© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. IX, 1992
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals
published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc.,
discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original
articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by
this compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1. QHD, Vol. IX, 1, 1992 3
2. QHD, Vol. IX, 2, 1992 55
3. QHD, Vol. IX, 3, 1992 88
4. QHD, Vol. IX, 4, 1992 147
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1.QHD, Vol IX, 1, 1992
VOL.IX No.1, MARCH 1992
Dear Reader,
The Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest (QHD) has completed eight years and has, with this issue,
entered into the ninth.
2. As you know the QHD is a one-man venture; it is only for Private circulation within a limited
number. The number of members of QHD has been around 100 only all these years. What I had in
mind when I began this venture was to have a small but discerning readership who would inter-act.
The number has been ‘small’, but the ideal of inter-action’ has been totally wanting.
3. The QHD has been putting out a ‘Current Literature Listing’. This ‘listing’ contains the titles
and authors of articles, from the more important literature in Homoeopathy from all over the world, to
the extent that they are available to me. This list is drawn subject wise. Thus the readers have a window
through which they can look into the homoeopathic world.
4. From this year I have improved this listing’ i.e. it will not just ‘list but an abstract or summary
or a ‘brief’ of what that article is about will be given. This would help those interested in ‘research’.
5. In this ‘list’ I will include from this year the more important Indian Journals also. The ‘list’ will
not, obviously, contain ‘reprints’ of old articles.
6. The Part II of the QHD would continue to carry full or condensed articles as far as possible
7. I have also proposed to include a Part III which would contain selected original articles/Case
Reports, from Readers. I WELCOME CASE REPORTS. This is one way of interaction. The Case
Reports and articles should be ORIGINAL and not just run-of-the mill type.
8. Lastly: Foreign Journals have now become prohibitively costly. Stationery etc., and allround
costs have also gone up. It is therefore against heavy odds that the QHD is being produced. The sole
interest is – improving oneself in homoeo-therapeutics. Some feel that the print is too small and strains
eyes. The print is deliberately kept small so as to accommodate maximum reading material. If larger
print is made the number of pages. printing costs, postage, etc., would go higher in which care the so-
called ‘subscription’ will have to be hiked or the reading matter reduced. I do not want to do either.
This issue carries an Index to QHD 1991. A glance would reveal the wealth of material the last
volume contained.
Fraternal Greetings,
Yours sincerely,
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
A list of current homoeopathic literature, subject wise, is given below:
1. Observations on paragraph 143
-GHPSER,K.H. (ZKH,35, 1991)
Praragraph 142 of the Organon VI Edition says
that recognizing some symptoms which arise
after administering a homoeopathic medicine
from the symptoms of the disease, especially a
chronic disease for which that particular
medicine was given, is higher art of judgement
and left only to masters in observation.
However, even if not reckoned as ‘masters’,
there have been here and there opportunities to
observe in practice symptoms of the medicine
during the course of treatment. The author
narrates instances to corroborate his above-
cited statement; even the millesimal potencies
which HAHNEMANN called the ‘mildest’
have been able to bring out symptoms.
The old provers were very observant. We too
may ponder how to distinguish between the
side effects of the allopathic drugs and the
symptoms arising out of a homoeopathic
remedy during the course of its curative action.
2. HAHNEMANN and HEGEL or the
medicament is the disease picture
-BOTTNER, S. (ZKH,35, 3,5/1992)
This very interesting essay is in three parts.
Part I ‘Homoeopathy as an alternative therapy
concept’, Part II HAHNEMANN’s ideas on
the healing process and the structure of the
Law of Similars’ and Part III ‘The Law of
Similars in the light of HEGEL’s Natural
The author attempts to give an interpretation of
Homoeopathy of HAHNEMANN (1755-1843)
in the light of the Natural Philosophy of
HEGEL (1770-1831).
HAHNEMANN’s concept of Life and his
ideas of healing are translated unto HEGEL’s
terms thus overcoming the insufficiencies in
HAHNEMANN’s plan with the help of
HEGEL’s. The crux of the problem is the
question; Why does the “Homoion” heal?
The author demonstrates with the aid of
HEGEL’s concepts that the homoeopathic
medicine may be understood as the “truth” of
the disease. The homoeopathic medicine heals
because it describes to the sick organism its
disease in an outward, similar object.
Only the idea that Homoeopathy is a
descriptive therapy makes HAHNEMANN’s
attempts conceptually consistent.
3. Ideas about potency in Homoeopathy
- ALBIN, Steve (Similimum, 3, 4/1990)
Discusses potency choice in prescribing. Some
of the considerations involved are:
1. The nature of the disease being treated.
2. The intensity of the symptoms of the patient.
3. The clarity of the symptom pattern.
4. The sensitivity of the patient.
5. More caution should be used with patients
with multiple miasms.
6. The intent of the prescription
7. Atidoting factors.
8. Nosodes tend to work better when given in
higher potencies.
4. Critical observations on the miasms
Year 1992, Vol.IX
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-WOUTERS, Maarten- Part 2
5. The Iayers theory-interview with Rajan
ASNKARAN (NTKH, 2,2/1991)
In December 1989 Dr.Rajan ASNKARAN
held a Seminar in Netherlands. This interview
was over the Layers theory of George
explains ‘Delusions’.
6. Supperssions
-DEMANGEAT, George (CGH,28,2/1991)
7. The hahnemannian concept of vital force
-DEMANGEAT,Georges (CGH,28,2/1991)
1. An interesting case-Thuja
-SCHÜTTE, M. (AHZ, 236, 1/1991)
Male 35 years. Some of the leading
indications: imagines that he is double; that he
is divided; that persons by him and who do
what he does; agg. from onion and fat; as if his
legs were made of glass. Thuja 30x; 200x and
then 10M.
After the last dose an eczema developed on the
2. Homoeo-quiz
-H.V.MǛLLER (AHZ, 236, 1/1991)
Solution to Homoeo-quiz in AHZ, 6/ 1990)
-SCHÜTTY, Marta (AHZ,236, 1/1991)
3. Scilla maritime
-SERET, M. (AHZ,236, 1/1991)
Scilla maritime was recognized well as a
medicine in olden days for Hydropsy,Epilepsy,
severe coughs, nausea; also against bites of
Viper. In the 18
century it was used as a
diuretic and heart tonic. At the end of a severe
cough sneezing and involuntary urination
(HERING). The main symptoms are in mucous
membranes, urinary passages, heart and
spleen. High fever may be accompaniment.
Movement agg., rest amel.
Case: 68 years old female; Cough, since quite
some days; intense stiches in the region of
larynx which caused cough. The cough was
agonizing-agg. mornings and in the latter half
of night; dry; Concomitants: Iachrymation and
watery, irritating nasal discharge. The
peculiarity was that after every fifth cough
sneezing followed; cold drinks amel., while
warm agg., (Cahiers du groupement
Hahnemannien, 27, 7/1990)
4. Eczema-Manganum aceticum
-ILLING, K.H.(ZKH,35,1/1991)
On the indication of aggravation by
perspiration, two women patients 55years and
85 years of age with eczema and pruritis
senilis respectively, were cured with
Manganum aceticum. In both cases a single
dose of 30 potency was given.
5. A peculiar symptom “Violent cough with
spasmodic jerking of head forward and knees
upward” led to the prescription of Theridion
curassavicum to a nine year old boy.
6. Rue even for Ruth………
-HOTTON, Donald (Homoeopathy Today, 11,
A small case by a ‘lay’ homoeopath. The little
finger and ring finger were collapsed,
immobile, her thumb was stiff, wrist painful
just above the pulse, since 6 months. Her
doctor prescribed a $9000 operation. Ruta 6x
restored completely, rapidy in about 10 days.
7. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura and Phosphorus-
Case report
-P.N. PAI (Similie, 1,1/1991, a supplement to
BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
Boys aged 12 and 8, both with Henoch-
Schontein Purpura were successfully treated
with Phosphorus. In the first case the disease
was of over 6 months duration and had been on
conventional treatment and Phosphorus 30 was
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
given b.d. for a week and in the second it was
only of 16 days duration and Phosphrous 200
was given for two weeks!
