© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 14
This presentation by the President of la Federation Espagnole des Associations de Medecins
Homoeopathes, Sorogosse, Spain, was presented to the Plenary session of the Belgian Society of
Homoeopathy on 12 March 1994, at Brussels.
35. Brucella melitensis: une Pathogenesie sur 20 ans.(Brucella melitensis: a pathogenesis over 20 years)
SOUK-ALON P. (RB,28,1/1996)
141 symptoms of Brucella melitensis from provings and clinical: comparisons with Melitococcinum
(Melitine); symptoms observed over the years 1977 to 1995.
36. Hyosciamus niger
GREGOIRE Jean-Claude (RBH,28,2/1996)
This excellent study of Hyoscyamus niger is extracted from the Materia Medica Course on 7
December 1994 in the Belgian School of Homoeopathy, by Dr.Jean-Claude GREGOIRE, Director of the
School. The gist of the remedy:
- the jealousy and betrayal
- the paranoic suspicion
- the nudity, the total absence of shame
- the delirium: the taciturnity and loquacity, calmness and agitation, violence
- the convulsions with tics; the angular movements
- the dry, nervous cough, spasmodic, aggravation on lying and ameliorated in sitting up
37. Staphysagria, the way I perceive it
SHAH Binal S. (HH,21,2/1996)
Pent up wrath, suppressed feelings, emotions and grief which give rise to physical problems sums the
homoeopathic remedy Staphysagria.
38. Arsenicum album
KODIA Kamal (HH,21,2/1996)
Salient features of this remedy are recalled here.
1.Tendency to Abortion - Differential diagnosis
KOKELENBRG Guy (BHJ,85,1/1996)
The following is a list of homoeopathic medicines of use in tendency to abortion (KENT’s rubric
p.715, with some additions): Alet., Aloe, Apis, Arg-n., Asar., Aur.,Aur-m., Bac., Bapt., Bov., Bufo,
Calc.,Carb-v., Caul., Cimic., Ferr., Helon., Hyos Sec., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Syph., Tril., Ust., Vib., Xan.,
A short differentiation of the above in acute cases follows.
2. Bereavement and Trauma
STRUTTE Lesley (BHJ,85,1/1996)
Bereavement is deprivation of a relative, friend, etc., usually by death. Trauma may be defined as any
physical wound or or physical shock following injury, or emotional shock following a stressful event.
Mental shock can sometimes lead to long-term neurosis. People suffering bereavement experience grief
and go through a period of mourning.
The phases of mourning, Four tasks of mourning, Most common physical sensations, Treatment and
Management,Homoeopathic treatment of grief and Physical trauma are sub-heads under the subject is
3. Homoeopathic treatment of Bronchial Asthma - Retrospective Study of 62 cases
EIZAYAGA Francisco xavier, EIZAYAGA Jose, EIZAYAGA Francisco xavier (BHJ,85,1/1996)
A retrospective evaluation of the results of homeopathic treatment of 62 patients suffering from
bronchial asthma showed a very significant statistical improvement in the condition. Strict inclusion and
exclusion criteria were applied after a random trial of cases from our files. The results were evaluated in
terms of the general populatin and according to age at start of treatment,to take account of the high
incidence of spontaneous remission in children . The clinical approach of the homoeopath is
discussed,with reference to the prescribing of medicines.