© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XVI, 1999
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homeopathy
drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France,
Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original
articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at
the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD, VOL. XVI, 1, 1999 3
3 QHD, VOL. XVI, 2, 1999 46
2 QHD, VOL. XVI, 3 & 4, 1999 88
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Dear Reader,
The Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest (QHD), was begun in 1984. It carried some 'selected' articles from the standard
journals like the British Horn. Journal, the Journal of the Am. Inst. of Horn., the German Journals, etc. This was done in
response to requests by some colleagues in their personal talks with me; most of them did not have access to these journals.
While a nominal cost was collected from some of the readers, which took care only of a part of the actual costs incurred, the
entire work of selection of articles, translation, typing them, having them printed, proof- reading, etc. etc. were all done
single-handedly with the assistance of my wife. Bulk of the expenditure was from my purse. In due course the number of
pages of the QHD began to slowly swell; the printing etc. also became computerised and laser-type set, etc. Another
important change was that the entire range of articles in the standard homeopathic journals came to be listed under
appropriate disciplines like Philosophy, Materia Medica. etc. : also all the books reviewed in these journals, as well as
Seminar notes, etc. were covered, by way of listing the articles, and furnishing a brief abstract/extract. This way we have a
view of the state of Homoeopathy world-over and are alive to what is happening around in the homceopathic world. Those
who were interested in particular articles could have their copies from me for their personal study. Sometimes an
article or two considered good, were also given in full. As told already a good part of the cost continues to be borne by
me. I am not complaining of this. It's alright. The only aim of the QHD is that homoeopaths benefit from it. Of course this
number is only so much that it can be counted on one's fingertips! Let this too, be.
The QHD is now in its 16th year. You will realise that the QHD is unique in the world of homeopathic literature. You
will kindly keep in mind that I am a homoeopath professional: and the QHD work is carried out in the little time
that may some days be available to me after my clinical hours. The amount of valuable material now available in the 16
years' of QHD is tremendous indeed. Lest this be lost to the general homeopathic community I have proposed the following:
1. Publish the homceopathic medicinal provings - new as well as re-provings - in a book form. The last Materia Medica
containing new material, to the best of my knowledge, is O.A.JULIAN's; the one before that was James STEPHENSON'S.
Many new as well as re-provings have been published in different journals - English, German, etc. - and these lie scattered in
different journals and are not easily accessible. I have collected over 80 provings including genuinely hahnemannian. and
clinical provings. These are valuable. I propose to publish these. The work is on.
2. The great teacher of Homoeopathy of this Century, Dr.Pierre SCHMIDT, in the footsteps of KENT, has left a large
legacy; his many articles on all aspects of Homeopathy have appeared in the European and International journals, some of
which have appeared as reprints in the Indian journals like The Hahnemannian Gleanings. Some of his
lengthy lectures like the Art of Case Taking and Interrogation, Defective Illness, etc. have appeared as booklets too. I
have ventured to collect all the articles which appeared in The Hahnemannian Gleanings, the Homceopathic Heritage,
as also some that appeared in the German journal and from the Collected Works (from the many lectures which
Dr.P.SCHMIDT gave to his students of the "Groupement Mercurius du Dr.P.Schmidt'), published in French recently
by Dr.Jacques BAUR of Lyon. This collection of mine includes The Art of Case Taking as also Defective Illness etc.
To these works of Dr.SCHMIDT, I have added some of the articles of Dr.T.P.PASCHERO. This collection of
SCHMIDT and PASCHERO, I consider as a great treasure and will help us currently in confusion with so many
"teachers' teaching variations of what is generally thought of as 'classical Homoeopathy'.
This work is under preparation. Those interested in this collected works, may please write to me
3. The experienced masters have conveyed lot of hints, tips, additions, etc. on Materia Medica, in their various
articles. Seminars, published in the journals, which are not as such available in the Materia Medica books generally
used by us. I have been collecting these gems. 1 would like to clarify that my collection is not from the "Great Old
Masters' like ALLEN. L1PPE. KENT. etc. Mine are mostly from the later period. This too, I propose to publish.
I would like to stress again that these are not publication ventures; I am not a book publisher or a trader in anysense. I am,
first and foremost, a homoeopath and I also teach a small group. The above works are for our study in theCentre for
Excellence in Homoeopathy. I thought that other homoeopaths may also be interested in the study of these.
So. I await your reaction.
Yours in homeopathic service,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
1.QHD, Vol. XVI, 1, 1999
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known
homeopathic journals published world-India, England, Germany, Brazil, USA, etc.,-
discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for
detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end.
1.A Few Thoughts about Receiving the Case NORLAND Misha (HOM, 69/1998)
A brief thought-provoking essay about the stumbling blocks’ to the therapeutic effectiveness once the basic
tenets of homoeopathic treatment and case management have been met. These are, according to HAHNEMANN,
indulgence in transcendental speculation, and prejudice. The ‘right attitude’ to case receiving is briefly
1. A Proving of Parthenium hysterophorus l, MAISHI Arif Ismail, SHOUKAT ALI P.R., CHAGTAL S.A.,
KHAN Gizala
(BHJ, 87,1/1998)
Parthenium hysterophorus belong to the family Asteraceae (compositae), many plants of which are capable of
causing allergic contact dermatitis. Parthenium hysterophorus was introduced to india in the 1950s. its
dermatitis causing tendency was first reported by RANADE and others. FORNAIS, DUEANS and SLEIGHT
had earlier undertaken its proving on human beings as well as on a few animals, we have re-proved
P.hysterophorous in Indian conditions, particularly those prevailing in the northern part of the country, and have
compared our findings with those of FORNIAS, DUENAS and SLEIGHT. Some important characteristic
symptoms such as Dermatitis, Eczema, itching, sides of neck, part of face, V” of neck, front of elbows and
backs of knees (antecubital and popliteal fossae), allergic rhinitis (hay fever), breathlessness (resembling
Asthma) have not previously been reported. We also found that P.hysterophorous causes diarrhoea, severe
popular erythematous eruptions, breathlessness and Chocking which sometimes causes the death of animals.
The non-occurrence of these symptoms outside India may be attributed to the climate differences and also to the
susceptibility of persons. P.hysterophours occurring here belongs to a strain which is more virulent than the
form found outside India.
2. Toxicology of Ixodea ricinus, the European tick BONNET M.S.(BHJ,87,1/1998)
This paper is a summary of studies of the European Castor Tick Ixodes ricinus, and its toxicology. A Materia
Medica based on the human envenomation by Ixodes ricinus, is provided. [In the earlier numbers of the BHJ, the
Materia Medica of Atrax and Androctonus compiled on the basis of human envenomation have been given by
this author=KSS]
3. North American Raven-Corvus corax
Principalis(sanguis)-a new proving of the
Blood of a North American Raven
Kim, (AH, 1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The Raven in Folklore is interestingly told by Greg BADAYN. The ‘proving’ was with the 30c. The Raven
Themes and Chronology” have been extracted by Jessica JACKSON, and this is followed by the Rubric”.
‘Mentals’ which include the ‘Dreams’ appear to predominate.
A new medicine in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica; the profession should verify the ‘proving symptoms’ so
as to obtain ‘confirmatory’ symptoms.
4. Hahnemanns Vermachtnis,der
(HAHNEMANN’S legacy, the china bark
BARTHEL, P.(ZKH,42,1/1998)
Impelled by the report by E.HABERMANN. Lecturer in clinical Pharmacology, Gieben, who announced in the
Deutschen Arzteblatt 94, Heft
26, 28.6.97, that he did an experiment with the
Cinchona bark during the course of a lecture of 45
minutes duration, and there happened nothing to
report about, P.BARTHEL undertook a 'proving'
on himself with China bark and within 20 minutes
of the first ingestion of the medicine observed the
first reaction. BARTHEL followed
HAHNEMANN'S model with regard to the quantity
of the medicine to be taken.
Self-experiment with China bark, 25.9.1997
16.00 Takes 15 Gramm finely pulverised China
bark in a glass water.
