© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. X, 1993
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India,
England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names
and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1. QHD, Vol. X, 1, 1993 3
2. QHD, Vol. X, 2, 1993 39
3. QHD, Vol. X, 3, 1993 78
4. QHD, Vol. X, 4, 1993 133
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD, Vol. X, 1, 1993
1. Homoeopathy as phenomenalistic medicine
ROBINSON, Karl (JAIH, 85, 1/1992)
Dr. ROBINSON discusses Homoeopathy in the
light of our modern scientific understanding of the
physical universe-that in essence it is comprised of
phenomena which are indeterminate in nature. It
logically follows that any effort we, as practitioners,
make to analyse our cases as cause and effect events
or to stereotype remedy images must be relegated to
the realm of uncertain theory. It reminds us that we
must view each case before us as a unique event
which we may in part come to understand, but whose
essential mystery we will never be able to fathom
2. Disappearance of a space occupying Lesion in
brain after Gelsemium.
BANERJEA, Subrate Kumar (JAIH, 85, 1/1992)
A 23year old woman with an “irregularly
enhanced cystic midline space occupying lesion in
the posterior fossa, suggestive of
Gelsemium cured within a few months. Dr.
BANERJEA refers this case as ‘cancerinic miasm’
and delineates this miasm. He says that the case
under report is Psora-Sycotic.
Amitav GHOSH reported in the BHJ,
80,3/1991, see QHD. Vol.IX,No.3/92 the cure of a
‘Space Occupying Lesion’ in a 60 year old man, with
Apis 6 and Thuja 6 both t.d.s., Medorrhinum 30
every 4 months one dose of Carcinosin 200 every
month, Prednisolone 30, Arsenicum 30 and
Lycopodium 30. GHOSH says that ‘a patient with a
neoplastic condition has all three miasms…’ It is
interesting that in BANERJEA’s case only one
remedy was given without any so-called ‘anti-
miasmatic’ remedy etc wheras in GHOSH’s many
remedies. It is also interesting that the progress was
much rapid in BANERJEA’s case.
3. Chaos theory
ABELL, Lora (Resonance, 14,1/1992)
Researchers are attempting to make a
‘scientific’ case for Homoeopathy. Such double-blind
studies like GIBSON et al and REILLY et al of
specific diseases like hay-fever, rheumatoid arthritis
and laboratory experiments which prove the efficacy
of the homoeopathic patencies (BENVENISTE) have
not been ‘accepted’ by the orthodox scientists. A
revolution in scientific thinking alone would change
the scenario.
Chaos theory (James GLEICK, 1987) is just such
a revolution. Chaos is a non-linear, predicatable order
without periodic repetition. The premise of Chaos
theory is that systems that may seem random are in
fact determined by very simple mathematical
4. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-
und die medizinischen Konzepte senier Zeit
(Christian Friedrich Samuuel Hahnmann and the
medical concepts of his time)
ECKART, W.U. (AHZ, 237, 1&2/1992)
Hardly any other medical concept, except
Homoeopathy, is so much obliged to its historical
roots or to the legacy of its founder. During the last
decade of the 18
Century Samuel HAHNEMANN
(1755-1843) with his concept of similia similibus’
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
designed a new art of healing. During the period
1791 to 1794 HAHNEMANN’s similie principle
developed and ripened. This new therapy could
compete successfully with all the other contemporary
concepts of medicine, especially because of its
individualistic approach both in anamnesis and
therapy. HAHNEMANN’s rejection of the allopathic
medicine was radical and sharp. Homoeopathy
outlasted not only its founder, it is still practiced by
homoeopathic physicians and is in fact being
accepted by an increasing number of patients.
The paper delves in to history and tries to shed
light upon the scene of medical concepts of
HAHNEMANN’s time. At the beginning of the 19
century the allopathic medicine was nto one nor was
it perfect and far from being successful. It contained
elements of Animism, Vitalism, Mesmerism,
Brownlanism and even of the old concept of
humoral pathology. HAHNEMANN knew them all
and he criticized them sharply mostly because of
their dangers for the patient. Nevertheless he also
profited from the contemporary concept of vitalism
(“Lebenskraft”) designed by Christoph Wilhelm
HUFELAND (1762-1836) even if his homoeopathic
therapeutic was completely different from
HUFELAND’s vitalism.
Finally the paper also outlines two other medical
concepts of HAHNEMANN’s time which also were
based on the critique of allopathic medicine: Joseph
DIETL’s (1804-1878) ‘therapeutic nihilism’ and the
early Naturopathy.
5. Uber die Schwierigkeiten bei der Unterscheidung
and Definition von Geistes und
Gemutssymptomen (The difficulties in
distinguishing and definition of mind and mental
FISCHER, V. (AHZ, 237, 1/1992)
The significance in the differentiation and
definition of mind and mental symptoms is
demonstrated through examples. It is shown that the
definition of the different symptoms makes sense
only when it represents a synthesis of the whole
behaviour in the patient and also allows a
differentiation from similar symptoms. ‘Dictatorial’,
‘intolerance of contradiction’, ‘abusing,’ ‘fastidious’,
‘contrary’, ‘quarrelsome’, cautious’, etc. are
discussed to point out the author’s ideas.
It is also shown that the study of the original
proving symptoms is absolutely necessary for a
correct differentiation of the mind and mental
1. Tuberculinum case studies
GEUKENS, Alfons (JAIH, 85,
The acute “influenzal” picture of Tuberculinum
bovinum is described, the central characteristics of
which are: soreness of the body, wandering soreness,
restlessness, fever with chills, perspiration. A number
of clinical cases cured with Tuberculinum are
described in detail. The cases are characterized as
Acute cases, “Chronic” Acutes, and Chronic cases.
GEUKENS says that most of the acute
Tuberculinum states begin with an influenza
picture”, and that this is the very beginning of an
acute Tuberculinum State.
Relevant rubrics from KENT are mentioned;
some additions to the Repertory are given.
Most valuable source of information on
Tuberculinum, information that often led to the
prescriptions in the above cases, is KENT’s Materia
Highly instructive article.
2. Case Report;
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
PARSONS, Phil (JAIH,85, 1/1992)
32 year-old-female with severe periodontal
disease, Tongue has patches of red, sensitive spots.
She used to eat dandelions as a child. Taking into
account all the symptoms she was given Taraxacum
30 after extracting four teeth. The remedy ensured
that there was minimal bleeding after extraction and
she felt great over-all.
Taraxacum is the dandelion which this woman
craved as a child.
Phil PARSONS does homoeopathic practice
with 25 years of mercury-free dentistry. Please also
refer to 3 cases of Phil PARSONS in the QHD, IX, 3,
3. Case Report
FLEISHER, Mitchell (JAIH, 85, 1/1992)
35 year-old-female with left hip pain after going
out dancing. sat on a hard, wooden bench for
prolonged periods between dances which caused
some transient coccygeal soreness; pain deep, sharp,
aching and radiated down the lateral aspect of left
Hypericum 30; one month later; left leg pain
accompanied by tingling in the left calf; agg. by
driving car, sitting still, crossing the legs had to move
her legs regularly, and amel. by motion. Constantly
stretching her leg.
Rhus toxicodendron 30 withouth effect;
Hypericum 200 cured.
4. GUESS, George (JAIH,85,1/1992)
36 years –old woman with acute uterine pain,
cramping, better lying or sitting; unable to stand
straight up; feels as if uterus needs support.Weak,
must lie down. Uterus worse walking; worse jarring.
Very aware of the uterus when standing. No interest
in sex. Cramps in uterus extending to knees, on
masturbating. Feels pulse all over if quiet. Sleepless.
No energy. Dull low back-ache. Breasts swollen.
Helonias 30
5. The pathogenetic power of the snake venom to
provoke disease HERING, Constantine (The
Homoeopathy, 12, 1/1992)
Constantine HERING’s own account of his
discovery and subsequent proving of Lachesis
translated into English for the first time-translated by
Jeanne JAFFIE.
This is a translation from French which was
printed in 1833 in the Bibliteque Homoeopathique de
Geneve, Vol.2 which again should have been a
translation from the original German communication
of HERING. A valuable document now available in
The original communication in German to Ernst
STAPF was published in the Archiv für die
homoopathische Heilkunst, 10, 1831 followed by
“Nachragliche Bemerkungen uber das
Schlangengift”. These original contributions are now
available in the complete lesser writings in German
of Constantine HERING edited by K-H. GYPSER,
1988. The article in ‘The Homoeopath’ translated
from the French is not complete.
6. Colocynthis- bitter cucumber
ELMORE, Durr (Resonance, 14, 1/1992)
A brief study of the essential features of
7. Carcinosin – another nosode for recurrent otitis
LEVATIN, Janet (Resonance, 14, 2/1992)
Two cases of children with otitis media in which
Carcinosin was the remedy. The remedy was chosen
on the Generals – family h/o cancer, etc.
In one case, the girl showed precocious interest
in sexual matters, a characteristic which Jonathan
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
SHORE mentions in his Chapter in the IFH 1989
Case Conference Proceedings.
Much has come, in the recent times, on
Carcinosin. An uptodate list of rubrics on the basis of
all these is being drawn up and would be published
8. Mercurius vivus and Mercurius solubils
ELMORE, Dutt (Resonance, 14, 2/1992)
Mercurius solubilis is the remedy which
HAHNEMANN proved but he however, later
recommended Mercurius vivus as a superior remedy.
