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cardio-vascular, urogenital, respiratory and lymphatic
systems, and remedies given Homeopathically cure in
all of them. In addition to this, remedies are well
known to have contradictory symptoms, and for good
reason. The same remedy may in one case cause an
increase in fucntion of a system, and in another case
cause a decrease in function in the same system. In
fact, it is well known that remedies can cause
contradictory symptoms in the same case. Thus, to say
the remedy given homoepathically stimulates the
immune system is meaningless. It does not convey
what is unique to Homeopathy, nor does it reference
the breath and depth of its curative power. It makes it
sound as though Homeopathy is a therapeutic science
of stimulants.
Do remedies “Stimulate” the Vital Force?
The second statement, that the remedy given
Homeopathically stimulates the body’s healing powers
(the Vital Force) to overcome the disease, also has its
problems. HAHNEMANN, in introduction to the
Organon written for the fourth edition (1829), and
retained for the 5
and 6
editions, and in the
aphorisms themselves, soundly and explicitly rejects
the view that the Vital Force can remove the disease.
He labels as allopathic, all therapeutics based on aiding,
stimulating, altering or imitating the Vital Force to
remove the disease. (§ 52). (All § references are to the
sixth edition of the Organon)
Much confusion has been caused in this area by
HAHNEMANN’s attempt to explain why using the law
of similars is better than using the law of contraries to
pick medicines (§ 52 – 69). His explanation depends
on what he calls the secondary action of the Vital
Force. This secondary action supposed to be a reaction
by the Vital Force to the remedy. He says both the
secondary action causes symptoms and that it is
curative. He offers no explanation of how it is
supposed to be curative. These aphosisms were written
early and fall in the class of aphorisms that were
removed or revised (in fact, in practice or by custom),
but not modified in the Organon. So at first glance
there is stimulation model found in the Organon that
has been used as a basis for the statement that the
remedy cures by stimulating the Vital Force.
There are five insurmountable problems though,
with reliance on these aphorisms for the stimulation
1. There is no significant reaction by the Vital Force
to the Homeopathic quantity (§ 66, 114), which
is a primary reason it is better than an allopathic
2. The Vital Force cannot heal itself of a natural
disease (Introduction, § 22);
3. The natural disease eradicated by the remedial
disease (§ 45) – the Vital Force plays no role in
this; and
4. The remedial disease fades on its own (§ 29, 148)
– the Vital Force plays no role in this.
5. The entire action/reaction (primary/secondary
action) explanation of symptoms is not reflected
in the symptoms recorded in the materia medica.
The explanation that the remedy stimulates the
body’s healing power is as meaningless as the
statement that is stimulates the immune system. It
does not convey information about the way the
remedy given Homeopathically works, about the
Homeopathic cure. These explanations, of remedy
as stimulant to the immune system or Vital Force,
have been easy to use because, well, they are easy to
conceptualize. But they are not, in fact,
Homeopathic explanations. They are age old
explanations coming down from HIPPOCRATES,
through GALEN and others, based on the apriori
assumption that it is the Vital Force, the “body’s
natural healing power,” that is the real healer. They
are allopathic explanations of the mechanism of cure.
A logical train of thought concerning the
mechanism of cure, we must start with the application
of the similia in remedy choice, and then look for an
explanation of how it works based on the symptom
similarity. HAHNEMANN provides us with that in
Aphorism 45 and elsewhere.
§ 45: “…two diseases, differing, it is true, in kind but
very similar in their phenomena and effects and in the
sufferings and symptoms they severally produce,
invariably annihiliate one another whenever they meet
together in the organism; the stronger disease namely,
annihiliates the weaker, and for this simple reason,
because the stronger morbific power when it invades
the system, by reason of its similarity of action involves
precisely the same part of the organism that were
previously affected by the weaker morbid irritation,
which, consequently can no longer act on these parts,
but is extinguished. …The life principle henceforth is
affected only and this but temporarily by the new,
similar but stronger morbific potency.”
HAHNEMANN says that substances cause
diseases. When a substance that causes a certain
symptom picture (the remedial disease) is given to a
living organism with a very similar symptom picture
(the natural disease), then the remdial disease occuppies
the same place as the natural disease. Since two things
cannot occupy the same place at the same time, and the
remedial disease is a little stronger, the natural disease
is eradicated or annihiliated. The remedial disease then
fades (§ 29). Only after the natural disease is removed
by the remedial disease, and the remedial disease fades,
is theVital Force freed to regulate the body. This is
how the law of similars works. This is the defining
explanation of Homeopathy and it should always be
kept in mind when explaining Homeopathy to the