16.20 sudden perspiration in the forehead
16.30 voice husky, head dull, "heaviness"' dull,
light headache in the middle of the forehead
for 2-3 minutes
16.40 severe overpowering recurrent yawning;
unusual tiredness
17.00 Nausea without vomiting
17.30 Palpitation, Pulse accelerated (from 60 to
100), Pulse hard, hands trembling. Face pale;
Weakness of the hands and legs as after much
exertion, "let things be"!; slight apprehension
(anxious feeling); Perspiration all over the
18.00 Trembling and nervous; Pulse 80; slight
headache right and left temples; Perspiration
little; again tiredness; Face very pale.
18.30 Trembling over, Pulse 70
19.00 Desire to eat something, but knows not what;
"sick", but without retching; restless feeling.
19.40 Slight stitching headache in the right and left
temples; slight burning in the eyes.
21.15 After the supper griping in the left upper
abdomen below the costal arch.
03.00-05.00: Sleeplessness and rising up and
walking around (this has never before
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
1. Problem Child
KARNAD Sudha (NJH,7,1/1998)
A learned and experienced Psychologist
discusses the so-called 'problem child' and explains
that many of the 'problems' are not actually the
child's; the child's behaviour or misbehavior are
due to the environment and the child is expressing
its response with the so-called behavioral problems.
The common behavioral disorders in children
are briefly discussed.
2. Behaviour Problems in Children
(NJH, 7, 1/1998)
A brief and beautiful essay. About the hyperactive child the authors say “You subscribe to junk food, junk
entertainment, and drowning decibels- a perfect recipe for agitation of muscles and nerves. Sugar and salt in all
food items; the osmolarity is enough to knock out the serenity of the stomach with a resultant loss of child’s
attention span, and spate of warning letters from “Miss” in school.
“we announced in the Deutschen Arzteblatt 94, Heft 26, 28.6.97, that he did an experiment with the
Cinchona bark during the course of a lecture of 45 minutes duration, and there happened nothing to
report about, P.BARTHEL undertook a 'proving'
on himself with China bark and within 20 minutes
of the first ingestion of the medicine observed the
first reaction. BARTHEL followed
HAHNEMANN'S model with regard to the quantity
of the medicine to be taken.
Self-experiment with China bark, 25.9.1997
16.00 Takes 15 Gramm finely pulverised China
bark in a glass water.
16.20 sudden perspiration in the forehead
16.30 voice husky, head dull, "heaviness"' dull,
light headache in the middle of the forehead
for 2-3 minutes
16.40 severe overpowering recurrent yawning;
unusual tiredness
17.00 Nausea without vomiting
17.30 Palpitation, Pulse accelerated (from 60 to
100), Pulse hard, hands trembling. Face pale;
Weakness of the hands and legs as after much
exertion, "let things be"!; slight apprehension
(anxious feeling); Perspiration all over the
18.00 Trembling and nervous; Pulse 80; slight
headache right and left temples; Perspiration
little; again tiredness; Face very pale.
18.30 Trembling over, Pulse 70
19.00 Desire to eat something, but knows not what;
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
"sick", but without retching; restless feeling.
19.40 Slight stitching headache in the right and left
temples; slight burning in the eyes.
21.15 After the supper griping in the left upper
abdomen below the costal arch.
03.00-05.00: Sleeplessness and rising up and
walking around (this has never before
1. Problem Child
KARNAD Sudha (NJH,7,1/1998)
A learned and experienced Psychologist
discusses the so-called 'problem child' and explains
that many of the 'problems' are not actually the
child's; the child's behaviour or misbehavior are
due to the environment and the child is expressing
its response with the so-called behavioral problems.
The common behavioral disorders in children
are briefly discussed.
2. Behaviour Problems in Children
A brief and beautiful essay. About the
hyperactive child the authors say "You subscribe to
junk food, junk entertainment, and drowning
decibels - a perfect recipe for agitation of muscles
and nerves. Sugar and salt in all food items; the
osmolarity is enough to knock out the serenity of
the stomach with a resultant loss of child's attention
span, and a spate of warning letters from "Miss" in
"We must mention three maverick authorities
that have hinted at a way out of the behavioral
mess. PLATO emphasized that upto the age of 14,
a child should be kept away from formal,
competitive studies, and be made conversant with
animal life, botanical splendour, astronomy, music,
singing, dancing, languages, literature and sports in
an enjoyable manner. This way, the child would be
so rich that it would learn to worship Saraswati
without wanting to make Laxmi out of her.
"Alexis ST.EXUPERY wrote The Little Prince
merely to underline the fact that a child, like the
teacher, ANAXAGORAS, is sent by the Lord to
admire the sun, sunrise and sunset, God-made
riches that teach you not to run after man-made
ones. The Dancing Wu-Li Masters of the Far East
held that a child should not be allowed to warm a
bench. In the Socratic style, the child has to learn
while on the move. Gravitation would be taught by
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
first taking the child to the garden and waiting till a
leaf falls. Then the teacher would do the
choreography of the falling leaf. This would be set
to music, and then, if necessary, the Newtonian
equations would follow. Rightly it is said that we
are all born emperors and end up being beggars.
"Thomas De KEMPIS's masterpiece The
Imitation of Christ, the most widely read book
after the Holy Bible, drives home the point that
human learning is largely imitating. A child with
complete trust looks up to its adults as paragons of
virtue, of idealism, of the right-this, right-that, and
then behaves by imitating the adults at home and
outside. Let us adults acquire that humility, that
detachment, that depth whereby we yield to William
BLAKE's urging:
Behold the world in a grain of sand
And Heaven in a wild flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
3. Drug-induced
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Behavioural Changes
DIKSH1T Dilip (NJH,7,1/1998)
Three cases are presented to show that
homoeopathic remedies help to rapidly cure
behavioural disorders of children.
4. "i'm allergic to Odours"
DOSHINinaH. (NJH,7,1/1998)
A woman complained of pre-sternal pain, mid-
sternum, radiating upwards, on sides and back;
constrictive with heartburn > when busy. Frequent
headaches; pain right deltoid > sudden jerking
movement at elbow. Skin cracks < winter > rains,
<summer. Anticipatory anxiety, frequent stools.
Allergic to bad odours - garbage, etc. Smell
retained for a long time, causing a tingling in the
head, eyes and headache. Childless, 45 years and
staying alone with her husband.
Dioscorea 6.
5. "Call me Bhaiya"
A three-and-half-year old girl dressed like a boy
and liked being addressed as a boy was brought for
lack growth in height. Cough during weather
Natrum muriaticum XM. (Robin MURPHY:
Aggressive; Masculine girls; egotistical; contrary;
jealousy in children; religious; bold, courageous)
Case of another three-and-half-year-old boy who
behaves very rudely, violently, authoritatively,
abusive language, and even tore his sister's doll's
dress in a way suggesting rape. The author has so
far given Opium, Tuberculinum bovinum, Veratrum
album and Tarentula. She has sought readers'
Three-year-old boy, with complaints of frequent
colds. Antibiotics have been given. The elders at
home want instant relief and so at the first sign of a
cold he is taken to the doctor for antibiotics. He is
a spoiled, much protected child, not afraid of
anyone, very stubborn, beats the servants, throws
things and kicks, disturbed, sucks a napkin while
sleeping. Phosphorus and some counseling to the
boy helped.
6. "I can beat up a dog"
RANGOONWALA Niranjan R. (NJH,7,1/1998)
Six-year-old boy developed delirium during
fever for which he was given allopathic medicine
became irritable, contrary, disobedient, violent, uses
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
abusive language; he would run after animals and
beat them; fearless and mannerless. He wanted the lights on all night. Stramonium M was given and
he became normal.
Two-and-half-year-old boy; dry and rough skin
both cheeks and over the abdomen. Strained at
stools. Sleeplessness at night, would sleep only
after 3 or 4 a.m. and wanted to play till then. He
also played with animals, desired ice cream, cold
drinks, sweets, salty and tasty food. Medorrhinum
200 and he improved.
7. The Jumping Jack
HUMRANWALA Parinaz (NJH,7,1/1998)
4'/2-year-old boy was reported by his school to
be much naughty and mischievous to the extent of
being injurious. He was born with a congenital^
heart disease (Fallot's tetralogy), and had been
operated upon. He suffered from recurrent
tonsillitis with high fever < ice cream, pain
abdomen recurring; very thirsty; family history of
tuberculosis; desires ice cream, chocolate, milk.
