© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XXI, 2004
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published
world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 2 of 216
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD Volume XXI, 1, 2004 3
2 QHD Volume XXI, 2, 2004 56
3 QHD Volume XXI, 3 & 4, 2004 111
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 3 of 216
1. QHD, VOL. XXI, 1, 2004
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic
journals published world-over – India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Anmenkungen zu Hahnemanns reiner
Symptomenlehre (Observations on
Hahnemann’s teaching of purity of symptoms)
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 47, 1/2003)
With copious references to the source material
– Hahnemann’s Introduction to his Fragmenta,
Organon, Chronic Diseases, Boenninghausen’s
articles as well as Kent’s and Heidegger’s
Philosophy two aspects of Hahnemann’s
evaluation of the purity of symptoms of Provings
vis-a-vis as of disease are examined. It is pointed
out that HAHNEMANN dwelt for a short while
beyond the scope of science. The possibility of
Homeopathy as a science is discussed. Through
examination of BOENNINGHAUSEN and KENT
it is demonstrated that not each of Hahnemann’s
followers were able to comprehend and preserve
the novelty of Homœopathy.
2. Defining a different tradition for Homeopathy
WICHMANN, Jörg (HL. 15, 1/2002)
We are trying to make “Homœopathy” appear
as a ‘Science’ in public. Being ‘Scientific’ seems
to be regarded as a sign of quality.
The point, the author wants to make in this
article is that though there are some characteristics
of Homeopathy that look scientific at first,
Homeopathy really rests on a totally different
tradition, which can only be explained as our Art of
Healing. Only in this context does it makes sense.
This tradition is hermetic, which puts Homœopathy
on the same line as Shamanism and Alchemy.
The author discusses the various advantages of
this approach. The article is quite relevant.
1. Differential diagnose der Gemütssymptome
von Magnesic carbonica und Sepia
(Differential diagnosis of the mental symptoms
of Magnesia carbonica and Sepia)
HEE, Hansjörg (ZKH. 47, 1/2003)
The many similarities between states of
Magnesia carbonica and Sepia the anxiety and
irritability, fear and trembling, the bad moods and
excitability as also the extreme tiredness make it
difficult to differentiate. An actual case is
discussed. The emotional symptoms of both
remedies are listed; however, these two remedies
are not given as related in the Therapeutic Pocket
Book. [If it is difficult to differentiate the ‘mental
state’, we should apply the other symptom which
should be helpful. GROSS has given very good
differentials in the ‘Comparative Materia
Medica’ edited by HERING = KSS]
2. Arzneimittelprüfung Carcinosinum (Drug
Proving Carcinosinum).
(ZKH. 47, 1/2003)
Carcinosinum was not taken into Kent’s
Repertory although the remedy was known by then.
KENT mentions the remedy in his Lectures on
Materia Medica and also Lesser Writing’s’.
have written about this remedy. FOUBISTER
worked with the clinical symptoms, TEMPLETON
made two small provings with two Provers,
SOLVEY proved upon himself the 30, 200 and
1000. MATTISCH and HASLINGER made a
proving published in the Documenta
Homœopathica, (Vol. 14/1999).
In the present Proving 10 Provers (6 women
and 4 men) took part. It was in 200 potency. 99
symptoms have been recorded and presented here.
[A Proving by Rosario Sánchez LABALLERO
et al from Mexico, was presented in the LIGA
Conference in 1995 in Oaxaca, Mexico. This
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 4 of 216
Proving collected many symptoms. A complete
Proving data as also a list of ‘peculiar’, ‘striking’
symptoms were detailed in the Documenta
Homœopathica, Band 20/2000. See QHD 3 &
4/2002 = KSS.]
3. Erschöpfungszustand Selenium (Exhausted
state – Selenium)
WEGENER, Andreas (ZKH. 47, 1/2003)
A 42 year-old man consulted on 24 April 2002.
He suffered from a protracted infection from the
beginning of the year and since then found it
difficult to go to work and ill. He felt very
weakened and powerless. Suffered with an irritable
cough without expectoration.
Carbo vegetabilis 200, then M improved the
cough. The severe exhaustion still remained, and
Selenium M and he improved rapidly from the very
next day.
4. Urtica urens
FULLER, Diane (HT. 22, 4/2002)
The use of this remedy in Burns, Rheumatism,
Gout and Spleen disease are discussed and also its
use as a salad in the Spring cleaning to remove
Winter’s accumulation of toxins.
5. Stimulants Their homœopathic uses and their
Worthy Rivals
OLSEN, Steven (AJHM. 96, 1/2003)
Stimulants Ginseng, Carboneum
sulphuratum, Ferrum, Lac equinum, Chocolate,
Kola, Coffea, Saccharum are discussed.
6. Meningococcinum
Its protective effect against meningococcal
MATTOS G. (HL. 15, 1/2002)
Homeopathy, through the use of Nosodes,
presents a proposal to control some
infectious/contagious diseases. This study
demonstrates the power of this therapy by the
Meningococcal Disease Control. The use of
Meningococcinum 30 in people under twenty in the
city of Blumenau-SC, Brazil, during a period where
there were concerns because of the increase of the
number of cases, demonstrated a protective effect,
highly significant in helping those who received the
Nosode. This effect lasted at least one year.
7. Virionum, the Nosode of HIV
As a remedy and as a Vaccine
ZAHEER, Rozina A. (HL. 15, 1/2002)
Details about the proving and the symptoms of
the remedy are presented and illustrated with 8
The author also recommends the remedy as
prophylactic against AIDS.
8. The Aurum Group.
LOUKAS, George (HL. 15, 2/2002)
The author has presented the characteristic
features of various salts of Aurum, based on the
scientific work of Dr. Rajan SANKARAN.
The Materia Medica of some of the different
‘Natronatums’ are also presented.
9. Cadmium metallicum - Proving
HATHERLY, Patricia A. (HL. 15, 2/2002)
The Proving was conducted in 1998 in the 7, 8
and 30 potencies. There were 5 Provers and
supervisors. Each Prover was instructed to take the
remedy morning and evening for 3 consecutive
days or until symptoms began to arise.
Impatient; agitated; restless, frustrated,
irritable, quick to anger, worse nightfall; worse 3-8
PM; worse noise. Tendency to swear; wants to
argue; revengeful; confused, angry, wants to be left
alone; indisposed to talk; content with own
company; concentration difficult; mental torpor.
Indifferent; apathetic; detached; unmotivated;
bored; lacks purpose; lazy; indolent; desires rest;
flat; sense of euphoria on waking; centred, calm;
experiencing inner strength, Clear mind; mental
concentration good; organized. Thoughts run
through the head, evening, in bed, prevent sleep.
Anxious; apprehensive (s/if: ‘like butterflies in the
stomach’. Delusion: ‘that there will be something
on the road around the next bend’). Oversensitive
to impressions; senses acute; sensation that there
are no boundaries; that boundaries have been
defined; that boundaries have been invaded;
sensation of anticipatory excitement about the
future; desire to throw out old belongings to make
way for the new. Others seem violent; feels like
time has lengthened, that there are more hours in
the day. Happy, excited, cheerful; feels sorry for
self; feels rejected; desires sympathy; desires
company; cries easily.
Sensation as if intoxicated.
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Congestive headache ‘feels like cotton wool’,
(pain: ‘pressing’: ‘like brain is enlarged’; ‘outward
pressure like a baloon’; ‘vibrating sensation’).
From temple to temple, with exhaustion, nausea;
worse light, warmth facing into the sun, rising,
motion, laughing, mental exertion, being rushed or
hurried, cloudy weather, afternoon. Worse lying
down, rest, eyes closed; dull headache, better
mental and physical activity. Tension headache;
better leaning head back. Occipital headache, with
a sensation that the top of the head feels ‘open’.
Sensation as if goose bumps were on the scalp.
Sensation of tugging around external head. Dull
pain in crown of head becoming ‘booming’ on
coughing. Burning pain in occiput travelling in
eyes. Ache in eyes worse motion, light (glare) and
pressure. Better from sleep, rest and cold. Head
heavy (delusion: ‘cannot lift off pillow’; ‘neck not
strong enough’; ‘head feels heavy, need a stick to
hold it up’;
Symptom as if: ‘feels like my head is going to
drop off’ worse from thinking. Scalp feels tight.
Eyes heavy, tired, hot; eye sockets ache
(sensation of pain shooting towards back) better on
shutting eyes, cold compress. Feeling of pressure
behind eyes extending to ears with a sensation of
being pushed out of the sockets (symptom as if:
‘feel like they’re going to fall/pop out’. ‘Feel
pushed out of sockets by the pressure in the head’).
