© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XIV, 1997
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India,
England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts.
Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the
journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1. QHD, VOL. XIV, 1 & 2, 1997 3
2. QHD, VOL. XIV, 3 & 4, 1997 69
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD Vol. XIV, Nos.1 & 2, 1997
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known homoeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, Greece, USA, etc., -
discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study.
The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.
1. Back to Basics - The George MACLEOD Lecture
CLOVER Anne (BHJ,85,2/1996)
George MACLEOD was a famous veterinary homoeopath. This lecture is in his memory.
The lecturer ably deals with the basic knowledge required to practice medicine in general and
Homoeopathy in particular. These are spelt out succinctly in paragraph 3 of the Organon, i.e. knowledge of
disease, knowledge of medicines, and the knowledge of application of these in actual cases.
2. A strict Definition of Homoepathy according to HAHNEMANN
A review of classical and contemporary taextbooks showed that although the term Homoeopathy is
widely known and used, it remains ambiguous and vague. In an attempt towards clarification we present a
review of HAHNEMANN’s definition of the term and conclude that it refers to the outcome of interaction
between two different viral affections which, however, have very similar effects on living organisms. We
found that HAHNEMANN used examples to demonstrate the homoeopathic phenomena and postulated
that Homoeopathy could exist without experimental provings in healthy individuals, infinitesimal doses,
dynamizations and and single medicines, all of which are fundamental elements in his methodology. We
also discuss the benefits of using one strict conceptual definition of Homoepathy. This can contribute to
recognition of the homoeopathic phenomenonen in nature and in medical practice.
3. A origem arcaica da similitude e a inutil busca pela racionalidade da homeopatia
(The Ancient Origin of Similarity and the futile search for the rationality of Homoeopathy)
This article traces the cultural and scientific origins of Similarity and argues that it is futile to find
‘rationality’ of Homoeopathy.
4. Reflexoes sobre o espirito cientificoe a logica da falsificacao e confirmacao de hipoteses
(Reflexions about the scientific spirit and the logics of falsification and confirmation of the
hypotheses) ABIB Jose Antonio Damasio (RB,61,1-2/1996)
5. Das Prinzip Homoopathie (The Principle of Homoeopathy)
KLUNKER W. (ZKH,40,1/1996)
In connection with the 200
year of the birth of Homoeopathy, the author shows the scientific
character of Homoeopathy and the necessity to bear the apriori certainty of healing of Homoeopathy in
mind. The separation of Homoeopathy as a method of healing from its scientificity in the earlier period
of its history has caused difficulties in the development of Homoeopathy.
6. Ayurveda and Homoeopathy
NARASIMHA RAO K. (QHQ. 5,1/1996)
This is a lengthy and interesting essay. After analysing thoroughly the author comes to the
conclusion that Homoeopathy is unique.
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7. Schwarzes Loch (A Dark Gap)
WEISSHUHN T. (ZKH,40,2/1996)
Beginning with the original meaning of the word “miasm”, the actual application of the miasmatic
theories in Homoeopathy from HAHNEMANN to BECKER are presented and discussed.
8. Les Provings, base scientifique de l’homoeopathie
(The scientific basis of Provings in Homoeopathy)
WIELAND Frank (RBH,28,1/1996)
This is a lecture delivered in the Plenary session of the Belgian Royal Society of Homoeopathy, on
the 30 September 1995.
The elements for a minimum standard for a homoeopathic proving protocol are:
- Qualification of the medicine prover (a minimum of 5 years experience in practical homoeopathy;
must have made self-proving of at least three remedies
- Anamnesis
- Criteriae of inclusion
- Criteriae of exclusion
- Period of pre-observation
- Administration of the remedy
- Documentation of the symptoms
9. Projet d’experimentation de remedes homeopathiques pour l’annee 1996 (Project of experiments of
homoeopathic remedies for the year 1996)
JANSEN J.P. (RBH,28,1/1996)
This also is a lecture delivered in the Plenary session of the Belgian Royal Society of Homoeopathy, on
the 30 September 1995.
Dynamics and methods of homoeopathic provings. Jeremy SHERR’s The Dynamics and Methodology
of Homoeopathic Provings is relevant in this.
10. Technique experimentale pratiquee par le C.L.H. (Practical experiemntal technique of the C.L.H.)
LERROY P.H. (RBH,28,1/1996)
This brief article is on the provings done by the C.L.H.
11.Totality: The Third Type of Materia Medica
LAMOTHE Jacque (EJH,2,5-6/1996)
This was presented in the Alonissos Teachers’ Meeting 1995. This article is difficult to be given in
‘extract’ form. However few lines to indicate: In Homoeopathy there is a general consensus and at the
level of pharmacology the dilution and potentization is accepted by all but this is not of course Classical
Homoepathy this is Homoeopathy in general as my friend Jacques MOREAU says and that is the reason
why pluralists also call themselves homoeopaths; it is a problem of definition. And what characterizes
Classical Homoeopathy, our Homoeopathy, is the global conception of man the totality. That is
HAHNEMANN’s second discovery and this totality allows us to say that Homoeopathy is traditional
medicine, it is our traditional medicine - western medicine. On the philosophical level Homoeopathy
should be considered the oldest and the first true traditional western medicine though it was codified
byHAHNEMANN only two centuries ago. This idea, or even part of it is a concept in many naturalistic
philosophies and medical concepts of the west and the orient.
“Much of the traditional medicine uses the similitude principle or similar principles and the idea of a
“totality” as well.”
It is hoped that this will inspire the readers to read the whole article and digest and meditate.
12.Moulding our Minds to Holism
MOREAU Jacques (EJH,2,5-6/1996)
This too is from the Alonissos Teachers’ Meeting 1995. In this short piece Dr.MOREAU says that the
medical doctor who has followed classical studies does not have a mind prepared to reason according to
the homoeopathic law of analogy of two dynamic affections. It should then be desirable, in order to
effectively teach these people, to progressively structure their mind with respect to this law. This condition
is necessary for a proper assimilation of knowledge.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
13. The Second Prescription
SPINEDI Dario (EJH,2,5-8/1996)
This is from the Alonissos TeachersMeeting 1995. Dr.Dario SPINEDI was Dr.KUNZLI’s main pupil.
During the Teachers’ Meeting he expounded on his teacher’s observations concerning the Second
Prescription. Some of these observations will shock homoeopathic practitioners, because they are bold in
concept and do not exactly follow the rules of classical Homoeopathy. But one has to take them into
serious consideration since they come from a teacher with good integrity and experience. (The entire
article may be published in the QHD).
14. Hew to the Line . . .
BEDAYN Greg (AH,2/1995)
This is the title to the Editorial of this excellently produced, sumptuous, Annual journal. The geneology
of ’Classical Homoeopathy’ is traced right to Samuel HAHNEMANN (1755-1843), ‘Papa”
HERING(18OO-1880) “who guided the progress of Homoeopathy to the heights of the Golden Age.
Adolph LIPPE(1812-1888) the ‘Prince of Prescribers” was possibly the most vociferous of all in his
polemics against any attempt to substitute lesser ways of practicing in place of the profoundly curative
mechanism of true Homoeopathy. His point of reference was the Organon; his measure was cure, pure and
simple, and diversions from true Homoeopathy were not be tolerated. James Tyler KENT (1849-1916)
soon followed and quickly developed a reputation for being both an uncommonly brilliant prescriber, and
an unsparing critic of all but true Homoeopathy. KENT became the homoeopathic physician to whom
most looked for the “final word” on case management and Materia Medica. His interpretation of
homoeopathic philosophy is still regarded by many as the most concise of all time. Homoeopathy needed
such individuals willing to defend HAHNEMANN’s inheritance. Now this task of maintaining the estate
falls to us. With one measure to guide us - cure alone determines what is homoeopathic. .. . . . As
conscientious homoeopaths, we owe it to our patients, and our profession, that we strive constantly to “hew
to the line”. What is that line? It is the criterion of cure, the conscientious and responsible pursuit of truth
and healing in homoeopathic practice - the estate which we inherited. If we can remain confident and
purposeful in reaching for the perfection of Hahnemannian Homoeopathy, then we will succeed in our
stewardship of Homoeopathy. Only in this way may we safeguard Homoeopathy’s ability to reproduce
itself for the benefit of future generations. If we do not, then - in HERING’s words, Homoeopathy will
indeed become “a caricature in the history of medicine”. . of flowering plants. Beautiful.
14. KENT’s Conversion to Homoeopathy as told by Pierre SCHMIDT
This is a brief narration of KENT’s conversion from an Eclectic to Homoeopathy, as told by Dr.Pierre
15. PHELAN’s Dissertation
Dr.Richard PHELAN is the man who brought KENT to Homoeopathy by first curing his wife and
consequently radically altering KENT’s views on the “absurdity of Homoeopathy” then becoming his first
tutor in its art and science. PHELAN was born in Ireland in 1836. He emigrated to the US and practiced
law in Minnesota and then Missouri. He fought in the Civil War, with the Missouri Regiment. He
attended the Homoeopathic College of Philadelphia, and returned to Missouri to practice. He died in
1902. His hand-written, 7,702 word, senior thesis was found in the archives of Hahnemann University in
Philadelphia. Transcribed by Julian WINSTON, excerpted by Greg BEDAYN. The ‘excerpt’ ends
beautifully thus O venerable founder, Hahnemann! To the memory of thy name be erected a temple of
fame in which all true admirers may worship, and may Heaven ‘Speed the happy intercourse from soul to
soul, and waft a praise from Indus to the pole.
