© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Dear Reader,
The Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest (QHD), was begun in 1984. It carried some 'selected' articles from the standard
journals like the British Horn. Journal, the Journal of the Am. Inst. of Horn., the German Journals, etc. This was done in
response to requests by some colleagues in their personal talks with me; most of them did not have access to these journals.
While a nominal cost was collected from some of the readers, which took care only of a part of the actual costs incurred, the
entire work of selection of articles, translation, typing them, having them printed, proof- reading, etc. etc. were all done
single-handedly with the assistance of my wife. Bulk of the expenditure was from my purse. In due course the number of
pages of the QHD began to slowly swell; the printing etc. also became computerised and laser-type set, etc. Another
important change was that the entire range of articles in the standard homeopathic journals came to be listed under
appropriate disciplines like Philosophy, Materia Medica. etc. : also all the books reviewed in these journals, as well as
Seminar notes, etc. were covered, by way of listing the articles, and furnishing a brief abstract/extract. This way we have a
view of the state of Homoeopathy world-over and are alive to what is happening around in the homceopathic world. Those
who were interested in particular articles could have their copies from me for their personal study. Sometimes an
article or two considered good, were also given in full. As told already a good part of the cost continues to be borne by
me. I am not complaining of this. It's alright. The only aim of the QHD is that homoeopaths benefit from it. Of course this
number is only so much that it can be counted on one's fingertips! Let this too, be.
The QHD is now in its 16th year. You will realise that the QHD is unique in the world of homeopathic literature. You
will kindly keep in mind that I am a homoeopath professional: and the QHD work is carried out in the little time
that may some days be available to me after my clinical hours. The amount of valuable material now available in the 16
years' of QHD is tremendous indeed. Lest this be lost to the general homeopathic community I have proposed the following:
1. Publish the homceopathic medicinal provings - new as well as re-provings - in a book form. The last Materia Medica
containing new material, to the best of my knowledge, is O.A.JULIAN's; the one before that was James STEPHENSON'S.
Many new as well as re-provings have been published in different journals - English, German, etc. - and these lie scattered in
different journals and are not easily accessible. I have collected over 80 provings including genuinely hahnemannian. and
clinical provings. These are valuable. I propose to publish these. The work is on.
2. The great teacher of Homoeopathy of this Century, Dr.Pierre SCHMIDT, in the footsteps of KENT, has left a large
legacy; his many articles on all aspects of Homeopathy have appeared in the European and International journals, some of
which have appeared as reprints in the Indian journals like The Hahnemannian Gleanings. Some of his
lengthy lectures like the Art of Case Taking and Interrogation, Defective Illness, etc. have appeared as booklets too. I
have ventured to collect all the articles which appeared in The Hahnemannian Gleanings, the Homceopathic Heritage,
as also some that appeared in the German journal and from the Collected Works (from the many lectures which
Dr.P.SCHMIDT gave to his students of the "Groupement Mercurius du Dr.P.Schmidt'), published in French recently
by Dr.Jacques BAUR of Lyon. This collection of mine includes The Art of Case Taking as also Defective Illness etc.
To these works of Dr.SCHMIDT, I have added some of the articles of Dr.T.P.PASCHERO. This collection of
SCHMIDT and PASCHERO, I consider as a great treasure and will help us currently in confusion with so many
"teachers' teaching variations of what is generally thought of as 'classical Homoeopathy'.
This work is under preparation. Those interested in this collected works, may please write to me
3. The experienced masters have conveyed lot of hints, tips, additions, etc. on Materia Medica, in their various
articles. Seminars, published in the journals, which are not as such available in the Materia Medica books generally
used by us. I have been collecting these gems. 1 would like to clarify that my collection is not from the "Great Old
Masters' like ALLEN. L1PPE. KENT. etc. Mine are mostly from the later period. This too, I propose to publish.
I would like to stress again that these are not publication ventures; I am not a book publisher or a trader in anysense. I am,
first and foremost, a homoeopath and I also teach a small group. The above works are for our study in theCentre for
Excellence in Homoeopathy. I thought that other homoeopaths may also be interested in the study of these.
So. I await your reaction.
Yours in homeopathic service,