© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XV, 1998
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homeopathy
drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany,
France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the
original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this
compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1. QHD, VOL. XV,1, 1998 3
2. QHD, VOL. XV, 2, 1998 39
3. QHD, VOL. XV, 3 & 4, 1998 76
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD, Vol.XV, No.1, 1998
(The journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals world-
over - English, American, German, French, Belgian, Brazilian, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts.
Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by
this compilation are given at the end of Part I of this journal and readers are requested to refer to them for full articles.)
1. 200 Jahre Simile-Prinzip: Magic - Medizin - Metaphor (200 years of Similie principle - Magic,
Medicine, Metaphor)
JÜTTE. R.(AHZ,242,1/1997)
The simile-axiom, which still is one of the major tenets of Homeopathy, was formulated by Samuel
HAHNEMANN 200 years ago. In the course of time the phrase “Similia Similibus Curentur” been interpreted and
explained in various ways. Three attempts at an interpretation can be distinguished: magical, scientific and
metaphorical explanations. All interpretations are still effective today. Their problematic nature, however, gives cause
not only to a permanent conflict between orthodox medicine and Homeopathy, but leads often enough to strife among
2. Hidden Clues to Hahnemann’s Theoretical Insights
AJARDO-BERNAL German(BHJ,86,1/97)
The title explains clearly what has been discussed in this interesting article. The author rightly explains that we
need to examine no sources except HAHNEMANN’s major works viz., The Chronic Diseases, The Organon of
Medicine, The Materia Medica Pura, to understand his concepts.
3. The Value of Mental Symptoms
SPINEDI Dario (HL,9,3/1996)
The author points out that in the last numbers of the Homeopathic Links he observed a tendency to give
tremendous importance to the mental symptoms and mental state of the patient in order to find the simillimum. He
refers to the teaching of the late Dr.KUNZLI who pointed out that many doctors thought that the mental symptoms are
the most important, but HAHNEMANN said that the characteristic symptoms are the most important - paragraph 153.
The mental symptoms are absolutely not the most important, but something like an extra weight on one of the two
scales. We look at the patient’s mental state, finally. If we take the mental symptoms as paramount it is possible that
we will give our own interpretation of the mental symptoms and thus we will find a wrong remedy.
So the mental symptoms come in last and not first. First we have to consider the symptoms according to paragraph
4. Agravação e prognóstico em Homeopatia - uma sistematização de conceitos (Aggravation and Prognosis
in Homeopathy - a systematization of concepts)
TEIXEIRA Marcus Zulian (RH,62,1-2/1997)
Based mainly on the works of HAHNEMANN and KENT, the author presents a critical study about the
homeopathic aggravation and the clinical dynamic prognosis.
He exposes the meaning of homeopathic aggravation, the way of the utilization and the conceptual differences
between the above mentioned authors, showing that the homeopathic aggravation is a useful reference for
homeopathic treatment evaluation.
The homeopathic prognosis are considered a parameter of evaluation of the patients and are described and
explained in detail, showing the similarities and differences between HAHNEMANN and KENT’s teachings.
5. Relationship of Homeopathy and Spiritual Healing
BAHDER Paul (JAIH,90,1/1997)
The relationship between Spiritual Healing and Homeopathy is discussed. Points of similarities and differences are
outlined. In Spiritual Healing as well as in genuine Classical Homeopathy it isn’t as much that man will rise to the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
level of the spiritual realm, astute as Spirit, the transcendental Supramental Realm, will reveal itself amidst our
experience as healing.
1. Lac equinum (Mare’s Milk)
GREEN, J.Claire (AH,3/1997)
Lac equinum was proved by Nancy HERRICK in February 1995. The symptoms have been collated by J.Claire
GREEN and presented in this article.
2. Lycopodium
SHORE Jonathan (BHJ,86,1/1997)
Lycopodium is made from the black spores on the underside of the leaves. The remedy is studied in detail under the
heads: Split between inner and outer, Cowardice, Unwilling to face responsibility, Anxiety and anticipation, Lack of
confidence, Feeling of inadequacy, Bluff, Many facets, Fear of being found out, Fear of intimate relationships, Losing
control, Religious opposition to opposite sex, Rising fear, Emotionality, Apathy, Children.
3. A Heavy Black Cloud Enveloped Her Cimicifuga: Essence.
GHEGAS Vassilis (HL,9,4/1996)
The Central idea in Cimicifuga is cloudiness: Cloudy, confusing, misguiding remedy on all levels. The author
discusses this remedy at the mental and physical levels and for women. Succinct and practical in the author’s well-
known manner of presentation of remedies. Very instructive.
4. Encaged in Wires
HIWAT Corrie (HL,9,4/1996)
This is an ‘addition’ to the above article of Vassilis GHEGAS. The author gives many additional ‘mental’
5. Dolphin’s milk - A Proving
HERRICK Nancy (HL,9,4/1996)
This proving was done in the 30 potency and 17 provers took it. The symptoms of 10 provers are given in some
detail. Most of the provers have reported dreams.
6. A Proving of Tilia cordata
BANNAN Robert (HL,9,4/1996)
Tilia cordata is a tree. In Czech tradition the tree grows near cottages as a protection, as no bad things can happen
when it is there. If it is cut down it will have unhappy consequences. A proving of 30 potency of this tree was done
by the students attending the summer school in Prague, Czech republic, in 1995. The remedy was prepared from
pieces of the root, bark, young leaf, buds and flowers collected in May and macerated together in alcohol for two
weeks. This was decanted and the potencies made.
In accordance with the current trend, more ‘mind’ symptoms and ‘dreams’ are given.
7. Cochlearia officinalis - Taking care of difficult patients
SCHOLTEN Jan (HL,9,3/1996)
The most important keynote of Cochlearia is “stomach pains radiating to sides and back”. The picture that emerges
is of a woman who has to take care of her sick, difficult, nagging husband. The first characteristic is a sense of duty,
just like the Kaliums have. The second characteristic is the fact that they actually don’t feel like taking care of a
nagging old man. In this they are different from the Kaliums. Cochlearia often has dreams of being bound too, of
being stuck and not being able to get out. They often feel angry but they suffer in silence. They develop a bitterness,
they feel disappointed in life. The DD with Cocculus needs to be made too. Sensitive to criticism, particularly with
respect to their task of looking after husband and children.
Four cases are presented.
8. The Proving of Ozone - A Summary with Some Interpretations
SCHADDE Anne (HL,9, 3/1996)
A synopsis of the Materia Medica obtained from evaluation of 45 symptom diaries, is given and discussed. The
proving symptoms have been published in German with an English version to ‘come soon’.
9. Homeopathic Proving of Maori Medicines
BRIGGS Derek (HL,9,3/1996)
The Auckland College of Homeopathy made a ‘dream proving’ of a Maori Medicine - Tutu - a herb. In the
opinion of the author Tutu may be useful in high blood-pressure, anger and breast cancer; it may also well have value
in poor intellectual performance, e.g. in school children.
10. Magnesium sulphuricum
(CCRH,19, 1& 2/1997)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
The ‘Pathogenesis’ of Magnesium sulphuricum obtained in a proving conducted by the Central Council for
Research in Homeopathy, New Delhi, in 1994-95, is listed here. Four female and eleven male provers took part in the
Proving. 200, 30, 6 potencies were used in the descending order.
11. Glycyrrhiza glabra
(CCRH, 19, 1 & 2/1997.)
Nine male and six female provers took part in this Proving carried out by the CCRH in 1993-94. The 30, 6
potencies were used in the descending order. [Dr.Ardhendu Sekhar CHATTERJEE has also carried out a ‘Proving’ of
this medicine and published them. There are many symptoms which do not corroborate each other in these two
provings. Detailed ‘proving symptoms’ - not the clinical symptoms ultimately picked out - in both provings must be
carefully gone through so that the benefit of both the ‘Provings’ are available for verification by the Profession for
confirmation = KSS.]
12. Mangifera indica
(CCRH, 19, 1 & 2/1997.)
In this ‘short’ Proving carried out in 1995-96, nine males took part. The 6, 30 potencies were used.
13. Phyllanthus niruri
(CCRH, 19, 1 & 2/1997)
This ‘Proving’ was carried out by the CCRH in 1994-95, in which four females and ten males took part. The 30, 6,
and mother tincuture, were used in the descending order.
14. Terminalia chebula
(CCRH, 19, 1 & 2/1997)
This ‘Proving’ was carried out in 1994-95 with six female, and nine male provers taking part. The 200, 30, 6
potencies were used in the descending order.
15. Carica papaya
(CCRH, 19, 1 & 2/1997.)
The ‘Proving’ was carried out in 1990 in which eight males and five females took part. The 200, 30, 6 potencies
were used in the descending order.
16. Nyctanthes arbortristis
(CCRH, 19, 1 & 2/1997)
This ‘Proving’ was carried out in 1995-96 with eight females and five males taking part. The 200, 30, 6 potencies
were used in the descending order.
18. Platina
SAMANT Nitin (HH,22,3/1997)
To put it succinctly, the disease of Platina is ‘disordered sense of proportion.
19. Euphorbia pilulifera
VAID Indu & VARMAP.N.(HH,22,3/97)
Head: Sunstroke
Nose: Hayfever
Female: Genitalia/Sex Leucorrhoea/worse on least movement
Generals: Injuries (including blows, bruises, falls)
Sensitiveness: Externally used as well
Sun: Sunstroke
Miasmatic analysis: Sycosis
Clinical: 1. Bronchitis. 2. Cardiac dyspnoea. 3. Haemorrhage from sunstroke and traumatism. 4. Hay-fever. 5. Humid
Asthma. 6. Leucorrhoea, acrid, worse on least movement. 7. Urethritis and intense pain on urinating and much urging.
Recommended dose: 3x and above.
20. The Cycle of Conium maculatum
HERSCU Paul (NEJH,6,1/1997)
Paul HERSCU has introduced a new way of study and understanding the remedies, called the Cycle and the
Segments. There is a rise in the number of ‘teachers’ due to whom study of Homeopathy by more and more persons is
seen. These ‘teachers’ have introduced their own innovative methods; study of the remedy ‘components’; the ‘theme’
or ‘themes’ of the remedy; the ‘delusions’ and the ‘dreams’; the ‘wound’, the ‘wall’ and the ‘mask; the ‘essence’; the
‘phenomenon’ and the ‘facets’ of the remedy; the ‘cycle’ and ‘segments’ of the remedy, etc. A whole book is written
on one remedy like the one on Sepia and the one on Stramonium! It is for the individual, discerning homeopath to
carefully read these ideas and then read the remedy in the ‘Proving’ and understand the remedy.
In this interesting article Paul HERSCU explains the Cycle and the Segments of Conium maculatum.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
21. Conium maculatum
GHEGAS Vassilis (NEJH,6,1/1997).