His parents were separated. Agaricus M.
8. The Terse Girl
DOSHI Nina (NJH,7,1/1998)
Nine-year-old girl with unruly behaviour; she
was immune to all scoldings and reprimands,
stubborn, rude, without any respect of elders,
dictatorial, etc. She cried, screamed and yelled
when her demands were not met. Tenesmus at
stool, recurrent burning in urethra. Mercurius
9. Cinderella Syndrome
TIWAR1 N.L. (NJH,7,1/1998)
Seven-year-old girl with much fear; obsessed
with movie characters, her teachers, characters in
the TV serials, and Cinderella, and developed
crushes on her teachers, friends or boys in the class.
Felt jealous and unloved by her brother.
She is a delicate, affectionate girl with sparkling
eyes and curly hair, timid and sensitive, does not
like to be scolded or shouted at, gets easily hurt or
starts weeping. Loves to watch TV serials, listen to
songs full of pathos. She is good in studies but
remains lost in herself. Remains in an imaginary
world, dresses and behaves like Cinderella, has
attachment to a boy in the class always talks about
him. While Natrum muriaticum gave partial
improvement, Phosphorus M changed her
10. Rheumatism
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Case 1: 62-year-old man was given Silicea as a
'constitutional' remedy. Now he came with pain in
knee joint, toes and ankles - with swelling; <
exertion, sour; > heat; swelling was hot and tender;
fever at 4-5 p.m.; known diabetes mellitus; white
spots in nails; longitudinal ridges on nails.
Lycopodium was given and shortly there was
improvement but within a month there was a severe
aggravation. This was considered as due to a
homoeopathic suppression and Silicea was given
which brought the expected amelioration
Case 2: 55-year-old man complained of pain in the
shoulder joint since the past 1V4 months with
restricted movements. Suffered from Cervical
Spondylosis 15 years earlier, which had been
treated with traction and neck exercises < sitting,
rising from seat, > continued motion. Taking into
account the totality, given Argentum nitricum 200
after which he developed loose stools with pain in
the abdomen. Medorrhinum 200. He brought out
a tinea on his forearm and Argentum nitricum M
and later Sulphur 200.
Case 3: Housewife, stitching pain in left leg from
knee joint to foot for the last one year, <night,
standing long, lying down; > day, pressure, warmth;
Acidity; Cramps in toes of left foot < night; cannot
endure rainy season; black spots on skin due to
exposure to sun. Kali bichromicum.
11. Trauma
KULAY F.M. (NJH,7,1/1998)
A brief but very interesting article on
homoeopathic therapeutics of trauma. In burns he
has used with very good results an external
application of milk cream mixed with a few drops
of Cantharis.
12. Isopathy in the Garden
TAYLOR Joane (NJH,7,1/1998)
The author suggests that to rid the garden of
pests, you prepare a low potency of the offending
thing and spray it on the affected plant.
13. LM e CH na pratica: comparacao de
resultados (Comparing Results: the 50
millesimal and the Centesimal in practice)
SALLES Sandra A.C. (RH,63,1-2/1998)
At clinic in all research we have always been
embarrassed by many variables involved in
homoeopathic practice. Here are some of them.
- the patient - vitality, age, extension of clinical
disturbance (functional, seriously or
superficially lesional, incurable) the remedy choice - semiologic criteria,
similarity level
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
- the prescription - scale, dynamization,
- the disease - acute or chronic, pathologic or
functional disorder
These conditions determine the presence or
absence of aggravation and the duration of relief.
They build an individual susceptibility that must be
considered in any comparison based on clinical use
of remedies, mainly when different patients are
In order to try to control this obstacle we
observed fifty patients that received the same
remedy, once on LM and, at the other moment, on
CH scale. The patient, the remedy and the disease
were the same, so the only variable was the scale, as
the potencies were chosen by the same parameters
in both scales.
Using this method we tried to neutralize all the
variables described before.
The CH scale was prescribed in single doses,
except in acute cases. LM was prescribed based on
the 6th edition of the Organon, repetition of doses.
14. As If One Patient
BEDAYN Greg (AH, 1998)
This article has great breadth and depth and tells
a lot, and must be re-read and pondered over. It
would stimulate one to read the Organon and
Chronic Diseases again and again. [The article is
given in full in Part II of this QHD = KSS]
15. A Case with serious Internal Bleeding
THAKKAR Sadhana (AH, 1998)
A man in his 20s, from an allopathic hospital
admitted in the homoeopathic hospital; in hepatic
coma, vomiting and passing stools coffee brown
indicating that he was bleeding internally. Vital
signs were grave. Almost delirious and couldn't
answer any question, yet he would be mumbling
and crying periodically - saying "1 want to die. I
want to die". Color almost dark, ashy, petechial
hemorrhaging on his body. There were bruises that
had turned into black on his buttocks and back from
sleeping in that position for too long. Offensive
Family history revealed that he was an alcoholic
since a very young^age. This was the third time
when he had almost died. Wouldn't listen to
anyone. Even though he had been treated in the
hospital for cirrhosis of liver and discharged with
advice to keep off alcohol, he wouldn't listen. He
was a stubborn and angry man. He was a loner.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
After repertorization and study in the Materia
Medica, Crotahis horridus was chosen and given in
30 potency, repeated twice more during that night,
and he began to improve after each dose; in the
morning he was sitting up and asking for breakfast.
Discharged after 3 days in the homoeopathic
hospital. In the follow-up during the year he was
given Crotalus horridus 200 three times and the M
once. He remained well, came to live with the
family, changed his life around, took up a job and
became engaged to be married.
16. Dosage and Potency according to the Organon
LITTLE David (AH, 1998)
In this very interesting and educative article the
author clears many misunderstandings about the use
of the Centesimal and LM scale potencies and
clarifies the final instructions left to us by
HAHNEMANN including the making of the
medicinal solutions. He also explains that the final
legacy of HAHNEMANN ensures rapid, gentle and
permanent cure, (the article has been given more or
less in full in Part II of this QHD.= KSS)
17.Die homoopathische Krebsbehandlung
(Homoeopathic Treatment of Cancer)
KLINKENBERG C.R. (ZKH,42,1,3,5/1998)
This is a 3 part series and has been presented on
the basis of the Seminar on "The treatment of
Cancer in Homoeopathy" held in June 1997 in Bad
Imnau, with Dario SP1NEDI.
Only few homoeopaths venture to treat Cancer
cases with Homoeopathy. The experience of the
older-day homoeopaths shows how it could be done
In Part I of this article, the principle of
symptoms-choice and prescription of follow-up
medicines in one-sided (chronic) diseases on the
basis of the Organon are discussed. The
significance of the local tumours and its symptoms
for the remedy choice and their undervaluation by
KENT are then presented. And then the methods
of most homoeopaths in Cancer cases particularly
the prescription on the basis of the totality of
symptoms are discussed. The errors in the
homoeopathic treatment of Cancer are shown.
In Part II of the series, the treatment of non-
malignant and malignant tumors is further explained
on the basis of the Organon. Tumors develop like
the other local diseases as a result of an internal disturbance of the organism (see Chronic
Diseases). The healing of the tumor is associated
along with the clear improvement of the general
state of health. The significance of the tumor as
process parameters is demonstrated. The problems
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
of surgery and external treatment are pointed out.
A possible cooperation of Homoeopathy and surgery
is discussed and it is shown how this can be in the
case of patients who are to be operated. The study
of HAHNEMANN'S teachings regarding chronic
diseases is indispensable for those who would like
to treat tumors. How important it is to heal Cancer
patients homceopathically, and how to proceed so
unswervingly, is shown.
Part III discusses that manifest Cancer is
normally preceded by a pre-cancerous stage. This
should be perceived and diagnosed and treated
early. The signs of the precancerous stage and the
most important Cancer-favoring factors are
presented. In many cases the precancerous
symptoms vanish as soon as the tumor develops;
these can appear again during the course of the
homoeopathic treatment. The suppression again of a
symptom which has been improperly treated before,
can have serious consequences. Finally it is shown
that a long-term homoeopathic treatment is
especially effective in Cancer prevention.
