© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XVIII, 2001
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homeopathy
drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany,
France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the
original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this
compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD, VOL. XVIII, 1 & 2, 2001 3
2 QHD, VOL. XVIII, 3 & 4, 2001 99
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD, VOL. XVIII, 1 & 2, 2001
Part I.- Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are -given at the end of Part I of this journal and
readers are requested to refer to them for full articles.
1. Gedanken zur ärztlichen Ethik
(Thoughts on Medical Ethics)
RENOLDNER Klaus (DH, 18/1998)
1. 83 year-old man severely ill; only skin and
bones,cachetic, high-grade heart insufficiency.
As I was preparing to begin to give him an
infusion he raised his arm with his last
remaining strength and shook his head
forbidding me from doing anything. Earlier he
had for long refused hospitalization. Now he
has directly refused medical help, while his
wife was requesting everything possible to be
Whose request should I fulfill? I waited until
the patient again fell into half-sleep and then I
decided to respond to his wife’s request and
gave the patient the infusion. The wife’s
helplessness moved me very much and tat was
the motivation. (The patient later passed away
peacefully). The theme here is the balancing
between “absolute authority of the doctor” and
“absolute autonomy of the patient.”
2. An 85 year-old patient with multiple sicknesses
clearly said that he would not go to a hospital
anymore, but would be cared for only by his 80
year-old wife. He had a suspected Colon
Carcinoma. His wife did not want that to be
disclosed to her husband. Few months later an
acute intestinal block. I explained the situation
to both and aranged for an operations. After
brief preparation the patient was operated and
he survived for six months. In restropect: did I
do right in not insisting upon the operation
earlier. We do not know. The theme in this:
We should beware of arrogance of our
knowledge. We are not prophets.
3. We are not always, in our practice, giving full
concentration and capability and feel empathy
with our patient. Often we are very tired or do
not take much care.
40 year-old female patient, a peasant. She was
very tried with farming,, household and care of
sick parents. She was much afraid that she
may not be able to carry on like this. I was so
much touched by her situation that tears welled
up in my eyes. It was clear to me that
here neither advice nor psychiatric remedies
were called for but only sympathy and
empathy. I let her tell her entire story. She did
so, thanked me and went. A month later she
came again. She felt that she was better. The
theme here is that we should let our patient let
out their inner feelings.
4. This was 20 years ago when I was a physician
in Paraguay in a development projects.
Tuberculosis was rampant there. A patient was
before me who had to be taken to a hospital for
treatment. The Chief of the tribe Mbya
Indians did not allow this since it involved
taking the patient to another Indian
environment. That night I was witness to an
Indian ‘meet’ from a distant tribe and the tribe
with whom I was staying. For two hours there
was music, and dancing and then
everyone dispersed. The Indians had held a
healing ceremony that night in which many
Indian healers part-took.
Next morning the Chief said that I could take
the patient for treatment.We have to treat the
patient on line with his social and
environmental milieu.
2. Sind wir Ärzte oder Mediziner?
(Are we doctors or medical men?)
DREXLER Leopold (DH, 18/1998)
This is an essay on our role as doctors and also
as healers at the same time.
3. Von der Imaginaction und den Planeten?
(About Imagination and the Planets)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
MICHELS Hans Lothar (DH, 18/1998)
This interesting essay is about PARACELSUS
and the discovery of the Dynamis. The author
argues with relevant quotes that although
HAHNEMANN did not value much
PARACELSUS’ teachings, PARACELSUS is very
relevant to Homeopathy and the knowledge of
4. Why Philosophy?
CROCE A J (HT, 19, 11/1999)
The author explains the significance of the
study of homeopathic philosophy for the
homeopathic students. She stresses that
homeopathic philosophy and “how to use the
remedies” aren’t two separate subjects, but one and
the same. There are three main reasons why every
homeopath needs a firm grasp of homeopathic
1. Because every action has a philosophy behind
2. Because Homeopathy is a minority view.
3. So that we can do good Homeopathy.
5. Containing the Symptom’s Voice
BARZMAN A J (HOM. 76, 2000)
What would lead to the voice of symptoms
being hushed? What happens when that voice is
hushed? What possible effects on the patient follow
from this.
Limited self awareness within the practitioner. Lost
clinical opportunities due to this limited self
Deleterious situations arising from the limited self
awareness Undesirable outcomes following
deleterious situations.
Boundary violation by the practitioner:
By actual physical/sexual acting out
By suggesting comments/conversations
By inappropriate self-disclosures
Undesirable outcomes from the above:
The patient could flee the treatment with the
practitioner and does not feel safe to consult with
another doctor also
The patient stays in the treatment with diminished
The patient calls less
The patient comes less
The patient is less open
The patient is less motivated with maintaining
6. Symptoms and Symbols
JOHNSTON Linda (HOM, 76, 2000)
We live in a world of our own individual
symbols of our own making. As homeopaths, we
can use this process of symbols to help to find out
the patient’s remedy, T.
The philosophical moment of the 1800s called
romanticm is the first to hold a view which may
seem too obvious today that all symbolic language
addressed to a deeper, unconscious awareness in
human soul. Even Freudian Psychology nearly 70
years later, in its stress on what is most irrational in
man and its dependents on symbols is largely
indebted to the German Romantics of the early
1800s. From then FREUD worked with the novel
idea that humans use symbols in every area of their
life. He postulated that every part of human
behavior could be understood as logical if we
understood the meaning of a patient’s symbols to
him. FREUD gets the credit for this although
HAHNEMANN preceded him by nearly a century.
This brings us to the key feature the essence of
symbols - individuality. No two people use the
same symbol.
7. Samuel HAHNEMANNS Gratwanderung
zwischen Vereinfachung und Verifikation
(Samuel HAHNEMANN’s shifts between
simplification and verification)
WISCHNER, M. (ZKH, 44, 1 & 2/2000)
This article is an overview of
HAHNEMANN’s concept of Homeopathy.
Particularly striking is HAHNEMANN’s tendency
to simplification in almost every sector of his
teaching. The Vital Force is mentioned as an easy
answer to physiological questions. Only three
Miasms are held responsible for all diseases. The
elucidation with other concepts is restricted to the
formula:Correct = Homeopathy = HAHNEMANN,
and Incorrect = Remainder. Especially in Organon
5th edition there is a tendency to schematized
standardization of treatment. The positive point of
standardization is the simplification of therapy.
This facilitates the verification (or falsification) of
treatment results. HAHNEMANN just mentions
this epistemological model briefly. It is now for the
practitioners of Homeopathy to critically discuss
all these.
[There are homeopaths now who speak of many
‘Miasms’, for example ‘Ringworm’, ‘Typhoid’, etc.
Those who are one-up on HAHNEMANN are not
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
wanting. It appears, however, safe to follow the
well-laid and well-trodden path = KSS]
8. The Doctrine of Signatures: a historical,
philosophical, scientific view (II)
(BHJ, Vol. 89, 1/2000)
The first part of this article discussed the
history of the Doctrine of Signatures which was
given in the previous issue (QHD, XVII, 3 &
4/2000 under Philosophy). The second part as
follows: BACH developed a series of Flower
Remedies for emotional states. On the basis of the
Doctrine of Signatures, these can liberate the Vital
Force from an alien disease process or ‘archeus’.
An understanding of the role of the active principle
of a homeopathic medicine, in the physiology of its
source, may aid understanding of a curative action.
9. How Do We Acquire Knowledge Of our
KREISBERG Joel (SIM, XIII, 1/2000)
This article examines a variety of methods and
approaches to exploring the action of medicaments.
Two centuries ago, Samuel HAHNEMANN
developed a remarkable and innovative technique
called a “proving.” A proving is an investigation of
the action of a medicinal substance, undertaken by
healthy individuals. Aphorisms 121 to 140 of the
Organon of Medicine give specific instructions as
to the organization of what he outlined as a
hahnemannian proving. Recent homeopathic
literature discusses various other types of provings
currently being explored by contemporary
homeopathic communities. Alternatives to the
hahnemannian proving includes the dream proving,
both sleeping dreams and daydreams, and the
meditative proving. The herbal tradition of a
“journey,” a shamanic voyage to meet the plant
spirit, is very closely related to homeopathic
provings, and serves the same function. The
strengths and weaknesses of each of these types of
proving is the center of discussion of this article.
10. Contribuisão à compreensão da Teoria
Miasmática segundo Masi Elizalde
(A contribution to the understanding of the
Miasmatic Theory, according to ELIZALDE
BAROLLO Célia Regina, RISALITI Flávia,
DE PRIVEN Sehrial Waisse (RH, 65, 2/2000)
The authors present the homeopathic doctrine
foundations according to Masi ELIZALDE, as a
contribution to the understanding of the miasmatic
theory of HAHNEMANN.
11. O vitalismo Hahnemanniano na prática clinica
Homeopática (The Vitalism of HAHNEMANN
in homeopathic clinical practice)
TEIXERIA Marcus Zulian (RH, 65, 2/2000)
The diseases genesis, for the Homeopathic
Science, comes from the Vital Force; the
homeopathic treatment aims to balance this vital
source. And what is this Vital Force? It is the
Spirit, the Soul, the Mind, or a primordial energy
responsible for the human beings life and health
care. Many doctrinaire misunderstandings come
from the incomprehension of the real meaning of
this Vital Force; beginning from the understanding
of the disease process upto the therapeutic
propositions for treating them. This may bring to
the homeopathic clinical practice aspirations that
HAHNEMANN does not expect to reach. In this
work we highlight the hahnemanniana Vital
Force’s main characteristic, making analogies of the
same with the several existing medical and
philosophic conceptions. Thus, we can visualize
the several currents that might have influenced
HAHNEMANN during the elaboration of his
vitalistic model. According to the several currents
studied, it is evident that for the organic disease
genesis is situated in the Vital Source. Tsni or chi,
linga sharina, tzetem, double electric, vital body
or ethereal body, all corresponding to the
Hippocratic, instinctive, automatic and intelligent
vis medicatrix naturae which, in its modus
operandi, is similar to the neural-immune-
endocrine-metabolic system studied by the
integrative physiology in the reactions to the stress.
