© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XVII, 2000
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homeopathy
drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany,
France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the
original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this
compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD, VOL. XVII, 1 & 2, 2001 3
2 QHD, VOL. XVII, 3 & 4, 2001 85
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD, Vol. XVII, No. 1 & 2, 2000.
Part I. Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known
homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., -
discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study.
The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.
1. Homöopathie systemisch betrachtet. Formen der Ähnlichkeit und der Verstrickung
(Homeopathy systematically considered. Forms of Similarity and Dissimilarity)
BAITINGER, H. (AHZ,244,3&4/1999)
The therapeutic potency relies on Phenomenon of the connections between natural diseases without
human interference. This defines the efficacy and the limit of therapeutic action as well as infection and
Miasm. The therapeutic way of systemic psychotherapy of Bert HELLINGER and his phenomenological
approach shows several links to homeopathic laws. Mainly similarity gets a sharp picture in this
phenomenological sight. The independence of personality gets a new value.
2. Was KENT a Hahnemannian?
CASSAM, A. (BHJ,88,2/1999)
This article voices concern at the trend among an influential section of homeopaths the world over, to
jettison HAHNEMANN’s simillimum principle and replace it with KENT’s almost exclusive
concentration on mental and psychic symptoms. This concern raises the question whether KENT was a
true hahnemannian.
In order to discuss this question, two schools of thoughts are investigated. The first argues that
HAHNEMANN’s theories were scientific whereas KENT’s were metaphysical. The second criticizes
KENT’s more severely for being metaphysical. At the same time, it accuses HAHNEMANN himself of
increasingly losing his way, with increasing age, into metaphysical Homeopathy.
The author believes there was no break in HAHNEMANN’s thinking as alleged, but a gradual
development with increasing experience, together with judicious use of rational insight, when scientific
explanation was not available. The yardstick used to accuse HAHNEMANN of being metaphysical is
crudely empirical and long outdated.
[This is a thought-provoking article, very relevant today when speculative teaching is so much; one
must keep one’s feet firmly on the basic teachings, on the ground i.e. the Organon and the Chronic
Diseases; far-away-and-above flights of fancy may be exhilarating but soon one has to land. = KSS]
3. Defining Homeopathy
FESIK Alexander (HL,11,4/1998)
The author raises the question: Are we really satisfied with the present-day formula? and proceeds to
give some suggestions especially in the light of the opposition from the main school of Medicine in the
Czech Republic. The attacks on Homeopathy has been increasing since 1995 in Europe, says he. The
article is quite interesting. [Howsoever we may attempt in all sincerity to satisfy the other School
we will never succeed, since it is a matter of the other ‘refusing to see’. The world of ‘science’(!) has seen
the condemnation of such persons like GALILEO, Charles DARWIN, and such others, and it is only after
centuries that the ‘science’ accepts them. Homeopathy is more difficult to be accepted by the ‘science’.
Homeopaths should not be discouraged but carry on according to the laws of Homeopathy.= KSS]
4. Les Liens Cachés de Kent (Kent’s Hidden Links)
Van GALEN, Emiel (CGH, 35, 10/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
The influence of Swedenborgian philosophy on the philosophy of KENT is discussed here. There has
been a long connection between Homeopathy and Swedenborgian Philosophy. Dr.Garth WILKINSON
(1812 - 1899) was the first to translate the works of Swedenborg Arcane Célestes,” “Règne Animal” and
“Economie du règne animal” from Latin to English. Some of the well known Swedenborgians were
HERING (he was one of the members of the first society of Swedenborgians of Philadelphia), Hans GRAM
(the first to introduce Homeopathy in America), Otis CLAPP, John ELLIS, the Editors Boericke and Tafel
(in addition to publishing numerous homeopathic books, they also published all the translated works of
SWEDENBORG). Many Homeopaths during that epoque were Swedenborgians and members of New
Church. KENT became a Swedenborgian after the death of his wife. He was first introduced to
Swedenborgian Philosophy around the year 1888 -89.
SWEDENBORG held essential the existence of a mystic connection between the spiritual world and
matter. He taught that the appearance and function of man (microcosm) had been modelled on the more
elevated spiritual reality (the macrocosm). Everything that exists and everything that appears in this more
elevated world finds its counterpart in the reality of the lower world, on land.
In his studies on the human anatomy, SWEDENBORG does not consider the body only as an objective
thing in itself, but considers it as the “kingdom of the soul.” According to KENT: “Man wills and
understands, the cadaver does not will and does not understand. The combination of these two, the will and
the understanding, constitute man. Adjoined, they make life and activity... ...Man is the will and the
understanding, and the house which he lives in is his body.”
SWEDENBORG differentiates three hierarchies:
1. At the summit - the soul, with Will as motor, sentiment (the Singular)
2. In the middle - Reason, with intellect and intention (Particular)
3. And then - Imagination, memory, desire (General)
KENT’s hierarchy of the mental symptoms is on a similar line, and can also be seen in his Repertory.
SWEDENBORG insisted on the essentials of blood and the humors in his anatomical Studies. KENT
insisted on the importance of symptoms connected to the blood and humors: the sensitivity to heat, cold,
sleep, time of the day etc.
The Swedenborgians always considered disease as a disturbance of the emotions of man, and hence a
disease is always a psychic problem with symptoms in the mental and spiritual spheres. This can be
compared to the importance KENT attached to the mental symptoms.
The author quotes TWENTYMAN (BHJ 1958): “It is considered that Kent was a pure Hahnemannian,
but he wasn’t one. He was a synthesis of HAHNEMANN and Swedenborg.”
1. Veratrum album - Eine Arzneimitteldarstellung unter Einbeziehung mythologischer und
archetypischer Themen (Veratrum album - Materia Medica in relation to mythology and
and Archetype themes)
MICHELS H.-L. (AHZ,244,1/1999)
Veratrum album drug picture is depicted, including with relation to mythology and archetype themes.
The meaning of symbols is also discussed. How these knowledge would be helpful is demonstrated
through a case.
The author also writes of his proving of this remedy on himself. He took a 200c potency, three
globules, once.
On the night he took the dose, he awoke at 5 hours (Veratrum time). He felt an unpleasant sensation in
the left ear, as if stopped. Went to sleep again to wake up at 8 hours with same sensation of stopped left ear
and difficult hearing. These sensations passed off when he bored into the ear with the index finger. In the
evening while sitting felt unusually severe freezing, particularly unusual was the ice-cold feet. There was
also pain in the nape, with creeping sensation in the hands and creeping and tension in the face and when
laughed felt as if the part could not be moved. Also felt often an icy coldness in the entire body.
On the following days suffered daily from severe pressing headaches in the forehead always after
exertion, particularly after mental exertion. About 14 days after the dose of Veratrum suffered a
Gastroenteritis. It began with cramping pain in the upper abdomen and nausea, which became worse from
the least movement and led to vomiting. Immediately after the vomiting the nausea and the cramps were
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
certainly relieved. Was free from complaints until again the nausea and cramps came on. Felt a lump or
stone in the upper abdomen. When there was the cramping pain, a cold sweat came on the forehead, and
wanted only to lie down.
Only twice there was vomiting, then bright-white stool came on. Throughout the whole period, suffered
severe throbbing headache of the forehead. On two days couldn’t attend the clinic and was again healthy.
The headaches went away, and he felt very well, especially emotionally excellent and more able than
before this short illness.
2. The Toxicology of Latrodectus hasselti spider - The Australian red-back Spider
BONNET, M.S. (BHJ,88,1/1999)
The zoology and behavior of Latrodectus hasselti, the Australian red-back spider is described. The
symptoms of envenomation are discussed; the most prominent symptoms is pain of various types in the
head, abdomen and limbs. [Attention is invited to similar work on some other spiders by this author - vide
QHD 3 & 4/1997, 3 & 4/1998 and 1/1999 = KSS]
3. The Toxicology of the Chironex fleckeri Jelly fish: the Australian Sea wasp
BONNET, MS. (BHJ,88,2/1999)
Potential new homeopathic remedy based on the toxicology of the Box Jelly fish, Chironex fleckeri.
4. Solanaceae: The Sleep of Reason
HERSHOFF Asa (SIM, XII,1/1999)
The categorization of remedies into families is very helpful in prescribing more accurately, and
provide opportunities to learn about ‘small’ remedies.
Solanaceae is the easiest to understand.
The ‘themesof Solanaceae are discussed, as brief comments on the Materia Medica of Belladonna,
Mandrogora, Lycopodium, Solanum nigrum, Tabacum.
Four cases are presented:
Case 1: Boy of 3-and-half years: totally obsessed with dinosaurs. There is ‘split’ in him - although he
plays with toy dinosaurs and talks of them, etc. he is afraid of them. He is a diabetic; because of a
Coxsackie virus that apparently destroyed the pancreas. His mother a stunt woman has inversible
knowledge of diet and nutrition. Therefore everything her child eats is organic, and she is absolutely rigid
about everything. He is a very big kid, very muscular, very spiritual kid and very sympathetic to others.
Loves to sit on his computer all day. He is on frequent Insulin injections in a day. He is getting about 20
injections a day. He is connected “on the other side”. Afraid of the tuning fork, would mast with teeth.
Didn’t allow the doctors to put IV needle but when his mother took his face in her hands and said “Look
OM” (the Mantra) and he held his arms out. So an acute Solanaceae state - a wild Stramonium or
Belladonna like reaction.
He ‘read’ (looks at) pages of books that have no pictures, for an hour even. He is afraid of dark. He
loves to run. Stramonium.
Case 2: This 7-1/2-year-old girl was born with umbilical cord around neck, but was quickly revived.
Wasn’t sick until 4 years age; now non-stop sick strep. throat; glands swell up, rash all over her body.
Antibiotics very regularly lots of colds, coughs; ear infections for the first time now; lots of eczema, rashes.
Fevers go upto 102º.
She can never get enough attention, always dancing, on her own.
Night terrors with screaming, thrashing about, but when mother awakened her couldn’t remember a
thing; typical of Solanaceae. Very, very jealous of her brother and sister, even the dog. Won’t share
anything. Likes order in everything. Very strong-willed. She’ll touch people’s private parts. She did it
when she was just 3 years of age. Her mother suspected strongly that the child was abused when 4 years
She doesn’t like children; “they are really small, they are three-years-old” although they are six year
old. Wants to be with older children. Hyoscyamus.
Case 3: Girl who gets cold very frequently and keeps them longest in the family. Doesn’t take dairy
products, about no antibiotics, has very high fevers.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
Likes to entertain, dramatic, histrionic. Very playful, social, likes grown-ups, kids, very attached to
mom and dad. Likes leadership. Fear of dogs. Fear of people, hides behind her father. Hates being alone.
Very distraught or concerned about dying.
Has a temper, pretty expressive, can rage for half an hour. Sympathetic, gives solace to others. Suffered a
trauma: a huge tree branch fell on her father, and she was under him; father was bleeding; for half an hour
she was screaming for help; since then she has this fear of dying. She is bossy with her parents; with other
children a little dictator; defiant in a teasing way. Likes to perform for adults. Her mother said that she’s
just playing around when she is teasing and bossing. Attention seeking. Dulcamara.
Case 4: 13-year-old boy. Says he has photographic memory. Top sportsman in his school. Many sports
injuries; bad knee, low back pain and neck pain and so on.
Fear of spiders. Has some learning disabilities. Really bad at spelling, word hunting; says he can
remember when he was in his mother’s womb; but at times forgets where he was going, what he was about
to do, names.
He said that sometimes when he was lying down, he thought he was on the other side of the bed. Also
when he wakes up in the morning, thinks “What am I doing here? He wakes up from a dream and he
doesn’t know who he is, a problem of identity. Solanum nigrum
At the end, the author draws attention to Capsicum. Besides homesickness Capsicum tend to be
gourmands, either alcoholic or eating food a lot. There is a whole joviality, like Tabacum, with a strong
stimulation phase; jockster, kidding others, playing practical jokes and tricks. Often awkwardness,
bumping into things accidentally, breaks things. Angry, contradicting, intolerant of opposition, even
malicious and spiteful. Fear of death, evil, wind, being murdered or reproached. Discontent.
5. What do Provings Prove? - A Critical Appraisal
MORTELMANS Guido (HL,11,2/1998)
This is a brief discussion of ‘Provings’ - the methodology, the source, etc. He also briefly discusses
seven newly proved remedies: Haliacetus leucocephalus, Lac dolphinum, Lac caprinum, Lac humanum
and maternum, Larus argentatus, Naja, and Chocolate.
Dr.MORTELMANS raises certain other questions, e.g. what is the bias for double-blind provings? the
value of the doctrine of signatures; the effect of the psychological and physiological state of the animal
whose substance is being proved, etc. [Rarely has the actual record of the provers been published in any of
the present-day ‘provings’. In many cases the ‘theme’ is filtered and furnished! The ordinary practitioner
who reads the material has no idea as to the availability of the new medicine. ‘Mental’ symptoms abound
in most of the modern ‘provings’, unlike the older provings. = KSS]
6. Cannabis indica kids: The Serious, The Spacey, and The Silly.
ROTHENBERG, Amy (SIM, XII, 1/1999)
16-year-old girl: with ADD; difficulty in concentrating, focus mind or stay interested in reading,
schoolwork or chores. Spaced out. Her two younger siblings were really smart, very competent.
She was a tall, elegant young woman of sensitive bearing. During class she would think she was
listening but she would be floating away and watching the class from the ceiling, as if hovering, watching,
observing. In spite of trying she couldn’t bring her body to come back to the chair; would float about and
feel very strange but soon would forget it was weird, and just hang out there. Then something would
happen, a loud noise, a teacher calling on her, a bell ringing, etc. and she would be catapulted back into her
chair in a minute. This kind of dissociation would also happen at home.
She was reading at a level several years behind her grade, which her mother said was due to poor
memory for words and word meaning. Couldn’t do math at all, it seemed like foreign language to her. She
was clairvoyant. Could draw well and would spend time doing that over other academic work. This
expressivity is something that one can see in a Cannabis indica patient, particularly if they don’t do well in
the typical things supposed to do well in, they find something else that they can excel in.
She had a sledding accident at age eleven, and was unconscious for four days. Although she had
learning difficulties before the accident, since the accident she had been much sadder, sentimental and
emotionally remote. She had the worst case of eczema of the scalp, like a cradle cap from edge to edge of
her entire scalp; thick, crusty, white with little red scabs mixed in. She had it since she was few months
old. Loved to sleep for long hours and napped when she could. She found sleep a relief from other stress
of her life.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
Her father smoked pot daily for 25 years.
Cannabis indica 200. She needed repetition once.
Amy ROTHENBERG discusses another case of a girl 13-yrs age who suffered from sadness,
depression. On the totality presented she was given Medorrhinum. There was much improvement but not
total. She wanted to kill herself. Aurum. Few weeks ago she took a knife and made four marks, not very
deep, on her chest. Few months later she reported of random depression; that she seemed to forget things
that are asked of her, basic things, forgets what she’s thinking. “When I’m in conversation with somebody,
I can leave and space out really badly. All of a sudden I’m clairvoyant, I know what people are thinking,
what they are about to say, what’s about to happen.” She’s not paranoid, her perception of time and space
are fine. Fearing insanity. Father’s history of Marijuana use. Cannabis indica 200. She did well.
7. Faut-il jeter aux Orties la mort du père? (Must the death of the father be attributed to the Nettle)
ZALA, Michel (CGH, 35, 1/1998)
In July 1995 in an article “Urtica urens and the death of the father”, Didier GRANDGEORGE
observed that Urtica urens could correspond to those patients who have never accepted the death of their
father, a hypothesis which is to be confirmed by other clinical cases. In September 1995 Jean-Marie
TRIBOUILLARD presented a case of a person treated with Urtica urens based on the death of the father, a
probable confirmation of the above hypothesis. In this article Michel ZALA presents his observations on
Urtica urens prescribed right from the time a patient mentioned “after, death of the father”. He presents six
cases in which he prescribed Urtica urens based on the above symptom. There was no change in one
patient, in three of them there was a partial impact. There was a deep action in two of the patients.
This is followed by some of the characteristic symptoms in the Materia Medica. The author’s
1. The prescription of Urtica Urens is not systematically effective for “after death of the father”.
2. In the above cases Urtica urens was not the simillimum; though the amelioration was
complete it was only transitory.
3. There were however some common points:
- the rapidity of the death of the father, more than the rapidity it was the regret at not being
able to talk to the father or say good-bye.
- the refusal to talk about it.
- an “internal boiling”
- two of the fathers had died of a digestive cirrhotic haemorrhage
- two of the patients had pruritis
- and a particular phobia
4. The most consistent results were obtained by Didier GRANDGEORGE.
5. What is important now is that this etiological hypothesis must be tested without prejudice by
the homeopaths.
Even if Urtica urens has this particular vulnerability after the death of the father, it cannot be the only
remedy for it. For example: in the Synthesis Repertory, Ailments from death, parents or friends, of: Calc,
Caust, Ign, Nux-v., Plat., Sep. etc are given. Such a shock can trigger many types of reactions and hence
the possibility of many remedies. The doctor must be able to distinguish Urtica urens from other remedies
possessing this sensitivity. Noting some of the following things will help us to differentiate the remedies:
the conditions of the death; slow or rapid, agonizing, how the father faced his death, the reactions of the
family, etc.
8. Petits remèdes tirés de derrière les fagots (Small remedies - personal experiences)
GRANDGEORGE, Didier (CGH, 35,1/1998)
The author describes some rare indications which, aren’t found in the repertories for some rare
Bombyx processionnaire: When his group in Fréjus-St Raphaël proved this caterpillar, one of the
provers was a young intern of a hospital who attended the course out of curiosity, without truly believing in
homeopathy. He volunteered to prove the remedy, and note the symptoms which appeared. But four days
later he called up and said that he could not proceed with the proving as he had to be operated for a torsion
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
of the testicle. But what was strange was that though this intern objectively presented a picture of torsion
of testicle, on surgery there was no torsion, just a big local inflammatory reaction.
Some months later the author received a small boy with severe pain, very strongly indicative of torsion
of testicle. At that moment something struck the doctor and he asked the boy if he had touched caterpillars,
to which the boy replied that in spite of his father having forbidden him to do so, he had played with
caterpillars in the garden. Bombyx processionnaire 30 CH was given, and within a few minutes there was
no pain and there was no necessity for surgery. Even the inflammation had disappeared. Some hours later
the child left the hospital stating he was cured.
Another case of a boy of 17 years with asthma, who in the past lost one testicle following torsion. He
received Bombyx processionnaire and had an all-around improvement, both physically and
psychologically. An amelioration on all the planes when the right remedy is given.
Symbolically the caterpillar is a larva, an incomplete, crawling being. The torsion of the testicle is an
auto-castration, a loss of a part or the whole of virility. Would this be the remedy of individuals who feel
psychically castrated, who have only stereotypic behaviour, copied from others, without any creativity, and
one sees in certain social environment? And it is here that one sees this small remedy take on unsuspected
Castoreum: A young boy of 10 years came for a phimosis, for which he had already been operated twice.
He also had a developing preputial sclero-atrophic lichen. It seemed like a Staphysagria case when the
mother said that the boy yawned in his sleep. In Kent’s repertory Castoreum is the only remedy under this
rubric. In the materia medica it says that Castoreum is the secretion of the preputial sac of the beavers.
Castoreum was prescribed. Six months later he had an eczema of the genitals, his behaviour was better, his
lichen on the gland was gone, urination was normal, the dilatation of the urinary meatus which had been
planned was not necessary. A year later he was much better and his parents regretted not knowing about
Homeopathy earlier. Some time later another patient with phimosis, impossible to retract and eczema of
the thorax. Castoreum was prescribed, four months later there was no more problem, and another 3 months
later the phimosis had softened and retraction was possible. Though in Clarke’s Dictionary phimosis hasn’t
been mentioned, now always consider Castoreum when there has been an history of phimosis in men and
coalescence of the labia minora in women.
Ornithogallum-umbellata: Boy six years old with frequent bronchitis. Interrogation revealed only common
symptoms. The only important history was pyloric stenosis operated in the first few months of the child’s
life. In Murphy’s Repertory the two remedies listed are Aethusa cynapium and Ornithogallum umbellata.
After a few doses of this remedy the child had no problems.
Similarly there was another child who consulted for anxiety, compelling him to sleep with his mother,
bed wetting, jealousy. This boy too had an operation at the age of 3 months for a pyloric stenosis. After
this remedy the child started sleeping better and got over his anxieties.
In Clarke’s Dictionary pyloro-gastric cancer is described under this remedy.
Oleum jecoris aselli: This remedy should be thought of when the idea of ankylosing spondylosis appears. A
boy of 11 years consulted for growth retardation, and lumbalgia which was diagnosed as ankylosing
spondylarthritis. In the repertory in sacro-iliac pain and small stature Calcarea phos., Oleum jecoris and
Sulphur were the remedies. The author’s attention was directed towards Oleum jecoris by the fact that the
boy after every dose of Vitamin D had an aggravation of the bone pains. Four doses of Oleum jecoris in
15, 18, 24, 30 CH were sufficient to relieve the boy of this invalidating problem.
Similarly in another boy of 14 years, who had strong pains in the right hip which was relieved by
Aurum metallicum 15 CH. But the patients complained that he was not growing well, this child had also
been frequently given Vitamin D. Oleum jecoris was given with good improvement.
There is no small remedy, for the one who suffers, the effective remedy is a big remedy.
9. Rhus glabra and Abuse
TUMMINELLO, Peter (HOM, 74, 1999)
With the help of a case the author brings out the essence of Rhus glabra. The prominent theme in
Rhus glabra is:
- Compensatory activity that is needed to counter the abused feeling
- Haughtiness and authoritarianism in an attempt to escape the feeling world, the body.
- Fear and oppression by authority,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
A book Rhus glabra, A Portrait of Abuse has been prepared as a complete rendition of all the
information available on Rhus glabra, which is available by mail order from Sydney College of
Homeopathic Medicine, 92-94 Norton St, Leichhardt NSW, 2040, Australia, cost $19 including postage or
from Minerva Books, London. Tel: 0171 385 1361.
10. Materia Medica - Tarentula Hispanica
RYAN, Chris (NEJH, 8,1/1999)
An analysis of Tarentula hispanica into cycles and segments.
- a keynote cycle segment of Tarentula hispanica involves the need to move – the inability to
- be still characterizes this remedy type.
- an important remedy for hyperactive children in constant motion, fidgeting, picking at things,
tapping, frequently fighting, kicking, biting, struggling against any attempt to corral them.
- the second theme is the equally intense need for rhythm.
11. Culex Repertory Rubrics
WRIGHT, Peter (SIM, XII, 2/1999)
A listing of all the rubrics under which Culex musca is listed. All the rubrics have been taken from
Kent’s Repertory.
12. A Propos du Cantharides (Apropos - Cantharis)
(CGH, 35, 10, 1998)
This article is a translation of the chapter from the Canon d’Avicenne (Zararith) and Hippocrates’s
Regime in Acute Illness.
Cantharis according to Avicenna:
- animal similar to bugs, red in colour
- one of the species lives and proliferates in wheat
- Cantharis of multiple colours, with transverse lines on the wings, are the most powerful. Those of
single colour are feeble.
- on rubbing, deroots warts
- applied on the limbs, they are beneficient for the nails.
- on rubbing with vinegar - cures vitiligo and albinism
- rubbing, crushed with mustard, makes hair grow
- on rubbing, dissolves cancerous tumours
- can be used for scabies and impetigo
- it is said that it makes pterygion disappear
- Cantharis, in small quantities, is a good diuretic and useful in anasarca.
- it also stimulates menses
- it also aborts
- Some say that Cantharis gulped down is useful against intractable disease of the bladder.
- Some claim that the wings and limbs are the antidotes to Cantharis poisoning.
- It is said that if one drinks “a mithqal” (1/7th of an ounce) of Cantharis, the body becomes
oedematous, urine bloody, and dies the same day.
Hippocrate’s Régime in Acute Diseases
Potion for Hydropic
Take 3 Spanish flies, remove the head, the wings, the hair, crush the body in 3 glasses of water; when the
one who has drunk the medicine suffers, make for him an oily unction, then, hot affusions; the potion must
be drunk on an empty stomach, then one eats hot bread with butter.
13. Die charakteristischen Symptome von Ignatia amara nach Clemens von BÖNNINGHAUSEN.
JANSEN, A. (ZKH,43,2/1999)
Within the scope of an edition of different manuscripts of Clemens von BOENNINGHAUSEN
available in the Institute for History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart, a
transcription of Ignatia amara and its Genius is presented.
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1. The Dreaded Flu
CASTRO Miranda (HT,18,4/1998)
The author says that every year 10,000 to 20,000 persons die in the U.S. from complications of the flu,
mainly Pneumonia. The remedies for flu including Oscillococcinum are discussed.
2. A chronic case with an unusual remedy
ABBOTT Vicki (HT,18,4/1998)
A 42 year-old lady, with epigastric pain, headaches; right-sided Sciatica and sacro-iliac pain with pain
in her right anterior and lateral thigh and right knee; irregular menses; chilly. While Sepia gave good relief,
it was Tellurium which gave complete cure. The author remarks that it was Tellurium which not only
cured her Sciatica but also cured the Peptic ulcer disease and Insomnia. Also her peculiar sensation that the
area under her bra was too tight was found in both HERING and CLARKE: “Constrictive feeling, as if
strapped together”.
3. Balancing a Child’s Behaviour
BELLO Lia (HT,18,5/1998)
A 12-year-old girl was throwing tantrums, angry at her siblings, contemptuous, offended easily, used
shockingly explicit abusive words, etc. Desired sweets, was worse from it. She recently spoke of suicide!
Nux vomica 12 b.d. and as she improved to make it once daily and go on tapering according to
improvement; then to take “when needed”.
4. Homo Anxiens
KOTHARI M. & MEHTA L.(NJH,8,1/1999)
The No.1 issue of NJH 1999 is about Anxiety. In their no-nonsense style, the authors KOTHARI and
MEHTA describe anxiety as another of the fads and fetishes created by the Americans, whom they call the
Big Scientific Brother. And rest of world has no problem imitating this brother. The definition of Anxiety
in the Oxford Companion to Medical Sciences and the listing of the various anxieties with their latinised
names in the Psychiatric Dictionary is enough to confuse and scare one. Anxiety is to nurse the vanity that
circumstances are under your control, and then to nurse the guilt that you are not doing what you ought to
do. And the anti-anxiety agent is a sense of humility, a yea-saying to life, a conviction that whatever it is,
is right. Though it is of late that anxiety is as old as man.
5. Treating high blood pressure
TAYLOR Will (HT,18,10/1998)
The author stresses the need for correct reading of the blood pressure; it is also necessary that the cuff
must be appropriate to the circumference of the arm.
6. A Surgery avoided
MALERBA Larry (HT,18,11/1998)
Hernia is considered a ‘surgical’ case, although the old homeopathic literature has many cases cured
by medicine. The author reports the case of a boy of 14 months with diagnosed left sided inguinal hernia.
On the basis of the ‘generals’ Calcarea carbonica 200 was given and it was reported three weeks later that
the surgeon opined that there was no hernia but only a hydrocele and surgery was still said to be required.
The case was reconsidered and Silica 200 was given which cured.
7. Vaginal Infections
BELLO Lia (HT,18,11/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
The author discusses vaginal infections and the remedies generally indicated in it. The best insurance
against infection is daily washing with plain water and avoidance of vaginal deodorants, perfumed soaps,
contraceptive creams, prolonged use of tampons, and wearing underwear made with synthetic fabric. Half
the discomforts and the money spent to alleviate vaginal infections could be cancelled out if women would
forego wearing tight jeans and pantyhose - to get a little more fresh air to the area.
8. Eine geheimnisvolle Entsprechung - Homöopathie und Familienstellen (A mysterious
meeting - Homeopathy and Family states)
Homeopaths wishing to gain additional psychotherapy-qualification have to be aware that the
phenomenological approach of Homeopathy is in contrast to psychoanalytic assumptions of unconscious
causes. A newly developed phenomenological way of psychotherapy, using family constellations
(according H.HELLINGER) offers surprising analogies to Homeopathy (drug proving, HERING’s Rule)
and is very suitable to enhance the effects of homeopathic treatment and to give homeopaths
psychological insight into “love’s hidden symmetry”.
9. Familienstruktur als homöopathisches Heilungshindernis (Family structure as obstruction to a
Homeopathic cure)
APPELL, R.G. (AHZ,244,2/1999)
The certainty of healing mentioned by HAHNEMANN may be impeded by pathogenic family
structure. The different aspects of these hindrances are shown and possibilities of handling them are
discussed through a case.
10. Der Synergismus von Homöopathie und systemischer Therapie (The synergism of
Homeopathy and Systemic Therapy)
MEYER-KÖNIG, P. (AHZ,244,2/1999)
HAHNEMANN describes in his book Chronic Diseases the difficulty to heal an activated Psora
under the influence of chronic grief and anger. Disorders in the relationship of a family on the emotional
level can induce identifications, parentifications or other troublesome dynamics. They cause chronic grief
and anger on a subconscious level. The systemic therapy of a family according to Bert HELLINGER’s
feature gives often a good opportunity to finish such troubles. After such a harmonisation of the emotional
situation, the antipsoric treatment will give better results.
11. Zum Stellenwert der homöopathischen Therapie bei Steriliät (The place of Homeopathic Therapy in
SCHMÜCK, M. (AHZ,244,3/1999)
The indication of homeopathic therapy in infertility patients are shown after taking into account
infertility in its historical-cultural context and the possible impact on couples affected, especially in this
time where assisted reproduction is available. In the course of this, the connection and dividing line
between homeopathic therapy and psychotherapy becomes apparent. With the help of a detailed case
presentation of a successful homeopathic treatment course, the effects of a homeopathic drug on
psychological processes are shown.
12. Morbus Bechterew
ZEEDEN, M. (AHZ,244,1/1999)
54 year-old, well-built man; apparently a perfectionist. Since 1970 back pain. Since 1981 diagnosed
Morbus Bechtrew. The pain proceeds from between the shoulder blades and in the neck radiating to head
and is of pressing nature. Wet and cold agg. the pains and hence change of weather from warm to cold
uncomfortable. The pains began every day late afternoon. Thirst increased. The peculiar symptom that
came up from thorough case taking was the 24 hour periodicity of arrival of the pains. The pain began
exactly at 1700 hours. Cedron 30 was given but with some amelioration. The remedy was then given in
200, but still not complete relief. Mercurius D1000 was given because of stitching, pulsating and
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synchronised pains of the right parietal region and nightly frequent urination. This was not effective.
Again Cedron D1000 few doses. Pains were completely relieved.
13. Ershöpfungsdepression, Neurodermitis (Weakness and depression, Neurodermatitis)
ROTH, R. (AHZ,244,1-2/1999)
29 year-old Nurse. Since recently feels very weak and depressed. Forgetful, irritable, angry with her
work. Feels beaten down and sad. Unhappy with everything. Weeps at home without any reason, feels
better after that. Even with her children she is not agreeable.
She was one of four children. In childhood was repeatedly sexually misused by her father. She also
recalled vaguely of being sexually abused by other men too. She felt very much humiliated and helpless by
these experiences. She came to know her present husband at 18 years and married him. She wanted
children but only boys since she did not want her children, if girls, to undergo the same abuse she suffered!
She had two sons and her third child was a girl who died at six months age from sudden infant death
syndrome’; this was shock for her, and she suffered from severe guilt feelings. She became pregnant and it
was quite problematic. However, she delivered a healthy son and her depression began then. She was on
psycho-therapy which helped her overcome her guilt feeling but she has not got back her energy and
From her childhood she suffered from severe Neurodermatitis. particularly on the right upper eyelid,
sometimes on the right elbow, the skin there is dry and itchy. Stress and anger aggravate. When she is
angry and under stress she gets stomach cramps.
Single dose of Staphysagria C200, and immediate improvement began. She was restored to health
rapidly and remained well.
14. Neurodermatitis
ILLING, K.-H. (AHZ,244,2-3/1999)
14 month old girl baby with Neurodermatitis which began at 3 month age. At 8 month she was in
hospital for a month for treatment of “Herpes”. The skin is very dry, desquamating due to much
scratching. When she was at the North Sea resort last year she suffered severe reaction and she scratched
herself until it severely bled. When she was brought she still itched but lesser than when at the sea resort.
The itching was worse in bed. She could not tolerate milk and so was on milk-free diet. She wanted to be
only lightly dressed. Sweat more nights, occiput, cervical region.
Sulphur 30 one dose, and she began to improve; the remedy was repeated in C200 four times at long
intervals for ailments that appeared after immunisations, etc.
15. Sicarius (Six-eyed Crab Spider): A homeopathic treatment for Ebola haemorrhagic
fever and disseminated intravascular coagulation?
Extensive literature on the symptoms and signs of envenomation by Sicarius (six-eyed crab spider)
suggests that it may be an effective homeopathic remedy in Ebola fever. Similarities with Crotalus
horridus are also discussed. “the venom of Crotalus horridus-horridus , which acts mainly by mimicking
detrimental intravascular activity of thrombin, is to be differentiated from the venom of Sicarius
albospinosus which appears to directly deactivate Factor VIII and trigger the subsequent coagulation
disorder, thus more closely resembling the pathology of Ebola haemorrhagic fever. The lethal species of S.
hahnil and S. albospinosus should be of curative value also in other forms of haemorrhagic fever and in
disseminated intravascular coagulation. The well-established remedy Crotalus horrridus should still be
considered in these conditions.”
The author also suggests that in geographical regions prone to be affected by the Ebola virus, a
prophylactic administration of the potentized Sicarius spider may be beneficial.
[This spider venom should be ‘proved’. Since this venom is said to deactivate Factor VIII, it may
perhaps be of value in Haemophilia too. Profession is requested to try. = KSS]
16. How to prescribe Medorrhinum: the frequency of symptoms and signs in homeopathic
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MERCALDO, M (BHJ,88,2/1999)
Medorrhinum is an important, but under-prescribed homeopathic medicine. This paper discusses how
to prescribe Medorrhinum on the basis of symptoms, signs and family history.
The author draws copiously from reliable literature and from his own experience with 963 patients. He
says that he has prescribed this remedy many more times than by simply following the KENT Repertory.
He says “many signs and symptoms are much more frequent than we would expect, sometimes astonishing,
as in ‘Mind, delusions, hear voices’, which appeared in 62% of the subjects, and usually, is not mentioned
by most people with this symptom. I believe the frequency of the warts in the patients, 44%, is so high,
because of the sycotisation produced by vaccines and allopathic drugs.
[Attention is drawn to the author’s earlier article on this nosode in the BHJ,85/1996 = KSS]
17. How will you handle this case? What Will You Do Next?
The case of a newly married girl with evening rise of fever, who was cured very quickly with just
counselling. It shows how a right advice at the right time does wonders.
18. Situational Anxiety
Case 1: A 23-year-old man doing his Masters in Business Administration started becoming anxious, with a
lot of desperate thoughts occurring to him and many delusions too. A history of a very dominant, strict
father who expected a lot from him. The doctor saw it as an anxiety which lead to depression and which in
turn led to delusions; there was intelligence, timidity and apprehensions and also a determination which all
pointed to Silica. The repeated confusion of mind indicated Alumina and so Alumina-silicata M was
Case 2: This is the follow-up of a case which was reported in NJH, 3, 1/1994. A doctor with severe burns
which were treated with Radium bromatum, now was in a depression, panicked over small things and she
felt sorry for not having a child. Aluminium-silicata M single dose helped her. She later adopted a girl
19. Can you afford to be down in dumps?
SHAIK, Neelofer (NJH,8,1/1999)
This is the case of a young girl whose marriage went sour and she got a divorce just six months after
her marriage; she developed itching, perspiration of the palms and soles, Natrum muriaticum 10M a single
dose helped her.
20. Can We Give Birth to Anxiety?
ANSARI Aqsa (NJH,8,1/1999)
Case 1: A 35-years-old man with warts on his face and neck, migraine since 14 years, hypertensive,
cervical spondylosis, and also the anxiety that his parents cared more for his sisters than for him.
Staphysagria, Rhus-tox, Natrum-mur and finally Carcinosin helped him.
Case 2: 7-years-old boy very insecure, could not bear to be separated from his mother, also had
recurrent colds and coughs. The mother’s anxiety and insecurity (she had already undergone three
miscarriages) during the pregnancy had brought about the insecurity in the boy. Argentum-nit.,
Lycopodium, Stramonium, Nux-vom were the medicines give to him.
21. Gold(en) Remedy for Anxiety with Suicidal Disposition
SUNDARAM, V. (NJH,8,1/1999)
Aurum metallicum helped a woman in a severe depression because of her husband’s extra-marital
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22. I want Mama!
MANKANI, M. (NJH,8,1/1999)
The case of a 25-year-old mother of two who had not yet come out of her dependency on her mother.
The case was watched closely and was only given placebo over a long period as nothing marked could be
elicited. Then came the clinching indication: intense anxiety and chest pains when the patient’s parents had
gone out of town. The doctor quotes Dr.Gary WEAVER: “My experience has led me to conclude that
when an individual is at the lowest ebb, what is exhibited is the true state, i.e. The disposition in a Mental
and Physical Totality.” In the Synthetic Repertory in p.608 was the rubric: “Inconsolable, anxiety about his
family while on a short journey, from,” with only Petroleum, which surprisingly also covered all the
striking aspects of the case. One dose in 50 M reduced her anxiety. This was followed by active
counselling and some more appropriate homeopathic remedies and placebo.
23. Encounters of the Hysterical Kind
HARIHARAN, Rama (NJH,8,1/1999)
Case 1: 65-year-old woman with an undercurrent anxiety which surfaced after months of physical
disturbances. Alumina, Pulsatilla and Argentum nitricum were the remedies which got her out of her
physical discomforts and her anxious states.
Case 2: 53-year-old woman with an anxiety which caused a lot of inconvenience to her and her family.
She progressively improved under the following remedies given as and when they were indicated Argentum
nitricum, Dysentry-co, Aconite, Theridion and other remedies.
24. Anxiety Neurosis: An Hypothesis
MEHTA, A (NJH,8,1/1999)
A man in his early forties had severe anxiety about his job, worried what he would do if he lost his job.
Many remedies were tried without success. The doctor thus reasoned: Anxiety neurosis is a result of
excess Lactic acid in the blood. Artificially injecting Lactic acid into the blood can create a state of
Anxiety Neurosis. The Materia Medica recommends Natrum-phos as a remedy for conditions arising out
of excess of Lactic acid. Nat-p was given and it worked.
25. Why I could not achieve?
A man with severe panic attacks: how the main symptoms of the case were identified and then the
rubrics selected and finally the zeroing down to the remedy Lycopodium.
26. Spectrum of Hepatobiliary Diseases - A Homeopathic Perspective(A Hospital Study)
PAREEK, Alok & PAREEK, R.S. (NJH,8,1/1999)
Pareek Hospital and Research Centre has documented 186 cases of Hepato-biliary disease: acute
hepatic failure, infective hepatitis, chronic persistent hepatitis, cirrhosis with portal hypertension including
Indian childhood cirrhosis and persisted Hepatitis B, antigenaemia. The following conclusions were
arrived at:
1. China-off, Hydrastis, Lycopodium, Mercurius sol., Magnesium-mur., Nat-sulph., Nux-vom,
Phosphorous and Sulphur were the most general constitutionals with positive response. Potencies used
200C, 10M
2. Carduus-mar., Chelidonium, Myrica and Andographis-paniculata were the most useful clinical
remedies. They were used in mother tinctures and drop doses.
3. Andrographis and Calcarea-ars helped in the younger age group of patients, especially in Indian
Childhood Cirrhosis.
4. Hepatitis B nosode was helpful in Chronic Persisted Hepatitis, in an intercurrent dose when there was a
history of blood transfusion, surgical procedures. Depression was noticed in all cases which benefited by
Hepatitis B nosode.
A few cases treated are also presented:
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Case 1: of fulminant hepatic failure: Opium brought the patient out of the very jaws of death, Carduus
marianus was the organ remedy and Phosphorus the constitutional remedy helping the patient to a
harmonious recovery.
Case 2: 10 year old girl with persistent fever, icteric eyes, bloating of abdomen and diarrhoeic stools,
S.Bilirubin was 8.4 gm/dl with a history of blood transfusion for anaemia. Mercurius solubilis brought
down the fever. Andographis was the Organ remedy. Finally she was given Hepatitis B nosode for the
persistent positive Australia antigen.
Case 3: A 45-year-old man presented with a laboratory report of positive Australia Antigen but was
asymptomatic. History of jaundice two years back and a steroid injection for a shoulder pain. Lycopodium
was prescribed based on accompanying flatulence, bloating and anorexia, followed by Carduus marianus
in the mother tincture. As the Australia antigen was still positive after three months, Hepatitis B nosode
was prescribed and two months later the report showed Australia antigen negative.
27. A potpourri of Cases
RAO, Sheila B. (NJH,8,1/1999)
Case 1: of a six-month-old baby with frequent offensive blood-tinged stools, with cyst of E-histolytica in
the stool, was given Calcarea carbonica.
Case 2: Anxiety in a 42-year-old woman after her mother’s death from cancer of the breast was cured with
28. Anxiety and Anxiolytics
RAJU, K. (NJH,8,1/1999)
Three cases of anxiety who respectively needed Stramonium, Picric acid and Syphilinum.
29. Arthritis: Yet-One-More-Tower of Babel
KOTHARI, M. & MEHTA, L. (NJH,8,2/1999)
The authors begin with “The inherent flaw in the theme of this issue [the theme of the Mar-Apr. issue
is Arthritis] is: The term arthritis has been dictionarily declared wrong for, more often than not, there is no
inflammation nor infection. So, arthritis rather becomes arthrosis, or a little more comprehensively,
osteoarthropathy. They conclude: “Arthritis, to borrow Churchill’s telling words, continues to be “a riddle
wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” Allopathy has lost and gone mechanical. [Perhaps] Homeopaths
could lead the world out of the arthritis chaos.
30. Sepia and Rheumatoid Arthritis - A Case Study
MANKANI, M. (NJH,8,2/1999)
In her usual precise and clear manner Dr.Mankani presents this case of severe excruciating pains of all
the peripheral joints in a 24-year-old man who was regularly on intra-articular corticosteroid injections
supplemented by oral anti-inflammatory analgesics. The most distinguishing features of the case on which
she based her prescription were:
Anger from contradiction, Violent motion ameliorates, Ravenous appetite, Desire for cheese, Dryness
of the mouth with thirstlessness and Inclination to uncover feet. Sepia was clearly indicated. Sepia first in
M potency then 10 M and later the 50M brought about great relief: in fact after 7 months of treatment and
at the time of reporting the case there was no pain.
31. I was not their Real Daughter
KASAD, K.N. (NJH,8,2/1999)
A detailed report of the case of a woman with severe excruciating pains of the joints. After many
detailed interviews the picture was clear, on the physical plane it was Magnesium phosphoricum that was
needed, and from the core of the case came up the repression and rejection which again clearly indicated a
Magnesium group. Magnesium sulphuricum was indicated from the totality: the fibro-muscular structure, a
dominant sycotic miasm, hot humid weather aggravation, cramps and spasms. Magnesium sulphuricum M
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was repeated very often. Thuja M was also given as an intercurrent. The doctor concludes: The case
showed remarkable palliation under homeopathic treatment. Cure appears remote as the immediate
environment at home is not congenial...” [The comments of the Editor of NJH: “The bold and remarkable
use of high potencies with frequent repetition till the point of amelioration, is the course to be followed in
such severe pathology. Here single doses will not prove adequate.” One cannot ‘prescribe’ repetition in all
severe pathologies; the homeopath who handles the case should use his judgment in respect of each case. =
32. An Advanced Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis
TIWARI, N.L. (NJH,8,2/1999)
Case of a 46-year-old lady with pain in all small joints, and swelling and stiffness, deformity of right
proximal metacarpal joint, a cold and dry cough diagnosed as interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. She was on
Ayurvedic treatment and on corticosteroids. Calc-fl. 30 was given daily. Cortisone was slowly tapered.
She also needed during the course of the treatment Ant-ars, Coccus-cacti, Kali-bi, Thuja.
33. Can Still’s Disease (JCA) be cured by H...?
ANWAR BAIG, Mirza (NJH,8,2/1999)
Presents two cases of Juvenile Chronic Arthropathy (JCA).
Case 1: of a 11-year-old diagnosed with JCA with cardiomegaly, and declared incurable. Pulsatilla, Aur-
met, Thuja, Sulphur, Bacillinum, Carcinosin, China over a period of a year gave relief from the pain, and
improved the extremely weak state in which the patient was when the treatment was first started.
Case 2: 6-year-old boy diagnosed to have Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis on corticosteroids and
analgesics. At the age of 3 the child developed pain in both knees, with fever, rashes and stiffness of
joints. The child was treated for plague as there was an epidemic of plague there. He was injected Gold
Salt. Thereafter the child developed anorexia, dropsy and deformity of joints. After corticosteroid therapy
he has also developed moon face. The remedies that helped him slowly improve were Calc-carb, Aur-
mur., Nat-mur, Merc-sol, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Hyocyamus and Iodium.
34. Casual Remarks led to Similimum
HARIHARAN, Rama (NJH,8,2/1999)
Two cases where the doctor says she was directed to the similimum by a casual, spontaneous remark of
the patient.
Case 1: of 26-year-old driver with pain knees, elbows, shoulders and hips. The intensity and character of
the anger and sensitivity to remarks of the patient along with his trying to always be a gentleman, and his
remarks about missing his wife and burning during urination indicated Staphysagria which brought about a
very good relief.
Case 2: 52-year-old woman was treated for 2 years with no improvement. Her casual remark about a
sensation of her stomach being full of water indicated Kali carbonicum.
35. I Worry about Health!
GOVINDRAJAN, Raji (NJH,8,2/1999)
44-year-old woman with pain left knee. Her anxiety about her health and that of others, early arthritic
changes, loss of sleep and complaints because of it, travel sickness indicated Cocculus indicus.
36. Life a Balancing Act
63-year-old woman consulted for cervical spondylosis, pain in the knee, shoulder, hip, elbow and wrist
joints. On repertorisation of the symptoms Natrum mur was the remedy selected. Thuja was given as an
intercurrent. The doctor justifies her prescription thus: “Here Nat-m was a clear choice: the helpful nature,
even to a great extent of educating her best friend, the equanimity to bear grievous monetary losses, which
a Lach. would have found impossible; and the consistent helping which even a Phos. would have found
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difficult. Balancing her life’s ups and downs is a great art, which a well-balanced Natrum can do better
than anyone else.
37. RA: The Price to Pay
KULKARNI, Ajit (NJH,8,2/1999)
55-year-old woman with Rheumatoid Arthritis of knee, shoulder, wrist, elbow and phalangeal joints.
Kali carbonicum was the chief constitutional remedy and Rhus-tox was determined as an acute remedy,
Thuja and Tuberculinum as intercurrent remedies.
38. Trimestrum primum
KOTHARI, M. & MEHTA, L.(NJH,8,3/1999)
Poem warning about the dangers of taking drugs during the first trimester.
39. How will I survive this month?
36-year-old woman, second para, hyperemesis, preferred to lie on her knee chest position, craving for
ice indicated Medorhhinum. Arsenicum album and Phosphorous were the other remedies that the woman
40. Is it Vicarious Menstruation?
KUMAR, Praveen (NJH,8,3/1999)
24-year-old woman came with epistaxis at the time of menses. Vicarious menstruation was
considered. She also developed nausea and vomiting and pregnancy was suspected which turned out
positive. Sepia 200 was indicated and helped her, but the patient went in for an MTP because of a
malformed foetus, but in later pregnancies too Sepia helped her and she gave birth to healthy babies.
41. Two cases of Habitual Abortion.
DAPTARDAR, B.G. (NJH, 8, 3/1999)
In the first case the woman was diagnosed to have under-developed Uterus’ and the doctor felt that
the late periods in this woman were probably abortions. In the second case the woman had aborted thrice.
In both the cases Viburnum opulus helped the women give birth to healthy babies.
42. A Case of Griscelli Syndrome: The Silver Baby BAIG, Mirza Anwar (NJH,8,3/1999)
Griscelli Disease is a congenital immune deficiency syndrome due to genetic mutations, maps to
chromosome 15q21. Those suffering from this disease show abnormal antibody response to antigens. The
bone marrow is unable to produce RBCs, WBCs and platelets.
The case reported is of a child which was brought to the doctor when the baby was 24 days old, and at
the time of writing this case the child was 7 months old. The baby’s brother had died of the same disease in
1998 at the age of 3 months; this baby was also treated by the doctor.
The second baby was brought to the doctor on the 24th day for recurrent attacks of pneumonia,
bronchitis, fever with enlarged spleen and liver and jaundice since birth. Arnica, Silicea, Phosphorous,
Syphilinum were the remedies which helped the baby. According to Dr.Mirza Anwar Baig the cause of
this problem could be Inherited Tuberculosis.
43. A Negligible But Highly ‘Valuable’ Guiding Symptom to Cure
NARASIMHAN, V. (NJH,8,3/1999)
Case 1: A 59-year-old man known diabetic NIDDM for 35 years, emaciated with extreme prostration. On
repertorisation Lac-def. and Plumb-met. came up, but Lac-def was preferred based on frothy saliva during
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Case 2: In a chronic hypertensive of 15 years, there was this symptom of sensation of formication in the
palate with itching and Arundo was prescribed and helped the BP become normal.
44. Four cases from Zagreb
MONTANI, Marion (HOM,72/1999)
Case 1: Anorexia nervosa: A 20-year-old girl with loss of appetite and weight loss of 14 kgs in a year;
she had also stopped menstruating. She was given Gaertner(Bach) 30c. In seven months she had gained 9
Kgs, had a good appetite, regular menstruation, and was mentally and emotionally more stable.
Case 2: Angina pectoris: 72-year-old farmer was suffering from palpitations, irregular heartbeats and
pericardial pain, and pressure in the chest with laboured breathing. During the attacks she has weakness of
left arm and a feeling as if her heart would ‘jump out of her chest’. Face feels hot during palpitations. She
had a past history of nephrectomy, hysterectomy and cholecystectomy. She was given Glonoine LM1, one
drop a day.
Case 3: 38-year-old woman with: different fears and impulses, restless, fear of narrow spaces, tunnels, of
crossing the road, fear of being alone. Impulse to jump out of the window. Her complaints started after the
death of a close friend. She also had frightening dreams. She also had recurrent conjunctivitis and
diarrhoea when she anticipated any event. There was a family history of tuberculosis and multiple cancers.
The first remedy given to her was Carcinosin 200 to clear out the fundamental hereditary root of the
disease. After a month there was much improvement. Argentum nitricum 200 was given. Six months
later she needed a dose of Tuberculinum 200. With these three remedies the patient was well and free from
Case 4: Arthritis and conversive psychoneurosis: 40-year-old woman with rheumatic pains since three
years. She had burning pains in both elbows and knees with swelling; better from motion. She also had
burning spinal pain in her neck. Ignatia amara 200 was selected on the basis of the grief of her father’s
death that she still carried in her. She had fears regarding her children and husband. She had frequent
sighing and a feeling of lump in the throat, changeable mood and various fears typical of the remedy.
45. The Mountaineer’s Remedy
HEIN, Oze Christine (HL,11,2/1998)
Two cases of Erythroxylon coca. One was of Asthma in a male, and another was of vaginal infections,
bulimia in a woman. All the symptoms used for selection of the remedy are ‘mental’!
46. Hechtel, Homeopathy as a Lifestyle
SNEEVLIET Annette (HL,11,2/1998)
The author gives an impression of the Homeopathic Training Centre in Hechtel, Belgium, organised
by Dr.Alfons GUEKENS, in the light of her experience for three years during her training period. She also
reports seven cases. Three of them needed Mancinella, one Hura brasiliensis, one Anhalonium lewinii,
one Lyssinum, and one Lac caninum.
47. Case of Lung Abscess
GEUKENS Alfons (HL,11,2/1998)
This is a transcript of a case recorded on video. The case was presented at the International Congress,
Berlin in April 1997. The entire case as recorded is presented so that one would follow the author’s
47-year-old man, with “Inflammation of lower lobe of lung (left) with Pleuritis”. who had been given
few days earlier Rhus toxicodendron 200 and then M without appreciable benefit.
An ‘educative’ case. The author concludes from this case that (1) it is a case of a miasmatic flare-up of
a sleeping tuberculinic state and (2) when the symptoms change more constitutional symptoms appear.
One must carefully study the entire transcript. It is educative.
48. Behavioural Disorder
WELDEMANN Doris (HL,11,2/1998)
A six-year old boy with behavioural disorder was cured with Asarum europaeum.
49. Pains like Electric Shocks
WEUDENABB Dirus (HL,11,2/1998)
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37-year-old lady working for a bank at the Stock Exchange, with complaints of trembling of hands and
fingers while writing, since 1981; the longer she writes the more the trembling; letters are shaky in shape
and get bigger the longer she writes. After taking a detailed case, Natrum muriaticum and later Sulphur
over a long period did not give full recovery. The case was reconsidered and Cimicifuga given which
restored her. The clue to Cimicifuga was from CLARKE’s Materia Medica wherein it has been given
“The pains of Actea racemosa are like electric shocks here and there, lancinating in various parts. . .”
50. The Case of the Missing Patient
ELLIS, David (HOM,72,1999)
The author ponders over what could probably be the medicine for a patient who did not turn up for her
appointment based on her peculiar behaviour.
51. Fascinating cases of challenging kids
17-year-old girl; an adopted child; tough looking, overweight; Has ADD. She liked social life. Gets
distracted, starts something and gets distracted and moves on. Her birth mother was 14, and had had prior
abortions, even before 14.
She did poorly at school; didn’t do her homework or attend classes regularly. She tested positive for
Marijuana. Temper tantrums. She throws things at her mother, hits her. Has hard time focusing. Always
liked junk foods. She stole money from home. Nosebleeds off and on since she was a toddler. She likes
snakes; hates spiders. She acts like a mother to a friend who is pregnant. She is quite warm, but it’s warm
outside, she’s really cold. She is a night owl. Crotalus horridus.
52. Confusion, identity, as to his, sexual - hydrogen.
GRAY, C.Alistair (HOM,74,1999)
Case of a 37-year-old man with genital warts. He repeatedly had them ‘burnt off’, but they recurred.
History of suicidal tendency. At the age of 15 appendix burst. Trouble with men who are authoritative and
impose their will by violence. Dreams of changing shape, change into male or female or hermaphrodite.
His mission is to teach around gender sexuality. Had his penis removed surgically, and underwent
depression for five years following the operation and one year of alcoholism. Sexual perversions. Was
under hormonal replacement therapy for some years. After Staphysagria, Thuja, though the warts
disappeared temporarily there persisted a confusion about his sexual identity. Finally after Hydrogen there
is a steady visible improvement in self-esteem, love of herself, and the clarity of her condition.
53. Irresolution, followed by prompt execution
ROUKEMS Wim (HL,11,2/1998)
Case 1: 10-year-old boy with complaints of pain abdomen around the umbilicus; pain keeps him sleepless;
worse in early-morning or in the evening. Never in daytime. Difficulty in reading and writing; reads the
words back to front - ‘nam’ if it is actually ‘man’; diagnosed by Neuropsychiatrist as Dyslexia.
Yielding, honest, slow in everything, needs lot of encouragement. Very cautious in physical games, afraid
of falling
Warm blooded; Desires chicken, sprouts, vegetables; Faints from injection; Cracks middle of lower lip.
Magnetis polus arcticus 200. Four years follow-up: he remains well.
Case 2: 5-year-old boy has attacks of acute Otitis media with pain in the left or right ear. Sometimes
watery discharge. His immunity seems to be poor. He doesn’t fight back, but crumples if another boy
picks a fight with him, says that he’s not strong enough. Likes to sing and to be read to. Likes to play
with older girls, they take care of him, boys are too rough. Likes to collect insects in the garden. Fear of
failure. Cautious in new surroundings. Aversion red things, like tomatoes and peppers. Has diarrhoea on
his birthday. Swelling in his neck. As a baby he slept for a long time on his knees, and was grinding his
teeth during sleep.
Magnetis polus arcticus 200. After three months the remedy was repeated for an acute ear infection
and they disappeared altogether; his hearing improved. All round improvement.
54. The World is upside down
LANGOSCH Angelika (HL,11,2/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
32-year-old woman with a Lumboischialgia with incomplete paresis of the peroneal nerve, and a
depression with compulsory thoughts. Just been discharged from hospital without any results. Since half a
year pains in the lower back and extension to outer left leg, down to the big toe. The big toe feels ‘frozen’.
Severe pains day and night, definitely worse at night. Lowest level of pain between 5 and 7 a.m.
Depression. She had the urge to cut herself with a knife. At that stage the door opened and someone came
in. Since then she is on anti-depressant. Must work and clean constantly, cannot leave the slightest particle
of dust. If she tries not to do so, she feels a strong constriction in her throat and heavy weight in her
sternum. This constriction is so dreadful that she prefers to clean up, and then the constriction soon fades
away. Compulsive behavior. Prefers to be alone. She feels quite uneasy about her own behavior, but
cannot do anything about it. From her point of view her emotional distresses began in June 1992. Her 2
year-old daughter underwent an abdominal surgery for a tumour. The child had a heart arrest during the
operation and she was informed that the child probably may not survive. The child however, survived and
is well.
Syphilinum XM. Repeated thrice over a period of eight months. She went on improving, but later she
came with changed symptoms, after careful consideration Syphilinum XM, then 50M. There was severe
aggravation of the emotional symptoms, but after that she became normal. For the physical symptoms that
still remained she was given Rhus toxicodendron M, then 50M. Three years follow-up: remains well.
55. I have to defend myself
SHERR Jeremy (SIM, XII, 2/1999)
30-year-old male. Diagnosed Bornholm’s disease, a virus, an inflammation of the muscles and veins
of the rib cage. It feels like a hole in my lungs, like a punctured tire. The pain is sharp, in the front of the
chest, breastplate. Feel like going to suffocate. Has to rest a lot which is unlike him. It happened first at 3
a.m. worse when deep lungful air is taken or when leaning to left or right, felt better when he took mind off
it. Skin itches a lot.
A photographer, cinematographer. Feels that he has to depend on himself; competitive and passionate.
Very passionate. An optimist and very positive.
As a child (6 - 10 year age) recurring dream of a big dust storm, a puddle would turn into the desert.
As an adult he dreamt of the Egyptian God Anubis. He was injured when he was little; a thorn straight in
the eye.
Dreams somebody punctured him with a stick.
Androctonus amoreuxii hebraeus (Scorpion) 2 doses.
After hearing that Androctonus was his remedy, the patient showed a tattoo of scorpion on his
shoulder. Six weeks later: “Happy and well”. Pain went away in two days. Six months later the patient
wrote that he remained well.
In the ‘discussion’ part Jeremy SHERR tells how he came to find Androctonus as the remedy for the
patient. The whole justification seems to be a doctrine of signature.
[Personally I am unable to accept the justification. The patient used the word ‘punctured’ many times
and that represented an attack by Scorpion’s tail and the theme of pinpoint constriction. Mythological
character of Anubis in the patient’s dream is connected to anthropological interpretations of Scorpion. The
dreams also are interpreted. I do not know whether without sufficient knowledge of Egyptian Mythology,
one would arrive at the remedy as Androctonus. And for how many remedies can one, an ordinary
practitioner, find the signature and mythology - and which mythology - Greek, Hindu, Egyptian, or the
many others. And if has all this knowledge, is it homeopathic symptom similarity. =KSS]
56. A Case of Liver Cancer
EVERY Robert (HOM,74,1999)
A 39-year-old lady with secondary adenocarcinoma of the liver, spleen and gall bladder seen in
November 1995; the oncologist had predicted that she wouldn’t live for more than a few days. Under
homeopathic treatment she continued to live for another year and nine months before she died. This case
shows the quality extensions to life that homeopathy can provide to such patients. The patient died in her
own time and in peace. She needed many low potencies and mother tinctures, showing the need for such
support in cancer.
57. An Acute Remedy for Chronic Conditions
HARDY Jonathan (HL,11,3/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
The author narrates four cases in which the curative remedy was Lyssinum. Ailments caused by
intense fear is a strong feature. Some of the ‘mind’ rubrics are cited.
58. The Value of repeating High Potencies.
LINMANS Jo (HL,11,2/1998)
63-year-old woman with terrible rheumatic pains. This case demonstrates that we have to give high
potencies, for a longer period.
59. Nosodes also used in acute diseases?
KASTINGER-MAYR, Christa (HL,11,3/1998)
A child of four year-age with repeated attacks of Pneumonia was treated with Tuberculinum LM VI
potency; few weeks later she again develops Pneumonia and receives Carcinosinum. This remedy is
repeated twice over a period, and the child remains well.
[Dr.S.C.GHOSH of the famous book Drugs of Hindusthan, has narrated a series of cases of
Pneumonia in which he used Tuberculinum 200 in high fevers and obtained favourable results in all the
cases. Use of Nosodes in acute diseases is not uncommon = KSS]
60. Cancer, a deeper understanding
SMITS Tinus (HL,11,3/1998)
This is an interesting essay. SMITS says in his experience he found Carcinosinum as a very important
Nosode which is required more often now-a-days. He also reveals that there are Carcinosinum prepared
out of 48 different tumours, and gives a list of the pharmacies from where he obtained the information. He
also feels that probably this is the reason for someone getting a particular result while someone else does
not get that result, but may be something else. He then goes on to report two cases, in detail. He concludes
with the reliable symptoms of this remedy.
61. A mischievous Boy
HUMRANWALA Parinaz J. (HL,11,3/1998)
The author reports of a boy who was restless, mischievous, treated with Agaricus muscarius.
62. Cure of a beginning MS
De GEEST Johan (HL,11,3/1998)
46-year-old cleaning woman with back and neck pains, stomach and abdominal pains; vertigo and
nausea; palpitations; dim vision; loss of memory; fibroma of uterus; cysts in left ovary and left kidney;
hypothyroid since two years treated with Propylthiouracyl. She has cold and tingling left hand and leg;
searches for words; coldness of left hand. On the mental level Loquacious, Fear of Cancer, Sighing.
Cerebral CT Scan reveals a parietal lacunus picture. NMR points to a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.
Agaricus muscarius over a long time cured.
63. Morbidly inquisitive
HARDY Jonathan (HL,11,3/1998)
Three cases of Agaricus muscarius.
64. I feel hard and dark inside
SHERR Jeremy (HL,11,3/1998)
Female, born 1946 has had long term homeopathic treatment with no results. She feels totally self-
obsessed, selfish. Always thinking about herself, cannot think of anything else. Feels trapped in her own
mind, like a prison. Feels guilty all the time. Serious and cannot enjoy things. Feel hard and dark inside.
With sex no emotional connection, no enjoyment. Recurring dream of being attacked. Dreams of being
cut off and isolated. Recurrent dream of being locked in a room with a sensation of terror and panic.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
Germanium 30 repeated few times over 18 months. Remains well. The author selected the remedy on
the basis of the experience he had by his ‘proving’ this remedy.
65. A Sensation of Isolation
DOYLE Marie (HL,11,3/1998)
60-year-old female suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and severe depression for over two
years. In this case too the remedy was Germanium which the author had just then studied this remedy with
Jeremy SHERR.
[Many new provings have been made and many of them like Ozone, Hydrogen, Germanium, Neon, etc
have even found their place in the latest repertories. But where is the Proving details of these remedies and
their Materia Medica? Most of the common homeopaths don’t have access to the Materia Medica of these
remedies published in UK, etc. Apart from the high cost involved there are difficulties in procuring it from
abroad. Except feeling fascinated by these case reports, they are of no practical value unless the ‘Provings’
and Materia Medica (not the ‘themesconstructed by any individual), and of course genuine medicines are
available = KSS]
66. I do not want to be seen
GLANTZ Camilla (HL,11,3/1998)
This is also a case of Germanium. The sense of ‘isolation’, guilt feeling, seem to be main ‘themes’ of
this remedy.
67. Quick Bytes
EDSON, Lysanji (NEJH, 8,1/1999)
These are the cases discussed on the NESH Student Bulletin Board.
Case 1: Case of a cat which had difficulty urinating, and it kept pacing the room and with difficulty passed
a few drops of blood or bloody urine. The cat went around and around pacing, he’d stop suddenly and lick
his inflamed penis then back to his pacing. Apis was the remedy.
Case 2: After the author volunteered to get herself ‘strappedfor the demonstration of a taping technique
during an Osteopathic class, she developed an allergy/chemical burn to the adhesive used to make the tape
stay in place or the tape itself, which she left in place for two days as the tape on her back was soothing for
her back pain. Her back was inflamed, swollen and covered with tiny fluid filled vesicles. With severe
stinging and burning pain with amelioration from very cold application. Apis was the remedy.
68. Cases
(NEJH, 8,1/1999)
Case 1: Monkey Baby (GREEN, Jane): of a 42-year-old woman during her second pregnancy (the first
pregnancy ended in an abortion when she was in her early 30s.). She was constantly hungry and no matter
how much she ate, she never felt full. She could not ‘recognize herself’ when she looked at herself in a
mirror. She believed that her baby inside her was a monkey (in a scan it was seen that the baby had extra
fingers). Thuja occidentalis 200C one dose helped her.
Case 2: Toes like Sausages (EDSON, Lysanji): 53-year-old woman with a debilitating arthritic condition;
rheumatoid factor was negative; she had swollen extremities, huge ankles, toes like sausages, joints hot and
swollen; a shuffling gait; her eyes were mildly protruded and her hands trembled slightly as did her voice
and lower lip, she stammered. History of having used Cortisone cream for an eruption on the back. She
was diagnosed to have Cushing’s syndrome. Her highly sycotic nature, and the extreme swelling of her
ankles and feet, and loving the night, sensitivity of the soles of the feet and craving for ice cold drinks led
to Medorrhinum 200 with a dramatic effect.
Case 3: A case of Suicidal Depression (PRIDE, Anita): 20-year-old woman suffering from suicidal
depression. Thuja (based on: not feeling herself, of not knowing herself, of not liking herself, or something
moving in her abdomen, of perfectionism, and she is chilly, has headaches located in her left temple, and
does not like onions and garlics) and then Crotalus cascavella (based on: panic attacks with pounding
heart, choking, along with the suspiciousness, aggravation from sleep, menstrual issues, and worrying
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
about ghosts, right leg involvement and skin rashes) helped her to some extent. But finally it was
Mancinella (obsessive, rigid thoughts which possessed her and from which she could not rid herself; to
distract herself she kept busy, by going to school and watching funny movies) which helped her and she
was able to do well in her studies and helped her sleep better.
Case 4: The Need to Fill Up (LEDERMAN, Tamar): A-six-year-old girl with behavioural problems. She
had been adopted when she was four days old. Upto the age of 18 months she was a no-problem baby; at
eighteen months when she was taken on a hay-ride on a tractor, she started screaming and kicking as soon
as the tractor started. Since then she had fears and other behavioral problems. The progress of the child
after starting homeopathic treatment is shown through the photos of the sandplay of the child.
Hyoscyamus was the remedy for the child.
Case 5: I Laughed So Hard I Wet My Pants (GREENBERG, Alan): A-13-year-old girl with urinary
incontinence. It happened when she laughed or when she was nervous in social situations. Her lack of
confidence with the conscientiousness about trifles, fastidiousness, obstinacy, disposition to contradict and
her loquacity and involuntary urination led to Baryta carbonica being prescribed. Though she had an
affinity for Baryta carb., it obviously wasn’t her remedy, and she then improved on Hyoscyamus.
Case 6: Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes - A case of Adamas (SHERR, Jeremy): 40-year-old
extremely rich woman who had a feeling of no self-esteem or self-worth. Adamas was her remedy.
Case 7: How Well do you Know your Friends? (George KEELER III): A 47-year-old man with a fear of
Multiple Sclerosis. His mother died of MS and he had been having some symptoms, his spinal fluid
protein test were also positive for oligoclonal bands of MS. His irresolution and indecisiveness, disposition
to masturbate, pain in the forehead, dim and blurred vision, objects seem large, raises his foot unnecessarily
high in stepping over small objects when walking led to the prescription of Onosmodium. 14 months later a
MRI scan showed no new lesions and some return of “white matter.”
Case 8: A Case of ADD (MARCHAND, Jonathan): 12-year-old boy with undefined pains in his ankles and
lower legs for several weeks, and his chronic asthma, allergic rhinitis with violent bouts of sneezing,
recurrent sinusitis, school-going abdominal pains and ADD for which he was on Ritalin for four years.
Mercurius solubilis helped the boy. The author describes the Mercurius picture using Herscu’s cycles and
Case 9: An Aurum metallicum Case (LIEBENDORFER, Kerrie): A 49-year-old man with severe
depression since early childhood. His depression makes him want to sleep, yet he is unable to sleep
because of worries about making a living, how to provide for his children, and how long he can go on like
this. He was so depressed that he was barely able to get to the appointment, felt that it was too much effort.
Aurum metallicum corresponded to his depression/suicide, suppressed anger, insomnia and his cycle, which
helped for some time. Later he however required Stramonium with his depression and self-destructiveness.
After this there was tremendous improvement.
Case 10: A Case of Childhood Depression (KALADISH, Robert): 8-year-old boy with depression, low
self-esteem and temper problems. The case was a clear-cut textbook case of Stramonium.
Case 11: Sitting On The Floor - Understanding the Elusive Carcinosinum (HELBERG, Pam): In all the
above cases the remedy has been found using Paul Herscu’s Cycles and Segments. In this case the author
describes briefly his idea of Cycles and Segments: “This concept may be difficult to grasp initially,
especially after most of us have learned remedies by pattern recognition. But the Cycles and Segments
approach gives a more whole or complete view of each remedy. Dr.Herscu’s theory is that every remedy
has a cycle, and the cycle has segments or parts. All the symptoms of any remedy (or patient!) can fit into
a particular segment that represents the same idea. For example, irritability and sensitivity to noise may go
together in another segment. Once we have symptoms grouped together accordingly, we can start to see
that one set of symptoms leads logically to another set of symptoms. For instance, fear may lead one
patient to violence, thus representing two different segments for that patient. Fear may lead another patient
to desiring company one segment the same for these two patients but the following one, different.
When we only see one part of the patient, or one group of symptoms, and do not understand how one set of
symptoms leads to another, we are mislead, and often give the incorrect remedy. This approach therefore
influences case-taking: we ask the patient, what does this symptom make you do? Or what leads you to
develop this symptom? By so doing, our patients’ symptoms have context and we can see the whole person
in a more integrated way.”
