© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XXIII, 2006
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published
world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end.)
Compilation, translation, publication by
1253, 66th Street,
Chennai - 600 080, India.
© Centre For Excellence In Homeopathy
VOL. XXIII, 1, 2006
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Unity Within Diversity:
Moving Toward Dynamic Harmony Within the
Homeopathic Community
CICCHETTI, Jane (AH. 11/2005)
This article addresses some of the reasons for
the unusual degree of alienation and disagreement
within the homeopathic profession and explores
possibilities of dynamic harmony.
There are factors inherent within the
philosophy of Homeopathy that divide us from one
another. Empiricism creates a strong connection
with the patient and separation between
Professional disunity quarrelling over what is
true Homeopathy and general discord among
homeopaths has been all too common from
HAHNEMANN’s time until the present day.
HAHNEMANN himself created much discord
by criticizing anyone who did not agree with him or
who practiced “his” healing art in such a way that
did not meet his approval. [Of course,
HAHNEMANN insisted on following him exactly
if one wanted to get similar results. You cannot
practice as you pleased to and if results were not
positive blame Homeopathy and HAHNEMANN.
During days of LIPPE, ALLEN, WELLS there
were no individual trails. You give one and the
same case to them each separately and they would
prescribe one remedy unlike today when you refer a
case to three modern homeopaths you will get
three different remedies nowhere near each other
and claim individuality. In Homeopathy
‘individualization’ is with reference to the ill
patient and not the individual homeopath. = KSS.]
Another factor is the introverted nature of
many homeopaths. What are important in
professions made up of creative and independent
thinkers are guidelines that allow for discussion and
dialogue. Recognition of diversity of opinion and
forums for cross-pollination of ideas are important
steps toward co-operation.
The innovative solutions come from many
interactions between individuals.
Physicist David BOHM was interested in
dialogue through which it is possible to move to a
completely new way of looking at things.
In Bohmian dialogue groups, there is no
particular goal other than carefully listening to all
of those who wish to speak. This slows down the
thinking process enough so that underlying
patterns, preconceptions and prejudices that lie
behind the opinions and beliefs of each participant
are revealed within the group. It is when these
insights are shared within the group that completely
new ideas and views emerge.
If homeopaths were to participate in Bohmian
dialogue groups, perhaps would go beyond their
differences and find solutions for the difficult
health challenges from which so many are suffering
and might eventually develop a strong and resilient
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
There is difference between dialogue and
Honoring the opinion of others and not
alienating or offending them is a core principle of
dialogue. Dialogue requires that we leave our
egoistic view. This not only improves
communication, but also contains the possibility of
helping to expand consciousness and increase
maturity in those who choose to practice this fine
art of relating to others.
Once we can accept that there will always be
differences of opinion and we learn how to
communicate with one another about those
differences, we change what was once a schism in
the profession to an advantage. While
philosophical disagreements will always exist and
can, when respectfully encountered, create a very
positive dynamic, the emotional wounding requires
healing. [We cannot forget that ‘opinionsare not
the point. There is a Law and freedom should not
transcend that Law. HAHNEMANN criticized
edifices built upon opinions. ‘His’ Homeopathy
(Yes, it indeed is his: he gave us a Medicine
complete in itself Drugs, Materia Medica based
on Provings and ‘facts’ and not speculations or
opinions or surmises Pharmacology, and
application of all these all came from his,
HAHNEMANN’s, inductive intellect. We have no
regrets whatever; we stay contented. There is no
quarrel with ‘innovators’. But if they choose to
brand their innovations which are far removed from
the ‘basics’, as Homeopathy, it is an insult. While
eschewing quarrel need we smoke the pipe of peace
together? = KSS.]
2. Reclaiming the Meaning of Miasm
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
The purpose of this article is to reaffirm the
original meaning of Miasm and Chronic Disease in
the face of so many different interpretations. The
modern homeopath needs an updated frame of
reference for the description of chronic miasmatic
disease. An analogy will be made between the
naming of chronic Miasms and the naming of
clouds. A few current interpretations of Miasms
will be mentioned and compared to the original
observations of chronic diseases.
3. Hidden in Plain Sight
The Role of Vaccines in Chronic Disease
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
The adverse effects of vaccines are easily
ignored by the medical profession because they’re
limited to a few that are already documented (DPT
Encephalopathy, MMR Autism, etc.) and occur
within a few days after they are given. They are
also difficult to recognize even when looked for
because they represent only a more severe version
of whatever disease elements are already present in
each child; i.e., a non-specific effect of the
vaccination process per se, for which any vaccine
will suffice. Illustrative cases connect vaccines to
the common diseases of childhood (Asthma,
Eczema, Otitis, Allergies, Sinusitis, ADD, Autism,
etc.). This leads to a simple hypothesis to explain
how vaccines act. The remainder of the article
applies these ideas to vaccines of more recent
vintage, and concludes with recommendations for
vaccine and health policy.
4. Inductive Reasoning
(Excerpts from a forthcoming book)
AUSTIN, Michael (SIM. XVIII, 1 &2/2005)
Inductive reasoning use series of observations,
in order to reach a conclusion. Induction occur
when we gather bits of specific information
together and use our own knowledge and
experience in order to make an observation about
what must be true.
The varieties of inductive reasoning like
Generalization, Analogy, Statistical Inference are
discussed and the possible fallacies. [von
BeNNINGHAUSEN is the best example for
inductive reasoning = KSS.]
1. Taraxacum officinale
WILKENS, Johannes (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
Practical application of Taraxacum is
discussed. The author also made a small ‘Proving’
with the D6. The dullness, lethargic feeling, the
knee pains have all been verified in this self-
The author’s wife who also took Lac
taraxacum developed a definite feeling of being
pregnant for several weeks. She also felt heavy
tumescence of the breasts.
The remedy also is for diseases of the affluent.
It is also for chronic consequences of Hepatitis A or
B. In Fibromyalgia and Diabetes mellitus very
surprising results could be obtained from
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
2. Parallele, symmetrische HAMP von Silicea
und Bufo rana (C30) durch Kursteilnehmer
der A-F.Kurse
(Parallel, Symmetric Homeopathic Medicine
Proving of Silicea and Bufo rana)
MÖLLINGER, Heribert (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
Homeopathic medicine Proving is basic for
homeopathic therapeutics, and is a component in
the training courses for advancement in
Homeopathy Studies.
The design of a Proving, and the double blind,
randomized without placebo control in the A-F
Course in Hohenheim (10/2003) is explained.
The results of the Proving are given in full.
3. Viola odorata – Pathogenese eines Irrtums
(Viola odorota Pathogenesis mis-
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 49, 1/2005)
Two cases were reported in the ZKH.
46,1/2002 by Dr. Alois BAHEMANN in which he
had used the remedy Viola odorata and a peculiar
symptom with regard to this remedy is “Intellect
predominates over the emotion”. The source of this
symptom (in the Repertory) could not be traced
with certainty. This symptom seems to have been
drawn from JAHR. In his letter to the Editor
(ZKH. 46, 2/2002) Curt STERS explained the
Proving symptoms and concluded that “Intellect
predominated over the emotion” was an incorrect
rubric. However, later few more cured cases were
reported in the journals with the same symptom.
In this article HOLZAPFEL discusses both
BAHEMANN and Curt KÖSTERS and concludes
that the rubric is a misinterpretation, and should be
removed from the Materia Medica and Repertory.
4. Clinical Homeopathic Use of RNA: Evidence
from Two Provings
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Two Homeopathic Drug Provings (HDPs) of
RNA have been published. The methods are
reviewed. Our method is double-blind and
placebo-controlled, conforms to GCP and includes
run-in and follow-up phases. Symptoms are
selected from diaries according to predefined
criteria. The results of the Provings are compared
with each other and with the homeopathic clinical
use of RNA. At this stage it is difficult to draw
conclusions concerning the clinical use of RNA.
Further HDPs are required, they should follow GCP
and standard, transparent protocols.
5. A Deeper Look at Drug Remedies
HERRICK, Nancy (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
Polarities are one of the main characteristics of
drug remedies. There are 3 classifications of the
drug remedies: Stimulants, Depressants and
Stimulants – Go toward something i.e. Coffea
Creative mental work, Coca- physical activity,
Thea ideas and Ginseng – spiritual involvement.
Depressants – Attempt to escape from something
i.e. Opium from pain, Morphinum from moral
codes, Nux moschata from rationality, Alcoholus
from responsibilities, Piper methysticum from
boredom, Tabacum from burdens or oppression.
Hallucinogens Combine both aspects of the above
and they escape into delusions.
Another amazing dimension to the
understanding of drug remedies are Miasms of
Acute Miasm: Morphinum and Coffeinum.
Sycotic Miasm: Cannabis indica.
Cancer Miasm: Opium, Anhalonium.
Leprosy Miasm: Codeinum, Mandragora
Syphilitic Miasm: Nilumbo nucifera
1. Zur therapeutischen Bedeutung der zwölften
Dezimalpotenz bei isopathisches Anwendung
(The therapeutic significance of the 12 decimal
potency in isopathic application)
HÜBNER, Gerhard (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
It is shown that the 12
decimal potency (12x)
has an exceptionally therapeutic quality if used
isopathically. Side effects caused by allopathic
remedies, also allergic agents like heavy metals
which cause long time allergy (Type IV) can be
cured with the same agent in D12 (12K). This is so
in cases of body’s own substances e.g. Adrenaline
Thus the significance of the D12 potency is of
great value.
2. Schwindelzustände seit frühster Kindheit:
Cocculus indicus (Vertigo since early
childhood – Cocculus indicus)
HADULLA, Michael (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
A 53-year–old woman with Vertigo since
nearly childhood, abdominal pain with dyspnoea
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
and aversion to eat was cured of all these
complaints by Cocculus indicus 200 one dose.
This remedy is a ‘small’ remedy, used mostly
for travel sickness; ‘small’ because of our ‘small’
homeopathic knowledge!
3. Homöopathische Behandlung eine
Skorpionstiches (Homeopathic Treatment of
Scorpion Sting)
JAEGER, Johanr-Dietrich (AHZ. 250, 1/2005)
A small case of scorpion sting (while on a
holiday in Greece) which required Ledum 30 (sting
of insects, better by ice cold application), followed
by Mercurius solubulis 30 (pain occiput, pain left
side of head) and lastly Sepia 200 (chilly, appetite,
etc.) all within 24 hrs. Patient became completely
Though an acute case, the author has given the
working with the KENT and BeNNINGHAUSEN
4. Fälle aus der Psychiatrie
(Cases from Psychiatry)
BRENNER, Stefan (ZKH. 49,1/2005)
Five cases from Psychiatry, treated
successfully complimentarily to psychiatric psycho-
and psycho-pharmaco therapy by following
principles of Classical Homeopathy, are presented.
Two cases in detail (Sep., Nat-m.), three more in
shortened versions (Hyos., Lach., Ign.). In spite of
high-dose combined psycho-pharmaco-therapy,
homeopathic Q-potencies were highly effective.
