© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XXII, 2005
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published
world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
S.No Topic Page. No.
1 QHD, VOL. XXII, 1, 2005 3
2 QHD, VOL. XXII, 2, 2005 53
3 QHD, VOL. XXII, 3, 2005 105
4 QHD, VOL. XXII, 4, 2005 169
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XXII, 1, 2005
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over – India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. The Role of JUNG’s Concept of Shadow in
Homeopathic Treatment
CICCHETTI, Jane (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
Using Carl JUNG’s concept of the shadow, the
author describes its relevance to homeopathic case
analysis and prescribing. This darker, repressed
side of an individual is often revealed in dreams.
The proper analysis of dreams, which should be
based primarily upon the dreamer’s own sense of
their meaning, often reveal core psychological
issues that can be critical to identifying the
homeopathic simillimum.
2. The Fundamentalist Controversy:
An issue That won’t Go Away
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
The author provides a comprehensive overview
of the current controversy between what Dr.
MOSKOWITZ terms the “Fundamentalists” and
the “Innovators” in Homeopathy, flavored with his
own viewpoint on the matter, one acknowledges
much of the recent innovations for their value in
effective case analysis and remedy selection.
Clearly, in Dr. MOSKOWITZ’s view, the
arguments of both sides have merit; thus, rather
than attack each other and further divide
homeopaths, he recommends that everyone
respectfully agree to disagree.
[This article is very interesting and scholarly.
However, it says ‘live’ and let live’ to so-called
“Fundamentalists” and the “Innovators”. We agree.
It is not a quarrel that anyone should mediate. It is
only about ‘what is right’ = KSS].
3. The Evolution of Homeopathy
PITT, Richard (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
Homeopathy, like all living things, is in a
constant state of evolution. This evolutionary
impulse is part of the natural development of all
systems and it requires the ability to evaluate the
impact of these changes on the philosophy and
practice of Homeopathy. The very boundaries of
the definitions of homeopathic practice will
inevitably be challenged as part of this evolutionary
shift, one that requires both flexibility and rigidity.
This article seeks to explore some of the
underlying dynamics and patterns of this
evolutionary change and at the same time to put
Homeopathy into a broader philosophical, social
and cultural framework. The premise of the article
is that Homeopathy is but one system of thinking,
which is connected to and impacted by much
broader evolutionary dynamics, and which, through
their exploration, can help us understand our own
struggles and debates within Homeopathy.
The article seeks to put forward a proposition
that as part of the evolution of Homeopathy itself
the onus is on those practicing the homeopathic art,
that the consciousness of Homeopathy will evolve
through those practicing it. It seeks to put
Homeopathy into a wider framework of thinking,
one that can reveal the implications of the holistic
philosophy and practice of Homeopathy and
identify it with other similar modes of thinking.
4. Health: An Integral Approach
SHARMA, Arati (CCR. 11, 1/2004)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
This brief article puts succinctly the ideas of
The Mother which is totally in agreement with the
homeopathic Philosophy.
The integral’ healing is the ideal. “An illness
of the body is always the outer expression and
translation of a disorder, a disharmony in the inner
being; unless this inner disorder is healed, the outer
cure cannot be total and permanent.” Healing
means to rediscover and restore communication
with our inner self.
5. Linear versus non-linear systems
WANSBROUGH, Charles (HL. 16, 2/2003)
This is a thought-provoking essay. In the
opening paragraphs Paul DAVIES is quoted
extensively to explain the expressions ‘linear’,
‘non-linear’. The author goes on to explain that
homeopathic principles and philosophy fall under
‘non-linear System’.
1. A Proving of Larrea tridentata
MESSER, Stephen; CAGE, Arlan; OKSMAN,
Linda; BEDELL, Sarah; ELLER, Dawn and
AUSTIN, Jane (SIM. XVII, 1/2004)
The Proving was conducted at The Southwest
College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health
Sciences, Tempe, AZ in October 2002, using 30
potency, t.d.s. for 7 days or until valid symptoms
appear, by 11 provers in a double blind study.
The most common medicinal uses include:
G.I.Complaints, Genito-Urinary tract conditions,
PMS, Dysmenorrhoea, Arthritis, Auto Immune
conditions, Wounds and Skin Infections and
possibly as both an abortifacient and to promote
The Proving symptoms are given and
concluded that reproving will verify the symptoms
as well as generate new ones and will help to speed
up the introduction of this remedy into clinical use.
2. Arzneimittelselbsterfahrung mit Taxus baccata
(Remedy Proving on self with Taxus baccata)
ABERMANN, Christoph and
PUSCHKAREKI, Mathias (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
Taxus baccata was selected for the Proving
because it was a known remedy but with a poor
record of provings. This Proving was conducted in
1998 in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, in
which 19 persons participated. The central themes
that emerged were symptoms of Depression in
combination with feelings of Forsakenness;
awareness of social responsibility with a desire to
help where help is needed, as well as a feeling of
helplessness when helping was not possible. The
most salient physical symptoms were localized
sensations of heat and redness, fatigue and throat
3. Bryonia
LAPY, Benoit (RBH. XXXVIIIb, 3/2003)
A thorough study of the remedy Bryonia with
reference to the Repertory, Provings. Although it
was Bryonia alba which was proved, recently
Bryonia dioica is being sold by the Pharmacies.
This study includes Bryonia dioica.
4. Pulsatilla
FLOUR, Agnès (RBH. XXXVIIIb, 3/2003)
This is an extensive study of Pulsatilla
pratensis, including the miasmatic aspects.
5. Juglans regia
(CCRH. 26, 1/2004)
The first Proving of Walnut – Juglans regia
was by Cloter MÜLLER in association with his
father Moritz MÜLLER, in 1846 and 155
symptoms were reported.
The CCRH has carried out ‘Clinical
verification of this remedy and tabulated the
results. It is seen from this that it has been
prescribed in much more cases of skin eruptions,
with good results. Seven females with leucorrhoea
were prescribed this remedy and all of them were
A ‘drug picture’ and ‘Prescribing Symptoms’
on the basis of the ‘Clinical verifications’ have
been drawn, which we may note for further
Drug picture:
Occipital sharp headache < in evening and
after dinner
Pain above the eyes < motion, shaking head,
moving eyes
Otorrhoea, yellowish pus like discharge with
Pustular eruptions behind the ear with sticky
Stye with redness and swelling, recurrent
Pimples over face with itching, with redness,
recurrent in nature
Acne or pimples on forehead, face
Small red with suppuration with itching and
pain oozing, pus like discharge
Face oily
Face dry with black pigmentation, cracks on
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Acne on face with itching
Pimples with itching < cold application
Dryness of mouth after dinner with excessive
White coated tongue
Pain in hollow teeth < in bed
Appetite diminished
Desire for sweet
Constipation – hard, difficult, scanty stool
Bleeding piles
Obstinate constipation, soreness in anus with
itching after stool
Vesicular eruptions on upper part of chest with
itching < night
Frequent micturition day and night, yellowish
Small reddish papular eruption with itching
< changing clothes
Eczematous eruptions with itching
Small reddish papular eruptions, with itching
on scalp
Axillary glands swollen, painful, indurated,
Clinical conditions: Headache, Sty, Acne,
Toothache, Constipation, Bleeding piles, Eczema.
Prescribing Symptoms:
Occipital sharp headache, agg. in evening and
after dinner
Pain above the eyes, agg. motion, shaking
head, moving eyes
Pustular eruptions behind the ear with sticky
Sty with redness and swelling, recurrent in
Ache on face with itching
Pimples on forehead and face with itching, agg.
cold application
Axillary glands swollen, painful, indurated,
Small reddish papular eruptions with itching on
scalp, agg. changing clothes
Vesicular eruption on upper part of chest with
itching, agg. night
Eczematous eruption with itching
6. The Toxicology of Latrodectus
tredecimguttatus: the Mediterranean Black
Widow Spider
BONNET M.S. (HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
The symptomatology of envenomation by the
Mediterranean Black Widow Spider, Latrodectus
tredecimguttatus, is reviewed. The results confirm
the hypothesis that the homeopathic remedy,
Tarentula hispanica, is derived from this Spider,
not from the Wolf Spider, Lycosa tarentula.
Agitation, psychomotor: incidence 17-33%
Amnesia/disturbance of memory.
Anxiety and agitation: 26% of cases, about
death (child).
Confusional state, acute disorientation in time,
person and place with desperation.
Consciousness normal; mental clarity; lucid
with anxiety sensation regarding gravity of illness.
Delirium. With hallucinations, visual.
Psychotic state of mind.
Mental disturbances with dyspnea and a
precordial oppression and anxiety; patient
repeatedly putting hand onto chest.
Depression and deep sadness with sighing and
crying, even grown men, terrified by feelings of
their impending death.
Obnubilation 8.33% of cases, persistent for
days with intermittent lucid periods, gradually
increasing in frequency.
Pavor mortis and pronounced restlessness.
Psychic picture, dramatic.
Restlessness, impulsive, with desire to get up
and go away, to leave (more rarely, to jump out of
Rolling in bed, pulling and tearing bed sheet.