18.Zahnreinigungsmittel, Zahnpasta (Tooth
cleaning agents, Toothpaste)
STORMANN P. (ZKH,42,1/1998)
Tooth-cleaning agents like tooth powders,
liquids, and pastes have been engaging the attention
of the homoeopaths from the days of
HAHNEMANN till now. The author draws
attention to Footnote of §260 of Organon and
observations on this.
19. Homoeopathy & Conventional Cancer Treatment
SULLIVAN Andrea D. (SIM,XI,1/1998)
Case 1: A man with a Prostate Cancer: 1
Sept. 1994: Prostate Cancer diagnosed in July 1993,
in a 53-year-old African American male. "They
want to do surgery, radiation and Chemotherapy."
History of early and excessive alcohol use.
Relationship with wife changed as a result of her
nervous breakdown. This changed his fidelity, and
he subsequently had many sexual relationships. He
had Gonorrhoea at one time. Now he is rigid, fixed
(no TV, movies, or theater; "knows" that his wife
could be helped if she'd just admit she has a problem). Almost fanatical about his religion and
has definite ideas about the devil and God.
A Draftsman - very conscientious about detail.
He is always dressed very neatly when he comes to
my office, and he is very punctual (fastidious).
Night sweats.
Conium maculatum 30, repeated two months
later. In March 1995, a PSA was done which read
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
33.6 mg/ml. (Earlier it was 18.5 in August 1993,
and 27.3 in August 1994) Another PSA done in
August 1995 showed 44.5 mg/ml. 200th potency
now given. PSA in February 1996 was 47 mg/ml.
Conium 200 was now repeated (Erections failing).
PSA in July 1996 was 70.9 mg/ml.
The case was retaken. A lonely, quiet, restricted
childhood. Little to no affection or expression of
love toward him or between his parents. Betrayed
and hurt by his sisters' pregnancies. Betrayed and
hurt by wife's nervous breakdowns. Still quiet and
"antisocial', with concerns about being betrayed
again (his friend in church). Silent grief, Fastidious,
Cold sores. Sleeps on the left side. Worse from
heat. Food cravings and aversions. Natrum
muriaticum 200 C.
October 1996: PSA 56.5. Feeling great.
January 1997 through June 1997: He is still
eporting that he is feeling great. No pains or
heaviness. Hs erections are fine. He and his wife
are better. No sweating. Went to family reunion
and college homecoming for first time. His mood is
a lot better. He remains pain free and working hard.
Last PSA was 50.2.
Despite the cancerous condition, this man has
had a clear response to the remedies, especially
emotionally, and has had a better quality of life.
Case 2: A Case of Lobular Intraductal Cancer:
Young woman with Breast Cancer, diagnosed in
June 1996; a four cm. mass in her right breast. Her
first round Chemotherapy had been a week before
this visit on August 29, 1996. She was scheduled
for three more and then a mastectomy in November
1996, then seven more months of chemotherapy.
History of severe emotional stress: commuting,
readjusting to marriage and to husband being home.
A stressful pregnancy, nausea all the time, and
tiredness. A daughter was born. When her daughter
was two-and-half years old. she went back to work
"had feelings of abandonment."
Her parents divorced. Her father remarried,
when patient was 16 year-old. Stepmother was
sick. This pushed the patient into self-destructive
ways: Bad relationships, men who didn't love her,
drugs, marijuana, LSD, THC, Mescaline. Dated a Vietnam vet - a schizophrenic; she lived with him.
Then went to the Ashram.
Doesn't have the patience to relax. Husband
loves her, but she felt he was sentimental and
impotent; he was repressed. She couldn't sit still
for 15 minutes. "Always have to be working and
getting things done."
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Fears suffocation, small spaces, dying, getting
sick, being alone, cars on beltway - accidents, and
insects. Sensitive to milk. Likes bread/starch,
cheese, eggs, bread and butter, Pepsi, Aversion to
Garlic. Chilly all her life.
Carbo animalis 12 C t.i.d.
Six weeks later: felt more stable generally. She
stayed on the remedy and her husband came in to
get it.
November 1996: She had a mastectomy. 20
lymph nodes were removed. There was no nodal
involvement, which surprised the doctors. There
was no necrosis in the lymph nodes, which also
surprised the doctor, because necrosis is what you
would expect if the chemo had affected them. She
had nodules under her nipples. Because of the size
of the tumor and the nodules, she received four
more rounds of chemotherapy - which is tolerated
very well until she got shortness of breath. Her
energy remained high, as did her spirits. She was
switched to a different drug, Adriamycin, and did
very well on that drug, as well. Subsequently, she
had 28 treatments of radiation; the last one in June
1997. She has continued to be well, on the same
remedy, and potency, for the last year. She is
teaching Yoga and has started a Cancer survivors
support group.
20. "The Disease is incurable but the Patient is
Case 1: 13-year-old boy with complaint of
behavioral and emotional problems, frequent sinus
infections and congestions and nosebleeds.
Suffered from Static Encephalopathy due to a
reaction to the Pertussis Vaccine. The Vaccine
injury began after he received the second dose of
DPT at three and half months old, when he
developed anaphylactic reaction. However he was
given the third DPT at six and half months. After
these he developed uncontrollable jumpiness, and
jerking of head and shoulders, all better from being
held. Began shrieking-for nine and half hours non-
stop. High fever with a hot body for three days.
Eyes wandered, independent of each other. He
sustained profound hearing loss, developed a blank
expression on his face, and could no longer roll
He has uncontrollable emotional outbursts.
They come on quickly, he snaps and loses control.
He starts grunting and clenching his teeth, his arm
muscles and his face. Becomes restless, shakes his
legs, makes loud sucking noises with his mouth.
Has choreic motions of the arms, he can swing at
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
people. Stomping of the feet and shrieking.
Unusual grimaces. Will pull hair, bite and pinch -
especially his younger sibling. He has always been
extremely strong for his age. Can get worked up to
a frenzy. If someone reacts to him, it gets worse.
Remorseful after such an episode. Stares, is
fatigued, tranquil and calm. Becomes motionless in
the chair afterwards, trance-like. He slowly comes
out of it, starts making clicking noises with his
Has repetitive and ritualistic behaviour.
Impulsive and heedless - will run into a busy traffic.
Has severe learning disabilities. Doesn't
process language correctly. Has an incredible
memory for direction. Can sit and listen to chamber
music for hours. Picks nose and eats it. Laughs if
he sees someone in distress or being hurt.
Wears hearing aids. Spastic hand gestures.
Awkward gait, head often postured to one side.
Bilateral eyesurgery at 18 months. At 5 years
old, had a head injury due to a fall. At 1 year, fell
down stairs, split head open, had 23 stitches. At 12
years age, Chicken pox. Had been given
Now he was given Stramonium 200 C. There
was improvement. On December 12, 1996, he was
given Cuprum metallicum 200 C. Improvement.
Cuprum 200 C repeated for a relapse.
Case 2: Weakness and Shortness of Breath in a
Patient with Terminal Pancreatic Cancer and
Metastasis to Liver. 60-year-old male with
Lymphocytic Leukaemia and Pancreatic Cancer
metastasis to the liver. At the time of this visit in
September 1996, his chief complaint was weakness
and shortness of breath, which prevented the patient
from doing almost everything. Feels weak
especially in his knees, arms, shoulders and hips.
Gets bad cramps in his legs and hands, which are
worse since he has been Prednisone. He sweats on
the back his head profusely; he sweats only there.
Needs to have the fan on him continuously. Has
lost sense of smell and taste many years ago.
Tonsils were removed when he was 12.
Vasectomy in 1971. History of Thyroid Cancer in
1971, a right inguinal Hernia repaired in 1979. Hypertensive.
Carbo vegetabilis 200 C. He began to improve.
In January 1997, this remedy was repeated. His
pains were better. He was still on Chemotherapy
but no radiation. The tumor was shrinking from the
treatment but he was feeling overall worse.