16. The Post Graduate School of Homoeopathics, Philadelphia, PA, October 28, 1890--April 25, 1900
WINSTON Julian (AH, 2/1995)
While looking through some boxes of old papers in the Archives of Hahnemann Umiversity in
Philadelphia the author found a large ledger book which upon inspection was found to contain all the
Minutes of the Post Graduate School of Homoeopathis in Philadelphia. Little is known about the Post
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
Graduate School of Homeopathics. How the book arrived in the Archives is not known. The Post
Graduate School of Homeopathics was in no way affiliated with the Hahnemann Medical College.
We know that KENT had come to Philadelphia from St.Louis in 1888 to do a series of lectures at the
Women’s Homeopathic Hospital where he was invited to be a consulting physician. How he started to
organize the Post Graduate School is unknown.
This document provides many insights into the workings of the school. Since the “office of the
corporation” was KENT’s residence, the document provides us with an accurate accounting of when
KENT moved to the various locations within the city.
It is interesting to note that the president of the Post Graduate School of Homoeopathics was John
PITCAIRN, the founder of Pittsburgh Plate Glass, who was a devout follower of SWEDENBORG and was
responsible for building the New Church Cathedral of Bryn Athyn, PA, as well as his castle-like private
William F.KAERCHER, who served as the secretary of the organization, was the son-in-law of the noted
homeopath and pharmacist Bernhardt FINCKE. A medicine chest, belonging to KAERCHER and
containing over 4000 remedies, now resides at the National Center for Homeopathy in Alexandria, VA.
1. Thyroidin - Eine Arzneimittelprufung mit der Schilddruse von Dr.H.P.GILLINGHAM, Ubersetzt und
mit Anmerkungen versehen von Stefan REIS (Thyroidinum - A remedy proving
with the Thyroid gland by
Dr.H.P.GILLINGHAM, translated and with annotations by Stefan REIS) (ACD,5,1-3/1996)
The proving of Thyroidinum by Dr.H.P.GILLINGHAM was first published in the Homoeopathic
Recorder, Vol.37,1922. We do not find, to the best of our knowledge, the complete proving symptoms in
any of the English language Materia Medica currently in use and in fact we rarely find any reference to
this. Stefan REIS has now given in this volume of the ACD the complete proving symptoms along with
annotations of the material that have accrued on this remedy in the following years. A valuable study.
2. Zu den Quellenangaben im Reprtorium Synthesis (On the references in the Synthesis Repertory
ERS Rudolf (ACD,5,2/1996)
The author lists many symptoms of Ornithogalum umbellatum which are given as additions from
George VITHOULKAS in the Synthesis Repertorium can be traced to CLARKE’s Dictionary and
ALLEN’s Encyclopaedia. The writer rightly calls for correct indication of the sources.
3. Eine eigentumliche Modalitat - Calcarea phosphorica (A singular modality - Calcarea phosphorica)
WEGENER A, (ZKH,40,1/1996)
A patient with Epicondylitis on both ankles could be cured with Calcarea phosphorica. The leading
symptom was the inexplicable modality: extension of the ailment from left to right.
The relevant symptoms in the Guiding Symptoms are:
“Through elbows shooting, usually first left, then right”
“Dull pain in arms, first left then right, from shoulder to fingers; from clavicle down to wrist; worse from
change of weather.”
4. Beobachtungen zur Wirkung der BCG-Nosode (Observations on the working of the BCG-Nosode)
FRIEDRICHU. (ZKH,40,2/1996)
With seven cases treated by him, the author demonstrates the efficacy of the BCG Nosode in children
vaccinated with BCG. Possible long-term harms by BCG vaccination are discussed.
5. Cocculus indicus
HIWAT Corrie (HOM,60/1996)
In taking the most important symptoms of a remedy and connecting them in different ways, we get to
see the different faces of the remedy. This helps us not to get fixed on one image. We can also see that
there usually are some typical causations that are connected to a remedy. In the case of Cocculus indicus it
is: care, cares, worries and care-taking.
6. Spongia tosta: a Study of its Signatures
EVANS Jo (HOM, 61/1996)
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Study of the sea creature Spongia as found in authoritative books on marine biology and the
homoeopathic materia medica, the author builds up the picture of this valuable remedy.
7. Plutonium - A Really Heavy Number
EYRE Phil (HOM,61/1996)
This report tells of rather bizarre happenings and these are attributed to the author having in his house
the homoeopathy remedy Plutonium for ‘proving’ under his supervision. Syphilinum 200 one dose
8.The Mental/Emotional Etiology of Aloe socotrina
RICHARDSON-BOEDER Cornelia (EJH,2,5-6/1996 )
With the example of two practical cases the author describes the ‘new insights with application of the
Doctrine of Signatures’ in understanding the mental/emotional etiology of ailments which call for the
remedy Aloe socotrina. In both the cases servility, being oppressed, was observed. The rubrics drawn
from SCHROYENS Synthesis Repertory: Diarrhoea: after repressed anger; after grief; from
indignation (Aloe is listed under diarrhoea from anger” and under diarrhoea from vexation.”) MIND:
Selflessness; Servile (though the Aloe socotrina state is not necessarily characterized by a weak or overly
submissive attitude) Sadness, anger, after. Sadness, anger, from. Sadness, vexation, after. Please, others,
desire to please. Mildness,. Quarrel, aversion to. Yielding disposition. The patient, traditionally
described as hypochondriacal, dissatisfied, prone to anger, and yet stoic and resigned to his/her fate, may be
looked at more deeply with this new version of surrendered self-determination and self-justification. This
attitude stems from an inner source of forgiveness and forbearance rather than being caused by passive
defeat. At least, this vision can shed light on one type of person or one etiology prone to lead to the Aloe
socotrina state.
9. Sanicula aqua - A Forgotten Polychrest
WARD Andrew (EJH,2,5-6/1996)
Mineral Spring Water from the Sanicula source of Ottawa, Illinois. This is a nice study of this remedy.
The author discusses the remedy and gives its characteristics
(refces. . Synthesis Repertory, RADAR, RADAR Keynotes, RADAR Ex-Libris Materia Medica:
ALLEN Keynotes and Characteristics, BOERICKE Pocket Manual of Materia Medica, Samuel
Keynotes, NASH Regional Leaders, TYLER Pointers, BORLAND Childrens Types, CLARKE
Dictionary, MORRISON Desktop Guide)
An antipsoric and polychrest of great potential, especially in the treatment of children, that is often
overlooked in favour of better known remedies with very similar symptom pictures. This abstract looks at
the remedy in the context of two cured cases of eczema.
Sanicula picture:
It has the stubbornness, tantrums and fear of the dark of Calcarea carbonica, the aggression, instability
and desire for meat of the Magnesiums, the lateness of talking , the thirst of Natrum muriaticum (also, the
failure to thrive, sweaty feet and receding stool of Silica, the restlessness, sweaty head, craves bacon, ham,
salt of.
BORLAND in his Children’s Calcarea phosphorica Types says never to consider Silica without
thinking of Calcarea, Borax, Calcarea phosphorica, Sanicula also, as they are almost identical in their
picture- especially physically. Sanicula, however, is more irritable and mentally unstable than Silica with
laughter following tears easily. Touchy and upset easily. They are very willful and headstrong (like
Calcarea carbonica).
Rows ensue easily if the child is confronted or interfered with and they dig their heels in. No stability of
purpose or ability to concentrate. They move from one thing to another - appearing restless and dissatisfied
(like Calcarea phosphorica).
Mental Characteristics:
Anger at trifles.
Anger on waking and shrieking on waking. Shrieking in obstinate children.
Aversion to being looked at or touched. (Chamomilla)
Anxiety on downward motion and fear of falling (Borax)
Bites nails
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Desire to be carried (Chamomilla)
Aversion to darkness
Fear of dark
Aversion to darkness
Fear of robbers esp. at night (Natrum muriaticum)
Irritability in children alternating with Natrum muriaticum cheerfulness
Child is cross, kicks and scolds on waking
Laughing alternates with ill humor
Mood changeable
Morose and Obstinate
Occupation -changing constantly
Restlessness, anxious
Starting from sleep
Talk, slow learning to
General characteristics:
Sanicula has a combination of temperature modalities.
Although the books say that it is chilly y, it is not listed in Lack of Vital heat and the author’s cases
indicate a tendency to get overheated at night ant throw the covers off like Sulphur
General: Uncovering kicks off the covers in the coldest weather (Hepar sulphur, Sulphur)
Extremities: Uncovers feet and Gen.heat - feet burning , uncovers them (Calcarea carbonica, Sulphur)
>>Open air (2) and ++Open air
Also warm rooms < but < Drafts of air (Silica)
Emaciation - children look prematurely old and shrivelled. Dingy looking skin.
Emaciation despite good appetite.
Late development - talking and walking.
Infant brings up mother’s milk curdled Projectile vomiting.
< Downward motion
++Bacon, ham, Meat, Salt
Milk, Sweets
++Ice coldmilk (only remedy)
Desire for Spring or Mineral water (my addition)
Very thirsty - large or small amounts often.
Milk intolerance in newborns
Offensive discharges - esp. with a fishy odor.
Physical Characteristics:
Perspiration of scalp especially occiput (like Calcarea carbonica, Silica) during sleep. (Only remedy
Offensive foot-sweat (like Silica) profuse.
Sticky eyes
Lachrymation - open air, cold air and wind (Nat-m.)