Shouting, yelling, screaming, rolling on floor
with haphazard convulsive movements, uttering
incomprehensible words and terrorized by anybody
approaching, reacting with desire to stand up, to run
away, to escape.
Speak, incapable of, using gestures to
Torpor, general, profound, with all movements
becoming slow, almost fatigued, with intense
asthenia, early symptom. Weep, desire to,
inexplicable, sudden, abandoning activity before
crying desperately without apparent reason and
without answering questions, even from close
Worry, anxiety, concern; psychomotor: 50% of
Central nervous system
Clonic movements.
Convulsions, worsening on second day, with
tremors of whole body.
Fainting; coma.
Meningism: negative on first day; slight, with
headache and vomiting on second.
Motor incoordination.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Paralysis, flaccid: rarely.
Psychomotor excitation, mornings.
CSF pressure increased, clear.
Abdominal reflexes feeble.
Hyperreflexia particularly upper limbs.
Patellar pseudoclonus, bilateral.
Tendon reflexes increased, brisk (child),
constant symptom.
Sensation to touch, pinprick, vibration and
Pinprick sensation diminished, local.
Head pain
Cephalgia: 33% of cases, frontal, intense in child.
Conjunctivitis, with congestion, more or less
pronounced in all patients.
Miosis moderate.
Mydriasis, some cases.
Pupils constricted and not reacting to light.
Changes in the fundus of the eye, some cases,
Fundal veins full.
Accommodation difficulties with blurred, hazy
Angioedema, facial; congested facies, fixed (child)
and swollen, with facial hyperhidrosis and flushing.
Eyelids oedematous and loose tissue below the
eyes, hyperaemic.
Facial expression of indescribable terror with
facial congestion and eyelids oedematous with pink
Pale, anxious.
‘Facies Latrodectismica’: facial congestion,
trismus, rhinitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, mydriasis
and cheilitis: 6.6% of cases.
Hyperaemia of skin in face and head, giving
characteristic appearance.
Salivation, excessive profuse (up to 1.51 in 24h) or
dry mouth.
Sialorrhoea: 41.67% of cases.
Thirst, intense.
Tongue, oedematous.
Paraesthesia, dental.
Anorexia and constipation.
Heartburn despite normal gastric acidity or
even hypoacidic on gastric juice analysis.
Nausea and vomiting: of 13-25% of cases, after
about 1h after start of illness.
Vomiting, very frequent.
Abdomen distended, slightly.
Abdominal contractions; 83.33% of cases,
marked for several hours, guarding 50% of cases;
tense, very tender and tympanitic.
Abdominal musculature rigid disappearance of
abdominal reflexes.
Abdominal pains, colicky, with abdomen tight
and sensitive to touch and pains radiating to lower
limbs: 93.3% of cases
Abdominal pains with contractures in spasms:
66% of cases.
Liver, pronounced increase in size, liver edge
palpable and sensitive to pressure. Subicterus:
15.38% of cases.
Abdominal X-ray: normal.
Urinary system
Oliguria even with full bladder, sometimes
deteriorating to anuria and retention.
Increased urobilinogen.
Erythrocytes and leucocytes in urine.
Glycosuria, rare (child).
Granular and cylindrical casts.
Proteinuria: 25% of cases.
Male genitalia
Priapism with involuntary ejaculation, occasionally.
Chest and respiration.
Dyspnea (child): 13% of cases.
Tachypnea (25/min): 33.33% of cases and
superficial breathing.
Heartburn and violent precordialgia, violent.
Sensation of heaviness/oppression/pressure in
the chest (with fear of death) and thoracic pains.
Chest X-ray: normal.
Cardio-vascular system
Tachycardia 33.33% of cases, with extrasystoly;
moderate, early, frequently followed by bradycardia
Blood vessles spasm.
Arterial hypertension: 41.67% of cases; usually
Hypotension 7%.
Blood pressure rise to 200/125 (adult); 150/110
Pulse: 72-130 beats/min ‘small’ and slow.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
ECG: Abnormalities in 36% of patients.
Bradycardia, sinus: 42/min, P-wave high in
lead II& III. QT-interval prolonged: 0.48s, ST-
segment depressed.
Tachycardia, sinus in 33%; initial and
subsequent ECG’s (day 1). Tall T-waves in leads
V2-V5 with ST-segment depression in leads V3-
V5; initial ECG (day 1). Subsequent ECG (3h
later) shows negative T-waves in leads V1-V6 with
elevation of ST-segment. T-wave very low in lead
I; flattened in lead II; negative in lead III.
Echocardiography. Initially: dyskinesia of
interventricular septum and reduced systolic
function. On day 5: antero-septal hypokinesia with
ejection fraction of 0.45. On day 8: septum and left
ventricular anterior wall normokinetic with ejection
fraction of 0.54.
Musculo-skeletal system
Local erythematous oedema is followed in a few
minutes by muscular spasms in the trunk and the
face, accompanied by violent abdominal pains and
neuropsychic signs.
Affected limb, unable to use.
Hypertonia with muscular contractions.
Contractions, spastic with diffuse pains.
Myalgia, paroxysmal, becoming diffuse and
intolerable, particularly abdominal, thoracic and
Rigidity of the musculature, tetany with
tremors and contractures.
Dorso-lumbar pains/contractions, violent: 40% of
cases, may radiate to lower limbs.
Upper back pain, along scapular line.
Contractures in extremities: 50% of cases.
Extremities cold and cyanosed.
Pain in extremities radiating first from knee to
groin; followed by increased intensity involving
abdomen and chest.
Paraesthesia of extremities.
Lymphadenopathy, painful.
Stiffness of small joints, especially wrists.
Hyperthermia and paraesthesia (formication) in
upper limbs. 33.3-50%
Palmar numbing.
Heaviness, sudden, throughout legs (first
Marbling of the knees.
Moving legs, irregular choreiform.
Pains in lower extremities and plantar
burning/stinging sensation.
Paraesthesia and burning in feet especially in
the soles.
Unable to stand upright, incapable, frozen as if
had lumbago.
Walking difficulties; tabetic gait, ataxic,
Insomnia, night after night consecutively, with
intermittent weeping bouts.
Insomnia, with sensation of being cold all
Shivers accompanied by profuse sweats: 100% of
Afebrile (child).
Fever oscillating between 37
C and 37.8
‘anarchic’: 23% of cases.
Fever, slight: 33% of cases; warmth and
feeling ‘as if he could burst’.
Hyperhidrosis: 23-67% of cases, local with
excitation of erectores pilorum.
Sweating, profuse, cold, diffuse.
The bite site may be erythematous with oedema or
flat urticoidal, warm and hypoaesthetic, or
Anaesthesia dolorosa.
Erythema, local: 83% of cases with urticaria.
Erythema, generalized, diffuse (child),
appearing at 24-48 h: 17% of cases.
Necrosis: 20% of cases.
Oedema, local: 43% of cases, soon spreading
Urticaria, generalized/diffuse, erupting on
second day; ceased progressively 2 days later.
Scarlatinoid, morbiliform, papular, or vesicular
rash, may be generalized, or localized on abdomen,
chest or regional, commonly followed by pruritus.
Maculopapular rash on thorax and abdomen,
third day.
Plaques, red, surrounded by urticarial halo,
extending rapidly and extensively.
Purpura involving the trunk and lower limbs:
17% of cases.
Tumefaction, or slight swelling, reddish, with a
tiny hard and blackish tip and intense pruritus.
The whole syndrome starts with pain, at first
regionally, rapidly spreading to resemble an acute
abdomen; evolving into spasms, involving the
lumbar region and legs with plantar burning
paraesthesia and ‘formication in the upper limbs.
At start of illness, pains in abdomen and lumbar
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
region; on second and third days, the pains are
greater in lower extremities affecting mostly soles
of feet with sharp burning sensations.
Pain: burning, local, soon radiating to regional
lymph nodes with swelling.
Pain: acute, severe, especially in the loins,
abdomen, and extremities.
Pain: mostly in muscles and bones; as if
‘somebody was tearing the flesh with tongs’.
Pain: constrictive; compressive.
Pain: lancinating initially, diminishing
gradually over a few hours, reappearing at later
intervals. Progressively encompassing whole body.
Pain: local in 37-67% of cases.
Pain: loins especially, pressing and cutting.
Pain: lumbar, violent, exacerbated by pressure
on vertebral spines (especially L2-L3), radiating
into lower limbs.
Pain: radiating to groin, abdomen, lumbar
region and thorax, becoming paroxysmal.
Usually fall in eosinophil and lymphocyte count,
with a neutrophil leucocytosis.
Haematocrit (Hct): (normal: m-0.41-0.50; f-
Haemoconcentration with a haemoglobin of
19.7 g/dl (normal: m-13-16g/dl; f-12-15g/dl).
Leucocytosis: 14,600-24,100/µl in 33.33% of
cases (normal: 4,000-10,800l).
White blood cell count (WBC): 15,700-
(93% neutrophils) initially, rising to
(73% neutrophils) (normal: 4800-
Amylase (serum): 254 U/l (normal: 30-170 U/l).
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST): 100 U/l
(normal: 42 U/l).
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH): 395-828 U/l
(normal: 270 U/l).
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): 72mg/dl (normal:
7-30 mg/dl).
