time being as an introductory foreword.
Johann Ernst STAPF.
Emotional 262, 267, 409b, 410, 414, 416-
435, 438.
Mental 6-10, 368, 436-437.
Head 4-5, 11-41, 91, 161, 405, 408.
Vertigo 2-3.
Face 42-52, 61.
Eyes 53-83.
Ears 30, 84-104.
Nose 155-163.
Lips 105-106, 164-169.
Mouth and teeth 106-118, 128, 146-152,
199, 395, 406, 408.
Tongue 119-113.
Throat 117, 14-127, 129-136, 139-141,
143-145, 201.
(See also throat) 270-300, 303, 306.
Chest 301-318, 281, 285, 287, 289,
290, 293-295, 297-298, 410.
Neck 50, 91, 137, 142, 319-326.
Back 228, 293, 327-342.
Abodomen 206-207, 209-215, 217-227, 229-
239, 246.
Extremities 50, 342-350, 353-364, 391, 409a,
Appetite 153-154, 170-185, 395, 407.
Digestion 186-205, 208, 216, 305.
Stool 240, 245, 247-249, 379.
Samuel Hahnemann
Introduced and translated by
Homeopath Vol. 6, No. 4
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
Rectum and Anus 250-253.
Urinary Tract 236, 254-258.
Male Genitalia 259-267.
Female Genitalia 232, 238, 268-269.
Skin 36, 42, 45, 47-52, 81-82, 105.,
135, 137,
(See also Face and Lips) 155, 253, 321,
324, 361-362, 365, 396, 403, 409, 409a.
Perspiration 361, 392, 396, 399, 400, 402,
407, 409a.
Slep 370-389, 437
Generalities 351-352, 365-366, 369, 390, 393-
394, 397-404, 407, 409, 415, 434.
Modalities 1, 89, 113, 117, 19, 306, 325,
212-214, 223, 364, 367, 375.
Psorinum : The Provings
1. Felt much better in the morning.
2. Vertigo in the morning.
3. Vertigo-everything going around with
him; (8
4. Numb sensation in the left half of he
forehead: (In the morning after 3
5. Waking in the night, his brain felt
clouded, as if from a drinking party
the evening before. Befogged and
stupid, he fell over.
6. Thinking that he understands what he
has just read, he is about to explain it
to someone else, and then realizes that
he has not understood it after all.
7. Memory so weak that he cannot
remember what ha just been said.
8. She loses her memory and no longer
recognizes the room once she has
looked out of the window; (2
9. Memory very weak; she cannot
remember a thing.
10. Very forgetful; (8
11. Stiff pain in the skin of the right
temple. (7.30 p.m.).
12. Pressive pain as if sprained, to the
right of the occiput. (Noon, 1
13. Pressive feeling in left temple,
extending into the head; (1
14. Sensation, especially in the occiput,
as of a string bound tightly round the
head, seeming to be pushed outwards.
15. Frontal headache, as if he brain were
too big for the cranium; bursting
sensation on rising; better after
washing and breakfasting.
16. Heavy feeling in the head in the
17. Tearing headache.
18. a boring, stabbing pain in the left
19. Throbbing pain in the temples.
20. Headache, as if it wanted to come out
through the forehead; (2
towards evening).
21. Contracting frontal headache.
22. Sensation as if her whole head were
on fire.
23. Headache in the evening; (2
24. Headache all over the head, like
blows from a hammer inside the head.
25. Violent headache, as though a stick
had been placed inside with.
26. General feeling of faintness. Towards
7 O’ clock she had to lie down and
soon fell asleep. Night sweat which
gave great relief; (2
27. Shocks in the head; (5
28. Pressure headache in the forehead and
temples (7
29. Spasmodically contracting headache;
30. Pressive headache with ear discharge;
31. Sensation of fullness in the head on
mental exertion.
32. Throbbing of blood in the head during
intellectual tasks.
33. Pain in the temple after mental
34. In the left frontal area, dully pressive
sensitive stitching pains, irrespective
of rest or movement; (2
and 3
35. Frontal headache with sensation of
weakness within.
36. Itching of the forehead.
37. Stitching pains in the right half of the
forehead, extending into the eye.
38. Burning in the forehead; (2
39. Pain in the middle of the forehead;
40. Drawing sensation in the frontal
sinuses, as if he had a cold.
41. Frontal headache; (3
42. Many red patches on the forehead.
43. Facial pallor (3
day). On touching
the cheekbone, pains as though it
were festering; (3
day evening).
44. Facial sweat.
45. Yellowish facial colouring and sickly
appearance, lasting from December to
March, (in an otherwise health man).
46. Burning in the face.
47. Above the left eyebrow and left
cheek, eruption like semolina, which
soon disappeared again; (3
48. Places on the face, neck and hands
which itch on being touched.
49. Burning in the face, followed by
appearance of vesicles.
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50. Many firm, painless, long-lasting
nodules, on the face, nape of the neck
and legs.
51. A lot of vescles on the face.
52. A decrease of pain-sensation in the
53. episodes of blindness, when walking
in the street; (1
54. Pressive sensation in right eye, worse
for touching.
55. Tiredness of the eyes in the evening,
as after much reading by artificial
light; (1
56. Pressive sticking pain left eye; (after
3 hours).
57. Sudden failing of vision, so that for a
few moments he cannot see anything
clearly, only hazily; (2
58. yellow butter-like substances in the
eye (2
and 3
59. Lachrymation towards evening.
60. Pressive pain the eyes.
61. Deep wide blue rings around the eyes.
62. Burning pains in the eyes, as if sand
had been shaken into them.
