© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XIX, 2002
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homeopathy drawn
from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium,
Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for
detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 2
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD, VOL. XIX, 1 & 2, 2002 3
2 QHD, VOL. XIX, 3 & 4, 2002 102
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 3
1. QHD, VOL. XIX, 1 & 2, 2002
Part I. – Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals
published world-over India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc. , - displine-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the
journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains essays/articles /extracts of more
importance, while Part III carries Book Reviews, etc.
1. The Principles of Homeopathic Philosophy
OSAWA Barbara (SIM, 1/2001)
This article gives some interesting glimpses into the
depths of our principles. All the topics are greatly
expanded and explained in greater detail in the following
well known classics on Homeopathic philosophy
1. J.T. Kent, Lectures on Homeopathic
2. H.A.Roberts, Principles and Art of Cure by
3. S.Close, The Genius of Homoeopathy
4. C.M.Boger, Studies in the philosophy of
5. G.Boericke, A compendium of the Principles
of Homeopathy.
All Organon references in this article are from
Boericke’s translation of the sixth edition.
2. Acute or Constitutional?
CROCE A J (HT, 21, 2/2001)
The author discusses about the conditions like
acute, constitutional, and their corresponding
meanings in allopathy where they see them as acute and
When a patient comes in with what seems like an
acute illness. Many times what they really need is a
redosing of their constitutional remedy. For example, a
patient who was under constitutional care had severely
infected bunion, a acute condition and attributed to a
physical cause and upon looking at it without asking any
questions, one would think of remedies like Belladonna,
Lachesis, Vipera or Apis. But there were no new key
notes or physical general symptoms and there were no
concomitant symptoms. Found a rubric that described
the infection and contained the patient’s constitutional
In some acute illnesses the constitutional remedy
itself may be the acute only. However even repeat
of a constitutional remedy does not move an acute
illnesses towards resolution. example: Some
infectious diseases, severe mental or emotional
shock, or in physical injury. The Vital Force is still
the source of the symptoms it is still expressing its
mistunement in the image of the ailment but the
mistunement has shifted just far enough that it does
not respond the remedy to which it responded in the
past. Now a different remedy is needed, one that
covers the entire current symptom picture in order to
address the Vital Force in its current condition. If
this is a true acute, the person will most likely return
to his previous state after it is resolved, and his
constitutional remedy will remain the same as it was
“Acute and constitutional are more complicated
than they seem at first glance, but they become
clearer with an understanding of disease as a deep-
seated mistunement that expresses itself in
symptoms. Our health really is not a series of
isolated episodes of “health” and “illness” but a
continuous expression of our deepest level of
existence and individuality, our Vital Force.
3. Similars, Stimulants, and Cure
LUNSTROTH John (HT, 21, 3/2001)
The author has wonderfully explained the
mechanism of cure in Homeopathy. He has made
clear that the use of the word “stimulant” to describe
Homeopathic action blurs the distinction between
Homeopathy and allopathy and clarifies nothing.
If Homeopathy allows itself to be distinguished
simply by the use of immaterial medicines, then it is
abandoning the standard of Homeopathy, the law of
Similars. But what does it tell someone when they ask
how Homeopathy works to say that
1. Homeopathy stimulate the immnune system,
2. Homeopathy stimulates the natural healing
power of the body?
Do remedies “Stimulate” the immune system?
The first phrase is misleading. There are atleast
nine systems in living organisms, not just one, that are
generally recognised by medical science: the endocrine,
neurological, digestive, immune, musculo/skeletal,
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 4
cardio-vascular, urogenital, respiratory and lymphatic
systems, and remedies given Homeopathically cure in
all of them. In addition to this, remedies are well
known to have contradictory symptoms, and for good
reason. The same remedy may in one case cause an
increase in fucntion of a system, and in another case
cause a decrease in function in the same system. In
fact, it is well known that remedies can cause
contradictory symptoms in the same case. Thus, to say
the remedy given homoepathically stimulates the
immune system is meaningless. It does not convey
what is unique to Homeopathy, nor does it reference
the breath and depth of its curative power. It makes it
sound as though Homeopathy is a therapeutic science
of stimulants.
Do remedies “Stimulate” the Vital Force?
The second statement, that the remedy given
Homeopathically stimulates the body’s healing powers
(the Vital Force) to overcome the disease, also has its
problems. HAHNEMANN, in introduction to the
Organon written for the fourth edition (1829), and
retained for the 5
and 6
editions, and in the
aphorisms themselves, soundly and explicitly rejects
the view that the Vital Force can remove the disease.
He labels as allopathic, all therapeutics based on aiding,
stimulating, altering or imitating the Vital Force to
remove the disease. 52). (All § references are to the
sixth edition of the Organon)
Much confusion has been caused in this area by
HAHNEMANN’s attempt to explain why using the law
of similars is better than using the law of contraries to
pick medicines 52 69). His explanation depends
on what he calls the secondary action of the Vital
Force. This secondary action supposed to be a reaction
by the Vital Force to the remedy. He says both the
secondary action causes symptoms and that it is
curative. He offers no explanation of how it is
supposed to be curative. These aphosisms were written
early and fall in the class of aphorisms that were
removed or revised (in fact, in practice or by custom),
but not modified in the Organon. So at first glance
there is stimulation model found in the Organon that
has been used as a basis for the statement that the
remedy cures by stimulating the Vital Force.
There are five insurmountable problems though,
with reliance on these aphorisms for the stimulation
1. There is no significant reaction by the Vital Force
to the Homeopathic quantity 66, 114), which
is a primary reason it is better than an allopathic
2. The Vital Force cannot heal itself of a natural
disease (Introduction, § 22);
3. The natural disease eradicated by the remedial
disease 45) the Vital Force plays no role in
this; and
4. The remedial disease fades on its own (§ 29, 148)
– the Vital Force plays no role in this.
5. The entire action/reaction (primary/secondary
action) explanation of symptoms is not reflected
in the symptoms recorded in the materia medica.
The explanation that the remedy stimulates the
body’s healing power is as meaningless as the
statement that is stimulates the immune system. It
does not convey information about the way the
remedy given Homeopathically works, about the
Homeopathic cure. These explanations, of remedy
as stimulant to the immune system or Vital Force,
have been easy to use because, well, they are easy to
conceptualize. But they are not, in fact,
Homeopathic explanations. They are age old
explanations coming down from HIPPOCRATES,
through GALEN and others, based on the apriori
assumption that it is the Vital Force, the “body’s
natural healing power,” that is the real healer. They
are allopathic explanations of the mechanism of cure.
A logical train of thought concerning the
mechanism of cure, we must start with the application
of the similia in remedy choice, and then look for an
explanation of how it works based on the symptom
similarity. HAHNEMANN provides us with that in
Aphorism 45 and elsewhere.
§ 45: “…two diseases, differing, it is true, in kind but
very similar in their phenomena and effects and in the
sufferings and symptoms they severally produce,
invariably annihiliate one another whenever they meet
together in the organism; the stronger disease namely,
annihiliates the weaker, and for this simple reason,
because the stronger morbific power when it invades
the system, by reason of its similarity of action involves
precisely the same part of the organism that were
previously affected by the weaker morbid irritation,
which, consequently can no longer act on these parts,
but is extinguished. …The life principle henceforth is
affected only and this but temporarily by the new,
similar but stronger morbific potency.”
HAHNEMANN says that substances cause
diseases. When a substance that causes a certain
symptom picture (the remedial disease) is given to a
living organism with a very similar symptom picture
(the natural disease), then the remdial disease occuppies
the same place as the natural disease. Since two things
cannot occupy the same place at the same time, and the
remedial disease is a little stronger, the natural disease
is eradicated or annihiliated. The remedial disease then
fades 29). Only after the natural disease is removed
by the remedial disease, and the remedial disease fades,
is theVital Force freed to regulate the body. This is
how the law of similars works. This is the defining
explanation of Homeopathy and it should always be
kept in mind when explaining Homeopathy to the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 5
uninitiated. It provides the elegance and uniqueness of
Homeopathy. It is the essence of similia.
5. Notes on the Mental and Emotional
PITT Richard (SIM, XIV, 2/2001)
This article, based on a lecture given to
Homeopathic students, explores some issues related to
our use of mental and emotional symptoms in
prescribing. Practical aspects of how to use mental
symptoms are discussed, as well as the potential pitfalls
of over emphasizing them.
Begins with a summary of the process of case
taking, and considers at which point one should explore
the patient’s psychological condition.
Case analysis, particularly the mental symptom
analysis is discussed.
When analyzing mental symptoms, distinguish
between what is normal for the person, and what is
abnormal and causing suffering.
Comments on the Significance of the
emotional/mental state.
The functions of the intellect and the symptoms
of the intellectual level are summarised.
Functions of Intellect:.
a. Perception of the environment – This includes
sensory perception and that of discrimination
and interpretation.
b. Formulation of ideas, thoughts, concepts,
c. Discrimination the freedom of choice indicates
the ability to distinguish between right and
d. Action – volition in the direction of choice.
Symptoms of Intellectual level:
e. Aberations of perception and disturbances of
formulation: hallucination, illusions, delusions,
ideas, thoughts, confession etc.
f. Disturbances of memory.
g. Disturbances of discrimination and volition:
confusion, indecision, impulses – destructive,
suicidal, homicidal, guilt complexes, etc.
At the highest level of evolution the intellect
controls the emotions, allowing full discrimination,
self-knowledge and other higher attributes to be
realized. DHAWALE distinguishes between Eastern
thinking that seeks to control the emotions, and
Western thinking that generally allows for much freer
expression of these qualities. A balance between
unhealthy suppression and inappropriate expression
is obviously the healthiest state.
