© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XVII, 2000
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homeopathy
drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany,
France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the
original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this
compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD, VOL. XVII, 1 & 2, 2001 3
2 QHD, VOL. XVII, 3 & 4, 2001 85
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD, Vol. XVII, No. 1 & 2, 2000.
Part I. Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known
homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., -
discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study.
The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.
1. Homöopathie systemisch betrachtet. Formen der Ähnlichkeit und der Verstrickung
(Homeopathy systematically considered. Forms of Similarity and Dissimilarity)
BAITINGER, H. (AHZ,244,3&4/1999)
The therapeutic potency relies on Phenomenon of the connections between natural diseases without
human interference. This defines the efficacy and the limit of therapeutic action as well as infection and
Miasm. The therapeutic way of systemic psychotherapy of Bert HELLINGER and his phenomenological
approach shows several links to homeopathic laws. Mainly similarity gets a sharp picture in this
phenomenological sight. The independence of personality gets a new value.
2. Was KENT a Hahnemannian?
CASSAM, A. (BHJ,88,2/1999)
This article voices concern at the trend among an influential section of homeopaths the world over, to
jettison HAHNEMANN’s simillimum principle and replace it with KENT’s almost exclusive
concentration on mental and psychic symptoms. This concern raises the question whether KENT was a
true hahnemannian.
In order to discuss this question, two schools of thoughts are investigated. The first argues that
HAHNEMANN’s theories were scientific whereas KENT’s were metaphysical. The second criticizes
KENT’s more severely for being metaphysical. At the same time, it accuses HAHNEMANN himself of
increasingly losing his way, with increasing age, into metaphysical Homeopathy.
The author believes there was no break in HAHNEMANN’s thinking as alleged, but a gradual
development with increasing experience, together with judicious use of rational insight, when scientific
explanation was not available. The yardstick used to accuse HAHNEMANN of being metaphysical is
crudely empirical and long outdated.
[This is a thought-provoking article, very relevant today when speculative teaching is so much; one
must keep one’s feet firmly on the basic teachings, on the ground i.e. the Organon and the Chronic
Diseases; far-away-and-above flights of fancy may be exhilarating but soon one has to land. = KSS]
3. Defining Homeopathy
FESIK Alexander (HL,11,4/1998)
The author raises the question: Are we really satisfied with the present-day formula? and proceeds to
give some suggestions especially in the light of the opposition from the main school of Medicine in the
Czech Republic. The attacks on Homeopathy has been increasing since 1995 in Europe, says he. The
article is quite interesting. [Howsoever we may attempt in all sincerity to satisfy the other School
we will never succeed, since it is a matter of the other ‘refusing to see’. The world of ‘science’(!) has seen
the condemnation of such persons like GALILEO, Charles DARWIN, and such others, and it is only after
centuries that the ‘science’ accepts them. Homeopathy is more difficult to be accepted by the ‘science’.
Homeopaths should not be discouraged but carry on according to the laws of Homeopathy.= KSS]
4. Les Liens Cachés de Kent (Kent’s Hidden Links)
Van GALEN, Emiel (CGH, 35, 10/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
The influence of Swedenborgian philosophy on the philosophy of KENT is discussed here. There has
been a long connection between Homeopathy and Swedenborgian Philosophy. Dr.Garth WILKINSON
(1812 - 1899) was the first to translate the works of Swedenborg Arcane Célestes,” “Règne Animal” and
“Economie du règne animal” from Latin to English. Some of the well known Swedenborgians were
HERING (he was one of the members of the first society of Swedenborgians of Philadelphia), Hans GRAM
(the first to introduce Homeopathy in America), Otis CLAPP, John ELLIS, the Editors Boericke and Tafel
(in addition to publishing numerous homeopathic books, they also published all the translated works of
SWEDENBORG). Many Homeopaths during that epoque were Swedenborgians and members of New
Church. KENT became a Swedenborgian after the death of his wife. He was first introduced to
Swedenborgian Philosophy around the year 1888 -89.
SWEDENBORG held essential the existence of a mystic connection between the spiritual world and
matter. He taught that the appearance and function of man (microcosm) had been modelled on the more
elevated spiritual reality (the macrocosm). Everything that exists and everything that appears in this more
elevated world finds its counterpart in the reality of the lower world, on land.
In his studies on the human anatomy, SWEDENBORG does not consider the body only as an objective
thing in itself, but considers it as the “kingdom of the soul.” According to KENT: “Man wills and
understands, the cadaver does not will and does not understand. The combination of these two, the will and
the understanding, constitute man. Adjoined, they make life and activity... ...Man is the will and the
understanding, and the house which he lives in is his body.”
SWEDENBORG differentiates three hierarchies:
1. At the summit - the soul, with Will as motor, sentiment (the Singular)
2. In the middle - Reason, with intellect and intention (Particular)
3. And then - Imagination, memory, desire (General)
KENT’s hierarchy of the mental symptoms is on a similar line, and can also be seen in his Repertory.
SWEDENBORG insisted on the essentials of blood and the humors in his anatomical Studies. KENT
insisted on the importance of symptoms connected to the blood and humors: the sensitivity to heat, cold,
sleep, time of the day etc.
The Swedenborgians always considered disease as a disturbance of the emotions of man, and hence a
disease is always a psychic problem with symptoms in the mental and spiritual spheres. This can be
compared to the importance KENT attached to the mental symptoms.
The author quotes TWENTYMAN (BHJ 1958): “It is considered that Kent was a pure Hahnemannian,
but he wasn’t one. He was a synthesis of HAHNEMANN and Swedenborg.”
1. Veratrum album - Eine Arzneimitteldarstellung unter Einbeziehung mythologischer und
archetypischer Themen (Veratrum album - Materia Medica in relation to mythology and
and Archetype themes)
MICHELS H.-L. (AHZ,244,1/1999)
Veratrum album drug picture is depicted, including with relation to mythology and archetype themes.
The meaning of symbols is also discussed. How these knowledge would be helpful is demonstrated
through a case.
The author also writes of his proving of this remedy on himself. He took a 200c potency, three
globules, once.
On the night he took the dose, he awoke at 5 hours (Veratrum time). He felt an unpleasant sensation in
the left ear, as if stopped. Went to sleep again to wake up at 8 hours with same sensation of stopped left ear
and difficult hearing. These sensations passed off when he bored into the ear with the index finger. In the
evening while sitting felt unusually severe freezing, particularly unusual was the ice-cold feet. There was
also pain in the nape, with creeping sensation in the hands and creeping and tension in the face and when
laughed felt as if the part could not be moved. Also felt often an icy coldness in the entire body.
On the following days suffered daily from severe pressing headaches in the forehead always after
exertion, particularly after mental exertion. About 14 days after the dose of Veratrum suffered a
Gastroenteritis. It began with cramping pain in the upper abdomen and nausea, which became worse from
the least movement and led to vomiting. Immediately after the vomiting the nausea and the cramps were
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
certainly relieved. Was free from complaints until again the nausea and cramps came on. Felt a lump or
stone in the upper abdomen. When there was the cramping pain, a cold sweat came on the forehead, and
wanted only to lie down.
Only twice there was vomiting, then bright-white stool came on. Throughout the whole period, suffered
severe throbbing headache of the forehead. On two days couldn’t attend the clinic and was again healthy.
The headaches went away, and he felt very well, especially emotionally excellent and more able than
before this short illness.
2. The Toxicology of Latrodectus hasselti spider - The Australian red-back Spider
BONNET, M.S. (BHJ,88,1/1999)
The zoology and behavior of Latrodectus hasselti, the Australian red-back spider is described. The
symptoms of envenomation are discussed; the most prominent symptoms is pain of various types in the
head, abdomen and limbs. [Attention is invited to similar work on some other spiders by this author - vide
QHD 3 & 4/1997, 3 & 4/1998 and 1/1999 = KSS]
3. The Toxicology of the Chironex fleckeri Jelly fish: the Australian Sea wasp
BONNET, MS. (BHJ,88,2/1999)
Potential new homeopathic remedy based on the toxicology of the Box Jelly fish, Chironex fleckeri.
4. Solanaceae: The Sleep of Reason
HERSHOFF Asa (SIM, XII,1/1999)
The categorization of remedies into families is very helpful in prescribing more accurately, and
provide opportunities to learn about ‘small’ remedies.
Solanaceae is the easiest to understand.
The ‘themesof Solanaceae are discussed, as brief comments on the Materia Medica of Belladonna,
Mandrogora, Lycopodium, Solanum nigrum, Tabacum.
Four cases are presented:
Case 1: Boy of 3-and-half years: totally obsessed with dinosaurs. There is ‘split’ in him - although he
plays with toy dinosaurs and talks of them, etc. he is afraid of them. He is a diabetic; because of a
Coxsackie virus that apparently destroyed the pancreas. His mother a stunt woman has inversible
knowledge of diet and nutrition. Therefore everything her child eats is organic, and she is absolutely rigid
about everything. He is a very big kid, very muscular, very spiritual kid and very sympathetic to others.
Loves to sit on his computer all day. He is on frequent Insulin injections in a day. He is getting about 20
injections a day. He is connected “on the other side”. Afraid of the tuning fork, would mast with teeth.
Didn’t allow the doctors to put IV needle but when his mother took his face in her hands and said “Look
OM” (the Mantra) and he held his arms out. So an acute Solanaceae state - a wild Stramonium or
Belladonna like reaction.
He ‘read’ (looks at) pages of books that have no pictures, for an hour even. He is afraid of dark. He
loves to run. Stramonium.
Case 2: This 7-1/2-year-old girl was born with umbilical cord around neck, but was quickly revived.
Wasn’t sick until 4 years age; now non-stop sick strep. throat; glands swell up, rash all over her body.
Antibiotics very regularly lots of colds, coughs; ear infections for the first time now; lots of eczema, rashes.
Fevers go upto 102º.
She can never get enough attention, always dancing, on her own.
Night terrors with screaming, thrashing about, but when mother awakened her couldn’t remember a
thing; typical of Solanaceae. Very, very jealous of her brother and sister, even the dog. Won’t share
anything. Likes order in everything. Very strong-willed. She’ll touch people’s private parts. She did it
when she was just 3 years of age. Her mother suspected strongly that the child was abused when 4 years
She doesn’t like children; “they are really small, they are three-years-old” although they are six year
old. Wants to be with older children. Hyoscyamus.
