© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XVIII, 2001
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homeopathy
drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany,
France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the
original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this
compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD, VOL. XVIII, 1 & 2, 2001 3
2 QHD, VOL. XVIII, 3 & 4, 2001 99
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD, VOL. XVIII, 1 & 2, 2001
Part I.- Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are -given at the end of Part I of this journal and
readers are requested to refer to them for full articles.
1. Gedanken zur ärztlichen Ethik
(Thoughts on Medical Ethics)
RENOLDNER Klaus (DH, 18/1998)
1. 83 year-old man severely ill; only skin and
bones,cachetic, high-grade heart insufficiency.
As I was preparing to begin to give him an
infusion he raised his arm with his last
remaining strength and shook his head
forbidding me from doing anything. Earlier he
had for long refused hospitalization. Now he
has directly refused medical help, while his
wife was requesting everything possible to be
Whose request should I fulfill? I waited until
the patient again fell into half-sleep and then I
decided to respond to his wife’s request and
gave the patient the infusion. The wife’s
helplessness moved me very much and tat was
the motivation. (The patient later passed away
peacefully). The theme here is the balancing
between “absolute authority of the doctor” and
“absolute autonomy of the patient.”
2. An 85 year-old patient with multiple sicknesses
clearly said that he would not go to a hospital
anymore, but would be cared for only by his 80
year-old wife. He had a suspected Colon
Carcinoma. His wife did not want that to be
disclosed to her husband. Few months later an
acute intestinal block. I explained the situation
to both and aranged for an operations. After
brief preparation the patient was operated and
he survived for six months. In restropect: did I
do right in not insisting upon the operation
earlier. We do not know. The theme in this:
We should beware of arrogance of our
knowledge. We are not prophets.
3. We are not always, in our practice, giving full
concentration and capability and feel empathy
with our patient. Often we are very tired or do
not take much care.
40 year-old female patient, a peasant. She was
very tried with farming,, household and care of
sick parents. She was much afraid that she
may not be able to carry on like this. I was so
much touched by her situation that tears welled
up in my eyes. It was clear to me that
here neither advice nor psychiatric remedies
were called for but only sympathy and
empathy. I let her tell her entire story. She did
so, thanked me and went. A month later she
came again. She felt that she was better. The
theme here is that we should let our patient let
out their inner feelings.
4. This was 20 years ago when I was a physician
in Paraguay in a development projects.
Tuberculosis was rampant there. A patient was
before me who had to be taken to a hospital for
treatment. The Chief of the tribe Mbya
Indians did not allow this since it involved
taking the patient to another Indian
environment. That night I was witness to an
Indian ‘meet’ from a distant tribe and the tribe
with whom I was staying. For two hours there
was music, and dancing and then
everyone dispersed. The Indians had held a
healing ceremony that night in which many
Indian healers part-took.
Next morning the Chief said that I could take
the patient for treatment.We have to treat the
patient on line with his social and
environmental milieu.
2. Sind wir Ärzte oder Mediziner?
(Are we doctors or medical men?)
DREXLER Leopold (DH, 18/1998)
This is an essay on our role as doctors and also
as healers at the same time.
3. Von der Imaginaction und den Planeten?
(About Imagination and the Planets)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
MICHELS Hans Lothar (DH, 18/1998)
This interesting essay is about PARACELSUS
and the discovery of the Dynamis. The author
argues with relevant quotes that although
HAHNEMANN did not value much
PARACELSUS’ teachings, PARACELSUS is very
relevant to Homeopathy and the knowledge of
4. Why Philosophy?
CROCE A J (HT, 19, 11/1999)
The author explains the significance of the
study of homeopathic philosophy for the
homeopathic students. She stresses that
homeopathic philosophy and “how to use the
remedies” aren’t two separate subjects, but one and
the same. There are three main reasons why every
homeopath needs a firm grasp of homeopathic
1. Because every action has a philosophy behind
2. Because Homeopathy is a minority view.
3. So that we can do good Homeopathy.
5. Containing the Symptom’s Voice
BARZMAN A J (HOM. 76, 2000)
What would lead to the voice of symptoms
being hushed? What happens when that voice is
hushed? What possible effects on the patient follow
from this.
Limited self awareness within the practitioner. Lost
clinical opportunities due to this limited self
Deleterious situations arising from the limited self
awareness Undesirable outcomes following
deleterious situations.
Boundary violation by the practitioner:
By actual physical/sexual acting out
By suggesting comments/conversations
By inappropriate self-disclosures
Undesirable outcomes from the above:
The patient could flee the treatment with the
practitioner and does not feel safe to consult with
another doctor also
The patient stays in the treatment with diminished
The patient calls less
The patient comes less
The patient is less open
The patient is less motivated with maintaining
6. Symptoms and Symbols
JOHNSTON Linda (HOM, 76, 2000)
We live in a world of our own individual
symbols of our own making. As homeopaths, we
can use this process of symbols to help to find out
the patient’s remedy, T.
The philosophical moment of the 1800s called
romanticm is the first to hold a view which may
seem too obvious today that all symbolic language
addressed to a deeper, unconscious awareness in
human soul. Even Freudian Psychology nearly 70
years later, in its stress on what is most irrational in
man and its dependents on symbols is largely
indebted to the German Romantics of the early
1800s. From then FREUD worked with the novel
idea that humans use symbols in every area of their
life. He postulated that every part of human
behavior could be understood as logical if we
understood the meaning of a patient’s symbols to
him. FREUD gets the credit for this although
HAHNEMANN preceded him by nearly a century.
This brings us to the key feature the essence of
symbols - individuality. No two people use the
same symbol.
7. Samuel HAHNEMANNS Gratwanderung
zwischen Vereinfachung und Verifikation
(Samuel HAHNEMANN’s shifts between
simplification and verification)
WISCHNER, M. (ZKH, 44, 1 & 2/2000)
This article is an overview of
HAHNEMANN’s concept of Homeopathy.
Particularly striking is HAHNEMANN’s tendency
to simplification in almost every sector of his
teaching. The Vital Force is mentioned as an easy
answer to physiological questions. Only three
Miasms are held responsible for all diseases. The
elucidation with other concepts is restricted to the
formula:Correct = Homeopathy = HAHNEMANN,
and Incorrect = Remainder. Especially in Organon
5th edition there is a tendency to schematized
standardization of treatment. The positive point of
standardization is the simplification of therapy.
This facilitates the verification (or falsification) of
treatment results. HAHNEMANN just mentions
this epistemological model briefly. It is now for the
practitioners of Homeopathy to critically discuss
all these.
[There are homeopaths now who speak of many
‘Miasms’, for example ‘Ringworm’, ‘Typhoid’, etc.
Those who are one-up on HAHNEMANN are not
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
wanting. It appears, however, safe to follow the
well-laid and well-trodden path = KSS]
8. The Doctrine of Signatures: a historical,
philosophical, scientific view (II)
(BHJ, Vol. 89, 1/2000)
The first part of this article discussed the
history of the Doctrine of Signatures which was
given in the previous issue (QHD, XVII, 3 &
4/2000 under Philosophy). The second part as
follows: BACH developed a series of Flower
Remedies for emotional states. On the basis of the
Doctrine of Signatures, these can liberate the Vital
Force from an alien disease process or ‘archeus’.
An understanding of the role of the active principle
of a homeopathic medicine, in the physiology of its
source, may aid understanding of a curative action.
9. How Do We Acquire Knowledge Of our
KREISBERG Joel (SIM, XIII, 1/2000)
This article examines a variety of methods and
approaches to exploring the action of medicaments.
Two centuries ago, Samuel HAHNEMANN
developed a remarkable and innovative technique
called a “proving.” A proving is an investigation of
the action of a medicinal substance, undertaken by
healthy individuals. Aphorisms 121 to 140 of the
Organon of Medicine give specific instructions as
to the organization of what he outlined as a
hahnemannian proving. Recent homeopathic
literature discusses various other types of provings
currently being explored by contemporary
homeopathic communities. Alternatives to the
hahnemannian proving includes the dream proving,
both sleeping dreams and daydreams, and the
meditative proving. The herbal tradition of a
“journey,” a shamanic voyage to meet the plant
spirit, is very closely related to homeopathic
provings, and serves the same function. The
strengths and weaknesses of each of these types of
proving is the center of discussion of this article.
10. Contribuisão à compreensão da Teoria
Miasmática segundo Masi Elizalde
(A contribution to the understanding of the
Miasmatic Theory, according to ELIZALDE
BAROLLO Célia Regina, RISALITI Flávia,
DE PRIVEN Sehrial Waisse (RH, 65, 2/2000)
The authors present the homeopathic doctrine
foundations according to Masi ELIZALDE, as a
contribution to the understanding of the miasmatic
theory of HAHNEMANN.
11. O vitalismo Hahnemanniano na prática clinica
Homeopática (The Vitalism of HAHNEMANN
in homeopathic clinical practice)
TEIXERIA Marcus Zulian (RH, 65, 2/2000)
The diseases genesis, for the Homeopathic
Science, comes from the Vital Force; the
homeopathic treatment aims to balance this vital
source. And what is this Vital Force? It is the
Spirit, the Soul, the Mind, or a primordial energy
responsible for the human beings life and health
care. Many doctrinaire misunderstandings come
from the incomprehension of the real meaning of
this Vital Force; beginning from the understanding
of the disease process upto the therapeutic
propositions for treating them. This may bring to
the homeopathic clinical practice aspirations that
HAHNEMANN does not expect to reach. In this
work we highlight the hahnemanniana Vital
Force’s main characteristic, making analogies of the
same with the several existing medical and
philosophic conceptions. Thus, we can visualize
the several currents that might have influenced
HAHNEMANN during the elaboration of his
vitalistic model. According to the several currents
studied, it is evident that for the organic disease
genesis is situated in the Vital Source. Tsni or chi,
linga sharina, tzetem, double electric, vital body
or ethereal body, all corresponding to the
Hippocratic, instinctive, automatic and intelligent
vis medicatrix naturae which, in its modus
operandi, is similar to the neural-immune-
endocrine-metabolic system studied by the
integrative physiology in the reactions to the stress.
1. Ammonium causticum
SCHOLTEN Jan (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Picture of Ammonium causticum
1. Total idealism: inclined to overlook the
negative side which results in disappointment.
2. Exhausted through ideals: disappointment
turns to discontent accompanied by bitterness
and resentment.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
3. Actively unforgiving: resentment expresses
itself in an extremely critical attitude towards
4. Isolation without assertiveness: keep their
feelings to themselves, when they do it is in the
form of cutting and very cynical remark.
Fears: Vague, unknown, life, strangers, future,
traveling, flying, open spaces, crowds, failure,
disease, operations, Cancer, death.
Dreams: lost in a large building and can’t get out of
Mood: timid, uncertain, indecisive, listless,
disappointed, gloomy, suicidal.
Mental: confused, slow, orientation problems, lack
of concentration, forgetful, dementia.
Religion: magic, obsessive.
Contacts: reserved, closed, think long before they
speak, don’t say much.
Causes: neglect, abuse, incest, parents absent,
addicted or weak, loss of parents, and protectors.
Along with this Generals, Common complaints and
the Differential diagnosis between the Nitricums,
Acidums, Causticum, Natrums, Magnesiums are
given in a brief manner.
2. Themes and Cases of Laurocerasus
ACERMANN Christoph (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The many interesting themes that came up are
discussed in this article. Sources: STAPF,
(Synthesis; Additions of KENT, PHATAK),
The two cases are from the author.
3. Eucalyptus
TALWALKAR Abhay (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The botanical features of Eucalyptus and its
use as timber, essential oils and as ornaments are
given. The characteristic of the tree is given in
4. Proving of Alnus rubra
VERVARCKE Anne (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Report of a proving of Alnus rubra. The
proving began in November 1996. It was double
blind in 30 potency. There were four female
provers. No proving data is given, but only a
distilled version of repertorial rubrics.
5. Proving of Fagus sylvatica
WICHMANN Jörg (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The proving was double blind in a 30 potency.
There were three provers: female, age 36, midwife;
Male, age 36, homeopath and nurse; male, age 38,
homeopath. The article is a summary which gives
the major items and symptoms of the original
proving in the exact words used and with no
6. Proving of Populus tremuloïdes
HARTOG D Hans (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The proving was double blind in a 30 potency.
Three provers were involved: two female, one male.
A summary of all the Mind symptoms and the main
remaining symptoms translated into repertory
rubrics are presented. The dreams are presented in
full text!
7. Proving of Salix alba
BALANCE Sue (HL, 13, 1/2000)
A translation of the proving into repertory
rubrics is presented in the article.
8. Proving of Sambucus nigra
BERNARD M Teresa (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Report of a proving of Sambucus nigra where
the translation of the proving into repertory rubrics
alone are given. Five female provers took part. It
was double blind in a 30 potency.
9. Homeopathic Proving of the Cola nut
(Cola nidata)
SCHUSTER Bernd (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The characteristics of the Cola tree and its use
are given. The high value placed on the drug in
Africa is illustrated by the ancient legend. The
main ingredient of Cola seeds is Caffeine and
Theobromine. Cola belongs to the group of drug
remedies. The full hahnemannian proving with 23
participants (1996, Germany) revealed feelings of
invincibility, the idea of being able to see through
the material person into the innermost being or read
a person’s thought, i.e., mainly divine qualities and
abilities which the provers ascribe to themselves,
thus demonstrating a delusion of grandeur. The
new remedy shows an effect on eating disorders
(insatiability and fear of being poisoned) mania and
hyperactivity, disturbances of sugar metabolism,
gastro-intestinal illness with diarrhea, problems
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
with self-confidence, depression, sleepiness
(fatigue), anxiety dreams and migraine. A 28 year-
old woman with fear of being poisoned cured with
Cola is discussed in detail.
10. An Analysis of Betula alba
M, PELT M, VERHEIJ J (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Signature: a hardy but short-lived pioneer
The description about the botanical features,
explanations for the name Betula, ecological
strategy of the species, the signature that though the
tree is short-lived, its oil imparts durability to other
substances were discussed. Medicinal value of the
tree, its use in copper refineries, as a protective
against evil spirits and evil eye, and also mentions
that it symbolizes fertility and love.
Reports that the Betulacea do not contain
poisonous alkaloids, which means that there are no
strong toxicological effects to the nervous system in
Betula alba and the other betulaceae.
Proving by Study Group
PELT Margeurite
Proving results of eight provers were reported.
Mostly dreams of the provers have been discussed.
The themes of the remedy on the mind and physical
level are given.
Rubrics derived from the proving
Majority of the rubrics represents the mental
symptoms with few generalities.
Two cases of Betula alba have been reported
by Marguerite PELT and VAN DER WIEL - J V.
The author compares the Betula person to a
nurse who spends all her time and energy taking
care of others, she lacks the opportunity to develop
her own life, thus she remains in a larva like stage.
The pathology of the remedy is in the self-
sacrificing element. Just like a nurse who will not
bother the disabled person with her own complaints.
She will hide herself behind her white apron and put
on her professional smile.
On the physical level it is indicated in cases of
loss of too much fluid, like polyuria or
menorrhagia, with symptoms of weariness and
Skin: eczema, psoriasis.
Extremities: arthritis.
11. Pseudotsuga menziesii - A Homeopathic
OLSEN Steve (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Since 1995 the author is involved in the study
of trees that grow in North America and found that
many of the conifers - Abies canadensis, Abies
nigra, Sequoia, Arbutus manziesii, Pinus contorta
have a very strong effect on the appetite.
The author also found that many of the people
that need one of the tree remedies have a profound
feeling of being isolated, and disconnected from
other people. Abies canadensis, Camphora, Thuja
are good examples.
Proving protocol
Proving started in February 1995, sixteen
provers participated. The provers were given
instructions to take three doses a day of the 30
liquid potency until symptoms started
Proving symptoms
This is not a complete list of the proving
Extremely quick to argue. Intolerant of people
so won’t return phone calls. Kicked the cat off the
bed. Anger, critical over small things, lashing out.
Others must agree to my domination. Nervous,
feels isolated, inferior, distant from people. People
don’t like me and I don’t like me and I don’t like
Didn’t want to initiate a conversation, harder to
join the group of people that I usually talk with
them. Dream of killing someone. Closed to others,
oversensitive to criticism. Trying to be perfect.
Harsh self judgment.
There is no common link between me and
others, hard to fit in, to be accepted. Feel I am not
listened to, blame others for not giving me what I
feel I deserve and need. I want to jump and attack
people. Uncontrollable anger.
Throbbing headaches
Sinuses are very painful
Acne that is better from applying a hot cloth.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
Abdomen and Stomach
Unusually hungry after eating. I had a dream
that I ate until I felt nausea. I was worried that I
would not get enough.
Menses scanty
More chilly and sensitive to cold .
A case of a 16-year-old female with late
menses and lots of emotional symptoms which
required a great deal of differential diagnosis
between remedies like Arsenicum album, Nux
vomica, Hyoscyamus, Platina, Palladium, Sulphur,
Aurum metallicum, Cyclamen, Hura, Natrum
muriaticum, Natrum carbonicum, China, Thuja and
Pseudotsuga. Tendency to overeat, acne, scanty
and painful menses lead to Pseudotsuga, in 30 to
take every two days for ten days and then every
three days for three weeks. For one year she had
her menses every two months regularly and she had
a dose of the same medicine again which made her
menses to appear regularly every month.
12. Athena, the maiden with owl’s eyes
VAN DER ZEE H (HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
Pelvic disorder particularly Symphysiolysis is
discussed in detail. It is said that the key to a better
understanding of the remedy Trillium pendulum
was cases of pelvic disorders. Two such cases are
presented. Pallas Athena is one of the Greek
Goddesses, and this is Trillium pendulum’s
patroness and the owl their symbol. In both the
cases the author brought out some relation with the
owl and Pallas Athena. Differential diagnosis
between Calcarea phosphorica, Murex, Sabina,
Aesculus hippocastanum and Bellis perennis were
made with regard to pelvic disorders.
Mind picture of Trillium pendulum
1. Controlled, composed, thoughtful, systematic,
well-behaved, conscientious, responsible and
intellectual people.
2. They are ambitious and do not like to be
dependent or restricted.
3. They have an aversion to being hindered or
stopped by bodily complaints.
4. They do not like childhood, but want to be
adult as soon as possible, to possess the full
capacity of their mind.
5. They want to be a good mother, but also having
children must not hinder them in pursuing their
goals, in having a career.
6. Very much oriented to intellect, with intellect
they control their emotions.
7. Dislike quarreling and do not allow themselves
to be carried away by their emotions which
helps in solving others conflict.
8. When a woman is so focused on her head and
intellect, pregnancy can be quite a challenge.
They have to bring their energy down to the
lower half of their body. Delivery is more
animalistic, quite opposite to their nature of
intellectual composure.
9. Pallas Athena is their patroness and the owl
their symbol.
13. A New Homeopathic Remedy:
Peganum harmala
(HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
This article is given to show the autonomous
development of Homeopathy in Russia and the
other Eastern European countries. Results from
proving and clinical experience of Peganum
harmala are given in detail. Peganum harmala is a
perennial herbaceous (grassy) plant with many
stems and a specific, acrid smell. Belongs to the
Zygophyleacea family. Peganin is the main
alkaloid. A toxic plant. In poisonous dose, it first
produces excitement with loss of self-control and
different mental disorders. After this, depression of
a different degree begins to develop. Four
homeopathic provings were made: in 1991, 1992,
1994 & 1996. Potencies used were 6 and 30.
Symptoms obtained from the provings.
Break things, desire to
Desire to kill
Desire to die
Delusion, the evil eye on him/her
Delusion, that he is vitiated by some other people
and his problems are result of vitiation
Delusion, that he/she is surrounded by energetic
Delusion, that energetic vampires get power and
energy from him
Delusion, he is a vampire
Delusion that he is an adept of the devil
Delusion, that he belongs to the devil
Delusion, that he/she belongs to the opposite sex
Desires alcohol
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
Desires drugs
Desires smoking
Fight, desire to
Hatred of mother
Hatred of close relatives
Love, homosexuality
Strike, desire to
Pain, occiput, lying down agg.
Pain, occiput, moving of the head agg.
Eruption, pimples, with red blister surface on top
Eruption, pimples, chin on
Swelling of gums
Pain, sharp, cutting
Pain, sharp, cutting
Pain, hypochondria, right
Diarrhea, painless
Sexual desire increased
Menses, suppression of
Sexual desire increased
Sexual desire diminished
Devil, communication with the
Dead relatives, communication with
Death of his relatives
Homosexual, he is, and has homosexual contacts
Woman, he is
Eruption, pimples with red blister surface on top
A case of Congenital Adrenogenital syndrome and a
case of Diabetes Mellitus have been given to
substantiate the above symptoms. [No modalities -
temporal or spatial! Proving Symptoms must be
given as the Prover experienced. Not the ‘rubrics’
picked by the writer = KSS]
14. Amok - The Story of Stramonium
TAL Yaara (HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
The author talks about Stramonium, ‘Amok’
and the chess player - a Stramonium personality in
this article. The characteristics of Stramonium, a
Stramonium personality in everyday situations,
when he is in control and how does he react under
stress are detailed. ‘Amok’ is a short story by
Stefan Zweig. ‘Amok’ relates a conversation
between the author and a doctor on the deck of a
ship sailing from Calcutta to Genoa. The doctor’s
behavior bears striking similarities with the classical
Stramonium profile and the story includes
Stramonium elements which combine to create the
somber atmosphere typical of the Stramonium
picture. The author fishes out the Stramonium
elements from the story and gives various rubrics
for each situation.
15. Palladium
SHAH J J (HH, 24, 1/1999)
Mostly the mind symptoms of the remedy are
discussed. The emotional expressions and the inner
nature of Palladium are brought out. Graphic
representation of the mental symptoms are given.
16. Perceiving the Mind of Lilium tigrinum
SHAH J J (HH, 24, 1/1999)
Lilium tigrinum emotions typically resemble a
person whose life has been sexually restricted by
certain norms of the society. Increased sexual
desire leads to a phase of conflict of emotions
which in turn produces a sense of guilt and the
religious affections come up. To compensate the
guilty feeling they go to a phase of self-torture and
depression. The individual can be expressed in
three commonest ways:
1. Hurried, impatient behaviour
2. Extremely sensitive
3. Anger
Each symptom has been represented by many
repertorial rubrics which expresses the mind of the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 10
17. Fahrt ins Staublose
ZILLER Hans (DH, 18/1998)
This is an interesting essay on some aspects of
Arsenicum album. The relevance of Jan
SCHOLTEN’S depiction of Arsenicum album
(Homeopathy and its Elements) is also pointed
18. Cypripedium pubescens - eine
Arzneimittelprüfung. ( a drug proving)
(DH, 18/1998)
Proving was done in 1997 with 6 provers
( 1 male, 5 females ) Dr. Frauz SWOBODA was the
Master. There was also a 3 member Working
Group (West Austrian) who did a proving
independently under Dr. Mrs. Andrea
Following the symptom the first number given
in brackets indicates the Prover number and the
second number after the slash indicates the day on
which the symptom appeared. If more numbers
follow it means the symptom occurred on these
days too.
The Provers are numbered 1-6 ( 1 to 4 female,
5 and 6 male), the three Working Group Provers are
numbered T. 7, 8 (male) and T. 9 (female)
1 Mood in the evening excited (2/01)
Colleagues thought they are work-mad,
subjectively they felt knocked out and weary
(2/02), Work-mad (2/06), (6/03 - this has
been closely noticed by the colleagues!)
Feels she could tear down everything,
Euphoric (4/06), (6/02)
5 Weariness, annoyance - nevertheless
“euphoric” (T9/01)
Knocked-out and tired (3/21) (2/02, 05)
Tired, work gives no fun, listless on forenoon
(1/07, 08, 10, 11)
Loaded with energy (1/03, 04, 05),
Excited (2/01, 10), (3/. . . ), (1/04, 08)
10 Quarrelsome (2/10)
Slip of the tongue - confuses words
(1/05, 06,...)
Hectic (1/05, 07)
Has the feeling that while her mind could take
much more work her body however is weak
Agonizing, dull, frontal headaches beginning in
the mornings suddenly, lessening in intensity
slowly towards the evenings; lasted a
week without change (3/02 to 07), afterwards
headaches lighter and specially by afternoon -
at 12 day no headaches for the first time;
headaches better from cold.
15 Has the feeling that he must press the eyeball
to control the pains (3/03, 10)
Headache from the root of the nose to in the
back of the head (4/01)
Pressure over the left eye (4/02)
Pressure over both the eyeballs as if they
would pop out (4/02)
Again and again headaches (pressing
outward), suddenly beginning, slowly ending
(4/03 to 05, 18)
20 Severe, pressing headache at the forehead and
temples, more on the left (3/12) and pressing
pain in the right eyeball (1/13, 15, 19)
Heavy feeling in the head evenings, feeling as
if it has doubled in size (2/03)
Headache in the frontal region in the evening,
which is quickly drawn to the occiput, evening
again dull. Drawing in the forehead (5/06)
Left eye waters without any evident ground -
after 5 minutes again gone (5/05)
Pressing pain in the right eyeball (1/13,15,19)
25 Pressure on both eyeballs, as if they would
pop out (4/02)
Burning heat first in the left, then in the right
external ear also, the ears are swollen dark red,
feeling as if frozen (T7/01-05); sometimes it
appears in the evening.
Repeated sneezing and blowing of the nose
with massive, watery secretion - almost 2 hours
nonstop (5/02, 09)
Continuous nasal flow, secretion clear, burning
and causing sore (2/01)
Nose totally blocked, secretion yellowish and
blocking along with the blocked ears (2/020
30 Left nostril blocked (4/01)
Drawing, severe pain in the right upper jaw,
only during the forenoon (1/05, 07, 10)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
Sensitive neck of the teeth in the right lower
jaw (1/07)
Afternoon drawing toothaches in the right
upper jaw, continuously without let for an hour,
aggravated by biting upon it, spontaneously
passing off after an hour (6/22)
Bitter taste in mouth (2/01)
35 Sore feeling of the hard palate, in association
with burning pains; cold drinks ameliorate,
touch and eating aggravates, evenings the
complaints pass off again (2/10)
Burning sensation in the throat (2/01)
Morning one o’clock - suddenly waking (2/02)
Stitching pains left tonsil (4/04)
Morning stitching pains in the throat right side,
pass away again (4/07), (1/02, 03)
40 On waking throat pains and scratching in the
throat warm milk and scarf ameliorates (6/15)
Itching of the right posterior nare, in the
morning, for 30 seconds (18/01)
Intense palpitation (4/04)
Irritative cough, better from drinking water
Nightly irritation exciting cough at three
o’clock mornings, as if there was a feather in
the trachea, no sputum, ameliorated from
drinking and strolling about (6/23)
45 Drawing pain in the region of the left scapula
for an hour in morning (1/09)
Painless twitchings/cramps in the region of the
diaphragm, for 30 seconds (T8/07)
Dull pulling pain from nape left to the outer,
upper border of scapula left radiating, where
the pain was the maximum; amelioration from
pressure and massage of the upper border of
the scapula, aggravation from movement of the
head - bowing and sideways inclining
(5/07, 08)
For the first time hears a light scraping noise
when the head is moved rotatingly (5/08)
Heat sensation in the back, radiates to the back
of the head, with some perspiration in the back
50 Diffuse, drawing - pressing pain in the
hypogastrium afternoon (1/02, 03)
Qualmishness without nausea (1/23, 24) (2/01)
Stomach pain after eating little (1/26)
Band like pain from touch in the region of the
11 and 12 rib ventral (2/03)
Marked desire for fruits (1/07)
55 Tension in both little fingers (1/07)
Joint pain with swelling, livid discolouration
and isolated cold sensation in the right index
finger in the PIP - joint (1/18, 19)
Burning, ill feeling in the left hand, volar and
lateral from the base joint of the little finger to
close to the upper half of the wristwatch band -
has the feeling, that a wound is there (5/13)
Sore feeling in the right hand, from the wrist-
joint extending to 5 cm proximal, worse from
touch (5/14)
Creeping, partly burning sensation in the
anterior side of the right thigh for sometime
60 While walking very often for few minutes
sensation of warmth in the thigh (6/03)
Severe stitching in the region of the right vulva
Menstrual bleeding came on about 13 days late
Menstrual bleeding heavier than normal and
whole day connected with increasing
abdominal pains; doubling up ameliorates
Menses bleeding came on about 3 days early
(25, day) - (6/06) or came on about 5 days too
early (6/29)
65 Increased micturition of small quantity (2/01)
Painless twitching/contractions in front in the
urethra, for 30 seconds (T8/09)
Wakes up at 5 o’clock for no reason (1/20,21)
Hourly waking without any cause - morning as
if fagged, dull feeling in head (6/20)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 12
Sleepless from 1 to 2 o’clock, on the next day
from 5 to 6 o’clock “cheerful”. No anger,
almost cheerful; although problems remain;
good disposition, unlike when she was lying
wakeful at night (T9/03 - 05)
70 Awakened from cough - see Chest
Summary of the Peculiar symptoms:
Mental and Emotional Symptoms:
A clearly marked energy changed state (4 provers),
almost euphoria, working capacity intensified
(partly observed by outsiders), alongside -
alternating - cheerfulness in work, depression,
tiredness (last one in physical level too with “mental
freshness” - 1 prover). As noted in the previous
provings, irritability - particularly often with
nothing (3 provers) - and quarrelsome.
General Symptoms:
A sudden beginning of the symptoms (headaches,
toothaches) first in mornings, slowly receding in the
course of the day or more days). This is a striking
About character of the burning: a burning in small
body parts, has been noted as a “general” symptom
(throat, hands, feet, thighs), as also a pressing pain
(head, ball of the eye) and drawing pains (back,
Amelioration from pressure and warmth, the
modalities are not more pronounced, so also no
peculiar desires (desire for fruits was also with one
Regarding sleep: in 3 provers just as said in earlier
works sleeplessness or waking up without any
reason (2 provers), in one prover waking from
nightly cough at about 3 o’clock morning.
Local Symptoms:
Peculiarly pressing headaches, agonizing and dull
(5 provers), pressure sensation in eyes (3 provers),
burning throat pains (4 provers), tooth ache (2
provers). Further irritative cough (2 provers),
burning pains in limited body parts (3 provers).
19. Polychrests in Practice
WARKENTIN D K (HT, 19, 6/1999)
This article points out the importance of the
rare remedies. Most of us assume that remedies
become “polychrests” because they are more useful
than other remedies. It turns out that most people
will respond well to a wide range of remedies. If
we give Lachesis instead of what was needed, say
Hydrophis, we will usually get a good response.
The Myth about Polychrests is that: they are more
likely to act than a rare remedy. Our difficulty is
that we don’t have a good sense of the archetype or
the main pathology of the lesser known remedies.
The Polychrests are terribly, grotesquely over
represented in the repertory. This leads to very
misleading analysis. Some examples have been
20. What to Expect When Seeking Professional
Homeopathic Care: Detective work, Natural
ULLMAN Dana (HT, 19, 6/1999)
This article is worth reading as it deals with
how a Homeopath comes to know his patient and
10 important questions that are asked in case taking
are mentioned. A good homeopath does his work
very similar to a good detective who asks, what,
why, where, and when for each situation.
10 questions that Homeopaths usually ask are:
1. What are you most concerned about in your
2. Tell me more about this problem?
3. What, if anything, makes this symptom or
group of symptoms better or worse?
4. What other symptoms are you experiencing ?
5. What, in general, makes you feel better or
6. What foods or drinks, if any, have you been
craving or been averse to?
7. Do you experience any symptoms in your head,
eyes, ears ...knees, ankles, feet?
8. What emotions do you feel most commonly
and most strongly?
9. Describe your mental state.
10. Is there anything that you can say to describe
any physical or psychological symptom or
The homeopath may concurrently order or
suggest various laboratory tests in order to properly
diagnose the patient’s condition. While such tests
are useful for proper diagnosis, such tests usually do
not play a significant role in determining the
appropriate homeopathic medicine.
21. All The Symptoms
HANSON (HT, 19, 6/1999)
An explanation has been given for what he
means by “All the Symptoms”. How can a
homeopath without gaining all the symptoms from
the patient is able to select a remedy - the one
incredible remedy that covers all the symptoms.
The One remedy that covers as many of the
symptoms as is possible to identify out of the little
that the practitioner has managed to recognize out
of the few that the patient has allowed him to see -
the symptoms the practitioner has successfully
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 13
managed to convert faithfully and correctly to
rubrics, accounting for his own personal beliefs and
bias, his own lack of knowledge, his own ignorance,
his own woeful inadequacies. “Then this is the
remedy the practitioner has chosen out of the twenty
possible remedies, narrowing it down to a close
four, choosing the magic one by eliminating the
symptoms that don’t fit.
22. Gewürze als Heilmittel (Spices as Remedies)
SCHMID Bernhard (DH, 18/1998)
There are many substances in the
Homeopathic Materia Medica, drawn from the
world of ‘Spices’. These are used in the daily food
items of people in different countries - the most
common ones are Natrum muriaticum, Capsicum
for example. Remedies like these are well known to
all homeopaths and are used extensively.
However there are ‘lesser’ ones and these are
discussed in this article. Asafoetida, Cajeputum,
Allium sativum, Oregano, Absinthium, Artemisia
vulgaris, Sinapis nigra, Nux moschata.
The remedies with their differential diagnosis
are discussed. Case reports are also presented.
23. Osteomyelitis beider Unterschenkel - Heilung
durch Heloderma.
(Osteomyelitis of both tibia - Healing through
MÜLLER Hugbald Volker (DH, 18/1998)
The author reports the successful treatment of a
case of Osteomyelitis of bilateral tibia.
The patient had suffered an accident in which
he suffered complicated fracture of both tibia. This
was 12 years ago. Now there is suppuration and
secretion grey-green, bad smelling, corrosive; high
fever. Has already consulted many specialists. Lot
of antibiotics with no benefit. Diagnosis Bilateral
Osteomyelitis tibia.
He also has a pain which comes only between
22 hours and 6 hours; the pain begins in the neck
and extends to the right eye and the eye felt as if it
would be pressed outward. Vomiting after which
some relief.
When he has these suffering more he strikes
himself severely with great rage and tears and
destroys things. He often wished to take his life
away. Sensitive to noise and can’t bear hot
weather. Desires open fresh air, wind. Can’t bear
bright light but soft light.
His liver was sensitive to pressure and an
overall sensitive abdomen.
He liked brown color.
A complete biopathographical history was
recorded and also his wife’s report.
Heloderma was the medicine that cured him.
(Dr.MULLER has linked the ‘colors’ and the
handwriting of the patients with specific
homeopathic remedies and he uses these also in his
remedy selections =KSS.)
The symptoms of Heloderma in this patient.
Preferred color: light brown
Mind: sudden rage, screams with rage, throws
things, hits his wife, tears and destroys his things,
beats himself, and has suicidal thoughts.
Realistic, would never go to fortune teller,
never made a horoscope or allowed his palm to be
read, believes in God and in the traditional
Can’t bear compulsion, cannot fall in line or be
subordinated neither in the Kindergarten or in the
Armed Forces.
Sensitive to every criticism, refers everything
to himself, feels that he has been taken advantage of
or cheated, insulted, denounced. No interest in
Rapid alteration of mood.
25. Achillea Millefolium
WOOD Matthew (HT, 19, 7/1999)
This is an excerpt from the first seven pages of
The Book of Herbal Wisdom. Achillea
millefolium is commonly called as Yarrow. Its
habitat and the botanical origin and its uses are
discussed in brief. It is a powerful medicinal plant.
Yarrow is only slightly known in Homeopathy -
which calls it Millefolium.” It received a modest
proving in the nineteenth century which justified the
traditional uses, but an understanding of its genius
and applications did not develop, so it is seldom
utilized in homeopathic practice at the present
“Yarrow is the remedy for cuts to the bone, and
cuts to the third level of the blood,” Halsey
BRANDT gave an interpretation that “The
capillaries are the first level of the blood, the
arterioles are the second, and the arteries are the
third. Bleeding from the cuts stops immediately
and wound heals without complication. It is also a
good fever remedy. Its healing power in cuts,
wounds have been shown by various examples and
it is the remedy which stopped Dr. E.B. NASH’s
epistaxis. Learned about it from a lay herbalist - his
grandmother. Yarrow is also used to heal burns. It
is excellent for radiation burns and deeply
penetrating burns.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 14
25. Differentiating Belladonna from Stramonium
TAYLOR Will (HT, 19, 8/1999)
This article is an answer for the question - how
would you differentiate between a chronic picture
of Belladonna and Stramonium. Will says “that
when materia medica is taught, it be taught in a
manner that allows it to be dynamic rather than
static; perhaps it would be better to say that, rather
than teach materia medica, we should teach how to
study and understand materia medica. As Karl
ROBINSON stated so well, the listening and
analytical skills need to come first, because these
are what we need to understand and appreciate in
both our patient and our materia medica. The
difference between Belladonna and Stramonium are
made out by relating a vignette from a case of a kid
with night terrors and violence.
26. Galeocerdo cuvier hepar - Tiger shark liver
GRIMES Melanie (HT, 19, 11/1999)
Report of a new remedy - Galeocerdo cuvier
hepar. The shark used for the remedy was a
female, caught in the shark nets off the Natal coast
of South Africa in January 1995. The liver sample
was taken approximately two hours after death, and
potentized up to 30. The proving was conducted in
a double-blind, full hahnemannian manner. It was
done in the USA with eight provers. List of
curative symptoms and the strong and peculiar
sensations are given.
27. Fortlaufende, Wissenschaftliche HAMP
(Continuous, Scientific Homeopathic Drug
Provings) MÖSSINGER, H. (AHZ, 245/2000)
The necessity for the continuous homeopathic
drug provings performed by a group of practising
homeopathic physicians, is discussed. The
working method and structure of such a group are
demonstrated. It is shown that a seriously
performed homeopathic drug proving has to be
tested according to HAHNEMANN’s principles on
the one hand and according to modern scientific
developments on the other hand. The results of a
double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled
homeopathic drug proving with the remedy Oleum
jecoris aselli (Ol-j) are demonstrated. The value of
placebo in homeopathic drug provings is discussed
in the light of the results of the proving.
28. Bufo - The Neglected Old Toad
ADALIAN Elizabeth (HOM. 76, 2000)
Bufo Desires solitude to practice
masturbation.’ This is a thyroid deficient condition
which starts at birth or early months of life. Unless
it is detected and corrected immediately the child
grows up imbecile. Distinguishing feature in
disease and the remedy is protruding tongue. It is a
syphilitic miasm. The state of the mother in
pregnancy also plays a part, in tandem with the
genetic predisposition. Confirmatory mental
symptom of Bufo ‘Anger when misunderstood.’ It
is a main remedy for dislike of animals though it is
an animal remedy.
29. Phos-acid: An understanding of the state
The mental state of the remedy is elicited well.
Other symptoms and their possible interpretations
have been given. Important locations where the
remedy has its action is listed. Case report of a
person with primary infertility treated with
Phosphoricum acidum is discussed in detail.
30. Nitric-acid Portrait through Dreams
DOSHI Nina (NJH, 2, 1/2000)
Dreams of Nitricum acidum are listed out.
Case report of a lady estranged from her family;
filled with hatred of person who had offended and
disagreeable memory. Vindictive and unforgiving
nature pointed to the remedy Nitricum acidum. An
AESOP’s fable has been given and the author says
that the moral of the story is an apt title for the
given case of Nitricum acidum - “Injuries may be
forgiven, but not forgotten.”
31. Carbolic-acid
(NJH, 2, 1/2000)
A detailed description of the remedy picture
has been given. Each symptom has been explained
well and the related drugs are given in parenthesis.
The remedy relation and the follow up remedies are
listed in the end.
32. Rumex-crispus
KULKARNI Ajit (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
The full picture of Rumex has been given with
modalities and relations. The related remedies
which should be given in acute and chronic
conditions with regard to each miasm and the
intercurrent remedies are given in tabular form.
33. Sulphur und seine ßezielung zur freien Luft
(Sulphur and its relationship to open air)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 15
BÜNDER, M.(ZKH, 44, 2/2000)
The desire/aversion for open air in respect of
Sulphur is discussed in detail with the help of the
source Materia Medicas and Repertories. It is
found that aggravation from open air is
The author also proposes change of grades in
some rubrics in the repertories.
34. Die charakterischen Symptome von Sepia nach
Clemens von Bönninghausen
(The characterisitic symptoms of Sepia
according to Clemens von BOENNING-
HAUSEN) JANSEN, A. (ZKH, 44, 2/2000)
The author presents the characteristic
symptoms of Sepia according to a manuscript of
BOENNINGHAUSEN available in the Institute of
Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation,
Evidently this manuscript is BOENNING-
HAUSEN’s work for revision of his Characteristic
Symptoms of Sepia.
35. Insights Into Consciousness of the Remedy
Plutonium Nitricum
THAKKAR Sadhana (AH, 6/2000)
The author reports that the most reliable insight
of a remedy comes from the story told by the patient
who does well with the remedy. The remedies are
nothing but the inner consciousness of the
substances pressed through the patients who require
it or the provers.
He gathered much understanding of Plutonium
nitricum from his patients and presented two cases.
Case 1: Ms. J told the whole story of her problem -
which mainly revolved around the theme of
delusion of carrying everyone’s pain though she felt
healthy and it is not her pain which she is suffering.
Dreams of her co-workers feeling the pain of others.
Intense craving for pork. Increased salivation with
toxic taste. Explosive headaches in the afternoon.
Plutonium nitricum 30 helped.
Case 2: Ms. M 30 year-old had Multiple Sclerosis.
Had rheumatoid arthritis at 16, epilepsy,
mononucleosis, Reynauds disease, hysterectomy at
29 with preCancerous cells on her cervix, systemic
candida and fibrocystic breast disease in the past.
Had severe upper neck stiffness and lower left
sacral pain. No improvement inspite of osteopathic
treatment. Got much relief after Natrum
Main symptoms were numbness in the right
leg, and in the rib area. Bottom of feet getting
numb. Hands falling to sleep. Problems with
vision from MS.
Had depressed expressions on her face. Flat
voice without any emotion. Black circles under
eyes. Perfectionist. Would get seizures in overcast
weather, very conscious during seizures, followed
by severe headache aggravation at 3 p.m.
Recurring dream of falling, nuclear explosions,
body being irradiated, being angry with boy friend.
Plutonium in infrequent doses produced dramatic
An interesting phenomenon with both these
patients was that after the remedy, both patients had
sense of changing forms - changing into man, then
into woman, dog into human, etc. Dream of being
male making love to a woman, then change into a
woman making love to a man in the previous case.
Dream of half animal, half human.
The common themes from both the cases are as
Explosive pains - Headaches and Backaches
Dream - Nuclear explosions
Dream - Violent - killing or murders
Dream - half human, half animal
Dream - sexual with same sex
Dream - falling
Dream - thoughts and impulse of Killing
Dream - dead people, talking with them, dead
bodies aggravation 3 p.m. aggravation overcast
weather, first ray of sun, sunset, evening-night
Craving - lamb, pork, BACON, RAW MEAT
amelioration HOT APPLICATIONS - Hot Bathing
(Radium bromatum, X-ray, Uranium nitricum)
Very serious pathologies - relating to the core of the
person for example., Nervous system, Several
Mental Illnesses, Cancers, Leukemia Extremely
Overcast, depressed, dark gloomy mood
Clairvoyant sense of what is going to happen or
what has happened years before birth, or in their
Fear of one’s own impulses, fear of being too
Resentment, controlled anger.
Serious, no smile on the face, as if carrying burden
of world on their shoulders.
37. Physostigma - The Discarded Vine
HERON Krista (AH, 6/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 16
This article deals with the characteristics of the
legumes in general and the remedy Physostigma in
particular and a case of Physostigma.
38. Sus: A Proving of Pig
ALLEN Karen (AH, 6/2000)
The proving was conducted gradually from the
fall of 1996 through the summer of 1997 in the U.S.
and Canada. The methodology laid out in Jeremy
SHERR’s book was used. A total of 27 provers
participated for the four remedy components. The
notable results are given below in the words of the
provers, followed by two acute cases.
While the knowledge of the remedy is
incomplete and additions to the repertory seem
premature at this stage, rubrics consistent with
Kent’s Repertory have been noted here using plain
type for lowest grade, italic for middle and bold for
highest grade. The results of the proving were so
similar from each of the four components of pig
(saliva, semen, blood and milk).
There were many symptoms related to work
including positive anticipation of work, desire to
work, increased sense of satisfaction and
accomplishment at work, anxiety about having
forgotten how to do one’s job. It was interesting to
find that almost 50% of the provers noted that they
worked overtime, double shifts, increased
responsibility, or increased hours at some point
within the first 3 days after taking the remedy.
“I had to work tonight and was actually looking
forward to it which was unusual.”
“I had a wonderful feeling that I had a task, a
purpose and I had finished it. I feel at peace now.”
“I felt like I could accomplish everything at work
today and I did. I feel great and have lots of
“I was at work twice as long today, funny how that
“I was at work from 9 a m to 11 p.m.; I had not one
chance to leave or take a break.”
“Someone else wasn’t coming in to work so I had to
do her job on top of mine. I lasted the entire day
without feeling drained once.
“I thought I couldn’t do my job. In a sense I
believed that I had forgotten how to work. That’s
why my hands started to shake, because I was
actually scared. It still bothers me now, much
Two provers noted a difficulty in answering
“I have a delayed response when answering
questions. There is a brief period of blankness and
then I can respond.”
No provers reported their own violent
behavior, but in the few days prior to taking the
remedy (while keeping the records in the proving
notebooks) or the first week after taking the
remedy, several events involving conflict were
noted, and the following are representative.
“I have never been punched in a street
confrontation. Three guys came up to me as I got
off work, made various comments that I am a nerd
and have no friends. It is, in effect, playground
bullying. One of the guys punched me on the right
cheek just above the mouth, chipped a tooth. I did
not see the blow coming.”
“I struck a blow against a mouse that sent it limping
off for cover last night. I had already received the
remedy proving kit so I thought to include in my
“I was woken up at 3 am by a couple of wailing cats
that were fighting right outside my window.”
This last is strange, rare and peculiar type of
symptom which was experienced by the one person
who seemed to experience most of the proving
Mind, Occupation ameliorates
Mind, Industrious
Mind, Answers slowly
Mind, Fear, work, feared he had forgotten how to
(new subrubric)
Mind, Delusion, foot split in two (new rubric)
Almost 90% of the provers who reported any
symptoms at all had headaches. In several provers,
there were daily headaches for weeks, with intense
headaches on a weekly frequency for up to 2
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 17
months. Invariably the same words were used; dull
ache, vague ache, pressure pushing outwards, but
too dull to be a bursting sort of pain. In fact, dull
ache was the most common description used for
every kind of pain experienced by the provers in
any symptom.
“Vague headache, centered behind the eyes.”
“Ache in the head with much dull pressure inside
the head, pushing outwards.”
“Mild headache from 3 to 5 p.m. which slowly went
“Dull ache which strengthens, then recedes every
few hours through the day.”
“An ache in the forehead at and above my
“Aching pain in my head which was better after
eating hot soup.”
Provers also noted increased itching of the
scalp which was improved by scratching and
followed by the formation of small scabs which
flaked off with more scratching.
Head, Pain, headache in general
Head, Pain, dull pain
Head, Itching of scalp
Approximately 75% of the provers reported
increased hunger and increased satisfaction with
food. In particular, many provers mentioned
seeking out a desired food and finding it extremely
satisfying when they had eaten it, although there
was a very wide range of the things desired with no
two the same. For a few provers this lasted for
weeks, but for most it lasted only the first few days.
Approximately 30% of the provers reported nausea.
“I was very hungry as soon as I woke up.”
“I was unusually hungry at times through the day.”
“I was ravenous, eating and eating, even when I
knew I was full I wanted to eat more.”
“Even when I felt my stomach was full, I wanted to
go on eating. I would have eaten anything. I would
have eaten garbage if you had put it in front of me.”
“By 10 am I was starved.”
“When I ate it, it was the best thing I had ever
“After I ate, it seemed like the end result of a
craving, when one feels accomplished that they
have fulfilled the desire.”
“I had a craving today for a blueberry bagel with
cream cheese and I wasn’t let down - it was
“I felt nauseated after taking the remedy.”
“From 3 to 3:30 p.m. I felt mild nausea.”
“There was a lot of cigar smoke and this made me
feel nauseated. It felt like I would have vomited if I
had not gotten fresh air.”
Stomach, Appetite, increased
Stomach, Appetite, ravenous, canine, excessive
Stomach, Nausea
“Within 15 minutes of taking the first dose of the
remedy, I felt a colicky feeling in the abdomen.”
“After the remedy I had stomach cramps followed
by diarrhea.”
Abdomen, Pain, cramping
Rectum / Stool
“I had diarrhea several times a day, after starting the
“After having stomach cramps, I had very soft
“I had diarrhea which was very forceful, like an
explosion into the toilet.”
Rectum, Diarrhea
Stool, Forcible
Kidney pain was both produced as a proving
symptom and resolved during the proving for a
prover who had chronic pain in the kidneys.
Several provers reported waking at night to urinate,
something very out of the ordinary for them.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 18
“My back began to ache in the area of my kidneys,
more on the right side. This lasted for an hour and
a half then faded away.”
“I awoke again without the pain I usually feel in my
kidneys every morning. This was very different for
me - I have had this pain every day for years.” (Pain
was remitted for 3 months)
“Waking at 4:20 am with a strong need to urinate.”
“Frequent need to urinate.”
Kidneys, Pain
Kidneys, Pain, morning
Bladder, Urination, frequent
Bladder, Urination, night
Several of the provers reported symptoms of
trembling or joint pain, and most of these were on
the left side of the body. Provers who already had
joint pain noted that it became worse after taking
the remedy, but none of those provers reported that
it improved afterwards - the discomfort gradually
returned to its previous level.
Trembling in the hands and forearms, with fear of
having forgotten how to work, lasting 30 minutes.
Cramping in the left hand lasting 3 minutes.
“While driving, my hand and foot on the left side
started to cramp up. Better after stretching.”
“My left shoulder seems to have been wrenched
somehow. It is a dull ache.”
“Dull ache in both the knees.”
“Dull aching feeling in the left hip and knee.”
“There was a feeling of wasting away in my arms.
It was mid-afternoon. It felt as if fluids and strength
of my arms was ebbing. Sapping of strength.”
Extremities, Trembling, anxious
Extremities, Pain, joints
Extremities, Cramps, hand
Extremities, Cramps, hand, left
Extremities, Cramps, foot
Extremities, Weakness, upper limbs
There were many dreams reported involving
the need to urinate, and the provers, upon waking,
actually did need to urinate. This was one of the
most commonly reported symptoms in the proving.
“I dreamed that I was at a rally where we were
forced to hear a talk about the end of technology.
In my dream I had to get up and go to the bathroom.
When I did wake up, I realized my bladder was full
and I did need to go to the bathroom.”
“In my dream I was going to see film in a big old
movie hall. On my way into the hall I had to line up
to pee - I actually did need to when I woke up.”
“In my dream I was with my brother and we were
traveling in a green countryside near the coast. My
brother and I were peeing on the grass near an old
house, and we were told off by a young guy who
said we should have used the toilet. I woke up
really needing to pee.”
There were also quite a few dreams about eating.
“I dreamed that I was sitting at a dinner table having
a meal with others. Everyone was friendly.”
“In my dream I was gathered around a bowl of food
with other greedy followers.”
“There were people wandering around in a
farmyard eating food from a huge cabinet - fruit and
veggies and bacon.”
“People are around cooking fires in the orchard.
There were dreams from which people awoke
frightened, as from a nightmare, and some these
were dreamt multiple times in the same night.
“In my dream I looked towards the window and saw
a reflection. I thought it was me. As I got closer, it
became clear that it was someone else. At that
point I woke up, terrified that somebody was
outside my window.”
“There was a long-stemmed red rose with a note
saying ‘I don’t want you to ever do that again.’
And signed by my friend, but I did not know what
she was referring to. I awoke frightened because I
thought I had done something to jeopardize our
friendship.” (Dreamt 3 times in one night)
“I had a nightmare about a friend - a guy and his
wife who were threatening to kill me with a gun. I
tried to pretend I was already dead, but he was not
fooled. Then I had to empty out my pockets and
was surrounded by many coins. When I awoke I
was anxious and the feeling stayed with me for a
long time.”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 19
“I was in a bar but it was all light and sunny outside.
Whenever I touched someone, their skin would
flake off. It was creepy.”
Sleep, Dreams, urinating, of
Sleep, Dreams, nightmare
Sleep, Dreams, eating
Sleep, Dreams, frightful
Sleep, Dreams, repeating
Dry, itching and red skin on the waist, sides,
back, shoulders, arms, scalp and face were reported.
Scratching relieved the itching, as did water, lotion,
and in one case, a mud bath.
“I had red patches of dry, itchy skin around my
waist. I put lotion on them and it felt better.”
“My skin felt dry and very itchy. Scratching felt
good, but the only thing that really made it go away
was a mud bath at a local spa.”
“My scalp has been very itchy. I have been
scratching it and now there are little scabs flaking
off when I scratch.”
“I have terrible itch between my shoulder blades. If
I scratch long enough it stops itching.”
Skin, Itching
Skin, Itching, scratching amelioration.
39. Themes of Plutonium nitricum
SHERR Jeremy (AH, 6/2000)
The article focuses mostly on the mental aspect
of the remedy. The author has also brought out the
relation of Pluto - the ancient god of the
underworld, who ruled mercilessly over the
imprisoned souls of the dead. This myth
symbolizes our connection to ancestral roots,
genetic lineage and archaeological history. A
central theme of Plutonium is a deep feeling of
suffering originating from one’s forefathers, like
punishment echoing down through the generations.
Just as the half life of Plutonium is almost 25,000
years, so the roots of our suffering may stretch far
into the past. The hundreds of tons of Plutonium
that have been manufactured over the last decades
will poison the earth for the next quarter of a
million years. Thus, plutonium will radiate our
genetic lineage through history, affecting our core,
our marrow, our DNA.
The power of the remedy manifests on the
sexual level, the generative sphere of our existence.
Powerful sexual urges, images of enormous
phalluses and dreams of sexual abuse highlight the
explosive energies of unbridled testosterone. This
aggressive and base sexuality is coupled with
aversion to new age men’ or cultured people such
as art dealers - middle men who do not generate or
create. On the other hand a tendency towards
effeminate men or masculine woman was increased.
Radioactive remedies may possibly be indicated in
the AIDS pandemic. In an HIV patient, Plutonium
nitricum has cured persistent anal warts and
increased the white blood cell production.
[Speculative Materia Medica? = KSS]
40. Tuberculinimo - Tuberculose (Tuberculinism -
DE OLIVEIRA Cibelle, SILVA Maria Gisele
Hernandes (RH, 65, 2/2000)
Symptoms of tuberculinism are related to
clinical picture of Tuberculosis. Based on these
aspects and within biochemical parameters, it is
proposed to provide prophylaxis for Tuberculosis
through treatment of the tubercular diathesis.
[Those who follow Dr. SEHGAL’s method
of prescribing on mind symptoms alone seem to be
doing quite well. Journal of Homeopathy of
Northern India (JH) carries cases prescribed on
the mind symptoms alone. It should be clarified that
such rubrics as desire to be carried fast, shrieking
for aid, etc. are all interpretations of the patients
expressions like “Please relieve me of this pain
quickly”, “Help me urgently to overcome this
pain”. The ‘mental’ symptoms in this technique -
treating on mental symptoms alone - are the
interpretations of the patient’s expressions, not
necessarily the exact words; in a case where the
patient says “my parents are forcing me to get
married, but I am of the opinion that one should tell
clearly to the parents of the girl with whom he is
going to get married about his disease. My parents
are not ready to hear and tolerate this plain truth”;
these words of the patient are interpreted as
‘idealism’ in the repertory rubric. The following
abstracts of the cases from the JH should be
understood in this way. = KSS]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
1. Expressions of the Remedies
SCHOLTEN Jan (JH, 3, 4/1999)
The author says that the one and only remedy is
hardly ever seen in practice. There is really no
argument we could see in the fact when a patient
gets deep acting remedy his whole being reacts
positively and he improves on many levels. But
even here we often see that there are some problems
that remain totally unaffected by the remedy. More
emphasis is given on viewing a remedy from
various aspects like:
a) Remedy as a part of problem where separate
remedies are needed to remove the disease
layer by layer.
b) Remedy as psychological problem where a
remedy may be needed for a specific
psychological problem, not necessarily
accompanied by physical symptoms.
c) Remedy as physical problem where a remedy is
needed without there being any apparent
psychological problem.
The author concludes by saying that while
treating a case it reminds the biblical expression
that the disease of the father will be passed on to
the children” for atleast three generations.
It is as if some problem arise within a family, going
on until they reach a certain height and then slowly
decreasing and disappearing again.
2. Effectiveness of Single Medicine in
Single Dose
SINGH Bhupinder, (JH, 3, 4/1999)
The author emphasizes that it is needless to
prescribe multiple medicines in acute or emergency
cases. It is a false belief that results can’t be
obtained on basis of “Law of Simplex” in acute
cases. Selection of medicine should depend totally
after listening to and observing the patient carefully.
Some medicines like Arsenicum album, Bryonia,
Hyoscyamus, Cocculus indicus, Psorinum and
Opium which are used in fever are listed out with
their characteristic symptoms.
3. Depression Cured by Jan SCHOLTEN Theory
MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Mr. K, male 26, had depression and absent-
mindedness off and on. Anger at slightest
contradiction. Unemployed. So his father says that
he is a burden on them and contradicts him at little
things. Has anger and hate towards father.
Ammonium carbonicum 30 (“Resentment towards
Father”) made him quite normal.
4. Asthma Cured by Jan SCHOLTEN Theory
MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
A S. 27 years was suffering from Asthma.
Modern medicine opined that he should take
medication for whole life. Had thoughts of idealism
and desire to do further studies. Also had desire to
have many friends. Since the ‘idealism’ is
Ammonium and many friends, desire to do further
studies’ are Phosphorus, Ammonium phosphoricum
was given (!) in 30, repeated once, then M and he
was free from asthmatic attack. [How much of
Homeopathic’ in the kind of remedy selection?
Endless combinations can be made in this manner
and all will be concoctions = KSS]
5. Diabetic Case Cured by Crocus sativus
MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Mr. M S 58 years Male had pain in epigastrium
with vomiting. Fasting Blood Sugar 170 mg. Anger
alternates with quick repentance, Cheerful from
music which also ameliorates. Sings along with TV
or Audio. A single dose of Crocus sativus 30
brought down his fasting blood sugar to 96 mg over
a period of 9 months. Inspite of stopping the anti-
diabetic allopathic drug his sugar level remained
6. Diabetic Case Cured by Belladonna
MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
B S 50 years male, had Fasting Blood Sugar
182 mg and Urine Sugar +++. Based on ‘Light,
desire for’ (“I want to know what my disease is”)
‘frivolous’ (“I don’t take things seriously”) and
anger which comes suddenly and disappears
suddenly, Belladonna 30 given which maintained
his sugar level within normal limits. Follow up for
some months.
7. A Case of Uterine Fibroid
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Ms. A K 34 years, had menorrhagia with lower
abdominal pain. Ultrasonography showed Multiple
Fibroids measuring 40mm x 33mm x 36mm. Had
fear of recovery, consolation amelioration and
yielding tendency. Pulsatilla 30, 200 did not
produce any change. On further inquiry, she
revealed that she remains quiet during anger and
she reacts only when anything was said against the
honor of her parents. Consolation aggravated.
Ignatia 30 brought a magical change in her
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
menstrual cycle. Ultrasonogram after 4 months
showed fibroid 8 x 6 mm.
8. Ammonium phos. Cases
SINGH N A & MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Case: 1 Mr. X 42 years, was mentally upset, weeps
whole day sitting alone. Started after being badly
deceived by one of his friends (his friend whom he
helped with money offered in turn his wife and this
shocked and upset him so much) and the death of
his brother. Feeling of fullness in abdomen after
eating little. Based on the ‘Resentment towards
friend’ Ammonium phosphoricum 30 given and
within two months he became totally normal.
Case: 2 Mr. X 40 years had indecisiveness in all
walks of life. He comes but either goes back
without purchase or if he makes purchase, then
would remorse all day, may be he purchased
wrongly or at high rate etc. The author prescribed
different medicines in different potencies by giving
enough time to see the actions of single dose but
without any relief. The medicines prescribed were
Graphites 30, 6, M; Alumina 30, 6, M; Baryta
carbonicum 30, 6, M. On further inquiring he
learnt that due to his father’s drunkenness he missed
the opportunities of education. Ammonium
phosphoricum 30 (“resentment” for having missed
educational opportunities) was given which
changed his hesitation to take decisions.
9. Bryonia alba Case
KAUR Karampreet (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Ms. V K, age 18, had Bronchial asthma.
Phosphorus, Sulphur and Stannum metallicum in
different potencies at long intervals in single dose
gave only moderate relief. On retaking the case, the
following symptoms emerged: Perseverance, wants
to be quiet, aversion to being disturbed, fear of
suffering, poverty, starving, bargaining etc.
Bryonia alba 30 gave good result. Follow-up, 4
10. A Case of Natrum Phos
REKHI K. Jaswinder (JH, 3, 4/1999)
A girl aged 17 complained of severe headache
mostly in the evening after sunset. Also had falling
of hair from head and eyebrows. Has many friends
but will not disclose her inner feelings to anyone.
Likes music and desires salty things. No
improvement with Natrum muriaticum. As
Phosphoricum has friendly communicative
tendency Natrum phosphoricum 30 was given and
no headache thereafter.
11. A Case of Acute Depression
SAINI R S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
21 year-old boy became dull, withdrawn,
fatigued and sleepless after a defeat in the college
election. He has been cheated by his friends. Anti-
depressants helped him temporarily. Developed
fear that police will come and round up the whole
family. Kali bromatum 200 given with some
improvement but the sleeplessness persisted. The
loss and cheating by friends due to which he lost the
election was considered and Magnesium
sulphuricum M relieved.
12. Psoriasis Case
SAINI R S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Male, 40 years, had Psoriasis all over body
with intense itching. Felt ashamed and worried
about expenditure on medicine. Based on
‘Embarrassment ailments from’, ‘Fear
extravagance’ Opium 6 given which brought
diarrhea and the old symptom of headache, only
after suppression of which he developed Psoriasis.
Opium 30 helped to bring down his weight from 95
kg to 74 kg and also improved his skin. The patient
is still under supervision.
13. A Case of Belladonna
SINGLA Naveen (JH, 3, 4/1999)
A woman aged 40, suffered joint pains and
rheumatism. Uric acid varies between 10-13.
Smiles involuntarily, Hide desire for, Light desire
for, desire to be carried fast etc. lead to Belladonna
30 which established her menses which stopped 5
years ago. Uric acid was within normal limits.
Joint pains relieved.
14. Elaps corralinus Case
VERMA Subhash (JH, 3, 4/1999)
35 year-old female, had mental depression
which she developed when her husband went out
from home. Thought that her husband will be
murdered by someone, some intruder will come and
will murder her. This fear prevented her sleep and
did not allow her husband to go out. Was given
Electric shocks every week. Fear of being alone,
solitude, delusion of being injured and rowdies
would break in. Elaps corralinus 30 given.
Developed severe cold and running nose, and none
of her fears remained.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
15. Explanation of Rubrics
SEHGAL M L (JH, 4, 1/2000)
The author gives meaning of some of the
Rubrics with his method of interpretations of the
same. For e.g.: Delusions, poor thinks he is
Mean: Poor (Adj.): Short of something.
Interpretation: One who is short of as much of
something as is required to remove poverty.
Version: “I am not quite fit. It is as if I am
lacking in general efficiency. This may be due to
age also. I accept that age has its own bearing.”
16. A Case of Hypochondriasis
A lady had vague pains in head and limbs and
no uncommon symptom was forthcoming. Put on
placebo for 2 weeks. Reported three weeks later:
“Doctor, so long as I had been taking your pills I
had relief. Last one week I had no medicine and the
complaint had relapsed.” Mind, Hypochondriasis;
Rheumatic pains in head and limbs; Repertory by
Calvin B. KNERR, Mercurialis perennis 10M
single dose relieved.
17. A Case of Crotalus horridus
A lady had pain in left upper arm. When asked
how long she had been having this, her answer was
pain is worse lying down or upon lifting the arm. In
KNERR’s Repertory, Answers, disconnected:
Crotalus horridus. 10M single dose.
18. A Case of Malaria
Mr. WILSON suffering from Malaria for over
fourteen months. Daily attack of chill-fever-sweat
in the evening with headache in between the
paroxysms. No relief with allopathic drugs. Some
homeopaths also failed. In KNERR’s Repertory,
Fever, intermittent apyrexia, headache: Arn., Nat
m., Polyp., Puls. Fever, intermittent (ague) with
headache: Cina., Cist., Kali c., Polyp. Polyporus
officinalis M single dose, cured.
19. A Case of Epilepsy
A boy of seven with epilepsy had no
improvement with allopathic drugs and also from
homeopathic doctors. Got convulsions invariably
during stools. In KNERR’s Repertory, During
stool, convulsion”: Art v. Artemisia vulgaris M.
20. Asthmatic Case
SINGH N A. (JH, 4, 1/2000)
A 11 year-old child with Asthma since 6-7
years. Wants to hold his mother and remain quiet
during the attack. Fear of darkness. Interested in
studies, very communicative and has many friends.
Phosphorus 30 repeated once after 2 months,
21. Belladonna Case
SINGH N A. (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Ms PM, age 25 with intolerable pain in left side
of abdomen which would last for 10 - 15 minutes.
Weeps, shouts and screams during pain. All
investigations were normal. No diagnosis can be
made. Allopathic drugs failed. Doubtful whether it
is curable. Based on Weeping, pains during;
Shrieking, pain with; Light, desire for; Belladonna
30, cured.
22. Leucoderma Cured by Belladonna
SINGH N A (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Ms. SC, age 30 had white spots on her lips,
hands, foot and at some places on the body. Took
allopathic and homeopathic medication. No
improvement. Initially she hesitated to show the
spots but later uncovered. Based on: Light, desire
for; Hide things; Naked, wants to be; Superstitious;
Objective reasonable; Belladonna 30 single dose,
cured. (No follow-up)
23. Adrenaline chloride and A Miraculous Escape
From the Jaws of Death
SINGE S R (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Pregnant woman of 23 had profuse bleeding
after she tried to lift a big pot of water. Geranium
maculatum tincture, ten drops were poured into the
mouth but soon her face became bluish, saliva
sticky, eyes rolled up, body cold and pulse thready.
