© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005) Review by Tom
WHITMARSH: “The confident assertion in the
title of this book, which seems to promise much,
hides something of a let down. There have always
been people who sneer at Homeopathy and have
delighted in pointing out the implausibility of any
direct effect of remedies by the standards of
knowledge of the day. ……. The arguments
haven’t changed, though the metaphors have
expanded somewhat. We are promised that we will
discover how Homeopathy works. At least the
author, a ‘Harvard and UC Berkeley educated
Physicist’ indirectly acknowledges that
Homeopathy has a positive effect on health. ….
He takes us through the whole process of
Homeopathy, starting from the doubtful validity of
a ‘Law’ of Similars ... He discusses the multiplicity
of practices which claim the title ‘Homeopathy’
and many different diagnostic practices ... He goes
into the absurdity of Provings …. If you need a
book which summarises the scientific arguments
against Homeopathy in an up-to-date language,
with nice graphs and tables, this is it ... This book
which confidently aims to tell us how Homeopathy
really works spends all but 20 of its 319 pages on
demonstrating from every conceivable angle how it
really doesn’t work. …. The author has no trouble
in demonstrating that homeopathic theory does not
satisfy most of the key elements thought to be
important in useful scientific theories. …. It is all
well-researched and reasonably well-written and, it
is hard to argue with many of the conclusions on
the information as presented. … He has not
answered the hard question; how is it that people
with chronic physical, emotional and mental
distress and disease who have not been much
helped by well delivered and well indicated
conventional therapies feel a transformation in their
condition once they have received a particular
homeopathic remedy, having had no benefit from
previously prescribed remedies? May be that’s his
next book.”
6. Spiritual Bioenergetics of Homeopathic
Materia Medica by Y. SHARMA. Academy of
Light limited, London, Wembley, 2004. ISBN 1-
904472-01-X. Review by Bob LECKRIDGE
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005): “…. Each remedy
‘picture’ described common patterns of experience
using a particular set of metaphors. The biomedical
model of health and disease uses a different set of
metaphors. There are many, many different sets of
metaphors in human usage. What this books sets
out to do is to collect together a number of these
metaphoric sets and place them next to each other
around the core set homeopathic metaphors. ….
Instead of improved communication and
understanding we end up with piles and piles of
metaphors each of which refer only to other
metaphors. …. In homeopathic terms this means
that Sharma’s book could be called ‘Sycotic’. In
‘Sycosis’ the individual runs further and further
away into fantasy as they try to escape the burdens
of reality. Sycosis is represented by over-doing,
over-activity and an over-growing. It’s no surprise
then that this is one big heavy book. It runs to
nearly 800 pages and this is only ‘Volume 1’! …
In homeopathic terms, it’s a sycotic book and in
Lacanian terms it is a psychotic book. ….”
7. Homeopathy at its Best by P.S.
KRISHNAMURTHY Salimashraf Publishers,
Hyderabad, 2002. Rs. 475/- US $30. Review by
1/2005): “This collection of articles recreates the
legend of a mystical link between the disciple and
founding masters. In Chapter I, we read ‘Although
nearly fifty thousand homeopathic practitioners
come out every year in India from medical colleges,
the majority of them are practicing Allopathy ...
Because it is difficult to practice Homeopathy….
and the teaching staff are using allopathic therapy
in their private practice because they were not
thoroughly taught homeopathic technology in their
studies’. …. He considers Homeopathy capable of
causing iatrogenic adverse effects, although it has
long been considered a safe method suitable for use
by children and pregnant women. …. There is a
useful chapter on epidemics. Many could benefit
from his extensive experience of Encephalitis,
Dengue, Malaria, Influenza, Typhoid fever, Plague,
etc, for example the use of Eupatorium 200 in
Dengue fever. …. I was disappointed that a book
titled ‘Homeopathy at its Best’ does not clarify
important issues like Posology or include principles
and therapeutic guidelines that can help to make
Homeopathy a practical solution to disease. It
should give students self-confidence. … Instead it
tends to undermine the confidence of students.”
8. Homeopathy Research – an Expedition
Report: An Old Healing System Gains
Plausibility by P.C. ENDLER, edition@inter-
uni.net: Austria. ISBN 3950144811, 2003.
Review by Jeremy SWAYNE. (HOMEOPATHY,
94, 1/2005): ‘And now’, as the saying is, ‘for
something completely different!’
“Christian ENDLER is known for his
contributions to the study of high dilutions, and in
particular as editor, with J. SCHULTE, of Ultra
High Dilution, a book that reviewed the research
on the subject in 1994, followed by Fundamental
Research on Ultra High Dilution and