This is a very interesting article by the well-known teacher. He introduces Conium with the case of 48-year-old
woman who was married to a 72-year-old man, mortally afraid of even the word-Cancer, fear of diseases, fear of dark,
thunderstorms, wakes at night from perspiration, very religious, etc. VASSILIS explains how the remedy could be
only Conium and not Phosphorus or Lachesis or Calcarea carbonica. He says “When you take a case and you have
even one strong symptom for Conium, don’t think about the other remedies under-neath. Here the Layer of Remedies
means that Conium is growing above Phosphorus or Calcarea carbonica. The first law of Homeopathy is that you
start the therapy with the remedy that is present when the patient comes to you. It doesn’t matter which remedy he
used to be. At this moment, you need the remedy that covers the case at the physical sphere. Her physical complaints
are much worse than the emotional sphere. One point here: when you have a person who wakes up at night with
perspiration, investigate immediately homeopathically for Conium maculatum. Sleeplessness because of perspiration,
He further discusses the remedy under: After loss of a spouse or partner, suppression of sexuality, Vertigo,
perspiration during sleep, eyes, Menopause, weakness and trembling, palpitation and chest pain, induration of glands,
metrorrhagia, Conium and Cancer surgery, follow up after Conium, Hydrastis after Conium, Murex, Graphites, Carbo
animalis, Baryta carbonica, Iodum, Conium and in Men, Aurum muriaticum natronatum. He concludes: “The vast
majority of my Cancer cases (wherever the Cancer may be) will first require Conium. In patients with a predisposition
towards Cancer, there is a good prognosis if they are treated early enough to change that pattern. Once the Cancer has
begun, it is more difficult. If bones or liver are already involved, the prognosis is very bad. In some Cancer cases, you
will use Conium, then their constitutional remedy. Then you may need to repeat Conium. Conium is rarely indicated
for children”.
22. Musings on Conium maculatum
WINSTON Julian (NEJH,6,1/1997)
This is a small ‘noting’ on the Poison Hemlock - Conium. He writes that he has found this plant in many places
including New Zealand and the toxicity of the plant juice.
23. Carcinosin - A Remedy for the complications of Modern Day
This is a brief study of the well-known symptoms of Carcinosin.
24. Protocolo de pesquisapara revisão bibliográfica das patogenesias (Research protocol for bibliographical
revision of the pathogenesis)
This research proposed for a bibliographical revision of the pathogenesis was elaborated by the Research
Committee of the Brazilian Medical Homeopathic Association aiming at the continuation of a critical revision of
the homeopathic Materia Medica, on searching its registry sources to establish at the end a reliable picture of each
medicament. For this purpose, a methodological proposal of work constituted of 23 points is presented which the
researcher details through in a basic guide of the study that will enable it to attain the above mentioned objective.
25. Hura brasiliensis
ADALIAN Elizabeth (HOM,64/1997)
This is a brief study of Hura brasiliensis with the help of the mental rubrics. The author says that his “aim is to up-
grade the identity of our original remedies and express them in the feelings and language of our present day.”
26. Hypericum perforatum
BOULDERSTONE Katharine (HOM,64/1997)
This ‘proving’ of Hypericum perforatum is “to complement existing provings, especially by focusing on the more
psychological and spiritual aspects of the remedy that were not brought out by Provers in the past” She also says that
this is an ‘incomplete’ Proving.
1. A Case of Possession
GRAY Bill (AH,3/1997)
Sometimes even a fully detailed repertorization cannot replace time-honored experience coupled with intuition.
This is another single-remedy cured case of Bill GRAY’s where the thread of a certain theme ran through the entire
case; the skill is in the perception. The theme that is running through this case is ‘psychic’. Remedies such as
Phosphorus, Cannabis indica, Sulphur, Silica, Calcarea carbonica, Medorrhinum are commonly considered as
‘psychic’, it was Nitric acid that was the curative remedy.
2. A Case of Lac equinum
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
JACKSON Jessica (AH,3/1997)
Significance of friendship is very marked in Lac equinum. Dreams of unsuccessful efforts and the feeling that the
patient wants to do something but there is always some reason why it can’t be done are also characteristics of this
3. Anne SCHADDE takes a Case
In this case of a 52 year-old female who came in for bad Periodontosis. Gums spongy and teeth loose. The dentist
proposed repair. She tells a lot, her lips constantly keep moving as if talking even when she is not actually making
sounds and while the author was telling her something. This was interpreted as ‘constant talking’. Her parents were
always quarreling, her mother was put in a psychiatric care for a short while. Husband is an alcoholic. She bore the
whole weight. She wrote a lot in her diary. She wrote her dreams in a poetic form. Can’t bear narrow, small places.
With the symptoms “Teeth, looseness of; mouth, spongy gums; Scorbutic gums; Makes verses; Intolerance of clothing;
Fear of narrow places; Fear of insanity and ‘constant talking’ Lachesis M was prescribed. She went on to improve and
one more dose was repeated after about six months. She came back after four months and told of a book she had read
that the illness ‘Periodontosis’ meant poisons are being eliminated via the gums (similar to snakes); she continued to
move her lips without actual speech whenever the author was talking. In BOERICKE is found under Naja tripudians
“has lost control over lip movement”. Now Naja is prescribed in Q potencies. She began with Q1 potency and went
upto Q13, making good improvement. Her family situation also improved.
The family dynamics actually maintains the patient’s illness and until the maintaining cause is removed the patient
may not get cured.
4. Arnica montana as Defiant
BOUTILIER Kim (AH,3/1997)
The author demonstrates, with the help of some select ‘rubrics’ that Arnica has the ‘theme’ of “defiance” running
5. Folliculinum: Estrogen Gone Awry
INEZ Gina (AH,3/1997)
In his Tutorials on Homeopathy FOUBISTER wrote: “From birth onwards, restrictions of various kinds are
imposed by the behavior of others. It is when reaction to such imposition past or present, can be judged to be well
outside the norm that Folliculinum should be considered.” If a patient has been unable to healthily individuate and
instead lives a life that is unusually embroiled or co-dependent, the pressure of life’s circumstance can become
overbearing and may result in the need for Folliculinum. Overwhelming pressure or self-imposed expectations in
domestic, professional, spiritual, religious, or family life can lead to “over-tiredness, with a conflict of loyalties
resulting in excessive stress.” FOUBISTER suggests that if well-indicated remedies fail to act for a patient undergoing
extreme pressure, Folliculinum may be indicated, at least until the pressures are past.
Two cases are presented by Gina INEZ and discussed. A brief Materia Medica of Folliculinum is also presented.
6. A Case of Helonias
THAKKAR Sadhna (AH,3/1997)
A woman in the third trimester of her third pregnancy complained of “incredible fatigue”; she was also irritable and
grouchy, picking up with her family members over trifles; she loved gardening and landscaping and when she is
involved in this she forgets all her troubles. Helonias 30 relieved all the complaints within two days (see PHATAK’s
Repertory: Pregnancy, complaints during; Diversion ameliorates; Fault-finding.)
7. Die Homöotherapie
von Kontaktekzemen (Homeo-therapy of Contact Eczema)
FISCHER U. (AHZ,242,1/1997)
The different procedures in the homeopathic treatment of acute and chronic eczemas are demonstrated by using
four acute cases (Apis mellifica, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur, Sepia) and one chronic case of Pulsatilla.
8. A Striking Symptom leads to the Simillimum
FAYETTON Marie Luc (HL,9,3/1996)
Case 1: A young woman who consulted the author addressed him in the second person ‘familiar’ term, instead of in
the formal term. This was interpreted as familiarity’ and Chloroformium the only remedy in the SR, was prescribed.
Chloroformium XM (the other symptoms also agreed with this remedy). The pathogenesis is thus confirmed.
Case 2: A woman born in 1959 suffered from age 14. She attempted to kill herself a few times by taking lot of
medicine. Was hospitalised many times. Her ‘peculiar’ symptoms were:
She talked with familiarity to me, even during the first encounter.
Obscene thoughts that she feels compelled to narrate to me, i.e. ‘I imagine you sitting on the toilet’.
Obsessive thoughts about killing her father and all those who are taking care of her, including the doctor.
She always reminded people that her grandmother was an aristocrat ( I am not so sure about it).
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She was given Chloroformium in December 1992. In January 1993 she tried to kill herself twice and since then
she has not made any such attempts. Follow-up in 1995: she remains well. But she said “If my mother’s stomach
rumbles, I feel it is because of my thoughts. Or it is a sign of God. I think all these thoughts are abnormal but it is
nothing compared to my previous state”. In March 1995 she was better and she talked sense. She has no obsession at
Case 3: A young woman, adopted child from Korea, born in 1970. Very disturbed emotionally. Unable to control
her impulses. She likes dancing, singing, playing guitar, piano, flute. She could play piano for hours, and when she
plays piano she did not hear anyone and her parents had to shout at her many times before she could leave the
instrument. She speaks to me with familiarity (her mother and myself are close to each other). Tarentula from 1985 to
1989 helped, but did not bring any dramatic changes in her character. 1990 she ran away for 8 days, had an accident
with car, she stopped going to college and she had a lot of debts. Suffering from Bulimia and looked very dirty.
Chloroformium XM prescribed in January 1990. Her mother’s report next month was that she had changed a lot for the
better. Follow-up 5 years later: happy with her work and wanted to become a teacher.
9. When the Soul is Liberated - The Extreme Fluctuation between Two States of Being - The First Case of
SCHUSTER Bernd (HL,9,3/1996)
Ozone was proved in 1993 by Anne SCHADDE. The case reported herein is presumably the first one to be healed
with Ozone. The author says that not much can be learned about the depth of a remedy without studying the original
source (proving); secondary literature will give only superficial picture. Study of the source is the only protection
against mistakes - this holds good for the Materia Medica and Organon.
In this case the author used the LM potencies. The idea of Ozone, the author says, is, extreme fluctuation between
two contrary states.
10. A Case of Cenchris
BALDOTA Sudhir (HL,9,3/1996)
Cenchris contortrix was prescribed to a patient who complained of coryza and recurrent colds, on the basis of
mental symptoms only. At the end of the article the author quotes from The Encyclopaedia of Animal World to cite the
‘signature’ of this snake. (It is surprising that the author has not quoted the ‘proving’ of the remedy, but has cited the
‘signature’. The homeopathic medicine “draws not its knowledge from those impure sources of materia medica
hitherto in use, pursues not that antiquated, dreamy, false path we have just pointed out, but follows the way of
consonant nature. It administers no medicines to combat the diseases of mankind before testing their pure effects; that
is, observing what changes they can produce in the health of a healthy man - this is pure materia medica...)
[HAHNEMANN’s Examinations of the sources of common Materia Medica = KSS.]
11. I was Fine Until I Cooled off
VASANDI Yogesh R. (HL,9,3/1996)
A woman with complaints of blisters in mouth, inflamed tongue; dirty yellow and grey coating tongue. Insomnia
since 3 days. Felt very scared for no apparent reason. Feels very tense and shivers without reason. Feels very weak
and has sudden blackouts for a few seconds. Depressed. Right leg swelling, with pain. History of venograft for
iliofemoral thrombosis many years ago. She lost her mother when she was very young and her father remarried against
the wishes of his children. However, while the other children reconciled and moved well with the step-mother, this
patient couldn’t. She felt that all of them together had neglected her. The home atmosphere depressed her. Crotalus
cascavella improved her. The author has mentioned 29 rubrics (all ‘mind’ symptoms) in respect of this case/remedy.
12. I Think of Death when I’m Alone
MANGIALAVORI Massimo (HL,9,3/1996)
Two more cases of Crotalus cascavella. The first is of 26-year-old woman who summed up her ailment: “I have
been under homeopathic treatment for symptoms of anxiety and depression. It would take too much to explain it all.
With every pain I feel I get frightened and anxious, aggressive, which I vent on my husband or my daughter. Six
months ago I’ve opened a new shop. Last year I moved from Perugia to Placenza. I’m very attached to the town and
its traditions. I’m worried because this economical crisis frightens me.” She suffers from backache when it’s damp.
Has diarrhoea and constipation alternately. Spreading articular pains. Felt lump in throat which doesn’t go down. Fear
of tumour. Fear of death, particularly when alone. Felt terrified and took it on everything. Often dreamt of her father
dying, death, coffins, wreaths.
Crotalus casavella 30 (Mind, Death, thoughts of; Death, thoughts of, when alone). Follow-up after seven months:
improving. The remedy was repeated. Review after 9 months and the remedy was given in 200.