Constipation - stool may recede (like Silica)
Stool too large to pass, must be extracted manually
Stool: white colored like chalk
Aphthae and ulcers under tongue
Cystitis in children
Vaginitis with fish-brine odor
Cracked skin - hands and fingers especially in winter
Eczema - especially hands and fingers but can be general
Skin - filthy
Eruptions behind ears (Calcarea carbonica, Silica)
Clinical: Marasmus/emaciation, celiac disease, malabsorption and metabolic disorders, blepharitis,
enuresis, aphthae, cystitis, skin disorders -acne, cracked skin, dry skin.
Chamomilla is an acute of Sanicula
(There are 13 other proved mineral water remedies listed in CLARKE’s - all with q different emphasis of
minerals - have fun!)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
10. Acalypha indica - A Proving
(CCRH, 18,1&2/1996)
Provings were conducted in the Drug Proving Research Unit, Midnapore (1991-92) and in the
Homoepathic Drug Research Institute, Lucknow (1992-93). Double-blind techique. Potency used: 6, 30,
There is a fairly long list of symptoms. The profession should verify these clinically
11. Theridion
(CCRH, 18, 1&2/1996)
Provings were conducted in the Drug Proving Research Unit at Ghaziabad (1992) and Homoeopathic
Drug Research Institute at Lucknow (1991). Double-blind technique. Potency used: 6, 30, 200,
These symptoms should be clinically verified so that our Materia Medica becomes enriched.
12. Anhalonium - Sacred substance for the New Millennia
HERRICK Nancy (AH,2/1995)
This is a brief outline of this drug. Anhalonium, like the patient who responds to it homoeopathically
seemingly shares the rubric: Confusion of identity. Since 1651 it has been referred to scientifically by
many changing names. From the earliest recorded, Peyotl zacatecensis (HEFNANDEZ 1651), through
approximately twenty other common names including the current favorite, Lophophora williamsii. Among
the indigenous peyote there too are seemingly endless names for this omnipotent plant-source which
provides them access to their deities... The word Anhalonium means “without halo” which is the perfect
metaphor for the transport between worlds it offers the peyote. Immediate access to heaven, as if an
angel—all that is missing is the halo.
13. Anhalonium Proving - October 1994
GREEN Claire (AH,2/1995)
This proving was conducted by Nancy HERRICK with ten provers. The symptoms were collated by
Claire GREEN. There are lot of symptoms under Mind and Dreams.
14. Anhalonium Dream Proving
SHORE Jonathan (AH,2/1995)
This Proving was conducted by Jonathan SHORE in 1993 in Finland. Some of the symptoms in this
have been confirmed in Nancy HERRICK’s Provings.
15. Anhalonium Notes
HERSCU Paul (AH,2/1995)
In these Notes’ Paul HERSCU gives the various essential symptoms of Anhalonium he has collected;
he also gives comparisons with other remedies. Interesting and valuable article.
16. Comparative Materia Medica
HERRICK Nancy (AH,2/1995)
Comparisons are made between Anhalonium and Cannabis, Anhalonium and Hydrogen..
17. Lactic acid
SCHOLTEN Jan (HL, 9,1/1996)
The Materia Medica exposition of this remedy is in Jan SCHOLTEN’s well-known method of analysing
and understanding a remedy in its components - Acidum + Lacticum. Three cases are also given.
18. Cobalt
PELT M.H. and STUUT H. (HL, 9,1/1996)
This Materia Medica of Cobalt is from the Proving done during the follow-up course February 1995. As is
the nature of most of the ‘modern’ provings the ‘theme’ of the remedy is brought out and ‘dreams’ also
are given prominence. Two cases are given.
19. Cyclamen
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JANSEN Jean Pierre (HL, 9,1/1996)
With two cases the author explains the characteristics of Cyclamen.
20. A Case of Cyclamen
VAN DER ZEE Harry (HL, 9,1/1996)
34 year-old woman, lively and loquacious, laughing, but tense. In the 24
week of pregnancy of her
second child. During the parturition she felt shocked, overwhelmed, felt tense. She was afraid that she
was doing everything wrong and that she would do things wrong and cause damage to the child; a total
panic. After labour she felt she had failed. Her remedy was Cyclamen.
21. Coffee, the black liquid fuel - Materia Medica of Angustura vera
SCHOLTEN J. and LEUPEN A. (HL, 9,1/1996)
Angustura vera is prepared from the bark of Gallipea cusparia, which is similar to Nux vomica. Six
homeopathic doctors working in the ’Homeopathische Artsencentrum’ in Utrecht, Holland, have
successfully treated eight Angustura cases inn the past few years. Two cases out of these are presented.
The characteristics of Angustura vera are also presented.
22. The Magic Sugar - Saccharum officinale
SMITS Tinus (HL, 9,1/1996)
Tinus SMITS says that Saccharum officinale has now taken a first rank place in my practice. The first
case was not clear at all, but his great desire for and striking aggravation after eating chocolate and sugar
producing an enormous aggressiveness guided him to Saccharum officinale which had a marvelous effect.
Gradually the essence of Saccharum officinale came up.
Comparison of remedies in restless children with Saccharum officinale are discussed. The ‘synthesis’
of the remedy is also given. This is followed by 12 cases.
23. Staphysagria
HIWAT Corrie (HL, 9,1/1996)
This is an excellent presentation of Staphysagria
24. Plutonium - The Suppression of the Person’s ‘Nucleus
RITZER Friedrich & EBERLE Hans (HL, 9,2/1996)
In the proving of Plutonium (11 provers, one dose of C30 or C200, all aware if what was veubg tested),
the following groups of symptoms or themes could be established
Feeling of extreme gravity
Fatigue, exhaustion
Feeling of decay, disintegration into different identities
Permanent feeling of existential threat
Spontaneous reckless aggressiveness
Deep religious feeling or philosophical thoughts
A number of provers put things in order; others started to clearly follow their own intuition; their
confidence in their personal activity increased.
The above symptom groups became more and more apparent during the proving and served as a guideline
in the more 70 cases where Plutonium was prescribed.
Detailed Materia Medica is given as also three cured cases.
25. Dream Proving of Rhododendron chrysantum
KONIG Peter & SANTOS Ute (HL,9,2/1996)
Encouraged by the clinical confirmations of their Berberis-dream proving (HL,7,2/1994) second double-
blind dream proving of Rhodendron, a small’ remedy was taken up. 12 provers, 7 women, 5 men, the
authors included, after a period of preobsrvation, have been proving and documenting their dreams for two
weeks. Apart from several well-known physical Rhodendron symptoms quite a few new ones were found.
A special modality that was recorded by three provers independently was pain, pressure at different points
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
What follows is a shortened version of the original publication of the dream proving’ of Rhodendron.
The authors inform that a third proving of Convallaria was carried out under the supervision of Edward
C.WHITMONT. This is to be published soon.
26. Kali silicatum - A Case of Fatigue and Depression
ZAREN Ananda (HL,9,2/19960
With a cured case the author shows the characteristics of Kali silicatum.
Ananda ZAREN analyses the remedies/cases under ‘Wounds’ and ‘Walls’. For this remedy these are:
Sexual abuse
Physical abuse
Emotional abuse
Spiritual abuse
Weakness (fatigue)
Conscientious about trifles
Concentration difficult
Sensitivity to noise
Sensitivity to draft
Offended easily
Leg cramps
Face drawn
Stiffness of the joints (rigidity)
27. Causticum - The often forgotten Polychrest
SNEEVLIET Annette (HL, 9,2/1996)
The ‘Themes’ of Causticum are: 1)Grief. 2)Dictatorial, from a need to be in control. 3) Sympathetic and
sensitive. 4)Fanatical. 5)Hysterical, drama. 6) Injustice.
Seven cases are reported to explain the characteristics of Causticum.
28. Aurum arsenicum - and some reflections on the use of combination remedies
WULFSBERG Terje (HL, 9,2/1996)
The author says that he has discovered that Aurum salts, especially Aurum arsenicum, Aurum
muriaticum natronatum and Aurum sulphuricum (and to a lesser degree also Aurum muriaticum and
Aurum phosphoricum)are very interesting and useful remedies. These remedies are under appreciated and
therefore under prescribed.
These remedies are discussed and cases also are reported. Repertory additions have also been
29. Cobaltum and Cobaltum nitricum
SPRINGER Wolfgang (HL,9,2/1996)
Wolfgang SPRINGER gave a Seminar in Lindzu (Germany) in June 1995. This is a record of this
Cobaltum is characterized by three main features:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 12
Emotional strength: Reliability, down-to-earth realism, and the ability to stand pain and pressure without
complaining are typical for this remedy. Cannot be broken but always remains positive and cheerful. (The
symptom “constant change of moods” found in the literature is wrong and belongs to Cob-n.) Hardships
don’t leave marks, in the case of our patient neither in her face nor in her soul.
Energy: The patient usually shows a high level of energy, which is also maintained during stress.
A further list of some of the most characteristic ones, which are often useful for the confirmation of the
vertigo during stool
headache waking from unpleasant dreams
headache with sensation as if top of the head would come off
headache with sensation as if the brain went up and down when stepping
itching in the hairy scalp, in the beard, under the chin, on the shoulders, externals ide of the knee
itching all over when getting warm in bed
darting pain in the eyes on the coming into bright sunshine
= boil on the chin
constant inclination to clench teeth together
fissures across the tongue
pains in region of liver or spleen
urging for stool while walking
stool like hazel-nuts
constant dropping of blood from the anus, none with the stool
pollutions during sleep
yellow-brown spots on lower part of abdomen and about genitals
lumbar or sacral back pains while sitting
pain in wrist-joints
excessive weakness of the knees (after exercise)
perspiration between toes.
