© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XIII, 1996
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India,
England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts.
Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the
journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1. QHD, VOL. XIII, 1, 1996 3
2. QHD, VOL. XIII, 2, 1996 51
3. QHD, VOL. XIII, 3 & 4, 1996 106
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. Zu Hahnemanns "Fragments de viribus medicamentorum" (HAHNEMANN's
"Fragmenta de viribus medicamentor”)
KLUNKER W. (ZKH, 39, 1 & 211995)
In 1796 HAHNEANN published to the world his discovery of the principle of Homoeopathy as
a scientific therapeutic art through his essay "A New Principle for Finding the Healing Powers of
Medicinal Substances" This was followed in 1805 by the "Fragmenda de viribus medicamentorum"
which was the forerunner of the: Pure Materia Medica.
The "Fragmenta" was in Latin. The Materia Medica part of the "Fragmenta" was Included in
the Pure Materia Medica, however, the "Preface" to the "Fragmentawas never translated from the
German. For the first time now the Preface has been translated from the Latin into German, and
presented in this article. This Preface clearly states that it is essential to know the pure action of
medicinal substances apriori. This translation will ensure that it will not be lost for posterity. (An
English translation from the German will be given separately, in the QHD. it is also interesting that Dr.
Josef SCHMIDT also has done similar service to Homoeopathy by translating the Preface to the
"Fragments" which has been published in the A HZ, 2.40,3/1995. = KSS)
2. SWEDENBORG und KENT - Uber den Einfluss von Emanuel SWEDENBORG auf die
homoopathische Philosophie des James Tyler KENT (SWEDENBORG and KENT - On the
influence of SVJEDENBORG over James Tyler KENT's homoeopathic Philosophy)
Van GALEN E. (ZKH. 39, 1/1995)
Several American Homoeopaths, C. HERING and J.T. KENT, prominent among them, were
members of the "New Church" based on the theories of the Swedish philosopher, scholar and mystic
Emanuei SWEDENBORG (1688 -1772). Classical Homoeopathy as it is known today is based on the
teachings of such stalwarts like - HERING and KENT. How much of the 'classical' is Homoeopathy as
it is known today is based on the teachings of such stalwarts like HERING and KENT. How much of
the ‘classical’ is 'hahnemannian'? Surprisingly very little is-known about the influence of
SWEDENBORG's theories on the development of Homoeopathy in the USA and consequently the
'classical' Homoeopathy as known today, A study reveals that in the case of KENT at least the
influence of SWEDENBORG was great.
A very interesting study, (Please also refer to Dr. G.S HEHR's 'Was Kent a Hahnemannian?' in
the BHJ Vol. 73, 2/1984, pp. 71-74 = KSS)
3. Die Wiederkehr des Verdrangten in Homoopathie and Psychoanalyse (The Return of the
Suppressed in Homoeopathy and Psychoanalysis)
APPELL R. (A HZ, 240, 2/1995)
The return of the suppressed according to HEHING's Law and the Rules of Transference
Neurosis are essentials of the healing process in Homoeopathy Psychoanalysis. Not only patient but
also Homoeopathy as well as Psycho-analysis itself suffer from unresolved reminiscences and
suppressed memories which do not fit with the ideals of science. Instead of denying these memory
traces, they should be realized and integrated as enrichment of the therapeutic arsenal.
1. QHD, Vol. XIII, No.1, 1996
(The journal lists the current literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known
homoeopathic journals world-over -English, American, German, French, Belgian, Swedish, etc,
discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and address of the journals covered by this compilation art giver at the end of
part 1 of this journal and reader are requested to refer to them for full articles.)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
4. How Freud's Arsenicum Pathology was Instrumental in, his Founding of Psychoanalysis
ZAFIRIOU Vangelis (EJH, 1, 1/1995)
This is a very interesting study of Sigmund FREUD's pathology and its influence on FREUD's
theory of Psychoanalysis. With the help of the rubrics in KENT's repertory the psycho-pathology of
FREUD is juxtaposed with the Arsenicum pathology. The study also points out that one's pathology
shapes one's destiny or even genius, In the case of FREUD the main aspects of his Psycho-analysis
theory, structure and practice and his own pathology are similar to Arsenicum. The author also
concludes that true understanding of the real dimensions of psychoanalysis can only be reached
using the tools provided to us by Homoeopathy.
5. Homoeopathy: Art or Science?
VITHOULKAS G. (EJH, 1, 1/1995)
The European Journal of Classical Homoeopathy (EJH) has begun a section titled
'Crossfire'. This section is to "criticise the theories and practical procedures which emerge from the
approach of various people connected with the development of homoeopathic knowledge. It will prove
to be a platform for well-disposed critical comments, even though sometimes these may take an
extreme or provocative form."
In this very first issue of the journal the teachings of Dr. Rajan SANKARAN reflected in his
books The Spirit of Homoeopathy and The Substance of Homoeopathy are taken up. The
criticism is quite strong. VITHOULKAS argues that carrying the 'art' too far in practice and more so in
teaching would lead to bitter disappointment. In the subsequent numbers of the EJH we see readers'
arguments in favour of and against. Although the Editor has said in the beginning that the criticisms
may take a 'provocative' form, such harsh criticism may lead to avoidable bitterness. We see very
Interesting arguments from the readers in the remaining numbers of the EJH.
6. Dreams in Homoeopathy -A Snake in the Grass.
MORTELMANS Guido (HL, 8,1/1995)
In the recent times we have come across 'dream provings' viz. a remedy is "proved" with
reference to its dreams only. Dreams are considered a part of the 'Mind' in this sense (the complete
Repertory Vol. I MIND contains Dreams).
While there are as many dreams as there are dreamers, dream of snake has been
considered with particular attention -perhaps because we have many snake remedies. One cannot
otherwise say as to why the snake dream is given so much importance.
In this interesting article the author discusses: The Doctrine of Signatures, the frequency and
content of dreams, the symbolism of dreams, Dreams in the Repertory, the use of dreams in finding
the remedy. A long and interesting list of 'references' is also appended.
1. Antipyrine
TARKAS P.I. (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
A brief Materia Medica of Antipyrine
2. Grindelia
Compilation of the remedy symptoms
(sources?) with two cases from KENT.
3. The Plant Platinum
SHUKLA Chetna (NJH, 4, 111995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
26 year-old woman, married, with foul-smelling leucorrhoea worse after coition and after
micturition; burning urination, eruptions in the pubic region. Irregular and delayed menses. Her case
looked like PIatina and Pulsatilla. She liked flowers particularly red rose; dreamt of rose gardens and
lying amongst roses daily and enjoyed Gulkhand. Remedy was prepared from fresh red rose petals
and given in the 30 potency and she made a total cure.
The author has made a 'proving' of the Red Rose in the 30 potency with 8 provers. .
4. "Held by a Finger"
MANKANI Meena (NJH, 4, 211995)
The author says "I have gathered an understanding of Silicea out of treating 13 cases of
"anxiety neurosis" wherein Silicea was clearly indicated. The age group of all these patients was
between 19 and 37 years ...There was a common pattern as to the predisposition and the aggravating
factors ...one rubric seemed to be central to the understanding of Silicea in these patients and that is -
Dreams, held by finger, being."
5. The Tricky Python
SHUKLA Chetna (NJH, 4, 211995)
A new remedy "Python" prepared from the excreta of Python, was used for treating the
backache in a woman. The basis was: the patient enjoyed reading Egyptian stories revolving around
the stories of the Pharaohs, the queens and their ceremonies, slaves to work; she loved to be an
Egyptian or Roman Queen with all the riches, slaves working for her. Sometimes she dreamt of an
Ichchadhari snake which can change its form whenever desired, or huge big snakes like Pythons; of
water, travelling, of landscapes, rivers. Often dreamt of snakes coming to sting her daughter but she
always saved the child.
Encyclopaedia of Mythology and the World Book Encyclopaedia confirmed that the patient
was mystically involved in the stories of Roman Egvotian mythologies as the serpent Python and
Hence remedy prepared to 30 potency from the excreta of Python relieved the patient's
ailment. The author says that a short proving also was done which confirmed the symptoms. The
author has also used rabbit's urine in one case successfully!
6. Ekzem - Natrium carbonicum (Eczema - Natrum carbonicum)
FORESTER G. (ZKH, 39, 1/1995)
A chronic Eczema was cured with Natrum carbonicum. The peculiar localisation of the
eczema: finger tips and below the nails was thus verified ("Blistered spots on all the toes and finger-
tips, as if scalded, enclosing the nails all round, as if the nails would be taken off by suppuration."
Symptom No.919 Chronic Diseases)
7. Aconit is nicht nur ein akutes Mittel (Aconite is not only an acute Medicine)
KELLER G.v. (ZKH, 39, 1/1995)
Aconite is not only a remedy for acute fevers. According to HAHNEMANN it can be used in
chronic diseases as well. (See Introduction to the remedy in the Materia Medica Pura) The author
relates a case of spasmodic neuralgia of the face.
8. Natrum sulfuratum -Teil1:Eine Arzneiprufung (CROSERIO) aus HAHNEMANNs Nachlass.
Teil 2: Drei weitere Arzneiprufungen aus HAHNEMANNs Nachlass
(Natrum sulfuratum - Part 1: A Proving (CROSERIO) from HAHNEMANN's legacy. Part 2:
Three further Provings from HAHNEMANN's legacy)
KLUNKER W. (ZKH 39, 2&4/1995).
Natrum sulfuratum (Na2S) was introduced 150 years ago into Homoeopathy but the remedy
has not been dealt with in any of the extant Materia Medicas - JAHR, HERING, HUGHES-DAKE,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
in T.F. ALLEN's Encyclopaedia only a poisoning is mentioned.
CROSERIO of Paris proved the remedy which was published in the Archiv fur die
homoopathische Heilkunst" (translated into German from the French), in 1838. This material was
brought to the knowledge of the homoeopathic world by Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT in the LlGA Congress in
1931, but it has continued to lie suppressed. Dr. KLUNKER has now, for the first time perhaps, made
German translation from the original hand-written manuscript found among HAHNEMANN papers
collected by Richard HAEHL. Three later Provings have also been taken up and published. (English
translation of these would be published in the OHD as early as possible = KSS)
9. Arzneiprufung von Cyclosporinum (Drug proving of Cyclosporinum)
B.O., SELMER H., TVEITEN D. (A HZ, 240, 1/1995)
Cyclosporinum represents a major medical advancement in immuno-suppression and organ
transplantation through suppression of the "helper T -cells" (CD4). The Norwegian Academy for
Natural Medicine did in 1991-1993 a proving of Cyclosporinum D 12- 200. The main characteristics of
the remedy are weakness, coldness, dyspnoea and weakness, dryness and symptoms from the
digestive and urinary systems. The remedy will be clinically tested by a group of experienced
homoeopaths during 1994 for immunological properties.
10. Ein Dulcamara-Fall. (A Dulcamara Case)
BRAUN A. (A HZ, 240, 1 & 2/1995)
The Solanaceae Dulcamara, 'Bitter-sweet', was praised as a remedy against the bad effects
of cold, especially wet-cold long before HAHNEMANN. Inability to accommodate oneself to a sharp
fall in temperature is found mostly among allergic persons; in old age it occurs much more. K. ST
AUFFER has this in consideration when he says "where Aconite is prescribed in strong, young
persons, Dulcamara is for older persons with reduced power of resistance". According to Otto
LEESER it is similarity of steroid alkaloids with cholesterine by which the latter is removed from the
borders of 'Cell in Dulcamara which makes the entrance of other substances, for instance allergic
substances, easier; up to now provings showed a certain miss of psychical symptoms, different from
most of the other Solanaceae. Main effects: arthralgic-neuralgic symptoms, urinary system, skin and
mucous membranes.
A case is presented from which the importance of initial symptoms of the skin in Dulcamara
becomes evident.
11. Einsatz von Einzelmitteln an der Kurklinik Benediktusquelle vom 1.02.91 bis 20.09.92 (Use of
single remedies in the Rehabilitation Clinic Benediktsquelle from 1.2.1991 to 20.9.1992)
ZEEDEN H. (A HZ, 240, 1/1995)
The possibility of applying homoeopathic single remedies (including complex medicines,
organ-derived remedies and Nosodes) in a Clinic for rehabilitation are reported and discussed. The
results show that in more than 50% good results can be obtained. The limiting factors are also
12. BACH - Bluten und Homoopathie (BACH Flowers and Homoeopathy)
FRANZ A. (A HZ, 240, 1/1995)
Edward BACH, an English bacteriologist and homoeopathic physician (1886-1936), began his
career with investigation of the bowel bacteria. He was the first to develop a method of microbiological
therapy. With application of the homoeopathic potentizing technique, the Bach-Paterson Nosodes - in
use until today -is derived. Subsequently he used these remedies exclusively according to the mental
symptom picture of the patient.
Later on, BACH turned away from the bowel bacteriae - not at least for aesthetic reasons -
and looked about for plants with similar healing powers. He found them in the course of his daily walk
through the English and Welsh landscape. Inspired by the early morning dew on the flowering plants,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
he developed his own potentizing method of the blossoms using spring water and sunlight -a further
application of the three alchemistic principles Sulphur, Mercurius and Sal.
Primarily used by medical amateurs and in esoteric circles, the Bach flowers were considered
only very little until now. While employing these remedies, the homoeopathic rules are applicable
including the Hering's Law. Therefore homoeopaths must, in the opinion of the author, study this
wonderful healing method thoroughly.
13. Medorrhinum
MASTER Farokh J. (HH,20, 1/1995)
This is a brief essay on Medorrhinum, high-lighting only the important features.
14. Comparative Study of Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum and Staphysagria
PANCHAL Priya (HH, 20,1/1995)
Useful study of the 'differential' of Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum and Staphysagria .
15. All that Yields Is Not Pulsatilla
WEINSTEIN Corey (HH, 20,2/1995)
While Pulsatilla is the first choice for 'yielding' patients, it is not correct to imagine that there
are no other remedies equally called for in this characteristic. The differential between Anacardium,
Alumina, Calcarea carbonica, Causticum, Ignatia, Sepia, Silica, Pulsatilla are highlighted.
16. Franciscea uniflora
MMS H.P.J.A. (HH, 20,3/1995)
Franciscea uniflora is an unproved drug. Information in the BOERICKE Materia Medica is
only few lines. However, this remedy has been found to be of great use in certain Arthritis cases,
Bechterew's disease. The author has narrated case from practice. (See OHD V, 3/1988 for more
information on this remedy)
17. Gall-stones cured by Fel tauri
NIMBHORKAR M.P. (HH, 20,3/1995)
Fel tauri 6 repeated doses over a long time (about ten months) removed completely gall
18. Aconitum napellus – History
MANDAL Tapan Chandra
(HH, 20, 3/1995)
Interesting study of this remedy.
19. Anhalonium
VITHOULKAS G. (EJH, 1,1/1995)
The European Journal of Classical Homoeopathy is a new journal to join the distinguished
journals in Homoeopathy. The journal is edited by George VITHOULKAS whose name is quite well-
known. In this, the first number of the journal Anhalonium also known as Anhalonium lewinii,
Lophophora williamsii, Mescaline, Mescal buttons, Peyote, Peyotl, Pellote - is studied.
The homoeopathic clinical picture of the remedy as described by VITHOULKAS beyond its
singular sociological and historical interest, presents a rich and interesting source of symptomatology
which apart from anything else may eventually cause it to be prescribed more frequently. Only the
remedy's 'essential features' is published. Complete clinical picture may be found in Volume II of
'Materia Medica Viva' of VITHOULKAS.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
20. Using the Bowel Nosodes
LAING Richard (BHJ, 84, 111995)
The Bowel Nosodes are very under-used remedies; one comes across very few cases
reported in the journals. Only the British Homoeopathic Journal and among the Indian journals the
Medicina Futura Homoeopathy write on these valuable Nosodes.
In this article the author reports cases treated with Morgan Pure, Morgan Gaertner, Gaertner,
Sycotic Co., Dysentery Co., Bacillus f'Jo.7. In almost all cases the 6 potency has been used b.d. until
Dr. LAING quotes from John PATERSON: John PA TERSON apparently used the nosode
related to the patient's constitutional homoeopathic medicine, giving it as 3c-6c, 2 or 3 times a day.
This was said to make the dying process in terminal cancer cases, gradual and peaceful. A
suggestion worth pursuing.
Much interesting material in this article.
21. The other Natrum salts
HOLLAND Lee (BHJ, 84, 111995)
This is a very interesting study of comparative Materia Medica of five Natrums -Natrum
sulphuricum, Natrum muriaticum, Natrum carbonicum, Natrum phosphoricum and Natrum
arsenicosum. The Key-notes of the remedies are mentioned. There is also a Table comparing all the
five Natrums, with reference to the Generalities, Food desires and aversions, Constitution.
22. Anac, Anac, Who's There? A Study of Anacardium
WOLF, Carol "Me!" (JAIH, 88, 111995)
In this very helpful treatise, Dr.WOLF describes some of his experiences with Anacardium in
the treatment of behavior disorders in children, typically children who have been the subject of
parental abuse or neglect. Central characteristics consist of the following: callousness, violence,
cruelty, intimidation, evil, behavioral aggravation from sweets, cursing rages (oft directed at the
parents), low self-esteem, bravado, lack of conscience and empathy, religious mania or denial of God,
and aversion to school work. Contrary to the well-known memory deficits typical of this remedy,
Dr.WOLF has discovered that many Anacardium children possess a keen memory, which is
frequently employed in quarrels with their parents.
23. Millefolium: A Little Known Bruise
WOOD Matthew (HT, 15, 111995)
Achillea Millefolium a remedy known to Homoeopathy since its early days has been rarely used.
The author says that this remedy is very good for bruises with cuts. This remedy is mentioned by
HOMER for its use in battle wounds. The Roman legions called it Herba militaris. Arnica and
Millefolium are compared and the author concludes that for bruises with bleeding Millefolium pack
(external) is great.
24. Confirmatory Symptoms and Keynotes MALERBA Larry (HT, 15, 2/1995)
This small case is very interesting for the insight it gives in the curative range of the
homoeopathic remedy Borax.
A two-week-old male baby suffered from a broken left clavicle due to difficult labor. The child
was irritable, slept increasingly longer .hours only to become more irritable after waking up; rashy,
pimply face; white coating of the tongue; suddenly refusing to nurse, especially the left breast. It was
also noticed that the child would start and his arm would fly up during the descent of the swing. Borax
30 calmed the child immediately as also the knee bending. He nursed easily and was not startled by
noises. The remedy was repeated two weeks later and the rash on his face became stronger. He had
also developed full use of his left arm!
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
A very interesting case.
25. Aristolochia anecdotes
SHELTON Susanna (HT, 15, 2/1995)
The author cites two cases in which the near-miraculous speed with which Aristolochia
clematitis 30 healed friction blisters. The relief was overnight! For more information on this remedy
read Edward C. WHITMONT's article in his book Psyche and Substance.
26. Two Bromium Cases
JANSEN Jean Pierre (HL, 8, 1/1995)
Two cases -Boy, 16 years age, Girl, 11 years age -are reported to highlight the mental
symptoms that were common to both and the remedy was Bromium. A strong mental symptom
common to both was Fear of being alone in the evening. The first case was a Mononucleosis and the
second Hayfever.
27. Etude du Mental de Bryonia alba (Study of the Mental of Bryonia alba)
ALAERTS Jean (RBH, 47, 1/1995)
This is an interesting study of the 'mind' of Bryonia: The longing to return home. (Delusions
that he is away from home: that he is in a strange land; Attempts to escape; Talks of home; Desire to
go home). The delusion that he is under the control of strangers. Themes of work, business. Fear of
poverty (Suspicious; Avarice; Envy; Kleptomania, etc.) Fear of being poisoned. Anger, irritable,
vexation. Delusion of being injured. Fear of suffering (Anxiety about health; Fear of death; Fear of
impending disease; Fear of insanity; Despair of recovery, etc.) Desire to be quiet; Averse to being
disturbed; Desire to be quiet; Aversion to company;
The author uses the SEHGAL method of interpretation of the symptoms in this connection.
28. Du rire aux remedies en Homeopathie (Laughter in the homoeopathic remedies)
RODEGEM R. (RBH, 47,1/1995)
Laughter js a non-verbal message. In this interesting article the physiology of laughter
(vocalisation), the laughter rubrics in the repertory, the miasmatic gradation of laughter, the
denominations (exhilaration, smile, gay, gaiety, mirthful etc.), the qualifications (idiotic, imbecile,
sardonic, etc.), the modalities, the alternations, the detailed rubrics in the repertory I etc. are all
discussed. The article shows the detailed and thorough study 'of one action occurring under different
moods, circumstances, variations, and the remedies that are relevant.
29. Veratrum album -A Travers quelques cas (Veratrum album -some cases)
SOUK-ALOUN P. (RBH, 47,1/1995)
Five cases are reported to show the range of action of this remedy.
1. Asthma
KOTHARI Manu (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
This is one more article from the author who has cleared many wrong notions. He quotes
from CECIL's Textbook of Medicine "The currently accepted definition does not specify a cause or
causes, identify unique clinical or pathologic features or mention immunologic mechanisms. It does
describe, however, the fundamental abnormality that is common to all asthmatic patients -reversible
hyper-responsiveness of tracheo-bronchial smooth muscle". So, that is asthma! He gives one more
quotation from The American Thoracic Society's definition of Asthma "a disease characterized by an
increased responsiveness of the trachea and bronchi to various stimuli, and manifested widespread
narrowing of airways that changes in severity either spontaneously or as a result of treatment".
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 10
2. Asthma and Its Natural Cure
KONDEKAR Prakash (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
What Naturopathy could do in Asthma. The author gives the following tips which all can follow
to their benefit.
1. Take a 3 to 5 kilometre walk early morning in the fresh air.
2. Take sunbath in mild sun two times a day.
3. Perform suitable Yogasanas for 5 to 10 minutes daily.
4. Take simple vegetable diet without extreme taste.
5. Take only freshly prepared warm food. Keep the ratio between cooked and uncooked food
one to one or as close as possible.
6. Diet has to contain fresh leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits.
7. Take germinated moong, matki and methi with one meal preferably lunch.
8. Avoid taking toxic drinks like tea, coffee, instead take herbal tea or decoction.
9. Avoid bananas and strawberries since they release histamine in the body.
10. Avoid sleeping during day.
3. Bronchial Asthma: Psychological Considerations
PAREKH Mahesh (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
Emotions may modify the immunological or allergic mechanism responsible for some cases of
4. Acute Attack: Treat with Constitutional or Acute?
HUMRANWALA Parinaz (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
An 8 year-old girl with severe broncial asthma and allergic bronchitis; Cough would end in
vomiting. Suffering since 5 years. Has been on steroids, Restless; Dromomania; Fear of dogs and
cats; past history of Tuberculosis; Desires milk products; Worse damp weather and change of
weather. Tuberculinum bovinum 200 repeated 4 times over a period of 14 months cleared her
completely. This remedy was her constitutional.
5. A Case of Asthma
BHATT Shraddha (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
4 year-old boy with recurrent cold, cough and fever since 1 1/2 years age, every two months.
Worse at night. Fear of animals; Desires fat, ice-cream. Tuberculinum after which there was a change
which called for Phosphorus, which relieved.
6. Asthma -A Personal Experience
WADIA S.R. (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
The author was converted to Homoeopathy by his own personal experience -he was suffering
from Asthma as a medical student and was cured by Homoeopathy. Diet and Yogasanas playa great
part in this. He narrates two cases: A four year-old girl who developed eczema after the triple vaccine
immunisation; this eczema was treated with topical applications and then came Asthma which was
treated with antibiotics and cortico-steroids. Another case is that of an army Major 38 years, with
Asthma. In both cases Thuja and Natrum sulphuricum were the main remedies.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
7. The Open Book
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH,4,1/1995)
A 28-year-old man with 'difficulties' in breathing. He spoke of himself quite freely and openly.
Phosphorus covered all his rubrics.
8. The Unfortunate Sarsaparilla
SHUKLA Chetna (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
Feeling unwanted, unfortunate; morose, offended easily; Quiet disposition; Desire to be silent;
Irritability during menses -in a 26 year-old girl pointed to Sarsparilla for her chronic colds.
9. Asthma versus Arsenic
SHAHI Hardeep (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
A case of Arsenicum album in Asthma.
10. Struggle for Success
MURTHY Prabhakara (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
Whatever be the ailment a complete
case-taking including the mental and the peculiar symptoms, the concomitant symptoms etc. would
lead to the curative remedy. The author demonstrates this with two cases.
11. A Case of Bronchial Asthma
MEHTA Kishore (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
3 Year-old boy much pampered; tantrums, obstinate; colds, cough, sorethroat, worse change
of weather, damp, sweets, seaside, fruit juice, tomatoes, night, lying on left side. Better sitting,
fanning, dry weather, bronchodilators and occassional steroids. Became worse after birth of a sibling.
Lachesis cured. Study of a case in its evolution, Miasms and chronology are all essential for a
successful prescription.
12. Help Me, Please?
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
In this Editorial for the number dedicated to 'Neurosis' the Editor says that an area with high
percentage of Neuroses is -Marriage. She cites two cases to point this out. It was Staphysagria in one
and Kali carbonicum in the other. While the environment in which the patient lived -which indeed was
the cause of the Neurosis -remained unchanged; the patient was able to cope up with the
environmental stresses after taking the homoeopathic remedy.
13. Neurotic Disorders
ASRANI CH. (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
This is a brief article describing Neurosis and the clinical features.
14. Behind the cause
BANSALV.P. (NJH, 4,2/1995)
In this short article the author suggests to look behind the cause of the ailment.
15. Neurosis and Homoeopathy KASIVISWANATHAN T.K. (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
The different kinds of Neurosis and the homoeopathic treatment is discussed briefly; a short
list of the rubrics in the repertory is also appended.
16. Neurosis -It's Natural Cure
KONDEKAR Prakash (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 12
Franz Anton MESMER opined that the
infuence of the planets is also responsible for
and health could be had by reestablishing harmony of magnetic fluids. Sigmund FREUD postulated
traumatic experience as the chief cause of neurosis. Tranquilizers and other drugs are used in the
Allopathic Medicine. In Naturopathy, Hypnotherapy, Meditation and Relaxation are the main methods.
17. The Intoxicated Social Worker
SHEILA RAO (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
The first case vindicates what Dr . PARTHASARATHY has said in her Editorial (see 12
above). This 24 year-old female, married to a person from a different economic and cultural
background couldn't be happy and became mentally ill; behaved in a bizarre manner. Cannabis indica
M (repeated) cured her.
In the second case, a 30 year-old married woman developed fears and anxiety after hearing
that she may be suffering from Tuberculosis (after an X-ray) Although a second X-ray after one
week's treatment with antibiotics showed that the there was no Tuberculosis, she did not overcome
her fears, sleeplessness, etc. Tuberculinum M (prescribed on the basis of the shock that she was
suffering "from Tuberculosis!) cured.
18. Cases from Neuroses Clinic
MARATHE Rama (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
Case 1: 19 year-old girl with Vitiligo all over her legs; left- sided migraine.
Out of the four remedies in BOERICKE's Repertory for Leucoderma (p..910), Natrum
muriaticum was selected since it suited her mental state which brought about the desired result.
Case 2: 45 year-old woman, obese. Vague complaints like exhaustion, sleeplessness,
inability to control her diet, etc. Anxiety, ideas crowding her mind at night leading to sleeplessness,
fear that something would happen, fear of infection (she went to a Naturopathy camp but on hearing
that some AIDS patients were attending the camp she stopped). Calcarea carbonica was her remedy.
Case 3: 25 year-old woman with complaints of menstrual irregularity, indigestion and
constipation. She was staying in a working women's hostel and was employed in a private company.
She had to work for her family (her father had died two years ago) .She was much irritated to be
staying away from her family, and always talked about her home. Fear of poverty, insecurity. Bryonia
(Homesickness and Fear of poverty) was her remedy.
19. Melancholia labelled as Schizophrenia DAGADE Ramakant B. (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
19 year-old girl of a doctor. She developed depression due to disappointment in her academic
career. She failed to get admission forthe study which she wanted to and when she at last got a
chance to study abroad she developed fears, nervousness; Complained that her parents were more
interested in her younger sister. Demanded attention from all members of the family. Lachesis M one
dose with Bach Flower Remedy Holly 5 drops b.d. improved considerably. At this time she was put
into the care of a leading Psychiatrist who diagnosed it as Schizophrenia and with ECT and other
drugs she became worse. She was now again brought for homoeopathic treatment and Lachesis M
and Holly (Bach Flower) completely restored.
20. A Case of Depression
SEN Chandrima (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
56 year-old man, formerly happy-go-lucky, began to talk irrelevantly, which was diagnosed
as depression and treated with anti-depressants. He seemed disinterested in everything, sat like a
dummy, and did not communicate even with his wife and daughter. He had a wayward younger
brother whom he loved much and supported him in everything; this brother behaved so badly as to
cause the death of his father. Depression came on after this. His late father seemed to be telling him
that he was responsible for the state of affairs since he supported the younger brother in all activities.
Phosphoric acid M (4 doses) restored him.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 13
21. The Trapped Woman
DHAWALE K.M. (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
30 year-old, married woman, with lot of tension and related problems; also a 'tinnitus'.
Detailed history points to Natrum muriaticum. Case Analysis is quite educative.
22. A Case of Anxiety Neurosis
KUMAR Veera Balaji, V. (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
A middle-aged Professor of Zoology in a College with compulsive neurosis fastidiousness,
anxiety until work done, worries over trifles -and profuse sweating on slightest exertion. Nux vomica
200 restored.
23. A Case of Post Traumatic Neurosis
DHILLAN M.S. (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
This brief report of a 26 year-old man who fell from his scooter into a pit 10 meters deep and
suffered depressed skull fracture in the right parietal and contusions of occipital region affecting
cerebellum and in hospital, is very interesting and should open the eyes of those sceptical of
homoeopathic treatment in severe traumas. Opium M and a week later Nux vomica M and then XM,
restored him to complete normalcy rapidly.
24. And the Master Whispered
BANKER Akshay (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
A single dose of Pulsatilla M relieved the sufferings of a 25 year-old male, suffering from
asthma from childhood.
25. Cactus-g returns the Honeymoon Pleasure DAVE Gaurang (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
45 year-old woman with Vaginismus, tightness in vagina even from slightest touch, lack
enjoyment and moisture in the vagina, coition very painful. There was repeated history of Malaria.
Natrum muriaticum M did not produce expected results. Cactus grandiflorus 200 t.d.s. for 3 days
removed all the complaints. Now Natrum muriaticum completed.
26. Convulsions -Differential Approach
(NJH, 4, 2/1995)
A 6 month-old baby was getting high fever with convulsions and no remedy (homoeopathic)
relieved. It was now revealed that the mother who already had two children wanted to terminate the
third pregnancy and therefore took Cyclonorm E and Cyclonorm P and 3 ml. injections of Nirvaquin.
The pregnancy did not terminate and she delivered this baby. Secale cornutum XM stopped the
convulsions although the child had fevers.
27. Asthmatic Bronchitis with Primary Complex in Paediatric Practice: A Discussion with Two Cases
BALAKRISHNAN E. (NJH, 4, 2/1995)
The author quotes extensively from the past Masters -FARRINGTON, CLARKE, BOERICKE,
ML TYLER, PHATAK, KENT, BOGER, BAKSHI KS, on Pertussin, Ant-t., Ip., Nat-s., Dros., Spong.,
Phos., Tub- av., Ars-i., Calc.
In the two cases cited by the author, Rumex crisp us was the remedy.
28. Persistent Warts
WADIA S.R. (CCR, 3, 3/1994)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 14
Sulphur, Silica, Bacillinum, Thuja (in that order) were used for the eradication of Warts (face,
back of right thigh, chin) -cauterized earlier; recurrent Sinusitis with vacuum headaches associated
with thick greenish discharge and Eustachian catarrh, in a 23 year-old doctor.
29. Two Cases Lichen Planus –Mother and Son
WADIA S.R. (CCR, 3, 3/1994)
Case 1: 7 year-old boy with Lichen Planus. Has suffered fungal infection, measles, all routine
inoculations, BCG etc. History of Diabetes and TB in the grandparents. Grinds teeth and wets bed.
Stubborn, sucks thumb. Thuja, Cina, Sulphur, Natrum muriaticum, Bacillinum healed totally.
Case 2: Irregular menses in a 31 year-old woman, since 17 years. All vaccinations taken. Suffered
Jaundice, Measles, Chicken pox. Polyp on vocal cord. One abortion and then two normal full-term
deliveries. Sepia, Pulsatilla, Thuja, Sulphur were her remedies.
The author rightly justifies the use of the remedies and their order according to the progress
of the treatment.
30. Few Cases
MISTRY D.E. (CCR, 3,3/1994)
Case 1: 35 year-old man, separated from wife. Operated for Fistula, history of coryza, ear
discharge, piles and asthma. Diabetes and Piles in father. Sulphur, Bacillinum XM, Silica, Hepar
sulphuris were his remedies.
Case 2: Hyperacidity in a 22 year-old, obese female; burning of palms and soles and vertex.
Case 3: Pharyngitis. 35 year-old woman with sore throat, hoarseness while talking, scanty
menses, sensation of food lodged in throat. Argentum metallicum
Case 4: Acid Dyspepsia. 49 year-old man. Bleeding per anus; Eructations off and on with
obesity. Periodic right-sided headaches. Achy, fidgety feet. Pulsatilla, Tuberculinum, Lycopodium,
Mercurius solubilis, Syphilinum, Sulphur. .
31. A Case
21 year-old male. Headache, sensation of numbness in head, twitching of eyelids, lids so
heavy that would like to keep the eyes closed. Drowsiness on waking from sleep. Drowsiness always
preceded the head symptoms. Yawning frequent. Sleeps on abdomen; amorous dreams. Fatigue,
brain fag.
History of joint pains at 7 years age, and took Penicillin upto 18 years age. Masturbates
much. Erections failed when he attempted with a prostitute.
Staphysagria M and he improved. About 7 months later he took a concoction of the leaves of
Cannabis indica and developed terrible sexual stimulation and masturbated much; as a result became
very weak. Arnica M one dose and then Cannabis indica 200. One month later Staphysagria M.
32. Environmental Allergies and Chemical
BRESLOWS (CCR, 3,3/1994)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 15
Two Cases are presented. The first one is of a 37 year-old woman who had suffered much
since childhood -alcoholic parents. Felt unwanted, much wronged, never-will-succed-in-anything
feelings, etc. Attemped suicide. Depression. Hyoscyamus helped her a great deal.
The second case is of a child 2V2 years. Her mother had an affair with her husband's best
friend to take revenge on husband. The child soon after birth was given in adoption to a stable, loving
family. The child liked to be naked, urinated on the floor, handled genitals, was malicious, destructive,
struck her mother when angry. Hyoscyamus M.
The author has worked both the cases adopting Dr. Rajan SANKARAN's teachings
('Delusions' as the major rubrics). Both the cases are very interesting.
33. Asthmatic Bronchitis
38 Year-old male, an Ayurvedic doctor, with Asthmatic Bronchitis. Allopathic and Ayurvedic
drugs helped to some extent after which they became less effective. History of anti-rabies vaccine,
fungal infections; has taken all vaccinations. Father died of Adenocarcinoma of intestines; was also
diabetic. Chewed tobacco and took many cups "of tea; sweated on palms and soles and neck. Cough
worse at nights 2100 hrs. to 2330 hrs.
Tabacum 200 and then Nitric acid 200, Thuja. Patient improved. Follow-up wanting.
34. Haemoptysis
23 year-old female with Haemoptysis since one week, about half cup per day; rise of
temperature in the evening since a month. Appetite much less; excessive thirst and salivation since a
month. History of Vaccines; itching all over body a month ago, had applied external ointment. Father
died of Pulmonary Koch's. mother chronic cough. Laboratory tests and examination of the respiratory
system = negative finding. Short tempered, consolation aggravated, likes small company.
Tuberculinum M. No Haemoptysis from next day, no cough, no fever. One week later Natrum
muriaticum M. Remains well.
35. Right Toe Gangrene
SHINDE prakash (CCR, 3,3/1994)
This is a very interesting example of what Homoeopathy can do in so-called 'surgical' cases
and how a leg was saved from amputation.
A 32 year-old mason developed a non-healing ulcer of the right toe with pain and swelling of
the right leg, after injuring the right toes while working at construction. The diagnosis at the hospital:
(a) Non-healing ulcer over right foot; (b) wet gangrene of the tips of the toes of the right. After trial
sympathectomy with local dressings failed an above knee operation was proposed. The patient
approached Homoeopathy at this stage. He was restless, moaning due to burning pains in ulcer and
toes; aggravation by cold application; walking gave temporary relief.
Rhus toxicodendron (Gangrene, angrenous sores; Agg. cold in general; Injuries; Ulcers
unhealthy; Agg. uncovering; Walking amel.) gave dramatic relief in 24 hours. The remedy was given
in 30 potency 6 doses per day for 2 days. Calendula dressing; Subsequently Rhus toxicodendron 30
t.d.s for 5 days and then once a day for 10 days with intervening Acid phosphoricum 200 one dose for
5 days for suspected bone infection. Lastly Rhus toxicodendron 200 alternate day for 5 doses.
Completely healed.
36. A Case of Urticaria
SHINDE Prakash (CCR, 3,3/1994)
A Textile Engineer with Urticaria since over an year with temporary relief from anti-histamines
and steroids. Itching worse perspiration. While Manganum came nearest it was not fitting totally;
according to the periodic table Ferrum came next and the modalities also matched. Ferrum
metallicum gave expected response.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 16
37. A Case of Epistaxis
APTE (CCR, 3,4/1994)
Epistaxis in a 12 year-old boy was relieved by Phosphorus; Tuberculinum gave lasting relief.
38. A Case of Allergic Rhinitis
SHINDE Prakash (CCR, 3,4/1994)
28 year-old male with Allergic Rhinitis since eight months. The complaint began while working
in a Mustard field. Sneezing even for least dust, exhausting him. Worse upto 11 a.m. Sneezing
followed by watery coryza. Worse closed room. Discharge hot. lodum, Lycopodium and Sulphur over
a period of three months.
39. A Case of Rheumatic Fever
SHINDE Prakash (CCR, 3, 4/1994)
Septic tonsillitis leading to secondary synovial Arthritis in a 9 year-old boy was cured promptly
by Apis mellifica 30 t.d.s for 3 days.
40. Case of Cervical Spondylosis
SHINDE Prakash (CCR, 3,4/1994)
56 year-old man with Cervical Spondylosis with Cervical rib and advised surgery. This has
recurred after 15 years; the first time it was treated homoeopathically. Bryonia 30, 200 and M over a
period of 3 months cured.
41. A Case of Urinary Tract Infection
SHINDE Prakash (CCR, 3,4/1994)
68 year-old female, doctor, complains of loss of sensibility of urine passing, frequent urination,
as if some urine remained, Pus cells plenty.
Causticum improved initially but failed to hold; Sulphur aggravated and pus cells also
increased much. Petroselinum cured.
42. A Case of Neuralgia
SHINDE Prakash (CCR, 3,4/1994)
30 year-old male with complaint of pain at base of left lower teeth since two years
extending to the forehead; since 2 years pain extends to the right thumb from neck; worse when
raising arm, rest, initial motion, when alone and better pressure, motion of hand, when engaged.
Suffered business losses two years back. Natrum muriaticum relieved. The dosage: 200 every 4th
day 4 doses, every 8th day 6 doses, (what is rationale for this 4th day and 8th day and the number of
doses? = KSS.)
43. A Complicated Case of Cervical Spondylosis, Cholelithiasis, Pancreatitis, Coccyalgia
SHINDE Prakash (CCR, 3,4/1994)
This a very complicated case of a 57 year-old medical officer who had tried available
treatment in Allopathy; underwent Cholecystectomy in 1990. Ultimately he was advised by a
Neurosurgeon to undergo Thecal Decompression. This patient totally recovered after Calcarea
phosphorica 30 to M, Graphites 200, M, followed by Causticum 200, M, relieved in all respects within
one year. (How many 'surgical cases' can get cured by Homoeopathy! = KSS.)
44. A Case of Cervical Herniation
SHINDE Prakash (CCR, 3, 4/1994)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 17
34 year-old male, Architect, with pain left cervical extending to left finger with desire to press
the finger; pain left axilla; Cervical pain on looking upward and downward. Irritable, always busy.
Nux vomica 30, 200, cured. (Another so-called 'surgical' case cured by Homoeopathy = KSS)
43. A Case of Sterility
SHINDE Prakash (CCR, 3,4/1994)
35 year-old female, married since 12 years, with one daughter 11 years age. Obese, chilly.
Leucorrhoea since last 3 years with much itching; Bearing down sensation, so that she had to cross
her legs;stitching pain vagina extending upward; nausea morning; Empty feeling in stomach. She did
not conceive second time. Tube block.
Sepia 30 t.d.s. for 7 days. Sepia 200 six doses for 2 days. No improvemet. Sepia M two
doses. No improvement. Husband has been taking Penicillin injections. Medorrhinum 200 to husband
and the patient. Leucorrhoea, itching totally stopped; bearing down reduced. Became pregnant, and
delivered healthy child.
Gonococcal block removed by Medorrhinum. Did the medicine remove the Cornual block or dissolve
46. Lateral Wall Myocardial Infarction
GUJAR BANSI (CCR, 3,4/1994)
37 year-old male, many adverse life situations; first wife who was loving and kind, lost;
second wife abusive and insulting; loss of position in office due to scheming colleague; etc. suffered
myocardial infarction. He was treated homoeopathically by remedies appropriate to the symptoms and
over a period of about 5 months he was much better and could join his office. Acupressure also was
47. A Case of Sciatica
MISTRY D.E. (CCR, 3,4/1994)
30 year-old married female with right-sided Sciatica was relieved by Colocynthis 200.The
interesting point in this is that whereas Colocynth is better lying on painful side, this patient was worse
lying on painful side; nevertheless she was cured.
48. A Case of Rheumatism and Seminal Discharge
MISTRY D.E. (CCR. 3,4/1994)
23 year-old male with Epistaxis in summer; joint pains worse getting up; seminal discharge in
sleep twice a week followed by weakness; chronic headaches since 2 years; feeling heat in body.
Phosphorus, Carcinocin, Picric acid, Sulphur were some of the remedies given, but the patient
abandoned treatment and later reports said that he underwent allopathic and ayurvedic treatments
and became much weaker and debilitated with doubtful Koch's.
49. Zwei Pulsatilla-falle (Two Pulsatilla Cases)
SRINIVASAN K.S. (ZKH, 39,1/1995)
The author describes two cases of Arthritis healed by Pulsatilla. He shows how to heal with
only one remedy at a time, without looking at the name of the disease. The aggravation produced by
high potencies is also pointed out.
50. Akute Segmentpneumonie mit Segleiterguss - Sehandlung durch das chronische Grundmittel
(Acute Segment Pneumonia with accompanying symptoms. Treatment by the chronic
HEE H. (ZKH, 39,2/1995)
After successful treatment of her chronic disease by Nat-m. the patient suffered an year later
with an acute Pneumonia with high fever with an unclear muscular spasticity of throat region. The
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 18
healing of not only the acute but the chronic was accomplished with repeated doses of Nat-m. the
chronic remedy. .
51. Noch Einmal:der Wert der Symptome (Once again: the Value of Symptoms)
KELLER G.v. (ZKH, 39,2/1995)
Sometimes we can find the remedy more easilly with one very highly characteristic symptom
than with a multitude of more common symptoms. This is demonstrated by the author with a
Causticum case.
52. Ein Aurum-Fall. (An Aurum case)
ZEEDEN H. (A HZ, 240,2/1995)
In an elderly patient (75 year-old man), deep-seated shin-bone pains under diabetic Ulcus
cruris vanish rapidly and he remained pain-free for a long time, with Aurum D 200. In addition to the
physical and mental symptoms which were relieved by Aurum it was obseNed that it corresponded to
the favorite color and handwriting of H. V. MOLLER's patients.
53. Rare remedies in Common Practice
SHAH Sinal S. (HH, 20,1/1995)
Specific uses of 'rare' remedies like Menispermum, Turnera, Guarea, Je
chuck, etc. A very useful compilation (Recall the three articles of David WEMBER that appeared in the
OHD Vol X, 4/93, Vol XI, 1 &2/94, and Vol. XII, 3&4/95. = KSS)
54. My Experience with Rare Medicines in Acne
GOSHAR Meena (HH, 20,1/1995)
Elevan homoeopathic medicines with their specific relevance in acne.
55. A Case Report
COLABAWALLA Zenobia M.(HH,20,1/1995)
36 year-old housewife with simple (non-toxic) Goitre with iron deficiency Anaemia. Calcarea
iodide M and then XM beginning with single dose and going up to thrice a day while the thyroid went
on to shrink! 56. A Case of Hypertension PAVRI K.R. (HH, 20,1/1995) 52 year-old married
woman; known hypertensive (BP. 160/90). On allopathic drugs for hypertension. She came in July
1992 for difficulty in swallowing which was worse for liquids and empty swallowing. After complete
case-taking Sepia was prescribed -30 to M over a period. The allopathic anti- hypertensives were also
at the same time gradually reduced and ultimately totally withdrawn. Patient continues to be well
without any medication.
57. Haemorrhoids in a Child cured by
Homoeopathy -
A constipated two and half-year old male child with haemorrhoids external was cured with
Mercurius so/ubi/is 200 three doses, one a week.
58. A Case of Anxiety Neurosis with Lipoma
THAKKAR Paresh V. (HH, 20,1/1995)
28 year-old married lady with complaint of Insomnia since three years. She also had a
swelling on the forearm, soft, doughy, measuirng 3cm X 2cm. mobile. Constipated. She suffered
severe mental trauma; she spent sleepless, anxious nights, because the police used to visit at nights
to investigate a case of robbery foisted on her husband; later the case was withdrawn.
Ammonium muriaticum 200 three doses. Sleep improved, Lipoma size reduced, no fears.
59. Diseases of the Breast
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 19
KODIA Kamal Eruch (HH, 20,1/1995)
Common ailments of the female breast - Mastitis, Abscess, Cracked nipples, the repertory
rubrics useful in these conditions and some remedies.
60. Catharsis -Its importance in Homoeopathy
MISRA Bichitra Bhusan (HH, 20,2/1995)
Accumulation of repressed emotions results in rapid cure. Hence HAHNEMANN's admonition
to allow the patient to talk and the physician to listen without interruption.
61. Some Aspects of Chest Pain
WALKER Thomson (HH, 20, 2/1995)
The Physiology and Pathology of chest pains, in brief. Useful in daily practice.
62. Symptom -A Perspective
KOTHE Arvind (HH, 20,3/1995)
Tells briefly what is a subjective/objective symptom, concomitant, characteristic etc.
symptoms, what key-note is.
63. Spondylosis
AGARWAL Madhu (HH, 20,3/1995)
Briefly tells what Spondylosis is and mentions some of the remedies frequently indicated
(Rhus toxicodendron, Bryonia, Dulcamara, Rhododendron, Radium bromatum, Formica rufa,
64. A Case of Acute Trigonitis treated with Digitalis
VAZE S.H. (HH,20,3/1995)
Digitalis is a very important remedy in urinary complaints. A 72 year-old woman with Acute
Trigonitis was cured with Digitalis XM.
65. Stuttering
NIMBHORKAR M.P. (HH, 20,3/1995)
A small article on the causes of stuttering and some of the remedies more often indicated.
66. How to Prevent Heart Disease
KOHL! Bindu (HUD, 3, 111995)
General guidelines to prevent heart attack, which is mainly due to wrong life-style.
67. Case in My memory -Angina Pectoris
DHINGRA Sangeetha (HUD, 3,
A 38-year-old male with a history of pain since 6 months, from the left side chest radiating to
the left ear along the lower jaw. Sensation of choking, constriction in the throat. Precipitated mostly by
tension, anxiety and anger and sometimes when in a hurry. Naja 200 three doses, repeated after five
months. (Pain radiating to jaw -Naja)
68. Homoeopathy After "MI"
CHAWLA Rajesh (HUD, 3, 1/1995)
The author says that life after MI can be made comfortable with homoeopathy.
69. Diet and Heart Disease
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
GUPTA Babita (HUD, 3, 1/1995)
A brief article on how important diet in heart disease is.
70. Pulmonary Infiltration with Eosinophilis
KANSAL Kamal (HUD, 3,3/1995)
The pathology of Eosinophilia followed by four cases treated homoeopathically.
71. Kidney Stones and their Management
KANSAL Kamal (HUD, 3,3/1995)
The pathophysiology of Kidney stones and their homoeopathic treatment. Eight cases treated
homoeopathically reported; five cases given Sarsaparilla, one Pulsatilla one Nux vomica and one
72. Pulmonary Eosinophilia associated with Scabies
KANSAL Kamal (HUD, 3,3/1995)
That the curative remedy may be indicated by a symptom far removed from the main
pahtology is demonstrated by this case.
26 year-old man with wheezing since 10 days; severe breathlessness. Has been gettir:lg such
attacks since and this one was third in 5 months. Depends on inhalers (Bronchodilators and Steroids).
Examination revealed Eosinophils 28%, Ipecacuanha, Arsenicum iodatum did not give the desired
result. His wife rpvealed that while everyone in the family suffered badly from scabies, the patient was
suffering the least from scabies. Now, Psorinum M three doses a day for three days gave complete
73. Gastro-intestinal Diseases -Case
Reports (HUD, 3,2/1995)
Cases reported by different homoeopaths.
Case 1: Lactose intolerance in a 6 months old child. Rash at one month age relieved by
external application. Sulphur 200
Case 2: Stomatitis in a child of three and half years. Due to the ulcers in the mouth the child
was unable to take solids. Local applications and anti-fungals, vitamins and even homoeopathic
treatment since 6 months, have been of no avail. The child has history of recurrent urinary tract
infection since one-and-half year age, and given broad spectrum antibiotics and injections. During
dentition had green diarrhoea. On examination distinct fetid breath; salivation profuse; Kali chloricum
30 six doses over 3 days. Ulcers completely cured in eight days.
Case 3: Colonic Polyposis in a 37 year-old man was relieved by Teucrium 30 three times a
day from September 1993 to August 1994. (Teucrium 30 t.d.s. for 12 months!!!)
Case 4&5: Stools mucoid with pain abdomen since ten years in a 31 year-old man was
relieved with (i) Dysentery co.202, three doses (2) Colocynth 200 SOS for pain abdomen and (iii)
Kurchi <1> (Holarrhena antidysenterica)
In the next case, 34 year-old woman with restlessness with unsatisfactory stools; mucous
stools; ineffectual urge with only mucus pased. Dysentery co. 202 relieved.
Case 6: Eight year-old; vomiting with pain abdomen. Icterus. S. Bilirubin 5.4 mg; Ultrasound scan:
changes of fatty degeneration in the liver. Phosphorus 200, Arsenicum album 200 and then China 30.
74. Fistula-in-ano and Haemorrhoids
KANSAL Kamal, CHAWLA Rajesh (HUD,3,2/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
38 year-old woman with fistula in ano; painful, yellowish, thin, fetid discharge. Chilly person
who desired sweets. Haemorrhoids on maternal side. Known case of haemorrhoids since 18 years.
Tuberculinum 200, three doses; repeated after a week.
29 year-old man with fistula. Thin, watery discharge. Tuberculinum 200, three doses, followed
by Ledum 30 t.d.s. for 7 days and Echinacea «1>.65 year-old man, fistula since 10 years. History of
Koch's. Tuberculinum XM one dose followed by Ledum 200 t.d.s. for 8 weeks(!).
Haemorrhoids in a man, with burning, oedematous. Thuja 200 followed by Capsicum 30 and
lastly Apis 30 q.i.d. for 4 days.
75. Pancreatic Cancer -Hunting a Killer
KANSAL Kamal (HUD, 3,2/1995)
Update on the disease.
76. Homoeopathy in Emergency Cases
ORTEGA Processo Sanches (HUD,3,2/1995)
A very small article stressing that the homoeopath should know when surgery is called for and
when medicine.
77. Obstructive Jaundice -Ascaris lumb. Responsible
KANSAL Kamal (HUD. 3,2/1995)
Sixty year-old female with features of obstructive jaundice. Suspectid worms Chelone «1> 3
drops b.d. for 2 weeks and she threw up (per mouth and anus bunches of worms. Then Chelidonium
30 for two weeks cured.
78. Ein Fall von Colitis mucosa und Asthma (A Case of Mucous colitis and Asthma)
SCHUSTER Bernd (ACD, 4, 1/1995)
76-year-old man, thin and small built. Diarrhoea since years; in forenoon he must visit the
toilet 3 or 4 times, in all ten to twelve times a day. The diarrhoea comes so suddenly that he would
sometime fear that he may not make to the WC. He passes more mucus; hangs from the anus like a
thread and does not get dissolved in water when washed. The stool and mucous are passed without
pain, and least flatus. The sudden urge for stool which kept him in constant tension was the worst.
Cannot urinate standing because he would then have the urge to stool, he should therefore sit and
pass urine. He has already been treated by many doctors. All tests have shown everything as normal.
He was a mason and suffered from Asthma, worse summer. His Asthma began when he
started training as mason. As 8-year-old his tonsils were removed. Appendix surgery. Kidney stone
crushed. Thorough repertorization pointed to Kali bichromicum, confirmed by careful reference to the
Materia Medica. The remedy was given in LM 18, once daily three drops. Progressive improvement.
He remained well (free from the Diarrhoea and much better Asthma) until two years later when he
died of a heart attack.
Symptoms cured and ameliorated:
-Intense. frequent and sudden urge for stool with spurting diarrhoea, mucous stool, worse in
Autumn and Winter.
-Involuntary passage of thin mucous from the anus.
-Passage of tenacious, thick, .stringy mucus from the anus, or passing thick mucus without
-Summer-Asthma with waking up between 4 and 5 hours night with wheezing, dyspnoea,
yawning, and better from bending forward.
Tenacious expectaration.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
- Dryness of the lips.
79. Eine Rauchvergiftung (A Smoke -poisoning)
SCHWARZ Erik (ACD, 4, 1/1995)
The patient. a man, had inhaled smouldering cable smoke and was thus poisoned. Was admitted
to the hospital where they opined that his brain had been starved of oxygen for a long time and gave
no hopes. The brain was not capable of function. The poisoning was in June 1979. The brother and
wife of the patient were advised to put him in a nursing home. They however wanted to avoid it.
The patient was like a child, said the brother. In the mornings he comprehended very slowly
but later in the afternoon onwards nothing. On 15 November 1979 he was brought to the clinic: He
appeared indifferent and stupid. He reacted very slowly to the questions. He sat on the chair and went
on shaking his legs and grinning. He had no interest in the TV. In the morning and forenoon he was
very pedantic and trifles disturbed him. Since the smoke poisoning he could not read.
With the scanty symptoms obtained after much effort, the following were taken for
Restlessness, legs, while sitting; conscientious about trifles
With these two symptoms Lycopodium and Rhus toxicodendron
So further differentiation from the following rubrics:
Smoke aggravates
Ailments, from Carbon monoxide
Since these were not confirmative of any remedy –
Smoke agg. Smoke intoxication indicated Lycopodium.
Lycopodium LM 12 b.d. 5 drops on 27 November. He was again seen on 8 January 1980.
The patient could not be recognised. He showed interest and could converse. He continued with the
medicine which was subsequently once a day, etc. His vision to read was only slightly improved, and
therefore could not continue his job. But he attended to all household work, purchases etc. In Summer
1992: he reported well in every way.
80. An Exceptional Case of Anencephaly VITHOULKAS G. (EJH, l' 1/1995)
A three-year-old girl born with almost half of the brain missing and the other half damaged.
CT Scan report in October 1993 showed (1) left cerebral hemiatrophy with temporal lobe aplasia, (2)
Parencephalous right basitemporal region with atrophic right temporal lobe. The child suffered from
frequent epileptic convulsions, totally paralysed, could not stand or sit and her head was falling to one
side; she had no contact whatever, no speech and did not respond to voices, a total vegetable.
Convulsive involuntary movements of the eyes with divergent strabismus of the right eye.
Agaricus muscarius 30 in repeated doses was prescribed and the child began to improve.
She has been progressing steadily. In the subsequent issues of the EJH the steady improvement is
being reported. She is yet to be fully cured. A remarkable case indeed.
81. Unexpected Remedy in a Case of Depression
ANTONIOU K. (EJH, l' 1 /1995)
Case 1: 15-year-old girl; depressed, thinks she is not-goodlooking, is ugly; Fear, timidity; fear
of thieves, accidents, shadows, storms and bicycles; Hot and sweaty palms; finds emotional relief
through writing poetry; sentimentalist; menses too early. Stramonium 200 brought all round
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
improvement. Stramonium should not only be seen as aggressive but also as sensitive, romantic, and
vulnerable, in the sense that it can be easily hurt. It also writes gloomy, melancholic poems.
Case 2: 19-year-old girl, student; intense irritability and tremendous sensitivity to cold;
Irritable and tense; when tense wants to bite something, hit something hard, when she feels
misunderstood she wants to throw things; strong sense of insecurity; strong dysmenorrhoea,
constipation or diarrhoea, and high sensitivity to noises. Fear of getting lost, no sense of space or
sense of balance. Affectionate, sentimental, effusive and of a mild character. Very anxious about her
health. Cannot be alone.
Arsenicum album M helped her. Three years later she was given Stramonium 30 because her
irritability had not abated to a great extent and she was still complaining about it. This did not help. A
fresh evaluation was made of the whole case and given Anacardium 30. Between the 6th and the
15th day after taking the medicine she had a tremend
nervous crisis, a fit of wild fury and
hyperactivity. Since then she has been much better. She had a small eruption of eczema on her hand.
Irritability ameliorated. Has been much better. An interesting brief discussion follows.
82. Good bye with a Hug
(HTIMES, 2, 1/1995)
This is a case from the files of Dr. Sarla SONAWALA who departed this world on 13 January
1995, presented by her daughter Dr. Vishpala PARTHASARATHY.
16-year-old girl with complaint of recurrent headaches; pain bursting, located in the frontal
region and root of nose. Worse in sun, after meals, after school, while stooping and emotional upsets.
Better under a fan, pressure and sleep and after playing badminton.
Repertorization on the basis of the mentals, generals and the modalities Kali bichromicum
was given which was followed by Silica.
83. Azoospermia: A Case Study MISHRA S.C. (mfH, 5,3/1995)
Azoospermia in 31-year-old man, treated with a number of homoeopathic medicines over a
period of over 18 months at the end of which significant improvement was observed.
84. Cervical Spondylitis
SHAH Rupal (HTIMES, 2, 1/1995)
24-year-old man with cervical Spondylosis since two years. He also has an itching eruption on
the back since three years. Acidity sub-sternal off and on. Varicocele operated. Craves spicy, chillies,
potatoes. Aversion sugar, salty. Addiction to tobacco. Easily frightened. Apprehensive about trifles.
Nervous. Loner. Although a teacher by profession he had stage-fright.
Gelsemium improved him.
85. Chronic tonsillitis
SEVAR Raymond (Simile, 5, 1/1995 issued with BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
22-year-old man with recurrent tonsilitis. Since childood suffered caseous deposits on the
tonsils. After a detailed history the rubrics -'Anger ailments, suppressed from' and 'Trembling
externally emotions, after' were chosen and Staphisagria 200, one dose given on 9.9.1993. He made
rapid improvement all round. Towards end December 1993 he had acute tonsilitis and he took a
course of antibiotics. The smelly white lumps on tonsils had never gone away and were worse
recently. The rubric 'caseous deposits in tonsils. K. 448: Chenopodium anthelminticum 6c tds for a
week. Rapid clearing of the smelly white lumps in a few days with no recurrence. Remains perfectly
well three months later.
86. Cyclical Depression
SEVAR Raymon (Simile, 5, 1/1995 issued with the BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
Depression since 33 years; good three weeks, bad three weeks, regular cycle. Periodicity not
exact, one or two days either way. During good weeks, energy good, feels very well, no symptoms.
During bad weeks, energy drained out. Feels sad, tired, drained, hard to cry, 'holds it in, bottled'
because is embarrassed to cry. Feels 'ashamed' about how she is, cried freely during the consultation
and apologised.
It all began after she suffered the shock of her husband being hospitalised due to a bad road
accident. Fear turned into depression. Fear snakes.
She was on Phenelzine 15 mg tds, Nifedipine retard 20 mg bd. Chilly.
Opium XM did not help. Aurum metallicum 200 also did not help. Now she came during her
'well' period. Speaks quickly. Restless. Lot of energy. Wakes at 6 am and works til110 pm. Cheerful,
lighter. Must move, and quickly. Thinks quicker. Feels happy. Aristolochia clematitis 200 one dose.
Depressive phase not returned. The excess energy gradually came down. Sleep normalised.
Stayed well for five months and then depression returned just as bad as before. Aristolochia clematitis
200 single dose. Guarded prognosis.
Read Edward WHITMONT'S Psyche and Substance for an excellent account of Aristolochia
87. Benign Dental Cyst
RATNAKER M. (Simile 5,1/1995 issued with the BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
Benign dental cyst which had destroyed the symphysis of the mandible, in a female. A bone
graft was proposed.
Acidum nitricum did not help. Hecla lava 6c tds for ten days then bd for two weeks and she
made good improvement.
88. Oral Leukoplakia
PAl P.N. (Simile, 5,1/1995 issued with
BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
Kalium cyanatum 6c bd relieved persistent burning in a thick white patch in the middle of the
tongue, measuring 1 II x 0.5" in male 45 years. The remedy was given for thirteen weeks.
89. Herpes which wouldn't quit
(Resonance, 17, 1/1995)
44 year old woman with chronic herpes since 17 years, of the face; off and on. She needed
Cafcarea sulphurica 200 repeated five months later. The analysis of the long case is very interesting.
90. Clairvoyance and its Treatment
ROY Sosi (QHQ,3,1/1995)
The author appears to have confused clairvoyance with delusion. He narrates two cases in
which Lachesis improved the mental ilfness.
91. After-pains from Herpes Zoster
PIETERS G. (QHQ, 3, 1/1995)
Neuralgic pains from Herpes Zoster which was not relieved by allopathic medicines (which
cost quite much), was relieved within 4 days with Hypericum 30.
92. Hair and Scalp Problems
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
LEWIS Joe A. (QHQ,3,1/1995)
This is a brief article on some of the common ailments and the remedies generally used in
problems of hair and scalp.
93. Hypertension
MISHRA S.C. (QHQ, 3, 1/1995)
A brief discussion of Hypertension and three cases treated homoeopathically which controlled
the Hypertension.
94. A Child with Grandmal Epilepsy
VIJAYKAR Praful (IJHM, 30,1/1995)
A four-year-old girl with Grandmal Epilepsy. The first attack came on when she was in the
ICU with Neonatal Jaundice; another attack at 11 months and since then on Tegretol and Sodium
Valporate. EEG revealed the presence of intermittent bilateral hyper-excitability; right more than the
left. CT Scan showed flaring of Atria of lateral ventricles with heterotropic congestion. She suffered
from recurrent colds, coughs, especially when she is tired after physical exertion and during cold, wet
days; cold is usually accompanied with high fever. A sensitive yet contented child who would never
Opium 30 was given on 1.6.1993, 9.10.1993, 15.11.1993 and Opium XM on 19.2.1994.
Significant improvement did not follow the above' prescription.
The case was reevaluated and Causticum 200 one dose was given on 24.4.1994 which
immediately manifested its curative action. The remedy has not been repeated until November 1994.
The author makes an interesting observation: " A 'constitutional remedy' is the one which
represents constitution in its entirety and not the mind alone. It has to go through and through to every
system in the organism right up to tissue and down to the cellular level because each cell of ours is
representative of us. Hence what special qualities are present in an individual cell or a system and the
organism as a whole is the 'Actual Mind' of the organism and this is what determines the constitutional
95. A Case of Seizure
MEHTA Kishore (IJHM, 30, 1/1995)
A 41-year-old married woman who gets convulsons since 1985. She suffered four
spontaneous abortions, one ectopic pregnancy terminated. She was on regular allopathic medicine.
The case was diagnosed as post-vir.al Encephalitis seizures. Kali bromatum M was given in June
1994, repeated in August 1994, StramoniumM; Natrum muriaticum 30 in December 1994, January
1995, February 1995, Natrum muriaticum M March 1995 and April 1995 and in May 1995 Natrum
muriaticum XM. Since the last dose no attacks.
96. Perceiving Totality in Epileptic Patients
JAIN .C.B. (IJHM, 30,1/1995)
A nine month-old girl with Epilepsy. Congenital Cataract which was operated three months
ago and could make out light and movements. Bufo rana 30 from 23 January to 27 March 1992
without benefit even after going up to the 200. On review Zincum metallicum 30 once a day and she
began to improve; the medicine was given t.d.s. and then the attacks stopped. The child developed
eruptions on the scalp. The child continued to be attack-free.
A 24-year-old, married woman with Epilepsy since two years. It began after vexation and
disappointment. There was amelioration from drinking water. Cuprum metallicum 30 daily and
Tuberculinum bovinum M (Three doses) were given from 1 August 1984 and July 1985 while at the
same time Gardenal which she had been taking was tapered and finally stopped. She remains attack-
free since July 1985.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 26
97. Case of the Mentally Retarded Child
KULKARNI Ajit (IJHM, 30,1/1995)
A 19-year-old lad with epileptic attacks since three years age. Was said to possess low la. He
was on anti-epileptic drugs continuously and was constantly drowsy, drooling. After 12 years- age he
became violent, destructive, attempting to run away from home for long hours; became thin. He was
able to recall long-back movies seen by him or things. Mercurius 30 t.d.s. from 23- 1-1994. His
salivation reduced and attempts to run reduced; the anti-epileptic drugs were tapered. However, he
slipped and fell on 19.3.1994 and became unconscious and again became destructive. The entire
case was re-examined and he was now given Bufo rana 30 and higher. All-round improvement set in
including his behaviour. Still on treatment.
. Epilepsy with Unconsciousness
JOGALEKAR Ajay D. (IJHM, 30,1/1995)
19-year-old young man with Epilepsy since two and half years, and was on anticonvulsants.
Has undergone treatment in different hospitals. Now if he travels even the least he suffered
convulsions. Bufo 200 was given on 19.11.1991 and in infrequent doses and then M potency on
27.2.1992. Bufo M was repeated on 2.4.1992 and meanwhile the anti-convulsants were withdrawn.
The patient dropped out but came again on 21.11.1992. The case was re-taken and Calcarea
carbonica 200 was given in repeated doses, b.d. and then t.d.s and q.d. This was continued for one
year and in the interval Tuberculinum bovinum M. There was gradual improvement.
99. A Case of Exfoliative Dermatitis
BANERJEA Subrata K. (IJHM, 30,1/1995)
Six-year old male child with eruptions on the face since six months; itching, stinging and
cutting pains; occasional burning; weeps with pains; small red blotches, pustular and vesicular
discharging fluid and pus. Worse night, warmth, gentle rubbing, motion, summer, washing, sour
food/fruit, perspiration. Has been on allopathic medication including cortisone ointments and
Ayurvedic medicines. Chronic loose stools four or five times a day with froth and mucus. Painful
cervical lymph nodes since three years. Profuse and sour smelling perspiration, staining yellow.
Cortisone 200 two doses on 12.12.1989, 28.2.1990. No change.Sulphur M two doses. No
change. On 6 July 1990 Croton tiglium 30 two doses and improvement began. The remedy was
repeated in 200 potency, on 16 October 1990. Cured.
100. Homoeopathic Approach to the Problem of Cancer
KASAD K.N. (IJHM, 30,1/1995)
This is an interesting article. Cancer is the end product of the disease which had begun years
back in the patient. The precancerous state has to be ascertained in order to prescribe. Since almost
all cancer cases come to the homoeopath after surgery, chemotherapy, irradiation, etc. it is
impossible to get a proper picture of the underlying state. However it is possible to give palliation and
occassionally the cancer also may regress.
Important rubrics relevant to cancer pathology are mentioned. The case-taking and
understanding of the phases are explained. A list of remedies specific to the organs are given
followed by three cases.
101. Epilepsy: Clinician's Approach
ASHOK P.P. (IJHM, 30,1/1995)
This is a brief article on the subject. The author is a Consultant Neurologist.
102. Perceiving Conscientious -II
BARV ALIA Praful (IJHM, 30, 1/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 27
Case 1: 29-year-old male. Herpes Genitalis since two years. One episode every 4 months
with burning and soreness for 3 days. Pimples + on face. Aurum metallicum healed his complaints.
The remedy was selected on the basis of the mental state of the patient.
Case 2: 56-year-old male with Congestive Cardiac Failure. Associated complaints like
Hypertension, IHD, Diabetes, etc. He was a conscientious person. Misfortune in his business caused
mental trauma. He was a straight-forward, honest person even in his business dealings and his
inability to pay his creditors made him feel that he was responsible for their problems. He was on
prescribed allopathic medicines.
Aurum metallicum 30 daily gradually raised to b.d. and then t.d.s., then 200 daily. Insulin and
anti-hypertensives were continued. The patient improved steadily.
103. Travails of the Conscientious Stern Teachers
SHINGALA Kirtida (IJHM, 30, 1/1995)
Case 1: 73-year-old lady with inflammation of right knee joint. Osteoarthritis since an year,
worse since three monthe. Teacher by profession. She was ambitious, hard-working to achieve her
goal, scorned her husband who was rather docile and ambition-less. She was haughty. There was
underlying frustration but nevertheless she achieved her aim. Ferrum metallicum M (Ailments from
vexation; Conscientious about trifles; Egotism; Haughty; Craving sweets) in infrequent doses cured.
Case 2: 50-year-old lady, (Headmistress of a school) with Psoriasis. Her ailment was
precipitated when parents of children whom she had refused to be enrolled came in a crowd and she
was thus forced to interview all of them. She experienced a strong feeling of guilt that she was not
doing her job properly and went into severe depression. Basically a very conscientious person; a
perfectionist who demanded the same from others. Excited when injustice is meted out to subordinate
employees. She passed through a strong feeling of guilt when she is pressurised to give admission to
wards of political big-wigs and bad elements.
She was shocked when her husband died suddenly, and she did not shed a drop of tear. She
felt that she had neglected her duty in not taking care of her husband.
Cyclamen cured her .
104. Epilepsy and Emotion
HATTANGDI Sonal A. (IJHM, 30, 1/1995)
Discusses briefly the relationship between emotion and epilepsy. Two cases from A
Textbook of Epilepsy by J. LAIDLAW, A. RICHENS, D. CHADWICK, are given to stress this.
105. The Treatment and Prevention of Post-vaccinal Disease
SMITS Tinus (JAIH, 88, 1/1995)
Dr. Tinus SMITS, through illustrative case histories, identifies some of the numerous adverse
vaccine side-effects and demonstrates an effective method for their treatment when caught early
enough, within the first year. He says that the best treatment is to use the potentized vaccine and to
give it in four potencies over four successive days
30 on day one, 200 on day two, M the third day,
and XM the fourth day. If at any time during those four days an aggravation ensues, the subsequent
doses are suspended and after waiting the whole series is restarted, 14 days later. If a child is
unusually vulnerable, e.g. he had a severe reaction from an earlier vaccination or you are expecting a
strong reaction for whatever reason, every potency can be spaced out a week or more apart. If a
given potency does provoke a strong reaction the same potency can be repeated weekly until there is
no longer any reaction.
The argument is also presented that delaying immunization until after the age of ten months
could help prevent many vaccine side-effects.
106. A Case of Oral Polio Vaccinosis
SCHAFFER Rodney (JAIH,88,1/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 28
This is a case report of the successful use of a homoeopathic preparation of Oral Polio
Vaccine used to treat a febrile illness which occured 8 days after a dose of Orimune. The incidence of
mild Poliomyelitis and vaccine-related Poliomyelitis as well as the clinical presentations of the 4 Polio-
virus-related syndromes are reviewed. The symptoms in this case upon which the OPV in potency
was prescribed are described.
107. Obstacles to Homeopathic Treatment VITHOULKAS George (JAIH, 88,1/1995)
Disease is manifested as a consequence of stresses impacting one or more of the three-
Ievels that constitute the human organism:
the physical body
the emotional-sexual sphere
the mental-spirituallevels
The obstacles to the homoeopathic treatment would similarly arise at the appropriate levels.
For example: on the physical level -a herniated disc which causes sciatica or a foreign matter stuck in
a part; these need surgical interference plus Homoeopathy. Chemical blockages like coffee or alcohol
in great quantities. And then there are miasmatic obstacles. Permanent organ damage, cases
suffering from an undefined, general weakness of the physical body, also would cause obstacles.
The emotional blockages are classified as:
(1) Husband Syndrome -in women who are not sexually or romantically attracted to their
(2) Deep Emotional Insecurities -these can dramatically alter one's life. These are very
difficult to be cured.
(3) Inescapable Familial Situations -like having a retarded child in the family; conditions of
extreme poverty.
(4) "Sinful" Habits -practices which the patient considers as unwholesome or sinful like
homosexuality, masturbation, drug or alcohol addiction or unhealthy state of mind.
(5) Emotional Death - persons who have suffered emotionally tremendously in life and have
come to the conclusion that there is no love in life, no friendship, no companionship can, as a
consequence, die emotionally.
Mental Blockages - persons who seek 'spiritual' life-style due to frustration; without going
through the stages of spirituality, such person adopts prematurely a 'spiritual' cloak. These are very
difficult cases.
The Health Freaks -those with fixed ideas about health and disease and their symptoms are
greatly modified by these ideas and diets that they usually follow. Hypochondriacs fall in this category.
The 'Intellectuals' will give you a false impression about their overall health condition most of
the time. Since they have the tendency to understand everything that is happening in them in a logical
manner and thus to explain it to themselves and to others, they always give their own interpretation to
their symptoms.
The Independent Patient -they do not want to depend upon the doctor. When they come for
the follow-up visit, they will be likely to confuse the interpretation of their response to the remedy by
suggesting that any improvement they have noted could be due to some other influence, therapeutic
or otherwise, in their life. You have to be very careful with these individuals because there is an inborn
fear that they may depend upon someone if they admit that your remedy made them better.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 29
VITHOULKAS has given example cases from practice to explain the points.
108. Homoeopathic Grand Rounds
JOHNSTON Linda (JAIH, 88, 1/1995)
A 69-year-old woman, a college professor, with Hypertension, left hip pains, shortness of
breath, hoarseness and weakness. The case improved with Causticum and Digitalis over a total 14
month treatment period. The totality of the case, analysis by Dr. JOHNSTON and comments by Drs.
Mitch FLEISHER, Dean CROTHERS, Paul HERSCU, Karl ROBINSON and final comments by Dr.
JOHNSTON by way of response to the comments, all make very interesting and thought-provoking
109. Clinical Snapshots
Case 1: 65-year-old woman complained of waking up every night with anxiety and
restlessness and inability to go back to sleep for two to three hours after was cured by Cedron 30.
(Clock-like regularity of symptom. The woman said that when she awoke she did not need to look at
the clock since it occurred so exactly at 3 a.m.)
Case 2: Verbascum thapsus 200 cured severe cough in a man of about 30 years. Rumex,
Spongia tosta, Phosphorus, Drosera failed and Verbascum was chosen because of concomitant left
ear pain with trumpeting, deep cough.
110. The Need to Observe and Perceive
ANAND Sunil (HL,8,1/1995)
The author points out, with two illustrative cases, the importance of observing children who
are brought for treatment and not take the parent's statement as totally correct. For example, a child
was said to be "easy to get along" whereas she was observed to be difficult to get along with! Recall
HAHNEMANN's admonition to be present in the interview with all our senses and thus perceive.
111. A Case of Asthma
DAPTARDAR B.G. (HL,8,1/1995)
A girl child of 3 years age with Asthma was treated with Valeriana selected on the basis of the
mother's emotional/mental state.
112. The Gift"
WITTENBURG Christine(HL,8,1/1995)
50 year-old woman with Migraine and Menieres wus healed with Cocculus. The case is
illustrative of psychic wounds leading to illnesses to protect one from developing serious damage.
113. A Case of Alopecia Totalls
NAIDU Rajiv (HL,8,1/1995)
Dreams of big black snake, dreams of terrifying demons, of being pursued and killed,
tremulous bngue, delusions etc. led to prescription of Naja which remedied baldness completely.
114. A Case of Menopausal Symptoms
BIANCHINI Roberto (HL,8,1/1995)
This case of climacteric flushing which began after curettage in a 57-year-old women was
treated with Argentum nitricum. The remedy was selected on the basis of the 'situation' and
'delusions'. The remedy was given in XM and then 200.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 30
115. Leprosy -A Challenge to Homoeopathy CHAKRABORTY Dhruba, ADHIKARY, H.K.
In this essay the authors explain the methodology and medicines (homoeopathic) for
treatment of Lepromatous Leprosy. They have worked a 'general' method instead of individualization.
They have come to conclusion that Mercurius succeeds in 60%, and Kali iodatum and Lycopodium in
20% and 15% respectively, while Natrum muriaticum, Aurum metallicum and Hepar sulphuris in 2%,
2% and 1 % each.
1. Asthma: A Repertory at a glance
CHOWDHURY Pran Gobind (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
This is a compilation from the KENTRepertory. However, it does not seem to be complete.
2. Additions to Asthma
DHARI Dushyant Kamal (NJH, 4, 1/1995)
Many additions to the Repertory are given, but the author has not indicated the sources from
which he has drawn these 'additions'.
3. Neurosis: Its homoeopathic Approach
SARANGI Ananda Prasad (NJH, 4,2/1995)
The article has nothing to do with the title of the article published. A short list of some mental
symptoms have been drawn from the Repertory and put in.
4. Linking Rubrics
BHARUCHA Piroja M. (HH, 20, 1/1995)
This is a very useful compilation. The author has drawn a list of what are called 'cross
references', 'related rubrics', 'linking rubrics'. For example, 'Disobedience' is linked with: Abusive,
children insulting parents; Disobedience; Answer, questioned, does not answer, when; Answer,
refuses to answer; Audacity; Contradict, disposition to; Quarrelsome; etc. etc. In day-to-day practice
one takes note of such links and jots them down in the repertory SO that time may be saved. The
Synthetic Repertory by Drs. BARTHEL & KLUNKER and the Synthesis Repertorium by Dr. F.
SCHROYENS give many cross-references.
5. Analyse h:oiufig konsultierter Repertoriums- Rubriken (Analysis of frequently consulted
TERLINDEN Michael (ACD, 4, 1/1995)
In this, the second part, the author examines the rubrics " Anxiety in dark" and "Fear of dark" in
the KENT repertory and the Synthesis of SCHROYEN's.
6. A Short Repertorial Study on Etiquette and Mannerism
SHAH Rajesh (HTIMES, 2, 1/1995)
Observation and noting down of the behaviour and mannerisms of the patient forms an
important part of the homoeopath's work. One will find many rubrics in the repertory in this regard.
The manner in which the patient behaves, answers, conducts himself, gestures, etc. are all valuable
clues to the careful 'medical observer'. In this article the author has chosen some rubrics for study.
7. Issues of Control
SHORE Jonathan (JAIH, 88, 1/1995)
In this article Dr. SHORE offers an outline of a procedure he has employed to create a new
rubric - in this instance, "control" -the need to be in control or the sense of being out of control.