8. Case of Lyssin in a ten year old girl
Cases presented in the Small Remedies
Seminar in Hechtel, Belgium, February 5-9,
The patient was a 10 year old girl with many
fears. Fear of being alone, fear of dogs, fear of
narrow places. Her mother had been bitten by a
dog when she was 6 years of age. The patient
had a younger sister who too was afraid of
being alone and who was also given Lyssin
200 and reacted beautifully. Perhaps a Lyssin
layer was grafted on to the children via their
mother, who was improving nicty on Lac
9. Conium in a case of Multiple Sclerosis
–– JOHNSTON, Linda. (JAIH, 83, 1/1991)
32 year old woman with Multiple Sclerosis.
Symptoms; Fatigue, mental dullness, visual
blurring (right eye), joint pain (agg. after
exposure to cold), weakness of legs and knees,
neurological symptoms and sensations. (acute
hearing, difficulty swallowing water, urinary
hesitancy in the morning, awareness of the
blood flowing through her) sexual thoughts all
the time. Conium repeated after 4 moths cured.
10. Product review R.A..D.A.R. version 3.2
––MESIELLO, Domenick J. (JAIH, 83,
1 & 2/1990)
11. Case (1) Ranunculus bulbosus in a 68 year
old man; (2) Selenium in a 49 year old man;
and (3) Anacardium in a 33 year old woman.
Case 1: Severe pain in the right lower
chest near the abdomen; stitching, agg.
coughing, agg. deep respiration, amel, lying on
the painful side or pressing on the painful spot.
Bryonia and Kali carbonicum were given but
no amel.
GENERALITIES, Pain, Small spots;
CHEST, Pain, stitching;
CHEST, Pain, Stitching, deep respiration
Prescription: Ranunculus bulbosus
Case 2: Tremendous fatigue and severe joint
pains worse after sleeping. Had suffered severe
influenza followed by kidney infection with
high fevers; while in the hospital he became
septic, went into a shock; was given i.v.
antibiotics. Subsequently felt so tired and worn
out and he described himself as an old man”.
Warm weather extremely debilitating, pains
between scapulae involving the cervical;
“stitching” pains, Pains agg. after sleep; agg.
after coition. Bald.
GENERALITIES, Weakness, following
prolonged fever
from heat
from heat of summer
from slight exertion
after coition
Sleep, after agg.
Sun, agg.
HEAD, Hair falling
Prescription: Selenium
Case 3: Married woman with 2 children;
depression, diminished libido and ear pain’
depression after each child birth. The
depression after the second child birth was
persistent. Thoughts of jumping out of a
window; concentration difficult; very irritable
with her children, decision making difficult;
would doubt about her decision; even thinking
about when and how to clear her house had
become a major issue. Whatever was
happening she wanted it to be different. In 10
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
years of married life she had fallen in love with
as many as 10 different men. Didn’t know if
she wanted to remain with her husband or
some other man. As if there were two
conflicting wills in her. She had very low self
esteem. In every situation she felt inert. Her
father was harsh and domineering. During
teens she liked to dress like a hippie and a
punk but dressed very conservatively for her
parents. Parents wanted her to dress nicely and
to speak well but she enjoyed using swear
words and curse. Felt time was short. She
would start reading an article and leave it and
begin another. For about a year she felt that
there was a foreign body in her ear “like a
plug”. At
Prescription: Anacardium orientale
12. Homoeopathy and computers.
––MESIELLO, Domenick J. (JAIH, 83,
13. Sewer gas-a 20the century obstacle to cure.
––ROULEAU, Patricia, (JAIH, 83,
James tyler KENT has already mentioned
sewer gas toxins. (Lecture V. Lectures on
Homoeopathic Philosophy)
References to sewer gas in BOERICKE’s
p. 794 ABDOMEN, Diarrhoea, cause
occurrence from noxious effluvia.
p. 957 Charcoal fumes, illuminating gas, ill
p. 959 Ptomaine poisoning. Sewer gas or
noxious effluvia, ill effects.
KENT’s Repertory:
p. 611 RECTUM, Diarrhoea, bad drainage
p. 612 RECTUM, Diarrhoea, effluvia, noxious,
p. 1270 CHILL, Sewer gas
p. 1348 Coal gas, from
E.B. NASH refers to Sewer gas in his leaders,
on Pyrogen. CLARKE refers to sewer gas in
his Materia medica on Am.c., Bapt., Bov.,
Crot-h., Kreos., Op., Phyt., Pyrog., Sulph-
The first two cases of acute exposure to sewer
gas presented typical picture of Baptisia. The
third case is typical of long term effects of
chronic exposure.
Case 1: Male, 38 years, Chief complaint:
unable to concentrate for the last 24 hours.
Head feels full and in spite of great effort he
cannot concentrate. Thoughts cloudy; whole
body aches; feels exhausted. He noticed that
his face looked dark red and somewhat
Prescription: Baptisia 200 cured in 24 hours.
Case 2: Male 9 years. Chief complaint: sore
throat, headache and stomach ache. He asked
the same question again and again and couldn’t
remember the answer. Felt has an extra toe’
coming out of the side of each foot. They
annoy him and he would like to get rid of
them. Fever 100ºF. Moans from ache. He spent
the last two days in a house with a ‘bad smell’.
In that house that commodes were loose and
the drains had all been dry.
Prescription: Baptisia 30 Repeated next day. In
3 days all symptoms had gone.
Case 3: Female 55 years. Chief complaint:
fatigue, depression, nausea, abdominal cramps,
heaviness and numbness of the right leg which
felt as if it dragged. Concentration difficult.
These symptoms began after moving into a
newly built home. Sewer gas leek was
repaired; Nux vomica 30 cured.
Case 4: Dog 61/2 years. This dog lived in the
same home as the above patient (Case 3). She
became listless; pace slowed while walking
and she could no longer jump onto chairs.
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
Unable to control her front and back on the
rightside. Unable to place her front paw where
she intended. Right side of her face was tightly
drawn back. This dog was described as very
shy and sensitive, very aware of the moods of
people. She slept in the room where the broken
sewer pipe was located.
Prescription: Causticum 200, several times
during the year. Became energetic and able to
jump onto chairs and go for walks. A slight
tension was still there on the right side of her
Sewer gas can be a toxic concomitant of
indoor air. Sewer gases, Methane and
Hydrogen sulphide are produced in waste
disposal systems. Hydrogen sulphide is a toxic
asphyxiant and even low concentrations are
harmful. Odors are not always reliable
indicators of the presence of sewer gas. There
may or may not be a “sewer smell” or a “rotten
egg smell”. Feeling worse inside the home and
better in the open could indicate a problem
with the quality of indoor air.
14. Folliculinum: Mist or Miasm?
––ASSILEM, Melissa (The Homoeopath, 11,
Folliculinum is made from Oestrone, a
synthetic form of oestrogen. The source we are
using today comes from Dr. D.M.
FOUBISTER. Although there have been no
organized provings, millions of women have
been proving it since the discovery of the
synthetic hormone in the 1940s.
The author has used it in both boys and girls,
in their teenage years, drained, slow, unable to
identify with their selfhood.
‘Inherited disorders’ due to the Pill and
Diesthylstilbestrol (DES) have been discussed
which include chromosomal disorders, vaginal
Folliculinum is a remedy which expresses so
much of what is out of order in our world
today. With the interference of man into
woman’s rhythm began this bad health of
women. The ‘hormones’ discovered were
found to interfere and control the fecundity and
the very delicate and complex pattern between
pituitary, ovary, hypothalamus and uterus is
deceived and jangled.
The Pill’ which came 30 years ago makes the
woman sexually accessible at all times and
without fear of fertilization, in fact it often
ends the periods altogether. When therefore
not fertile enough, hormones in the form of
fertility drugs are given to produce more eggs;
thus babies are injected with hormones before
they come into the world. Abortion by
hormone pills; the horrible adverse effects of
all these and now hormone replacement
therapy! Hormones are given to animals to
fatten them and female animals are regulated.