Cobaltum nitricum: It is mainly the physical symptomatology that can lead to the choice of Cobaltum
nitricum. Its key-note is an unbearable itching of the tip of the nose as might occasionally be found in a
hay-fever patient for instance. Little is known about the mental picture of this remedy. Symptoms of
fear of high places
anxiety as if paralysed
mood alternating
nose, itching tip of nose
nose, coldness, tip of nose
sleeplessness, 3 to 5 a.m.
head, pain, thunderstorm amel.
head, pain, from temple to temple
sneezing, violent, lasting 5 minutes
stomach, pain, eating amel.
stomach, pain, eructation amel.
stomach, pain, flatus amel.
30. Hecla lava
ALEEM Mohamed S. (HP,4,1/1996)
A case of Hecla lava is reported. The clinical Materia Medica of the remedy is drawn:
Suppression of emotions especially anger
Generally gentle but highly irritable when provoked
Violent anger, hurts others by words and by physical inflictions, in other words, wounds others mentally
and physically.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 13
Sensitive to admonitions and injustices done to self and/or to others
Feeling of helplessness
Revengeful attitude
Contradiction, intolerance of
Sudden onset
Violence of symptoms
Pains come suddenly, become severe in short time and disappear suddenly
Sudden, sharp, violent, shooting and burning pains
Tumours, Ulcers, Cracks and Fissures, Ashy, Fragile Crusts, Scabies, Eczema
Rapidity, Violence and Burning
Related remedies
Belladonna, Staphysagria, Proteus.
31. Investigation into the Psyche of the Spider
SHORE Jonathan (JAIH,89,1/1996)
Dr.Jonathan SHORE conducted a series of “dream provings” of two spiders - Latrodectus mactans and
Atrax rpbustus. The proving of Latrodectus revealed much themes as being an outcast, one who is
suddenly rejected by the group; a psychic sensitivity in general and specific sensitivity to danger; anarchy
and revolution. The themes apparent are: Life and Death; the Outcast; Deceit and Crime; Intrigue and
32. A Study of Ambra grisea: Two Case Histories
JOHNSTON Linda (JAIH, 89,1/1996)
Two cases of Ambra grisea are presented. In one case the factors central to the remedy choice were the
specific etiology of a loss of one’s relatives coupled with leukoplakia, rectal hemorrhage, and a shy, timid
personality. The other case displayed the following symptoms which led to the prescription of Ambra
grisea : ailments from a reversal of fortune, fear of poverty, anxiety aggravated by thinking about it,
Asthma worse from emotion or excitement. Ambra may display breathing problems due to slight causes,
anxiety, anything unusual. Ambra individuals may become embittered by fate and feel powerless to
defend themselves against the vicissitudes of life.
33. Naja tripudians - Uma revisao critica da materia medica (Naja tripudians - A Critical revision of the
Materia Medica)
MARIM Matheus (RB,61,1-2/1996)
Aiming at a constant revision of the pure Materia Medica, the author has examined Naja tripudians
from proversreports found in HUGHES 8 DAKES, comparing with ALLEN’s Encyclopaedia. Besides
recommending a change in name for Naja naja and a correction of some statements about the site of the
action of poison, the author also proposes the exclusion of recorded symptoms from non-rigid provers.
After the comparison of Pure Materia Medica with KENT/EIZAYAGA’s and KENT/BARTHEL’s
repertories, he recommends a value lowering to 1 of all the mental symptoms considered with value 2,
except for sadness.
The author also questions why BARTHEL included symptoms that KENT had left out of his
Repertory. The revision of different transcriptions of Materia Medica defines which is the reliable working
core of Naja tr., putting under criticism any attempt of delineation of the psychic nucleus for th
34. Experimentation homoeopathique pure de Myrobalanum chibola a 30CH (Homoeopathic proving of
Myrobalanum chibola)
PEIRONA Gonzales (RBH,28,1/1996)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 14
This presentation by the President of la Federation Espagnole des Associations de Medecins
Homoeopathes, Sorogosse, Spain, was presented to the Plenary session of the Belgian Society of
Homoeopathy on 12 March 1994, at Brussels.
35. Brucella melitensis: une Pathogenesie sur 20 ans.(Brucella melitensis: a pathogenesis over 20 years)
SOUK-ALON P. (RB,28,1/1996)
141 symptoms of Brucella melitensis from provings and clinical: comparisons with Melitococcinum
(Melitine); symptoms observed over the years 1977 to 1995.
36. Hyosciamus niger
GREGOIRE Jean-Claude (RBH,28,2/1996)
This excellent study of Hyoscyamus niger is extracted from the Materia Medica Course on 7
December 1994 in the Belgian School of Homoeopathy, by Dr.Jean-Claude GREGOIRE, Director of the
School. The gist of the remedy:
- the jealousy and betrayal
- the paranoic suspicion
- the nudity, the total absence of shame
- the delirium: the taciturnity and loquacity, calmness and agitation, violence
- the convulsions with tics; the angular movements
- the dry, nervous cough, spasmodic, aggravation on lying and ameliorated in sitting up
37. Staphysagria, the way I perceive it
SHAH Binal S. (HH,21,2/1996)
Pent up wrath, suppressed feelings, emotions and grief which give rise to physical problems sums the
homoeopathic remedy Staphysagria.
38. Arsenicum album
KODIA Kamal (HH,21,2/1996)
Salient features of this remedy are recalled here.
1.Tendency to Abortion - Differential diagnosis
KOKELENBRG Guy (BHJ,85,1/1996)
The following is a list of homoeopathic medicines of use in tendency to abortion (KENT’s rubric
p.715, with some additions): Alet., Aloe, Apis, Arg-n., Asar., Aur.,Aur-m., Bac., Bapt., Bov., Bufo,
Calc.,Carb-v., Caul., Cimic., Ferr., Helon., Hyos Sec., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Syph., Tril., Ust., Vib., Xan.,
A short differentiation of the above in acute cases follows.
2. Bereavement and Trauma
STRUTTE Lesley (BHJ,85,1/1996)
Bereavement is deprivation of a relative, friend, etc., usually by death. Trauma may be defined as any
physical wound or or physical shock following injury, or emotional shock following a stressful event.
Mental shock can sometimes lead to long-term neurosis. People suffering bereavement experience grief
and go through a period of mourning.
The phases of mourning, Four tasks of mourning, Most common physical sensations, Treatment and
Management,Homoeopathic treatment of grief and Physical trauma are sub-heads under the subject is
3. Homoeopathic treatment of Bronchial Asthma - Retrospective Study of 62 cases
EIZAYAGA Francisco xavier, EIZAYAGA Jose, EIZAYAGA Francisco xavier (BHJ,85,1/1996)
A retrospective evaluation of the results of homeopathic treatment of 62 patients suffering from
bronchial asthma showed a very significant statistical improvement in the condition. Strict inclusion and
exclusion criteria were applied after a random trial of cases from our files. The results were evaluated in
terms of the general populatin and according to age at start of treatment,to take account of the high
incidence of spontaneous remission in children . The clinical approach of the homoeopath is
discussed,with reference to the prescribing of medicines.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 15
4. My Experiences with Nosodes
GOEL N.O. (IJHM,31,1/1996)
The author recalls some of his cases in which he used the Nosodes
A 12 year-old girl, brilliant in her studies was wetting the bed and it was not relieved in spite of the
author’s prescription of Sepia 200 to XM. On reconsideration of the symptoms Psorinum was given which
gave complete cure.
In another case of a 12 year-old boy with stubborn nocturnal Enuresis the remedy was Tuberculinum.
5. A Terrified Girl with Asthma
RAO K.J. (IJHM,31,1/1996)
Two year-old girl with episodes of Asthma since one year age; worse night, 2-3 a.m., fruits,bananas.
Since infancy constipation, hard ++ stools, history of painful, fissure bleeding +, takes 1 to 1 1/2 hours to
pass stools. Fear of passing stools even if soft; red face holding limbs closely and lightly to body while
passing stools. White stool. Aversion to touch,Aversion carried. Puffy face; vomits 2-3 per day. During
the interview the child appeared terrified,clinging to the mother; fear of dark, irritable, biting and striking
in anger. Stramonium 200 and M repeated over a period improved her respiratory ailment considerable;
however,the constipation was only moderately improved.
A Case of Herpes Zoster: 47 year-old married woman, lecturer in a College; vesicular eruption on right
thigh, right sacral region in groups and in linear fashion; marked erythema, oedema; burning pains,worse
night.Lachesis did not help; on reconsideration Tarentula cubensis 200 was given and cured.
6. Obstinate Bedsores
GANDHI Nilaxi P. (IJHM,31,1/1996)
35 year-old woman in the Surgical ward of hospital with bed-sores; she was unco-operative during
examination, irritable, did not want the author to touch/examine the sores; said that nothing was wrong with
her. Arnica montana healed her bedsores.
A woman complained that her son misspelt words starting the word with the last letter and as a result got
repeated firing at the school. Xerophyllum (see BOERICKE) cured this.
7. Wise and Compassionate
BARVALIA Praful (IJHM,31,1/1996)
8 year-old girl with chief complaint of Vitiligo since 19 months. It started from scalp-forehead -
lt.upper eyelid - rt.upper eyelid - rt.lower eyelid. Quiet, obedient, mature, precocious, sensitive to
reprimand, perfectionist. Meticulous, organised leadership qualities ++; rare display of emotions. suffered
helminthiasis; eruptive fever. Carcinosin 200 was given and later a dose of M.
8. From the Master’s File
MASTER Farokh J. (IJHM,31,1/1996)
1. 7 year-old boy with Asthma since 5 years; Carcinosin M (based on the ‘mentals’ of the boy) cured.