1. Ammonium causticum
SCHOLTEN Jan (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Picture of Ammonium causticum
1. Total idealism: inclined to overlook the
negative side which results in disappointment.
2. Exhausted through ideals: disappointment
turns to discontent accompanied by bitterness
and resentment.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
3. Actively unforgiving: resentment expresses
itself in an extremely critical attitude towards
4. Isolation without assertiveness: keep their
feelings to themselves, when they do it is in the
form of cutting and very cynical remark.
Fears: Vague, unknown, life, strangers, future,
traveling, flying, open spaces, crowds, failure,
disease, operations, Cancer, death.
Dreams: lost in a large building and can’t get out of
Mood: timid, uncertain, indecisive, listless,
disappointed, gloomy, suicidal.
Mental: confused, slow, orientation problems, lack
of concentration, forgetful, dementia.
Religion: magic, obsessive.
Contacts: reserved, closed, think long before they
speak, don’t say much.
Causes: neglect, abuse, incest, parents absent,
addicted or weak, loss of parents, and protectors.
Along with this Generals, Common complaints and
the Differential diagnosis between the Nitricums,
Acidums, Causticum, Natrums, Magnesiums are
given in a brief manner.
2. Themes and Cases of Laurocerasus
ACERMANN Christoph (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The many interesting themes that came up are
discussed in this article. Sources: STAPF,
(Synthesis; Additions of KENT, PHATAK),
The two cases are from the author.
3. Eucalyptus
TALWALKAR Abhay (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The botanical features of Eucalyptus and its
use as timber, essential oils and as ornaments are
given. The characteristic of the tree is given in
4. Proving of Alnus rubra
VERVARCKE Anne (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Report of a proving of Alnus rubra. The
proving began in November 1996. It was double
blind in 30 potency. There were four female
provers. No proving data is given, but only a
distilled version of repertorial rubrics.
5. Proving of Fagus sylvatica
WICHMANN Jörg (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The proving was double blind in a 30 potency.
There were three provers: female, age 36, midwife;
Male, age 36, homeopath and nurse; male, age 38,
homeopath. The article is a summary which gives
the major items and symptoms of the original
proving in the exact words used and with no
6. Proving of Populus tremuloïdes
HARTOG D Hans (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The proving was double blind in a 30 potency.
Three provers were involved: two female, one male.
A summary of all the Mind symptoms and the main
remaining symptoms translated into repertory
rubrics are presented. The dreams are presented in
full text!
7. Proving of Salix alba
BALANCE Sue (HL, 13, 1/2000)
A translation of the proving into repertory
rubrics is presented in the article.
8. Proving of Sambucus nigra
BERNARD M Teresa (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Report of a proving of Sambucus nigra where
the translation of the proving into repertory rubrics
alone are given. Five female provers took part. It
was double blind in a 30 potency.
9. Homeopathic Proving of the Cola nut
(Cola nidata)
SCHUSTER Bernd (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The characteristics of the Cola tree and its use
are given. The high value placed on the drug in
Africa is illustrated by the ancient legend. The
main ingredient of Cola seeds is Caffeine and
Theobromine. Cola belongs to the group of drug
remedies. The full hahnemannian proving with 23
participants (1996, Germany) revealed feelings of
invincibility, the idea of being able to see through
the material person into the innermost being or read
a person’s thought, i.e., mainly divine qualities and
abilities which the provers ascribe to themselves,
thus demonstrating a delusion of grandeur. The
new remedy shows an effect on eating disorders
(insatiability and fear of being poisoned) mania and
hyperactivity, disturbances of sugar metabolism,
gastro-intestinal illness with diarrhea, problems
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
with self-confidence, depression, sleepiness
(fatigue), anxiety dreams and migraine. A 28 year-
old woman with fear of being poisoned cured with
Cola is discussed in detail.
10. An Analysis of Betula alba
M, PELT M, VERHEIJ J (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Signature: a hardy but short-lived pioneer
The description about the botanical features,
explanations for the name Betula, ecological
strategy of the species, the signature that though the
tree is short-lived, its oil imparts durability to other
substances were discussed. Medicinal value of the
tree, its use in copper refineries, as a protective
against evil spirits and evil eye, and also mentions
that it symbolizes fertility and love.
Reports that the Betulacea do not contain
poisonous alkaloids, which means that there are no
strong toxicological effects to the nervous system in
Betula alba and the other betulaceae.
Proving by Study Group
PELT Margeurite
Proving results of eight provers were reported.
Mostly dreams of the provers have been discussed.
The themes of the remedy on the mind and physical
level are given.
Rubrics derived from the proving
Majority of the rubrics represents the mental
symptoms with few generalities.
Two cases of Betula alba have been reported
by Marguerite PELT and VAN DER WIEL - J V.
The author compares the Betula person to a
nurse who spends all her time and energy taking
care of others, she lacks the opportunity to develop
her own life, thus she remains in a larva like stage.
The pathology of the remedy is in the self-
sacrificing element. Just like a nurse who will not
bother the disabled person with her own complaints.
She will hide herself behind her white apron and put
on her professional smile.
On the physical level it is indicated in cases of
loss of too much fluid, like polyuria or
menorrhagia, with symptoms of weariness and
Skin: eczema, psoriasis.
Extremities: arthritis.
11. Pseudotsuga menziesii - A Homeopathic
OLSEN Steve (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Since 1995 the author is involved in the study
of trees that grow in North America and found that
many of the conifers - Abies canadensis, Abies
nigra, Sequoia, Arbutus manziesii, Pinus contorta
have a very strong effect on the appetite.
The author also found that many of the people
that need one of the tree remedies have a profound
feeling of being isolated, and disconnected from
other people. Abies canadensis, Camphora, Thuja
are good examples.
Proving protocol
Proving started in February 1995, sixteen
provers participated. The provers were given
instructions to take three doses a day of the 30
liquid potency until symptoms started
Proving symptoms
This is not a complete list of the proving
Extremely quick to argue. Intolerant of people
so won’t return phone calls. Kicked the cat off the
bed. Anger, critical over small things, lashing out.
Others must agree to my domination. Nervous,
feels isolated, inferior, distant from people. People
don’t like me and I don’t like me and I don’t like
Didn’t want to initiate a conversation, harder to
join the group of people that I usually talk with
them. Dream of killing someone. Closed to others,
oversensitive to criticism. Trying to be perfect.
Harsh self judgment.
There is no common link between me and
others, hard to fit in, to be accepted. Feel I am not
listened to, blame others for not giving me what I
feel I deserve and need. I want to jump and attack
people. Uncontrollable anger.
Throbbing headaches
Sinuses are very painful
Acne that is better from applying a hot cloth.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
Abdomen and Stomach
Unusually hungry after eating. I had a dream
that I ate until I felt nausea. I was worried that I
would not get enough.
Menses scanty
More chilly and sensitive to cold .
A case of a 16-year-old female with late
menses and lots of emotional symptoms which
required a great deal of differential diagnosis
between remedies like Arsenicum album, Nux
vomica, Hyoscyamus, Platina, Palladium, Sulphur,
Aurum metallicum, Cyclamen, Hura, Natrum
muriaticum, Natrum carbonicum, China, Thuja and
Pseudotsuga. Tendency to overeat, acne, scanty
and painful menses lead to Pseudotsuga, in 30 to
take every two days for ten days and then every
three days for three weeks. For one year she had
her menses every two months regularly and she had
a dose of the same medicine again which made her
menses to appear regularly every month.
12. Athena, the maiden with owl’s eyes
VAN DER ZEE H (HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
Pelvic disorder particularly Symphysiolysis is
discussed in detail. It is said that the key to a better
understanding of the remedy Trillium pendulum
was cases of pelvic disorders. Two such cases are
presented. Pallas Athena is one of the Greek
Goddesses, and this is Trillium pendulum’s
patroness and the owl their symbol. In both the
cases the author brought out some relation with the
owl and Pallas Athena. Differential diagnosis
between Calcarea phosphorica, Murex, Sabina,
Aesculus hippocastanum and Bellis perennis were
made with regard to pelvic disorders.
Mind picture of Trillium pendulum
1. Controlled, composed, thoughtful, systematic,
well-behaved, conscientious, responsible and
intellectual people.
2. They are ambitious and do not like to be
dependent or restricted.
3. They have an aversion to being hindered or
stopped by bodily complaints.
4. They do not like childhood, but want to be
adult as soon as possible, to possess the full
capacity of their mind.
5. They want to be a good mother, but also having
children must not hinder them in pursuing their
goals, in having a career.
6. Very much oriented to intellect, with intellect
they control their emotions.
7. Dislike quarreling and do not allow themselves
to be carried away by their emotions which
helps in solving others conflict.
8. When a woman is so focused on her head and
intellect, pregnancy can be quite a challenge.
They have to bring their energy down to the
lower half of their body. Delivery is more
animalistic, quite opposite to their nature of
intellectual composure.
9. Pallas Athena is their patroness and the owl
their symbol.