Hormones are used in pesticides to spray the
grains and vegetables. The tyranny of hormone
abuse is complete and the rise in cancer of the
reproductive systems of young women is a
sign of what is to come more. Thus the picture
of Folliculinum:
She feels she is controlled by another
She is out of sorts with her rhythm
She is living out someone else’s
She feels she is being fed off emotionally
or psychologically
She loses her will
She over estimates her energy reserves
She is full of self-denial
She becomes a rescuer, addicted to
rescuing people
She becomes drained
She has become a doormat
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
She has forgotten who she is
She has no individuality
She loses sense of herself
She may totally lose herself in her
There is strong link with Carcinosin.
Folliculinum comes up over and over again in
cases where women have been abused
sexually, physically or psychically.
Specific symptoms:
All symptoms agg. ovulation to menses
All symptoms amel, menses, except
specific menstrual symptoms
Worse from heat, noise, touch, resting
Drawing, burning, gripping pains
Ovarian cysts
Polycystic ovaries.
There are many pre-menstrual symptoms,
menstrual problems, menopause symptoms,
clinical situations which have all been listed.
An enlightening study. (The complete article
would be published later in the QHD)
15. Prescribed drugs and the alternative
––GASCOIGNE, Stephen (The
Homoeopathy, 11, 1/1991)
The use of drugs and chemicals is widespread
in our society. There are large sections of the
population who rely on such agents to alter
their mental, emotional o physical state.
Most patients are taking drugs prescribed by
medical practitioners. Many are taking drugs
‘socially’. Cases are therefore complicated as
drugs alter symptoms and lead to deterioration
of health.
It is generally considered that the
responsibility for regaining health lost due to
drugs is that of the medical profession.
However, it is the medical profession which is
primarily responsible for the drugs taken.
Alternative practitioners have to take the
responsibility for health matters involving their
This article initiates discussion about the best
way to do this.
16. Vaccination and Sociopathy
––COULTER, Harris L. (The
Homoeopath, 11, 1/1991)
Harris COULTER and Barbora Lore FISHER
authored ‘DPT-A shot in the dark’ in 1985. In
1990 LIGA Congress, COULTER stated that
he believed that ‘Cot-death’ of infants (SIDS)
were caused by DPT and MMR vaccinations.
The US Congress was sufficiently impressed
by the ‘DPT-A shot in the dark’ to adopt the
National Vaccination Compensation Act in the
end of 1986. The compensation system has
already given several dozen awards for vaccine
damage; about half of them are for death from
vaccination (almost always classified by the
physician or coroner as ‘Sudden infant Death
of Unknown Origin”). Before this book was
written, the American medical authorities had
rejected the possibility that a baby could die
from vaccination. Now they are revising their
COULTER’s new book, ‘Vaccination, social
violence and criminality’ was motivated by the
awareness that since biological phenomena
occur along a spectrum, if childhood
vaccinations cause death and other disabilities
mentioned, they must also of necessity
provoke a host of milder’ disorders. This area
has never been investigated by the medical or
public health authorities.
This article states in brief the findings of these
17. AIDS in recent Literature
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 10
This is a ‘review article’ of Literature on AIDS
so far appeared. Homoeopathy does not figure
largely in any of these books which have come
the way of the author.
18. Two Bufo cases
(Simillimum, 3, 4/1990)
Two excellent cases of foster children treated
with Bufo, leading to physical and mental
19. A very painful cystitis
––BURKE, Jack (Simillimum, 3, 4/1990)
Mercurius corrosivus cured cystitis and
endometrial infection in a young lady.
20. A deep-acting Cantharis case
––FINE, Howard. (Simillimum, 3, 4/1990)
According to George VITHOULKAS in
Cantharis, the case revolves around sex and
dissatisfaction. In this case of interstitial
cystitis this appears to have been confirmed.
21. A case of non-bacterial Urethritis.
––TESSLER, Neil (Simillimum, 3, 4/1990)
Cactus grandiflorus cured a non-bacterial
urethritis of a 22 year old female. The
symptoms ‘clenching sensation of her uterus’
drew attention to Cactus grandiflorus.
22. Small remedy comes through
––IMMEL, Mark (Simillimum, 3, 4/1990)
A 29 year old male with a swelling in the left
axilla (a lymphy node’?); he also suffered
from anxiety, pain in the heart region, sudden
and lasting few seconds, extending to the left
axilla, left side of the neck and sometimes
down the arm to the fingers.
Latrodectus mactans 30 cured.
23. A case of acute bronchitis
––JAMISON, Scott (Simillimum, 3,
A Stannum metallicum case. The patient was a
3 year old boy, deal and unable to
communicate verbally. Observation by the
physician led to choose the remedy, Lesson: be
a careful observer.
24. Opium –In memorium of a great remedy
––SHILOH, Jana, (Simillimum, 3, 4/1990)
25. A case of lapses of consciousness
––TESSLER, Neil (Simillimum, 3, 4/1990)
A case of Nux moschata because of spaciness;
lapses of consciousness and drowsiness.
26. A case to make your day.
––ALBIN, Steve. (Simillimum, 3, 4/1990)
An ‘acute’ case of headache in a 8 year old girl
in which Glonoine was the remedy. At the
instant that the pellets touched her tongue the
crying and restlessness stopped. After 5
minutes she said the pain was much less. After
10 minutes she was sound asleep (this is a
common reaction in children to a correct
remedy). An hour later the mother and
daughter went to a carnival. The headache
didn’t return”.
27. A Case of Tuberculosis of the spine.
––BARNI, Stephano (Simillimum, 3,
A very interesting case of Silicea, in a 25 years
old young African.
28. The botanical relationship of the vegetable
remedies – Staphysagria
––CHINDEMI, Wayne (Simillimum, 3,
29. Staphysagria
––ELLMORE, Dutt (Simillimum, 3,
Psychological picture and essence based on
lectures of George VITHOULKAS and Roger
Confirming symptoms:
Remorse after anger, Worse after for
Anger suppressed easily
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
Can’t speak up or stand up for themselves
Accept blame for things. Feel guilt
Ailments after romatic griefs
Talk to themselves. Write poetry
Headaches frontal and occipital. Dullness
of mind with headache
Block of wood sensation in head
Recurrent styes, or history of styes
Urinary infections. Honeymoon cystitis.
Crava tobacco
High sexual desire
Masturbation (they don’t have to
masturbate to give Staph.)
30. Psoriasis after grief
––CHINDEMI, Wayne (Simillimum, 3,
A dose of Staphysagria 200 to a married
female of 33 years age for Psoriasis which
began after a ‘grief’ (a miscarriage), cured.
Calcarea carbonica M cleared the asthma that
31. A child’s world
––HERSCU, Paul. (Simillimum 3, 4/1990)
The author proposed a regular column on
In this article he details a 9 year old boy who
needed Medorrhinum. Repetition and follow-
up is also discussed.
32. Report on ANANDA ZAREN Seminar
––VAN DEN BORN (NTKH, 2, 2/1991)
This article gives an over-all picture of Kali
arsenicosum. It is a combination of Ananda
ZAREN’s study with differential diagnosis and
personal experiences (An extract of the rubrics
has already been given in the OQHD, 8,
33. A case of Anacardium orientale
––BREUKER, Bert (NTKH, 2, 2/1991)
A 11 year old boy with extreme fear of AIDS
and Cancer. The totality led to prescription of
Anacardium orientae 10M one dose which
cured rapidly.
34. The small remedies.
––ESMENJAUD (CGH, 28, 1/1991)
35. Homage to Dr. Georges DEMANGEAT
––Group Mercurius (CGH, 28, 1/1991)
1. Sanare necesse est.
––PETZINGER, K.v. (AHZ, 236, 1/1991)
The author shows the difference as to what is
meant by healing’ in Homoeopathy and the
Orthodox medicine and shows it with
examples of homoeopathic cure of Fever,
Hyperacidity, rhinitis, Pain and infectious
2. Local symptoms in the ENT practice
––FRIESE, K.H. (AHZ, 236, 1/1991)
It is possible to quickly find the homoeopathic
remedy by the local symptoms in ENT
Many of
these diseases considered as treatable only by
the Orthodox method can be treated more
quickly by Homoeopathy.