Understanding what is truly important on the
mental level requires us to create an accurate
hierarchical model. The criteria can be used:
How intense is the symptom for the person?
How much does it limit the person in their life?
Intense anger is much more serious than simple
irritability; suicidal grief is more important than
intense anger. A hierarchical model and also in a
form that is specific for each person.
How much do the symptoms maintain a level of
delusion in the person of their true state? How
aware is the patient? The scale ranges from a
gross level of delusion, to very subtle levels,
when we treat someone to refine their
psychological evolution. Considerable
compensation of avoidance of the fundamental
state may reflect a greater lack of integration and
self-awareness. Such cases can be very difficult
to treat.
Are the symptoms predominantly emotional or
intellectual in nature? If the symptoms are
intense (see a. above) and mostly affect the
intellectual level, the condition is that much
more serious.
How antagonistic are the symptoms to social
well-being? Here, we are talking of more intense
and serious conditions: suicidal states, violent
destructive impulses, and severe difficulties with
socialization and maintaining basic relationships
with others.
How are the miasms involved in the case? An
integration of miasmatic knowledge can help in
determining the hierarchy, e.g., the knowledge
that the case has a strong syphilitic component
can help in assessing the prognosis, as well as in
remedy choice, and puts the individual
symptoms into a larger perspective.
When dealing with mental/emotional states,
distinguish between direct expressions of the
emotional state, and those that are suppressed
or compensated.
Often, suppression of an emotional state may bring
on a physical condition. This may occur over a period
of time and could be seen as restlessness, pain in
various parts of the body, stomach ulcer, Crohn’s
disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer,
and other syndromes. The intensity and depth of
pathology that develops depends on various factors.
1. Tuberculinum
The peculiar features of the remedy, tissues
affected by it and the select particulars with relationship
of the remedy are discussed.
2. Hippozaenium
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 6
(SIM, XIV, 1/2001)
Each author has given his/her own account of this
remedy. The common element found in their
descriptions is that the remedy is useful in Lung
diseases and Cancerous conditions. A Nosode prepared
from Bacillus Malleni, the microorganism of Glanders.
Proved by Garth WILKINSON.
3. Viola odorata
TAYLOR Will (SIM, XIV, 1/2001)
Viola odorata was proved, in tincture of the
whole plant in flower, by STAPF, GROSS, and
HAHNEMANN, and published in STAPF’s Archives.
It is considered as “small remedy” due to our neglect in
having studied them sufficiently. The pathogenesis of
Viola odorata strongly suggests that this remedy is an
important antitubercular remedy, and can play an
important role in treating many of the disease
expressions we see that result from latent or suppressed
tubercular disease. Illustrated by few cases.
Case 1: A 13 year-old boy had chronic recurrent
sinusitis. Had past history of ear infections,
frequent epusides of strep-throat, and his tonsils and
adenoids were removed. Following this he
developed severe headaches, occasionally lasting
upto 10 days. Diagnosed to have classical migraine
and was given Amitryptilline and Imatrex.
Underwent Sinus surgery which had not given any
benefit. Conventional treatment did not improve his
Pressing pain in malar bones. Pain head
extended to cervical region. Very acute sense of
smell even with sinus infections. Desires meat.
Viola odorata 30 in aqueous solution: two pellets in
eight ounces of distilled water; succuss six times
before each dose; take a half teaspoon once, three
doses within the first two weeks helped greatly.
Case 2: A 20-month-old boy had chronic ear
infections. Was on Keflex and was suggested either
long-term antibiotics, or tubes, after a short-term
antibiotic trial. Had ten ear infections and twice had
tubes. Complaints started after vaccination.
Restlessness, “desire for travel” and obstinacy,
the desire for extremes (spicy), and the
lymphadenopathy suggested tubercular
characterisitics. Viola odorata improved.
Case 3: A 14 year-old girl presented acute pertussis.
Cough aggravated during daytime, not able to speak.
Several episodes of retching to vomiting a day; much
phlegm in vomit. Corallium rubrum reduced the
phlegm but the cough remained same. Cough
daytime only, long lasting spells, dry short violent
cough with much dyspnoea lead to Viola odrata.
Viola odorata 30 in water relieved.
4. Pyrus communis
Arzneimittelselselbsterfahrung mit der
Sauerbirne (Pyrus communisDrug Proving)
SCHMUTZER, Ulrike (DH, 19/1999)
Drugs of the Rosaceae family are listed. This is
followed by a detailed drug proving of Pyrus
In November 1997 with 11 provers. Trituration
of the entire plant done upto C4 from which C30
dilution potency was made and taken.
In February 1999 with 10 Provers and a suckling
baby. Trituration of the bud upto C3 and then C30
dilution potency and taken. C200 made with the root,
leaf and fruit.
Mind, Head – Foot Schema and lastly a brief
collection of the ‘rare’ symptoms.
5. Piper methysticum
EICHLER Wolfgang, MOSER Barbara,
SCHILD Gerhard (DH, 19/1999)
This is a Proving carried out in 1988 of Piper
methysticum was brought from South Pacific island.
The dry powder from the wood and root of Kava-kava
was used and potency by hand succussion was made
upto C30. Six provers (2 women and 4 men) took part.
The symptoms obtainable from sources already
there are given briefly, after which the proving data in
detail in Schema form.
At the end a small number of ‘peculiar
symptoms are listed. Some of them already in the
earlier source books, repertory, have been confirmed in
this proving, e.g. Vertigo better on closing the eyes”
reported by a prover, in this Proving is seen in a small
rubric in the repertory with two marks. New, valuable
symptoms have also been obtained.
6. Kalium sulphuricum
Arzneimittelselbsterfahrung (A Proving of
Kalium sulphuricum) FLICK Reinhard,
ABRAHAMIAN Heidemarie (DH, 19/1999)
13 Provers, 12 women and 1 man took part in the
Provings carried out in 1997, in C12 and C30 potencies.
One group took 3X while the other 2X, until symptoms
Until now there has been no ‘proving’ of Kalium
sulphuricum’. ALLEN’s Encyclopaedia contains only
18 toxicological symptoms.
Based on the 11 case reports published by
the indications given by SCHÜSSLER, HERING in the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 7
Guiding Symptoms, has given six pages of clinically
verified symptoms most of which contain catarrhal
symptoms and two cases of cured Epithelioma. What
KENT has given in his Materia Medica is a synthetic
picture constructed out of two components which was
much criticised in those days. These were uncertain
The present ‘provingpresented here is therefore
the first proving of this medicine.
7. Ranunculaceae. Die Familie der
Hahnenfußgerwächse (The Family
DIEZ Susanne, DREXLER, Leopold, SCHMID
Bernhard, ZILLER Hans (DH, 19/1999)
The authors have taken up for consideration all
the plants in the Ranunculaeceae family used in
homeopathic therapeutics abd have drawn the common
‘theme’ among them.
The plants considered are:
1. Hepatica triloba
2. Pulsatilla pratensis
3. Caltha palustris. Trituration methodicals
are discussed.
4. Nigella sativa; a proving with 7 women and
2 men.
5. Paeonia; a proving with 6 women and one
Another proving with 5 women and 13 men.
The trituration methodicals and the substance
triturated in both the provings are discussed.
Three cases out of which one is from Jan
SCHOLTEN are also discussed.
6. Ranunculus bulbosus: begins with case
reports. A proving of Ranunculus bulbosus
with 6 women provers. This is followed
by a case report.
7. Clematis erecta: This is a remedy proved by
HAHNEMANN himself and may be seen in
his Chronic Diseases.
8. Aconitum napellus: Drug picture is given.
The ‘themes’ of Ranunculacea are given.
8. Die Darmnosoden (The Bowel Nosodes)
RANDERIA, J. P. (ZKH, 45, 2/2001)
An increasing number of diseases are attributed to
the “immunodeficiency syndrome”. The gastro-
intestinal system is the largest immune system. If the
intestinal wall is damaged, there will be leaking spots
which lead to the leaking intestinal syndrome. As a
result, the healthy intestinal flora can be transformed
into pathogenic organism. The intestinal Nosodes,
which are produced from pathogenic organisms, are a
great help in the treatment of individual patient. The
clinical drug picture of bacillus Sycococcus (Syc-co.)
is described.
The main feature of Syc-co. is irritability. The
symptoms are composed from the catarrhal
eliminations from the mucous membranes.
Appearance: The patient is always anaemic,
with puffed face, thick and flabby with dull look,
with twitching of facial muscles and blinkings of the
Mind: The mental symptoms are very
impressive with nervous stresses and much
irritability. Mischievous children with fear of
darkness and being alone.
This reminds of a Lycopodium child”. It is
intelligent, with sharp, penetrating glance as also lean
face and throat.
A Gärtner child” full of fear, the child suffers
from undernourishment, is thin and underdeveloped
and also intellectually very lively and intelligent.
The Dysenteriae child” is nervously tense,
oversensitive, has a pale face and easily reddens, suffers
from presentiments and from explosive-like vomiting
due to fever cramps.
Head: Recurring headaches in children must
make us think of this Nososde before it develops into
symptoms of meningeal irritation. Syc-co. is obtained
from organisms which are closely related to
Meningococci. Headache during sleep.
Respiratory: An irritation of the respiratory
passage leads to nose and bronchial catarrh, humid
Asthma and crampy cough at 0200 hours mornings,
which became worse during change of weather and
humidity and is better at sea side (Medorrhinum).
Throat: Swelling of tonsils and polyps with
enlargement of cervical glands.