Case 3: Girl who gets cold very frequently and keeps them longest in the family. Doesn’t take dairy
products, about no antibiotics, has very high fevers.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
Likes to entertain, dramatic, histrionic. Very playful, social, likes grown-ups, kids, very attached to
mom and dad. Likes leadership. Fear of dogs. Fear of people, hides behind her father. Hates being alone.
Very distraught or concerned about dying.
Has a temper, pretty expressive, can rage for half an hour. Sympathetic, gives solace to others. Suffered a
trauma: a huge tree branch fell on her father, and she was under him; father was bleeding; for half an hour
she was screaming for help; since then she has this fear of dying. She is bossy with her parents; with other
children a little dictator; defiant in a teasing way. Likes to perform for adults. Her mother said that she’s
just playing around when she is teasing and bossing. Attention seeking. Dulcamara.
Case 4: 13-year-old boy. Says he has photographic memory. Top sportsman in his school. Many sports
injuries; bad knee, low back pain and neck pain and so on.
Fear of spiders. Has some learning disabilities. Really bad at spelling, word hunting; says he can
remember when he was in his mother’s womb; but at times forgets where he was going, what he was about
to do, names.
He said that sometimes when he was lying down, he thought he was on the other side of the bed. Also
when he wakes up in the morning, thinks “What am I doing here? He wakes up from a dream and he
doesn’t know who he is, a problem of identity. Solanum nigrum
At the end, the author draws attention to Capsicum. Besides homesickness Capsicum tend to be
gourmands, either alcoholic or eating food a lot. There is a whole joviality, like Tabacum, with a strong
stimulation phase; jockster, kidding others, playing practical jokes and tricks. Often awkwardness,
bumping into things accidentally, breaks things. Angry, contradicting, intolerant of opposition, even
malicious and spiteful. Fear of death, evil, wind, being murdered or reproached. Discontent.
5. What do Provings Prove? - A Critical Appraisal
MORTELMANS Guido (HL,11,2/1998)
This is a brief discussion of ‘Provings’ - the methodology, the source, etc. He also briefly discusses
seven newly proved remedies: Haliacetus leucocephalus, Lac dolphinum, Lac caprinum, Lac humanum
and maternum, Larus argentatus, Naja, and Chocolate.
Dr.MORTELMANS raises certain other questions, e.g. what is the bias for double-blind provings? the
value of the doctrine of signatures; the effect of the psychological and physiological state of the animal
whose substance is being proved, etc. [Rarely has the actual record of the provers been published in any of
the present-day ‘provings’. In many cases the ‘theme’ is filtered and furnished! The ordinary practitioner
who reads the material has no idea as to the availability of the new medicine. ‘Mental’ symptoms abound
in most of the modern ‘provings’, unlike the older provings. = KSS]
6. Cannabis indica kids: The Serious, The Spacey, and The Silly.
ROTHENBERG, Amy (SIM, XII, 1/1999)
16-year-old girl: with ADD; difficulty in concentrating, focus mind or stay interested in reading,
schoolwork or chores. Spaced out. Her two younger siblings were really smart, very competent.
She was a tall, elegant young woman of sensitive bearing. During class she would think she was
listening but she would be floating away and watching the class from the ceiling, as if hovering, watching,
observing. In spite of trying she couldn’t bring her body to come back to the chair; would float about and
feel very strange but soon would forget it was weird, and just hang out there. Then something would
happen, a loud noise, a teacher calling on her, a bell ringing, etc. and she would be catapulted back into her
chair in a minute. This kind of dissociation would also happen at home.
She was reading at a level several years behind her grade, which her mother said was due to poor
memory for words and word meaning. Couldn’t do math at all, it seemed like foreign language to her. She
was clairvoyant. Could draw well and would spend time doing that over other academic work. This
expressivity is something that one can see in a Cannabis indica patient, particularly if they don’t do well in
the typical things supposed to do well in, they find something else that they can excel in.
She had a sledding accident at age eleven, and was unconscious for four days. Although she had
learning difficulties before the accident, since the accident she had been much sadder, sentimental and
emotionally remote. She had the worst case of eczema of the scalp, like a cradle cap from edge to edge of
her entire scalp; thick, crusty, white with little red scabs mixed in. She had it since she was few months
old. Loved to sleep for long hours and napped when she could. She found sleep a relief from other stress
of her life.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
Her father smoked pot daily for 25 years.
Cannabis indica 200. She needed repetition once.
Amy ROTHENBERG discusses another case of a girl 13-yrs age who suffered from sadness,
depression. On the totality presented she was given Medorrhinum. There was much improvement but not
total. She wanted to kill herself. Aurum. Few weeks ago she took a knife and made four marks, not very
deep, on her chest. Few months later she reported of random depression; that she seemed to forget things
that are asked of her, basic things, forgets what she’s thinking. “When I’m in conversation with somebody,
I can leave and space out really badly. All of a sudden I’m clairvoyant, I know what people are thinking,
what they are about to say, what’s about to happen.” She’s not paranoid, her perception of time and space
are fine. Fearing insanity. Father’s history of Marijuana use. Cannabis indica 200. She did well.
7. Faut-il jeter aux Orties la mort du père? (Must the death of the father be attributed to the Nettle)
ZALA, Michel (CGH, 35, 1/1998)
In July 1995 in an article “Urtica urens and the death of the father”, Didier GRANDGEORGE
observed that Urtica urens could correspond to those patients who have never accepted the death of their
father, a hypothesis which is to be confirmed by other clinical cases. In September 1995 Jean-Marie
TRIBOUILLARD presented a case of a person treated with Urtica urens based on the death of the father, a
probable confirmation of the above hypothesis. In this article Michel ZALA presents his observations on
Urtica urens prescribed right from the time a patient mentioned “after, death of the father”. He presents six
cases in which he prescribed Urtica urens based on the above symptom. There was no change in one
patient, in three of them there was a partial impact. There was a deep action in two of the patients.
This is followed by some of the characteristic symptoms in the Materia Medica. The author’s
1. The prescription of Urtica Urens is not systematically effective for “after death of the father”.
2. In the above cases Urtica urens was not the simillimum; though the amelioration was
complete it was only transitory.
3. There were however some common points:
- the rapidity of the death of the father, more than the rapidity it was the regret at not being
able to talk to the father or say good-bye.
- the refusal to talk about it.
- an “internal boiling”
- two of the fathers had died of a digestive cirrhotic haemorrhage
- two of the patients had pruritis
- and a particular phobia
4. The most consistent results were obtained by Didier GRANDGEORGE.
5. What is important now is that this etiological hypothesis must be tested without prejudice by
the homeopaths.
Even if Urtica urens has this particular vulnerability after the death of the father, it cannot be the only
remedy for it. For example: in the Synthesis Repertory, Ailments from death, parents or friends, of: Calc,
Caust, Ign, Nux-v., Plat., Sep. etc are given. Such a shock can trigger many types of reactions and hence
the possibility of many remedies. The doctor must be able to distinguish Urtica urens from other remedies
possessing this sensitivity. Noting some of the following things will help us to differentiate the remedies:
the conditions of the death; slow or rapid, agonizing, how the father faced his death, the reactions of the
family, etc.
8. Petits remèdes tirés de derrière les fagots (Small remedies - personal experiences)
GRANDGEORGE, Didier (CGH, 35,1/1998)
The author describes some rare indications which, aren’t found in the repertories for some rare
Bombyx processionnaire: When his group in Fréjus-St Raphaël proved this caterpillar, one of the
provers was a young intern of a hospital who attended the course out of curiosity, without truly believing in
homeopathy. He volunteered to prove the remedy, and note the symptoms which appeared. But four days
later he called up and said that he could not proceed with the proving as he had to be operated for a torsion
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
of the testicle. But what was strange was that though this intern objectively presented a picture of torsion
of testicle, on surgery there was no torsion, just a big local inflammatory reaction.
Some months later the author received a small boy with severe pain, very strongly indicative of torsion
of testicle. At that moment something struck the doctor and he asked the boy if he had touched caterpillars,
to which the boy replied that in spite of his father having forbidden him to do so, he had played with
caterpillars in the garden. Bombyx processionnaire 30 CH was given, and within a few minutes there was
no pain and there was no necessity for surgery. Even the inflammation had disappeared. Some hours later
the child left the hospital stating he was cured.
Another case of a boy of 17 years with asthma, who in the past lost one testicle following torsion. He
received Bombyx processionnaire and had an all-around improvement, both physically and
psychologically. An amelioration on all the planes when the right remedy is given.
Symbolically the caterpillar is a larva, an incomplete, crawling being. The torsion of the testicle is an
auto-castration, a loss of a part or the whole of virility. Would this be the remedy of individuals who feel
psychically castrated, who have only stereotypic behaviour, copied from others, without any creativity, and
one sees in certain social environment? And it is here that one sees this small remedy take on unsuspected
Castoreum: A young boy of 10 years came for a phimosis, for which he had already been operated twice.
He also had a developing preputial sclero-atrophic lichen. It seemed like a Staphysagria case when the
mother said that the boy yawned in his sleep. In Kent’s repertory Castoreum is the only remedy under this
rubric. In the materia medica it says that Castoreum is the secretion of the preputial sac of the beavers.
Castoreum was prescribed. Six months later he had an eczema of the genitals, his behaviour was better, his
lichen on the gland was gone, urination was normal, the dilatation of the urinary meatus which had been
planned was not necessary. A year later he was much better and his parents regretted not knowing about
Homeopathy earlier. Some time later another patient with phimosis, impossible to retract and eczema of
the thorax. Castoreum was prescribed, four months later there was no more problem, and another 3 months
later the phimosis had softened and retraction was possible. Though in Clarke’s Dictionary phimosis hasn’t
been mentioned, now always consider Castoreum when there has been an history of phimosis in men and
coalescence of the labia minora in women.
Ornithogallum-umbellata: Boy six years old with frequent bronchitis. Interrogation revealed only common
symptoms. The only important history was pyloric stenosis operated in the first few months of the child’s
life. In Murphy’s Repertory the two remedies listed are Aethusa cynapium and Ornithogallum umbellata.
After a few doses of this remedy the child had no problems.
