© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XX, 2003
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homeopathy
drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany,
France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the
original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this
compilation are given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy Page 2 of 220
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD, VOL. XX, 1 & 2, 2003 3
2 QHD, VOL. XX, 3 & 4, 2003 102
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1. QHD, VOL. XX, 1 & 2, 2003
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over – India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. "Die Chronische Krankheiten" Hinweise für
die Praxis? HAHNEMANNs Große
Enttäuschung. ("The Chronic Diseases" -
Instructions for the Practice? -
HAHNEMANN's great disappointment.)
OOMEN, Gert (ZKH, 46, 2/2002)
In 1828 when HAHNEMANN published the
first volume of his ‘Chronic Diseases’ (CD) he
thought that he had found a certain technique of
treatment of the non-venereal Chronic Diseases.
HAHNEMANN thought, on the basis of his
experiences, that the venereal diseases are cured
rapidly and surely with one or two remedies, the
Sycosis with Thuja complemented by Nitric acid,
the Syphilis with Mercurius. In respect of psoric
disease also he thought at first that "it could be so”.
This is clear from his letter to STAPF which he
wrote in 1827, an year before he published the
'Chronic Diseases'. He needed hardly 6 - 8
antipsoric medicines and not any more from the
whole treasury of drugs in the Materia Medica
(letter to STAPF, 6 Sept. 1827. See HAEHL, Vol.
II, p.55). Sulphur was at the head; and Calcarea,
Silicea, Natrum, Phosphorus, Graphites, Sepia.
However his expectations were belied and in the I
edition of 'Chronic Diseases' which appeared
between 1828 and 1830, there were 21 medicines.
Short time afterward, von BOENNINGHAUSEN
brought out, in 1832 his ‘Systematic Alphabetical
Repertory of the Antipsoric Medicines’ with 40
medicines. There were 51 remedies in the second
edition of the CD. The border between the
antipsorics and the other remedies was slowly
dissolving and thus to the stage 'antipsoric or
homeopathic medicine'? While
BOENNINGHAUSEN said that in most cases
of clearly developed psora he could succeed with
the remedies in his Repertory of Antipsorics, he
also said that there were many cases which could
not be cured with the medicines known till then
and more antipsoric should be formed - like
Asafoetida, Antimonium crudum.
ATTOMYR, a physician much praised by
HAHNEMANN said "not to give a suitable
medicine in a chronic disease because it is not
included in the list of antipsorics is against the basic
principles of Homeopathy”. Slowly
HAHNEMANN too seems to have surmised that
his theory of Psora as the basis of all ailments did
not make any progress in actual practice.
ATTOMYR, in relation to the Psora theory, said
the principle of every case was only the "similia
similibus" and GROSS said the suitable medicine
alone would cure whether it was listed as antipsoric
or not. Until the end HAHNEMANN was
convinced that psora was the source of all ailments
but it was of no consequence for practice if one
ignores the routine administration of Sulphur.
2. Zur Überarbeitung der Homöopathie nach
Alfonso Masi-Elizalde (On revision of
Homeopathy according to Alfonso MASI-
P.REIS, Stefan (AHZ, 247, 3/2002)
The past decade and half has seen many new
‘schools’ in Homeopathy spring up, each of them
having a good number of followers; e.g. Rajan
Massimo MANGIALAVORI, and Alfonso MASI-
The author briefly examines these different
varieties of methods and then the theories of MASI
ELIZALDE. MASI’s method is founded on three
central assumptions:
1. The radical subjective construction of the
world structure;
2. Body-Soul unity – Thomas von AQUINO;
3. The miasmatic dynamics – Sigmund FREUD.
MASI’s method is explained with the proving
symptoms of Nux vomica and finding a remedy for
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two female patients as examples of the practical
work according to this method.
3. Wissenschaft und Homöopathie (Science
and Homeopathy)
DORCSI Mathias (DH, 21/2001)
[This article was written by Dr. Mathias
DORCSI (who passed away on 27 May 2001) in
1964 and published in the ZKH, 8, 5/1964, and is
republished in the DH “in memoria m” of the great
teacher = KSS] When Dr.Mathias DORCSI wrote
this essay he was 41 years. His vision of
Homeopathy at this time was part of a great
medicine. Homeopathy needed, so that it could
find its place in today’s Medicine as the ‘medicine
of the person’, philosophy on one side and
scientific foundation on the other side to establish
Homeopathy amongst the clinically trained
physicians. 12 years after this article DORCSI
began in 1975 his course in Baden and with that
founded the Vienna School of Homeopathy.
The Life principle is transcendental immaterial.
Human being has a mind, spirit, which lets him
think, feel, strive and aspire. In his environment
man can choose, decide and determine; he can, he
has the freedom to.
A man is healthy when he is in harmony within
and without himself, his environment and his
creator. He is the complete body-soul, spiritually
and socially equipped person, thoroughly in order
in the conscious and unconscious interplay of
functions – the personal harmony.
Disease is the consequence of an external or
internal disturbance of this equipoise.
In acute diseases the reaction of the molecule,
the cells or the organ have a longer role to play, but
in the Chronic Diseases the central nervous
mechanism has the upper hand whose indications
are in the rhythmic process, the push, the reverser
and the whole spectrum of psychosomatic
expressions. In this the person feels as a whole in
his singularity, destiny, in the foreground. It is
thus clear that persons with “same disease” suffer
differently and have different prognosis. Disease is
a qualitative personal event.
4. The Current Medical Paradigm in its relation to
Homeopathy and Science
KURZ, Christian (AH, 8/2002)
This article investigates the structure of
medical homeopathic and scientific knowledge.
Drawing on parallels in the evolution of natural
sciences, it is argued that progress in Science
happens in alternating periods of consolidation and
revolution. By adopting this framework of
paradigms to medical science, we sense a shift in
the prevailing paradigm that hinges crucially on the
light in which we view the placebo effect.
5. An Interview with Ralph Twentyman
HAVELOCK-DAVIES, John (AH, 8/2002)
Dr. Ralph TWENTYMAN is perhaps, the
oldest living British homeopath. Those of us who
had the privilege of reading the British
Homeopathic Journal during the period when he
was its Editor (for 21 years) would recall much
with nostalgia.
TWENTYMAN was also well versed with
Rudolf STEINER’s Anthroposophical Medicine.
In this ‘Interview’ which is quite
comprehensive we come to know his love of
Homeopathy and also at the same time his
knowledge of Anthroposophical Medicine. He
discusses in detail George GRODDECK, J.W.
He makes a very good point when he says that
contemporary Homeopathy’s efforts to be seen as
scientifically and academically respectable is in
itself “a bad thing”. Homeopathy, he says, simply
does not belong to the dying tradition of academic
science. How true, indeed. Let Homeopathy be
whatever it actually is. Why crave this ‘scientific’
also. Although SWEDENBORG was one of the
greatest scientists of his day, and his scientific
knowledge of his time was immense, his vision of
the world is based on the 18
Century science and
now we need more than is available from
6. Confessions of a Neo-classicist
HERON, Krista (AH, 8/2002)
The author rightly points out that our practice
of Homeopathic Medicine is a continuous process
of discovery and evolution. In this process there
has been and there still is discussion as to the
sources of remedy information; that is to say,
whether we can take in from sources other than
‘Provings’ and ‘Toxicology’ and clinical
experiences? In this respect the ‘signature’, the
‘thematic’ groupings, etc. are mentioned as just
sources. The author says, rightly, : ”If we open our
eyes and our minds to the congruency of the spirit
of the medicine and the spirit of the substance, we
may enjoy the organicity between the two”.
Indeed HAHNEMANN agreed with von
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BOENNINGHAUSEN that if the spirit of the
homeopathic medicine matches the spirit of the
disease, deep cures will result. But
HAHNEMANN certainly ruled out the ‘signature’;
the spirit is to be perceived from the provings; other
methods are speculations.
7. Homeopathic Prescribers and Self-prescribing
CREASY Sheilagh (SIM, XV, 1/2002)
In this brief essay the experienced homeopath
Sheilagh CREASY discusses the problems faced
when treating self-prescribing patients. She
suggests that the homeopathic practitioner should
suitably educate the self-treating patient on the
nuances of the Organon.
8. HAHNEMANN’s Pure Method of Science
SHEPPARD Joel (SIM, XV, 1/2002)
[In the last two decades, particularly within the
past one decade began a strong wind of change in
the very perception of what Homeopathy is? All
agreed that it is Let Similar be cured by Similar.
