© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XII, 1994
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homeopathy
drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany,
France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the
original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this
compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Vol. XI, Nos. 1 & 2, 1994
1. Organon: De Doseringlfhe dose)
DAM, K.(Simillima, 2, 1/1993)
The dose should be distinguished from the potency
and repetition. HAHENEMANN says that the dose should
be as small as possible (para 275). The dose should be
related to the sensitivity of the patient. In para 281
HAHNEMANN says that the sensitivity of the patient to
the indicated remedy can differ a thousandfold. Where
one patient needs one grain to react another needs a
thousand grains to get a reaction. HAHNEMANN
developed the C potencies and Q potencies for the very
sensitive patients to diminish aggravation. But what
about the patients who are less sensitive who do not react
to one or two doses and come back after 6 weeks and
nothing happened and we are still sure of the remedy. Can
we give a high potency daily till there is reaction and then
stop dosing. In Russia (Kiev) it is quite common to give
high potencies (M) three times a week for months despite
aggravation or amelioration. This has been done for
generations (POPOV). EIZAYAGA from Brazil
experimented with frequent dosing of high potencies and
claims cures 3 to 4 times faster with frequent (daily)
dosing of high potencies. Especially in cases with severe
physical pathology he starts with C6 and moves to 12, 30,
200 whenever there is no more action of the former
potency (all daily given).
In the author's experience, in constitutional cases of
a remedy (already for more than one year on one remedy)
especially with the emerging of mental-emotional
"unfinished business" frequent repetition of high
potencies may be necessary (daily 10M or 50M) always
guided by the reactions. In psychiatric patients
(together with allopathic medicines) and ME good
results were obtained with D12 daily where a 10Mdid
nothing or even "deadened" everything.
More subtle dosing (not mentioned in the
Organon) holding the remedy (bottle) in the hand or
carrying it on the body, sleeping on it (under the pillow-
slip) can produce beautiful provings in our experience
so it can produce beautiful cures too.
Homoeopsychotherapeutic interventions is a recent form
of subtle dosing for sensitive patients.
2. Organisation theory and Homoeopathy
MASS Rob (Simillima, 2,1/1993)
Differences and similarities between
Homoeopathy and Organisation theory are related and
3. Organon: De Geneesmiddel ziekte (the
DAM, K.(Simillima, 2, 2/1993)
The homoeopathic aggravation is explained by
HAHNEMANN as being the stronger medicinal
disease which exceeds the strength of the actual disease
of the patient for a while (paragraph 157). In this article
the medicinal disease as well as other homoeopathic
principles (similia principle, potency, HERING's Law)
are viewed in terms of homeostasis, biological ( —
centrifugal) responses of the organism, toxicological
(^centripetal) stimuli from the environment and
other more "modern" physiological concepts are
4. HAHNEMANNS Potenzierungsbegriff
(HAHNEMANN's Potency concept)
DELLMOUR, F. (ZKH, 37, 1/1993)
How did the word "Potency" and "potentisation"
come about to be used in Homoeopathy?
HAHNEMANN's literature are examined: The Chronic
Diseases, Fragmentary observations on Brown's
Elements of Medicine (1801), Treatment of the Typhus
or hospital fever at present prevailing (1814), Cure
and Prevention of Scarlet Fever (1801), Organon
(1810, 1833, 1921).
5. Heilwirkungen? (Healing effects?)
PETZINGER, K.v. (AHZ, 238, 1/1993)
The news that about 8000 people have died due to side
effects of drugs within one year in Germany is alarming.
In additon, a cost explosion in the whole general
orthodox medicine can be observed, not only due to the
very expensive medicines, but also due to the very costly
modern diagnosis, which leads to an allopathic
medication which is effective only temporarily but
unfortunately does not lead to a natural healing. There is
only one way to come out of this dilemma: to recall our
original task, that is, to make sick people healthy in the
sense of a Natural healing, instead of making them - as it
is now being done -constant consumers of medicines
which have high side effcts. For achieving this, one does
not need very expensive technology. As we know,
PARACELSUS (500 years ago) and HIPPOCRATES
(2400 years ago) were great healers. If the general
Medicine would remember this important task, the whole
crisis in Medicine would be removed with a single
stroke. However, this would not be possible with a
science which generalizes but only through an
individualizing healing, as we have it in an ideal form in
6. Versuch einer realistischen
Betrachtungsweise der Homoopathie (A
realistic examination of Homoeopathy)
FRIESE, K.-H.(AHZ, 238, 3/1993)
In this article are discussed, what
Homoeopathy essentially is, what are its limitations and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
how Homoeopathy can be practically applied.