Similarly there was another child who consulted for anxiety, compelling him to sleep with his mother,
bed wetting, jealousy. This boy too had an operation at the age of 3 months for a pyloric stenosis. After
this remedy the child started sleeping better and got over his anxieties.
In Clarke’s Dictionary pyloro-gastric cancer is described under this remedy.
Oleum jecoris aselli: This remedy should be thought of when the idea of ankylosing spondylosis appears. A
boy of 11 years consulted for growth retardation, and lumbalgia which was diagnosed as ankylosing
spondylarthritis. In the repertory in sacro-iliac pain and small stature Calcarea phos., Oleum jecoris and
Sulphur were the remedies. The author’s attention was directed towards Oleum jecoris by the fact that the
boy after every dose of Vitamin D had an aggravation of the bone pains. Four doses of Oleum jecoris in
15, 18, 24, 30 CH were sufficient to relieve the boy of this invalidating problem.
Similarly in another boy of 14 years, who had strong pains in the right hip which was relieved by
Aurum metallicum 15 CH. But the patients complained that he was not growing well, this child had also
been frequently given Vitamin D. Oleum jecoris was given with good improvement.
There is no small remedy, for the one who suffers, the effective remedy is a big remedy.
9. Rhus glabra and Abuse
TUMMINELLO, Peter (HOM, 74, 1999)
With the help of a case the author brings out the essence of Rhus glabra. The prominent theme in
Rhus glabra is:
- Compensatory activity that is needed to counter the abused feeling
- Haughtiness and authoritarianism in an attempt to escape the feeling world, the body.
- Fear and oppression by authority,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
A book Rhus glabra, A Portrait of Abuse has been prepared as a complete rendition of all the
information available on Rhus glabra, which is available by mail order from Sydney College of
Homeopathic Medicine, 92-94 Norton St, Leichhardt NSW, 2040, Australia, cost $19 including postage or
from Minerva Books, London. Tel: 0171 385 1361.
10. Materia Medica - Tarentula Hispanica
RYAN, Chris (NEJH, 8,1/1999)
An analysis of Tarentula hispanica into cycles and segments.
- a keynote cycle segment of Tarentula hispanica involves the need to move – the inability to
- be still characterizes this remedy type.
- an important remedy for hyperactive children in constant motion, fidgeting, picking at things,
tapping, frequently fighting, kicking, biting, struggling against any attempt to corral them.
- the second theme is the equally intense need for rhythm.
11. Culex Repertory Rubrics
WRIGHT, Peter (SIM, XII, 2/1999)
A listing of all the rubrics under which Culex musca is listed. All the rubrics have been taken from
Kent’s Repertory.
12. A Propos du Cantharides (Apropos - Cantharis)
(CGH, 35, 10, 1998)
This article is a translation of the chapter from the Canon d’Avicenne (Zararith) and Hippocrates’s
Regime in Acute Illness.
Cantharis according to Avicenna:
- animal similar to bugs, red in colour
- one of the species lives and proliferates in wheat
- Cantharis of multiple colours, with transverse lines on the wings, are the most powerful. Those of
single colour are feeble.
- on rubbing, deroots warts
- applied on the limbs, they are beneficient for the nails.
- on rubbing with vinegar - cures vitiligo and albinism
- rubbing, crushed with mustard, makes hair grow
- on rubbing, dissolves cancerous tumours
- can be used for scabies and impetigo
- it is said that it makes pterygion disappear
- Cantharis, in small quantities, is a good diuretic and useful in anasarca.
- it also stimulates menses
- it also aborts
- Some say that Cantharis gulped down is useful against intractable disease of the bladder.
- Some claim that the wings and limbs are the antidotes to Cantharis poisoning.
- It is said that if one drinks “a mithqal” (1/7th of an ounce) of Cantharis, the body becomes
oedematous, urine bloody, and dies the same day.
Hippocrate’s Régime in Acute Diseases
Potion for Hydropic
Take 3 Spanish flies, remove the head, the wings, the hair, crush the body in 3 glasses of water; when the
one who has drunk the medicine suffers, make for him an oily unction, then, hot affusions; the potion must
be drunk on an empty stomach, then one eats hot bread with butter.
13. Die charakteristischen Symptome von Ignatia amara nach Clemens von BÖNNINGHAUSEN.
JANSEN, A. (ZKH,43,2/1999)
Within the scope of an edition of different manuscripts of Clemens von BOENNINGHAUSEN
available in the Institute for History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart, a
transcription of Ignatia amara and its Genius is presented.
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1. The Dreaded Flu
CASTRO Miranda (HT,18,4/1998)
The author says that every year 10,000 to 20,000 persons die in the U.S. from complications of the flu,
mainly Pneumonia. The remedies for flu including Oscillococcinum are discussed.
2. A chronic case with an unusual remedy
ABBOTT Vicki (HT,18,4/1998)
A 42 year-old lady, with epigastric pain, headaches; right-sided Sciatica and sacro-iliac pain with pain
in her right anterior and lateral thigh and right knee; irregular menses; chilly. While Sepia gave good relief,
it was Tellurium which gave complete cure. The author remarks that it was Tellurium which not only
cured her Sciatica but also cured the Peptic ulcer disease and Insomnia. Also her peculiar sensation that the
area under her bra was too tight was found in both HERING and CLARKE: “Constrictive feeling, as if
strapped together”.
3. Balancing a Child’s Behaviour
BELLO Lia (HT,18,5/1998)
A 12-year-old girl was throwing tantrums, angry at her siblings, contemptuous, offended easily, used
shockingly explicit abusive words, etc. Desired sweets, was worse from it. She recently spoke of suicide!
Nux vomica 12 b.d. and as she improved to make it once daily and go on tapering according to
improvement; then to take “when needed”.
4. Homo Anxiens
KOTHARI M. & MEHTA L.(NJH,8,1/1999)
The No.1 issue of NJH 1999 is about Anxiety. In their no-nonsense style, the authors KOTHARI and
MEHTA describe anxiety as another of the fads and fetishes created by the Americans, whom they call the
Big Scientific Brother. And rest of world has no problem imitating this brother. The definition of Anxiety
in the Oxford Companion to Medical Sciences and the listing of the various anxieties with their latinised
names in the Psychiatric Dictionary is enough to confuse and scare one. Anxiety is to nurse the vanity that
circumstances are under your control, and then to nurse the guilt that you are not doing what you ought to
do. And the anti-anxiety agent is a sense of humility, a yea-saying to life, a conviction that whatever it is,
is right. Though it is of late that anxiety is as old as man.
5. Treating high blood pressure
TAYLOR Will (HT,18,10/1998)
The author stresses the need for correct reading of the blood pressure; it is also necessary that the cuff
must be appropriate to the circumference of the arm.
6. A Surgery avoided
MALERBA Larry (HT,18,11/1998)
Hernia is considered a ‘surgical’ case, although the old homeopathic literature has many cases cured
by medicine. The author reports the case of a boy of 14 months with diagnosed left sided inguinal hernia.
On the basis of the ‘generals’ Calcarea carbonica 200 was given and it was reported three weeks later that
the surgeon opined that there was no hernia but only a hydrocele and surgery was still said to be required.
The case was reconsidered and Silica 200 was given which cured.
7. Vaginal Infections
BELLO Lia (HT,18,11/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
The author discusses vaginal infections and the remedies generally indicated in it. The best insurance
against infection is daily washing with plain water and avoidance of vaginal deodorants, perfumed soaps,
contraceptive creams, prolonged use of tampons, and wearing underwear made with synthetic fabric. Half
the discomforts and the money spent to alleviate vaginal infections could be cancelled out if women would
forego wearing tight jeans and pantyhose - to get a little more fresh air to the area.
8. Eine geheimnisvolle Entsprechung - Homöopathie und Familienstellen (A mysterious
meeting - Homeopathy and Family states)
Homeopaths wishing to gain additional psychotherapy-qualification have to be aware that the
phenomenological approach of Homeopathy is in contrast to psychoanalytic assumptions of unconscious
causes. A newly developed phenomenological way of psychotherapy, using family constellations
(according H.HELLINGER) offers surprising analogies to Homeopathy (drug proving, HERING’s Rule)
and is very suitable to enhance the effects of homeopathic treatment and to give homeopaths
psychological insight into “love’s hidden symmetry”.
9. Familienstruktur als homöopathisches Heilungshindernis (Family structure as obstruction to a
Homeopathic cure)
APPELL, R.G. (AHZ,244,2/1999)
The certainty of healing mentioned by HAHNEMANN may be impeded by pathogenic family
structure. The different aspects of these hindrances are shown and possibilities of handling them are
discussed through a case.
10. Der Synergismus von Homöopathie und systemischer Therapie (The synergism of
Homeopathy and Systemic Therapy)
MEYER-KÖNIG, P. (AHZ,244,2/1999)
HAHNEMANN describes in his book Chronic Diseases the difficulty to heal an activated Psora
under the influence of chronic grief and anger. Disorders in the relationship of a family on the emotional
level can induce identifications, parentifications or other troublesome dynamics. They cause chronic grief
and anger on a subconscious level. The systemic therapy of a family according to Bert HELLINGER’s
feature gives often a good opportunity to finish such troubles. After such a harmonisation of the emotional
situation, the antipsoric treatment will give better results.
11. Zum Stellenwert der homöopathischen Therapie bei Steriliät (The place of Homeopathic Therapy in
SCHMÜCK, M. (AHZ,244,3/1999)
The indication of homeopathic therapy in infertility patients are shown after taking into account
infertility in its historical-cultural context and the possible impact on couples affected, especially in this
time where assisted reproduction is available. In the course of this, the connection and dividing line
between homeopathic therapy and psychotherapy becomes apparent. With the help of a detailed case
presentation of a successful homeopathic treatment course, the effects of a homeopathic drug on
psychological processes are shown.
12. Morbus Bechterew
ZEEDEN, M. (AHZ,244,1/1999)
54 year-old, well-built man; apparently a perfectionist. Since 1970 back pain. Since 1981 diagnosed
Morbus Bechtrew. The pain proceeds from between the shoulder blades and in the neck radiating to head
and is of pressing nature. Wet and cold agg. the pains and hence change of weather from warm to cold
uncomfortable. The pains began every day late afternoon. Thirst increased. The peculiar symptom that
came up from thorough case taking was the 24 hour periodicity of arrival of the pains. The pain began
exactly at 1700 hours. Cedron 30 was given but with some amelioration. The remedy was then given in
200, but still not complete relief. Mercurius D1000 was given because of stitching, pulsating and
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synchronised pains of the right parietal region and nightly frequent urination. This was not effective.