Urogenital system: The urogenital tract has
many symptoms mainly of acute states. Acute and
chronic irritative states, Bed-wetting, Vulvo-vaginitis,
Slapingitis, Leucorrhoea, also Fig warts. Likewise
kidneys with typical Albuminuria.
Digestive system: Irritation of the digestive
canal with diarrhoea, loose offensive smelling stool
which is worse mornings and after eating, mucous
from the rectum, peri-anal warts.
Locomotion organs: Acute rheumatic disease of
the joints. Worse in rest and during beginning of
movement, cold and dampness. Better by warmth and
movement (Rhus-t). Pains in the soles of the feet, as if
was walking on cobbled pavement.
Skin: Cysts, Warts, and blisters on the tongue, in
the angle of the mouth and in other muco-cutaneous
areas. In many cases after prescription of Syc-co. a
pox like eruption appeared. Cracks in the fingertips
and heels. Illnesses of foot and mouth.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 8
Modalities: Aggravation from cold and
dampness, amelioration from warmth, continued
movement, at the sea.
Complementary: Ant-t., Bac., Ferr., Lyc., Nit-
ac., Nat-s., Rhus-t., Thuj.
A Case: 7 year-old girl. Ranula. Cyst under the
tongue as large as a marble, left sided, since atleast 3
months. A physician in the USA recommended an
operation but the parents did not agree and consulted a
Homeopath who gave Apis mellifica 30, 200, Sulphur
200 without any relief. The cyst became larger.
She consulted over telephone: The cyst was
painless, but the child had difficulty in eating.
Mental: irritable, hot-tempered, very rebellious, neat
and tidy, cleaned her room always, fear of darkness,
wanted night lamp on in her room. Not easily weepy,
but was sensitive to music. Affectionate and liked to
be cuddled. Felt chilly especially during nights.
Much vaccinations given.
Thuja C6 for 3 weeks without any change. Syc-
co. C30 4 December 1999, and on 9 December within
5 days a thick, white discharge came out and then the
cyst disappeared.
9. Lachesis mutus
TAYLOR Will (HT, 21, 3/2001)
The author says that the pathogenesis of
Lachesis seems to be the simillimum for the entire
tragedy of Shakespear’s Julius caeser. He has
repertorised the entire play in which all of the
selected rubrics indicate Lachesis.
Following this he has given a small note about
the snake, its habitats etc. Some of the physical and
general charcteristics of the remedy is enlisted.
10. A Reading of Bamboo (Extract from the
Seminar to Czech Homeopathic Society in
March 2000)
Nick CHURCHILL (HOM., 78/2000)
Bambusa arundinacea:
Sphere of action :
Neck Gall bladder
Extremities - particularly left knee
Sciatic nerve, Nose, Throat, URT.
Digestive tract, Sleep.
Left side
Many of the symptoms are < in Morning on waking.
Strong > by hot bath and rest.
Strong < from cold & damp.
Chilly remedy.
Characteristic quality of pains is that they are
wandering or wave like pains coming in waves.
Radiating pains. Symptom of lump appearing in
quite a few different parts of the body.
- Curious feeling as if water was lapping against his
internal organs.
Head: Headaches may well be referred pain or due
somehow to the problems in the back and spine;
Pressing pain; Band around the head; < physical
exertion and cold wind and bending head forward.
>from pressing the head with hands.
Eyes: Feel as though they are being pressed or
pulled into head, pressed from outside or pulled from
Nose: Cold and Flu. Sneezing, blocked nose, watery
discharge, burning in the nostrils. Feeling as if
tickled by a feather; Frequent sneezing and itching of
the nose; nose block alternating sides; dryness and
numbness of nose; strong sensitivity to smells.
Face: Flushes of heat and redness; skin feels dry and
tight, and one prover said that his skin felt very thin.
Mouth: Full of saliva; as if it was running out when
he talked. Soreness of oral mucosa and the tongue.
Feeling as the tongue was burnt. Foul taste in mouth.
Throat: Great deal of roughness and soreness in
throat. Difficulty in swallowing, having to clear his
throat a lot. The mucous is difficult to hawk up.
Marked > from hot drinks. Wave of pressure coming
from abdomen to throat.
Stomach: Insatiable hunger or hunger with no
appetite. Strong aversion to fat and also to beer and
an < from beer and wine. Lot of nausea. Desire for
wine, cheese, for spicy food; to smoke. Desire for
stimulants in general.
Abdomen: Lot of wind. ‘Feeling as though a big
bubble in the navel was moving around. Couldn’t
bear the pressure of her waistband’. Pains > by hot
water bottle. Tenderness in gall bladder region and
bilious complaints.
Diarrhoea, coming out ‘like a fire hydrant, like a
gush of water’. An imperative urge. Bad smelling
flatulence & constipation. Stool – Greasy and fatty.
Chest: Stitching, burning pain and stiffness; a
dragging in heart region and a feeling of lump near
the sternum.
Sleep: Sleeplessness, restlessness, tossing and
turning. Seems to wake between 3.30 and 4.30 a.m.
Dreams: are strongly about water. Particularly about
disasters with water, floods of water, accidents.
Neck, Back and Extremities.
Great stiffness of neck. Very difficult to turn the
neck. There is tension and stiffness in the back and
neck. The muscles have seized up and this is worse
from damp, cold weather and from being out doors.
The stiffness and tension can radiate into arms.
Cramping aching and dragging pains. They tend to
radiate downwards into extremities down the arm
into the hands or down the legs to the knees.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 9
All these pains are better for rest and for heat.
There is a weakness of hand, difficulty in
writing. There are problems all down the back, all the
way to the buttocks and lumbar and sacral region. A
knotted feeling.
Back symptoms have a lesser > from coughing
and defecation, though it’s not as marked.
A feeling of burning along the spine and the heat
comes in waves. Numbness and tingling starting in
the back and spreading down into the extremities. A
feeling of right hand thicker than the left. Strong
feeling of weakness and heaviness of limbs. Icy cold
hands and feet. An extreme feeling of coldness
starting from the shoulders and radiating downwards.
Burning in the soles of feet. Feeling of heat in
the feet although she was objectively cold.
Clumsiness and awkwardness.
Dropping things and bumping into things when
Twitching in the extremities, swelling of ankles
Feeling of foreign body in shoe.
Itching in various parts of legs, also in groin, the
top of the legs and the shoulders at the top of the
arms. Strong symptoms of sciatica.
Painful electric currents running down the sciatic
nerve to the hollow of the knee. So intense that the
body trembles & shivers.
Concomitant: At the sametime, a feeling of coldness
in her face and nausea, which led to a state of
complete collapse and had to be helped into bed.
Could hardly walk in the morning walking
stooped, bent over.
Weakness from the hip down to the knee as if
Pains are < motion and > pressure.
Pains come in around 7 a.m. < 7-9 p.m.
Concomittant: Sudden sharp stitching pains in
different parts of extremities. Especially in the knee
or foot, but also fingers, arms, forearms and also in
Pains also as if dislocated or beaten or like from
over exertion.
Depression; Apathy; Restlessness; Despair; Anxiety
Depressed with no real interest in life. Don’t want to
go out, want to be left alone.
Depression with strong fear of poverty.
Depression with a feeling that the prover would never
get well again.
Depressed when there is no work.
Helpless feeling, tearful, depressed black despair
Anxiety about future but in its financial aspects.
Anxiety about not being able to deal with what is in
store for me over the heart few years.
Sadness with weeping.
Feels deserted by their spouses.
General feeling of betrayal and desertion.
Desire for close relation but a problem with it at the
same time.
‘I find too much closeness in the relationship
suffocating’. Separation between emotion and
This seems to be a deeper aspect of the mental state.
A sense of not having any emotional attachment
to certain things. It is as if there is something
I couldn’t careless about anything. All I could
do was laze about in bed. Don’t want to get up.
Great deal of irritability
Nothing pleases me
Constantly arguing about trivial things.
Everything seems too noisy for me.
Irritability in company
Sluggishness in thinking
Confusion of mind
Difficult concentration
Cannot even remember friends’ names’
Utterly forgetful - Spelling mistkes of various kinds
Totally incapable of concentration
Feel as if there is no separation between the dream
world and real world
A strong sense that life was going by and theyhad not
fulfilled what they wanted to do.
Discontented with my condition, totally dissatisfied
with myself.
One male prover shaved off the beard he had for 30
years. He even shaved the hair under his armpits. So
he must have been feeling pretty bad.
My brain is entirely empty and hollow. I meditated
in the morning which made me very sad and cry a lot
because my will is subject to higher forces.
Despair at night that death will separate me from my
children. Grief and rejection when thinking about
past life.
Clinical : Rheumatism, Gout
Comp: Rhus-t., Eupat-perf in flu. better for cold
Themes: Wanting peace and quiet; closing down, a
lack of activity; Feeling of depression and
dissatisfaction; Remedy for people in evening of life.
Situation: Old age retirement; Romantic jealously
and erotic dreams; Reconcilation and coming
11. Ambra grisea
Edward Shalts, MD (NEJH, VOL.10, 1/2001)
The remedy is studied in the light of Paul
HERSCU’s ‘Cycles and Segments’ manner. The
author has drawn copious from the well-known
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 10
Materia Medicas HAHNEMANN to
VITHOULKAS and the Repertories. Two cases
are presented.
The ‘scheme’ is given as below:
Although the majority of authors, including
Vithoulkas , talk about being prematurely old,
emaciated, etc. I have never seen in my, certainly
limited, practice.
But I saw people who are worn out, tired.
Frequently suffering from vertigo with hypertension,
headaches or colitis.
One can see various kinds of nervous discharges:
twitches and jerks.