Worse from sun, glare better on closing eyes, cold
compress; photophobia; eyes water; sensation of
grit when closing eyes (symptom as if ‘eyes feel
like they have sand in them’); eyes red, sore,
stinging, burning, agglutinated (inner canthi) on
waking in the morning; discharge: lime green both
hard and soft; eyes blurry (difficulty reading fine
print) worse from reading, rain; sensation that
eyesight has improved with desire not to wear
glasses; bright, silver sparks in field of vision.
Sensitive to noise (loud, high-pitched);
sensation of pressure inside, as if blocked with
mucous; pulse rushing in ears, voice re-echoes in
head worse blowing nose. Sensation of white
noise’ being played in ears; humming noise; loss of
hearing; impaired hearing; buzzing in ears worse
background noise. Increased wax: gluey, sticky,
slimy wet; yellow; orange. Sensation of inner ear
feeling wet and cold (symptom as if: ‘feels like I’ve
got water in my ears like running wax; a wet, cold
feeling’); external ear feels hot to touch (red); left
then right. (Symptom as if: ‘right ear feels hot and
cold, on and off all day’).
Coryza worse warm room; bland, watery
discharge, worse right nostril. Sneezing worse air-
conditioning. Dry, hot feeling on waking worse left
nostril; right nostril blocked when lying on left
side; left nostril blocked when lying on right side.
In the morning, yellow discharge, becoming green
and thin then becoming clear. Sensation as if nose
is blocked; feels like hawking mucous from nose;
when nose is blown all is clear; loss of smell;
heightened sense of smell. Thick, green discharge
early morning; crusts, scabs followed by thick,
sticky mucous; congestion worse left side. Blood
clots left nostril on waking; small spots of blood in
mucous; greenish-yellow mucous with brownish
lump blown out of nose; ropy; catarrh; whitish
mucous, but feels dry; dry posterior nares.
Face feels dry; lips feel dry (desire to lick).
Breathing through mouth, very conscious of it
and it feels uncomfortable. Stale, musty, offensive
breath. Breath like rotten onions during the night.
Saliva has strong, disagreeable smell; slimy;
diminished sense of taste. Mouth feels gummed
shut when wakes in the morning; palate and tongue
feel scalded. Pimple on tip of tongue (left side of
centre). Gums sore and inflamed left lower jaw
around last molar; gums bleed when cleaning teeth;
rough, sore patch on inside of right cheek.
Teeth feel loose; experiences difficulty with
chewing things.
Throat sore, dry; feels like tonsils are
shrivelling up worse drinking water. Throat
parched, not better by drinking water; tonsils
swollen worse right side worse empty swallowing.
Choking sensation at base of throat; a sensation as
if could vomit; sensation of a mobile piece of wood
in back of throat; yellow-green expectoration; loss
of voice on talking, must cough and clear throat to
retrieve it.
Bloated, (after evening meal). Stomach feels
full; sick feeling; burping, dyspepsia; nausea after
coffee; slight burning sensation travelling up
oesophagus into back of throat. Appetite
diminished; appetite increased; desires meat to fill
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 6 of 216
stomach. Contractive pain in abdomen when eating
worse swallowing; great thirst alternating with little
thirst; desires milky products after eating; worse
milk; averse to cheese; desires: water and salt;
coffee and sweets; jasmine tea; spicy food; raw
fish; fruit.
Full, upset feeling, better stool; bloated; flatus
while lying in bed on waking; can feel wind
moving through the colon; rumbling in right
hypogastrium. Offensive flatus, worse at night and
after onions. Noisy, copious, uncontrollable flatus,
painful if not expelled. Pain: sudden, darting.
Constipation; evacuation: insufficient,
incomplete, unsatisfactory. Small, pale stools after
much straining; waiting a long time to pass stool;
urge disappears half-way through movement; stools
like sheep pellets; small lumps clumped together.
Stool dark, dry; strong urge (with pain) with small,
greasy, clay-like stool; sticky; loose stool; small
amount passed, sinks to bottom of bowl. Long,
thin, greenish stool; floating; ‘fast transit time’;
sudden call to evacuate preceded by sharp pain in
abdomen; frequent motions; three by 10 am; thrice
daily; motion expelled with flatus. Loose stool
sprays out (after dinner; after apple juice); golden-
brown stool.
Increased frequency; clear, copious; strong-
smelling, greenish urine; yellow urine passed with a
burning, hot sensation; stings afterwards so dreads
having to urinate; kidneys sore to touch.
Increased desire; or no desire, indifferent.
Almost no sensation with ejaculation; pleasant,
buzzing sensation in genitals without erection.
Vagina sensitive, external genitals feel swollen
during menses worse touch (heavy or light),
walking around, pressure of sanitary napkin; during
menses. Sensation of something falling out’.
Sexual desire increased; sexual desire decreased;
menses: sudden onset (early) painless; flow
profuse, dark, clots; cramping in back and
Occasional unproductive cough; dry with
tightness across chest and lungs; sensation of
pressure on chest with a need to take a deep breath;
shortness of breath worse walking upstairs, or up a
hill, after sex (symptom as if: ‘someone was sitting
on chest’); sensation of chest opening up.
Pain at nape of neck. Neck feels stiff while
lying in bed. Tense in neck to occiput. Sharp pain
extending from neck to shoulder and from neck to
occiput. Left side of neck feels stiff; desire to
stretch and bend backwards to relieve tension in
upper back. Shoulder and right deltoid feel bruised;
burning, sore pain; pain in left and right deltoid
(aching). Sharp pain extending from neck to
shoulder. Low-grade ache in middle to lower back,
worse sitting. Ache in lumbar region; (dull to
sharp). Symptom as if: ‘feels as if backbone is bent
the wrong way; twisted’ worse lifting, walking,
motion; worse sitting, walking around, bending
Deep, heavy; wakes unrefreshed, feeling
exhausted; no desire to get out of bed. Sleep
difficult from thoughts; sleep light; disturbed by
headache; restless sleep from pains in limbs;
difficulty finding a comfortable position (wanting
to draw legs up in bed; tendency to clasp hands
between knees in bed), generally sleepy. Dreams
of success in business, of robbers, of someone in the
house, of someone knocking on front door.
(Cannot sleep until house is checked). Of violence,
(someone wants to kill him with a crowbar.
Woman tied down with bricks and drowned in a
yacht. Of future happiness (new house, successful
career, kids happy). Amorous; of haemorrhoids;
animals: (multi-coloured elephant; birdseed; dogs
walking on hind legs; a ginger rat; red crabs with
large nippers); water; sewage; toxic cereal; groups
of people; people speaking in pictures; men
neglecting housework; flying/skimming over the
ground in a wok; inside of the Left breast.
Muscles of upper arms and neck sore. Sore
from middle of scapula to neck, worse movement
of shoulders, better pressure. Elbows sore with
headache. Hands cold; pain left wrist, worse
grasping. Hands and feet puffy (morning) with a
sensation of tingling after urination; hands and feet
swollen, hot, worse hot weather, warmth in general.
‘Pads of feet feel like balloons’; tightness right side,
from ribs to above hips. Red, itchy spots erupt over
limbs. Legs feel wobbly; sensation of heaviness,
muscles stiff, painful; tension in hamstrings and
calves. Sudden twitching of legs; sensation of
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 7 of 216
‘jumpy legs’ when at rest; wandering pain in lower
limbs from knees to ankles; tearing pain left heel;
desire to draw legs up in bed and clasp hands
between; ankle swollen; ankles give way on going
Dry on face and hands. Red patch beside nose,
flaking off. Large pimple below right ear lobe.
Face oily; large red pustules (‘like boils’) on sides
of face near hairline better squeezing. (Contains
firm, formed plugs of pus). Blind, red eruptions
worse touch, pressure. Skin on hands and feet feel
‘tight’. Itchy better scratching; skin on hands and
feet hot to touch; skin itchy; back, shoulders, groin
worse morning; better scratching, bathing in warm
Chilly when out of bed; desire to wrap up;
sensitive to cold, drafts; night sweats; fever with
nausea; body temperature alternates between hot
and cold according to the weather; odour during the
night from skin; offensive perspiration worse heat,
High energy; whole body aches; body feels
sensitive (touch, temperature); physical exertion
worse. Tired on waking; sensation of heaviness;
awkward, clumsy. Symptoms move from left to
right. Symptoms alternate.
Worse: left side. Warm room, air-conditioning
and inside. Blowing nose, 3-8 p.m. after nightfall.
Cloudy weather, rain, breakfast, motion, light
pressure, covering, lying, sleeping, laughing, milk,
(empty) swallowing, lying on side of ailment, on
waking, sunlight. Glare, standing, physical
exertion, ascending steps, mental exertion, noise.
Better: Stool, food, hot drink, outside, fresh
air, sleep; rest, lying down; pressure; cold
applications, warm weather, not smoking.
It was ascertained that the action of the remedy
lasted approximately 21 days.