Cardiac enzymes initially normal.
Creatinine phosphokinase (CPK): 590-999 IU/l
(adult); child: 201IU/l (normal <200 IU/l).
Calcaemia: 2.75 mol/l (normal: 2.12-2.57
Hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia, slight, in some
Hyperglycaemia: 11.4 mmol/l (with
glycosuria) (normal: 3.3-4.4 mmol/l).
Hypoazotaemia: 8.0 mmol/l (normal: 14-21
Liver metabolism, disordered, temporarily.
Asthenia, prolonged: 13% and marked.
Convalescence prolonged, one month or more,
with intermittent psycho-motor agitation crisis,
gradually improving.
Debilitation and loss of appetite even a month
after illness.
Weakness, extreme.
Weight loss is characteristic, up to 5 Kg in 3
Brain: perivascular haemorrhages (experimental
Liver: hepatic cells swollen (30 min to 6 h)
increasing gradually to dissociation of cells,
massive hyperaemia, and pericapillary oedema
(10+h); necrobiosis (12h) and lobular necrosis
(24h) (experimental mammals).
Adrenals, enlargement.
Zona fasciculata cells swollen, vacuolated or
finely granular, followed (in 24 h) by
disorganization of the columns (experimental
Spleen and lymph nodes: hyperaemia (early),
followed by lymphoid depletion, lymphorrhexis
and haemosiderosis (experimental mammals).
Thymus: thymic cells show marked pyknosis
and karyorrhexis (12h); reticulum cells swollen and
prominent (experimental mammals)
Renal: Capillary thrombosis (40h)
(experimental rats).
Renal: Cortex enlargement.
Kidneys: degeneration of tubular epithelium
(10-20h) with necrosis (24h) (experimental
mammals). Zona fasciculata, Zona glomerulosa
and Zona reticularis enlarged.
Lungs: pale and inflated (mice).
Lungs: reddish marbled appearance with
numerous petechiae (mice).
Pulmonary oedema (experimental mammals).
Heart: perivascular haemorrhages
(experimental mammals).
Differential diagnosis
Acute abdomen.
Acute myocardial infarction.
Delirium tremens.
Dissection of aorta.
Renal colic.
7. A Clinical Study of Physostigma venenosum
in the Improvement of Progressive Myopia
BASU T.K. (HH. 28, 11/2003)
The Progressive Myopia of 75 patients was
determined following the examination of defective
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
vision, retinoscopy study, ophthalmoscopic
examination of the fundus and slit-lamp
examination of fundus stereoscopically under high
Physostigma venenosum is a climbing plant
found near the bank of Niger river of South Africa.
It belongs to the family Leguminosae. Common
name Calabar bean. The alcoholic tincture is
prepared from pulverized bean and triturations are
made from whole bean.
Physostigma was prescribed on the basis of
homeopathic philosophy only to those patients
who had the symptomatology.
Placebo group 20 patients.
Physostigma group 55 patients.
Much improvement of vision in 74.5%.
Slight improvement of vision in 19.05%.
No improvement of vision in 6.3%.
In placebo group, no improvement observed in
12.5%. Gradual loss in vision in 87.5% cases.
Dr. BASU has shown a relation of Myopia
with Glaucoma in his paper ‘Role of Physostigma
in Simple Myopia’. The Progressive Myopia was
due to long-continued over-use with symptoms of
irritability, dull pain after using the eyes, muscae
volitantes, flashes of light, twitching of lids, etc.,
and Physostigma venenosum is one of the important
drugs which can give good and favorable result.
8. Variolinum, Vaccininum and Malandrinum
The Powerful Smallpox Nosodes and their
therapeutic use
(HL. 16, 2/2003)
Ten years ago, Dr.Erika SCHEIWILLER-
MURALT found that Smallpox Nosodes such as
Variolinum, Vaccininum and Malandrinum are able
to cure deep-rooted disorders in cases where well-
chosen homeopathic remedies have failed. These
Nosodes are most powerful, and their effects are
deep, long lasting and surprisingly fast.
The whole of mankind has been in contact with
Smallpox, leaving a deep-rooted disorder in later
generations. The powerful healing effects of the
Smallpox Nosodes are demonstrated in a case study
with 120 patients, taking Variolinum as an example.
The differentiation between Variolinum,
Vaccininum and Malandrinum are mentioned. As
the symptoms and modalities of the three Nosodes
are very similar to each other, it is the intensity and
frequency of a complaint that makes the difference
between them.
Finally, the author presents, on the basis of her
practical experience, a table she has developed over
ten years of research. This table is easy to
comprehend and will help a great deal in choosing
the Nosode which will be most beneficial.
9. The Toxicology of Psilocybe semilanceata
The Liberty Cap
(HL. 16, 2/2003)
Dr. M.S. BONNET has, in the past, contributed
‘toxicology’ of several creatures. In this paper, he
examines the biological, medical and toxicological
aspects of the mushroom, Psilocybe semilanceata,
the Liberty Cap. It is placed taxonomically and
examined in regard to its structure, distribution and
toxic/hallucinogenic components, for which this
fungus has been used in social rites for thousands of
years. The Materia Medica based on human and
animal intoxication is enumerated in detail,
following the order of classical homeopathic
repertories. Laboratory values of affected victims
are compared to normal values.
The Synthesis Repertory refers to Psil. for
Psilocybe caerulescens’ which is a different
species with several varieties.
All experimental signs and symptoms are from
mammal experiments only; apes, cats, dogs, guinea
pigs, mice, monkeys, rabbits, rats, etc.
1. Lyssin: A Rabid remedy for Rage
ULLMAN, Robert (SIM. XVII, 1/2004)
Case 1: Kevin, 11, since 3 years of age began
his assaultive tantrums. After the tantrum, he felt
bad and would often apologize. He was also
destructive. He did not like being teased. Scared of
dark. Loved dogs and hated cats. Threatened
with knives. He had history of
Streptococcal Tonsillitis, Otitis Media and
First dose was Lyssin M and 12 daily. Had an
initial aggravation for 2 weeks and then began to
improve. He was less destructive and calmed
down. Now he was intensely afraid of the dark and
being alone at night. Stramonium 200. After 5
months another dose of Lyssin M and 12 daily
because of relapse.
Mother thought he was better when he took
Lyssin 12c regularly. He hated swimming and
would not get in the pool for anything. Followed
up for 18 months. His teacher said “he’s not the
same boy.”
Case 2: Todd, 6, would go into a blind rage
when angry or frustrated. His anger was often
turned inward (self-torture) and was also
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
destructive. Sensitive to loud noises. Had facial
tics and involuntary jerking movements of his arms
and legs. He drooled and spat constantly.
Lyssin 200 single dose. 3 weeks of
aggravation and then began to improve. Relapse
after 6 weeks Lyssin 200. He was worse. Lyssin
1M. Improved. Lyssin 10M. A month later relapse
with another dose improved for 3 months. The next
dose held for 10 months without any rage.
Case 3: Christopher, 5, was aggressive since
weaning. Scratching, biting, kicking, spitting and
hitting. Very sensitive to teasing and liked
chocolates. Had URI in winter followed by
asthmatic cough and increased aggression.
Lyssin 200 and 12 daily. 2 months later better.
Another dose improved his ability to handle
frustration. His mother felt the action of medicine
was shorter and weaker than the earlier ones. So
Lyssin 1M was given, followed by an aggravation
for a month and then much better.
2. Help for hot flashes
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 3/2003)
Indications of Lachesis, Sulphur, Sepia,
Glonoine and Sanguinaria in this common
menopausal complaint is discussed.
3. Three different experiences of Menopause
ALLEN, Karen (HT. 23, 3/2003)
Case 1: Caroline, 52, developed high Blood
Pressure through menopause and hot flashes.
Feeling of pressure in ears, pain above right eye,
symptoms worse in mid afternoon and aversion to
Belladonna 12 daily. As her symptoms
improved, she took less and less frequent and after
8 weeks back to her usual life.
Case 2: Nancy, 49, started having anxiety
attacks on waking, could not remember what she
has read, perspiration on face with hot flashes and
rumbling of gas in abdomen, as if there were snakes
inside her. After several doses of Lachesis 30. She
made it comfortably through the transition.
Case 3: Barbara, 56, copious menstrual flow
with hot flashes and recurrent pain in right shoulder
and to smell things no one else could smell.
Sanguinaria 200 one dose. Menstrual cycle
stopped completely. Pain right shoulder gradually
faded over 6 weeks and imaginary smell
4. Menopause: A terrible/terrific transition
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 23, 3/2003)
The emotional symptoms, hot flashes, and
general symptoms of fifteen remedies indicated in
Menopause are presented in a tabular format and
prescribing guidelines are given.
5. Six remedies and rubrics used in Menopause:
Psychological profiles
MASTER, Farokh (HT. 23, 3/2003)
Indifference, apathy – Cyclamen
Estranged – Asterias rubens
Anxiety with fear – Androctonus
Anxiety – Amylenum nitrosum and Trillium.
Fear of insanity - Cimicifuga
Other mental symptoms of the above remedies
in Menopause are also discussed.