Relentless anxiety because of the illness. Had
become afraid dying. Sleeplessness at nights
because of the anxiety. Wanted to be warm.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Difficulty swallowing. Craved warm drinks and the
company of his wife.
Arsenicum album 30 helped anxiety. Ten days
later he died with his wife and family around him.
21. Enlargement of the Spleen with Flu-like
ALBIN Steve (Simillimum,XI, 1/1998)
Two more or less 'similar' cases are presented;
both were women, who had tendency to overwork
themselves. The disease started as upper
respiratory symptoms that progressed into a cough,
chills, muscle aches, headaches, and painful
swelling of the spleen. Aggravation was in evening
and night. Sores developed in the oral region.
Very fatigued with loss of thirst and appetite.
Difficulty in concentrating.
While remedies like Gelsmium, Natrum
muriaticum, Mercurius were needed, the one that
actually brought about the cure rapidly was
Ceanolhus americanus, in low potency, [see
CLARKE'S A Dictionary of Practical Materia
22. DDT: A Twentieth-Century Miasm
SHOWLER Linda (SIM,XI,1/1998)
It is now well-known that many pesticides are
hormone mimickers, with powerful abilities to
disrupt female and male hormone function, and
thyroid hormone function. The organochlorine
pesticides in particular have potent estrogenic
effects in the body. This can result in such
conditions as endometriosis, PMS, uterine fibroids,
irregular menstrual cycles, dysmenorrhoeas, hot
flushes, infertility, breast cancer, benign prostatic
hypertrophy, prostatic and testicular cancer, and
hypothyroidism. Thus the Pesticide Miasm.
The author presents three cases of DDT Miasm
and in each case DDT200 C was needed.
23. A Case of chronic Urticaria
MATHIEN Brent (SIM,XI,1/1998)
34-year-old woman with a chief complaint of
chronic hives. The hives were present every day,
and had been so during her entire life since infancy.
They began from a Penicillin reaction when she was
an infant. She was "raised on antibiotics and
Benadryl". During the course of life she
experienced recurrent ear and chronic kidney
infections, and acne, all treated with antibiotics. The
hives were from head to toe. They appeared
anywhere where pressure was applied. Worse from
scratching, change of weather, cold. She is
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
opinionated, domineering, worse from dampness,
urging for urination when chilled.
Dulcamara 30 c. b.i.d. on November 1996, then
Dulcamara 30 q.d. At this stage she underwent
Acupuncture to tone her kidney function. Her
hives increased. Dulcamara 30 b.i.d., then 200, on
December 4, 1996. February 6, 1997, Dulcamara
200. She remained well.
24. Chronic Boils in a Patient fearing Cancer
JOHNSON-WILDE Glenna (SIM.XI, 1/1998)
33-year-old woman who works with
developmentally disabled persons. Her chief
complaint: chronic painful skin eruptions, hormonal
imbalance, poor posture, poor eyesight, heart pain,
jaw clenching and teeth grinding at night. Her
maternal aunt and great aunt died of breast cancer.
The patient specifically requests preventative
measures for Cancer and reflects a deep concern
about this issue. She has had extensive foreign
travel, and received many vaccinations. While she
received Thuja, Folliculinum, Anthracinum
according to need, she received complementary
naturopathic treatments - cellular cleansing and
detoxification via three physical healers: pure
food/nutritional correction, pure water, and pure air;
colonic hydrotherapy with restoration of the
gastrointestinal microbiological ecosystem, physical
medicine with visceral manipulation,
muskuloskeletal alignment and botanical medicine.
25. Hemiplegia
A woman in her early 60s in 1992 had a history
of left-sided paralysis following a stroke in August
1988. The stroke was precipitated one month
before her only son's projected departure to
Holland. She had harboured hostile feelings
towards her husband. She was a widow some years
before the stroke. Dominating and irritable. Had
total hysterectomy and metrorrhagia and a tumour
in 1979. The stroke seemed to have followed
exposure to cold weather, sitting on a cold floor for
long hours during a religious discourse. CAT Scan
diagnosed stroke which aggravated an earlier
cerebral damage on the left side. Rectum was
paralysed along with bladder, stool manually
A number of remedies were given and she
slowly improved and was able to take walks and
there was weight gain. Towards end December
1992 she had another stroke she suffered a major
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
stroke and collapsed, became unconscious and was
shifted to a corporate hospital. The case went out
of the hands of the author and she died.
"That a paralysis patient of several years could
get up and take morning walks by herself after 4
months of homoeopathic medication is a reminder to
homoeopaths that they should forget the lure of
Allopathy and its hi-tech gadgetry going by the
name of life-saving therapy and educate themselves
that the gentlest, safest palliation is available only in
Homoeopathy while faced with incurable conditions
or terminally ill patients. Until they are convinced,
no amount of propaganda will divert people from
the lure of Allopathy. The people who see their
near and dear dying in 5 star hospitals with not even
a suspicion of any positive response from the
allopathic treatment will go a second or third time
to the same allopathic hospitals and pour their
money recklessly hoping for a miracle the second
time atleast. This hapless patient had been taken
many times to the same 5 star hospital during her 5-
year illness."
26. Carcinosin in Renal Failure
BAIG Mirza Anwar (MFH, 8,2/1997)
One of the most common causes of renal
hypertension in young individuals is post-
streptococcal proliferating glomerulonephritis. Of
late more cases of post-streptococcal nephritis are
seen, the cause may be excessive consumption of
chilled alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, which
make an individual susceptible to Beta-haemolytic
streptococcal sore throat or tonsillitis. The
infection is easily transmitted in community
gatherings, like marriages, clubs, discotheques, etc.
Carcinosin, in the experience of the author is one of
the most useful drugs in the treatment of young
patients suffering from renal failure due to
Case 1: 5-year-old-female child; signs of renal
failure and was on renal dialysis, twice a week since
two months. History of past illness revealed that
the child had an abscess on right thigh and was
treated with antibiotics and surgical excision.
Arnica 30, after which no further dialysis was
needed. The second prescription was Carcinosin
30, and there was remarkable improvement.
Subsequently Belladonna and Calcarea carbonica.
Case 2: 22-year-old male, renal failure. Severely
anaemic, pale and depressed. Difficulty of
breathing, sighing. Cramps in the calf muscles
while walking and said that he could eat solid food
with some liquids only. Movements and exposure
to cold <. He was a drug addict and also
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
occasional indulgence in homosexuality. History of
emotional trauma when his fiancee deserted him.
lgnatia 200; after some improvement he was
given a dose of Carcinosin during the next week
after which there was remarkable improvement. In
between he was given Eel serum in material doses.
Case 3: 30-year-old lady, with history of chronic
hypertension followed by kidney failure.
Sonographic examination revealed bilateral smaller
kidneys with a cyst in right ovary and in right
kidney. Uterus enlarged with multiple fibroids.
Known case of renal failure due to chronic renal
disease. Weekly dialysis. Her suffering began with
bleeding from nose which was found to be due to
high blood pressure. Vomiting during
menstruation, dysmenorrhoea and occasional
constipation. She was a divorcee. Phosphorus 200,
followed by Carcinosin after one month with
remarkable improvement. In three months she
showed remarkable improvement in every respect.
The author says that there were many other
cases of renal hypertension who responded to
Carcinosin. The personality of Carcinosin: The
patient is soft-spoken, amicable, honest, creative,
impulsive and sanguine. Basically, he is not a
cunning or crooked person. People with such a
personality may have a positive history of
hypertension, diabetes, T.B. or Cancer in the
27. Cholecystitis - Gall Stones
Case 1: 68-year-old man with Gall stone colic, was
preparing to go for surgery. Dioscorea villosa, Gall
stone, Chelidonium, Sulphur, Fel tauri, Morgan,
Cholestrin, were given to him as and when the
symptoms called for them. He remained pain-free,
and made the trip to Mecca.
Case 2: 67-year-old man, a diabetic, cardiac, retinal
haemorrhagic, severely constipated but with
sneaking love for allopathic medicines underwent
by-pass surgery in the U.S. but basically opting for Homoeopathy as long as he did not get scared
whenever his cardiac condition relapsed; he
developed severe pains in June '87, diagnosed by
scan as Cholelithiasis. This patient took allopathic
drugs but also occasional homoeopathic medicines
from the author. The scan reports indicate that
homoeopathic medicines break up gall stones.