5. Zwei weitere Fälle von cerebralem
Anfalleleiden (Two Further Cases of Cerebral
Seizures – Epileptic)
RICHTER, Olaf & HADULLA, Michael
(ZKH. 49,1/2005)
A Case of a 5½-year-old boy suffering from
epileptic seizures (focal-partial-cerebral seizures
with Rolando-focus). As a result of Calcarea
carbonica, Opium D, 200 and Sulphur the seizures
disappeared clinically, also no further hyper
synchronic activity in EEG could be found. The
second case reports about an 8-year-old boy
suffering from epileptic seizures and multiple
cerebral defects. As a result of anti-epileptic
treatment (Frisium-Clogazam) increasing behavior
disorders as side effects. By homeopathic
treatment with Tuberculinum and Silicea the
seizures disappeared.
6. Skleritis – Senega (Scleritis – Senega)
WEGENER, Andreas (ZKH. 49, 1/2005)
A Case of Scleritis cured by Senega. The
characteristics were: aggravation on focusing,
bursting pain with sensation of enlargement and
sensitivity to touch of the eyes. Two symptoms of
Senega, hitherto not in the repertories, can be
7. Eine “complicierte” Krankheit – Krebs
(A “Complicated” Disease – Cancer)
FRIEDRICH, Uwe (ZKH. 49, 1/2005)
Treatment of an inflammatory breast Cancer
with Belladonna, Lac caninum, Carcinosinum and
Lycopodium. Analysis of Cancer as a complicated
disease, consisting of several dissimilar diseases.
The author refers, rightly, to the Organon as
“the basis of Treatment”. Cancer is perceived as far
more than a one-sided disease, and its treatment
basis has been clearly mentioned by
HAHNEMANN in the Organon. Most of the
authors say that in the treatment of Cancer great
attention is to be paid about treatment of dissimilar
disease. About potentisation and dosages also
HAHNEMANN has sketched the basis for the
concept of the homeopathic therapy of Cancer
72). The successful application of
HAHNEMANN’s instructions can be learnt from
all leading homeopaths from the beginning of the
Century who handled Cancers. Most of them
have slightly modified them according to personal
experiences, but within the Hahnemannian
tradition. In the author’s opinion, these were J.C.
8. Akutfälle nach BÖNNINGHAUSEN (2)
(ZKH. 49, 1/2005)
The author has earlier reported cases treated
using the BeNNINGHAUSEN method (ZKH. 48,
3/2004). Here he reports three more cases.
The difference between a characteristic
symptom in homeopathic and common language is
explained. Ref. to the § 153: The more
common and indeterminate symptoms (lack of
appetite, headache, lassitude, restless sleep,
discomfort, etc.) are to be seen with almost every
disease and medicine and thus deserve little
attention unless they are more closely
The three cases explain the above.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
9. Bonjour Docteur
LAPY, Benoit (RBH. 32, 1/2002)
A young girl suffered from cold and a cough
especially in a warm room or on exertion like
cycling. She seems a little haughty and indifferent.
Belladonna is prescribed. In the subsequent visit
she acts clownish. She is prescribed Opium and
later Veratrum album and Pulsatilla. But the ENT
problems recur.
Then during a new ENT infection she enters
the doctor’s consulting room acting like a clown,
she puts out her tongue and plays with an elastic
band. She is described as changing, sometimes
very active, sometimes very exhausted. She at
present has some problem at school but her mother
has not been able to bring it out of her. She is
prescribed Kali bichromicum 30K with very good
The analysis of the case: Prescription is based
on the rubrics
- antics playful
- timidity bashful
- rest, desire for.
Not satisfied with description of the remedy in
ALLEN’s Encyclopaedia, consulted HUGHES &
This work follows the chronology of events of
the provers and though incomplete in regard to
certain remedies, it is all the same very rich in
lessons for certain remedies: the sequence of the
symptoms of the prover (which is not found in
ALLEN’s presentation) is very descriptive and has
helped in this prescription.
1. The girl says that she is a big girl, she is very
sure of herself, very affirmative.
In HUGHES prover No.20. NEIDHART –
countenance fuller, clearer and more
2. When the girl is sick she takes no pleasure in
her usual work, here it is not tiredness, that
prevents her from playing but rather
No.26 MARENZELLER lassitude with a
feeling of general malaise, sullen and not
inclined to attend to his avocations, tired of
3. When she is sick, she wants calm, tranquility
and in the same prover… tiredness,
melancholy, desire for calm, rest.
4. When sick she wants to lie down, her mother
cannot make her tell her problems.
Under SCHWARZ – No. 33
Sensation heat and tiredness as after exercise,
exhausted, incapable of thought, desire to remain
seated, indifferent, desire to cut short all
conversation, lest I expose myself, desire to be
alone, better in open air.
5. Her attitude is particular – on one side ... it
appears that she wants to do her normal work, on
the other hand she claims to be very sick and wants
to be relieved immediately (first taken as sick so
that she could have the syrup but not so)
REISINGER (31)…. Great lassitude and malaise
which prevents him from sleeping even for an hour;
sensation as if a real sickness had arrived.
This case has shown that a better approach to
the complaints of the patient can lead to a judicious
An attentive reading of the Materia Medica
without any misinterpretation can help us in better
understand the remedies.
This case is just an illustration and one should
not hastily reach to conclusions to limit the
Materia Medica of this remedy just to the above
10. Cas clinique pour l’entrée á la Société belge
d’Homoeopathie (Clinical Case for Entry into
the Belgian Homeopathic Society)
SCHEEPERS, Leon (RBH. 32, 1/2002)
A 37-year-old entrepreneur with Eczema, since
a year, of the back of hands, wrist and forearms.
Dry and red patches with itching more in the
evening than the day. The eruptions had started
suddenly between the fingers and the wrist. Two
weeks later the eruption on the left eye lid.
Sometimes there are eruptions in the axilla and the
hips. He used a cortisone cream and a moisturizing
His arrogant mentality, egoism, ambition, food
desires Sulphur was prescribed. His eczema
disappeared only to return again.
Further consultation and re-repertorisation of
the following symptoms
- Capriciousness, rejecting things for which
he has been longing
- Discontented everything with
- Weeping music from
- Restlessness
- Eruption face
- Teeth caries
- Inflammation gums
Comes out with Kreosotum, which matches well
especially with the mental state of the patient. Over
a period of 9 years the patient required Kreosotum
12 times but there is very good improvement both
in his physical and mental state.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
11. A Case of Conduct Disorder
Violence and Audacity in a Fearful Boy
SHANNON, Tim (AH. 11/2005)
Ten-year-old boy, quiet and reticent presenting
with Conduct Disorder. Fear of the dark, being
alone, likes cats and dogs. Alligators and
crocodiles interest him. Dreams of blue whale
chasing and attacking. Fragile self-esteem.
Aggressive with deep-seated anger. Criticism
affects him. Alienates friends by being aggressive.
But when he meets one whom he cannot take on, he
cows down easily. Loves Dinosaurs. Pain in legs.
Jealous. He has low pain bearing.
Tyrannosaurus rex 200, 2 doses 12 hours apart.
The author has used Massimo’s Repertory
combined with Millennium Repertory.
Follow up – 5 weeks later – improved.
Three months later mild relapse. T. rex 200 3
doses 12 hours apart.
A year later Much improved. Still fear of
dark. Still being brash as a compensation for being
fearful. T. rex. Q1 Qd 20/80, in 4 Oz water, then
¼ tsp.
Doing well. [Case Reports like this simply
cause anguish. Where is the Proving of the
Tyrannosaurus? Should not homeopaths have
access to the Provings and medicines? Rare Cases,
Rare Materia Medica, Rare Repertories, Massimo’s
Repertory and K. J. MÜLLER’s References works!
Rare availability of the remedies. Honestly these
Case Reports are useless for the regular
12. General Practitioners and Classical
Homeopaths Treatment Models for Asthma
and Allergy
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Complementary and alternative treatment
(CAT) is increasingly popular with patients and
health-care providers. In the western societies an
increasing number of patients with Asthma and
Allergy combine conventional and CAT. But
health-care providers knowledge about the different
treatment models applied within the conventional
health care system and alternative treatment is
generally poor. ‘Treatment model’ includes
understanding of disease, diagnostic approach,
treatment methods and expected effects of
treatment. Different treatment models represent
different social constructions of understanding. We
present a conceptualization of general practitioners’
(GPs) and classic homeopaths(CHs) perceptions
of their treatment models in patients with Asthma
and Allergy. This is a first phase of a research
project conducted in Denmark to study
prerequisites for bridge building between
conventional and alternative therapists.
The research questions were: How do the GPs
and the CHs describe their treatment models for
Asthma and Allergy? What are the differences and
similarities between the treatment models? Is there
a logical connection between the components of the
GPs and CHs treatment models?
Six GPs and 11 CHs participated in semi-
structured interviews. The main difference is in the
GPs and CHs descriptions of the purpose of
treatment. Similarities are found in the perception
of a successful treatment. Both the GPs and CHs
experience treatment effects to be dependent on
contextual conditions. Differences and similarities
between treatment models are discussed in relation
to potential bridge building between conventional
and alternative health care.
13. The Unpredictable World of Allergies
Six Hay Fever Fighting Remedies
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 4/2004)
While allergies are mostly annoyance, in some
patients, it is a serious and potentially lethal
There are two aspects to homeopathic
treatment. One is acute relief, the other is a
curative response such that the patient stops
reacting and has no further need for relief of
Indications for Allium cepa, Euphrasia,
Sabadilla, Arsenicum album, Nux vomica, Natrum
muriaticum and Wyethia are given for Hay fever
like symptoms.
14. Sneezing and Yelling: Two parts of One whole
Homeopathy helps a severe Case of Hay Fever
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 4/2004)
30-year-old man, well dressed, neat and
punctual, with serious seasonal allergies that
troubled him about half of each year. Tremendous
itchiness of the eyes, a runny nose and frequent
bouts of explosive sneezing which exhausted him.
Irritable and yelling. Explosive anger which drains
He kept a strict routine and tended toward
constipation, desired spicy things and drank
alcohol. Sleep was frequently disturbed in the
middle of the night with worries about work,
finances and remorse over his outbursts during the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Nux vomica 6 twice a day for one month. Six
months later, he was pleased that he had no Hay
Fever the previous season and angry outbursts
much reduced. Nux vomica 200. One year later
wanted another dose as he was feeling the
irritability creeping back.
15. Eczema: Simple Disease or Deeper
Disturbance? Get help to overcome Eczema
HOOVER, Todd A. (HT. 24, 4/2004)
Eczema, also known as Atopic or Allergic
Dermatitis is usually described as a skin irritation
that causes dryness, itching and redness; it
sometimes progresses to weeping, crusting,
excoriation and flaking.