But, similarity of what? HAHNEMANN’s quest
was for a therapeutic method which would be rapid,
gentle and it must be most reliable, and most
harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles
2, DUDGEON’s translation of the Organon V
edn.). HAHNEMANN found out by several
experiments over some period of time that the
o n l y way by which one can obtain the actual
curative powers of medicinal substances is by
experimenting it on healthy humans and
carefully noting the symptoms that were aroused
by the medicinal substance; no interpretation,
no opinions, no inferences, but only the facts.
He instructed us to depend only upon the pure
Materia Medica, that is, symptoms obtained by
proving.Unfortunately right from HAHNEMANN’s
time itself half-homeopaths and impostors entered
into the rich field of Homeopathy and adulterated
the pure. Now, I feel that Homeopathy has been
high-jacked by the neo-classicals. When the
Hahnemannians object they are dubbed as
fundamentalists, dogmatics, and enemies of
progress. The Neo-classicals produce cured cases
to validate their methodologies of ‘signatures’,
‘periodic tables’, etc. The mixture-peddlers, the
pluralists, the poly-pharmacists also produce cured
cases. Even those who mix different potencies
produce cured cases, genuine, not cooked-up! We
knew some who juggled with the 12 tissue salts of
SCHÜSSLER, do wonderful work! Oh, we forgot
those who make their own preparations of
medicines radionically; one said “we have
potentised ‘pain’ and it does wonderful work”! All
these under the label of Homeopathy and all
claim Samuel HAHNEMANN as their Teacher!!
Shall we call all these multifarious methodologies
as ‘homeopathic’ in the name of liberalism? If a
medical therapeutic system has to be called as
Homeopathy should it not conform to the System
founded by HAHNEMANN as laid out by him in
his Organon and Chronic Diseases. Is it not right
that anything outside these should be called by
some other name and not Homeopathy? Is there
need for the Hahnemannians to defend themselves?
Yet, now in the name of insights’ and ‘depth
healing’ so many things are taught which are
certainly not HAHNEMANN’s. = KSS]
In this interesting article Joel SHEPPARD
argues well for the genuine Hahnemannian
9. Drawing a Line in the Sand – Homeopathy
or not Homeopathy?
SAINE André (SIM, XV, 1/2002)
This detailed article is again in defence of
genuine Homeopathy with particular reference to
the reply of Roger MORRISON and 20 others to
Julian WINSTON’s criticism of the doctrine of
signature and periodic table and such other new
‘speculative’ methodologies. André SAINE quotes
copiously from sources.
10. Homeopathy: Antidote to a Materialistic Age
PITCAIRN, Richard (JAIH, 93,1/2000)
We live in a materialistic age. Modern
Allopathy is becoming increasingly reductionistic.
Germ theory and mechanical tissue breakdown
have been two basic premises of disease; now the
role of DNA structure and function is being
explored. With its increasing invasiveness, we can
anticipate that the suppressive, palliative effects of
Allopathy will become ever more powerful and
hence dangerous. Homeopathy can challenge
allopathic medicine. It is the only alternative
system of health care that is systematic
medicinally-based enough to do so. However, the
power of Allopathy is such that it can coerce
opinion in its favor; it has a habit of demonstrating
an intolerance of divergent opinions.
Why is Homeopathy not more accepted
Certainly there are other rather “far-fetched” ideas
still considered within the domain of Science and
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Homeopathy is not without certain scientific
precedents. In addition, Homeopathy’s wholistic
focus bears some resemblance to modern concepts
of psychoneuroimmunology. So what’s the real
obstacle to its acceptance? The obstacles are
potency and the concept of life force.
Western scientific thought, and especially
modern medicine, has embraced a principally
materialistic interpretation of nature, wherein all is
explained in terms of physical substance, thus
eliminating the need for a spiritual dimension.
This stance, though, is more a product of cultural
assumptions than science, and it rejects the
possibility that a “spiritual,” non-physical life force
can operate via physical means. However, modern
physics has proven the indeterminate nature of
matter, that it exists as both physical particle and
energy wave form simultaneously. It has also
demonstrated that physical reality is not objective,
but rather influenced by our consciousness;
consequently our perception of reality is at best an
approximation. Thus, the certainty of materialistic-
based science and medicine is suspect.
Double-blind studies, in their attempt to
exclude consciousness from the equation, cannot,
therefore, be the basis of determining reality. This
conclusion is especially relevant when the results of
such experimentation are applied to individuals as
opposed to groups. Non-blinded experiments and
the application of “meaningful thinking (a mental
melding with and examination of all aspects of a
patient and his/her problems) seem to better
embrace clinical reality. This approach is
consistent with the homeopathic process.
One very significant-for Homeopathy-
discovery of physics is that all physical objects are
composed of fields of energy. Thus, one must
consider the possibility that living beings also
consist of energy fields.
In light of all the above, it can be said that
Homeopathy seems more in alignment with reality
as revealed through physics, and that allopathic
medicine seems based on some very outmoded
ideas. Yet most allopaths persist in discounting
Homeopathy as a superstition because of its
assertion of a life force.
We, as homeopaths, should strive to avoid the
dilution of Homeopathy by seeking a
rapprochement with allopathy that would involve
any foreswearing of that which makes Homeopathy
an important alternative to materialistic medicine—
potency and the concept of the life force. To do so
would be to repeat the same mistakes of the past
that led to the near demise of Homeopathy early in
the 20
Current efforts to explain Homeopathy
according to modern physical understandings; e.g.,
the physics of water, are yet another thinly
disguised and flawed effort to deny existence
beyond the physical realm. Any attempt to explain
Homeopathy according to physical, materialistic
models will ultimately damage Homeopathy.
The only way to preserve Homeopathy intact
and uncorrupted is not to attempt to explain it in
physical scientific terms, but rather to simply
demonstrate its clinical effectiveness, maintain its
principles, and resist its assimilation by allopathy.
11. Self-Awareness and Homeopathy.
HEHR, G.S. (AJHM, 95, 1/2002 )
This is reprinted from BHJ, 72, 2/1983.
HAHNEMANN recommended a psychological
exercise that was based on the experience of the
ancients. Recent scientific studies have shown that
it is likely to be of immense value to everybody.
This exercise should have become an integral part
of Homeopathy, but has not done so. Stalwarts of
Homeopathy have missed this point. In every
commentary on HAHNEMANN’s work and in
every restatement of the same, this aspect of
HAHNEMANN’s teaching has been overlooked.
12. Forum: Controversy in Homeopathy; Dr.
MORRISON’s Reply to Dr.SAINE’s Article in
“Homeopathy Today”.
Drawing a line in the Sand: Homeopathy or
Not Homeopathy? By André SAINE.
Rajan SANKARAN replies innovation and
Fundamentalism in Homeopathy
Richard MOSKOWITZ. (AJHM, 95, 3/2003).
For the past two years a controversy has grown
strong about neo-trends in the Philosophy, Materia
Medica and Therapeutics of Homeopathy. These
‘innovations’ raised several questions about the
very ‘basics of Two hundred years of
Homeopathy! Grand successes have been reported
indeed. It has also been claimed that these new
winds are for the betterment of the Science, they are
‘progressive’; consequently those who object or
criticize the new teachings are termed
‘fundamentalists’. After the initial thunder and
lightnings (due to harsh condemnation by George
VITHOULKAS) quietened, arguments have
become ‘tolerant’.
Since it is felt that this is a very important
subject let us recapitulate:
It all began with an Editorial by Julian
WINSTON in Homeopathy Today, December
2000. In this Editorial the teachings of synthetic
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Materia Medicas not based on Provings, Materia
Medica compiled on the basis of the ‘Signatures’,
‘Periodic Table’, some of the modern provings, the
dream provings, the meditative provings, etc. were
all criticized as un-Homeopathic. In the same
issue there was a book review of Nancy
HERRICK’s book ‘Animal Mind, Human Voices’
which said, in essence, that speculation,
anthropomorphism, have no place in the
Homeopathic Materia Medica. As against these
Roger MORRISON and 21 others sent a strong
reply justifying the ‘new’ teachings. They felt that
these controversies would ‘divide’ the
Homeopathic practitioners and even threatened
resignation from the membership. There were
strong voices from the other side too, mainly from
André SAINE. Quoting copiously from the
‘source’ literature HAHNEMANN, LIPPE,
WELLS, etc. – he said, rightly, “History teaches
that HAHNEMANN has provided humanity with
the surest compass to guide the sick back to health.