Again Cedron D1000 few doses. Pains were completely relieved.
13. Ershöpfungsdepression, Neurodermitis (Weakness and depression, Neurodermatitis)
ROTH, R. (AHZ,244,1-2/1999)
29 year-old Nurse. Since recently feels very weak and depressed. Forgetful, irritable, angry with her
work. Feels beaten down and sad. Unhappy with everything. Weeps at home without any reason, feels
better after that. Even with her children she is not agreeable.
She was one of four children. In childhood was repeatedly sexually misused by her father. She also
recalled vaguely of being sexually abused by other men too. She felt very much humiliated and helpless by
these experiences. She came to know her present husband at 18 years and married him. She wanted
children but only boys since she did not want her children, if girls, to undergo the same abuse she suffered!
She had two sons and her third child was a girl who died at six months age from sudden infant death
syndrome’; this was shock for her, and she suffered from severe guilt feelings. She became pregnant and it
was quite problematic. However, she delivered a healthy son and her depression began then. She was on
psycho-therapy which helped her overcome her guilt feeling but she has not got back her energy and
From her childhood she suffered from severe Neurodermatitis. particularly on the right upper eyelid,
sometimes on the right elbow, the skin there is dry and itchy. Stress and anger aggravate. When she is
angry and under stress she gets stomach cramps.
Single dose of Staphysagria C200, and immediate improvement began. She was restored to health
rapidly and remained well.
14. Neurodermatitis
ILLING, K.-H. (AHZ,244,2-3/1999)
14 month old girl baby with Neurodermatitis which began at 3 month age. At 8 month she was in
hospital for a month for treatment of “Herpes”. The skin is very dry, desquamating due to much
scratching. When she was at the North Sea resort last year she suffered severe reaction and she scratched
herself until it severely bled. When she was brought she still itched but lesser than when at the sea resort.
The itching was worse in bed. She could not tolerate milk and so was on milk-free diet. She wanted to be
only lightly dressed. Sweat more nights, occiput, cervical region.
Sulphur 30 one dose, and she began to improve; the remedy was repeated in C200 four times at long
intervals for ailments that appeared after immunisations, etc.
15. Sicarius (Six-eyed Crab Spider): A homeopathic treatment for Ebola haemorrhagic
fever and disseminated intravascular coagulation?
Extensive literature on the symptoms and signs of envenomation by Sicarius (six-eyed crab spider)
suggests that it may be an effective homeopathic remedy in Ebola fever. Similarities with Crotalus
horridus are also discussed. “the venom of Crotalus horridus-horridus , which acts mainly by mimicking
detrimental intravascular activity of thrombin, is to be differentiated from the venom of Sicarius
albospinosus which appears to directly deactivate Factor VIII and trigger the subsequent coagulation
disorder, thus more closely resembling the pathology of Ebola haemorrhagic fever. The lethal species of S.
hahnil and S. albospinosus should be of curative value also in other forms of haemorrhagic fever and in
disseminated intravascular coagulation. The well-established remedy Crotalus horrridus should still be
considered in these conditions.”
The author also suggests that in geographical regions prone to be affected by the Ebola virus, a
prophylactic administration of the potentized Sicarius spider may be beneficial.
[This spider venom should be ‘proved’. Since this venom is said to deactivate Factor VIII, it may
perhaps be of value in Haemophilia too. Profession is requested to try. = KSS]
16. How to prescribe Medorrhinum: the frequency of symptoms and signs in homeopathic
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MERCALDO, M (BHJ,88,2/1999)
Medorrhinum is an important, but under-prescribed homeopathic medicine. This paper discusses how
to prescribe Medorrhinum on the basis of symptoms, signs and family history.
The author draws copiously from reliable literature and from his own experience with 963 patients. He
says that he has prescribed this remedy many more times than by simply following the KENT Repertory.
He says “many signs and symptoms are much more frequent than we would expect, sometimes astonishing,
as in ‘Mind, delusions, hear voices’, which appeared in 62% of the subjects, and usually, is not mentioned
by most people with this symptom. I believe the frequency of the warts in the patients, 44%, is so high,
because of the sycotisation produced by vaccines and allopathic drugs.
[Attention is drawn to the author’s earlier article on this nosode in the BHJ,85/1996 = KSS]
17. How will you handle this case? What Will You Do Next?
The case of a newly married girl with evening rise of fever, who was cured very quickly with just
counselling. It shows how a right advice at the right time does wonders.
18. Situational Anxiety
Case 1: A 23-year-old man doing his Masters in Business Administration started becoming anxious, with a
lot of desperate thoughts occurring to him and many delusions too. A history of a very dominant, strict
father who expected a lot from him. The doctor saw it as an anxiety which lead to depression and which in
turn led to delusions; there was intelligence, timidity and apprehensions and also a determination which all
pointed to Silica. The repeated confusion of mind indicated Alumina and so Alumina-silicata M was
Case 2: This is the follow-up of a case which was reported in NJH, 3, 1/1994. A doctor with severe burns
which were treated with Radium bromatum, now was in a depression, panicked over small things and she
felt sorry for not having a child. Aluminium-silicata M single dose helped her. She later adopted a girl
19. Can you afford to be down in dumps?
SHAIK, Neelofer (NJH,8,1/1999)
This is the case of a young girl whose marriage went sour and she got a divorce just six months after
her marriage; she developed itching, perspiration of the palms and soles, Natrum muriaticum 10M a single
dose helped her.
20. Can We Give Birth to Anxiety?
ANSARI Aqsa (NJH,8,1/1999)
Case 1: A 35-years-old man with warts on his face and neck, migraine since 14 years, hypertensive,
cervical spondylosis, and also the anxiety that his parents cared more for his sisters than for him.
Staphysagria, Rhus-tox, Natrum-mur and finally Carcinosin helped him.
Case 2: 7-years-old boy very insecure, could not bear to be separated from his mother, also had
recurrent colds and coughs. The mother’s anxiety and insecurity (she had already undergone three
miscarriages) during the pregnancy had brought about the insecurity in the boy. Argentum-nit.,
Lycopodium, Stramonium, Nux-vom were the medicines give to him.
21. Gold(en) Remedy for Anxiety with Suicidal Disposition
SUNDARAM, V. (NJH,8,1/1999)
Aurum metallicum helped a woman in a severe depression because of her husband’s extra-marital
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22. I want Mama!
MANKANI, M. (NJH,8,1/1999)
The case of a 25-year-old mother of two who had not yet come out of her dependency on her mother.
The case was watched closely and was only given placebo over a long period as nothing marked could be
elicited. Then came the clinching indication: intense anxiety and chest pains when the patient’s parents had
gone out of town. The doctor quotes Dr.Gary WEAVER: “My experience has led me to conclude that
when an individual is at the lowest ebb, what is exhibited is the true state, i.e. The disposition in a Mental
and Physical Totality.” In the Synthetic Repertory in p.608 was the rubric: “Inconsolable, anxiety about his
family while on a short journey, from,” with only Petroleum, which surprisingly also covered all the
striking aspects of the case. One dose in 50 M reduced her anxiety. This was followed by active
counselling and some more appropriate homeopathic remedies and placebo.
23. Encounters of the Hysterical Kind
HARIHARAN, Rama (NJH,8,1/1999)
Case 1: 65-year-old woman with an undercurrent anxiety which surfaced after months of physical
disturbances. Alumina, Pulsatilla and Argentum nitricum were the remedies which got her out of her
physical discomforts and her anxious states.
Case 2: 53-year-old woman with an anxiety which caused a lot of inconvenience to her and her family.
She progressively improved under the following remedies given as and when they were indicated Argentum
nitricum, Dysentry-co, Aconite, Theridion and other remedies.
24. Anxiety Neurosis: An Hypothesis
MEHTA, A (NJH,8,1/1999)
A man in his early forties had severe anxiety about his job, worried what he would do if he lost his job.
Many remedies were tried without success. The doctor thus reasoned: Anxiety neurosis is a result of
excess Lactic acid in the blood. Artificially injecting Lactic acid into the blood can create a state of
Anxiety Neurosis. The Materia Medica recommends Natrum-phos as a remedy for conditions arising out
of excess of Lactic acid. Nat-p was given and it worked.
25. Why I could not achieve?
A man with severe panic attacks: how the main symptoms of the case were identified and then the
rubrics selected and finally the zeroing down to the remedy Lycopodium.
26. Spectrum of Hepatobiliary Diseases - A Homeopathic Perspective(A Hospital Study)
PAREEK, Alok & PAREEK, R.S. (NJH,8,1/1999)
Pareek Hospital and Research Centre has documented 186 cases of Hepato-biliary disease: acute
hepatic failure, infective hepatitis, chronic persistent hepatitis, cirrhosis with portal hypertension including
Indian childhood cirrhosis and persisted Hepatitis B, antigenaemia. The following conclusions were
arrived at:
1. China-off, Hydrastis, Lycopodium, Mercurius sol., Magnesium-mur., Nat-sulph., Nux-vom,
Phosphorous and Sulphur were the most general constitutionals with positive response. Potencies used
200C, 10M
2. Carduus-mar., Chelidonium, Myrica and Andographis-paniculata were the most useful clinical
remedies. They were used in mother tinctures and drop doses.
3. Andrographis and Calcarea-ars helped in the younger age group of patients, especially in Indian
Childhood Cirrhosis.
4. Hepatitis B nosode was helpful in Chronic Persisted Hepatitis, in an intercurrent dose when there was a
history of blood transfusion, surgical procedures. Depression was noticed in all cases which benefited by
Hepatitis B nosode.
A few cases treated are also presented:
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Case 1: of fulminant hepatic failure: Opium brought the patient out of the very jaws of death, Carduus
marianus was the organ remedy and Phosphorus the constitutional remedy helping the patient to a
harmonious recovery.
Case 2: 10 year old girl with persistent fever, icteric eyes, bloating of abdomen and diarrhoeic stools,
S.Bilirubin was 8.4 gm/dl with a history of blood transfusion for anaemia. Mercurius solubilis brought
down the fever. Andographis was the Organ remedy. Finally she was given Hepatitis B nosode for the
persistent positive Australia antigen.