In reality, Eczema, is an immune system
disorder characterized by an over reaction of an
allergic nature. Typical allergens related to Eczema
include dairy, wheat, tree pollen, pet dander, dust
and mold.
Homeopathic medicines, by stimulating the
body to move into a more healthy state, the over-
response of the immune system may moderate and
the Eczema should improve.
Indications for Sulphur, Arsenicum album,
Arsenicum iodatum, Graphites, Rhus
toxicodendron, Lycopodium and Natrum
muriaticum are given.
16. Do-it-yourself learning
Healing Ear Infections
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 4/2004)
Most children experience a few episodes of
Otitis Media, usually associated with a Cold or
Upper Respiratory Infection. Antibiotics are over
used and homeopathic remedies stimulate a
response in the overall recuperative processes of
patients, helping their bodies fight infection
Indications for Chamomilla, Pulsatilla,
Belladonna, Ferrum phosphoricum and Hepar
sulphuris are given.
The use of antibiotics seems to create a self-
perpetuating cycle. Using Homeopathy seems to
break the cycle.
17. Earache Advice: Homeopathy and Common
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 4/2004)
Typical earache symptoms in infants and
- Tugging, pulling or rubbing the ears.
- Crying or pain when the ears are touched.
- Increased crying when lying down.
- Fussiness, fretfulness, irritability.
- Excessive crying or even screaming.
- Nasal discharge, fever, loss of appetite.
- Difficulty sleeping or frequent waking.
- Hearing loss (temporary).
- Ear pain when swallowing, chewing, blowing
It is helpful to identify the stress or stresses
that led up to the child’s illness to prescribe acutely
and to prevent future episodes.
Constitutional treatment for recurring attacks.
18. 15 Fabulous Remedies for Earache
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 4/2004)
The indications for remedies are tabulated as
Etiology, Side, Ear, Pain, General symptom, Mental
symptom, Worse, Better and Concomitant
Acon., Apis, Bell., Calc., Cham., Ferrum-p.,
Hepar-s., Kali mur., Lach., Lyco., Mag-phos.,
Merc. sol., Puls., Sil., Sulph.
A very useful ‘ready reckoner on any
homeopath’s table.
19. Nighttime earaches? This mom is ready!
MACK, Judith (HT. 24, 4/2004)
The author’s first experience was with her
daughter Hana Rose when she was 6 months old.
Her right ear was red, face flushed, skin hot and
restless. Bright red eardrum. Belladonna was given
after referring Dana ULLMAN’s Homeopathy for
Infants and Children.
She simmered down and fell asleep. One more
dose when she woke up to nurse. Next morning the
eardrum was pearly colored and she was back to
her cheerful self.
20. Five “Pearls” from Five Years in Practice
A Homeopath Shares What She’s Learned
SAMET, Lisa (HT. 24, 4/2004)
1. Don’t be intimidated by the name of the
patient’s disease.
2. Remember that characteristic General
symptoms are often most important in finding the
3. If you think you have made a good
prescription, stick with it.
4. Understand the concept of dissimilar disease.
5. Have the guts to be a homeopathic purist.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
21. Surgery: Speed Healing and Control Pain.
Four Remedies to Take to the Hospital with
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 5/2004)
Arnica - For all trauma
Bellis perennis - Trauma to abdomen and
deep Organs
Hypericum - Nerve injury, extreme pain
Staphysagria - Injuries from cutting
instruments; incision pain.
Raphanus - Trapped abdominal gas that
won’t go up or down.
22. Autism after immunization? A child with
unusual behaviour gets help from Homeopathy
LUEPKER, Ian (HT. 24, 5/2004)
Eight year-old Paolo was adopted at 27 months
from a Brazilian orphanage. He was cranky,
disgruntled at home. His questions were unending,
even after receiving answers. He began his
sentences referring himself in the third person.
Dyslexic. He also loved to pretend that he was an
animal. Swiveling his head from side to side and
sucking his thumb. Drooling, spinning, banging
and crashing into whatever obstacles were in his
His problems started with a severe reaction to
MMR Vaccine at 27 months age. Within 24 hrs
after vaccination, he developed an inflamed lump at
the site of the shot and he limped irritability for
days. He lost 2 years of language development. His
motor skills and balance declined as well.
Chocolate was prescribed. Within first 2
weeks, he experienced a return of symptoms from
the past and 6 weeks later, he was better than
before. The startling change was his spontaneous
affection. For two years, he continued to progress
with periodic repetitions.
23. Fetal Alcohol Effects or Immunisation Effects?
A daughter’s trials bring mom to Homeopathy
FULLER, Diane (HT. 24, 5/2004)
Catherine was adopted 21 years ago and her
birth mother had used drugs and alcohol during
pregnancy. At months DPT shot given in her
right thigh. It became inflamed and swollen from
her hip to knee. Hard lump developed directly
under the injection site and an angry looking
abscess appeared. She became unmanageable with
horrific unpredictable rages and screaming. She
demanded total attention. At 3 years consulted a
homeopath and Veratrum album 200 was given.
Within seconds she was in full-blown rage and in
few minutes became very quiet. She needed
remedies frequently. Catherine responded to daily
doses of LM medicine. In a tantrum, medicine was
administered as inhalations.
The symptoms of the Fetal Alcohol effects and
the Post Encephalitic Syndrome after the DPT
vaccine are alike. Many mothers have carried guilt
unnecessarily for having few glasses of wine during
pregnancy when the actual damage is due to
vaccine-induced Encephalitis.
The author became homeopath because of
Thanks to the love and commitment of her
family and teachers and the wonders of
Homeopathy, Catherine now 21, is capable of
making choices in her life in a more mature,
responsible way.
24. Summer travel?
Don’t leave home without these 2 remedies!
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 24, 6/2004)
The indications of Arsenicum album and Nux
vomica are given for use in many travel related
maladies – especially of gastro intestinal nature.
25. Homeopathy – Made to Order for Pregnancy!
Tips and Reminders for Treating Pregnant
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 6/2004)
The author follows certain guidelines for
treating pregnant woman.
If previous pregnancies were difficult,
constitutional homeopathic care before conception
if possible or at least during the first trimester.
If previous children suffer or have suffered
from any chronic problem, constitutional treatment
for both parents before conception. If not feasible,
for the mother during the pregnancy.
Only very severe morning sickness, if it is long
lasting is treated.
A dose of constitutional remedy a month
before birth as a way of strengthening the patient in
preparation for the birth.
Emphasis given on proper nutrition, rest,
exercise and finding support at home and work.
26. The Ugliest Legs this Side of the Mississippi
A Case of Varicose Veins in Pregnancy
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 6/2004)
A long-term patient who responded well to
Lycopodium for her pre-menstrual syndrome and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
general constipation did not respond to it when
prescribed for the worsening of varicose veins
during the course of her first pregnancy. The veins
were incredibly painful and sensitive to touch.
Stinging pains. She simultaneously developed
varicosities around the vulva area. Hamamelis 30
given. Next week pain was much reduced. During
the eighth month, Hamamelis 200, when again
there was stinging.
Dr. HERSHOFF lists the following remedies
that may be helpful for varicose veins. Aesculus,
Bellis perennis, Carbo vegetabilis, Flouric acid,
Hamamelis, Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Sepia.
27. The Best Gift ... for Parents-to-be and their
(HT. 24, 6/2004)
The best time to begin treating our children is
before they are born. There is no better gift for a
newborn than for the mom and dad to receive
constitutional homeopathic care.
Physical, mental predispositions and complex
emotional and immunological patterns are passed
through genes. The simillimum can do wonders to
help heal deeply ingrained psychological patterns
and states.
Case 1: Darin, 5 year-old with Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder was defiant and
challenging. Provoked easily. He was convinced
that he was right and everyone else was wrong.
Pregnancy with Darin was unhappy and
frustrating. Mother had been miserably homesick
throughout the pregnancy.
One dose of Capsicum and two months later,
all was well and continued to do well.
Case 2: 7 year-old Connor with episodes of
rage, manifesting in clawing, screaming, biting and
Mother’s strongest feeling during pregnancy
was one of being trapped in a threatening situation
from which she could not escape. It was being
restrained that enraged the boy most violently.
Benefited from Stramonium, Lyssin. Connor’s
response to Falcon has been nothing short of
remarkable. Interestingly it turned out peregrine
falcons were his favorite animal. [Are we to reckon
the ‘favorite animal as a clear ‘indication’? If it
had been a horse would we prescribe Lac
equinum’? = KSS.]
28. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) during
POWERS, Donna (HT. 24, 6/2004)
During pregnancy, many women retain fluid;
this swelling can cause compression on the median
nerve which travels through the tunnel” of the
32-year-old Sherill, eight months pregnant with
second child complained of numbing, shooting,
burning pain from the middle finger going up. She
was crying throughout the interview. During the
previous labour, she had severe pain in sacrum
which is relieved by hard pressure. Aversion
husband to, though he was supportive.
Kali carbonicum 10M, within 24 hours, pain
was less, felt better. A month later another dose
repeated when CTS pain returned. She had normal
delivery and no postpartum problems as earlier.
Grace, 40, had a flare up of CTS while sewing
at 5
month of pregnancy and became unbearable
at 7½ months. She felt violent motions of fetus
disturbing. Much conscientious about trifles,
secretive, bad childhood.
Thuja 1M, 3 doses in 24 hours. Pain and
numbness were gone. Relapses over the next few
weeks and each time a dose of Thuja helped.
Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Indications of Arnica, Causticum, Guaicum, Ruta
graveolens are given.
29. Safe and Sound in Pregnancy
Some “almost specific” Remedies for
Pregnancy and Birth
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 6/2004)
Mary, who was three months pregnant was
involved in a minor accident and suffered some
abdominal bruising from banging into the steering
wheel. She was bleeding little from the uterus and
her whole abdomen felt sore and bruised. Though
concerned that she may miscarry, she told that she
was O.K. Arnica 30 every 2 hours. Bleeding
stopped and her pregnancy continued.
Bellis perennis is a remarkable little remedy for
bruising that goes deeper than Arnica. Almost a
specific remedy for groin pains during the last few
months of pregnancy, pains that come on suddenly
while walking and are severe enough to make
walking impossible until they have passed. These
pains are due to the stretching of the ligaments and
nerves of the uterus.
Caulophyllum can indeed pave the way for a
trouble-free childbirth if it is indicated, but if taken
routinely and unnecessarily, it can cause difficulties
in labor.
It is primarily indicated for sedentary women
with poor muscle tone. Useful for annoying
Braxton – Hicks contractions.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
The author questions the wisdom of
unnecessary interventions to bring on labor that
appear to be designed for the convenience of
doctors and hospitals.
30. Top Ten Remedies for Birth and Beyond
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 6/2004)
Indications for Aconite, Arnica, Chamomilla,
Cocculus, Kali carbonicum, Kali phosphoricum,
Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur and Rescue remedy
(Bach Flower Remedy) are given.
