© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
Likes to entertain, dramatic, histrionic. Very playful, social, likes grown-ups, kids, very attached to
mom and dad. Likes leadership. Fear of dogs. Fear of people, hides behind her father. Hates being alone.
Very distraught or concerned about dying.
Has a temper, pretty expressive, can rage for half an hour. Sympathetic, gives solace to others. Suffered a
trauma: a huge tree branch fell on her father, and she was under him; father was bleeding; for half an hour
she was screaming for help; since then she has this fear of dying. She is bossy with her parents; with other
children a little dictator; defiant in a teasing way. Likes to perform for adults. Her mother said that she’s
just playing around when she is teasing and bossing. Attention seeking. Dulcamara.
Case 4: 13-year-old boy. Says he has photographic memory. Top sportsman in his school. Many sports
injuries; bad knee, low back pain and neck pain and so on.
Fear of spiders. Has some learning disabilities. Really bad at spelling, word hunting; says he can
remember when he was in his mother’s womb; but at times forgets where he was going, what he was about
to do, names.
He said that sometimes when he was lying down, he thought he was on the other side of the bed. Also
when he wakes up in the morning, thinks “What am I doing here?” He wakes up from a dream and he
doesn’t know who he is, a problem of identity. Solanum nigrum
At the end, the author draws attention to Capsicum. Besides homesickness Capsicum tend to be
gourmands, either alcoholic or eating food a lot. There is a whole joviality, like Tabacum, with a strong
stimulation phase; jockster, kidding others, playing practical jokes and tricks. Often awkwardness,
bumping into things accidentally, breaks things. Angry, contradicting, intolerant of opposition, even
malicious and spiteful. Fear of death, evil, wind, being murdered or reproached. Discontent.
5. What do Provings Prove? - A Critical Appraisal
MORTELMANS Guido (HL,11,2/1998)
This is a brief discussion of ‘Provings’ - the methodology, the source, etc. He also briefly discusses
seven newly proved remedies: Haliacetus leucocephalus, Lac dolphinum, Lac caprinum, Lac humanum
and maternum, Larus argentatus, Naja, and Chocolate.
Dr.MORTELMANS raises certain other questions, e.g. what is the bias for double-blind provings? the
value of the doctrine of signatures; the effect of the psychological and physiological state of the animal
whose substance is being proved, etc. [Rarely has the actual record of the provers been published in any of
the present-day ‘provings’. In many cases the ‘theme’ is filtered and furnished! The ordinary practitioner
who reads the material has no idea as to the availability of the new medicine. ‘Mental’ symptoms abound
in most of the modern ‘provings’, unlike the older provings. = KSS]
6. Cannabis indica kids: The Serious, The Spacey, and The Silly.
ROTHENBERG, Amy (SIM, XII, 1/1999)
16-year-old girl: with ADD; difficulty in concentrating, focus mind or stay interested in reading,
schoolwork or chores. Spaced out. Her two younger siblings were really smart, very competent.
She was a tall, elegant young woman of sensitive bearing. During class she would think she was
listening but she would be floating away and watching the class from the ceiling, as if hovering, watching,
observing. In spite of trying she couldn’t bring her body to come back to the chair; would float about and
feel very strange but soon would forget it was weird, and just hang out there. Then something would
happen, a loud noise, a teacher calling on her, a bell ringing, etc. and she would be catapulted back into her
chair in a minute. This kind of dissociation would also happen at home.
She was reading at a level several years behind her grade, which her mother said was due to poor
memory for words and word meaning. Couldn’t do math at all, it seemed like foreign language to her. She
was clairvoyant. Could draw well and would spend time doing that over other academic work. This
expressivity is something that one can see in a Cannabis indica patient, particularly if they don’t do well in
the typical things supposed to do well in, they find something else that they can excel in.
She had a sledding accident at age eleven, and was unconscious for four days. Although she had
learning difficulties before the accident, since the accident she had been much sadder, sentimental and
emotionally remote. She had the worst case of eczema of the scalp, like a cradle cap from edge to edge of
her entire scalp; thick, crusty, white with little red scabs mixed in. She had it since she was few months
old. Loved to sleep for long hours and napped when she could. She found sleep a relief from other stress
of her life.