Case 3: A 45-year-old man presented with a laboratory report of positive Australia Antigen but was
asymptomatic. History of jaundice two years back and a steroid injection for a shoulder pain. Lycopodium
was prescribed based on accompanying flatulence, bloating and anorexia, followed by Carduus marianus
in the mother tincture. As the Australia antigen was still positive after three months, Hepatitis B nosode
was prescribed and two months later the report showed Australia antigen negative.
27. A potpourri of Cases
RAO, Sheila B. (NJH,8,1/1999)
Case 1: of a six-month-old baby with frequent offensive blood-tinged stools, with cyst of E-histolytica in
the stool, was given Calcarea carbonica.
Case 2: Anxiety in a 42-year-old woman after her mother’s death from cancer of the breast was cured with
28. Anxiety and Anxiolytics
RAJU, K. (NJH,8,1/1999)
Three cases of anxiety who respectively needed Stramonium, Picric acid and Syphilinum.
29. Arthritis: Yet-One-More-Tower of Babel
KOTHARI, M. & MEHTA, L. (NJH,8,2/1999)
The authors begin with “The inherent flaw in the theme of this issue [the theme of the Mar-Apr. issue
is Arthritis] is: The term arthritis has been dictionarily declared wrong for, more often than not, there is no
inflammation nor infection. So, arthritis rather becomes arthrosis, or a little more comprehensively,
osteoarthropathy. They conclude: “Arthritis, to borrow Churchill’s telling words, continues to be “a riddle
wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” Allopathy has lost and gone mechanical. [Perhaps] Homeopaths
could lead the world out of the arthritis chaos.
30. Sepia and Rheumatoid Arthritis - A Case Study
MANKANI, M. (NJH,8,2/1999)
In her usual precise and clear manner Dr.Mankani presents this case of severe excruciating pains of all
the peripheral joints in a 24-year-old man who was regularly on intra-articular corticosteroid injections
supplemented by oral anti-inflammatory analgesics. The most distinguishing features of the case on which
she based her prescription were:
Anger from contradiction, Violent motion ameliorates, Ravenous appetite, Desire for cheese, Dryness
of the mouth with thirstlessness and Inclination to uncover feet. Sepia was clearly indicated. Sepia first in
M potency then 10 M and later the 50M brought about great relief: in fact after 7 months of treatment and
at the time of reporting the case there was no pain.
31. I was not their Real Daughter
KASAD, K.N. (NJH,8,2/1999)
A detailed report of the case of a woman with severe excruciating pains of the joints. After many
detailed interviews the picture was clear, on the physical plane it was Magnesium phosphoricum that was
needed, and from the core of the case came up the repression and rejection which again clearly indicated a
Magnesium group. Magnesium sulphuricum was indicated from the totality: the fibro-muscular structure, a
dominant sycotic miasm, hot humid weather aggravation, cramps and spasms. Magnesium sulphuricum M
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was repeated very often. Thuja M was also given as an intercurrent. The doctor concludes: The case
showed remarkable palliation under homeopathic treatment. Cure appears remote as the immediate
environment at home is not congenial...” [The comments of the Editor of NJH: “The bold and remarkable
use of high potencies with frequent repetition till the point of amelioration, is the course to be followed in
such severe pathology. Here single doses will not prove adequate.” One cannot ‘prescribe’ repetition in all
severe pathologies; the homeopath who handles the case should use his judgment in respect of each case. =
32. An Advanced Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis
TIWARI, N.L. (NJH,8,2/1999)
Case of a 46-year-old lady with pain in all small joints, and swelling and stiffness, deformity of right
proximal metacarpal joint, a cold and dry cough diagnosed as interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. She was on
Ayurvedic treatment and on corticosteroids. Calc-fl. 30 was given daily. Cortisone was slowly tapered.
She also needed during the course of the treatment Ant-ars, Coccus-cacti, Kali-bi, Thuja.
33. Can Still’s Disease (JCA) be cured by H...?
ANWAR BAIG, Mirza (NJH,8,2/1999)
Presents two cases of Juvenile Chronic Arthropathy (JCA).
Case 1: of a 11-year-old diagnosed with JCA with cardiomegaly, and declared incurable. Pulsatilla, Aur-
met, Thuja, Sulphur, Bacillinum, Carcinosin, China over a period of a year gave relief from the pain, and
improved the extremely weak state in which the patient was when the treatment was first started.
Case 2: 6-year-old boy diagnosed to have Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis on corticosteroids and
analgesics. At the age of 3 the child developed pain in both knees, with fever, rashes and stiffness of
joints. The child was treated for plague as there was an epidemic of plague there. He was injected Gold
Salt. Thereafter the child developed anorexia, dropsy and deformity of joints. After corticosteroid therapy
he has also developed moon face. The remedies that helped him slowly improve were Calc-carb, Aur-
mur., Nat-mur, Merc-sol, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Hyocyamus and Iodium.
34. Casual Remarks led to Similimum
HARIHARAN, Rama (NJH,8,2/1999)
Two cases where the doctor says she was directed to the similimum by a casual, spontaneous remark of
the patient.
Case 1: of 26-year-old driver with pain knees, elbows, shoulders and hips. The intensity and character of
the anger and sensitivity to remarks of the patient along with his trying to always be a gentleman, and his
remarks about missing his wife and burning during urination indicated Staphysagria which brought about a
very good relief.
Case 2: 52-year-old woman was treated for 2 years with no improvement. Her casual remark about a
sensation of her stomach being full of water indicated Kali carbonicum.
35. I Worry about Health!
GOVINDRAJAN, Raji (NJH,8,2/1999)
44-year-old woman with pain left knee. Her anxiety about her health and that of others, early arthritic
changes, loss of sleep and complaints because of it, travel sickness indicated Cocculus indicus.
36. Life a Balancing Act
63-year-old woman consulted for cervical spondylosis, pain in the knee, shoulder, hip, elbow and wrist
joints. On repertorisation of the symptoms Natrum mur was the remedy selected. Thuja was given as an
intercurrent. The doctor justifies her prescription thus: “Here Nat-m was a clear choice: the helpful nature,
even to a great extent of educating her best friend, the equanimity to bear grievous monetary losses, which
a Lach. would have found impossible; and the consistent helping which even a Phos. would have found
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difficult. Balancing her life’s ups and downs is a great art, which a well-balanced Natrum can do better
than anyone else.
37. RA: The Price to Pay
KULKARNI, Ajit (NJH,8,2/1999)
55-year-old woman with Rheumatoid Arthritis of knee, shoulder, wrist, elbow and phalangeal joints.
Kali carbonicum was the chief constitutional remedy and Rhus-tox was determined as an acute remedy,
Thuja and Tuberculinum as intercurrent remedies.
38. Trimestrum primum
KOTHARI, M. & MEHTA, L.(NJH,8,3/1999)
Poem warning about the dangers of taking drugs during the first trimester.
39. How will I survive this month?
36-year-old woman, second para, hyperemesis, preferred to lie on her knee chest position, craving for
ice indicated Medorhhinum. Arsenicum album and Phosphorous were the other remedies that the woman
40. Is it Vicarious Menstruation?
KUMAR, Praveen (NJH,8,3/1999)
24-year-old woman came with epistaxis at the time of menses. Vicarious menstruation was
considered. She also developed nausea and vomiting and pregnancy was suspected which turned out
positive. Sepia 200 was indicated and helped her, but the patient went in for an MTP because of a
malformed foetus, but in later pregnancies too Sepia helped her and she gave birth to healthy babies.
41. Two cases of Habitual Abortion.
DAPTARDAR, B.G. (NJH, 8, 3/1999)
In the first case the woman was diagnosed to have under-developed Uterus’ and the doctor felt that
the late periods in this woman were probably abortions. In the second case the woman had aborted thrice.
In both the cases Viburnum opulus helped the women give birth to healthy babies.
42. A Case of Griscelli Syndrome: The Silver Baby BAIG, Mirza Anwar (NJH,8,3/1999)
Griscelli Disease is a congenital immune deficiency syndrome due to genetic mutations, maps to
chromosome 15q21. Those suffering from this disease show abnormal antibody response to antigens. The
bone marrow is unable to produce RBCs, WBCs and platelets.
The case reported is of a child which was brought to the doctor when the baby was 24 days old, and at
the time of writing this case the child was 7 months old. The baby’s brother had died of the same disease in
1998 at the age of 3 months; this baby was also treated by the doctor.
The second baby was brought to the doctor on the 24th day for recurrent attacks of pneumonia,
bronchitis, fever with enlarged spleen and liver and jaundice since birth. Arnica, Silicea, Phosphorous,
Syphilinum were the remedies which helped the baby. According to Dr.Mirza Anwar Baig the cause of
this problem could be Inherited Tuberculosis.
43. A Negligible But Highly ‘Valuable’ Guiding Symptom to Cure
NARASIMHAN, V. (NJH,8,3/1999)
Case 1: A 59-year-old man known diabetic NIDDM for 35 years, emaciated with extreme prostration. On
repertorisation Lac-def. and Plumb-met. came up, but Lac-def was preferred based on frothy saliva during
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Case 2: In a chronic hypertensive of 15 years, there was this symptom of sensation of formication in the
palate with itching and Arundo was prescribed and helped the BP become normal.
44. Four cases from Zagreb
MONTANI, Marion (HOM,72/1999)
Case 1: Anorexia nervosa: A 20-year-old girl with loss of appetite and weight loss of 14 kgs in a year;
she had also stopped menstruating. She was given Gaertner(Bach) 30c. In seven months she had gained 9
Kgs, had a good appetite, regular menstruation, and was mentally and emotionally more stable.
Case 2: Angina pectoris: 72-year-old farmer was suffering from palpitations, irregular heartbeats and
pericardial pain, and pressure in the chest with laboured breathing. During the attacks she has weakness of
left arm and a feeling as if her heart would ‘jump out of her chest’. Face feels hot during palpitations. She
had a past history of nephrectomy, hysterectomy and cholecystectomy. She was given Glonoine LM1, one
drop a day.