31. Great Expectations
A Tale of Two Births
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 24, 6/2004)
This is a narration of personal experience. The
labor of first pregnancy lasted for 60 hours until she
took Pulsatilla 200 and Arnica 200 and within two
minutes child was born. Mastitis was relieved by
Seven years later, the labour lasted only three
hours and delivered. Kali carbonicum 200 was
taken for the pain in lower back during labor.
Aconite 200 to ease the rising sense of panic.
Pulsatilla 1M, helped to relax and deliver
within next 10 minutes.
After-pains were not relieved by Kali carb
10M, but 200 relieved.
32. Newborn Babies with Jaundice
What You Should Know. What You Can Do
FEDER, Lauren (HT. 24, 6/2004)
Typical symptoms are sleepiness and a lack of
interest in nursing with consequent dehydration.
If bilirubin levels are slightly elevated, increase
in the frequency of breast feeding, should lead to
more frequent bowel movements to aid in
eliminating bilirubin.
If bilirubin levels are higher Phototherapy.
Adverse effects include loose stools, temperature
problems or dehydration.
Two-day-old Madeline’s bilirubin count was
rising and she had a golf ball size haematoma on
her forehead, following a difficult twin delivery
with vacuum extraction. Several doses of Arnica
200. Madeline’s bruise resolved, her bilirubin
content came down.
5-day-old Jack was turning yellow, irritable
and colicky, had to be carried all the time,
inconsolable, constipated, abdomen noisy and
sensitive to pressure. Chamomilla did not help.
Lycopodium clavatum 30, three doses and Jack’s
Jaundice began to clear up immediately.
33. Beautiful Birth, Beautiful Boy and the
Power of Arnica
HENDERSON, Jesse Remer (HT. 24, 6/2004)
The author had severe Sciatic pain during
pregnancy and Hypericum relieved it. After a
prolonged labor, a boy was delivered with a large
haematoma. Arnica oil was applied to the head.
Within minutes swelling was going down.
34. Meniere’s Disease: A Case of Lotus
JOHNSON, Alan (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
The patient presented with Meniere’s disease
14 months after his retirement. Right ear deafness,
tinnitus and a severe sensation of spinning when
suffering a bout of the disorder. Worse from
consolation. Feels life is an unfolding, expanding
state. Had spells of Vertigo and then a shaky
effect. Pursues altered states through meditation.
As a child, he was a bully.
Lotus 200. In the next 21 months, Vertigo
gradually reduced, no nausea, no tinnitus, hearing
improved. [Again a remedy, which we do not find
in the Materia Medica available to us. Not
withstanding the ‘Themes’ listed, the prescription
seems to be based on signature’. The patient says
“I meditate. As the lotus flower expands, it
represents expanding states of self-awareness….”
35. Constipation in an Infant
MASIELLO, Domenick (AJHM. 98, 1/2005)
LB, six-week-old female infant with
constipation. Stool soft and accompanied by much
flatulence. Bowel movements once in every 5-6
days. She did not appear in distress. Nux vomica
200 did not help. 7 weeks after, HiB and
Pneumococcal vaccines were given. She reacted
with extreme irritability, vomiting and high fever.
Belladonna 200 helped only to bring the fever
down. Chamomilla 200 and then M. Fever,
irritability and vomiting quickly resolved but
constipation continued. After 2 doses of Sulphur
200 and Opium 200, no change. A tiny rectal
fissure appeared. Retaking the case revealed that
the constipation was at its best during a period of
time when LB was receiving small amounts of
Chamomile tea.
Chamomilla 200, one dose daily for the next
three days. LB was having three bowel movements
per day. No further doses were required.
36. Emotional Case Taking
(SIM.XVIII, 1 & 2/2005)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Learning the mental/emotional make-up of the
patient and its contribution to the symptom picture
is usually more challenging. This depends both on
patient’s trust and the skillful questioning by the
Inability to reveal the emotional life may
include cultural and familial prohibitions and a
sense of shame. With some encouragement by the
practitioner, this material can be elucidated.
A more difficult situation is when one could
not reveal because of undeveloped self-awareness.
Very deep healing and the opportunity to
change can occur simply through a well-conducted
Case 1: ML, 32-year-old female presenting with
increasing distress since 2 weeks. After her last
prescription of Natrum muriaticum 1M, she was
doing well on all levels. She was a recovering
alcoholic and drug user. The reason for the
depression could not be elicited. On questioning
about anything unusual 2 weeks ago, she told she
went on a blind date. He was nice and drank much.
On returning home started feeling worse and worse.
With further talk, the patient started to realize
that she recognized her date and family to be
alcoholics and she couldn’t reconcile his
pleasantness with the alcoholism. She felt better
with this and no remedy was needed.
This case represents a situation where despite a
remedy the current problem relates to faulty
upbringing”. As suggested by HAHNEMANN,
“earnest, rational expostulation” resolved the
difficulty (§224-226)
Case 2: SB, 51-year-old female with menopausal
symptoms since 6 months. HRT worsened the
situation. Sepia 12 b.i.d. 10 days later, she was
better on every level. Since 2 days she had been
crying without reason and also pain in an old scar.
Upon further questioning, she told that when
her 25-year-old stepson came to visit and was
yelling, she wanted to say something but went out.
Her husband felt this as insulting and made her
write a letter of apology. She felt violated and
started weeping.
Three days later, pain in several other scars.
Staphysagria 200. Next day, pain decreased
dramatically and gone. In few days menopausal
symptoms returned and Sepia 200 resolved them.
37. A Case of Oral Lichen Planus
MEHER, Subhash (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
KS. 21 years. Salesman in a shop in a small
Feb. 23, 2004: Painful eruptions with burning
sensation, whitish and lacy appearance all over the
tongue and on buccal mucous membrane. A thick
black scale on lower lip. Lesions very painful,
burning. This recurs every 3 to 4 months. Skin
specialist treatment would keep it subsided for
sometime. Senior specialist diagnosed it as Oral
Lichen Planus, not confirmed by Biopsy.
Oral lesions were followed by itching eruptions
on palms and soles. Eruptions multiple; excessive
salivation, ropy, thick, white. Tongue border
ulcerated. Deep central fissure. First eruption
appeared on lip and then on oral mucous membrane
and tongue. Occasional mild burning urination.
Sweat++. Desires sweets, salt. Dreams of snakes.
Mercurius 30 (local symptom) on Feb. 23, 2004.
26 Feb. 2004: aggravated, could not open the
mouth, eat or drink. Syphilinum M (bilateral
symmetrical eruptions). Echinaecea and Calendula
mother tinctures for gargling.
28 Feb. 2004: Severity remains same. Nitric acid
30, six doses (local pathology). Kali muriaticum
March 7, 2004: much better. Tongue thick white
coating +++. Kali muriaticum 6x followed by
Natrum muriaticum 6x b.d. for 10 days.
March 19, 2004: almost totally better.
March 30, 2004: Mild diarrhoea lasted for 3 to 4
days. No medicine.
May 16, 2004: One, two small ulcers appeared on
the inside of lower lip and cheek and cleared within
a day or two. No medicine.
February 5, 2005: Sudden high fever, severe
headache and body ache, with drowsiness. Was
exposed to hot and cold weather a day before fever.
Aconite 30 followed by Bryonia 30 and Gelsemium
30, relieved him within 24 hours. [All the three
remedies were given within span of one day! =
KSS]. Mild dryness of lips, scaly with tiny
eruptions on them. Mild heaviness of head, thirst
and desire for salt. Natrum muriaticum 30 cleared
quickly. [Perhaps Kali muriaticum itself might
have cleared the whole case. Why Echinaecea and
Calendula mother tinctures together? How do we
accept these as homeopathic? = KSS].
38. Assessment of a Patient with Joint Pain
ASRANI C. H. (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Whenever a patient presents with a problem of
joint, the primary case physician has to picture ALL
the structures that make up a joint. The duty of the
physician is to assess the entire locomotor system.
Establish the extent of ability or disability to carry
out routine, day-to-day chores. Ask the patient to
disrobe as much as is comfortable to physician and
patient and observe closely as the patient carries out
your instructions. The easiest way to do this is to
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
watch appearance and movements of Upper limb,
Lower limb, Spine, Gait. normal or otherwise.
Any abnormality should be noted down.
Osteoarthritis is most likely to affect the joints
that receive most use or stress over the years.
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition
affecting the joints.
The concept of joint protection is vital for the
patient with Osteoarthritis, especially where large
joints are involved. Protection from overuse is
39. Correct your Postures
DUA, Shiv (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Correct postures of sitting, standing and
walking make a difference in patients of Cervical
Equal distribution of body weight on the legs is
a must to avoid backaches and neck pains. Erect is
the only method to sit, stand, walk or drive a
Traveling on rough lumpy road by bikes and
jeep should be avoided.
Persons who use Computers need more care for
neck pain.
40. Homeopathic Approach to Osteoarthritis
KAPSE, Anand; PHANSE, Anagha; DATEY,
Sonali (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
Finer knowledge of the tissue involved and the
mechanisms of pain can improve our therapeutic
approach especially in defining the sector remedy
for a specific case. Patients describe different types
of pains which could be helpful to understand the
tissue affected. Prospective studies can bring about
a revolution in our therapeutic management of
Diagnosis, Ancillary measures, Clinical
experiences and four cases have been cited.
41. The Man who Slipped on Every Occasion
(NJH. 5, 4/2003)
A businessman 42 years calf pain and
numbness after slip disc. Other complaints;
Allergic Rhinitis; Throbbing headache, Supra
orbital; Vertigo from traveling, pain left lumbar
region, cured with Acute Nux vomica 30,
Constitutional Kali carb. 200, Intercurrent Thuja
42. Homeopathy handles Pneumonitis
JUNAGADE, Sachin and PAWASKAR, Navin
(NJH. 5, 4/2003)
25-year-old lady was brought to hospital with
complaints of cough and high-grade fever, was
unable to walk by herself. Complaint started 12
days ago; after drinking cold water; gave rise to
coryza 5 days after visiting, got wet and within 2
hrs developed high-grade fever with chilliness.
Had to use blanket in hot weather. 7 days later
cough increased with scanty expectoration chest
pain < coughing < deep breathing. Vertigo with
fever. One glass of water every 10 minutes. Bitter
taste. O/E: GC unsatisfactory. Toxic dehydrated
look. Had to be carried to the hospital.
Tubercular Miasm, High sensitivity.
Bryonia M 4 hrly.
Correction of toxic state and dehydration by
intravenous fluid.
Afebrile in 24 hrs.
Bryonia M continued. Complete radiological
clearance on day 10. Calc.carb. 200 1 dose.
Patient asymptomatic since then.
43. A Case of Prolapse of Intervertebral Discs
KAPSE, Anand,; YADAV, Pankaj; PAI,
Archana (NJH. 5, 4/2003)
70 year-old lady with left Sacro-lumbar joint
pain with sudden onset and numbness. X-ray of
left knee (AP and Lateral), mild to moderate
Osteoarthritis of the left knee joint.