6. Pain-free after Surgery
ROTENBERG, Bonnie (HT. 23, 3/2003)
The author was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer
in June 2002. Advised by Catherine COULTER,
she began a course of Carcinosin 200 and Aurum
muriaticum natronatum 200. After few months
neither increase nor decrease in the size of tumor
and so agreed for hysterectomy. She took Arnica
30 a day before the surgery and gave instructions
for Arnica 200 to be given after the surgery at
frequent intervals and a dose of Phosphorus 30 for
On day two, Staphysagria 200, as pain
transitioned from soreness to slight stabbing pain.
The level of pain never exceeded a ‘2’ on a scale of
1 to 10. No painkillers were used. Insomnia and
extreme restlessness each night after the surgery
disappeared with Bellis perennis 30.
7. What to expect when old symptoms return
HYDE, Rosemary C. (HT. 23, 3/2003)
A series of old symptoms can occur at different
times during a longer course of homeopathic
treatment. These symptoms are generally short-
lived and significantly less uncomfortable than one
might expect. Knowing what to expect can
reassure people that a return of old symptoms can
be a good sign, especially if it is accompanied with
general feeling of improvement. Two case
examples are given.
8. Accident: Three remedies to use
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 23, 4/2003)
The use of Aconite, Arnica and Calendula in
skating accident involving his son is described.
9. An epidemic of Autism
How Homeopathy can help?
(HT. 23, 4/2003)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
The various presentations of Autism are
discussed and the increase of the cases is suspected
with large number of vaccines being administered.
The progress under homeopathic care depends
on where the child falls on the autistic spectrum to
begin with, how clear an understanding the
homeopath can attain of the child and how well the
homeopathic remedy fits the child.
The author has discussed his approach and how
parents can support the treatment.
10. A beautiful mind
ULLMAN, Robert (HT. 23, 4/2003)
Sam, 5 years diagnosed with Semantic
Pragmatic Disorder, a serious deficit in thought and
language processing, poor social skills and
behavioral problems. He had special aptitude for
Mathematics and could calculate cube roots in the
head. He started talking late. Inclined to make
noises. Sam had history of a severe reaction to
Amoxycillin and later, a high fever induced by the
MMR vaccine potentially correlated with his
Autism. Very reserved.
Many homeopathic prescriptions given and no
lasting benefit. With the experience of treating 2
other cases of similar nature, Silica 200 was given
which also covered the totality.
After a month, he was doing considerably
better. He enjoyed playing with other children.
Over 18 months he was given 3 doses of Silica 200
and a dose of 1M. He is more interactive, language
is now age-appropriate. He has calmed down. No
11. A case of Attention Deficit Disorder
MESSER, Stephen (HT. 23, 4/2003)
Michael’s main problem is an inability to focus
his attention. This delays his homework. Always
hungry. He is happy when getting attention from
others. Perspires easily and profusely. His joints
are hyperflexible. Gets restless in tight clothing.
He is very concerned about his reputation so that he
can be very popular.
Veratrum album 6 once a day. 2 months later
improved in all aspects. Veratrum album 30, once
a week. 6 months later, relapse and so Veratrum
album 200, once a day for a week. Since then
12. Using Homeopathy to heal after circumcision
FEDER, Lauren (HT. 23, 4/2003)
Indications of Arnica, Hypericum and
Calendula are given. For healing the inflammation
Apis and Cinnabaris.
Aconite to be given if the baby is in shock after
surgery. Staphysagria for babies who look
resentful. Stramonium for shock when Aconite did
not help.
13. Three cases of Chicken pox
GRILL, Yolande (HT. 23, 4/2003)
Case 1: Eruption first appeared on Monica’s
genitals. Vesicles, inflamed, itchy and burning.
Bathing gives temporary relief. Refused to eat.
Much worse at night. Mercurius 30. 3 doses in 24
hours. Improvement was immediate.
Case 2: Paul, 8 years, ran a high fever, soon
after the appearance of eruptions. Restless and
delirious. Intense itching. Aconite 200. He calmed
down, fever and delirium disappeared.
Case 3: Alan, 6 years, complained pain in his
back, joints of arms and hands at the onset of
eruptions. Refused to take baths. Photophobia,
severe itching and restlessness. Rhus tox 30 and his
pains never returned.
Indications of Aconite, Antimonium crudum,
Antimonium tartaricum, Belladonna, Mercurius,
Pulsatilla, Rhus tox and Sulphur in the treatment of
Chicken pox are given.
14. A case of Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia
FLEISHER, Mitchell A. (HT. 23, 4/2003)
The author describes Dr. Divya CHHABRA’s
‘free association’ and ‘circle analysis’ method of
case taking, which enables the homeopath to reach
through the subconscious level of dreams to the
deep seated core delusion, which manifests as the
symptoms of imbalance and illness.
This is illustrated with a case of a 56-year-old
female with Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia.
Translating her symptoms into rubrics of mind:
Ambition, increased; Competitive; Loquacity;
Jealousy; Suspicious; Malicious; Censorius;
Mocking; Sarcasm. Dream rubrics: Falling and
Spiders, hairy. Clairvoyance and External throat,
Clothing aggravates.
Crotalus cascavella 1M. 3 months later, 80%
better. Feeling less annoyed by women and feeling
15. The Restoration of Health: a Physician’s High
and Only Mission – Evaluation of a Patient
Presenting with a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia
HOOVER, Todd A. (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
35-year-old man, with long history of
Schizophrenia. Intense guilt as if he had done
something that is unforgivable. Delusion he was
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
persecuted by devils; deserving of divine
retribution. Agitated, restless legs, tremulous,
anxiety from reprimands. Violence, striking
himself, striking walls. Waking 2-4 a.m.
Kali bromatum 200, single dose.
Two months later, significantly better. Had
developed very itchy groin rash. Two months later,
rash worse and it cleared only after antifungal
medication. Ten months later, picture changed.
Now fright, hypervigilance, impulse for violence
and childish hiding. Stramonium 200, single dose.
Two months later, significantly better, with
more energy and less anxiety. Relapse seven
months later and no response to repetition of the
A thorough re-examination was made:
1. Fear of reprimand; of something happening,
2. General detachment from others; living in a
world of his own creation practicing pure
3. Unique ability for dates.
4. Childish quality, unable to care for himself.
5. Guilty feelings, delusion he was a failure.
6. Picking at himself, striking himself, biting his
nails, reproaching himself, eccentricity.
Bufo rana was given and seven year follow-up,
with repetition in high potency about 6 times with
decreasing frequency.
This led to an increasing restoration of health.
The author opines the first two remedies acted
palliatively. They definitely halted the decline and
deterioration of the case, but did not restore health.
16. A Case of Tourette’s Syndrome
LEVATIN, Janet (AJHM. 97, 1/2004)
BC, ten-year-old girl had some vocal sounds
and some motor tics from three year age. Dislike of
school and homework and showing an undercurrent
of anger that’s never been there before. Fears dark
room. Tics and vocal sound became worse.
History of Psoriasis on head. Cradle cap as infant.
Occasional Otitis Media. Mild to moderate hearing
loss diagnosed at 3 years.
Agaricus 200.
Over the next 16 months, potency was raised to
1M and 10M after relapses, and no further
improvement. So Coca 200 was given based on the
fact that her father was a cocaine addict.
Over the next year, she improved gradually and
having hard time with Psoriasis on her scalp.
She would need one more remedy, probably
17. Die begleitende Behandlung von Karies und
(The treatment of Consequences of Caries and
affections due to mineralisation)
FELDHAUS, Heinz-Werner
(AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
Caries is not only the result of sugar
consumption and the infestation by bacteria, but has
to be considered rather as a disorder of the whole
organism. Therefore it can only be regarded as a
local symptom, which can be used by the
homeopathic practitioner and dental practitioner in
the process of finding the simile. This article
presents the holistic approach and some main
remedies on the basis of their local symptoms.
(Kreosotum, Staphysagria, Thuja occidentalis,
Silicea - Acidum silicicum, Sepia, Natrum
muriaticum, Natrum carbonicum, Calcium
18. Zahnmedizinische Problematik in der
Homöopathie (Dental Medicine problems in
HÖR, Klaus Roman (AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
Homeopathic treatment of problems during
dentition in the background of hereditary taint are
described with Syphilinum, Medorrhinum and
Tuberculinum and their following remedies.
Frequently indicated remedies as well as acute
remedies are described.
The morphological peculiarities are classified:
1. Teeth, stunted, in children: Syph., Staph., Med.,
2. Teeth, notched, indented: Bac., Lach., Med.,
Plb., Syph., Tub.
3. Eruption of Teeth, distorted: Syph.
4. Irregular form: Bac., Chlorpr., Phenob., Phos.,
Syph., Tub.