Remedies for inclusion were selected on the basis of Dr. SHORE's clinical experience (review of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 31
records) plus a novel method of confirmatory study, invoking concepts of symptom polarity and
compensation, detailed in the text of this paper.
1. Three Cases of Strokes in Dogs
TOBIN Stephen (HT, 15,1/1995)
Lady, a ten-year-old spayed female German Shepherd cross dog, was attacked by paralysis
suddenly and within an hour and a half she was taken to the Veterianary doctor. He found Lady with
inability to stand, her eyes moved rapidly back and forth. Aconite 200, Arnica 200 and Belladonna 200
each one dose were given immediately. An hour later Lady could walk and next day completely
Max 14 year-old Portugese Water Dog, who had suffered a stroke a week before was brought
to the vet. His head tilted to the left and he would fall to the left, if let to stand. The same procedure as
in the previous case made him stand up an hour later, two days later could walk though a little
lopsided, a week later was going out on his own with head somewhat lopsided and a month later was
found to be completely well.
Mavri, 17 -year-old terrier female dog who suffered a stroke two months ago. She whined
constantly, held her head to the left and fell to the left. She started turning to the right immediately
after the stroke, howled and barked constantly, and held her legs crossed. Appetite strong. Arnica 200
was given immediately and as there was no change within an hour Belladonna 200 given. That night
she was calmer and didn't howl for the first time after the stroke. Then she could walk backwards and
from next day forwards. Belladonna 200 repeated a week later and she improved but could not attain
complete restoration.
2. An irritable Cat
LEVY Jeffrey (HT, 15,2/1995)
This case is very interesting for its analysis. A 10-year-old cat, Sushi, suffered from pain of
hind legs, difficulty in jumping and missing the landing intended. Hind was very sensitive.
Constipation: strained and howled with pain during stool. Jealous of the other cat recently brought.
Sensitive to drugs. (She nearly died when given an anaesthetic). Angry, irritable.
Nux vomica 200 cured completely. The author feels that she may need later Sepia.
3. The Unhappy Clown (fish)
KARP David F. (HT, 15,2/1995)
A small fish (Clown fish) among the many maintained in several tanks by a school teacher
was ill; not eating, since three weeks. The teacher felt that it suffered from "wasting disease".
Arsenicum 200 dropped in the tank and very soon the fish improved and became normal.
4. Maine Study Group hosts Animal Health Conference
BOURASSA Dorothy I. (HT, 15,2/1995)
The Capitol Area Affiliated Homoeopathy Study Group of Augusta, Maine, sponsored an
Animal Health Conference on October 1 and 2, 1994, in Augusta. 45 participants including nine
veterinarians and veterinary technicians from around our state and from Massachusetts.
5. The Trial of Sepia 200- Prevention of anoestrus problems in dairy cows
Please see Research chapter in this QHD.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 32
1. Gingko biloba -a new drug of immense value VARMA P.N. & VAID Indu (HUD, 3,2/1995)
Traces the history of Gingko biloba, its use in Hindu and Chinese medicine the pharmacology
and Materia Medica Schema.
2. Cardioactive Crataegus.
VARMA P.N. & VAID Indu (HUD, 3,3/1995)
An update on the remedy's pharmacology.
3. Vergleich homoopathischer Kapseln und Tablet ten (Comparison of homoeopathic tablets
and capsules)
SAKMANN A. (ZKH, 39,2/1995)
The German homoeopathic Pharmacopaeia (HAS) mentions about homoeopathic tablets and
capsules and their manufacture. Accordingly tablets and capsules were prepared. The investigations
related to a very small batch, often needed in Homoeopathy. It was possible to produce good
pharmaceutical quality tablets and capsules. Capsules required much lesser time for manufacture and
they can also be produced without loss in trituration. Whereas loss in trituration is not unusual in tablet
production. Homoeopathic capsules are better suitable as single dose medicament for perioral
administration than homoeopathic tablets.
4. Homoeopathy and the FDA: An Update HORNEMAN Jay P. (HT, 15, 1/1995)
This article tells briefly about two meetings between the American Homoeopathic
Pharmaceutical Association (AHPhA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Mr. Edward MIRACCO of AHPhA said that homoeopathic remedies are considered to be
drugs under Law. The FDA was concerned over many things including the homoeopathic drugs being
sold over the counter (OTC) for prescription claims. OTC medicines are sold for claims such as
Cancer, Impotence, Cardiac conditions, Diabetes, Fertility, Lyme disease, Liver conditions and
Circulatory problems. General and vague claims of homoeopathic OTC medicines like "gastro-
disorders", "minor liver disorder", etc. (all vague and ambiguous) are also a concern for the
FDA. The homoeopathic drugs should also be labelled under the official or compendial Latin names
and the FDA relied on CLARKE's and BOERICKE's Materia Medicas for this. It is important that the
drug names are consistent with the literature. Also medicines not found in the Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia should not be sold.
1. Influence of Homoeopathic/Bach Flower Medicines on yield of Soyabean DUBEY D.D. (NJH,
Please see Research section in this QHD.
1. Influence of Homoeopathic/Bach Flower Medicines on Yield of Soyabean
DUBEY D.D. (NJH, 4,2/1995)
A field experiment was conducted to see the effect of application of homoeopathic and Bach
Flower medicines on Soyabean (Glycine max L.) crop. While Gina, Grataegus, Silicea, Vinca' minor,
were the homoeopathic remedies, Agrimony, Grab apple, Horn beam, Olive, Rescue remedy were the
Bach Flower remedies. The medicines were used as liquid spray. All the medicines gave higher yield
than the control. Vinca minor gave the maximum and highly significant yield, followed by Grataegus
and Gina, .Nhile Silicea did not influence significantly. Among Bach Flower medicines, Hornbeam
and Olive gave maximum yield, and Rescue remedy next.
2. Implications of contaminants to scientific research in Homoeopathy
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 33
ZACHARIAS Carlos Renato (BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
Three sets of potentized hydroalcoholic solutions were analysed by ultraviolet spectroscopy in
pharmacies, the spectra from dynamized solutions were different from those of inert solutions, for the
set prepared under more rigorous conditions of cleanness, no significant difference could be noted.
These results indicate the presence of contaminants in commercial homoeopathic medicines. We
discuss the implications of this for scientific research.
3. Haloperidol-induced catalepsy in mice and rats suppressed by orally pre-administered
potentized Agaricus
Agaricus muscarius 30C, a potentized homoeopathic drug prepared by successive dilution
and sonication from the alcoholic extract of the fungus of the same name, significantly reduced
haloperidol-induced catalepsy in mice and rats. The drug produced the anticataleptic effect when
administered orally and no such effect when administered intraperitoneally. Open field activity of the
mice was suppressed more with haloperidol (hal) alone than with the combination of Agaricus 30c
(oral) and hal. Agaricus 30c, given intraperitoneally, did not alter hal-induced suppression of the
spontaneous activity of mice. Based on the previously reported results with Agaricus in combination
with apomorphine, D1 and D2 agonists, it was thought that Agaricus might have served as a D1
blocker. It was further assumed that the effect of Agaricus was mediated through the oral taste
4. The effect of potentized Histamine on Serum Cortisol
WARD Adam A. (BHJ, 84,1/1995)
The results of a pilot study to assess the effect of potentized Histamine on Serum Cortisol
levels in healthy volunteers suggest that there may be a subgroup of people who are particularly
sensitive to potentized Histamine. It is suggested that a larger double-blind study would provide a
useful and easily reproducible way of evaluating the effect of potentized Histamine on Serum Cortisol
in viva standard laboratory investigations.
5. A Trial of Sepia 200 -Prevention of anoestrus problems in dairy cows.
The effect of Sepia 200c, on the reproductive performance of Friesian cross dairy cows was
assessed in a controlled trial from September 1989 until August 1990. Overall reproductive
performance was monitored monthly and pregnancy diagnosis and cyclical status was determined.
The cows were randomly allocated to 4 groups, untreated controls, placebo controls, Sepia-treated 24
to 48 hours post-partum and Sepia-treated day 14 post-partum.
The trial was concluded in July 1990 when another treatment was employed to reduce
declining herd reproductive status
Statistical analysis of the results was based on differences between the placebo control and
the Sepia-treated, 24-48 hours post-partum, the pooled control group and placebo control with Sepia
day 14, and lastly the difference between the two Sepia-treated groups.
The highest rates of periparturient disease occured in the Sepia-treated groups, the highest
single incidence rate of periparturient disease risk (cysts) found in the cows in the Sepia 24 to 48
hours postpartum group. Sepia day 14 produced the largest percentage of cows seen in first oestrus
(45%), the largest number of observed heats (60%) in the cows without periparturient disease risk
factors or recurrent traits and the lowest total mean value days to oestrus post -treatment.
Sepia day 14 produced the largest percentage that held to first service, the lowest
treatment period to first service, calving to conception interval, mean number of services and rectal
examinations per conception, mean day calving interval and calving index. The results show that the
effect of Sepia 200c administered to cows two weeks postparturm increased the numbers of cows
observed in first oestrus, held to first service and lowered the calving to conception interval and
calving index. The results of the Sepia day 14 post-partum group were also found to be compatible
with the same group data reported in the previous study.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 34
6. Mechanism of action of Homoeopathic Medicines- Recent findings and Hypotheses
1 : Physicochemical Mechanisms
POITEVIN Bernard (BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
Central to the science of Homoeopathy is the homoeopathic medicine which is defined, in the
context of the pharmacopoeia, by the method of preparation, 'the Hahnemannian method using serial
dilution'. Recent biological and clinical experiments relating to homoeopathic medicines have led to
rapidly growing support for the theory linking specific pharmacological action to homoeopathic
medicines; this applies also to ultra molecular dilutions. Research into the way high dilutions act is in
its infancy. Three elements seem vital for the 'high dilution message':
- The molecular specificity of the constituents of the base substance; this survives in very
dilute solutions.
- The role of the solvent as support and perhaps 'message conductor'
- The part played by succussion.
Three other elements may, in the author's opinion, playa part in the creation of the ‘high
dilution message' or in its fine tuning:
- Oxygen from the atmosphere enters the dilution and succusion process. Oxygen remains
one of the main elements able to intervene actively in the dilution and succussion process.
- Silica leached from the glass surface. During the succussion process interaction occurs with
the matter leached from the glass, and these must be taken into account in the mechanisms of action
of high dilutions, particularly Silica whose properties of conduction are well known.
- Free radicals which may help to structure and delineate the high dilution message, if we
follow the hypothesis that the latter is electromagnetic by nature. The possible function of the free
radicals as regulating agents for information generated by homoeopathic-type phenomena has been
confirmed by German and Italian Physicists.
The theories relating to electromagnetic-type effects may contribute to a better understanding
of the characteristics of the biological information contained in high dilutions; the path of conduction,
intravenous or circuit-related to the acupuncture meridians and the receptors, which may be
The scientific principles of Homoeopathy do not require a new paradigm, but can be
assimilated within the framework of the biological regulation processes which are so imperfectly
understood today. According to this hypothesis, the water carrying its message would not take over
from the molecules in the process of dilution and succussion but would transfer to them an
electromagnetic biological signal regulating their activity.
Other elements such as Oxygen in the atmosphere, Silica from the glass, or the free radicals
created by succussion, may play part in the passage of information whose molecular specificity and
particularity are difficult to explain at present. Many pictures are, of course, missing from the puzzle.
Despite all unknown factors, understanding of the mechanism of action of homoeopathic medicines in
high dilution is gradually coming closer to the outstretched hand of scientific research, thanks in
particular to improvements in methods of physical analysis of solvents.
7. An Update on Vaccine Safety, Research and Legislation
SEVERYN Kristine M. (JAIH, 88, 1/1995)
In this article Dr. SEVERYN once again enlightens us about many contemporary vaccination
issues. Many documented instances of vaccine failures are described. The alarming incidence of
vaccine adverse reactions reported over a 39 month period are also recounted -471 deaths from DPT
vaccine and 32,000 adverse reactions in all. Dr. SEVERYN faults the FDA for inaction regarding
vaccine-related injuries and deaths. The VICP has to date compensated only one-third of those
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 35
making claims for vaccine-related injuries or deaths, and suing companies manufacturing vaccine is
now essentially impossible. A nationwide vaccination tracking system is now well on its way to being
developed, state by state (in the USA) and when in place will make it even harder for concerned
parents to avoid vaccinating their children. The new chickenpox vaccine is discussed, as is the
proposed super vaccine, a one-time, timed-release vaccination designed to provide lifetime worldwide
immunity. (This paper was presented at the Annual Autumn Conference of the Ohio State
Homoeopathic Medical Society, Dayton, Ohio, November, 4, 1994)
8. Research on Homoeopathy: Reductionism Vs. Holism
DELINICK Alexandra N. (EJH, l' 1/1995)
The EJH has a 'Research' Section. Dr. DELINICK says that this section will have articles
dealing with work being done in homoeopathic and allopathic research pertaining to Homoeopathy.
The author rightly says that research so far in Homoeopathy is a classic example of trying to
fit a holistic principle or idea into a reductionist framework. With the emergence of a new paradigm
consequent upon the advent of Quantum Physics, the homoeopathic researchers have realised that a
holistic principle needs holistic structure or experimental set-up. The three main areas of
research in
Homoeopathy are: (1) Statistical Clinical Research. (2/ Laboratory/Cell Culture Studies. (3) physico -
Chemical Research in Homoeopathy. These researches will literally change the face of Science as we
know it today. The whole article must be read thoroughly and pondered over.
1. Homoeopathy - An Historical Event BAKSHI S.P.S. (HH, 20,3/1995)
In this brief article the author who is also the Chairman of the Central Council of
Homoeopathy, India, outlines the background and the formation of the Central Council in December
1974, a truly historic landmark in the history of Homoeopathy in India.
2. The History of the Homoeopathic Movement in Poland
JEDRZEJCZYK Stanislaw (EJH,1,1/1995)
Physicians taught by HAHNEMANN himself propagated Homoeopathy in Poland. One of the
pioneers was Dr. CZERMINSKI. Since then Homoeopathy spread and flourished and in 1930 Poland
joined the LIGA. During Nazi regime Homoeopathy suffered very much. After the war Homoeopathy
began to blossom. As at present Homoeopathy in Poland is developing well.
3. Homoeopathy in Bulgaria
NAYDENOV Peter, KURTI Katalin (EJH, 1,1/1995)
The Organon was translated and published first in Hungary as early as 1830 by a group of
doctors led by Pal BUGAT. Homoeopathy spread quickly in the second half of the 19th century. In
1870 an act was passed in the Parliament to set up two homoeopathic chairs in Hungarian
universities with Prof. Fereno HAUSMAN (1.811- 1876) and Prof. Tivadar RAKODY (1825-1911)
heading them. During this time two homoeopathic hospitals were opened in Budapest. The LlGA held
its 10th Congress in Budapest in 1925. Homoeopathy has had its ups and downs - prohibition,
support and indifference "- according to the ups and downs of the politics. Between 1949 and 1990
Homoeopathy was prohibited. In 1991 following a three week crash course organized by Russian
homoeopaths of the Moscow School, a new course started with the establishment of the Hungarian
Homoeopathic Medical Association by eleven founding members. The number of doctors, veterinary
surgeons and dentists receiving homoeopathic education today amounts already to one hundred and
fifty. Homoeopathy in Hungary is progressing.
4. Management of Nursing in 19-century London with special reference to the London
Homoepathic Hospital
LORENTZON Maria (BHJ, 84,1/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 36
Examination of manuscript sources from the London Homoeopathic Hospital (LHH) 1850-
1899 are set in historical context by presentation of data from the House of Lords Select Committee
on Metropolitan Hospitals Report (1892) and review of selected items from the literature. This
material shows the gradual progress in nursing practice, education and management at London
Analysis of LHH primary historical source documents (Minutes of Board Meetings, Minutes of
Governors and Subscribers Meetings, Minutes of the LHH Staff Committee and Clinical Notes) show
development of management and education systems in nursing. Less stress was placed on clinical
practice. Significant support for development of nurse education at LHH was provided by members of
the medical staff. The few references made to clinical nursing practice were recorded in the Medical
Staff Committee Minutes. The strongest emphasis in all source material was on management of
nursing services.
Exploration of nursing management in 19th century London, in particular at the London
Homoeopathic Hospital, reveals many similarities between conditions then and the present. It also
provides evidence of progress in professionalization of nursing, with enhanced autonomy in education
and professional practice. I n this context, it is worth exploring the mode of managing nursing in 19th
century voluntary hospitals and, in particular, at the London Homoeopathic Hospital.
5. Brazil
HOFFMAN Monica (Simile, 5,1/1995
with BHJ, 84,1/1995)
The James Tyler Kent Institute of Homoeopathy was first recognised in 1993 by a General
Meeting of the Kentian School. It is a non-profit organisation with responsibilities that include
education and the development of the science of Homoeopathy. Now there are the following
Studia Homoeopathica is published annually, and Selecta Homoeopathica and Materia
Medica Supplements are published quarterly. The editorial department of the school has the
objective of supplying the lack of basic bibliographical material in Portuguese.
Classical works are trarlslated and edited from other languages.
Database department is being developed in order to offer an information service and
supply research workers, doctors and all practitioners and students of Homoeopathy with
The Institute runs a three-year course on homoeopathic medicine for physicians, dentists,
pharmacists and veterinary surgeons. .
1. Role of Homoeopathy in National Health Programme
DEY S.P. (HUD, 20,2/1995)
The author draws an outline of the role of Homoeopathy in the National Health Service in
India. He points out that Homoeopathy can play effective role in all aspects of health. Only will is
2. The Education Gap
SHAH Rajesh (HTIMES, 2,1/1995)
Dr. Rajesh SHAH writes in this Editorial about the effects the different seminars, lectures by
the different 'teachers' on the not-so-experienced practitioners particularly the students. A thought-
provoking article.
3. Greater the Dilution Greater the Potency: The Principle Behind Homoeopathic Medicine
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 37
A. (mfH, 5,3/1995)
These are very very interesting reflections on the homoeopathic dilutions and the 'potencies'.
Few extracts:
The prosperity of Homoeopathy is a testimony to its veracity.
Subtlety is stronger than concreteness. The mind of matter is stronger than matter itself.
Science knows naught of any field save by the effect it generates. Whatever the illness, Homoeopathy
seems to accept the body's wisdom and to give it a teleological significance by promoting the same.
The ailing body's diseasogenic field is so fortified that the field ends up getting finished.
As you increase the dilution, the material particles that occupy a given space or volume of
body fluid, decrease In number, increasing thereby the interparticular distance, thus widening the
fields that each of them exerts, thus rendering the medicament less material and more informational. .
Smaller the size of the medicament particles, greater their ability to cross various cellular,
intra-cellular and intercellular barriers. The common phenomenon of systemic fatigue that the body
suffers with concentrated drug is obviated by the dilution principles.
4. The Plague
This is a brief compilation of the information on the disease Plague, an 'update' as the author
calls it. He has also mentioned the different homoeopathic remedies mentioned by the past leaders in
5. The Mythology of Modern Medicine - Microbes and Man
KOTHARI Manu, MEHT A Lopa A. (HTIMES, 2, 1-4/1995)
The subject has been covered in four numbers of this journal. Many myths have been cleared
by the authors. As the authors say "The time is ripe for some perspectival principles to set the records
straight and to save mankind from the vain and disastrous course it has charted for itself so far."
Principle one: The microbial bio-mass outweighs the total animal bio-mass by a factor of 20.
Principle Two: Friendship between microbes and man is the rule. Enemity an exception.
Principle Three: Throughout nature, infection without disease is the rule rather than an
Principle Four: The human or animal body does not protect itself by its immune system but
merely reacts against an alien or innate Antigen in big, bad. indifferent, good, ways.
Principle Five: Fever is no fault.
Principle Six: Antibiotics are at best Microflorafluctuators.
Principle Seven: Modern Medicine is largely immunosuppressive.
Principle Eight: Aids is the gift of global iatrogenic immuno-suppression.
Principle Nine: Reverence for microbes is reverence for macrobes.
Principle Ten: The dividing line between the rapist and therapist is very thin.
These ten principles are explained lucidly. A careful study of the entire article will surely be very
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 38
6. How does Homoeopathy Cure? A Brief History of its Causal Hypotheses.
BERNAL German Guajardo (BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
A classification of hypotheses concerning the mode of action of potentized medicines is
proposed. Hypotheses are analysed according to their adequacy for explaining the phenomenon. Two
main groups are proposed, depending on the active or passive role of the organism during
homoeopathic treatment, with subdivisions and differences described. Links with the main body of
knowledge must be maintained so the hypotheses may gradually acquire the status of a successful
explanation. The need to introduce the hahnemannian concept of biological reaction stems from the
principles of Homoeopathy.
7. Homoeopathy -The Alternative Therapy NARASIMHA RAO K. (QHQ, 4, 1/1995)
This is a long essay on the different schools of medical treatment. The author discusses
Allopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Touch therapy, Homoeopathy.
1. Self Healing -My Life and Vision by Meir SCHNEIDEA. Penguin publication. £ 4.99
review by Dr. D.E. MISTRY (CCR, 3,4/1994): "This is a remarkable autobiographical book. It is an
account of the life and work of Meir SCHNEIDER who was declared legally blind after failure of five
operations on his eyes at a very young age. SCHNEIDER was born with Glaucoma, Nystagmus,
Cataract and Astigmatism ISAAC showed him the first eye exercises which was palming and
visualization learnt from the pioneering work of William BATES BATES through original research said
that the mind plays a major role in vision and the physical and mental stress playa major role in eye
problems. The key to BATES method of teaching is the correct usage of the eye SCHNEIDER then
met SHLOMO an elderly Jew who was master in the art of exercises and movements especially
stretching exercises. From this stage onwards, SCHNEIDER began working first on advanced polio
cases and his first real case to improve was DANNY a case of Duchenne's muscular Dystrophy.
VERED a Moroccan black-haired girl with first operations on her polio- affected leg was the next
patient to improve. These three together then formed a team, one of the first in Israel, that have
helped to heal innumerable cases of back problems, Arthritis, eye defects, Multiple Sclerosis and
Polio contracted even wheel chair patients to come to near normality. The author's chapters on eye
problems, vision and the role of the mind must be read by everybody to know what a pioneering work
this one man has brought about in the field of healing. His final chapter is devoted to his vision -a
vision of self-healing community where therapists will not cure the patients by pills or medicines but
simply guide them on the path of self-healing. Readers interested in this movement should write to the
Centre for Self healing, 1718, Taraval Street, San Francisco, CA.94116, USA."
2. The Healer Within - The New Medicine of Mind and Body by Steven COCKS and
Douglas COLLIGAN. Publishers Penguin Books. As. 175/- review by D.E. MISTRY (CCR,
3,4/1994): "This is a book which sets out to present a complete study of a new behavioral science
called Psycho-Neuro- Immunology -PNI. This book deals with the healing system inside Man -a
system about which hardly anything is still taught in medical schools, and about whose very existence
as an independent entity was doubted up to almost twenty years…….. ago This book shows most
profoundly how mind and body interact, how emotions affect biology, and how the nervous, endocrine,
and immune systems function in relation to each other and where the boundaries of our psycho-
somatic medicines no longer exist…… I would particularly suggest readers to pay more attention to
chapter nine titled "Finding the healer within"….. "
3. The Healing Path -A Soul Approach to Illness by Marc Ian BARASCH. Published by
Putnam's sons, USA review by D.E. MISTRY (CCR, 3,4/1994): "This book is a lucid, extraordinarily
well researched, and documented account of the life story of a journalist, faced with Cancer of thyroid.
His own struggle with his illness is interspersed with similar accounts of patients whose journeys into
their inner dimensions of healing provides luminous insight into the as yet poorly understood inner
realms of one's individual psyche, emotions, and the land of dreams……… This book then is a guide
book- an explorer's book so to say. It must be read by all who serve human beings as physicians,
serve not in the crass narrow way of giving some pills, taking some investigations and letting the
patient live or die unaided by either his own inner powers or the physician's qualities of empathy and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 39
wisdom……. To all those who are frustrated by the quality of present medical science, I offer this book
in an earnest plea that it may be read by one and all as a guidepost to better understanding, both of
oneself, and of our innocent patients."
4. A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica - Part I. Dr. P.I. TARKAS and Dr. Ajit K.
KULKARNI, Soham Prakashan, Satara. Rs.130/- pp.422. review by Dr. D.E. MISTRY (CCR,
3,4/1994): "This is a welcome and highly useful addition to an already growing list of new Materia
Medica books since the last 20 years…….. The readers will find much novel information, clinical tips
etc. in this book. This Part I of the book contains more rare remedies than common ones because the
authors feel we tend to neglect the rarer remedies always, when in fact many of these remedies would
well become our future polychrests….. The printing is good, does not strain the eye and the price is
reasonable…….. This is a book worth keeping in the library of all homoeopaths."
5. Impfen: das Geschaft mit der Angst. by BUCHWALD G. (Vaccinate: the business with
Fear) 254 S., geb., emu-Verlag. Lahnstein 1994. DM 36,80 (German) review by FRIEDRICH (ZKH,
39, 1/1995) : "The author has been engaged with the subject since over 30 years, as Internist and
Chest specialist. The book is filled with a fund of literature, researches and experiences. While being
firmly based on the Scientific Medicine BUCHWALD separates the chaff from the grain in the matter
of Vaccinations….. This impressionable book is a good reading material for the layman and the
Physicians….. It is recommended as essential book for every Physician…… "
6. Impfschutz - Irrtum oder Luge? (Preventive vaccinations - a misunderstanding or
untruth?) DELARUE S. 264 S., geb., Hirthammer-Verlag, Munchen 1993 DM,28,- (German).
review by FRIEDRICH (ZKH, 39,1/1995): "The authoress d iscusses in this book whether it has ever
been proved conclusively that vaccination is more a necessity than a risk. The results of her
researches is negative for the advocates of vaccinations….. "
7. Sind Impfungen sinnvoll? Ein Ratgeber aus der homoopathischen Praxis. (Are
Vaccinations sensible? Advice from homoeopathic experience) GRATZ J. - F. 88 s. kart.,
Hirthammer - Verlag, Munchen 1994. DM 12,50. (German) review by FRIEDRICH (ZKH, 39,
1/1995): "The author dedicates the first part of the booklet to the title question and in the second half a
short explanation of Homoeopathy and homoeopathic treatment and in the third part he reports two
cases with regard to vaccinations……. "
8. Gesammelte Arzneiprufungen aus Stapfs "Archiv fur homoopathische Heilkunst"
(Collected remedy provings from STAPF's
"Archiv fur homoopathische Heilkunst") GYPSER
k.-H., WILBRAND R. (Hrsg.) Band 4 (Ergiinzungsband), 190 S., geb., Karl F. Haug Verlag,
Heidelberg 1994. DM 68,- (German) review by KLUNKER (ZKH, 39,1/1995): This 4th volume is the
complementary one to the three volumes already published and includes provings of Kissingen as
also seven toxicological observations. The main contents of this volume depict the Provings of 32
medicines which because of the chronological order of the symptoms could not be included in the first
three volumes…. Those who already possess the three volumes published earlier will naturally be
interested in this volume"
9. Homoopathie fur Haus-und Nutztiere (Homoeopathy for domestic and useful Animals),
by TIEFENTHALER, A. 268 S., kart., Karl F. Haug Verlag,.Heidelberg 1994, DM 84,- (German)
Review by BAR (ZKH, 39,1/1995) : "This book on Homoeopathy for domestic animals and useful
animals is in three parts. The first part is an introduction to Homoeopathy, the second part contains a
thorough list of diseases of horses, cows, pigs, dogs and cats with the relevant medicines and the end
contains a condensed Materia Medica……. "
10. Unsere Hunde - gesund durch Homoopathie (Our Dogs - healthy through
Homoeopathy) WOLF, H.G. 10 erw. und durchg. Aufl. 312 S. geb., Sonntag Verlag. Stuttgart
1994, DM 36,- (German) review by KLUNKER (ZKH, 39, 1/1995): The veterinary adviser for the
homoeopathic treatment of sick dogs appears in its tenth edition The book contains the legacy of
WOLF's experience……. "
11. Homoo-Quest-Lernkartei. 3teilig; Nash 1. Nash 2 u. Repertorium 1, by HOLLING, A
Homoo-Media-Verlag, Munster 1994, DM 199,- Einzelpreis fur einen Teil; DM 79,-. (German)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 40
review by GEBHARDT (A HZ, 240, 1/1995):….. " Homoo Media verlag have filled a gap. The work will
make not only the beginner happy but also the experienced…….. "
12. Gifttiere. Ein Handbuch for Biologen, Toxikologen, Arzte, Apotheker. (Poisonous
Animals. A Handbook for Biologists, Toxicologists, Physicians, Pharmacists). by MEBS, D,
272A., 191 Abb., geb. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1992, DM 148,-.
(German) review by APPELL.: "Homoeopathy unlike every other Medicine, has proved the therapeutic
importance of the remedies obtained from the animal world. When Pharmacology now praises the life-
saving medicine developed from a snake venom we may say without being accused of being arrogant
that the Lachesis proving of HERING must be recalled….. MEBS has confused when he says that the
Tarantism is not the consequence of a bite by the Lycosa Tarantula but the poisonous action of
Latrodectus mactans…… the book divulges much about animal medicines…… "
13. Tinnitus - ganzheitlich behandelt mit Homoopathie und Akupunktur. (Tinnitus -
wholistically treated with Homoeopathy and Acupuncture) by AL TROCK, T. Mit einem
Repertorium der Tinnitus-Symptome. 371, geb., Karl F. Haug Verlag. Heidelberg 1993. DM 98,-
(German) review by APPELL (A HZ, 240, 2/1995): "... combination of Homoeopathy and Acupuncture
is of great value..."
14. Documenta Homoeopathica by M. DORCSI.; F. SWOBODA. Bd. 14, Wilhelm-Maudrich-
Verlag. Wien 1994, DM 98,- (German) review by GEBHARDT (A HZ, 240,2/1995): "This is a
collection of works by different authors... It is a homoeopathic textbook which is read with pleasure...
The book is a fund of interesting thoughts. Experienced homoeopaths will find much gold nuggets."
15. Bewahrte Anwendung der homoopathischen Arznei (Proven application of
homoeopathic medicines). by ENDERS, N. 781 S., geb., Karl F. Haug Verlag. Heidelberg 1992
DM 98,-. (German) review by LANG (A HZ, 240, 2/1995): " This almost 800 pages book is
recommended for the experienced."
16. Homoopathische Arzneimittel: Materialien zur Bewertung (Homoeopathic medicines:
Materials for evaluation) 3 Ordn., Loseblattsamml. incl. 5. Erganzungslief., Govi-Verlag, Eschborn
1994 DM 198,-. (German) by KELLER, K.; GREINER, S.; STOCKEBRAND, P. review by GRIMM
(ZKH, 39, 2/1995): "The publication is for specialists who are interested in special aspects of
homoeopathic medicines "
17. Paracelsus heute - im Lichte der Natur, Robert JUTTE (Hrsg.), 187 Seiten, 16 Abb.,
kart., Haug-Verlag, Heidelberg 1994, DM 58,- (German) review by Thomas JAGER (ACD, 4,
1/1995): "The book has important and much material for discussion about Paracelsus-prescription.
There are guidelines for the readers on the aspects of the teachings of HOHENHEIM. For those
embarking on the study of PARACELSUS this is a nice introduc,tion and those who already know this
is a stimulating book "
18. Systematisch - alphabetisches Repertorium der homoopathischen Arzneimittellehre,
G.H.G. JAHR, Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1848, 2540 S., in zwei Bande, geb., G.H.G. Jahr
Verlag, Bonn 19:.94 DM 650,-. (German), review by Bernhard MOLLER (ACD, 4, 1/1995):
"Repertories are reference works in which a complete symptom from proving is cut up and these part
symptoms, called rubrics are contained in the different repertories in different manner The
disadvantage with the well-known repertories is that the complete symptom has to be verified with the
Materia Medica. This deficiency has been removed by G.H.G. JAHR Repertorium. 240 remedies
known till then a
covered An indispensable work in 2540 pages in two volumes in large format which
in regard to the valuable material which can be had for a very good price."
19. Improve your Vision by Nature Cure by Dr. P.K. BOLAR, published by Dr. Prakash
Kondekar, Bombay, 1995, pp.117, Rs.90/-, reviewed by T.K. V.ASI VISWANATHAN. (NJH, 4,
1/1995): " In this book Dr. P .K. BOLAR a famous Naturopath has l"ought together, apart from BATES
method and exercises, alternative therapies like Hydro-therapy, reflex logy, dietics and
magnetotherapy A very interesting informative and useful book; it is desirable that it gets wide
publicity especially in schools where students start wearing glasses mostly for Myopia at a young
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 41
20. Nosodes: The Pace Makers of Our Materia Medica, by Drs. Sarla SONAWALA and
Vishpala PARTHASARATHY, Business India Group of Publications, Milan Polyclinic, Saraswati
Road, Santa Cruz West, Bombay - 400 054, pp. 120, Ps.80/-. reviewed by Dr. S.P. DEY (NJH,
4,2/1995): " The book deals with five important Nosodes - Psorinum, Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum,
Syphilinum and Carcinosin - which are not only very useful but rather they are essential to eradicate
the inherent or acquired miasmatic dyscrasia or stigma I wish a wide circulation of the book."
21. Der psychische Aspekt bei der Arzneiwahl, by Beat SPRING, Burgdorf Verlag,
Paperback, 200 p. DM 46,- reviewed by Dietmar' PAYRHUBER (HL.8,1/1995): "Beat SPRING who is
a student of George VITHOULKAS and who with his wife Lorraine TAYLOR, established the
Homoeopathic Links, has published a very interesting book. The book deals with the psychological
aspects of Materia Medica, the level that is most important for our prescriptions. He gives a clear
differential diagnosis of cases and shows Materia Medica and repertorization in a very picturesque
way. The book should be translated into English soon."
I. Travelling Exhibition "Homoeopathy" opens (AHZ.240.2/1995): On 10 January 1995
Travelling Exhibition "Homoeopathy" was opened in Bonn by Dr. DRAHNE with the German Govt.'s
co-operation. The exhibition was conceptualised by the Deutschen Homoopathischer Arzte e. v. The
aim is to make Homoeopathy accessible to interested laymen. With the help of charts and display
cases the exhibition is made lively. The exhibition begins with the founding of Homoeopathy by
Samuel HAHNEMANN. HAHNEMANN's life is shown; his Cinchona experiment (1790); medical-
historical as also the general historic details of the HAHNEMANN epoch. Homoeopathy is defined, its
basic principles mentioned, the Simile principle, remedy proving and the dosage, etc. In the third part
the manufacture of the remedies, the potentising, etc. and in the fourth part the medicinal forms -
homoeopathic medicines are obtained from plants 65%, from minerals 30% and 5% from animal
II. Magnesium in heart infarct: Magnesium sulphate has been observed to be of therapeutic
value in heart infarct and anginal states. MEZGER had studied thoroughly Magnesium sulphuricum
and proved it. Besides comprehensive observation of its action -ultimately Magnesium is an important
trace element -it has specific action on heart and circulatory ailments. MEZGER recommmended
Magnesium sulphuricum in D3 -D12 potencies! (Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr 119 (1994) 1102, -A HZ,
III. The "Sub-Committee, Documentation" of the .'European Committee for Homoeeopathy" met
in Brussels on 17 December 1994. At the invitation of the European Committee (Dr.Jacques
IMBERECHTS) about 30 persons comprising of Documentation, Librarians and other specialists from
Belgium. Germany, France, Greece, Great Britain, Holland, Norway and Austria met in the house of
the Belgian Homoeopathic Association. Representatives from other EU States and Switzerland were
also invited. Discussions were held on the documentation position and work programme was
developed. A "Repertory of homoeopathic Documentation in Europe" by Dr. Martin DINGES of the
Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation, was presented. The
catalogue of all Libraries or Documentation centres should be sent to Glasgow where these will be
verified to prepare a European Catalogue. (ZKH,39,2/1995)
IV. Consensus-Conference of the Carl and Veronica Carstens Foundation: Placebo in the
Clinical research in Homoeopathy: On the 16 June 1994 a Consensus Conference was held at the
Universitats-Frauenklinik in Heidelberg on the question of what kind of placebo should be used in the
study of homoeopathic treatment. The following was the conclusion:
(1) In all clinical studies in .Homoeopathy unpotentized carrier medium (Ethanol, Sucrose,
Lactose) is to be used as Placebo. Since potentized carrier medium is not essential for judging the
classical homoeopathic remedy action the question of influence of medicinal stuff and potentising
becomes superfluous for fundamental research. Only when fundamental researches give valid results
should the use of placebo in relation to clinical studies be discussed again.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 42
(2) Basically only preparations manufactured according to the HAB (German Pharmacopaeia)
- preferably from only one manufacturer for one study - should be used. Both placebo and medicine
(Verum) should be from the same manufacturer.
(3) Blinding must be carefully done and should be reconstructable since even with the best
analytical methods no difference can be detected between a placebo and verum of a particular
potency step.
(4) A twin of a preparation should be kept back so that should it be so required a study may
be redone. It should be borne in mind that in a classical homoeopathically carried out study in which
individual prescriptions are given, reproduction is not practically possible. (A HZ, 240,2/1995)
V. The following has been extracted from the Organon, Vol,3 (1880): Five cases have been
reported -one by BERRIDGE four by SWAN -on using potentised snow (ice) as medicine for the
characteristic symptom of "worse in snow"; Respiratory difficulty, Heart pain, Thirstlessness, Ice
cream agg. were all cured with potentised snow which was called Nix and potentised ice called Ice.
(ACD, 4, 1/1995)
IV. A new journal titled The European Journal of Classical Homoeopathy, with the world-
renowned George VITHOULKAS as Editor and his team of Greek homoeopaths has come to join the
leading homoeopathic journals of the world. This is a quarterly journal of Classical Homoeopathy
beginning from 1995. Abstracts from this journal together with the listing of the articles that appear in
this will be included in the aHD beginning from this issue. The title of the journal will be abbreviated in
the aHD as EJH.
VII. Report on the Alonissos Teacher's Meeting in the Summer of 1994 (EJH, l' 1/1995):
George VITHOULKAS and the International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy have been host
of the Teachers' Meetings for the past couple of years. This year's discussion centered mainly on the
following subjects:
(1) Dr. Hans MEISTER of Berlin presented a new and rather advanced model for introducing
the essentials of Homoeopathy to our contemporary doctors.
(2) An interesting discussion on the methodology of studying small remedies was led by
Massimo MANGIALAVORI from Italy, who presented us with a way to study small remedies while
using some interesting graphs to put his point across.
(3) After a long discussion it was agreed that Paragraph 211 of the Organon cannot be read
and interpreted in isolation but has to be understood in the whole context and exposition of the
(4) Ways of case analyses and the best way to tackle difficult cases were discussed.
(5) Some decisions were taken to ensure a screening of the new knowledge entering the
main bodies of informatis (such as computers, repertories and Materia Medicas). The job was
ascribed to Rina MARCOWITZ from Israel.
VIII. HAHNEMANN lived during the period 1821-1835 in Koethen and he was the first Consulting
Physician to Prince Ferdinand of Anhalt- Koethen. He was also made Privy Councilor and was also
permitted to dispense his own medicines. Koethen is in the Eastern part of Germany. Many relics of
HAHNEMANN have been collected and installed in a Museum in one of the rooms of the castle of
Anhalt-Koethen and it offers an important insight into the life and work of Samuel HAHNEMANN. The
collection relates mainly to items from the homoeopathic library, concerning HAHNEMANN's work
when he lived in Koethen including the first edition of his book The Chronic Diseases. This contains
some of orginal signatures of his daughter CHARLOTTE, who died in Koethen in 1863. The Reine
Arzneimittellehre (Materia Medica Pura), I edition is also here, and HAHNEMANN's corrections etc.
for the second edition may be seen. Other exhibits include different editions of the Organon, the
papers on the Defence against Cholera; other items of interest are remedies from HAHNEMANN's
time; "China bark" from which HAHNEMANN made his first provings on himself; HAHNEMANN's
bed, his alabaster writing tools. etc. The Museum has always made great efforts to complete its
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 43
collection of exhibits concerning Homoeopathy in the time of HAHNEMANN. The Museum would
gladly receive any original autographs or personal possessions of HAHNEMANN. (EJH, 1,1/1995)
While the HAHNEMANN Museum in the Robert Bosch Hospital, Stuttgart, originally
established by the great biographer of HAHNEMANN, Richard HAEHL, is well known, very little is
known about the Hahnemanniana in Koethen. Bettina REZA, a student of the Engineering School for
Pharmacy in Leipzig presented a thesis in which HAHNEMANN's life in Koethen was included. Josef
SCHNEIOER has listed the items in the Koethen Museum in the Jahrbuch des Inst. Gesch. r
Med.r.RBS 1990-92. Reference to the house in which HAHNEMANN lived while in Koethen and it.$
present status has been mentioned byOr. H.E. BOTTGER (A HZ, 236,3/1991). Subsequently this
house has been purchased by the Homoeopathic Association and a Museum has been proposed
after extensive renovation (see QHO Vol.IX, 3/1992,p.51).
IX. The EJH, 1, 1/1995 informs the homoeopathic world of the founding of an academy titled The
International Academy for Classical Homoeopathy for teaching Classical Homoeopathy, in the
Alonissos Island in Greece. The Academy is founded by George VITHOULKAS "with the help of a
small group of donors, the main one of which is the G. V. Foundation from Germany. The Academy
has ambitious plans all in the interest of genuine Homoeopathy. VITHOULKAS envisions that "this
Academy will become a centre of true
knowledge which will provide an education that will far exceed
the technical and strictly "medical aspect of one's learning." Teachers will come from different
countries and will include Philosophers, Sociologists, Healers with reputation dealing with health
matters from an aJtogether different point of view, et al. Anybody interested and wishing further
information may write to the Academy at International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy, Alonissos
37005, Greece.
X. The Editorial in the BHJ, 84, 1/1995 asks "Must Homoeopathy be marginal?" and proceeds to
answer. Throughout history Homoeopathy has been a kind of 'marginal' medicine. The acronym
TEETH (tried Everything Else. Try Homoeopathy) describes a situation with which most homoeopaths
are familiar. The 'credibility gap' is another major factor. Notions derived from Quantum Physics and
information theory have, in the last few years, opened a new and unanticipated dimension to the
problem of high dilution effects. While we should not abandon our honourable tradition of criticising
the errors and excesses of conventional medicine, it should not be our raison d'etre. None will
disagree with this.
XI. Effect of microwaves on potencies by W. ONGRATZ, M. HAIOVOGL in Homoopathie in
Osterreich, 5, 1994: T o assess this, the Kolisko method of germinating wheat seed was used.
Freshly prepared potencies of Argentum nitricum 24x-26x were placed directly in front of the
microwave oven, on top of it, and in another room, protected by aluminium foil. Exposure times were 1
and 2 hours.
The potencies kept behind aluminum in another room showed the usual patterns, with the 25x
significantly less effective than the 24x and 26x and as effective as the distilled water control.
So far the results show that the Argentum nitricum potencies were not affected by standing on
top of the microwave oven for up to 2 hours.Placed in front of the oven, the characteristic germination
patters changed markedly; all three potencies were more effective than the control, with the 25x
showing a significant increase in activity. (From the BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
XII. A homoeopathic physician had read somewhere that taking Staphisagria might confer
protection from mosquito bites. He took Staphisagria 12x with him to Tunisia but rather than take it,
dissolved the pilules in some water and sprayed his room with the solution, especially the space in
front of the window. His room was insect-free for 3 days. Repetition of the treatment pr9.ved effective
for another 3 days. (Homoopathie in Osterreich 5, 1994, in the BHJ,84,1/1995)]
XIII. Dr. Filip DEGROOTE of Belgium has supplied the following list: Fear of Insects: abel., ars.,
bufo (ALLEN), catc. (V), calc- ars(V), carc., caust (SIJMONS) cimic.(V), hep.(HEEREN), ign., lac-c.,
lyc., med. (PLADYS), nat-m., nat-p., phos., puls. (DEGROOTE), sep.
- bees: hep. (V)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 44
- beetles: calc. (V)
- cocroaches: alum., phos(V)
- flies: abel., med.
- ladybirds: calc. (COULTER)
- spiders: abel., bry. (DEGROOTE), calc., caust., hep., ign., lac-c., mag-m. (DEGROOTE)
med. (PLADYS). phos., sep. (DEGROOTE), valer. (DEGROOTE).
- wasps: catc. (V)
(V = VITHOULKAS. (Homoopathie in Osterreich, 5, 1994, extracted in the BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
XIV. The so-called minor remedies must be studied and not neglected. Dr. Jorge Luis ANTOLINI
reports a case (Revista Brasileira de Homeopatia, 1991) in point. A Professor aged 38, married,
came for homoeopathic treatment in 1988 for pelvic pain from 1984, specially affecting the epididymis
and painful bloody ejaculation. In 1983 he had a crural lesion diagnosed as leprosy, treated
conventionally and discharged 'cured' but a few months later the pain started. The case had rich
mental symptoms. It was repertorized in the Synthetic Repertory and Hura brasitiensis came up
which was given in 50c single dose. The patient had some bad dreams after this and on the 12th day
he had the skin lesion become itchy for 3 days. No pelvic pain for 3 months. (BHJ, 84, 1/1995).
XV. Elizabeth GRIFFITHS has been awarded a research degree (PhD) in Homoeopathy. This is
the second such degree on record (Simile,5, 1/1995 issued with the BHJ, 84,1/1995) -[Hopefully this
will stimulate the Universities in India particularly to encourage students take up research for PhD
degree = KSS.]
XVI. "Orthodox medical practice is vulnerable when it falls short of its own high ideals. In
November the Royal College of Physicians and Pathologists were reported by The Times to have
stated that alternative therapy for allergies is a waste of money and may be dangerous' and that 'until
the methods have been evaluated by reputable, randomised, double-blind placebo trials they cannot
be accepted into routine clinical practice'. An effective response came from Dr. Robert BLOMFIELD.
He said (The Times 9.11.94) that he had been researching the subject of immunisation for some
years and had been unable to find any trials of childhood vaccines that met the colleges' criteria.
In this connection a paper by Dr. Judith TURNER in the Journal of the American Medical
Association (25.5.94) is of interest. From a review of the literature concerning the action of the
placebo, she concluded that the placebo may be more effective than had been previously recognised
and may provide up to 70% of patients with symptom relief. Among the papers studied was one in
which 43% of patients had reported complete relief from back pain after surgery in which no lesion
had been found and the incision had simply been sewn up.
The safety of conventional treatment for allergies, which presumably meets the criteria of the
Royal College, has been questioned in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (BRANDES" et
al 18.5.94). The authors reported that tumours were found to grow faster and larger in mice that had
been given the following antihistamines: loratidine, astemizole and hydroxyzine. The Food and Drug
Administration had expressed concern at these findings but believe that the benefits of the drugs
outweigh the risks. "(Simile, 5,1/1995 issued with the BHJ, 84, 1/1995)
XVII. The M.Sc. course in Homoeopathyto be run by John Moores University with the support
and collaboration of the Faculty of Homoeopathy has not been able to commence during 1995 due
to shortage of applicants. This was a three-year course which was the first of its kind. (Simile,
5,1/1995 issued with the BHJ, 84,1/1995)
XVIII. Guy KOKELENBERG Seminar, Bristol, 8 October 1994: some extracts (Simile, 5, 1/1995
issued with the BHJ, 84, 1/1995):
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 45
Palladium refined, sensitive and chic. A useful remedy for ovarian problems and regarded as
a women's remedy.
Causticum the sensitive, stout, plethoric woman. She was constitutional Causticum but
needed Viola odorata as an acute remedy.
Next case was a young man who needed Medorrhinum and Nitric acid. It seems that he came
to the consultation virtually with his trousers down being so focussed on problems with his genitalia.
He was a difficult patient to treat, critical, suspicious, censorious and very anxious about his
Next case: Phosphorous in many ways, being enthusiastic but easily exhausted.
Phosphorus is the sort of person who has two part-time jobs! However he did not respond to
Phosphorus and eventually Oleander improved the eczema on his scalp.
Ruta for strains. A useful remedy in cases of over-exertion including athletes, students (after
examinations), tennis players, tapestry workers, singers, and pregnant women.
Lac caninum: A tall woman, poor, stooping with an exaggerated humility, fearful of insects,
industrious before menses, and unloved by her mother.
XIX. Midlands Branch 20th Symposium 12 November 1994 (Simile, 5, 1/1995 issued with the
BHJ, 84, 1/1995): The first part of the Symposium was devoted to case histories by members. The
subject this year was Psychiatry. Dr. Victoria KARNEY presented the case of a lady of 25 with irritable
bladder syndrome who was treated with Cantharis and Phosphorus. The next case, a boy of 6
described by Dr. Audrey PEARSON. He was tired, weepy and had bad dreams. Did not respond to
Thuja, but improved dramatically after Ignatia. Dr. Valerie KLEIN told of a lady of 42 with anviety and
panics for two years who was very much better after Pulsatilla. As a control she described another
lady of 42 with the same symptoms, but who was treated with anxiety managernent etc. and who was
only a little improved.
Dr. Susan EVERITT discussed a boy of six with constant catarrh and eczema, violent and
disruptive. Sulphur cleared up all his problems. Dr. Meenu BROWN described epilepsy and emotional
problems. Carcinosin 200 made a lot of difference and calmed her down, but needed to be repeated
more and more often.
Dr. G. GOODYEAR showed a lady of 43 who was overworked and ambitious, and who had
many fears and anxieties. She was given Gelsemium followed by Staphisagria.
Dr. Sheila GREENFIELD set up a trial of Cantharis vs. placebo in general practices around
Birmingham some four years ago. The protocols were very strict. In all 67 patients got Cantharis and
64 got placebo. Results are yet to be analysed.
Francis HUNTER (Veterinarian) showed some fascinating animal case histories illustrating
that there is no placebo effect in animals and that the size of the patient is irrelevant. The remedy may
be put in the water to treat fish and and in the water trough to treat birds. He described a dog of 10
years with Cushing's Syndrome treated with Natrum muriaticum 200c weekly who became normal
over the following year.
Dr. RAF JACK who started the Midlands Branch of the Faculty of Homoeopathy was
felicitated. Dr. JACK described a man of 40 who was hypomanic and suspicious of his wife, who was
treated with Hyoscyamus XM in his tea fortnightly for six months to control his symptoms. A plasterer
was treated with Anacardium for man!acal rages, and his dyspepsia was also cured. (Anacardium
200c can be used as'memory' tablets every two weeks). A medical secretary with bronchiectasis was
helped by Hepar sulphuris because she had noticeable aggravation from draughts. The same remedy
helped a man of 41 years with frontal sinusitis which was not responding to antibiotics. A 20 year-old
man with rhinitis, polypi and asthma was helped by House Dust 200c, Pulsatilla 30c weekly and
Sanguinaria 6c on the other days. He was cured by Teucrium 3c tds which caused copious catarrh
and, after sleeping for 24 hours, he was completely better. The next patient was a lady of 24 with
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 46
Crohn's Disease for 6 years ~ho was able to stop her Salazophrin after treatment with Phosphorus,
Podophyllum and Aloe socotrina. She was clear for six years but relapsed after stopping her
remedies, divorcing and her mother dying. She ended up with an ileostomy. The last patient had an
acute olecranon bursitis which responded rapidly to Apis.
Boots sponsored this meeting.
XX. Dr. Dean CROTHERS, Editor of Resonance writes (Resonance, 17, 111995) that he sends a
general packet to each new patient before the first appointment. This contains advice to the patients
on Coffee, taking over-the-counter allopathic drugs like pain-killers, antihistamines, large doses of
vitamins or therapeutically prescribed herbs, Camphor, Dental work, Hormones and Birth Control pills,
Other treatments, use of electric blankets and about suppressions.
He also cites the successful treatment of a 70-year-old woman with only two doses of her
constitutional remedy, one dose of a different remedy for a bladder infection and a follow-up remedy
near the end of the 14 month treatment period. During the above period she had continued to take
estrogen replacement therapy, taken 2 or 3 courses of antibiotics, received a flu-shot and she was
also generally non-compliant!
XXI. Gabriel IEDNYCINSKY, from Budapest, Hungary writes, (Resonance, 17, 111995) that a
group of Medical doctors and researchers in the eastern Europe have been making in-depth study of
Homoeopathy and found that 'Homoeopathy is indeed real' and that they are able to prove the validity
scientifically, clinically, and mathematically. Their study includes (1) in-depth review of homoeopathic
research and literature, (2) a scientific analysis of the process of Homooepathy, (3) a laboratory
analysis of cell culture in laboratory animals. and (4) clinical laboratory testing of patients. The team
has carried out very large and extensive research and would be publishing it.
XXII. Mezinarodne Kongres Klasicke Homeopatie, Brno, Czech Republic, 2 - 4 September 1994.
Report by Anton GORDON (Resonance, 17, 1/1995) : This was the first conference here. Wolfgang
SPRINGER from Munich, Germany presented a Kali bichromicum case. Dr. G. GOTCHEV from
Bulgaria gave a short presentation of Classical Homoeopathy and Physical Radiesthesia. Divya
CHHABRA presented Situational Materia Medica. Misha NORLAND presented Synthesis in case
work. Geo SAVULESCU from Bucharest presented a short paper on clinical trials of children with
acute viral hepatitis. The results of the trial showed that the children receiving homoeopathic
treatment were significantly better than the control group. Again Divya CHHABRA presented on video,
dream provings of her proving group, which had recently completed Lac felinum In which many of the
provers' dreams were related wit', the world of the cat. Peter CHAPPELL spoke of the advantages
gained by using computer repertories. Tinus SMITS pressented Carcinosin and then spoke about
vaccine damage in children and the use of potentised vaccines assumed to have caused the ailment.
XXIII. Eileen NAUMAN writes about the treatment of the Navajclndians in the Reservation.
Homoeopathy is quite po~'ular with the Navajos In the Reservation.
XXIV.Larry DOSSEY, MD is the Executive Editor of a new journal titled Alternative Therapies in
Health and Medicine, a bi-monthly medical journal which appears from March 1995.
XXV. A reader enquires whether Homoeopathy was associated with occultism and whether
HAHNEMANN was in anyway associated with occultism because the detractors of Homoeopathy dub
Homoeopathy as occult. The Editor of Homoeopathy Today (HT, 15, 1/1995), Dr. Julian WINSTON
writes to point that while HAHNEMANN believed in God he had never mentioned even Jesus nor of
anything occult either. HAHNEMANN was a Freemason no doubt and was therefore a free thinker. He
refers to paragraph 9 of the Organon wherein HAHNEMANN clearly states that the real business of
life is that our "indwelling, reason-gifted mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the
higher purposes of our existence" which means that there is a higher (spiritual) purpose of existence
and that it is that which is important. No other system of medicine speaks of such magnificent and
high ideal.
XXVI. Homoeopathy in the Media is a regular feature In the Homoeopathy Today. This journal
regularly carries the favourable and the unfavourable reports in the news media in the USA. This is
quite interesting and one can note the state of the science and Its progress.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 47
XXVII. With reference to Mathew WOODS' article on Dioscorea villosa (HT, 14,10/1994) a
correspondant (Letter to the Editor) writes that WOODS' somewhat derogatory reference to "the low-
potency American homoeopaths" is unwarranted. He refers in detail to the five provers and their
proving protocol and also points out that the provings did bring out "mental" and sexual symptoms and
thus stresses the significance of this remedy. \"Jhile the "low potency" Americans made extensive use
of Dioscorea in the modern days the medicine is neglected to our disadvantage. Dioscorea has
important symptomatic similarity to Nux vomica especially relating to affections of the head, sleep,
sexual organs and gastro- intestinal tract and Nux vomica is used in many cases where Dioscorea
would be more specific. The correspondant also points out that Dioscorea is called for in headache
worse after dinner with great deal of gas or rumbling in the bowels; ill effects of tea drinking, excesses
in eating, fasting, errors in diet, the consumption of old cheese or uncooked fruit (causing gastro-
intestinal distress) all of these aetiological factors, which are frequently met with every day, often call
for this remedy. The medicine is also called for in persons with great flatulence
after meals and whose
digestive systems are easily upset by dietary indiscretions --similar to Lycopodium. (HT, 15,1/1995)
XXVIII. Very interesting information is conveyed bya correspondent from New Guinea Internet (HT,
15, 1/1995) about Malaria and its treatment (and prevention) by Quinine or Quinine derivatives and
very good effects of Homoeopathy in this. The writer's wife was very ill and was treated with allopathic
medicines (without diagnostic measures since these were not available at their place in New Guinea)
for over six months. She was then brought to the USA where after extensive tests she was treated
without benefit. Ultimately she was treated bya homoeeopath and she began to recover soon. In the
light of this experience the correspondent and his colleagues began to learn Homoeopathy and have
been doing good work with homoeopathic medicines. They hold regular meetings and learn. The
correspondent says that people were given anti-malarial drugs as a routine and he found that those
who were regularly on anti-malarials became ill, their general health deteriorated and their health
improved once they stopped the anti-malarials! There are cases, he says, where the laboratory test
results were negative for malaria but the persons were still given the drug because "it has to be
malaria". The reason seems to be that because of the consumption of anti-malarials these people
have produced malaria symptoms without actually suffering from that disease; they are sensitive to
Quinine. He also refers to the belief among the Nankinas (in the New Guinea) that those who drink
the water from a particular stream which possessed special qualities to enable the drinkers to learn
the language quickly. This, the author muses, could be due to the fact that the stream in its journey
runs through pure limestone and cascades down 700 feel into a pool could be a sort of low potency
Calcarea carbonica which is listed in the Repertory for Memory, poor: mental exertion, from.
XXIX. Notes from Amy ROTHENBEERG's class (HT, 15, 1/1995) on Childbirth and Labor:
Labor: Always give Arnica afterward. Other remedies that may be needed during labor are:
Pulsatilla: weeps, overly emotional; main remedy for labor; failure to progress during labor;
Loses confidence in herself right at the end, e.g. "I can't do it"; Flushed hot (wants no clothes on);
Perspiring; Wants partner close.
Caulophyllum: Very rigid os; Long labor, good contractions; not dilating for no apparent
Gelsemium: Rigid os; much more exhausted than Caulophyllum; Eyes look heavy.
Chamomilla: So sensitive to pains that they're "losing it" (not from fear, but from pain); Pain is
Aconite: Freaking out; Fearful; Anxious.
Cimicifuga: Traumatic birthing history;
Negative feelings about experience; Can't go on to next birth after breech birth or stillborn, needs to
resolve last difficult birth; Very anxious.
Phosphorus: Always have on hand for anyone having a birth to be used in case of bleeding;
Take once and see how it goes then wait.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 48
After the birth, one dose of Arnica 200 or M; repeat next day if necessary,. Dr. ROTHENBERG
gives Arnica 200 to the newborn baby as well.
XXX. "In fascinating ways the lines between hard science and social history are blurring" says
Carolyn NELL, President of the National Genealogical Society. James PLUMB, a family physician of
Thomal Jefferson University says that it takes an hour for him to take a patient's history. He relishes
doing so because fascinating stories invariably unfold. People don't live in a vacuum. They have a
history; a social history, a family history, a medical history. To have a full understanding of a patient's
needs and ideas, you need to understand where they come from."
Indeed! That is something that the homoeopaths have known for years. The "genetic
baggage" is often noticed and treated through Homoeopathy. A woman whose complaint was "fragile
bones" had little in the way of symptoms. But her father died of alcoholism, and she had the unusual
symptom of thinking that her hands were always dirty and was constantly washing them. That
symptom along with the history of alcoholism pointed toward Syphilinum which helped her in a
profound way.
There is the wonderful story told about Alonzo AUSTIN M.D. the Physician to John D.
ROCKFELLER. When ROCKFELLER asked AUSTIN "What is this medicine for?" AUSTIN
responded, "It is, sir, for your grandfather." (HT,15,2/1995)
XXXI. A correspondent, Michael C. LAFERNEY, writes (HT,15,2/1995) that allopathic drugs may be
used to produce new remedies in Homoeopathy. For example, he suggests, the substance MPTP, a
synthetic drug similar chemically to Dopamine, was taken by numerous people in the 1980s and all
developed the exact symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Allopathic researchers now use MPTP to
induce Parkinson's disease in monkeys so that the disease can be studied. If MPTP is given in
homoeopathic form could it be a remedy for Parkinson's disease? Similarly the stimulant drugs when
taken by non-schizophrenics produce symptoms similar to schizophrenia. A homoeopathic
preparation of this drug could possibly help schizophrenics. He suggests a joint research by Allopathy
and Homoeopathy.
XXXII. Dr. Edward C. WHITMONT, MD held a Workshop for two days in May 1994 in San
Francisco. Dana ULLMAN has culled some very interesting quotes which require serious thoughts
and several readings (HT,15,2/1995):
"HAHNEMANN's discovery will one day be recognized on an equal level to the discoveries of
"Illness is necessary. It is a sacred transformation to integrate the various parts of a person's
experience into his or her life."
"The human experience needs symptoms and disturbances to wake up and will use any
available material to do so (viruses, bacteria, psychological traumas, pollutants or whatever)".
"Symptoms are our spiritual creativity to give light to our shadow's side."
"Delusions express the underlying dynamic of disease"
"Disease is always that something that wants or needs to be seen or heard."
"There's an old Jewish tale that says that humans are told everything that will happen in his or
her life. During birth an angel kisses the child with a kiss that destroys all memory. Life is then the
process of re-remembering. "
"You dream because you are unaware of your unconscious state or because you have
uncompleted feelings about something."
"Dreams are sent by God, even though we don't know who or what is God."
"Chaos isn't chaos, it is still a pattern but just on a higher order when viewed on the larger
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 49
"Sulphur people are seekers of meaning. They are too dense for their own good and running
after too many spirits."
"Everybody gets the doctor he deserves." - PARACELSUS
"The trouble with our unconscious is that it is unconscious." -C.G. JUNG.
XXXIII. Some'further notes from Vassilis GHEGAS Seminar in March 1994 (JAIH,88,1/1995): Treat
the patient where he or she is--the layer that presents to us at that point in time. If a physical symptom
is consuming the patient's attention, then it must grab the practitioner's attention as well and be
represented in the remedy that is chosen. An important question is: "Where is the focus of the
complaint--on the physical, emotional or mental plane?"
For the obstructed case, where one polychrest after another is given and the case has
become complicated, try to find a key and prescribe on the particulars of the main physical complaint.
For example, Spigelia for a recurrent headache, Sarsaparilla for recurrent cystitis, if the particulars fit.
Valuable tips have been given for acute prescribing in Facial Paralysis, Tonsillitis, Abdominal
pain, Kidney stone or Pyelonephritis, Lung infections, Bronchitis, Food poisoning, Acute Cystitis,
Pilonisal Cyst, Duodenal Ulcer flare-up, Otitis Media.
XXXIV. The abuse of animals in medical research is pointed out and strong voices have been
raised against such procedures in homoeopathic research by responsible members of the
homoeopathic community in the USA. Drs. David WEMBER, Dirk B. VANDERSLOG, R.
MOSKOWITZ have argued that Homoeopathy should not resort to this cruel method just to impress
the so-called scientific community. (JAIH, 88, 1/1995) that the ranks of homoeopaths is growing very
slowly (in the USA) and the supply is far less than the demand. There are several colleges and groups
giving graded courses in Homoeopathy but still the call for homoeopathic care far outweighs the
supply. Licensed health-care practitioners must receive continuing medical education credit and
secondly there must be a source of good prescribers that can be hired by licensed group practices or
individual physicians to meet the growing demand for holistic care. This school should not only include
instructions in all aspects of Homoeotherapeutics, but also nutrition, acupuncture, mind-body
relationships and manual therapies.
XXXV. Interesting discussion In the Homoeopathic Links is going on from the 4/1994 issue. It is
about development of serious pathology in patients who have received long-term homoeopathic
treatment. In HL,8,1 /1995 Robin LOGAN writes that with the cumulative practice behind us we should
be able to rewrite the philosophy books and no longer base our practice on what was written in the
last century. He writes further that there are quite many cases where patients on long-term
Homoeopathy treatment did develop serious pathologies (Cancer, MS, etc.) and that long-term
homoeopathic treatment will not, with certainty, lessen one's predisposition to serious illnesses. He
calls for a new pragmatism in Homoeopathy.
XXXVI. Report on the Jayesh SHAH Seminar in Bombay in April 1994 (HL,8,1/1995), by Patrick
BRILLANT. Some extracts: Sensitive to the rocking of the cradle, sensitivity to rhythmic sounds,
rolling of tongue from side to side (in a child two and half months old) led to the prescription of Ela.os
corallinus. He stressed that instead of pushing away what we don't understand (symptoms we don't
understand) we should attempt to understand, by probing further the peculiar symptom. To explain
this he narrated some cases. Interesting and educative.
XXXVII. Jonande GOORHUIS, Switzerland has suggested a lay-out for data relating to new remedy
provings. The data bank will help coordinate the proving results carried out worldwide. (HL,8,1/1995)
Full addresses of the journals covered by this Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST (QHD) are
given below:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 50
1. ACD: Archiv fur Homoopathik, Dynamis-Verlag, AM Vogelherd 18, 46147 OBERHAUSEN,
2. AHZ: Allgemeine Homoopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1,
3. BHJ: British Homoeopathic Journal, Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, Great Ormond
Street, LONDON, WC 1 N 3HR, U.K.
4. CCR: Homoeopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Phule Road. Maliwada. AHMEDNAGAR -
414001, INDIA.
5. EJH: European Journal of Classical Homoeopathy, International Academy of Classical
Homoeopathy, Alonissos, 37005. GREECE.
6. HH: Homoeopathic Heritage. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., 1921, Street 10th, Chuna Mandi,
Pahargnj, Post Box 5775, NEWDELHI-110055 INDIA.
7. H.TIMES: Homoeopathy Times, The Foundation for l-Iomoeopathic Research, 805-Giriraj,
Neelkanth Valley, Ghatkopar, MUMBAI -400077, INDIA.
8. HT: Homoeopathy Today, National Center for Homoeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite
306, Alexandria, VA22314, USA.
9. HUD: Homoeopathic Up-date, B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1921, Chuna Mandi, Street 10th,
Paharganj, New Delhi 110055, INDIA.
10. IJHM: Indian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine, CMP Homoeopathic Medical College,
N.R. Gadkari Marg, Irla, Vile Parle (West), MUMBAI -400056, INDIA.
11. JAIH: The Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, 23200, Edmonds Way, #A,
Edmonds, WA 98026, USA.
12. mfH: MedicinafuturaHomoeopathy, 1-2-217/7, Gaganmahal Road, HYDERABAD -500 029,
13. NJH: National Journal of Homoeopathy, Milan Clinic, Saraswati Road, Santa Cruz (W),
MUMBAI -400054, INDIA.
14. QHQ: Quinquina Homoeopathic Quarterly, Sri Sathya Sai Publications, Main Road,
Taliparamba, KANNUR -670141, INDIA.
15. RES: Resonance, International Foundation for Homoeopathy, P.O.Box 7, Edmonds, WA
98020, USA.
16. ZKH: Zeitschrift fur Klassische Homoopathie, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 51
1. Die "Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis"
SCHMIDT J.M. (A HZ, 240, 311995)
It is a matter of coincidence (or is it that a great interest has developed about Homoeopathy
which has triggered this archaeological research) that Dr. Will KLUNKER also at the more or less
same time delved into this treasure and did exactly what Dr. SCHMIDT has done, viz. take up the
study of the latin preface to first-ever published work on Homoeopathy and translate it into German.
While KLUNKER's which appeared in the ZKH,39,111995 (see QHD,XIII,1196), and gave a complete
translation followed by his commentary, Dr. SCHMIDT has furnished the translation together with the
latin original.
2. Was sind "Ahnlichkeiten"? (what are "similarities")
CLARKE John Henry (ACD,4,211995)
If homoeopathic treatment fails it will be due to the fact that in most cases basic principles
which constitute it are neglected or misinterpreted. To these basics belong the knowledge as to what
Similarity means in contrast to other medical skills. The answer to this
important question implies the even more important knowledge as to what is not similar. The essay of
CLARKE chosen for the clarification of this question is interesting not only for the novices but also
equally interesting to the experienced.
The Editors of ACD have provided their comments also to this article by CLARKE
("Homoeopathy Explained by John Henry Clarke, London 1905).
3. Similitude organique et similitude totale (Organic similarity and total similarity)
SERVAIS Dr.Ph.M.(CGH,32,111995)
In this very interesting article Dr.SERVAIS discusses the similar and simillimum. If the remedy
is par1ly similar to some of the symptoms of the patient it leads to palliation (same as suppression)
i.e. similar. The totality of the remedy and the totality of the patient leads to profound healing i.e.
4. Misinterpretation of the Organon VITHOULKAS G. (EJH, 1,2/1995)
2. QHD, Vol. XIII. No.2. 1996
(The journal lists the current literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known
homoeopathic journals world-over -English, American, German, French, Belgian, Swedish, etc.,
discipline- wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for
detailed study. The full names and address of the journals covered by this compilation are given
at the end of Part-1 of this journal.)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 52
In the international homoeopathic scenario many teachers have appeared in the past decade
and Homoeopathy is taught all over the world in seminars. While each claims to be following the
Organon faithfully there are, still, differences in their teaching. Like all great books the Organon too
affords interpretations. Ultimately it all seems to be an individual teacher's personal experiences.
In this ar1icle VITHOULKAS explains that it is misinterpretation of the Organon to say that in
all diseases the 'mind' is altered pathologically and that therefore the mental symptoms in the altered
state has to be given prominence for the choice of the remedy. While it is right that the mind is altered
it is not right to asser1 that such alteration will, in all cases, be disease-state mind. VITHOULKAS
cites a case of his in which the severe mental pathology of a woman went away under his treatment
but then a severe leucorrhoea set in which was treated allopathically after which the leuorrhoea went
away but the mental pathology set in again; when treated again homoeopathically the mental
pathology went away but the leucorrhoea set in; and during the 7 months of leucorrhoea there was no
mental symptom at all. It is not therefore correct to teach that in every case one should hunt for a
mental symptom and use it as of highest value for choice of the remedy.
The Organon has to be understood as a whole and the individual paragraphs are not to be
commented upon exclusive of the paragraphs before and after.
5. Illness and Death in different Cultures and Religions
RUDOLF Heidi (HL,8,2/1995)
Death is a fact of life, something which one can be certain of. Illness is closely connected with
death. Different religions and cultures have different meanings of these. In this article the author
briefly tells how the Jew, Buddhist, Christian, Moslem, Hindu religions interpret death and illness.
6. From Animal to Human Being
ENGEBRETSEN Olvind Restrup (HL,8,2/1995)
Personal insight is strictly regulated by a universal law called the Law of Karma or the Law of
Projection together with the sensation of pleasure and discomfort. The Law of Karma says: "Whatever
you bring upon others in the way of pleasure or discomfort will sooner or later come back to you
through the surroundings as pleasure or discomfort". The keen observer will discover that in this way
nature is treating us homoeopathically, giving us increased personal insight. We are in reality using
the same principle when giving homoeopathic treatment". In this article ENGEBRETSEN discusses
homoeopathic treatment in a wider spiritual context, offering insights into why some cases are curable
and others not
7. On PARACELSUS, SWEDENBORG & Fractals WHITNEY Jerome (HOM,56/1995)
Even before the knowledge of the New Physics came on homo eo paths have been aware of
the fractal nature of health. HERING's Law of Cure, KENT's Hierarchy of Symptoms, and Compton
BURNETT's elaboration of PARACELSUSian Organopathy are all practical employment of the
principle of Recursion or fractal stages inherent in all life processes. SWEDENBORG's ideas also
share the same fractal principle. Just as the philosophical ideas of PARACELSUS and
SWEDENBORG inspired the earlier giants of Homoeopathy we in the present time are inspired by the
fractal principles to become giants in Homoeopathy.
8. The Unprejudiced Observer -Liberating the Archetypes from Pathologised Stereotypes
WATSON Jude (HOM,57/1995)
HAHNEMANN demanded that the Homoeo-path should be an unprejudiced observer.
However, all of IJS have our own prejudices and stereotyping which affects our work and the results.
This article attempts to address some of the problems in our colluding with prejudice and stereotypes,
not only in terms of understanding what experiences our clients bring to us, and recognising which of
their symptoms may be common to their specific community, but also in understanding how such
collusion can consolidate disease rather than health, within individuals and communities.
9. Is Homoeopathy Becoming Dogmatic WANSBROUGH C.J. (HOM,57/1995)
Examines the many dogmas in Homoeopathy
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 53
-the paradigms, hierarchising, the terms used, etc
-and the need to reappraise. Very interesting.
10. The Source of the Miasms
WHITNEY Jerome (HOM,57/1995)
In this brief article, the author traces the origin of life, the condensation of energy into forms -
vegetable kingdom and later animal kingdom and human kingdom. Not all the forms that came into
being were adaptable; some were more adaptable and could survive more readily than others. Once
life had passed from one kingdom or fractal to another, any major deficiency, weakness or error that
had been programmed into the genetic code on that level would be multiplied on the next. This then is
the basic principle underlying the miasms. They are weakness, deficiency, or susceptibility transmitted
through the fractal stages of form as energy became star but which ultimately evolved recursively to
become the cells and organs of true bodies, which are animated by the Vital Energy or Force. Miasms
represent susceptibility programmed into energy as it compacted itself through countless millenniums
to become the stuff of our physical being and to give us the opportunity to creatively participate in our
own evolution.
11. Homoeopathy in the 21st
Century MILES Martin (HLK,4,2/1995)
In the 19th Century and early 20th Century homoeopathic treatment was the treatment of
physical pathology, the infectious and contagious diseases like Smallpox, Measles, Scarlet fever,
Cholera, etc., in which the dominant medicine was helpless. It was mostly symptom matching. Indeed
James Compton BURNETT himself was unmatched in the field of Physiology, Pathology and an
integrity matched only by his will.
In the latter part of the 20th Century Psychology is quite rightly integrated into the
homoeopathic practice. A study of the modern Materia Medica would reveal the great changes. As we
approach the 21st Century it is the spiritual nature of humanity which must now be consciously
developed and, like all pioneers, the early exponents endure ridicule and denial. Human beings are
extremely complex, functioning on many different levels with a multiplicity of faculties at anyone time.
Homoeopathy is a way of transformation, Alchemy in its highest form, and the very best of us have
not even scratched the surface of our therapy.
12. Grand Generalisation - Risky innovations spring from the law of Grand Generalisation -Some
fresh thoughts
SHAH Rajesh (HTIMES,2,2/1995)
von BOENNINGHAUSEN's idea of "grand generalization" is criticised in this article. Dr.Rajesh
SHAH says that there is no scientific rationale in this generalization. The principle of generalization
cannot be applied indiscriminately to every peculiar, particular symptom. The extent to which some
persons have gone in generalising even mental symptoms is criticised. For example, the "fear of
falling" simply meant -taking into consideration the proving and clinical verification - fear that one
would fall down and it cannot be extended to mean a fear of falling from position, etc. There is no
place for stretching the imagination to farthest lengths in Homoeopathy; one has to stick to facts and
not fancies.
1. Aluminium metallicum
REIS Stefan (ACD,4,2/1995) In his ar1icle on Aluminium metallicum, von
BOENNINGHAUSEN has said that the metal worked more efficaciously than the oxide (Alumina).
When HAHNEMANN proved Alumina the metal was not known. BOENNINGHAUSEN says that he
got the pure metal from England and the pharmacist W.LEHRMANN prepared the potencies 200. (see
GYPSER, BOENNING - HAUSENs kleine medizinische Schriften, 1984). KENT also has said that
Aluminium metallicum works more rapidly.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 54
The author recalls two cases of BOENNI NG - HAUSEN and one of KENT in this connection.
He has also pointed out the proving of Arsenicum metallicum by Ad.LlPPE published in the ACD,2,31
1993 and also his comments thereon whether the Arsenicum metallicum was more efficacious than
Arsenicum album.
2. Polymorphe Lichtdermatose (Polymorphous Sun dermatosis)
WOHLGEMUTH Bemd (ACD,4,2/1995)
Under lightinduced skin diseases come many diseases which are distinguishable amongst
themselves and Polymorphous light dermatosis comes under these and commonly understood as sun
allergy. The aetiology of this inability to bear the sunlight is unknown. Erik SCHWARZ has proposed
"U.V.Light” as medicine for sun allergy. Potencies were prepared by Zinser. Eight patients whose
sun-allergy was diagnosed by competent specialists and who had earlier undergone such palliative
remedies as Calcium, anti-histamines, corticosteroids were treated with the potentized U. \I light 06
(50 millesimal potency 6). Seven patients did not suffer allergic reaction during this summer (1994).
The patients were given the medicine twice a day from May 1. In one patient the medicine had no
UV light also has positive effects in Psoriasis, Neurodermatitis and Herpes labialis. UV light
can also be used as intercurrent in skin diseases which are not connected with exposure to light.
3. Lobelia Inflata: Cliniques
(Lobelia inflata: clinical cases)
GAMBY Francois (CGH,32,1/1995)
Lobelia inflata is a rarely used remedy. Two cases are mentioned.
4. D'enfant Zincum (The Zincum Child) GRANDGEORGE Dr.Didier (CGH,32,1/1995)
This interesting article highlights Zincum in children's ailments. The "mental" the "general" and
the important "particular" symptoms of Zincum are discussed.
5. The Paranoid Side of Veratrum album VITHOULKAS G. (EJH,1,2!1995)
This remedy is not easy to be recognized well, even after the best descriptions in KENT and
others. Veratrum album has several stages in its mental pathology, and these are not easily
recognizable. These stages range from a mild mental disorder all the way to Insanity and
Schizophrenia. One of these stages is the Paranoid Personality Disorder.
The main paranoid condition of Veratrum album will be most apparent from the fact that they
believe that others want to degrade them. They feel that they are persecuted and degraded by others.
They are always on the defensive, they always seem to be attacking others in an attempt to defend
themselves, this mostly on the mental level.
This article explains clearly the paranoid state of Veratrum album.
6. Anantherum
Anantherum is a remedy that stimulates the lower passions of man, most specifically the
sexual passions, to such extent that an individual so affected may be driven mad by the sheer force of
his desire. It creates an insatiable desire to satisfy the sexual urge, driving the person to repeated
sexual contacts. If this urge cannot be satisfied, he is driven to masturbation. The desire is
pathological, indicative of an organism completely out of check, impulsively driven to actions which
could very well lead to its rapid self-destruction.
Detailed materia medica of this important remedy may be read from VITHOULKAS' Materia
Medica Viva.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 55
7. Evaluating Materia Medica KLEIN Louis (AH,1/1994)
With the increased interest in Homoeopathy several teachers have come up and there are
many who are eagerly willing to listen to the teachers. However, many of the teachers project their
own views and most students tend to carry in their minds the "type" picture. This would be evident
from the discussions one sees in the journals. There is a trend strongly gaining interest of projecting
the mind and disposition symptoms in the selection of remedy.