18.9.2002: Sepia 200. There was regression in
pains for 3 days. Again pain Sepia 200 3 PHS.
After two weeks complained of stiffness in toes and
pains increased at nights. Sepia 200, 7 PHS.
16-10-2002: Frozen shoulder diagnosed. Thuja
200. Her sensation in feet restored. Frozen
shoulder also improved.
27-11-2002: Hepar sulph 200 was given for sore
Overall improvement in her functioning with
relief in the pain in lumbosacral joint, knee and
sensation of foot restored.
Any pathology can be treated provided the
patient gives characteristic symptoms. Expensive
investigations are not always easy to repeat in our
kind of practice.
44. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Urticaria (Chronic),
SHAIKH, Mehjabeen H. (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
49 year-old female with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Skin complaints since 1998-99. Itching of
whole body head, front and back of thigh, forearm,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
cubital fossae, lower eyelid, pubic area, etc. Itching
followed by urticarial eruptions. Pain stinging.
Itching < cold weather ++.
Rheumatic pains since 2001 first right knee and
then left knee, interphalangeal joints, face, elbow,
Down’s Syndrome
- Spinal muscles. On steroids.
Deeper investigation revealed that she
repressed her feelings, struggled for good “image”
in Society. Sensitive to Injustice.
Magnesium muriaticum 30 and Apis mellifica
200 s.o.s. for urticarial rash.
She continued on Magnesium muriaticum 30
then 200 from November 2002 to November 2003.
Much relief alround.
Test revealed ESR 23mm of 1 hr. RA
negative. Hb 12 gm % [What actually cured?
Magnesia muriaticum or Apis mellifica? =KSS]
45. Down’s Syndrome
SHAIK, Mehajabeen D. (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
10 year-old boy was lying in bed with his legs
tied so that his movements were restricted. He was
the second child. His mother suffered a shock on
learning about the sudden death of her uncle. She
lost her appetite and suffered from poor nutrition
during pregnancy. The child was delivered some
days early. The child did not cry at birth. For 15
days the child was unable to suckle. He was put in
Intensive Care Unit. Suffered Congenital Cataract.
Kidigram did not reveal any gross pathology. At
month diagnosed as Down’s Syndrome.
Lensectomy surgery done to correct the Congenital
Cataract of the eyes, under general anaesthesia. At
year age surgery for Duodenal obstruction;
Duodenectomy done; Appendix removed. At 8
year age Aphakia Corneal Oedema in the right eye
and Aphakia in the left eye. No surgery for the
right eye but glasses were prescribed for the left
Milestones delayed except dentition. Sitting at
8 year; talking at 9 year. Vaccinations given.
BCG, Polio, MMR.
Craves eggs, green vegetables, fish; aversion
milk. Tongue bright red with cracks all over. Very
particular about cleanliness, would wear only clear
clothes, was keen on punctuality (can’t delay his
bath, etc.) Loves music, film songs. Intolerant of
loud noises, like kitchen blenders, mixers. Lot of
fears. He loves his elder brother and would obey
him. Loves to be cuddled. Sensitive to rebukes,
scared of injections. Chews handkerchief always.
17.11.2002: Calcarea carbonica 30/3 Hs 3 nights
in a week.
Dec.: Jan. 2003: Improvement. Calcarea
carbonica 30/7 Hs.
Feb. 2003: Tried to speak full sentences. Medicine
March-April 2003: Great improvement in
pronunciation; could speak full sentences at a
By Aug.-Sept. 2003: Would try to walk by holding
hand of his mother for longer distance. Medicine
Oct. 2003: Can climb stairs alone. Medicine
Nov. 2003: Glaucoma of right eye. Left eye: vision
Jan. 2004: Could walk alone. Could sing. Could
speak full sentences. Could understand question
and answer and converse well. Was merry. His
head was nodding constantly.
Calcarea carbonica 200 one dose.
Still under treatment.
46. Endogenous Depression and Hypothyroidiism
SHINDE, Prakash (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
53 year-old female. Knee pains since 6 years.
Muscular pains since 6 years. Occipital headache
extending to head, intermittent, since last 5 to 6
years. Urge for urination if postponed, intense
headache, relieved after urination. Intermittent
diplopia during anxiety states. Weakness and
trembling in lower limbs on emotional excitement,
vexation or bad news.
Euthyroid since 6 years.
Hypertension since 8 years.
Urine: RBC 40-50.
Father Police Officer, disciplinarian.
Husband Pilot Officer, arrogant, short-
tempered. After her children had grown up and
husband retired she separated from husband.
On 13.8.2003: Gelsemium M one dose.
Improved. Allopathic drugs (Eltroxin, anti-
hypertensives) reduced.
20.9.2003: Further improved. Blood pressure
20.7.2004: Well. Blood pressure 120/80mm.
47. Ulcerative Colitis
MANGAT, Harprect (CCR. 12, 1/2005)
45-year-old male. Ulcerative Colitis. Severe
colicky drawing, and twisting pain umbilical
region, agg. morning, before stool, amel. stool.
Appetite less; thirst excessive. Tongue white
coated and slight fissures. Has to rush for stool
soon on waking up. Sweat profuse on scalp.
Dreams of snakes, accidents, of his own disease.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Cannot stand contradiction; obstinate.
Revengeful. Sulphur 30 one dose on 10 May 2004.
1 June 2004: repeated.
27 Dec. 2004: repeated.
25 Jan. 2005: Skin eruption on nape of neck with
severe itching and burning. He had skin eruption
10 years ago treated by allopathic drugs. Sulphur
30 repeated.
Case 2: 6 Oct. 2004: 12 year-old child: history of
fever on and off since 15 days with cold and
coryza. Fever agg. evening till midnight, weakness,
prostration and head hot. Loss of appetite. Less
The child’s father is very strict, angry, violent;
beat children often for trivials. He beats his wife
also. The boy hated his father. The child was so
much afraid of his father that he hid a knife under
his pillow at night.
Sulphur 30.
12 Oct. 2004: Fever completely relieved.
Appetite: increased. No weakness, no prostration.
He is now sleeping without fear and without a knife
under his pillow.
The child’s father was subsequently treated
with Nux vomica and he became a tolerant,
affectionate father. Mother also was treated with
1. Overcoming Vaccination Hurdles
Helping our Animal Companions through
Potential Problems
LAMPE, Kristy (HT. 24, 5/2004)
In 1989, 5-year-old whippets, Leilani and
Lovey received their annual DHAPP vaccination.
One hour later, Leilani started screaming and was
dragging her rear legs, which were paralysed.
Twenty minutes later, Lovey started screaming and
had same symptoms. Vet suggested it might be a
bad-batch vaccine.
Thuja 30 was given. Within three minutes both
dogs calmed down. A second dose 30 minutes
later, relaxed their bodies. An hour later moaning.
Third dose. Slept for 2 hours and then got up
though wobbly but moving on their own.
Late 1989, 5-month-old whippet had Rabies
shot. First he declined dinner and did not get up for
evening walk. Had T°-104.7° F. Eyes were glazed
and staring gums bright red. Belladonna 30. It
brought him instantaneous relief.
Two weeks later, oozy, greenish discharge
from the tip of the penis. A dose of Thuja 30,
repeated a week later and that was the end of it.
In 1991, a puppy, Blaze, got his second Rabies
shot at 16 months. That evening he dug up and
chewed everything the adopted family had planted.
Did not remember a single command taught in
obedience class.
Belladonna 6 b.d. for 3 days and back to
In 1992, Joy developed a lump at the
vaccination site. Thuja 30 did not relieve. Ledum
30, 3 doses in 36 hours and within a week lump
was gone.
2. Silver, the Cow
A Problem after Birthing
MOWATT, Sue (HT. 24, 6/2004)
Four-year-old Silver, a cow delivered a
beautiful calf. Retention of Placenta even after a
week. Sepia 30. By next morning the entire
placenta came gushing out. Both silver and her calf
have been doing well ever since.
1. Histopathological and Immuno-phenotyping
Studies on Normal and Sarcoma 180-bearing
Mice treated with a Complex Homeopathic
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Canova is a homeopathic complex medicine,
used as an immune modulator. We studied its
effects in normal and Sarcoma 180-bearing mice.
Three control groups were also evaluated. The
mice were examined at daily intervals and the
tumours observed histologically. Peripheral blood
was analysed by flow cytometry.
A delay in the development, and a reduction in
size of the tumours, and increased infiltration by
lymphoid cells, granulation tissue, and fibrosis
surrounding the tumour were observed with active
treatment compared to control. All animals from
the treated group survived, 30% of control groups
died. In 30% of treated animals, a total regression
of the tumour was confirmed using light
microscopy, no regression was found in the control
groups. Treatment with Canova increased total
numbers of leucocytes and lymphocytes. Among
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
lymphocytes, TCD4, increased in normal-treated
group and B and NK cells in S180-treated groups.
The results reflect enhanced immune response of
the host after treatment with Canova.
2. Models for Explaining the Homeopathic
Healing Process: A Historical and Critical
Account of Principles Central to Homeopathy
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
The success of Homeopathy in curing many
diseases has been a serious challenge to science.
Nineteenth century explanations for the healing
process of Homeopathy cannot withstand the
scrutiny of modern science and need to be
abandoned or modified. The surviving propositions
are discussed. A bio cybernetic model with multi
levels of electromagnetic feedback loops offers a
hope of explaining the healing process. This
model, its explanation of the healing process and
experimental support are elaborated.
1. Journey to India
Intensive Training in a Kerala Clinic
MOSS, Dale C. (HT. 24, 4/2004)
18 foreign students attended the outpatient
clinic at the Govt. Homeopathic Medical College,
Trivandrum, Kerala, for 2 weeks as part of an
Intensive Clinical Training Program organized by
In the afternoons long cases and lectures, Dr.
Abdul LETHIF, discussed a homeopathic
treatment he has invented for plants to keep them
disease-free without insecticides or fungicides.
The teaching staffs also use Biochemic
remedies as supplements to acute and chronic
1. Interview with Julian WINSTON by Melanie
GRIMES (AH. 11/2005)
Julian was first interested in folk music, then 5-
string Banjo, then Pedal Steel Guitar and then
Homeopathy. As time moved forward,
Homeopathy expanded to fill more space.
Throughout interested in Industrial Design
Studied Industrial design at Pratt Institute
(Brooklyn, NY). Teaching part time until 2004.
As parents were graphic artists who taught art
got involved in graphic arts. He knew all the colors
in the watercolor set even when in Kindergarten.
Done few records with Banjo and one solo album.
“I wanted to teach because I knew things that
are important for other people to know.”
The seemingly boundless energy of
homeopathic community encourages; while lack of
interest in things historic; the lack of desire to look
at the original literature; the use of computers to
find remedies which never give the full picture of
who the source is; the looking for the remedy rather
than the reason; the overwhelming run after the
latest ‘guru’ and the looking for short cuts that
these folks offer’, while bypassing the basic
lessons in Philosophy and Materia Medica – all
these discourages.