5. V-formed teeth: Kreos., Syph.
19. Homöopathie bei Infektionen im Zahn- und
Kieferbereich (Homeopathy in infections of
Teeth and mandibular region)
KREBS, Johannes (AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
This article describes the often used
homeopathic remedies in cases of dental and
mandibular/maxillary infections. As far as they are
caused dentally, gingival infections are discussed as
20. Homöopathie bei Infektionskrankheiten im
Mund und Rachen (Homeopathy in Infectious
Diseases of Mouth and Throat)
FRIESE, Karl-Heinz (AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
All infectious diseases of the mouth and throat
can be well treated by Homeopathy because this
part of the body is easy to be observed and
remedies can be given by the colour of the mucous
membranes. Regularly the diseases are treated
quicker by homeopathic remedies than by
conventional medicine which is able to treat viral
diseases only symptomatically not causally. This is
the difference of Homeopathy. The most common
remedies in mouth and throat diseases are
Belladonna, Apis, Mercurius solubilis, Hepar
sulphuris, Borax, Kali bichromicum and Kali
21. Zahnungsbeschwerden Klinisches Stichwort
(Dental complaints – Clinical Keywords)
BLEUL, Gerhard (AHZ. 249, 1/2004)
The tenth section of this series gives the rubrics
from different repertories for affections during
dentition. The main remedies are briefly described.
22. Chorea minor und rezidivierende
Atemwegsinfekte (Chorea minor and recurring
airway region)
LORZ, Thomas (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
Course of treatment of a six-year-old boy with
Sydenham’s Chorea after a Streptococcal infection.
With daily Penicillin prophylaxis, infections of the
upper respiratory system with increased choreic
movements recurring several times per month came
on. A substantial improvement of hyperkinetic
movements disorder was reached with
homeopathic treatment. Also recurrent infections
lessened and general state improved.
23. Homöopathische Behandlung an der
Kinderonkologie in LKH Klagenfurt
(Homeopathic treatment in Children’s
Oncology Department of the Klagenfurt
Hospital, Austria)
PICHLER, Erfried (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
Establishing Homeopathy in public hospitals
of Austria is difficult because acknowledgement is
lacking. Nevertheless some homeopathic
outpatient departments have been founded in the
last years.
Since last 5 years, it has been possible to treat
children in the Children’s Oncologic Department of
Klagenfurt’s Hospital, with Homeopathy in
addition to conventional therapy. Radar Computer
Programme or the Synthesis in book form is used.
Generally one remedy is given and in exceptional
cases two and in very rare circumstances three in a
day. Potencies D12, C12, LM6 are mostly used in
the beginning.
Two cases show the homeopathic course of
24. Akute diffuse nummuläre Ekzeme (Acute
diffuse nummular Eczema)
EICHLER, Roland (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
13-year-old boy with an acute nummular
Eczema. During mid 1990 he had been treated by
me successfully with Tuberculinum koch for
Neurodermatitis. He was free from the disease upto
now (2003). In 1998 he came to me for an acute
Condylomata in anus, treated with Syphilinum,
successfully. He has not been seen again for 5
years until now.
In the face, arms, right leg and in the upper left
half of the buttock as also on the knuckles, palm,
coin-like vesiculo-papular, very red Eczema spots.
Sporadic itching, lesser in open air, worse if
sitting long in closed room.
Tuberculinum XM.
25. Homöopathische Behandlung von Notfällen
Anaphylaktischer Schock (Homeopathic
Treatment of Emergencies)
BÜNDNER, Martin (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
There is, in the mind of som, that Homeopathy
can be applied only in Chronic or harmless acute
diseases. Homeopathic treatment also can show
best results in very acute and life-threatening
diseases. In this case a baby got an anaphylactic
shock after eating chicken protein and is treated
with Belladonna.
26. Mercurius solubulis und die Beweglichkeit
(Mercurius solubulis and mobility)
MEYER-KÖNIG, Peter (AHZ. 249, 2/2004)
In 1994, the parent of a twin children reported
that the cough of his two children who had been
given Mercurius solubilis had slowly gone away.
But there was also a surprising effect. The children
could crawl better after the Mercurius solubilis.
A group of 25 infants in robbing age between
11 upto 18 months gained a perfect ability for
crawling within a few days after Mercurius
The pathology of this disorder is also
In regard to this article Dr. Heinz PSCHEIDL
writes in the Letter to the Editor, AHZ. 249,
4/2004: All symptoms which Mercurius can heal,
Quicksilver (e.g. Amalgam) must be able to
produce. I have the mothers to do away with
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Amalgam fillings, in appropriate cases at time of
becoming pregnant (ref § 7, 67 FN). Many
Quicksilver intoxicated patient react to Mercurius
with severe aggravation. Others develop follow-up
In further response Dr. MEYER-KÖNIG
discusses the aggravations and other adverse effects
of Mercury-dental Amalgam.
27. Warzen eine Chronische Erkrankung (Warts
– a Chronic Disease)
TOST, Katharina (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
The importance of Warts as a sign of a Chronic
Disease as well as the therapeutic instructions of
HAHNEMANN are presented by means of the
Organon. The therapy of Warts is described in
three cases in which homeopathic remedies are
chosen according to the totality of the symptoms.
28. Akuter Myokardinfarkt (Acute Myocardial
BÜNDNER, Martin (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
An acute Myocardial Infarction is diagnosed
by laboratory and electrocardiography. An
echocardiography confirms Hypokinesia which is
associated with infarction of heart muscle. After
homeopathic treatment a coronary angiography
was carried out in the following but there was no
Coronary Stenosis or other indications for
Myocardial Lesion.
29. Uterine Fibroids: A Clinical Study with USG
GUPTA, Girish; GUPTA, Naveen; SINGH,
Vijay and BISHT, Deepa (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
A total of 217 cases of Uterine Fibroids (Single
and Multiple) were registered and available for
proper follow-up treatment. Analysis was made to
assess the percent response in each case following
treatment with homeopathic remedies at Gaurang
Clinic and Centre for Homeopathic Research,
Lucknow till December 31, 2002. Timely
diagnosis by Ultrasonography followed by
homeopathic treatment showed excellent response
in significant number of cases avoiding surgery
which has been the lone option in Allopathy.
After homeopathic treatment, 74 patients were
cured, 21 were best improving showing more than
50% reduction in the size of fibroid, 64 patients
showed significant improvement, 31 maintained
status quo and 21 patients did not improve, 4 cases
could not be reliably evaluated due to confusing
Ultrasonography reports. Two cases were
Nabothian Cysts and both were cured. The overall
results of this study is encouraging.
30. Knowing the Mind in Homeopathic Practice
DHAWALE K.M. (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
This is a brief extract from Dr. DHAWALE’s
article in the Journal of the Institute of Clinical
Research, Vol.1, 3/1991. The mental symptom,
mental state and disposition are differentiated.
31. Cancer
DHAR, Bansi and BHATNAGAR, Pankaj
(NJH. 5, 3/2003)
The authors have written with much feeling
that despite a good record in palliation/cure of
Cancer by Homeopathy, the general medical world
tend to criticize adversely.
Cases have been mentioned briefly.
The ‘Seven Warning Signals’ of Cancer:
1. Change in bowel or bladder habits.
2. A sore that does not heal.
3. Unusual bleeding or discharge.
4. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere.
5. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
6. Obvious change in Wart or Mole.
7. Nagging cough or hoarseness.
Trauma as a causative factor is also
Copious quotes from different authors are
32. Leucoderma – Vitiligo
PATEL, Mukesh (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
A brief write-up on this subject.
33. Miasm and its Therapeutic Implications
PUROHIT, Hitesh G. (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
Three cases treated with particular attention to
the underlying Miasm, are given.
34. A Case of Inferior and Right Ventricular
CHIMTHANAWALA, Adil (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
This is a very interesting case treated
homeopathically through and through. The patient
is 22-year-old with sudden onset on chest pain-
retrosternal, prostration, cold sweat, anxious,
restless, averse to being covered even though hands
and feet cold.
Camphora was the remedy.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
35. A Case of Osteosarcoma
KHAN L.M. (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
14-year-old girl, thin, limping gait with pain
and swelling right leg just below the knee since
years. Diagnosed Osteosarcoma of right upper
Tibia. Pain was constant, worse exertion. Very
fond of dancing, fast paced music. Very irritable
and rude behavior, dominating. Craving sweets.
Mother suffered throughout the nine months of
pregnancy, nausea and vomiting until delivery time.
X-ray: multiple fractures in the affected bone.
Thyroidinum 30 t.d.s, for three days, followed
by placebo.
36. Quick Short Cases
KANOJIA, Satish (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
Case 1: 20-year-old man bent double with pain
abdomen, diarrhoea, vomiting. Colocynth 200 and
in 15 minutes pain subsided. Two more doses
given to be taken same evening and next morning.
Remains well. [When one dose Colocynth 200
relieved why two more doses, same potency? =
Case 2: 25-year-old man with diarrhoea,
undigested particles. Oleander 30.
Case 3: 47-year-old female, obese, burning
micturition, frequent. Cantharis 200.
Case 4: 28-year-old man, epigastric pain and
heaviness chest; had drank beer previous day.
Green discharge from right eye, thready. Kali
bichromicum 200. Next day passed 3-4 loose
stools, felt better. Discharge from right eye also
Case 5: 25-year-old female, vomiting since
night after eating ‘Pulao’. Pulsatilla 200.
Case 6: 25-year-old man vomiting since night.
5-6 bouts of vomiting. Previous night alcohol. Nux
vomica 200.
Case 7: 13-year-old girl, throat pain. Feared
glands. Anxious look. Aconite 200.