This case was of a thin, very soft-spoken blonde woman in her late twenties who felt insecure and was very
timid; her biggest problem was the repressed emotions, specifically repressed anger, she was angry much of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
the time, and felt like the anger needed to come out. Staphysagria and Thuja did not help her. It was
finally Carcinosin which worked.
Case 12: Thrombocytopenia: When Close Does Not Count (HOOVER, Todd): 40-year-old woman with a
history of Multiple Sclerosis since 9 years and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura since 2 years. She
was first given Natrum muriaticum with no improvement. Carcinosinum helped for some time. After
Phosphorous the platelet count increased. [In my experience too, in the case of a Cancer patient, the
platelet counts increased after Phosphorous was given. In another case Hydrastis canadensis did the same
= KSS]
69. Exceptionally Homeopathy can cure Cancer with Metastasis
BERGHE Franz Vanden (HL,11,3/1998)
67-year-old man with Carcinoma of the Bladder. He had a massive Cancer metastasis around the iliac
blood vessels and between the Aorta and the Vena Cava. He underwent Chemo-therapy and radiation. He
still had painful frequent urination and very cloudy urine mixed with blood. He also started getting very
strong pain in the bladder extending on one side to the glans penis and on the other side to the abdomen.
The urologist could only give painkillers.
The central characteristic of Stannum metallicum - pain appearing gradually and disappearing
gradually, fitted the patient’s complaints and he was given Stannum metallicum 200.
The pain started to diminish immediately after this medicine and after 14 days there was a relapse and
the medicine was given in M potency and for the following 7 months he stayed free from complaints. He
then had nightly urging urination, headache. Stannum metallicum 200 helped. Three months later he felt
dizzy when he rose from sitting and complained of periodic difficult respiration. Stannum M one dose
restored. Another three months later a dose of Pulsatilla M,
He needed Stannum twice later, and remained without complaints until two years later.
70. The Natural Treatment of Hayfever
EDSON, Lysanji (NEJH,8,1/1999)
A brief look into what diet, nutritional supplements, botanical medicines, hydrotherapy and lifestyle
and environment can do to help reduce hayfever attacks.
71. A case of the Industrious Outsider
HERSHOFF, Asa (SIM,XII,2/1999)
Depression in a woman, with intense anger, irritation, sensitiveness. Tarentula hispanica M helped
her, but was not enough. She then needed Apis mellifica (based on: a central feature of her whole
personality was concern with how she functioned in the group, if she was acceptable to others, or
conversely, if she was suspect or an outsider; she was also not a pleasant person to be with, having an
unmistakable “buggy,” or irritating quality; she wanted to belong, or be a part of something or someone,
though her presence irritated others.) which helped her (“It seems to be right remedy for this “queen bee”
who describes her powerful, Amazon women friends as part of her hive, with the men - male drones - as
servants to their needs.)
72. As a girl I had to Work
Harry van der ZEE (HL,11,3/1998)
73. I could only see the back of my father
KÖNIG Peter (HL,11,3/1998)
Two cases of Rhododendron chrysantum. In the first case the patient a woman, felt that as a female
she was not given due respect as was being shown to boys. There was the ‘key note’ - sensitive to
thunderstorms. In the second case the patient, also a female, had the characteristic theme of
Rhododendron, the absent father”.
74. Overweening pride
SHAH Jawahar (HL,11,3/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
With a case from his practice the author shows that the ‘small’ remedy Gratiola is as much useful in
cases of ‘pride’ as Platina, Palladium, etc.
75. A successful treatment with Rhus toxicodendron
ROGIERS Patrick (HL,11,3/1998)
76. A Case Of Asthma And Metrorrhagia
HELLER, Daniel (SIM,XII,2/1999)
A 31-year-old mother of three with allergic asthma and metrorrhagia. She had asthma for two years
with difficulty in breathing, her chest gets tight, and she can’t laugh without coughing; wheezing is worse
at night trying to go to sleep, lying down, and in certain homes and other places. For instance, she is unable
to clean out certain closets of her house, especially those where fabrics are stored. She is much worse in
libraries and book-stores. Incense, fabric stores, and cigarette smoke will provoke an attack. Worse in
winter. She bleeds every day, and estimates that there may be four or five days a month when she does not
bleed. The following symptoms were repertorised: Ameliorated by seaside air, Metrorrhagia after exertion,
Menses copious, exertion aggravates, Feet, soles hot uncovers them, Asthmatic worse at night, Winter
aggravates. Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Sepia, Lycopodium and Natrum muriaticum were the remedies which came
up. Pulsatilla came through the strongest, and it was also confirmed in the second visit, when it was given.
Within a month of taking it she was better, she had very slight bleeding and cramps, no wheezing too. And
she also had a positive pregnancy test. Her pregnancy proceeded well and she now has a seven-month-old
77. A Case of Bipolar Disease
HELLER, Daniel (SIM,XII,2/1999)
43-year-old woman with bipolar disease. She was given Natrum sulphuricum as she had elements of
both Natrum muriaticum and Sulphur. She improved a little and she later needed Medorrhinum but the
improvement was not complete as the patient continued to have varying mood patterns. She stopped
homeopathic treatment and went back to her previous medications. But she continued to keep in touch
with the doctor. A year later she reported to the doctor that in spite of having stopped the medications that
she was on, she had not had the dramatic mood shifts. The author remarks: “I suppose it could be
questioned whether the remedy did anything in this case, as there was an interval of several months and
much powerful, possible antidoting medication in the interim. While there is no sure way to answer this
question, I believe the remedy was a primary factor in the patient’s recovery. Important things did change
in her life: moving from a meaningless job to a meaningful school life; living in what felt like a more
supportive community. ...I don’t know of another therapy, apart from prayer, that could possibly effect a
shift from a bipolar to a non-bipolar state. It is possible that, had the patient waited a little longer before
going back on medication, she would have experienced the benefits sooner.”
78. Onion “Miasm”
POPEN, Andre Y. (SIM, XII, 2/1999)
63-year-old man with asthma which he had since he was three years. For 60 years he had been taking
steroids without any benefit. Along with other symptoms he had an aversion for onions, which was there
from his third year of age. After repertorisation of the symptoms, the remedy Sabadilla came up and over a
period of 10 months he was given Sabadilla from LM1 to LM3 potencies and he was free from asthma, his
vision improved and he also did not have heartburn or liver area discomfort.
79. Two Cases of Leucoderma
WADIA, S.R. (CCR,7,3 &4/1998)
Case 1: 15-year-old girl with leucoderma, on both eyelids, corners of mouth, both jaws, throat pit, left
ankle outer malleolus for 4-5 years. Thuja, Alumina, Tuberculinum, BCG, Ferrum metallicum, Cuprum
aceticum, Calcarea phosphorica, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Hepar sulphuricum were the remedies that she
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 26
Case 2: 40-year-old woman with white spots all over the body particularly forehead (a big spot), lips,
hands, legs and breast. Itching on legs. The remedies that she needed were Sepia, Terebinth, Nitric acid,
Tuberculinum, Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum.
80. Few Cases From My Clinic
MISTRY, D.E. (CCR,7,3 & 4/1998)
Case 1: Non Specific Itching: 30-year-old woman with itching all over the body for many years in the
evening upto 9 p.m. and also on awaking in the morning. She was first given Tuberculinum M, and then
later on as the symptoms indicated Benzoic acid, Pulsatilla and Rhus-tox.
Case 2: Eczema: 34-year-old man with eczema on the dorsum of the left feet and pain in calves, arms,
thigh and tendoachilles. His wandering pains, Chronic coryza, Thirstlessness, Suppressed eczema and Fear
of ghosts led to the prescription of Pulsatilla. The pains improved with increase in the itching. Carcinosin
(there was a history of cancer in the family) helped clear the miasmatic block and cleared the eczema.
Case 3: Non-specific Itching and Anal Fissure: 47-year-old male with itching on body and anal fissure
with bleeding and pain and concomitant piles and itching around anal area. Ratanhia, followed by Sulphur,
Chelidonium and then Nitric acid and Natrum mur. were the remedies.
Case 4: Eczema: Eczema over the left leg and right thigh since a injury few months ago. As there were no
strong symptoms to start with Carcinosin was given with little improvement. Graphites was finally the
remedy which helped.
Case 5: 6-year-old child with horny warts on the nose and below the eyelid since few months. Silica was
given with bleeding and drying up of only one wart. After Sulphur, followed by Antimonium crudum the
warts began to fall off.
Case 6: 10-month-old baby with rashes on both feet after vaccination. Thuja cleared the rash.
Case 7: Infantile Eczema: 12-year-old girl with eczema of the cheeks, bends of elbows and popliteal
region from the third month of life. Arsenicum album and Tuberculinum were the remedies that she mainly
needed. Syphilinum was also given once. Sulphur given in small doses intercurrently also helped.
Case 8: Myalgia and Ringworm: 35-year-old woman with pain both limbs. After Pulsatilla her knee
pains, though better continued to persist. Carninosin was given which brought out an eruption, which was
then treated by Bacillinum, Sepia and Calcarea carb. There was no pain but some amount of itching
81. Fruitless Activity
HARDY Jonathan T. (HL,11,4/1998)
44-year-old female patient; Obesity, Mood swings, Anxiety, and indigestion. She suffered from severe
compulsory neurosis. She loves knitting. Also obsessed with washing. Couldn’t keep her hands from
working, if nothing, over and over the same thing. She sleeps on her abdomen. Extreme fear of cats,
marked fear of lifts. Terrific craving for Coffee, drinks 20 to 30 cups a day. Theridion restored her to good
health. Long-term follow-up.
A peculiar thing that came up was that after her second dose of Theridion a patch of white hair, measuring
4 cm. wide appeared right across the left side of her head. This has remained, but as her hair has grown it
has come through with her normal brown colour again.
82. The Up and Down Snake
SERBAN Gabrielle (HL,11,4/1998)
A woman in her 30s, with acute emotional crisis, accompanied by Cystitis which had not responded to
Antibiotics. She had studied classical Homeopathy and “her intense desire had been to get the Nobel
Prize for Homeopathy”. She loved gardening and worked in the garden along with her neighbour since
they shared a two-family house. Her neighbour told her that she was pushing too far with gardening; this
our patient felt was a big shock, a great disappointment, “I thought she was on a high level. I considered
her my sister. Now she is nothing. I cannot forget that”. She felt “humiliated, mortified”. She was the
best of the students while at school. She put everything into her studies and scored high. She developed
relationship and felt that she should put everything into relationship, and slid down in her school grading.
This relationship broke and she “slid down into an abyss”.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 27
Elaps M.
83. A Few Cases From My Practice
SHINDE, Prakash (CCR, 7, 3 & 4/1998)
Case 1: Multiple Sclerosis: 42-year-old woman coming from a farmer family had weakness in both her
hands and fingers and weakness of the right eye muscles. Steroids were taken without much improvement.
Soon Central scotoma and paralysis of right lower limb followed. Diagnosed to have Multiple sclerosis.
Within a few months she was paralysed in both lower limbs with rectal and bladder paralysis. Plumbum
metallicum 200, then M, was given. Two and half months after the treatment was started the patient began
to walk with the support of a stick. The treatment is continuing.
Case 2: Rheumatoid Arthritis: 45-year-old woman with recurrent joint pains and R.A. positive,
dependent on painkillers and minimal steroids. The disease had so progressed that if she missed a single
analgesic she could not leave the bed. Sulphur M, later 50M was given which brought out a diarrhoea
which gradually came under control without any medicine. Then Psorinum was given which ultimately
gave relief from the joint pains.
Case 3: Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Coronary block: A retired veterinary surgeon had severe chest
pain extending into left hand with profuse perspiration. Diagnosed as Myocardial infarction and while at
hospital was also found to be hypertensive and diabetic. After the condition was stable he was discharged
from the hospital but had another episode of angina and was diagnosed as myocardial infarction evolved
from unstable angina. There was atherosclerotic coronary artery occlusion and distal LCA disease. He was
advised to undergo Coronary Artery Bypass surgery. Under homeopathic treatment he was first given
Kalmia 200 and a month later Crataegus ø 5 drops b.d. and then again Kalmia M. four months later a dose
of Lycopodium M. 8 months after homeopathic treatment when he was reviewed by the cardiac surgeon
the surgery was cancelled as there no longer was any indication for it.
84. Secondary Sterility Logic or Pathology
VARMA, P.R. (CCR,7,3 & 4/1998)
Secondary sterility in a couple who had lost a 2-year-old child. The wife was given Natrum
muriaticum and the husband Belladonna. The second month after treatment was started she was pregnant.
85. Homeopathic Cardiac Medicines and Cases.
HILTNER, Richard (CCR,7,3 & 4/1998)
This article has been taken from JAIH, 87, 2/1994 issue.
86. A Precious Work Of A Precious Metal
KUMAR, Praveen (CCR,8,1 & 2/1999)
A pious, religious lady of 42-year-old woman suffering from vaginismus for more than 8 months. The
following symptoms were taken into consideration: Religiousness, Taciturn, Sensitive agg. noise, Mental
depression and Weak memory for fatigue and Vaginismus and Platina 200 was given.
87. Cameo Cases
MISTRY, D.E. (CCR,8,1 & 2/1999)
Case 1: During homeopathic treatment for burning soles, headache and varicose veins and dysmenorrhoea,
a woman developed severe vulvo-vaginitis with Candida albicans as the incriminating organism. She was
in her 8th month of pregnancy. Candida albicans 30 was given with relief from the symptom.
Case 2: A small boy developed pain during micturition with passage of some drops of blood after
urination. Phosphorous 200 was given. Later Sarasaparilla 30 was given in repeated doses. A week after
Sarsaparilla the urine was clear and the boy also did not have pain.
Case 3: A baby came with complaints of chronic loss of appetite and chronic constipation with flatulency.
Various medicines were tried without much benefit. He periodically had various problems like cough,
coryza, fever and vomiting and colicky pains in the abdomen. She was given Bowel Nosode Bacillus
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 28
gartner 200 C. with remarkable improvement. The nosode needed to be repeated thrice. She subsequently
improved on Calcarea-carb. and Tuberculinum.
Case 4: A dry cough on talking and lying improved after Manganum aceticum. Pulsatilla was then
Case 5: A person came for pain around the Rt. great toe from a shoe bite after he had the nail of the great
toe removed by the surgeon for an ingrowing toe nail. The ingrowing toe nail again appeared. He was
given various remedies for the other complaints that he had. But the nail did not heal and continued to
discharge pus. So a few doses of Silica were given and after this the patient developed a left sided tonsillar
swelling which shifted to the right. Even though Merc-iod-rub is inimical to Silica, it was given and the
tonsillar swelling subsided. The ingrowing toe nail finally succumbed to Magnetis polus australis 200.
88. A Few Cases From My Practice
JAMES, K.J. (CCR,8,1 & 2/1999)
Case 1: Migraine: Middle aged lady suffering from Migraine for the last three years. Arsenicum album
based on her state of avarice was given.
Case 2: Cough cured by Cedron: A woman came for cough since one week. She had a strange symptom
since years: if she wakes up any night at a particular time due to any reason, then all the subsequent night
she will wake up precisely at the exact time when she woke up for the first time, without change even in
minutes. Based on this PQRS: Clock Like Periodicity Cedron 30 was given with immediate improvement
of the cough.
Case 3: Allergic Rhinitis: The patient had itching in the eyes with severe sneezing. She was worse in
cloudy weather and clear fine weather when the sun appears bright after a cloudy weather. Rhus-tox 200
was given.
Case 4: Lumbago: 40-year-old woman was suffering from backache agg. from standing. She also had a
peculiar symptom: Sensation of coldness between the scapulae which is an important symptom of
Ammonium mur.200. It relieved her back ache.
Case 5: Ailments after Fright: 21-year-old man got frightened after seeing thieves in his house at about
midnight. From that day this man stopped speaking, wept like a child, was very anxious when alone. A
few doses of Pulsatilla cured him in a fortnight.
Case 6: This patient had 24 loose motions with vomiting, weakness, sweating and palpitations. He was
admitted in a hospital and his vomiting stopped but not the diarrhoea. Stools were green in colour and
gushing in nature like water from a hydrant. Gratiola 30 a few doses cured him.
Case 7: Tachycardia: 28-year-old man came with numbness of upper and lower limbs. Palms
increasingly sweaty, dyspnoea and Tachycardia. Adrenalin 6 a few doses two hourly cured the patient of
all his symptoms.
89. Random Thoughts on Key-Note Prescribing
KULKARNI, Ajit (CCR,8,1 & 2/1999)
This article is on whether keynote prescribing is as valuable as it is made out to be and whether it is to
be used frequently or only rarely.
90. Heilungshindernis durch falsche Potenzwahl (Wrong potency a hindrance for cure)
WEGENER, A. (ZKH,43,1/1999)
In some cases a 30th potency did not cure, but a higher potency of the same remedy cured. The
problem of potentization in Homeopathy is discussed. A rule is also searched for the find the most
efficient potency in a case. Cases from practice are cited.
91. Die Heringsche Regel und ihre Auswirkung auf die Hierarchie der Symptome (The HERING’s
Rule and its application in the order of Symptoms)
FREI, H.(ZKH,43,2/1999)
In patients with symptoms which cannot be fitted to a single homeopathic remedy, HERING proposed
according to his Rule, that the latest symptoms have to disappear first, if a patient is to be cured definitely -
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 29
a procedure favoring the latest symptoms. The case is thus resolved layer by layer. This is illustrated with
a case history.
92. Palladium und der Wert der lokalisierten Empfindungen (Palladium and the value of the
localised symptoms)
WEGENER, A.(ZKH,43,2/1999)
In KENT’s hierarchy of the symptoms, the changes of spirit and state of mind are in first place,
followed by the ‘General’ symptoms, i.e., feelings and modalities, which concern the whole person, in last
place, the local symptoms should be taken into consideration. It is an erroneous impression that the
characteristic local symptoms are of minor importance to KENT. KENT meant something different by
local symptoms (“particulars’). For him, the “particulars” were not localized feelings which contain
obvious signs for the patient, but rather objective symptoms of a disease, the location and
organopathological changes. With a case of Palladium as it is demonstrated that localized feelings can be
important key symptoms.
93. Die homöopathische Krebsbehandlung - Teil 4 (The homeopathic treatment of Cancer - Part 4)
KLINKENBERG, C.R.(ZKH,43,1/1999)
Homeopathic remedies have a limited range of action upto the so-called the stop-spot. When drugs
are chosen, a homeopathicity must be established also to the disease process. Drugs which have
repeatedly proven their effectiveness in the case of Cancer diseases, often show a rather local effect on the
Tumor and are supplemented during treatment by deeper acting remedies. Some of these so-called “Cancer
drugs” are mentioned and it is pointed out, that other drugs should not be generally excluded from the list
of remedies to be considered. The use of Nosodes and organ-specific drugs in the treatment of Cancer is
discussed. Finally the special aspects of the homeopathic anamnesis to the case of Cancer patients are
discussed. [The earlier three parts on the homeopathic treatment of Cancer, by KLINKENBERG
appeared in the ZKH,42/1998 - please see QHD, XVI,1/1999. Readers may send in their comments =
94. Exudative Pleuritis
FUCKERT, M. (ZKH,43,2/1999)
An extended Exudative Pleurisy was successfully treated by two doses of Sepia in high potency.
95. Primär-chronische Polyarthritis - Ein Behandlungsverlaug (Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis - A
KLUNKER, W. (ZKH,43,2/1999)
With a case from his practice the author explains the methodology of homeopathic treatment in a case
of rheumatoid arthritis.
96. Diagnostique, dialogue, thérapie (Diagnosis, dialogue, therapy)
RASQUEZ, Fernando (CGH,35,10/1998)
Read in the 51st congress of LMHI, Capri, 3rd October 1996. The importance of diagnosis, the
patient-doctor dialogue and therapy right from the time of Sydenham to modern day are discussed.
97. Die Verwendung der C- und Q-Potenzen in HAHNEMANNs Pariser Zeit (The use of the
C and Q Potencies in HAHNEMANN’s Paris period)
OOMEN, G. (ZKH,43,3/1999)
Q-potencies (50-millesimal potencies) are considered to be the most important innovation of the sixth
edition of the Organon, the revision of which had been concluded by February 1842. It is shown that upto
this time HAHNEMANN had not yet gained much experience with the Q-potencies. Only beginning of
March 1842, they are used increasingly, often alternating with C-potencies.
1. Einige Unklarheiten/Fehler in den Repertorien (Some confusions/errors in the Repertories)
SRINIVASAN, K.S. (ZKH,43,1/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 30
Errors and confusions which are noticed in the different repertories in daily practice are listed,
commented upon and corrected as far as possible.
2. Fehleintragungen und Mittelverwechslungen im Repertorium (Wrong entries and and remedy
alterations in the Repertories)
Wrong entries and some errors inth Repertories currently in use are listed.
3. Alumen und Alumina in den Repertorien (Alumen and Alumina in the Repertories)
SRINIVASAN, K.S. (ZKH,43,2/1999)
A random review of the ‘MindChapter of the Repertories reveal much confusion in the entries of
Alumen and Alumina due to confusion in the use of abbreviations for these two remedies. The author calls
for a thorough examination of the entries of these two remedies.
1. How big is big? How small is small?
WINSTON Julian (HT,18,3/1998)
This is regarding the ‘poppy seed size’ laid down by HAHNEMANN as the ‘sizeof the single LM
potency pill. What exactly was the size of the poppy seed of his days? This is discussed. The conclusion is:
pellet with a diameter of 0.91 mm. should be the right size of the LM pellet!
2. All mixed up
CASTRO Miranda (HT,18,5/1998)
Miranda CASTRO writes a column regularly in the Homeopathy Times under the title Everyday
Magic. In this issue 5/1998, she writes about polypharmacy, mixtures of homeopathic (?) medicines for
certain specific diseases. She seems to reconcile to this un-ethical practice, since “they work”. [For that
there are many other therapies, techniques that work, like the main school medicine; can they all be
”homeopathic therapy? I feel that we are “illegal” indeed if we practice polypharmacy or mixtures.
Merely because 70% of sales are such mixtures it doesn’t become right or legal = KSS]
3. Verreibungen aus flüssigen Vorstufen (Triturations from liquid stage)
SAKMANN, A. (AHZ,244,1/1999)
The direction 7 in the HAB (the Homeopathic Pharmacopaeia of Germany) for preparation of
triturations from liquid state is studied. This must be clearly prescribed since a good quality trituration is
not ensured by the current directions. The author suggests the prescription of use of mortar and pestle and
triturate for at least ten minutes. The dilution D2 should be prescribed for the trituration process. A
standard deviation of 2% is suggested.
4. Ice Crystals in extremely dilute solutions
ULLMAN Dana (HL,11,3/1998)
The writer refers to the experiments carried by a ‘group of California scientists at the American
Technologies Group’ and discovered, identified, and characterized a unique type of stable (non-melting) ice
crystals that maintain an electrical field. The new research by Dr.S.LO and the various other scientists who
have confirmed it seems to verify the experiences of two centuries of homeopathic physicians. Dr.LO
calls these ice crystals, IE crystals (’I’ stands for ice, and ‘E’ for the electrical fierld that is emanated from
them). Dr.LO notes, “There seems to be something unique in water that undergoes extreme dilution, and
we now have the laboratory evidence and even the photographic evidence to verify it.” Dr.LO is further
quoted as saying “The homeopaths were definitely onto something, but our discovery of IE crystals may
help their medicines become even more powerful, and these IE crystals will also probably have significant
industrial application, energy transfer benefits, cleansing uses, and ecological protection.”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 31
5. Minerals, Plants and Animals in Homeopathy: on their relationship
BRUNNER Heidemarie (HL,11,4/1998)
This is an interesting article on the similarities between remedies drawn from Plants, Animals and
1. De Sulfur à Alumina (From Sulphur to Alumina)
SPILBAUER, J.P. (CGH, 35, 9/1998)
Case 1: Genralised Eczema in a male cocker spaniel - itching in the chin, frequent abscess of the anal
glands, sensitivity to warm air, sneezing from strong odours, worse while riding in a car, desire for sweets
and no eruption in spite of scratching, lead to the prescription of Sulphur.
Case 2: A breton Spaniel - diagnosed to have Pyodermatitis of allergic origin. Congestive patches with
crusts on the abdomen extending to the limbs, had a very offensive odour, aggravated by heat, anxious in
the presence of strangers, did not like to be alone, was polypnic, and could not lie in one position, was
restless throughout the consultation. After Ambra grisea and Sulphur, Carbo vegetabilis cured the dog.
Case 3: A German Sheperd suffered from Chronic Dermatosis. Lachesis based on the playfulness of the
dog with extreme jealousy and a wild look in the eyes helped the dog.
Case 4: A female German shepherd with osseous troubles: stage 1 bilateral coxo-femoral dysplasia and
urinary incontinence, pyometra after an induced abortion was treated by total hysterectomy; and skin
troubles: acute eczema, allergic dermatitis to flea bites, and pyodermatits. Sulphur, Phosphoric acid and
Silica brought about a temporary amelioration but no lasting relief. Finally based on Starting about trifles
and Fear, approaching him, of others led to the prescription of Petroleum which brought on a lasting
improvement in all the planes.
Case 5: A male Yorkshire with severe pruritis was cured by Alumina.
The author concludes: Polychrest or small remedy? My response is actually simple: the
medicine prescribed does not matter, from the time it gives correct results, i.e. spectacular and durable.
Never forget that a polychrest is just a remedy like others, the indications of which are always as precise as
that of the lesser used remedies. If a prescription does not produce the expected homeopathic effects,
useless to take refuge behind a polychrest: one must continue to search (for the correct remedy).
1. Klinische Forschung zur Homöopathie - eine kritische Bewertung (Clinical research in
Homeopathy - a critical evaluation)
ALBRECHT, H. (AHZ,244,2/1998)
The problem of clinical research on Homeopathy is discussed including the meta-analysis of all
randomized trials on Homeopathy until 1995, the meta-analysis of trials on certain conditions and the
randomized trials published until the end of 1998. The results are critically analyzed. The suitability of
randomized double-blind study for the proof of effectivenes of Homeopathy is discussed as well as the
significance of observational and outcomes studied.
2. Statistical analysis of adaptive response in sister chromatid exchanges in human
lymphocytes after treatment with very low and extremely low doses of N-methyl-N-
Nitroguanidine using a study design to control variability
Previous studies have been interpreted as suggesting that low concentrations of N-methyl-N-
nitroguanidine (MNNG) have an adaptive effect in the cultured lymphocytes of responsive donors (that is,
the cells are protected against the mutagenic effects of a subsequent challenge with a higher concentration
of MNNG). The objectives of the present study were to investigate, under stringent experimental
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 32
conditions whether a protective effect exists at a very low and extremely low doses of MNNG (10
and 10
M, respectively).
Peripheral blood lymphocytes from a donor considered responsive in a previous study were stimulated
to divide and were cultured under standard conditions. Pre-adaptive treatments were dilutions of MNNG
were added to the cultures repeatedly before a challenge treatment with MNNG. Bromodeoxyuridine was
added at the same time as the challenge treatment and following mitotic arrest, cells were differentially
stained so that the number of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) could be counted. The study was
designed to address potential criticisms of earlier studies which did not include replicate cultures. Samples
of blood were divided into two identical batches for independent processing. Five replicate cultures were
prepared for each combination of pre-adaptive and challenge treatments in each batch. The complete
experiment was repeated to provide a further test of the consistency of results. Five replicate per treatment
combination were chosen in an attempt to provide an experiment of adequate statistical power.
Considerable precautions were taken to minimise the effect of factors outside experimental control on the
results. Scoring was done by three scorers. In order to minimise inter-scorer variation, 240 cells were
scored at each treatment observation (five cells per scorer, three scorers per culture, four cultures per batch,
two batches per experiment and two experiments). The study was designed in this way to take account of
the sources of variability to ensure that any response obtained would exceed that obtainable by
experimental variability alone. A high level of quality assurance monitoring was undertaken throughout
the investigation. Two measures of SCE induction were used: (i) the mean frequency of SCEs; (ii)
proportion of cells with at least 20 SCEs. In both experiments, the challenge concentration of MNNG
significantly increased SCE frequency. There were, however, highly significant differences between the
two experiments. The proportion of high frequency cells (HFCs) in Experiment 1 was increased
significantly; the proportion of HFCs was also increased in Experiment 2, but the increase was not
statistically significant. The pre-adaptive concentrations of MNNG included an extremely low dilution of
6.8 x 10
M and a very low dilution of 6.8 x 10
M in Experiment1 and 1.4x 10
in Experiment 2. The
various pre-adaptive concentrations used had no consistent protective effect against the SCE-inducing
capacity of the challenge concentration of MNNG of 6.6 x 10
It is concluded that an adaptive response to the alkylating agent MNNG could not be demonstrated in
cultured human lymphocytes. Neither a very low nor an extremely low dilution of MNNG elicited an
adaptive response in terms of SCEinduction (measured either as SCE frequency or as proportion of HFCs).
This is in contradiction to previous reports published by us and other groups. This study was carefully
designed with large numbers of replicates, a preliminary statistical power calculation, predefined
comparisons and extensive quality assurance of each treatment administration. Despite these precautions
the variablity between scores and between batches was much larger than anticipated. This resulted in some
statistically significant differences but these are likely to be false positives.Our findings indicate the need
for such methodological refinement in human and cell adaptive response studies.
3. Homeopathy in HIV Infection: a Trial report of double-blind placebo-controlled study
RASTOGI, DP., SINGH, VP., SINGH, V., DEY, SK., and RAO, K. (BHJ,88,2/1999)
The objective of this was aimed to evaluate the immuno-modulator role of homeopathic remedies in
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection.
Methodology: A randomized double blind clinical trial was conducted to compare the effect of
homeopathic remedies with placebo, on CD4
T-lymphocytes in HIV infected individuals, conforming to
Centre for Disease Control (CDC) stage II & III. 100 HIV
individuals between 18-50 y (71% males)
were included in the study 56 cases conformed to CDC stage II - Asymptomatic HIV infection, and 50
cases to CDC stage III - Persistent Generalised Lymphadenopathy (PGL). Cases were stratified according
to their clinical status and CD4
lymphocyte counts. The randomisation charts were prepared much
before the start of the trial by randomly assigning placebo and verum codes to registration numbers from 1
to 50. A single
individualised homeopathic remedy was prescribed in each case and was followed up at intervals of 15 d
to one month. A six months study was performed for each registered case. Assessment of progress was
made by evaluation of CD4
lymphocyte counts, which was the prospectively defined main outcome
measure of the study; the results were compared with the base line immune status.
Results: In PGL, a statistically significant difference was observed in CD4
T lymphocyte counts
between pre and post trial levels in verum group (P <0.01). In the placebo group a similar comparison
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 33
yielded non-significant results (P =0.91). Analysis of change in the pre and post trial counts of CD4
cells between groups was also statistically significant (P =0.04)
In asymptomatic HIV infection, differences in absolute CD4
lymphocyte counts between pre- and
post trial levels were not significant. Analysis of changes in pre- and post trial CD4 levels of place and
verum groups for combined strata of asymptomatic and PGL groups was also not significant.
Conclusion: The study suggests a possible role of homeopathic treatment in HIV infection in
symptomatic phase, as evidenced by a statistically significant elevation of base line immune status in
persistent generalised lymphadenopathy.
4. Reduction of alcohol induced sleep time in albino mice by potentized Nux vomica prepared
with 90% ethanol
SUKUL, A., SINHABAU, SP., SUKUL, N. (BHJ,88,2/1999)
Male adult albino mice were administered potentizesd Nux vomica 30c (Nux v). The drug was mixed
with sterile distilled water at 0.05 ml/2 ml water and given at 0.05 ml/individual. Control consisted of
blank ethanol solution. Ethanolic extract from the seeds of Strychnos nux vomica L was mixed with 90%
ethanol 1: 100 and sonicated for 30 s at 20 Kh
This was further diluted and sonicated in 30 steps to
produce Nux v 30 c. Six hours after treatment mice were given 25% ethanol i.p at 4 g/kg body wt. The
duration of sleep time starting from the loss of righting reflex until its restoration was recorded for each
mouse. The duration of sleep time with ethanol was recorded in four sessions for the same group of mice
with an interval of 10 d between sessions. Treatments: session 1 with control solution, 2 with Nux-v. (oral),
3 with control solution and 4 with Nux-v. (i.p.). Nux-v. (oral) produced the shortest sleep time as compared
to other treatments which did not differ from each other significantly with respect to sleep time. In another
experiment Nux v 30 c was prepared with distilled water and pure absolute ethanol by the above process of
successive dilution and sonication. These two preparations together with Nux v 30 c prepared with 90%
ethanol was effective in reducing the sleep time in mice. It is concluded that the solution structure of
ethanol/water mixture carries the specificity of the Nux-v at ultra high dilution. It is further conlcuded that
the effect is mediated through oral receptors.
5. Où Êtes-Vous, Dr.Conte?
MILGROM, Lionel (HOM,72,1999)
Rolland R.CONTE, a 61-year-old French international economic consultant whose field of expertise is
macroeconomics, e.g. strategic planning and the forecasting of product consumption, commodities and
equities has written a book: Theory of High Dilutions and Experimental Aspects in which he claims to
scientifically explain how homeopathic remedies work. CONTE and his eclectic team including
mathematician Henri BERLIOCCHI, scientist and medic, Yves LASNE, and computer engineer, Gabriel
VERNOT have tried to insert the high dilution properties into the corpus of science.’ They say that
potentised solutions are observably different from solutions that have simply been diluted and this
difference can be measured using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy by measuring a parameter
called the spin-spin relaxation time T2 which CONTE claims, being constant for water under well-
defined conditions, goes haywire for succussed remedies. The chaotic changes in T2, probably a measure
of the subtle magnetic interactions between spinning hydrogen nuclei in water molecules, by using a
mathematical averaging process give reproducible data on the succussed solutions.
CONTE also claims that the process of succussion induces low-level microwave ß-radioactivity which
can be measured using Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC), a technique which can also be used to analyse
human body fluids for diagnositic and therapeutic purposes. The actual value of the count in this technique
is also dependent on the potency. This should make it possible to characterise any given homeopathic
remedy at any given potency by its LSC spectrum. The beating of our hearts similarly potentises our
bodily functions, so that they too should give an LSC specturm. Intriguingly, the low-level radio-activity
spectrum from a homeopathic remedy is said to match spectra taken from the saliva of people requiring
that remedy. Thus a person can simply run a sample of saliva or urine through an LSC and match it to the
LSC of a remedy, to find out his remedy.
This is all still far away as CONTE’s work though being reproducible, the model and the mathematical
methods that have been used to explain still contain errors. Homeopaths need neither feel overjoyed that
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 34
finally an answer to how their medicines work has been found nor fear that making the selection of a
remedy so mechanised takes away the art from Homeopathy.
The author concludes: CONTE is not the first, nor will he be the last to try to meld homeopathy and
science. Whatever his shortcomings, and regardless of whether he is right or wrong, CONTE offers
unusual insights which homeopaths would do well to understand.
6. Clinical Researches in Homeopathy
GOPALKRISHNA, K (CCR,8,1 & 2/1999)
This article talks about the failure of double blind trials done with homeopathic remedies without
1. The Early dissemination of the Homeopathic Healing Art
FARR Richard (HT,18,5/1998)
Chronological history of the early spread of Homeopathy through the world.
1812: Germany (Leipzig). HAHNEMANN’s first students: STAPF, GROSS, FRANZ, HARTMANN,
1818: Brazil: Dr. FRANCIS used Homeopathy at this early date but there was no formal conversion until
1840 when it was used by Dr.ESTRADA.
1819: Austro-Hungarian Empire: Dr.FLEISCHMANN (Vienna), Dr.MARENZELLER (Prague)
1821: Denmark: Hans Christian LUND, pupil of HAHNEMANN.
1821: Italy: Dr.NECKER (originally from Austria, he settled in Naples and converted Drs.ROMANI,
1823: Russia: Dr.ADAM (St.Petersburg).
1825: United States: Hans Burch GRAM. Studied with LUND in Denmark.
1827: Great Britain: Frederick Foster Hervy QUIN. Converted by NECKER.
1829: Belgium: Dr.deMOOR (Alost).
1829: Spain: ZUARTE, a layman and friend of NECKER, was first to use Homeopathy.
1830: France: Dr. des GUIDI (Converted by ROMANI in Naples. Practiced in Lyon).
1838: Portugal: Introduced at Lisbon
1839: India: HONIGBERGER, a pupil of HAHNEMANN (Calcutta)
1842: Canada: James LILLIE, a pupil of VANDENBURG in NY, settled in Toronto.
1847: Uruguay: Homeopathic practice introduced at Montevideo.
1851: Australia: Introduced by Mr.BERGNY, a “non-qualified” man.
1853: Mexico: Drs.NAVARETTE and CORNELIAS.
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2. The Early Work of Dr.Edward BACH
LEARY, B. (BHJ,88,1/1999)
The work of Edward BACH, prior to his discovery of the Flower remedies, is described. He
demonstrated non-lactose fermenting bacteria in patients’ stools. These were later used as the basis of
some of the Bowel Nosodes.
3. Zu den Auseinandersetzungen um die Institutionalisierung von Naturheilkunde und
Homöopathie an der Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität zu Berlin zwischen 1918 und 1933
(Discussion about the Institutionalisation of Natural therapy and Homeopathy in the
Friedrich-Wilhelm-University of Berlin between 1918 and 1933)
WERNER Petra (MedGG,12/1993)
After the November 1918 Revolution the Government, supported by strong pressure groups, made
several attempts to establish Naturopathy and Homeopathy as subjects at the Prussian Universities. Thus
in 1919, a decision of the Prussian parliament to install a “Chair of General Therapy” led to fierce
discussions between representatives of the Government on the one hand and members of the medical
faculties on the other. In 1927, a “Chair in Homeopathy” was created, which also lead to several
controversies. The full Professors of the medical faculty of the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin
strongly rejected the idea. They were supported by their colleagues in other universities. Their motives
seem to have been both financial and scientific.
4. Medizin für Nichtmediziner: Die Popularisierung heilkundlichen Wissens im Mittelalter
(Medicine for Non-medicals: The popularisation of medical knowledge in the Middle Ages)
RIHA Ortrun (MedGG,13/1994)
The history of the tradition of medical texts written in the vernacular in the Middle Ages, in particular
the strict synchronic study of manuscripts, reveals that we are not dealing with specialized knowledge for
experts but with information which was available to anybody who could read. The medical layman and
with him the potential patient thus shifted into the centre of interest. The study of these texts illustrated the
medieval concept of “knowledge” and the understanding of “reality”. It emerged that empiricism in our
sense played an important,but not the most important role. Trust in the world order led to the application of
principles of analogous magic and faith in the truth of classical Latin tradition and the authority of the
ancients went almost unbroken. However, the decisive factor is that the same degree of reality” was
attributed to humoral pathology as is to cellular pathology today. As to the significance of the texts, this
means that they conveyed both theoretical intellectual knowledge and concrete practical knowledge from
which experts and amateurs were able to benefit in different ways. Whereas our ideas are usually
developed inductively, medieval arguments were conducted deductively, that is, based on natural
philosophy not on natural science, and followed therefore the tradition of classical antiquity. In the final
analysis it is this factor, which inspite of differing standards, unites learned and popular medicine.
5. “Auf Collegen, zum fröhlichen Krieg”. Popularisierte Bakteriologie im Wilhelmischen
Zeitalter (Popularising Bacteriology in the Wilhelmina era in Germany)
GRADMANN Christoph (MedGG,13/1994)
The text analyses KOCH’s Microbiology and its rapid success within the context of the intellectual
history of Wilhelminaian [1888-1918] Germany. Studies of visual and verbal popularisation of
Microbiology show that scientific theory of Microbiology, by communicating in the political language of
its age, was followed by an equally specific popular image of the same topic. This included both
popularisation of Microbiology in militaristic metaphors and the analogous use of microbiological concepts
as popularisation of imperialistic and agressive concepts of politics. Thus, the development and success of
Microbiology is linked to the development of the political language of the age.
6. Zur Geschichte der Homöopathie und alternativer Heilweisen (History of Homeopathy and
alternative therapeutic ways)
JÜTTE Robert (MedGG,13/1994)
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Nachweis von 681 Q-Potenzen in den französischen Krankenjournalen Samuel
HAHNEMANNs (Proof of the 681 Q-potencies in the French Case Registers of Samuel
ADLER Ubiratan (MedGG,13/1994)
The deciphering of Hahnemannian Q potencies in Samuel HAHNEMANN’s French Medical diaries,
which are owned by the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation in
Stuttgart, 681 prescriptions of Q-potencies, (50-millesimal potencies) complying with the findings of the
6th edition of the Organon, were identified and listed. The first of these originates in 1838, the last in
1843. This corresponds with HAHNEMANN’s statement that he had gathered four to five years’
experience with his “modified, new, perfected method (dynamization method). According to his data,
HAHNEMANN prescribed Sulphur three times more than all other medicines put together, followed by
Calcarea as the second most prescribed substance. No higher potencies than Q 8 could be determined. By
far the largest number of prescription of Q-potencies are to be found in the as-yet unpublished case books
13 and 14.
7. Zur Geschichte der Homöopathie und alternativer Heilweisen (History of Homeopathy and
alternative Healing methods)
DINGES Martin (MedGG,14/1995)
The process leading to doctors becoming professional were not until recently compared on an
international scale. There is, however, still no such comparison for doctors practicing alternative medicine.
The national homeopathic doctors’ association of Germany and that of the United States of America are
taken as examples to examine the similarities and differences on the road to recognition and influence. The
respective institutional frameworks of these two medical markets have a considerable effect on the
possibilities of Homeopathy and for those practicing Homeopathy to organize themselves as a recognized
8. Die Homöopathie im Königreich Bayern (Homeopathy in the Kingdom of Bavaria)
STOLBERG Michael (MedGG,14/1995)
This article traces the relatively early and successful establishment, institutionalization and
professionalization of Homeopathy in the kingdom of Bavaria. Prevailing antirationalist and
antimaterialist tendencies in “romantic” Bavaria made Homeopathy a particularly attractive option among
parts of the clerical-coservative and aristocratic ruling elites. Building upon their support in the
administration and in Parliament, Bavarian homeopaths were largely able to ward off the legal restrictions
advocated by their allopathic opponents. The first (honorary) German professorship for Homeopathy was
established in Munich and a homeopathic hospital prospered. In contrast to other German states, however,
a homeopathic mass movement failed to develop, presumably due to the relative weakness of bourgeois
culture and to the enduring predominance of traditional “folk” medicine as the major alternative to
academic medicine among wide sectors of the population.
9. Zur Geschichte der “Vereinigung homöopathischer Aerzte Rheinlands und Westphalens”
(History of the “Union of homeopathic doctors of Rheinland and Westphalia”)
STAHL Martin (MedGG,14/1995)
This work represents a series of homeopathic doctors who were associated with the lay-doctor
Clemens von BOENNINGHAUSEN (1785-1864) in the area Westphalia and introduces “Vereinigung
homöopathischer Aerzte Rheinlands und Westphalens” which was founded in 1849. This is followed by
biographical sketches of the Chairmen until 1921.
1. The Problem Child
PAUL, Priscilla & KARNAD, Sudha
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Parents are concerned when their child behaves erratically in an abnormal manner. The question now
is: what is normal and what is not?
2. Biotypology 1: Scope and History
MARTIN, F. (BHJ,88,1/1999)
From ancient times, the principal medical cultures tried to classify individuals according to their
morpho-functional characteristics in order to study and understand their tendencies in terms of health and
sickness. In the last two centuries, in Europe and America, a number of academic schools emerged whose
theoretical concepts and ideas were important theoretically but had relatively little practical application. By
contrast, in France and Italy, there was the joining of biotypological schools and Homeopathy, which
permitted the correlation between biotypes and their relevant homeopathic remdies. This article outlines
the evolution of biotypological thinking and the results of the above said merger.
3. Community Hospital Homeopathy Clinic: Audit of the first 12 months activity.
NEVILLE-SMITH, N. (BHJ,88,1/1999)
The aim of the study was to examine the activity of a new service providing a Homeopathy clinic at a
community hospital. This was initiated in a limited way and was served by a relatively inexprienced
practitioner. A range of presenting complaints, treatments and outcomes are described. Funding has been
maintained by the Health Authority and referrals have continued to be made by the local eligible General
Practitioners. The outcomes have been quite good but the default rate has been disappointingly high.
4. Post Retirement Blues - An Avoidable Life Hazard
Some of the problems retired persons go through are the thrashing the ego gets when all the power,
status and money that comes with a high placed job goes away, the feeling of not being useful any longer,
the 9 - 5 habit of going to the office which has to change, the modern day problems: of rise in
health/hospital expenses, of being far away from the NRI daughters and sons, of course the anxiety of
losing a spouse. But there must be a way out of lessening this anxiety, accepting the inevitable. The author
proposes some solutions: change in our attitude towards retirement, even before retirement actually begins;
finding re-employment, if not possible structuring our time learning yoga, reiki etc.; maintaining good
health by healthy living styles and good food habits, excercises etc. It is better if the person starts
preparing for the inevitable retirement from the age of 40 yrs.
[It has been my advice that one begins to develop whatever special talent one had right from 45 years
age. For example if one was very good in Mathematics he should develop it; or music or writing and so on.
So that at retirement he is ready to enter another profession for the love of it and also that it pays too. I
have found this advice work well. = KSS]
5. Prescribing from an energetic perspective
WATSON, Ian (HOM,72,1999)
This article is taken from the transcript of a presentation given at the SOH Conference in September 98
at Keele. He ponders over the decline of homeopathy in the beggining of this century. According to him
there is an underlying cause: the underlying miasm - something like a paradigm clash; the collective
conscious at that time was not ready for homeopathy which was way ahead of time. When
HAHNEMANN developed homeopathy, there wasn’t the kind of holistic world view in place at that time
which supported homeopathic practice in the way that the holistic ancient Chinese world view supported
the development of traditional Chinese medicine. In fact on the contrary, HAHNEMANN’s system of
healing was developed in reaction against the existing world view. Whereas Allopathy is allowed and
encouraged and supported by a world view, and allopathy makes sense only if you already take on board a
certain set of assumptions about the universe: a materialistic view-point, the reductionist idea that we can
look at individual parts and understand the whole.
He also talks of the impossibility of being an unprejudiced observer: “...its almost like I should be this
OK person that is totally sorted and I should be able to sit there and watch with detachment this person
suffering in pain and hear their story and then I fix them up, right... yet in reality, a person comes in, they
share their story. And what I notice happens is that it touches me, it moves me, I feel something in
response to it. So already I have my prejudices out and my unprejudiced observer is out of the window and
I become a participant... so in my own work now I’ve replaced the ideal of objective observer, the
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unprejudiced observer, and what I strive to be is a self-aware participant. In other words, to bring
awareness to the way in which I am participating in this therapeutic interaction.”
“...Homeopathic practice has become very object-based... ...find the remedy is what it is about.
Which is something outside of ourselves. Finding the remedy is almost more important than healing the
patient. Sometimes we can get into that mode of thinking. One of the things that my patients have
repeatedly taught me is that the healing interaction is actually more important to them. The therapeutic
relationship, the fact that we build up a relationship of trust which is healing in and of itself, is more
important to people that come to my practice over the last few years, than whether or not I find ‘the
“...the idea that remedies can have an action on each other, this again is a misperception based on the
idea that they are objects, that they are independent things. Have you ever thought about one remedy
antidoting another? That’s a ridiculous idea, remedies cannot antidote one another, remedies can only
affect living systems. So if I take a remedy and something happens and I take another remedy and
whatever was happenning for me disappears, that remedy did not antidote the previous remedy... Antidotes
do not exist, they are an abstract, they are a concept. There is no such thing as a remedy being inimical to
another remedy. Remedies don’t have relationships to each other!”
6. An Interview with Jonathan SHORE
CHURCHILL, Nick (HOM,72,1999)
This interview took place when Jonathan SHORE was in London to give a Seminar on bird remedies.
He answers some questions on provings, the influence of group consciousness during provings, symptoms
experienced by those provers who havn’t taken the drug, the necessity for new provings, the doctrine of
signatures etc. He says: “...why even some people who don’t take the remedy nevertheless experience
symptoms. ...when I first experienced it I decided I had to investigate it for myself. I had a couple of cases
of Radium bromatum.., it was also a remedy which had very clear, well-known physical symptoms, but few
mentals. I reasoned that if these same physical symptoms appeared in the proving then they would verify
any new mental symptoms that came up. So I met with two of my colleagues to design the proving, and
when the seminar started, we divided everyone into three groups. In the first group were those who felt
they had experienced unusual symptoms before they even arrived at the seminar. In the second were those
people who wanted to take the remedy and try the proving and the third group consisted of those who
didn’t want to take the remedy. The group was given something that Jeremy SHERR had written about
Plutonium, radioactive stuff. We said read this, and imagine that you had taken the remedy, and see what
happens. The each of these groups met for a couple of hours a day, and we asked them not to discuss
anything that they felt with the other groups. On the last day when the symptoms were presented...: ...each
of the three groups produced very similar pictures, but the most intense and the most precise came from
those who didn’t take the remedy. The least clear were those who just ‘imagined’ the remedy, though
nevertheless what they imagined was in line with the others.
[It is well known generally when one reads a tragic event that one is affected by sadness; generally
quiet and gentle persons when in an unruly ‘crowd’, also behave in an unruly manner. The crowd’
psychology or consciousness affect him. We also see that there are ‘seasons’ when some remedies come to
be used most often after some heard it explained in a Seminar, e.g. Staphysagria, Hura, Stramonium etc.
All these, I am afraid, are due to the prescribers’ ‘mind-set’. Some persons reporting ‘mind’ symptoms
without even taking the remedy cannot be reckoned as a medicinal proving. This is straying too far. A
medicine proving should elicit symptoms in all levels - mind and body. To attribute only ‘mind’ to a
remedy is reductionism = KSS]
“...if you see a clear manifestation of the doctrine of signatures it becomes very important. One should
not take the doctrine of signatures into account at all until it appears. The real signature is an essential
quality for the thing, not some abstract concept, and if that essential quality emerges, then you ignore it at
your peril.”
[I am afraid that this is also a very vague statement. The ‘essential quality’ is the ‘genius of the
remedy? If so, we agree. No careful homeopath would ignore it = KSS]
7. Interview with Alfons GEUKENS
VAN DER ZEE Harry (HL,11,2/1998)
This is an interesting Interview. It will be useful to read in full; however, an abstract is given:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 39
What motivated GEUKENS to take to Homeopathy? He had good experience in surgery in Zaire and
before that during medical training as a nurse in Intensive care unit. After his return from Zaire he set up
practice. He had a trainee whose Migraine had been cured by a single homeopathic tablet which
GEUKENS felt was ‘incredible’! He enquired, read KENT Lectures and Repertory, then VITHOULKAS
and proceeded to make homeopathic cures.
Regarding his ‘motivation’, he says it is certainly still the same - to cure. “More and more I am
convinced that there is only one rule to cure, which is the homeopathic law of healing. . . . Because of
suppressive therapies I believe that it is much more difficult to practice Homeopathy now than it was fifty
or sixty years ago. Now it is often difficult to differentiate between the actual symptoms of the patient and
the proving symptoms belonging to an allopathic remedy.”
GEUKENS has cured some very severe cases. Since every symptom is based upon a reaction
mechanism of the patient, every symptom means something and all the symptoms together must provide
the clue to the right remedy. There is no need to fear to cure acute cases nor fear about high potencies.
However, one must read and work and discuss enough with colleagues. No need to fear aggravations.
Aggravations are only the reaction mechanisms of the patient. The bigger the aggravation the better, but
your remedy must be correct. If you get the right remedy you usually don’t get an aggravation But if a
patient is able to react in this way, it must be correct. So, when the reaction is too strong, give a higher
potency, make that more strong, this is what works in practice. The more acute the case, the more frequent
the repetition, and the higher you go with your potency. The repetition of high potencies is for old people
who are incurable, bad cases like Cancer, e.g. giving Conium 10MK three times a day for the last two
months of patient’ts life. Also in cases like lymphoma’s who have had radiation. Generally we give one
dose and wait for the reaction. In 99% of the cases we do it like this, but there are exceptions. Exceptions
according to the disease and the age.
What about proper training? One who wants to learn must be enthusiastic. Learning never ends.
Enthusiasm and being serious and being dedicated as a doctor are very important.
About the ‘direction’ we are going GEUKENS says that we need to know more of what KENT knew.
He feels that we have not reached the level of KENT’s time.
About the new Provings, he has doubts about many of them. He also feels that we can manage with
the remedies we already know well.
[Once again, I would recommend that we read the whole interview carefully, the views of a dedicated
homeopath = KSS]
8. Clinical training in Classical Homeopathy - Conclusions and suggestions from experience
BERGHE Fons Vanden (HL,11,2/1998)
Homeopathy has been growing and in Europe many clinical training centres have been opened. It is
George VITHOULKAS who established the first school for full-time teaching academy in Athens in
Greece. The Centre being run by Dr.Alfons GEUKENS in Hechtel, Belgium is a model. The author
discusses and lists the essential features, infrastructures, etc. for running a quality Clinical Homeopathy
Training Centre.
9. Group and Proving Phenomenon
NORLAND Misha (HOM,72,1999)
Some of the observations of Misha NORLAND from the provings conducted within groups of the
school of Homeopathy since 1991. The experience of a proving is analogous with that of becoming ill and
both illness and proving are learning experiences. We learn to respect the power of healing agents. A
prover learns more about himself during a proving. The partners of the provers are also profoundly
affected by the proving. He says: “I hold the proving phenomenon to have a similar dynamic to epidemic
contagion. In both instances the influence overwhelms individuals, and personal idiosyncracies are
temporarily submerged under the common symptoms of the disease/proving. In so far as this is the case, a
proving group reacts as if it were one. While each individual reveals only some aspects of the proving, the
totality reveal most.” and more about the influence of the group consciousness on the proving symptoms.
10. An Interview with Rudi VERSPOOR & Patty SMITH
GRAVETT, Janice (HOM, 72, 1999)
VERSPOOR and SMITH talk about the Organon.
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11. The Energetic Nature of Disease
WILLIAMSON, Bray (HOM,72,1999)
The author talks about the energetic nature of disease and how it affects the vital force, and where
these energetic forces come from. Homeopathic remedies are proof that everything that exists has a vital
enegry and hence can be infected by the vital energy of anything in existence. Disease occurs from the
energy interactions of man with that which surrounds him. Disease occurs because it is in the nature of
things. To cure we must understand disease in its true energetic form as a part of the natural world in
which we live.
12. The Publication of Cured Cases
FRASER, Peter (HOM,72,1999)
The author writes about the increasing introduction of new remedies into our Materia Medica and the
paucity of supporting information from cured cases for these remedies. There are a huge number of
symptoms brought out by the new provings, but it remains to be seen if they are really new symptoms or
just new ways of expressing them etc. Many things have to be taken into consideration while proving, the
susceptibility of the prover, whether the symptoms proved really belong to the remedy taken or were the
symptoms previously experienced by the prover or the own symptoms: a reaction to the proving state rather
than an expression of it. He also talks of the huge number of remedies which have entered the Materia
Medica through partial, inconclusive, dream and meditational proving and stresses on the importance of
confirming of these symptoms. He says: if the profession is to move on and be able to heal in an age
when the spirit and diseases are different it must have a mechanism for fully integrating new remedies and
for keeping old ones in tune with the times. The ideal way in which to do this would be to
comprehensively prove all new remedies and to fully reprove the old ones.” One way to see that the new
provings are constantly confirmed would be to publish cured cases. He recommends the electronic
publishing of these cases through the internet which would increase the capacity and availability of these
13. Computer Workshop
WARKENTIN, David Kent (HOM,72,1999)
This new coloumn will explore a range of issues that relate to analyzing cases, and the tools we use to
do it. This issue discusses polychrests. They are the remedies that we know well; the ones that appear
most often in analyses. A myth around polychrests: they are more likely to act than a rare remedy.
According to the author, the polychrests are grotesquely over-represented in the Repertory and Materia
Medica. For example, in Kent’s Repertory, Sulphur is found in 8,789 rubrics, and Silica in 5,470, while
Hecla lava is found in only 21. However Hecla is a very useful remedy, similar to Sulphur and Silica.
14. Homeopathy & Eczema - Interviews with Robin LOGAN & Kate DIAMANTOPOLOU
Robin LOGAN says: I am a repertory practitioner. I don’t rely on my knowledge of the Materia
Medica very much. I don’t have that kind of memory. There is simply too much to know. You can
overlook remedies you don’t know if you rely on your knowledge. You will recognise polychrests but not
small remedies. I have always been a repertoriser. However, I have developed Materia Medica knowledge
through my repeated use of the Repertory. ...a very popular belief among homeopaths is that vaccination is
a major cause of eczema. This has to be a factor but I see so many people who develop eczema who
haven’t been vaccinated. ...you could lessen the likelihood of an aggravation by using low potencies. I am
reluctant to open a skin case with a high potency. In fact I nearly always start with a low potency in
eczema cases.
Kate DIAMANTOPLOU says: I see eczema as a sign of the increase in children’s health. I would rather
see an increase in eczema. At least the child is reacting and the vital force is strong enough to push things
out on to the surface of the body. ... I see eczema and psoriasis as signs of anxiety in children. The child
may well be healthy constitutionally, but there is something unresolved on a mental or emotional level.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 41
Because the children are insecure, the grief comes out on the skin and in the gastro-intestinal system and
the lungs which is why remedies like Natrum muriaticum and Pulsatilla work really well on eczematous
children... I think vaccinations play an important role as, to my mind, they make the system more allergic.
Our social conditions are undervalued. Our pace of life has changed and more and more children are put
into playgroups and nurseries at younger ages. These children are not ready for the stress and hype this
entails. Eczema is a useful way to drawing attention to yourself, a parent can’t just ignore eczema as the
nature of illness is to itch and scratch. ...you will see that eczema relapses before it improves. Ascending
potencies reduce aggravation in my opinion.
15. From the Cooper Club to the Society and Colleges of Homeopathy.
WHITNEY, Jerome (HOM, 72, 1999)
The author traces the origin and development of the Society and Colleges of Homeopath, and the
origin of ‘British Classical Homeopathy’ to the monthly meetings of Drs. BURNETT, COOPER,
SKINNER and CLARKE which became known as the Cooper Club. He describes how Drs. SKINNER
and BURNETT continued the work of Dr.HERING in the field of nosodes; the entry of Kentian prescribing
into England in 1903 at the meeting of the Faculty of Homeopathy when the concept was introduced, it
was denounced as being ‘non-Hahnemannian’ but with CLARKE as its strongest supporter, Kentian
prescribing stayed on. CLARKE also encouraged and supported the study of homeopathy by those who
were non-medically qualified (the nature of British Common law is such that anyone can practice any
therapy on humans, but not on animals, as long as they do not claim to be able to cure cancer, TB, AIDS
etc.); soon lay-homeopathy grew in strength and around the time of the II World War the primary input
into spreading the knowledge of homeopathic prescribing became centered in a small but dedicated circle
of non-doctor homeopathic practitioners; in 1946 about three hundred such dedicated persons met to form
the Institute of Homeopathy; in 1970 Thomas MAUGHAN, John DAMONTE, Edwin TOMPKINS and
others met to form the Society of Homeopaths; in 1978 the South and North London Study groups joined
together and the constitution of the The Society of Homeopaths was signed; an educational institution was
also set up and in 1978 The London College of Homeopathy took on board its first class of students.
16. Commentaires sur un ecrit de HAHNEMANN: Les obstacles à certitude et à la simplicité de la
médicine praticienne sont-ils insurmontables? (A commentary on a work of HAHNEMANN:
Are the obstacles to Certainty and Simplicity in Practical medicine insurmountable?)
LABORIER Bruno, (CGH,35,2/1998)
This article by HAHNEMANN was inspired by Hippocrates and one of the contemporary doctors
Dr.HERZ. It was published in Hufeland’s Journal in 1797. The author in this article:
- compares the medical and sanitary history of the era with personal evolution of HAHNEMANN
in 1797
- Explains the notion of simplicity and certitude in medicine according to HAHNEMANN.
- describes the evolution of notions of certitude and the simplicity in medicine in the
publications of HAHNEMANN.
- analyse the practicalness of the notions of certitude and simplicity in medicine from the case
records of Samuel and Melanie HAHNEMANN in Paris.
17. Case Analysis: Finding a Balanced Perspective
OLSEN Steve (SIM, XII, 2/1999)
This is ‘loud thinking’ of some of the modern teaching that are influencing the homeopathic
community. One is the doctrine of ‘Kingdoms’: plant, animal, mineral. Another is the metaphysical
associations: then Doctrine of Signatures: e.g. Bees are busy, so this explains why Apis people are too
Yet another: Coincidences during a Proving. e.g. the dogs had puppies while I was doing the proving
of Lac caninum. “A light bulb broke; the filament of the bulb is made of Tungsten, and this occurred while
I was supervising the proving of this metal.”
Another teaching: Historical experience: e.g. Arsenic has been used for centuries to poison people, and
so this is why in the proving there is the symptoms “Fear of being poisoned.” In all these, if you carefully
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go through the relevant rubrics, there are far more remedies which do not fit in with these groupings, than
the few who fit in with.
18. Threat to Prescribing, or a Challenge to make an Imaginal Leap?
NORLAND, Misha (HOM,74,1999)
As many remedies are becoming banned from usage in countries like France, Misha NORLAND
suggests that we should perhaps try out prescribing to patients through words and thoughts, just like how
some remedies are proved by thinking or meditating about them.
19. A Brief Review of the History of Revolutionized Homeopathy
SEHGAL, ML (HOM,74,1999)
This article has been taken from the most recent edition of Dr.SEHGAL’s Rediscovery of
Homeopathy series.
20. An Interview with Sanjay and Yogesh SEHGAL.
CHURCHILL, Nick (HOM,74,1999)
The sons of Dr.M.L.SEHGAL, both of them doctors and practicing the revolutionized homeopathy
introduced by their father, talk to Nick Churchill.
21. Defining Cured Symptoms in Provings
FRASER, Peter (HOM,74,1999)
To have healthy provers is very difficult now, though disease may not be more widespread than in the
days of HAHNEMANN, as there are a large number of vaccinations, antibiotics, steroids, etc. which are
freely available and which subtly alter a man and many diseases are now being suppressed. So in a proving
how to distinguish between proved symptoms and cured symptoms. “For a symptom to be classed as
curative it needs to follow not only Hering’s law of cure, but should also be covered by HAHNEMANN’s
definition of cure: that it be rapid, gentle and permanent. If the symptom is not completely covered by
these criteria it must be assumed to be a primary action and taken at face value until such time as clinical
experience proves otherwise.”
22. Soziale Ungleichkeit vor der Cholera und ihre Wahrnehmung durch Zürich Ärzteschaft
(1850-1870) (Social inequality in Cholera and its perception by the physicians of Zurich
(1850- 1870)
MATHIEU Jon (MedGG,12/1993)
The Cholera epidemics of the 19th Century have recently received much historiographic attention. One
of the major questions raised by that discussion concerns the social stratification of the Cholera victims.
This paper contributes to that discussion by giving an analysis of the epidemics of 1855 and 1867 in Zurich,
Switzerland. Sources are a great problem. Therefore a definite answer to the question of the social status
of the cholera victims is only possible for the later, more serious outbreak of cholera. The problem of
social stratification is connected with the problem of poverty. How is the usage of this term and its
meanings determined by the actual social inequality of the cholera victims? The medical doctors in Zurich
were interested in the relationship between poverty and Cholera, albeit from different perspectives: the
doctors of the 1850s regarded poverty primarily as a moral problem. Their advice on public health
measures centred on traditional ideas of quarantine and (moral) education of the poor. In contrast, the
doctors of the 1860s thought of poverty as a social problem. They hoped that sanitary reforms would be
the answer to the social problems of Zurich. [The problem does not appear to have been resolved still.
Whenever there is Cholera, in India at least, measures are taken to clean the sewers, chlorinate the water
more, advise the people to boil the water well before drinking, etc. The poor who are mostly affected do
not have sufficient fuel to prepare their food, what to speak of boiling water, as an old lady living in
insanitary conditions in the slum told the young doctor who had gone with the volunteer medical team to
Nicaragua few years ago. Did not HAHNEMANN say that poverty was itself a disease? = KSS]
23. Sanierung der Volkskultur: Massenmedien, Medizin und Hygiene 1850-1900
(Reconstruction of the Peoples culture: Mass media, Medicine and Higiene 1850-1900)
MATHIEU Jon (MedGG,12/1993)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 43
With the rapid increase in literacy during the second half of the 19th Century, impersonal and variable
sources of information were added to the oral discourse on health and cleanliness for growing segments of
the population. Based on a Swiss example of seventy popular journals and calendars, this article analyses
the historical context, the means and effects of this process. It argues that the texts on medical hygiene in
popular literature confirmed the social values of Bourgeois classes and, at the same time, formed a cultural
force of their own. Producing a somewhat diffuse knowledge, they changed prevailing attitudes. Over
lengthy periods of time, this “opened” culture could combine with traditional modes of behaviour.
24. Der Niedergang der Geburtenzahlen und der Aufstieg der Ärzte in Deutschland und
Frankreich bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg (The fall of Birthrate and the rise of Doctors in
Germany and France upto the I World War)
DIENEL Christiane (MedGG,12/1993)
The widespread debate about the falling birth rate and contraception in Germany and France
culminated before 1914. Physicians took a considerable part in this discussion about mental
modernization. They were the first to discover and describe the concrete means of reducing births. The
liberal reaction to contraception was a laisser-faire attitude which dominated medical responses until
1900, in France even longer. A minority of doctors became politically active Neo-Malthusians or even
defenders of birth control as a means of improving race. The majority of physicians, however, remained
hostile to contraception. Both groups used this issue to improve their social standing. Arguing morally,
doctors took over the role of the priest, arguing scientifically, they shared the growing prestige of science,
arguing nationalistically, they presented themselves as important advisors the fatherland.
25. Zur Geschichte der Homöopathie und alternativer Heilweisen (History of Homeopathy and
alternative Healing methods)
HESS Volker (MedGG,12/1993)
Samuel HAHNEMANN and Semiology: This essay focusses on a moment when in Medicine the
prevailing static conception of disease was seen from a temporal perspective and conceived as a
developmental process. Included in this discussion was HAHNEMANN’s conception of Homeopathy.
His conception combined two traditional systems of reading corresponding signs of illness drawing a direct
conclusion from a visible sign to a significant therapy while excluding causal-theoretical reflection about
the meaning of signs. The basis of this idea is rooted in the general epistemological structure of the 18th
Century, in which knowledge was represented in the relation of a sign with meaning or significance. In
contrast to the trinary structure of modern semiotics as exemplified by the Peircian terms “object,
representatmen and interpretant”, medical semiotics and knowledge in the 18th Century was instituted by
the binary semantic relationship of representation. Thus, HAHNEMANN’s roots in the intellectual world
of the 18th Century not only defined his contribution to the discourse, they may also explain his exclusion
after the conceptual change of the early 19th Century.
26. Excerpts from: The Faces of Homeopathy - An Illustrated History of the First 200 Years.
(NEJH, 8,1/1999)
Some excerpts from Julian WINSTONS’s book: the division between the low potency users and high
potency users; a brief biography of Carroll DUNHAM and H.C. ALLEN and of the historians William
Harvey KING and Thomas L. BRADFORD; the Milwaukee Test and the IHA Founding Resolution of
June 1880.
27. HAHNEMANN’s Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum Positivis
MORELL, Peter (NEJH, 8, 1/1999)
This short article collects together some of the published material about HAHNEMANN’s little-known
and rarely discussed essay of 1805, which presented to the world for the first time the records of his first
provings of single medicines, which he had undertaken.
HERSHOFF, Asa (SIM,XII,2/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 44
The author claims that though we rattle away Latin names at a rate that ‘bedazzles and astounds’, when
it comes to pronouncing it right we fail. In this article he has discussed the correct pronounciation of some
of commonly used remedies which are commonly mispronounced.
29. Modern Trends in Homeopathy
PATEL, B.D. (HL,11,4/1998)
In this thought-provoking article, the learned author expresses his apprehensions about the ‘modern
trends’, like for example, prescribing double remedies, delusions and their interpretations, grouping of
drugs like Sodium, Potassium, etc., music therapy, etc. [Doctrine of Signatures which HAHNEMANN
kept away, is strongly being taught; while HAHNEMANN and BOENNINGHAUSEN spoke of the
‘genius’, ‘characteristic’ of remedies, modern trend speaks of ‘themes based on the mental symptom
interpretations. The Homeopathic Links appears to be a strong votary of these modern trends = KSS]
30. The Truth About Auto-Immune Deficiency
HOROWITZ, Leonard (CCR,8,1 & 2/1999)
This article has been reprinted from Journal ‘Alive- The Canadian Journal of Health and Nutrition,
Issue 194, Dec.1998. It talks of the heavily virus contaminated vaccines and how inspite of knowing that
their vaccines are contaminated the Multinational Drug companies promote and sell their vaccines.
31. Vaccination and Immune Malfunction
QUASIM, Mohamad (CCR,8,1 & 2/1999)
Some of the damaging effects of Vaccination: The multiple vaccines that are given in early infancy are
mostly injected and bypass the mucosal immune system of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal systems,
which can act as cushions for many infections; live virus vaccines incubated in animal tissues are prone to
the process of “jumping genes,” which means the viruses may incorporate genetic material from the animal
tissue in which they are incubated and consequently be introduced into the child receiving the vaccine; live
virus vaccines are also subject to viral contamination; the vaccine interaction with the immune and nervous
systems is also not favourable; vaccine interfere with natural processes.
32. Troque tracas contre trucs en vrac (or How to render productive the interview with the patient?)
VEILLARD, J.J. (CGH, 35,9/1998)
The author gives 22 tricks that help in the doctor-patient dialogue, some of which are given here:
T1 - Close the repertory. The repertory is no doubt a valuable tool. But before opening the repertory it is
necessary that the essential of the person be understood.
T2 - Set the tone of the conversation. Give the impression that the patient can express everything freely.
T3 - When the responses are vague, one can repeat the patient’s words by converting it into a question
“You are tired?”, the patient is obliged to be more precise with his answer.
T4 - Added to the above question are two more questions - “Of what were you thinking when you told me
you were stressed?” or “Give me examples which show that you are nervous.”