The second case: 21-year-old woman very timid and reserved, talks confusedly, as if she were eating the words and
it’s difficult for me to understand. Her tone is low. A month before she had a nervous breakdown. Generally she is
nervous about everything. Keeps changing her mind from time to time. Afraid of staying alone. Felt oppressed by her
parents. Dreams or sensations that come out. Felt as if death on her. She said that she thought about what exists after
death; that there is something like a spirit but there isn’t anything like substance.
She was given Crotalus cascavella 30 which was repeated after 3 months.
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13. See How I Fooled You
VARSHA Abhay Talwakar (HL,9,3/1996)
A Case of Chronic Diarrhoea. 7-year-old girl with chronic loose stool. At least once a month she had loose stool
with mucus and sometimes blood. This since five years which no medicine has helped. The complaints were worse in
cloudy weather and during the rainy season. When ill thus she will be very dull. Stools were blackish, mucoid and
offensive with pain in abdomen before stool. She also had bet-wetting. She was generally active, fearless, jealous of
her friends, cunning in getting what she wanted. Analysing the ‘mind’ symptoms Lachesis came through. The mother
had dreams of a black snake during her pregnancy. Lachesis M was given. follow-up one year later: remains well.
14. What have I done Wrong
MASTER Farokh (HL,9,3/1996)
A Case of Schizophrenia and a Case of biliousness. In the first case a 21-year-old female with Schizophrenia was
treated with Stramonium M. She improved and remained well for about two years. She came again with recurrence of
depression. Now she was given Naja M; upto the time of writing the article remained well.
In the second case: 40-year-old woman with complaints of nausea and vomiting, worse empty stomach. Headache.
Vomiting at short intervals till stomach feels empty, < delayed meals, > after vomiting. Headache right frontal >
massaging. Respiratory tract infection especially throat off and on. Detailed personal history (bio-pathography) was
taken and Naja M was given. This was repeated four times and she remained well.
15. A Case of Involuntary stool
DAPTADAR, G.B.(HL,9,3/1996)
11-year-old girl with complaints of involuntary stool. She always tried to delay attending the call for stool or not
pass at all; but the involuntary stool was always there. She desired fruits, sour; aversion to rice, milk; easy satiety, eats
slowly and while eating, headache; vomiting suddenly; vomits and she sleeps, after which she is normal; pain in
abdomen. She had ganglion in the wrist. History of recurrent tonsillitis. Flatus, at night. She was given Veratrum
album M three doses at 8 hours interval. There was no change for over three weeks and she was put on placebo. After
this the involuntary stool stopped. Eight months later: she remains well.
Case of a 13-year-old boy: Weakness, difficulty in learning and delayed mile-stones. Left half of the body less well-
developed Eyes large and protruding. Appeared dull and absorbed. Very timid from childhood and was afraid of the
wind, frightened by rains, etc. Always played with children 4-5 years younger. Difficulty in expressing. Misplaces
words, omits letters. Poor concentration and no perseverance. Chilly. The mother had a feeling throughout the
pregnancy that she would die during labour; she also had hypertension during pregnancy. Taking all these Conium M
was prescribed and five months later XM; the XM was repeated twice. The response was quite slow but he went on
improving. After the last dose the improvement became rapid all-round.
16. An Unexpected Remedy
TAJI W.M. (HL,9,3/1996)
30-year-old male with complaints of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Pain and swelling in all the joints since ten years. It
began on the left side and then went on to other joints. Pain < change of weather, rainy season, before storm, cloudy,
motion, morning. Better by rest. Also numbness. Averse to sweets and liked warm food and drinks. Perspiration
more on palms and soles.
Melilotus 200 twice daily for three days and slow improvement began, after a slight aggravation. Follow-up one
17. Guided by the Book
CHATTERJEE Sujit (HL,9,3/1996)
The author narrates 5 cases, briefly, to stress the need for referring to books like the Repertory and Materia
Medica. In each case he has referred to the Repertory and then the Materia Medica before administering the medicine.
Nice study.
18. A Frantic Phone Call
PATWARDAN Prabha (HL,9,3/1996)
This is a briefly-told case of a 40-year-old man with chronic gastro-intestinal and respiratory illness. He had gone
to London and there he fell sick . He was hospitalised and in spite of several tests no diagnosis could be formed and so
he could not be treated appropriately. He was getting fever, for past two weeks, in the evenings at 6 p.m., with chill on
uncovering, chill followed by heat. During chill as well as during heat, he did not like being uncovered. Argentum
nitricum (ALLEN’s Therapeutics of Fever) cured him totally.
19. A case of Aphonia with Abdominal Pain using BOERICKE’s and FAULKNER’s Repertories
HAZARIKA Bikash Kumar (HL,9,3/1996)
15-year-old fair, delicate girl, who lost her mother in early childhood. Frequent agonizing pains in her abdomen.
Tossed about in the bed during the attack. Only injections of anti-spasmodics and tranquilisers helped. The pain
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 10
recurred after 15-20 days. An appendicectomy was performed, but hardly a month had passed when the pain returned
with greater intensity. Pain extended from the abdomen to the middle part of the chest and then came together with a
severe spasm of the larynx which caused severe dyspnoea. One day after such a spasm she found that she had lost her
voice. No organic disease could be diagnosed by the hospital. All forms of treatment were tried; and in the end the
abdomen pains and laryngeal pains became less frequent and less severe. But the aphonia remained.
Now Homeopathy. She was emaciated and looked depressed. Only a hissing sound came out of her mouth while
speaking. Using BOERICKE’s and FAULKNER’s repertories, Ignatia was selected and given in the M potency. A
month later, she had an attack of abdominal pain and laryngeal spasm with greater intensity during the night but for a
shorter duration. She then went into a deep sleep and when she woke up in the morning she had got back her voice.
No further abdominal pains or laryngeal spasms.
20. Constitutional and Acute Remedy,
co-operating Partners
KOKELENBERG Guy (HL,9,3/1996)
Through a case of rheumatism in a 45-year-old woman, the author demonstrates that a small remedy does a great
job (Viola odorata), and that the constitutional remedy did not do the trick in an acute situation, but seems to do nicely
before and after the acute remedy.
21. A Long-standing Case of Wart
BANERJEE Subrata Kumar(HL,9,3/1996)
The author writes of a case of wart in the palm of a 52-year-old woman treated with Anacardium, single dose. He
discusses the miasmatic base, the Materia Medica, repertorization and also the administration of the remedy in
accordance with HAHNEMANN’s instructions in paragraphs 246 (V edition - footnote) and 275 (VI edition), 288 (V
edition) and 272 (VI edition), with reference to the size of the pill and to give the medicine diluted in water.
22. The Bee or not the Bee
SHAH Jayesh (HL,9,4/1996)
Dr.SHAH delineates the ‘characteristics’ of Apis mellifica in children as follows:
- Restlessness
- Awkwardness
- Jealousy
- Destructiveness
- Obstinacy
- Hysterical trait
- Intense desire for cold things, cold bathing
- Open, sunken fontanelles
- Thirst for small quantities often
23. I am nothing, I don’t count
ZAREN Ananda (HL,9,4/1996)
This is a video case of Lac caninum presented by the author in Austria in 1995. The title of the article explains the
feeling of this remedy. This patient exhibits self-loathing, self-hatred and self-doubt. At the end of the very interesting
presentation the author gives some valuable ideas: this remedy is not well-represented in the repertory.
Do not depend on hearing the symptoms of fear of snakes or alternating sides. There is a great deal of unspoken
terror in Lac caninum. The terror that they feel paralyses their body. Self-control is easily shattered. Fear of insanity.
Terror that is nameless and faceless, like a snake-pit. They live in a continuous state of emergency that something will
happen to them at any moment.
24. I am a nobody
SERBAN Gabriella (HL,9,4/1996)
This is a case of Alumina. While it is quite interesting to read, it is much about the mental state, the life-situation of
the patient and interpretation of the symptoms into mental rubrics. (In this case the patient has pathological fear of
knives, needles, flying; she has fear of spiders, snakes, the unknown which should even otherwise make one consider
Alumina = KSS).
25. Presumed Poisoning by Common and Uncommon Chemicals
ROBINSON Karl (HL,9,4/1996)
A Case of Alumina silicata. 55-year-old man with chronic hives of hands, arms, back and buttocks. At age 10 he
was exposed to tar, at 15 to Ammonium nitrate and at 16 to Agent Orange. During his teenage years he had often
washed his hands with petrol. In the 1980s he was exposed to Malathion and other pesticides and insecticides. 1982 a
possible heatstroke. Sensation of constriction in the anus. Very dry skin. He was so cold that he could bear extreme
heat. He did not sweat. He could not bear contradiction. Two years ago he was so depressed that he desired death.
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As recently as 5 to 6 years ago he had slurred speech and used to make mistakes in speaking. He still made mistakes in
writing. Lower extremities jerked on going to sleep. He appeared closed and emotionally very tight.
Alumina silicata 6 once daily for 70 days and he improved very well. About his exposure to tar during his
childhood he said that he got tar all over his body and inhaled the fumes extensively and he fainted and claims that he
nearly died. After Alumina silicata he began to sweat, more tolerant of contradiction, etc.
26. Confusion of Identity with My Lover
STUUT Rienk (HL,9,4/1996)
This is a case of Aluminium sulphuricum. A woman of 30 years age who became psychotic one year after her final
exams at school. The remedy picture of Aluminium sulphuricum was a prediction by Jan SCHOLTEN on the basis of
the group analysis of both Aluminium and sulphuricum. (In the preceding case of Alumina silicata also the author says
that while the coldness, constriction of the anus, and dry skin with inability to sweat suggested Silica the earlier balance
problem with staggering, ataxia, dropping things, weak memory plus fear of insanity suggested Alumina and therefore
Alumina silicata was prescribed. Synthetic materia medica of many remedies are thus formed; also many remedies are
presented on the basis of their signatures, etc. Why indeed should we not then discard ‘provings’? That such
synthetic prescriptions do produce favorable results is another matter = KSS)
27. Inability to Screen out Outside Stimuli
JOHNSTON Linda (HL,9,4/1996)
This is a case of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), in a six-year-old girl. She suffered repeated ear infections and
sore throat at first year and half, every few months. Reacted badly to DPT, MMR and Polio with high-pitched crying,
fever and vomiting. After she went to first grade problems began. Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist
diagnosed it ADD.
She was given Phosphorus because of her inability to effectively screen out outside stimuli; she had inadequate
barriers to the chaos of the outside world, a characteristic typical of Phosphorus. After this she had ten days of sore
throat with fever upto 103
F, a return of an old recurrent illness. And then changes for the better began. Ten months
after the first dose her behaviour changed. Tuberculinum 200 which took her on further improvement and
Phosphorus 200 was repeated twice and then M twice. At the end of summer she had serious febrile illness, with fever
ranging from 100
to 104
F degrees; a productive cough with congestion and malaise; Phosphorus, Tuberculinum and
Ferrum phosphoricum were given to no avail.
Because of her cafe au lait spot and the fact that her mother had responded favourably to Carcinosin she was given
that remedy after which she began to recover. Later she received Phosphorus in higher potencies and she is doing well.
28. Children with Attention Deficit Disorder
The author says that there are in the USA two million children diagnosed with ADD who are taking stimulant
medication, most commonly Ritalin, Dexedrine, and Cylert. This number has doubled each year in recent years and
will reach eight million by the turn of the century, if the trend continues. The author has chosen two cases from her
book Beyond Ritalin: Homeopathic Treatment of ADD and Other Behavioural and Learning Problems. In the
first case of a 12 -year-old boy the remedy was Cornus circinatus 200.