63. Glassy eyes; agglutinated lids in the
morning; pressive pains in the eyes.
64. Red eruptions at the edges of the
upper eyelid, like developing grains
of rye; sensations of something
moving in front of the eyes, or as if
one were playing with the fingers in
front of them.
65. Sticking pains in the left eye.
66. Eyes as if full of sand.
67. Pressure as it of a foreign body in the
right eye as soon as it is closed. On
opening it the pain goes; (Evenings).
68. Inflammation of the right eye, from
December to 30
69. Small burning eruptions below the
eyes, like heat-spots.
70. Inflammation of the eye, with
pressive pains, as if sand were in the
eye; lachrymation over night.
71. twitching of the right eyelid; (After 6
72. Fiery sparks before the eyes; (After 5
73. Lachrymation in the eye; (After 5
74. Fine pricking pains in the area of the
eye, below the eye-sockets, as if she
had sand in the eye; (After 4 hours).
75. Sticking pains in the eye; (After 5
76. Burning pains in the eyes; she has to
keep closing them.
77. Lachrymation on looking at any
object for a long time; (After 8
78. Pressive pain in the eyes.
79. Gnawing pain in the the eyes.
80. Itching of the canthi.
81. Itching of the left lower eyelid,
extending from one side to the other.
82. At the edge of both upper eyelids, a
small neoplasm like a grain of barley;
83. The objects which he sees in the room
appear to be trembling.
84. A dull ringing in the left ear; (1
85. Te right ear seems changed; it seems
as if he is hearing with someone’s
ears; (1
86. Sensation in the left ear as if she were
exhaling through it, rather than
through the respiratory tract.
87. On eating, or on swallowing saliva,
sensation of something bursting in the
88. Sticking pains in the ears around
89. Sticking pains in the inner ear,
temporarily relieved by pushing a
finger into the ear, then worse.
Frequent recurrence, especially
evenings when at rest.
90. Gnawing pain the left ear.
91. Ringing noise, alternating between
left and right ears, with a buzzing in
the head, so that she hardly hears a
thing. Behind the ears, in the area of
the trapezius muscle, painful
sensation as of a wound which
torments her cruelly, accompanied by
momentary sensation of heat
extending to the vertex, worst in the
evenings, when it feels as if she were
being pulled upwards by the hair.
92. Pressure in right ear; (7
day in the
93. Buzzing in the ear; (1
94. After the buzzing, sticking pain the
left ear.
95. Itching in right ear.
96. Sticking pain in the ears.
97. The left pinna inflamed on the inner
side, with small pustules; (7
98. Sticking pain in the right ear,
preceded by coldness.
99. Discharge of fetid pus from the ear;
(After 7 hours).
100. Discharge of reddish wax from the
left ear.
101. Discharge of fetid pus from the left
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
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102. discharge from the ears during the
headache; (8
103. Painful ulceration in the left ear; at
the same time a neoplasm on the right
ear, which looks just like the rest of
the skin, but is divided into four parts
by a cross-shaped split, rather like a
wart, and with a deep little hole in the
104. A long-lasting, highly painful
stitching in the left ear-lobe;
105. A small neoplasm on the upper lip.
106. Burning of the lips.
107. A sticking pain in the lower jaw-bone.
108. Marked swelling of the maxillary
glands; sore to the touch;
accompanied by a very painful
pustule below the left lower jaw.
109. Blunt sensation of the teeth on
smoking tobacco (1
110. Tearing pains in the teeth.
111. Otherwise wobbly teeth become
firmer; (2
112. Sticking pains in the teeth, moving
from one side to the other, extending
upwards within the head, followed by
burning pains in the right cheek
which is also somewhat swollen.
113. During luncheon a tremendous
stabbing pain in a hollow upper right
molar, as though the teeth were being
pulled out; then continuing grumbling
throbbing toothache in all the teeth on
the right side, only during the day-
time. Better in open air.
114. When touching the teeth in order to
remove something from between
them, pricking pains as if from
115. Front teeth (especially) so loose that
he fears they might fall out.
116. Toothache intensified on touching.
117. Better in the open air, but much foul-
tasting catarrh; (from 10
to end of October).
118. Gum boils on the right side only, after
the protracted toothache had quite
119. Whitish coating of the tongue nearly
all the time.
120. Almost half of the tip of the tongue
burnt, so that he cannot taste properly.
121. Tip of the tongue very dry, as if burnt,
122. Thick white coating of the tongue,
covered, with whitish-yellow mucus.
123. Dryness of the tongue; (4
124. Dryness and scratchy feeling in the
throat; (4
day in the morning).
125. Pain in the throat, can only swallow
with difficulty.
126. Pain in the throat, as if swollern.
127. Severe inflammation of the throat
with ulceration of the right side; raw
pain deep down, and burning in the
128. Painful pimple on the palate.
129. Tickling in the throat, causing
coughing; (6
and 7
days in the
130. Dull, blunt stabbing pain in the left
tonsil; (6
131. Burning in the throat, extending
further and further downwards.
132. Pressing pain the throat; she can only
swallow with difficulty; only brief
remissions, after which it returns.
133. Burning in the throat; (5
134. Tickling in the throat; (Morning).
135. Small red spot forming on the neck,
with a carona the size of a pin-head
with a blackhead in the middle; very
painful or scratching; (Morning).
136. Swollen cervical glands on both sides,
painful to the touch as if squashed;
pain extends into the head; (7
137. A red rash on the neck, beginning
with a stabling pain. Small red spots
on the neck and breasts.