Adrenaline chloride 6X one grain put under her
tongue. Within few minutes began to breathe
slowly, eyes became normal and then she was
admitted for delivery in a Hospital. Her Hb level
was found to be 4.6 gm%, blood transfusion was
done and the delivery took place safely but the baby
died as the amniotic fluid leaked out.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
24. Sulphur Case
SINGH Devinder (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Mr. H L, age 58 years, with blood sugar level
385 mgs PP and urine sugar +++. Had fear of
poverty, delusion that he is getting thin, talks of
business. Loquacious, witty, egoistic, haughty but
sadness due to his disease. Frequent urge for urine
aggravation by putting hands in water. Sulphur
200, three doses brought down his sugar level
within normal limits.
25. Ignatia Case
VERMA Subhash (JH, 4, 1/2000)
35 year-old, woman had pain and swelling
around the anus. Much irritable with the pain.
Underwent allopathic, ayurvedic and homeopathic
treatment with no improvement. On the basis:
disconcerted, irritable during pain, Ignatia amara
30 relieved.
26. Rhus tox in Insomnia and Depression
VERMA Subhash (JH, 4, 1/2000)
38 year-old man, a building contractor had
sleeplessness after the owner of the building refused
to pay for the faulty construction. He expected the
same to happen in his future constructions. Fear
superstitious, thinking of sad things, aggravates,
shrieking for aid: Rhus toxicodendron 30 single
27. A Case of Fever
MANGLA S P (JH, 4, 1/2000)
26 year-old male, had mild fever since 5 - 6
months. Had loss of appetite, no desire to do work
with restlessness and bodyache. Laughing while
speaking, frivolous, desire for light and desire to be
carried fast. Belladonna 30 gave good results.
28. A Case of Inguinal Hernia
MANGLA S P (JH, 4, 1/2000)
year-old female child had right inguinal
hernia. Very mild, good in studies, longs for the
good opinion of others. Palladium 30 cured the
condition within 3 months.
29. A Case of Renal Colic
SONI Rishi (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Mr. N K, 32 with severe pain in the renal angle
posteriorly, in the hypochondrium anteriorly in the
left side. Irritable and restless due to pain.
Chamomilla 30 relieved the acute pain. USG of
abdomen showed a calculi of 3 mm size in left
kidney. Had fear of operation, anxious about future
and health, despair of recovery. Calcarea
carbonicum 0/1, 0/2 expelled the stone within 20
30. Magnesia phos Case
SHUKLA Chetan B.(JH, 4, 1/2000)
A lady of 48 years had back pain aggravation
motion amelioration by hot fomentation. Also had
joint pains, cramps and recurrent urinary tract
infection. Emotionally on one hand she does not
want to share her feeling with anybody and on the
other hand she wants to help everybody. Based on
Magnesium feeling of friendless and reserved
nature on one-side and Phosphorus feeling of being
sympathetic towards others Magnesium
phosphoricum 200 given with good results.
31. Hints on Assessing Mental Symptoms
MEER Amina (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Some of the mental rubrics which are
commonly encountered during case-taking and the
indicated drugs for the condition are given.
32. Cocculus indicus Cases
MANN A S (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Case 1: KS aged 16 years had acne on face.
Doesn’t get angered easily, says that: “getting anger
will not solve the problem.” Recognizes reality and
accepts, anxiety about others, aversion to being
disturbed, Cocculus indicus 30 cleared his face.
Case 2: HS aged 8 years suffering from Bronchial
asthma. Mild and obedient child, remains quiet,
very caring in nature. Cocculus indicus 30 repeated
once cured.
Case 3: HR age 55 years/M had pain and stiffness
in knees. Contented, recognizes reality and accepts,
says If I say something to someone in anger the
dispute will increase but he will not change. Then
what is the use of dispute.” Cocculus indicus 30
33. Opium Case
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 4, 2/2000)
42 year-old woman had hemorrhoids and
constipation. In the first stage she didn’t bother
about her suffering but after sometime feared that
her problem would increase - Fear extravagance -
Opium 30 cured.
34. Cocculus Case
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Gurbachan SINGH had pain in the Right
lumbar region which radiates towards back. Had
much of perseverance and patience, many friends.
Phosphorus 30/3 doses gave some relief. On
further analysis, had anxiety about others, non
religious, recognizes reality and accepts. Cocculus
indicus 30 expelled the calculi.
35. Lyssin Case
SAINI R S (JH, 4, 2/2000)
P P 47 years/M had frequent sore throat, fever,
heaviness of eyes with coryza. Suffers the same
problem which his elder brother suffers everytime.
Talks of business. Thirstless. Opium 6 given with
no improvement. “Sympathy, felt same pain, his
brother complained of,” Synthetic Repertory with
Lyssin as a single remedy. 30 single dose cured.
36. Successful Cure of Nephrotic Syndrome
SINGLA Naveen (JH, 4, 2/2000)
A man aged 45, had Nephrotic Syndrome with
Albumin+++, Blood Urea 120- 240mg. As his
father died early he had much responsibility and did
them thinking that it was his duty. Kali silicatum 30
given based on the theme “being duty bound to
keep up the family image” according to Dr. Jan
SCHOLTEN. After 9 months, Albumin+, Blood
urea 37mg, Serum creatinine 1.2mg.
37. A Case of Relapsing Fever
SINGH Jagdip (JH, 4, 2/2000)
A lady M K aged 32 had fever everytime
before menses. Sleepless due to fever, wants to
sleep. Felt that taking antibiotics will aggravate her
problems. Her main concern are study o children
and house keeping. Longing for repose and
tranquillity, Cautious etc. Sulphur 30, no relapse of
fever during next periods.
38. A Case of Thalassaemia
MANGLA S P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Mr. TS, aged 15, was diagnosed Thalassaemia.
Blood transfusion advised. Had repeated attacks of
cough and coryza, loss of appetite. Desire to eat
flour and drinks hot drinks. Weeps in anger and
throws things away, cannot sit in one place, runs
hither and thither, jumps like a monkey. Becomes
cheerful on hearing music and dances. Tarentula
30, no improvement. Tarentula 6, Hb raised from
6.5 to 7.4gms. He was still under treatment. [The
case was given to show the importance of mind
symptoms in the selection of the remedy and to give
confidence to the youngsters that Homeopathy has
its scope even in serious pathological condition =
39. A Case of Lycopodium
SANDHU H S (JH, 4, 2/2000)
A woman aged 60 had fever and epigastric
pain. Allopathic medication failed. Had fever only
from 4 p. m. To 8 p. m. Based on this modality
alone Lycopodium 30 given. Fever and epigastric
pain ameliorated.
40. Hyoscyamus Case
SILCHAR K P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Mr. B. D. Aged 28 had pain in right testis.
Afraid to undergo allopathic medication and
surgery for they may give some strong or wrong
medication which would damage his organ. Fear of
being injured and betrayed. Hyoscyamus 30
41. Nux vomica Case
SILCHAR K P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Mrs. G. B, aged 58 had crampy pain in the calf
muscles, particularly while lying down in the bed.
Pain interrupts her sleep, would lament and moan
during pain. Nux vomica 30, 200 relieved.
42. A Case of Insomnia
SILCHAR K P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
Mrs. H. P. aged 60, had insomnia and psychic
imbalance. Had constipation and indigestion.
Lycopodium, Medorrhinum, Sulphur and Nux
vomica given alternately by other homeopaths
with no improvement. Sleep disturbed, would wake
up in between and experience hot flushes. Had a lot
of concern about her family members. Cocculus
indicus 30 gave mild relief but improvement
stopped. Based on constipation and the feeling of
interruption and disturbance in sleep and a desire to
have quiet and sound sleep Nux vomica 30 which
relieved but during her next visit she remarked that
the gas-stove make her head hot and she remains
sleepless due to that. Laughing while talking.
Belladonna 30 relieved and no recurrence.
(Author’s comment: One can see how futile it is to
prescribe constitutional medicine/nosodes etc.
Without referring to the present mental state of a
43. Stramonium Case
SILCHAR K P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Mr. B. K., age 30/M had pain in abdomen
around the appendix and diagnosed to have
appendicitis. Even though he experienced great
pain he refused to undergo operation, for fear of
being injured. Stramonium 30 relieved his fear and
he underwent surgery after 7 days.
44. A Case of Rheumatic Pain
SINGH Ranjit (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Mrs. J K., 60 years, with pain knees, heels and
burning of the soles. Frivolous, fear of poverty,
delusion about wealth, longing for repose and
tranquillity. Sulphur 200 over a period of 2 months
45. Four Cases of Juniperus sabina
PELT Marguerite (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Case1: 32 year-old woman with complaints of
Arthritis. Pain and stiffness aggravation by menses,
motion, before a thunderstorm, rain, draft of cold
air, change of weather. Her menses were painful,
protracted, clotted; would nearly faint from pain
before or during periods accompanied by nausea
and lower back pain. Libido increased during
menses. Had tendency for abortion, sensed the
motions of her child at a very early stage.
Thirstless, desires open air. Fear that something
would happen to her children. In the beginning
Pulsatilla used to relieve her menstrual pains and
Calcarea carbonicum given for joint pains. No real
improvement from altering these remedies. It was
the rubric “Alive sensation Abdomen” that helped
select Sabina. Sabina 200 three times in the first
year, M about four times throughout the following
four years made her mentally strong and improved
her joint pains.
Case 2: A woman of 35 years had Allergic rhinitis.
Sneezing, itching of throat and ears after eating
fruit, painful eyes in spring. Boils after using
deodorant. Joint pains in the left knee, the elbows,
the wrists and in her hips especially after exertion.
Had myoma of uterus causing protracted
menstruation, clots and dyspareunia. A very open
enthusiastic and optimistic woman. Had a strong
sense of duty, fear of heights, dark and dogs.
Dreamt of flying or running. Desires open air, milk
and coffee, aversion and sensitive to music.
Remedies like Pulsatilla, Argentum nitricum,
Phosphorus and Tuberculinum had little effect.
After Thuja her skin problem and hay fever
amelioration to some extent. Sabina was given as it
resembled Thuja botanically and she had a
combination of joint pains, menstrual disorders and
she disliked music. Though her physical problems
amelioration by 50 to 60%, the real improvement is
on emotional level, she became more calm, less
controlled not so restlessly enthusiastic.
Case 3: A woman had pain in right hypochondrium
aggravation before menses, stress, amelioration
stool, bending double. Seemed to be related to a
lower back pain. aggravation by sneezing, lying
down, amelioration by walking. Irritable before
menses. Chilly, profuse perspiration at night. All
complaints amelioration after menses. Closed and
rigid, very fastidious, overprotective of her children
and afraid of accidents and other misfortunes. Very
impulsive and hurried nature. Had fear of spiders,
heights, the dark and narrow places. Dreams of
bridges and water, of dying or death of relatives.
First child born prematurely and had an operation
for retained placenta. Natrum muriaticum lessened
the complaints but there was recurrence. Sabina
200 relieved her physical ailments by 50% but she
is more calm overall, less hurried, less fastidious
and can let go of her children more easily.
Case 4: 58 year-old woman had headache with
stiffness of neck that started when she was 12 years
old. Aggravation before a storm, during menses,
exertion, amelioration during pregnancy, eating and
sleeping. Sympathetic, fastidious, had a high sense
of duty and responsibility. Fear of narrow places,
elevators and mice. Other complaints were:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 26
Extreme weariness, sun-allergy, left lower
abdominal pain after eating nuts, eggs, fat and
cheese. Pain lower back region. Natrum
muriaticum and Natrum carbonicum relieved her
headaches and skin eruption but the weariness
persisted which amelioration only after Sabina
46. Back Pain in Pregnancy
USTINOVITSH Andrew (HL, 13, 1/2000)
A 27 year-old woman, four months pregnant
with a severe stitching pain in the lower back,
radiating downwards. Pain accompanied by
heaviness and aching pain in the thighs, with an
indisposition to walk, aggravation sitting and
standing, amelioration warmth. Had abundant sex
with many partners. Incidents of Gonorrhea and
Urethritis. Had Mumps, Rubella, inguinal Hernia,
chronic Tonsillitis, viral Hepatitis, chronic Gastritis,
Urticaria after antibiotics.
Desire for salt, aversion to cabbage. Hands
warm and wet. Mild functional systolic cardiac
murmur. Sabina 30 single dose relieved.
47. Neglect and Protection
HIWAT Corrie (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Woman age 43 with Gout, Migraine,
Metrorrhagia and high blood-pressure. Gout: Right
toe and ulnar side of foot affected. Cold compress
amelioration pain, aggravation touch. Migraine:
Right side of head extending to occiput,
aggravation before menses amelioration vomiting.
Metrorrhagia: active, clotted, dark. Increased
sexual desire during metrorrhagia. Increased blood
pressure and kidney failure during pregnancy and
had kidney transplantation after the delivery. Had a
very protective childhood but after the marriage she
wanted her mother to visit very often. Dreams of
dead people and relatives. Desires sour food and
drinks. Sabina 200 repeated thrice over a period of
seven months, 12 for a period of one month, M,
10M were given. Well, except the severe menses
with clots. Her uterus has been taken out without
any negative effect. [The author says that this is not
a cured case. As she had undergone a kidney
transplant and has been taking medication she did
not respond upto the expectations. Nevertheless she
has been reacting to the remedy over and over
again, on many different levels.]
48. In Need of Protection
RIJK Erik-Jan De (HL, 13,1/2000)
52 year-old woman, had labour-like abdominal
pains during the menses, with copious flow lasting
eight to nine days, fluid with clots. Cramping pain
in hypogastrium extending to back. Diagnosed
Myoma uterus. Backache and right shoulder pain
and Sinusitis. Desires ice-cream, chocolate, sweets,
aversion to milk and buttermilk. Mild and soft
natured, feels dominated by her employee, her
husband has to solve the problem and protect her.
Weeps easily. Sabina 200 relieved.
49. Three Cases of Hura brasiliensis
GRANDGEORGE Didier, Patricia R. Le
ROUX (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Ph. Barthelet, presented research to the
Hahnemannian School of Frejus on the
pathogeneses of Hura brasiliensis, from which the
following symptoms were of significance.
1. Dreams of children where their heads have
been half chopped off while they were in the
process of decapitating others; dreams about
death and cemeteries; putting candles on
2. Lots of sad ideas; the person thinks they are
going to lose someone very close to them. They
cry at the slightest provocation. They imagine
that the dead person appears before them.
They think that they will be left all alone in the
world and that all is lost.
Case 1: A woman wanted to treat her child who had
Bone Tumour which spread to a Lung and Liver.
No hopes to save but the mother could not accept
the idea of loosing her child. She was given a dose
of Hura brasiliensis 30 which made her incredibly
serene. A few days later the child died.
Case 2: A man had stomach ulcer which was
relieved by Arsenicum album but the rheumatoid
arthritis with swelling, deformity and arthritic
nodules on the fingers, ESR 120mm, Waaler Latex
antinuclear antibody positive did not change on
anti-inflammatory drugs. Arsenicum album his
constitutional remedy did not produce any change
in these. Based on his meticulous character,
premature white hair and the fact that he had been
much affected by the death of his first child from
Leukemia helped to prescribe Hura brasiliensis in
various potencies of 15, 18, 24, 30 at fortnightly
intervals, cured.
Case 3: A girl of seven with rheumatoid arthritis
got her blood sedimentation rate back to normal
after Sulphur. Unfortunately on the day of her
eighth birthday had a sudden relapse with
pericardial effusion. Admitted in hospital and large
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 27
number of anti-inflammatory drugs given. Father is
very anxious about his daughter (first born) as his
elder brother (first born) died at an early age.
Serious illness of the daughter, the death anxiety on
a birthday made the father to think that his daughter
could therefore die. Both were given increasing
potencies of Hura brasiliensis.
50. A Case of Laurocerasus
BIANCHINI Roberto (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Infant with oral thrush. Gagging while feeding,
eructations, flatus. Borax 30. Previous rash around
genital area, excoriated vulva cured with Rhus
toxicodendron. The thrush subsided but recurred
after a month. Had cough, aggravation in the
evening and night during first sleep with phlegm,
red eyes and nose. Gagging while feeding. Head
sweat. Born with cord around the neck, blue with
asphyxiation. Laurocerasus 30 cured.
51. Two Cases of Guajacum
STALLINGA Enna (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Case 1: 70 year-old woman had arthrosis of the left
hip and around left eye, left side of chest near the
ninth rib. Pain aggravation touch, lying;
amelioration stretching, cold application. Had
spondylolisthesis in L5 - S1. Sensation of
something lodged in the throat amelioration by
expectoration of green or brown ball-shaped
mucous. Profuse perspiration at night. Had herpes
labialis. Desires smoked meat, fruits, apples and
fish. Aversion sweet, salt. Nails brittle. Salivation
during night, brown film on tongue. Had a strong
sense of justice. Fear of heights. Causticum,
Coccus cacti, Psorinum and Ranunculus bulbosis
were tried in vain. Guajacum in increasing potency
over 2 years gave good results.
Case 2: 69 year-old woman with arthrosis of the
left side and right knee, amelioration sitting,
aggravation motion. Pain in left side of head and
face, cervical region. Chilly. Perspiration in sleep.
White film on tongue, salivation at night. Had
herpes labialis. She is too honest and had a strong
sense of justice. Guajacum cured.
52. A Defiant Girl
BIANCHINI Roberto (HL, 13,1/2000)
A 10 year-old child with insomnia. Mind very
active, awake until early hours of morning.
Obstinate, resistant behavior. Desires apples. Had
growing pains. Guajacum 30, 200, M acted
curatively. Was given Platina at the age of eight
for emotional sensitivity, dullness, excessive sexual
desire and constipation.
This Case draws to the attention the remarkable
similarity in symptomatology between Guajacum
and Platina.
53. Swallowed Anger
WULSBERG Terje (HL, 13, 1/2000)
68 year-old woman, had a sensation that her
tongue grows and felt that her mouth filled with
tongue and she may suffocate. But on inspection
the tongue looked perfectly normal. The problem
started after the death of her husband and a worker
in her husband’s firm came with unreasonable
financial claims. Through neighbours he gave so
many problems and she controlled herself and
swallowed a lot. Felt a lump in the throat. Had lot
of flatulence, difficulty in breathing. Had grudge
against those who offended, complaints worse when
alone and better when occupied. Very closed and
controlled emotionally. Fastidious. Desires to
travel, restless. Had nightmares. Desires chocolate.
Cajuputum 30, M improved.
54. Burning From Cold
GLAISYER Mary (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Female age 36, had burning heat in the throat
with unquenchable thirst, dull headache and post-
nasal drip. Felt cold intensely to the extent that she
wears bed-socks in summer. Her childhood was
unhappy and she felt isolated as her mother died
very early. Was placed in a series of foster homes.
Repeated doses of Camphora 30 relieved. The
rubrics which helped to select Camphora are:
“Throat, pain burning”, “Thirst unquenchable”,
“Mind; Sensation of isolation”.
55. Dying with Resignation and Indifference
BIANCHINI Roberto (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Female with inability to retain food, vomits
everything soon after eating. Confined to an
intensive care unit with a drip. Expected to die
soon if the situation continues. Had headache,
dizziness, thirsty when ill, backache, insomnia, bad
dreams, fears of being under the bed; of being
attacked; of the dark; of someone coming in.
Complaints started after a loss in the business. Had
much regret and remorse, resignation and
hopelessness. Though the failure was not due to
her, the partners blamed her. Though several
remedies like Phosphoricum acidum, Ignatia,
Arsenicum album seem to be indicated, yet neither
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 28
seemed to satisfy this situation, one where such
guilt and remorse could lead to such an acute
situation of life or death. A little” remedy which
would fit the physical symptoms and the
general/mentals was looked for and Laburunum 30
relieved the acute situation.
56. Recurrent bronchitis
VAN DER WIEL - J V (HL, 13, 1/2000)
A fifteen month old boy with recurrent
bronchitis, rattling continuously from 6 months age.
Antibiotics failed. Born without a thyroid gland.
Thyrax was given for it. Calcarea carbonicum M,
Pulsatilla M, Antimonium tartaricum M,
Tuberculinum bovinum M were given
consecutively. Reacted positively to Calcarea
carbonicum. Became more active, fontanels closed
but the effect on the respiratory tract was not
permanent. Seemed to stop breathing and
expiration with a sigh. Sambucus nigra 200
57. A Suffocating Sleep
BERNARD Teresa (HL, 13, 1/2000)
A 65 year-old man, troubled with sleep apnoea,
recurrent bronchitis, and ankle and foot swelling.
Had 2-3 episodes of sudden and acute attacks of
suffocation a little after midnight, at 3 a.m. and 5.30
a.m. As the pulse continued between 140 and 160
beats per minute admitted in hospital, cardiac
function stabilized, EKG was normal and diagnosed
with paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. Advised C-
PAP oxygen mask. Bronchitis starts with influenza
symptoms, head and throat congestion, coughing up
small amounts of thick green mucus. Congestion
always worse morning. Had right heel spur and he
tried to pamper it by favouring his left foot which
resulted in left-sided hip pain and Sciatica with
swelling of the feet to the level of ankle. Treated
with arsenic injections for the swelling. Dreams of
falling off a cliff, that something was going to
happen to him and he was about to die. Intellectual
and articulate man, had a variety of professional
positions. Likes to be alone, selfish. Tall and
robust. Warm-blooded, upper body is hot, but feet
are icy cold, especially at night. Perspires
profusely, during sleep at the back of his neck.
Sleeps on either side and the nose gets stopped on
the side lain on. Breathing loud. Sambucus nigra
200, repeated once, then M improved. He never
needed to increase the air pressure in the C-PAP.
58. Longing For a Perfect Intimacy
HERON Krista (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Case 1: 26 year-old female with depression,
bulimia and constipation. Received Natrum
carbonicum, Aurum metallicum, Alumina and
Stramonium with minor improvement but nothing
deeply curative or lasting. Father incested her from
age four to fourteen. Her family was unsupportive
and she blames them and feels bitter. Feels lost and
the feeling of emptiness causes her to long for a
connection but instead she finds herself behind a
wall. Had dreams of falling into a bottomless pit.
Feels dejected and unworthy that something is
deeply wrong with her. Single dose of Pseudotsuga
menziesii in 30 potency repeated thrice and 200
twice relieved.
Case 2: SARAH, age 37, had bulimia, constipation
and amenorrhea. Felt unbearable emotional
pressure and eating displaces the pressure. Had a
strong sense of isolation from others and from the
universe. Pseudotsuga menziesii 30 brought
changes in every way except the menses. After 3
months the remedy was given in 200 potency, after
2 weeks her menses returned, after 2½ years.
59. Tilia cordata
VONDRÀSKOVÀ, L (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The strange flowering pattern (on only one
branch ) of a lime tree in a family where the child
suffered from atopic eczema. Antibiotics,
Corticoids etc. failed. Then she was given Tilia
cordata (Lime tree) by a homeopath. She began
to flourish and the lime tree also came into blossom
- in all its branches!
60. To Cure or Not to Cure, What is the Answer?
(HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
This article is from a lecture on this subject,
given during a seminar In Alonissos, in June 1998.
Lot of importance on the understanding of the
different levels of health is placed. Symbolically
twelve levels of health are represented and further
these are divided into four groups.
Group A, level 1-3: In this upper level, the patients
are prone to getting (single) acutes.
Group B, level 1-3: Multiple acutes
Group C, level 1-3: In this group there are no longer
any acutes, or if there are, they are very mild. The
patients in this group realize that their health is not
good any more.
Group D, level 1-3: In this group we see severe
chronic conditions which are going to end in death,
sooner or later.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 29
The reaction of a person under treatment from
group A-D, will be very different from each other.
Many patients don’t respond according to the
general rules. Why is that? What will be their
reactions? These are discussed in detail.
61. The Way of Cure - Converting to
PERISCO Michael (Hl, 2-3/2000)
The author an ENT specialist felt frustrated
while practicing Allopathy and has converted to
Homeopathy and had found himself helping the
patient in the heart of darkness, and start a process
of true cure. He is of the idea that explaining what
is going on to the patient and discussing in general
how disease is created, and the implications in his
private case is very important. It is said in the
manner of a story with diagrammatic
representations. The disease arrangements are also
62. Kingdoms understanding in Homeopathy
ROSENTHAL Chaim (HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
The kingdom or the source of the remedy
should be taken as a crucial factor in understanding
the nature of remedies, and in differential diagnosis
between homeopathic remedies. Our remedies
originate from the four kingdoms: Inanimate
(minerals, liquids, gases, energy), Plants, Animal,
Human. The main idea in this approach is to find
the kind of pathology of the patient. The kind of
pathology defines the kingdom of the remedy that is
needed. Each kingdom has a diffeent kind of
pathology, although they are very different in their
details. According to the kingdom approach, if the
patient had a plant kind of pathology, he would
need a plant remedy in order to cure him.
This approach is most helpful in the following:
A better understanding of the
1. Nature or essence of remedies.
2. Differential diagnosis between remedies.
3. Real meaning of each remedy as it is
included in a rubric.
4. To understand and define the kind or nature
of the pathology of the patient.
5. Provings.
6. Miasms.
7. Location of pathology in the patient this
helps in selecting the relevant symptoms and
the right potency.
Main characteristics of the different kingdoms
have been given and the possible practical
application are discussed.
Example of understanding of different remedies
that were included in one rubric - “Antagonism
with herself” have been analyzed according to the
kingdom analysis.
A few examples of the different approach of
each kingdom towards certain issues have been
63. Homeopathy during Pregnancy and
(HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
Principles of treatment and two case reports
have been given. The authors quote from KENT’S
Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica, in
the lecture on Chamomilla; “.....Symptoms
representative of her disordered state come out then
that do not appear at any other time. If she has a
psoric condition it may remain dormant until
pregnancy comes on, which may act as an exciting
cause to bring out the conditions that are in the
constitution. It furnishes therefore, a good time for
the homeopathic physician to study the case and
give that woman a constitutional remedy based
upon those symptomsand prepare her for
confinement, but will remove very much of the
disorder in her economy.” The two cases presented,
one with malposition of the fetus during beginning
of labour and the other with malposition of the fetus
in pregnancy, were corrected with single dose of
medicines selected mainly on the mental symptoms.
64. A Case of Borax
(HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
A 36-year old woman reflexologist with mental
problem. Fear of losing self-esteem and being hurt,
fear of being abandoned during childhood. Had
deep depression and suicidal thoughts. Very honest
and judicial. Recurrent dreams of going up and
down on escalators. She is an introvert, very
emotional, dependent woman, had mutual
dependency with her mother. Felt the pains of the
patients right away. Afraid of crowds, heights, feels
that there is no ground under her feet. The other
local and general symptoms pointed to Borax.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 30
Borax veneta M repeated once made her more
stronger and an independent woman.
Kingdom approach of the case is analysed.
65. Two Cases of Cenchris contortrix
HARDY Jonathan (HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
Case 1: Married woman aged 36 with Primary
infertility. Had severe pre-menstrual tension,
menses lasted for 11 days with clots, dark, copious,
tender breasts with itching a week before.
Leucorrhoea worse before menses. Diagnosed as
erosion cervix with warts. Had great fear of death,
of being injured. Anxious on going to sleep, lest he
would die. Dreams of being pursued. Dressed in
black, hair red that dyed red/brown giving copper
colour. Increased sexual desire. Cenchris
contortrix M repeated thrice over few months. An
year later, conceived. Had mild anxiety and fear
during pregnancy which again was relieved by
Case 2: A woman aged 25 with obesity and hairfall.
Had fear of death, on going to sleep. Fear of
misfortunes. Dreams of coition. Wears black,
colours her hair with copper colour. Chilly.
Outgoing, talkative and competitive. Gives much
importance to physical appearance particularly what
others would think about her. Cenchris contortrix
M repeated once relieved though there is slow
improvement in hair fall and obesity.
66. The Separating and Reuniting Force of the
SHEMMER Yair (HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
The Dynamic, blue-print aspect of the remedy
is a realm that is unknown to modern medicine.
One discipline that resembles the dynamic approach
is Archetypal, or Jungian, Psychology. Both
Homeopathy and the Jungian Psychology deal with
psychological and energetic archetypes or blue
prints which exist in the collective vital force of
humanity. The author opines that Homeopathy
and archetypal Psychology need to find more
intimate interaction one day. He has dedicated this
article to the memory of Dr. Edward C.
WHITMONT, a great man who combined both
disciplines in his practice.
Lachesis, the “Bush Master”, is the most
prominent representative of the snake family in the
Materia Medica, symbolizes the core essence of the
serpent in the human sub-consciousness, more than
other snake remedies. The serpent is a powerful,
ancient, mythological symbol, accompanying
humanity since the beginning of its existence.
Therefore, in order to better understand the ability
of Lachesis to cure deep mental and physical
disturbances in our patients who exhibit the serpent
pathology, we must examine the interaction
between mankind and the mythology of the serpent.
The action of the Serpent Force, which symbolizes
the ability to separate the ego from the soul, is
characterized by great intensity, and the healing
process can prove to be very powerful.
38-Year-old female with a dramatic and intense
personality, and a high degree of self-awareness.
She is an actress with poetic, artistic and spiritual
Feels huge, swollen, monstrous body before
menses. Pain in abdomen and breasts at ovulation
time. Had a number of suicidal attempts,
suppression of femininity, and a large gap between
high spiritual aspirations and the complex mental
state. Sexually been abused by her brother whom
she loved very much and gave sex to get security.
Felt abandoned when her brother went to town to
get a job. Her mother projected the character of a
prostitute and hence she hates every form of
femininity, bad motherhood, maternal authority.
Felt her blood had been poisoned and after
attending a good concert she went home and cut her
veins in happiness and saw the poisoned blood been
let out. After this she felt lighter, cleaner and more
peaceful. Received one dose of Lachesis 30 and a
second dose after two months. After six weeks of
receiving the medicine she felt that there are two
bodies existing in her - the night body fighting
horrible nightmares, jumping out of bed in the
morning as the bed was full of thorns, and the day
body which relies heavily upon its mind to
overcome the heartaches, nausea, diarrhea and
bloody excretions which first appeared now
disappeared. After four months her letter report
revealed her changed mental attitude. The force of
the snake has changed from a burning force to a
healing force, from a separating force to an uniting
67. Nux vomica
WILHELMER Sieghard (DH, 18/1998)
Young girl 21 years with lack of self
confidence, weak voice, thought of suicide, fear of
death, depression periodically.
Only child. Very poor in calculation. A rose
costs 5 shillings. How much for 7 roses? And she
fumbled. Does well in Psychology and Pedagogy,
conscientious, weeps and music easily causes
weeping; hobbies are reading and drawing and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 31
writing poems. Loves salty fish, works smartly and
rightly, sleeps on abdomen. First she was given
Natrum muriaticum M without help.
Repertorisation again with the symptoms poor in
calculation gave Graph., Nat-m., and Nux-v.
Consulted CLARKE and found two symptoms
which matched exactly word for word.
I could not say earlier that this case was Nux
vomica. Nevertheless careful repertorisation and
study of the case pointed to Nux vomica and so Nux
vomica M. A wonderful cure was obtained.
Follow up one year later. Remains well.
Wonderful healings can be had by anyone if one
works carefully and finely
68. Die Nephrose des Bernhard K (The Nephrosis
of Bernhard K)
ROHRER Anton (DH, 18/1998)
This is an interesting report of Cure of
Nephrosis in a boy of about 5 years.
Homeopathic treatment for Nephrosis was
begun at the stage when the Hospital considered
Steroid therapie as essential.
The author gives his reasoning for each
prescription. The relationship of Helleborus and
Lycopodium, the value of time modality, the
interfering acute ailments, etc. also the value of
peculiar symptoms for choice of a remedy are all
The “key” symptom that opened the healing
process was the symptom: Pain in abdomen when
climbing up the stairs’. This symptom had two
remedies in the KENT Repertory: Asclepias
tuberosa, Helleborus. Comparison in the Materia
Medica confirmed Helleborus niger.
What is more interesting is that this symptom
was reported by LANGHAMMER (see Materia
Medica Pura). This prover belonged to the earliest
Prover’s Union of HAHNEMANN. He was frail,
hunch-backed, poor, aloof and was disliked by
many colleagues. There was much criticism about
his symptoms and many said that they were not
trustworthy. Only HERING defended
LANGHAMMER strongly.
[Nearly two hundred years after the “Proving”
the symptom is still valuable in healing serious
disease. Homeopathic Materia Medica can never
become outdated indeed, even a thousand years
hence! And every symtom given by the pioneer
provers is “pure gold” = KSS]
69. Borax bei Psoriasis (Borax in Psoriasis)
MOHR-BAUMANN Gabriele (DH, 18/1998)
The author considers Borax as an important
homeopathic medicine in Psoriasis. Since 1990
she had good experience in this. Six cases are
narrated. The remedy was given in low potency,
generally 12x, over a long period.
70. Malaria Cases
MASTER F J (HH, 24, 1/1999)
Six Cases of Malaria are reported. Repertorial
evaluation of each case have been given. Remedies
like Arsenicum album, China, Chininum
sulphuricum and Ipecacuana which seem to be
specific for Malaria are discussed. Comparison
between Arsenicum album and China, China and
Chininum sulphuricum are also given.
71. A Case of Zincum metallicum
JAIN A A (HH, 24, 1/1999)
A 30 year-old male with acidity - burning and
heaviness in the epigastrium and waterbrash,
aggravation night, after sleep. Headache
aggravation constipation. Perspiration acrid.
Craves fish, hot milk. Aversion sour. Timid,
cowardice, forgetful. Had increased sexual desire.
Thoughts of blashphemous language. Delusion of
hearing abusive and filthy language. Dreams of
stool and embarrassment. Zincum metallicum M
relieved substantially.
72. A Case of Natrum carbonicum
(HH, 24, 1/1999)
A man with constipation for 4 years. Frequent
ineffectual urging, had to strain although stool was
not hard. Postnasal discharge or incessant hawking.
Headache from mental exertion. Craves sweets,
vegetables, aversion to bread, rice. Hot patient.
aggravation strong odours, overeating. Very
honest, used to resist the bribes very sternly. Had
the habit striking himself if he gets angry or
frustrated. Been harassed by the higher officials as
he refused the bribery, which they found to be an
obstacle for them. Was a loner though had one or
two close friends. Never revealed his emotions
except in front of his wife. Dreams of going astray
i.e. accepting bribe, breaking the queue and getting
ahead, committing a theft and escaping. Natrum
carbonicum 200 gave 80% relief in the second
week, repeated once after 6 months relieved him.
73. A Case of Thyroid Nodule with Resolving
Thyroiditis: CA Endometrium with Recto
Vaginal Fistula, Diabetes Mellitus and Acidity.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 32
MISTRY B D (HH, 24, 1/1999)
Mrs. B. M. Aged 62 years had burning in right
throat. aggravation bending forward, sour food,
pickles, fasting. Diagnosed to have Euthyroid with
Resolving Thyroiditis. T3 - 125, T4 - 6.6, TSH -
6.2. Sonography showed large nodule in lower ½ of
right lobe and a small nodule in left lobule.
Thyroid tracer studies - T3 - 1.55, T4 - 113.0, TSH
- 4.66. An independent woman, wants to be
occupied, will not forgive people who had done
injustice, consolation aggravation, suspicious.
Loquacious. Speech hasty. Likes to be in
intellectual company, to learn new things and see
new things. Loves dancing, music, travelling and
writing. Aggravation from milk, desires pickles.
Had lot of mental strain in family and financial
problem after husband’s death. Diagnosed to have
Cancer uterus. Fistula of vagina and rectum with
physometra. Discolouration of tongue - purple.
Lachesis M repeated twice at a months interval
improved her condition.
74. Case Study of Lachesis
VED Jayashree (HH, 24, 1/1999)
A 65 year-old man with Headache and
Arthritis. Throbbing pain in left parietal region
aggravation alcohol, cheese, onion, 9.00 A. M. and
3.00 P. M. Pain in knee joints, finger joints, hip
etc., aggravation morning, while walking. Craves
sweets. Interrupted feeble stream of urine.
Perspiration upper half of the body. Decreased
sexual desire due to weak erection. Loquacious,
fear of infection and contagious disease.
Fastidious, superstitious. Feels that he had not been
appreciated and recognized for the good deeds he
had done. Lachesis 200 repeated once after 35 days
75. Case Study of Staphysagria
VED Jayashree (HH, 24, 1/1999)
A 32 year-old woman suffered from mental
depression, sleeplessness, hair fall, cough and cold.
She developed depression due to unhappy life since
her childhood. Her mother was dominative jealous
lady who was jealous about her own child’s beauty.
Husband is also a short-tempered person who
abuses, criticizes and misbehaves with her. Though
she felt angry and hatred towards him she did not let
out her emotions or anger. Felt that “Nobody loves
her, everybody hates her”. Aversion to cheese and
raw onions. Perspiration on the face. Dreams of
her mother beating and reprimanding, war, someone
chasing her with a gun to kill her. Staphysagria
10M repeated once after 3 months relieved.
76. A Case of Migraine and Acne Rosacea
BHARUCHA P M (HH, 24, 1/1999)
An adolescent aged 18 years had supra orbital
headache, recurred annually, intense hammering
and throbbing pains with nausea, irritability and
epistaxis which amelioration the headache. Pustular
acne on cheeks and forehead. Desires curd, milk,
ice cream, bread and chocolates. Aversion to meat.
Profuse sweat of palms. Chilly, wants to cover in
all seasons. Hard worker, very conscientious.
Sympathetic and responsible person. Timid, fear of
lizards. Anxious when anyone of the family
member is sick. Psorinum M cured.
77. The Neophites’s Guide to Successful
(HH, 24, 2/1999)
The article deals with the Neophyte’s
difficulties and how to overcome them. They have
enumerated the advice of W. YINGLING, H. A.
78. Illustrative Cases
(HH, 24, 2/1999)
Case 1: 38 year-old woman had fear of insanity
which developed after seeing a dead body.
Stramonium 10M seemed to ameliorate the
temporarily. Repetition of the remedy did not give
lasting effect. On further enquiry she wept at the
thought of what might happen to her children and
family if she had died. This with her amelioration
in open air and worse in warm room helped to
select Pulsatilla. 10M one dose helped.
Case 2: A 35 year-old lady had vertigo with fear of
falling. Had sleepless night as she has to look after
her newborn child. Cocculus M four hourly, 2
doses relieved.
Case 3: A 40 year-old man had frequent violent
headaches amelioration by vomiting. The attacks
were periodical, weekly and paroxysmal.
Sanguinaria M, 3 doses, 12 hourly cured.
Case 4: A 40 year-old lady had inability to open her
eyes with a sense of paralysis. Very timid person
and did not like warm air. Gelsemium M, 3 doses
12 hourly cured .
Case 5: A 55 year-old lady had lightening like
flashes in front of her eyes which woke her from
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 33
sleep. Mild natured. Phosphorus M, 3 doses, 12
hourly cured.
Case 6: A 22 year-old male had impairment in
hearing after swimming. aggravation by warm air.
The rubric “Hearing impaired from catarrh of
eustachian tube” helped in selecting Pulsatilla. 200
twice a day for three days cured.
Case 7: 30 year-old male had obstruction of nose
with pain in forehead. Had post nasal discharge
which was thick/viscid. Had nasal voice. Kali
bichromicum M, 3 doses every third day relieved.
Case 8: 8 year-old boy had inflammation of tonsils
with pain in throat while swallowing. Pain
amelioration by warm drinks. Lycopodium M, 3
doses on alternate days, repeated similarly after one
Case 9: A 27 year-old primipara had severe
vomiting. Lycopodium and Cocculus failed to
relieve. On close enquiry revealed vomiting of food
one hour after eating until stomach is empty.
Vomiting of water soon after drinking. Desires
spicy food. Phosphorus M, 3 doses, one daily
Case 10: A 35 year-old male had cramping pains in
his abdomen at about 2 a.m. at night regularly.
amelioration by bending forward. Appeared
gradually and disappeared gradually. Stannum
metallicum 200 twice a day for few days cured.
Case 11: An old lady developed diarrhea after
hearing that her daughter and son-in-law had met
with a car accident and had a narrow escape from
serious injuries. Gelsemium M, single dose stopped
the diarrhea.
Case 12: An elderly man had prolapse of rectum
which occurred during stool, though the stool was
soft. Pain during and after stool. Ignatia M, few
doses cured.
Case 13: A 65 year-old widow had to be frequently
admitted in the hospital for catheterisation on
account of painful retention of urine. Retention
from catching cold. Had tenesmus and ineffectual
urging. Causticum M, 3 doses, once a day and two
more at an interval of 5 days relieved.
Case 14: 45 year-old male had increased sexual
desire inspite of failed erections. aggravation warm
room. Slept on abdomen. Medorrhinum one dose
every 15 days for 2 months helped.
Case 15: A lady about 35 years had severe itching
of the genitalia due to leucorrhoea. The
leucorrohea was offensive, staining and caused
burning. aggravation before menses. Kreosotum
200 twice a day for two days relieved.
Case 16: 40 year-old female had frequent menses
with profuse flow aggravation standing and
walking. Full of cares about her daughter who was
not studying properly. Cocculus M twice a day for
2 days regularized her periods.
Case 17: A boy 8½ years suffered from acute
asthma. Took allopathic and ayurvedic medication
without avail. Respiration difficult aggravation
walking, panting respiration with cough. Mother
was stroking or rubbing the boy on his back which
seemed to ameliorate him. Phosphorus M relieved
the attack and he needed a repetition after 15 days.
Case 18: 40 year-old male had difficulty in
breathing amelioration open air, aggravation
exertion, warm air. Bathing cold water
amelioration. Desires salted things. Natrum
muriaticum M three doses, one dose a day,
followed by one more dose 7 days later.
Case 19: 6 year-old child had violent cough
aggravation lying down to sleep at night. Almost
suffocated during the coughing bouts which ended
in vomiting. Face became red during the cough.
Drosera 200 relieved.
Case 20: A 65 year-old male had pain in the heart
aggravation lying on left side. Pain extended to the
nape of neck and shoulder as well as to the left
scapula. Palpitations with inability to talk. Naja
200, 2 doses, 6 hourly followed by M at weekly
intervals; after 3 more doses he was free from the
Case 21: 55 year-old lady had pain and stiffness in
the lumbar region aggravation stooping and rising
from a seat. Found difficult to straighten up her
back. Sulphur 10M, 3 doses at an interval of 5 days
Case 22: A 45 year-old man had sciatica of the
right lower extremity aggravation coughing,
sneezing and laughing, lying on painful side.
Tellurium M, 3 doses at an interval of 5 days and 2
doses at weekly interval relieved.
Case 23: A lady, 55 years, had severe pain in the
heels while walking, but diminished as she
continued walking. aggravation evening. Warm
patient, felt better when walking in the open air.
Pulsatilla M, 6 doses every third relieved.
Case 24: A girl, 14, had trembling of right hand
when holding the cup or writing. Very anxious to
get rid of this trembling as her exams commences
after two days. No nervousness or fear of
examination. Sulphur 10M one dose relieved.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 34
Case 25: 53 year-old female suffered from
sleeplessness until midnight. Wakes up frequently,
sleepless after waking, the thought of her 27 year-
old daughter’s marriage revolved in her mind.
Pulsatilla M three doses every fifth day and two
doses every fortnight improved her sleep.
Case 26: A newborn baby, less than 15 days old,
had high fever and was moaning. Belladonna M,
one powder to be stirred in 5 teaspoons of water.
First two teaspoons to be given at two hourly
interval and the remaining three teaspoons to be
given at three hourly interval. Fever came down
within two hours.
Case 27: A 65 year-old lady had shivering chill
with desire to take chilled water. Headache on
coughing Phosphorus M in water one teaspoon two
Case 28: A 15 year-old girl had warts in her nose,
obstructing nose which caused difficulty in
breathing. Had sensation of crawling or itching in
the nostril. Very sympathetic. Causticum M to be
dissolved in five teaspoons of water, one
teaspoonful to be taken daily, after adding one
teaspoon of plain water and stirring. Warts fell off
within a month.
Case 29: 30 year-old female had ringworm patches
on the outer aspects of both thighs. Eruptions were
crusty and dry and the scales came off when
scratching. Tuberculinum M, two doses followed
by Sepia 200 every third day for weeks relieved.
Case 30: 27 year-old male had purpuric spots on
his legs, forearms, and back. Oral medicines and
local ointments had no avail. The red spots were
itching and when the skin peeled off , it left natural
colour of the skin. But the red spots/patches formed
again. Had profuse perspiration, could not tolerate
heat, had extreme thirst. Desires fridge water.
Dandruff. Natrum muriaticum M twice a day for
three days and three more doses at an interval of 5
days helped.
79. Some Striking Cures With the Help of Kent’s
CHHAYA R K (HH, 24, 2/1999)
Nine cases with evaluation and repertorisation
have been given. These cases illustrate
prescriptions of lesser used remedies in so-called
day to day practice.
80. Some Common Emergencies in Homeopathy
MANIAR A C (HH, 24, 2/1999)
The main aim of this article is to provide
information and guidance, as accurate and specific
as possible, to all those who have to provide “First
Line” care whether in the clinic, at home, hospital
or at times even on the roadside. Advantages of
Homeopathy and the emergency conditions like
injuries, burns, fractures, colic, haemorrhage, fever,
fainting and the heart emergencies have been dealt
with. Few remedies specific to each condition are
also discussed.
81. Snaps
BEHRAM A K B (HH, 24, 2/1999)
These case illustrate the importance of
characterisitic symptoms - whether they are mental
or physical symptoms is not the issue.
Case 1: A fat and flabby woman with moist limbs
below the knee had sciatica. On the mere
appearance of the lady Calcarea carbonica 200 was
given which relieved.
Case 2: A tall slender graceful woman had severe
pain starting from the right groin to the labium and
down the inner side of the right thigh. Pain was so
severe that she had fever and even morphia doesn’t
seem to relieve. There was nothing special to
prescribe on except the general appearance .
Phosphorus 30, 6 doses followed by 200 relieved.
Case 3: A 6 year-old girl, had partial ankylosis and
swelling of both wrists, both elbows, right hi-joint
and both knees. Had large dark eyes, long
eyelashes, emaciated face, dry skin and felt the heat
very much. The diagnosis was Still’s disease and
the remedy was Tuberculinum 200 given once in
three months for about a year cleared up the
involved joints.
Case 4: A fat, flabby, inflatulent and chilly woman
had excruciating pain in the lower abdomen 8 to 10
days after completing her periods. Used have fits of
neurosis and Sepia helped her. Got examined and
investigated by a consultant Gynaecologist who
could not come to any definite conclusion as
everything was normal. The pain definite
relationship to ovulation. Kali carbonicum 30
every three hours abated the pain. Kali carbonicum
200 soon after menses which on repetition after a
month, completely cured. No definite reason for
prescribing Kali carbonicum except that it is
complementary to Sepia.
Case 5: A well-built woman with sedate
temperament had asthma which began with pain in
the umbilical region, and sense of pressure at the
epigastrium soon followed by breathlessness and
inability to inspire. Eating raw vegetables amel.
neither Adrenalin nor Epinephrine nor
Aminophylline. Extremely fond of sugar and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 35
sweets which induced gastric flatulence and usually
precipitated her asthma. Argentum nitricum 200
Case 6: A boy had continuous fever for 12 days and
laid down listless with half open staring eyes.
Examination revealed consolidation of the apex of
right lung and a small patch at the angle of left
scapula indicating Bronchopneumonia. Based on
mental symptoms Phosphorus was given without
any effect. Tongue was coated thickly with white
fur like a carpet and Antimonium tartaricum 30,
four times a day brought the temperature to normal
within 24 hours.
Case 7: A stout lady slow and sedate had Sciatica
and the pains were worse at night, burning in
character, mitigated by heat. Arsenicum album 30,
6 doses, 3 hourly gave a bad aggravation and
complete cure.
Case 8: A young boy aged 15, had nasal
obstruction. Mucous membrane was swollen, red
dry and glazy. Phosphorus 30, soon followed by
200 relieved. Phosphorus was chosen based on the
fact that the mucous was dry and glazy.
Case 9: A tall heavy person had status asthmatics.
The usual drugs like Arsenic, Ipecac, Sambucus
etc., gave no relief. Asthma was better in cold
weather and worse in summer. Sulphur 200, two
doses relieved.
Case 10: A lady, short, too fat and very
impressionable had cough worse in the early hours
of morning and in the evening. Brought on from
any strong odour, pleasant or offensive.
Phosphorus 30 repeatedly and later 200 once a
fortnight for a period of two months completely
Case 11: A child was suffering from rickets. A
white thick ‘fur’ on the floor when the child passed
urine. Phosphorus cured him of the phosphates in
the urine as well as his rickets.
Case 12: A maid had leucorrhoea with prostration
from least physical exertion. On examination had
extensive erosion with multiple deep ulcers on the
cervix. Very chilly and clammy and cold to touch.
Repeated doses of Silica relieved.
82. An Abscessed Tooth
NAUMAN Eileen (HT, 19, 6/1999)
The patient is author’s husband with a crack in
the front teeth after eating peanuts. It’s a pressure
he experienced rather than a pain. No modalities.
Belladonna 30, one dose. No change. Magnesium
phosphoricum 30, no change. Chamomilla 30,
nothing. Hypericum 30, disgusted. Advised to see
a dentist who diagnosed it to be an abscessed tooth
and recommended root canal. He refused asked
help from Homeopathy. As a last resort Hepar
sulphuricum 200 - the fire engine remedy 4 doses in
24 hours relieved and saved $600.
83. Drills in Prescribing
CASE Erastus (HT, 19, 6/1999)
Burning pain in prostate gland.
Ranula bluish, with pricking sensation in it.
Soreness in muscles on right side of chest.
Painful soreness of right shoulder and upper
Soreness in left sciatic nerve.
Lyssin is the remedy that cured.
[This case is from Archives]
84. Snow Days From Home
ROTHENBERG Amy (HT, 19, 7/1999)
The author used to give phone advice during
the snow days. This is one of the cases were
Calcarea carbonicum is the constitutional remedy
of the patient which kept aside her chronic sinusitis
for nearly 2 years. She developed cold in the last
winter and asked for help over phone. The author is
a strong believer in using diet, exercise, botanical
medicine and nutritional supplements not only
during constitutional care but especially to help get
homeopathic patients over and through many of the
acute illness that arise during chronic prescribing.
Many of these types of treatments (diet,
hydrotherapy, etc.) can be found in the Organon
and work harmoniously with Homeopathy. And
hence asked her to try some vitamins, herbs and
some changes in the diet. But this did not help her
and she presented herself in the clinic next day. On
observing the presenting symptoms it found to be
the recurrence of her constitutional symptoms
which helped the author in deciding to repeat the
remedy. Next day she called to say that her sinus
infection evaporated overnight.
85. A Question of Antidoting
TAYLOR Will (HT, 19, 9/1999)
The author answers the question whether mint
causes an antidoting effect on homeopathic
medicines or not. Minted toothpaste or modest
mint in the diet can never cause a problem of
antidoting. In HAHNEMANN’s day hygiene was
terrible (open sewers in Leipzig), and folks did all
sorts of things to deal with odor - including using
enormous quantities of mint. It is likely this that
HAHNEMANN was speaking about when he
suggested avoiding mint, rather than the quantities
we are exposed to from minted toothpaste,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 36
occasional mint tea, tabouli, etc. Regarding
“antidoting” in general, it is the impression of many
homeopaths that unintentional antidoting - from
anything - is rather rare and tends to occur
principally in patients of rather low vitality.
86. Mental Symptoms
WARKENTIN D K (HT, 19, 9/1999)
The author says that giving due importance to
mental and emotional symptoms in approaching a
case seems to be limiting, narrow, and misleading.
He has given reasons for his conclusion.
He recommends four-pronged way to approach
a case:
1. Use physical pathology with modalities.
2. Understand the mental and emotional
strategy. Then from the remedies that did
well in #1 above, choose the ones that
correspond with this understanding.
3. Verify that, generally, the patient has their
pathology in the same location and style as
the remedy selected.
4. Look for any coincidences between the
natural history or mythology of the substance
and the case.
87. Naming the Disease: how important is it?
TAYLOR Will (HT, 19, 10/1999)
HAHNEMANN offered an overview of the
classification of disease in aphorisms 72-81 of the
Organon, and this is well worth reading, even with
the refinements of pathology modern medicine has
brought us. The author has given his understanding
about it by quoting the significance of it given in
Chronic Diseases, Organon, and Observations on
the Scarlet Fever. The genus epidemicus of the
“same” disease (by allopathic standards) may be a
very different remedy - as HAHNEMANN saw with
“scarlet fever.” His differentiation of the “the new
scarlet fever” is an excellent example of the kind of
anamnesis we need to do, and which separates us
from the diagnostic” model of allopathy. A
reliance on allopathic classification of disease
allows us to be blind aided by the general features
of disease and miss the truly characterizing features
of the case of disease which may define its
88. Using Herbs Along with Homeopathic
TAYLOR Will (HT, 19, 11/1999)
A brief article on whether herbs can be used
along with homeopathic medicines. The author is
against its use. He says that the Natural Health
products (e.g. St. Johns Wort, Kava Kava), each
have nine or ten things in them and nobody did any
individualizing when creating the regimen for them.
HAHNEMANN’s “discovery” of
Homeopathy dates to his recognition that the
healing power of (the herbal remedy) Peruvian bark
in malaria was due to its action according to the
principle of similars; and he gave us the
methodology to determine when it was the
appropriate remedy to use, and when something else
might be better applied. He quickly recognized that
this cure by similars was a general phenomenon and
left us with the provings some 70 herbs that could
be used on the basis of the principle of similars,
individualized to the case, rather than in the
haphazard fashion of Allopathy.
89. A Case of Persistent Discharge
CARLISLE Chris (HT, 19, 11/1999)
37 year-old woman, 35 weeks pregnant, had
increased oedema in her feet and ankles, white
vaginal discharge, experiencing contractions and
possibly in labour. Had cough with yellow
expectoration for 2 weeks and was wheezy.
Antibiotics were given. Next day experienced
continuing suprapubic abdominal pain, there was a
large vaginal bleeding suggesting premature
detachment of placenta. Lower uterine segment
cesarean section was performed and the child was
taken out but the surgeon reported a very abnormal
lower segment with anterior placenta filling it. An
accumulation of an offensive smelling placenta had
to be removed in piecemeal. Diagnosed with mild
heart failure. Frusimide and ventolin nebulisers
were given. Had chest infection. Has not passed
flatus, gas pains severe. Raphanus 30 given with
no improvement. Indwelling catheter was taken out
but after 2 days again it was inserted as she was not
able to pass adequate amount of urine. Put on
antibiotics and Pethidine. Staphysagria 30 basing
on the urinary pathology and post operative
complications and her suppressed anger which gave
negligible relief. Causticum 200 given on the basis
of the acute anxiety, and for “Paralysis of bladder
from long retention of urine. Retention of urine
after labour, after surgical operations which
relieved her within half-an-hour.
After a month, had mild greenish slimy vaginal
discharge. Very offensive. Feels uterus hard and
has not returned back to normal. Tenderness
around the scar and above it. The results of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 37
repertorization gave: Secale, Carbo animalis,
Kreosote, Kali phosphoricum. Secale 200, twice a
day for 2 days. The discharge stopped within a day.
After 10 days there was a recurrence of the
discharge and hence Secale M was given. The
remedy ameliorated the discharge to an extent but
did not relieve the stomach pains. Hence Sabina
200 given and the discharge disappeared but the
pain still persisted and felt angry on thinking about
her condition. Staphysagria M with no
improvement. On further enquiry she talked about
being very angry at the baby and her partner, her
libido low and craves spicy and salty things and
hates cold things. Sepia M brought lasting
improvement all around.
90. Childhood Ear Infections
HOOVER T A (HT, 19, 11/1999)
Otitis media or middle ear infections are one of
the most common childhood infections. The most
common treatment is to use antibiotics, but some
recent studies in Holland and the US have shown
that this may not be the best course. These studies
suggested that children who do not get antibiotics
actually develop fewer recurrences of infections
compared to those who do receive them.
Appropriately chosen homeopathic remedies
can make dramatic difference for children with ear
infections. A few examples of children with ear
infection treated homeopathically are given.
91. Cancer and the Sea Remedies
EVANS Jo (HOM, 76, 2000)
Sunday Times of 11 July 1999, says that
conventional medical drugs from the sea mentioned
that researchers at New Castle University had
found that the eggs of the Starfish are a good source
of a Cancer - inhibiting drug. Homeopaths have
been using Astreia rubens made from common
Starfish and it is also a remedy indicated for Breast
Cancer, for over 100 years.
The Florida Harbour Branch
Oceanographite Institute gave the explanation
‘Millions of years of evolution gave ocean animals
and microbes chemical defenses to survive.
A Sponge killing a parasitis rapidly growing
cells is the same principle as this killing human
Cancer cells. The reverse of second sentence is
The Sea Sponge has survived so long because
it has hardly needed to change or evolve.
Some sea remedies Limulus, Asterias rubens,
Medusa, Gadus morrula, Oleum jecoris ascelli,
Eryngium maritimum, Corallium rubrum, Ambra
grisea, Sepia, Spongia and Murex. The author
discusses some other sea remedies also. The sea
remedies are hidden miracles.
92. Up the Swance with Kali carbonicum
Mike BRIDGER (HOM. 77/2000)
When remedies like Sepia, Graphites,
Psorinum, Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Bryonia,
Natrum muriaticum, Carcinosin, Colocynthis,
Lycopodium have failed consider Kali carbonicum.
Because many symptoms of these remedies are
found in Kali carbonicum.
93. Picric-acid Cases
TIWARI N L (NJH, 2, 1/2000)
Case 1: A 35 year-old female had migraine,
chronic constipation and haemorrhoids. Kali
bichromicum 200 in infrequent doses and
intercurrent Tuberculinum bovinum M helped her.
Nux vomica was also given for acute conditions.
Had unusual weakness and tiredness. Fasting
Blood Sugar level is 134mg% and PP 256mg%.
Became anxious and fearsome, tiredness, feels
exhausted and loss of sleep. Phosphorus M and
Argentum nitricum 200 gave no relief. Had
offensive urine. Picricum acidum 200 relieved and
the blood sugar level came down to Fasting
108mg% and PP 132mg%.
Case 2: 59 year-old woman suffered from NIDDM
with random blood sugar 200mg%, Essential
Hypertension BP 160/90 and Reactive Depression
with weakness. Kali acetate 200 gave partial relief.
Thermal reaction hot, morning diarrhoea with lack
of control. Natrum sulphuricum 200 in infrequent
dose did not relieve her depression, weakness and
loss of self confidence. Picricum acidum 200
Case 3: Smt Y, 39 years, suffered from Essential
Hypertension, mucus colitis and LS spondylosis.
BP remained 130/80 to 140/90. Kali carbonicum
M for chronic phase, Secale cornutum and
Pulsatilla as and when needed. Veratrum album
30, 200 when BP 180/110. Anxiety, loss of self
confidence and weakness persists. Picricum
acidum 30 relieved.
94. Cases of Prolapse
Case 1: 64 year-old man had frequent loose stools
and extreme prostration. Restless and anxious.
Took food in hotel a day back. Stools watery,
offensive and profuse every hour. Thirst normal.
Urine scanty. Eyes sunken, lips dry. Pulse
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 38
78/minute. BP 76/50mmHg. Mouth red, apthae.
Prolapsed rectum 2 inches, reducible, non-tender,
no ulcer. Arsenicum album 200, 0/6, 0/12 were
given in Intravenous fluids relieved his acute
ailment. But the patient had chronic watery stools
offensive, aggravation after eating. After the son’s
marriage he and his wife were sent out of their
house by the sons and the daughters-in-law. Met
hard and stressful life situations. Becomes easily
exhausted, not able to do his daily routine. A
person who is active and perfectionist, liked
company became reserved, silent and taciturn after
this incident. Phosphorus, Nitricum acidum and
Muriaticum acidum were considered and Muriatic
acid relieved his entire problem.
Case 2: A 7 year-old child with recurrent worm
infestation and constipation. Given Calcarea
carbonicum, Teucrium marum verum, Cina, Nux-
vomica, Ratanhia and Sulphur in various potencies
but the complaints persisted. There is a pea-sized
swelling at the anus, which appeared after passing
stools and reduced 3 - 4 hours after defecation.
Later developed into an irreducible painful bunch of
grapes. Burning anus after stools, slight oozing of
dark offensive watery fluid. Had itching eruptions
in both the legs during early childhood ameliorated
by ointments. Graphites 200, Aloes 200,
Hamamelis 200 given in repeated doses within 4
months but no substantial relief. Sulphur 0/6 not
much of relief. Acidum muriaticum 200 followed
by Sulphur M relieved. [Cases like this are
examples of our bungling and how as soon as the
right remedy is given there is quick relief = KSS]
95. The Acidic Action
Case 1: A middle aged man with Diabetes mellitus
had continuous fever for 16 days due to offensive
oozing carbuncle on nape of neck. In spite of
ayurvedic medicine and antibiotics the fever
continued and the carbuncle also began to spread.
Extremely prostrated, felt chill but did not want to
cover. Tongue coated and breath offensive. Palms
and feet cold, perspiration. Answers slowly and
moans constantly. Blood sugar random 206mg.
Arsenicum album 0/6 and Baptisia M failed. On the
basis of Extreme prostration, Septic fever,
Offensive discharges, Involuntary offensive loose
stools and Restlessness Muriaticum acidum M
given which produced remarkable improvement.
Case 2: A 28 year-old male, had feeling of
depression, sulkiness and insomnia. Desire to
escape from the house and had no interest towards
his wife and children. A small round ulcer on
Glans, little discharge, offensive, occasional pains
at night. Was present even before his marriage
amelioration ointments. Had multiple contacts.
Sepia, Lycopodium and Fluric acid were
considered. Fluric acid 200 and M over a period of
8 months relieved.
96. The Weak but Intelligent Child
DAPTARDAR B G (NJH, 2, 1/2000)
An acute case in which the chronic state of the
patient helps to find the similimum. A child aged 2
years with high fever did not respond to Ferrum
phosphoricum and Pulsatilla 200. Weak and
emaciated. Moaning and thirstless with cold feet.
Had involuntary stools and urine. Muriaticum
acidum 200/ 2 doses 8 hours apart produced good
Premature child; born in 7th month of
pregnancy. Kept in premature unit for 45 days.
Blood transfusion - ?Septicaemia. Had recurrent
nasal congestion, sneezing, cough. Had
Phyctenular conjunctivitis. Restless hands and feet.
Starts during sleep. Fear of balloons, whistle of
pressure cooker. Timid. Likes to be alone. Fear of
strangers. Desires fruits, curd, cold drinks and ice
cream. Passed stool and urine without giving any
indication. Mother had polyhydramnios in the early
weeks of pregnancy and placenta previa. She is
very obstinate, anxious and conscientious about
trifles. She desires to be cared by others. Mother’s
history and the evolution of child: premature
delivery, septicaemia, cellulitis, low grades of
inflammations, dull, irritable nature, physical and
mental weakness with no control over stools and
urine all pointed to Muriaticum acidum.
97. Tuberculinum: as a Constitutional
LOBO Anita (NJH, 2, 1/2000)
8 year-old boy with recurrent respiratory
problem. Took antihistamines and local steroids for
7 years without much relief. Cold and cough
excited by dust, cold food and drinks. aggravation
night, cold climate, change of climate. Desires -
sweets, meat cold milk. Increased thirst for cold
water. Profuse sweat on forehead. Likes drawing,
painting. Has changeable moods, Very sensitive
amelioration by consolation. Irritable and gets
angered easily. Fear of dogs and ghosts. Sleep
disturbed due to dreams of ghosts. Arsenicum
album 6 for acute phase and Tuberculinum 200 as a
constitutional remedy cleared his problems.
98. From Irrational To Rational Medicine
SANDHU C S (NJH, 2, 1/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 39
This is a detailed article against the use of
combination and mixture of medicines where
excerpts from many of HAHNEMANN’s writings
and his letters have been given to support this view.
It is worth reading the full article.
99. A Case of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
JAIN C B (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
A boy aged 4, had recurrent sudden onset of
fever with chills and recurrent respiratory tract
infection since his birth. Starts after bathing in cold
water, cold drinks and ice creams. AKT treatment
for 6 months. Had jaundice. Malnourished, cranky
child, obstinate - lies and rolls on ground during
anger. Possessive about his things. Perspiration in
neck and abdomen. Milestones delayed. Does not
desire to cover. Phosphorus 200 given which
helped. But within a week he developed fever and
again he was given AKT treatment. Lost 1 Kg in 2
weeks. The present condition of the patient is
considered and AKT treatment stopped. Arsenicum
iodatum 30 was repeated as the disease was in
advanced stage. Immediate improvement. After
improving the immunity status of the boy
constitutional remedy was considered and Calcarea
iodatum 30, one dose settled the patient completely.
100. I Can’t Work. . .
JAIN C B (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
A 50 year-old male, had respiratory problem
for more than 4 years. Cough with thick yellowish
expectoration. Fever and bodyache. Cough
aggravation night 7 p m to 1 a m, drinking water,
amelioration expectoration, lying on right side with
bending. Internal and external trembling with
weakness. Appetite decreased and weight loss
present. Had crepitations more in the right side
than on the left. Thin built. Smoked bidi - but left
it since illness. Worked in a tiles factory and had
exposure to Silicon, Zinc, Barium and Soil. Took
anti Koch’s treatment for sometime without any
improvement. Extreme weakness, nightly
aggravation and the tubercular lesion pointed to
Arsenicum album. Arsenicum album 30, once a day
for about 13 days followed by twice a day for few
days. No fever. Chest findings better. X - ray
showed improvement but AFB +ve. Had acute
upper respiratory infection and did not respond to
the given medicine and took allopathic medication
with no improvement. The present symptomatology
pointed to Calcarea flurica 30 produced gradual
improvement. Tuberculinum bovinum M was given
as an intercurrent and Calcarea flurica 30
continued. X - ray showed healing. AFB -ve in 3
samples. Weight increased upto 40 kgs and the
patient remained symptomless.
101. A Case of Kali-carb
JAIN C B (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
Mr. H S K aged 38, had dry cough with
occasional whitish expectoration. Cough
aggravation morning, sleep, summer. Haemoptysis.
Breathlessness on running. Slow healing of
wounds. Craves meat and sweets. Dreams of
animals and snakes. Crepitations heard all over
lung field. Pleural rub heard in the right lower lobe.
Took treatment from a chest consultant for about 3
years. The totality pointed to Kali carbonicum and
Bacillinum was given as an intercurrent. Both these
remedies in 200 potency cleared up the case.