T6 - It is very important to ask the question: “What was your reaction?” “How do you feel about your
T10 - Learn to ask for permission, for example: “Can I ask you questions regarding your sexuality?” It is
evident that he doesn’t mind if he answers immediately.
T11 - Respect silences - It is necessary to learn to respect the silence of the patient. Never forget that the
consultation room is an isle of peace in a tormented world.
T21 - To break the ice - jokes can sometimes loosen up patients. When there is a lull in the conversation,
examine the patient.
T22 - Respect the shyness of the patient in being examined. Whether it is the fear of a child or modesty of
an adult, we must understand that it is not easy to be naked before a clothed standing person. This adds on
to the already existing fear; fear about his disease. But it is wrong not to examine the patient too. Unless
the situation demands thorough examination - minimise the physical examination during the first
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 45
consultation, so that you do not loose contact with the patient. In subsequent consultations when the
patient’s confidence has been gained - the patient can be examined.
1. Homeopathic Handbook for Poison ivy and Poison Oak, by Joel KREISBERG, 1887, spiralbound,
52 pp.,$14.95 review by Katherine G.HAUCK (HT,18,5/1998): . . .Homeopaths who feel compelled to
consider miasmatic influences will have to study weightier sources. . . KREISBERG recommends book
titles for general reading on the subject. He settles on 30c as a serviceable potency in the hands of home
prescribers. . .”
2. Homeopathy: Natural Medicine for the whole Person by Peter ADAMS. Element Publishing,
Rockport, MA, 1996, paperback, 131 pages $9.95
3. Homeopathic Vibrations: A Guide for Natural Living by David DANCU, Sunshine Press
Publications, Hygiene, CO.1996, paperback, 221 pages $19.95
4. Homeopathy in Primary Care by Bob LECKRIDGE, Churchill LIVINGSTON, London 1997,
paperback 281 pages.
5. Homeopathic Self-care: The quick and easy guide for the whole family, by Robert ULLMAN, and
Judyth REICHENBERG-ULLMAN, Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA. 1997, paperback, 448 pages
$18. all reviewed by Julian WINSTON (HT,18,6/1998) “...all the above books have a common thread: they
all concern therapeutics. . . They all approach it a bit diferently. The (first) book gives a brief description
of Homeopathy as a system and then discusses self-treatment of a variety of illnesses. A brief repertory of
illnesses and a brief Materia Medica are included.
The book by David DANCU is more of a general overview of homeopathic philosophy and practice.”
6. Homöopathie und Philosophie & Philosophie der Homöopathie, (Homeopathy and Philosophy &
Philosophy of Homeopathy). APPELL, R.G. (Hrsg.), 196 S., geb., Bluethenstaub Verlag, Eisenach
198, DM 58,-. (German) review by SCHWARZ (AHZ,244,1/1999): “The collected volume contain 9
lectures of the 5 International Hainstein-Tagung in Eisenach. . . The authors (Physicians, Literature
scientists, Medical historians, Psychologists) throw light on the tradition of Medicine and Philosophy...”
7. Homöopathie an deutschsprachigen Universitäten. Die Bestrebungen zu ihrer Institutionalisierung
von 1812 bis 1945. (Homeopathy in the German language Universities. The efforts for
institutionalising it from 1812 to 1945) LUCAE, C. 288 S., geb., Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg
1998, DM 98,- (German) review by APPELL (AHZ,244,1/1999): “Since its beginning efforts have not
been wanting to establish Homeopathy in the University. . . LUCAE’s study is an interesting piece of
history of Homeopathy and University. The study does not limit itself to the German speaking
Universities but also covers the Anglo-american scene too. . .”
8. Encyclopaedia of Remedy Relationships in Homeopathy, A.REHMAN, 362 S., geb., Karl F.Haug
Verlag, Heidelberg, 1997, DM 148,-. review by GEBHARDT (AHZ,244,1/1999): . . . The book serves
the need in the Homeopathy book market. The author has with his painstaking work collected all known
facts and collated them so that the user can quicky find what he wants to. The book is in easily readable
English. A German edition would be welcome. The work should be in the hands of every homeopathic
9. Mitteldetails der homöopathischen Arzneimittel. Materia Medica Synthetica. (Details of
homeopathic Materia Medica Synthetica) by A. SEIDENEDER, 3 Bd., geb., zus. 4930 S., Similimum
Verlag, Ruppichteroth, 1998, DM. 885,-. (German) review by APPELL (AHZ,244/1/1999): “As against
the repertories which in the recent years have been regularly updated and published and would remain
expanding, while the collection and compilation of an updated Materia Medica has remained static. This is
perhaps because it is easier to make additions etc. to the Repertory than to comprehend and understand the
Genius of remedies to be put into a Materia Medica. To fill this gap and also to include the newly proved
remedies SEIDENEDER has undertaken this difficult work of making a Materia Medica on the basis of the
KENT repertory and from more than 160 different sources. . . The work fulfills a great need.”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 46
10. Homöopathie oder Penicillin bei Mandelentzündung (Homeopathy or Penicillin in inflammation
of the Tonsils), NUSCHE, M., 177 S., brosch., Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart 1998, DK 68,-. (German)
review by LÖNS (AHZ,244,2/1999): Mrs.NUSCHE has, with her scientifically well documented
dissertation on homeopathic research under Prof. Dr. MOELLER of the Eberhard-Karls-University
Tübingen, made a good clinical study of the subject. She has made a good comparative study of the so-
called alternative therapeutic methods in acute ailments, septic complications, frequent recurrences of the
A-Streptococcus tonsillitis in children between 3 to14 year age. In a study between the period 1994 -
1996, of 51 patients , 29 were treated homeopathically, 22 with Penicillin V. . . . Graphics and Tables . .
.To the homeopath the study causes worry, since it shows that the antibiotic treatment of acute stage gives
clearly better results . . . A good dissertation.”
11. Die natürliche Verwandtschaft der Heilmittel (The natural relationship of remedies), 208 S.,
Fagus-Verlag, Grefrath 1997, DM 32,- (German) review APPELL (AHZ,244,3/1999): “An important,
informative book. It begins with the animal family including the animal products, Nosodes, Milk remedies,
then Plants and lastly Minerals with their sources and organic contents. . .”
12. Klassische Homöopathie, Band 1 Vol.I, Lehre und Praxis (Classical Homeopathy, Vol.I, Theory
and Practice), EICHELBERGER, O., 5 Aufl., 956 S., Leinen, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1998,
DM 198,- (German) review by GEBHARDT (AHZ,244, 3/1999): “The book of Mr.EICHELBERGER
appears in the 5th edition. . . . The book will be a great help and give tips not only for the beginners but
also for the experienced.”
13. Theory of High Dilutions and Experimental Aspects, R.R.CONTE, H.BERLIOCCHI, Y.LASNE
and G.VERMOT, Polytechnica, Paris,France. Translated and co-edited by Dynsol Ltd.,. 1996, F275,
ISBN 2-84054-046-0. review Dr.Philip McGENITY (BHJ,88,1/1999): “For the conventional physical
scientist, the fundamental problem with Homeopathy is the idea that a material, even when diluted to a
point at which not even one molecule of the active substance is present, can yet show efficacy in treating
medical conditions.
“Not only is it difficult to envisage any theoretical basis for Homeopathy within conventional science,
but the chemist will also argue that if a homeopathic preparation is truly effective, in a way that a sample
of the diluting medium is not, then it ought to be possible to measure some property of the preparation
which is different from that of the diluting medium. This book attempts to tackle both of these issues. The
theoretical basis, which is set out in the early part of the book, is couched in esoteric language of
mathematical physics and will, as such, be comprehensible only to those qualified to a very high level in
this field. . . The essence of the theory appears to be that when a molecule of an active material
‘disappears’ by dilution, it leaves behind a so-called remanent wave’, the effect of which is to induce a
structure in the molecules of the diluting medium. Much of the book is concerned with a detailed
exposition of the experimental evidence which, the authors claim, supports their theory. . . This book
certainly challenges some of the preconceptions of conventional science. . . . A reader might well ponder
whether this book will be seen in years to come as a landmark, from which a more serious dialogue
between conventional science and Homeopathy will spring, or as simply an esoteric ‘flight of fancy’ fly
itself. . . .If ever there is a sequel to this book which presents the same subject matter in a style which is
more palatable to a broad range of professional scientists and medical practitioners,and which includes the
results of attempts by other scientist to reproduce the authors’ experimental data, it may well bring the
authors’ ideas to the scrutiny of a much wider audience and indeed come much closer to the best-seller
14. Theory of High Dilutions & Fundamental Aspects, RR. CONTE, H BERLIOCCHI, Y.LASNE,
G.VERNOT, PolyTechnica, Paris, France. Translated and co-edited by Dynsol Ltd. 1996. F 275 ISBN
2-84054-046-0. review by Eugene KRYACHKO (BHJ,88,1/1999): “It is now more than two hundred years
since Samuel HAHNEMANN pioneered the study of high dilutions. Throughout this time, high dilutions
have been a very controversial subject. . . Nevertheless, these authors make a profound analysis of
experimental data on high dilutions that might give a key to revising views on this subject, to rethink all
data on high dilutions and unite experimentalists and theorists to begin setting up new experiments aimed at
gathering pieces of reliable information to build a reasonable physical model. . . .despite many negative
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 47
features, I would reommend this book to a wide circle of homeopaths because I think it presents some
fresh ideas of interpreting high dilutions experiments that might inspire us to rethink around high dilutions
and develop a sound physical model.”
15. Theory of High Dilutions and Experimental Aspects by Rolland CONTE et al, Dynasol Ltd. 1997.
review by John LEE (HOM, 72, 1999): “...some who have felt inclined to finish reading it feel that they can
perceive something profound amongst the claims, formulae and experimental data. ...however a close and
detailed examination reveals that this is a poorly written work. Few scientists will take it seriously and
most will lose interest very quickly and not finish it. This does not however invalidate the integrity of the
experiments and the data. ...the Conte team has provided a platform for further research and this could lead
to a significant breakthrough in a greater understanding of homeopathic potencies. Much research though
still needs to be carried out. ...in my opinion this book is unreadable unless you are very committed to it
and have a strong background in mathematics or physics. ...further work now needs to be done to confirm
my view that the Conte team has acutally achieved something profound.”
16. Signals and Images, Ed. Madeline Bastide, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 1997.
£96. ISBN 0-7923-4466-9. review by Christine ENDLER (BHJ,88,1/1999): “Signals and Images includes
23 full papers corresponding to two GIRI (International Research Group on Very Low Dose and High
Dilution Effects) meetings held in Montpillier, France, 1993 and in Jerusalem, Israel, 1994. All the papers
published in this book have been reviewed according to the standards of scientific publications and many of
them are now published in regular scientific journals. They illustrate perfectly the evolution of the ideas
and the new experimental and theoretical approaches of this uncommon research on low dose effects, high
dilutions pharmacological activity or homeopathic remedy studies. It becomes obvious that different
hypotheses can enlighten the interpretations of these different papers. . . . Without any doubt, this high
recommendable book represents a milestone in the dicussion on high dilutions and Homeopathy.”
17. Medicine for the whole person by Dr.Erich K.LEDERMANN, Element Books, Dorset, UK. 1997,
£8.99. ISBN 1-86204-056-7 Paperback 184 pp. review by Anton von RHIJN (BHJ,88,1/1999): A
Critique of Scientific Medicine, is how LEDERMANN regards his latest book, where he examines the
flaws in conventional medicine when viewed from holistic perspective. He emphasizes the relationship
between body, mind and spirit, and argues that we need rediscover and awaken the spiritual dimension
(conscience) of our existence in order to remain healthy. This three-part book starts by characterizing the
realm of the Spirit, highlighting the fact that people are considered responsible for creating themselves,
their true-selves governed by their conscience and not by adopted psychological models or social laws. He
argues that our present society suffers from spiritual malaise, calling for a spiritual-ethical approach and
that healing is fundamentally dependent upon on achieved ethical personal freedom. Social spiritual
malaise is considered the basis for the alarming prevalence of mental illness, drug addiction, suicide, AIDS
and the fact that people have lost the meaning to their lives and ultimately unable to realize their true-
selves. Personal freedom to choose and face up to life’s challenge (tests) constitutes the hallmark of a true
person. . . The second part of the book looks at physiological holism and natural therapies. . . The third
part applies the true-self ethic to human interpersonal relations and explains the principles of true-self
group psychotherapy. . . .Successful communication remains the cornerstone of the doctor-patient
relationship, and the latter part elucidates the role of the true-self ethic in sharing this spiritual freedom and
willingness to enter into each other’s worlds. Thus, viewing illness as a challenge to people’s freedom,
doctors are expected to help patients find a true answer to their problems, and accept their real selves. . .
The issues raised by the author are clarified by extensive reference to medical and philosophical literature,
and by clear case studies. It invites the reader into a personal journey through the growth of an experienced
psychiatrist, revealing the transformation from a conventional to a spiritual, holistic scientist. . . True-self
psychotherapy appears to be a useful and humane interaction, complemented by various natural therapies
and a healthy lifestyle to achieve spiritual consciousness, thus, to be a true person, which may also be
defined as the ability to ‘Speak your truth and live your dream’.”
18. Examining complementary Medicine by VICKERS A (Ed), Stanley Thorns, Cheltenham, UK.
1998, £19.00 ISBN 0-7487-3334-0. review by Edward ERNST (BHJ,88,1/1999): “. . .Andrew VICKERS,
the editor of ‘Examining Complementary Medicine’, states that criticism is a good thing and that we have
too little of it in Complementary Medicine (CM). Is this true? CM is being criticised continuously and, at
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 48
times fanatically. But often such criticism is neither well informed nor constructive. . . .Three chapters of
the book relate directly to Homeopathy. I think that the book represents an excellent first step in the right
direction. . .”
19. Culture, Knowledge and Healing: Historical Perspectives of Homeopathic Medicine in Europe
and North America, Ed.Robert JÜTTE, Guenter RISSE and John WOODWARD. Sheffield
University Press, UK. £ 29.95. ISBN 0-9527045-7-9. review by Peter MORRELL (BHJ,88,2/1999):
“This 328 page book contains eleven essays about the history of Homeopathy in Europe and North
America. The essays derive from a conference held in San Francisco in 1994. The book contains a very
extensive bibliography, a good index and notes on the contributors,. It was published by the European
Association for the History of Medicine and Health (website http//www.br-online-com/eahmh). The
contributions include some of the ablest contemporary historians working in this field. Of special value are
the essays by John H.WARNER, Naomi ROGERS, Robert JÜTTE and Martin DINGES.
The chapters are:
Orthodoxy and Otherness: Homeopathy and Regular Medicine in Nineteenth-Century America, John
Harley WARNER (Yale University, USA)
American Homeopathy Confronts Scientific Medicine, Njaomi ROGERS (Yale University, USA)
The Paradox of Professionalisation - Homeopathy: the Dutch Debate in the Nineteenth Century, Marijke
GIJSWIJUT-HOFSTRA (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Homeopathy in Victorian Canada and its Twentieth-Century Resurgence: Professional, Cultural and
Therapeutic Perspectives, J.T.H. CONNOR (University of Toronto, Canada)
Homeopathy in the American West: its German Connections, Joseph SCHMIDT (University of Munich,
The Role of Medical Societies in the Profesionalisation of Homeopathic Physicians in Germany and the
USA, Martin DINGES (IGM, Stuttgart)
The Role of Laymen in the History of German Homeopathy, Dörte STAUDT (IGM, Stuttgart)
Sectarian Identity and the Aim of Integration: Attitudes of American Homeopaths Towards Smallpox
Vaccination in the Late Nineteenth Century, Eberhard WOLFF (IGM, Stuttgart)
It won’t do Any Harm: Practice and People at the London Homeopathic Hospital, 1889-1923. Bernard
LEARY, Maria LORENTZON & Anna BOSANQUET (LEARY is a retired general medical practitioner
and homeopath; BOSANQUET lectures at the Rochampton Institute in London and LORENTZON is a
researcher at Imperial College, London)
These essays are written by historians, largely talking to each other rather than to homeopaths. . .
20. Manual of Psychiatry, Dr.J P S Bakshi, Cosmic Healers Pvt. Ltd. review by T.K.KASI
VISWANATHAN (NJH,8,3/1999): Dr.J.P.S.Bakshi has written this manual for the Homeopathic
students and practitioners. ...this manual is very comprehensive and separate chapters have been devoted
to Personality disorders, Anxiety disorders... detailed chapter on child psychiatry is included. Dr.Bakshi
has taken great pains in consulting various Repertories and grouping the mental symptoms of drugs under
each disorder. Thus the book is a very self contained manual which can be consulted at the bedside... The
absense of the clinical experience of the author is keenly felt.”
21. Perfect Materia Medica of Mind, Drs. Yogesh SEHGAL, Sanjay SEHGAL, Preeti SEHGAL,
Indian Books and Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi. review by T.K.KASI
VISWANATHAN(NJH,8,3/1999): “Dr.M.L.Sehgal’s sons and daughter-in-law have now compiled this
new Materia Medica of the Mind in which they have attempted to connect the different facets of the
peculiar symptoms (which forms the essence) of each remedy into a meaningful whole with a view to give
a better understanding of the various remedies.”
22. Perfect Materia Medica of Mind, Drs. Yogesh SEHGAL, Sanjay SEHGAL, Preeti SEHGAL,
Indian Books and Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi, 1998, £25, ISBN 81-7467-040-8. review by Adele
MILLER (HOM, 72, 1999): “...how truly in the nature of the homeopathic endeavour is this book. The
Sehgals submit an open attempt to extend the utility of the rubrics of the mind and their expression in the
remedies we think we know and love! It seeks not your approval but your critique with the aim of
improving the next edition. ...the authors have drawn Mind rubrics from the Synthetic Repertory and
grouped them by remedy, separated into singular symptoms; termed Alone and common symptoms; termed
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 49
With others. The additions are the significant ‘added value’, coming from Synthesis and Murphy as well
as Dr.Sehgal’s own work. ...when one reaches for a book of reference to find not only painstaking details,
near-completeness but also inspiration, it makes every dip into it a joy and a revelation. ...it is a large
volume and weighty; the print quality as so often with Indian books sometimes variable and the paper
slightly transparent. The listing of the 916 remedies with page references is logical but sometimes
frustrating. ...one accepts these minor defects because the quality of the content far outweighs them.”
23. Homeopathy for Musculosceletal Healing, by Asa HERSHOFF, North Atlantic Books, P.O.Box
12327, Berkeley, California94712. ISBN 1-55643-237-2, paperback 314 pages. review by Gerard
HOMMEME (HL,11,2/1998): “. . . The layout of this book is influenced by the author’s interest graphic
arts and multimedia. It is designed and illustrated as a quick guide to find the right homeopathic remedies
for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. My conclusion is that the book is a useful tool to find the
unique symptoms that are necessary to come to a good prescription.”
24. AIDS, The Homèopathic Challenge, Jonathan STALLICK, Rubble Pres 1996, Settle, Nork
Yorkshire, England. ISBN 0-952853-10-8. review by Jan SCHOLTEN. (HL,11,3/1998) “. . .The book is
a must for homeopaths treating AIDS patients, but it also evokes a rethinking of many of the so called
‘rules’ in Homeopathy.” [The reviewer Jan SCHOLTEN, is well-known for his teaching of application of
‘periodic table’ of Elements for selecting the curative remedy, as also his ‘discovery’ of ‘combination
remedies - i.e. if a case presents characteristics of two different remedies, like Magnesium and Muriate, the
remedy for that patient is Magnesia muriatica - In this review he seems to justify the giving of more than
one remedy at a time; and criticises § Organon. He also says: ‘a chaotic case needs chaotic prescribing’!
I think the ‘chaos’ is in the prescriber’s thinking and not in the patient’s disease nor in the Organon. =
25. Homeopathic Psychology. by Philip M.BAILEY, paperback 1995, 418 Pages, North Atlantic
Books, P.O.Box 12327, Berkeley, California 94712. ISBN 1-55643-099-X. Review by Janita
VENEMA(HL,11,3/1998): “...Philip Bailey in his book gives us the personality profiles of 35 major
constitutional remedies. Rather than giving us exact symptoms the author describes the emotional world,
the way of thinking and acting of patients corresponding to certain remedies. ...not the exact symptoms,
nor the simple way of connecting personality features directly to a remedy but revealing something about
the spirit. Making you really understand how and why certain ways of living are connected to the central
idea of a remedy. A book that broadens the understanding of our major constitutional remedies.”
26. ICR - Paediatrics in Homeopathy 1st Edition, Published and Compiled by ICR. Price Rs.60.
review by T.K.KASI VISWANATHAN (NJH,8,3,1999): “...this booklet outlines the protocols or
approaches to paediatric practice for common problems like diarrhoea, fevers, lower respiratory tract
infections, hypersensitive airway disease, pertussoid cough, atopic skin disorders etc. ...this booklet is the
quintessence of the clinical experience in Indian conditions and the valuable guidelines and tips contained
in this booklet should help practicing Homeopaths immensely in treating the various illnesses of children
with confidence and more particularly in aborting the development of the disease.”
27. Homeopathy: An Illustrated Guide by Ilana DANNHEISSER and Penny EDWARDS, Element
Books 1998, 144 pages, paperback £12.99, 1998. ISBN 1-86204-168-7. review by Dianna DIXON
(HOM, 72, 1999): “...the form of this book, a colourful illustrated guide, is appealing and inviting. I would
group this book with currently available pictorial introductions to homeopathy such as those by
Christopher Hammond, Andrew Lockie, or Robert and Judyth Ullmann. Yet, within this group, I could not
rank this particular book very highly, although it does contain some successful components. ...despite the
existence of many good books of this genre, I will keep ‘Homeopathy: An Illustrated Guide’ on my shelf,
and will not hesitate to show it to all who indicate an interest.”
28. The Mind Defined by Laurol PART and Rebecca PRESTON, Dynamis Books, Malvern, £15
ISBN 1-9011 4700 22. review by Peter FRASER (HOM, 72, 1999): “...this little book, which contains just
those parts of Webster’s that will be of use to a homeopath, is an extremely valuable tool. It gives
Webster’s definition for words found in rubrics, sub-rubrics and definitions in the Mind section of Kent’s
Repertory. It also includes a few words that are found in other books, such as translations of the Organon,
where Webster’s definition will be helpful to the homeopath. The layout and the printing are excellent
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 50
and it is very easy to find the definition that you are looking for. The transcription is accurate and the
compilers appear to have looked at the definitions of other forms of the word and added them where
appropriate. ...although this book does what it sets out to do exceptionally well, it does not do some of the
other things that could have made it even more useful. It does not have the cross references and modern
29. Yasgur’s Homeopathic Dictionary by Jay YASGUR, Van Hoy Publishers, 1988, Fourth Edition,
422 pages, paperback, price from Amazon.co.uk is £13.46 plus postage. Review by Anna BRYANT
(HOM, 74, 1999): “...if you seek only to be informed, there is little to complain of in Yasgur’s
Homeopathic Dictionary. It is a useful work well done. As far as I am aware it is the only comprehensive
dictionary of homeopathic and archaic medical terminology. ...some of the entries are informative
although the amount of information seems to depend not so much on a text standard as on the author’s own
interest in each topic. Clarity and detail mark the author as a competent scientist... Bowel nosodes are
described in terms more coherent than I have encountered elsewhere. ...I consider the lack of etymology in
the Dictionary to be a significant omission. Medical terminology abounds with difficult words and their
origins can serve as aide memoire. ...apart from defining words, almost a third of the book is taken up with
various other bits and bobs. There is a list of pronounciation of remedies although there is no guidance
offered for speaking the words in the main dictionary. Potentially useful is a section listing other
30. Homeopathy A - Z, by Dana ULLMAN, MPH. Published by Hay House Inc., Carlsbad,
California, 1999. Hardback, ISBN - 1-56170 573-X. Reviewed by Celia RAWLINGS(HOM, 74, 1999):
“...this new self-help book would appeal to absolute beginners and students alike. ...first part of the book
gives a history of homeopathy and covers the principle of similars, individualization of the remedy to the
person, Hering’s Law of Cure, provings and an explanation of the pharamaceutical process including
dilution and potentisation. ...Part two of the book lists the ailments in alphabetical order, followed by the
indicated remedies and a brief description to differentiate each one. ...There are clear instructions on when
and how often to take the remedies, and advice on how long to continue with them, but rarely a suggestion
to stop before if an improvement is seen. ...I think this book is a step in the right direction towards
educating people about the body’s ability to heal itself.
Reviewed by Peter WRIGHT (SIM, XII, 2/1999): “...visually and linguistically, this book is the antithesis
of the dense, anachronistic republished tomes with which we began our study of Hahnemannian healing.
...Homeopathy A-Z is divided into three parts: “About Homeopathy,” a concise summary of homeopathic
principles; Homeopathy A-Z,” a therapeutic guide presenting a few common remedies for an array of
complaints, from abscesses to warts; and “Resources,” listing homeopathic organizations, pharmacies, and
recommended books. ...I can’t ignore his defense of combination remedies, which he suggests are as non-
suppressive and often effective for treating minor illnesses. ...Although one can readily agree with him that
“there are many ways to make homeopathic medicines work,” I would argue that if any and all of the very
diverse ways of using potentized substances are lumped together as homeopathy,” the term simply loses
its meaning altogether.”
31. Encyclopedia of Remedy Relationships in Homeopathy, Abdur REHMAN, Haug Verlag,
Heidelberg, 1997. Hardbound, 362 pp, £58 ISBN 3-7760-1545-4. Review by Nich CHURCHILL(HOM,
74, 1999): “...after years of having to make do with outdated and incomplete listings of remedy
relationships such as those JH Clarke or PS Sankaran, this absolute gem of a book came out and since then
it has never strayed far from my reach. ... the most complete account of remedy relationships. He has
referenced each observation to its author, giving the user of this book full control in the matter of reliability
of sources. The range of information given for each remedy is as complete as the book itself.... ...with
thousands of clinical hints from the various authors. ...a substancial index of clinical conditions rounds off
the book and enables it to be used as a sophistic therapeutics tool if you so wish.”
32. Radical Healing - Mind-Body Medicine At Its Most Practical and Transformative by Dr.Rudolph
BALLENTINE, pub.Rider, London 1999, £12.99, ISBN 0 7126 7037 8. Reviewed by Nigel
SUMMERLEY(HOM, 74, 1999): “...He takes you on a seamless journey from herbs, tissue salts and
homeopathy through Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to nutrition, yoga, chakras and psychotherapy.
...his overview of homeopathy is one of the best and most exciting accounts ever written. It would be an
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 51
almost perfect text to take the completely new reader from ignorance to insight. ...his grasp of Ayurveda,
Chinese medicine, herbs, nutrition, yoga and exercise will be a relevation for the open-minded
33. Homeopathy - What are we Swallowing? Unmasking the Alternative Health Industry. by
Steven RANSOM, Credence Publications, Uckfield, 1999. £6.99 ISBN 0-9535012-2-1. Reviewed by
Alan CROOK(HOM,74,1999): “This is not a book to read if you are prone to hypertension. The tone of
Steven RANSOM’s book is very similar to the attacks on Alternative and Nutritional Medicine by CAHF
and Duncan Campbell as described by Walker(in his book Dirty Medicine) Reference is made to the
‘multi-million pound industry’ (no mention of the profits of the multi-national pharmaceutical companies
presumably it is OK for them to make profits), and the continual inference is that alternative practitioners
and homeopaths in particular, are conning the gullible public dishonestly out of all this money for self-
interested ends with no evidence that any of it works. Of course there is plenty of evidence, but this is all
anecdotal and not based on any serious scientific data. The book is cleverly constructed so as to demolish
one by one all the pillars on which the practice public acceptance of homeopathy rests. Thus a thorough
demolition job is done on HAHNEMANN’s character and integrity. Debunking the inventor of a system is
of course no proof that the system does not work... the success of homeopathic treatment is explained
away by the suggestion that the disease it treats are self-limiting anyway. ...Innuendo is rife and references
to homeopathy are interspersed with description of primitive medical practice and hocus-pocus...
...generalising from the particular is a major shortcoming of this book. No explanation is offerred for
homeopathy’s success with conditions that are not self-limiting - this is not even conceded. ...ridicule is
heaped upon Jacques Beneveniste and the whole concept of the memory of water... the possibility of any
system of medicine apart from Western biomedicine being effective is ruled out. ...This book
transparently aims to generate an immense amount of misinformation about homeopathy in the public
mind and to deconstruct much of the publicity regarding its benefits as a gently effective system of
34. Carcinosinum: New and confirmed clinical symptoms: a case collection, by Karl-Josef MÜLLER,
1st edition, 1994 Karl-Josef MÜLLER,Markstr.11, 66842 Zweibrücken, translated by Thomas
SCHREIER, M.D. review by Hanneke SCHRIJVERS (HL,11,3/1998): “In the first Chapter of this booklet
Karl-Josef Müller speaks out against prescription based on the ‘essence’. In my opinion he does this on
purpose to warn his colleagues of the dangers of taking things easy. . . I think that both students and
experienced homeopaths will find this booklet worth reading. It is easy to follow and fascinating too. I can
imagine myself picking up this little book whenever I suspect that a patient might need Carcinosinum.”
35. Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Legal Boundaries and Regulatory Perspectives by
Michel COHEN, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998. reviewed by Ann Jerome CROCE
(NEJH,8,1/1999) : “...readable and thorough, this book provides tremendous insight into the legal status of
alternative therapies today, and it offers reasonable and well-informed suggestions about how the law can
shape the future of medicine as a whole. ...It is not a how-to manual, but an overview of the past and
present relationship between alternative medicine and the law. This book is full of legal cases which are
elucidated clearly in terms of both their content and their implications for the practice of alternative
medicine. ...Cohen does remain neutral, a position which is refreshing in contemporary scholarship on
complementary and alternative medicine. He is able to do so because he recognizes that biomedicine
comes from an entirely different paradigm, or way of thinking, from the one in which complementary and
alternative medicine operates. ...Cohen’s detailed treatment of the two paradigms makes clear that the
issues in integration are not simply practical, political, and economic, but also conceptual; this rich
understanding brings a profound depth to his legal analysis. The book traces specific legal precedents
involving a wide variety of healing modalities; chiropractors and naturopaths in particular will find a great
deal of pertinent information here. ...Cohen provides a handful of practical recommendations both for legal
approaches to cases involving complementary and alternative medicine and for providers to protect
themselves from unnecessary litigation. ...Cohen remains optimistic about the future integration of health
care through legal change. ...Optimistic and armed with copious facts, Cohen, makes a convincing
argument for the possibility of change.”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 52
36. The Faces of Homeopathy: An Illustrated History of the First 200 Years. by Julian WINSTON.
Great Auk Publishing. PO Box 51-156. Tawa, Wellington. 6230 New Zealand. Price: $80(US). Review
by Paul HERSCU(NEJH, 8,1/1999) : “...This is a great book and goes way beyond any other homeopathy
history book in many ways. I highly recommend it to all students and practitioners of homeopathy.
...Julian establishes and expresses an intimacy with the material that comes with his vast knowledge and his
fluid, integrated understanding of the topic. His style invites participation and is accessible, never stuffy.
That alone makes this historical account a great book. Julian covers many of the specifics, going into detail
on many of the twists and turns and contractions that have been part of our tradition. ...Another thing I like
about the book is the chapters about Homeopathy in our time. ...He does this part well, given the
politicking that was possible, the wants and desires of competing people, he executes this with the same
balance that worked for the rest of the book. ...There is a small chapter on computer use in Homeopathy.
...the book further goes into legal issues, state laws, as well as a brief story of homeopathy in different
countries around the world. ...buy it, read it... you will come to feel your place in the tradition of
homeopathy and you will enjoy the ride.”
37. Homeopathic Methodology, by Todd ROWE, North Atlantic Books, PO Box 12327, Berkeley, CA
94712. Paper bound, 158 pages, $18.95. Reviewed by Peter WRIGHT (SIM, XII, 2/1999): “...Todd
ROWE has produced a workbook to help beginners reduce the length and the difficulty of the initial phase
of homeopathic training. The purpose of the book... ...is to provide beginning students with a solid
grounding in two of the three pillars: casetaking and the use of the repertory. ...The author does not assume
that the student using Homeopathic Methodology is starting out with any special medical training or
licensure. The first three lessons cover casetaking. ...Lesson four gives a general introduction to the
repertory and its use. While a brief history of repertories is provided, the emphasis is very much on Kent’s
magnum opus... The critical question of “how to Choose the Most Important Symptoms” is handled in two
paragraphs. The thorny issues around evaluating proposed additions to our repertorial data base go
unmentioned. ...The next five lessons provide an overview of Kent’s Repertory. ...The final lesson,
dealing with case analysis, offers a solid introduction to the most challenging part of the initial
homeopathic consultation, the phase which leads directly to the prescription.”
38. Living on Light - The source of Nourishment For The New Millenium by Jasmuheen, Koha
Verlag, Germany 1998. Reviewed by D.E.MISTRY(CCR, 8, 1 & 2/1999): “Imagine a state where one
can dispense with food or liquids which at present nourish the body and instead one can get the same basic
nourishment by absorbing energy from universal life energy sources. Is this a state possible in a distant
Utopian time or is it in existence somewhere in reality close to us? Well, the answer to this, one will find
in the above book. ...This book also gives information on physical immortality - natural consequence of
allowing the Divine Spark to sustain and regenerate our body cells. To put it simplistically her method
entails essentially REPROGRAMMING the body especially the cellular consciouness and its memory to
take and absorb Pranic forces DIRECTLY instead of the round about indirect way via food by a process of
mind masterly.
39. The Power of Now: A guide to Spiritual Enlightenment - by ECHART, Tolle Publishers Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia. Price $19.95. Reviewed by D.E. MISTRY (CCR, 8, 1 & 2/1999): “...This
book represents the essence of Eckhart’s work with small groups and individuals in Europe and North
America. ...Throughout two levels are visible in this book. The first level draws the attention by the author
to what is “false” in you, meaning “the nature of human unconsciousness and dysfunction as well as its
most common behavioural manifestation, from conflict in realtionships to warfare between tribes and
nations”. On this level the author shows how not to make the false into a self” and into a personal
problem. On another level the book speaks of a profound transformation of human consciouness- not as a
distant future possibility but available “now” no matter where or who you are.” One is shown how to free
oneself from enslavement to the mind enter in to this enlightened state of consciouness and sustain it in
everyday life.”
40.Die heriditären chronischen Krankheiten (The heridatary chronic diseases), LABORDE, Y.;
RISCH, G.: 804 S., 70 Abb. Schriftenreihe der Clemens von Bönninghausen-Akademie Band 20,
Verlag Müller & Steinicke, München 1998 DM 175,- review SCHMITZ (ZKH,43,1/199): “ . . .The book
makes a clear discussion of the problems of chronic diseases and besides giving the historical consideration
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 53
also details the considerations to be taken into account in daily practice. It can therefore be of much use as
a reference book for noting the signs of heriditary chronic diseases. The illustrations could make it easy to
understand particularly the heriditary Syphilis.”
I. Seminar - Misha NORLAND, October 24-26, 1998: One of the first topics was about what happens
when a person takes a remedy especially in provings. If the prover is open and receptive, they often
immediately experience some kind of sensation, followed a few minutes later by some kind of image.
Together, the image and sensation yield the mind “landscape” of a remedy from which physical symptoms
spring forth. The primary focus of most of the workshop was on case-taking and analysis. An important
tip was of removal of one’s bias from the case by being vigilant. The most profound aspect of Misha’s
teaching was the analysis of the mental/emotional realm of a case. Rather than focusing on specific key-
notes, an emphasis was placed on seeing the whole picture. The center piece of the workshop was the live
case. (HT,18,2/1998)
II. How long should one wait before deciding that the remedy given was not working? Will TYLER
points out (HT,18,2/1998), to KENT’s Lectures on Materia Medica on Natrum muriaticum wherein the
“pace of the case” is discussed. In the case of a Belladonna ear infection with an onset at 3 p.m. the result
must be seen by the time the child is taken from your room; in an Aconite case the result must be seen as
the pellet hits the tongue (in acute case) and in a Bryonia mastitis gradual improvement over several hours
within the next day; in a Guaicum rheumatoid arthritis case, may have to hold your breath for three months
after a dose. (Also refer to KENT’s lectures on Second Prescription.)
III. Writing about earaches Miranda CASTRO refers to an article in the Jl. of the Am.Med.Ass. (JAMA),
Nov.26, 1997 in which reference to research carried out in Holland which recommended not to use
antibiotics as first line of defense in ear aches. They suggest watch and wait policy for children for upto
three days, as the majority of the ear aches will resolve of their own accord in this time. This has been a
routine medical practice in Holland for some time and one that is being adopted in other European
The writer further says about the rapid and safe homeopathic treatment. Cases are given.
IV. The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States (HPCUS), informs that the
Monograph Review Committee approved after review for inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia
of the United States Revision Service (HPRS), the following thirteen new remedies: Adenosinum
cyclophosphoricum, Adenosinum triphosphoricum, Anthrachinonum, Ascorbicum acidum, Hydrochinonum,
Malicum acidum, Manganum phosphoricum, Medulla ossis suis, Naphthochinonum, Pyridoxinum
hydrochloricum, Riboflavinum, Streptococcinum, Thiaminum hydrochloricum. (HT,18,3/1999)
V. Amy ROTHENBERG in her brief article (HT,18,4/1998) about treating the ‘Hives’ of a 5-year-old girl
rtells of the girl’s grandfather, a farmer, who narrated of an epidemic disease of hogs - he too was farming
hogs as also many in his area - which was decimating the animals putting the farmers to much loss.
Someone suggested to mash some of the young hogs who sufferred from the disease, may be mashed and
some of it fed to the pigs; and lo! it worked. Is this Homeopathy? asked the old man.
VI. Some interesting discussion in the HT,18,5/1998). A correspondent narrates of finger injury which
was treated with Arnica and all pain relieved. After nearly 8 weeks he observed that the finger somewhat
crooked and an x-ray revealed a fracture which was then ‘set’. One doctor mentions in this connection that
one of his sons got three of his fingers crushed when the door jammed on them and there were fractures.
He set the fracture right and also gave Arnica. He makes a very relevant comment “I have no idea why we
might need a double-blind trial. If I could do that with placebo I’d be wicked pleased.”
VII. A correspondent writes (HT,18,5/1998) that his 8 year-old son developed some cough which seemed,
few days later, to subside with Phosphorus. A random check with an MD revealed that there was lingering
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 54
‘Pneumonia’ but the MD agreed to let it heal since Phosphorus had helped. At this stage the correspondent
recalled that the boy has been using a mouthwash, ‘Fluor-Phos’. He suspected that the cough could be due
to this mouthwash. The boy stopped it and his cough cleared. [Is this an involuntary ‘proving’ or a
‘patient sensitivity’ to the mouthwash? The Editor of HT, Julian WINSTON thinks that it is the latter =
VIII. Dr.Luc De SCHEPPER, MD., (HT,18,7/1998) has, more than once, been holding a Seminar the
collections from which would go to the cause of Homeopathy. That’s great indeed! He has donated the
money collected from a Seminar he conducted for his patients who wanted to learn Homeopathy for a
clinic in India. Next he donated to the National Institute of Homeopathy, USA, $14,580/- earned from
another Seminar. Dr.SCHEPPER earnestly urges everyone who holds seminars to dedicate the earnings of
one seminar to the ‘cause’. [One could certainly follow this example = KSS]
IX. Homeopathy in Honduras: In 1996-97, Homeopathy for a Change gave to the International
Council of Classical Homeopaths (ICCH) to allow several homeopaths to travel to Honduras and offer
homeopathic help. Homeopathy for a change is an organization that works to facilitate access to free and
low-cost homeopathic treatment and to provide training in front-line health projects. It was established in
1984. Its longest running project, begun in 1985, is based in India. It consists of a mobile homeopathic
clinic and children’s nutritional projects focussed in the slums of Calcutta. It is run in conjunction with the
Bengal Allen Homeopathic Medical Institute. In Great Britain Homeopathy for a Change works with
alcohol recovery programmes, mental health clinics and HIV/AIDS support programes. It also runs a
teaching programme in Cairo - the first Homeopathic Teaching programme in the Middle East - and
sponsors of the London College of Classical Homeopathy, Homeopathy Teaching Programme in
Now Homeopathy for a Change has taken up project in Honduras. There are many health problems
in Honduras. Honduras is desperately poor. The wealth is held by 5% of the population. The rest have no
free enterprise, not even a dream. Most children only go to school until the third grade; only a few make it
to the sixth grade. And many fathers feel no responsibility for their children, so the women are left to raise
their children as single mothers. The only way these women can get money for their children is to hand
wash clothes for wealthier people or to become prostitutes. Under the circumstances the work being done
by Homeopathy for a Change in Honduras is certainly great (HT,18,6/1998).
X. A correspondent urges (HT,18,6/1998) the homeopathic community to do proving / re-proving of the
Nosodes which are much more valuable than the modern provings of Germanium, Eagle’s blood, Dolphins
milk, Lac equinum, etc. which are though interesting yet esoteric items.
XI. Abstract from report on International Council for Classical Homeopathy Conference in New
Zealand, February 28 - March 1998: (Report by Julian WINSTON, HT,18,7/1998): John OUTRAM from
Brisbane, Australia, pesented a case of Floppy-baby Syndrome”. The child was diagnosed as having
“Prader-Willi syndrome.” a neuro-behavioral genetic disorder. John said that he has seen children often
born to women who vomit excessively during the pregnancy. The child was treated early on with Calcarea
silicata and then with potentized DNA - based on the descriptions of the remedy found in O.A.JULIAN’s
Matria Medica. The child, now about five years old, is doing well, and is ready to enter school. (Which
remedy - Calcarea or DNA brought about the improvement? How much did Calcarea do and how much
DNA? = KSS).
Pauline WILSON presented a case of a teenager with Eczema and behavioral problems who responded
well to Ozone 30 and four months later 200.
Bruce BARWELL has been practicing Homeopathy in Aickland, New Zealand for over 25 years. He
discussed what we can learn about Homeopathy from orthodox text books.
Ulrike KESSLER from Germany presented a case of a 68-year-old woman suffering from severe side-
effects of neuroleptic drugs. She was put on neuroleptic drugs after a thigh fracture. She had already
received 40 different drugs. She kept insisting that she was not herself, and the loss of identity” along
with the physical symptoms led to the choice of the remedy and she went on to improve.
Julia TWOHIG presented a proving of Latrodectus hasselti, the red-back spider from Australia. She
presented a case of chronic Latrodectism - brought on by the bite of the red-back spider. Among the
symptoms that were most striking in the proving were the sensation as if menses were to appear, hysterical
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 55
reactions to formication - people searching their beds at night for spiders and very sensitive soles of the feet
- some provers couldn’t even walk on carpet. There were extreme polarities in symptoms - for example,
there were both lassitude and vigor. The menstrual symptoms were so marked that some of the provers
thought they were proving a hormone.
Alastair GRAY from Sydney discussed the provings of Agathis australis - the kauri tree, and presented
a case in which the remedy was prescribed. He said that there were many provings being done in Australia,
but none have been published - which is like a pram without a baby.
XII. Dr.Jeffrey STARRE presented (HT,18,7,1998) the Echinacea in the Annual Autumn Conference, at
Akron, Ohio, October 1997. The Echinacea that has been proven for homeopathic use is the not the
purpura but the angustifolia. According to many experts the traditional purple corn flower really doesn’t
exist anymore. The Echinacea that exists today is most likely the angustifolia.
XIII.North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) - 1st Annual Conference, New North American
Society of Homeopaths (NASH) - 1st Annual Conference, New York, April 18-19,1998.: This was a
very well-attended conference. NASH is an organisation devoted to developing a certified homeopathic
profession, distinct from, and in cooperation with, other health/medical professions. It certifies those who
meet its standards. Notable persons who addressed were: Lou KLEIN: A vision for the Future with case
examples; Monica MILLER; Legal and political issues in alternative Medicine; Misha NORLAND:
Homeopathic symptoms, separating the wheat from the chaff. Workshops were conducted: Robert
STEWART: Minerals, Metals and Crystals; Melanie GRIMES; On the trail of HAHNEMANN; JoDALY:
The 23rd Prescription - long term case management; Jane CICHETTI: Interpersonal and family dynamics;
Miranda CASTRO and Julie BOYNTON: Suicidal depression; Richard PITT and Gina INEX: Legal and
political issues; Vega ROSENBERG: Homeopathic Fire - the essence of perception; Steve WALDSTEIN:
Uncommon Uses of Common Remedies; Eric SOMMERMAN: Dialogue on Homeopathic Practice; John
MELNYCHUK: Intentionality.
Louis KLEIN said that he didn’t believe that Homeopathy cannot cure certain diseases. “There are no
incurable cases. Either we haven’t been successful in finding the right remedy or the right remedy hasn’t
been found yet.” With this in mind he urged that in addition to proving new remedies, homeopaths should
also access the old, “smaller” remedies more thoroughly. (HT,18,7/1998)
XIV. Joe LILLARD writes about his visit to Mexico in November 1997. The impressions can be briefly
stated as follows: In Guadalajara, Mexico, he found that demand for Homeopathy has grown dramatically
in the past seven years. In Guadalajara there are only two medical schools. The University of Guadalajaro
(public, with a waiting list so long that years go by before an applicant is accepted), and a private school
which only a few can afford. Because these schools offer no training in Homeopathy, another two years of
study are required after graduation to become a homeopath. Roughly 10% of the pharmacies and
physicians are homeopathic. Approximately 80% of the population in Guadalajara use homeopathic
medicines. 20,000 lay homeopaths are the care givers for these patients. Some lay-practitioners are well-
trained and some are not, but that’s how the bulk of Homeopathy gets done. Homeopathy didn’t
experience the decline that occurred in the US in the early part of the 20th Century. There was government
sponsored training for physicians, and there was always public demand. As this demand grew, the one
official school couldn’t train enough physicians to keep up with the rapidly growing demand for
Homeopathy. A number of unofficial academies, non-medical homeopaths sprang. Most schools offering
training in Homeopathy are unofficial and being attended by some medical and largely by non-medical
people. However, due to these schools the vacuum created by the lack of homeopathic physicians is no
more. It looks like the professional homeopaths will gain recognition in Mexico. They are meeting the
need and they have the votes. (HT,18,7/1998)
XV. The Homeopathic Nurses Association (HNA) is up and running, as a support and professional
organization for nurses with an interest in Homeopathy. There are thousands of nurses around the world
who are studying Homeopathy and using it in their clients’ wellness care and health education. They want
homeopathic education, contact with their colleagues and support in integrating Homeopathy into their
professional lives...” (HT,18,7/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 56
XVI. 1998 NCH Annual Conference March 27-30, San Diego. Report by Gloria St.JOHN
1. Nancy HERRICK presented the Uses of potentized Ginseng; A blend of Korean (Aranea
quinquefolia) and American (Panax quinquefolia) Ginseng was triturated by HAHNEMANN Pharmacy for
the proving. Nancy HERRICK identified the following ‘themes’ from the Provers’ journals:
High Energy Exhaustion
Calm Out of control/Wild
Capable Helpless
Sense of connection Isolated/Misunderstood
Patient Irritable
Flowing Roller coaster energy
Spirituality Sensuality
Inhibited speech Free expression
The ‘general; symptoms included extreme thirst, dry mouth, craving for chocolate, salsa, and red wine.
Provers reported a desire to “indulge” themselves in rather harmless but unusual pleasures such as drinking
red wine in the afternoon, buying fine fabrics, and using creams and lotions. Also notable were a strong
desire to travel and an urge to be in nature. The color red, in dream imagery and actual experiences, along
with feelings of being huge, was found throughout the remedy. Some specific symptoms for Ginseng
include: tinitus; tooth problems, specifically upper left molar; jaw pain (trigeminal neuralgia); flu; chills;
back pain; nausea;increased appetite and sexual energy; hemorrhoids; pressure and constriction in the
chest; joint pains (knee); and sciatica. [No information of the potency used, the number of provers, sex, the
time within which the provings appeared, how long the symptoms lasted, etc. etc. all hallmarks of a
hahnemannian Proving have not been given. Why? How reliable are these information?=KSS]
2. Treating Hypersensitive People Gently with LM Potencies: Presentation by Luc DeSCHEPPER,
report by Judith Cassan BOOMER: Dr.DeSCHEPPER is an MD, a PhD and a DTHom. originaly from
Belgium. He said at the opening that LM potencies are not only for hypersensitive patients - they are for
everyone. He chided those who use the single, high, potency and wait and watch protocol as uncaring and
unsympathetic because the aggravation that the patient must pass through can sometimes be lengthy. LM
potencies are gentler. He gave directions for the preparation of the stock: a single pellet in a 4 oz. bottle, 15
drops of ethyl alcohol, fill with distilled water. Succus the bottle firmly against the palm of the hand 8 to
10 times - to begin with 9 times - take a teaspoon of this into a glass 2 - 3 ounce cup of distilled water and
stirred a few times to mix up, then the patient takes a teaspoon of this preparation in the mouth, leaves it
there for a few seconds and swallows it. If the person is hypersensitive, then the succussion is only 6, 5 or
even 2. He spoke more of the advantages of the LM.
3. The Search for the Holy Grail: Hunting High and Low for the Simillimum - Report on a
presentation by Miranda CASTRO and Nicholas NOSSAMAN: This subject was presented as a drama by
the two. The Simillimum is stated to be an ideal, a Utopian concept. The Simillimum is a powerful
catalyst for healing by virtue of its resonance with an individual’s vital force. The resonance can take place
when a caregiver asks the right question, a question which leads to a deeper understanding of what ails that
individual. In such an exchange, transformation is initiated and another journey begins.
4. The Homeopathic Treatment of Addictions: Report on a presentation by Janet ZAND: Janet ZAND
has broad range of knowledge of the subject. She uses a combination of modalities, including
Acupuncture, Nutrition and Herbs, but said that it’s Homeopathy that has the greatest effect on the
treatment of people with addictions and that makes them “their old selves”. She discussed the case of a
Cocaine addict. 28-year-old man, very successful engineer. He only wanted to be treated for urinary
infections and prostate problems. But his wife told the doctor confidentially about the Cocaine addiction.
He was very irritable and “lived onantibiotics. He was impatient. He said that he liked to literally
“touch and feel” his engineering creations, rip them apart and then put them back together. He described
himself as very intense and energetic without Cocaine and claimed that he actually preferred to be calmer.
Craved stimulants and napped in the afternoon. Nux vomica and then Medorrhinum cured.
XVII. Sanicula aqua: In the QHD,XVI,3&4/1999, Peter BARTHEL wrote that the Sanicula spring in
Ottawa, was no more. A doubt was therefore raised as to the source of the Sanicula currently available in
the homeopathic pharmacies. It has come as a revelation to us from Randall BRADLEY (Letter to the
Editor, HT,18,9/1998) that the Sanicula supplied by Dolisos Pharmacy was not Sanicula aqua but Sanicula
europaea, a plant remedy! We do not know about the other pharmacies. In Homeopathy it is absolutely
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 57
essential that the correct remedy is obtained. What control do we have over the homeopathic
XVIII. Homeopathy and the Treatment of People with Cancer - Report on a Seminar by André
SAINE, February 24-27, 1998, in Costa Rica: The Seminar was directed at advanced Practitioners. He
presented an extensive literature review on Cancer and Homeopathy - KENT, who said that while it is
incurable, it can be palliated and life prolonged, A.LIPPE, PP.WELLS, TALBOT, and GILCHRIST who
all cited numerous cured Cancer cases; Dr.SAWYER boasted of a 95% cure with Homeopathy, while
J.H.CLARKE asserted that the more malignant the case the better the prognosis for successful treatment.
Edmund CARLETON treated Cancer with Homeopathy, and BOERICKE said that best prognosis comes
from homeopathic treatment. SAINE said that localized symptoms carry more importance in the
treatment of people with Cancer. The location, consistency, size and shape of the tumour are all important.
Any odor or discharge will also furnish information. The symptoms of the tumour are simply the
expression of the nature of the disease. Physical examination is a crucial part. Peculiar symptoms must be
noted. Make sure that you include the localized symptoms pertaining to the Cancer in the total picture.
Clues to the case could come from many places. It is important to be persistent in case taking and analysis.
The location of warts can be very important for prescribing. It could be a keynote of the remedy. Some
remedies have organ relationship like basal cell Carcinoma and Juglans cinera or Hekla lava and brain
tumour. It is common that after a while the patient stops reacting well to the remedy in spite of even higher
potency. In such “stalled” cases look for a remedy for the totality especially of the remaining symptoms
that have not changed. A nosode often helps. For chronic cases 90% of cases will need more than one
remedy. The successful treatment of people with Cancer in the past, even in very difficult cases, was
directly related to the perseverance and tenacity of the practitioner.
The best prognosis is relative to the amount of experience the doctor has had in treating people with
Cancer. Another factor is the malignancy of the disease, the more malignant and faster growing the
disease, the better the prognosis. The patient’s own vitality is another factor. Sometimes the treatment
may prolong even upto five or more years. Be wary of going too fast in treatment. Don’t heal faster than
the patient can handle. The best homeopathic practitioner will be the best diagnostician - one who is
skilled in discerning common from peculiar symptoms, and one who follows the case carefully and always
perseveres! (HT,18,9/1998).
2. Edward KONDROT writes in A Visit to India (HT,18,10/1998), about his meeting with
Dr.A.U.RAMAKRISHNAN, who has been treating a large number of Cancer cases. Dr.R says something
quite different. “His approach to Cancer is very aggresive, often using two remedies: the constitutional
remedy and a lesional remedy specific for the Cancer.” [Is there such a specific’? = KSS]. “He also
believes in frequent repetition of the dose and has developed a plussing technique. . . In some cases he has
prescribed this alternation of remedies for as long as 3 months. With Cancer he believes there is no time to
give one dose and wait: “Cancer is a race against time.” [Consider this with André SAINE above who
speaks of prolonged treatment for even 5 years or more. = KSS]. “Dr.RAMAKRISHNAN also has
considerable experience in treating eye problems homeopathically.”
XIX. Alize TIMMERMAN in her element, Mountain Lakes, New Jersey. Seminar (HT,18,10/1998): Lac
humanum: two cured cases illustrated a few lesser known symptoms: Both patients demonstrated an
identifiable Lac humanum mental state with feelings of isolation, estrangement, and detachedness, both
possessed strong cravings for ginger, and most peculiarly they both rocked back and forth, or side to side
during the consultation. According to ALIZE plussing 30th and 200th potencies work quite well, as
opposed to higher potencies which have not been curative.
An interesting observation made by ALIZE: She and her colleagues were frustrated with some of their
paediatric cases where the children, mostly adopted, suffered from varying types of attachment disorder,
with symptoms focussed around the issues of abandonment and separation. Often Magnesium remedies
have not been successful. Interestingly one of the main constituents the Cuckoo bird feeds on is Oxalic
acid. In Netherlands they have found great successes with Oxalic acid in such cases; of course one must
have some other confirmatory symptoms of Oxalic acid.
XX. The First Australian Case Conference, July 25-26, 1998, report bu Julian WINSTON
(HT,18,11/1998): Ken D’ARAN, the organizer of the Conference and the Vice-President of the Sydney
College of Homeopathic Medicine, opened the Conference. Peter TUMMINELLO discussed the remedy
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 58
Rhus glabra, proved by him. Although the remedy had a proving in the past, it was only with one prover
who reported mostly physical symptoms. The present proving found the “desire to bash, hit, and slap
around”, dreams of prison riots, fear of going out and being mugged. Violence at the slightest provocation
or perceived offence was a leading indication. Some of the provers felt protected and could stand up to
abuse. Three cases were presented.
Julia TWOHIG discussed the proving of Latrodectus hasselti, the red-back spider. The provers
showed a lot of violence, and all the mental symptoms had a corresponding physical symptom. Dreams of
a sexual nature, nakedness, fights, violence, murder, danger, courts, etc. It was interesting that three
provers who had fear of spiders were rid of that fear after the proving. One prover grew a spot of white
hair; and in a case where a woman patient was prescribed this medicine, found her hair starting to become
black again. Julia said that taking part in a proving changes for ever how you perceive the repertory
Alastair GRAY discussed his proving of the New Zealand Kauri tree - Agathis australis. The remedy
cured following symptoms in a young woman: She felt that her boy-friend cheated her since he had sex
with other girls. Her story revealed sibling rivalries, and she blamed every member of her family for
everything that had happened to her. She swam 3 km. a day; she had a water fetish. She yearns and longs
for family and relationships but nothing lasts. With a 30 potency she had a marvellous improvement; the
potency lasted eight months. This remedy has been proved in a Seminar in 1993, a full proving in 1994
with five provers and again a Seminar proving in New Zealand in 1995. The signature of the remedy is
“separation, light to the world, longing for what is gone.”
VANNIEKERK stressed the need to prescribe on observeable symptoms with no conjectural
assumption. The pathology is not needed to make the prescription but forms the basis of establishing a
prognosis and an understanding of what is characteristic of the disease. Discussing several cases of Otitis
media and gave the following tips:
If the tympanum (ear drum) is red, do not give Pulsatilla. However, if the tympanum is straw-colored
and the earache does not bother the child, then give Pulsatilla 30.
If you make a noise and can’t attract the child’s attention and there is a grayish exudate from the ear or
whiteness on the tongue, then give Kali muriaticum 30.
If the child is not thriving and there are chronic earaches, give Tuberculinum aviare 9.
If the parotid gland is painful to pressure, give Capsicum 3.
If both the parotid and mastoid are painful give Aurum metallicum 200.
Philip ROBBINS presented a case of Phascolarctos cinereus (extract of the chest scent gland of the
male Australian Koala). It was used in the LM potency. The patient was a heroin addict.
XXI. An unusual “medicinal proving” was done by some students in Scotland. They wanted to know the
effects of highly powerful Organ-phosphate-Pesticide and to know the time since when the side effects
would show up. They took this stuff. The acute toxic effects or organic phosphate connection indicate an
organ relationship to central and autonomic nervous system and covers paralysis, confusions, headaches,
nausea, perspiration and vision defects. A report shows how toxic these substances are. (R.HARLING,
in the Brit.Med.Jl. 317, 1998)
Dietary substances indicate Organphosphate association, R.CHAUDHURY, et al. (Brit.Med.Jl.
317, 1998): 60 men took a particular meal from kitchen in which pesticide had earlier been sprayed. The
toxicological results agree well with the above mentioned. One patient died 10 days later from heart
failure. In the discussion, it is stressed that the growing children and households should be suitably warned
about the pesticides.
XXII. T.JEFFERSON writes in the Brit.Med.Jl. 317,1998 about the association of Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome, Asthma, Autism, Inflammatory intestinal diseases, Brain damages, Type 1 Diabetes. In the
Editorial he says that a clear proof for this is difficult to be shown. Long-term adverse effects have not
been proved. However, the profession should think of remedies for such potential adverse effects.
XXIII. Acute Neuropathy after exposure to sun in a female patient treated with Hypericum: (Lancet,
352, (1998) 1121-1122): A female patient was taking Hypericum 500 mg. per day for slight Depression.
Four weeks later she developed stitching pains on face and back of hand on parts exposed to sun. The
pains were worse on exposure to sun rays. Pains could begin from minimal light touch and draft. Cold
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 59
agg., while warmth amel. Three weeks after the Hypericum was withdrawn the ailments began to disappear
and fully disappeared in two months.
Although the photodynamic action of Hypericum is well-known, this remedy is related generally in the
repertory to nerves. Appropriate entries should be made in the repertory. (AHZ,244,2/1999).
XXIV. Biliary heavy metal concentration in patients with Gallbladder Carcinoma
(Br.Med.Jl.317,1998. 1288-1289): Cadmium sulphuratum is known to affect left sided upper abdomen
ailments and is considered as an indication in Carcinoma of the stomach. Chromicum acidum is linked
with right hypochondrium. In the above study the 96 patients with Gall bladder diseases and 38 out of
them had a histologically confirmed Carcinoma of Gall bladder and in the Carcinoma group increased
amount Cadmium, Chromium and Lead were clearly observed in the gall flow. The study was carried in
Benares in India, on the banks of the river Ganges which has been severely polluted. These toxicological
information are relevant to the remedies Cadmium and Chrom. (AHZ,244,2/1999).
XXV. A Consensus Conference for Homeopathic Medicine Provings was held on 22May 1998 during
the course of the 150th Annual conference of the German Central Association of Homeopathic
Physicians (der 150 Jahrestagung des Deutschen Zentralvereins Homöopathischer Ärzte (DZVhA).
The participants included J. BECKER, G. BLEUL, F. BONSCH, W. GLÜCK, M. HEGER, F. KÖNIG, A.
KUMMER, H. MÖLLINGER. A.SCHÜTTE, F.WIELAND. This was the first of such conference and
seven ‘experts’ were invited. The aim was to prescribe a minimum standard for future for homeopathic
medicine proving, to lay down criteria. Points discussed included: aim of the medicine proving, what
substance to be proved, documentation of the proving stuff, potency for the proving, demands on the
prover. Conditions in which the criteria do not apply were decided, as for example, those below 18 year
age, those under continued medication, pregnancy or lactation, etc. Legal aspects, proving course, placebo,
protocol, understanding the difference from proving symptom, proving report, list of repertory entries.
XXVI. The substance Dithranol is well-known since 80 years as an effective remedy for Psoriasis. The
substance is obtained from the tree Vataireopsis ararobea. It is a tree 20 to 30 m high growing in the
atlantic forests of east Brazil. This remedy does not find entry in our Materia Medica. The rain forests are
being exploited and the forest area is dwindling. It is necessary that the trees are saved from destruction.
(R.K.LISTER, B.D.SCHRIRE in Lancet 353 (1999) 848. AHZ,244,3/1999)
XXVII. (i) Indications of the seven main snakes in vascular pathology:
* Bothrops is unreliable in thrombosis and is more indicated in cerebral haemorrhages.
* Cenchris is used in thrombosis, with the classical therapy by Heparin
* Crotalus horridus and Elaps corallinus are indicated in acute haemorrhages
* Elaps is also used in strokes due to arterial thrombosis
* Lachesis is the great remedy of purpura
* Naja tripudians has a specific action on the myocardium and is indicated in angina and
myocardial infarction
* Vipera corresponds to superficial thrombosis and varicose pains; it could also be a remedy for hepatitis
(Dr.Maurice GUERS in L’Homéopathie Européenne 1998: 3: 6-16 in the BHJ,88,1/1999)
(ii) Ocular diseases in rheumatic disorders and autoimmune diseases: The author describes the
different rheumatological disorders and autoimmune diseases; she mentions the different homeopathic
remedies which are useful in these diseases.
Uveitis associated with rheumatoid arthritis may respond to: Bryonia, Rhus toxicodendron, Mercurius
solubilis, Kali bichromicum, Clematis erecta, Nitricum acidum, or Kali iodatum.
The mucous dryness of Sjögren’s syndrome can be improved by Bryonia, Alumina, Nux moschata,
Sanguinaria, and Natrum muriaticum.
The systemic lupus erythematosus may be palliated by Apis, Arsenicum album or Bovista, which act on
oedema, and Causticum, Alumina, Rhus toxicodendron, or Abies nigra, which act on dryness and sclerosis.
DNA-RNA 9cH may act on the production of autoantibodies.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 60
This ophthalmologist concludes by stressing the polychrests and the search for miasms, in particular
sycosis, treated with Thuja.(Dr.Odette DUFLO-BOUJARD in L’Homéopathie Européenne 1998: 3:
26-33 in the BHJ,88,1/1999)
(iii) Solanum tuberosum: Solanum tuberosum (potato) can be dangerous when it is green or sprouted: it
causes vertigo, diarrhoea, dilated pupils, cramps and collapse. Solanum tuberosum aegrotons is the rotten
potato due to mildew. The main symptoms are great irritability, feels wretched and thinks a lot about the
future; dreams of witchcraft, of eating human flesh; cephalalgia as if the brain would burst; oedema of the
face; stomatitis; constipation or diarrhoea with great pains and distension; anal prolapse; stiffness of the
nape of the neck and violent dorsal and lumbar pains; reddish urine with mucus; the pains are worsened by
pressure, sleep and cold water. (Dr.Micheline DELTOMBE in L’Homéopathie Européene: 1998:4, in the
(iv) The Vegetable Garden in Homeopathic Doses: This article describes four clinical cases cured by
dynamised vegetables. The first is a boy, 14 year-old with nocturnal enuresis. He was quarrelsome in his
sleep and dreamed of quarrels. Raphanus sativus 200 (Radish) cured him. The second: a baby one month
old with regurgitation and colic. Asparagus 5cH was given on the basis of the Mind symptom “excitement
afternoon” and “rocking amel.” The third, an 8 year-old girl with Asthma; Lactuca virosa 200 cured. Wild
lettuce has an excellent effect on some cases of Asthma, when we find anger, feeling of being forsaken,
difficulty in speaking, and nightmares, such as being attacked by soldiers. (Dr.Eric LORENZ in
L’Homéopathie Européene:1998:4 in the BHJ,88,1/1999).
(v) Integration of homeopathy in the health systems: Homeopathy and its components: the patient,
the remedy, and the doctor and health; the situation of Homeopathy in France and other countries
especially in Great Britain, United States, and Brazil is described. The necessity for clinical evaluations is
stressed. Concludes with various propositions for a better integration of Homeopathy into the western
health systems: a better knowledge of the costs and how homeopathic medicines work; an improvement of
the quality of the practice; a development of clinical and fundamental research; a development of a critical
teaching of Homeopathy and the preservation of humanism of homeopathic practice. (Bernard
POITEVIN in Homéopathie Européenne; 1998; 5: 22 - 31 BHJ,88/1/1999)
XXVIII. (i) Ambra grisea: This remedy is often described in a too restricted way; besides being
withdrawn, shy and depressed patient, some hyperactive, exuberant, and seductive cases respond. Ambra
grisea needs to please and to hide, and has a very bad self-image. This is the remedy for people who have
failed. Sometimes, behaviour is very hysterical because the patient wants to hide; a very shy patient. There
is premature ageing, both physical and mental . Some peculiar symptoms are: lack of reaction in acute
danger, in nervous people, nervous asthma in children, nervous cough, painful warts on the hands, tennis-
elbow, metrorrhagia at the least cause, such as a long walk or the evacuation of a hard stool. (Dr.Jacques
LAMOTHE, in Cahiers du Groupement HAHNEMANNien 1998:5:176-183, in the BHJ,88,1/1999)
(ii) Ocimum canum 5cH was prescribed for right-sided renal colic; an attack of asthma responded to
Carboneum sulfuricum. A classical case of Pulsatilla precedes a case of occipital headache cured by
Onosmodium. A last clinical case (abdominal pains following vexation, in fact due to a Cancer of the
Colon) reminds us we must always make a diagnosis before giving a homeopathic remedy. (Dr.Jean Marc
PITTON, Cahiers du Groupement HAHNEMANNien 1998:4:153-160, in the BHJ,88,1/1999).
(iii) The Gardens of the Hisperides: Citrus limonum: After a historical survey of the lemon family, the
author sets out the toxicology of the lemon and its homeopathic Materia Medica.
The most characteristic toxicological symptoms are: delusion he is crippled, erysipelas, convulsions of
the face, painful dental caries, heartburn, stomach pains, feeling of suffocation, febrile convulsions in
infants, stabbing pains in the limbs with need to stretch them, vesicular eruptions, oedema, restless sleep
sometimes due to itching, intolerance of heat and shivering.
The homeopathic indications are: chronic digestive diseases, fever with oedema, oedema of renal or
hepatic origin with a regular and strong pulse, chronic itching dermatitis. (Dr.J.BAUR in Cahiers du
Groupement HAHNEMANNien 1998:4, in the BHJ,88,1/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 61
XXIX. (i) Sepia: Several types of Sepia are described: the witch-prophetess-magician (visionary, dreams);
the gipsy dancer (dancing desire); the courtesan (eccentricity, libertinism); the shrew (anger from
contradiction); and the Cinderella-skivvy, who becomes depressed.
The well-known physical symptoms are recalled: less-known symptoms are also quoted:
* external throat: aggravation by clothing
* larynx: feeling of a plug
* fever before and/or during the menses
The main delusions are described, for example:
* suspended in the air
* intoxicated
* sees phantoms
* she could easily strain herself
(Revue Belge, 1998:2:3-9, in the BHJ,88,1/1999)
(ii) Sepia and Physiotherapy: The main Physiotherapy symptoms are radiculitis of the third cervical
nerve on the right side; great sensitivity of the left supraspinatus muscle; sensitivity of the left kidney
region; tension of the right latissimus dorsi; ischialgia on the right; blockage and torsion at the level of the
second and the third dorsal vertebra, in the standing posture, the left foot is more abducted than the right,
weakness of right piriformis muscle.
Different types of Sepia are described: the child, the young girl, the women (the female Nux vomica,
the spiritually inclined Sepia, the dwindling Sepia, the washerwoman).
Some clinical observations are also made. (Dr.DeGROOTE in Revue Belge, 1998:2:21-32
(iii) Iridium metallicum: This remedy has been studied afresh by Jeremy SHERR and Jan SCHOLTEN.
This article is an attempt to synthesize these studies with the earlier one in the Materia Medica of
BOERICKE. Iridium seems close to Platina. We find the sexual excitement, paresthesiae, pains in the left
ovary, the delusions of larger or taller than in reality, to see things smaller than the reality. Iridium has high
ambitions, but is afraid to lose, and does not have the arrogance of Platina, even if he has a very increased
self-confidence Iridium wants to communicate and has an empathy which is absent in Platina. (Dr.Philippe
COLIN in Revue Belge, 1998:2, in the BHJ,88,1/1999)
(iv) Some ENT cases: Case 1: acute sinusitis, with a sensation of air in the ears, a sensitivity of the breath
to open air, and a diarrhoea during hot weather. The remedy was Mezereum.
Case 2: Chronic otitis with the following symptoms: ailments from grief: delusion of failure; delusion of
wrong doing; contemptuous of self; contradictory, disposition to contradiction, is intolerant of eating,
ameliorates mental symptoms. The remedy was Aurum.
Case 3: sero-mucous otitis media, cured by Stramonium (childish behaviour, attempts to escape, fear of
being alone, fear of dark).
Case 4: recurrent tonsillitis, cured by Silicea (timidity, appearing in public; easily offended; anger from
contradiction; obstinate; pain in throat on becoming cold).
Case 5: recurrent tonsillitis, cured by Calcarea carbonica (fear of poverty, anxiety about health, despair of
recovery, ailments from cares, fright, anger; stitching pain in throat when swallowing, extending to ears).
