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right still I could not make much pratical
application of this to Homoeopathy, until I had
drawn the following conclusions:
After comparing all our drugs with regard
to the time of day, I found that alkalis or
positive electric substances had, as the acme of
their coughs, the hours after midnight, during
morning and forenoon; while the acids or
negative electric substances had their more
violent coughs afternoon, during the evening
and before midnight; and further, that with the
active expulsive diarrhea it was exactly the
reverse, all the negative electric substances had
it in the morning hours, and all the positive
electric in the afternoon.
Thus in the cycle of the daily actions,
commencing after midnight, alkalis acted from
above downward, on the chest, or chest and
afterwards on the abdomen; acids, on the
contrary, acted in the morning first on the
abdomen, and afterwards on the chest, or from
below upward. Thus the first “with the sun”,
the others “against the sun”, as the common
people say. Here a general characteristic was
discovered of the two main divisions of
Elements, a characteristic where the symptoms
of the drug and of the case ought to be alike.
After ten years of continued careful
observations with regard to the hours of the
day and the electric nature of the drugs, I
published a short report of it, calling the
attention of all observers to this remarkable
rule. N.A. Hom.Journal, Vol. I, page 41, 1851.
Every drug thus might also have a
prevailing tendency to move, if not in all, at
least in some of its symptoms, either from right
to left or from left to right; and it was very
likely that drugs being positive electric
substances, or containing predominating
alkalis, ciz., narcotics, would be inclined to
move from the right side to the left; and
negative electric substances, acids or acrids,
from left to right; and if so, they ought only to
be given in such cases of sickness as had
moved or were moving in the opposite
According to this Aconite would not cure
a case of torpor or apoplectic lameness, which
occurs first on the left and afterwards on the
right side, in the same way in which it
occurred in the criminal as reported by
MATHIOLUS; but would only be the true
curative agent in otherwise corresponding
affections going from the right towards the left
side. Sabadilla, acting from right to left, would
only be the curative agent in complaints
moving from left to right, etc., It was not until
lately that my particular attention was called to
the real agreement of this rule of sides with the
recently mentioned third rule of
HAHNEMANN, and this only induced me
now to lay it befor the public after I had
followed it in practice for more than a score of
If older symptoms have always to be
attacked last, and the more recent ones first,
this is something opposite to be development
of the disease. Why might it not be applied
even to cases where an inflammation of the
eyes or of the tonsils attacks one eye or one
tonsil first, and the other afterwards; and why
should not a drug have the preference which
moves through the system in an opposite
direction? That is if the symptoms have moved
from right to left, to give a medicine which
acts from left to right, and vice versa.
As in all matters of this nature, we have to
appeal to experience in general, it would be of
the highest importance for our theory, and
oftern useful to the practitioner if this rule