138. Swollen sensation in the palate.
139. Sore throat – cannot swallow.
140. Sore throat; raw burning pain on
eating anything hot (e.g. soup); cold
food causes no discomfort. (7
141. Pain in the left tonsil, with feeling of
142. On turning the head, a violent
stabbing pain in the sinews on the left
side of the neck.
143. Hoarseness.
144. Burning in the throat.
145. On swallowing saliva, painful
sensation in the throat; swallowing
146. Insipid taste, as of rotten fruit, in the
147. Aggravation of the unpleasant taste
after eating and smoking tobacco.
148. Her whole lunch tasted of oil.
149. Evil taste in the mouth must drink
to dispel it.
150. Tough mucus in the mouth, with a
putrid, nauseating taste. The teeth
stick together as if glued, can only be
separated with effort; (2
151. Dryness of the mouth.
152. Earthy taste in the mouth.
153. Desire for breakfast; (After 2 hours)
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154. After breakfast, aversion to smoking;
however, when he started to smoke,
his pipe tasted good; (1
155. Itching on the tip of the nose. (1
day). The nose drier than usual, he
needs to blow it less often; (3
156. Boring, stinging pain in the right
nostril, followed by violent sneezing;
157. On the nose scurf, which use to fall
off on coughing, now sticks fast and
is hard.
158. Burning in the nose, followed by
coryza, as in an attack of the catarrh.
On blowing out of the mucus, the
burning pain eased off for a short
while; (4
159. Pain in the left nostril like the
pricking of needles, on poking the
finger into it.
160. Sensitivity of the nose on inspiration.
Less nasal mucus; (8
161. Stabbing, drawing pain extending
from the forehead down to the nose.
162. Inflammation of nasal septum, with
white purulent vesicles.
163. Nose constantly obstructed.
164. Dryness of the lips.
165. Lips painful and look swollen.
166. On the inner surface of the lower lip,
a vesicle, clear like water.
167. Painful itching of the right half of the
upper lip, as if swollen.
168. Lips brown, black and dry; (5
169. Lips, brown, black and dry; (5
170. In the afternoon hungry, and thirsty
for beer; (1
171. Strong craving for tobacco-smoking,
with loss of appetite from not
smoking; (1
172. Hunger without appetite.
173. Unusually strong hunger after going
for a walk; (3
174. Appetite with easy satiety.
175. For three days his morning bread and
butter tasted like “Katzenbisse”, for
the rest of the day it tasted as usual;
(The word “Katzenbisse” literally
means “cat-bites”. None of the
several Germans whom I consulted
felt that this conveyed any meaning,
and the general consensus was that
this was an intentional misprint for
“Katzenpisse”; this at least has a taste,
if not a familiar one! A.C.).
176. Strong aversion to pork.
177. Great thirst during luncheon.
178. Craving for beer.
179. Appetite for meals diminished.
180. Great appetite thirst even greater.
181. No appetite for meals, but thirst for
182. Great thirst; dryness and burning in
the mouth.
183. Hunger in the evening; (6
184. Great thirst; (4
185. Great hunger.
186. Sensation of heartburn/pyrosis, at
times after drinking water.
187. Sour erucations.
188. Hiccough.
189. Hiccough soon after eating, while
smoking a pipe.
190. Rancid eructations in the evening.
191. Heartburn/pyrosis.
193. Eructations like rotten eggs; (2
194. Week feeling in stomach after supper;
when she then ate some roast, it
ceased. (1
195. Nausea in the morning.
196. Vomiting after every consumption of
food; nausea and retching until
eventually vomiting followed,
bringing up first ingesta and then a
sour, mucus fluid; (1
197. Continual nausea in the day-time,
with tendency to vomit. Vomiting of
very sweet-tasting mucus, in the
morning always at 10 a.m. and then
towards eveing; (8
November 21
January approx.).
198. Fasting in the morning, Vomiting of
sour mucus, leading to bluntness.
199. of the teeth.
200. Nausea with tendency to vomiting.
201. Tickling sensation in the throat,
followed by empty retching– in the
202. Sour vomiting.
203. Weakness and nausea in epigastrium–
204. Cramps in the stomach area; (4
205. Stabbing pain the epigastrium.
206. Cutting abdominal pains; they passed
off afer several passings of offensive
flatus; (1
207. Cutting in the abdomen, as if from
purging. (3
208. Cutting pain in the stomach area; (4
209. Abdominal cramps, while still in bed
in the morning.
210. Cutting pains in the abdomen.
211. Cutting abdominal pains; weakness
and pressure in stomach then ceased.
212. Griping abdominal pain in bed in the
morning, driving him to stool, which
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
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213. Colic towards evening; immediate
relief from eating.
214. when lying down, sensation of worms
crawling, relieved on standing up;
colic relieved by eating.
215. Colic.
216. Contracting pains in the stomach area.
217. Abdominal distension after icy cold
218. Stabbing pain in the hepatic area.
219. Stabbing pains in the spleen area.
220. Stabbing pressive pain below the left
floating ribs.
221. Stitching pains in the sides.
222. Violent stabbing below the bottom rib
on the left; (Lasted from beginning of
February to beginning of May).
223. Stabbing pains in the spleen area,
relieved by standing still, renewed on
starting to walk, and very often also at
224. Stabbing pains to the left of the
umbilicus, frequent when at rest.
225. Stabbing abdominal pains, on the
right side.
226. Muscular twitching in right inguinal
region (lit ; “in the right of the lap”)
after driving. Once only, but very
227. Sensation of a swelling/tumour on
sitting, extending right across the
body below the short ribs.