13. A New Homeopathic Remedy:
Peganum harmala
(HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
This article is given to show the autonomous
development of Homeopathy in Russia and the
other Eastern European countries. Results from
proving and clinical experience of Peganum
harmala are given in detail. Peganum harmala is a
perennial herbaceous (grassy) plant with many
stems and a specific, acrid smell. Belongs to the
Zygophyleacea family. Peganin is the main
alkaloid. A toxic plant. In poisonous dose, it first
produces excitement with loss of self-control and
different mental disorders. After this, depression of
a different degree begins to develop. Four
homeopathic provings were made: in 1991, 1992,
1994 & 1996. Potencies used were 6 and 30.
Symptoms obtained from the provings.
Break things, desire to
Desire to kill
Desire to die
Delusion, the evil eye on him/her
Delusion, that he is vitiated by some other people
and his problems are result of vitiation
Delusion, that he/she is surrounded by energetic
Delusion, that energetic vampires get power and
energy from him
Delusion, he is a vampire
Delusion that he is an adept of the devil
Delusion, that he belongs to the devil
Delusion, that he/she belongs to the opposite sex
Desires alcohol
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
Desires drugs
Desires smoking
Fight, desire to
Hatred of mother
Hatred of close relatives
Love, homosexuality
Strike, desire to
Pain, occiput, lying down agg.
Pain, occiput, moving of the head agg.
Eruption, pimples, with red blister surface on top
Eruption, pimples, chin on
Swelling of gums
Pain, sharp, cutting
Pain, sharp, cutting
Pain, hypochondria, right
Diarrhea, painless
Sexual desire increased
Menses, suppression of
Sexual desire increased
Sexual desire diminished
Devil, communication with the
Dead relatives, communication with
Death of his relatives
Homosexual, he is, and has homosexual contacts
Woman, he is
Eruption, pimples with red blister surface on top
A case of Congenital Adrenogenital syndrome and a
case of Diabetes Mellitus have been given to
substantiate the above symptoms. [No modalities -
temporal or spatial! Proving Symptoms must be
given as the Prover experienced. Not the ‘rubrics’
picked by the writer = KSS]
14. Amok - The Story of Stramonium
TAL Yaara (HL, 13, 2-3/2000)
The author talks about Stramonium, ‘Amok’
and the chess player - a Stramonium personality in
this article. The characteristics of Stramonium, a
Stramonium personality in everyday situations,
when he is in control and how does he react under
stress are detailed. ‘Amok’ is a short story by
Stefan Zweig. ‘Amok’ relates a conversation
between the author and a doctor on the deck of a
ship sailing from Calcutta to Genoa. The doctor’s
behavior bears striking similarities with the classical
Stramonium profile and the story includes
Stramonium elements which combine to create the
somber atmosphere typical of the Stramonium
picture. The author fishes out the Stramonium
elements from the story and gives various rubrics
for each situation.
15. Palladium
SHAH J J (HH, 24, 1/1999)
Mostly the mind symptoms of the remedy are
discussed. The emotional expressions and the inner
nature of Palladium are brought out. Graphic
representation of the mental symptoms are given.
16. Perceiving the Mind of Lilium tigrinum
SHAH J J (HH, 24, 1/1999)
Lilium tigrinum emotions typically resemble a
person whose life has been sexually restricted by
certain norms of the society. Increased sexual
desire leads to a phase of conflict of emotions
which in turn produces a sense of guilt and the
religious affections come up. To compensate the
guilty feeling they go to a phase of self-torture and
depression. The individual can be expressed in
three commonest ways:
1. Hurried, impatient behaviour
2. Extremely sensitive
3. Anger
Each symptom has been represented by many
repertorial rubrics which expresses the mind of the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 10
17. Fahrt ins Staublose
ZILLER Hans (DH, 18/1998)
This is an interesting essay on some aspects of
Arsenicum album. The relevance of Jan
SCHOLTEN’S depiction of Arsenicum album
(Homeopathy and its Elements) is also pointed
18. Cypripedium pubescens - eine
Arzneimittelprüfung. ( a drug proving)
(DH, 18/1998)
Proving was done in 1997 with 6 provers
( 1 male, 5 females ) Dr. Frauz SWOBODA was the
Master. There was also a 3 member Working
Group (West Austrian) who did a proving
independently under Dr. Mrs. Andrea
Following the symptom the first number given
in brackets indicates the Prover number and the
second number after the slash indicates the day on
which the symptom appeared. If more numbers
follow it means the symptom occurred on these
days too.
The Provers are numbered 1-6 ( 1 to 4 female,
5 and 6 male), the three Working Group Provers are
numbered T. 7, 8 (male) and T. 9 (female)
1 Mood in the evening excited (2/01)
Colleagues thought they are work-mad,
subjectively they felt knocked out and weary
(2/02), Work-mad (2/06), (6/03 - this has
been closely noticed by the colleagues!)
Feels she could tear down everything,
Euphoric (4/06), (6/02)
5 Weariness, annoyance - nevertheless
“euphoric” (T9/01)
Knocked-out and tired (3/21) (2/02, 05)
Tired, work gives no fun, listless on forenoon
(1/07, 08, 10, 11)
Loaded with energy (1/03, 04, 05),
Excited (2/01, 10), (3/. . . ), (1/04, 08)
10 Quarrelsome (2/10)
Slip of the tongue - confuses words
(1/05, 06,...)
Hectic (1/05, 07)
Has the feeling that while her mind could take
much more work her body however is weak
Agonizing, dull, frontal headaches beginning in
the mornings suddenly, lessening in intensity
slowly towards the evenings; lasted a
week without change (3/02 to 07), afterwards
headaches lighter and specially by afternoon -
at 12 day no headaches for the first time;
headaches better from cold.
15 Has the feeling that he must press the eyeball
to control the pains (3/03, 10)
Headache from the root of the nose to in the
back of the head (4/01)
Pressure over the left eye (4/02)
Pressure over both the eyeballs as if they
would pop out (4/02)
Again and again headaches (pressing
outward), suddenly beginning, slowly ending
(4/03 to 05, 18)
20 Severe, pressing headache at the forehead and
temples, more on the left (3/12) and pressing
pain in the right eyeball (1/13, 15, 19)
Heavy feeling in the head evenings, feeling as
if it has doubled in size (2/03)
Headache in the frontal region in the evening,
which is quickly drawn to the occiput, evening
again dull. Drawing in the forehead (5/06)
Left eye waters without any evident ground -
after 5 minutes again gone (5/05)
Pressing pain in the right eyeball (1/13,15,19)
25 Pressure on both eyeballs, as if they would
pop out (4/02)
Burning heat first in the left, then in the right
external ear also, the ears are swollen dark red,
feeling as if frozen (T7/01-05); sometimes it
appears in the evening.
Repeated sneezing and blowing of the nose
with massive, watery secretion - almost 2 hours
nonstop (5/02, 09)
Continuous nasal flow, secretion clear, burning
and causing sore (2/01)
Nose totally blocked, secretion yellowish and
blocking along with the blocked ears (2/020
30 Left nostril blocked (4/01)
Drawing, severe pain in the right upper jaw,
only during the forenoon (1/05, 07, 10)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
Sensitive neck of the teeth in the right lower
jaw (1/07)
Afternoon drawing toothaches in the right
upper jaw, continuously without let for an hour,
aggravated by biting upon it, spontaneously
passing off after an hour (6/22)
Bitter taste in mouth (2/01)
35 Sore feeling of the hard palate, in association
with burning pains; cold drinks ameliorate,
touch and eating aggravates, evenings the
complaints pass off again (2/10)
Burning sensation in the throat (2/01)
Morning one o’clock - suddenly waking (2/02)
Stitching pains left tonsil (4/04)
Morning stitching pains in the throat right side,
pass away again (4/07), (1/02, 03)
40 On waking throat pains and scratching in the
throat warm milk and scarf ameliorates (6/15)
Itching of the right posterior nare, in the
morning, for 30 seconds (18/01)
Intense palpitation (4/04)
Irritative cough, better from drinking water
Nightly irritation exciting cough at three
o’clock mornings, as if there was a feather in
the trachea, no sputum, ameliorated from
drinking and strolling about (6/23)
45 Drawing pain in the region of the left scapula
for an hour in morning (1/09)
Painless twitchings/cramps in the region of the
diaphragm, for 30 seconds (T8/07)
Dull pulling pain from nape left to the outer,
upper border of scapula left radiating, where
the pain was the maximum; amelioration from
pressure and massage of the upper border of
the scapula, aggravation from movement of the
head - bowing and sideways inclining
(5/07, 08)
For the first time hears a light scraping noise
when the head is moved rotatingly (5/08)
Heat sensation in the back, radiates to the back
of the head, with some perspiration in the back
50 Diffuse, drawing - pressing pain in the
hypogastrium afternoon (1/02, 03)
Qualmishness without nausea (1/23, 24) (2/01)
Stomach pain after eating little (1/26)
Band like pain from touch in the region of the
11 and 12 rib ventral (2/03)
Marked desire for fruits (1/07)
55 Tension in both little fingers (1/07)
Joint pain with swelling, livid discolouration
and isolated cold sensation in the right index
finger in the PIP - joint (1/18, 19)
Burning, ill feeling in the left hand, volar and
lateral from the base joint of the little finger to
close to the upper half of the wristwatch band -
has the feeling, that a wound is there (5/13)
Sore feeling in the right hand, from the wrist-
joint extending to 5 cm proximal, worse from
touch (5/14)
Creeping, partly burning sensation in the
anterior side of the right thigh for sometime
60 While walking very often for few minutes
sensation of warmth in the thigh (6/03)
Severe stitching in the region of the right vulva
Menstrual bleeding came on about 13 days late
Menstrual bleeding heavier than normal and
whole day connected with increasing
abdominal pains; doubling up ameliorates
Menses bleeding came on about 3 days early
(25, day) - (6/06) or came on about 5 days too
early (6/29)
65 Increased micturition of small quantity (2/01)
Painless twitching/contractions in front in the
urethra, for 30 seconds (T8/09)
Wakes up at 5 o’clock for no reason (1/20,21)
Hourly waking without any cause - morning as
if fagged, dull feeling in head (6/20)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 12
Sleepless from 1 to 2 o’clock, on the next day
from 5 to 6 o’clock “cheerful”. No anger,
almost cheerful; although problems remain;
good disposition, unlike when she was lying
wakeful at night (T9/03 - 05)
70 Awakened from cough - see Chest
Summary of the Peculiar symptoms:
Mental and Emotional Symptoms:
A clearly marked energy changed state (4 provers),
almost euphoria, working capacity intensified
(partly observed by outsiders), alongside -
alternating - cheerfulness in work, depression,
tiredness (last one in physical level too with “mental
freshness” - 1 prover). As noted in the previous
provings, irritability - particularly often with
nothing (3 provers) - and quarrelsome.
