© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
months. Apis mellifica 7 daily one dose for a
month. No change. Trifolium pratense 200 and
Ignatia 30. Better sleep, more cheerful. No
improvement of lymphoedema.
Case 5: 45-year-old female treated by Radical
Mammectomy, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
after a relapse. It has spread further. Mother died
of Breast Cancer, father of Cerebro-vascular
accident. She associated the recent lump with
injury from an elbow blow. Trifolium pratense 200
once monthly. Conium maculatum 7 daily once for
a month and Sepia officinalis 30 once weekly.
A month later, mammography shows no
evidence of lump and no sign of inflammation.
There was no further homeopathic follow-up.
Case 6: BC 35-year-old female with Cystic
Mastopathy and Uterine Fibroma. Pulmonary
Tuberculosis seven years ago. Acne with facial
hirsutes. Uraemic with intense itching, breast
tension and pain before menses. Menses painful,
irregular. Unmarried, emotionally vulnerable.
Unhappy love affair.
Trifolium pratense 200 on the basis that it
appears to be indicated in hyperoestrogenaemic
states. No pain or tension in the breast. Cyst seems
to be smaller. Acne >. No hair on her chin.
Relapse with severe pain and milky secretion.
Dose repeated and Tuberculinum 10M. Inspite of
the symptomatology cyst size reduced.
Case 7: 48-year-old female with Fibrocystic
Mastitis and left ovarian cyst. Sensation of lump in
stomach, bloated abdomen and heart burn after
2 years ago, Hysterectomy. Chilly, pessimistic
and anxious. Aversion to milk. Strong fear of
Sepia officinalis 30, two doses, 200 single
dose, Oophorinum 7 daily one dose. Two months
later, ovarian cyst decreased in size.
Mammography – homogenous lump. Trifolium
pratense 200. 5 months later, amelioration of pain
and breast tension. No important problems.
Case 8: GE 25-year-old female with three
months of amenorrhoea, anovulatory periods,
hirsutism, cystic breasts. Strong sensation of heat
with perspiration, headache after emotional stress.
Frequent urinary infections. Irregular menses
without pain. Thin, sensitive, introverted, serious,
dislikes sympathy. Likes salt, dislikes fat, seaside.
Natrum muriaticum 30, two doses, 200, single dose
at 12h interval. Folliculinum 30, 3 doses at 24h
interval, then Progesterone 7, daily for 7 days.
Trifolium pratense 200 after 7 weeks.
Menstruated on the second day, with great
amelioration of the heat sensation and headache.
54. Elaps in advanced pathology – a case study
IPGA, female 70-years, operated for Rectal
Adenocarcinoma with several post-surgical
complications. MRI- Multiple Uterine fibroids,
bilateral renal cysts - pleural densities at the base of
right lung.
Minimum syndrome of maximum value:
- Dreams of falling, fear of falling, falling into a pit
- Desire of oranges.
- Dreams/fear of snakes
- General – Food and Drinks: Oranges - aversion,
Oranges – desire
Elaps corallinus 31K, 1 drop daily. Gradually
increased to 35 then 60, then 90%, all 1 drop daily.
The patient was followed up for one year.
- Subjective feeling of well-being
- More active life
- Amelioration of anticipation
- Improvement of sleep pattern
Referred to a dietician for dietary advice.
55. Heart and Homeopathy
CHANDRAN A.P. (HH. 28, 10/2003)
The moment we get a small pain in the chest
area we fear about some heart disease and become
panicky. Illustrates a case of 73-year-old man
cured with Nux vomica M. This was repeated twice
because he took Aspirin. Patient remains well.
56. The successful homeopathic treatment of
CHAPPELL, Peter (HL. 16, 2/2003)
The author discusses his experience with
treating HIV/AIDS in Africa in 2002, with
Homeopathy. This work, he says, became the
biggest experience in his life. “I had little support,
financial or otherwise, and enormous challenges to
face seemingly daily. I had to work intimately in
the consulting room under trying circumstances and
to think globally all the time. I also had to rethink
Homeopathy. It was also harrowing. I had to
attend funerals and the desperately sick in hospitals.
I had to refuse dying patients where there was no
alternative to offer. I had to be very compassionate
and highly reflective. I had no mentors within
reach by phone or in person. …. I ran out of money
twice, down to the wire, the last $100, and my
friends rescued me ….. My first observation is that
if you are deeply inspired you can move mountains.
My next observation is that when you really need
funds for something that’s radical, incredibly