According to a Government Public Health
statement, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea are the
most likely symptoms following acute exposure to
Cadmium. However, long term exposure through
the air or diet may result in kidney damage. This
kidney disease is usually not life threatening, but it
can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Effects
on the skeleton are equally painful and debilitating.
Respiratory effects may include Bronchiolitis and
Alveolitis. Lung damage, such as Emphysema, has
been observed in workers in factories where levels
of Cadmium concentration in the air are high.
Lung Cancer has been shown to occur in animals
exposed for long periods to Cadmium in the air.
Studies in humans also suggest that long-term
inhalation of Cadmium can result in an increased
risk of lung Cancer. High blood pressure has been
observed in animals exposed to Cadmium. Further
research is needed to ascertain whether Cadmium
exposure is implicated in human Hypertension.
Other tissues reported to be injured by
Cadmium exposure in animals or humans include
the liver, the testes, the immune system, the
nervous system and the blood. Reproductive and
developmental effects have been observed in
animals treated with Cadmium, but these have not
been reported in humans. However, pregnant
women exposed to high concentrations of
Cadmium in the workplace gave birth to infants
with below normal birth weights.
These observations are I believe, a reliable
foundation for possible organ and system affinities.
[Compare these data with earlier Provings by
1. A case of recurrent abdominal pain
ELMORE, Durr (SIM. XVI, 1/2003)
15 year-old female suffering from constant
pain in abdomen for 18 months. In March 1999,
Scabies, treated and within a week Shingles, on left
side and abdomen. The present pain originates
from the location where the Shingles were. The
pain is severe, which compels her to lie on back
with knees bent, holding the abdomen and press it
hard during the attack. The pain shoots to both
She was angry with her father because of his
divorce from her mother and she avoided him for a
long time. Her expression of indifference is the
denial or suppression of her feelings of grief and
anger. She has been on allopathic drugs.
The ailment from anger with silent grief and
the neuralgic pains with amelioration from pressure
clearly indicated Colocynthis which was given in
1M potency one dose.
5 weeks later, mild constant pain. Energy is
better. There was a bad rash under the arms. Got a
big lump. Mild rash on chest.
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3 months later attacks came back, not quite
as bad. A month ago boy-friend broke up. Was sad
and then angry and had the attack back. The rash
on abdomen, near the umbilicus, is where the
Scabies was. The Scabies preceded the Herpes,
which preceded the attack. Sac lac. and
Colocynthis 1M to hold.
11 months later, she is doing well. Never
needed the second dose of Colocynthis.
2. An old twist on Post-partum Anxiety and
Mc CLINTOCK, Liam (SIM. XVI, 1/2003)
The author feels his job is merely to observe
and understand the patient and their symptoms as
an expression of their state. Once he comes to a
reasonable understanding of the state of the patient
and a remedy to match, he stops asking.
He presents two cases of Post-partum Anxiety
and Depression, where the patients’ sense of self is
completely disrupted by having a baby. They feel
totally inadequate in the interior, hiding it with a
rigid exterior. When reality contrasts with this rigid
sense of what ‘should be’, they feel shattered. They
felt lonely and isolated.
With this understanding Thuja occidentalis
cured both cases. Several possibilities in terms of
rubrics are presented at the end.
3. Seven case reports of Alumina including
COOPER, from the Journal of Homeopathic
Practice II, 1/1979 compiled by Randall
NEUSTAEDTER, are given.
(SIM. XVI, 1/2003)
1. BOENNINGHAUSEN describes a cured case
of Tabes dorsalis which gives a good picture of
Alumina. [Aluminium metallicum not Alumina
See Lesser Writings of Boenninghausen
translated by Prof. L.H. TAFEL=KSS] A nineteen
year old girl had been under his care for ten years.
She had a long history of various symptoms”
which he attributes to Psora. From 1848-1858 he
prescribed for a recurrent skin eruption and several
acute illnesses which led him to believe that her
miasmatic tendency had not been cured. Then
while she was away at school he received reports of
new symptoms in the girl. These were
unsuccessfully treated with several different
remedies. The symptoms described in letters to
him were “violent pains in back, which were
increased by every motion, disappeared at night and
had once produced regular Tetanus.” She
complained of pains in the pit of the throat and was
unable to swallow. She had “loss of voice which
appeared most frequently in the morning and
evening, and speaking aloud was impossible ….
speech had become more difficult and more
affected from day to day, as from paralysis of the
tongue, obliging the patient to dRaw a breath at
every word, even speaking a little fatigued her
considerably.” One month later the girl came to his
office and he made a diagnosis of Tabes dorsalis.
“When I saw the patient the loss of voice and
the indistinctness of speech were certainly so great
that I had to bend my head close to her mouth to
understand her whisperings. But all the other
symptoms speak of the true character of the disease
too distinctly to be misunderstood, and the
symptoms just mentioned could only lead to the
supposition that the affection of the spinal cord had
progressed considerably.”
“But I found out at this visit and marked down
carefully and more minutely than usual, the
following: For a long time the patient had
experienced constantly weakness in the lower
extremities, with more or less pain in the back.”
A sensation of burning in the back, as if a hot
rod were pushed from the small of the back up the
spine. At first this had been only a disagreeable
crawling moving upward.
“At the same time her soles felt soft or stuffed,
or as if the feet were resting on a soft woollen
coverlid or bolster. The sensation in the soles had
passed away gradually, so that she no longer felt
the floor under her feet, and would not have known
that she was standing upon them if she had not
convinced herself.”
“As long as she was able to walk, which she
had not done for several weeks, she could do it only
in the day, in the bright light and with her eyes
open. With her eyes closed, or in the dark, she
staggered so much that she was obliged at times to
hold firmly to something to prevent falling. Now
she could not stand even in the dark, and was
obliged even in a clear day to lean against
“When lying in bed she had no feeling
whatever as regards the position of her legs and
feet, which, unknown to her, were frequently put
into all kinds of positions. When, at the beginning
of her disease, she attempted to walk a few steps in
a dark room known to her, she always unknown to
herself and involuntarily turned to the left and thus
missed her end.
“Very frequently she has a sensation of
constriction in the abdomen, as if tied together by a
band; this sensation, as well as the pain in the back,
has been worse on beginning motion after long rest.
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The loss of voice, which is painless, still exists as
mentioned above. But this is combined with a
remarkable and excessive fatigue caused by
speaking, so that she is obligated to rest
“For the rest, I found the patient well
nourished, of blooming complexion, complaining
little, and not the least anxious about her condition.
She was greatly inclined even to consider her
disease far from dangerous or any consequence.
Appetite and digestion good. Stool somewhat hard
and sluggish. Menses return at the usual time, but
rather profusely. Condition less favorable in the
evening than in the morning.”
Feb. 24
: Aluminium met. 200 was given
diluted in water three times a day for two days.
Feb. 26
: Marked improvement.
March 1
: Aluminium met. 200 for two days.
March 5
: Same again. “The improvement
continued its regular progress. The patient is
certainly about all day and goes about the whole
house in the clear daylight. Even ascending the
steps was not particularly difficult. Only with
closed eyes she cannot yet walk straight, but still
turns to the left; nor can she walk in the dark
without leaning on something.”
March 10
: Again Aluminium met. 200 as
before. “The lower extremities are getting on well,
but there is still loss of voice in the evening with
difficulty and very fatiguing speech.”
During the next month Natrum mur. 200 and
Causticum 200 were given with minimal reaction.
April 11
: Aluminium met. 200. “The last
remaining symptoms of the disease now
disappeared almost entirely, and even the voice
again became clear and unimpeded, as in former
days. Only on account of a rarely occurring
crawling, especially towards evening, together with
a kind of transient loss of sensation in the soles…”
“April 20
gave a dose of Aluminium met. 200,
April dose of Pulsatilla 200, and on the 7
May a dose of Sulphur 200 whereupon the last trace
of the disease disappeared entirely, and nothing of
the kind occurred again.”
Homöopathie Zeitung, Vol.57, translated by T.F.
ALLEN, North American Journal of
Homœopathy Vol.8, 1882 p.295. [See Lesser
Writings of Boenninghausen translated by Prof.
2. “G., aged forty, has had catarrh many years.
After getting awake in the morning, he has to hawk
for some time before he can dislodge a quantity of
thick, tenacious mucus. Feels better when he gets
out in the open air. Bowels rather constipated most
of the time. Alumina 200 cured in a short time”
3. “Spasmodic constriction of the throat, which
interferes with swallowing; feels the food the whole
length of the esophagus. She was obliged to have
the food liquid or semi-solid. Alumina 200 cured”
4. Sept. 22
, Mary E. age 10. Had Measles six
years ago, followed by lung fever, through which
she passed without treatment. Since then, has
rattling, asthmatic breathing, always aggravated by
coughing, and every morning a long attack of dry
cough, which ends at last with difficult raising of a
little white mucous. Arsenicum did no good. On
Sept. 25
prescribed Alumina 200, two doses.