Mercury is a remedy that should be used
cautiously, even in homoeopathic doses. KENT states
that it should not be used more than twice a winter in
treating colds.
Mercury is said to be one of the most inhibited
and closed of all remedies in the Materia Medica.
Mental state: anxious, restless, paranoid, hurried,
with dullness, forgetfulness and despair;
impulsiveness, violent anger, and destructiveness,
with sudden suicidal impulses or impulses to do
violence to others.
9. An unusual woman needs a quirky remedy
51 year-old-woman: warm and with strong desire
for sweets. Fears: of bridges, elevators, heights,
closed spaces, losing control. Obsessiveness and
extreme anxiety about her health. Has been to many
doctors and read countless books on self-help and
healing. Loquacity and intensity. Has many quirks,
many unusual tendencies.
Argentum nitricum cured.
10. Lac caninum: anxiety, yearning and inability
Eight case histories GNAIGER, Jutta (BHJ, 81,
Lac caninum- the best-known milk remedy
point to milk allergy but more to the early conflict in
the mother-child relationship. Any futher relationship
is ambivalent and unfulfilled. Likewise, the patient
remains insecure towards himself, experiencing many
fears. These eight case histories are intended to help
understand this forgotten medicine which ahs now
become really opportune.
Anxiety-longing-Inability: ‘Believing oneself
to be held in contempt’: one of the most impressive
symptoms of Lac caninum. People unable to find
their place in this world, unable to hold their ground.
People escaping into retreat, into refusal, into
depression or travelling.
It is the result of an unsuccessful, unhappy first
relationship with the mother, the result of a suckling
trauma? Is it an insatiable longing for the symbiotic
world of the beginning which has made the person
homeless in the here and now?
Those people tend then to enter into too close an
attachment. This produces an ambivalence,
manifesting itself in anxieties, in jealousy and
boredom and in sudden and unpredictable outbursts.
Lac caninum helps to give a soothing answer to
persons whose past is marked by a lack of security
and warmth. It is capable of strengthening them,
opening them up to a vision of the future, from where
a new impetus, vigour and hope may emanate.
11. The inner world of a patient as viewed by the
URETZKI, G. (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
One has to recognize the medicines by studying
the people. There are homoeopathic portraits all
round us-in the bus, in the market, in the office, in the
club everywhere. Once the art of study and
understanding the emotional nature of individuals is
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
cultivated, it would be easy to spot them in the
consulting room.
The author briefly and beautifully, sketches a
few cases to portray the ‘inner world’ of the patients
and thus remedies to them.
The following questions are raised for
How to hit the bulls-eye (i.e. to give only
one medicine)?
Is it really important to be a sniper?
Isn’t it better to break a butterfly
(symptoms) on a wheel, something will be
When giving all the medicines in one day,
one after another, is it possible to identify
how each of them affects the patient?
Do we impoverish ourselves when we carry
out only symptomatic treatment, without
constitutional prescribing?
What dilution to start treatment with and
how to continue it?
Is it good to provoke an acute attack of a
disease, if you have hit the bulls-eye?
Should we treat a homoeopathic
consultation as an ordinary job of the doctor
or as his creative activity? In the latter case
should we look for some harmony in the
prescribed regime, if we fancy there has
been a disharmony in the patient’s state?
Should we consider the clue to the remedy
to be ‘God’s gift’, if it helps to understand
the patient, his psychological portrait?
A fascinating discussion, this would be.
Discussion invited.
12. Ananda ZAREN Seminar in July 1990 in
Switzerland reported by KLEIN Peter (HL, 4,
The case of a 45 year-old-woman is
demonstrated to highlight important aspects of
Shame and Grief: A deep internal experience of
unexpected exposure divides her from herself and the
outside world. Memories of difficult experiences are
stored inside making a deep imprint. Dreams and
experiences of being abandoned. Unresolved grief.
Finally the pain is expressed as induration, rigidty,
paralysis on all levels.
These people isolate themselves. They feel
unworthy and interior, with a sense of failure.
Develops a dread of sex, joy and even life itself; fear
of any kind of relationship, finds herslf guilty of
everything. Works hard to avoid feeling the
loneliness, they often choose an occupation that
Isolates them. They tend to fall in love with
unattainable people. It is difficult for them to have
deep friendships as they cannot express their feelings.
They show little non-verbal communication, but
rather they intellectualize, they are flat’ during the
They never initiate sex and do not feel wanted.
Frigidity, disgust and sadness after coition. They
cannot be naked and are often virgins.
They make rules for themselves e.g. not to tell
their feelings or needs, not to make mistakes
(mistakes reveal their vulnerability) don’t trust
anyone (to avoid disappointment).
Fastidiousness: likes structure and routinen, no
interest in new experiences. Wants to be extremely
exact in describing the symptoms, makes lists, gives
only few symptoms. Can work very hard, causing
Physical (a few hints):
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
Blinking of the eyelids when speaking of
emotions. Slow accommodation of the eyes, burning
in the eyes while reading, photophobia.
Vertigo turning ocer in bed, copious night sweats
as soon as they close thiey eyes. Desire for salt, acids,
coffee.Aversion for bread. Aggravation from any
kind of alcohol, they become easily tipsy. Flatulence
from milk.
Dysplasia or Cancer of cervix, Fibrocystic
Mastopathia, breasts swollen, lumpy, tender, worse
before/during menses, worse motion and coffee. May
put a pillow under the breasts while sleeping.
Complaints from long-lasting overstrain,
suppressed sexual desire, suppressed grief, repeated
experiences of being abandoned. Problems from a
dysfunctional family, from suppressed menses (pill),
from alcohol.
13. Proving of medicine Androctonos amurrauxl
SHERR, J (ACD, 1,1 TO 3/1992)
Jeremy SHERR of U.K. did a proving of
Androctonos amurreuxi herbraeus (Scorpion) in
1984. The proving lasted 21/2 years.
This article is a translation, from English, of
Jeremy SHERR’s systematic proving.
The Scorpion which was proved by J. SHERR
was from lsreal which produced severe pains.
After publication of his Proving a second edition
was published, in 1990, after obtaining feedback.
There were 32 provers (14 men +17 women and 1
The Proving Symptoms are given in the
schema’,605 in number. At the end of the Proving
Symptoms the ‘Generals’ are extracted followed by
4 Case Reports.
The earlier references to Scorpion will be found
DE LAURIER. AZAM proved an Algerian species
(1938) which is found in the repertory under the
name Buthus (Buthus australis)
In the QHD,1987 the drug picture of Scorpion
proved by Jeremy SHEER has been given. The article
was by George GUESS.Androctonos is a great
remedy. The medicine is available from Nelsons
Pharmacy London and Helios Pharmacy London,
upto 1M Potency.
14. Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset
WOOD, Mathew (HT, 12, 1/1992)
Eupatorium was an Ameican Indian medicineis.
It was first proved by walter WILLIAMSON, one of
the founders of the Hahnemaan College,
Philadelphia. It was adopted into Homoeopathy on
essentially the same symptoms upon which it is
traditionally prescribed i.e. intermittent fever.
The traditional Chinese explanation for an
“intermittent fever” is that is is fever that has entered
part way into the system, but not all the way, so that
instead of a good thorough chill or fever, there is a
cycle of chill followed by fever. The fever is sort of
“Stuck” half way in and half away out. Such a
condition is associated with arterial tension and
therefore affects the liver (compare Agrimonia).
A very interesting old case of Eupatorium syrup
prescribed by an old lady to a man suffering since 3
years with intermittent fever not responding to all
known medicine is narrated.
15. Argentum nitricum- silver nitrate
WOOD, Mathew(HT, 12, 2/1992)
Argentum nitricum, a corrosive, was used by the
Alchemists for removal of warts. In the 18
much damage was done by the over-use of this
remedy. HAHNEMANN therefore proved the
remedy. It was reproven by John GRAY in 1845 who
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
pointed out that this remedy was important for
patients with disorders from emitional over-activity.
Dr. Benoytosh BHATTACHARYA pointed out its
importance in “pitta” conditions (gas)
The metal is traditionally associated with the
moon. Argentum nitricum is homoeopathic to
conditions of emotional distress,
overimpressionability, wrongs of instinct, and
stomach disorders. The typical Argentum metallicum
or nitricum patient has a broad, “moon-like”face.
Dr.GRAY gives a vivid account of the mentals:
It is good for mental, emotional and even perceptual
problems arising from “moral causes”. such as for
example, very impassioned laypreaching”.
Following are some of his comments:
“1. A crowd of impulses to act, to move, to be busy,
which without any distinct purpose to effect, keeps
the patient in continual motion; a state of unrest
which gives the appearance of hurry discontent to all
his conduct.
“2. The opposite of the forgoing condition; not the
calmness of deportment which occurs when the mind
is in healthful contemplation, but an apathy indicative
of a privation of motive or purpose; a state verging
upon, and often ending in, perfect imbecility.
“3. Errors and defects of perception. The erroneous
perceptions in which I have seen nitrate useful have
As to time: the patient comstantly fearing he should
be too late, and supposing that one or two hours had
elapsed, when not more than a quarter or an eighth of
the supposed time had passed, and this all the while,
night and day, for many weeks together;and
Errors as to the velocity of galt: the patient supposing
that he was walking very rapidly when he was in fact
moving but very slowly indeed”.