General Symptoms:
A sudden beginning of the symptoms (headaches,
toothaches) first in mornings, slowly receding in the
course of the day or more days). This is a striking
About character of the burning: a burning in small
body parts, has been noted as a “general” symptom
(throat, hands, feet, thighs), as also a pressing pain
(head, ball of the eye) and drawing pains (back,
Amelioration from pressure and warmth, the
modalities are not more pronounced, so also no
peculiar desires (desire for fruits was also with one
Regarding sleep: in 3 provers just as said in earlier
works sleeplessness or waking up without any
reason (2 provers), in one prover waking from
nightly cough at about 3 o’clock morning.
Local Symptoms:
Peculiarly pressing headaches, agonizing and dull
(5 provers), pressure sensation in eyes (3 provers),
burning throat pains (4 provers), tooth ache (2
provers). Further irritative cough (2 provers),
burning pains in limited body parts (3 provers).
19. Polychrests in Practice
WARKENTIN D K (HT, 19, 6/1999)
This article points out the importance of the
rare remedies. Most of us assume that remedies
become “polychrests” because they are more useful
than other remedies. It turns out that most people
will respond well to a wide range of remedies. If
we give Lachesis instead of what was needed, say
Hydrophis, we will usually get a good response.
The Myth about Polychrests is that: they are more
likely to act than a rare remedy. Our difficulty is
that we don’t have a good sense of the archetype or
the main pathology of the lesser known remedies.
The Polychrests are terribly, grotesquely over
represented in the repertory. This leads to very
misleading analysis. Some examples have been
20. What to Expect When Seeking Professional
Homeopathic Care: Detective work, Natural
ULLMAN Dana (HT, 19, 6/1999)
This article is worth reading as it deals with
how a Homeopath comes to know his patient and
10 important questions that are asked in case taking
are mentioned. A good homeopath does his work
very similar to a good detective who asks, what,
why, where, and when for each situation.
10 questions that Homeopaths usually ask are:
1. What are you most concerned about in your
2. Tell me more about this problem?
3. What, if anything, makes this symptom or
group of symptoms better or worse?
4. What other symptoms are you experiencing ?
5. What, in general, makes you feel better or
6. What foods or drinks, if any, have you been
craving or been averse to?
7. Do you experience any symptoms in your head,
eyes, ears ...knees, ankles, feet?
8. What emotions do you feel most commonly
and most strongly?
9. Describe your mental state.
10. Is there anything that you can say to describe
any physical or psychological symptom or
The homeopath may concurrently order or
suggest various laboratory tests in order to properly
diagnose the patient’s condition. While such tests
are useful for proper diagnosis, such tests usually do
not play a significant role in determining the
appropriate homeopathic medicine.
21. All The Symptoms
HANSON (HT, 19, 6/1999)
An explanation has been given for what he
means by “All the Symptoms”. How can a
homeopath without gaining all the symptoms from
the patient is able to select a remedy - the one
incredible remedy that covers all the symptoms.
The One remedy that covers as many of the
symptoms as is possible to identify out of the little
that the practitioner has managed to recognize out
of the few that the patient has allowed him to see -
the symptoms the practitioner has successfully
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 13
managed to convert faithfully and correctly to
rubrics, accounting for his own personal beliefs and
bias, his own lack of knowledge, his own ignorance,
his own woeful inadequacies. “Then this is the
remedy the practitioner has chosen out of the twenty
possible remedies, narrowing it down to a close
four, choosing the magic one by eliminating the
symptoms that don’t fit.
22. Gewürze als Heilmittel (Spices as Remedies)
SCHMID Bernhard (DH, 18/1998)
There are many substances in the
Homeopathic Materia Medica, drawn from the
world of ‘Spices’. These are used in the daily food
items of people in different countries - the most
common ones are Natrum muriaticum, Capsicum
for example. Remedies like these are well known to
all homeopaths and are used extensively.
However there are ‘lesser’ ones and these are
discussed in this article. Asafoetida, Cajeputum,
Allium sativum, Oregano, Absinthium, Artemisia
vulgaris, Sinapis nigra, Nux moschata.
The remedies with their differential diagnosis
are discussed. Case reports are also presented.
23. Osteomyelitis beider Unterschenkel - Heilung
durch Heloderma.
(Osteomyelitis of both tibia - Healing through
MÜLLER Hugbald Volker (DH, 18/1998)
The author reports the successful treatment of a
case of Osteomyelitis of bilateral tibia.
The patient had suffered an accident in which
he suffered complicated fracture of both tibia. This
was 12 years ago. Now there is suppuration and
secretion grey-green, bad smelling, corrosive; high
fever. Has already consulted many specialists. Lot
of antibiotics with no benefit. Diagnosis Bilateral
Osteomyelitis tibia.
He also has a pain which comes only between
22 hours and 6 hours; the pain begins in the neck
and extends to the right eye and the eye felt as if it
would be pressed outward. Vomiting after which
some relief.
When he has these suffering more he strikes
himself severely with great rage and tears and
destroys things. He often wished to take his life
away. Sensitive to noise and can’t bear hot
weather. Desires open fresh air, wind. Can’t bear
bright light but soft light.
His liver was sensitive to pressure and an
overall sensitive abdomen.
He liked brown color.
A complete biopathographical history was
recorded and also his wife’s report.
Heloderma was the medicine that cured him.
(Dr.MULLER has linked the ‘colors’ and the
handwriting of the patients with specific
homeopathic remedies and he uses these also in his
remedy selections =KSS.)
The symptoms of Heloderma in this patient.
Preferred color: light brown
Mind: sudden rage, screams with rage, throws
things, hits his wife, tears and destroys his things,
beats himself, and has suicidal thoughts.
Realistic, would never go to fortune teller,
never made a horoscope or allowed his palm to be
read, believes in God and in the traditional
Can’t bear compulsion, cannot fall in line or be
subordinated neither in the Kindergarten or in the
Armed Forces.
Sensitive to every criticism, refers everything
to himself, feels that he has been taken advantage of
or cheated, insulted, denounced. No interest in
Rapid alteration of mood.
25. Achillea Millefolium
WOOD Matthew (HT, 19, 7/1999)
This is an excerpt from the first seven pages of
The Book of Herbal Wisdom. Achillea
millefolium is commonly called as Yarrow. Its
habitat and the botanical origin and its uses are
discussed in brief. It is a powerful medicinal plant.
Yarrow is only slightly known in Homeopathy -
which calls it Millefolium.” It received a modest
proving in the nineteenth century which justified the
traditional uses, but an understanding of its genius
and applications did not develop, so it is seldom
utilized in homeopathic practice at the present
“Yarrow is the remedy for cuts to the bone, and
cuts to the third level of the blood,” Halsey
BRANDT gave an interpretation that “The
capillaries are the first level of the blood, the
arterioles are the second, and the arteries are the
third. Bleeding from the cuts stops immediately
and wound heals without complication. It is also a
good fever remedy. Its healing power in cuts,
wounds have been shown by various examples and
it is the remedy which stopped Dr. E.B. NASH’s
epistaxis. Learned about it from a lay herbalist - his
grandmother. Yarrow is also used to heal burns. It
is excellent for radiation burns and deeply
penetrating burns.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 14
25. Differentiating Belladonna from Stramonium
TAYLOR Will (HT, 19, 8/1999)
This article is an answer for the question - how
would you differentiate between a chronic picture
of Belladonna and Stramonium. Will says “that
when materia medica is taught, it be taught in a
manner that allows it to be dynamic rather than
static; perhaps it would be better to say that, rather
than teach materia medica, we should teach how to
study and understand materia medica. As Karl
ROBINSON stated so well, the listening and
analytical skills need to come first, because these
are what we need to understand and appreciate in
both our patient and our materia medica. The
difference between Belladonna and Stramonium are
made out by relating a vignette from a case of a kid
with night terrors and violence.
26. Galeocerdo cuvier hepar - Tiger shark liver
GRIMES Melanie (HT, 19, 11/1999)
Report of a new remedy - Galeocerdo cuvier
hepar. The shark used for the remedy was a
female, caught in the shark nets off the Natal coast
of South Africa in January 1995. The liver sample
was taken approximately two hours after death, and
potentized up to 30. The proving was conducted in
a double-blind, full hahnemannian manner. It was
done in the USA with eight provers. List of
curative symptoms and the strong and peculiar
sensations are given.