“In 100 years, Homeopathy would be the same
but a bit stupider. Those few who really understand
it will still be doing it by the books. Rest will have
gotten sucked into something they call
Homeopathy but is based on speculative process
and theoretical idea constructs. One cannot do
Homeopathy correctly without “hewing to the
“The biggest challenge is to get homeopaths to
pull their fingers out of the idiocy that they are
doing and start to re-evaluate the real truth of the
system. Trust its correctness. Don’t try to establish
an understanding with the world of Conventional
medicine. They will suck out the good and leave
the meaningless. And then they will call the shell
that is left ‘Homeopathy’ and others will have to
dig again for truth” [Very rightly said:
HAHNEMANN at the end of his life filled with
conflict and work, wrote down an insight which is
worthy of reflection: a ‘painstaking tester of the
effects of medicine is considered by physicians as
‘an enemy of their convenience’. = KSS]
Julian says that he is inspired by those who are
doing it right, whose first choice for a Pulsatilla
case is Pulsatilla and not the latest wing feather on
the latest bird of the month and also by those who
understand the treasures we have and the need for
their preservation:
Julian has a large collection of books, journals
and ephemera: bottles, letters, labels; about 21,000
volumes. There are very few such collections
Julian met his soul mate GWYNETH, in New
Zealand in 1991, when she started the Wellington
College of Homeopathy and invited him for the
summer school.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
He loved teaching basic level technical
drawing. Within the act of making a beautiful line
exists a communication directly with the source of
the Universe. He believed that all have a ‘life
reason’ that one may or may not know.
JULIAN passed away at 8.20 a.m. New
Zealand time on June 11, 4.20 p.m. Eastern time.
He died peacefully at home, his wife GWYNETH
at his side.
2. Pharmaco-economic Comparison between
Homeopathic and Antibiotic Treatment
Strategies in Recurrent Acute Rhinopharyngitis
in Children
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Objectives: A pharmaco-economic study to
compare, in terms of: medical effectiveness, quality
of life and costs two treatment strategies
(‘homeopathic strategy’ vs ‘antibiotic strategy’)
used in routine medical practice by allopathic and
homeopathic GPs in the treatment of recurrent
acute Rhinopharyngitis in 18-month to 4-year-old
Methods: Statistical analysis of data obtained
from a population of 499 patients included in a
previous 6-month prospective, pragmatic study.
The patients were re-grouped according to type of
drug prescribed. Medical effectiveness was
assessed in terms of (i) episodes of acute
rhinopharyngitis, (ii) complications, (iii) adverse
effects. Quality of life was assessed using the Par-
Ent-Qol © scale. Direct medical costs (medical
consultations, drug prescriptions, prescriptions for
further tests) and indirect medical costs (sick-leave)
were evaluated from three viewpoints (society,
patient, Social Security) using public prices and
French Social Security tariffs.
Results: The ‘homeopathic strategy’ yielded
significantly better results than the ‘antibiotic
strategy’ in terms of medical effectiveness (number
of episodes of Rhinopharyngitis: 2.71 vs 3.97,
P<0.001; number of complications: 1.25 vs 1.95,
P<0.001), and quality of life (global score: 21.38 vs
30.43, P<0.001), with lower direct medical costs
covered by Social Security (88Є vs 99 Є, P<0.05)
and significantly less sick-leave (9.5% of parents vs
31.6% of parents, P<0.001).
Conclusions: Homeopathy may be a cost-
effective alternative to antibiotics in the treatment
of Recurrent Infantile Rhinopharyngitis.
3. Patients’ Assessments of the Effectiveness of
Homeopathic Care in Norway: A Prospective
Observational Multicentre Outcome Study
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005)
Objective: To evaluate the patient reported
effects of homeopathic care 6 months after first
Methods: Prospective uncontrolled
observational multicentre outcome study. All
patients visiting 80 homeopaths all over Norway
for the first time in eight different time periods
from 1996 to 1998 were approached. Patients
wrote down their main complaint and scored its
impact on daily living on a 100mm Visual
Analogue Scale (VAS) at the first consultation. Six
months later they were asked to score again. The
homeopaths recorded treatments given for up to
two follow-up consultations.
Main outcome measure: Predefined as a
reduction of at least 10 mm in the VAS score
between the first consultation and follow-up.
Result: Patients 1097 were recruited, 654
completed the follow-up questionnaire. The main
complaint improved by at least 10mm on the VAS
for 71% (95% confidence interval 67-74%) of
patients. The average reduction was 32 mm (95%
Cl 30-35mm). Fifty-one percent (95% Cl 48-55%)
of the patients had an improvement in their general
well being of more than 10 mm. The mean
reduction in the whole group was 14 mm (95% Cl
12-16 mm). The proportion of patients using
conventional medication reduced from 39% to
16%. Regression analysis showed that lower age
and higher baseline score were predictors of better
Conclusion: In this study, seven out of ten
patients visiting a Norwegian homeopath reported
a meaningful improvement in their main complaint
6 months after the initial consultation.
4. Weigh the pros and cons
Guidelines for parents researching
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 24, 5/2004)
Weigh the pros and cons of each vaccination
What are the known risks (short and long term) of
each vaccination?
What is the known efficacy of each vaccination?
What are the known risks of the disease?
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Gather information from both sides
Make copious notes from books, articles, websites,
doctor and homeopath visits; sort this information
into columns-pros, cons, and miscellaneous!
Take your feelings into account
Do you have any gut feelings around this issue?
What are they? How much anxiety and/or fear do
you have around illness, for example?
Will a decision to “not vaccinate” stress you
Take your beliefs into account
How did your family of origin address illness and
How did your belief system develop as a result?
Do you believe that illness comes in the form of
viruses from the outside or do you believe that, as
Pasteur said on his deathbed, “The soil is all.
Take the medical history of each parent into
account where possible
Proceed cautiously if
Either parent had a bad reaction to vaccination
and/or if
Either parent has a history of allergies, asthma,
eczema, arthritis or hyperactivity (of any sort).
Seek out health care providers who support your
You’ll want the care of health providers including
physicians and homeopaths who support you in the
decisions you make whether you decide to
vaccinate or not.
Make a decision you can live with
You will have to live with the consequences of your
decision. If you decide not to vaccinate, ask
yourself whether you are prepared to nurse your
child through a childhood illness such as Measles
or Whooping cough, or a more serious disease such
as Meningitis. If you decide to vaccinate, ask
yourself how you will feel if your child becomes
chronically ill as a result.
Make peace with your final decision
This is a difficult decision and there are risks
attached either way whether you decide to
vaccinate your child or not. Your goal as a parent
is to minimize those risks.
Hold your horses
Wait as long as possible before starting your child’s
vaccination program until they are happily on
solid foods for example.
One at a time
Ask your doctor to administer one at a time: since
we do not contract more than one disease at a time,
it makes sense to have only one vaccine at a time.
This way, if there is an adverse reaction, you and
your doctor will know which one is the culprit.
Get smart
Take some of the fear and anxiety out of the whole
process by finding out more about childhood
diseases and the successful management of them
using natural methods.
Let the fevers go
There is a large body of evidence that proves the
benefits of fever in fighting infection. Study after
study has shown that children whose fevers are
artificially reduced (e.g., with Tylenol) have more
complications and are sick longer. Research into
the successful management of childhood illness and
the education of doctors and parents in this would
be of great benefit to the public health.
Get homeopathic help
Make sure you have the services of a local
homeopath to help your children through any
childhood illness that comes their way.
5. Why I Turn Some Patients Away
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 24, 5/2004)
The author writes about the occasional patient
who she decides she will not be able to treat. These
patients fall into several categories:
Those with unrealistic expectations.
Those who are unwilling to work together with
allied health care providers.
Adult patients who are brought in unwillingly
and who will not be compliant.
Adult patients who are belligerent or violent to
me or my staff, either in person or by
Patients who have complaints, which I feel
Homeopathy and Naturopathic Medicine
cannot address.
6. The Freedom and Fun of HAHNEMANN’s
Homeopathy: Interview with Joseph
(SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
Joseph KELLERSTEIN is a licensed
Naturopath and Chiropractor, got interested in
Homeopathy and studied with VITHOULKAS,
Robin MURPHY and Andre SAINE.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Three years of practice with Andre SAINE,
made a big impact on clinical practice. He could
see severe pathologies, which Homeopathy could
method on a predictable and regular basis. This is a
beautiful method, but by definition it is not
Homeopathy (as it lies outside the inductive
method). May be better than Homeopathy.
The deductive paradigms of Essence, Theme,
Central Delusion and Vital Sensation deflects our
thinking automatically. Homeopathy is inductive.
(ref. HAHNEMANN’s The Medical Observer).
No preconceived ideas or notion; that you are going
to find the Essence, or the Central Delusion or the
Theme, etc. etc. Help the patient sculpt the case in
its entirety and the only importance is
completeness. With this background study
HAHNEMANN repeatedly.
KELLERSTEIN developed a love for the
original Provings and they have an infinite number
of possible connections. It’s really quite an art just
to read them and create the connections internally
yourself. There is such beauty in original
Homeopathy and he doesn’t think that we have
nearly enough mined the beauty out of that.
Various aspects of the chief complaints are
elaborated and especially of the stressors, trying to
get all the emotional feelings of each of those
stressors and the bodily representations of that
stress state as well. eg. And when you are feeling
that anger, what are you feeling when you feel that
anger? Once associated to that state, trying to get
back along a time line to the aetiology of that in
their life.
Questions are quite a passion with him. The
goal in questioning is to get to the primary
experience of the person. Patients describe their
feeling or state in abstract experience. Questioning
them to reconnect them to their original altered
sensory experience, which will be described to us
with rich emotional context. This initial interview
takes about two hours, rarely three.
Then elicit any breaches of lifestyle that might
be a primary hindrance to the remedy. What in
their background or education or belief systems
might be a hindrance to healing or at the basis of an
illness. Then reading the case over and over
determine what is primary in this case? Is it
hygienic, or imbalance in life or a food sensitivity
or a working condition or a life condition or
dynamic disturbance. The treatment system could
be exercise, diet or referral to another practitioner
depending on the case.
He repertorises a case in many different ways
but the idea is to get a original piece of literature
that will satisfy him in terms of the most unique
symptoms in a case.
In analyzing, he starts with the symptoms of
highest value in the case. Then selects symptoms
to help to distinguish between similar remedies.
This keeps the search through Materia Medica
Regarding the dosage, he is somewhere
between a fourth and fifth edition prescriber. He
does not have lot of experience with LMs.
Regarding the state of homeopathic education,
he opines that Organon, in its original sense is
rarely taught and very few schools teach the old-
fashioned Materia Medica and how to do a
detailed follow-up.
Bringing in new concepts before the basics
are solidified will end up with a superficial
version of both that will not serve in practice.