Dioscorea villosa is the most frequently
indicated medicine in these cases.
28. Urticaria cases
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
40-year-old male, businessman. Urticaria since
one year, begins around the umbilicus and extends
to folds of limbs and recently to face. It is wo*rse 6-
6.30 p.m. and is amel. 10 p.m., < in cool room, >
open air, heartburn < pungent food, lying down
after night meal. Nux vomica 200, 5 doses, 12
hourly. Urticaria < from next day and extends to
the whole body, heart burn much less.
Strophanthus 6 three doses once a day. He went
on to recovery. Strophanthus was repeated once.
46-year-old female with recurrent urticaria;
number of homoeopathic remedies were given over
a period of eight months, but the remedy that helped
cure was Strophanthus.
The author draws attention to BOGER,
PHATAK and BCERICKE with regard to the
efficacy of Strophanthus in recurrent urticaria.
29. Thyroid cases
Discusses in his engaging manner the 'lifetime'
use of thyroid therapy in Allopathy vis-a-vis
homoeopathic therapy. He has used Spongia,
Thyroidin, Aurum iodatum, Lapis albus, Mercurius
iodatus ruber in the case of a 47-year-old lady, for
hyperthyroidism. While she was under allopathic
medication for over 10 years without appreciable
change, Homoeopathy made her totally well in
about 3 years. The remedies that were most used in
this case were Lapis albus and Thyroidinum.
30.Miniscule case - Rectal abscess (Recurring)
45-year-old male, who runs a printing press.
Tympanitic abdomen, poor digestion and lacks
hunger; dark discoloration of the gums. Plumbum
30 did not give result. Kail bichromicum 30 five
doses resulted irfa marked reduction in the girth of
the abdomen. Now he had pus in the ears but
flowing, felt in the morning on waking, with itching
in the ears. History of Measles. Now Morbillinum
30, five doses once a day. Two days later he
developed extreme soreness of rectum preventing
sitting or standing, had to keep walking, stool was
soft but there a swelling, an old fistula yet to open.
On 30.10.97 Nitric acid 200 six doses one every
hour for three doses and two doses next day and one
dose the next day. On the third day he traveled 10
km to tell the author that he used to get a fistula
every six months for many years, but what he
developed this time three days ago was an
enormous growth never before experienced. It
opened up suddenly on 1.11.97 when he was
applying hot fomentation. The really startling
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
symptoms that followed were - there was an almost
explosive discharge of extremely offensive pus
containing long flakes, mixed with almost black
blood and these were spattered over a distance of a
meter with tremendous force. He had only a
soreness in the affected area that afternoon but was
fairly comfortable. Nitric acid 200 four doses, one
a day, was now given.
31. Mastoid surgery -two cases
Case 1: 56-year-old man; chronic discharge of pus
in one ear with severe pain in the ear extending to
the head. Surgery done already. Not slept for many
months since the surgery due to the pain. He had a
heart attack 6 years back. A second severe attack in
December 1993, left ventricular dysfunction of
Hepar sulphuris 200, three doses one in 4 hours
and Kali bichromicum 30, one dose to be used if
called for, did not > pain, then Arnica 200 six doses
and Hepar sulphuris M, six doses, alternately every
12 hours. Subsequent remedies Mercurius iodatum
flavus 30, 200. In spite of improvement, the
surgeon was repeatedly suggesting another mastoid
surgery and finally the patient yielded, and he died
following the surgery.
Case 2: 17 July 1997 - 22-year-old girl, mastoid
surgery on the left ear an year ago for chronic
middle ear discharge; surgical wound still painful,
bloody pus; discharge persisting post-operatively;
some hearing impairment and sense of some foreign
body in the ear. Pyrogen 200, five doses, once a
22 July 1997: Surgical wound nearly healed and
scar tissue forming; ear discharge just a trickle,
Now full history of the case taken, and then
Silicea, Kali bichromicum, Morbillinum, and
Ledum, healed. Ledum was the constitutional remedy in this case.
32. Punishment in baby creche
SARASWATHI G. (MFH,8,3/1997)
This case demonstrates again that the correct
homoeopathic prescription is both, 'medicine' and
'psychiatry', and with the homoeopathic remedy
there is no need for long periods of counseling.
A five-year-old boy presented symptoms of
severe constipation since three years. Only strong
enema or strong laxatives could produce stool. It
was revealed that at 18 months age the child was
left in a baby-care center, and the woman-in-charge
beat the child for soiling his underclothes. The
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
constipation began after this. Opium 200 two doses
and then M one dose completely cured.
33.Poor prognosis turns into rapid recovery.
Homoeopathy in Trauma - induced
SARASWATHI G. (MFH,8,3/1997)
9-year-old male, fell into a ditch from a
speeding motor cycle, sustained multiple injuries
including the head and was admitted into a super
specialities hospital on 26 August 1997. On
admission: stuporous, but arousable but neither
answering nor obeying oral commands; whining
from pain impulses, bladder control maintained;
right-sided facial paralysis present; haemorrhage
from right ear; multiple bruises; and lacerations;
vomiting +++. CT scan of head: no evidence of
fracture, subdural haematoma right parietal region
and haemorrhage in thalamus area. Prognosis at
this stage was that it would probably be six weeks
before recovery of full consciousness.
On 27 August, asked for Homoeopathy. Arnica
M, Hypericum M and Ledum 200 serially at hourly
intervals. After one dose each, patient opened his
eyes, moved his limbs, sat up, drank a glass of milk
and went back to sleep. One dose of Arnica and
Hypericum was repeated in the night. Next day
patient sat up, got into a wheel chair and went to the
toilet and cleaned himself. Speech nil, did not
recognize persons. Again Arnica, Hypericum,
Ledum serially, morning, noon and night.
Another CT scan on 29 August revealed rapid
resorption of haematoma. He was discharged. On
30th the patient was sitting, obeying oral
commands; responded- when called by his name.
But still no speech. Now Natrum sulphuricum,
Arnica, Hypericum.
Report on 7 September: talking, greeting people
and started recognising persons from 5 Sept. He
was, however, moody. Slight right-sided facial
palsy and trismus of jaw. Natrum sulphuricum XM.
He went on to improve and his normalcy was
restored completely.
34. Spinal Injury
On 4 August 1997, a 55-year-old female, fell
from a chair when she was standing on it to reach a
picture high up on the wall. Probably fell on the
back. Became unconscious and doesn't remember
anything. After three hours she was lifted and made
to stand. Shifted to an Orthopaedic hospital. X-
ray revealed no fractures. Put on analgesics and
traction. On 6 August the patient shifted to
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
homoeopathic care. Arnica and Hypericum
alternately once every 4 hours and pain was less by
50%. Bellis perennis 0 10 drops in one oz. water
given twice a day for four days suspecting injury to
deep tissues. On 13th pain less by 75% and she
complained of pain in coccyx. Silica 200. Next day
pain sacrum. Kali carbonicum 200 once a day for
four days. On 9th September: she developed pain
on either side in the hip and there were palpable
lumps, these were at the sites where injections were
given in the hospital. Ledum 200 and these
subsided. She improved very well. For recurrence
of pain in the back after a train journey, Natrum
sulphuricum 200.
35. Bowel Nosodes in the Clinic - Sycotic co in
This journal has been frequently reminding the
great therapeutic role of the Bowel Nosodes.
Asthma is so much wide-spread and affecting more
of the population including small children and the
allopathic bronchodilators are prescribed even for
A baby of one year-age with asthmatic
symptoms from the age of three months presented
with symptoms which recalled the symptoms
Sycotic co.30 Seven doses, one a day was
prescribed. A week later rattling cough, vomited 2 -
3 times and Antimonium tartaricum 30, five doses,
one a day. One more week later: no nebulizer, all
symptoms much >, only fluent coryza, Natrum
muriaticum 200, three doses one a day. Since then,
the child remained well.