27. Fortlaufende, Wissenschaftliche HAMP
(Continuous, Scientific Homeopathic Drug
Provings) MÖSSINGER, H. (AHZ, 245/2000)
The necessity for the continuous homeopathic
drug provings performed by a group of practising
homeopathic physicians, is discussed. The
working method and structure of such a group are
demonstrated. It is shown that a seriously
performed homeopathic drug proving has to be
tested according to HAHNEMANN’s principles on
the one hand and according to modern scientific
developments on the other hand. The results of a
double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled
homeopathic drug proving with the remedy Oleum
jecoris aselli (Ol-j) are demonstrated. The value of
placebo in homeopathic drug provings is discussed
in the light of the results of the proving.
28. Bufo - The Neglected Old Toad
ADALIAN Elizabeth (HOM. 76, 2000)
Bufo Desires solitude to practice
masturbation.’ This is a thyroid deficient condition
which starts at birth or early months of life. Unless
it is detected and corrected immediately the child
grows up imbecile. Distinguishing feature in
disease and the remedy is protruding tongue. It is a
syphilitic miasm. The state of the mother in
pregnancy also plays a part, in tandem with the
genetic predisposition. Confirmatory mental
symptom of Bufo ‘Anger when misunderstood.’ It
is a main remedy for dislike of animals though it is
an animal remedy.
29. Phos-acid: An understanding of the state
The mental state of the remedy is elicited well.
Other symptoms and their possible interpretations
have been given. Important locations where the
remedy has its action is listed. Case report of a
person with primary infertility treated with
Phosphoricum acidum is discussed in detail.
30. Nitric-acid Portrait through Dreams
DOSHI Nina (NJH, 2, 1/2000)
Dreams of Nitricum acidum are listed out.
Case report of a lady estranged from her family;
filled with hatred of person who had offended and
disagreeable memory. Vindictive and unforgiving
nature pointed to the remedy Nitricum acidum. An
AESOP’s fable has been given and the author says
that the moral of the story is an apt title for the
given case of Nitricum acidum - “Injuries may be
forgiven, but not forgotten.”
31. Carbolic-acid
(NJH, 2, 1/2000)
A detailed description of the remedy picture
has been given. Each symptom has been explained
well and the related drugs are given in parenthesis.
The remedy relation and the follow up remedies are
listed in the end.
32. Rumex-crispus
KULKARNI Ajit (NJH, 2, 3/2000)
The full picture of Rumex has been given with
modalities and relations. The related remedies
which should be given in acute and chronic
conditions with regard to each miasm and the
intercurrent remedies are given in tabular form.
33. Sulphur und seine ßezielung zur freien Luft
(Sulphur and its relationship to open air)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 15
BÜNDER, M.(ZKH, 44, 2/2000)
The desire/aversion for open air in respect of
Sulphur is discussed in detail with the help of the
source Materia Medicas and Repertories. It is
found that aggravation from open air is
The author also proposes change of grades in
some rubrics in the repertories.
34. Die charakterischen Symptome von Sepia nach
Clemens von Bönninghausen
(The characterisitic symptoms of Sepia
according to Clemens von BOENNING-
HAUSEN) JANSEN, A. (ZKH, 44, 2/2000)
The author presents the characteristic
symptoms of Sepia according to a manuscript of
BOENNINGHAUSEN available in the Institute of
Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation,
Evidently this manuscript is BOENNING-
HAUSEN’s work for revision of his Characteristic
Symptoms of Sepia.
35. Insights Into Consciousness of the Remedy
Plutonium Nitricum
THAKKAR Sadhana (AH, 6/2000)
The author reports that the most reliable insight
of a remedy comes from the story told by the patient
who does well with the remedy. The remedies are
nothing but the inner consciousness of the
substances pressed through the patients who require
it or the provers.
He gathered much understanding of Plutonium
nitricum from his patients and presented two cases.
Case 1: Ms. J told the whole story of her problem -
which mainly revolved around the theme of
delusion of carrying everyone’s pain though she felt
healthy and it is not her pain which she is suffering.
Dreams of her co-workers feeling the pain of others.
Intense craving for pork. Increased salivation with
toxic taste. Explosive headaches in the afternoon.
Plutonium nitricum 30 helped.
Case 2: Ms. M 30 year-old had Multiple Sclerosis.
Had rheumatoid arthritis at 16, epilepsy,
mononucleosis, Reynauds disease, hysterectomy at
29 with preCancerous cells on her cervix, systemic
candida and fibrocystic breast disease in the past.
Had severe upper neck stiffness and lower left
sacral pain. No improvement inspite of osteopathic
treatment. Got much relief after Natrum
Main symptoms were numbness in the right
leg, and in the rib area. Bottom of feet getting
numb. Hands falling to sleep. Problems with
vision from MS.
Had depressed expressions on her face. Flat
voice without any emotion. Black circles under
eyes. Perfectionist. Would get seizures in overcast
weather, very conscious during seizures, followed
by severe headache aggravation at 3 p.m.
Recurring dream of falling, nuclear explosions,
body being irradiated, being angry with boy friend.
Plutonium in infrequent doses produced dramatic
An interesting phenomenon with both these
patients was that after the remedy, both patients had
sense of changing forms - changing into man, then
into woman, dog into human, etc. Dream of being
male making love to a woman, then change into a
woman making love to a man in the previous case.
Dream of half animal, half human.
The common themes from both the cases are as
Explosive pains - Headaches and Backaches
Dream - Nuclear explosions
Dream - Violent - killing or murders
Dream - half human, half animal
Dream - sexual with same sex
Dream - falling
Dream - thoughts and impulse of Killing
Dream - dead people, talking with them, dead
bodies aggravation 3 p.m. aggravation overcast
weather, first ray of sun, sunset, evening-night
Craving - lamb, pork, BACON, RAW MEAT
amelioration HOT APPLICATIONS - Hot Bathing
(Radium bromatum, X-ray, Uranium nitricum)
Very serious pathologies - relating to the core of the
person for example., Nervous system, Several
Mental Illnesses, Cancers, Leukemia Extremely
Overcast, depressed, dark gloomy mood
Clairvoyant sense of what is going to happen or
what has happened years before birth, or in their
Fear of one’s own impulses, fear of being too
Resentment, controlled anger.
Serious, no smile on the face, as if carrying burden
of world on their shoulders.
37. Physostigma - The Discarded Vine
HERON Krista (AH, 6/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 16
This article deals with the characteristics of the
legumes in general and the remedy Physostigma in
particular and a case of Physostigma.
38. Sus: A Proving of Pig
ALLEN Karen (AH, 6/2000)
The proving was conducted gradually from the
fall of 1996 through the summer of 1997 in the U.S.
and Canada. The methodology laid out in Jeremy
SHERR’s book was used. A total of 27 provers
participated for the four remedy components. The
notable results are given below in the words of the
provers, followed by two acute cases.
While the knowledge of the remedy is
incomplete and additions to the repertory seem
premature at this stage, rubrics consistent with
Kent’s Repertory have been noted here using plain
type for lowest grade, italic for middle and bold for
highest grade. The results of the proving were so
similar from each of the four components of pig
(saliva, semen, blood and milk).
There were many symptoms related to work
including positive anticipation of work, desire to
work, increased sense of satisfaction and
accomplishment at work, anxiety about having
forgotten how to do one’s job. It was interesting to
find that almost 50% of the provers noted that they
worked overtime, double shifts, increased
responsibility, or increased hours at some point
within the first 3 days after taking the remedy.
“I had to work tonight and was actually looking
forward to it which was unusual.”
“I had a wonderful feeling that I had a task, a
purpose and I had finished it. I feel at peace now.”
“I felt like I could accomplish everything at work
today and I did. I feel great and have lots of
“I was at work twice as long today, funny how that
“I was at work from 9 a m to 11 p.m.; I had not one
chance to leave or take a break.”
“Someone else wasn’t coming in to work so I had to
do her job on top of mine. I lasted the entire day
without feeling drained once.
“I thought I couldn’t do my job. In a sense I
believed that I had forgotten how to work. That’s
why my hands started to shake, because I was
actually scared. It still bothers me now, much
Two provers noted a difficulty in answering
“I have a delayed response when answering
questions. There is a brief period of blankness and
then I can respond.”
No provers reported their own violent
behavior, but in the few days prior to taking the
remedy (while keeping the records in the proving
notebooks) or the first week after taking the
remedy, several events involving conflict were
noted, and the following are representative.
“I have never been punched in a street
confrontation. Three guys came up to me as I got
off work, made various comments that I am a nerd
and have no friends. It is, in effect, playground
bullying. One of the guys punched me on the right
cheek just above the mouth, chipped a tooth. I did
not see the blow coming.”
“I struck a blow against a mouse that sent it limping
off for cover last night. I had already received the
remedy proving kit so I thought to include in my
“I was woken up at 3 am by a couple of wailing cats
that were fighting right outside my window.”
This last is strange, rare and peculiar type of
symptom which was experienced by the one person
who seemed to experience most of the proving
Mind, Occupation ameliorates
Mind, Industrious
Mind, Answers slowly
Mind, Fear, work, feared he had forgotten how to
(new subrubric)
Mind, Delusion, foot split in two (new rubric)
Almost 90% of the provers who reported any
symptoms at all had headaches. In several provers,
there were daily headaches for weeks, with intense
headaches on a weekly frequency for up to 2
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 17
months. Invariably the same words were used; dull
ache, vague ache, pressure pushing outwards, but
too dull to be a bursting sort of pain. In fact, dull
ache was the most common description used for
every kind of pain experienced by the provers in
any symptom.