2. Two year-eleven month-old boy with stammering, distortion of face with effort to speak, recurrent
colds. Stramonium 200 improved his stammering but only as long as he was taking the medicine and his
colds kept recurring. The case was re-examined and Carcinosin M given and he showed all-round
9. Plight of Perfectionist, Sensitive Soul
BARVALIA Praful, SHINGALA Kirtida & MUJUMDAR Jagruti (IJHM,31,1/1996)
46 year-old woman, married; well-read and doing research for PhD. She complained of a constant
high frequency sound in both the ears and this is since one week. Pain neck when she bends forward or
stands up after sitting for long. Loss of concentration due to this constant buzzing in the ears.
She described herself as ‘perfectionist’, demanding total honesty from those close; very emotional,
mood swings - exhilaration to depression; a great dreamer and tends to live in the future. Gets along with
everyone except her in-laws. Have a lot of close friends. Wound-healing slow. Silica, Pulsatilla, Apis,
Bryonia, Tuberculinum bovinum, did not bring the desired result. The case was again examined in the light
of the write-up of her life story given by the patient and Carcinosin 30 single dose brought about very
speedy amelioration. The authors discuss the case at great length. Avery interesting case report.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 16
10. A Case of ‘Sweet Bonsai”
Kamlesh (IJHM,31,1/1996)
13 year-old girl who appeared only abot 8 years age weighing barely 23 kg. with sharp and delicate
features. Shy and soft spoke but answered all the questions put to her with sweet smile and clarity. She had
stopped growing after Typhoid at age 9. The fever lasted two months, with diarrhoea, body ache, anorexia
and increased thirst; her energy was drained, and she has not gained weight since then inspite of good food.
She is fastidious, sensitive, fond of music and dancing
Her ‘mentals’ and ‘generals’ and food desires, etc. were carefully considered and Carcinosin M was
given and she began to improve rapidly.
11. A Case of Anticipatory Anxiety
SAKHRANI Uma (IJHM,31,1/1996)
A second-year engineering student suffered from palpitation, sweating and examination anxiety. He
was given Medorrhinum 200 and all his complaints went away.
12. My view of Hypertension
KOTHARI Manu L & MEHTA Lopa A (NJH,5,1/1996)
This is again another interesting, penetrating view of the authors, already well-known for their views.
Blood-pressure has been a big money-spinner for the drug industry and doctors. All ‘doctors’ must
necessarily read this small but pithy article. “Hypertension is the anecdotal elephant, surveyed and reported
upon by the six blind men of Indostan. It is a high pressure illusion that has managed to keep the
researchers, clinicians, hospitals, patients, gadget manufacturers and patients happily occupied over this
unhappy fact of human physiology. . . . . Hypertension, hyperpiesia, high blood pressure, essential
hypertension, the silent killer, the disease of modern civilization are the epithets used to describe but a
feature of a cardiovascular physiology. Without blood pressure, life would be impossible.” The authors
end this very instructive article thus “A person’s BP at a given moment is a spectrum of “the then”
functional adaptation of the body that cannot be caged into a definition much less a static figure like
120/80. If BP readings are distributed over a range in a herd, the same in a way holds true for an individual
in whom the readings differ from hour to hour, minute to minute and mood to mood. Let BP be -- high,
medium, or low.”
All practitioners would do well to read this article.
13. Hypertension - The Corporate Disease
HUMRANWALA Parinaz (NJH,5,1/1996)
Nux vomica was the remedy in the case of a top man in the Corporate sector where competition and
constant drive rules.
14. Some Cases of High Blood Pressure
Three cases are briefly recounted in which Aurum, Baryta muriatica, Calcarea arsenicum,Cactus were
the remedies.
15. Silent Grief Raises the Pressure
SHETH Aradhana (NJH,5,1/1008)
Natrum muriaticum M for a 40 year-old man after repeated grief.
16. A Case of Hypertension
ADONI Madhusudhan R. (NJH,5,1/1996)
50 year-old man with Hypertension, known Myocardial Ischaemia, Chest pain; suffered intense grief.
Natrum muriaticum M.
17. My Experience with Hypertension
ROY Soshi (NJH,5,1/1996)
Some of the remedies useful in Hypertension are discussed briefly, along with two cases.
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18. The Tomboy and the Carefree Father
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH,5,1/1996)
Two cases of Hypertension: in the first case the blood pressure is not coming down because of raised
Uric acid. In the second case, Nux vomica has been of help
19. One-sided Disease
JAGOSE Ardeshir (NJH,5,1/1996)
30 year-old man with familial hypertension with acid peptic disease. Lycopodium 30 to XM over a
period of two years made him normotensive.
20. The Miracle of Nitric acid
MOHZUBER Mamji (NJH,5,1/1996)
45 year-old man with big ulcer on his tongue. Pain in throat and in mouth extending to ear with
increased salivation while talking. Biopsy revealed Carcinoma of tongue. History of Tuberculosis ten years
ago, completely cured with AKT. The ulcer bled easily, edge base looked like raw flesh; pains stitching as
from splinters. Long-lasting anxiety, strong -smelling urine.
Nitric acid 200 b.d. for three days, repeated for 7 days later. Pain nil and ulcer smaller. Carcinosin M
and the ulcer completely healed. Whenever there was pain a dose of Nitric acid relieved.
21. Thank You Chamomilla
VAD Manjusha (NJH,5,1/1996)
63 year-old woman with Hypertension; takes tablets. Strong family history of Hypertension. Her Blood
pressure went up after much irritability and anger; she answered questions snappishly; pulse rapid and
irregular. Chamomilla
22. A Case of Habitual Abortions
TAKYAR S.M. (NJH,5,1/1996)
A very short case. A lady, 21 years, had three successive abortions. On this symptom Plumbum XM
two doses were given. She again conceived went through the term and delivered a healthy girl child.
23. Rapid Cure with the Causation
KATTA Renuka (NJH,5,1/1996)
50 year-old woman with burning and itching of eyes with lachrymation, bland nasal discharge since an
year. Known hypertensive. Euphrasia 200 relievd the nasal flow and lachrymation. Eight years ago had
injury to head and since then Blood pressure was 170/110 mm Hg. Natrum sulphuricum M brought her
Blood Pressue down.
24. r People - Some Observations
KULAY F. (NJH,5,1/1996)
This is a brief study of Hypertension and some remedies with their indications (reference to different
25. Cysticercosis
MISHRA S.C. (NJH,5,2/1996)
Cysticercosis is anencysted larvae of tapeworm found embedded in any part of the body of the infected
person - eye, brain, or any other organ. The author narrates a case of such Cysticercosis in brain which led
to epilepsy in a woman 37 years age and who responded favourably to homoeopathic treatment
26. A Case of Grandmal Epilepsy
CHIMTHANAWALA Kasim (NJH,5,2/1996)
20 year-old young man, the only son of doctor parents, brought up like a prince,with every possible
luxury at his disposal. 15 days after he began to attend college got the first attach of convulsion which
lasted 35 minutes. Thereafter the fits were episodal in nature and 1 out of 3 began with a cry followed by
blurring of consciousness and convulsions (tonic followed by clonic) lasting 15-20 minutes. During attache
eyes remained open, watering. The attacks started 15 days after staying at the hostel and was noticable
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 18
absent or of very mild nature whenever he came home during holidays. The attacks became intense after a
girl he loved in the college got married to someone else.
Natrum muriaticum was his remedy.
27. The Importance of a Good History
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH,5,2/1996)
A 2 year and 6 months old girl, thin, tiny, retarded-looking; she suffered Hypoxia of brain at birth and
then she developed convulsions. The history which her father revealed indicated that she was a very
sensitive child who responded very much to music (her restlessness is soothed by music), liked rocking.
Tarantula hispania improved her very much. Lesson: a good history is a great help to homoeopathic
A 6 year-old girl with epilepsy since 3 years. She also suffered from monthly colds and throat
infections, sinusitis, fevers. Tuberculinum, Belladonna, Pulsatilla and Stramonium were the remedies in
her case.
28. Importance of Cause
HUMRANWALA Parinaz (NJH,5,2/1996)
A 8 year-old boy suffered from Epilepsy since two years. His mother said that two years the boy was
reprimanded by his teacher for not completing the home-work and warned not to repeat the mistake. Since
then he was frightened, afraid that something will happen; he also laughed before a convulsion. He was
given Causticum 200.
29. A Case of Suppression
VIJAYAKAR Praful (NJH,5,2/1996)
Three year-old boy suffering from recurrent attacks of Asthmatic bronchitis. Intelligent, obstinate and
mischievous, domineering especially on people at home and servants. Very loquacious, loved to make-up
stories, combining two or more stories and loved to brag and talk about himself in sleep; would get up
suddenly at night and start running here and there with an expression of fear and confusion. This has
started after he once saw a snake. He had earlier been treated homoeopathically successfully for the
Asthma and he was therefore now taken to the same homoeopath for what was diagnosed as Focal
Epilepsy. However in spite of homoeopathic medicines the seizures continued (diagnosed now as Grand
Mal) and despite allowing allowing anti-epileptic drugs. After MRI diagnosed as Cysticercosis of brain.
In November and December 1991 he got two attacks of ‘status epilepticus’ lasting two hours. The child
was worsening. At this stage he was referred to the author.
This is a case of homoeopathic suppression. The true totality was now perceived and Lachesis 200
single dose was given and appropriate diet and other advices were given. He began to improve. MRI Scan
showed disappearance of the cyst in the brain completely. Remained well.
