© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
SANKARAN Rajan (IJHM, 29, 1/1994)
Three cases are narrated briefly. The author says
"to me, main feeling of Platina is 'she must be
something special, super special, a great performer,
then only she will be loved or accepted by others.
Otherwise she will be cast aside, thrown, no one will
value her.' This high performance, high status calls for
some amount of 'cold bloodedness', cruelty.
Achievement and ambition are the central points and for
that they could do anything e.g. kill or be really cruel.
The author goes on to make a fine study of Platina.
This article also under 'Perceiving Rejection'
12. Lady who has suffered wrong.
BARVALIA Praful (IJHM, 29, 1/1994)
A 49 year-old married lady, who had a paralytic
stroke. Past history revealed jealousy, forsaken
feeling, excitability, anger, etc. She had dreams of a
hooded cobra. She felt that she had suffered wrong.
Naja was her medicine.
13. The Child who was'slighted'
MATHUR Vanitha (IJHM, 29, 1/1994)
A11 year-old girl with Urticaria. Her mother had
'mania for cleanliness', washed hands frequently and
insisted her child also clean frequently. The girl felt that
mother never had time to even plait her hair. The girl
was mild, wept easily. Pulsatilla was her remedy.
14. Remedies of Rejections - Some Reflections
through a Clinical Experience
MOHAN Vijaya and KASAD Kershasp N.
(IJHM, 29, 1/1994)
The natural desire for love, acceptance, respect,
honor, dignity etc. when thwarted leads to 'rejection'.
A 40 year-old male, born poor, grew up in
poverty, later in the home for the poor, then had to lead a
life of humiliation in his sister's home, became a
rickshaw-puller and suffered various ailments
including joint diseases, impotence and became
disabled even before 40 years, was very much
improved with Pulsatilla and he could resume his
rickshaw-pulling. The mental status also improved
considerably; only the impotence remained.
15. Sensitive, Strict, Stoic Lady -Aurum
MATHUR Vanitha (IJHM, 29,1/1994)
A 72 year-old widow; recurrent attacks of
bronchitis since about 30 years; these date back to her last
pregnancy when she was diagnosed to be suffering
from Pulmonary Tuberculosis. She also had
Hypertensin; indigestion; Constipated (takes large
quantities of laxatives daily).
After her husband's death in an accident her sons
fought among themselves and separated, while she kept
neutral; her middle son is an alcoholic. All the family
tensions made her 'stoic'; very religious; although she
felt forsaken, outwardly she bore everything quietly,
kept herself always occupied with household work; felt
that her sufferings were due to her 'karma'.
Aurum metallicum improved her very much.
16. Belladonna als Mittel bei chronischen
Sehstorungen (Belladonna as medicine in
chronic visual defects)
WEGENER A. (ZKH, 37, 1/1993)
Belladonna is considered an 'acute' remedy. This
is not true. HAHNEMANN has said in his
Introduction to Belladonna "Belladonna, in the small
dose just described is, ifthecaseishomoeopathically
adapted, capable of curing the most acute disease (in
which it acts with a rapidity proportionate to the nature of
the disorder). On the other hand, it is not less
serviceable in the most chronic ailments, to which its
duration of action, even in the smallest dose, amounts to
three weeks and more."
A 25 year-old man with visual problems since four
years: dark circles, and flakes appear before him during
daylight; these are worse in sun-light inspite of his
wearing very tinted glasses. Sometimes he becomes
enraged due to this that he would knock his head against
the wall or hit his head with his fists; restless; he
himself thought that a ski accident was the cause.
Belladonna XM brought about a steady
improvement and complete cure. An year later it was
repeated for headaches without the visual
The changed state of mind of the patient (paras 210
and 211) was the decisive criteria.
17. Clematis und der Zustand unserer Materia
Medica (Clematis and the status of our
Materia Medica)
v. KELLER G. (ZKH, 37, 1/1993)
Generally what we mostly learn about
Homoeopathy is through "secondary" literature i.e.
other than the original sources, namely the Provings.
Over the years many errors have been added to the
Materia Medica, including the Encyclopaedia of TF.
ALLEN due to imperfect translations from the original
German Provings. Especially after the publication of
KENT'S Lectures it was thought that whatever
essential was contained in such condensed articles and
the study of the original Provings was abandoned.
The author attempts to show that such
knowledge is not sufficient to select the correct
homoeopathic remedy. One should not restrict