228. Boring pains in the vertebrae;
229. Abdominal pain, as if from eating
rhubarb”; (Mornings). (“The word
“rheum” is printed in Roman type,
which elsewhere in the text indicated
Latin. I have therefore translated with
the Latin meaning (=rhubarb) rather
than “rheumatism”, as being in any
case more likely to cause abdominal
pain. A.C.).
230. Unusual abdominal distension after
231. Griping in the abdomen while
232. griping in the whole abdomen,
especially in the pubic area in young
233. Abdominal cutting pain in the
umbilical area.
234. Distension of the abdomen.
235. Cutting pain in the loins, so severe
that she had to be led by the hand.
236. On physical exertion, pressive
stabbing pain in the symphysis pubis,
several times.
237. Flatulence completely ceased until
238. Urging bearing-down sensation
towards the womb, with burning
pains on micturition.
239. Dull stabbing pain in the inguinal
glands; (7
240. Scoft stool afer previous abdominal
pain; (1
241. Four to five stools a day after
preceding abdominal pain.
242. Stool a few times liquid, spurting out
as from a synringe; another time soft
and pappy; at times the stool is well
formed; (1
243. At times unsuccessful urging for
stool; he thinks he cannot hold it any
longer, but when he goes to pass it,
nothing will come away.
244. Dark brown stool, very loose and
245. Stool during the night; almost
involuntary- he could hardly make it
to the potty in time; accompanied by
violent passages of flatus. The stool,
by the way, was of a proper
consistency, like little balls; (6
246. Rumbling in the abdomen; (6
247. Painless diarrhea four times; (2
248. No stool; (1
249. Stool twice in the morning, otherwise
not for the whole day.
250. Itching in the anus.
251. Raw soreness in the rectum, while
driving; (4
252. Itching in the anus. (4
253. Copious perspiration of the perineum
on moving.
254. Burning cutting pains during
255. Very painful strangury, and after he
thinks he has finished, a few more
drops of urine sometimes come.
256. Stabbing pain in the urethra,
extending from the meatus in-wards;
257. After urination, in spite of all efforts
to restrain it, involuntary flow of
urine continues from the urethra.
258. Burning pains in the glans penis on
beginning to urinate.
259. A painful, purulent vesicle on the
260. Flow of prostatic fluid before
urination; (6
261. Frequent constriction in the penis.
262. Uncommonly strong aversion to
coitus, almost throughout the whole
period of proving.
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
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263. Complete impotence four weeks in
duration – in an otherwise normaly
very robust and virile man.
264. Failure to ejaculate during coitus.
265. Sexual organs are flaccid. (6
266. Inflamed ulcer on the glans penis; the
testicles are swollen and heavy; (3
267. Indifference towards sexual
relationships; flaccidity of the male
genital and no desire for coitus.
268. Menses eight days too late.
269. Menses scanty and delayed.
270. Occasional violent sneezing; (2
271. Violent sneezing following boring
pains in right nostril.
272. Frequent sneezing without a cold.
273. Tough nasal mucus; he can hardly put
down his hand-kerchief, and yet he
has no cold. Always a plug of mucus
far up in the nose, which induces
nausea. Relieved by stooping.
274. Chronic nasal catarrh; (3 months).
275. Coryza after burning in the nose.
276. Copious coryza, for several hours at a
time, recurring frequently.
277. After hawking up the mucus, the
burning stopped for a while; (4
278. Catarrh with coughing and
expectoration of yellowish-green
279. Fluent coryza.
280. Dry cough with raw pain below the
sternum; (2
281. Cough with sensation of weakness on
the chest.
282. With persistent coughing,
expectoration of saliva and sour
mucus from the chest.
283. Dry cough caused by a tickling
sensation in the trachea.
284. Hoarseness.
285. Dry cough with sensation of
heaviness of the chest.
286. Dry cough with nausea and retching,
and a tickling in the throat the whole
day; (7
287. Coughing and feeling of weakness in
the chest.
288. Urge to cough, with sensation of
289. Coughing in the evening, with pain in
chest and throat; relieved at rest; as
soon as she starts to talk she needs to
290. Hoarseness on the chest and in the
291. Tickling in the windpipe with
frequent coughing.
292. Dyspnoea in the evening; (1
293. On breathing, frequent stabbing pains
extending from the back through to
the chest.
294. On breathing, stabbing pains in the
right chest, several times.
295. On deep inspiration, stabbing pains in
the sternum. On palpation pressive,
broken feeling in sternum.
296. Shortness of breath in the open air;
relieved by lying down and driving.
297. Oppression on the chest with terrible
298. Shortness of breath is worst with the
chest-pain in a sitting position, so that
he could not write for six weeks.
Relieved on lying down.
299. Shortness of breath, even when
walking in the open air, so that he
always has to hurry in order to get
home and lie down, However, he
feels nothing when doing light work,
such a spurning trees.
300. Shortness of breath.
301. Twitching throughout the left side of
the chest.
302. Constriction of the chest.
303. Dull boring pain in the right side of
the chest, with some respiratory
constriction; (6
304. Stabbing pain the left side of the
305. Cutting pain lie knives in the chest.
Burnt sensation in the oesophagus.
Eructations, relieving much
abdominal distension, in the evenings
when he has a hearty appetite.
306. Tremendous chest pain, as though a
heavy weight lay on the chest and
pressed down on it. Continued for
three days, with shortness of breath;
increased to an unbearable degree on
lowering the head when bending
307. In bed, must keep the arms as far
away from the chest as possible,
because otherwise they increase the
chest pain.