The "essence" includes but is not limited to the "signature" of the substance; that is, how it is
found in nature, its interaction with the environment whether it be plant, mineral, or animal: Similarly,
we study and treat the person in his/her interaction with his/her environment. Human environments
are different; therefore, to rely solely upon an encapsulation of the reactions of individuals who need a
particular remedy as the most important information can be very misleading. The classic picture of, for
instance, Pulsatilla, is mildness, yielding, etc. This classic picture does not take into account other
aspects of the remedy brought out in the original proving and reflected in the Repertory in certain
rubrics: "courageous", "angry", "discontented with everything", "suspicious", showing that in certain
environments, Pulsatilla can be very angry. The intent of teachers of Homoeopathy should be to
empower the students so they become excellent in their abilities of discernment, not dependent on
one particular teacher, as some teachers encourage.
8. Some extemporaneous comments on Sulphur KENT J.T. (AH,1/1994)
This is an excerpt from an article in The Homoeopathic Physician, April 1885. This
obscured journal entry and many others are from the collection of Andre SAINE, ND. (see Part-11 of
this QHD for the full article).
9. A case of Magnesium metallicum HUG Christine (HL,8,2/1995)
There are many ways of understanding a medicine's curative powers from its proving.
Dr.Jurgen BECKER of Germany understands the curative powers by understanding fairy-tales. In his
proving of Magnesium metallicum in Bad Boll, the "theme" of the fairy-tale "The Star Coins" came up.
In this fairy-tale a girl gives up her simple possessions including her shirt which the last one she had
on to needy persons who asked for help; this girl herself was alone and poor. After she gave up her
all, stars fell upon her from the skies as gold coins and she found herself with a new shirt with the best
cloth. With the gold coins she lived happily ever after. The patient in this case, a woman 39 years,
married and with children complained of disturbed sleep. She was wearing a shirt with stars on it,
pants with a star patch on it and her earrings were stars. She felt alone in the world, she loved being a
mother. As a child she was 80% alone. Her mother was always away working very hard as a nurse.
The brothers got the rest of the mother's time and there was nothing left for her. Magnesium
Metallicum 200 cured.
10. A Calcarea bromatum case STALLICK Jonathan (HOM,56/1995)
A 32 year old woman, HIV +ve; history of alcoholism and drug abuse. She is also on anti -
derpessants. She gave her baby away thirteen years ago because she could not cope. Later she
wanted the baby back but since it was not considered to be in the best interest of the baby, this was
denied. She began to slip down since then. Guilt feelings, mood swings, violent dreams, absent-
After Medorrhinum, Syphilinum etc. failed, Calcarea bromatum 30 one dose a day for a week
brought dramatic improvement.
Following Jan SCHOLTEN's idea of "combi- nation" remedies, the features of Calcarea and
Bromium were found in this case and hence Calcarea bromatum.
11. Letter from Kiev No.2 RUDOVSKALA Vea Alexseevna & CHAPPELL Peter (HOM,56/1995)
Very useful and interesting drug pictures have been drawn by the "Kiev School" (Ukraine)
who have been doing a lot of classical Homoeopathy. In the present article the Kalis are pictured.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 56
12. Remedy Masquerade - Robinia LOGAN Robin (HOM,56/1995)
The purpose of this series of articles is to demonstrate how "lesser-used" remedies in our
Materia Medica can easily be overlooked and to increase awareness of them.
A man with severe indigestion and heartburn which was worse at night. The case was
complex and too long but the gist is as follows: He was very obsessive about everything he put his
mind to, particularly fund-raising activities that he could never stop talking about. He said his friends
and family felt he had become unhealthily fanatical about it. He had a strong fear about not being able
to breathe and dreaded ever getting so ill that he would have to have tubes put in his nose. He
thought about death almost on a daily basis, both in relation to himself and his family. He had a fiery
temperament and was rather quarrelsome. He looked down in disdain on people that did not share his
religious beliefs. He was prescribed Sulphur; Arsenicum, Kali Garbonicum with little effect. Robinia
chosen on the basis of the rubrics -Mind, fanaticism; Haughty; Fear, suffocation; Death thoughts of;
Stomach, pain, burning, night; Mind, religious affections -helped him.
13. Remedy Masquerade - Digitalis LOGAN Robin (HOM,57/1995)
A female patient -oedema of the ankles and feet and difficult respiration. Reserved, strong
history of griefs, broken relationships and bereavement. Averse to company, very sensitive to music,
fear of thunderstorm. Natrum muriaticum, Staphysagria, Aurum, with no effect. Repertori- sation again
and Digitalis came up which was given in 12c three times a day with complete disappearance of the
oedema and breathing problems and deep resolution of her grief.
14. The Matera Medica of Sycotic co. (PATERSON) - Sycoccus (Streptococcus faecalis)
GALE Anne (HOM,57/1995)
This gram-negative coccus is related to the Gonococcus. While HAHNEMANN said that the
"fig wart" was characteristic of Sycosis, John PATERSON felt that the catarrhal state signified
Sycosis. The Nosode is rich in mental symptoms. The elements of fear and irritation, with outbursts of
anger, are outstanding.
The material given here is collected from various sources up-to-date.
15. Thuja occidentalis
WINGFIELD-DIGBY Berkeley (HOM,57/1995)
Thuja is a quintessential sycotic remedy having the hallmarks of distrust and deceit, and the
tendency to discharges and growths. This brief essay depicts the mental states of Thuja; the "key -
words" are well-mannered, perfectionist, spiritual idealism or spiritual guilt, controlled, moralistic, rigid,
sceptical, obsessive, sexual, dual existence.
16. Thuja and eating disorders
GRUMP Sue (HOM,57/1995)
Three cases of women who tended to eat more so as to be strong and invulnerable; they felt
they were fragile and hence needed to eat more. Thujc relieved their desire to ever-eat and also not
fee fragile anymore.
17. Fun with Eupatorium perfoliatum WINSTON Jullian, WOOD Mathew (HT,15,3/1995)
The reports are charming, to say. Juliar WINSTON says that he had a cold and a week later
the cold went away only to begin a cough which was annoying. Working out the symptoms narrowed
to 8 remedies. At this juncture he had occasion to get down from his chair and move or his fours to
pick up a pencil from under the table when the cough stopped; the cough came again when he got up
and sat to work and again stopped when the got down on his hands and knees Eupatorium
perfoliatum 6x one dose stopped the cough in 20 minutes! (see BOERICKE's MM).
Mathew WOOD speaks of his experience in periodic chills. He was getting chills once ever)
month for three months when he decided that he was ill and needed a remedy. Eupatoriu" perfoliatum
6x one dose and that afternoon and evening he had fever, next completely well.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 57
Mathew WOOD says further on that Eupatorium; perfoliatum was great for "crushed pains".
He says that more than "achy bones" it is "crushing pain" tha1 is more Eupatorium. He narrates of a
girl who suffered a car accident and two of her teeth were knocked out and wrist fractured (crushed
bones). A1 the hospital the teeth were put back and "hoped' that they would set. For the wrist they felt
that nothing could be done. Tea made from Eupatorium taker regularly by the girl on her own (herbal
medicine made the teeth set in and the wrist healed.
So remember Eupatorium perfoliatum for "crushing pains", and not merely as "boneset" but
also as "teeth set".
18. Aethusa cynapium
RAZI Joans (JAIH,88,2/1995)
In this article Dr.RAZI recounts some of her experiences with Aethusa and some of her
understanding of this remedy. Violence is one of the keynotes of this remedy's action--violent reaction
to milk, violent vomiting, convulsions, pains, deliriurr and aggression. It is especially useful in children
during dentition and summer complaints when anguish, crying and expressions of uneasiness and
discontent are present. The strange symptom of weeping during stool also is a part of Aethusa
Children who constantly nurse but continually regurgitate the milk and fail to thrive suggest this
remedy. Dr. RAZI gave this remedy successfully two times when the basis of the prescription was
solely the mother's history of a strong adverse reaction to milk. Digestive upsets exclusively confined,
or nearly so, to milk is really a hall-mark of this remedy. Convulsions and gross motor delay with
difficult concentration are seen. The mental picture includes an intensity of emotions which is not
communicated to others and an exaggerated attachment to animals.
1. Zwanghafte Personlichkeitsstruktur und Depression-Eine ungewohnliche Arzneimittelwahl
(compulsive Personality structure and Depression) MULLER H. V. (AHZ,240,311995)
A case of compulsive personality structure together with depressive development was cured
by Natrium sulfuricum. Selection of the remedy was possible on the basis of analysis of the
handwriting in conjunction with the preference for the colour blue. The case history was afterwards
taken and repertorization confirmed the choice of the remedy.
2. Koronare Dreigef8sserkrankung bei Zustand nach Hinterwand Infarkt - Lungenmetastasen bei
Zustand nach Nierenkarzinom links (coronary triplevessel disease in posterior wall infarct -
Metastasis to lungs in left renal Carcinoma)
MULLER H.V. (AHZ,240,111995)
The A HZ carries a "Homoeo-Quiz" in each issue and the solution in the next issue. In this the
full case history of 64 year-old male is narrated. This case was successfully treated with Ruta. The
solution is given in AHZ,240,2/1995. Ruta has only a scanty proving. The author therefore depended
upon his technique of matching hand-writing and colors to lead him to the simillimum. An year later
follow-up showed that the patient remained well.
3. Neurodermitis (Neurodermatitis) ILLING K.-H. (AHZ,240,2 & 311995)
This is also a "quiz". 12 year-old boy with Neurodermatitis since infancy. In spite of
Corlicosteroids there has been no improvement. Very dry skin, fine scaling in some parts with lot of
itching particularly on arms, legs and face. General agg. in the forenoon. After full history and careful
examination Sulphur was given which healed thoroughly.
4. Ein Fall von Brustkrebs (A case of breast Cancer) SCHWARZ Erik (ACD,4,211995)
46 year-old married woman underwent amputation of the left breast due to cancer and also
underwent intensive Chemotherapy. In January 1979 she developed a lump in the right breast which
was painful. A surgery was proposed which she decided to postpone, and came to Homoeopathy. On
the basis of the totality Phosphorus 0-12 was given from March 1979 twice a day 5 drops. By April the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 58
pain had gone and the lump also smaller. The remedy was continued in 5 drops once a day and in the
middle a Mammography was taken which showed negative. She continued to take Phosphorus 0-18
in longer intervals until December. Follow-up until 1994 confirmed that she remained well.
5. Kopfschmerzen (Headaches) MULLER Karl-Josef (ACD,4,2/1995)
A 55 sear-old woman suffered from chronic headache since two years. Sometimes the pain
continued the whole day. She had undergone hysterectomy and the doctors at the hospital opined
that the pain (headache) could be due to her long stay in the hospital and wrong position while lying.
The patient also thought so. She suffered headache if she had sat up long the previous night.
Similarly exertion of the eyes. Sometimes without any of these causes. Repertorisation showed Rhus
toxicodendron which was given in D10 potency without relief.
The case was re-examined and the rubrics riding in cars, and staying up late in the evenings were
taken up. The remedy was Cocculus. The remedy was studied in the Materia Medica and on
confirmation gave Cocculus indicus D10 one tablet daily. Within two months the headaches steadily
went down and she remained free subsequently.
This case demonstrates that while the etiology (injury) is important even in such cases we are
not to restrict our search our remedies to the rubric injuries, but look for the peculiar symptoms.
6. Chronische Trigeminalneuralgie (Chronic Trigeminal neuralgia)
SCHWARZ Erik (ACD,4,2/1995)
39 year-old female, suffering from Trigeminal neuralgia since some years. Has had treatment
from different doctors without benefit. It all began on a hot day in July 1970 when she opened the
window for air and in few hours she felt the pain. The pain was worse when the weather changed from
warm to cold. Least touch of the face produced pain. Only warmth gave some relief. She had cold
hands and feet.
Hepar sulphuris Q18 five drops once daily relieved rapidly.
7. Hyperventilation Syndrome
DAVIES A.E.(BHJ,84,2/1995)
The BHJ carries in each issue an interesting section titled "How I treat". In this some of the
experienced Homoeopathy physicians write how each of them "treats" certain disease states.
In this ar1icle DAVIES writes on Hyperventilation. The author briefly discusses the physiology
of breathing, the symptoms of hyperventilation and then the making of the diagnosis.
Introducing the homoeopathic treatment, the author says "In the early days of my practice I
was puzzled by patients who had seen Dr.Margery BLACKIE, an experienced and successful
prescriber, and in spite of being given what appeared to be the indicated homoeopathic medicine
failed to recover. When I saw such patients and reviewed their history it was obvious that some were
over breathing as they told their story. Such patients were often referred to a colleague who used the
technique of training in auto-hypnosis to deal with functional disturbances". DAVIES then explains her
"prescribing strategies" -star1ing with the miasmatic medicine; giving the constitutional remedy; giving
symptomatic treatment; bearing in mind the trigger factor; giving supplementary symptomatic
treatment after the high potency; other factors affecting the prescription.
Learning relaxation and better breathing technique would help a lot. Two cases are cited to
explain the author's method of treatment of hyperventilation.
8. Five Paediatric Cases
KOKELENBERG Guy (BHJ,84,2/1995)
In each case KOKELENBERG has given justification for the prescription and also the
characteristics of the remedy.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 59
Case 1: A 6 year-old girl; obese, inactive. She was suffering from fits after measles
immunization. Capsicum was the remedy.
The Capsicum child - Capsicum children have parents who have over-stimulated or over-
drugged themselves in the past. These children are over- shy, awkward, stumbling, introverted.
Obese children are on the whole inactive but they are the centre of activity for other children. They are
slow, clumsy, indolent at spor1s or at school. Homesick. Tend to watch TV, sit, read, or just keep a
hamster -as examples of their hobbies or activity.
Case 2: 18 year-old young man with allergies to grass, dust, trees, etc. As a child he suffered
growing pains, worse nights, making him get up and move about, the pains returning again as he
went back to the bed. Itching without eruptions, itching worse sweat. Hoarse voice. Recurrent cold
sores around the mouth. Myopic and wore thick glasses. Talked In sleep especially when he
anticipated something next day. Dreamed that something would go wrong. Narrow, lean, rather pale
with lots of freckles. Shy, quiet and came with his mother. Had no girl friend. He played the classical
Phosphorus was given several times and in different potencies but it was of no help. The case
was looked into again.
Phosphorus is not tedious, is not diligent and accurate. More a "rock and roll" type of guitar
and not classical. Phosphorus is not resigned to fate, to karma, but has the attitude that he can do
something about it. Phosphorus can be red in the face but is unlikely to blush whenever a question is
put to him.
Manganum was his remedy.
Manganum - causes anaemia with destruction of red blood cells. Inflammation of bones and
joints, with nightly digging pains. Asthmatic persons who cannot lie on a feather pillow. Great
accumulation of mucus. Growing pains and weak ankles. Anxiety and fear; better for lying down.
Chronic catarrh in nose, worse in cold, damp weather. Chronic hoarseness. Cough worse evening
and better lying down and worse in damp weather. Every cold runs up a bronchitis.
Case 3: Boy born 1985. Hyperkinetic child. Most of the symptoms are from the "mentals". His
mother did not want children, she wanted to continue her career uninterrupted. His father wanted
children. Result is that the child became the "golden calf". He had to be centre of attention. He
centred all and the whole activity around him. Told his parents what to do (dictatorial). His remedy
was Gallicum acidum. Gallic acid lies between Belladonna, Stramonium and Tuberculinum. According
to VITHOULKAS, Gallic acid is a small, rare drug. It is for aggressive and restless children, especially
the restlessness at night.
Tuberculinum has more desire for change than Gallic acid. Tuberculinum desires happiness,
which always lies somewhere else; desire to travel; want change in their lives. Very enthusiastic for
change, all the time, always searching. Discontent and irritability in the morning. More discontent than
Gallic acid.
Case 4: 14 year-old girl, with thyroid nodule for the last month. Warm-blooded person.
Overweight. Loses all energy and becomes lethargic if goes on diet to lose weight. Did not appear to
be bright mentally. Concentration difficult. However, she played chess well and could concentrate
then. Mild, gentle and never argued.
Calcarea iodata was her remedy.
Case 5: 14 year-old girl under treatment for recurrent Otitis media. She presented with acute
Otitis meia with thick purulent discharge, fever and somnolence; chilliness with fever even when
indoors; thirstless even during fever; wept at trifles, wept at least wony even when these were totally
silly, vomited easily when ill. With any illness she was afraid to be washed, afraid to wash her hair,
especially when she had Otitis media.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 60
Pulsatilla reduced her frequency of Otitis. However, she had to visit frequently for recurrent
illnesses like Hay fever, throat pains, Parotitis, etc. At age 10 she presented with abnormal appetite.
She needed Pulsatilla from time to time. However, this did not cure her. Lastly on the totality she was
given Antimonium crudum which was her remedy. The case in detail is quite interesting to study.
Antimonium crudum patients are "pigs" for they do not wash. They love. They can be sick
from love and are said to be sentimental in moonlight. They are thick-skinned because of their
excessively sensitive inner soul, so they develop a thick skin. A thick, hard, callosed and parchment-
like skin (physically and emotionally) in order to cope with life. Thick tongue. They cannot digest milk,
the first thing they encounter in life.
Think of Antimonium crudum for fear of having head washed, especially if they have eczema,
and aversion to milk and desire for sour foods.
9. Four Cases MASTER Farokh J. (Simile,5,2/1995 issued with the BHJ,84,2/1995)
Case 1: 60 year-old woman. Presenting complaints: Unconscious for 7 days following
emergency splenectomy after massive haematemesis. Occasional response to painful stimuli and
monosyllabic answer. Respiratory distress, recurrent attacks of supraventicular tachycardia. Jaundice.
She has history of Typhoid, Malaria, Injury to back from fall. Infective hepatitis, Cirrhosis and
Portal hypertension.
X-ray showed excessive pulmonary oedema. Opium M, Pyrogen M and Myrica mother
tincture given empirially, on 5 May 1991. There was no improvement and so Crotalus horridus M by
olfaction, every 2 hours. She subsequently had, according to symptom-similarity, Digitalis, Crotalus,
Phosphoric acid, Opium, Veratrum viride.
Case 2: NV four year-old boy, constipation. No urge for stool even for three to four days. Poor
appetite, eats slowly. Restless, cannot remain in one place. Cranky. Violent anger, talks only of guns
and bombs. Throws things, hits others, pulls the dog by the tail. Rude, impolite, nasty behaviour.
Disobedient, laughs when told to do anything. Shuns consolation. Hates being alone. Sucks his
thumb. Grinds teeth, and makes screechy noises. Fierce love (kisses and hugs his parents very
Stramonium with Tuberculinum bovinum intercurrently improved him.
Case 3: 54 year-old woman. Presenting symptoms: One year history of pigmentation+, dry
skin, scaling (white powder) itching (bleeds after scratching) and sticky, transparent discharge.
Started on left leg and gradually spread to whole body, worse warmth of bed, after a bath, parts lain
on, night. Itching intolerable, better by cold water application but cannot apply as she fels very chilly,
shivering+. Previous hospital treatment: local steroids and anti-fungal ointment.
Alumina, then Arsenicum album, Psorinum, Sulphur were the remedies used in this case
according to the symptomatology.
Case 4: 52 year-old woman, presented with Rheumatoid Arthritis since 12 years. Now bed -
ridden. Remedy choice on the following symptoms: severe pain in knees worse walking, sensation of
heat and swelling in joints, back pain worse draft of air, hip pain worse sitting for long, shoulder
stiffness, dry cough, worse lying down, throat irritation. Bryonia 30 tds, Belladonna mother tincture 5
drops tds and allopathic pain killers as needed. After a fortnight Magnesium phosphoricum M
repeated doses improved her.
10. "Beginner's Luck" -Three headaches TRESIDDER A.P. (Simile,5,2/1995 issued with BHJ
Case 1: 56 year-old farmer with good stamina. He complained of headache since six weeks,
after an attack of flu. He also felt quite tired, weak and his memory was weak. Stannum metallicum 30
three doses.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 61
Case 2: 70 year-old man generally irritable was brought in by his wife and he was found to be
weak and quiet. Complained of a bursting explosion at the back of the neck four days previously,
followed by a dull nagging throbbing over the whole of his head and he felt sick and wobbly. CAT scan
showed a large sub-arachnoid haemorrhage and a large aneurysm on the anterior communicating
artery was dipped. Bryonia M three doses brought rapid resolution of his headache and in the next
four weeks was his old self.
Case 3: 40 year-old woman, with upper abdominal pain; felt that if she could have a good
bowel movement it would do good. At midnight she complained of sudden onset of occipital headache
since two hours accompanied by vomiting. Analgesic given. Ten hours later the bursting headache
was now a "numb" one and was occipito-frontal. She had vomited again. CAT scan and lumbar
puncture ruled out any sinister cause. Next day she still had bursting headaches and occasional
vomit. Bryonia 6 three doses gave short relief but Bryonia M gave 70% relief. Headache was still
present as frontal headache, mainly over the left eye associated with nausea. Nose and upper lip felt
numb. Felt washed out. Stannum metallicum 30 three doses gave complete relief.
11. Disorders of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases MUZUMDAR K.P. (CCRH,17,1&2/1995)
Discusses briefly endocrinal disorders particularly in the light of homoeopathic Miasms theory.
He says that our polychrest remedies have sufficient power to enter and cure endocrine disorders. A
case of Natrum carbonicum in Diabetes is reported.
12. Utilisation des symptomes locaux dans la recherche des remedes de dystocie (utilisation of
the local symptoms in the search for remedies for dystocia)
SCIALOM Dr.Albert (CGH,32,1/1995)
This is an interesting article on the value of local symptom in accouchement.
Remedies discussed: Actea racemosa, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Coffea, Gelsemium, Aconite,
Platina, Chamomilla, Belladonna, Caulophyllum, Secale cornutum, Kali carbonicum, Sepia, in various
stages of accouchement. Long live the Science of Signs in Homoeopathy!
13. Confessions d'un enfant du siecle -Pediatre et homoeopathe (Paediatrics and Homoeopathy)
BOURGARIT Dr.R. (CGH,32,2/1995)
An excellent article on Paediatrics in Homoeopathy.
14. Reflexions sur la pratique homoeopathique (Reflections on the practice of Homoeopathy)
KOPP Dr. J.(CGH,32,2/1995)
This lecture was on the occasion of the translation of Adolph von LlPPE's "Key Notes and
Red Line Symptoms of the Materia Medica". The article discusses the application of this valuable
work in actual practice.
15. Histoires de prostatites et de palliations (Case histories of prostatitis and palliation)
GODER Dr. P.(CGH,32,2/1995)
Two cases are presented. The remedy in the first case was Chimaphila and in the second it
was Clematis erecta. A brief study of the remedies in this ailment has also been done - Chimaphila,
Clematis erecta, Pareira brava, Copaiva and Cubeba.
16. L'entretien lors de la consultation homoeo - pathique (The Interview during a Homoeopathic
BLET Dr.D.(CGH,32,2/1995)
A detailed article on case taking, examination and remedy selection. Paragraphs 83-93, 210-
211 are commented upon. (Organon 5th edition)
17. A Case of Gout GEUKENS Alfons (EJH,1,2/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 62
47 year-old Professor in veterinary Medicine suffering from Gout since years with progressive
formation of gouty deposits and gradually limited mobility; he is in a wheelchair for longer distances
and uses crutches at home. Stopped his professional activity because of his invalid state now. On
allopathic medication. Uric acid between 9 and 12 mg% (normal between 2.5 and 7.5 mg%). At this
state homoeopathic consultation.
Pulsatilla was his remedy.
The rubrics chosen and the analysis of the case is very interesting.
The Editor makes very important comments: This case indicates the importance of the
modalities at the moment of the acute state, the 2 a.m. aggravation, the warm applications and the
amelioration from change of position.
The acute state is only an exacerbation (increasing reaction of patient) of a chronic state. So we can
say that the acute state belongs to the basic chronic energic state.
The food aggravation in this case is to salad, to fruit, to beer etc. which is unexplainable and
therefore very important.
Only after the examination of all these elements, indicating Pulsatilla, we confirm if the mental
picture fits in a Pulsatilla mind.
The longer we practice, the more we see different mental pictures of the same remedy,
depending on education and the circumstances in life, and our conclusion is that the polychrests are
not known well enough in practice. So we will see that the mind chapter will be filled with more
additions because of the variability in the mental picture of a remedy.
In these cases, there is no reason to change the remedy, but to change the potency and if
necessary the frequency of taking the remedy.
18. A Case of Viburnum opulus
POMPOSELLI Raphaella (EJH,1 ,2/1995)
36 year-old woman in the 26th week of pregnancy was suffering from cramping pains starting
from lumbo-sacral region extending through nates to womb and ending in legs. Spasmodic pains. her
first pregnancy 10 years ago ended in premature birth in the 27th week.
She had a strong feeling of pulling and tearing of the womb always before and during
menses, the pulling pains extended to the legs particularly to the anterior part of the thighs.
Restlessness during menses. Vibumum opulus 30 twice a day and in 24 hours she was relieved of the
pains. She delivered a healthy baby at the end of the 39th week.
She again suffered cramp pains during period of lactation identical with the ones she had
months before. Viburnum opulus 200 relieved.
19. A Case of Epilepsy ANTONIOU Katerina (EJH,1 ,2/1995)
An 18 year-old man with Epilepsy and taking anti-epileptic drug (Gardena/). He also suffered
from emotional depression. Ignatia helped him but still he was not free from Epilepsy. Now
Stramonium (fear of dogs, afraid to stay by himself, sunlight or artifical light can bring on his
epileptiform attack, jerking before and during sleep) and he became much better. No further attacks.
20. Case study WOENSEL Erik van (EJH,1,2/1995)
A three year-old girl, with Eczema in the hollow of knees, buttocks, genitalia, since birth
(father and uncles also have Eczema). Dry skin with scales. Genital itching, worse scratching. Has
been using Cortisone.
Several homoeopathic remedies were given over a three year period with several shifts in the
symptoms, but no real cure was obtained. Case was retaken and the remedy Carcinosinum emerged.
This remedy brought good improvement.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 63
21. Two cases ZAFIRIOU Vangelis (EJH,1,2/1995)
Case 1: Personality Disorder in an AIDS Patient: 26 year-old man with Kaposi's sarcoma
and AIDS. A homosexual. Under treatment with Chemotherapy and CMI, Interferon for his AIDS
condition. His appearance was very eccentric, he was hypersexual, odd personality. This fitted the
picture of Anantherum in George VITHOULKAS' presentation of this remedy in his Materia Medica
Viva. There was improvement but the patient went out of touch and further follow-up was not
Case 2: Paranoid Disorder with Angina Pectoris: 57 year-old man, retired detective and
boxer with constrictive heart pains and difficult respiration. He had many mental symptoms: Delusions
that devils came to attack him; devils appear as dogs, monkeys and even as flying horses in spite of
his "exorcising" them. He was industrious and religious. Warm blooded. Aurum iodatum 200 was
given and he began to improve. 12 months after this the remedy was repeated and he remains well.
Aurum as also lodum are not listed under Delusions, devil or Delusions, evil. But KENT's Materia
Medica of New Remedies says "insanity with enlarged heart", as characteristic. The remedy is found
under Fear, evil.
In this case Delusions of devils was converted as "Insanity" which coupled with the heart
problem, the palpitations, the religiousness, the industrious - ness and the rest of the case led to
Aurum iodatum.
22. Treating a Rare Congenital Disorder VERSPOOR Rudi (AH, 1 , 1994 )
A two-year old girl with a rare congenital disorder called Crigler-Najjar Syndrome. This
disease is also known as "congenital hyperbilirubinemia" and "congenital non-hemolytic jaundice".
The child was put under special lamps in the evening while she slept, to break down the bilirubin in
the blood causing the jaundice. The child's father had severe liver and kidney problems. The child had
the tendency to catch colds and other infections. On taking the case Sulphur emerged. The allopathic
doctor had warned against Sulphur.
Sulphur 200 was given on October 1993. The girl developed runny nose and cough and her
diapers had a strong odor and were stained dark yellow. She also had bouts of moodiness and drank
a lot more. The child went on improving. The jaundice went down while the bilirubin in the urine went
up. The girl was looking healthier and energetic.
23. Princess Palladium
STEWART Robert (AH,1/1994)
In Homoeopathy symptoms have to be viewed qualitatively. It is a question of judgement,
discernment, experience and insight which symptoms are to be used in a given case. The symptoms
are always taken in the broadest possible context. While everything that a patient says and does are
to be noted including the way he/she does or expresses, etc. the art in this is to collaborate and to
balance one's insight with physical generals.
A 41 year-old woman with chronic sinus problems, aggravated by change of weather, stuffy
rooms, heat; claustrophobic; likes chocolate, ice- cream, salt and milk, chews on ice. She felt under -
valued and used by others. When alone she would throw things in anger, smiling and very pleasant
while with others. History of styes and right ovarian pains with menses. Sprained her ankles
repeatedly and tends to be awkward. She began by crying. She claimed to like consolation.
Pulsatilla did not bring about any improvement. "No one appredates me." Felt terribly
betrayed and neglected by friends, and weeps resentfully. Pulsatilla higher potencies did not help.
She came again bewailing her destiny "Nobody's there for me." Medorrbinum (restless feet,
worse in the morning, chews on ice, sinus, night owl). But no change.
Palladium 200 (Delusion: that she is not appreciated; that she is neglected; she has been
insulted; Desire to be flattered; Ideas exaggerated; Longing for the good opinion of others; Excitable
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 64
in company). The change that came over her was startling and for the first time she had no complaint
as such. Over the years her sinus/ovarian ailments were gone. She is happier, healthier, and Wiser.
24. Advice on a Spice INEZ Gina (AH,1/1994)
A 43 year-old, female art school teacher with complaints of adult acne and depression. She
was treated with Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Calcarea carbonica. About an year later she suffered
a car accident and diagnosed as having suffered Wliplash, no broken bones. Seemed to be in mild
shock. She took a dose of Arnica 30. She came about a week later and spoke about her state. The
remedy that came up was Nux moschata. The remedy was given in 200 potency and later M. Her
mental confusion, sluggishness, etc. went away. "The remedy is good....It's brought together the
body, mind and spirit, like a Rubik's Cube…Everything is good in my life," she said.
The case taught that one should not resort to routine prescribing, like Arnica for trauma or
consequences of trauma; potency selection is of paramount importance in a case. Dreams are a
marvellous vehicle for the Vital Force to express and discharge. We might pay more attention to the
patient's dreams.
25. A case of Theridion
HERRICK Nancy (AH,1/1994)
44 year-old ~man, married, one daughter. Complaint of sleeplessness; sensitive to noise.
Theridion curassavicum. (Insomnia with great sensitivity to noise, craving for bananas).
26. A case of Lupus Erythematosus MORRISON Roger (AH,1/1994)
61 year-old female with complaint of Arthritis which shifted. The pains come to a specific joint
which becomes red, hot, swollen and painful which lasts for about one day then resolves nearly
completely when the process is repeated in another joint. The pains are continuously moving and
when the joint is inflamed the pain is worse with any movement whatsoever. Swollen lumps half inch
diameter which migrates down the limb over a series of days; the lumps are painful and come once or
twice a month. She also gets little red spots over her arms and legs which are painless and come and
Formica rufa 200 repeated after three weeks. Cured. Remains well after 7 years. The most
striking characteristic in this case was the migratory arthritis. The symptoms began in one joint and
accelerated rapidly with heat and swelling, which resolved over the course of the next day or two on
its own. This is the exact picture of Formica rufa. The red spots on the skin was also taken as
27. A case of Conflict FELDMAN Murray (AH,1/1994)
41 year-old female, part time worker as an art teacher at school. Complaint of lots of
headaches over the years, especially the last 2-3 years. Brain scan-negative. The main theme of this
case is reflected in the patient's often repeated word "conflict". The case shows the classic Kentian
concept that states that the Will and Understanding will show up in every cell of the body. There was
conflict between the desires/feelings and the structures of understanding of this individual. Aurum
muriaticum 200 cured. Interesting case analysis.
28. A case of Cactus grandiflorus ANAND Sunil (HH,20,4/1995)
56 year-old man complaining of breathlessness, praecordial anxiety, pulsating pain as if an
abscess was ripening; pain was sudden and often associated with sweating. Worse from heat and
congested places, crowded places. Had to strain for long for urine to start. Heavy losses in the family
business, unpaid loans.
Cactus grandiflorus M improved him. (Sympathy agg.; Anxiety conscience; Hurry, haste;
Slowless, always behind, in work; Sensitive to noise, of talking; Dreams of falling).
29. The Diffident Housewife
GANDHI Maesh (HH,20,4/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 65
43 year-old housewife, formerly a teacher. Complains of restlessness, cannot sit in a place,
pacing around the whole day. Very nervous and very depressed. Noises disturb. Chronic throat
problem. Afraid of anaesthesia or of being knocked down. Fear of being alone. Lack of confidence.
Baryta carbonica M and then XM.
30. Recurring ecruciating pain -Cured in too days BALAKRISHNAN E.(HH,20,4/1995)
Case of slipped disk: 47 year-old lady, with pain excruciating, in the left leg up to the heel.
Had been operated upon for slipped disk three years ago. Too years later lowback pain with leg pain
began. Cortisone therapy relieved for an year or so.
The pains were stitching, worse standing, walking, uncovering, winter, better lying on back.
Kali carbonicum 200, three doses, 12 hourly, two days later XM two doses one a day. Pain in leg
disappeared from the second day, and she undertook a pilgrimage to hill.
Case of haematoma neck: 32 year-old lady. Haematoma of neck - a mass lesion measuring
4.65cm x 2.10cm in size lateral to the right lobe of the thyroid.
The internal jugular vein and the carotid ar1ery were displaced posteriorly by this mass.
Swelling slightly painful on pressing. Carbo animalis 200 three doses 12 hours apart; also Calcarea
fluorica 6x tablets x thrice daily. Carbo animalis M two doses after a week and XM two doses still one
week later. About three weeks the lesion burst open and discharged pus and blood. Silica 30 four
doses followed by Hepar sulphuris XM too doses and Myristica 6 twice daily for one week. About
three weeks later wound had completely healed.
31. A case of frightful Delusions BHAT Shraddha (HH,20,4/1995)
36 year-old man with delusion of being pursued, that he would be caught by the police and
put behind bars, hence feared to go out. After Hyoscyamus XM, Medorrhinum XM, Belladonna XM
failed, Stramonium XM cured quickly. Interesting case. When there are delusions, it is difficult to
choose the symptoms that are representative of the whole picture.
32. The lost Fortune VASANDI Yogesh R.(HH,20,4/1995)
52 year-old man, with anxiety, insomnia and repetitive panic attacks, associated with dull
headaches. He was miserly, was proud that he was a self-made man. His headaches after he lost,
notionally, a large amount, for having failed to invest in shares. Fear of poverty. Calcarea fluorica
33. A typical case of Conium SHETYE Prasad (HH,20,4/1995)
45 year-old married woman with Hypothyroidism since several years. Restless, couldn’t sit
still for even ten minutes. Tremors and palpitation, prominent eyeballs and enlarged thyroid gland.
Easily excited, abusive, angry, uses indecent language, vulgar gestures etc. towards her husband
when she is angry. High sexual drive, and coition would calm her for two or three days. Conium 200
and later M helped her.
34. A case of Primary Hypothyroidism MANKANI Meena (HH,20,4/1995)
21 year-old woman, with Hypothyroidism. Diffusedly enlarged thyroid; hairy all over the body.
Bluish sclera and ribbed nails. Self -conscious. Six months ago suffered intermittent fever with severe
shaking chills and was on anti-malarial drugs. She felt that fever took away all her energy; remains
very tired and lethargic. She slept most of the time.
She had a difficult life during adolescence with an alcoholic, abusive father. Taking her whole
history and the presenting symptoms, Calcarea carbonica XM (repeated infrequently), raising upto
50M, over a period of six months, improved her much.
35. Paediatric case-taking VASANDI Yogesh R.(HH,20,4/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 66
Attention to the mother's state regarding the cause of the ailment of her child, ascertaining the
mother's state during pregnancy, etc. are quite important in paediatric case-taking. The author has
cited four cases from her own practice and one each from Erastus CASE and Dorothy SHEPHERD.
Brief but interesting article.
36. Two cases of Warts
MUCHHALA Heena (HH,20,4/1995)
12 year-old girl with warts on the hands. Hyoscyamus 200 selected on the basis of the
mentals cured.
11 year-old boy with warts and moles. Began on the right side and spread to the left.
Lycopodium M selected on the basis of the mentals and generals, cured.
37. Case of Oligospermia
KOTWAL Mahendra (HH,20,4/1995)
27 year-old man, slightly obese. Married 7 years but Oligospermia. He was an emotional,
weepy, sensitive person. Pulsatilla M (hot person, liked spicy foods, thirstless) improved the sperm
count and he became the father of a baby son.
38. A complicated case
KHUBCHANDWANI Manish (HH,20,4/1995)
42 year-old man with complaint of Dysphagia for liquids since 12 years, after her eighth
delivery. Gurgling sound while swallowing liquids. Pain neck while washing clothes.
39. Prerequisites of Repertorization SHARMA Kapil (HH,20,6/1995)
This is a brief article on the various skills and application of the art of case taking to be fulfilled
before taking up repertorization.
40. Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus and Homoeopathy
PAREEK Alok (HH,20,6/1995)
Homoeopathy can help minimize insulin therapy need in the IDDM patients. The author has
cited a case of lodum in a 8 year old child and a case of Alloxan in a 26 year-old male.
41. An overview of breast Cancer -The Homoeo - pathic perspective
PAREEK Alok (HH,20,6/1995)
The author cites two cases -one with Conium and Graphites and another with Phosphorus.
Both were malignant but cured.
42. Limitations in Homoeopathy -or the agony of wanting too much SPRING Beat (HL,8,2/1995)
This deals with a problem which every homoeopath faces in his practice almost very
frequently. In the flush of the cure of several difficult and so-called "incurable" cases, the homoeopath
comes to delude himself in thinking that he/she can cure every case and when it is not so, feels very
much disappointed and even upset. It is therefore important that the limitations (of the Science and
the practitioner) are realised. At the same time the homoeopath must constantly endeavour to
sharpen the tools used, particularly prognosis, keep apace with the developments taking place all
around including in the general medical field.
This article is well worth study by all.
43. Treatment of Cancer.
PAYRHUBER Dietmar (HL,8,2/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 67
Very often we come across the question "What is the success of Homoeopathy in Cancer?"
There are those who keep off the cancer and leave it to Allopathy. There are also those who
heroically take up even the difficult ones at end stages and promise cures! It is therefore important
that we understand the disease and the prognosis and what Homoeopathy can do in this. The author
recalls the excellent writings of BURNETT and ELI JONES. He speaks of cases treated by him and
also by his teacher including those in which palliations were possible. The characteristics of Radium
bromatum, X-rayand Okoubaka are pointed out.
44. Incurabilily - Fact or failure? SPRING Beat (HL,8,2/1995)
Beat SPRING narrates two cancer cases (a Breast Cancer and a Lung Cancer in a man), he
treated and palliated their sufferings considerably. He also tells what aspects are to be considered in
the treatment of "incurable" cases. Good lesson.
45. Cancer therapy supplemented with Homoeopathy KULKARNI Arvind (HL,8,2/1995)
KULKARNI says that Homoeopathy and Ayurveda may complement conventional Cancer
therapy. Homoeopathic remedies can give supportive care. The homoeopathic medicines can be
used along with other remedies without harm. The homoeopathic remedies reduce the incidence of
local radiation reactions.
46. Prognosis of cure - A survey of success from experienced Homoeopaths
SPRING Beat (HL,8,2/1995)
What is the success ratio of Homoeopathy in "difficult" cases. A questionnaire was sent to
120 "experienced" homoeopaths and only 27 with 10-23 years of experience sent the questionnaires
back. Some of the conditions covered: Cancer, Tumours, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, AIDS, Mycosis
of skin and nails, Polyarthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Psoriasis, Diabetes mel. Juvenilis,
Thyroid, Schizophrenia, Anorexia/Bulimia, Sex.
47. An example of Homoeopathic Treatment and its Results
GEUKENS Alfons (HL,8,2/1995)
48 year-old male. Diagnosis: Infected emphysematous bulla in right lung with a large fluid
level. ESR 79. Leucocytes 10940. Surgery proposed. He came to Homoeopathy with a deep chronic
state. On the basis of the total picture Bryonia cured. Radiological report at the end of the
homoeopathic treatment said "Not one trace of the original picture is left. A perfectly normal lung
Very educative case.
48. Obstacles to Cure
SPRING Beat (HL,8,2/1995)
Presuming that the prognosis of the case has been properly evaluated and there is not
something beyond the scope of the organism to cure and that the correct remedy has been chosen
and administered in a correct manner, i.e. the appropriate dose and frequency, if the remedy doesn't
act as we expected it to, What is to be done? What are the obstacles to the action of the remedy?
The possible obstacles are discussed in detail. They may be from outside or from within the
patient. The "outside" includes Antidotes to the remedy like other treatments; Coffee; Camphor; Toxic
influences like Psychological suppressions; Physical suppression; Undue stress; Chronic intoxication;
Deficiencies like Malnutrition; Lack of rest. The "key" to these is the quantity of agents. The obstacles
from 'Within" include: Refusal to change like benefit from disease; Attachments; Fear of change;
Existential fears; Fear of violence; Fear of losing loved ones; Fear of social consequences; Fear of
"losing face"; Process of grief; Crucial work situation. The "key" to this is freedom of choice.
What are the "homoeopathic obstacles"? Dr. Beat SPRING Writes: "Finally, most frequently,
the obstacle lies within ourselves, as practitioners. Did we find the true simillimum? Did we repeat too
early or too late? Did we evaluate the remedy action accordingly or did we change the remedy too
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 68
quickly? Did we spoil the case by giving too many remedies for e.g. minor acutes? Do we have
personal blind spots which hinder us in assessing the case accordingly. Do we have fixed concepts
and belief systems which affect our perception of what the patient tells us? Can we accept our own
mistakes and not blame the patient or system for it?
He quotes Dr.Jonathan SHORE: "The question before us has to do with intent and
expectation. What is it that I am trying to achieve in general with my perscriptions, and what do I
expect in each particular case. If someone has been under our care for some years he should be well
and freed from the pathological constraints which give rise to symptoms on any level. If we settle for
less we denigrate our art and impose upon it the limitations of our own inadequacies.
"We are faced daily with contradictions between what is possible, and what actually takes
place. If we judge our results against a mediocre standard, if our reasoning is filled with excuses and
complaints, the questions which really need to be asked, and sincerely faced, never arise. Why did
this case begin well and end badly? Why is it that I have been treating this patient for years and even
though the remedies have acted well, the patient remains ill? In which areas do I need to deepen my
understanding of the homoeopathic art?"
49. An obstructed case TAYLOR Lorraine (HL,8,2/1995)
As the title would reveal this is a case in which a female of about 45 years, who could not be
cured through Homoeopathy in spite of very carefully chosen remedies by good prescribers. The
obstacle was a Myoma and after hysterectomy homoeopathic remedies worked well and rapidly.
50. The story of Madhav
LlDCHI Maggie (HL,8,2/1995)
A 7 year-old boy, violent in school. He was hyperactive, could not remain still in class, could
not complete a drawing and never got around to using colours. Stramonium 30 produced an initial
aggravation and healing followed. The drawings of the boy as seen in his drawing book shows his
improvement phases. The last drawing was a boy smile with his arms wide open to the world and his
name was written on the top of the drawing -so that's him now- smiling and well.
51. The importance of body posture and gestures in understanding the patient SCHADDE Anne
Most of our problems have their source in childhood , but later on in life we compensate for
these problems with the poor of our intellect. But even when we think we have totally changed or
covered these problems, our body, our posture, gestures, hairstyle, our social surroundings, dreams,
emotions, etc. will still speak the truth.
It is fascinating to observe and study the body postures and gestures of our patients in the
clinic and learn to interpret them in terms of our Materia Medica. The author narrates three cases to
illustrate this.
52. Urinary tract disease KANSAL Kamal & KOHL! Bindu
(HUD,3,41 1995)
Discussion on UTI disease and four cases treated homoeopathically.
Case 1: 42 year-old man with recurring UTI since 6 years treated with Streptococcin 200
every third day for two weeks.
Case 2: 65 year-old female, mother of Case 1. UTI for last 30 years with E Coli with very high
colony count always presented with pain in hypogastrium, dysuria, episodes of fever and irregular
bowel movements. Methylene blue 3x4 times a day for 12 weeks.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 69
Case 3: 58 year-old male with symptoms of UTI. He had already transurethral resection of
prostate. Methylene blue 3x q.i.d. for 3 weeks and symptomatic relief was complete. The remedy was
continued for three weeks more and urine culture was clear.
Case 4: 41 year-old female with history of recurrent UTI since six years. Apis t.d.s. and
Copaiva 30 t.d.s. for 5 days. Complete relief.
53. A case in my memory -unmoved GUPTA Babita (HUD,3,4/1995)
23 year-old male, with behavioural problem; episodes of intense anger, when he was
contradicted or someone disagreed with him. He would burn the effigies of those persons in his room!
Nitric acid 200 did not help but M cured.
54. Cystitis KANSAL K. & KOHL! B.(HUD,3,4/1995)
Explains Cystitis briefly followd by four clinical cases. In the first case woman 30 years,
married, felt that she was being "ignored", hates the sight of animals especially reptiles: Lachesis; in
the second case, 39 year-old, married woman, with stress incontinence, uterine prolapse with
cystocele: Sepia; in the third case, 4 year-old boy, crying before and during urination, frequent
micturition day and night, constantly played with his genitals, history of repeated attacks of septic
tonsillitis, cold and cough, restless and irritable: Sarsaparilla, then Silicea 30 and then Sulphur 30
three doses; fourth case, 25 year-old female, married recently, dysuria, strangury and hypogastric
pain with low-grade fever: Staphysagria 200 b.d. for three days.
55. Leucoderma treated with Bowel Nosodes WADIA S.R. (HUD,3,4/1995)
This is very interesting. 65 year-old male, with white spots on both hands dorsum, as well as
palm, forehead, scalp, tip of the penis, since November, 1990. Family history of Diabetes. Tense,
restless, very quick tempered. He took Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum 30 on advice of someone.
Since there was no improvement, Morgan Bach 30 was given. He went to London and on his own
purchased Morgan Bach 200 and kept on taking it for months together, and he made very good
improvement!. We are generally warned of repeating Bowel Nosodes but here is a case of apparently
harmless improvement from taking the Nosode for months together!
56. Chronic Cholecystitis
WADIA S.R. (HUD,3,5/1995)
33 year-old man with pain in the right hypochondrium and abodomen since one year; poor
appetite and digestion; past history of jaundice. Family history of Asthma, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia.
Bacillinum 200, three doses, then Sulphur 200, again Bacillinum M, XM, Cholesterin 30,
Sulphur M, China 30 t.d.s., Sulphur XM, in that order over a period of seven months.
57. A case of Nephrotic Syndrome WADIA S.R. (HUD,3,5/1995)
39 year-old male, Nephrotic Syndrome with early Hypertension. This began after sexual
intercourse during which he got severe headache and breathlessness followed urinary trouble.
Serum anguillae 30 helped him and brought down his blood pressure.
58. Homoeopathic First-Aid kit on Mt.Everest - Catalan Expedition 1988 RATERA Manual Mateu
& TARRAGO Anton Rane (HUD,8,5/1995)
A First-Aid Kit with 25 oral remedies and 4 mother tincturs for external application were used
in the Expeditions. 25 cases treated: 8 bruises and sprains, 1 crused finger, 12 Wounds, 3 Flea bites
and 1 lip wound + Facial abrasion and laceration + teeth fracture. All cases reacted promptly and did
will with no secondary effects.
59. A case
ADALLAN Elizabeth (HOM,56/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 70
The author says that this case provoked much introspection in ethics in case-taking, and how
a shift of focus of rubric choice alters the outcome of the case and hence the ultimate choice of the
simillimum, rather than a similar remedy.
7 year-old girl, with Asthma. Although the Asthma was relieved with Lycopodium the
emotional disturbances were not improved until the remedy that covered the "central disturbance"
(Rajan SANKARAN) was recognised (via the mother of the child) and Tarentula was given. A very
intersting report.
60. Bring me a Pumpkin GLAISYER Mary (HOM,56/1995)
Three interesting cases in which the remedy was Calcarea sulphurica. The elements of
Calcarea and Sulphur (for example in Case 1 - Fear of heights, Calc. and Desires fat, Headaches
from sun, Curiosity, Sulph. I n Case 2 - Love of ideas, Yellow discharges, Uncovers feet at night -
Sulph. and Earthy practicality, Calc. and in Case 3 - Sensitivity to cruelty, Fear of heights, worrier -
Calc. and Hot and hot flushes, fear of heights, worse heat of summer, etc. Sulph.)
61. A Dream, a Patient and Remedy
WHITNEY Kaaren (HOM,56,1995)
Dreams help much in choosing the remedy. In this interesting case Stramonium was given to
a 6 year-old girl with Asthma. Her dreams after this remedy are interpreted. Argentum nitricum cured.
62. Homoeopathy & Developmental Learning Difficulties
GRIFFITH Colin (HOM,56/1995)
There are excellent remedies in Homoeopathy for developmental learning difficulties (DLD) in
children. However in many cases the homoeopathic remedy is not sufficient. While the homoeopathic
remedy improves the constitution and many complaints some of the deeper defects remain. In these
cases other treatments such as Neuro Developmental Remediation (NDR) in the DLD Centre (in the
UK) has been found to be of immense help. Together, Homoeopathyand NDR, bring a rapid cure.
63. Stopping Drug Therapy
LEE Felicity (HOM,56/1995)
Many persons who come to a homoeopath are already taking some drugs. Is it therapeutically
wise to ask them to stop all those durgs? Or allow them to keep them on? Which drugs may not be
withdrawn suddenly and which in a phased manner? What are the reactions? In this short article the
author answers some of these particularly with reference to Corticosterioids.
64. 50 Years since Liberation: A case TREUHERZ Francis (HOM,57/1995)
A jewish woman 84 years age who survived the horrors in Europe during the Nazi regime,
who had come to England and deported to Australia as an alien. She came later again to England.
Her foot deformity was managed with special shoes. She was referred for true Vertigo. She has been
having it for 50 years. She was a closed, rather taciturn person. She said that she had become hard.
She used to be able to show affection but now she could not.
After repertorisation the remedy Conium 6 b.d. was prescribed. Four weeks follow-up: the
vetigo stopped quite soon and after one week she stopped the Conium. But she complained of
disturbed sleep, exhaustion, the day's events on her mind, feeling greatly exhausted. This began in
Vienna in 1938, she said. Now Kali phosphoricum 6x and after a week she reported that she not only
had good sleep but her energy and spirits had lifted. Four weeks later she looked happy, smiled a
little; continues to be well.
A beautiful case indeed. A cure in the real sense with 6x potency!
65. Memories, Dreams & Remedies THOMPSON Michael (HLK,4,2/1995)
One of the dilemmas We have as homoeopaths looking at dreams is the recording of dreams
in Materia Medica and Repertory. WHITMONT has pointed out on a number of occasions, many
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 71
patients will have dreams of snakes, robbers, being pursued, chased, etc. during their lifetimes. Thee
are quite common things to appear in dreams. What WHITMONT has shown in his dream seminars
and his. book Dreams a Portal to the Source is that homoeopaths can listen carefully to the patient's
dream and ask the dreamer about the symbols in the dream itself.
Case 1: A retired man with Anxiety Neurosis. He said that he had fascination with sharks and
submarines, because they had hidden powers, power in the depths of sea. In his case, he felt that he
had great powers, that he was very clever and astute, invested his money wisely; that he always did
things very well, careful and thorough; he considered himself to be superior to other people. Sulphur
(Delusions, is a great person), was his remedy.
Case 2: 36 year-old woman with attacks of Vertigo every three to six months for the past two
to three years. She was prescribed Natrum muriaticum. She dreamt of paddling and cannot swim; her
father who can is far out to sea and she is afraid of the sea because she cannot swim (her father is
deceased); she is keeping her feet off the ground lest she lost her balance.
Case 3: 49 year-old woman, with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 2 or 3 years. She was ill in
September, 1994 and her menses had not appeared for 3 months now. Also pains left elbow; worse
movement. Her dream: she was by herself in the parapets of a castle which needed a lot of
decorating and she was redesigning and hoping to get more of her family in it. The house was in a
poor state of repair but the grounds were good. She was given Platina.
Case 4: 23 year-old woman patient dreamt of a bad man with a tattoo. She explained the
man in the dream was a local celebrity and he had tattoos on his face and feet; he particularly had
tattoo on the chest. This dream meant for her that tattoos are tribal markings and without the tattoos
one will not be noticed. She had eczema on the legs which she did not want to be seen. Aurum (Fear
of her condition being observed) was given.
Case 5: 37 year-old woman with menstrual problems. She dreamt that she was fighting with
her mother centuries ago and they were fighting with crude metal weapons. She comes from Greece
and there is a long history of conflict with her mother. Ferrum metallicum (dreams of fights and
battles) cured her.
Case 6: 45 year-old woman, with frequent, protracted and heavy periods, PMT and night
sweats. Her dream: She was in a cloth shop with her mother and she wanted to buy a 1920's shift;
there were few other details in her dream. In her dream she was a 20's flapper. The 1920's were a
decadent era - lots of show but superficial, for the upper classes at least. This is a picture of a society
woman going to elegant parties, who would value the admiring glances and flattery from others.
Palladium was her remedy.
Case 7: 30 year-old woman, dreamt that were she was sitting there with all her possessions,
and her partner was trying to connect a television (they do not like televisions and do not have one at
home), she was shouting at people in the dream and she felt unsupported. They did not care and her
mouth was dry and the words stuck in her throat. She felt paranoid about some of the things at work.
She feels betrayed, injured and taken advantage of, and she feels wounded. She said the TV is a
power tool and is used for advertising, but you can get hooked into it, it is not like a book. She talked
about a power struggle at work and she feels suicidal. The TV has a thick power lead, but it was not
connected. She feels that she has given a lot of her power away and she needs to feel supported,
Aurum was prescribed.
66. Reclaiming Responsibility CALABRESE Barbara S. (HT,15,3/1995)
A mother narrates how she herself handled recurring ear infections of her child with
Homoeopathy. She laboriously read many books and found the medicine for her child. She concludes
"Individuals, especially parents can take overall responsibility for their own health as well as that of
their children, by being willing to learn, having the proper resources available, and utilizing that
67. A case of Arthritis LARK Dorothy {HT,15,4/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 72
35 year-old women with severe pains, diagnosed as Rheumatoid Arthritis. During lengthy
case-laking she revealed the many traumatic events in her life including the loss of her grandfather to
whom she was very close, leaving home at an early age to escape her alcoholic parents, seven
mischarriages, two stillbirths, and her 0'Ml alcoholism and recent recovery. Based on this history of
griefs, along with some confirmatory physical symptoms, she was given Ignatia 30. She became pain-
free the next morning. It is now six months and she has not needed to return for any further treatment.
68. A case of Ovarian Cyst SHAH Rupal (HTIMES,2,2/1995)
28 year-old female with right ovarian cyst; severe bleeding during menses with pains,
aversion to coition. Sepia 200 to CM while removing many of her complaints did not remove the
ovarian cyst. After reconsideration of all the symptoms, Lycopodium was given (M to CM at intervals)
cured totally, including the disappearance of the cyst.
69. A Case of Osteoarthritis -Uncommon indications of a common remedy TRIVEDI Bhavana
An 80 year-old lady with stiffness of knee joints, diagnosed as Osteoarthritis. The history of
this lady revealed Arnica montana as the remedy which was given in XM potency and she was
relieved of her ailments in 15 days! (Fear of others approaching, if she was sitting on a bed, she
would not allow her grandchildren play around her; Well, says, she is, When very sick; Censorious;
Pain in knee joints; Desires sour things).
70. Epilepsy -Multiple dimensions BARVALIA Praful (IJHM,30,2/1995)
Case 1: Epilepsy with mild mental retardation: This case with 7 years long follow-up
demonstrates various dimensions of this disease viz., diagnosis and management of acute and
chronic phases as well as handling psycho-social aspects of this illness.
Case 2: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: 21 year-old male with Partial Complex Seizure
(psychomotor or temporal lobe) epilepsy had a prominent peculiar symptom, viz., fear of water and
Lyssin cured him.
Case 3: 5 year-old girl; organic epilepsy, secondary to intra-cellular cerebral damage of
unknown aetiology. Seizures began at 6 months age. All milestones very late. While remedies like
Cuprum metallicum 30 to XM, Tuberculinum bovinum 200, Zincum failed, Cuprum metallicum 6 two
hourly controlled the sizures. Subsequent doses Tuberculinum bovinum 200 and Cuprum metallicum
6 improved.
71. Epilepsy - Case study showing HERING's Law HAKIMJI Mustafa (IJHM,30,2/1995)
10 year-old boy was getting convulsions in the morning on waking from sleep. Preceded by a
loud cry and after the convulsions he fell into a deep sleep for an hour. Frightening dream during
sleep, for Which Aconitum M given and he was free for some days after which the convulsions
recurred, but without frightening dream. EEG showed a left parietal epileptogenic focus without any
focal features. At this time it was learnt that he was terrified of his teacher and he was much pushed
to study. Opium improved and he got Malaria (earlier he suffered Malaria at 6 years age, treated
allopathically). Now this Malaria was cured by Natrum muriaticum and few days later he developed
small itching papulovesicular eruptions on his lower limbs which was cured by Sulphur. Follow-up an
year later - well. Repeat EEG showed no evidence of neuronal hyper-excitability or focal features.
72. Experience with Epilepsy cases MENON C.M. (IJHM,30,2/1995)
Case 1: 11 year-old boy with history of convulsions since three years. Chilly patient.
Perspiration hands and feet. Defiant and stubborn. Impatient. Introvert at school and home. No
initiative and self -confidence. Convulsions occurred around moon phases. Silicea XM and later CM
Case 2: 7 year-old boy; convulsions of the right hand and right leg, once in 2 to 3 weeks since
last 5 years. Weakness of the right side of the body. Prone to rashes and eruptions on forearms and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 73
legs since last 4 years. Skin specialist treatment. History of head injury at 6 months age and
convulsions began after that. Operated 3 years ago for skull repairs. Repeatedly de-wormed. Hot
patient. Cicuta in ascending potencies upto CM was given and there has been no further convulsion.
73. Prescribing in epileptic patients GOEL N.O. (IJHM,30,2/1995)
Two cases are presented. In both remedies in high potenies repeated in daily doses for long
time -upto two years even - cured.
74. She was Bright and Bonny girl when he married, Now she is Sepia HEDGE Shreepad
38 year-old lady with pain in small joints and generalised backache for 2 to 3 years. Disliked
her husband couldn't stand even his shadow around her. He seemed to be having extra -marital affair.
The patient developed Psoriasis eight years back (1980), which was treated with steroids. Sepia M
given and then Psoriasis reappeared within a month. Husband was accompanying her now to the
clinic. She now developed indifference to her children and Medorrhinum XM b.d. for 3 days given.
There was no change. At this juncture the husband was interviewed and he confessed to have taken
treatment for Syphilis. Syphilinum XM b.d. for three days was given and the psoriatic patches began
to disappear and mental symptoms also went away. Sepia CM once a month for three months.
Recovered completely and living happily with husband.
75. An Encounter with Migraine
RAO Ganesh (IJHM,30,2/1995)
37 year-old man, Chemist. He suffered from biliousness and Migraine. Much suppressed
resentment, mortification, desired pungent foods, salt, ice. Worse sun, better sleep. Natrum
phosphoricum 200, M, XM, cured.
76. The Selfless Worker ANAND Sunil (IJHM,30,2/1995)
This case is reported to "perceive" "Conscience". A young, married woman confessed to
deriving great pleasure from teaching underprivileged children. She had natural flair for this. She
studied in a Convent and liked the atmosphere of the Church. She was a favourite among the nuns
and teachers and was always shown as a "model" to follow. After marriage she had to settle
somewere else and it thus separated her from her students. She had to attend to the family business
and her tuitions to the "under- privileged" children was much less. At this time she had two dreams (i)
She is falling from a height. She starts praying and stops in mid-air; (ii) She is feeding three dogs. Two
of them start eating but the third dog does not. She is very concerned about this third dog. At this time
she complains. Lac denoratum (Delusions, convent, she will have to go to a) cleared her acne and
recurring throat infections and there is no conflict whatever.
77. Tom between Conscience and Sentiments KAPSE A.R. (IJHM,30,2/1995)
This is also an analysis of "Conscience", 56 year-old man, married. Vertigo with sensorineural
deafness. He was a hypersensitive and excitable individual. Was fascinated by Sodalist movements
during his youth. Conflicts with wife and consequent vexation. Developed feelings of guilt and grief.
Ferrum phosphoricum 200 and intercurrent Tuberculinum bovinum M restored him.
78. Homoeopathic Grand Rounds
MORRISON Roger (JAIH,88,2/1995)
Case 1: A 19 year-old female with complaints of juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Had recurring
Streptococcal throats as a child. Rheumatic fever at age 4. Cystitis: three episodes. She was wearing
black clothes, black eye-shadow and nail polish. Recurring fevers at night. Rashes come and go over
her torso. (weeps as she relates her illness). Sensitive to both heat and cold. Hates the sea. Thirst for
ice cold drinks. Puts the feet out of bed at night. Fear of dogs. Bites her nails. With other symptoms to
confirm the remedy, Medorrhinum M was given. Six weeks follow-up: Initially improved but recently
recurence of her complaints. Medorrhinum 30 weekly. She has been also on anti-inflammatory drugs
and Prednisone. 12 weeks follow-up: Medorrhinum M and 12 daily. 18 week follow-up: As she tapered
Prednisone her joint pains became worse. Continue Medorrhinum 12. 6 month follow-up: Arthritis is
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 74
terrible again. Prednisone dosage is down to 5 mg./day. Medorrhinum LM1 daily for one month, then
LM2. 8 month follow-up: Medorrhinum LM3. 10 month follow-up: 'Wonderful". Off Prednisone for 6
weeks. Craves ice (she has been craving ice all through). Medorrhinum LM4. One year follow-up: Had
not taken any Prednisone. Arthritis gone. Energy level is good. Depression much better. Has been
happy. Sleep good. Still puts her feet out of the covers. Craves ice. She confessed that throughout the
treatment she has been using a wide variety of drugs ("illicit substances"). Medorrhinum LM5. Two
year follow-up: Puts the feet out of the covers or even on the cold window. Craves ice, meat and salty.
Bites her nails. Medorrhinum LM15. Four year follow-up: Still uses occasionally Cannabis. No arthritis.
Happy and well-adjusted. No medicine.
To understand this presentation the entire report of Dr.MORRISON must be studied. There
are also very intereting discussions following this by Nicholas NOSSAMAN, Robert SCHORE, Edward
CHAPMAN about the cure of such a severe disease. Also the use of LM potencies is discussed.
1. Cases treated with BOENNINGHAUSEN'S Repertory RASTOGI D.P. {CCRH, 17, 1&2/1995)
BOENNI NGHAUSEN's concept of a complete symptom - location, sensation, modality,
concomitant - has stood the test of time and is as much relevant now as it was before. The artistic
application of BOENNINGHAUSEN's repertory is demonstrated by the author with the example of
three cases. One example:
A male patient, aged 38 years came on 5.11.93 with cystic swelling over left temple for the last two
years. The swelling was static, painless, mobile and no other details of the patient were characteristic.
On the basis of these indications only, BOENNINGHAUSEN's Repertory was consulted with following
rubrics: FACE, proper, temples; SKI N, Cysts. Baryta carbonica came up as a possible remedy and
was given in 30 potency two times a day for 3 weeks. The swelling burst and discharged its contents.
Without the BOENNINGHAUSEN's repertory this remedy would not have been employed.
2. Mind Additions to the Repertory ZAFIRIOU Vangelis
(EJH,1 ,2/1995)
Psychiatrist Vangelis ZAFIRIOU - senior consultant to the Athenian Centre of Homoeopathic
Medicine -shares with us his Mind additions to the Repertory:
Abrupt: Ars.
Ambition: Ign.
Anorexia mentalis: Bar-c. Nat-m.
Anxiety, others, for: Ign. Avarice: Nat-m.
Bite, desire to, nails: Tarent.
Censorious: Phos.
Clairvoyance: Ign.
Consolation agg. Staph.
Consolation amel.: Ign.
Cruelty: Lyc.
Deja vu: Ign. Phos.
Discocontented: Arg-n.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 75
Disgust: Calc., Verat.
Eccentricity: Calc.
Egotism: Caust., Ign., Nat-m.
Fastidious: Ign., Lach., Sufph.
bro 1
Fear, cats: PuIs.
Fear, Chicken: Calc.
Fear, dark: Ign., Lach., Sulph.
Fear, death: Carc.
Fear, dogs: Cham., Ign., Med"
Fear, high places: Anac., Lyc.
Fear, insanity: Anac.
Carc., Sulph.
Fear, mice: Calc., Sulph.
Fear, narrow places: Lyc.
Fear, snakes: Calc., Ign., Med., PuIs., Sil.
Fear, water: Cham.
Frivolous: LYC.
Hatred: Puls.
Hurry: Mag-c.
Industrious: PuIs.
Impulsive: Lyc.
Laughing, serous matters, over: PuIs.
Loquacity: PuIs.
Obstinate: Nat-m.
Offended, easily: Nux-m.
Pessimist: Lyc., Nit-ac., PuIs.
Remorse: Ars-i., Lyc.
Sadness, periodical: Kali-c., PuIs.
Sighing: Ars-i., Carc.
Shrieking, sleep, during: Med.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 76
Sympathy: Ars., Ars-i., Calc., Lach.
bg2, sf1
Untidy: Ars., PuIs., SULPH.
Weeping, difficult (new rubric) IGN., Carc.
3. Repertory Changes - Examples of How They are Made
VAN ZANDVOORT Roger (HOM,56/1995)
Roger VAN ZANDVOORT has made the Complete Repertory. Many corrections and
additions have been made in this Repertory. The author has traced the origin of many repertory
rubrics for this purpose. In this brief article he cites some examples of his source verification.
4. A Short Repertorial Study on Weeping SHAH Rajesh (HTIMES,2,2/1995)
"There is no medical science" says the author, "other than Homoeopathy in which the study of
weeping in a patient has analytical and hence therapeutic value. It is so often our experience that a
good cry will not only relieve the patient, but the physician as well, if appreciated properly".
A brief analysis of the rubrics in which 'Weeping" appears are studied in this article.
1. Control of Subclinical Bovine Mastitis - Utilization of a Homoeopathic Combination
A clinical trial was conducted on a dairy farm. 26 animals were divided into 2 groups of 13
each, pairing on clinical and subsclinical mastitis status, milk production and number of lactations,
assigning both animals and treatments by a systematic random method. One group received homoeo
- pathic treatment, the other placebo. Monthly milk production was carefully recorded for each animal,
as were the results of the California Mastitis Test (CMT) performed on each quarter of the udder. The
proportion of affected quarters according to CMT was 32% in the treated group, and 68% in the
control group. The odds ratio of the difference shows that animals receiving placebo presented 4.5
(1.78-11.75) times more subsclinical mastitis than those under homoeopathic treatment (p 0.05).
Average milk production in the treated group did not differ significantly from that of the control group
(p 0.05). The study confirms previous observations of the benefit of the homoeopathic method can
provide in disease control in animal populations.
2. The Lamb vvtlo could not Gambol DeWEESE Cyndde (HT,15,3/1995)
The author describes a "difficult" labor of an ewe and the two lambs thus delivered had their
defects -the first one was quite heavy with lot of mucus and the second was small and couldn't stand
on his legs properly, i.e. his legs flexed and he stood on his ankle! While Causticum, Arsenicum
helped their many problems, the inability of the lamb to stand properly remained. As a result of this
the lamb couldn't gambol, that is they must run, buck, piroutte, jump straight-Iegged etc., at all times.
This the lamb couldn't. After trying other rem,edies, at last Causticum and Arsenicum were given
simultaneously and it worked!
3. Meet Christina CHAMBREAU, DVM FIELD Ed (HT,15,4/1995)
Christina CHAMBREAU practises classical Homoeopathy in Veterinary Medicine. She studied
Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicine with Dr.Richard PITCAIRN, the best homoeopathic veterinarian in
the United States. Now she herself is a teacher. After 1988 she has shifted to entirely homoeopathic
medicine in her practice. 'The joy of Homoeopathy is that it can really cure, if you prescribe carefully
and there is enough Vital Force to respond. Nothing else can do the job as reliably. The joy of cure is
wonderful. To see an animal free of problems after years on drugs is phenomenal. One must,
however, understand that a cure is, be committed to finding it, and not be satisfied with suppression.
Whether animal or human, the body is unique and amazing".
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 77
Dr.CHAMBREAU details some of the actions that people can take to increase the chance of
long and healthy life for their animals.
Do not vaccinate your animals except for the mandatory Rabies shots. This is very important.
With young animals, if you absolutely must immunize, use minimal conventional immunization, consult
your homoeopathic veterinarian.
Feed your animals a diet of raw meat, raw vegetables, and overcooked grains rather than
prepared, commercial pet foods. Follow the nutritional guidelines suggested in Natural Health for
Dogs and Cats by Richard H.PITCAIRN, DVM, New Natural Cat, by Arutra FRAZIER and Reigning
Cats and Dogs, by Pat McKAY
Recognize and treat the signs of underlying energy imbalances as early as possible so that
the animal does not develop overt disease in the future. Some of these signs include: Red line at
gum-tooth margin, Body odor; Appetite problems, Behaviour problems. Thirst in cats when not caused
by dry food.
4. Fear of Thunderstorms TOBIN Stephen (HT,15,4/1995)
Many dogs are terrified during thunderstorms or fireworks. While the repertory rubrics indicate
Phosphorus, in the author's experience it has not been of much help. However, he has observed that
many dogs chew through metal cages, scratch and chew through walls, doors and furniture, have
diarrhoea and even have seizures and these dogs responded well to Aconite. Aconite 200 given
before the expected storm, and again at the start of the storm -repeating if the dog becomes agitated,
does well. In some dogs this well even remove the tendency to fear of thunderstorms.
1. Vergleichende Untersuchungen des manuellen und maschinellen Verschuttelns bei der
Herstellung homoopathischer Potenzen (Comparative study of manual and machine
mechanical agitation in the manufacture of Homoeopathic potencies)
DOMAN M., STRUBE J.(AHZ,24,3/1995)
Serial dilution and shaking are indespensable operations for the production of homoeopathic
medicines. It is not possible to manually succus (shake) beyond 10 litres if parallel operations are to
be avoided. At this stage mechanical succussion machines have to be employed. It was possible to
compare the quantitative-technical parameters and manual succussion, with the help of a new
succussion machine. The quantitative data on the acceleration of the shaken vessel and the pressure
within the vessel during the process of succussion could be published. It can be demonstrated that
basically the mechanical shaking process conforms to the manual shaking process.
2. Kommentar zur Veroffentlichung: DOMAN, M.; STRUBE, J.: Vergleichende Untersuchungen
des manuellen und maschinen Verschuttelns bei der Herstellung homoopathischer Potenzen
(Commentary on the publication of DOMAN and STRUBE)
SCHOPFER H.-J. (AHZ,240,3/1995)
This is a critical commentary on the article cited above. The author is a Pharmacist.
3. Contaminants in Commercial Homoeopathic Medicines - A Spectroscopic Determination
ZACHARIAS Carlos Renato (BHJ,84,2/1995)
Two sets of homoeopathic medicines prepared from Lycopodium clavatum (6cH, 12cH and
100cH) and the dynamized water and ethanol mixture used (3cH and 6cH) were analysed using
ultraviolet spectroscopy. The aspects for each set of Lycopodium and dynamized solvent were similar
and differed from that of the inert solvent. The two sets of dynamized medicines nevetheless showed
significant differences. These results suggest the possible introduction of contaminants during the
dynamization process, the effects of which on clinical results are considered.
4. On the Occurrence and Availability of Medicinal Plants used in Homoeopathy GUPTA H.C.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 78
Approximately 350 out of the many plants used in Homoeopathy, are grown in India; some
cultivated but most in their wild state. The author points out wrong identification of some of these
herbs, viz. Artemisia vulgaris L., Phyllanthus neruri, Ashoka plants and Ruta graveolens. There seems
to be no Government control over the cultivation and supply of genuine herbs, in India. However,
recently the Government of India have allotted money for the cultivation of certain herbs.
5. Antihaemorrhagic Activity of Homoeopathic Drug Symplocos racemosa Ф - An Experimental
Symplocos racemosa is not a drug listed in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopaeia. This drug was
examined and albino rabbits were used in the research. The results showed that the drug possesses
anti-haemorrhagic property at micro- doses.
6. Indian Medicinal Plants for the Homoeopathic treatment of various Skin ailments
RASTOGI D.P., GUPTA H.C., RAJAN S., KUMAR Sunil (CCRH,17,1&2/1995)
Nearly 70% of the remedies in Homoeopathy come from plants. The present study comprises
of 81 species under 79 genera and 49 families which are used for various skin disorders in
homoeopathic system of medicine. A list of these medicines is given in their alphabetical order with
their valid names, family, common name, part used and distribution. An attempt has been made to
indicate the specific symptoms pertaining to skin against each plant. The aim of this article is to
present a consolidated spectrum of indigenous and exotic plants with their specific part used for
treatment of various skin ailments through Homoeopathy.
7. Standardisation of Homoeopathic Drugs: A Pharmaceutical Perspective
SINGH D.M. (CCRH,17,1&2/1995)
Therapeutic efficiency depends upon the quality of the medicine used. The medicine must be
pure and prepared strictly in accordance with the laid down methods and thus quality maintained. The
medicine should conform to standard. Standardisation is a necessity. The article discusses these.
8. Role of Endocrinology and Corelatory Para- meters for Screening of Homoeopathic Drugs
SUNDARAM E.N.(CCRH,17,1&2/1995)
Experiments are being conducted on laboratory animals (i.e.rabbits, albino mice and albino
rats) to evaluate the drugs therapeutic potentiality and consequential influence on various endocrine
glands and their hormonal secretions at the Homoeopathic Drug Research Institute, Lucknow. The
parameters for screening of homoeopathic drugs: Histological studies, Histochemical studies,
Histopathological studies, Hormonal assay, Hypoglycaemic studies.
9. Aloe in re-establishing Physiological Equilibrium as Anti -Inflammatory and I
VARMA P.N. & VAID Indu (HUD,3,4/1995)
After discussing the anti-inflammatory activity and immuno -modulating activity of Aloe the
author says that Homoeopathy may like to evaluate the drug for the above activities; initial finding with
3x have given encouraging results.
10. Stillingia - A Potent Carcinogenic
VARMA P.N. & VAID Indu (HUD,3,5/1995)
Stillingia sylvatica and Hippomane mancinella have been considered potentially carcinogenic.
while Hippomane mancinella is not used in form of mother tincture Stillingia sylvatica is. A caution is
given that Stillingia should not be prescribed in potencies below 4x. The authors refer to "recent
studies conducted by P.Zahn M. Nonfan and E.Hacker conducted by Deutsches
Krebsforschungszentrum, Research Program" which revealed the cancerogenic properties of these
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 79
11. How far Gold is good for Heart
VARMA P.N. & VAID Indu (HUD,3,6/1995)
This is a brief survey of the Gold salts and their relation to heart diseases. Gold salts are
nephrotoxic. 15% of patients may suffer Erythema, Stomatitis, Gastritis, Colitis, Vaginitis, Glossitis
after prolonged treatment.
12. Homoeopathy and Medical Alchemy WHITNEY Jerome (HOM,57/1995)
The author briefly recapitulates or origin, growth, the persecution, and the regeneration, of
Alchemy over the past five to six centuries. Robin MURPHY's two day seminar titled Homoeopathy &
Medical Alchemy sponsored by Homoeopathy for a Change, is discussed. The question is raised:
"Why were the ancients able to use herbal tinctures for such a wide range of illness with genuine
results when we today are unable to reproduce their results?" and the answer is 'The limitation in our
modes of selection and preparation"'. As a consequence the current investigation and application of
Spagyric tinctures in Homoeopathy is spawnling renewed interest in the highly sophisticated
techniques which have been collecting archaeological dust in the rare book collections of museums
and university libraries.
A Spagyric tincutre is made not only from the liquid essence from a herbal substance
immersed in alcohol for a period of seven or more days, but also the ash of the burned pulp with
which it is recombined. In the making of wine, herbal, and Homoeopathic tincutres we normally
throwaway the residue pulp after siphoning off the solvent into which has dissolved the soluble
substance of the plant. The ancients, however, used the whole of whatever part of the plant they were
transforming into a medicine.
A herb or plant that is being prepared as a Spagyric tincture is picked not only in regard to
environment and vitality of external characteristics but also in regard to the day, time, and moon
phase. In other words the timing is critical in order to achieve maximum energetic activity of the Vital
Force of the plant. The Spagyric tincture may be used as a remedy as such, or used to make LM
potencies or can be run up on the centesimal scale of homoeopathic potencies. Robin MURPHY has
found the Spagyric tinctures are more deep acting for a wider range of symptoms than are the
standard homoeopathic and herbal tinctures made from the same source.
13. Some Observations on the Behaviour and
Pharmacology of Snakes and their Venoms WALKER Elaine (HOM,57/1995)
All the snakes that have been proved homoeopathically so far are venomous, front- fanged
snakes, known as the Proteroglyphs and the Solenoglyphs. They come from four sub - families: (i)
Elapidae (Naja tripudians, Elaps corallinus, Bungarus fasciatus; (ii) Hydrophidae (Hydrophis
cyanocinctus); (iii) Crotalidae (Cenchris contortrix, Toxicophis, Bothrops lanceolatus, Crotalus
cascavella, Crotalus horridus, Lachesis mutus); (iv) Viperidae (Vipera aspis, Vipera, Vipera lachesis
tel, Vipera redi, Vipera berus, Clotho arictans).
The Mythology, the reality, pharmacological data, observations form the rest of this interesting
Some false ideas in the minds of most of us are cleared: for example that snkaes are "cold-
blooded". This is a misleading term, a snake basking in the sun can become very warm-blooded. In
fact the temperature of a snake's body is the same as the temperature of its environment, with the
result that the snake will become inactive in very hot or very cold weather. Prey is swallowed whole,
so the lower jaw is separate from the skull, and the ribs are not joined in the lower side of the body; in
order to open out to let the food pass. Snakes are super-sensitive to their bodily contact to the ground.
14. Homoeopathic Pharmacy in Israel MAYO Alexander (HT,15,4/1995)
An article in the February 14 Jerusalem Post announced that the Health Ministry will prepare
a list of ready-made homoeopathic medicines that may be imported or manufactured there under
ministry supervision and quality control. Some 2 million dollars in homoeopathic drugs are sold each
year and as a result of the Ministry's new policy this market will quintuple. The Pharmacists welcome
this move by the Government.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 80
1. Control of subclinical bovine mastitis - utilization of a Homoeopathic combination SEARCY R.
REYES 0. 1 QUAJARDO G. (BHJ,84,2/1995)
Please see Chapter Veterinary in this issue.