For physical symptoms refer to Benoytosh
BHATTACHARYA’s ‘Tridosha and Homoeopathy’.
16. Ignatia in infants
ROBINSON, Karl (HT, 12, 2/1992)
Four weeks-old –girl child with hard stool, skin
rashes, gas, interrupted breathing. The symptoms
developed after the child’s parents quarelied nastily.
The mother was given Ignatia 200 and the child too
was given Ignatia 200, with happy results.
Thirteen moths-old-boy had been ill for 3
months, inspite of Innumerable homoeopathic
medicines. While nursing he was observed to have a
sort of Cheyne-stokes breathing. Three months ago
their pet dog had died and the mother cried and cried
for three days. The child became sick just after three
days. Ignatia 30 was given and cure including skin
rashes, behacioural changes, followed.
Emotional state of the mother with whom the
child is helplessly symblotic is most important to be
considered rather than just the child’s symptoms.
17. Apis mellifica to the rescue
CASEY Gina (HT,12, 2/1992)
Severe allergic reaction to Penicillin cured by
Apis mellifica
18. Symphytum
ZEEDEN, H. (AHZ, 237,1/1992)
The enormous therapeutic powers of
Symphytum is demonstrated through 5 case reports.
The indications for Symphytum officinale was
insufficient formation of callus after fracture of
naviculare, fatigue gracture in generalized
osteoporosis, Sudeck’s Syndrom with 20 years
lasting illness, post-traumatic pseudo-arthrosis of
sternum, and erosive polyarthrois of small joints of
The complete range of action of Symphytum is
yet to be known. There is a strong case for a
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 10
medicinal proving of Symphytum over a longer perid
and with X-ray controls.
19.Secondare Amenorrhoe (Secondary
LEERS, H(AHZ, 237,1/1992)
A 32 years-old-woman with one child:
Symptoms chosen for repertorisation: Menses, late;
right-sided sturma in the throat; restlessness, internal;
palpitation; pulsation; movement amel; desires
warmth. Hedera helix 30, cured.
20. Homoeopathische Therapie eines Hautekzema
mit Rhus venenata (Eczema treated by Rhus
STEUER, M.K. (ZKH,36,1/1992)
A 28 year-old-woman suffering from moist
eczema in the axillae with intense pruritus
ameliorated by application of hot water, was cured by
Rhus venenata.
21. Cocculus-das Erscheinen von Symptom nach
Mittelgabe (Cocculus-the appearance of symptoms
after the administration of the medicine)
WEGENER, A (ZKH,36,1/1992).
In a Cocculus case the symptom observed by
HAHNEMANN “Cares about health of others” was
decisive to dind the remedy. A subsequent remedy
was given as needed after giving which further
Cocculus symptoms unknown to the patient till then
appeared. The author has observed in other cases also
that after a well-followed remedy the symptoms of
the previous remedy further appeared. HERING had
already observed that in the proving of a remedy the
organism reacts with symptoms of an earlier proving
remedy. That a similar phenomenon occurs during
healing phase also has been observed by the author as
shown in this Cocculus case.
22. Homoo Quiz-Multiple Sklerose (Multiple
Auflosung Homoo-quiz (Solution to
In the AHZ 236, 6/1991 Dr.H.V.MULLER
narrateda case of a 37 year-old-man with multiple
scelerois. The patient’s expression revealed much
anxiety and helplessness. He had other symptoms of
multiple sclerosis. After a long interview the remedy
came up which ultimately cured. In the AHZ, 237, 1/
1992 the author explains the choise of the remedy-
List of the Strychninum symptoms which are
characteristic in this case (See Synthetic Rep. I
Edition, Kent, Boericke):
1. Starting when touched
2. Starting
3. Frightened easily
4. Fear of being injured
5. Delusions of being pursued by enemies
6. Sensitive to noise
7. Oversensitive
8. Restlessness, nights; tossing about in bed
9. Shrieking during sleep
10. Fear, something will happen
11. Anxious expressions of face
12. Hypocritic expression; Risus sadonicus
13. Distorted face
14. Desire for company
15. Aversion to answer
16. Disconnected answers
17. Ear, noises, humming; roaring and buzzing
18. Ear, noise as if droning
19. Weak eyesight, misty vision; cloudy
20. Visual field large
21. Weakness of vision
22. Vertigo, walking in the open air
23. Vertigo, falling forwards
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
24. Muscle paralysis, tottering and staggering
25. Numbness with formication of the legs
26. Numbness with prickling (as if legs asleep); of
the feet; of the soles
27. Bladder paralysis
28. Unpleasant dreams
29. Dullness; difficulty in thinking and understanding
30. difficulty speech; difficulty, speech due to throat
crampy pain
23. Lachesis in Malaria and Echinacea in Bites
RAPHAEL, Sushil (HH, 17, 2/1992)
Lachesis 200 single dose each in 3 different
cases of malaria cured. Lachesis was given on the
symptoms of: the chill being so violent that even with
many covers over him the patient wanted to be held
pressed down; loquacity; and the chill being between
3-4 P.M. (KENT, p. 1274)
A woman, 45 years bitten by a cobra was given
an injection i.m. of Echinacea 200 repeated after ½
an hour and she recovered rapidly.
The author says that he gave regularly Echinacea
in mother tincture or potency for poisonous stings or
bites of poisonous insects and dog bites also whether
rabid or not with instantaneous results.
Homoeopaths should try Echinacea in dog bites
and report results. It will be a really worthy
24. Arsenicum album – as anger remedy
ROY, Sost (HH, 17, 3/1992)
Clincial case highlighting the well-known
characteristics of Arsenicum album
25. Restoring a perverted balance
SONAWALA, Sarla (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
A 31 year-old-man, sexually perverted. From
adolescent stage and even before he began his sexual
activities. Married at 30 years, he still persisted in
excessive indulgence, drank alcohol to increase his
sexual potency. He wanted his excessive desire to be
brought down. His whole story centred on sex.
Fluoric acid M and them XM brought this
excessive desire down.
26. Arsenic – From Gandhi to Shylock
SONAWALA, Sarla (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
A poem highlighting Arsenic
27. Argentum nitricum, Lycopodium
TARKAS, Ishwardas P. (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
28. Medorrhinum – Materia medica of the mind
SHAH, Jawahar (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
A study of the mind through the Synthetic
Repertory, Kent’s Repertory, Boericke’s
Repertory and Boger Boenninghausen’s
29. A case of chronic diarrhea cured with Rhus tox
BABU, Prabhakar V. (mfh, 2, 3/1992)
24-year-old housewife with diarrhea of 6 months
duration, chronic redness of eyes, aversion to open
air, was cured with Rhus toxicodendron
30. Use of indigenous and other remedies in
Homoeopathy as home remedies
RASTOGI, D.P. (mfh, 2, 3 to 5/1992)
Dr. RASTOGI delivered the Dr. Seshachari
memorial lecture at Hyderabad on 3 March 1991.
He outlined some of the ailments and their
(indigenous) remedies:
Cassia sophere Asthma
(especially if pains in joints also)
Achyranthes aspera Boils
Carica papaya Conjunctivitis;
Justicia adhathoda Coryza
Aegele folia Constipation
Terminalia chebula
Aegle marmelos Dysentery
Achyranthes aspera Diarrhoea
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 12
Cynodon dactylon,
Calotropis gigantean
Hygrophila spinosa, Skin
Embelia ribes Worms
Cuprum oxydatum nigrum
31. Psorinum – When mother gets under your skin
TESSLER, Neil (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
Two cases are reported to high-light some
important components of Psorinum. Depression,
Despair and Co-dependence (with the mother, in the
two cases). Psorinum persons come from the
background where their self-worth was deeply
undermined, where there may have been poverty.
alcoholism, abuse, perceived or actual abandonment,
rejection. The sentiment of forsakenness is also
A very interesting article.
32. The children who go washed too much
OLSEN, Steve (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
A 36-year-old woman with panic attacks when
driving her car, fear of killing her own children, and
fear of germs (taking Rivotris 8 mg. a day and Prozac
80 mg. a day) was cured with Medorrhinum. An
educative case.
The author suggests addition of Med. to the
following rubrics:
Mind, fear, apprehension, dread – killing of
Mind, disgust
Mind, fear, apprehension, dread, happen,
something will
Female Genitalia, desire increased
Mind, fear, driving, on bridges, on the freeway
Mind, extroverted, open and expansive nature
Mind, washing, children, excessively
33. Clematis erecta the botanical relationship of the
vegetable remedies
CHINDEMI, Wayne J (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
A brief article on the botanical relationship.
34. Nux moschata – accidental proving
ELMORE, Durr (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
32-year-old-woman with sudden attacks of
severe anxiety, inner restlessness, hysterical;
eructations, extremely dry mouth. She had eaten
muffin with large amount of nutmeg and therefore
was proving it. On consulting the material medica all
her symptoms were characteristic of Nux moschata.
35. Anacardium orientale
VASILIS, Ghegas (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
An excellent essay on Anacardium orientale.
36. The effects of grief on infants/children of age
upto 5 years.
The curative effects of Ignatia.
CHATTERJEE, Ardhendu Sekhar (HMM, 3,
Boy 11/2 years age unwell with respiratory
distress since his mother abandoned him and went
Boy 2 years age with very high fever; his mother
was in hospital.