308. Chest pain, as though the lung were
torn away and something were
pressing it.
309. Stabbing pain in the chest,
independent of respiration.
310. On going to lift anything, sensation as
if everything in the chest were torn
311. Palpitations; (5
312. Stabbing pain in the right mammary
313. Constriction in the chest.
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
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314. Coughing with greenish
expectoration, almost like tissue;
especially in the morning on waking
and in the evening on retiring;
associated with nausea. Mucus
remains tenaciously on the chest; only
with difficulty can he cough some of
it up.
315. On coughing, pain the chest as if
something might be torn off.
extending from below sternum into
the throat. (7
316. Ulcerative pain in the chest, beneath
317. sternum.
318. On coughing, stabbing pains in the
319. Tensive pain in the nape of the neck
on waking, as if she had lain
awkwardly in bed.
320. Drawing pain in the nape of the neck,
extending to the shoulder, on waking.
321. Sticking pains in the nape of the neck
and on it pustules the size and shape
of lentils.
322. Boring pain and stiffness in the nape
of the neck; (6
and 7
323. Tearing pains in the nape of the neck.
324. Several pustules on the nape of the
neck, with stabbing pain.
325. Most violent pain in the nape of the
neck, but only indoors. Disappears
almost immediately in open air, and
returns immediately indoors.
326. If he rests his head on his hand,
sensation as if bodiless, as though he
could pass the hand right through the
neck; (Lasted a whole afternoon).
327. stabbing and tearing pain in and
between the shoulderblades,
extending down to the sides, like
rheumatic pain; (6
and 7
328. Tearing pain in the shoulderblade; (5
329. Stabbing pains between the shoulders,
in the morning.
330. Back pain, as though the third
vertebra up were missing or broken;
(Violent and lasted 8 days).
331. Tearing pain in the left shoulder;
afternoons and evenings when at rest.
332. Tremendous back-pain.
333. Back-pain; a kind of stabbing
334. Lame, beaten feeling in the back; he
cannot hold himself upright; (1
335. Between the 2
and 3
vertebrae a
dull, pressive pain; (1
336. Boring pains in the vertebrae. (6
337. Stabbing pains in the lumbar region,
extending as far as the knee; (7
338. Pains in the small of the back.
339. Sensation of weakness in the small of
the back.
340. Pressive sensation in the small of the
341. with itching; (7
342. Tightness in the bones of buttocks,
extending to the knee, when walking.
343. Cramping pain in the bones of the
whole left arm; evenings when
344. Unusual roughness of wrists,
extending to the proximal
interphalangeal joints of the finger;
(Lasted 5 days).
345. In the morning on rising. stabbing
pain on the right ankle.
346. As above, as if from a sprained
347. Tearing pain in the left knee and the
left shoulder
348. The leg on which he lies in bed is as
if too weak to bear the pressure of the
other. Has to keep changing his
position, until he falls asleep over it
(Lasted 6 days).
349. Gouty pains in the whole left foot.
350. Tendency to walk with the left foot
turned inwards, with a feeling as if it
had actually ben sprained, so that he
must actually look down to convince
himself that it is not so; (lasted 3
351. Easy exhaustion from slight exertion.
352. Extreme exhaustion after driving.
353. torn feeling in the right elbow; (1
354. Tearing pains in the elbow.
355. Itching in the left arm.
356. Itching in the right elbow.
357. Pricking/stabbing at intervals in left
358. Itching in the biceps of the right arm.
359. Tearing in the arm.
360. Pricking in the left index finger.
361. Sweat on the palms of the hands.
362. Itching in the right wrist; red patches
form, like flea bites, which itch and
soon fade.
363. Weakness in all the joints, as if they
would collapse.
364. The pains in the feet are aggravated at
rest, like wise the itching.
365. Yawning for the first hour; shivering,
with a pale blue rash, with tearing and
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
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cramping pains in the umbilical
regions; (7
day, around noon).
366. Feels very tired; liable to fall over.
367. She is at her best lying down.
368. work-sky.
369. Much yawning in the middle of the
day and the evening.
370. For several days felt sleepy early.
371. He dreams of his occupations and
372. Anxious dreams of robbers, journeys
and dangers.
373. restless unrefreshing sleep.
374. Frequent yawning in the evenings.
375. Tiredness and lassitude towards
evenings; relieved as she got into bed.
376. Very restless, serious dreams.
377. Frequent yawning and early
sleepiness in the evening.
378. Always very sleepy.
379. He dreamt that he was sitting on the
toilet, and very nearly did it in the
bed; (5
380. Slept very restlessly, several nights.
381. Very tense on going to sleep.
382. Very sleepy in the daytime; (6
383. Unusually sound sleep at night.
384. Whenever she sits down, she falls
385. Very restless sleep on account of
disturbing dreams.
386. Cannot get to sleep in the evenings;
(Lasted 5 weeks).
387. Very restless but refreshing sleep.
388. Many dreams, very much liked up
and recallable. In the morning the
body is in th same position as on
going to sleep the evening before;
(Curative result).
389. Cannot sleep on the right side as
accustomed, but can sleep on the left;
(Lasted 10 days).
390. Frequent cold shivers, especially in
the evening, with flushes of heat,
great exhaustion, feebleness and
391. Stretching and turning fo the limbs,
without thirst or other complaints.
392. Copious sweat on walking.
393. Internal shuddering in the afternoon,
with cold shivers externally.
394. Around midday internal coldness,
with cold shivers.
395. Sweat o the face and palms of the
396. Frequent sensations of the coldness
during the day-time.
397. Frequent sensations of the coldness
during the day-time.