As with other natural sciences, Homeopathy is
based on pure experiment, meticulous observation
and sound experience’, rather than the ‘theoretical
conjecture or specious sophistry’ of speculative
medicine.” He further said that using Homeopathy
as an outlet for creative expression may be very
exciting, but it is definitely not good for the art and
science of Homeopathy when devoid of principles.
A good homoeopath will learn to optimally use his
creative and intuitive skills, but with complete
respect to the fundamental principles of
Homeopathy.” (Homeopathy versus Speculative
Medicine A call to Action, André SAINE,
Simillimum, XIV, 3/2001). In a further article
titled ‘Drawing a Line in the Sand’ André SAINE
which was in response to Roger MORRISON,
André SAINE said that a time has come when we
have to take a stand in the interest of Homeopathy
and the standards it must adhere to. André SAINE
gave a long list of references with regard to his
stand. In ‘A Final ResponseRoger MORRISON
defended his and the 21 signatories stand.
Dr.Richard MOSKOWITZ in his article
‘Innovation and Fundamentalism in Homeopathy’
supports the ‘innovations’, the recent teachings and
disagreements in question are wholly about matters
of technique, which though admittedly important
are hardly a fit subject for war or
excommunication.” Nevertheless, the editors of
‘Simillimum’ Barbara OSAWA and Peter
WRIGHT were severely criticized for their stand
against the new trends and both of them resigned
from the editorship and one who allowed
‘innovations’ and new trends came in place. In a
small three sentence reply Rajan SANKARAN said
“……… If what I say is not true, it will fall on its
own. Practice so far has continued to demonstrate
visible and gratifying results using the ideas, and I
have no wish to defend them against even the most
erudite academic arguments.”
Within these who support ‘innovations’, ‘new
trends’ are those who write of ‘meditation
provings’, ‘group provings which include those
who were in the group but did not take the proving
medicine, the ‘dream provings’, the ‘signature’
hunters, the ‘periodic table’ technology, the
‘insights’ masters, etc. and those smeared with the
word ‘fundamentalist’ include those who swear by
carefully weigh whether the new-tends truly come
under basic principles of Homeopathy; whether
these new teachings are comprehensive to all
Homeopaths who still struggle to understand the
Organon and Chronic Diseases (they are already
baffled by the ‘miasms’ HAHNEMANN has
mentioned only three, whereas the new school
mentions many miasms; they are baffled whether
the new provings Plutonium, Hydrogen, Diamond,
Eagle, Lions milk, Wolf’s milk, Raven’s blood
would really help them in common day-to-day
practice, they do not have access to the data of
‘provings’ in detail. Recently I read of a
homoeopath who felt that the ‘case’ seemed to
match the proving story of ‘ratus’ (rat) the
signature of the rat seemed to fit the patient and
lo! a single dose of the 30 potency cured! Is this
an Art or Science or Magic or just a Fairy Tale?
What should or could one learn from these cases?
= KSS.
13. The Simillimum Route
DOMINICI, Gustaon (HL, 14, 2/2001)
The author says that it is necessary for a
homoeopath to undergo meticulous training which
in the first phase, involves an accurate study of his
own symptoms and an evaluation of how they
change in response to the Homeopathic treatment.
At a later stage, the doctor can tackle Homeopathic
provings which he will perfect as he comes to know
about symptoms that are alien to his own nature.
Consequently, provings provide not only a way of
studying new remedies but also the quickest means
of becoming an excellent therapist. The case of an
aspiring prover is shown. The work is intended to
be a testimony that encourages others to explore the
unknown in order to improve themselves and enrich
the Homeopathic community’s knowledge as a
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14. Meeting of the poet and the Homoeopath
SORRENTE, Dominique (HL, 14, 4/2001)
On realities that seem distant from each other,
from the point of view of how words perform, it is
possible to find common points between these two
disciplines, poetry and Homeopathy. The study of
the etymology of the word Homeopathy helps to
create the link. This enables us to explore ways in
which the principles of Homeopathy apply to
poetry. We will then examine how the poet thinks,
and see how his method concerns the homoeopath.
The article concludes on a reflection for future
common work.
15. A Dream Proving Confirmed. Lac caprinum.
DAM Kees (HL, 14, 1/2001)
‘Dream Provings’ is one of the ‘inthings in
the ‘modern’ Homeopathy, like ‘meditative’
provings. In ‘Dream Provings’ have no protocols
i.e. no dietary restrictions, no placebo control. The
proving remedy may be consumed or be in contact
with the skin, or slept upon (!). In the present paper
Kees DAM reports of the prover who simply held
the vial of a 30c of Lac caprinum for hardly one
minute when she came up, with very characteristic
symptom of this remedy! These symptoms have
been ‘confirmed by two cases from a colleague
(appearing in this HL itself).
15. Starting over from scratch: The value of
retaking case.
(HT, 21, 4/2001)
In certain cases we are confused and are unable
to help our patients the way we would like to. In
such situations HAHNEMANN recommends to go
back to the beginning. It is an embarrassing state of
affairs to actually look back at how few cases we
have retaken. Instead, we muddled along, hoping
with each return visit that the case would somehow
become clear. But more often than not, these are
cases we restudy again and again, and we feel quite
badly that, despite patient’s persistence, patience,
and trust in us, we have still been unable to crack
the case.
Homeopaths will agree that continuing to see
patients, month after month, year after year, who
are not really progressing is discouraging and
Retaking such cases as if we have never before
heard of it, by spending more time will reveal much
more than what we know. The very commitment
on the part of both patient and homeopath to start
again at the top with renewed conviction and
willingness to trust gives the experience a life of its
own. It is in letting go of our case taking agendas
and in simply being present that the case most
clearly reveals itself.
16. The Homeopathic process: Receiving the case
CROCE Ann Jerome (HT, 21, 6/2001)
The person who takes is the active agent in
transaction on the otherhand, the person who
receives assumes a more passive role, being the
receptacle for whatever is offered.
She elaborates the process and emphasizes §83
of Organon.
17. Perils of prejudice in Homeopathy
Robert (HT, 21, 6/2001)
Various prejudices of Homeopaths are
discussed like assuming everyone needs a
polychrest, making unfounded assumptions based
on kingdoms or miasms, my other patient was just
like this one; coming to categorical conclusions
about prescribing and ignoring remedies in rubrics
because we know nothing about them one has to
overcome many preconceptions.
18. The process: Analyzing the case
CROCE Ann Jerome (HT, 21, 7/2001)
Case analysis begins where case receiving
ends. Understanding what is to be cured is often
the most difficult aspect of Homeopathy, and it is
also the single most important element in doing
Homeopathy well.
The most significant symptoms are not
necessarily those that trouble the patient the most.
Case analysis is a matter of making informed
judgements about the relative importance of each
symptom within the overall picture of the case.
The strange rare and peculiar symptom is important
because it is expressive of the individual disease,
which is the target of the Homeopathic treatment.
Symptoms that are expressed spontaneously,
repeatedly, and with emphasis are the most
Different styles of case analysis are like
different angles from which to view the case; some
angles may be more revealing in certain cases
because of the way in which the light falls.
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1. Viola odorata zwei Fälle (Two cases of
Viola odorata)
BAHEMANN, Alois (ZKH, 46, 1/2002)
Violo odorata is rarely prescribed. It
is mainly known as a remedy for articular
rheumatism of the right side of the body. With two
recent cases the mental symptoms of this remedy
are verified.
Case 1: K.V., 10 year-old girl with complaints of
pain in the left ankle after having 'twisted'.
Orthopaedic examination confirmed a ligament tear
and a plaster was put for some weeks, without
benefit. She loved dancing but couldn't do now due
to this pain. What was peculiar was that she had an
early menarche (8½ year age); she suffered from
dysmenorrhoea. K. was small built (150 cm). Was
the best student, learnt easily and this was mainly in
her class who were jealous. A quiet girl with quick
grasp, interested in everything. However, she
needed more time to make friends as she was
fastidious. She thinks much before she shared her
problems; very shut person. During the interview
she spoke well like a grown-up person but on the
other side she reflected long like a child when
asked about feelings. Couldn't look at needles.
Natrum muriaticum, Kali carbonicum, Sepia,
Calcium carbonicum, did not help much. Twice
she suffered from dysmenorrhoea so much that she
The patient recalled to the physician's attention
a Video presentation by Dr. SPRINGLER in
Hannover in 1999 in which the girl articulated in a
very intellectual manner her ailments but was very
bashful. The mental rubric pointed to Viol-o. as the
medicine which helped.