Homoeopathy should be approached sincerely, and
successes and failures considered openly and the failures
are not to be underestimated. Different homoeopathic
doctors have different methods in their approach to their
patients and diseases. A view that is at variance should not
fundamentally lead to consider that one's own view is the
only genuine one and that of the other's is wrong.
Tolerance of colleagues of opposite view is
important. Hindrances to homoeopathic treatment
which frequently come up and which can hardly be
ignored are discussed. One should come out of an ivory-
tower mentality.
7. Die hombopathische Erstverschlimmerung
(The homoeopathic initial aggravation)
ILLING, K.H. (AHZ, 238, 3/1993)
In his Organon VI edition, pp.154-161
HEHNEMANN wrote about the initial aggravation. In
this report the author has chosen ten cases out of
fiftythree in his practice from 1986 to 1990. The results are
given in two tables - one giving the potencies and the
reaction and the other the kind of reaction. The
conclusion is that HAHNEMANN's observations are
8. Was fordert das Gesetz fur eine
homoopathische Arzneimittlprufung am
Gesunden? (What is required of the law for a
homoeopathic medicinal proving on the
HORNING, J. (AHZ, 238, 3/1993)
There are clearly and legally defined
requirements for clinical trial of medicines. This holds
good for the homoeopathic medicinal provings on the
healthy. The Editor of AHZ comments that the rules
cannot be applied to Homoeopathy; t he
homoeopathic medicinal provings on the healthy are not
identical with the allopathic trials and therefore it cannot
be applied strictly to homoeopathic trials.
9. Para 246 und die Q-Potenzen (Paragraph 246 and the
50 millesimal potencies) TERLINDEN Michael
(ACD, 2, 2/1993)
Homoeopaths administer the Q potencies in
daily and increasing doses in chronic diseases and the
results justify such repetition. There are however many
questions which are still open to discussion in this regard.
These were discussed in a Symposium in Bad Driburg and
some of the questions could be answered, while the
others must await.
10. Single or multiple medicine prescribing-a
BLACKSTONE Victoria (BHJ, 82, 1/1993) There is an
increasing demand from the public for Homoeopathy in
the U.K. The intolerance that has marked homoeopathic
history over the last two centuries should be ended and
instead points of difference should be debated amongst the
Profession, SO that we can serve the people well. With this
aim a debate was held at the Royal London Homoeopathic
Hospital on 7 July 1992 on the well- worn subject "Single
or Multiple medicines prescribing". The motion "This
house believes that the single remedy is the medicine of
experience" was debated by four doctors -two on each side
and later joined by the members on the floor. At the end of
the debate the audience of 60 voted 2 to 1 in favour of the
single remedy being the medicine of experience.
A very interesting debate.
11. The potent one
CHAPPEL Peter (The Homoeopath, 13,
This is a discussion on the homoeopathic potencies.
The author says that everything about the potencies so far
said are arbitrary and speculative. He has been using the
LM potencies since last two years and found the results
very satisfying. His way of administration of the LM
potencies is as follows: A100 ml glass bottle is two-thirds
filled with tap or filtered water and contains one seed
granule of the remedy. Every day the patient is asked to
bang the bottle hard on a hard surface like a magazine on a
table top. To take half a teaspoonful from the bottle and put
it in half a glass of water. This is stirred vigorously,
teaspoonful is taken, held in mouth a few seconds, then
swallowed and the rest in the glass thrown away. This is
repeated daily. The remedy is stopped if anything
happens, worse or better; and wait. Some people need only
one dose. Others need for weeks, months, with daily
succussions. From experience they stop after a few doses.
Rarely they do a bit of a proving.
The author says that the LM1 s act just like a XM or M
or 30 etc. when it works well, fast or slowly.
One of the greatflexibilities about the LMs is that the
physician decides the remedy and the patient determines
the quantity. The patient takes it until it acts and then stops.
LM1 is possibly the only potency ever needed of any
remedy, says the author. (See QHD, X, 4/93, VI.