7. Working With Her Force
ANDERSON, James (NAMAH. 12, 4/2005)
You have been put upon earth, in a physical
body, with a definite aim, which is to make this
body as conscious as possible, make it the most
perfect and most conscious instrument of the
Concentrating on the lower nature is never very
good; you should concentrate on what you want to
develop, not on what you want to destroy.
To run away from difficulties in order to
conquer them is not a solution.
A divine life in a divine body is the formula of
the ideal that we envisage.
One must widen oneself, open the doors. And
the best way is to be able to concentrate upon what
one is doing instead of concentrating upon oneself.
The concentration in the heart and
concentration in head can both be used each has
its own results.
[The above is said by the Mother, Pondicherry]
8. A Sense of Wonder
MULLIKEN, John B. (NAMAH. 12, 4/2005)
Our teaching hospitals no longer seem to care
whether clinicians do research. The administration
tells us leave research to the basic scientists
because they are more likely to bring in large grants
with inflated over-heads. Surgeons belong in the
operating room. Some surgeons waste time
belittling others for doing plastic surgery’
especially those not trained in a surgical specialty.
Brief reflections on three Surgeons:
Charles Branton HUGGINS, Nobel Prize
winner in Physiology or Medicine in 1966 for
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
endocrine-induced regression of Cancer.
HUGGINS often said, “You must love your
experiment.” Avoid administration.” He
cautioned “it attracts inferior minds.” He
apparently never sat on committees. His
punctuality was legendary. People set their clocks
when he walked by. Mysteriously, he never wore a
watch. HUGGINS walked everyday to work in his
laboratory until 95 years.
Joseph Edward MURRAY is surgical laureate
who received Nobel Prize in physiology in 1990.
After 8 months internship at the Peter Bent
Brigham Hospital, he was sent to Valley Forge
General Hospital. There he learned to use skin
grafts for wound coverage in burned serviceman.
MURRAY joined the renal transplant team.
December 1954 he did the first successful renal
transplant in identical twins. The day after the
momentous operation, he was called to repair a
laceration in the emergency department. For years
he delighted in caring for an elderly lady on whom
he had excised a lesion from the sole of her foot
and primarily closed the defect with a split-
thickness graft. Dr. MURRAY gave all his gifts to
us fortunate to know him, the most precious was his
unbounded enthusiasm. He admits that many of his
colleagues accused him of being a “pathological
optimist”. Often when we were exhausted after
operating late in the night, his greeting on walk
rounds was “Did you see the sun rise this morning”
In 1960, Judah FOLKMAN was sent to the
Naval Medical Research Institute in Bethesda. His
assignment was to find a substitute for blood. He
and his colleagues devised a model of an isolated
rabbit thyroid, kept alive by perfusion with
hemoglobin solution. Murine melanoma cells grew
on the cultured thyroid but they formed small
tumors. His explanation was they failed to attract
new blood vessels. FOLKMAN in Bethesda, with
David LONG did a simple experiment to show that
the fat-soluble rhodamine diffused across silicone
tubing into the water bath. This observation
became the basis for sustained drug-release
FOLKMAN is the very embodiment of
MURRAY’s three requirements of a surgical
scientist: curiosity, imagination and persistence.
9. Clean language.
Interview with GROVE, David by Penny
(SIM. XVIII, 1&2/2005)
David GROVE has developed a unique way of
working with the metaphoric and symbolic nature
of our inner worlds. The use of clean language is
very trance inducing without an induction. The
Clean Language is the language of facilitation. The
questions are aimed at the metaphoric part of their
experience so they don’t go through normal
cognitive processes.
The nine basic Clean Language questions are:
And is there anything else about…?
And what kind of…. is that…?
And where is…?
And where about?
And what happens next?
And then what happens?
And what happens just before…?
And where does/could…. come from?
And that’s... like what?
The process ultimately accesses conflicts,
paradoxes, double-blinds and other ‘holding
patterns’ which have kept the symptoms repeating
over and over.
1. Homeopathic Family Medicine ULLMAN,
Dana. Homeopathic Educational Services,
Electronic download from www.
homeopathic.com, 2003 (and regularly updated).
$29.95 for one-time download/$49.95 for 2-year
subscription. Review by ROWE, Todd (HT. 24,
The book comes as a pdf-Acrobat file. Divided
into three sections. First 25 pages solid overview
of Homeopathy. In the second section, of 200
pages, more than 100 acute and chronic conditions
are discussed.
The last part is a twelve-page reference section.
There is also a list of when each condition section
was last updated.
2. Dreams, Symbols and Homeopathy:
Archetypal Dimensions of Healing CICCHETTI,
Jane. North Atlantic Books: Berkeley,
California, 2003, Paperback, 261 pages, $ 18.95.
Review by Ken SILVESTRI (HT. 24, 5/2004):
“The book consists of four parts three of which
are named after ancient alchemical themes. The
first part, Emergence of opposites”, explores a
much needed reiteration of the holistic paradigm of
Homeopathy’s theoretical basis, without which one
cannot truly comprehend its power. The second
part, the “Mercurial fountain: The inner world of
the Psyche,” puts Jungian archetypes, the shadow,
anima/animus and the self into an easily
understandable perspective. Part three, “Descent
into the Baths: Moving toward the union of
opposites,” uses dreams in case taking in a manner
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
that opens new doors allowing access to
information from collective connections and
respecting constitution and temperament. Lastly,
“Symbolic Materia Medica,” is a new way to see
our Materia Medica from the wider perspective of
symbols and myth a perspective which very well
may be the best possible expression of our quest for
greater wholeness.”
“The book is well referenced, has a glossary of
Jungian and Alchemical terms, and a concise but
useful bibliography. It is a book that reframes case
taking and will greatly assist and profoundly alter
how one practices and uses Homeopathy.”
3. Medicine, Mythology and Spirituality.
Recollecting the Past and Willing the Future, by
R. TWENTYMAN, Forest Row, UK. Sophia
Books, ISBN 1-85584-182-7, 2004. Review by
Mimi IRWIN (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005): “….
‘Medicine, Mythology and Spirituality’ comes at a
time when there is great interest in consciousness
and spirituality, as witnessed for example by the
astonishing number of papers published on the
power of Prayer. Twentyman has an
extraordinary capacity to write about the wholeness
of man and also provides a remarkable reading list
to stimulate for many years. It is a tremendous
achievement that in his 90
year he has offered his
homeopathic colleagues such a thought provoking
and stimulating book. He is very generous in his
willingness to share the fruits of years of thought
and study ... It is a serious book and will repay
repeated reading and digesting ... It is small with
118 pages but the content is broad and deep ... The
central problem the book tackles is the crisis facing
humanity today and our collective inability to come
up with creative solutions to solve this crisis. The
book explores the paradigms underpinning our
medical and scientific culture. As a young man
Ralph TWENTYMAN was struck by the
realization that medicine was based on the study of
death and not on the study of the vital flow of
life…. Early in his life he recognized the need to
reintegrate the mind and the body. At the age 21 he
had the good fortune to come across ‘Exploring
the Unconscious by George GRODDECK. This
opened a new world to him and subsequently he
met Dimitrije MITRINOVIC who introduced him
to the work of Rudolf STEINER ...
TWENTYMAN gives numerous examples of how
we have become lost in materialism. …. Much of
medicine is based on the study of death and has
followed the path of reductionism ... In pursuing
the study of lifeless mechanism we lose sight of the
whole vital person who is unwell…. The solution
proposed by this book is the integration of the
material and spiritual realms. His book is full of
fascinating examples of how to look at our world
differently. GOETHE, a contemporary of
HAHNEMANN, espoused the view that with
imagination it was possible to see the living
metamorphosing ‘idea’ of a living organism. This
may be the interface for the action of homeopathic
medication with living organisms. With our
reliance on sense perception, we see only the dead
material ‘stuff’ that fills the immaterial spiritual
form and practices such as Homeopathy are
anathema to this world view.
In summary, humanity is in crisis. We are
however awake. The task is to continue to evolve
and ultimately to enjoy conscious unity with each
other ... ‘Medicine, Mythology and Spirituality’
will appeal to practitioners who are interested in
History and not afraid of new and different ideas.
The experience of reading this book is like
settling down to a very good conversation with a
wise and well-read friend. I would highly
recommend this book. It is stimulating and infused
with an obvious love of knowledge.”
4. Dictionnaire des auteurs d’ouvrages
d’homéopathie en langue française, Oliver
Boiron, Lyon, France. ISBN 2857422008, 2003.
94, 1/2005): “This is a most unusual book, a
dictionary of biography and bibliography
combined. Here one can locate details of every
book ever written in French, or translated into
French, on Homeopathy. This is one of the few
books I have encountered recently which requires
no index as it is, in itself, an index.”
“The result is much more readable and
fascinating than one might expect. It opens up the
lives of around 800 authors and of the institutions
of French, and indeed world, Homeopathy One
can see who has been translated into French, and so
who might have influenced French Homeopathy,
from KENT to VITHOULKAS ... Consider the life
of one author whose work is well known in
translation, Othon-André JULIAN (1910-1984);
(for example Materia Medica of New Remedies,
Beaconsfield, 1979). …. There are many more of
my favorite authors about whom I have learned so
much in this volume; ... This book is a major
contribution to the epistemology and historiography
of Homeopathy. It is time to learn French and
become European.”
5. Homeopathy: How it Really Works, by Jay
W. SHELTON, ISBN 159102109X, 2004.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005) Review by Tom
WHITMARSH: “The confident assertion in the
title of this book, which seems to promise much,
hides something of a let down. There have always
been people who sneer at Homeopathy and have
delighted in pointing out the implausibility of any
direct effect of remedies by the standards of
knowledge of the day. ……. The arguments
haven’t changed, though the metaphors have
expanded somewhat. We are promised that we will
discover how Homeopathy works. At least the
author, a Harvard and UC Berkeley educated
Physicist’ indirectly acknowledges that
Homeopathy has a positive effect on health. ….
He takes us through the whole process of
Homeopathy, starting from the doubtful validity of
a ‘Law’ of Similars ... He discusses the multiplicity
of practices which claim the title ‘Homeopathy’
and many different diagnostic practices ... He goes
into the absurdity of Provings …. If you need a
book which summarises the scientific arguments
against Homeopathy in an up-to-date language,
with nice graphs and tables, this is it ... This book
which confidently aims to tell us how Homeopathy
really works spends all but 20 of its 319 pages on
demonstrating from every conceivable angle how it
really doesn’t work. …. The author has no trouble
in demonstrating that homeopathic theory does not
satisfy most of the key elements thought to be
important in useful scientific theories. …. It is all
well-researched and reasonably well-written and, it
is hard to argue with many of the conclusions on
the information as presented. He has not
answered the hard question; how is it that people
with chronic physical, emotional and mental
distress and disease who have not been much
helped by well delivered and well indicated
conventional therapies feel a transformation in their
condition once they have received a particular
homeopathic remedy, having had no benefit from
previously prescribed remedies? May be that’s his
next book.”