“Vague headache, centered behind the eyes.”
“Ache in the head with much dull pressure inside
the head, pushing outwards.”
“Mild headache from 3 to 5 p.m. which slowly went
“Dull ache which strengthens, then recedes every
few hours through the day.”
“An ache in the forehead at and above my
“Aching pain in my head which was better after
eating hot soup.”
Provers also noted increased itching of the
scalp which was improved by scratching and
followed by the formation of small scabs which
flaked off with more scratching.
Head, Pain, headache in general
Head, Pain, dull pain
Head, Itching of scalp
Approximately 75% of the provers reported
increased hunger and increased satisfaction with
food. In particular, many provers mentioned
seeking out a desired food and finding it extremely
satisfying when they had eaten it, although there
was a very wide range of the things desired with no
two the same. For a few provers this lasted for
weeks, but for most it lasted only the first few days.
Approximately 30% of the provers reported nausea.
“I was very hungry as soon as I woke up.”
“I was unusually hungry at times through the day.”
“I was ravenous, eating and eating, even when I
knew I was full I wanted to eat more.”
“Even when I felt my stomach was full, I wanted to
go on eating. I would have eaten anything. I would
have eaten garbage if you had put it in front of me.”
“By 10 am I was starved.”
“When I ate it, it was the best thing I had ever
“After I ate, it seemed like the end result of a
craving, when one feels accomplished that they
have fulfilled the desire.”
“I had a craving today for a blueberry bagel with
cream cheese and I wasn’t let down - it was
“I felt nauseated after taking the remedy.”
“From 3 to 3:30 p.m. I felt mild nausea.”
“There was a lot of cigar smoke and this made me
feel nauseated. It felt like I would have vomited if I
had not gotten fresh air.”
Stomach, Appetite, increased
Stomach, Appetite, ravenous, canine, excessive
Stomach, Nausea
“Within 15 minutes of taking the first dose of the
remedy, I felt a colicky feeling in the abdomen.”
“After the remedy I had stomach cramps followed
by diarrhea.”
Abdomen, Pain, cramping
Rectum / Stool
“I had diarrhea several times a day, after starting the
“After having stomach cramps, I had very soft
“I had diarrhea which was very forceful, like an
explosion into the toilet.”
Rectum, Diarrhea
Stool, Forcible
Kidney pain was both produced as a proving
symptom and resolved during the proving for a
prover who had chronic pain in the kidneys.
Several provers reported waking at night to urinate,
something very out of the ordinary for them.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 18
“My back began to ache in the area of my kidneys,
more on the right side. This lasted for an hour and
a half then faded away.”
“I awoke again without the pain I usually feel in my
kidneys every morning. This was very different for
me - I have had this pain every day for years.” (Pain
was remitted for 3 months)
“Waking at 4:20 am with a strong need to urinate.”
“Frequent need to urinate.”
Kidneys, Pain
Kidneys, Pain, morning
Bladder, Urination, frequent
Bladder, Urination, night
Several of the provers reported symptoms of
trembling or joint pain, and most of these were on
the left side of the body. Provers who already had
joint pain noted that it became worse after taking
the remedy, but none of those provers reported that
it improved afterwards - the discomfort gradually
returned to its previous level.
Trembling in the hands and forearms, with fear of
having forgotten how to work, lasting 30 minutes.
Cramping in the left hand lasting 3 minutes.
“While driving, my hand and foot on the left side
started to cramp up. Better after stretching.”
“My left shoulder seems to have been wrenched
somehow. It is a dull ache.”
“Dull ache in both the knees.”
“Dull aching feeling in the left hip and knee.”
“There was a feeling of wasting away in my arms.
It was mid-afternoon. It felt as if fluids and strength
of my arms was ebbing. Sapping of strength.”
Extremities, Trembling, anxious
Extremities, Pain, joints
Extremities, Cramps, hand
Extremities, Cramps, hand, left
Extremities, Cramps, foot
Extremities, Weakness, upper limbs
There were many dreams reported involving
the need to urinate, and the provers, upon waking,
actually did need to urinate. This was one of the
most commonly reported symptoms in the proving.
“I dreamed that I was at a rally where we were
forced to hear a talk about the end of technology.
In my dream I had to get up and go to the bathroom.
When I did wake up, I realized my bladder was full
and I did need to go to the bathroom.”
“In my dream I was going to see film in a big old
movie hall. On my way into the hall I had to line up
to pee - I actually did need to when I woke up.”
“In my dream I was with my brother and we were
traveling in a green countryside near the coast. My
brother and I were peeing on the grass near an old
house, and we were told off by a young guy who
said we should have used the toilet. I woke up
really needing to pee.”
There were also quite a few dreams about eating.
“I dreamed that I was sitting at a dinner table having
a meal with others. Everyone was friendly.”
“In my dream I was gathered around a bowl of food
with other greedy followers.”
“There were people wandering around in a
farmyard eating food from a huge cabinet - fruit and
veggies and bacon.”
“People are around cooking fires in the orchard.
There were dreams from which people awoke
frightened, as from a nightmare, and some these
were dreamt multiple times in the same night.
“In my dream I looked towards the window and saw
a reflection. I thought it was me. As I got closer, it
became clear that it was someone else. At that
point I woke up, terrified that somebody was
outside my window.”
“There was a long-stemmed red rose with a note
saying ‘I don’t want you to ever do that again.’
And signed by my friend, but I did not know what
she was referring to. I awoke frightened because I
thought I had done something to jeopardize our
friendship.” (Dreamt 3 times in one night)
“I had a nightmare about a friend - a guy and his
wife who were threatening to kill me with a gun. I
tried to pretend I was already dead, but he was not
fooled. Then I had to empty out my pockets and
was surrounded by many coins. When I awoke I
was anxious and the feeling stayed with me for a
long time.”
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 19
“I was in a bar but it was all light and sunny outside.
Whenever I touched someone, their skin would
flake off. It was creepy.”
Sleep, Dreams, urinating, of
Sleep, Dreams, nightmare
Sleep, Dreams, eating
Sleep, Dreams, frightful
Sleep, Dreams, repeating
Dry, itching and red skin on the waist, sides,
back, shoulders, arms, scalp and face were reported.
Scratching relieved the itching, as did water, lotion,
and in one case, a mud bath.
“I had red patches of dry, itchy skin around my
waist. I put lotion on them and it felt better.”
“My skin felt dry and very itchy. Scratching felt
good, but the only thing that really made it go away
was a mud bath at a local spa.”
“My scalp has been very itchy. I have been
scratching it and now there are little scabs flaking
off when I scratch.”
“I have terrible itch between my shoulder blades. If
I scratch long enough it stops itching.”
Skin, Itching
Skin, Itching, scratching amelioration.
39. Themes of Plutonium nitricum
SHERR Jeremy (AH, 6/2000)
The article focuses mostly on the mental aspect
of the remedy. The author has also brought out the
relation of Pluto - the ancient god of the
underworld, who ruled mercilessly over the
imprisoned souls of the dead. This myth
symbolizes our connection to ancestral roots,
genetic lineage and archaeological history. A
central theme of Plutonium is a deep feeling of
suffering originating from one’s forefathers, like
punishment echoing down through the generations.
Just as the half life of Plutonium is almost 25,000
years, so the roots of our suffering may stretch far
into the past. The hundreds of tons of Plutonium
that have been manufactured over the last decades
will poison the earth for the next quarter of a
million years. Thus, plutonium will radiate our
genetic lineage through history, affecting our core,
our marrow, our DNA.
The power of the remedy manifests on the
sexual level, the generative sphere of our existence.
Powerful sexual urges, images of enormous
phalluses and dreams of sexual abuse highlight the
explosive energies of unbridled testosterone. This
aggressive and base sexuality is coupled with
aversion to new age men’ or cultured people such
as art dealers - middle men who do not generate or
create. On the other hand a tendency towards
effeminate men or masculine woman was increased.
Radioactive remedies may possibly be indicated in
the AIDS pandemic. In an HIV patient, Plutonium
nitricum has cured persistent anal warts and
increased the white blood cell production.
[Speculative Materia Medica? = KSS]
40. Tuberculinimo - Tuberculose (Tuberculinism -
DE OLIVEIRA Cibelle, SILVA Maria Gisele
Hernandes (RH, 65, 2/2000)
Symptoms of tuberculinism are related to
clinical picture of Tuberculosis. Based on these
aspects and within biochemical parameters, it is
proposed to provide prophylaxis for Tuberculosis
through treatment of the tubercular diathesis.
[Those who follow Dr. SEHGAL’s method
of prescribing on mind symptoms alone seem to be
doing quite well. Journal of Homeopathy of
Northern India (JH) carries cases prescribed on
the mind symptoms alone. It should be clarified that
such rubrics as desire to be carried fast, shrieking
for aid, etc. are all interpretations of the patients
expressions like “Please relieve me of this pain
quickly”, “Help me urgently to overcome this
pain”. The ‘mental’ symptoms in this technique -
treating on mental symptoms alone - are the
interpretations of the patient’s expressions, not
necessarily the exact words; in a case where the
patient says “my parents are forcing me to get
married, but I am of the opinion that one should tell
clearly to the parents of the girl with whom he is
going to get married about his disease. My parents
are not ready to hear and tolerate this plain truth”;
these words of the patient are interpreted as
‘idealism’ in the repertory rubric. The following
abstracts of the cases from the JH should be
understood in this way. = KSS]
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
1. Expressions of the Remedies
SCHOLTEN Jan (JH, 3, 4/1999)
The author says that the one and only remedy is
hardly ever seen in practice. There is really no
argument we could see in the fact when a patient
gets deep acting remedy his whole being reacts
positively and he improves on many levels. But
even here we often see that there are some problems
that remain totally unaffected by the remedy. More
emphasis is given on viewing a remedy from
various aspects like:
a) Remedy as a part of problem where separate
remedies are needed to remove the disease
layer by layer.
b) Remedy as psychological problem where a
remedy may be needed for a specific
psychological problem, not necessarily
accompanied by physical symptoms.
c) Remedy as physical problem where a remedy is
needed without there being any apparent
psychological problem.