2. Effect of trituration on thermal degradation of lactose using thermogravimetric analysis
SURANA Vidhi, SHUKLA Richa, JAIN G.L., GUPTA V.K. (BHJ,84,2/1995)
The effect of trituration on thermal degradation of lactose (sugar of milk) was studied using a
thermogravi metric analyser. A correlation between the use of degradation with increased potency
observed upto600"C suggests that the vehide plays an important role in the bioavailability of the drug.
Comparison was also made between machine and hand triturated lactose. For Iower potencies (upto
the 2x) machine triturated lactose was found to degradefasterthan hand triturated lactose, whereas a
higher potencies hand triturated lactose showed faster degradation as compared to machine triturated
(Please see Chapter Pharmacology in this issue regarding comparative study of manual and
machine succussions in the manufacture of homoeopathic potencies).
3. Mechanism of action of Homoeopathic medicines - Recent findings and hypothesis I:
Biological mechanisms
POITEVIN Bernard (BHJ,84,2/1995)
Pioneering experiments have been and still are being carried out in France. The famous
BENVENISTE research is too well-known.
POITEVIN discusses in this article under the following heads: Homoeopathy and "terrain" (the
translator of this article from the French into English says that there is no equivalent word in English to
the French concept of "terrain"); Homoeopathy as a regulatory therapy; Sites of action of
Homoeopathic medicines; Subjectivity; Philosophical background; The holographic paradigm;
Conclusion and perspectives for the future.
The author concludes that research into the action mechanism of high dilutions of
homoeopathic medicines as well as research into the origins of the "holistic" action of Homoeopathy
have direct relevance to the daily practice of Homoeopathy. The progress achieved in these two areas
will contribute to better use of the medicines and a better understanding of Homoeopathy by the
medical and scientific community. One of the main challenges of Homoeopathy today, says
POITEVIN, lies in its capacity to develop harmoniously along 2 lines of force:
The line extending from its hippocratic origins towards the psychosomatic dimension of this
medical discipline.
The line relating to its pharmacological aspect, descending from the works of
4. What conclusions should we draw from the Data? - External validity in Homoeopathic
VICKERS Andrew (BHJ,84,2/1995)
Critical appraisal of a scientific trial involves deciding on its internal validity--whether the
hypothesis has been correctly accepted or rejected--and its external validity--the extent to which the
trial's findings can be generalized. Discourse on homoeopathic research has focused on the former at
the expense of the latter and as analysis of homoeopathic research demonstrates that it has low
external validity. One solution would be to split the research process in two. Large scale, triple - blind
trials could be used to determine the extent to which the action of Homoeopathy may be explained by
placebo. Importantly, no assessment of external validity would be made. Audit and cohort studies
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 81
could then be used to examine questions usually associated with external validity, such as the
conditions most suitable for treatment and the long-term clinical value of Homoeopathy.
5. The Question of Research DELINICK Dr.Alexandra N. (EJH,1,2/1995)
The author refers to the proposal of George VITHOULKAS on world research in
Homoeopathy that an international research committee should be set up. Contributions for research
from different companies or individuals worldwide should be sent to this committee. Applicants for
funds should submit their proposals to this committee. The committee would then decide who should
receive grants.
In this way several benefits would be reaped for Homoeopathy:
a) The pharmaceutical companies will not be accused of promoting their own products or
interests, etc.
b) The research committee members will best be suited to know if a project is good or not good
enough to go ahead with it.
c) The research carried out will be more objective as the individual researchers will not be
directly bound to their financial source and thus will not be obliged to them.
6. Energy Medicine and the Unifying Concept of Information
RUBIK Beverly (EJH,1,2/1995)
This article is from the Journal of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, March
1995, Vol.1, No.1. The author is-Director of the Centre for Frontier Sciences at Temple University in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is also editor of the journal Frontier Perspectives. The Centre was
established in 1987 to coordinate and promote the exchange and networking of information, on
frontier Issues in Science, Medicine and Technology.
Molecular theory falls short in attempts to explain how Homoeopathy works in terms of
infinitesimal dilutions of a solute. However, an analysis of the nature of the solvent, usually a polar
substance, might be more fruitful. The homoeopathic signal could involve a coherent excitation in the
polar solvent carrier (eg. water, sugar, ethanol) that is produced during the succussion process.
7. The use of Alternative Medicine in Children - A Paediatric Descriptive Survey
This article is also from the Journal of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
March 1995, Vol.1, No.1.
The use of alternative medicine in treating common paediatric conditions can no longer be
overlooked. Studies reveal that more and more parents in Canada, England and the USA choose
alternative therapies for their children.
8. Preventive Role of Euphrasia in Conjunctivitis Epidemic - A Single Blind Study
MOHAN G.R. (HUD,3,4/1995)
A group of 600 volunteers were given Euphrasia and a control group placebo during an
epidemic of Conjunctivitis in Hyderabad in 1988. Euphrasia 30 one dose daily for 3 days was given.
The study revealed that Euphrasia was statistically successful in preventing conjunctivitis.
9. Primary Complex: Promise and Prospects of Homoeopathic Treatment
GUPTA Girish ,(HUD,3,6/1995)
A study of 1000 children in the age of 1-12 years who received homoeopathic treatment for
"Primary Complex". The pilot study lasted eight
years and the results were positive and encouraging. Every case after 3 to 12 months homoeopathic
treatment exhibited marked over-all improvement.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 82
1. The Issue of Education VITHOULKAS G. (EJH,1,2/1995)
In this Editorial VITHOULKAS writes "The problem of education in classical Homoeopathy is a
global one, and day by day it becomes more pressing and urgent. Conscientious students are seeking
places of study while less conscientious ones are risking the chance of practising without any
previous study. Both these groups eventually adopt the title of "homoeopath" and so the patients
cannot differentiate between them". He speaks of teachers who mislead and in the name of
Homoeopathy teach a mongrel Homoeopathy. There are short, condensed courses and there are so
serious ones that teach that you study a case for an year or two before prescribing: In this confusing
scenario some responsible persons have taken action to enforce a general programme and
standardisation of the teaching/education. Classical Homoeopathy has certainly come a long way in
the last three or four decades. In this connection the International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy
in Alonissos (Greece) has been opened to do pioneering work.
1. The Father of American Homoeopathy BEDAYN G. (AH,111994)
The father of American Homoeopathy is Constantine HERING. The "American
Homoeopath"(AH) a new journal (annual) has come into the growing Homoeopathic journals world
from 1994. The journal is published by the North American Society of Homoeopaths. In this article
glimpses of HERI NG are provided. Some interesting anecdotes are provided besides the well-known
incidents in the life of HERING. HERING taught without distinction of race, color, etc. and it is said
that he "was teacher to all who came to him. He was supportive of the abolitionist cause, offering
medical training at his home to many black students who were denied admission to medical schools".
2. Homoeopathy in Albania REOSCH Patricia (HL,8,211995)
A small group of homoeopaths from Switzerland and Germany have been making efforts to
introduce Homoeopathy in Albania. This an of healing was unknown in Albania until 1993! The author
learnt Albanian language and one year later went to Albania and began working in the Polyclinic in
Tirana. She panicipated later in TV and Homoeopathy was introduced in this way to the Albanian
public. Followed by interviews in newspapers. A seminar was held in 1994. There is much enthusiasm
among the Albanian physicians to learn Homoeopathy. To date the expenses have been borne by the
author and her group. Now financial support is called for.
1. Diving into the Deep BEDAYN Greg (AH,1/1994)
The American Homoeopath (AH) a new annual homoeopathic journal has come out with its
first issue during 1994. There are a number of "interviews" with leading homoeopaths world-over.
This article is an interview of the senior-most amongst the homoeopaths, Dr. Edward
C.WHITMONT who is now 84 year-old. The interview reveals Dr. WHITMONT's life in brief and his
work, his great interest in music. We learn that he was leftist in the student movements and later he
narrowly escaped the "Gestapo" while he emigrated to the USA; that he was to have become a great
composer and conductor but however he studied Medicine and became a doctor. He came to
Homoeopathy after observing the anthroposophist physician Karl KOENIG in Vienna. He saw Karl
KOENIG heal quickly a fractured femur with Calcarea phosphorica 6x. Dr.WHITMONT says that he
has not prescribed any allopathic medicine after he left medical school. He became interested in
Psychology and learnt Psychotherapy, later studied with the famous Carl JUNG. His interest in Depth
Psychology increased and he used Psychotherapy and Homoeopathy according to the case. He says
that while he was very much influenced by JUNG he was not a "jungian", not a purist in that tradition.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 83
Psychology and Homoeopathy are mutually complementary and eventually and hopefully destined to
become on interacting approach.
To the question by the interviewer "What do you see in the future for Homoeopathy?"
Dr.WHITMONT has this to say: "In my heart I believe Homoeopathy will never be the dominant
Medicine. It is too difficult for the average physician to master. Our schools do not train imagination
and intuition. If anything, they discourage it. I believe Homoeopathy, like all genuine healing, is a
privilege that will always be available to the few only. Homoeopathy is really very esoteric, and in this
sense life is not democratic. I believe it will come out of its hole of discontent, but I am afraid that its
quality may deteriorate again. I think we are approaching the quality of what they saw during the
Golden Age of Homoeopathy, but I am concerned about the shadow side, the bad practitioners. The
question is, 'What kind of Homoeopathy?" In the health stores today there are combination remedies
for Asthma, for PMS and so on. This is not a good trend. But honestly, I cannot say what will happen
to Homoeopathy. I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet!"
2. Rajan
BEDAYN Greg (AH,111994)
This is an interview with Dr.Rajan SANKARAN. Interest in Dr.Rajan SANKARAN's "insights"
has spread like "wildfire" and has in fact revolutionized. While Dr. WHITMONT is the oldest we may
say that Dr. Rajan SANKARAN is the youngest. Dr. Rajan says how he came to the idea that disease
is a "delusion" and "awareness" is healing. He speaks of his provings, mass-provings, his writing of
the books The Sprit of Homoeopathy, The Substance of Homoeopathy and his third book yet to
come on Group consciousness. Dr. Rajan has already proved Lac defloratum, Lac capricum, Lac
lionium, Lac felinum, Black mamba, and Coca cola. Dr. Rajan spaks with feeling about his teachers
and especially about the late Dr.KONZLI. He loves music especially Hindustani vocal.
Dr.Rajan speaks of a dream he had recently - "I had a dream some time back. I was in a
monastery, and inside there was a lamp which was said to have been burning continuously since the
time of the Buddha. I found the lamp unprotected from the wind and, moreover, the monks had not put
enough oil in it. I tried to protect the lamp and put in some oil, but the flame died. Dr.KONZLI was with
me when this happened and, when I relit the lamp, he insisted that I tell the monks what had
happened. This I did, and they protested--they were not willing to accept the lamp now. I said, "The
lamp is the same, the wick is the same--and a flame is a flame. If it gives you light, use it. "I had this
dream soon after KONZLI's death".
3. I have been accused of being conscientious about Trifles
BEDAYN Greg (AH,111994)
This is an interview with Roger van ZANDVOORT the creator of the Complete Repertory
which may be considered as an improvement of the Synthesis of Frederic SCHROYENS.
ZANDVOORT explains how he came to Homoeopathy and his compilations. He was a
herbalist and then came to Homoeopathy. He speaks of his collaboration with David Kent
WARKENTIN the creator of Mac Repertory, the help of Andre SAINE, Julian WINSTON, the material
available in the Pierre SCHMIDT library and his future works.
4. Somehow I absorb details BEDAYN Greg (AH,111994)
This is an interview with Julian WINSTON. Julian WINSTON has been one of the most
influential promoters of Homoeopathy in the US for the past decade. He is a great historian of
Homoeopathy and may easily be considered as the authority on the subject. He is a highly gifted
banjo player and pedestal guitarist.
How did he come to Homoeopathy? Julian reveals that he met one Countess Catherine
WIELOPOLSKA who introduced him to Dr.Raymond SEIDEI, MD, a 1935 graduate of the
Hahnemann College and a pupil of Calvin KNERR; his chronic complaint of 6 years was cleared and
this turned him on to things homoeopathic. WINSTON was on the board of directors of the National
Centre for Homoeopathy, USA. WINSTON is a great collector of things homoeopathic.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 84
5. Doing Nothing, with Jeremy SHERR BILES Beth & BEDAYN Greg (AH,111994)
This interview is with Jeremy SHERR. Jeremy is well known for teaching Philosophy. Born the
grandson of the head Rabbi of Rhodesia, having lived in Africa, Israel, and Britain, being multi- lingual
and master of the American blues harmonica, Jeremy SHERR comes from an eclectic cultural
heritage. He has published quite a few provings - Scorpion, Chocolate, Hydrogen, amongst them. He
has founded the Dynamis School, England. He studied with VITHOULKAS, Vassilis GHEGAS, Roger
MORRISON. He recalls that his study of Philosophy with Joseph REEVES of Israel made a "big
change" for him. He says that he gets constant feedbacks from his students and that is his learning
experience. "I see myself as a fortunate bee. You know how a bee goes from flower to flower and
pollinates, and it gets the nectar. I get the nectar from my students, then I pollinate and fertilize, then
more nectar". Jeremy says that over the years he has loosened a bit from being dogmatic. He says
"Another problem is that a lot of Homoeopaths base all their prescriptions on the mind these days.
The mind is the most wonderful, interesting part in the human being, the most fascinating part, but
also the trickiest Part-1 often say, "the Mind section is a minefield -tread carefully!" That's where
people go wrong, especially students, because they want to do the fancy footwork, but it's so difficult.
One has to play scales for many years before the jam session. You take Envy and it might be
Jealousy, you take Selfish, it might be Egotistic, you take Indifference to children, it might be
Aversion to family. If you look at the Mind section of the repertory, or the Delusion section, you don't
even find all the remedies there, not a quarter of them. So you're immediately at a disadvantage.
KENT started most of his lectures on Materia Medica with the Generals, then he goes to the Mentals.
When you start in on the Generals, you know you're on firm footing".
SHERR speaks of further provings and collection of toxicological symptoms of many
remedies that are already there. He also talks of the minimum standard for a new entry in the
repertory. Jeremy SHERR is inspiring.
6. Application and utility of Bio-Statistics in Homoeopathy
(CCRH, 17, 1&2/1995)
Statistical studies afford comparisons and evaluation. In Medicine it helps reach conclusions,
and in Homoeopathy too statistics are necessary.
7. Conferences sur la Theorie et la Pratique de I'homoeopathic- R.E.DUDGEON (Lectures on
the theory and practice of Homoeopathy - R.E.DUDGEON)
MABILON Dr.Jean-Lue (CGH,32,1/1995)
Dr.DUDGEON is the translator (German to English) of the fundamental books on
Homoeopathy - Organon, Materia Medica Pura, amongst others. His book "Lectures on the Theory
and Practice of Homoeopathy" is well known. This article is an appreciation of this work.
8. Working and Living with AIDS and HIV BAKER Avril, FOX Karen, deGROOT Christine and
HONAN Natasha (HL,8,2/1995)
During the last 10 years or so AI DS has surpassed even Cancer in its ability to generate fear
and hopelessness. The predominant view is that a positive HIV antibody test leads inexorably towards
AIDS and death. Accompanying this "prognosis" are the embellishments, explanations and
attributions of guilt devised and promoted by the media. For someone new diagnosed as HIV positive
this guarantees a terrifying entry into a world of tests and examinations, drug trials and life-long
medical surveillance. A wealth of information and misinformation is available to paint a grim picture of
the future. Many people who are HIV positive are without symptoms and yet the diagnosis itself - with
all its acquired meaning may immediately place them in an immuno-suppressive situation.
Mike STRANGE, one of the British homoeo - paths with a large HIV and AIDS caseload,
believes that homoeopathic treatment is most beneficial when combined with a detoxification diet,
counselling and some form of spiritual development.
The authors narrate three cases to show what and how much Homoeopathy can do in these
patients. A very interesting article.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 85
9. How Homoeopathic Medicines Act: Mystery Explained
KANSAL Kamal (HUD,3,4/1995)
This is a hypothesis of what happens when the homoeopathic potentized medicine is put on
the tongue. Two cases are cited in support of the hypothesis.
10. The Challenge of Reflective Practice FORDHAM Bob (HOM,56/1995)
"It has been argued very forcefully that all professional activity takes this form: relatively little
is settled and final and subject to formulae and absolute answers much is uncertain and
unpredictable. Understanding the nature of our theory and our practice this way will not diminish
debate, dissent and discussion. It would see these processes as essential, a healthy expression of
genuine reflection. It would, however, suggest that we adopt particular approaches to the presentation
and discussion of our theories. It will be necessary to articulate clearly our own rationales for practice
and, crucially, to locate these in our data. Both the data and the constructs derived from them need to
be exposed to scrutiny. It is not sufficient to describe practical decisions as if they proceed from
"apriori" conditions."
The author discusses in brief "reflective practice".
11. HAHNEMANN as Scientist MORRELL Peter (HOM,57/1995)
This article concerns itself with the extent to which HAHNEMANN was scientific. If we define
science in its broadest sense as the desire to break things down, scrutinise and analyse, then we can
easily see that the 18th century was a very scientific century and in no subject more so than in
Chemistry. But was HAHNEMANN scientific?
The period, 17th and 18th century discoveries in sciences particularly Chemistry -
HAHNEMANN himself was very good in Chemistry -is traced and the discovery of the Law of Similars,
the Provings, etc. are cited; in the sense that HAHNEMANN was analytical, he was scientific.
12. Foredrag om homeopati - behover vi marknadsfora oss? (Talks on Homoeopathy - Do we
need to market ourselves? (Swedish)
LUNDBORG Annette (HLK,4,2/1995)
Less than 5% of the Swedish people know what Homoeopathy is. Annette LUNDBORG
suggests that Swedish homoeopaths need to improve this situation and market themselves by giving
talks on Homoeopathy to the general public. She has produced a compendium of a 45-minute talk
complete with overhead transparencies, which is available on mail order.
13. Cancer and Homoeopathy KULKARNI Arvind (HTIMES,2,2/1995)
In the opinion of the author Homoeopathy alone cannot treat Cancers successfully. Of course
Allopathy too does not succeed in all cases; but if Homoeopathy (or Ayurveda) is "supplemented" to
Allopathy, then it helps more cases of Cancer. The author has written about his experiences in the
use of Homoeopathy along with conservative treatment. Being an Oncologist of 30 years experience,
he is quite clear and open-minded in his opinion that Homoeopathy can be used as a supplemental
therapy to improve the results and compliance with currently available modem medical methods such
as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
14. The Story of my Conversion MISTRY D.E.(HTIMES,2,2/1995)
Dr.MISTRY, a Surgeon, speaks of his "conversion" to Homoeopathy. Since this conversion he
practises exclusively Homoeopathy and to this day has "no regrets for the change over to this
~nderful system of healing". Let all "doubting Toms" take note.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 86
1. Lehrbuch der Homoopathie, Bd.l. Grundlagen und Anwendung (Textbook of
Homoeopathy, Vol.l, Principles and Practice), von G.KOHLER, 6. vollig neu bearb. Aufl.,
222, geb., Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart 1994, DM 80 -(German).
2. Lehrbuch der Homoopathie Bd.ll. Praktische Hinweise zur Arzneiwahl. (Textbook of
Homoeopathy, Practical hints for selection of remedy), 3., durchg. Aufl., 460 S. geb.,
Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart, DM 114 - (German) both review by GEBHARDT
(AHZ,240,3/1995): "…..The books are on the top of text books and should not be missed as
standard homoeopathic books and should have a place in every homoeopath's library".
3. Hahnemann und die Cholera (Hahnemann and Cholera) von SCHEIBLE, K.-F. 95 S.,
kart. Karl F.Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1994, DM 32,50 -(German). review by APPELL
A critical study of HAHNEMANN and the Cholera epidemic in 1830-1836. SCHEIBLE paints
out that Camphor was and is a homoeopathically indicated but antipathically acting medicine. In this,
rigid homoeopathic principles do not succeed, as HAHNEMANN's experience showed and as different
statistics mentioned by SCHEIBLE verify…..”
4. symptomen Verzeichnis (symptom-lndex) von STAUFFER, K. 10 unverand. Aufl., 574
s., geb., Johannes sonntag Verlags- Buchhandlung. stuttgart 1994, DM104, (German)
review by
GEBHARDT (AHZ,240,3/1995)
"The quality of STAUFFER's Symptomen- Verzeichnis is evidenced by the fact that it has now
come in its 10th edition…… "
5. The Dynamics and Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings, by Jeremy sHERR,
Dynamis Books, West Malvern, England, Paperback 136 pages, £14, review by
Julian WINSTON (HOM,56,1995)
"The study of provings is the study of Homoeopathy……"What constitutes a drug
proving?....... What we need are good directions for the controlled research procedure. And that is lat
Jeremy SHERR has given us. In the last few years he has treated us to provings of Scorpion,
Hydrogen, and Chocolate. Soon he will share his recently completed provings of Brassica,
Germanium, Adamas, and Neon……I trust that this magnificent (and much needed) work of Jeremy's
will give us, and the world, many great gifts".
6. Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, with explanation, by Joseph REEVES, 1994
559 pages. Homeopress Ltd. 7 Ekron Street, Haifa 33281, Israel. review by
Elaine WALKER (HOM,56/1995)
"At first sight this is an imposing volume, a dense tome bound in red leather with an equally
weighty price tag. This is an earnest title by a renowned author, and as such will attract students,
Organon scholars and teachers The main body of the book, REEVES' "Explanation of the Organon"
is bafflingly presented with no explanation of the bizarre format. However, it is worth battling through
this obfuscation to the insights on the other side According to the publishers, a multitude of potentially
crucial errors were found and there is certainly space in a book of this magnitude for an exposition of
these errors and their corrections. Sadly, however, only a few are listed. This book is potentially a
useful reference for both teachers and students".
7. Homoeoprophylaxis - A Practical and Philosophical Review by Isacc GOLDEN,
published by Aurum Pty, Victoria, Australia, paperback 27 pages, review by
Felicity LEE (HOM,56/1995)
"……..the author certainly achieved his aim of stimulating debate because I soon found I
wanted to talk it over with colleagues. I hope that the energy generated by discussion arising from this
booklet can be put to positive use "
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 87
8. Carcinosinum - New and Confirmed Clinical Symptoms - A case collection, by Karl- Josef
MULLER, 1994, 53pp. soft cover, DM20. review by
John KIDSON (HOM,57/1995)
Carcinosin is such an important remedy that the more we know about it and the wider that
knowledge is disseminated the better. It was developed after many of our most important textbooks, in
particular KENT's Repertory, were produced and without proper provings. MOLLER's book is a useful
contribution to our knowledge and understanding of this remedy. The remainder of the book consists
of nine cases. The first eight are Carcinosin cases. These covera good range of patients and
complaints, though most of them are children. They are clearly set out and illustrate various aspects
of his theme of over adaptation suppression and domination by parents. MOLLER gives a clear
summary of new and confirmed symptoms after each case and brings them all together, with
references, at the end of the book. The symptoms are given in the form of rubrics as in the Synthetic
Repertory making them easy to add to other repertories. In several cases he has increased the grade
of confirmed symptoms. One of the most striking of his new symptoms is "homesickness" in a child
when the mother is away from home. On the whole, though, this book is a valuable contribution to our
knowledge and understanding of a very important remedy".
9. Emotional Healing with Homoeopathy: A Self-Help Manual, by Peter CHAPPELL,
Element Books, 1994, £8.99, review by
Sohani GONZALIES (HOM,56/1995)
Peter CHAPPELL has wit ten this book ostensibly for the lay reader, but as a practising
homoeopath I found it thoroughly stimulating and illuminating. I believe it will be very helpful in
opening door to territory that even experienced homoeopathic practitioners may not be aware of or
afraid to approach. ……The book is written as a result of his personal experience through many years
of practice and observation. ……..Personally I found this to be one of the most absorbing and lucid
books written on Homoeopathy. Peter CHAPPELL shows a sensitivity and deep understanding of the
human condition revealed for the Homoeopathic disciple…….”
I. Report on the 145th Anniversary of the Deutschen Zentralvereins Homoopathischer
Arzte e.V. in Kiel 12-14 May 1994
Some extracts: The subject was homoeopathic treatment of mental diseases in various
stages of life. Anton DRAHNE pointed out that it was not sufficient to know the patient in his psycho-
physical composition and not losing the view that disease in Homoeopathy is to bring about a
psychosomatic healing. For this healing process and aim for a totality the world around us
(environment) and the times we live in, as physicians, are ail relevant. On the other hand is the
destruction of the environment and natural resources ultimately leading to self-destruction of humans.
Homoeopathy cannot ignore this since many remedies come from the natural environment around
which is threatened.
Anneli ALBRECHT recalled that the idea of Dynamis in Homoeopathy is a contribution to the
refinement of science. HAHNEMANN changed the title of his book from "Organon of Rational
Medicine" to "Organon of Medicine".
Claus JUST of Erlangen spoke of the "Canon of similarity" - $26 of the Organon. He laid
stress on it that the similarity must be of another quality - the permanent removal of a weaker dynamic
affection which is the claim for a radical healing.
The scientific programme was opened by Frank ORTMANN, who filled in the gap in
HAHNEMANN's role in medical history. He said that in 1790 WAGNITZ had opened a hospital in
Weimar which is not far from Georgenthal, for the mentally ill.
Reiner APPELL's lecture was on the Return of the Suppressed in Homoeopathy and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 88
Thomas von GRUDZI NSKI spoke of the connection of central perspective, psychology and
Ortrud LlNDEMANN said that the moment of birth influences the biography. He pointed out
that the bir1h problems and problems of life till then, family constellation, experiences on the earlier
deliveries, also actualisation of the expulsion, all bring their influence. With the help of some cases
LlNDEMANN showed how essential it was to take into consideration these symptoms for finding the
A.GUTGE-WICKERT presented a case of Autism with Neurodermatitis.
GAM spoke on the mental sicknesses of youth. She pleaded for a combination of procedures,
for a co -existence of different therapeutic procedures. She stressed the importance of constitutional
views and listed a large number of medicines which could be considered for differential diagnosis.
Christine MATTHI ESEN spoke on the "therapeutic" suppression of climacteric ailments. With
reference to the recommendation of some homoeopaths for pre-and post hormonal replacement
therapy, she said that only some can be substituted.
With regard to signature theory and archetype ideas of C.G-JUNG Franz Xavier HIPP
discussed the psychodynamics of Sepia. HIPP emphasised to comprehend symbolic archetypal
models, deeper and fundamental conformities.
Jurgen BECKER, whose provings brought out new insights spoke of the psychic dimension of
Ferrum phosphoricum. As central factor he considered the polarity of manliness and childishness,
complaint of a sudden, unexpected events, the sense of defencelessness and panic. He compared
the Ferrum phosphoricum-situation with the mentality after bomb attack and he said that he used the
medicine often during the Gulf War.
Peter MEYER-KONIG showed graphically what influence homoeopathic treatment will have
on the group dynamics in a family.
Manfred von UNGERN -STERNBERG told how he divided his patient's life story into seven-
year periods. Problems of sexuality reflects earlier impressions and therefore requires appropriate
The last and best of the lectures was by Werner BUCHMANN whose deep and wide
knowledge born out of a long life full of experience. He spoke on Calcarea.
With the investiture of the "Samuel" on Ortrud LINDEMANN the harmonic and content-rich
meeting ended.
II. Homoeopathy 1796-1996 - A Medical Science and its History:
A large Homoeopathy Exhibition will be held in the Deutschen Hygiene Museum, Dresden
(Germany) in 1996. It will be opened on 16 May 1996. The DZVhA will hold its annual conference
1996 in Dresden so that this exhibition can be availed of by the participants.
The Exhibition will give an impression of the eventful history of Homoeopathy. It will not only
put up the medical, scientific aspects but also of the spiritual and social history. The themes will
include HAHNEMANN on the cross roads of the late Renaissance, the theory of Natural Laws and the
German idealsim in the 18th century at the beginning of the delimitatio of the "Not-healthy";
Homoeopathy in the 19th century Industrialisation, the anatomisation of the human body, the parting
of Psychology from Medicine, in the 20th century the integration with the National socialism and in the
recent times the actual counter movement towards mechanical medicine.
Video films, written and spoken texts, the development of Homoeopathy, HAHNEMANN's life
and work, the expansion of Homoeopathy in 19th and 20th century, the expansion,
professionalisation, the founding of various journals, the chairs instituted, the homoeopathic
associations, homoeopathic treatment of animals etc. will be covered. Also the pharmacological
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 89
aspects like the procurement and production of the homoeopathic medicines and the development in
the light of the progress of chemical industry will also be displayed. Geographical progress, from
Germany to the UK, the USA, France, India, Brazil etc. will be detailed. Also the famous personalities
connected with Homoeopathy including as patients - Annette von DROSTE- HUOSHOFF, Niccolo
PAGANINI, Charles DICKENS, Mahatma GANDHI, Pope PAUL X among others. (AHZ,24O,311995).
III. Call for donations for the HAHNEMANN - House, Kothen: The house in which
HAHNEMANN spent his eventful years in Kothen has been purchased by the German Homoeopathic
Association and steps have been taken for renovating it (see Chapter News & Notes QHD 11 96). It is
proposed to renovate the house and garden as they were during HAHNEMANN's life time; the
furniture (the original furniture were in Homoeopathic Policlinic in Leipzig and were burnt down during
the bombings in World War II). Therefore the renovation in the same style will cost a lot of money.
Generous donations have therefore been called for. (AHZ,24O,311995).
IV. Thomas BLASSIG-JAGER writes (ACD,4,2/ 1995 -Quecksilberverbindungen in
Impfstooffen) that the vaccines (immunisation) contain Mercury and the adverse symptoms that come
after immunisation indicate Mercury intoxication. Homoeopaths should carefully note the symptoms
and could then see the similarity. If the mother had undergone dental amalgam filling during
pregnancy the offspring would suffer much more from vaccinations.
V. A conference jointly organized by the British Medical Association (BMA) and the
British Medical Informatics Society (BMIS) was held on 1 and 2 December 1994 in London.
Dr.Kenneth CALMAN, Chief Medical Officer, gave the key-note speech in which he visualized a
paperless consultancy office, exchange of information including video clippings, storage of records
and information data, etc. He said that the technology for this electronic wizardry existed.
With reference to Homoeopathy in this scenario Homoeopathy too has implications. Since
Homoeopathic centres are geographically distributed, information scattered all over, it would help
quick and immediate exchange of ideas, access to fresh knowledge available elsewhere, hold satellite
conferences, link countries across the oceans, etc. (BHJ,84,2/1995).
VI. Dr.Barry ROSE, Dean, Faculty of Homoeopathy (British) writes (Simile,5,2,1995) that
the Faculty has decided to embark upon a programme to introduce Homoeopathy to doctors in areas
of the country Where there is little or no tradition of it being used. Consequently it was decided to
target specific area for a pilot run of what has become known as the Road Show. If this plot becomes
successful the Road Show will visit other areas of the country bringing information about
Homoeopathic medicine to as many colleagues as possible.
VII. The Faculty of Homoeopathy held Pharmacy course in 1994. Interest in the Faculty
Pharmacy Course has been expressed by colleagues in Australia, South Africa and the Gulf. A further
two Schools of Pharmacy have decided to include some exposure to complementary medicine in their
undergraduate courses. Only five out of the 16 schools now remain to be convinced!
VIII. Homoeopathy is poised to make considerable progress in South Africa, the antipathy
between the medically qualified physicians and non-medically qualified Homoeopaths (NMQPs)
having been resolved by recent changes in the law. Homoeopaths can now enjoy full membership of
the medical team. They can request medical tests, receive referrals as part of the training programme.
To a large extent this has been brought about by the comprehensive training programme for
Homoeopaths that exist at the Technikons in Durban and (more recently) in Johannesburg…….
A new UK Homoeopathy Act is on the horizon. Discussions on the registration for NMQP's
centre on the establishment of What all parties consider to be an "appropriate training". The Durban
model might offer a way forward. (Simile,5,2/1995 issued with the BHJ,84,2/1995).
IX. For the first time in United States' history, federal funding is being provided for a
clinical study using homoeopathic medicines. Seventy patients with mild traumatic injury will be
included on the double blind study. Funding is being provided by the National Institutes of Health
Office of Alternative Medicine. (Simile,5 , 2/1995 issued with the BHJ,84,2/1995).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 90
X. Dr. Peter MASLIN writes (Simile,5,2/1995 issued with BHJ,84,2/1995) regarding non
- medically qualified practitioners (NMQPs) of Homoeopathy: "There are advantages and
disadvantages in having a full medical training in the practice of Homoeopathy and I would like to see
the current position, of medical and non- medical practitioners working side by side, continue. I would
like to see both sides acknowledge what the other has to offer, and synthesise their different strengths
for the benefit of Homoeopathy and the suffering population. I can see no objection to NMQPs and
medical practitioners working together and bringing their different skills. There is plenty of work for all
of us, and Homoeopathy will expand faster if doctors and NMQPs work together. It would be a pity if
the richness provided by the dialogue between doctors and NMQPs were to be lost because of either
local or European legislation".
XI. English Seminar in Alonissos, May 26-30th 1995 - Advanced Homoeopathy
Seminar with George VITHOULKAS: 57 medical doctors, practitioners and students from England,
Ireland, Europe, Australia, the US and Israel gathered for 5 days of brilliant teaching in the new
International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy in Alonissos. VITHOULKAS interviewed several
cases live, then gave analyses and differential Materia Medica. He explainted the reason for each
prescription and showed clearly how to interpret the varied cases with respect to direction of cure,
when to change a prescription, when you cannot prescribe and how to grade symptoms accurately.
Principles from the Organon were explained as regards the place of mental symptoms, the true nature
of delusions, how to treat patients on cortisone, family dynamics, remedy reaction, the second
interview, and how to recognize suppressions and the homoeopathic aggravation, especially with
reference to skin conditions. Clear pictures of Kali silicata, Stramonium, Zincum, Baryta carbonica,
Onosmodium, Causticum, Argentum nitricum and Belladonna ~re seen. It was also made clear that
once you have the facts (case taking), simple logic will inevitably give correct understanding of the
person's situation and the remedy indicated.
XII. German Seminar 3-8 May 1995. Report by Dr.Christian KAUF and stephan
KELLER: The subject of the Seminar held on the occasion of the opening of the International
Academy of Classical Homoeopathy, was "Allergies, Asthma and Hayfever". There were 140
participants from Germany, Austria, Greece, Hungary, USA. George VITHOULKAs spoke about the
history of the building of the Academy, and later he talked about his vision and the goals he intended
to achieve with this new setting. VITHOULKAs began with the discussion of some of the paper cases
brought along by his pupils. He gave a complete version of the main remedies for Asthma, with the
help of differential diagnosis discussions, constructing them into small Materia Medica for Asthmatic
diseases. On the last day the participants had the chance to discuss the seminar in a feed-back
paper. The participants suggested that the follow up of the live cases should be sent to the
participants later on. The George Vithoulkas Foundation will provide for the organization of the
International Classical Academy for the whole German speaking area. In 1996 there will be a seminar
centering on one specific topic from May 11 to May 18 (EJH,1 ,2/ 1995).
XIII. The Norwegian Parliament has now decided and instructed the Government to
incorporate alternative medicine mainly Homoeopathy and Acupuncture, into the official health
system. The have asked them to investigate how this can be done with the cooperation of the
associations involved. This was decided via unanimous vote, meaning that not one parliament
member voted against it! (EJH,1 ,2/1995).
XIV. Some interesting "tit-bits" from the EJH,1 ,2/1995, from different sources:
1. The connection between Ovarian Cancer and infertility drugs: A new study has been made
showing that the risk of developing ovarian cancer can be doubled or tripled by using the infertility
drugs such as Clomiphene if taken for more than a year. (From JAMA. 14 Sept. 1995).
2. The Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia had numerous followers of
SWEDENBORG most notably, Drs. Constantine HERING and Charles RAUE, both of whom lectured
on the psychological principles underlying homoeopathic treatment.
3. In New England, the present Boston University School of Medicine was originally
founded as a Homoeopathic medical college. Samuel WORCESTER, a graduate of Harvard Medical
School, taught courses at Boston University on the homoeopathic treatment of insanity. In addition,
the Boston University School of Medicine was closely associated with the Westboro State Hospital, a
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 91
local asylum for the treatment of the insane by homoeopathic methods, which was supported by
Massachusetts taxpayers. (From the JI.of Alt. Ther.in Health & Med. Mar. 1995, Vol.l,1.)
4. The most common cancer among men is prostate cancer, but Medicine still does not
know how to treat it. Screening is not recommended as the harm caused out-weighs the benefits, and
successful surgery has yet to be proved. (From JAMA,14 Sep.1994)
XV. In the HL,8,1/1995 Guido MORTELMAN 'Mote on the "dream provings". Drs. Uta
SANTOS and Peter KONIG have responded to this article. They explain how to distinguish the "story"
of the remedy from the "story" of the prover, and the importance for such an understanding. Dreams
are the best way to understand a homoeopathic remedy in its deepest layers. The careful manner in
which the "dream provings" have been carried out, the analysis of the contents of the proving, etc. are
well explained. The authors also recommend study of Edward WHITMONT's book "Dreams, a Portal
to the Source" (1992). Until the writing of this letter the writers have done dream provings of
Berberis, Rhododendron and Convallaria, the last one together with WHITMONT. These are to come
out as a book in 1996. (HL,8,2/1995)
XVI. All of us present in seminars our "successes". While we learn much from these
presentations, yet failures are important feedback and maintain good information to carry on. The
suggestion is that in all seminars in which "live" cases were done, the participants would be sent a
follow-up document about a half year later by the organisers of the seminar. This needs a lot of
courage and openness. (Drs. Uta SANTOS and Peter KONIG, in the HL,8,2/1995).
XVII. Three heretical Theses on the self - evidence of Homoeopathy in our time
(HL,8,21 1995): Dr. Heinrich HUMMER writes about the foibles of us Homoeopaths. The three broad
outlines are -
(i) Dogma versus truth-finding (ii) Narcistic megalomania, and (iii) Mistakes and limits within
homoeopathic therapy. These three "heresies" are discussed. He concludes "We must always be
conscious of the limited influence and sometimes helplessness when “with progression of the
suffering the actual depth becomes clear" and caring support of the patient is essentially required".
XVIII. Ingrid HIGH writes (Letter to Editor, HL,8,2/1995) about hinderances to homoeopathic
cure. The greatest hinderance according to the 'Miter is Mercury and Amalgam, Mercury in fillings is a
slow poison, also the Mercury in the various vaccines (Mercury salts are used as anti-bacterial agent
in most vaccines) are great hinderance to Homoeopathic medicines' action.
There are also other toxic factors in our environment, dust, house-mites, mould in the air,
animals etc.
XIX. Peter KLEIN, writes on behalf of a working Group for the study of MMR-Vaccination
Campaign in Switzerland (HL,8,2/1995). The Swiss Government's mass vaccination campaign has
the following assumptions:
1. Measles can be eradicated world -wide.
2. Measles vaccine is highly effective; a single vaccination provides most probably life-long
3. Severe side effects are extremely rare.
4. Measles is a dangerous disease; 70 Encephalitis cases per year are expected in
5. The benefit of the vaccination is most evident, refusal is irresponsible"
6. Vaccination is voluntary.
Dr.KLEIN takes up these one by one and discusses. He concludes that the quality of artificial
immunisation, and its long term stability, seems to be far less than that provided by natural wild virus
immunisation. He also says that the idea of eradication is not factual and advises to stop routine
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 92
immunisation of toddlers. In Switzerland there is no urgent and threatening epidemiological situation,
but the very consequences of the mass eradication program could produce exactly that kind of
threatening scenario.
XX. In a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine on Nov. 24th 1994, (331 :1397-
402) it is said that there might be a link between the MMR vaccination and the outbreak of Insulin-
Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) in Finland. The IDDM increased after a national MMR
vaccination programme was launched in 1982. Finland has more than 1500 new cases of IDDM per
year. This corresponds to the highest incidence rate in the world.
XXI. Dr.Peter SCHMID, Switzerland writes (HL,8,211995) about homoeopathic prophylaxis
against Malaria. "1) There is no such thing as a homoeopathic prophylaxis". 2) Malaria and Malaria
tropica in particular, is a serious and often critical disease which can be compared to meningitis. 3)
However enriching alternative medicine may be, it must not lead to the proliferation of unchecked and
groundless methods and recommendations which nurture false ideas about travellers' safety and
which might cause a fatal disease. "Working with Homoeopathy myself, I feel entitled to warn the
medical profession and the public against the illusion of a homoeopathic prophylaxis against Malaria".
XXII. In Estavayer-Ie-Lac, a village on the Lake of Neuchatel in the French-speaking part of
Switzerland a project which will be a combine of a Centre for classical Homoeopathy and Dietetics,
under the direction of Dr. Francois CHOFFAT, lecturer at the French-speaking Swiss School of Unicist
Homoeopathy. It is planned that six assistants at a time will be trained under the supervision of
several experienced homoeopaths. The centre will also accommodate seminars for up to 100
participants and provide, to a certain extent, housing and meals for guest speakers.
The inspiration comes from out of the work of Dr.Catherine KOUSMINE (1904-1992).
KOUSMINE was a pioneer in what is today called, Ortho-Molecular Medicine. The diet she
recommended and tested for over forty years considerably improves the prognosis of degenerative-
type diseases (mainly cancers, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Polyarthritis and AIDS).
The creation of this centre provides a unique opportunity to participate in the pioneering of an
unprecedented venture. (Those interested in learning more about this project may contact: The
Centre de Sante Holistic, La Corbiere, Case postale 30, CH-1470 Estavayer-Ie-Lac.)
XXIII. In the HL,7,411994 and 8, 111995) readers raised the question "Why Cancer after
the Simillimum?". Dr.Dario SPINEDI who studied with Dr.Jost KONZLI says that he raised this
question with Dr.KONZLI who answered "I have never seen a severe illness like Cancer or Multiple
Sclerosis develop after correct long-term Homoeopathic treatment." Dr.SPINEDI says further that
after 17 years of practice he too "hardly had seen ever the development of severe illness in cases
which were treated wiIl with a clear simillimum".
Good homoeopathic treatment means following the rules set by HAHNEMANN, KENT and
practised by masters like Pierre SCHMIDT, Jost KONZLI, Horst BARTHEL and others. It also means
psychological help as HAHNEMANN mentioned that sorrow and grief may represent as obstacle to
cure; perceiving the human in his/her wholeness of body, mind and spirit is inherent to good
treatment. If during homoeopathic treatment such diseases like Multiple Sclerosis develop it certainly
means the simillimum has not been given. Follow-up after 1-2 years duration is insufficient. If one
develops serious illness after one year of homoeopathic treatment it means that the correct remedy
had not been prescribed. We should refrain from presenting cases of follow-up after a short time. At
least 5 years is necessary. KONZLI's cases had at least 10 years follow-up.
Another writer says that the Dynamis cannot be controlled by us. (Therefore in spite of proper
Homoeopathic treatment severe illness may develop). Another reason may be failure in proper
miasmatic treatment. (HL,8,2/1995)
XXIV. Dr.Henk van HOOTEGEM, Belgium writes in a letter to the Editor of HL,8,2/1995,
about the "imitation of Homoeopathy": Dr. van HOOTEGEM says that he is no more a
"fundamentalist" of Homoeopathy after 11 years of practice of Homoeopathy and that he has
observed patients develop serious pathology despite proper homoeopathic therapy. There are many
other factors that can playa role in health and disease; therefore the argument that such a situation
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 93
was because of the prescriber overlooking some fact and therefore did not get the simillimum etc. is
not correct. Such a philosophy is "reductionist" and it is humiliating for the patient.
two cases are cited in detail, which shows that despite homoeopathic prescribing the patients
developed fatal pathology and concludes that (i) the relationship between a homoeopathic remedy
and patient is reciprocal; (ii) the homoeopathic remedy influences the psycho-physical state of the
patient; (iii) the state of the patient influences the reaction to the remedy; (iv) the person must, in a
certain sense be "mature" or "receptive" to react to a Homoeopathic remedy.
XXV. Dr. Dani ella LEMANN of Switzerland presents excerpts from a literature survey
regarding Febrile Disease and Tumor. The study reveals that generally Cancer patients have been
remarkably free of other diseases (infections, fevers, common colds, etc.)
XXVI. Some quotes from Jeremy SHERR's book "The Dynamics and Methodology of
Homoeopathic Provings" by reviewer Julian WINSTON (see Books section), which are very
interesting: "Any sensation or phenomenon arising during a proving is but a seed which has always
existed within us, a seed that has never before germinated and flowered…….I look forward to doing a
proving because I know it is a learning experience without comparison. Sometimes it is great fun, and
sometimes it is lousy and one suffers. Either way it is an adventure……"
"It is worth bearing in mind that some homoeopaths are thinking of using a bio-medical model
to assess the efficacy of their remedies, while in fact the very model has been found repeatedly to be
faulty….. It is hard to see how scientific, empirical trials would be appropriate for use with
homoeopathic remedies, and it is certainly difficult to predict the outcome of such tests if they are
successful. Is it likely that the medical profession would lay down their prescription pads and become
homoeopaths?...... It seems more likely that some remedies would be appropriated by the medical
profession (as Bryonia, Rhus tox. , Pulsatilla, and Apis were during the late 19th century), possibly
producing "half breeds" who practise some Homoeopathy with their allopathy, a compromise that
HAHNEMANN railed against as long ago as 1830."
"Another reason that most homoeopaths these days are reluctant to participate in provings is
because they are entrenched in their ongoing constitutional treatment. They imagine that the proving
interlude will arrest their search for the "holy grail", the simillimum that leads to health and
enlightenment. A brief interlude should not hinder their progress, and many have been surprised to
find that the proving achieved better results than all their previous treatment! Provings are
homoeopathy's gift to the homoeopath, a gift we receive once we embrace the unknown."
"A simillimum is the remedy that produces nothing new (i.e., it is curative) OR the simillimum
is the remedy that does not do a proving OR a proving will occur only as a result of a remedy that is
not the simillimum". Therefore, many symptoms that patients experience after the administration of a
remedy, and are explained as "aggravation. healing crises, return of old symptoms" are, says Jeremy,
nothing more than proving sysmptoms of the (wrong) remedy. (HOM ,56/1995).
XXVII. Louisa May ALCOTT, the authoress of the famous book Little Women (which has
been filmed) was a lay homoeopath. She was the neighbour of the famous American thinker Ralph
Waldo EMERSON who himself was a homoeopath! In the Mid 1800s Homoeopathy was thriving in
the USA. In the movie Little Women the producers were attempting to put in something from the
personal life of Louisa: Many anecdotes have been discovered by enthusiasts of this author, which
are of great interest to homoeopaths. (HT,15,3/1995)
XXVIII. After HomeoNet and certain other services. now there is an exclusive e-mail service
(in the USA) for Homoeopathy. Contributions are welcome whether you are a practitioner, patient or
just simply interested in the subject.
Similarly PARACELSUS list has been created by AMR'TA (the Alchemical Medical Research
and Teaching Association). The primary focus of this list is the clinical practice of natural medicine,
alternative therapies and complementary health-care. All schools of medicine and all therapeutic
modalities are welcome.
XXIX. In the Editorial of HT,15,4/1995, Julian WINSTON writes of the Media reports that in
the US, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) among the children is increasing. That it affects 2.5 million
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 94
people. Characterized by sudden outbursts, hyperactivity (especially in children), and the ability to be
easily distracted, ADD is reported in about 5% of school-age children. The popular sciences and
media propagate that there is no known cure. Harris COULTER has put forth a thesis that ADD is as a
result of vaccines. Anyway, a look in the Repertory would indicate many rubrics in the Mind section
that would seem to be a good starting place: Concentration, difficult; Irritability; Inconstancy; Mood,
alternating, etc. etc.
XXX. Julian WINSTON and his wife Gayneth EVANS spoke for about 3 hours in the
Homoeopathic Study Group in Alexandria, Virginia in early December 1994. Some excerpts:
homoeopathy is not a substitute for Aspirin. It is a different way of thinking with Homoeopathy. One
should not get into the habit of taking a Homoeopathic pill for headache, or other day-to-dayailments
like the allopathic drugs. It would make one think "I can take this when I have this". This is an
allopathic mind-set. Homoeopathy is a way of deeply affecting a person's heath and vitality. In a
difficult case the prescriber's main concern is to look at the case, and figure out for what to do in a
case, usually the answer has to do with the philosophy of homoeopathic case taking and analysis
more than it has to do with knowing the Materia Medica.
Give only the medicine as required, the least. We are dealing with energy and need to be
gentle as the Organon says in the beginning. Even in acute cases write down the symptoms,
because if the remedy given does not cure, who can look into the symptoms again and examine it for
the correct remedy.
In paragraph 9 of the Organon HAHNEMANN says "in the healthy person the Vital Force
rules with unbounded away and retains the parts of the organism in vital operation so that our
reasoning spirit can freely use this instrument to reach the lofty goal of human existence". The sway is
that sometimes you feel well and sometimes you don't but soon again sway to being well, the sway is
either side and it is ok. When this doesn't happen and the sway gets stuck somewhere it is illness, like
you see a sad movie and keep weeping or feeling sad for days which is "stuckness" instead of feeling
sad for a while and returning to the normal state, which is "unbounded" state. There is nothing wrong
in getting a cold or fever once in a while but it shouldn't tie one up.
XXXI. Notes from Amy ROTHENBERG's Class at the NCH Summer School in 1993: Out of
all the infertility cases examined in the US a whopping 12% of the cases have no known physiological
or pathological reason; and no cause is ever determined. Infertility can definitely be a constitutional
problem. Some of the remedies frequently used to treat this problem :
Natrum muriaticum: One of the biggest remedies for infertility; the person has experienced a
tremendous grief and then shuts down. No physiological reasons (sperm is good in man; woman still
Sepia: Long history of birth-control pills. Periods were never right since birth control, abortion,
miscarriage, or having first baby: Bearing down sensation, as if everything is falling out, especially
during period.
Ignatia: After shock or grief. Periods may actually STOP. Had period with good flow until grief
and then it just stops.
Medorrhinum: History of high sexuality, with Gonorrhoea or pelvic scarring. History of many
XXXII. Report on Dr. VIJAYKAR and Dr.Jayesh SHAH Seminar in September 1995 at
Bombay. Some Extracts: Dr. VIJAYKAR's case: A married Muslim lady suddenly developed fear that
she would cut her throat on looking at knife, attempted to strangle herself with her own hands; Chilly,
yet aggravated by sun; Desires sweets and spicy. Her psychic symptoms cleared rapidly under Hepar
sulphuricum M. However Dr. VIJAYKAR said that the cure is not total until the physical generals also
are relieved. Therefore her childhood mental state was considered and Arsenicum album
(Conscientious; Anxiety for others; Vivacious; Chilly, yet agg. by sun; Desire for sweets and spicy)
cured her.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 95
Jayesh SHAH: 29 year-old man looking like a boy who was rather timid, looked girlish (no
beard, no hair on chest, girlish in speech). He would resort to "self-destruction" by smoking/drinking, if
something goes wrong in his business. Faint-hearted. All anxiety felt in his stomach. Asthma. His
father never encouraged him in his childhood even when he did well in school but his younger brother
got all the affection. He lamented that his mother was the same. Intensely emotional. His dreams:
'There is a race for which I am practising and building myself for many days. And I am sure to win this
race. I want so much to win it. I called everybody to watch, specially the parents. The race starts and I
stumble on a stone and fall down. My world comes crashing down on me". This patient was given
Aurum metallicum (pining boys with no go). Improved.
Some observations:
Aurum arsenicicum: Fanatic about a cause. Scarifies on self for a cause but neglects own
children and household.
Aurum muriaticum: Selfish, self-centred and morose about his ailment. Loathing of life
because of his ailments.
Aurum iodatum: Hasty, hurried, Excitable and changeable.
Aurum sulphuratum: Sacrificing himself for the family. Fear of robbers is marked.
Full addresses of the journals covered by this Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST (QHD) are given below.
1. ACD: Archiv fur Homoopathik, Dynamis-Verlag, AM Vogelherd 18, 46147 OBERHAUSEN, GERMANY.
2. AH: The American Homoeopath, 1550, Houston Road, Lafayette,CA94549, U.S.A.
3. AHZ: Allgemeine Homoopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1, GERMANY.
4. BHJ: British Homoeopathic Journal, Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, Great Ormond Street,
5. CCRH: CCRH Quarterly Bulletin, 61-65, Institutional Area, D-Block, Janakpuri, NEWDELHI-110 058,
6. CGH: Cahiers Groupement Hahnemannien du Docteur Pierre SCHMIDT, Medecine et Hygiene, 78,
avenue de la Roseraie, Case 456, CH-1211 GENEVE4, SWITZERLAND.
7. EJH: European Journal of Classical Homoeopathy, International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy,
Alonissos 37005, GREECE.
8. HH: Homoeopathic Heritage, B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1921, Street 10th, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, Post
Box 5775, NEW DELHI-110 055, INDIA.
9. HL. Homoeopathic Links, Homoeopathic Research and Charities, "Dinar", 20, Station Road, Santacruz
(W), BOMBAY-400 054, INDIA.
10. HLK: Forum for Homeopatisk Lakekonst, Svenska Akademin for Klasisk Homeopati, Folkungagaten 84
11. HOM: The Homoeopath, Journal of the Society of Homoeopaths, 2, Artizan Road, NORTHAMPTON NN1
4HU, U.K.
12. HT: Homoeopathy Today, National Center for Homoeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
Alexandria, VA 22314, USA.
13. HTIMES: Homoeopathy Times, The Foundation for Homoeopathic Research, 805 Giriraj, Neelkanth Valley,
Ghatkopar, MUMBAI-400 077, INDIA.
14. HUD: Homoeopathic Update, B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1921, Chuna Mandi, Street 10th, Paharganj, Post
Box 5775, NEW DELHI-110 055, INDIA.
15. IJHM: Indian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine, CMP Homoeopathic Medical College, N.R.Gadkari Marg,
Irla, Vile Parle (W), MUMBAI-400 056, INDIA.
16. JAIH: Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, 23200, Edmonds Way, #A, Edmonds, WA 98026,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 96
1. Some Extempcxmeoos Comments 00 Sulphur by Prof. J.T.KENT
(The American Homeopath Vol. 111994)
This exerpt from an article in The Homoeopathic Physician, April 1885, is part of our "Golden
Age of Homoeopathy Project". This obscure journal entry and many others (50,000 pages) came to us
from the Collection of Andre SAINE, ND. Andre's relentless research in various libraries resulted in a
collection of the most reliable literature of the period beginning 1825 with Homoeopathy coming to
America with Dr.Hans Burch Gram, and continuing to 1922 when most of the Homoeopathic colleges
had been shut down from the publication of Carnegies Flexner Report. Many people made
contributions to bring this project to life, including Andre SAINE, Wayne JONAS, ROGER
bring you selected pieces from this Golden Age project.
Sulphur goes as deep into life as any remedy in the Materia Medica; has deeply situated
affections. It affects the system slowly and profoundly, being long-acting; leaves marked traces of its
action. Sulphur aids in absorption. There is no remedy that will so speedily tone up an old, broken-
down constitution as Sulphur. Old deposits in tissues will disappear under its influence; infiltration in
the parenchyma of the lungs is taken up and caused to disappear by it. In the treatment of neglected
pneumonia, where there are deposits in the lungs, Sulphur causes them to be absorbed.
All over this country we have hay-fever. During its season people flee to the White Mountains,
to Northern Michigan, across the ocean, everywhere, seeking relief. For four days I have cured every
case presented to me; you will do the same thing easily and nicely if you follow the law of cure.
On my trip East this year a case presented itself that had been in existence eleven years. The
man was at Panama eleven years ago, and the hay-fever had followed an attack of Panama-fever.
Coming on each year about the 20th of August he had an attack of hay-fever. He had consulted all
sorts of pathists as well as some of the best homoeopaths in this country. Recognising the fact that it
had followed Panama-fever, knowing the excellence of the prescribers that had gone before, believing
without doubt that he had taken Carbo vegetabilis. (the kind remedy after a badly treated fever). I
gave him the sister remedy, Psorinum, the symptoms perfectly agreeing. The disease left him in
twenty-four hours and did not return.
Each remedy has its own symptoms. No other remedy will cure an Allium cepa case except
Allium cepa, and you cannot make up for your ignorance by increasing the size of the dose. If you
would find your remedy you must hunt for it.
Treasure peculiar symptoms
A singer at the Cave this summer was greatly troubled with tickling in his throat. Going to all
the physicians in his neighbourhood, all told him he must have the palate amputated! As a last resort
he tried a despised homoeopath -myself. I found a bright redness of palate and uvula, the latter
looking like a little bag of water. A single dose of Kali bichromicum cured the case.
The thirst of Sulphur is depraved, and is for alcohol or beer. This is in keeping with the state
or condition in old, broken down people. As they become old and feel a loss of strength they have
cravings for strong drink.
Nux vomica is another remedy producing this condition, and is complementary to Sulphur.
Podophyllum and Nux vomica antidote each other. Nux vomica and Sulphur will do the same.
A young lady patient of mine, having formed a habit of taking Chloral, was stopped by her
parents. Slyly, without their knowledge, she began to take whisky and coffee. They became too poor
for her to afford the whisky, so she had recourse to alcohol and coffee. She shut herself up, using
twenty-five cents worth of alcohol every day!-a larger quantity than I ever know to be used daily. Nux
vomica enabled that woman to stop drinking immediately, and her nervousness also disappeared.
Nux vomica, one dose per day for three months, then Sac. lac., cured her entirely. In this it is related
to Sulphur.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 97
We have but one other strong remedy having "a ravenous desire for sweets, which make him
sick" -Argentum nitricum. These have both the desire and the aggravarion, but there is this distinction.
The Sulphur patient will get up in the night to get sugar, which causes him to have sour stomach,
heart-brun, vomiting, and a great amount of distress; Argentum nitricum will steal the sugar, and it
brings on diarrhoea, or the mother will eat candy and her nursing baby will have a diarrhoea of "grass-
green stools". You will think of Chamomilla or Aconite or Mercurius but you must give Argentum
We often find grand indications for the use of Sulphur in the delay of the first menses. Glands
slow of development, unhealthy skin; pimples upon the face; languid; tired; seventeen or eighteen
years of age; menses not yet appeared, or scant in flow. Pulsatilla and Sepia are also of great value in
this condition. In the leuco-phlegmatic temperament, with damp, cold feet, damp and pallid skin,
Calcarea follows well after Sulphur.
An imperfect development of a fetus, even though it occurs but once, is an indication for the
administration of this remedy. We have spoken of Apis and its efficiency in threatened abortion.
Followed by Sulphur it cures the predisposition to abort at future pregnancies. Pulsatilla, Helleborus,
Aletris, Caulophyllum, are used to prevent this tendency, but none are so frequently indicated as
Sulphur, Give a new-born baby a dose of Sulphur, it will prevent many troubles. It is well you should
look into and study these things that you may provide for and prevent many conditions that may arise.
Should father or mother be syphilitic, give a few doses of Mercurius. Should either be sycotic, give a
dose of Thuja. In vaccination, one dose of Sulphur before or after the completion of the vesicle. Of
course, this is when you do not see indications for another remedy. Many expert homoeopaths give
one dose of Sulphur during or after completion of pustulation.
Many give one dose of Sulphur two weeks or a month before a dose of Thuja because of the
known sycotic action of Thuja. Vaccininum is also used. Many undertake to give Veratrum, Arnica, or
Aconite, because of the impending inflammation, and because these remedies correspond to the first
stage of fever. DUNHAM says, 'Why not go to the root of the fever at once, and give Sulphur," as in
ninety - nine cases out of a hundred Sulphur will have cured the fever within twenty-four hours, and
the pulse will again be normal. If you treat it in this way, you will have few losses and find it as simple
as measles.
2. Reflection on Suffering Dr.PULLEN, William M.D.
(William PULLEN, M.D., is a practising physician in Santa Monica, California, USA. He is a
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles and long time
member of the Vedanta Society of Southern California.
This article is taken from a collection of articles 'Values -The Key to a Meaningful Life'
which appeared in the Dec. 1995 issue of the journal Vedanta Kesari, later issued as a separate
booklet by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras).
That suffering and death are integral to human existence is clear. We are born, enjoy the brief
illusion of immortality peculiar to youth, and reluctantly descend into an abyss of gradual deterioration
punctuated by misery and culminating in death. This is our common material destiny. The occasional
exceptions, spared the burdens of age, are mourned as dying before their time. However unpleasant
life may be, it would seem, most prefer it to the alternative.
Man's suffering is the physician's charge. Bodily pain, intellectual anguish and spiritual
despair keep us in business. The patient's calamity is the doctor's routine As a Western physician
whose philosophical foundation has been greatly influenced by Eastern thought, a number of
observations occur.
One would think that death and dying should be a great impetus to spiritual evolution.
However, much of modern Western culture has apparently evolved to distract us from our fate and at
times even to conceal it from us. Medicine, once considered a healing art, is seen as a science whose
purpose is to conquer disease and cheat death. The notion that nobility, or for that matter anything
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 98
good, may arise from suffering has become passe. A treatment is expected, even demanded, for
every complaint. And when finally life's end is reached, the process is hidden and the result sterilized.
Many in this country will find their last hours filled with fluorescent lights and unfamiliar faces.
The desperate struggle to keep the body alive must seem, to the dying, like a final denial of their
spiritual being. Loved ones, in simpler times, were often present to give comfort and bear witness.
Such vigils must have helped many along their own spiritual paths. Not so now. Rather the terminally
ill are often brought to the hospital by distraught family who bid the physician and all he commands to
"do everything possible". By this, of course, they mean, keep the body alive. This process is often
driven by guilt in the family, unreasonable expectations offered by physicians, and failure of the
patient to have made contrary wishes known. Underlying this is the general lack of faith in any but a
corporeal existence.
One final absurdity plays out after all measures to sustain life fail. The remains are cleverly
hidden from view of the living until they can be whisked away, usually after dark, for their final
attentions. The result is extraordinary. A carefully dressed and groomed body, preserved for all time,
is returned to the family in a satin lined, hermetically sealed box. The eyes ae closed, the expression
placid, and the appearance that of stately repose. Grim evidence of the last agonal moments are
replaced by the illusion of eternal slumber.
How is a physician to contend with such suffering? Despite our best efforts all our patients are
destined to die, many miserably. The choices are few Some can circumvent compassion and treat the
whole matter as a scientific challenge. They may even argue that one's emotional responses cloud
the clear reasoning needed to solve the problem at hand. However, most of us begin by caring deeply
about our patients and inevitably have some emotional involvement. Over the years this takes a toll.
Many are eroded by the endless presentations of suffering and the inevitable triumph of death. Seeds
of despair are so sewn. The fruit, when ripe, has the bitter taste of cynicism.
My own professional life is sustained and often salvaged by my spiritual beliefs. The legacy of
the body appears entirely unacceptable without the existence of the soul. If self-awareness, not Self -
awareness, is truly the difference between man and beast, I should think we'd have all killed
ourselves long ago. A properly planned suicide certainly seems preferable to an excruciating
extinction. Nonetheless our species persists. An intuitive awareness of our true immortality is
universal. This sense of immortality, when recognized as stemming from the soul, fosters spiritual
growth and allows physical suffering to be experienced in a far more acceptable context. However,
when the mind associates this same intuitive immortality with our material being, spiritual evolution is
suppressed and bodily suffering becomes intolerable.
By recognizing the physical, intellectual and spiritual nature of human beings, a physician
becomes more effective and less likely to slip into cynicism. Seeing the integration of body, mind and
soul quickly leads to the conclusion that a disturbance in one inevitably affects the others. Treating the
body without acknowledging the mind and soul fails to take proper advantage and often threatens
Vedanta philosophy is particularly well suited to the practice of medicine. An irrefutable belief
in the soul arises from our own spiritual experience. The resulting faith supports a vision of purpose
and order that would be otherwise blinded by the daily spectacle of death and dying. Life's voyage
through a seeming sea of suffering ceases to be tragic once the body is recognized as a vessel for
the soul, not the sole vessel.
I. THE MEMORY OF WATER - Homoeopathy and the Battle of Ideas in the New Science,
by Michael SCHIFF Thorsons, An Imprint of Harper Collins, 1995, pp.166,
Witch hunting, inquisition of those who dare to have different ideas - even in "Science" - are
not something of the past. While the "heretics" are not anymore burned at the stake, now they are
humiliated and hounded in different ways. There is as much superstitution in "Science" as in other
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 99
spheres. However, it is in spite of such opposition and intolerance and personal sufferings that new
ideas in sciences have come up and validated.
The "prestigious" journal "Nature" published a report, after holding up for some time - in
Vol.333, 1988, of Dr.Jacques BENVENISTE, a respected scientist in the INSERM (the French
National Institute for Health and Medical Research), which gave the details and results of repeated
experiments which he and twelve other scientists had been doing for quite some time. The
experiments showed that water can retain the "memory" of molecules it once contained, and
that if solutions of antibodies were diluted repeatedly until they no longer contained a single
molecule of antibody, they still produced a response from immune cells.
Such results are contrary to known laws of biochemistry and - here is the heresy - it would
validate the claims of Homoeopathy! Established "Science" therefore decided to disallow and
denigrate this claim. Nature sent a team to BENVENISTE's laboratory consisting of its Editor John
MADDOX, a magician James RANDI and a self-appointed investigator of scientific "fraud", Walter
STEWART. The team gave to the world its judgement - the results claimed by BENVENISTE was only
a "delusion".
Dr.Jacques BENVENISTE was, until then, a highly respected scientist, but not any more.
There were discussions in Nature, New Scientist, Science, etc. - most of them strongly condemning
BENVENISTE and very few "doubting", "may be", and hardly one or two "believing" it.
And so ultimately BENVENISTE's laboratory was deprived of any official means to carry on
his research into high dilutions by the French Institute for Medical Research and his laboratory was
closed do”.
It is another matter that experiments similar to BENVENISTE's have been performed
elsewhere and similar results - that high dilutions do carry the "memory" - were obtained. Established
science "did not want to hear about these". Indeed one need not be surprised to see violent
irrationality of some scientists.
BENVENISTE's case is an example of "intolerance" and unwanted censorship and stifling of
evidences which do not accord with the dominant school.
The persecution of HAHNEMANN and the early homoeopaths (see "The Pioneers of
Homoeopathy" by T. L. BRADFORD) may be recalled.
While Rupert SHELDRAKE's theories of "morphic reasonance" and the hypothesis of
"Formative Causation" were also much criticised as they challenged the established science, he was
not badly treated. BENVENISTE's mistake was that his experiments validated the homoeopathic high
potencies which the "scientific" world cannot tolerate. Unfortunately for BENVENISTE homoeopaths
across the oceans also shouted "Eureka" and this too must have angered the "scientists".
Michael - SCHIFF's book is well documented and balanced. He argues against repression
and prejudice. As one who had closely read the note books of the associates of BENVENISTE and
held discussions, he has written a very informative and interesting book which should be read by all
scientific-minded persons. The book clearly shows that what was done to BENVENISTE was not
different from what was done to earlier scientific path-breakers.
The inquisitors refused to look through GALILEO's telescope and condemned him as heretic.
Nevertheless there will always be people who dare "Sapere aude".
2. Chronic Miasms in Homoeopathy and their cure with classification of their Rubrics/
Symptoms in Dr.KENT's Repertory (Repertory of Miasms) by Dr.Ramanlal P.PATEL,
Hahnemann Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Hahnemann House, College Road, Kottayam-
686 001, India. 1996, pp.76; 1264. Rs.500/- Export Edition US $30/-.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 100
It may be recalled that Dr.R.P.PATEL published in 1993 a large compendium titled "Analysis
and Evaluation of Symptoms of Dr.Kent's Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica" (see OHD,
Vol.X, 1/93 Part-11 p.16) which has been well received by the Profession.
Dr.PATEL has now brought out a more valuable compendium titled "Chronic Miasms in
Homoeopathy and their Cure with classification of their rubrics/symptoms in Dr.Kent's Repertory."
While most of the acute diseases like Whooping, cough, Small pox, Cholera, Diphtheria, in
which Homoeopathy won its laurels have become rare now we have many chronic diseases which
pose a big challenge to the medical profession in general. And it is for Homoeopathy to cure more of
these Chronic diseases. A thorough understanding of the nature of chronic miasms is essential for
this purpose.
There have been in the past and there are even now homoeopaths who did/do not accept in
toto HAHNEMANN's concept of Chronic Diseases. Again, there are homoeopaths who opine that
there are many more chronic miasms than only the three which the Master proposed. To dear the
doubt, that may be lurking in one's mind about the importance of consideration of a chronic miasm in
all chronic diseases Dr. PATEL narrates his personal experience and how he cured himself of Neuro
Fibro –Sarcoma, with secondaries in the right lung only after he took into consideration the sycosis
miasm latent in him. In the light of such proof who can gainsay chronic miasms?
Instead of theoretical arguments about the Chronic Miasms let the profession act in
accordance with HAHNEMANN's directions and evaluate and treat chronic diseases after identifying
the underlying Miasm/s.
To aid such an action Dr.PATEL's current work under review would certainly be of very great
Illuminative essays "Introduction to Chronic Miasms" "Psora or Miasm of Psora", "Sycosis or
Miasm of Sycosis", "Syphilis or Miasm of Syphilis" running to about 70 pages precede the text. These
are followed by "Cases and Comments on Miasmatic Repertorisation". These essays themselves are
worth the purchase of this work
The text - "Miasmatic Classification of Rubrics/ Symptoms in Dr. Kent's Repertory" then runs
to 1264 pages. This is the "consulting" part of the work which may be used in the day today practice
with great advantage.
Dr.PATEL validates the importance of anti - miasmatic treatment by his own personal
experience narrated in the "Preface".
This work of Dr.PATEL may be recommended without any reservation for day today use by all
Printing errors are very rare. (for example last line on p.11 should read "MONTAI GNE" - (the
great French Philosopher) -and in p.25 - line 11 from above, "letter" should read as "latter".)
Printing, paper, binding good and the price for such a comprehensive work is low.
3. l'enseignement du Dr.Pierre Schmidt, textes recueillis par le Dr.J.BAUR, Editions
Similia, 1990. (The teachings of Dr.Pierre Schmidt. Text collected by Dr.J.BAUR,
Editions Similia, 1990).
Dr.Pierre SCHMIDT (1894-1987) has, after Dr.James Tyler KENT (1849-1916) remained till
date, the greatest homoeopath of this Century. Dr.SCHMIDT was a student of Dr.Frederica
GLADWIN, who herself was a student of Dr.KENT. Dr.SCHMIDT wrote and lectured extensively,
besides practising Homoeopathy of the highest standard. Dr.SCHMIDT constituted in 1946, a group of
students in Lyon, France and the group was known as Groupement Hahnemannien where he taught
classical Homoeopathy. Dr.Jacques BAUR one of his students has done the great service to
Homoeopathy by selecting the more important of the teachings (lectures) of Dr.SCHMIDT to the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 101
Groupement Hahnemannien and compile them in a two volume work titled L'enseignement du
Dr.Pierre Schmidt published by Editions Similia, France.
This work contains articles which are beside the large number of articles of Dr.SCHMIDT
published in the different journals during the last 50 years, and also the addresses in the LIGA
Congresses. Thus these are significant for all serious students of Homoeopathy.
Vol.1 has five Chapters in 434 pages: 1. Personal and Autobiographical Notes, generalities
about Homoeopathy. 2. The disease and the individual Symptomatology. 3. Remedy prescription and
the Materia Medica. 4. Medical psychology. 5. The 25th anniversary of the Groupement
Vol.II has five Chapters in 508 pages: 1. Generalities. 2. Discussions. 3. The Results. 4. The
Repertory of Kent and its utilisation. 5. Clinical Cases (there are about 60 lectures on this alone).
It is difficult to "review" such a treasure. The publishers would be doing great service to
Homoeopathy if an English translation is published early. In the maze of different teachers teaching
their own ideas of homoeopathy and the methodologies which confuse the Homoeopaths, it is very
important that KENTian Homoeopathy which has stood the test of time is once again made available
to all through Dr.SCHMIDT's works.
Printing, paper and binding are all good. A great treasure.
4. Clinical Ophthalmology with Homoeopathic Therapeutics, by Dr.Kamal KANSAL, edited
by Dr.lndrani Das GUPTA, B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1996. Pp.132.
Hardbound Rs.80/-.
As the title of the book reveals this is a clinical book on Ophthalmology with Homoeopathic
therapeutic hints. There have so far been only very few books on this subject in so far as
Homoeopathy is concerned and Practitioners have been sorely in need of an up-to-date and at the
same time not too elaborate textbook. This need is fulfilled by this work.
The Eye disorders which generally come across the Homoeopathic practitioner are explained,
and at the end of each chapter the homoeopathic remedies that may be useful in those disorders are
listed. The entire subject is covered by 14 chapters beginning with the Anatomy of the Eye and ending
with Therapeutics, and an Index. The special Anatomy and Physiology have been explained in the
relevant chapters. The book is well illustrated. There are eight pages of colour plates at the beginning
of the book and these color plates are clear and good.
Printing, paper and binding are good and the price is reasonable. The book can be
recommended for the daily reference of the Homoeopathy practitioner.
5. Therapeutics of Veterinary Homoeopathy by Dr.R.P.MADREWAR, B.Jain Publishers (P)
Ltd., New Delhi, 196. Pp.296. Hardbound. Rs.75/-.
Homoeopathy is equally effective in the treatment of animals (whether large or small,
including birds and fishes) as has been the experience of many who use so. Although HAHNEMANN
said that separate provings should be carried out on animals for discovering homoeopathic medicines
suitable to animal life, a pure Materia Medica for the animals (that HAHNEMANN had proposed such
provings is seen from a lecture prepared by him; the manuscript of this lecture is in the library of the
Karl-Marx University, Leipzig - see "Wiederentdeckt: ein grundlegendes Manuskript
Hahnemanns" von Daniel KAISER, ZKH,33,3/1989), however, to this day no such "provings" seem
to have been ventured anywhere in the world. In day to day veterinary practice however,
homoeopathic medicines have been prescribed on the same basis as for humans (and in fact some
have successfully used on the same method on plants too!), and there are excellent books especially
on domestic animals -cats, dogs, dairy animals, published in England and the USA. To the best of my
knowledge this is the first time that a fairly complete book on this subject is published in India. This
book is therefore welcome.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 102
The author is a Veterinary doctor as well as qualified in Homoeopathy. The book contains 20
Chapters covering Poultry, Dogs, Calves etc. Detailed therapeutics of physiological functions like,
Diseases of Eye and Ear, Skin, Digestive system, Reproductive system, Hyperthermia, Viral and
Bacterial diseases, etc. follows.
Quite a number of combination of remedies have been suggested for prevention as well as for
therapy. Nosodes also find their due place.
Paper, printing, get-up and binding are very good. Well worth to be had in the library of
every Homoeopath even though he/she may not be a veterinarian.
6. Best of Sir John WEIR, B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi. 1995. pp.133. Rs.45/-.
A fine group of homoeopaths gathered around Sir John WEI R and Homoeopathy found
favour with the royal family -Sir John WEI R was the Physician to the British Royalty. Sir John was
Five lectures of Sir John WEIR are presented in this book:1. Homoeopathy-An Explanation of
its Principles. 2. The Sdence and Art of Homoeopathy. 3. Difficulties in Homoeopathic Prescribing. 4.
Hahnemann on Homoeopathic Philosophy. 5. Homoeopathy: A System of Therapeutics.
In collections such as the one under review, the source from which the compilation has been
done must be given; bibliographical data must be given, so that one can understand the period in
which these were written. Also a brief biography of Sir John could have been given.
Paper, printing are good.
7. The Bed-side Organon of Medicine, by Dr.Farokh J.MAsTER, B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi. 1996. pp.116. Rs.25/-.
The title of this book is misleading. In the world of Homoeopathy "Organon" or "Organon of
Medicine" mean only the Organon of Medicine of Samuel HAHNEMANN. The book under review is
a kind of mixture of many things -How to study the Materia Medica, How to study the Repertory,
Potency choice, Layers of Miasms, The non- therapeutic aggravation, Thyroxine, Skin disorders, etc.,
etc., are some of the small brief (most of these of half to one page length) subjects dealt within this
In p.7 How to study the Materia Medica, it says "For the beginners the easiest way to study
materia medica is to follow the pattern given below:
"(A) The source - Gibson Miller, Robin Murphy's Lotus Materia Medica, Encyclopaedia
Britannica will give you a lot of information". What "information" of use would a "beginner" get from the
Encyclopaedia Britannica? Is the beginner expected to purchase Encyclopaedia Britannica?
There is no Index to the book either at the beginning or at the end. The book is a
8. Agitated Argentums, by Dr.Farokh J.MASTER, B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
pp.58. Rs.20/-.
9. Naja Naja Naja, by Farokh J.MASTER, Published by the author. pp.104. Rs.50/-
10. Snakes in the Homoeopathic Grass, by Farokh J.MASTER, Published by the author.
pp.61. Rs.36/-.
All the three book-lets are by Dr.Farokh J.MASTER, supported by a team of homoeopathic
In the first book "the Argentums" are studied in brief. Although eight "Argentums" are
mentioned - Argentum Gyanatum, Argentum iodatum, Argentum metallicum, Argentum muriaticum,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 103
Argentum nitricum, Argentum oxydatum, Argentum phosphoricum, Argentum sulphuricum -only two,
Argentum metallicum, Argntum nitricum, are studied.
In page 10 it is said HAHNEMANN proved Argentum foliatum in 1813 and the pathogenesis
containing 224 symptoms appears in the fourth volume of Reine Arzneimittellehre and fourth volume
of his Materia Medica Pura. According to the reliable source, Richard HAEHL (Samuel Hahnemann -
His Life and Work, Vol.ll, p.105), six parts of the Reine Arzneimittellehre (Pure Materia Medica)
were first published in 1811, 1816, 1818, 1819, 1821 and no part was published in 1813. According to
Josef M.SCHMIDT who has recently published an authentic edition of the VI edition of the Organon
(Haug, 1992) also there was no part of the Pure Materia Medica published in 1813. The second
edition of the Pure Materia Medica (Reine Arzneimittellehre), part 4 in which the proving of
Argentum foliatum may be seen was published in 1825. HAEHL says (page 108, Vol.ll) that this
edition contains 239 symptoms (64 of HAHNEMANN and 175 of others). These are mentioned here
for the sake of authenticity only.
The study of the Argentum itself with reference to the repertorial rubrics form the rest of this
book - let. Three cases treated with Argentum nitricum have been narrated at the end of the book-let.
Printing, paper are good.
The book-let Naja Naja Naja is a brief study of the remedy Naja in 194 pages. The book-let
contains 28 chapters including the foreward.
The study is of the Naja dreams, Generalities, action on the cardio-vascular system.
Symptoms of Naja common in relation to other snkae remedies (repertory rubrics) followed by a
comparison of Naja with other snakes - Elaps, Lachesis, cases of Depression, Filariasis, Chronic
Schizophrenia, Migraine are given.
The third book-let Snakes in Homoeopathic Grass is a "group study" of some of the snake
venoms used in Homoeopathic practice.