The symptom of this patient K.V. was again
analysed afresh and the result was Viol-o. which
was given in 200 potency and soon all round
amelioration followed.
Case 2: Mrs. C.P.: recurrent painful cystitis since
childhood, treated with antibiotics. Her complaints
are more often after coition. No other physical
symptoms were given. Her major complaint was
her inability since 1989 to take part in sexual act.
She had never had an orgasm. She would like to
take interest but it has not been possible. When she
was 13 years her brother approached her with
sexual intent. She thought that because of this her
sexuality was benumbed.
She could not express her ideas freely even in
her profession as teacher for abused children; she
wondered whether she would succeed in taking the
therapy across to the parents. She always had
complicated her thoughts. She was timid, bashful,
yielding and was rather girlish for a grown-up
woman. She was very sympathetic to sick children.
Pulsatilla gave slight improvement in her
sexual sphere but cystitis continued and she had to
take antibiotics. She was still having flood of
thought, put much into her head and made
everything difficult for her. She lacked self
confidence and was doubtful whether she did
everything right.
She was now given Viol-o. 200 (sensitive to
impressions; crowding of thoughts; emotion
controlled; bladder, inflammation). Much better in
every way.
2. Crotalus horridus - ein wichtiges Arzneimittel
in der modernen Therapie, bei richtiger
Gewichtung der Symptome (Crotalus horridus
- an important remedy in the modern therapy
with correct evaluation of the symptoms)
FELDHAUS Heinz-Werner and GAWLIK
Willibald (AHZ, 247, 1/2002)
In many of the important books on Materia
Medica the leading symptoms of Crotalus horridus
with regard to the symptoms of bleeding are limited
to the thin, dark-colored and non-coagulating
tendency. In this article the spectrum of action of
Crotalus is described regarding coagulation. The
authors' findings are based on investigations in the
original literature as well as empirical conclusions
drawn from practical experience of a dentist and a
general practitioner. Crotalus horridus has been of
great help even in bleedings which were not dark
but bright-red.
3. Medorrhinum - eine Arznei r "moderne"
Kinder (Medorrhinum - a remedy for
"modern" children)
Mirjan (AHZ, 247, 3/2002)
Medorrhinum as a children's remedy is not
well appreciated. However, evaluation of 37 case
histories shows that it is very valuable especially
for modern children.
The main diagnosis of the 37 children are:
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy Page 10 of 220
1. Nervousness - 17 children (Restlessness -7,
Concentration deficiencies - 3, Sleep
disturbances - 2, Grinding teeth, Biting nails,
migraine 1 each - 3, Writing disabilities,
aggressiveness relationship 1 each - 2)
2. Allergies - 13 children (allergie Asthma-4,
Chronic spastic bronchitis - 3, allergic Rhinitis
-2, Neurodermatitis - 3, acute Eczema - 1)
3. Inflammations - 3 (susceptibility to infections -
viral, bacterial - 3, conjunctivitis neonatorum -
bacterial-, and nappy rash - frequently
observed but not documented).
4. Abdominal diseases - 4 (Chronic Balanitis,
Enuresis nocturna, Synechia of the smaller
labia - Cryptoorchitis)
The children were also disturbed in their
behaviour or in their sensor motor development in
the sense of psychoorganic syndrome
There was particular focus in the anamnesis
with regard to the perinatal period
Breaks things
Fury, frenzy, wrath
Morose, grumpy - mornings
Heat - sensation of
Shrieking - in sleep
Inner throat - inflammation - Tonsils
Male genitalia - Phimosis
Extremities - Coordination; failing, deranged.
There were many mental symptoms in these
children as also organic symptoms which were not
found under Medorrhinum in the Repertory.
Medorrhinum proved to be an important polychrest
and a deep-acting Nosode for modern stigmatised
4. Prunus spinosa - Die Schlehe und Asthma
bronchiale (Prunus spinosa - The black thorn
and Asthma bronchial)
SCHMUTZER Ulrike (DH, 21/2001)
1. Patient H, 7-year-old, student: Housedust- mite
allergy, obstructive Bronchitis; began 3 years ago
with recurring Spastic Bronchitis, summer and
winter, thrice in hospital for Pneumonia. The
mother said "he was not wanted and that she
suffered during the pregnancy, with panic attacks
and depressions and had to take psychic remedies."
The ailment always began with coryza, constant
nasal yellowish watery flow. Followed by
hoarseness, clearing his throat constantly. When he
wants to breathe in only small quantity of air enters
into his lungs. "Although he coughs, and could
take in only little air, he moves about all over the
house, now here, now there" says the mother.
Desires cheese, milk, fish and soft eggs.
Catches cold after a bath, sweat on head after
exertion. Sleeps well on sides.
Symptoms chosen:
Nervous Restlessness with dyspnoea
Desire to take deep breath
Cough asthmatic
Hoarseness in Larynx
Tickling in throat and in the air passages
Constant, severe sneezing
The unwanted child
On 30.12.1999: Prunus spinosa C200.
21.1.2000: In the beginning of January again
spastic bronchitis, this time with fever, without
thirst, cold feeling during fever and desire to lie
down. Family doctor gave antibiotics. Prunus
spinosa M.
7.3.2000: a development push. The main problem
now is coryza, and constant dyspnoea since two
days. Prunus spinosa M in water solution.
15.6.2000: The chest physician had stopped all
medications. He has taken the solution twice and
no more Asthma attacks.
Further follow-up: one year.
2. Patient M: 2½year-old. Obstructive
Bronchitis: since summer 1999 cough and
dyspnoea; not relieved by allopathic medication.
The chronic state came on after the allopathic
treatment the previous summer for Bronchitis.
During the year M suffered twice from severe
dyspnoea and had to be hospitalised. His
development appeared arrested; no increase of
weight, very slow in learning to talk, belated
Cough with dyspnoea without expectoration,
worse from change of weather from warm to cold
and in mornings he complained of stitching pains in
the back while inspiring and a tickling in the throat
which brought on cough. When he was ill he
tossed about from one corner to the other. Poor
appetite. Chronic obstipation, sweated little, he
crawled with the rubber nipple in his mouth all over
the house, little energy, slept well.
Restlessness, which makes him move about,
with breathing difficulties
Cough asthmatic
Stitching pains in back while breathing
Desire to breathe deeply
Tickling in the throat
Tickling cough
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy Page 11 of 220
7.1.2000: Prunus spinosa LM6, once daily.
21.2.2000: Frequency of episodes lesser, Prunus
spinosa LM6 once a week.
5.6.2000: Allopathic medicines stopped by the
Paediatrician. Appetite and energy satisfactory.
Review: one year.
Rare Symptoms of Prunus spinosa
Grumbling, annoying mood
Restlessness which makes him move about
during dyspnoea
CLARKE: Restlessness, which does not allow
to be in one place and compelling moving
about, with short breath and oppression of
The ailments are better when the patient
persists in thinking of his symptoms.
Theme: Cramps - Restlessness
Action begins slowly
Lightning-like neuralgic pains
Desire to take deep breath
Worsening from movement and touch.
5. Astacus fluviatilis
MAURIZO Taliono (HOM, 79/2000)
Suggestions about prescription. Guidelines
for children and adults.
1. Skin rashes such as nettle-rash, of allergic
origin but without any evident cause.
2. Remarkable milk crust.
3. Slow closing of fontanels
4. Frequent ear infections
5. Food allergies. Difficulty falling asleep and or
troubled sleep.
6. Irritability
7. More seldom, fevers and bouts of headaches.
Presence of symptoms 1, 2 or 4 signals to
investigate the presence of others.
[Lot is written on the habitat, life, etc. of the
Crayfish to signify the ‘signature’ of this creature]
6. Proving of Thiosinamine
GRINNEY Tony (HOM, 79/2000)
The proving was conducted with a range of
potencies 6c - 1M. 5 female and three male
The provers had their case taken one month
before the proving and from this time till the end of
proving no medicines were taken.
The symptoms are classified in 3 stages:
1. Debilitated state, 2. Intermediate state, 3.
Vibrant state.
1. The debilitated state
- Grieving, thinking about old wounds from the
- Old physical wounds not healing quickly
- A sense of unreality
- Feeling constricted and lacking space
- Confused and lacking motivation
- Disoriented
- Despondent
- Lassitude
- An overall feeling of heaviness
- Inadequacy
- Insecure
- Irritable
- Guilty
- Feel smaller
- Fear of cancer
2. Intermediate state
- Destruction and regeneration
- Clearing
- Reflection
- Assertiveness
3. The vibrant State
- Feeling relaxed and contented.