398. When the sun shone on her, it seemed
as though it were oppressing her. She
had to rest for sometime in the shade
before she could walk any further; (4
399. Great heat in the evening; it was as
though she were going out of her
mind phantasizing, with great
thirst–followed by sweating in the
night; then it all stopped.
400. At table and in the evening, very
frequently flushes of heat over the
whole body, with dripping sweat on
the face, while others were
complaining of the cold. Frequent
thirst, dryness and burning in the
401. Chillness lasting several days.
402. Heat and sweating in the evening
while driving ; (6
403. Cold shivers on the skin.
404. Heat in the afternoon.
405. Headache.
406. Thirst, coldness, dryness in the mouth
and on the lips, lasting 4 days.
407. Hot, sweating and thirsty in both cold
and hot weather.
408. Headache, coldness, dry mouth and
409. Frequent cold sensation on the skin
during the day; (6
409a. Much sweating on palms of hands at
409b. Unaccustomed anxiety while
driving; (1
410. Anxiety-state with palpitations.
411. Trembling of hands and feet; (4
412. Trembling of the hands; (6
413. Trembling of the feet.
414. Anxiety, like fearful premonitions,
with great restlessness and trembling
of the hands.
415. Hot shivers through the whole body
when under pressure of work.
416. Cheerful, in a good mood, eagerness
and zest for work; (2
417. Irritable, cross and jumpy in the
418. So sad that she could destroy herself,
then flamboyant extraversion.
419. Irritability and weepiness.
420. sometimes very miserable, at other
times very merry.
421. Very gloomy, sad, despairing; wishes
to take his own life when at his most
422. Very worked-up; angry at everything.
423. Despondent; very sad.
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
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424. Merry, cheerful, pleased with life; (6
425. Optimistic about the future.
426. Oppression of spirit.
427. Very sentimental.
428. Very irritable.
429. Very merry and cheerful.
430. Very violent in the morning.
431. Everything makes her angry.
432. Very violent, liable to outbursts of
temper, always thinking of dying;
suddenly very merry, just as suddenly
very sad; strongly alternating moods
during same day.
433. Very irritable when he has to
converse a lot.
434. Every moral impression affects her so
strongly that she trembles all over.
435. Gloomy in spirit and lacking in
436. Gloomy thoughts; he believes he is
going bankrupt.
437. Persistent thoughts of which he
cannot rid himself; they recur in
dreams at night; (Lasted 3 days).
438. Great aversion to being driven
anywhere lasted four weeks then
suddenly a desire for it which cannot
be satisfied quickly enough, even in
bad weather.
Introduction : This article has been created
over three years and in that time I have refined my
original ideas so that I feel can now write with
greater certainity. I have moved repeatedly between
observation, practice and theoretical considerations,
in oreder to test and re-test the original ideas. I
have also spent a lot of time collecting fresh data.
I felt the need to do this because there are
many original observations about Psorinum, in this
article. It is not just a modern restatement of
HAHNEMANN’s work. The ideas presented here
form part of a much larger work on the Psora
theory and the history of disease which shows no
sign of being finished at the moment. So these
notes are mainly about Psorinum as a remedy in
homeopathy and the major indications for its use.
Inevitably, we must also consider some aspects of
HAHNEMANN’s controversial Psora theory,
though I have tried to keep this brief.
Psorinum has become the single most
interesting and important tremedy in the Materia
Medica. One reason for this interest is personal, I
myself had scabis in 1971, along with 5 other
members of my family. Since then I have watched
with fascination, not only the unfolding of myriad
illnesses and symptoms within the members of the
family and their offspring, but I have also seen the
profound and curative effects of Psorinum as a
Psorinum is a very full remedy, with a very
large symptomatology, much larger thean is
indicated in any Materia Medica. It could prove to
be as vast as to include all the antisporic medicines
with in its “sphere of action”.
It is the Alladin’s Cave and the Pandora’s Box
of homeopathy, as it contains and can release both
wonder and demons !
Psorinum appears to be a cure-all or panacea
(more on this later). It broadly covers and includes
Sulpur, Zincum, Natrum muriaticum,
Petroleum and Graphites and to a lesser extent
Sepia, Arsenicum album, Phosphorous,
Argentum nitricum, Calcarea carbonica, Silica
and Lycopodium. All these remedies are “big
stars” n their own right, but I feel that they are
better seen as merely a part of the Constellation
sorinum, for that seems to be their natural habitat.
In other words, Psorinum is a vast remedy, that
embraces all the above remedies.
In general, cases with a strong indication for
one of the above remedies will almost certainly
lead into Psorinum eventually.
Such cases are moving towards Psorinum, because
the underlying driving force of the case is Psora. A
case begins to unravel under the influence of our
rremedies. It unravels in the general direction of the
original cause, be it Sycosis, Syphilis or Psora.
Thus strongly Psoric cases unravel towards
Psorinum and it is sensible to accept this fact and
be guided by it.
While there have always been some theoretical
objectives to confusing the remedy with the miasm
(see ALLEN and DUDGEON), these are of more
inerest to pedants than to practitioners of
homeopathy ! Theory that cannot be substantiated
in fact, is always inferior to fact tht can be
substantiated, no matter how peculiar or heretical
the latter may seen to be, and no matter how
attractive and intellectually satisfying the theory. It
is all too easy to be deceived into. what Russell
called “intellectual rubbish”! Reading DUDGEON
should ensure that this point is clearly understood.
The truth of the Psora theory, comes not from
grandiose reasoning, but through accurate
observation of cases.