The author rightly says that whereas the first homoeopathic treatment for Asthmatic bronchitis was
treatment of the disease in man’, the subsequent one which truly cured was treatment of the ‘man in
30. My Learning Curve
NAGGER Rashmi (NJH,5,2/1996)
Case 1: Tenyear-old boy with history of Epilepsy and was allopathic treatment. He had suddenly stopped
taking the medicines. Tuberculinum, Tarantula hispania, Hepar sulphuris were the remedies which cured
Case 2: 5 year-old boy, never well since birth. Mantoux +ve. Short tempered. Intelligent and over-active
physically and mentally. He became so violent that his family were not able to restrain him. Bryonia,
Drosera, Tarantula, Nux vomica and Mercurius iodatum flavum were given.
Case 3: Migraine: 11 year-old boy. History of Migraine once in 2-3 months since age 3. Right-sided
headache. He had lot of mental and pjysical energy and he can control everything except his anger. In this
-case the remedy was Tarentula.
31. A Case of Generalized Seizures
JALGAONKAR Sujata (NJH,5,2/1997)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 19
23 year-old girl, slow learner, suffered from convulsions since age two. 2-3 convulsions per day.
Began with twitching of muscles, then thumb gets clenched and the. whole body starts jerking, lasting for
1-2 minutes. Cuprum metallicum, Pulsatilla and Tuberculinum were given to her.
32. Importance of Key-Notes
Case 1: 15 year-old girl with epileptic fits since last 8 years almost every month, on Garoin, Gardinal etc.
It was learned that her mother was bitten by a stray dog when she was pregnant with this girl and was given
anti-rabies injections. On this Lyssin M one a day for three days was given. There were no more attacks.
(KR.1351 - Convulsions; KR.1353 - Epileptic; Lyssin occurs under both the rubrics).
Case 2: 7 year-old girl with fits since 5 years age. Was on Gardinal 30 mg twice a day, in spite of which
she continued to get fits. The girl carried a pillow with her as if it was a toy and the parents explained that
she did so always. Whenever a question was put to her by the author she simply repeated the question
without anwering it. Zincum 200 once a day for three days and after about 10 days M two doses 12 hours
apart. (ALLEN’s KEY-NOTES “child repeats everything said to it”; KR Convulsions, children=Zinc.)
No further attacks since the first dose of Zincum.
Case 3: 42 year-old male with epileptic fits for many years and had been reguarly on allopathic medicnes.
Howeer he continued to get the attacks. He had suffered a trauma at 20 years age when he fell from the
staircase and was hospitalised for two days. On this history he was given Cicuta virosa M few doses and
Oenanthe crocata 20 drops of mother tincture t.d.s. Recovery was rapid.
33. Asthma after Epilepsy
KULAY F.M. (NJH,5,2/1996)
24 year-old man with Asthma sine two years worse 10 p.m. to midnight, and 3 a.m. better sitting bent
forward. He was an epileptic from 7 to 17 years age and was on anti-convulsants. The convulsions began
with sudden deafness, followed by darkness before eyes and fainting, still limbs and wide open fingers.
After detailed case-taking Natrum muriaticum was given and then Bufo 200. Bufo was repeated once
and no more attacks of Asthma or fits. An interesting discussion follows this case report.
34. The Dilemma
BAIG Mirza Anwar (NJH,5,2/1996)
22 year-old man was in coma and was in the Intensive care unit sine 4 days. His head was very hot but
feet were cold and he did not recognize his parents. He had been under severe stress one evening while
returning home from office and looked tired. His doctor gave him an injection and next morning he was
very prostrated and was taken to the hospital in a semi-comatose condition. It was diagnosed as
Encephalitis due to Hydatid cyst in the brain. No improvement after treatment in the hospital. Lachesis
200 one dose was prescribed. (Hands hot, feet cold; Does not recognize his relatives; Hemiplegia with
claw-hand, left; Sensitive throat). Sine he improved he was advised to be brought home, but he was kept in
the hospital and he then began to go worse with the strong allopathic drugs and developed hepatic coma.
He showed signs of collapse - Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Serum amylase went upto 750 iu. Now Opium
200 one dose was given and he regained consciousness. All allopathic medicines were now stopped since
they were doing further harm. He was subsequently prescribed Veratrum album, Dulcamara and began to
36. Black Widow Spider Bites!
BAIG Rozina Anwer (NJH,5,2/1996)
Pain with enlarged and tender lymph node left inguinal region. Shooting pains down the entire left
leg and the leg was swollen with red streaks and burning. The entire lymphatic channel from the inguinal
gland running down the thigh and then the leg ere inflamed and tender. Mercurius iodatum rubrum 30 at 4
hours interval and the pain and burning became better but still couldn’t straighten the leg. The condition
worsened all-round and ultimately a dose of Lachesis 200 healed. The cause of the inflammation was
suspected to be a bite by the Black Widow spider.
37.The Neglected Wife and The Clinging Child
UPADHYA Samir (NJH,5,2/1996)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
32 year-old lady with chronic piles and depression; bleeding and sore. She was very anxious,
apprehensive, very sensitive to slightest misfortune. Very industrious, active, caring and sometimes
aggressive. Seeks attention, love and care and is very affectionate. Muriatic acid M.
3 year-old child with recurrent cough and cold; recurrent loose watery sour smelling stools. Has
had treatment from paediatricians and diagnosed as Lactose intolerance. Sour-smelling perspiration.
Premature baby by about one month. Mother had poor lactation and bottled milk brought diarrhoea. She
became weak gradually. Constantly crying and became quiet only when mother fed her. Given much
Vitamins and Iron for gaining weight without result. During routine investigations of the mother during
pregnancy she was detected to be suffering from Diabetes and was given Insulin injections. She also had
aversion to milk, and milk tasted sour. Constant nausea and vomiting. A dose of Lactic acid 200 set in
rapid improvement.
38. Vulval Vestibulitis
DALIAN Elizabeth (HOM,60/1996)
In the Spring the patient called on the author for a condition diagnosed as Vulval vestibulitis which
seemed to have afflicted many people in an epidemic. Since Allopathy could not find a remedy for this
condition a ‘support’ group was formed for all the women with similar ailment. Most of the information
this disease came from the USA. Due to emotional trauma, the blood supply to the pelvis becomes
reduced and leads to the very painful symptoms mainly burning of the walls of the vulva and intense
soreness of that area. The symptoms are often so intense that no penetration can be tolerated whatsoever
and even the action of wearing trousers cannot be tolerated by the sufferer. Walking any distance may
cause exacerbation of symptoms so the illness limits the patient on fundamental levels. Of the dozen or so
patients treated by the author there was a high percentage of history of contraceptive pill use. Therefore
Folliculinum became an important intercurrent remedy along with the constitutional treatment. To date the
remedies used by the author are: Carcinosin, Cyclamen, Hura, Kreosotum, Lac caninum, Platina,
Pulsatilla, Sabina, Staphysagria and Thuja. Hura is the only remedy for ‘lancinating pain in the vagina’.
In addition to homoeopathic remedies Beta carotene and Vitamin E to support were given.
39. Remedies and their Characteristic Symptoms in Liver Disorders
GHEGAS Vassilis (HOM,60/1996)
This excellent paper is drawn from the Volume F of The Classical Homoeopathic Lectures of
40. A Case of Disrupted Consciousness
CHAPPELL Peter (HOM,61/1996)
A woman in mid-forties in the Middle East. Her mother had lots of children before she was 20 years old
and her father had many wives. She was the second child of her mother with innumerable half sisters and
brothers. A brother she was close to was shot in an accident when she was 23. She was convinced that
someone would shoot her. Her life-story revealed that she suffered from a constant fear that she would be
killed any moment, terror, terrified of being found out, etc. indicated Aconite which was given in the LAM
1 potency once daily for 4 days; and she began to improve immediately.
A very interesting case and the manner in which the author understood the core of the patient is also
interesting besides pointing out the relevance of Aconite in a chronic condition.
41. Homoeopathic Mineral Compounds
FELDMAN Murray (HOM, 61/1996)
The author appreciates Jan SCHOLTEN’s method of synthetic prescribing (as the late
Dr.M.L.DHAWALE called it); where you see the elements of two minerals I one case the compound that
covers both aspects miscalled synthetic prescribing’. FELDMAN refers to KENT’s writings in his New
Remedies and FARRINGTON’s grouping of vegetable, mineral and animal kingdoms, etc. and further
break-up as Ophidiae, Ranunculacae, etc. and George VITHOULKAS’ observations on the qualities of the
Kalis, the Natrums, the Magnesiums and other minerals, ROBERTS’ work on the Periodic Table and
subsequently Jeremy SHERR and Rajan SANKARAN on this subject of Period Table.
Three cases are reported in which the selections were such ‘synthetic’ approach. Interesting.
42. Repertorizing Ebola
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
ALDERSON Karen (HT,16.1/1996)
The Alexandria Homoeopathic Study Group in Alexandria, Virginia had taken on repertorizing the
symptoms of those stricken with the Ebola virus. The characteristic symptoms of Ebola were taken up for
repertorization. 14 symptoms were chosen and the remedies that came up in their order of ‘scores
are:Phosphorus, Crotalus horridus, Lachesis, Sulphur, Nux vomica, Nitric acid, Hyoscyamus, Secale.