102. Doctor, You must See Me now!
JAIN C B (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
A 24 year-old male came with acute fever and
insisted to see him out of appointment. Had
Malaria-like fever for 3 weeks 3 months back which
did not respond properly to treatment. Temperature
102.8°F. Had weakness, bodyache, leg pain.
Redness of eyes and perspiration. Chilly.
Arsenicum album 30/ 4 hourly. Developed loose
watery stools next day. Temperature did not touch
normal. X - ray showed right sided pleural
effusion. Kali carbonicum 30/ 4 hourly for a day
produced good improvement. X - ray showed
regression of pleural effusion and remained
103. My Experiences in Tuberculosis
MEHTA Kishore (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
The author has presented 4 cases of
Tuberculosis in which Tuberculinum bovinum
seemed to be the one which brought improvement
although other indicated drugs were also given.
Though in some cases Tuberculinum was given
only as a pathological or an empirical prescription.
104. Fulminating TB with Pleural Effusion
ADONI Madhusudan (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
20 year-old girl with fever, cough, difficulty in
breathing, stitching pain on the right side of chest,
extreme debility and prostration. Diagnosed as
right sided pleural effusion of Tuberculosis and
admitted in rural hospital and treated with AKT.
Condition worsened. Tuberculinum M one daily
for 3 days. X - ray showed no pleural effusion. In 3
months, after 12 doses of Tuberculinum, all the
symptoms of the disease vanished completely.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 40
105. An Empirical Study - on Lymphadenopathy
SHENOY P P (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
The author met the challenge of treating the
children with Cervical lymphadenopathy,
lymphocytosis, elevated ESR and Mantoux positive.
The criteria for the challenge being increase in
weight of the children - 1 kg in a month. If she fails
in bringing this improvement the children will be
put under AKT treatment. Within a month, each of
the children gained that magical 1 Kg in weight and
AKT was averted and within three months from the
onset of homeopathic treatment, all blood
parameters returned to normal. Reports of some
children are given to substantiate her results. The
main remedies which helped were Arsenicum
iodatum and Tuberculinum.
106. A Case of Tubercular Diathesis
CHATTERJEE Sumit (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
A boy 11 year-old, had fever cold and cough.
Paroxysmal, ending in vomiting aggravation after
eating, morning after waking. Rhinorrhoea, nasal
obstruction. Dyspnoea after cough. Bilateral nasal
polyps and tonsils. Bilateral ronchi heard.
Mantoux positive. X - ray showed Hilar opacities
with bilateral patchy pulmonary congestion.
Desires meat, egg, sour, fast foods. Aversion
sweets. Sweat profuse and stains yellow. Restless,
obstinate, intelligent. Calcarea phosphoricum 200
was given based on strong craving for meat,
excessive perspiration, lean built and other
tubercular symptoms. Tuberculinum was given in
LM potency.
107. Ileo-caecal Koch’s with Sub-acute Intestinal
KAPSE A R (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
A 35 year-old man with burning pain in
abdomen and distention. Diagnosed to have Ileo-
caecal Koch’s with suspected sub-acute intestinal
obstruction. Endoscopy showed intestinal
congestion. Appendix retrocaecal. No local
congestion. Tenderness in right Ileo-caecal region.
X - ray chest showed active Koch’s infiltration in
left lung with cavity in mid zone. Mantoux
positive. Was given AKT treatment for 2 years
with no improvement. Likes to be alone and brood.
Feels his illness to be punishment for the anger and
violence in childhood. Dreams of snake. Uncovers
feet. Eggs, milk, sweets and tea does not agree
produces abdominal complaints. Ferrum iodatum
was selected as synthetic prescription. Because he
had low susceptibility and lowered vitality the
remedy was given in 30 potency and repeated often.
Later potency was raised to 200 as the symptoms
relapsed. Tuberculinum bovinum M was given
once when he had loose stools. He got relieved of
his sufferings.
108. Synoptische Homöopathie - Eine Utopia?
(Synoptic Homeopathy - an Utopia)
HÖTZER, K. (AHZ, 245, 1/2000)
The term Synoptic Homeopathy is presented
in the same manner as the term Synoptic
Psychotherapy. Within the scope of synoptic
Psycotherapy the indication for a certain form of
therapy is chosen with respect to the situation of the
patient; this should also be possible in
Homeopathy, i. e., according to the symptoms, the
patient should be treated in a ‘classical
homeopathic’ or ‘scientific critical way’.
109. Beginende Multiple sklerose; Z. N. Rez.
Neuritiden Nerve Optici (Beginning Multiple
Sclerosis; Neuritis of the Optic Nerve)
EICHER, R. (AHZ, 245, 1/2000)
The homeopathic treatment of a beginning
Multiple Sclerosis, is described. There was neuritis
of the Optic nerve which developed further in the
form of impaired sensibility, since six months.
On the totality of the symptoms and
repertorization Sepia was given in XM potency.
This was repeated twice and she was free from the
110. Alopecia totalis capitis (Alopecia total)
KANT, H. (AHZ, 245, 2/2000)
30 year-old female, with Alopecia; there were
many large areas of baldness. Has taken treatment
in Skin clinic etc., for quite sometime without
Axillary, pubic hairs were intact.
She suffered from frequent headaches since her
10 year age. She had often cold hands and feet.
Itching in the hands and feet.
Secale cornutum D30 one ampoule i.v. weekly
once for 6 weeks after which she lost the remaining
hair too! The baldness was total like a billiard ball.
Now Thallium metallicum D30 weekly one
ampoule i. v.
4 weeks later hairs had grown in some spots. 4
weeks further the hairs had grown fully.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 41
111. J.COMPTON-BURNETT. Analyse seiner
Behandlungsstrategie BURNETT’s
indikationen zur Nosodenvevordming
(An analysis of the treatment, strategies of
J.C.BURNETT. BURNETT’s indications for
prescribing Nosodes)
KAMMERMEIER,A.(AHZ, 245, 3 & 4/2000)
James COMPTON-BURNETT (1840-1901)
practiced in England during the end of 19th century.
He developed a characteristic style of treatment. He
used Nosodes frequently and often alternated
between organopathically chosen ones in low
potency and constitutional remedies in high
potency. He found that Vaccinocis was a hindrance
to healing. BURNETT warned about the danger of
relying on the totality of symptoms for choosing
homeopathic remedies in one-sided diseases, like
Tumors. He also considered it impossible to heal
complex diseases with only one remedy.
His case histories show short treatment times in
complicated diseases and his healing of many
Tumor patients is very impressive.
In his works BURNETT mentions his most
relevant ‘Key Notes’ for prescribing Nosodes.
Many of them are not listed in the KENT’s
Repertory nor in the newer repertories. Some
important Key Notes are listed in this article.
[Readers may please read diligently the many
monographs of BURNETT, e.g. of Diseases of the
Liver. Disease of the Spleen; Skin; Difficult,
Puny, Backward children; New cure of
Consumption; Tumors; Veins; Organ Diseases
of Females etc. There is a big treasure lying in
these little volumes. They may also read Dr. H.L.
CHITKARA’s Best of Burnett, B.Jain Publishers,
1992. = KSS.]
112. Morbus Still-Ein Plurimiasmatischer Fall -
Teil I (Morbus Still-a plurimâasmatic case-
Part I)
(AHZ, 245, 3/2000)
This very interesting case describes the
homeopathic cure of a disease - Morbus Still - in a
seven-year old boy during the period August 16;
1992 to the end of 1996. During the treatment, the
symptoms called for Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum,
Cancerinum. For the final constitutional
stabilization, the boy was treated with Calcium
phosphoricum and Sulphur. The entire treatment
and cure was documented by laboratory tests and
drawings of the boy. The interception of the
drawings show an astonishing identity of both the
113. Fetale Folgen der pränatalen Diagnostik (Fatal
Consequences of Prenatal Diagnostics)
STORM, W. (ZKH, 44, 1/2000)
Prenatal examinations are being carried out in
a routine manner as ‘pre-natal care’ without first
critically studying the methods. Although
considered more or less free of adverse side effects,
possible complication with regard to physical
symptoms are mentioned.
Five cases of children treated homeopathically
show that there can also arise emotional
consequences for the pregnant woman with an
indirect impact on the fetus. Although these are not
much, real side effects of prenatal procedures are
there which have to be balanced against the
advantages supposed by the physician.
114. Bagatelleverletzungen und das
homöopathische Deuken ( Simple Fractures
and homeopathic thinking )
FUCKERT, M. (ZKH, 44, 1/2000)
It is common in Homeopathy to prescribe
Arnica routinely for even trifling injury; also as
prophylactic before tooth extraction and other
surgical measures.
The author argues, rightly, that instead of
routinism the homeopathic Materia Medica has
some symptoms even in respect of injuries. As
example he briefly reports a case of Trigeminal
Neuralgia after she knocked her face against a door
edge. The remedy chosen on individualization was
115. A Case of Anxiety, Guilt And Insomnia
ULLMAN Robert (SIM, XIII, 1/2000)
(From HANP Case Conference, September
1999, Portland, Oregon)
LEONARD is a 46 year-old insurance
salesman from Southern California with anxiety
(money, health, family, business), guilt, family
problems and sleeplessness. An excessive worrier
and very detail oriented. Had a number of
traumatic experiences in the past, both recent and
distant, such as divorce, business failure and being
accused of fraud. Basically sees himself as honest,
hardworking and misunderstood.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 42
He particularly feels misunderstood by his
family of origin. His mother and siblings no longer
trust him, and even accuse him of defrauding them
even though in the past he was their hero and the
“smart one” in the family. This is a great grief for
him and a constant source of remorse and self-
examination. Leonard is most affected in his life by
the feeling of being misunderstood and the worry
that he really may harm others, like default on his
debts or accidentally sell fraudulent insurance
policies. Even if he has committed crimes, he really
does not know what to do about it now.
The two remedies which came up most
prominently were Arsenicum album and Kali
bromatum. Though Arsenicum seems to be
indicated because of the anxiety about money and
health, the sleeplessness, the ailments from
anticipation and the frequent urination Kali
bromatum was given because of the emphasis on
family and guilt. Kali bromatum M but best results
after 10M.
116. A Case Of Schizophrenia
TENNENBAURN Robert (SIM, XIII, 1/2000)
A male 63, diagnosed with Schizophrenia had
extreme weakness that he was unable to work. On
antisychotic medication, Glyburide for adult onset
diabetes, Hytrin, a diuretic. His desire for meat,
compulsive disorders, washing hands, fear of arrest,
aversion company, fond of solitude, delusions
forsaken, friendless and persecuted, combined with
his closed, conservative demeanor and lack of
contact Mercurius was selected and given in LM 1.
A host of new symptoms were revealed with no
change in his original condition.
His feelings about animal suffering, lack of
libido alternating with voluptuous ideas, and the
very uniqueness, even strangeness, which seemed to
be characteristic of him led to a smaller remedy
Nuphar luteum was given in 30 followed by 6 in
water, sucussed, 10 drops daily; discontinue for 10
days prior to next appointment. No changes again.
Based on his early history; great mental
weakness and dullness; almost paralysis; his need to
keep all thinking simple, since thinking seems to be
a great effort Plumbum LM 1, 10 drops daily, 10
succussions. No change.
Recurrent feeling of physical weakness after
the death of father, fear of future, helplessness;
aching legs and knees led to Phosphoricum acidum.
LM 1 10 drops daily, 10 succussions. Some
positive response like he seemed more animated,
more optimistic but it did not touch his weakness.
He continued to fear policemen , fears of people in
general and of homosexual attack. Cuprum LM 1,
succussed, daily. No change.
For the compulsive hand washing and his
seemingly unproductive and destroyed life
Syphilinum 30 in water, five drops followed by 200
in water, 10 drops, 10 succussions. Syphilinum
acted in some way to clarify the symptoms, but not
necessarily curatively.
Still he was talking to himself, tired all the
time, fearful of people and of being arrested, averse
to talking, and obsessed constantly about salvation.
Kali bromatum 100 in water, five drops succussed
five times, every three days. No change. Thuja and
Arsenicum were given following Kali bromatum
depending on the symptomatology with no fruitful
results. The symptoms seem to indicate the same
remedy Kali bromatum and the author has changed
the Pharmacy and potency. Kali bromatum 200
daily in water, discontinue for one week before next
appointment. The patient was better. An
aggravation appeared from the remedy, and the
remedy was given in Q potency. Kali bromatum
LM 3, three drops succussed three times, daily in
water. He showed definite improvement after this
remedy and the potency was raised to LM 4, LM 5
and he told that it seemed to be helping his moods,
but not his energy level. Here we must consider the
medications he is taking as possible obstacles to
117. The Axis Mundi: The Use of dreams in
Homeopathic Treatment
CICCHETTI Jane (SIM, XIII, 1/2000)
Homeopaths have used dreams since
HAHNEMANN’s time. Our repertories and
provings contain many references to dreams, there
are many questions about how to effectively use
dreams to help locate the simillimum. The author
has explained why we need to use dreams more than
in the past and shows some techniques that assist in
using dreams in homeopathic practice. A case
report is presented where the remedy is found
through a dream. He has given some suggestions
for developing the ability to use dreams.
118. Finding The Simillimum In Borderline
Personality Disorder
WOLFER Susan (SIM, XIII, 1/2000)
Many practitioners believe that borderline
personality disorder cannot be helped. However,
this common belief has been dispelled with the
research and clinical work of therapists like Marsha
Linehan (1993) and James Masterson (1988, 1989).
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 43
Their ground-breaking research can help
homeopath s in working with these challenging
clients in two ways: to understand the “false self”
and its defenses hiding the real remedy picture, and
to reduce reactivity that can tangle the homeopath
in the client’s drama.
By understanding the nature of this unique
pattern of personality organization, the homeopath
will know to look more deeply into the client’s
history and into personal relationships when a well-
indicated remedy does not work. In understanding
the common and characteristic symptoms (see
Stephen Messer’s article Simillimum, Spring 1996),
the unique aspects of the case can be used to find
the simillimum.
The reader will also be able to identify some
common pitfalls that challenge the homeopath in
working with these clients who can act out with
helplessness or rage. These pitfalls include
projective identification, countertransference (see
Nick Nossaman’s article on projection in
simillimum, Fall 1999), working with the borderline
triad and abandonment depression.
The article suggests strategies for effectively
handling the challenging cases so that the
simillimum can be found and given. Conclusion
was made with a case study.
119. Remedies and Rituals
QUARANTO Danny (SIM, XIII, 2/2000)
Many times in the homeopathic literature, we
see protocols, sometimes elaborate, for dispensing a
remedy. Some prescribers even use injectables.
This has a tendency to make homeopath y appear
more mystical than Samuel HAHNEMANN ever
intended it to be. Granted, some people,
homeopaths and alike, need to have rituals for a
sense of empowerment. However, we must never
lose sight of the fact that the most important factor
in Homeopathy is simillimum. Everything else is
A nine year-old girl, a coy, blonde Pulsatilla
type, reported with classic symptoms: greenish,
odoriferous discharge from the ears, and a history
of recurrent ear infections with pain which had been
treated recurrently with antibiotics. Her father
picked up the aqueous Pulsatilla 200 to be taken
Two days later her dad called, incredulous that
the remedy had worked. There was no more
discharge and no more pain. He then asked,
“Should I keep putting the drops in her ears?”
So much for rituals! When the simillimum
resonates, the form in which it is dispensed is
120. Three Ranunculaceae Birth Tales
MATHIEU Brent, Willow MOORE,
Robin LIM (SIM, XIII, 2/2000)
Case 1: A 30 year-old woman in the 29th week of
her second pregnancy had premature uterine
contractions that felt like a tightening, with lots of
low back pain and vaginal pressure. Had similar
contractions during the first pregnancy and
delivered prematurely. Her obstretician had
prescribed bed rest and Terbutaline. Had difficulty
complying with bed rest because of her active two-
year old. Headaches at the back of head and neck,
and at the temples and vertex. Cimicifuga 30 as
often as the symptoms return but no more than
every four hours, or once daily if unsure of a
reaction after 24 hours.
Delivered a healthy son weighing seven pounds
nine ounces, seventeen days before her due date.
Taken Cimicifuga during the labor and felt that it
had made a big difference. After 20 days she
developed yeast vaginitis and breast thrush and had
tension headaches and sinus infection which was
previously treated with Sepia and it was repeated
which relieved.
This case of premature helps to ponder the
relationship and respective uses of Sepia and
Cimicifuga for muscular and uterine disorders.
Cimicifuga is especially indicated for over reactive
muscle tone; Sepia for both lax and hypertonic
Case 2: LINDA had her first son at home and
planned to have second child also so. The head
emerged and rotated 180 degrees instead of 90
degrees! The baby slid out after this maneuver.
Took breath only on moving, stopped if stopped.
The author remembered a chiropractic physician
saying that one has to adjust the Atlas on a newborn
to aid with breathing. Suspected a subluxation of
the Atlas during the rotation. Corrected it with
slight pressure and the breathing normalized.
About two and half hours after delivery, baby
had bright red cheeks, shiny eyes and fever of 102
degrees! “Sudden onset of fever after fright,
Aconite 30 and within 15 minutes the fever was
A few episodes of irregular breathing, which
were quickly corrected by Mom or Dad holding him
upside down to allow realignment of the upper
cervical vertebrae.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 44
Case 3: KITIK had been in early labor .
Contractions occurring every 10 minutes. Cervix
was six or more centimeters dilated. But her
contractions lacked power. She was rehydrated and
kept with care. The condition continued even on
the second day and Pulsatilla 30 four doses every
15 minutes were given as her labor had slowed to
almost a halt, after dilatation to six cm. She was
becoming distressed emotionally, nervous and
worried, with feelings of faintness. Felt hot, craved
fresh air, but was relatively thirstless. After the
third dose she began to leak clear amniotic fluid.
Now she was given Caulophyllum 30, she took a
brisk walk for ten minutes and then squatted to push
out her son. As the boy was a nuchal presentation
she suffered a perineal tear and a hematoma in the
121. The Myth of Staphysagria
GOAD Sharon (SIM, XIII, 2/2000)
The author being cured of warts in the feet and
right hand - thirty cauliflower warts by a
homeopathic remedy - Staphysagria became much
interested in the subject particularly in the remedy -
Staphysagria. She has given a new understanding
of the remedy and has presented 4 cases of
Staphysagria. Her proposition about Staphysagria
is that ANGER is the keyword, and sex is
somewhere in small type.
Case 1: A young man with phantom pains in
amputated fingers, worse from cold. Pains started
after separation from his wife though the fingers
had been gone for eight years. A tightly coiled
spring, but terribly polite. Everyone’s helper, never
said no to anyone. Staphysagria 200.
Case 2: A 42 year-old unmarried woman, after
being chased by a stranger in a wooded park,
reduced to crawling to bed on her hands and knees.
Hydrogen lifted the dullness in her thinking but
brought out the Staphysagria picture of anger,
outrage, indignation. Constantly being bitten by
mosquitos, slept under fan, woke with a swollen eye
or lip from bites. Had no more than a wholesome
interest in sex. Staphysagria 200.
Case 3: A female homeopath consulted over
phone and the author suggested Staphysagria. On
hearing the name, she just laughed and said that sex
is not an issue, in fact the sexual energy is so low it
doesn’t exist. But the remedy worked and a week
later she said that the author has given her a whole
new picture of Staphysagria.
Case 4: A 3½ year-old girl, sweetest most charming
child had the habit of masturbation. From every
other point of view the child was perfect or more
than perfect. Staphysagria 30 intensified her desire
for few days and then stopped, but her behavior
changed. She’s become more like an ordinary
child’ standing up even to her older cousins.
Concludes that in her experience none of the
cases show anything but a healthy normal or low
interest in sex. It is interesting that the only one of
her cases which showed the legendary sexual
appetite of Staphysagria should be a 3 year-old
122. A Case of Staphysagria
A 40 year-old female had severe anemia.
Childhood was not happy. She spent a lot of time
in her friend’s house. Allowed her older brother
and his friends to sexually abuse her in order to get
the affection and attention. Had a history of
childhood illness including Measles, German
measles, Mumps, Chicken pox, and Pleurisy around
age 10 or 11. Constipated as a child and remained
so as an adult.
At school she was ambivalent abut her sex and
experimented with girls at school. In college, had a
female lover and a boy friend. Every sexual
experience was humiliating at this time. After the
college, she got involved with a group of radical
political activists. Had a very bad car accident with
a fractured pelvis and a left leg broken in three
places. Took a year to heal. Married a man who
was sexually abusive. Had two children. Her
friends got into trouble and had to go to court;
proceedings continued for four to five years.
Had lots of vaginal infection with itching and
the therapist made connection between sexual abuse
and vaginal infection. On antidepressants for
suicidal feelings. Had IUD’s in her 20’s bled a lot
and became anemic.
Had an incredibly healthy life style. Got
constipation, bloating and flatulence. Irritable.
Desires coffee, soup, dark green vegetables, brown
rice and grains. Aversion to organ meats, fat, fried
foods, and slippery-slimy foods. Likes to be alone
though she enjoys company. Better by consolation.
Premenstrual right-sided migraine. Dreams of
feces, harsh, sexual, and destructive.
On repertorising three possible remedies came
up: Staphysagria, Medorrhinum and Causticum.
She was quite similar to Staphysagria. The remedy
was given in 6, 9, 12, and M over a period of 2
years and felt remarkably well.
123. Two Helleborus Cases
HERON Krista (SIM, XIII, 2/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 45
The Helleborus belong to the Ranunculaceae
family, which is divided into the subgroups
Anemonean (Adonis, Hepatica, Hydrastis,
Pulsatilla), Clematideae (Clematis erecta),
Helleboreae (Aconitums, Acteas, Aquilegia, Caltha,
Helleborus, Staphysagria), Paeoneae (Paeonia) and
the Ranunculaceae (R.acris, R.bulbosus, R.ficaria,
R.flammula, R.glacialis, R.repens, R.sceleratus).
The patients who need these remedies in the
Ranunculaeceae family have very sensitive
temperaments. A lack of inner strength, fearful and
timid. Not only they are soft and passive, but can
be excitable, hysterical and touchy as well.
Malleability or capriciousness is characteristic of
this family.
Helleborus experiences an apathy and a state of
depression. Not being able to interpret or
comprehend their own experience, thoughts or
Case 1: 44 year-old woman has healed a lot from a
sexual assault and childhood fears in the last seven
years. But still she felt vulnerable and helpless.
Became numb after a firghtful childhood. Doubts
herself and feels she has made many mistakes.
Feels hurried, irresolute, confused, rushed and
indecisive. Has a feeling of being assaulted. Felt
poisoned and blocked. Had head injury and
disorientation. Distinct feeling of being
disconnected from her lower body. Felt as if it was
someone else. Helleborus 200 and the remedy was
repeated 3 times in a period of 2 years.
Case 2: SALLY had been diagnosed with an
aggressive breast Cancer and had completed
traditional treatment including surgery, radiation
and chemotherapy. But the Cancer was only part of
her concern. Felt very distractible, not able to
concentrate, immobilized with fear. Felt very
unsafe, afraid of people who may torture her to take
poison. Felt that she was losing connection with
her life. Helleborus 200 helped and has not needed
a repetition.
124. A Case of Insomnia And Acute Sinusitis
LOWE J S (SIM, XIII, 2/2000)
A seven-month-old female, had been sleepless
all night, with animalistic behavior and problems
with breast feeding, since her birth. Had colic the
first three months of life. Colic stopped after
mother gave up chocolate. At month four she slept
through the night five nights out of seven, and only
nursed once or twice. Suddenly she started getting
up eight to 10 times a night. Very sensitive to pain.
Not afraid of dogs or cats. Friendly, affectionate
and loving, but demanding; needs a high level of
care, nurturing and frequent nursing. Had early
physical development - teething, sitting, crawling,
walking. Growls, kicks and snarls while nursing,
like an animal. Had eczema since receiving
immunizations. The rubrics “Delusions, he or she is
an animal,”(Chocolate) and “Biting,”(Chocolate)
with the child’s history of problems with nursing,
aggravations from chocolate and animalistic
behavior Chocolate was chosen. The remedy was
given in 200, M, 10M.
This case is an excellent example of a baby
whose chronic problems of sleeplessness with night
terrors and animalistic behavior has continued to
benefit from the remedy Chocolate for about 18
months. Over a year following the beginning of
chronic treatment with her constitutional remedy,
the child developed an acute problem of Sinusitis
which required an acutely indicated homeopathic
remedy - Hydrastis to resolve it.
125. Aconite: Unlocking the Bonds of Trauma
A sweet soft-spoken woman had depression
which started after her former boy friend tried to
murder her. Had a violent and destructive
relationship from the start. A man who abused
drugs, himself and the people in his life. During a
particularly heated argument, the boyfriend pointed
a gun at her head and shot her.
What followed was a series of life-saving
emergency medical procedures, then a long drawn-
out recovery process in which she had to learn basic
language and communication skills. Had
depression with overwhelming feelings of dread to
which she could ascribe no perceived or actual
threat. Had trouble falling asleep, and alcohol
helped. Was taking tryptophan and an herbal
sedative. Aconite 10M three doses along with the
auscope, using the headband contacts, performed
Acupuncture to the ear point called Shen Men.
There was need to re-dose her with Aconite 10M
when she started to backslide after 2 months and
this helped much.
126. A Case of Helodrilus, The Earthworm
SONZ Susan (AH, 6/2000)
BRYAN, 9 year-old boy, had Eczema on the
inner canthi of eyes, inner corner of eye, behind the
ears, two spots on torso, on penis etc. Had fungus
in the left hand fingernails. Had lots of diaper rash,
fungal also. Ameliorated from summer, ocean.
Aggravation winter, dry heat and indoors. A loner
but fears being alone at night. An awkward boy, a
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 46
bit un-co ordinated. Unhappy in school as the
teacher accused him of many things, even stealing.
The indicated remedies Graphites, Petroleum and
Calcarea carbonica failed to relieve the condition.
The author took consultation from Lou KLEIN and
he suggested Helodrilus - as the child has a feeling
of being a criminal, even to the point where the
teacher accuses him of stealing. Seemed to be a
more morose or remorseful loner” kind of
individual - Bryan’s semi-autistic state with
awkwardness is also indicative of Earthworm.
Helodrilus 30 once a week for 3 weeks and he
needed repetition of the remedy in 200 and M
127. A Case of Helium
SHERR Jeremy (AH, 6/2000)
A 36 year-old female, anxious, emotional and
confused. Feels out of her body sometime.
Recurrent dreams of falling, never landing, going
quickly down from a high place. Fear of dark,
ghosts. Had pain in low back. Ovulation pain and
premenstrual headaches. Feels that there is
disconnection between head and heart. She doesn’t
lie and dislikes people who lie. Helium M
improved. Themes of Helium in relation to the
given case is presented.
128. A Case of Plutonium nitricum
SHEA Kat (AH, 6/2000)
57 year-old woman had fatigue after working
intensely. She worked in Russia with trauma
sufferers during the aftermath of the Chernobyle
disaster, and the clinic was built over a Plutonium
dumpsite. She lived and taught at UC Berkeley for
years where Plutonium was discovered and now
lives “downside” from the largest Plutonium storage
facility in the US. Had other radiation exposures.
Becomes more and more driven can’t stay up in a
place. Had weight gain which started after
menopause. Craves wheat and is worse from it.
Aggravation from pineapple, apricots and
chocolate. Sleep ameliorates. Cold person.
Dreams of liver Cancer, funeral dreams and places
where nuclear tests have been conducted.
Plutonium 30 repeated once after 2 years improved.
129. A Case of Androctonus
DALY Jo (AH, 6/2000)
J. A. A 59 year-old male, had allergies, an
enlarged prostrate, high blood pressure, and low-
grade Diabetes. A retired operations supervisor.”
Had fascination for hunting. Felt an enormous
power in his ability. His allergies were keeping him
from hunting. Obsession with hunting seems to be
there from childhood, with his love of playing
soldiers and “kicking butt,” but what affected his
life was having to endure the excruciating pain from
his gunshot wound which he got while doing small
arms training. He was able to survive in conditions
that most others would have not been able to
withstand, and even seemed to derive pleasure from
his ability to do so. This is one of the unique
qualities of the Scorpion in the desert, that can
survive when anything else would perish. Used
phrases like “stuck with needles” and CLINTON
“sticking it to the American people.” Likes to hunt
with a bow and arrow, which resembled the one-
pointed sting of the scorpion tail. Androctonus LM
1 daily. LM 2 given after 2 months as he got some
relief with LM 1. After 9 months, reported that he
has no allergies. Improved well in all ways.
130. A Case of Iridium metallicum
INEZ Gina (AH, 6/2000)
39 year-old female had frequent urination,
Hypoglycemia, ailments from jet travel, skin rashes,
headache and sore chest. Suffered chronic
tiredness. Felt to be too sensitive in childhood and
now feels herself as two selves: as a successful
corporate business person in a corporate
environment and as a spiritual self that seeks and
desires a spiritual environment. Felt she couldn’t be
corporate and spiritual. Very changeable. Got
divorced as her husband abused her both physically
and emotionally. Had podium anxiety with heart
palpitations. Dreams: prophetic, of being chased,
working more and more, traveling, architecture.
Had weak bones, Pneumonia and Mononucleosis.
Desires spicy, salty, fish, robust and warm foods,
chocolate. Aversion to ice and ice-cream.
aggravation coffee, cold air. Two and half years
before, received Phosphorus LM 1 - 15 over a
forty-five day period from another homeopath .
Some physical symptoms improved for one or two
years. The mental/emotional picture had not
changed. Based on her antagonism of Will Iridium
M was given. Over the course of the next twelve
months, she received Iridium M twice and 10M
once. Improved in all ways.
131. A Case of Chocolate
TAFFLER Simon (AH, 6/2000)
27 year-old female had running nose, nose
block, breathes through the mouth. Constipation
with erratic stools. Headaches and Migraines.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 47
Eating ameliorates her mentally and emotionally.
Menstrual flow was heavy and had lots of pain.
Took pills since 12 years of age. Depressed before
periods. Either busy, frantic, doing, trying to get
projects together or half-dead, depressed, apathetic,
irritable and want to be alone. Craved much of
chocolates. Phosphorus 200 helped her for
years. However she kept relapsing indicating that
another remedy was required.
Had sleeplessness, lots of tension and anxiety.
Liked to please everyone else before her. Felt like a
responsible parent. Hot chocolate helped her stress.
Felt rushing, frantic, frustrated, anxious. Chocolate
200, repeated twice over a period of 5 months
The author has also highlighted the themes of
Chocolate from Jeremy SHERR’s The
Homeopathic Proving of Chocolate”.
132. A prática homeopática na unidade de terapia
intensiva ( Homeopathic practice in the
Intensive Care Unit)
LEAL, Silvia Mazzucato (RH, 65, 1/2000)
The author analyses the clinical evolution in
eight critically ill patients admitted to an Intensive
Care Unit. These patients underwent homeopathic
treatment besides the conventional medical
treatment. Their main diagnosis was “septic shock”
and all of them, in someway or the other, reacted to
the homeopathic medicines. There is much to be
done in this field - experience seems to be lacking
on homeopathic approach to severe acute states.
[The ‘approach’ of Homeopathy in severe
acute cases has been well taught by the past masters
One can collect many case reports if one scans the
Journals. Our Materia Medica is a big treasure in
such conditions. Unfortunately the homeopaths of
the modern days do not seem to venture into
treatment of the severely ill acute states. Although
sporadic reports do find their place in the Journals a
proper study in a ‘hospital’ has not been done. The
hospitals attached to the homeopathic colleges
must take this up earnestly = KSS]
133. Cameo Cases
MISTRY D E (NAMAH, 7, 2/2000)
Many times during the course of homeopathic
treatment of the patient’s main complaints; an
isolated but quite disturbing localized complaint
crops up. It is not an old complaint returning, but
very often a new incident that is bothering the
patient, far more than the ones for which he is
undergoing treatment. Such a symptom very often
leads to a rare or a small remedy, by the giving of
which the complaint goes away and then one can
come back to treat the constitution. If the complaint
is bothersome and distressing, and more so when
the patient demands that the new complaint be
treated first and relieved. It is unethical just to sit
quiet and let the patient suffer and hope that the
Vital Force will in due time remedy the situation.
We term these CAMEO cases.
Case 1: A woman during the course of treatment
for burning of soles, headache, varicose veins and
dysmenorrhea developed a severe vulvovaginitis
with Candida albicans during the eighth month of
pregnancy. Had vaginal itching and lumbar
backache. Candida albicans 30 twice a day
Case 2: A boy who had temper tantrums with
breath holding attacks developed pain during
urination with passage of some drops of blood after
urination. Urine report showed: Albumin 21, RBC
21 and acidic urine. Few doses of Phosphorus 30
did not relieve. Bleeding urethra after urination,
Dysuria, Child cries before it starts, lead to
prescribe Sarasaparilla 30 for about 10 days
Case 3: A year-old baby had chronic loss of
appetite and chronic constipation and flatulence.
Finicky eater. Liked spices and sweets, slated
cashewnuts. Passed stools once in 4 days and had
evening flatulence, itching urethra and generalized
crankiness. Sulphur, Cina, Thuja, Calcarea
carbonica were given but her constipation failed to
respond. Periodically would vomit and develop
loss of appetite with stinking stools, colicky pain in
the abdomen and a habit of pinching her parents.
Bacillus Gartner 200 helped and there was a need
to repeat it after 3 months. Subsequently she
improved on Calcarea carbonica and
Case 4: A female who recovered from Sciatic pain
had dry cough which started after taking sour curd.
Aggravation from talking and while lying.
Manganum aceticum 30, 6 doses gave immediate
relief. But subsequently she developed urination
while coughing which returned after taking oily
food. Pulsatilla 30, 200 helped.
Case 5: A male had pain around the right big toe
from shoe bite after his nail was removed for an
ingrown toe nail. After 4 months there was
recurrence with pain in calf muscles, backache and
throbbing headaches. Rhus toxicodendron and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 48
Calcarea carbonica were given but there was delay
in healing and hence Silica was given which
brought about right-sided tonsillar swelling. Shifted
to left side with pain on swallowing, headache and
coryza. Mercurius iodatum rubrum was given
though it was found to be inimical to Silica. The
ingrown toe nail still persisted. Magnetis Polus
Arcticus 200 relieved the pain and the pussy
discharge ameliorated after Hepar sulphuris 200
and M.
Case 6: Mr. N C N had foggy vision after operation
for bilateral Cataract with Glaucoma. Natrum
muriaticum was given. During the course of
treatment he developed watery discharge from both
the ears with impaired hearing. Ledum 200, 4 doses
relieved the ear problem.
Case 7: A 39 year-old lady had Vertigo during
menses, aggravation lying with closed eyes. Also
had headache during menses which ameliorated
after vomiting, acidity during menses. Menses
scanty and leucorrhoea. 8 doses of Lac defloratum
30 gave relief and then 200.
Case 8: Mrs. A A B had Lumbago - ?Prolapsed
intervertebral disc. Rhus toxicodendron M was
given every month. In the meantime she had
scraping cough and had severe burning in throat on
coughing. 5 doses of Muriaticum acidum 30
relieved her cough and Rhus toxicodendron was
given in infrequent doses for Lumbago.
Case 9: A 27 year-old female had recurrent coryza
and breathlessness. Pulsatilla, her constitutional
remedy helped her. During the treatment, had pain
in breast which felt like those that had occurred
when breast feeding had been suddenly stopped. A
dose of Lac caninum 200 relieved.
Case 10: A female had dyspepsia, acidity, low BP,
headache, vertigo, constipation, burning in the
body, lumbar ache, myalgic pain in limbs and
severe anemia. Given indicated remedies chiefly
for anemic condition. During treatment had pain in
the neck more on the left side extending to the left
shoulder due to excessive exertion. Lachnanthus M
relieved the neck pain though she continued
treatment for Anemia.
134. Reflections - In Search of the key
LUCAS (NAMAH, 1, 7/1999)
A female diagnosed to have bone metastases
originating from a breast Cancer, terminal stage.
Had only a few months to live. Even at that
moment felt that there was a logic to it all. A few
months before, had the feeling that her purpose of
this life-time was fulfilled and that the real path to
Divine which is possible only by surrender was to
be taken up again in the next life. So the doctor-
patient asked her Oncologist not to prolong her life-
expectancy through aggressive Chemotherapy with
frightening side-effects, but to let her live an
expectedly short period, as well pain-free and
mentally alert as possible.
Due to backaches and other bone-aches
became bed-ridden from then on. Visited by many
people and got all kinds of advice, some moral and
some stupid, but mainly caring and good-willed and
some of it, potentially helpful. Various suggestions
and comments were discussed on the naivety of
most of the advisers believing in the absolute value
of one particular medicine or one particular
approach of work in consciousness; and, we as
doctors, once more came to the conclusion that we
do not have the key to cure and healing. Doctors
and Healers with knowledge and skill are no
guarantee for cures; sometimes the cure seems to
depend on an injection of rude vitality, sometimes
on a blind faith in an exotic cure, sometimes in a
long process of painful psychological insights - and
we do not have the key.
We should not think of her as some-one dying
soon, but as someone in the hands of the Divine,
that is: of some-one for whom everything was
possible. Everything, not in the sense of romantic
fantasy of new age miracles, but in the sense of the
Divine’s actual and perceived presence in this life.
Perhaps there is a key to healing, this may be it -
regardless of the “cure”. [Please see the review of
‘Interleaves’ in Book Shelf Part III of this QHD =
1. New Rubrics in Repertory
LAMOTHE Jacques (CGH, 3/1996)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 49
-Accidents, repeated (risky): ARN(3), Aur, Caps, Lyss, MED, Nat-m, Puls(3), Sep, STAPH, Sul.
-Affection: Alum (2), CARBO-V, Caust, Carcin, Con, Ign, Graph, Lyc, Nat-m,
Puls, Sep, Staph, Stram, Sulf, Thuj, VERAT.
-Comic child plays the fool, Apis(2), Bell(2), Carbo-v, Cic, Croc, Cupr, HYOS, Ign(2), Kali-bi(2),
clowns (see antics plays): Lact(2), Lyc, MERC, Nux-v, Op(2), Phos, Plb(2), Stram(2), Verat(2),
-Death, ailments from ACO, ARS, Calc, Caps, Carcin, Caust, Gels, IGN, Kali-br,
confrontation with: LACH, Nux-v, OP, PH-AC, Plat, Sulf, STAPH, Verat.
-Docility (Obedience; CARB-V, Phos, Puls, SEP, Sil, Thuj.
see yielding):
-Very respectful of the law Ars, CALC, Calc-p, Calc-sil, Carc, Caust, Ign, LYC, Nat-m, NIT AC, (see
law): Nux-v, Sep, Thuj, Zinc.
-Dreamer (remote or isolated ANT-C, Calc-p, Cycl (3), Ign, NAT-M, Phos, Sep, Staph, Sulf, Tub.
in his world, in his thoughts):
-Energy, excess of: Agar, Arn, Aur, LACH, Lyss, MED, Nux-v.
-Excitement, sexual, in children Ambr, Calc-p, Cann-i, Carcin, Fl-ac, HYOS, LACH, Lyss, Med,
(tendency to frequent MERC, Mosch, PHOS, Ph-ac, Staph, Tub (3), Zinc.
erections or masturbation):
-Fear of contagion, microbes: ARS, CALC, CARCIN, Ign, Lac-c, Lach, Med, Psor, Sil, Sulf, SYPH.
-Impressionable, easily upset Ars, Aur (2), Aur-m (2), CALC, Calc-p, Carcin, CAUST, Chin,
(see: horrible things): CIC, Cocc, Con (2), Ferr, GELS, Hep, Ign, Iod, Lach, Nat-c, Nat-m,
Nit-ac, Nux-v, Plat, PHOS, PULS, Sep,Sil,Staph,Sulf,Teucr,Thuj,Zinc.
-Laws, rules, intolerance to CAPS, Caust, Chin, Fl-ac (3), Hep, LYC, Nux-v, Phos, PLB, Staph,
(intol. to be forced): Sulf, TARENT, Tub.
-Malingerer: Ethyl(3), Lach, Lyc, Mosch, Op, Puls, Sep, Syph (3), Tarent, VERAT.
-Moments, at certain, children ill Aco,Bell,Calc,Caps,Carb-v,Caust,Ign,Lach,Lyc,Merc,PULS, Psor,
(weekends, Birthdays, Mother’s Op, Sep, Staph, Thuj, Tub, Verat.
day, feasts, holidays, etc.):
-Precocity: Aco, Asar(3), Aur, Calc, Calc-f, Calc-p, CARCIN, Ign, Lach, Iod,
LACH, Lyc, Lyss, MED, MERC, Nux-v, PHOS, Sep, Sil, Sulph., Tub,
Verat (3).
-Stylishness (conquetry, Calc-f, LACH, PHOS, PLAT, Puls, Sulph, VERAT.
consciousness of his appearance):
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 50
-Sympathetic: intolerance Aur, Calc-p. CAUST. Chin, , Mag-c. NAT-M. Nit-ac. NUX-V. Phos, to
injustice: Sep, STAPH, Tub.
-Winning ways (reducing ): Carbo-v, Carcin, Caust, Bach, Lyc, Med, Merc, Nux-v, Pall(3), PHOS,
Plat, Puls, Sil, Staph, Sulph, Tub, VERAT.
-Discoloration: Red, Cheeks, Calc-s, CAPS, Ferr, Iod, Ol-an(1), Phos, Psor, Sulph.
without fever:
-Pain, colic, infants: All-c(3), ARG-N. Bar-c, Bov(3), Caust(3), Carb-v, CHAM, Chin,
Coloc, Cupr, Ign, Jal, LYC, Mag-c, Mag-m, Mag-p, Nat-s(3), NUX-V,
STAPH, Sulph, Verat.
-Cryptorchidia: Aur, Bar-c, Calc, Calc-p, Calc-f, Caust, Con, Fl-ac, Syph.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 51
-Child refuses mother’s milk: Ant-c, Ant-t (2), Bor, Calc, CALC-P, Cina, Lach, Lyc, Mag-c, Merc,
Nat-c, Rheum, Sil, Stann (2), Stram.
-Pain, Legs, evening or night, Asaf(4), Agar(3), Aur, Bell, Calc, Calc-f, Calc-p, Cimic(1), Eup-p (1),
growing pains: Fl-ac (3), Guaj, Mang (3), PH-AC, Plant (3), Merc, Nit-ac, Sulf, Syph.
-Walk, late learning to: Agar,BAR-C,Bell,CALC,Calc-f, Calc-p, Carb-v, CAUST, Lyc, Nat-m,
Merc, Ph-ac, Phos, Sanic, Sep, Sil, Sulf.
-Hypertrichosis: Carb-v, Carcin, Nat-m, Puls, SEP, Sulf, Thuj.
-Ailments from never Ars, CARB-V, Calc-p, Caust, Chin, Ph-ac, PSOR, Tub.
recovered disease:
-Altitude agg. (Mountain agg.): Acon, Ars, Bry, Calc, Calc-p, Carb-v, COCA, MED, Sulf, TUB, Verat.
-Convulsions, nervous, babies, Acon, Am-c (3), Ant-c, Ars, Aur, Caust, CHAM, Coff, Con (3),
from anger or pain: Cupr, Ign, Hep, Laur (3), Lach, Lyc, Mosch, Nux-v, Nux-m, Op,
PULS, Phos, Sec (3), Sulf, Staph, Verat.
-Handicapped children: AGAR, Bar-c, Bufo, Cact (3), Calc-p, Carcin, CAUST, Hell (3), Ign,
MED, MERC, Naja (3), Op.
-Urinary repeated infections Asaf (3), Caps, MED, Lyc, Sep, STAPH, Tub.
in childhood:
-Violent diseases: ACO, Bell, Coloc, Crot-t, Hep, Hyos, Lach, Nux-v, STAPH, Stram,
Sulf, Verat.
Only the remedies without any reference have been verified by the author. These are the other references:
1. Final General Repertory of KENT (+Schmidt)
2. Repertory of Barthel.
3. Didier GARNDGEORGE, Pediatrician, Frejus, France.
4. Edwig IMHAUSER, Pediatrician, Germany.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 52
2. The advantages/benefits of using the repertory
MADAN Arshi (HH, 24, 2/1999)
The true significance of the Repertory are:
1. To avoid the negative symptoms of the remedy
and to take only the positive symptoms alone -
while using the repertory we have the
advantage of examining only single rubrics,
which in reality are positive symptoms.
2 Facility of “combining symptoms.”
3. Easy location of symptoms.
4. Stuart CLOSE says that, “A prescription can
only be made upon those symptoms which have
their counterpart in the materia
medica.” (I.e. in the repertory too). [Repertory
2. Stirred and Shaken - Science and Technology
New Scientist (The Hindu, Thursday,
December, 3, 1998)
The words “mysterious” and “bizarre” don’t
often come up in conversations among chemists.
But that’s how they are describing a way to split
water into hydrogen and oxygen at room
temperature using a simple catalyst. Japanese
researchers now say that energy needed to break the
bonds that hold water molecules together seems to
come from stirring the liquid.
is not synonymous with Materia Medica =
5. Comparison and differentiation
6. Ranking of Remedies
7. Addition of new remedies/rubrics from Clinical
3. Bed-Side or Desk Use of the Repertory
KANJILAL J N (HH, 24, 2/1999)
The author highlights the use of the Repertory
especially in acute cases showing how it broadens
our vision. It is beyond human capacity to
remember each and every symptom from our vast
Materia Medica. The Repertory acts as a handy
guide both in comparing and differentiating
between remedies, thus helping us to reach the
Simillimum. [ This is a reprint of an old article =
KSS. ]
1. Protocol Provings Linking Trees
JANSEN P Jean (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The proving protocol for the LINKING
TREES project is designed on the basis of Jeremy
SHERR’s protocol. Instructions for Provers and
Supervisors are given in detail. The author says
that the instruction is meant for so called small
Provings, that do not require the vast investment of
time and energy needed to conduct a full
HAHNEMANNian proving. [There is no half one
way and/or half other way in ‘Proving’. Proving is
a term used in Homeopathic medicine alone and
the originator is HAHNEMANN. Provings must
be, if they are to be valued only Hahnemannian.
Other wise they are worthless = KSS]
When Kazunari Domen and his collegues at Tokyo
Institute of Technology first reported that a
powdered cuprous oxide catalyst could split water
at room temperature, chemists sat up and took
notice. This reaction usually takes place at
30002°C and is driven by light. If its efficiency
could be improved, hydrogen would become much
more attractive as a cheap, clean fuel.
DOMEN initially thought that the energy
driving the low-temperature reaction came from
light - a mechanism chemists could just about live
with. But now he reports that the reaction continues
in the dark for hundreds of hours. The quicker the
container is stirred, says DOMEN, the more
hydrogen and oxygen are produced (Chemical
Communications, p 2185).
DOMEN believes that the mechanical energy is
converted to chemical energy without first being
converted to thermal energy. “This is the first
example of mechanical energy being converted into
chemical energy by catalysis,” he says. But
DOMEN cannot explain how this works.
To most chemists, the idea is heresy. And the
prospect of producing a source of fuel by a
mechanism no one understands evokes memories of
the “cold fusion” saga of 1989. But DOMEN’s
results were carefully reviewed before they were
published. He has also avoided making any bold
claims about practical application.
“A lot of colleagues were incredulous but I
think DOMEN is a very serious scientist,” says
Michael GRATZEL of the Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology in Lausanne. GRATZEL suspects
that something more mundane is occurring,
however, such as friction between the catalyst and
the glass container causing a build-up of electrical
charge. The resulting tiny sparks could break down
small amounts of water. “There’s an easy way to
rule that out,” he says. Dissolving a salt in the
water would change its conductivity and the amount
of gases produced.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 53
Arthur NOZIK, a chemist at the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden,
Colorado, doubts if the effect is really caused by
catalysis. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they are
actually using up some of the metal oxide,” he says.
NOZIK suspects that the cuprous oxide might react
with water, liberating hydrogen. The oxygen could
come from small quantities of the gas dissolved in
the water.
DOMEN says that less than 5% of the energy
from stirring appears to end up splitting water,
producing a small amount of hydrogen and oxygen
gas. But he thinks he can improve the yield by
learning more about how the reaction works. “If we
can increase the efficiency by an order of
magnitude, then it may be possible to think about
practical applications,” he says.
“It sounds odd, but maybe it only sounds odd
because it’s new,” says Sean McGRADY of King’s
College London. He likens the situation to the
discovery in the 1980s that sound can drive
chemical reactions, which has led to the burgeoning
field of sonochemistry. When these things show
up they always challenge people’s conceptions of
how energy can get into a chemical reaction,” says
McGRANDY. “These reports take time to confirm
or shoot down.” [This energy getting into a
chemical reaction occurs in the homeopathic
method os succussion - discovered 200 years ago by
Dr. Samuel HAHNEMANN - in spite of all these
there is still ooposition to Homeopathy! What else
is their attitude, the hounding of BENVE NISTE et
all, anything except mulish? = KSS]
1. Two Acute Animal Cases of Sabina
Marc BÄR (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Case 1: A female sheep of the “White Alp Breed.”
Status after second parturition (two lambs): Since
birth (four days ago) bloody leucorrhoea. Sabina
200. Discharge stopped at once. No other
symptoms changed, but the acute situation
disappeared completely.
Case 2: Three year old female dog, mongrel. Two
weeks post partum metrorrhagia with flakes of pus.
On palpation the uterus is still too large. The blood
is very fluid, but some coagulated clots seen.
Sabina 200 bleeding stopped after three day.
2. An injured cat
SCOTT Diane (HT, 19, 7/1999)
A kitten , 5 months old injured in a car motor,
fell - unconscious, bleeding from the nose, ears and
eyes, and breathing shallow. A dose of Arnica
given at 10.15 p. m. A second dose at 11 p.m. the
cat was alive though unconscious. Eyes matted
together and seeping bloody discharge. Breathing
was nasal and noisy, head severely swollen. Had an
obvious laceration across right eyelid, the bridge of
nose and over left eye. Another dose of Arnica 30x
on next day. Her eyes were washed with warm
water with a little Calendula spray in it. A dose of
Symphytum 6x at 8.30 a.m. according to
BOERICKE’s Materia Medica. By noon washed
them again with Calendula water” and gave her
another dose of Symphytum 6x.
3. The Case of the Rhodesian Ridgeback
EVAN Gwyneth (HT, 19, 8/1999)
Six-year-old male dog Rodesian Ridgeback,
destroys everything and behaves crankily if left
alone. Gets frightened on hearing loud noises.
Had two major life traumas. When still he was a
pup he was taken for a run in a large park several
kilometers from home, the owner drove away in the
car so that the dog would follow and get exercise
running after the car, but he freaked out and ran
away. Again once he jumped the fence and took
off. Desires to be held. A single dose of
Stramonium cured.
4. Proving that Homeopathy Works for Animals
LILLARD Joe (HT, 19, 10/1999)
A brief article on proving that homeopathic
medicine works for animals. Complications in
proving like - the cost/benefit and the methodology
are discussed.
1. The Attitude of Homeopathic Education
KREISBERG Joel (HT, 19, 10/1999)
This article deals with detailed description of
“What should be taught to a student of
Homeopathy?” The authors opinion about it is that
a homeopath should learn homeopathic attitudes,
skills and knowledge - the article defines and
examines these subjects.
1. Research activity/findings in Lymphatic
MISHRA N (HH, 23, 2/1998)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 54
CCRH carried out clinical research studies in
Lymphatic Filariasis at endemic localities in Orissa
(Puri) and Andhra pradesh (Gudivada, Tirupati).
Experimental work was carried out regarding
effects of Homeopathic drugs on microfilaria in a
fixed population. A nearby village has been
selected, surveyed and trials carried on for the
purpose. In the past Rhus toxicodendron and some
of the indicated drugs were tried for the purpose
without remarkable immediate changes in the Mf
load. Basing on in-vitro study carried at RRC
(ICMR) laboratory to measure effect of
Homeopathic mother tinctures, on microfilariae
vis-a-vis effect of some drugs on RBC fragility to
rule out drug toxicity say at interval of 30 minutes,
6 hours, 12 hours and 18 hours. Few of the mother
tinctures with microfilaraecidal effect in-vitro were
tried on Beladal population with Mf in peripheral
circulation like Bryonia alba, Hydrocotyle etc. and
with Thuja and Sulphur acting as intercurrent
miasmatic base remedies. The results were not
satisfactory. With last 2 -3 years trials have been
conducted with Tuberculinum, Arsenicum album,
Coded drug and lastly Drosera. It seems Drosera
probably does have some effect on reduction of Mf
load. [Futile researchers of no use to Homeopathy
= KSS]
2. Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
JACOBS Jennifer (HT, 19, 7/1999)
Like our oft-used Windflower (Pulsatilla), the
progress of research in Homeopathy seems to sway
back and forth in the wind, two steps forward and
one step back. At times, optimism reigns that
homeopathic research will eventually be accepted
as valid. AMA Journal publishes homeopathic
survey, in which homeopathic MDs and DOs were
compared to a national sample of conventional
physicians, found that homeopathic patients were
younger, more affluent, and more likely to present
with chronic complaints. Homeopathic physicians
spent more time with their patients, ordered fewer
tests, and prescribed fewer pharmaceutical
medications than conventional physicians. Another
reason for optimism - the US Army Cancer
Research Program has recommended for funding a
study examining the use of homeopathic medicines
for hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms in a
group of breast Cancer survivors. This is the first
time that such a large sum ($250,000) has been
granted by a federal agency for a study involving
At others, it seems that no matter how good our
studies are, critics always will find flaws in them.
Allopathic journals like New England Journal of
Medicine, The Lancet, Journal of the American
Medical Association etc., negate homeopathic
research. [Why keep on seeking approval from the
big brother? How do we expect the big brother to
accept Homeopathy? If he accepts then he will no
more be the ‘big’ one. There are more things
happening in the world which the establishment
does not accept, nevertheless they are happening
and thank God that they are happening despite the
establishment = KSS]
3. Allopathic Drug Research - Big Budgets,
Disappointing Results
JACOBS Jennifer (HT, 19, 9/1999)
It is difficult to open a newspaper these days
without spotting a news article or an advertisement
touting some new “wonder drug.” Frequently these
headlines are misleading with little of substance
being reported. Many of these studies have results
that are of small clinical effect or demonstrate too
many side effects of practical use. This seems
especially true for drugs that represent a great
investment in research dollars or have a large
potential market with consumers.
The smaller the difference in treatment effect
between the active medication and placebo, the
more subjects are needed in the study to obtain
statistical significance. Medical science has a cure,
Detrol, “proven effective for overactive bladder.”
In the Detrol study, in order to show a statistical
difference between a 10% reduction in bathroom
trips in the placebo group receiving the real
medication, at least 450 subjects were needed.
Since medical research is very expensive, only
companies with large budgets can afford to sponsor
studies which are large enough to prove that small
differences such as these are “significant.”
In homeopathic research, we do not usually
have the funding necessary to do studies this large,
so many of the negative results reported might
actually have been positive if large enough budgets
had been available. [Homeopathy is covered by a
totally different, an opposite paradigm and
Homeopathy needs much less money for research.
Homeopathy does very much with very little -
that’s the wonder! = KSS]
4. Homeopathic treatment of migraine: A double
blind, placebo controlled trial of 68 patients.
(BHJ, Vol. 89, 1/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 55
To evaluate the efficacy of Homeopathy in
preventing migraine attacks and accompanying
symptoms, a randomized double-blind, placebo-
controlled clinical trial was conducted. There was a
one-month registration period without treatment,
followed by four months individualized
homeopathic treatment or identical placebo.
Patients were stratified for common or classical
Seventy-three patients were randomized, 68
completed the trial. Baseline values were similar in
the two groups. Both the Homeopathy and placebo
groups had reduction in attack frequency, pain
intensity and drug consumption, with a statistically
non-significant difference favouring Homeopathy.
Migraine diaries showed no difference between
groups. The neurologists’ trial evaluation showed a
statistically significant reduction in attack frequency
in the Homeopathy group (P=0.04) and non-
statistically significant trends in favour of
Homeopathy for pain intensity and overall
Further research, with improved trial design, on
the possible role of Homeopathy in Migraine
prophylaxis is justified.
5. Efficacy of homeopathic treatment of skin
reactions during radiotherapy for Breast
Cancer; a randomized, double-blind clinical
DE CONNO (BHJ, Vol. 89, 1/2000)
The aim of this study was to assess the effects
of Belladonna 7 and X-ray 15 associated in the
treatment of acute radiodermatitis. A randomized
double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial
involving 68 patients who had been operated on for
breast Cancer and were undergoing radiotherapy
was conducted. The following parameters were
assessed over ten weeks: breast skin colour,
warmth, swelling and pigmentation.
The efficacy of the treatment was assessed by
the comparison of these parameters taken
individually and by calculating an Index of Total
Severity (sum of the scores of the four parameters)
during radiotherapy, and during recovery, 15 and
30 d after the end of the radiotherapy.
The differences of the scores of the Index of Total
Severity during Radiotherapy were not statistically
significant, but showed a trend towards a better
activity of the homeopathic medicine compared to
placebo. Analysis of the data on Total Severity
during recovery, showed a statistically significant
benefit of the active medicines over placebo. The
homeopathic medicines had particular effectiveness
on the heat of the skin.
The limited number of patients observed and the
posology employed could have interfered with the
significance of the results. Chemotherapy and
hormonotherapy do not seem to affect the results.
6. Effektivität der homöopathischen Behandlung
im Zentrum für Klassische Homöopathie
Stuttgart (Effectiveness of homeopathic
treatment in Center for Classical Homeopathy)
(ZKH, 44, 2/2000)
The documentation and analysis of the
treatment results are in the field of Homeopathy as
important as in the conventional field. Practice-
oriented studies taking into consideration the
outcome research approach, e.g. improvement of
the general condition or contentedness of the
patients, are more suitable than randomized
controlled studies. In the Zentrum für Klassische
Homöopathie, Stuttgart 157 patients have been
interrogated retrospectively and evaluated. It
turned out that 65.9% of the patients were
symptoms-free or showed an improvement after the
homeopathic treatment. 70% of the patients also
showed an improvement of the general condition.
As a result, the contentedness of the patients was
very high, i.e. 75.3%. The classic homeopathic
method of treatment turned out to be an extremely
effective and economical possibility of treatment of
Chronic Diseases.
Comparative graphs have been given.
7. Efficácia clinica da homeopatia: revisão da
literalura (A review of clinical efficiency of
MAGLHÃES, Tania Maria
Lopes (RH, 65, 1/2000)
Over the past few years certain analyses on
homeopathic clinical trials have been published,
particularly in the British Homeopathic Journal
and the Lancet. The present study of the author
who is a cardiologist, is an analysis of the published
materials, to evaluate whether there is ‘scientific’
evidence of clinical efficacy observed in the
practice of homeopaths. The analysis also
discusses methodologies unsuitable and the
peculiarities of Homeopathy which calls for
different research methodology, for proper
The result of the study confirms the positive
effects of homeopathic therapy in diverse clinical
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 56
conditions. Several faults in the methodologies
from point of view of homeopathic resreach are
identified. Some suggestions are also presented for
appropriate methodologies.
23. Potency in Homeopathic Prescribing - Survey
Results and Conclusions
BERNARD Julie (SIM, XIII, 1/2000)
The objective of the study was to determine
how homeopathic practitioners are handling
potency in the treatment of chronic patients who are
not taking allopathic medication. The study was
geared towards establishing practitioners’
methodologies and specifically how and why the
methodologies are applied.
Design: 600 questionnaires were sent to “classical”
homeopaths of varying licensure across the United
States and Canada, and a few in India and New
Zealand. For the majority of the participants,
Homeopathy comprises 60 - 100% of their
practices. Dosing as well as methodologies of
applying potency were investigated.
The questionnaire contained four sections:
I. Method of Prescribing
II. Follow-up Procedures
III. Remedy Repetition
IV. Additional Considerations.
There were 300 respondents who participated
in the study. Though there were many differing
opinions on potency and how to apply potency in
practice, there were some consistent practices and
beliefs among many of the participants:
1. The majority of practitioners begin treatment
with a single dose of 200 potency.
2. Remedy and potency are very important in
effecting a cure.
3. The proper potency must match the vibration
of the patient’s illness.
4. Confusion about potency still prevails. The
simillimum will work in any potency, but not
as well as in the exact potency.
Reasons for applying each method of potency
are explained in detail in this article.
1. Vertreibung aus Leipzig? Hahnemanns
Leipziger Praxis: Ursachen für den Umzug
nach Köthen im Jahr 1821-Patientenfrequenz
und Polemik (Expulsion from Leipsic?
HAHNEMANN’s Leipsic practice: Causes for
moving to Koethen during the year 1821-
Patients frequency and polemics)
SCHREIBER Kathrin (MedGG, 18/1999)
HAHNEMANN came to Leipsic: first time to
study (1775); the second time 1789 as a doctor and
for the third time in 1811 in his 56 year age, from
Leipsic HAHNEMANN went to Koethen.
It has been repeatedly told in the homeopathic
literature that HAHNEMANN was hounded off
from Leipsic with the help of the Police in 1821. It
was thus made to appear that the pharmacists,
physicians in association with the authorities pushed
Richard HAEHL mentions some of the causes
for HAHNEMANN’s decision to go from Leipsic -
like the secret persecution by his professional
colleagues, the court actions initiated by the
apothecaries, the hostility of the University staff.
HAHNEMANN’s letter of 5 February 1821 to
Dr. BILLIG Attenburg - Saxony (HAEHL, Vol. II,
p.125) says that he felt embittered by the
persecution activities and he wanted to go out of
What exactly were the reasons for
HAHNEMANN’s decision to leave Leipsic?
Kathrin SCHREIBER’s research reveals that
Samuel HAHNEMANN enjoyed a flourishing
medical practice in Leipsic. However, a close look
reveals that his patients list was not growing.
Rather, his medical practice followed a trajectory
similar to that of a roller coaster: due to crucial
events - successful treatment during the Typhus
epidemic (1813), lecturing at the University of
Leipsic, treating influential public figures -
HAHNEMANN was able to restructure the
composition of his clientele. More precisely, he was
able to work his way into the upper classes, increase
his recognition, and spread into other regions.
HAHNEMANN’s reputation attracted patients from
all over Germany and even neighboring countries.
The improvement in the social structure of
HAHNEMANN’s clientele also reflects important
changes in the spread of Homeopathy.
HAHNEMANN’s migration to Koethen can be
explained by a number of factors: his prohibition
against dispensing medicines, declining personal
prestige after the death of the Prince Schwarzenberg
who was under HAHNEMANN’s treatment. While
the Prince Schwarzenberg (who defeated Napoleon
in the Battle of Leipsic in 1813) who began his
treatment by HAHNEMANN in 1820 and had
extraordinary progress, HAHNEMANN’s patients
increased very much. The Prince’s condition
became worse “as he fell back into his old habits of
abundant enjoyment of strong drink”, which “did
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 57
not agree with HAHNEMANN’s dietetic
prescription; and he died. After the Prince’s death
the number of HAHNEMANN’s patients fell down
to half of 1820! Thus the declining number of
patients and prestige, the ensuing financial
difficulties, fruitless University employment,
continually increasing subjective and objective
pressures and last but not the least, the privileges of
leadership, all contributed to HAHNEMANN’s
decision to leave Leipsic.
Kathrin SCHREIBER’s research throws much
light on an important period in the life of
HAHNEMANN and Homeopathy.
2. “Und es sammettle sich ohue VendruB von
Seiten des Kranken in des Arztes Bentel -
Samuel Hahnemann und die Honorarfrage”.
(“Thus it passes from the Patient’s Purse into
the Purse of the Doctor without causing
Displeasure” - Samuel HAHNEMANN and
Medical Fees)
JÜTTE Robert (Med GG, 18/1999)
In 1834 HAHNEMANN gave the following
advice to his pupil Dr. Karl Julius AEGIDI (1794-
1874) (HAHNEMANN’s letter dated 31.7.1834):
“We are not allopaths who have high medical fees
and can legally demand high sums for their evil
deeds. We must take what we have earned on the
spot since we are not considered worthy of ordinary
justice.” In an earlier letter to the same addressee,
HAHNEMANN wrote: “No one enters my house if
he does not have with him the money to pay me,
unless he is paying me monthly, in advance ...”
There can be no doubt that in
HAHNEMANN’s times, fees were the most
important component in a physician’s income.
Dependency on fee income means that the physician
always had to worry about delayed and even
avoided payments, and patients reluctance to pay
was notorious. Many doctors lost large parts of
their nominal income through bad debts. In some
cases, installments were accepted by both parties, to
avoid costly legal action, which were usually a last
resort. In these circumstances it is hardly surprising
to find HAHNEMANN, the founder of a highly
disputed new cure, stressing to his colleagues that
for a successful medical practice, cash payments at
the time of treatment or as advance were preferable
to post-facto bills. Having been ostracized by the
medical establishment, HAHNEMANN showed a
remarkable professional awareness of patients’
propensity to debt. Long before regular physicians
propagated cash payment, HAHNEMANN derived
his income solely from ready-money payments.
However, he used a sliding fee structure to allow
for the different economic circumstances of his
patients, who came from all walks of life. The very
poor he treated for free, while members of the rural
and urban middle class had to pay considerable
fees. In some cases, HAHNEMANN was able to
charge very high fees, and his numerous enemies
used this against him.
3. Krankheitserfahrung und Arzt-patienten-
Beziehung in Samuel Hahnemanns Patienten-
korrespondenz (The Experience of being ill
and the Physician-Patient -Relationship in
Samuel Hahnemann’s Correspondence with
STOLLBERG Michael (Med GG, 18/1999)
This paper uses the extensive patient
correspondence of Dr. Samuel HAHNEMANN as
the basis for a history of Homeopathy from the
patients’ point of view. The value of these
epistolary records is two fold: first, in order to
produce their daily records as requested by
HAHNEMANN, the patients learned to pay
attention even to the slightest physical or emotional
changes. No other contemporary source from
allopathic medicine provides similarly detailed and
dense data on the very physical perception of the
body and its illness. Second, the letters and
HAHNEMANN’s answers, as far as they have
survived, provide detailed insights into the
relationship between the physician and his patients.
They help identify, in particular, the strategies used
by HAHNEMANN to maintain his professional
dignity, a good level of income, and his patients
trust - even through years of treatment without
improvement. The letters also record the patients’
response to HAHNEMANN’s unusually
authoritarian manners.
4. Die jüngsten Patienten Hahnemanns - eine
analysische Studie zur Kinderpraxis in den
Anfängen der Homöopathie (Hahnemann’s
youngest Patients - An analytical Study of
treatment of children during the early
Homeopathy Period)
RITZMANN Iris (Med GG, 18/1999)
This article develops a fragmentary history of
early homeopathic treatment of children. It begins
with an outline of Samuel HAHNEMANN’s
perception and treatment of children during the era
of “Medical Enlightenment”. This is followed by
an investigation of attitudes towards children in
early homeopathic literature, in comparison with
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 58
those of mainstream medicine of the same period.