The central problem of this boy was his inability to comprehend even simple words and concepts which he had
read. The symptoms in ALLEN fitted well. In the second very fascinating case the remedy was Aranea ixobola. Very
29. Pleasure in Teasing Others
SHAH Nandita (HL,9,4/1996)
Two cases of Aranea ixobola. ‘Teasing’ was the most important symptom in both the cases, while restlessness,
deceit, poor impulse control, etc. were also there.
30. I let myself go in the Wind
MANGIALAVORI Massimo (HL,9,4/1996)
This case also is a ‘spider’ one, Aranea diadema. 34-year-old woman. She can’t bear closed rooms, tunnels,
elevators, etc. She has terrible headaches for years, which began with her puberty and it persecutes her every month
‘like a toll that remembers her that she must suffer’. She is restless, nervous, can’t be still a moment. She is worse for
cold. Aranea diadema cured and brought deep transformation. It is interesting that the patient had passion for
knitting. (The prescription was not based on this)
31. He’s mad about ropes
MANGIALAVORI Massimo(HL,9,4/1996)
Six-year-old boy, very thin, restless; rheumatic ailments since about two years, which began after a series of
tonsillitis; worse every winter since 3 years-age. His ailments begin with a intense sensation of cold, was always very
cold since a baby, then his articulations pain; wants to be well-covered at night but tosses about a lot in bed
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 12
continuously and gets cold. Very restless and becomes more lively when he has a fever. Drinks a lot and takes lot of
milk. When grown up he wants to be a mountaineer like his grandfather; mad about playing with ropes; knows how to
make many knots. Construction games are his favourites together with machineries. When he has a fever he is much
more lively and wants to drink a lot.
Aranea diadema cured.
32. Can we really spoil a case?
SCHOLTEN Jan (HL,9,4/1996)
The author says that you really can’t spoil a case by a wrong prescription; that many so-called ‘incurable cases’ are
simply cases calling out for a relatively unknown remedy. He gives two brief examples of such cases in which the
group analysis led to the remedy. He also thinks that the ‘spoiled cases’ or ‘incurable’ are only projections of the
failure, pessimism of the doctor. Admitting that we cannot cure everyone might be a more enlightened attitude for both
doctor and patient.
33. Constitutional prescribing
MASTER Farokh (HH, 22,2/1997)
In this brief article the author says that KENT’s teaching of hierarchy of symptoms, viz., Mental, Physical Generals,
and Physical Particulars lead to ‘constitutional’ prescribing.
34. Two Short Cases
PANJWANI Rifat N. (HH,22,2/1997)
23-year-old male with complaint of severe epigastric pain not better by orthodox treatment. Diagnosed
Gastroduodenitis. Difficulty in swallowing. Cadmium sulphuratum 30 cured.
57-year-old lady with complaint of burning sensation in the mouth following tooth extraction; burning in the
mouth; dryness of the mouth; thirstless; greasy taste in mouth; saltish saliva. Routine remedies like Arsenicum,
Mercurius did not help, but Euphorbium selected on the peculiar symptom of salty saliva cured.
35. Short Cases
PANCHAL Ameet, PANCHAL Neeta A. (HH,22,2/1997)
A 12-year-old girl with asthmatic attacks since last 4 or 5 days, attacks during midnight and during sleep. Had to
sit up. The attack came on after her teacher threatened her in the school that she would not get good grades as her
attendance had fallen short. The patient is a good performer. This fright brought on the attack. The other symptoms
also matched Sambucus nigra which stopped the attacks.
7-year-old child with dry cough of many days’ standing. The child has been getting this cough since three years,
every year during the Diwali festival season when lot of crackers and fireworks are lighted by people and there is too
much smoke in the atmosphere. After referring to CLARKE’s Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Mentha
piperita was selected and given in the 30 potency which relieved this cough. Evidently this remedy will suit cough
due to environmental pollution.
36. A Case of Hypertension and Migraine
GALA Mita H. (HH,22,2/1997)
24-year-old male with Migraine and Hypertension. Phosphorus 200 to XM over a period relieved the Migraine and
the Hypertension. Follow-up eleven months: remains normal.
37. A Case of Bronchial Asthma
PATWARDHAN A.B. (HH,22,2/1997)
12-year-old boy with Bronchial Asthma. History of Asthma in maternal Grandfather. Repertorization indicated
Arsenicum album as the remedy but as the patient was more hot than chilly, Arsenicum iodatum was given and he was
able to go through without bronchodilators. As ‘constitutional’ remedy Natrum sulphuricum M has been given.
Patient is still under observation.
38. Midas Touch - but not for Gold
ANSARI Anwar (HH,22,3/1997)
A young student with ‘Depression’. He was a student of Ayurvedic Medicine. He has been studying hard and one
night he suddenly felt that his head was being hit by stones. This began to recur next day and on; he also felt that in the
evening when he sat down for dinner and touched his food it felt like stone; a piece of bread felt as heavy as a stone!
He was also afraid of entering a room without lights as he feared that some one may throw stones at him.
His feeling of ‘stones’ was interpreted as fragility’ on his part; Monomania and fixed ideas added to these pointed
to Thuja which was given in the 200 and recovery soon followed. Two years follow-up: he remains well.
39. Long standing Eczema
IYER Latha (HH,22,3/1997)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 13
34-year-old woman with Eczema of her left foot since eight years. Much itching. Blackish discoloration of the
neck and itching of the hands since 15 days. Recurrent attacks of cold and tonsillitis. Her husband was an alcoholic.
She felt caged. She felt a constant threat to her life and her children. Cimicifuga 200 cured.. (The rubrics: Delusion,
wires, is caught in; Aversion to company; Impatience; Desire to wander; Chilly; Rage; Fear of being murdered; Menses
irregular, scanty).
40. Migraine cured with Hepar sulphuris
DESAI Rupal (HH,22,3/1997)
36-year-old woman with Migraine and Hyper-acidity as well as Cervical Spondylosis, Haemorrhoids. Hepar
sulphuris 200 chosen on the basis of her ‘mental’ symptoms alone, relieved her complaints.
41. The Price of Superiority
SAMANT Nitin (HH,22,3/1997)
Two Cases: 1. 11-year-old girl with recurrent vomiting with pain in the stomach before going to school since the
last four months. Frequent urination at night and recurrent cough and cold < by cold drinks and cold weather. Platina
chosen on the basis of her ‘mental’ symptoms alone cured.
Case 2: Mother of the above girl: she wanted to reduce her weight; chilly; ravenous appetite; desired spicy and non-
vegetarian food. Very straight-forward, and fights against injustice. She was also given Platina based on her ‘mental’
42. Severe dermatitis cured with a rare remedy.
SAKHRANI Uma (HH,22,3/1997)
41-year-old woman with xerotic Eczema, severe itching, burning and oozing of sticky watery fluid since one year.
Worse during full moon as well as new moon and made the nights miserable. Numbness of her lower extremities since
about five years. Cenchris contortrix M prescribed on her ‘dreams’ alone, cured.
42. A Case of Asthma
PATWARDHAN Prabha (HH,22,3/1997)
One-year-old boy with Asthma since the age of 2 months brought on by exposure to dust. Has been admitted to
hospitals four times within one year. High fever with Leucocytosis during the attacks. Big built child with normal
milestones. Loved bathing and eating; he would get very excited whenever these two were to be had. Licked shoes,
table tops and the carpet. Night restless and could not sleep. Chest was full of rhonchi.
Coffea selected on the ‘mental’ symptoms alone cleared his ailments and he had not a single episode of wheeze
during the next six months.
43. A Case of Chronic Vertigo
VAKANKAR V.R. (HH,22,3/1997)
35-year-old female, unmarried, with complaint of vertigo since two and half years. Indigestion and hyperacidity
also. When she has this vertigo she feels as if her body has no weight and is floating; sensation as if there is no
support below her. Frequent urination during giddiness. Loss of balance when she wakes up in the morning. Hot
patient, < during summer. She has fixed ideas about health; constant feeling that something is wrong with her. Even a
small upset is considered a major one. Thuja M one dose given on her mental symptoms alone restored her.
44. Mapped Tongue - A Rare Concomitant
DOSHI Nina (HH,22.3/1997)
19-year-old male with impeded breathing. Constriction in the chest. From age 12 had impeded breathing which
begins with a bout of sneezing, < change of weather, damp weather. < night, cold things, 12-1 p.m., 3-4 p.m. and night
1-2 a.m. > by hot drinks and steam. Frothy/patchy tongue and bilateral rhonchi. Thirst for ice cold water. Takes cold
easily. He had mapped tongue whenever he had breathing difficulty and this mapped tongue vanished when his
breathing improved. Kali bichromicum brought about improvement and as inter-current he was given a dose of
Psorinum and then again Kali bichromicum after he became very much better.
45. Mental Symptoms in Homeo Therapeutics
BALAKRISHNAN E. (HH,22,3/1997)
Cases of Neurosis are presented: Mental depression, irregular menses and Hirsutism in a 21-year-old lady was
cured with Cyclamen. (Always sad, taciturn, gloomy, obsessed with the idea that she was being persecuted by
everyone, the feeling that she has committed a grievous hurt or has not done her duty)
20-year-old lady with too many angry-looking pimples spread over face, many red pustules, some exuding pus.
Even as her case was being taken, she wanted to wash her hands and face. She said that she liked to wash her face and
hands several times ‘to keep herself clean’. Syphilinum cleared her pimples and phobia.
9-year-old girl, sprightly, intelligent, was with her grandparents since her own parents were living abroad. She was
very attached to her grandparents. Later when her parents took her and lived separately, the girl became sad and
morose, kept herself closeted in one room, not speaking to anyone, not attending even to her personal needs.
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Psychiatric treatment went on for months without appreciable improvement. Weaning her away from her grandparents
was taken as the cause and Aurum metallicum (Forsaken feeling) improved her.
16-year-old girl was obsessed with the idea that she was the most beautiful person, spending all the time before the
mirror, improving her looks, leaving no time for studies or other activity. Sleepless, she spent days and nights
annoying everyone with the question “am I not the most beautiful - how do I look?” Psychiatric treatment only made
her drowsy and sleepy. Cannabis indica (Delusion, being beautiful). cleared her obsession.
37-year-old male, obsessed with fear of death and that something dreadful will happen to him. He wanted someone
to always escort him. This mental state came on after he saw his father dying of a massive heart attack all of a sudden.
Phosphorus brought him back to normalcy.
Case of pituitary tumor slated for operation; patient developed symptoms of heart failure every time he was taken to
the operation theater. Gelsemium cleared this fear (not the tumor. This is a case presented by
Since Hysterectomy two years ago, the patient was suffering from severe vertigo which defied all treatment. Fear of
insanity was her mental obsession. There was also suppression of menstrual flow. Calcarea carbonica brought about
complete cure.
42-year-old male with Rheumatoid arthritis bed-ridden, Dropsical swelling of all joints with severe tearing pain.
Despairs of recovery, weeping while narrating complaints. Expressed loathing of life, suicidal thoughts. Aurum
metallicum XM, followed by Sepia brought about complete recovery within 7 months.
46. Delusion of Hearing Voices
MISHRA S.C. (HH,22,3/1997)
44-year-old female, married. She was employed and when she was transferred she went and stayed alone. At this
time she began to hear voices; felt that her neighbours were criticising, discussing her. She did not mix with her
neighbors. Her husband was tall and well-earning whereas she was miserly, and hoarded things and money. Did not
entertain anyone. Baryta carbonica brought about improvement but it was Calcarea silicata that finally cured her.
47. A Case of Hyperpigmentation
BURDE Anita N. (HH,22,3/1997)
32-year-old lady, with hyperpigmented patches on exposed parts of her body, worse when exposed to sun. She had
recurrent urinary tract infection; recurrent worm infestation. She came from a rich family but she could not reach ‘high’
in society as her husband was not rich. However, she had strong desire to attain a high status. She was impatient and
had strong desire to perform on the stage. Argentum nitricum 200 cured her including the hyperpigmentated patches.