- Increased energy
- Clarity of thoughts and thinking
- Feeling of new opportunities and travel
- Feel taller.
[No confirmation or otherwise of the already
known symptom of this remedy, e.g. tinnitus, etc.
7. Prunus spinosa - neu und alte Erfahrungen
(Prunus spinosa - new and old experiences)
SCHMIDT Bernhard (DH, 21/2001)
Mrs. CHRISTINE, N. (born 1913) with heart
insufficiency and liver Cirrhosis was admitted in
hospital. There she suffered a vertebral fracture
and was given conventional therapy. Her daughter
came on 3.2.2000. Mrs. N. was in bad condition.
Not much could be ascertained from the old lady
who was found to be much depressed. The hospital
had given antiermetics and other remedies
(Carbamazepin). Clinically there was also right
heart weakness with severe dyspnoea besides
severe plural effusion from the rib fractures.
Oedema of both legs upto knees due to liver
Cirrhosis. The hospital had recommended
symptomatic treatment. Appetite was practically
nil much and she eats only few bites. Also high
grade obstipation with very painful tenesmus. The
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy Page 12 of 220
daughter told that her mother suffered severe
trigeminal neuralgia. The right heart affection
made me think of hydrocyanic acidic drugs,
particularly Laurocerasus but the stitching pains
made me think of Prunus spinosa.
Prunus spinosa 6 b.d. five globules .
I did not expect much improvement. She was
an alcoholic before, had an unhappy marriage.
A week later telephonic follow-up: Mrs. N
herself spoke and her voice surprised me. Not
depressive anymore. "I am wonderful. I do not
need painkillers anymore, can sleep well and free
from trigeminal neuralgia for the first time in many
years.” She herself has reduced the allopathic
drugs. She received Prunus spinosa further. She
was seen often and she was free from depression,
fully well, again to "good old one".
On 16.5.2000 consulted for an infection - flu.
She had cyanosis of the lips which was not there
earlier, and also dyspnoea. Laurocerasus, the
botanically related medicine, was given in C6. She
recovered within a week and she then went back to
her Prunus spinosa pills. During my vacation she
had an intestinal infection which was relieved by
self medication of Nux vomica.
I met the family frequently and until May 2001
she was in good health and cheer. Considering her
age this result is particularly valuable.
8. Verbascum
(DH, 20/2000)
There is a proving of this remedy by
HAHNEMANN. Two cases from Alex LEUPEN.
1. March 1995: 26-year-old girl student,
post-herpetic neuralgia. Pains radiate from left
ankle to the left knee and thigh; Burning, could find
a comfortable position in bed only with difficulty.
In October 1994 she suffered shingles in the
popliteal space and in the left calf. Burning pain,
worse from light touch. Severe weakness was
peculiar; Herpes zoster followed this. She could
not keep her eyes open. Heavy eyelids.
Detailed case taken. Causticum 200. There
was improvement of psychic symptoms and energy
state was also improved. The neuralgia however
was not better.
Second prescription: Verbascum 200 because
of the left sided neuralgia and the theme should
not wash dirty linen in public”. The neuralgia went
away within few days.
D.D.: Chromium (Perfectionism and the clean
2. A boy with ear inflammations and bed-
wetting. August 1995: Seven year-old boy with ear
inflammation and bed-wetting. Inflammation both
ears, worse blowing nose and frontal headache
simultaneously. Coryza (Colorless mucous)
Temperature 38.8°c.
Quarrels with his 5 year- and 7 year-old elder
brothers. He then becomes dull and lies down for
long. He is a thinker: reads and occupies himself
with words. Loves reading. Within few weeks
reads six books. Precocious.
“I am the best in my class”
Can play alone
He is foresighted, sees risks, not a hero.
Much fantasy. Fear of animals and big dogs. No
fear of darkness or thunder. Makes earthen candle-
stands and sells them.
Intelligent, discusses with his father.
Other generals, aversions, desires, temperature
relations etc . were all examined.
The combination of ear inflammations and
bed-wetting recalled to mind Verbascum. Striking
symptoms is the shame of bed-wetting when he
spends overnight somewhere else or when he goes
on travel with his class. “One should not wash
before others one’s dirty clothes”.
Verbascum 200.
Follow up four years: No ear inflammation, no
cough. The bed-wetting also had stopped within
few months of taking the medicine. The medicine
was prescribed only once and there was no
3. A boy with headaches: 11-year-old boy with
headaches. His mother said that he had jumped
into shallow water and hit his head on the floor and
the headache came on after that.
The headaches are stitching, on the left. Left
eye tears, left nose flows. Some days he has it
thrice in a day. Appears suddenly, goes off slowly.
Sun and light aggravate. Allergic nasal complaints.
As baby eczema (joints of the limbs) and
Problems of sound sleep, wept much.
As a child much ear inflammations.
Bed-wetting upto 8 year-age.
Even on the first day after his birth, he raised
his head.
Very curious. Even as a small child he fitted
radios and buzzers. Played computer games.
Restless. Moved his legs under the table.
His father was alcoholic; separated; his parents
had much quarrels. He found it difficult to talk of it
to other children and also about the separation of
his parents.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy Page 13 of 220
Analysis: Left-sided headache with lachrymation
and running nose; past history of bed-wetting;
Family problems and he found it very difficult to
talk of it with his friends.
Verbascum 200 (DD: Spigelia and Magnesium)
The complaints disappeared after this. In the
last 5 years the medicine was repeated 5 times.
Despite Natrum muriaticum 200 headache and
vertigo after his father’s death. Verbascum helped
this too.
9. Thujathe Tree of Life, the Tree of Death
NORLAND Misha (HOM, 82/2001)
This study of Thuja is based on interpretation
of the feelings and dreams expressed in the
symptomatology of Thuja. A case is presented and
10. Proving of Neptunium muriaticum
LUSTIG Didier, REY Jacques. (AH, 8/2002)
A so far unproved substance, a constituent of
matter atoms. This proving was done by French
Homeopaths in 1998. The detailed methodology
given by Jeremy SHERR was the guidebook.
Twenty provers took part. 316 symptoms of about
61 are under ‘dreams’, and 36 under mental’. The
symptoms reported by the ‘placebo’ group have
been left out [thank God!=KSS]. The full Proving
is interesting and we have a very important remedy
in this. [The symptoms reported in this will be put
in the QHD for the benefit of the readers
11. Proving of Meteorite
GRIMES Melanie (AH, 8/2002)
This is a proving of the Allende Meteorite. A
‘Meteorite’ is “a natural object of extraterrestrial
origin that survives passage through the
atmosphere”. The Meteor used in this proving is
4.6 billion years old. It contains space gases and
elements that predate our sun and our solar system,
including Carbon 70, microscopic diamonds, and
amino acids not found on earth. It is the least
radio-active substance known to exist.
This proving also has more mind’ and ‘dreams’.
The provings are not numbered. [This too will be
put in the QHD = KSS]
12. Agaricus as a Children’s Remedy
ANAND Sunil (SIM, XV,1/2002)
A small study of the remedy Agaricus
muscarius in children with the important repertory
13. A History of Syphilis
EMMONS Candice (SIM, XV, 1/2002)
This is a brief history of Syphilis which is both
fascinating and obscure.
14. Ilex paraguaiensis-mate A Homeopathic
Proving PAOLELLA, Manrizio &
DOMINICI, Gustavo (HL, 14, 2/2001)
This article publishes the result of a proving
begun on 14
January 2000, and carried out by a
group of first time Provers. This synthesis was
published because the results were so surprising
that they astounded first and foremost. The success
is due to the special, particularly scrupulous work
done preparing for the proving. In the opinion of
the authors the data obtained are sufficient to justify
prescribing the substance tested. Other Proving
groups may be encouraged further.
15. A May flower – Epigea repens
TAYLOR Will (HT, 21, 5/2001)
Epigea is a small remedy and the only
recorded proving is a fragmentary one, by Charles
MILLSPAUGH. E.M.HALE incorporated three
symptoms from this proving in his book: Burning
in neck of bladder when urinating; tenesmus of
bladder, after urinating; and increased flow of pale,
limpid urine. He added to these, the clinically
obtained symptoms: urine with bloody sediment;
urine containing mucus and pus; Dysuria, from
various causes; and discharge of small brown
particles resembling fine sand. An illustrative case
is given in which 5 drops of mother tincture (no
potency was on hand), everytwo hours and after 4
doses the patient passed large amount of grand with
subsequent relief. Laboratory analysis revealed the
16. Euphrasia officinalis Eye bright.
TAYLOR Will (HT, 21, 6/2001)
The habitat of the plant, its mode of
preparation, indications are given, illustrated by a
hay fever case treated by Euphrasia.
