© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
3. Actively unforgiving: resentment expresses
itself in an extremely critical attitude towards
4. Isolation without assertiveness: keep their
feelings to themselves, when they do it is in the
form of cutting and very cynical remark.
Fears: Vague, unknown, life, strangers, future,
traveling, flying, open spaces, crowds, failure,
disease, operations, Cancer, death.
Dreams: lost in a large building and can’t get out of
Mood: timid, uncertain, indecisive, listless,
disappointed, gloomy, suicidal.
Mental: confused, slow, orientation problems, lack
of concentration, forgetful, dementia.
Religion: magic, obsessive.
Contacts: reserved, closed, think long before they
speak, don’t say much.
Causes: neglect, abuse, incest, parents absent,
addicted or weak, loss of parents, and protectors.
Along with this Generals, Common complaints and
the Differential diagnosis between the Nitricums,
Acidums, Causticum, Natrums, Magnesiums are
given in a brief manner.
2. Themes and Cases of Laurocerasus
ACERMANN Christoph (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The many interesting themes that came up are
discussed in this article. Sources: STAPF,
(Synthesis; Additions of KENT, PHATAK),
The two cases are from the author.
3. Eucalyptus
TALWALKAR Abhay (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The botanical features of Eucalyptus and its
use as timber, essential oils and as ornaments are
given. The characteristic of the tree is given in
4. Proving of Alnus rubra
VERVARCKE Anne (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Report of a proving of Alnus rubra. The
proving began in November 1996. It was double
blind in 30 potency. There were four female
provers. No proving data is given, but only a
distilled version of repertorial rubrics.
5. Proving of Fagus sylvatica
WICHMANN Jörg (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The proving was double blind in a 30 potency.
There were three provers: female, age 36, midwife;
Male, age 36, homeopath and nurse; male, age 38,
homeopath. The article is a summary which gives
the major items and symptoms of the original
proving in the exact words used and with no
6. Proving of Populus tremuloïdes
HARTOG D Hans (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The proving was double blind in a 30 potency.
Three provers were involved: two female, one male.
A summary of all the Mind symptoms and the main
remaining symptoms translated into repertory
rubrics are presented. The dreams are presented in
full text!
7. Proving of Salix alba
BALANCE Sue (HL, 13, 1/2000)
A translation of the proving into repertory
rubrics is presented in the article.
8. Proving of Sambucus nigra
BERNARD M Teresa (HL, 13, 1/2000)
Report of a proving of Sambucus nigra where
the translation of the proving into repertory rubrics
alone are given. Five female provers took part. It
was double blind in a 30 potency.
9. Homeopathic Proving of the Cola nut
(Cola nidata)
SCHUSTER Bernd (HL, 13, 1/2000)
The characteristics of the Cola tree and its use
are given. The high value placed on the drug in
Africa is illustrated by the ancient legend. The
main ingredient of Cola seeds is Caffeine and
Theobromine. Cola belongs to the group of drug
remedies. The full hahnemannian proving with 23
participants (1996, Germany) revealed feelings of
invincibility, the idea of being able to see through
the material person into the innermost being or read
a person’s thought, i.e., mainly divine qualities and
abilities which the provers ascribe to themselves,
thus demonstrating a delusion of grandeur. The
new remedy shows an effect on eating disorders
(insatiability and fear of being poisoned) mania and
hyperactivity, disturbances of sugar metabolism,
gastro-intestinal illness with diarrhea, problems