For quick work the author has laid down a rule
of thumb; upto 6x potency thrice a day, upto
12x, twice a day, 30x once a week, 200x one
single dose only 5 globules, 50 millesimal
potencies thrice day 3 globules before
The author has drawn a list of various
conditions and their medicines, both acute and
3. Homoeopathy in skin diseases.
––OSTERMAYR, B. (AHZ, 236, 1/1991)
Most of the skin diseases are the
impressions of inner ailments, and
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 12
constitutional remedies like Sulphur,
Arsenicum, Calcarea, Graphites, are called for
according to individuals. However, in practice,
special indications of some remedies are given:
Agaricus muscarius
Chronic ailment
from cold
Anagalis arvensis In eczeymas of hand,
finger and auditory
Apis mellifica Has localized
Berberis vulgaris Litic acid diathesis
Croton tiglium Shingles
Cantharis Main remedy in
reddening, blisters
and pustules on skin
and concomitantly
inflammation of
urinary system
Dolichos puriens General itching
and cold
Fagopyrum sagittatum
Eczema caused by
sun and such as from
venous obstruction
Jaborandi Hyperthidrosa
and senills
Petroleum Chronic eruptions,
rhagades, bleeding
fissures and agg.
from wet cold
Pix liquida Eczema of the back
of hand
Rhus toxicodendron Allergic skin
affections with
efflorescence and
clod and wet
(Natura-med. 4, 4 (1989) abstracted in AHZ,
236, 1/1991)
4. Pregnancy and mis-carryings
––HERSUC, Paul, (Homoeopathy Today,
11, 1/1991)
5. Confidence in Homoeopathy
(Homoeopathy Today, 11, 1/1991)
6. When to prescribe: a study of labor, or the
effect of Homoeopathy on the labor
––HERSUC, Paul, (Homoeopathy Today,
11, 1/1991)
For eruptions from Poison Ivy Lycopodium
was prescribed; Rhus toxicodendron given
produced contractions and helped deliver
quickly both on the basis of totality of
symptoms. “Every remedy that cures a
syndrome has certain main symptoms within
the condition. If these symptoms are NOT
present this ‘negativefinding raises a flag in
my mind and makes me examine the case more
closely. Perhaps the remedy is not called after
all. This is just one of many oriteria one may
use in analyzing a case”.
7. Lycopodium and Natrum muriaticum their
use in two cases of identical pathology from
hormonal imbalance – Case report
––C.K. ELIOT (Similie, 1, 1/1991 a
supplement to BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
8. Ranunculus scleratus in pemphigoid
–– P. BAILEY (Similie, 1. 1/1991 a
supplement to BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
In this case the patient’s (a 73 year old lady)
knee pain was very much improved through
Ranunculus scleratus 30 b.d. because of a
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 13
‘Pemphigus’. “Uncommon symptoms and
signs should be properly repertorised
ratherthan setting for familiar remedies which
fit the picture only very approximately and
which are thus less likely to act”.
9. HANP Lectures at 1990 HANP Convention
––SWOPE, Harry F. (Simillimum, 3,
The article highlights’ the lectures of Dr.
Michael TRAUB on hyperactive children and
Dr. Stephen MESSER on Acute Urinary Tract
10. Family dynamics and Homoeopathy
Nancy. (NTKH, 2, 2/1991)
The third part of a three part article on “Family
Dynamics Concept” developed by Roger
MORRISON and Nancy HERRICK which
deals with relationship within a family.
In this issue the situation occurs in a family
with a father who is remote, a mother who is
very sweet but weak emotionally and two
children, both boys. The dynamics in this
situation is very complicated, but can be
loosely described as a lugging triangle. The
oldest child feels jealous of the second child
and tries hard to regain the mother’s attention,
which is necessarily focused more often on the
younger child. After a while, the older child
discovers that he will at least receive some
attention from the mother if he behaves badly.
Before long, this acting-out behaviour will
become truly aggressive, especially, toward the
younger child. The older child becomes a
‘bully’ and the younger child becomes a
‘professional victim’. The mother reacts to this
situation by becoming more and more
depressed and withdrawn.
The elder ‘jealous’ boy with behavioural
disorders received Hyoscyamus and later
Anacardium orientale, the younger ‘victim’
brother, Staphysagria and the ‘depressed’
mother, Sepia, Natrum carbonicum and
Natrum muriaticum.
1. Remedy mistakes in KENT’s repertory
––EPPENICH, H. (ZKH. 35, 1/1991)
EXTREMITIES, Pain lower limbs, sciatica,
suddenly come and go; p. 1065; Kali bi. (not
Kali br.)
MIND, Death, sensation of p. 17: Kali br. (not
Kali br)
MIND, timidity, bashful; p. 89: Kali br. (not
Kali br)
GENERALITIES, Pulse, irritable and rapid; p.
1396: Kali br (not Kali br)
1. The problem of proving the therapeutic
success of Homoeopathy, Part I & II.
RICHTER, A (AHZ, 236, 1/1991)
Although Homoeotherapy has been in
existence for nearly 200 years it is still
disputed with regard to its theory and its
practical relevance by the Allopathic medicine:
i) The law of similars as the basis is
ii) Homoeopathic remedy provings are
rejected as Placebo effects.
iii) The small doses employed in
Homoeopathy is denied of any
pharmacological action.
iv) Another criticism is the inability of
Homoeopathy to prove scientifically its
therapeutic efficacy.
Placebos are capable of causing universal
effects. The general nature of placebo effects
are discussed. When general nature of placebo
effects are discussed. When ‘proof’ of the
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 14
action of the homoeopathic medicinal action is
demanded what is generally wanted is the
double blind trail. Since Homoeopathy
considers disease as an individual phenomenon
and consequently specific medicine for the
individual is called for, it is difficult to give
statistics collectively. According to
GEBHARDT the following points must be
there if statistical process were to be
i) The disease under research must occur
frequently and possibly in similar manner and
must run its course similarly in many persons.
ii) The individual peculiarities must be
classified into a syndrome by pervious studies
so that a most possible curative remedy can be
However, recently controlled double-blind
trials effectively prove the success of
homoeotherapy. These have been listed
beginning in 1966 to TEILER REILLY et al in
1987 which clearly showed the difference
between Placedo and medicinal effects.
2. Recent French papers on Homoeopathy
––HARIVEAU, E. (ZKH, 35, 1 &
Lists out recent French papers published in
‘Medecine’, Pharmacie’, ‘Dentaite’. Diploma
Homoeopathie’. A fairly long list.
1. Homoeopathy in Veterinary practice.
––SHEFFER, Edgar C. (Homoeopathy
Today, 11, 2/1991)
1. A series of nine letters of HAHNEMANN
––SCHWEITZER, W (AHZ, 236, 1/1991)
The Central Library of the German Central
Association of Homoeopathic Physicians
recently acquired 9 original letters of
HAHNEMANN written to a female patient in
1833-1835. These letters show that
HAHNEMANN still used in 1830s double
medicinal agents and that he gave detailed
dietetic and dress advices and also concern
HAHNEMANN had for the individual patient.
Also the fee demanded was relatively low.
2. Awakening of Homoeopathy in Thuringen
(AHZ, 236, 1/1991)
3. Transcription of HAHNEMANN Letters
––GENNEPER, T. (ZKH, 35, 1/1991)
The original of the letter is with Jeanet
BOIRON, Lyon. The letter deals with the
Guild of Pharmacists which was condemned
by HAHNEMANN. This dispute with the
pharmacists is critically examined in the light
of this letter.
4. Recent French papers on Homoeopathy
––HARIVEAU, E. (ZKH, 35, 1 &
Lists out recent papers published in
‘Medicine’, ‘Pharmacie’, Dentaite’, ‘Diplome
Homoeopathie’ ‘in French. A fairly long list.
5. The experiments at HAHNEMANN’s home
––DEMANGEAT, Georges (CGH, 28,
1. Activated own blood as Biomodulator
––HOVELER, Victor (AHZ, 236, 1/1991)
Activated own blood as Immuno-stimulator
was well known in the old Chinese medicine.