17. Calendula officinalis
TAYLOR Will (HT, 21, 7/2001)
Introduced by Karl Fraz in to Homeopathic
Materia Medica. The history of the plant along
with its indications are given and illustrated by a
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy Page 14 of 220
From T.S.HOYNE, Clinical Therapeutics
(1878): “A boy, aged ten, fell down stairs, his chin
coming in contact with a chair standing upon the
landing at the bottom of the flight. The lower lip
was divided, and a deep incised wound made in an
oblique direction for three inches, to the angle of
the jaw. There was not much hemorrhage,
considering the extent of the injury. Five sutures
were required to draw the two sides of the wound
into apposition. A pledget of lint, soaked in the
tincture of Calendula, was applied and although the
whole of the lower part of the face was much
ecchymosed [bruised] from the force of the fall, the
wound healed by the first intention, and has left but
a slight linear cicatrix, which is scarcely discernible
at a short distance from the lad. We have no doubt
that plastic surgical operations would be more
generally successful if this preparation were more
generally used.”
18. Hura braziliensis
WILCOSKY Evann (HT, 21, 8/2001)
Seminar review: Hura braziliensis has a
history of use in the treatment of Leprosy.
According to Dr. TODD Rowe, the biggest disease
today is not being wanted. The theme of Hura is
mother – child bond and its being broken.
Some of the physical and mental symptoms are
presented with some central themes such as
forsaken and isolated feeling; sadness and
sensitivity and an inclination to weep.
Hura may also be useful in helping a parent
deal with the loss of child. Skin ailments that
appear after the loss of a child may indicate the use
of Hura.
1. Unkontrollierte Niedrigpotenzeinnahme mit
letatemAusgang (Uncontrolled intake of low
potencies with lethal outcome)
Christoph (ZKH, 46, 1/2002)
The general opinion amongst homeopaths is
that homeopathic remedies do no harm even if
taken in larger doses. In this article the opinions of
well-known homeopaths regarding the
harmlessness of homeopathic remedies are
discussed followed by a case demonstrating the
lethal outcome of an unintentional remedy disease.
Possible conclusions from this case are also
Attention is drawn to §§ 128, 276, 273, 274.
2. Psoriasis
EICHER Roland (AHZ, 247, 3/2003)
26 year-old patient consulted on 4 November
1996 for his Psoriasis in the naso-labial, chin,
cheeks, eyebrows and finger joints. Cold, sweaty
hands. Blood Pressure, 105/65 mmHg. History of
Psoriasis in the family. Has consulted many
dermatologists over 8 years. The only
inconvenience he had was the constant
desquamation, the cracks. He could give no
Careful enquiry of his personal disposition
gave valuable symptoms. Sepia XM one dose was
Review on 19.1.1997: much better; there was
an initial aggravation. He felt better in respect of
his other symptoms too.
Review on 21.7.1997: skin completely normal!
Last consultation 23.3.1999: Remains very
3. Diabetes Mellitus cured by Homeopathy.
ARMIN Ruhul (HOM, 79/2000)
The author in his discussion of the case has
said that he has used two types of medicines - one
the pathological medicine which acts directly on the
disease and the other, the potentised constitutional
medicine which acts on the vitality to arouse its
strength lowering susceptibility and excluding the
pathological condition of the body (according to the
He has used Ignatia 1M, Phosphoric acid 1M,
10M, Sulphur 200c in split doses at various
intervals along with Syzygium, Gymnema sylvestre.
[I am bewildered that this article has been
considered worthy to be published. The only lesson
we have to learn from this report is how we should
not do = KSS].
4. Martin Sechs Jahre homöopathische
Begleitung (Martin Six years homeopathic
attendance) FLICK Reinhard (DH, 21/2001)
2 May 1995: Martin, 35 years. Skin problems
since years. He suffered with pimples, terrible
itching, then large red spots and finally oozing.
The skin ailment came on for the first time in 1988
as large blister in the spot where he had a cholera
vaccination, in the left upper arm.
He gets pustules when he comes into contact
with sea water, which goes off when he keeps off
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy Page 15 of 220
contact with sea water for two days. Has had
frequent gum inflammation; teeth have been
He was very thin upto 7-year-age. After a
Scarlet Fever he ate more and since then adipose.
He bore cold well. Cheerful, likes sweet, meat,
milk, eggs and fat particularly. Much thirst (at least
2 litres). Until about some months he smoked upto
70 cigarettes a day. In summer he took showers
thrice a day since his own body odour disturbed
He is a manager in a piece goods unit acquired
from his parents. He thinks that he is not a good
tradesman, because when the people have less
money he allows much rebate, fritters away, wastes
much, gives away money easily. He gambles. He
has fear of bankruptcy. He ‘collects’ much.
Married and has two children, relationship is good.
Following symptoms in favour of Sulphur:
Warmblooded, thirsty, perspiration
Body odour to which he is sensitive
Food desires – fat, meat, sweet
Collections, frittering
Sulphur 200, M, XM at varying intervals upto
December 1996. then Calcarea sulphurica 200, M,
XM then September 1998 Mezereum 30; again
Calcarea sulphurica XM and then Sulphur LM6.
In 2000 his condition was stabilized with Calcarea
sulphurica CM. He has no more complaints.
This case taught a lot with regard to treatment
of a chronic disease, how to go with the follow-up
medicines to carry the healing further onward.
5. Spastische Bronchitis, rezidivierende Infekte
eine chronische Geschichte mit gutem Ausgang
(Spastic Bronchitis, recurring infections a
chronic history with good result)
GLÜCK Walter (DH, 21/2001)
Z. St. date of birth 24.12.1984: First
consultation on 3.7.1989: delicate child, ailing since
years, subject to recurring infections. April 1988
operation for Phimosis, in July 1988 Adenoids after
he had ENT infections. Since Meningitis in 1986,
then Pneumonia, he was not well. Since 14 days
after an infection his extremities were blue, cold,
was apathetic, red and hot, lastly fever, then a life
threatening situation with hospitalization.
Since then, the chronic ailments:
Nose stopped most often, watery discharges, a
chronic, constant cough, in the evening on lying
down. Frequent fever, worse before midnight and
damp night. Thirstless during fever, wanted to be
covered, cold extremities with a red head. In June
1988 he had a throat inflammation, high fever,
rattling in the night and rattling cough. His appetite
is varying and even on healthy days very poor. He
likes spinach, soups, sweet, noodles, eggs; much
thirst for fruit juices and mineral water. Aversion
to milk.
He is disposed to become ill from cold, chills,
cold weather. Sometimes he gets red flecks on the
upper arms. Sweats less, he covers his ears in the
night in bed. Sweats on head during the afternoon
siesta, also on the body. He is introvert, alone
happily. Fear of animals, dogs. When he faces
problems he becomes sad and weeps, becomes
angry easily. When ill he is quiet, won’t be alone,
very tired and sleepy. Jealous of his brother,
knocks him in anger and breaks his things.
On 8.6.1989 he had again sinusitis, ear pain in
the mornings, the family doctor gave antibiotics.
Chronic cough from 22.6.to 2.7., evening fevers,
dry, barking cough worse in evenings while lying.
Mapped tongue, enlarged tonsils, cervical glands.
Umbilical region sensitive to pressure.
Tuberculinum XM.
Until 5.10.1989 on placebo although there
were many complaints, and then Ferrum
phosphoricum 12. On placebo until 28.1.1992 and
then repetition of Ferrum phosphoricum 30.
3.5.1993: Phytolacca 12
25.4.1994: Dioscorea 12
29.6.1996: In these years his health appeared to
have stabilized, and now some complaints. Since
Ferrum phosphoricum had helped him all along I
searched for an iron-related medicine. His present
symptoms contained elements of muriaticum and
therefore I prescribed Ferrum muriaticum XM
which brought about total results.
Some important aspects of Ferrum muriaticum
(clinically confirmed) are given hereunder (ref.
Right sided
Introvert, quiet
Stitching sensations
Headache in the forehead
Right shoulder
Weakness-anaemia vertigo while waking,
sitting up from lying
Poor concentration day-dreaming no
Pale face eventually red cheeks or red flecks
on the cheeks
Dry mouth, coated tongue, lack of appetite,
particularly in the morning.