Case 8: 11-month-old, fever; body cold except
head, which was very hot. Belladonna 200.
Case 9: 18-year-old man, fever since 7-8 days,
urine yellow, desired salted rice. Natrum
muriaticum 200.
Case 10: 35-year-old female. Vomited since 2
days. D &C done two days ago under anaesthesia.
Phosphorus 200.
37. Multiple Personality Disorder Syndrome?
BAIG, Mirza Anwar (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
This is an interesting article on the mental
disease ‘Multiple Personality Disorder Syndrome’.
Two cases treated by the author are narrated.
38. Mixed Cases
MISHRA S.C. (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
Case 1: 54-year-old man lost his wife in road
accident after which he suffered from sleeplessness,
severe body jerks when falling asleep. Ignatia 200,
without relief. Then Arsenicum album M also
without relief. Again Ignatia M, without benefit.
Repertorization (Mental shock, jerking head during
sleep, flatulence) Arnica M gave good relief.
Case 2: 2-year-old boy, passes stool, soils his
underwear, involuntarily, itching of penis, lying on
abdomen and rubs his penis by body movement.
Dominating. Stands only by leaning on someone.
Thuja 200 did not >. Repertorisation .. Lachesis M
(4 doses one daily) with some improvement;
Lachesis XM (4 doses one daily); marked
improvement. Thuja XM (4 doses b.d.); some pale
spots on face. No further relief. Lachesis XM (3
doses o.d.) [June 2001 to August 2001: M, four
doses; XM, eleven doses whatever medicine to
2-year-old child is baffling. This is an
Case 3: 70-year-old male, pain of many years,
right knee. Big hard tumor in the popliteal fossa of
the right knee causing pain when rising and sitting
down. Attacks of sneezing morning and evening.
Thirstless, Insomnia whole night. Irritable, very
short-tempered. Nux vomica 30/1 dr., t.d.s.
Growth of popliteal fossa reduced, pain has
gone down to leg. Overall better. Nux vomica 30
for a month more. The tumor has become very soft
and reduced in size. Pain leg still. Sleep well,
appetite good, no irritability. Medicine continued
until the tumor vanished.
Case 4: 30-year-old female with two children;
severe persistent nausea early morning after getting
up. Sight of food also brings on nausea. Total
anorexia. Thirstless. Horripilation when she thinks
that she will get the disease which the other person
whom she saw, has. Delusion of being mad.
Hopelessness of cure. History of recurrent coryza.
Natrum muriaticum 200/4 o.d. No>. Sepia M four
doses o.d. S.L. 10 o.d. Sepia XM two o.d. No
Case 5: 28-year-old male, a Trade Union
leader and Social Worker. Since sometime feeling
sick with crawling sensation on scalp and heaviness
in head with Vertigo. Palpitation before sleep.
Tension and restlessness in the brain. Tongue gets
stiff making difficult to talk. Bloated abdomen
with loud eructations. Better in general when
occupied. Sensation of heat emanating from palm.
Quick and hasty, impatient. History of Jaundice.
History of Multiple injury in legs and forehead.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Nux vomica 200 for six days o.d. No change
Nux vomica M/2o.d. Slightly better. Repeat Nux
vomica M/4 o.d. , then Sac Lac 7 o.d. and then
Sulphur 200/4 doses o.d.
Case 6: 53-year-old Electrical Engineer,
sedentary job. Pain heel, Hypertension, Piles and
sexual weakness. Zingiberis 30/one dram pills
t.d.s. for 7 days. Same repeated for another 7 days.
Heel pain better. During this period he got chest
pain. Zincum metallicum 30 b.d. Repeated 8 doses
75% relief heel pain. For high cholesterol
Allium sativa Q1oz 10 gtt. b.d.
He developed some ulceration in cheek.
Natrum muriaticum 200, three powders as his
cheek was sensitive to hot food/drink. A week later
cheek ulcer slight relief. Repeat Natrum
muriaticum 200/3 o.d.
A week later, no improvement: Lycopodium
200/4 b.d.
12 days later: erection still poor, early
ejaculation ++, Nitric acid 30/1dram pills t.d.s.
Three weeks later: No > in any respect.
Graphites 200/4 doses. Only ulcer amel. after 8
days. Allium sativa Q again. About two weeks
later cheek ulcer again flared up. To stop Allium
sativa and Graphites M/4 doses. About 20 days
after, Graphites XM/3 powders at 15 minute
Cheek ulceration much improved. All other
complaints remained.
It is interesting to note that Allium sativa
caused cheek ulcer in him. But his Cholesterol
came down.
[I feel bewildered; 30 potency repeated for
days together; 200, 1M, 10M too repeated. What is
the justification for Natrum muriaticum 200–three
powders? And Lycopodium 200-four powders!
Graphites M four doses and XM every 15 minutes
three doses!! Why 15 minutes? Why not 10
minutes or 20 minutes or for that matter every 5
minutes. What are the rules for these games? Or
are there no rules? And it is all a rule of the thumb?
Pardon me please=KSS]
39. My Learning Curve
SHAH, Bhavani (NJH. 5, 3/2003)
20-year-old student of Engineering with
complaints of frontal headache since 1984, <since
1999, as if some swelling inside head, < from
exertion, change of weather, exposure to sun, cold.
Concomitant: head feels hot, cold milk vomited,
bangs his head so that all will come out, drenching
sweat of head, Tense. Mother died of Leukaemia.
Depression after his lover girl ditched him. Natrum
muriaticum 200 one dose weekly for three months.
[The young doctor says that as students, the
importance of single dose was not impressed upon
and that they repeated what they saw in the OPD!
This remark speaks volumes about the
homeopathic education. No purpose in blaming
the students=KSS]
40. Dramatic Cases
33-year-old man, mechanical Engineer, now
into trading. Renal stones, pain in right lumbar
region, with increased urine frequency with
vomiting; pain > after vomiting, agg. 2-4 p.m., 6-7
p.m. 4 stones, obese, nail biting, desires sweets,
salt, meat.
Thuja occidentalis 200/7 doses (!) at intervals
of about two weeks, then Thuja M/10 doses (!!!) at
intervals of 15-20 days. Cured. USG confirmed.
[We see no reason or rationale for so many doses of
high potency Thuja. Has not HAHNEMANN said
that the same potency should not be repeated? =
41. A Case of Prolapse of Inter-vertebral Discs
KAPSE, Anand (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
70-year-old female, three children. Pain left
lumbo-sacral joint, sudden onset, amel. traction,
raising the leg up. Burning soles, fingers, since 7-8
years; amel. cold water, left thigh, right thigh
occasional pains > cold application on head, agg.
night. Throbbing pain, knees since 20 years. No
swelling, agg. sitting/flexing knees, amel. hot
fomentations. Maculo-Papular eruptions, watery
discharge, exertional dyspnoea. X-ray: mild to
moderate Osteoarthritis of the left knee joint.
Sepia 200 repeated daily for 10 days. Then
Thuja 200 and Sepia 200 again for six days. Frozen
shoulder also relieved.
42. Homeopathic Approach to Osteoarthritis
KAPSE, Anand; PHANSE, Anagha &
DATEY, Sonali (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
5 cases of Osteoarthritis successfully treated
homeopathically. Most of the cases needed Thuja
as intercurrent. In some patients Osteoarthritic
Nosode 30 was also used.
43. Homeopathic Management of Disorders of
Lumbar Inter-vertebral Discs
RASAL, Prasad (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Degenerative disc disease wide spread, severe
lumbar canal stenosis. Was on traction for long.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
Homeopathic treatment: Lachesis 200 one dose, on
next day Bryonia XM t.d.s. for ten days. Also
Calcarea fluorica 6x t.d.s. for ten days. Patient
improved and could walk a km. Continued with
Calcarea fluorica 6x b.d. for a month and then o.d.
for two months. One dose Tuberculinum M
(antimiasmatic). [Such prescriptions are really
bewildering. It would appear that Calcarea
fluorica really did more benefit than the Bryonia
XM t.d.s. for 10 days=KSS]
44. The Man who slipped on every occasion
A man 42 years, with complaints of calf pain
and numbness after slipped disc L4-5 an year ago.
Cervical spondylosis. D12-L1 stiff as hardboard.
MRI showed mild degenerative changes D9-10,
D10-11 and D11-12 facet joints.
Nux vomica 30, 200, Kali carbonicum 200, 10
doses over a period. Thuja 200, M as ‘intercurrent.’
45. Homeopathy handles Pneumonitis
JUNAGADE, Sachin and PAWASKAR, Navin
(NJH. 5, 4/2003)
25-year-old lady with complaints of cough and
high grade fever. Couldn’t walk by herself. Her
complaints began 12 days ago after drinking cold
water. Developed coryza. 5 days later wetted and
in two hours high grade fever with chilliness.
Needed blanket in the peak summer. On 7
cough, chest pain < coughing, deep breathing.
Thirst increased, one glass every 10 minutes.
Loose stools since 2-3 days. Urine albumin ++++,
X-ray: Right upper lobar Pneumonia with loculated
Bryonia M 4 hourly and afebrile in 24 hours.