Nature has given us a medicine in our blood
which stimulates the immune system which is
without any risk since it is a biological
substance and has optional action. The
beginning of own blood therapy was in 1898
when the Swedish ELFSTROM and
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 15
GRFSTROM took venous blood and after
diluting with physiological solution of salt,
reinjected. No unwanted reaction has occurred
in anyone. The author has 30 years experience.
2. On the reliability of the translations of the
original symptoms and some practical
––SCHINDLER, M. (ZKH, 35, 1/1991)
Serious errors in the English translations of the
original German provings in the literature of
L.H. have been observed. Such errors would
mislead. The author has studied Platina and
detailed these errors. A thorough, careful study
and comparison of the original provings with
the English text books does not need further
3. The methodology of computerized medical
case study.
––SWAYNE, Jeremy. (BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
The title is self-explanatory. The author has
discussed the symptoms of two patients
suffering from Multiple sclerosis (MS). The
author shows that computerized case study
helps our ability to record and analyse the
phenomena of illness so that we may come to
understand it better and influence it more
effectively. “One of the most interesting
contributions to the epidemiology of MS was
the observation of clustering of minor
respiratory ailments in the past history of
patients”. All these are done by retrospective
examination of written case records a
laboriours and dedicated task; computerized
method facilitates such studies.
4. The Global knowledge revolution and
––BRITTAIN, R.D. (BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
Computer technology and techniques have
improved in ways which are directly relevant
to medical practice. Before long patients will
have portable health data cards or discs. Such
record systems will enable communications
among health authorities, and others related to
health care. The advantages are that the whole
of medical knowledge base will be available to
the doctor. It is also possible to reduce the
prescribing costs.
5. The Read clinical classification (Read
––READ, James, (BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
There are six key criteria which a standard
computerized medical language must satisfy. It
must be: Comprehensive, Hierarchical,
Computerized, Cross-referenced, Dynamic. In
medical care, teaching, research,
administration etc., medical terms are the
primary information carriers.
Computers can store, analyse, aggregate,
manipulate, retrieve and transfer enormous
amounts of data for which however the
computer must have the data, the medical
‘terms’. The Read clinical classification claims
to solve this need.
6. Minimal Effective Data Sets (MEDS): The
case for standardization at the level of clinical
––NEAME, Roderick, (BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
Computerisation of health care information
and records, properly developed and
implemented, has substantial advantages for
clinical care, administration, data security and
integrity, as well as for research and education.
The need to develop semantic data sets have
been argued. Three different sets of MEDS are
under development: ‘Screening’ protocols,
‘Searching’ MEDS and ‘Monitoring’ MEDS.
7. Computer-aided Homoeopathy
––FICHEFET, J. (BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 16
Homoeopathy has now come to a turning
point. Thanks to Knowledge Base Expert
Systems, which appeared recently and are
oriented towards drug diagnosis, homoeopaths
have been made aware of the enormous
possibilities that computers can offer them.
This applies particularly to the gathering of
clinical data and analysis of a collection of
clinical files. This paper summarizes what has
already been done and suggests what can be
done in the future.
8. Hidden paradigms in Homoeopathy
–RUTTEN, Lex. (BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
The ‘similie’ principle meets three major
difficulties in its practical application:
What is most important in the patient’s
The use of language to present this story
Techniques to find the matching drug
In the Repertory the polychrests occur in 400-
450 Mind’ symptoms, more than 120 have 5-
10 ‘Mind’ and about 180 remedies have no
‘Mind’ rubrics.
To rely too much on ‘Mind’ symptoms is
hazardous when searching for a remedy.
The first paradigm: Mind symptoms may be
used to confirm choice.
The second paradigm: The essence of a drug
can be used for differential diagnosis. A single
rubric has more ‘depth’ using these essence.
The third paradigm: Local symptoms can have
more value in certain situations.
These paradigms must be considered while
designing a Knowledge Retrieval System.
9. Asking the right questions.
–DAVIES, Peter, R.T. (BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
Two very important objectives: The first is to
bring the wealth of information technology
that exists to bear on improving the patients’
medical notes stored and structured. The
second objective is to use this structure to
conduct research which will then improve how
medicine is practiced. The author talks about
the research objective, in particular to some of
the questions which we should be addressing.
10. Data collection at the Royal London
Homoeopathic Hospital.
––FISHER, Peter, (BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
11. Datamatrix requirements for inductive
––VAN HASELEN, Robbert A. (BHJ,
80, 1/1991)
12. The simple homoeopath
––FORSYTH, Charles. (BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
The author has developed a chart in which all
the patient’s problems, subjective
measurements, symptom frequency, objective
measurements, abnormal laboratory results,
life style factors, symptoms or features of
special interest, e.g., brittle nails, white finger
nail spots, strange, rare or peculiar symptoms,
etc., are listed. Symbols are used to indicate
degrees of agg./am., severity, improvement,
Computerization of data in this manner has
potential benefits.
13. Patient characteristics, conditions and visit
data in a homoeopathic family practice.
–JACOBS, Jennifer; CROTHERS, Dean
(BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
Homoeopathic practice by physicians is
becoming more common in the US as well as
in Europe, Latin America and parts of Asia.
While studies have been done to document the
efficacy of homoeopathic medicines and
treatment, no information exists about the
characteristics of patients seeking
homoeopathic treatment, The conditions for
which they seek, the number of visits, fee.
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 17
Information about all patient visits in a two-
physician homoeopathic family practice was
collected for the 5 year period from January
1984 to December 1988. Data will be analysed
using the University of Michigan IBM
mainframe computer. Data collected have been
grouped as: Demographic, Diagnostic, Visit-
data, Therapeutic, Efficacy.
14. Who sees homoeopaths? A study of patient
characteristics in a homoeopathic family
––JACOBS, Jennifer; CROTHERS, Dean
(BHJ, 80, 1/1991)
Information in approximately 2,500 patients
seen over the 5 years period from January
1984 to December 1988 in a homoeopathic
family practice in Seattle, Washington, USA,
was collected and compared with result from
the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
The homoeopathic patient population was seen
to be considerably younger than that of the
NAMCS physicians. The homoeopaths saw
more children and young adults between the
ages of 25-44 years. The most common
diagnoses and proportion of patients seen have
been compared. The study suggests that in the
US the current role of homoeopathic treatment
in the health care system may be for chronic
and ill-defined disorders that are not easily
managed by existing standard medical
15. The homoeopathic telephone consultation
––LAKSHY, Philip S. (JAIH, 83,
New technologies in making physical
examination over the phone-the video
telephone, the electronic stethoscope and the
disposable ‘stick-on’ thermometers the
economic aspects of telephonic prescriptions
have been discussed.
16. An interview the Eugenio CANDEGABE
–SULLIVAN, Edward (NTKH, 2,
This interview was held after a Seminar at
Baden Baden. The approaches of EIZAYAGA,
PASCHERO are discussed.
17. Why I become a homoeopath
––DEMANGEAT, Georges (CGH, 28,
This issue is dedicated to Dr. DEMANGEAT
The author explains briefly how and why he
became a homoeopath.
18. Dr. Georges DEMANGEAT: A life in the
service of others.
(CGH, 28, 1/1991)
19. Evidence
––ZISSU, R. (CGH, 28, 1/1991)
20. My dear Master
––DIEUDONNE, Andre (CGH, 28,
21.Georges DEMANGEAT: the head and
––THIBAUT, Paul (CGH, 28, 1/1991)
22. Souvenirs
––MABILLON, Jean-Lue (CGH, 28,
23. The labour left for us’
––GRAND GEORGE, Didiar (CGH, 28,
24. Homage to Dr. G. DEMANGEAT
––JOBERT, Jacques (CGH, 28, 1/1991)
25. Future perspectives
––BAUR, J. (CGH, 28, 1/1991)
1. JAIH: Journal of the American Institute of
Homoeopathy, 1500, Massachusetts Avenue,
N.W. Suite, 42,
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 18
Washington D.C. 20005, U.S.A.
2. The Homoeopath: The Journal of the
Society of Homoeopaths, 2, Artizan Road,
Northampton NN1 4 HU, U.K.