Aggravation: Morning, from five to nine a.m.,
presence of others, music, springtime. Warm milk
aggravates. Complaints aggravated by presence of
other people in the room.
Amelioration: cold drinks, cold water. The
weakness is better after having a dinner.
Perspiration: one sided perspiration, numbness
in different parts of the body.
Vertigo: Ambra grisea is almost a specific
remedy for the nondescript dizziness in old people
(Vithoulkas). The vertigo worse after sleeping.
Head: A famous keynote: “heat of the head while
listening to music”. Headache in the morning after
sleep. Dryness and falling out of hair. Numerous
pains. Trembling sensation in the head after talking.
Eye: Dimness of vision.
Ear: Hearing is diminished without underlying
Nose: Copious epistaxis. Frequently in a.m.
while still lying in bed.
Face: Convulsions, spasms of lips. Twitchings,
Mouth: Ranula (sublingual cysts). Nodosities
under the tongue.
Throat: Sensation as if of plug in the throat with
difficulty swallowing.
Stomach: Emptiness at the pit of the stomach
after stool, better lying down. Heartburn after milk.
Indigestion after warm drinks. Desire for salt is
increased (Vithoulkas). Pain at midnight, worse
lying on abdomen.
Abdomen: Sensation of coldness, sometimes on
one side only. Perspiration on abdomen and thighs
during exercise. Colitis is one of the most common
pathologies encountered in Ambra grisea
Rectum: Constipation during pregnancy.
Haemorrhage from anus during stool. Itching of the
Urinary organs: A famous “can not pass urine
in front of others.” Voluptuous itching. Brown
sediment in urine or bloody urine with red sediment.
Increased urination at night.
Male genitalia: Can present with intense
masturbation and violent morning erections, but
frequently unable to maintain erections during actual
sex (when they have to “perform” with another
Female genitalia: Very high sex drive,
nymphomania, but resort to masturbation. In
interpersonal sexual situations frequently loose the
Desire. Metorrhagia after exertion, spotting ,
between menses, at every little accident.
Chest: Music aggravates cough and asthma. Can
have an asthmatic attack after eructations
(embarrassment, remember). Prone to palpitations.
Palpitations when listening to music, when walking
Heaviness with numbness in upper limbs. Cramps
In thighs, in calves or feet at night.
Sleep: Sleeplessness after a conversation, from
Business, from excitement. Older people who
Can not sleep from sad thoughts (Natrum muria
Fever: Chill is better by eating. Chill of single parts.
Creeping chill after stool.
In the open air.
Back: Stiffness in back from rising from a seat;
After sitting. Pain from music.
Extremities: Numbness and pains. Pain as if
Sprained. Heaviness and paralytic weakness
Skin: Anesthesia in the morning on waking
12. The Widow Spider Lactrodectus tredecimguttans
Cal texts, as well as homeopathic materia medica,
traces the source of the remedy to the mediterranean
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 11
widow spider Lactrodectus tredecimguttus, thus
warranting a re-evalution of pharmacological
1. My Early Experiences in TB
JYOTHI U (NJH, 5/2000)
18 year-old girl had frequent attacks of fever and
weakness. Diagnosed to have Typhoid Fever
and treated with allopathic medicines, yet the fever
continues. Fever 100-101°F frequently since 4-5
months. Fever continues for 6-7 days , feels better for
2-3 days and then again fever for 6-7 days. Generalised
weakness and no interest to work and studies during
fever. Past history of frequent colds and cough. Family
history of Tuberculosis. Tuberculinum 10M/2 doses.
After a week there was small orange sized swelling on
both sides ofneck. Both cervial nodes enlarged for the
first time. After few months the enlargement subsided
and attacks of fever.
(The author is doubtful whether the appearance of
the cervical glands is a good sign or this is a medicinal
aggravation or the potency is too high)
2. A Case of Koch’s Abdomen
SHAH P M & SHEETAL (NJH, 5/2000)
An article which deals with the Tuberculosis of
Abdomen. Abdominal Tuberculosis is generally a
disease of the adult population, occurs more often in
females, with equal frequency in rural and urban
The ileocaecal region is involved in nearly half to
two thirds of cases, colon and jejunum also being
frequently involved. Approximately two thirds of cases
are “primary” without evidence of any active or inactive
pulmonary lesion.
Common clinical features and physical signs are
56 year-old woman had chronic diarrhoea with
weight loss. Barium meal study showed changes of
malabsortion pattern in small bowels extending up to
the terminal ileum, secondary to Koch’s infection.
Distal colon is inflamed and tender appendix. Took
AKT treatment, yet the complaints persisted. An
irritable, impulsive, reserved and Sentimental person.
Had fear of death. Perspiration scanty. Burning pain in
anus before stool. Natrum muriaticum selected based
on these symptoms and was given in 200 for few days
followed by M which did not produce the expected
response. Tuberculinum was given as intercurrent
remedy and it helped.
1. Tuberculous Pericardial Effusion
CHIMTHANAWALA Adil (NJH, 5, 2/2000)
32 year-old male was diagnosed to have Pulmonary
Tuberculosis. Had fever with chills, night sweats, and
scanty thirst. Pain in chest stabbing, radiating to the
front, worse with each breath. Dyspnoea worse while
ascending stairs with palpitations. AKT started but
within 2 weeks after starting developed erythematous,
macular, itchy rash on both the lower extremities and
trunk. Steroids and anti-histamins did not relieve. On
stopping the treatment the rash subsided after 10 days.
On further investigation he was diagnosed to have
Tuberculous Pericardial Effusion and restarted AKT.
This was the time when the patient was brought to
Had fever worse in the evening. Left pulmonary
effusion. Slight burning and increase of urination. Thirst
less. Loose stools before going to bed and after tea.
Pulsatilla 200/tds for 10 days and Pulsatilla M/3 doses
with Avena sativa Q. Fever ameliorated but there was
dyspnoea and cough with left Pleural effusion and
Pulmonary effusion. Kali iodatum 30 for 3 days
followed by 200/3 doses.
Aurum metallicum M was given based on the
totality of symptoms: Chilly, generally aggravated after
cold and winter season. Capable of doing much hard
work. Rigid on himself but soft on others. Feeling of
self-condemnation, worthlessness, loathing of life,
dreams of robbers, palpitations, past history of ottorrhea
and strong sense of duty.
Tuberculinum has been as the indicated nosode on
the basis of pathological changes and family history of
Ulcerative colitis and Hemiplegia.
2. Approach to Treating TB Cases
JAIN C B & JAIN BIPIN (NJH, 5, 2/2000)
Case 1: 29 year-old female had low grade fever and
cough with white expectoration. Felt weak, thirstless
and bitter taste in the mouth. Gelsemium 200 4 hourly
for 2 days. X-ray showed mild infiltration in both
apices. Gelsemium was continued for another 4 days.
But the tissue level disease was progressing which was
showed by the infiltration cavity. Chilly patient. Desire
for salty food and aversion to spicy food and sweets.
Dreams of black snake and friend commiting suicide in
front of him, playing cricket and someone behind him,
trying to catch him, all doors closed. Anxiety about the
family. Kali carbonicum 30 repeated doses helped in
resolving the cavity with fibro-nodular shadows with
calcifications at left lung apex.
Case 2: A young boy of 21 years had fever with mild
chest pain, right sided pleural effusion and fibro-nodualr
infiltration. X-ray showed an early tubercular lesion.
Arsenicum album 200 was selected based on the toality
followed by Silicea 200/2 doses in few weeks cleared
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 12
everything. Case 3: 25 year-old had
respiratory complaints of cold, stringy white
expectoration, sticking in throat. Breathing difficult.
Complaints aggravated during winter and cold season.
Distension of abdomen with pain shifting all over
abdomen. Continuous dull pain, nausea and
regurgitation. Stool unsatisfactory, usually before going
out. Skin affection in buttocks. Tall, thin, dark
complexion, long eyelashes. Craves highly seasoned
food. Tongue clean, moist imprints present. The
totality pointed towards Phosphorus and given in 30
potency followed by 200 with careful monitoring and
the patient improved.
Case 4: 48 year-old man presented with chill, fever,
weakness and haemoptysis. Diagnosed to have
Pneumonia. Quiet and nervous person fever without
thirst, weakness and painless diarrohea concomittant to
the respiratory complaints. Phosphoricum acidum
200/4 hourly which helped the presenting phase. On
further analysis it is found that the patient has sinusitis
and dyspesia since 15 years. Skin involved since 2 –3
years. The pain of marital disharmony is lasting ever
since he is married. Sentimental, anxious and weak
person can’t resist or can’t fight back, but a hard
working individual, sticking to his commitments. Hot
thermal state and recent shift to chilly with pnemonia
episode, sticky, stringy discharges skin summer
aggravation. All these symptoms lead to prescribe Kali
bichromicum. Kali bichromicum 30, 200 were given for
over a period of 5 6 months but symptoms persisted
despite treatment. Hence the patient was put under
placebo for about two months and all his complaints
3. Hepar sulph – How I Perceive
KHAN L M (NJH, 5/2000)
18 year-old girl extremely fair with fine delicate
skin, brown eyes and hair had breathlessness and dry
cough with wheezing. Had sneezings since many years.
Worse morning, dust, smole, odor etc. Suffocation
aggravation in the evening and cannot cover the face.
Breathlessness worse night, 10 pm, spring, dust, smoke,
perfumes etc. Amelioration sitting bent forward.
Desires sour, butter, fatty food, rice and roasted chicken.
Aversion to milk and sweets. Frightening dreams.