Case 6: laryngeal polyp, cured by Argentum nitricum (fear of high places, fear of narrow places, fear of
losing self-control).
Case 7: recurrent laryngitis, cured by Lachesis with the following symptoms: cough, touching the ear
canal, aggravation; fear of thunderstorms, fear of water; sympathetic; despair of open air, but draft
aggravation; desires fruit. (Jean ALAERTS in Revue Belge, 1998:3:3-16 31-34 in BHJ,88/1/1999)
(v). Digitalis purpurea: The pharmacological properties, toxicology and materia medica are described:
depressed, dreams of unsuccessful efforts, and is afraid of death. The remedy has a marked action on the
heart, the liver and the gastro-intestinal tract, and the prostate. There are also eye troubles: things appear
yellow or green, or the patients see only the lower half of objects. Several clinical cases illustrate the above
symptoms. (Laurent HEMANS in Revue Belge, 1998:3:17-30 BHJ,88/1/1999)
(vi) For a better understanding of homeopathy: The author reflects on homeopathic therapy: the art of
healing and living, the importance of lifestyles and diet of the patients, meaning of disease, life and health,
and the role of the homeopathic remedy. (Vanden EYNDE in Revue Belge, 1998:3: 35-68 BHJ,88/1/1999)
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XXX. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: The picture Pulsatilla nigricans described by ALLEN and CLARKE
resembles the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This is the rationale for this trial involving 36 women
of reproductive age (mean = 24.3y). The inclusion criteria were Amenorrhoea or Oligomenorrhoea,
venous stasis (pelvic or lower limb) and the mental symptoms of Pulsatilla (in particular timidity), as well
as enlarged ovaries with cysts diagnosed by ultrasound.
Pulsatilla 6c was given 4 hourly throughout the day for 2 weeks after the end of menstruation. This
was repeated for 4 consecutive cycles. A positive result was defined as the complete disappearance of all
the inclusion criteria, including the cysts, and the production of normal ovulating follicles. This occurred in
30 women (83.3%). A further 4 women became clinically asymptomatic (asymptomatic = 94.4% in total).
(J.SÁNCHEZ and P.GUZMÁN-GÓMEZ in Boletin Mexicana dde Homeopatia 1997; 30 in the
XXXI. (I) Intestinal Parasitosis and Carbo vegetabilis: Describes the good results achieved in the
treatment of intestinal parasites, in particular pinworm (also known as Oxyuriasis), caused by Enterobius
vermicularis), and Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia) with material doses of Carbo vegetabilis based on the
cumulative experience of two paediatricians, Drs.GIÚDICI and NÓBILE with 14000 patients. It is
noteworthy that the treatment is cheap and non-toxic.
Oral doses of activated charcoal (the type used after drug overdoses) is employed. The positive
surface-charged particles of the charcoal stick to the negatively-charged surface of the parasite and block
nutrient uptake. In addition there is a stimulatory effect on the reticuloendothelial system. It deals with the
adult forms, but as is also the case in other treatments, not with the cysts. The charcoal must be pure,
additives act as electrical insulators, negating its action.
The treatment is especially useful for pregnant women, and in patients with Hepatitis or Infectious
Mononucleosis. Suggested doses are 300 mg for ages 1-2, 500 mg for ages 2-5, 1g. for over 6s, and 3-6 g
for adults, taken with plenty of fluids as a single dose or up to 4 split doses.
A success rate of up to 80% is claimed, although repetition every 15 -30 d may be necessary to achieve
this. There is also a discussion on how this treatment is not suppressive, as it does not interfere with the
body’s reaction to the organism. (M.C.DUBERTY in Homeopatia 1998:62 in BHJ,88,2/1999).
(ii) Dreams in Case Analysis: The importance of dreams, both in acute and chronic conditions is
highlighted. Dreams, delusions, and delirium are taken as comparable, since they all arise from the
subconscious. Dreams are helpful whether they appear as a repetitive theme, have been experienced in the
past, or have occurred only once but make a strong emotional impact, for example, grief, anger, etc. (use
‘ailments from” rubrics). A variety of approaches are possible.
1. For differential diagnosis: For example, Juan José, age 7, with Asthma for two years. Calc-c. or Sulph.
are the choices. When pyrexial, he is delirious and shouts that he is being crushed by a wardrobe. Not
found under MIND, Delirium, but in DREAMS, Sulph. is the only remedy.
2. Paucity of Symptoms For example, Adelaide, age 30, with no mental or general symptoms, but with
conspicuous dreams of fire, that she must die, and of vertigo. Given Sil..
3. Confirmatory: For example, Fabio, age 42, allergies, dry cough and hoarseness for three months.
Coincided with starting to dream of nakedness. Rubric with three remedies (Kent) including Rumx.
4. Evaluate the progress of the case after the remedy.
Possible patterns are: starting to remember dreams, distressing dreams stop, and dreams start to change.
For example, Emma, 72 yrs, dreamt of dirty houses which she had to sweep, and would wake up exhausted.
After treatment, started dreaming of clean and tidy houses.
5. Assess the predominat Miasm.
For example, syphilis: dreams are destructive, with suicides or homicides.
Many other examples given. (M.MOIZÉ in Homeopatia 1998; 63: 15-20 in BHJ,88,2/1999)
(iii) Drunkenness: An overlooked rubric: The case of a 24 year-old who was homosexual and had a
perianal wart 12 cm in diameter was presented. Thuja and Nitric acid failed to cure after constitutional
analysis. On deeper questioning, it was found that he always cries when he gets drunk. Under
Drunkenness, weeping or being sentimental, Lachesis and Causticum are the only two remedies. Lachesis
fit the case, was given and the wart disappeared completely in due course.
Drunkenness is a rubric that is often forgotten. The symptoms that arise during intoxication,
irrespective of the level of alcoholic tolerance, can be invaluable in the search for the simillimum.
(A.G.MINOTTI, Homeopatia 1998: 63 in BHJ,88,2/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 63
(iv) Proving of Oenanthe crocata in domestic cats and dogs: A triple-blind study with six cats and five
dogs. For each animal a normal behaviour profile was established by supervisors who have lived with the
animals for a number of years, and who were lecturers in homeopathic veterinary medicine and animal
behaviour. Oenanthe crocata 30c and 12c were used.
Clear behavioural changes were observed. 19 proving signs were collected, mostly with the 30c
potency. The most frequent were being affectionate and desire for company. Opposite signs such as
affection and aggression, as well as neurological signs were noted. In animal provings, careful and
accurate observation is essential as subjective symptoms are not available. (F.MONCAYO, Homeopatia
1998:63 in the BHJ,88,2/1999) [See Oenanthe Crocata Proving in the QHD,XVI,2/1999 = KSS]
XXXII. (i.) Helicobacter pylori nosode Three remedy pictures are outlined: Dysentry co. Gaertner, and
Helicobacter pylori(not been published before) which includes:
Mentals: obsession, apprehension, anxiety, hurry and worry.
Head: left-sided headaches.
Gastrointestinal: halitosis, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, bloating and distension, heartburn, ameliorated by
eating, acid reflux, pain in epigastrium and left hypochondrium, dysphagia, hiatus hernia, oesophageal
stenosis, melaena, stomach and pancreatic carcinoma, lymphoma.
Musculoskeletal: joint pains, especially small joints. Pains in lower ribs, especially left-sided, radiating to
the dorsal region, pains in thoracic spine, left elbow and left sacrioiliac joint, osteoporosis, left-sided
Cardiovascular: dyspnoea, angina and myocardial infarction. Cyanosis of fingertips, hands and feet,
Raynaud’s syndrome.
Skin and extremities: tense, thick or oedematous skin, with loss of normal skin folds on finger joints.
Painful, recurrent, chronic ulcers on fingertips. Contractures of muscles and tendons. Dupuytren’s
contracture, trigger finger, telangiectasias, subcutaneous calcification, scleroderma, plantar warts.
Generalities: strong affinity for gastrointestinal tract, left-sidedness.
(J. URRUTIA in La Homeopathia de México 1998: 67: 126-133 in BHJ,88,2/1999)
(ii) Oxalasuccinic acid, -acetoglutaric acid and idoxuridine as remedies The first two being
metabolites of the Kreb’s cycle, when given for the treatment of diabetes mellitus there was good control
and also the perineal warts which the patient had improved. This inspired the use of the two remedies in
other cases of condylomas, papillomas, warts and hyperkeratosis anywhere in the body, whether diabetic or
not. Results with
-acetoglutaric acid were disappointing. Of the 21 treated with Oxalosuccinic acid (6x
and 12x) showed surprising results. In diabetic patients there was improvement in the glycaemic control.
As Idoxuridine could create cellular defects, resulting in inappropriate production of antibodies, the essence
of autoimmune diseases, it was given to 15 cases of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. 12 were completely
cured, one improved partially and two were lost to follow-up. Results with classical rheumatoid arthritis
(non-juvenile) were not as good or as predictable. Good results are also presented in cases of ulcerative
colitis, relapsing chronic stomatitis and chronic herpetic stomatitis. (G.Montforth ULLOA, La
Homeopatia de México 1998:67 in BHJ,88,2/1999)
XXXIII. The remedy for life: The author examines the concept of a “single remedy for life” and
concludes that he has never met “the remedy for life” in his 15 years of paediatric homeopathic practice.
He also defines five criteria of inclusion of a symptom in a remedy symptom picture:
1. therapeutic effect directly linked to the remedy;
2. removal of the symptom within a period according to the chronicity of the case;
3. curing the disease within a period markedly shorter than the natural evolution;
4. initial homeopathic aggravation;
5. evolution according to Hering’s law.
(Dr.MOREAU in Les Echos du Centre Liégeois d’Homéopathie 1998; 67: 14-23 BHJ,88/1/1999)
(ii) The mask: A clinical case of bilateral facial paralysis associated with a chronic fatigue leads to the
prescription of Stannum metallicum 200K, then XMK.
The themes of this remedy are recalled: the control is the main theme: the patient wants to hide his
feelings by means of the facial paralysis. The fatigue occurs when he has no more activities, nothing more
to control The death is another theme, with dreams of dead babies, with the feeling as if would die on the
scaffold. Stannum is inflexible and pushes the body beyond its limits; therefore this remedy evokes the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 64
problem of perseverence and of foresight. (Dr. DEROCHE in Les Echos du Centre Liégeois
d’Homéopathie 1998; 67: 4-6, 36-39 BHJ,88/1/1999)
XXXIV. (i) In the HL,11,1/1998, Peter KÖNIG has written about the need for a uniform criteria for case
presentation and papers (see reference to this in the QHD,XVI,3&4/1999 Section IX, General, No.12,
page120). In response to this Dr.Marc BÄR, Switzerland writes (HL,11,2/1998), agreeing with Peter
KÖNIG. BÄR says: I agree. . . alterations should be seen in different levels of the individual. The
mental, the general and the physical shape should all be in a better state. Only with this pre-requisite we
can talk about a totality of healing. . . . . I have patients who went well for more than three years with the
wrong remedy. Thus I propose to demand an observation time of at least four years prior to presentation. .
.” [According to Constantine HERING who has, of course, only explained HAHNEMANN’s directions, an
individual will remain cured’ if his/her disease has been cured in the reverse process of its appearance;
otherwise the individual will be returning again and again like “a half paid debtor”. It must be noted that,
von BÖNNINFHAUSEN has, while reporting cases scrupulously ensured that he reported only after the
cure of a chronic disease remained for about 4 years. He has also advised homeopaths to beware of hastily
reporting cures’. - Case No.25 in his article Fehl und Treff Curen - see K.-H.GYPSER’s
Bönninghausens Kleine Medizinise Schriften, 1988, P. = KSS]
(ii) B Rainer DIDIER, Germany (HL,11,2/1998) has suggested certain remedies for certain ‘allergy’
Allergy to Remedy
Strawberries Carcinosinum
Dogs Phosphorus
Cats Phosphorus
Hazelnuts Phosphorus
Glutamate Phosphorus
Natrum muriaticum
Bananas Phosphorus
Asparagus Carcinosinum
Carrots Phosphorus
XXXV. A correspondant reports of a “little known remedy.” Tradexantia appears to be able to clear a
radiation miasm.[How many miasms? = KSS] (SIM,XII,1/1999)
XXXVI. Homeopathy Opening Up - Report on the 53 Congress of rthe International Homeopathic
Medical League, 25-29 April 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Report by Rob JANSEN
(HL,11,4/1998): Homeopathy opening up, was the theme: opening up to each other as homeopathic
doctors, opening up to practitioners, researchers, pharmacies, veterinarians, and other professionals who
contribute to the further development of Homeopathy throughout the world. And opening up to colleagues
of conventional medicine with a programme specifically developed to the Dutch General Practitioner. In
the open atmosphere, we learned a great deal from our creative thinkers. Jan SCHOLTEN spoke about the
plant kingdom. Massimo MANGIALAVORI said that there are no ‘small’ remedies, there are only ‘lesser
known’ remedies. Jonathan SHORE and David RILEY spoke of Provings”. Alfons GEUKENS and
Annete SNEEVLIET said that we must make full use of our well-known ‘bigremedies before embarking
upon studying and using the lesser known remedies! Klaus LINDE and Roel van WIJK spoke about their
‘researches’. The question whether Homeopathy offers value for ‘money’ can be well answered positively
if the practitioner documents his case well before, during and after the treatment, said Annette
SNEEVLIET; we can show the rapid recovery under homeopathic treatment. From political point of view
one of the most important achievement of the General Assembly of the LIGA was the vote for equal rights
for all participating countries, no matter how many members are present at a Congress.
XXXVII. “One day a 9-year-old blonde Pulsatilla girl reported with classic symptoms: greenish,
odoriferous discharge from the ears, recurrent ear infections with pain which had been treated repeatedly
with antibiotics . In disposition she was a typical “daddy’s girl”. Daddy came into the office to pick her
200C “Pulsatilla” (liquid) to be taken orally.
Two days later her Dad called incredulous that the remedy had worked. There was no more discharge
and no more pain. He then asked “Should I keep putting the drops in her ears?” So much for rituals.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 65
When the simillimum resonates, the dispensation is inconsequential. . .”(Danny QUARANTO,
(ii) “Dr.Richard MOSKOWITZ tells the story of giving a patient an envelope containing a few #10
granules of a remedy. The patient asked what it was and in explaining it to her he told her how dilute it
was by mentioning something about “a drop in a bathtub”
The patient went home, drew a warm bath, sprinkled the few granules into the bath and got in.
The remedy acted well! (Julian WINSTON, in HT,18,5/1998).
---------------LIST OF JOURNALS
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly Homeopathic Digest are given below:
1. AHZ - Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F.Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121,
2. BHJ - British Homeopathic Journal, 2, Powis Place, Great Ormond Street, LONDON, WC1N 3HT, U.K.
3. CCR - Homeopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Phule Road, Maliwada, AHMEDNAGAR - 414 001, INDIA.
4. CGH - Cahiers du Groupement Hahnemannien du Docteur P.Schmidt, Médecin et Hygiene, 78, avenue de la
Roseraie, Case 456, CH - 1211, GENEVA 4.
5. HL - Homepathic Links, Homeopathic Research and Charities, ‘Dinar’, 20 Station road, Santa Cruz(w),
MUMBAI - 400 054.
6. HT - Homeopathy Today, National Centre for Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
7. HOM - The Homeopath, Journal of the Society of Homeopaths, 2, Artizan Road, NORTHAMPTON NN1, 4HU,
8. MedGG - Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung,
9. NEJH - New England Journal of Homeopathy, 356, Middle Street, AMHERST, MA 01002 USA.
10. NJH - National Journal of Homeopathy, Milan Clinic, Saraswathi Road, Santa Cruz(W), MUMBAI - 400 054.
11. SIM - Simillimum, The Journal of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians 11231 SE Market
Street, PORTLAND, OR, 97216, USA.
12. ZKH - Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F.Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1, Germany.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 66
Part - II
(This section contains condensations/extracts/whole of selected important articles)
1. How big is big? How small is small?
WINSTON Julian (HT, 18,3/1998)
HAHNEMANN, in the Organon, specifies the granules used in making the LM potencies [see page 2
for more on LM potencies]. He says they are “the size of poppy seeds.”
The question was raised recently on the Lyghtforce Internet list when Virginia Downey mentioned that
she had ordered an LM potency from a pharmacy and found “...I opened the vial and saw that the LM
remedies were on #35 pellets (the BB sized pellets). They are supposed to be on poppy-seed sized pellets
only. [Note: For non-LM potencies, #35 tends to be the most common pellet size available from US
pharmacies and retail outlets. #10 is the smallest pellet size typically available and often must be
specifically requested from the pharmacy when ordering; if unspecified, pharmacies usually fill orders with
#35 pellets.]
To which Tam LLEWELLYN, a homeopath from the UK replied:
How big is a poppy seed? More to the point, how big was a poppy seed in Germany 200 years ago?
Not an unimportant question. When I am not doing Homeopathy I grow poppies as a pastime. There are
hundreds of different types these days and the seed size varies considerably. How big did HAHNEMANN
think poppy seeds were? I suspect that in his time in Germany they were very small - smaller even than our
‘standard’ LM pellets.”
Several years ago, when the same question was asked, I procured a jar of poppy seed from the grocery
and measured them. Since the size/number of the granule is determined by how many millimeters long ten
granules are when they are laid out in a line, I laid out a series of ten poppy seeds, and measured them. The
smallest group was about 7.3 mm, the largest group was 9.3 mm - with the average being about 8.6 mm.
Therefore, a “poppy seed-sized” granule would be a #8.6 - a bit smaller than a #10.
The most definitive answer to the question was posted by Chris KURZ, in reply to Tam
LLEWELLYN’s posting;
Apart from comparing his pellets to the size of poppy seeds, HAHNEMANN also gave us other clues:
Footnote ‘e’ to Para 270: ‘...then they are put through a strainer with holes through which only those
weighing 1 grain per 100 can pass.’
Given the density of cane sugar, this specifies exactly the size of one globule.
Footnote ‘f’ to Para 270: ‘...because 500 of such globules cannot completely absorb one drop.’
That should be enough to end all speculation.
The question regarding the correct size of those ‘poppy seed sized’ sugar pellets didn’t let me sleep.
Here is the mathematically correct answer:
1. Start with HAHNEMANN’s prescription that 100 pellets weigh 1 grain.
2. Add that 1 grain = 0.0648 g.
3. Then look up the density of sucrose (cane sugar): rho = 1.5805 g/cm
4. Mix (1) and (2) to deduce the ideal weight of 1 pellet: W = 0.000648 g.
5. Then procure the knowledge that the weight of a sphere, W = rho * 4 * pi/3 * r
, where ‘r’ is
its radius.
6. Stir everything together on the back of one envelope and solve for ‘r’.
7. Et voila, Mesdames et messieurs! Serve hot and garnish to taste...
The radius of the ideal pellet turns out to be 0.46 mm, making its diameter 0.92 mm. Therefore
HAHNEMANN’s pellet were of size '9.2', slightly smaller than size 10. Given Julian’s earlier post, where
he compared the size of commercial poppy seeds, HAHNEMANN’s poppy seeds are within the range of
today’s commercial poppy seeds, a bit on the bigger side.
Lest you think that this be but idle speculation and of no consequence, remember that the size of a
pellet is instrumental in establishing the correct dilution ratio between successive stages of the LM
potentization sequence.
To illustrate: if you use the slightly larger size 10 pellets, your dilution ratio will be 1:42,373. Stick to
the smaller '8.5' size and you dilute by 1:58,824. Both are quite a way off from the required 1:50,000.”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 67
This was countered by John LEE who said:
In the Künzli translation of the Organon there is a note to paragraph 270 which states that
HAHNEMANN would have used the Nuremberg weights system where 1 grain = 0.062 g rather than the
0.0648 g which corresponds with our metric system. I can find no reference to this in the Boericke,
O’Reilly, or Dudgeon translations although it may be tucked away somewhere. If Kunzli is right, which
pellet size is now closest to 1in 50,000?”
To which Chris replied:
The pellet diameter changes from 0.92 mm to 0.91 mm if 1 grain is converted to 0.0648 g. or 0.062 g,
respectively. If you assume the 0.92 mm size is correct, the slightly smaller pellet size of 0.91mm results in
a dilution ration of 1:51,104, or a difference of 2% to the nominal value of 50,000.
So now we have a definitive and accurate reply to the query! The LM granule is a number 9.1!”
2. Culex Musca Proving - James T. KENT, MD
(SIM, XII, 2/1999)
(Reprinted from Transactions of the International Hahnemannian Association, 1886)
(The insects used in the proving were procured when they were free from blood, and tinctured in
Nos. 1 and 2. - J.G.Gundlach, 34, 10 cent.
No. 3. B.Smith, male, with nasal catarrh.
No. 4. E.S.Lavat, 30th
No. 9. Mrs.E.Cory, 6th
No. 5. Dr.J.H.Sutfin, 30th
No. 11. Dr. J.H.Sutfin, 200th
No. 12. J.E.Sutfin, 30th
No. 7. William J.B. 6th
No. 8. Mrs. R.A.,30th
No. 10. Mrs. R.A., 6th
No. 17. Miscellaneous observations
No. 18. Miss M.B., 23, 6th (and CM Swan)
No. 19. Joseph Lally, 18, 30th
No. 20. Dr. R.B.Johnston, 6th and 30th
The following provings were made under the supervision of Dr.William Jefferson GUERNSEY,
No. 6. Dr.W.J.G., 30th
No. 13. Rober G., 38, 30th
No. 14. Alfred W., 32 (coloured), 30th
No. 15. E.S.Breyfogle, 30th
No. 16 J.V.Allen, 30th
Want of energy. (1)
A feeling of gaiety comes over me quite suddenly, whistling and singing while reading (1)
In the morning a fear or feeling as though I was going to have a spell of illness, which gradually passed off
as I moved about. (Felt so bad took a dose of Nux. which helped). (1)
Great impatience, quarrelsome, could not allow any kind of foolishness. (5)
During the whole proving felt tired, as if I could not remember the subject, and could not study. (5)
Anxiety and fear of death. (9)
Cannot remember anything. (11)
Cannot remember his lessons as well as formerly has to study harder. (12)
Disinclination for all work. (3)
Thinks he is going to have some sickness (2)
Thinks something is going to happen to him (2)
Intense vertigo, seems to be located in a spot over the right eye. (20) (30th)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 68
Vertigo and staggering in the afternoon. (5)
Vertigo when blowing the nose. (3)
Vertigo. (13, 20)
So dizzy she had to go to bed and lie quiet. (18) (CM Swan, one dose, second day.)
Dull frontal headache in evening. (1)
Dull frontal headache on awaking at 5 a.m., which passed away after lying awake for a time. (1)
Boring as with a gimlet in the left temple at 3. P.M.
Pain, fullness and pressure in forehead, getting worse by spells, after the boring in the temple and extending
to outer part of right orbital ridge, extending through to the occiput, accompanied by nausea and last till
evening. (5)
Fullness in left half of cerebrum at 10 a.m., growing worse by spells. (6)
Frontal headache began at 2 P.M., with heat of the face. (5)
Some of the head pains go from the cerebellum to forehead or right temple. (5)
Sensations of fullness in right temple and right forehead. (5)
Pain in nape passing into occiput, then to the forehead and right eye, then sensation of fullness of right side
of head. (5)
Strange feeling in the head. (9)
Dull pain in the vertex extending to the forehead and finally to the forehead and right temple with nausea.
Headache in left forehead after a ride in a carriage, lasting two or three hours. (7)
Boring pain in temples coming on several times a day. Pain comes and goes across the forehead just above
the eyes. (11)
Occipital headache on rising. (3)
Sensation of fullness over the left eye, lasting 5 to 10 minutes. (2)
Dull frontal headache on awaking in morning. (2)
Sharp cutting pain from malar bone through to temple (right), better in open air. (2)
Dullness in forehead. (15)
Rending pain in back of eyeballs and in top of forehead. (18)
The headache began in morning on waking, lasting until the next day at noon; ceased suddenly. (18) (this
came on 1, 15, 21, 36 and 43 days.) The headache made worse by the least motion. (18)
Itching and stinging of the scalp.
A small hard lump appears on the left upper lid as thought a stye would form, with a feeling causing a
desire to pick at it; a little crust formed on it which was picked off and a sticky exudation followed.
Inflammation of margin of lids; worse in the morning, with a discharge of sticky fluid; the lower lids
worse. (1)
Like the beginning of a stye on the right upper lid with inflammation of conjunctiva, with dull pain in eyes
and forehead. (1)
Sensation of tightness and fullness in the forehead and eyes, not painful. (5)
Feeling of fullness in the right eye, extending soon to the parotid gland, and then to the sublingual and
finally involved the right side of face and head. (5)
Margin of lids sore and crusted over. Eyes feel tired. (4)
Stye on the upper left lid three days after ceasing the drug and cured by Pulsatilla. (52M)
Rending pain in the eyeballs, behind the eyeballs and in top of the forehead. (18) (CM Swan) (Second day)
Red, sparkling before the eyes. (18) (CM Swan)
She could not keep the eyes open, yet it pained worse to keep them shut. (18) (CM Swan) (Second day).
Water in the eyes when coughing. (19)
Eyelids inflammed, stye-like ulceration. (20) (30th)
Swelling of the parotid gland, sore on pressure. (1)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 69
Swelling of both parotids. (5)
Pain in left parotid, as if going to have mumps. (11)
Pain in the ears when belching. (3)
Roaring in the ears once every day. (3)
Sharp pain in both ears followed by watery discharge.
Watery discharge from the nose. (1)
Bloody scabs inside the nose. (1)
No soreness, only the lower edge seemed swollen and sore, with some itching, which felt good. (1)
Some dry and also some moist small bloody scabs come from the nose mixed with greenish matter. (1)
Could not resist picking at the nose which made it bleed. (1)
Shining redness of the tip of the nose, like a rum blossom; the nose is swollen; tender on pressure, with dull
pain over the eyes, nose and in forehead; as the swelling went down itching just like a mosquito bite
occured, which felt pleasant when gently rubbed, but made painful by pressure or hard rubbing, and the
more I rubbed it the more I had to rub. Pain in posterior nares and pharynx as from a sore or inflammed
spot when swallowing. (5)
Dryness of nose. (5)
Dryness in the posterior nares (left). (5)
Head feels stuffed up and there is a copious thick light-coloured discharge of mucus. (7)
Thick white mucous discharge. (11)
It has cured green scabs in posterior nares.
Eruptions on the nose like insect bites containing a clear, colourless fluid. (12)
Epistaxis morning and night; once when in bed; once when just going to bed. (3)
Epistaxis when blowing the nose. (3)
Epistaxis from left nostril. (3)
Scabs from the nose. (3)
Nose lined with fine scales. (3, 5)
Stinging tickling on nose. (3)
Passed a polypus as large as a bean. (3)
After the removal of a scab, bleeding of the nose. (3)
Itching inside and outside of nose so much that he could not desist from rubbing; then the nose would burn
so that he must stop rubbing and scratching. (2)
Redness like erysipelas on right side of nose, shining red and sore to touch, extending next day to both
sides of nose and face. (2)
Swelling and heat of left cheek with redness of the surface (second) lasting three days (24th cent.). He
would not take any more.
Nose obstructed. (6, 13, 14)
Crusts in nose. (6, 13)
Thick, tenacious mucus from nose. (6)
Ineffectual desire to sneeze. (16)
Burning in right nostril, causing lachrymation. (16)
One violent sneeze. (16)
Obstruction of the nose, with constant desire to sneeze, which passes away while getting ready. (30th)
Constant sneezing. (20) (30th)
Nose filled with dry crusts, bleeding when removed. (20) (30th)
Nose red externally and sore to light pressure, better from punching. (20) (30th and 60th)
Pain over right malar bone, beginning at 10 a.m., of a dull, aching character, lasting until 10 P.M, better
when mind was occupied. (1)
Dull aching in malar bone as if it was sore, felt at various times during the proving. (1)
Burning over left malar bone at 7:30 a.m., only on the surface as though from red pepper on a spot the size
of a silver quarter. (1)
Dull pain in the right malar bone in the evening, with shooting pain to temple and forehead, occasionally
worse by setting the jaws together. (1)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 70
Submaxillary gland swollen and tender on pressure. (1)
Heat of the face, with frontal headache. (5)
Swelling of the submaxillary glands. (5)
Swelling of the sublingual glands. (5)
Eruptions between the eyes and on the face like insect bites, containing a colorless fluid. (12)
Swelling and puffiness under the eyes and in the canthi. (1)
Swelling under the eyes lasting three days. (2)
Sore, bruised feeling in the right side of the face, with swelling and redness. (2)
Soreness deep in the malar bone lasting three days, with darting to right temple. (2)
Swelling of the right side of the face red and hot.
Pimple on the lower lip sore to touch. (16)
The lips are dry, he wets them constantly and they become sticky. (7)
Face becomes red during the cough. (19)
Bad taste in the mouth in the morning, so that he had to wash it out; this generally disappears after
breakfast, but not always. (1)
Accumulation of bad-tasting, whitish saliva on waking.
Red fissure in the tongue. (1)
Pappy taste in the mouth all day. (1)
Tongue coated white. (1)
Accumulation of saliva and mucous (1)
Salivation (5)
Saliva tastes as if he had drunk hot mineral water.
Tongue dry, swollen and thick on waking. (5)
No saliva; mouth dry on walking, but about 7 a.m. saliva begins to flow freely and the swelling of the neck
and sore throat seem to be made better. (5)
Stickish saliva. (11)
Bad taste in the mouth in the morning during the whole proving. (2)
Tongue coated. (2)
Bad-smelling breath. (2)
Small sore pimple in the tongue. (16)
Numbness of the tongue (16)
Periodical attacks of salivation for many months after the proving. (5, 11)
Foul odour from the mouth. (1)
Salivation every night so that the pillow was wet all around. (Cured with the 6th)
Entire edge of the tongue covered with a double row of small vesicles, very painful. (20) (30th)
Stiffness of tongue; numbness after scarlet fever, with ulceration of tip, very painful. (20) (30th)
Dryness and huskiness of the throat compelling him to swallow. (5)
Accumulation of mucous and saliva, causing continual swallowing. (5)
Profuse expectoration of mucous in the morning followed by drynes in the throat, he must drink water. (5)
Expectoration of greenish mucous. (5)
Burning and dryness in the throat. (5)
Soreness in the throat and posterior nares when swallowing. (5)
Sore throat with dryness and burning.
On rising in morning, hawked up a dark-green scab and strings of tough mucous tinged with dark blood. (5)
Sore, bruised feeling in the throat when swallowing.
Right side of throat sore. (5)
Difficult swallowing (5)
Rawness from the fauces to the middle of the sternum (7)
Swallowing anything is painful. (7)
Expectoration of mucous which seems to come from posterior nare. (7)
Constant inclination to swallow. (7)
Green scabs hawked out of pharynx and coughed out of trachea.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 71
She coughed up a large green crust. (18)
Sore throat. (3)
Pain as from a sore or inflamed spot in posterior part of throat when swallowing. (5)
Desire for smoking increased. (1,2)
Appetite for breakfast increased. (1)
Appetite good, but food does not seem to digest, and it sours in the stomach. (1)
Ravenous appetite, could not wait for the food to be prepared. (5)
If a little late for dinner, a faint, all-gone feeling in the stomach. (5)
Metallic taste in the mouth in the morning. (11)
Cannot eat beef, but can eat any other kind of meat during proving.
Burning in the stomach after a mouthful of beef. (11)
Great nausea 3 to 4 P.M.
Constant nausea day and night. (9)
Deathly nausea; the thought of food brings on nausea.
Constant gagging and violent attempt at vomiting. (9)
Retching yet no vomiting.
Every ten minutes deathly nausea.
Nausea every morning. (11)
Burning in the stomach after a mouthful of beef. (11)
Terrible burning in the stomach and no relief until he eructed a few mouthfuls of bitter, hot substance,
which put the teeth on edge as if it were acid.
Empty, hungry, faint feeling in the stomach, and he could not wait a minute for breakfast; must eat at once.
Sour eructations.
Pains in the stomach, sickening; qualmishness, eructations of much offensive gas. Appetite gone. Thirst
for cold water, which causes burning in the stomach, with urging to stool, followed by a loose stool and
much tenesmus, continuing for several days and gradually subsiding into a painless diarrhoea. (2) (6th)
Dull pain in left kidney, moving up to the shoulders; pain at its maximum from 5 to 7 P.M. and then
diminishes, although some pain all night when awake. Dull pain on the right side in region of kidney
extending up the back to occiput. (5)
Fullness in region of liver. (5)
Pain in region of right kidney at times. (5)
A blotch, the size of a 25 cent piece, itching and, burning like a flea bite, and little pimples on it. (8)
Cramps in the abdomen during stool. (9)
Stitches in the epigastrium after stool. (7)
A hernia protruded in the left groin which was painful. (4) (She was ruptured in childbirth, 11 years ago,
but it never had troubled her since until now.)
Pain in the bowels. (3)
Rumbling in the abdomen. (3)
Much offensive flatus passed. (16)
Colic every day at 10 a.m., lasting one to three hours. (13)
The usual morning desire for stool is absent and continued during the proving. (1)
Scanty, lumpy stool expelled with effort. (1)
Stool at first hard and then soft. (1)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 72
Stool scanty and required great effort. (1)
Burning, itching of the anal region at 5:30 P.M., scalding hot, raw as from a fly blister. (5)
Constipation. (5,3)
During stool cramps in abdomen. (9)
Drawing, puckering feeling about the anus. (5)
Stitches in epigastrium after stool. (7)
Great constipation, so that she had to stop the drug and take Nux. which relieved. (4)
The hard stool scratches the anus, causing great pain.
Great effort to pass a hard stool, followed by pain in eyes, from the straining. (3)
After stool feels as if not through. Itching of the anus. (3)
Epistaxis when straining at stool. (3)
Stool at first hard, then lax. (3)
Stool hard, dry, with scratching at the anus, lasting several weeks. (3)
Bowels constipated, with no desire. (2)
Painless diarrhoea. (6)
Stools loose, dark, with much tenesmus. (6)
Offensive, strong-smelling urine. (5)
Scanty urine. (5)
Burning in the urethra during and after micturition.
For some time after stopping the drug, strong-smelling urine appeared once a week. (5)
Desire to urinate but had to wait a long time before the urine would start. (3)
Distressing burning in the glans penis. (5)
There seems to be a strong-smelling discharge from the glans. (5)
Prepuce dark-red, with three or four rows of round, dark-red pimples, which had nearly disappeared by
morning. (5)
Burning of the upper part of the penis. (5)
Swelling and itching of the scrotum, spots like bee stings not relieved by Apis; cured by Culex 30th. (2)
Stitching of the labia majora worse from rubbing. Stinging, burning after rubbing. Warm water gave no
relief, but cold water relieved after a while. (10)
Ichorous, bloody water from the vagina, lasting one day.
Sensations in the labial fissure like the biting of a flea, which she looked for but found nothing. (10)
Profuse flow of black blood; gushing. (9)
Several times when taking the drug at night the flow came on before morning. This occured several times
during the inter-menstrual period. (9) The proving was followed by suppression lasting two months, but
one dose of the drug brought on the flow before morning, with profuse black clots and violent pains in the
uterus, compelling her to go back to bed, lasting the forenoon. (9)
On the third day she passed large clots from the uterus. (4)
M.B. took the 6th cent. and suffered most excruciating torture, with itching of the vulva, as if she could tear
it to pieces, which returned periodically for years every two or three months. Culex CM, Swan, gave
prompt relief.
Hoarseness so that he could hardly speak a word. (7)
Hoarseness on waking in the morning. (7)
Breath foul all day and it seemed that I could smell it myself. (1)
Frequent desire to take a deep breath. (1)
Sighing breathing. (2)
Deep breathing. (2)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 73
Cough with pain in the chest. (7)
A burning pain in the chest causes the cough. (7)
Dry hacking cough from tickling in the trachea. (11)
Whistling cough with smothering sensation in the chest. (11)
Burning in the trachea during cough. (11)
Strangling, choking cough. (11)
Dry, hacking cough day and night which lasted many days.
A dry, teasing cough of long standing.
Dry, teasing cough, very loud, coming on the third day, shaking the whole body. (19) (30th)
Loud, long-lasting, rattling, choking cough; face became red and eyes water when coughing. (19)
Expectoration white, yellowish. (19)
Cough mostly in the morning. (19)
When coughing a feeling as if I would vomit (19)
Pain low down in the back when coughing. (19) [He pointed to the sacro-iliac synchondroses. - Kent]
One constant, racking cough, lasting for fifteen minutes, ending in a long loud inspiration, with blue face
and protruding eyes, followed by great languor and sweat. (20) (30th)
A boy of seven years of age having whooping cough of four weeks’ standing, went into the woods and was
bitten unmercifully by mosquitoes. Hands and face one large blotch. Eyes were swollen; nose inflammed,
with constant ineffectual desire to sneeze. Without any medicine the mosquito poisoning passed away and
with it the whooping cough, which was followed by a diarrhoea (as described under bowels) (20) Culex
30th cured.
Constant desire to cough and sneeze alternately, discharge of globs of mucous from the throat which does
not relieve the inclination to cough.
Sore pain in apex of right lung, aggravated by deep breathing or raising the right arm. (5)
Feeling of oppression and anxiety in the chest with frequent desire to take a deep breath and then expire
with a sigh during the forenoon. (1)
Dull pain through the lower part of right lung occasinally. (5)
Feeling of fullness in right lung, sore when stooping or leaning forward or raising the right shoulder. (5)
Soreness in right lung. (5)
The right lung felt as if a rubber band was drawn around it. (5)
When first moving to get up felt as if something tight were drawn around it, and this continued for some
time after, but gradually wore off (in right lower chest). (5)
Sensation as if soreness and weight in chest with slight pains in left axilla. (7)
Drawing, clawing pains in right lung which sensation changed over to left lung and remained there; this
occured for several hours each day. (11)
Rawness and sore bruised feeling in right chest. (11)
Sharp, lancinating pains in upper part of left lung.
Sudden, cutting pains running up and down and lasting about one minute.
Pain in chest.
Cold sensation in upper portion of right lung. (6th)
Cold sensation in lower half of right lung. (5, 11)
Griping pain like colic every day in the forenoon, with pain in right lung.
Cutting pains in the heart. Sharp, cutting pains in muscles of chest; worse on left side. Pains running at
right angles with ribs. (20)
Pain in right pectoral muscles on motion. (5)
Pain and soreness in intercostal muscles. (14)
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Lymphatic glands of neck swollen and tender. (1)
Burning pain in neck. (5)
Dull pain in nape of neck. (5)
Heavy aching in left side of lumbar region running up to the scapulae. (5)
Right side of neck swollen. (5)
Backache. (3)
Lameness in back. (6)
M.B. Sore pain across the back from hip to hip (CM Swan, second day), with sensation of a vacant space in
the region of sacrum.
Fingers began to burn as if frozen and the pain was so severe that I could scarcely stand it. (5)
Burning in palms and on the thumb. Felt as if rubbed against nettles. (5)
Itching and burning in palms and fingers. It seemed as if I would have to tear the flesh to get relief; could
not sit still on account of the suffering. (5)
Back of the hands felt as if recovering from frost bite; cold, benumbed feeling. (5)
Burning in the elbows. (5)
Rose-red coloured eruption, burning worse from heat, on left arm. (8)
Arms and hands asleep and prickling. (9)
Formication on the hands, worse while shutting them.
Pricking on the left hand. (9)
Left shoulder sore to touch. (7)
Slight pain in left shoulder on moving it. (7)
Rheumatism of anterior muscles of both arms from elbows halfway to shoulders, especially in the right. (7)
Eruptions on upper limbs as from insect bites, filled with colorless fluid. (12)
Hands hot and dry. (3)
Right hand cold; left warm. (3)
Lameness of the shoulders. (6)
Itching between the first and second fingers. (16)
Wheals on the right arm which burn after scratching.
Fire-red rash on the left wrist. (16)
Lameness in both shoulders; deltoids feel bruised. (20)
Limbs feel heavy and have a sort of uneasy restlessness and feel better in the open air. (1)
Feet feel tired all day, yet no special pain; better in open air; no energy to go out. (1)
Limbs tired, heavy and restless; did not know where to put them. (1)
Felt weak as from a long walk. (1)
Had been walking all day and suddenly felt a dull pain in knee, which was not very severe at first but
became more intense as I walked along, and finally, I was compelled to limp. It still became worse and I
could not bear my weights on it. This was relieved as soon as I stopped walking. It came on again as soon
as I began to walk. I was quite lame when I arrived home at 4 P.M. The pain at that time was so severe
that I had to keep the limb quiet. The cold wind of the evening made it worse, but it felt better from
warmth and when semi-flexed; but the next morning the left knee was stiff from keeping it so long flexed,
for it seemed that I felt the pain all night when I moved it and tried to straighten it out. After being up and
about an hour or two the next morning it felt better, although pain continued all day. (1)
Dull pain in the lower limbs. (1)
Stiffness not affected by motion. (1)
From the knees down a terrible burning in the blood vessels rather worse by sitting and from 6 to 7 P.M.
The clothing sticks to the skin and the parts burn like fire after tearing it away. (5)
Pain in the first joint of great toe (left), worse at 2 a.m. (5)
Limbs feel as if plunged into boiling water, could not bear it. (5)
Stinging in the shin on left leg. (9)
A blotch on inner surface of left thigh as large as a 25 cent piece, with itching and burning flea-bite, with
little pimples on it. (10)
Feet burn. (3)
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Rheumatic pains in the knees, the left especially. Legs from knees down, especially the ankles, ache and he
cannot keep them stiff, no position is easy. (3)
Soreness as from a bruise in the quadriceps extensor, so bad that he could not bear the least touch. 96)
Soreness of quadriceps extensor. (14, 16)
Sorness or toes; between the toes excoriated; intense itching on top of feet; soles tender to pressure. (2))
Restless and tossing about in sleep. (1)
Waking frequently. (1)
Troublesome dreams not remembered. (1)
Dreams of fighting in which he comes out best. (1)
Dreams that his antagonist is on the other side of the room and he could easily reach across and hit him. (1)
Every little noise awakes him which is unusual. (1)
Awoke at 5 a.m. with a desire to rise; tried to lie and sleep as usual, but could not. (1)
After going to bed at night could not sleep; tossed about. (1)
Did not feel refreshed after sleep. (1)
Dreamed he was in a vault or cellar full of human skeletons, but did not feel frightened. (1)
In the morning on waking felt as though he was going to have a spell of sickness, which feeling passed off
as he moved about. (1)
Dreamed of the dead; of being wronged; troublesome dreams. (5) Disagreeable dreams about gathering the
dead, and such characters as are not met with in decent society; murderous acts, etc.
E.B.T. dreamed that his old friend who had been dead many years came to him and provoked a quarrel; a
struggle followed, resulting in the death of his friend, whose body he tossed over the fence with entire
absence of feeling in the matter. (17C)
Broken, restless sleep. Sleep does not refresh. (2)
Troublesome dreams of fighting monsters; of committing murder. (2)
Wakes at 5 a.m. and must get out. (2)
Dreamed he murdered one of his friends; that a friend many years dead came to him and they quarreled and
the friend was killed. (2)
Dry heat at night at times. (5)
Hot flushes as if a chill would follow. (5)
Dry heat all at once. (5)
Hot flushes followed by warm perspiration. (9)
Hot, oily, sticky, strong-smelling perspiration. (11) (10th to 20th day.) Cold and chilly in the P.M.
Burning, itching, maddening, about 5 P.M. (5)
Heat and burning during the whole proving. (11)
Eruption like hives or an insect bite, filled with colorless fluid. (12)
Urticaria, itching and burning. (17)
Burning and itching all over the body. (20)
Large wheals, yellowish-white; intense itching; both better while scratching, worse after scratching. (20)
Feel strangled all over as if poisoned. (9)
Sharp, stinging pains all over the body like needles; lightning-like darting here and there. (9)
Seem to feel better in the open air, but not much difference any way. (1)
Head, nose and limb symptoms seemed to get worse till 7 o’clock P.M. Then I drank some tea; went to
sleep and woke up perspiring and feeling better. Symptoms generally worse in a warm room. (5)
Symptoms began to abate about 8 P.M. and are generally gone in an hour or two. (5)
Symptoms seem most severe from 6 to 7 P.M. (5)
General soreness when moving at night. (5)
Is tired; can scarcely move, must lie down.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 76
Symptoms better after 4 P.M. (3)
Feel very weak and tired, cannot walk straight. (3)
Symptoms worse morning and evening.
Better in the open air, worse in a warm room.
Sore and aching all over. (6)
General soreness (3)
Lassitude. (14)
Lameness. (15)
So extremely nervous that she cannot keep still; cannot hold hands or feet still. She felt as if she must fly.
(18) (with CM Swan.)
The President: I suppose the introduction of this remedy, like the introduction of Apis, Lachesis and Sepia,
will meet from some homeopathic practitioners with the most determined opposition. It took a number of
years to introduce Lachesis and the same with Sepia; and so it may be with Culex, which will be received
with a good deal of sneering.
Dr.Brown: I rise to approve of this proving and of the efforts made by the chairman of this bureau of
Materia Medica to introduce this new animal poison about which we all know more or less. Now, I would
like to ask Dr.Wells at which extremity this mosquito is going to work?
Dr.Wells: He is not committed to my care.
Dr.Brown: Is it possible for a mosquito to convey disease from one person to another?
The President: Certainly it is possible. And flies may do the same thing.
Dr.Brown: I saw in some of the symptoms read in this proving a similarity between them and disease I
have encountered. The similarity in some instances was very marked. I wouldn’t say that the mosquito
was always poisoned by coming in contact with that disease, but that disease does certainly produce those
symptoms. There may, it is true, be a distinct poison belonging to the mosquito that casues these troubles
in those susceptible; because you know some persons are not affected at all by a mosquito. I only say that
we must distinguish between these. Some are made susceptible by a former disease, and that may be
developed by this contact with the poison from the mosquito. How these green scales and green discharges
may be developed by the sting of a mosquito in some subjects and not in others we are at a loss to say; or
whether it is conveyed by the mosquito directly, or whether its sting develops the latent poison in the
system producing these scales and discharges. I want to say that the chairman has done nobly in spending
four years in giving us this remedy, for I firmly believe that our best remedies are among the animal
Dr.Gee: I want to speak of one thing which has been said of our Society. The members are often said to
do nothing. They stand still and do nothing for the medical world; they are of no benefit to the school.
They develop no new remedies; in fact they do nothing of a practical character. We are preeminent in the
work of a therapeutic character - the healing of the sick. If the members of this association will combine in
trying to develop these remedies and find their curative sphere and report next year or as soon as we have
found the curative sphere I am sure we will have a better reputations with the profession, even if we can
only confirm the provings of these two remedies.
Dr.Wells: I feel very grateful to the chairman of our bureau and his associates for their labor in preparing
for the introduction of this subject to our attention. A number of years ago when on a visit to Dr. Hering he
expressed to me his sense of the importance of the poison of the mosquito in medicine, but he couldn’t get
at it; couldn’t get enough of it to make a beginning and he never did. It is interesting now if you look at it a
moment from our standpoint as believers in dynamized medicinal substances. See the analogy between
this, minute as it is, and that of the Lachesis or the Crotalus. The serpent has an apparatus as you know
which secretes the poison that is deposited in a sack at the root of the hollow fang. Now it happened some
years ago at my house when the late president of the American Institute was an inmate of my family, and
he and my oldest son were very much interested in microscopical investigations, by an accident they made
a most perfect dissection of the apparatus of attack of the mosquito. It was beautiful. Here was the gland
which secreted the posion and its receptacle; the duct which conveyed it to the piercing instrument, that
instrument was hollow. The whole thing was laid out with the muscular apparatus which operates the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 77
instrument of attack. The analogy between that and the snake poison apparatus is certainly interesting to
us. If anyone is weak enough to sneer at this because the animal is small, that sneer is smaller than the
The President: I meant to say thay they sneered at Lachesis, not because he was small, but because they
couldn’t get enough of him.
Dr.Sawyer: It seems there was a pain in the head that settled in the right eye. I have had a case of that kind
to treat and have been hunting unsuccessfully for that remedy in the Materia Medica for the last three
months. So this proving is to me peculiarly interesting, and I want some of that drug to try. I cannot find
any other remedy causing pain all over the head that invariably settles over the right eye.
Dr.Brown: Dr.Wells speaks of the smallness of the mosquito and still he speaks of an apparatus which
must secrete some kind of poison: that apparatus must be material, small as it is. I cannot make out a
dynamis connected with any remedy, either animal, vegetable or mineral, except by the motion that follows
when put in contact with a patient. That is all I can think. It produces a change when put in contact. So it
is with all the poisons. It is very clear to me that if the mosquito does carry any other disease poison from
one individual to another we must distinguish it.
Dr.Swan: Referring to the smallness of the poison or of the quantity, Dr.Saulsbury the beefsteak-and-
hot-water doctor told me that he had discovered in coryza a baccillus one of these microscopic insects
exceedingly small; that he had found it in a number of cases. I potentized that, and cured those attacks of
coryza quicker with that than with any othe remedy. It never fails where there is running from the nose,
eyes, with sneezing and tendency to discharge from the posterior nares. That remedy is called Athmatos
Dr.Carleton: Might I suggest to the gentlemen that it would not be amiss to investigate the blood changes
produced by this ferment, so that we can compare them with the other blood changes.
Dr.Wells: Regarding this matter of difference between the machine and the dynamis. We have all seen
machinery every one of us the object of which is to develop electricity. I want to know Mr. President,
if you can distinguish between the electricity and the machine. That is all I have to say.
Dr. Kent: I would like to hear from Dr.Guernseay as to his experience with the Culex, as he has also made
provings of it.
Dr. Guernsey: I have nothing in particular to say except that one of the symptoms, the soreness of the
anterior part of the thigh, I have verified in several cases; but nothing further than that.
The President: There was one symptom in the head and nose that I have been looking for about 18
months. In our voluminous provings I found it under two or three remedies, but only to give temporary
relief to a patient suffering with vertigo from blowing the nose; this was the general symptom, but that
which was peculiar was that this was almost invariably from one nostril only; a violent blowing from that
nostril would produce vertigo so that she is compelled to sit or lie down for some time before she is again
quite sure of her equilibrium. As I said I have found that symptom under, I think, three diffferent remedies,
but only to give temporary relief. Possibly Culex is what I am after.
Dr.Curtis: I have watched carefully for the mosquitoes carrying disease and have no doubt of this truth. I
have no doubt that the mosquito’s poison varies according to its previous habits and manner of life. We
find that some mosquitoes from some localities will poison, while mosquitoes from other localities will not.
I think that the different effects of the mosquito’s sting upon different persons is caused by the disease
condition of which the mosquito has last partaken in some of his recent depredations. He wouldn’t produce
the disease of a person previously attacked, but his sting might have every affet that be modified by that
experience. That is one reason why I am always cautious in using the nosodes, because we don’t find that
products of disease pure. If we did then we could have the substance potentized and proved according to
the methods laid down by our school.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 78
Dr.Brown: I think discussion of this kind more important than anything else in the proceedings of the
Society, because in this way we attempt to teach each other, and of all things I think no member of this
Society should be afraid to express his opinions even in the presence of Dr.Wells, who has a happy faculty
of answering every question. Seven years ago I had three cases of the worst form of erysipelas, and two of
the cases died. Upon investigation, I found at a short distance from the house, a horse lying in a putrid
state. One of these cases I traced directly to the sting of a horsefly. I expressed this opinion to some of the
family and to one of the physicians, and he laughed. When called to a case of this nature I have formed the
habit of looking for some localized spot or place for some local injury from insects carrying poison; and
that is the reason I introduced that subject here in connection with Dr.Kent’s paper.
Dr.Curtis: That is just the point I tried to make a moment ago. Granting it is so about the horse poison
causing the erysipelas, and taking this proving of Culex into consideration, I think then there is evidence
that this poison was modified by the decaying horse, and yet you don’t know whether the horse died of
erysipelas or not.
Dr.Kent: I am talking now of the Culex the horse doesn’t enter into this proving. I was so cautious with
my preparation that I observed every one before it went into the bottle, that it was pale and white and not
engorged with human or any other blood.
Dr. Ballard: I think the remedies presented bid fair to be very important ones. They will give us weapons
to overcome that which we have been unable to handle. We should therefore not attempt during the
coming year to increase the number of remedies, but let us take the three that have been presented here
today and verify the symptoms.
The President: That is a matter that lies entirely with the Bureau of Materia Medica.
Dr.Kent: The object of carrying on these provings is apparent. But there is another thing. We are using
today the same Lachesis that we proved. If you want to get the same set of symptoms, or if you want to
cure the same symptoms like those mentioned in this paper, you would naturally have to make your
selections from the substance from which this proving was made, and not go down into Africa and get a
mosquito as big as an ox. It has been my practice to hunt out the substance of these original provings and
follow them.
Dr.Ballard: I meant that same preparation which has been proved shall be again re-proven and see if we
can verify these symptoms.
The President: In behalf of the Bureau of Materia Medica I would like to make this suggestion to
members. It is very easy for members to make suggestions as to what the bureau shall do, but it is a very
different thing to get down to the work ourselves. I have been at work for over six years on Secale with the
attenuations, and I have found it to be a most difficult thing to get a proving. Let every individual member
of this Association do his duty and we will have plenty of verifications.
Dr.Biegler: I wish to express my gratification at the work that has been done and presented here by this
bureau this afternoon. It seems to be a distinctive and relaible work that has been produced. I know it is. It
is the best work, the grandest work that I have met with in any association with which I have been
connected. Now as regards the sneers that we may receive because the mosquito is proved. I would not
have the least hesitation in giving this proving to any reasonably high-minded, well-educated old school
physician and he would give us credit. He would appreciate it. The sneers can only come from some that
are not here with us; from men who profess to be Homeopaths, who believe if they treated their patients
homeopathically they would die. That is the class of people from whom we may expect to get the sneers.
Dr.Hawley: It has been said that the members of this Association were do- nothings. I just want to say that
the persons who make such statements have never been inside of this Association and know nothing about
what has been done, nor have they read the transactions of this Association. I have had the transactions of
the American Institute for a good many years, and I must say that I wouldn’t give the first volume of the
transactions of the I.H.A., published two years ago, for all the transactions of the American Institute that I
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 79
ever saw. There is one article in that volume on haemorrhoids, by Dr.Guernsey, that is worth a mint, and if
this society never did anything else but to collect and arrange it, it has demonstrated its right to exist.
When You Look At It You Don’t See It
When you don’t see when you look
is called the unobtrusive.
When you don’t hear when you listen
is called the rarefied.
When you don’t get when you grasp
is called the subtle.
These three cannot be completely fathomed,
so merge into one;
above is not height, below is not dark.
Continuous, unnameable, it returns again to nothing.
This is called the stateless state,
the image of no thing;
this is called mental abstraction.
When you face it you do not see its head,
when you follow it you do not see its back.
Hold the ancient Way
so as to direct present existence;
Only when you can know the ancient
can this be called the basic cycle of the Way
Tao Te Ching.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 80
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contributions and
other original articles.)
1. Boenninghausens Leben - HAHNEMANNs Liebling Schüler, Friedrich KOTTWITZ, O. -Verlag,
Boenninghausenerg am Starnberger Sec, 1985. (German)
This book - “Boenninghausen’s Life - HAHNEMANN’s favourite Student” by Friedrich KOTTWITZ
is the first detailed biography of the great homeopath Clemens Maria Franz von BOENNINGHAUSEN
(1785 - 1864). Whatever we have so far had, in any language, have been very brief. This is the first book
that gives greater information on the life and works of HAHNEMANN’s ‘pet’ student.
The birth and childhood period, the professional life in Holland, his occupation as District
Commissioner, then Commissioner of Law Registration, as a Botanist, as an Agronomist, as homeopath,
von BOENNINGHAUSEN’s relationship with Samuel and Melanie HAHNEMANN, von
memory in the minds of the folks in Münster, are all covered in about 150 pages.
This is followed by an Appendix which contains the geneology of BOENNINGHAUSEN, a ‘time
table’ detailing the different works, publications and their chronology, etc., list of the letters and other
communications for publication, Index of the sources from which the work under review has been made
possible, index to the foot notes (612 FOOTNOTE numbers) and lastly some pictures.
We learn from this book that BOENNINGHAUSEN’s education as Jurist and also more about work as
botanist; a plant first mentioned by him Galeopis bifida has been named after him “Galeopis bifida
Boenninghausenoenn.” and is known so even today.
Dr.Carl Ernst August WEIHE (1779 - 1834) who was also a botanist was a friend of von
In the Autumn 1827 two well known physicians diagnosed BOENNINGHAUSEN suffering from
consumption. Hopes of cure were given up. von BOENNINGHAUSEN wrote a ‘fare-well’ letter to his
old and unforgettable friend Dr.August WEIHE who was the first homeopath in Westphalia which
BOENNINGHAUSEN did not know then. WEIHE was deeply moved by this condition of his dear friend
and immediately wrote him asking for the symptoms which BOENNINGHAUSEN furnished. Dr.WEIHE
prescribed Puls. 30 one dose, followed 4 weeks later by Sulphur 30 and with this BOENNINGHAUSEN
began to recover. The rest is homeopathic history: BOENNINGHAUSEN studied Homeopathy, tested
medicines on himself and with his sound knowledge of botany and extracting medicine from plants became
a great homeopath and a trusted, valued, dear disciple of HAHNEMANN.
The book discusses further contributions of BOENNINGHAUSEN, quoting copiously from sources.
BOENNINGHAUSEN experimented with polyprescription; he experimented with different potencies
but ultimately remained classical practitioner in the true sense, i.e. the single remedy.
It is a well written refreshing book and personally I got lot of hitherto unknown information.
2. Rabindranath TAGORE and his Medical World, by Ashok K.BAGCHI, Konark Publishers Pvt.
Ltd., A-149, Main Vikas Marg, Delhi - 110092. pp.70., h.b., 2000, Rs.150/-
Hearing the name of Sri. Rabindranath TAGORE conjures up before our eyes, his kind face WITH
flowing beard and of course his poetry especially “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held
high...” which in my school days was sung with fervor and feeling in the morning Assembly Hall. This
was before India attained Independence. Many of us were inspired to read his ‘Gitanjali’ (translation in
English) in our teens.
Very recently my friend Prof.R.Rajagopalan, I.I.T. Madras, who has acquired some ‘readings’ of
Sri.TAGORE’s poetry by the poet himself, on CD, played it for me. Although I could follow only little
Bengali TAGORE’s voice and his poetry thrilled me. Incidentally I recalled the late Sarojini NAIDU and
her brother late Prof. Harindranath CHATTOPADHYAYA who were great poets and patriots. Where has
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 81
all the literary genius of Bengal gone now? Evidently the freedom movement spawned great poets, and
now-a-days there is no such high motivation.
It is well known that Homeopathy was strongly rooted in Bengal and almost every Bengalee was well
aware of Homeopathy and many of them had their domestic medicine chest.
In the latter half of the 19th century Homeopathy became honored by Dr.Mahendra Lal SIRCAR,
M.D. who publicly abandoned completely allopathy and began his practice of Homeopathy.
Dr.M.L.SIRCAR was introduced to Homeopathy by Babu Rajendra Lal DUTTA, and thus came a lineage
of tall figures of homeopathic doctors in Bengal.
In this milieu it is little surprising that Sri.Rabindranath TAGORE was an ardent follower and
practitioner of Homeopathy.
Although this was known, not much has been written on Sri TAGORE and his practice of
Homeopathy. This book under review, which falls much below one’s expectation however fills to some
extent this gap. Perhaps one may be impelled to delve deeper and bring out a more well researched
The author says that Samuel HAHNEMANN who founded Homeopathy was “an allopathic physician
from Jena in Germany.” This is wrong. HAHNEMANN was born in Meissen in Saxony and studied
Medicine in Vienna.
“Dr. R.L.DUTTA was not a renowned contemporary physician who persuaded Dr.Mahendralal
SIRCAR”. Dr.R.L.DUTTA was an aristocrat, highly learned, philanthropic and a homeopath.
Dr.M.L.SIRCAR did not take a ‘fancy’ to homeopathy, as Dr.Asoke BAGCHI refers to it. His
conversion was scientific and complete.
Names of eminent homeopaths are spelled incorrectly (p.17) and in passing, e.g. Lippe (not Lupi),
Cowperthwaite (not Cowperthroat), Dewey (not Dewi). Father Mueller of Mangalore is referred as Father
Mueller of Manpalox.
An interesting anecdote is given in p.37: Sri.Rabindranath TAGORE while sailing in the river Padma
one day saw a figure lying in the island. He sent his boatman who rescued the man and brought him abroad
TAGORE’s boat. TAGORE learnt that the man who was more or less dead had been abandoned by his
master as he was seriously ill with Cholera. TAGORE treated the man with Homeopathy and restored
him. The man was then appointed by Sri.TAGORE and he lived long in the household of TAGORE.
Another incident when TAGORE rescued a nearby dead woman from the river into which she had
jumped with intention to commit suicide. He treated her with Homeopathy and restored her.
One recalls Constantine HERING saving (on December 15, 1827) a man lying seriously ill on the road
side, near Paramaribo.
Although this is not by any means a well-written book, it sheds some light on Gurudev Rabindranath
TAGORE’s interest in and practice of Homeopathy (and later Schussler’s Biochemics) As such the book
is welcome.
3. H.GARTEN: Akupunktur bei Inneren Erkrankungen, 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage,
Hippokrates Verlag; Stuttgart 1999, DM 89- This is the second edition. 1st edition: 1993. 2nd edition is
enlarged, revised in the light of the author’s experience.
Although there have been other books on the subject these 2 editions of this book has been called for.
Dr.GARTEN who besides being a practitioner is also a teacher says that he has taken care to adopt the
correct nomenclatures.
This is a text-bbok on Acupuncture. It is about the treatment of what in Traditional Chinese Medicine
is known as “internal diseases”. It enables the application of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to
apply in practice Acupuncture in Western System. In his Introduction to the 1st edition the author says that
in this book it is taught how the Physician after a clear Western Medical diagnosis decides to treat with
Acupuncture, slips into the role of the Chinese Physician with a good grasp of the disease with his five
senses, can obtain good results.
Acupuncture can be combined with other allopathic or natural therapies, procedures, as also with
Homeopathy. However, the best compliment to the Chinese Acupuncture is the Chinese Physiotherapy.
The book can also be used for good training in diagnosis and treatment according to TCM.
The book follows the teaching standards of reputed Chinese Acupuncture Colleges in China. The
theories of YIN and YANG and the Five Changing Phases (WU XING), the so-called basic substances, the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 82
clinically relevant aspects of Physiology of Organs (ZANG FU) of TCM, as also the causative factors of
the disease, are explained. However, these must be studied in greater depth in other relevant books.
The Meridian points with their Syndrome actions are detailed. The TCM diagnosis is thoroughly
depicted. The ZANG FU syndrome is systematised in Western Diagnosis.
The book is divided into four main sections: 1. Fundamentals, 2. Diagnosis, 3.Therapy and 4.
The ‘Fundamentals’ deals with the theories of YIN and YANG and the five substances - QI, ZUE,
JING, JIN YE, SHEN (BING YIN), functions of the lead points (lung, colon, stomach, etc.) are given in
The ‘Diagnosis’ deals with ( i. ) the four methods of examination (SI ZEHN) - Interrogation,
Inspection, Palpation, Auscultation and Olfaction; and (ii) the eight diagnostic criteria (BA GANG, BIAN
ZHENG). These are explained thoroughly. Since the tongue would tell a lot, clear color pictures teaches it
The ‘Interrogation’ (WEN ZHEN) Schema is typically as in Homeopathy. What is the main ailment?
Where is the ailment localised? When has the ailment begun? How are the ailments characterised, how is
the character of the pain? What modalities better and worsen the ailments (warmth, cold, massage, rest,
motion, pressure, touch, daytime, nights)?
Section III details the ‘Syndrome diagnosis for therapy’, disease picture, and repertory of the important
therapeutic principles.
The ‘disease picture’ covers all the disease states, e.g. acute bronchitis, acute asthma, chronic
bronchitis/asthma, gastritis, diarrhoea, morbus crohn, skin diseases, cardiac disorder, gynaecological
diseases, urologic diseases, paralysis etc. etc.
This section carries many case examples (model cases) which a student may work upon.
This section ends with a brief repertory.
Lastly Section IV discusses the Psychic Aspects of the Functional zones.
The book is copiously illustrated with Acupunture points, tables, diagrams.
Printed on good quality paper, easily readable font.
Those with a reasonable knowledge of German language will benefit from this book. Warmly
I love this lake,
Basin of heavenly tears,
Tilted from lunar pull
Jostling its shore.
I love these mountains,
Stark rock outcroppings,
Sculpted by the oceans.
Lifted at some unknown time,
Isolated in a field of vetch,
Cleaved by silver falls.
A sentinel owl regards me unblinkingly,
And beyond, alpine forests form a cadence
To a distant moon.
The earth is overrun by investigators and engineers. The wilderness is made vulgar with the noise of
tourists. We don’t need their thermometers and saws. We don’t need bridges and monuments. In the
context of Tao, this is to violate the earth with human ambition and to crawl over the landscape like flies
over fresh fruit. Instead we should simply walk through this mysterious world without being a burden to it.
-DENG MING-DAO, in Daily Meditations.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 83
1. 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Acupuncture, Oriental & Alternative Medicine, 3, 4, 5th Sept.,
2000 at Kota Bharu, Malaysia. Program: Surgical cases cured by Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Herbal,
Chinese Medicine and other Complementary Medicines on brain tumor, fibroid, cysts, etc; Role of
Traditional and Complementary Medicine on Psychiatric and Psychological Disorder etc. Those who wish
to present scientific papers are requested to send the material for printing before June 30. All papers must
be written in English and must be neat. Registration: Before August 15th US $ 250.00, Accompanying
person US $ 150.00. After August 15th/On the Spot Registration: US $ 300.00 and Accompanying person:
US $ 150.00. This fee includes Congress Fee, Free 3 days and 2 night accomodation at Hotel Perdana
(sharing room basis), 3 lunches and tea breaks. All payment must be made by Bank Draft payable to The
Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia, Address: Batu 5 1/2 Lorong Masjid Kg. Chicha, Kubang Kerian, 16150
Kota Bharu, Kelatan. Tel: 09-7643349 or 09-7440440 Fax - 09-7437400 or 03-2983242. Email:
drnik@acupuncture.com and mnri_acupuncture@yahoo.com.
2. The Millenium Bombay Seminar 2001 Organised by Homeopathic Research and Charities from
9th to 14th January 2001 at Birla Mathusri Sabhagar, 19 New Marine Lines, Near Bombay Hospital,
Mumbai 400 020. Speakers are Dr.Rajan Sankaran, Dr.Sudhir Baldota, Dr.Jayesh Shah, Dr.Sujit
Chaterjee, Dr.Sunil Anand and Dr.Divya Chhabra. Contact: Homeopathic Research and Charities, 201,
Dinar, 20 Station Road, Santacruz west, Mumbai 400 054, India. Tel: +9122 6050914 Fax: 9122 6045637
email: seminar@homeopathyindia.org
3. Revolutionized Homeopathic Seminar by Dr.Sehgal’s School of Revolutionized Homeopathy.
Three day seminar with Drs.Sanjay and Yogesh Sehgal (Introductary level) and Dr.M.L.Sehgal
(Advanced Level), on the 15th, 16th and 17th September 2000 at Indian Social Institute, 10,
Institutional Area, Behind Sai Baba Mandir, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003. Tel: 4622379. Fees:
For Introductory lecture: Rs.150 (For Doctors), Rs.100 (for students). For Advanced level: Rs.1000 (for
Reception committee Members), Rs.600 (for Doctors), Rs 400 (for Students). Cash to be sent by M.O. in
favor of Dr.Preethi Sehgal. By Cheque (please add Rs.10 for outstation cheques)/DD in favor of
Dr.Sehgal’s School of Revolutionized Homeopathy to the following Address: 19-A, Pocket - A, Mayur
Vihar Ph- II, New Delhi - 110 091. (For Accomodation inform before the 15th July as only 20 beds on twin
sharing basis are available) Enquiry contact: 011 2474751, email: Sehgalrh@ndf.vsnl.net.in
4. A two day International Conference, 22-23 February 2001, London, UK. Improving the success of
Homeopathy 3: Reuniting Art with Science, organised by Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
Register online at: www.rlhh.org.uk/conference or fax back to: +44(0)20 7833 7212 or
Vina Owen, Academic Unit, The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London
WCIN 3HR, United Kingdom.
5. Lions Club of Kottayam, Round Table of Homeoapthy, Institute of Homeopathy, Kerala,
Kottayam branch organise the Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme for one day audio-
visual-computer seminar on the following subjects with Dr.R.P.Patel at Shree Prabhudas Patel
Memorial Hall, Lions Club, Kottayam.
17.09.2000: Understanding the application of Homeopathy in the treatment of Cancer patients with the
presentation of cured cases. Discussion.
21.01.2001: Dr.HAHNEMANN’s Concept of Chronic Miasms and their application in day to day practice
with cases. Discussion.
18.03.2001: A concept of Expert system in Homeopathy and its practical application in acute as well as in
chronic diseases with cases. Discussion.
Delegate fees: Rs.50/-(includes vegetarian lunch and tea) for one subject. Please send M.O. to the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 84
Secretary, Lions Club of Kottayam, Child Welfare and Development Centre, Near Kottayam Rly. Station,
KOTTAYAM - 686 001. Kerala, INDIA.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Is it possible to have automatically the following achievements for Homeopathic repertorization
through mind or mechanical means (Card system, Strip system or any Computer program) at one go as
soon as you enter in the program the patient’s symptoms one or all the symptoms at a time which you have
selected for repertorization in any order or haphazardly?
1. Analyse or classifies symptoms - Mentals, physical generals, particulars in hierarchy.
2. Evaluates symptoms - Will, emotion, intellect, memory, physical general, particular, common,
peculiar etc. in hierarchy. (Dr.HAHNEMANN. Para. 210: Dr.Kent)
3. Classifies miasm of each symptom(s) - Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis and their latent symptoms in
order of their prominence/predominance. (Dr.HAHNEMANN, Dr.Allen, J.H.)
4. Evaluates miasmatic medicines - anti-psoric, anti- sycotic, anti-syphilitic or mixed one.
5. Gives consolidated result of medicines(s) - with total marks and % and frequency of
symptoms cover with % by each medicine according to Dr.HAHNEMANN in two cases
mentioned in M.M.Pura. Part 1, PP. 20, 21, 22, 23.