In the QHD 211995 a few errors in the SYNTHESIS Repertory of Frederik SCHROYENS
were pointed out; A few more are given below:
1. AILMENTS from: Anger (p.3) olnd.
The source, BOGER-BOENNI NGHAUSEN's Repertory gives only ol-an. and not olnd. Ol-an.
should be retained and olnd. deleted.
2. ANXIETY (p.12) tub-m.
H.C.ALLEN (Materia medica of the Nosodes) deals with tub. only, not tub-m. (vvtlich stands
for Tuberculinum-Marmoreck). Hence to be corrected as tub.
3. CHEERFUL: Alternating with looking down on the street (p.27) Dios.
GS V, p.133: Male Sexual organs: "Nocturnal emissions, with lameness of back; weakness of
knees; can appear happy, but looks down when on street".
Looking down when on the street indicates a sense of shame; The rubric should read:
CHEERFUL, appears, but ashamed when on the street, looks down; pollutions, after.
4. DELUSIONS: dimensions of things reversed (p.53)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 104
DELUSIONS: reversed; dimensions of things are (p. 71) Camph-br. listed in above from the
Repertory in BOERICKE's Materia medica; The Materia medica of BOERICKE (and CLARKE) state:
"Directions appear reversed, i.e. north seems south and east seems west." "Directions" has been
erroneously replaced by "Dimensions of things" in BOERICKE's Repel1ory, and carried so to SR I
and SYNTHESIS. Should be corrected.
5. HEAD: PAIN: Pressing: Occiput: pulsating (p.319) peti.
Verification in EN: Negative for Petiveria. Should be corrected as petr. (EN VII, p.313, No.115:
"Pressure in the occiput". No.118: "Pulsation in the occiput." under Petroleum).
6. HEAD: ROLLING: Brain were rolled; as if: into a small bulk: Coc-c.
Verification under Coccus cacti in EN negative. Should be corrected as Cocc. (EN Ill, p.389,
No.59: "Feeling as if the brain were rolled up or compressed into a smaller bulk." under Cocculus
7. EAR: NOISES: cymbals and drums, sounds of: (p.426) lob.
Verification under Lobelia inflata in EN negative. Should be corrected as lol. (EN V. p.623,
No.45: "Noise in the ear, like a constant sound of drums and cymbals." under Lolium temulentum.)
8. MOUTH: SALIVATION: apoplexy, in: (p.554) ant-c
Source verification in the GS negative. Should be corrected as anac. (GS-I, p.292: 'Water
flows together in mouth and runs out. "Apoplexy". under Anacardium orientale.)
9. URETHRA: ITCHING: Meatus: walking: (p.828) nat-n
Verification in the EN negative for Natrum nitricum. Should be corrected as nat-m. (EN VI,
p.565, No.1572: "Burning and itching in the orifice of the urethra, in the evening while walking". under
Natrum muriaticum.)
10. AIR: indoor air (=in the room or house): agg; (p.1549) alumn.
Source verification in GS negative for alumen. Should be corrected as alum. (GS-I, p.164:
"She feels better in open air. Cannot bear the cold, nor a warm room". 'Takes cold easily, sitting in
room; gets hoarse; this lessens when walking in open air." under Alumina.
AIR: open air: amel. (p.1550) alumn. Source (GS) does not mention this under Alumen.
Should be deleted; the correct entry is alum., which is already in the rubric.
The error in the above two rubrics has been carried over from SR-II, where it should be
corrected. The source of the errors is KNERR's Repertory. KNERR's abbreviation for Alumina is
alumin. and for Alumen, alum. In the above two rubrics, the repertory has alum. which should actually
be alumin.
11. AIR: passing; sensation of air: glands, through (p.1551) spong.
GS under Spongia tosta: (Voi.X, p.478: "On breathing, sensation of air passing into glands of
neck. "Goitre". p.494: "Sensation as if air were passing up and down thyroid and cervical glands".)
The correct entry of this symptom is in p.611, but the rubric in GENERALS (p.1551) is misleading.
12. AIR: passing; sensation of air; him; through (p.1551) calc. coloc.
Reference to the source SOGER - BOENNINGHAUSEN's Repertory shows that similar
terminology is used here too, but in BOGER's Synoptic Key of the Materia medica under Calcarea
ostrearum: "Cold, moist air chills through and through." Under Colocynthis we do not find any special
mention of such chilliness; but the Repertory section of this work - in the supplementary reference
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 105
table - the symptom is given succintly: AIR: penetrating, too, with calc. and coloc. Hence, clearly this
is not a sensation of air passing through him, but extreme sensitivity to draft of air. The appropriate
rubric in the SYNTHESIS is in p.1462: CHILL: AIR: draft of air; from the least. This rubric does not
have coloc., which may be added from SOGER. PHATAK's repertory gives another remedy in the
rubric AIR, penetrating, too: cimic. (in addition to calc. and coloc.)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 106
1. The Total Experience
HAMEISTER. (EJH, 1,3-4/1995)
This is a lecture delivered by the author in the Alonissos Teacher's Meeting 1995. He
clarifies the attitude that a good classical homeopath should have towards a new case: he needs a
total view, a total experience from the patient's case and not simply adding symptom after symptom.
Paragraphs 1, 12, 17 are cited with their footnotes. HAHNEMANN mentions God in these paragraphs.
HAHNEMANN did not want scientific explanations and he says that such explanations will lead
nowhere. HAHNEMANN's teachings are based on his experience. His experience with China had a
unique quality which changed the world and also his life totally. The experience in its totality showed
that there is a law of healing. So it was a total experience.
What HAHNEMANN felt through his first experience - the vision of the law of similars - is
required from each of us when we are sitting with an individual patient. We should have a vision of the
individual in his totality. To know what HAHNEMANN really taught and said it is necessary that we
should not just go through the Organon and search for technical hints and tips for practical
application. We have to ask ourselves, "What did he really mean? what did he want to say? what was
life and experience for him, that made him utter these words, and what made him decide to put these
words in the Organon
2. The Theory of Signatures - A
Case of Lac felinum
MARTINIS Gregory (EJH,1,3 4/1995)
This isacaseof a boy who wanted tobe likeacat, acted like a cat, behaved like a cat, dressed
like a cat and received Lac felinum for his acne, depression and craziness according tothe idea of
signatures. The case was debated at the Teacher's Conference in Aloissis in 1994. VITHOULKAS
suggested Aurum bromatum, two other partici pants suggested Hyoscyamus and a follower of the
theory of signatures of course suggested cat's milkinhigh potency. Dr. MARTINIS intrigued by the
idea, decided to try Lac felinum 200. This did not help and the patient left Homoeopathy and he
attempted suicide by cutting his wrists and by throwing himself under the wheelsof passing vehicles.
3. Discussion on the Organon and
Chronic Diseases
MARTINIS Gregory (EJH,1,3-4/1995)
This was the main theme of the Teacher's Meeting in Alonissos (Greece) in 1995.
HAHNEMANN's theory of chronic Diseases constitutes a totally personal apprach (or
perception) with significant historical and, perhaps, scientific importance. To a certain extent
conventional Medicine still mocks at this theory.
3. QHD, Vol. XIII, No.3 & 4, 1996
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homoeopathy drawn from
the well-known homoeopathic journals published world-over from - India, England,
Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, Greece, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The
full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at
the end.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 107
Dr. MARTINIS has made an in-depth study of the subject and set up some basic questions
concerning Chronic diseases before we study HAHNEMANN's ideas.
4. Reply to: Misinterpretation of the Organon
VITHOULKAS G. (EJH,1,3-4/1995)
Jean-Pierre DESCHENES writes with reference to VITHOULKAS' article "Misinterpretations
of the Organon" (EJH, 1,2/1995). The questions touch rather complicated matter and the reply too
should be read carefully and pondered upon.
5. The search for the Mental Symptom
ZAJAC Angela (HOM, 59, 1995)
The author is of the opinion that one major reason for our inability to cure many cases is the
failure to see what needs to be cured, because of our own individual prejudice instead of the signs
and symptoms which do not represent the whole of the diseased state of the person. There is a
tendency to speculate about how this or that event has affected the patient instead of observing the
hard facts. We should not imagine that there are always mental symptoms which will guide us to the
remedy. The prejudiced interpretation of the signs and symptoms will result in poor results.
6. A New Theorertical Approch to the Homoeopathic Law of Similars
JUS Julia, PENSINGER William .L. and PAINE Douglas A. (JAIH, 88, 3/1995)
A new notion of fundamental mechanisms in immune system and biological clock activity is
presented as underlying the means by which homoeopathic substances effect cures. These
mechanisms are not an expression of molecular biology, but transpire on the sub molecular quantum
frequency level of biological organization. The healthy state of the organism is dependent upon these
frequency parameters functioning within specific ranges. Any factor that shifts these frequencies
outside their normal range is disease inducting. Chronic shifts of this nature eventually produce tissue
pathology. Homoeopathic substances are described as effecting cures by returning the quantum
frequencies to their normal range.
1. Arznerimittelpriliung-Lac humanum
(Medicine proving -Lac humanum)
RICHTER Mathias (ACD, 4, 3&4/1995)
This is a proving of Lac humanum -human milk (Mother's Milk). The proving was done in
1994, there were 11 provers -3 males and 8 females. The potencies were made on hahnemannian
methodology. i.e. C3 pill was used to prepare the 3Oth potency in single vials method. A pill was
moistened with this potency and used for the proving.
312 symptoms have been drawn from this proving.
Interestifl9ly, there was another proving of Lac humanum published in English, also of 11
provers (3 men and 8 females) and many symptoms published therein agreed with the provings
herein mentioned.
2. Proving Report -Veronica officinalis
RILEY David S. (BHJ, 84, 3/1995)
Veronica officinalis has a long history of medicinal use as a diuretic and diaphoretic agent.
Contemporary herbalists frequently use this herb to treat bronchial coughs and inflammation of the
mucous membranes.
There were a total of 17 provers -12 women and 5 men ranging in age from 23 to 59 years.
15 persons received verum and 2 placebo. This proving was conducted between September and
December 1993.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 108
3. Embelia ribes -A Proving Report
(CCRH, 17, 3 &4/1995)
The proving was conducted by the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, in two
places, in Calcutta and in New Delhi, with 3 males and 2 females and 3 controls. The remedy was
proved in the mother tincture. Double-blind technique.
4. Lapis alba
(CCRH, 17, 3&4/1995)
The proving was double-blind, with 4 male provers and 3 controls, conducted at the CCRH
institutes, Gudivada and New Delhi. The drug was in mother tincture.
5. Thymol
(CCRH, 17, 3&4/1995)
The proving was carried out at the CCRH's units at Midnapore (West Bengal) and Lucknow.
The proving was double-blind and in potencies 6,30,200. There were 11 provers (6 males and 5
females) and 4 controls. There are much more symptoms in this proving than the above two drugs -
Embelia ribes and Lapis alba.
"Proving" reports may be in the provers' words, indicating the time lapse of apperance of the
symptoms after the administration of the remedy and also the number of doses that had to be given
before the symptoms began to appear.
6. Petit remede deviendra grand
(Small remedy great result)
BRUNSON D. (CGH, 23, 7/1995)
A case of Agaricus muscarius is presented, followed by a study of this remedy, with reference
to its characteristic symptoms. Very instructive.
7. II y a diversdegres de similitude
(Diverse degrees of similitude)
FAYETON S. (CGH, 23, 7/1995)
A case of Bufo rana, one of Kali bichromicum, and three cases of Niccolum are presented
and their characteristics are discussed.
8. Le Veratre (Veratrum)
POPOVA Tatyana (CGH,23,9/1995)
This is a french version of the Russian work by the leading Ukraininan homoeopath Dr.
Tatyana POPOVA, in her book.
9. Valeriana
CAMBONIE P. and GAMBY F. (CGH,23,10/1995)
A very interesting study of the remedy Valeriana with reference to KENT, BOERICKE,
10. Nux moschata - Asafoetida -Moschus
Par le Groupe de Travail d'Annecy
(CGH, 23, 10/1995)
This study of comparative Materia Medica of the three remedies in the title by the Groupe de
Travail d'Annecy is contri buted by Dr. Serge BOUHANA, Andre DIEUDONNE, Odile LORTET,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 109
11. The Emotional Weakness of Aurum metallicum
(EJH, 1, 3-4/1995 & 2, 5-6/1996)
These are notes taken from a lecture by G. VITHOULKAS in Edipsos in 1988. The central
theme of Aurum is the extreme depression and loathing of life which progresses to suicidal thoughts
and finally self destruction. In this article the state of the person who develops suicidal depression and
the particular personality of a person who finally develops the desire to die, or commit suicide, is
12. The DPT Picture
MARLOW Len (HH, 20, 12/1995)
The author has drawn up a drug picture of the DPT vaccine after analysing number of cases.
He has also collated a drug picture on the basis of Harris COULTER's book Vaccination, Social
Violence and Criminality and these two are compatible. This is a very useful study. Please also see
the rubrics from MacRepertory of David WARKENTIN (QHD, IX, 1-92)
13. The Story of the Cat: Lac felinum proving
CHHABRA Divya (HL, 8, 3/1995)
This is a "dream proving" of Lac felinum. Dr.DIVYA says "The depth of this proving both
shocked me and steadied me. I knew this was now a complete proving. It comes down to the
complete centre of the remedy symptoms and the substance proved, until there is no difference in the
two anymore.
The Editor comments, inter-alia "The need for more provings is brought out very well in this
proving…. the proving is complete when we are able to visualise the inner problem of the substance.
Each substance represents the solution of the problem..."
14. Molybdenum metallicum
TUMINELLO Peter (HL,8,3/1995)
Molybdenum is a metal used to harden steel to make it resistent to repeated strains. the
Materia Medica of this remedy is presented via a case, the main analysis being the dreams, feelings,
etc. in Dr.Rajan SANKARAN's methodology.
15. A Protocol for Provings
SANKARAN Rajan (HL,8,3/1995)
Dr. Rajan SANKARAN proposes a protocol for homoeopathic medical provings. He says that
the protocol he found most satisfactory was midway between the seminar provings of dream Jurgen
BECKER and the classical Hahnemannian provings. He lists 16 steps.
16. Piper methysticum
LEVY David (HL,8,3/1995)
This is a good case report which helps to differentiate between Lil-t., Lach., Plat. in a restless
woman, very active, needs entertainment, excitement, has exaltation of fancies and feels better when
occupied. Piper methysticum helped her. The Editor Dr. Rajan SANKARAN has a very interesting
hint:Whether the problem is mental or physical, when a person feels his mind off it for fear of feeling it
and suffering from it, then we find the occasion for Piper methysticum".
17. Lyssin - The Medicine for the Modern world
BANERJEA Subrata Kumar (HL,8,3/1995)
"All varieties of spastic paralysis, bronchial asthma; cerebro-vascular accident; Cirrhosis of
liver; Microcephaly; Mongolism, congenital deafness and dumbness; congenital sinusitis and non-
healing fistulas and wounds; Diabetes Mellitus; Insanity;Schizophrenia after prolonged grief; Motor
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 110
Neuron disease; Nephrotic Syndrome;Optic Neuritis; Pancreatitis; Pernicious Anaemia; Post-
meningo-encephalitic conditions; Tubercular Meningitis.
As rabies affects the central nervous system, especially the brain stem, we may think of
Lyssin in diseases in which cranial nerves, autonomic nervous system and or the brain as a whole is
The Triad of Lyssin: impulsiveness, Strange ideas, Violence = Lyssophobia. Causation, Onset
Characteristics, Clinical tips, Peculiar symptoms, Elaboration of some strange Mental symptoms of
Lyssin, Clinical characteristics, Relations, Modalities, Miasmatic, Potencies of Choice, are listed
18. A Case Study - Piper Methysticum
VASANI Paresh (HL,8,3/1995)
Two and half-year-old child with eczema behind the ears, neck, nose and in the groins, since
six months. Very intelligent, good memory, picks up very fast, languages. colours. etc. Would never
complain of any problem. Even when an injection was given he would cry only for a minute, but when
his attention is drawn away he could become calm. Likes music and watches Television for long
hours. Very obedient and parents found him easy to handle. Desired sweets, Pica; averse to milk. On
detailed examination, the child's and his father's state seemed identical.
Piper methysticum 30 was given and a week later severe fluent Coryza began and lasted for
15 days. He then had itching which was absent earlier and he went on improving.
19. Thuja - the great masquerader
GRAY Bill (HL,8,4/1995)
This is a very interesting article on this great polychrest.
Thuja has a sense of inherent ugliness and unacceptability deep in their soul and character
which manifest externally as disfiguring skin, nails, tumors and warts. Perfectionist in the context of
their milieu. People-pleasers, and very conscious of the ego needs of others. They go to a great
extent to fit in, to be accepted, not to stand out so much that others might notice them. Thuja is
consciously elusive not allowing their inner self to be seen socially. There is calculated deceit about
how much and what kind of information about them they will allow to be known. The desire to fit in can
become a virtual obsession. Thuja patients sculpt themselves as a craftsman might -cosmetics,
manner of dress, posture and gestures, accent, even emotional expression. They consciously study
others and imitate what seems to work best. "The characteristic which guides me in casetaking is
Thuja's relative invisibility, their desire not to stand out. Guilt is the driving force behind the
perfectionism and fear of criticism. Their childhood upbringing and consequent low self-esteem
appears in the repertory as "Contemptuous of self" "Reproaches self", "Delusion he has done wrong",
Most telling is "Delusion that the body is separate from the soul". There is profound loneliness or
emptiness. Rigidity in emotional expression and behaviour is characteristic".
Specific characteristics
General: Worse from cold, wet weather -highly characteristic; if a patient is truly worse heat, it
virtually rules out Thuja in my opinion, though neutrality in temperature does not.
Worse left side -perhaps 75% of cases.
Worse 2-3 PM -helpful differentiating with Lycopodium's 4 PM.
Worse 3 AM - uncommon in my experience but helpful when present.
Mind: Feeling as if bones are brittle -from essence, a fragility of front. As if something alive in
abdomen - a manifestation of the alive unconscious. Irritability only with loved ones - when they feel
secure. Fastidious - particularly about the "correct" way to do something. Deceitful in
compartmentalized fashion in life. Feels unattractive and/or unloveable.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 111
Head: Headache left temple, above left eye, as if pierced by nail esp. 3 a.m.
Nose: Postnasal discharge, thick, often green, profuse or hard to clear. Nasal polyps, worse left - not
emphasized in books, but common in my practice.
Face: Greasy, waxy, shiny skin––perhaps 1/3 cases, but useful. Old acne scars or cystic indurated
acne - very, very common. Warts of all kinds on face.
Mouth: Swallows words or speech trails off at end of sentence - unusual but highly confirmatory when
Chest: Warts allover neck, chest, and back, of all types.
Back: Fibromas, lipomas, boils, cystic acne.
Stomach: Intolerant to onions, with gas and other symptoms -perhaps 50% of cases, but very useful
as a confirmatory.
Intolerance to garlic -occasional.
Desires sweets -very common, especially chocolate, so not helpful.
Desires salt -a little, sometimes.
Abdomen: Flatulence very common, esp. after onions.
Constipation with hard stools common.
Male: Gonorrhoea or urethritis in past or currently.
Herpes or venereal warts extremely common, esp. in gay men.
Prostatic hypertrophy and inflammation very common.
Inguinal glands swollen, esp. left side.
Sweetish odor genitals, quite pungent.
Female: Ovarian cysts, especially left but common either side.
Uterine fibroids of all descriptions, esp. left side.
Pelvic inflammatory disease of Chlamydia either currently or in past.
Venereal warts of vulva, vagina, cervix and anus.
Cervical polyps.
Chronic leucorrhoea with fishy odor.
Sweetish odor to genital perspiration.
Extremities: Warts of all kinds on fingers and hands, worse left. Plantar warts.
Marked deformity of joints with relatively minimal pain, esp. left side.
Ganglia of tendons.
Deformed and brittle nails, esp. of toes (though of little use in tinea nails).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 112
Soreness of soles, esp. on walking, sometimes making it virtually impossible, esp. during cold wet
weather - a very reliable keynote.
Clammy foot-sweat.
Chilblains and Raynaud's Syndrome.
Remedy Comparison: Calcarea carbonica, Nux vomica, Arsenicum album, Medorrhinum.
Three cases are given.
20. Thuja as seen in Children
ANAND Sunil (HL,8,4/1995)
Two-and-half year-old boy with recurrent eye inflammation, respiratory infections and fever.
Thuja M cured (religious rigidity, fear of being touched or approached, obsessive qualities and the
fixed ideas on which he operated confirmed Thuja).
21. Thuja -The Tree of Life, the Tree of Death
NORLAND Misha (HL,8,4/1995)
While stereotyped mnemonics of remedies are useful when it comes to practice one should
be able to think away from these stereotypes. Think that there are as many variations of a remedy as
many patients. In this lecture NORLAND discusses the 'themes' of Thuja. The discussion in detail is
on the following themes: The tree of life, the tree of death: The theme of division; The process of
death; Vaccinosis; The theme of confusion; Miasm and constitution; Thuja and the energetics of
Mappa Mundi. A case of Thuja is narrated "The Case of the Bewildered". The article is worth study in
22. Thuja occidentalis
ZAREN Ananda (HL,8,4/1995)
This article discusses Thuja with the themes of the Wound, The Wall, The Mask which is the
manner in which Ananda ZAREN analyses the remedies and the patient.
Summary: Thuja types sustain wound early in life resulting in tremendous fragility and vulnerability. A
common thread in the history of Thuja patients is the experience of rejection and unprovoked and
undeserved punishment. As one patient said about his relationship with his mother, "I was not what
she wanted and she let me know it". They go on to produce a particular type of wall whose purpose is
to deflect criticism and rejection by obscuring their true nature. They become reserved and
suspicious. They attempt to gain control and security by showing little of themselves. Always guarded.
Thuja might also be overtly deceptive, manipulating other people and generating misinformation. Their
goal is to protect themselves by refusing to allow other people to penetrate their veneer. They will go
to great lengths to avoid being seen by others.
Many Thuja patients are creative and dramatic. They seek to release their tightly guarded
emotions through artistic expression. Because they also feel deprived of the experience of fraternity,
they tend to indulge in alcohol, drugs, and sex. Gradually, their systems become eroded by self-
reproach, guilt, and depression. Eventually, they can reach a state of intense apathy and a suicidal
loathing of life.
The mask of Thuja is often fastidiously composed. They can appear to be in control of their
lives. They can present as timid and shy or create a facade of sensual excitement and intrigue. Thuja
will, during the interview, reveal only what they want and nothing more.
Many physical symptoms are associated with Thuja, including warts, growths, catarrhal
discharges, left-sided headaches, and many conditions of the female and male genitalia.
23. Lilium tigrinum
BARWOLF Tunde (HOM,58/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 113
The author discusses the themes of this remedy with the help of a case of a 63 year-old
woman. The signature of the tiger and the flower lily are studied to link the characteristics of the
remedy(!) Strangely, there is no reference to the provings of the remedy or the source Materia
Medica; only reference of authority is KENT amongst the old masters. Nevertheless an interesting
24. Tarentula case
WALSH Jane (HOM,58/1995)
This very brief case report highlights the gist of Tarentula in patient's own words. Beautiful.
25. Remedy Masquerade
LOGAN Robin (HOM,58/1995)
This is a small 'compilation' of 7 rubrics to show that although we generally tend to prescribe
Natrum muriaticum for effects of grief there are other remedies too. In one case Zincum, because of
the restlessness and busyness, produced lasting curative effect. (The rubrics: Ailments from grief:
Anxiety of conscience; Industrious; Conscientious about trifles; Aversion to fish; Becoming heated:
Wine agg. only Sulphur and Zincum are in all rubrics).
26. The Materia Medica of B Gaertner Co (Bach) - B Enteriditis Salmonella or
Paratyphosus B
GALE Anne (HOM,59/1995)
This is a brief Materia Medica of the bowel nosode B Gaertner in schema form compiled from
27. Platina
GARCZYNSKI Eddie (HOM,5911995)
This is a nice poem about Platina.
28. How far Gold is good for Heart
VARMA P.N. & VAID Indu (HUD,3,611995)
Discusses very briefly Gold and Gold salts in relation to heart.
29. Tobacco and its Hazards
KANSAL Kamal (HUD,3,711995)
Discusses the toxic action of tobacco and draws from KENT's repertory such symptoms
which relate to smoking tobacco. There are quite a large number of such symptoms and it would be
proper to take note of them while treating smokers.
30. A Case of Chloroquine Toxicity
Quinine holds a crucial position in the history of medicine, playing a pivotal role in the
development of Homoeopathy. This drug's colorful history precedes HAHNEMANN's breakthrough
experiments. Cinchona's alkaloid derivatives are used today in the treatment and prophylaxis of
Malaria. Chloroquine, one of these derivatives given to GI's during the recent US Military action in
Haiti. The successful homoeopathic treatment is presented of one GI who developed a Chloroquine-
related syndrome of intermittent fevers, diarrhoea and weight-Ioss.
1. Es muss nicht immer Sulfur sein (It need not always be Sulphur)
TERLINDEN Michael (ACD,4,4/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 114
A 11 year-old boy was presented on 2 July 1992 for Asthma attacks which had begun about 6
months ago. He also suffered from hayfever since an year. A genital skin eruption had been treated
with Cortisone for an year, shortly before the Asthma began. Since his Asthma began the boy's mood
Petroleum in ascending Q potencies (50-millesimal potencies) cured this. The improvement
and restoration was alround.
Petroleum may be added to the rubric "Asthma after suppression of skin eruptions" and
2. Chorea minor
MULLER Karl-Josef (ACD,4311995)
9 year-old boy with Chorea minor –Allopathic medication gave only palliation. The twitching
began in the arms and legs and also in the face. The mother said that the boy was better when he
ran, was worse at rest, while lying, particularly evenings in bed.
The child recalled clearly how it all began. While playing he jumped on his feet on the floor
and after the shock it all began. He was the weaker of a twin boys and was born in the thirtieth week,
was in Intensive Care for a week. He was smaller and sick when compared with his twin brother. Even
though he was nine years of age he needed the rubber teat to go to bed at nights (did not want it to
be known to his friends).
Menyanthes 06 and then C30 and 200 brought quick relief, C30 and 200 were given as a
double dose, i.e. twenty minutes after the 30, the 200 was given. For a later recurrence of lesser
intensity 1000 was given.
The rubrics for Menyanthes were "Face, twitch, while at rest" and "Extremities, cramp, jerks,
leg, while sitting".
The author suggests that the following may be added provisionally, in the rubrics –
-Extremeities, jerking
-Extremeities, jerking, evening
-Extremeities, jerking, movement amel.
-Extremeities, jerking, while sitting
Under General may be added under Twitching, "extremities, jerk" and under Chorea
"extremities, jerks".
3. Palliation oder Suggestion
(Palliation or Suggestion)
REIS Stefan (ACD,4,3/1995)
The author discusses the different reactions of a patient after the administration of a
potentized medicine and also the possibilities of palliation and suggestion or the placebo effects.
James Tyler KENT's "fifth observation" in the prognosis of the reaction to the first dose is critically
discussed and the basic literature is compared and lastly the differential diagnosis of palliation,
suggestion, and remedial reaction.
4. Der interessante Fall: Akute intoxikation durch Trachinus vipera (Drakena) und erfolgreiche
Behandlung mittel, Lachesis (Interesting case: Acute poisoning by Trachinus vipera
(Drc3kena) and successful treatment with the remedy Lachesis.
Acute reactions to the bite of Trachinus vipera (a fish -Sting fish) requires immediate
hospitalisation, intensive medication with infusions, antibjotics and Cortisone. This poisoning is much
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 115
feared by the Greek physicians. The author cites a case in which a boy of 9 years' age suffered this
poisoning and was rapidly improved with Lachesis. 12. Within 30 minutes of the dose the boy became
calmer and the pain disappeared.
5. The role of Homoeopathy in the treatment of Tetanus
GAUCHER Catherine (BHJ,84,3/1995)
This article discusses the efficacy of Homoeopathy in the treatment of Tetanus. The author
concludes that "from the evidence of these clinical studies we see that homoeopaths do have a
contribution to make in the treatment of this terrible disease". "We can say that it is effective in
combination with classical treatment but not on its own". Very interesting study.
6. Homoeopathic treatment of URTI in General practice
ENGLISH John M. (BHJ,84,4/1995)
This is in the series - 'How I treat'. The author has made a personal selection of the useful
homoeopathic medicines and the symptoms for selecting them. A clear constitutional medicine may
be used in an acute situation, if known, even if apparently not indicated. Notes on these are included
as they are not always easy to find. This is a very useful paper. The author has made an interesting
point: "If you possibly can, concentrate on the first coryzal pati ent who presents on Monday morning
surgery. Other patients during the week will often have similar symptoms. Last week was different,
and next week will be too, but if you can get a clear picture with the first patient, it takes less time to
choose the same prescription for those who follow suit. They don't all, of course, but it is a matter of
experience that a particular homoeopathic medicine will suit a number of patients in the same week.
Remember HAHNEMANN chose his cholera medicines in this way".
7. Hidden Grief
ENGLISH John (Simile,5,3/1995
issued with the BHJ,84,3/1995)
49 year-old, married lady: Menstrual headaches and other symptoms from age 40. Head ache
worse onset of period. Lifelong constipation. "Life a succession of trials and difficulties". Was
insomniac, better since daughter's death.
The 'homoeopathic' history revealed many griefs. The differentials were between Lachesis,
Phosphorus, Natrum muriaticum for grief and Sulphur. With her egoistic energetic manner and her
theorising Sulphur 200 given. The action of this dose was remarkable. She had very interesting
dreams, and then began to improve. A very interesting case.
8. Three cases of Pneumonia
GUNE Mohan (Simile,5,3/1995
issued with the BHJ,84,3/1995)
Case 1: 3 year-old boy; congested lungs; rattling+++ left base and mid-zone; air entry decreased on
left side. Flapping alae nasae. He was given Antimonium tartaricum LM 11 q.i.d. and Lycopodium M.
Lycopodium M doses were increased over the next few days and the Antimonium tartaricum
decreased as expectoration decreased. Cure confirmed by x-ray. Temperature and general condition
improved in just two days.
Case 2: 4 year-old boy. Runny nose ++, fever +, thirst for small quantity of water. Arsenicum album
200 two hourly. No improvement and on the next day examination revealed crepitations on right side.
Bryonia alba LM 3 two hourly. Delirious with getting up startled. Hyoscyamus niger M and Bryonia
LM6. No improvement and fever upto 105°F. Next investigations revealed consolidation right lower
zone and his temperature went upto 107.6°F. Phosphorus LM3 every 15 minutes and soon
temperature came down to 102.F. As the temperature went up and down Phosphorus was
continued in LM12 potency and then M. In 5 days since the treatment began his chest x-ray revealed
total regression of pneumonic patch.
Case 3: 10 year-old boy. Fever, pain abdomen, delirium. Chest x-ray showed a large patch of
pneumonia left mid and lower zone. Widal positive for S.Typhi '0': 1:120, S.Typhi 'H': 1:60.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 116
Hyoscyamus niger and Bryonia, Baptisia and lastly Phosphorus were the remedies that cured this boy
9. Two cases of Ranula
PAl P.N. (Simile,5,4/1995 issued
with the BHJ,84,4/1995)
Case 1: Two-month-old infant bled a couple of times whenever sucking the breast. Diagnosis: Ranula
of frenum linguae. Nitric acid 30 t.d.s. for four days. The cyst disappeared after one further week's
treatment with Nitric acid 30 t.d.s.
Case 2: 8 year-old girl with cyst on Frenum linguae. Size of a big-sized pea, pink. Nitric acid 30 t.d.s.
for two weeks and the cyst disappeared discharging a clean viscid fluid.
10. Headaches
MASTER Farokh J. (Simile,5,4/1995 issued with the BHJ,4,4/1995)
This is a somewhat typical life of a middle- class Indian female -unwanted or rather
considered inferior to the son, then ill-treated by the mother- in-Iaw. Dedicated to the family,
perfectionist, weepy, Naja selected on the basis of her mental symptoms, and given in 1 M potency
repeated (7 January 1995 to 20 February 1995).
11. Management and Homoeopathic Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease in Relation to
Diabetes Mellitus
BAIG Hafeezullah, RASTOGI D.P. (CCRH, 17,3&4/1995)
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) is highly prevalent in patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
Generally occurs in the peripheral blood vessels of the body like arms and legs. Arterio-sclerosis of
the arterioles of the periphery leads to Ischaemia, Neuropathy, Infection and even to Gangrene due to
occlusion of blood vessels. In the present study, the causes, pathogenesis, biochemical changes,
complications and management of peripheral vascular disease in relation to Diabetes Mellitus are
Administration of Cephalandra indica mother tincture in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
was found efficacious in preventing peripheral vascular disease besides controlling the sugar levels.
Other drugs like Apis mellifica, Arsenicum album, Cantharis, Carbo animalis, Carbo vegetabilis,
Cinchona officinalis, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Rhus toxicodendron, Silicea, Sulphur, etc.,
were also found effective in certain cases. Administration of one drop/kg body weight dosage of
Cephalandra indica was found appropriate, whereas fifty-millesimal potencies in cases of other drugs
were found effective.
12. Clinically verified data of some
lesser known drugs for common diseases
VICHITRA A.K. (CCRH,17,3&4/1995)
Since 1979 the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) has undertaken
clinical verification of lesser-known drugs as well as drugs proved under the Council. Presently data of
64 drugs are being verified clinically.
The data now provided are under the heads: Fevers (Abroma augusta, Nyctanthes
arbortristis, Justicia adhatoda, Caesalpinia bonducella, Azadirachta indica, Hygrophilia spinosa,
Amoora rohitaka, Atista indica); Cough and Coryza (Justicia adhatoda, Mentha piperita, Kali
muriaticum, Bacillinum, Abroma augusta, Saraca indica, Blatta orientalis, Cassia sophera, Cuprum
aceticum, Acalypha indica, Fagopyrum), Renal calculi (Sarsaparilla, Hygrophila spinosa, Berberis
vulgaris); Diabetes ( Cephalandra indica, Syzigium jambolanum, Gymnema sylvestre, Abroma
augusta); Head ache (Justicia adhatoda, Nyctanthes arbortristis, Saraca indica, Cuprum aceticum,
Abroma augusta, Aegle marmelos, Amoora rohitaka, Jaborandi, Calotropis gigantea, Azadirachta
indica); Skin disorders (Juglans regia, Mentha piperita, Hygrophila spinosa, Achyranthes aspera,
Anthrakokali, Fagopyrum, Tarentula cubensis, Hydrocotyle asiatica, Abroma augusta, Azadirachta
indica); Female disorders (Saraca indica, Damiana, Abroma augusta, Fagopyrum, Kali muriaticum).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 117
13. Herpes Zoster
WADIA S.R. (CCR,4,111995)
51 year-old male with severe pain near left eye-ball, left eyebrow, left forehead, head and
behind left ear; 7-8 small vesicles. Has been since five days under allopathic treatment but pains
became worse. Variolinum 200, Ranunculus bulbosus 200, 2 hrly, and two days later the vesicles had
definite shape and were as if small plastic water bags. Sulphur 200 and then Apis 200 and next day
improved 75%.
14. Osteo Arthritis
WADIA S.R. (CCR,4,111995)
48 year-old male, with pain right knee and right shoulder. Also calcaneous spur left heel.
Vaccinated 8-10 times. Past history of Dysentery, Colitis, Hepatitis, Malaria, Flu, Ringworm and
history of Gonorrhoea 20 years before. Thuja M three doses and then XM a week later. Developed
itch on the bottom. Thuja 50M. A month later Medorrhinum 200 three doses and he felt much
improved. Later developed persistent cold. Inquiry revealed he had c~rvical Lymphadenitis, and his
uncle Tuberculosis. Bacillinum 200.
15. Osteo-arthritis - Lumbo-sacral region
WADIA S.R. {CCR,4,111995)
56 year-old male with severe lumbo-sacral pain, unable to turn in bed, sit up, etc. Skiagram
showed diminished inter-vertebral space D2 and L 1. History of injury to spine {car accident), again a
fall from stairs. Both legs had skin eruptions like chronic Eczema. History of stricutre of Urethra,
dilated several times Gonorrhoea in the past. Arnica 200 to XM with little improvement. Medorrhinum
M three doses with partial improvement in pain. XM three doses gave great improvement and pus
cells in urine diminished considerably and cleared fully. Sulphur 200 and two months later
Medorrhinum 50M cleared everything including the skin eruptions.
16. A Case of Parkinsonism
GOSAVI Anil D. {CCR,4,111995)
Lac caninum brought about regression upto 90% of Parkinsonism in a man. The remedy was
selected on the basis of the 'mentals' alone.
17. Uterine Fibroid
MOKASHI Amol {CCR,4,111995)
28 year-old with uterine Fibroid; menses 40 days, profuse, 6 days. Fi broid 5.1 cm x 4.2cm.
Natrum muriaticum, Thlaspi bursa pastoris, Phosphorus, did not help. Case again re-taken and strong
grief was revealed. Ignatia {after thorough repertorization) 30 potency t.d.s. for three months! Cyst
18. Rheumatic Arthritis with Carditis
11 year-old girl; since 4 years she gets fevers followed by pain and swelling in knee joints.
Frequent coryza. Dry cough frequent. Blocked nose causes snoring.
During childhood pulmonary Koch's with right sided cervical lymphadenitis, and treated with
anti- Koch's, for 9 months. Again suffered cough and took 35 Penicillin injections. History of Measles,
History of Jaundice. Mumps twice right parotid.
Thuja, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Bacillinum were given to this girl and she made
good progress. However, her treatment was not continued as her father was transferred.
19. A Psychiatric Case of Depression VENKATESHWARAN S. {CCR,4,111995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 118
31 year-old male with complaint of discharge of pus per urethra (after contact with a
prostitute). Underwent a course of Penicillin injections, and the discharge stopped. 15 days later he
developed lesions in both axillae, which apeared and regressed; sometimes painful and sometimes
painless. Biopsy; Hydradenitis suppuratica. Marked anxiety about his illness; thought that he still
suffered from Gonorrhoea. He would repeatedly undergo various tests. Diagnosis: Affective disorder
and Major Depression. Given ECTs and drugs. He also visited many Dermatologists, Urosurgeons,
etc. He was given Medorrhinum M. A month later: all his mental symptoms as well as Hydradenitis
suppuritica and throat probems had disappeared. An year and half later: remains well.
20. A Case of Sciatica
SHINDE Prakash (CCR,4,1/1995)
60 year-old man. Pain in right lower limb (Tendinitis). With each bout of excruciating pain he
kept his right lower limb extended. Severe lumbar pain and pain and tenderness in sacral region
aggravated by jar. The muscies of the right lower limb stood prominently like that of a body-builder.
Right heel pain as if ulcerated. Aggravation on standing and walking. Two years ago he had sciatica
of left side and Rhus toxicodendron had relieved him then. The lumbar pain extended around to the
region of abdomen. Berberis vulgaris 30 t.d.s. for a week with 50% relief; then b.d. for 10 days with
90% relief. Now 200 weekly one dose for a month. Remains well.
21. Intercostal Neuralgia
SHINDE Prakash (CCR,4,1/1995)
60 year-old woman with history of Diabetes Mellitus since years, with severe pains in left
hypochondriac region and left intercostal spaces. It was also observed that when her chest pains
worsened during last 5 years her intermittent vertigo and pain nates reduced Ranunculus bulbosus
200 b.d. for 7 days. Improvement began. The remedy was given in M potency one dose per week and
her chest pains were completely relieved. She was now given Phosphorus 200 t.d.s. for 5 days and
b.d. for 10 days and the pain nates were 80% relieved as also Vertigo. She was also given Syzigium
jambolanum and Gymnema sylvestre. Blood sugar reduced to 240 mg PP. Phos 200 once a day for
15 days + 20 units of Insulin injection + Gymnema sylv. and Syzgium mother tinctures. These were
tapered as the blood sugar went down.
In this case the constitutionar medicine with organ remedies helped an advanced diabetic.
22. Spasmodic affection of spine
SHINDE Prakash (CCR,4,111995)
28 year-old male with complaints of stiffness back, right upper extremity and left lower
extremity, intermittent twitching cervical region.
Worse in cold air and on eating. The symptoms started at 15 years age, and have progressed
to such a stage that now he was disabled.
He looked about for sharp weapons; had revengeful plans in his mind. KENT Repertory p.69
'Plans revengeful'; Agaricus muscarius. It was given in 200 b.d. for 7 days. No improvement and so
Agaricus M; no improvement: 50M; no improvement: CM. No improvment; Agaricus M b.d. for 5 days
and improvement began and the remedy was given in repeated doses in ascending potencies and he
was 80% relieved after which the patient did not return.
23. Allergic Dermatitis
Anita (CCR,4,111995)
34 year-old female. Eruptions, itching, on hands since 6 months. Began after contact with
lime while white-washing the house. The itching went up: Pinnae and nape of neck. Local applications
did not help. Teeth chatter during sound sleep. Salt craving, summer aggravates. Menses always late.
Loquacious+++; quarrels with husband and sulks until husband climbs down. Husband faithless,
alcohol. Consolation aggravates.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 119
Natrum muriaticum and then Thuja, Calcarea fluorica 6x.
24. Asthmatic bronchitis
MISTRY D.E. (CCR,4,111995)
Three year-old girl with Asthma. In spite of Corticosteroids, Aminophyllin, transfusion and
antibiotics she went into status asthmaticus for the fifth day in succession. All allopathic drugs were
stopped and Cortisone 30 and Arsenicum 30 were given and the response was dramatic. In two hours
she improved. Discharged with the same medicines after a week.
She was given later, for cough, coryza, mild temperature, etc. Sulphur, Calcarea phosphorica,
Thuja, Phosphorus and Silica repeated in high potency weekly, for a few months. Over two years she
was given many remedies as indicated and she remained well.
The author nicely sums up that the case demonstrated the role of tautopathic remedy
(Cortisone), and the response to homoeopathic remedies in advanced status asthmaticus condition,
the role of vaccination in bringing about disease, the internal sycotic environment and the minor role
of digestive disturbance which most of these patients have.
25. A Case of Asthma
MISTRY D.E. (CCR,4,111995)
6 year-old girl. Late in talking and walking Diarrhoea during dentition. Bouts of cough and cold
thrice in a month. Worse for cold. Vaccinosis. Sycosis hereditary. Thuja 200 and then Ipecacuanha
followed by Antimonium tartaricum. There was good improvement. Subsequently Calcarea, Pulsatilla,
Syphilinum, Silica, Psorinum.Remained well.
26. A Case of Tonsillitis
MISTRY, D.E. (CCR,4,111995)
9 year-old girl with repeated attacks of tonsillitis with fever for a year and half. Plentyof
antibiotics. Asthmatic bronchitis from age 6 months to 5 years. Doesn't show emotions. Chilly.
grandmother asthmatic. Thuja 200, then XM. Subsequently for 2 years, indicated remedies, based on
symptoms and miasmatic background. Well.
27. Homoeopathic medicines in Dentistry
MISTRY D.E. (CCR,4,211995)
The remedies more often needed in dentistry are listed with their peculiar indications.
28. Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis
MISTRY D.E. (CCR,4,211995)
28 year-old female. Pain in all joints. RA factor positive. ESR 60mm hour. Hyoscyamus on the
basis of interpretation of her mental symptoms. Improved well. Although Pulsatilla seemed to be her
constitutional remedy she responded well to Hyoscyamus!
29. Case of Psoriasis
MISTRY D.E. (CCR,4,211995)
8 year-old boy. Developed high fever with some skin problems (after antibiotics for fever). The
lesions were allover the body especially on the back, body and extremities. External ointments used
for 5 months with no improvement. Diagnosed as iatrogenic psoriasis. Psorinum M had been given by
the referring homoeopath.
Thyroidinum 30 three doses. Improvement progressively and went on to total cure.
30. Polyarthrosis
SHINDE Prakash (CCR,4,2/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 120
42 year-old ENT surgeon complained of joint pains and stiffness since last 4 months. Has
undergone treatment from Orthopaedists and Rheumatologists with temporary relief. Past history of
amoebic colitis. Pain in muscles, joints. Soreness on motion. Bed felt hard. Pain limbs and bodyache
as if beaten Rheumatism with ascending involvement of joints.
Arnica 30 t.d.s. for 7 days (he was already on 400 mg Ibugesic which was allowed to
continue. He felt better after a week and was advised to discontinue Ibugesic. Continue Arnica 30
t.d.s. for 10 days. Further improved Arnica 200 SOS. Instead of Ibugesic he was now on Brufen. He
was now almost 100% relieved. (in one month since the start of the treatment). Analgesics
discontinued and Arnica 200 SOS, which he used twice in one month. Arnica M two doses at 15 days
31. Amoebic colitis
SHINDE Prakash (CCR,4,2/1995)
68 year-old male with chronic Amoebic colitis. Has undergone homoeopathic treatment
already for 10 years. He now appealed to the author for immediate relief; felt as if some beast was
trying to grab him making him run for urgent support and security. Recurrent amoebic colitis
temporarily relieved by homoeopathic remedies in past. Sudden attacks of frequent urging for stools,
stools scanty, sometimes blood and mucous, yellow semi liquid, pain in abdomen before stools.
Ambitious and workaholic in office. Irritable, fearful, restless. Very offensive, foul flatus. Fear of
Belladonna 200 t.d.s. for 5 days. 20 days later: feeling better. Belladonna M b.d. Ten days
later: despite an attack of amoebiasis he didn't have fear or sense of insecurity, and now had
confidence of recovery. Nux vomica 30 three days, later M single dose and one month later
Belladonna M one dose. Three weeks later Belladonna CM. Remains well.
A so-called 'acute' remedy cured a 10 year- old chronic case.
32. Herpes Zoster
WADIA S. R. (CCR,4,2/1995)
60 year-old male with severe herpetic eruptions on the left side of the face, lips and mouth
since 4 days. Burning better by heat. Frequent urination at night due to enlarged prostate. Arsenicum
album 30 repeated doses, then 200. After this he developed itch on certain parts of the body. Sulphur
200 three doses which completed the cure.
An 82 year-old woman with Herpes was treated allopathically and was left with large scars,
also post- herpetic neuralgia. Burning worse clothes. Air increased the pain, radiating to the right
armpit and right upper extremity and also the back. Least touch worsens. Ranunculus bulbosus gave
great relief.
33. A Pyrogen Case
WADIA S. R. (CCR,4,2/1995)
5 year-old child with fever, since a month. Coated tongue, foul breath, slight cough and rather
drowsy. Liver palpable, slight leucopenia. Pyrogen M in water every half hour. Temperature came
down next day and remedy was continued daily for a week. Prescription was based on the basis of
pulse being out of proportion to the temperature.
34. Continuous Fever of Three Months comes to Normal!
WADIA S.R. (CCR,4,2/1995)
48 year-old female with fever, chill and head ache for the last 3 months. Various diagnoses
were done in the hospital and drugs Chloromycin, Furadantin and Camoquine were given without
benefit. Urine with lots of pus cells. Vaccinated every year. Past history of Malaria and large doses of
quinine taken.
Sulphur, China and Lycopodium were the remedies which cured within a few days.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 121
35. Nocturnal Enuresis
SHARDUL and APTE Archana (CCR,4,2/1995)
13 year-old boy. Shy, tall, slender with earthy complexion. Bed wetting was the complaint,
On consideration of the totality, Calcarea carbonica was given (200 and M) and cured.
36. Case of Vague Abdominal Pain
APTE Shardul and APTE Archana (CCR,4,2/1995)
3 year-old girl, with pain in abdomen around umbilicus since 6 months. Anti-helminthics
without lasting effect. Totality Sulphur. Sulphur 200 single dose.
37. Galactorrhoea
APTE S. , APT~ A. (CCR,4,2/1995)
30 year-old lady, with pain and soreness in breast with yellowish watery discharge from nipple
constantly since 5 years. Pain worse from contact of clothing, pressure, touch. Hormonal therapy
couldn't give even temporary relief. Her complaint followed hepatic coma five years ago with
fulminating hepatitis. Delivered four children and had profuse lactation till 18 months to 24 months
each time and had to be treated each time to suppress her breast milk.
Conium cured.
38. Medorrhinum enfant: tableau
sycotique typique.
39. Aconit chez I'enfant.
40. lodium enfant.
(all the three are by LAMOTHE J. (CGH,23, 7,8&9/1995)
Study of the remedies mentioned above in relation to children by a master homoeopath. The
full text of the articles will be presented in the QHD when possible.
41. Homoeopathic treatment of
(EJH,1 ,3-4/1995)
Two cases of Pneumonia successfully treated with Homoeopathy. While it is not at all unusual
in India where Homoeopathy is exclusively used in Pneumonia, in the West one is warned of using
exclusively Homoeopathy in this disease. The author therefore cites two cases to show the efficacy of
Homoeopathy in this disease.
In the first case of a 69 year-old female who was given only six months time to live by the
hospital and that meanwhile she could undergo Chemotherapy if she so wished, opted for
Homoeopathy. She suffered from Pneumonia of the left lung (x-ray on 14 May 1995). Natrum
sulphuricum M three doses (location of the Pneumonia) was followed by Chelidonium M and in 6
hours she recovered miraculously. Next afternoon her temperature rose and the pain also worsened a
bit during inspiration and she was given Chelidonium M once more and the amelioration was gradual
and there was no need for another dose. X-ray on 22 May 1995 showed great improvement.
The second case is that of a male under homoeopathic treatment for allergic asthma since
May 1993 and there has been 80% amelioration. He has been taking Sulphur. In May 1995 he
complained of a nagging cough and the fever was not reduced by antipyretics. Worse 1300 to 1600
hours and 0100 hours. Arsenicum album M every hour. No improvement in the next 24 hours and
then chest x-ray (taken on May 8, 1995) revealed Pneumonia in the lower lobe of the left lung. 48
hours after the Arsenicum fever had stabilised at 37.5°C but rose slightly to 38.C from 1300 to 2000
hours, the cough and chills had stopped as well as the fear of being alone. Natrum sulphuricum 200
four doses one every eight hours given now. He went on improving and chest x-ray taken on May 17,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 122
1995 showed marked improvement; the x-ray taken on June 8, 1995 showed no pathology
whatsoever. Normal.
42. Common Cold, Acute Coryza
SETIA O.P. (HH,20,8/1995)
This is a short essay on the different types of 'colds' and their treatment.
43. Case Reports which I never Forget JAMES K.J. (HH,20,8/1995)
Two year-old girl with diarrhoea which did not respond to the usual remedies like
Podophyllum, Croton tiglium, Arsenicum album. Bacillus coli 200 cured.
A four-year-old girl under treatment for Epilepsy (Tuberculinum). It was now reported that the
child was recently masturbating. Bufo kept her off the habit for 3 months and when she did so again,
in the M potency Tuberculinum (anti- miasmatic) completed the cure.
The flower remedy Rock Rose 2 or 3 drops in water instantly cures sudden attacks of fear,
panic attacks.
Two prominent symptoms the patient was saying "if ever I could die" and "moaning in sleep",
led to the prescription of Lachesis CM and in ten minutes the patient had lot of perspiration, and
cured. (Aggravation after sleep, desiring death in serious disease = Lachesis).
Ammonium muriaticum in rheumatic cases when the patient repeatedly dreams of water like a
pond, river, etc.
Osteo-arthritic nosode in chronic arthritis.
D.N.A. This remedy when interpolated gives better result in Psoriasis; Morgan pure in Asthma
and skin eruptions alternately or skin eruptions after treatment for asthma.
Tuberculous gl,ands are cured by a single dose of Drosera CM.
44. From the Clinic
DEY Manoj Kanti (HH,20,8/1995)
17 year-old woman with pain lower abdomen during menses. She was lying, drowsy, voice
lost, B.P.110/80. Relatives felt that she had been bitten by a snake.
Gelsemium XM in distilled water every 5 to 10 minutes. In half hour she was sitting up.
45 year-old man, a chronic drinker. He suffered from obstinate constipation for nearly 6 days
after a drinking bout; was in deep stupor; death rattles; abdomen typanic. Opium M in distilled water
every half hour was begun in the night. Next morning it was reported that he passed a glassful of
deep red urine and was now sitting on the bed feeling better. Passed stool after two days.
45. Tuberculinum in Chronic Headache
MISHRA S.C. (HH,20,8/1995)
With three cases the author shows that Tuberculinum was quite effective in chronic
headaches "deep in" the head.
46. The single dose wonders of Cimex and Merc sol
ROBINSON Janet (HH,20,9/1995)
16 year-old male student with aching, tight limbs, unable to straighten any limb, worse legs.
The peculiar symptoms were: "odour was 'like an old damp house', musty; Usually thirsty, but during
sweating he was thirstless". Cimex 200 cured.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 123
24 year-old male, a Sports Instructor: Sore, red, very itchy skin. Rough raised circles, with
clear sticky oozing; predominantly on limbs with a fungal type of infection on feet. Since a very small
child itching and soreness worse for the last two years. Has used Steroid creams. Betnovate for the
last 2 years. Sweat made the skin sore. Sticky saliva, dry tongue, white coated.
The external applications were stopped and Mercurius solubilis 30 one dose. Cured.
In both the cases the healing proceeded and over a period of about two months completely
healed. Classical example of giving the correct remedy and waiting for the curative action which
surely follows.
47. Glory of Croton: Brought smile to a child and dramatically improved
BANERJEA Subrata Kumar (HH,20,9/1995)
6 year-old boy; skin eruptions especially in the face, forehead, cheek and some on scalp,
since 6 months age. Itching +++, better by gentle rubbing. Stinging and cutting pains +++, with
occasional burning; weeps from pain. Chronic loose stool 4-5 times per day with froth and mucus +++.
Lymph glands around neck swollen since 3 years painful +++ . Worse from cold, better from warm
Complete case was taken, the miasmatic bases were identified. Croton tiglium 30 one globule
in water made into two doses. One month later 200 two doses similarly. Cured without aggravation.
48. A Chronic Case of Eczema BADYOPADHYAY Ramananda (HH,20,9/1995)
40 Year-old man suffering intense itching of Eczema all over the body, oozing of bloody,
sticking exudation. Has had Allopathic and Ayurvedic treaments.
Graphites XM, then CM, Mezereum CM, Cured.
49. Questions and Answers about the LMs.
FOX Richard E. (HH,20,11/1995)
This is a very brief 'know-how' about the 50 millesimal scale potencies, also known as LM or a
potencies. Easy method of preparing the solution and application is detailed.
50. A Case worked on Mental Symptoms with Minimum Information
JAMES K.J. (HH,20,12/1995)
A Woman admitted for delivery was proposed to undergo surgery next day because of rigid
osc However she was insisting that she go home and that she did not want to see the nurse or doctor.
Hyoscyamus 30 repeated half hourly made her quiet and after the fifth dose, to deliver her baby in a
normal manner. ('Delusion, Injury, surroundings, by his", "home, desires to go").
51. A Case of Spastic Paraplegia
BANERJEA Subrata Kumar (HL,8,3/1995)
18 year-old girl. Involuntary movements and jerking of hands and legs worse exertion,
concentration. Twitching of face. Restless movements and spinning of the whole body (almost like in
Parkinson's). Unable to sit for more than a minute because of the involuntary spinning movements of
the body. Canine hunger. Sleep extremly disturbed: wakes up at night; extremly restless involuntary
This girl with severe disabilities had been under the treatment of the author since 1986 and is
still continuing. She has received over these years: Natrum sulphuricum, Tuberculinum, Calcarea
phosphorica and Lyssin.
Photographs depicting the stages of improvement has been given along with report.
Certainlya remarkable case.
52. Behaviour Problem
ROHRER, Anton. (HL,8,3/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 124
A mother complains of the bad conduct of her son: lazy; at home lies in bed and day-
dreaming; reading or playing with his computer. Neglects his work at school and home; says
everything is too much for him;at school he is a funny guy and makes jokes;prefers the easy way to
life and avoids every mental or physical exertion; sees sex films; neglects his duties completely; tells
lies to his mother which worries her. Never was anxious and makes easy contacts with people; strong
desire for every kind of sweet, especially chocolates. Gets diarrhoea from sweets. It is like with his
whole life, he prefers only the sweet part of life, the easy-going one.
Saccharum officinale 200 changed his behaviour. (See CLARKE's Materia Medica).
53. Abdominal Disorder
SHAH Jayesh (HL,8,3/1995)
69 year-old married female. Abdominal distension, flatulence and offensive smell of all
discharges, for the last 40 years. The smell of her stool is intolerable since three years, like
decomposed matter, rotten, stinking. She has had lot of antibiotics. Frequent burning urination.
History of frequent worm complaints. At 60 years age operated for breast cancer. Explains herself as
"The fighting type who will not give in to nonsense", A disciplinarian, wants things in order and in time
and she is very firm about these.
The main 'feeling' of the patient identified by the author after reflecting upon her case including her
dreams, was that of "being a special, distinguised person and she cannot be trod upon like dust,"
Deciding for a metal remedy a search was made in the repertory for the two peculiar symptoms the
extreme general offensiveness and desire for stools but only flatus is passed. Osmium 200 brought
about a dramatic relief; the remedy was repeated two months later. (This patient showed great
fighting spirit while HERING in his Guiding symptoms mentions' Weak, gives up easily".)
54. An Intersting Case
CHATTERJEE Sujit (HL,8,3/1995)
35 year-old housewife with psychological disorder and Tachycardia, with very rapid pulse.
Felt as if blood would shoot up and come out of her skull. Cannot stand any stress, too weak will
power. Inferiority complex. Husband is a scientist and is a pessimist and does not encourage her in
work. She had to strain a lot even to tell her symptoms in the clinic. Fear of death, fear as to what will
happen to her children.She desired salty food.
Haloperidol improved her. (see O.A. JULIAN's Materia Medica)
55. A Case of Breathing Problem
SCHADDE Anne (HL,8,3/1995)
43 year-old woman, Psychologist with complaints of burning sensation in the chest extending
upwards to the throat and into the back region. Breathing is very difficult because of pain. Could
breathe in but not out. Tension in larynx while speaking. Speaking lessons did not help. Has Psoriasis
of scalp. Had, years ago, very often Cystitis. She is a person who" Cares all the time up to self-
sacrifice". The pain in her chest started when her colleague 10 years younger suffered a stroke two
months ago. In times of too much demand she reacts with hyperventilation.
Lobelia inflata was her remedy. 5 months later she got her old cystitis. She said that she had
sensation of something in her bladder. Lobelia was repeated.
56. Arthritis SAMANT
Nitin (HL,8,3/1995)
42 year-old woman, married, three sons and one daughter;swelling and pain of right wrist
joint. Pains shift to fingers occasionally. Insomnia. Hypotension. Flatulence. Her "mental state', the
author writes, was 'self-centred'ness. the medicine that helped her was Senecio aureus.
57. Mental Depression
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 125
SAMANT Nitin (HL,8,3/1995)
32 year-old man with the chief complaint of mental depresswn, with noises in the ear.
Depression since 3-4 years. The depression proceded gradually. Tinnitus also increased and
decreased gradually. When he is busy has no problem. Feels that when compared with others he has
achieved nothing, History of unconsciousness at ten years age after falling down from fourth floor. He
came out of the unconsciouness gradually.
Helleborus niger restored him over an year.
58. A Case Report
LOUKAS George (HL,8,3/1995)
22 year -old woman. Menstrual disturbances; delayed upto 3 months; irritability and pain in
abdomen and waist before menses. Intense insomnia. Pains in hands and legs, nape of neck and
lower back, worse when anxious to finish a job, better when moving. Until 18 years age recurrent
tonsilitis. Sweats a lot. Stomach problems with chills and often a low fever. When angry she speaks a
lot and confuses her words. Likes warm and cloudy weather, rain and storms. Frightened by sudden
noise and troubled by strong odors and smoking. Doesn't tolerate tight clothes, impatient. Does not
express her feelings. When trying to sleep she has thoughts about spirits, she also thinks that there
may be something in the room. Dreams of dogs, journeys, horses, trees, flying, swimming, fire arms,
shooting, that something undefined haunts her, of murder, poisoning, going up and down in an
elevator or on stairs, sometimes the elevator is out of order.
Stramonium did not help. Then she told a strange experience: that her soul often goes out of
her body, goes around the space and watches her body from above. But she feels afraid and comes
back. This happens mostly when she has a difficult situation in her everyday life and when she has
Pyrus americanus one dose brought about spectacular improvement. ("Delusions, body, able
to go out of body and walk around, looking down upon").
59. Skin Allergy
KAMAT Gautam (HL,8,31995)
32 year-old Engineer, married, 3 year-old son. Eczematous hyper-pigmented patch almost
covering his entire left cheek. Ferrum metallicum XM on dose (selected purely on the 'mentals') cured
28 year-old housewife, with red patches on her face, earlobes and hands which used to
appear whenever she got exposed to the sun for a prolonged time. These patches would pass off in a
few days if she did not go out in the sun, but would again come on if exposed. She was very sensitive.
The rubrics selected were all 'mental' and Naturm muriaticum which however did not cure.
Case retaken and Natrum carbonium (based on the 'mentals') cured.
60. A Case of Portio Dysplasia
HIWAT Corrie (HL,8,3/1995)
28 year-old female with many problems. She is an art teacher and likes to work with bright
colours.She was a member of any organisation that protected animals. She didn't like children at all.
While she would weep over a suffering animal, the sight of a baby did not move her at all. She
smokes, drinks, going to bed late hours, eating bad food. Aversion to milk, sweets.
Aethusa cynapium removed all her complaints.
61. A Case of Joint Disorder
HIWAT Corrie (HL,8,3/1995)
28 year-old female, with severe pain in her left knee. Knee badly swollen and can hardly walk.
This since two years. All conventional and alternative therapy already tried.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 126
She finds life difficult. as the feeling that she did not want to be born (right after birth she did
not breathe and it took a lot of effort to have her to start breathing) She is in Psychotherapy since two
years. Incapable of working and feels very insecure and without any self-confidence. Doesn't like
children but loves animals. Considering totality she was given Aethusa cynapium and she had
allround improvement.
"The similarities I have found in these two cases were the sophisticated way of dressing. The
bright make-up. The aggravation from the heat. the staring look and the red cheeks. The aversion to
have children. The love for animals. The aversion to milk. Difficulty to trust others. Antici patation
before examination. In one case the patient wept a lot while in the other case her mother wept a lot.
Most striking, the hatred, mainly towards the mother. Rigidity of opinion. Something seems to have
gone wrong with Aethusa patients in early childhood, during the breast feeding period, or before that
with negative effect on the breast feeding. Some disturbance between the mother and child, resulting
in closing off the emotions and hatred".
62. Recurrent Colds
DAPTARDAR B.G. (HL,8,3/1995)
9 year-old girl with recurrent coryza and cough. Change of weather or change of food affects.
Nightly nasal obstruction. Recurrent fever, always very high and bodyache. "Born with throat infection"
and thereafter chronic tonsill.itis, Desires liquid foods, fruits, chocolates+++, sweets, Ice-creams.
When she gets hurt she doesn't weep easily but rather remain quiet. But when her mother notices and
caresses she weeps a lot. White spots on nails.
Carcinosin 200 two doses.
63. A Case of Tuberous sclerosis
DAPTARDAR, B.G. (HL,8,3/1995)
25 year-old male. Convulsions first noted in March 1991; only during sleep. Recurrent coryza
with lachrymation and headache. Headache better sneezing worse fasting. Cannot tolerate
contradiction. III tempered. Mean and selfish. Eruptions on face like that of clustered warts. He was
quite dull and poor in his studies and somehow landed in a job in the Municipality. Was eager to be
Bufo M transformed him.
64. A Case of Sexual Abuse
JENNI Victor J. (HL,8,3/1995)
11 year-old girl with hsitory of sexual abuse, by her father who is an alcoholic. Her three year
older brother suffers from Aplastic anemia. Many fights in the family with the involvement of the
The girl suffered with recurrent pharyngo- tonsillitis. Tonsils removed. She suffers from wandering
joint pains; despairs with the pains in hips, knees, elbows, wrists and feet. Pains in waves, worse
evening, better warm bath. On the right side of body she has an eruption, a Pityriasis rosea Gibert.
Fears thunderstorms, foreign people and darkness. She is warm and refuses warm clothes. Strong
perspiration on feet.
Crotalus cascavella 30; No complaints of pain.
65. Migraine
JENNI Victor .J (HL,8,3/1995)
53 year-old woman; Migraine, abdominal pains, climacteric problems, sleeplessness and
vertigo with tendency to fall. Naja 200.
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66. The Case of Princess Daisy
BALDOTA Sudhir (HL,8,3/1995)
This is a 'text book' case, i.e. exactly as depicted in text book. Callosities on the soles,
sentimental, love of moonlight, sun-rays coming through broken glass, obese, amative, love-sick, etc.
Antimonium crudum M transformed her.
67. Psychologically Disturbed Youth
GUNAWANTE S.M (HL,8,3/1995)
19 year-old boy with complaints of erratic 2 behavior, at home and school. He stopped
attending school because his mates teased him, He told his parents to change his name because his
mates joked about it.
His story had components of Baryta carbonica and Sulphur and so Baryta sulphurica was
given and he improved.
68. A Case of Insomnia
HIWAT Corrie (HL,8,3/1995)
54 year-old female with Insomnia. Her father, a vicar, always demanded attention and service
from his wife and children. He had all members of his family around him in the bed at night and when
he was unwell this daughter who was God and Satan and someone who was completly pathetic", Her
Insomnia started after her secret relationship with a married man came to an end. She spoke of
breaking free from rules choking her. She said that her whole life was filled with fear. Felt very lonely
and needed people around her. She said "there is a great need in me to express myself. There is still
so much excitement in my body. Waves of excitement go right through me. I have to contol myself
from not speaking very loud if I talk to someone". She had pain in her body, in her breasts, abdomen.
Lot of Gas and her abdomen swells up with it. Feels hurried, need to walk when excited with a lot of
pains in legs. Hyperventilation.
Cimicifuga relieved her sufferings.
69. A Case of Abdominal Pain
HIWAT Corrie (HL,8,3/1995)
The patient seemed to be in great anguish. When she was narrating her troubles she was so
nervous that she could hardly speak, wringing her hands, pale lips, red face, scraping her throat
frequently,etc. Her abdominal cramps would come and go without any modalities. Chronic coryza,
constant sniffling.
Her father was a faddist regarding macrobiotic food, because her sister was ill (cancer) and
he believed that somehow macrobiotic food would restore her. As a result everyone at home had to
take only such food regimen. She herself thought that for all her complaints the reason was perhaps
that she had bad eating habits. When her dying sister secretly pleaded for sweets, she sometimes
gave the forbidden food. She now felt very guilty. Kali bromatum.
The remedy restored her fully. She realised that she did whatever she could then to her sister
and that her father in his despair to save his daughter believed that the way out was strict diet. She
felt sorry for him too. In this case the rubrics were Delusion, Crime, committed a; delusion her brother
fell overboard in her sight !
70. Treating Crack Babies
SANDERFORD Patty (HL,8,3/1995)
"The addiction to crack Cocaine has reached epidemic proportions in America. In the past 5
to 10 years more and more children have been born to crack addicted mothers. These children are
born with multiple problems into horrendous situations. This article is from Patty SANDERFORD, a lay
homoepath of considerable skills, and a mother with a large heart .She has raised in part or full 54
children! Her calling has led her to cross paths with children virtually no other homoepath has
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 128
encountered. I thought a few of her experiences might interst readers of Links" (Karl ROBINSON,
Editor of this issue of HL)
Some Extracts from the article itself which is fascinating reading and which strongly recalls to
the mind of a homoepath his/her 'calling':
"I had no idea how my journey in Homoeopathy would have such a strong impact on so many
lives. I first learned of Homoeopathy nine years ago. I am a lay homoeopath but a mother first. My first
born is now 22 years old. He is my only biological child. I also have 5 adopted daughters and am
currently adopting a sibling group of three. I have been the foster mother to 45 other children... In the
ten years I have been fostering children there has been a phenomenal rise in drug addicted children. I
have seen suffering and pain that no child should have to endure".
Case 1: Three day-old baby boy, born to crack- addicted 30 year-old mother, who has been abusing
drugs since her 13th year. She used crack 3 hours before he was born (at 35th week). The child was
very lazy, lethargic,actually in stupor and next to impossible to arouse. In one 12 hour period he did
not wake up once to eat or cry! He was a limp baby in arms. Opium M one dose was given and 8
hours later he awoke and took the bottle and proceeded to recover. He is now 3 years old and lives
with his aunt, and is quite normal.
Case 2: Six-month-old male baby who has been severely beaten about the head. Eyes were swollen
almost shut. Blood was running from his nose which was purple. The lips were swollen double the
normal size. Ears a deep purple. Pathches of hair were missing.He was screaming and writhing in the
arms, Arnica M was given and he was carried comfortably in the arms and she (the author) started
singing quietly to him. In 12 minutes he slept, and after 4 hours woke up and hungrily took the feed.
He made a rapid recovery.
Case 3: 2 year-old male child. History of being burned with an iron and cigarettes, cut with a knife,
smothered with a pillow, poked in the eyes, put under a hot and cold water for soiling his pants,
digitally sodomized until he bled, and beaten with a belt. When he was first picked up from his mother
(who was 32 and had been abusing drugs from her 12th year age) the first words he told was "Bitch,
feed me!" His hands were constantly clenched even in his sleep. Very angry boiling mad inside. After
observing for 3 days he was given Staphysagria 200. He began to improve, but still the violence in
him. He was later given Stramonium XM. He made great progress but there is still much to be done.
(In the land where parents so cruelly and unbelievably violently torture small infants, there are such
kind and loving persons like Patty SANDERFORD. There is so much of hope for Homoeopathy in the
hands of such persons. God bless you Patty = KSS).
71. A Case of Cenchris contortrix
HUG Christine (HL,8,4/1995)
27 year-old woman complaining of panic attacks at night which woke her from sleep. She had
fears from: wars, spiders, snakes and contracting an incurable diesease. Her chief fear was of men
and being raped (which had occured when she was 18). Since then she had fear of a man coming
into her bed-room at night and she awoke with heart pounding, fearing she would die.
She had broken completely with her father who had several affairs for which she despised
him. She said that she dreamt of being "lame". She felt that "lame" meant that she liked stealing from
time to time which made her feel good. Pulling off a robbery was a kind of revenge.
She felt tempted to have sex sometimes but she despised herself for such thoughts. She was
given Cenchris 30 and a month later 200. She dreamt of having uninhibited sex. Then she began to
have sexual realtionships with several men and did things which she never imagined she would dare.
Never had so much fun in her life. She needed the reme9y some months later. Three years later she
needed the same remedy in M potency.
72. Insights into a Common Remedy
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 129
13 year-old girl with recurrent Pinworms resisting all treatment. Tendinitis of right foot. Pain
and clicking in ankles and wrists. Frequent need to crack her ankles. Her wrists hurt when she wrote.
Growing pains in various parts of her body. Whenever Pinworms recurred she became angry. She felt
that the there was a part of her which others could not understand. Felt she couldn't count on people.
Anger, irrascibility. Ruta graveolens M was her remedy.
There are many symptoms in this case which Ruta cured are not well-known or used earlier.
73. Cases of Bronochopulmonary dysplasia
COOPER Linda (HL,8,4/1995)
This article demonstrates that Homoeopathy can be used with success purely on
pathophysiologic grounds, ' a far cry from the heady heights of psychological prescribing that we often
read about in Links".
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a chronic lung disese which develops in infants who
suffered from hyaline membrane disease in the first week of life. A friend homoeopath suggested Kali
muriaticum (tissue salt) for these infants. 3x was tried without success and then 30c one dose a day
for 3 days gave a dramatic improvement in an infant. Weekly doses continued for a few weeks with
continued improvement. At least two other infants with BPD improved well with the same remedy.
74. Memories, Dreams & Remedies
THOMPSON Michael (HOM,58,1995)
WHITMONT has pointed out that many patients will have dreams of snakes, robbers, being
pursued,chased etc. during their lifetime. These are quite common things to appear in dreams. In his
book Dreams, a Portal to the Source WHITMONT has said that we must listen carefully to the
patient's dream and ask the dreamer about the symbols in the dream itself.
The following cases are to illustrate how the language of the patient's dream may be interpreted. At
least understood and then translated into the language of the repertory, it may suggest possible
remedies. WHITMONT has inspired by his example to listen to patients with greater attention and to
feel that their world, not only their dreams, is real for them.
Case 1: A retired man with Anxiety Neurosis. He had fascination with whales and submarines. When
asked for clarification he said that he meant sharks and that sharks symbolised hidden power in the
depths of the sea, thus one sees a similarity with submarines. When asked in what way he hid his
power he said that he did not reveal himself to other people very much, but only showed them what
he thought they wanted to see. He considered himself to be a great person; and the prescription was
Case 2: A woman born 1959, a mother and Psychotherapy student with mestrual problems. She
dreamt that she was fighting with her mother. It was centuries ago and they were fighting with crude
metal weapons. She comes from Greece and has a long history of conflicts with her mother. Ferrum
metallicum image and it cured her.
Case 3: A woman born 1972, a social worker. She had a dream of a bad man with a tattoo. She
explained that the man was a local celebrity. He has tattoos on his face and feet and in particular she
dreamt of him having a tattoo on his cheek shaped as a tear. He also had tribal markings he decided
to have removed. When asked what the tattoo of a tear meant to her, she said that it was somebody
who was unable to cry and wanted to show other people that they were sad. "Rather like me" she
said. She was very self-conscious about her eczema and had not worn shorts all summer because of
it. (aversion to being looked at; Fear of her condition being observed -symbol: tribal markings
removed). Aurum metallicum.
Case 4: A woman born 1958, vertigo attacks every three to six months for the past 2 to 3 years. Her
dream: she is paddling and she cannot swim. Her father, who is deceased, is far out to sea and she is
afraid of the sea because she cannot swim. In the dream she will not go any further than she has to.
Things are growing in the sea. She is paddling and paddling and keeping her feet on the ground and
doesnot know what is underneath. She is afraid of taking her feet off the ground because of not
balancing. She is afraid her father will not come and that the water will carry him away. Her father tells
her to come in and it is lovely and warm. She thinks it is cold. He is warm because he is moving
about. She does not like chlorine in swimming pools. Here we have the image of the shy, introverted
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person who is unable to swim in the currents of life and stays on the edges and just paddles and
niggles at things. Natrum muriaticum.
Case 5: A woman born 1940, Had not had her periods for three months. Pains in the left elbow,
unable to straighten properly. Pain worse from any movement. Her dream: she was by herself in the
parapets of a castle which needed a lot of decorating and she was redesigning and hoping to get
more of her family in it. The house was in a poor state of repair but the grounds were good. To her a
castle meant, hundreds of years old, royal connections, lots of servants, is built on a hill , defended
against invaders and has big strong doors. When asked what she had to defend against she said that
she defended her family. She likes to think that she is the kingpin. But these were frustrated. Platina
was her remedy.
Case 6: A woman born 1964, a voluntary supervisor for a charity. Her dream: she was sitting there
with all her possessions, and her partner was trying to connect a televison. (they do not like television
and do not have one at home). She was shouting at people in the dream and she felt unsupported.
They did not care and her mouth was dry and words stuck in her throat. The next day she developed
a sore throat so that it was difficult for her to say some of the things she feels.
She then said that she felt paranoid about some of the things at work and wants to leave the
agency. She felt betrayed,injured and taken advantage of. She said that TV is a power tool and is
used for advertising but you can get hooked into it, it is not like a book. She talked about power
struggle at work and she feels suicidal. The TV has a thick power lead, but it was not connected. She
felt that she had given a lot of her power away and she needed to feel support. Aurum was her
Case 7: A woman born 1947 with frequent, protracted and heavy periods, PMT and night sweat. Her
dream: She was in a clothes shop with her mother and she wanted to buy a 1920's shifts. In her
dream she was a 20's flapper. The 1920's were a decadent era. This is a picture of a society woman
going to elegant parties, who would value the admiring glances and flattery. Taken together with
feeling hurt and abandoned by her husband and family, a picture of Palladium emerges clearly.
75. Mother and Child
PINTO Gabrielle (HOM,58/1995)
The cases are to illustrate Mother-Child dynamics and long-term case management in
homoeopathic practice.
Case 1: This lady did not conceive untill she took fertility drugs. The pregnancy was very
troublesome. Her child was alright, but she could not sleep well, had headaches, lost interest in sex
and had no joy in going out and living. She was losing hair, constantly anxious. Sepia improved her in
all ways. She again came to the author when she became pregnant without fertility treatment and
after first two weeks she began to feel lethargic and unable to sleep and had again lost her sexual
energy. Sepia again lifted her up. When she again came for a cough and chest infection she was
given Tuberculinum bovinum 200 and her pregnancy went on well and she turned to be a very healthy
woman "I feel a normal human being. I can take naps now. I can lie down and sleep. The deep fatigue
has gone. I have also had no more headaches for ages".
Case 2: 3 year-old boy; wakes two or three times in the night, screaming from nightmares, wants a
light on all the time, scratching and biting his friends, very jealous of the baby. Cries easily, gets colds
often, very possessive, particularly of his toys. Stramonium 200 and the child made rapid
The mother now came, an year-and-half after the Tuberculinum (see case 1 above)
complaining of a change of mood. Felt insecure, clinging to her children. Felt as if in a dream, like
cotton wool in head. Used to feel like this as a child. Critical of husband and shouting at him, very
angry. Felt separated from everyone and that there were no friends. Nothing seems normal to her
As a child she was very clingy of her mother and felt very upset and anxious when her mother was
away for two weeks. Stramonium 200 and her complaints began to clear up.
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Inner experiences of childhood can be carried through to adulthood.
76. Difficulty in Labour
CUMMI NGS Bright (HOM,58/1995)
The author is an independent Midwife and also practices Homoeopathy. In this practical
article she briefly recounts the difficulties in labour, the common reasons for calling medical aid-
Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes (SRM) followed by No contractions at term. She says that while
most consultants would expect women in this situation to go into hospital, however, if left alone, 70%
will give birth within 24 hours, and 90% within 48 hours. She also lists the indications for orthodox
medical treatment, the risks of such treatment as also the advantages. The relevant rubrics in relation
to homoeopathic intervention is given.
In 'Erratic contractions' she gives again the advantages and disadvantages of Orthodox
treatment and what may happen if the mother chooses to wait. In this too the relevant rubrics are
77. Do-it-yourself ?
WARREN Carolyn(HOM,58,1995)
The fourth child of a 37 year-old woman was born very healthy with a hare-lip. He was
booked for a repair operation six weeks later. The mother became very anxious as the surgery date
approached. The child was taken to the surgery but the surgeon postponed the surgery since the boy
had elevated white blood cell count. This situation repeated three more times. The child had no
cough, cold, fever, but whenever he was taken to the surgeon it was found, that his white- cell count
was more, and so the surgeon did not chance a surgery. The mother was in a constant state of
anxiety. Being devout christians, she and her husband discussed in detail and decided that they were
being tested. But she couln't cope with the stress. After discussing with the lady Thuja was seen as
her remedy. In order for her disfigured child to have the simple operation that will render his face
beautiful, his mother has got to relinquish control of him. She has to not only put him into the hands of
the surgeon and anaesthetist, but also if she believes in fate, or 'God', and she professes to believe
whole- heartedly in 'God', So this is a deep test of her faith. If we can see what our fears are, feel
them but do the thing any way, we can overcome them. Ultimately we have to do it ourselves.