The central part of the article is the ensuing analysis
of letters received by HAHNEMANN from parents
seeking advice on how to treat their children’s
illnesses; this correspondence includes detailed
descriptions of diseases and therapies, and also
sheds light on parental feelings about children and
family life.
The correspondence leads us to conclude that
there was no proper model of healing children at the
beginning of Homeopathy. During the 19th
Century and perhaps later, Homeopathy was based
on medical theories prevalent in the 18th century
The adults who wrote these letters came from
the upper classes and were always convinced
adherents of Homeopathy. In response to
HAHNEMANN’s queries, many letters contain
exact description of physical and mind symptoms.
Unlike HAHNEMANN’s brief style, many of the
parents delve into each detail of the child’s
condition, and also express themselves emotionally
on subjects such as their children, fears of sickness
and death. It is also apparent that women, who bore
the main responsibility for family life, had a good
deal of authority over the course of treatment, as
well as the choice of physician.
5. “Historiae Morborum” des Franz v.Ottenthal -
ein Zwischenbericht (The “Historiae
Morborum” of Franz v.Ottenthal - an
Interim Report)
ROILO Christine (Med GG 18/1999)
A General Practitioner in Sand-in-Taufers (the
main village in the South Tylorean Valley of
Taufers) for over 50 years, Frauz von
OTTENTHAL (1818-1899) left as legacy
descriptions of over 85,000 illnesses. Referring to
his freasant patients by name, age, and residence,
his notes describe symptoms, diagnoses and
treatments. Sometimes he also mentions former
diseases, nutritional conditions, number of children,
of pregnancies, religious inclination etc., making
each entry more of a biographical sketch than a
simple anamnesis. OTTENTHAL’s records assume
importance far beyond the primarily medico-
historical realm, by providing detailed information
on social structure, family ties, demographical
trends gender relations, working conditions and
prevalent illnesses in the rural Tyrolean World of
the second half of the 19th Century. Further studies
are on.
Interestingly Samuel HAHNEMANN also left a
large legacy of Case Record which is of great value
to Homeopathy in particular. HAHNEMANN’s
practice was mostly in Towns, Cities, unlike
OTTENTHAL’s which was in small town only.
6. Das Lebenswarthische homöopathische
Kinderspital” in Wien (1879-1914) -zur
Geschichte des ersten homöopathischen
Kinderkrankenhauses im deutschsprachigen
Daum (The Life Saving Homeopathic
Children’s Hospital in Vienna (1879-1914) -
history of the first homeopathic Childrens
Hospital in the German speaking region)
LUCAE Christian (MedGG, 18/1999)
Homeopathy was brought to Austria in 1817
by the Military Surgeon, Dr. Matthias
MARENZELLER (1765-1854), rapidly spreading
throughout the country. In the late 1870s a
homeopathic physician started a foundation to
build a children’s hospital in Vienna. As a result,
the first homeopathic children’s hospital in the
world opened in Vienna in 1879, under the
management of the order of the Barmherzige
Schwestern. Treatment was free of charge,
allowing even the poor children of the city to be
admitted. A single homeopathic physician was
responsible for all the patients, most of whom
suffered from infectious diseases. Apparently the
success rate of the homeopathic treatments was
comparable to that of allopathic” hospitals. The
children’s hospital remained in operation until
World War I, when it was converted into a military
7. Patienten und Homöopathie - ein Überblick
über die soziologische Literatur (Patients and
Homeopathy - an overview of the sociological
STOLLBERG Gunnar (Med GG, 18/1999)
This paper is divided into three parts: first is an
overview of the sociology of the doctor-patient
relationship in general; second is a discussion of the
sociology of Homeopathy as a heterogeneous form
of medicine and as a form of medical pluralism;
third is a sketch of some sociological views of the
homeopathic patient. The author’s general thesis is
that the homeopathic doctor-patient relationship
may be considered both as pre-modern as well as
post-modern. It is characterized by the special
knowledge of the patient about his suffering as also
the longer patient reports which stresses the active
role of the patient in his treatment.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 59
8. Die Choleraschriften Samuel Hahnemanns
(Samuel Hahnemann’s writings on Cholera)
SCHNEIDER, J. (AHZ, 245,2/2000)
During the years of Cholera in 1831-32 Samuel
HAHNEMANN cleverly used daily newspapers and
other regularly published periodicals for spreading
the homeopathic science and for giving actual
information to the public. A newspaper which was
available all over Germany at that time was the
“Allgemeine Anzeiger”. It enabled
HAHNEMANN to publish his works very often.
HAHNEMANN’s works about Cholera did not
only appear in well-known publishers series, but
they were either printed in the original or as an
adapted version in daily papers. That is why he was
able to address a large number of readers within a
short time. In these articles he demonstrated an
effective continuation of his informative activities
as a writer at the end of the 18th century.
The periodicals mentioned above also offer an
interesting insight into the situation Koethen and
Halle upon Saale during the time of Cholera as well
as therapy and treatment of this disease according to
orthodox medicine.
A summarized version of these publication
concerning Cholera is presented in tabular form.
This list (17 papers) may be regarded as an
extension of TISHNER’s and can also be seen as a
survey of the current holdings in the Museum of
History in Koethen.
9. Die Gedenktafel für Constantin Hering in
Oschatz (The Memorial Tablet for Constantin
Hering in Oschatz)
(AHZ, 245, 3/2000)
It is strange that while these are, rightly,
memorials to Samuel HAHNEMANN, none of the
other great pioneers like von
among the earliest, have been remembered by way
of erecting memorials.
However, at least in so far as Germany is
concerned, Constantin HERING has been
remembered by a commemorative plaque in his
hometown Oschatz. The plaque was unveiled on 24
June 1928.
The brief article details the erection and
unveiling of the plaque and also pictures of the
plaque and the unveiling ceremony.
10. Zum 200. Geburtstag von Constantin
HERING. eine betrachtung seiner jugendzeit
bis zum übertritt zur Homöopathie (200th
Birthday of Constantin HERING. his youth
and upto his going over to Homeopathy)
(ZKH, 44, 1/2000)
For a single man HERING made most and
major contributions to Homeopathy. His
contributions covered Provings, Materia Medica,
Therapeutics, Journalism, Education, etc.
This article, in memory of HERING’s 200th
birthday traces his childhood, youth in Saxony and
his conversion to Homeopathy. The history of his
development in Oschatz, Zittau, Dresden and
Leipzig is outlined.
11. Contribuição ã história da homeopátia em Ção
panto (Contribution to Sao Panlo’s
homeopathic History)
PINHEIRO Dévio (RH, 65, 2/2000)
This article article traces the history of
Homeopathy of Sao Paulo during the period 1900 -
1970 with particular references to the eminent
homeopaths of the times and their contributions.
1. Do Homeopaths treat their family?
TAYLOR Will (HT, 19, 6/1999)
The question “How many professionals out
there feel comfortable treating their own family?
Or more to the point, how many trust someone
else to treat their family? Do you work in
conjunction with your child’s pediatrician or
diagnose and treat solely yourself? has been
answered by the author by stating the conditions
and the drugs prescribed by him to his wife and
2 Homeopathy in Politics
MILLER Monica (HT, 19, 6/1999)
Arizona: “Patients Protection Act” would give
patients reimbursement for chiropractic,
homeopathic, and naturopathic health care and
make it easier to sue HMOs for damages. Unlike
most other states, Homeopathy and Naturopathy
enjoy separate licensure in Arizona. Among
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 60
consumer protection provisions that include HMO
liability is one that would provide unrestricted
access to chiropractic, naturopathic, and
homeopathic care.
Minnesota: Complimentary Medicine, A Report to
the Legislature. This is the most original and
comprehensive report yet published by a state
agency. The report deems that Regulation should
not inhibit innovation in the health care market and
the development of alternative approaches to health
care, except when necessary to protect the
consumer”. The Minnesota Natural Health
Coalition is an inspired group of homeopaths,
herbalists, old school social activists and civil
Ohio: House Bill by George Terwilleger (R). This
health freedom bill would permit complementary
and alternative medical therapies: The legislation
has been advocated by the Ohio Coalition for
Patients’ Rights (OCPR), which includes several
groups, among them nation’s oldest continuously
meeting State Homeopathic Medical Society.
Ohio State Board of Medicine in 1997 dismissed
the need for a bill because they had not yet pursued
any alternative doctors. Dr. Terry Chappell, an
outspoken lader in the health freedom movement
who sued and achieved a temporary restraining
order against the State Board of Medicine.
Texas: In late 1998 the State Board of Medical
Examiners that permit the use of complementary
and integrative therapies by medical doctors would
consider the bill which addresses due-process
reforms for all health care licenses investigated.
Since 1846, Texas has been the only state with a
constitutional provision for medical freedom:”....no
preference shall ever be given by law to any schools
of medicine” Since 1907, the Medical Practice Act
mandates that “Nothing in this act shall be
construed so as to discriminate against a School or
System of Medical practice.” However research
shows that these provisions alone were not
sufficiently protective.
3. Does Homeopathy Need the Medical
DOUAUD Patrick (HT, 19, 6/1999)
An interesting article where the relation
between Homeopathy and Medical Anthropology
has been explained and the need of Medical
Anthropology in Homeopathy is discussed.
Medical anthropolgy - concerns itself with
concepts of health and healing the world over, as
well as their application across the boundaries
raised by cultures, social classes, gender, age and
other such variables. It shares atleast three
characteristics with most homeopaths:
1. To contribute to the development of health care
worldwide by informing and educating
2. To consider healthcare a cultural product
3. To be a student of cultural variation in the same
way as the homeopath is a student of
individual variation.
Medical Anthropology and Homeopathy are both
empirical, research-based, and rather meaningless if
not applied; they are resting on strong yet flexible
theoretical foundations; they owe their very
existence to a desire to do away with preconceived
ideas; and finally they are highly empathetic and
view the patient as a psychological, social and
cultural individual.
3. Kosovo War Trauma Relief Appeal
The article deals with how Homeopathy can
help with war traumas both emotionally and
physically. The author planned to send a small
team of homeopaths to Kosovan refugee camps to
focus on treating emotional trauma but at the
moment of writing (April 22) due to other major
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 61
problems like the need for tents and food, airports
are closed except to military and aid agencies in the
Kosovo area there was problem in sending help.
4. Dr. Quinn speaks out
(HT, 19, 7/1999)
On February 24, 1999, actress Jane
SEYMOUR, who plays Dr. Quinn in the TV series,
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, presented a testimony
before the House Committee on Government
Reform Hearing on Alternative Medicine (
Homeopathy). It is a beautiful statement and worth
5. Homeopathy in Politics
MILLER Monica (HT, 19, 8/1999)
Homeopathy has been accepted as means of
therapy in the United States from a long time.
Three more states: Minnesota, New Jersey and
Texas also extended to accept Homeopathy as a
method of treatment.
6. Dynamic Medicine: Rage-Free Kids
(HT, 19, 10/1999)
The article is an excerpt from the book, Rage-
Free Kids: Homeopathic Medicine for Defiant,
Aggressive and Violent Children. The 1996 State
of Washington’s Children report gave sobering
statistics. We firmly believe, from what we have
seen in our practice and what we know about
Homeopathy, that we as community can help
reduce rage. Difficult, defiant, aggressive, and
violent kids can be helped dramatically with
Homeopathy. A brief case of a 13 year old boy
with behavioral disorder has been discussed.
7. Der homöopathische Patient in der
niedergelassen Arztpraxis - Ergebnis Einer
vergleichenden Patientenbefragung in
Conrentionellen Arztproxen und
homöopathischen Privat - und Kassenpraxen
(The homeopathic Patient: Comparative
Results of Homeopathic and Conventional GP
Patient Interviews).
GÜNTHER Martine (Med GG, 18/1999)
This is a very interesting study. It compares
the results of Homeopathic and Conventional
Patient interviews. It is based on data from 284
patient interviews, conducted by 14 General
Practitioners in 1993-94. Homeopathic treatment
was used with 174 of the patients, while 110 were
treated using conventional methods.
In this sample, homeopathic patients were
younger and better educated than those treated
conventionally. They tended to be involved in
Teaching, Health care and Social Services. Their
knowledge of Homeopathy is often minimal, yet
their expectations concerning their illnesses and
treatment often reflect homeopathic concepts.
Apparently, their general life view corresponds with
certain parts of homeopathic philosophy.
Homeopathic patients are more critical of Medicine
in general, and often have negative experiences with
conventional medicine.
Conventionally treated patients and
homeopathically treated patients are equally
satisfied with their physicians and treatment. In
some cases homeopathic treatment also had
positive effects on the patient’s mood, sleeping
habits, etc. Homeopathic patients used to have
healthier lifestyles than the others. They tend to
choose Homeopathy for its perceived effectiveness,
which is largely based on their own experience, and
that of other persons in their social surroundings.
Most of the homeopathic patients receive social
support for Homeopathy. They actively
recommend Homeopathy and regularly meet others
who are also treated homeopathically.
Dissatisfaction and negative experiences with
conventional treatment may be one reason for
turning to Homeopathy initially. Long-lasting
reasons to continue using Homeopathy are
effectiveness, good care of the homeopathic
doctors, congruence with the patient’s worldview,
and greater patient responsibility for his/her own
8. The Real Danger to Homeopathy: Pseudo-
SCHEPPER L D (HT, 19, 10/1999)
The article is worth reading as most of the
homeopaths of today do this in their practice. So
the greatest threat to Homeopathy comes not from
allopathic practitioner or pharmaceutical companies
but from self-professed homeopaths who do not
follow the immortal laws and principles laid down
by HAHNEMANN. Whether out of ignorance or
laziness, or the desire to impress their patients with
their gimmicks so that they can charge more money,
these pseudo-homeopaths violate the most basic
principle of Homeopathy: to give a single remedy
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 62
which covers the totality of the symptoms picture.
Some give three or four remedies within a single
week; others give mixtures of several or even a
dozen remedies at once. In so doing they harm the
patient, which is bad enough, but worse still, they
harm the profession and the reputation of
Homeopathy. Each remedy delivers an energetic
“punch” to the Vital Force, and it is the secondary
response of the Vital Force which acts against the
illness and heals the patient. Giving too many
remedies at once can leave the Vital Force punched
down like a boxer staggering to his knees.
We have a responsibility to educate ourselves
in the laws and principles of Homeopathy: we
must know how to give a single well-chosen
remedy, chosen by the totality of the symptoms,
based on the proving picture of the remedy. We
must educate our patients and the public that
anyone who does not follow these laws does not
deserve the title of homeopath. They may call
themselves eclectics or anything else they want, but
not homeopaths. In the words of Constantine
HERING, one of our most reverend master, “If our
school ever gives up the strict inductive method of
HAHNEMANN, we are lost and deserve only to be
mentioned as a caricature in the history of
9. Homöopathie heute: im Trend der Zeit oder die
wahre Mauer, die umkippt im Sturm?
(Homeopathy today: in trend of the time or the
well preserved wall which does not fall
down in a Storm?)
DEGELE, N. (AHZ, 245, 2/2000)
Periods of time in which stocks of knowledge
hold plausible and true are becoming shorter. One
fundamental reason for this is the ongoing
penetration of society with digital information and
communication technologies. In this article social
conditions of knowledge transformation due to the
widespread use of information and communication
technologies are outlined. Then the process of
knowledge transformation is portrayed within the
“Computer-unlike” domain of Homeopathy as one
of the most popular forms of holistic medicine.
Finally, the challenge for educating and training
future homeopaths are outlined.
10. Homeopathy and general practice: an urban
Complementary medicine appears to be an
increasingly popular option amongst both doctors
and patients. General practitioners (GPs) in more
affluent parts of Britain have showed considerable
interest in its use. Our objectives were to ascertain
the use of and attitudes towards Homeopathy
amongst GPs working in a socio-economically
deprived urban area such as Liverpool.
A postal questionnaire survey was carried out
of all general practice principals in Liverpool, using
freepost envelopes and one reminder after three
weeks. With respect to eight common
complementary therapies in general and
Homeopathy in particular, respondents were asked
whether they treat with, refer to or endorse each
therapy; and their views were questioned on NHS
funding, effectiveness, adverse reactions, training
needs and theoretical validity, for each therapy.
The response rate was 131/252 (52%), and was
higher amongst women and doctors aged under 40.
During the previous week 37 (28%) Gps had been
involved in Homeopathy with their patients: 6.5%
had treated directly, 18.5% had referred to, and 7%
had endorsed Homeopathy. 31% of GPs reported
successful outcomes by homeopathic treatment
compared with 14% reporting adverse effects.
Respondents were generally uncertain about the
validity of the theoretical basis of Homeopathy;
only 23% considered it to have a valid basis.
11. An Interview with Louis KLEIN
HALLETT Carolyn (AH, 6/2000)
The prime focus of the interview was on the
Provings conducted by Louis KLEIN. The provers
should sign an agreement that is based on the
Helsinki Human Experimentation Accord that
basically lays out the intention of everyone’s
involvement and what can and cannot happen.
While answering the question of proving new
remedies - as homeopaths, it is our opportunity to
contribute something back to the homeopathic
community by doing and publishing provings.
HAHNEMANN urged everyone to prove and keep
proving. He proved not only medicinal substances
of the time, but substances which he said had non-
medicinal qualities, and he states that very clearly in
The Chronic Diseases:
Some of these medicines in their crude state
seem to have a very imperfect, insignificant
medicinal action (e.g. common salt and the pollen
of Lycopodium). Others (e. g. Gold, Quartz,
Alumina) seem to have none at all, but all of them
become highly curative by the preparation peculiar
to Homeopathy ”.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 63
We have to do very carefully and stick to some
fundamental principles, especially when
incorporating new remedies into our Materia
At the same time, we should not limit our
prescribing to such a small number of remedies.
The remedies proved by the students in the
Homeopathic Master Clinician (HMC) are
Loxosceles , Reculusa (the brown recluse spider),
Carbon Bioxygenium (carbon dioxide),
Coriandrum (coriander), and Helodrilus caliginosis
(Earthworm). The reasons for choosing each
remedy are revealed.
Louis feels that seminar and meditation
provings help the participants in the seminar, or the
meditators, more than other people. He plans this
in the same category as signature ideas - and he is
not in favour of including any of those seeds of
information in the repertories.
Note: Complete provings of Louis KLEIN is on
the website www.homeopathycourses.com in a text
file that can be downloaded for free.
12. An Interview with Jeremy SHERR
SHEA Kat (AH, 6/2000)
The interview deals mostly with the Provings
and the relationship of proving to epidemics.
His opinion about post-graduation is that - “We
can go deeper into every aspect of Homeopathy -
philosophy, materia medica, cases. Homeopathic
learning is not linear, it is more like a spiral. We
come back to the same paragraphs and remedies
again and again, time from a higher perspective.
Becoming a homeopath is a process of personal
potentisation. We begin as mother tinctures and
slowly raise our consciousness by succussion and
dilution. Succussion is akin to the hard grind of
study. After a period of being knocked about
comes a phase of dilution, of realization, as we let
ourselves go and our consciousness expands.”
The most common pitfalls in provings as
described by him is that - “some homeopath s feel
that for a symptom to be valid, it should appear in
atleast three provers, ....with only common
symptoms and no peculiars, no character. ....By
definition peculiar symptoms are experienced by
single provers. An interesting side effect is that the
more peculiar a symptom, the less points it will
have in the repertory, so that we cannot infer that a
bold type symptom is always more important than a
low type symptom.
While talking about the relationship of
provings to epidemics he says that “They are
essentially the same things, one artificial, one
natural. ....The subject of epidemics is essential.
Until now homeopath s have been dealing with the
individual, we had to master that part of the craft.
But now we need to move to a higher level, to the
level of community. Once viewed from the
collective point of view, individual prescriptions
reach deeper and further.
...The amazing thing about HAHNEMANN’s
method is that it brings both into account, the
individual and the collective, but in the right
...The knowledge and technique of treating
epidemics are about to become essential to the
homeopath, because epidemics as we once knew
them are about to return. The big infectious
diseases have been suppressed by allopathy, and
have gone into hiding for decades, but they cannot
be suspended forcefully for an indefinite period of
time. When they resurface, they will, unfortunately
be more violent and more difficult to suppress.
He had proved about twenty remedies. Ten
have been published: Androctonus, Hydrogen,
Chocolate, Adamas, Eagle, Brassica, Germanium,
Neon and Iridium. Other provings in various stages
of production are Helium, a new Neon, Argon and
Krypton, Salmon, Yew tree and olive.
Of these he feels the most useful to be
Germanium as it has lack of self esteem and
feelings of failure, which are so common today.
His other works are:
1. A book on syphilitic miasm - “The Joys of
2. On the homeopathic classification of disease, a
philosophy book.
13. Fools Gold
BRIDGER Mike (AH, 6/2000)
The author speaks of about the new trend
which is now being in vogue in Homeopathy -
meditative provings, Homeopathy being jumbled
up with notions based on religious and spiritualism,
psychotherapy, mysticism, magic, occultism, karma,
aquarius etc.
This trend is a move away from the language of
Homeopathy, which is a language of simplicity.
He says that the tendency to ignore physical
symptoms in preference for apparent mental and
spiritual causes is no more or less than simply
He concludes by saying that - “If the trends of
thinking that I have been talking about take hold of
our profession then we are turning the snake that
winds the staff of healing into the Oroborus snake
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 64
that eats it’s own tail. We will render Homeopathy
14. An Interview with David WARKENTIN
LANSKY A L (AH, 6/2000)
The interview mainly deals with the use of
computer in prescribing, developing expert systems,
to create a whole new sort of program, to have
multiple programs or not.
David says that “On the one hand, I feel that
you can’t prescribe well without a computer. I
don’t think it’s possible any more. It used to be
more possible, but as more and more remedies get
known, we just don’t know enough to remember
them. But, on the other hand, I think if you rely on
the computer and really believe that it’s going to tell
you the right remedy, I think you’ll prescribe
poorly. There’s balance between the computer
illuminating ideas for you to think about and areas
to puruse, and hoping for too much from it.
With regard to the use of Repertory and
Reference Works, David says that “Repertory is
concise, but it also divorces the symptoms from the
person. So you say, oh, these are all the remedies
that are jealous, but you don’t know how they’re
jealous. Actually, if you really understood exactly
the way the jealousy appears in each one of those
remedies, it would be easy to prescribe the
remedies. Or fastidiousness. All these remedies are
put in “fastidiousness,” but some are afraid of
germs, some are orderly, some are cleanly, but we
don’t understand that because they’re all reduced to
a single word. It makes it much easier to find
things, but it loses the spirit of the symptoms.”
He concludes that Reference Works are still
rich and we can analyze just by using them.
When talking about the kind of proving
information he says that in the past, the symptoms
are very fragmentary, few word, just lists and lists
of symptoms. A lot of newer provings include
much more of the provers’ words, and they give an
experience for each prover on a line. Then they
often put all of those provers together in groups, so
that, for example, all the people who talk about
fears are all put together. Then we can see the idea
of fear that runs through the remedy.
He concludes by saying that he wanted to
include mythology and natural history of each
remedy in Reference Works.
15. A Tribute to Samuel HAHNEMANN
(1755 - 1843)
MOSKOWITZ Richard (AH, 6/2000)
The author feels very grateful for having got
this opportunity to reflect on and pay tribute to the
life and achievements of this extraordinary man,
which are almost without precedent in the history of
science. For, Homeopathy is the only extant
methodology for medicine or any other learned
profession that was conceived and brought forth
fully-formed from a single human brain, and that
while continuing to grow and develop has remained
essentially intact for a period of two hundred years.
While the conventional method rightly prides
itself on its readiness for change, its astonishing
capacity to remake itself on short notice, not only
the Law of Similars, but the Vital Force, the totality
of symptoms, the single remedy, the minimum dose,
and the other basic principles remain as fresh and
timeless today as when the master discovered them.
Only HAHNEMANN’s brainchild,
Homeopathy has sustained itself without
fundamental change because it is both philosophy
and method, because even its practical applications,
while keeping pace with technical progress, remain
firmly grounded in principles that still generate
relevant and valid conclusions, and are therefore
still operative to that extent.
Even after his success in treating epidemic
diseases earned him a lectureship and made him
famous all over Europe, HAHNEMANN continued
to be ridiculed and persecuted for his heresies until
1822, when a wealthy patron gave him shelter and a
stipend to publish his writings. In addition to the
Organon of Medicine, his original text, which ran
to six editions, and the Materia Medica Pura and
the Chronic Diseases, his other major works, he
managed to write dozens of technical articles and
monographs, as well as maintaining voluminous
correspondence, and continuing to teach, practice,
and conduct experimental research until the very
end of his life.
Defending the principles of Homeopathy as
sacred, quasi-religious truth, HAHNEMANN and
his disciples were, as indeed many still remain,
harshly intolerant of all who appear to deviate from
his vision, creating an absolutist dogma that expects
and attracts persecution, and a tradition of
internecine ideological warfare that has continued
to divide the movement through periods of success
as well as decline.
In his old age he remarried and moved to Paris,
where he enjoyed wealth and celebrity, and died
secure in the knowledge that his students and
followers were practicing quality Homeopathy
throughout Europe and in America. Over fifty
years after his death, his body was finally laid to
rest in the Pére Lachaise, fitly crowned by his own
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 65
epitaph, Non inutilis vixi, which means “I have
not lived in vain.” Driven by ambition and gifted
with intellect, he left us an elegant philosophy of
health and illness and a practical methodology that
have stood the test of time.
If HAHNEMANN or his disciples had been
any less zealous about preserving his principles, it is
quite likely that neither the method nor the
philosophy we find so elegant and beautiful today
would have survived in the face of the persecution
and seductiveness of conventional medicine, which
tried for so long and so powerfully to destroy it and
very nearly succeeded not so long ago.
His legacy comprises an art that is still beloved
throughout the world and a philosophy of health
and sickness that will endure long after the
homeopathic method as we now know it becomes
obsolete. For these blessings we are deeply
17. Homeopathy is great medicine ... but not for
(HT, 19, 7/1999)
This is an interesting article in which
Homeopathy’s greatness is showed in three cases
where the symptoms directly indicated the
similimum is discussed. But the prime focus is the
answer for the questions: Why do some patients
stick with Homeopathy over the long haul while
others quit treatment or are not drawn to
Homeopathy in the first place?
18. If a Homeopath is Good
ULLMAN Dana (HT, 19, 8/1999)
The article gives Seven criteria for determining
if a homeopath is good.
19. The Practitioner’s State
SMITH Jennifer (SIM, XIII, 1/2000)
The article gives a brief note on how a
homeopath evolves under years of his practice.
The author has explained his mental state of
quitting Homeopathy when she was taking
responsibility for everything and everyone other
than being the guardian of her own state and how
she enjoyed Homeopathy when she gave up the
fantasy of pleasing everyone and always getting the
correct remedy.
The article is worth reading for every
beginner as it gives a good confidence and what
would happen in the course of their practice and
how to overcome the situation.
20. Gifts from Homeopathy
SMITH Jennifer (SIM, XIII, 2/2000)
This article is similar to “The Practitioner’s
State” presented in the previous issue of
Simillimum. In this article she discussed about
Self-reflection and Humility of the Practitioner. An
interesting article to be read by everyone.
21. Understanding the Disease Beyond
Pathological Analysis
CHAWLA Y V (NAMAH, 7, 2/2000)
An extract of the important factors which were
responsible for cure apart from simple prescribing.
1. Patient’s faith in the medicines
2. His inner conflicts
3. His adjustment to his environment
4. His attitude to his daily job
5. Any recent critical incident and so on. .
In short, the patient’s view of his disease would
affect his recovery. If he worried too much as to
how to get rid of the affliction, he would be likely to
get enmeshed in it. If he saw the disease as an
affliction to his body which would pass away in due
course of time, he would understand the
significance of the disease and would find a way out
of it.
One’s mental make-up affects the functions of
the body and its immune system. This was
confirmed in a recently published work by David
SIMON. He had shown how the body-mind
approach can be related to the clinical expression of
a disease.
An explanation of health and disease was given
in the form of mind body dialogue.
There is no certainty against disease which can
express itself in the body despite all our efforts to
ward it off. The agitated mind tethered to the cause
and effect chain has to be given a respite to
understand the mysteries of life.
Three great personalities of our time, SRI
bear the pain of the dreaded disease, Cancer. How
could one explain this phenomenon with mind-body
approach? As these personalities healed many, how
could it be that they themselves were a victim of the
dreaded disease. Let us remember that they never
felt vulnerable, their bodies did not show signs of
decay even in disease. It was our view, it was our
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 66
analysis, that this was a dreaded disease, they never
considered themselves a slave to the body.
When it was declared that RAMANA Maharshi
was having a tumour on the arm, diagnosed as
Sarcoma, he told the devotees,
“I am only ill if you think I am; if you think I
am well I shall be well.” - and yet “even as he
weakened his face grew gentler, more gracious,
more radiantly beautiful.”
When doctors pronounced failure of the
treatment, Sri Bhagwan was asked to say himself
what treatment should be tried. He said, “Have I
ever asked for treatment? It is you who want this
and that for me, so it is for you to agree about it
among yourselves. If I were asked I should always
say, as I have said from the beginning, that no
treatment is necessary. Let things take their
When SRI RAMAKRISHNA was suffering
from throat Cancer, one of his disciples asked,
“Why do you not pray to the Divine Mother for the
cure of your illness?”
The Master: “When I think of my Mother, the
physical body vanishes, and I am entirely out of it.
So it is impossible for me to pray for anything
concerning the body....
The Mother has brought this illness on me in
order to teach man how to think of the Spirit and
how to live in God-consciousness, even when there
is extreme pain in the body. When the body is
suffering from excruciating pain and starvation, and
when it is beyond all human power to give any
relief, even then the Mother shows me that Spirit is
the Master of the body.”
“Why do all human beings die so miserably, so
unhappily, with a disease, old age, senility, the body
shrunk, ugly? Why can’t they die naturally and as
beautifully as this leaf? What is wrong with us? In
spite of all the doctors, medicines and hospitals,
operations and all the agony of life, and the
pleasures too, we don’t seem to be able to die with
dignity, simplicity and with a smile...
We spend our days in such varieties of conflict
and unhappiness, with some joy and pleasure,
drinking, smoking, late nights and work, work,
work. And at the end of one’s life one faces that
thing called death and is frightened of it... death is
not merely the wasting of the body through disease,
old age and some unexpected accident, but that the
ending of every day is also the ending of oneself
We are so much enamoured by the details of
the disease that we take all the steps to alleviate it -
to get rid of it - going from doctor to doctor and
finally we put up with it when it cannot be cured,
using palliatives etc. Persons who are suffering
from chronic diseases spend much of their time in
watching the symptoms of their disease (pain etc.),
the alleviation of which becomes their daily source
of happiness and it goes on. We are carried away
by the disease and its description, may be the fear of
death stalks us.
Modern commercial propaganda about the
diseases leaves no stone unturned in putting fear
into the minds of public - beware of so and so
diseases, let us fight, let us have detailed check-ups
- a cycle of fear starts in the mind of the common
But then what is to be done when one is under
the attack of a disease? First, let us not have any
fear. Take some simple natural medicines, correct
or reduce your diet. If necessary, consult the
doctor, but not with the thought that somebody else
will save you. It is only your perception of the
disease that can help. But then such a perception is
difficult during the attack of the disease. It is
during the normal period when a clear perception of
life (and death) emerges that you can deal with the
disease - otherwise you will be waylaid by the
common precepts about the disease.
Thus disease is not an isolated phenomenon
which can be studied apart from normal day to day
life. Our approach to life will determine our
approach to disease. One must see the significance
of the disease and have an inner certitude that can
deal with it without any fear (of death).
Overindulgence in the affairs of the body will
also be detrimental to the idea of true health. “This
detachment of the mind must be strengthened by a
certain attitude of indifference to the things of the
body; we must not care essentially about its sleep or
its waking, its movement or its rest, its pain or its
pleasure, its health or its ill-health, its vigour or its
fatigue, its comfort or its discomfort, or what it eats
or drinks. This does not mean that we shall not
keep the body in right order so far as we can; we
have not to fall into violent asceticism or a positive
neglect of the physical frame....
This detachment can be made so normal and
carried so far that there will be a kind of division
between the mind and the body experience the
hunger, thirst, pain, fatigue, depression etc. of the
physical being as if they were experiences of some
other person with whom it has so close a rapport as
to be aware of all that is going on within him. This
division is a great means, a great step towards
mastery; for the mind comes to observe these things
first without being overpowered and finally without
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 67
being at all affected by them, dispassionately, with
clear understanding but with perfect detachment.”
Such an understanding of life will show the
way to medical treatment also, if necessary. But in
any case disease will not be a cause of distress for
human beings.
1. Cola, Homeopathic proving of the Cola-nut
(in English or German), Bernd Schuster, Verlag
fur Homoopathie Fax: 0049 6432, 5444.
Reviewed by ONNE Elia (HL, 13, 1/2000): “This
book includes information about the substance the
remedy was made from and other information. . . .
Origin, history, chemistry and pharmacology,
present homeopathic knowledge and survey of
scientific investigations of Cola are all meticulously
gathered, recorded and laid out. A lengthy part of
the book is devoted to the reports of the provers
themselves (in the provers own words). The book
also contains eye opening comparisons of Cola and
other “tree remedies” and of Cola and the drug
remedies. This book is much more than just a
proving book.”.
2. The Homeopathic treatment of Eczema,
Robin Logan, Beaconsfield Publishers LTD, UK
Tel/Fax: +44- (0) 1494-672118. Reviewed by
ANKALGI Bharati (HL, 13, 1/2000): “This book
consists of six chapters along with an appendix,
general index, remedy index, and rubric index. The
examples of twenty cases are very interesting and
useful in understanding the chapters more clearly. . .
. The new practitioner , students and experienced
practitioners will find this a most useful book while
dealing with cases of eczema. The language of this
book is very simple and easy to understand.
Everybody will benefit from it by re-verifying
previous eczema cases and also dealing with new
3. Homeopathic Method, Implications for
clinical practice and medical science, Jeremy
Swayne, Paperback 228 pages, Published in 1998
by Churchchill Livingstone, UK: tollfree phone
0500566242, Europe: +441315351021,
USA/Canada: +12013199800, Australia/New
Zealand: +61396995400, ISBN 0 443059268.
Reviewed by WIJTENBURG Huib (HL, 13, 2-
3/2000): “The book opens the way for clinicians
who can’t imagine that an ultra-molecular dilution
can work, because the author describes not only
treatment but also what comes before and after
treatment. He uses the terms “pathograpy” and
“holography”, the description and study of the
dynamis of illness and healing, which are the
essential processes of medical practice and medical
science. I will end with the words from Professor
Harris. “Fascinating and full of wisdom... a further
joy that the book is so well written. The way in
which complexities are teased and crucial
distinctions drawn is obviously the result of much
reflection and hard thinking. I recommend this
book to everyone who treats patients”.
4. Homeopathy in Russia, Mishenko V.S.,
Patudin A.V., Trubitzin A. G. Moscow, 1998 18
pp. Reviewed by Alexander KOTOK (HL, 13, 2-
3/2000): “The goal of the authors is to briefly
present the history of Homeopathy in Russia from
the time of the Russian Empire, as it developed later
in the Soviet Union, until now, in the present day
Russian Federation or simply Russia. The reader of
this brochure deserves to be provided with more
contemporary information. Unfortunately,
however, the bronchure contains no references, so
we do not know the source of the data and the facts
presented by the authors.... It is also to be regretted
they do not provide any statistics on homeopathic
drug-stores, homeopathic outpatient clinics and
homeopathic practitioners. Lacking this data, we
cannot compare the level of the development of
Homeopathy and its spread throughout Russia and
to other countries. ...research into history requires
an especially accurate and assiduous attitude.
Unfortunately, we did not find this in the pamphlet
“Homeopathy in Russia”.
5. The Homeopathic Proving of Plutonium
(nitricum) including the toxicology of ionising
radiation, Jeremy SHERR and the Dynamis
School, Dynamis Books 1999. (52, Priory Rd.,
Malvern, Worcestershire, WR 14 3DB, England)
ISBN 1901147037, 306 pages. Reviewed by Jörg
WICHMANN (HL, 13, 2-3/2000):“The reviewed
book gives the text of the original proving grouped
under the themes and follows the head to foot
scheme. This is followed by a repertorisation of
Plutonium on the basis of the proving, and by six
cases provided by different practitioners. The book
not only provides the homeopathic proving but
also a lot of interesting information on the
toxicology of Plutonium and radiation in general.
The last chapters give a repertory of radiation
toxicology, a list of radioactive isotopes and
bibliography of books about the influence of
radiation on health and the environment.”.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 68
6. Prozac Free: Homeopathic medicine for
Depression, Anxiety, and other Mental and
Emotional Problems. ULLMAN J R and
ULLMAN Robert, Picnic Point Press, WA, 1999,
300 pages, softcover, $15.95. Reviewed by Todd
ROWE (HT, 19, 6/1999): Prozac Free is a
beautifully written and well crafted book. It is easy
to read and non-technical. It is similar in design,
scope and format to the author’s previous book,
Ritalin Free Kids. There are many books in
Homeopathy but few bridge that gap between
conventional and non-conventional medicine as
well as this one. ...Prozac Free is an important
book designed for patients with mental illness who
are looking for alternatives to traditional care, as
well as for mental health practitioners interested in
alternative options. This is not a book for
homeopathic practitioners to learn more about the
treatment of mental health disorders. Although the
book will not change the mindset of the allopathic
community, it will help bring to awareness natural
alternatives to antidepressants that are safe and
effective. The authors should be congratulated on
bringing forth such a well written and useful book”.
7. Homeopathy hits the big wide world: The
Law of Similars by Chris BOHJALIAN.
Harmony Books, division of Random House,
1999, hardback, $23.00. ISBN 0-517-70586-9.
Reviewed by Three people - Randall
JAROSIEWICZ. (HT, 19, 6/1999)
Randall NEUSTAEDTER: “Bohjalian is talented
writer, and his novel is propelled along nicely by a
carefully crafted set of literary devices, anticipatory
foreshadowing, heart-rending flashbacks, and
obsessive internal monologues. Anyone who picks
up one of his novels must discover the inevitable
conclusion. The writing style is compelled and the
story demands resolution. What Bohjalian does
best, and what will keep readers returning to his
books, is to capture the subtleties of human
interaction, tapping the emotional tone of delicate
situations, transforming the slight gestures of
personal moments into enduring memories, a
widowed father reading to his young daughter, a
family friend visiting the wife of a man about to die.
Personal fates take on a higher significance for us in
his books, but isn’t this always the good writer’s
great accomplishments?”
Donna POWERS: “This book is a work of fiction
not a text-book, treatise or self-help book on
Homeopathy. ... The Law of Similars is the story
of Leland FOWLER, lawyer and father of a four-
year-old daughter. His wife has died 2 years earlier
and recently he has developed a sore throat that just
won’t go away. After trying the conventional route
without success, he turns to the small town’s
homeopath, Carissa LAKE, for help. He falls in
love with her and against her better professional
judgment, she falls in love with him. Matters
become complicated when one of her asthmatic
patients falls into an allergy-induced coma and
because Leland is a State’s Attorney, he gets
professionally involved. Both Leland and Carissa
are then faced with all kinds of moral, ethical,
professional and personal issues. That’s the
storyline, but more than a review of this book, I’d
like to offer my ramblings and responses. It seems
to me, that with the publishing of this book,
Homeopathy will really be “out there” in the public
mind”. “Being a person who loves pity quotes
smattered throughout books, I did enjoy that about
this novel. Each chapter is prefaced with a quote
from the Organon or from the Chronic Diseases
and each section has a drawing of constellations”.
good storyteller, and The Law of Similars is a good
story. Although the book is not really about
Homeopathy, Homeopathy is the background on
which Mr. Bohjalian paints his tale. This story is
really about the fragility of human life and human
relationships; about seeing what we need to see, and
not what is really there; about doing what we need
to do, and not what we should do”.
8. The Book of Herbal Wisdom by Matthew
WOOD. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA,
paperback, 580 pages, $16.96. Reviewed by Maria
BOHLE (HT, 19, 7/1999): “A difficult concept to
understand is the place where herbal medicine ends
and Homeopathy begins. We easily become
accustomed to attenuated doses of medicines from
little white pills, and we often see no correlation
between their herbal beginnings and the finished
product. ....Matt Wood offers good insight from the
traditional use of medicinal botanicals leading up to
their use as homeopathic medicines. Case
histories gleaned from his files serve to further
illustrate the uses of these medicines. This book is
a “should buy” before the summer season. These
are herbs you will want to harvest for drying, and
for making tinctures and remedies. These are useful
medicines to have on hand whether you are a
professional or newly embarking on a healing
journey. All in all, The Book of herbal Wisdom is
a most enjoyable and informative book and worthy
of a place on your bookshelf.”
9. Homeopathische Hilfe (Homeopathic Help)
by U.FRIEDRICH, Althea Verlag, 2. Auflage,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 69
Zürich 1999. D.M.12/- (German) review by
BLEUL (AHZ, 245, 1/2000): “The book market has
many books on advises to the patients.
Unfortunately most of these are insufficient and
without explaining the specialty of homeopathic
method and give merely loose prescriptions of
thoughtless initiations.... Here in this pocket book
we have some welcome exceptions. In the first
part. FRIEDRICH explains what Homeopathy is,
how it is applied in practice.... In the second part
he writes about fundamental procedures for self
treatment of acute ailments.... For our patients it is
well recommended.
10. Homöopathische Menschenbilder:
Erscheimingsformen, Handlungsmotive,
Verwantschaften by ZIPPEMAYR, P. 280, S.
Sonntag Verlag, Stuttgart 1997. DM 68/-
(German). Review by APPELL (AHZ, 245,
1/2000): “. . . .The curious reader will learn from
this what he already wanted to know about
homeopathic personality portraits but never
ventured to ask. . . . . ZIPPERMAYR personifies
the drug pictures: The German Tennis star Steffe
Graf could, if one thinks of her defensive, never
giving up, and her nordic blonde appearance, be a
classical Arsenicum type” . . . . . “but beware, a
similar performer could also be a Calcium
carbonicum”....He caricatures politicians too
“BISMARK was a Nux vomica example.”
He gives case reports.
11. Eigentümlichkeiten und Hauptwirkungen
der homöopathischen Arzneien (Characteristics
and Main Effects of the homeopathic
Medicines), BÖNNINGHAUSEN, C. v.. 525s. V.
A. JANSEN, Verlag für homöopathische
Literatur, B. Von der Lieth, Hamberg, 1999.
DM. 98/- (German) Review by APPELL (AHZ,
245, 1/2000): “...The present edition which follows
the personal copy of BOENNINGHAUSEN
deserves wide circulation and use. Perhaps there
will be some readers who may fulfill
BOENNINGHAUSEN’s wish to be thorough with
the contents of this book with serious Will and
12. Homeopathic First Aid for Animals by
Kaetheryn WALKER. Healing Arts Press,
Vermont, 176 pages, softcover, $14.95. ISBN 0-
89281-737-2. Review by John SAXTON (HT, 19,
11/1999): “This is a good book in a market that is
rapidly becoming saturated with offerings of
varying quality. ....the book is not written for the
experienced homeopath. Compared to other
similar works the list of remedies is limited, but
from the point of view of a worried animal guardian
this is an advantage - it is not confusing.”
13. The System of Homeopathy by Rajan
Sankaran. Homeopathic Medical Publishers,
20 Station Road, Snatacruz (W), Mumbai - 54.
Price: Rs. 350/- Pages 494. Review by
VISWANATHAN T K (NJH, 2, 3/2000): ....book
explains in detail, his methods of case taking and
analysis as evolved over the years in his practice. A
large number of case studies presented with actual
interview records, detailed case analysis and basis
of remedy selection make this book very absorbing.
It is a remarkable book. . . . . This book will serve
as a simulator (as in the case of pilots and
astronauts) for Homeopaths.”
14. Eros und sexuelle Energie durch
Homöopathie (Eros and Sexual Energy through
Homeopathy) by P. RABA 816 S, 120 Bilder
geb., bibliophile Ausstattung. Andromeda
verlag, Muman 1998. DM 180, - (German)
Review by GENNEPER (ZKH, 44, 2/2000):
Homeopathy and Sexuality, a complex theme
which has not been so far so thoroughly handled as
RABA has in his book. Taboo themes like
Masturbation, Masochism, Necrophilia, Sadism,
Celibacy, etc. have been considered. Practical
problems often encountered often like menstrual
disturbances, ailments during pregnancy, etc.
receive thorough consideration. ... The illustrations
are aesthetic. Only the title of the book is
misleading, it should not be thought it is primarily
about obtaining limitless satiety of pleasures but it
is about treatment of sick people”.
15. Homöopathie und die Sprache des Körpers
(Homeopathy and the language of the Body) by
SANANES, R. Ubens. Von W. BÜCHLER, 277
S., geb. Santag Verlag, Stuttgart 1998, DM 64,
90 (German) review by NDNER (ZKH, 44,
2/2000): “This German translation is from the
original French. “This work is by a French
homeopath translated fluently and nearly
encyclopedia, in different chapters written in a
“living phenomenology” the basic principles,
possibilities and limitations, questions and answers,
remedies and remedy portraits, as a global
homeopathic concept, under the aspect of
“language of the human body.” Physical structure,
Typology, Constitution, Biochromology and
Biorhythms as also Psyche and Soma - all these
from the center of the spectrum ....There are further
works of the author in French - we eagerly await the
next translation.”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 70
16. Therapiehandbuch Homöopathie Materia
Medica mit fallbersrielen (Homeopathic
Therapy handbook - Materia Medica with Case
examples) by M. TAUSCHER. 272 S., geb.,
Gustav Fishcer Verkag, ulm - Stuttgart - Jena -
Lübeck 1998, DM 68, - (German) review by
BÜNDNER (ZKH, 44, 2/2000): “As the Master has
imposed upon us, the regular study of the
homeopathic Materia Medica is absolutely
necessary and is of greatest significance. The
“Therapy Handbook” has been written under this
promise. The intention was to offer a Materia
Medica for the Beginners and not much
experienced which would be a valuable help for
choosing a remedy. ...With 203 remedies in
alphabetical order presented in the book, it is useful
to the beginners. The aim has been achieved, one
can work well with it. ....”
17. The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza:
Surviving Influenza Epidemics and Pandemics
Past Present and Future with Homeopathy by
Sandra PERKO. San Antonio, Texas:
Benchmark Homeopathic Publications, 1999.
$24.95. Review by Peter WRIGHT (SIM, XIII,
1/2000): “Dr. Perko’s book on influenza cuts across
categories to provide a multidimensional view of
this extremely prevalent illness. ....The book
begins with an account of flu in history, with special
attention to the global influenza pandemic of 1918 -
1919, which killed more than twice as many people
throughout the world the world as had died in
combat during the First World War. ...As
homeopaths, we are privileged to posses the means
to confront the threat of another influenza
pandemic: proven medicines in potency, and
,matrices of vital information, of which this
disturbing and inspiring book is a prime example.
I. Eight Day Teaching Programme (8th to 16th
April 2000, Sangrur) A Report: Mini Materia
Medica (JH, 4, 2/2000): The main teaching was
based on Mind symptoms, the SEGHAL technique.
The Principles and teachings of Dr. SCHOLTEN,
discussed. A gist of teachings made by different
practitioners and teachers were given. Various sets
of Rubrics were discussed for some of the remedies
according to SEHGAL’s method.
II. Factors That Might Effect a Remedy
Seminar by Vassilis GHEGAS November 1994 -
Cape Cod (USA) August 1996. Report by Fons
Vanden BERGHE - Enschede (NL) (HL, 13, 2-
3/2000): The lecture was focused on the subjects
“Dynamics in Homeopathy”, Miasms”, and
“Layers of remedies”.
Man is a dynamic creature who constantly
changes and is liable to changing circumstances.
Even the homeopathic image of a patient can
change in the course of time.
Miasms or layers of remedies can cover the
original remedy picture, so that the original is no
longer visible or a mixed image appears of the
original remedy together with one or more
concealing remedies.
The difficulty in Homeopathy is to find the
remedy which lies on the top of the others, covering
the earlier remedies. Only this remedy should be
given, because this is the correct remedy at the
moment will make the upper remedy layer
disappear, so that afterwards we will have a better
view of what lies beneath it.
If the image of a remedy in a patient changes, it is
very important to check the following things:
1. Is the cause of this change of a mental,
emotional or physical nature?
2. Where is the central point of the suffering after
that change: on the mental, the emotional or the
physical level?
3. If the central point of the suffering is physical,
try to find exactly what it is, where it issituated
and if it is only physical, or a physical
expression of a hidden emotional or mental
Factors which change the image of the remedy
completely are:
A. Factors in the Physical sphere which include
1. Pathology
Rheumatoid arthritis
Neurological problems
2. Vaccinations
Mental problems after vaccination
Neurological problems after vaccination
Epilepsy after vaccination
Physical problems after vaccination
3. Accidents
Mental changes after an accident
Physical changes after an accident
4. Menopause
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 71
5. Alcohol and drugs
6. Aging
7. Religious fanatism
8. Marriage
9. Other factors
B. Factors in the Emotional sphere
Grief and shock
Emotional suppression
Social factors
C. Factors in the Mental sphere
D. Epilepsy as a factor that changes the remedy
E. Menopause as a factor that changes the remedy
F. Alcohol and drugs are factors that change the
G. Old age as a factor that changes the remedy
Each of these factors are explained in detail with
reference to the remedies which seem to be
indicated in each condition.
III. Teachers meeting with George
VITHOULKAS, held on August 1998 in
Alonissos. Report by ROHRER Anton. The report
was focused on 3 heads.
1. Homeopathic research
2. The repertories
3. Remedy provings
Homeopathic research: Anton reports that,
before we do homeopathic research, we have to be
very careful in planning studies. We should not fall
into the allopathic trap of testing a remedy for a
nosological entity. We have to impose our
principles and ways of working with classical
The Repertories: Repertories are expanding very
fast. It is difficult task to clear misinformation that
has infiltrated the repertory already but it is
necessary in order to prevent new misinformation
from coming into the repertory. It is important to
select the additions. GEUKENS appreciates very
much the additions of BOGER,
KNERR or GALLAVARDIN. All these are
serious homeopaths. Only clinically confirmed
remedies should enter the repertory. We could
work for years just finding confirmation for our
remedies in many of the old journals from the last
century. We have to create a system for clinical
confirmations of the symptoms of our Materia
Medica. To find a good system to clarify the
symptoms is a project for the next years atleast.
Remedy provings: HAHNEMANN has given us
guidelines about how to do provings and it is very
important to follow these guidelines. Apt criticisms
were made about the current day provings where a
remedy is given to a group of people and the next
day all the people have a lot of symptoms and then
whole books are written about it.
IV. Open Seminar with George VITHOULKAS
Alonissos, June 2nd 1998. Report by ROBERTS
George opened with a detailed version of his
“Levels of health” models based on
HAHNEMANN’s concept of “state” of health.
There are four groups each with three levels, used
to define the state of health of each patient. With
this model it is possible to really understand what is
going on in each case: to know the prognosis, to
know the meaning of the acutes that occur during
chronic treatment, and to recognize those cases
where it is necessary “not only to find the remedy
but to find a correct series of remedies”.
The levels of Health
Level 1 In this group there are infrequent acutes in
the history of the patient with fairly quick recovery
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1 In group B there are frequent acutes every
month or so and the necessity of frequent antibiotic
Level 2 other treatments.
Level 3
Level 1 There are infrequent acutes but there is
serious systemic diseases, acutes are flare-ups of
these deep
Level 2 diseases
Level 3
Level 1 There are no acutes whatsoever, even great
stress and exposure produce no acute; especially
Level 2 observed in mental disease.
Level 3
Consideration of these different levels of health
gives clear guidelines on:
1. The expectation, desirability and impact of an
aggravation after a prescription.
2. The probable best potency and frequency of
prescribed medicines.
3. Prognosis, especially with reference to the
expectation and meaning of the timing of acute
illnesses which subsequently occur. These
guiding principles were demonstrated in the
analysis of the cases presented on subsequent days.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 72
Seven live cases and two video cases with follow-
up interviews were presented. It was noted that
vaccination easily lowered vitality, so patients move
down from Group A to Group B or even Group C
as a result. Vaccinations change acute diseases into
chronic diseases.
The refined model of levels of disease is a keen
tool for case analysis. VITHOULKAS was able in
each case to use this model to demonstrate the
principles of Homeopathy clearly without any
doubts, giving guidance for potency choice,
prognosis and subsequent likely changes and
V. Inflammation of the middle ear, A Case of
Silicea, Seminar by Alfons GEUKENS, Belgium.
This article is a transcript of a seminar presentation.
Case of a nine months old boy was presented in the
form of an interview. Chronic inflammation of the
middle ear with thick discharges and a coryza with
cough which started after vaccination. Mild,
yielding disposition. Anxious from noise and
fright. Seaside air ameliorates. Face waxy,
abdomen enlarged. Thuja given without any relief.
Silicea 200 and then M relieved. The symptoms of
the boy with the respective rubrics and the remedies
are given. Alfons comments are given in between
which are thought provoking.
VI. Pain the Soles of the feet, A Case of Silicea,
Transcript of a Seminar by Alfons GEUKENS,
Belgium. Case of a 12-year-old boy with pain in
the soles mostly in the evening and night. Had split
nails and white spots in the nails. Pain in the
abdomen amelioration lying down. Fear of crowd.
Perspiration in the feet. Tendency to tooth
abscesses. Silicea M relieved. The Case is
presented in the form of an interview with
respective rubrics and remedies with authors
comment in between.
VII. In an interesting discussion of successful
treatment of Nephrosis in the Document
Homeopathic No. 18/1998, Dr. Anton ROHRER
refers to a “peculiar” symptom of Helleborus
niger. “Pain in the abdomen when going upstairs”
which helped very much recovery of the patient; of
course Helleborus was followed, in this case with
Lycopodium to take the patient on to further
improvement. We are however, concerned with this
“peculiar” symptom observed by Dr.
LANGHAMMER who was one of the provers of
Richard HAEHL says that Christian Friedrich
LANGHAMMER was “a small, weakly man and
not very gifted mentally. The results of his
provings were by no means accurate or
unimpeachable. They gave rise to disputations in
the Homeopathic Journals. Constantine HERING
took LANGHAMMER’s part and vigorously
defended his statement’s.” Over a period of 12
years, LANGHAMMER, proved 54 medicines. He
was one of the earliest associates of
HAHNEMANN during the days of Provings
between 1790-1805. In his article Langhammer
und Kein Ende’ (AHZ 68/1864) - [ in GYPSER’s
‘Herings Medizinische Schriften’ Vol. III - pp.
1373 - 1413] HERING has made an exhaustive
analysis of the several provings and pointed the
baseless, prejudiced criticism of LANGHAMMER.
HERING says that “LANGHAMMER was one of
the most zealous provers, and one of the most
careful and successful.”
HAEHL says further ‘In later years
LANGHAMMER disappeared from the public eye.
...In order to assist and show his gratitude to the
widow of Dr. LANGHAMMER, a homeopath, and
once a pupil of HAHNEMANN, who was living in
very poor circumstances and also, if possible, to
procure cheaply a home medicine chest for a poor
homeopathic physician abroad, M. LUX of Leipsic
took over the 432 homeopathic medicines
prepared by Dr. LANGHAMMER and offered them
for sale through the newspapers. Through this the
Medical Officer of Health for Leipsic, Hofrat Dr.
GUNTZ, was induced to seize this store of
medicines; . . . on November 25, the 432 medicinal
substances were buried with the bottles, corks and
labels.” (AHZ, 32/1847). [So much for the rabid
oppositions Homeopathy and the Homeopaths
had to endure = KSS].
VIII. American Association of Homeopathic
Pharmacists celebrates its 75th year. Report by
FOXMAN E. L. (HT, 19, 6/1999): The American
Association of homeopathic Pharmacists (AAHP)
celebrated 75 years of leadership in the health-care
industry with a public celebration in September
1998. Dr. Henry WILLIAMS, Dr. Alan
Mary Beth WATKINS, Dr. Sandra CHASE spoke
in the celebration.
IX. Amy ROTHENBERG on Treating
Depression at the Annual Meeting of Licensed
medical Professionals for Homeopathy
February 14, 1999. Orlando, Florida. (HT, 19,
6/1999) Report by HOAGLAND Jean: Amy talked
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 73
about Case-taking in patients with depression. Two
types seek medical help. The first type has
headaches, premenstrual symptoms, migraines etc.
But the physician can see they appear depressed.
Look for the evidence of flatness. The voice may
be a flat. Posture can indicate lack of interest.
Observe how they are dressed. They may not shake
your hand or make eye contact when we meet. Dr.
ROTHENBERG has found that giving them the
remedy for the migraine or their chief physical
complaint, will often cover the emotional problem.
The other type is where their chief complaint is
depression. In these patients if the given correct
homeopathic prescription does not give good
results, look for the obstacles to cure in the form of
drugs. Someone who knew them before taking the
drugs should be called and ask for the symptoms
prior to the usage of the drugs and prescribe
accordingly. While dealing with these patients we
should show much attention and should practice
calm breathing to keep ourselves in the right state.
X. In Memorium, Rodman E. SHIPPEN, 1909 -
1999 by Joya L. SCHOEN. (HT, 19, 7/1999): Dr.
Rodman E. SHIPPEN, Jr., MD, moved to another
realm on March 18, 1999, at the age of 89 years.
He graduated from Haverford college in 1931 and
attended Hahnemann Medical College, graduated
with a Doctor of Medicine degree in Homeopathy
in 1935. He practiced medicine until 1940 when he
enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a Medical Officer,
serving as a Ship Physician in the South Pacific area
until the end of World War II in 1945. It was in the
Navy that he was given the opportunity to study
psychiatry. He moved to Winter Park in 1951,
becoming one of the first Board Certified
Psychiatrists in the Orlando area at a time when
Psychiatry was in its infancy as a medical specialty.
He served as Staff Physician or Consultant in all the
local hospitals.
Dr. SHIPPEN was a Life Fellow of the
American Psychiatric Association. He was one of
the first physicians in the community to utilize
Psychodrama as a therapeutic modality. He also
introduced group therapy to the Orlando psychiatric
community. The Florida Homeopathic Medical
Association has long held him in high esteem, and
he was seen by Floridian homeopaths as the father
of them all - a Homeopathic Patriarch.
XI. Misha NORLAND’s Seminar in Golden,
Colorado, March 1999. Report by ROWLAND
France (HT, 19, 8/1999): Misha encourages to
honor our intuition and to truly see the whole
person by picking up the subtle clues. Details such
as body posture, a tilt of the head or turn of the
phrase, or even the way they part their hair can
often tell more about the state of the patient than
their symptoms alone.
A courageous woman gave her case as one of
the provers of the AIDS Nosode. Made from the
blood of an AIDS patient who has subsequently
died of the disease.
Another useful tool Misha taught is Mappa
Mundi, the map of the world of archetypal
energies. This can be invaluable aid in charting
aspects of the case, helping to recognize facets of
the patient’s personality, pathology, remedy
polarities and modalities.
Misha addressed some of the issues concerning
the changing face of Homeopathy in today’s
complicated world compared to when
HAHNEMANN developed and first practiced the
XII. In Tribute: Maesimund Banning PANOS,
MD, DHt June 12, 1912-July 29, 1999. Founder
and First NCH President. (HT, 19, 9/1999): Dr.
PANOS was a great pioneer, an outstanding
educator, and an extraordinary physician. Henry N.
WILLIAMS, Sandra M. CHASE, Michael
NOSSAMAN, Bill GRAY and Catherine
COULTER have all given their tribute in this issue.
They shared their views and memories about her.
Descendent of a prominent Homeopathic
physician (Edmund Prior BANNING), widow of a
homeopathic physician (John PANOS, MD);
mother of two daughters (Anne PANOS and Della
PANOS); dedicated to Homeopathy, she went to
medical school as a widow, became a physician
herself, took a preceptorship with Dr. Julian
GREEN in Washington, DC, and later took over
that practice and herself became a preceptor of
many; a gifted teacher of case taking, Materia
Medica, and KENT’s Repertory at the
Postgraduate School for Physicians in
Homeopathy and later under the National Center
for Homeopathy, as well as serving as the
president of both.
Dr. PANOS came from a long line of
homeopaths. Both her father and grandfather were
homeopathic physicians. Her grandfather and
father developed the Banning Brace” a mechanical
support for spinal problems. Dr. BANNING took
in a young preceptor - John PANOS - a Greek
immigrant who came to the United States to study
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 74
medicine. John Panos finished medical school and,
in 1939, married Maesie.
Maesie by her own admission, didn’t pay much
attention to the practice of Homeopathy; she was
busy with her house-hold and her children.
In 1947, John PANOS died, and Maesie found
herself faced with all his patients asking for advice.
She then received graduation. She was well
acquainted with the best homeopathic physicians
of her day. In 1969 she met George
VITHOULKAS and their correspondence
continued for quite sometime. Brought him to
United States and introduced to a whole new
generation of homeopaths.
Maesie married John HOLTVOIGT in 1970,
and with him founded the Woodward Foundation
for Homeopathy for the education of licensed
physicians in homeopatherapeutics.
She wrote a book Homeopathic Medicine at
Home published in 1980. Dr.PANOS and her
daughter have published the Cumulative Indices of
the Homeopathic Recorder and The
Proceedings of the International Association for
the years 1881 to 1958, and have also edited a
collection of the writings of Dr. Elizabeth WRIGHT
HUBBARD, Homeopathy as Art and Science.
XIII. Codependency: A New Rubric by Bill
GRAY. 25th Anniversary NCH Annual
Conference, April 16-20, 1999 - ft. Lauderdale.
Report by DANCU David (HT, 19, 9/1999): Bill
has created a new rubric for the symptom of
“codependency.” Bill’s views on codependency is
the myth of Narcissus and Echo. Bill discussed this
myth and correlated it to the present day definitions
of codependency, in which one sacrifices his or her
identity for the sake of others, resulting in an
unstable self-worth.
Repertory rubrics he chose to come to his
single new rubric included: abrupt, yet affectionate;
desire to achieve; ailments from: abuse, alcoholism;
anxiety of conscience; delusions that duty has been
neglected; compulsive; delusions of persecution or
separation; low confidence; dictatorial; abusive.
Remedies included for the rubric are also
XIV. The Kingdoms in Homeopathy: A
Practical Technique for Everyday Consulting
by Jonathan SHORE. 25th Anniversary
NCH Annual Conference,April 16-20, 1999 -
Ft. Lauderdale. Report by CROCE A J
(HT,19, 9/1999): “Jonathan offered the wealth of
his wit and experience as well as his particular
observations on the kingdoms. He pointed out that
the remedy’s kingdom may not be evident in all
cases. He advised, “If you see it, great; if you don’t
forget it” and move on to another tool for case
analysis. Comparing case analysis to opening a
locked door, he noted, “First we need to have lots
of keys, then we need to be able to recognize which
key goes into which lock.” If the kingdom
identification is clear in a given case, Jonathan
urges using it as one path into a deeper
understanding of the case, but he also acknowledges
that in many cases it is not clear, and in these cases
other analytical tools will be more useful.
He has introduced the main attributes of each
of the three kingdoms, and also compared them on a
series of particular points.
People needing mineral remedies tend to
convey their symptoms in an organized way, and
they may come in with an orderly way, and they
come with an orderly list. They proceed at a
regular, controlled pace; they monitor their energy
and move in straight lines. Those needing plant
remedies may be hard to pin down, variable,
constantly changing and going off in a new
direction; their lives may resemble the shape of a
climbing vine. The pattern of animal remedies is
active and quick. They can be very intent in their
energy, directing it as a sudden strike or a zigzag
line as in a hunt and pursuit.
Also presented several cases on video which
demonstrated some of his casetaking techniques.
XV. Homeopathy in Breast Cancer: A Bright
Outlook by A. U. RAMAKRISHNAN. 25th
Anniversary NCH Annual Conference, April 16-
20, 1999 - Ft. Lauderdale. Report by CROCE A J
(HT, 19, 10/1999): Dr. RAMAKRISHNAN, a
prominent Indian homeopathic physician,
enlightened and challenged American homeopaths
by providing a window into the treatment of Breast
Cancer in India. He explained it with some
philosophical observations. Says that etiology is
very important and emphasized that it is crucial to
understand the patient’s mental-emotional picture
and the impact or function of the illness for them.
He described the dynamics of human existence - life
and death, well-being and sickness, balance and
imbalance, cure and destruction, energy and
debilitation, benevolence and vivaciousness,
happiness and misery - and explained that Cancer
can result from being torn by dualism. He noted
that the remedy Carcinosin “has a dualistic situation
in their moral and spiritual outlook.”
In treating Cancer, “at one end of the spectrum
are the people who deal with the cell, its structure,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 75
function, control, etc. At the other end are those
who deal with the spirit. Dr. RAMAKRISHNAN
distinguished among the various stages of Cancer
and discussed how Homeopathy can be used at
various stages. Many people do not turn to
Homeopathy until the disease has reached a very
advanced stage, but even they can be helped. For
him, “helping does not necessarily mean curing
them of Cancer; you can also help people extend
their life and have a better quality of life and a more
comfortable death,” allowing them to die with
Dr. RAMAKRISHNAN described
Homeopathy’s tremendous effectiveness in the
prevention of Cancer, using as an example a person
who has a high PSA (prostrate-specific-antigen) test
or preCancerous Pap test and who receives the
correct remedy and does not develop Cancer.
He related his protocol for treating Breast
Cancer at various stages.
XVI. The 6th Annual Irish Homeopathic
Conference, Galway, Ireland. June 25-27, 1999.
Report by OWEN Joni (HT, 19, 10/1999): Report
of provings of drugs Succinum(Amber) by Nuala
EISING and Lakeland SLATE by Sue ASQUITH
and Dave EVANS. Bernd DANKERT lectured on
the successful uses of LM/Q (50,0000
dilution/ratio) potencies and included in-depth
references to HAHNEMANN’s Organon and
Chronic Diseases.
XVII. Nash Second Annual Conference:
Diversity and Collaboration. August 28 -29.
Vancouver, BC. Report by ELLIS Gini (HT, 19,
11/1999): Louis KLEIN introduced a methodology
and Materia Medica that enables to focus on what
is important in the study of a remedy. He also
shared a case of Lecithinum (a remedy prepared
from the yolk of an egg) and a case of Niobium, a
metal in the silver series of the periodic table of the
Basil ZIV encouraged to pay attention to our
intuition and use the pathological symptoms that are
there - the mental, physical, general - and then
watch for the bump in the road! That “bump” is the
unusual part of the case and often can point to a
characteristic symptom in the middle of many
general symptoms.