Although Phosphorus came at the top, the studies showed that Crotalus horridus fitted the picture much
43. Apis to the rescue
GILRUTH Charlotte (HT,16,1/1996)
This is a self-help case. The author stepped on a darning needle and about one and quarter inch of the
needle ran into her toe and the other half broke. X-ray showed that the broken piece of needle was close to
the bone of the big toe. It was taken by the surgeon. The patient returned home and on the basis of the
presenting symptoms took Apis 30 for want of higher potency. The remedy did not help and she became
worse in spite of taking more doses of Apis 30. The foot had swollen and there was also serious infection.
Recalling the advice in the Organon she began to use ‘plussed’ potency of the Apis. Using available glass
and mere tap water she began prepare higher potency giving 100 strokes for every potency and made 90C
and began to take this and went up the scale thus. Soon she began to improve and became well.
44. Aconite - Arnica for the Eyes”
BEALS-BECKER Lynn (HT,16,1/1996)
While working on Organic Chemistry in the laboratory and was making Toluene, a very volatile
organic chemical, the Toluene vapor seeped and emtered into the eyes of the author’s colleague. A dose of
Aconitum was given and very soon all well!
45. An Acute Ear Infection
BERNARD Lynn (HT,16.2/1996)
This brief and ‘acute’ case is interesting. The daughter of the author developed severe ear pain.
Keeping in mind the general nature of the girl and the fact that Stramonium was her ‘constitutional’
medicine six months before the remedy was given without any benefit. The child was writhing with pain
and Lachesis was given without benefit. A careful study of Michael SCHMIDT’s Childhood Ear
Infection revealed that Sulphur was the remedy which was given in the 30 and the child immediately
stopped crying and within a minute she said her ear felt better!
46. Post-surgery Acute
SKELTON Betsy Brucker (HT,16,2/1996)
The author underwent surgery for removal of a nasal polyps which were extensive and blocking nasal
breathing. After surgery felt groggy and sleepy and as if “drunk”. Slept for 2 hours and got up to walk
about 12 feet to the bathroom. Sat down in the bath room and started to shake! This became worser, teeth
chattering, violent tremors of the body, unable to talk normally and eyelids felt heavy and wanted to keep
the eyes closed. The homoeopath suggested (over the phone) Gelsemium 6 and within 5 minutes of taking
it, a calm came over, took a real deep breath, tremors stopped, eyes opened ; felt fully well.
47. Arnica and a bad fall
WESTCOTT Sharyl S. (HT,16,2/1996)
This is a simple case of the author falling face forward while walking on the street and bruised badly in
different parts of the body. Took a dose of Arnica 30 and in one minute he did not anymore feel the hurt
and half hour later took another dose. And within the next half hour by the time reached home was so well
that one could hardly tell anything had happened! (Is there any other medicine in the which gives such
speedy reliefs?=KSS)
48. Characteristic Symptoms and a Sore Throat
LEBENSORGER Mitzi (HT,16,2/1996)
49. Eine kleine Einfuhrung in die Methodik Clemens von BONNINGHAUSENs illustriert an einem Fall
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
Keuchhusten (A brief introduction to BOENNINGHAUSEN’s technique illustrated with a case of Co
Whooping cough)
MOLLER Bernhard (ACD,5,1/1996)
The author demonstrates with a practical case recently treated, of the advantages of following the method
of von BONNINGHAUSEN. The case is of Whooping cough which is treated on the basis of the
characteristic symptoms, by using BONNINGHAUSEN’s Book on the treatment of Whooping Cough..
50. Chronische Obstipation (Chronic Constipation)
67 year-old female: she has been taking medicine for her constipation since her childhood which her
physician has asked to be stopped now since her rectum was found to be completely black. Without this
however she suffers from constant abdominal pain and Constipation. She has during the course of years
taken all drugs the constipation. In 1972 she underwent Mastectomy for Cancer which recurred in 1980
which was treated with radiation, phytotherapy, and dietetics and it has not recurred since.
Her totality indicated Mercurius as her remedy which was given in potencies 200 to XM; over a period of
three years she was totally cured and realized perfect health.
51. Zwei Falle von Kopfschmerzen nach Kopfverletzung (Two Cases of Headaches after Head-injuries)
SCHWARZ Erik (ACD,5,1/1996)
Case 1: 39 year-old woman; complained of headache since three days which has become worse; morning
after waking it becomes very severe and after it becomes slowly better and so long as she is occupied it is
almost gone. In the evening when she rests the pains becomes worse. If she lies down it becomes a little
better. The pain is in the forehead, drawing up to the side and the upper jaw, causing pain in teeth.
Constant pressure in the ears; constant nausea. The only probable cause for the headache: five days ago
her son‘s armin plaster cast had knocked on her head. On the next two following days she had no
Repertorization came to two remedies: Phosphorus and Rhus toxicodendron and the modality of better
from movement decided for the latter remedy which was given in 30 potency dissolved in water thrice a
day one spoonful each time cured by the next day itself.
Case 2: 12 year-old boy accompanied by his mother. Since two days again complains of severe headache.
Examined in a University hospital diagnosed it as ‘Migraine’. The pain came on Fridays after sports and
on other it seldom The right eye-ball pains from within outward. Washing with cold water ameliorates
as also lying down in a darkened room . Vomiting gives relief. Some years ago he had fallen on the steps;
no other
30 cause could be recalled.
Pulsatilla 200 one dose on the tongue and it was repeated after about two months and again three months
later a dose of the XM potency.
52. Angst- und Erschopfungssyndrom (Anxiety and Exhaustion Syndrome)
RECKERS Winfried (ACD,5,1/1996)
58 year-old woman with complaint of Anxiety since fifteen months which proceeded to exhaustion
state. Sleep was unrefreshing. On the basis of her detailed anamnesis following rubrics were selected:
Pedantic, Faintnesss while standing, Weakness after perspiration, Sensation of hair on the back of the
throat, Walking in the open air ameliorates. Sulphur came as the only remedy. The remedy was studied
in the Encyclopaedia of T.F.ALLEN. The remedy was given in Q12 (LM potency) three drops once a day
for two weeks and then every two days until next consultation. Later the remedy was given in Q18 .
While her mental state became stable she complained of Pyrosis particularly in the evenings while
going to sleep, when she turns in bed./ She would drink some milk and after some time could sleep. She
could recognize but in this form and regularity never has she suffered. Also she has separated from her
husband and this has caused some excitement. She was now given Pulsatilla Q12 and cure followed.
53. Behandlung eines Falles von Pubertatsakne (Treatment of a case of acne during puberty)
MULLER Karl-Josef (ACD,5,2/1996)
17 year-old with complaint of prominent acne since about an year, in face, chest and back. Sometimes
she has the sensation in the throat as of a cramp or a lump; since recently she experiences a cramp in the
thigh in the evenings on undressing.. The totality with particular reference to the patient’s ’mental’ state in
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
the light of Dr.Alfons GEUKENS’ experience (vide his lecture notes in book form) pointed to the remedy
Bufo which was given in 30 and 200 on the morning and evening of the same day. There was rapid
improvement and the mental state and attitude of the boy also. Four months later there was a recurrence
of the Acne and a dose of the M potency immediately cured.
Bufo must be added to the Acne rubrics under Face, Chest, and Back and Shoulders.
54. Behandlung eines Patienten mit Roemheld-Syndrom mittels Akupunktur und Homoopathie (Treatment
of a patient with Roemheld-syndrome, with Acupuncture and Homoeopathy)
MORITZ Jurgen (ACD,5,2/1996)
37 year-old man came on the 16 January 1996 with complaint of what has already been diagnosed as
Roemhekd-sybdrin since more than an year. Flatulent pains in the upper abdomen together with
disturbances of the heart rhythm and sense of anxiety as also inner restlessness. In the past one year he
has lost 5kg. Clinical examination has not show anything particular. He was a Jurist in a large Insurance
company and felt that both in his official land personal lie he has suffered much. Recently he has suffered
separation from his wife and son and it hurt him much. Mental affection aggravated his pains very much.
Few seconds after the Acupuncture in the ear he felt an intensive attack of his complaints which lasted
some minutes and the spontaneously passed away.
Repertorization with BOENNINGHAUSEN’s Therapeutic Pocket Book, Ignatia ,and as follow-up
Lycopodium were given. Within few weeks he became completely normal.
55. Two Cases from General Practice
PRATT Noel (Simile,6,2/1996 with the BHJ,86,2/1996)
Case 1: Consultant anaesthetist 41 years with frequent episodes of Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia. Began 11
years ago, for no obvious reason. In episodes of more than one a day. Pain severe. Has to stop his car if
Various treatment including Carbamezepine which made him very drowsy..
Magnesium phosphoricum 6x b.d. frequent repetition. In 48 hours pain reduced and in a week it ceased.
But it returned weeks later and investigation revealed that an aberant artery was pressing on the glosso-
pharyngeal nerve. The pain ceased after surgery.
Comment: It is clear that the Magnesium phosphoricum was able to make the nerve resistant to the
pressure or pulsation for a number of weeks.
Case 2: Ambulance driver aged 45 complained of tennis elbow. Pain started six weeks before and had
been increasing in spite of rest from work and analgesics. Phytolacca 200c one dose at night and another
next morning. Pain was much less after 7 days ; his grip was stronger and he was able to resume his
driving the ambulance after 14 days. No recurrence during the following 21 years.
56. Collapsed lung with Empyema
GOYAL K.K. (Simile,6,2/1996 with the BHJ,86,2/1996)
10 year-old male; suffered two convulsions the previous day and a discharging sinus in left chest.
Three months before he suffered from what was diagnosed as collapsed lung with tubercular Empyema.
Anti-tubercular treatment (ATT) with broad spectrum antibiotics and regular drainage of the pleural cavity
but the condition deteriorated.