The author concludes by saying that while
treating a case it reminds the biblical expression
that the disease of the father will be passed on to
the children” for atleast three generations.
It is as if some problem arise within a family, going
on until they reach a certain height and then slowly
decreasing and disappearing again.
2. Effectiveness of Single Medicine in
Single Dose
SINGH Bhupinder, (JH, 3, 4/1999)
The author emphasizes that it is needless to
prescribe multiple medicines in acute or emergency
cases. It is a false belief that results can’t be
obtained on basis of “Law of Simplex” in acute
cases. Selection of medicine should depend totally
after listening to and observing the patient carefully.
Some medicines like Arsenicum album, Bryonia,
Hyoscyamus, Cocculus indicus, Psorinum and
Opium which are used in fever are listed out with
their characteristic symptoms.
3. Depression Cured by Jan SCHOLTEN Theory
MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Mr. K, male 26, had depression and absent-
mindedness off and on. Anger at slightest
contradiction. Unemployed. So his father says that
he is a burden on them and contradicts him at little
things. Has anger and hate towards father.
Ammonium carbonicum 30 (“Resentment towards
Father”) made him quite normal.
4. Asthma Cured by Jan SCHOLTEN Theory
MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
A S. 27 years was suffering from Asthma.
Modern medicine opined that he should take
medication for whole life. Had thoughts of idealism
and desire to do further studies. Also had desire to
have many friends. Since the ‘idealism’ is
Ammonium and many friends, desire to do further
studies’ are Phosphorus, Ammonium phosphoricum
was given (!) in 30, repeated once, then M and he
was free from asthmatic attack. [How much of
Homeopathic’ in the kind of remedy selection?
Endless combinations can be made in this manner
and all will be concoctions = KSS]
5. Diabetic Case Cured by Crocus sativus
MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Mr. M S 58 years Male had pain in epigastrium
with vomiting. Fasting Blood Sugar 170 mg. Anger
alternates with quick repentance, Cheerful from
music which also ameliorates. Sings along with TV
or Audio. A single dose of Crocus sativus 30
brought down his fasting blood sugar to 96 mg over
a period of 9 months. Inspite of stopping the anti-
diabetic allopathic drug his sugar level remained
6. Diabetic Case Cured by Belladonna
MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
B S 50 years male, had Fasting Blood Sugar
182 mg and Urine Sugar +++. Based on ‘Light,
desire for’ (“I want to know what my disease is”)
‘frivolous’ (“I don’t take things seriously”) and
anger which comes suddenly and disappears
suddenly, Belladonna 30 given which maintained
his sugar level within normal limits. Follow up for
some months.
7. A Case of Uterine Fibroid
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Ms. A K 34 years, had menorrhagia with lower
abdominal pain. Ultrasonography showed Multiple
Fibroids measuring 40mm x 33mm x 36mm. Had
fear of recovery, consolation amelioration and
yielding tendency. Pulsatilla 30, 200 did not
produce any change. On further inquiry, she
revealed that she remains quiet during anger and
she reacts only when anything was said against the
honor of her parents. Consolation aggravated.
Ignatia 30 brought a magical change in her
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
menstrual cycle. Ultrasonogram after 4 months
showed fibroid 8 x 6 mm.
8. Ammonium phos. Cases
SINGH N A & MANN A S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Case: 1 Mr. X 42 years, was mentally upset, weeps
whole day sitting alone. Started after being badly
deceived by one of his friends (his friend whom he
helped with money offered in turn his wife and this
shocked and upset him so much) and the death of
his brother. Feeling of fullness in abdomen after
eating little. Based on the ‘Resentment towards
friend’ Ammonium phosphoricum 30 given and
within two months he became totally normal.
Case: 2 Mr. X 40 years had indecisiveness in all
walks of life. He comes but either goes back
without purchase or if he makes purchase, then
would remorse all day, may be he purchased
wrongly or at high rate etc. The author prescribed
different medicines in different potencies by giving
enough time to see the actions of single dose but
without any relief. The medicines prescribed were
Graphites 30, 6, M; Alumina 30, 6, M; Baryta
carbonicum 30, 6, M. On further inquiring he
learnt that due to his father’s drunkenness he missed
the opportunities of education. Ammonium
phosphoricum 30 (“resentment” for having missed
educational opportunities) was given which
changed his hesitation to take decisions.
9. Bryonia alba Case
KAUR Karampreet (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Ms. V K, age 18, had Bronchial asthma.
Phosphorus, Sulphur and Stannum metallicum in
different potencies at long intervals in single dose
gave only moderate relief. On retaking the case, the
following symptoms emerged: Perseverance, wants
to be quiet, aversion to being disturbed, fear of
suffering, poverty, starving, bargaining etc.
Bryonia alba 30 gave good result. Follow-up, 4
10. A Case of Natrum Phos
REKHI K. Jaswinder (JH, 3, 4/1999)
A girl aged 17 complained of severe headache
mostly in the evening after sunset. Also had falling
of hair from head and eyebrows. Has many friends
but will not disclose her inner feelings to anyone.
Likes music and desires salty things. No
improvement with Natrum muriaticum. As
Phosphoricum has friendly communicative
tendency Natrum phosphoricum 30 was given and
no headache thereafter.
11. A Case of Acute Depression
SAINI R S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
21 year-old boy became dull, withdrawn,
fatigued and sleepless after a defeat in the college
election. He has been cheated by his friends. Anti-
depressants helped him temporarily. Developed
fear that police will come and round up the whole
family. Kali bromatum 200 given with some
improvement but the sleeplessness persisted. The
loss and cheating by friends due to which he lost the
election was considered and Magnesium
sulphuricum M relieved.
12. Psoriasis Case
SAINI R S (JH, 3, 4/1999)
Male, 40 years, had Psoriasis all over body
with intense itching. Felt ashamed and worried
about expenditure on medicine. Based on
‘Embarrassment ailments from’, ‘Fear
extravagance’ Opium 6 given which brought
diarrhea and the old symptom of headache, only
after suppression of which he developed Psoriasis.
Opium 30 helped to bring down his weight from 95
kg to 74 kg and also improved his skin. The patient
is still under supervision.
13. A Case of Belladonna
SINGLA Naveen (JH, 3, 4/1999)
A woman aged 40, suffered joint pains and
rheumatism. Uric acid varies between 10-13.
Smiles involuntarily, Hide desire for, Light desire
for, desire to be carried fast etc. lead to Belladonna
30 which established her menses which stopped 5
years ago. Uric acid was within normal limits.
Joint pains relieved.
14. Elaps corralinus Case
VERMA Subhash (JH, 3, 4/1999)
35 year-old female, had mental depression
which she developed when her husband went out
from home. Thought that her husband will be
murdered by someone, some intruder will come and
will murder her. This fear prevented her sleep and
did not allow her husband to go out. Was given
Electric shocks every week. Fear of being alone,
solitude, delusion of being injured and rowdies
would break in. Elaps corralinus 30 given.
Developed severe cold and running nose, and none
of her fears remained.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 22
15. Explanation of Rubrics
SEHGAL M L (JH, 4, 1/2000)
The author gives meaning of some of the
Rubrics with his method of interpretations of the
same. For e.g.: Delusions, poor thinks he is
Mean: Poor (Adj.): Short of something.
Interpretation: One who is short of as much of
something as is required to remove poverty.
Version: “I am not quite fit. It is as if I am
lacking in general efficiency. This may be due to
age also. I accept that age has its own bearing.”
16. A Case of Hypochondriasis
A lady had vague pains in head and limbs and
no uncommon symptom was forthcoming. Put on
placebo for 2 weeks. Reported three weeks later:
“Doctor, so long as I had been taking your pills I
had relief. Last one week I had no medicine and the
complaint had relapsed.” Mind, Hypochondriasis;
Rheumatic pains in head and limbs; Repertory by
Calvin B. KNERR, Mercurialis perennis 10M
single dose relieved.
17. A Case of Crotalus horridus
A lady had pain in left upper arm. When asked
how long she had been having this, her answer was
pain is worse lying down or upon lifting the arm. In
KNERR’s Repertory, Answers, disconnected:
Crotalus horridus. 10M single dose.
18. A Case of Malaria
Mr. WILSON suffering from Malaria for over
fourteen months. Daily attack of chill-fever-sweat
in the evening with headache in between the
paroxysms. No relief with allopathic drugs. Some
homeopaths also failed. In KNERR’s Repertory,
Fever, intermittent apyrexia, headache: Arn., Nat
m., Polyp., Puls. Fever, intermittent (ague) with
headache: Cina., Cist., Kali c., Polyp. Polyporus
officinalis M single dose, cured.
19. A Case of Epilepsy
A boy of seven with epilepsy had no
improvement with allopathic drugs and also from
homeopathic doctors. Got convulsions invariably
during stools. In KNERR’s Repertory, During
stool, convulsion”: Art v. Artemisia vulgaris M.