Sept. 27.
Much improvement which
continued, and months afterwards there have been
no return of asthmatic breathing, no paroxysms or
morning cough.” (C. WESSELHOEFT)
5. “Sept. 26. Mr.S.W. age 37, of very spare habit,
dark complexion, very active, animated but amiable
disposition, teacher of singing, and has to exert his
voice much every day, has “constitutional cough”
for more than three years. Had lung fever three
years ago, and another attack a year ago; had to
work while he was sick. Since three weeks his
cough afflicts him exceedingly: sudden, violent,
irresistible, paroxysm while sitting in the evening;
talking and singing makes him cough, but coughs
particularly and habitually about six in the morning.
After severe dry coughing there is a little
expectoration; coughs some in the night; shortness
of breath while walking; tension and pain across
upper part of chest; hoarseness. Appetite, stool and
sleep good. Raised blood several years ago.
Physical exploration of chest, showed great
resonance on percussion; respiratory murmurs well
marked, but mixed with considerable fine cracking
sound; vibration of walls of chest on talking;
respiration not easy; chest was fully inflated with
some difficulty. Alumina 200 two doses.”
“Oct. 8. Patient had to walk about; could not
sing much last week in hot weather; voice hollow,
and more cough in the evening than hitherto.
Alumina one dose.
Oct. 15. Evening paroxysms came later each
evening and now are absent altogether; no more
cough at night. Alumina one dose.”
Oct. 29. There only remains some cough in the
morning, with difficult white expectoration; has
been much exposed to the bad weather, and worked
hard. Bryonia, Drosera and other remedies were
used subsequently, though the violence of the
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 10 of 216
disease had abated; he has not had another severe
attack since, though not perfectly well, owing to his
great exertions in a profession which taxes his
delicate respiratory organs too much. Stannum
might seem in many respects to have been better
indicated. Alumina, though indicated by the
morning cough, which was an old symptom, first
removed the more recent one of evening
paroxysms, and night cough.”
6. “A lady, aged 40, of very dark complexion,
whom I first saw in September, 1927 sought relief
from constipation. This took the form of such
complete atony of the lower bowel that the morning
attempt at relief occupied half to three-quarters of
an hour. Often nothing would come away but
mucus, in lumps like cotton-wood, the size of a
hazel nut, and sometimes in shreds; at other times
‘terribly hard pieces ‘like stones,’ possibly
followed by a soft action. When straining it would
feel as though there was something there which
could not be expelled, and “as though she could not
use the muscles.” These more or less ineffective
efforts would be followed by considerable rectal
prolapse, which had to be replaced subsequently in
a sitz bath, there being always a feeling of
something having been left behind. The passage of
flatus downwards was described as a practical
impossibility, as there ‘seemed no room for it to
pass, though it ascended freely.’ ”
Additional symptoms were: Attacks of
apparently causeless nausea and vomiting, great
exhaustion and weakness of the lower limbs, and
waking headaches, spreading from the occiput and
nape of the neck over the head, and associated with
dizziness and loss of memory. Burning abdominal
pains, described ‘as though the whole abdomen
were an open wound,’ with great pressure on the
epigastrium. I found marked tenderness over the
pyloric area and caecum, palpation in these areas
inducing eructations of gas. She ‘felt she had to lie
back in order to produce some expulsive force.’
One day, when examining the lower pelvis, I asked
her to bear down. As nothing happened, and
thinking she had not heard me. I repeated my
request, with no better result. It was as though the
whole pelvic floor was bereft of life and completely
inert. Here then was an explanation of her trouble;
there was complete paralysis of this part of the
She received intermittent doses of varying
potencies of Alumina.
“Being a highly sensitive subject, these caused
aggravation at times, some of them of sufficient
severity to cause irascible opposition in the patient,
and one was under extreme difficulties in judging
the times of repetition and potency, but in as short a
time as two months after commencing this
treatment I was able to record in my notes the fact
that she was able to exert a very downward
movement to the pelvic floor. From this time
onwards this power steadily increased till the last
time I saw her, in January this year, it was
practically normal. At that time there was still
considerable difficulty with regard to the daily
functions, but nothing comparable in severity to
that which she formerly suffered, and her whole
health had greatly improved with no return of her
headaches and vomiting, etc.” (COOPER)
7. Boy, months old. For the first two weeks
of life had normal stools until he was given a bottle
of goat milk while his mother was gone for several
hours. After that he had no spontaneous stools
although he continued to breastfeed as before. His
parents gave him an enema every three days to
relieve his grunting and straining for stool.
Sometimes his stools have a hard plug but
otherwise are soft and unremarkable. X-rays were
negative and his pediatrician suggested an intestinal
biopsy. He is healthy in all other respects. His
head perspires, he has cold hands and feet, and he
stiffens up in the cold.
At two months old he received his first DPT
injection and developed transient fever and green
watery diarrhea. That is the only spontaneous stool
he has had in two months. 11/23/77 given Silicea
1M two doses. No effect.
12.12.77 given Alumina 30 daily for 7 days.
He had one normal stool since the remedy and
then developed upper respiratory symptoms of clear
nasal discharge with sneezing, and collection of
mucus in throat. No treatment. 12.29.77 Normal
stools every 3 days until one week ago. Two
enemas given in the past week resulting in hard
stool. Given Alumina 200, 3 doses. Follow-up:
stools every 3 days since last dose of Alumina.
4. BrackenInto the dark room
RUMBLE, Bill (HOM. 86/2002)
43 year old woman, diagnosed with chronic
fatigue syndrome, since contracting Pneumonia 5
years earlier. Has terror of violence especially in
the dark. Stramonium 1M was given and over the
next 12 months, she improved steadily.
8 years later, she presented with abdominal
pain. Her father died of Cancer five months earlier.
A primary tumour in left fallopian tube and
secondaries in liver, bowel, bladder and uterus were
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 11 of 216
found. 16 pints of fluid was drained from
She had a total Hysterectomy and was due to
start Chemotherapy.
She felt her metastasis like a dark, kind of
growth-cloak. “It is as if my abdomen is being
shaded by a dark growth which is going to engulf
This is the exact signature of the remedy
Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) which was
prescribed in 12, 4 times daily, for about 3 months.
Arsenicum album 200 for 3 days after each session
of Chemotherapy helped her, to overcome its side
2 months later Bracken 30 was repeated at
infrequent intervals. At the end of a year of
treatment her blood tests were completely normal
and the scan showed no trace of the metastasis.
The emotions and dreams of the patient
indicated that cure was going on according to
Hering’s Rule.
5. It’s in the smell; a case report.
OWEN, Joni (HOM. 86/2002)
A woman consulted over telephone for her 7
year-old son, who was having itching Eczema of
scalp, since 4 months. It looked like a cradle cap,
being dry and flaky, and she strongly emphasized
the bad odor from that area only. After almost 10
hours of sleep, he wakes up irritable. He had a
thick yellow green discharge from his nose, which
then turned to a clear running discharge. Since 2
years he is using inhaler daily for the asthmatic
The rubrics: Mind, irritability, morning and
Respiration, asthmatic in children, brought out
Chamomilla, Natrum sulphuricum, Nux vomica,
Psorinum, Stramonium and Sulphur.
Head, eruption, eczema, lead only to Psorinum
and Sulphur.
Psorinum 200 was prescribed as it is capable of
producing a foetid odour in the actual area of skin
A month later, his scalp was completely clear.
Four days after the medicine, all the dry stuff came
off like a cradle cap and has not returned. The
smell was gone. Remains healthy.
6. Questioning the innocence of Homœopathy: A
case of serious aggravation.
ZARFATY, Joseph (HOM. 86/2002)
Serious life-threatening situations can occur in
few cases after homœopathic medicine. It is of
great importance to be aware of this possible
outcome, to discuss it freely, and to be prepared
when it happens.
He presents a case to illustrate this.
A case of 42 year-old mentally retarded man
with severe abdominal pain since 4 years. The pain
comes 2-3 times a day, twice a week, lasts for about
10 minutes.
His mother experienced severe fright when she
was seven months pregnant with him. He was born
with cord around neck, had convulsions at 6
months, and was constantly terrorized by
communist soldiers for about 6 months.
Based on this Morphinum LM 1, two drops
daily was advised.
He developed an itchy rash all over body five
minutes after taking the remedy. He was advised to
stop the remedy.
One month later, pain was lesser and appeared
only twice.
3 drops of LM1 under tongue was given. 2-3
minutes later, he complained strong itching in his
body, and the pain became very severe. Terrible
headache in vertex. For 45 minutes complaints
were severe and then he was better.