Case 3: 38-year-old woman with: different fears and impulses, restless, fear of narrow spaces, tunnels, of
crossing the road, fear of being alone. Impulse to jump out of the window. Her complaints started after the
death of a close friend. She also had frightening dreams. She also had recurrent conjunctivitis and
diarrhoea when she anticipated any event. There was a family history of tuberculosis and multiple cancers.
The first remedy given to her was Carcinosin 200 to clear out the fundamental hereditary root of the
disease. After a month there was much improvement. Argentum nitricum 200 was given. Six months
later she needed a dose of Tuberculinum 200. With these three remedies the patient was well and free from
Case 4: Arthritis and conversive psychoneurosis: 40-year-old woman with rheumatic pains since three
years. She had burning pains in both elbows and knees with swelling; better from motion. She also had
burning spinal pain in her neck. Ignatia amara 200 was selected on the basis of the grief of her father’s
death that she still carried in her. She had fears regarding her children and husband. She had frequent
sighing and a feeling of lump in the throat, changeable mood and various fears typical of the remedy.
45. The Mountaineer’s Remedy
HEIN, Oze Christine (HL,11,2/1998)
Two cases of Erythroxylon coca. One was of Asthma in a male, and another was of vaginal infections,
bulimia in a woman. All the symptoms used for selection of the remedy are ‘mental’!
46. Hechtel, Homeopathy as a Lifestyle
SNEEVLIET Annette (HL,11,2/1998)
The author gives an impression of the Homeopathic Training Centre in Hechtel, Belgium, organised
by Dr.Alfons GUEKENS, in the light of her experience for three years during her training period. She also
reports seven cases. Three of them needed Mancinella, one Hura brasiliensis, one Anhalonium lewinii,
one Lyssinum, and one Lac caninum.
47. Case of Lung Abscess
GEUKENS Alfons (HL,11,2/1998)
This is a transcript of a case recorded on video. The case was presented at the International Congress,
Berlin in April 1997. The entire case as recorded is presented so that one would follow the author’s
47-year-old man, with “Inflammation of lower lobe of lung (left) with Pleuritis”. who had been given
few days earlier Rhus toxicodendron 200 and then M without appreciable benefit.
An ‘educative’ case. The author concludes from this case that (1) it is a case of a miasmatic flare-up of
a sleeping tuberculinic state and (2) when the symptoms change more constitutional symptoms appear.
One must carefully study the entire transcript. It is educative.
48. Behavioural Disorder
WELDEMANN Doris (HL,11,2/1998)
A six-year old boy with behavioural disorder was cured with Asarum europaeum.
49. Pains like Electric Shocks
WEUDENABB Dirus (HL,11,2/1998)
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37-year-old lady working for a bank at the Stock Exchange, with complaints of trembling of hands and
fingers while writing, since 1981; the longer she writes the more the trembling; letters are shaky in shape
and get bigger the longer she writes. After taking a detailed case, Natrum muriaticum and later Sulphur
over a long period did not give full recovery. The case was reconsidered and Cimicifuga given which
restored her. The clue to Cimicifuga was from CLARKE’s Materia Medica wherein it has been given
“The pains of Actea racemosa are like electric shocks here and there, lancinating in various parts. . .”
50. The Case of the Missing Patient
ELLIS, David (HOM,72,1999)
The author ponders over what could probably be the medicine for a patient who did not turn up for her
appointment based on her peculiar behaviour.
51. Fascinating cases of challenging kids
17-year-old girl; an adopted child; tough looking, overweight; Has ADD. She liked social life. Gets
distracted, starts something and gets distracted and moves on. Her birth mother was 14, and had had prior
abortions, even before 14.
She did poorly at school; didn’t do her homework or attend classes regularly. She tested positive for
Marijuana. Temper tantrums. She throws things at her mother, hits her. Has hard time focusing. Always
liked junk foods. She stole money from home. Nosebleeds off and on since she was a toddler. She likes
snakes; hates spiders. She acts like a mother to a friend who is pregnant. She is quite warm, but it’s warm
outside, she’s really cold. She is a night owl. Crotalus horridus.
52. Confusion, identity, as to his, sexual - hydrogen.
GRAY, C.Alistair (HOM,74,1999)
Case of a 37-year-old man with genital warts. He repeatedly had them ‘burnt off’, but they recurred.
History of suicidal tendency. At the age of 15 appendix burst. Trouble with men who are authoritative and
impose their will by violence. Dreams of changing shape, change into male or female or hermaphrodite.
His mission is to teach around gender sexuality. Had his penis removed surgically, and underwent
depression for five years following the operation and one year of alcoholism. Sexual perversions. Was
under hormonal replacement therapy for some years. After Staphysagria, Thuja, though the warts
disappeared temporarily there persisted a confusion about his sexual identity. Finally after Hydrogen there
is a steady visible improvement in self-esteem, love of herself, and the clarity of her condition.
53. Irresolution, followed by prompt execution
ROUKEMS Wim (HL,11,2/1998)
Case 1: 10-year-old boy with complaints of pain abdomen around the umbilicus; pain keeps him sleepless;
worse in early-morning or in the evening. Never in daytime. Difficulty in reading and writing; reads the
words back to front - ‘nam’ if it is actually ‘man’; diagnosed by Neuropsychiatrist as Dyslexia.
Yielding, honest, slow in everything, needs lot of encouragement. Very cautious in physical games, afraid
of falling
Warm blooded; Desires chicken, sprouts, vegetables; Faints from injection; Cracks middle of lower lip.
Magnetis polus arcticus 200. Four years follow-up: he remains well.
Case 2: 5-year-old boy has attacks of acute Otitis media with pain in the left or right ear. Sometimes
watery discharge. His immunity seems to be poor. He doesn’t fight back, but crumples if another boy
picks a fight with him, says that he’s not strong enough. Likes to sing and to be read to. Likes to play
with older girls, they take care of him, boys are too rough. Likes to collect insects in the garden. Fear of
failure. Cautious in new surroundings. Aversion red things, like tomatoes and peppers. Has diarrhoea on
his birthday. Swelling in his neck. As a baby he slept for a long time on his knees, and was grinding his
teeth during sleep.
Magnetis polus arcticus 200. After three months the remedy was repeated for an acute ear infection
and they disappeared altogether; his hearing improved. All round improvement.
54. The World is upside down
LANGOSCH Angelika (HL,11,2/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
32-year-old woman with a Lumboischialgia with incomplete paresis of the peroneal nerve, and a
depression with compulsory thoughts. Just been discharged from hospital without any results. Since half a
year pains in the lower back and extension to outer left leg, down to the big toe. The big toe feels ‘frozen’.
Severe pains day and night, definitely worse at night. Lowest level of pain between 5 and 7 a.m.
Depression. She had the urge to cut herself with a knife. At that stage the door opened and someone came
in. Since then she is on anti-depressant. Must work and clean constantly, cannot leave the slightest particle
of dust. If she tries not to do so, she feels a strong constriction in her throat and heavy weight in her
sternum. This constriction is so dreadful that she prefers to clean up, and then the constriction soon fades
away. Compulsive behavior. Prefers to be alone. She feels quite uneasy about her own behavior, but
cannot do anything about it. From her point of view her emotional distresses began in June 1992. Her 2
year-old daughter underwent an abdominal surgery for a tumour. The child had a heart arrest during the
operation and she was informed that the child probably may not survive. The child however, survived and
is well.
Syphilinum XM. Repeated thrice over a period of eight months. She went on improving, but later she
came with changed symptoms, after careful consideration Syphilinum XM, then 50M. There was severe
aggravation of the emotional symptoms, but after that she became normal. For the physical symptoms that
still remained she was given Rhus toxicodendron M, then 50M. Three years follow-up: remains well.
55. I have to defend myself
SHERR Jeremy (SIM, XII, 2/1999)
30-year-old male. Diagnosed Bornholm’s disease, a virus, an inflammation of the muscles and veins
of the rib cage. It feels like a hole in my lungs, like a punctured tire. The pain is sharp, in the front of the
chest, breastplate. Feel like going to suffocate. Has to rest a lot which is unlike him. It happened first at 3
a.m. worse when deep lungful air is taken or when leaning to left or right, felt better when he took mind off
it. Skin itches a lot.
A photographer, cinematographer. Feels that he has to depend on himself; competitive and passionate.
Very passionate. An optimist and very positive.
As a child (6 - 10 year age) recurring dream of a big dust storm, a puddle would turn into the desert.
As an adult he dreamt of the Egyptian God Anubis. He was injured when he was little; a thorn straight in
the eye.
Dreams somebody punctured him with a stick.
Androctonus amoreuxii hebraeus (Scorpion) 2 doses.
After hearing that Androctonus was his remedy, the patient showed a tattoo of scorpion on his
shoulder. Six weeks later: “Happy and well”. Pain went away in two days. Six months later the patient
wrote that he remained well.
In the ‘discussion’ part Jeremy SHERR tells how he came to find Androctonus as the remedy for the
patient. The whole justification seems to be a doctrine of signature.
[Personally I am unable to accept the justification. The patient used the word ‘punctured’ many times
and that represented an attack by Scorpion’s tail and the theme of pinpoint constriction. Mythological
character of Anubis in the patient’s dream is connected to anthropological interpretations of Scorpion. The
dreams also are interpreted. I do not know whether without sufficient knowledge of Egyptian Mythology,
one would arrive at the remedy as Androctonus. And for how many remedies can one, an ordinary
practitioner, find the signature and mythology - and which mythology - Greek, Hindu, Egyptian, or the
many others. And if has all this knowledge, is it homeopathic symptom similarity. =KSS]
56. A Case of Liver Cancer
EVERY Robert (HOM,74,1999)
A 39-year-old lady with secondary adenocarcinoma of the liver, spleen and gall bladder seen in
November 1995; the oncologist had predicted that she wouldn’t live for more than a few days. Under
homeopathic treatment she continued to live for another year and nine months before she died. This case
shows the quality extensions to life that homeopathy can provide to such patients. The patient died in her
own time and in peace. She needed many low potencies and mother tinctures, showing the need for such
support in cancer.
57. An Acute Remedy for Chronic Conditions
HARDY Jonathan (HL,11,3/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
The author narrates four cases in which the curative remedy was Lyssinum. Ailments caused by
intense fear is a strong feature. Some of the ‘mind’ rubrics are cited.
58. The Value of repeating High Potencies.
LINMANS Jo (HL,11,2/1998)
63-year-old woman with terrible rheumatic pains. This case demonstrates that we have to give high
potencies, for a longer period.