Small boy in orphanage who was allowed to visit
home twice a year fell sick every time after such a
Girl 21/2 years age with high fever. Her mother
who was breast feeding the child was grieving over
the death of a maternal aunt.
All these children were treated with Ignatia with
rapid cure.
1. When your prescription falls
WILLIAMS, Henry (JAIH, 85, 1/1992)
From a presentation at the Ohio State,
Pennyslania, October 1990.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 13
Dr. WILLIAMS highlighted the many clinical
approaches to homoeopathic practice he has seen
evolve over the years and he reviewed some of his
strategies when the indicated remedy falls to act.
Among the strategies are: miasmatic prescribing,
utilizing of isopathic treatment for obstacles to cure
resulting from allopathic drugging, and the bowel
When the indicated remedy does not elicit
response Dr. WILLIAMS looks for antidotal
influences viz, coffee etc., seeks further clarification
from the patient then re-evaluate in which special
attention is paid to the nosodes and less used
remedies that appear in two or more rubrics. Look for
the predominant miasm (Elizabeth W. HUBBARD):
Sycotic: too much of everything with the
tendency to pinecone types of outgrowths;
Syphllitic: suicidal and homicidal tendencies
and growths that are soft; congenital
Tubercular: combination of Psora and
The key note of the Morgan group of bowel
Nosodes is Congestion. Consider this group for
chronic Fatigue Syndrome: also Bacillus No.7.
List of Sycotic and Syphilitic miasmatic
remedies are available in P. 1406 of KENT’s
Sheilagh CREASY outlined the essentials of the
Excesses: Physical obesity
Emotional – Provocative, Extroverted
Mental – Obsessive
Growths: Indurations, Tumors. Herpes
Discharges ameliorate.
Worse during the daytime. Worse from damp
Better from motion, travel, change
Evening colics. Chronic Catarrh. Eruptions
Inhibition: Physical constipation, scanty
(better lying, worse standing)
Weakness: lack of stamina and perseverance;
better stimulants
Fears: Anxious
Eruptions. Anaemia. Pulsation. Hyperfunction.
Circumscribed redness, Flushes.
Dysfunction: Physical Ulceration,
Nervousness. Birth defects.
Emotional – introvert. Homicidal. Suicidal
Mental – Critical. Deceitful
Worse at night
Bone pain and deformity. Blindness, Deafness.
Nervous system degeneration (e.g. Multiple
Pain – linear or in spots
Eruptions – painful, Fissures. Alopecia
Unequal eyes, pupils.
2. Vaccination: a sacrament of modern medicine.
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (The Homoeopathy 12,
Questions the claims of Vaccinations conferring
immunity, the need for mass vaccinations and
compulsive vaccinations the adverse effects, etc.
Nine cases from own practice are narrated, good
investigation has been made.
Some relevant rubrics of ill effects of
vaccinations are given. Many of the rubrics refer to
vaccination against small-pox.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 14
Harris COULTER, ‘DPT a shot in the Dark’ as
also many other articles have appeared questioning
the need for vaccinations as they are now carried out.
3. The effects of antibiotics on health.
SALVODORE, Teresa (Resonance, 14, 1/1992)
Most often homoeopathys are consulted when
allopathic medications fail or cease to work or when
surgical interventions are proposed. it is difficult in
these cases to straight away select a homoeopathic
remedy because of the masking/confusion of the
symptoms due to antibiotics.
The author cites the case of a 6 year-old-girl with
repeated strepthroat infections which of late were not
responding appropriately to antibiotics.
However, the homoeopathic remedy Ailanthus
chosen on the basis of the totality brought rapid
improvement. It also developed resitance to further
frequent throat infections.
4. Food allergies – a homoeopathic perspective
JACOBS, Jennifer (Resonance, 14, 1/1992)
Some persons complain of specific ailments after
consuming certain common food items to which a
normal healthy person ought not be allergic. This
sensitivity is specific to the person. Homoeopathy
aims at restoring harmony and balance so that one
can enjoy. Homoeopathy aims at restoring harmony
and balance so that one can enjoy, in moderation,
healthy foods without restrictions on specific items.
The Repertory is full of such sensitivity’
symptoms. However, a full case must be carefully
taken, analysed and the remedy chosen which would
bring about harmony.
The author narrates a case of allergy to sweets,
remedied by Argentum nitricum
it is the common experience of every good
homoeopath to have such experience; infants with
‘milk allergies’, ‘sneezing from exposure to least
dust’, etc., all harmonized with Homoeopathy
5. A violent reaction to a topical homoeopathic
(Resonance, 14, 1/1992)
A 47 year-old-woman who was under
homeopathic treatment with Rhus toxicodendrom has
stopped it for some time. Subsequently she applied
generously an external ‘homoeopathic’ analgesic
containing Ledum and Symphytum and Rhus tox for
soreness as a result of physical exertion. This caused
severe aggravation inflammatory joint in places
where she had applied the gel.
Rhus toxicodendron internally, relieved.
6. Systematic investigation of the decision process in
Homoeopathy – two first steps.
VAN HASELEN, R.A. (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
Plans for two pilot studies concerning the
homoeopathic treatment of chronic and acute otitis
media are presented. The intention of these studies is
not only to look at the efficacy of the homoeopathic
treatment as a whole but also to investigate the
efficacy of the individualized decision strategies.
Based on the homoeopathic literature a selection of
decision strategies has been made. The reader is
asked to criticize and supplement the chosen decision
7. Homoeopathic treatment of cholera in Peru
initial clinical study GAUCHER, C; JULIN, D.,
PEYCRY, P. (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
The medical charity Homoeopaths sans
Frontieres sent a mission to a shanty town in Peru
during the current cholera epidemic. Homoeopathic
treatment was combined with fluid and electrolyte
therapy. Result appeared favourable. A small-scale
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 15
uncontrolled study is reported. Further studies are
being undertaken.
8. Psychotherapy and Homoeopathy – case of chronic
anxiety depression
RISQUE, Fernando (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
The author reports in detail the evolution of the
case of a 43 year-old-ma suffering from chronic
anxiety depression.
Besides Psycho-therapy, homoeopathic treatment
also was resorted to. The treatment period lasted from
1988 to 1990; seven homoeopathic medicines were
administered over the period all in 10m and
clearly these helped a quicker cure.
The homoeopathic medicines brought,
everytime, valuable dreams.
9. A case of Septicaemia with Staphylococcus aureus
in course of pyelonephritis with kidney abscess
PAYRHUBER, Klaus (HL, 4, 1/1991)
A 40 year-old female with pyelonephritis.
Lachesis, Lycopodium, Bryonia were given, in that
order, according to the symptoms that were perceived
but without expected result. (Para 253, of the
Organon) It was actually Chelidonium which was
given next that cured. One conclusion we can drawn
from this report, is that as long as we can find
individual and characterizing symptoms, we can rely
on homoeopathic treatment without being frightened
by the pathological diagnosis of the disease.”
An educative report.
10. Homoeopathic treatment of injuries
REIS, Stefen (ACD, 1 to 4/1992)
Detailed therapeutics of injuries including
Contusions, concussions, Dislocations, Sprains and
Strains, Fractures, Tetanus prophylaxis, Burns and
Scalds, Frostbites, Surgical Operations, etc.
Sources quoted include: H. C. ALLEN,
Constantine HERING, Hilmar DEICHMAN, Harvey
Calvin KNERR, Henri VOISIN, Julius MEZGER,
and C.F. TRINKS, E.M. HALE, William
W. MEILI, W.A. DEWEY, Margaret TYLER, H.
11. Disturabnce of Equilibrium
ROGASH, Rolf H. (ACD, 1, 1/1992)
43-year-old woman, with disturbance of
equilibrium while walking and looking downward.
Tabacum 30 and later Cicuta virosa in Q18 cured.
There was history of head injury
12. King Cholera strikes
TREUHERZ, Francis (HT, 12, 1/1992)
This article appeared first in The journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine
The author argues rightly that it is time that
Homoeopathy offers its resources to the WHO
through agencies like the LIGA for treatment of
Cholera has again struck Peru in 1991 and it has
entered the U.S.
The author has listed the symptoms of Cholera
vis-à-vis Food poisoning. He has also discussed the
well-known Camphor, Cuprum and Veratrum album
13. An experiment with breast milk
RAMANATHAN, A.N. (HH, 17, 1/1992)
The HH, Oct, 1991 carried an article with the
above title high lighting certain children’s allergy to
breast milk and its desensitization tautopathically.
Childhood allergies are of fleeting nature. The
various defense forces which emerge at different
periods in the growing child are the overriding factor
which support health.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 16
The author narrates the case of a female infant
which developed allergic excoriations of skin and
when it was fed boiled breast milk which the infant
accepted the skin became normal. When normal
breastfeeding was restored the allergy recurred and
the breast milk was again expressed, boiled and given
which again cured the skin rashes. A simple
Would’t it have been right to give the
appropriate homoeopathic remedy to the suckling
14. ‘Madras Eye’ (acute haemorrhagic
RAMANUJAM, S., MARTIN, M. Peter (HH, 17,
The epidemic began in August 1991 peaked in
September and declined in November 1991. A
remedy for the epidemic was found and trial made at
the Homoeopathic Centre, Balamandir, Madras
This study covered 1313 cases. Sanicula M twice
a day for 3 days was given to all the cases. The study
established the effectiveness of Sanicula both as
preventive and curatie in Acute haemorrhagic
15. Is snoring a surgical problem more than a social
LAKSHMI, P.S. (HH, 17, 3/1992)
A young lady who had spells of sore throat on
alternating sides was cured by Lac caninum
A lady snored regularly but whenever she visited
her parents at the seashore she did not snore.