Perspiration especially around lips. Tongue red tipped,
clean edges, white coated. Likes freaking out, fear of
dark, of being alone, of animals, gets scared very easily,
mercurial temperament, shouts easily when annoyed
and then cools down quickly. Hurried and wants
everything quickly and instantly. When hungry cannot
wait for food. Wants to do everything fast. Hepar
sulphur LM/tds helped.
Following the case there is discussion with regard
to the selection of the remedy. Differentiation between
the mind of Arsenicum album and Hepar sulphuricum
are also discussed.
4. Cases of Ambra grisea
The introduction in this article discusses the various
ways to study a remedy.
Case 1: 32 year-old male was diagnosed to have
Crohn’s disease at the age of 15. Had a bowel resection
immediately. Presently he presented with acute
exacerbation of the same problem. Had abdominal pain.
Loss of weight, bleeding stool, enormous flatulence
with rumbling and 4-5 stools per day. Ailments from
embarrassment, mental, business, cares and worries, bad
news etc. Timid, bashful. Angered easily and throws
things. Fear of poverty and thoughts persistent.
Complaints from change of whether. Unable to pass
stools in presence of others. On repertorisation the
remedies which came up were: Sulphur, China,
Lycopodium, Silicea and Ambra grisea.
Silicea, Sulphur, China and Lycopodium was
prescribed on the basis of the symptoms and responded
fairly well. After an year he got worse and was
hospitalized and underwent colostomy. Lost both
grandparents shortly after.
Still he had some disease in his bowel and so tye
reversal of colostomy was delayed. Angered with
himself for having this disease. He was in debt and this
embarrased him much. Ambra grisea was prescribed in
30 and later raised to 50C, at periodical intervals which
Case 2: A young boy had constipation at 9 months.
While he responded well for other complaints to
Calcarea and Belladonna his constipation persisted
even after years. Bowel movement were only once or
twice in a week. Gets cross and embarrassed if he gets
stool at school as classmates tease and talk about it.
Restless but determined. Ambra grisea 30 for 3 days
Later he had convulsions and responded to Cuprum
metallicum. His bowel problems re-surfaced with
sweating around anus and Ambra grisea 200/2 doses a
week relieved.
Case 3: 53 year-old woman had menopausal complaints
and responded well to Natrum muriaticum in a range of
potencies but was not cured of her constipation and
Heat flushes worse during night. Obstruction of the
nose with thick discharge. Obstruction ameliorated in
open air. Bowels constipated. Weeping, tearful when
alone, grief. Fear of poverty and failure. Anxiety about
the conscience. Ailments from business failure and
embarrassment. Her mother died when she was quite
young, her daughter, who was mentally and physically
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 13
handicapped, died at a very young age of 3, her father
died a year later, death of close friends daughter brought
back these black memories. Ambra grisea 30 cleared
her bowel symptoms and nasal block.
Case 4: 55 year-old female had constipation with
bloody stools. Cortisones and enema relieved
temporarily. 3-4 episodes of mucus discharge from
rectum with flatus and later blood. Chronic leucoplakia
on the roof of her mouth since many years. Shy,
extremely sympathetic, cannot hurt or criticize anyone.
Fastidious. Domineering husband and got divorced
after some years. Apart from an unsuccessful marriage,
she had many emotional upsets like her mother died of
stroke and father came to live with her. One of her son
had serious behavioral problems and committed suicide
in one of the rehabilitation centre. During her sons
illness she met a man who became close to her but this
relation broke after the son’s death. Though Natrum
muriaticum and Ambra grisea seemed to be indicated
Ambra grisea tipped the scale and it had been given in
200 and it was repeated 2 or 3 times and it helped.
Case 5: 35 year-old man had breathlessness which got
worse while reading, relaxing or generally being idle
and when he encounters any unknown person.
Reserved conscientious man who takes his work
seriously. Had financial loss and worry. Fear of
poverty, anxiety when thinking about it. His mental and
physical symptoms are well addressed by Ambra grisea
and it was given in M and later 10M which relieved.
Case 6: A 65 year-old lady had breathlessness, worse
while climbing, on walking, when tense and in strong
odours. Also had arthritis, spondylosis and flatulence.
After the death of her mother she developed anxiety
state and was tense whenever she goes out, to
condolences, approaching persons etc. Her complaints
caused embarrassment to her. Loquacious changing
from one subject to another, forgetful, weakness of
memory and confusion persisted. Ambra grisea M,
single relieved.
5. Potency and its Implication
LOBO Anita (NJH, 6/2000)
Different views on selection of potency by the
pioneers like Stuart CLOSE, W I PIERCE, N
HERING, Elizabeth W HUBBARD. The Degree of
susceptibility is also discussed followed by an
illustration of a case.
31 year-old lady had redness of face, pimples,
greasing and secretion. Complaints worse in sun,
amelioration in cold wether. Associated with this there
is dandruff with itching. Craves mutton, chicken, fish.
Aversion to vegetables. Increased perspiration in face
and scalp. Irritable, anxious, brooding, doesn’t share
with others. Unremembered dreams. Natrum
muriaticum selected based on above symptoms and
given in 200 potency on alternate days for 2 weeks.
Complaints slightly better but persisted and hence
Natrum muriaticum M given. Amelioration followed by
recurrence. Repetition of the same remedy in same
potency. Slight improvement with certain symptoms
persisting. Potency is increased to 10M and good
improvement followed.
6. The Potency Issue
JAIN R (NJH, 6/2000)
In this article the author has put forward the
observations with regard to the selection of potency
after treating 20,000 cases in the span of 20 years using
different potencies on the basis of PERIODIC TABLE.
Preparation of potencies in different scales are
discussed and the comparison between Decimal,
Centesimal and 50 Millesimal scales are given in tabular
column. Also the author has highlighted certain spheres
like Speed of action, Depth of action, Duration of action
and Repetition of doses etc. Rules for repetition of
doses, indications and contra-indications for the high,
medium and low potencies are laid down. Application
of potency in acute and chronic diseases are discussed at
the end.
7. High Potency Disease
DIGBY Berkeley (NJH, 54, 6/2000)
A very brief article on certain mental and emotional
disorders and their treatment with high potency.
The author says that Schizophrenia and severe
mental illnesses does not respond well to Homeopathic
treatment unless we use the appropriate methods.
Mental pathology should be regarded in the same way
as physical pathology. If a disease is deep and
entrenched in the physical, we can give repeated doses
of remedies in low or middle potencies to slowly
reverse the pathology. Similarly mind and emotions
may have scars and irreversible lesions, which need life
long prescriptions.
Children usually need few repetitions for
miraculous changes of their emotional state. It all
depends on how deep the ‘disease groove’ is.
A female with manic and murderous state needed
daily dose Stramonium in high potency for several
months after which the state of Pulsatilla emerged and
one dose of Pulsatilla 10M daily for about 18 months
The author has also mentioned some similar cases
where repetition of remedies in high potency helped.
8. Potency dilemma: Tailoring the Prescription to
KULKARNI A B (NJH, 6/2000)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 14
In this article the components of potency selection,
guidelines for potency selection, When to use high
potency, medium potency and low potency and
Comments on the use of LM scale of potencies are all
9. Das Abenteuer Addeszenz – Eine Annäherung in
Anlehnung an Jacqueline Barbancey (The
Adventure of Adolescence – an approach on the
lines of Jacqueline Barbancey)
HALLER Bernadette, LASSACHER Martina (DH,
This article is with reference to the Social and
Home environment of the Western Europe and North
America only.
The environment at the turn of the 20
Century and
at the end of the Century is discussed. Unlike the earlier
Century puberty has now come on about 20 months
earlier, and statistically quicker growth in stature.
Today many children at least in the urban and semi-
urban ares – spend much of their time of their early
years in Kindergarten, Schools, Nurseries, most often
upto ten hours daily, while their time with their family
is hardly two to three hours, and the week ends are also
abridged. Mme BARBANCEY is very much concerned
with this state of affairs and its effect on the
adolescence. She works not only in elite circumstances
but also in a much wider area with growing boys and
girls. She herself has three children.
The Adolescence is divided into three phases:
1. the para-adolescent phase (“puberty
adolescence”) which is impressed more on the
physical changes
2. the true phase of adolescence in which the
family bondages are to be loosened and find
other dear and objects of interests are found.
3. The post-adolescence phase in which young
person has found a stable identity which
expresses a coherent personality and encloses
sexual orientation.
What is meant by Adolescence: the risks and
possible Homeopathic aids? Is the next Chapter. In this
transition from childhood to adolescence the individual
thinks that everything is possible. Mme.
BARBANCEY lists briefly the areas of sickness and
Homeopathic healing, as follows:
1. Disturbances of the intellectual sphere:
a) Let up from school “16 year-olds”
b) Disturbances of flow of thought
c) Constraining disturbances
2. Troubles from the physical and sexuality areas
a) Dysmorphi phobias
b) Neurotic narcissism
3. Thymic disturbances
a) Disgrunted syndrome
b) Panic attacks
c) Depressive states
4. Disturbances of Personality
a) Delirious attacks
b) Disassociative pathologies or Psychotic breakdown
c) Clinical states
5. Disturbances of Social behaviour
a) Aggressiveness and Criminality
b) Marginalisation (run away, homelessness,
Each of the above are further discussed in detail
and cases illustrated.
An educative article.
10. Weitere Nosoden für die Praxis (More Nosodes for
the Practice)
PTOK, M. (AHZ, 246, 1/2001)
Nosodes have been in use since HAHNEMANN’s
days. The Homeopathic Materia Medica has a treasury
of many Nosodes, some of them not proved’ but found
to be of great value in therapeutics.
The author gives further Nosodes with their clinical
indications in brief.