48. A Case of Lyssin
SHAH Parinda (HH,22,3/1997)
4-year-old old boy with upper respiratory tract infection with high fever, almost every six weeks. Only strong
antibiotics could control the fever and infection every time. He was restless, wanted mother’s attention constantly
and became annoyed when he was told to be quiet. Very irritable. Stubborn. At the slightest contradiction he shrieks,
shouts, throws things, bites and even beat his parents. Cannot control his anger. Later he feels and even says ‘sorry’.
Scared of being alone in house, he followed his mother around the house. His mother is a Christian and father Hindu
and the mother had lot of difficulties in adjusting to an orthodox Hindu way of life. She constantly prayed and
quarreled with her husband and cursed him bitterly. The mother’s mental state pointed to Lyssin. The boy began to
improve and maintains well.
49. Rheumatology - Connective Tissue Diseases
KOHLI Bindu (HUD,5.1/997)
These diseases refer to a group of diseases thought to be mediated by the deposition of immune complexes in
specific organ or tissue sites including the glomerulus and blood vessel walls. Homeopathy being immunologically
reactive, has shown positive in the treatment of these complex diseases.
50. Miracle of Barberry
KANSAL Kamal (HUD,5.1/1997)
35-year-old lady with pain in both lumbar region radiating down to urethra/vagina with vomiting, diagnosed
radiologically bilateral ureteric calculi. Berberis vulgaris 30, thrice daily. She passed stones twice. The medicine was
continued for over a month, Although the size of calculus was big to be passed from ureter and the urethra (female), it
is only possible that apart from the dissolution effect of Berberis vulgaris it must be dilatatory effect on circular fibres
of ureter and urethra.
51. Case Reports - Rheumatology
KANSAL Kamal & KOHLI Bindu (HUD, 5,2/1997)
Case 1: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Rheumatic Arthritis: 30-year-old lady with joint pain with
swelling of affected joint < knees (both). Anger, despair; pains ++; Dutiful. Kali iodatum 200 one dose daily for 7
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 15
days. There was very significant improvement. The immunologist in the Government Hospital who did the blood tests
and saw the improvement said that the patient had been given Steroids!
Case 2: Systemic Sclerosis: 40-year-old female, with pain in joints tightening of skin specially over finger and
puffing of face. SS was diagnosed. She was on systemic Steroids; Gold compounds; without much relief. Pain with
stiffness joints; Burning in palms and soles; stool frequent, loose with griping; difficulty in opening mouth; difficulty
swallowing. The pains developed after she had two abortions. Sabina 30 three times a day for two weeks with
remarkable relief in pain and swelling. The prescription was repeated 3-4 times in ascending potencies, infrequently.
The relief was complete.
Case 3: 34-year-old female with swelling and stiffness of all joints and gradually involved almost all joints.
Eruptions with itching all over the body; Fever with chills: Puffiness of face: Ill-treatment by husband and in-laws for
last ten years. Ignatia 200, three doses and then on placebo. She went on to improve and became well.
Case 4: Scleroderma: 35-year-old female. Raynaud’s phenomena - 5 years. ; breathlessness on exertion grade IV
< winter; Dysphagia; Difficulty in opening the mouth. Secale cornutum 30 three times a day from 26.6.95 to 3.2.1996
and she went on to improve.
Case 5: Rheumatoid Arthritis: 16-year-old male with pain and swelling of left ankle, gradually involving right
ankle and knee and lastly hands and fingers, with high fever. Ledum palustre 200 thrice daily three weeks and got
Case 6: 38-year-old female with pain and swelling of joints < morning of 19.7.1995. She had Erythema Nodosum
6 months back and was advised for investigation for RA which she ignored. The Erythema nodosum was treated with
total relief by Rhus toxicodendron 30 . Now she was given Lachesis 200 one dose followed by placebo for one
month. Normal.
Case 7: 38-year-old male with Elbow Bursitis treated effectively with Ruta 30. Later he again presented himself
with pain in all joints with stiffness. RA factor +ve. Medorrhinum M one dose, repeated once and then XM. Normal.
Case 8: 50-year-old female with pain multiple joints since 3 years; bronchial Asthma since 10 years. History of
allergic rhinitis for 10 years. Was on allopathic medicines and then developed difficulty in breathing, cough and spasm
with wheezing. Was given steroids and bronchodilators for about one year when she started developing joint pains.
Pulsatilla M one dose. Relief all-round, but pains still continued and prevented sleep. Strontium 30 t.d.s. gave very
good and lasting improvement.
52. Ignatia rescued the male
KANSAL Kamal (HUD,5,2/1997)
37-year-old male presented with anxiety, hot, clammy palms, depressed and weepy. Has suffered major financial
losses in shares and investments. This was unexpected. Ignatia 200 three doses and he recovered.
53. Defective Spermatogenesis
MISRA Nityananda (HUD,5,3/1997)
Fast falling sperm count is concern. Newer techniques are emerging as ART (ICI etc.). But a trial with
homeopathic treatment is worthy. A Case report: 35-year-old, married at 24 years had defective spermatogenesis
resulting in no children. Pathological reports revealed “one to three living sperms or a few dead sperms only”. No
significant improvement from different treatments including homeopathic. Small-pox at 2 years age, scabies
suppressed at 11, profuse lachrymation and hypermetric vision at 13, chicken pox at 17 years. He was much worried
about his father who was an inveterate Opium eater. VDRL test, negative. Detailed case taken and Sulphur M,
Lycopodium M, Carbo vegetabilis M, Rhus toxicodendron 30, Sulphur Q6. Subsequent report showed very good
count of spermatozoa, as also motility.
54. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
WAHI, R.N. (HUD,5,3/1997)
18-year-old girl, with Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura diagnosed in November 1996. She came for
Menorrhagia and Petechial haemorrhages on legs, arms and bleeding gums. Crotalus horridus 6 three times and
Ceanothus mother tincture three times, daily. Improved.
55. A Strange feeling in the Legs
41-year-old catholic priest with recurring pharyngitis and poor wound healing. When tried to exercise, he
experienced a strange sensation in his legs which obliged him to stop and sit down. Sulphur M was given on 26
November 1995 and he never complained of pharyngitis and his skin was also much better, but his leg complaint
remained. From 1988 he began to have episodes of palpitations and later headaches. He complained of his legs, heart,
headache. Many remedies were prescribed over the years 1985 to 1991 and he was not really cured. Then Conium 200
was given and he began to improve. Follow-up from 1992 to 1997.
56. Grief and Vertigo
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 16
64-year-old woman lost her husband in an accident a week prior to her visit. she complained of tension in her throat,
constriction in chest, anxiety being alone in her house and generally cold sensation overall. She sighed and wept.
Ignatia XM was given. The result was rapid. A month later she came and told of a vertigo since two weeks which was
more during the act of lying down in bed. Ignatia 200. The vertigo became worse and now she had it when turning in
bed and when rising from the bed. Conium 200.
57. Conium maculatum to Nux moschata
In this case KOKELENBERG explains how he used Conium as remedy in a ‘transition’ state between other
remedies. A 49-year-old woman divorced her husband after he had an extra-marital affair. Three years later she
developed relationship with a man who turned out to be an alcoholic and premature ejaculation and then two
myocardial infarctions. She was in menopause. Breast tenderness, swelling. Waking from sleep from perspiration.
Hot flushes. Conium maculatum 200. She improved well and was followed-up for three months. Although her
physical symptoms went away her mental complaints had not. Now on reconsideration she was given Nux moschata
200 and she was totally cured.
In this case it was clear that there were different remedy layers. “The hierarchial value of mental symptoms
covered by Nux moschata versus the physical general symptoms covered by Conium maculatum would ordinarily lead
to a preference for Nux moschata. However, the presence of Conium key-notes, especially during menopause can be a
sign of a pre-cancerous state which necessitates Conium prescriptions over other remedies.”
58. A Sensual Monk
SCHADDE Anne (NEJH,6,1/1997)
The author says, rightly, that she found from her experience that while the similie can bring about good results, only
the simillimum will have the symptoms disappear for ever. A 46-year-old priest with charisma, a charming person, soft
spoken complained of feeling motion of boat long after he had travelled in a ship. The sensation persisted. Allopathic
treatments didn’t help. He tried Homeopathy because he “wanted the ground under my feet to be stable.” The
problem started when he looked at the surface of the sea while being on the ship. The feeling is “like a balloon is
going to raise my head and twists me around He said this in a way as if he was standing in the middle and the whole
surrounding was moving: “I want the ground to be stable. The bed is moving, the balloon is raising my head. I do not
have the feeling of standing with my feet on the ground.” Tests revealed elevated liver function and it was already
swollen. He drank alcohol in large quantity at a time; he emptied a glass in a gulp. This is an expression of his life, he
is in a way generous and his whole appearance has a kind of generosity. He had problems with his vision, as if
“foggy”. He wanted always to please others. He needed to feel useful to others, like a kind of compulsive helpfulness.
He was given Phosphorus and the vertigo disappeared within 24 hours. Five years later he informed that the vertigo
had returned after he looked into the water while walking across a bridge. When enquired it was learnt that the foggy
vision was still there “as if there is a haze between me and the world”; the liver function tests were still bad and he was
developing a fatty liver. A repetition of Phosphorus didn’t help. Cocculus, Coffea and some other remedies did not
help. The case was restudied and Conium maculatum M cured him.
A very interesting report.
59. Breast Nodules with Seventeen year Follow-up
RILEY David (NEJH,6,1/1997)
62-year-old lady who had lumps in her right breast which were discovered to be malignant and therefore treated by
surgery and the right breast was removed. She then developed several small, hard lumps in the left breast and these
“were just like the ones in the right breast”. While she seemed sad she denied any grief or traumas from the past. Has
been in menopause for four years. She was of stoic nature. Her son told that she didn’t like to be acknowledged in
front of the family. She felt humiliated by any kind of recognition even if it is something good to be said about her.
Because of the indurated nodules she was given Conium 200. In the follow-up two months later, she said that the
nodules had completely disappeared. When her son was contacted 17 years later, he informed that his mother was still
living and she had regular mammograms and these had always been negative.
60. An Eighty-year Old back in a Forty-year Old Woman
FARRUGIA Lyn (NEJH.6.1/1997)
42-year-old woman, with complaint of back pain. She had, 4 years ago, a herniated disc from an injury which
occurred while lifting boxes at her job. She was taking pills for the pain and from 1992 to 1994 there was little pain,
but now after the accident the pain has become worse. MRI revealed one dead disk and three disks that are on their
way out. Arthritis in spine and her orthopaedic surgeon said that she had the back of an 80-year old person. Left foot
is numb on the top of the foot. She also had Migraine which occurred once a month on the left side always above the
eye. 16 years ago she was treated with birth control pills for 12 years for Endometriosis. She was fidgety. She said
that she was an underachiever, got bored very easily. Does many things at a time and none gets completed. She has
suffered much grief. She said that while she appeared to be very active and social, underneath she was really very sad
about her life especially since she was alone most of the time.
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She was given Conium LM 1 and later 2, 3 and then LM 5 and she began to improve. After one year she continues
to take Conium one dose every day in LM potency. Her prognosis is fair to good.
This case illustrates the use of Conium in treating pathological conditions with the LM potency over the course of a
61. A case of Cervical Dysplasia
KLEIN Louis (NEJH,6,1/1997)
This article is excerpted and updated by the author from his presentation at the Proceedings of the 1989 IFH Case
Conference. A female 44 years age with Pap class III. The presentation details the symptoms, the analysis and the
selection of the remedy and the follow-up. This case also is an example of homeopathic cure of a serious pathology.