Medorrhinum cured.
A 7 year-old-child was snoring which was like
whistling. Sulphur 30 relieved the snoring.
16. A case of Amnesia syndrome
BAIG, Mirza Anwer (HH, 17, 3/1992)
An 18 year-old –man who suffered from amnesia
was cured with Stramonium, Lycopodium, Lachesis
and other remedies.
17. Psychopathology – an overview
ASRANI, C.H. (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Brief descriptions of the different kinds of
‘Neuroses;, ‘Psychology’ and acute and chronic brain
18. Mental status examination
AYYAR, K.S. (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Mental status examination methodologies are
briefly outlined in this article: Appearance, Motor
activity, Speech/Talk, Thought content and
organization, Mood, Attention and Concentration,
Testing of higher cerebral function, Insight and
19. Knowing the mind in homoeopathic practice
DHAWALE, Kumar (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Brief essay on understanding the mind of the
patient and prescribing upon such understanding.
20. Homoeo – psycho therapy – a practisioner’s
PARTHASARATHY, V. (Mrs) (NJH 1, 1/1992)
Dr. Rajan SANKARAN suggested that if we
understand the state of the patient’s mind with his
fears and anxieties and delusions and then make the
patient realize that his reactions are out of proportion
to reality and if the patient understands and accepts it
so, he would require no further medicine to get cured.
Dr. Mrs. PARATHASARATHY reports a case
treated in the above manner.
21. Schizophrenic tamed
PARTHASARATHY, (Mrs) Vishpala (NJH, 1,
A 23 year-old-male with uncontrollable anger,
fault-finding; deaf; unclear speech. His mother is also
schizophrenic and is under medication regularly.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 17
Staphisagria, Hyoscyamus, kali bichromicum and
Stramonium were given. Anger under control.
22. Bull by the horns.
PARTHASARATHY, (Mrs) (NJH, 1. 1/1992)
The author discussed with Dr. M.L.SEHGAL,
Delhi on what Dr. SEHGAL has termed as
“Revolutionized Homoeopathy”, i.e. treating on the
common mental symptoms alone. The present’,
‘persistent’ and ‘predominant’ mental state of the
patient gives the clue and medicine is to be chosen
accordingly. A model case is narrated.
23. A peculiar fascination
SEHGAL, Yogesh (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
The author practices Dr. SEHGAL’s
revolutionized Homoeopathy’.
A 5 year-old-boy was always smelling shoes or
dustbin. Any strong smell fascinated him and gave
him pleasure. Cocculus indicus cured.
24. The importance of the mind in therapeutics
ANWAR BAIG, Mirza (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
That mind is the master is demonstrated by three
A 68 year-old-girl masturbated frequently. If
prevented she became very restless. During
pregnancy the mother of this child had intense sexual
desire and she masturbated in the same manner. The
child said that she felt as if a mouse had bitten her
private part. She also dreamt as if a mouse bit her
there. Pulsatilla cured.
A 19 year-old-boy, epileptic. On the clue of ‘fear
of being betrayed’ Hyoscyamus was given which
25. The mind is the key
CHATTERJEE, Sujeet (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Three cases are reported in which prescriptions
based on the mental state alone cured totally.
26. Mind – a miasmatic view
JALGAONKAR, Mrs. Sujata (NJH, 1 1/1992)
A brief study of miasmatic classification of
27. The high and low fevers
KUMAR, Vijay R. (mfh, 2, 3/1992)
A very brief discussion about ‘fevers
28 Homoeopathic therapeutics of Measles.
LAKSHINARAYANAN, D. (mfh, 2, 3/1992)
A brief review of therapeutic of measles.
29. Homoeopathic management of a case of
LAKSHMINARAYANAN, D. (mfh, 2, 3/1992)
30. Oxygenoid constitution of the body of Dr. von
Dr. LAKSHMINARAYANAN makes a lucid
exposition of von GRAUVOGL’s ‘constitution’.
31. A child’s world
HERSCU Paul (simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
In the Simillimum, 4, 3/1991, Paul HERSCU in
his article A child’s world commented that his
patient developed nosebleed after taking Phosphorus
200 which the patient had not experienced before.
HERSCU explained that it indicated that the remedy
was correctly chosen and that the paient had a deeply
curative reaction to the remedy.
A reader has asked a question whether a
symptom never before experienced but “belonging”
to the remedy meant a proving or overdosing. Where
did HERSCU get his idea from? In such cases how
did one choose between an overdosing/proving and a
well-chosen remedy?
Dr. HERSCU has given a detailed reply to the
question. He has drawn attention to paragraphs 22,
24, 62, 63, 68, 155 156, 249 of the Organon. A very
interesting essay.
32. HERING’s diagnostic method
ALBIN Steve (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 18
Two articles of Constantine HERING on the
study of homoopathic material medica which
appeared in The Northwestern Journal of
Homoeopathy 1852 and Materia Medica Journal
1896 are summarized in this article.
Learning Materia Medica by heart is useless. The
symptoms of a remedy must be seen as belonging to
the whole picture of what the remedy does.
HERING’s “diagnostic method” was first to learn a
few remedies very well and then learn the remedies
most nearly connected with them. HERING
suggested the material medica be read several times
to gain a deep understanding of a remedy and to see
the remedy from different perspectives.
A very educative article
33. Arnica protocol in surgery
GUTOWSKI Louise D. (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
The author has suggested in the light of his
experience, the following protocol
Arnica 30
One week prior : 2 pellets 3 times a day
Day of surgery, before and after surgery : 2
pellets 3 times a day
For the three days following surgery : 2 pellets 3
times a day
Next 2 days : 2 pellets twice a day
Last day : 2 pellets once a day
The above protocol was followed by the author
for her mother who underwent cataract surgery.
Besides the rapid post surgical recovery and absence
of problems which others under the conventional
measures have, he vision also improved.
The author suggests the protocol for other
surgeries too.
34. Two cases of Idiopathic Thrombocytopaenia
BRADLEY Randall and CURRIM Ahmed N
(Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
Lachsis cured two cases of thrombocytopaenia
35. A case of a boy who was barking like a dog.
KANJILAL Tapan (HMM, 3, 4/1992)
A 13-year-old-boy with attacks of ‘fits’ angry
and irritable, abusive, insulting behaviour, biting and
tearing, etc. Hyoscyamus Q1. (50 millesimal)
Violence worse; barking like a dog; sleepless.
Stramonium Q1. No improvement.
Found to be barking and also protruding his
tongue, saliva trickling; asking people to approach
him so that he would bite them. Hydrophobinum M
Improvement all round. Hydrophobinum XM
After few months of steady improvement again
‘fits’ and violence Hydrophobinum Q3 which
aggravated. Belladonna Q3 improved. Belladonna
Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7 progressively.
Sulphur Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5; then Psorinum Q1,
Q2, Q3, Q4. Again ‘fits opisthotonos. Belladonna
Q8, Q9 Then Pulsatilla Q3. Then Arnica Q5 for
Itch aggravated. Sulphur 200; Merc.sol Q1, 200.
Completely well.
A very interesting case
36. A case of sterility
RAMESH (HMM, 3, 4/1992)
A 24 year-old-woman, married since 6 year but
no children; glands in the axilla after vaccination,
very painful, amel. menses; pain and swelling spread
to left breast and left shoulder.
Sulphur Q1 then Q2 given; although there was
initially some improvement, it did not proceed
further. Calcarea carbonica in ascending potencies
cured and the patient became pregnant. Calcarea
came out by working with the ‘Concordances
The ‘discussion’ part is very interesting.
37. Diseases of brain and nerves of children
MATANI, K.H. (HMM, 3, 4/1992)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 19
A boy of 7 years, son of a neurophysician with
‘tics’ aggressive, sudden violence, Tarantula
hispanica cured.
1 year-old-girl with epilepsy: Calcarea
corbonica cured.
20 months-old-boy on respirator in hospital:
Opium cured.
16 year-old-girl with ‘Typhoid’ and in serious
condition. Opium and then Zincum cured.
38. Psoriasis
SHARMA M.L. (HMM, 3, 4/1992)
A 14-year-old-girl with Psoriasis. Sepia
prescribed on the ‘mentals’ alone (Dr. SEHGAL’s
method) cured.
1. About some traps set by ‘crude’ repertorization
methods need for clinical data and intelligent
repertorization systems.
Part I Repertorization methods compared with
voting procedures. FICHEFET (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
Homoeopathic treatment is individualized, i.e.
individualization of the patient, Individualization of
the medicine. individualization of the dose of the
selected medicine.
Computerized repertories have been using a
number of different methods of selecting medicines.
The dangers of simplistic methods are discussed. The
theory of voting can be applied to homoeopathic
repertorization, with different methods producing
conflicting results. The logical structure of different
procedures and their relationship to the competence
of the prescriber is discussed.