78. Long-term Homoeopathic Treatment and Chronic Disease: A discussion.
Two cases of patients who had ongoing treatment over a period of eight years for non-life-
threatening complaints and eventually developed cancer while still having Homoeopathy. The object
of the exercise is to try and understand what happened and to consider the implications. These cases
were referred to ten respected homoeopaths-. and their comments sought. Five responded - Jeremy
SHERR, Madeline EVANS, Miranda CASTRO, Berkely DIGBY, Rc,berto BIANCHINI. Robin LOGAN
summarises and comments further.
Two out of the 10 homoeopaths chosen to be addressed were particularly known for their
stated belief in the safety and simplicity of homoeopathic practice, but unfortunately neither of the two
79. Two Cases of Breast Tumour
PAREEK Alok (HOM,59/1995)
Case 1: 35 year-old young lady, middle-class family, consulted for a lump in her right breast which
had been steadlily growing in size for about an year. It was stony hard, fibroid, and embedded In the
gland. Skin and nipple in no way complicated. Surgeons advised excision. She had fear of cancer.
Biopsy report confirmed malignancy. Surgeons suggested immediate mastectomy, which was done
followed by deep rays and she was assured of total recovery. Three months later another lump of the
same type occurred in her left breast, and now she came to Homoeopathy.
The Totality of the case pointed to Conium maculatum which was given in XM potency and a
small crop of furuncles appeared in axilla and she appeared improving. Two months later there was a
set-back and she found the tumour much large; she was morose, depressed and disappointed.
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Conium CM was given and soon the tumour was found much reduced in size with no pain and
simultaneously a crop of bluish furuncles appeared. Graphites CM cleared the whole and three
months later biopsy ruled out any malignancy.
Case 2: 50 year-old lady with lump in her right breast covering right upper and lower quadrant.
Conium maculatum 200, but beyond some decrease in size no further progress. She was found to
have warts on one side of the left knee as also multiple small warty growths round her neck; history of
uterine polyp. Thuja M. A month later tumour reduced to half its size, but now she had vertigo better
by washing head in cold water and drinking cold water. Phosphorus M cleared the whole case.
80. A Case
ROBERTSON Fiona (HOM,59/1995)
In this case an 'acute' remedy rarely though of in a chronic case and less so as a
'constiturional' remedy, has been used in a chronic case of Asthma.
A boy of 9 years age, born blue, needing oxygen. His mother experienced 'labour' five weeks
before but it was arrested in hospital and subsequently induced in full term; he was born quickly.
As a baby he had Hernia; after DPT he caught chest virus and kept in oxygen tent and since
then frequent colds and then wheezing, etc., Put on steroids. His nature is basically placid and easy-
going. Full of mischief with a nice sense of humour. He is a child who never did anything until he is
ready. Walked late. Only at 15 months he stood up; in the morning he stood up and walked and by
evening he was running through the whole house!
He developed violent anger over trifles and somnambulism. Taking into account the whole
case, including family history, the remedy that came up, after repertorisation, was Aconite. His
'suddenness' (quick birth,sudden standing and running, vilent angers etc. ,) decided Aconite which
was started in the LM1 potency. Since then he began to improve steadily; the remedy was slowly
raised to LM2 and then 3. He needed once Arsenicum album, Tuberculinum and again Aconite. Lastly
given Calcarea sulphurica 200. Got mouth abscess. Since then clear of all other symptoms.
81. A Conservative Man
SPENCE Neil (HOM,59/1995)
31 year-old man, senior administrator, and doing an MBA which he loves but finds stressful.
Drinks a lot and smokes hash to calm himself down. He is worried about all the drinking and smoking.
Very conscious of status, has to be good at his job; tiredness and stress is a constanj problem. "i don't
have time to be ill". Abrupt with people, holds grudge, hurries. Suffered roac accident twice, as a
teenager. Since these accidents Migraine-type headaches.
He was given Nux vomica LM 1, daily dose; thE remedy was given over the period upto LM7.
HE subsequently needed Opium 200.
82. A Short Case and Repertory addition
MEYER Sarah (HOM,59/1995)
Herpes Zoster :
Mind: Anxious, on edge. Restlessness, IrritablE Wants to be free of confines (desires for open air
Yearning. Idealism and fanaticism.
Eruption: Rash, Red, Pustules, Small like chicke pox. Left side of chest and left shoulder blade.
Pains: Sharp needle-like. As if burning. Aching, dull where nerve is like a bruise with itching. Light
pressure ameliorates. Worse at night, before sleep. Waking 2.30 am and then sleepless. Worse not
moving, better from occupation, working.
Prescription: Tuberculinum 200
Complete cure of herpes in 10 days.
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83. Treatment of children with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity
GRUBER Frank W. (HT,15,6/1995)
This is a review of a Seminar by Paul HERSCU.
HERSCU's teachings are based on his own experiences. The remedies in Attention Deficit
Disorder fall within a certain grouping. HERSCU has constructed a model for the selection of these
remedies and how to follow-up over time. He said that all the "Hyperactive remedies" while mainly
thought of for their mental-emotional components, also have well defined physical symptoms. They
are complete remedies. According to HERSCU Hyoscyamus patients may pass through a
Stramonium state as they get healthier. Although most of the hyperactive remedies share so many of
the same symptoms, they are all quite different, The reason they look so similar is that since they
follow one another, often symptoms of remedies that will be required in the future for the patient are
84. A little-used remedy
Two cases of eye surgery; one a lady of 93 and another a man 54 years, both underwent
surgery but suffered from 'debris' in eye after the surgery. Prognosis uncertain. In both cases, Senega
6 gave very quick benefit, complete recovery. (see BOERICKE "Fragments in eye after operation").
85. A Summer Flu
MALERBA Larry (HT,15,7/1995)
Nothing remarkable in this case. Nevertheless his is being included here just to show the
rapidity with which the cure takes place unlike any other Medicine. 32 year-old female who has been
earlier cured of Psoriasis with Lycopodium now complains of tiredness, cough (after a sore throat),
sinus pain (maxillary), slightly more chilly, emotionally somewhat depressed, frustrated and avoiding
people. She was nervous before a piano recital. Gelsemium 30 brought her back to normalcy within
24 hours.
86. Epidemics: Prescribing by
Committee? CRORE Ann Jerome (HT,15,711995)
There is a very interesting lesson in this case report.
A friend of the author reported of a Flu with which her 7 year-old son was down. This boy who
was normally healthy and active developed fever (102°F) sleepy, vomitting everything, his neck hurt.
Strangely his mood was sweet, calm, and cuddly - an anomaly for him even in health, and far more so
in sickness. By the time the author spoke to her friend he was improving and no medicine was given.
Several days later the author's own two year-old daughter came down with the Flu (sleepiness,
vomiting, fever, sweet-tempered and cuddly) and remedies Pulsatilla, Belladonna and Ipecacuanha
had little effect. Now, it was observed that the same friend's daughter who was always prone to
attacks of all colds and flus, had not succumbed to this virus even though her brother had the flu; the
constitutional remedy of this girl was Phosphorus. Possibly the Phosphorus protected her. The
author's 2 year-old son's case, when analysed pointed to Phosphorus and it brought him to normality
soon. During the next 2 weeks Phosphorus cured the author and her husband though their symptoms
were different from their children's.
In these cases the remedy was not worked out with the repertory but merely by diagnosis. For answer
refer to §101 and 102. Remedy selected on the basis of totality of cases!
87. A case of an angry, violent child
MALERBA Larry (HT,15,1011995)
"Timely homoeopathic treatment can alter the course of someone's life. Therein lies the value
of treating children. Imagine the potential future of the child described in this case had he never
received the similimum that helped to restore his Vital Force to balance." In the subsequent lines a
nine year- old boy is described. He complains of being tired all the time, even after 12 hours sleep. On
further examination it turns up that he has always been a character, and worse when alone and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 134
always needs company and to be entertained. He gets violently angry, throwing a fit, crying, punch his
brother or yell at his sister. He can storm out of a room and slam the door. If he loses in sports he
would behave as if the world is against him, accusing the children of cheating. He wants to be the
best, everything is competition. He loses things; "too many things in my mind" he says.
In gist he received Stramonium and began to improve.
88. A Miraculous Case
A man suffered fracture of the leg while jumping from the second storey to escape from a fire.
He was on homoeopathic remedy then. Two years later, he complained of pain in his left leg in the
outer side, a few inches above the ankle. Ruta 200 was given and immediate relief was felt. Two
months later the leg was bothering him again "it feels like a piece of bone is coming out". Ruta M was
given and again immediate relief. Another two months later he was again limping. Subrata K.
BANERJEA'S Materia Medica which claims to contain "ancestral tips" had this: "Bellis perennis :
Sprains and Bruises, Myalgias and Neuralgias, Rheumatism, Boils, etc. Potency 50 m. Ancestral tip:
Complaints resulting from injuries to deep tissues and nerves. Potency of par excellence!" This was
taken at 10pm on a Wednesday night. Around 2 a.m. of Thursday night woke up and felt something
strange going on with the leg and found something moving and poking out of the skin. Found it poking
out of the skin and gently pulled it out. It came out easily and without pain, no oozing. After washing it,
it was found to be a glass piece 2 inches long and 1 inch wide. Evidently it had penetrated into the leg
while the patient jumped through the window. Patient remains well (Note the action of Bellis perennis).
89. A coma Case
23 year-old man -a very brilliant musician and composer in a music college in San
Franscisco. A car crashed into him while he was biking and he was flung 35 feet over the windscreen.
He is in coma since 5 weeks. Extensive head injury mostly on the right side, plus broken ribs.
Apparently a score 30 is declared brain-dead and he was 27. He was breathing on his own after
tracheotomy, and was being fed intravenously. At this point the discussion was to stop feeding him,
and "let him go". However, his mother determined that he was "in there" somewhere and was
constantly speaking to him, playing music, and giving him physical therapy. He has been out of coma
for about 3 weeks.
His symptoms at this stage: arms contracted upto the chest and fingers clenched and already
the tendons are shortening and movement is difficult. Very often the left side of the face is drawn like
a kind of "sneer". More movement on the left of his face. Jaw clenched, for the weeks he was
comatose. Forehead is wrinkled very often. Does not move his head, but his eyes will look at you
intensely and follow you slowly and sometimes eyes will roll up and it will take time for them to return
to normal. Feet turned in. He was running intermittent fever, not so often now. Head and face are
often sweating profusely, with no fever.
He was known to be a friendly person, introspective, intense concentration, his musical
compositions were a mixture of classical and jazz -very free and creative. Liked writing poetry and
reading. He has always had eczema on knees, elbows and eyelids.
Helleborus brought some amount of improvement and then Natrum sulphuricum helped
improve very much, much more than expected, to the extent that he could move easily in a wheel
chair and play the piano. His total recovery and restoration to his formal state is still doubtful, but there
is hope. He is under treatment.
90. Prostatitis
KANSAL Kamal & VAID Indu (HUD,3,711995)
'Update' on Prostatitis with two small cases: In one case of 50 year-old male Pareira brava 6
t.d.s. and later 30 for some period relieved and in another case of 72 year-old male, Copaiva 30 t.d.s
(ball sensation deep in the perineum).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 135
91. Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
CHAWLA Jagdish
18 years-old girl with chronic suppurative
Otitis Media was rapidly cured with a single dose of Hepar sulphuris CM.
92. Prostate Related Disorder
GUPTA A.K. (HUD,3,811995)
54 year-old man with too frequent
micturition. Investigation: Enlarged prostate. Nux vomica 200, followed by Ferrum picricum 30 daily,
73 year-old man, with Osteoarthritis and haemorrhoids and benign hypertrophy of the
prostate. Surgery for the prostate was suggested. Apis 3x and then Solidago mother tincture gave
remarkable relief.
70 year-old man, with Diabetes and prostatic hypertrophy Grade II. Lachesis M followed by
Sarsaparilla 30 t.d.s relieved.
60 year old man with Haematuria (after surgery for Haemorrhoids) with pain abdomen and
buring urination. Nux vomica M followed by Terebinthina 30 and Chimaphila mother tincture. Later
Sabal serrluata mother tincture, improved.
77 year-old man, operated for prostate in February 1994. Then there was swelling in the
pubic region with pain, micturition 8-10 times at night, dribbling of unine; blood pressure 240/ 120 mm
of Hg, hyperacidity, waterbrash and breathlessness. Staphisagria M followed by Rauwolfia mother
tincture and Viscum album 30 improved. Subsequently Carcinosin 200 followed by Crotalus horridus
30. His blood pressure also came down appreciably.
In all the cases the prescription was on the totality including the mentals and the potencies
were repeated as required.
93. Effect of Homoeopathy Remedies
on Thyroid Disease
KANSAL Kamal (HUD,3,9/1995)
41 year -old female with difficulty in swallowing and fine tremors of both hands. Thyroid tests
done and prescri bed Calcarea carbonica 200 every fortnight lodium 30 t.d.s. for 4 weeks. Repeat
tests showed improvement in 6 months.
14 year-old girl, student with malaise, lethargy, lack of concentration in studies and mild
thyroid nodule. Thyroid tests done and she was put on Thyroidinum 30 from 6.2.1995 to 8.7.1995.
Repeat Thyroid test showed good improvement.
The prescriptions were purely on clinical basis.
94. Cases of Infective Hepatitis -Who says Homoepathy is slow?
KOHL! Bindu (HUD,3, 10/1995)
32 year-old female, Turner's syndrome. Was under treatment for various metabolic disorders
and doing well with lodium 30 (not for Turner's syndrome which is of genetic origin). High colored
urine and pale stool with nausea and vomiting. Chelidonium 6 t.d.s. from 21.8.1995 to 12.9.1995 with
complete recovery.
22 year-old woman: pain abdomen esp. right hypochondrium and peri-umbilical region,
nausea intense and perpetual, and history of high coloured urine, fever Chelidonium 3x t.d.s. After 2
days the Serum bilirubin had shot up and patient was vomiting, stupefying headache, dryness of
mouth and thick white coating of tongue. Chionanthus 6 t.d.s. Vomiting stopped promptly, but intense
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 136
pruritus came. Hepar sulphuris 30 without improvement. Sulphur 30 t.d.s. for 3 days and there was
total relief and improvement.
95. A case of Acute Pyelitis
TAYAL Amrish (HUD,3,1011995)
24 year-old female with burning urination, fever, intense headache. The remedies indicated
did not help. Close questioning revealed that her father was forcibly abusing her sexually and in the
last week he had brought in another woman and was involved with her. Staphysagria 200 relieved
96. A Sentimental son
MEHTA Nimish (IJHM,30,311995)
35 year-old college Professor, very good in all his undertakings right from the school days,
intelligent, irritable, egotistical, domineering, blotting-paper memory, determined. In the further
discussion the patient was found to be basically 'sentimental'. This plus his craving for salt, chilliness,
headaches preceded by visual disturbances decided for Natrum muriaticum which was given from 30
to CM, repeatedly while the blood-pressure drugs were tapered and finally withdrawn.
97. Hypertension: Constitution Dyscrasia
BARVALIA Praful (IJHM,30,311995)
45 year-old man, with Hypertension 190-230/116 -120 since ten years. By and large
asymptomatic. Partial response with Betablockers. Obese, grey hair since 10 years, looks flabby, face
flushes easily, excess perspiration which is offensive. Hot patient, Strong family history of
Hypertension and Ischaemic heart disease, early death of 4 siblings. His life was full of emotional
stresses and strains. ECG showed silent old infarct.
Repeated doses of Ferrum iodatum 30 to M and Medorrhinum M
98. Anxious Female with Hypertension RAO Dinesh & DEOLE Neelam (IJHM,30,311995)
48 year-old female with Hypertension. Family history of Hypertension. Craving for sweets,
salty food and meat. Chill and sensitive to direct draft. Perspired profusely on chest and face.
Disturbed sleep due to financial problems and unpleasant dreams. she suffered traumatic marriage
and later from indifferent and misbehaving children.
Veratrum viride 30 and later 200 Kali Carbonicum 30,200, M, XM.
99. Industrious career oriented Female - Sepia SHUKLA N.P. (IJHM,30,3,1995)
64 year-old female, with Hypertension. As a child she was a'tomboy'. she heads a school
since over 25 years. Capable of managing problems diplomatically. Although past 60 she has no
intention of retiring. she feels that her mania for 'vWrk has kept her healthy all along. The striking
symptom was her career-orientedness. Sepia M gave her the required recovery.
100. Obsessed with Excellence - Story of a student BARVALIA Praful, SHINGALA Kirtida
(IJHM ,30,3.1995)
15 year-old girl, student with complaints of chronic colds, sneezing, dyspnoea, worse in humid
climate, 'vWrse draft, sweating, insufficient sleep. She desired chocolate, sweets, chilly.
She is the only daughter of a high-ranking police officer, and her mother is a school teacher.
The detailed case-taking revealed that the patient was a very fastidious, conscientious, precocious,
compassionate person; a perfectionist and hard- working; artistic.
Carcinosin 200.
101. Doctor in Distress
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 137
(IJHM ,30,3/1995)
This is a very interesting case. A 51 year-old doctor (whose father and son are also doctors)
was suffering from Peptic Ulcer. He was not attending his clinic due to the pains, since a month, and
conventional treatment was of no avail.
The history revealed that the patient had failed in all his three marriages. He felt that his sufferings
were due to his disobedience of his father who reconciled his self-pride for the sake of his son. He
was also making lot of plans of construction of beautiful bungalows for sale and developing a fine
to'Mlship. Taking into account his intense remorse, making of many plans, his despair, he was given
Coffea 200 for three consecutive days which brought quick relief. He began to attend his clinic and
gave up the 'plans for developing a beautiful township.
102. Tyrant Conscience and a soft Heart PATEL Manoj K. (IJHM,30,3/1995)
In this interesting case also the mental state decided the choice of the remedy, in fact the
mental state alone.
67 year-old man vvith Angina Pectoris, pain in the right arm with chest heaviness on exertion.
spondylosis, C5-C6. Cough, colds, invvinter. Teeth caries.
Detailed investigation of his life revealed him to be a highly disciplined man abiding by
established moral codes. His wife died and he developed intimacy with a woman who considered him
very high and worshipped him. Later she went to the USA to be with her son; now she was returning
home, she has written to him, and would like to see him. He was now excited at her return while at the
same time feeling much embarrassed. What is right? What is wrong?
Silica 200 (Repeated doses for several days)
103. Tinea vvith Psychosomatic
Dimension : A case study
BHATIA Kavita (IJHM,30,3/1995)
27 year-old man, extensive ringworm since a week; itching with burning; prone to allergic
colds; sneezing continuously worse early morning, dust. Wet cough worse smoking. Headache from
long journeys. Past history vvith similar skin treated allopathically.
Conscientious person, he checks again and again till work done upto his satisfaction. His
schedule is planned a day in advance and gets irritated if people are not punctual. He suffered from
loss of his friend in a motor-cycle accident in which he escaped with some injuries. He was sensitive
and rather reserved.
Natrum muriaticum 200 eight doses, q.d.s. followed by severe aggravation and then steady
amelioration. Natrum muriaticum 200 and then M later were given vvith complete cure.
104. Hysterical Lonely Lady with migraine BHALINGE Sunil B. (IJHM,30,3/1995)
32 year-old married woman. Headache chronic; Burning in stomach, lot of gas. The totality
indicated Natrum muriaticum as the constitutional remedy.
105. Osteogenesis Imperfecta
SHANGLOO, G.K. (IJHM,30,311995)
Two cases are cited in which Calcarea carbonica was the main remedy with Sulphur in the
first case and Tuberculinum and Mercurius in the second case, required intercurrently. (All the
remedies in potencies 200 or above generally given as "two doses at 15 minute interval". What is the
retionale for this mode of administration has not been explained by the author-KSS).
106. Redundant Sigmoid Colon: A case study HAKIMJI M.S. (IJHM,30,3/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 138
3 year-old male child with chronic constipation since infancy. Initially Ambra grisea 30 and
then Alumina. But Syphilinum was the remedy which he actually needed.
107. An Encounter with Acute Myocardial Ischaemia
KOTHARI B.P., PUROHIT Hitesh (IJHM,30,4/1995)
A 66 year-old lady with Ischaemic heart disease suffered from an acute episode and was
improved by Laurocerasus and the miasmatic remedy Tuberculinum.
108. A case of Acute Cardiac Emergency VIJAYKAR Praful (IJHM,30,4/1995)
This case demonstrates the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines not only in chronic non-
serious diseases but also in acute cardiac emergencies.
This patient whose son is a doctor, was admitted to a hospital, in the ICU, for an acute infarct.
He refused to undergo allopathic treatment and demanded for the homoeopath. This patient was
known to be quick, hurried, sly, braggart, a know-all, do-all, pseudo personality, dogmatic, angry,
irritable and positive. He was given Mercurius solubilis 200 one dose and began to improve with no
other medication.
109. Impersonal, Sentimental Manager with Hypertension & Hyperthyroidism BARVALIA Praful
52 year-old man with Thyrotoxicosis. Sensitive and silent sufferer. Friendship and movement
much restricted. A self-made man. He also has Hypertension and Hyperacidity. Investigations
revealed that he had a minimal functioning goitre and is an ideal case for radioactive Iodine treatment
for this Thyrotoxicosis. Considering his total personality Kali bichromicum was prescribed and he
began to improve. The remedy was given once a day initially and was gradually raised to 4 hourly,
and then M potency in infrequent doses gradually increasing to 4 hourly.
110. Understanding the language of the Heart DHAWALE K.M. (IJHM,30,4/1995)
47 year-old lawyer with pain in the heart, "sledge hammer blow", vice-Iike pain; sensitiveness
of body; sweat stains clothes yellow. Could not shout or cry and admitted to the Cardiac Care unit and
hospitalized for a month. Bundle branch block and a complete heart block, but recovered. Now both
arms pain vice like, worse rapid movements, worse tension, worse thinking of complaint; better
Sorbitrate. Inderal 40 mg/day.
Desires alcoholic drinks, Ice cream. He was ambitious, his desires achieved, he still wanted to
progress further. He was irritable, excitable; headaches, rage, violence at persons, prone to shout,
sensitive, sentimental, impulsive, anxious about future.
His life story revealed the significance of the heart attack. He was given Aurum metallicum 30
and the potency was raised until the heart released its vice-Iike grip and the depression lifted. He was
also administered his constitutional remedy Silica and soon he was off all allopathic drugs. 15 years
later the patient still continued to do well.
111. Hypertension with Anxiety State MEHTA Kishore (IJHM,30,4/1995)
32 year-old female, married, two children; Hypertension. She is on anti-hypertensives. The
Hypertension came on during the first pregnancy when she became very anxious, and frightened.
Ultimately the delivery was by Caesarean. The blood-pressure became normal after delivery. She
developed hypertension during the second pregnancy. Mild diuretics were of no help and was put on
stronger drugs. She has constant anxiety about her child while she is in the college where she works
and rings up home to enquire about the baby. At night she wakes up with anxiety and confirms that
the child is alright. Whenever the routine gets least altered by environment she becomes tense. Fear
alone, craving sweets, excessive perspiration, anticipatory anxiety. Kali iodatum 200 daily doses and
on improvement M for two days.
112. An Encounter with a Schizophrenic VASANDI Yogesh (IJHM,30,4/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 139
24 year-old young man under psychiatric treatment since 5 years, for depression. When the
author visited the patient was asked by him to go away; he was found to be standing with his legs
apart. In his underwear. He has been standing like this for past 92 hours and his legs have started to
swell up yet he never spoke of pain.
The mother of the patient explained that he was severely reprimanded by his professor in the
Junior College because he had failed. He had not revealed to his parents his failure. The girl he loved
got engaged to another person and that affected him tremendously. He had been sexually abused by
his seniors which too he never told his parents. Now he screams at his parents. He has not taken any
food or water for past 92 hours. He was suspicious that his mother was giving some medication
through the food/drinks.
One dose of Lachesis M restored rapidly within 4 days and soon he became normal in all
113. Hypertension: Illustrative Cases JAIN C.B. (IJHM,30,4/1995)
Two cases to illustrate the emotional factor responsible for the ailment and the prompt
response to the homoeopathic remedy.
114. Emotional Stress, Cardio-Vascular Response and Homoeopathy
KULKARNI Ajit (IJHM,30,4/1995)
As the title would suggest the article discusses the emotional cause as responsible for Cardio
- Vascular diseases. The Cardio-Vascular System responds to the stresses through the change it
115. Homoepathic Grand-rounds SHEVIN William (JAIH,88,3/1995)
Dr. SHEVIN discusses the case of a 43 year- old woman with chief complaint of anxiety since
her early teens. Fear to be alone. The anxiety has taken many forms, almost like a fungus that goes
from one part to the other. You treat one thing and it goes to the other. Anxiety worse after the birth of
her daughter in 1974, the death of her father in 1984, herfather-in-Iaw's death in 1991. Worn down by
fast-paced work to the point of heightened sensitivity. Consulted a homo eo path : Natrum muriaticum
200 and then M "really stirred me up". During the treatment she became more sensitive to the
"elements", had difficulty warming up, lost weight. She tires easily, wakens tired, has sleepless nights,
is totally tired; her body races and she can't slow it down. The chest is where all the hurt seems to go.
Bloating and indigestion, headaches due to tension; mind is always going, thinking. Sensitive to touch
easily affected by bad news. Does not like the winter, the cold, the dark nights. Sadness during the
months of January to March. Sensitive to the sun, sensitive to others. Like to be nice to all, want
others to like her. It upsets her when someone dislikes her and she tries hard to win them over. she
used to keep everything in even if she was angry.
There was a strong feeling of Natrum family of remedies, also a strong feeling of Phosphorus.
Natrum phosphoricum 12 one dose was given on 29 October 1992. This was repeated at intervals
four times between October 1992 and November 1994.
This case and the prescri ption have been 'discussed' by Dr. Linda JOHNSTON, Dr. Michael
GLASS, and Michael CARLSTON. Dr. JOHNSTON said that no physical symptoms were provided
and that it is extremely difficult to prescribe exclusively on emotional and mental symptoms. Such
symptoms as nervousness, worn-down by fast- paced work, sensitive to elements, tired easily, etc.
are generalized symptoms, that do not point to any difinite direction. The homoeopath has not given
any rubrics or symptoms for selecting Natrum phosphoricum but instead has merely said strong
feelings of Natrum and strong feelings of Phosphorus. For that matter what is the feel of Iberis,
Lecithin, Fagopyrum or Doryphora? and the choice of the potency? HAHNEMANN's advice is to use
the highest potency tolerated.
Dr. Michael GLASS: congratulates the prescription. Even the 12c brought an initial
aggravation, followed by mental and physical ameliorations. One cannot quarrel with success; 12c
worked beautifully. He asks: if one may prescribe Natrum phosphoricum on the basis of the
components, does it necessarily follow that the sum of the parts equals the whole? Or does Natrum
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 140
phosphoricum have a "soul" (essence) of its own such that the whole is indeed more than the sum of
its parts? He, however, quotes KENT on Natrum phosphoricum. "The author has given this remedy
for twenty years to many patients whose nerves were in a fret from mental exertion and sexual
excesses and vices". George VITHOULKAS, Jan SCHOL TEN and Rajan SANKARAN each propose
differing mental essences.
Dr. Michael CARLSTON : This case very nicely exposes our prejudices that only a certain
potency can affect certain varieties of problems. Here, trifling doses of the simillimum cured the
patient quickly, reliably and gently -the true goal of a physician, as set out by HAHNEMANN. It is very
difficult to argue against the clear success of the "homoeopathic" use of homoeopathic doses in this
case. The correct prescription is often obvious to the homo eo path who perceived it and completely
mysterious to the rest of us.
Dr. SHEVIN replis to the criticisms.
116. Os Sintomas Concomitantes -Uma reflexao (The Concomitant Symptoms - some
COQUILLART Guy (RH,60,2/199S)
During the year 1992, a group of homoeopathic physicians, members of the IBET (Namur,
Belgium), took part in several seminars about concomitant symptoms. The purpose was to find readily
the Similimum in Chronic or acute cases without suppression. This article presents five clinical
cases, a short theoretical study about complete or incomplete symptoms and several questions about
the value of Concomitant Symptoms as characteristic ones, including their occurence in the Materia
117. A relacao Medico-paciente indireta e o tratamento homoeopatico na asma infantil (The
indirect doctor-patient relationship and the homoeopathic treatment of Asthma in children) DE
FREITAS Luis Antonio, GOLDENSTEI N Eduardo, SANNA Osmar M. (RH,60,2/199S)
The authors analysed the intensity, frequency, duration and scores of asthmatic crisis in
children during 6 months, comparing three groups, the first one, under exclusive allopathic treatment
the second allopathic plus a homoeopathic medicine (Blatta orientalis) and the third one under
allopathic treatment plus placebo. They were also compared with the results of a previous randomised
double- blind clinical trial (Blatta orientalis vs placebo). Possible reasons (indirect doctor-patient
relationship) for the results were pointed out.
118. 50 milesimal - 12 anos de experiencia (50 millesimal -12 years of practice) KONIGSBERGER
Fabio (RH,60,3-4/199S)
After 12 years of literal and exclusive practice with the 50 milesimal scale according to the 6th
edition of Organon, the author analyses its basic differences with the directions of the 5th edition.
He describes the way of administration of the medicine, its advantages and the
disadvantages, and enumerates all the possible procedures during the usage of this kind of
The author concludes that the 50 millesimal scale of potency is the homoeopathic technique
which better leads to a rapid and gentle cure, HAHNEMANN's maximum ideal.
119. Sexta centesimal -reposta a primeira prescricao (Sixth centesimal potency - results of the first
CARILLO Jrromeu, RUIZ Renan,
With the purpose of evaluating clinical results obtained by the use of 6c potencies, a
retrospective study of 200 records among adult patients was carried out. From this were selected 177
person who have got 6c as initial potency, prescribed in daily doses, in liquid form, as the single
remedy chosen on basis of characteristic symptom-totality.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 141
The results of the first prescription were evaluated after 30 days and was verified that 9% had
obtained a total amelioration, 59% partial amelioration, 29% was unaltered and 3% was worse. These
good results justify and advise to begin the homoeopathic treatment from the 6c potency, maintaining
it till the moment that the patient stops reacting to the medicine's stimulus.
120. Anamnese : Uma proposta de sistematiza9ao da primeira consulta (Anamnesis: a proposal of
systematization of the first consultation) DE SOUZA Erasto Lutz, CORREIA Maria Augusta,
OLIVEIRA Elza de, GOMES Gisela (RH,60,3-4/1995)
From some questions which arose from discussion of the patients assisted by the medical
group on Thursdays at the Escola Kentiana do Rio de Janeiro ward, at the Institute
Hahnemanniano do Brazil, it was felt that there is need for systematisation of the anamnesis during
the first consultation.
The following conclusions were considered as the most relevant for the realization of
(1) To permit the spontaneity of the report by the patient, except when the patient is not speaking
about himself/herself.
(2) To objectify the homoeopathic symptom.
(3) To record the patient's report the most accurate as possible, not allowing this record to break
communication with the patient.
(4) To formulate questions that lead the patient to speak about him/herself and not about his
Based on these conclusions, the author has proposed a systematization of the first
consultation's anamnesis, which consists of the following steps :
- Spontaneity - Identification, Reason for Consultation, Main Complaints, Previous
Pathological History, Biopathographical History.
- Objectivity - Sleep, Dreams, Fears, Sensitiveness, Sexuality, Physiological Functions,
General Symptoms.
121. Dores como se - Estudodifferencial das rubricas repertoriais referentes as dores (Pain
Sensations - a differential of Repertorial Rubrics)
FILHO Ariovaldo Ribeira (RH,60,3-4/1995)
A survey was done by the author about the repertorial rubrics of Pain, establishing their
meanings and thematic sub-divisions of each pain sensation. This survey allowed the author to
develop a complete index of pain sensations, what will make it easier to find the most appropriate
symptom in the Repertory.
IV. Repertory
1. Equisetum hyemale - Os sintomas que nao constam do repert6rio (The symptoms not
included in the Repertory)
ZOBY Elias Carios (RH,60,2/1995)
The author verfied that many symptoms of Equisetum hyemale are not mentioned in the
repertory, notwithstanding that this medicine is relatively well described in the Materia Medica. He
suggests their inclusion in the repertory rubrics. These are :
HERING: Kidneys - Pain, Urging to
urinate, during
Bladder - Pain, Distension, as
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 142
from Urine -Albuminous
CLARKE:Head - Pain, Eating, after, amel
Back - Pain, Motion, am el
Face - Heat, Headache, with
Head - Contraction of scalp,
sensation of, Forehead
ALLEN: Vertigo - Motion, Head, of
Head - Heaviness, Falls,
Forward, Head would fall, as if
Head -Constriction (-tension)
Constriction, Forehead
Constriction, Temples
Constriction, Vertex
Head - Pain, Dull
Face - Wrinkled, Forehead,
Headache, in
Head - Pain, Dull, Forehead Head -Pain,
Head - Pain, Temples, Right
Head - Pain, Temples, extending to,
Head - Pain, Temple to Temple
Head - Pain, Boring, Temple, left
Head - Pain, Cutting (= darting, stabbing), Head - Pain, Temple Head -Pain, Left
Head - Pain, Cutting, Air; Open, agg
Head - Pain, Occiput; Sides of; left to right Hearing - Impaired; Confusion of sounds Urethra - Itching;
Male - Pain; Testes; right; urination,
Back - Pain; Lumbar; Sitting, while Stomach - Pain; Pyloric Orifice
1. Treatment of Yoke Gall with Achyranthes aspera
JAIN, V.K. (HH,20,8/1995)
Fresh mother tincture in 95% ethanol was used in preparation of Achyranthes aspera. The
plant is used in the treatment of Piles, Boils and Skin eurptions. It is applied at the site of bite of snake
or scorpion or in pigmentation disorders of the skin in Ayurveda. The lotion was applied daily on the
affected site in two buffolo bulls of animal farm suffering from yoke gall. The animals recovered within
a week without the aid of any other drug. Yoke gall is a localised acute inflammation of the skin and
subcutis on the neck of cattle due to constant friction caused by the yoke.
2. How "Sammy Hahnemnann" got his name MOWER Linda (HT,15,5/1995)
A stray male puppy, emaciated, weak and suffering from Parvo virus disease, dehydrated,
intestinal haemorrhage, etc., given up by the veterinary doctor, was treated homoeopathically by its
owner. The remedy was Natrum muriaticum 6x (cell salt). The puppy was then named "Sammy".
3. A case of Itching
LEVY Jeffrey (HT, 15,711995)
Five year-old neutered male dog had severe itching of the rump. Treated over the past years
with a variety of Corticosteriods. Hypersensitive to noise, easily startled, hyperactive in general. Has
had routine vaccinations. Has suffered grand-mal seizure.. One episode of ear problems with drugs.
Very spirited dog, very territorial, protective of his mistress and her husband. Generally shy and
particularly cautious of strangers. Did not like children. Fearless with other dogs even bigger than him.
Disliked being cuddled. Jealous, very stubborn, and manipulative.
Lachesis 200 restored completely.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 143
4. A Case of Lupus
LEVY Jeffrey (HT,15,911995)
If we get past the fear of looking at the diagnosis, we get astounding results. Packy, a spayed
2 year-old female mixed breed dog, diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, a serious auto-
immune disease. Her main problem was lameness. The initial onset was in May 1991, two days after
an incident in which she was playing, her person grabbed her hind legs and she yelped loudly. The
problem had progressed into a generalized weakness and trembling of her hind legs, with periodic
bouts of lameness.
Packy was traumatized when she was trapped in the wild with her mother, and was very
fearful, and skittish, especially of noise and strangers. Despite the fact that she was a small puppy,
she would growl, snap and bark. After being adopted, she grieved visibly from the loss of her mother,
and was obviously very sad. Very suspicious and apprehensive of people.
Taking into consideration the other mental, emotional and general symptoms, she was treated
with Pulsatilla and recovered completely over a period at the end of which the Antinuclear antibodies
test (done for diagnosing SLE) was negative.
1. Provings - Concept and Methodology BELON Philippe (BHJ,84,4/1995)
The concept of provings first appeared in HAHNEMANN's writings in 1808 in a Letter to a
High-ranking Physician concerning the Urgent Need for Medical Reform.
The symptoms that appear in the homoeopathic Materia Medica had a triple origin - (i)
Toxicology, when it exists; (ii) Experimental proving itself, carried out with weak or infinitesimal doses
on healthy individuals, (iii) Finally, the clinical symptoms said to be cured. Today, we rarely know the
origins of the symptoms of our medicines, for a long time they have been mixed together in the
reference Materia Medica. Therefore a new methodology was developed: The first phase consists of
sorting through the Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica of T.F. ALLEN. For each medicine all the
symptoms found in the two strongest degrees (bold type and in italics) in ALLEN's Encyclopaedia.
Then anatomical system by anatomical system they are sorted into four categories, depending on the
origin of the symptom: (T) toxicology - poisoning with substantial doses; (E) Experimental symptoms
obtained with doses from Ø to the 3cH; (D) symptoms obtained with potencies or dilutions above the
3cH; (ND) when the dose of the substance is not defined. these are then examined with the Guiding
Symptoms of HERING.
For modern provings it is necessary that we use double-blind trials against placebo.
2. Exotic Medicinal Plants useful in Homoeopathy found in Nilgiri district Tamil Nadu BABURAJ
Suresh D., BRITTO John S. MATHEW G.K. (CCRH,17,3 -4/1995)
The Nilgiri District of Tamil Nadu, India, has a rich indigenous vegetation as also a number of
introduced plants. The present survey team, while exhaustively scrutinising the vast literature and
during field trips have found a number of such exotics found useful in the homoeopathic system of
The list of 73 plants carries the English name, parts used and homoeopathic uses, in respect
of each plant. A valuable reference work.
3. LM Potencies
GREY Anne (HOM,58/1995)
This brief article details the advantages of using the millesimal scale potency and also lists
the 'Guidelines' for its use. The list is drawn from the Organon (paragraphs 246, 248, 247a, 254, 255,
250, 256, 180, 181, 182, 281)
4. Homoeopathic Proving: Reproduction of the Subjective
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 144
JONAS Wayne B.(JAIH,88,4/1995)
Dr. JONAS suggests ways in which one might design an appropriate proving methodology
that would better conform to modern scientific requirements, allowing for the verification and
replication of both adverse and therapeutic drug effects without compromising the individual
sensitivity, subjective response and holism that are the cornerstone of homoeopathic provings. His
suggestions include establishing rigorous methods of quality assurance to insure that the subjective
pattern of symptoms generated during a proving are actually those wrought by the drug being tested,
determining means to separate the drug effect from that of the process of provings, adopting methods
to verify the content of the drug being tested, establishing the safety (absence of direct toxicity) of the
drug being proved.
5. O preparo de remedios homeopaticos autenticos (The manufacture of authentic
homoeopathic remedies)
GUDJONS Brita (RH,60,1/1995)
This article was originally published in the LMHI Journal 1994.
Already quite a few articles have appeared particularly in the German journals about the
authenticity of the medicinal sources and the manner of preparation viz., Causticum, Bryonia, etc.
HAHNEMANN was extremely scrupulous about the exact identification of the plant (animal, etc.)
used, the part used, and the manner of preparation. It is with this aim that he insisted on the physician
himself preparing the medicine and dispensing it personally. However, over the years there seems to
have crept in some reconciliations in this. The author cites for example Bryonia dioica and Bryonia
alba, Aloe socotrina (HERING has specifically mentioned the correct identification of this medicament
in the Guiding Symptoms), and Apis.
6. Em busca das Potencias -Esboco historico e possibilidades (In search of the potencies -A
historical sketch and possi bilities) ROSENSAUM Paulo (RH,60,2/1995)
This is a literary research, including historical, of the origin and development of potencies.
7. Influencia de contaminantes na pesquisa cientifica em Homeopatia (Influence of
contaminants in scientific research in Homoeopathy)
ZACHARIAS Canlos Renato (RH,60,3-4/1995)
Three sets of potentized Hydroalcoholic solutions were analysed through ultraviolet
spectroscopy in order to observe changes due to the dynamization process.
For the sets prepared in conventional homoeopathic pharmacies, the absorption spectra from
dynamized solutions were different from those of inert solutions (not dynamized), but in the set
prepared under more rigorous conditions of cleanliness (in the laboratory) no significant difference
could be noted.
These results indicate the presence of contaminants in commercial homoeopathic medicines
and we discuss the implications of this hypothesis for the scientific research in Homoeopathy.
1. Homoopathische Streukugelchen (Homoeopathic globules)
BEYER A., SCHOPFER H.J. (AHZ,240,4/1995)
The globules which were introduced into Homoeopathy by HAHNEMANN got a renaissance
in the recent years. Unquestionably this form of remedy administration has quite a few advantages,
especially in Paediatrics. A series of tests carried out to ascertain the amount of active substance the
globule contains, resulted that it was between 70% and 95%. This result disproves the statements
made by Dr. A. SAKMANN, in the Deutscher Apothekar Zeitung in 1988. Details of the tests and the
results are tabulated.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 145
2. Potenz and Verdunnung, gleiche Konzentration -unterschiedliche Wirkung? (Potency and
dilution, same concentration - distinct activity?)
In studies carried out under blind conditions, the influence of homoeopathic potencies and
equally concentrated conventional dilutions on activity of mitochondrial cyctochrome C-oxidase was
analysed. Mercurius phosphoricus in D6, D8, D12 and D15 potencies and mercuric hydrogen
Phosphate in 10
, 10
and 10
dilution were used as agents, Results show that potency and
dilution modify enzymatic activity of cyctochroml c-oxidase in a different way. Especially in D
range the divergencies were statistically significant.
3. Homoopathische Tablet ten (Homoeopathic Tablets)
SAKMANN A. (AHZ,240,511995)
The investigations show, that the prescription 9 of the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopaeia
has to be specified especially considering the permitted liquid for granulating. It is suggested to
prescribe starch paste as liquid for granulating and to limit the amount of starch to 0.5%. For ensuring
the pharmaceutical quality of homoeopathic tablets it should be put down in an optimized prescription
9 of the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopaeia, that at least tablets with degree of dilution D1 have
to be analysed with regard to uniformity of content. The tablets with higher degrees of dilution have to
be manufactured according to the optimized conditions for the production of the D1 tablets.
4. Mikrobiologische, chemische and physikalische Veranderungen von Abwasserschlammen
durch Zugabe homoopathisch potenzieter Wirkstoffe - Phosphorelimination durch
Phosphorus, dargestellt am Belebtschlamm aus der Klaranlage Wurzburg (Microbiological,
chemical and physical alterations of waste water sludge through addition of homoeopathic
potentised agent elimination of Phosphorus through Phosphorus as evidenced in activated
sludge in the Waste water Purification Plant in Wurzburg.
SCHAOLICH E. (AHZ,240,611995)
The law demands elimination of phosphorus in the water purification process. The chemical
elimination of phosphorus is achieved through an engineering process which leads to a salt
accumulation blocking not only of the water drainage system but also of the drawing canal with an
increase of mud. The former biological phosphorus elimination process is not a very stable one and
does not reach the minimum requirements that by analogy with Homoeopathy/lsopathy when adding
an intensified homoeopathic active substance of Phosphorus, Phosphorus elimination would be below
the legal limit of 1 mg/1 total PO4 - P in extensively ventilated activated sludge of waste water
purification plants. Biomass exhiits the strangest reaction when Phosphorus D30 or D200 is added.
5. Stimulation of self-recovery by Similia principle? Mode of testing in fundamental research
WIJK R. Van, WIEGANT F.A.C. (BHJ,84,3/1995)
This paper describes how the Similia principle can be studied best in fundamental research.
Two questions are raised. 'What is known about the regulatory principles at which homoeopathic
treatment is directed?' and 'In what kind of conditions can these regulatory principles be studied best?'
The vision of HAHNEMANN and ideas related to the 'field concept' developed in this century are
With respect to the first question, the phenomenon of 'self-recovery' takes a central position.
The essence of Homoeopathy is stimulation of self-recovery by application of the similia principle. By
analysing self-recovery on different levels, we conclude that research on the molecualr and cell
biological level can use low potencies only (containig molecules of the original substance). We
consider whether stimulation of distorted self-repair occur by application of low doses of the disturbing
At the cellular level 'self-repair' can be defined as a supplementation of protector proteins, an
enhancement of resistance to the disturbing agent and a temporary stimulation of proliferation in order
to compensate for cell death. These parameters are clearly defined and can be measured using
highly standardized and validated cell biological techniques.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 146
6. Multivariate Analysis of five Homoeopathic medicines in a Psychiatric population DA VI DSON
Jonathan, WOODBURY Max, MORRISON Roger, SHORE Jonathan, BEDAYN Greg
Grade of Membership Analysis (GoM) is a multivariate statistical technique developed for the
purposes of medical classification. It was applied to the drug picture concept of Homoeopathy,
assessing five common medicines with particular applicability to anxiety. These were Arsenicum
album, Gelsemium, Argentum nitricum, Lycopodium, and Sulphur. The patient sample comprised 104
psychiatric outpatients with structured clinical interview-based primary diagnoses of social phobia,
panic disorder, post- traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, major depression and
dysthymia. A homoeopathic screening questionnaire was used to test the integrity of the five drug
pictures. Four pure types emerged, providing some evidence to support distinctions between Sulph
and Arg-n features, and a pure type with many features of Ars. , Avg-n, Lyc and Gels. The fourth pure
type contained a few of the drug's characteristics. There was some evidence to suggest that
psychiatric diagnoses assorted differentially, based on the homoeopathically determined pure types.
This study provides qualified support for the drug picture descriptions.
7. Homoeopathy -a Biophysical Point of View TOWSEY Michael, HASAN Mohamed
The resistance of the conventional medicine to Homoeopathy is understandable since the
only paradigm understandable to the conventional medicine, i.e. the bio-chemical is not found in the
homoeopathic medicines. The thesis of this article is that the action of the homoeopathic medicines
cannot be understood in biochemical terms. A biophysical mechanism is implicated. The
homoeopathic mechanism is discussed and the conclusions are summarised as below:
- Organic molecules inside and outside cells are able to absorb and emit coherent radiation.
Populations of organic molecules can be stimulated to emit coherent monochromatic radiation if
physically vibrated (by tapping or sound) at a specific frequency. This mechanism is used in the insect
world to detect pheromones. But the discovery points to a possible significant role of acoustic
pheromones in biological form and function.
Studies of biological luminescence suggest that the absorption and emission of coherent
radiation inside cells are an integral part of cellular coordination and control. Absorption of radiation at
specific frequencies can activate or deactivate the enzyme by changing its conformation.
The action of potentized medicines appears to be biophysical and not biochemical. Such medicines
probably consist of water crystals 'Imprinted' with specific distribution of isotopes which distribution in
turn affects the frequencies at which the medicine's component water crystals absorb and emit
coherent radiation. These coherent emissions act to enhance or inhibit enzyme action.
Magnetic and electric fields can be modulated in a way not yet understood such that they are
encoded with information about molecular and crystalline structure. Modulated magnetic or electric
fields are able to 'imprint' molecular structures, such as water crystals, that is, give them a specific
and stable conformation.
Subtle energies not only 'Imprint' molecular and crystalline structures but on a larger scale they
affect the 'supra-molecular dynamic order' of living things. Biological structure is the result of an
interaction between organic molecules and a 'skeleton of light' or 'biophoton field'. There is continuous
interaction between physical structure and the 'light skeleton' because bilogical molecules both absorb
and emit radiation.
8. Evaluation of Homoeopathic Therapy inthe Management of HIV disease RASTOGI
D.P.SINGHV.P., SINGHVikram, DEYS.K., RAOP.K. (CCRH, 17,3-4/1995)
Clinical observations over the years do indicate that homoeopathic medicines enable the sick
individual to effectively react to the infective organism and do not produce any undesirable toxic side
and after effects. However therapeutic efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in retroviral infections
need to be evaluated. The CCRH undertook a study whether Homoeopathy alters the natural course
of disease in HIV infected individuals. The initial results indicated that homoeopathic medicines may
be used as effective therapeutic agents in the management of asymptomatic as well as related clinical
manifestations. The CCRH recently undertook a double blind randomized placebo controlled clinical
trial of homoeopathic medicines in HIV disease. The study is in the initial stage. 30 cases registered
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 147
under the pilot study and who are continuing treatment with a regular follow-up for the last 3 - 4½
years have been randomly selected for discussion here.
Observations made during the study indicate that homoeopathic medicines may be used as
immuo-modulating agents thereby facilitating delayed progression of infection, prolonged survival and
improvement adverse reaction in HIV infected individuals.
9. Evaluation of Homoeopathic Therapy in Behavioural Disorders
The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy is actively engaged in clinical research on
Mental Diseases. 70 cases have been randomly selected for presentation here (50 males and 20
females), 10 and 50 years of age. Out of 70 cases, 17 psorics were grouped under paranoid -
personality and 10 sycotics came under psychopathic personality. All obsessives were from psoric
miasm. No side or after effects were observed despite prolonged use in some cases. Miasmatic
treatment should form an integral part of the therapeutic management of behavioral disorders.
10. The measurements of the Homoeopathic Remedies
BOURKAS P.D. (EJH,1 ,3-4/1995)
During the Alonissos Teachers' Meeting, Assoc. Prof. P. D. BOURKAS presented the
Research Results of the Measurements of High Potencies.
The measurements of the homoeopathic remedies do not only provide a great advantage in
standardizing the production of homoeopathic remedies; but it also provides experi mental proof that
the homoeopathic remedies are not "placebos" but are remedies that convey their therapeutic
information in a different form and at a different level of the organism than allopathic drugs.
The author is an electrical engineer and his experiments of measurements are electrical.
From these experiments we can also deduce the level of the organism the particular homoeopathic
remedy first acts upon.
This is a very interesting article.
11. What Primary Level of the Organism Does the Homoeopathic Remedy Act Upon? A
DELINICK Alexandra N. (EJH,1,3-4/1995)
This is from the Alonissos Teachers' Meeting, August 1995. This article is meant to
summarize and at the same time introduce certain new ideas. These are not easy concepts to
understand but I have within the text included the bibliography where this information is found. Also
keep in mind that each idea comprises a twenty page explanation by itself. And that is why in this first
article you may find it difficult in following one idea to the next. This will become easier as the other
articles are read by you in the following issues of this journal. Since this is new information I would
recommend that the articles be read in order since all ideas/hypothesis will be fully explained in the
upcoming articles of this journal.
12. Is Homoeopathy only a Placebo Therapy? SOLANKI Maneesha, GANDHI Pradeep M.
A randomized controlled clinical study of the effect of homoeopathic treatment in intestinal
Amoebiasis and Giardiasis has been reported. 34 women inmates of Mahila Sevagram, Pune with
these disorder were adminstered homoeopathic medicines.
The results are encouraging although it has not been possible to demonstrate with finality the
efficacy of homoeopathic treatment (!)
13. Antifungal Activity of Homoeopathic drugs for the Protection of Organic Cultural Heritage
GARG K.L. MISHRA A.K., GUPTA Girish (HH,20,11/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 148
Fungal deterioration of paper materials are of great concern in tropical countries. Antifungal
effect of homoeopathic drugs against plant pathogenic fungi has been reported by various workers in
the past. A study was planned to screen the antifungal activity of homoeopathic drugs against fungi
isolated from damaged books of historical importance. The study will be of great help in protecting our
cultural heritage of organic nature.
Aspergillus niger, Cephalosporium coremoides, Paecilomyces variotti and Starchiomyces
kurchellomyces were isolated fungi. Of these Aspergillus niger was the most dominant. Six
homoeopathic drugs of various potencies were evaluted for their inhibitory effect on the isolated
culture of Aspergillus niger under in vitro conditions by poisoned food and inhibition zone techniques.
Of the medicines tested Sulphur iodatum M and Petroleum 30 were found more effective.
Encouraging results were obtained when these medicines were tested in situ conditions on books
damaged by fungi. No residual or adverse effect on books by use of these remedies.
It is hoped that at least homoeopathic libraries will use homoeopathic remedies to protect
their books from damage.
14. Cytogenetic Investigations on the Effects of Homoeopathic Medicine Arsenic alb. (White
Arsenious AS203) on some plant material. CHATTERJEE and JANA B. (HH,20,11/1995)
This metal and its related compounds are ubiquitous and found in traces in the animate
matter. Residues of this poison is found in food grains, food additives, etc. since it is. used as
pesticide and herbicide. Arsenicals are released in the air and water as chief effluents from the non -
ferrous metal smelters of coal-burning furnaces.
However, since ancient times, Arsenic is used as medicine. The present test was undertaken
to show the qualitative and quantitative differences in the effect of different potencies of a particular
homoeopathic medicine and morphological parameters on test plant systems where there was no
visible or appreciable existence of the medicinal substances. The mutagenic effect or not of
homoeopathic medicine and whether there was any plant improvement possibility, was also tested.
After treatment with Arsenicum album in all potencies an overall increase in plant growth is
seen. A remarkable enhancement of different morphological parameters surpassing the control sets
was also observed. Every potency showed different results. Higher the potency, steadier and longer
the action. the physiological status of a plant is distinctly affected. Protein contents are increased.
Late flowering is observed. Seeds are smaller in size and of less weight than control. Thus the
potentised Arsenic has distinct action on plant morphology.
15. Miraculous Cure of Hairy Cell Leukemia in a splenectomized Case by an Indian Medicine
BALAKRISHNAN N. (HH,20,11/1995)
40 year-old man, suffering form Hairy Cell Leukemia, was rapidly cured by Hygrophila
spinosa 3x. The selection was on the basis of the rare symptom "urticaria aggravated with rise of
temperature in fever".
16. Studies on the Efficacy of Homoeopathic Drugs in Cancer Therapy MALIEKAL Thobias P.
The present study deals with the anti-tumour activity of Kali muriaticum, Phytolacca decandra,
Hydrastis canadensis and Zincum metallicum in murine models. The experiments showed that the
administration of Zincum and Kali muriaticum can produce significant inhi bitory effects and
consequent increase in life span of tumour-bearing mice.
17. Scientific Research and Practice of Homoeopathy
SUKUL N.C. (HH,20,12/1995)
This article stresses the need for proper scientific research into the action of homoeopathic
medicine. The author also laments that the full potential of the healing power of Homoeopathy and its
range of action on different human and animal diseases remain unexplored because of absence of
fruitful scientific research.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 149
18. Need for unbiased Research in Surgical Diseases DHINGRA R.H. (HH,20,12/1995)
The author stresses that the homoeopathic constitutional medicines cure the many so-called
surgical diseases and reverses the pathology. He calls for unbiased and systematic research in this
19. Effect of Very Highly Diluted Substances on Chemical Reactions GAUTHIEF Richard
The author refers to the experiments of Dr. BENVENISTE and the uproar it created world-
over and says "Now a new scientific theory has been proposed that could explain the above results,
as well as provide a mechanism for the action of very highly diluted homoeopathic - like solutions in
general. The theory may be tested in straight-forward chemical reaction experiments involving the
synthesis of specific chemical substances".
The new theory is explained.
20. Acao de Natrum muriaticum CH 30 na ingestao de sal agua e na natriurese de ratos
natriofilicos: estudo cego placebo control ado (Action of Natrum muriaticum 30c on salt and
water ingestion and on natriuresis of natriophylic rats: a controlled blind trial) RIBEIRO
Wagner Deocleciano, DANTAS Flavio, DOS RAIS Luis Carlos
The study of the action of Natrum muriaticum on natriophilic rats, aiming at relating the
homoeopathic medicament with genetics, may be an important working line for the elucidation of
pharmacodynamic mechanism, of the homoeopathic medicament action.
Through a genetic model of natriophilia in rats, the authors have tried to show the therapeutic
action of Natrum muriaticum (Sodium Chloride) 30c on the behaviour of rats concerning salt and
water digestion, urinary volume and sodium and potassium excretion.
Two groups of ten rats were used, one for control and the other for witness, both divided into
two other groups, one of five natriophylic rats and the other of five normal rats, submitted to a blind
treatment with Natrum muriaticum 30c against placebo 30c. The results obtained were :
An increase of salt and water ingestion in natriophylic rats during the seven weeks of treatment with
Natrum muriaticum 30c (p<0.005).
The natriophylic rats consumed more salt during the fourth and sixth weeks and more water during
the first, fifth and seventh weeks (p<0.005).
Natrum muriaticum 30c lowered the water ingestion in normal rats and the placebo 30c lowered the
water ingestion in natriophylic rats (p<0.005).
Normal rats treated with Natrum muriaticum 30c had a significant excretion of K + during the fifth
week and of Na+ during the seventh week, together with an increased ingestion of NaCI solution. The
natriophylic rats treated with Natrum muriaticum 30c had the Na excretion in urine and the urinary
volume significantly increased (p<0.005), when compared with natriophylic rats treated with placebo
The results obtained with this study permit to recommend a more extensive use of this
experimental model, also for the analysis of homoeopathic medicament influence on the successive
generations of natriophylic rats.
1. Der Berner Lehrstuhl fur Komplementar - medizin -Homaopathie, Traditionelle chinesische
Medizin, Neuraltherapie, Anthroposophische Medizin - Ein Pilot-Projekt fur Europa? (Chair for
Complementary Medicine in Bern - Homoeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Neuraltherapy, Anthroposophic Medicine - a pilot project for Europe?)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 150
THURNEYSEN A. (AHZ,240,4/1995)
The positive result of a survey carried out by the Society of Physicians of the Canton of Bern
and the demand by the students and the public resulted in the establishment of a Chair for Natural
therapies. This is to begin from the Summer Semester 1995.
2. Medical Doctors Vs Professional
(EJH,1 ,3-4/1995)
The issue of who has the right to practise Homoeopathy, is an old one and it is a sensitive
and difficult oneto be solved easily, since it has been hanging over Homoeopathyfor more than a
century now.
Much depends on the legal right in the individual countries/states. If the law allows non-
medically qualified homoeopaths to practice with official permission, then no one has the right to
interfere. If there are no such laws then it has to be discussed and pressures must be put to change
such laws.
No one who does not possess sufficient knowledge in the field has the moral right to practice.
It is not that an M.D. has more knowledge of Homoeopathy or that a homoeopath has less knowledge
of Pathology. The question is one of sound knowledge in subjects relevant to the practice. Who are
authorities to enforce standards amongst homoeopathic practitioners whether medically qualified or
non-medically qualified? It is necessary to evolve suitable training and supervision.
3. Homoeopathy Course for MDs at Oxford KAPLAN Brian (EJH,1 ,3-4/1995)
This is from the Alonissos' Teachers Meeting August 1995.
Brian KAPLAN is one of the teachers at the Homoeopathic Physicians Training Group in
Oxford. The objective of the Group is to teach doctors Classical Homoeopathy. Dr.Brian KAPLAN
explains in this how or the innovative manner Homoeopathy is taught at Oxford. There are eight
teachers and there is a Chairman. The Group meets for three days in a year, and two or three
afternoons per year, have a phone conference every month for an hour, so that everyone can get on
line. In order to employ themselves the teachers employ educationalists to come and teach them the
most modern methods of teaching and many of the things they learned have helped update their
methods. Master homoeopaths are also invited to lecture. They employ methods to keep the students
from feeling bored. Students are continually assessed, instead of just an examination at the end of the
year. Constant feedback from the students are called. In all a very good lecture. Perhaps other
homoeopathic teaching organisations can well adopt.
4. A Brief History of Homoeopathy and its legal Status in the United States of America FLOYD
Edwin C. (HH,20,9/1995)
At the turn of the Century there were 22 homoeopathic medical colleges, and one out of five
doctors used Homoeopathy, in the USA. But by 1910 only 15 colleges remained. By the late 40s no
courses in Homoeopathy were taught in the USA.
The present-day resurgence of Homoeopathy, fuelled by the D.C.'s and M.D.'s who can
practice Homoeopathy legally in the US, are slowly bringing Homoeopathy back to its place in the
medical care system. States regulate the practice of Homoeopathy. Doctors of Osteopathy (D.C.),
Naturopaths (N.D.), Dentists (DDS), Veterinarians (DVM), Chiropractors (DC) can be allowed to
practice Homoeopathy.
5. Homoeopathy in Britain Today ROY Margaret (HH,20,9/1995)
Much of what is called Homoeopathy in Britain is determined by politics except for a small
bold kernel which is the seed of the future. The difficulty is the division between the doctor and non-
doctor homoeopaths. The Medical Act of Parliament 1860, which regulates practice of Medicine in
Britain contains a clause which enables registered doctors to practice whatever system of medicine
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 151
their conscience dictates once they are allopathically qualified. This clause was retained when the Act
updated in 1983 to cover the different conditions when the UK joined the EEC.
Now more doctors are trai ned i n homoeopathic medicine. There is a growing number of
nurses, dentists who are allowed to go to the course. these are 6 months to one year.
While this is the situation with regard to the 'doctor homoeopath', there are many who study
individually either on their own or seeking out courses with sound homoeopaths like George
The situation since the coming up of the Society of Homoeopaths in 1978 is much better.
Colleges have come together, adopted a common curriculum which has been accepted by the
European Council of Classical Homoeopathy (ECCH), in 1993.
The author after discussing in detail the present scenario, concluldes hopefully "Good
Homoeopaths tailored to the individual needs of each patient will triumph quietly. I see such quiet
growth proceeding, unaffected by politics. It is an area where education is erudition and healthy
6. Excerpts from Ancestral tips of BANERJEA's 100 year old Homoeopathic Heritage
ROBINSON Janet (HH,20,9/1995)
The author is a student of S. K. BANERJEA and she writes in full detail the case taking
methodology, i nterrogation, examination, case analysis, etc. as adopted by the forefathers of Dr. S.K.
BANERJEA and followed by him.
1. Evaluation of Homoeopathy in Nazi Germany Ernst Edzard (BHJ,84,4/1995)
In the early part of this century there was a strong lay movement of 'natural health' in
Germany. When the Nazis took over in 1933 the number of lay practitioners equalled that of
physicians. The Nazi Government considered Homoeopathy as 'pure German' line of medicine. The
Government's attempt to validate Homoeopathy as not only cheap but as highly effective was never
published. One Dr. DONNER of the Stuttgart Homoeopathic Hospital has however made a report.
Homoeopathy was scrutinized by an eminent team and according to Donner Homoeopathy did not
ever before have such an ideal opportunity to validate its efficacy. In 1937 the Nazi officials decided to
start the trials on Homoeopathy on a large scale. Several provings and clinical trials were carried out
and according to DONNER none of them came out to validate Homoeopathy. The negative findings
were not published. It was decided to carry out further experiments. Meanwhile the war was on. In
1947 after the war the whole subject was discussed by those who were involved in the earlier trials.
These too have not been published. Dr. DONNER aruges that 'fiasco' must be blamed not on the
individuals involved in these experiments but on the situation inside German Homoeopathy. Dr.
DONNER's report is to be published in German shortly.
2. A Century of Homoeopathic Paediatrics LEARY Bernard (BHJ,84,4/1995)
Among homoeopaths the idea of specialist provision for children followed the general trend. It
was encouraged by the high mortality among children due to poverty. The prevalence of Tuberculosis,
Syphilis and the infectious fevers, together with the ignorance about hygiene of mothers of young
children, were all factors of concern. Homoeopathic physicians and their supporters wished to give
poor children the benefits of their system, which they believed could deal more efficaciously with the
risks to their health. Homoeopathic specialist units gradually disappeared, partly due to the NHS and
partly because the factors which stimulated their inception no longer applied. Homoeopathy itself
became the speciality.
3. First Meeting of the International Study Group on the History of Homoeopathy.
Institute for History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart, Germany,
5-6 April 1995.
DINGES Martin (BHJ,84,4/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 152
History of Homoeopathy has started taking shape only in the last few years. Only recently did
Ethnologists and in particular social historians start looking at the history of Homoeopathy. A large
number of workshop meetings have been held in recent years, most recently, 'Patients, Practitioners
and Institutions in the History of Homoeopathy - Summary of Recent Research", in which the research
into the history of Homoeopathy in Germany was reported, but this was the first International Stuttgart
Conference. Under the chairmanship of M. DINGES, it consisted mainly of a broad geographical
review covering many countries and continents, the conference was the first meeting of the
International Network for the History of Medicine and Health. Details of the transactions will be
published in 1996 (in German).
4. Homoeopathy in Russia OUMRIKHIN A. (EJH,1 ,3-4/12995)
Homoeopathy has become immensely popular during the last decade. Towards the end of
1994 homoeopathic methods have become legislatively equal in rights with the official medicine and
with some other alternative medicines. A list of homoeopathic remedies approved by the Government
-500 to 600 -has been made. The right to practise and teach Homoeopathy require licence from the
Health Ministry. During the Communist period in the USSR homoeopathic dinics were found only in
Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Riga and perhaps one or two other cities. Now we have homoeopathic
clinics in many more cities and the number of homoeopaths is also greater. There is more unicist
prescription and classical methods. Today in Russia there are several quite large-scale homoeopathic
societies or associations. There are organisations springing up allover the country. Ural and Siberia
appear to be the most enthusiastic toward Homoeopathy. The official medical educational system of
Russia has started to exhbit interest in the introduction of Homoeopathy in Medial Universities. A
boom time for Homoeopathy in Russia.
5. Homoeopathy in Israel EYAL & ONE Elia (EJH,1 ,3-4/1995)
Homoeopathy seems to have been in existence in Israel since 1930s. The few Practitioners
then used a mixture of alternative therapies as well as Homoeopathy. Joseph REVES brought
classical Homoeopathy to Israel about 18 years ago. Since 5 or 6 years Homoeopathy has risen to
good standing in the community. For every classical practitioner there are 8 non-classiGal; majority of
homoeopaths are practising in small private clinics. Due to attempts made to open Homoeopathy
Units in hospitals, we have one in the Department for Complementary Medicine in Asaf Harofe
Hospital, established 4 years ago. It is an out-patient unit which offers about 12 alternative therapies
including Homoeopathy. In the Homoeopathy unit there are 7 homo eo paths working one full day per
week, 4 are physicians and 3 are non-physicians, but all are classical homoeopaths. The Israeli
School of Classical Homoeopathy conducts a three year course plus one year of clinical training. The
Ministry of Health officially permitted import of homoeopathic remedies only recently. Yet
Homoeopathy is still being practiced by non-medical doctors and there was never any problem in
getting a most reasonable variety of potencies.
6. A Brief History of British Lay Homoeopathy MORRELL Peter (HOM,59/1995)
This is a paper presented at the 1 st International Conference on the History of
Homoeopathy at the Robert Bosch Institute for the History of Medicine in Stuttgart, April 1995.
The paper deals in detail, from HAHNEMANN's time. The geneology of homoeopaths of U.K.
-QUIN, EVEREST, TYLER, -their students and the founding of associations, schools, etc. are all
The ariicle concludes interestingly: "..Currently lay homoeopaths are rapidly undergoing
professionalisation and are integrating gradually into the NHS, increasing numbers working as
consultants to General Practitioners or in clinics, working on a referral basis. Successive
Governments have shown no willingness to legislate against lay practitioners. ...lay- homoeopaths are
becoming legitimized pari of the NHS... The colleges of lay Homoeopathy continue to produce dozens
of graduates each year and the movement is still growing rapidly. With unified and demanding 4 year
teaching curricula, the Colleges offer a training programme widely seen as considerably superior to
that of the Faculty of Homoeopathy. Licensed and Registered lay prescribers now easily outnumber
homoeopathic doctors".
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 153
7. Homoeopathy in Costa Rica ULLMAN Dana (HT, 15,8/1995)
According to a recent survey approximately one-third of Costa Rica population of three million
people has used homoeopathic medicines. Some Costa Rican physicians have recently sought to
pass legislation that stipulates homoeopathic care that can be provided only by medical doctors. In
response to this which would create a medical monopoly, the Homoeopathic Association of Costa
Rica, a group of physicians, health professionals, and homoeopathic specialists, has mounted a reply.
A conference was arranged and later the political figures (Minister of Health, the head of the
Congress, and the Vice-President of the Congress) were briefed with the present status of
Homoeopathy throughout the world. They were told that while countries like France, Belgium, Italy,
Brazil, Argentina and Mexico allow only physicians to practice Homoeopathy, United states, Canada,
The United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia allow a variety of health professionals to practise. The
Minister of health listened and was impressed but however remained non-committal for the time
being, while the two other political leaders were much in favour of Homoeopathy being practised by
other than medical doctors. In the Conference itself it was noted that there was a variety of people -
physicians, microbiologists, pharmacists, public health professionals, corporate executives, hospital
administrators, nutritionists, and several engineers - and professional homo eo paths. One such
pariicipant who was a microbiologist had been conducting controlled trials with Homoeopathy in AI
DS and although the code has not been broken yet, he had noticed a considerable difference
between the groups of patients. We all await the results.
8. A Visit to KENT's grave and more! WINSTON Julian (HT,15,20/1995)
This is a very interesting and fascinating account of the author's (and Greg BEDAYN) visit to
the grave of James Tyler KENT in Stevensville, Montana and the search for KENT's house. The
house was located and visited. A plan has been drawn to purchase this house and make it a Centre
for Homoeopathy. Already the American Homoeopathic Foundation has put together a preservation
board of thirty leading Homoeopathy practitioners and educators from around the world to encourage
the (homoeopathic) public in funding this project.
9. A Short Historical view of Homoeopathy in Israel
KOTOK Alexander
(HTimes, 2,4/1995)
The author Dr. KOTOK is a yong classical homoeopath working at the Department of History
of Medicine, Hadassah Medical School, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is doing Ph.D. with
the subject: Homoeopathy in Russia.
The history of Israeli Medicine has its foundation in the beginning of this century, when the waves of
the Jewish emigration from the Russian empire had brought to Palestine dozens of physicians. Most
of them started working in medical charity organisations. Probably there were no homoeopathic
practitioners among them.
The honor of being the earliest homoeopath in Israel goes to Dr. Yaros. He was a Prussian
physician who migrated to Palestine in 1920, and began his practice in the health insurance scheme
in Galilee. After studying in Germany from 1927 to 1930 he came back to Israel and began to practise
Homoeopathy, with fine results.
The first Jerusalem homoeopaths were Dr. WEIS and Dr. TRIPHOS, pure classical
homoeopaths. Benjamin REISEL, was a famous homoeopathic physician (he came from Rumania). In
1927 he began to study Homoeopathy with Dr. Leon VANNIER. In 1950 after he migrated to Israel he
was sent by Mossad in Morocco to prepare the jews for emigration to Israel and was put in prison by
the local authorities. Homoeopathy saved him -he treated the chief of jail who had eczema. Another
intereseting and al most legendary personality from the history of Israeli Homoeopathy ZVI
ZIPPOMAYIM, an emigrant from Argentina, had not received any medical eduction but was a self-
educted person and had successfully treated patients with Homoeopathy. He was a fine
diagnostician. Without any anamnesis, only by studying the patient's nails, he was able to surprise the
patient about all of his sufferings. ZVI's first homoeopathically cured patients were cows in one of the
Kibbutzin. ZVI ZIPPOMAYIM achieved wide popularity among the Israeli people. He advised the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 154
owner of the Jerusalem pharmacy "Oplaika" to keep homoeopathic medicines and it became the first
homoeopathic pharmacy.
In 1996 now there are 5 homoeopathic drug stores in the capital of the country. The waves of
jewish emigration after the 1967 war changed the situation. There were Jewish emigration of
homoeopathic physicians and also among the emigrants there were many who knew what
Homoeopathy was, and were accustomed to using it. Israeli tourists returing from their tours abroad
spoke of their experience with Acupuncture, Homoeopathy, Herbal remedies and the wondrous
recoveries. Newly pressure from the public which included members of Parliament and Ministers
increased and on June 27, 1988 a Committee was constituted. The Committee submitted its
conclusions after three years. Homoeopathic drugs were recognized as official remedies and
distributed only on prescription by physicians. However, the resistance to Homoeopathy from the
established school of Medicine is as hard today as it was before. Nevertheless the attempts to give
Homoeopathy the place it deserves contines to be made.
1. Docteur Joseph CHATRON (1805-1876) - Siographie
CORSET, S. (CGH,32,8/1995)
Dr. CHA TRON was the most loved student of HAHNEMANN. Joseph Antonie CHATRON
was born on 24th March 1805 at Thones in an honorable and rich landowner family. He was the
eldest and had one brother and one sister. He was in frail health but as a student he was best loved
by his masters,. He learned painting after college at 18 years under the reputed artist MOREAU.
Dr. CHATRON prepared his thesis on 27-6- 1836. He climbed a chair with great assurance
and modesty. He argued with doctors, professors on each point in detail. A difficult subject 'the
inflammation of the spinal cord' was given to him and he presented the Materia Medica of Lactuca
virosa. He got the Doctor ring.
CHATRON very much wanted to see HAHNEMANN. He arrived in Paris on 1 october 1837
and met HAHNEMANN. HAHNEMANN explained his method in detail, his personal view on the
medical art. After three weeks when CHATRON expressed his desire to go after learning under
HAHNEMANN, the master said "Why do you want to leave, my friend. Be with me, I consider you as
one of my children and give you all my secrets". Stupefied CHA TRON became a student at Paris
under HAHNEMANN for six years. HAHNEMANN taught him all he knew. CHATRON worked with him
and came to his great family of Paris every day. He had a place at his table at his home at 1, Rue de
Milan. In spite of an affable and sympathetic austere tone which gave respect, CHATRON was always
gay, spitirual, always interesting. Charitable, he nursed the deserving with a kindness without ego and
never hesitated to visit the poor in preference to the rich.
HAHNEMANN suffered from bronchial catarrh for some months. He suffered very much and
CHATRON nursed and gave medicines until his death. Dr. CHA TRON assisted his master when he
closed his eyes. Dr. JAHR and Dr. CROSERIO signed the death certificate.
MELANIE D'Hervilly was married to HAHNEMANN when she was 36 years and he 80. She
was a painter, musician, poet and attracted by the fame and science of HAHNEMANN, nursed him
and married him on 18 January 1835 at Kothen, three months after knowing him. Perhaps
Homoeopathy common to HAHNEMANN and CHATRON and painting to MELANIE D' Hervilly knitted
the bond between these persons.
Madame HAHNEMANN had high esteem of Dr. CHATRON and she herself went to Monsieur
EUGENE Le PESCHEUR de BRANVILLE and asked for the hand of her daughter. The marriage was
celebrated on 29th.
CHATRON and his wife toured Italy, Rome, Nice and wherever he went he treated many
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 155
CHATRON noted with great care the symptoms of the patients and the remedies he
prescribed were as HAHNEMANN himself administered. These observations he called "History of
Patients". All these records, in big volumes, have unfortunately been lost.
Dr.CHATRON always refused honors, awards. In 1854 at 49 years pressed by life
circumstances he returned to Paris, but agin returned to Savoi. He loved family life and circle of
He was very much interested in Philosophy and during hs rare relaxation he loved solitude.
He also dedicated some time for Theology. He spent his last years in religion, and wanted privacy for
long prayers. Dr.CHATRON's piety was surprising at a time when free thought dominated medical
Towards the end of Autumn 1875 Dr.CHATRON got the first call of sickness, general
weakness and pain seized him. He tried to cure himself in vain and did not have the vital energy, he
was going down. He carefully regulated all his interests, eight days before his death he called his
daughter and told her what he wanted to be carved on his grave. "Docteur CHATRON, Homoeopathic
Soon his sickness recurred, dropsy progressed and a fever ensued. With trembling hands he
replied a letter of a patient and dictated his last orders. After a painful agony he returned to God on 4
July at 0600 hours surrounded by his family, at the age of 72.
Doctor, Homoeopath, Painter, Christian, he had the honor of being the spiritual son of Dr.
2. Pritam Sing GHATTAROYA -A Tribute THORPE Susan (HOM,59/1995)
This a touching tribute to Pritam Singh GHATTAROYA, homoeopath and homoeopathic
teacher, hailing from India but living in the U.K. and practising there. Susan THORPE movingly recalls
the qualities of Pritam Singh, his knowledge of Homoeopathy, his sincere teaching, his humaneness,
etc. Pritam was a deeply humble and caring man who was somewhat shy and reserved. He died, 52
years of age, on May 2nd 1995, leaving behind his wife and two small children.
3. Leslie J. SPEIGHT
MORRELL Peter (HOM,59/1995)
Leslie J. SPEIGHT was the owner and director of the Homoeopathic Publishing Company and
later of the Health Science Press, both of which dominated homoeopathic publishing in Britain for
most part of this century. The Homoeopathic Publishing Co. Ltd. was later purchased by C. W. Daniel
Co. of Saffron Walden, Essex. He married Phyllis who has herself authored several books. The
SPEIGHTs were in excellent terms with the lay- homoeopathic community of the 40s and 50s like
Daniel COOPER, F.Parker WOODS, Edward COTTER, J. Ellis BARKER, Edwin TOMKINS and
Arthur JENNER. Leslie SPEIGHT died on May 28, 1995. Our sympathies to the widow Phyllis
4. Meet Andre SAINE, ND, DHANP FIELD Ed (HT,15,5/1995)
Andre SAINE lives in Canada and is a well - known teacher and his library also is quite
famous. He is also a researcher of homoeopathic information. His father is an MD and some of his
brothers and sisters are also doctors.
The way he came into Homoeopathy is not unlike most others. He saw his teacher (in Chiropractice)
who also spoke much about Homoeopathy demonstrated the efficacy of Homoeopathy. A
dermatologist came for some eruptions which resisted conventional therapy. He straightaway
expressed his disbelief in Homoeopathy but "since you have treated two of my patients successfully
and they talk about your wonderful sugar pills" he wanted to be treated. Some questions were asked,
the responses noted and Zincum metallicum prescribed. SAINE says "I watched the rash slowly
disappear and was so impressed with the results of the tittle sugar pills and and its immediacy that i
decided I wanted to study Homoeopathy ".
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 156
Today SAINE serves as Director of the Toronto Homoeopathic Clinic and Dean of the
Canadian Academy of Homoeopathy. Practising classical Homoeopathy he is particularly dedicated to
seeking a resolution for difficult cases, cases with the type of pathology that offers a challenge to him,
Homoeopathy. He enjoys investigating the limits of Homoeopathy which he says are constantly
expanding. Dr. SAINE likes to quote "Aude sapere" when speaking about patient care. Translated, it
means "Dare to be wise". "Dare to be wise and know the cause and factors of disese? Dare to be
wise and know how to evaluate of diagnose. Dare to be wise and know how to remove the causes
from those who become sick!"
Dr. SAINE says "Not every case requires active homoeopathic treatment. You should understand that
if you develop a specific condition, the cause may very well be the way you conduct your life. Here are
some of the factors to consider. It may be unintentional ignorance about the subject area. It's possible
that your belief system is at fault. Instead of treatment you may really need to be made aware of the
problem and given suggested solutions. Remember that the word 'doctor' means to 'teach' and it is
generally the responsibility of practitioners to help their patients seek a health care resolution". "The
important thing in all lifestyle areas is to do what you have to do with balance".