A brief Materia Medica of Conium, including in children, is given at the end of the article.
62. A Case of Psoriasis
AGARWAL M.L. (AHJ,5,1/1997)
18-year-old male with Psoriasis in waist, both sides. Nails deformed, blackish. He was under constant pressure
from his parents to study and score well. He felt much insulted in the presence of his brothers and sister. Staphysagria
improved. After three months during examination time there was recurrence and repetition of Staphysagria did not
improve. After reconsideration Sepia was given which gave the desired result.
63. The vexed question of Antidotes
CASTRO Miranda (HT,17,1/1997)
In this interesting article the author openly discusses the ‘vexed’ question whether Coffee, Mint, etc. really antidote
the healing effects of a correct homeopathic medicine. Her considered answer in the light of years of experience is
that these do not antidote. There are many instances in which the remedy had been given in tea, coffee or soup, food
itself and the remedy worked. In many cases the reason for the remedy’s inaction is due to it being the wrong or
unhomeopathic, remedy! Prohibiting stringently something which the patient has been regularly accustomed to puts a
lot of tension on the patient and that could act as an antidote. The commonly believed ‘antidotes’ - Coffee, Tea,
Tobacco, Mint etc. - are not antidotes in all cases; it depends upon other factors.
64. A Remedy for Sciatica
SULLIVAN Andrea (HT,17,1/1997)
The author’s office receptionist complained of pain in the right hip, buttock, worse when rising from a seat; the pain
moved down to behind the knee as if it were Sciatica. The pain was worse at nights and worse lying. As is not unusual
an off-hand prescription of Rhus toxicodendron was ordered which did not relieve, and the next day Tellurium was
prescribed, also rather hastily. No relief came and on repertorization Sepia was indicated, which when given, relieved.
Reference to the text books confirmed Sepia’s action in Sciatica.
65. A Scorpion Bite
NAUMAN Eileen (HT,17,1/1997)
The author narrates an experience of her husband being stung by the scorpion commonly known in Arizona (USA)
as Bark Scorpion also as Sculptured Scorpion, and its scientific name Centruroides sculpturatus. The sting of this
scorpion is known to be very toxic and sometimes fatal . She narrates the symptoms developed by her husband and the
successful treatment (Lachesis).
Additional information which the author gathered from the Forest Service Ranger: there are over 1500 species of
scorpions on this earth. The most dangerous species in the US is the Sculptured Scorpion and it lives only in the
southern Arizona and New Mexico. If stung by this this scorpion they recommend immediate emergency room
In the PS the author adds that the scorpion which they had captured soon after being stung, for purposes of
identification by the Forest Service Ranger, was released across the creek by her husband on the next day, to go on its
66. Theory and Experience
MALERBA Larry (HT,17,1/1997)
Miasmatic theory and homoepathic clinical experience frequently shed light on the fundamental truth that disases
and disease predispositions are inherited not only in a conventional genetic sense but also in an energetic sense. To a
large extent the energy of our parents, and their parents, plays a strong role in who we are and what we will become
susceptible to in life. This energy is transmitted not through the genetic code but through an energetic mechanism
which we currently, due to our limited knowledge, only understand in a very vague way. A case in illustration: 3-year-
old boy who would go to sleep at bedtime and after two hours maximum would wake up screaming. Couldn’t be put
down or he would scream until picked up again. During day he needed constant attention. Unless engaged by
someone he would whine. Was much attached to his father and every morning when his father left for work he had
strong fear that his father would go away and die. When in public he was “extrovert”. Frequently he would ask his
mom whether she was happy. Fears included “big dinosaurs and monsters”. He had a port wine stain birthmark on his
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 18
right lower leg. He was given Carcinosin 30, later two more doses of 200. Although he improved, he relapsed into an
increased fear of his father’s death. The mother then recalled that several years before the birth of her son a “peeping
Tom” had put a severe fright into her that required two years of therapy to overcome. She became terrified at night and
could not be alone for fear that he would come back and do harm to her. It was long time after that she became
pregnant with her son. Stramonium 200 (the remedy which the mother needed at the time she suffered the fright) was
given to the boy and remained well since then.
67. What it might have been
MALERBA Larry (HT,17,3/1997)
Two-year-old girl already been to the Paediatrician that morning. She had woken up from a nap at 2 p.m. the day
before with the left side of her face severely swollen. The Paediatrician suspected Mumps and he drew a titer but the
results of this test were still pending. The child woke up several times at night and wanted to be held. Fever, loss of
appetite, clear runny nose, and nasal stuffiness. Irritable. Cough, Pulsatilla 30 three doses in 24 hours, and there was
quick relief. The titer test subsequently turned out to be negative.
68. Case Analysis: Seeing the Wood for the Trees
ZAJAC Angela (HOM,64/1997)
This is a brief article reiterating that a homeopath should not miss to pick up the peculiar, rare, strange, queer
symptom from out of the mass of symptoms reported by the patient.
69. A Hydrogen Case
SHINE Michelle (HOM,64/1997)
This is a case of a young woman, idealistic, socially aware woman, Cannabis-smoker, history of sexual abuse in
childhood, craving for sugar. She became worse every time she smoked Cannabis. She felt spaced-out after this.
Hydrogen LM 1 helped her most to recover. It is said that Hydrogen is a remedy that helps people with an idealistic
attitude to live in this imperfect society in health.
70. Rectal cancer Treated by Homeopathy
An 80-year-old lady with rectal Cancer was treated with the remedies indicated from time to time during the period
March 1996 to June 1996 and she is still under treatment. It is interesting that the “self-inflicted radiation therapy was
successfully antidoted by Phosphorus, Arnica X-ray and Anacardium. The last report in November reveals a
significant reduction in the size of the tumour.” Still more interesting that the author has successfully used Arnica and
Phosphorus which the late Dr.A.H.GRIMMER had proposed for the victims of the Hiroshima bombing (radiation
71. Mastectomy Breast Cancer - Radiation -
Bad effects of
In this article too the author refers to GRIMMER’s suggestion as basic remedies Arnica and Phosphorus for ill
effects of radiation.
A case: A 39-year-old lady with Cancer left breast underwent mastectomy and removal of four axillary
lymphnodes, on 18.3.1996. She observed sometime later a lump on the left chest. While Bellis relieved the pain she
developed pain in the left shoulder and scapula. Arnica 200 was given and then she underwent intense radiation of 25
sittings followed by Chemotherapy. On 19.6.1996 she exhibited several radiation burns, axillae puckered, ulcer on
operated site with painful cicatrix, peeled orange appearance of skin surrounding the ulcer, crater filled with offensive
slough. Phosphorus 30. Other remedies indicated by the presenting symptoms followed over a period of about
three months and she improved and as at the time of reporting of the case she presents a healthy face, cheerful
appearance in contrast to the gloomy melancholy at the beginning”. The author makes two very useful suggestions:
1) “All cases having had surgery under anaesthesia may require a powerful antidote like Acetic acid as a broad-
spectrum remedy intercurrently to deal with sequelae.
2) “Patients undergoing radiation for any condition must be given Phosphorus intercurrently as long as symptoms
attributable to radiation present themselves. I have used X-ray and Radium bromatum also during later stages after
repeated use of Phosphorus.”
72. Homoeopathic Gynaecology
SARASWATHI, G. (MFH,7.3/1997)
A 26-year-old married female, married to a first cousin (consanguinous) had a number of pregnancies with only one
live birth. Her gynaec. history is long and varied. First pregnancy in 1991 ended in intra-uterine death in the 8
and ‘induced labour’ resulted in a macerated female foetus with no external malformations. She was then given
hormone treatment and became pregnant in December 1992 and in the 8
month the foetus found to be having severe
hydrops; Cardiomegaly was also concomitantly noted with cardiac failure. Pregnancy was terminated. This delivery
was very painful, the patient was in labour for 20 hours, and she needed 6 units of blood transfusion. After this she
had bleeding p/v for 3 months. Once again hormonal treatment and she conceived in September 1995. In February
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1996 foetal hydrops was found and she received homeopathic medication for many painful conditions that arose. Then
intra-uterine death was diagnosed but patient was not aware of when death had occurred; no pains. Pulsatilla M few
doses and she delivered normally and the placenta was expelled in toto in the next five minutes. Post-partum bleeding
was hardly 25 - 50 ml. Post partum treatment homeopathically with Arnica, Calendula and Hypericum. The patient
is continuing homeopathic treatment to get rid of the sequelae in the many gynaec episodes in an attempt to avoid
future recurrence and to enable a normal pregnancy and healthy child without recourse to the type of allopathic
treatment she had received during the previous pregnancies.
73. Two cases
KULAY F.M. (MFH,7,3/1997)
12 year-old girl with frequent throat infection, aversion to bananas. Elaps 200 brought about rapid relief.
One month-old baby boy hospitalised with suspected Pneumonia, mild fever; dyspnoea, cough, crying, given
Oxygen. Homoeopathic treatment: Lachesis 200 (Darting tongue, in and out; Mouth, aphthae; Chest, congestion) and
very rapid relief.
74. Capsule Cases
JANAKI, C.H. (MFH,7,3/1997)
13-year-old girl fell on her back while practising skating; a month later she suffered pain in the Coccyx while
sitting on a hard surface. She had a chronic tendency to bloody cracks on finger tips, and palms along with chapping of
skin and this was also < when the coccyx pain came on. Mezereum 200, three doses were given and soon the pain was
> by 50% as also the skin symptoms. Two weeks later Mezereum M, three doses > the pains to a considerable extent.
10-year-old boy who suffered swollen tonsils, fever, body pains etc. The boy had been doing Aerobics in the hot
sun for about 10 days preparatory to the school annual day. The complaints began on 31.1.1996 and over the next four
days many remedies - Belladonna, Antimonium crudum, Rhus toxicodendron, Pyrogen were give with temporary
abatement of the symptoms. At last Arnica relieved completely. The remedies were given in the 200 - M potencies.
75. Traumatic Amnesia
MISHRA, S.C. (MFH,7,3/1997)
64-year-old man suffered concussion in head and was unconscious for more than 48 hours in a hospital . His
memory could not be regained in spite of the hospitalisation for 15 days. He could not recognise anyone nor speak.
When he began to speak later, it was slurred and incoherent; he sat on his bed and picked up some imaginary things
from bed. Arnica, Natrum sulphuricum, Baryta carbonica, did not help. Rhus toxicodendron at last cured.
76. Cough these days
Five cases of severe dry coughs in which the remedies were Spongia in two cases and Hyoscyamus in two and in
the last it was Tuberculinum M that finished.
77. Depression: Approach and Management
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH,6,1/1997)
Three cases of ‘Depression’ are presented..
78. From Gloom to Bloom
HUMRANWALA Parinaz (NJH,6,1/1997)
The case of a 19-year-old girl from a village, married to a city-bred (Bombay) husband, constantly ill-treated by her
mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the husband towing the line of these two, leading to depression. Staphysagria
79. The Superman Zombie
SHUKLA Chetna (NJH,6,1/1997)
Young man of 20 years-age, depressed. He had lost his father when he was 9 and that loss affected him too much.
He became lonely, sensitive, philosophical, and his face was expressionless. Anhalonium lewinii restored him.
80. I will Kill or Die
RANA Satish (NJH,6,1/1997)
25-year-old young law student who became easily angry at trifles and abuses the person offending him. He
becomes so angry that he wanted to kill the offender. Unable to do so he falls into despair and depression. He felt like
ending his life. His troubles began after he failed to join the Indian Army which he very much loved to. Suspicious,
jealous, feels that he is under supernatural power. Inquisitive. Reproaches himself. Quarrelsome. Nux vomica and
then Lachesis were given; however, the patient committed suicide.