2. Mental symptoms – analogical grouping
FONSEC, Ademar Valadares (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
The author has made a systematic study of the
repertory’s mental symptoms, proposing a new
organization of rubrics and sub-rubrics based on its
analogical ordering. In order to help homoeopathic
medicine in the search for and in the differential
diagnosis of symptoms.
The author concludes that analytical study of
mental symptoms is of great value both in the
reportorial study of consulting-room cases as well as
in semiological understanding of problems for
effective use of the repertory.
3. Mittelverwechselungen in Repertorium von Kent-
Teil 12 (confusions in Kent’s Repertory Part 12)
Kali muriaticum and Kali nitricum
WOLF, M (ZKH, 36, 1/1992)
Kali muriaticum (Instead of Kali nitricum wrongly
Mouth, scorbutic, gums (p. 418)
Stomach, Eructations, sour (p. 496)
Urethra, itching, meatus (p. 672)
Urine, albuminous (p. 680)
Urine, Sugar (p.691)
Chest, coldness, heart, region of (p.825)
Extremities, chilblains, fee (p.955)
Extremities, coldness (p.956)
Extremities, coldness, foot (p.962)
Extremities, lower limbs, swelling (p.1199)
The author has consulted the source books viz.
ALLEN’s Encyclopaedia, HERING’s Guiding
Symptoms for verification.
4. Meno/Metrorrhagi
LYNCH Pamela J (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
What actually are Menorrhagia and
Metrorrhagia? What are these according to the
dictionaries and what KENT actually meant in his
repertory? The author suggests that Menorrhagia
meant excessive, profuse menstruation and
Metrorrhagia meant heavy bleeding any time during
the cycle. These two rubrics being shorter than
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
“Menses, copious” frequent” “intermittent” etc. may
be more easy to repertorize.
A study of the ‘provings’ would give a clearer
ida as to what exactly are the meaning of the terms
and their entry into the Repertory.
1. The homoeopathic science of healing of domestic
animals; a rediscovered manuscript of Samuel
KAISER, Daniel (The Homoeopathy 12, 1/1992)
This is a manuscript of a lecture prepared by
HAHNEMANN. This was found in the Library of the
University of Leipzig. The original has appeared in
full for the first time in the ZKH, 33, 3/1989.
HAHNEMANN has given directives for
practical application of Homoeopathy to animals.
One should have before him the precise knowledge
of the illness and the precise knowledge of the
HAHNEMANN details provings of medicines of
healthy animals and observe the change produced
in what manner the pupils become dilate, In what
position they put their ears, tail, the general position
of the whole body, the moisture of the nose, mouth”,
“… they would observe the changes in the animal’s
frame of mind and mood in what maner it
communicates its pain in one or another part”.
HAHNEMANN also says that if Homoeopathy is
applied correctly and the single remedy chosen and
given, the animal will be cured rapidly and
permanently “with almost mathematical certainty”.
So far no Veterinary Homoeopathic Materia
Medica has been prepared on the basis of provings on
animals. In fact there have been no such provings. It
is time that this work is undertaken.
2. Homoeopathic veterinary prescribing a short
pilot study KAYNE, Steven (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
An historical outline of veterinary homoeopathy
is given together with brief reasons for the recent
increase in demand for homoeopathic treatment and
limiting factors preventing wider acceptance of the
discipline. A pilot survey is described in which the
six homoeopathic medicines most frequently
prescribed by homoeopathic veterinarians have been
identified together with their applications.
The conclusion is that nearly all the vets wanted
to increase their homoeopathic prescribing: despite a
variety of problems being experienced, the field of
veterinary homoeopathy looks set to widen in the
3. Homoeopathic treatment of a horse
RAKOW, Michael (ACD, 1, 1/1992)
A 11-year-old white mare, Lianka”, a Bavarian
mare with Arab blood was brought for lameness after
an injury 14 days ago. X-ray: n.a.d. The totality of
Ailments from fear
Want of self-confidence
Thinning inspite of good appetite
Inflammation of mucous membranes
Inflammation bones
Continued movement amel
Cold wind agg.
Stormy agg.
Rain agg.
Covered, amel.
Uncovering agg.
Saddle, harness agg. i.e. Pressure agg.
Bridle agg. i.e. Touch agg.
Silicea D 30, 3 doses weekly.
After 5 days improvement began.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
After 3 more days completely free of ailments.
Lianka was then given a dose Silicea D 200
Follow-up after an year: Well in everyway.
4. Several seminars in Veterinary Homoeopathy are
organized in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in March
1992. (HT, 12, 1/1992)
5. FDA and Veterinary Homoeopathy
BORNEMAN, Jay (HT, 12, 1/1992)
It was understood earlier that the FDA had issued a
“position paper” which suggested that the use of
homoeopathic remedies in veterinary practice could
be illegal. To resolve the issue a meeting took place
between the center for Veterinary Medicine staff at
FDA and a coalition of American Association of
Homoeopathic Pharmacists in November 15, 1991. It
soon became apparent that there was “no problem”
with veterinarians prescribing human use
homoeopathic medicines in their small animal
practices. The FDA was clear that the “veterinary use
of homoeopathy was illegal” was not correct.
6. Anna responds to Bryonia
SHAEFFER, Edgar C. (HT, 12, 2/1992)
Anna a 16 year-old-horse which suffered from
dislocated hip for about 10 years, arthritis and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, panic attacks
inside a barn, responded very well to Bryonia.
1. A question
VAIDYA, B.J. (HH, 17, 2/1992)
Saccarum lactis and Saccharum officinale both
are medicines in Homoeopathy. Saccharum lactis is
used as vehicle with with homoeopathic medicines
are triturated. The question raised is whether in the
process of trituration the Saccharum lactis also gets
dynamised in which case the dynamic powers of
Sacchrum lactis gets mixed’ with the homoeopathic
medicine being triturated. How to distinguish them?
2. LM Potencies
FOX, Richard, E. (HH, 17, 3/1992)
This is a brief study, with reference to the
Organon 6 Edition (Jost KUNZLI, Alain NAUDE
and Peter PENDLETON) of the advantages and
administration of the LM Potencies (50 millesimal
scale potencies).
1. An experimental double-blind study to evaluate the
use of Euphrasia in preventing conjunctivitis
MOKKAPATTI, Rupa (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
A double-blind study using Euphrasia 30 or
placebo was carried out during an epidemic of viral
conjunctivitis. Nine hundred and ninety-four subjects
were available at follow-up, when 48 subjects in the
group given Euphrasia and 43 subjects in the placebo
group had signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis, a
difference which was not statistically significant. The
protocol by which Euphrasia was tried may be used
without change to scientifically confirm the efficacy
of a genus epidemicus. The concept of genus
epidemicus lends itself well to experimental double-
blind studies in homoeopathy during epidemics.
This is again an attempt at making a ‘scientific’
case for Homoeopathy; another ‘double-blind’ study
destined to give a negative result.
2. Research in Homoeopathy
RIGHETTI, Marco (HL, 4, 1/1991)
This is an extract from Marco RIGHETTI’s talk
in Essen (Germany) in October 1989 in the Congress
held by the ‘Zentrum zur Dokumentation für
Homoeopathy is a science in itself and cannot be
judged from research view alien to it. The strictly
individual selection of the remedies cannot be
pressed into standardized medical therapy with
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
defined diagnostic categories such as is necessary for
double-blind studies.
In spite of the above drawbacks inherent in such
scientific evaluation the effects of Homoeopathy can
be demonstrated with hard facts.
The author cites some trails done at various
times since BOYD (1954) to SCHWABE (1989)
including plant and animal studies.
However the greatest proofs of the efficacy is the
very great number of patients with varied illness who
have been treated successfully over the past two
3. Der Zustand der homöopathischen Materia Medica
(The state of the homoeopathic material medica)
GYPSER, K.H. (ZKH, 36, 1/1992)
The paper demonstrates the growth of the
material medica from the provings published in
periodicals to the clinical symptoms mainly
published as clinical cases. Since 100 years no
extensive collection of the material medica like T.F.
ALLEN’s “Encyclopaedia has been compiled for
the practitioner. It is urgently necessary to build up
such an actual work, because the number of
symptoms have enormously increased. A project
titled “G.H.G. Jahr-Institutehas been founded for
this purpose after years of preparation. This Institute
intends to collect from primary sources all
international published provings and clinical
symptoms, brings them into order and publish them.
International co-operation is required for this.
There are still some rare books and journals in
private libraries. Some are getting damaged for want
of proper care. It would be a great service if persons
possessing such old treasures catalogue them and
furnish same to me (i.e. K.S.S.) so that proper action
may be taken to first make out copies of such
literature and store them in a place under proper
scientific maintenance.
4. Research by CCRH in India
RASTOGI, D.P. (HH, 17, 1/1992)
Clinical research including research in tribal
areas and epidemics, clinical verifications, drug
research, drug standardization, literary research and
experimental research are being conducted in 51 units
of the CCRH located in various parts of India. 29
drug provings have been done so far.
All these are given briefly under appropriate
1. An academic library for education in Homoepathy
TREUHERZ, Francis (The Homoeopath, 12,
There is a large amount of literature on
Homoeopathy that are yet to be located and indexed
and made available to those interested. This article
restricts itself to the English-language articles.
The journal ‘Homoeopathic Heritage published
from India since 16 years has been publishing
selected articles from some of these treasures, and
these articles have in fact been responsible for
generation of much interest in many in
Homoeopathy. There appears to be sufficient material
for another 10 years if not more. If we take into
account the German and French sources the material
is very much more.