Desire or aversion to sour, eggs, meat,
capricious appetite
Cough with stitches in chest
Pain of extremities, worse nights and while
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy Page 16 of 220
Light, restless sleep
Acute: fever dry, wish to be uncovered,
alternating hot and chilly, burning and cutting
in the throat.
4.10.1996: Since two days: Hoarseness, slight
cough when breathing deeply, stitching here and
there in the chest, mucous in throat. Began with
coryza. Cannot lie while coughing, must sit up.
Fresh air better. Placebo. 5.8.1997: Skin eruption
flecking red, since a week, in both axillae and upper
arms; burning, itching, worse in evenings and night.
A part of the efflorescence is wet, yellow, sticky
discharge. The skin eruption was better from hot
water. Rhus toxicodendron .
Until now well in all ways.
6. Thiosinaminum: a case
BOHLE, Maria T. (HOM, 81/2001)
Most of what is known/experienced about this
remedy is its action on scar tissue. This case shows
that Thiosinaminum brings about deep changes.
7. To Hell and back
THORLEY, Anna (HOM, 81/2001)
The author shares with the readers something
of the stories of four women at different stages of
life that she had accompanied through the
experiences of hell of these women. Each was
surprised at what she found there. By way of what
happened they all eventually re-entered their lives
with a sense of renewal. All of them received
homeopathic support at some time. The
conversations between the author (a
Psychotherapist) and the patients in the consulting
room were a vital ingredient of the remedy.
There are valuable ‘insights’ in this article.
[“Change that comes by way of manipulating outer
circumstances, is doomed to failure, unless we
attend to the roots of the dilemma at an inner level,
our approach to life.” It is a question of how we
live, not that we ‘fightthe disease and ‘somehow
live’, = KSS]
8. Ignis alcoholis: a case
RIEBERER (HOM, 82/2001)
44 year-old woman with severe mood swings,
depression; obsessed with ‘health things’; of fire,
can’t look at burnt things. Her brother’s death was
a ‘crisis’
Opium, then Stramonium, Nux moschata and
the patient improved on several symptoms.
However, the patient had not got over her fear of
fire; and recently she has been involved in three
incidents with fire.
Nuala EISING’s proving of Ignis alcoholis
(Fire) was carefully read and a dose of Ignis
alcoholis 30 was given and she made very good
progress. Ignis alcoholis 200 later and needed no
more remedy.
The ‘themes’ of this remedy are given.
[The patient was cured; but potentising’ Fire!
Is not fire by itself potent enough. And how and
which ‘Firedoes one potentize? While a spark of
fire will burn and destroy, a fraction of a spark in
the tiny globule heals! Lo! The Spirit of
Homeopathy = KSS].
9. I love my work
LECKRIDGE, Bob (HOM, 82/2001)
Ten year-old girl with complaints of
convulsions since her third birth day. She had
Grandmal as well as Petitmal seizures, some days
as many as 300 absences in one day. At 15 months
age she had MMR vaccination and then had an
episode of her eyes rolling back about two or three
days later. The current bad spell began with an ear
infection. Exposure to sunlight made her feel tired;
worse under fluorescent lights. Easy perspiration,
and has sweaty, smelly feet. Very fearful, cannot
be alone at any time. Was very clingy to her
mother. Real phobia about thunder and lightning.
Repertorisation gave Gallicum acidum at the
top and then Strontium, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium,
Calcarea carbonica, Natrum muriaticum,
Arsenicum album, Medorrhinum, etc. within the
top remedies were also Belladonna and Lyssin.
According to Massimo MANGIALAVORI
there are “family” remedies (which need not all be
from the biological/botanical family). He teaches
Gallic acid as in the Solonaceae family. He
presented a case in which a patient in his late 40s
who was never able to be alone was cured by Gallic
In this case of the ten-year-old girl Gallic acid
30.was prescribed and she could be alone on two-
three occasions; and after 200 potency there were
no major seizures at all; is still having absences but
they seem to be definitely less. Much less clingy,
and is going to bed by herself every night. Over 18
months she is free of Grandmal convulsions and
still has occasional Petitmals.
10. A case of ADD and Dyspepsia
WEINER Gary (SIM. XV, 1/2002)
A 22 year old woman, had attention problems
as a child, worse over years. She complained of
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difficulty relaying what was being said to her and
putting it down on paper. She did have difficulties
understanding what she was reading due to easy
distractability. I can remember if it is conceptual
but not the facts.
This was worse since her mother passed away.
She had not completed grieving for her mother.
Since then “Part of me has put up a wall between
me and people”.
She had never recovered full digestive
function, while Antimonium crudum helped. It was
worse after eating any starches or acids. She
stepped on other’s people feet, spilled things.
She is shy. Her parents divorced when she was
five and stayed with her mother. She was a
tempestuous child, so angry at her father for not
being there and she took it out on him. In general,
she was a perfectionist, averse to criticism and
preferred to be alone. She has lot of dental cavities,
bruised easily and experienced regular vaginal yeast
Analysis: Stomach; Disordered
Mind; Timidity, bashful, awkward
Mind; Anxiety, speaking, when.
Extremities; Awkwardness, lower limbs,
Mind; Delusions, division between
himself and others.
Natrum carbonicum cured.
The author has discussed the analysis and
differentiation of remedies and the follow up. (Nat-
carb., Nat-.r, Ant-c and Sil.
11. A case of Fibromyalgia
WEINER Gary (SIM, XV, 1/2002)
41 year old Asian-American female had
excruciating back pain getting worse and worse
since one and half years.
The onset had been 3 years earlier. She had
been swimming in a lake, and the next morning was
‘stiff as a board’ in bed. “It’s like being paralysed.
I cannot move; I get stiff. For a few seconds it feels
like a hundred tons of weight on the neck and lower
back and like pins and hot needles.
The patient jumped from symptom to symptom
and everything could be organized around her
Before the periods, ever changing wandering
pains. During the periods, pain was consistent from
month to month. After her menstrual period, she
was left with extreme fatigue and dizziness until
one or two weeks before her next period.
She reported severe menstrual cramping since
her menarchy and had history of diagnosed uterine
fibroids and intermittent ovarian cysts.
She had taken host of other medications
including anti depressants. Her first marriage
ended unhappily. Many of her health problems
began after this divorce and the gradual
estrangement from her son. She liked to be
comforted when in pain and was better with
She had abundant skin symptoms. Every
month she broke out in blisters on her foot.
Doctors called it chronic athlete’s foot. She used a
lot of antibiotic creams regularly. She also got a lot
of boils on her face and neck that left brown stains
Analysis: Extreme loquacity she could
hardly finish a sentence. There seemed to be an
aetiology of disappointment and grief hysteria.
Certain points in case were clearly outstanding.
The changing, wandering quality of the pattern
The clear aggravation during menses and
amelioration after menses
The quality of heaviness and stiffness in parts,
especially the cervical spine.
An initial repertorisation led quickly to
Cimicifuga racemosa, which was given in
A single dose in the office and 12 c daily, until
clear reaction, which was influenced by
giving a daily low potency dose of the remedy for
patients who continued to take allopathic
A week later, the patient had experienced
extreme symptoms, worse than usual. As this is an
aggravation, Cimicifuga 12c was stopped and
naturopathic palliation was done and weekly gentle
physical therapy.
Ten weeks later, overall pains decreased by at
least 50% vaginal discharge had increased
remarkably since starting the remedy.
- to resume Cimicifuga racemosa 12c single
dose daily.
In the follow up given for 2 years naturopathic
palliative treatment was given intermittently and
Cimicifuga M once.
Comments: [What happened to the specific
complaints for which the patient consulted first?
Where is the justification for repeating 12c daily for
weeks and months. Is this a ‘gentle’ ‘rapid’
method? Are not all the contrary to the Organon?
What lesson can one learn from this? = KSS]
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12. A case of headache
KREEMER Barbara (SIM XV, 1/2002)
32 year old female was referred by another
doctor who has given Pulsatilla 30c one dose for
her headaches, fatigue and frequent colds.
The patient came almost 3 months after the
first prescription with headache for a week off and
on. The headache is frontal, going over the top of
the head, comes and goes, worse from movement.
Felt better after the remedy, but it was subtle.
As it was not apparent how much Pulsatilla
helped, Pulsatilla 200c one dose was given, and
also referred to a chiropractor, who noted decreased
range of motion and did an adjustment.