36.Proteus in Numbness
JANAKI, C.H. (MFH,8,2/1997)
50-year-old female, with cervical pain extending
to left hand, arms swollen near and upto elbow;
middle and ring fingers numb. Was using pain
killers both oral and injectible.
On 5 September 1996 Kalmia 200 - five doses
one a day.
10 September. Pain symptoms > by 50%
Repeat Kalmia 200 - one a day
20 September pain fully >. No > of numbness.
Proteus 30-4 doses one a week
One month later - no numbness
37. Gangrene of the Lung
IVES Mary S. (AH, 1998)
A 70+ old, withered-looking woman with severe
lung disease already seen by two allopathic doctors
and given up. A general failing in health since two
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
years. Recently she caught a cold and has coughed
more or less ever since, especially expectorating
"yellowish matter". Pain in the left chest, unable to
lie on the back or right side, any movement caused
agonizing pain in the left chest causing her to
scream aloud. Breathing quick and shallow,
flapping of wings of nose. Cough causing
distressing pain in left chest, between the third and
fourth ribs. Expectoration of mouthfuls of thick,
yellow pus in quantity, some three or four ounces in
24 hours. Sleepless, had opiates. Fever every
afternoon 3-4 p.m. lasting until late in evening;
throws all covers off and wants windows open.
Intense restlessness during fever, throwing arms and
legs about. Thirst "awful", unquenchable.
Lycopodium CM one dose given. Next morning
she said she was better; that afternoon the fever
came at usual time, accompanied by restlessness,
etc., and the following morning more pain again.
Lycopodium CM repeated. Day after day the case
went on; sometime a little better and yet with a
gradual decline in strength and increase of
symptoms. The fever came faithfully each day,
always sometime in the late afternoon, 3-5 p.m.
The restlessness grew worse, until it was dreadful to
behold, would fling her arm here, then other arm
somewhere else, and off would go a leg in one
direction and the other away off some other place;
quick sharp, darting movements, quick as a flash.
Fever was of a continued type, < in the afternoon.
She grew distressingly irritable, very angry
occasionally. She distrusted the nurse, the
physician; refused absolutely to tell her symptoms;
insisted on being keptinformed as to her husband's
doings; though really too weak to move her head
from the pillow, if she heard a door open downstairs
she would make an effort to raise herself up and
strain every nerve to listen to what was going on.
Kept close watch over things in the room; if a
pillow was missing "Where's my feather pillow;
what have you done with it?" "How many table
napkins have you got downstairs? Go fetch them
and let me see" and so on, so suspicious and
distrustful. All this time the cough kept on,
expectoration profuse, of yellowing pus, which
began to grow greenish in hue and a horribly
offensive odor, stringy and difficult to get rid of; the
mouth became literally covered with aphthous
patches; tongue glazed and parched; dreadful taste
and awful soreness in the mouth. Rapid breathing.
Remedies Arsenicum, Phosphorus, and Pyrogen,
did nothing. The case was thoroughly restudied as
death seemed almost inevitable. Lachesis CM.
After this she went down into the very gate of death,
but not to pass through, thanks to our Homoeopathy
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
. 12 hours after the remedy she had a violent cough,
gagging and she was expectorating mouthfuls of
the vilest stuff, green, putrid smelling pus; the
stench was truly horrible, permeating the whole
room. After this attack subsided she lay back in an
exhausted faint. 12 hours later came just such
another time when more of this stuff was ejected,
and from that time on the patient made a rapid and
uninterrupted recovery. In two weeks time she was
sitting up in her room, sewing, could eat and sleep
well and enjoy life generally. No cough, occasional
expectoration of a whitish mucus.
During this time of recovery, some two weeks,
the parotid glands became very much swollen,
presenting an appearance of mumps; first the right
side and then the left; as the left side commenced to
swell the right-sided swelling commenced to
decrease. As quickly as these glands showed signs
of swelling the aphthous patches in the mouth began
to clear up, the tongue grew moist and soft and the
dreadful, unquenchable thirst became a horror of
the past.
Now it is a daily occurrence for her to walk two
or three miles, and this oftentimes in inclement
[Dr.S.Mary IVES was a pupil of KENT in
Philadelphia in 1895. In 1946 she was still living
and practicing in Middletown. This case was
reported in October 1901]
38. A Bamboo Case
SHERR Jeremy (HOM.69/1998)
18-year-old woman; lump on the head since
childhood and new ones are growing. Lump is very
painful, possibly a Lipoma. Lump < if touched.
Has already had Silica, Pulsatilla, Arsenicum album, Cannabis saliva. After the second dose
Silica another lump has grown. Generally very
restless, must keep moving. Menses late, very
painful, heavy and clotted. Tonsils removed in
childhood. Food: Spicy, foreign, ++ plain food
(sweet/salt). Thirsty for cold drinks, hates tea,
coffee, milk, hot drinks. Dreams of people dying,
relatives dying. Feelings of guilt after the dreams,
in case they really do die. Hard worker, quiet,
listens to others. Bamb-a.
Follow-up two months later: generally much
better; no menstrual pain; lumps on head have
vanished; much fewer colds; confidence improved,
more outgoing. Ten months later: improvement
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
1. Das Problem falsch negativer Ergebnisse in
klinischen Doppelblindstudien (The problem of
obtaining false negative results in clinical double-
blind studies)
KIENE H. (AHZ,243,1/1998)
Various factors can produce false negative
results in double-blind clinical trials; obliged
answer, experimental subordination, tendency
towards moderate reports, group assimilation, lack
of differentiation of assessment method,
conditioning effects, additional basic treatment,
compensatory treatment, cognitive interaction,
disturbances of doctor-patient-relationship, and
wrong attribution. These factors have to be taken
into consideration when planning and evaluating
double-blind clinical trials.
2. Oberlegungen zur Miinchener Migrane-Studie
(Comments on the Munich Migraine Study)
KOSTERS C. (AHZ,243,1/1999)
In a Clinical trial - "Munich Migraine Study"
(see AHZ,241/1996, 242/1997) - the efficacy of
classical homoeopathic therapy in the treatment of
patients with chronic headaches could not be
demonstrated. Reviewing other clinical studies
already conducted, it can be shown that it is
possible to prove effects of homoeopathic therapy, if
solely treatment of acute diseases or simple
experimental models are used for investigation.
The question is, whether homoeopathic treatment of
chronic diseases is too complex to be verified by double-blind trials. The dissection of complex
problems as simple question is required for further
3. Die Munchener Kopfschmerzstudie
Folgerungen fur zukiinftige Studien aus
homoopathischer Sicht (The Munich Study of
Headache - Conclusions for a future study from
homoeopathic view)
LIES M.K.H. (AHZ,243,1/1998)
A brief discussion on the consequences of the
Munich-headache-study for further homoeopathic
research from homoeopathic point of view.
4. Electric measurement of ultra-high dilutions - a
blinded controlled experiment.
BOUKAS Pericles, DELINICK Alexandra,
Michel Van, WITT Claudia (BHJ,87,1/1998)
This experiment was designed to test the
hypothesis put forward by P.BOURKAS, A.
the National Technical University of Athens
(NTUA) that Ultra High Succussed Dilutions
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
(UHSD) can be distinguished from control solutions
by an Electric Measurement Device (EMD),
developed by the NTU team. A pre-formulated
experimental protocol was followed, measuring in
random sequence test solutions of double-distilled
and deionised water (aqua injectabile), potentised
water (6 cH, 30 cH), Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur)
potentised in aqua injectabile (6 cH, 30 cH), either
blind or open. The number of measurements was
determined by a power analysis based on open pilot
readings. While the open pilot trial performed by
the NTUA team showed a large difference in
readings for the controls and test-solutions, the
experimental blind test was negative. The only
significant differences observed was between Nat
mur 6 cH and Nat mur 30 cH, and the direction of
the difference was in the opposite direction from
that predicted by theory and found in the pilot
experiment. No differences were found between
any other conditions, and in particular Nat mur 30
cH and Aqua 30 cH could not be distinguished. It
was suggested that the failure to detect a difference
in the main trial resulted from a different brand of
water being used in the main trial; the likelihood of
this, and other alternative explanations, is
discussed. It was concluded that the EMD is a
highly sensitive apparatus for measuring impurities
in water. As yet there is no obvious link between
the measurement of impurities in water and the purported alteration of solvent in the process of
homoeopathic potentisation.