1. Bemerkungen Uber Computer (Remarks on Computer)
KOSTERS C. (AHZ,240,4/1995)
A repertorisation software to meet the demands of homoeopathic working methods would
have to be developed keeping in mind some essential aspects. The author proposes a register to
simplify the search of rubric, and direct addressing the Materia Medica from the Repertory. Only in
this manner the practice of Homoeopathy in accordance to the spirit of HAHNEMANN is possible with
the quality information we have now.
2. Die Schrift von Adolf HITLER
(The handwriting of Adolf HITLER) MULLER H. V. (AHZ,240,5/1995)
Dr. H.V. MULLER has been studying the handwritings of his patients and has observed
typical remedy similarities. He has found that the writing of Adolf HITLER matched with the
homoeopathic remedy Ruta. This is verified with the Ruta character recorded by HAHNEMANN in his
Pure Materia Medica. A careful study of the Synthetic repertory also confirms this.
3. Leistungsspektrum and Kostenstruktur in der homoopathischen Praxis (The scope of activity
and cost structure in homoeopathic Practice) BONSCH F. (AHZ,240,6/1995)
This is a report by a homoeopathic practitioner after ten years experience of practice in a
village. The scope of activity is viewed from the view of the patient, the physician's and the health
insurance. The cost analysis is done internally (for the person who practises) and externally (from the
view of the health insurance). The expenses for medical remedies in a single homoeopathic practice
are shown over a long period of time.
4. Therapie der akuten Halsentzundungen in der taglichen Praxis mit homoopathischen
Einzelmitteln (Treatment of acute throat inflammations in the day to day homoeopathic
practice with single remedies)
FRIESE K.H. (AHZ,240,6/1995)
Acute disorders of the throat are a very common feature in every panel practice and mostly
there are many patients at a time. How the right homoeopathic remedy can be found quickly with the
help of clinical signs and without detailed and long patient history is described. Everyone who
practises homoeopathy can affirm that acute throat disorders and also streptococcal infections can be
healed faster and without antibiotics with single homoeopathic remedies. Also complications,
recurrence of the infection,etc. are very rare in homoeopathic practice. Throat infections are a typical
disease to prove this.
5. Complaints and Diagnoses in Homoeopathic practice -A tentative stock-taking
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 157
JANSEN G.R.H.J., KOSTER T.G.C. (BHJ,84,3/1995)
As part of a 4-phase research project, 58 homoeopathic physicians, all members of VHAN
(Dutch Association of Homoeopathic Physicians) registered for 1 week the complaints and diagnoses
according to ICPC-code of the frist 30 patients given exclusively homoeopathic treatment during that
week. A total of 1712 patients, 36% male and 64% female, was registered. Children under 10 and
adults from 30-40 years particularly sought homoeopathic treatment.
6. The rights and wrongs of Measles vaccination ENGLISH John M. (BHJ,84,3/1995)
There is controversy about immunization. This paper concentrates on Measles, although the
evidence is more broadly based. Both motality and morbidity figures strongly suggest that despite a
few casualities the campaign has saved many lives and much suffering, even though its goal of
eliminating Measles has not yet been achieved. Unfortunately the immunizing effect of the vaccine
has a shorter duration of action than the disease itself, and motality are higher when Measles
amongst older age-groups immunized as babies. Morbidity and motality are higher when Measles is
contracted at older ages. A revaccination campaign is under way. Side effects from revaccination are
less frequent than with primary vaccination.
The incidence of a variety of chronic diseases, some of which are related to the immune
system, has risen concurrently with the various immunization programmes. Opponents fear that the
two phenomena are connected, and that by proceeding with immunzation we are fundamentally
damaging the race. While the evidence for such a connection is weak, it cannot entirely be dismissed
as it is equally hard to disprove. We should remain continuing with the campaign, since abandoning it
would undoubtedly result much more loss of life and permanent disability.
7. Homoeopathy and Scientific Rationality LUZ Madel T. (BHJ,84,4/1995)
This paper is the outcome of three research projects developed separately with some overlap
in theme and time. The first project was socio- historical, developed between 1982 and 1991, and
concerned the history of Homoeopathy in Brazil. It dealt with strategies and practices aimed at
achieving legitimation of Homoeopathy.
The second project was theoretical (sociological and epistemological) research done during
1986 and 1987 concerning three basic categories in modern rationality. That is, natural (related to or
originating in society) and rational (related to or created by reason}. Themes of this study were their
normative character and central role in several disciplines of knowledge in modern times, with the
focus on sociology and medicine.
The third project, in progress since 1991, is a comparative study of complex medical system
defined in the project as medical rationales. That is, structured systems of five basic theoretical
dimensions which include medical doctrine, human morphology (or anatomy), human vital dynamics
(or physiology), a diagnostic system and a system of therapeutic intervention.
The further very interesting arguments and discussion point out the rationale of Homoeopathy
8. Interview with Dr. Ronald W.DAVEY CHURCHI LL Nick (EJH, 1,3-4/1995)
Dr.Ronald W.DAVEY, Physician to her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II, of England, is a
pillar of contemporary Homoeopathy and has supported the homoeopathic movement with strength
and modesty. Dr. Margery BLACKIE asked him to become a full-time homoeopath. He took over as
Director of Blackie Foundation Trust for research into Homoeopathy. In course of time he was called
to the Buckingham Palace by her Majesty and asked to attend to her as her homoeopathic Physician.
He has addressed three key issues: efficacy safety and the standardization of remedies in
terms of quality control. The question of efficacy has been tackled by the funding of high quality
research projects. Safety is an almost contentious subject which extends beyond the question of
"alternative" medicine or the training of practitioners, altQough Dr. DAVEY has a charateristically
clear-minded view on these two. The third issue, that of standardization or quality control -" to make
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 158
sure if a remedy says it's a 30CH it is a 30CH" has received the greater share of Dr. DAVEY's own
"I feel that Homoeopathy should not be the exclusive preserve of doctors, because I think the
public suffers as a result of that. But at the same time, I want the public to be safeguarded against the
risks of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. I believe in the principle that a doctor should be
gatekeeper and should have overall responsibility, as in the medical situation that currently exists in
the U.K., where the G.P. is deputed by the state to take full clinical responsibility for patient care"
"In the light of the things that are coming out of the British Medical Association and of the
centres of complementary medical excellence, I very much feel that things are progressing, that we
are moving towards what I see as an integrated system of medicine, in which the terms
'complementary' or 'alternative' do not apply, but where we are all partners working together for the
patient's good".
Dr. DAVEY thinks that there is the risk of a fatal blow from the pharmaceutical industry but
Homoeopathy will survive and it has survived for tlM) hundred years; but it will survive in a changed
format. "Homoeopathy is going to change in terms of presentation. It's going to change possibly in
some of its philosophical concepts. These concepts have very often anticipated modern medicine,
and therefore some of those philosophical concepts could become part of its re-development. When
you talk about miasms, you may really be talking in terms of genetic inheritance... Research will also
effect changes... So yes, Homoeopathy will survive, because in the nature of things a real discipline of
value will always survive".
9. Electronic Chat with Dr. Frederik SCHROYENS SHAH Rajesh (HTIMES,2,3&4/1995)
The Editor of Homoeopathy Times Dr. Rajesh SHAH had a 'chat' with Dr. Frederik
SCHROYENS via the electronic media. In this Dr.SCHROYENS (S) says that in developing the VES
computer programme, he was the link between VITHOULKAS and the programmers. There was a
doubt when the project began whether it would be possible to translate a man's (VITHOULKAS' in this
case) thinking method into limited mathematical rules. The VES also shows that there was no
'intuition' in VITHOULKAS' prescriptions but purely mathematical reasoning. One who wanted to
practice the way VITHOULKAS' does can utilise the VES Expert System.
Studying continuously is needed for growth. The writing of the VES and the Synthesis
repertory involved study and it certainly contributed to his growth. Use of repertory helps increase
memory. One small result of his experience of writing the repertory was that he learnt better in
translating patient's expressions into repertoriallanguage. His book 1001 Small remedies has been
enthusiastically welcomed. S feels that there are still many very interesting developments to be
expected on the level of the repertory. Regarding the status of Homoeopathy S feels that there is
much more interest and enthusiasm about Homoeopathy than say 10 or 20 years ago. We are in a
critical stage and should not take things too easy. We should not forget that our medicine is still very
recent and leaves many unsolved questions.
10. Homoeopathy on the Internet -The Electronic Revolution
VAN GALEN Emiel (HTIMES,2,3/1995)
This article highlights the electronic communication and work systems available to
homoeopaths, particularly the Internet, and the e-mail.
11. 200 Years of Homoeopathy. the Literary heritage -The Complete List of Homoeopathic
VAN GALEN E. (HTIMES,2,2/1995)
This is an 'exhaustive' list of medical journals on Homoeopathy (past and present). However,
the author does not cIaim the list to be complete and seeks information further.
12. Homoeopathy -Moving Towards the Mainstream in a changing Health Care System.
CHAPMAN Edward (JAIH,88,4/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 159
Dr.CHAPMAN outlines and discusses a number of issues of concern resulting from the
increase in popularity of Homoeopathy and the changing face of mainstream Medicine. Among the
many issues covered are: the need for greater scientific substantiation of the efficacy, mechanism of
action, and safety of homoeopathic remedies, the need for more data on cost-effectiveness of
Homoeopathy; a re-examination of labeling requirements of homoeopathic medicines; the
development of new educational models (e.g. homoeopathic primary care education), certification of
the competence of practitioners and licensing issues. A topic of special concern is the irresistible tide
of the managed care movement and what its effect on Homoeopathy will be.
13. Estudo sobre doses e potencias homeopaticas (A Study of homoeopathic Doses and
TEIXEIRA Marcus Zulian (RH,60,1/1995)
This is detailed study of the polemical theme about the employment of homoeopathic doses
and potencies, comparing some fundamental topics with the principles of modern Physics. In the first
bibliographical search is done beginning from Samuel HAHNEMANN, JAHR and going on to Benoit
MURE, James Tyler KENT, Leon VANNIER, GHATAK, H.A.ROBERTS, M.L.TYLER, reaching upto
Tomas PASCHERO, Proceso ORTEGA, George VITHOULKAS, Francisco EIZAYAGA and Masi
ELlZALDE. The opinions of these stalwarts of Classical Homoeopathy is transcribed. Then the
principles of Quantum Physics and undulatory movement are exposed in order to elucidate some
controversial questions from clinical experience of those studied. The author concludes that there are
parameters established in Physics which allow to make analogies concerning the use of a single
medicament, prescribed in a single dose and in an individualized potency for each case.
14. Indicacoes e contra-indicacoes dos medicamentos paliativos e antimicrobianos - Segundo
uma analise da doutrina e da pratica de Hahnemann (Palliatives and antibiotics: when to
prescribe, when not to prescribe - According to an analysis of Hahnemann's doctrine and
ADLER Ubiratan Cardinalli, AMBR6siO JR. Epaminondas, ANELLI Ilza Marcia, CAPELLO
Elizete, CESAR Amarilys De Toledo, GUIMARAES Eny Camara (RH,60,2/1995)
The authors analysed the writings of HAHNEMANN (The Chronic Diseases, Materia
Medica Pura, Lesser Writings, Organon 6th ed.) searching for the principles and examples from
practice that could help the homoeopath to understand as to when and why to prescribe or not to
prescribe modern palliatives and antibiotics, as well as the role of microorganisms in HAHNEMANN's
concept of disease.
15. Obstaculos a cura Uma visao contemporanea (Obstacles to the cure - A contemporary view)
PIRES Rogerio A.F. (RH,60,2/1995)
The author discusses the controversial theme about the obstacles to cure from differentiated
perspective. He explores homoeopathic concepts, like miasmatic dynamic and parameters of cure,
through a critical view that tries to confront the theory and practice of Homoeopathy with some
elements of our contemporaneity, relating to the dogmatization of the so-called homoeopathic
16. Proposta para implantacao de atendimento homeopatico na rede publica (Proposal for the
implementation of homoeopathic care in the Public Health Services) Comiss8o de Saude
Publica Da, Associacao Medica Homeopatica Brasileira (RH,60,2/1995)
This article puts forth proposals for integrating Homoeopathy in the Public Health Services in
17. Projeto 'Racionalidadeds Medicas' (The 'Medical Rationalities' Project)
LUZ Hylton Sarcinelli
The author presents Homoeopathy as 'medical rationality' analysing it into its constituents -
Cosmology, Medical Doctrine, Morphology, Vital Dynamics, Diagnostic System, and System of
Therapeutical Intervention.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 160
This research aims at presenting Homoeopathy through the dimensions proposed by the
Medical Rationalities Project, establishing comparisons with other medicines (Chinese traditional,
Ayurvedic, Occidental Contemporary) in order to contribute to the formulation of the Public Health
Services criteria of evaluation (as to efficiency and efficacy).
18. Imagens da Homeopatia na comunidade de Vitoria-ES (Images of Homoeopathy from the
community of Victoria (a Brasilian city) MICALI Idivaldo Antonio, SALUME Sumaia,
MACHADO Vera Lucia Taqueti
An exploratory study was carried out in Victoria, capital of State of Espirito Santo, Brazil,
aiming at building representation of Homoeopathy from the common sense of the community.
The analysis unity of these investigations was made up by 80 (eighty) individuals, over 18
years old and of both sexes, chosen at random. Asapurpose to previlege the speech of individuals. of
distinct social levels, the datawascollected from interviews atfivedifferent points inthecity, namely-
ashopping center, the airport, a bus stop, a public square and a public market.
The majority of the people interviewed (81%) has replied that they know about Homoeopathy
and this knowledge has come, these considered in a decreasing order, specially through friends,
television, relatives and people who had already got a homoeopathic treatment.
The anlysis of results made it clear that the images about Homoeopathy are multiple and at
most cases very distorted, with preponderance of association with the idea of natural products or
According to the opinion of the majority of these individuals, Homoeopathy is a long delayed
treatment and it may serve for the resolution of almost all diseases, except cancer, AIDS and
emergencies. Fewer people, in a paradoxical way, support the idea that Homoeopathy can cure all
diseases or that it is a treatment only for slight disturbances or pathologies.
1. Homoeopathy for Emotional Health, by Rima HANDLEY, Thorsons Publishers, 1995,
224 Pages soft cover £7.99. Reviewed by Shirley RILEY (HOM,58/1995).
"They say you can't judge a book by its cover but anyone who feels drawn to pick this off the
bookshelf because of its pleasing jacket will not be disappointed Each chapter starts with an analysis
of that emotion and some of the possible scenarios which could put a person into that emotional state.
This is accompanied bya possibly dozen remedies with a paragraph on each showing how to
differentiate between them and select the most appropriate. Part three is a Materia Medica of 21
leading remedies with a COUL TER-Iike portrait of the character of the remedy and a list of General
and Characteristic Physical Symptoms, Modalities, and possible causations, e.g. Natrum muriaticum
from grief or Sepia in times of hormonal change... I found this book to be extremely user-friendly,
finding a much-needed gap on library shelves "
2. Homoeopathy Renewed: Cure and Prevention of Illness; an individualised Sequential
Approach to Homoeopathy by Rudolf VERSPOOR and Patricia L YN N SMITH, 134
Pages, Paperback. Publishers details & price unknown Reviewed by Ian WATSON
"This book is written by a homoeopath based in Canada, and sets out to describe a technique
called sequential therapy. The term was apparently coined by a Swiss homoeopath named Dr.Jean
ELMIGER, from whom the author learned the technique... The basic premise of the work seems to be
that traditional Homoeopathy struggles these days to cure many chronic diseases, owing to the
prevalence of allopathic drugs, vaccinations and "Chronic stresses of life in the first lane". The author
describes himself as possessing a classical homoeopathic training and bent, but he has found
through his own and Dr.ELMIGER's experience that sometimes the classical' techniques are
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 161
inadequate to bring about a cure in every chronic case, particularly those with a complex history
involving multiple traumas and stresses. It is these cases in which sequential therapy has been found
to be effective where traditional methods have failed..."
3. The Infinitesimal Dose. The Scientific Roots of Homoeopathy by Colin LESSELL
C.W.Daniel, 1994, 128 pages, soft cover, £ 9.95 Reviewed by Jazz RASOOL
"….LESSELL certainly does present a model that holds water but I do have some
reservations about recommending it to students... The first few chapters are easy going but then the
learning curve becomes exponential as LESSELL enters the physics behind the biochemistry of
remedies. .. LESSELL claims that remedies work primarily through the respective constitutent atoms
of the water in a remedy electronically remembering the original drug. The imprinted water molecules
enter the blood stream via the mouth and digestive system. The molecules then bind on to
appropriate proteins in/on 'cells and this either activates the protein or prevents other molecules from
activating it. In this way the biochemistry of cells is shifted and a change in health occurs. Not exactly
a revolutionary model but plausible... Over-all, the book is something that I would recommend for
students who have some bent for biochemistry Sadly as is the case with so many of those scientific
views to date, it seems to have no place for explaining how Homoeopathy also heals human thoughts,
feelings and spirituality. Only when scientists discard the idea that we are wound up molecular
machines, will they begin to truly understand more about the healing process.
4. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Beef and Dairy Cattle, by Christopher DAY.
Beaconsfield Publishers 1996. 141 pages, paperback £ 17.50, reviewed by Francis
TREUHERZ. (HOM,59/1995)
"It never ceases to amaze me that while allopaths generate their practice of human medicine
from sick animars, homoeopaths learn how to treat sick animals from the practice of human Medicine.
It can and must also be called humane Medicine and that is what this author recommends, the
humane and holistic management of the lives of cattle within which Homoeopathy has an important
place....The materia medica and therapeutic sections are by no means rote learning but thorough and
holistic analyses. There are case histories and some spectacular research results... Another
interesting facet for comparing human and animal medicine is the treatment of the herd compared
with the treatment of the individual. There are lessons for us in treating people in epidemics..."
5. Notes on the Nosodes, Tuberculinum and Bacil/inum by Sheilagh CREASY, SCHB
Publishing, 108 pages, soft cover, price £ 12.99, reviewed by Robin LOGAN
"This is a new edition of the book originally published about ten years ago.... What is most
remarkable about this book is that it is written by someone who must be the most experienced
practising classical homoeopath in Britain... This is definitely a book worth having, particularly for
students. It provides a concise yet thorough summary of virtually everything you need to know about
Tuberculinum in its various forms, and in that sense it is unique".
6. So you've seen a Homoeopath. A patient's guide to how Homoeopathy works and what
to do next, Helios Clinic, Turnbridge Wells, 1995. 44 pages £ 5.00, reviewed by Martin
HOBSON and Francis TREUHERZ (HOM,59/1995)
Two different reivews were received :
(1) By HOBSON : "...All in all, a very useful little book for those patients who want to know more about
Homoeopathy than a leaflet can provide-it should be I eft in the waiting rooms of all homoeopaths" .
(2) By TREUHERZ : "...In comparison with many books of explanation for lay people this book pales
into insignificance...".
7. The Faces of Homoeopathy by Julian WINSTON -Video (VHS Format) Distributed by the
National Center for Homoeopathy, Alexandria, Virginia, 60 minutes, £ 29.95, reviewed by
Richard MOSKOWITZ, MD (JAIH,88,3/1995)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 162
"Those of us fortunate enough to have traced the progress of Julian WINSTON's slide shows,
lectures, and after hours entertainment over the years can now own the finished product, a permanent
record of exceptional quality and professionalism, complete with sound track, voice- overs, and all the
tricks of the trade, to be replayed and treasured for a lifetime..."
I. Report on the European Committee for Homoeopathy (ECH) meet in Brussels on 13/14
May 1995: (AHZ,240,5/1995) : It is proposed by the Political committee to have a Lobby-organisation
to speak for the Unconventional Therapies. Dialogue between the medical Homoeopathy doctors and
the , Lay-homoeopaths' is also to go on so as to find a harmonius function amongst them. Intense
arguments have been put forth on the pros and cons for such harmony. The results of the dialogue
alreadyon in Great Britain is awaited in this regard so that the ECCH and ECH could find a common
agreeable methodology.
The Educational Sub-committee has worked out the 'basic standards in Homoeopathy'. Many
schools in Europe have already remodelled their teaching in accordance of the ECH in the 'Training"
a) Formualtion of criteria for provings at the end of the training as also what the framework and
the content of the provings are concerned about. The aim is also towards a uniform II
European Di ploma".
b) Establishment of a European Provings Commission (consisting of teachers from different
schools), to take up reciprocal provings.
c) To make available a list of lecturers in Homoeopathy who may already be in other schools in
The ECH had laid the following Programme for basic training in Europe:
1. Aims
2. Study of the homoeopathic theory
3. Study of Materia Medica
4. Clinical Practice
5. Training Structure
6. Diploma
7. Qualification for the teacher
Under each of the above headings there are specific points.
II. First Meeting of the International Study Group of the History of Homoeopathy in the
Institute for History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation in stuttgart on 5 and 6
Homoeopathy history is a young research field which has begun to take shape in the recent years
slowly. In Germany it has been traditionally done by medical historians, and recently Folklorists,
Medical ethnologists and particularly Social History researchers. In the recent times the social history
research is becoming more rather than the patients history, the role of the lay-man associations as an
important lobby for the support for this form of therapy, the essential position of the pharmaceutical
industry, polictical conflicts, e.g. training chairs in university. The economics of health is also a
question. Subsequent to the holding of some conference the history of Homoeopathy in Germany has
been made thematic. This first International Stuttgart Meeting is also at the same time the first
meeting of the II International Network for the History of Homoeopathy" in the II European Association
for History of Medicine and Health", which has in the forefront a brighter overview of countries and
continents. The present state of Homoeopathy in all its aspects in Europe and USA is studied. The
special role of lay-practitioners in the continuity of Homoeopathy in Great Britain contrasted with the
otherwise important role of physicians who only in Germany supported a public movement. The
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 163
influence of the pharmaceutical industry is of particular significnce in the reawakening of
Homoeopathy in the former "eastern block countries" specially in Romania where since the year 1970
the state supported homoeopaths' training activities. In Brazil and India the pressure is for increase of
the Governments giving more weight to Homoeopathy in their health programmes.
The transactions is to be published in 1996 in book from in German language by Martin DINGES.
III. Report on the Meeting in the institute for History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch
Foundation in Stuttgart, 3-4 April 1995 (AHZ,240,51 1995). That the history of homoeopathic
method of healing is much more than many other exambles of independent protests against the
dominant medicine is accepted by more and more historians. Homoeopathy is known to have been at
the same time in these 200 years of its existence a medicinal as well as a social phenomenon. Some
aspects of this were discussed in this meeting.
Medical history is not made by doctors alone. Homoeopathy itself is a good example, which
has shown the significance of the laymen-practitioners at different epochs who have contributed to the
medical practice. Besides the non-medcial homoeopaths, the pharmaceutical manufactureres like the
individuals and firms like Willmar-Schwabe, Leipzig, have influenced widely the practical development
of the therapeutics. This happned particularly from the close association between the publishers and
pharmacists, like the earlier homoeopathic journal "Hygea". The study of the patient in the context of
the medical history is a central theme in the history against the doctors, pharmacists and the state's
place. Patients need not always be humans. Homoeopathy is an informative example of strong
integration of veterinary medicine with the writings of the history of medicine, as the example of the
veterinarian J.J. W. LUX clearly indicated.
The commercial and economic histories may also be studied. For example, how was it that a lay
practitioner like Dugen WENZ could hardly keep his head just above the water all his life? How Dr.
Meinoff BOLLE of Aachen had not one patient in his hospital, whereas later Dr. Arthur LUTZE could
build up a very busy practice?
Besides the commercial aspects the interrelationship between religion and medicine also
raise many questions like, what exactly is understood by homoeopathic history as it was understood
earlier, and now. A large number of the participants spoke of therapy forms which Homoeopathy has
more or less over the decades remained with little difference.
The meeting raised more questions and all were considered. The lectures of the participants
would be published by Karl F. Haug in the form of a book in 1996.
IV. Report of the 146th Annual Meeting of the Deutschen Zentralvereins homoopathischer
Arzte e.V. in Erfurt, 25-27 May1995. (AHZ,240,6/1995):
Some extracts: the theme was "Homoeopathy in its relationship to the world around" which the
chairman Dr. DRAHNE who opened the Meet said was quite indicative of the future. Dr. REUTER
who spoke next said that he was happy that this meeting was held in the new province, in a place
where Homoeopathy was prevented by the former government. The homoeopaths therefore had to
meet in secrecy under the protection of the church. In the former Eastern Germany there were
material and ideas that were massively environment polluting. Only a small number of firms
manufactured homoeopathic medicines. He thanked Dr.ILLING for having built up Homoeopathy here
with great interest. Dr.OSTERHAID conveyed the greetings of the Social and Health Ministry of the
state of Thuringen. Homoeopathy has its rightful place in Medicine. Lastly the greeting from
Dr.MERKEL, the Minister for Environment, Central Government, was read out. He said that while
prevention is better than cure the environment pollution was so as to promote disease and that
Homoeopathy should probably find a solution for this.
Dr. POPP the Physicist: "Scientific basis for the homoeopathic high potencies" : There is
no chance of finding a scientific basis for the working of the homoeopathic high potency. There is
much in the science but without ultimate proof. Most of these things are empirical. The reson for this is
that the nature of life is fundamentally different from material. While dead material is simple,
homogenous, stationary, reproducible, objectiveable, linear and predictable, living systems are
complex, nonhomogenous, dynamic, not reproducible, not objectivable, not predictable and not linear
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 164
and above all have a memory function. He recalled the Russian scientist GURWITSCH's idea that the
form building power in organisms is of electromagnetic nature. Dr. POPP also spoke of the
resonance action accoring to which disease is wrong electromagnetic swings by which the high
potencies react resonancially and leads to healing.
Dr. SCHREIBER spoke of "Development of Medical Classical Homoeopathy in
Thuringen". There were many homoeopathic doctors in Thuringen. But during the period...when it
was East Germany (DDR) it was almost only lay practitioners. The official Medicine in the DDR
proceeded from the Forensic Doctor PROKOP, and it fought against all alternative methods. The
number of medicines which could be manufactured only in D4 and D6 increased constantly.
Symposium and Hainstein Conferences filled the homoeopathic life in Thuringen. Now the situation is
much encouraging.
Mr. FIRNKORN of the Robert Bosch Foundation spoke on the "Furtherance of the
Researches in Homoeopathy in the Robert Bosch Foundation". Even during the founding of the
Stuttgart Homoeopathic Hospital, Robert BOSCH had instructed that all the successful results of the
cases treated in that hospital should be taken for this. At the same time Homoeopathy was to be
clinically verified by the government officers which however showed negative results. The reasons for
this were, first, the ignorance of homoeopathic doctors of the hospital upto LEESER. The Chief
doctors of Homoeopathy were not the best of their time and the artistic treatment of the patients by
these doctors were wanting. By end of the 5Os clinical medicine in Homoeopathy had therefore
ended. The renovation and reconstruction of the Policlinic followed but was not filled with suitable
homoeopathic doctors. In 1994 the Foundation has at its disposal DM54 millions out of which a large
part went to the Robert Bosch Hospital and the Margarethe Fischer Bosch Institute for Clinical
Pharmacology as also for the Institute for the History of Medicine which was used for research on the
homoeopathic history. In the past years the foundation supported resarch work on Homoeopathy in
India by MOSSINGER, WIESENAUER and some other doctors. The Foundation 'M)uld be spending a
sizeable amount for the celebration of the 200th year of founding of the Simile principle in the Hygiene
Museum in Dresden.
After this Dr. GARTNER spoke on "Poisons and Medicines - Environment, Toxicology
and Homoeopathy". He said that PARACELSUS had discovered the Simile principle before
HAHNEMANN. He then spoke about the Reinchensteiner disease which was about Arsenicum
poisoning through water containing Arsenicum. He also pointed out that HAHNEMANN had already
said that a medicine can work as poison as well. (Medicine of Experience by HAHNEMANN).
Dr. BANDELIN then spoke "Environment pollution and respiratory diseases of Children".
As a causative factor for the allergies he pointed out the frquent vaccinations, antibiotics, cortisone
and exogenous noxins. Air pollution belongs to the last-mentioned. The noxins impede the action of
the homoeopathic remedies and cause recurrences and makes cure more difficult. He demonstrated
by the case of an 8 year-old child's Tuberculosis.
Dr. PFEIFFER then spoke on "The World of the child and its medicine". He spoke of
individual sensitivity of the child and the inner as well as the outer obstructions to the therapy which
can influence the development of the child. The mother is undoubtedly important for the unhindered
development of the child. There are many homoeopathic medicines for the disturbed mother- child
relationship, which he pictured with the help of 4 folk tales.
Dr. WITHOLD spoke on "Forgotten disease pictures enlivened again with some chosen
cases". Two interesting cases; 1. Typhus, 2. Malaria Tropica. These two cases were reported in
detail along with the course of the disease and the homoeopathic remedies which were given.
Dr. SCHILLER spoke on "Homoeopathy and the problem of dental filling materials:
Mercurius solubilis - Environment toxin and homoeopathic medicines".
He first spoke of the history of Quicksliver and then about the environmental catastrophe in Japan and
in Iraq from this metal. Of about 9,000 tons of Quicksiver produced in the world every year about half
is in the environment. A part of it poisons the ground water. About 30 tons pollute the environment
due to dental work alone. He further spoke in detail about the amalgams and the therapy for amalgam
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 165
Dr. BARTAK spoke on "Homoeopathy and the problems of dental filling materials :
Aurum, Palladium, Platina and Titanium". He recalled the blockades from suppurating and
crowded teeth as also from loose teeth. These should not be treated before ceramic treatment.
Basically all raw materials including Gold, could harm, One patient suffered, after gold filling, with high
blood pressure, double vision, depressions which went off after the gold fillings were removed and
then given Aurum Q 18. Understandably only those who are sensitive to gold will suffer. A frequent
symptom is altered taste sense. The speaker sketched the picture of Aurum, Palladium, Platina and
Titanium. He found the Simile to be the best antidote for the ill effects of the metallic fillings; also
drainage remedies, Isopathy in which the low potency should not be used.
Dr.PISCHETSRIEDER & Dr.KANNENGIEBER spoke on "Common poisonings in small
animals and Horses and their homoeopathic Treatment". At first the two veterinary doctors
showed in a table which measures and medicines from the allopathic school were important in this.
They also pointed out that medicines which humans can tolerate produce harm in the animals and
may cause haemolytic anaemia, kidney diseases. Two examples (cases) were shown in this regard.
Repertorial searches were shown. A very interesting presentation.
Dr. MADZEKE spoke on "Poisoning with Insecticides and Herbicides" with the help of a
case. The patient who had to handle pest-control things and ultimately was severely invalid, was
successfully treated with Mercurius and Chelidonium and he recovered well enough to go back to his
"Nosodes in the treatment of environment toxicological affections - A significant
therapy supplement" was the subject of Dr. THYSON: He first spoke of the main environmental
toxins, like Mercury, DDT, PCB, Arsenic, Cadmium etc. These can be used in homoeopathic doses, to
neutralize intoxication by these toxins. He then spoke about Ozone, protection of the woods, etc.
Dr.GESSNER spoke on "Environment, Homoeopathy and Neurodermatitis"; He said that
there was much anxiety among the people about environmental pollution, especially by the allergens.
During therapy therefore it is necessary to proceed further with good homoeopathic therapy and a
good patient management. Curative fasts, falls in this. To complement a combination of
Homoeopathy, psychotherapy and the regulation of diet are important. For removing the effects of
Cortisone salves Cortisone D30 is given once and a week later begins homoeopathic constitutional
therapy, in which a single remedy in Q potency is given daily. In 1-2 weeks it can be definitely seen
whether the therapy is working succesfully. He particularly said that the cure follows HERING's rule.
Dr. IGNATZI spoke "On the employment of Environmet hygienic Diagnostics and
therapy Principles". The action of different chemicals and the organism is allergicaly conditioned.
Deeply affecting mental alterations occur which were least considered until now. There is therefore a
fear about the future. He warned of treating by "symptom profile". The problem can be tackled only by
Field therapy, that is, only by taking into account all the circumstances. Here Homoeopathy is
relevant, as he found personally. Hence he applies this method.
The next lecture by Dr. REUTER was on "Fundamenal importance of Nutrition for the
homoeopathic Healing in Hahnemannian sense": with the help of the original text of Organon.
Dr.REUTER pointed out that HAHNEMANN had recommeded a life style in which all mental
disturbances and lack of movement should be eliminated and recommended natural foods with
reduction of sugar, cooking salt and wheat flour. He also pointed out that the experiments of POPP
showed that a biologically prepared food emitted naturally more Photons than the usual industrially
produced one.
Dr.MATTHIESEN spoke on "A case of Lindan - and PCB-intoxication and its
homoeopathic Treatment". The case of a 13 year old-girl was reported in detail and the
homoeopathic treatment. The toxic effects of Lindan and PCB are difficult to be treated. If a carefully
chosen homoeopathic medicine does not work as expected, one must look for chronic intoxication.
Dr.ELIES spoke on "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and its homoeopathic treatment": This
syndrome which has recurred in the recent 120 years was first observed in the American Civil War in
the soldiers. No causative agent has been identified so far. 1.5% of the citizens suffer from this. In the
beginning it is moslty acute but later a big strain. Main symtoms: Tiredness, Weakness, Depression,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 166
Sleep disturbances, Lymph gland swellings, Inflammation of mucous membranes, More than 70
remedies have been mentioned in MURPHY's Repertory. Staphysagria is particularly suitable. (much
restrictions on the subordinates with consequent sleepiness or sleeplessness); Conium (ailments from
suppressed feelings). The physical and mental weakness with overexcitement of the sense organs
and viral infections after conflict situations correspond to Silica. Therapy is on the basis of the choice
of toatlity.
Dr.WANKE spoke on "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". He stressed the connection of this with
a general weakness of the Immune and Defence Systems, Increase of allergies, infections and the
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is marked with the words “Cry of the Immune Systems" in the sense of
archaic reflexes: “rest, repose, saving of energy!" The Immune system communicates with all levels of
the Organism - Body, Mind and Spirit. All inner and outward influences have their reaction on the
Immune system. There is much to be researched in this regard.
Dr. OETIMEIER spoke on "The Environment models the Homoeopathic Disease types -
Consequences of physical and mental stress in an orthopaedic working day": He depicted a
"Functional Pyramid" of a material somatic, an energetic and an information plane, one above the
other. The last was white, translucent and therefore difficult to be recognized. With the help of red
filter it was strikingly visible. If the peak of the pyramid is about the quality of a pain and in the place of
the red filter a homoeopathic filter is opposed, under the pair concealed information is seen, like Care,
Worry, Lack of Love, Mortification, Suppression psychic as the remedies; Mortification as the mental
cause leads to Staphysaqria, Nux vomica and Colcynthis and for material causes like Draft and Air,
Aconitum and Belladonna. He illustrated his points with a case.
Dr. GUTMANN spoke "Qn the efficacy of the homoeopathic medicine". While allopathic
medicine sought quantity Homoeopathy sought quality. Homoeopathy cannot be explained in the
sense of molecular theory.
Dr. WARNKE spoke on the same theme
Dr.GAWLIK spoke on "Immunology and Homoeopathy". He based his ideas on
HAHNEMANN's Lesser Writings particularly "Heilkunde der Erfahrung" (Medicine of Practical
The next talk was by Dr.ILLING on "Possibilities and Limitations of Homoeopathy". With
the help of his own cases he depicted border situation cases cured with the correctly chosen
homoeopathic remedies; he showed how the indications for the homoeopathic medicines were
gleaned. This is possi ble only by following HAHNEMANN exactly.
The last lecture was Dr. BUCHMANN on "The impact of the Environment on the
Homoeopathic Physician". The attitude of the physician is of decisive importance in the difficult
search for the indicated homoeopathic remedy. The patient is a creation of God as also are the
medicaments, plants, animals and minerals which we use as remedies. In BUCHMANN's view
sucessful medical work without a feel for transcendence is impossible.
The "Samuel" prize for the best lecture went to Dr.MATTHIESEN for his lecture "A case of
Lindan and PCB -intoxication and its Homoeopathic treatment".
V. International Research Group on very Low Dose and High Dilution Effects - Bth GIRl
Meeting, 10 - 12 Dec. 1994, Hadassah Hospital, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel: (Extracts from
1. Medicine as the art of harmony among the parts in the unity of living organisms: "All
that is received is according to the receiver's ability". This principle of Neoplatonist philosophy may
serve to explain how the metaphysician and theologian understand global medicine and the medical
experience of Homoeopathy. The philosophical intuition of the relationship between the parts within
the unity of the whole is both confirmed and justified.
Thus, ARISTOTLE's definition of the soul is the actualization of an organized body potentially
alive and his explanation of the concept of unity as presented in his metaphysics; BERGSON's
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 167
intuition of the elan vital and harmonious growth through duration; the theology of unity unifying the
members of the mystic body as the Apostle PAUL describes it in his Epistles, express on a
philosophical or religious level principles of truth which homoeopathic medicine puts to use in a
concrete manner.
The same principles can be applied to the harmony of the universe, whether we speak of
biospheric equilibrium or of mutual understanding in the human community.
2. Modelling complex systems - Wonderful but not incomprehensible, J.L.L.LEMOIGNE
(France): 'lt is the task of the natural sciences to show that the wonderful is incomprehensible, to
show how it can be comprehended -but not to destroy wonder'. The first lines of the manifesto of the
sciences of complex systems published 25 years ago by H.A. SIMON suggest a fundamental
epistemological argument of any scientific research as of any cognitive inquiry; our permanent
endeavour to understand the phenomena we perceive or conceive is an endeavour to design (and
redesign) plausible meanings of those phenomena.
The aim of any science is to show how can phenomena be modelled? For the last 150 years
or so the usual answer to the question 'how' proposed by the academic scientific institutions was
always the same; by analysis by reducing to simple organic facts, be they atoms, cells, molecules,
genes, etc., Analysis and si m plification not only destroy wonder when trying to explain it but lead to a
very poor meaning of the considered phonomena; the 'formal explanation' does not make sense, it
only makes forms! So we reconsider the modelling of complex systems. To design or to invent, to
build through symbolic models, understanding of our changing relations with the world. The
epistemological foundations of the science of design is today well established. We can now develop a
theory of modelling complex systems (which is a theory not of 'good models' but of the cognitive
processes of model design and building) usually presented on the concept of 'general system' (Initially
suggested by biologists) but now extended to the concept of 'auto-eco reorganization and not
restricted to the modelling of energetic ones.
3. Contribution of systems modelling to the Renewal of homoeopathic theory understood
as a complex phenomena, H.CARE (France): Is it possible, by observation of successive and/or
concomitant diseases in any given patient, to discern the links and reciprocal relations between
different nosological structure? Conventional Medicine interprets and defines diseases in terms of
distinct nosological structures which evolve independently of each other. Homoeopathy, based on
systemic modelling and on all-enclosing concept, is able to discern different diseases, organizes them
into complex pathological systems and endows them with both significance and intelligibility. All
patients present the specific diseases or disorders particular to them, and this never in an arbitrary
manner, at random times or for no specific reason.
Clinical obervation, moreover, demonstrates that in each p.atient one or several diseases are
always organised and presented along the lines of one or more complex pathological systems,
revealing the presence of an intrinsic self-adjusting organization, which is autonomous and makes
known its own imbalance. Each individual system appears to be ordered according to semiotic criteria
which are classified and codified.
Provings are the classified and codified manifestation of these pathological systems.
Experimenting with active pharmacological substances on human subjects in a homoeostatic state is
the method of modelling and simulating complex pathogenetic systems. These substances act as if
they possessed an intrinsic ability to memorize the complex pathog enic structures which can be
superimposed on the complex pathological systems found in the human body. Analogical reasoning
makes it possible to reconcile the patient presenting his own pathological system and the medicine his
condition requires, and the medicine which is liable to provoke a similar system of pathogenesis and
exact mimesis of the pathology under observation. We can apply to a patient (or a pathology) and to a
substance (pathogenesis) the paradigm of general systems. Every human being, immersed in his own
environment, operates according to his own peculiar, psychological criteria, evolves in accordance
with them throughout his life. The homoeopathic concept calls for a permanent all-embracing
understanding of pathological phenomena.
4. Stimulation of cellular self-recovery by application of the similia principle, R.VAN WIJK,
F.A.C.WIEGANT (The Netherlands); The self- recovery process that follows damage to a cell is
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 168
determined by a number of elements. In the last decade it has become clear that stress or heat shock
proteins play an essential role in the self - recovery processes. The molecular basis of damage-
induced loss of the protective mechanism, have been described in detail in recent years. The aim of
this work was to study whether cellular self- recovery can be sti mulated by the application of the
similia principle in its most simple form.
The results support the hypothesis that self - recovery is specifically sti mulated by low doses
applied according to the similia principle. It was shown that small doses specifically stimulate the
damage-induced synthesis of stress proteins which has been considered a relevant measure for the
process of cellular recovery.
5. Notes on the Conceptual basis of Science - Looking for the mediating principle,
A.LAGACHE (France): The two monisms: The current conceptual basis of science is not a dualism,
but a contradictory juxtaposition of 2 monisms. Sciences of matter and sciences of semantic facts are
totally isolated from one another, so that we live in a fractured culture. The firmest part of our
knowledge seems to be based on matter, leaving aside all meaningful facts which actually concern
human beings and living structures. Mind and matter each rule their own camp, never to be
confronted. This illogical coexistence of 2 monisms is a denial of reality. As a matter of fact, living
structures belong to nature, and nature provides them with material facts as well as semantic ones,
we need the 2 dimens. Can dualism be anything but antagonism?
What would real dualism be? Real dualism is different from the simple juxtaposition of 2
terms. It must combine the differences between diverse phenomena, with their possible relationships.
For example, insanity: The quarrel whether insanity is an organic or a psychological disease will never
end unless a third concept, a distorted relationship between mind and body, between being and
reality is found. Here the mediating principle emerges. The mediating principle has the function of
linking and separating and is a higher principle.
Paradigm signifiers: We assume that living systems are informed and informing structures, a
network of mediating relationships between internal set and environment, as well as between material
and semantic levels in the system. Homoeopathy and immunology provide a beautiful experimental
for this hypothesis.
6. Notes on the conceptual basis of Science - Looking for a tradition of Signifiers.
A.LAGACHE (France): When the paradigm of signifiers was evolved it looked like an entirely unusual
idea, which is not true. There is a tradition which considers life as a whole meaningful fact of nature.
The chasm that positivism put between mind and matter is not a necessity of science, it is a historical
The 17th century had an open paradigm of science: Nature includes all kinds of phenomena,
especially mind and matter. DESCARTES therefore focussed not only on the two substances
('extended' any 'thinking' matter) but also on the links and mediation between body and mind in order
to make a real dualism work. SPINOZA and LEIBNIZ had the same main preoccupations. SPINOZA
integrated mind and body into the same measure of nature, like two lines of melody on a sheet of
music. NEWTON himself was not the father of mechanism we assumed hi m to be. He noted that
gravitation was not mechanical.
The Age of Enlightenment came closest to complete rationality. Science meant understanding
the whole of nature in its diversity and integrity. We find a real idea of mediation in the 18th century.
LESSING, in his aesthetics, noticed that poetry and painting would not be able to deliver the
same message; the medium, the signifier, is part of the meaning, i.e. the body receiving the message
cannot be eliminated from the result. KANT suggested a mediating principle with his concept of
'transcendental scheme of imagination'. There is room for a whole conception of life weaving together
levels of matter and semantic levels.
In the early 19th century, this open paradigm of science split. The fantastic possibilities of
technical power swept science towards materialsm. The aim of being almighty and immortal had been
transferred from religion to technology, supposing that phenomena would be reduced to matter, to
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 169
substance. Mind and semantic facts were left to poets. Today we reach the limits of such an attitude.
A whole side of nature is not represented in our intellectual settlements.
In the tradition of Enlightenment, HAHNEMANN invented Homoeopathy and FREUD invented
Psychoanalysis. Both involve a conception of the whole being, by means of mediation.
We now have the means to supercede the split in our representation of the world. The only
condition is to supercede the reductionist point of view, which reduces phenomena to mechanical
composition. We should now be able to match our soul with our real learning.
7. Modification of a 4MHz water proton relaxation times in highly diluted aqueous
solutions, J.L.DEMANGEAT, P.GRIES, B.POITEVIN (France): NMR T1 and T2 hydrogen relaxation
times and T1/T2 ratio are related to the organization and dynamics of water in the vicinity of solute
molecules, they differ from those of bulk water and water in the pure state. In liquid water at room
temperature T1 and T2. Lowering the temperature or introducing a solute induces organization of the
water molecules leading to increased proton relaxation time. Thus T2 decreases more than T1, and
the T1/T2 ratio increases. NMR is one of the several tools to study bound water. In the present study,
NMR relaxation technique was applied to very high aqueous dilutions of various substances in order
to study water organization.
Conclusion after study of the results: T1 NMR hydrogen proton relaxation time is increased in
very high dilutions of various solutes with the solvent prepared and measured in identical conditions.
Differences persist at dilution levels higher than 10
. Many chemicophysical parameters were
anlysed. No explanation can be derived from our experiments at present. The results nevertheless
encourage the use of NMR for further investigation of homoeopathic solutions.
8. Non-linear Thermodynamics, Quantum Physics, Electrophysiology and Self-
organization phenomena as a framework for looking at the organism and its pathology in a
holistic context. A.N.DELINICK (Greece) : The aim of this paper is to provide a model of the
organism and its pathology that can be used by homoeopaths and researchers in order to better
understand the workings of the organism through a holistic framework. It aims to explain the Arndt-
Schulz Law formulated in 1888 and lately revived as 'hormesis'.
9. Biocrystallization analysis of low and high dilutions and homoeopathically treated
blood of patients. H.BERCY (France) : Morphocrystallography or biocrystallography is a concept of
iconography that brings information about the localization of organs and the nature of pathological
processes and their evolution at an early stage. The test allows detection of many pathologies before
clinical signs become evident. The particular interest of this research is early diagnosis especially in
serious pathologies by the study of basal and growth factors, prospective aspects, evolutive factors.
The aim was to find a methodology to follow up the therapeutic effect of various homoeopathic
dilutions, including the highest.
Three possibiliites were studied in vitro and in vivo:
- Low dilution gave reactions at the organic level, 2x,4x, and 4c,5x and 5c,7x and 7c.
- Dilution such as the 8x,9c,10x,12c and 15c showed signal elements relating to the capillary,
venous and lymphatic levels.
- High dilution such as the 15x,15c,20x,30x and 30c showed effects on neurovegetative system
Other experiments with pathological blood yielded interesting modifications (at the metallic
10. Comparative study of biological studies and morphocrystallography tests in dogs and
cats, R.BLOSTIN (France): Morphocrystallography tests are of interest in the early differential
diagnosis of malignant and non-malignant tumours in dogs and cats. The results of histological
studies (HS) and morphocrytallography tests (MT) in 91 dogs or cats from 4 veterinary practices are
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 170
The conclusion is that MT enables us to know with great certainly how malignant a suspected
tumour is. Simply using a blood sample (2ml) early diagnosis is of considerable interest for the
practitioner's choice of treatment strategy.
11. From stimulus to message in biological systems. C.BONNE (France): A stimulus is an
agent that produces a response in a living organism. It has no significance per se but acquires a
particular meaning, becoming a message, when applied to a particular biological system. Stimuli can
be physiological, chemical, static, dynamic, etc. One part of this paper will be devoted to the various
characteristics of the interaction between chemical stimuli, such as ligands, and biological receptors.
In addition to the simple mode of interaction, there are more complex ways of stimulus reception
which are illustrated by allosteric activation or negative cooperation. Biological systems are never rigid
but responsive and have to be considered as a function of time. The aim is to offer a simple and
formal view of some clasical aspects of biological cybernetics.
12. New in-vitro tools to study protective effect of very low cadmium concentrations
against cytotoxic cadmium doses. A.DELBANCUT , M.P.BARROUILLET, R.MAURY-BRACHE,
A.BOUDOU, P.DORFMAN, J.CAMBAR (France): Cadmium (cd): a major pollutant, is a well-known
nephrotoxin causing severe damage at renal vascular, glomerular and tubular level. High dilutions of
toxic heavy metals have been shown to reduce the lethal effect of these metals in mice and to increse
metal elimination in rats. Using various new in-vitro tools (cultured glomerular and tubular cells,
isolated glomeruli) the mechanism of the protective effect of very high dilutions of Cd against Cd
toxicity was investigated.
The data demonstrate that 5-day pretreatment with very high dilutions of heavy metals has a
protective effect on cells exposed to cytotoxic concentrations of the sme metal. Moreover, this study
introduces new, sensitive tools for further investigation of the mechanisms of the protective effect very
high dilutions provide against nephrotoxic againsts, reducing their side effect in clinical use.
13. Modulation of immune response to KLH with high dilutions of antigen. Z. WEISMAN, M.
OBERBAUM, N. HARPAZ, Z. BENTWICH (Israel) : In the present study the authors have extended
their earlier experiments and also tested and the antigen-specific proliferative response in
preconditioned mice.
The results of these experiments, together with the results reported previously slow that
highly diluted antigen (including those beyond Avogadro’s number) may modulate at least the
secondary igG immune response as well as the proliferation antigen specific T cell response. Though
very encouraging, these studies require further more definitive and large-scale confirmation in order to
provide compelling evidence for such biological effect.
14. Corrective effect of in ovo administration of high bursin dilutions in bursectomized
chicks Adrenocorticotropic, pineal and immune functions and circadian rhythms. B. J.
YOUBICIER-SIMO, F. BOUDARD, J. D. BAYLE, M. BASTIDE, (France) : As shown in a previous
paper, changes in basal and stress-induced adrenocortical activity and an inability to generate specific
antibodies in response to antigenic stimulation in newly hatched bursectomized chicks were corrective
effect was obtained by using a pool of 10
to 10
M dilutions obtained by hahnemannian
preparation. The circadian rhythms of these hormones were also studied.
The results support the efficacy of Bursin in small doses and high dilution to restore normal
endocrine and specific immune response in bursectomized chicks.
15. Perspectives of research in Homoeopathy 1987-1994, Z. BENTWICH, M. OBERBAUM, Z.
WEISMAN, N. HARPAZ, D. ROTHMAN, G. VITHOULKAS (Israel Greece) : Studies on the scientific
basis and the clenical efficacy of Homoeopathy over the last 7 years can be divided into those
addressing basic aspects, experimental disease models and clinical evaluation studies. The first
group includes studies to confirm BENVENISTE’s original observations on the histological effects of
high dilutions in in-vitro systems.
The results of the models studied leave mixed impressions though they are encouraging. The
authors believe that the homoeopathic principles are amenable to scientific testing though they are
probably most subtle in their effects, difficult to prove and occur primarily within biological organisms.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 171
16. In-vivo effects of epidermal growth factor in high dilutions. N. VALLOT, S. FOUGRAY,
BASTIDE (France) : Two series of experiments were performed: a series of 8 volunteers in
Montpellier and a series of 15 volunteers in Paris. The volunteers complained of soft, chipping,
breaking and splitting nails; some of them bit their nails. The gel (prepared in a base containing
carbopol 934 and carboxymethyl cellulose as a thickener, propylene glycol as a humectant and a 9c
solution of EGF-Epidermic Growth Factor in glycerol alcohol 20
) was applied twice a day and left
to dry for 5 minutes. The observations made on the 23 voluteers may be summarized as follows :
- In all ut 2 of 23 cases, the hahnemannian dilution of EGF 9c, had a general effect on all nails
even though one hand only received the verum.
- The physicological function of the nails, i.e. a protective effect at the end of the fingers, was
re-established in 4 out of 6 nail-bitters who stopped their habit, 1 got worse.
- The nails of 21 volunteers became harder and stronger with normal growth.
Our final observation after a 1-year interval showed that application of EGF 9c has to be
repeated in a long lasting evaluation. The effect may disappear after some months. New applications
are necessary but the effect is much more rapid.
The results led to conclude that high dilutions of endogenous molecules have a genuine
regulatory effect.
17. Highlighting the healthy individual type ‘sensitive’ to a drug Methodology. A. CRISTEA
(Romania) : A simple and safe method to select the healthy type 'sensitive' to the action of a
conventional or homoeopathic drug has been developed. Knowing the importance of testing
pathogenesis on the 'sensitive' healthy individual in Homoeopathy, we extended ap.plication of the
method to the investigation of experi mental homoeopathic pharmacology for the purpose of
highlighting individuals 'sensitive' to the action of a homoeopathic drug. We carefully demonstrated
the calming effect of homoeopathic Chamomilla in high dilution in 'sensitive' healthy mice,. with
spontaneous calming of motor restlessness. We were also able to reproduce the experimental
pathogenesis of Chamomilla relating to restlessness in 'sensitive' healthy individuals selected for
spontaneous motor hyperactivity.
The results of this conventional and homoeopathic pharmacology research led to certain
important conclusions including that the experiment concerning the pathogenesis of homoeopathic
preparations of healthy but 'sensitive' individuals conceived and introduced by HAHNEMANN is
shown to have solid foundations.
18. First Study on new aspect of a wellknown bioassay. P. C. ENDLER, W. PONGRATZ.
(Austria): Attention is drawn to the multicentre studies involving about 3000 frogs Wlich showed that
under experimental conditions the hormone Thyroxine diluted and succussed to a 30th decimal
potency, inhibits metamorphosis from the 2- to 4- leffed larval stage of the grass frog Rana
temporaria. (see News & Notes, QHD IX, 4/92, p.68 and QHD XII, 2/95, p.61). This was
independently established in the 51aboratories involved in the study, 3 in Austria. 1 in the Netherlands
and 1 in Italy.
The present pilot study suggests that Thyroxine potencies 14x, 30x, and 26x stimulate
development whereas Bx and 30x inhibition by Thyroxine 30x was also found in the previous
experiments. The inhibiting effect does not depend on the degree of dilution but on the succussion
The findings and further material are discussed with regard to statistical evaluation on the
basis of Contonian statistics.
19. Health and Disease in Homoeopathic Philosophy, G. VITHOU LKAS (Greece): The
human being is an integral Wlole functioning on 3 distinct levels: the mental, the emotional and the
physical. The factor that keeps all these levels an integral Wlole and determines the kind of activity
and interrelationship between them at each moment in time is the bioenergy that permeates the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 172
human being. The organism always maintains a hierarchical order between the levels. Right from birth
a human being lives in a dynamic environment which affects the organism at all times in many ways
and therefore is obliged to adjust continuously to the internal and external stimuli so as to maintain a
dynamic balance. If the stimulus is stronger than the natural resiStance of the organism a stage of
imbalance results with signs and symptoms that are erroneously labelled as 'disease'. Symptoms are
the results of the struggle and should not be suppressed or eliminated but should rather be
encouraged. Signs and Symptoms can manifest on one or more levels. Whether in normal function or
defending itself the human organism always works as a totality. Disease is not a static condition but a
dynamic continuum of unbalanced life force.
20. Effect of Belladonna 30cH and 12cH in Healthy Volunteers - Multiple single case
experiment in randomized design. A.WALACH, E.ERNST - H EIBER, S.HEBER (Germany): A
multiple, single case experiment, using Belldonna 30cH, 12cH and placebo in a double-blind,
randomized design in healthy human volunteers,was conducted. The aims were:
- to determine whether Belladonna would have an effect from placebo in at least 1 person.
- to determine whether a randomization design is an appropriate method for a homoeopathic
drug proving under experi mental control.
- to determine which of the 2 potencies would have better effects.
The conclusions arrived at from the results: Belladonna 30cH and 12cH produce symptoms
different from placebo in healthy volunteers. However, the effect is very small, Paradoxical effects
have been observed which remain to be clarified. The 30cH proved more effective..
21. Homoeopathy in later pregnancy for dogs and pigs. V.GRANDMONTAGNE,
A.RIAUCOURT, (France): Clinical trial in dogs: The first results show homoeopathic treatment to have
a favourable effect on the duration of labour and survival of pups. The trial emphasizes results that
confirm those of trials done on other species, particularly rats and pigs.
Clinical trial in pigs: There was no difference between the two groups in the behaviour of the sows
or the duration of labour. There was no statistical difference between the groups as regards the
number of live and mummified piglets. The number of stillbirths was distinctly higher in the control
22. Homoeopathic treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome. A Pilot study M.YAKIR,
classical homoeopathic treatment on premenstrual syndrome (PMS) was evaluated in a randomized,
double- blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial at the Gynaecological Outpatient Clinic of Hadassah
University Hospital.
In the homoeopathic treatment group severity was put much lower after the 3rd and Sth
months. Improvement could be found in all symptoms of the syndrome but the improvement was
greater in mental functional and autonomic symptoms. There was no correlation between
suggestibility and the different methods of treatment and control groups, so one cannot attribute the
higher level of improvement to suggestion or placebo effect. In addition it was demonstrated that
homoeopathic treatment served to cure PMS with a single dose (1 treatment). There was a
suggestion that homoeopathic treatment altered the level of anxiety in patients, with marked
improvement in mental and functional levels.
23. Malaria and Homoeopathic Medicines. V.VAN ERP, M.BRANDS, I.WOLFFERS (The
Netherlands): At the Shekinah Clinic in Tamale, Ghana, malaria patients were treated with
homoeopathic medicines in an open study 68 patients showed clinical improvements. Subsequent
randomized, double-blind study showed an effect of Homoeopathy in malaria treatment. Further
research with larger groups is required. A break-through of homoeopathic treatment in a global health
hazard such as Malaria would be extremely important for public health policies, given the resistance
of Plasmodium species to Chloroquine, still the most widely used drug.
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Informed consent was obtained from all patients. A review of the main rubrics in KENT's
Repertory was made for the differential diagnosis as treatment was individualized, the mean length of
consultation was 30 minutes. The relevant symptoms of the different homoeopathic medicines were
selected beforehand, according to the training method of Homeopathes sans Frontieres for
structuring knowledge of the Materia Medica. The most frequently used homoeopathic medicines
were: Arsenicum album, China, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla,
Rhus toxicodendron and Sulphur.
VI. Scotland is currently witnessing the creation of the Scottish Medical Homoeopathic
Specialists Network, which will provide homoeopathically qualified doctors, practising to the
standards set out in the Faculty's Classical Standards Policy Document and delivering high quality
homoeopathic care on behalf of Health Purchasers, throughout Scotland.
The Academic Department of Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital held a Seminar on the
shores of Loch Ness on 29-30 April 1995. Dr.Massimo MANGIALAVORI from Italy taught small
remedies from the sea related to Sepia: Aqua marina, Spongia tosta, Medusa, Asterias rubens,
Homarus, Coral/ium rubrum and Murex. He has made a special study of small remedies because he
was struck by the fact that although we acept the importance of the individualisation in case-taking,
lNhen it comes to prescribing we mainly use less than 10% of the available remedies. Polychrests are
polychrests only because we knowa lot about them, may be all remedies are potentially polychrests.
He makes the interestsing point that if a polychrest does not appear in a large rubric that has been
included in the repertorisation, then it is unlikely that that polychrest is the right remedy. The absence
of a small remedy from a large rubric does not exclude that remedy, may be because we just do not
know that this is indeed a feature of the remedy. The presence of a small remedy in a rubric is
therefore more significant. He studies families of remedies to look at their family characteristics and
their relatedness to certain polychrests. For example the remedies he taught all had shared
characteristics of Sepia, some also shared features of Calcarea carbonicum and some with Natrum
muriaticum. In a few cases he presented, the patient had already received Sepia and a good case
could be made for the prescription for it, but it had not worked. He would then think about which small
remedy like Sepia might be indicated.
The Jan SCHOLTEN Masterclass, Oxford, 7 - 8 April 1995: The Homoeopathic Physicians
Teaching Group based in Oxford hosted the recent Jan SCHOLTEN Masterclass on Mineral
Remedies in Homoeopathy on 7-8 April 1995. Most of us could not wait to get back to our patients in
order to experiment with Jan's exciting techniques. SCHOLTEN is using highly potentised simple
compounds as remedies. His methods depend on the correspondence between the patient's
symptoms and the theme or essence of the anion or cation in the compound. These include themes of
Carbonicum (Father), Muriaticum (Mother) and Sulphuricum (Relationships). Such cations might be
compounded with Natrum, Calcium, Kalium and Magnesium to include themes of victimisation,
introversion, etc. This method is, for example, able to incorporate illness arising from divorce,
suppressed aggression and abuse; all very much part of modern Homoeopathy and difficult to
incorporate into the Repertory. Jan's charm and humility captivated his audience. An enjoyable
philosophical open discussion led Jan to speak his use and respect for the periodic table, but he is
going to make us wait for a full exposition in his next book. It was inspiring to sit at the feet of such a
healer. (Simile,5,3/1995 issued with the BHJ,84,3/1995).
VII. Jonathan SHORE Seminar, Dunfermline, 2-4 September, 1995: Taking the observation of
nature and animal tracking as his theme, Dr.Jonathan SHORE reminded delegates at this seminar
that 'there is always misfortune beyond the illness'. To discover enough about this misfortune to make
a good prescription, the homoeopath needs to acquire the skills of a wildlife photographer or tracker.
This means learning how to listen, to look, to be, to see more and hear more by allowing the mind to
relax, and by being quiet enough. Such an approach is not easy and as a guide, Jonathan provided a
number of quotations from Tom BROWN's Field Guide to Nature Observation and Tracking
(Berkeley Books, New York).
As well as being still, the tracker has to acquire an awareness, in all the senses, to enable the
small signs of the trail to be picked up. But even this is not enough because the signs have to be
interpreted within their own context. 'Nothing happens that does not affct everything else,' was
Jonathan's comment and he used video cases to illustrate his approach to the practical arts of
observation and interpretation in homoeopathic case-taking.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 174
Jonathan believes that a good prescription depends not so much on the need for more facts,
but on knowing how to assemble those already known. He also spoke on natural kingdoms (minerals,
plants, animals) and the medicines therefrom and the development of the pathologies.
(Simile,5,4/1995 issued with the BHJ,84,4/1995).
VIII. Teachers Conference, Alonissos, Greece, 28 August 1995: Report by Brian KAPLAN:
This is the annual conference on classical Homoeopathy, hosted by George VITHOULKAS. A few
Marco RIGHETTI (Switzerland): HAHNEMANN continually refers in the Organon to the
'mental state' rather than the 'mental disease' or psychological symptoms. His hypothesis seemed to
be that the constitutional psychological disposition is more important than psychological symptoms
that might accompany the present illness.
Dario SPINEDI (Switzerland) on The Second Prescription: A first class presentation as may
be expected from Dr.KONZLI's main student. It was basically a re-appraisal of KENT's classic
discussion of the subject with many of KONZLI's suggestions and a few SPINEDI's. They went down
very well indeed.
Jaques LAMOTHE (France) on Paediatric Repertory Addition: A Paediatrician and classical
homoeopath. Over ten years he has composed a small paediatric Repertory which he invited
delegates to read and verify in practice. Many objected to extra rubrics being added to the Synthesis.
Marc BAR (Switzerland) on Veterinary Homoeopathy: He learned classical Homoeopathy
from KONZLI and is now a classical veterinary homoeopath. He presented several cases. Fascinating
presentation of classical approach to animal treatment. He has always maintained that the best way to
become a homoeopathic vet is to study classical human Homoeopathy first and then adapt this
knowledge for animals. In other 'M>rds the good homoeopathic vet should be able to treat the human
animal too!
Brian KAPLAN (England) Teaching Methods: The teaching methods used by the HPTC
(Homoeopathic Physicians Teaching Group) in England was conveyed. Roger van ZANDVOORT
(Holland) on Repertory Programme: He showed how they go about making these repertories.
Appears to be extremely complicated and labour extensive as there are plenty of mistakes in the
classic texts.
Over-all impression: Delegates from allover the 'I'JOrld reported a swing towards the
classical approach. This is happening even in countries like France, where 'rational pluralism' has
been established for a very long time. The makers of Synthesis, The complete Repertory, Radar,
and MacRepertory all have the classical homoeopath specifically in mind. (Simile,5,4/1995 issued
with BHJ,84,4/1995).
IX. Directorate-General XII of the European Commission established the European
Commission Homoeopathic Medicine Group (ECHMG) following a resolution of the European
Parliament requesting the Commission to conduct a scientific investigation of Homoeopathy, and
allocating a budget of one million Ecu (about F 750,000) for the purpose. It is an advisory group, not
an official committee of the European Commission, and its membership was nominated by the
The ECHMG has formed six subgroups to report on basic issues before recommending
research projects for funding: (i) Official literature review, metanalysis, audit standards (ii) Dictonary
and terminology (iii) Research and methodology (iv) Constraint analysis (v) Methodology for study of
low dose biological systems (vi) Protocol reviewand pilot study selection.
After the subgroups have completed their work 265,000 Ecu will remain to fund studies. The
European Parliament has voted a further three million Ecu but there is apparently resistance within
the Commission to diverting so much of its biomedical research budget to Homoeopathy
(Simile,5,4/1995 issued with the BHJ,84,4/1995).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 175
X. Homoeopathy in England by Peter CHAPPELL (CCR,4,1/1995): Is a brief history of
Homoeopathy in England and its present state. The author recalls, very briefly, the past and says that
Homoeopathy saw recession in the first half of this century and the origins of the Society of
Homoeopaths and the teaching school, the curricula, etc. The report seems to be aimed at non-
homoeopaths. "Homoeopathy in England, despite Royal use, was generally regarded as witchcraft
around 1950, and by the 1970s when I joined in, was looked upon with extreme skepticism and
ridicule". (This seems to be an overstatement. Certainly the status of Homoeopathy is quite high now
in England as elsewhere in the world but in the earlier part of the century it was not as lowly thought
of, as the author would have one believe. British Homoeopathy rightly claimed some tall figures in the
1950s. Dr.S.R.WADIA who obtained his M.F.Hom. from London has therefore rightly refuted the
above statement of CHAPPELL (CCR,4,2/1995) and lists some of the tall figures of the 1950s. Sir
XI. The controversy which began in the first number of the EJH continues (EJH,1 ,3-4/1995): with
letters to both sides of the controversy. The Editor VITHOULKAS 'repeats' that "the issues dicussed in
Crossfire should not dealath personal matters, but only with principles and problems that touch upon
the theory and practice of classical Homoeopathy -as was taught by HAHNEMANN in his Organon
and Chronic Diseases". He objects to "provings that happen overnight and especially during the
dream state of the provers and to have these results taken seriously by gullible and naive students is
neither serious nor ethical, let alone scientific".
In support of theory of signatures one correspond ant Betty WOOD writes that she found
SANKARAN's idea of Delusion as disease, refreshing; that SANKARAN's methods have added a new
dimension in understanding her patients, and opened up prescribing remedies which were not earlier
understood. The Doctrine of Signatures is only another aid, not a means of exclusion. The
correspondant would like SANKARAN's teaching to be expanded instead of dismissing it. The writer
also considers the criticism of SANKARAN overly harsh, and that it may be divisive and destructive to
Another writer R. PLANT, a Chiropracter also writes supporting SANKARAN's teachings, as
he (the writer) himself had the opportunity to learn at first hand. "If a student or practitioner chooses to
abuse SANKARAN's ideas as a seductive short cut to patient understanding and adequate case
taking, is this the fault of Dr.SANKARAN?" "The development of Dr.SANKARAN's ideas came not
from flights of fancy, but through honest conscientious perception and confession of the true difficulty
and rarity of finding the true simillimum consistently, reliably and accurately".
There are more letters expressing appreciation of SANKARAN, also saying that
VITHOULKAS' attitude in criticising is egotistical. Also letters that say that instead of healthy debate
there is "condescension and vitriol". (George GUESS), of subjective and unproven ideas, etc.
VITHOULKAS has answered each point. One must read the entire chapter to understand the different
points of view.
XII. Jan SCHOlTEN Seminar, Bombay, in October 1995 (HL,8,3/1995): Report by Amita VORA:
Apart from learning new remedies, prescription of known and unknown remedies in a new way was
Case 1: Young man with a pony tail like woman. Herpes on lips worse during change of weather
warm to cold, weakness worse from sugar: weakness of back. He felt he was not respected enough in
his work place, also money was not enough. Felt he had thin legs and that girls were not impressed.
Fear of having a small penis. That he was too short; fear of being ridiculed. Felt small in money
matters. Had smooth, shiny face.
The aspects of Barium and Fluoride (Childish, fear of being ridiculed. Attraction for money, glitter,
strong sexual desire, worries about sex and his penis). His remedy was Baryta fluor.
Case 2: A girl vvilo did not want to answer, looked away from the camera, went on waiting something
while her mother answered the questions. Pain in abdomen and head always came after school. She
was not allowed to play with other children and she was easily hurt. She would then become
aggressive and fight. Took out her anger on her mother. If someone criticised her should throw a big
tantrum. She got teased a lot and had difficulty finding friends. Allergic rhinitis, hayfever, dyspnoea,
sore eyes, allergic to chocolates, strawberries, animal fur. Swollen thyroid. Got tired very easily, grew
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 176
fast, tall. Her remedy was Calcarea bromata (Sensitivity to what other people will think about her; not
good enough to play games with others = Calcium. She thinks she is not good enough; afraid of doing
something wrong; guilt feeling = Bromatum).
Case 3: Tall, lean girl, introverted, Cafe au lait spots on her breast. Sharp pain going from one ear to
the other. History of infammation of uterus, consequently Peritonitis.
Her case was analysed: Resentment, grudge; Anger, hate, criticism, closed, held in: Idealist;
Disappointment, gloom (Ammonium). Self-pity;
Care and nurturing; Mother; Attention; Self - awareness (Muriaticum). Hence prescri bed
Ammonium muriaticum.
Ammonium and Magnesium both do not express openly but feel very bitter inside.
Ammonium is very idealistic. Manganum expresses bitterness and anger at much later stage. In the
beginning they are not bitter. Resentment and revengefulness are not part of Natrum muriaticum, it is
more brooding. Ammonium are quite strong people. Worse from recooked food. Dreams of building
are typical for Ammonia. Ammonia has idealism, Nitric acid a more material side.
Case 4: This woman married a Greek, outside her cultural milieu. She got a child from him. She was
open, friendly and sold laboratory equipment in Greece. She was so successful that her husband felt
jealous and tried to keep her in the house. She therefore left Greece for Holland with her son, but felt
lonely. Her son also felt lonely and was clinging to her. This woman had features of Kali and
Phosphorus. She was given Kali phosphoricum. (Principle and duty; Closed; Optimism; Work, task;
Family = Kali. Communication; Sympathetic, Friends, Acquaintances; neighbours, brothers;
Homesickness; Curiosity and travel; Restlessness and fears; Learning, language = Phosphorus).
Case 5: A lady suffering from depression. Many dreams of World War-ll, though she was born after
the war. Dreams of being in a concentration camp. In this dream there was the theme from a movie
where a lady has two children a boy and a girl and a cruel officer forces her to choose one of them to
send away in a concentration camp. The patient felt that she could not move. During prognancy felt as
if womb was loose; Trillium pendulum.
XIII. Cases from Raja "SANKARAN Seminar, Bombay, August 1994 {HL,8,3/1995): This was
the case of a young girl 7 years age, almost deaf from birth. Since not much could be elicited from the
child the mother's state during pregnancy, the dreams she had during the pregnancy were enquired
into and the remedy arrived at through the 'Delusions' rubrics and the remedy Naja given. I
mprovement set in.
35 year-old male, a film cameraman and producer/director of films. Cardiac Neurosis.
Whistling in ears. This case also was analysed in detail and shown to lead to Naja which releived.
A 10 year-old boy with vocal nodules for which he was advised surgery. Had difficulties in
pronouncing certain syllables and at that time his voice was very husky and it pained when he talked.
The voice went lower and lower. Very intelligent, needed no help for his school work or anything else.
Inquisitive, talkative, active. Short-tempered and wanted everything on time, firm if he was right,
sensitive to injustice, had his own philosophical principles. Clung to his mother. On the one hand
independent and on the other dependent (on the mother). Sober on the one hand but screaming on
the other. He was the most aggressive only at home and at the mother but outside he was praised by
all for his behaviour v..flich was quite different. He was highly reliable and expected it from others. The
state of the mother during pregnancy was also examined Calcarea bromata 200 given and the
improvement was magical.
This was the case of a young woman suffering from Scleroderma since 1991, which was
gradually increasing. Eldest of the family. She was a translator of Engish to German. She answered
straight to the point and waited for the next question. Emotionless and tone was linear. She would
come to the point, quick and specific. She was a perfectionist. Her problems were with work, verb.
Whenever the problem belongs to verbs the remedy is Nosode, said Dr.SANKARAN. The sycotic
Medorrhinum is fixed. The nosode with problems of perfection is Carcinosin which in this case gave
the expected cure. The feeling of Carcinosin is that they want everything under control, and if it is not
possible then they develop pathology.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 177
A 'live case-taking' was also done. In all these cases the state of the mother during pregnancy
with the patient was also very relevant.
XIV. Vassilis GH EGAS, November 1994 at Enschede (Netherlands): Essences, Tarentula
hispanica: The central idea is "quick dancing \I\1thout rhythm or harmony". Thoughts, feelings and
emotions as well as nerves, muscles and skin can all "dance" with rhythm or harmony. Music and
dance can restore the rhythm and harmony in Tarentula provided that the music is rhythmical. The
picture of Tarentula is usually provoked by the following situations: work under strong pressure and
much responsibility, jobs where any detail is important, where all your attention is required, and
particularly in stituations with high time pressure (such as reporters, stock-brokers, air traffic
controllers, the secretary who has to answer three calls simultaneously, etc.). It is characteristic in
Tarentula that they feel as if they were obliged to do three jobs at the same time and perfectly, they
are superworkaholic and industrious. A dominant characteristic of Tarentula is hurry, everything
has to be done rapidly. Can't bear slowness. Music has the same effect on Tarentula as massage has
on Phosphorus. (e.g. the student who can study with music, the patient who can only sleep with
music). Any kind of suppression of the hyperactivity can lead to violence. At an early stage this
violence may manifest as destructiveness. Tarentula usually has a strong sex drive.
In the DD: think of Platina in hypersexuality: Stramonium and Hyoscyamus in violence;
Agaricus, Cuprum and Mygale in spasms and tics; Veratrum, Arsenicum, Rhus toxicodendron in
hyperactivity and restlessness and Causticum in tics with restless legs.
Differential diagnosis of the main remedies indicated in Chorea, in KENT, page 1347 was also
explained (HL,8,3/1995).
XV. Seminar by Divya CHHABRA, Kussnacht, October 1994: (HL,8,4/1995):
Case 1: 60 year-old woman, Principal of a large school. In 1992 she suffered from Typhoid for which
she consulted Dr.Divya CHHABRA (DC). In childhood she suffered from Asthma and as it subsided
she developed Migraine. She spoke like a teacher whenever she was. She stressed how good her
relationship with her staff was. her situation was assessed by DC as a person who wants to win an
argument yet not willing to concede that the loser thinks badly of her. Palladium ("Obstinate but tries
to appear amiable"; "Longing for the good opinion of others"; "Flattery, desires", "Delusion, not
DC gave the differential diagnosis (11 Palladium, Osmium, Ferrum, Manganum.
Case 2: 24 year-old woman who looks like a boy of 15. She likes to do highly risky and dangerous
things requiring much stamina and endurance. Belongs to the local Mafia, drives heavy lorries really
fast, carries heavy weights, drinks and smokes with men. Always says "1 don't care" and does the
opposite of what she's told. The hardest and most enduring steel is Tungsten (Wolfram).
DC prepared a 30c potency of Wolfram from a light bulb and proved it.
Case 3: 16 year-old boy with Epilepsy. Dull and speech is full of long pauses. Seems stupid but isn't.
Wants to go into army so as to punish criminals. Gets into fights at school. After Wolfram 30 improved
Case 4: 30 year-old man with severe Urticaria. Unconsciously held up fist while talking. Although he
showed no emotion, a lot seemed to have been bottled up. Can become very angry , lost control and
beat up anyone for a small mistake. Becomes almost unconscious from rage and has to be dragged
away. Worse night. He worked in the jungle, digging a tunnel with explosives. Thought only of work,
forgetting food and sleep. Only fear was of snakes.
Scorpion (The theme of feeling threatened all the time: from the proving by Jeremy SHERR)
was his remedy.
Case 5: 20 year-old female student of Psychology. Severe headaches. Laughed all the time at
everything. Always spoke of what others said. Went from one topic to another and connecting them.
Often said "I don't know why". Very adaptable. Impressionable.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 178
Crocus sativus M.
Case 6: 18 year-old girl with bad acne. Thinks she looks "shabby" (black scars on the face). Talks
about her friends and relationships all the time. Her main focus is her friends and her skin. Averse to
consolation, reserved, and she has hasty speech. Theme: being treated shabbily, neglected, not
Calcarea sulphurica was her remedy.
XVI. In a letter in the HOM,58/1995 Roger SAVAGE enquires whether anyone has encountered
'Fear of vomiting' (own or others) as a marked feature in a case, and found it definitely reduced or
cured in at least three examples of the same remedy. There is till now no rubric: Fear of vomiting.
XVII. Rohana DARLINGTON in a letter (HOM,581 1995): writes about the optimum timing for
picking and preparing the plants with regard to day, time and moon phase. The writer says that for a
homoeopath who wishes to restore the patient to health, and harmony within the cosmos, a
knowledge of astrology is as relevant these days as it ever was.
XVIII. Arthur DAVIES raises the question why was HERING's Law of Cure not demonstrated in the
majority of cases? and answers that it is because of ignorance of the chronic miasm. If miasms are
not taken into consideration the result of prescription is chaos. This is demonstrated by what
happened in a class in which five different lecturers took cases in five different ways in the same
patient and five different remedies came up: Then Dr.ADlKARY explained what was important in the
patient's presenting symptoms but also what was important, in the personal medical history and the
family medical history. Since there is limited literature on the clinical application of the Miasms theory,
except SP DEY's Clinical Case reports, the correspondent desires communication from others who
practise this.
XIX. Report from the Ohio Meeting, Dayton, November 1994 by Julian WINSTON (HT,15,51
1995): The Ohio Meeting is jointly sponsored by four homoeopathic medical societies - Ohio,
Southern, Michigan, and Pennsylvania -This time the Ohio State Homoeopathic Medical Society
Celebrated its 130th anniversary at the meeting. Some extracts from the report.
1. Nosode Barriers: The Contributions of Dominique SENN: Presentation by Merce PAREs:
Dr.PARES studied Homoeopathy with Jacques IMBERECHTS and Tomas PASCHERO. During her
studies she met Dr.Dominique SENN who furthered the understanding of disease and cure. The
presentation discussed the concepts that she learned from Dr.SENN.
Dr.SENN (1912-1992) worked as a General Practitioner in Lausanne, Switzerland. He studied
with Pierre SCHMIDT and worked with Carl JUNG at a clinic in Zurich. He published only one book in
1984. He was interested in the "terrain" of the patient, the part that is unique to the patient. The
"constitution" is like the trunk of the tree -the part which supports it. What helps the tree grow is the
"terrain". The bioenergetic terrain would consist of the genetic milieu, cosmic and environmental
influences, nutrition, toxic-impregnation, and the sociocultural environment. And everyone has their
unique terrain or substrate.