59. Nosodes also used in acute diseases?
KASTINGER-MAYR, Christa (HL,11,3/1998)
A child of four year-age with repeated attacks of Pneumonia was treated with Tuberculinum LM VI
potency; few weeks later she again develops Pneumonia and receives Carcinosinum. This remedy is
repeated twice over a period, and the child remains well.
[Dr.S.C.GHOSH of the famous book Drugs of Hindusthan, has narrated a series of cases of
Pneumonia in which he used Tuberculinum 200 in high fevers and obtained favourable results in all the
cases. Use of Nosodes in acute diseases is not uncommon = KSS]
60. Cancer, a deeper understanding
SMITS Tinus (HL,11,3/1998)
This is an interesting essay. SMITS says in his experience he found Carcinosinum as a very important
Nosode which is required more often now-a-days. He also reveals that there are Carcinosinum prepared
out of 48 different tumours, and gives a list of the pharmacies from where he obtained the information. He
also feels that probably this is the reason for someone getting a particular result while someone else does
not get that result, but may be something else. He then goes on to report two cases, in detail. He concludes
with the reliable symptoms of this remedy.
61. A mischievous Boy
HUMRANWALA Parinaz J. (HL,11,3/1998)
The author reports of a boy who was restless, mischievous, treated with Agaricus muscarius.
62. Cure of a beginning MS
De GEEST Johan (HL,11,3/1998)
46-year-old cleaning woman with back and neck pains, stomach and abdominal pains; vertigo and
nausea; palpitations; dim vision; loss of memory; fibroma of uterus; cysts in left ovary and left kidney;
hypothyroid since two years treated with Propylthiouracyl. She has cold and tingling left hand and leg;
searches for words; coldness of left hand. On the mental level Loquacious, Fear of Cancer, Sighing.
Cerebral CT Scan reveals a parietal lacunus picture. NMR points to a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.
Agaricus muscarius over a long time cured.
63. Morbidly inquisitive
HARDY Jonathan (HL,11,3/1998)
Three cases of Agaricus muscarius.
64. I feel hard and dark inside
SHERR Jeremy (HL,11,3/1998)
Female, born 1946 has had long term homeopathic treatment with no results. She feels totally self-
obsessed, selfish. Always thinking about herself, cannot think of anything else. Feels trapped in her own
mind, like a prison. Feels guilty all the time. Serious and cannot enjoy things. Feel hard and dark inside.
With sex no emotional connection, no enjoyment. Recurring dream of being attacked. Dreams of being
cut off and isolated. Recurrent dream of being locked in a room with a sensation of terror and panic.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
Germanium 30 repeated few times over 18 months. Remains well. The author selected the remedy on
the basis of the experience he had by his ‘proving’ this remedy.
65. A Sensation of Isolation
DOYLE Marie (HL,11,3/1998)
60-year-old female suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and severe depression for over two
years. In this case too the remedy was Germanium which the author had just then studied this remedy with
Jeremy SHERR.
[Many new provings have been made and many of them like Ozone, Hydrogen, Germanium, Neon, etc
have even found their place in the latest repertories. But where is the Proving details of these remedies and
their Materia Medica? Most of the common homeopaths don’t have access to the Materia Medica of these
remedies published in UK, etc. Apart from the high cost involved there are difficulties in procuring it from
abroad. Except feeling fascinated by these case reports, they are of no practical value unless the ‘Provings’
and Materia Medica (not the ‘themesconstructed by any individual), and of course genuine medicines are
available = KSS]
66. I do not want to be seen
GLANTZ Camilla (HL,11,3/1998)
This is also a case of Germanium. The sense of ‘isolation’, guilt feeling, seem to be main ‘themes’ of
this remedy.
67. Quick Bytes
EDSON, Lysanji (NEJH, 8,1/1999)
These are the cases discussed on the NESH Student Bulletin Board.
Case 1: Case of a cat which had difficulty urinating, and it kept pacing the room and with difficulty passed
a few drops of blood or bloody urine. The cat went around and around pacing, he’d stop suddenly and lick
his inflamed penis then back to his pacing. Apis was the remedy.
Case 2: After the author volunteered to get herself ‘strappedfor the demonstration of a taping technique
during an Osteopathic class, she developed an allergy/chemical burn to the adhesive used to make the tape
stay in place or the tape itself, which she left in place for two days as the tape on her back was soothing for
her back pain. Her back was inflamed, swollen and covered with tiny fluid filled vesicles. With severe
stinging and burning pain with amelioration from very cold application. Apis was the remedy.
68. Cases
(NEJH, 8,1/1999)
Case 1: Monkey Baby (GREEN, Jane): of a 42-year-old woman during her second pregnancy (the first
pregnancy ended in an abortion when she was in her early 30s.). She was constantly hungry and no matter
how much she ate, she never felt full. She could not ‘recognize herself’ when she looked at herself in a
mirror. She believed that her baby inside her was a monkey (in a scan it was seen that the baby had extra
fingers). Thuja occidentalis 200C one dose helped her.
Case 2: Toes like Sausages (EDSON, Lysanji): 53-year-old woman with a debilitating arthritic condition;
rheumatoid factor was negative; she had swollen extremities, huge ankles, toes like sausages, joints hot and
swollen; a shuffling gait; her eyes were mildly protruded and her hands trembled slightly as did her voice
and lower lip, she stammered. History of having used Cortisone cream for an eruption on the back. She
was diagnosed to have Cushing’s syndrome. Her highly sycotic nature, and the extreme swelling of her
ankles and feet, and loving the night, sensitivity of the soles of the feet and craving for ice cold drinks led
to Medorrhinum 200 with a dramatic effect.
Case 3: A case of Suicidal Depression (PRIDE, Anita): 20-year-old woman suffering from suicidal
depression. Thuja (based on: not feeling herself, of not knowing herself, of not liking herself, or something
moving in her abdomen, of perfectionism, and she is chilly, has headaches located in her left temple, and
does not like onions and garlics) and then Crotalus cascavella (based on: panic attacks with pounding
heart, choking, along with the suspiciousness, aggravation from sleep, menstrual issues, and worrying
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
about ghosts, right leg involvement and skin rashes) helped her to some extent. But finally it was
Mancinella (obsessive, rigid thoughts which possessed her and from which she could not rid herself; to
distract herself she kept busy, by going to school and watching funny movies) which helped her and she
was able to do well in her studies and helped her sleep better.
Case 4: The Need to Fill Up (LEDERMAN, Tamar): A-six-year-old girl with behavioural problems. She
had been adopted when she was four days old. Upto the age of 18 months she was a no-problem baby; at
eighteen months when she was taken on a hay-ride on a tractor, she started screaming and kicking as soon
as the tractor started. Since then she had fears and other behavioral problems. The progress of the child
after starting homeopathic treatment is shown through the photos of the sandplay of the child.
Hyoscyamus was the remedy for the child.
Case 5: I Laughed So Hard I Wet My Pants (GREENBERG, Alan): A-13-year-old girl with urinary
incontinence. It happened when she laughed or when she was nervous in social situations. Her lack of
confidence with the conscientiousness about trifles, fastidiousness, obstinacy, disposition to contradict and
her loquacity and involuntary urination led to Baryta carbonica being prescribed. Though she had an
affinity for Baryta carb., it obviously wasn’t her remedy, and she then improved on Hyoscyamus.
Case 6: Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes - A case of Adamas (SHERR, Jeremy): 40-year-old
extremely rich woman who had a feeling of no self-esteem or self-worth. Adamas was her remedy.
Case 7: How Well do you Know your Friends? (George KEELER III): A 47-year-old man with a fear of
Multiple Sclerosis. His mother died of MS and he had been having some symptoms, his spinal fluid
protein test were also positive for oligoclonal bands of MS. His irresolution and indecisiveness, disposition
to masturbate, pain in the forehead, dim and blurred vision, objects seem large, raises his foot unnecessarily
high in stepping over small objects when walking led to the prescription of Onosmodium. 14 months later a
MRI scan showed no new lesions and some return of “white matter.”
Case 8: A Case of ADD (MARCHAND, Jonathan): 12-year-old boy with undefined pains in his ankles and
lower legs for several weeks, and his chronic asthma, allergic rhinitis with violent bouts of sneezing,
recurrent sinusitis, school-going abdominal pains and ADD for which he was on Ritalin for four years.
Mercurius solubilis helped the boy. The author describes the Mercurius picture using Herscu’s cycles and
Case 9: An Aurum metallicum Case (LIEBENDORFER, Kerrie): A 49-year-old man with severe
depression since early childhood. His depression makes him want to sleep, yet he is unable to sleep
because of worries about making a living, how to provide for his children, and how long he can go on like
this. He was so depressed that he was barely able to get to the appointment, felt that it was too much effort.
Aurum metallicum corresponded to his depression/suicide, suppressed anger, insomnia and his cycle, which
helped for some time. Later he however required Stramonium with his depression and self-destructiveness.
After this there was tremendous improvement.
Case 10: A Case of Childhood Depression (KALADISH, Robert): 8-year-old boy with depression, low
self-esteem and temper problems. The case was a clear-cut textbook case of Stramonium.
Case 11: Sitting On The Floor - Understanding the Elusive Carcinosinum (HELBERG, Pam): In all the
above cases the remedy has been found using Paul Herscu’s Cycles and Segments. In this case the author
describes briefly his idea of Cycles and Segments: “This concept may be difficult to grasp initially,
especially after most of us have learned remedies by pattern recognition. But the Cycles and Segments
approach gives a more whole or complete view of each remedy. Dr.Herscu’s theory is that every remedy
has a cycle, and the cycle has segments or parts. All the symptoms of any remedy (or patient!) can fit into
a particular segment that represents the same idea. For example, irritability and sensitivity to noise may go
together in another segment. Once we have symptoms grouped together accordingly, we can start to see
that one set of symptoms leads logically to another set of symptoms. For instance, fear may lead one
patient to violence, thus representing two different segments for that patient. Fear may lead another patient
to desiring company one segment the same for these two patients but the following one, different.
When we only see one part of the patient, or one group of symptoms, and do not understand how one set of
symptoms leads to another, we are mislead, and often give the incorrect remedy. This approach therefore
influences case-taking: we ask the patient, what does this symptom make you do? Or what leads you to
develop this symptom? By so doing, our patients’ symptoms have context and we can see the whole person
in a more integrated way.”