3. Homoeopathy Today: National Center for
Homoeopathy, 500, Massachusetts Avenue,
N.W. Suite 42, Washington D.C. 20005,
4. Simillimum: The Journal of the
Homoeopathic Academy of Naturopathic
Physicians, 11231 SE Market Street, Portland,
OR 97216, U.S.A.
5. BHJ: The British Homoeopathic Journal,
Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, Great
Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3 HR, U.K.
6. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische
Homöopathic Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900
Heidelberg 1, GERMANY.
7. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische
Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900
Heidelberg 1, GERMANY.
8. NTKH: Netherlands Tijdschrift voor
Klassieke Homoopathie, Uitgeverij la Riviere
& Voorhoeve, Postbus 130, 8260 AC Kampen,
9. CGH: Cahiers du Groupement
Hahnemannien du Docteur P. Schmidt,
MEDICINE ET HYGIENE 78, Avenue de la
Roserale, Case 456 CH-1211 Geneve 4,
HERINGS, Constantine
The Hahnemannian monthly, Vol. I, No.2
September, 1865.
[In QHD, 8, 4/1991, HAHNEMANN’s Three
Rules concerning the Rank of symptoms was
published. The subsequent article is now
reprinted – K.S.S.]
The following is an abridged statement of
a number of researches, which occupied my
mind during more than forty years of my life,
and which may be better understood if given in
historical order.
My principal objection to Homoeopathy,
and the main argument in a treatise which I
was writing against it (1822), was the question
addressed to HAHNEMANN and his
adherents; What is to be understood by your
term “similar? This is too vague an
expression to be allowed to pass in science!
What is your definition of your similarity? The
mathematicians term what is of the same
quantity, alike (equale); and what has the same
conditions of form, similar (simile). But what
is your difference between alike and similar?
You cannot tell! Further, you say the effects of
medicines, even in the smallest doses, are
much stronger than the diseases. What gives
them such a peculiar power? We daily see
common diseases, as gout, leprosy, etc., go on
through life unchecked, and the effects of
drugs, medicines or poisons, pass away
without leaving a trace. Finally, you explain
the cure through a remedy chosen on account
of its similarity, by its later on secondary
effect, which you say is directly contrary to
this first or primary effect. At the same time it
must be admitted that such a thing can only
happen, when there exists such a directly
contrary state; and (Organon, para 64)” if there
exists no state in nature, that is directly
contrary to this primitive effect, “it appears”
the vital power then seeks to gain the
ascendancy by destroying the change (suchen
sich zu indifferenzieren)”. We may well say “it
appears” HAHNEMANN “seeks” to explain
his law of cure without succeeding. The vital
powers have, according to this, not only to
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 19
produce something directly contrary, if there is
such; but if there is none, they must be
satisfied with bringing it to the point of
indifference, and several such actions all at the
same time as if dictated. How many things
nature has to do, if a drug produce a chill
followed by a fever-which latter is directly
contrary in temperature-and afterwards a
sweat-directly contrary to the dry skin during
the fever? It seems as if here all the absurd
contraries of GALEN were united, only they
are turned inside out. Thus I considered all
this, arbitrary assertions, and the similarity “a
bag of sheepskin” which might be stretched
one way or the other.
In order to crown my treatise-which I had
not the slightest doubt would kill
Homoeopathy right off- I had of course to
wind up with a series of cases and most careful
experiments. Alas! what became of all my
mathematical and philosophical objections?
They flew like chaff before the winds.
It is enough to say that after a hard
struggle, lasting more than a year, I was fully
enlightened and driven by a sufficient number
of clear facts to adopt the new art and all and
every practical rule of HAHNEMANN, and
my treatise remained, of course, unprinted.
During the following happy year, I was
already led to remark that there were two kinds
of similarity, if we may so express it: a true
and a false one, i.e. a curative one and another
not curative. Drugs very nearly related to each
other, and chemically very similar, produced
symptoms of course, very nearly the same.
Thus the symptoms of the one were similar to
the symptoms of the other. But
notwithstanding all this similarity, they were
not antidotes to each other! Here was a law of
nature, with its practical, unfailing
applicability, and there was not only an
exception, but a contradiction! For instance,
Nux vomica and Ignatia amara were
botanically nearly related, chemically nearly
the same-a discovery made in 1818, long after
HAHNEMANN had already collected his
provings of both. Still they were not
antidotes to each other inspite of the greatest
similarity not only of one-half of their
symptoms, but especially of such as were the
strongest, most predominating and
pathologically most important. But Pulsatilla,
a plant which botanically and chemically stood
at a great distance, could be an antidote to Nux
vomica as well as to Ignatia; likewise
Chamomilla, eqully distant from all the
former, was an antidote to any of them. What
was here the case with antidotes, could of
curse also take place with regard to the
similarity of symptoms, between the symptoms
of the sick and the symptoms of the drug. And
as we had continually to look for similarity, as
the mariner to the needle o his compass, it was
of the highest importance for our art to
distinguish between the curative similarity and
the not curative, the right one and the
misleading one.
Holding fast as to an axiom, that
throughout nature all and every action required
a contrary action of at least equal strength to to
be annihilated, thus only something opposite
could make a cure-seeing daily that medicines
cured morbid affections, neutralized them, as it
were, by magic-the only temporary satisfaction
was to suppose an opposite action of the so-
called power of life, analogous to the
production of the complementary colors in the
eye. After looking at red, a green spectre
appears; after yellow, a violet, etc. etc.; but
alas, again! the appearance of these subjective
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
colors allowed quite a different explanation! I
had to give up all such experiments and
atta,pts, on account of the accumulation of
impeding questions, leave them to the natural
philosophers, and return to the effects of drugs
on the healthy and on the sick. Soon after I was
obliged to drop HAHNEMANN’s doctrine of
using only the primary effects to cure the sick,
altogether, and declare myself against it; the
separation of of primary effects from the
secondary appeared more and more an
impossibility, and the use of the so-called
secondary symptoms proved to be by far the
most important. HAHNEMANN himself
silently adopted the same view, and in his
chronic diseases he made, in Conium for
instance, no such difference. But his theory,
that the contrary action of life extinguishes the
morbid symptoms fell to the ground as soon as
he admitted the use of the secondary
Where now was the counterbalance,
necessary according to the axiom, to restore
the equilibrium of health? Was not the true, the
curative similarity, such a one where the drug
had an indispensable opposite? and might not
the other, the not curative similarity, be one
without it?
Proving Sabadilla in 1824, and in deses
upto 30, 40, and 50 drops of the strongest
alcoholic tincture, I was struck by the singular
conformity of several symptoms going from
the right to the left side, or passing through
from right to left. It recalled to my mind the
old observation of a case of poisoning by
Aconite reported by MATHIOLUS, who in
1561, made an experiment with a robber
condemned to death, which was permitted in
order to try the bezoar as antidote. The
poisoned young man observed a torpor like
paralysis in the left arm and leg, which
suddenly disappeared and befell the right side.
(Symptoms 132 and 140 of the second edition
of HAHNEMANN’s Materia Medica, 1822).
This peculiar contrariety between the Sabadilla
and Aconite, I supposed might be a
characteristic of the natural families of
Colchicaceae and Ranunculaceae. Supposing it
a possibility that certain natural families of
p;ants, and of course also similar chemicals,
might have such general characteristics in their
effects, I remained on the lookout.
The yearly meeting of the natural
philosophers of Germany, took place in
Dresden, in the fall of 1826, while I prepared
myslf for my scientific mission as a traveller to
South America. Professor OKEN, the founder
of the Society, was the lion of the day, at least
in my eyes. A paper was read from a traveller
in Brazil, about the turning of some plants in
apiral to the right or the left. OKEN was loudly
and enthusiastically called upon the stand, to
explain the matter or give his philosophical
opinion upon it. He finally came forward and
said: “ Gentlemen, right and left in nature is on
of the greatest mysteries. I know nothing about
it”. With this impression on my mind I left my
fatherland a feq days afterwards, and went to
South America.