In 72 hours normal. Bryonia M continued to
‘restore’ pathology. Complete radiological
clearance on day 10. Calcarea carbonica 200, 1
dose ‘Constitutional follow-through’.
46. Cancer
BHATNAGAR, Pankaj (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Dr. BHATNAGAR lists the ‘Indian’ Drugs and
their indications used by him in homeopathic
potencies, and also as mother tinctures 38 herbs.
He also lists over 100 remedies from the
homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.
47. Post-vaccination Syndrome
SMITS, Tinus (NAMAH. 11, 4/2004)
Homeopathic practice has recognized that
chronic complaints can develop following
vaccination, ever since general introduction of the
Smallpox vaccination in the 19
century. For many
years, Thuja was acknowledged by homeopaths as
proven remedy for these complaints, whose
treatment appeared to be less than satisfactory.
Vaccines appear to have more side-effects than has
hitherto been accepted. These vaccinations can be
responsible for both acute and chronic health
A large number of these symptom are
frequently cited in the literature as post-vaccination
symptoms: other symptoms are own observations.
In this context any symptom that manifests itself
after treatment with potentised vaccine is deduced
as caused by the vaccine concerned. It must be
accepted that each vaccine can be responsible for
several symptoms like loss of eye contact,
squinting, inflammation of the middle ear,
Bronchitis, etc., Diabetes, etc., lack of
concentration, etc., behavioral problems etc. If a
vaccine is the cause of an ailment, the same vaccine
in a homeopathic potentised dilution is the
perfectly corresponding remedy. Basic description
of the ‘post vaccination syndrome’:
The homeopathic method, general principle
and treatment, prevention, injury to the general
defence mechanism, misconduct, changes in mood,
implied obstacles to the acceptance of the post-
vaccination syndrome, Research,
Recommendations are cited by Dr. Tinus SMITS.
48. Genèse du Cancer – La Cellule Cancéreuse:
Son Origine, sa signification (Genesis of
Cancer – The Cancer Cells, their Origin, its
FLOUR, Agnès (RBH. XXXVIIIb, 3/2003)
1 – Introduction
2 – Cancer and the remedy Carcinosinum
2-1 Etymology and significance of the word
2-2 Cancerisation and Cancerogenesis
2-3 Characteristics of the Cancer cells
2-4 The homeopathic remedy Carcinosinum
2-4-1 Recall of doctrine of HAHNEMANN’s
2-4-2 Nature and origin of the remedy
2-4-3 Mental and Physical symptomatology of
2-4-4 Themes and Words key to the
symptomatology of Carcinosinum
2-5 Common elements of Cancerology and the
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
remedy Carcinosinum
3 – Homeopathic concept of Primary Psora
3-1 Theory of Dr. MASI
3-2 Example: Phosphorus
4 – Hypothesis of Primary Psora for Carcinosinum
5 – The Force
5-1 Etymology and definitions of the word ‘Force’
5-2 The symbols of the ‘Force’
5-3 The ‘Virtue of Force’.
6 – Study of Relations between the two Elements
Analysis, one part the Cancer/Carcinosinum,
the other part – the Force
6-1 Study of the relation between the words
‘Cancer’ and ‘Force’ a level etymology and
6-2 Relations between the words – Carcinosinum
and the word ‘Force’
6-3 Relations between the words – Carcinosinum
and the different aspects of the ‘Force’
7 – Psora primary of Carcinosinum
7-1 Exposition of details of Psora primary of
7-2 Consequences of Psora primary of
8 – Contribution of Psora primary in
comprehension of the Carcinogenesis
9 – Laws no longer general
10 – Conclusion
49. A Case of Hyperprolactinaemia
GUPTA, Girish (CCRH. 26, 1/2004)
40-year-old lady with pain both breasts
especially before menses with dark-colored
discharge from both nipples for six months but
previously similar pain for 16-17 years. Occasional
vaginal discharge before menses. Suffered
Depression in 1997 treated with allopathic drugs.
Serum Prolactin level raised.
Fear of ghost, fear of misfortune, consolation
amel., anxious about health, fastidiousness, tearful
mood, desire for sweet, etc. Pulsatilla M. Two
months later repeated.
No pain, almost no discharge from nipples.
Prolactin level within normal limits.
50. Homeopathy in Children’s Ailments
PATWARDHAN, Prabha (CCR. 11, 1/2004)
The author is a Paediatrician. She says that
children are usually brought to the Paediatrician
i. Mental ailments, e.g.:
Excessive crying
Mental dullness/retardation
School phobia
Examination phobia
Phobia in general
Aggressive behavior
Excessive timidity
Behavior disorders
Bed wetting
ii. Physical ailments, e.g.:
Respiratory problems
Gastrointestinal tract/diarrhoea, constipation,
Skin and hair
Teeth problems
Urinary infections, etc.
However, in Homeopathy these divisions do
not matter much.
Twelve cases are discussed, all interesting and
Dr. PATWARDHAN appends a ‘Note’ on
DPT Vaccine.
“It contains Formaldehyde, Mercury
derivative, Alum phosphate and damages the
immune and nervous system. Linked to Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome (SID), Brain damage,
Autism, Blindness, Epilepsy, Learning disability,
Hyperactivity and Dyslexia. Useful in delicate,
sensitive children with weak, damaged or under-
developed immune system. Children have frequent
colds, cough and long continued coughing spells
like Whooping cough, Asthma, Visual perception
problems, Auditory processing deficit, Fine motor
delay, Attention span deficit, Insomnia.
Children are nervous, trembly and fearful,
show sudden fear while playing. Hyperactive,
explosive, out of control, unable to sit for more than
a few minutes. Arch back while crying. Milk
aggravation, Loss of appetite, Projectile vomiting,
Chronic diarrhoea, sleep walking at night
frequently, Scream for long periods for no apparent
When the parents link a particular ailment as
having started after a shot of DPT vaccine, it is
worthwhile giving a dose of DPT in potency,
particularly if the child cried for a very long time
and the site of injection was swollen, painful and
inflamed for long time.
Dr. Prabha PATWARDHAN has contributed
32 case studies covering different disease states,
both acute and chronic. Very interesting in all.
51. A Case Report
MISTRY D.E. (CCR. 11, 1/2004)
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
84-year-old lady with Numbness in the lower
limbs, hearing loud noises in the head on waking in
the morning, occasional vertigo with tendency to
fall on right side, stickiness in mouth on waking at
1 a.m.
Ignatia XM because she had been treated of a
toxic thyroid state many years ago, by her late
husband Dr. NAGAVANSHI, a pioneer
homeopath of Solapur.
The patient was treated for nearly years at
her home; various complications intervened
including a fracture of the left hip, very anaemic,
etc. Treatments according to the symptoms were
continued until she passed away peacefully.
52. Operated Case of Medulloblastoma
MISTRY D.E. (CCR. 11, 1/2004)
11-year-old girl operated for Medulloblastoma
in March 2003. After operation she developed
squint; vision good, mild bouts of vertigo and
She had ear discharges from both ears since
Vertigo and vomiting began years ago, 9-
12 in forenoon. Vertigo better after vomiting.
CT scan revealed hypodense mass involving
the vermis of the Cerebellum compressing the 4
ventricle and dilatation of the 3
ventricle and the
lateral ventricles with enhancement of brain sulci.
Diagnosis Medullablastoma with dissemination of
the pathology in the rest of the brain.
Surgery was done on 26 March 2003.
Radiotherapy was not done since prognosis was
She was averse to milk, eggs. Perspiration on
head and neck only in summer while playing.
Dreamt of death daily before her illness started;
also dreamt of robbers. Eyes pain in sunlight, liked
loose clothes always, liked to be alone, silent fears
if scolded, better consolation, fastidious.
Treatment was according to the method of Dr.
A.U. RAMAKRISHNAN for Brain Cancer.
Plumbum iodatum, Baryta carbonica, Aethusa
cynapium, Baryta iodata and Zincum sulphuricum
were given earlier.
Baryta carbonica 30 by plussing and next
week Carcinosin 30 plussing.
Between 11 June 2003 and 10 January 2004
several remedies were given. However, she went
down and on 10 January 2004, she passed away
53. Trifolium pratense for breast disease: A case
PARVU E. (HOMEOPATHY, 93, 1/2004)
Modern studies confirm the antitumoral, anti-
inflammatory and oestrogenic effects of Trifolium
pratense. A series of cases in which the remedy
was used in breast disease with hyper-oestrogenic
symptoms is reported. Several patients with Cystic
Mastosis and Breast Cancer appeared to do well.
Case 1: BG age 48. Female presented with
general twitching, muscular cramps, persistent
fatigue, memory impairment. Sluggish cognition
and emotional lability, chilly and thin. Past history
of Hepatitis B, Hypothyroidism,
Hypoparathyroidism, Hyper-oestrogenaemia,
Precocious puberty. Breast examination revealed a
congested, painful left breast with palpable mass.
Trifolium pratense 200. Within 24 hrs
reduction in breast symptoms especially pain and
tension. Lump smaller and in a few days no lump.
Two months later Mammography normal and no
Case 2: 80-year female, operated for Invasive
Ductal Breast Carcinoma, optimistic and fastidious.
Father and son died of Cancer. Visible retraction of
left nipple.