The tree main features of Psorinum are
offensiveness, itchiness and inveterate states. Thes
three run through all of its conditions. There is
nearly always itchiness and offensiveness, often
combined with a torpid lack of reaction. This lack
of reaction is often deep-seated and insidious. In
the worst cases it is slumbering lack of symptoms
which fails to manifest itself at all: a dormant or
quiescent sora (Physical and mental torpor?).
Sulphur, of course, is sufficiently close to
The Homeopath
Vol. 6, No. 4
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
Psorinum to bring about a shift and dislodge the
blockage of many cases. But Psorinum itself is
even better. Psorinum unjams jammed-up cases
because it is a feature of the miasm. Sulphur does
the same because it is the leading antipsoric
remedy after Psorinum. In torpid cases, one of the
first and centrifugal effects of taking Psorinum is
the return of itchiness of the skin, and of taking
Psorinum is the return of itchiness of the skin, an
dthis, as KSNT among others, noticed is always a
good sign.
The Drug Picture.
The main features of Psorinum are :
1. Inveterate conditions in general
(never get well).
2. Inveterate dirtiness and offensiveness
– mouth, sweat, axillae, genitals, flatus,
stools, eruptions, feet, etc.
3. Lack of reaction (sensitivity) to
remedies, to diseases, to weather, to low
potencies, to anything (torpor).
4. Itchiness of the skin especillay in
folds and where the skin is thin, for
example : behind ears, behind knees, in
fold of elbow, folds of neck, wrists,
axillae, groin, genitals, between toes,
between fingers, around and in th navel,
around anus and perineum, on face, along
the jawline, in whiskers and around
mouth. Itchiness made worse by wool,
abrasion of clothes, heat, hot bath, het of
bed, undressing, (NB. the above
symptoms also apply to scabies itself).
5. Skin cented case and complaints ––
psoriasis, eczema, impetigo, acne,
blackheads, herpes, warts, itchiness, dry
crusts or watery oozing, scabs, scales,
cracks, desquamtion, etc. Generally
itching intensely at times and in place
indicated above. At first relieved and later
aggravated by scratching.
6. A history of skin conditions (see 5) in
certain places (see 4) in parents,
grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc.
7. Hard and uncomfortable nasal crusts
and scabs form high up in the nostrils,
difficult to detach and re-form after doing
so. Leads to chronic nose-picking.
8. Fungal infections – oral and genital
candida (thrush), ring-worm (of scalp,
hands, legs, etc), anthelete’s foot,
recurrent attacks that are temporarily
improved by Sulphur, Lycopodium or
9. Parasitic infestations –– pinworms,
nits, fleas, headlice, crabs. Recurrent
attacks, especially among children.
10. Allergic reactions of all kinds
asthma, hayfever, skin, nose and eye
reactions to pollens, dust, feathers, certain
foods, detergents, oils, chemicals, etc.
11. Reactions to vaccinations and
immunizations, giving rise to chronic
nasal catarrh (mucus clear or green),
asthma, bronchial colds, frequent colds,
chronic coughs, and more serious
conditions, for example : brain damage.
12. A hose of infant and childhood
complaints, especially as listed above (See
5, 8, 9 an d10) in places indicated (see 4,
5). Theses also include nappy-rash, nasal
catarrh, painful teething, susceptibility to
colds of flue, night terrors, sleeplessness
in infants, petulant behaviour, waxiness,
crustiness and offensiveness of the ears
including discharges (otorrhoea), measles
German measles, chicken pox, heat rash.
13. Haemorrhoids, Varicosities, ulcers
and chilblains of extremities – ankles, feet,
toes, fingers, legs all itching and painful
inflamed to some degree, worse for cold,
heat, undressing, scratching.
14. Non-sycotic (that is most forms of )
asthma, bronchial catarrh, bronchitis,
shortness of breath, incipient tuberculosis.
15. Offensively sweaty feet, hands and
axillae of an inveterate nature, often
associated with fungal infection (tinea
16. Dandruff, greasy hair, itching of
scalp, greasy and dirty skin (face, hands,
chest, back). Desires to wash them
frequently. especially hands.
17. The patient will not improve while
drinking coffee or remedies seem to be
antidote by coffee.
18. Well indicated remedies fail to act, or
act for a time and then abort and fail
thereafter. Needs remedies too frequently.
Needs high potencies to achieve an effect.
Needs the highest potencies too frequently
(e.g. weekly or even daily).
19. Frequent indications for Sulphur,
Petroieum, Zincum, Graphites, Natrum
muriaticum, Lycopodium, Arsenicum
album, Phosphorous, Argentum
nitricum, Calcarea carbonica, Sepia or
silica which improve for a time and then
20. A history within a family of any or
several of the above symptoms (esp. 4, 5,
8, 9, 10, 13 & 15) strongly indicates a
Psoric state and thus the certain indication
of Psorinum at some time in their
treatment, most probably towards the end
of it.
21. Seasonal conditions, that appear in
one season only for example : the spring,
summer or winter (less so autum), worst
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
for warmth, cold, warmth of bed,
undressing, standing, hot baths,
scratching. Better for quiet, rest, lying
down, Often feels unusually well the day
before an aggravation.
I have observed all the above symptoms and
conditions in a variety of people who have had
scabies or whose parents have had the disease. This
particularly includes myself, my mother, my wife
(and her family ) and our two children. An
increasing number of the symptoms have also been
confirmed in practice. The rest of the Psorinum
picture can be found in the standard Materia
The mass of evidence out of which this article
grew is too large to include but will be part of a
larger work.