Having discovered during my exploring
trips (1827) that all lightning moves not in a
zigzag line, but always in spiral; and not only
that, but also in a spiral which turns to the
right, supposing this to be motion of all
positive electricity (1828), it explained the
turning to the right of the embryo of the snail,
swimming free in the egg, it being a positive
body, because it receives the negative oxygen
in breathing. Supposing it might even lead to
find a reason why all the planets turn to the
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
right still I could not make much pratical
application of this to Homoeopathy, until I had
drawn the following conclusions:
After comparing all our drugs with regard
to the time of day, I found that alkalis or
positive electric substances had, as the acme of
their coughs, the hours after midnight, during
morning and forenoon; while the acids or
negative electric substances had their more
violent coughs afternoon, during the evening
and before midnight; and further, that with the
active expulsive diarrhea it was exactly the
reverse, all the negative electric substances had
it in the morning hours, and all the positive
electric in the afternoon.
Thus in the cycle of the daily actions,
commencing after midnight, alkalis acted from
above downward, on the chest, or chest and
afterwards on the abdomen; acids, on the
contrary, acted in the morning first on the
abdomen, and afterwards on the chest, or from
below upward. Thus the first “with the sun”,
the others “against the sun”, as the common
people say. Here a general characteristic was
discovered of the two main divisions of
Elements, a characteristic where the symptoms
of the drug and of the case ought to be alike.
After ten years of continued careful
observations with regard to the hours of the
day and the electric nature of the drugs, I
published a short report of it, calling the
attention of all observers to this remarkable
rule. N.A. Hom.Journal, Vol. I, page 41, 1851.
Every drug thus might also have a
prevailing tendency to move, if not in all, at
least in some of its symptoms, either from right
to left or from left to right; and it was very
likely that drugs being positive electric
substances, or containing predominating
alkalis, ciz., narcotics, would be inclined to
move from the right side to the left; and
negative electric substances, acids or acrids,
from left to right; and if so, they ought only to
be given in such cases of sickness as had
moved or were moving in the opposite
According to this Aconite would not cure
a case of torpor or apoplectic lameness, which
occurs first on the left and afterwards on the
right side, in the same way in which it
occurred in the criminal as reported by
MATHIOLUS; but would only be the true
curative agent in otherwise corresponding
affections going from the right towards the left
side. Sabadilla, acting from right to left, would
only be the curative agent in complaints
moving from left to right, etc., It was not until
lately that my particular attention was called to
the real agreement of this rule of sides with the
recently mentioned third rule of
HAHNEMANN, and this only induced me
now to lay it befor the public after I had
followed it in practice for more than a score of
If older symptoms have always to be
attacked last, and the more recent ones first,
this is something opposite to be development
of the disease. Why might it not be applied
even to cases where an inflammation of the
eyes or of the tonsils attacks one eye or one
tonsil first, and the other afterwards; and why
should not a drug have the preference which
moves through the system in an opposite
direction? That is if the symptoms have moved
from right to left, to give a medicine which
acts from left to right, and vice versa.
As in all matters of this nature, we have to
appeal to experience in general, it would be of
the highest importance for our theory, and
oftern useful to the practitioner if this rule
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
should be corroborated and sustained by other
Every practitioner is urgently requested to
communicate such cases where in acute or
chronic diseases, headaches, eye complaints,
erysipelas in the face, inflammation of the
tonsils, of the pleura, or the lungs, rheumatism,
especially the acute cases, or gout or
spasmodic affections, etc;l the symptoms had
commenced on one side of the body, and gone
or commenced to go to the other side, cases
where one drug, but of course only one, given
alone, neither mixed nor in alternation with
others,-cured a case nearly or altogether. Only
such cases as had been put on paper at once,
ought to be referred to, not cases from
recollection, because the best memory cannot
be trusted in such matters,-also not cases
reported only by other persons, as people are
very apt to change sides in repeating.
A collection of such cases, even a small
number of observations, made without any
regard to this or any other theoretical rule,
would be of much more importance than the
large collection made after this rule had been
adopted. The question has to be settled, not
only with regard to large classes of drugs, but
has to the decided with every single drug, with
symptoms produced as well as symptoms
cured; and not only this, it is very likely that
some drugs may act in both directions, or may
have some symptoms only in one direction,
and others in the opposite.
Our Materia Medica contains very little in
this respect, and it is not of much use to give
care than hitherto, the sides of the body. The
only prover who always has done this in all his
provings is Dr. JEANES.
ZAND Janet
JAIH, 83, 2,1989
Head colds in children can be divided into
two broad categories: (1) dry with congested
nose and (2) wet with runny nose.
Sambucus nigra is an effective remedy for
a wide variety of respiratory complaints. The
head cold is dry. Because of congested nasal
passage, the child drinks and eats poorly. “He
constantly interrupts his feeding for air,”
reported one nursing mother. “He nurses,
gasps for air, sits up and finally feels, better”.
The infant can awaken from sleep gasping for
air. These suffocative attacks are reminiscent
of other remedies such as Aconite, Antimonium
tartaricum, Arsenicum album, and China.
Sambucus coughs are worse in bed with
the head low and the child sleeps better with
several pillows.
Many Sambucus symptoms are stuck
symptoms. Obstruction. Obstructive catarrh,
tenacious gelatinous mucous; trapped gas
resulting in colic; stuck respiration resulting in
wheezing. The Sambucus child, lie the
Ipecacuanha child, will turn blue attempting to
each a breath. Sambucus has an idiosyncrasy:
profuse sweat occurring during the day with
dry heat at night. Also profuse sweat
accompanies and more often follows many
infections. Copious urination. In laryngeal
spasm the Sambucus child will be able to
inspire but not expire. This is to be contrasted
with Bromium where inspiration is very
difficult and expiration easier.
Ammonium carbonicum: Usually when
one thinks of Ammonium carbonicum, a
picture of a stout, plethoric woman scarfing
cadies and growing tired switching TV
channels by remote control comes to mind.
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
Cancel all that when thinking of the
Ammonium carbonicum child with a head cold.
He is noticeably nervous, chills easily and, like
Sulphur, has an aversion to bathing. Both
remedies produce red skin patches after
The Ammonium carbonicum fluid
discharges are acrid. Mothers will report that
the child’s stool is irritating and creates a rash.
The breathing tends to be congested in the
early morning hours. At night the child gasps
for air. Like Sambucus, the sleeping child will
quickly sit up short of breath.
Teucrium: Thoughts of Teucrium bring to
mind nasal polyps and intestinal worms. But
Teucrium has other uses; the child with a cold
needing this remedy will suffer with stuffed
nasal passage and will have compromised
breathing in any heated room. The eyes appear
red and look as if the child has been crying.
The upper lids in particular are puffy and red.
The right eye will sometimes tear. Sneezing in
frequent and the child can develop hiccoughs,
sometimes while visiting the doctor. Appetite
is often increased in the evening and the child
must be fed or he will not go to sleep.
Arsenicum album: The nose can be red
and hot to the touch with a watery, somewhat
irritating discharge. Arsenicum album
feathures include a pale face, cold sweat and a
marked periodicity of complaints. The peculiar
symptoms so well described by James Tyler
KENT of not wanting to be left alone and
demanding company appear exaggerated in
Arsenicum children Paradoxically, they are
worse in the cold but prefer cold drinks. When
they are not feeling well, the stomach area can
be warm to the touch. When suffering from
any form of congestion, ice cream or cold fruit
can easily bring on gastritis. The combination
of cold things, sweets and fat is a particularly
dangerous combination for the Arsenicum
album child’s stomach. They can be decisive
children together with the usual fearfulness
and restlessness. High strung and sensitive,
they react to being bullied by developing
nervous habits such a picking at their nails or a
facial tic. If not gently handled, they can
develop periodic (often weekly) headaches
which may even correspond to a scheduled
school event. The headaches can last 24 to 48
They enjoy being kept busy by many
projects. When ill they become exaggeratedly
afraid of being left alone in the dark, perhaps
because of their fear of ghosts. When
comforted or cuddled they will quiet down and
go to sleep.
These children do not like to take
medicine because, like the ailing adult
Arsenicum, they think the medicine won’t
really help them. But because they are so
afraid they might not recover, they finally do
take the remedy.
Allium cepa: The nose will run after
exposure to cold, wet, windy weather. The
secretion is ample and irritating and will often
inflame the nose (Euphrasia has a mild nasal
discharge) Allium cepa will feel better out
doors. Sometimes the runny nose will be
accompanied by diarrhea, especially after
eating sour food or lettuce.