Pharmacology, for preparation of a LM potency
solution and administration)
12. Homoeopathic Principles
JONAS Julian (NEJH, 1,1/1992)
The following are the backbones of
- 1. The Law of Similars
- 2. The Minimum Dose
- 3. The Nature of Symptoms. Symptoms are an
expression of the Vital Force of a person. They
surface as an attempt by the Vital Force to
stabilize, compensate or cleanse the entire
system when it becomes disordered, but they
are not the disorder itself.
- 4. The Use of Individual Remedies
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
1. Aurum sulphuricum - dream proving
LASSAUW, Y. (Simillima, 2, 1/1993)
For three nights a dream-proving was done with Aur-s.
C30 by sleeping on it (Remedy under the pillow-slip).
The dream themes in the three nights were remarkably
the same. A conflict came out between the committed
responsibility (Aurum) side and the uncommitted pleasure
(Sulphur?) side. Deep inside (mostly unconscious) there is
nagging that he is not getting his fair share because of his
commitment and responsibility to others. And the others
have to do their part of the task, otherwise Aur-s. gets
very frustrated, angry and critical (Censorius to dearest
Aurum sulphuricum came out in this proving as more
practical, concrete and materialistic than Aurum
metallicum. In two of the three nights there was a
waking up at 3.00 am. Actions tended to be resolute,
uncautious and somewhat abrupt.
2. Latrodectus mactans
BLOCH Martin (Simillimum, 6, 1/1993) Latrodectus
mactans, the Black Widow spider.is generally known
only for 'Angina pectoris'. KENT'S Repertory has only
small number of rubrics against this remedy. In the light
of the knowledge gained subsequently from many authors,
e.g. Jacques JOUANNY, WHITMONT, etc. the author
has given a brief Materia Medica of this remedy.
3. Dreamproving and situation of Hysocyamus
DAM, K. (Simillima, 2, 2/1993)
Dreamproving with a 1000 potency of
I am standing on a market selling tomatoes. I do not
sell very much because every time I am wanted on the
phone (for something that someone wants to know).
Everytime I come back a lot of my tomatoes are gone.
How is that possible? I suspect my neighbour- sellers. I
decide to take extra care that nobody is going to take
another tomato from me.
Dominating feeling: Mistrust, feeling people harm me
behind my back.
From this "situation" the state, symptoms and
rubrics of Hyoscyamus are made explainable,
functional and above all empathically imaginable.
Feelings and Actions like Jealousy, Greed, Inquisitive,
Intrigue, Inciting, Deceitful ness, Affectation, Foolish
behavior are surviving mechanisms in this situation (to get
the tomatoes back in the same sneaky way as they were
4. The One-berry
LEVY David (Simillima, 2, 2/1993) In two cases, one of a
young man and another of a 62 year-old lady the author
found Paris quadrifolia as the remedy. Both the patients
were the only child of their parents, were loquacious,
loved to talk, talking of themselves. The other rubrics that
came up are: Talking, pleasure in his own; Egotism,
speaking always about themselves in company; Haughty.
The picture of Paris quadrifolia that emerges from
these two cases is:
- the only child
- spend much time alone, therefore talk to
themselves a lot
- very familiar with the sound of their own voice
- always heard and attended to, so become
spoiled and pampered
- no brothers or sisters, therefore no rivalry
- without the lonely/forsaken reaction of other
only children
- as only children, mostly in adult company
- mixing in adult company, develop early
egotism, becoming rather adult atan early age,
hence may be precocious
- early egotism could be seen in talking about
themselves, pleasure in their own voice or
silly/foolish behavior.
- the adult Paris therefore behaves
inappropriately, as the only child (adult)
- such inappropriate behavior might include
being foolish/silly/childish/loquacious, or
contemptuous. Either way Paris quadrifolia
will be loquacious and this will be a
pleasurable, "self-satisfied" loquacity-
5. Confused old ladies
PATCH, Frank W. (Simillima, 2, 2/1993) This is a
reprint from the Homoeopathic Recorder 1924.
Hyoscyamus is generally compared with Belladonna,
Stramonium, or we have a mental picture of an erotic,
loquacious person. While this is characteristic of the
drug, it need not be so always. The author narrates the
case of an old woman who was positive that she had no
money, and had no clothes and she would talk
continuously to prove her point: tall, thin, angular,
restless and sleepless. Hyoscyamus quieted her.
