© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
difficult, empty swallowing painful, appetite
diminished. While KENT'S and KUNZLI's didn't help
PHATAK's Materia medica gave perfect description
under Sabadilla, which remedy in the 200 promptly cured.
Case 2. Hemorrhoids in a 32-year-old female,
counsellor; painful lump on the outside of her rectum,
burning, pain worse when walking or changing
position—getting up or down. Aesculus
hippocastanum 200 cured.
Case 3: Epidemic Pleurodynia: 7-year-old girl with
multiple pains. During pains she is hysterical; screams;
cannot be still during pain. Sternal pain; pain in the area of
the spine; wanders; mainly lumbar area though; better
sitting still, cold; worse deep breath, standing, touch,
motion; heat. Also cramping in abdomen causing her to
bend double. Cimicifuga 200, 2-3 doses with rapid relief.
13. 'Swelter'd Venom Sleeping Got" - Bufo
CHASE Sandra M.(JAIH, 86,1/1993)
This paper is a discussion of the remedy Bufo, its
source, its history, and its Materia medica on
information gathered from classical homoeopathic
literature and from modern herpetology experts. (This is a
paper presented at the Annual Autumn Case Conference
on Homoeopathy, Dayton, Ohio, USA, 1992)
14. A case of impulse to kill
DIXON Daniel J. (JAIH, 86, 1/1993) A 53-year-old
woman with lot of stress building up over the last couple
of years; she does not want to think of something
anymore; finds herself unable to be around a particular
person in the family anymore. Has the impulse to kill this
person, to do her bodily harm. Feels better if she can
keep her mind occupied; if not,she becomes weak,
shaky,and sick to her stomach with the thought. The
thought is constantly on her mind, an obsession. This
continual obsessive thinking creates a lot of guilt. The
person so much in her mind whom she wants to kill, is her
mother. In the past she has been very protective of her
mother. Frequent urination at night and at times during the
day as well.
Dem's pinnata 30 was prescribed. There was an
aggravation on the second day. The persistent impulse to
kill is only fifty percent. The remedy was repeated twice.
To the rubrics in the KENT, VITHOULKAS has
added a rubric; "Impulse of child to kill mother". The
Complete Repertory has added the rubric as "Desire to
kill parents, in a child ".
15. The cunning boy
VORA Anita (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
A five-and-half year-old boy suddenly
developed prolapse of rectum after 2-3 loose stools. The
prolapse was corrected mechanically. The boy took
fright after seeing a cockroach in the toilet; Aconite 200.
After three weeks it was reported that he had prolapse
thrice in the last week and a repair operation was thought
of. The boy was restless, quarrelsome, hits the other boys
in the class without provocation. While he would snatch
others' things he will not share his with others. Was cruel
and rude and when he hit his sister and he was pulled up
for that by the mother he would weep loudly as if he was
hurt. At three years age he cut the curtains with scissors.
Nail biting. Tarentula M and no more prolapse since 8
16. Crotalus horridus and Lachesis
ANWAR BAIG Mirza (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
With the help of four cases the author highlights the
differences between these two snake venoms. In the first
case of five year old child who was ill from its first year
who developed haemorrhgic spots and blisters all over
the body, enlarged liver and spleen, haemetemesis amd
hypertricosis, and which was diagnosed as "Erythropoetic
Porphyria" (a congenital disorder) and Crotalus
horridus brought about remarkable improvement until
the child went back to Saudi Arabia. In the second case, a
child 9 years - old with bleeding from pores of the skin,
was prescribed Crotalus horridus. In the third case, a 10-
year-old girl with recurring bleeding from nose, greenish
spots on the skin; since early childhood these spots will
ooze blood if scratched. It suffered from
Thrombocytopaenia. Crotalus horridus brought about
astonishing improvement. In the fourth case of a boy of
17 years with bleeding from body orifices and sometimes
concealed bleeding and the diagnosis made was
Christmas disease for which regular blood transfusion
was necessary. In this case the prescription was made
on the symptoms of the situation of the mother during
the child's intra-uterine life. Lachesis 200 brought
about remarkable improvement.
17. Crotalus horridus
TARKASI.P. (NJH, 1,4/1992)
A Materia medica of Crotalus horridus.
18. Lachesis: An epitome of unlived life
SONAVALA Sarla (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
A beautiful depiction of Lachesis in poem.
19. Genius of remedies - Crate/us horridus
GUNAWANTE S.M. (NJH, 1, 4/1992)
This is a brief Materia medica of the remedy,
giving as the title suggests the "Genius" of the remedy.
20. Uncommon Ophidians
KAMAL DHARI Dushyant (NJH, 1, 4/1992) Brief
sketches of Crotalus cascavella, Cenchris contonrix,
Hydrophis cyanocintus (sea snake), Vipera aspis,
Bothrops lanceolatus, Toxicophis
21. Terebinthina
TARKAS P.I. (NJH, 1, 5/1992)
A brief Materia Medica of Terebinthina.
(However, the author does not indicate in any of his
interesting articles, the sources of his collection which