2 hrs later, similar severe problems along with
strong chest pains and difficulty in breathing and
swelling of left hand. By the time he was admitted
in emergency ward, he was better and then
gradually improved in the subsequent months.
[What was this agg.? Would an LM3 one dose
produce such severe agg. within few
7. Reflections upon the Ramakrishnan Method.
LONG, Clare (HOM. 86/2002)
The author ponders over the method and finds
it difficult to discriminate, whether the results are
due to the prescription of organ-specific remedy or
because of the Nosode, though impressed with his
The author worries that it may provide excuse
for sloppy thinking, leading to the practice of a
great deal of jiggery pokery and ultimately one may
find that one is not practicing Homœopathy at all.
[We agree entirely. Fixed remedies for all Cancers
fixed doses, alternations, etc.! = KSS]
8. Virale Kopfschmezen - Ipecacuanha
(Viral Headaches – Ipecacuanha)
Andreas (ZKH. 47, 1/2003)
Ipecacuanha was identified as the epidemic
remedy in an episode of very strong attacks of
headaches with fever in a family. While the first
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 12 of 216
case was treated with Belladonna and Arsenicum
album and showed delayed healing process,
Ipecacuanha was identified in the second case as
the remedy due to the noticeable symptom of
“spasm in the thigh during the night”. A
characteristic of the remedy was the accompanying
nausea with vomiting, whereas the heavy,
meningeal headache is less common for
9. Homöopathie bei verzweifeltsten Fällen Eine
klinische Studie (Homœopathy in desperate
cases – a Clinical study)
SCHMIDT, Pierre (ZKH. 47, S1/2003)
[In this ‘Special Jubilee Issue the publisher
Haug Verlag have published few selected articles
from past masters – Pierre SCHMIDT, Elizabeth
BAUR, Will KLUNKER. The last named four
were all pupils of Pierre SCHMIDT. None of these
great homœopaths are in our midst now. The last
among these, Dr.Jacques BAUR passed away last
year. Our gratitude to these stalwarts for leaving a
great legacy = KSS.]
It is loosely spoken by some that Homœopathy
is a “harmless” medicine and that it could help only
“harmless” conditions and therefore it is not for
most serious, life-threatening situations. This is not
true. Pierre SCHMIDT describes successful cures
of two patients who were hovering between life and
10. Die Homöopathische Anamnese in der
Pädiatrie (The Homeopathic Anamnesis in
LUCAE, Christian (AHZ. 248, 1/2003)
The principles of homœopathic case taking in
Paediatrics are restated. Case taking charts for use
in hospitals and the practitioners’ offices are
presented to make homœopathic treatment of
children more effective.
It will be of great interest to know that the first
Homeopathic Hospital for children was opened in
Vienna in 1879 under the management of the
‘Compassionate Sisters’. Treatment was free of
charges, allowing even the poor children of the city
to be admitted. This hospital was in operation until
World War I when it was converted into a Military
11. Cerebrales Anfallsleiden Abscencen: Ignatia
Sulfur (Cerebral Convulsions Abscences:
Ignatia – Sulphur)
HADULLA, Michael (AHZ. 248, 1/2003)
A 3 year-old suffering from convulsive
disorders since 18 months age, after the birth of his
brother. Valproic acid did not give sufficient
effect. He was therefore given Ignatia and then
Sulphur. He was also taking Ergomyl solution
which was not stopped. No further convulsions.
His EEG also became normal.
12. Kleinkind mit ausgeprägtem Kariesbefall und
rezidivierenden Infekten unter kontinuerlicher
Antibiotika-Cortison-Behandlung (Small child
with marked caries attacks and recurring
Infections and continued treatment with
DOME, Ludmila (AHZ. 248, 1/2003)
4 year-old girl, recurring infections of the
upper respiratory tract, since two years. Has been
on Antibiotics, Cortisone.
Cough < walking; laboratory tests revealed no
pathology. An year ago adenoids found swollen
and adenoidectomy planned.
Sweaty occiput and back, < nights. Bites nails.
She needed antibiotics and cortisone inhalation for
every cold.
Loveable girl; sings, dances, cannot bear to be
laughed at, easily weepy. When playing with other
children, she communicated easily, commandiared.
Poor sleep; wakes up and weeps, saying that she
was being devoured by a lion.
Examination revealed discolored, black
incisors (§153).
Calcium carbonicum 200 given on 29 Jan.
2000. The examination on 29.3.2000, by the ENT
Surgeon revealed that the adenoids were normal
and there was no need for operation; no sweat; no
cough; no nail-biting. The dentist was now
confident that the teeth could be saved.
Although the child was not a Calcium-type, the
repertorisation (§ 7, §18) helped choose the
remedy suitable to the patient.
13. Schwere acute Gastroenteritis mit Exsikkose
(Severe acute Gastro-enteritis with Exsiccosis)
BÜNDNER, Martin (AHZ. 248, 1/2003)
The homœopathic treatment of an 8 year-old
girl hospitalized with serious acute Gastro-enteritis
and Exsiccosis is described. Because of earlier
chemical therapy the symptomatology was blurred.
However, careful interrogation helped and the
repertorization brought up three remedies
Conium, Lachesis muta and Sulphur. Careful study
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 13 of 216
of the Materia Medica clinched Sulphur.
Immediate improvement set in after Sulphur 30.
14. Homeopathic help for mental exhaustion
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 22, 4/2002)
Weakness and fatigue of the brain is caused by
mental overwork. It usually means, that it was time
to take a break, get some rest, and engage in some
restful activity for a while.
Indications of Phosphoric acid, Picric acid,
Zincum metallicum, Anacardium, Silica, Arnica,
Cuprum metallicum, Cocculus indicus, Graphites,
Kali phosphoricum and Aethusa cynapium are
Sometimes a patient’s characteristics when
they are well are related to a remedy that will help
them while ill. e.g. A person who is intolerant of
milk on a regular basis and then develops brain fag
will often respond to Aethusa.
15. Homeopathy for Hay fever and Allergies
FLEISHER, Mitchell A. (HT. 22, 4/2002)
Indications of twenty remedies are given to
treat the Allergies that occur primarily in Spring,
Summer and Fall.
16. Acute and Chronic prescribing: What’s the
ULLMAN, Robert (HT. 22, 4/2002)
We have to assess whether the acute symptoms
are truly an independent or a rather sharp
worsening of the chronic state.
Either cases will respond to acute remedies that
matches the specific symptoms of the attack.
Repeating constitutional remedies in acute
attacks will not help in all cases.
If there is no change in the mental/emotional
state and other symptoms fall within the scope of
the constitutional remedy, it can be given in an
acute state with confidence.
Sometimes an acute state can be the doorway
to a better constitutional prescription.
When you do prescribe, whether for an acute or
chronic condition, it is important to have your
intention firmly in mind. What is to be cured, and
what does the remedy you have chosen really
address? Do you expect the medicine to cure the
chicken pox or the patient’s chronic eczema? Do
you want to address any mental and emotional
aspects in the case, either chronically or acutely,
and does your chosen remedy match these well?
Have you taken into account the strange, rare, and
peculiar symptoms of the acute case and whether
these are also covered by the constitutional remedy
or are totally new? Answering questions such as
these can help you focus on what you expect from
the medicine as compared with the results that
occur after it is given. When you give a medicine
for an acute condition, know what it is you are
treating, the time frame in which you expect the
response, and what response you expect. In this
way, you can make sense of what happens from
giving the remedy and make the right choices for
resolving the acute illness quickly while preserving
and even enhancing the effects of the constitutional
17. Homeopathy helps Pneumonia and …. more
MESSER, Stephen (HT. 22, 4/2002)
Charlie, 28 years, feverish, sweaty and
coughing since a week. He was chilly, felt tight in
his chest. Feels heavy and weak during fever and a
sensation of ball behind sternum. Spontaneously he
started talking about his chronic problem. Sick
from chronic stress, mental exhaustion, poor
memory, feels emotionally depleted and great
physical weakness.
Phosphoric acid 1M once a day.
Next day evening his fever was considerably
higher and X-ray confirmed Pneumonia and he was
given antibiotic in a local emergency room.
Three days later, fever remained high, but
fluctuating. He said he had been crying
uncontrollably at times and felt like he was
cleaning out old emotional baggage. His mind was
amazingly clear. He felt better than he had in a
long time, even though he was physically worse.
Three days later, he was nauseous, had been
theorizing about his illness. He felt heat rising off
his chest. Foul and disgusting odor of sweat; woke
up at 4-5 a.m.
Sulphur 10M twice a day until fever
normalized for 12 hrs.
Three days later, better in all aspects. To
continue Sulphur 10M until his symptoms
completely resolve. Improvement consistent with
§253 of Organon.