Another old lady who had become widow at 37
years age, with four sons, left only with very small
money, had worked hard and brought upthe sons who held
responsible positions. Nevertheless the hard days she
suffered were so much imprinted in her mind that she
could not give up the hard work. When she had an acute
sickness her recovery was delayed, she was confused,
mildly loquacious, but as long as she was at home, she
could not let go and conditions got worse. Sleepless and
unpleasant dreams. Would get up in the night and get lost
in her room, or fall on the floor in an effort to locate
something. The mental confusion resulting from fatigue
of long duration, was the outstandng feature, and
Hyoscyamus brought the order and health out of a trying
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Another hard-worked housekeeper with a '
husband and one daughter became unable tofunction
further. Became disoriented, had delusions of voices, was
unable to sleep, her face had a vacant look and she went
even so far as to refuse food for several days. There was no
loquacity. Shetalked very little and could understand
nothing. The most prominent feature was confusion. She
would sit and stare into vacancy. Hyoscyamus brought
her back.
In prescribing we must not expect to find all the
classic symptoms of a drug in a given case, but we must
have present some key condition which in these cases was
6. Phosphorus: The helpless spider in its web
MODI Sanjay (IJHM, 27, 4/1992)
A 52-year-old married man suffering from
headache on the vertex, heat, heaviness, sensation as if
skull will break open, desired salt. He was in a joint
family, shouldering maximum responsibilities and since
some time wanted to separate but his brothers and
mother were not in favour. Patient felt trapped and
unable to extricate, helpless. Phosphorus M brought
significant improvement. The author concludes that
an 'intense' environmental /
circumstantial/situational feeling that a patient
experiences should be considered for prescription.
7. Rosmarinus officinalis
LONG, B. and CAYREL, Ph. (RBH, 25/1992) The
Group "Dynamis" (Montpellier) made a double-blind
proving of Rosemahnus with 11 provers including 2
females in the potencies D3 to C15 (Dolisos) for a
period of about 6 months. The peculiar symptoms were
noted with strict criteria. 26 symptoms were obtained out
of which the following are noteworthy:
Compulsion, to turn back to home, to verify
something (eg.the closure of the door. This symptom
was also verified with another female patient with
compulsion to verify the gas-tube).
Thinks her daughter has rang her.
Sleepiness after meals, particularly lunch.
Marked weakness,loss of appetite.
Fullness after meals.
Modalities observed:
Worse mornings, from swallowing, oysters,
movement, after meals.
Marked symptoms were the Mouth-throat
symptoms, thirst.
No female genital symptoms were observed.
8. A Clinical study of Bothrops lanceolatus
MASTER Farooq (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
This clinical study is of 6 patients in coma (2 males
and 4 females) Bothrops was administered to these
patients by inhalation in potencies ranging from 200 to
CM, in intervals of half hour to twelve hours. In all the
cases Bothrops was complemented by deep-acting
consititutional remedies. The toxicology and clinical
provings of the remedy are listed. A very interesting study.
9. To catch a snake by its tail
SONAVALA Sarla (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
A 25-year-old married female who continued to have
lochia of dark, fl uid blood, even after two months; no
fever, no pain. Alloapthic and Ayurvedic medications
did not help. Although the symptoms indicated Lachesis
clearly there was no response to the remedy. She further
reported that she had headache, pain in the right temple
and right eye-ball. A purple-blue naevus was also observed
on her right, bare arm. Crotalus horridus M three doses
stopped the haemorrhage on the third day.
10. Lachesis - the other side
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
A 60 year-old woman with cancer of cervix
consulted for bleeding per rectum with or without stool,
but aggravated during and after stool, also during
urination, half cup of blood, 3 times a day. Lachesis was
not the remedy on the face of the case but repertorization
gave it in high marking. After Arsenicum album,
Hamamelis and Tuberculinum failed Lachesis relieved.
11. The softer side of Arsenicum album
ZAREN Ananda (JAIH, 85, 4/1992)
Arsenicum album has a softer, more passive
side of which many practitioners may be unaware. This
type of Arsenicum is less overtly restless and less
aggressive. The passive type is afraid to express anger
for fear of being abandoned. They are subject to low self-
esteem, anxiety and depression when unable to finish their
self-assigned projects or maintain the rigid control of their
lives and environment they so desperately seek. The
passive type, with the typical fears of Arsenicum,
can l o o k like Phosphorus.
However, the dynamic in Phosphorus is very different; it is
not about control- Arsenicum must be in control. They
are highly controlled and secretive, quite the opposite of
Phosphorus. They do not easily disclose their deep, dark
secrets or their personal feelings. They may
spontaneously offer information during the interview, but
only to a certain point.