6. Evaluates only “more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and
symptoms” according to Dr.HAHNEMANN (Para. 153).
7. Compares instantly all repertorial methods whatever you follow.
OH! NO! How is it possible? It is possible really?
Please give your opinion in,
YES: Possible ______________ (Write your reasons, how?)
NO: Impossible _____________ (Write your reasons, why?)
Your name and address, please
Write to: Dr. R.P.Patel, HAHNEMANN House, College Road, Kottayam, - 686 001, Kerala,
Angustra vera
The Bridge
This is a remedy for rheumatism with cracking joints in hypersensitive individuals who are characterized
by their great desire for coffee (Nux vomica).
As studied by E.VALERO, the Angustra vera subjects are people afflicted with vertigo when passing over
water, with fear of sinking. The bridge symbolizes the passage from one shore to another, the transition
between two states or two desires in conflict (“make it or break it”). They must pass over the river of daily
selfish desire to reach the other side, which is paradise. They need their coffee for stimulation so they can
go out and meet this challenge.
For MASI, Angustra vera doubts the power of mind over the voluntary muscles. These individuals would
like to attain bliss through their natural powers, which fail them (blocked by osteoarthritis, for example).
They thus turn to stimulants (coffee), which they abuse.
These are people who are always disappointed as soon as they reach their goals and obtain what they
wanted. They must learn that bliss is not reached through achievements in the material world, nor in
aggrandizement of the ego, but in fulfilling the true potential of the heart.
The Spirit of Homeopathic Medicines, Didier GRANDGEORGE, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 85
2. QHD, VOL. XVII, 3 & 4, 2000
Part I. Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.
1. HAHNEMANNs Miasmenlehre - aktuell bis heute (HAHNEMANN’s Miasm theory - Actual
until date)
BAIERL, H. (AHZ, 244, 4/1999)
This is a contribution to a discussion presently by many groups about the important issue of Miasms.
In this article the author goes back to the roots of the teaching of Miasms, to the original writings of
HAHNEMANN, and particularly wants to show the practical implications of the teaching of Miasms. The
pragmatic HAHNEMANN, to whom everyone finally refers in all matters, has shown us with his
irrefutable clarity and unprejudicial gift of observation, the most valuable therapeutic instructions on how
to treat chronic diseases. (The Editors of the Journal have given a Note at the end that on Forensic grounds
the homeopathic physician in Germany must treat acute Gonorrheas and Syphilis by Antibiotics. It will be
necessary that carefully documented cases treated homeopathically are documented.)
2. Einige kritischer Gedanken zur Psoralehre aus heutiger Sicht (Some critical thoughts on Psora
theory with reference to current view)
STER, A. (AHZ, 244, 4/1999)
In a brief article the author discusses the Syphilis, Sycosis and Psora of HAHNEMANN’s times and
his theory based on them vis-a-vis the modern development of these pathologies including the vaccination-
induced disturbance of the Immune System.
3. Die homöopathische Behandlung von Verbrennungen und Erfrierungen und das Prinzip der
Ähnlichkeit (The homeopathic treatment of Burns and Frostbites and the principle of Similarity)
LANG, G. (AHZ, 244, 4/1999)
The homeopathic treatment of Burns and Frostbites is based on very old and reliable experiences and
should be scrupulously followed as laid down by HAHNEMANN in Organon so exemplarily. Clinical
experiments are suggested.
4. Die moderne Behandlung der
chronischen Krankheiten
(The modern treatment of chronic
SPINEDI, D. (ZKH, 43, 4-5/1999).
The treatment of chronic diseases according to KÜNZLI in the tradition of HAHNEMANN and KENT
as well as P.SCHMIDT is presented. Analysis of KENT’s statements with respect to the particular time
they were made. About the little importance of the ‘Mind’ symptoms for the choice of remedies and the
different conditions of homeopathic medicines to heal chronic diseases. Reflection on Miasms of
HAHNEMANN and their confirmation by recent findings in Microbiology.
5. Em busca da medicina positiva: positivismo e homeopatia no inicio do seculo XX (In search
of positivism and Homeopathy in the beginning of the 20th Century)
SIGOLO Renata Palandri (RH, 64, 1-4/1999)
Homeopathic medicine used several legitimization strategies all along it’s history in Brazil. One of
them was the approximation which in the beginning of the Century, spread within the Brazilian
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 86
6. Alchemistische Grillen?
(Alchemistic Fancies?)
APPELL, R.G. (AHZ, 244, 5/1999)
In § 28 of the Organon HAHNEMANN dismisses scientific explanation of the fact that a weaker
dynamic affection will be extinguished by a stronger one applied, if there is similarity in their
manifestations. An explanation would have meant an acknowledgment of the knowledge of hermetic and
alchemistic tradition, which was well-known to HAHNEMANN, especially the concept of elective
attraction, which became obsolete during his time. By denying these occult sources, they have remained
till date for us to ponder over.
7. Cura Homeopática e a Racionalidade
Médica (Homeopathic Cure and Medical Rationality)
PADILHA Denise O. (RH, 64, 1-4/1999)
An epistemological approach is proposed for education and research in Homeopathy.
8. The relationship between Homepathy and the Dr.Bach system of flower remedies: A Critical
VAN HASELEN (BHJ, 88, 3/1999)
The relationship between Homeopathy and the Dr.BACH system of flower remedies is explored. A
historical perspective is given, doctrinal similarities and dissimilarities between both systems are discussed
and the relationship between remedies used in Homeopathy as well as in Dr.Bach’s system of flower
remedies is explored. It is concluded that although both systems are clearly different, some common ground
exists and that both systems may have a complementary role which is perhaps insufficiently recognised.
9. The Doctrine of Signatures: a historical, philosophical and scientific view (I)
The evolution of the Doctrine of Signatures is presented, with reference to a physical as well as
mental/spiritual mode of relating nature’s medicinal substances to the human symptoms. Symbolism,
intuition, biological observation, and the study of the medicinal properties serve as guides in the Doctrine
of Signatures; modern science offers additional dimensions by relating physiological processes to
physiology of disease.
10. Dreams and Homeopathy
DAM, Kees (HL, 12, 3 & 4/1999)
(This is an English translation of an article from the Dutch-Belgian Journal for Classical Homeopathy
‘Simillima’ (May 1992). This is about the importance of dreams with regards to provings, and to finding
and evaluating remedies. Based on the experience of several dream provings with well known remedies we
can see that taking a particular remedy brings out clearly discernible core themes of that remedy in our
dreams. Some examples of dreams that came up under the influence of a remedy are given.
A dream is a very subtle, sensitive biological activity which gives very precise indications on what is
happening in the subconscious, what is being processed and which direction this process is taking. Dreams
can be the first indication that a remedy is working, although it can never become the ultimate criteria for
evaluation. Through dreams we can know if the ‘coreof the person has been touched by the remedy.
Many examples of dream interpretation are given.
11. The Alchemy of Homeopathy - An Interview
JANE Cicchetti (SIM, XII, 3/1999)
The interview gives a good insight of the relation between Alchemical texts and the Organon, the
relation between Alchemy and dreams, practical implication of Alchemy in the practice of Homeopathy,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 87
although alchemy may be helpful in understanding a specific remedy, it is only by closely sticking to
Organon and Chronic Diseases this can be obtained.
12. A Question of Similars.
TAYLOR, Will (HT, 19, 2/1999).
The author explains that, Cure by similars is not exclusively a property of the minimum dose or the
dynamized remedy. Many substances that are effective in crude doses act as simillima, there is a great
anecdote of medical history in this regard. A French Physician, DuFresnoy witnessed a cure of a herpetic
eruption of six years standing when the patient accidentally gotten into the plant (Rhus toxicodendron). The
medicinal disease (Rhus poisoning) was certainly not a gentle cure, but DuFresnoy began employing it
rather successfully in treating herpetic eruptions. Crude substances induce a medicinal disease. If this
medicinal disease is homeopathic to the natural disease of the patient, it can act curatively. If this is
dissimilar to the natural disease of the patient, it can displace the natural disease, but only in a palliative or
suppressive manner. Only a similar disease can act curatively. Refer to the Organon (6th edition),
paragraphs 22-71.
Destructive pathology such as non-union of fractures are included in the sphere of action of a remedy
only from clinical observation. HERING and BOGER argued regarding what value our materia medica
should place on symptoms gathered from Clinical experience vs. Symptoms from provings.
13. The Deeper Meaning of Homeopathy.
WARKENTIN, David Kent (HT, 19, 2/1999).
(Address delivered in the tenth annual Society of Homeopaths Conference in UK )
The lecture gives us the lesson that relates to our growth as much as our prescribing. Homeopathy is
the art of transformation : transformation of our patients, transformation of the society, and of course,
though perhaps subconciously, transformation of ourselves:
Materialists may opine that we are not prescribing an actual medicine and may further say that it only
gives placebo effect. In the placebo effect the person is somehow able to activate their healing powers to
cure themselves. We have an extremely sophisticated way to consistently stimulate the natural healing
Symptoms are a major way that our subconscious uses to get our attention, our goal is not to eliminate
symptoms but to empower people.
Cure does not mean to relieve the aches and pains but to go deeper and improve the way our patients
feel in the world, softening their anger, strengthening their confidence and soothing their fears. Real cure is
only as insightful as our level of wisdom.
The universe is providing the Cure and we are only a handy tool of it. Any healing comes as grace; it is
given when the time is ripe and not before. A person who is ready to be transformed will find whatever
they need to transform them. If we are an appropriate vehicle, they’ll end up at our door.
Healing is by learning our tools, our remedies, so thoroughly that they become familiar so that we can
perceive both the remedy and the patient as completely as possible. We have to have a wide vision to
perceive the true essences within! Our involvement with Homeopathy is healing us as much as the
remedies are healing our patients.
Finally the author encourages us to be aware of our level of fascination as we listen to the speakers.
Learning, skill, growth and love depend on fascination. We are at the tip of an unfolding universe - and we
should keep our eyes open for the coincidences that are coming our way.
14. Is the Organon still relevant?
TAYLOR Will (HT, 19, 3/1999)
In this article the author answers the question. Are the ideas presented in the Organon still relevant to
us? HAHNEMANN’s writings endure, and today we find ourselves looking to them as a perspective on
disease and healing to provide an alternative to a very changed “old school” medicine; one that defends
itself squarely in the much advanced sciences of biochemistry, molecular genetics, and physiological
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 88
One of the guiding principles of Homeopathy that comes under contemporary criticism is the
HAHNEMANNian definition of disease and cure, as described in the Organon in aphorisms 6-18. The
practical edge of this is grasped in aphorism 8, where HAHNEMANN states: “It is not conceivable, nor can
it be shown through any experience in the world that, after lifting of all the symptoms of the disease and of
the entire complex of perceptible befallments, anything else besides health remains or could remain such
that the diseased alteration in the interior would be left unexpunged”.
The author gives the example of a patient who had chicken-pox at the age of 2 developed “shingles” at
43-years of age where the organism remained dormant in the dorsal root ganglion and brought out by some
emotional stress. So what is happening with this patient for the past 41 years ? If we look back at aphorism
14, There is nothing curably diseased nor any curable, invisible disease alteration in the human interior
that, by disease signs and symptoms, would not present itself to the exactly observing physician for
discernment ...” But for 41 years there have been no blisters, no pain, no sign of shingles”. The clue
resides in the above aphorism, and it is what distinguishes our art from that of conventional medicine.
HAHNEMANN used the term genau beobachtenden Ärzte” - meticulously observing medical
practitioner”. In our recognition of disease as a dynamic disattunement of the vital force of the organism,
we have a basis for appreciating many aspects of our patient that conventional medicine can only shrug off
as peripheral, we have a basis for appreciating our “meticulous observations” of the patient.
15. Dynamic Medicine : The Substance and the Patient.
ULLMAN-REICHENBERG Judyth, ULLMAN Robert (HT, 19, 5/1999)
An interesting article which deals with the nature and form of the substance, the characteristics of the
three kingdoms (animal, plant, and mineral) and the more specific understanding of the categories within
each kingdom, as a very useful aid to finding the remedy. It is important to realize, though, that this is just
one tool among many in discovering the simillimum.
The relationship of substance to remedy can be seen in a variety of ways. The form and colors of the
substance, its behavior, its physical and chemical properties, and especially its effect on people who are
exposed to it, brought out both subtly and grossly by provings and toxicology. The suspicion of the snake
remedies, the self-worth issues and need for nurturance of the milk remedies, the extreme behavior of the
psychoactive plant mania remedies, the exaggeration of qualities, confusion and dis-orientation of the drug
remedies, the performance issues of the metals, and the relationship issues of the mineral salts can all be
discerned from some aspect of the qualities of their respective substances. [None of these can be relied
upon; these are all speculations. HAHNEMANN has said quiet clearly and unambiguously that the pure
action of each medicinal substance can be ascertained only by investigation on the human body itself -
“Proving” as it is termed in Homeopathy. The HAHNEMANN’s 1796 Essay on a New Principle for
ascertaining the Curative Powers of Drugs” = KSS]
1. Der Wert der Nosodes (The Value of the Nosodes)
PTOK M. (AHZ, 244, 5/1999)
Nosodes in homeopathic practice are toxins and disease causative agents, potentised according to
pharmaceutical rules. These are very powerful, and irreplaceable remedies and have been in use since the
times of HAHNEMANN. Except in the case of the heritage Nosodes, the information we have about the
others are incomplete. Till today the indications for these not well-proven Nosodes have been only clinical
experience. Some further Nosodes are mentioned in this article with their uses in daily practice. Proper
homeopathic provings must be carried out in respect of these remedies so that they find their rightful place
in the homeopathic Materia Medica.
2. Cardiospermum halicacabum
HÜBNER G. (AHZ, 244, 6/1999)
Cardiospermum halicacabum introduced into the homeopathic Materia Medica only few decades ago
has proven to be an important constitutional medicine. It is helpful in Psoric disorders by its action on the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 89
constitutional factors of Diphtherinum and Tuberculinum. Besides the indications so far given, particular
attention may be given to the effects of Cardiospermum on the Myocardium, Trigeminal nerves, as well as
on the malignant and benign tumours where the Diphtherinum factor is of fundamental pathogenic
importance. [A Proving of Cardiospermum halicacabum appeared in the ZKH, 34, 3&4/1990 = KSS]
3. Estudo Quimico du Causticum
(Causticum: a chemical study)
FREITAS Eliandro Guerra, FERREIRA Rinaldo, (RH, 64, 1-4/1999).
The authors carried out a research on Causticum, a medicine introduced by HAHNEMANN in the
Homeopathic Materia Medica, within the context of physico chemical features.
Causticum identification in the homeopathic pharmacies is suggested. (see QHD, also for researches
on this medicine = KSS.)
4. Niccolum metallicum
SEANNER, S. (ZKH, 43, 4/1999)
Niccolum is a remedy not often prescribed. The authors present two cases in which the remedy was
found through small rubrics. In both these cases a strong symptom was the patient’s strong reaction to
injustice. The authors wonder whether in the light of their experience, this symptom may be taken as a
definite differentiation.
5. Agaricus muscarius - eine seltene
Indikation (Agaricus muscarius
A rare indication)
ILLING K.-H. (ZKH, 43, 5/1999)
A 25 year-old male complained of twitching of the right under-lid since years. He felt that the
twitching came from a scar in the under-lid as a result of an injury in his childhood. He had no other
symptom whatever. There are many remedies in the KENT Repertory, but since the patient had no other
symptom, it was decided to look into the ‘smallremedies. Agaricus muscarius was selected and given in
30 potency and there was rapid relief. However there was need to repeat this remedy twelve times over a
period of about 18 years and each time the relief held for longer and longer period; the last dose of C 30
was on 10.12.1998.
Interestingly his 10 year-old son complained from twitching of the right upper eye-lid, since some
time”. Agaricus muscarius 30 gave rapid relief. It was repeated nine months later. This boy had received
earlier for various ailments Sulphur 30 and it relieved him of those complaints but not the twitching of the
eyelid although Sulphur is given in the highest grade in the Repertory!
6. Materia Medica - Natrum sulfuratum
ZAUNER, B. (ZKH, 43, 5/1999)
The first proving was published in the Stapf’s Archivin 1838 by an anonymous’ translator (French
to German). KLUNKER made a critical translation and found many errors in the Stapf translation.
KLUNKER’s clarified and corrected translation was published in the ZKH, 39, 2& 4/1995 (see QHD, XIII,
1, 1996).
In the present ZAUNER further clarifies that there were four Provings during HAHNEMANN’s time:
the first one by HAHNEMANN’s friend CROSERIO (which was the one corrected and published by
KLUNKER) had 216 symptoms and 94 symptom from remaining three provers (E.ANTRAIGER,
DUNFORD, Adolph STRAUB). Dr. ZAUNER has now compiled a ‘Head-to-Foot’ scheme of the
Provings, so that the material would be available to the Profession for application.
7. Die charakteristischen Symptome von Belladonna nach Clemens von Bönninghausen
(Characteristic Symptoms of Belladonna according to BOENNINGHAUSEN)
JANSEN A. (ZKH, 43, 6/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 90
A handwritten manuscript of von BOENNINGHAUSEN in the possession of the Institute for
History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart, has been studied. This appears to be
BOENNINGHAUSEN’s manuscript for drawing out a picture of the characteristic symptoms of
It would be valuable if these are added to the future publication of BOENNINGHAUSEN’s Materia
Medica and Repertory.
8. Einige Fehler und Unklarheiten in unseren Materia Medicas und Repertorien (Some errors
and confusions in our Materia Medicas and Repertories)
SRINIVASAN, K.S. (ZKH, 43, 5/1999)
In the ZKH, 42, 6/1998, ANDERSCH-HARTNER pointed out certain errors in respect of the remedy
Aqua Marina, in the Mind chapter of the Repertories.
In the present article the author compares the proving symptoms given by the prover
Dr.P.SANKARAN and published by him, and O.A. JULIAN’s Materia Medica. Serious errors have been
observed which need to be corrected in the current copies of the Materia Medicas and Repertories.
9. Physical, Chemical and Biological essay of Tylophora indica mother tincture - a
comparative study.
MINATI Nandi (BHJ, 88, 4/1999)
Successful use of homeopathic medicines is related to the purity and quality of crude and finished
products. To maintain the quality of Tylophora indica mother tincture, a comparative study on physical,
chemical and biological assay of five samples (reference laboratory and market) of Tylophora indica was
carried out. The market sample showed different chromatographic characteristics and may have been
prepared from a different species. Typhora indica has antispasmodic and hypotensive properties.
10. Candida albicans - A Proving Report and a Case.
RIEFER Marco (HL,11,4/1998)
The author has given a kind of ‘synopsis’ of the ‘proving’ but not the actual Proving. According to our
understanding, a Proving report should mention the source of the substance, how it was prepared for the
homeopathic Proving, the dosage proved, the day/datewise appearance of the symptoms in the language of
the ‘prover’, etc. The ‘Master Prover’ may give his ‘summing up’ and clinical applications after these.
Unfortunately we are given straight away a synopsis of the ‘themes’ (a word coined by the neo-teachers of
Homeopathy, never used by the pioneers of Homeopathy) and are asked to accept it.
O.A.JULIAN’s Materia Medica of the Nosodes contains a brief article on Candida albicans or Monilia
albicans). Many of the ‘clinical’ conditions mentioned by JULIAN seem to agree with this article.
11. Aconitum napellus
BOERICKE, William (HL, 12,1/1999)
This is a lecture given in February, 1916 at University of California Medical School. Some extracts:
The name Aconite is derived from Aconai, a place near Heraclea where Hercules descended to the infernal
regions and where the plant abounded and where it was produced by the foam scattered abut by cerberus,
the watch dog of the infernal region, when brought up on earth. The virile poisonous character of it is thus
easily accounted for! ...In 1796, HAHNEMANN, in a paper in Hufeland’s Journal, described the well-
known poisonous effects of Aconite on the healthy body. His great proving was made in 1805. The drug
was subsequently re-proved by the Austrian Society of Provers, not only confirming HAHNEMANN’s,
but also his therapeutic inferences from his own meager provings, showing his masterful insight. ...very
different does Aconite manifest its effects upon the body. Suddenly and violently it enters the arena. No
tissues changed, no organs greatly disarranged, no secretions altered, yet the whole organism is suddenly
subjected to a violent nerve and circulatory storm, that drives the blood through the system at a terrific rate,
raises its temperature, producing mental anxiety and fear that destruction is certainly at hand.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 91
...Aconite patient is always hot, they are apt to be complaining because of their uncomfortable bodily
condition, usually restless, and their first and last thought is for water; allow the Aconite patient all the
water he or she will drink, make no restriction. They have anguish of body and mind but the Aconite case
is always temporarily relieved after taking a large draught of water.
...Aconite effects are soon exhausted. Therefore we repeat the doses rather frequently and expect to see
results promptly.
...it is NOT the remedy to every kind of fever. Why? Because its symptoms portray only simple
inflammatory, catarrhal and rheumatic fever. It is worse than useless to give it in typhoid or hectic or even
in the fever that is symptomatic of acute local inflammations... the very method of Aconite disease is
characterized by general circulatory disturbance, by suddenness and violence, acuteness of development,
conditions just to those found in the fevers depending on some septicemic cause. It is the plethoric, healthy
individual, that is taken suddenly and violently after exposure, or from some mental cause; fright for
instance and shows symptoms like those produced by Aconite. The weak, careworn, exhausted individuals
never taken suddenly, is rarely a case for Aconite. The Aconite fever is neurotic not toxaemic.
...it develops very few symptoms of localised disease, and so it will do very little when local deposits
have taken place. ...Aconite causes only functional disturbances. There is scarcely any evidence of power
to produce tissue change - its action is brief and shows no marked periodicity, no blood changes.
12. The Essence of Carcinosinum
STEINER, Hansueli (HL, 12, 1/1999)
The author directs the reader’s attention to what he considers a popular pitfall in a Homeopath’s
endeavor to formulate an objective picture of the essence of Carcinosinum. He proposes that it is the
homeopath’s own emotional ‘burden,’ his fear of death, destruction and loss of control, which prevents
him to see a side of Cancer which in fact seems to correspond with prevalent homeopathic thinking. He
uses the ideas of Monika WIEDEMANN-BORNE, as well as his own ideas to create a deeper
understanding of Cancer. She says about Cancer: Some one who becomes ill with Cancer has not been
living his own life but that of someone else, and they have given up hope of ever living their own life” and
“and thus the craving for a true life, this real longing has moved inward, the shadow of the body, has curled
into a ball under the enormous pressure (repression?) and it grows and develops and is called an evil. ...the
tumor is made up of UN-lived vital energy, UN-lived because to live it would have been bad.” The author
says: “Cancer cells to me represent the real ‘me’ in a person when the rest of the organism has betrayed his
soul. Cancer cells are the organism’s last stand in its effort to give expression to the soul, to give substance
to life. Why should we be prejudiced against cells because they are undifferentiated, ‘primitive’ and overly
creative? After all, aren’t we in awe of our similarly primitive and undifferentiated and creative
reproductive cells? ...I see the essence of Carcinosinum and of the tumour cells as the total and oblivious
devotion to give the organism a means of expressing his soul, a desperate means by which to achieve true
13. Information and Synopsis of a new proving - Helodrilus caliginosus
KLEIN, Louis (HL, 12, 1/1999)
This is a proving of the Earthworm. Earthworm has been used for hundred years in Chinese medicinal
concoctions. The current trend is to potentise intense substances such as venom’s etc. for consideration in
aggressive and egocentric patients. But most people don’t feel poisonous and aggressive but rather small.
They feel as small as a worm, or worm like, vulnerable: the reasons for choosing to prove the earthworm.
The particular earthworm used in the proving was found by a specialist. It was carefully classified prior to
potentisation. The entire worm was macerated with milk sugar and then potentised to the 30 potency by
Michael QUINN of the HAHNEMANN Pharmacy, San Rafael, CA. The remedy is available from them.
14. Maiasaura lapidea - Bone of the
HERRICK, Nancy (HL, 12,1/1999)
This is a reprint of the chapter on Dinosaur from NANCY’s recent book on provings Animal Mind,
Human Voices. Seven provers took the remedy in a C30. Each participant, blinded totally as to the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 92
substance, was mailed a vial of the remedy, together with a proving booklet to record each new symptom
for a period of three weeks. A proving meeting was held at the end of three weeks. The particular fossil
used in this proving was discovered in Southern New Mexico. It was found on a paleontological dig and
professionally analyzed as to its content. The individual responsible for its discovery is Zachary KRUG.
The fossil used for the proving is a small, pinkish, rough piece that is not identifiable as to body part..
15. The toxicology of Latrodectus mactans
BONNET, Michel (HL, 12, 1/1999)
The aim of this article is firstly to complement the provings of Latrodectus mactans by adding the
toxicology of this animal as reported in the medical journals. Secondly, it is to add biology and natural
history to the homeopathic picture. Thirdly and most importantly, this article is the first of a short series of
three which will act as the basis for comparing the toxicology of the three black widow spider species
known to Homeopathy.
16. I’m Alone in the Whole Universe - The Camphora state discussed AVEDISSIAN, Keith
With the help of four cases the author discusses the theme of Camphora. There is an underlying great
feeling of aloneness, an emptiness, a desolate feeling of coldness. Their depressions, their fears will be
centered around this aloneness. The emptiness of Camphora feels like hell and that’s what they want to
avoid. There is usually a positive side to these patients which is a hope that things will be better soon.
They can be violent, aggressive and very demanding of your attention. In extreme cases you see the
‘shrieking for aid’ as their symptoms intensify. Their reactions can become quite ‘acute’ almost frenzied in
nature having fears of the dark, danger or evil. He has also compared Camphora with Pulsatilla,
Stramonium and Platina.
17. ‘Deadly Romance’ - a Homeopathic Proving Latrodectus hasseltii - Redback Spider
TWOHIG, Julia (HL, 12,2/1999)
The decision to prove a substance indigenous to Australia grew out of an increasing need to see some
of Australia’s unique flora, fauna and elements represented in the Repertories and Materia Medicas. The
proving protocol, the process of proving, the provers, information about the red-back spider, the
envenomation etc are all given in great detail. But only some examples of the symptoms from the proving
are given. [See BHJ, 88,1/1999, The toxicology of Latrodectus hasseltii by M.S.BONNET= KSS]
18. Nature’s Drug Addict? A proving of Phascolarctos cinereus
ROBBINS Phillip and the Northern Rivers Homeopathic Study Group, Australia
(HL, 12,2/1999)
A proving of the Australian Koala. Only the themes from the proving are given.
19. An involuntary proving of Capsicum
FUCKERT, Manfred (HL, 12, 3/1999)
An account of the symptoms that developed within an hour after peeling away the seeds from the fruit
of Capsicum, despite having thoroughly washed the hands afterwards. Also symptoms after inhalation of
the smell of Capsicum from a distance. A conclusion the author draws from this proving: Capsicum could
be indicated for people who are tired of their daily routines (‘fed up,’ ‘sick of it’) and therefore are always
looking for new excitements and thrills, be it food or experience.
20. The Full “Mind” Picture of Carbo vegetabilis
SPRINGER, W. (HL, 12, 3/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 93
From the Lindau seminar, June 12-15, 1997, by Heinz WITTWER, Switzerland. An attempt to sketch
the full picture based on repertory rubrics and the doctrine of signatures.
21. Random Notes on Practice
KRISHNAMURTHY, V. (HL, 12,4/1999)
Calcarea carbonica is the remedy for easy relapses, interrupted convalescence.’ Parents often say:
Doctor, he gets a cold and fever almost every month. We give some medicine and it is cured. But the
attack saps his energy and his health is going down hill. We give tonics or nutritious food and he slowly
recovers in a month. By this time, another attack comes on and again it takes away all the regained health
of the child.’
22. Ruminations on Ruta - A Good Luck Herb
BOHLE, Theresa Maria (HT, 19,1/1999)
HAHNEMANN mentions Ruta for housemaid’s knee; the worker continues to irritate that same spot in
his daily job. Joints feel weak and give out. Periosteum injuries, sprains. Pain from contusions, shooting in
loins, pains in limbs as if beaten, wrenching pains in shoulders. It is a remedy for heat and redness of the
eyes, for eyestrain while reading or using the computer. Also useful for stress headache, miscarriage,
metrorrhagia or corrosive leucorrhea. The author also gives details about the plant and some of the
signatures which emerge in the proving.
23. Bothrops lanceolatus
HERSCU Paul (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
Bothrops lanceolatus is represented very scantily in our repertories. The remedy is generally thought
of as specific for thrombi, strokes and heart attacks, during, as well as after, the attacks.
However, the author presents a larger picture in the light of clinical experience and information’s from
colleagues. He discusses it in the “Cycles & Segments” fashion.
[Sec R. RÖMER’s article on Bothrops given in QHD, 3, 4/1986 = KSS].
24. Natrum-mur Child
Paul HERSCU says “the following observations have been verified in practice many times and though
the information is incomplete, it represents the major essential points upon which one may prescribe
Natrum-mur in pediatric population.
1.Will have clean clothes, hair is meticulous and well groomed. May pick matching clothes and
demand to dress themselves.
2. Reserved in groups, shy and boisterous in a small crowd.
3. Sit with crossed leg and folded hands in examination room, particularly girls. In the clinic, if
questioned will look at parents to answer.
4. They tend towards perfectionism. Become depressed or hysterical if they do not get good
grades in exam.
5. Self-conscious, much concerned about opinion of others about them. Can’t bear being laughed at or
ridiculed. Sensitive to reprimands.
Dr. Catherine COULTER states Natrum-muriaticum grievances often stem from family relations; a
consequence of poor relationship with one or both parents which breeds resentment or guilt. The polar
opposite equally true; have abundance of sympathy and devotion to parents and have extra-close
relationship with them.
6. Often dislike being handled or interfered as toddlers. Later in life aversion to consolation.
7. Fear of evil, heights, public speeches, robbers, dark, thunderstorms, of being alone, and snakes.
Anxious about family, something awful will happen.
8. Develop eruptions around the margins of the hairline. Skin, dry, cracked, develops eczema in
hands, elbows, margin of hair or behind the ears. Skin greasy with a tinge of green.
9. Asthma of children with dry, barking cough, shortness of breath < exertion, dust, evening,
open air, cold summer and Fall.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 94
10.Children are small and emaciated, slow to talk and walk.
Discussion by Catherine COULTER about the mental symptoms of the children are quite interesting.
25. Eryngium maritimum (Sea Holly)
EVANS Jo (HOM, 75/1999)
The Materia Medica of Eryngium maritimum is built up with reference to its application in Herbalism
as also on the “signature” of the plant.
26. Study of Natrum
JAIN Ramesh (NJH, 8, 4/1999)
This article gives a detailed information about the normal values, sources, daily requirement of the salt,
and the patho-physiology when there is disturbance in the sodium and water metabolism. Common
symptoms of Natrum group are discussed with reference to remedy affinities.
27. Group Study of Natrums.
KULKARNI Ajit (NJH, 8,4/1999)
Natrum arsenicosum, Natrum carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, Natrum phosphoricum, Natrum
sulphuricum are tabulated and their dominant miasm, characters, typology, mind, thermal state, discharges,
tongue, taste, food and relations of drugs are listed out. Helpful to make out the differentiation and
similarities among Natrum group of drugs.
28. Left Alone to Die of Hunger - Natrum iodatum
RODRIGUES John (NJH, 8, 4/1999)
Common indications are listed out:
1. Pathological conditions like hyperthyroidism, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis,
pharyngitis, heart ailments and syphilis.
2. Intense restlessness
3. Develops fear of poverty as they have not received proper food and nutrition since childhood.
4. Feel that they have been denied their basic rights for survival, they get the feeling of “I am left
alone to die of hunger!”.
A 22 year-old male patient with cold, cough and wheezing was treated with Natrum iodatum M based
on his mental symptoms.
29. Natrum arsenicosum
(NJH, 8, 4/1999)
The symptomatology of Natrum arsenicosum with the regional affection, mental and particulars with
relationships and modalities are given.
30. Natrum -sodium
RAJU K (NJH, 8, 4/1999)
A list of natrums used in Homeopathic and Allopathic field of medicine are given followed by 3 cases
where Natrum salts helped the patients.
31. Vanadium
TARKAS P I (NJH, 1, 5/1999)
The remedy is used for malnourished conditions, degenerative conditions like softening of the brain,
fatty liver, heart, arterial coats, sclerotic conditions etc and for the respiratory conditions. Relations are also
32. Hydrogen
Ch. SCHEPENS (RBH, 51, 4/1999)
Hydrogen was proved by Jeremy SHERR.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 95
The symptoms are :
Detachment vis-a-vis with the reality
Desire for solitude
Grandeuer, distance, detachment
From the Synoptic Materia Medica of J. VERMEULEN :
Aversion to company, when alone amel.
Delusion :
Separated from the world
Everything is strange
Everything seems unreal
Near death experience
Spaced out feeling
Everything seems ludicrous
Laughing at serious matter
Difficult concentration while calculating, driving, working, writing.
Mistakes in speaking, spelling, writing, in space and time.
Interested in esoteric subjects, astrophysics.
Problems of having to live in the world on account of a sensation of universal consciousness and
No boundaries or painful experience of earthy restrictions.
Confusion about sexual identity
Dreams of death
Symptoms of one-side
< left side
< Right side
Desire and inclination to lie down
Lassitude after eating
Tremendous weakness
<open air, but < becoming cold and tendency to take cold
Aversion to spices, highly seasoned food
< sleep, morning on waking <daytime
Night and morning (9 p.m. to 9 am)
Pain burning; cutting; stitching
Dryness; face; mouth; throat; nose
Annual periodicity
Vertigo in waves
Vertigo during headache
Headache; frontal; above eyes; Right eye; extending to root of nose.
Nasal catarrh
Discharge in morning; clear; copious; flocculent; green; thick; thin; watery; white; yellow.
Obstruction of nose in morning on waking.
Sneezing after tingling in nose.
33. Elaps corallinus
A S MANN (JH, 3, 1/1999)
Many singular rubrics in the “Mind” section from Synthesis Repertory are given with reference to the
Encylopaedia of Pure Materia Medica by T. F. ALLEN; and some physicals by PHATAK,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 96
Two cases of Elaps corallinus are discussed where the “fear of robbers (rowdies), of alone and some
robber will come in the house and injure them” and “something horrible is going to happen” was very
prominent, and that is the theme of Elaps.
34. Dr. Jan SCHOLTEN’s Homeopathy
and Elements Seven Series
SCHOLTEN Jan (JH, 3, 1/1999)
The central themes of each element, the field where each element finds its implication, the age of each
element are given.
The Hydrogen series ( Hydrogen to Helium )
“To be or not to be” in this world. The theme could be described as “whether or not to incarnate” in this
world. Hydrogen experiences the world as a whole, there is no division between self and other in the same
way that a foetus doesn’t feel this division. But later on this sense of unity is gradually lost and they begin
to feel that they are separate from the rest of the world.
The Carbon series ( Lithium to Neon )
This level represents the development as an individual and questions such as “Who am I?, What am I worth
for?, What is the value of the world?, What is the meaning of life?The age that corresponds to this phase
of development is that of the toddler.
The Silicum series (Natrum to Argon )
This is the level of relations, first within the family, then gradually including other people later on. This is
the age of the teenager.
The Ferrum series (Kali to Krypton)
This is the level where abilities start to be developed. They have to learn to fulfill certain tasks. In order to
do this they have to be schooled by another person, either a master or a teacher, a school or the parents
themselves. This is the phase of becoming an adult and the area is of the village or the tribe where the
individual knows the whole group and starts to determine his own position within this group.
The Silver series (Rubidium to Xenon )
The theme that belongs to this group is Art. The passing on of ideas and images through paintings and
sculptures, poetry, theater, music, speeches or through channeled information from other spheres. Usually
developed in middle age and the area is that of the Province.
The Gold series (Caesium to Radon )
Power is the central theme, leadership goes hand in hand with a feeling of responsibility. Phase of maturity
and the area extended to include the whole country or even the whole world. Eyes are associated with the
gold series.
The Uranium series (Francium to Plutonium )
These are magicians, the people who know how to reach their goal through the power of intuition and the
power of thought. Work with invisible forces, no limits to the area on which they focus their powers. This
is the time of very old age.
35. Dr. Jan SCHOLTEN’s Homeopathy
and Elements - Important themes
(JH, 3,2/1999)
Themes given by Dr. Jan SCHOLTEN are simplified by the group of ASRH and the important ones
are given and the members of ASRH are working on this pattern and are getting very good results.
36. Niccolum metallicum
MANN A S (JH, 3, 2/1999)
Niccolum has very strong singular delusion on which one can rely for prescription and it has been
verified by presenting a case that has been cured based on this delusion.
37. An Abstract from Dr. Jan SCHOLTEN’s Theory Natrium and its Combinations
MANN A S (JH, 3, 3/1999)
A brief study of What are Natriums and what their themes are.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 97
38. Carcinosinum
JAGPAL Ramakant (JH, 3, 3/1999)
The author gives some of the common Mind rubrics and the picture of a Carcinosinum child.
1. Avaliacao do tratamento homeopatico em portadores de lesoes por esforcos repetitivos
(Homeopathic therapeutic appraisal in repetitive strain injury sufferers)
DE NOVAES Ana Rita Viehra, DE SOURA Lia Tamara Machado, ROHR Roseane Vargas
(RH, 64, 1-4/1999).
The authors point out the homeopathic treatment in repetitive strain injury patients in a specialized
Public Health Service.
2. Die moderne Behandlung der chronischen Krankheiten (The modern treatment of chronic
SPINEDI, D. (ZKH, 43, 4-5/1999)
This two part essay is very interesting. It is a scholarly treatise on the subject. The treatment of
chronic diseases according to KÜNZLI which is the tradition of HAHNEMANN and KENT as well as
P.SCHMIDT, is presented. KENT’s statements with respect to the particular time they were made is
relevant. Mind symptoms is of less importance for the choice of remedies and the different capabilities of
homeopathic remedies, to heal chronic diseases. Reflection on Miasms of HAHNEMANN and their
confirmation by recent findings in Microbiology.
3. Die Rangordnungen der Symptoms von HAHNEMANN, BÖNNINGHAUSEN, HERING,
KENT, evaluiert anhand von 175 Kasuistiken (The ranking order of Symptoms according to
HAHNEMANN, BOENNINGHAUSEN, HERING and KENT, evaluated with 175 cases).
(ZKH, 43, 4/1999)
Different eminent authors beginning with HAHNEMANN himself, and following him
BOENNINGHAUSEN, HERING and KENT have laid down certain ranking of the Symptoms for purposes
of diagnosis of the homeopathic remedy in a case. The author discusses these. He has picked 175 cases
from his practice and analyzed the outcome of following a particular ranking method. The conclusion he
has drawn is that the HAHNEMANN-HERING group showed higher outcome scores, while KENT’s was
lower. The probable reasons are discussed. HAHNEMANN said “follow me, follow me exactly!”
4. Leitlinien zur homöopathischen Krebshandlung (Guidelines for homeopathic Cancer treatment)
KLINKENBERG, C.R.(ZKH, 43,6/1999)
The special features of Cancer have lead to the fact, that many homeopathic physicians have modified
their methods of treatment in the case of Cancer during the course of their medical practice. With the aid of
the homeopathic literature of the 19th and 20th Century the different methods of the choice of drugs and
dosology in Cancer are discussed. The different approaches for treatment and their common tendencies are
worked out. This includes the relatively frequent administration of drugs, the good experience with high
potencies and Q potencies as well as the administration of Nosodes. The essential parameters of the course
are shown and important aspects of the assessment of the course and the prescription of consecutive
remedies are explained. We consider the use of intermediate remedies, adjuvant drugs and drainage
remedies. Finally the obstacles to healing, the importance of nutrition and of psychological care of the
patient are made clear.
5. Morbus Crohn: Lycopodium clavatum (Crohn’s disease: Lycopodium clavatum)
KLUNKER, W. (ZKH, 43, 6/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 98
The homeopathic cure of a Crohn’s disease with Lycopodium is reported. The “psychic” symptoms
that were there with the physical symptoms were taken as such without giving any interpretations or
theoretical explanations, which are never found in the provings. When conditions for scientific healing
come together it will be realised (Organon § 3), cito, tuto, et jucunde.
6. LM potencies: one of the hidden treasures of the sixth edition of the Organon
DE SCHEPPER, L. (BHJ, 88, 3/1999)
50 millesimal(LM) potencies have great advantages for all patients, not just those who are
hypersensitive because of their great power to heal without major aggravations. Before discussing their
advantages this paper describes what LM potencies are, and how they are administered, then addresses two
questions: why do we want to avoid aggravations if most homeopaths look for aggravation to know if the
remedy is working? And if LM potencies are indeed superior, why are they still relatively unknown and
7. Paget’s Disease - A Case of Calcarea BIANCHINI, Roberto (HL, 11, 4/1998)
50-year-old man with intense pain in the left knee and also pain in the left ankle. An x-ray taken five
years back showed osteoporotic changes. He was anxious and full of cares. Mind, anxiety, business about,
Mind; anxiety, money matters and Sleep waking 3 - 5 a.m., thoughts from activity of were considered and
Calcarea fluorata 200 was prescribed with dramatic improvement.
8. Helicobacter pylori gastritis - A Case of Ammonium causticum
PAYRHUBER, Dietmar (HL, 11, 4/1998)
37-year-old woman had been diagnosed to be suffering from Helicobacter pylori gastritis. She had a
sharp burning sensation in the stomach immediately after eating. She was afraid of Cancer, since her
mother had suffered from gastric ulcers and had later died as a result of carcinoma of the stomach. There
were indications - obese, repressed anger seen in the facial expression, a sense of dissatisfaction as if she
would bear some resentment - that pointed to Ammonium and those - the patient’s occupation in the area of
social services showing her interest in the welfare of other human beings, her desire to help other people,
neuralgia on the right side, the joint pains in the lower extremities, her dark, honest eyes, showing she is
open, not devious or underhand and her capacity of being rebellious - that pointed to Causticum. Hence
Ammonium causticum LM IX, later LM XII was administered. In a very short time she was cured, and a
laboratory test performed as part of a check-up one year later was negative for Helicobacter pylori.
Dr.PAYRHUBER says: “...the overall picture of the symptoms does not lead to Ammonium causticum.
...On the physical level, of course, the symptoms of Ammonium and Causticum are most strongly
represented in this area... Focusing too closely upon the physical symptoms would bring many remedies
into consideration, but we would never arrive at a differential diagnosis.”
9. Hodgkin’s Disease - A Case of Ferrum iodatum
PAYRHUBER, Dietmar (HL, 11,4/1998)
30-year-old woman with Hodgkin’s disease; enlarged lymph nodes in the right inguinal region and in
the abdomen. She first had a tumor in the right thigh. She had recurrent inflammations for four years prior
to the appearance of the tumour, and there was a history of recurrent infections of the throat, bronchitis,
slight asthma, strong headaches, otalgia, vaginitis with strong itching and discharge, etc and three weeks
prior to the appearance of the tumour she suffered from colitis with thick yellow discharge and very strong
itching, for which she underwent suppressive treatment. She was given many remedies with some relief.
During the course of the treatment she also became pregnant and delivered a baby by Cesarean section.
Then in view of this woman’s capacity to withstand stresses: the disease, the pregnancy, the cesarean
section, her daughter’s illness etc Ferrum (firmness, standing one’s ground, perseverance) was thought off.
From the physical level: for the lymph nodes Iodium was thought of, and Ferrum iodatum was prescribed.
10 months after this hospital records indicate: “a spontaneous remission of the inguinal lymph nodes has
again taken place”, completely ignoring any remark of the patient about Homeoeopathy.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 99
10. Calcarea arsenicosa
SPRINGER, Wolfgang (HL, 11, 4/1998)
35-year-old woman with panic attacks, which consisted of violent palpitations, pressure in the chest
with pain into the left arm and fingers and an immense fear of death. She was given Calcarea arsenicosa,
as she had clearly characteristic features of both the constituents of that remedy. On one hand she has a
down-to-earth-personality which is typical of Calcarea, but during her panic attacks she is overcome by a
fear of dying, like Arsenicum.
11. I redeem with the creation of Life
GLANTZ Camilla (HL, 11, 4/1998)
A 50-year-old woman with Psoriasis since the birth of her first two babies. Feeling of worthlessness,
not wanting to be seen (because of the Psoriasis?), desire for potatoes, agg. on cloudy days, amel. from
Adamas 200 removed almost all her mental pathologies and her Psoriasis also improved. As at the time
of reporting the case the Psoriasis is yet to be cured. [Unless the Psoriasis is also cured, there is no value in
reporting the case of Psoriasis. One should wait for a good length of time before reporting cure = KSS]
12. I want to put a paper bag over my head
SHERR Jeremy (HL, 11, 4/1998)
32-year-old woman, with skin eruptions; black moods; worse in winter, on grey days and in the cold,
better in the sun. Adamas M.
The author has proved Adamas and therefore selected the remedy on the basis of his own knowledge.
[The ‘old’ proven remedy Cimicifuga would have been selected by those who do not have Adamas. =
13. A Few Cases From My Practice
RAO, Veerabhadra (CCR, 8, 3 & 4/1999)
Case 1: A Case of Pyrexia: 30 year-old-woman with fever since 2 months. As the symptoms were very
meager the Boger-Boenninghausen’s repertory was used and Aconite 6 was prescribed and the fever
came down. Dr. RAO quotes George ROYAL: Aconite is always indicated at the beginning, the very
outset of a disease. Even the exception is more apparent than real e.g. a condition which called for the
remedy years before but which has not changed, will yield to the drug.”
Case 2: A case of Mixed Miasm: 12-year-old boy with hard, rough, sessile warts on back of fingers. The
warts developed insidiously. About 11 prominent symptoms of the patient was taken into consideration
and Sulphur 0/1 was prescribed without any change. Seen after 15 days. The boy also had stricture urethra
and taking this into consideration with the warts Thuja 200 was prescribed and the warts disappeared. A
year later the boy returned with a diagnosis of Idiopathic Paresis of urinary bladder and a distended urinary
bladder. He had been advised self-catheterisation as nothing more could be done. A fresh probing of the
case only came up with the old symptoms. So Sulphur 0/1 first, and then Sulphur 0/2 was prescribed and
the patient became symptom free.
Case 3: A Case of Hemiplegia: A one-year-old male child had paralysis of both right limbs since birth.
The child could not sit and could crawl on the left side of the body. He was a post-mature baby delivered
by cesarean section. From the time of birth there was strabismus of right eye, paralysis of both right limbs.
After repertorisation Phosphorus 0/1 was prescribed with very little improvement. So Arnica 200 one dose
was given and then Phosphorus with very good improvement.
Case 4: A Case of Hyperthyroidism: 42-year-old woman with swelling of thyroid gland and change in
voice aggravated by talking. After Sulphur 0/1, 0/2 and 0/3 there was much improvement in the other
symptoms, but the swelling of the thyroid continued. On further questioning she revealed that her problem
started after an attack of Malaria which lasted for one month. So Malaria officionalis was given and there
was remarkable change.
Case 5: A Case of Hypothyroidism: 25-year-old woman who did not conceive for four years after
marriage. No abnormality was seen and when she conceived she aborted in the 5th month. In the next
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 100
pregnancy she was given regular doses of progesterone injections. She also had to undergo a premature
cesarean section. After delivery she put on much weight, became dark in complexion and her sweat
diminished. After about two months of treatment (Lachesis 0/1, 0/2 and 0/3, 0/6) all her complaints
seemed to return and she was given Sulphur 200. But then it was seen that it was only an aggravation of
symptoms and she was put on placebo and a T4 level showed normal levels.
Case 6: A Case of Haematemesis: 11-year-old boy with haematemesis which developed very suddenly.
There was also a reeling sensation and tendency to fall towards right side. If he does not vomit when he
has nausea he has severe pain behind the sternum. After repertorisation Calcarea carb 0/1 was given and
then Arsenicum 0/1 and then Camphora 200 and then Ficus Religiosa Ø with just symptomatic
improvement. Finally it was Sulphur 0/1 and 0/2 which cured the boy.
Case 7: A Case of Under-developed Uterus: 22-year-old woman with repeated abortions. Pulsatilla 12
was given with only a sense of well-being. Then Pulsatilla 30 and then Pulsatilla 200 was given after
which the patient did not return. Through the relatives it was learnt that she had become pregnant and that
she had delivered two male babies at full term.
Case 8: A Case of Respiratory Allergy: 15-year-old girl with recurrent attacks of sneezing and
breathlessness since 2 years. She was first given Arsenicum album 200 with good improvement. But she
continued to have mild attacks. As she was allergic to Paracetamol, she was given Paracetamol 30 and
then Sulphur 200. Dr.RAO says: Though Homeopathic drugs are sufficient to correct the reaction of
allopathic drugs occasionally Tautopathic drugs are needed to cure the condition.
Case 9: A Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis: 23 year-old-woman with pain in small joints of all limbs since 20
months. Phosphorus 0/1 came up high in the repertorisation and she improved very well on the remedy.
Case 10: A case of Wryneck: 9-year-old girl. She was delivered by breech presentation. 15 days after
birth it was noticed that the baby kept the head bent to the right side. A small nodule was seen on the
sternomastoid area. A surgery was performed when she was two years old and another one when she was 5
years old with no improvement. On the contrary she developed contracture of the Sternomastoid muscle
which is seen as a thick cord. After repertorisation, Bryonia was selected and given first in the 0/1 then 0/2
and 0/3 potencies.
Case 11: A Case of Thromboangitis Obliterans in a 46-year-old man. Darkening, swelling and coldness of
left little toe. Vasodilators and stopping smoking did not help. As the vitality of the patient was very low
Pulsatilla 6 was given. He improved and the potencies were gradually increased to12, 30 and then 200.
The patient steadily improved.
14. A Few Cases From My Practice
SHINDE, Prakash (CCR, 8, 3 & 4/1999)
Case 1: Acute Myocardial Infarction with Chronic Gastritis: 40-year-old man with severe epigastric pains
causing him to toss about in bed in agony. A month before he had suffered acute myocardial infarction
and was on allopathic medication of Aspirin, Isosorbid and Lamoprazol. Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium
and Sepia came up on repertorisation. But it was considered that the vasoconstriction of the patient was
due to the occassional beedi (Tobacco smoked rolled in a dry leaf) that he smoked and his symptoms also
matched Tabacum in the Guiding Symptoms and Tabacum was prescribed. His epigastric pains cleared
Case 2: Acute Urinary Tract Infection: 9-year-old girl with fever for three days. Belladonna was given
first with a little improvement. Then Cina was given and fever came down. But there was albuminous
urine and she wept on urination. Pulsatilla was given without much improvement. The girl wept during
micturition and was scared of urination due to her sufferring. So Calcarea carbonica was given.
Case 3: Chronic Urticaria: 65-year-old man with urticaria since 20 years. Asthmatic attack since 20 years,
heartburn since childhood relieved by cold milk and aggravation evening. Caladium was his remedy.
Case 4: Right Sided Sciatica: 30-year-old man, a bus conductor had severe pain in left lumbar region,
extending to the left lower limb, aggravated by sitting erect even for 15 minutes, relieved by bending
forward and walking. The author analyses the case: “I feel the causation behind this problem being
occupational. The indentation of left lumbar region corresponded with the position of the conductor in a
plying bus, i.e. while issuing tickets it was the exact site of a vertical rod adjoining the seat over which the
conductor sits with legs apart indicating a constant hit over that area due to bad road conditions. This
reminded me of the remedy Bovista.” Bovista bought about 100% relief.
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15. The Disconnected Mother
MEISSNER, Julek (HL, 12, 1/1999)
42-year-old mother of two came down with a profound depression. She had been under homeopathy
for various problems including headaches, hay fever, bleeding uterine polyps etc and also depression and
had received many remedies: Calcarea carbonicum., Nat-mur., Aurum etc. This depression had worsened
after the last remedy Sepia. The case was retaken and analysed. The patient revealed a very deep sense of
social alienation which she had been having since childhood. The proving symptoms of Chocolate
matched remarkably well with the patient’s symptoms. The patient had lasting benefits after the
prescription of Chocolate.
16. The Significance of Dreams - Two Cases of Cobaltum metallicum.
SHAH, Nandita (HL, 12,1/1999)
Two cases in which the dreams helped in choice of the remedy.
Case 1: 37-year-old male with nodules (neurofibroma) on both arms and leucoderma on the right foot.
There weren’t any physical generals or particulars that could be relied upon for prescribing. His mental
state was revealed by a dream showing his fear of being caught for he has done some wrong. Cobaltum
nitricum (delusion criminal he is and others know it) fitted well with his other symptoms. The remedy not
only cleared the spots that had been increasing for three to four years in a time of eight to ten months, but
also reduced the man’s feelings of guilt.
Case 2: 28-year-old man came with complaints of a receding hairline and backache in the left lower back.
He first improved on Nux vomica but was not completely better. He then related a dream he had in which
he had done something wrong and that the police were investigating and that they were closing in and will
catch him. Cobaltum metallicum was given with dramatic improvement.
17. High but not so high - A Case of Cannabis indica
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HL, 12,1/1999)
34-year-old woman came with headache which had been going on for the previous eight weeks, which
had not responded to Aspirin, Avil or chiropractic adjustments. She was also feeling very dizzy,
uncoordinated and very spacy. It seemed as if she was on a ‘high’ and on further enquiry it was confirmed
that one of her guest was smoking marijuana on a daily basis. Her symptoms and this etiological factor
confirmed Cannabis indica. The same day the headache started to subside and within a week she was
completely free from the pain and in the next two weeks she could work and play with good concentration,
focus and endurance.
18. Pipes, wires, and cords - A case of Aranea ixabola
PLANT, Richard (HL, 12,1/1999)
3½-year old boy was brought in primarily for behavioural problems. Medorrhinum helped the boy
only to a small extent but his restlessness and aggressiveness relapsed. Taking the boy’s preoccupation
with wire, pipes, and cords into consideration, Aranea ixabola was prescribed.
19. A Dead End [A Case of Maiasuara lapidea (Dinosaur)]
SHORE, Jonathan (HL, 12,1/1999)
This is a case in which Maiasuara lapidea - bone of the Dinosaur, was given with very good
improvement. An extract from the proving of the Dinosaur is also given.
20. Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections - A Case of Calcarea silicata
AVIS, Sue (HL, 12,2/1999)
The case of a girl who had been having urinary tract infections from the age of years. Various
remedies Thuja, Mercurius, Hepar sulphur, Hyoscyamus, Syphillinum were given without much benefit. A
re-taking and re-studying of the case showed that the most consistent and reliable symptom in the case was
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 102
the sensitivity to reprimand and the rubrics Weeps from admonition and weeps from reproaches and weeps
when remonstrated was studied. Calcarea silicata 200 was prescribed and the case cleared up.
21. Hyperemesis gravidarum - A Case of Digitalis
DAVIS, Sue (HL, 12, 2/1999)
A woman in her late twenties was 33 weeks pregnant and had been vomiting from the sixth week of
pregnancy. This was her second pregnancy and she had had similar problems during the first pregnancy
too. She was not responding to the standard treatments - IV fluid replacement with vitamins and
electrolytes and anti-emetics. There were some elements of Gelsemium in the case, including the extreme
weakness, drooping eyelids, ill effects of ‘depressing emotions’ and feeling that the heart will stop beating.
But it is not known for nausea and vomiting, the person tends to be more dazed and apathetic than panic-
stricken and demanding, and there tends to be a dark flush rather than a pale or yellowish face. The feeling
that the heart would stop reminded Digitalis and the Materia Medica confirmed. When the patient woke up
in a panic, saying that her heart would stop, her pulse was only 70 beats per minute, favoring the selection
of Digitalis.
22. An Unwanted Child - Two Hura cases COLLINS, Deborah (HL, 12,2/1999)
Two cases of depression in women, who were neglected by their mothers making them feel unwanted
and unloved. Hura helped both of them.
23. The ‘blood purifier’ - Two cases of Echinacea AVEDISSIAN, Keith (HL, 12, 2/1999)
Two cases of infection cured by Echinacea angustifolia. In the first case the patient fractured his leg
and in the hospital for corrective surgery he picked up a multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection.
The patient described the way he began to feel unwell: the poison runs back into my system, my system has
been poisoned. This infection was cleared up by Echinacea. In the second case it was infection of a
monkey bite - he was sufferring with symptoms of blood poisoning with marked debility in thinking and
feeling very tired. Echinacea helped this patient too.
24. Healing the wound - A Case of Echinacea and Secale
EVANS, Gwyneth (HL, 12, 2/1999)
An 84-year old woman with senile dementia. She had an ulcer on her left heel, which had originally
begun as a pressure sore. The ulcer was not healing and was turning black - a pre-gangrenous state.
Advised amputation. Under bed-sores in CLARKE’S Prescriber: ‘If the bed-sores themselves become the
most important feature of the case, see under Ulcers and Gangrene,’ and under Gangrene it says:
‘Gangrenous ulcers, Echinacea tincture, locally, application of tincture, diluted with equal parts of water.
Senile gangrene, Secale... Echinacea tincture irrigation of the wound and Secale 30 was the plan of action.
There was a slow and gradual improvement, and three and half months after the first visit the ulcer had
completely healed and there was also an improvement in her senility.
25. Responses to the Simillimum: coincidence? EVANS, Gwyneth (HL, 12, 2/1999)
(A shorter version of this paper was presented at the ICCH Case Conference in Wellington New
Zealand, February 28 - March 1, 1998). Was the cure a response to the simillimum or just mere
coincidence: the author uses three cases to illustrate changes that came about in the inner being of three
patients after the homeopathic simillimum.
26. The Miasms of New Zealand
GLAISYER, Mary (HL, 12, 2/1999)
A speculation on the miasmatic history of New Zealanders, and how this helped the author in the
treatment of a particular family. According to the author Sycosis and Tuberculosis seem to be the most
dominant miasms at least in the Nelson area of New Zealand.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 103
27. I do what I want to do - The Story of Cactus grandiflorus
FAYETON, Mary Luc (HL, 12, 3/1999)
Case of Autism cured by Cactus grandiflorus. The child was brought for treatment at the age of 2
(1987). She was blind (anophthalmia on one side and microphtalmia on the other), she never reacted to her
name, she was diagnosed as autistic. She reacted well to Antimonium tartaricum for minor ailments, but
not other chronic ailments. After three years (1990) of treatment, she was given Cactus grandiflorus with
very good improvement. In 1991 the three pediatricians who diagnosed her as suffering from Autism,
unanimously decided that they were wrong. She was counting, narrating fairy tales, singing, recognizing
all shapes, all sounds. She could narrate to her mother an entire fairy tale!
28. When feelings are neglected by those responsible - A Case of Bellis perennis JANSEN, Jean
Perre (HL, 12, 3/1999)
Psoriasis, irregular menses, low back pains, migraine headaches and numbness in the arms of a 43-
year-old woman was cured with Bellis perennis.
29. Reflections on the management of a case over nine years
D’ARAN, Kenneth (HL, 12, 3/1999)
This is about the homeopathic treatment of a girl from her 8th year of age to 16. The author says:
What we can observe in cases with years of successful homeopathic treatment is that, instead of the patient
gradually moving into chronic disease, we see the occasional acute miasm (acute infecting agent) taking
advantage of our ‘healthy enough host’ which promptly responds to the indicated remedy without any sign
of ‘never well since.’
30. Rhodonite and the horn of plenty
TUMMINELLO, Peter (HL, 12, 3/1999)
The essence of Rhodonite - a semiprecious mineral, composed of CaO(9%), MnO(44%) and SiO
(47%) - distilled after its proving is given along with three cases.
31. Agasthis australis - A Case, the signature and the proving of Kauri
GRAY, Alistair (HL, 12, 3/1999)
The essence of the remedy is discussed with one case of Agasthis australis.
32. The Father Theme - Two Cases of Zincum metallicum
MASTER, Farokh.J (HL, 12, 4/1999)
Two cases, one of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and the other of Parapsoriasis cured by Zincum
metallicum based on the theme of the ‘dominating fathers.’
33. Gambling and Striking immediately - Two Cases of Androctonus
SHAH, Jayesh & SHAH, Prashanth
(HL, 12, 4/1999)
Case 1: 33-year-old man was very irresponsible; he gambled, lied and did nothing to support his family.
He was given Androctonus 30. The dates are all confusing in this case.
Case 2: 36-year-old industrialist came for chronic cough, cold, recurrent abscess near the anus, depression,
anger and lack of libido. He was given Androctonus 30. The case is followed by a brief comparison of the
Androctonus behavior and rubrics: the popular myth about the scorpion’s behavior is maintained - slightest
provocation makes it angry, it has lots of fears with malice, it is very indolent by nature, comes out only
when hungry and it never stays friends with anyone.
34. A Lazy King - A Case of Cuprum metallicum NANANDIKAR-PRAJAPATI, Swati
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(HL, 12, 4/1999)
8-year-old boy with persistent cough, very similar to whooping cough - in bouts, with fever and
dryness of the throat. He also had cramps in his calf muscles and abdomen, with recurrent stomach
infections and diarrhea. Cuprum metallicum M was given.
35. A Gigantic Black Skeleton - A Case of Crotalus cascavella
SHUKLA, Chetan B. (HL, 12, 4/1999)
35-year-old woman with obesity, pain in the legs and acidity. Based on the rubrics sees death as a of a
gigantic black skeleton, fancies that someone walks behind him, frightened at night, delusion someone is
behind him, fear of being alone and at night, fear somebody is behind him, loquacity Crotalus cascavella
was given.
36. Elegance - A Case of Eagle
BALDOTA, Sudhir (HL, 12, 4/1999)
32-year-old operation analyst in a hotel came with complaints of increased loss of hair and stress
related problems. Haliaeetus leucocephalus (American Bald Eagle) prescribed. This was based on the
patient’s desire to rise above all the negative emotions like anger, jealousy, greed, hatred etc., his need for
elegance in whatever he did, the need for freedom, breaking through his childhood feeling of
claustrophobia and his dreams of eagles and snakes.
37. From the Temple of Homeopathy -
My experience with three masters
THAKKAR, Munjal (HL, 12, 4/1999)
The author visited three famous homeopaths of Calcutta: Dr.B.N.CHAKRAVARTHY, S.K.DUBEY
and S.P.DEY, and spent time with them in their clinics. In this article he presents a few cases and how the
respective doctors arrived at the remedy.
Case 1: Calcarea fluorica was given in low potency and repeated frequently for a patient with varicose
veins which were present more on the anterior aspect of the leg than on the posterior. According to
DR.CHAKRAVARTHY, shrinkage of varicose veins may take two or three years.
Case 2: Cardus marianus Ø was given for a case of severe gall bladder colic; pain being so severe that the
least aggravation would cause the patient to faint.
Case 3: Syphillinum was prescribed for a 35-year-old woman with repeated abortions and a suicidal
tendency in the family. The woman conceived in a short time.
Case 4: Ignatia cured a rectal prolapse in a man with a history of childhood tetanus and history of
hysterical fainting in his mother.
Case 5: A dose of Medorrhinum brought about a cure in the exact reverse order of the evolution of the
Case 6: G6PD deficiency in a child with repeated hemoglobinuria and anaemia with a need for repeated
blood transfusion was treated with Homeopathy; the name of the remedy(ies) - not given.
Case 7: Similarly, case of tuberculosis sclerosis in a child with repeated seizures and inability to walk and
talk was cured homeopathically; remedy(ies) - not mentioned.
Case 8: Haemophilia with recurrent nasal polyp in a patient: after the remedy the nasal polyp disappeared
and the also the tendency to ecchymoses decreased.
Case 9: Status epilepticus in a three-month-old baby with about 50-60 convulsions in a day, with
opisthotonus. Profuse saliva drooled from the baby’s mouth. Oenanthe crocata stopped the convulsions in
a few minutes.
Case 10: 60-year-old homeopath with cancer at the head of pancreas, and who underwent a
choledochojejunostomy and then an operation for obstructive jaundice improved on Natrum sulphuricum.
38. The Study of Plant Families - A Case of Oleander
DESAI, Rupal (HL, 12, 4/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 105
The author has done a comparative study of the symptoms of the Apocyanceae family; the symptoms
of the following remedies: Apocynum androsemifolium, Apocynum cannabinum, Nerium oleander,
Rauwolfia serpentina, Vinca minor, Strophanthus hispidus, Thevitia nerifolia, Alstonia constricta and
Quebracho. The common pathophysiological characters of the remedies in connection with the gastro-
intestinal tract, the cardio-pulmonary system, central nervous system, skin and other common features are
given. The case of a 20-year-old girl with complaints of obesity since puberty, ravenous appetite, perpetual
problems of constipation improved after Oleander was given.
39. Only Coffee would calm me down - A Case of Angustra vera
SHAH, Jayesh (HL, 12, 4/1999)
28-year-old man with severe headaches. He was an extremely sensitive man and was easily offended,
and when offended he would get very agitated and excited. He was also very sensitive to coffee. He
improved on Angustra vera.
40. A Spastic Child - A Case of Chenopodium anthelminticum
SHAH, Prashanth (HL, 12, 4/1999)
A two year old child with cerebral palsy with spasticity with right sided palsy and spinal weakness, an
enlarged head slanting towards the left side, frequent cold attacks, nystagmus of the right eye and chronic
diarrhea. The child in spite of the palsy was quite intelligent, he constantly talked, had a good memory and
could remember things that happened even two months back and he could repeat what happened in the
same words. He wanted to constantly do something and each timesomething new. He could not sit quietly
for even a short while. His need for being busy and having conversation, his sensitiveness to the noise of
vehicles on the road were repertorised and Chenopodium anthelminticum came up. This remedy in M
potency was given every month for 13 months and there was alround improvement.
41. Insanity for Suppressed Eruptions - A Case of Camphora
(HL, 12, 4/1999)
45-year-old woman started hearing someone from inside telling her that all that she was doing was
wrong. She also lost confidence, weight, developed gestures with her fingers, talking to herself, a delusion
that she was dead. All this started after she had applied an ointment for some boils on her face. Camphora
200 repeated around once in 40 days brought about gradual improvement in her condition and she
continues to improve.
42. Understanding Silence - A Case ofAnacardium occidentalis
BHIDE, Rajesh (HL, 12, 4/1999)
20-year-old male appeared to be very shy, timid and afraid to face people, but this was actually a deep
down conflict with his parent. His main complaint of loss of appetite improved after Anacardium
43. Paragraph 213 of the Organon as applied in clinical practice
KRISHNAMURTHY, V (HL, 12, 4/1999)
Three cases where the mental disposition of the patients was used to treat them.
Case 1: A lady of forty-five with pain in joints for several years. With her “indifferent” answer to the
question, What is your age? “Anything you like”. Indifference to life along with the joint pains led to the
remedy Phytolacca. Phytolacca 10M one single dose stopped the pain completely and she took active
interest in day-to-day life.
Case 2: A patient with lot of suffering in his abdomen with no characteristics or mentals was dismissed
with placebo to report after 15 days. Patient got relief as long as he took the medicine (placebo). This was
interpreted as “Hypochondriasis”, abdominal troubles: Graphites 50 M one single dose gave him relief.
Case 3: A diabetic patient by the way he asked medicine for his problem led to the prescription.
“Diabetes... look at my pulse... prescribe...” (abrupt, commanding, etc) The equivalent rubric we find in
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 106
C.B. KNER’s Repertory on page two. “Answers imperiously: Lycopodium. Lycopodium 10M one single
dose brought down his sugar and with every relapse which occurred once in 6 months or an year the same
medicine in higher potency was given with good results.
44. Two Cases (Migraine) of Aurum metallicum McCLINTOCK, Liam (SIM, XII, 3/1999)
Case 1: A 51 year-old female had migraine since grammar school, got worse in the last three years. Occurs
atleast once per week, with tightening of shoulders, nausea, photosensitivity, and pain behind the right eye.
Worse with motion and better in the evening. Very impatient, angered easily, tendency to depression and
suicidal ideation, fear of dark, being alone, loves music, craves alcohol and coffee, worse with meat. Her
mother committed suicide and her father died of heart attack. Among Argentum nitricum, Aurum
metallicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Natrum muriaticum, Natrum sulphuricum, Nux vomica which seemed
similar Aurum metallicum was selected as she had tendency to depression and suicidal ideation. Aurum
metallicum 200 was repeated at an interval of a month as she had relapse of the symptoms (The remedy
was antidoted by the intake of coffee). After a period of 9 months Aurum metallicum M was given and it
was once repeated after 2 months. No headaches, started doing yoga, chanting and channeling.
Case 2: A 46 year-old female has had migraine headaches for 20 years. Had atleast one headache per
month and lasted for a day. Throbbing in the left temple, worse at night, at the onset of menses, triggered
by alcohol, nitrates, processed foods, aged cheese and chocolate. Sensitive to light, noise and smell. Father
died when she was 12 years and “holds that grief on a cellular level”, tremendous sadness close to the
surface. Had exercise-induced asthma worse in the cold air. Allergic to dust, mould and ragweed. Tends
toward constipation which is better with menstrual flow. Craves sweets, aversion to vinegar, sour, nuts,
peanuts and spicy foods. History of a cyst on the left ovary with ovarectomy on the left, and a cyst removed
on the right. Certainly the pathology of the case could be covered by Aurum metallicum, but the essence of
the case was better covered by Natrum muriaticum and hence Aurum muriaticum natronatum in 12 was
given as daily dose for about 2 months followed by a dose of the same remedy in 200 brought the desired
45. A Variety of Asthma Cases
HERRING Pamela (SIM, XII, 3/1999).
Five cases where along with homeopathic medicines, naturopathic therapies such as herbs, vitamins
and diet facilitated weaning patients off allopathic medication.
Case 1: 5 year-old boy with weakened immune system had asthma every other month. During his first
eight months of life he had eight ear infections with tubes in each ear. He is a blonde, blue-eyed, large-
headed child, who perspired profusely on the head, had nightmares of dogs chasing him, fear of the dark,
loved ice-cream, cheese etc. Besides a daily dose of Calcarea carbonica 12 he was given immune builders
like glandulars, beta-carotene, echinacea, zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin C with bioflavonoids in order to
eliminate the obstacles to cure. Advised to eliminate sugar from the diet. By 5 months he needed occasional
dose of Calcarea carbonica 30. His ear tubes removed, hearing normal. No wheezing.