This case was of a thin, very soft-spoken blonde woman in her late twenties who felt insecure and was very
timid; her biggest problem was the repressed emotions, specifically repressed anger, she was angry much of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
the time, and felt like the anger needed to come out. Staphysagria and Thuja did not help her. It was
finally Carcinosin which worked.
Case 12: Thrombocytopenia: When Close Does Not Count (HOOVER, Todd): 40-year-old woman with a
history of Multiple Sclerosis since 9 years and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura since 2 years. She
was first given Natrum muriaticum with no improvement. Carcinosinum helped for some time. After
Phosphorous the platelet count increased. [In my experience too, in the case of a Cancer patient, the
platelet counts increased after Phosphorous was given. In another case Hydrastis canadensis did the same
= KSS]
69. Exceptionally Homeopathy can cure Cancer with Metastasis
BERGHE Franz Vanden (HL,11,3/1998)
67-year-old man with Carcinoma of the Bladder. He had a massive Cancer metastasis around the iliac
blood vessels and between the Aorta and the Vena Cava. He underwent Chemo-therapy and radiation. He
still had painful frequent urination and very cloudy urine mixed with blood. He also started getting very
strong pain in the bladder extending on one side to the glans penis and on the other side to the abdomen.
The urologist could only give painkillers.
The central characteristic of Stannum metallicum - pain appearing gradually and disappearing
gradually, fitted the patient’s complaints and he was given Stannum metallicum 200.
The pain started to diminish immediately after this medicine and after 14 days there was a relapse and
the medicine was given in M potency and for the following 7 months he stayed free from complaints. He
then had nightly urging urination, headache. Stannum metallicum 200 helped. Three months later he felt
dizzy when he rose from sitting and complained of periodic difficult respiration. Stannum M one dose
restored. Another three months later a dose of Pulsatilla M,
He needed Stannum twice later, and remained without complaints until two years later.
70. The Natural Treatment of Hayfever
EDSON, Lysanji (NEJH,8,1/1999)
A brief look into what diet, nutritional supplements, botanical medicines, hydrotherapy and lifestyle
and environment can do to help reduce hayfever attacks.
71. A case of the Industrious Outsider
HERSHOFF, Asa (SIM,XII,2/1999)
Depression in a woman, with intense anger, irritation, sensitiveness. Tarentula hispanica M helped
her, but was not enough. She then needed Apis mellifica (based on: a central feature of her whole
personality was concern with how she functioned in the group, if she was acceptable to others, or
conversely, if she was suspect or an outsider; she was also not a pleasant person to be with, having an
unmistakable “buggy,” or irritating quality; she wanted to belong, or be a part of something or someone,
though her presence irritated others.) which helped her (“It seems to be right remedy for this “queen bee”
who describes her powerful, Amazon women friends as part of her hive, with the men - male drones - as
servants to their needs.)
72. As a girl I had to Work
Harry van der ZEE (HL,11,3/1998)
73. I could only see the back of my father
KÖNIG Peter (HL,11,3/1998)
Two cases of Rhododendron chrysantum. In the first case the patient a woman, felt that as a female
she was not given due respect as was being shown to boys. There was the ‘key note’ - sensitive to
thunderstorms. In the second case the patient, also a female, had the characteristic theme of
Rhododendron, the absent father”.
74. Overweening pride
SHAH Jawahar (HL,11,3/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
With a case from his practice the author shows that the ‘small’ remedy Gratiola is as much useful in
cases of ‘pride’ as Platina, Palladium, etc.
75. A successful treatment with Rhus toxicodendron
ROGIERS Patrick (HL,11,3/1998)
76. A Case Of Asthma And Metrorrhagia
HELLER, Daniel (SIM,XII,2/1999)
A 31-year-old mother of three with allergic asthma and metrorrhagia. She had asthma for two years
with difficulty in breathing, her chest gets tight, and she can’t laugh without coughing; wheezing is worse
at night trying to go to sleep, lying down, and in certain homes and other places. For instance, she is unable
to clean out certain closets of her house, especially those where fabrics are stored. She is much worse in
libraries and book-stores. Incense, fabric stores, and cigarette smoke will provoke an attack. Worse in
winter. She bleeds every day, and estimates that there may be four or five days a month when she does not
bleed. The following symptoms were repertorised: Ameliorated by seaside air, Metrorrhagia after exertion,
Menses copious, exertion aggravates, Feet, soles hot uncovers them, Asthmatic worse at night, Winter
aggravates. Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Sepia, Lycopodium and Natrum muriaticum were the remedies which came
up. Pulsatilla came through the strongest, and it was also confirmed in the second visit, when it was given.
Within a month of taking it she was better, she had very slight bleeding and cramps, no wheezing too. And
she also had a positive pregnancy test. Her pregnancy proceeded well and she now has a seven-month-old
77. A Case of Bipolar Disease
HELLER, Daniel (SIM,XII,2/1999)
43-year-old woman with bipolar disease. She was given Natrum sulphuricum as she had elements of
both Natrum muriaticum and Sulphur. She improved a little and she later needed Medorrhinum but the
improvement was not complete as the patient continued to have varying mood patterns. She stopped
homeopathic treatment and went back to her previous medications. But she continued to keep in touch
with the doctor. A year later she reported to the doctor that in spite of having stopped the medications that
she was on, she had not had the dramatic mood shifts. The author remarks: “I suppose it could be
questioned whether the remedy did anything in this case, as there was an interval of several months and
much powerful, possible antidoting medication in the interim. While there is no sure way to answer this
question, I believe the remedy was a primary factor in the patient’s recovery. Important things did change
in her life: moving from a meaningless job to a meaningful school life; living in what felt like a more
supportive community. ...I don’t know of another therapy, apart from prayer, that could possibly effect a
shift from a bipolar to a non-bipolar state. It is possible that, had the patient waited a little longer before
going back on medication, she would have experienced the benefits sooner.”
78. Onion “Miasm”
POPEN, Andre Y. (SIM, XII, 2/1999)
63-year-old man with asthma which he had since he was three years. For 60 years he had been taking
steroids without any benefit. Along with other symptoms he had an aversion for onions, which was there
from his third year of age. After repertorisation of the symptoms, the remedy Sabadilla came up and over a
period of 10 months he was given Sabadilla from LM1 to LM3 potencies and he was free from asthma, his
vision improved and he also did not have heartburn or liver area discomfort.
79. Two Cases of Leucoderma
WADIA, S.R. (CCR,7,3 &4/1998)
Case 1: 15-year-old girl with leucoderma, on both eyelids, corners of mouth, both jaws, throat pit, left
ankle outer malleolus for 4-5 years. Thuja, Alumina, Tuberculinum, BCG, Ferrum metallicum, Cuprum
aceticum, Calcarea phosphorica, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Hepar sulphuricum were the remedies that she
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 26
Case 2: 40-year-old woman with white spots all over the body particularly forehead (a big spot), lips,
hands, legs and breast. Itching on legs. The remedies that she needed were Sepia, Terebinth, Nitric acid,
Tuberculinum, Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum.
80. Few Cases From My Clinic
MISTRY, D.E. (CCR,7,3 & 4/1998)
Case 1: Non Specific Itching: 30-year-old woman with itching all over the body for many years in the
evening upto 9 p.m. and also on awaking in the morning. She was first given Tuberculinum M, and then
later on as the symptoms indicated Benzoic acid, Pulsatilla and Rhus-tox.
Case 2: Eczema: 34-year-old man with eczema on the dorsum of the left feet and pain in calves, arms,
thigh and tendoachilles. His wandering pains, Chronic coryza, Thirstlessness, Suppressed eczema and Fear
of ghosts led to the prescription of Pulsatilla. The pains improved with increase in the itching. Carcinosin
(there was a history of cancer in the family) helped clear the miasmatic block and cleared the eczema.
Case 3: Non-specific Itching and Anal Fissure: 47-year-old male with itching on body and anal fissure
with bleeding and pain and concomitant piles and itching around anal area. Ratanhia, followed by Sulphur,
Chelidonium and then Nitric acid and Natrum mur. were the remedies.
Case 4: Eczema: Eczema over the left leg and right thigh since a injury few months ago. As there were no
strong symptoms to start with Carcinosin was given with little improvement. Graphites was finally the
remedy which helped.
Case 5: 6-year-old child with horny warts on the nose and below the eyelid since few months. Silica was
given with bleeding and drying up of only one wart. After Sulphur, followed by Antimonium crudum the
warts began to fall off.
Case 6: 10-month-old baby with rashes on both feet after vaccination. Thuja cleared the rash.
Case 7: Infantile Eczema: 12-year-old girl with eczema of the cheeks, bends of elbows and popliteal
region from the third month of life. Arsenicum album and Tuberculinum were the remedies that she mainly
needed. Syphilinum was also given once. Sulphur given in small doses intercurrently also helped.
Case 8: Myalgia and Ringworm: 35-year-old woman with pain both limbs. After Pulsatilla her knee
pains, though better continued to persist. Carninosin was given which brought out an eruption, which was
then treated by Bacillinum, Sepia and Calcarea carb. There was no pain but some amount of itching
81. Fruitless Activity
HARDY Jonathan T. (HL,11,4/1998)
44-year-old female patient; Obesity, Mood swings, Anxiety, and indigestion. She suffered from severe
compulsory neurosis. She loves knitting. Also obsessed with washing. Couldn’t keep her hands from
working, if nothing, over and over the same thing. She sleeps on her abdomen. Extreme fear of cats,
marked fear of lifts. Terrific craving for Coffee, drinks 20 to 30 cups a day. Theridion restored her to good
health. Long-term follow-up.
A peculiar thing that came up was that after her second dose of Theridion a patch of white hair, measuring
4 cm. wide appeared right across the left side of her head. This has remained, but as her hair has grown it
has come through with her normal brown colour again.
82. The Up and Down Snake
SERBAN Gabrielle (HL,11,4/1998)
A woman in her 30s, with acute emotional crisis, accompanied by Cystitis which had not responded to
Antibiotics. She had studied classical Homeopathy and “her intense desire had been to get the Nobel
Prize for Homeopathy”. She loved gardening and worked in the garde