12. Clinical snapshots
GUESS George (JAIH, 85, 4/1992)
Case 1: A child with sore throat, swollen tonsils with
white patches on them; Mercurius vivus did not bring
about the expected relief. Offensive breath, putrid which
could be detected several feet away. Cervical glands
bilateral swollen, constant swallowing, swallowing
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
difficult, empty swallowing painful, appetite
diminished. While KENT'S and KUNZLI's didn't help
PHATAK's Materia medica gave perfect description
under Sabadilla, which remedy in the 200 promptly cured.
Case 2. Hemorrhoids in a 32-year-old female,
counsellor; painful lump on the outside of her rectum,
burning, pain worse when walking or changing
position—getting up or down. Aesculus
hippocastanum 200 cured.
Case 3: Epidemic Pleurodynia: 7-year-old girl with
multiple pains. During pains she is hysterical; screams;
cannot be still during pain. Sternal pain; pain in the area of
the spine; wanders; mainly lumbar area though; better
sitting still, cold; worse deep breath, standing, touch,
motion; heat. Also cramping in abdomen causing her to
bend double. Cimicifuga 200, 2-3 doses with rapid relief.
13. 'Swelter'd Venom Sleeping Got" - Bufo
CHASE Sandra M.(JAIH, 86,1/1993)
This paper is a discussion of the remedy Bufo, its
source, its history, and its Materia medica on
information gathered from classical homoeopathic
literature and from modern herpetology experts. (This is a
paper presented at the Annual Autumn Case Conference
on Homoeopathy, Dayton, Ohio, USA, 1992)
14. A case of impulse to kill
DIXON Daniel J. (JAIH, 86, 1/1993) A 53-year-old
woman with lot of stress building up over the last couple
of years; she does not want to think of something
anymore; finds herself unable to be around a particular
person in the family anymore. Has the impulse to kill this
person, to do her bodily harm. Feels better if she can
keep her mind occupied; if not,she becomes weak,
shaky,and sick to her stomach with the thought. The
thought is constantly on her mind, an obsession. This
continual obsessive thinking creates a lot of guilt. The
person so much in her mind whom she wants to kill, is her
mother. In the past she has been very protective of her
mother. Frequent urination at night and at times during the
day as well.
Dem's pinnata 30 was prescribed. There was an
aggravation on the second day. The persistent impulse to
kill is only fifty percent. The remedy was repeated twice.
To the rubrics in the KENT, VITHOULKAS has
added a rubric; "Impulse of child to kill mother". The
Complete Repertory has added the rubric as "Desire to
kill parents, in a child ".
15. The cunning boy
VORA Anita (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
A five-and-half year-old boy suddenly
developed prolapse of rectum after 2-3 loose stools. The
prolapse was corrected mechanically. The boy took
fright after seeing a cockroach in the toilet; Aconite 200.
After three weeks it was reported that he had prolapse
thrice in the last week and a repair operation was thought
of. The boy was restless, quarrelsome, hits the other boys
in the class without provocation. While he would snatch
others' things he will not share his with others. Was cruel
and rude and when he hit his sister and he was pulled up
for that by the mother he would weep loudly as if he was
hurt. At three years age he cut the curtains with scissors.
Nail biting. Tarentula M and no more prolapse since 8
16. Crotalus horridus and Lachesis
ANWAR BAIG Mirza (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
With the help of four cases the author highlights the
differences between these two snake venoms. In the first
case of five year old child who was ill from its first year
who developed haemorrhgic spots and blisters all over
the body, enlarged liver and spleen, haemetemesis amd
hypertricosis, and which was diagnosed as "Erythropoetic
Porphyria" (a congenital disorder) and Crotalus
horridus brought about remarkable improvement until
the child went back to Saudi Arabia. In the second case, a
child 9 years - old with bleeding from pores of the skin,
was prescribed Crotalus horridus. In the third case, a 10-
year-old girl with recurring bleeding from nose, greenish
spots on the skin; since early childhood these spots will
ooze blood if scratched. It suffered from
Thrombocytopaenia. Crotalus horridus brought about
astonishing improvement. In the fourth case of a boy of
17 years with bleeding from body orifices and sometimes
concealed bleeding and the diagnosis made was
Christmas disease for which regular blood transfusion
was necessary. In this case the prescription was made
on the symptoms of the situation of the mother during
the child's intra-uterine life. Lachesis 200 brought
about remarkable improvement.