Alize TIMMERMAN discussed different
approaches to finding the simillimum, then
emphasized the many points to consider, noting that
case taking skills include non-verbal observations.
She also shared a “funny case” that featured a new
remedy, Lac felinum (cat’s milk).
Jo DALY gave a new way of exploring the
study of materia medica. She says that the feel
when we read a case will help us to know the soul
of the remedy, which is not an emotional feeling but
is something very deep within us. Shared a case of
Androctonus - a 59 year-old male, described as
“criminally violent.”
Mirando CASTRO helped to explore “soft
ethics” as they apply to confidentiality - “respect for
a person’s right to determine the contents in which
personal information may or may not be revealed.
The purpose was to help practitioners understand
their ethical code and to examine their own
practices in this regard.
Steve WALDSTEIN explained the changes that
HAHNEMANN made to dosing instructions in the
5th and 6th editions of Organon. The 4th edition
of the Organon contains the “watch and wait,” dry
dose method that we are most familiar with. In the
5th edition, HAHNEMANN introduced the liquid
dose (centesimal potencies [C] diluted in water),
which allows for more frequent repetition of the
remedy and more control of the dose. The 6th
edition (not published until 1920) added the LM
potency. WALSTEIN told that liquid doses and
LMs add the possibility of repetition, but that
routinism never works in Homeopathy. He
believes that automatic daily repetition, instead of
dosing based on the individual’s response, is the
biggest mistake made by most people who use LMs.
Hypersensitive patients can be treated with LM
potency without any undue aggravation.
XVIII. Vithoulkas Seminar: The Homeopathic
Extravaganza!! Held in Shanmukananda hall,
Mumbai. Report by PARTHASARATHY
Vishpala (NJH, 2, 1/2000): VITHOULKAS
discussed about the levels of health. He depicted
the levels from A-Z where the vitality is good when
the person is in the level A and it gets deteriorated
as he goes to the next levels. He discussed some of
the video cases in which a case of Adenocarcinoma
with gangrene of legs treated with homeopathic
medicines and avoiding surgery which the allopaths
felt to be necessary to save her. Materia Medica of
Aurum group were discussed in brief. A case of
Ignatia at the end.
XIX. VIth Sarla Sonawala Seminar was held on
30th January 2000 at Choksey Auditorium, Tata
Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. Report by
SHAIKH Neelofer (NJH, 2, 1/2000): Dr K N
PRASAD presented a treatise on classification and
clinico-patho-physio and mental co-relation of
Acids. Gave the PQRS symptoms of acids. He also
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 76
reported two cases treated with acids. Dr. Visphala
PARTHASARATHY gave a deeper understanding
of the remedy Phosphoricum acidum.
XX. Institute of Clinical Research Workshop,
April 2000, Vile Parle, Mumbai. Report by
KATIRA D T (NJH, 2, 3/2000): 3 cases are
discussed. A case of chronic Migraine and a case
of extensive Psoriasis: guttate-pustular type with
Reactive Depression are given in detail.
XXI. Seminar on Materia Medica on 16th July
2000, Ludhiana (Pb). Report by SANDHU G S
(NJH, 2, 3/2000): A case of Tuberous sclerosis
treated with Mercurius solubilis, a 7 year-old girl
with behavioural disorder of SHE becoming HE
and secondary deafness and dumbness after
vaccination treated with Platina M and a renal
colic case treated with Natrum carbonicum were
discussed. Following this the central idea or
Nucleus or the Crux of about 20 remedies were
discussed. Differentiating point of few remedies
like Carc, Carb-v, Gels, Ign, Iod, Ipec, Kali group,
Natrum, Lyc, Sulph, Lach, Tub, Med etc. were made
XXII. A Tribute to Dr. Nina DOSHI (NJH, 2,
3/2000): The eldest daughter of Laxmikant and
Manorama. Passed away on 25-6-2000 due to some
disease (The post mortem report said: Cerebral
Malaria - but with no symptoms???) Tribute is
given by her husband, relatives and her patients. Dr
Vishpala PARTHASARATHY also poured her
feelings about Nina.
XXIII. In his article ‘Homeopathy in the last 25
years’ (HL 13, 2-3/2000) Pieter KUIPER of The
Netherlands has traced the progress of
Homeopathy during the last quarter of the 20th
Century and paying, rightly, rich tributes to the one
man who has done the most, at least in so far as
the West is concerned, to the spread of Classical
Homeopathy - George VITHOULKAS.
Interalia KUIPER has also praised the ‘dream’
provings as also the technique of Jan SCHOLTEN
In the same number of the Homeopathic Links
(HL 13, 2-3/2000) there is a lengthy ‘Interview’
which the editors of the HL had with GV in June
[In this Interview GV has taken strong
exception to certain new ideas that were being
‘taught’ - and continued to be taught as on date - all
over the World of Homeopathy. In this criticism
GV used harsh terms, which would sometimes
appear insinuating, which would certainly be taken
as insulting the, well, - ‘new teachers’. These
teachers are all highly respected in the
Homeopathic world and there was naturally an
avalanche of protest letters; there were some who
agreed with GV’s objections to the ‘new ideas’ -
which GV termed ‘nonsense’ - but even this did not
justify the harshness of GV.
We cannot but accept when GV says that
‘fantasy ideas like the ‘signature’ (which
HAHNEMANN did not agree), or the ‘group’
proving (which includes those who did not take the
remedy, or the ‘dream’ (only dream) proving, are
all not Homeopathy.
We also agree with GV when he says that the
creation of Materia Medica by combining the
characteristics of Calcarea and Sulphur and naming
this mixture as Calcarea sulphurica and assign
symptoms to it, is not homeopathic Materia
Medica. May be KENT did so with remedies like
Calcarea silicata. These are synthesized Materia
Medica and are not pure’. HAHNEMANN
qualified his Materia Medica as Pure admonished
his followers to study pure Materia Medicas.
Even Julia GREEN’s small book People of the
Materia Medica World is fascinating to read but
when she speaks of the Calcarea symptoms and
Phosphorus symptoms and then speak of the
symptoms of the Calcarea phosphorica as
something of the combination of the two, it is not
Jan SCHOLTEN’s Materia Medica based on
the ‘periodic table’ is another speculation. May be
the prescriptions given on this basis produced
happy results. But does it justify to be called
The only way by which I can learn what is
curative in each individual substance is by taking it
in and experiencing the changes it brings within
me. There is no other way, according to
HAHNEMANN. Putting the packet of a powder of
say Arnica montana 30 under my pillow will not
produce dreams which are peculiar to Arnica. And
will it produce symptoms even if the powder is put
in the next room and may be next home and so on!
These all appear, to me, as caricatures of
Homeopathy, and certainly GV was right in raising
his voice against these.
I have read that one well known teacher has
said that it was a spider remedy if the patient was
interested in playing with ropes, and loved knitting
and climbing - (probably because spiders spin
‘threads’ and crawl over walls). In my younger
days - 50-60 years it was common for small girls to
play ‘skipping’ with ropes for hours, climb up small
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 77
trees; and it was common to see in the northern
India for women to be engaged in knitting woolen
sweater before the onset of winter particularly. Do
all these persons, when they fall ill call for a
‘spider’ remedy?
What is Homeopathic Principle? To find out
what is curative in a medicine by testing it on
healthy persons and collect the symptoms that was
produced by this medicinal substance only so as to
apply this substance in suitable dose to a person ill
with similar symptoms. Plant/animal/insect /behave,
eat, react, etc. and give it to persons who are
similar? It certainly is not how one cannot extend
the similar’ to the length and breath of one’s own
inspiration. It has to be understood only if the
contextual frame of HAHNEMANN’s directions. If
we do away with ‘proving’ what there is left in
‘Homeopathy’? Was it not by testing it upon
himself that HAHNEMANN knew what is curative
in the Cinchona bark? And has not the
HAHNEMANNian method stood the test of the
times? Are not the text books we all have read
written by those masters who followed
HAHNEMANNian theory? Therefore by putting
forth theories which may be fantastic and even
produce in some cases fantastic results, happy
results are we not being untruthful to the grain. we
have eaten and indeed continue to eat.
Let me also say in my personal capacity as a
humble practitioner of Homeopathy among the
common people for nearly four decades that the
good old HAHNEMANN still holds good enough.
Honestly, have we been able to cure better and
quicker, and more cases of for example Asthma,
rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Uterine disorders,
or Cancers. AIDS, etc. - with the ‘new ideas’ than
what the ‘olden’ like BOENNINGHAUSEN,
LIPPE, BOGER, etc. did with their
HAHNEMANNian? The clear and honest answer
is No. Our homeopaths, numbers have increased.
But our cures have not apace.
Let us stick to the basics follow
HAHNEMANN and his genuine band.
When we criticize, let us be clear and firm but
never harsh.
In the Letters to the Editor pp. 56-70 many
have expressed feeling of being insulted especially
those who have experienced good results by
applying the ‘new ideas’. Many say apply it and
judge by results - like what - HAHNEMANN said
in his ‘Nota Bene for my Reviewer’. Well, may I
say it is not just the result. There are other ideas too
besides that under criticisms - where successes are
claimed . It is a question of a general, a basic Law -
applicable by all which is the Law of similars laid
down by HAHNEMANN; only that, that alone is
Homeopathy. While there is freedom to adopt
techniques, the technique should be within the basic
frame work - the Provings obtained by taking the
substance and collecting the Pure symptoms
aroused by the proving substance (not mental only,
or dreams only, but total) their similarly with the
illness, the minimum dose required in the particular
case - if one strays from these, then one is, in my
understanding of HAHNEMANN and his Medicine,
not a homeopath: may be an eclectic = KSS]
It is quite justified that Rajan SANKARAN felt
hurt at GV dumping SANKARAN as one who has
done most damage to Homeopathy. SANKARAN
feels that his ideas have disturbed GV.
SANKARAN has said that he “always taught and
practiced that we must examine everything in the
patient and not concludes on the basis of one or two
things however tempting that might be. The entire
totality of the case needs to be understood in order
to prescribe deeply. And after all the aspects of the
case are studied, a thorough reference to all
available literature on the remedy is made before
you reach a remedy.” This is clear and genuine
Homeopathy and there is nothing at all to
criticize in this. About the Kingdom’ approach
and dreams’ SANKARAN asserts that in his
experience these have been very helpful in treating
Referring to GV’s view that it was not
necessary a woman with Sepia-leucorrhoea’ have a
Sepia -mind’ SANKARAN disagrees with this and
affirm that you cannot have a Sepia-leucorrhoea’
without a sepia-mind’. These hair-splitting’
confuse ordinary practitioner who gives Sepia if
there is a Sepia-leucorrhoea’. Can we not or have
we not prescribed - with good results - Sepia even if
the woman does not have a ‘bearing d feeling? Is
it wrong to prescribe Sepia for Sepia-cough even
though there may not be a Sepia-mind? And what
is a Sepia-mind or for that matter an Ipecacuanha
mind? Can anyone limit the ‘mind’ or any other
therapeutic action of any homeopathic remedy
to what is so far known only? If so how is it that
our Repertories have been growing to unwieldy
proportions. A ‘mind’ that was not earlier
attributed to a remedy becomes an attribute of that
remedy in the light of further clinical experience. In
one’s experience these arguments, for or against,
are only confusing and they satisfy the ego of the
‘teachers’ but do not help the homeopath much.
We will read these ‘views’ or opinions of GV,
SANKARAN and SCHOLTEN but read more
carefully and closely HAHNEMANN, HERING,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 78
wherein are contained all that are necessary for a
homeopath . This is not to mean that we should
remain shut from ideas or techniques that would
help us to prescribe and ‘really cure’ better; that our
failures become lesser and lesser. New ideas that
are and do not collide.
I have observed that after one teacher
‘expounded’ Opium with the rubric, Fear of
extravagance - I did not find corroboration of it in
the Encyclopedia or other ‘source Materia
Medicas - there were many cases reported with
‘grand successes’ with this rubric and remedy; then
came the next age Belladonna’ and lo! case after
cases; then the season of Staphysagria’,
‘Stramonium’, Hura brasiliensis, Hyoscyamus.
Honestly, let us ask ourselves whether all these are
‘genuine’ or ‘mass hysteria’.
Jan SHOLTEN asks “Why fear ideas? When
ideas are powerless and worthless they will die soon
enough. So why bother about such ideas. In the
scientific process of trial and error, they will be
sorted out.” (P.74) Right, but not before some
damage has been wrought about. The
‘Homeopathy teachers’ should beware themselves
that they do not become ‘Cult’ leaders = KSS.
XXIV. Alize TIMMERMAN on Identity and
Relationship, held in 1998 in New Zealand.
Report by Lyn SNOW and Suzanne Marlow FRIES
(SIM, XIII, 2/2000): The seminar was based on the
work of JUNG, WHITMONT, etc., on the
development of the Self, the Ego, and the totality of
the individual’s psyche. It focused on treatment of
patients with relationship problems, and particularly
with the relationship between the Self and the ego.
These patients can be difficult to treat because their
inner state may be masked by physical problems.
The presenting complaints, casetaking, and,
ultimately the selected remedy, may not reach the
core of the problem. This was illustrated by cases
whose underlying illness stemmed from a wide
variety of relationship problems, including
individuals with multiple personalities and
Materia medica at this seminar centered on
remedies from the Periodic Table of Elements.
Alize discussed the appropriateness of heavier
elements for the more solid and stable personalities.
In contrast, she also showed many cases that
revealed an “underdeveloped Self,” and in these
cases the lighter elements were often needed, such
as Aluminum, Beryllium, Lithium, the Natrums,
Carbons, Magnesiums, Nitrogens, Kalis, and Argon
and Hydrogen. She also discussed similar remedies
from animal and plant sources, with special focus
on Lac felinum, Lac leoninum, Lac humanum and
Alize converges natural sciences and social
sciences into a whole that conveys her deep
understanding of health, disease and healing.
Alize concluded her discussion of treating the
disordered self with some general principles of
1. Long-term follow-ups are necessary
2. Stimulation of personal development occurs.
3. The patient starts to live in her body again.
There can be long aggravations, as complaints
come and are felt on the physical plane,
eczema, for example. These should not be
spoiled by giving remedies in these instances.
4. The patient must have a holistic outlook.
5. Sometimes, one must begin by prescribing on
the exterior of the case, the outside state
instead of on the innermost state. The remedy
makes the patient go through the pain, and
provides the strength to go through it. Without
the vital force strengthened, the patient cannot
do the deeper work.
6. Family support is very important.
7. The patient needs to understand these things, or
else they may say, “I don’t want to go through
this,’ or “this is not working,” and drop
homeopathic treatment.
8. There is no therapy where there is not a
therapeutic relationship, so the view on the
disease depends on the relationship and rapport
between the patient and the prescriber.
To summarize Alize’s unique understanding of
disease and healing, we learned that we must
observe where it is, from a human development
perspective, that over or underdevelopment occurs
in our patient. Whenever we observe that over or
underdevelopment is on the instinctual/physical
level, in the emotional realm, the actual root of
much of the disease we see today becomes
apparent. Symptoms will show themselves as
extremes of one’s over or underdevelopment, at
specific psychological development stages, viewed
from the patient’s Embodied Self, Self Image, or
Observed Self vantage points. These vantage points
indicate just how close or far from health the patient
may be at a given point. These maladaptive
perspectives also signify the depth of pathology and
are valuable indicators for a homeopath to
understand just how much treatment will be
Four very interesting cases were offered.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 79
Case 1: A 9 year-old girl did not have a sense of
self. The girl was living very much in the Observed
Self, mimicking what other children would do, eat,
and wear. Her instinctual behaviors were out of
control, e. g. Could not control her food intake.
Alize said that ideally, development proceeds from
gaining control over needs and instincts, to the
development of intellect. This girl had a problem at
this level with the lack of control over food and
urine. Did not want responsibility or to grow up,
and behaved like a baby in one sense, yet on the
other hand she was growing breasts and pubic hair
and was inappropriate with her sexual interests.
Baryta muriaticum M given. Became violent after
a dose of the remedy. Later developed coryza that
lasted a while, and had pain in ears followed by
greenish discharge and the pain subsided. Had
more control over her instincts, was more in her real
Self and less in the Observed Self.
In these cases the higher potencies, 10M, 50M,
etc., may need to be repeated, maybe even daily. In
this case the girl was coming back into her age-
appropriate behavior.
Case 2: A 3 week-old infant was unreactive, gazing
upwards and never looking to her mother. Not
eating well, and even had trouble swallowing milk
or water. The baby had trouble coughing, became
red, and her cough sounded like a scream. The
child’s respiration was quite high and did not react
to any stimuli.
The infant was very sleepy, didn’t cry and had
a vacant look. There was a disassociation and lack
of reaction on all levels. Opium 200. After 24
hours there was no reaction, and the next day
Opium M was given. Within two or three hours
there was a reaction, and the remedy was repeated
two or three times over the next six months. The
infant developed severe constipation, Opium LM 1
was given, and the problem cleared immediately.
After three years the child was more normal, very
intelligent, with an excellent memory; a long-term
case, reacting very well. Was given Opium LM 2,
LM 3, etc. As physical symptoms came, then Opium
10M, etc., as mental/emotional symptoms and
generalities showed up.
Case 3: A 16 month-old boy was very restless and
did not want to listen or co-operate with his family
members. Most aggressive, would hit and beat his
older brother and shriek loudly. Quarrelsome. Had
eczema on his cheeks, elbows and knees. Would
not tolerate any dirtiness, and had to have his diaper
changed right away. Very allergic to milk and eggs.
Received Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum, Mercurius
and Sulphur. Pushing his will too hard and the
disposition to contradict, obstinate and strong
characters of Ferrum and his obsessive and
fastidious nature of Arsenicum together helped to
select Ferrum arsenicosum. Ferrum arsenicosum
200 helped.
Case 4: A 46 year-old woman with melanoma on
her hand and fibroids in her uterus. Very suspicious
and insecure. Had fear of death and went from
doctor to doctor in panic. Had a fear of failing and
a delusion that she was under the superhuman
control. Had been very depressed. Had an anxiety
about not being allowed to exist, and felt others
were always better and more important. Felt
something heavy and hard in the uterus.
Delusion: made of glass, cannot exist any
longer, of animals in the abdomen, divided into two
parts. Thuja 10M was given. After 9 months there
was a need to repeat the remedy.
XXV. Andre SAINE at Breitenbush, Pure
Water, Pure Food, Pure Air and Pure
Homeopathy . Report by Nicholas NOSSAMAN
(SIM, XIII, 2/2000): The course was entitled,
“Resolving Difficult Cases,” and was grounded in
basic, original and undiluted homeopathic
principles from the source, HAHNEMANN.
Dr. SAINE presented four cases.
Case 1: A year-old child with agenesis of the
corpus callosum, severe chronic diarrhea and
mental retardation with many features of autism.
Disconnected from his environment and barely
functional. After 2 doses of Aloe socotrina,
dramatic improvement resulted and the child
experienced transformation to the point of complete
functionality. The boy had begun to respond
initially to Calcarea carbonica, including
disappearance of some physical symptoms, and
some clear improvements in his overall awareness
and connection with the world. The fact that his
diarrhea became worse after the Calcarea , rather
than better, led to conclude that there was a better
remedy, even though he had responded to it.
Case 2: A 5 year-old boy with primary idiopathic
glomerulonephritis (IgA nephropathy) had
persistent gross hematuria and a prognosis for renal
failure within 10 years. A long and tortuous course
of prescribing 12 well-chosen remedies showed
only marginal success until an acute sinusitis, and
the awareness of the persistence of the symptom of
constantly licking his lips, led to the remedy which
transformed his state of health. Numerous careful
repetitions of the medicine in ascending potencies
over the next year were required in the process.
Normally functioning and energetic now, with no
sign of autoimmune disease.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 80
Case 3: A 22 year-old man with severe obsessive-
compulsive initially treated by mainstream
psychiatrists for psychosis, ultimately with Zyprexa.
With partial subsidence of his previous psychotic
symptoms, he developed severe obsessive-
compulsive symptoms, such as requiring three to
four hours to pass stool, and being unable to bathe
because of the hours of ritualistic behavior required
to accomplish it. These symptoms, along with his
continuing thought disorder, rendered him barely
functional and unable to participate in school.
Baryta carbonica included the exact symptom
of the patient. Finally and dramatically, the case
began to yield, with aggravation after each
successive dose of the medicine, followed by
incremental and ultimately remarkable improvement
to the point of virtual total subsidence of his OCD
symptoms, and his discontinuation of the
antipsychotic drug.
Case 4: A 22 year-old woman suffered with
attention deficit disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome,
severe environmental allergies and depression. Had
tremendous fear of and resistance to change,
watching the same movie or reading the same book
over and over, and showing strong resistance to all
changes in her life, including moving. Aloe
socotrina proved to be her simillimum and a series
of ascending potencies over the next year and three-
quarters helped her resolve the emotional, energetic,
allergic and mental-functioning aspects of her
The cases and their management were
impressive in many respects:
1. All of them had severe pathology, and most of
them did not show dramatic signs of yielding to
the first, or even third or seventh prescription, but
Andre persisted.
2. The cases were not solved with emphasis on
mental or emotional or “essence” features, though
they weren’t disregarded, but on matching the
striking individual symptoms of the patient
(often particular symptoms or modalities) with
those of the medicine, mostly from the original
provings as recorded by HAHNEMANN, and
sometimes those of HERING.
3. Common symptoms were not totally disregarded,
but were usually only confirmatory of the correct
prescription, at most. The striking and peculiar
symptoms, were the ones which led to the correct
Andre emphasizes the significance of acute
illness in leading to the cure of chronic illnesses.
For example, chronic cases which are defective or
one-sided can be started toward resolution by
precise prescribing in the case of emergence of an
acute illness in the patient, when it finally occurs,
and he asserted that half the time the simillimum for
the individual can be found through careful analysis
of the symptoms of the acute.
The correct remedy for the back pain symptoms
of the patient is the correct remedy for the whole
patient, 80% of the time.
Sometimes patients can have idiosyncratic
responses in that they respond better and longer to a
certain potency of the correct remedy during a long
course of treatment with the same remedy and this
happen each time this potency is started anew, even
if it is given years later. Dr. SAINE suggests giving
the same medicine in the same potency two or three
times in a 24-hour period if the patient hasn’t
responded to a single dose, and if one is convinced
it’s the correct one. Also, one can give two or three
doses of the medicine if the patient is responding
less to a series of single doses with the same
potency, including in times of more stress. In
addition, his observation has told him that patients
will often respond better to the 50M potency than to
any other when the medicine has a high degree of
similarity, and that the response will be the same
when it is given again years later. Also, if the
choice of medicine is correct, the second dose
repeated after a relapse should elicit a stronger and
longer-lasting response. If it doesn’t, it is likely to
be the wrong choice.
He emphasizes that Homeopathy is based on
laws of nature and can promote cure in situations
when nature can reverse the pathology. Functional
symptoms (such as rashes, local inflammatory
processes) should respond quickly to the correct
remedy, more structural problems (ulcerations,
biochemical abnormalities, neoplastic changes) will
be slower to change, and scarring will change little
or not at all, for example in long-term cases of
Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Fibrosis
and Scarring of joints from rheumatoid Arthritis,
In accord with HAHNEMANN’s teachings, he
avoids intentional palliative measures, such as
herbs, salves, analgesics, etc. which serve to blunt
the full expression of the vital force and thereby to
obscure the clear emergence of prescribing
He doubts the medicine is correct if it doesn’t
elicit an aggravation within a few days, although the
aggravation can be subtle and/or brief.
He says that our weakness makes us unable to
practice Homeopathy correctly and thoroughly, and
encourages us to “let Homeopathy make us strong”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 81
by practicing it correctly, through pure observation
and prescribing using the pathogenesis of the
original provings and reliable confirmed symptoms.
Andre SAINE challenges us to use the
principles which we already know from the
Organon, in a complete and comprehensive
fashion, to solve our cases much like Sherlock
Holmes, using sound conclusion based on pure
NATURE IS GENEROUS - Report by Peter
The causes of failure in homeopathic
treatment, according to Andre, are related to
deficiencies on the part of the prescriber about 70
percent of the time.
Fully 40 percent of treatment failures are cue to
inadequate casetaking.
Defective case analysis is responsible for
about 15 percent of failed cases.
10 percent of the time, the case has been taken
adequately, but the wrong remedy is chosen.
Defective tools are responsible for failures in
about 10 percent of unsuccessful cases. The tools
potentially at fault include problems with intake
forms, poor notetaking (especially a lack of
emphasis to guide prioritization of symptoms), and
unreliable or inadequate materia medica and
repertory data. Most of our books of materia medica
have been compiled from successive previous
compilations, with many mistakes and unverified
symptoms added into the data base along the way.
To avoid this obstacle, Andre emphasized returning
as much as possible to the original source.
Failure can be attributed to defective patients
in about 10 percent of failed cases. We may need
to train some of our patients to better observe and
report their condition and inner state in order to be
able to help them.
Defective diseases, as described by
HAHNEMANN, are obstacle to successful
treatment in something less than five percent of
treatment failures. Homeopathy ’s range of action
is limited to dynamic disease. Anatomical defects
which the organism cannot reverse on its own
remain outside of that range.
Also he discussed about the question of
Curability, Simple remedy, Complex remedy, a
brief note on Provings, on Posology, LIPPE and the
lessons of history, Clinical pearls etc.
Andre concluded with the following points:
1. Beware of palliation
2. The doctrine of signatures is a concept which
HAHNEMANN specifically criticized in his
essay “The Genius of the Homeopathic Art.”
The more we indulge in speculation about our
medicines, the farther we depart from strict
reliance on solid provings, the deeper we go
into error.
3. It is all allopathic, using crude doses, and
resulting at best in palliation only. When
contagious infections raged around the world in
the 19th century, the Eclectic physicians
prescribing herbal medicines were no more
effective at saving lives than their orthodox
contemporaries, while homeopathic
physicians met with impressive success.
4. Your weakness and strengths are inevitably
reflected in how you practice Homeopathy. If
you follow Nature, and you attend to the
lessons which arise from that effort, you will be
XXVI. The following Report has received by
Dr.Ramanlal P.PATEL, Kottayam.
1. Kent’s Repertory is the only unabridged
Repertory extant.
2. By reason of a later imitated edition(s), it is the
most recent and therefore contains remedies in
relation to confirmed and verified symptoms not
found elsewhere.
3. It’s construction conforms to the Hahnemannian
idea of the patient, and in the arrangement of
symptoms: from general to particular groups.
4. It follows also the Hahnemannian scheme of
working from Mind to Generalities (Para:210,
211, 212) thence to particular parts. It has also
HAHNEMANN’s groundwork for Homeopathic
case analysis according to para, 153.
5. It is self-indexed in each chapter/section.
6. Clinical symptoms, “Contradictory of the
provings, and so were rejected. Those that were
consistent with the provings I admitted it to the
repertory”, Dr.KENT.
7. It is the one and the only most reliable,
dependable, systematic and general Repertory
which has stood labourious and acid tests of
confirmation, verification and repeated
verifications by cures for nearly 100 years under
our ablest teachers and Homeopaths.
8. Beware of imitation, plagiarised, enriched,
expanded and pirated works (editions) of the
original Dr.KENT’s Repertory, 6th edition. Use
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 82
only corrected 6th edition for more success in
your practice.
Avoid EDITION(S) which has, “Additions are
made from various sources without confirmation
and verification and hence grading of remedies
are doubtful. Mathematical calculation with
marks or evaluation may go wrong.”
(Deubelius Wolfgang and Funk Elwar W.-
ACD, 3,3/1994, Germany)
9. It’s utility and style and accuracy have remained
highly prized and enduring to the profession.
10.If you feel to add the rubric(s) or the remedy(ies)
you can do so in your personal Kent’s
Repertory only after confirmation and repeated
verifications of provings by you in your practice.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 83
Issued in the interest of Homeopathy by:
Service Project under construction: Institute for the
study and research in the Repertory & Chronic
Atmajyoti Ashram Road, Baroda -7. Gujarat,
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest are given below:
1. AHZ - Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung,
Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10,
69121, HEIDELBERG, Germany.
2. BHJ - British Homeopathic Journal, 2, Powis
Place, Great Ormond Street, LONDON, WCIN
3HT, U.K.
3. DH - Documenta Homeopathica,
Herausgeben; Ludunig-Boltzmann Institute r
Homöopathie, Mariahilferstraze 110, A - 1070,
4. HH - Homeopathic Heritage, B.Jain
Publishers (Pvt.) Ltd., 1921, Chuna Mandi, Street
10th, Post Box 5775, Paharganj. NEW DELHI -
110 055.
5. HL - Homeopathic Links, Homeopathic
Research and Charities, “Dinar”, 20 Station Road,
Santa Cruz(w), MUMBAI - 400 054.
6. HT - Homeopathy Today, National Center for
Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
7. HOM - The Homeopath, Journal of the
Society of Homeopaths, 2, Artizan Road,
8. JH - Journal of Homeopathy of Northern
India, For Association for Scientific Research In
Homeopathy (ASRH), 108, Street No. 1, Mubarik
Kothi Area, Sangrur (PB) 148 001, INDIA.
9. Med GG - Medizin, Gesellschaft und
Geschichte, Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der
Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart.
10. NAMAH -
The Editor, Sri Aurobindo Society,
Pondicherry - 605 002.
11. NJH - National Journal of Homepathy, Milan
Clinic, Saraswathi Road, Santa Cruz(w), MUMBAI
- 400 054.
12. RBH - Revue Belge Homéopathie, Dr. J
Alaerts, Av., Cardinal Micara, 7, B - 1160,
13. SIM - Simillimum, The Journal of the
Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians
11231 SE Market Street, PORTLAND, OR, 97216,
14. ZKH - Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie,
Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 84
(This section contains condensations/extracts/whole of selected important articles)
(Read before I. H. A., June, 1928, Bureau of Materia Medica)
Science of today is truly wonderful. It throws light on so many things that otherwise would remain in
My neighbor had a little waif dog that looked something like a Scotch terrier. In order to ascertain its
breed a veterinarian would take some of its blood to the university for examination. He reported the result
to be 75% Scotch terrier, 12½% fox terrier and 12½% hound. Someone has evidently been examining the
blood of Pulsatilla and while they didn’t give the % of each, they found her ancestors to be Calcarea
phosphoricum, Kali phosphoricum, and Kali sulphuricum. The fourth ancestor is still an unknown quantity.
Pulsatilla shows her heritage, in fact she hasn’t vim enough to get away from it. See her standing there,
dull of mind, tearful, anxious, sad, restless, over-sensitive, aggravated by physical exertion. She is
ameliorated by motion, aggravated by touch and aggravated in the evening. These mental symptoms and
modalities we all recognize as characteristic of Pulsatilla, but do they mean Pulsatilla? There stand her
three ancestors each claming them all. Silica has many of Pulsatilla’s symptoms. Could it be possible that
he is that fourth ancestor? Here we have ten good generals, all of them characteristic of Pulsatilla and her
three ancestors. Continuing with the characteristics of Pulsatilla we find her changeable, timid, better in the
open air and when walking. These bar Calcarea phosphoricum, Pulsatilla has wandering pains, is
aggravated in a warm room and on waking in the morning, and is ameliorated in the open air. These
symptoms bar Kali phosphoricum, but Kali sulphuricum still remains steadfast. Indeed Pulsatilla
resembles her ancestor Kali sulphuricum so closely that it is easier to tell wherein they differ than wherein
they are alike.
Mild, Yielding, timid, sullen, whining, Obstinate,easily angered, timid, very irritable, cannot
peevish, irresolute. make up his mind.
Usually thirstless but sometimes she has thirst. Burning thirst,desires cold drinks though cold drinks
Then she drinks often and but little at a time as cause nausea.
it provokes an inclination to vomit.
Thirst for beer in the morning.
Desires sour things, refreshing things, herring Desires sour things but likes sweet things better.
Aversion to pork and fat things. Aversion to eggs.
Catarrhal, discharges, white, yellowish, Catarrhal discharges, yellow, bright yellow or
greenish and bland. greenish and more likely to be excoriated.
Fears ghosts in the evening and at night. Dreams of ghosts.
Absent-minded, silent mood, sits silently with Seems to be thinking of something far away.
hands folded.
Anxiety, has no rest at night from heat. Anxiety in bed in evening, during the night on
in evening after lying down. waking.
Flees from his work, shuns business, aversion Aversion to work, to business, to company.
to work, seeks consolation.
Dreads people, frets him to answer, confused, Confusion of mind in morning, in warm room,
fretful, chilly; confusion as after intoxication ameliorated in open air.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 85
or watching.
Disgusted with every-thing, tearful, easily Dullness of mind, discouraged and discontented
ith everything.
Mental labor fatigues and affects the head. Extremely excitable, mental exertion aggravates.
Aggravated by mortification, fright, vexation,
excessive joy, even by slight emotions.
Fear of ghosts at night; anguish in region of Fear at night, of death, of falling, and of people.
heart even unto desire for suicide; weary of life
thinks with pleasure of drowning.
Loathing of life, desires death, fear of death. Fear of death, frightening at trifles.
Does things hurriedly. Always in a hurry.
Impatient. Impetuous, impatient.
Hysterical laughter after meals. Hysterical and excited in the evenings.
Omits letters in writing. Misplaces words in writing.
Depressed in the morning; gloomy Low - spirited morning and evening.
Changeable, alternating moods. Changeable disposition, alternating moods.
Weeps easily. Weeps.
General aggravation morning and evening. Aggravation morning and evening but more
symptoms are worse in the morning than in the evening.
Vertigo excessive when rising from bed in the Dreadful vertigo aggravated when rising from lying
morning; when rising from a seat; when standing, sitting, looking up. Feels that he is falling.
looking up, as if he would fall; agg. sitting or
lying; amel. Walking in the open air.
ertigo as after turning in a circle with nausea. Vertigo in the evening in a warm room, after eating,
Agg. in morning and evening; amel. by talking, during headache, with nausea, must lie down. Agg.
when sitting, when stooping, when turning the sitting up, rising up, and standing. Amel. open air
eye upward.
Objects turn in a circle. Feels that he is falling
Staggers when walking Staggers.
Throbbing headache. Boiling sensation in the head.
Headache as if in a vise. Coldness in vertex.
Constrictive headache above the eyes. Constriction like a band or close-fitting cap;
Constriction of forehead.
Headache as if one eaten too much.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 86
Pains pressing, throbbing, stitching, twitching, Pains in forehead over eyes, occiput, side of head,
tearing, bursting, semi-lateral, as if in a vise; temples; pulsating, boring, burning, bursting,
drawing, agg. by warm applications. Jerking, pressing, stitching,tearing,stunning, shocks;
agg. on right side
Headache in the evening agg. from mental Pains morning on waking, evening, night; agg. from
exertion, when lying or sitting quietly or in the draft, during chill, sneezing, standing, from taking
cold; agg. on moving the eyes; agg. when Cold, coughing, after eating, when heated,in a warm
stooping. room, from a jar, during menses, after sleep, from
motion and from moving head from side to side.
Headache amel. by external pressure and Ameliorated in the open air, cold air and lying.
walking in the open air, in cool open air, by
quick hard rubbing with dry hand, and by
Congestion of blood
Like a veil before the eyes, amel. by rubbing
Transient obscuration of vision. Dim vision, foggy vision, sparks before the eyes.
Flame surrounded by starry halo. Dark colors, variegated, color, yellow halo around
the light; black floating specks, dazzling.
Dryness of eyes and lids. Inflammation of conjunctiva and lid edges swollen.
Burning itching in eyes, styes on upper lid. Dark veins; eruption about eyes on lids.
Child frequently rubs its eyes. Lachrymation, itching.
Stitches from light, lachrymation in open air. Pains, pressing, burning, tearing photophobia.
Agglutination of lids in the morning. Lids agglutinated.
Ulcer of cornea; thick white or yellow, bland Discharge yellowish, greenish.
Deafness as if ears were stopped. Ears feel stopped, pulsate.
Noises in ear, humming, tinkling, ringing. Impaired hearing. Noises in ear, buzzing, chirping
Profuse, thick, yellowish or greenish discharge. Pain, oversensitive to noise. Discharge bright yellow
or greenish, bloody, offensive.
Loss of smell. Sense of smell lost.
Thick, yellow or green, offensive discharge. Thick, yellow, offensive discharge, alternating with
watery discharge. Discharge bloody, burning,
excoriating, greenish, yellow, thick viscid.
Itching on nose, swelling, sneezing.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 87
Pain left face; amel. in the open air.
Prosopalgia; agg. in warm room in evening, Faceache; agg.in a warm room,in the evening. Amel.
lying and by heat. in the open air.
Face alternating red and pale; one cheek red,
the other pale. Yellowish.
Drawing, tearing, stitching pain along the Toothache; agg. in a warm room, in the evening.
alveolar border; agg. warm room. Amel. in the evening, on entering in the open air.
Amel. in the open air.
Dryness of throat, agg. Mornings. Dryness and constriction of throat.
Tough mucous night and morning. Mucous in throat in morning.
Stinging pains in throat agg. on swallowing. Pain on swallowing, rawness, burning; sticking.
Pulsating. Pulsating.
Thirstlessness. Burning thirst.
Usually eructations, bitter, sour after eating Eructations after eating, bitter, empty, of food, sour
cakes, water brash. water brash.
Hungry, knows not for what. Appetite increased or wanting.
Desires sour refreshing things. Desires sour things but likes sweets better; desires
cold drinks, cold food.
Sensation as if he had eaten too much. Fullness after having eaten ever so little.
Distended after eating, must undo clothing. Distention after eating.
Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen. Rumbling before stool.
Diarrhoea watery nightly, greenish yellow, Stool yellow, stringy or watery.
stringy, changeable, no two alike.
Rumbling before stool. Rumbling before stool.
Alternate hard and soft stool. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea.
Offensive, putrid flatus ameliorates many abdominal
Irritability of bladder. Frequent desire to Chronic catarrh of bladder. Urging to urinate agg. at
urinate. night.
Urine loaded with urate of ammonia. Urine albuminous.
Gonorrhoea with thick, yellow or yellow green Gonorrhoea in advanced stage, with green and
discharge. yellow discharge.
Discharge of dark blood from urethra. Haemorrhage from urethra.
Menses delayed, too late; agg. after getting Menses too soon or too late.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 88
feet wet.
Leucorrhoea, rather thick mucous, color of milk, Leucorrhoea burning, excoriating, greenish, yellow,
burning, acrid; agg. lying. purulent, thick or watery.
Hoarseness and roughness of voice. Hoarseness.
Loss of voice. Aphonia.
Whooping cough with vomiting of mucous Whooping cough with yellow slime or yellow
and food. watery expectoration.
Asthma in children after suppressed rash; Asthma agg. in warm room; amel. in open air.
asthma after suppressed menses; agg. in Wheezing in a warm room.
evening after eating.
Catching pain in the cardiac region. Pain in heart, stitching pain in heart.
Rheumatic irritation of the heart; pain shifting
rapidly from one portion of the body to the other.
Palpitation. Palpitation with anxiety of heart; tumultuous
Pain in lumbar region as sprained on motion. Pain in lumbar region during menses, while sitting,
and while walking.
Lumbago, must move yet pain has no relief.
Pain rheumatic; wandering pains, shift rapidly Pain in joints, wandering, wandering pain in limbs,
from one part to another. Amel. by walking in open air.
Red hot swelling of feet. Burning soles. Cold hands and feet.
Burning, itching of whole body, on becoming Burning of the skin,burning after scratching.Itching,
warm in bed; agg. by scratching. crawling, stinging, burning amel. by warmth of bed.
Urticaria, erysipelas, pimples, ulcers, measles. Liver spots, eczema, herpes, pimples, psoriasis,
pustules, rash like measles, scaly eruptions on moist
May have quotidian, tertian, quartan ague or Quotidian chills.
changing type.
Chills may begin at 10 a. m., 11 a. m., 4 p. m. Shaking 5 or 6 p. m. until midnight.
6 p. m. First attack may come at 3 p. m., and
a later one at 1 a. m.
Sometimes thirstless during chill and sometimes
thirst for much water as for lemonade. Chills
begin in back, hands, feet, tips, of fingers or
umbilical region. Shaking chills.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 89
(CARE AND CURE, Vol. II, 13 & 14/2001)
94% of people exposed to Hepatitis B recover,
in 1% the disease may become fulminant and may
result in death. In 5% the disease may become
chronic out of which 4% may become healthy
carriers and 1% may develop Cirrhosis of liver and
Cancer. Actually it is for fear of the patients
becoming chronic and possibility of Cancer liver
that vaccination is being propagated.
How real is the danger of Cancer liver
occurring in a patient in whom the disease has
become chronic? It is already stated that only 1%
of all people infected by Hepatitis B may develop
Cancer liver. Cancer occurs after a long period of
chronic liver disease frequently associated with
Cirrhosis. It is reported that chronic infections
resulting from maternal and neonatal transmission
present a greater risk of Cancer liver than those
acquired as adults.
It is also suggested that other independent or
co-operative factors might be implicated. In
certain parts of South Africa and in southern
province of mainland China, an association of
dietary aflatoxins and Cancer liver has been
recognized in several studies (Yeh and other in
1989 and Bosc & Munoz 1991). The carcinogenic
potential of aflatoxin B in liver cells is well known.
Excessive alcohol intake also increases the risk of
Liver Cancer in Hepatitis B patients. In addition,
preliminary data indicate that infection with the
Human Hepatitis Delta Virus, which causes
extremely severe hepatic injury and cirrhosis might
be associated with a more rapid onset of Liver
Cancer (Oliver and other 1991). Hepatitis B
infection alone or associated with co-operate factors
can be implicated in only 20% Cancer liver patients
in low endemic regions. In Japan where the
incidence of Cancer liver has been continuously
increasing, the number of cases related to Hepatitis
B remains constant. It is therefore clear that the
danger of Cancer liver occurring in Hepatitis B
patients is very small and when it occurs it may be
due to the other factors also working.
Hepatitis B vaccine is used to prevent the
disease. There are two types of vaccines available.
a) First generation, plasma derived heat
inactivated vaccine and
b) Second generation genetically engineered or
recombinant vaccine.
Presently the recombinant vaccine is widely
used. In the technology a gene from the Hepatitis B
virus could be introduced into yeast cells so that
they produced a viral protein. After purification
this viral protein could be given as vaccine.
Two strains of yeast are used for producing the
vaccine i.e. (a) Sacch aremyces cerevisine or (b)
Pichla pastoris.
Vaccines using hybrid particles and chemically
synthesized vaccines are also developed presently.
According to Merck and company the duration
of the protective effect of the vaccine in healthy is
unknown at present and the need for booster is not
identified. In fact approximately 10% of patients
who receive vaccine will fail to develop immunity
There are many side effects of Hepatitis B
vaccination. In India there is no follow up of
patients after vaccination and hence the
complications and adverse reactions are not
reported. Doctors refuse to believe that any adverse
reactions reported by the patient are due to the
vaccination itself.
Professor Bonnie DUNBAR Ph.D., a Professor
of Cellular Biology (Houston, USA) has
investigated the Hepatitis B vaccine reactions and
found that many people were affected with severe
autoimmune and neurological complications in
children and in adults serious Rashes, Joint pains,
chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus like
symptoms, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Neurological
Dr.Philip INCAO M.D., a private physician in
a testimony before Ohio house of representatives,
Columbus, Ohio, on March 1, 1999 stated that there
are many reports in international medical literature
even dating as far back as 1987 stating that
Hepatitis B vaccination is causing chronic
autoimmune and neurological diseases in children
and adults.
In 1996 alone there were 872 serious adverse
reactions in children under 14 years (NVIC, USA)
and there were 13 deaths after Hepatitis B vaccine
alone. On May 18, 1999 there was a U.S. Senate
Congressional Hearing by its Sub Committee on
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 90
Criminal Justice regarding Hepatitis B vaccine
complications like autis Sclerosis, Paralysis,
Arthritis, mental confusion and death have
occurred. Prof. Bonnie DUNBAR stated that many
of adverse reactions are similar to those of virus.
Dr.Barthelow CLASSEN, M.D. claimed a 60%
increase in Diabetes in New zealand following
massive Hepatitis B vaccination. After reviewing
81 scientific articles Dr.Buston A.WAISBREN has
tabled the neurologic and auto immune diseases
attributed to Hepatitis B vaccine.
1. Convulsions
2. Bell’s Palsy
3. Lumbar Neuropathy
4. Optic Neuritis
5. Transverse Myelitis
6. Polyneuropathy
7. Myasthenia Gravis
8. Demyelination
9. Multiple sclerosis
10. Guillian - Barre syndrome
11. Encephalitis
12. Uveitis etc.
During a testimony before the Sub committee
on Criminal Justice, drug policy and human reforms
in the U.S. House of Representatives, Ms. Patti
White, a registered nurse stated that the children
who received first trial of Hepatitis B vaccine in
1990 developed developmental disorders, learning
disabilities, attention deficit disorders and serious
chronic illnesses such as Diabetes, Asthma and
seizure disorders. As the Hepatitis B vaccination
increased, the percentage of damaged children also
increased. She also stated ‘in twenty five years of
nursing I have never seen so many damaged sick
kids’. The NVIC U S A reported that new born
infants are dying shortly after their shots. Dr.
Byron HYDE has testified before the Quebec
College of Physicians that there were many reports
of chronic fatigue syndrome after Hepatitis B
vaccination. A report was presented at the National
Rheumatology meeting in 1997, entitled ‘An
epidemic of rheumatoid arthritis caused by
Hepatitis B Vaccine’. There was an FDS (Food and
Drugs Administration, USA) list of 23,000 adverse
reactions after vaccination, mostly occurring in
adults. The symptoms included chronic Fatigue,
Neurologic disorders, Neuritis, Rheumatoid
Arthritis, Lupus like syndrome. The head of FDA
remarked that the list represents only 1/10th of the
total number of reactions.
New Zealand Medical Journal (24.5.96)
reported a 60% increase in Diabetes following
vaccination program. On 27.1.1999 NVIC
(Washington) released figures which show that the
number of Hepatitis B vaccine associated serious
adverse events and death reports in American
children under the age of 14 out-number the
reported cases of Hepatitis B disease in that age
VAERS (U.S.) reported that between July 1,
1990 and October 1998 there were 24, 775
Hepatitis B vaccine related adverse events in all age
groups, including 9,673 serious adverse events and
439 deaths.
In May 1999 during a hearing by House
Oversight Sub Committee on Federal Health Policy,
Rep. John MICA stated that he found that serious
reactions after Hepatitis B vaccination was 16 times
greater than the incidence of the disease.
Representing the Association of American
Physicians and Surgeons Dr. Orient, the Executive
Director demanded a moratorium on Hepatitis B
vaccination for school children. He stated that
children younger than 14 are three times more likely
to die or suffer adverse reactions after receiving
Hepatitis B vaccines than to catch the disease.
Dr. ORIENT also condemned the practice of
giving Hepatitis B vaccine combined with other
vaccines. He further states that using school
children as research subjects, subjecting them to
unproved medical treatment without informed
consent is in violation of the Nuremberg code and if
school administrators and government bureaucrats
were subject to that code, they could be prosecuted
as War Criminals.
U.S. federal authorities no longer advocate that
new borns receive Hepatitis B vaccine, unless they
are born to infected mothers.
In 1998 French attorneys representing 15,000
French citizens have filed a law suit against French
Government, accusing it of understanding the
vaccine risks and exaggerating the benefits for the
average person. One French physician collected
data of more than 600 people suffering from serious
reactions after vaccination.
In 1998, following a court order to pay roughly
23,000 dollars against Smith Kline Beecham,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 91
France has suspended mass Hepatitis B vaccination
four years after the mass immunization program
started. Smith Kline Beecham company produces
Hepatitis B vaccine and victim of Multiple
Sclerosis which appeared as complication of
Hepatitis B vaccination filed the suit. Another
ruling is pending against another French
pharmaceutical company for a similar complaint.
Nothing is known about the long term effects of
this vaccine as no large scale, long term controlled
studies have been conducted even in USA
A joint statement issued by U.S. Public Health
Services and the American Academy of Pediatrics,
in a joint statement on 7.7.1999 demanded that
Mercury content in Hepatitis B vaccine must be
eliminated and all new born infants should not be
vaccinated. Thimersol, a Mercury compound is
used as a preservative in Hepatitis B vaccine and
other vaccines also. It can cause brain damage.
According to recommendation of
Communicable Disease Control and Epidemiology
(CDC-USA) vaccination should be given in the
following situations:
a) Parenteral exposure of an infant born to HbsAg-
positive mother.
b) Inadvertent exposure to HbsAg-positive blood.
c) Sexual exposure to HbsAg-positive person and
d) Household exposure of an infant less than 12
months of age to a primary care giver who has
acute Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B.
Mass vaccination camps which are in vogue in
some parts of the country by some organizations are
wholly unjustified. Mass vaccinations camps
against Hepatitis B or for any communicable
disease are justified only when there is an epidemic
or a threat of outbreak of an epidemic of the
diseases. In the absence of such a situation mass
vaccination camps are thoroughly unjustified and
are being promoted for reasons other than scientific.
Nexus between individual physicians or medical
groups or voluntary organizations and equipment/
drug / vaccine manufacturers is a well known
phenomenon. In this regard Dr. ORIENT, the
Executive Director of American Association of
Physicians and Surgeons has this to say: “We
suspect financial ties between medical groups such
as American Medical Association and American
Academy of Pediatrics (APP) which endorse the
vaccine”. he pointed out the substantial donation
by Merck and Co. To A.P.P. Dr. WAISEBERON,
M.S. in his paper, “Universal Hepatitis B
vaccination - Is it a sword of Damocies hanging”
says “In view of what has been discussed, it is a
source of wonderment that members of the Center
for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC & P)
and the American Medical Association, State
Medical Societies, the Academy of Pediatrics and
many other public health agencies have endorsed
the idea that Hepatitis B vaccine should be given to
every newborn in the USA
How has this come about inspite of the fact that the
Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had
not approved of this use and that this has to be
considered “an off-label use.” An important factor
in this regard is undoubtedly the fact that market of
Hepatitis B vaccine can run into billions of dollars.
Merck, Sharpe and Dohmeis said to have sold 240
million dollars worth of this vaccine in 1992.
Imaginative and effective promotional methods
have been developed by American pharmaceutical
industry. They have hired scientists who publish
articles in prestigious journals about vaccines but
also fail to mention their dangers. They often fail to
mention authors’ connection to the manufacturers of
the vaccine. They also hire scientists who just prior
to their employment were in charge of monitoring
the safety of their vaccines. Whether the
promotional methods mentioned are ethical and
desirable will have to be decided by the profession
and perhaps the courts.
In India presently two companies Shanta
Biotech and Bharat Biotech located in Hyderabad
have been manufacturing Hepatitis B vaccine and
also promoting vaccination programs very
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 92
I. 1. Samuel HAHNEMANN Krankenjournal
D34 (1830), Transcription von Ute
Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hidelberg . S . 999.
2. Samuel HAHNEMANN Krankenjournal
D34 (1830), Kommentarband von Ute
Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg, S. 290.
Since 1991 the Robert Bosch Institute,
Stuttgart have undertaken the task of transcribing
verbatim into print one after another the 54
volumes of Case Registers of HAHNEMANN left
to posterity. The printing and publication work has
been undertaken by Karl F. Haug Verlag.
Over the past 8 years six (6) volumes, viz. D2
(1801-1802), D3 (1802), D4 (1802-1803), D5
(1803-1806), D34 (1830) and DF5 (1837-1842).
have been published. Further volumes are expected
in the coming years.
D = German
DF = German French
While HAHNEMANN kept his Case Registers
in German language as long as he lived in Germany,
he wrote them in French while in Paris. While the
German registers are published as they are, the
French Registers are published in French and
Of these we review here the D 34 (1830).
From this edition, the Case Register will also
have a Commentary Volume which is a study and
analysis of the Case Register.
The Case Registers are published as an exact
transcription of the originals in the Archives of the
Institute for the History of Medicine of the
Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart.
About the importance of the Case Registers
Richard HAEHL has said “But as to the importance
of the 54 histories of patients (written partly in great
detail but always very accurately and concisely) for
the observation of disease and for a clear perception
of individual diagnosis - only the professional man
who can practically peruse these reports will be able
to appreciate. At any rate there is here a source of
homeopathic medicinal knowledge promising rich
yield of treasure for many long years. The same
applies to the repertories which will never have
their equal in accuracy and conscientiousness of
(P. 372 of Vol. II of Richard HAEHL’s Samuel
HAHNEMANN - His Life and Work; translated
from the German by Ms. Marie L. Wheeler and Mr.
W. H. R. Grundy, reprint B. Jain Publishers, New
It is not possible for every reader to decipher
the abbreviations, signs etc., used by
HAHNEMANN; even among the German
homeopathic doctors there are not many who can.
It is therefore very necessary that we have a guide
to the Case Register. The Commentary by Dr. Ms.
FISCHBACH-SABEL is such a guide and analysis.
I have accordingly used the commentary here while
studying the Case Register, and follow this
commentary in this review.
The D34 refers to a period in
HAHNEMANN’s life - he was 75 years old then -
when he had well settled down in Koethen.
HAHNEMANN lived in Leipsic for about 10
years, and he was constantly being harassed. He
therefore sought to leave Leipsic. The Duke of
Koethen was also, like HAHNEMANN, a
Freemason. The Duke therefore gladly invited
HAHNEMANN to Koethen. In 1821
HAHNEMANN came to Koethen where he lived
until 1835.
The Case Register D 34 has 476 pages of
17cm. x 21.5cm. size pages. The notings in the
Register begin from 6 Feb. 1830 and ends on 28
August 1830. These 476 pages of 17cm. x 21.5cm.
in HAHNEAMNN’s small writing has, when
transcribed, come to 990 printed pages! Some
pages are more closely written than others. On an
average 45 lines have been written per page but in
some pages even upto 53 lines (p. 190 of the
It was during HAHNEMANN’s Koethen
period that the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Pure
Materia Medica were published. The Chronic
Diseases also which was conceived in the light of
HAHNEMANN’s observations and reflections for
20 years, written and published during this period.
Also it was in Koethen that HAHNEMANN’s
50 years Doctor Jubilee was celebrated.
HAHNEMANN hoped, after many years of
persecution, to live in peace in Koethen. However
soon after the Jubilee there was split among the
homeopaths. HAHNEMANN called those who did
not follow his teachings faithfully. as “half-
homeopaths”. The split was so complete that the
two groups held separate annual meetings.
Part III
( While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contributions and
other original ariticles. )
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 93
On 31 March 1830 HAHNEMANN’s wife
away, 65 years of age. Strangely no entry is seen in
HAHNEMANN’s Case Register about his wife’s
illness, or her treatment and death.
HAHNEMANN kept himself very busy;
besides patients who came to him, but also by
correspondence consulting him, references and
consultations by other physicians. Many applied to
him for ‘Domestic Kit’.
HAHNEMANN worked for 5 hours a day in
his clinic (according to Richard HAEHL). It is seen
from the Case Register D34 that he saw on some
days 12 to 16 patients; but on an average it was
seven patients which would work to about 45
minutes per patient. He saw patients on Sundays
His writings are very small and therefore
sometimes difficult to decipher. In many places he
has, by way of further addition to a main symptom,
written in smaller letters according to space
available and that is still more difficult to decipher.
The author of this Transcription, Dr. Ute
FISCHBACH-SABEL deserves all our gratitude for
her effort in deciphering and bringing to light this
60 Medicines have been prescribed in which
Sulphur is by far the most frequent. Following it, in
frequency are: Kali-c., Sil., Lyc., Sep., Ars., Nit-ac.,
Nit-s-d., Nat-m., Phos., and Camph. As against this
Puls., and Bell. only once Ign. 5 times, Cham. 7
times. HAHNEMANN gave in most cases Sulphur
30 immediately after the first anamnesis and waited
for sometime and observed before reaching out for
another medicine.
In all cases in D 34 he gave only the 30th
potency to be dissolved in water and taken.
In 83% he prescribed only one remedy. In
some others he gave more than one, but not mixed
together, but to be taken at specific time schedule.
He did not reveal the name of the medicine to the
patients; in some cases, he has made a notation that
he informed the family physician the name of the
medicine after sometime.
In most of the cases he has not mentioned
disease name, that is, no diagnosis in the allopathic
medicine sense. However, he mentioned terms like
Leucorroheas, Jaundice, Rheumatism, etc. without
giving any value to these or however these pointing
to the choice of any medicine.
Most of the patients complained of pains and
HAHNEMANN took details of that as also the
appetite, sleep, nausea, vomiting, body temperature,
thirst, menses. He also noted the pulse, tongue,
pupils reaction, although these did not seem to be of
primary importance for choice of remedy.
HAHNEMANN noted the name of the
remedies that occurred in his mind in the course of
writing down the anamnesis. If more than one
medicine came up he consulted The Pure Materia
Medica, The Chronic Diseases and WEBER’s
Sytematische Dartellung der antipsorichen
Arznemittel (G.A.WEBER, 1830).
When he found the similarity between the
proving symptom and the disease symptom of the
patient he noted the symptom number (in the
Materia Medica). Although 1830 was the early
days of Homeopathy, there were already quite a
few homeopathic doctors. Many of these from
Leipsic, Karlsruhe Berlin, Prague, etc. consulted
HAHNEMANN through letters. During this period
in Koethen, HAHNEMANN treated 308 patients -
143 men, 110 women and 55 children. Generally
his patients were the whole families including those
in their service and therefore the age of the patients
treated varied from 9 months to 70 years. In many
cases almost all members of a family as also their
servants were his patients.
He had patients in Koethen, as also from
distant places in Germany and from such far places
as Nepal, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, England,
Copenhagen, Poland, etc.
The patients were from different social classes.
1. The Nobles
2. Town, State Administration, Police, etc.
3. Intellectuals, Academicians.
4. Artisans.
5. Traders, Hotel keepers, etc.
6. Manual workers, Domestic servants and other
HAHNEMANN had not indicated in the
Register the fees received by him. But, from some
entries that have been made it is seen that he
charged according to the paying capacity of the
patient. It seems that according to the cost of living
in those days HAHNEMANN’s earnings were
appropriate. In respect of patients of other
physicians who consulted him, it appears that
HAHNEMANN received his fees from the
concerned physician directly.
Physicians like BAKODY, CASPARI,
RUMMELL wrote to HAHNEMANN about some
of their cases and also about their daily practice.
Some of these patients came under
HAHNEMANN’s treatment and in acute necessity
they consulted their physician; in some cases he
wrote his advice to the referring physician.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 94
When HAHNEMANN treated patients by
correspondence, he wrote down in his Register
exactly as the patient wrote to him.
Generally HAHNEMANN did not reveal to the
patient the name of the medicine he gave. In case
he was consulted by another physician he then
suggested one or two medicines.
HAHNEMANN noted the date of consultation,
and in respect of follow-up he noted the date of the
previous consultation, and the medicine given. The
consultation of the patient follows these details.
HAHNEMANN listened to the patient carefully and
wrote down with almost precision. The symptoms
of importance for remedy selection were noted with
still closer exactness. For example in the case of
“S” (p.244) he has written first “chest pains”.
Since, this pain was stitching kind he noted it again
as “chest stitches”. Further, in “much
expectoration” “much” has been struck off since the
expectoration was only normal. More specific
information relevant to the complaints, like
modalities, were obtained by interrogation and these
were entered in still smaller letters under the
relevant symptom (ref .§ 86). The right-side margin
HAHNEMANN used for specifically making a
sketch of the lesion or a face, etc., e.g. “there are
small dots which are somewhat red” and here he
makes a simple drawing of the lesion.
In the left margin he made a notation of the “N.
B.” (Nota Bene) symptoms, i.e. those that are
underlined and those which appeared after the
medicine, and these symptoms were taken into the
Chronic Diseases. This has been the practice of
HAHNEMANN with his earlier Registers too; the
“N. B.” Symptoms in his earlier Registers were
added to the Fragmenta, the Pure Materia
Medica. The exclamation mark !” symptoms in
this Journal (D 34) mean cured symptoms. Helene
VARADY who edited the D 5 Register (1803-
It is seen that unlike our present day practice of
giving a high potency and receiving after few
weeks/months, HAHNEMANN gave, in this period
(1830), the C 30 (even by olfaction) and reviewed
at quite short intervals. Evidently he expected rapid
response for the remedy. Much, much more can be
ascertained from a close study. It is not surprising
that in his practice HAHNEMANN has followed
what he has taught in his basic works.
II. Karl Julius Aegidi - Leben und Werk des
homöopathischen Arztes - Quellan und Studien
zur Homoopathie geschichte Band - 6, by Raulf
Vigourens (German). 220 pp. Karl F Haug
Verlag, Heidelberg, 89/- DEM.
Dr. Karl Julius AEGIDI (14 May 1794 - 11
Maý 1874) details how he came to be a
AEGIDI was an army Surgeon. In Spring 1820
he suffered a road accident in which his left
shoulder received a contusion; also caught a severe
chill. The blood letting, antiphlogistic measures
then in vogue were taken which relieved the most
painful symptoms; leaving a paralytic - type of
heaviness of the left arm. After some weeks he
began to suffer from severe periodic pains from
shoulder to elbow. The paralytic pain became
worser and worser and least pressure in the part was
unendurable. The limb also began to thin down,
and a swelling also developed. All the medicinal
help I took did not help and I called in some of my
colleagues. It was now nearly an year and all my
symptoms were worse. He was thought to be
suffering from Tuberculos inflammation of the
shoulder joint.
Now AEGIDI took ‘drastic’ measures -
Fontanelles, Seton, burning the shoulder joint with
white hot steel etc., and he became better, but only
for a short time. Now in the beginning of 1823 he
wrote to HAHNEMANN: The most efficient
measures and the medicines in the allopathic
medicine according to the indication have only
made the disease go deeper and my general
condition worser. The elbow is worse. I have
therefore kept aside all medicines and request you
to give me one homeopathic medicine which is the
most suitable... The affected are becoming worser
and the skin is becoming paler”.
“All information about my ailment I conveyed
received from HAHNEMANN nine powders
which set him on a true curative process. After this
personal experience , AEGIDI became a strong
proponent of Homeopathy.
Karl Julius AEGIDI was born on 14 May 1794
in East Prussia. He obtained his medical degree in
1819 in Berlin. He was practicing in Johannisburg
(East Prussia) and then in Düsseldorf in Tilsit.
Through HAHNEMANN’s recommendation he
became the Physician to the Princess Friedrich in
Düsseldorf in 1831 where he founded the first
Children’s Hospital. After leaving the service of
the Princess he continued to live in Düsseldorf and
then in 1846 went to Berlin from where he went to
Freienwalde. He passed away on 11 May 1874 in
Freienwalde. (Ref. TISCHNER, 1939).
AEGIDI was mainly responsible for bringing
about HAHNEMANN into considering the use of
“double remedies.” However, soon
HAHNEMANN retracted and stuck to the single
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 95
remedy. [AEGIDI’s experiences as also Arthur
LUTZE’s application of double remedies seem to
be the inspiration for some persons once again
strongly arguing for double remedies. To the
extent it would be favourable to their argument in
favour of application of more than one remedy at a
time , a new ‘translation’ and ‘interpretation’ of the
Organon has been made in a new book -
‘Homeopathy re-examined beyond the classical
Paradigm by Rudi VERSPOOR in resonant
collaboration with Steve DECKER’
Discussion/review of this book separately = KSS]
However, according to HAEHL, AEGIDI gave
up double remedies practice in his later life.
The book under review discusses in detail the
Life, Work and times of Dr. AEGIDI. The book is
filled with copious extracts from correspondence -
14 letters of AEGIDI to HAHNEMANN.
The book is a great contribution to the history
of Homeopathy relating to a very important and
hectic period.
A very welcome addition to the history of
- K S Srinivasan
III. Interleaves: Ruminations on Illness and
Spiritual Life by LATA MANI, distributed in
India by Goodbooks Marketing Pvt. Ltd. 76, IV
street, Abhiramapuram, chennai - 600 018,
India. 137 pages, I edition, 2001. Rs 240/-
This interesting book is the story of the author
Ms Lata MANI’s suffering a severe head injury and
her slow and steady recovery.
In 1993 while she was driving on the highway
in California, a large truck highjacked and being
driven by a young man who was being pursued by
the police, crashed into her car. Consequently Lata
suffered severe head injuries. She suffered a
closed-head injury from which she is yet to recover
fully even after eight years.
The author says that in Interleaves’ she
chronicle’s her awakening to God, the form of Devi,
the Divine Mother “who came to fetch me from the
debris in which I had crash-landed.” She expresses
her gratitude to the Divine Mother” for rescuing
me into her arms and for pouring into my
consciousness instruction in the art of living
consciously in incarnation.”
Lata MANI says that Interleaves is not a
narrative of ‘individual triumph in the face of
adversity’ but the tale of being rescued by grace and
dusted off each time.
Describing Pain’ Lata MANI says that pain is
not beyond the horizon of meaning, beyond
conceptualization. Rather it is squarely within the
world of signification. Pain throbs. Pain shreds.
Pain darts. Pain weaves shy patterns across the
length and breadth of the body. Pain stabs. Pain
pulses. Pain plummets the body into a vortex
unknown and at times fearful. Pain nags. Chronic
pain drones repetitiously, monotonously, ad
nauseum. Pain flays the surface of the skin, turning
it almost translucent with frailty. Pain makes one so
weak that the whole world is experienced through
its omnipresent filter. Pain drains everything into
its core. Pain can be as focussed as the point of a
pinhead or as dispersed as one’s consciousness and,
if suffered long enough, the pinpoint can seem to
grow and swallow one’s entire physical being. Pain
can be as hard as steel or as soft as a ripe pear. Pain
shudders. Pain shivers. Pain is depleting. Constant
pain can blunt one’s perception of the external
world even as it heightens one’s consciousness of
one’s universe - Pain can draw one inward into
deeply stilling practice of mindfulness. . . . . We
experience the truth that pain, for all its seeming
density, is no more solid than air. It is only our
resistance that makes it so . . . . Pain offers the
same potential for learning, as any other
experience.” So much about ‘pain’ on the basis of
her own experience. One who takes the trouble of
looking into the homeopathic ‘Repertory’ can well
appreciate every word of the author.