1. Actionobacillus actinomycetemcomitans:
Gum ulcer, pain teeth worse by cold as well as by
2. Actinomyces israeli:
Gum ulcer
Streptococcal dermatosis.
3. Aerobacter aerogenes:
Nightly cough between 0.30 and 2.00 hours,
tightness and also hoarseness.
4. Arachidon acid
Ring pain around the chest in Encephalomyelitis,
also partly pain as of constriction by a steel
5. Bacillus thuringiensis:
Irritable bowel with urge for stool with
Non stop cough between 2 and 4 hours.
6. Bronchopneumonia bovinum:
Mild cough; from inspiration worse, in cold
better, without expectoration, every change of air
Aggravates with headache, worse lying.
7. Campylobacter:
Pressure in stomach with burning in throat, worse
on waking, sensation of stomach status with loud
noises and pains in left upper abdomen, burning
tongue, stomach pains, pressure aggravates.
Knee pain left, worse by movement.
Waking 4 – 5 hours.
8. Cladosporium:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 15
Eczema on finger, partly blisterlike, palpitation
only during daytime, Acne face, copper coloured
Eczema on the arm.
9. Clostridium cadaveris:
Nausea for over a week with vomiting before it,
sour taste in mouth.
10. Clostridium difficile:
Since years recurring loose, bright colored stool,
With intolerance of vegetables, also yellowish-
diarrhoeic stools since years with severe craving
for sweets.
Abdominal pain left side, near the umbilicus,
warmth and lying on the abdomen ameliorates as
also pressure.
11. Clostridium innocuum:
Thin-pappy, dark colored stool
12. Clostridium paraputrificum:
Diarrhoea 2 – 5 times a day, watery-dark.
13. Clostridium tentium:
Offensive flatus with bright stool.
14. Corallium album:
Throat pain with lump feeling, expectoration
15. Geotrichum candidum:
Eczema of finger under the ring and also the
whole finger,
Hoarseness and dry mucous membranes of the
throat with radiating to the upper throat
16. Haemopinus pedalis:
Hepatitis with increase of Bilirubin to 3.4mg%
17. Immunoglobulin M:
Nasal flow with itching eyes, obstructed nasal
breathing and snorting.
18. Oestrogen/Gestagen combination:
Acne on face of adolescents.
5 weeks of non stop bleeding in a 13 year-old girl
19. Pityriasis:
Skin around the mouth is cracked, bloody spot.
20. Rhinotracheitis bovinum:
Infection with temporal headaches, expectoration
clear-glassy, with pain of the thigh in a child
along with thirst for large gulps, cough between
9 – 10 hours with clearing of throat while talking,
Expectoration yellowish-green, clumpy, salty.
21. Rickettsia MS:
Smelling of lymphnodes of the axilla
22. Salmonella typhymurium:
Stool half brown – pappy.
23. Salmonella virchow:
Stool at first formed, then flowy, bright-yellow.
24. Stomatitis vesicularis:
Apthae of mouth in Aplastic Anaemia,
Apthae of uvula and vagina in a child.
25. Trypanosoma evansi:
Swelling of the lymphnodes of the groin in a
Buckling of the knee while walking in
Stuttering in exertion of concentration,
Prickling of the hands, arms , knee electric-like
in the same patient.
26. Uncaria tormentosa:
Herpes below the palate, Eczema of the hands,
recurring inflammatory in both mammae in a
nursing mother.
Swelling of the lymphnodes, both the cervical as
also the inguinal
Crooked neck in a child
Increased efficiency in a child
27. Yersinia enterocolica:
Pressure in the upper abdomen with fullness
Cramps of the stomach as from a fist, loss of
appetite in the mornings.
13. Dario SPINEDI: der Gemütszustand als Hilfe bei
der Arzneimittel findung nach Paragraph 211 und
212 des Organon”; ein Interview geführt von
Christoph THOMAS am 13.10.2000 (Dario
SPINEDI: The mental state as an aid to the remedy
choice in accordance with paragraphs 211 and 212
of the Organon”: an Interview held by von
Christoph THOMAS on 13 Oct 2000) (ZKH, 45,
For about a decade or so Dr Rajan SANKARAN
has been teaching the importance of the mental state
which is apart from the mental and emotional
symptoms, for the choice of the Homeopathic remedy.
The source for this are the paragraphs 211 and 212.
There has been much discussion on this.
In this interview Dr SPINEDI distinguishes the
‘mental statefrom the mental symptoms’. A systemic
study of the Homeopathic Materia Medica with
reference to mental symptoms in accordance with the
ideas of Rajan SANKARAN and Carl Gustav JUNG
helps to comprehend the archetypal mental basic forms
and the specific state of mind of the remedies. This can
help significantly, to make a differential diagnosis in the
individual patient between several possible
Homeopathic remedies. The significance of dreams for
comprehending the state of mind is shown. Experience
in the case of the in-patient treatment of patients
suffering from Cancer and open questions for further
Homeopathic research are discussed.
14. 1. Erfahrungen mit der Sehgal Methode
(Experiences with the Sehgal-method)
SECKENDORFF, E.v. (AHZ, 246, 2/2001)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 16
2. Objektivität und Subjectivität in der
Homöopathie am Beispiel der Sehgal Methode
(Objectivity and Subjectivity in Homeopathy with
examples of the Sehgal-method)
LANG, G. (AHZ, 246, 2/2001)
Both these articles are on the practical application
of the SEHGAL-method in which only the mental
symptoms alone are used in diagnosing the
Homeopathic remedy. In the first article the analogue
way in which the Mind chapter of the Repertory is used
is explained. For this the two rubrics ‘Fear of
extravagance’ and Desire to be carried fast’ are detailed
as examples. Several cases also have been given.
In the second article the importance of subjectivity
of patient as well as in practice of Homeopathy.
15. Langzeituerlauf chronischer Erkraukungen unter
Homöopathischer Behandlung: Eine prospektive
outcome – studie über zwei Jahre (Longterm course
of chronic diseases under Homeopathic treatment:
a prospective outcome-study over a period of two
FREI, H. (ZKH, 45, 2/2001)
Following an earlier study on evaluation of the
different ranking symptoms by HAHNEMANN,
predominantly paediatric cohort (ZKH, 43, 4/1999), 50
patients were followed up perspectively over a period of
two years. The purpose of this study was to find answer
to the following:
1. What extent of amelioration of a chronic disease is
to be expected in a cohort of patients under
Homeopathic treatment after 2, 12 and 24 months?
2. How high is the drop out rate?
3. Satisfaction of the patients/parents at the end of the
4. How much time is required for the Homeopathic
physician and how many medicaments are required
to obtain the amelioration?
5. How many additional acute diseases occur in the
Methods: This group was treated exclusively according
to the ranking of symptoms by HAHNEMANN and the
working method of BOENNINGHAUSEN, so that the
results could be compared with other methods if
The ranking of the symptoms by HAHNEMANN is
in the following order:
1. Peculiar, queer, unusual Symptoms (§153)
2. Mental Symptoms (§ 210)
3. Modalities (§ 133)
4. Gynaecologic Symptoms (§ 94)
5. Symptoms of inner (Vital) Organs (Chronic
6. Symptoms of Physical (Chronic Diseases)
In a periodic analysis of the outcome the parents
had to rate the progress of the healing process of the
main illness in percentage.
1. The outcome-analysis of the group (without drop-
outs) yielded after two months an amelioration of
52%, after 12 months 78% and after 24 months
2. The drop-out rate after 12 months was 10%, after
24 months 16%.
3. In the end evaluation of satisfaction 64% of
patients/parents reported to be very much satisfied,
18% were satisfied, and 2% were moderately
satisfied. The remaining 16% were drop-outs.
4. The mean duration of treatment was 13.9 months.
The mean consultation time required for a patient in
two years was 165 minutes. They received an
average of four different Homeopathic remedies in
a total of 7.4 applications, of which 4.5 were single
doses of high potencies and 2.9 were Q (50
millesimal) potencies.
5. An average of 1.6 acute diseases interrupted the
treatment of the chronic disease during the
observed time.
Conclusion: BOENNINGHAUSEN’s working method
reveals itself as a time-saving and efficient therapy with
very satisfactory results.
16. A Dental or Surgical Appointment… Can
Homeopathy Help?
HOOVER Todd (HT, 20, 4/2000)
The effect of Homeopathic remedies in managing
the discomforts associated with dental and surgical
procedures are discussed. Many people experience
significant anxiety when anticipating a trip to the
dentist. The four most useful remedies for this type of
anticipatory anxiety are Calcarea carbonica, Arsenicum
album, Gelsemium, and Argentum nitricum.
After the dental or other procedure, the most
common complaint is pain. Arnica for bruising and
soreness of the area involved, Hypericum perforatum
for nerve type of pains are more indicated.
17. Routine Caulophyllum in Pregnancy?
TAYLOR Will (HT, 20, 4/2000)
In this article the author explains about some
ridiculous things done with Homeopathically prepared
remedies in labor and birth when not prescribed on
Homeopathic indications routine alternation of
Caulophyllum 200 and Cimicifuga 200 during labor,
routine administration of Lac caninum after birth to
“prevent engorgement,” routine administration of
Aconite M to the newborn “for birth trauma.” Most
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 17
strong constitutions folks of high vitality/low
moderate sensitivity can endure this silliness without
problem (and without benefit). It’s the more unusual
patient, of high sensitivity and /or low vitality the one
you’d worry about anyway - who can get into trouble.
A mother/infant pair who who both presented with a
Cimicifuga proving (after the routine above), and the
cases have been difficult to treat.
Remedies commonly seen indicated in
dysfunctional pre-labor are: Caulophyllum, Cimicifuga,
Mitchella repens, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Ipecacuanha, and
many more.