Few days later, he presented with return of
gastrointestinal problems which plagued him since
Aloe socotrina (complementary to Sulphur)
improved him.
18. Sinusitis
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 22, 5/2002)
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 14 of 216
Indications of Kali bichromicum, Nux vomica,
Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Bryonia, Arsenicum album,
Hepar sulphuris, in the treatment of Sinusitis.
19. Dealing with depression
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 22, 5/2002)
Tim, 15, suffered a mild Concussion of head
and a lot of bruising, but no fractures. Since then
he was plagued with headaches and depression. He
had lost his motivation for school work. After few
doses of Natrum sulphuricum, he rapidly returned
to his former cheerful, active self.
The various causes of Depression and practical
steps to cope with it are discussed. Indications of
11 homœopathic medicines are given.
20. A drastic personality change follows a fall
SACHETI, Dor (HT. 22, 5/2002)
Rae, fell about 20 feet while climbing and
landed on back. She thought she had hit her tail
bone and back of head. Unlike her usual self, she
became dull and expressed none of her symptoms
strongly. Hypericum 30 was given for the tail bone
injury and 15 minutes later another dose was
Within a short time, her dullness disappeared.
The author was surprised to see the rubric,
“Mind, dullness, after injuries of head” in Kent
Repertory with Arnica, Cicuta, Hypericum,
Mercurius and Rhus tox listed.
Hypericum worked on Rae’s physical trauma
as well as her mental symptoms.
21. Depression after laser surgery
LUI, Therasa (HT. 22, 5/2002)
77 year-old male, had a second laser surgery,
for basal cell Carcinoma on the nose. In the months
after his surgery, he lost all interest in his busy
activities. His voice was in monotone.
Homeopathy: A step by step guide by
Cassandra MARKS mentioned severe depression
following injury to nerves under Hypericum.
Hypericum 200 was given and the next day
vitality returned to his voice and his depression was
gone. COWPERTHWAITE mentions Hypericum
for “great nervous depression following wounds.”
LIPPE adds “or after surgical operations”. KENT
mentions “dullness after injuries of head”.
SCHROYENS lists in rubrics, “Mind, sadness from
injury” and “Mind, sadness from injuries of head”.
22. A girl with Chicken Pox
TAYLOR, Will (HT. 22, 5/2002)
10 year-old girl, with mild eruption, but
notably pustules on her eye lids. Agglutination of
lids in the mornings. Highly and
uncharacteristically out of sorts, wanting nothing to
do with anybody. Deep rattling cough and heavily
white coated tongue.
Antimonium crudum 30 in 4 Ounce water,
half-teaspoon after 6 succussions, upto every 3
hours as needed. After 3 doses, all her complaints
reduced markedly.
23. A case of child with learning difficulties
EVANS, Gwyneth (HT. 22, 5/2002)
8 year-old boy was brought as he could neither
focus nor concentrate. Very slow in eating. He
was easily distracted and needed practice with basic
facts in mathematics.
Early in the pregnancy, the mother lost two
cats who were very precious to her. She felt great
shock about this.
On her due date she had fallen down the stairs
and badly sprained her ankle. She was very afraid
that she had hurt the baby, but it was not so. Two
weeks later, while she went to have a bath felt the
baby coming.
The boy had series of ear infections, diaper
rash with teething. Asthma till the age of 5 and had
a couple of bouts of tonsillitis and had a high pain
Phosphoric acid 30, one dose given.
Five weeks later, no change. Arnica 200.
Three weeks later not much of a change.
The child had that slowness in catching on to
things; the difficulties at school. The rubric “Mind,
Slowness” with the sub rubric “Slowness while
eating” has only one remedy listedAconite.
Aconite 30, one dose. Three weeks later, the
boy had become so quiet, interested in home work.
The verbal anger was gone.
Two years later, he is finding math easier. He
has lost a lot of anger [A great lesson on the
Materia Medica of Aconitum. In the EN of T.F.
ALLEN are many symptoms of mental slowness,
mental confusion; see Symptom Nos. 84 to 100.
Although we find Acon.’ in most of the rubrics in
the Repertory we rarely use it. = KSS]
24. The exciting cause: A case of nervous tics and
KEIZER, Willa (HT. 22, 5/2002)
5 year-old JULIE, was healthy, sympathetic
and wanted everything to be fair. One day, was
given five vaccinations. Four days later, bad rash at
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 15 of 216
the vaccination site. She became restless and
uncomfortable. She then began having a nervous
tic of constantly clearing her throat and sniffing.
Fear of dark and ghosts, and a sensation of bugs
crawling on the skin. Thuja given earlier helped
somewhat and not enough.
Causticum LM2, daily dose. Within a week,
muscle twitching and throat clearing disappeared.
Three months later, as the symptoms began to
return, although milder, Causticum 1M. Symptom-
free since then.
25. A case of Ferrum metallicum
ROBINSON, Karl (HT. 22, 5/2002)
Nowhere are symptoms more unknowable than
those of the mind. Unless the patient is acting out
one of the mental/emotional states, we really cannot
pretend to know what he or she is feeling.
In a man 52 year-old with urinary
incontinence, it was his individual modalities of
aversion to eggs, even the smell of it flushing face,
morbid urging to urinate, lack of erections – the
peculiar physical symptoms which led to the
remedy; the mentals were confirmation only.
26. Differential Diagnosis: Finding the Trophy in
your Net
HOOVER, Todd A. (AJHM. 96, 1/2003)
Dr. HOOVER presents a powerful
methodology developed by Paul HERSCU, that can
give the average homœopath a significant
advantage in prescribing for difficult case. A
relatively straightforward case is presented for this
example, with a detailed differential diagnosis.
Totality case analysis is contrasted with typical
keynote prescribing.
27. Fear of pain and its effect on childbirth
LEVANON, Dafna (HL. 15, 1/2002)
There are situations where the fear is deeply
entrenched in the soul of a woman and during
pregnancy, they come to the surface.
Past events associated with pain also may
awaken the fear during pregnancy.
A third possibility is an acute state wherein the
fear is generated by the labour itself.
The root of the fear must be found to solve a
case of fear of labour and of labour pains.
Three cases are presented:
Case 1: Fear of suffering.
22 year-old woman, in the ninth month of first
pregnancy, with fear of pain and suffering from the
approaching birth. Also fear of fire and dreams of
Piper methysticum 30. Felt better for 3 weeks
and then worse. Another dose repeated. She
delivered normally a week later.
After her 3
pregnancy, she was not producing
adequate milk and relapsed back into the fear state.
Reference works gives Piper methysticum for
lactation; milk; too profuse in Boericke Repertory.
Based on the assumption that it would produce
another pole, Piper methysticum 1M given and in 3
hrs milk started flowing.
Case 2: Fear of labour.
36 year-old woman at the beginning of her 3
pregnancy presented with history of difficult
Disappearance of the labour contractions arose
from such a great fear it paralysed the labour
mechanism and this stemmed from a past memory
of insufferable pain and feeling of helplessness.
Cimicifuga which has an aspect that influences
past painful memory was prescribed in 200.
12 days later, normal delivery.
Case 3: Labour arrested by fear and panic.
A woman in her first pregnancy, approached a
hospital when the labour pains commenced. As she
prepared for the birth her cramps stopped abruptly.
The woman went into a state of fear, closure
and dryness. Flow of contractions stopped. A dose
of Pulsatilla 200 and within a short time began
regular contractions and gave birth.
28. A case of Carcinosinum
VAN DER ZEE, Harry (HL. 15, 1/2002)
16 year-old girl with extreme weakness due to
post-viral syndrome. More than an year before, she
sustained a Brain Concussion and Whiplash after
running into a door. This was only diagnosed after
months of complaints. In that same period
Mononeucleosis infections started. For an year
now, the weakness has not improved, and the
Mononeucleosis markers remain increased.
Carcinosinum 200 restored “within a few
weeks”. The author discusses the ‘anamnesis’
when the patient was in the womb and during her
birth. ‘Miasms in Labour’ a Theory of the author
is justified in this case.
[A simple straight case is made tortuous. I am
reminded of FN to §1, Organon = KSS]
29. Homeopathy in the New born ICU
STORM, Wolfgang (HL. 15, 1/2002)
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 16 of 216
In the St. Vincenz Hospital, Germany,
Homeopathy is used as an additional and
supplementary in their Neonatal Intensive Care
Their experience in six cases is presented.
Case 1: Five-day-old, mature, newborn baby, birth
weight 3420g.
Clinical findings: Cardiac arrest with group B
Streptococcal Septicaemia. Cardiac massage,
Ventilation and Epinephrine without any result.
Homeopathic remedy: Camphora 30. Within
ten seconds (!!) there was pink skin colour, sinus
function in the ECG, beginning of spontaneous
breathing and spontaneous movements.
Skin; coldness
Skin; bluish.