17. Crotalus horridus
TARKASI.P. (NJH, 1,4/1992)
A Materia medica of Crotalus horridus.
18. Lachesis: An epitome of unlived life
SONAVALA Sarla (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
A beautiful depiction of Lachesis in poem.
19. Genius of remedies - Crate/us horridus
GUNAWANTE S.M. (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
This is a brief Materia medica of the remedy,
giving as the title suggests the "Genius" of the remedy.
20. Uncommon Ophidians
KAMAL DHARI Dushyant (NJH, 1, 4/1992) Brief
sketches of Crotalus cascavella, Cenchris contonrix,
Hydrophis cyanocintus (sea snake), Vipera aspis,
Bothrops lanceolatus, Toxicophis
21. Terebinthina
TARKAS P.I. (NJH, 1, 5/1992)
A brief Materia Medica of Terebinthina.
(However, the author does not indicate in any of his
interesting articles, the sources of his collection which
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
would help authenticate.)
22. Die Krankung bei Staphisagria (The
mortification of Staphisagria) GRAF, F (AHZ,
238, 3 & 4/1993)
The disease of Staphisagria - men, women, and
children - is discussed through 8 cases.
One thing that is common to all of them is that they
are all highly sensitive, can be easily hurt, and easily
oppressed. Insensitive parents - very often alcoholism is
involved - are the basis for the chronic disregard of the
fine sensitivity in the development of these children.
Mishandling and abuse makes the pathology worse
(Enuresis, Eczema, tearing out the hair in children). The
Staphisagria men often suffer from agonizing sexual
thoughts and masturbation. They seem to be,
superficially, "tough" men. Actually they are very soft,
rather feminine. Staphisagria women are rather sexually
blocked and tend to a romantic repression. When
married, they are easily oppressed, and they are loyal
because of intensive wish for harmony and hold on to the
marriage because of the children, even when they should
separate from their men because they are offended by
their men. Instead of changing their situation they grow
cold emotionally. Staphisagria is followed by
rebellion/separation - but also by return!
23. g-Strophanthin - Ergebnisse von 2
Arzneimittelpriifungen mit der 4
Dezimalpotenz. (g-Strophanthin - Results of
two drug provings with the 4 decimal potency)
J.v. (AHZ, 238, 3/1992)
A proving of g-Strophanthin in the 4 decimal
potency is reported. The remedy was proved in water
solution in 27, in alcoholic solution in 10, persons for
three weeks. Symptoms appeared mainly in the region of
"Mind", "Head", "Digestive", "Locomotion" and
Symptoms: (W) proving of g-Strophanthin in
water solution; and (A) in Alcohol solution. Mind
Increased and severe tiredness, particularly
afternoons, in association with beaten-down feeling, lack
of drive, weakness to the extent of prostration (W)
Tiredness, particularly during noon, beaten-down,
worn out feeling, cheerless (A)
Sudden inner restlessness, Irritability,
excitability, aggressiveness, full of go, concentration
difficult, mood changes (W)
Increased irritability in the later afternoon and
evening. The impulses change erratically; the phases
remain for hours and cannot be influenced. (A) Sleep:
Difficulty in falling asleep, restless sleep,
restless, bad, lively dreams (W) Head:
Pressing in head, temporal headaches, feeling of
giddiness, particularly in the second half of the day (W)
Tense feeling, oppressed feeling, headaches, dull,
stitching, feeling giddy (A) Thorax:
Sudden pressive pain the Sternum,
retrosternum, worse from inspiring, right, radiating to the
right lower abdomen (W). Pain in Sternum to Spine.
Feels that has not had sufficient breath. Oppressive
feeling in chest and respiration (A). Heart:
Stitching in heart in the evening before going to sleep.
Oppressive pressive pain in the apex. (W)
Sensation in the apex as if something was rolling
there Heart pain on lying on left side, better when erect
(A) Digestive organs:
Flatulence, increased, large stool, suddenly
occurring diarrhoea.
Nausea from sight of Coffee and Food in the
Appetite altered; Increased thirst (W)
Increased peristalsis of the intestines, easy
Loss of appetite, alternating with hunger, desire for
hearty meal, severe incessant, thirstiness (A). Back:
Pain in the back radiating to stomach and hips (W)
Pain in Thorax, radiating to the right lower leg
(A) Extremities:
Pain in the knee joints, particularly right, the legs feel
heavy (W)
Joint pains particularly in the knees, also in the hips,
heavy feeling in the legs (A) Urinary:
Frequent urging for urination. Thermo-
Much sweating, Warmth and heat sensation, cold
body with warm hands and feet (W)
Heavy sweating (A)
To be noted is that both the provings - Water
solution and Alcohol solution - produced
similar symptoms.
Causticum - HAHNEMANN's tinctura acris
sine Kali
ELMORE Durr (Resonance, 15,1/1993)
HAHNEMANN concocted this remedy, proved
it, and wrote exact instructions for its
preparation. Causticum mentals can include
mixture of sensitivity, anxiety, despondency,
timidity, irritability, and sympathy - an odd
combination. There may be intense sympathy for
the sufferings of others, and great anger over
injustices. Many Causticum patients are serious,
idealistic, and highly sensitive to social injustices.
They can become actively involved, to the point
of obsession, with social or political causes.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Some even may be anarchists. They tend to be
rigid seeing things as black or white. Free-
floating, vague anxiety; that something will
happen. Anxious or melancholic around twilight.
Jeremy SHERR also speaks of Causticum's
conflict between control and lack of control,
pointing out that it is in the rubric 'Dictatorial' as
well as the rubrics 'Defiant', 'Fanatical' and
'Anarchist' (a repertory addition from
VITHOULKAS). Another addition
) is to the rubric 'Adulterous'.
An interesting picture of this great polychrest.
Lac caninum
ELMORE Durr (Resonance, 15, 2/1993)
A brief
Materia Medica
on this great
Chlorum - Arzneimittelbild and Kasuistiken
(Chlorum - drug picture and Case report)
REIS S. and MULLER K.J. (Case Report)
(ACD, 2, 2/1993)
Three Case reports and
Materia Medica
Chlorum are given.
Materia Medica
has been compiled
from the following sources:
Guiding Symptoms of our
Materia Medica,
fur die hombopathische Meilkunst, Band 22
Arzneimittel priifungen aus STAPF's
Archiv fur hombopathische Heilkunst", Bd.
1 Heidelberg 1991.
ALLEN T.F. The Enchyclopaedia of Pure
Materia Medica
H. Dictionary of Materia
Medica (Der Neue Clarke. Band 3. Bielfeld
Homoeopathic Materia Medica
of graphic drug pictures and clinical
comments. Reprint New Delhi 1987
Vorlesungen iiber Materia
Medica, Heidelberg 1989
E.A.: Clinical Materia
Clinical symptoms from the cases reported
above. 27. Fluoride, Fluoricum acidum and
GIBSON Sheila & GIBSON Robin
(The Homoeopath, 13, 2/1993)
Fluoridation of drinking water has been under
discussion. There is still inconclusive debate
whether fluoridation is as beneficial as propagated
to be and free from long-term adverse effects. It is
therefore worthwhile to go through the provings
of Fluoricum acidum and Calcarea fluorata. It
would be seen that Fluoricum acidum has three
times as many symptoms as Calcarea fluorata;
thus the hydrogen fluoride is much more toxic
than the naturally occurring Calcium fluoride. The
conclusion would be that fluoridation of public
water supplies is detrimental to both teeth and
general health, and mass medication should be
Rubrics selected by the authors from
Repertory (The Complete Repertory): Head
CARIES; skull: Fl-ac.
EXOSTOSES: Calc. -f., Fl-ac.
HAIR affections of, falling out: calc-f.
, Fl-ac.
CALCAREOUS deposit on tympanum: Calc-f.
CARIES, threatened: Calc-f., Fl-ac.
DISCHARGES; caries threatening: Calc-f.
excoriating: Fl-ac. offensive: Fl-ac.
CATARRH: Calc-f.
, Fl.ac.
CANCER; jaw; right: Fl-ac.
CARIES of;bone: Fl-ac.
jaw: Fl.ac.
, Fl.ac.
CARIES, decayed, hollow: Calc-f.
, Fl-ac.
premature in children: Cale-f. Fl-ac.
decayed, hollow; rapid: Fl-ac.
CRUMBLING: Calc.f. Fl-ac.
DENTITION; difficult: Calc-f.
slow: Calc.f.
, Fl.ac.
DISCOLORED; black: Fl-ac.
dark: Fl-ac.
ENAMEL deficient: Calc-f., Fl.ac.