The feelings of a person chronically ill,
suffering much pain, expects understanding,
compassion from the doctor. At every visit the
doctor and the Neurologist expects her to speak of
improvement; and if no such improvement is
reported, the physician panics and urges the patient
to ‘try hard’. Lata MANI writes Visits to the MD
and Neurologist have become a tiring, often
humiliating, almost always infuriating chore. I have
felt obliged, because of their attitude, to have some
improvement to report, and have experienced grief
and fear when for the longest time I was unable to
do so. The power of the allopathic physician makes
the consequences of communication dire. Their
evaluations rank consistently higher in the eyes of
the insurance industry than that of the osteopath-
homeopath who is, infact, my primary physician.
Despite having a treatment plan for my condition,
this practitioner is considered an inessential service
by my health plan. So like many who are ill, I faced
and continued to confront, the needless additional
obstacle of managing doctors and negotiating
profit-driven insurance companies, fully aware that
either group can at any time and for any reason
perceive my continued disability as an affront to
their well being.”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 96
In her story Lata MANI, refers to her friend Ms
Happy WINNNGHAM who had been “living with
full-blown AIDS for over eight years, surviving,
learning and teaching from school room of her sick
body. Her healing is grounded in her practice of
Yoga, her surrender to God. I have never met
someone else whose entire journey through illness
has been the unfolding of her spiritual path.”
In Part II of this book rightly titled
‘Contemplations’, Lata MANI has written brief
chapters Silence, Courage, Acceptance,
Concentration, Faith, Surrender, Renunciation.
This part is the actual experience of the author. It is
full of insights.
This is a book which every Healer should read
to understand the thoughts of a chronically ill
person. Generally we read books written by
physicians but rarely one from a person who is
actually suffering.
- K S Srinivasan
IV. Homéopathie, médecine de l’individu by Dr.
Jacques BAUR, Editions Similia, 1999. 71, rue
Beanbourg - 75003, Paris. 736 pp. (French)
Dr Jacques BAUR of Lyon, France with his
more than 50 years of rich experience has now
brought out his many so far unpublished articles.
Evidently he has given us the benefit of his
learning from the Master Dr Pierre SCHMIDT.
The book opens with a ‘dedication’ to Dr
The book is divided into four major sections:
1. Doctrinal elements and history(15 chapters)
2. Homeopathic Materia Medica (7 chapters)
3 Homeopathic Techniques (10 chapters)
4. Homeopathy and Society (8 chapters)
Dr BAUR has studied deeply the Ayurvedic,
Hellenic, Arabic medicine texts, particularly with
reference to the rule of “similars”.
The first section is the longest.
In the second section beginning with the
homeopathic ‘provings’ ending with KENT’s
Repertory, Dr BAUR writes on Aconitum napellus
and Thuja, the formulation of HAHNEMANN’s
Materia Medica Pura and Chronic Diseases.
HAHNEMANN’s other works and translation of
CULLEN’s Materia Medica (1790), Essay on a
New Principle (1796), the Fragmenta de Viribus
medicamentorum (1805), the Medicine of
Experience (1805), Materia Medica Pura (1811 -
1820), the Chronic Diseases (1828 - 1830) are all
discussed in this section. These are followed by
chapters on JAHR’s Manual, ALLEN’s
Encyclopaedia, HERING’s Guiding Symptoms,
Richard HUGHES’ Cyclopaedia, CLARKE’s
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, the
Condensed Materia Medica - BOERICKE,
LIPPE’ etc., and then the different repertories -
BOENNINGHAUSEN, KENT - as well as the
‘special repertories’ - YINGLING, BERRIDGE,
etc.- upto and including the infamous incident of Dr
K C MITTAL of India stealing from Dr.Pierre
SCHMIDT his copy of KENT Repertory, the later
printing of the Final General Repertory’, by Dr
Diwan Harish CHAND; then the BARTHEL and
KLUNKER’s Synthetic Repertory, F
SCHROYEN’s Synthesis and Roger Von
ZANDVOORT’s the Complete Repertory are all
discussed in this II section thoroughly.
Section three is on the homeopathic
techniques like the case analysis, symptoms
selection, posology evolution, with a bibliography
of homeopathic periodicals.
The last section Four is on the relevance of
Homeopathy to Society, Homeopathy and
Ethology etc. And ends rightly on the promises of
Homeopathy .
A complete and very well - written book by
a senior student of Dr Pierre SCHMIDT. We
have not come across a similar work in English. It
is hoped that someone would translate this into
English, since in its present form it is limited to
French-knowing people.
- K S Srinivasan
V. The Pleasantries of the Incredible Mulla
Nasrudin by Idries Shah. Drawings by Richard
Williams and Errol Le Cain Publishers -
Penguin books 1968 ; price Rs.150/-.
This book is a collection of tales depicting
various aspects of Sufi wisdom according to the
central character of these stories going by the name
of Mulla Nasrudin. Nasrudin appears to be a
character like Omar Khayyam whose appeal is
universal and timeless, because of the truths that he
illustrates. Nasrudin appears to have been a real
historical figure who even as a boy had the strange
power of keeping his school fellow’s attention upon
his stories, the result being their academic work
suffered. The school teacher however was himself
a sage, though he could not prevent Nasrudin’s
magnetism working on his classmates, he managed
to modify it. In this century (1968) the author in his
introduction has mentioned that the United States,
the Soviet Union and Communist China were
equally involved with Nasrudin if with nothing else.
The Chinese published in English and Chinese
a folk lore book having the stories about Mulla
Nasrudin. The Russians made a film about him.
And the Americans used Mulla Tales to illustrate
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 97
scientific phenomena which could not be put in the
limitations of ordinary technical terms. Over the
course of years since 1968 I have read this book
many times; On occasions I have wondered whether
the Mulla was a madman, a fool, a wag of extra-
ordinary humor, a sage or some ancient Don
Quixote who astride his donkey is seen to poke fun
at the foibles and frailties of mankind. Each story is
a lesson in itself. Sometimes I have held my head
with both hands telling myself “now, what does the
Mulla mean? Is it simple as it appears or is it less
confusing than what it is?”
Some stories you just cannot understand, and
some stories reveal more than one meaning, at times
even three meanings can be discerned. There are
times when like a Zen koan, the reader’s mind
comes to a full stop. He waits for the enlightenment
of the answers which usually eludes him. But the
purpose has been served. The transient stopping of
the mind is like a transient Sartori.
The Mulla spares no body, neither himself, nor
his donkey, nor his wife nor his friends, tavern
keepers, fellow philosophers, lords of the land and
even kings. Perhaps he even does not spare Allah,
because I have a sneaking suspicion that ‘Allah’
must be enjoying the Mulla’s stories the most.
Naturally it was Allah who created Mulla Nasrudin,
part fictional part real when He saw we human
beings becoming too serious and making a mess of
our individual lives and of the world.
There are 218 such stories in this book with
black and white drawings by the artists Richard
Williams and Errol Le Cain, the drawing
themselves are pretty funny in their own way. I
would suggest to my homeopathic friends that if
you get tired ,disillusioned, sad or angry after
seeing your patients please take a Mulla Nasrudin’s
book, open it at any page, read the stories and come
out at least refreshed and laughing.
Idris Shah has collected these stories from the
works of Sufi masters, Rumi, Jami and Attar plus
stories from Persian, Afghan, Turkish and Arabian
cultures. For its price the book is worth its weight in
gold. To end my review there is a small story
depicted on the page 56 of this book,
titled “Congratulations”. It runs like this-
“Congratulate me”, shouted Nasrudin to a
neighbour. “I am a father”.
“Congratulations” said the neighbour, “is it a boy or
a girl?”
“Yes, But how did you know?”
-D E Mistry
1. Congress of Homeopaths on Exploring
New Dimensions of HOMeOPATHY through
Raja Yoga Meditation, September 7th to 11th,
2001 at Shantivan, Abu Road - 307510.
Organised and Hosted by Medical wing of
RajaYoga Education and Research Foundation, J.
Watumull Global Hospital and Research Centre,
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa
Vidyalaya. As a special tribute to Homeopathy, at
this congress, there are no registration charges, and
lodging and boarding to the participants also will be
provided at no cost on the premises of the
2. Homeopathic Research and Charities
presents BOMBAY SEMINAR 2002
HOSPITAL, MUMBAI - 400 020. Fees: for
Doctors Rs.1000/- until September 30, 2001.
Rs.1200/- from October 1, 2001. For students
and Interns Rs.750/- until September 30, 2001.
Rs. 1000/- from October 1, 2001. Students must
produce copies of their I.D. Cards. Spot
Registration Rs.1300/-. For other Details
contact: Homeopathic Research & Charities,
201, Dinar, 20 Station Road, Santacruz (West),
Mumbai - 400 054.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 98
2. QHD,
VOL. XVIII, 3 & 4, 2001
Part I.- Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are -given at the end..
1. Homoeopathy and the Principles
CREASY Sheilagh (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
In this brief article the author has mentioned all the Principles of Homoeopathy with reference to the
Aphorisms of Organon.
Further he mention that “The legacy of HAHNEMANN, his Philosophy, needs to be studied. It is as
applicable in the new millennium as it was during HAHNEMANN’s time.
These Principles were known by all the famous homoeopaths of the past, BOENNINGHAUSEN,
every modern homoeopath. They give us direction in practice.
Without the philosophy, many a practitioner is bewildered, and hurriedly treats symptomatically, to the
detriment of the whole patient and causing confusion in the case. What does the average homoeopath,
untrained in the philosophy, make of all this? Is it too much to comprehend and apply? Have we reached
the point where too few minds can grasp the basics of Homoeopathy in practice? Is it too much to
understand that practitioner must adapt according to the individual case?
2. Why Mental Symptoms?
CROCE A J (HT, 20, 1/2000)
The author gives in detail the need of the mental symptoms in treating every patient with abundant
quotes from Samuel HAHNEMANN’s Organon, Rajan SANKARAN’s The Spirit of Homoeopathy,
George VITHOULKAS’s The Science of Homoeopathy and Homoeopathy: Medicine of the New Man.
The mind and emotions occupy the dynamic level of the person and are first to respond, however
subtly, to the changes occurring within it; the physical body will show the results of this process only later
and in a weaker and less characteristic way. The mental state, therefore, is the one which soonest and most
clearly reveals the nature of the person both in health and disease.
Moreover, as the deepest level of the person, the mental state is the key to deep healing throughout the
person. It is common that patients come for relief from physical complaints without either noticing their
mental and emotional problems or expecting that these can be relieved as well. This kind of healing can
happen only when the remedy resonates with the mental level as well as the physical; it comes from the
homoeopath’s “prying” into the mental characteristics of the patient.
3. The Miasm of Modern Homoeopathy in the United States
ULLMAN J R and ULLMAN Robert (HT, 20, 1/2000)
The authors has presented the evolution of homoeopathy in relation to the miasm.
HAHNEMANN fervently believed that the methods of medicine used by his contemporaries were far
too extreme to result in real benefit to patients. He expressed an urgent need to find a better way before
innocent people were vomited, purged, leeched and lanced, drained of their bodily fluids in a vain attempt
at purification and rescuing poor souls from impending death. Homoeopathy at this time was in a syphilitic
state: a revolutionary and desperate departure from conventional medical thinking, meant to bring a drastic
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 99
change in medical practices before it was too late.This is the state of the syphilitic medicines, such as
Aurum and Mercurius, in which people must do or die, performing drastic acts in order to avert the utter
destruction of themselves and those around then or to atone for their failure to do so.
As homoeopathy found converts and adherents among HAHNEMANN’s students and contemporaries,
and success with patients, the movement spread beyond its native Germany to other countries in Eurpoe,
including France and Great Britain. It then travelled even farther, to the Americas, and even as far as India,
by the time of HAHNEMANN’s death. This was the tubercular phase of homoeopathy.
The tubercular miasm denotes discontent with present circumstances, the desire and hope for change,
and the desire to travel to a better place, to greener pastures. Medicines such as Tuberculinum, Silicea and
Phosphorus are among the many in this group. In the Phosphorus compounds there is also a strong
tendency to sympathy for others and s desire to love and be loved. In its tubercular phase, homoeopathy
went places and reached out in sympathy to the suffering millions in the world. Homoeopathic hospitals
and dispensaries were developed, many of them charitable.
By the early twentieth century, though, Homoeopathy’s heyday had passed and it began to decline and
nearly disappear as “scientific medicine,” drug-based, and still, at times barbaric, became the standard.
Homoeopathic medical schools, clinics and hospitals closed their doors. Homoeopaths were unable to
obtain medical licences and were refused membership in medical societies. Homoeopathy went virtually
underground, kept alive by a handful of dedicated practitioners who could not bear to let it die and a lay
movement of those few among the public who knew its true value. Homoepathy had entered its sycotic
phase, no longer growing, hiding it face from public view, treated with scorn by mainstream medicine due
to its perceived inability to compete with scientific and technological medicine such as wonder drugs,
imaging techniques, and more advanced forms of surgery.
In this sycotic, characterized by the “fixed ideas” of sycosis, represented by medicines such as Thuja,
Natrum sulphuricum and the gonorrheal nosode, Medorrhinum, homoeopathy was largely stagnant.
In the modern period of homoeopathy, there is resurgence of interest and practice in homoeopathy in
the last twenty-five years or so. Homoeopathy Today, Simillimum, the New England Journal of
Homoeopathy, and most other modern journals come from this period.
What, then, is the miasm of today’s homoeopathy? We believe it is psora: the itch that needs to be
scratched, with the hope that the irritation will go away eventually if you keep at it long enough with enough
determination. What is the disease of meodern homoeopathy? It lies somewhere in the lessonsof Psorinum
and Sulphur, between poverty conciousness and lack of ambition, between despair and egotism.
4. Waiting Before Prescribing: How Long?
TAYLOR Will (HT, 20, 3/2000)
A good article that should be read by every classical practitioner. The author answers for the issue of
long-term waiting after giving a homoeopathic remedy - by giving suitable quotes from KENT’s Lecture
on the Second Prescription.” Also recommends to read KENT’s chapter on Helleborus in his Lectures
on Materia Medica. Gives a small account of Doc STRONG, an OB/GYNs who showed the “Powers of
labor,” by waiting. Concludes by giving one of the quotes from KENT, “I presume that most of good
prescribers will say: We have often acted too soon, but never waited too long.” “The knowledge is there to
be had.
These same issues apply to decisions to change dosing frequency and potency, and to change remedies
in the course of treatment, as the patient gradually responds over time.
5. Homoeopathy: Art or Science?
PITT Richard (AH, 6/2000)
The author has enlightened briefly about the homoeopathic Case analysis with relevance to art and
science. There is always some tension between the two equally important position of scientific objectivity
and artistic subjectivity. The fact that homoeopathy accepts the subjective experience of both the patient
and homoeopath is already a more evolved position than the insistence of medicine to reduce the disease
process to objective classification, making both patient and doctor subordinate to the protocol of disease
diagnosis. It is interesting to see how the contrast between objective methodology - based on provings,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 100
clear signs and symptoms of disease, and characteristic mental, general and keynote symptoms - is being
played out with the more subjective aspects of interpretation and anlysis in homoeopathic prescribing today.
These two positions are not predominate too much then homoeopathic practice becomes routine and
unimaginative or too imaginative and fanciful, with a tendency to project into the case things which simply
do not exist.
6. Die Homöopathie in 21 Jahrhundert (Homoeopathy in the 21st Century)
SPINEDI, D. (ZKH, 44, 5&6/2000)
Homoeopathy in the 21st Century is the Homoeopathy of HAHNEMANN and KENT.
The Mainstream Medicine is critisized now by its own Practitioners, of serious adverse effects. That
the mechanistic methodology does not succeed is very well seen in the Cancer treatment. Aphorism 9 of the
Organon is relevant. The ‘magnet dynamical, field energy’ of the modern physics agrees so well with
HAHNEMANN’s ‘Dynamis’.
In his Introduction to the Organon Emil SCHLEGAL wrote in 1925, that KENT was the closest
follower of HAHNEMANN. KENT gave a complete base for therapeutics: his Materia Medica Lecture,
Lectures on Philosophy and his Repertory.
KÜNZLI said that HAHNEMANN was perfectly logical, clear, coherent; there is no place for one’s
own opinions or interpretations. Everything which later KENT formulated so well had already been
formulated in HAHNEMANN’s writings. When one accepts Homoeopathy, one automatically accepts what
HAHNEMANN has taught and then their is no discussion whether KENThas been accepted or not. The
critics of KENT have not read him well just as those who criticise HAHNEMANN have not read the
If the many controversies, explanations, splits within homoeopathy are considered and analysed, it is
easily seen, there are many mistakes because the original sources have not been well understood and the
historical dimensions within homoeopathy and one’s own fantasies have been added to the pure teachings.
The sources have often not been well understood because of incorrect transalations and the twisting of
the sense.
HAHNEMANN was the exalted, while KENT influenced and further spread homoeopathy and refined
it. Pierre SCHMIDT spread this through the entire Europe and for many years further spread it along with
We should read and understand well the Organon and Chronic Diseases. The Chronic Diseases is a
prophetic work which is Centuries ahead and therefore misunderstood. The Vol I (Theoretical Part) of the
‘Chronic Diseases’ must be repeatedly and carefully read.HAHENMANN has given clear instructions with
regard to the size of the globule and also the method of preparation of the Q potency. Many manufacturers
do not follow this.
We are grateful to J. SCHMIDT for publishing a ‘text critical’ of the 6th edition of the Organon which
gives the connections made by HAHNEMANN.
KÜNZLI has in his decades of experience observed that most of the long continued treatment of
Chronic Diseases are better with the C potencies. The Q potencies act mildly and at the same time
effectively onlt if they are prepared exactly according to HAHNEMANN’s directions in the Organon 6.
Unfortunately because of the different methods of administration of the remedy in Q potency there are
chances of overdosage which may be fatal especially in Cancers.
In KENT’s Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophythe pure teaching is mixed with Swedenborgian
Philosophy. Thus came the maxim “The Mind is the Key to the Man” and which caused many
homoeopaths to place the Mind and Emotional Symptoms is the first place in the evaluation of symptoms
which in many cases led to fatal results.
In the daily practice we do the mistake of this grading. While the mental symptoms are important, they
are only in second place in the valuation of symptoms.
KÜNZLI explains this with regard to the value of the Mind symptoms a wrong idea has ben spread.
Many consider the mental symptoms as the most significant, while HAHNEMANN designates the peculiar
symptoms as the most significant but the mental symptoms often tip the scale.
While discussing mainly mental diseases in the Aphorism 210 HAHNEMANN impresses in Aphorism
211 that the mental state most often tips the scales in the selection of the homoeopathic remedy. Read
carefully ‘tips the scales’. In one case where the choice is between Sulphur and Nux vomica the mental and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 101
emotional are so different between these remedies and it is then that the mental state ‘tips the scales’
decidedly in favor of one of these remedies.
KÜNZLI stresses again that the mental state do not claim to be absolutely of the highest rank. If the
mental symptoms are taken as of the highest importance.
7. Is there any role of miasms and Vital Force in Homoeopathy?
MANN A S (JH, 4, 3/2000)
The article gives the meaning of miasms from Parr’s Medical Dictionary, London and what exactly
Hahnemann meant by the word miasm. Also the author stresses that “ We should accept and include in our
Organon the ‘Susceptibility and Immunity’ terms, the bacteria/virus effects the person, who is susceptible,
there is no need to say it is the dent/weakness in the ‘Vital Force’ e. g. if 10 persons are exposed to cold,
only those will be effected whose Vital Force is weak, no, not at all only there will be effected who are
susceptible, why we, homoeopaths take unscientific when Hahnemann himself has no such meaning of
8. Art of Case Taking
The author pondered over a few points on how to take a case and has shown the mistake of homoepaths
in interpreting the patients symptoms by giving two by illustrating two cases.
1. The Study of the Materia Medica
SCHEPPER Luc de (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
The aim of the author in writing this article is to support both beginning and more advanced
homoeopathic practitioners, by presenting a method of learning and retaining the maximum information
about a remedy in order to find the simillimum for our patients. Undoubtedly more than one useful method
exists. The author surveyed several approaches and then proposed a model that any practitioner can follow
with success.
1. Provings
2. Keynotes
3. Hierarchy
4. Delusions and the most important mental/emotional symptoms
5. Reading the Materia Medica of the Human Mind
The author says that “After any beginning or advanced practitioner has determined the top two remedies,
it is useful exercise to read books such as The Materia Medica of the Human Mind by Dr. M. L.
Agarwal and New Comprehensive Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Mind by Dr. M. L.
6. Classification according to the Periodic Table and Plant or Animal Families
7. Reading Materia Medicas
The author warned the reader that a materia medica is not as easy as to read as a novel. There are,
however, some exceptions that the author would heartily recommend. Some materia medicas are so well
written in a humorous or literary style that they are a joy to read. Some are books about different clinical
acute situations or in-depth studies of a remedy, but the bottom line is that they are light” reading on
vacation or in the evening, relaxing yet very educational.
His favorite ones are:
1. Homoeopathic Drug Pictures by Margaret TYLER. Very light, wonderful reading by a great English
physician who constantly refers to herself in the third person as “one: who made such or such a clinical
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 102
2. The Magic of the Minimum Dose, two volumes by Dorothy SHEPHERD. Another great English
homoeopath who delights us with her acute cases.
3. Portraits of homoeopathic Medicines by Catherine COULTER. Three volumes, certainly a great
literary achievement.
4. The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician by Constantine HERING.
5. Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. CLARKE. Three volumes, edifying by his interjection
of clinical examples.
The author concludes by saying that “You must breathe and live homoeopathy while you see our
wonderful remedies in books, films, your cats, dogs, friends, neighbors... and hopefully in yourself”.
2. Arnica monata: Its Unknown Role in Diabetes Mellitus
MITRA Somnath (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
In the first place the author gives the habitat, botanical features with the family name, synonymus of
Arnica montana and the parts used in medicinal preparation and its constituents.
The author accidentally finds its use in Diabetes mellitus.
68 year-old man had left-sided hemiplegia following a cerebro-vascular accident which occurred 2
years ago. Recovered but had slurring speech, deteriorating vision due to diabetic retinopathy and some
aches and pains due to arthritic changes in different parts of the body. Suffering from Diabetes since 11
years. Arnica monata M was given based on the causation. Improved in all aspects. Blood sugar profile -
post-prandial prior to taking Arnica was around 300 mg/dl but his recent one showed 198 mg/dl. Arnica
was given in 10M, 50M, and CM potency in infrequent intervals. In the subsequent year, following up at
monthly intervals, the fasting and post-prandial blood sugar levels have come down almost to normal levels,
remaining around 90 mg/dl and 140 mg/dl respectively.
The author gives his explanation for Arnica’s effectiveness in septic and putrid conditions and its
prophylactic of pus infection. It is by reducing transient blood sugar levels, and thereby depressing sugar
metabolism in infections, that Arnica inulin content helps so profoundly in septic conditions. Moreover he
says that diabetes mellitus is from destruction of the cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas due to
injury from a host of biological and chemical agents.
3. Materia Medica in Verse: Plumbum
CHATROUX S. S. (HT, 20, 1/2000)
The nature of the Plumbum personality, the pathologies and the sexual sphere has been given
beautifully in the form of verse.
4. The “essence” of a Remedy
TAYLOR Will (HT, 20, 1/2000)
In this brief article the author answers to the question - Is essence” of a remedy a useful way to
understand materia medica? There is a terrible misdirection in contemporary homoeopathic education that
tries to educate us on materia medica using “essences.” This is like teaching that cute women with short
blond hair and nice smiles are Meg RYAN. We will end up giving a lot of remedies that we’re familiar
with, or that we’ve just learned about at a seminar, while being diverted from looking deeply at the truly
characterizing features of a case and the corresponding characterizing features of a remedy.
The way to begin to appreciate the “essence” of a remedy is through systematic and comparative study.
Then we begin to recognize the fine points, and we begin to appreciate the difference, for example, between
the bearing down pains of Sepia and Lilium tigrinum; between the spot-pains of Spigelia and Kali-
bichromicum; etc.
The author gives an excerpt on “essences” from the introductory lecture in FARRINGTON’s Clinical
Materia Medica, a transcribed collection of lectures given at the Hahnemann Medical College in the
1870s saying that it might be productive if he shares it here.
5. The Undiscovered Country
HERSHOFF Asa (HT, 20, 1/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 103
A brief article which discusses about - “Is there any need for homoeopaths to know about the
relationships between the individual plant (or animal) species, and the overall meanings inherent in natural
groupings of species families, orders and superorders beyond them. Also gives the pitfalls of this new road
of discovery and how to overcome this pitfalls.
6. Materia Medica in Verse: Pulsatilla
CHATROUX S S, MONROE A L (HT, 20, 2/2000)
The mental state, food desires and the female symptoms are given in verse.
7. HAHNEMANN and The Early Provings
ELLITHORP Christopher (AH, 6/2000)
In this brief article, the author gives precise details about those who antedate HAHNEMANN with
provings upon the healthy. Further gives the exact details about the publication of HAHNEMANN’s
articles and books with regards to provings. The medicine in HAHNEMANN’s first record of provings
‘Fragmenta di viribus Medicamentorum Positivus’ are listed out. The number of remedies published in
Materia Medica Pura and The Chronic Diseases are also given.
In all HAHNEMANN proved over 90 medicines - 110 are attributed to him by HAEHL, a dozen more
carried out under his supervision. He was assisted by his family, students, and his disciples who formed the
Group of Collaborators for The Proving of Drugs. Of this group of provers, 37 in all including his son
FRIEDERICH, the most notable were FRANZ, GROSS, HARTMANN and STAPF, who alone proved 32
medicines upon himself.
A very detailed account of the early proving procedures can be found in HARTMAN’s accounts in
HAEHL’s Life of Hahnemann.
8. Sanicula aqua
SEHGAL M L (JH, 4, 3/2000)
The author has presented the important mind rubrics of the remedy with brief explaination for each of
9. Medicines for Children on Mind Symptoms
MANN A S (JH, 4, 3/2000)
The author has elicited the characteristic mind symptoms of some important remedies which will help
the practitioners to differentiate and select the indicated remedy.
10. Magnesium
SAINI (JH, 4, 3/2000)
The common traits/concepts of magnesium like Aggression, Pessimism, fear of loss of relations,
uncertain within relationship excluded pain are explained in detail with reference to their development.
Prominent rubrics of the remedy is also depicted and difference with Ammonium and Natrums are given.
11. Calcarea carbonicum
AMRIT Geetha (JH, 4, 3/2000)
Important mental rubrics which depict the character of a Calcarea personality are given. Difference
from Bryonia alba with a case report are given.
12. Bellis perennis
TARKAS P I & KULKARNI Ajit (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 104
Its action on the tissues, important paticulars where it acts and its effectiveness in injuries and briab fag
have been discussed.
1. Anger Like an Exploding Volcano
SHARFSTEIN Catherine (SIM, XIII, 3/2000)
A 40 year-old female, suffered spells of anger, apathy, and addiction to smoking; constipation and
painful menses. Slender, tall, neat. Pale face, swelling under the eyes, the swelling under the right eye was
larger than under left eye. Some vertical wrinkles above the nose, and above, some horizontal wrinkles.
Tongue had a deep crack at the tip; a wide tongue, with white discharge at the end. Ridged nails with some
horizontal white lines. Seemed sad. Somewhat masculine-looking.
Anger about little things; tired; does not want to do anything; cannot stop smoking. Cystitis with desire
to urinate every second, painful burning at the end of urination, chills, everything hurts.
Likes to be by water, heat aggravates, likes to look at fire, smoking ameliorates, desires coffee, herring.
Fastidious. Has a bowel movement only after coffee and a cigarette. Likes to keep all doors open, needs
more air, keep the doors of closet open to air them out. Desires wine. Likes to read, cold drinks. Averse to
Difficulty falling asleep. Wakes up several times. Dreams of being choked, not enough air, falling and
Fear that something will happen to husband/family. No sexual desire. Religious.
Her desire for wine; kidney complaints in general; dreams of falling; delusion, she will be choked;
anger at trifles all lead to the remedy Cantharis. Cantharis was given in LM 1, LM 2, LM 3 followed by
repeated doses of Cantharis 30 for about 3 months which produced some aggravation and hence the same
was given in water, then Cantharis 200, few doses improved greatly.
2. A Case of Zincum metallicum
POPEN A Y (SIM, XIII, 3/2000)
A 49 year-old female, had convulsions which started after a fall at the age of 20 years during her last
pregnancy. Blood pressure became high. Allopathic medication for high blood pressure suppressed her
menstrual cycle; the blood pressure is high all the time, and uncontrollable. Whole body starts to jerk
during convulsions and she has to lie down. Chiropractic treatment helped with the convulsions. Then
started developing panic attacks, felt afraid to be alone. Allergic to propane gas. Developed brownish
spots on whites of eyes after being poisoned by propane gas.
Based on the rubrics Convulsions from spinal injuries”, ailments from suppressed discharges”, and
“Delusions; he is intoxicated from coal gas” Zincum metallicum was selected and it was given in LM 1 for
about 2 months, cured.
3. Acute Episode /Chronic State
OWEN Jonice (SIM, XIII, 3/2000)
An Aikido student had inflammation of the left eyelid. He gets this every three months or so, usually in
his left eye. Wakes up at 4 a. m. with the complaint. Eyelids feels sore, better by warm applications.
Subsides by about 2 p. m. the same day. There was no pus or suppurative material around his eye.
BOENINGHAUSEN’s Characteristic Materia Medica and Repertory and BOGER’s Synoptic Key to
Materia Medica helped in clinching the remedy. Staphysagria 200 every 15 minutes for the first 1 hour
followed by a dose at 2 hour interval until better. Felt remarkably better by 8.30 a. m. 3 photographs of the
patient which demonstrates the remarkable improvement in the condition of the patient is also presented.
The author concludes by saying that treating the acute, sudden, self-resolving painful situation is
worthwhile and reasonable. The individual is made more comfortable; their immune system is strengthened
by aiding, speeding and supporting the individual’s response and many more serious situation can be
circumvented. However, the chronic constitutional characteristics of an individual’s health picture may
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 105
very likely become more pronounced or clear following the resolution of the surge of activity of the immune
system, the acute, sudden, self-resolving painful situation.
4. Seizure Disorders
The author has given a brief introduction as to, how to handle epilepsy and has listed a questionnaire
for epileptic patients; which will be very helpful for every practitioner.
Three cases of epilepsy are presented where the remedy selection is based on the peculiar symptoms.
In all three cases a single remedy with a Nosode as needed cured the condition.
Case 1: A 37 year-old man, had seizure during sleep. His wife noticed him in a state of unconsciousness,
frothing at the mouth, etc. Dull, uncommunicative, stubborn and unrelenting. Convulsions first starts in the
hands or the feet, thumb would be tightly clenched. Aura is always trembling of legs and little later
trembling of abdominal muscles.
Repeated doses of Cuprum metallicum 200 for a period of years followed by few doses of M
Case 2: A 2 year-old boy was diagnosed to have epileptic seizures, and was prescribed Dilantin and
Gardinal. During fits, became unconscious and eyes rolled down. Had an extreme intolerance of milk since
childhood. Repeated doses of Aethusa cynapium 200, M, 10M at regular intervals stopped the convulsions.
Parents took a bold decision of stopping allopathic medication inspite of the neurologist’s advice and the
boy is well even after stopping.
Case 3: A 31 year-old female, with seizure which occurred once a month or once in 45 days. Had an aura
of rushing of blood to the head before the actual attack. She would lie down and on waking after the attack
would have headache, on the side not lain on. 5 -6 doses of Calcarea arsenicosum 200, with Tuberculinum
bovinum 200 as an intercurrent followed by Calcarea arsenicosum M relieved. Finally, she was off all
allopathic drugs except for Tegretol 100mg/day.
5. A Case of Life-Threatening Hydrothorax
CHAN Isaac (SIM, XIII, 3/2000)
A 43 year-old female, suffered from a chronic persistent cough, which was misdiagnosed and treated as
allergic bronchitis instead of treating Carcinoma lungs. As she was afraid of the sufferings and side-effects
of Chemotherapy decided on taking homoeopathic drugs. After three consultations stopped taking
homoeopathic treatment and underwent Chemotherapy. This abrupt decision was made as she did not find
the homoeopathic treatment acting quickly enough and was afraid that Homeopathy would not stop Cancer
from spreading.
After Chemotherapy, she developed fluid in both pleural cavities, causing severe dyspnoea and
increased cough. Deteriorated rapidly. Not responding to any of the conventional treatments hence
homoeopathic help was sought for again. Breathing was so accelerated, had great difficulty to talk, eat or
drink. Hard breathing with profuse perspiration. Coughed violently, spat out copious amounts of frothy
white mucus. Percussion revealed marked dullness. Auscultation revealed marked coarse rales and absence
of vocal fremitus. On analysis Sulphur 200 was given. An amelioration lasting no longer than three
minutes. Within 30 minutes 10 doses of Sulphur 200 was given without improvement. With no hope a few
grains of powdered Sulphur 200 was put into a glass of warm water and advised to sip the medicated water
every one to two minutes. Surprisingly she improved after taking the medicated water every two hours.
Hydrothorax cleared within three days after taking the remedy.
As she is not convinced that the homoeopathic medicine could cure her cancer she went to a Chinese
herbalist and also underwent chemotherapy again and died after two weeks of chemotherapy.
From treating the above patient, the author learned the important lesson that, in order to allow
recuperation to take place rapidly and smoothly, the remedy must be repeated frequently, at a rate such that
each dose of remedy is given well before the effect of the previous dose is finished, especially during acute
and crisis situations.
Following this the author has given detailed description of :
1. The Rapid Dose technique and improved versions of the techniques
a. Rapid Dose
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 106
b. Ascending Rapid Dose
c. Cyclic Ascending Rapid Dose
2. Validity
a. Frequency of doses
b. Potency and method of remedy preparation
3. Effectiveness
a. What is proper diagnosis?
b. How to determine the correct remedy?
c. Retrogression of reduced symptoms.
4. Safety
a. Aggravation
b. General rules.
5. Repeatability
6. A Case of Facial Paralysis
CREASY Sheilagh (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
A 54 year-old female had left-sided paralysis, started after viral influenza four years ago. Facial
numbness agg. with change of temperature, wind and stress. Continual weakness in the left cervical region
extending down the left arm; both shoulders remained very stiff. Her sister, husband and father died in the
one year. Bladder incontinence. Suffered from depression at certain times. Anxious, a fighter, can
confront and hold her own, yet is weighed down with worries, grief and carefulness. Causticum from LM 1
to LM 7 relieved. After 3 years, had depression, hairfall and a weakness with trembling. In the meantime,
she self-treated depression with St. John wort; without relief. The concomitance “weakness with trembling”
is taken as elimination and Carbo vegetabilis LM 1, 2 helped greatly.
The Complementary of Carbo vegetabilis is shown in the form of a chart.
7. Acute versus Chronics
CREASY Sheilagh (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
This brief article deals with
1. What an acute and chronic disease is
2. Acute exacerbations of a chronic illness
3. How to differentiate between the acute states which takes precedence over the chronic
4. Certain essential distinction that should be made to succeed in homoeopathy. Whether the state or
condition presenting is:
a. Mechanical (e. g. From dental treatment) or trauma,
b. An acute miasm as infectious, contagious disease as in influenza, measles, chicken pox
c. An acute exacerbation of a chronic illness,
d. A curative exteriorization, which should not be interfered with unless very troublesome
e. A symptom pattern which belongs to the chronic state, that we may mistake for acute, or
f. An iatrogenic illness caused by drugs or symptomatic homoeopathic complicating the natural disease.
Above all, we must know the philosophy of homoeopathy. It was most definitely understood by the
Philadelphia’s, FARRINGTON, KENT, BOGER, LIPPE, HERING, NASH and ALLEN, and later on by
CLARKE, BOERICKE and PULFORD. These great homoeopaths understood the intricacies of both acute
and chronic diseases, and the relationships of one to the other.
8. Clinical Observations
LIPPE Adolph (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
The full case, with LIPPE’s comments, was first printed in the journal The Organon, Volume I, 1878.
Later a shortened version was published was published by NASH in his Testimony of the Clinic. Editor
have included this case for its instructive value on one of the most common areas of difficulty in case
management: evaluation after the correct remedy has been given. In the given case, LIPPE, who was one of
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 107
our greatest prescribers, makes a very common error in evaluation followed by wrong prescription. His
detailed commentary is most valuable, particularly regarding the little mentioned issue of “critical days.”
9. Three Cases of Aurum sulphuratum
WULFSBERG Terje (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
Case 1: A 24 year-old woman with gastric catarrh had constant nausea, worse after eating, from stress,
better relaxing, drinking mineral water. Empty feeling in stomach better by eating. Periodical vertigo,
worse during menses. Severe menstrual pains, becomes pale, perspires over whole body. Desires sweets,
spicy, shrimp and chicken. Hurried, critical person, judgmental, tries to improve and reform others.
Anxious, has anticipatory anxiety, restless, ambitious. Fear of recovery, undertaking new things, about
future. Fastidious. Depressed, weeps easily. Dwells on past relationship and regrets. Had otitis media,
tonsillectomy and eczema during childhood. Over the years Calcarea arsenicosa, Medorrhinum, Nux
vomica, Mercurius solubilis, Sepia, Carcinosinum and Sulphur was given with limited effect, finally Aurum
sulphuratum 200 and repeated thrice which relieved.
Case 2: A young man 15 year-old had depression, behaviour problems and lack of energy. Forsaken
feeling, felt abandoned by his father. Feels better when alone. Had chronic inflammation of his left testicle
and got removed. Had suppressed anger and emotions. Mischievous, cruel and inhuman. Had violent
anger. Delusion that he is unfit for the world. Desires sweets, fried eggs and pizza. Eczema in the elbow
flexures. Aurum sulphuratum M, repeated four times relieved.
Case 3: 10 month-old boy had recurrent attacks of croup, barking cough, especially at night better with cold
humid air, warm drinks. Had red cheeks and eczema in his face and the skin on his hands was dry and
cracked. Stool strong and offensive. Tendency to take cold. Liked warm drinks, spicy food and aversion
to cold drinks. Started easily, especially from loud noise. Liked music, put everything in his mouth.
Mischievous. Spongia in 30 and 200 improved.
Relapse came after a two weeks course of antibiotics, for tick bite at the age of four. Pain in throat,
mostly on the left-side, tonsils swollen. Pain in inguinal region. Nose obstructed, snores a lot, sleeps with
mouth open. Sensitive, proud and strong willed. Feels rejected. Sensitive to reprimands. Wants revenge
and very jealous. Cannot tolerate in any way to be governed or directed by others. Desires sweets. Spills a
lot while eating. Aurum sulphuratum 200 repeated once followed by M relieved.
10. Palliation, Cure, and Recovery
The author has mentioned the dictionary meaning of these terms; and discusses about each of them in
Palliation is a very necessary stool of prescribing, not just in terminal illness but in any situation where
there is extreme pain or urgency. As holistic prescribers, our natural tendency is to want to always
prescribe on the bigger totality of symptoms, understanding the case on a constitutional, physical and
mental level. We know that prescribing on anything less than this lead to suppression. Primarily palliation
by homoeopathic remedy is less toxic in the short term than most allopathic medication, it is a vital tool in
terminal cases, and it may convert a few people to belief in homoeopathy. The disadvantages, as most of us
have seen in practice, are that it does nothing to improve the chronic condition which, like all chronic
disease by its very nature will progress.
The author gives three cases of homoeopathic suppression:
Case 1: A boy developed tendency to kidney and lung symptoms after his eczema being suppressed by
steroid, antibiotic ointments, and homoeopathic medication and local applications. Sulphur 12 was given.
Within a few hours of the child receiving his remedy, there was profuse discharge of pus from every pore.
Though Belladonna 6 and Calendula tincture were used the boy was taken again to allopathic care.
Case 2: A young man of 17 suffered recurrent bronchitis. His mother had some knowledge about
homoeopathy and was given Silica 6 repeated for acne vulgaris. Skin improved chest deteriorated. His
constitutional remedy Lycopodium brought back the acne and eventually subsided.
Case 3: A man diagnosed with duodenal ulcer treated symptomatically got worse and with severe pain his
abdomen was opened and found to have malignant tumor in the duodenum, spreading through the pancreas.
The surgery bypassed the duodenum, relieving the jaundice, but the tumor was inoperable and the prognosis
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 108
- a few weeks to live. Conventional pain relief, even morphine, was not touching the pain. Homoeopathic
medicines gave him palliation. His wife agreed that although the outcome was not ideal, Homoeopathy had
been more helpful than allopathic drugs in many ways.
Occasionally palliation turns into Cure. The author, as a second year student had given such cure. He
knew a man with a malignant tumor of the eyelid awaiting surgery. Had a nasty patch of infected impetigo
on the arm. Sulphur 30 was given. Developed a delirious fever of 102 for four days, felt hot and cold;
sweat bright yellow and had profuse vomiting and extreme thirst. Several large boils erupted on upper arm
and buttocks at vaccinated spots. The tumor on his eyelid also erupted into a huge pustule and discharged a
vast quantity of septic matter to which Calendula solution was applied. The surgeon was amazed that the
tumor had shrunk to an insignificant size.
The author concludes by saying “Palliation versus cure is a thought-provoking topic for discussion
because there are so many gray areas.
11. Fear and the Flu
PERKO S. J. (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
The author has enlighted the failure of allopathic medication in treating the flu pandemics. He has also
given some details about the spread of the virus and the properties of the Influenza virus has been given in
The allopathic solution - Relenza and Tamiflu has been approved for preventing the flu. The Director of
the Division of Antiviral Drug Products stated, in a memo dated July 26, 1999, Overall, the totality of the
data provides evidence that treatment with Relenza confers a modest reduction in time to alleviation of
influenza symptoms.... approximately one day on average.” Yet, for a “modest” one-day reduction of flu
symptoms, the average cost of a five-day supply of this drug is over $50. Since Relenza “has not been
established for prophylactic use to prevent influenza,” and adverse reactions can include headaches,
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness,” in addition to the very respiratory symptoms one wants to be rid
of, i. e., “bronchitis, cough, sinusitis, nasal symptoms, and ear, nose and throat infections,” and since people
with underlying respiratory problems are warned to use the drug with great caution, one can’t help
wondering why this drug is even on the market.
The allopathic medicine has left the immutable practice of homoeopathy in the dust when it comes to
tackling these mighty viruses. The actual truth is that homoeopathy has been conquering mighty viruses
since it began, from chickenpox, measles, mumps and shingles, to yellow fever, typhus and yes influenza. It
took 15 years of painstaking investigation before medical researchers were able to discover viruses as the
cause of influenza. By contrast, homoeopaths in 1918 didn’t need to name the disease” in order to
successfully treat their patients.
Two years after the 1918 flu epidemic, the Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy
reported on the then-recent results of homoeopathic doctors treating this plague, and how their success
vividly contrasted with the results obtained by their allopathic colleagues.
12. Homoeopathy for Headaches
(HT, 20, 1/2000)
This article is largely adapted from First-aid and Acute Care: The NCH Study Guide. The article
briefly discusses about the causation of headache, how to select a useful homoeopathic remedy, and a short
list of some of the common remedies that can be helpful for headaches.
13. When is the Acute Remedy the Chronic remedy ...and When isn’t it?
SAMET Lisa (HT, 20, 1/2000)
The author a naturopathic doctor presents two of the case treated through phone in which the acute
condition indicated the chronic constitutional remedy.
Case 1: one year-old girl with low fever, wakes up screaming with pain in abdomen from gas each night at
about 11 p. m. Stool hard round balls. Appetite decreased. Desires milk. Perspiring on the head only.
Desires company. Vaccination a day before. Though Sulphur and Silicea seemed to cover the case the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 109
author gave Sulphur 1M every 2 hours until better as it is her chronic remedy. No amelioration even after a
day. Silicea 200 every 2 hours relieved.
Although it often happens that the acute remedy needed can be the same as a chronic remedy, it is not
always the case.
Case 2: A boy with left ear infection - swollen and red. Disobedient, stubborn and obstinate. Had large
stool with greater circumference, passes once in 3-4 days. Sweats a lot in his sleep, drenches the bed.
Worse from skipping a meal. Calcarea carbonicum 200 every few hours until better. Relieved even his
chronic condition.
14. Infectious Mononucleosis
MESSER S A (HT, 20, 2/2000)
“Mono” is a disease caused by Epstein-Barr virus, though 90% of the people are immune to the disease
few come with infectious mononucleosis syndrome - fever, sore throat, swollen (often painful) lymph glands
in the neck, and serious fatigue.
Conventional treatment is largely supprotive: rest, fluids,and sometimes pain medicine. Homoeopathy
offers the possibility to shorten the course of the disease, reducing suffering, and return people to work
quickly. Presumably, homoeopathy can also reduce the rate of complications.
Case 1: 15 year-old girl, had fever, fatigue and swollen lymph glands. Also had thirstlessness, dizziness,
the headache in the back of her head, didn’t want people around and felt apathetic which pointed to
Gelsemium. Gelsemium 30 three times a day for three days relieved.
Case 2: 21 year-old girl had pain on the left side of throat and sinuses, lots of sneezing, poat-nasal dripping
and laryngitis. Headache on the top of the head with increased frontal pain. Felt dizzy, weak and fatigue.
Appetite decreased. Thirstless and indifferent to company. Gelsemium M every 6 hours, after 4 days had
hands and feet cold and her smelled like onions. Calcarea carbonicum 10M, one dose, cured.
Case 3: 16 year-old boy had severe abdominal pain. Had fever, throat red with pustular exudate on the
swolen tonsils. Abdomen tender to palpation. Had outbursts of anger. Felt chilly, desires ice cold drinks.
Felt dizzy and moaning with the pain. Had nausea and vomiting after eating or drinking something cold.
Phosphorus 10M every two hours. Next day his vomiting and nausea were better but had coughing,
irritation in throat and nose as from dust and odors. Pain in abdomen while coughing. Craving for oranges
and cold drinks. Medorrhinum 10M, one dose, cleared his condition.
15. What Potency Should I Use?
HOOVER Todd (HT, 20, 2/2000)
A brief article which deals with the potency problem. The author has given a bit of background about
the potencies used in homoeopathic pharmacy. He has also enlightenend about several factors specific to
the individual being treated and how it influences the choice of pontency.
16. Laboratory Tests and Homoeopathic Prescribing
TAYLOR Will (HT, 44, 2/2000)
The author has answered for the question “What is the value of laboratory tests in homoeopathic
There are two major obstacles in using lab-test results in homoeopathic case analysis:
1. The first and most obvious is that these findings are not recorded in our provings or in the accumulated
clinical experience of the past 200 years of prescribers, so we have little to go on in appreciating lab
abnormalities as part of the pathogenesis (disease process/ “picture”) of our remedies. This could be
remedied of course by including such investigation in future provings.
2. The second and perhaps much more important obstacle is that the lab tests we have at our disposal
generally represent the common endpoint of multiple processes. As such, they are most often less
characterizing/individualizing of the disharmony of the patient than are the most local of the local
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Even in conventional medicine these tests are used to confirm an already strongly-suspected clinical
diagnosis. And for us, in the cases where they apply, the information needed to discern the remedy needed
is not really aided.
In the patient with hot swollen painful joints, better soaking in ice water, would the differential between
the remedies Apis mellifica and Guaicum be aided by the Rh factor titre results? Bear in mind that even a
negative result would not preclude the conventional diagnosis of “rheumatoid arthritis.’
The author concludes by saying “I’m not suggesting that such laboratory findings are not candidates for
inclusion in our materia medica, but I would caution about expecting too much regarding their usefulness to
us in determining similitude to a remedy, even if such findings were consistently collected in our provings.
I suspect that, in general, they would be less useful than the much more diverse manifest symptoms and
signs available in the classical homoeopathic interview and exam.
17. The Myth of the Polychrest
ULLMAN J R and ULLMAN Robert (HT, 20, 3/2000)
The authors emphasize the importance of knowing the small remedies. By giving the number of
remedies listed in each of the Repertories like Complete repertory, BOERICKE’s repertory, KENT’s
repertory, and BOENNINGHAUSEN’s repertory, the authors say that even the use of two thousand
remedies would barely be scratching the surface. We have nearly four times as many remedies at our
disposal than HAHNEMANN did. Though it is comforting that our knowledge of homoeopathic medicines
is expanding, we have a long way to go to fulfil our ideal of true individualization. In many cases, we must
only be approximating or simply incorrect about what the patient needs. We settle too easily for long term
mediocre results with a series of partially effective remedies when we could be actually curing patients with
their simillimum. This zigzag prescribing is no substitue for finding the correct medicne, even if it is the
best we know how to do at the time. A rough approximation of the correct remedy may lead to relief of
certain symptoms but is not the highest ideal of cure. It is much gratifying to find the simillimum than to
bounce aimlessly from remedy to remedy as the symptoms change, without a clear concept of what we are
prescribing and why.
Therefore there is need for expanding our limited remedy repertoire.
How to know when we need a small, under-used or undiscovered remedy and how to find them are
listed out.
18. What is it for?
CROCE A J (HT, 20, 3/2000)
An interesting article which gives a brief account of the range of action of the allopathic and the
homoeopathic remedies. In allopathy it is “for” a particular ailment, and the effect of the given medicine
includes both “intended effects” and “side effects.” While the medicine may be taken for” a particular
ailment, its actual effects are much more wide-ranging. While homoeopathic remedies operate very
differently in the body and do not produce “side effects” in the same way, the principle holds true with them
in another sense. There is no remedy which has only one single purpose; like allopathic drugs - indeed, like
any substance - homoeopathic remedies produce broad range of results when ingested.
When we understand why there is no single homoeopathic remedy which is “for’ any specific
complaint, we begin to see why homoeopathy is so challenging to practice. There are no easy rules that
apply to every case, and there are no shortcuts to finding the correct remedy. Every time, every aspect of
the person must be explored and considered in relation to each of the possible remedies. Moreover, when
we think remedies as addressing not a single symptom but the person as whole, we can appreciate that the
remedy is directed at the deepest core, the vital force which produces all of the organism’s characterisitics
on every level. This is the sense in which homoeopathy is said to be holistic, because it encompasses the
organism as a whole. The remedy is “for” the person, to strengthen him or her in every aspect of being.
To be exact with our language, we are not really using medicines “for” a cold or pain or a sting; we are
actually using medicines against them.
19. Menopausal Symptoms and Homoeopathic Treatment
FRYE Joyce (HT, 20, 3/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 111
The author seeks homoeopathy as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy and encourages
patients to return for constitutional homoeopathic care. Presents a case and gives some remedies for
menopausal symptoms.
63 year-old lady had long-standing severe hot flushes and profuse perspiration. The hormone regimen
did not improve her. Frequent dizziness with tendency to fall to left and frequent headaches agg. By
exertion and excercise. Belladonna and Natrum carbonicum covered her symptoms. Doesn’t seem tobe a
Natrum type and hence Belladonna 30 which relieved her perspiration and gave clear vision within minutes.
The author has done some laborious work of searching in Mac Repertory and in the Complete
Repertory for rubrics using the words climateric, climaxis, or menopause in the sections of Mind, Head,
Vertigo, Skin, Sleep, Chill, Perspiration, and Generalities, which yielded some interesting results and it has
been given.
20. Mittelfindung nach C. M. BOGERs
HOLZAPFEL, K. (ZKH, 44, 3/2000)
In this long article the author discusses the case analysis and repertorisation according to BOGER.
Cyrus Maxwell BOGER (1861 - 1935). BOGER was thorough with the KENT as well as the
BOENNINGHAUSEN repertories. In this article, it is shown with the help of a case how BOGER imbibed
from BOENNINGHAUSEN. Infact BOGER used 4 different repertories according to the case before him.
In the case analysis given in the present article while BOGER’s method is discussed, it also brings out the
development of BOENNINGHAUSEN’s Therapeutic Pocket Book (1846) (PB) upto his later work
Aphorisms of Hippocrates (1863) (AHP). This is studied since BOGER appears to have imbibed this.
We should also understand BOGER’s the Synoptic Key and General Analysis and how they are related to
the PB.
The author discusses how BOGER’s Card Repertory method is useful in certain cases, how the
Pocket Book (BOENNINGHAUSEN’s) was used and how the ‘General Analysis’ helped, etc.
21. Sabadilla - Die Methode der Mittelfindung “nach Bonninghausen” (Sabadilla - Remedy choice
“according to BOENNINGHAUSEN” method)
WEGENER, A (ZKH, 44, 3/2000)
58 year-old female, pain since 7 months in the left Ischium; Orthopaedic treatment and Physiotherapy
did not relieve.
Main Symptoms:
Sensation in Bones “as if inflamed”
Sitting, particularly on hard chairs, agg.
Lying agg:, must stand up because of the pains
Lying on the sides amel.
After rising from sitting, amel.
Accompanying Symptoms:
Chilly, needs sun and warmth
Cramps in the thigh
Finger nails split since some months
Burning in tongue
Blister on the soles of the feet
Previous history:
Total hysterectomy for Myoma 4 years ago. Earlier she was irritable before menses on 9. 2. 1998. 5 drops
daily once, Sepia Q6 (LM 6) while some chronic symptoms (hairfall, muscle cramps) became better, the
main symptoms however remained; now accompanied by nausea.
16. 3. 1998: Sulphur Q6
11. 5. 1998: no amel. But Sulphur changed the symptoms. Pains were now: beating and were worse nights.
Less energy, motion amel. The pain now was torturing and needed relief. Since it was considered from the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 112
beginning as a chronic disease, the local symptoms were of secondary importance. But the main symptoms
were now taken up and worked out with the PB:
Sensation, Bones, beating;
Agg. Nights
Agg. External pressure
Agg. Sitting
Amel. Standing up from sitting;
Amel. From motion
Sensation, Skin, Nails, crumbling.
Sabadilla came up and it was given in XM potency, single dose. With this the pains were relieved and all
the chronic complaints remains cured.
As our experience would show the full symptoms may not always be available with certainty in the
Materia Medica. But the sensation of ‘beating’ in the bones together with the characteristic modalities
pointed to Sabadilla which in XM potency healed rapidly. Please read the Proving Symptoms in STAPF.
The article highlights the important role BOENNINGHAUSEN’s Pocket Book has in our daily
22. Chronisches Ekzeen (Chronic Eczema)
KLUNKER, W (ZKH, 44, 3/2000)
This is a good case explaining at every stage how to go about with the treatment of serious chronic skin
disease in a 71 year-old man: the selection of the symptoms, the hierarchising according to their importance
for repertorisation and lastly the choice of the remedy and prescription in suitable potency.
In this case, the ‘artistic’ method of repertorisation explained by Dr. R.P. PATEL in his edition of
KENT Repertory is followed and a rapid, complete cure is obtained.
23. Manisch - depressive (Manic - depressive)
KLUNKER, W (ZKH, 44, 4/2000)
Girl about 15 years age, with periodically recurring manic-depressive phases. Has undergone
anthroposophic treatment, but now on no medication.
The manic phase lasts for 2 - 4 weeks, while the depressive phase 1 - 2 weeks. The ‘normal’ duration
is getting lesser and lesser.
Independent of the phases she was very thirsty for milk.
Out of 23 symptoms collected, an analysis was made and those symptoms of value in the given case -
the minimum syndrome of maximum value - were decided upon and repertorised. Out of the remedies that
came up five were taken up for study and Sulphur Q 3 once daily was given, then Q6. Then Belladonna
XM for manic phase and then when out of the manic phase Sulphur Q 9, Q 12, Q 15, Q 18, Q 21, Q 24, Q
27, Q 30 as he went on progressing.
Again Sulphur Q 2 , Tuberculinum 200, Sulphur Q4, Q 6, Q 8, Q 10, Q 12, Q15, Q 18, Q 21, Q24, Q
27, Q 30. Improved well. Studies well, weight increased. Cold hands, somewhat less drive. Pulsatilla
200. Alopecia areata Tuberculinum 30. She got outstanding certificate in all subjects. Ice cold hands.
Pulsatilla 200.
Now has slipped back into buying 88888 loquacious, Sulphur Q 3. After a censure in the School was
weeping and shrieking, confusion. Ignatia 30, then Sulphur Q 6. Better but again makes large buying, for
others too Sulphur Q 6 to continue., then Q 9.
She is now pregnant. Sulphur Q 12. Foetus 12 weeks. Calcium and Multivitamins. Sulphur Q 15.
Well, very well, in the school and with the pregnancy, mentally. Sulphur Q 18. All well.
The treatment began in December 1989 and ended in March 1995.
The Q potencies were given in fluid form, 3 drops in some water, sometimes daily, sometimes more,
sometimes weekly once, according as the actual state of the patient called for.
24. Homöopathie in der Psychiatrie
Stúrová (ZKH, 44, 4/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 113
The author is from Slovakia.
Homoeopathy in Psychiatry. Modern psychopharmaceutical products are effective by speedily
weakening the psychopathological symptoms, but they also make the patients dependent upon the drugs. It
is surprising that most of the pychiatrists are against homoeopathy and it is not only just in Slovakia. There
are only few monographs on homoeopathic treatment of psychatric disturbances.
Our limited experience with homoeopathy confirms the satisfactory results. The Psychiatrist must gain
the confidence of his patient so that the patient relates.
The author has a long practice in Bratislava for children upto 18 year age. Every year he takes in 350
new children for treatment. He also treats 100 adult new patient per year.
The author summarizes the majority of paediatric diagnosis in the light of his homoeopathic practice:
Special Emotional disturbances acon., ars., calc., calc-p., sil., lyc., cina., gels., stram., phos., arg-n., puls.,
in childhood (702 children): sulph., bar-c., bar-m.
ADHD/ADD Hyperkinetic bell., stram., tarent., zinc., hyos., cupr., rhus-t., arg-n., phos., calc-p., merc.,
syndrome (486 children): cham., tub.
Mixed, confused and emotional stram., tub., cupr., arg-n., cham., bell.
disturbances (387 children):
Anxiety state (350 children): calc., calc-p., phos., bar-c., acon.
Somotoform disturbances gels., calc., ign., acon., phos., puls., bar-c., bell., nux-v.
(350 children):
Sleep disturbance stram., phos., calc., caust., coff., carc., psor., jalap., bell., bor., cham.
(276 children):
Speech disturbances stram., caust., sulph., bell., calc., tub., nat-m., lyc., verat.
(170 children):
Behavioural disturbances stram., med., tub., cupr., bar-c., bell., nux-v., cina., cham., ign., sulph., calc.,
(166 children): op., lach., hyos., verat., arg-n., tarent.
Bed wetting (142 children): bell., tub., med., caust., ars., phos., ferr., sep., sil., lyc., calc., psor., thuj.,
Intellectual disturbances syph., bar-c., calc-p., tub., merc., bufo., op., bell., caust., calc., lyc., hell.,
(114 disturbances): phos.
Combined specific syph., bell., bar-c., med., calc., calc-p., tub., vaccine nosodes.
developmental disturbances
(58 children):
Rarely occuring but serious diseases, like for example Autism in children (hyos., caust., tub., thuj.,
verat., stram), as also Anorexia mentalis (nat-m., kali-br., carc., tarent., verat.) have also been treated
Grown up patients can be categorised in the following main categories: reactive and depresive state,
Neurosis, Sleep disturbances (migraine, Gastritis, Immune-disturbances, Sterility....).
It is well-known that a good homoeopathic treatment in childhood is the best known preventive of
psychiatric diseases in the grown-up.
In his experience, the author says, his paediatric patients needed hospitalisation to the minimum of only
5 - 6 cases per year unlike the ealier 80 per year during allopathic practices.
He further says that his psychiatric clinic alone has saved US 25,000 per year in Medical Insurance.
(This is the cost of the allopathic medicine).
25. Two With One Pansy
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 114
TAYLOR Will (AH, 6/2000)
4 month-old girl, had eczema in face and scalp with thick damp yellow crusts. Started during first week
of age. Cortisones did not give much relief. Had discharge from vagina which smells like cat urine.
Round-head baby with big open fontanelles. Though the author was tempted to give Calcarea carbonica he
went in for repertorization which poited a small remedy Viola tricolor. Viola tricolor 30 in water (1 pellet
in 4 oz water); 6 succussions and ½ daily to the nursing mother.
In The Chronic Diseases, HAHNEMANN recommends treating infants-at the breast routinely giving
the remedy to the nursing mother or the nurse-maid.
Viloa tricolor was repeated briefly, in the same manner, at months and directly to the weaned child at 4
months which relieved.
It is interesting to note that, the mother had similar eruptions during chilhood and got suppressed by
cortisones. Presently she couldn’t trust her husband all that much, to keep a job, to take care of her and the
baby. Herself lacked confidence in bringing up the baby.
These conditions indicated Viola tricolor for the mother.
Obvious, the remedy also had a beneficial effect on the mother. The influence can go strongly in either
direction. A severe maternal fright can bring about a Aconite or Stramonium state in the child; or carrying a
child with Viola tricolor disharmony may bring about a Viola tricolor disharmony in the mother. Perhaps
this mother’s cradle cap and eczema as an infant, suppressed with cortisone creams resulted in a more
central expression of her Viola tricolor disharmony, manifesting as a life-long lack of self-sacrifice and
suspiciousness, “erupting” in her during her pregnancy, as well as in her infancy.
26. A Case of Oncorhynches tschawytscha (Salmon)
SHERR Jeremy (AH, 6/2000)
79 year-old woman had indigestion, allergic to certain foods like wheat, smoked foods, coffee, fried
food, chicken, eggs. Feels sluggish. Profuse water from nose. Memory poor. Feels neglected by her
mother nad rejected by her daugters. Likes to travel. During her teens fell in love with a man and thought
that he was her soul mate but that didn’t work out and they seperated. Dwells constantly on sex and had
many sexual dreams.
Receding gums, profuse salivation, tearing of her eyes and frequent urination during night. Bouts of
diarrhea with constipation at night on waking. Vertigo with a swimming sensation. Worse in damp
weather. Sympathetic to animals. Remedies like Arsenicum album, Rhus toxicodendron, Lycopodium,
Ignatia, Tuberculinum, Calcarea phosphoricum, Hyoscyamus, Natrum arsenicosum, Platina, Mercurius
gave some improvement.
Oncorhynches tschawytscha (Salmon) 30, 2 doses relieved.
Oncorhynches tschawytscha
Made from a wild Chinook salmon using eggs, sperm and blood. Proved by Jeremy SHERR’s
Provers experienced deep intense grief and sadness, not knowing here they were going but longing and
searching for a home. Conversely, they felt trapped in the house, desired to walk for miles and wanted to
travel great distances. There was yearning for a soul mate, for finding true love and great disappointment
for lost love. Control is a big issue in the remedy, either loss of control or overcontrol, especially a
motherer’s tendency to control her children.
Having babies is a dominant feature of Oncorhynches with many symptoms related to conception,
infertility and high sexual energy. Water figures prominently in the proving in many physical symptoms
27. Chronic Pancreatitis: Multiple Dimensions
BARVALIA Praful (IJHM, 33, 1/2000)
The author has given a brief account of changes in the form, function and structure of pancreas if it gets
affected. Also mentions about the phase, susceptibility, miasm and posology. Prognosis and Homoeopathic
projections are also discussed.
43 year-old man, suffered 7 episodes of Jaundice since 1984. Jaundice accompanied by fever, acute
abdominal pain radiating to back and dyspepsia. Itching all over body. Prostration. Sclera yellow. Blood
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 115
sugar levels erratic - insulin irregularly taken. Craves spicy, pungent food. Profuse perspiration. Hot
patient, wants fan always. Extremely violent and impulsive. Egoistic, contemptuous, censorious,
egocentric - mean and selfish. Had intense need for relationship and anxiety about his health. Addicted to
beer, charas, ganja, had lots of sexual thoughts, habit of masturbation, gambling and prostitution were
inevitable accompaniments. Had oligospermia and spermatorrhoea. Liver function tests and blood sugar
level showed abnormal ranges. Ultrasonography showed dilated CBD, dilated pancreatic duct with calculi.
Kali iodatum was selected as his constitutional. Repeated doses of Kali iodatum 200 was given. Needed
Magnesium phosphoricum 200 for the acute pains. Tuberculinum M was given as an intercurrent.
28. Pancreas Ill But Strong Will
SHAH P M (IJHM, 33, 1/2000)
12 year-old boy with recurrent epigastric pain since 1984. Pain agg. after midnight, milk products,
Bending forward with knees drawn up and hot water fomentation. Diagnosed to have Chronic Pancreatitis.
Ct Scan abdomen showed cluster of minute calcific foci ranging in size from 2 to 5 mm within head of
pancreas and in uncinate process. Serum amylase ranged from 198 - 346, serum lipase ranged from 201 -
1464. Allopathic medication failed to relieve. Craves sweets, fried items, milk products. Aversion to milk,
curd. Lies on abdomen during sleep. Performence high inspite of gross diffficulty, assertive, sensitive to
scolding, ambitious, irritable but polite, industriousness, and anticipatory anxiety about performance.
Silicea 3x in infrequent doses followed by Silicea M in infrequent doses and Tuberculinum M as an
intercurrent relieved.
29. Perceiving Essence thro’ New Perspective
SANKARAN Rajan (IJHM, 33, 1/2000)
The article is a detailed narration of the mental symptoms of a 46 year-old woman.
The essence being: Fear of being killed and desire to kill, jealousy and deceit. Feels that she is better
than everyone else. Affectionate and aggressive towards family members. Talkative and her talk wanders.
Talks as though she is two person instead of one. Sees everything as wrong and negative. Hopeless
despair. Religious, feels no one as saintly as her. Feels that she is under the control of a greater power,
either God or the devil. Antagonism between the two sides of her. Feels as if someone is behind her and
will grab to kill her. Hates animals. Based on the understanding of the case Crotallus cascavella 200
given. The remedy was repeated in the same potency 4 times within 4 months and Crotalus cascavella M
repeated once relieved.
30. Paediatric Emergencies: Intussusception
Pathogenesis, Prognosis, Clinical presentation, its management and the surgical approach are briefly
A 16 month-old baby had vomiting and severe abdominal pain amel. bending, pressure. Passed
brownish stool with foul smelling gas after 2 days. USG showed Intusussception, Ilio-caecal. Colocynth
200 and 10M repeated frequently, gave symptomatic relief but no further reduction in size on USG.
Plumbum metallicum was given because of its spasmodic effect in acute stage and paralysing effect in later
stages. Plumbum metallicum 200, 2 hourly on the first day and M on second and third day relieved. Based
on the totality of the chronic symptoms - obstinate, fear of dark, shy, perspiration scalp, dentition and hot
patient Calcarea iodatum and Tuberculinum as an intercurrent was given later.