Calcarea carbonica: The phlegmatic,
well-behaved Calcarea carbonic child can
have two physical presentations.
1. Thick, flaccid tissue, large head with
open fontanelles. Distended abdomen. Chalky
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
face with a coarse expression. Thick upper lip.
Dilated pupils.
2. Emaciated, especially about the neck
(Natrum muriaticum). In spite of emaciation
the abdomen is distended. The skin is soft.
There is a tendency to diarrhea. Exquisite,
silky, long eyelashes.
In general, Calcarea carbonica children
are late in talking, walking and feething. They
lack initative. They perspire on the hairy part
of their head, edpecially the occiput and nape
of the neck. The hands and feet sweat and feel
cold to the touch. Mothers sometimes report
the children will sweat on the face as they
nurse. Easily chilled, They have a tendency to
catch clod with every weather change and
draft. They can appear robust, yet while
playing, will tire before the other children do.
The appetite can be erratic- strong one day,
nonexistent the next. They can have an
intolerance to milk, even mother’s milk, and
when not feeling well they should avoid milk.
Like Argentum nitricum they have an
intolerance to sugar.
The nasal secretion can be offensive,
purulent, thick and yellow. They suffer from
car sickness and travel sickness and prefer to
stay home. They can sit peacefully playing as
long as they know there is someone around.
They tend to be afraid of going to sleep in a
room without a light and when not feeling
well, they can develop nightmares and wake
screaming. A common nightmare is seeing
horrible faces in the dark.
The dream life of a child can sometimes
reveal his inner workings. For example,
Bryonia, Lycopodium, Nux vomica and
Lachesis children often dream of school-
performance at school, events on the
playground, one-up-manship, jealousies and
rivalries, and various programmes at school.
Phosphorus and Pulsatilla children may
dream of animals. One woman told me when
she was young, she had a recurring dream of
dancing bears and being a buoyant
Phosphorus, she was, of course, always
dancing with them. The Sulphur and Thuja
child may dream of people dying or those that
have dies. Apis mellifica dreams of being able
to fly or of air-planes and feeling free in the
One point about repetition of the
remedy.Earlier in my practice, I would give a
single dose of Calcarea carbonica high and
not repeat for 3 to 6 months as long as there
was improvement. But I now believe the
remedy should increase the rate of
improvement so I repeat much more frequently
and the child usually improve more rapidly.
Eupatorium perfoliatum: The child
needing Eupatorium perfoliatum will sneeze
often and have much dripping from the nose.
Be sure to ask about bone pains, especially
shin splint type pains as these may be present.
If there is a fever, it will be higher in the
morning or around noon than at night. Like
Natrum muriaticum, the Eupatorium
perfoliatum patient will have a chill, then a
fever, and then a high thirst. Like Bromium,
inspiration is more difficult than expiration. If
the Eupatorium child is very sick, she will
vomit easily even after a small amount of
water. She will complain of feeling sore all
over. There is a hacking cough similar to
Causticum. To relieve the cough, the child will
sometimes crawl about on all fours. ( In
KENT’s Repertory, see COUGH”,Lying,
hands and knees on, amel”).A mother of two
children reported, “When Justin, my 6 year
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
old, got sick and his cough got bad, he began
to crawl around like Anna, his 8 month old
sister. I was as concerned about the crawlings
as I was about his hacking cough”.
Euphrasia: In Euphrasia look to the eyes.
Expect to find copious acrid tearing. Like
Arsenicum, this child will complain of burning
eyes. The child winks frequently and, like
Pulsatilla will wipe his eyes. He will prefer to
be indoors and away from the sunlight or any
bright lights. The mucus will be worse in the
morning. Look for runny nose, tearing eyes
and yawning. It is hard to understand how they
manage to yawn so frequently amidst all the
Natrum sulphuricum: Thinl of Natrum
sulphuricum in head colds in infants with dark
green or yellow thick secretions.The child will
be chilled, even after being tucked into bed.
Worse with dampness and near the ocean;
better in dry, warm weather. These children
love guns and the Natrum sulphuricum boy
may come in dripping green yellow mucous
from his nostrils and packing a hoister with
two pistols. He mayshoot” the doctor or want
to show off his pistois.
Similar to Aconitum, Natrum carbonicum,
Kreosotum and Graphites, these children do
not like music. I once treated an 8 year old
with Natrum sulphuricum. Her mother told me
that when she was 6 she had her tonsils
removed. After the surgery, her mother
brought her a bundle of toys and then left for a
lunch break. On her return she found with a
scarf around her head and ears on top of which
were Mickey Mouse ears. She asked what she
was doing and Allison answered, “Well, I’m
hoping Mickey will listen to the music so I
don’t have to”. The mother hadn’t even notices
the piped music coming into the room!
Sticta pulmonaria: With Sticta we observe
the head cold descends. From nasal congestion
to a sore throat to a cough. The cough is worse
at night. Sticta pulmonaria is an excellent
remedy in the spasmodic stage of pertussis. In
Los Angeles we now have a paediatrician who
used Sticta in a recent whooping cough
epidemic. Hospitalized children who received
Sticta had their intense coughing resolve much
faster than those untreated and left the hospital
earlier, reported the paediatrician.
A sore throat is rarely an isolated event in
small children. More often it occurs in
combination with runny nose, otitis, laryngitis,
bronchitis, etc., It is difficult to extract specific
symptoms from a child and simply examining
the throat, while valuable, is usually not
Apis mellifica: The throat, uvula, and
tonsils appear oedematous, fiery red and shiny
in Apis throat. The inflamed, sore throat
usually comes on suddenly. Despite dry
mucous membranes thirst is slight or absent.
The tongue can be red, swollen, sore and raw-
sometimes with vesicles. Bruxism (teeth
grinding) and restless sleep are common.
Definitely worse from warmth, they feel better
in a cooler place. They like cold applications (
like a cold towel and fresh, cool air, they
prefer to be interviewed outside. I have noticed
how they enter the office and go directly
The behaviour of children is endlessly
fascinating. I think of Belladonna kids racing
around on my patio, the Lycopodium boy
figuring out how the door opens and how the
doorstop works. And then the Pulsatilla girl
waiting demurely for her mother before
entering onto my patio. Homoeopathy is such a
Year 1992, Vol.IX
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 26
unique form of medicine in that everything the
patient does or sys or exhibits (signs) becomes
a diagnostic tool.
Belladonna: With Belladonna we see
tonsils, uvula, and pharynx extremely red and
the temperature high (usually above 103 F).
Like Apis, the mucous membranes are dry but
the skin can be moist. The pupils are often
dilated. These children are intelligent and
sensitive. I suggest a new rubric: “Belladonna
is never effective for idiots!” These children
are generally healthy looking. They can be
light-complected with a large head and a
somewhat dainty body. During play the head
perspires more than the rest of the body. Like
Apis there is a sudden onset symptoms. The
Belladonna child will experience the pain that
accompanies his sore throat suddenly and it
will recur periodically. Like the adult, the child
is worse from noise, light, touch, and jarring.
The child does not like the sun and is worse if
has head is low and from motion. He improves
with rest and prefers to sleep with several
Cantharis: Great pain and great thirst
characterize Cantharis throats. The child will
ask for liquids but cry after only a small sip
due to the excruciating pain. Cantharis is a
sure bet if the sore throat is accompanied by
intolerable urinary urging and burning on
Hepar Sulphuris calcareum: Look for
mucus. Mucus of the nose, ears, throat, larynx
and chest. At first a watery nasal discharge
appears which is soon followed by thick,
yellow, offensive discharge. Much, much
worse from the cold. He goes out into the cold
air and sneezes. Soon the nose runs a watery
discharge and then the thick stuff comes on
which can smell like old cheese. The child
does better with moist heat and topical hot
moist washcloths on the throat. Skin tends to
be pale. Sweat increases during sleep at night.
Mothers report having to change their
children’s night shirt several times during the
night because Hepar sulph sweats so profusely
in the chest area.
Should the sore throat develop into
bronchitis the cough will be painful. In the