Generals; pulse slow.
Materia Medica: For a state of collapse,
subnormal temperature, and low blood pressure,
one of the main remedies for shock.
Case 2: Premature baby: 26 weeks of gestation,
birth weight 890g.
Clinical problem after one week: Strangulated
inguinal hernia on the right side. Unsuccessful
measures to reduce the hernia (manual, bathing in
warm water, Phenobarbital).
Homeopathic remedy: Nux vomica 30.
Spontaneous reduction within ten seconds!!
Abdomen; hernia, inguinal, strangulated, right
Case 3: Twin premature baby: 27 weeks of
gestation, birth weight 1050g.
Clinical findings five days after birth:
Tympanitic distension of the abdomen, apnoea
attacks with oxygen desaturation. Environmental
circumstances: Twin brother had to be transferred
for surgery to another hospital which led to less
maternal visits. Since this time the above
mentioned deterioration started.
Homeopathic remedy: Unsuccessful trials with
Carbo vegetabilis 30 and Lycopodium 30. After
Stramonium 30 (forsaken feeling?) immediate lack
of apnoea attacks with oxygen desaturation,
improvement of the abdominal symptoms.
Abdomen; distension, tympanitic
Respiration; arrested
Mind; forsaken feeling (by intuition!)
Case 4: Twin premature baby: 26 weeks of
gestation, birth weight 1000g.
Clinical findings (second day of life): Cold
skin, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, artificial
ventilation (FiO2 1,0), and urine retention, low
blood pressure.
Homeopathic remedy: Camphora 30. Within
10 minutes the FiO2 dropped to 0, 4, urine flow
increased, skin colour became pink, blood pressure
increased (without any further allopathic measures).
Skin; coldness
Respiration; difficult
Bladder; retention.
Materia Medica: low blood pressure.
Case 5: Mature newborn baby, birth weight 3210g.
Caesarean section, with Abruptio placentae and
pathological cardiotocogram. Apgar 5/6/6;
umbilical artery pH 7,09.
Clinical problem eight hours after birth: Focal
tonic-clonic Convulsions with Cyanosis, no
improvement after Phenobarbital and Phenytoin.
Homeopathic remedy: Cuprum metallicum
200. Immediate inhibition of the convulsions and
no further ones.
Generals; convulsions clonic
Generals; convulsions tonic
Generals; convulsions infants
Generals; convulsions cyanosis
Case 6: Mature newborn baby, birth weight 3630g.
Clinical problems on the first day of life:
Vomiting, moaning respiration, distended abdomen,
with large amounts of Ascites (sonographic
Homeopathic remedy: Apocynum 30 (3 x 3
globules/day). About twenty hours later there was
almost no Ascites detectable any more (without
abdominal paracentesis or any other medication),
no vomiting, stable respiration.
Abdomen; distension
Abdomen; dropsy, ascites
Respiration; sighing
Materia Medica: One of our most efficient
remedies in Dropsy, Ascites and excessive
[I am sure these six cases should be sufficient to
shut the doubters and debunkers. The author of the
article has sought contact with like-minded
colleagues all over the world. Please respond =
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 17 of 216
30. The Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS)
Evaluation of a method and results of a
prospective study
SMITS, Tinus (HL. 15, 1/2002)
The efficiency of the treatment of Post
Vaccination Syndrome (PVS) with potentised
vaccines in homœopathic doses are discussed and
illustrated with 8 cases. The author stresses that
when a generally well child develops symptoms,
one should rule out vaccination as a cause. If it is
due to or after vaccinations potentised vaccines
have to be given.
The research study conducted is also presented,
with eight cases.
31. Migraine since MMR vaccination
VAN DER ZEE, Harry (HL. 15, 1/2002)
11 year-old boy, presented with recurrent
Migraine which started after MMR vaccination.
Intense headache, with a feeling as if eyes are
knocked out with a hammer. It can be triggered
when he does not eat much.
In the past Mumps twice, Scarlet fever five
MMR 200 one dose. A week after the remedy
had high fever and headache was worse than ever
before and lasted 3 days. After that Migraine never
32. The treatment of Vaccinosis
GAUBLOMME, Kris (HL. 15, 1/2002)
The constitution determines whether or not that
particular person will be prone to vaccine damage,
and if so, what system will be affected, in which
way and to what degree.
This necessitates an individual approach, based
upon patient’s reaction.
The author condemns the routine use of
potentised vaccines either as a prophylactic or as a
treatment, as this is a basic violation of the laws and
principles of Homœopathy. He adopts a logical,
effective, three layer approach.
The acute symptomatology, after vaccination
will lead to the primary remedy. In chronic cases
of vaccine damage, the constitutional remedy
brings about the best results. Ultimately when no
remedy can be figured out based upon the present
symptoms, vaccinal Nosodes may be used.
[Tinus SMITS says that “it is a big mistake “to
give” constitutional treatment right away without
considering the cause of the problem. In my case I
saw so many children treated for years with
constitutional remedies without any success that
could have been easily cured with this causal
therapy of potentised vaccines.” While Dr. Kris
GAUBLOMME argues to stick to the logics of
Homeopathy. He presents two cases to drive home
his point! Whom should we follow? = KSS]
33. Homeopathic approach to vaccination in Israel
ROSENTHAL, Chaim (HL. 15, 1/2002)
As a result of many efforts during the last
fifteen years, the awareness in Israeli society of the
possibility of vaccine damage has increased a lot.
Therefore we have instituted alternative clinics to
the conservative clinics that monitor and
vaccinate infants.
We call them A Drop of Nature’ in contrast to
‘A Drop of Milk’ which is the name of the
conservative one.
Purposes and organization
The purposes of ‘A Drop of Nature’ are:
Guidance and explanation concerning
Guidance and explanation of how to raise
children in a homœopathic and natural way.
Treatment for vaccine damage.
General homœopathic treatment when
The team in each clinic consists of a
paediatrician (who has also been trained as a
Homeopath) and a homœopathic practitioner.
Instructions and guidance are given by the
paediatrician. Homeopathic treatment, if
necessary, is given by the homœopath.
Infants are invited for monitoring seven times
during the first year of life (which is similar to the
conservative clinic).
In general we recommend no vaccination
during the first year of life.
We have learned that compliance is much
better if we recommend postponing the vaccines,
than if we tell the parents not to vaccinate at all.
If the parents insist on administrating specific
vaccines, the child receives them but only under
certain conditions.
Principles and recommendations
Here are our general principles and
recommendations regarding the vaccination of
children in ‘A Drop of Nature’.
One should consider not vaccinating the child
For most children we recommend avoiding
vaccination during the first year of life. We
see the child again at the age of one year and
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 18 of 216
then decide upon whether to give him any
vaccines or not. It depends on the general
health of the child, his hereditary state,
environmental conditions, etc.
We consider the possible harm that may be
caused by the vaccines vs. their benefits.
Every case should be considered individually.
If the parents express extreme anxiety
regarding Meningitis caused by Hemophilus
Influenza B, we are willing to administer the
vaccine during the first year of life.
Vaccines that should be delayed until an older
age (5-6 years old), and may even not be
necessary (every case individually) are:
Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-A, Tetanus, Pertussis,
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (M.M.R.), Chicken
pox. [Here in India almost all these are given
to all children be the child puny, chronically
sick, retarded physically/mentally etc. Parents
‘well-indicated’ are the most ignorant=KSS]
Vaccination should only be carried out when
the child is in perfect health. The child should
be healthy for at least three months prior to any
vaccination. Vaccination in the summer
months (May to September) is to be preferred.
Vaccination should not be carried out close to
the time of weaning, or learning to walk or
leaving the home for the first time (nursery or
kindergarten), dentition, etc.
The child should not receive several vaccines
at a time (they should be split up).
If there is a reason to suspect that the child
suffered from vaccine damage in the past, or
reacted strongly to a vaccine, the next vaccine
scheduled should be postponed to an older age.
Many cases of vaccine damage could have
been prevented if the vaccine had been avoided
after a bad reaction to the previous one. In
many severe cases we could detect a bad
reaction to the previous vaccine.
In children with any suspected neurological
damage (hypotonia, slow development,
difficult delivery, etc.), postponing vaccination
is important. The possibility of forgoing them
completely should also be considered.
When one child in the family has suffered
some vaccine damage, greater care must be
taken with the other children. We try to
postpone vaccinating them as long as possible.
If the child seems to be suffering from vaccine
damage, homœopathic help should be sought
In any case of disease developing during the
first year of life, especially if the child is still
nursing, the possibility of vaccine damage
should be checked carefully.
We do not recommend new vaccines like
Hepatitis-A and Vermicelli.
If there is an outbreak of a local epidemic and
the child has not been vaccinated, the child
should be taken to the attending homœopath
and given a homœopathic vaccine.