3 weeks later, no reaction to this dose of
Pulsatilla. Access to the previous doctor’s original
notes indicated love of nature, animals and
chocolate. She is quiet and shy. Fear of losing
people. History of constipation, current insomnia
and family history of TB and Cancer. Carcinosin
Gradually improved. In the follow up of 18
months given, Carcinosin 200 was repeated when
there was a relapse and then Carcinosin M.
In the meanwhile she was diagnosed with
Grave’s disease which also became normal
clinically and also the lab values.
13. LM Potency and Case Management
LITTLE David (AH, 8/2002)
In the earlier numbers of the QHD we have
given few (full) articles about LM potencies and
their application. David LITTLE has been one
using these potencies extensively; there may be
others but only David LITTLE has been
communicating his experiences through journals.
In this article which is one in the LM ‘series’
David LITTLE discusses a ‘case of congenital
Hydrocephalus’ treated with LM potency. The
patient is a 2 year-old girl, Jane, who had already
undergone at 6 month-age an operation for shunt in
an attempt to drain the fluids from the brain.
The child was treated with homeopathic
remedies in LM potency and in a five year follow
up the child remains healthy in the true sense. The
author discusses in great detail the Organon and
the Chronic Diseases, aphorisms with particular
reference to this case. The case was treated in
layers. He says: “The symptoms of the spirit,
intellect and emotional disposition” would point to
the remedy “but without a solid foundation in
homeopathic pathology the case management and
remedy selection would suffer.” A very educative
article. [Here is genuine Homeopathy that would
warm the heart of a LIPPE, unlike the one in Sl.
No.11 above. We want more such studies = KSS.]
14. Prescribing according to the 5
and 6
of the Organon – using LM potencies and
other liquid Remedies so speed the rate of cure
WALDSTEIN, Steve (AH, 8/2002)
This is a very detailed and genuine lesson on
the two modes of homeopathic medicinal
applications - the Centesimal and 50 millesimal (the
Quinquagintamillesimal - the Q scales) of
potencies. It is also about the ‘dry’ doses and the
‘medicinal solutions’. The author points out that
the ‘dry’ dose is in accordance with the Organon
edition. In the 5
edition HAHNEMANN has
said that dissolving the remedy will improve its
action, that succussing the remedy prior to
administration will strengthen and activate the
remedy, and such succussion and then
administration will allow more frequent
repetition of the remedy in cases where such
repetitions are warranted. What has happened
and still in practice mostly, is what KENT taught
i.e. the dry dose as in the 4
edition. Shall we say
that because KENT did not teach the medicine in
solution although it was given in the 5
edition that
we follow the dry dose method still? The general
world of Homeopathy simply did not know it.
Evidently most of us have not read the Organon 5
edition carefully enough. Most of us have skipped
the Organon and followed whatever was taught by
source. Even after the availability of the Organon
edition the majority of homeopaths continue the
technique of the 4
edition! Only when we came to
read articles repeatedly appearing in some journals
that some of us sat up.
In this article Steve WALDSTEIN has
discussed correct method of applying the medicinal
solutions for the centesimal as well as the 50-
millesimal (also known as the LM, the Q
potencies). He has given step-by-step
15. News from France
SCHMITT Frédéric (AH, 8/2002)
French homeopaths, with few exceptions,
receive an education in Homeopathy founded on
pluralism. The author was fortunate enough to
study with Dr. Édouard BROUSSALIAN. He also
learnt from David LITTLE through his published
papers in the Internet, particularly the liquid
medicinal solutions and the LM potencies as
practiced by HAHNEMANN;also the impact of the
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quantity of remedy (number of granules put into
the liquid solution) and also of the number of
succussions to the bottle before taking out a tea-
spoon. Dr. SCHMITT and many of his colleagues
were also introduced to the microfiches
corresponding to HAHNEMANN’s Paris Note
books. It was seen that in many cases
HAHNEMANN prescribed in liquid solutions.
BROUSSALIAN speaks of his method of giving
LM potencies: Two granules of the remedy to be
diluted in 250 ml. of plain mineral water in a 500
ml. bottle (half empty); the patient takes one tea-
spoon diluted into a glass of water; the bottle is
succussed one or several times as required before
the remedy is administrated.
16. “I feel like a wounded Animal” – A Case of
Lac lupaninum
GILRUTH, Charlotte (AH, 8/2002)
The author opens the article with the statement
that this case is a ‘breakthrough’ in her practice.
She says that it trained her to see with new eyes
who her clients truly are, and to hear with new ears
what they are saying.
The case is about a man who presented with
physical complaints: pain and fatigue in muscles in
areas previously injured by lifting weights, aching
feet, motion sickness, dizziness if he does not eat
regularly, ringing in ears, Hay fever and allergies.
He pleaded “lift my spirits please”. His detailed
story revealed that he loved nature and animals
very much and he related mostly to wolf.
Throughout his life so far he has worked hard, from
10 year-age; has faced an abusive, violent step-
father. He was completely identified with animals
and woods. The author says that his story reminded
her of the proving of Lac lupaninum (wolf’s milk)
and when she referred to the proving’ she found
that it was indeed the simillimum. This remedy
cured this patient.
The remedy was given in 200 potency mainly.
What is not understandable in this as well as in
many cases reported are these questions: how many
time can one repeat the same potency. Here the
homeopath has given it in 200 thrice, once a
month, dry doses. Then she gives it in water
solution, one dose every month, each time to be
succussed six times (she had just taken a course on
LM potencies and the liquid doses). This 200 in
water continued upto seven months follow-up.
Then he gets dizzy spells and the Lac lupaninum
200 is repeated in water, repeated twice in two
months. For a bad relapse then he is given the
remedy in same 200 potency at two weeks interval
and it is continued for two months. And then his
“sadness and emotional pain are resurfacing” and
therefore he is given the same remedy in 30 in
water. The patient remains well!
[What can we say about repeating one potency so
many times, when HAHNEMANN warned against
repeating the same potency? And lastly from 200
to 30 and it removed the emotional problem and
patient remains well! What can one learn from this
particularly when the ‘references’ at the end in
which five out of six sources are about wolves! = it
all makes one dizzy and more confused. What
would another homeopath who had no access to
the Lac lupaninum proving or books on Wolves,
Eagles, Snakes, Dolphins or Rajan SANKARAN’s
interesting books, but who has his Guiding
DUNHAM AND LIPPE, do in this case? = KSS]
17. A Different Capsicum
POPEN, Andre Y. (AH, 8/2002)
36 year-old male with complaints of severe
itchiness but was very shy and did not like to talk
about it. He always moved and did everything
quickly and was precise in his movements. Lot of
business pressure. Hard to fall asleep because of
thinking all the time about his business. Mood
swings. Keeps his emotions inside. A ‘closed
person. Low backaches. Warm-blooded. He gets
hungry at night. He may then eat something sweet.
He can’t have green pepper. He likes Cayenne
pepper and adds a lot of Cayenne pepper. Likes
very spicy food. He says that he never had
nostalgia. The author discusses Capsicum in
reference to VITHOULKAS’ Materia Medica
Capsicum LM 1 cured!
18. Homeopathy and the Whole Person
GABLES Nancy (AH, 8/2002)
Four cases of Trauma from the Sept.11 crisis.
35-year-old woman who lost her husband, a fire-
fighter, in the World Trade Center tragedy. She has
two boys, age 3 and 18 months. She is constantly
sick. Her case called for Opium 30 first and later
Magnesium carbonicum 200 repeated once.
2. 46-year-old woman who lost her brother in the
WTC tragedy. She was terribly exhausted. She has
no appetite, wear chest. Phosphoric acid 30
3. Male firefighter with 20 years’ experience. He
was involved in the rescue operations in the WTC
tragedy and a month later rescue operation in an air
crash in Belle Harbor. Very anxious sleep.
Extremely restless. Tormented by the sights of
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body parts that he has to dig through at the “site”.
He trembles when he has to go to work. Aconite
4. 38-year-old woman was unable to go to work
since the WTC disaster as her building over-looks
the site. There was always violence in her family;
abusive, alcoholic father; violent neighbor-hood.
Has witnessed violent happenings before.
Constipation. Opium 30.
19. Sept.11
: Acute Cases
SHERR, Jeremy & QUIRK, T. (AH, 8/2002)
50 year-old woman who witnessed the WTC
attack on the TV panicked and took several doses
of Aconite for anxiety and sleeplessness. She still
had sleeplessness, still in shock over what
happened, she keeps thinking of the incident. Feels
her brain is working slow. Feels her body is so
heavy. Thirstless. Gelsemium 20<