18. Simple Solutions for Common Complaints
DOOLEY Timothy (HT, 21, 2/2001)
The author discusses some of the remedies for flu
and in particular about Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis
extractum. It is Homeopathic preparation of an extract
of the liver and heart of a Duck. [Ducks are known to
be carriers of flu viruses]. Its proprietary names are
or Flu solution
In Anas barbariae there are no characterisitic
symptoms known. It is prescribed on the common
symptoms which almost everyone with the flu will have
such as aching, fever, headache, stiffness, shivers,
cough, runny nose etc.
Inspite of lack of symptom specificity, most of the
time Anas Barbariae helps the patients with flu. But
not everyone. Anas barbariae is sold in “unit dose”
vials. A small number (3-5) of the little pellets under
the tongue or in water, 15 minutes to 2 hours depending
on the patients response.
Few other remedies for flu with their characteristic
indications are given.
19. A Child with Hepatitis
WOLF M M (HT, 21, 3/2001)
3 year-old ETHAN had hepatitis. Blond with blue
sclera, full of energy and had terrible temper tantrums.
Defiant, opiniated, didn’t like wearing shoes or going to
bed. Very moody and awakes with irrtability. Very
smart and orderly. Desires ice cream, chocolate, eggs,
chicken, peanut, butter, yoghurt, fruit, bacon, macroni
and cheese. Tuberculinum 200. After a week had
normal liver profile. Two weeks after stopping
interferon which was given when he was under
conventional treatment, blood tests revealed the
presence of antibodies – indicates the cure of hepatitis.
Later he received Belladonna 200 for he was
breaking and tearing things apart, slapping and hitting.
20. “Concomitant Symptoms” – How Important Are
CROCE A J (HT, 21, 3/2001)
A very brief article which discusses about the
importance of concomitants, Dictionary meaning of the
word is given.
The concomitant can individualize a patient.
Strange, rare and peculiar (SRP) symptoms can be a
concomitant sometime; and the concomitant form the
complete totality.
The real purpose of paying attention to
concomittant symptom is, to understand the totality of
the disease, the entire picture by which the mistuned
Vital Force describes its state. When we put
concomitant symptoms into their proper context, they
help to complete the unique and unmistakeable overall
picture of the patient.
21. Help for restless Leg Syndrome
DOOLEY Timothy (HT, 21, 3/2001)
This article gives an account of Restless leg
syndrome, its probable causes and its treatment.
A disorder in which the patient feels an urge to
move the legs, due to an uncomfortable sensation in the
legs as crawling, or creeping. The known causes
outlined in the Journal American Family Physician are
uraemia, iron deficiency, pregnancy and drug side
Various treatment which helped are:
Physical: massage, important exercise, spinal
manipulation, yoga postures, acupuncture.
Nutritional: Supplements of specific minerals,
avoidance of food which aggravate the problem.
Herbal: Nutritional, oriental, cleansing, and organ
specific remedies.
By considering the whole patients instead just the
single symptom or disorder, an individual treatment
which acts by stimulating the body to heal the
underlying disorder.
Few important remedies are mentioned with
characteristic features: Arsenicum album, Causticum,
Ferrum metallicum, Lycopodium, Magnesium
carbonicum, Rhus toxicodendron, Tarentula hispanica
and Zincum metallicum.
22. A Case of Chronic Rhinitis and Bronchitis
CREASY Sheilagh (SIM, XIV, 1/2001)
A 13 year-old boy had catarrh especially on one
side or the other. Greenish, offensive and thick
discharge. The catarrh went down to the chest and
caused rattling followed by cough. Aggravation in the
morning. Had family history of Tuberculosis and
respiratory problem.
Rebellious, hated to be restricted, and a loner. A lot
of acne on the face and chest. Profuse night sweats.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 18
Lycopodium 30, Sulphur 30, 200, M, Tuberculinum 30
and 200, Kali bichromicum 30 and 200 given with no
From Kent’s Repertory: “Nose; discharge, one side:
Calcarea sulphuricum, Hippozaeninum, crossed with
“Nose; discharge green, thick”, “Chest, expectoration,
copious,” “Chest; inflammation, lungs,” “Chest
rattling,” and “Mind; company, aversion to” only brings
down to Hippozaeninum. Started with 6x and gradually
ascended to 10M. Then Tuberculinum M and 10M
23. The Genus Epidemicus Remedies
LITTLE David (SIM, XIV, 1/2001)
In this article the author explains briefly about
group anamnesis for diseases of common cause and
similar symptoms which affect a homogeneous group.
Best examples of group anamnesis can be found in “The
Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever,” in
Hahnemann’s Lesser writings and “Typhoid Fever
and High Potencies” in BOENNINGHAUSEN’s
Lesser writings.
The purpose of the genus epidemicus is not to find
one single remedy. It is to find a homogeneous group of
remedies which will cover the disease in most
constitutions. See “Typhoid and High Potencies:”
“Although a greater number of cases with their
symptoms were reflected in Bryonia alba, and found in
this their remedy, there were yet many other persons
who either at once or in the course of their disease
required also other remedies such as Pulsatilla, Rhus
toxicodendron, Nux vomica, Kali carbonicum,
Arsenicum album, Phosphoricum acidum, Belladonna,
Hyoscyamus, Muriatic acid, Taraxacum and where the
relation was defective, Sulphur and Carbo-vegetabilis.
The group genus case offers the Homeopath more
information about the nature of a disease and its
symptomatology that can be found in any pathology
book. Unknown to many modern Homeopaths, the
group anamnesis may be used to treat virulent miasms,
endemic environmental and nutritional disorders, and
toxic diseases presenting a strong urinary syndrome.
When Homeopaths construct a group anamnesis, they
are forming the basis for a specific repertorium amd
materia medica of the target disease. Then the group
anamnesis can be used as therapeutic guide for finding
both curative and prophylactic remedies.
[This work, and related titles like “Prophylaxis in
Homeopathy,” are part of the extensive classical
Homeopathic library to be found on David LITTLE’s
website: www.simillimum.com]
24. A Case of Uterine Fibroid
POPEN Y.P. (SIM, XIV, 1/2001)
A 38 year-old female. Fibroid tumours after the
loss of a loved one who got married to another woman
who was ten years older than her. Felt humiliated,
ashamed, angry, desperate and rejected. Suicidal
thoughts persisted. Anxious and felt lonely.
Workaholic, perfectionist, high level of
achievement, hard to get into the relationship. Absence
of nurturing and love in childhood. High expectations
of her from family, parents fighting with each other,
threat of divorce. Fear of heights, of falling, of not
being accepted. Alcoholism in the family. Hot.
Constipated, retains fluid.
Repertorization brought Aurum muriaticum in the
first place and Natrum muriaticum in the third place.
Repertorization by small remedies brought Aurum
muriaticum natronatum in the fifth place. Aurum
muriaticum natronatum LM 1, succuss the bottle five
times. Stir one teaspoon of the remedy in four ounces
of water. To take one teaspoon swish and swallow once
in 3 days. Took the remedy for about a month which
25. Pemphigus Vulgaris
MIGLANI Anjali (SIM, XIV, 1/2001)
A female aged 39 had recurrent aphthae.
Antibiotics and antiseptic mouthwash did not relieve.
Hb: 9.2gm%; TLC: 11,500 cu.mm.; DLC:
P54L39B2E5; VDRL: negative. Throat swab for
Cornyebacterium diptheriae: negative. Tzank test:
Positive. Nikolsky’s sign: positive. Large flacid bullae
bilaterally, grayish black in colour, started on left side
and then on right side. Lateral borders of tongue black.
Pain and burning in mouth. Salivation increased and
breath offensive. Kali chloricum 6C, three times daily
for seven days relieved acute symptoms.
A lean, thin built female, hot patient. Premenstrual
syndrome better by flow. Sweat increased in axilla
and offensive. Desired farinaceous foods. Sleep
disturbed because of dreams. Dreams of being tortured
or murdered; of some conspiracy against her. Smart,
outgoing person. Increased sexual desire. Lachesis
200, 2 doses followed by M after 15 days relieved.
26. Potenzierte Karzinogene im der homöopathischen
Krebsbehandlung (Potentized Carcinogens in
Homeopathic Cancer Therapy)
FRIEDRICH, V. (ZKH, 45, 2/2001)
Potentized carcinogens like Arsenicum album,
Carbo animalis or Petroleum have all been
established well in Homeopathic treatment of Cancer.
While their selection is always based upon the symptom
similarity obtained by Provings and the clinically
verified characteristic symptoms and their fitting with
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 19
the patient’s characteristic symptoms, the remedies are
chosen on any specific carcinogenic quality.
In the BHJ 89/2000 H.MONTFORT’s proposals for
the therapeutic application of specific Carcinogens, has
been published.
The author obtained two Carcinogenes,
Benzoanthracene D11 and Fluorenilacetamide D15
from MONTFORT and used it in 4 cases of Mamma
carcinoma. Nevertheless all the four Mamma
carcinoma. Nevertheless all the four Mamma
Carcinoma patients expired even with Chemotherapy.
It is argued that in these cases the peculiar
symptoms indicating the appropriate Homeopathic
remedies are not manifest.
27. Absencen – Silicea (Epileptic seizures – Silicea)
RICHTER, O., HADULLA, M. (ZKH, 45, 2/2001)
A six-year old girl with epilepsy. The parents did
not want anti-epileptic medication, and
Sought Homeopathic treatment.
Single dose of Silicea XM gave an aggravation
initially and then improvement set in. There was
however a mild recurrence and the child was now given
Silicea Q potency. There was improvement as was
evidenced by the EEG.