34. I have to be empty – A case of Vanadium
COLLINS, Deborah (HL. 15, 2/2002)
This is a case where a new remedy of
SCHOLTEN helped where different well known
remedies according to the author failed.
Mrs. D, 37, consulted for Anorexia. She
stopped working with handicapped children, which
she loved, after her marriage. Restless, if not busy,
very sensitive, gets lump in throat from any tension,
and can’t swallow at all. Can’t stand anything in
belly, so likes to be empty. No real menstruation
for seventeen years, so adopted children.
Indecisive and nervous.
Ignatia, Anacardium did not help. At this
point the author gave a remedy of which she
almost knew nothing Vanadium, - simply
because it had been written by Jan SCHOLTEN in
some instances of Anorexia.
3 months later, she gained 2 kilos and her
menses started again.
Ten weeks later, no problem. 7 weeks later,
nauseated by smells of food. Colchicum 200.
2 weeks later, no periods, losing weight.
Pregnancy Test Positive. Vanadium 200. Started
putting on weight and had a healthy child.
[It is distressing to read Deborrah COLLINS say, “I
gave a remedy of which I knew almost nothing ..
simply because it had been written up by Jan
SCHOLTEN in some instances of Anorexia.” Can
one prescribe Vanadium in most cases of Anorexia
because SCHOLTEN has succeeded and Deborrah
COLLINS has a case of success? Is this
‘teaching’? Don’t we din into the mind of the
young homœopaths that merely because someone
gave a particular remedy successfully, we are not to
follow it blindly? = KSS]
35. A cured case of Anorexia Nervosa
A case of Vanadium
HARDY, Jonathan (HL. 15,2/2002)
31 year-old woman, with post natal depression
and Anorexia Nervosa for about 15 years. Low self
esteem. Dreams of falling, of teeth falling out and
her father dying. Everything has got to be just right
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 19 of 216
and in its place. Very critical of everything. Self-
loathing; has Raynaud’s disease since her teens.
Niccolum. Slight improvement. Medicine
continued for nine months, and then stopped acting.
Several other remedies without effect. Finally
Vanadium 1M, based on SCHOLTEN’s description
of Anorexia, Raynaud’s disease, strong feelings of
self-loathing, low self-esteem.
Five weeks later, much happier and had put on
4 kilos. Sleep much better. Depression has lifted
and able to relax.
A year later, regained weight, depression is
completely better. Only slight problem of
36. Honouring HAHNEMANN
LM Potencies
(HL. 15, 2/2002)
In HL. 14, 4/2001 Andre SAINE has stated
that he stayed away from LM potencies, citing
some reasons.
The author felt that if the readers hear these
ideas from a teacher (who had not used it), they
would never try them and proceed to judge LMs for
So the author discusses his 15 years’
experience with the LM potencies in detail. He
concludes that LMs are not to replace other
potencies but LMs have a unique place in handling
patients in the manner HAHNEMANN desired-
rapidly and gently.
37. It is not safe to stand on your own feet
A case of Onosmodium
AVEDISSIAN, Keith (HL. 15, 2/2002)
Mrs. R., 46, presenting with headache since 15
years. Neuralgic left sided headache, shooting into
eye socket. Tiredness with headache.
Hysterectomy because of Endometriosis. Recurrent
benign lumps in breast removed. Ruptured discs in
low back and Sciatica especially left sided since
Very scared while walking, as though she will
fall. Feeling as though hearing footsteps behind.
Mental confusion and difficulty in thinking. Fear
of being alone and depressed.
Onosmodium 200 once per day for upto 3 days.
2 year follow-up: Improved gradually.
Medicine was repeated during relapse, in 200 and
later 1M.
1. Kindliche Entwicklungsverzögerung (Retarded
development in children)
BLEUL, Gerhard (AHZ. 248, 1/2003)
The seventh section of this series lists all
rubrics of the repertory dealing with arrested
development in children. The main remedies
Bar-c., Calc., Calc-p., Nat-m., Sil., Tub., -are
briefly described.
1. Iris germanica
(CCRH. 22, 3 &4/2000)
The botanical, chemical and pharmacological
properties are given briefly. Nice color pictures are
1. Homeopathic treatment for an anxious cat
HYDE, Rosemary C. (HT. 22, 4/2002)
The cat, Shaman, often would stop doing what
she had been involved in and stare upwards into
space, seeing some apparition we could not
perceive. She was ferocious, growling loudly when
taken to the Vet. To get shots or to be examined,
she had to receive general anaesthesia. She became
ill after an 8-month-long noisy demolition project.
She was panic stricken. She either hid constantly
or desperately tried to run away and biting.
Sedatives did not help. She had not eaten virtually
anything since the demolition had begun.
Belladonna 6 in aqueous solution was put into
Shaman’s water. Each time I changed the water 10
succussions were given and 5 drops added.
Shaman calmed down noticeably. In about 6
weeks, potency was changed to 12. Stramonium 6
in aqueous solution was given after observation of
eye, pupils dilated at reproaches.
Now she is calm.
2. A big homœopathic practice
BORNEMAN J.P. (HT. 22, 5/2002)
© Centre For Excellence In Homœopathy Page 20 of 216
Carol BUCKLEY has opened an Elephant
Sanctuary in 1995. The objective is to create as
natural an environment as possible. Dr.Lori TAPP
homœopathic veterinarian treats the elephants
Dr.TAPP notes that the elephants all have
specific personalities, routines and habits that they
exhibit when they are well and happy. She
observes deviations from these as symptoms.
Typical cases among the herd include colics
that have been treated with Colchicum and
Chamomilla, as well as emotional traumas that
have responded to Pulsatilla, Ignatia, Aconite and
Stramonium. Elephants prone to abscesses have
been successfully treated with Silicea.
Behaviour changes were observed after
administration of properly prescribed homœopathic
The “strangest organism she has ever treated?
“A Spider! Have you ever tried to take a spider’s
case?” [Homeopathy - be it a Spider or Elephant!
Wah!! = KSS]
3. Veterinary Homœopathy experiences
resurgence Academy of Veterinary
(HT. 22, 5/2002)
Academy of Veterinary Homœopathy
(AVH) began as the brainchild of Richard
PITCAIRN in 1990.
Inspite of unique challenges faced by the
Veterinary Homœopath, Dr. PITCAIRN sought to
set strict standards, according to Hahnemann’s
teachings in the Organon and other writings.
The AVH has 170 members. It holds an
annual conference in locations throughout the U.S.
and Canada. The AVH oversees the specifications
for post-doctoral education and training for
veterinarians who wish to achieve certification
1. Influence of the diluent on the effect of highly
diluted histamine on basophil activation
(HOMEOPATHY, 92, 1/2003)
Background: In modern pharmaceutical
practice, it is common to use purified ethanol and
purified water for the preparation of homœopathic
dilutions. HAHNEMANN in 1827 recommended
good brandy as a diluent. Brandy contains a lot of
accompanying substances in addition to ethanol.
Purpose of the study: The research question
was whether different diluents influence the
effectiveness of high dilutions, especially above
Avogadro’s number. We compared two dilution
media to investigate the diluent’s influence. Within
the limitations of the test-system, the dilution media
were as similar to good brandy as possible and like
purified ethanol. Dilutions of histamine were
prepared with both media. As test-system, we used
modified basophil activation in an in vitro cell
system. Basophils are activated by anti-
immunoglobulin E (anti-IgE). The activation of
basophils is inhibited by prior incubation with
histamine. The reduction in activation was
measured with different dilutions of histamine. The
test system used a 3-colour flow cytometric
method. The interleukin-3 (IL-3) receptor CD123
was used to identify basophils in the leukocyte
mixture. The CD63 surface marker was used for
quantification of activated basophils.
Results: With higher concentrations of
histamine, we observed inhibition on optimally
anti-IgE-stimulated basophil activation with a clear
concentration dependency. With low
concentrations of histamine (up to 10
), we also
observed inhibition of IgE-mediated basophil
activation. Differences were observed between the
dilution media.
Conclusion: The preliminary results support
the hypothesis that the dilution medium may
influence the effects of high dilutions. This could
be of importance for homœopathic pharmaceutical
practice as well as for ultra-high dilution
experiments. The refined basophil test system
proved to be highly sensitive and reliable. Further
studies are needed.
2. A kinetic approach to Caffeine–Coffea cruda
(HOMEOPATHY, 92, 1/2003)
The biological effect of Coffea cruda 30 was
investigated in rats pre and post treated with
Caffeine. The experimental subjects were male
Wistar rats. Caffeine was administered
intraperitoneally at the beginning of a sleep period.
Coffea cruda 30 (0.1 ml) was administered orally, a
contemporaneous control group was tested. The
Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded in the
parietal region during the following sleep cycle.
The effect was evaluated by three EEG parameters: