© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 58
disease, the undesirability of an aggravation,
the undesirability of a relapse, the vitality of
the patient, the clarity of the case, the
availability of potencies of the remedy
selected, etc. The practice of Homoeopathy as
a whole is a complex process of
individualizing that strategies.”
We must eschew too frequent and unnecessary
repetition as well as too delayed repetition.
NASH said, “There has been so much
bungling in too frequent repetition or change
of remedy with a certain class of prescribers,
that another class, hoping to remedy that state
of things, have gone to the other extreme and
made WAIT their watchword. Now there is no
more sense in waiting for the wrong remedy to
do what it never can do, than there is in
repeating the right one when it is doing all it
can, and thereby hindering a reaction already
established. Many fatal errors have been
committed both ways. Many cures have been
attributed to waiting on remedies, that were
nothing more or less than recoveries and the
remedy had nothing to do with it… So long as
different degrees of susceptibility, natural or
morbid, remaih, so long must the proper dose
to rightly influence the patient be recognized.
The right remedy must be given, waited upon
or repeated, according to the rules laid down
in the Organon; and no amount of giving,
waiting upon or repeating the wrong one will
make it right, or do anything but harm.”
Attention is drawn to paragraphs 246, 247 and
258 of the Organon; and no amount of giving,
waiting upon or repeating the wrong one will
make it right, or do anything but harm”.
Attention is drawn to paragraphs 246,247 and
258 of the Organon. The author quotes cases
“It (Organon) is a book that requires years of
serious study: after all it took HAHNEMANN
over 50 years to write it. LIPPE was absolutely
right in recommending that one should read the
Organon one hundred times. In 1883 he said,
“It is now over 50 years since I first read the
Organon. I just begin to comprehend it”.
“Homoeopathy is not a religion but a science
and an art. Our laws and principles are not
dogmas but rather the fruit of pure observation
that can be verified by any careful and honest
observer. Hahnemannians do not base their
prescriptions on faith, belief, opinion,
prejudices, fantasies, or whims, but purely on
knowledge from experience, careful and
meticulous experience…John H. CLARKE
once wrote, “Homoeopathy is not a matter of
belief, it is one of knowledge. Either a man
knows a certain fact or a series of facts, or a
certain law and how to use it, or he does not
know and there’s an end”.
HAHNEMANN wanted a system of medicine
based on facts, on pure facts only. Therefore
he called his materia medica Materia Medica
Pura, pure from interpretations, conjectures,
fabrications, quick generalizations etc. Now
what would HAHNEMANN say if he saw
some of the “modern” material medica
inventions of today? Probably he would say
not less than… (paragraph 144)”. “Again let us
not forget what HERING had written in his
last address to the profession in 1880: “If our
school ever gives up the strict inductive
method of HAHNEMANN, we are lost and
deserve to be mentioned only as a caricature in
the history of medicine”.
“Classical Homoeopathy encompasses not
only the entire Organon on Medicine but