Case 2: A 22 year old boy born prematurely with an encephalocele surgically repaired. During the first
two years of life he suffered croup, colic and pneumonia. He had chronic ear infections and was on lots of
anti-biotics. The asthma started when he was in high-school and had attacks once a day between 9 and 11
PM. Had severe sneezing, difficult breathing, allergic to dust, mite and horse dander, no exercise, ate fast
foods, six or seven pepsi-colas a day. Tired and lazy. Difficulty in concentrating, restless, fear of darkness,
heights, snakes, open water, very hot especially feet, intestinal gas. Medorrhinum 200 was given. In
addition advised to take flax seed meal, cod liver oil, yogurt, fresh vegetables and exercise for 30 minutes,
to give up sugary food and drink (Pepsi). A month later 80-90% better and in next summer he sent his
friend to see me for asthma as he had his asthma cured.
Case 3: A six year-old child was diagnosed with asthma at age three after a history of chronic otitis media
and several episodes of pneumonia. Maintained on five different allopathic medications. Had asthma with
every cold, bed-wetting, rashes on buttocks, ground her teeth and talks in sleep as if fighting with someone.
Feet hot. Fastidious. Medorrhinum 200 was given along with naturopathic immune support: beta-carotene,
Vitamin C, lobelia tincture, herbal cough elixir. To decrease dairy, meat, sugar and increase vegetables.
After 3 weeks needed several acute remedies like Ipecac, Kali carbonicum, Arsenicum album for cough
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 107
and vomiting, with shallow breathing. After this no coughing, bed-wetting reduced by 50%, no night-
mares, no grinding of teeth nor talking in sleep. Medorrhinum 200 was repeated after 2 months for another
recurrence. Though far from “cured” category, Homeopathic remedy and herbal and nutritional support
enhances the entire constitution.
Case 4: Ian was irritable, constantly congested with a runny nose (clear to greenish), wheezing, worse in
damp weather, loose stools, rash on face, arms, legs that did not itch. He was on five allopathic
medications. Natrum sulphuricum 30 two doses per day until he was able to reduce his allopathic
medications and to reduce the dosage of Natrum sulphuricum. Immune support: B-plus, herbs and
glandular substances, multiple vitamins for children, buffered vitamin C, acidophilus with fructo-
oligosaccharides. Had occasional relapses but responded favorably to Natrum sulphuricum 30. His appetite
improved, happier and more affectionate. Once the correct homeopathic remedy is prescribed, relapses can
occur until the constitution is stabilized and this takes up to a year or more of monitoring.
Case 5: Eight years old Danielle had lots of mucus, loves ice-cream, cheese and eggs; worries a lot about
everything; dreams of parents dying; hard on herself; overwhelmed over school assignments; anxiety
ridden, cold feet; allergic to cats. Calcarea carbonica 200 in August 1996. Was on 4 allopathic
medications. After a month, 70-75% better and off her medications. In December, had lots of congestion
conjunctivitis, constipation, thirstless, weepy with headache, increased salivation, felt warm. Pulsatilla 200.
In April, 1997, developed congestion. Tuberculinum 200 because of the cat allergy. In June, reported no
change in her condition, Pulsatilla 200. Did well until October, again had congestions and anxiety which
led to Calcarea carbonica 200. Until April 1998, did well and had upper respiratory infections and
aggravation from cats, Tuberculinum was repeated. In October, 1998 came with head cold, yellow mucus,
anxiety and dreams of falling and had teeth knocked out, Medorrhinum 200. Overall Danielle has done
very well and off allopathic medications for two years now. Though allergic to cats, hope it will subside.
As per the instructions of HAHNEMANN, the author stresses the importance to remove the dietary
deficiency and the obstacles to cure and puts forward certain things to be looked for:
* Is it food-related or intrinsic asthma (antigen-antibody stimulation, IgE related)?
* Is it extrinsic (related to cold air, exercise, infection, emotional upsets, or environmental allergens,
including chemicals?)
* What is the diet like? Is poor nutrition weakening the immune system?
* Is there an inherited predisposition: allergies, asthma, arthritis in the family?
* Is there a lot of medication, alcohol or drug use in the child’s or family’s history?
* Is there something else going on?
46. A Few Plumbum Cases.
BENJAMIN Ehrman (SIM, XII, 3/1999).
Case 1: 2 month-old child was given anodynes for colic which was followed by constipation. Cathartics
given to relieve constipation, alternate administration of this lead to Jaundice. A remedy which will reach
this trio: colic, constipation, jaundice was Plumbum 200. 2 doses 12 hours apart relieved his colic.
Constipation and jaundice subsided.
Case 2: A man, aged 35 years, suffering with bilious colic. Attacks came on every 5 or 6 weeks without
apparent cause. Has habitual constipation, stool like sheep dung, nausea, tenderness of the bowels to the
touch and distressing drawing in the bowels to the spine. Plumbum 30, relieved him without a repetition.
Case 3: A woman, 40 years suffering with ascites, habitual constipation, stool like sheep dung, urine
deficient and a feeling in the abdomen as if somebody had her intestines on hooks, drawing them to the
backbone. Plumbum 30 and Sulphur once or twice as an intercurrent relieved her completely and
Case 4: A 36 year old man received remedies like Berberis, Sarsaparilla and Colocynthis for the
abdominal colic according to the indications but failed to relieve. Several attacks were witnessed when he
at one time suddenly doubled up, for he had a sudden drawing in, of the intestines to the spine, that jerked
him involuntarily forward, so as to bend him double. This along with habitual constipation lead to
Plumbum. Plumbum 30, 2 doses 12 hours apart relieved him. This confirms the statement of
HAHNEMANN and others, that when a true picture of the disease is obtained a good part of the battle is
47. Little Boy (Born) Blue
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 108
NELSON Betty (SIM, XII, 3/1999).
A four year old boy had “fits”, angry before every fit. Had thrown things, kicked, and tipped over
chairs, but it was not like a tantrum. The boy born after 72 hour difficult labour, cesarean section, agitated
and cried a lot. Worse breast milk, soy milk. Fits twice a day, afraid after fits, energyless for a day. Restless
sleep, headstrong, rages, outgoing and articulate, insecure, very sad and clingy, stuttered, chewed clothes,
sings, hums, bright and curious, dull mornings and alive evenings, loves potatoes, broccoli, sweets. recently
bronchitis with wheezing and breathless. Ear infection treated with anti-biotics, showed severe reaction to
it. Proteus 30, Stramonium 30, took the patient to certain level but did not complete the case. Cicuta did not
have any effect. On looking into the Mind section under “Anger, epileptic attack, before”, only one remedy
listed: Indigo 30 single dose completed the cure. The boy had the strange symptoms of Indigo, brain
moving in a undulating way expressed as “head hurts” and pressure in ears as trying to “pop” his ears by
putting his fingers deep inside and pulling them out.
48. A case of Cobaltum nitricum.
ULLMAN-Judyth Reichenberg
(SIM, XII, 3/1999).
A ten year old boy with attention deficient disorder, a fearful, hesitant child who held back, didn’t want
to try new things, and feared making mistakes was given Lycopodium M, Silica M, Baryta-carbonica 200,
Sulphur 200. His hesitancy persisted. He feared being unable to live up to his parents’ expectations, and
was unable to perform in school up to his capability. His hesitancy, shyness, irresolution, timidity
expressions of a deeper fear, mother’s perfectionism, high expectations of her son, fear that he might suffer
serious mental problems like his grandmother made to use the rubrics, “delusion, fail, everything will” and
“fear, failure, of” and prescribed Cobaltum nitricum M, 10M which helped the boy, his confidence steadily
49. A Case of Pervasive Developmental Delay BRIDGEMAN, Laura (SIM, XII, 3/1999).
A 12-year-old boy diagnosed with pervasive development disorder, attention deficit disorder without
hyperactivity, and fetal alcohol effects. Screaming, contradictory, obstinate and demanding behavior,
constipation, exostosis in his wrist, physical inactivity, sensitive skin, slow dentition, and slow
development was based to select the remedy Calcarea carbonica 200. His inactivity and raging comes
when he can’t cope anymore. After 2 months Nux vomica 200 as it has shrieking, screaming in children,
oversensitivity, irritability, demanding behaviour, anger from interruption, severe constipation, sedentary
habits, sensitive skin, unrefreshing sleep, mischievousness, and desire for fatty food which brought up
violent rages. Silica 200 which has the lack of stamina, repeated infections, exostosis, slow dentition,
sensitive skin and nails, inactivity of the rectum, and unrefreshing sleep was given which did not give the
desired effect. The boy’s birth mother had four prescription drugs, heavy daily drinker, both grandparents
were alcoholic smokers with lung cancer. His mom adopted him at four weeks. Blind from birth until seven
months, no eye contact, screamed for unknown reasons, sleeps on stomach or knees, rocked and did head-
banging, repetitive activities, has a lot of allergies, thick green phlegm in throat, first reaction to stress is to
eat sandwich, low muscle tone and energy level made to think of Tuberculinum. Tuberculinum 200 twice
and a dose of M made things to decline steadily.
50. Projection in the Consulting Room: Pervasive and Significant.
NICHOLAS, Nossaman (SIM, XII, 3/1999).
Projection “is a process whereby an unconscious quality or characteristic of one’s own is perceived
and reacted to in an outer object or person”. Projection is something we each experience numerous times
every day, most of the time without being aware of it. Projection can occur when we take a case. We
observe them for objective signs and mannerisms, and the way they say. We are required to focus on the
patient and his or her presentation of the individual experience of the illness. Knowledge of human nature
includes the awareness of projection and how it can color the conclusions of the homeopathic professional,
as he or she witnesses the unfolding of the case. The author gives a detailed description of how the
physician gets involved emotionally and his projections are being activated and gives examples. Also he
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 109
explains about -Transference - the behaviour of patients, Countertransferance - perceptions and behaviour
of the physician with examples. Further he goes far in explaining how to minimize the effects of projection
while taking the case.
As homeopaths, the more we can be aware of the process of projection in our work with patients, the
more effective we can be in our assistance on their course and in our own process of individuation.
51. A Case of Ustilago.
IVONS, MaryAnn (SIM, XII, 4/1999).
A 16-year-old male had withdrawn from the family, grades started to slip in school, he and his dad
were “at each others’ throats”, sneak away to his room to masturbate, he felt trapped in this cycle and
wanted help. Masturbation, solitude, seeks: Bufo, Ustilago. Was not a Bufo case. Ustilago is a remedy for
uterine fibroid with excessive bleeding. The themes of feeling alone and isolation, of “stuckness” came
through. The outlet is not bleeding, but escape through masturbation. Ustilago M helped him and he did not
feel the need to masturbate as he had previously.
52. Reversing Rage : An Adolescent with Conduct Disorder.
ULLMAN-Judyth Reichenberg
(SIM, XII, 4/1999)
(From a talk presented at the HANP Case Conference, September 25, 1999 in Portland, Oregon). As a
preface more details have been given on how the children become violent and what are the chief symptoms
of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and conduct
disorder (CD).
JASON, 12-year-old, was an aggressive male, with defiant and violent nature, challenging authority,
absolutely not intimidated by those who were in authority; a striking behavioural (loving, threatening,
violent, on and off) resemblance to his birth father and some similarities with his mother (an adult with
ADHD), violence combined with kindness, compassion and remorse; the extent of his aggression: ripping
down blinds, kicking doors off the hinges, jumping on his teacher’s back, kicking his mother, “mouthing
off” often. Loves candy, sweets, steak, cold drinks without ice. Aversion to fruits and vegetables. Agaricus
M which covered the “Fearlessness”, “Defiant”, “Audacity” etc brought the Conduct Disorder into Order.
53. A Case of Post-traumatic Stress Syndrome, Chronic Alcoholism and depression.
ELMORE, Durr (SIM, XII, 4/1999).
(From a talk given at the HANP Case Conference, September 25, 1999, in Portland, Oregon)
JL, a 46-year-old male with a history of drug addiction for years, an alcoholic was diagnosed with
severe post-traumatic stress syndrome. He was in artillery and he carried the guilt of killing many innocent
people, depressed when not occupied, angry with himself, had disappointed love, disappointment of not
being allowed to compete in State hurdles because he was caught with beer in his locker a week before,
hurt by his mother, had insomnia, wakes at 3 AM, gasps for breath during sleep, constant tinnitus, spasm
of eyelids, etc. He’s lean, very coherent, an intelligent man, craves ice-cream and sweets. Got his tooth
pulled without pain medication, had suicidal tendency. Opium 10M was given on the basis of ailments from
fright, tooth pulled without pain medication, that he gravitated toward drugs, especially opiates. Two
months after the prescription, there was a tremendous change though the author does not want to change
the remedy, he was of the opinion that the Opium layer has been removed and hence wanted to change the
remedy. Reproaches himself, ailments from disappointed love, occupation ameliorates, fear of high places
helped to select Aurum and after two years Mercurius was given. Patient’s own words ...The homeopathic
remedies that you’ve given me did more than all those damned pills I got from the Veteran’s Hospital, and
all that therapy I got there.
54. All the World’s A Stage: A Case of High Drama and Extreme Mood Changes
STEVE, Olsen (SIM, XII, 4/1999).
(From a talk presented at the HANP Case Conference, September 25, 1999 in Portland, Oregon)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 110
A 50-year-old female had stomach and bowel problems, hiatal hernia, abdominal swelling, pain
aggravation from warm drinks. Had chronic Hepatitis intermittently. Bowel problems and constipation
started at age two when she was sexually abused by an uncle. Sensitive to milk, spicy food, sugar and meat.
Sensation of a thread hanging down throat. Pain in ear in cold air. Loquacity, changing quickly from one
subject to another, hysteric, answers irrelevantly, busy, confusion to her identity, as if intoxicated,
delusions of smell, abundant ideas , courageous, restless, homesickness and hopeful. Valeriana 30 held the
patient for quite a long time and Valeriana 200 repeated once relieved her abnormal sensations, her
bitterness, the hurts and the pains.
55. Bipolar Personality Disorder : A Man with No Will Power.
MEISSNER, Julek (SIM, XII, 4/1999)
(From a talk given at the HANP Case Conference, September 25, 1999, in Portland, Oregon).
A 43-year-old man, suffering from lifelong depression. The patient was born in grief, his elder brother
died some years prior to his conception. This added to the pre-existing tensions between the parents, who
fought a lot. The patient’s father was emotionally absent, while his mother was too available, offering love
conditionally, provided he be not only a son, but also her surrogate lover and father as well. Despite his
growing distress, his need to protect his mother from unhappiness turned him into a manic provider, while
his chronic loss of privacy and paternal love robbed him of his sense of self. By the time he had left his
mother’s house, he was trapped in the cycle of losing himself for the benefit of intimacy with others.
Anhalonium M helped the patient to enjoy excellent emotional health. The proving of Anhalonium
Wialliamsii conducted by H. Unger on six people, and published in 1958 in Allgemeine Homeopatische
Zeitung was also given at the end of the discussion.
56. Weakness and Shortness of breath in a patient with Terminal Pancreatic Cancer with
Metastasis to Liver.
ROTHENBERG Amy (NEJH, 9, 2/2000)
60-year-old male with Pancreatic cancer with metastasis to Liver with lymphocytic Leukaemia. This
case is presented by the author to show how Homeopathy can be very effective to address both physical
and emotional concerns.
57. Good Guy, Bad Guy.
MARCHAND Jonathan (NEJH, 9,2/2000).
A Case of Aurum muriaticum. 32-year-old woman has many psychological problems. The case is
analysed in Paul HERSCU’S “Cycle and Segments” frame.
58. If you hear Hoofbeats, don’t think Zebras-A Case of chronic Lyme Disease.
ROTHENBERG Amy (NEJH, 9, 2/2000).
19-Year-old woman with chronic Lyme Disease, since 3 years. Steroids and antibiotics did not
improve. High doses of vitamins helped to some extent. Still she suffered from fatigue.
Her mother said that when she was pregnant, her father had died and she was much grief stricken. The
Patient’s story including her cravings and aversions, sore throats, pains, numbness etc. indicated Natrum
muriaticum. She began to improve and after some weeks it was repeated and further improvement set in.
She was told to call whenever she had any problem.
59. Two Cases (Persistent Diarrhea) of Natrum carbonicum
TALOR,Vicki (HT, 1, 19, 1999)
In this article two cases of persistent diarrhea where the remedy which seemed to cover the most
peculiar aspects of the case did not clear up all the symptoms and after combining repertory rubrics and
getting largest number of remedies which is easy with a computer repertory program the similimum,
Natrum carbonicum was selected which cleared up both the cases. Also the comparison between Natrum
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 111
carbonicum and Rhus toxicodendron was made clear with the help of proving symptoms from
HAHNEMANN’s Materia Medica.
60. A Case of Pulsatilla with a song in her heart. SHORT, Vip (HT, 19, 2/1999)
39-year-old female suffering from manic-depressive disorder had sadness, restlessness at night,
insomnia because she had got some stupid song stuck to her head, running over and over. Wanted to be
touched, to be held, afraid of darkness and had creative block not able to come up with a song to which she
was used to previously. In Robin MURPHY’s repertory, Pulsatilla is the only drug mentioned under
“Sleep, Insomnia, from thoughts; same idea always repeated; melody repeatedwhich cleared up the case
and she is writing more songs.
61. A Case of Spongia
MANGIALAVORI, Massimo (HT, 19, 2/1999)
A 41-year-old woman “attached in an aggressive way” to her husband had frightened expression in her
eyes, afraid of elevators, crowds, of death and of cemeteries. Fears that her heart is not strong. Thyroid was
enlarged. Argentum nitricum and Sepia took her a short way. Basing on the dwarfishness, the clinginess,
the anger, the weeping ameliorates and the fear that her heart is not strong Spongia 30 was prescribed.
After 3 months the patient called the author and said that she feels more secure and the endocrinologist said
her thyroid was decreased. Two years later there was need for repetition of the remedy for sleeplessness.
62. A dose of China after a trip to China. MALERBA,Larry (HT, 19, 2/1999).
A 70-year-old female after a trip to the Himalayan mountains that required a total of 14 airplane take-
offs and landings at a variety of altitudes developed “ringing in the ears”, deafness”, ache all over”,
“pulsating” headache that can be covered with the tip of her finger in several very specific locations in front
and behind the ear and in the occiput. Nose and sinuses congested with nasty thick yellow/green mucus.
Had mild diarrhea and colorless vaginal discharge. Was taking prophylactic course of Mefloquine, an
antimalarial drug. Kali bichromicum 30 twice daily for two days and there was improvement in her pain
after two days. The author wanted to remove the potential damage that might have been caused by the
antimalarial drug and hence Chininum sulphuricum 30 twice daily for two days resolved the symptoms
completely.(As the indicated remedy acts also as an antidote, even without Chininum sulphuricum the
disorder in the old woman might be brought into order, if the author had waited for some more days =
63. Three Cases from Mt. Everest
SHACKELTON, Mary (HT, 19, 2/1999)
Case 1: A 22-year-old female became ill with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea on her trek to the Mt. Everest
Base Camp. Unable to keep food or liquids and was generally nauseous even after vomiting. Stools foul
smelling and producing cramps, had bruised headache. Felt tired and weak, both cheeks were flushed.
Ipecacuanha 30 every one hour for two days, she continued to improve steadily and was fully back on her
feet in two days.
Case 2: A 57-year-old woman on day five of a 13 day trek to Everest Base Camp had a tight muscle cramp
of left trapezius and was tremendously ameliorated by a hot water bottle placed directly over the spasm.
The pain was knife-like, nauseating pain that interrupted her sleep, caused posture changes. Left trapezius
exhibited a large knot mid-way between her glenohumeral joint and T1. Magnesium phosphoricum 30 was
repeated and the next day she was able to continue her trek.
Case 3: A Swiss climber in his mid-thirties was making a solo attempt on Lhoste - the sister peak to Mt.
Everest. On second day his toes became numb and he feared frostbite. Toes were sensitive to painful
stimuli and appeared white and non-swollen, cold to touch and tender to palpation. No necrotic tissues nor
the toes abnormally swollen. Agaricus 200 two doses relieved him and his further trekking remained
64. Menopause : a Natural Transition
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 112
BELLO, Lia (HT,19, 3/1999).
The author says that Menopause should be accepted as a normal and healthy stage of life and should
not be considered an “estrogen deficiency” and be medicated away through estrogen replacement therapy.
Prime focus of the article is, what Homeopathy can offer women at this stage of life. Remedies most
commonly used during menopause are Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Graphites, Sulphur, Natrum muriaticum,
and Platina. Aconite, Belladonna, Capsicum, Cimicifuga, Calcarea arsenicosum, Sanguinaria and
Veratrum viride also stand out as remedies very helpful for menopausal symptoms. Ustilago, Bovista and
Murex should be researched if there is excessive bleeding or fibroids peri-menopausally.
65. Trouble Nursing
SHEVINS, Jody (HT, 19, 3/1999).
Three months old LILY is an active, alert, vocal infant but often very cranky. Had difficulty in nursing,
screams and arches her back, turning her head away from the breast as soon as she finishes. Since the child
is non-verbal, the only information the author observed was the arching of her back. Basing this as an
outstanding and peculiar symptom Cicuta 30 was given for a period of one and half month followed by
Cicuta 200 once. Since then the baby improved and she no longer fusses or screams with the activity and
she doesn’t arch when nursing.
66. Difficult Cases - Frustrating ordeals or learning Experiences?
GRUBER Frank (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
The author says, rightly, that the cases you don’t solve with the first remedy often provide the most
opportunity for learning. To know what needs to be cured in a patient is not always as easy or obvious as it
seems to be. A case is cited.
Paul HERSCU teaches that it helps very much if we approach the patient confidently that the patient is
going to tell exactly what is needed to find the correct remedy. This view helps in keeping our whole
attention focused on the case and you look deeper. Sometimes the patient may convey by non-verbal
behaviour. Observe your own feeling as the patient is telling you. Is the patient intimidating you? Making
you angry? Be aware of what you are feeling. The patient is giving you a clue. Patients “speak” to us in
many ways.
It is not always that the patient gives all the clues at one time. It may be over time. Each time the
patient falls sick, he gives us another piece of his puzzle. The patient can only get sick in two ways: one
way is in the basic pattern of their pathology which gives us more information for their chronic remedy.
The other is in acute pathology. Pathologies which appear to be acute are actually examples of the chronic
pathology of the patient.
The case of a 28-year-old woman is reported to explain this as also the application of the “cycles and
segments” technique. The remedy was Cenchris contortrix.
67. A Cenchris case
KEELER George (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
23-year-old woman with complaints of tiredness, severe bladder pain and pressure, nightmares and
restless sleep, job dissatisfaction and nasal allergy. Frequent urination with severe pressure inside the entire
lower abdomen. Loud borborygmus. Dreams, violent nightmares; family being mutilated.
Analysis according to Cycles and Segments method. The segments were: Fullness, fear, Weariness and
mental symptoms, loquacity amel. from occupation, etc, indicated many remedies including Cenchris 200
was given.
68. Panic in Pregnancy
GREENE, Jane (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 113
37 year-old, pregnant woman with Migraine. Migraine began 10 years ago during her 8th month of
pregnancy. Had visual changes which lasted several weeks; it was difficult, couldn’t judge distances.
Diagnosed as painless ocular migraine.
The labor took long hours. She had a divorce case which she managed well and won custody of her
daughter. She had many complicated relationships including a short-lived marriage, after that she landed
up with her present husband. During this time, she has had five abortions, two miscarriages, none of
which caused much emotional pain.
Her migraine is like a vice-grip, neck tight, pain mostly over left eye. With migraine she becomes
photophobic, aggravated by light and movement. Her anxiety and insomnia were worse between 3-4
a.m., restlessness and “near panic” wakens her from sleep.
She has had multiple allergies, terrible pre-menstrual symptoms better with the onset of flow, irregular
pap smears and multiple life long yeast infections. She had childhood heart defect (at birth) which had
surgically been repaired.
Always hot blooded and warm, high sex drive, especially during pregnancy.
She was loquacious, but a closed person when pushed to discuss certain issues. The analysis was done
by ‘Cycle and Segments’. Lachesis 200 one dose was given. There was a severe aggravation and soon
relief followed.
She went on to deliver naturally a baby girl, after 5 hour labour.
69. Once Bitten, Twice Shy
RYAN Christopher (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
44 year-old woman with several chronic problems. One of these was neurologic symptoms
particularly in the context of three out of five siblings disabled with Multiple Sclerosis.
This again was a Lachesis but seemed at first Natrum muriaticum. The case analysis was on Paul
HERSCU’s Cycle and Segments method.
70. A Bothrops Case
GREENBERG Alan (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
A 72 year-old woman she has a 46 year-old son invalid from a Vietnam War wound.
The ‘peculiar’ symptom which was picked in this patient’s story was that her blood pressure became
higher after she suffered a ‘stroke’. Bothrops lanceolatus has this symptom.
Bothrops lanceolatus 200 cured. (See also R.RÖMER’s article on Bothrops the QHD, 3, 4/1986).
71. Moving the Refrigerator - a Lachesis case GREENBERG Alan (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
61 year-old woman with constant worries about her family. The worry led to tension, a throbbing or a
sudden congestion. She needed to relieve this tension. She did it by working hard like moving a heavy
refrigerator in which act she spends lot of energy. This expenditure weakened her Lachesis covers these.
72. Aphasia after a Stroke
BEDAYN Greg (NEJH, 8,2/1999)
75 year-old woman had severe Aphasia after a stroke. She still had her thoughts and knows the words
she wants to say but has a very difficult time voicing them. Forgetful after the stroke. Confused her right
with the left. Also had difficulty swallowing properly, choking when swallowing.
Most of her ailments were of the right side. Standing difficult and needed a wheelchair. Fine motor
tasks such as using coins, or fastening her seat belt presented a challenge.
Loved fish, salads, chocolate, and soft foods. Warm-blooded. Had strong opinions and liked to
champion the underdog. She did not like when she was ‘controlled’.
Bothrops 200 one dose. She improved much; she did her own laundry, for example, and cleaned her
own dishes and swept the house.
73. Infertility: Can Homeopathy make it alone? ANDREASSEN Alf T. (NEJH, 8,2/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 114
This patient had some liver problems for which she approached the homeopath. She also had an extra
uterine pregnancy and her left oviduct was removed. After that she did not become pregnant however
much she tried. The remaining tube had an obstruction and an operation was proposed. It was to be done
in the next 5 weeks time.
The patient was very keen in undergoing the surgery, and wanted only that now she be treated for her
liver problem.
The whole case was taken and the remedy was arrived at after many hours of work, as Kali
The remedy was given in 200, one dose, and 3 days before the proposed operation she was confirmed
as pregnant.
It is proposed to put in our reference books Kali carbonicum for adhesions, in oviduct; stitching pains
in ovaries during ovulation; stitching pains, ovaries, during nausea.
The author raises some questions: Will reflexology, Acupuncture and other alternative therapies
improve or block the homeopathic results?
Can lack of essential substances (like hormones, minerals and Vitamins and so forth) be an obstacle to
cure with Homeopathy?
Can Homeopathy deal with the side-effects mental, emotional and physical of synthetic drugs and
hormones used to treat infertility problems?
74. Case of Chronic Prostatitis
COPPINGER John (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
55-year-old man; recurrent prostate infections, for the last 5 years. Nocturia two to seven times nightly
and is always tired because of lack of sleep. Stream starts delayed, then leg and low back aches, ultimately
feeling that he is sitting on a baseball. The urine then comes in a forked, weak, stream with a strong yeasty
odour. He has right testicular pain better after ejaculation.
Sudden episodic fatigue. Has suffered repeated Onychomycosis due to which several toe nails have
been removed. Had an infected umbilicus and it was excised. Has had carpal tunnel surgery bilaterally.
Bilateral knee pains < waking, first moving, wet weather. Fastidious about cleanliness. Spider veins in both
Averse to salt. Fears surgery on prostate because he felt, that he may not then be able to have sex. Has
had itchy haemorrhoids. Venereal wart on his buttock. Selenium 200, repeated once.
75. Asperger syndrome - What is it ? Can Homeopathy Help?
ROTHENBERG Amy (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
The American Psychiatric Associations (APA) definition of Asperger Syndrome (AS) as follows:
A.Qualitative impairment in social interaction as manifested by at least two of the following::
1. Marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze facial
expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction
2. Failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level.
3. Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests or achievements with other people.
4. Lack of social or emotional reciprocity.
B.Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities as manifested by
at least one of the following tendencies:
1. Encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest
that is abnormal either in intensity or focus.
2. Apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals.
3. Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms.
4. Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects.
C.The disturbance causes clinically significant impairment in social, occupational or other
important areas of functioning.
D.There is no clinically significant delay in language (e.g., single words used by age two years,
communication phrases by age 3 years.)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 115
E.There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of age
appropriate self-help skills, adaptive behavior (other than in social interaction) and curiosity
about the environment in childhood.
F.Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Schizophrenia.
People with AS are often described as being on the autistic spectrum, though generally high
functioning and with other slight mental retardation, average intelligence, or in fact, superior intelligence.
The author discusses the case of a boy with AS. Using Paul HERSU’S technique of Cycles & Segments the
remedy Stramonium is chosen and improvement of the boy is reported. There is good follow-up. A very
interesting article.
76. The Simple and the Complex
MALERBA, Larry (HT,19, 4/1999)
A 35-year-old woman describes a situation where the pain in the abdomen was so great she fainted and
the blow to the head was such a shock that she began to leave her physical body - and she had not quite
come back into it yet. Rubrics like “Mind, Dream, as if in a,” “Mind, Unreal, everything seems”, Head,
Injuries, mental functionings altered, “Generals, Faintness, pain, from”, were considered. Though remedies
like Opium, Helleborous, Nux moschata, Natrum sulphuricum came into consideration, the feeling of
“Everything hurts” even six weeks after the injury lead to prescribe Arnica 200 which helped to recover
from both the trauma’s - physical and emotional.
77. Drills in Prescribing
CASE Erastus (HT, 19, 5/1999)
Retention of urine; frequent urging with dribbling of a few drops
Stool difficult although soft; it clings like putty
Pressing pain in lumbar region; relieved by external pressure
Legs weak, tremble while walking
Hands and feet covered with cold sweat
Alumina is the remedy.
78. 1.The Cranial-Sacral Model and the Fulcrum Concept as they relate to the HERSCU Materia
Medica Cycle in Homeopathy.
2. Fluid Model of Homeopathy
3. Osteopathy in Real Life and Homeopathy can Help.
SHEPHERD Dane (NEJH, Vol. 8, 2/1999)
The author clearly points out that Osteopathy will help Homeopathy restore the sick to health much
faster than by homeopathic medicine alone.
Through drawings and explanations Dr.Dane SHEPHERD make us understand.
[Of all the great names in Homeopathy, only Margaret TYLER, has spoken of the importance of
Osteopathy. She said that readjustment of the atlas will clear away many chronic headaches = KSS.]
The ‘Fluid Model’ takes us further on.
The third article point out the cut in costs, quicker healing etc. in post-operative patients, with
Homeopathy and Osteopathy.
He asserts that “Homeopathy aids the positive outcome for osteopathically treated patients, and that
the rate at which and the extent of success alleviated is significantly higher for those patients treated
concomitantly with the osteopathic fluid model and Homeopathy. Homeopathy creates a body state
requiring less osteopathic treatment to obtain balance, then, a more successful and rapid return to health.”
79. Eating Disorders
SNOWDON Janet (HOM, 75/1999)
This is a small essay on the psychology of Anorexia and Bulimia.
80. Evil
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 116
JACKSON Jessica (HOM, 75/1999)
This is about a ‘rare’ remedy case, Pediculus capitis. The ‘key’ symptoms seem to be ‘want of Moral
feeling’, ‘unfeeling’, ‘cruelty’, “itchiness all over”. An interesting article.
81. A Case treated with revolutionized Homeopathy.
SANDERS Christine (HOM, 75/1999)
There are certainly many more practitioners of the ‘Sehgal Method’ now.
The case in this article is, however, straight and simple.
82. I Feel Inferior - A Case of Nat-carb.
HUMRANWALA Parinaz (NJH, 1, 4/1999)
A 20-year-old girl had Oligomenorrhoea with short and scanty menstrual flow with periods of
amenorrhoea since menarche. She lacks confidence, disappointment in life especially in her studies,
aversion to men, had delusions of devils. Desires to eat chicken. Aversion meat. All these symptoms lead to
prescribe Natrum carbonicum M which brought her periods regularly and she became mentally more
83. Case Studies - Maryleborne Health Centre Action Research Enquiry
PINTO Gabrielle (HOM, 75/1999)
The Maryleborne Health Centre Action Research Enquiry is a multi-disciplinary team trying to provide
the best service possible for patients. The cases presented include some simple prescriptions, some complex
Case 1: TONY, 27 year- old with inability to concentrate in his work; music was his favorite pastime. He
was an achiever. Mother was very critical of him and if he didn’t achieve high in exam she punished
cruelly. He kept his feelings quietly. While at university got the first depression. Fear of intimacy with
women. “Have abilities but can’t work. I get started and cannot continue. I fear failure”. Anacardium 200.
(Anacardium is a kind of child abuse. See R. Sankaran The Soul of Remedies).
Case 2: JANE, 27 year-old with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), with history of panic attacks of many
years. Anxious about new situations and meeting new people. Sweats on the hands and feet, she is hot and
cold, suffered from mouth ulcers. As a child she was constipated and her glands swelled when she was
Remedies given did not do more than partial relief. Her stools were painful, cramps. Sensitive to
temperature changes; mouth ulcers. Bleeds after sex and becomes anxious easily. All these were keynotes
of Mercurius (see Roger MORRISON’S Desk Top Guide) Mercurius M and she went on to improve
steadily. Here the characteristic signs and symptoms were on the physical plane and so a remedy to match it
is to be found.
Case 3: 59 year-old woman Mrs. Z suffered a road traffic injury three years ago. Her problems were
complex: housing problems and an ailing mother in her 80’s with severe arthritis. Her skull has been
fractured in an accident. She had severe backache. She was confused, gloomy, fear something bad will
happen. She was dependent on the State. Very overweight. History of severe bleeding and hot flushes.
Haemorrhoids. Urine incontinence. Profuse sweat at times. Natrum sulphuricum M helped her much but
her back pain did not improve even after Hypericum and Sulphur. She needed Natrum sulphuricum M
twice after this, but her back pain remained. For various reasons the case could not be continued further.
Case 4: 37 year-old woman: Constant attacks of flu since ten months - never fully recovered from one
attack before another one comes on. Keeps her feelings to herself. Her husband underwent Vasectomy
before marrying her but now he wants a baby. Donor insemination and vasectomy reversal operation have
not succeeded. She herself underwent fertility treatment for three years without result.
Reserved, closed, dignified woman with deep grief, desires salt, thirsty and is warm blooded when
well. Natrum muriaticum M repeated after about four months, again after two months. She now again went
for infertility treatment and it was dreadful and her colds were returning. Again one dose Natrum
muriaticum M, repeated after five months. Remains well and has accepted her infertility.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 117
Case 5: 45 year-old man, with Vasomotor rhinitis. Sneezing worse in mornings. Persistent cough. A quiet,
reserved man, and has been in a loving relationship for over 20 years. Sensitive to others and had a strict
but happy childhood. Loves the countryside and has never been ambitious at school. Dedicated to his
parents. This is another typical Natrum muriaticum. The remedy in M repeated in XM once, cured.
Case 6: Chinese woman, 50 year-old. History of anxiety and depression and some paranoid features.
Tension headache, dizzy spells, strange dreams and severe bleeding at periods. Fibroids. Dreams of murder.
Severe shoulder pains. Felt someone had put a spell on her, someone was doing witchcraft. Chatty and
rambling. Lachesis M, repeated four times over the year and she improved. The patient continued the
treatment for her paranoid feelings.
84. A Case of Strontium carbonicum
HENES Nicholas (HOM, 75/1999)
Man with high blood pressure, consequent upon an unfortunate business experience an year before.
Perfectionist. Conscientious person with high standards who has been insulted and mortified; wounded
honor. He was uncomfortable before elders, before college authority felt intimidated. He considered work
as an exam’. Using Jan SHOLTEN’s techinque Strontiun carbonicum was selected and given in M.
The patient improved.
85. Homoeopathic prescribing for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
MUIR Duncan (HOM, 75/1999)
The author did a research on homeopathic prescribing for BPH with reference to the works published
in English. 22 remedies with their symptoms in BPH are given.
86. Cute Little Riya and other Cases
NAGAR Rashmi (NJH, 1, 4/1999)
Case 1: 5 year-old RIYA had warts on right side of face and neck. Very inquisitive, restless mind, very
confident, smart and talkative. Lycopodium 200, M alternated with Thuja 200, M cleared the warts within a
Case 2: 12 year-old boy had history of periodical attacks of asthma since childhood. < change of season,
dust > sitting bent forward. Quiet nature, amicable, thin, tall for his age with long eyelashes and smiling
face. Phosphorus 200, M and Tuberculinum 200, M cleared up the case.
Case 3: 5 year-old SHIVALI had complaints of weekly vomiting ever since birth. Desires cheese, butter
and chocolates. Talks and walks in sleep. Very intelligent, strong-willed, talkative and emotional. Her
mother’s uncle died when she was in the womb, consequently the mother felt insecure with many fears and
constant vomiting. On repertorization, Stramonium came out to be the drug and Stramonium 200 helped the
child to come out of the problem. Later her mental symptoms with history of renal calculus indicated
Lycopodium 200 which made her overall well.
87. When the Indicated Remedy Fails
The indicated remedy fails either due to lack of correct and complete data of the symptoms or failure to
elicit the cause of the complaints. These are few cases treated by Dr. P. SANKARAN, Dr. S.R.PHATAK,
Case 1: The patient suffering from headaches with vertigo which started after practicing Shirsasan.
Presuming that this might have caused injury to the head, a few doses of Natrum sulphuricum was given
which cured the patient of his headache. (P. SANKARAN)
Case 2: A 2½ year old child was unable to stand on her feet after a fall in the street while being carried by
the father. On history of fall and the interpretation that the child felt better by hanging her legs while
standing, Conium 200 tds. was given. In 3 days the child was able to walk. (S R PHATAK)
Case 3: An insane woman, who used to weep and laugh alternately and without cause, would clap her
hands and sing suddenly. 3 years back her child had fallen ill and died on her lap. She could not and did not
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 118
weep. Had given birth to another child which very much resembled and reminded her of the earlier child.
Natrum muriaticum M 2-3 doses cleared up the whole trouble.(S R PHATAK)
Case 4: A man was suffering from diarrhea for over 40 years. The disorder started during his marriage after
taking strongly boiled milk. Being in the midst of marriage ceremony, he controlled the urge. From next
day he developed diarrhea. Ultimately it responded well to Sepia. Rubric chosen “diarrhea < boiled milk”
in Boger-Boeninghausen repertory. (P.SANKARAN)
Case 5: A christian youth was suffering from epilepsy for several years. He stated that the attacks
invariably occurred whenever he went for dance. The exact cause could not be found and, as due to dancing
itself, or consumption of alcohol or late nights and excitements. On further questioning, he got the attacks if
he kept awake. A few doses of Cocculus completely cured the patient. (P SANKARAN)
Case 6: Mrs. M aged 35, was having chronic asthma which was temporarily relieved only by morphine.
History revealed that he got the first attack after watching the construction of a house. Fumes from the lime
choked him and developed cough and wheezing. Recurred whenever he visited a newly white-washed
house. Calcarea carbonicum M stopped the asthmatic attacks completely. (S P KOPPIKAR)
Case 7: A sailor had pain in his chest and left arm after lifting some heavy object in the ship. The
movement of the arm was severely restricted and he could not raise his arm. Consulted several doctors but
to no avail. Based on exciting cause Rhus toxicodendron 30 single dose relieved his pain. (P
Case 8: A middle aged man fell down a staircase and rolled down the step on his back and bottom.
Soreness and stiffness were slightly relieved by Arnica. One and half month later he felt a sudden twitching
of right shoulder < after allopathic medication. Basing the history of fall Hypericum M bd, was given and
in four days he was completely cured. (S R PHATAK)
Case 9: Mr. SRP aged 48 years, had weakness of right side with speech difficulty. He had an attack of
typhoid for which chloromycetin was prescribed. Developed paralysis when was about to be discharged.
Causticum 200, M did not give satisfactory result. Considering the fact that the whole problem started after
taking chloromycetin, the same medicine in 30 potency followed by Causticum M gave an immediate and
satisfactory result. (P SANKARAN)
88. A Case of Jilted Lover
SONAWALA Sarla (NJH, 1, 4/1999)
Mr. A M 21 years, suffered monthly attacks of tonsillitis with fever along with severe headaches since
2 years. Attacks brought on by anger, concentration, late-night study, physical exertion, change of weather
and exposure to rains. Desires fish, sweets and rice with salt. Lips dry in winter, skin peels off. Dreams
vivid, frightful, accident to friends or relatives, killing snakes. Intelligent, very ambitious, anxious over
trivial matters. Once he was interested in a girl but it broke off 2 years back. BOENINGHAUSEN’s
Therapeutic Pocket Book and KENT’s repertory, both were used as the case contained much of generals
and mentals. Natrum muriaticum was selected as the constitutional remedy. Tuberculinum was given as
intercurrent remedy. The affection of tonsils and the characteristic tongue indicated Mercurius-iodatum-
flavum as the acute remedy. Over a period of 6 months these remedies were given as and when required
and the patient has been well since then.
89. The Sensitive Soul
PATEL B D (NJH, 1, 4/1999)
Miss V, aged 17 years, suffered from severe dysmenorrhoea, since menarche. Pain in uterus and back,
lasts for 4 days; flow scanty and dark red. Restless and irritable during menses. Headache with dullness <
sun and reading. Sensitive to music,
aversion to company, concientious about trifles. Natrum carbonicum M repeated twice at an interval of two
months helped the patient wonderfully.
90. She Craved for Affection
RODRIGUES D John (NJH, 1, 4/1999)
Case 1: A 28 year-old female had recurrent URTI since 4 to 5 years. Along with this she had severe
bodyache, chest pain associated with palpitation, sweating, weakness, difficulty in breathing and giddiness.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 119
Complaints < lying down, worries, tension > motion, walking about. < from sun, wants open air. Had
tendency to constipation. Perspiration on tip of nose, upper lips, palms and soles. Violent anger, irritability,
impulsive, reserved, weeps when alone and consolation <. All these and the peculiar dreams pointed to
Natrum muriaticum which was given in M relieved her ailments.
Case 2: A 17 year-old girl had eruptions behind the ears and the margins of hairline of the scalp. Itching >
scratching, cold water, < winter, afternoon. Cracks in heels. Desires eggs, chocolates, aversion to meat.
Perspiration on uncovered parts with strong odour. H/o disappointed love, fear of being alone, indifference
to work, impatient, hurry, hairfalling. Natrum muriaticum M produced complete improvement.
91. Natrum mur: The Hidden Agenda
KRISHNAN Ranga (NJH, 1, 4/1999)
Case 1: 18 year-old girl who fell in love with a boy and had increased sexual desire and felt guilty after the
boy had touched her once. Menses became irregular. Had persistent unpleasant thoughts, avoided all her
friends as the boy did not like their company. She was being insulted by him once or twice. Though
medicines like Ignatia, Nux moschata, Baryta carbonicum, Platina were given according to the present
symptomatology Natrum muriaticum M, XM repeated twice helped her to come out of mental state and she
passed her exams well and got married at the end of the year.
Case 2: A 4½ year old boy presented with delayed milestone of late in talking though the other milestones
occurred in time. Often had colds, aversion to cold food and drinks, hardly mixed with other children,
sensitive to rude talk, averse to consolation. Natrum muriaticum 200 was given. For an acute attack of cold
Phosphoricum 30 - 3 doses were given, developed skin eruptions on face and upper body. Had a sensation
of boil under tip of tongue since many days preventing him from speaking. Natrum muriaticum M one dose
was given. The boy slowly improved and was speaking normally in a few months time.
92. Why Me?
HARIHARAN Rama (NJH, 1, 4/1999)
A 40 year-old man was having insomnia, hypertension and a lingering fear of a frightful accident that
had occurred 2 years ago. Opium M and Lycopodium M occasionally helped him. He was anxious about his
business and as his wife was in an advanced state of pregnancy, he did not want to share this anxiety with
her. Kept brooding constantly. His BP is 180/120. He asked God “Why are you doing this to me?” Natrum
muriaticum M 3 doses given 12 hourly followed by Craetaegus Q tds brought his BP normal and he had
good sleep.
93. Why My Family Treats Me Badly
SHAIKI Neelofer (NJH, 1, 4/1999)
A 28 year-old lady with breathlessness, continuous cough since 9 years < cold drink, damp weather,
night. Eczema since childhood, boils around the genitals, itching < winter. Unsatisfactory stool with
straining with gas. The patient’s second sister has always been very arrogant and dominating, she insulted
the patient and her in-laws and husband. The patient’s parents did not support her. Patient says: “What kind
of family I have ? Mother misinterprets and instigates fights. Why she behaves so indifferently towards
me? Sometimes I feel I am not her real daughter”. Remedies which relieved the patient from her sufferings
were: Staphysagria for acute complaints Natrum muriaticum for her chronic complaints and Thuja as an
94. My Son is Worthless
DOSHI Nina (NJH, 1, 5/1999)
Mr. S, 45 years, had breathlessness and h/o Koch’s gland. Convulsions after violent anger. Craves salt,
milk. Anger < least contradiction, breaks things. Constantly worries, likes to be alone. Disappointed with
his son for financial loss. Medorrhinum 200 followed by Bufo 200, M gave good results.
95. Nose that Flows
PRABHU Sayali (NJH, 1, 5/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 120
Case 1: 35 year-old man with violent sneezing, watery nasal discharge ending in wheezing. Complaints <
from smoke, perfumes, dust, incense sticks etc. His desires and his mental state pointed to Kali
carbonicum. Pulsatilla, Mercurius solubilis, Rhus toxicodendron were the other remedies used for the acute
Case 2: 31 year-old male had sneezing with watery acrid discharge, which leads to cough and wheezing.
Very restless. Very thirsty. Complaints < by cold climate, ice-creams, cold drinks, curd, buttermilk, dust
etc. Arsenicum album in potencies upto 10M relieved him completely.
96. The Irritable Child
METKAR Sushma (NJH, 1, 5/1999)
year-old male child, had recurrent allergic bronchitis. Craves meat, curd, ice-cream. Obstinate,
irritable and jealous. His dominating streak, the temper tantrums needing attention, the fears, the confident
look on the face, loud eructation decided in favour of Lycopodium with intercurrent as Tuberculinum and
acute as Coccus cacti. Good results ensued.
97. The Yielding Child
LOBO Anita (NJH, 1, 5/1999)
16 year-old male had recurrent colds and running nose. < by cold air, cold drinks; rainy season, dust
etc. Wheezing at night, while lying down. Sensitive to external impressions, mild, yielding tendency, fear
of ghosts, darkness, changeable moods, thirstlessness, desire for ice-cream, fish, increased perspiration in
head and neck pointed to Pulsatilla with intercurrent as Tuberculinum bovinum; wonderfully relieved.
98. Concert of the Similimum
KRISHNAN Ranga (NJH, 1, 5/1999)
2 year-old twins had “perpetual coughs and colds” . One of them had rashes all over body during the
respiratory ailment. F/H of DM and TB. Few doses of Thyroidinum M for one with rashes and
Tuberculinum bovinum M for the other relieved them.
99. The Rapid Cure
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH, 1, 5/1999)
2 year-old child had allergic rhinitis. Fat, fair, flabby, craves biscuits, butter, and sweets. Profuse
perspiration all over body especially head, saliva drooling, wakes up from frightful dreams. Summer and
sun <. Clinging and fear; pointed to Calcarea carbonicum., Hot Calcarea carbonicum = Calcarea iodatum.
Calcarea iodatum as constitutional remedy with Tuberculinum as intercurrent and Mercurius solubulis as
acute remedy gave good results.
100. When Can I Join Business ?
RANA K Satish (NJH, 1, 5/1999)
16 year-old, youth complained of constant sneezing and fluent coryza, followed by nasal block,
difficulty in breathing and wheezing. < exposure to dust, strong smells and perfumes. Desires cool open air
which >. Great sleepiness, averse to take bath, desires both hot and cold drinks, sweets, candies, sugar.
Mile stones delayed. Had skin eruptions > by ointments and injections. Single dose of Sulphur 200
completely relieved the boy of his allergic bronchitis and allergic rhinitis. The young man joined his father
to do business without any problem.
101. Unveiling a Love Affair
MINI. M O (NJH, 1, 5/1999)
30 year-old male, had recurrent colds since childhood, inspite of long-term Ampicillin. Eosinophil
count was 34%. His high standard of living, allopathic medication and increased sexual desire pointed to
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 121
Nux vomica which failed to relieve him. On further enquiry, he had love affair but not a sexual relationship
with a young and homely woman. Strong in public but timid to his lovemate. Staphysagria M 2 doses were
given. Eosinophil count came down to 14% followed by its complementary Causticum M which brought
down the eosinophil count to 2% and the patient maintains good health.
102. Mission of a Homeopath?
BAIG A. Mirza (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
Case 1: Ms ZK, 27 years, had h/o of three episodes of fits during headache and during the third episode she
fell and hurt her head. CT scan revealed haemorrhagic contusion in the Left Parietal Cortex. Diagnosed as
Venous Angioma producing pressure effect. Surgery date was fixed. Patient sought alternative therapy.
Arnica for haemorrhagic contusion, Carcinosin as constitutional remedy and Apis mellifica as acute remedy
produced disappearance of the tumour which was confirmed by MRI.
Case 2: A 6 year-old boy got injured while cycling resulting in swelling of right testicle, which developed
into a big tumour. When asked about his suffering he shook his shoulders as if to say nothing. Arnica
followed by Carcinosin cured him. Carcinosin was given as a constitutional remedy.
103. Bronchitis from Failure of Love
MAMGAIN S K (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
A lady 23 year-old, had bronchial trouble. Her parents forced her to abandon her love affair. This along
with other symptoms of the case, Hyoscyamus 200 was given. Natrum muriaticum, Tuberculinum,
Arsenicum album were given as and when needed.
104. Some Cases of Acids
KULAY F M (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
Case 1: A Patient suffering from cough consulted over phone, even after 10 - 12 days no > . On inquiring
further he said that he felt “exhausted” and the eosinophil count raised to 14%, Hydrocyanic acid 200 > the
cough and the eosinophil count reduced to 2%.
Case 2: An Anaesthesiologist, got > of his sinusitis problem after a surgery but there was always an
etherous odour in his mouth. Sleeps on abdomen. Acetic acid 200, M in an interval of a month > his
problems. Advised to make Vinegar a part of his diet.
Case 3: Mr. SA, 18 year-old boy had rashes all over body - red, itching, which coalesced to form as a
single lesion. Burning urination, thirstlessness. Likes milk, eggs, sweets, aversion to fish. Felt very weak
and lethargic. Phosphoric acid 200/3 doses gave good results.
Case 4: A woman had flushes of heat in the back, < mental exertion. Cold extremities. Head hot, face cold
and pale. Violent occipital headaches. Heaviness of limbs, especially the lower. Picric acid 10M produced
a marvelous constitutional improvement.
Case 5: A lawyer had brainfag, pain in forehead, temples extending to occiput and down, between the
shoulders. Nausea, tongue coated with yellow fur. Clay colored diarrhea mixed with greenish slime. Great
exhaustion after motion and mental effort, in recumbent posture and open air. “After many remedies
apparently indicated had failed, Picric acid 9X improved all symptoms from the first dose.”
Case 6: A lad of four, after cerebro-spinal meningitis (cured) was left with paralysis of lower extremities.
Usual remedies failed. Picric acid 12X improved from day one, and in six weeks cured.
Case 7: 30 year male, staggering gait, weakness of lower extremities - could not walk with eyes closed.
Had suffered from painful erections, that it seemed as if his penis would burst. Picric acid gave a good
105. Psoric Warts?
CHATERJEE Sumit (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
Case 1: Mr. B aged 17, had horny, large, dry and sessile wart on the back of his right hand. Thuja,
Causticum, Dulcamara in various potencies and doses produced new smaller warts on the ring finger in
addition to the original one. On “complete” case-taking few more important points emerged. Had worms in
childhood, desires sweets, raw vegetables, raw rice. Hot patient. F/H of skin complaints. Sulphur in 200
produced remarkable change in two weeks.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 122
Case 2: Master S year old boy, suddenly was not able to walk and the specialists could not find any
neurological defects. Gelsemium 200 - 5 doses / 4 hourly. The next morning the father detected a small
painful splinter in the sole.
Case 3: The author’s own case. Since childhood, asthma and Arsenicum album usually relieved him. But
once he got sudden oppression in the night and on looking at the clock in the darkness he found it to be
1.10 A M but the usual remedy failed to relieve him. As he was not convinced, got up to verify the time
and found it to be 3 A M. Kali carbonicum 200/ 2 doses in half an hour interval relieved him. Accuracy of
symptom noting is stressed by this case.
106. Concert of the Similimum - Part II
KRISHNAN Ranga (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
Case 1: A 15 year-old boy, had wheezing < rains, fumes of crackers and green nasal mucus with post-nasal
dripping. Headache < sunlight. Profuse perspiration. Corallium rubrum and Bacillinum relieved. Acute
phases needed remedies like Belladonna, Causticum, Natrum muriaticum, Antimonium-arsenicosum,
Influenzinum, Mercurius-solubilis.
Case 2: Mr. V 35 year-old lecturer, determined
person, sensitive to cold things, suffered from asthma due to disordered stomach. Had constipation, fissures
and was constantly under allopathic medication. Nux vomica 200 relieved.
Case 3: A 26 year-old male had problems of sneezing and sinusitis. Sinuses were surgically drained with
no > . On anti-allergic drugs. Ever since putting on weight. Desires chicken, fish, sweets, colas. Aversion
milk, curds, butter, ghee and vegetables. Profuse sweat. Cold/rainy weather brings on diarrhea and in
summer used to have rashes. Sabadilla M, 10M gave good results.
Case 4: An 18 year-old boy, had tendency for cold, cough and wheeze round the year. Tall and thin with
pimpled scarred face. Myopic. Very careful. Obsessed with seeming disfigurement of Adam’s apple. Feels
hungry with easy satiety. Desires sweets, snacks, fruits. Sabadilla took him on a major way in the path of
cure. Tuberculinum and Streptococcinum were given as intercurrents.
107. A Case of Fever
RAHALKAR Sarang (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
5 year-old boy had fever for 3-4 days with a long-standing respiratory problem for about 20-22 days.
Had allopathic medication for about 12 days. Patient had bouts of cough with coryza and felt feverish. Dull,
moaning. No desire to drink water. Throat pain < swallowing, expectoration yellow in color. Pulsatilla 200
/ 5 doses at 8 hourly interval > the complaints and the constitutional drug Silica was given based on the
108. I Like to Hide
SHAIKH Nilofer (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
A 4 year-old girl, hiding behind her mother and elder sister, had complaints of recurrent respiratory
problems with enlargement of the tonsils, eczema in the right ear with sticky discharge and itching in the
anus. Profuse perspiration of forehead and scalp. Desires sweets and chocolates. Very obedient, not
demanding. Fond of dressing. Very affectionate, caring and loving, good in studies. Magnesium
sulphuricum gave her good relief. Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Arsenicum album, Tuberculinum were given
according to the presenting totality.
109. The Wall Flower
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
A young, lean girl of 28, had Allergic bronchitis. Craves rice, curd, pickles. Clairvoyant dreams.
Hyperpigmented patches in the body. Perspiration scanty. Tongue coated thick white in a triangle shape.
Her elder sister got divorced and hence the patient became very much dejected and does not want to get
married. Particular about everything e.g: cleanliness, keeping appointments etc. Had anticipatory anxiety.
Carcinosin cleared up the whole case.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 123
110. I Will not Live in Vain if ....
MEHTA Kishore (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
The author makes reference to many of HAHNEMANN’s writings with regard to the quality of the
physician and says that HAHNEMANN himself was an example of the physician he depicted in his
writings. Therefore only he has a right to say I have not lived in vain” . He also gives illustration of a
Mrs. X 35 years, had headache since 5-6 years. < in sun, empty stomach, > in AC . Perspiration more
on head. Keeps everything in mind. No confidence and afraid when she is alone. Attempted suicide 2 years
after marriage. Although aware of the sluggishness she is not able to change, cannot cope because of in-
coordination of will, thought and action, thus creating problem for others. Calcarea iodatum M one dose
gave good result and she did not have a single attack of migraine.
[Those who follow Dr. SEHGAL’s method of prescribing on mind symptoms alone have been
doing quite well. Journal of Homeopathy of Northern India (JH) carries cases prescribed on
the mind symptoms alone. It should be clarified that such rubrics as desire to be carried fast,
shrieking for aid, etc are all interpretations of the patients expressions like “Please relieve me
of this pain quickly,” and shrieking for aid is “Help me urgently to overcome this pain.” The
mental symptoms are the interpretations of the patients expressions, not necessarily in the exact
words of rubrics. The following abstracts (Nos. 111 - 146) of the cases from the JH should be read in
this way. = KSS]
111. Belladonna in Asthma Attack
SEHGAL Yogesh (JH, 3, 1/1999)
Ms. X 24 year-old, had regular Asthma attacks since the age of 2. In her early teen she began to have
attacks twice in a year. She took cortisone treatment. At the age of 21, an opaque patch showed up in her
chest X-ray for the first time. Took TB treatment for 8 months and at the end of that the patch hadn’t
disappeared and hence TB ruled out. Further investigation in England concluded that she had Allergic
Broncho Pulmonary problem. Large doses of cortisone produced digestive disorder and puffiness of face
and certain other complications. Sought alternative treatment. Belladonna brought her back to normalcy
gradually and gave good hopes. Her mental symptoms and the temperament formed the basis for the
selection of the remedy.
112. Arsenicum album
SEHGAL Yogesh (JH, 3, 1/1999)
79 year-old man had watering of right eye after a surgery for cataract and continuous fever for the last
3 months. Constipation since many years. All his delusions and the fears formed the basis for prescription.
Arsenicum album made him mentally and physically strong.
113. Paris quadrifolia
MANN A S (JH, 3, 1/1999)
A boy aged ten had chronic ottorrhoea, thick yellow offensive discharge from both the ears. < in both
the seasons but sensitive to hot weather. Speaks too much, repeats the same thing and one sentence leads to
another story. Careless. Speaks about his activities to guests and family members. Lachesis 30 with no
improvement. The case was re-taken and Paris quadrifolia given and the boy showed remarkable
114. Kali brom in Psychiatric Case
SOMAL S. Jaswant (JH, 3, 1/1999)
A patient about 55, a man of words and strong principles developed insanity after a guilt feeling.
Developed fear of police and that people are blaming him. Restless and sleepless. Kali bromatum 30 single
dose cured.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 124
115. Opium in Allergic Rhinitis
GUPTA Kishore (JH, 3, 1/1999)
A female aged 28, had Allergic rhinitis, pain in legs and irritability before menses, desires sour things,
aversion to sweets and milk. Sepia, Kali carbonicum, Tuberculinum were given depending upon the
symptoms without much relief. Complaints started after an incident of an accident to her cousin and that
had a great impact on the patient. Opium 10M 3 doses at 2 hourly interval relieved her gradually.
116. Two Short Cases
JAYASWAL M P (JH, 3, 1/1999)
Case 1: RD, aged 40 had severe pain in right hip and posterior side of thigh. Great irritability during pain.
Hepar sulphuris 200 gave instant relief.
Case 2: NA, aged 50, suffered severe urethral burning with frequent micturition. Was swearing and cursing
at the past behaviour of his relatives and giving no heed to his poor state of health and home affairs.
Anacardium 200 relieved.
117. Anacardium Case
REKHI Jaswinder (JH, 3, 1/1999)
Ms. US age 34 had itching since many years and joint pains with marked prostration. Inspite of the
pains which prevents her work, she keeps the house neat and clean. Very restless. Laments about her pains.
Arsenicum album failed. Anacardium relieved her pains and itching.
118. Azadirachta indica Case
SEHGAL M L (JH, 3, 2/1999)
Smt. S A 90 year-old, suffered from loss of memory, can’t recognize faces, places and towns or cities
she lives in, can’t distinguish between the voices of her son and his companion. No improvement with
allopathic treatment. Diagnosed ALZHEMIER’S disease. Azadirachta indica repeated twice improved her
memory and she can recognize people and her surroundings but still sensitive to insults, still under
119. Hemiplegia - A Case Report
SEHGAL Yogesh (JH, 3, 2/1999)
A lady developed hemiplegia after a stroke, indicated her desires by gestures, wanted her relatives and
the grandchildren to be around her, felt comfortable only when all the lights in the room are lit up. The
other physical generals helped to clinch the remedy. Stramonium 30 to M gave some improvement but
ceased thereafter. Based on the present symptomatology Gelsemium 30 was given and she felt much better.
120. Veratrum album vs. God’s Messenger
MANN A S (JH, 3,2/1999)
DP aged 24/M started saying to himself, “I am Bhole Nath (A Hindu God ), no body can do any harm.
I am the messenger of God. He has sent me on earth”. Based on the delusions Veratrum album 30 given
with good improvement.
121. Two Cases of Agaricus
MANN A S (JH, 3, 2/1999)
Case 1: A child of 9 had pain in sound teeth along with caries. No desire for new things. Agaricus 30
relieved the pain and the decayed tooth fell off and new teeth came up.
Case 2: RS aged 32 had thick crusts on 3-4 places on scalp. Very fond of dance and music. Very reserved,
repents quickly after anger. Crocus sativus, Natrum muriaticum did not relieve him. Agaricus 30 based on
singular rubric was given which cleared the skin completely.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 125
122. Croton tig Case
MANN A S (JH, 3, 2/1999)
The Croton tiglium is very selfish person as indicated by one singular rubric.
Ms HK aged 45 had pain and stiffness in knees and she was very selfish. Croton tiglium 30 relieved
her pains.
123. Crocus sativus in Nasal Polypus
MANN A S (JH, 3, 2/1999)
PK aged 13 was suffering from coryza and nose block. Diagnosed as Nasal polyp and advised surgery.
Refused surgery. Gets angered easily, uses bad and rough language but repents immediately and begs
apology. Likes music very much and ameliorated by it. Crocus sativus 30 repeated twice, no blockage and
no sneezing.
124. Sulphur Case
REKHI Jaswinder (JH, 3, 2/1999)
SD age 32 with a Blood sugar report of 58 mgm had much prostration, weakness, vertigo, unable to do
work, severe pain in back and legs. Along with this, her mental complaints helped to select Sulphur 30
repeated once relieved all her complaints.
125. A Case of Diamond
GLANTZ Camila (JH, 3, 2/1999)
A female in her menopausal age, had lot of tensions. Doesn’t want her problems to be known to her
husband and children. Interested in music and art. Feeling of worthlessness, especially in relation to
husband who was perceived as powerful, dynamic, energetic while she was “Just a house wife”. Desire for
potatoes. Complaints < cloudy days > sunshine. Diamond improved her greatly both physically and
126. A Case of Belladonna
MONGA Vinit (JH, 3, 2/1999)
A child of 8, who was good natured and jolly became violent and weak after treatment for a severe
febrile attack and had desire to hit someone. Belladonna 30 brought back his happy mood and his desire to
strike also vanished.
127. Belladonna in Sexual Sphere
GARG Pardeep (JH, 3, 2/1999)
RS aged 32, had less erection and early seminal emission. Took allopathic medicines but in vain. The
symptoms which lead to the selection of the remedy were: Laughing while speaking, desire for light, to be
carried fast, hides things etc. Belladonna 30 gave happy results.
128. A Case of Sepia
GARG Pardeep (JH, 3, 2/1999)
SK aged 60, had pain in her abdomen, dysnoea from slight exertion, dysentery for the last five years.
Aversion to company, lies with eyes closed, unable to cope due to weakness, fear of poverty, worries much
about the domestic affairs. Sepia 30 relieved.
129. A Case of Ammonium sulph
SINGLA Naveen (JH, 3, 2/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 126
26 year-old female suffered hysterical fits and sleeplessness. No love relation with her husband and she
started losing weight day by day. Husband is a drunkard who doesn’t give much care for her and she
developed much resentment towards him. Ammonium sulphuricum 30, 200, M produced remarkable
130. A Case of Stramonium
SINGLA Naveen (JH, 3, 2/1999)
A child suffering from bronchial asthma had difficulty in respiration and chest congestion. She is
afraid of darkness, dogs, objects, shining objects, beggars etc. Clinging to persons and is very obstinate.
Stramonium 30, 200 gave very good relief.
131. Two Cases of Azadirachta indica
SEHGAL M L (JH, 3, 3/1999)
Case 1: A child of 4 years suffered from fever and the fever remained up and down. Based on his desires,
delusions, physical and mental symptoms Belladonna 6, 3 and Cocculus 3 were given which failed to
relieve his fever. Azadirachta indica 3 thrice a day relieved the boy within 24 hours.
Case 2: A lady around 35, had P.U.O with vomiting, loose stools and extreme prostration. Based on the
objective symptoms Borax 6 and Cocculus 6, were given. The fever persisted. Azadirachta indica 3 in half
a cup of water one teaspoon to be repeated after every two hours. Completely cured within 5 days.
132. A Case of 3rd Nerve Palsy
MANN A S (JH, 3, 3/1999)
The patient had total closure of his left eye with severe headache < night and desire to strike his head
on the wall, > by hard pressure < by noise, wants silence and doesn’t like to be disturbed.
MRI Report :
? Cavernous Meningioma
? Cavernous Sinus Lymphomatous involvement
? Other infiltrative Metastasis
? Metastatic Granulomatous disease
? An abnormal lobulated soft tissue signal intensity mass in left parastellar region.
Gelsemium M repeated thrice over a period of 6 months, MRI report showed nothing abnormal and the
patient was also relieved of his physical complaints.
133. A Case of Cystic Mass in left Ovarian region
MANN A S (JH, 3, 3/1999)
A female with irregular menses, big red clots and severe pain in the abdomen. U/S showed cystic mass
measuring 46x29x40mm in size, oval in shape in left peripelvic area. Gets angered easily but remains silent
during anger. Her husband gets angered easily and abuses and insults. Staphysagria 30,M made her
menstrual cycle normal. Scan report showed no cystic mass.
134. A Case of Thrombocytopenia treated with Baryta carb.
NATH Prem (JH, 3, 3/1999)
Miss P 18 years, had fall of platelet count since the age of 7. Treated allopathically. Recurred after 10
years of age. Count falls everytime after her menses. The girl felt that she was ugly and discontented with
her appearance. Felt that she was being laughed at and mocked whenever she goes into the street. Baryta
carbonicum 30/3 doses produced tremendous improvement within 4 months. Platelet count raised from
25000/cmm to 2,67,000cmm. The remedy was selected based on the delusion that she is ugly, small, being
laughed and mocked at etc.
135.Thalassaemia Case
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 127
MANGLA S P (JH, 3, 3/1999)
Ms S 10 year-old with Thalassaemia was given blood transfusion whenever the Hb level falls since the
age of 2. Becomes dull and drowsy, lies down quietly, doesn’t desire anything, yielding, recognizes the
reality and accepts it. Cocculus indicus 6, 30, and 200 brought the Hb level to normal and there was no
need for blood transfusion thereafter.
136. Uterine Haemorrhage
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 3, 3/1999)
30 year-old woman, had continuos uterine bleeding for one and half months after a D & C which was
done after a child birth. Felt that she had committed a crime. Was looking sad and wept while talking her
problems. Lachesis 30 was selected based on “ailments after the death of a child” and “delusion that she
had committed a crime” and it stopped her bleeding within a week.
137. A Case of Arthritis
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 3, 3/1999)
Boy of 9 years had stiffness and pain knee joints. Least movement and jerks < his pains. Very
inquisitive, likes to travel, had desire for amusement. Lachesis 30 relieved his pains.
138. A Case of Natrum nitricum
SINGLA Naveen (JH, 3, 3/1999)
A woman aged 32 had painful tonsillitis and leucorrhoea which troubled her for more than 5-6 years.
Did not take proper treatment because of her husband’s indifference. Had much resentment towards her
husband. Ammonium sulphuricum 30 did not give much relief. On further questioning, she said that “there
seems to be no joy or happiness and what is left is only restrictions in one way or the other”. Natrium
nitricum 30, 200 relieved her complaints in 8 months.
139. Psorinum Case
MANDI B. Mittal (JH, 3, 3/1999)
A woman of 30 suffered itching of the whole body without eruptions since childhood. Treatment by
various systems was in vain. Credulous, desires light, desires to be carried fast, attention seeking.
Belladonna 30 gave hopes to her but did not fully relieve the physical condition. Her desire to remain in
bed, despair about recovery and sadness lead to Psorinum 30 which relieved her completely within one
140. Depression Cured by Jan SCHOLTEN Theory
VERMA Subhash (JH, 3, 3/1999)
Mrs. M K 45 years, developed mental depression after some misunder-standing with her sister-in-law
and she muttered “I have not said her anything, why did she do all this to me”. At one moment she is
laughing and happy and at other moment she started weeping. Dr. Jan SCHOLTEN gave the theme of
resentment towards brothers, sister, and friends to be Ammonium phosphoricum. It was given in 30 potency
and it removed all traces of the depression.
141. Rhus tox Case
VERMA Subhash (JH, 3, 3/1999)
Ms. B K age 34 years, had suppression of urine, with swelling and pain in the abdomen. Had fear of
Cancer and anxiety about her child. Rhus toxicodendron 30 relieved.
142..Arsenicum album Case
SINGH Jagdeep (JH, 3, 3/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 128
RK age 32 years, felt an excruciating pain in her back after lifting a bucketful of flour. She was
irritable due to pain, was shrieking for help and had repulsive mood, this indicated Ignatia which failed to
relieve. She expressed her anxiety about the family and said that things were not in their proper places as
she is unwell etc. Arsenicum album 30 followed by 200 relieved her greatly.
143.Belladonna Case
SINGH Jagdeep (JH, 3, 3/1999)
35 year-old male, lifted a sack of wheat weighing one quintal on his back and on the same midnight he
felt intense pain in back. He could not sit or stand but was only able to lie down. He said that when he felt
slight relief he becomes hopeful and whenever there was set back he becomes sad. Frivolous and had desire
to be carried fast. Belladonna 30, 200 relieved the pain without any recurrence.
144. Magnesia mur Case
SAINI R S (JH, 3, 3/1999)
A Male of 45 years, had panic and anxiety attacks, sleeplessness after betrayal by his partner in his
business and he had been cheated by his friends, parents, sisters, brothers, sister-in-laws etc. Desires salt,
fish, chicken, rice, cauliflower and peas. Hears old sad songs with romantic theme. Dreams of being lost in
jungles. Magnesium muriaticum 30/3 doses made him free from all his problems.