Trifolium pratense 12 daily for one month.
She was sleeping well with good appetite and no
pain. Lump reduced in size. Medicine continued
again for a month and then 30 twice weekly for a
month and followed up for nine more months.
Case 3: 24-year female, operated for Invasive
Papillary Carcinoma, axillary node invasion, large
areas of necrosis with calcification. Emotional
shock after the surgery. Father died of Multiple
Sclerosis two years ago. In addition to her ongoing
grief, she was worried about Oophorectomy and
subsequent infertility.
Arnica montana 7 for 2 weeks. Wound healed
and pain alleviated. Trifolium pratense 200
repetition after a month.
Looking better and optimistic. Continuing
conventional treatment. No relapse of breast
symptoms after Chemotherapy. Twelve doses of
Trifolium pratense over a period of 8 months.
Case 4: 66-year-old female with the diagnosis
of left Mammary Neoplasm stage III with
lymphoedema of the left arm following Radical
Left arm hard with oedema of two months
duration and discolored purplish-blue.
Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy done. Easy
emotional upsets. Sometimes hot flushes. Weepy,
depressed, hopeless, yawning frequently.
3 doses of Trifolium pratense 200 at 12 hour
intervals. She felt better, more energetic and
oedema less, and less weepy in the next two
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
months. Apis mellifica 7 daily one dose for a
month. No change. Trifolium pratense 200 and
Ignatia 30. Better sleep, more cheerful. No
improvement of lymphoedema.
Case 5: 45-year-old female treated by Radical
Mammectomy, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
after a relapse. It has spread further. Mother died
of Breast Cancer, father of Cerebro-vascular
accident. She associated the recent lump with
injury from an elbow blow. Trifolium pratense 200
once monthly. Conium maculatum 7 daily once for
a month and Sepia officinalis 30 once weekly.
A month later, mammography shows no
evidence of lump and no sign of inflammation.
There was no further homeopathic follow-up.
Case 6: BC 35-year-old female with Cystic
Mastopathy and Uterine Fibroma. Pulmonary
Tuberculosis seven years ago. Acne with facial
hirsutes. Uraemic with intense itching, breast
tension and pain before menses. Menses painful,
irregular. Unmarried, emotionally vulnerable.
Unhappy love affair.
Trifolium pratense 200 on the basis that it
appears to be indicated in hyperoestrogenaemic
states. No pain or tension in the breast. Cyst seems
to be smaller. Acne >. No hair on her chin.
Relapse with severe pain and milky secretion.
Dose repeated and Tuberculinum 10M. Inspite of
the symptomatology cyst size reduced.
Case 7: 48-year-old female with Fibrocystic
Mastitis and left ovarian cyst. Sensation of lump in
stomach, bloated abdomen and heart burn after
2 years ago, Hysterectomy. Chilly, pessimistic
and anxious. Aversion to milk. Strong fear of
Sepia officinalis 30, two doses, 200 single
dose, Oophorinum 7 daily one dose. Two months
later, ovarian cyst decreased in size.
Mammography homogenous lump. Trifolium
pratense 200. 5 months later, amelioration of pain
and breast tension. No important problems.
Case 8: GE 25-year-old female with three
months of amenorrhoea, anovulatory periods,
hirsutism, cystic breasts. Strong sensation of heat
with perspiration, headache after emotional stress.
Frequent urinary infections. Irregular menses
without pain. Thin, sensitive, introverted, serious,
dislikes sympathy. Likes salt, dislikes fat, seaside.
Natrum muriaticum 30, two doses, 200, single dose
at 12h interval. Folliculinum 30, 3 doses at 24h
interval, then Progesterone 7, daily for 7 days.
Trifolium pratense 200 after 7 weeks.
Menstruated on the second day, with great
amelioration of the heat sensation and headache.
54. Elaps in advanced pathology – a case study
IPGA, female 70-years, operated for Rectal
Adenocarcinoma with several post-surgical
complications. MRI- Multiple Uterine fibroids,
bilateral renal cysts - pleural densities at the base of
right lung.
Minimum syndrome of maximum value:
- Dreams of falling, fear of falling, falling into a pit
- Desire of oranges.
- Dreams/fear of snakes
- General – Food and Drinks: Oranges - aversion,
Oranges – desire
Elaps corallinus 31K, 1 drop daily. Gradually
increased to 35 then 60, then 90%, all 1 drop daily.
The patient was followed up for one year.
- Subjective feeling of well-being
- More active life
- Amelioration of anticipation
- Improvement of sleep pattern
Referred to a dietician for dietary advice.
55. Heart and Homeopathy
CHANDRAN A.P. (HH. 28, 10/2003)
The moment we get a small pain in the chest
area we fear about some heart disease and become
panicky. Illustrates a case of 73-year-old man
cured with Nux vomica M. This was repeated twice
because he took Aspirin. Patient remains well.
56. The successful homeopathic treatment of
CHAPPELL, Peter (HL. 16, 2/2003)
The author discusses his experience with
treating HIV/AIDS in Africa in 2002, with
Homeopathy. This work, he says, became the
biggest experience in his life. “I had little support,
financial or otherwise, and enormous challenges to
face seemingly daily. I had to work intimately in
the consulting room under trying circumstances and
to think globally all the time. I also had to rethink
Homeopathy. It was also harrowing. I had to
attend funerals and the desperately sick in hospitals.
I had to refuse dying patients where there was no
alternative to offer. I had to be very compassionate
and highly reflective. I had no mentors within
reach by phone or in person. …. I ran out of money
twice, down to the wire, the last $100, and my
friends rescued me ….. My first observation is that
if you are deeply inspired you can move mountains.
My next observation is that when you really need
funds for something that’s radical, incredibly
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
uncertain, amazing in potential, yet unbelievable,
and Homeopathy, you don’t get it except from
your own bank account and that of friends.” The
author prepared his own HIV/AIDS medicine, after
long observation. The method is as follows:
Select the disease process,
Reduce it to its essential core process,
Create a magnetic analogue a fractal similarity
to the disease process.
Potentise this. [This is Homeopathy?! = KSS]
57. My son needs Consciousness A case of
FONTAINE, Pierre (HL. 16, 2/2003)
An 8-year-old boy with Attention Deficit
Hypertensive Disorder (ADHD). History of ear
infections. Can’t stay on tasks or follow directions.
A loner; usually hot. Has a cracked lower lip.
Absolute inability to focus any kind of attention.
Dreamt that he was on a boat, the whole family
gets off the boat and I go home but my parents are
not at home. I pound on the door but the door is
locked. I watch T.V., when it is almost time to go
to bed a T-rex crashed through the ceiling. A
helicopter chases me trying to kill me with water.
The T-rex swats the helicopter and saves me. We
then go to sleep.” Likes meat and sour.
The mother’s state during pregnancy and her
dreams are enquired into.
Using Jan SCHOLTEN’s thematics the remedy
Natrum iodatum 30 is given. Improvement. To
clear an intervening cough, sneezing, sore throat,
Phytolacca 30 given. The Natrum iodatum 30 is
repeated. Two year follow-up. The boy is well.
58. A Ditsy girl
FONTAINE, Pierre (HL. 16, 2/2003)
25-year-old woman with anxieties for the past
two years. They started at the beginning of a
relationship. Playing with fingers a lot. Wanted
something for the anxiety and depression. Her
story revealed that she lived superficially and for all
that glitters.
Using Jan SCHOLTEN’s thematics, Natrum
fluoratum M is administered.
One-year follow-up during which time this
remedy is repeated four times.
59. I am untouchable
MANGIALAVORI, Massimo (HL. 16,
A 20-year-old young cadet of the Military
Academy of Modena who had severe injuries while
horse-riding and developed backache and many
other pains. His case is taken in detail and
repertorized on the symptoms chosen from the
totality. Arnica XM, repeated, then 50M. Follow-
up one year. Well.
This is a very interesting case and teaches
choice of the rubrics from the whole story.
60. A Case of Diabetes Mellitus, Type-II
HOLIDA, Robert (HH. 29, 3/2004)
A 52-year-old male high school teacher
presents with polydipsia and polyuria. Glonoine
200 was prescribed for Blood Pressure which had
come down from 160/110 to 140/90 an year ago.
Glonoine was alternated with Crataegus D1. On
the basis Diabetes being preceded and being
concomitant dyspepsia Uranium nitricum 6c was
given. It was alternated with Olea europea D1, 20
drops t.d.s. One week later improvement in
micturition and polydipsia. The glycosuria was still
evident. Olea europea 50 drops t.d.s., p.c. One
month later improvement was so great that he did
not feel he had disease anymore.
3 months later Uranium nitricum 6c b.d. and
Olea europea D1 b.d. Then his B.P. was stable at
125/80 mm Hg.
During the first consultation he was taken off
his favourite foods like cakes, all sweet foods, his
favourite juice etc. On the last two visits he had
taken some cakes and concentrated drinks a day
before. After a month B.P. was normal. He is still
on Uranium nitricum.
1. Korrektur einer Rubrik in Synthetischen
Repertorium (Correction of a Rubric in the
Synthetic Repertory)
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 48, 1/2004)
The Rubric “Speech affected” has been
translated incorrectly into German and French