Recently ‘Cumulative Indices’ of the articles
published in the ‘Homoeopathic Recorder’ and the
‘International Hahnemannian Association’ have
been published. The Allgemeine homöopathische
Zeitung has published an index to its 150 years
publication (1832-1982).
The article discusses cataloguing all the literature
for easy access.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
Since part three years the QHD (Quarterly
Homoeopathic Digest) has been able to cover in its
‘Current Liteature Listing’ nearly 70% of the
current literature. Still some English, Belgian,
German, French, Spanish Language Journals have
not been covered by the QHD for want of resources.
2. Homoeopathic education around the world -
review from the Alonissos seminar 1990
GREEN, Alice (HL, 4, 1/1991)
“In August 1990 George VITHOULKAS invited
a number of medical doctors and professional
homoeopaths to a teachers’ discussion group in
Alonissos, Greece. This group of approximately 75
men and 5 women came from 14 different countries –
as far apart as New Zealand, India, Scandinavia and
the United States in order to discuss classical
homoeopathic education and its co-ordination at an
international level. The aim of the week-long seminar
was to learn from one another, In particular from the
practice and experiences of teaching in our own
countries. The seminar also provide an opportunity to
present interesting cases on paper and by video.
We came to realize that different standards in
teaching and the sorts of pressures that different
countries have to face in their battle to place classical
homoeopathy on the map of accepted therapies
amongst the orthodox medical establishments”.
Countrywise brief reviews are given.
1. DUDGEON – a conventional view
LEARY, Bernard (BHJ, 81, 1/1992)
Robert Ellis DUDGEON was born in 1820.
DRYSDALE persuaded him to translate some
articles on Homoeopathy from German into English.
DUDGEON became a convert and he went again to
Vienna to learn Homoeopathy, In 1846 he became
the editor of the British Journal of Homoeopathy and
remained until 1884.
DUDGEON is known as the homoeopath who
translated HAHNEMANN’s major works. His
contributions to Homoeopathy is numerous.
DUDGEON had an inventive frame of mind and
devised certain instruments like Sphygmograph.
DUDGON’s contribution to British and indeed
international homoeopathy was enormous. He
deserves a higher place in our regard than is normally
given to him.
1. Homoeopathy is not a conjectural art Interview
(ACD, 1, 1/1992)
On behalf of the Archiv r Homöopathik Almud
MULDER and Michael TERLINDEN interviewed
late Dr. KǛNZLI at St. Gallen on 31 may 1991.
Dr. KǛNZLI sees a bright future for
Homoeopathy. He feels that VITHOULKAS goes too
deep into the Psyche. He also has some other
difference with the VITHOULKAS’ School. About
the South American School (PASCHERO,
ORTEGA) he feels that they have made a philosophy
of their own out of HAHNEMANN’s Miasms theory;
and it is too abstract. The new-comer to
Homoeopathy must study the original source
references the Organon, the chronic Diseases, the
works of HERING, von BOENNINGHAUSEN, and
others. Regarding use of computers Dr. KUNZLI
says that it depends upon as to who uses the
computer and how. Regarding the Q potencies (50
millesimal) he says that he often gave a Q1 and if the
remedy was appropriate, he would then give a high C
potency as a single dose. Sometimes he gave the Q
potencies in ascending order Q1. Q2.- Q3. etc. He
does not agree with daily repeated doses and/or for
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
weeks of the Q potencies. Coffee, in his experience,
was found to be definitely antidotal. Practising pure
Homoeopathy alone assures a bright future for the
2. My main teachers are my patients Face to Face
with Jeremy SHERR (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
Dr. Vishpala PARTHASARATHY interviewed
Dr. Jeremy SHERR at the December 1990 Seminar at
Misha NORLAND was the teacher of SHERR;
later on VITHOULKAS and then Joseph REEZ of
Israel. “We studied from 8 in the morning till 10 at
night”. Jeremy SHERR stresses on the understanding
of the Organon. “Each patient teaches us something.
So we have to listen and synthesize information put
them all together and make one totality”, SHERR
explains his case taking technique and also remedy
3. Naturopathy and Homoeopathy
ELMORE Durr (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
The closeness and links between
Naturopathy and Homoeopathy are explained.
The need for homoeopaths to understand
Naturopathy is discussed. Both need to understand
and support one another. The Naturopathy teaching,
certification etc. as also Homoeopathy teaching are
1. Elizabeth ADALIAN, in a letter to the Editor of
‘The Homoeopath’, 12, 1/1992 draws attention to
BOERICKE’s (Materia Medica) on Vanadium and
points out that the picture is very close to that seen in
AIDS patients and that therefore this remedy may be
considered as an ideal support remedy in such
2. Murray FELDMAN, in a letter to the Editor of The
Homoeopath’, 12, 1/1992 refers to an interview with
Colin GRIFFITH in a college Journal in which
GRIFFITH said that KENTIAN Homoeopathy was
different from HAHNEMANNIAN Homoeopathy.
The correspondent argues that KENT was not
Dr. G.S. HEHR wrote an article “Was Kent a
Hahnemannian?” in the BHJ, 2/1984, quoting the
many areas where KENT’s views were different from
HAHNEMANN’s, leading to the conclusion that
KENT did not follow HAHNEMANN fully.
3. Seminar Reports, reported by Derek BRIGGS.
(HL, 4, 1/1991)
Roger MORRISON (Seminar in Auckland (1987)
gave a detailed description of 17 ways to analyse a
case. He presented a number of papers and video
cases to show unfamiliar aspects of the polycrests as
well as some of the lesser known remedies. He also
introduces doublets and triplets as a way of
prescription where other approaches to the case
failed, i.e. a combination of 2 or 3 specific Generals
and symptoms point to a little known remedy:
Craves nuts+ prostate/urinary symptoms:
Twitching+Deep fear of cancer:Agaricus
Allergies with behaviour problems +intense
craving for potato and eggs:Oleum-an
History of cancer + anxiety about
History of Cancer of Colon + Asthma:Nat-s
Depression + Asthma:Nat-s
Seizures+ Asthma:Cuprum
Cold better cold:Camphor
Asthma worse fog:Hypericum
Diabetes, Kindney problems + desire for
Some remedies indicated in Obsessive,
“ritual”behaviour:Tuberculinum and Rhus tox:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
Must complete what is going on and if
interrupted must do it all over again.
Argentum nitricum:Like a children’s game, must
repeat the same action.
Ratanhia:Religious ritual for fear something bad
will happen.Ritual cleaning of anus/hemorrhoids.
Kali’s:All compulsively law-abiding, can’t break
the rules even for trivia.
Kali bichromicum must finish what he is saying.
Syphilinum: Obsessive compulsion to wash hands.
This extends to fear of toilet germs, dog droppings,
Arsenicum:Obsessive and meticulous tidying up.
Natrum’s and Borax: Can develop ritual compulsion
e.g. checking doors and windows and locked before
going to bed.
Iodum:Continually checking they have done things
e.g. switched off lights, lacked doors etc. Comes
from fixed ideas.
Others little gems:
Lyssinum in general phonias especially Agoraphobia
and Claustrophobia with an old history of animal bite
of Rabies Vaccine.
Camphor: Highly-strung, allergic people with many
symptoms that cover a wide range of remedies.
4.Extract from ‘What can be called Classical
Homoeopathy?’, Homoeopathy in Osterreich, 2/1990.
Dr. Peter KONIG raises the following doubts after
attending Ananda ZARWN’s seminar in
Switrzweland in 1990.
The first point was the continuous suggestive
questions put to the patient. Ananda ZAREN seemed
to have a remedy in mind and asked direct questions.
HAHNEMANN was strongly against this.
Second point: Ananda ZAREN’s rather diffuse
psychological interpretation off the patient’s
Third point: Cases shown as cured after only a short
follow-up. A strong point of the Vithorlkas’school,
and one from which we can all benefit, is to learn to
wait a sufficient amount of time after the
Ananda ZAREN often went on her ‘feelings’ in the
final analysis of the case.
The amount of additions to the repertory she gave
raises the question: on what criteria should we base
such additions?
5. Frederik SCHROYENS, Gent, Belgium reports
that in Belgium medical doctors practicing
Homoeopathy (and other alternative medicines) are
pulled up by Courts where they were judged unfairly
and awarded. This is because the Medical Board has
great authority over medical practice.
The good news is that in December 1990 a law
appeared regulating the creation of a speciality in
Homoeopathy as a special branch of regular
medicine. Homoeopathy eitll eventually become a
speciality like Cardiology, Rheumatology, etc (HL, 4,
6. While the Organism adapts itself to the
environment and the ‘biological clocks’ also adapt
so, yet the biological clocks (the cells have their
individual clocks)are at the same time independent.
(See Winston Churchill’s Agternoon Nap-a wide
enquiry into the human nature of time”by Jeremy
Campbell, Paladin, 1989)
In the HL,4, 1/91 there is a report that while the
clocks were moved forward for summertime, the
organisms also adapted itself soon to the changed
time-in one case the child who screamed at 10p.m.
did so, after the clock was advanced at 11p.m. for 3
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 26
days and after 3 days began to scream at 10p.m.
(summertime);in the other case this adaptation
occurred from the very next day.
Readers may send in their experience in this regard
(to QHD).