After few days of ATT jaundice appeared and this was followed by the convulsions. Cardiothoracic
surgeon decided not to operate because he had not responded to the ATT. At this stage his parents decided
to discontinue the ATT and opted for Homoeopathy. Phosphorus was selected on the basis of the totality
and given in the 30 potency one dose daily for three days and repeated after ten days. Subsequently a dose
of Hepar sulphuris calcareum 200 and a month later Phosphorus 200.
An x-ray taken a month later showed re-expansion of the lung had started. Three months later there was
stability of the lungs findings and Phosphorus 200 was again given. Treatment after six months there was
complete recovery.
57. Entwicklungsstillstand anch Tetanus-impfung - Behandlungmit Tetanotoxin D200 (Arrested
development after Tetanus vaccination - treatment with Tetanotoxin D200)
BLEUL G, (ZKH,40,1/1996)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
Three months after Polio and Diphtheria/Tetanus vaccination in a 15 month-old girl produced a serious
loss of appetite and the development arrested. The case was worked out and after repertorization the
remedies indicated were given which however failed to improve. Finally Tetanotoxin D200 cured rapidly.
The author rightly says that the Vaccination-nosodes are very important remedies in illnesses following
`vaccination. However, we have very scanty documented reports. Practitioners of Homoeopathy should
pool their experiences in this reard.
58. Ein heutiges Miasma (A current Miasma)
LEERS H. (ZKH,40,1/1996)
The author demonstrates with a Staphysagria case the present-day miasms unlike the Itch, the
Gonorrhoea, the Syphilis miasms of HAHNEMANN’s days. While the fundamental theory of miasms is
right, wrong life-styles, environment pollutions, lack of adaptation and adjustment, psychic loads, etc. all
add up to a miasm.
59. Dysmenorrhoe - Manganum (Dysmenorrhoea - Manganum)
WEGENER A. (ZKH,40,21996)
A 17-year-old female suffering from Dysmenorrhoea could be cured with Manganum. The leading
symptom was “cramps in the thighs during menses”. Although this symptom was not produced in the
Proving, the remedy was similar to the disease, according to the method of combination of
60. Eine “bewahrte” Indikatin (A “well-established” Indication)
FRIEDRICH U. (ZKH,40,3/1996)
A ganglion of the wrist was treated at first with a well-tried” medicine, but the treatment was without
success. However, the patient’s Simile medicine brought about a rapid cure.
61. Tuberculinum and related remedies with clinical differentiation in treatment of Consumption
SARKAR Soumitra (QHQ,5,2/1996)
The author briefly discusses Tuberculosis and the therapeutic role of Tuberculinum in that disease.
62. A Heroin Addict could be Cured within Four Days
ROY Sosi (QHQ,5,2/1996)
27 year-old young man, addicted to Heroin who became prosperous by dint of hard work in business
but after attaining affluence went on hunting for pleasures and ultimately became addicted to Heroin. This
addiction was removed with a single dose of Nux vomica XM, within four days!
63. Plain Talk with Clinical Cases
JAMES K.J. (QHQ,5,2/1996)
Random thoughts with some cases.
64. Carcinocin in Renal Failure
BAIG Mirza Anwar (QHQ,5,2/1996)
65. The Magic of Crotalus horridus
WADIA S.R. (CCR,5,1/1996)
53 year-old male with extensive throbosis of the leftl leg; history of fall withhead injury; CT scan : sub-
arachnoid haemorrhage. Was found sitting in the chair with left leg flexed from the knee. Doppler study
indicated extensive thrombosis involving left external iliac, common femoral, superficial femoral, profunda
femoral, popliteal and proximal posterior tibial veins.
Crotalus horridus 200 (6 doses) and in two weeks very much improved, walking, oedema only 10%.
Calcarea fluorica 6. Doppler study a week later revealed beginning of resolution of the thrombosis.
Three months later Crotalus horridus M(three doses).
66. JAMES K.J. (CCR,5,1/1996)
A Few Short Case Reports
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
Six cases are reported: A child of 6 months with Psoriasis which defied many remedies; then the
grandfather of the child asked whether the child’s mother undergoing two x-rays during the pregnancy
could be the cause. X-ray 200 single dose cured!
Woman patient: whenever she came she expressed appreciation of something or the other in the clinic;
Lycopodium XM (‘Flatterer’ Lyco -. the only medicine in the Repertory) one dose cured.
14 year-old boy was given Lycopodium XM one dose (‘Children insulting parents’) cured.
17 year-old girl, with pain in cardiac region; ECG = NAD. Because of aggravatonafter midnight
Arsenicum CM gave 80% relief. In the course further discussion she said ‘I do not like taking medicins’
and when she was told that her present illness was serious she replied If I could die I will he happy’.
Lachesis 30 (Refuses to take medicine, Desires death) few doses, cured completely.
Lady with black, hard, itching, lesions on the skin, lower limbs. Sepia gave partial relief. Lycopodium Q1
b.d. for 15 days (Religious, “I like company, but have an aversion to company as I have lack of confidence
in meeting people”), then Q3,and then Sulphur Q30 two doses cured.
28 year-old man, frequent spontaneous dislocation of right shoulder joint. He revealed that he loved
animals, can’t see them suffering. Medorrhinum cured.
67. Three Short Cases
JIBAN DAS (CCR,5,1/1996)
A 60 year-old man whose eye-lashes and eyebrows had dropped complete, scalp dry, itching dry skin,
burning palms, soles and vertex. Sulphur 200 one dose and next fortnight signs of regeneration of the hair.
A new-born child was showing signs of swelling of the fontanelle and had fever. The history revealed
that earlier three children of the same man had died within one week of birth with similar symptom -
swelling of the fontanelle which would then burst and the child die. Now three doses of Calcarea
carbonica 30 was given to this new-born one dose every three hours and soon recovered and survived.
A woman diagnosed of Cancer of stomach given up by the hospital. She complaiened of burning of
stomach, the pain was so severe that she would scream. She also had burning palms, soles, top of head,
face and eyes. Nux vomica 200,one week later Sulphur 200 and eight days later Arsenicum album 200.
One month later she said that she felt well, however one dose of Arsenicum album 200 was given . She
lived well when enquired 17 years later!
68. Few Cases from my Diary
VOHRA D.S. (CCR,5,1/1996)
14 year-old girl, with terrible fear of examinations. She would develop fever, diarrhoea, headache. She
was given Mimulus t.d.s. for 4 days before the examination. No more examination fears.
13 year-old girl, intelligent but physically weak. Her finges will get tired and she could not complete the
examination papers. Olive t.d.s. a week before the examination removed her weakness. She completed her
examination papers and scored high marks.
14 year-old girl, a bright student. Good memory. She knew her lessons well but during the examinations
she had difficulty in recalling the right answers. She could well recollect while moving out of the
examination hall. Combination of Mimulus and Scleranthus improved her score with good rank.
Young lad with difficulty in remembering andhence unable to cope with his studies; otherwise
intelligent. He easily remembered everything; couldn’t however sit for reasonable length of time at his
studies, got bored soon when studying. Combination of Chest nut bud and Olive improved him.
All the above cases indicate the great value of the Bach Flower remedies.
69. A Case of Ascites
48 year-old male: Ascites with anaemia secondary to alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Conventional therapies
and transfusion of two pints of blood have helped.
On the basis of the totality he was given Sepia 200 t.d.s. 2 days without any change and then one dose
of the M potency, also without improvment. Now Sepia 6 t.d.s was given 7 days and improvement set in.
On reaching a status-quo state Nux vomica 30 t.d.s. with further improvement. After one dose of 200 of
the same medicine again Sepia 6 in repeated doses and then the 200,M , XM and CM (single doses)
completely cured. Follow-up one year.
It is interesting to note that the low Haemoglobin which was not improved with blood transfusion could
be improved to 11.2 gm.% with Sepia 6 to CM.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 26
70. Some of my Memorable Cases
MISTRY D.E. (CCR,5,1/1996)
The author recals, as the title of the article suggests, some cases from the past. In the first he narrates
how a colleague surgeon complained of pain in the back, sharp, intermittent specially much more after a
heavy operative schedule. Various diagnosis made but all tests normal. He recalled of a fall from a
motorcycle during his housemanship when this pain began and the pain now was similar. Arnica M three
doses one every hour was given. After a month when they met he told that the pain vanished on the third
day; also his long-standing complaint of inability to recognize smells was cured and now his sense smell
was acute! While his back pain remained cured to this day he again lost his sense of smell!
In his own case of cold and fever with chill and a boil inside the left nostril for which his mentor
prescribed without much benefit during that day and another prescription the next day cured him rapidly
within 24 hours. The first remedy was Ipecacuanha and the second Lachesis..
The author injured the pulp of the right middle finger by the sharp point of the pen. Within 15 minutes
sharp pains developed in the local area Very rapidly, within a minute the pain spread to the whole finger
worse on letting the hand down. He found his bottle of Hypericum 0 completely empty and dry;
nevertheless he filled it with half ounce of water, shook it thoroughly and then applied it to the injured part
and within seconds the severe pain began to decrease and ceased totally within a minute,and he continued
with his work immediately.
The fourth case relates to the author’s wife who suffered ‘anaphylactic shock’ thrice, 30.6.1991,
22.12.1993 and 1.4.1995 and each time she was treated at home homoeopathically. The author wonders
retrospectively how these three episodes of anaphylactic shocks would have been treated in the hospital:
i.v.fluids, corticosteroids and hospitalization.
The fifth case is in the early days of homoeopathic practice of the author who was then Professor of
Surgery. The patient was suffering from gangrene of the right foot. All toes were affected and