81. Why do I feel Depressed?
PANCHAL Manish (NJH,6,1/1997)
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26-year-old lady with depression. Said ‘I have no desire to live, I do not care to live and I am not happy to live.
During this spell of depression if I am able to weep, I feel better but tears do not come. I have no desire to live, but
don’t have the courage to jump from the window, to burn myself or sleep on the railway track.‘ Felt that her mother had
no time for her and neglected her whereas her in-laws gave her all the company needed and kept her cheerful. When
she was in the hospital for delivery, her mother although she came to her workplace (school) which was very close to
the hospital visited only four days after the delivery!
Lac defloratum improved her. In the opinion of the author she still needed treatment but the patient stopped.
82. My Unworthy Self
SHUKLA Chetan (NJH,6,1/1997)
Young boy with recurring sinusitis since past one and half years. He was depressed “because of his studies”. Lot
of pressure from father. His father pressurized him to take accounts in which he was not good and he felt himself
inferior compared to his colleagues in studies. Lac caninum M.
83. Desire to Live Again
SHENOY Nayana A. (NJH,6,1/1997)
30-year-old lady with joint pains, pain in the nape alternating with pain in both wrist joints. History of badly treated
Pneumonia. Loved a man whom she trusted much but who ditched her and also her sister. She felt her pains increased
after this betrayal. Wanted ‘to show him’. Felt that she was neglected by this man because she was poor, not
sophisticated, low and inferior. Lac caninum 200, repeated once and then M.
84. Homeopathy Combats Depression
The author presents five cases. The remedies - Aurum, Calcarea, Cyclamen, Lilium tigrinum, Psorinum.
85. Am I an Invalid
AHMED Md.Rafi (NJH,6,1/1997)
36-year-old male with tremendous anxiety. Felt himself invalid and unfit for any work or business. Looked
melancholic. It all began after he received a telegram about his mother’s heart attack; he was much shocked, and
feared heart attack to himself, then developed loss of confidence, fear of going out alone. Allopathic medicines being
taken for this anxiety have been of no avail. He suffered from acidity too. Argentum nitricum.
86. Childhood Hysteria
KUMAR Praveen (NJH,6,1/1997)
Four brief, interesting cases: Ignatia, Staphysagria, Natrum muriaticum and Moschus. The cases are preceded by a
brief exposition of childhood Hysteria.
87. A Hopeless Case of Trauma
MAMGAIN S.K. (NJH,6,1/1997)
As the title of the article reveals this is indeed an ‘irreparable’ and ‘hopeless’ case of head injury in a boy of 11
year-age and the prognosis in the large hospitals were poor. Over a period of two years, the child made what can be
termed as ‘unbelievable’ recovery with homeopathic treatment. He is still under treatment.
88. A Quick Prescription with a Prompt Result
SANDHU Kultar Singh (NJH,6,1/1997)
Two cases of Paralysis promptly cured by homeopathic treatment.
89. Learning through Clinical Cases
RANGOONWALA Niranjan(NJH,6,1/97)
40-year-old man with pain in left heel. On totality he was given Veratrum album 200 which relieved.
49-year-old spinster, a professor in a college, with complaint of pain right arm with numbness for two months.
Feverish with shivering in right arm every alternate day. In this case too Veratrum album given on the basis of the
90. Depression: an Introduction
ROY Sosi (NJH,6,1/1997)
After a brief explanation of ‘depression’, the author narrates 7 cases treated by him.
91. Three cases of Mechanical Compression
SAINE Andre (SIM,10,1/1997)
(This is from talk presented at the HANP Case Conference, Seattle, Washington, Nov. 9-10,1996).
1. 48-year-old male, right cervico-brachial neuralgia, radiating from the neck to the wrist. Violent pain, < night,
4-5 a.m., and wakes him up. Throbbing gnawing, sensation of electricity going along the nerves. Narcotics, two
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
injections of Cortisone have all been of no avail. Scan shows a huge cervical disc herniation at C6-7. He is
annoyed, tense; grouchy, can explode easily. In his youth, was abandoned and lived under child public care services;
was a rebel who wanted to destroy all mankind. In fact, he is sensitive under the hard shell. Stutters. Fastidious for
order. Feels good in altitude. Mercurius solubilis brought about a rapid improvement. Scan done five months later
showed regression of the herniated disc, right side.
2. 63-year-old retired Cardiologist with severe cervical nerve root syndrome due to diffuse and pronounced
cervical Arthrosis with flattening of C3-4 and C5-6 discs. Contractive stiffness from nape to the shoulders, with
intolerable deep tearing pain in the neck, and a burning tingling (pins and needles) which extends down to the posterior
parts of the arms to the last three digits, and down the mid-back. As the day progresses the pain becomes worse. Has
chills, and is chilly. Lying down ameliorates a bit.
The problem began 15 years ago and has become progressively worse Has played a lot of Soccer until about 8
years ago and enjoyed hitting the ball with head. Has played close to 40 years. Has tried Acupuncture, Physical
therapy, Analgesics, Traction, Homeopathy etc. but to no avail. four Steroid injections 20% reduction of pain. MRI
and CT Scan: anterior listhesis of C3 and C4, retrolisthesis of C4 and C5, and significant degenerative changes C4 to
C7. Surgery was not recommended due to the extensive degenerative changes at multiple levels. Over a period of 2
years he has received from two different homeopaths many remedies without benefit.
He is a hot patient. Jerking of a limb in sleep. Likes sweets, spicy, and salty foods. Very meticulous, disciplined,
very sociable, offended easily if someone is rude or not polite. Sensitive to offensive odors.
Sulphur and then Nux vomica did not help. The burning, prickling that the patient had in the cervical/thoracic
spine that was worse lying down and better from walking around fit Thallium metallicum. Immediate and maximum
relief was experienced. Tellurium followed. Now he is left with only 15-20% pain.
3. 72-year-old retired Engineer, with presumed diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. About 3 years ago he lifted a
plastic pool half full of water that weighed over 500 lbs. to empty it, the patient felt a numbness with tingling in both
his feet. These paraesthesias never left, but gradually progressed upward to his neck. When aggravated he would get
dark rings under eyes, have bloodshot eyes, mucous in throat, and develop a strong body odor. If one side would
improve, then his eyes would also clear up. His hands have started to clench with flexion of the wrists, 2 years ago.
Felt his hands are oily, as if he had soaked them in oil and tried to pick up something. Hands shake constantly. Feels
very weak. Lost much strength in legs. Balance is very poor. All symptoms worse left side. < sudden noise, any
stress or anger, cold air, hot weather; > local heat. Feels extremely frustrated, used to build everything with his hands.
But now cannot even hold a plate without dropping it. Does not feel any tingling while sleeping; he never has the
tingling on waking until he starts to move to rise (and therefore he did not have Multiple sclerosis, but this was a
mechanical problem, a postural problem, probably blew a disc in his spine while he was lifting.) He has had Eczema
with itchiness on thighs and legs for years, which is > with Cortisone ointment. Warm-blooded person, likes spicy and
salty foods. A strong, stoic, patient. A caring person with good values.
Hypericum was given (electric shock kind of pain, with the ascending paraesthesia) and he had an aggravation of
most of his symptoms for the first three days and then he started to improve and within two weeks, he was almost
completely recovered. Back to his old self, full of energy, with full use of his hands and body. It has been three
months since the remedy, and he is still fine. His Eczema has broken out. The worst he has had.
92. Dissimilar Disease
SAINE Andre (Simillimum, 10,1/1997)
Refer to Paras 39,41,42...in The Organon, on “complex disease” and “dissimilar disease”. These should be
understood, as they are very important. The point is that as a disease - an acute disease or a chronic disease -
progresses, you will go into different stages of the disease. If a different remedy is needed for the different stages, it is
a dissimilar disease which means, not similar to the prior state. If a remedy of the prior state is given in the progression
of disease either acute or chronic what will happen is that you will precipitate the following state. You are going to
make it worse. A case of a 48-year-old woman with serious pathologies is given in full detail to explain this;
thoroughly educative.
93. Hypothyroidism, Panic attacks, and Anorexia: Three Cases demanding respect
SOUTH Lianne (SIM, 10,1/1997)
1. 19-year-old female student with diagnosed Grave’s Disease. She had a great sense of hyperbole. From out of
her voluntary narration, four rubrics were formed: Affectation, Contemptuous, Loquacity, Ambitious and the remedies
Lachesis, Platina, Hyoscyamus, Veratrum album came up. Platina was chosen. From December 1993 to February
1995 she was on treatment. Follow-up in September 1996 confirmed that there was no relapse of thyroid symptoms.
An interesting case study.
2. 15-year-old young woman, a nationally-competitive Skier. She suffered a neck injury while skiing, and she had
another small injury falling off her bike. Shortly after that she began to have terrible panic-attacks: a lot of dizziness,
hyperventilation, and “really weird thoughts.” Always afraid of needles, pins, and spiders, but this got much worse.
She is on the drugs Prozac, Zanax, and Imipramine, with no help. Instead she got terrible panic attacks, seven or eight
times a day. She looked a 21 year-old instead of her actual 15. She is a very sophisticated, very beautiful, and very
arrogant, girl. The rubrics: Haughty; Fear, overpowering; Anxiety; and Delusions, horrible. Platina M once and XM
twice, during the period April 1995 to July 1995, and she remains well.
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3. 30-year-old woman, with main complaint of Anorexia. Has been on “lots of anti-depressants since 1988.
Very, very tired. Majorly suicidal for 7 years.” She felt that her parents loved her sister and she herself was always put
down. A problem with depression since she was 6 years old. Always a sense of failure—can never be enough. She
gets into angry state, but silently. Difficult relationship with people, very easily angered. Verbal fights. “I intimidate
people and keep them away.” But she can tell a lot of sexually raunchy jokes, and she swore an unbelievable amount,
all the way through the interview. Staphysagria was given and “that was a goof”. Two months later when she came
back, nothing had happened. Further story: Dreaming of dead people; Delusion, great person; Delusion, she’s not
appreciated; Laughing, serious matters. Violent anger, and Ailments from grief: Platina. and in the next two follow-
ups she was doing much better.
94. A Case of Ulcerative Colitis
ULLMAN Robert (SIM,10,1/1997)
39-year-old woman, a Systems Analyst. Chief complaint: Ulcerative Colitis. The woman had brought to the
author, three pages of notes that she had written out, regarding stress from working intensely on her dissertation,
graduation, many activities and celebrations. She called it “Notes on Recent Health Experiences.” Bloody stools, with
tissue and mucus, bleeding is not copious. No abdominal pains or discomfort. Gas, and she can be constipated or
bloated. Urgent stools, worse after a day of constipation. Stools usually once or twice a day. Canker sores in mouth.
A cold sore on her lip. She has a Ph.D. in Slavic language and the strife in Yugoslavia is tearing her apart. Her
symptoms started about the time of the revolution there. Feels powerless over events in Yugoslavia Mourns the way
things were there when she was a student. There has been a lot of divorce in her life: her divorce, her parents’ divorce,
Yugoslavia is going through a divorce. She has a lot of concern over her son’s education, and whether he’s in the right
school. She has, in general, a lot of concern about education. Interest in computers, engineering, and languages—those
are her specialties. And, obviously, a very bright person. A person who can learn Serbo-Croatian, and Systems
Analysis, and do a whole variety of different things. Very academically astute, very driven. A desire to travel, an
international focus. She likes to folk-dance. Nux vomica was prescribed. Didn’t do well with this remedy. Developed
an acute illness for which prescribed Phosphorus, and then Arsenicum album. Then again Phosphorus and lastly Kali
phosphoricum. The author has followed Rajan SANKARAN’s line of thinking and also Jan SCHOLTEN’s. The time
that this case zigzagged to almost complete relief of her ailments was from October 1991 to January 1995.