With this information Dr.PARES discussed the Nosode barriers. The barriers that disturb the
links between the various autonomic systems may be result of the vaccines, lingering childhood
illness, latent infection, recurrent disease, or the use of allopathic medications that actively block the
system. Vaccinations can produce metabolic consequences which are not seen until years later-and
which show themselves as Asthma, learning disorders, etc. Repetition of the vaccine will modify its
effects in unknown ways. As vaccines become mandatory we will see the creation of more
immunological barriers and chronic disease. The homoeopath, however, has the tools to eradicate
these barriers. The reactions to the vaccines are always individual. According to Dr. PAREs allopathic
medicines cannot remove the blockages. Nosode barriers exist \Ivtlen the following factors are seen in
a patient: Lack of response to the simillimum, hypersensitivity to all remedies, exaggerated and long-
Iasting aggravation to remedies and frequent relapses, sudden end to beneficial effects of remedies,
and exaggerated and long-Iasting phenomena which move in reverse order of HERING's Law.
The selection of the remedy is not a simple matter. There are many nosodes that can be used
Medorrhinum, OPT, Tuberculinum, Syphilinum, Influenzinum, Streptococcinum, Variolinum,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 179
Typhoidinum, etc. The pathogenic symptomatology must be observed; the history of the patient, the
chronology of the sickness the observation of the constitutional type of the patient. Going back to the
analogy of the tree, Dr.PARES said we should "Look at the trunk and predict the leaves and flowers in
spring". She concluded by presenting several cases where the indicated simillimum did not M>rk, but
began working after a nosode was used to remove the blockage.
2. Goitre and Hypothyoidism: Diagnosis and homoeopathic treatment. Presentation by
Jeffrey ST ARRE: The modern pathology of Hypothyroidism is often based on looking at laboratory
levels and general symptoms, and we often think that the old literature did not describe the same
diseases. But \Ivtlen we look at the old literature we can see that the 19th century books were
describing the same pathology. Translate the old terminology into "modern language" and there you
have material to help understand the case, e.g. Struma and thyroid goitre. Scrofulosis = nutritive
disturbance of skin membranes, lymphatic glands. Look under "scrofulosis" in the Repertory and you'll
find all the thyroid remedies there, Dr.STARRE then outlined some commonly used remedies in
thyroid cases.
Bromium - Pubertal cases, fair complexion with lax fibre.
Calcarea Carbonica - Some form of nausea, scrofulous.
Lodum - Very hard glands, lack of symptoms, dark complexion.
Lachesis - Left-sided goitre, intolerance of clothing around neck (Left -sided is not that
Lycopodium -Craving sweets, generally right- sided.
Spongia tosta - People with goitres who live in valleys (HAHNEMANN). According to
Dr.STARRE, the prognosis for patients with hypothyroidism is "excellent as long as hormone therapy
is provided when indicated".
Dr. STAREE presented two cases:
Case 1: 53 year-old woman on synthetic thyroid extract had surgical menopause for which she was
taking the synthetic thyroid. Constant nausea. Phosphorus 200 and then no need to continue the
synthetic thyroid. For a cold that came on she was given Arsenicum M and then for waking up at 3
a.m. Sulphur M and No more hot flashes. The last remedy "was the right medicine" she said.
Case 2: 28 year-old female, chilly, irregular menstruation, headaches from delayed meals. Constant
nausea, thyroid. Calcarea carbonicum M which was repeated a month later. She then said that her
temperature had been up for last 21 days. A pregnancy test was positive. She had infertility problem
which she had not told earlier!
3. Veterinary Sports Medicine: Using Homoeopathy Medications in Acute and Chronic
conditions of larger and small animals: by Ed SHEAFFER : Dr. SHEAFFER spoke of the
advantages of treating animals homoeopathically and that it is good to teach people to use
homoeopathic medicines. He spoke of a prize horse which suffered from joint inflammation in which
the veterinary medicine failed and homoeopathic medicine saved. Many of the obstacles to cure are
overuse of hormones, steroids, vaccination, and anti-inflammatories. SHEAFFER said "As soon as a
child can learn to walk, we should teach him Homoeopathy", He then gave the key-notes for
veterinary Homoeopathy.
4. Update on Immunization Safety, Research and Legislation by Kristine M.SEVERYN :
Dr.SEVERYN discussed the adverse reactions to vaccines. In 1993, there were over 32,000 reports
of "adverse events" to the FDA, with 12,000 of them involving the DPT vaccine that included 471
deaths. The number of reactions are, according to Dr. SEVERYN underestimated. The FDA reports
many of them as "coincidental" or as "SIDE". She said that only a few people who have been injured
by vaccines make it through the bureaucracy to the compensation programme. There are 26,000
cases still waiting. One out of three have received payment. These people are often left destitute and
their children must receive intensive special education in public schools, etc. all costing millions of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 180
taxpayer dollars. Dr. SEVERYN asked why there is only a two-year statute for death from vaccine and
three - year for injury, while silicon breast implants have a 30 year liability. But having the vaccines
described within the literature that comes with them (which the parents never see) as "unavoidably
unsafe" the drug companies are absolved of liability.
"Children are expendable in the self-dedared war on disease. They are the recruit soliders in
the anti - disease campaign. The Government is telling you to sacrifice your children" - strong words
to hear.
Dr. SEVERYN outlined the steps that were, in her view, efforts to limit the amount of vaccine
information that is given to parents. Meanwhile, there is talk of developing a "super vaccine" that will
be given to every child at birth. The vaccine would "act against" AIDS, Cholera, Dengue fever,
Pneumonia, Measles, Meningitis, Polio, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Pertussis, etc. These would
be "time released".
It was interesting and enlightening to hear Dr. SEVERYN's comments on the overall structure
of the model of the "Vital Force" and how the vaccines have been one of the major suppressive
influences on our health over the last 100 years.
5. A Personal Philosophy of Homoeopathy by David WARKENTIN : This was a moving
presentation. He said about three things: Practical Homoeopathy, Mystical Homoeopathy and the
Pitfalls in Practice.
Saying that "no one can know the truth", he described the 'practical" side of Homoeopathy as
the daily knowing that the remedies work, regardless of the explanation of how they do so. "We can
all agree that the effect of each remedy is very specific. What we have problems with is how we do it?
The 'mystical" side is the one that asks "why?" why is this all happening ? Why do we have
symptoms ? It is all a mystery, it is about all the things that we don't know about life, death, gravity.
And it is about not knowing how our remedies work, how potentization works, or the meaning of cure.
He said that our attempts at understanding Homoeopathy is like understanding night in broad daylight.
Any attempts at understanding Homoeopathy is like understanding night in broad daylight. Any
attempt to shrink it down the mechanistic view that much of science has adopted over the last century
is a mistake. He described health and disease as the interaction of a person with the environment. In
his view healing happens when the patient experiences the archetype of the illness through the
remedy; also when it is time for the person to be healed, when the lesson has been learnt, when
awareness has let something in, when the experience has been satisfied.
The success of the method depends upon the quality of the case-taking. Generally, we are
poorly educated in the methodology.
6. Wonders of the World: Toward an Alchemy of Remedies presented by Mark EISEN :He
began saying that in Homoeopathy we have a wonderful empirical science, but when faced by the
dinosur of modern medical thinking, we become stuck in trying to explain the action of Homoeopathy
by using the model of conventional science. The homoeopathic method works, as we see, but the
explanation of the Vital Force is still mysterious. "We have to develop an enhancement in our
perceptions and intentions" he said and asked "Is it possible to perceive others when our own life is
not in order?" What is needed is compassion. Alchemy is but a spiritual endeavour to understand the
physical world. All modern science stems from the Alchemy of the middle ages.
Dr.EISEN said that remedies are not just names with symptoms attached, but totalities that
have their own biographies that express themselves. To explain this he drew several diagrams that
compared the human to the plant- having blossoms, leaves/stems, and roots. These can be seen as
the blossoms being the substance/ gut, the root being the nerve sense, thinking, and the leaves/stems
being rhythmic heart/lung, and feeling. When you start to really look at the plant you can see the
forces it has within it. He talked about Arnica: "whenever you have hairs on a plant (Arnica, Borage,
Urtica, Symphytum) there is a lot of Silica force there". And Chamomilla: "It grows on footpaths and is
not afraid of people walking on it". Dr. EISEN urged us to look at the plant to see the forces within
them as well as to study the classical Materia Medica "remedy picture" from the provings.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 181
7. Homoeopathy and Emotional Problems presentation by Dennis CHERNIN : Dr. CHERNIN said
that Psychotherapy and Homoeopathic therapy help each other. Knowledge of Homoeopathy can
also facilitate dream analysis, since certain remedies are known to have specific dreams.
Phosphorus dreams of fear of failure (dreams of not accomplishing business);
Silica dreams of performance anxiety (dreams of humiliation, previous events);
Magnesium carbonicum dreams of fear of catastrophe (dreams of free, falling, robbers), and
Arsenicum dreams of anxiety neurosis and loss of control (dreams of fear of abandonment,
storms, danger).
Homoeopathy in emotional disorders. Example: obsessive compulsive (sometimes
manifested by wanting to run the car off the road or wanting to jump from bridges) might need
argentums nitricum or Syphilinum (always washing hands for germs, always checking to see if stove
turned off, etc.). Psychosis may be seen as Argentum (persecution, multiple personalities);
Stramonium (talk, mutter, etc.) or Belladonna (eyes dilated, face red, etc.) Manic depression is often
seen as Tuberculinum, Natrum sulphuricum, or Medorrhinum, and panic disorders are often treated
with Aconite, Arsenicum album, lgnatia or Gelsemium.
8. Some Advice for Homoeopatic Professional: presentation by Nicholas NOSSAMAN : Dr.
NOSSAMAN spoke of the difficulties he had to face with the State Authorities while practising
Homoeopathy in Colorado, U.S.A, and as a result llearnt lessons. He cautioned colleagues suitably.
“The medical record is the single most important element. It is the only objective record of what we do
and when we did it. We must produce a legible record, subjective, objective, assessment, plan.
“We must complete. Adequate data is needed. We need to record the Strange, rare and
Peculiar symptoms because we need that information for a complete diagnosis. We must be complete
in our examination of the patient especially for the part which is affected—but it is generally not
needed if they have already seen a specialist.
“Don’t write in the margins—especially things about the patient—but it is ok if it is remedies.
Dr. NOSSAMAN stressed the other things that are needed. The notes should be dated on
each page and the ending and starting time of the interview should be recorded. Any change or
rewriting must be initialed at the time. You need a rationale if the remedy is contrary to conventional
Document the follow-ups or plan, and that you have asked the patient to come back. All
changes in diet and hygiene should be documented as well as the time and date of all phone follow-
Some further suggestions:
- If a patient comes from another physician get in touch with the other physician.
- Develop a list of consultants to whom you can refer your patient.
- If the patient is on other drugs use a consultant for a second opinion.
- It is wisest not to change the prescriptions of other physicians without discussing it with them
or documenting in the chart that you suggested it only in conjunction with the prescribing
- If the patient is in need of an emergency room, contact the emergency room physician.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 182
XX. By two small personal experiences Julian WINSTON and Gwyneth EVANS report of the
efficacy of Arnica before tooth extraction (minimal bleeding) and practically no pain and also after
extraction. A Note by the Editor of the journal that Hypericum which is generally used for dental
procedures – taken before dental procedures – makes the patient need double the amount of
Novocaine anaesthetic. (HT, 15,5/1995).
XXI. Conference wrap-up by Mitzi LEBENSORGER (HT,15,9&10/1995) -The NCH Annual
Conference was held in Baltimore, April 1995. Some Abstracts:
1. Little-known Remedies by A.H.GRIMMER and Unpublished Materia Medica by J. T
.KENT - presentation by Dr.Ahmed CURRIM: Dr.CURRIM began by saying how much of a debt we
owe to Dr.A.H.GRIMMER because so many people have been touched by his life. He introduced the
audience to members of GRIMMER's family who were attending the Conference. Homoeopathy, for
GRIMMER, was the medicine of love and it bound us all together. GRIMMER stated that
"Homoeopathy was God-inspired and God-sent for the use of all his children", a thought that would
have found favour with its founder Samuel HAHNEMANN. Years ago Dr.CURRIM obtained an
unpublished manuscript by Dr.GRIMMER and it contained 1800 pages. GRIMMER was a student of
The manuscript has chapters on Homoeopathic philosophy, which brings new color to
HAHNEMANN. There are sections on Materia Medica, Cancer, and Prophylaxis. More interesting
Materia Medica involved the Cadmium remedies. Dr.CURRIM provided some interesting
details of these remedies. According to CURRIM, GRIMMER was the first to bring Cadmium
sulphuricum into therapeutic use.
The Cadmiums belong to the deepest, most "terrible" family of remedies in the Materia
Medica, and thus, one of the most curative remedies in deep malignancies and pathology as is found
in Cancer. Cadmium sulph is associated with Zinc and KENT placed it between Arsenicum and
Bryonia. It involves paralysis of the muscles, gangrene, ulcers of the stomach and intestines, and
cancer. It has coldness and weakness like all the Cadmiums, Cachexia, Pernicious Anaemia,
alcoholism, Coffee-ground-like vomit, horror of solitude and work, and uncommon sleep symptoms
(eyes half open, wakes up feeling suffocated). It acts on the gastro-intestinal tract and is worse from
motion (compare Bryonia). There is cold perspiration when vomiting. It is complementary to Calcarea
arsenicosum in Cancer.
Cadmium metallicum is similar to Cadmium sulphuricum. It produces impulsive irritability to
the verge of insanity. Violence alternates with depression. There is a loathing of life. "He says and
does the wrong things (puts salt in tea)". Headaches are neuralgic with pressing pain and are
associated with vomiting (bile and acid). There is black diarrhoea and mushy stool. Ear discharges
return after many years' absence. Arthritis with severe severe pain in joints, yet with numbness of the
feet and hands. Interestingly, this remedy was used to antidote poisoning from aluminium cooking
vessels that were used especially during wartime as well as for prolonged exposure to aluminium in
Antacids, Deodorants, and water. So this would be a good remedy to consider for many people.
In regard to potency, GRIMMER often gave a 30c to see how the Vital Force would respond
and then would go to XM level. For stomach Cancer he gave Calendula first, in high potency (50M)
then followed with Cadmium metallicum. Dr.CURRIM told of several cases where Cadmium was
successfully used-one case of Cancer of Spleen with great weakness and another case of Breast
Cancer had spread to the other breast. Cadmium metallicum cured it in conjunction with other
remedies-Lac caninum, Lachesis and Lycopodium.
Cadmium phosphoricum: GRI MMER gives a case of a female vvilo went from 168 to 80 Ibs.
with Cancer of the intestines. The slightest food made her vomit. (There are similarities to
Phosphorus). He gave one dose of 30c with steady improvement, after 6 months, he repeated the
30c; later gave a XM. Cadmium oxide, the latest Cadmium discussed, is similar to Cadmium
The next remedy GRIMMER discusses is Toxicophis (Moccasin snake). The peculiar
symptom is that "the pain and fever recur annually with decreasing intensity". The right leg becomes
swollen rapidly with pain ensuing. From below upwards is the general characteristic of the pains.
Toxicophis was one of the main remedies used to cure a serious chronic case of Osteomyelitis.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 183
Unfortunately, the remedy is not well proved or known (CLARKE's Dictionary has only a few details
based on poisoning).
A remedy that follows Toxicophis well is Mercurius biniodatus cum Kali iodatum. It is one of
the most powerful anti-syphilitic remedies and is useful against Tuberculosis and Cancer. There is
deep pain with nightly aggravation. There are many catarrhal complaints. Chronic Sinustis, Arthritis,
Urethritis. Edwin M.HALE, MD, introduced the remedy making it from one part of the Iodide of
Mercury and two parts of Iodide of Potassium. CLARKE borrowed from the description in HALE's New
Remedies. According to GRIMMER, Sarcoma of the bones and Hodgkin's Disease often yield to the
magic of the remedy. It is used acutely in malignant forms of the flu (see CLARKE's Dictionary). It
affects the blood, glands, skin, nerves, mucous membranes and has bone and nerve pains with
irritability and restlessness, weakness and Anaemia. There is Psoriasis and periodicity. It can be
compared with Aurum salts, and the Nosodes, Syphilinum and Tuberculinum.
Another lesser-known remedy covered by GRIMMER is Oxydendron arboreum (made from
the leaves of the Sorrel or Elk tree of the Allegheny Mountains-see CLARKE). There have been no
provings. GRIMMER recounts a case of a man of 23 with acute diffuse Nephritis following a tooth
extraction with extreme swelling of the body, Ascites, weak heart and Albumin in the urine. GRIMMER
gave several doses of Oxydendron, ten days apart with amazing and rapid improvement. The chronic
renal failure disappeared, and the man returned to work and remained on the job until he retired.
Unpublished Materia Medica of J. T. KENT: Dr.CURRIM started his presentation by
referring to a previous lecture he had given about KENT's corrections to his (KENT's) Repertory.
Dr.CURRIM referred to the search and subsequent discovery of these notes in a gunny sack in a
small village in India as a homoeopathic Indiana Jones movie, like Raiders of the Lost Ark. One can
only hope that Hollywood will one day make a movie of the story. Hope that Harrison FORD will still
be available for the lead role!
Subsequent to the discovery of KENT's Notes on his Repertory another set of books was
found setting out lectures on remedies by KENT that were never published. Dr.CURRIM proceeded to
give us a "snapshot" of the material which will shortly be published. This unpublished material
provides additional insights by KENT into the lectures on certain remedies already published.
Dr.CURRIM also illustrated his presentation wth slides of KENT , GRIMMER, and other homoeopaths
of the past. (There are several known copies of these "unpublished lectures". Some were presented
by KENT at the Post-Graduate School in Philadelphia. Others were presented at the Dunham College
in Chicago. The lectures are generally typewritten and bound into books that were owned by KENT's
pupils. The NCH is in possession of yet another set of notes that were handwritten. The Platina
lecture from this manuscript is quite different from the Platina lecture we find in the published Materia
Medica. It is reprinted in the 1995 edition of The American Homoeopath—ED).
In the lecture on Abrotanum KENT emphasizes the Uric acid diathesis involving Gout. There
is also Hysteria. He mentions the children of gouty parents often ooze uric acid at the umbilical cord.
In terms of metastasis it can be compared with Argentum, and he gives a case of bleeding of the
uterus being suppressed resulting in Arthritis. He also gives a good example of how gout can
metastasize leading to Hematuria (blood in the urine), poor digestion and enlarged liver. KENT further
speaks of how Malaria in people with Gout affects the liver (compare with Pulsatilla). He points out the
use of Abrotanum in Meningitis where there is soreness of the whole body like Arnica, and the patient
wants to be covered but wants the head kept cool.
In the discussion of Anthracinum, KENT mentions that it has cured cases of Sepsis (where
the tissues are all black) in the CM potency. It can be compared to Arsenicum (Erysipelas and
Gangrene) and Tarentula cubensis. It should be thought of where there is coagulation of the blood
even where there are no cuts.
There are three or four lectures on Arsenicum wherein KENT gives, according to Dr.CURRIM,
"nice clinical pictures" involving paralysis of the finger muscles. The lecture gives another manner of
looking at the remedy which is not reflected in the Repertory. KENT explains the various vomitings of
Arsenicum and gives one case of congestive heart failure. Dr.CURRIM recounted one case from his
own practice where a patient had heart failure in his office and Arsenicum was the remedy that
'worked. It is useful in serious anxiety disorders.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 184
Carbolic acid is seen as a remedy for alcoholics. These patients present with numbness-they
read something and then feel numbness in the forehead. There is also paralysis of the oesophagus,
and bleeding from the uterus. There is a cold, sinking feeling like Veratrum album. It is useful to
consider for cases of anaphylactic shock. Dr.CURRIM recounted one such case in his office which
"scared the daylights" out of him. He gave a 500c potency every few minutes from a glass and then
shifted to a M as the person improved.
Other remedies covered by KENT include Cenchris, Elaps (frightful dreams of animals, for
stroke patients), Lyssin and Stramonium, and Lycopus virginicus (a Goitre remedy). Robinia which is
useful in stomach Cancer with coffee-ground-like vomit (similar to Cadmium metallicum and Cadmium
salts). It should be considered in vomiting of pregnancy where there is sour taste in mouth from
Hydrochloric acid in the stomach which makes the mouth raw. Sambucus is cited for Asthma and
mucus production with the peculiar symptom that there is only fever when sleeping. Terebinthina is for
chronic renal failure (Bright's disease). KENT states that after the vomiting begins in such cases, it is
the only remedy that works. He knows it is working when the patient starts urinating. He also cites a
case of Ulcerative Colitis related to melacnholy. Vespa vulgaris is mentioned as a remedy for petit mal
seizures. The patient craves washing the hands and the face with cold water. The seizures come on
when the patient gets very excited.
Dr.CURRIM is to be commended for having brought such information to light. These lectures
are shortly to be published. Perhaps we need more archaeologists signing up for Homoeopathy!
2. How to Deeply Understand a Remedy: Rhus Toxicodendron: Presentation by Paul
HERSCU. Report by Doris WARCHOLI K: Though the remedy is thought of as a remedy for Arthritis it
can cure mental disorders as well as deep pathology of the nervous system, the heart and almost all
other organ systems.
The hallmark of Rhus toxicodendron is progressive stiffness, often after a period of
restlessness or overuse. It has a profile of a contained, restricted energy-a stiffness, mentally,
emotionallyand physically. Words to describe the Rhus toxicodendron state are containment,
contraction, constriction, for example. Keynotes are:
- red tip of tongue (coagulation or
constriction of blood)
- pimples, blisters, swollen glands (coagulation of pus or constricted energy)
- pain and stiffness in joints, worse first motion (constricted energy)
- better with continued motion (loosening up of constructed energy)
- superstitious, compulsive, ritualistic (constricted thinking and behaviour)
- chilly, better for warmth (constricted, contracted energy)
- restless, agitated (constricted, contracted energy)
- worse from overexertion (pain and tearing as the patient moves through the contracted
3. Thinking Homoeopathically -presentation by Stephen MESSER: Dr.MESSER explored a
definition of "holistic", one of the common descriptors of homoeopathic medicine. He began with the
South African physician who coined the phrase holistic to mean looking at the whole person, and
moved to the common meaning of not wanting to neglect any pan of the person. He stressed that in
Homoeopathy we see a person as a unit, and that problems in different areas are all pan of the same
problem and do not need separate solutions. Dr. MESSER's last words of advice as he relinquished
the floor to the next speaker were to remember that a person is not helpless against disease,
everyone has resources.
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4. Advanced Materia Medica Seminar - Presentation by Guy KOKELENBERG, MD:
Dr.KOKELENBERG presented "Women's Ailments" and "Remedies for Headaches". He began by
differentiating Murex and Sepia:
- Murex has hypersexuality and increased sexual desire-direct communication between the
uterus and the mental sphere. Sepia's sexual desire is not necessarily low but the person
cannot be persuaded if not interested.
- Murex has increased appetite, while Sepia is averse to the sight and smell of food.
- Sepia has downward pains while Murex has upward pains.
- Sepia has consciousness of uterus, while Murex does not.
He touched several other remedies briefly.
KOKELENBERG spoke in the afternoon on differential diagnoses. Meningitis cannot be
ignored "Find out what is wrong with the person--don't worry about thinking homoeopathically initially".
It is necessary to be an excellent diagnostician and then a homoeopath. He talks about being humble
in the presence of the remedies and the fact sometimes, no matter how much effort we put into finding
the simillimum, we will not find it. "Try to be like a Buddhist" he said. "You must be alen and without
emotions, be curious, and interested. It it is given to you to cure, you will; if not, you wll never cure.
Don't be haughty". An interesting Cyclamen case: The mother of the patient had died and although
there was an elder sister patient took up the responsibility of running the household. She was very
submissive. When first seen the patient for depression, he prescribed Pulsatilla-to no effect. Because
of the severe depression he considered Aurum but then gave Cyclamen-a remedy that has enormous
things to do with sense of duty.
5. My favorite Little-known Remedies presentation by David WEMBER: Report by Carol KRAMER:
There is always more to learn about familiar remedies as well as strangers. Dr. WEMBER praised the
use of Thiosinaminum in cases of abdominal adhesions, arising from such causes as Endometriosis,
Pelvic inflammatory disease and abdominal or pelvic surgery. Thiosinaminum has ability to dissolve
scar tissue, and it has anti-inflammatory action as well. Lac defloratum was given for a patient with
migraine headaches, worse during pregnancy. The guiding rubrics used were migraine with visual
aura, one- sided throbbing frontal headaches, sick headaches, nausea of pregnancy, motion
sickness, and constipation.
Skin cases: Terebinthina with the key-note being aphthae extending through the intestinal
tract. Several cases illustrated the use for patients with canker sores and stomatitis, and canker sores
associated with burning pain in anus. This led him to another remedy with symptoms on "both ends of
the body". Teucrium marum verum was prescribed for polyps of the nose and itching of the rectum.
He compared Teucrium to Cina as another remdy that can be effective for the treatment of intestinal
worms only deeper in the pathology. A remedy related to Teucrium, is Petroleum, one of
Dr.WEMBER's main remedies for "jock itch". The case briefly presented illustrated its use for a patient
with constant prostate discomfort, burning in the urethra, severe intertrigo, and a red rash on the
glans. Petroleum was compared to Sarsaparilla: Symptoms of Sarsaparilla are worse in summer,
whereas Petroleum is worse in the winter. Keynotes of Sarsaparilla are painful urination, very much
worse at the close of urination, and increased urination from cold air. Manganum aceticum, akin to
Petroleum, is useful for skin diseases, as well as cough and anaemia, and KENT in his Repertory
indicates it for menopause. In the case of a woman Manganum was used to bring back the menstrual
flow; this woman had developed Psoriasis and sudden menopanuse concurrently. Senecio is another
remedy used for Amenorrhoea, in bringing back the flow after discontinuing birth control pills. Another
comparable remedy is Graphites, skin symptoms worse at menopause.
Oleander, Tellurium, and Formica rufa are more remedies to consider for Eczema and
Psoriasis. Oleander eruptions are often associated with chronic diarrhoea and involuntary stool while
passing gas. Tellurium lesions are usually circular patches, but can have the same oozing head
lesions as Oleander. Formica rufa lesions are usually found in conjunction with Arthritis.
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The next series included symptoms of the respiratory system. Cinnabaris, one of the
mercuris, has a keynote of redness, and it was successful in acute sinusitis where the face was red,
swollen, and very sensitive to touch. Another keynote is pain in the inner canthus extending across
the eyebrow to the other canthus. Cinnabaris can have "fiery angry-Iooking ulcers anywhere on the
body and has cured many genital symptoms.
Sambucus nigra: is not just "snuffles of infants" but also in other cases involving a "suffocative
feeling". Compare Sambucus with Mephitis and Chlorum, all worse expiration. Key-note of Sambucus:
perspiration on first waking, or only while awake. Perspiration disappears on falling asleep.
(Bismuthum subnitricum shares this symptom). Chlorum key-note: spasms of the glottis, should not
be confused with Chloralum. Chloralum for urticaria, worse from alcoholic drinks and exposure to
cold. A case of alternating respiratory and hives symptoms cured with Chloralum.
Next group of remedies: Gastro-intestinal disorders. Bismuthum -gastralgia associated with
headaches. Stomach pain often extends backwards towards the spine, and the keynote for
Bismuthum is better bending backwards. To be differentiated from Dioscorea from the location of the
pain. Chelidonium and Dioscorea both have pain in the lower end of the stomach, around the
umbilicus or right hypochondria where Bismuthum and another small remedy Condurango have pain
centered at the cardiac end of the stomach. "Stomach, cardiac orifice, dilatation" in BOERICKE's
Repertory is interpreted by Dr. WEMBER as rubric for gastro- esophageal reflux and hiatus hernia
symptoms, and reported good results from Bismuthum. Sinapis nigra shares the modality of
abdominal pains, better bending backward. Two other peculiar symptoms of Sinapis: Cough better
lying down, and sneezing, worse at night.
Three small remedies useful in treating infections. A woman with Pyoderma gangrenosum
(infected lesions on the trunk of the body): Hepar sulphuris and a Calendula-Betadyne-sugar wash
and finished with Anthracinum 200 because of the development of a satellite lesion and burning
pains. Potentized Gunpowder is a powerful healing agent for sepsis, especially in wounds, and the
use of 13x potency of Cement, used for an irritative rash in cement workers and for abrasions from
cement which typically take a long time to heal.
Dr. WEMBER concluded by presenting some lesser-known remedies to think about for heart
diseases-Adonis vernalis, Convallaria majalis, Magnolia grandiflora, and Lilium tigrinum.
6. All that Screams isn't Chamomilla presentation by George GUESS, report by APPLEGREN
B.J.: It is interesting to note that Dr.George GUESS lost his license to practice in North Carolina for
practising Homoeopathy; however, due to grass-roots movement several States have enactd
legislation protecting doctors from losing practise for applying Homoeopathy including North Carolina.
Dr. GUESS descri bed the keynotes of Chamomilla and how these symptoms often appear in
children during dentition, colic, and otitis media (middle ear infection). Symptoms include: striking,
hitting, kicking, fever, head sweats and salivation at night, inconsolable, warm, putting feet out from
under the covers, wanting to be carried, fearful of noises and monsters, awakening screaming in the
night, diarrhoea, wanting touch or averse to touch, better rocking or being carried, capricious, hard to
please, one cheek red and hot, teething better from cold, ear pain worse from wind, and colic causing
the back to arch.
In spite of the strong image we get with this remedy there are, in fact, many remedies that
present a very similar picture. He mentioned at least sixteen which share most of the keynote
symptoms mentioned above. He compared Sepia, Tuberculinum, Cina, Stramonium, Calcarea
phosphorica, Calcarea carbonica, Pulsatilla, Dioscorea, Colocynthis, Sanicula, Antimonium crudum,
Rheum, Belladonna, Coffea, Kreosote, etc.
7. How the Parent's State during Pregnancy can Determine a Child's Remedies
presentation by Karl ROBINSON, report by Patty SMITH. Dr.ROBINSON began his presentation by
dimming the room lights and asking the participants to listen to the audio tape of the sounds an infant
would hear while in the womb. He asked the participants to consider if we were to lock the doors to
the room, and for the next 40 weeks we would hear those sounds, the pulsating, beating heart, for
280 days, almost 7,000 h'ours, 420,000 minutes. An infant also would hear sounds coming from the
outside - sometimes laughter and celebrations, but also perhaps fights, arguments and threats, and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 187
would assimilate something of the thoughts and ideas of the mother especially, but of the father too -
and all these things would be constantly impinging on the tiny life growing inside.
Although Genetics determines much of what we are, yet the environment also influences. He
asked us to consider what it would mean if the Genetics influences but the environment determines.
What if the experiences could be transduced, electrically imprinted on the infant in utero? It might be
so powerful, he speculated, that even the DNA might be changed by those feelings coming through.
Dr.ROBINSON explained how he came to the understanding that the mother's state of mind
would influence the child in her womb, via two cases. He drew attention to the The Secret Life of the
Unborn Child, Which substantiated that an unborn child can learn while in utero. A conductor of the
Ontario Philharmonic Orchestra said that his interest in music began before his birth. He already knew
certain scores very well when he began conducting. His mother was a professional musician. The
pieces he knew by heart were the ones she had performed while pregnant with him. Dr.ROBINSON
gave more examples. He cited the case in The Secret Life of the Unborn Child to show the 'intra-
uterine bonding'.
Dr.ROBINSON said that after studying with the Indian Homoeopath Rajan SANKARAN be
began to look for cases such as these, and he said he sees them more and more often. He shared
one of SANKARAN's cases of a woman who needed Stramonium. SANKARAN was so confident of
his theory that he told her that something must have happened during the time her mother was
pregnant with her. He told her to go back and ask about it. Her mother told her that while she was
pregnant she'd fallen into an open grave with a coffin in it, and she had spent the night there,
screaming for help.
This was a very interesting and well presented topic, and this needs to be explored more
frequently and consistently in our case-taking.
8. Lachesis and Cimicifuga: A Comparison of Similar Remedies, presented by Andrea
SULLIVAN Report by Marsha MEEHAN: This session was fast-paced, clear and thorough, serious
and compassionate, laced with lively humor. In addition to Materia Medica she commented on
various aspects of constitutional prescribing.
While Lachesis is much more proven and thus more developed, Climicifuga may turn out to
have a similarly broad scope. Cimicifuga generally is thought of for uterine symptoms, pregnancy and
labour. The key similarities with reference to two female patients as also the differences so as to
contrast the two remedies: The Cimicifuga experienced uncontrollable anger, especially before
menses, scream, smack, kick or slam things. But her anger and dissatisfaction were aimed at herself,
felt the problem was with herself; feared loss of control, feared she would lose it. Cimicifuga is not at
all vengeful - whereas the Lachesis patient coplained about her husband a lot; still harbored
resentment for an incident happened in 1978 \IVhen she and her husband quibbed over the location
of his briefcase and he pushed her. She never forgot that he pushed her. Lachesis was intense
sexually, she talked of having "desire" every day and carried a flamboyant calendar with all kinds of
pictures of men, attired and not, as her date book. The Cimicifuga had been sexually abused as a
child and had vivid dreams, for example, of a spider attached to her head, people trying to remove it
and getting stung, and having to go to the emergency room in a strange city-but no dreams of a
sexual nature. The Lachesis however, reported dreams of being raped, and of falling and being
impaled-and she reported them in quite a casual manner, as if, Dr.SULLIVAN noted. "This is a typical
Tuesday night in my dream state". While the Cimicifuga chief PMS problem was her uncontrollable
anger, the Lachesis menstrual complaints mainly had to do with bleeding: double periods, bleeding
between the periods, bleeding at all kinds of inconvenient times such as holidays and her anniversary.
While Lachesis is the venom of a highly poisonous snake. Cimicifuga is called Black Snake
Additional tips from the session: Study the provings; they help to understand primary and
secondary reactions, as well as delusions-which, along with dreams are important, especially in
"uncompensated" patients who don't act much on their impulses. To really understand Homoeopathy
study the Organon. Add symptoms in your Repertory from the Materia Medicas. Observe the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 188
patient and really, listen so you can understand what is at the foremost awareness of their
9. When the Indicated Remedy Doesn't Work presented by Rudolph VERSPOOR reported by
Any failure of Homoeopathy to cure has very little to do with Homoeopathy itself, but rather
with our understanding of illness and chronic disease. The obvious answer to why an indicated
remedy dosn't work is that the particular homoeopath is incompetent, or there is a gap in the
homoeopathic knowledge. The solution to the problem is to provide better homoeopathic education
and training.
Although homoeopathic education has increased in North America and Europe over the last
decades, RUDOLPH believes our ability to cure and treat very serious complex chronic cases has
actually declined. In speaking privately to homoeopaths, he found that many admitted to having dry
periods where, despite their best efforts, the indicated remedy eluded them or they had no clear idea
of where to start the case. Reading the works of the old homoeopaths one finds that this is not a new
problem, it was a problem HAHNEMANN faced himself. He rejected the idea that there was
something wrong with Homoeopathy and sought to find the answer somewhere. Twelve years of
research led HAHNEMANN to his theory of Chronic Disease.
The speaker maintained that HAHNEMANN's concept of Chronic Disease has not really been
integrated into homoeopathic philosophy. HAHNEMANN introduced three concepts: (1) The
importance of cause of disease in case analysis (2) The importance of evaluation of symptoms (some
symptoms are worth more than others) and (3) The importance of layers of disease states and
symptoms along with the concept of time. Chronic disease is a predisposition to disease. Three
insights of HAHNEMANN have also not been properly integrated into homoeopathic philosophy: (1)
Cure is more than the removal of symptoms, it is the removal of cause. HAHNEMANN says in
Chronic Diseases that removing the symptom and having the appearance of health is not a cure. It
must involve the removal of the cause. For HAHNEMANN the cause was dual in nature, namely the
miasm or the inherited predisposition. Disease is also due to a (2) destabilization of the Vital Force
from stresses acting on inherited weaknesses. Stresses are the shocks and traumas that act on us in
life and are the blockages to cure. Destabilization involves a stress and susceptibility (3) Disease
exists as much in time as in space. What we inherited predates our existence, and the shocks and
traumas of our life also exist through time. Everyone exists in an individual space-time continuum. .
Speaking about blockages, HAHNEMANN identified poor diet, drugs, and lifestyle as
blockages. If the Vital Force is not able to throw off such stress, the stress remains in the person's
system as a disturbance of the Vital Force. This state produces the symptoms we associate with
Some of the major stresses in our modern society was identified by the speaker, like drugs,
poor diet, mass vaccinations, and a fast-paced life style. He observed that about 80% of disease is
emotional in origin because people are so stressed from the amount of change demanded of them,
and 20% is physical. That's why, he believes, we no longer see simple cases where a single remedy
wll work. Today the symptom picture is so complex and so confused because of predisposition to
disease and all the shocks that it is no wonder we cannot find a single remedy or that repertorizing
does not produce a clear remedy.
The well-indicated remedy does not work because something is blocking the action of the
remedy, and a miasmatic or some other remedy is given for the cause to unblock the action. Then the
indicated remedy is given and it works. He then narrated a case of 7 year old child who had suffered
shocks and traumas. He listed the influences of the mother prior to the birth of the child, the birth
itself; postnatal circumcision, blood tests and other tests done to the new child, or separation from the
mother if the child is premature; early childhood multiple vaccines; falls, blows to the head and
surgery; drugs such as antibiotics, cortisone or anti-inflammatories; and emotional stresses. It is not
the stress that is important but it is the susceptibility to the stress and how weak the child is when the
stress occurs. This list is relatively small for someone aged seven. But consider the adult who has
suffered many shocks and traumas in life and the list gets very long.
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The missing factor in the treatment of chronic disease is time. In HERING's Law of Cure we
have a very powerful concept of time. The speaker presented four cases in which the concept of time
was taken into account in prescribing.
Two further cases presented to illustrate the limitations of the traditional approach to applying
Homoeopathy. (1) A person is treated with the indicated homoeopathic remedy and he improves but
there is still symptomatology and they are not cured because the shock of the trauma is still there.
After treating for the specific shock the patient experienced a major healing reaction, and a resolution
of the trauma and the remaining symptoms. (2) a person is treated with the well- indicated remedy for
six months with amelioration, then relapses. The remedy does not work anymore. He is then treated
for the most recent trauma and it removes the symptoms.
Rudolph VERSPOOR raised three questions: (1) Does the remedy chosen on the presenting
symptoms really cure or only remove the symptoms? His answer was that if you do not tackle the
shocks and traumas that are at the origin of the chronic dissase, and if you don't treat the inherited
predisposition, the case is not really cured. The health has been improved, but the case is not fully
and deeply cured. (2) Is the relapse after initial amelioration, a sign of incurability or of the healing
process? Despite KENT's experience, these cases are curable. In these the Vital Force has gone on
to tackle the traumas and the case can be cured by treating the traumas. (3) If the well-indicated
remedy continues to act, but does not deepen the state of health, is this cure or palliation? A patient
has been treated for 3 or 4 years either with the same remedy or a series of remedies but disease has
not been addressed. Until the underlying traumas and predispositions have been treated, there will be
no true cure.
10. Wyrth Post BEKER, MD, honored by LEBENSORGER Mitzi (HT,15,11/1995): Dr.Wyrth
Post BAKER who has done so much to preserve Homoeopathy's place in the US Medical System
received a medal of appreciation from the American Institute of Homoeopathy at the NCH Annual
Conference, April 2, 1995. Sandra M CHASE, MD, DHt, President of the Liga Medicorum
Homoeopathica Internationalis, made the presentation. Accepting the presentation Dr. BAKER said
"In my 70 years with Homoeopathy, my enthusiasm for it has never decreased". He lived through the
decline of Homoeopathy and now its resurgence.
11. Common Remedies in Paediatric Care - presented by Joana RAZI, MD. Report by Lora
ABELL, MD: Dr.Joana RAZI is a Paediatrician from Washington DC. She was not only extremely
knowledgeable about Homoeopathy but also pragmatic about its limits. Her remedies were snapshots
of Materia Medica from her O'Ml practice and very valuable.
On the remedies for acute situations she compared Stramonium and Aconite. While both had
fear, in the first it is associated with violence \Ivtlile in Aconite it is accompanied by restlessness. For
example, for children who fear very much when being taken to the surgery for suturing an injury give
Stramonium; Aconite for the child with something in the eye, and can calm him down enough to be
treated. It is also helpful for the child at the middle of the night with croup.
Chamomilla besides being a remedy for colic, can also be very useful in the older child who
throws tantrums with breath holding. This is not "cure" but "calming". Citing a case of Belladonna for a
young woman who had taken a shower after a run in the heat and developed fever, urinary infection
(E.coli.), Dr.RAZI said that with Belladonna the vulnerability usually is in the head-when the head gets
chilled, the general vitality comes down.
Regarding Nux vomica: "The first time I really understood Nux vomica was when I needed it. I
was really overworked. I was invited to a friend's house for dinner and afterwards could not stand up. I
was tremendously dizzy and could not make it home". Took Nux vomica and went to bed, woke up in
the middle of the night and vomited, but the next morning "I felt as if I'd been on vacation for three
weeks'. Dr.RAZI says that it is also true for children that external states such as a disorganized family,
or not enough sleep can precipitate the need for Nux vomica. When you see a baby with congestion,
inability to sleep at night, irritability, difficulty with burning and liking warm baths think of Nux vomica.
School age children who need Nux vomica will be dynamic, smart, argumentative, and competitive.
They want to be at the top of the class, and are "doers". They are the children who are always trying
to elbow someone behind them. They are chilly, and get particularly mean when outdoors in winter.
They may like alcohol and beer, and fatty and tasty foods.
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Hepar sulphuris has a low threshold for pain and for suffering-in other words these children
cannot take pain at all, whereas Chamomilla children are sensitive to pain but can cry for hours.
Hepar is distinguishable by its weakness with the pain when compared with Chamomilla and Coffea.
Dr. RAZI uses Silica, Thuja and Pulsatilla most commonly for chronic ear infections after
vaccinations. Silica babies are cute and delicate with refined features. There is an awake, mature look
in their faces. They are engaging. Their fevers tend to be low grade without a lot of heat, even if the
Otitis media is bad. They want to be warm, and their sweat has a sour odor. Once they start to eat
they don't like warm food. Constipation, with difficulty to expel the stool, Pulsatilla: many people with
allergies are worse outdoors Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla is also for low grade fevers, recurrent infections in
warm children who like to be cuddled. Pulsatilla can be very intensely emotional in acute situations.
Some cases further.
Case 1: Premature infant, weighing only seven pounds at three months of age, very shy, didn't allow
siblings to play with her, better when left alone in a dark room, startled when put down. Borax.
Comments: "This kid's going to be a movie star"- such was the change on the next visit.
Case 2: Bright 10 year old, very competitive in sports, music, and academics. The only negative thing
he said was that he didn't feel connected to the other kids in his class. A cold with burning discharge
from the nose began after sitting around a fire with smoke exposure. Natrum arsenicum. Comments:
Intensely intellectual, sensitive emotionally, sensitive to smoke.
Case 3: Six week old, second born, mother very fearful because the first born had almost died. At 2.5
weeks of age the baby got chicken pox and after that was really quiet, not active, hypotonic (less than
normal muscle tone and responsiveness). Ammonium carbonicum. Comments: Sluggishness and
exhaustion are key - notes of Ammonium carbonicum. The infant improved immediately after the
Case 4: 10 year old with parasites. Everyone in his family recovered but him. He became very fearful,
because he never knew how often he'd have go to the bathroom. Aloe.
Case 5: two weeks old who developed whooping cough. Hands and legs clenched first, then she
would cough after stiffening up. Cuprum.
12. The place of External Applications in Homoeopathy, presented by Dana ULIMAN, report
by Karen ALDERSON: While Homoeopathy and Healing are best done from within via the potentised
oral medicines, external applications are made for a variety of types of injuries, chafings, bites, stings,
burns, and diaper rash. The externally applied medicines are not potentised. There are many different
types of external remedies including ointments, tinctures, oils, creams, sprays, and gels. The lecturer
briefly discusses these.
13. Homoeopathic Casetaking in Acute Care, presented by Amy ROTHENBERG report by
Louise SHEAFER: She stressed the importance of making oneself comfortable during the interview
process and suggested using pens, and a type of paper that would facilitate one's own personal way
of gathering information. She outlined her procedure for taking an acute case. She reminded that we
should take a complete case. No short cuts. Every case and remedy is a teacher for us all. Learn
more about the remedies so we can be sure of each prescription. She stressed that the key
symptoms may be very subtle, and it is important to notice everything about the patient and how
she/he is sharing symptoms. Besides homoeopathic treatment, air, rest, food, water, exercise and
right attitude are key. She said that she doesn't see any aggravation in her practice. May be because
she usually gives remedies in 30c potency.
14. An Update on the History of Homoeopathic and Allopathic Medicine presented by Harris
COUL TER. Report by Rodolph VERSPOOR: Dr.COUL TER spoke about his book - Volume IV of the
Divided Legacy. The thesis is essentially that there has existed a dual approach to disease and
treatment since the time of HIPPOCRATES. This duality results from the duality in our brain
functioning. The logical ordered, mathematical left side of the brain has produced the Rationalist
school of Medicine which sees the living organism in mechanical and reductionist terms, as a passive
entity which suffers from external afflictions. The more conceptual right side of the brain sees the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 191
organism as a vital entity reacting to the environment. The symptoms are not the disease but the sign
of the reaction to the environment and thus, treatment is geared to supporting this reaction by
remedies that produce similar symptoms in healthy persons. One would rather read COULTER's book
to understand the whole story.
15. Botanical Homoeopathy: Using Homoeopathic Mother Tinctures Effectively, presented
by Neil GARLAND. Report by Bonnie Price LOFTON: Neil GARLAND enthralled his audience with
stories of astonishing cures under his care. "As a research scientist, I have been able to eliminate the
symptoms of many disorders considered incurable, including Multiple Sclerosis, Malaria, Hepatitis,
Pancreatitis, Colitis, Arthritis, Cholera, Chagas disease, Dengue, Lupus, Parkinson's disease, and
Lyme disease", he said in an article which he distributed to his audience. GARLAND said he has
scoured the world "from China to Tibet to Brazil to India," studying Acupuncture and other aspects of
traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, Native American medicine, Homoeopathy,
Osteopathy, and therapeutic massage. He implied that he draws on all these traditions, relying mostly
on his intuition and powers of observation.
He observed that:
- Many traditional Native American remedies were almost lost until the Homoeopaths
preserved them in their pharmacies.
- Many allopathic medicines used to-day are based on the composition of plants traditionally
used by herbalists in their gross form or by homoeopaths as mother tincture. But the
traditional approach is a safer, gentler way of healing, he said.
- Herbs imported from China have to be, by law sprayed with anti-fungal chemicals. For this
reason, he said 95% of the Ginseng on the market is adulterated.
- The rising popularity of herbal medicine has an environmental downside. Many of the more
delicate, rare plants are being harvested to the point of disappearance. "We have about 20
years of plants left before they begin to die off," he said.
Some more points, some of which may differ from views of classical Homoeopathy.
- Raw herbs or undiluted tinctures work better than homoeopathic doses when dealing with
problems that are purely "physiological or gross", such as degenerative diseases and
malignant organs.
- Herbalism has this advantage over Homoeopathy-you don't have to wait weeks to see if it's
- GARLAND uses fresh herbal preparations for more acute diseases and dried preparations for
degenerative diseases because the dried herbs have more of a tonal effect.
He often combines tinctures.
XXII. "Homoeopathy without Erontiers" is an international federation with sections in Europe,
Latin America, and Africa. Its goals are education and humanitarian aid for developing countries.
Founders of the organisation had observed that health-care facilities around the world do not fulfill the
needs of all people, especially not of the poor. They felt that complementary therapeutic strategies
such as Homoeopathy are necessary to provide adequate health care to everyone. The group is a
humanitarian, non-profit organisation which strives to work independently of political affiliations,
serving where human need calls them. Four criteria employed in the choice of therapeutic strategies
are efficacy without harmfulness, economy (affordable therapeutics}, autonomy for patients and
practitioners, respect for people and for the environment. Homoeopathy Without Frontiers believes
that Homoeopathy is a viable option for health care system worldwide. The organisation also believes
that "the transfer of knowledge" as "the most sustainable form of development aid".
XXIII. A North American branch of Homoeopathy Without Frontiers has been formed Which would
include homoeopaths, lay and professional, from both the United States and Canada (HT,15,111
1995): "Oregon enacts alternative medical law- More states hope to follow" says the headline on the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 192
first page of the HT,15,9/1995. A strong grassroots campaign led by Citizens for Health, in coalition
with the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and others, was responsible for the passing
the' Alternative Medical Treatment' bill in the Oregon legislative session on July 28, 1995 over-riding a
veto by the Governor KITZHABER (a physician-surgeon turned Governor). Thus Oregon has joined
the states of Alaska, Washington, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and New York. Efforts to pass si mi lar
legislation are reportedly underway in a number of other states.
Full addresses of the journals covered by this Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST (QHD) are given below:
1. ACD : Archiv fur Homoopathik, Dynamis-Verlag, AM Vogelherd 18, 46147 OBERHAUSEN, GERMANY.
2. AHZ : Allgemeine Homoopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1 , GERMANY.
3. BHJ : British Homoeopathic Journal, 2, POWIS PLALE, Great Ormond Street, LONDON, WC IN 3HT,
4. CCR : Homoeopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Phule Road, Maliwada, AHMEDNAGAR -414 001. INDIA.
5. CCRH : CCRH Quarterly Bulletin, 61-65, Institutional Area, D-Block, Janakpuri, NEW DELHI -110 058,
6. CGH : Cahiers Groupement Hahnemannien du Docteur Pierre SCHMIDT, Medecine et Hyginene, 78,
avenue de la Roserale, Case 456, CH-1211 GENEVE 4, SWITZERLAND.
7. EJH : European Journal of Classical Homoeopathy, International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy,
Alonissos 37005, GREECE.
8. HH : Homoepathic Heritage, B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1921, Street 10th, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj,
Post Box 5775, NEW DELHI-110 055, INDIA.
9. HL : Homoeopathic Links, Homoeopathic Research and Charities, "Dinar", 20, Station Road, Santa
Cruz (W), MUMBAI-400 054, INDIA.
10. HOM : The Homoeopath, Journal of the Society of Homoeopaths, 2, Artizan Road, NORTHAMPTON
NN1 4HU, U.K.,
11. HT : Homoeopathy Today, National Center for Homoeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
Alexandria, VA 22314, USA.
12. HTIMES : Homoeopathy Times, The Foundation for Homoeopathic Research, 805, Giriraj, Neelkanth
Valley, Ghatkopar, MUMBAI-400 077, INDIA.
13. HUD : Homoeopathic Update, B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1921, Chuna Mandi, Street 10th, Paharganj,
Post Box 5775, NEW DELHI-110 055, INDIA.
14. IJHM : Indian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine, CMP Homoeopathic Medical College, N.R. Gadkari
Marg, Irla, Vile Parle(W), MUMBAI- 400 056, INDIA.
15. JAIH : Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, 23200, Edmonds Way, #A, Edmonds, WA
98026, USA.
16. NJH : National Journal of Homoeopathy, Milan Clinic, Saraswati Road, Santa Cruz(W), MUMBAI-400
054, INDIA.
17. RH : Revista De Homeopatia, RUA DR. DIOGO DE FARIA, 839 -CEP 04037-002 -SAO PAULO -SP -
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 193
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1. Letter From Kiev
There is a centre of classical homoeopathic excellence in Kiev. It was originated by a
Dr.POPOV who died three years ago and continued by his daughter Dr.Tatyana POPOVA and others
including Dr. Vera Alexseevna RUDOVSKAIA whom I met in Budapest and from whom these extracts
come. They have several homoeopathic ideas Which struck me as interesting, which I detail below.
Somatic Essences
The Kiev 'school' of homoeopathy has a somatic approach that in a way seems to parallel
George VITHOULKAS' Essences'. They are developing the 'Somatic Essences'. Like the
VITHOULKAS essences these are not based on any preconceived belief system but on an
accumulation of experiences and observed phenomena. The impression I have from this is that
'western' homoeopathy tends to be overly psychological in emphasis, and this idea of 'somatic
essences' can usefully complement and re-balance this perspective.
They routinely examine every patient undressed which they have found to reveal much
homoeopathic information. This is clearly not a new idea, but they seem to have developed it further.
For example, examination can reveal the body shape, spinal curvature, moles, skin colour,
odour, perspiration, temperature, posture, texture of flesh, and with the use of the stethoscope, the
basic heart and lung conditions. From doing this routinely over a long period of time they
have compiled information on the body types. Below for example, are the somatic aspects of Thuja.
From an educational point of view, because doctors are used to and are often legally required
to, carry out physical examinations, this is a useful bridge across into homoeopathic ways of working.
Also, it is not something we commonly do, and is an area that is under-emphasised in our training.
To me there is complete philosophic logic to the idea that body structure reflects the
constitutional remedy and I believe this can be an effective classical approach.
(In Part II, Condensation I Extracts of selected important articles are given)
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Their approach to the patient is more biased to the idea that if the physical is not clear, then
consider the psychology, which is the reverse of the general idea in England.
The experience of the 'Kiev School' is that with this emphasis on somatic types, and good
general homoeopathic knowledge, the use of repertory can be successfully relegated to an occasional
reference place in classical homoeopathy. And importantly, classical homoeopathic prescribing can
be done effectively in half an hour, with precision and grace using the above methods.
The Thuja Somatic Essence
The impression is of being big and like a bear, which means that they can be actually big, or
give such an impression.
Localised bigness, acromegaly, such as big ears that stick out, big noses, big chin, big feet;
disproportionate growth is the idea. At the same time a characteristic 'roundness' to this growth.
Over the age of forty, big rounded hips and especially thighs, and specifically elephantism of
the left leg.
Generally the skin is lemon rind textured and the veins of the wings of the nose are visible.
These can be seen in infants and all ages.
In puberty they develop greasy hair which must be washed daily, greasy skin, and dandruff.
Warm damp palms and skin.
Arnica Essence
Arnica is a good person, ready to help others, and is very irritable if upset. Plump and good
There is a 'beaten up' look about them.
All processes are very painful, very sensitive to touch .
The healthy Arnica is still sensitive to touch.
Small boils leaving scars especially on shoulders.
Bruises easily, just from touching something. Painful small spots around mouth, under chin.
Unpleasant smell from mouth.
When ill, red face and cold body, also during the menses.
A therapeutic hint
They get the patient to map symptoms of a physical variety, like psoriasis, on paper to assist
in detecting cure. They ask them to draw an exact copy of the eruption to trace it out on paper, using
thin or tracing paper, and then compare it later.
Infants and Observation
They make the observation that children and veterinary homeopathy are similar, very reliant
on what you can observe, especially in the eyes. We can learn a lot from the vets in this area. The
look in the eye can be all important. This is not something that can easily be conveyed by words.
Here, delivered under my insistence, is the idea of the eyes of the Staphysagria patient:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 196
In a small child it is the look of one who masturbates, (an established 'medical' look), a frankly
sexual sort of cheeky, insolent, seductive look. In an older woman the eyes can have a look which is
sexual, cold, malicious, and dissatisfied. (N.B. some difficulties here in translation).
(See also Ananda ZAREN, Homoeopathic Links 3192)
Apprenticeship training
Teaching homoeopathy by the apprenticeship system, and by this I do not mean just sitting in,
but active training, for example - these are Staphysagria eyes, that is their characteristic look - is an
important core process in the training system in Kiev.
Ideas about Folliculinum and Testosterinum
These two remedies are seen like brother and sister. They are used especially where there
has been an abuse of steriods, for example Prednisolone. Where the patient has become excessively
feminine in nature and appearance tender, soft, rounded, etc. then Folliculinum. If excessively
masculine in appearance, angular and mascular etc., Testosterinum, irrespective of actual sex. This
helps re-balance these drug induced disturbances. It is easy to see the need for these in athletes for
The parent as the picture
Routinely the Kiev school seem to consider the parents' remedy as the likely one for the child
if it fits. Consider this case, (Please remember this is in Russian through a rusty interpreter whispering
to me).
The woman is around forty, stocky but rounded, fairly big. Her mother died a month ago. She
has a long term cough that is dry and very changeable, worse in the morning, with a sticky, difficult
expectoration. There is an associated pain in the back, but not on coughing. It is worse lying, weeps
openly when asked about her family history , as the death of mother comes directly into her mind.
Averse to the smell of (her) perspiration, and to petrol and some foods. She definitely likes the open
air, and can not bear heat, and must have the window open in the winter. Breasts swollen and painful
before menses. Mother developed cancer from injury to the breast. (Audience questions).
Likes fat when questioned about it, but does not eat it for weight reasons. Likewise agrees
with having vertigo on standing up, on questioning, ("does not everyone?" she says).
Grief is natural and weeping is to be expected. The basic psychosomotic essence is what
concerns us here. The patient was given Conium rather than Pulsatilla which seemed more obviously
the remedy.
The deciding factors were:
Mother's cancer based on accident, see 'Cancer of mammae from contusion' (bruise), only
Bellis perennis, and Conium, and indicating the disposition towards breast cancer. Conium has the
tender and swelling breasts before menses. Patient's body type under examination was more
masculine than feminine, with harder flesh, and more muscular, rather than the soft and round flesh
expected for Pulsatilla.
(This is a rough precis, and may not explain all the details but I think it gives the idea).
I think these are ideas we are less familiar with in England. (See also Homoeopathic Links
2193 page 9 'State of Mother of Child').
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 197
Kiev is very close to Chernobyl and they have a special institute for radiation studies. The
essence idea of radiation is connected to aggression, provokes mental aggression which manifests
physically as destruction. Two groups of 'Chernobyl' children were treated homoeo - pathically, one
group all given Radium bromatum, and some but not all benefited and the others were given
individual remedies with quicker and better results. I think this is very important information. (Last year
I treated one such seven year old Chernobyl victim with Leukaemia, who was fading after
chemotherapy and radiation therapy, (like cures like?) and I first gave Pulsatilla which did nothing, and
then got the remedy picture better, gave Sepia LM and all the blood tests returned rapidly to normal,
to the surprise of the hospital specialists. Unfortunately there was no possibility of further follow up on
this case).
The most common remedy used in the above study was Calcarea fluoricum, and another
radiation remedy is Strontium carbonicum, but only where they fit the 'personality'.
In non-life threatening cases, the Kiev School give six doses of high potency, e.g. 10M in one
The Natrum family
(These are extracts from a much longer presentation).
The idea is water retention by absorption.
The maximum is Natrum sulphuricum and the minimum Natrum muriaticum (due to the
muriaticum element, chlorine is to do with dehydration). Consequently the obesity is like swelling in
these remedies. In Natrum muriaticum they can be thin children and get fatter later with emaciation
from above downwards.
swollen legs and feet later in life.
Natrum sulphuricum by comparison cannot eat watery foods, cannot live near water, as they
absorb it too readily.
Natrum is depression.
Physically this is weakness, anaemia and mentally depression. Natrums and Kalis are both
weak, but for the Natrums it is inner and the Kalis it is outer.
Common to all Natrums are:
Nose obstruction, skin and allergy problems, food allergies, herpetic eruptions, susceptibility
to colds in families with a history of TB, systemic illnesses.
"Depression, hypersensitivity, impressionable, escape inside themselves to hide, inner
withdrawal seeing injustice, deal with their problems alone, cannot bear consolation, easily offended,
long remembered offences, cannot forget, never forgive, very just, strong personality but not strong
Difficulties to make contact, do not tell their problems, answer yes/no.
Do not like to show that they do not feel good.
Worse in the mornings, difficult to get up, and work a lot in the evenings.
Natrum muriaticum essence
The main idea is humanitarianism, ready to help others, the weak and unhappy. They are true
helpers. There is indifference outside, not showing affection, and great love inside but it is not
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 198
expressed. They can look after an ailing parent and never regret it, and marry for life, as it is a deep
Closed people.
Not hysterical but unpredictable.
The difficult teenage girl \IVho is malicious, will not talk of her feelings, changeable moods,
unpredictable, goes away when upset, and cannot control her emotions.
Always 'Strong' and 'deals' with problems.
Great mental problems and refuses help if offered, it agg. They deal with their problems alone
(Kalis go to lie down out of weakness).
Bearing down like Sepia.
Skin cracked, dry, falling hair, herpetic, joint eruptions. Physical symptoms for psychological
Dryness, loss of smell, dry vagina.
Irregular periods, too early, amenorrhoea, too early and stops, especially for psychological
reasons. Amenorrhoea from excitement. In pregnancy more weepy, more feminine then, piles,
involutary urination. (Sepia agg. smell of food, heavy, nausea).
Will not shout at delivery.
Great emotions in delivery and depressed after, like Sepia.
Post-natal depression even if everything is OK.
Worse extremes of temperature.
Agg. Sun. Amel. motion of sun.
People with Malaria especially after quinine.
Upper respiratory tract problems. Bronchial asthma.
All organs and systemic illness as salt goes everywhere.
Lachrymation from laughing/ coughing , exertion.
Geographical tongue.
All Natrums are sensitive to downward motion, (Borax is a Natrum).
Minor illness causes dehydration.
In family there are heart problems, liver, depression, problems in society, difficulties outside
Difficult breathing.
Pale and anaemic.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 199
Small problems that linger.
Old look, serious eyes.
Sniffing, Runny noses.
Very sensitive to temperature.
Love swimming.
Agg. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Contradictory appetite, like salt or refuse it, like bread or not at all.
Amel, alone or with parents.
Amel, peace, agg. noise.
Looks sad, goes in to other room.
Favourite activity is to READ, especially poems and to write them.
Good at humanities, bad at maths, good writers.
Cracks lower lip/centre.
Feels better in the family.
Natrum carbonicum
Even more sensitive especially to music and noise. When tired cannot stand either, even the
rustle of paper, clock, etc.
More emotionally excitable than Natrum muriaticum.
Very impatient.
Shouts from pain. Round face.
Pink spots on face.
Itching eczema, especially the palms and wrists (Phosphoric acid back of hand) and between
fingers, (Petroleum) tip of fingers (Sarsaparilla) and nose.
Symptoms on bridge of nose.
VERY sensitive to SUN (Natrum sulphuricum VERY sensitive to WATER).
Weak legs and knees.
Difficult to wear new shoes. WORSE MILK, dyspepsia.
Flatus especially during menses. Lot of menses problems.
Erosion of cervix (Thuja, Melilotus).
Soft body, pale face, pink cheeks, depression, anaemic children, weak with round faces, dry
skin and easily injured.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 200
Cannot stand any milk except mother's milk.
Skin agg. soap, washing, bathing.
Weak legs from skiing. Tire easily.
Timid, sad, do not like company.
Very sensitive to music and new foods. Weep to music.
Inflammed nose.
Aggravated by milk (Lac defloratum, Aethusa).
Amel. Home and peace, fear men and strangers.
About somatic essences
The Kiev school does pay a lot of attention to the somatic essence of the person, but we
never separate the psychical from the somatic. We ask our patients about their mental problems,
psychological characteristics and so on and we also get information from observing them -how one
comes into the consulting room, how one sits, speaks, in what voice one relates one's sufferings, etc.
On the basis of this information we decide if he is afraid, shy, suspicious or not etc. If we can not
understand the patients' behaviour we ask additional questions.
After examining the body we always check whether this somatic type corresponds to the
mental symptoms we have already found out and only on the basis of the totality of symptoms, we are
looking for the similar remedy.
Every remedy has its own accents (for some I know more psychological symptoms, for others
more somatic ones. This obviously depends on the practitioner's experience). Very often we associate
the remedy with the image of a well cured patient.
The Thuja somatic essence
In the types described (before) you have emphasised only the somatic aspects. It seems to
me your Thuja sounds more like Calcarea fluorica (dysplastics). The Thuja person does give the
impression of somebody big (sometimes a bear).
If you investigate him carefully it becomes clear that this is due to the pastry-Iike quality of his
tissues. He himself often says that his body is 'filled with water'. He does not feel well in damp
weather. He is slow and physically 'burdened' just like his skin (condylomata, varicose veins and
capillaries). They may look acromegalic, but they can also be very proportionate, both obese and thin.
These people are by rule suspicious, have lots of complaints, lots of paraesthetic symptoms,
(e.g. ants creeping on the skin, numbness, sensations of something alive in the abdomen).
You have well described the adult and the teenage Thuja is never like this (greasy with lemon
rind skin, condylomata etc.) so we have to look at the parents and other than the skin symptoms of
the Thuja type child.
Arnica essence
Good natured woman (or man) more often obese than thin, with a skin which is easily
bruised. Often Arnica gives the impression of a psychologically tormented person rather than an
active one. They are often sleepy, (fall asleep on the bus, at lectures, after lunch, go to bed early etc.).
The Arnica woman is less capable of deep feelings than Natrum muriaticum and sometimes can even
be indifferent.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 201
Arnica is trauma in the anamnesis (physical or psychological), over - sensitivily to touch,
motion, bed (fear of trauma), traumatisation and typhoid like symptoms, (delirium, skin colour, hot
flushes, bad mouth odour, stool etc.)
Chernobyl - A Case of Radiation, Emotional Trauma and Cancer
Yana was born at high altitude at the time of the Chernobyl catastrophe. There was
considerable exposure to radiation. There was no history of any illness in this peasant family, and no
cancer at all, yet at six years old Yana developed cancer of the blood, Leukaemia. The mother was
desperate as Yana had chemotherapy with no real effect. She had been left with no hair and was
going the way of the other children at the hospital, rapidly towards death.
The mother was very sceptical that we could help but her doctor persuaded her to persevere.
Originally she was given Pulsatilla with no effect, but we later discovered that we had only half the
story .
The trauma that precipitated the cancer had not been revealed. With perseverance we later
discovered that the parents had a terrible fight, with the father terrorising the mother, beating her up,
knocking out some teeth, black eyes etc., and Yana was witness to all this. She and her mother hid
outdoors all night under a staircase to escape his rage. After this Yana developed cancer.
It is known from medical research that trauma depresses the immune system allowing the disease
process to develop. In this case cancer. We had a revealing discussion with the parents, who once
they understood the significance were very willing to co-operate. The father realised that admitting his
behaviour and discussing it openly was far preferable to his daughter's death.
After another case-taking session we discovered Yana had certain features which previously
we did not appreciate (this was a fairly inarticulate peasant family. The interview was through an
interpreter in front of a large audience). She was indifferent to her sister, indifferent to consolation had
a craving for vinegar and was previously into dancing a lot. This and other signs suggested Sepia. So
she was given Sepia LM, once daily, and her blood tests all returned rapidly to normal, as reported by
the hospital managing her case. It was a small miracle. A year later she remains well.
(Incidentally had I read the Granite proving I might have given it as it looks a lot like Sepia.)
A sceptical doctor might dismiss all this as placebo effect after a wrong diagnosis, but trials at
the Radiation Institute in Kiev, near Chernobyl, showed reliably good results with Homoeopathy.
This case shows the potency of this approach even in apparently hopeless cases, cure the
trauma effects, the emotional suffering locked inside, release the immune depression, and the body's
natural defences will do the rest.
Extra original information from the author:
The Kalis
Tender skin like Arsenicum (looks as if sun tanned). Anaemia like the Natrums.
All Kalis look for somewhere to sit and collapse. Quite weak, especially the leg muscles,
difficult to stand, go and sit. Even young people look for a seat in the bus.
All Kalis have affinity for mucous membrane irritation and ulcers, necrosis and the nervous
system. Typical Kali has weak reflexes of spinal cord, irritabie weakness. Weak person who does not
like to work, collapses into fits of crying. Complete exhaustion of the nervous system. After delivery -
hypersensitive to pain, noise, touch, Easily lose trust in themselves, become indifferent to life. Excited,
cannot formulate thoughts.
Sensitive apathy.
Looks apathetic but big reaction to touch (not Natrums).
Weakness of memory agg. mental exertion.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 202
Sleepy after eating, and physical exertion.
Sleeplessness, often dreams wake them at 3 a.m. and cannot sleep, again.
Unrefreshed after sleep and fear of not sleeping.
Specific localised pains of mucus membrances, sex, digestion etc.
Everything I eat goes to flatus.
Kali carbonicum : White tongue.
Kali muriaticum : White spots on tongue.
Kali bichromicum : Geographical tongue.
Kali iodatum and Kali sulphuricum: Yellow tongue.
Sticky mucus.
Pains are not agg. by motion.
Pain in small of back sitting and while eating.
Incontinence on coughing and sneezing (Causticum).
Salts in urine.
Early menses, very painful, profuse.
Hoarseness from colds.
Dryness in throat.
Kali carbonicum sweats easily, tired, pale, puffy, bluish, soaked in sweat.
Mucus in throat like a lump.
Girls thin, stooped shoulders.
Difficult deliveries in family, heart problems and asthma in family, cannot stand to be alone
(NOT Natrums), like to be at home - feels too weak to be out, amel, relatives around, fears alone,
needs company, agg. noise, touch, especially to stomach.
Fear death, future, says "I have no future, I'm so unhealthy, how can I live", believe
themselves sick and weak.
Shooting pains, profuse cold sweats agg. slightest motion.
Stuffiness, sensitive to drafts, closes windows. Frequent colds, bronchitis, pneumonia.
Kali carbonicum
Best remedy for bronchial asthma.
3-5 a.m. asthma.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 203
Very fast, very severe, propped up with arms like a frog, can not breathe, in or out, cannot
expectorate. Amel. expectoration. If diuretics help the asthma think of Kali carbonicum. Likewise if
diuretics help the hypertension.
Right sided Pneumonia.
Cough with little expectoration.
Person who complains a lot, lots of symptoms and very sensitive to pain.
Heart on a string. In heart problems found on hands and knees.
Menses profuse, early, unpleasant smell.
Anaemia in young girls with amenorrhoea.
Sciatica problems with weakness, perspiration.
Problems in pregnancy, weakness, premature delivery, very small babies.
Anaemic children, thin, dolls, relaxed, floppy.
Swelling especially eyelids at birth, can't open eyes.
Get colds easily, colds go to cough.
Rheumatism, heart, arthritis, especially hips.
Periods soon after delivery, during breast feeding (like Silica). Difficult delivery from
In the new born, weak muscles, weak grip, bleeding umbilicus, floppy, hip dislocation, cold
perspiration of head, face can look suffering, jerks when examined, tears.
Infant Kali carbonicum big abdomen, bloating after breast feeding.
Pus from ears, lots of ear discharges.
Very easy hoarseness, barking cough, whooping cough.
Easy vomit after eating, from sudden movement.
Constipation easily, very sensitive to drafts.
Dislocation of hip, stiff, agg. touch.
(Lots of these infants in the nursery in Budapest).
Kali bichromicum
Loves this remedy, overuses it.
From chrome the destructiveness and toxicity.
Children \l\lith baggy cheeks, saggy, can see them from behind! (Kali carbonicum baggy
under eyes).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 204
Pain in small spots, point a finger at them anywhere.
Discharges stringy, difficult to get up, similar vaginal discharge.
Liver and kidneys, mucous membranes. Acrid discharges.
Mentally Kali bichromicum is easily excitable.
Headache plus vision aura, pain localised over right eye, point to it.
Best results in catarrh and chronic bronchitis cases.
Chronic diarrhoea with blood and flatus.
Agg. beer, beer bellies.
Periodic complaints like Arsenicum.
Sharp sudden on and off pains (Magnesia phosphorica, Belladonna).
Natrum pain more gradual.
Wandering pains like Pulsatilla, Lac caninum.
Exhaustion or pulsation after pain.
Large uvula. (Idea of bagginess in spots).
Kali sulphuricum
Shares many symptoms with Pulsatilla.
Twisting, wandering pains, agg. heat, weepy, changeable, lack confidence irritable.
More skin symptoms, unhealthy skin.
Irritable and impatient like Sulphur, very sensitive to noise and touch.
Anxiety in evening, fear at night.
Erythema, serous exudation, vesicles, Scarlet fever, dermatitis, especially psoriasis with
itching red spots exuding pus.
Acute pancreatitis.
Thick gluey yellow/green dicharges.
Otitis, bronchitis, urethritis.
Rheumatism acute and chronic.
Wandering pains especially legs and hands.
Kali muriaticum
Chlorine irritates the skin, mucous
membranes, spasms, especially respiratory system.
Excitability and exhaustion, easily irritable.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 205
Fibrous expectorations.
Thin people, skinny, affected by cold.
Local swellings.
All Kalis puffy and swollen except Kali muriaticum, due to muriaticum element, but local
Nervous people, easily angered.
Outbursts of anger then sad and depressed.
Fear misfortune, fear alone.
White patches on the skin.
Eruptions on the hair line (Natrum muriaticum).
Psoriasis in spots and especially hairline and especially white scabs.
(Case: 15 years of psoriasis, Kali muriaticum given, Warts returned and went and Psoriasis cured).
Tongue shiny with white spots like snow patches.
Thrush. Very susceptible to Candida.
Deafness without Otitis, through Candida (Number one for this).
Thick viscid discharge and very persistent.
Chronic coryza.
Noises in ears.
Constipation like Natrum muriaticum, light stool.
Exhausting, profuse thick black menses.
Thick white acrid leucorrhoea (Borax).
Skin white scaly spots, thick sticky discharge after scratching.
Candida in family. Verunculars.
Squeaking in joints, like rusty door hinges. (Like sound of walking in snow).
Gland swellings, breast can be painful, swollen, even all the time.
Kali phosphoricum
Most difficult to prescribe for her.
Excitable nerves.
Tall, greyish look, closed eyes.
Exhaused impression, mental and physical. Exhausted after looking after sick relative.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 206
Inconsolable weeping in cancer.
No will power.
Cruel to those close.
Ruthless cancer patient (typical).
Fear in children night, cannot sleep at exam time. Cannot sleep after mental exertion.
Hunger but lose appetite on seeing food. Itching allover.
Unpleasant smell to mouth, stool, sweat, rotten.
Vision agg. if tired.
Impotence, woman frigid before period and higher sex desire after.
Restless feet like Zincum.
Kali arsenicosum
Used as 'Fowler's solution, stimulant in anaemia.
Nervous and mental depression.
Irritable skin and mucous membranes. Burning.
Nervous symptom more Arsenicum (anxiety, emaciation).
Digestive symptoms more Kali.
Weak thin anaemic people.
Very very chilly, never warm enough agg. fresh air.
Bad moods, easily offended, envious, angry. Envy health of other people.
Excoriating sticky discharge, ulcerating.
Alternating symptoms, skin alternating mucous membranes.
Very dry skin, chronic or periodic complaints especially in flexures.
Thickening of tissue and malignancy.
Asthma 2-3 am after suppression of skin eruption.
Burning anus.
Cancer of tongue, rectum, anus (small).
Skin thickens (Fluoric acid, Arsenicum, Lac caninum, Petroleum, Plumbum).
Kali lodatum
lodum emaciation and warmth.
Restless, amel, fresh air, perspire.
Irritability mucous membranes, the greatest.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 207
Ulceration and necrosis. Warts.
Dry person.
All mucous membranes eyes, intestines, genitals, dry or sudden mucous.
Coryza and exhausting sneezing and ulceration.
Great headache.
Lots of expectoration morning and coughing in TB.
Salivation like Mercurius.
Pain at root of tongue (Phytolacca)
Ulceration everywhere.
Sensitive roots of hair in headache.
We have given earlier a few errors noticed in the repertories currently in use, especially the
SYNTHESIS of Frederick SCHROYENS which we use in day-to-day practice. A few more are given
here. Readers are requested to make the corrections in their copies and also communicate any errors
they notice. (KSS)
1. 'DELUSION, Crime, commit, about to: Kali-bi. (SR 259, SYN 51, CR 96)
DELUSION, Crime, committed, has: Kali-bi. (SRI 260, SYN 51, CR 96)
DELUSION, Dead, child is, her: Kali-bi. (SRI 262, SYN 51, CR 97)
kali-bi. has been added to the above rubrics from KR, but the symptoms are not found under
the remedy in GS, but only under Kali-br. Kali-br. is already listed in the above rubrics; hence Kali-bi.
which for a confusion for Kali-bi. should be deleted from SR, SYN and CR; also Kali-bi. should be
corrected as Kali-br. in KR.
2. FEAR, Poisoned, of being: Kali-bi. (SR 517, SYN 106, CR 200) This symptom also belongs only
to Kali- br. (Refer GS)
Kali-bi. should therefore be corrected as Kali-br. in KR, and Kali-bi. deleted from SR, SYN and
3. MOANING, Sleeplessness, with: Crot-c. (SR 758, SYN 149) This is an addition from KR:
KNERR's abbr. for Crotalus horridus is Crotal.; also the GS does not include Crotalus cascavella. may
be corrected as Crot-h. in SR and SYN. CR lists correctly as Crot-h.
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor's own
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 208
4. SPEECH, Nonsensical: Kali-b r. (K 82, SR 942, SYN 182) Not found under Kali-br. in the EN
and GS. But under Kali-bi. in the EN V (P.215, S.No.19): " she found herself talking nonsense..." may
be corrected as Kali-bi. in KR, SR, SYN.
5. TIMIDITY: Kali-bi. (SR 1023, SYN 197, CR 350) SUSPICIOUS, Mistrustful: Kali-bi. (SR 983,
SYN 190, CR 336) These are additions from the EN-Index, but not found under Kali-bi. in the EN. But
under Kali-br. (EN V, P.266, S.No.3):
"...he had become excessively timid and suspicious."
"...suspicious of every trifling circumstance."
Kali-bi. should therefore be corrected as Kali-br. in the EN-Index and Kali-bi. deleted from SR,
SYN and CR.
6. PROSTATE GLAND, INFLAMMATION, Chronic : (SYN 823) This is a new rubric in the SYN, from
BOERICKE's Repertory. But in the Synthesis the subrubric has been wrongly put under Prostate
gland, Induration; the subrubric chronic should be under the next rubric, inflammation.
BOERICKE's Repertory lists Merc-c. in the same rubric, which has been left out while adding
in the SYN. (BOERICKE gives Sabad. as well as Sabal. under Prostatits and Prostatitis, chronic. in
the Repertory. But neither BOERICKE's Materia medica nor the EN and GS contain any indications
under Sabadilla. Sabad. appears to be a mistake; the profession should confirm if Sabadilla has any
clincial indications in Prostatitis.)
7. PROSTATE GLAND, Pain, Aching: Sabad. (SYN 824) This addition is from BOGER-
BOENNINGHAUSEN (BB). BB has no rubric for pain prostate, but only a general rubric for prostate
remedies, where Sabad. is listed. BOGER's Synoptic Key, PHATAK and CLARKE have mentioned
only Sabal serrulata for pains etc. in the Prostate. May be corrected as Sabal. in 88 and SYN.
There is found a subrubric 'Prostate gland' under the above; this should be put in the
K = KENT Rep;
KR = KNERR's Rep. to HERING's
Guiding symptoms
SR 1 = Synthetic Repertory in I Horst
EN = T.F. ALLEN's Encyclopaedia GS = Hering's Guiding Symptoms
SYN = Synthesis Repertory of F.
HAUSEN Repertory
CR = Complete Repertory Vol I of
Subscription for Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest 1997 is Rs.200/- Payable by Bank Draft in Favour of
K.S. Srinivasan, Chennai.