SENSITIVE; cannot bear dental operation:
SORDES; dark: Fl-ac.
black: Fl-ac.
ARTHRITIC nodosities: Calc-f. BRITTLE; finger
nails: Calc-f., Fl-ac. CARIES of bone: Calc-f., Fl-ac.
CRACKED skin; fingers: Fl-ac.
FEELING; Hip; Fl-ac.
spontaneous: Calc-f.
EXOSTOSES: Calc-f.., Fl-ac.
FELON; panaritium: Calc-f.
, Fl-ac.
periosteum: Fl-ac.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
run-around: Fl-ac.
INFLAMATION; Bones: Calc-f.
, Fl-ac. NAILS;
affections of; brittle: Calc-f
, Fl-ac.
finger-nails: Fl-ac.
panaritium: Fl-ac.
ABSCESSES; suppurations: Calc-f.
, Fl-ac.
affections of; Calc-f
affection of lesions, syphilitic: Calc-f. ,
Fl- ac.
CARIES of, bone: Calc-f., Fl-ac. CARTILAGES,
affections of; lesions, syphiliitc:
EXOSTOSES; Calc-f., R-ac. INDURATIONS; Calc-f., Fl-
INFLAMMATION; bones, osteitis: Calc-f.
, Fl-
INJURIES; Bones, of, fractures: Calc-f.
callus deficient: Calc-f.
slow repair of broken bones: Calc-f.
children, in: Calc-f.
NECROSIS; bones: Calc-f
, Fl-
REACTION; lack of: Calc-f.
, Fl-ac. SLOW repair of
broken bones: Calc-f.
; Fl-ac.
TUMORS, benign; bone
like protuberances: Ca/c-f.
fibroid: Calc-f., Fl-ac.
keloid: Calc-f.
, Fl-ac.
Notes to table
of rubrics:
No number (Kent Repertory) 1 to 12 as
in SR
80 Choudhuri
28. Understanding nature to learn Materia Medica
ULLMAN Dana (The Homoeopath, 13,1/1993)
We have hundreds and thousands medicines. How to
remember all these or even about some of these - there
are hundreds of symptoms and their details. There is so
much that we do not know about most medicines, about
their general and local symptoms and about their
relationships with other medicines.
One way is proving, which one can carry out on
oneself. But that way only a few remedies can be done.
Another way is understanding something about the
substance being prescribed, how they exist in nature.
Examples are WHITMONT, GUTMAN etc. etc.
29. Natrum sulphuricum
HERSCU Paul (NEJH, 1, 1/1992)
Natrum sulphuricum is one of those so-called
combination remedies - i.e. remedies occurring in
natural combination. Such remedies may often be
prescribed from their similarities to the characteristics
tothe remedies contained in the combination. Withthe help
of a case, narrated in full detail, the author brings out the
picture of Natrum sulphuricum.
30. Cocculus
MORRISON Roger (NEJH, 2, 1/1993) New experience -
experiences gained by good prescribers - gained decades
after the last Materia Medicas were written, must be
made available to the profession world-over. Dr. Roger
MORRISON has recently published Desktop Guide to
Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. The material is
derived from actual experience of the author and is pure
31. Case taking and Materia Medica of Infants
ZAREN Ananda (NEJH, 2, 1/1993)
This is an excellent article. The author is quite well
known for her Seminars on Childbirth and Infants. There
are very important lessons in this: "Comprehension
of the emotional state of an infant is requisite to finding
the correct remedy and coming to a deeply curative
prescription. In observing the infant it is evident that the
body posture and position, facial expression and eyes all
form windows into the emotional realm.
Intreatingtheinfant the homoeopath must first understand
this crucial point; the most important lesson that a child
has to learn in the first year of life is that the world is a
safe place and that he is being loved and cared for. If this
sense of security is not felt by the child, symptoms will
occur. When the needs of a baby are not met, the resulting
behaviour will fully disrupt the lives of their parents. This
is a survival mechanis, for the dependent infant. The
newborn is capable of a full spectrum of emotional
The author goes on to give important hints about
the birth, the bonding, infant/mother interaction etc.,
Ananda ZAREN gives a picture of the Nux vomica,
Sulphur, Borax, babies.
32. Three Provings
CCRH, New Delhi (Qrly. Bui. 15,1 & 2/1993)
The Central Council for Research in
Homoeopathy, New Delhi, has conducted Provings and
published the Pathogenesis of the following three drugs:
Holarrhena antidysente<