28. Herpes come as recidivans
(Chronic corneal Herpes)
KLUNKER,W.(ZKH, 45, 2/2001)
40 year-old woman with recurring attacks of herpes
opthalmins since 14 years ending in corneal opacity. A
transplant of cornea was proposed, but it would be
possible only if the herpes does not recur. The patient
therefore consulted Homeopathy.
The totality pointed to Natrum muriaticum
The ‘Minimum symptoms of maximum value’
adopted by Sir John WEIR was appplied in this case.
Natrum muriaticum in 30, 200, M with
intervening dose of Herpes 30 was given and she was
free from the recurring corneal Herpes.
28. Die parenterale Ameisensäme therapie ein
medikamentöses Therapieverfahreb der
kanoplementaneMedizin (Parenteral
Administration of Formic Acid in Alternative
HELMSTÄDTER Axel (Med GG, 20/2001)
Treatment of rheumatic and other diseases through
immersion in an anthill is reported in
General Folk Medicine. In the first half of the 20
Century, the physicians Edward and Egon krull (1842
1914 and 1879 1936, respectively) as well as
Albrecht Reuter (1863-1937) recommended injections
of diluted Formic acid to treat tuberculosis, Gout,
Arthritis, Renal disorders and other complaints.
Between 1930 and 1960, more than 15 different
commercial preparations were marketed, and Egon
Krull invented a drug series called “Myamekan”.
Formic acid inhalations were recommended by
Sigmund von Kapff (1864-1946) at a time when the
acid was rarely used in Homeopathy. In the 1950s the
injection of Formic acid was regarded as one of the
most important procedures in alternative medicine.
30. All that Gliters
KHAMBATTA Sherezade (HH, 25, 1/2000)
A short summary of two important polychrests salt
of gold are given
Aurum muriaticum natronatrum.
- Feels rejected by someone he depends on
- Forsaken feeling because of relative lack
of love in childhood.
- Fear of failure and doubt their own ability
- To escape from emotional turmoil they
desire excitement and thrill bunger
jumping, fast driving etc.
- Too dypendent and crave attention and
important physical symptoms affections are
also listed out.
Aurum sulphuratum..
- Lack of love during childhood leads to a
feeling of abandonment.
- Have a tremendous need to feel loved and
hence very easily feel unappreciated.
- Very ambitious.
- They are leaders, dictatorial and proud and
are very bad losers.
- Egoistic to the point of haughty. See
themselves as a savious and often go and tell
people how they should lead their lives.
Thus the lack of love perceived in childhood
results in excessive need in adults for
fame,recognition and appreciation, so that his sense
of worth is confirmed.
Important physical generals are listed.
31. A Fussy child.
BHAGAT Yamini (HH, 21, 1/2000)
A 4 year-old girl had recurrent upper respiratory
infections during summer and on exposure to sun. X-
ray showed marked congestion in both iliac regions
and left base. Obstinate, head strong child, curious,
restless and fastidious. Likes to travel and attention
seeking always. Very fussy to eat. Desires
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 20
cheese++, bananas ++, and cucumbers. Very
sensitive to ryprimands premature decay of teeth with
cavities in them. Over a period of 5 years months she
received 5 doses of Sulphur 200 and the acutes were
met with Coccus cacti 200, M on and off.
32. A case of Breast Abscess
SONI J. Girish (HH, 21, 1/2000)
A 20 year-old girl had pain in left breast with
redness and swelling. Pricking and stinging <
touch, jar, Slightest motion and hot fermentation. On
examination it appeared dark-bluish red. Tarentula
cubensis 200 was repeated with very little
improvement. Then the constitutional remedy
Phosphorus also did very little. Now the pain is
“current-like pain”, with bluish-red appearance and
the upper quadrant indicated Phytolacca. Phytolacca
was given in increasing potency (30, 200, M) in
repeated doses for 2 days. But the pain increased,
with throbbing pain in right temple, fever and
burning present. Belladonna 10M followed by 50M
made the abscess to open and discharged copious
amount of pus.
Then calcarea sulphuricum 200 for discharge of
abscess along with Calcarea sulphuricum 6x for
hastening the healing. Dressing done with Echinacea
33. A case of Insomnia and Decreased Libido.
SHAH R.Naini (HH, 21, 1/2000)
A 30 year old male had psychological problem
manifested in the form of insomnia.
Sleeplessness due to constant thoughts. Very shy,
reserved person, not mixing and not making new
friends. Had lack of self -confidence, low self-
esteem, indecisive, fear of failure and post-pones his
works. Refused to get married as he had no sexual
desire. Felt he was so ugly looking, no girl would
get attracted towards him. Baryta carbonicum was
given for a period of 6 months which helped him in
all ways.
Other drugs which have low self-esteeem like
Ambra grasia, Lac caninum, Bambusa
arundinasea,Geraninum met etc. are discussed.
34. A case of Apis mellifica
JAIN Ajay (HH, 21, 1/2000)
27 year-old female had cervical spondylosis.
Neck movement painful and restricted. Pain
radiating till the tip of fingers alongwith numbness.
Very cheerful, talkative, constantly cracking jokes
and laughing. Never expresses her sufferings to
anyone. Her mother-in-law is a dogmatic, sarcastri
physically obesive and her husband also used to
abuse her physically, often drunk and has muthrill
extra marital affairs. She made fun of these things
while narrating. Rubrics were: Cheerful, gaiety,
mirth, simulates helarity while, she feels wretched.
Laughing, misfortune at, Affability, Laughing,
serious matters over. Ailments from grief. Apis
mellifica come out. Apis mellifica M relieved.
35. Temper Tantrums
SUCHAK Dimple (HH, 21, 1/2000)
. 5½year-old boy, refused to go to school after
holidays. On forming, start crying, cling to his
mother, stamps feet, cries loudly. Sprite etc. Very
talkative, restless, boosting and imagines himself to
be a big man like super man or spider man etc. Lives
in his own world and lacks concentration. Has the
habit of waving his hand in the air and numbling.
Fear of darkness, ghosts, horror movies, of robbers,
fear of water, fear of injections etc. Started from
loud noises sleeps with eyes half open. Stramonium
M repeated one after 2 months; improved.
36. A case of Aterio-venom Malformation
producing coma and left-sided Hemiplegia
MASTER, F.J., DABU, F.B. (HH, 21, 1/2000)
A middle aged women became unconscious and
fell in the toilet which caused head injury. Admitted
in the hospital and treated without much
improvement. CT scan showed a right sided
paraganglionic and tharamie haemorrhage which
extended into Ventricular systems Carotid angiogram
showed a midline AVM in the posterior thalamic
area being fed mainly by the base and partly by both
carotids. C.S.F. examination showed presence of
blood. Globulin ++++.
Deeply unconscious, not responding to painful
stimuli, convergent squint, pupils constricted,
Central neurogenic hyperventilation type of
respiration, involuntary movement of both upper
extremities, febrile, a contused lacerated wound
observed on the forehead, violent hiccoughs.
1. Arnica 10M by inhalation method was repeated.
Her life situation was good from childhood. But
her marriage was cancelled due to parental disputes.
A moody person and avoids social functions. Prefers
to stay alone. Had breast trouble during menses,
constipated had craving for indigestible things and
aversion to meat.
While she was under Arnica 10M she developed
severe chills. Cold perspiration all over the body.
Eye turned upward. Face deathy pale. Passed
yellowish green loose motions. Pulse feeble and
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy 21
slow. Went in peripheral circulatory failure.
Veratrum album 50M by inhalation every 15 minutes
later every 3 hours. Showed signs of improvement
by evening.
The anti-convulsive drugs, anti-diothis and
Decadron are stopped and was given Hyoscyamus
10M, by inhalation every 2 hours based on strong
history of grief, resentment towards relations, deep
unconsciousness, left sided paralysis, constricted
pupils, cerebral haemorrhage, squint, violent
hiccoughs, paralysis on one side and involuntary
movements on the other, head injury, aversion to
company. Showed signs of improvement and hence
Hyoscyamus 50M, 6 times a day for a week.
A repeat scan showed hydrocephalus with
ventricular dilatation. Right lateral ventricle is full of
Bothrops 200, four times a day for a week was
given purely on pathological basis of cerebral
haemorrage and aphasia.
As there was improvement Bothrops M, and 10M
was continued for a fortnight.
Patient developed conciousness, overfed
commands, answered intelligently. But had
intermittent drowsiness. Calcarea flouricum was
selected based on history of ailments from
disappointed love, craving for indigestible things,
aversion to meat, breast symptoms during menses,
vascular malformation in the brain, cerebral
haemorrhage etc.
Calcarea flouricum 30, 200, M, 10M was given at
necessary intervals for more than 2 years which
helped remarkably.
37. ‘Only Connected’: A Case
HOHNSTON Linda (HOM, 78/2000)
This is a very interesting case of 10 year-old
woman, housewife and artist with asthma. Her long
case history revealed that she grew up in a most
unusual and insidiously abusive household. Brother
Schizophrenic, mother institutionalized and receiving
shock treatments for depression father an odd blend
of sadistic cruelty and religious fervor. She felt she
had no privacy had no identity, felt disconnected into
Baptisia M put her on the road to recovery.
38. Homeopathy in Cancer Care
E.THOMPSON & S.KASSAB (BHJ, 89, 2/2000)
The number of people using Complementary and
Alternative Medicine (CAM) for the treatment of
Cancer is increasing. The reasons are complex.
Patients feel that there is more that can be done to
return them to full health after treatments, to prolong
life or even to cure despite a poor prognosis.
In some respects, this innate feeling that healing is
possible is a wonderfully optimistic aspect of human