145. A Case of Arsenicum album
SONI Rishi (JH, 3, 3/1999)
Ms. MP age 22 years, was suffering from pimples in the face. Had much anxiety about her health and
about the future. Eruptions < during menses. Arsenicum album 30 gave relief and all the old scars also
146. An Acute Dysnoea Case Cured on Present Mental State
MANN S. Manpreet (JH, 3, 3/1999)
A lady aged 22, had severe difficulty in breathing, felt that her disease will not be cured and wanted to
run away from the situation and commit suicide. Hyoscyamus 30 relieved the problem within 20 minutes
after taking the medicine.
147. Zigzagging toward cure... or Chasing the remedy ?
TAYLOR, Will (HT, 19,1/1999)
This is quite an interesting discussion on a subject which is relevant to every homeopath. When one
does not find the most similar remedy (if not the elusive simillimum’), but only a remedy for some of the
symptoms it is then necessary and there should be following remedies. Some may be able to ‘cure’ with 3
or 4 remedies, some may go on and on and reach a cure. Is this ‘zig-zagging’ or ‘chasing’ the remedy?
Will TAYLOR calls attention to the fact that HAHNEMANN had long ago solved almost all our
problems, only that we should take the trouble of reading his works. Attention is invited to § 173 of the
Organon, BÖNNING - HAUSEN’s concordances in his Therapeutic Pocket book, and also KENT’s
‘Second Prescription’ in his Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy.
148. Acute prescribing : Speaking from experience REICHENBURG-ULLMAN Judyth, ULLMAN
Robert (HT,19, 3/1999)
The authors give explanation for some of the questions that arise from our clinical practice.
1.Will the constitutional remedy always work for acute illnesses?
In certain cases a repetition of the constitutional remedy work quite effectively for the acute
condition and in others, it has little to no effect despite the fact that the patient’s chronic
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 129
symptoms were at least 70% improved. The authors confirm this view by giving few examples
of acute cases.
2. Are some remedies constitutional remedies and others acute remedies?
Any remedy can be potentially considered for any condition, acute or chronic. The only
limitation are the prescriber’s ability to perceive the case and the knowledge of Materia Medica.
As we discover and use many previously poorly understood or unproved remedies, we learn that
the bounds are limitless.
3. Can acute self-prescribing be dangerous?
Though significant damage has not been done by self-prescribing for acute illness; certain
precautions should be taken. Know what you are treating! It would be unwise to self-treat for any
condition requiring medical intervention, homeopathic or conventional. After diagnosing the
illness by a competent physician, we should assess the choices accordingly. In case of ruptured
appendix, the option to give a homeopathic remedy is on the way to emergency room.
4. Will only some potencies work for acute conditions?
Flexibility is necessary in potency selection. The right remedy will generally have an effect in any
potency in acute conditions. Perhaps it may need more frequent monitoring and repetition if the
potency is lower. When the picture is clear and the condition is severe, if sure about the remedy
then we can use high potencies.
5. What about combining Homeopathy with other interventions for acute illness?
The majority of the interventions like effective diet, herbs, vitamin and mineral supplements,
hydrotherapy are supportive and not suppressive and can help in treating acute illnesses.
149. Case Taking
SCHOLTEN Jan (JH, 3, 1/1999)
The author says that the way in case taking is less important than the end result. Wether we do this by
asking questions, smelling the patient, listening to his tone of voice, using “touch for health” or using our
clairvoyant abilities doesn’t matter. So there is no standard procedure for a good case taking, because every
patient, and every homeopath is different. The prime focus was on the Mind section in the repertory, and
differentiate it as specific and non-specific symptoms. The choice of words and the past life history plays a
crucial role in the whole case taking.
150. The “Strange, rare, and Peculiar”
WINSTON, Julian (HT,19, 3/1999)
In BARTHEL’s Characteristics of Homeopathic Materia Medica we find a brief summary of the
twelve ways in which the “strange, rare, and peculiar” symptom may be understood. All the examples are
from the remedy Phosphorus.
1. The symptom is peculiar in itself: “long narrow stool”.
2. The symptom is peculiar through the modality: “mania for work before menses”.
3. The symptom is peculiar through its localization: “cold knees at night”.
4. The symptom is peculiar through sensations: “anus feels open”.
5. The symptom is peculiar through extension: “coryza extends to chest”.
6. The symptom is peculiar through beginning, progression, and end: “pain increases and
decreases with the sun”.
7. The symptom is peculiar through contrary symptoms: “lack of heat, but heat
8. The symptom is peculiar through its periodicity: “headaches every 7th day”.
9. The symptom is peculiar through alternating symptoms: “weeping alternating with laughter”.
10.The symptom is peculiar through sequences: “bloody vomiting following suppressed menses”.
11.The symptom is peculiar through vicarious menses: “vicarious epistaxis”.
12.The symptom is peculiar through the absence of expected symptom: “increased sexual desire without
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 130
1. Confiabilidade das fontes do repertóric (The reliability of the Repertory Sources)
ZOBY Elias Carlos (RB, 64, 1-4/1999)
This is a very interesting essay. The author has taken great pains to carefully study the sources -
Materia Medica Pura, Chronic Diseases, Encyclopedia, Guiding Symptoms, BENNING-HAUSEN,
JAHR, FARRINGTON, KENT, DUNHAM, etc., from which the repertories were compiled. He examines
the original proving, the translation from German to English, entry of the symptom in such repertories as
GENTRY’s Concordance, BENNINGHAUSEN’s Therapeutic Pocket Book, later repertories of
KENT, and the successive ones until the latest from Roger van ZANDVOORT’s Complete Repertory. He
points out the possible wrong understanding. Today’s repertories are a merger of several earlier ones
prepared with different philosophies and the rubrics not meaning the same in every one of them, etc. and
calls for a thorough study of these with reference to the sources. He also concludes that perhaps
BOENNINGHAUSEN’s Therapeutic Pocket Book was the nearest to the Provings data and
understanding of the Provings. (There are many errors in the latest repertories especially with regard to the
MIND Chapter, and many such errors have been pointed out in certain articles, in the German Journal
Zeitschrift für klassische Homöopathie and all these articles have been listed in the QHD Such
corrections are however, always an ongoing feature = KSS).
2. The Functions of the Repertory
DAM, Kees (HL, 11, 4/1998)
This also includes a review of the Megarep - the Complete Mind and Body Repertory. The function
of a repertory is discussed : which is to narrow down the number of possible curative remedies via a
process of generalization, comparison and differentiation. Some criteria, general and particular, are given
for inclusion of new rubrics.
1. Similitude in modern pharmacology
TEIXEIRA , MZ. (BHJ, 88, 3/1999)
The principle of the similitude, the basis of homeopathy, has correspondences in the clinical studies of
secondary effects of many modern pharmaceutical agents through the observation of the rebound effects of
these drugs. Through clinical pharmacology, I proposed a model on which to base the scientificism of the
homeopathic model. We have studied the effects of the drugs in the human body using pharmacological
compendia and recent scientific works, confirming the mechanism of the homeopathic medicines action
through the verification of the primary action of the drugs and the consequent secondary reaction of the
organism in hundreds of pharmaceutical agents. Treatment exploiting the “reboundeffect (curative vital
reaction) may also be observed. This work suggests a research methodology to scientifically base the
therapeutic principle of similitude.
2. Effects of potentization in aqueous solutions SCHULTE, J. (BHJ, 88, 4/1999)
Over the past two decades, research into structure formation and structure conservation in water has
created a significant interest among the Homeopathic research community. The formation of sustained
static and dynamic structures in aqueous solutions is thought to be synonymous with the possible storage of
information in associated liquids. Prominent models and experiments considering this possibility are
presented in this paper, and some of their subtleties, which were not given much room in the respective
original publications, will be elucidated in more detail here.
3. Placebo therapy / Iatrotherapy
SHAW R.. (CCRH, 21, 3&4/1999).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 131
Placebo therapy is the human aspect of the patient-doctor relationship and medical ethics also belong
to the art of medicine and these topics must be considered specially in connection with analysis of the
therapeutic decisions. Controlled therapeutic trials have shown that the patient-doctor relationship greatly
influence the therapeutic response, and the ethical implication must be considered when the effects of new
drugs are assessed in such trials.
4. Phyto-chemical standardisation of Acorus Calamus L.
(CCRH, 21, 3&4/1999).
Acorus Calamus L. (Araceae) is commonly known as “Bach” in Hindi. Rhizomes have been taken up
for standardisation. The crude as well as formulated mother tincture was standardized to lay down
standards in Homeopathic system of medicine. The determined data under phyto-chemical study viz.
Extractive value, Ash value, Thin Layer Chromatography and Spectro-photometry are helpful to
authenticate the drug.
5. Homeopathy is NOT quackery but offers three New Sciences
SHARMA R.Rati (JH, 3, 1/1999)
The author gives good explanation for the criticism that the “Homeopathic potencies of 12c
centesimal and higher, in view of the Avogadro’s law of Physics and Chemistry, do not contain any
molecule of the original drug” by stating that the mechanical dynamization process of trituration or
succussion at each step of dilution, which are unique only to Homeopathy and not explored by “sciences”
induce the diluent molecules (lactose, water, ethanol) to acquire and later mimic the chemical specificity of
the original drug molecule so as to themselves act as the therapeutic agent.
He adds that Homeopathy has always been and still is beyond the contemporary sciences but provides
the bases, and needs the recognition, of three new sciences for its elucidation. It has vast therapeutic
potentials, both curative and preventive, yet is the cheapest. It is NOT quackery, but the prospective main
Medicine of the 21st century.
1. A Web of Tangled Leashes - A Case of Theridion
LAMPE, Kristy (HL, 12,1/1999)
Holly - a female whippet (a small, swift dog resembling a Greyhound) with the chief complaints of
destructive behaviour when bored, inability to gain weight, shivering in cold whenever temperatures
indoors or outdoors dip below 70 degrees. Small improvements with Lyssinum and Lachesis. Her extreme
sensitiveness to cold, startling easily, not gaining weight inspite of eating well were considered and given
Tarentula with some improvement. Then noticing her desire for oranges and banana Theridion was given
and she was much better.
2. ABC’s in acute prescribing
BEAL, Susan (HL, 19, 1/1999).
Case 1: Bunker - neutered male Great Dane, ate some rat bait and was without symptoms when taken to
the primary care. Veterinarian gave Vitamin K injection to avoid bleeding . Within 30 minutes of receiving
of Vitamin K, Bunker became agitated and restless, face swollen, labored breathing, lied comatose, had
pale mucous membranes, a weak thin pulse, swollen ears and jowls, and hives developing on his torso.
Apis mellifica 30C based on keynotes and also the swelling was more characteristic of bee stings than of
nettle rash. Intravenous fluids was also given. Within 30 minutes he was clinically free from the symptoms
of anaphylaxis.
Case 2: Beagle - dog collapsed on a hot summer day, had struggling for breath, bug eyed, drooling,
panting, convulsing with bright red gums, tongue and ears, who was extremely sensitive to bright lights and
sharp noises. Temperature(108°F) confirmed heat stroke. The pup was being bathed in cold water, given
cool water enemas, and having his foot pads rubbed with alcohol Belladonna 30C every 15 minutes was
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 132
given. By the fourth dose he was looking nearly normal. The true danger in these cases, is the tendency for
systemic collapse and bleeding during the next 24-36 hours, once they are cold down immediately. But by
the next morning he was bright, alert, active and eating, as if nothing had happened.
Case 3: Middle aged Yorkie collapsed, trembling and seizuring three days after whelping. Had staring
eyes, hypersensitivity to noise and touch, and a temperature of 105.5°F. Belladonna 200 was given at five
minutes interval. The seizures stopped after 10 minutes. Two hours later she was discharged with no
lingering symptoms of the hypocalcemic tetany.
Case 4: Labrador female had all her four legs severely traumatized by a hay mower. Arnica was given to
halt bleeding. One front leg was amputated, two rear legs were stabilized, reattached and splinted.
Phosphorus 30 was given during surgery for severe bleeding. Post-operative pain unresponsive to
conventional pain medication. Hypericum M and XM gave relief for only 15 minutes. Ledum in high
potency was unsuccesful. Calendula 10M brought immediate relief.
3. A Dog Story
KLEIN, Louis (HT, 19, 1/1999)
Teddie a 5-year-old Shi Tzu, had defecated and urinated in one particular place in the play room even
though he spent the preceding hour outside. Psychologist opined: “Teddie was displaced, jealous and
needed more attention”. Hyoscyamus 30 did not produce much change. He started wandering, one day he
was bitten by a Dog. He had three punctured wounds on his body, right eye discharging, just stood without
moving. Though the remedies like Lyssin and Ledum were considered a deeper remedy that would work
for the acute discomfort and help the other more chronic problems was searched for and Bryonia 30 basing
on Mind; wander; desires to, Generalities; wounds, “worse motion” etc was given. On gobbling the remedy
he fell over on his side stiffly an aggravation state, but within 10 minutes he got up, gave a good shake and
then ran around and played.
4. A Lesson from SETH
WRIGHT, Jonathan (HT, 19, 2/1999)
The owner of SETH, a Shar-pei/Rotweiler puppy opted for canine infectious disease protection via
nosodes instead of vaccinations. Fecal examination showed roundworm eggs for which deworming
medication was given considering it be generally safe. There was some vomiting and diarrhea for the fist
two days followed by passing of roundworms but Seth did not return to normal . Vomiting and tiredness
continued. Nux vomica 6, 2-3 times daily was given. After four weeks the owner said that Seth is doing
well, however, recently he started to drink more water and was urinating more than usual, sometimes with
continued straining. He
was licking excessively at his penis and prepuce had the nasty habit of humping people’s leg and seemed
more feisty and argumentative. On genital examination there was a large accumulation of whitish-yellow
discharge accumulated in the sheath, and the urethral orifice was red and inflamed. Sulphur 200 cleared off
his symptoms and there was a return of the pleasant, fun loving disposition. This was a case of chronic
disease, at first in the latent state, then awakened by the drug (befallment).
5. Using Arnica and Calendula on Free Range Poultry.
FOX, Susan (HT,19, 2/1999)
Case 1: After an attack by the Labrador the tail feathers of ROOSTER were missing and bleeding skin
graced two or three body areas were seen. Thermometer read 25 degrees. Diluted Calendula was poured
on the injuries and two Arnica pellets onto an open sore, hoping that the former would stop bleeding and
the latter will relieve the shock. Next morning the rooster was alive and relatively well.
Case 2: A male turkey was attacked by a Labrador. It stayed motionless, bleeding at the neck and left wing.
Ate a couple of Arnica 200 pellets when it was shoved in its mouth. Diluted Calendula applied to the
wound. The next day, once almost dead bird, got up and walked!
6. Unexplained paralysis
McCARTHY, Ray (HT, 19, 3/1999).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 133
Two canines with unexplained paralysis of the limb(s) were treated with two doses of Apis mellifica
200, showed improvement within one week and after a month the dogs were well on the way to full
recovery. Past history revealed the removal of bee sting from the hind paw in one of the dogs by the owner
which gave a clue to the prescription.
7. Homeopathy in the Wild : Sputnik lands.
LEDERMAN Jeff (HT,19, 5/1999)
In a neonatal Seal, blood was drawn from a vein running though the spine for research purpose and
dropped back into ocean and after 9 days it was found frantic, cold, exhausted, succumbing to dehydration
and starvation, lost 9 pounds. Electrolytes, Echinacea, osha and Astragalus herbal tinctures for rehydration
and stabilization. China to combat dehydration and Chamomilla because it’s an infant remedy. Umbilical
infection was treated with Pyrogenium to counter the septic state and Abrotanum for umbilical oozing.
After two weeks, Sputnik was found to have extreme rectal inflammation with little pus, cleaned with
Hyper-Cal tincture (Hypericum, Calendula and water; 1 to 1 to 10 parts), and coated with Calendula
ointment which reduced her discomfort. But she was lethargic, left eye inflamed with creamy discharge,
left nostril was snotty and congested while a little blood trickled from the right, rectum showed pus and
inflammation. Euphrasia eye drops was sprayed into the eye, Pulsatilla to ease the congestion and after
repertorizing the author though not confident gave Argentum nitricum and continued with Pulsatilla. After
two weeks the symptoms gradually abated and gained weight. Antibiotics also given for fear umbilical
infection may quickly progress to cause peritonitis and death of the pup.
(The author’s main aim was to save the Seal and hence he used all the supportive measures and antibiotics
along with homeopathic medicines
= KSS )
1. Arzneimittel in der Homöopathie- Weiterbildung (Remedies in Homeopathy Training Course)
BLEUL, G.(AHZ, 244, 5/1999)
In the German Program for homeopathic education there is no definite syllabus of remedies. The
recommendations of several societies for Homeopathy have been carried together. During the three years
course for graduation it is possible to learn 120 to 140 remedies as a basis for post-graduate period. The
140 remedies to be learnt are suggested for further discussion.
2. Clinical Training
KREISBERG, Joel (HT,19, 5/1999)
The article deals with the importance of clinical training in Homeopathy and the different ways of it
like observation of a well-trained practitioner, clinical modeling, discussing video-cases, clinical
supervision by a supervisor etc. Clinical training with its direct supervision and constant evaluation,
correction and re-visioning that a mentor provides, is the most effective way to master the art of healing.
The bad news is that homeopathic students in the US rarely if ever receive clinical training. In 1998, the
Council on Homeopathic Education found that many schools are simply lecture classes with no
meaningful assessment and no clinical supervision. It is time for the entire homeopathic community to
support these schools and demand that these standards be met by everyone. The current list of
homeopathic schools that offer clinical supervision in live patient clinics in US and Canada are listed out.
1. Research on Homeopathy and Chemistry QUINN, Michael (HL, 12,1/1999)
In LINKS 3/98 Dana ULLMAN reported on the possible implications of the so-called Ie crystals,
discovered by Dr.Shui-Yin Lo, for understanding the action of homeopathic remedies. In this article
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 134
Michael QUINN goes deeper into this fascinating new insight into the behaviour of water. A very
interesting article.
2. Efeitos do acetato de chumbo diluido e dinamizado - (preparaçáo homeopáticá) no
tratamento do Saturnismo (Effectsn of diluted and dynamised Lead acetate in the treatment of
(RH 64, 1-4/1999).
The aim of the present work was to investigate the use of Homeopathic Preparation (HP) for
deintoxication in cases of Saturnism.
Adult male rats received solution (3g/L, v.co.) of Pb Ac (Intoxicated, n = 40), or distilled water
(Control, n=40) for 90 days. At the end of the treatment, 10 rats of each group were anaesthetized and
decapitated for the collection of blood and bony tissue (femur) for the determination of the lead levels by
atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The other intoxicated animals (10 rats/group) started to receive by
v.o. (3ml./dia), HP, in the concentrations of 1 x 10 or 1 x 10-30, or EDTA (50mg/kg) for 30 days. The
other controls (10 rats/group) were treated with the same HP, or 5% hydroalcoholic solution (vehicle of the
Results Media EPM, ANOVA Control: The plumbemy (ug/dL) of the rats sacrificed at 80 days was
4.465 0.97, while in those that received HP the levels were undetectable. At the end of 90 days the average
lead level in the bones was 0.3+- 0.03, increasing about 10 times after the administration of HP.
Intoxicated : the plumbemy lowered from 31.81- 5.2- at the end of 90 days to undetectable values after the
treatment with HP or EDTA. The lead level in the bones was about 70ug/g, unrelated to the experimental
Conclusions: It was concluded that the administration of HP did not contribute to elevate the
plumbemy of the control animals and it was effective to decrease the plumbemy of the lead -treated rats, at
levels comparable with the treatment of EDTA.
3. O principio da similitude na moderna farmacologia (The principle of Similitude in modern
TEIXEIRA Marcus Zulian (RH, 64, 1-4/1999)
The principle of Similitude, the basis of Homeopathy, meets correspondences in clinical studies of the
secondary effects of a large number of modern drugs through the observation of the rebound effect of these
drugs. Therefore, through Clinical Pharmacology, a component of the present medical-scientific rationality,
we propose a model to base the scientism of the homeopathic model. We have studied the effects of the
present drugs in the human body using pharmacological compendia and recent scientific works, and
confirming the mechanism of homeopathic medicines’ action through the verification of the primary action
of the drugs and the consequent secondary action of the organism in hundreds of classical drugs.
Treatment through the rebound effect (curative vital reaction) may also be observed. With this work, we
suggest a research of the methodology of modern medicines in order to base scientifically the therapeutic
principle through similitude.
4. Dual effects of a homeopathic mineral complex on carrageenan-induced oedema in rats
(BHJ, 88, 3/1999)
Carrageenan oedema, a classical experimental model commonly used to test activity of anti-
inflammatory drugs, was used to evaluate the therapeutic activity of a low-potency mineral complex (MC).
The MC was administered in the right plantar surface of albino rats 60 min. before, simultaneously and 30
min. after injection of carrageenan, an irritant which causes a local, transitory increase of fluid volume.
The administration of the MC 60 min. before the injection of carrageenan primed the animal to enhanced
inflammatory response to the irritant. The administration of MC contemporarily to carageenan did not
modify the kinetic and the extent of the oedema, while the administration of the MC 30 min. after the
induction of the oedema significantly reduced the early phase of the inflammatory reaction. This indicated
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 135
that the therapeutic action of this MC is not due to conventional anti-inflammatory effect but to activation
of endogenous regulatory mechanisms, a phenomenon which may be regarded as a simple application of
the ‘similia rules’.
5. Homeopathic effect on heart rate variability RUIZ, G., TORRES, J-I., MICHEL, O., and
R.NAVARRO. (BHJ, 88, 3/1999)
We record ECGs from healthy human subjects during 24-h long intervals, using ambulatory
equipment. We calculate from the data various parameters, searching for those that change in a clear and
systematic way under a homeopathic stimulus, (Strophantus hispidus 30). The energy fraction at high
frequencies in the power spectrum of heart rate variability fulfills this condition, and we are able to
interpret our results in a way consistent with the information on this medicine in the homeopathic Materia
6. Clinical cases in Homeopathy - Between computational interactivity and reinventing the
BIOLCHINI, J & JANSEN, G. (HL, 12, 4/1999)
During the 53rd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, which took place in
the city of Amsterdam from 25 to 29 of April 1998, a scientific meeting composed by a group of
researchers, has been the stage for discussing the experiences and the future of clinical case documentation
in Homeopathic specialty.
7. Study of anti-fertility effects of some homeopathic drugs in experimental animals- A
preliminary trial
E.N.SUNDARAM (CCRH, 21, 3&4/1999)
Oral administration (0.2 ml /100g.b.w) of six drugs for their anti-ovulatory and anti-implantation
effects in female rats and four drugs for their anti-spermatogenic activities in male mice were studied.
Amongst the drugs screened on rats, Juniperus sabina Ø was found to possess anti-ovulatory activity while
Azadirachta indica Ø, Crocus sativus Ø and Aspera Ø were found to have anti-implantation activity.
Viburnum opulus Ø and Caulophyllum Ø have shown both anti-ovulatory and anti-implantation activities.
Mice treated with Lycopodium clavatum Ø and Turnera diffusa Ø were observed with disrupted
spermatogenesis. Mother tincture of Sabal serrulata besides having anti-spermatogenesis effect, was found
to affect epididymal sperm maturation. Anti-spermatogenic property has also been detected in Vitex agnus
castus Ø to some extent. The results obtained in both female and male animals are encouraging and
warrant further trials with the drugs on larger number of subjects. [Of what use are these animal experiment
to homeopathic pharmacology? =KSS.]
8. Why do research in homeopathy?
JACOBS, Jenifer (HT, 19, 4/1999).
Three good reasons to do research in homeopathy.
1. To demonstrate its effectiveness
2. To improve our understanding of homeopathic principles and to improve clinical practice where
he says that provings of the combinations could be done to compare symptom patterns with those
found in the provings of the individual remedy components.
3. To discover its mechanism of action.
9. The Continuing Conte Conundrum
MILGROM Lionel (HOM, 75/1999)
This is on research on Ultra High Dilutions (UHD)
10. Scientific Investigation Of Homeopathic Material and Potencies
PARANJPE, A S (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 136
1. Homeopathic Material and Potencies are explained in relation to the Avagadro’s Law
2. Physical basis of Homeopathy - which shows difference between a solvent and a homeopotency
prepared in it.
3. Vibrational spectra of Liqiuds - Difference between simple dilutions and potentization.
4. Experiments with Actinomyces SP.
5. Diagnostic tools to understand the pathways of action of Homeomedicines.
6. Pathological changes observed during homeopathic cure of Jaundice.
7. Ultrasonography and pathological tests to understand mode of cure of uterine tumour and ovarian
11. Homeopathy and Bioenergy
BANSAL V P (NJH, 1, 6/1999)
Bioenergy in terms of Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Ayurveda is explained. A new method of
treatment has been explained. French scientist and bio-energetician Dr Rene NACCACHIAN (MD-EM),
DSc and PhD in Molecular Biology, became interested in bio energies, the study of human energy fields,
after a sport injury that led him to seek treatment in traditional Chinese Acupuncture whilst in Taiwan. Dr
Rene created ACMOS method of bioenergitics which uses the Lecher Antenna as an integral diagnostic and
treatment tool. ACMOS refers to “Analysis of the Compatibility of Matter of the Organism and its
Synergy” and the ACMOS method claims to be a complete system of diagnosis and treatment.
Till date there is no method by which we can judge the genuineness of the products advertised in the
market. Now it is possible to judge the efficacy and usefulness of different tonics and medicines by Lecher
Antenna and other instruments developed by Dr Rene.
12. Research on Allergic Dermatitis and its Homeopathic Perspective
MANCHANDA R K (JH, 3, 1/1999)
A total number of 265 cases of different types of allergic dermatitis have been evaluated after
homeoeopathic treatment for a period varying from few months to five years. The results clearly show that
Homeopathy is effective in the management of Allergic dermatitis.
13. Research on Malaria - Homeopathic Treatment MUKHARJEE Bidyut (JH, 3, 2/1999)
The Genus Epidemics of Malaria for the affected area was selected after repertorising (by KENT’S
method) 156 malaria positive cases. The medicine thus selected was given as a prophylactic measure to 260
persons at risk. Natrum muriaticum, China, Malaria officinalis gave maximum results.
1. Praxis zwischen “Wissenschaft” und “Aberglauben”. Animaler Magnetismus in Preußen in der
ersten Hälfte den 19. Jahrhunderts. (Practice between “Science” and “Superstition”. Animal
magnetism in Prussia in the first half of the 19th Century)
FREYTAG Nils (MedGG, 15/1996)
This article deals with the Theory and Practice of Animal Magnetism in Prussia in the first half of the
Nineteenth Century from a socio-historical point of view. A discussion of the disputes over mesmeric
therapy elucidates the complex process of social change in Medicine. Theoretical conflicts demonstrate
that many scholars and physicians were not able to differentiate between “Science” and “Superstition”. It
was the proximity of animal magnetism to religious and magical cures that led to the disputes, stimulated
by the fact that the reasons for the positive effects of this therapy could not be traced. The practice of
Animal Magnetism furnishes evidence for the reciprocation between the so-called two cultures of academic
and popular medicine.
2. Die homöopathische Laienbewegung in Deutschland zwischen 1933 und 1945 (The homeopathic
Lay-movement in Germany between 1933 and 1945)
KARRASCH Bertram (MedGG, 15/1996)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 137
During the Third Reich homeopathic and other lay organisations in alternative medicine propagated
simple, cheap German methods of treatment and required every German citizen to see it as their personal
duty to stay healthy. So they helped to hand over to the patients the main responsibility for their illness and
to make them forget the reasons for life being difficult, especially during the War.
This article describes the development and conduct of the German homeopathic lay organizations
during the Third Reich. Based on articles in homeopathic journals, it shows the reaction of the
“Reichsband für homöopathic und Lebenspflege”, the parent organization of the lay homeopaths, to the
“Machtergreifung” (Seizure of power the National Socialists in Germany 1833-1834). The effects of the
“Gleichschaltung” (forcing of organisations into line) on the lay homeopaths and its significance for State
health policies are demonstrated.
3. The Homeopathic Management of Cholera in the Nineteenth Century with Special Reference
to the Epidemic in London, 1854.
LEARY Bernard (MedGG, 16/1997).
During the Nineteenth Century homeopaths claimed better results than their conventional colleagues
did for the treatment of epidemic Cholera. Those of the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1854 have
been put forward, for 150 years, as evidence of the efficacy of Homeopathy. The evidence is examined in
this paper. Failure to inflict exhausting allopathic treatments must have contributed considerably to the
homeopathic success. However it appears probable that the homeopathic remedies themselves played an
active part in the successful treatment of Cholera cases. [“During an outbreak of Cholera in 1854, only
16.4 percent of patients treated at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital died, compared with a
mortality in other hospitals of 51.8 percent.”, page 185 in Trevor COOKS’ Samuel HAHNEMANN The
Founder of Homeopathic Medicine, Thorsons Publishers Limited, 1981 = KSS].
4. Rezeption der Homöopathie in polnischen Ärztekreisen des 19. Jahrhunderts (The
reception of Homeopathy by the Polish Physicians in 19th Century)
PLONKA-SYROKA Bozena (MedGG, 16/1997)
The 19th Century Polish academic community showed a consistently negative attitude towards the
HAHNEMANNien doctrine. On the other hand, Homeopathy spread more and more widely in Polish
society. Popular homeopathic journals and advisory literature expressed skepticism towards science and
materialism or adopted viewpoints close to spiritualism. Furthermore these publications aimed at linking
Homeopathy with traditional folklore. Homeopathic domestic medical literature gave the opportunity for
medical self-help at a time when relatively few people had access to professional medical services - due to
financial reasons in the cities due to a lack of physicians in rural areas. Additionally Homeopathty offered
hope to those whose ailments could not be cured by the professional academic medicine. [The scenario
seems to be similar to India = KSS.]
The reception of Homeopathy in Poland was nevertheless limited. The doctrine was commonly known
nowhere near as popular as the medical self-help that derived from what is commonly called traditional
“folk medicine”. Also Homeopathy never was a serious competitor to the therapeutic arsenal of the late
19th Century academic medicine.
5. Homeopathy and the Russian Orthodox Clergy: Russian Homeopathy in Search of Allies in
the Second Part of the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Centuries.
KOTOK Alexander (MedGG, 16/1997)
During about 40 years of the struggle of Russian homeopaths to spread Homeopathy in Russia failed.
They had been convinced that all their efforts to introduce Homeopathy into the State medical system
similar to Allopathy,. through attracting physicians to Homeopathy, proved unsuccessful. In the 1860s-70s
homeopaths tried to attract laymen and the clergymen at first, not only as supporters from “above” but also
from “below”. The Russian Orthodox Church rendered help on all levels of its organization, taking an
active part in the spreading of Homeopathy in the Russian Empire when the rural clergy participated in
activities of the homeopathic societies. Thousands of Russian rural priests treated people with
homeopathic drugs within the unsatisfactory system of Zemstvo medicine until the First World War. The
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 138
difficult socio-economic situation in Russia in the period under study, as well as an insufficient number of
homeopathic physicians prevented wide diffusion of Homeopathy among Russian Clergymen and further
spreading this form of treatment in Russia.
6. Defensive, Offensive, Straßenkampf. Die Rolle von Medizin und Militär am Beispiel der Cholera
in Preußen (Defense, Attack, and Street fight. The role of Medicine and Military with Cholera
in Prussia as an example)
BRIESE Olaf (MedGG, 16/1997)
This article intends to illustrate the introduction of military rhetoric into medical discourse during the
Cholera epidemic 1831/32 in Europe. Even before the introduction of Bacteriology, illness and epidemics
were considered to be the military enemies of mankind. Beginning with the rise of the Military in early
modern times, the language of medical discourse orientated itself on the influential military institutions.
Sickness appeared as a warring aggressor. Since the time of the Plague at the very latest, military
connotations were common place in Europe, and this tendency became stronger during the conflicts of the
19th Century. In this vein, during the inner crisis of Germany at the end of this Century, Cholera was, at
least in the descriptive rhetoric, understood as an inner, destructive, and anarchic enemy.
7. Homöopathie und Klerus: Zur Geschichte einer besonderen Beziehung (Homeopathy and the
Clergy: the history of a peculiar relationship) STOLBERG Michael (Med GG, 17/1998)
This study traces the attraction that 19th Century Homeopathy exerted, on clergymen of all three
major Christian denominations, an appeal which is evidenced by the extensive homeopathic activities of
clerical healers and missionaries. Practical considerations, such as the relatively easy acquisition of
therapeutic skills, combined with and reinforced philosophical and religious preferences for a healing
system that stressed the unique properties of the body and the spiritual force of healing and remedies. The
use of Homeopathy enabled the Clergy, as professional experts in the realm of supernatural and
immaterial, to refute the prevailing “mechanistic” and “materialistic” trends in contemporary academic
medicine. Accordingly, some of the Clergy arrived at striking syncretisms, supplementing Homeopathy
with sympathetic or religious healing methods.
8. Malaiische Identität und die Islamisierung der Homöopapthie in Malaysia. (Malaysian identity
and the Islamisation of Homeopathy in Malaysia)
EPPENICH Heinz (MedGG, 17/1998)
Malaysia plays leading role in Homeopathy in South east Asia. The history of Homeopathy in the
Malay civilisation began in the 1930s. Since then, it has been practiced mainly by Malays who are all
Muslims. Homeopathy in multiethnic Malaysia is embedded in Islamic culture and has to do with the
ethnic identity of the Malays within the Malay/non-Malay dichotomy of the society. This survey explores
the relationships between Homeopathy and Malay traditional Medicine, as well as between Homeopathy
and Islam.
9. American Homeopathy in the First World War BAUTISTA, Christina (HL, 12,1/1999)
In this article the author gives some statistics regarding Homeopathy in the World War I. Before the
World War I there were many restrictions to homeopathic physicians being accepted into the service. The
American Institute of Homeopathy then appealed to the War Department and the Council of National
Defense and a conference was called for which was attended by more than a hundred homeopaths on July
27th, 1917 at the Willard Hotel, Washington. Here it was agreed that the homeopaths be accepted into the
military on the same basis as those of other Medical schools.
10. The Future of Homeopathy
O’REILLY, Wenda B. (HL, 12, 1/1999)
The author talks about the current attention Homeopathy is getting via the attention that is being
bestowed on the alternative therapies. She hopes that in future this should not lead to a superficial
understanding of Homeopathy where homeopathic remedies are used by people who think allopathically.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 139
Instead a good homeopathic understanding leading to Homeeopathy as the dominant medical practice
with allopathic treatments as ‘addtions’ would be more desirable. But there are very popular practices
within the homeopathic community which stand as obstacles and will prevent this happening: the
availability of combination remedies in pharmacies, treatment of chronic diseases as if they were acute,
inadequate provings being added to the Materia Medica and the age old theorizing which HAHNEMANN
opposed so vehemently.
11. Homeopathy in Australia - An historical glimpse to the 1920s
MAITLAND, John (HL, 12,2/1999)
Homeopathy was present in Sydney and Brisbane by 1858 and in Melbourne by 1869. In 1847 a
group of Benedictine monks laid the foundation stone of a monastery which they named New Norcia about
130 kilometers north of Perth. One of the monks, a Spaniard named Rosendo SALVADO, eventually
became the leader. He sought to minister to their bodies as well as to their souls and did this using
homeopathic treatment. In the library in the monastery there are eight books on Homeopathy including
the Organon and BOENNINGHAUSEN’s work on Intermittent Fevers. More interesting information in
this article. The author says that there are still large gaps in the history of Australian Homeopathy and
further research is needed to work on those areas already uncovered.
12. Regarding Dr.John Henry CLARKE - A Man of Principles
MORRELL, Peter (HL, 12, 3/1999)
This articles is about CLARKE and his fight to prevent Homeopathy from becoming a stuffy
establishment catering only to the rich upper classes in Britain. He was the first to start teaching the lay
persons all about Homeopathy as he became increasingly convinced that its future lay with them rather
than with servile doctors who had ‘sold out’ to Allopathy. His radical viewpoint has turned out to be an
astonishingly accurate premonition. This caused him to ‘fall out’ with figures like HUGHES and
DUDGEON. Today, UK Homeopathy is dominated by many hundreds of lay practitioners.
13. A Brief History of Homeopathy in New Zealand
WINSTON, Julian (HL, 12, 3/1999)
WINSTON traces the history of Homeopathy and its present status in New Zealand. Some of the facts
mentioned in the article: the first homeopath of record in New Zealand was William PURDIE, a graduate
of Glasgow, who arrived in December, 1849, and settled in Dunedin. A Homeopathic hospital was opened
in Princes Street in Auckland in September, 1858. The hospital saw 1047 patients from the time it opened
until November, 1862, when the government asked the building to be vacated, and the hospital could not
afford larger premises. After World War II the use of Homeopathy declined. In 1920’s Alfred George
GROVE, a self-taught lay prescriber began to practice and he generated enough interest in Homeopathy to
bring about the founding of the New Zealand Homeopathic Society in 1951. New Zealand operates under
British “Common Law,” and anyone can practice the healing arts as long as they do not misrepresent their
qualifications. Here too, the homeopathic movement has gained its greatest impetus from the non-
medically trained practitioners.
14. The Origin of Homeopathy - Its development and scope in Nepal
KISI Bala Ram & POKHREL, Nita
(HL, 12, 4/1999)
This articles traces the history of Homeopathy in Nepal. The authors also claim that the birth of
Homeopathy was in Nepal and Dr.Samuel HAHNEMANN only rediscovered it and introduced it to the
world. Homeopathy was introduced to Nepal, when during the Cholera epidemic of 1923, a homeopathic
physician from Bengal, India treated a large number of people with homeopathic remedies with good
results. There is a Pashupati Homeopathic Hospital in Nepal which has been in existence since 1954. In
addition there are also three homeopathic centers which were established in 1961. In 1996, the Bhaktapur
International Homeopathic Clinic was established with the aim of spreading Classical Homeopathy in
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 140
15. Hunter, HAHNEMANN and the Origin of Homeopathy.
MORRELL Peter (NEJH, 8, 2/1999)
This essay predominantly consists of a discussion about the constituent elements of a formative
process HAHNEMANN was engaged in between 1782-1798, in his first formulations of Homeopathy.
The author has quoted extensively from HAHNEMANN’s works (found in the collection Lesser
Writings). He has also taken into account the English Language biographies of HAHNEMANN, like
He concludes: “Homeopathy as a working system was the child of HAHNEMANN’s practical
experimentation, while the Organon sprang into life from his investigation of the theoretical principles of
medicine in general both of which he had researched pretty exhaustively between 1782 and 1799. The fact
that he had read so widely of other medical writers and translated so many important texts into German,
demonstrate the seriousness and great learning he brought to his task.”
1. Homeopatia no Servico de Saude Publica de Brumadinho (Brumadinho: Homepathy in
the Public Health Service)
PROEDE Claudia (RH, 64, 1-4/1999)
Report on the Homeopathy implantation project in Brumadinho’s (MG) Public Health Service: birth,
growth and death.
The author evaluates alternatives that could
have changed this story.
2. Homeopathic terminology: A
consensus quest
KAYNE,S. (BHJ, 88, 3/1999)
The aim of this project is to develop a common homeopathic terminology to improve communication.
A questionnaire was sent by e-mail to an international group of experts. As a result of an iterative process
we propose that a number of terms which are inaccurate, unclear or have become outdated should be
replaced by new terms. The main areas in which terminology should be updated are: concepts relating to:
homeopathic pharmacology, research, homeopathic medicine, the principle of similarity, homeostasis and
disease imitation, miasms, experimental Homeopathy, provings and pathogenic trials.
3. Biotypology II: Modern Concepts
MARINO, F. (BHJ, 88, 4/1999)
Modern concepts of biotypology are based on embryological concepts. Based on the work of NEBEL
and VANNIER, described in part I of this article, Bernard related endoblast mesoblast and ectoblast to
Carbonic, Sulphuric and Phosphoric constitutions respectively. These in turn are linked to particular
morphologies and disease susceptibilities, and the question of an inherited tuberculous predisposition has
been much debated. The reaction of particular biotypes to stress has been analysed in terms of Selye’s
Adaptation Syndrome.
BERNARD has also analysed the pathological progression of biotypes in terms of a sequence of salts:
Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Barium and Ammonium.
4. An Unloved Child
KONIG, Peter & NEMETH, Günther
(HL, 11, 4/1998)
At a time when the public interest in Homeopathy is increasing there are still important problems to be
resolved within the homeopathic world itself. The documentation of homeopathic prescribing is still not
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 141
very popular amongst homeopaths. In this article the authors show how homeopathic documentation is
both necessary and feasible with the help of their computerised system.
5. A Lie of the Mind
BRILLANT,Patrick (HL, 11, 4/1998)
The author talks about dream provings.
6. Are Dream Provings HAHNEMANNian Provings?
DAM, Kees (HL, 12, 1/1999)
Dream provings or Group provings have become very popular in certain homeopathic circles
(sometimes even with ‘hype’-like tendencies?)
Another part of the homeopathic community is very critical and suspicious and considers all these
‘new age’ things to be non-HAHNEMANNian, seeing them as a setback for the future recognition of
Homeopathy by established medical science. The (communication) gap between these two sides is
growing. In this article the author tries to bridge this gap by relating his experiences of the last ten years
with Dream and Group provings and also evaluates the advantages and the limitations of Dream and Group
provings in relation to the ‘standard’ homeopathic provings.
7. Edward WHITMONT 1912 - 1998
SANTOS, Uta (HL, 12,2/1999)
Dr.Edward Christopher WHITMONT, a Jungian psychoanalyst and homeopathic physician died in
September 1998 at his home in Sherman, Connecticut. Dr.Uta SANTOS shares both homeland and interests
with WHITMONT. She writes: “When I met him in person, I was more than surprised by the agility of his
more than eighty years. ... I admired the quick steps of someone who enjoys Nature, and moreover, loves
to move, to ascend, to overcome obstacles, to break new ground continuously. He was young, very young -
physically and mentally. WHITMONT had a wonderful sense of humor. When one of our colleagues was
talking about injustice in the world, WHITMONT listened with interest, nodded his head, and said in his
unique semi-serious way: ‘I agree with you my dear, but who do you think we should address the letter of
complaint to?.”
8. To Develop Standards or not to Develop Standards
JARVIS, Snehi (HL, 12, 2/1999)
Australian homeopathic practitioners have developed the first ever National Competency Standards in
Homeopathy in the world. The homeopathic profession in Australia is firmly committed to ensure best
practice and quality of care offered to the Australian public and believe that the most efficient way of
delivering this was by the development of National Competency Standards.
9. The Homeopathic Archives in New Zealand WINSTON, Julian (HL, 12,2/1999)
The author writes on how he started his collections of everything related to Homeopathy when a
carefully folded letter of KENT fluttered out of an 1882 edition of Pharmacopoeia that he had just
10. Recommended Guidelines for Good Provings ICCH (HL, 12, 3/1999)
The ICCH (International Council for Classical Homeopathy) gives some guidelines for good
provings. These guidelines are not intended to replace in any way a thorough study aimed at a deep
understanding of the philosophy and methodology of provings. They are more a ‘check-list’ - of principles
and practices not to be missed. It is essential to study carefully HAHNEMANN’s Organon paras 105 -
145 before attempting a proving.
11. Homeopathy and Auto-medication
DESCARTES, René (HL, 12, 3/1999)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 142
The author warns against the dangers of auto-medication. Homeopathic pills are not completely
harmless. Patients should be advised against taking any remedies for trivial or temporary ailments during a
chronic ailment, be it Homeopathy or any other alternative therapeutic treatment. To palliate a curable
case is suppression. According to Filip DEGROOTE auto-administration of wrong potencies not only
could have an antidoting effect, but most of the time induce cranial faults that need corrections for the
following appropriate remedy to act.
12. Artificial versus natural diseases - How many of our ‘cures’ are only palliation or
PSCHEIDL, Heinz (HL, 12, 3/1999)
The number of poisonous substances and consequently their impact on human health has been
increasing tremendously since HAHNEMANN’s times, so that today most of our patients suffer from a
combination of artificial and natural diseases. As a rule, the poisons responsible for artificial disease(s)
tend to develop their symptoms in the same weak spots that are already undermined by natural disease(s),
rendering it often impossible to permanently heal the latter by homeopathic means alone. All we can
achieve in these cases is homeopathic palliation, with the risk of potential suppressions, suspensions and
their sequels. The only sound and scientific way of dealing with artificial disease is to first remove the
source(s) from the sufferring individual’s environment by toxicological means, so that any further
poisoning is stopped. ...Homeopathy may prove to be dangerous at this point, if prescribed for symptoms
which are due to metal poisoning. ...poisonings are - contrary to natural diseases - not curable by
13. Potency in Homeopathic Prescribing : Penetrating the mystique.
BERNARD, Julie (SIM, XII, 3/1999).
This is in two parts:
I. “Background on potency in America” where the controversy between the high potency prescribers and
the low potency prescribers and how the warfare between these two groups formed the way for the demise
of Homeopathy in America.
II. “Some results of the Potency Study” with conclusions and guidelines for potency prescribing. Also some
of HAHNEMANNian and KENT’s insight for potency selection. The experience and conclusions of
various reputed Homeopaths regarding dosing, Some General Statements on Potency, When, How and
Why to Prescribe: Low Potencies, High Potencies and LM potency.
14. Every day Magic: Hola Amigos!
CASTRO, Miranda (HT, 19, 1/1999)
Learning a language (Spanish) in “the natural way” is stimulating, fun and, above all, rewarding. The
author says that this principle might be applied to homeopathic learning and emphasizes that we all have
such different styles that it isn’t possible to come up with a universal technique that “covers all bases”. The
ways to memorize homeopathic data more effectively are: to read and re-read, visual aids - a picture or
story, acting out the remedy, attending homeopathic seminars and it should be taught in the natural way.
15. Last thoughts?
STILES, Jan (HT,19, 1/1999)
This article deals with the author’s additions and corrections in his Last Will and Testament and Living
Will. The author requests that a homeopathic practitioner with atleast five years of professional experience
be consulted and examine him before any final decisions are made to discontinue life support efforts, in
addition to the two physicians typically required. The lawyer says that no doctor or hospital would treat if
they had to consult with a homeopath. The author defends by saying that there are many times in severe
trauma or illness when the traditional medical world feels nothing else that can be done to save or preserve
the quality of life but that homeopathic medicines may be used with complete recovery.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 143
16. Honduras : An opportunity to give and to learn
MURNANE, Sara (HT,19, 2/1999)
Alice COBLENTZ, a classical homeopath from Asheville, set out to Honduras with the goal to
practice and teach Homeopathy. For 7 weeks she stayed there and did her maximum to fulfill her goal.
Several weeks after her departure she received an e-mail from the Director of the NPH(Nuestros Pequenos
Hermanos) expressing interest in having a full-time homeopath on staff.
17. Secrets and Lies
CASTRO Miranda (HT, 19, 4/1999)
This article deals with the wisdom of telling patients the names of the remedies. By telling the names,
as a homeopath, we educate them about the sources of the remedy, and that there is nothing at a molecular
level in the remedy... that it is an energetic imprint of the remedy etc., is being taught to the patient and the
patient becomes engaged in his own healing process.
While doing this, the author met some challenges where she gave medicines like Lachesis, Syphilinum,
and Apis mellifica (A Vegan, a Buddist and would never take a medication derived from animals) and what
are the lessons learnt from them.
True confessions were made about the administration of sac.lac. The author gives a single dose of the
remedy and nothing else in order to make the patient understand how gentle and powerful Homeopathy is
(from experience!). And at the same time the patient finds that they have a powerful sense of their own
body’s healing activities.
18. Reflections on the Ether
FRANKS Nick (Hom. 75/1999)
This is an interesting essay about Radionics and Homeopathy with lot of references.
1. Homöopathische Taschenbücher: Band 4 - Klassische Homöopathie (Homeopathic Pocket book -
Vol. 4 - Classical Homeopathy) by K.-H.ILLING, 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, S.141,
kart., Haug Verlag, Heidelberg, 1996, DM 29.80 (German) review by WALIMEIER (ZKH, 44, 3/1999)
: Although this book is part of a pocketbook series, it is so well organized that it is complete in itself and
one can easily profit by reading it even without necessarily having the earlier ones in the series. His
subtitle “Anleitung zum Verständnis des Organon” (Guidance for understanding the Organon) is right. The
parallel lecture in this Pocketbook on the Organon is the most effective. The study of the Organon is made
easier. The definition and clarification of “Classical Homeopathy” with reference to the Organon
paragraphs and the refusal of complex remedies, are very good. ...HAHNEMANN translated “Aude
sapere” (Dare to know) as “Have the mind to have Insight.” This book helps in this.
2. Grundkurs in klassischer Homöopathie für Tierärzte (Basic course in Classical Veterinary
Homeopaths), by A.SCHMIDT 2.Aufl., 246 S., Sonntag Verlag, Stuttgart 1998, DM.68,- (German)
review by BÜNDER (ZKH, 44, 6/1999): “A number of students of Veterinary Medicine came under the
leadership of KÜNZLI to publish a textbook on Classical Homeopathy in Veterinary Medicine...”
3. Homeopathy: A Frontier in Medical Science (Experimental Studies and Theoretical Foundations),
by Paulo BELLAVITE & Andrea SIGNORINI, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, 1995 Price: Pb
$25.00, ISBN 1-55643-210-0 Hb $ 39.95 1-55643-211-9, - review by Harald WALACH (HL, 11,4/1998) :
“...the authors review the basic principles and the history of Homeopathy which might be a good
introduction for those readers who are not acquainted with the subject. This introduction is very concise,
with extensive quotes from HAHNEMANN and it also talks about some less well known facets of the
European history of Homeopathy, like homotoxicology, Isopathy and the development of nosodes. ...the
authors try to convey how in modern biochemistry the cells, organs and living bodies are seen as self-
organizing systems, which do not follow linear, causal laws but can only be described by complex, non-
linear dynamics. ...they also show that there are many instances in modern biochemistry and biology where
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 144
the observed effects are similar to the homeopathic experience, i.e. the differential effects of low and high
doses, the importance of priming cells with stressors, the effects of homologous stimulation, and the like.
...the authors propose that Homeopathy fits well into the emerging picture of complex systems, that
Homeopathy and modern biomedicine seem to converge rather than clash, and that a combined knowledge
of complex systems theory and Homeopathy would help to bridge the gap between biomedicine and
Homeopathy. The book should be read by homeopaths as well as anti-homeopaths, and by all those who
want to understand why they don’t believe that Homeopathy could work.”
4. Theory of High Dilutions, Rolland R. CONTE, Henri BERLIOCHI, Yves LASNE and Gabriel
VERNOT. Published by Polytechnica, 15 rue Lacepede, F-75005 Paris. Distributed by Iresine
Biopharma Co. 15462 S.W. 137th Pl. Miami, FL 33177 (305) 971 1022. Price approx. 300FF (55 US
$). Reviewed by Jay YASGUR (HL, 12, 1/1999): “...An interesting yet complex book has recently
appeared on the alternative medicine bookshelf. ‘Theory of High Dilutions and Experimental Aspects’ by
four French experimenters is an attempt to ‘introduce mathematical theories of real numbers which have
supplementary axioms, and show that these axioms have physico-mathematical meaning linked to high
dilution theory.’ And this book does just that. ...minor flaws aside, the authors are to be lauded for their
massive efforts and their talented approach to this vastly complex field now in its infancy.”
5. Encyclopaedia of Remedy Relationships in Homeopathy, by Abdur REHMAN, Published by Karl
F. Haug Verlag, Germany. Price: 79.00 US $. Reviewed by Jay YASGUR (HL, 12,1/1999): ...the
book serves a useful purpose and is a welcome addition to the library of the serious homeopath. ...the
book does not intend to replace a Materia Medica but functions as an excellent supplement to it, a useful
guide for second prescription and a rich source of pathognomonic symptoms with excellentcomparison of
different remedies.”
6. Animal Mind, Human Voices Provings of Eight New Animal Remedies by HERRICK Nancy.
HAHNEMANN Clinic Publishing, Neveda City, CA, 1998, softbound, 407 pages, $39.95. Reviewed by
Richard MOSKOWITZ. (HT, 19, 1/1999): This is an important and useful book by one of the finest
homeopaths in the world today. Arising from HAHNEMANN’s first experiments with China in 1790,
provings have always been part of the definition of Homeopathy, distinguishing it from all other forms of
medicine and healing, and providing an experimental foundation for the action of medicines on human
beings that could be of great value to the medical profession as a whole. Nancy did not use either the
double-blind or single-blind protocol, but only the original method of not telling the individual provers
which remedy they were taking, with the implied assurance that they would be getting something, that there
were no placebo controls. Further allowed the provers to ask for supervision if they feel they need, rather
than simply building it into the protocol of the experiment, as Hahnemannian purists have always insisted
upon. The substance selected are : rat’s blood, elephant’s milk, lion’s milk, wolf’s milk, dolphin’s milk,
dinosaur bone (fossilized), butterfly (whole insect), mare’s milk. ...Nancy HERRICK... chronicles and
summarizes the provings of eight new remedies made from animal substances: a whole butterfly, blood of a
rat, the bone of a dinosaur, and the milk of horse, elephant, wolf, dolphin and lion. The book is enjoyable
to read and will be valuable to all practicing homeopaths. ...she summarizes the themes of the proving,
elaborated with excerpts from provers’ journals. The journals are included in their entirety as well as the
carefully selected or created rubrics. Thus, within each chapter, we have a clear presentation of the breadth
and depth of each proving, ready for clinical application. ...the provers ... are all experienced in
Homeopathy, if not actually homeopathic physicians, which effectively maximizes the insight of the
provers regarding what is valid and valuable in their experience. ...an elegant compilation of
individualizing symptoms that promises to be directly useful in clinical practice”.
7. Comparative Materia Medica by E.F.CAN-DEGABE, Beaconsfield Publishers Ltd., 20 Chiltern
Hills Road, Beaconsfield HP 9, 1 PL, UK. Price: £ 24.5. Reviewed by Marguerite PELT (HL,
12,2/1999): “...the core of the book is a study of seven polychrests, written in a most original and extensive
way, bringing out the essence, based on the rubrics in the mind section of the repertory. Each remedy is
dealt with in the same way: first a description, then a summary, followed by a diagram and a differential
diagnosis. ...After the general description, CANDEGABE gives a summary where the rubrics are grouped
according to themes, this is the best part. ...in the third part the mind rubrics are presented in a schematic
diagram that is best understood after having read the preceding ‘description’ and the ‘the summary.’ ...the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 145
last chapter on every remedy is a comparison with other polychrests (mainly). ...here the author gives a
succinct summary of his view of a remedy. ...the whole book is based on the repertory and not on provings
or Materia Medica. The seven remedies the author has picked out to study are: Lycopodium, Silica, Thuja,
Medorrhinum, Natrum muriaticum, Kalium carbonicum and Lachesis. ...this is a book for (advanced)
students ...and for every homeopath who cannot get enough of our wonderful art of medicine.”
8. The Thematic Repertory and Materia Medica of the Homeopathic Mental Symptoms. by
J.A.Mirilli IRHIS publishers, Delftsekade 23, 2266 AJ Leidschendam, The Netherlands. Price Hfl
180. Reviewed by Kees DAM (HL, 12, 2/1999) : “...the thematic repertory... represents a very innovating
and promising concept in creating repertory. A theme listing is a collection of repertory rubrics (from
Complete Repertory) related to one theme. ...All remedies with symptoms from Materia Medica related
to that theme are then listed. The following Materia Medicas were used for quotations: Materia Medica
Pura, Chronic Diseases, Allen’s Encyclopaedia, Hering’s Guiding Symptoms and Dynamic Provings.
The Thematic repertory is an attempt to bring back the psycho-dynamics of different themes within one
symptom, so you can see the evolution of one theme into another. ...The thematic repertory begins with an
index of 283 themes followed by an analogical index in which references are given to themes. In the
second section, the themes are repeated, but with all the relevant cross-references to other themes. ...At the
end of the repertory is an index with all Complete Repertory mind rubrics referring to the themes in the
repertory in which these rubrics are incorporated. MIRRILLI has made a very successful attempt to
improve and innovate the existing mind section of the Repertory.”
9. The Natural Relationship of Remedies, Angelica BOLTE and rg WICHMANN, bilingual, Price
32,00 DM or £ 12,00 or $ 18,00. FAGUS - Verlag, Niedenhofsbusch 1, D - 51427 Refrath, Germany.
Reviewed by: David WARKENTIN (HL, 12,2/1999) : “...Angelika and Jörg have created a book that walks
through the families, showing where each remedy belongs and who its closest relatives are, etc. I think
that this book will be valuable to any serious prescriber.”
10. Ephedra und die zauberflanzen by Jurgen HANSEL, HAHNEMANN Institute, D-86926
Greifenberg, Krpttenkopfstr. 2. (German) Reviewed by Peter KÖNIG (HL, 12,4/1999): “A new book on
a remedy proving: Ephedra sinica (Ephe-sin) 30. Jurgen HANSEL undertook a very interesting and
necessary task by proving Ephedra(sinensis) which has not only been a healing but also Shamanistic drug,
in old cultures including traditional Chinese medicine. It is also fascinating to learn that Ephedra is one of
our ancient plants on earth, similar to Gingko biloba or Lycopodium. The HAHNEMANNian proving was
carried out in 1997 with nineteen provers” .
11. Three pieces of Gold by Terje WULFSBERG homoeopati Bokhandelen, Ole Moes vei 11 c, 1165
Oslo, Norway. Reviewed by Rob BRIK. (HL, 12, 4/1999): “In this book Terje WULSBERG presents us
three pieces of Gold. His in-depth description of the Aurum salts, Aurum muriaticum natronatum and
Aurum sulphuratum are a major contribution to our understanding of these remedies. The book is written
with the following aim. “To make it possible for practicing homeopaths to utilize these three Aurum salts.”
It continues with a differential diagnosis and then a chapter of suggested repertory additions including some
suggestions for new repertory rubrics, like Ailments from; death mother of (3)’ (P 81). As a last part
WULFSBERG shows us more than 200 cured cases on which he has based this book.”
12. Psychiatric Patients 1 by Andre SAINE, A.van Engelandstraat 17, 5616 AZ Eindhoven, The
Netherlands. Reviewed by Andries KEIZER. (HL, 12,4/1999). “The book offers a variety of subjects that
possibly appeal to homeopaths at different levels. Some subjects are especially interesting for the
homeopathic students whereas the case-studies might be inspiring for the practicing homeopath”.
13. The Faces of Homeopathy by Julian WINSTON, Great Auk Publishing, New Zealand, 1998. $
80. Reviewed by Durr ELMORE. (SIM, XII, 4/1999): “This book is focused on the history of Homeopathy
in America, Germany, France and Great Britain and some understanding and appreciation for Pioneers of
Homeopathy and titbits about current leaders. Later part of book describing new books, journals,
homeopathic software and internet contacts. This is not simply a history of Homeopathy, but a well-
organised, easy to read, accurate description of homeopathy past and present. It is obvious to the reader
that Faces is a labor of love. Hats off to Julian WINSTON for writing and creating this great book. It is not
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 146
only well-written, but artistically presented, truly a work of art in homeopathic history. We are also given a
clear description of current challenges facing Homeopathy. By gaining an understanding and feel for our
roots and past, we are better able to comprehend Homeopathy in the present. With this knowledge, we can
steer Homeopathy on a course of renewed growth and acceptance, towards a sound and bright future”.
14. Desktop Companion To Physical Pathology by Roger MORRISON. Reviewed by James HILLEN.
(SIM, XII, 4/1999):“This is the companion book to excellent and popular Desktop Guide to Keynotes and
Confirmatory Symptoms. The Companion is designed as another quick reference to be used during the
patient interview, or to prepare for an appointment. This book is intended for professional practitioners with
a thorough understanding of case taking, hierarchy of symptoms, acute versus chronic conditions etc. It
presupposes good insight into the patient, and competent understanding of their medical condition. It is
currently fashionable to look exclusively to mental symptoms in remedy selection and case taking.
Hopefully this isn’t leading prescribers to imagine, project or exaggerate mental symptoms, to fit their
philosophical beliefs. The Desktop Companion assumes physical pathology to be the top of the hierarchy
of symptoms.”
16. A Homeopathic Proving of Latrodectus hasseltii by Bronwyn Marks and Julia Twohig, Published
by B.Marks and J. Twohig, 1998 ISBN 0-646-35858-8. Reviewed by Susanna SHELTON (HT, 19,
1/1999): “The description of Latrodectus hasseltii gives a clear image of the spider without unduly
speculating about the “signature that might emerge in the proving. The book has a high quality
presentation; especially the cover design which seems to capture not only the image of the female and male
Latrodectus hasseltii but also their Australian habitat. Symptoms of the provers are cross referenced to
rubrics in the complete repertory. The proving protocol is clearly formatted and succinctly summarized”.
17. Encylopedia of Remedy Relationships in Homeopathy by Abdur Rehman, Haug Verlag,
Heidelberg, 1997, 362 pages, hardback, $ 85.00, ISBN 3-7760-1545-4. Reviewed by GLAISYER,
Mary.(HT, 19, 2/1999): “This book is a mighty step forward. The author spent ten years researching it and
each remedy is annotated and you can look up which author suggested, for example, that Lachesis follows
Lilium tigrinum well. (Margery BLACKIE and D.C.D GUPTA both thought it a good idea.) He
incorporates a section for each remedy entitled, “Collaterals”. “The collateral remedy is one which runs
parallel to the remedy given previously and selected as an alternative drug, if needed on indications of the
patient in question”. Mr. REHMAN includes a section not found in similar reference works: “foods to be
avoided” and “foods to be encouraged” taken from the Homeopathic Materia Medica and repertories
where they appear under headings of agg. and amel. respectively. This seems to be an unnecessary dietary
restriction where the patient after responding to the indicated medicine the aggravations are less likely to
18. Materia Poetica: Homeopathy in verse by Sylvia Seroussi Chatroux, Poetica Press, Ashland, OR,
1998, 103 pages, hardbound, $ 18.00. ISBN 0-9665524-0-7. Reviewed by WINSTON Julia (HT, 19,
2/1999): “The book, beautifully arranged and composed, is a small hard-back. It contains poems about 100
remedies, and is illustrated with 18th and 19th century woodcuts of some of the subject plants. But it is the
poems which are most delightful of all. As with the remedies themselves, each poem is unique in its special
way. The descriptions of the remedies are often deep and somewhat dark - a feel of remedies you do not
often get from the lists of symptoms in the materia medica, nor from “essences” of the remedies distilled
into a lecture”.
19. The Natural Relationship of Remedies (Die natürliche Verwandtschaft der Heilmittel) by
Angelika Bolte and Jörg Wichmann. Refrath: Fagus Verlag, 1997, paperback, 208 pages ISBN 3-00-
001790-9. Reviewed by WINSTON Julia (HT, 19, 3/1999): “In the introduction of this little volume, the
authors comment upon how strange it is that we study the materia medica in its alphabetical order and often
have no idea of what the substance is that we are really using. “We will only be able to systematically
observe these similarities between remedies as long as the natural order of relationships among animals,
plants, and chemical substances are known. For this reason the remedies are put in their scientific order. As
a kind of working basis for further studies and observations, the natural system will help us more than an
alphabetic one”. The book is bi-lingual; it is in both German and English”.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 147
I. Report on the “Consensus Conference September 1997 - Guide Rules for homeopathic treatment
(German): A paper was prepared in the Conference governing the homeopathic physicians. This paper
covers the letters received from the European Council for Homeopathy (ECH) and the German Central
Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhA) on the so-called “Classical Homeopathy”. This
covers also both acute and chronic treatments.
Extracts from the Consensus paper:
1. Introduction
2. Practical significance of Homeopathy
3. Indication for homeopathic treatment
4. Recording the homeopathic treatment
The efficiency of homeopathic treatment must be evident from the very beginning i.e. the
preliminary anamnesis. For acute treatment the preliminary Anamnesis must contain the
4.1: Introduction to homeopathic Basis Anamnesis:
- Exact recording of the Modalities, the sensations, the time connections, the alternations, the
peculiarities of the complaints and their locations.
- Biographic Anamnesis from childhood, mental and physical states during the developmental
stages with particular attention to recurring periodical ailments, the neurotic defense
- Social Anamnesis, family, school, workplace, peer group with particular reference to reactivity
and regulations, and in cases neurotic, defense mechanism.
- Psychovegetative Anamnesis, sleep, dreams sexuality, bleeding, warm housekeeping, in cases
Vertigo, modalities of eating, constipation, etc.
- Psychiatric Anamnesis: Mood, motive, anxieties, thoughts, contact, consciousness, awareness,
perception, orientation, concentration, memory in view of reactivity and regulation model, as
also the psychic defense mechanism.
- Anamnesis of disease development and dynamics with regard to homeopathic history-taking,
with particular reference to causation and constitutional states of the patient Homeopathic
primary Anamnesis: Homeopathic basic anamnesis in respect of acute treatment should
necessarily have the exclusively characteristic psychic and physical acute symptoms. In difficult
and protracted course, as also in acute symptoms have chronic disease disposition as the
basis, homeopathic history must have thorough homeopathic basis anamnesis.
4.2 - 4.3: Homeopathic case analysis, reportorisation of the ascertained indicative
symptoms. In homeopathic nomenclature “symptom” are: striking, particular of the disease
and the patient, aspects of causality, modalities, alternations, mental states and course
parameter of the disease, are indicated. Homeopathic differential diagnosis.
4.4 - 4.5: Prescription of homeopathic single remedy.
4.5: Homeopathic Case management
5 - 5.1: Time required for homeopathic diagnosis and Therapy; Time required for diagnosis of
acute diagnosis without continuing constitutional homeopathic treatment; first consultation in
acute disease.
5.1.1: Follow-up consultation: In acute cases the consultation may be as frequent as 10 minutes, or
a few hours and all the relevant information, repertory work, etc. must be noted.
5.1.2: Preliminary Anamnesis of acute illness during the course of Chronic ailment.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 148
5.2: Time needs in patients with Chronic diseases in the homeopathic sense and constitutional
homeopathic treatment.
5.2.1: Basis Anamnesis in Chronic or Constitutional disease. Since a thorough Anamnesis should be
drawn for justifying a chronic disease 1.5 to 4 hours in one to three hour sittings is required.
5.2.2: Case Analysis in chronic or constitutional or disease.
5.2.3: Follow-up Anamnesis in chronic, constitutional diseases.
5.3: Time required for homeopathic treatment.
6: Assessment of complex medicine versus single substance (ZKH, 43, 3/1999)
II. 105th Internists Congress - Proveable Medicine - are there alternatives? Seminar in Wiesbaden
on 13 April 1999: Report by Dr.Josef GRIEBHABER (ZKH, 43,4/1999): The Seminar was like the usual
discussions on alternative medicine, asking for ‘proofs’ - Double blind trials, etc. The conclusion is that
the Allopathic School have not attempted to understand Homeopathy and they do not seem to be interested
to know either. In an article titled “Braucht die Homöopathie (noch) Beweis?” (ZKH, 43, 4/1999),
Dr.GRIEßHABER discusses this and refers to the relevant writings of HAHNEMANN. [It would be very
much worthwhile if many homeopaths themselves read afresh HAHNEMANN carefully = KSS].
III. ‘A Miracle a Day’: Handbook for the resolution of guilts, griefs and Fears using very high
potency Homeopathy by the Australian Homeopathy Research: The Australian Homeopathy
Research is a non-profit Foundation. It began in 1991 by Till TURLAND and Bryan BARRASS. To date
a dozen trauma remedies have been investigated through personal provings of very high potencies and
through clinical practice. Six of these are presented in this Seminar. The remedies in this Seminar are:
Hydrastis canadenis, Hypericum, Conium maculatum, Staphisagria, Ignatia amara, Ledum palustre.
The researches were also to gain greater understanding of their psychological attributes into commonly
used homeopathic trauma remedies which can then be applied to the treatment of a wider range of
conditions than previously thought possible for these remedies” to show the relationship between the
emotions and attitudes and corresponding muscle tensions and structural changes; into identifying specific
muscle tensions and spinal pattern visually and by palpation in relation to specific homeopathic remedies;
into the usefulness of specific very high potencies in chronic conditions.
Muscles are the primary storage areas for tensions. Attitudes and beliefs are the key to healing. Yoga,
Meditation, Herbs, help to release the tensions. We are concerned with the homeopathic treatment in this
since chronic effects of shock, fright, terror, can be released through the use of the appropriate
homeopathic remedies in very high potencies.
The major role of the Hypothalamus, the Pituitary in these ailments is pointed out. The Cranium is in
constant motion in response to emotions and feeling. Muscle tension is the most common factor
influencing the free movement of cranial bones. Very high potencies have the ability to bring into harmony
all these. Clear drawings of the cranium and the physiology cover 56 pages.
Attitudes and harmful beliefs and emotions are often thousands of years building into the cell memory, and
these can be released only with great power and enlightenment to the patient, and high potencies have this
ability. For achieving this the very high potencies required are, CMM, MM, LM 24, 27,30.
Hydrastis canadensis: The primary emotional hangings of Hydrastis guilt and/or over-responsibility. The
patient willingly carries the weight of responsibility and the loads of others, to his own detriment. In very
high potencies Hydrastis has been found to have profound effect in the resolution of the residual effects of
old injuries. The critical attitude has always been “It was my own fault” or “It is/was my responsibility to
fix a certain problem”. Adverse effects of too many antibiotics. Such conditions range from irritable
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 149
bowel syndrome to chronic mycobacterial skin lesions, throat catarrh and sun cancers. Always the thought
is ‘my fault’ or ‘I’ve tried everything’.
Bone and joint damages, both in the spine and limbs, and has a particular affinity for the load-bearing joints
of L4-5 and L5-6 and the lower limbs. The weight of responsibility affects the lumbar spine.
Hypericum perfoliatum: Keynote words: Worthlessness, abandoned, balance, extremes, point - misses the
point, says “The point is...” suffers from pointed instruments, hyper - words - hyperglycemic, hypertensive,
hyperactive etc., shock, fun, irresponsibility, distrust, competition, win-at-any-price; feelings are
expressed by such words “crushed, wounded, violated, shattered, blown apart, demonstrated” etc., physical
signs: On the midline between the cranium there is a single vertical crease. On occasion you can see this
flanked by two vertical lines at the start of the eyebrow.