31. Acute Pancreatitis Managed at Hospital Bed
JAIN C B, NANDU H T (IJHM, 33, 1/2000)
A 39 year-old male had frequent paraumbilical colicky pain associated with vomiting. Did not pass
stool for 5 days. Sonogram showed mild hypoechoeic pancreas. Initially had gradual loss of appetite and
fever for 2 days. Has diabetes since 2 years and was on diaonil ½ od. Took some ayurvedic medicine for
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 116
infertility. Diagnosed to have acute pancreatitis. Serology and other investigations done. Admitted in the
hospital and the pain killers gave no relief. Homoeopathy was called in. Had strong foetor oris, intense
pain on touching the abdomen. Indifferent. Had profuse perspiration in palms about an year ago and
Silicea was given. Prior to his illness there was strong refusal by the patinet for establishment of a new
factory which his brothers insisted to do. Though Calcarea carbonicum and Silicea was considered Kali
bichromicum 200 was given based on 2 pm and 2 am agg., the deep seated pain, indifference and indolence.
Kali bichromicum 200 was given daily for few days and the patient refused to undergo surgery and no
relapse of the pain. Later received Thuja 200 for anal itching during sleep at night and severe nose block.
Blood fasting sugar was 105 and overall relieved.
32. Passion, Pancreatitis and HIV
BARVALIA Praful (IJHM, 33, 1/2000)
31 year-old man had pain abdomen, yellowish vomiting, loss of weight 5 kg in months, cough with
yellowish white expectoration, evening rise of fever low grade, generalized body ache. Diagnosed to be
HIV positive. Bubo treated with allopathic medicines. Penile ulcers - cauterised in past. Mantoux
Positive. Other investigations also showed abnormal results. Sonography showed pancreatitis with
associated pseudocyst and mild splenomegaly. Carefree with happy go-;ucky frinds circle. Immersed in
alcohol at 17 years and had venereal disease at 18 years. Intensely restless and inability to undertake any
activity for a sustained period of time. Desires to travel. Lean, thin. Aversion to milk. Addicted to
smoking in alcohol. Chilly patient. Tongue: thick yellow, coating, cervical glands++ enlarged. Spleen+
liver fullness and tenderness+. Tuberculinum 200 and M helped a great deal, other remedies were
Phosphorus, Calcarea fluoricum, Magnesium phosphoricum and Hepar sulphuricum in infrequent doses
helped in regressing his problems. Sonography showed total regression of pancreatic cyst and biochemical
33. Stress Symdrome of Natrum Muriaticum
GOEL N O (IJHM, 33, 1/2000)
A short description have been made about the mental condition and the central theme of the remedy.
A 34 year-old male had recurrent attacks of loose motions since past 6 years, with occasional pain in
33. I Am In A Dark Tunnel
SHARFSTEIN Catherine (HOM. 76/2000)
A young man, slim, dark hair, deep-seated eyes and heavy black eyebrows had anxiety attacks
frequently after having been hypnotized by a group of people. Feels that he never came out of that
hynotized state. Had many clairvoyant dreams and scary hallucinations - nuclear war, radiation passing
through his body. Feels he lost his identity. Feels he is being poisoned with gas and someone poisoned him
with a nerve paralyzing energy. Feels that his childish enthusiasm was converted into a big depression,
complete darkness. Fears that he is in a dark tunnel that has no end, feels that the future is a long dark
tunnel. Had an inflammation of the prostrate gland, though not painful, the unpleasant sensation passes
through the body. Had burning in nose, bad teeth, palpitations during night. Feels that his body is filled
with a disgusting fluid and everthing is in atropy. Had discharge from his penis at the age of twenty. Sex
drive was very high and it is completely gone now. Needed a radioactive remedy, either a heavy metal or a
mineral. Radium bromatum LM 1, LM 2, LM 3 over a period of six months improved.
31. A New Homoeopathic Approach to Neoplastic Diseases: From Cell Destruction to Carcinogen-induced
H.MONFORT (BHJ, 89/2000)
Neoplastic diseases are now among the most commonly seen conditions. Orthodox, non-surgical
approaches, includes including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, have variable results, but many adverse
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 117
affects that limit their use. These are sometimes the direct cause of death. More patients are choosing
alternative treatments, mainly the homoeopathic and herbal-nutrition approach.
Homoeopathy does not have high effective remedies for cancer in its literature, and has been limited to
palliating the adverse effects of chemo/radiotherapy. Research into substances that can produce neoplastic
diseases (carcinogens), may lead to them being used to treat the cancer they cause, according to the
principle of similarity. I have used ultra-low doses (1x10
to 10
molar) of chemical carcinogens for 3 -
24 months, which have been given to cancer patients, usually in conjunction with conventional treatment.
Using this procedure, complete remission of life extension has been achieved for some cancer cases. Three
clinical cases are presented: a man with undifferentiated lung cancer; a child with an astrocytoma and a
woman with leiomyosarcoma.
32. Comparitive study of Rubrics and Medicines
KAUR Jagtinder (JH, 4, 3/2000)
Some of the mind rubrics of few remedies (Phosphorus, Hyoscyamus, Calcarea phosphoricum, Natrum
muriaticum, Mercurius solubilis, Nitricum acidum, Nux vomica, Lachesis muta, Lycopodium and Cuprum
aceticum) which are verified on different cases are listed out.
33. Different shades of Opium
SINGH N A (JH, 4, 3/2000)
Case 1: 40 year-old male with pain in neck, had fear to drive scooter and had poor memory which started
after an accident. Opium 30 relieved.
Case 2: 20 year-old girl was mentally upset after she met with an accident. Felt that her parents died in the
accident though her parents survived in it. Opium 30 relieved.
Case 3: 50 year-old female had pruritis vulvae and felt shy to express it. Using the rubric, Indignation,
discomfort from, general – Opium 30 given which relieved.
Case 4: 42 year-old male was restless. Sleepless and had loss of appetite after he had left his bank job in
order to look after the agricultural work as his younger brother who was looking after the land died. A
sinking sensation goes through his body on thinking about this. Blames himself for his action. Opium 30
gave good result.
Case 5: 32 year-old man became much timid during his college days and there came the necessity of
leaving the college because of this. Indifferent to his suffering, had fear of extravagance Opium 30
34. Opium Case
SAINI R S (JH, 4, 3/2000)
31 year-old female had recurrance of surgically removed vaginal cyst. Along with this had pain in
stomach, lot of acidity, feverish feeling, boils under axilla, headache, disturbed menses, constipation with
occasional loose stools.
Fear of extravagance and embarassement from ailments led to prescribe Opium 6. 3 doses at intervals
of ½ hour followed by 30 after a month cured.
35. A Case of Plumbum metallicum
SAINI R S (JH, 4, 3/2000)
A 52 year-old male had warts on prepuce adjoining and along the inner rim. From the way he
described his complaints, the author interpreted his symptoms into these rubrics. Suspicious, Groping as if
in dark, light desire for, mood repulsive, ailments embarassment from, gestures violent, gestures strange
attitudes and positions, begging for relief. On the basis of these rubrics Plumbum metallicum, single dose
36. A Case of Bronchial Asthma
KAURA S P (JH, 4, 3/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 118
The author narrates a case of 10 year-old boy with chronic bronchial asthma. As the author is an
allopathic doctor who knew Homoeopathy, he gave allopathic and homoeopathic medicine and he noticed
that the need for allopathic medcines and the frequency and the intensity of the asthamtic attacks reduced
considerably after the use of homoeopathic remedies.
37. A Case of Moschus
SINGH Ravinder (JH, 4, 3/2000)
A girl aged 17 years was suffering from severe pain in right pectoral region. Pain appears suddenly and
disappeared suddenly. Would make her weep. Cries that she will die and abuses the family members if not
taken to the doctor. Done all necessary investigations in order to know what disease she is suffering from.
Belladonna 30, 4 doses did not relieve. Based on the symptoms: Weeping pain from, tightness of cjest, is
obliged to take a deep breath, spasm of glottis, spasm of chest, abusive, nervous suffocative constriction of
the chest, Moschus 30, s doses gave relief.
38. A Case of Crocus sativus
KAUR Jasbir (JH, 4, 3/2000)
17 year-old girl has headache, pain in eyes, and using spectacles for myopia of number 2.25 in both
eyes. Had anger alternating with quick repentence. Music ameliorates and cheerful from music. Crocus
sativus 30, 3 doses at months interval correctd even her myopia.
39. A Case of Conium maculatum
KAUR Jasbir (JH, 4, 3/2000)
24 year-old girl had her right breast smaller than left brest. Refused to go for mammography. Based
on the rubrics: Light shuns, Frivolous, Atropy of breast, Conium 30 single dose brought out miraculous
40. Merc.sol Case
DHILLON Kiranjeet (JH, 4, 3/2000)
70 year-old male with cracks in palms and soles got temporary amelioration of his complaints with
Belladonna. Entered the consultancy room before his turn though he was reprimanded for it a number of
times. Indifference to reprimands, Mercurius solubilis 30 gave good result.
42. A Case of Ignatia
DHILON Kiranjeet (JH, 4, 3/2000)
60 year-old male had skin disease. Had introspection, aversion to amusement, aggravation from music,
cannot tolerate injustice, audacity, hot and thirstless. Ignatia 30 improved
43. Platina Case
MITTAL B B (JH, 4, 3/2000)
A woman aged 45 had chronic urticaria with pain in urticarial spots. Belladonna 30 given based on
laughing when speaking, Frivolous, unconciousness interrupted by screaming, without any relief. Her
narration was interpreted as Delirium help calling for, Delusions things appear small, Boaster, Egotism and
Platina 30 given with good improvement.
44. Muriatic acid Case
SINGLA Naveen (JH, 4, 3/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 119
9 year-old boy had enuresis, clings to his mother, fear of being alone, does things in great haste.
Gelsemium 30, 200 and Bismuth were given without relief. Based on SCHOLTEN’s approach Muriaticum
acidum was selected. Mother love and feels alone indicated muriaticum and hastiness indicates acids. 30
and M were given with good improvement within 2 months.
45. Poisonous Arsenica great remedy when potentised.
VIJ Ritu (JH, 4, 3/2000)
The cases are taken from the author’s father case record - an engineer who practised homoeopathy.
Case 1: A resident geologist in Salal Hydroelectric Project fell sick. Couldn’t digest anything and had great
aversion to food. Found to be very restless, depressed. Felt that his death is near, and was explainingabout
his assets and inabilities. Takes small sips of water frequently. All sorts of allopathic medicines tried
without effect. Arsenicum album 30 brought back the patient to normalcy within 2 days.
Case 2: A male patient felt sick after taking ‘langer’ in the temple. Restless, rubbing his arms and legs,
begs to be saved from impending death. Took an allopathic tablet ½ hour before. Arsenicum album 30
given considering it as drug poisoning which relieved.
Case 3: The author’s grandfather was seriously ill and lost control over stool and urine, extremely weak,
was taking allopathic medication. Very restless and wanted somebody to support him so that he could walk.
Stopped all allopathic medicines and Arsenicum album 30 was given with goo improvement.
Case 4: An old lady, unable to digest any food or drink, used to vomit immediately after taking anything,
craved cold drinks which were also vomited after some time. Unable to recognise people and places.
Phosphorus 30 gave happy results.
46. Aconitum napellus Case
VERMA Subhash (JH, 4, 3/2000)
A little boy had acute attack of restlessness with fear of death. Felt that his heart is deformed. Had fear of
death. Aconite 30 relieved.
47. Some Important Medicines with Rubrics
SEHGAL M L (JH, 4, 4/2000)
The mental rubrics of Carbo animalis, Grindelia robusta and Lac canninum with inference and version
are given.
48. Some cases of Iodum purum
CHITKARA H L (JH, 4, 4/2000)
Important mental rubrics and singular rubrics are listed out.
Case 1: 10 year-old boy had cough, hoarseness and blockage of nose. Restless, timid, desires to travel.
Anxiety when hungry, amelioration on eating, physical exertions ameliorates. Iodum 30 relieved.
Case 2: 11 year-old boy had white discoloration and brown patches on both sides of face which was
diagnosed as ringworms. Doesn’t bother about it. Very restless, even while sitting, physical exertion
ameliorates, desires to travel. Shouts if food is delayed. Iodum 30 gave happy results.
Case 3: 56 year-old man had pain and swelling in the heel, flatulence and headache. Indifferent to pain,
desires to travel, loses temper when he is hungry. Horrible things, sad stories affect him profoundly.
Physical exertion ameliorates. Iodum 30 relieved.
49. Some Cases of Pulsatilla
MANN A S (JH, 4, 4/2000)
Case 1: 35 year-old female had chronic coryza with continues sneezing in the morning. Laughs while
narrating the symptoms. Gets angered suddenly buts repents quickly. Belladonna 30 did not give relief.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 120
Her avarice, bargaining nature, fastidiousness, weeping, consolation amelioration all led to Pulsatilla.
Pulsatilla 30 relieved and even made her courageous.
Case 2: 35 year-old female had pain in joints knees, ankles, hands, shoulders. Laughs involuntarily.
Taking the rubrics: Supertitious, frivolous, light desire for Belladonna 30 which failed to relieve and on
further enquiry her nature revealed to be mild, yielding, forsaken feeling, fear of being neglected and
offended, weeps easily and consolation amelioration - Pulsatilla 30, 200, M improved.
The mental rubrics of Pulsatilla and its differential diagnosis with Cocculus indicus, Arsenicum album,
Nux vomica, Sepia and Kali carbonicum are listed out.
50. A Case of Fibroid Uterus
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 4, 4/2000)
A female aged 42 had menorhagia. US report showed bulky uterus, 40mm x 28mm echogenic mass.
Sleeplessness and itching over whole body. Fear of operation and even for injections, fear of being in any
closed places, sobbing, angered easily and want to strike her head against the wall during angerand also the
desire to kill during anger led to Stramonium. Stramonium in 6, 30 and 200 was given for a period of 7
months in infrequent doses. US showed normal uterus.
51. A Case of Ulcerative Colitis
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 4, 4/2000)
68 year-old female had bleeding per rectum for about 10 years with unsatisfied desire for passing stool.
Had religious disposition, anxiety about others and fear that something bad will happen. Calcarea
carbonicum 30, 200 M in infrequent dose over a period of 6 months relieved.
52. Pace Maker Avoided!
MOHAN Dinesh (JH, 4, 4/2000)
A female aged 40 was diagnosed to have complete heart block with complete A-V dissociation. Had
bradycardia, dyspnoea, leucorrhoea, offensive, whitish, stains. Abdominal dyspepsia and scanty menses.
The patient was treated homoeopathically for about eight months which produced good improvement in the
patient’s condition. [Name and mode of administration of the remedy has not been mentioned in this case.]
53. A Miraculous Cure by Walnut
MANN A S (JH, 4, 4/2000)
28 year-old female got married and after going to in-laws house she was not able to adust with her in-
laws family as they had different way of living,eating habits, system of dressing up etc. Came to parents
house for vacation and refuses to go back to in-laws house saying, that they will kill her, they are all
robbers. Sits in her room by bolting her room inside. ‘Unable to adjust’ was taken as the central theme and
Walnut/TDS was given for about 6 months which removed her mental block and she went back to her in-
laws house cheerfully.
53. Rheumatic Endocarditis – Lachesis Case
SHARMA Yogesh (JH, 4, 4/2000)
50 year-old male had pain in left side of chest which extends to the left arm up to little and ring finger.
Numbness of fingers present. Stitching, cruciating pain with cold clammy limbs and apprehension. Thirst
and cold sweating increases during pain. Diagnosed to have Rheumatic Endocarditis with superimposed
Angina Pectoris. The rubrics taken from his narration are: Frivolous, Malicious, Audacity, Religious
affection, Objective reasonable, Benevolence, Loquacity jesting with, Sentimental, Dancing, Wander desire
to be, Hot patient, Thirsty etc led to select Lachesis. Lachesis 30 brought out the old symptoms and after 2
months there was a need for repitition of the remedy in a higher potency – Lachesis 200 relieved.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 121
54. Calc phos Case
SAINI R S (JH, 4, 4/2000)
46 year-old female had headache with vomiting since childhood. Desires chilled water during
headache. Wants to maintain good relationship with the relatives. Must tie her legs to get relief from pain.
Pain all over body, Aggravation fron fried food and tea. Leucorrohea ++++. Restless, runs from one rrom
to another and want to go out of home. Delusion, wealth imagination of; delusion, ruined she is. Calcarea
phosphoricum 12 according Jan SCHOLTEN’s approach desiring support indicates Calcarea and desire
for chilled water indicates Phophorus. Single dose of the remedy relieved.
54. Medorrhinum in Depression and Sleeplessness
SINGH Ravinder (JH, 4, 4/2000)
A female aged 55 had severe depression and sleeplessness. Weeps vehemently and says that her son-
in-law or brother or some other close relative is dead and compels her husband to go and attend the funeral.
It takes a long time to convince her. Consulted several Psychiatrists without any improvement. Taking,
delusion, talks about the death of relatives, suspicious etc Medorrhinum 200 given with remarkable
55. Apis mel Case
SANDHU K S (JH, 4, 4/2000)
A 53 year-old male had persistent pain in heart region and his Echocardiography showed Left
Ventricular Hypertrophy of the Heart. Triglyceride level is 1014.2mg/dl. Frivolous, easily amgered, hot
person, dominating, fearfulness alternating with boldness, loqacious, cheerful, simulates hilarity, though
internally wretched. Oily shining, puffed face. Soreness of the whole body – Rt. Knee painful, Rt. Sciatica.
Urine scanty, painful, frequent, always burning. Desires open air, feels suffocation in closed room, hot
places and hot weather. Thirstless. Restlessness. Nymphomanic. Apis mellifica 200/3 doses, in half an
hour interval followed by 2 doses at 1 hour interval after a month brought his blood bichemistry to
normalcy and relieved his pains. Natrum muriaticum 6x was given for his acute pains.
56. Hyoscyamus Case
SINGH Jagdip (JH, 4, 4/2000)
A boy aged 12 years had recurent fever for about months. Routine examination of the urine
showed: Pus cell: 20-25/H.P.F, Albumin: +++, Cast-Granular cast seen, Urine Culture: E-coli micro
organism. Was given prolonged treatment of strong antibiotics. Countenence was dull, pale and puffy.
The boy was indifferent to his sufferings. Desires to remain in bed. Hyoscyamus 30 gradually brought
down the temperature and he remained without acquiring fever thereafter.
57. Cinnabaris Case
VITHAL S S (JH, 4, 4/2000)
15 year-old boy had dyspnoea and cough. Cough aggravation in the midnight and while lying. Had
skin eruptions, tonsillitis, warts on groin region. Desires citrus fruits, spicy food though it aggravates. Jerks
during sleep, dreams of succesful businessnessman. Increased thirst and perapiration. Likes to be alone.
Hurried and anxious. Desire to travel but has travelling sickness. Doesn’t like to be teased. Memory weak.
Tuberculinum M improved him to some extent. Physically better mentally tired, doesn’t like to study.
Desires cold, ice cream though it aaggravate it. Cinnabaris 200 brought back his old skin symptoms and
improved his mental and physical activity.
58. Pulsatilla Case
MATHAROO H S (JH, 4, 4/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 122
11 year-old girl had pain in abdomen since 5 years of age. Using the objective symptoms alone the
author prescribed Pulsatilla 6 with good improvement. Rubrics were: Complaint cannot describe, Gesture
folded hand, Answer with ndding, Mild, gentle and yielding.
59. Bryonia Case
MATHAROO H S (JH, 4, 4/2000)
A female with acute cholelithiasis sat on the bench with tight grip on her abdomen with both hands.
Least movement of the bench made her pains worse. Bryonia alba 30 relieved pain within 5 minutes.
60. Calc carb Case
PRAKASH Om (JH, 4, 4/2000)
45 year-old man had warts around the anus. Painful while walking due to friction. Had fear of getting
piles. Calcarea carbonicum 30 based on the rubrics: Anxiety with fear, Laughing spasmodically, Fear
disease of impending, Fear superstitious – warts dried off.
61. Camphor Case
PRAKASH Om (JH, 4, 4/2000)
6 year-old girl had cough, aggravation on lying down during night. Based on the desire to lie on floor
Camphor 30 was given which relieved.
62. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Constitutional Approach
LOBO Anita (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
Aetiology and the pathogenesis with diagnostic evaluation are discussed in detail.
32 year-old male, had pain in gastro-intestinal tract of 10 years duration. Pricking pain in abdomen
with loose mucous offensive stools. Loose stools alternating with constipation. Aggravation in the
morning, fatty food, travelling. Pain in rectum while passing stool. Irritable, anxious with mental
depression as he was married to a woman with mental illness. Thirst increased, debilitating offensive
perspiration, stains the linen yellow. Craves hot food, sour things, meat and aversion for milk. Sleep
disturbed due to complaints and thoughts. General weakness and tiredness persistent. Ferrum metallicum
200/4 pills once in 3 days relieved.
63. Few Cases of Haemorrhoids
KRISHNAN Ranga (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
Case 1: A 35 year-old lady had severe pain in both legs. Aggravation walking even few steps. O/E veins
of both legs distended. Had piles and erratic bowel movments. Aesculus-hippocastanum 200 relieved.
Case 2: 25 year-old man had headaches, constipation, piles and occasional bleeding PR. Meat, bengal
gram, fluor items aggravated. Desires sweets. Initially he responded to Nux-vomica and Paeonia but the
relief failed to last long. Had marked symptom of sweating in the buttocks and anal region. Desired cold
atmosphere. Alumen 200/ 3 doses relieved. But there was recurrance of complaints. Lycopodium 200/3
doses didn’t give lasting effect. Again Alumen M with Hydrastis Q helped greatly.
Case 3: A 75 year-old lady had pain in rectum while passing stool and slightly protruding piles. Had pain
in the colon area and diagnosed to have Cancer rectum. Had past history of cysts in the liver and
masectomy due to Cancer. Based on the deeper pathology and the particular affinity for rectum Paeonia 30
a few doses given. Also she was given Paeonia Q, Phosphorus 200, Gaertner 200, Carcinosinum-
adenostomach 200. After an year, her clinical reports at Cancer hospital showed everything to be normal.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 123
Case 4: A 69 year-old male, had enlarged prostrate with bleeding piles which developed after straining to
micturate. Cancer and heamorrhagic tendency runs through the family. Urethral stricture removed by
surgery but on removal of catheter he had burning and scanty micturition. Had constant pain in anus due to
piles which prolasped even during urination. Based on the history of long hours of sitting, haemorrhagic
tendency, constant pain and trauma of the catheter, Arnica M/ 3 doses given which ameliorated pain
temporarily. The other remedies which gave lasting improvement were Chimaphila-umbellata Q Aesculus
200/3doses, Cobaltum 200, M, Carcinosinum 200 and Hamamelis Q.
64. Haemorrhoids, Fissure and Fistula
SIVARAMAN V K (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
Case 1: 38 year-old male had piles with pain in anus. Stools initially hard followed by soft stool. Piles
aggravation form flatulent food and fish. Avoids cold drinks. Tight feeling in abdomen alternating with
distended feeling after stools. Desires company but aggravation from crowd nad noise. Pre-mature
ejaculation during coition and constipation after coition. Lycopodium 200 weekly once for 3 months cured.
Case 2: 29 year-old female had piles with burning pain in rectum after stools, amelioration from hot
application and washing. Desires spices. Desire for loneliness, dislikes crowd, aggravation from noise, and
sunheadache lead to Sulphur. Sulphur 200 weekly one dose for 6 months releived.
Case 3: 30 year-old male had fissure in anus which aggravated on taking eggs and other non-vegetarian
foods. Headbath aggravation. Desires company. Calcarea carbonicum 200 weekly once cured in a few
Case 4: A 25 year-old man had anal fissure with burning pain, bleeding, prolapse of rectum and
More irritable during summer. Desire for company and loneliness depending on his mood. Nux vomica
200 weekly once for 4 months relieved.
Case 5: 40 year-old male, had fistula-in-anowith bleeding and pussy discharge. Pain in penis during
discharge. Urination more after coition. Palpitation aggravation lying on left sideand from loss of sleep.
Desire for company. Aggravation from noise, crowd. Sepia 200 once a week for 7 months gave good
65. Two sides of the same coin
GOVINDARAJAN Raji (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
Case 1: 26 year-old young man had profuse bleeding per rectum. He is mentally retarded and has
congenital hydrocephalus. The mother was vaccinated for small pox during third month of pregnancy.
Fair, tall, slim and good-looking. Very affectionate, happy, cheerful and behaves like a 5 year old boy.
Likes to take care of other children in special school and his father who is bed-ridden due to Parkinson.
Though mentally retarded he was capable of reacting to both joy and sorrow. His father’s illness affected
him much. Infrequent doses of Phosphorus 30, 200, & M helped in reducing the bleeding. O/E rectum – a
mass (size of lemon) half filled with solid matter and the other with fluid. Thuja 30 in repeated doses
completely shrinked the cyst.
Case 2: 71 year-old man, a bachelor who took care of his parents, brothers and sisters. Very helpful, warm
and affectionate. Desires reading, painting, lot of meditation and visiting temples. Had profuse bleeding per
rectum due to haemorrhoids. Bleeding even while passing flatus. Flatus hot. Pain during and after stool.
Distension of abdomen after eating. Carbo vegetabilis 30 repeated doses and Phosphorus 30/5 doses one
daily relieved.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 124
66. A Case of Rectal Polyp
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
27 year-old male, had poor appetite which developed after irregular eating habit. Uneasy, raw, sand
paper like feel; bitter taste and bloated abdomen. Aggravation from fatty food, butter, bread, eggs.
Amelioration leaning back, loose clothes, exercise, fasting. Stools are small, dark, with not-done feeling.
Sigmoidoscopy revealed rectal polyp. Diagnosed to have Amoebic Colitis. Patchy hair loss on chin, 2
circular spots of about cms – totally devoid of hair. Craves alcohol, beer, black coffee, fish and sweets.
Impatient, irritable, frustrated easily, suppressed anger. Constantly thinks about future and plans for it.
Takes work seriously. Very fastidious. Talks hurriedly and excitedly. Likes winter and dry weather. Nux
vomica 30, 200 gave temporary relief and Sulphur as Constitutional remedy helped. Though Tuberculinum
M and Carcinosin M given considering Alopecia, they did not produce any change.
67. Psychosomatic Concept of Ano-Rectal Disease
BALIGA Amitha (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
Case 1: 35 year-old male had fissure in the anus. Severe pain with burning and hard stool. Dark red
bleeding, aggravation during and after stool, worry, meat, sitting, amelioration cool breeze, washing with
cold water. Death of 2 brothers produced much grief. Much attached to family members but due to his job
he went away from the family. Anticipatory anxiety about the future, irritable, indecisive, likes company,
amelioration consolation. Timid, fear of snakes, Craves sweets, cold food. Aversion to sour food and meat.
Perspiration in head and legs. Sulphur 200 relieved the pain and Pulsatilla 200 given as constitutional
Case 2: 46 year-old male had an ano-rectal mass which protrudes during stool then recedes back.
Constipation with ineffectual urging and dissatisfied feeling. Bleeding present. Developed after prolonged
mental stress due the criticisms of his mother and his sisters. Irritable, violent, abusive, quarrelsome.
Responsible and careful with perfectionism. Aggravation from contradictions. Craves meat, fish, tea and
coffee. Thirsty, perspiration on head. Nux vomica 200, M weekly for 3 months with Sulphur 200/2 doses
inbetween relieved.
68. Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Ulcerative Colitis: A Common Thread
The author presents four cases were anxiety, worry and depression are present along with either
ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome.
Case 1: 36 year-old male, diagnosed as Idopathic Procto Colitis had bloody stools with frequent urging and
unfinished sensation. Wife lives seperately due to some misunderstanding.
Case 2: 47 year-old male had frequent urge to defecate, difficult to control. Stool pasty, semisolid and
offensive. Occult bloody stool with mucus. Has 14 year-old mentally retarded child.
Case 3: 27 year-old man had frequent stools, pasty, sticky, semisolid, must sit for a long time to clear,
unfinished feeling. Worries much about his health condition.
Case 4: 58 year-oldwoman had severe burning in abdomen with painful stool, either constipation or loose
stool. Underwent Hysterectomy, cholecystectomy, Appendicectomy and omentectomy and was diagnosed
as ulcerative colitis. Had severe depression without apparent cause. Had Hypertension and peptic ulcer.
All these patients received Aloes, Argentum mitricum, Mercurius corrocivus, Nitricum acidum,
Pulsatilla and Sulphur.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 125
69. A Case of Opium
PAWASKAR Navin (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
60 year-old male had balanitis. Stocky person with grey hairs. Intolerant of hunger, desires cold water,
tasty food, alcohol. O/E fibrosis, sensation prepuce not retractable, Glans red, raw, tender++. Anger
from least contradiction, Fear of death, Trance, Rudeness, Contended, Meditation, Indignation, discomfort
from general, Egotism, self-esteem, Hatred and revenge, Courageous, Earnestness, Benevolence, Rage,
fury, Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic. Opium 200 weekly for about 6 months helped.
70. Opium – My understanding
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
The author has given the primary, secondary and tertiary stages of the remedy followed by a case
1. Clemens v. Bönninghausen und di Sicherheit der Arzneinnerordnung - 156 Jahre Therapeutisches
Jaschenbuch (Clemens von BOENNINGHAUSEN and the certainty of remedy prescription - 156th
year of the Therapeutic Pocketbook)
HOLZAPFEL, K. (ZKH, 44, 4/2000)
A revised edition of the Therapeutic Pocket Book has been published in May 2000, 155 years after
the first publication. The reliability of the original as well as this new edition is examined with the aid of a
handwritten copy as also the ‘DUNHAM copy’ containing additions.
The Systematic Alphabetic Repertory of Homoeopathic medicines, BOGER’s Boenninghausen
Characteristics and Repertory and other ‘sources’ have also been studied in this connection.
Photocopies of some pages further manuscripts originals of which are in possession of the Institute for
History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart, have been given.
2. Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Repertorien und Materia Medica (Corrections of the Repertories and
Materia Medica)
ANDERSCH-HARTNER, P. (ZKH, 44, 4/2000)
Wrong entries of Calc-p.
Sexual desire, insatiable after menses. Calc-p. (SR. III, p. 607 - source KNERR)
Calc-p.: After menses, sexual excitement, insatiable desire; Calc-p.” (KNERR, p.667) Such a symptom is
not found in the GS we are find following symptom in the modality otherwise.
“Nymphomania; all organs in erection, with insatiable desire, particularly before catamenia” (GS, vol. 3, p.
“Before catamenia: Great sexual desire, followed by a copious flow.” (GS, vol. 3, p. 232)
Sexual desire, increased, after menses: Calc-p. (SR III, p.605 - source KNERR and BOGER -, CR. P. 1517)
Source’ In KNERR this symptom was found with the modality “after menses” (KNERR p. 667)>
“Menstruation, concomitants after menses, sex instinct: Calc-p. (BB, p. 686).
Possibly a wrong modality has been obtained from the KNERR repertory and from there into the SR - the
source GS however points out that the modality is “before menses” and not “after menses.” Only the
modality in the BB, p. 686 agrees with the modality in the SR. In the I edition of BB in 1905 no rubric as
“sex instinct” is found. Evidently this was added by the editor of the II edition of BB. The entry in the
reprint of the BB later is therefore to be viewed skeptically.
Wrong entry of Carbn-h
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 126
In the English Edition of the Dictionary of Materia Medica by CLARKE (vol. I p. 409) under Carbn-h
“Characteristics” is given: “amel by open air (vertigo, convulsions).”
When compared with the modality in the EN, it is otherwise: “After making a few steps into the open air,
his head became giddy, his knees trembled, and he had just sufficient power to throw himself on the grass.”
EN, II p. 606. Sy. No. 164).
In the MM itself CLARKE says under “Head”, “Vertigo agg. Going into open air...” (vol I, p. 403)
Further in the chapter “Characteristics” in vol. I p. 409 the modality is correctly given as agg.
A study of the symptoms of Carbn-h and Carbn-o in the EN shows surprisingly a ‘Sleep’ symptom is given
exactly similarly under both the remedies - even though the symptom sources are different. “Sleep
prolonged and very deep, interrupted by cramps in the jaws and toes” (Carbn-h. EN. II, p. 609, Sy, No.
185). As against this the Carbn-o symptom: “Sleep deep and prolonged, interrupted by cramps in cheek
and toes” (EN. II, p. 616, Sy. No. 349)
While an appropriate entry of Carb-h is not found in the repertories, under Carbn-o, in SR III, p. 49, CR, p.
223): Sleep, interrupted, Cramps, toes.” As Source SR mentions the Index of EN wherein in p. 979, vol.
XII Carbn-h - not Carbn-o - is found. Although Carbn-o is given in the MM Section of the EN (Sy. No.
349) with a similar symptom there is entry of this in the Index to the EN
Evidently the Proving of Carbn-h. is not free from errors: the Proving Symptom No. 185 (EN, p. 609) of
the Prover GAERTNER comes from a poisoning in Coal Damp state - footnote p. 606 - explains it as a
blending with Carborous oxide. How much of the symptom was influenced by oxide content can only be
guessed. Better would be to ignore the symptoms of provers 2 - 16 in the EN, since pure Carbn-h. was
Wrong entries of Carbn-s
Skin eruptions, Herpes : Carbn-s. (CR, p. 2362, K. 1314)
Carbn-s: Source in EN , GS, negative
Carbn-o: Herpes zoster on the left side of the face along the course of the trigeminus, ...” (EN. II, p. 616.
Sy. No. 338)
In CR besides Carbn-s (source KENT) also Carbn-o. (Source BOERICKE): Search in this connection in
the BOERICKE MM positive. (P. 175)
Fever, child bed fever, Carbn-s. (CR, P. 2320, K. p. 1289 (sic!)
Carbn-s.: source in EN, GS. Negative.
Carb-ac.: “Involuntary stools of intolerable odour Puerperal fever” (GS, vol. 3, p. 389)
“Puerperal fever” (GS, vol. 3, p. 388)
“Puerperal fever;...” (GS, vol. 3, p. 388) CR (p. 2320) has besides Carbn-s. also Carb-ac. Possibly
incorrect entry in Repertory should be Carb-ac., in the Repertory.
Extremities, skin, cracked, hands: Carbn-s., (sic!) (KD, m. z, p. 427, CR, p. 1875, K.970).
Carbn-s.: Source verification negative in GS and EN (vol. 2 and 10)
Carb-ac.: “Chilblains and chapped hands” (GS, vol. 3 p. 396)
Possibly this is confusion of remedy Carbn-s. and Carb-ac.
Wrong entry of a modality of Lac-c. in the Materia Medica
In the MM of nosodes of H. C. ALLEN, under Lac-c. p. 87 there is a contradictory modality:
“Cough from tickling in the upper anterior part of larynx, amel. talking and lying down” - and in the next
line- “Cough caused by irritation in upper part of throat, agg. lying down at night also after eating and
drinking and after talking....”
When GS is consulted both the above symptoms in H. C. ALLEN are found including the modality but the
first symptom has opposite modality.
Similarly “Lying down: Cough agg.” (GS, vol. VI, p. 538)
In view of the source GS, giving the modality as “agg.” It remains same in H.C. ALLEN’s MM which in
respect of this cough symptom is wrong.
In this connection the repertorial rubrics agree with the GS in respect of the following repertories. CR p.
1606 and 1619, K, p. 796 and 807.
Wrong entries of Lac-c
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 127
Morning, morning of one day and the afternoon of the next: lac-c. (SR, II, p. 3 - Source BOGER, CR, p.
A corresponding entry is found in the Indian Reprint edition of BB (p. 1103) - but is missing in the 1st
edition of the BB.
Source verification:
Lac-c.: “Aggravation in the morning of one day and evening of the next “ (H. C. ALLEN, p. 52)
“Worse morning of one day and evening of the next” (C. M. BOGER: A Synoptic Key to the MM, p.
This entry in Synoptic Key is identical with that in the 4th edition of the Synoptic Key revised by
Similarly in BB and also in SR and CR a wrong entry and it should be “evening” instead of the “afternoon”
Faintness, pressure in waist, by: lac-c. (SR, II, p. 201)
According to KNERR (p. 1019) as also GS (vol. VI, p. 557, section “Touch”), lac-c. in SR in this rubric
must be replaced by lac-d. - which is correctly entered in the CR (p. 2479).
Remedy error Lapa-lappa
Pulse intermittent: lapa (SR II, p. 542 - Source EN; CR, p. 2591)
Source verification:
lapa.: In the index of the EN a corresponding entry confirms. “Pulse intermittent” (EN, vol. 12, p. 897),
there it is “lap.” (Which is the abbreviation in the EN for Lapattum)
In the MM section no corresponding rubric, symptom (EN, vol. 5).
lappa.: “The pulse becomes fuller and slower, but seldom more than three pulsations without any
intermission.” (EN, vol. 10, p. 571)
“Extremely rapid pulse, with frequent intermissions” (EN, vol. 10, p. 571)
An erroneous entry in the Index of the EN has been taken in the SR and CR. lapa. must be corrected as
Pulse frequent: lapa (SR, II, p. 531 - source EN; CR. P. 2588)
Source verification:
lapa: Source verification positive in Index of EN (vol. 12, p. 898). “Pulse quick: lap.” - but negative in the
MM part of the EN (vol. 5)
lappa: Extremely rapid pulse, with frequent intermissions” (EN, vol. 10, p. 571)
In the SR and CR lapa may be corrected as lappa.
Possibly an erroneous entry of lyc.
Mind, fear, may not reach his destination: lyc. (CR p. 191; K 44, SR I p. 492)
Source verification: “Weariness and exhaustion while walking, so that he feared that he would be unable to
reach his destination at 5 p. m.” (EN, vol. 6, p. 53, Sy. No. 2466)
Likely this is the basis of this medicinal proving symptom (no other corresponding symptom is to be found
in the EN, GS, CK). It may be that the prover because of his extreme weakness came to the conclusion
(clearly justified) whether he would be able to make the remaining distance by foot and reach his
destination by 1700hrs., in which case lyc. in the above rubric appears alright.
Remedy confusion and Sed-ac. - Sed-t.
Menses, copious: Sed-ac. (SR III, p. 532. Source O. BOERICKE, CR. P. 1479)
Source verification:
Mennorrhagia: Sedum (abbreviated in this way) O. BOERICKE, p. 836.
Sed-ac.: A corresponding symptom is not to be found in the MM section of W. BOERICKE (p. 581, 582,
Sed-t.: Uterine haemorrhages, also of bowels and rectum, menorrhagia, especially at climateric” (W.
BOERICKE, p. 581)
In SR and CR Sed-ac. should be corrected to Sed-t.
1. Potentization and Potency: A Scientific view
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 128
SHARMA Rati Ram (JH, 4, 4/2000)
The homoeo-cure of author’s wife aroused his scientific curiosity and did experiments in rats. Only the
dynamised medicine brought good results. Explains the mechanism of dynamisation in brief.
1. KEYLOR: An End of Life Story
LEVY Jeff (HT, 20, 2/2000)
14 year-old KEYLOR had adenocarcinoma in the left anal gland. Had perhaps six to eight weeks to
live. Carboneum sulphuratum maintained him and basically showed no signs of cancer. However the
tumour continued to grow slowly. After 5 months, felt restless during night, yelping, and frequent need to
urinate, and seemed unhappy. Arsenicum album 200 worsened him. Euphorbium was found in both the
rubrics: Generalities: Pain in cancerous affections” with remedies that antidote Arsenicum. The author did
not have the remedy and hence he picked some “garden spurge” ground it in a mortar and pestle with
vodka, diluted it about 1:100, succussed it about 100 times, made a second dilution, and gave it to him.
Within a minute, he put his head down and went to sleep. A higher potency was given which caused
distension of his abdomen and couldn’t stand up any more. The author gave him the injection that ended
his life.
It is not always Ignatia for grief, Arnica for injuries, and Arsenicum at the end of life, there are other
remedies to consider in any of those situations.
Another good lesson from this experience is that the universe provides what we need if only we can see
it before us.
2. A Terrier With a Tumour
JENSEN Wendy (HT, 20, 3/2000)
A six year-old male Cairn terrier with a cutaneous lump (0.5 x 1.0 cm) on his throat pigmented dark
purple diagnosed as a hemangioma. Prior to this, Sulphur was give for summer itching which also cleared
up the yellow foamy bile vomiting when he skipped meals. Overwieght. Fear of vacuum cleaner and if the
furniture is moved, fear of ghost. Had an oily coat and liked ice cubes. Lachesis M cured.
3. A Case of Crotalus Horridus
PARTHASARATHY Vishpala (NJH, 2, 4/2000)
A pet dog had some bleeding spots in the mouth and bleeding per rectum. There was profuse bleeding.
The veterinarian gave him a shot of Teramycin, prescribed antibiotics and haematinics. But the dog being
the author’s pet, she stopped antibiotics and started with homoeopathic medicines. Crotalus horridus 200,
2 hourly for the first day followed by 4 hourly on the next day etc. By fifth day the bleeding stopped
completely and the colour of the stool turned from black to yellow. Tuberculinum M, 3 doses were given in
between. The blood investigations which were during the bleeding episode on 14-10-00 RBC: 3.85
million/cc; morphology abnormal 1+: WBC Total 20,000/cc Differential - Band cell – 5, N 72 L 16 B 07
Platelets 10,000/ul (N = 150,000 3, 00, 000). Urine showed Bile pigments ++; SGPT 26 (N). On 6
11- 00 Hb 12.5 WBC 8,200. N67 L27 E1, M5, RBC 5.60 Platelets 288,000/ul.
1. Statistical Analysis of the Effect of High Dilutions of Arsenic in a Large Dataset from a Wheat
Germination model.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 129
This paper describes the statistical analysis of a series of experiments using a simple biological model
(wheat germination in vitro), where a large number of wheat seeds were treated with homeopathic
potencies of Arsenic trioxide. Some potencies, such As
40x, 42x and 45x, have repeatedly shown a
significant stimulating effect on germination compared to controls, whereas As
35x has a significant
inhibiting effect. In some experiments the seeds were stressed before the experiment with a sublethal dose
of the same substance. We performed a statistical analysis, both for stressed and non-stressed seed groups,
using Poison distribution as a suitable model for representing the number of non-germinated seeds in a
standard experiment with 33 seeds in the same Petri dish. Finally, we have considered the most repeated
potencies (30x and 45x), computing the sample odds ratio (OR) and a 95% confidence interval (CI) for the
population OR. Our results show significant reproducible effects of some As
45x. In stressed seeds,
even decimal potencies of water seem to give significant results compared to control, whereas high dilutions
of As
without potentization never show significant effects.
2. Patient Benefit Survey: Tunbridge Wells Homoeopathic Hospital
(CLOVER, A. BHJ, 89, 2/2000)
We report an outcome study concerning patients treated by homeopathic medicine at the Tunbridge
Wells Homoeopathic Hospital for the whole of 1997. The study aimed to assess: (a) the range of diagnoses
presented by patients, and (b) patients’ own impressions of benefit. 1372 questionnaires were completed by
patients after consultations to record their impressions of the effects of homeopathic treatment. Patients
were asked to score their responses on a + 3 to - 3 scale. The three main diagnostic groups were,
dermatology, musculo-skeletal disorders, and malignant disease, especially carcinoma of the breast.
Overall, 74% of patients recorded positive benefits, with 55% recording scores of +3 or +2.
3. Effectiveness Research in Homoeopathy: Report from the London Conference
JACOBS Jennifer (HT, 20, 2/2000)
The conference was converged on:
1. Improving the Success of Homoeopathy
2. Developing and Demonstrating Effectiveness.
The meeting was held to stimulate work and discussion around evidence-based research in
homoeopathy. Evidence-based research looks at practical results in typical clinical settings, rather the
ivory-tower type of research that creates artificial and ideal conditions in a study. In homoeopathy,
evidence-based research is a natural fit. Rather than looking at the results of specific laboratory tests, we
look at the whole person. Cost and safety issues are also part of effective research, both areas in which
homoeopathy could be expected to have an advantage.
Dr. Flavio DANTES, a professor of homoeopathy and mdical ehics in brazil, presente the results of his
expensive review of the literature on the side effects of homoeopathic medicines. He concluded that side
effects are rarely reported and often not distinuguished from aggravations. He urged the international
community to begin a standarized collection system for evidence about which homoeopathic remedies are
most likely to cause adverse effects and at which potencies.
4. Effect of Homoeopathic Drug Phosphorus 30 on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats.
BEGUM Rasheedunnisa (IJHM , 33, 1/2000)
Studies were carried out to explore the hepatoprotective action of Phosphorus 30 on CCI4 induced
hepatitis. Moderate CCI4 toxicity was induced in rats. The drug Phosphorus 30 could not effect the serum
ALT activity, however the drug showed significant decrease in liver ALT activity of CCI4 intoxicated rats.
Histologically the drug showed marked recovery of the liver damage.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 130
1. The Choice of Homoeopathic models: The Patient’s dilemma MACEOIN Denis (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
An interesting article which exposes the patient’s dilemma in a very detailed manner.
Patient’s as their name implies have restricted freedom of action. They depend on practitioners for
advice as to treatment options, and for whatever range of treatments is available to them. The extent of
patient freedom is, of course, dependent on a number of factors, many of them political and, therefore, in
theory, open to patient manipulation: whether medicine is state-subsidized, private, or financed by some
system of health insurance; the level of individual education; the availability of information in the media,
libraries, and public education courses; and so on.
The alternative medical market presents particular problems to the patient. Whereas orthodox practice
tends to be physician-driven, with an establishment (medical schools, royal collages, medical associations,
etc.) determining what is proper practice at any given time, and patients accorded relatively few
opportunities for genuinely informed consent, to the extent that the system itself provides relatively few
options, the alternative scene is patient-directed and burdened by the problem of choice.
The first choice facing most patients is that of therapy. For many people, the decision to visit an
alternative practitioner is poorly formulated and prompted by necessity (orthodox treatment has not worked,
and symptoms persist), fear (orthodox treatment can offer no cure for a chronic for a chronic or fatal
condition), or dissatisfaction (the GP or consultant is responsive to patient demand). Few people which of
the many alternative systems available will be likely to benefit their particular condition. They may know
the names of only one or two such systems, and know less of how they work, and they will probably have
no idea how best to find competent practitioner.
Such dilemmas are normally pragmatically.
Coming from a situation of absolute or relative ignorance the patient is faced with considerable
problems of adjustment.
It is clearly not enough for patients simply to take whatever medicines they have been given, or to be
manipulated, or to receive acupuncture, etc. Most alternative systems require a little more. The first and
most obvious area for the exercise of further initiative will be deciding whether or not the practitioner has
after all been the right choice.
The patient still has a lot of work to do. There may be changes in life-style, diet, or habits to make.
A failure to communicate properly will often lead both patient and physician into mutual
incomprehension. The author remembers being treated for quite a long time by a doctor homoeopath who
put him on all sorts of bizarre exclusion diets and tested him for numerous allergies. It was only after nearly
two years without progress on any level that he began to understand that what was happening had little to do
with homoeopathy, and that the doctor in question considered herself to be a clinical ecologist, albeit one
using homoeopathic remedies often in bizarre ways.
So there is chances of getting disillusioned with homoeopathy and other alternative systems because of
such failures in communication.
Assuming that issues of demarcation (homoeopathy versus Clinical ecology, Homoeopathy versus
herbalism, homoeopathy versus allopathy, homoeopathy versus isopathy) have to be tackled, things should,
in theory, run more s monthly. In practice, of course, they may not. There is a very basic problem of how
far to take patient education. All medical practitioners, orthodox and unorthodox alike, are obliged to tread
a fine line between keeping their patients in ignorance and giving them information with which they may
inadvertently do themselves harm or impede their treatment.
In the case of homoeopathy, it is obvious that a poorly-informed patient may become a liability to
himself. It is at the very least important to understand; what constitutes a dose, and why; the nature of
homoeopathic aggravation, should it occur; the direction of cure; suppression; and the need for patients in
awaiting results.
But somewhere around this point we enter a more difficult area. Not all homoeopaths practice alike.
As far as distinctions may be made, there are classical and non-classical homoeopaths, high- and low-
potency prescribers, constitutional and routinist practitioners, and advocates of single and complex
remedies. Normally, the patient will have come into the hands of one or another of these without being
aware that he has done so, and that other approaches exist. As far as he or she is concerned, the practitioner
is a homoeopath tout simple.
Well, choosing the right sort of homoeopath is obviously not just a banal matter of consumer choice.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 131
A final dilemma facing some patients is the medical competence of a practitioner. Medical competence
does not stand in isolation from other factors. Eminent among these must be the philosophical stance of the
Put in the simplest terms, there is a sharp division between those practitioners whose approach is, shall
we say, “scientific,” and those who subscribe to some degree of occult or “New Age” belief. The division
in Homoeopathy has been eloquently analyzed by Anthony CAMPBELL, in his well-researched study, The
Two Faces of Homoeopathy, to which the interested reader is referred.
On the one hand, there are homoeopaths whom are considered to be most committed to the ideal of
providing a real alternative to suppressive orthodox treatment and to making homoeopathy available to the
public as an integral, and not integrated, system of medicine, but many of whom insist on mixing it up with
a congeries of doctrines and ideas which are bunkum and likely to alienate the majority of patients and
would-be patients, and the whole of the medical establishment.
On the other hand, there are homoeopaths who share rationalist view of the universe, are guided by
broadly scientific principles rather than esoteric dogma, and are in a position to advance the cause of
Homoeopathy within the ranks of medical and scientific orthodoxy, yet whose training, professional
interests, and career prospects make it difficult for them to advocate the kind of radical alternative that
many patients demand.
[The author - a former lecturer in Arabic and Islamic studies and a specialist on Shiíite Islam, his academic
work has also involved extensive studies of mysticism and New Religious Movements.]
2. Fads in homoeopathy
LEE John (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
This article deals with the various fads which have come and gone in homoeopathy throughout the last
two decades. Some of them are:
1. In 1995, there was a talk about Milliem potencies, remedies made by one part in 1,000 instead of 100.
Several prominent homoeopaths wanted to try this, but no pharmacy wanted to remake all the remedies
2. In 1992, Robin MURPHY introduced Aqua Pura as a panacea. Popular for several weeks but now in
cobweb encrusted box, untouched for years.
3. In 1980, New Styles of analysis - like the Circle of Elements, where symptoms in the case are supported
to represent either earth, air, fire or water and match this to a remedy with the same affinity.
4. Jan SCHOLTEN, FARRINGTON, BORLAND and others have contributed some ideas on utilizing the
periodic table of elements to find the remedy. Combination of elements that cannot possibly exists in
nature, such as Helium chloride and Aurum fluoricum or ridiculous combinations such as Yttrium
molybdenum sulfate are being ordered. Hundreds of possible compounds are stocked with very few
5. Astro-Homoeopathy! Birthdate and a check is enough to get a prescription. Advertisements claiming
that there are remedies available to remove karmic blocks abound!
6. In 1999, the new fad is Bio-Resonance machine - by plugging the patient to a machine we get the
7. As per the SEGHAL method, the first words that patient utters on entering the consultation room
indicates the remedy. e. g. “OOPS-a-diasy!” then Bellis perrenis is the remedy.
8. An artistic prescribing fad - where a Spanish patient, a website designer, say “I am in a spin,” and be
given Tarentula hispanica without hesitation?
9. In mid-90’s, Prithan SINGH’s miasmatic Homoeopathy, with ascending and descending potencies, had
a brief flurry of interest.
10. In 1996, SANKARAN’s Substance of Homoeopathy came out, complete with four tapes as one
section of the book was concerned with music provings. Supposed to meditate to the Indian music
and undergo a music proving. Few tried and got only a headache. But soon, these music provings were
all conveniently forgotten.
11. George VITHOULKAS - Materia Medica viva, starting at “A,” was heralded as the new, indispensable
multivolume materia medica, which has remained unfinished. Really bad luck if we need
Hyoscyamus, and even worse if you need Zingiber, as we could be in for a long wait!
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 132
12. In 1998, Conte! Just spit in a vial and all the high tech machinery analyzes and prescribes a remedy
through sophisticated physics that only gifted could ever understand.
13. In meditative provings, “provers” sit around a vial and channel remedy information psychically through
spirit guides. Some remedies have been proved meditatively and this has produced meditatively and
this has produced symptoms and ideas totally different from when the same remedy was proved
14. Intention! Forget physical remedies, and just “intend” the remedies to the patient.
3. The Life and Work of Frederick HAHNEMANN, Son of Samuel HAHNEMANN
LITTLE David (AH, 6/2000)
Fredericke HAHNEMANN (1786 - ?)
The story of the son of Samuel HAHNEMANN, Fredericke HAHNEMANN is one of mystery,
madness and genius. Fredericke HAHNEMANN was born in Dresden, Germany on November 30, 1786.
He was always an anxiety to his parents due to his poor health. As a child he suffered from a rickets -like
disease which left him high-chested and with a curvature Of spine. In 1799, the hostility of the apothecaries
and physicians drove HAHNEMANN from Konigslutter. On the road, the HAHNEMANN family met with
a terrible accident in which their large carriage overturned and the entire family injured. On of the girl’s leg
was broken. Frederick’s spine was possibly broken (HERING’s account) and his younger baby brother died
from his injuries.
It seems the combination of Frederick’s congenital weakness and possible spinal injury left him
hunchback. Although his frame was weak, he had a brilliant mind and mastered many languages and
sciences. He passed his degree in medicine in 1810 at the age of 24 and began the practice of
homoeopathic healing arts. In the following year, he was chosen by his father to answer the bitter criticism
of the first edition of the Organon.
As time went on, Fredericke became more and more eccentric in his appearance and behavior. He did
not cut his hair nor beard, always wore Oriental clothes, did not mix with Society, and often withdrew into
his own world. From 1818 onward, his letters began to show traces of temporary mental disturbance,
causing his father to cry in 1819, “My poor son is certainly insane!.”
Fredericke eventually moved to a small town called Wolkenstein in the Erzgebrige where he bought the
chemist’s shop. In no time he had such a large following that patients sometimes had to wait for days for
their turn. The mad genius was loved by his patients and despised by his critics.
The author further gives the great man’s like HUMPHREY, HARTMANN, Richard HAEHL, William
WESSELHOEFT, accounts of Fredericke each in their own words.
The allopathic conspiracy against Fredericke and how he helped in the cholera epidemic in Mississippi
valley is also given in detail.
4. Dr. HERING’s Preface
(AH, 6/2000)
The article is - Dr. HERING’s preface to HAHNEMANN’s Chronic Diseases. Taken from an old
volume in the library of Francis TREUBERZ. Dr. HERING gives much details about the psoric miasm,
anti-psoric remedies and an abstract from “Guide to the Progressive Development of Homoeopathy”
which deals particularly with his ‘Law of the Direction of Cure.’
At the end Dr. Hempel gives a brief note on HERING’s article.
1. Hahnemann Revisited: A Textbook of Classical Homoeopathy for the Professional by
SCHEPPER L D. Full of Life Publications, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Published in June 1999. 573
pages, $100. Reviewed by MORREL Peter (SIM, XIII, 3/2000): “This new, large-format textbook is
composed of three sections: “The Foundations,” “The Healing Process,” and “The Chronic Miasms,”
divided into 25 chapters and four appendices. It also contains 44 diagrams. This is undoubtedly an
important new textbook that is comprehensive, detailed and authoritative. It provides the reader with a
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 133
sound introductory grounding in every aspect of Homoeopathy, apart from Materia Medica, although it
does give some brief guidance on that too. It is supplemented by detailed information on case analysis
(replete with numerous examples), Miasms, Nosodes and LM potencies. It is rounded off with a useful
bibliography and a “further reading” section.
“This book gives a very clear and detailed exposition of some topics only previously explored
superficially, if at all, by other authors.
It is especially valuable in its detailed treatment of LM potencies, which will be welcomed by all
students. A detailed description about this topic is also given in the same issue of Simillimum. Extracts
from this section are: HAHNEMANN developed LM potencies at the end of his life to accelerate the cure
while minimizing aggravations, because he felt that aggravations caused by centesimal potencies caused too
much suffering for the patient. Being a master pharmacist, he developed a technique for making the
remedies deeper and faster acting while at the same time more gentle.
LMs are also called Q potencies, both of which refer to the 1 in 50,000 dilution. (L and M are the
Roman numerals for 50 and 1000 respectively, while Q is an abbreviation for quinquagintamiillesimal,”
derived from the Latin quinquagesimus [50th] and millesimus [thousandth]). The specific potencies are
notated 0/1, 0/2, or 1/0, 2/0, or Q1, Q2, etc in which the 0 stands for the tiny poppy seed granules on which
they are prepared. Sometimes the notation LM is used to mean 50M in the progression 1M, 10M, LM,
100M. In that case LM means 50,000C, which is entirely different from LM or Q potencies, as will be
explained in detail below. In brief, LM potencies are diluted one in 50,000 times but succussed 100 times
at each step. A 50,000C would be diluted 100 times and succussed 100 times at each step, and the process
repeated 50,000 times - a much higher dose, especially in terms of succussions.
The Myth of Aggravations
Why do we advocate using LMs to avoid aggravations? Some homeopaths believe that an aggravation
is necessary in order to procure a healing.
Most homoeopaths practicing today treat chronic diseases with high centesimal potencies such as
200C, 1M and 10M and actually look for an aggravation to demonstrate that the remedy is working. ...They
attribute this approach to KENT, which is why I refer this method as Kentian Prescribing. But in fact
KENT himself did not approve of bringing about aggravations, as we can see in his Lesser Writings:
“Keep the mild potency as long as it works. It is not well to jump degrees. The best action is the slight
aggravation, the ideal one is the one that does not aggravate but ameliorate. We do not seek to produce an
aggravation, that is not the best, not the longest curative effect.
An aggravation is the primary action of the remedy which is so strong that it represses the secondary
curative response from the Vital Force for a longer or shorter period. This will slow down the cure.
Historical background... explains the source of discord in potencies.
How the sixth edition of Organon came to light and the LM pontencies are put into practice by Dr.
Charles Pahud of France and then by the famous homoeopath Dr. Pierre SCHMIDT of Geneva are detailed.
How the LMs are made, Details of making LM 2 from LM 1, Making the remedy solution bottle,
Standard succussions for the Non-Sensitive Patient, Dosage and administration for a non-sensitive patient,
Adjustments for the hypersensitive patient, Advantages of LM Potencies vs. The Centesimal scale are all
given in detail.
Practical advice for LM Prescribing
Adjust for hypersensitives: Ascertain the sensitivity of the patient by asking them whether they have
previously aggravated on homoeopathic remedies; whether they are sensitive to environmental chemicals,
fumes, or weather changes; whether they have difficulty coming out of anasthesia; whether they typically
reduce their dosage of allopathic medicine to ½ or ¼ the recommended amount; and/or whether they tend to
have allergic reactions to vitamins and herbs. If you suspect the patient is hypersensitive, it is better to be
conservative and give her an eight ounce bottle with two succussions. The worst that can happen is that the
cure takes a little longer than it otherwise would. For example, you tell the patient to do two succussions
and it turns out she needs four. If you err in the other direction, and tell a patient to use four succussions
when they really need two, the resulting aggravations will slow down the process of cure much more.
Remember than an LM is much more powerful than 30C (which why I have seen that a hypersensitive
could tolerate 30C but not an LM 1, two succussions). So if the vitality and sensitivity is such that one
would be concerned about giving a 30C, then do not give LMs in a normal dose. Use eight or sixteen ounce
bottles with two succussions, dilute in several cups if needed, give one dose as a test dose and repeat only if
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 134
Giving an initial test dose: When starting a new remedy, give a test dose by asking the patient to take one
dose and then skip the following day so that he has a full 48 hours to observe the effect. Make sure that the
patient does not interfere with this first dose (by avoiding coffee and starting any other new modality or a
new diet at this time) and see how the reaction compares to the (following) three scenarios... Assuming that
you have chosen the right remedy, the first possibility is a strong positive reaction such that the patient feels
an extra amount of nervous energy (taking off like a rocket). Much as the patient might like this, stop the
remedy for several days and reduce the amount of succussions because it means that the dosage is too
strong and will lead to an aggravation. Normally the number of succussion is reduced by two (e.g. from
eight to six) if there is an aggravation. But in this case you can consider reducing much more, e.g. from
eight to four or even two, depending on how intense the reaction is.
A second scenario is a similar aggravation: stop the remedy until the aggravation is over and adjust the
succussions and/or the amount given. (Consider adjusting the succussions down to two if the reaction is
intense, as in the first scenario.) The third scenario is the ideal one, the “Driving Miss Daisy” response: a
gentle beneficial reaction (a sense of well-being, sleeping longer and deeper, etc.). There may or may not
be any improvement in the Chief Complaint at this point. The patient can then resume the remedy at the
same number of succussions. A fourth possibility.... is a striking improvement in the patient’s chief
complaint. In this case, HAHNEMANN said do not repeat until the improvement stops, which can take
several days or even weeks. (A final scenario is not a reflection on the potency but on the choice of a
remedy: a dissimilar aggravation indicates that the remedy and the case must be re-analyzed.)
There are several ways of adjusting, by decreasing or increasing the following:
1. The number of succussions
2. The amount of water in the solution bottle, by using an eight ounce or 16 ounce bottle
3. The dilution (number of teaspoons taken from the bottle and put into the four ounce cup of water)
4. The quantity of the dose from the cup itself (½, ¼ or 1/8 teaspoon; two teaspoons or one
tablespoon, etc.)
5. The number of cups used to dilute the remedy the days of intake (skipping days or every day).
Normally I adjust the number of succussions first, down to the minimum of two before applying the
other measures.
Reduce succussions between LM potencies: When the patient goes from LM 1 to LM 2 she reduces the
number of succussions by two e.g. from eight to six, then when going from LM 2 to LM 3 from six to four.
When the number of succussions has been reduced to two, you cannot go any lower so the patient starts
taking ½ teaspoon from the bottle and from the cup (written ½-½).
Ending with 200C or 1M: Depending on the compliance of the patient, after LM 2 or LM 3 I sometimes
give the same remedy (if still indicated) in a 200C or 1M potency. This has certain advantages. First, some
patients get tired of taking a dose prn, which becomes especially confusing when the remedy is needed less
and less often. There is a real danger that they will overdose themselves because they do not pay much
attention. At the same time, as we progress with our LM potency, with each dose slightly stronger than the
previous one, the natural disease grows smaller while the artificial disease created by the remedy grows
larger. Therefore, there is growing danger of accessory symptoms of the remedy, unhomoeopathic to the
case, if the dose is repeated too soon. A 1M has less penetration power than LM 3 (which has built in all
the succussions of LM 1 and 2). This “lesser” potency therefore might correspond more closely to the
diminished natural disease, keeping accessory symptoms to a minimum. Of course, when you have an
intelligent and diligent patient, you certainly never need to use another potency but LM. A very sporadic
LM dose prn when symptoms resurface speeds up the healing process. But the above method can be
applied if the patient is too busy and does not attention to his progress (which happens more often than one
would think), or the patient becomes confused as to when to repeat the LM potency...
Plussing the bottle: For sensitive patients, in order to dull the possibly aggravating step from LM 1 to LM
2, I would tell them that when the LM 1 bottle has only one teaspoon remaining, to fill it with purified water
half-way (2 oz. for a 4 oz. for an 8 oz. Bottle), and then continue with the same number of succussions (this
is the plussing method). Since the last teaspoon of LM 1 contains all the added succussions, it is the
strongest teaspoon of LM 1 and is therefore the ideal one to be diluted. This way, when the patient finishes
this plussed bottle and takes the first teaspoon of LM 2 (if still needed), any aggravation will be minimal or
non-existent. This is only necessary when going from LM 1 to LM 2, not from LM 2 to LM 3 etc., and only
for sensitive patients.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 135
Plussing is a good way to test whether a patient still needs the remedy. I might do this when I think the
patient is at the end of the remedy. If the patient is about to finish LM 4 and I not sure if she will need LM
5, I might have her plus the bottle. If her symptoms return slightly, she needs the added stimulus of LM 5.
If not, the plussed LM 4 might coast her gently to a complete cure. Another situation in which I might do
this is a practical one: if the patient is about to run out and cannot refill in time, I tell her to plus the bottle.
If she continues to progress, then I know I can definitely reduce the succussions and maybe the frequency or
dosage for the next LM bottle. If there is no progress she definitely needs the next LM and possibly at the
same number of succussions.
Nosodes: Nosodes are sometimes found in LM potencies, but as a rule, I would advise using nosodes in
200C potency, as the old masters did. 200C is more appropriate for their deep working and slow-acting
nature. (I start with a 200C and then if I need to repeat it I have the options of repeating 200C or going
directly to a 1M.)
When not to use LMs: Exceptions for the use of LM potencies are few, but they exist. LM potencies are
not indicated in the treatment of the three great miasms as long as their external manifestations are: recently
erupted itch (scabies), or syphilitic chancre, or figwarts. These situations require large doses of the remedy
from the beginning with higher and higher potencies daily or even more often. This procedure has no
danger of causing medicinal aggravation since the practitioner can observe the progress of treatment day by
day until disappearance of these local symptoms signal a perfect cure. (As modern practitioners we are not
normally confronted with these situations. By the time patients come to us, the condition has usually been
suppressed and we see it in the chronic miasmatic state. But it was a very common occurrence in
HAHNEMANN’s time. American homoeopaths may see it if they volunteer to work in Third World
countries, because suppressive treatments are not so widely available there.) LMs may also be
contraindicated depending on the patient’s temperament or forgetfulness...
In ascending order: Some Indian practitioners start with LM 6, for example, giving it for three days,
stopping for a month, then giving three doses of LM 12, waiting another month, giving three doses of LM
18, and so on. This method may work in the hands of a very skilled and experienced practitioner, but would
not recommend it to a beginner and I have not found it necessary in my practice. I always start with LM 1
and proceed to LM 2, LM 3 etc. Without skipping potencies. The only exception was that HAHNEMANN
advised sometimes starting with LM 3 in very hyposensitive individuals. But practitioners should follow
the basic rules until they are thoroughly familiar with the phenomenal power of LMs before they start
experimenting with different methods of administration.
Other Indian homoeopaths give the remedy in descending potencies. Dr. CHOUDHURY introduced
this method in India, giving sensitive patients first a few doses of LM 1 and then, when the patient regained
his vitality, raising the potency to LM 3 or 4 and after that gradually descending the scale again. We can
understand the reasoning. After application of the simillimum the disease state becomes weaker, the patient
feels improved on all planes, yet by going to LM 2 the remedy becomes stronger. So he preferred the
descending method, going down from LM 4 to LM 3, etc. But we can adjust for this by reducing the
succussions, giving the remedy less frequently and in smaller amounts. Also, as a practical matter, it seems
difficult to judge how far to jump with a particular patient once the initial doses of LM 1 are given, whether
to LM 3 or LM 6, etc. Like the ascending potencies, this method may give very good results in the hands of
an experienced practitioner but is not recommended for the beginner. HAHNEMANN did use descending
potencies at one point in the beginning, but later, he used ascending potencies throughout his cases, which
CHOUDHURY attributes to his senility and the heavy burden of more important assignments. But we
know from historic accounts that HAHNEMANN remained mentally sharp and able to do his best work up
to the time of his death. In my own practice, I always use the ascending scale HAHNEMANN
recommended, with excellent results.