5. Some questions and thoughts on research in
ESKINAZ Daniel (BHJ,97,1/1998)
Despite extensive research there are still some
fundamental questions about Homoeopathy that
need answering. This paper highlights these
questions and discusses possible answers and a
future research agenda for Homoeopathy,
6. Screening of homoeopathic drugs for
hypoglycaemic activity: an experimental
Sunil (CCRH,20,1&2/1998)
Intra-peritoneal administration (0.15 ml/kg.b.w.
for 30 days) of Pterocarpus marsupium a & 3x,
Cephalandra indica 0 & 3x, Alloxan 6x, 30x, 200x
& lOOOx and Chionanthus virginica 0, produced
significant (PO.001) fall in blood sugar level with
restoration of beta cells population towards normal
range in Alloxan induced diabetic rabbits while
Bryonia alba 0 & 3, /odium 6 & 30, Phosphorus 6
& 30, Gymnema sylvestra 0, 3x and undynamised
preparations of Alloxan 6x, 30x, 200x & lOOOx did
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
not show any hypoglycaemic effect. The drugs viz.
Momordia charantia 0 and Uranium nitricum 3x &
6x have also significantly reversed the Alloxan-
induced changes in the blood sugar, however, these
two drugs did not restore the Beta Cells of islets of
Langerhans. The blood sugar once brought to
normal level by the drugs, did not increase again
even when the treatment remained discontinued for
15 days. The present findings suggest
hypoglycaemic potentiality of these drugs and also
prove the concept of Similia Similibus Curentur
and Potentisation which may give scientific basis
to strengthen Homoeopathy. [Animals considered
unnecesary for experiments in Homoeopathy, have
been used in these experiments, very unfortunately.
Many of us have been boldly and proudly repeating
that Homoeopathy is totally eco-friendly and
humane = KSS]
7. Anti-Tetanus Activity of Hypericum perforatum
L - An experimental Approach
The chemical profile of Hypericum perforatum
was obtained and pharmacologicl effects of the drug
in 30 and 200 potencies at a dose level of 50 ul/100
g b.w. in mice LP. discerned statistically significant
protective response to tetanic dose of strychnine (0.5 mg/100 g b.w.) when compared to
vehicle/saline and 6 potency of test drug treated
groups. Parallel studies with 6 mg./lOO g b.w.
phenobarbitone administration gave similar anti-
tetanic effects under identical conditions. Acute
toxicity testing established LD50 to be at 1 ml/100
g b.w. [In this too, laboratory mice were used. =
8. Research Studies in Filaria
MISHRA, N.(CCRH, 20, 1&2/1998)
Lymphatic Filariasis, a tropical disease causing
gross morbidity is covered under "National Filaria
Control Programme, (NFCP)". CCRH has
undertaken research studies (clinical) on this
tropical disease at various units located in endemic
areas. The experience gathered during past fifteen
years at Homoeopathic Research Institute (HRi),
Puri (Orissa) are presented here. The results are
highly encouraging.
9. Additions to a Check List of Homoeopathic
Medicinal Plants of India
In this paper 40 species belonging to 36 genera
and 28 families of the taxa invariably used in
Homoeopathic System of Medicine found in the
Indian sub-continent are analysed for addition to "A
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Check List of Homoeopathic Medicinal Plants of
India" (DAWRE et.al., 1987, Suresh Baburaj,
1996) which was published by Central Council for
Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi. This
treatise will provide additional information and
authentic data for the preparation of Homoeopathic
Flora of India.
1. Attitudes to Complementary Therapies and
Referral for Homoeopathic Treatment
The main objective of this survey was to assess
the attitude of General Practitioners (GPs) in
Lothian, Scotland, to Homoeopathy, with a view to
deciding if there was sufficient support to justify the
continuation and expansion of the NHS
homoeopathic clinic in the area. The 540 GPs
currently in practice were surveyed by means of a
simple questionnaire which required them to tick
selected boxes; many chose to add further
comments. A total of 304 Gps (56%) responded.
The questions were designed to elicit attitudes to
Homoeopathy and other Complementary Therapies and to assess the referral pattern for this. 92% of
the respondents were willing to refer patients for
homoeopathic treatment and 74% would welcome a
specialist facility in Lothian. This level of support
indicates that provision of NHS specialist
homoeopathic service in Lothian would be well-
2. The Heresy of Homoeopathy - A brief history of
200 years of Criticism
ERNST Edzard (BHJ,87,1/1998)
Criticism of Homoeopathy started in Germany as
soon as this new form of Medicine became widely
known—and has not stopped since. Early criticism
came from non-homoeopaths and centered around
the theme that Homoeopathy's basic assumption's
were not supported by demonstrable facts.
Simultaneously, criticism from within Homoeopathy
attacked some of the rigid, dogmatic rules set out by
HAHNEMANN. Today's opponents of
Homoeopathy argue predominantly that the efficacy
of homoeopathic remedies beyond that of placebo
has not been established. Polemic and emotive as
this historical debate has been, much of it makes
sense to the outside observer. Homoeopaths, it
seems, would be well advised to take the reasoned
elements of this criticism seriously. They might
even attempt to turn seemingly unfair attacks into
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
constructively working towards determining the
3. Case-taking in Homoeopathy in the 19th and
20th Century
JUTTE Robert (BHJ,87,1/1998)
There has been a lack of research into the effect
alternative medicine's comprehensive taking of
patient histories has had on practice. Significant
practitioners who influenced homoeopathic case-
taking are discussed and the continuity and tradition
of taking patient histories emphasised.
HAHNEMANN'S advice on case-taking, and his
actual case histories as recorded in the registers are
discussed and pointed out that HAHNEMANN did
indeed follow meticulously his advice on this
aspect. Further discussed are HERTNG,
the recent times. It is also pointed out that despite
the introduction of technical aids, such as software
programmes into Homoeopathy, the basic principles
remain the same as outlined by HAHNEMANN in
the various editions of his Organon.
4. Experimentacao em seres humanos na medicina
homeopatica: (Experimental provings on
humans in homoeopathic Medicine)
SERRANO Mauricio Gregori Dos Reis,
HERRERO Mieko Ueno (RH,63,1-2/1998)
This article evaluates the pure pathogenesis
obtained from experimentation on humans and its
relation to the Brazilian legislation. Authoritative
are used in this study. The four principles of
Bioethics - Principle of Autonomy,' Principle of
Benefit, Principle of non-maleficence, Principle of
Justice. The legality of these methods was
questioned by consulting the Resolution No. 196
(October 10th, 1996), from the National Health
Council of Federal Republic of Brasil.
5. The Paradigm Dispute in Medicine
COULTER Harris L. (AH, 1998)
Those who have read the Divided Legacy of
Harris COULTER know well that his articles are
thoroughly researched. As a scholarly historian of
Homoeopathy he has thrown much light on not only
American history of Homoeopathy but also on the
world history. In this article he exposes how
'obstinately unwilling' are the 'scientists', including
physicians, to accept anything new. He examines
the establishment's opposition to Homoeopathy, the
discrediting of Krebiozen (a substance obtained
from the blood of horses with a tumor of the jaw
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
caused by actinomycoses bovis), Stanislaw
Burzynski and the Antineoplastons.
The paradigm dispute in medicine is described in
four stages:
1. Emergence of the minority paradigm within
the majority and its eventual separation and
2. Ideological warfare of the majority against the
3. Professional or economic coercion of the
minority by the majority,
4. Administrative or legal coercion.
COULTER says that he assumed that these three
paradigms are all effective therapies, since, if they
were not effective, the representatives of this
majority paradigm would not be so aroused.
Ineffective therapies are no threat to anyone.
BENVENISTE's experiment did, in fact, "work"
and for that very reason aroused such hostility
among biologists and physicists faced with the need
to alter cherished doctrines.
A very thought-provoking essay with detailed
bibliography. Everyone must read it so that we can
face o