95. Running with the Wheezes
DELANEY Susan (SIM,10,1/1997)
“This is a case of Asthma and Diarrhoea. The acute part is Diarrhoea, and the chronic, Asthma. It is a complicated
case because it uses allopathic remedies long-term, and the patient is using them acutely. “The presentation begins so.
58-year-old female, a clinical Social worker, married, with no children. These are the things she has been through:
Tonsillectomy, 1963; leg veins stripped, 1965; Mononucleosis, 1978; Toxoplasmosis, 1982; Haemorrhoidectomy,
1984; endometrial Carcinoma, and a total Hysterectomy, 1984; chronic bronchial infections since 1985. Emphysema
and Asthma since about 1991. Degenerative disease of spine, and Osteoporosis. In 1991-2, Arrhythmia. She herself
has been a smoker for 35 years and had given it up only since 2 years, and her parents were smokers all through their
life and they heated their house with a wood stove and so she has somehow been getting a lot of smoke from childhood.
When she came for homeopathic treatment she had really bad diarrhoea. She was first given a “herbal gastrointestinal
formula” called ‘Blue Heron’ to soothe the irritated lining of the gut and to slow the passage of the stools with a
bulking agent. (The author is a Naturopath). With Natrum sulphuricum, Sulphur, Cuprum over the period August 26,
1994 to March 1995 she improved. However, the improvements didn’t seem to hold. Now her personal characteristics
were gathered and Lycopodium 30 daily was prescribed. She had amazing improvement. From April 1995 she has
been on this medicine - she felt she needed the Lycopodium and she could indeed do well with the remedy daily - and
improved greatly.
96. Cluster Headaches in a High Achiever
GOLDMAN Ellen (SIM,10,1/1997)
Case of a man who had suffered from cluster headaches that had lasted for more than half his life. His headaches
began after he was hospitalised for a severe sore throat which was later diagnosed as due to Streptococcal infection and
given Penicillin. The headaches came on after this. Remedies like Aurum muriaticum, Lachesis, Bryonia didn’t help.
Reconsidered and given Gelsemium and he began to immediately improve. An interesting presentation.
(Nos.91 to 96 above are presentations in the HANP Case Conference 1996 on Cases of Cured Physical Pathology.)
97. Das “Betpissen” und der “unwillkurliche (unwiderstehliche) Harnabgang” in der homöopathische Literatur zu
BÖNNINGHAUSENs Zeiten. (Bed- wetting and the involuntary (uncontrollable) escape of
urine in the homeopathic literature in BOENNINGHAUSEN’s time.)
JANSEN A. (ZKH,41, 1&3/1997)
The Symptoms “bedwetting” and “involuntary urination” were selected from the Materia Medica and written out
as a complete symptom. The way of selecting a remedy of the old homeopathic physicians is shown according to
articles of the old homeopathic literature.
98. Interrupted Motherhood with Fibroid - A Case Report
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
MISHRA S.C. (QHQ,5,4/1997)
34 year-old married lady. One child and no further conception after that. Bulky uterus with a fibroid in the posterior
wall filling uterine cavity. Although her spillage was prevented by Natrum carbonicum, the remedy could not remove
the fibroid. However, she went into full term and delivered normally a live baby.
1. Ramanlal PATEL’s Neuherausgabe von KENT’s “Repertory” (Chicago 1957) - nicht nur
eine Rezension (Ramanlal PATEL’s new edition of KENT’s Repertory (Chicago 1957) - not just a reprint)
KLUNKER W. (ZKH,41,1/1997)
This is a brief study of the history of KENT’s Repertory, and a review of the latest edition of the 6
edition of this
repertory published by Dr.Ramanlal PATEL. This edition of PATEL is a new corrected, revised and improved edition
and not just a reprint of the 1957 edition. The introduction, lay-out, corrections, etc. all are well-appreciated.
KLUNKER has also suggested certain corrections, for example “Anger, before cough”: Cina, should actually come
under the Rubric “Cough from anger” in p.782. The entire rubric “Anger, cough, from” is wrongly placed and belongs
to “Cough, anger from”, p.782. Dr.PATEL’s work is a valuable and much needed work.
2. Algumas observações às rubricas repertoriais (Some observations on repertorial rubrics)
ZOBY Elias Carlos (RH,62,1-2/1997)
The author makes comments and criticisms about several mental rubrics of the repertory, based on his other work
entitled “Homoeopathic Taxonomy”. All observations were carried out from the verification in Materia Medica and
original repertories. He concludes that it is necessary to set a homeopathic taxonomy and a complete certification of
the sources of information, not being possible to rely just on the dictionaries’ entries for the understanding of the
rubrics. He also shows that repertory is indispensable to the homeopathic practice and its mistakes should be
2. Repertorisieren 100 Jahre KENT’s “Repertory” (Repertorisation 100 years after KENT’s
KLUNKER, W. (ZKH,41,2/1997)
The intention of this paper is to show that the publication of KENT’s Repertory 1897 means a caseura in the
method of choosing the remedy. Before that, the choice of remedy had to be based on the Materia Medica, the
repertories only could give some hints. After that, the method of repertorisation became the instrument for choosing
the remedy directly, controlled by the Materia Medica. This method brought not only a progress in practicability of
Homeopathy, but also more certainty in the choice of the healing remedy.
1. A Possible Characterization of the Homoeopathic Effect
VEGA Guadalupe Ruiz and TORRES Jose Leonel (BHJ,86,1/1997)
Electrical signals from a photoelectric plethysmograph are used to test peripheral blood circulation as a source of a
homeopathically relevant parameter that will vary in a reproducible and systematic way following exhibition of
specific medicines in homeopathic doses. Mathematical treatment of the signals gives a Fourier power spectrum with
an approximately linear profile (in a log-log plot) at the lowest frequencies. The gradient of this line seems to meet the
above requirements of reproducible and systematic variation under a homeopathic stimulus, and this is our basis to
propose an analogous treatment for other electrical signals from the body, especially those from the heart and brain.
2. Homoeopathic Arnica and Rhus toxicodendron for delayed onset muscle soreness - A pilot-for a
randomized, double- blind, placebo-controlled trial
We intend to develop a simple, reproducible, clinical model to test the null hypothesis that the effects of
ultramolecular homeopathic preparations are always equivalent to placebo. A pilot of a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled study was conducted to assess the effects of Arnica and Rhus tox 30 on delayed onset muscle
soreness. 50 healthy volunteers undertook a standard bench-stepping exercise, with outcome assessed using a validated
soreness scale. Though the results of the trial favoured Homeopathy, differences between groups were small and did
not reach statistical significance (p>0.2). A sub-group analysis of subjects who did not take vigorous exercise and who
would therefore be expected to be more responsive to treatment showed clinically but not statistically significant
difference between groups (p>0.2). A second trial is currently under way in an attempt to replicate these findings.
3. Effects of Podophyllum peltatum compounds in various preparations and dilutions on human
neutrophil functions in vitro
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
Human blood Neutrophil granulocytes (Neutrophils) treated with Podophyllum peltatum L., derived compounds
exhibited an enhanced oxidative response in subsequent challenge with bacterial formyl peptides. This priming effect
was concerned with superoxide anion (O 2) release respiratory burst). The phenomenon was observed with a
potentized preparation containing, among other things, Podophyllum extract (Podophyllum compositum), with
Podophyllum 4x (final concentration of active principle about 0.025 pg/ml), whereas enhancement of O2 release was
not caused by homeopathic Podophyllum 12 or other components of the complex homeopathic preparation. Purified
podophyllotoxin had the same effect at doses of 0.1-10 pg/ml, whereas doses higher than 100 pg/ml of podophyllotoxin
inhibited the respiratory burst, so that pure toxin showed a typical bi-phasic dose response curve. Similar effects were
obtained with purified Colchicine (1-1000 pg/ml), a microtubule-disrupting agent. No priming by a Podophyllum-
derived compound was observed on Neutrophils stimulated with 50 ng/ml phorbol ester. Further, both potentized
Podophyllum-derived compounds and pure podophyllotoxin-inhibited cellular adhesion to the serum-coated surface of
culture microplates. These show that low potencies of a drug extract have specific stimulating effects on the activation
of Neutrophil metabolism. The same stimulating effects are also caused by low doses of the active principle of the
drug, which is an inhibitor when used at high doses.
4. Observações clínicas sobre a ação de medicamento homeopático em lesões por papíloma virus humano
(Policlínica III da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Campinas) (Clinical observations about the action of
homeopathic medicament in lesions caused by the human papiloma virus (Policlinics III, City Health
Care Department, Campinas, Brazil)
Roberto, BERGO Sylvia Maria (RH,62,1-2/1997)
The authors carried out a study in order to evaluate the efficacy of the homeopathic medicament. Thuja
occidentalis in the treatment of lesions carried by Human Papilloma Virus in 198 virus infected patients, in a town
health care service, during one year. After ninety days of individual assistance it was realized that 84.2% of the patients
had the oncotic and colposcopic citology negotiated, a much better result than another similar study carried out with
several allopathic medicaments. Moreover, the side effects of Thuja were almost nil.
5. Impfumfrage (Vaccination question)
FRIEDRICH, U.(ZKH,41,1/1997)
Homoeopathic physicians in Baden-Wurttenberg had been sent questionnaires about side-effects of vaccination.
Although only 21 (3.5%) of them answered, 207 side-effects of vaccinations were reported, 134 of them severe.
Homoeopaths should record and collect in each case the details of vaccinations and the ailments succeeding the
6. Potentised homeopathic drugs act through regulation of gene-expression: a hypothesis to explain their
mechanism and pathways of action in vivo KHUDA-BUKHSH Anisur Rahman (QHQ,5,4/1997)
A working hypothesis to explain the mechanism of action of potentized homeopathic drugs in vivo has been
proposed. The model is partly substantiated from the authors’ own research data on repair of chromosomal damages in
X-irradiated or toxic chemical-treated mice by the oral administration of some potentized homeopathic drugs, and
partly from some of the unpublished and published work of other researchers in the field of homeopathy. In this
model, strong scientific arguments have been made to form the hypotensis that the potentized homeopathic drugs act
through regulation of gene-expression, presumably through hormone-hormone-protein complexes - the sensor gene
integrator gene receptor gene-producer gene-pathway of Britten and Davidson’s model, or else through the
regulator/mutator gene-operator gene-structural gene pathway of Jacob and Monod’s model among some other
independent mechanisms. Scientific details of some possible pathways, admittedly speculative for some steps, have
also been provided to stimulate research in this direction to verify the correctness of the hypothesis.
1. A Case of Canine Skin Disease
TAPP Lori (HL,9,4/1996)
3-year-old, male German Shepherd dog with chief complaint of recurring skin eruptions of the back and elbows.
Ear inflammation, worse on the right, and clear discharge from the eyes. Skin felt warm to touch and the eruptions
consisted of many small scabs with much flaking and dryness. The ear eruptions were characterised by redness and
itching, especially of the ear flap. He was very attached to his owner and tended to be fearful and aggressive with
strangers. His appetite was ravenous. He preferred cool temperatures but was not overly sensitive to heat.
Thunderstorms made him restless and uneasy but he was not afraid of loud noises. His build was large and stocky with
a tendency to flabbiness.
Because of the recent antibiotic treatment Nux vomica 200 was given and it appeared to have cleared the picture
allowing the emergence of the symptoms needed to prescribe the next remedy. After evaluating the symptoms that
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
now came up Calcarea carbonica 200 was given and at follow-up improvement