Overreaction by hypersensitives: A few hypersensitives can be so sensitive that they seem to react to any
seemingly well-indicated remedy with many new symptoms. The accessory symptoms can even
overshadow the patient’s clinical picture, giving the practitioner the false impression that the remedy is
wrong. After several false starts, the practitioner realizes that the problem is not his choice of remedy but
the patient’s extraordinary hypersensitivity. (If they were truly accessory signs, the remedy wouldn’t have
to be changed, only the potency.) I would not use LMs in this case because they will react to even the
smallest dose due to their deep penetration power. I would first try 6C dry, one pellet per day, adjusting up
if necessary by putting it in water and giving one, two or three teaspoons a day, or adjusting down if
necessary by going to the olfactive or skin method.
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Administer in water: The famous Indian homoeopath PATEL tried giving LM potencies dry on the
tongue, claiming they worked that way too. But he admitted that the medicines in liquid worked better.
One should never use the LM potencies dry, only in water as HAHNEMANN prescribed.
Always start with LM 1: In a footnote to Aphorism 246, HAHNEMANN states: “Use begins with the lowest
degrees [i.e. LM 1].” He did not say, “Start with LM 6 or LM 10. “Imitate me, but imitate me well” is
HAHNEMANN’s motto.
When we finish a layer, for instance with an LM 3, and new symptoms requiring a new remedy show
up, what should be the potency of this second prescription? For instance we finish a layer of Sepia at the
end of a bottle of Sepia LM 3. Now the totality of symptoms of Natrum muriaticum appears, representing
an earlier layer in the patient’s timeline. We have to start again with LM 1 of Natrum muriaticum. This is a
new layer, the patient has no Natrum muriaticum in her system, so it is logical that we start over again.
However, if returning to the same remedy after a lapse of time (the patient seemed to be cured but
symptoms recur later), resume where you left off that remedy. If she is halfway through a bottle of LM 3,
she must start at the same place. If the remedy has spoiled (flecks are floating in it), she will have to take a
new bottle of LM 3 and pour half of it out, also succussing it approximately the same number of times as the
accumulated succussions in the previous bottle.
End at LM 30: HAHNEMANN made LMs up to LM 30, because as he stated, “everything has to come an
end.” In fact when his medicine chest was discovered, it had all the remedies proven at that time in
potencies to LM 10 with only Sulphur and Mercurius solubilis up to LM 30. He had about 1700 LM
potency remedies in this chest versus about 500C scale remedies (which indicates his preference at the end
of his life)! Most chronic cases are cured by the time we reach LM 10. (Occasionally a hyposensitive with
a disease layer of many years’ duration will need more.) An exception occurs when palliating incurable
diseases. I used Arsenicum in a cancer patient whose oncologist gave her two months to live. She lived
another three years and reached LM 16, enjoying good health, energy and moods to the very end. Some
practitioners like PATEL in India have reached LM 50 (especially in Nux vomica and Sulphur) but PATEL
started his cases with LM 10 and jumped potencies from there.
Administer correctly: Many modern homoeopaths think that LM potencies are a type of low potency
remedy that can be repeated daily “because they don’t aggravate.” Nothing is further from the truth. We
already know that LMs are not repeated automatically, day after day. And it is mainly the incorrect use of
the LM potencies (starting with LM 5 instead of LM 1, giving the pellet dry, giving a dose directly from the
bottle, etc.) that gives the mistaken impression that LMs also aggravate,” as I have heard some Kentian
prescribers say. A very small aggravation is possible and easily corrected through the various means we
have of adjustment of the dose. But that is not what these homoeopaths refer to. Some of them even claim,
“I used the LM potency and my case aggravated. Then when I used the centesimal scale, I had no
aggravation and my patient was cured.” If this were true, why would HAHNEMANN in the 6th edition
declare LMs his greatest achievement and encourage his readers to discard his previous discovery, the
centesimals? I believe that many of the problems reported with LM potencies stem from an unfortunate
lack of training and textbooks available for LMs. For example, I have heard of homoeopaths giving the LM
pellet dry on the tongue, or starting with LM 6, or giving a teaspoon directly from the remedy bottle, or
jumping from one LM to the next after only a few days. Almost every time improper application was the
sole reason for aggravations from LMs.
Do not automatically give the remedy daily: It bears repeating that an LM potency is not repeated
indiscriminately day after day just because, as many believe, it is such a gentle potency.” In Aphorism
246 HAHNEMANN said: “Every noticeably progressing and conspicuously increasing improvement. .
.excludes any repetition of the medicine.” Cases with such “conspicuously increasing improvement” are of
course the most wonderful reactions we can have, and if the patient is sensitive enough I have seen a layer
resolved with a single dose of LM 1.
Alas, as HAHNEMANN said himself in the same paragraph, these cases are rather rare, and he
continues in a footnote to the same paragraph, The same well-chosen medicine can now be given daily,
even for months when necessary.” We need to pay great attention to each word HAHNEMANN said,
particularly to the words when necessary. We need to educate our patients as to the different outcome
scenarios so they know how to adjust on a daily basis and when to stop taking the remedy. In addition to
the patient instruction handout... I give them ...a basic rule of thumb. “When in doubt, stop the remedy and
call me.”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 137
Administering in eyedroppers: Most homoeopaths who tell me that they use LMs seem to administer them
in eyedroppers rather than four or eight ounce bottles. This is not the method HAHNEMANN
recommended, and I am not sure where it started. It is definitely more convenient for the patient, and I am
open to the possibility, although I have never tried it this way myself. I do have several concerns about
giving LMs in this way. The wave forms of the succussions (and thereby the power of the energetic imprint
of the remedy picture) would be altered if almost the entire volume of the bottle is penetrated by the
dropper. Most practitioners who use LMs in eye drops say that they aggravate or that they are no better
than centesimals, which tells that eyedroppers may not be as effective a method as the remedy bottles.
David LITTLE’s research with hundreds of patients in India over the past 12 years indicates that the size of
the remedy bottle has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the remedy...
Along with established texts by such greats as KENT, CLOSE and ROBERTS, it seems certain that this
book will quickly and easily establish itself as a popular textbook on homoeopathy. It seems destined to
become a favorite in the colleges and to become a classic text in the field for many years to come. Its
detailed appraisal of many subjects is much better than that found in some smaller texts.
“Remedies such as Carcinosin and Staphysagria [which complement each other] should always be in
the differential diagnosis for children with emotional or physical symptoms due to authoritarian and
domineering parents.” [P. 135]
A superb diagram on page 148 shows how a typical Calcarea carbonica child can change at age two to
become a Lycopodium, Phosphorus or Sulphur type and then at puberty to change again. This is very
useful and insightful approach to materia medica and viewing the case, as well as the diagram being a good
way to illustrate this idea.
“Surgical removal of polyps, hemorrhoids, fistulae, and inflamed tonsils, adenoids and appendixes
should be postponed until homoeopathy has been given a chance to heal them, which it often does.” [p. 256]
“...bowel nosodes can produce miracles in tenacious, difficult cases. But always use the similar remedy
first unless you absolutely cannot find it.... using a bowel nosode ...[really] has moved these cases along. I
have found them most helpful for eczema, asthma, enuresis, and anticipation anxiety, in that order.” [p. 345]
“Hahnemann also mentions that pregnancy is an ideal time to treat the mother with an antipsoric
remedy, because the woman’s increased sensitivity makes her internal psora manifest more plainly.” [p.
“...homoeopaths avoid tonsillectomies through careful prescribing, to avoid depriving the child of these
valuable immune-system glands. Homoeopaths instead of having a multiplicity of vaccinations, in which
foreign substances are injected into the bloodstream. Childhood illnesses boost the Vital Force rather than
lowering it.” [p. 438]
The following remedies have been found so effective for cancers in specific areas that they can almost
be prescribed by the location of the tumor: Graphites for cancer in cicatrices; Phosphorus for hepatic and
pancreatic cancer; Ornithogalum [Star of Bethlehem] for cancer of stomach and cecum; center of action is
the pylorus.” [p. 444]
2. The Method: Lectures on Pure Classical Homoeopathy II by André SAINE. Lutra Services, BV,
The Netherlands. Hardback, 204 pages, $39. Reviewed by Barbara JUNIPER (SIM, XIII, 4/2000):
The Method is a transcription of a seminar Dr. SAINE conducted in 1993 in the Netherlands”. “The book
is essentially divided into three parts. The first part includes an in-depth discussion of the direction of cure.
...The second part is titled “Case Handling”. ....The third point of the book is on “Evaluation of Symptoms”.
“I believe this book will be very helpful to the serious student of Homoeopathy and also to any practitioner
who might be feeling the need of some clarification regarding the methodology and principles of pure
classical Homoeopathy. Abundant with quotes from the Organon and other works of HAHNEMANN, we
are reminded once again of the genius of the founder of this great science. As Dr. SAINE quotes, from
LIPPE, “If we are true to Homoeopathy, it will be true to us.”
3. Handbuch der Haupt - Anzeigen für die richtige Wahl der homöopathischen Heilmittel, GHG
JAHR, Reihe Klassische Werke der Homöopathie, Band 3, 1004 S., geb., Verlag Homöopathischen
Wissen, Euskinchen 1998 DM 240, - (German) review by BÜNDER (ZKH, 44, 4/2000): Hand book of
the Chief Indications for the correct selection of the homoeopathic curative remedy. “With this new
reprint of the 4th edition of 1851 (then 867 pages) from JAHR, a close student of HAHNEMANN, the
publisher has brought a work which has been recommended already by HAHNEMANN in the footnote to
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 138
Aphorisms 153 of the Organon. This work which in HAHNEMANN’s concept was suitable to the
beginners but obviously was not suitable only for them but ultimately used it in his own practice as a
reference work.
“Every new edition including the then 9th edition were more encompassing even though some
remedies for the earlier edition were discarded. By this JAHR would ensure that the more frequently used
medicines were given more importance in his improved, revised editions....
“The second part of the work contains a condensed ‘Repertory of the valuable material from the
Pure Materia Medica and from practice’.....
“The Handbook of Chief Indications for the Correct Selection of the Homoeopathic Curative
Remedy’ is a book of high reliability value and is therefore recommended without hesitation.”
4. Homöopathic und ihre religiösen Gegner, KLEINSCHMIDT., FRICK, H. 126 S., brosch., Erust
Fraug entag Metzingen 1998, DM 15, 80 (German) review KLUNKER (ZKH, 44, 3/2000):
(Homoeopathy and its religious opponents). “Within the fundamentalistic Christian circle Homoeopathy is
reviewed in these modern days suspiciously as an Occult one, if not directly linked with Occultism, whereby
theologically its connection with antigod satanic provers will be implied. Within fundamentalistic Christian
circle there is another opposite movement of homoeopathic physicians who deny this apologetically. Such a
denial attempt is in this book....
5. Homöotanik, VONARBURG, B. 602 S., 470 farbige Abb., geb., Karl F Haug Verlag, Heidelburg
1999, DM 198, - (German) review by KLUNKER (ZKH, 44, 3/2000): ...One feels that here is an
excellent expert in Botany, and also a genuine classical homoeopath and he fits both and also knows to
differentiate and grant each its due without overstepping the boundaries. ...Very much recommended.
6. Inhaltsregister für das Archiv für homöopathische Heilkunst, BITZARAKIS, P., mit einem
Vorwort von Prof. RobertTTE 283 S., Werner Dingler Verlag, Koustanz 1997, DM 138, -
(German) review by KLUNKER (ZKH, 44, 5/2000): Index to the Archiv r homöopathische Heilkunst -
STAPF’s Archiv.: It is amazing that Homoeopathy in its characteristic way had, in its early days and
progress, genuinely traditional literary testimonies, be they being books or journals and these are not only of
historical value but rather in their practical actuality. One such work of genuine Homoeopathy is Stapf
7. Homöopathie in der Kinderheilkerade (Homoeopathy in Paediatrics) IMHÄUSER., 12 Auflage,
368S., geb., Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelburg 2000, DM 79, - (German) review by NIEBLINS (ZKH,
44, 5/2000): “The valuable practical handbook is after 30 years of its first publication, without changing its
contents but modern in format and get-up. The observation in the Foreword to the I edition that children
diseases are not to be treated basically otherwise, but the Anamnesis in Paediatric practice requires a
different procedure, is also now actual..... The novices will find much valuable help but the well-
experienced also can profit, particularly in acute situations and take rapid decisions. However,
unfortunately only the low potencies have been recommended throughout.
8. Erste-Hilfe-Handbuch Homöopathie (First-Aid Handbook of homoeopathy), KRUZEL, T. Ein
Zeitfaden für die Akutbehandlung. 504S., geb., Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelburg 2000. DM 89, -
(German), review by FREYER (ZKH, 44, 5/2000): “The author studied Homoeopathy in National College
of Naturopathic Physicians, Portland, Oregon (USA). The book is based on our practical experience
and the appreciation that in acute cases and in hectic clinical training there is, as a rule, very less time for a
thorough Materia Medica comparison. It must nevertheless be clear that it is not a substitute for thorough
study of the materia Medica ...... In alphabetical serial order acute disease pictures are discussed - non
abdominal inflammation, abscesses, asthma, excessive bleedings, dysmenorrhoea, problems of child birth
and gynaecology, grippe, haemorrhoidal inflammations, hayfever, insect stings, convulsions, Headache,
croup, pneumonia, backaches, shock, collapse, burns, poisonings, wounds. ....Handy size, stable binding, it
would withstand many years of practice, house visits and journeys.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 139
9. Mittelbezogenes Repertorium der Speisen und Getränkesymptomatik (Remedy related
Repertory of Food and Drink Symptoms), DEISER, R., Homöopathisches Vademecum, 176S., geb.,
Sonntag Verlag, Stuttgart 1999, DM 49.90. (German) review by BÜNDNER (ZKH, 44, 6/2000):
10. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Influenza: Surviving Influenza Epidemics and Pandemics, Past
Present and Future with homoeopathy by Sandra J PERKO, PhD, CCN, 395 pages $ 24.95
paperback, reviewed by Maggie TAEGER (AH, 6/2000): “PERKO clearly intends her book as a wake-up
call. Part I of her book (112 pages) is largely the story of the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 - 19. This is a
chapter in historywhich many of us know too little about.” ....Conventional doctors were helpless against
the disease, and were probably responsible for greatly increasing the death rate through the heavy-handed
use of aspirin. ....Homoeopathy was the light shining in the darkness. In roughly 50 accounts from
homoeopaths of the time we hear how they treated patients successfully mostly with a few well-known
remedies (Gelsemium looms largest) and lost astoundingly few patients.”
PERKO’s book is written in a clear accessible style and is well-researched. It is an important effort to
spread awareness and increase readiness among homoeopaths concerning the danger of future pandemics.
For this alone I think the book is worth the price. If the predictions of virologists are true, world
communities will once again find themselves in dire circumstances, and homoeopathy will be the only
known effective medicnal tool for saving millions of lives. In such a circumstance, the specialized materia
medica which PERKO has compiled will certainly of good use.”
11. The Homoeopathic Proving of Plutonium nitricum by Jeremy SHERR, reviewed by Diana
GUBBAY (AH, 6/2000): “The Homoeopathic Proving of Plutonium nitricum is a valuable resource for
healers entering the new millennium. It provides a wealth of information on radioactive toxicity in general
and on plutonium in particular. The proving is extensive, clear and well documented. We can expect that
people will be healed from a number of deep pathologies as its clinical use is more widely documented.”
12. Universal Mineral Materia Medica by Ramesh D JAIN, January, 2000, Dinak Prakashan, Jain
Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 2nd Gavthan Lane, Opp. Post Office, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 058.
Reviewed by Nimish MEHTA (IJHM, 33, 1/2000): “The author presents this work as a treatise of teaching,
research and clinical pracitce for more than 20 years. One of the much needed “Unique Addition” to the
homoeopathic literature as commented in the foreward by Dr. Anil BHATIA. ...The author strongly backs
views about the drugs prescribed as “Pathologic Simillimumas per sayings of Dr. C. HERING and Dr. J.
BURNETT.” ...The book also tries to cover the points related to miasm, constitution, sensitivity,
susceptibility, and remedy relationships of these drugs. The compilation of the data related to mineral drugs
with certain arrangement is quiet useful.”
13. Skin Problems: Healing from within by Ian WATSON. Recording of a one-day seminar in
Sutton Coldfield, 28/11/98. Central Homoeopathy, 120A Norton Road, Pelsall, Walsall WS3 4NU,
tel: 01922 685 544. Four tape boxed set, £20. Reviewed by Katherine ARMITAGE (HOM, 76/2000):
“There are very comprehensive handouts that come with the tapes, including general hints on treating skin
problems, the Chinese meridian clock, the planetary seasons and planetary relationships to the skin (to help
with diagnosing using the planetary system) - and more, including some tips for soothing topical
applications. These tapes show us new ways of thinking about cases, and this is challenging. All in all I
think there is lots of food for thought here and Ian’s lively presentation style makes for interesting
14. The Soul of Medicine by Peter ADAMS, Penguin 1999, Paperback, 293 pages, £12.99. Reviewed
by Anna BRYANT (HOM. 76/2000): “This book is billed as An Anthology of Illness and Healing.’ It is
more accurately described as a dictionary of quotations without the benefit of an index and sorely limited
as to its scope. ...Allegedly the book came about as a result of the author’s need ‘to understand his role as a
healer in a deeper, more soulful way’. Frankly this is hard to believe given the superficial nature of the
comments which link the quotations, the brevity of the extracts themselves, the hackneyed character of
many of the choices and the lack of development throughout the book. It seems likely that such a volume
could be cobbled together in a fortnight’s holiday with an Oxford Dictionary of Quotations to hand. The
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 140
author had a good idea but the execution killed it. ...The pieces of writing in this book will map out step by
step the way illness touches our hearts and moves our souls.”
15. Homoeopathic Methodology: An Introductory Workbook, Todd Rowe MD, North Atlantic
Books, 1998. 158 pp, paperback $ 18.95, ISBN 1-55643-277-1. Reviewed by Fiona HEUBECK (HOM.
76/2000): “If you are already familiar with KENT’s Repertory and HAHNEMANN’s instructions for case-
taking, and have a good dictionary, then you won’t need this book. If you have read the self-help works of
Phyllis SPEIGHT, Herbert ROBERTS or George VITHOULKAS, then you have already covered much of
the work contained here. Ian WATSON’s Guide to the Methodologies of Homoeopathy will give a broader
view of the many possibilities in analysing cases, and David SAULT’s Modern Guide and Index lists far
more updated rubrics from the mind section of the repertory. Your lecturers will undoubtedly have taught
most of this material already. However, if you have missed your lectures, or feel that you are in need of
extra help or revision, or you just can’t get enough repertorising, then you are likely to ifnd this book
16. Homoeopathy before HAHNEMANN (The Forgotten Men) by Ian Oliver, Midas Graphics:
London, 1999. Pamphlet, 44 pages, £4. 00. Reviewed by Julian WINSTON (HOM. 76/2000): This little
pamphlet is yet another work that sticks a pin in the bubble of HAHNEMANN. The author’s premise is
that while HAHNEMANN was the person who codified the system of treating by similars, there were many
others along the way who made partial efforts - and HAHNEMANN, for reasons of his own, chose not to
acknowledge them. ...The author is very clear of his admiration for HAHNEMANN and the system he
developed, but reminds us that there were others who did work as well and although HAHNEMANN failed
to recognize them, we should not accord them the same fate.
17. Homoeopathy Re-examined: Beyond the Classical Paradigm. Rudolf VERSPOOR in resonant
collaboration with Steven DECKER. Hahnemann centre for heilkunst, 1445 St Joseph Blvd,
Gloucester ON K1C 7K9, Canada, 1999 ISBN 0-9685166-2-9 print version., ISBN –2-7electronic
version. Reviewed by Nick HEWES (HOM. 77/2000): “I would criticise the book not on its content, which
is very intereting, but on the tone and the style. The tone is constantly abrasive, with classical homoeopaths
continually accused of ‘failure… confusion… lack of clarity’. Many of the points could have been made in
a more genial way;..” On the question of style, the book can be a struggle to read. For example: ‘What we
have in the tonic aspect of disease is phenomenology in polarity with the pathic aspect. Nosology is the
Common Functioning Principle encompassing both the phenomenology and the pathology.’
18. Homoeopathy for Sports, Exercise and Dance. Emlyn THOMAS, Beaconsfield Publishers, 2000.
322pp, thread-sewn paperback, £25. ISBN 0-906584-48-5. Reviewed by Katherine ARMITAGE
(HOM. 77/2000): This is a beatifully produced, compact handbook full of easily accessible information,
written by a man with years of homoeopathic experience and who is himself no stranger to physical
endurance, having led major expediotions to many great mountain ranges, including the Himalayas and
served as a physical education officer with the RAF for amny years.
As well as for the homeopath, and for anybody who participates in sport or dance, at whatever level,
this book is intended for club managers, coaches and dance directors, who, it is hoped, once familiar with
the contents, will be able to maintain their team, club or company’s performance by ensuring more effective
recovery from injury and overstrain and by using homoeopathy to maximise their athelets’potential.”
19. The Tongue: Mirror of the Immune system, Jacque LEE, Helios Books, Tunbridge Wells, 1999.
Ringbound, £8.50 Reviewed by Jerome WHITNEY (HOM. 77/2000): “This book is an important
practical contribution to homoeopathic case-taking. …It can also be used to confirm information gained
from the verbal symptoms presented by the patients as well as their overall ambiance as observed by the
practitioner. As such the book has value across the spectrum of practitioner interests and background
knowledge. Those with an understanding of Chinese organ relationships will find it supportive, just as will
those who wish to extend their skills in vitalistic homoeopathic diagnosis.
20. Refernce Works, by David Kent WARKENTIN and Kent Homoeopathic Associates. For Mac
and PC. UK prices on application to Diane GOODWIN, 0131 557 2927. Reviewed by Nick
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 141
CHURCHILL (HOM. 77/2000): “Eleven years on Refernce Works contains 390 volumes of materia
medica, cured cases, journal articles, new provings and theoretical books such as Jan SCHOLTEN’s
Homoeopathy and the Elements. But as Kent said in a different context, ‘the end is not yet’, for the goal is
to publish everything that has ever been written in the homoepathic literature.
Refernece Works and its sister programs by Radar and cara are indispensible tools for every
homoeopath in the 21
century. We need to thenk David Kent WARKENTIN for his poineering work in
this and other fields.
21. Aspects of Homeopathy: Musculo-skeletal problems, a transcript of a one day seminar in
California in 1997, by Ian WATSON. 100pp, softback, £ 6. 95, available from the Lakeland College,
tel. 01539 737 540. Reviewed by Fiona HEUBECK (HOM. 77/2000): New students may find this a
useful purchase, if they are willing to work on the editing! In its favour, it’s cheap, it is clearly printed, and
it does cover musculo-skeletal problems with a very good range of remedies. If you can cope with the style,
you will unearth some gems.
1. Samuel HAHNEMANN and the Causes of Failure in Homoeopathy
SAINE André (SIM, XIII, 4/2000)
(The talk was presented at the NASH Conference in New York City, September 9, 2000)
The article first deals with some of the parameters of Homoeopathy followed by the Causes of failure in
The author says that the reason for wide variation in the rate of success is the failure to master the
discipline. Further adds that the two physicians who obtained the greatest success in homoeopathy were
LIPPE and BOENNINGHAUSEN. Other great prescribers include P.P. WELLS, H. N. GUERNSEY,
Carroll DUNHAM and Constantine HERING.
The key of success of these masters was that they studied all of HAHNEMANN’s writings and were
great students of materia medica.
The author listed out the key steps of the method of HAHNEMANN.
He gives three reasons for the failure of the current generation of homoeopath.
1. Lack of thoroughness in case taking
2. Using unreliable materia medica
3. Poor knowledge of basic sciences
Dr. SAINE gives solution to our current difficulties:
1. Rediscovering the strict inductive method of HAHNEMANN. Read HAHNEMANN, LIPPE,
BOENNINGHAUSEN, P. P. WELLS, DUNHAM. Never forget the last admonition to the profession:
“If our school ever gives up the strict inductive method of HAHNEMANN, we are lost, and deserve
only to be mentioned as a caricature in the history of medicine.”
2. Rediscovering the basics in taking a thorough case, as instructed by HAHNEMANN.
3. Rediscovering the study and use of the reliable works of materia medica. The rest needs to be sent to the
paper shredder, as LIPPE often said when referring to the unreliable texts.
4. Obtaining the necessary knowledge in basic sciences of anatomy, physiology, pathology, differential
diagnosis, etc.
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly Homeopathic Digest are given below:
1. AHZ - Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10,
69121, HEIDELBERG, Germany.
2. BHJ - British Homeopathic Journal, 2, Powis Place, Great Ormond Street, LONDON, WCIN 3HT,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 142
3. CCR - Homeopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Phule Road, Maliwada, AHMEDNAGAR - 414 001,
4. HH - Homeopathic Heritage,
5. HL - Homeopathic Links, Homeopathic Research and Charities, “Dinar”, 20 Station Road, Santa
Cruz(w), MUMBAI - 400 054.
6.HT - Homeopathy Today, National Center for Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
7 HOM - The Homeopath, Journal of the Society of Homeopaths, 2, Artizan Road, NORTHAMPTON
N, 4HU, U.K.
8. JH - Journal of Homeopathy of Northern India, For Association for Scientific Research In
Homeopathy (ASRH), 108, Street No. 1, Mubarik Kothi Area, Sangrur (PB) 148 001, INDIA.
.9 Med GG -
10 NEJH - New England Journal of Homeopathy, 356, Middle Street, AMHERST, MA 01 002 USA.
11. NJH - National Journal of Homepathy, Milan Clinic, Saraswathi Road, Santa Cruz(w), MUMBAI -
400 054.
12. SIM - Simillimum, The Journal of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians 11231 SE
Market Street, PORTLAND, OR, 97216, USA.
13. ZKH - Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F. Haug Verlag, 6900 HEIDELBERG 1, Germany.
(This section contains condensations/extracts/whole of selected important articles)
1. The relevance of homoeopathy
Homoeopaths usually maintain a muted profile. In their talk, they extol the system but side-step many
questions. One feels that the treatment message of HAHNEMANN is not properly conveyed.
HAHNEMANN did not want to blast the entire allopathic system but to strengthen it by reforming the
therapeutic part which was crude and irrational and incapable of improvement because it was in the hands
of powerful vested interests. Further, he could not figure out how any improved diagnostic approach could
directly pick up a curative remedy. While in this predicament he was intrigued by the ayurvedic riddle.
“There is nothing in the realm of thought or matter that cannot constitute a medicine depending on the
circumstance”. He finally guessed that the common factor hinted at was energy and that it could be trapped
by the technique of ‘dynamisation’.
Every substance, including poisons of all kinds, contained a different healing energy which can be
transferred to an inert diluting agent like water or lactose by the simple act of serial dilution coupled with
succussion and triturition. The resulting substance called ‘potency’ is given to a number healthy human
beings and noting the symptoms produced in them. They are collected and called ‘provings’. On the basis
of these provings, clinical trials are conducted according to the ‘Law of Similars’. The ‘provings’ are the
keystone of homoeopathy and they are standardized. In Homoeopathy one is trying to match the remedy,
symptom profile with the patient profile. This in essence is a therapeutic diagnosis - the ultimate realization
of doctor’s dream.
Many progressive homoeopaths have enlarged the scope of homoeopathy by further provings and
improving diagnostic methods. Dr. Dudgeon was involved in this activity and invented the blood pressure
measuring instrument. Now that old animosities have died down with the passage of time, it is well that we
project homoeo-therapeutics as a true innovative offshoot of allopathy. There should be no hesitation in
giving homoeo-therapeutics the same status which nuclear medicine enjoys today as the offspring of modern
Why have synthetic drugs gained popularity?
It is sad to record that the present day prescriptions are no longer botany oriented but consist wholly of
synthetic products. These synthetic drugs are in reality the intellectual property of multinationals who
employ organic chemists. The targets are the patients and many of them cannot forget they where recipients
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 143
of drugs with short life-span and which were later black-listed as harmful drugs. This contrasts sharply with
the complete confidence with which natural products have been employed for centuries by other systems of
medicine. Modern advertising has created myths about the efficiency of synthetic drugs and had played
down the cost factor. In this background, the patient is no longer happy or satisfied with an easy cure to any
health problem but expects and demands a high-tech diagnosis and treatment at any cost.
How do young allopaths view homoeopathy?
Many postgraduates, in training, remember have witnessed homoeopathic cures of some chronic
conditions and feel like using this method when starting practice. They wished they had a briefing on other
therapeutic systems during their MBBS course. These opinions were elicited through a questionnaire.
This state of affairs puts in proper perspective the statement of Dr. FOUBISTER, “Acceptance of
homoeopathy does not mean rejection of other forms of treatment”. It simply means adding another
therapeutic skill to those taught in medical schools.
Can the two therapeutic systems coexist?
They can, because both are of allopathic origin. Early homoeopaths spurned the old therapeutics but
lived to see the system revamped and using the plant tinctures in a scientific manner. The general hospital
pharmacopoeia of 1938 testifies to the generous use of plant tinctures as medicinal agents. In the Post-War
era there are many notable gains but there are misgivings about the long-term effects of synthetic drugs of
the human frame. Many patients now prefer the gentler methods of homoeopathy, acupuncture and
electrotherapy. Homoeopathy which had a highly successful run for more than a century now finds some of
its limitations met by modern therapeutic methods. As yet, homoeopathy scores in treating ailments from
grief, anger, chagrin and also behavioral disorders of children and adults. It has effective antidotes
for the side effects of allopathic medication and complement allopathic medicinal support. The potency
preparations of Arnica, Ledum and Hypericum (all of herbal origin) have earned renown as trauma
remedies. Homoeopathic referrals are quite common today and the patients benefit by it. But homoeopathy
demands more time from the doctor in prescribing for chronic diseases as he has to refer to the Repertory
and Materia Medica to differentiate the remedies. Offhand prescribing for chronic cases is considered a
scamping device because it is likely to palliate and not cure. Good homoeopathic work demand four kinds
of diagnosis;
1. Therapeutic diagnosis
2. Nosological diagnosis
3. Diathetic or miasmatic diagnosis
4. The constitutional type.
It is after compounding these four findings that a final prescription is to be made. An experienced physician
has said that one cannot really practice homoeopathy without being at the same time an excellent allopath.
What is the relevance of homoeopathy today?
It is relevant in two directions.
1. For the home
2. For the national health service.
In the days gone by, mothers shared with their daughters their repertoire of ayurvedic prescriptions.
This chain is now broken because of the emergence of nuclear families. Yet, present day mothers are better
informed on health maters and nutrition and it is therefore easy for them to pick up the elements of
homoeopathy. Homoeo-therapeutics was conceived at a time when there was no medical gadgetry and
diseases were recognized only by symptoms and signs. An eminent doctor has remarked that homoeopathy
is such an extraordinary method that some persons who have not studied medicine can practice and cure
many patients. Many households now stock a few homoeo remedies and the medicines are applied for
curing trivial illness with the help of a guidebook. When there is doubt or when the chosen remedy gives
relief, the family homoeopathic physician is contacted on the phone. This arrangement allays tension at
home besides saving a sizable amount of commuting expense to reach a clinic.
There should be a place for homoeopathy in the national health scheme. In England, Sir John Weir
saved from amputation the limb of a V.I.P thereby bringing credit to homoeopathy and endearing himself to
the British Royal family. His talk to the Royal Society of Medicine is a landmark in medical literature. He
was one of those instrumental to include homoeopathy in the British National Health Service.
Homoeopathic medication is absolutely safe besides being inexpensive. No government can afford to
exclude it from the health care of the sick.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 144
Homoeopathy has settled down in India and the teeming millions have come to regard it as God’s
greatest gift to mankind.
2. Windows to the Baby’s Soul: Skills in Treating the Newborn and Materia Medica of Some Common
Remedies for Babies.
ZAREN Ananda (NEJH, 6, 2&3/1997)
In treating babies, we almost completely have to rely on observation, be it our own or the parents’> It
is not only the physical signs we observe. If we master the subtle art of perceiving the inner state of the
bady, our prescription becomes more accurate.
The child comes into this world in trust and innocence, trusting it to be a safe place and believing that
he/she is being loved and cared for. Infants whose needs are met in this critical time are netter adjusted, cry
less, and have fewer symptoms during the first year of life.
If this sense of security is not felt by the child, symptoms will occur. When the needs of a baby are not
met, the resulting behavior may fully disrupt the lives of their parents. This is a survival mechanism of the
dependent organism.
The newborn is fully capable of perceiving and expressing emotions. Understanding the emotional
state of an infant is requisite to finding the correct remedy and coming to a deeply curative prescription. In
the infant, the body posture and position, facial expression and eyes all present windows into the emotional
realm. Newborns are capable of feeling and expressing anger, sadness and fright, as well as feelings of
They develop interest in their surroundings and are sensitive to stimuli such as light, noise, and motion.
They respond to the environment in a variety of ways, such as being alert, startling, running away or falling
When taking the case of an infant, it is critical to understand the family system. The homoeopath must
sense the current emotional climate and understand what the parents are feeling. If a child is nursing, there
is a direct line of emotional communication. The emotions experienced by the mother are transmitted to the
baby and can be engrafted onto the infant. For example, if the mother is upset, the baby will often reflect
the mother’s distress with tension, tears, anger, etc.
The history of the birth experience may provide clues to the similimum. It is important to know the
attitude of the mother during labor. If the mother experienced undue fear, pain, or trauma, the baby may be
affected. Other significant elements may include:
how long did the labor last, was much pain involved, was the labor well tolerated by the mother?
* what was the medical condition of the mother?
* who was present at the birth, and what were their attitudes during the process?
*was medical medical intervention performed, e.g. pitocin, suction, extraction or Cesaerean section?
*what was the condition of the infant at birth, including the Apgar scoring?
Bonding at birth is one of the most important events in the development of trust in the infant. If there is
interference in the bonding process, problems and symptoms will manifest. Bonding can be affected by a
temporary or lengthy separation at birth, illness in the mother or infant, or feelings of inadequency and
tension in either parent.
Observation of the interaction between the infant and mother is very important. How does the mother
interact with the baby? Is there close contact and easy communication between the mother and child? How
is the child responding to the mother? Does the child appear to be relaxed and comfortable in her arms or
near the mother’s body? Can seperation or aversion to touch be perceived? Finally, observe the child’s
ability to make contact with other people in the environment and to interact with the outside world.
Observing the expression in the eyes of an infant is important and will allow the sensitive prescriber to
gain insight into the emotional state of the organism. Anger may be observed in eyes that are crunched or
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 145
slit, fear may result in protrusion of the eyeballs, and sadness may manifest in a very little blinking with a
fixed gaze and a lack of reaction.
Crying is another way the baby communicates his/her emotional state. We can learn to differentiate
one type of cry from another, and understand the meaning of each type to determine whether or not the cry
is a symptom. For example, the hungry cry is recognised by the soft moaning tones which, if ignored, will
transform into a more vigorous cry. An angry cry can be vigorous from the start. Babies will often turn
qhite red when expressing anger in the cry (Hyoscyamus, Sulphur). The cry of the pain starts with a scream
which is followed by a long pause for breath and then proceeds with vigour. It is important to listen for the
type of crying that indicates pain. There is also a fake cry or fussiness whichdevelops after the first month
of life when the baby is expressing a demand for attention (Medorrhinum), in some babies, the cry is more
of a whine (Calcarea phoshorica).
All children experience fear at various stages of life, and infants are no exception. Depending on the
remedy, newborns can be particularly fearful of sudden shifts or extremes of stimulation such as sudden
noises, lights, or rapid mopvements. They also have an instinctive fear of being dropped when their heads
or limbs are not being fully supported (Borax, Phosphorus). Some babies, out of a sense of fear, can dislike
being dressed and undressed (Sulphur, Medorrhinum).
Certain infants can also become quite upset when there is a sudden shift in routine, or an alteration of
the reality they have learnt to expect. This can be interpreted as a violation of trust. For example, the sight
of a parent wearing a mask (Calcarea carbonicum, Medorrhinum), or a dad using shaving cream
(Phosphorus, Medorrhinum), may cause agitation and fright. Phosphorus, Carcinosin and Calcarea
carbonica babies have a dramatic fear reaction to pain.
Reactions to external stimuli may differ according to the remedy of the child. For example a Calcarea
carbonica baby will be afraid of the vacuum cleaner, while the Sulphur baby approaches it without any fear
at all. Some infants want to tbe tightly bundled in blankets (Arsenicum album, Psorinum, Pulsatilla) and
others desire more freedom of movement (Medorrhinum, Sulphur). Some infants prefer to stay covered
because they would rather not be in the draft (Nux vomica, Calcarea phosphorica).
Infants can show signs of seperation anxiety at an early age. They will cry and shriek toward the
departing parent, acting as if they will die without the presence of the parent (Phosphorus, Calcarea
carbonica, Medorrhinum, Calcarea phosphorica, Lycopodium, Silicea). Some babies develop stranger-
anxity early on (Baryta carbonica, Calcarea carbonica).
In order to gain understandin gof the baby in the waking hours, the homoeopath should observe the
infant at the breast. How well does the baby latch on to the breast? How long does she desire to nurse?
Does she like small snacks or large meals? (Eating to satiety (K. 1357); Eating fast (K. 1357); Appetite
ravenous soon after eating (K. 479); Appetite returns after a mouthful (K. 480). Is there a preference of one
breast over another? (see “sides” in Generalities). Some babies prefer the left breast (Sulphur) and other
prefer the right breast(Lycopodium, Nux vomica). Is the bay sleepy on the breast? Is ther a tiredness after
eating? (Sleepiness after eating (K. 1250); Is there an amelioration after the meal? (Eating amel. (K.
Inquire as to the frequency and duration of feeding. If the mother keeps the baby on a strict shedule, it can
indicate that the mother is a fastidious remedy type. The babies who self-regulate seem to have fewer
symptoms and develop more basic trust in the world.
Determine if the baby is beginning to masturbate. Sulphur babies can have erection at times of the
diaper change and during their bath. The Medorrhinum baby will explore their genitals at any opportunity,
just as they play with their hands and toes.
Inquiry into the topic of sleep provides a wealth of information that will guide in the selection of a
remedy. Many babies do not sleep through the night. There are numerous causes of wakefulness including:
hunger, teething, gas pains, a wet diaper, or being too warm or cold. Sometimes the baby will awaken
because a paifier has slipped out of his mouth (Medorrhinum, Calcarea carbonica). The homoeopath must
determine the etiology of the problem and the chosen remedy must address the problem at its source.
The position of sleep can also be a sympotm. The knee chest position seen in some babies may help to
confirm a prescription of Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum, Lycopodium, or Carcinosinum. Restlessness during
sleep is also characterisitic of certain remedies such as Arsenicum album, Baryta carbonica, Cina,
Lycopodium, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur, and Medorrhinum. A very sound sleep may be indicative of the
remedies Belladonna and Pulsatilla. The time the bay falls asleep and when she awakes may provide
important clues to the constitution of the child. Sulphur and Medorrhinum infants can be ‘night people,’
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 146
preferring to stay awake until late.Cypripedium infants wake at night with a desire to play. Does the baby
wake refreshed or unrefreshed from the sleep or after napping? Unrefreshed sleep is characteristic of
remedies such as Lachesis, Nux vomica, Medorrhinum, and Tuberculinum. Babies that often sleep with
eyes half open are Sulphur and Chamomilla.
In the first year of life, the infant has a critical need for communication. The homoeopath should find
out wether the mother talks to the baby. When a mother talks to her baby, the child is reassured by the
sound of her voice and comforted by being the object of her attention. This encourages the development of
self-cofidence, and prescriptions like Lycopodium and Anacardium can often be discarded. The amount of
time the mother spends with the child will have a great effect on the development of health and well being
in the infant. Children who are nutured in a calm atmoshere of love and support from early infancy on will
be hopeful, unafraid, and comfortable with themselves and therefore may not be in need of a remedy. The
ability to observe and interpret the expresion of emotion and sensitivity to the inner state of the organism is
paramount to th homoeopathic treatment of children.
Nux Vomica Babies
For the Nux vomica infant, the expression of anger is a protective mechanism. These infants must
defend themselves from a parent or somebody who is unfairly controlling, abusive or neglectful. The
wound is caused by an emotional environment of oppression in which the Nux vomica baby must respond
by showing only strenth and resistance, hiding weakness or vulnerability at all costs.
*distressed expression (Face, Expression, distress (K. 374).
*frown on the face (Face, Expression, sullen (K. 375).
*constipation (Rectum, Constipation (3) (K. 606).
*averse to a tight blanket, desire to escape from the blanket. (Generalities, Clothing, intolerance of (3) (K.
*problems with nursing; they want it their way or they won’t nurse properly (Mind, Obstinate (3) (K. 68).
*jealous; won’t let mother on the telephone and will cry or shriek when this happens (Mind, Jealous (2) (K.
*sensitive to any kind of light (Mind, Sensitive to light (3) (K. 78)
*grief from the birth experience (Mind, Grief (2) (K. 50 and Mind, Ailments from grief (2) (K. 51).
Dislikes diaper changes due to the draft (Generalities, Air, draft, aggravates (2) (K. 1344).
*prefers the right breast (Generalities, Side, right (3) (K. 1400).
*inversion of the feet (Extremities, Inversion, foot (K. 1019).
*averse to touch, only from a certain person, does not feel it can be accepted (Mind, Touch, aversion to
being, (K. 89).
*fussy (Mind, morose (3).
*fastidious, wants blankets a certain way, or wants to breast feed at a certain angle (Mind, fastidious (2) (K.
*irritable bowel, prone to colic and other symptoms (Abdomen, Pain, cramping, griping (3) (K. 574).
*hernias (Abdomen, Hernia (3) (K. 552).
*many bubbles blown out of frustration and impatience (Mind, Impatience (3) (K. 531).
*abdominal complaints with jaundice (Abdomen, jaundice during (2) (K. 613).
*colic with croup.
*diarrhoea from too much nursing (Rectum, Diarrhea, eating after (2) (K. 612).
*fiery temperament, get excited easily, and have spells of anger (Mind, Anger (3) (K. 2).
*easily offended (Mind, Offended easily (3) (K. 69).
*sensitive to reprimand.
*other worst time of day is the mornig (Generalities, Morning aggravates (3) (K. 134).
*much time spent, overeating (Generalities, Eating, to satiety (2) (K. 1357).
*don’t like to be in their carriage during the dry, cold weather, prefer the warm weather (Generalities, cold,
dry weather aggravates (3) (K. 1349).
Sulphur babies
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The wound in Sulphur is a type of abandonment. The Sulphur baby existed in an emotional environment
that was tough and controlling. The dynamic interchange between the parents and the infant (usually
between the mother and the infant) left the child with a feeling of powerlessness. These infants are sensitive
to the perception of domination and attempt to gain security by acting angry and controlling.
*They are very demanding babies.
*They want to be in control of everything. They dislike having a schedule and will let the mother know this
(Mind, Disobedience (K. 37).
*They are rather lazy at the breast and if they are hurried by the mother, they do not like this.
*They have alternating moods that go from happy, tearful, angry (Mind, Mood, alternating (2) (K. 68).
*If they are reprimanded, they are offended easily, and get angry from it. (Mind, Selfishness (2) (K. 78).
*They are selfish bebies only wanting what they think is the best for them (Mind, Selfishness (2) (K. 78).
*They frequently yawn from boredom (Sleep, Yawning, frequently (3) (K. 1257).
*Thay have serious expressions on their faces.
*They are often averse to being spoken to. It must be in their control as to when they want to be spoken to
or not (Mind, Spoken to, aversion to being spoken to (2) (K. 82).
*They have a hearty appetitie when first latching onto the breast, then get lazy. Thay prefer frequent snacks
from the breast (Stomach, Appetite, increased (3) (K. 477) and Stomach, Appetite, easy satiety (2) (K. 476).
*At times, the mother’s milk disagrees with them and they get diarrhea (Generalities, Food, milk aggravates
(3) (K. 1363).
*They have difficulty with digestion when their mother eats eggs, milk or meat, while thay are nursing
(Generalities, Food, milk aggravates (3) and meat aggravates (K. 1363), Stomach, Aversion eggs (K. 480).
*They prefer the left breast for nursing.
*As infants, they like the taste of beer, wine, or any type of alcohol (Stomach, Desires, alcoholic drinks (3)
(K. 484).
*They get very exciteable when they know they will eat. They are very oral babies and often like pacifiers
in their mouths.
*Their fingernails are strong, but their toenails soft.
*They have a red facial discoloration (Face, Discoloration, red (K. 361).
*They often have red orfices eyes, nose, ears, anus (Eyes, Redness (3) (K. 264), Nose, Discoloration,
redness inside (3) (K. 334), Ears, Discoloration, redness (K. 287), Rectum, Redness, or anus (3) (K. 632).
*They have cradle cap and/or eczema (Skin, eruptions, eczema (3) (K. 1312 Head, Eruptions, yellow crusts
(K. 116).
*They scratch themselves due to their long fingernails and their skin becomes red.
*They like cat-naps and are ameliorated from them. They get so tired by the overwork of nursing that they
can fall asleep on their mother’s breast (Sleepiness, after eating (K. 1250).
*They often have neonatal jaundice (Skin, Discoloration, yellow (K. 1307).
*They have left sided ailments (Generalities, Side, left (3) (K. 1401).
*They have night sweats all over their body (Perspiration, night (3) (K. 1294).
*They have good eye contact.
*They like company in the room, but on their terms.
*They are ameliorated by going in the open air and ridinf in the car or on the back of a bike (Generalities,
Air, open air ameliorates (3) (K. 1344).
*Their extremities are often cold (Extremities, Coldness, hand (3) (K. 958), Extremities, coldness, foot (3)
(K. 962).
*They dislike the bath and diaper changes,because they are the ones that want to be in control and not
infered with (Generalities, bathing dread of (3) (K. 1345).
*Their energy and emotional level is worse at 11 a. m. (3) (K. 1341).
*They want to escape from the blankets due to the heat. (Generalities, Heat sensation of (3) (K. 1366).
*They do not like the warmth of the bed and often wake in the middle of the night due to being too warm.
(Sleep, Waking, from heat (K. 1256).
*They often sleep with their mouth open or during the day you will find their mouth open (Mouth, Open (3)
(K. 409).
*They are restless in bed, often tossing about (Sleep, Restless (3) (K. 1247).
*During sleep, thay have a tendency to moan (Mind, Moaning, sleep during (K. 67).
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*They startle when falling aslep for their naps and in the evening when they are put to bed (Mind,
Irritability, waking on (K. 60).
*They have a 5 a. m. waking with or without stools (Sleep, waking 5 a. m. (3) (K. 1255).
*They prefer men and can have an aversion to women, except their mother.
*They deisre to have the best things. Even with their blankets, they prefer to have silk to polyester.
*They do not like to fondled unless on their terms.
Borax Babies
The wound of the organism in Borax is some type of abandonment that has produced feelings of grief.
It may consist of problems the mother had in the pregnancy, trauma during the birth process, or interruption
or absence of proper bonding.
Borax has long been known as a remedy for the nursery and like many nursery remedies, it has been
greatly abused.
Homoeopaths tend to administer it based on its two prominent keynotes: A soreness in the mouth and
being worse from downward motion. Borax, however, has many other sriking features on a deeper level.
*Borax babies tend to be loners and do not often like to be fondled. They may spend long hours alone in
their playpen or crib, lying passively without showing interest in anything. (Mind, Sit, inclination to, (K.
*Borax is in the Natrum family, thus it is useful in ailments from grief. Usually, they have some kind of
trauma at the delivery or during the pregnancy.
*They are very sensitive babies (Mind, Sensitive, oversensitive (3) (K. 78).
*Borax babies have a kind of suffering expression on the face (Face, Expression, suffering (K. 374).
*The face can be pale and have shriveled skin that has a reddish-blue hue to it (Face, Discoloration pale (K.
*They prefer not to have people around them and do best when in a one-to-one situation with their mother.
*They have a difficult time expressing their emotions and only cry when they are hungry, or their diaper is
wet. They do not like to be in wet or dirty diapers for long periods of time.
*They can have frightening dreams and shriek in their sleep and then cling to their mother as if the world
would come to an end. (Sleep, Dreams, frightful (3) (K. 1240), and Mind, Shrieking, children in (3) or
Mind, Shrieking sleep during (3) (K. 80).
*They are sensitive and nervous babies. The slightest noise or the mere rustling of paper, as well as strong
noises will fighten and arouse the baby (Mind, Sensitive to noise (3) (K. 78).
*The Borax baby startles easily and this characteristic along with sadness can distinguish it from other
remedies. They have startling on almost or every activity. They startle when falling asleep, from pain, from
noise, or even when they hear a voice. The sensitivy of the organism is very strong and this can distinguish
it from the other Natrums (Mind, Startling (K. 82), Mind Starting easily (3) from noise (3) from sleep (3)
sneezing at (3) (K. 83).
*Even if the baby is sound asleep in her mother’s arms, as the mother makes an attempt to lay her down in
the crib or just put her on the bed, she gives a start and awakens. As the mother is walking down the steps
the child clings to her. It is not only the downward motion, but the surroundings that cause the Borax baby
to be frightened. (Generalities, Descending aggravates (3) (K. 1356).
*The Borax baby likes to be carried, but it has to be picked up very gently and put down very gently. The
mother knows she has to be sensitive to this child and very careful in how she handles the baby.
*The Borax baby will wake up several times during the night. If the mother talks quietly in a soothing tone,
the baby will quiet down and fall asleep again (Sleep, Waking frequently) (K. 1255).
*The Borax baby shows lack of reaction, is sad, quiet and withdrawn (Mind, Weeping, tearful mood) (K.
*Borax babies ger frightened to sensitivity (Mind, Frightenedeasily (3) (K. 49).
*Borax babies do not care to be touched or spoken to. They do not like deep contact and this can cause
them to dislike nursing when they are not hungry. The child may actually push the breast aside.
*Borax prefers the right breast to the left breast.
*There is not much of an appetite due to depression (Stomach, Appetite diminished) (K. 476).
*There can be a discoloration around the mouth, as if it were burnt, and this also can be seen inside the
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*Sometimes the palate is shriveled (Mouth, Shriveled, palate) (K. 418).
*The skin is unhealthy (Skin, Unhealthy (3) (K. 1339).
*Every little scratch suppurates easily (Sulphur, Natrum carbonicum) (Skin, Inflammation, inclination to
(K. 1326).
*The Borax baby has the peculiar symptom of screaming before urination
*If the mother is in the process of diapering te baby and the baby urinates, the mother will report that the
urine is hot, with an offensive odor (Urine, Burning (3) (K. 681) and Urine Odor offensive, (K. 687).
*The Borax baby will be constantly yawning [Sleep, Yawning] [K. 1257 ]
*It is sleepy in the daytime and sleepless at night, and tends to have days and nights mixed up.
*Another peculiar symptom is that the hairs of the eyelashes grow inward instead of outward and irritate the
eyeball (as in Graphites).
3. Remedies and their Characteristic Symptoms During Pregnancy
GHEGAS Vasillis (NEJH, 6, 2&3/1997)
During the pregnancy, the patient can completely change and the usual remedy doesn’t work. If so, try
to find out if there is a new polycrest that fits her. If you don’t find one, look for a remedy that fits with the
main complaint. Some remedies have a special affinity for pregnant women and thus occur more in
pregnancy than other remedies. Here are twenty-four remedies with their characteristics during pregnancy,
in hierarchical order according to my practical experience.
Many women need Sepia during pregnancy. Think of it when a women has had frequent spontaneous
abortions. Consider Sepia in women who didn’t plan to become pregnanct and who are now unhappily
Consider Sepia in the woman who hates her baby. Consider Sepia in woman who already has 5
children and who gets pregnant unexpectedly.
They can develop a strong disgust for their husbands. It is really disgust, they don’t tolerate their
husband’s odor anymore, don’t want to sleep with him, etc. (K 9: aversion, husband).
They can have a strong aversion to sex during pregnancy. They sometimes want to have sex, but the
aversion to their husband is too strong (“My husband stinks.”) (K 715: coition, aversion to).
Sepia can have an aversion to any odor: they can be nauseous or vomit. They can be averse to
perfume, aftershave, odors in a restaurant, etc. (K 509: nausea, pregnancy during; K 508: nausea, odors
Consider Sepia in toothache during pregnancy (K 438: teeth, pain, pregnancy, during) or in facial pain
during pregnancy (K 382: face pain, pregnancy, during).
Prefer Sepia to Natrum muriaticum in oregnant women with leucorrhoea with severe itching (K 722:
leucorrhoea, pregnancy).
Sepia is chilly and often has very cold extrelities.
Sepia weeps more than any remedy: they even wep in the waiting room. They can weep because they
don’t want the baby, sometimes they weep without reason (Don’t confuse with Pulsatilla).
At the 5
or 6
month, Sepia has brown spots on the face, the so-called mask of pregnancy (K 391:
face, saddle across the nose).
After the 6
month, Sepia can have a heavy sensation in the abdomen swith the feling as if the delivery
would begin (K 732: pain, uterus, bearing down, as if everything would come out). They were a corset to
endure this sensation.
After the 6
or 7
month, they sometimes have the sensation that there is something in their anus (K
623: rectum, lump sensation of). If they have a constant ineffective urge for stool, consider Sepia’s
complementary remedy, Nux vomica.
If the leucorrhoea remains after Sepia and the patient develops vaginal herpes, prefer the
complementary remedy, Petroleum. (K 717: genitalia female, eruption herpetic) to the other
complementary remedy Natrum muriaticum.
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Nux vomica
Occurs more frequently after the 5
or 6
month of pregnancy.
Consider Nux vomica in women who are very irritable and hot-tempered.
Consider Nux vomica in women who weep when they are angry (K 93: weeping, anger after).
Nux vomica is indicated if the pregnant woman has abdominal complaints with ineffectual urging for
stool (K 607: constipation, ineffectual urging and straining).
Nux vomica is always chilly.
Sometimes they have strong aversion to tobacco smoke although they used to smoke themselves (K
1407: tobacco agg.).
Nux moschata
Consider Nux moschata if the woman’s personality completely changes during pregnancy.
Consider Nux moschata if the pregnant woman can do less mental work than before: their mind is
confused (K 15: confusion of mind during pregnancy). They can’t possibly concentrate.
In addition, Nux moschata feels sleepy, as if they would go into a coma, as if they have taken sleeping
pills (K 1250: sleepiness during pregnancy).
A keynote during the pregnancy is that the skin feels icy cold. This troubles the patient and she wants
warmth on her skin to relieve that unpleasant feeling (K 1305: coldness skin during pregnancy). This
symptom of Nux moschata can occur in pregnant women who are chilly or warm blooded.
They have a dry mouth and the saliva is too thick: their tongue tends to stick to the palate (K 403:
dryness mouth thirstless: dryness mouth sensation; K 404: dryness tongue sensation). This symptom can be
very severe and very bothersome. They sometimes use lemons to get the tongue off the palate although they
don’t desire lemons.
They can have menses although they are pregnant (K 728: menses during pregnancy).
They easily faint during pregnancy (K 1360: faintness; pregnancy; K 1361: faintness, stool, during).
The partner will tell you that his wife’scharacter has changed completely since she became pregnant:
she used to be extroverted and now she is introverted and depressed.
If the patient becomes very sleepy when the due date approaches, consider Nux moschata. If she is
sleepy during labor and can’t keep her eyes open, prefer Gelsemium.
Lachesis becomes melancholic and depressed during pregnancy (K 77: sadness in pregnancy) so that
you can confuse with Natrum muriaticum.
Very often, they have palpitations when lying on the left side.
They can have nocturnal attacks of shortness of breath with a sensation of suffocation (K 771:
respiration difficult, sleep during).
Their hair can fall out during pregnancy (K 620: hemorrhoids, pregnancy, during).
Natrum muriaticum
During pregnancy, Natrum muriaticum can become depressed and melancholic (K 77: sadness,
pregnancy, in).
They have more vertigo when they are pregnant (K 102: vertigo, pregnancy during), while they have
more headache when they aren’t pregnant. In case of headache during pregnancy, prefer Sepia to Natrum
If a pregnant woman is depressed and has herpes round the mouth, give preference to Natrum
muriaticum, even if she was well on Calcarea carbonica or Phosphorus.
Usually, a pregnant Natrum muriaticum has a strong desire for salt: they can lick salt with a finger (K
486: desires salt things).
Natrum muriaticum is very thirsty during pregnancy (K 529: thirst, large quantities, often for).
Pulsatilla is the strongest remedy for atony of the uterus (K 715: atony of uterus). If the baby is not in
the correct position before labor, this is usually due to atony of the uterus and therefore, Pulsatilla is given
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priority. In case of breech presentation just before labor, you can give Pulsatilla and thus often avoid
Pulsatilla can suffer severe pains during labor, and as a kind of protection against these pains, they
become sleepy. So, if a pregnant woman in labor becomes more sleepy in accordance with the pain, prefer
Pulsatilla (K 1250: sleepiness during labor, pains).
In cases of infalmmation of the bladder during pregnancy, Pulsatilla is most indicated: sometimes, the
only symptom is that the patient has to urinate frequently.
In cases of involuntary urination during pregnancy, Pulsatilla is given priority and not Causticum (K
660: urination, involuntary during pregnancy), even when this is caused by sneezing or laughing.
You will usually find the other characteristic information for Pulsatilla: hot flashes, hot feet, uncovers
them, thirstless, easily weeping, softly, gently.
In any kind of hysterical behavior during pregnancy or during labor consider Gelsemium.
Gelsemium is very useful in anxiety before delivery, especially the day before labor (K 4: anticipation;
K 8: anxiety time is set, as if a ). If the patient shows signs of this fear, give Gelsemium the day prior to
delivery. (K 896: back, pain, labor, during).
In case of back pain during labor, give priority to Gelsemium (K 896: back, pain, labor, during).
Gelsemium can have a neurologic affection of the eyelids with ptosis of the upper eyelid (261: paralysis
upper lids).
Sometimes, the patient has difficulty talking because of a heavy sensation in the tongue (K 419: speech
difficult, heaviness of tongue). Nux moschata on the contrary has difficulty talking because of a dry tongue
which sticks to the palate.
Calcarea carbonica
Consider Calcarea carbonica in bleeding gums during pregnancy (K 398: bleeding gums, menses
supressed). Also picture Calcarea carbonica in bleeding gums after hysterectomy.
They easily have cramps in the soles (K 977: cramp, foot, sole, during pregnancy).
All the well-known keynotes for Calcarea carbonica should be present: cold feet in bed, perspiration
on the neck and chest, desire for eggs and sweets, brittle nails, fear of heights.
During the pregnancy, Phosohorus develops anxiety for others (K 7: anxiety for others): especially for
the future baby and the future father. They wonder if there is anything wrong with the baby. They are
afraid that something may happen to their husband, and what will be the consequence for the baby?
Phosphorus is also afraid of all kinds of things that might happen (K 45: fear, something will happen):
afraid of a possible miscarriage, of the delivery, hospitalisation, afraid to undergo section, etc. They can
have dreams and nightmares of hospitals and surgeries.
A pregnant Phosphorus talks to her baby, rubs over her abdomen, puts music to her abdomen, etc.
They consequently want contact with the unborn child. They wil also speak to every mother and ask about
her experiences.
If a pregnant woman has a blue discoloration of the face or if she ahs a poor circulation, give priority to
Phosphorus and not Lachesis (K 358: discoloration, bluish, face, during pregnancy).
In gastro-entritis and diarrhea during pregnancy, you have to prefer Phosphorus to Podophyllum. (K
614: diarrhea, during pregnancy).
If the pregnancy woman is very thirsty and has pain in the stomach, consider Phosphorus especially if
she drinks cold water and vomits as soon as water becomes warm in stomach (K 532: vomiting drinking,
soon as water becomes warm in stomach: 1
Phosphorus, 2
Veratrum album and 3
They can have an empty feeling in the stomach during pregnancy.
Veratrum album
In physical restlessness during pregnancy, prefer Veratrum album to Arsenicum album (K 74:
restlessnss during pregnancy).
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Veratrum album is a good remedy for vomiting accompanying diarrhea. Vomiting and diarrhea are
frequent complaints during pregnancy, and for that reason Veratrum album is often indicated. Always
consider Veratrum album in vomiting or diarrhea during pregnancy, even when not accompanying each
Desire for lemons can be very strong, desire for salt, too. They desire vey cold drinks and as soon as it
becomes warm in the stomach, they have to vomit. (d. d. Phosphorus).
Some parts of the body are very cold (K 1305: coldness icy in spots) and yet they perspire on those
parts (K 1296: perspiration during coldness), i. e. the armpit can feel cold while they perspire there.
If Veratrum album is indicated during pregnancy, it is important to give it because you also treat the
baby ib the uterus, and you can prevent the child from becoming hyperactive or maniacal.
Aconitum napellus
Give Aconitum napellus in fear of death during pregnancy or labor (K 44: fear of death during
Aconitum napellus can be sure that they will die: If I have to undergo section, I won’t survive it” (K
44: fear of death, predicts the time).
If the pregnant woman starts bleeding after a serious shock and she is fearful and restless, prefer
Aconitum napellus to Arsenicum album (K 730: metrorrhagia after fright; K 49: fright, complaints
Carbo vegetabilis
If the pregnant woamn becomes short of breath when the abdomen swells, give Carbo vegetabilis (K
769: respiration difficult, from flatulence). Consider Carbo vegetabilis in asthma or bronchitis which come
up in the 8
month of pregnancy. This shortness of breath is caused by pressure of the enlarged uterus
against the diapharm.
They can perspire and yet like to sit in cold air or before an open window: they need fresh air which
makes breathing easier (K 769: difficult respiration, fanned wants to be; K 770; difficult respiration, open
wants doors and windows).
They are chilly and usually weak and they desire sweets.
Magnesium carbonica
Consider Magnesia carbonica in liver disorders during pregnancy.
They feel weak and very tired in the morning (K 1255: slep unrefreshed).
They frequently weep during pregnancy (K 94: weeping, pregnancy during)
Sometimes, there has been an aversion to vegetables since the beginning of the pregnancy (K 482:
aversion vegetables).
They usually like bread (K 484: desires bread).
Cimicfuga is a strange hysterical remedy. They can sigh as much as Ignatia (K 80: sighing).
During the pregnancy, they can complain of a sensation of mist or clouds around their eyes, head or the
whole body. Vassilis once saw a patient who acted as if she was removing the smoke round her head
although there was nothing: it can really be a delusion (K 22: delusion clouds, heavy black enveloped her).
They can feel curious things on their jead: e.g., that there is a tree growing on their head, that there is a
hole in their head where cold wind is blowing (K 132: head opening, sensation as if opened and let in cold
They can be very sensitive to noise: noise can produce pain, especially during labor (K 79: sensitive to
noise, labor during).
Cimicifuga is the best remedy to help the cervix dilate during labor. Don’t give allopathic medication
here. A mature cervix can dilate a few minutes after Cimicifuga.
In case of a dead fetus in the uterus, you can give Cimicifuga 200 to make the expulsion easier.
If the pregnant woman is so weak that she can’t undress herself anymore.
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If the pregnant woman is so short of breath that she can’t talk any more (K 1420: weakness from
Stannum can smell so far away that they can be troubled by odors at a large distance (e. g., in the next
village is a barbecue).
Arsenicum album
During pregnancy, Arsenicum album is indicated for fainting after vomiting (K 1361: faintness
vomiting, after. They are anxious often in combination with panic. Nux moschata can also have this
symptoms during pregnancy, but they show more signs of sleepiness instead of panic.
Arsenicum album can’t be alone.
The other keynotes of Arsenicum album are usually present: Aggravation 1 a. m., restlessnes, anxiety,
frequently drinking little sips.
In case of severe vaginitis with a burning sensation and leucorrhea during pregnancy, prefer Sepia to
Kreosotum (K 722: leucorrhea pregnancy).
Kreosotum has copious salivation during pregnancy: the pillow can be completely wet (K 418:
salivation during pregnancy) and very often, their breath is offensive (K 409: odor offensive, mouth).
Kreosotum easily has vaginal bleeding after coition (730: metrorrhagia after coition).
If the leucorrhoea becomes chronic in Kreosotum, consider the possibility of cancer (K 715: cancer,
Consider Laurocerasus in pregnant women with tendency to vomit or vomiting associated with
palpitations. Characterisitic of Laurocerasus is that all complaints disappear when they lie on their back (K
513: stomach pain, lying on back amel.). If this symptom is present during pregnancy, give Laurocerasus.
If it is a chronic complaint, also in non-pregnant women, prefer Calcarea carbonica.
They sometimes have an aversion to any kind of food.
Laciticum acidum
Consider Laciticum acidum in the very pale pregnant woman who has nausea in the morning on rising
from bed or who has to vomit then (K 509: nausea pregnancy during). She additionally has eructations and
salivation (K 418: salivation during pregnancy).
If there is salivation accompanied by vaginitis during pregnancy, consider Kreosotum; if, however, the
salivation is accompanied by stomach disorders, prefer Laciticum acidum.
Laciticum acidum has an aversion to milk.
Petroleum has mausea and vomiting from the odor of exhaust fumes (or petroleum). They also get
easily carsick.
Petroleum can have herpes on the genitalia (K 717: eruption herpetic) although less frequently than
Dioscorea villosa
Characterisitic of Dioscorea villosa is that leaning back (hyperlordosis) ameliorates all complaints, and
leaning forward aggravates their complaints (K 556: abdomen, pain, beinding backward amelioration).
Some pregnant women feel well when they exaggerate the lumbar lordosis, and they feel bad when
bending forward or bending double. Give Dioscorea villosa in these cases.
Dioscorea villosa can’t sit on a couch, they can only sit straight on a hard chair.
Dioscorea villosa complains of problems in tne abdomen or the stomach.
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Characterisitc of Asarum is that they are oversensitive to the least noise. Even scratching on linen, silk
or paper is intolerable to them.
Consider Asarum if a pregnant woman can’t tolerate her husband reading the newspaper or her child
leafing through a book. This slightest noise causes nausea and they can even vomit from it (K 509: nausea
during pregnancy; K 534: vomiting during pregnancy).
Louder noises will disturb them less than very slight noises.
They sometimes have a bitter or sour taste in the mouth.