20. Asthmatic Case
SINGH N A. (JH, 4, 1/2000)
A 11 year-old child with Asthma since 6-7
years. Wants to hold his mother and remain quiet
during the attack. Fear of darkness. Interested in
studies, very communicative and has many friends.
Phosphorus 30 repeated once after 2 months,
21. Belladonna Case
SINGH N A. (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Ms PM, age 25 with intolerable pain in left side
of abdomen which would last for 10 - 15 minutes.
Weeps, shouts and screams during pain. All
investigations were normal. No diagnosis can be
made. Allopathic drugs failed. Doubtful whether it
is curable. Based on Weeping, pains during;
Shrieking, pain with; Light, desire for; Belladonna
30, cured.
22. Leucoderma Cured by Belladonna
SINGH N A (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Ms. SC, age 30 had white spots on her lips,
hands, foot and at some places on the body. Took
allopathic and homeopathic medication. No
improvement. Initially she hesitated to show the
spots but later uncovered. Based on: Light, desire
for; Hide things; Naked, wants to be; Superstitious;
Objective reasonable; Belladonna 30 single dose,
cured. (No follow-up)
23. Adrenaline chloride and A Miraculous Escape
From the Jaws of Death
SINGE S R (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Pregnant woman of 23 had profuse bleeding
after she tried to lift a big pot of water. Geranium
maculatum tincture, ten drops were poured into the
mouth but soon her face became bluish, saliva
sticky, eyes rolled up, body cold and pulse thready.
Adrenaline chloride 6X one grain put under her
tongue. Within few minutes began to breathe
slowly, eyes became normal and then she was
admitted for delivery in a Hospital. Her Hb level
was found to be 4.6 gm%, blood transfusion was
done and the delivery took place safely but the baby
died as the amniotic fluid leaked out.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 23
24. Sulphur Case
SINGH Devinder (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Mr. H L, age 58 years, with blood sugar level
385 mgs PP and urine sugar +++. Had fear of
poverty, delusion that he is getting thin, talks of
business. Loquacious, witty, egoistic, haughty but
sadness due to his disease. Frequent urge for urine
aggravation by putting hands in water. Sulphur
200, three doses brought down his sugar level
within normal limits.
25. Ignatia Case
VERMA Subhash (JH, 4, 1/2000)
35 year-old, woman had pain and swelling
around the anus. Much irritable with the pain.
Underwent allopathic, ayurvedic and homeopathic
treatment with no improvement. On the basis:
disconcerted, irritable during pain, Ignatia amara
30 relieved.
26. Rhus tox in Insomnia and Depression
VERMA Subhash (JH, 4, 1/2000)
38 year-old man, a building contractor had
sleeplessness after the owner of the building refused
to pay for the faulty construction. He expected the
same to happen in his future constructions. Fear
superstitious, thinking of sad things, aggravates,
shrieking for aid: Rhus toxicodendron 30 single
27. A Case of Fever
MANGLA S P (JH, 4, 1/2000)
26 year-old male, had mild fever since 5 - 6
months. Had loss of appetite, no desire to do work
with restlessness and bodyache. Laughing while
speaking, frivolous, desire for light and desire to be
carried fast. Belladonna 30 gave good results.
28. A Case of Inguinal Hernia
MANGLA S P (JH, 4, 1/2000)
year-old female child had right inguinal
hernia. Very mild, good in studies, longs for the
good opinion of others. Palladium 30 cured the
condition within 3 months.
29. A Case of Renal Colic
SONI Rishi (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Mr. N K, 32 with severe pain in the renal angle
posteriorly, in the hypochondrium anteriorly in the
left side. Irritable and restless due to pain.
Chamomilla 30 relieved the acute pain. USG of
abdomen showed a calculi of 3 mm size in left
kidney. Had fear of operation, anxious about future
and health, despair of recovery. Calcarea
carbonicum 0/1, 0/2 expelled the stone within 20
30. Magnesia phos Case
SHUKLA Chetan B.(JH, 4, 1/2000)
A lady of 48 years had back pain aggravation
motion amelioration by hot fomentation. Also had
joint pains, cramps and recurrent urinary tract
infection. Emotionally on one hand she does not
want to share her feeling with anybody and on the
other hand she wants to help everybody. Based on
Magnesium feeling of friendless and reserved
nature on one-side and Phosphorus feeling of being
sympathetic towards others Magnesium
phosphoricum 200 given with good results.
31. Hints on Assessing Mental Symptoms
MEER Amina (JH, 4, 1/2000)
Some of the mental rubrics which are
commonly encountered during case-taking and the
indicated drugs for the condition are given.
32. Cocculus indicus Cases
MANN A S (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Case 1: KS aged 16 years had acne on face.
Doesn’t get angered easily, says that: “getting anger
will not solve the problem.” Recognizes reality and
accepts, anxiety about others, aversion to being
disturbed, Cocculus indicus 30 cleared his face.
Case 2: HS aged 8 years suffering from Bronchial
asthma. Mild and obedient child, remains quiet,
very caring in nature. Cocculus indicus 30 repeated
once cured.
Case 3: HR age 55 years/M had pain and stiffness
in knees. Contented, recognizes reality and accepts,
says If I say something to someone in anger the
dispute will increase but he will not change. Then
what is the use of dispute.” Cocculus indicus 30
33. Opium Case
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 24
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 4, 2/2000)
42 year-old woman had hemorrhoids and
constipation. In the first stage she didn’t bother
about her suffering but after sometime feared that
her problem would increase - Fear extravagance -
Opium 30 cured.
34. Cocculus Case
SINGH Bhupinder (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Gurbachan SINGH had pain in the Right
lumbar region which radiates towards back. Had
much of perseverance and patience, many friends.
Phosphorus 30/3 doses gave some relief. On
further analysis, had anxiety about others, non
religious, recognizes reality and accepts. Cocculus
indicus 30 expelled the calculi.
35. Lyssin Case
SAINI R S (JH, 4, 2/2000)
P P 47 years/M had frequent sore throat, fever,
heaviness of eyes with coryza. Suffers the same
problem which his elder brother suffers everytime.
Talks of business. Thirstless. Opium 6 given with
no improvement. “Sympathy, felt same pain, his
brother complained of,” Synthetic Repertory with
Lyssin as a single remedy. 30 single dose cured.
36. Successful Cure of Nephrotic Syndrome
SINGLA Naveen (JH, 4, 2/2000)
A man aged 45, had Nephrotic Syndrome with
Albumin+++, Blood Urea 120- 240mg. As his
father died early he had much responsibility and did
them thinking that it was his duty. Kali silicatum 30
given based on the theme “being duty bound to
keep up the family image” according to Dr. Jan
SCHOLTEN. After 9 months, Albumin+, Blood
urea 37mg, Serum creatinine 1.2mg.
37. A Case of Relapsing Fever
SINGH Jagdip (JH, 4, 2/2000)
A lady M K aged 32 had fever everytime
before menses. Sleepless due to fever, wants to
sleep. Felt that taking antibiotics will aggravate her
problems. Her main concern are study o children
and house keeping. Longing for repose and
tranquillity, Cautious etc. Sulphur 30, no relapse of
fever during next periods.
38. A Case of Thalassaemia
MANGLA S P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Mr. TS, aged 15, was diagnosed Thalassaemia.
Blood transfusion advised. Had repeated attacks of
cough and coryza, loss of appetite. Desire to eat
flour and drinks hot drinks. Weeps in anger and
throws things away, cannot sit in one place, runs
hither and thither, jumps like a monkey. Becomes
cheerful on hearing music and dances. Tarentula
30, no improvement. Tarentula 6, Hb raised from
6.5 to 7.4gms. He was still under treatment. [The
case was given to show the importance of mind
symptoms in the selection of the remedy and to give
confidence to the youngsters that Homeopathy has
its scope even in serious pathological condition =
39. A Case of Lycopodium
SANDHU H S (JH, 4, 2/2000)
A woman aged 60 had fever and epigastric
pain. Allopathic medication failed. Had fever only
from 4 p. m. To 8 p. m. Based on this modality
alone Lycopodium 30 given. Fever and epigastric
pain ameliorated.
40. Hyoscyamus Case
SILCHAR K P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Mr. B. D. Aged 28 had pain in right testis.
Afraid to undergo allopathic medication and
surgery for they may give some strong or wrong
medication which would damage his organ. Fear of
being injured and betrayed. Hyoscyamus 30
41. Nux vomica Case
SILCHAR K P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Mrs. G. B, aged 58 had crampy pain in the calf
muscles, particularly while lying down in the bed.
Pain interrupts her sleep, would lament and moan
during pain. Nux vomica 30, 200 relieved.
42. A Case of Insomnia
SILCHAR K P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 25
Mrs. H. P. aged 60, had insomnia and psychic
imbalance. Had constipation and indigestion.
Lycopodium, Medorrhinum, Sulphur and Nux
vomica given alternately by other homeopaths
with no improvement. Sleep disturbed, would wake
up in between and experience hot flushes. Had a lot
of concern about her family members. Cocculus
indicus 30 gave mild relief but improvement
stopped. Based on constipation and the feeling of
interruption and disturbance in sleep and a desire to
have quiet and sound sleep Nux vomica 30 which
relieved but during her next visit she remarked that
the gas-stove make her head hot and she remains
sleepless due to that. Laughing while talking.
Belladonna 30 relieved and no recurrence.
(Author’s comment: One can see how futile it is to
prescribe constitutional medicine/nosodes etc.
Without referring to the present mental state of a
43. Stramonium Case
SILCHAR K P (JH, 4, 2/2000)
Mr. B. K., age 30/M had pain in abdomen
around the appendix and d