7. In the ‘Editorial’of ‘Homoeopathy Today’
Vol.12,1/1992, Julian WINSTON writes about how
his father who was 80 years old and hospitalized
could not be “treated because they had “not yet
diagnosed an entity”as all the tests were normal. And
Julian WINSTON himself treated homoeopathically
and in 3 days the patient was well enough to be taken
away from the hospital and further homoeopathic
treatment continued by which the patient improved.
8. An article that appeared in the Minneapolis start
Tribune’ headed “Folk drug, tranquilizer to be used
in AIDS test”, according to Folklore a herbal potion
obtained from the St.John’s Wort (Hupericum) plant
can cure depression and heal wounds.About 10 AIDS
patients would recetive Hypericin a drug derived
from the plant, in a test of its effectiveness”. It has
been found that Hypericin inhibited viral
reproduction. (HT,12, 1/1992)
9. World Research News,1
, Quarter1991 reports
about a German doctor who had been using oral
Strophanthin to treat myocardial infarction. G-
strophanthin is a cardiac glycoside derived from the
plant Strophanthis grans, from which homowopathic
remedy Strophanthus is obtained (HT,12, 1/1992)
10. Thirty homoeopaths gathered on the peak of Mt.
Summit (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) for the Annual
Conference of Homoeopathic Society of the Stat of
Pennsylvania during the first week-end of September
1991. Some abstracts:
Dr. Rosemary RAU-LEVONE is well –versed in a
number of healthcare modalities. She was involved
with the methods of Dr. Sigrun SEUTEMANN of
Germany and familiarity with homotoxicology and
the works of Dr. RECKEWEG.Interesting concepts
were brought and shared.
Guy HOAGLAND discussed Mercurius; bringing
together his allopathic and homoeopathic insights. He
depicted the picture of Acrodynia which is mercurial
poisoning. Dr. HOAGLAND felt that we could use
the symptoms-mental as well as physical- from the
allopathic literature to formulate a better
homoeopathic picture of Mercurius.
Dr. Ed SHEARER discussed veterinary homoeopathy
particularly horses.
Franne BEREZ and Richard SOLOMON discussed
“hyperactivity in children”. The attention deficit
disorder (ADD) in children begins a very early stage,
indeed so early that some mothers say that the child
was very active in the womb. Hyperactivity may be
categorized broadly as –ADD,ADD+hyperactivity,
ADD+ aggression.
4 years-old-girl: Jealousy, does things and repeats
things just to annoy, speaks and yells right into your
face, constantly tries to get your attention, a constant
discharge from the left nostril and constantly strikes
out (actually hit the doctor); Medorrhinum did not
completely clear the case, but Tuberculinum cleared
Both the remedies are worse night, worse from dairy,
worse sugar. Medorrhinum is:docile during the day,
worse fruits yet craves orange juice; no sence of time
and extreme procrastinator, doing things told not do
to; speak rapidly and are long-winded; selfish.
Tuberculinum:meanness; fear: of animals, thunder
and of being alone,especially in the dark. They run at
top speed and collapse into bed. Restless sleep.
Hyoscyamous: foolish or silly behaviour, hilarity,
taking his/her clothes off, jealousy and talkativeness.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 27
Worse at night, worse lying down and seems to have
an inner restlessness.
Dr. David WEMBER who spoke next spoke of the
remedies which had a combination of two elements
which act more deeply. For example Arsenicum
iodatum acts in a deeper more chronic way: it is more
corrosive and watery; especially useful for chronic
pneumonia and bronchitis.
Kali iodatum has both acute and chronic aspects,
good for sinusitis, helpful if there is glandular
involvement. Kali chloricum has a white nasal
discharge (e.g. Kali muriaticum). Antimonium
iodatum goes deeper than Antimonium tartaricum, in
chest. similarly Antimonium arsenicum. Sulphur
iodatum and kali arsenicum were also discussed.
11. The first page of ‘Homoeopathy Today’ Vol.12,
1/1992 carries a picture of ‘The New York
Homoeopathic Charity Hospital’, Ward’s Island,
originally founded in 1875. At present, however,
‘The Manhattan Psychiatric Center’ stands there
and not the Homoeopathic hospital.
12. Homoeopatherapeutics as a medical specialty a
new perspective HOAGLAND, Guy (HT, 12,
Homoeopathic medicine is growing both in lay and
professional practice. As we approach the 21
Century a new concept of the role of homoeopathy is
Dr. HOAGLAND proposed a three “tier” in the
practice of Homoeopathy: a pyramid; the bottom tier
would be medical doctors who know a little
Homoeopathy and could prescribe for first-aid and
acute problems; the second “tierwould specialize”
in Homoeopathy and could deal with most problems;
the third “tier” would be the top, who deal with
chronic cases.
Homoeopathy is no longer a school of thought set in
contradistinction to the “old school”.
13. Advanced case conference Cross section of
Anxiety and Fear; Reported by SHILOH, Jana (HT,
12, 2/1992)
The advanced case conference at the 1991 NCH
Annual Meeting was taught by Roger MORRISON
and Louis KLEIN.
About 20% of the population suffer from serious
anxiety said Dr. MORRISON. Because of
suppressions by drugs we see more cases on
emotional level now-a-days. This was not so earlier.
Hence we feel frustrated when we don’t get
information on the emotional pathologies in our
Materia Medica. Three syndromes were identified:
1. Simple phobias – like germs, cancer, etc.
2. Anxiety (fear without a specific focus)
3. Panic disorders
Natrum muriaticum fears closed places because they
are so emotionally closed that a closed room
represents their emotional state and evokes fear.
Phosphorus fears the dark and water because they
can’t see the limits.
Arsenicum fear robbers because they have basic fears
about their possessions and secutity.
Stramonium fears being murdered because they have
the impulse to kill. Their fear of animals represents
their animal nature within.
Aurum fears heights because of their impulse to
commit suicide.
Lachesis has a fear of being poisoned because they,
too. are “poison” (their sarcastic humour and their
lashing out)
Argentum nitricum is impulsive. Their fears have to
do with impulsive fears or desires to hurt family
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 28
Deep fears can come from deep biological knowledge
of impending disease. it is not uncommon that a fear
of a disease actually precedes that disease.
In contrast to phobias, anxiety is more pervasive in a
person’s life and is not limited to specifics. Treating
this patient often pose challenges to the prescriber, as
the patient is often very dependent on their
Arsenicum will test you. They think they have dread
diseases and they want you to take care of them; want
tests run, etc.
Kali carbonicum thinks they will get a disease
Lycopodium has anticipatory anxiety and make jokes
about their calls to you. They also swallow a lot
Phosphorus has an innocent anxiety and is better if
someone is around to talk to, even a child.
Nitric acid cannot be reassured; they are serious,
nervous, anxious, and suspicious. They will not admit
improvement and will even accuse you of destroying
their health.
Calcarea carbonicum is overwhelmed and anxious,
has a feeling of burden, and fears their mind is going.
Argentum nitricum are compulsive self-medicators.
They travel with many medications.
Silica can look like Calcarea worried, quiet and
They worry about little things, and tend not to be able
to see the forest for the trees. Little things become
serious problems to them.
Baryta carbonica are very dependent and have
problems with little decisions like what to eat.
kali arsenicum has anxiety, especially about their
They need tests and exams to reassure them.
Psorinum can look like Arsenicum; however, they
don’t give the impression of dependence. They can
be suicidal.
Cannabis indica one type may be “high” a blissful,
and another type is serious, anxious, panic-striken,
and fears losing control.
14. Elizabeth STONER reports of a day with Diane
Diane quoted from Tao Te ching, by LAO
In the pursuit of learning, every day something
is acquired.
In the pursuit of TAO, every day something is
Less and less is done until non-action is
When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.
The world is ruled by letting things take their
course. It cannot be ruled by interfering.
The focus is on the Organon which should be
studied slowly and savoured and meditated upon. A
good grounding in the philosophy of Homoeopathy is
worth more than all the specific rules. The one
fundamental word in the Organon is dynamis, or
vital force that which influences healing aided by our
remedies if the simillimum is chosen. (HT, 12,
15. Facets of Homoeopathy
MEHTA, Nina (NJH, 1, 1/1992)
This a report on the Seminar with Jeremy SHERR
held at Bombay in December 1990.
This following concepts were put forth by SHERR.
1. Concept of positive health
2. Each symptom as a protection against
something that means each symptom is the effect and
the cause is elsewhere.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 29
3. Concept of complex materialization and
simple dynamics
4. Modality is a symptom when the patient is not
compatible with his environment.
5. Concept of static state.
6. Use the potency which during the proving
produced that particular symptom.
7. Importance of physical expression in a
8. Polarity or opposites.
Jeremy SHERR spoke of his provings of Scorpion.
He discussed paragraphs 9, 10, 131, 207 of the
Organon. Hepar sulphur, Camphor, Thuja were also
16. The RADAR’s Vithoulkas Expert System and
Mac Repertory are compared by VITHOULKAS
and ROGER VAN ZANDVOORT. Cases worked out
with the aid of these computers are analysed. These
appear as ‘Letters to the Editor’ (Simmillimum, 5,
17. Epidemic helpline
HERSCU Paul (Simillimum, 5, 1/1992)
A new Network Center for Disease Control (CDC)
has been formed. Such a center would collect
statistical a