None of these features require much further
amplification. They are all self-evident, bare
features of the remedy and the underlying Psoric
state. Clearly, for use in practice they should be
though about carefully so as to become thoroughly
If psora does over 85% of all human illness
and Psorinum is the major antipsoric medicine,
then we need a clearer picture of Psorinum than is
presented in most Materia Medica. The material
presented here is an effort in that direction. Much
of this material is either unavailable elsewhere or it
is present in a garbled, underemphasized or
misleading form. KENT’s Repertory is also
deficient for Psorinum.
Other Symptoms :
There is also a host of other symptoms, some
minor and others as yet only partly substantiated.
which I include for the sake of completeness. These
1. Shyness, timidity, melancholy,
introverted, anxious, irritable, depressed.
2. Great overreaction to slights, angers
easily, becomes abusive and violent.
3. Excessive tiredness.
4. Insomnia, sleeplessness, wakes too
early and cannot sleep again due to
activity of mind, heat, sweat, itching, or
5. Hair tangles, becomes brittle, sticks
together easily becomes dry and white.
Split ends of the hair (recurrent or
6. Ophthalmia, photophobia, glaucoma.
7. Lip herpes.
8. Bleeding of the gums, while cleaning
teeth. Recession of gums from the roots of
the teeth, especially lower incisors,
Accumulation of tarter on inner side and
between lower incisors. Furriness of the
tongue, esp. at base.
9. Nausea, after eating, smell of food,
smell of tobacco smoke, in pregnancy, in
mornings. Acid dyspepsia, buring in
stomach after certain foods.
10. Offensive diarrhea, alternating with
constipation. Difficult stool, must wait,
partial, inco,plete, must return to several
times. Hot sulphurous (highly offensive)
11. Urinary disorders––polyps, cystitis
12. Uterine, menstrual and childbirth
disorders; for example : delayed opening
of the cervix, weak labour.
13. Impotence.
14. Coronary thrombosis and strokes.
15. Tuberculosis.
16. Arthritis, aching, swollen joints,
cracking or snapping of joints of ankle,
fingers, jaw, also toes, shoulders, knees,
17. Viral infections in general seem to
rest on a Psoric base; for example : colds
and flue. Cancer.
18. Great sensitivity to cold weather,
draughts, especially hands, fingers, toes
and head, must wrap up.
These lists cover nearly all modern illness.
HAHNEMANN said that Psora covers 85% of all
human illness : I would go further and say 95%.
HAHNEMANN also said that Psora is a hydra-
headed miasm that grows out into numerous and
diverse forms, which has also been illustrated in
these lists.
Finally, there is a good deal of overlap with
what HAHNEMANN includes in his list
“symptoms of Latent Psora”. It is not that I have
copied HAHNEMANN but that there is overlap of
observations. I originally observed similar
symptoms and then use HAHNEMANN’s lists as
the basis of further observations. I have checked
and confirmed only a small portion of
HAHNEMANN’s lists. Although many of the
above conditions and symptoms may be relieved by
conventional homeopathic treatment, often for
several years, eventually the usual constitutional
remedies will come fail and the patient will move
towards graver conditions as the need for
Psorinum increases. It is at this point that the
remarkable and truly unique power of Psorinum
manifests, being able to turn back the seemingly
inexorable tide of grave illness even at the eleventh
hour. This appears to be an aspect of Psorinum
that HAHNEMANN did not have the necessary
time to discover.
The Psoric Miasm
The relationship between Psora and Psorinum
has an interesting and not untroubled history. As
many homeopaths will be aware, the debate raged
in the last century over the relative truth or
absurdity of HAHNEMANN’s Psora theory. As a
result, within homeopathy, two divergent schools
of thought ware formed : firstly the cynical and
Year 1991, Vol.VIII
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
critical disbelievers who though HAHNEMANN
had finally lost his marbles ! And secondly the
gullible sycophants who lapped up every word the
“Master” uttered. Between these two extremes
there was little room for careful or rational
conjecture. I feel that this situation was to some
extent a product of HAHNEMANN’s obsessive
and paranoid attitude to any form of even mildly
critical suggestion. It is well known that he
demanded total devotion from his closest
colleagues, he often formed theories on scant
evidence and he was unnecessarily angry and
impatient with other medical theorists and
practitioners of the day. These attitudes are still
common in medicine and were also present to some
extent in KENT.
It is quite possible that now, a century and a
half later, similar emotional reactions will reappear
to a new airing of the Psora Theory. Yet I am
happy to brave the storm of derision, should there
be one. perhaps people do not believe the Psora
Theory because of their poor powers of observation
of cases, symptoms and connections, often over
very long periods of time One also needs
considerable thinking time available in order to
deeply ponder the available data. It took
HAHNEMANN 12 years of the most meticulous
observation to formulate his Psora Theory. 12 years
in which he was a very busy man, by no means
wealthy and father of a large and nomadic family.
Perhaps that venom he reserved for his critics was
due to his conviction of the unique and precious
nature of his arcane” discoveries. He viewed
homeopathy as his brainchild, his precious
discovery and his gift to ailing humanity, and he
viewed himself as its sole guardian and patriarch.
I feel that he was right about Psora and in
particular the following now modified premises :
1. That the itch or scabies does
produce a deep-seated and
“congenital” miasm, that is, an inner
predisposition dormant or active and
able to produce clearly recognizable
and predictable symptoms and
complaints in the individual and her
or his offspring or perpetuity.
2. That the history of al human
illness is traceable to skin diseases in
3. That all skin diseases are
traceable to scabies in self or
4. That possibly plague and
certainly lepr