Spinal scoliosis
Hypersensitive to pain
Tattoos and pierced flesh
Spinal compression
After effects of infections of whatever substance.
Chemotherapy ‘side effects’ are often identical to Hypericum symptoms as found in our Materia Medica.
This applies to the injected drugs and to the oral medications.
Staphysagria: Staphysagria’s great failing is hypocrisy. ‘Pierce at any price’ is his motto. Anger is not
wise. Feelings are not to be shown at all. White lies’ (therefore) are an everyday event.
Always judges good or bad in everyone else.
Righteousness and self-righteousness are strong in his consciousness.
Indignation over injustice, unfairness; guilt over inability to take a stand; fear of loss of self-control if anger
is finally allowed to be vented; fear of loss of dignity; guilt and rage over indignities perpetrated against
oneself or others; guilt over taking offense. Righteous anger, outrage, fury - guilt, that what should have
been done was not done (or said) guilt of giving in to others too much.
The sight of orthodontic appliances and plates usually indicates a need for Staphysagria, and it helps
sycotic children a lot if taken at time of adjustment of these apparatus.
Often the forehead has a horizontal creases or parallel lines, usually four or more.
Often the upper lip has vertical creases lots of them.
The sternocleidomastoid muscle often stand out in tension.
The particular action of Staphysagria is on the pituitary hormones. Thyroid tumors, thyroxine output are
greatly affected. The Thymus gland responds particularly well. Conditions ranging from glandular fever to
AIDS - this is by far the best remedy. Use it also in case of energy auto-immune diseases. It is the major
remedy for Systemic Lupus Erythematosis and rheumatoid arthritis and will benefit most cases of
Pancreatic imbalance is often corrected under Staphysagria but will still worry about where the next dollar
is coming.
Conium: is a profound remedy for dependencies of many kinds, and addictions. The feeling of dependency
deepens into a physical change in the body. Conium people become so dependent or so fearful of lack of
supply as years go on that they revert to childhood mentally and even in their body characteristics. Sexual
development shrinks back to frequently causing impotence, sexual relationships became that of parent and
Conium affects the endocrine glands flowing on from pineal and pituitary impairment. Glandular tumours
including pituitary or pineal, mammary, prostate, testicular, ovarian.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 150
Many sufferers of Diabetes mellitus suffer pancreatic imbalance caused by a Conium dependency attitude
and perpetuated by dependency on injections.
Conium has a great fear of being expected to manage on her own.
Spinal concussion can be a source of Conium problems. In all cases where injury was the origin, the
subsequent effects are very gradual and take years to develop.
Other forms of shock (besides falls, trampoline injuries etc.) initiate Conium conditions. The shock of
losing one’s provider is enough to incur a breast tumour within twelve months.
Think of Conium for those who repeatedly act in such a way that they get themselves put into prison or
hospital where all their needs are met for them; and for those who become addicted to anti-depressants,
sleeping pills, painkillers, social drugs, pep pills, coffee, coke, chocolate, sugar, whatever; or to a person in
the household, someone they can depend on at all times to be there for them.
Ignatia amara: a known remedy for relieving shock of grief trauma. The main thought that is perpetuated
relates not so much from loss of bereavement as from a sense of great disappointment that things did not
turn out as previously planned or expected-the sense of grief over plans being curtailed, ambitions never
fulfilled, a necessary change of direction dictated by circumstances beyond her control, these are the real
grief issues.
The Ignatia chronic patient has a ‘long’ face, down at the mouth.
When you ask the patient how she/he felt at the time of a significant previous event, the word given by the
Ignatia patient is always ‘disappointed’.
There are invariably two vertical lines between the eyebrows. They may be close together or wide apart.
These are the same lines you will see on Natrum muriaticum and Lycopodium people and these remedies
may well be needed by the same person.
Ledum palustre: The attitude behind Ledum chronic problems relates to the tendons of muscles. The
Ledum personality will hold on for grim death against all adds. He has great difficulty of letting go of any
idea, situation, person; he fears being overpowered by a stronger force, and has to hold firmly to prevent
this happening. Rigidity of attitude is characteristic. Self discipline is important to him.
In relationships Ledum suffers from an overdose of loyalty. In bereavement he feels that not holding on to
the memory of a deceased spouse would be disloyal, and suffers a great deal of prolonged grief, unable to
lift himself away from the past and get on creating a life in his new situation. On the other hand he does
not easily forgive disloyalty in others and becomes bitter over divorce.
Tendon rigidity from holding one position too long or gripping tightly to a tool, pen, weapon, racquet or bat
or steering wheel.
Torn tendons, total or partial, particularly at shoulders, elbows, ankles.
Thorns, puncture wounds from syringes or insect stings into the tendons, particularly into the hands and
feet, wrists and ankles where the muscles have very little blood and are mainly tendon.
Gouty inflammation, from Uric acid and other wastes locking into tenderness areas. Ledum people are
wiry, lean, strong of grip, practical, good with their hands well balanced and capable.
IV. A Gift of Cannabis for Queen: London: A man campaigning for the legalization of Cannabis, handed
a bouquet of the drug to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, who unwittingly accepted it on a walkabout. “It was
a harmless way of trying to bring to the notice of Her Majesty the ludicrous restrictions on cannabis,” said
the campaigner, Mr.Colin DAVIES, who gave the Monarch his “pot posy” when she was visiting Salford in
northern England. Police condemned his gesture as a publicity stunt and said they intended to question
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 151
him. Mr.DAVIES, the founder of the Medical Marijuana Co-operative, offers the drug on a non-profit
basis to people with multiple sclerosis, cancer and other serious illnesses. - Reuters, Chennai Edition of
The Hindu, Sunday, October 15, 2000. [In Homeopathy Cannabis is much more than a sedative. I’m sure
that the Queen who is a great Patron of Homeopathy knows this and was not averse to the bouquet.= KSS]
V. i) Diabetes and Homepathy, by Guy DESMICHELLE: The author has been working in the ‘Hospital
de la Pitié’ in Paris and has kept good relationship with several assistants of Professor BOULIN, a well-
known diabetologist. Dr.DES-MICHELLE has considerable experience of homeopathic therapy in
diabetes, and thinks it can stabilize brittle diabetes and prevent some complications.
The obese diabetic can be found in Sulphur, Nux vomica, Antimonium crudum, Natrum sulphuricum,
Aurum, Lycopodium. Arsenicum album corresponds to the severe juvenile diabetes, or to the
decompensated diabetes in the obese patients. Insulin-dependent diabetes corresponds to Argentum
nitricum, Luesinum, Phosphorus, Phosphoricum acidum, Acidum aceticum..
Descriptions of Syzygium and Uranium nitricum ends this very complete article.
[L’Homéopathie Européenne, 1998, in the BHJ, 88, 3/1999]
ii) Mercurius solubilis and Mercurius vivus, by Phillipe COLIN: The difference between these two
remedies are brought to the fore only in the ALLEN’s Encyclopaedia. The Materia Medica of Mercurius
solubilis is the proving made by HAHNEMANN; it is a ‘precipitated black oxide of Mercury with varying
amounts of Nitricum acidum and Ammonia’. (T.F.ALLEN). The Materia Medica of Mercurius vivus,
which is metallic mercury or Quicksilver with sometimes a little Bismuth, is composed of reports of the
toxicology of this metal.
Some symptoms are quite different, for example Mercurius solubilis talks quickly and Mercurius vivus has
neither urinary nor genital infection,but has chronic hepatitis or varicose ulcers which are missing in
Mercurius solubilis. [L’Homéopathie Européenne, 1998, 6, in the BHJ, 88, 3/1999]
VI. Small Remedies Seminar by Peter KÖNIG, Febraury 20-22, 1998, in Siena. KOGLER Ursula,
Austria (HL, 12, 4/1999): This seminar was held to increase our knowledge about lesser known remedies.
There was a presentation of provings, cases of minerals such as Kali bichromicum, Argentum muriaticum
and Natrum iodatum, and a case from the plant kingdom Crocus sativus.
Crocus sativus
Female student of medicine. Started treatment in May 1996, for panic attacks.
Two years ago she stayed in Thailand worked as countryside tropic doctor. During the night she woke up
choking, trembling and in panic. This got worse every day and used a cortisone spray. During the day,
worse from 3 or 4 PM until 9 or 10 PM; inspiration, accompanied by compulsive yawning. The attacks
ceased only when climbing mountains or doing some other exertion. From childhood has stopped breathing
when she was angry or when treated unfairly, also being with many people in one place. As a child
suffered recurrent bronchitis and removed tonsils. Loved to travel. Mother had a bad emesis gravidarum,
when she was growing up. Both grandparents suffered heart attacks. Desires chocolate, fish and other sea
animals, salad dressing. Aversion to meat, grease and butter. Restless sleep, sleeps on abdomen, uncovers
feet, covers head. Hands cold always. Fear of snakes, death, severe sickness. She is a fighter. Likes to laugh
a lot, a good entertainer. Tuberculinum bovinum 10MK was given. After two months, a short amelioration
of her choking attacks, now aggravation again with forcible yawning. Sometimes insulting, other times
quite euphoric with attacks of laughing like in her childhood.
Anger at trifles, laughing hysterical, involuntarily, anxiety with difficult breathing; driving from place to
place, respiration; difficult yawning amelioration. Crocus sativus 1 MK four times upto January 1997.
The panic attacks decreased continually, a twitching in her face ceased and her “crazy mind” calmed down.
Witty temperament, entertaining, involuntary laughter and the characteristic yawning, anger about trifles,
anger alternating with cheerfulness, anxiety drives from place to place, impedes breathing, like a heavy
weight on her chest led to the remedy. Crocus belongs to Liliflorae and they share their connection to the
sexual sphere and to hysteric, vivid, even importunate behaviour.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 152
VII. The Homeopathic Treatment of Serious Diseases. Report of a seminar by Andre SAINE, Klaus
RENTROP, Germany: (HL, 12, 4/1999): The following are the salient points from the seminar:
1. Before beginning a homeopathic treatment the degree of reversibility of the disease process and the
prognosis should be known
2. The exact and precise description of chronic complaints like backache, headache or chronic cough with
good modalities, will lead you to the correct remedy in patients with chronic and serious diseases like
neurological and psychiatric diseases.
3. Positive signs in the course of treatment are:
a. aggravation of the symptoms
b. return of old symptoms
c normalization of the appetite, width of the pupils, characteristics of the menses, dry lips etc.
4. SAINE admits that he has limited experience with the Q-potencies and he feels that we can see a clearer
reaction of the organism to the remedy after giving a C-potency.
5. If the second prescription happens to be the same remedy in the same potency and if the reaction was
less good means either the remedy does not fit or there are disturbing factors such as dissimilar diseases,
which might require another remedy, or an acute infection, or other drugs.
6. As a rule the allopathic medication should not be discontinued in the beginning of a homeopathic
7. a. In acute diseases one should use higher potencies and repeat the remedy according to the
b. In chronic diseases if there is a stagnation over several days without any further improvement, or if
there is a relapse of symptoms the remedy should be repeated. In highly sensitive patients who react
sensitively to external influences with frequent relapses one has to avoid the allergens or stress which
suppresses the healing reaction of a remedy because the organism only has to react to the remedy.
8. With a well-acting “chronic” remedy, another “acute” remedy will be necessary only if there is a
dissimilar disease, e.g: In an influenza epidemic, 90% of the patients need another acute remedy.
9. If there is clear picture of a remedy different from the “chronic” one, one should give that remedy.
SAINE says that the idea of all patients only needing one remedy for their whole life - the similimum - is
pure theory and not reality.
10. After a wrong or partially correct remedy, new symptoms will crop up, this together with the persisting
old symptoms form the basis for the selection of the next remedy.
11. During treatment with a correct remedy, one can observe the reappearance of old symptoms, even an
old infectious diseases like tonsillitis and even more the same micro-organism e.g. pneumococcus in
12. Psycho-social influences, emotional causes, stress etc by weakening the immune and defense system,
lead to the outbreak and progression of a chronic disease.
Two live cases of Mitral stenosis was shown. Both have progressed quite well under homeopathic
treatment with Muriatic acid and Staphysagria respectively.
VIII. Workshop on Research Methodology and Statistics (CCRH News, 26, 99/2000): The workshop
was organised by CCRH from 23rd to 25th February, 2000 at its Headquarters office, Janakpuri, New
Delhi. This workshop was first in the series held under the continuing Medical Education Program for the
technical officers upto the level of Research Officers of CCRH.
IX. On Challenging Children: Seminar review by Peter WRIGHT (SIM, XII, 3/1999): The seminar
was an in-depth look at the approach to understanding cases and remedies. Stramonium, Hyoscyamus,
Veratrum, Tarentula covers the typical symptoms of these pediatric constitutional types - distinctions
between these remedies resulted in Stramonium book and Cycles and Segments methodology. PAUL’s
solution is to analyse cases and remedies, not as static states, but as circular systems of attempted
adaptations, each phase leading to other phase as the organism attempts to find a dynamic balance. This
model offers connecting dots. Dry lists of symptoms, contradictory and lacking in distinguishing features at
first glance, come together into stories. Order emerges from apparent chaos, and contradictions are
Descriptions of symptom pictures for a remedy, which appear confusingly opposite to each other, are
revealed as separate but related phases in a single process. Case taking is guided by the search for the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 153
patient’s basic phases and their interrelationships. Symptom rubrics which display the same essential
phases are grouped as “super-rubrics” for analysis.
X. Homeopathy Saves Food Production : Seminar review by Cyndde DEWEESE August 28, 1998. (HT,
19, 1/1999): Dr.C.Edgar SHEAFFER homeopathic veterinarian explained Homeopathy to the group of
farmers who wanted to produce organic milk for organic cheese. No antibiotics, steroids, hormones etc, are
permitted in the production of organic milk, so enter Homeopathy to save that food production. Topics
such as tie-up syndrome, calving paralysis, shipping fever, breeding and cycling problems, foot rot, colic,
bloat, founder, laminitis, pink eye, etc. were discussed. There is a complementary relationship between
organic food production and Homeopathy. Homeopathy helps health problems, but they’ll come back if
proper nutrition and environment aren’t addressed. Unhealthy food and environment cannot make healthy
people and animals. They are like obstacles to cure that must be removed.
XI “A Remedy A Day” with Henny HEUDENS-MAST, Portland, Oregon. August 8-13, 1998.
Reviewed by Ann Jerome CROCE (HT, 19, 1/1999): As per Margery BLACKIE’s advise “A Remedy a
Day and Two on Sunday”- Sulphur, Medorrhinum, Nuphar luteum, Mercury, Tuberculinum, Carcinosin are
some of the drugs discussed in detail. Nuphar’s love for animals and how to distinguish it from Sulphur and
Medorrhinum, boasting of Mercury, Lycopodium and Sulphur were explained clearly. Henny’s approach of
prescribing: case analysis is paramount, remedy selection and case management are not separate activities,
but relatively self-evident stages following naturally from an accurate understanding of the case.
XII. Remedies of the Sea with Massimo MANGIALAVORI, Boston. Spring 1998 Report by Betty
WOOD (HT, 19, 2/1999): Massimo talked about the prescription of the lesser known remedy by the use of
the larger repertory rubrics for which he finds Mac repertory to be very useful. Also gave some idea about
“Families” of remedies where certain groups of substances present similar symptoms. But this is not always
true. For instance, in Solanacea family while there are similarities between Stramonium, Belladonna, and
Hyoscyamus, there are only few similarities between Stramonium and Dulcamara, or Tabacum, or
Capsicum. The drug remedies have many things in common, but they are not from the same family.
Lachesis and Zincum phosphoricum have similar homeopathic characters. In the family of Sea remedies,
along with Sepia, Spongia, Homarus, Medusa, Ambra grisea, Corallium rubrum, Asterias rubens, Aqua
marina, Murex he includes remedies which are not from the Sea such as Alloxanum, Raphanus,
Xanthoxyllum, Helonias. Some common themes of Sea remedies were enlisted by him.
XIII. Report from the Third Annual Arizona Classical Homeopathy Conference, Tempe, AZ.
October 3-4, 1998. (HT, 19, 4/1999) Introduction to the Drug remedies : Report on a presentation by
Todd ROWE. Report by Evann WILCOSKY: The author gives description about Drugs, list of
homeopathic drug and drug-like remedies with their common names. Characteristics of Drug remedies as
viewed by the author and the conventional method of treatment closely parallels the homeopathic
perspective provided by HAHNEMANN in the Organon. Specific reference was given to Aphorisms 63,
69c, and 113. HAHNEMANN stated that each medicine alters the tuning of the life force with an initial or
impinging action; the life force then produces a counter-action. This is poetically conveyed by
HAHNEMANN in Aphorism 69c. As in a dark dungeon,.... suddenly a lamp is lit, consolingly
illuminating everything around the unhappy wretch. When the lamp is extinguished, however, the brighter
the flame was previously the blacker is the night that now envelops him...” Patients who need drug
remedies exhibit a polarity, either alternating between the “light” and the “dark” or exhibiting both phases
at once. The initial and secondary phases are explained and finally scene clips from films were illustrated
for both the phases. [HAHNEMANN’s example of bright light followed by blackness is with reference to
the application of a remedy to overcome a symptom, to palliate. When applied so the symptom becomes
more intense when the effect of the palliative large dose wears off = KSS]
Aging and Homeopathy: Report on a presentation by Jose MULLEN, Report by Paul GRILL: This is
an interesting article where Homeopathy is said to be the best way of treating the aged people. Aging and
death should be natural and gradual process without pain and suffering. This is achievable with
Homeopathy. In older people, the Vital Force weakens so also their capacity to heal. Often surgery in older
people is followed by periods of sickness and more operations until death, this is due to the weakened Vital
Force having to concentrate on one part of the body and not able to prevent problems in other parts. A
correct homeopathic remedy directs the vital force to where it is needed most. To ease the dying process
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 154
the author suggests the constitutional remedy as the first choice and some drugs as Carbo-vegetabilis, for
excruciating pain, Anthracinum and Tarentula cubensis. The author, an Oncologist, was in search of other
disciplines of medicine because as an allopath he was misguided, as their focus was on the symptoms rather
than on the cause. As an allopathic doctor he found himself limited in what he could do but as a
homeopath he finds that he can be more effective.
Agaricus muscarius : Report on a presentation by Bill MANN. Report by Evann WILCOSKY: A brief
history and mythology of Agaricus is given along with a case presentation, in order to illustrate the remedy
picture. A review of the list of rubrics for both sides - dependent, submissive, fearful side and bold warrior,
adventurer side was made. The author also gave some relation between the remedy picture and the
symptoms of the drug-altered state, both from proving information and from observational anecdote.
Anhalonium (Peyote): Report on a presentation by Kathi FRY, Report by Evann WILCOSKY:
Pharmacology of the drug was discussed followed by review of the provings that was carried out by
HERRICK Nancy and SHORE Jonathan. Next a set of rubrics from the Complete repertory where
Anhalonium is the single remedy was reviewed followed by a case presentation. Illustrations were made to
differentiate Anhalonium from its two close neighbors, Cannabis and Hydrogen, when making a diagnosis.
XIV. Similarity to the Totality : Case Analysis and Differential Materia Medica. Report on a
presentation by Henny HEUDENS-MAST. Winter park, FL. January 19-24, 1999. Report by Jerome
A.CROCE. (HT,19, 5/1999): This article deals with how the author composes questions during case taking,
responds to the patient, considers possible remedy and how she clears off the case. The author points out
that every homeopath needs to find their own unique way of approaching case taking. “Interviewing from
head to toes” in every case is a boredom and the case taking should be adapted to the patient. If the patient
is reluctant to talk about the mental symptoms, we should ask about other things like “Where they like to
go on holidays, what beer they like to drink etc., and we get the same information by being attentive to
how they express their experience.
XV. Spider remedies : Report on a presentation by Anne Schadde. MYERS Fort, FL. October 24-25,
1998. Report by Ruth PEARSON. (HT, 19, 5/1999): The article gives a good in-sight about the spiders and
spider remedies. Spiders are old species, loners, live without sleep, react optically to noise; sensitive to
perceptions. Species is female-dominated. Spider remedies have symptoms of restlessness, oversensitivity,
and periodicity. Have a high sexual desire, stitching pains. Nerves, heart and digestive system are usually
affected. Dreams of flying, fear of death, suffocation, bleeding (dysmenorrhea), and hyperesthesia. Two
cases of Latrodectus mactans and a brief description of Aranea diadema, Aranea ixobola, Mygale,
Tarentula and Theridion was also given. The latter part was focused on the question, how a homeopath
knows what needs to be cured in the patient making specific reference to the first paragraphs of Organon.
The physician can look at the physical symptoms, constitutional type, repertorize these symptoms and
determine which remedy to use.
XVI. Report from the third Annual Arizona Classical Homeopathy Conference: Opium. Report on a
presentation by WOOD Cyrus. October 3-4, 1998. Report by Evann WILCOSKY. (HT, 19, 5/1999):
Opium was discussed in various angles: as a drug remedy - the first and second phase of the remedy, the
essence of the remedy, fears and delusions of it, polarity etc. Before making final remedy selection spider
remedies should also be considered. Comparisons were made with the closely related remedies like Nux
moschata, Baptisia, Nux vomica, Alumina, Lachesis, Arnica, Coffea, Calcarea, Aconite, Staphysagria,
Natrum muriaticum, Morphinum, Lac caninum, Lac humanum, Lac felinum.
XVII. Deadly Romance’ - a Homeopathic Proving (Latrodectus hasseltii - Redback Spider): The
book ‘A Homeopathic Proving - Latrodectus hasseltii’ is available and for copies of the book contact:
Dr.Julia TWOHIG, 18, Pelham Street, Ethelton, South Australia 5016.
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quaterly Homeopathic Digest are given below:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 155
1. AHZ - Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10,
69121, HEIDELBERG, Germany.
2. BHJ - British Homeopathic Journal, 2, Powis Place, Great Ormond Street, LONDON, WCIN 3HT,
3. CCR - Homeopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Phule Road, Maliwada, AHMEDNAGAR - 414 001,
4. HL - Homeopathic Links, Homeopathic Research and Charities, “Dinar”, 20 Station Road, Santa Cruz
(w), MUMBAI - 400 054.
5. HT - Homeopathy Today, National Centre for Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
6. HOM - The Homeopath, Journal of the Society of Homeopaths, 2, Artizan Road, NORTHAMPTON
NNI, 4HU, U.K.
7. JH - Journal of Homeopathy of Northern India, For Association for Scientific Research In Homeopathy
(ASRH), 108, Street No.1, Mubarik Kothi Area, SANGRUR (PB) 148 001, India.
8. Med GG - Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch
Stiftung, Stuttgart.
9. NEJH - New England Journal of Homeopathy, 356, Middle Street, AMHERST, MA 01 002 USA.
10. NJH - National Journal of Homepathy, Milan Clinic, Saraswathi Road, Santa Cruz(w), MUMBAI -
400 054.
11. SIM - Simillimum, The Journal of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians 11231 SE
Market Street, PORTLAND, OR, 97216, USA.
12. ZKH - Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1,
From Some Clinical Experiences of ERASTUS E. Case, M.D. (1847 - 1918).
Intermittent Fever
Case: 1 A milkman aged forty-five years has had every day for two weeks fever with headache; aggravated
by noise and heat.
Sensation as if there were a seam in the skull surrounding the vertex, and the brain would burst through
The pain comes on at 10 a. m. and lasts until 3 p. m. He must lie down and sleep it off.
This patient has had many attacks of intermittent fever treated with quinine, cinchonidia, et cetera.
Considering his malarial history and the time of onset of the bursting pain in the head, one remedy
only is possible.
Natrum muriaticum cm Fincke, one powder in the evening.
Not a single return of fever or headache followed the prescription.
Case: 2 A woman aged fifty-two years has had intermittent fever three weeks. Shw has taken quinine
every day, but the attacks have increased in severity.
Type of chill: Sever shaken, quotidian, anticipating, coming today at 4 a. M.
Concomitants of chill: Pale face; blue nails; pain in back relieved by pressure; a desire to be covered,
but not relieved by coverings; extremely sensitive to the air, even to having the hands uncovered.
Fever came on at 9 a. M. With thirst and pain in the vertex.
Fever left at 4 a. M., but no sweat appeared.
Apyrexia: easily chilled in the evening; sleeps well until early morning when she awaken in another
ALLEN’s intermittent Fever Repertory is consulted.
Only eight remedies have the anticipating, quotidian, shaking chill and these are Antimonium
tartaricum, Arsenicum album, Belladona, Chincona officinalis, Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica.
Nux vomica alone covers the fifteen symptoms. Natrum muriaticum has the next climb, but lacks four
symptoms, all of them important ones, namely: pale face, lack of relief from covering, the sensitiveness to
air during chill, and the absence of sweat. Nux vomica must be the remedy. How shall it be administered?
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 156
Paragraph 236, Organon, regarding the treatment of intermittent fever is as follows:
“The best, most appropriate and serviceable method in these diseases is to administer the remedy
immediately, or very shortly after the termination of the paroxysm, as soon as the patient has, in some
measure, recovered from it. Administered in this manner, it has sufficient time to produce in the organism
all its various effects to restore health without violence or commotion; whereas, if taken immediately
before the paroxysm (even though it were homeopathy or specific in the highest degree) its effect would
coincide with the renewal of the natrual disease and excite such a strife in the organism, so powerful a
reaction, that the patient would lose a great portion of his strength, and even his life would be endangered.
But when the medicine is administered immediately after the termination of the paroxysm, and long before
there are any preparations for the next fit, the organism is in the best possible condition to allow itself to be
gently modified by the remedy, and by these means to return to a state of health.”
These are wise words as I have learned positively by following the advice here given, and negatively
by a partial disregard of it until withing the last five years.
Nux vomica cm Fincke, one powder at 5 p.m.
On the next day there was no sign of a chill. One the second day she felt somewhat chilly from 7 until
11 a.m., then some headache until 3 p.m., but with no other manifestation of fever. That was the end of the
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(This section contains condensations/extracts/whole, of selected important articles)
Following in HAHNEMANN’S Footsteps: The Definitive Years 1833-1843.
LITTLE David (AH, 6/2000)
The Medicine of the Future
The time period in which the 5th Organon was published (1833) was one of radical change and
experimentation for Samuel HAHNEMANN. He was not completely satisfied with the single dry dose of
30C and the wait and watch” philosophy he taught in the first edition of the Chronic Diseases (1828) and
the 4th Organon (1829). Now that the Founder was concentrating on chronic degenerative diseases, he
wondered how he could treat the miasms with a limited materia medica of around 100 remedies in
potencies no higher than 30C? He searched for answers by proving more remedies, raising the potencies,
and changing the delivery system from the dry dose to the medicinal solution. This was complemented by
his new middle-path philosophy, using repetition and the split-dose, if necessary.
In Aphorisms 245 and 246 of the 5th Organon the Founder taught that any “striking response” to a single
dose precludes the repetition of the remedy in any manner. On the other hand, in those cases characterized
by only a “slow progressive improvement,” the remedy may be repeated at “suitable intervals to speed the
cure.” In this way, he claimed, it is possible to speed the time of treatment to “one half, one fourth, or even
less” than with the single dry dose. Thus HAHNEMANN’s revised philosophy includes both the single unit
dose and the repetition of the remedy when necessary. The key to the new posology method is the
medicinal solution, as well as methods for adjusting the dose. With the new aqueous solution and olfaction,
the Founder began a radical set of clinical trials that included double remedies, alternations, intercurrents,
and series of remedies. The most controversial of these early experiments were the double remedy trials of
The Double Remedy Experiments of 1833.
The method of combining two homeopathic remedies in mixture originated with Dr. AEGIDI, who
forwarded HAHNEMANN 233 cases of his method. AEGIDI found a confidant in Baron von
BOENNINGHAUSEN, who used his influence with the Founder to support the new method. The Hofrath
was so impressed by the enthusiasm of his disciples that he promised to refer to the double remedies in the
5th Organon, even before trying them! He wrote from Coethen on June 15, 1833:
“Do not think that I am capable of rejecting any good thing from mere prejudice, or because it
might cause alterations in my doctrine. I only desire the truth, as I believe you do too. Hence
I am delighted that such a happy idea has occurred to you, and that you have kept it within
necessary limits; “that two medicinal substances (in smallest doses or by olfaction) should
be given together only in a case where both seem homeopathically suitable to the case, but each
from a different side.” Under such circumstances the procedure is so constant with the
requirement of our art that nothing can be urged against it; on the contrary, homeopathy
must be congratulated on your discovery.”
HAHNEMANN had not yet tried AEGIDI’s method but he was very hopeful that it would prove a benefit
to his new healing art. For this reason, he promised to take up testing the hypothesis in the clinic as soon as
possible. His letter continues:
“ I myself will take the first opportunity of putting it into practice, and I have no doubt
concerning the good results. I think too, that both remedies should be given together; just as
we take Sulphur and Calcarea together when we cause our patients to take or smell Hepar
sulph, or Sulphur and Mercury when they take or smell Cinnabar. I am glad that von
BOENNINGHAUSEN is entirely of our opinion and acts accordingly. Permit me then, to give
your discovery to the world in the fifth edition of the Organon which will soon be published”.
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Many of HAHNEMANN’s critics say that the Founder was close-minded, dogmatic, and against any
innovations to his new medical system. The above letter puts such myths to rest. He was so optimistic that
he offered to refer to AEGIDI’s method in the 5th Organon before he tried it in the clinic. He began his
first experiments with the olfaction of a double remedy on June 17, 1833. What was the outcome of the
Founder’s four months of clinical trials? He wrote the following to BOENNINGHAUSEN from Coethen,
on October 16, 1833:
“Easily your eloquence would have defeated me, if I were in the same case as you, that is, if I
had already been as convinced by several and by so many experiences of the utility, even
preference/superiority of the giving of a double remedy as you supposedly had been. But from
several trials in this manner only one or two turned out well, which isn’t sufficient for the
apodictic (irrefutable) proposing of a new theorem.” (Emphasis added)
HAHNEMANN’s experiments with the double remedies proved a failure because they did not work as well
as the single remedy. He was critical of the double remedies because he could see their limitations in the
clinic. The second half of his letter to BOENNINGHAUSEN offers more information about his
“I was therefore in this practice still too far behind to proceed with full conviction.
Therefore it required only a slight moment to induce me to a change of these passages in the
new Organon, which results in this, that I concede the possibility that two well-selected,
different remedies can be given simultaneously (together) with advantage in some cases, but
that this seemed to be a difficult and critical (serious/delicate) procedure.” (Translation from
the German by Gaby Rottler).
In the beginning, HAHNEMANN hoped to have “some good results” with the double remedies (his letter
of June 1833 to BOENNINGHAUSEN). In a later letter, dated September 17, he wrote
BOENNINGHAUSEN to say that they were “never, as we know, absolutely necessary.” In the end, as he
wrote in the letter of October 16, he found “only one or twoof his experiments “turned out well.” It was
the Founder’s experience that one single remedy alone, or in alternation, or as a series of remedies, worked
much better than combinations.
The Hofrath had listened pensively to his disciples AEGIDI and BOENNINGHAUSEN, but with
increasing reservation. He was now caught between his own inner convictions and the enthusiasm of his
two students for a simple but less effective method. The meeting of the Central Society on August 10, 1833
offered the Founder a perfect way out of this difficult position. He brought the subject of the double
remedies to the floor for a discussion of their ramifications. BRADFORD reported in his Life and Letters
of HAHNEMANN, page 488:
“Dr.AEGIDI proposed to HAHNEMANN to administer a mixture of two highly potentized
remedies each corresponding to different parts of the disease. In the potentized state the
medicines thus mixed would be incapable of chemical reactions, but would each act
separately in its own spheres. Dr.BOENNINGHAUSEN approved of the idea and
HAHNEMANN was induced to present the matter to the meeting of the Central Society in 1833.
HAHNEMANN was persuaded that this would probably lead to the polypharmacy of the old
school, and he decided to exclude this doctrine from the new edition of the Organon.”
Although BRADFORD highlighted the political aspects of the situation, HAHNEMANN’s later letter to
BOENNINGHAUSEN in October shows that, in fact, the failure of his double remedy trial was a major
factor in the withdrawal of his support at the meeting. All present at that meeting unanimously agreed to
remove the passage from the 5th Organon - because the failed method was a political liability that would
be abused by the polypharmacists. One month later, HUFELAND was given a copy of the passage on the
double remedies from the printer calling for quick action by the homeopaths. At that time, the passage
was replaced with a strong caution, in which the Founder called the double remedy trials a “hazardous
experiment.” Vide aphorism 272 of the 5th Organon:
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“In no case is it requisite to administer more than one simple medicinal substance at one time.
Footnote 2(a): Some homeopathists have made the experiment, in cases where they deemed
one remedy homeopathically suitable for one portion of the symptoms of a case of disease, and a
second for another portion, of administering both remedies at the same time; but I earnestly
deprecate such a hazardous experiment, which can never be necessary, though it sometimes may
be of use.”
This footnote expresses the same thoughts HAHNEMANN wrote in his letter to the Baron in October 1833.
He still did not wish to say that AEGIDI and BOENNINGHAUSEN never got any results, but he knew that
a homeopathician could do better with one single remedy at a time. He also realized that there were
inherent hazards in giving a double remedy. Since he wanted everyone to be very careful with their
patients, he advised against the method. Was this because he had noticed side effects after several months
of observation? There was also the concern that those who used double remedies would never learn how to
use a single remedy correctly; the method would thus become self-defeating to homeopathic education.
For all of these reasons, all reference to the double remedies were removed and the aphorisms on the single
remedy were strengthened even further in aphorism 273 of the 6th Organon:
“In no case of cure is it necessary to employ more than a single simple medicinal substance
at one time with a patient. For this reason alone it is inadmissible to do so. It is inconceivable
that there could be the slightest doubt about whether it is more in accordance with nature
and more reasonable to prescribe only a single simple, well known medicinal substance at one
time in a disease or a mixture of several different ones. In homeopathy - the only true and
simple, the only natural medical art - it is absolutely prohibited to administer to the patient,
at one time, two different medicinal substances.”
Many have pointed to the radical nature of HAHNEMANN’s Paris period, but in truth, his most
controversial experiment took place before the publishing of the 5th Organon, while HAHNEMANN was
living as a widower in Coethen. Indeed, as the Paris casebooks progress to 1843, the Founder uses even
less alternations and changes of remedies than he did in 1833. In 1837, he was still mostly using C
potencies up to 30C, but by 1843, he had a much bigger pharmacy of around 130 remedies ranging from
30C to 200C, and he had even tested the 1M. He also utilized a full range of the complementary LM
potencies, 0/1 to 0/30. This new higher-potency pharmacy had an immediate effect on his case
management strategies. The Paris casebooks from the period of the 6th Organon [1840-1843] correspond
very well to the eyewitness accounts of faithful Dr.CROSERIO, who practiced with MELANIE after
SAMUEL’s death. The 6th edition is the Founder’s last will and testament and a guidebook to the
medicine of the future.
A New Beginning
After the death of his first wife, SAMUEL continued his practice of medicine at Coethen, where he wrote
the 5th edition of the Organon. Although he was still in good health, he decided that he was going to retire
from his active practice and remove himself from day to day involvement with Homeopathy. In the year
1835, the Founder was visited by a French woman named Mademoiselle MELANIE D’HERVILLY, who
was destined to become his second wife, closest confidante, and apprentice. She was well known among
Parisians as a philanthropist, poet, artist, and feminist, and she had been interested in the healing arts since
her youth. She called on the doctor for the treatment of an ailment, and even though she was half his age,
they instantly found themselves falling in love.
The marriage of MELANIE and SAMUEL took place quietly on January 18, 1835. It was a great surprise
to most of his close friends, as they were not informed of the wedding, and the couple soon left for Paris.
He wrote HERING that his new wife made him feel like a “younger man again,” and that he had taken up a
new life. MELANIE learned the healing arts at his side and became the first in a long line of female
homeopathic doctors. So, instead of the old doctor retiring, he and his new wife built a very large practice
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in Paris. It wasn’t long before SAMUEL began a new series of experiments in posology and pharmacy.
We are grateful to MELANIE for opening a new chapter of the old Master’s life and inspiring him to reach
new heights.
HAHNEMANN was not completely satisfied with the medicinal solutions of 30C potencies, especially in
the treatment of the chronic miasms and complex degenerative diseases. He had given his blessings to the
high potency movement in the 5th edition, but he was raising his own potencies very slowly. It was in
1839 that he began to routinely administer the 200C potency in the clinic. In certain cases, he found the
lower potencies to be too weak, yet at the same time, the higher potencies caused strong aggravations. He
wondered if it was possible to make a remedy that acted deeply, but was gentler on the constitution. Even
though the use of medicinal solutions had greatly improved the centesimal potency system, he still
wondered how he could overcome aggravations in patients who were weak, overly sensitive, and, at
present, incurable.
The Founder would ponder these problems as he smoked his pipe, a life long habit that MELANIE
unsuccessfully tried to reform. If a low potency is too weak to act, and a high potency only aggravates,
what are we supposed to do? How can we acquire the advantages of both a low and high potency in one
remedy? Surely, the answer to this question did not lay in raising the centesimals to ever higher degrees.
He had tested JENICHEN’s high potencies, but they were not suitable for chronic pathology in those with
weakened vitality. It was HAHNEMANN’s greatest desire to cure these complex diseases in those with an
injured vital force. The only thing the old master could do was to begin a new series of experiments, even
though he was in his eighties!
An 1837 Case from HAHNEMANN’s Paris journals
Most of the symptoms of the Paris casebooks are recorded in MELANIE’s handwriting, although
SAMUEL wrote all the prescriptions and repertory insertions. The following case is from the same year
that he introduced the split-dose of the medicinal solution to the Paris edition of the Chronic Diseases.
(Samuel Hahnnemann, Krankenjournal, DF-5, 1837 - 1842, Karl F: Haug Verlag, Heidelberg,
Germany, lower page number, 521. Research on the French documents by David and Jill Little
and Gamberra, who also compared it with the German translation).
The client was Duke Valmy, an unmarried man aged 35 years old. Valmy’s case history is suggestive of
venereal miasms, suppression, and mercury poisoning. He visited the good doctor complaining of throat
pain, loose teeth, bleeding, pus of the gums, ulcers, and apthae. These symptoms began after taking a sea
journey at the age of 25. His throat pains were treated with bleeding by leeches. Fourteen days before his
visit to HAHNEMANN, he suffered a relapse of the pain, but it passed off naturally. He was constipated
and needed to take enemas of water to pass stool. For three years he suffered arthritic pains and edema of
the left knee, which was worse when fatigued by walking. Duke Valmy was also treated with mercury for
blood of the urethra, although the date is not given.
Complex diseases involving miasms, suppression, and drug poisoning are the most difficult to cure. In the
1st edition of the Chronic Diseases (1828), the Founder wrote that the treatment of the venereal miasms by
allopathic mercury often caused a flare-up of latent Psora, producing an obstructive layer. For this reason,
he used Sulphur and other anti-psoric remedies in many of his suppressed venereal disease cases. By
removing the psora and the suppression, the venereal disease would then surface unmasked. The Paris
casebooks are full of patients with infectious itch miasm, sycosis, syphilis, and tuberculosis mistreated by
the crudest allopathy imaginable. “Gay Parce” was reeling under the influence of many acute and chronic
miasms, as well as faulty medical practice. The following is HAHNEMANN’s July 26 prescription for the
Rx: Sulphur, 1 pill, 30C, in 500 drops of mixture.
1 drop in 6 tablespoons of water.
Take one tablespoon every morning.
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This is an example of a miniature solution made with 1 pill in 50 drops of 50% brandy and water. After
succussing this bottle, the patient was instructed to place one drop of solution into six tablespoons of water
in a glass. The water in the glass was then stirred and one tablespoon was given as a dose. This technique
is called a split dose instead of multiple dose, because it only uses one pill to make an aqueous solution that
is then “split” over several days, weeks, or months. In this way, it is possible to take “one pill many times”.
This keeps the amount of the dose very small, allowing for the repetition of the remedy to speed the cure if
and when necessary. HAHNEMANN referred to this method in the Paris edition of the Chronic Diseases.
On September 12, it is reported that Valmy was aggravated by Sulphur 24C in 15 tablespoons of water and
was given placebo. But Valmy misunderstood the instructions and continued to take the remedy as well.
When the Duke returned on September 20, HAHNEMANN gave Valmy Sulphur in alternation with a
placebo according to his symptoms. Then, on October 23, HAHNEMANN prescribed a series of placebos
without Sulphur.
Note that, in this case, the good doctor used both the small dropper bottle dose and the larger tablespoon
In the year 1837, HAHNEMANN was still facing several limitations in his therapeutic system, especially in
cases like Duke de Valmy. He was working with around 100 remedies in potencies mostly below 30C.
Although he spoke of potencies above 30C in the 5th Organon, in 1837 he mostly used 60C, 30C, 24C,
18C, 12C and 6C. It is only in 1839 that his journals show him regularly administering the 198C 199C, or
200C potencies. .By 1840, we find him using a full range of C potencies side by side with new LM
potencies 0/1 to 0/10. The increased remedial powers of the high potency C remedies (200 - 1M) and LM
potencies (0/1-0/30) were critical to the development of the complete homeopathic paradigm.
The second Prescription
Valmy’s second prescription was given after three months of Sulphur, interspersed with placebos when
necessary. On October 28, 1837, the case journals noted that Valmy had apthae inside the lip again,
bleeding gums, but no pain in the knee, shoulder, or chest muscles. The spots itching on the chest had
changed to white discolorations and there were no rushes of blood to the head when getting up. At this
time, HAHNEMANN makes his second prescription, changing the remedy to Cinnabaris, the red sulfate of
mercury, a well known anti-syphilitic remedy: Rx: Cinnabaris, 30C, 1 pill in 15 tablespoons with 1 spirit,
1 tablespoon in a glass of water to take 1, 2, 3 increasing small spoons.
In this prescription, HAHNEMANN uses a standard sized medicinal solution which is made in 7 to 15
tablespoons of water (3½ to 7 ounces) with spirits as a preservative. After succussing the remedy bottle, 1
tablespoon was stirred into a glass of water, and 1, 2, 3, or increasingly more teaspoons were given until
reaction was attained. This method of using medicinal solutions with the addition of a dilution glass was
first published in the 6th edition of Organon, which introduced the LM potency. This case shows that
HAHNEMANN administered his C potencies exactly like his LM potencies in his last five years.
As far as potency sequences go, the Founder used the 30C, 24C, 18C, 12C and 6C in descending order
throughout his entire career. It is only in the 1840’s that we find him raising the potency, from 198c to
199C to 200C, and using the LM 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, etc.; in ascending order. Nevertheless, HAHNEMANN still
seemed to favour progressively lowering the degree of his lower potencies 30C to 6C. This practice opens
the C potency scale to an upward or downward movement, depending on whether one is using the high or
low potencies. The Cinnabaris prescription for Duke Valmy began a series of remedies that started on
October 28, 1837 and continued until March 27, 1838. In the last entry for this case, Valmy was much
better than when he had first come to HAHNEMANN.
New Experiments
In the 1839 - 1840 Paris case journals, we find the appearance of new notations for potencies that are little
understood to this day. After the publication of the 1837 edition of the Chronic Diseases, SAMUEL began
a series of pharmacy experiments in which he was searching for a new potency system to complement the
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centesimals. Reverend EVEREST, who was a close confidante during HAHNEMANN’s last experiments,
witnessed many of these trials. Page 473 of BRADFORD’s Life and Letters of HAHNEMANN records
that on July 30, 1853, the “Times” published a letter from Reverend EVEREST to a Dr. LUTHUR in which
these experiments are described in detail. I have included most of the letter, since it is both enlightening
and of great historical significance. EVEREST writes :
“HAHNEMANN endeavored to find means to administer remedies in such a way that the least
possible disturbances compatible with cure should result. To this end he made a great variety
of experiments. The first in order was olfaction, and this he adopted in certain cases to the
end of his life, I am not aware that he altogether abandoned it. But certain objections caused
him to seek for some other means of moderating medicinal action. His next experiment was
to dissolve three, two, or one globules in a glass of water, and then, after carefully stirring, to put a
dessert or teaspoonful of this into another glass.”
Thus, the Founder first tested olfaction of the remedy rather than the dry dose. Then he began to
make medicinal solutions in a glass with 1, 2, or 3 pills, and then stirring a teaspoonful in another dilution
glass. These methods date from the early 1830s. EVEREST continues :
“He still found, however, that in very delicate constitutions too much excitement was
produced even thus, when the medicine was accurately chosen; for if a medicine is not exactly
harmonic to the case, its effects are, of course, much less, in as much as in that case it acts on a
part of the organism not morbifically excited; and this remark will explain why so many
practitioners of modern or “improved Homeopathy” experience so few cases of aggravation, that
is because they give medicines at random, and so do not touch the disturbed nerves at all.
The attenuation was sometimes carried through two, three, four, five and six tumblers; but it
was a very inconvenient proceeding, and it had none of the simplicity which Nature’s laws
generally have. He tried, in its order, the diminution of the number of shakes, but that seemed
not to give the accurate result that he wanted.”
Here we can see that HAHNEMANN is trying to find a method to overcome the aggravations caused by his
high potencies through diluting the remedy in two or more glasses by stirring. This method is included in
the 6th edition of the Organon for adjusting the dose for hypersensitive constitutions. The Reverend
“He tried many plans and made many experiments with one or two of which I am acquainted and
others I have forgotten, if ever I heard them. At last, however, and the one that gave the most
satisfactory results (I believe I may say that he was perfectly satisfied with them) was the plan I now
Starting from the first spirituous tincture of any medicine which I believe was the third from the
commencement (3c), and is, according to the ordinary notation, written “I”, instead of adding
one drop of this dynamization to one hundred drops of spirit of wine to make the next, and so
continuing the dynamization by drops, he moistened a few globules of a fixed normal size
with it, and taking in the first experiment, I believe, ten but in the latter and more
satisfactory ones only one globule of those so moistened, he dissolved that in a minute drop
of water, and then added one hundred drops of spirit of wine. Having shaken it (I forget how
much) he moistened globules with this, and having dried them, put them into a tube in his
medicine chest, well corked. These he labeled 0/1. The next dynamization was procured by
dissolving one globule of 0/1 in a small drop of water, and adding one hundred drops of spirit
of wine; with this he humected globules as before and called that dynamization 0/2.”
This quote offers many clues to the transition potencies witnessed between 1839 and 1840. HAHNEMANN
had two favorite new potencies, one of which was marked 0/1, and the other is 00/1. The 00/1 potency may
have been made with two pellets at every degree instead of the one pellet used for the LM potency. Our eye
witness has forgotten one stage of the LM potency process, i.e. that the 3c is mixed with 500 drops of
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dilute. Then one drop is mixed with 100 drops to make LM 0/1. Please refer to the 6th Organon, aphorism
270, for the complete details.
After many trials and tribulations, HAHNEMANN discovered the 1/50,000 dilution in 1840, and created
the new LM pharmacy. He had decided that raising the dilution ratio to the LM scale increased the
therapeutic range of Homeopathy more than just continuing to raise the potencies of the centesimals. He
wrote :
“This method of dynamization, I have found after many laborious experiments and counter-
experiments, to be the most powerful and at the same time (the) mildest in action, as the material
part of the medicine is lessened with each dynamization 50,000 times and yet incredibly
increased in power.”
The introduction of the LM potency was HAHNEMANN’s last great gift to Homeopathy and was the fruit
of his 50 years of research. With this higher dilution ratio he found the means to break the impasse in
treating many of his incurable patients. The 1/50,000 dilution ratio complements the 1/100 ratio, as they
both possess their own unique remedial qualities. At last, the old doctor was satisfied that he had found his
“most perfected method” and had come closer to his goal of a rapid, gentle, and permanent cure.
Reverend EVEREST said that HAHNEMANN “was so entirely satisfied with the gentle and kindly
action of these preparations that they would, I think, almost have superseded with him all other
preparations.” He called the new preparations medicamens au globule (medicine of the globules, the one
pill being noted by the “0” ). In contrast, the centesimal potencies were marked with a small “x” and were
called medicaments a la goultte (medicines of the drop).
Today, the centesimal potencies are usually used according to KENT’s theory of harmonics, in which the
potency is raised from the lower to the higher in seven radical jumps. For example, if one begins a case at
30C and then observes a relapse, one would give the 200C. If the patient relapses again, then one would
give the 1M, followed by the 10M, 50M, CM, and MM, if necessary. In the LM system, the homeopath
uses a series of gradually ascending potencies that starts at LM 1 and continues gradually upward through
LM 2, LM 3, LM 4, etc. up to LM 30, in a gently ascending arc. The difference in the dilution rates and
potency scales of the LM and centesimal potencies makes their remedial actions complementary and quite
In contrast to today’s continued use of dry doses, the C and LM potencies were used exclusively in the
medicinal solution in HAHNEMANN’s final Gestalt. The average medical solution is made in a minimum
of 7 tablespoons of water (3 - ½ oz). This aqueous solution is then succussed 1 to 12 times just prior to
administration of the dose. After this, 1,2,3, or increasingly more teaspoons are stirred into a dilution glass
of water. From this glass, 1, 2, or 3 teaspoons constitutes the average adult dose. This dose may be tuned by
adjusting the number of succussions and the amount of the solution, according to the individual’s
constitutional sensitivity. This transforms the static dry dose into a dynamic solution of which the patient
never receives the same dose or potency twice. This remedy can be given as a single or spilt-dose,
depending on circumstances. This work is the Founder’s last great gift to suffering humanity, and became
the foundation for the 6th Organon of the Healing Art.
The Homeopathy of the 1840s
The 6th edition of the Organon was completed in 1842 when HAHNEMANN was 87 years old, and is the
fruit of his life long experiments. On February 20, 1842, he wrote a letter to Baron von
BOENNINGHAUSEN to announce the completion of his new work:
“I have now, after 18 months of work, finished the sixth edition of my Organon, the most nearly
perfect of all.”
HAHNEMANN planned for the printing of this final work, but unfortunately, problems arose with his
publishers. For this reason, the 6th edition was not published before he died on July 2, 1843. It would take
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more than 80 years before his masterpiece was rescued from obscurity and presented to the homeopathic
community. It is recorded on page 74 of BOENNINGHAUSEN’s Lesser Writings that HAHNEMANN
had shared the new LM potency with the Baron:
“In the new edition of the Organon, improved and completed by HAHNEMANN himself, a
new simplified procedure for the potentizing of medicine will be taught, which has considerable
advantages over the former and yields a preparation as to the efficiency of which I can, from my
own experience, give full praise.”
BOENNINGHAUSEN’s contribution to homeopathy is vast, as he gave us the first complete homeopathic
repertories and the relationship of remedies. Since the Baron stated that he was speaking from his “own
experience,” it shows that he too had tested the LM remedies.
The ten years between the writing of the 5th and 6th Organon were the most productive of Samuel
HAHNEMANN’s long career. The homeopathy of the 1840’s is based on the use of the C and LM
remedies in medicinal solution, and the repetition of the split dose when necessary. One of his first LM
cases was started in 1840 with Sulphur 0/10, causing a strong aggravation that was treated with placebos
for some time. In the beginning, HAHNEMANN tried to move downward from 0/10 to 0/9, 0/8, etc., as he
had done with his lower potency C’s (30C, 24C, 18C, 12C, and 6C). He soon found that the new LM
remedies were very high potencies, more similar to the high potency Cs than to the low potencies. So he
changed his practice and started with the lowest degrees like 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, then moving upward through the
scale. By the year 1843, he began most of his LM cases between 0/1 and 0/3, although occasionally he
would start at 0/4, 0/5, 0/6. etc., depending on circumstances. He often alternated a placebo with his
remedies at various intervals, or followed a series of doses with placebos. The idea that he used the daily
dose for weeks, months, or years in Paris is a complete myth.
The following is a redaction of a Paris case dated January 14, 1843, just six months before HAHNEMANN
left for his Heavenly Abode. With this client, he used the C and LM potencies in medicinal solution at
different times during the case. This case was sent by letter to BOENNINGHAUSEN and is recorded on
page 192 of the Baron’s Lesser Writings:
“O-t, an actor, 33 years old, married, 14 January, 1843. For several years he had been
frequently subject to sore throats as also now for a month past. The previous sore throat had
lasted six weeks. On swallowing his saliva, a pricking sensation, feeling of contraction
and excoriation. When he does not have the sore throat he suffers from a pressure in the anus,
with violent excoriating pains, the anus is then inflamed, swollen and constricted; it is only with
great effort that he can pass his stool, then the swollen hemorrhoidal vessels protrude.”
On January 15, HAHNEMANN gave one pill of Belladonna 30C in a 7 tablespoon medicinal solution that
was succussed just prior to administration. One tablespoon was then taken and stirred in a glass of water.
The exact number of succussions and the dosage given to the patient is not noted. By the next day, the sore
throat was gone, but the old rectal affection had resurfaced as an anal fissure. Under questioning, the actor
confessed that he had contracted syphilis eight years earlier that was treated with caustics. This confirmed
that the doctor was treating a case of active secondary syphilis. He then administered Belladonna’s anti-
syphilitic complement,. Mercurius Vivus, LM 0/1:
Merc. Viv., one globule of the lowest new dynamization (which contains a vastly smaller
amount of matter than the usual kind), prepared in the same manner, and to be taken in the same
as the Belladonna (the bottle being shaken eachtime), one spoonful in a tumblerful of water well
The Founder then repeated the dose of Mercurius vivus LM 0/1 and later LM 0/2 until January 30, when
the throat became inflamed again. He then used a placebo for seven days until February 7. By then, the
anus was better but the sore throat was still lingering. He then realized that Psora was interfering with his
anti-syphilitic remedy, as he warned about such things in the Chronic Diseases. HAHNEMANN then used
his cardinal anti-psoric remedy Sulphur LM 0/2 as a chronic intercurrent, and repeated the dose until
February 13.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 165
During this period, the client developed clear Mercury symptoms, like ulcerative pains in the throat and
profuse saliva. So, on February 13, he was again given Mercurius vivus LM 0/2. The Sulphur had
removed the obstructive layer of Psora and suppression, allowing the syphilitic symptoms to surface. By
the February 20, the sore throat was completely gone and the anus once again became inflamed and
hemorrhoidal. The Founder now used placebo for 13 days! So much for the myth of the daily dose of the
LM potency.
On the 3rd of March, the sore throat was gone, but the patient experienced blind piles that protruded at
stool - though the pains were much better than before. HAHNEMANN then prescribed Nitricum Acidum by
olfaction (potency unknown). The patient was given milk sugar in medicinal solution as a placebo, to keep
him under control. According to the Founder’s notes, “He remained perfectly cured.” Thus, after first
giving Belladonna 30C as an acute remedy, HAHNEMANN used three anti-miasmic remedies in three
months, Mercurius vivus and Sulfur in LM potencies, and Nitricum acidum by olfaction.
In the LM period (1840 - 1843), HAHNEMANN occasionally used alternations or an acute and chronic
intercurrent under special circumstances. An interesting example is the case Madame GARDE, 44 years
old, who was seen on April 18, 1842. (A case from the author’s collection of microfiches obtained from the
Robert Bosch Institute, Germany) She suffered from womb problems since a childbirth 19 years prior
that was treated with a variety of suppressive treatments. This complex chronic state was then complicated
further by a crisis caused by cerebral fevers. HAHNEMANN began this case with an alternation of Aconite
30C and Sulphur LM 0/5 in medicinal solution. Note that this is an alternation of two remedies as well as
the C and LM potency systems. In our research, we are keeping an eye out for these unusual cases, in
which HAHNEMANN used alternations and acute and chronic intercurrents to complement his
constitutional treatment. In this way, some of the more promising techniques he utilized may be tested in
clinical trials and updated, if found effective.
The C and LM potencies in medicinal solution greatly expanded the therapeutic horizons of classical
homeopathy when compared with 4th Organon techniques. The high C potencies (200C, 1M, 10M, and
above) must be used with great caution in cases where there are special sensitivities or too much tissue
pathology. In many serious diseases, the lower C potencies are not deep enough to cure, while the higher C
potencies only produce unproductive aggravations. This is one of the times the LM potency may be a life
When the C potencies are used in the split-dose of the medicinal solutions, they act more like the LM
potencies - yet each pharmaceutical method retains its individual character. In the Paris case books,
HAHNEMANN tended to use his Cs, in crisis and acute conditions, and his LM’s for chronic degenerative
disorders and chronic miasms. This tendency, however, was neither absolute nor exclusive.
Samuel HAHNEMANN worked for 50 years to perfect his new healing art. The final definitive years were
1840 - 1843, the period in which he created the 6th Organon. Unfortunately the Paris period is being
misrepresented by a number of so called reformers of our healing art. They speak as if the Paris casebooks
contain some revelation that sweeps away all the cardinal principles of Homepathy. They use
polypharmacy terms like “dual remedies” or “combinations” to describe the Founder’s use of alternation or
a series of remedies, and claim he always gave the daily dose. “HAHNEMANN, HAHNEMANN,
HAHNEMANN,” they cry, while in truth they use rapid changes of remedies, or combinations chosen by
etiologies or disease names. In this way, they confuse new students as well as old practitioners that are
only familiar with the methods of the 4th Organon.
The 1840 - 1843 Paris case books and the 6th edition of the Organon contain the seeds of the best
contemporary Homeopathy, and much, much more. Those trained in the 4th Organon are the best
prepared to test the hypotheses of the Paris methods in the clinic. Without this solid foundation, it is almost
impossible to understand the sophisticated posology techniques and case management procedures of the
1840’s. Why allow our heritage to be misrepresented and abused by the pretenders? HAHNEMANN’s
advanced methods require more knowledge and experience of classical Homeopathy, not less.
Homeopaths, Dare to know!
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 166
A brown haired electrician aged twenty-five years has had frequent attacks of chills and fever for five
years; always cured by quinine.
Steady hard pain in lumbar region for more than a year.
Worse from walking, carrying a weight, while lying on the back.
Better from hard pressure on the painful spot.
Back feels too weak to support the body.
Easily chilled.
Feet dry and hot; formerly they sweat profusely.
Inordinately fond of salt.
Pain the back better from hard pressure indicates most prominently Dulcamara, kali carbonicum,
Natrum muriaticum, and Sepia. Of these Natrum mur. and Sepia only are worse from lying upon the
back. The craving for salt belongs only to Natrum mur. Natrum mur. is one of the remedies most
frequently needed for suppressed foot sweat or malaria. Further inquiry brought out the fact that the type of
chills indicated that remedy.
1904, Feb. 1. One powder Natrum muriaticum cm Fincke.
March 10. In a few days an itching eruption covered the person and the feet began to sweat as of yore.
The back then stopped aching.
Saccharum lactis.
May 10. The backache returned a few days ago after over-work.
Natrum muriaticum 275m Fincke, one powder.
Oct. 25. He has been very well until a few days ago when the backache returned.
Natrum muriaticum 5cm Fincke, one powder.
Since then, three years, he has been in excellent health.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 167
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contributions and
other original articles)
I. Nutrients A to Z by Michael SHARON. Publishers Rupa & Co., New Delhi. 1998. Price
It is a fact of common knowledge that with our increasing consumption of processed foods and
commercially produced farm products we are being deprived of essential nutrients in our diet - leading to
easy susceptibility to stress and increased levels of ill health. However over the last thirty years in Western
Countries there has been a phenomenal growth and a profusion of health claims for every kind of food or
food supplements.
This can at times be very confusing. This book by Dr SHARON is an easy to use reference guide for every
type of food, herb, vitamin, mineral or herbal supplement that one may need in our daily lives. It reveals
where one can buy such products what it exactly is, where it comes from, how to prepare it and enjoy it, its
medicinal and health benefits and recommended daily dosage. From bananas to carrots, olive oil to yogurt
from Gingko biloba and Guarana to melatorium - all find a place in this book. Some of the names in this
book were totally unknown to me. For example DONG QUAI, DHEA, DEVILS CLAW, GABA, GOTU
COLA, HMB, KOMBU, KOMBUCHA - etc. were ingredients and products that are almost totally
unknown to us in India.
At the end of the book is a chapter on various firms, shops in UK, USA, Australia and Canada which sell
the above products and also can lend helpful advice to the customers. There is also an index of diseases
wherein the various items in the book are given before each disease as a suggestive guide for therapy.
The author’s previous book was a very comprehensive one titled “Complete Nutrition” meant more for the
professional physician. This book is meant more for lay people - though even doctors could profit from
having a copy and browsing through it at leisure.
II. Integral health by Dr.Soumitra BASU. Published by SAIIIHR Shri Aurobindo Society,
Pondicherry. August 2000. Price Rs.75/-.
Dr.BASU is a Psychiatrist practicing in Calcutta who has been concerned with the concept of Integral
Health and the various different dimensions of health as it is present today with the medical profession. In
this short book of 140 pages, Dr.BASU has dealt essentially with the theme of consciousness and the
various planes of consciousness taking his stand from the writings of Shri AUROBINDO and MOTHER.
Illness is essentially a disequillibrium that manifests at any plane of consciousness resulting in a
disharmony that can be corrected by moving to a higher level of harmony. Dr.BASU states that health is
essentially a dynamic equilibrium between the energies acting at different planes of consciousness. So far
the various models of treatment and healing have their essential idea based on the working of the energy on
either the outer physical, vital or mental consciousness. But none of them have a long term permanent
effect simply because the therapy does not take into consideration an aspect of higher consciousness known
as the psychic being which is the real integrative principle of the human personality. The term Psychic
Being was specially given by Shri AUROBINDO and represents the Atma of the Indian tradition in its
Evolving Form. It is only if The Psychic Being can be made to replace the ego that, the individual then
has a sense of wholeness, integrity, peace and joy. The role of culture and society with respect to Integral
Health and The role of Shakti especially Pranic Shakti as it acts both in the individual microcosm and the
Dr.BASU also has given illustrative case studies of various psychiatric patients to illustrate his thesis and a
very effective glossary that explains the various terms and concepts which may be unknown to a reader not
familiar with the works of Shri AUROBINDO and MOTHER. Around 159 references are given at the end
of the book and in a short span of about 140 pages. Dr.BASU has potrayed quite admirably all aspects of
this consciousness approach to Health and Healing.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 168
III. Homöopathie für Frauenärzte by Helga RICHTER, Max HAIDVOGL, Hippokrates-Verlag,
Stuttgart, 2000, DM 49,90 - (German): ‘Homeopathy for Gynaecologists’ by Drs.Helga RICHTER and
Max HAIDVOGL, with an Introduction by Prof. Dr.Mathias DORCSI.
In the forward Dr.RICHTER says that the book is a result of 10 years practical experience of application of
homeopathic therapy in the Gynaecology-obstetrical wards of the Hospital Lainz and under the Ludwig
Boltzmann Institute for Homeopathy.
It was possible to demonstrate the efficacy of Homeopathy in a large number of patients in a hospital. It
also demonstrated that it is possible to integrate Homeopathy successfully in Clinical Medicine.
The brief Introductory Chapter details the role of Homeopathy in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. The
authors say that homeopathic therapy can be combined with the conventional therapy in appropriate cases.
The ‘Similia’ principle, Medicinal Provings and Homeopathic Materia Medica, Potentisation, use of
Repertory, the initial aggravation - all these which are exclusive to Homeopathy are explained.
Researches, particularly the Meta analysis done in the 1990, - double blind trials, animal experiments - are
also briefly mentioned.
The Homeopathic therapeutic section begins with the Materia Medica of “10 important remedies” - Kali
carbonicum (key symptoms : Weakness, Vertigo, Sweat) Aristolochia (with Pulsatilla, Aristolochia is a
very important remedy for women), Pulsatilla, Sepia, Cimicifuga, Lilium tigrinum, Platina, Belladonna,
Phosphorus. The ‘indications’ and ‘dose’ are given in boxes on each page. The doses are mostly the
decimal potencies - D6 to D200 and only the M is the centesimal.
The next Chapter is therapeutics which covers almost all the conditions met with during pregnancy, during
and after childbirth. These also are brief and succinct. A small chapter deals with Gynaecological ailments
- Carcinoma, Endometriosis, Leucorrhoea, Mastitis (and other mammary conditions), uterine Myoma,
menstrual irregularities.
Lastly, the Materia Medica of 85 remedies are given briefly (Key Note: e.g.Acidum nitricum, angry,
furious women. Much weakness. Ulcerative skin-mucus membrane processes. Pains: stitching, burning,
“splitter pains”. Indications: Endometriosis, cervix erosion to Carcinoma, Leucorrhoea, Stomatitis, Colitis);
some just two lines specifically - (e.g. Allium sativum - leucorrhoea, whitish, itching; indications: vaginal
fungal infections) These are not just repetitions from the extant Materia Medica but based on the
experience of the authors.
A lengthy bibliography references and Indexes - clinical conditions, remedies are given at the end.
The book would, one hopes, stimulate some more hospitals to establish homeopathic treatment of pregnant
women and thus save much cost, time and suffering.
Written clearly with ‘boxed indications which one can (and indeed should refer to) memorize. Paper,
printing, binding all very good. A very good addition to the busy practitioner.
IV. Homeopathy - The Scientific Medicine, Part I & II, E. BALAKRISHNAN, Unicorn Books Pvt.
Ltd., F- 216, Ansari Road, Daryagang, New Delhi - 110002. Rs. 96/- and Rs. 135/-
Dr. BALAKRISHNAN has been a regular contributor to the National Journal of Homeopathy. In these two
volumes which primarily appear to have been intended for those who wish to know some basic things about
Homeopathy, he has attempted to make them as complete as he possibly can.
Homeopathy is introduced by way of stressing its basic tenets, followed by the Art of Case Taking”,
“Study of Materia Medica and Case Analysis through Repertory”. Brief introduction of “Potentisation” a
technique peculiar to Homeopathy alone, followed by selection of potency are contained in the subsequent
The world, particularly the so-called “scientific” in it, is yet to appreciate the implication of the process of
potentisation. Potentisation makes the least or the smallest, ultra-molecular substance do big things; by this,
the smallest quantity is sufficient for an extremely large number or many and thus there is no measureable
depletion of the sources. Thus there is everything available for everyone.
Another concept of Homeopathy “Chronic Miasms” is explained succinctly.
The use of disease and bacterial products as medicines, which are powerful and benevolent homeopathic
medicines, are discussed in a chapter.
The subsequent chapter deal with the techniques of application of the remedies.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 169
There is a useful chapter at the end about treatment of “Backward and Retarded Childrenand “Behavioral
Problems of Children”.
The book contains many quotations from reliable source and these make the book good reading. One
could pick up good material from these.
Part II - contains Pictures” (Line drawing) of 116 homeopathic medicines. The major curative
physiological / anatomical regions of each of the remedies with their Key Notes are given in this.
Chapter 2 contains tabulated “Comparative Therapeutic, Notes of the Drugs” presented. This Chapter 2 will
be useful.
The book ends with 35 cases and some quotes from Master homeopaths.
The book is well produced, printed clearly, on good quality paper.
Dr. BALAKRISHNAN has done a good job.
V. Definitive Dictionary of Terminologies of Mind in Homeopathy, by H.L. CHITKARA, B.Jain
Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi. Rs. 100/-
Dr M.L. SEHGAL developed a homeopathic remedy selection technique based on the “Mind” symptoms
alone. Over the past nearly two decades this method has been gaining more followers both within India and
The technique is simple: be closely attentive to everything which the patient expresses by word, gestures
etc. There is no need to look about for a so-called strange, peculiar symptom. Collect the persistent,
predominant and prevailing symptoms and search for the remedies in the rubrics in the “Mind” chapter of
the Repertory, and pick up the most suited, and give a single dose only and wait.
What is important is that the homeopath should be able to convert the symptoms and expressions of the
patient into repertorial rubrics contained in the Mind Chapter of the Repertory. One must know the
“meaning” of the rubrics with reference to the homeopathic therapeutics. Dr. CHITKARA who is a leading
practitioner and exponent of the “Sehgal method” has compiled the present work to aid the homeopath
who wants to know the “meaning” of the rubrics.
It is to his credit that he has made it as brief and succinct but as clear as could be done.
It is handy and can be carried in one’s pocket.
Printed in easily readable format, good paper, this Dictionary can be unhesitatingly recommended to every
Homeopathy practitioner.
1. 6th All India Homeopathic Medical Congress, from 23rd to 26th December 2000 at Mehta
Auditorium, Prayag Sangeet Sameeti, Alfred Park, Civil Lines & C.M.P Degree College Auditorium,
M.G.Marg, Allahabad. Organized by Indian Homeopathic Organization, Allahabad Unit, UP State
Branch. For further detail contact: Congress Secretariat, 6th All India Homeopathic Medical Congress,
5/33, Nawab Yusuf Road. (Behind C.T.O), Panchsheela Colony, Civil Lines, Allahabad. Telephone:
623356, 420071, 400501. e-mail: sudhak@nde.vsnl.net.in.
2. 7th Sarla SONAWALA Memorial Seminar, 21st January 2001 at RD Choksey Hall, Golden Jubilee
Block, TATA Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 400 012. Milan Clinic, 71B Saraswathi Rd, Santa Cruz(W) -
Mumbai. 400 054 Ph.6492762. e-mail: vishpala@vsnl.com
3. The Medisynth Similimum - A Legend, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st December 2000. Speakers:
Dr.Harry Van Der Zee, Dr. Chaim Rosenthal, Dr.Alize Timmerman, Dr.Praful Vijaykar, Dr.D.P.Rastogi,
Dr.Janardan Reddy and others. Contact Medicure Foundation, 3, Mehra Bhavan, 14A Road, Ahimsa Marg,
Khar (W), Mumbai - 400 052.
4. First National Homeopathic Seminar 2001 at Udaipur (Raj) organized by Homeopathic Medical
College Dabok, Faculty of Medicine Rajasthan Vidyapeeth (Deemed) University on the 12th and 13th
January 2001. For further details contact Dr.K.P.Pradhan, Homeopathic Medical College, Dabok. 313 002.
Udaipur (RAJ.)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 170
5. 10th National Homeopathic Conference on 17th and 18th February 2001 at Hotel Peterhoff,
Shimla (H.P.). Address Dr.Anuradha Verma, Organising Secretary, 10th National Homeopathic
Conference, 21/414, Indira Nagar, Lucknow - 16.
28th & 29th APRIL 2001 at Prabodhankar Keshav Sitaram Thakre Natyamandir. Further details
contact A-Wing. Mini theatre’, 4th Floor, Near Borivali station, Sodawala lane, Borivali (W), Mumbai -
400 092.