6. Spiritual Bioenergetics of Homeopathic
Materia Medica by Y. SHARMA. Academy of
Light limited, London, Wembley, 2004. ISBN 1-
904472-01-X. Review by Bob LECKRIDGE
(HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005): …. Each remedy
‘picture’ described common patterns of experience
using a particular set of metaphors. The biomedical
model of health and disease uses a different set of
metaphors. There are many, many different sets of
metaphors in human usage. What this books sets
out to do is to collect together a number of these
metaphoric sets and place them next to each other
around the core set homeopathic metaphors. ….
Instead of improved communication and
understanding we end up with piles and piles of
metaphors each of which refer only to other
metaphors. …. In homeopathic terms this means
that Sharma’s book could be called ‘Sycotic’. In
‘Sycosis’ the individual runs further and further
away into fantasy as they try to escape the burdens
of reality. Sycosis is represented by over-doing,
over-activity and an over-growing. It’s no surprise
then that this is one big heavy book. It runs to
nearly 800 pages and this is only ‘Volume 1’!
In homeopathic terms, it’s a sycotic book and in
Lacanian terms it is a psychotic book. ….
7. Homeopathy at its Best by P.S.
KRISHNAMURTHY Salimashraf Publishers,
Hyderabad, 2002. Rs. 475/- US $30. Review by
1/2005): This collection of articles recreates the
legend of a mystical link between the disciple and
founding masters. In Chapter I, we read ‘Although
nearly fifty thousand homeopathic practitioners
come out every year in India from medical colleges,
the majority of them are practicing Allopathy ...
Because it is difficult to practice Homeopathy….
and the teaching staff are using allopathic therapy
in their private practice because they were not
thoroughly taught homeopathic technology in their
studies’. …. He considers Homeopathy capable of
causing iatrogenic adverse effects, although it has
long been considered a safe method suitable for use
by children and pregnant women. …. There is a
useful chapter on epidemics. Many could benefit
from his extensive experience of Encephalitis,
Dengue, Malaria, Influenza, Typhoid fever, Plague,
etc, for example the use of Eupatorium 200 in
Dengue fever. …. I was disappointed that a book
titled Homeopathy at its Best does not clarify
important issues like Posology or include principles
and therapeutic guidelines that can help to make
Homeopathy a practical solution to disease. It
should give students self-confidence. Instead it
tends to undermine the confidence of students.”
8. Homeopathy Research an Expedition
Report: An Old Healing System Gains
Plausibility by P.C. ENDLER, edition@inter-
uni.net: Austria. ISBN 3950144811, 2003.
Review by Jeremy SWAYNE. (HOMEOPATHY,
94, 1/2005): ‘And now’, as the saying is, ‘for
something completely different!
“Christian ENDLER is known for his
contributions to the study of high dilutions, and in
particular as editor, with J. SCHULTE, of Ultra
High Dilution, a book that reviewed the research
on the subject in 1994, followed by Fundamental
Research on Ultra High Dilution and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Homeopathy, in 1998 ... Its style is light hearted,
but its substance is serious. It is brief, but not
superficial. And the resulting format makes it a
compelling, entertaining, though sometimes mildly
exasperating introduction to the breadth of ideas
and many of the research themes that are current in
contemporary Homeopathy. It invites both the
sceptic and the converted to think more critically
about the phenomenon that they may be inclined
either to dismiss or to accept too lightly. And it
does so in a manner that will inform and should
excite any student of Homeopathy. ... ENDLER’s
expedition began in boyhood with an interest in the
metamorphosis of tadpoles into frogs and evolved
over the years, once he became aware of the claims
of Homeopathy, into a study of the effects of
dilutions and potencies of thyroxine on this process.
From the beginning he recognized that no one
factor acts independently to modify a biological
process; that change in a biological system is
always multifactorial. This applies as much to the
conduct of experiments as to the outcome of
therapeutic interventions. There is a great diversity
of material in the book, which ranges over many
fields of research and speculation related both to
the specific activity of high dilutions and the whole
nature of the therapeutic transaction in
homeopathic practice. …. As homeopathic
practitioners the book challenges us to be both bold
and humble in the claims we make for what we do.
Bold in affirming the role of the homeopathic
prescription; humble in acknowledging that we do
not understand that role, Bold also in asserting
that Homeopathy, for many reasons, has much to
offer the worlds of Medicine and Science.
There is a wealth of fascinating and provocative
idea here. This is a book I can whole-heartedly
recommend as a worthwhile ‘expedition’ of
discovery for the sceptical, the curious and the
committed. And indeed, for anyone who relishes
the adventure of Science as the open-ended process
of enquiry and investigation that it ought to be.”
9. ICR Operational Manual and Standardized
Case Record, Dr. M.L. DHAWALE, Memorial
Trust, Mumbai, India, 2003. Rs. 250.
(www.mldtrust.com;mldoff@vsnl.net): Review by
Jeremy SWAYNE (HOMEOPATHY, 94, 1/2005):
“The ICR (Institute of Clinical Research, Mumbai)
has used the Standardized Case Record (SCR) for
training and Clinical Practice since 1970, and the
Central Council for Research in Homeopathy
(CCRH) in India adopted it, as a research tool. It is
an extremely detailed, highly structured, and it has
to be said, complex 106-page 180 x 120mm case-
book for each individual patient. …. It could be
said to represent the highest ideal of systematic
case taking for training and research purposes that
could possibly be conceived, and I have nothing but
an astonished admiration for the diligence of our
Indian colleagues in using it. … Nevertheless, I
doubt that the SCR will prove to be an appropriate
tool outside India.The SCR is the brain-child of
the late Dr. M.L. DHAWALE, one of the most
renowned figures in the history of Homeopathy on
the sub-continent, and author of Principles and
Practice of Homeopathy, a book that deserves
study by serious students of Homeopathy,
particularly their teachers. There is an excellent
summary of 16 interview techniques (p.25).
Another valuable section (p.35) deals with the
presence of an observer at the consultation with the
trainee doctor, and the training of the observer for
this role. …. The later sections of instructions for
the use of the SCR are, as I have said, worth
browsing for the wisdom and knowledge to be
gleaned there by our teachers. ... There is an
interesting Glossary, ... I warmly recommend that
each teaching center and each library obtains at
least one copy.”
1. (Over 50 papers were presented in the Liga
Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis)
(International Homeopathic Medical League)
Congress in 2005 in Berlin. The year also saw
the 250
birth anniversary of Samuel
Abstracts of the papers presented have been
given in a ‘special’ Issue of the Allgemeine
Homöopathische Zeitung (AHZ. 250, 2/2005) –
[We give them here under relevant sections = KSS]
1. LM or Q Potencies: retrospective
consideration of a 15 year-use in Brazil by
ADLER, UC: The pathway to recover
HAHNEMANN’s “most perfected method” will be
reviewed in this lecture including historical
(HAHNEMANN’s manuscript) and basic research
(mice experimental leishmaniasis treated with
dynamised leishmanias), pharmaceutical and
critical standardizing, and a clinical case to
exemplify the homeopathic clinic in accordance
with the Organon 6
2. Retrospective of 20 years of research on
Homeopathy by Karl and Veronica Carstens
Foundation, Essen, Germany: Results of a study
requested by the WHO is 2004 to ascertain the
current status of research in Homeopathy
(fundamental scientific research, clinical research in
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
Veterinary and Human Medicine), is presented.
The Carstens Foundation’s contribution of 20
years research finding is described. In order to
evaluate the research state the various perspectives
within and outside of Homeopathy is discussed.
The general conclusion is that a continuation of
present research strategies might not lead to
success, i.e., to identify the mode of action and
prone the effectiveness of Homeopathy. Why the
hitherto conventional methods applied are not
sufficient for a scientific penetration of
Homeopathy is explained.
3. Cuba’s Public Health System before and after
the Introduction of Homeopathy. Patients
under Homeopathic vs. Allopathic Treatment
by ALVAREZ, JL: Homeopathy was reintroduced
in Cuba 1992. Since then, the Cuban Ministry of
Public Healthy has made great efforts in the
development of Homeopathy, as a diagnostic
medical System based on evidence. The Ministry
pursues homeopathic investigations with the
scientific rigour characteristic of Cuban Medicine.
This presentation will include various double blind
studies of patients on homeopathic vs. allopathic
treatment, where homeopath’s usefulness and
value will be demonstrated. The first study of
Duodenal ulcer includes a treatment of 120 patients
for 8 weeks and 52-week control follow-up of acid
secretion in addition to follow up with endoscopies
at 4, 8, 26 and 52 weeks also a reconsideration of
the symptom progress, the scanning rate and the
negativity rate of Helicobacter pylori. The second
study focuses on the treatment of a Hepatitis A
outbreak, where 3 homeopathic drugs based on the
epidemic genius were used on 35 patients, showing
in patients treated with Homeopathy an evident
favourable progress, social impact and better
quality of life compared to those treated with
allopathic drugs. The third study books at 67
patients will Idiopathic Ulcerative Colitis treated
with individualized homeopathic drugs and
followed up for 5 years, with clinical,
haematological, endoscopies and histological
results. The results reveal, in most patients, better
clinical endoscopic progress compared to the group
treated allopathically, and the prevention of
Dysplasia in all degrees.
4. A logical approach to Homeopathy based
on Scientific Research by BASTIDE, M., HALM,
R.P.: “When the observed facts do not support a
well established theory the facts have to be
accepted and the theory rejected.” (Claude
One principle of Homeopathy is the use of
very dilutions which cannot be explained by the
mechanistic paradigm, the well established
theory” of modern science.
We propose an epistemological approach to
Homeopathy based on body information processes.
Information is not an object but only its trace
mediation between object and receiver is required
for a signal to be transmitted. Take, for example,
the story of Robinson CRUSOE who sees
FRIDAY’s footprint in the sand but not the foot
itself. FRIDAY’s foot is the originator (matrix) of
the information (‘another man on the island’) but
not an object; the sand is the carrier of the
information (the mediator). When the carrier
disappears, the information disappears too. The
information is understood only by the receiver and
the understanding of the information depends on its
In Homeopathy, the originator of the
information is the starting material of the remedy;
succussed dilutions are mediators. High dilutions
contains only information from that material, no
molecules. The receiver (the whole living body)
processes the information according to its state,
whether healthy (Proving) or sick (therapy).
The effect of information is very specific; the
context influences the interpretation by the receiver.
These characteristics have been demonstrated in
experimental models using succussed high dilutions
and immunological, toxicological and pharmaco-
logical models.
The results confirm the body information
paradigm by corporeal signifiers. Moreover, this
paradigm itself is a mediation between the
mechanistic and the symbolic paradigms and allows
a more complete understanding of the global vision
of the living body.
5. In-vitro Research with homeopathic
potencies a systematic review by BLUTH M.,
Since the introduction of potentized remedies with
specific effects the idea of the non-molecular action
of remedies has been irritating the scientific world.
In vitro research appears suitable to reproducibly
demonstrate potency effects, and explore the
mechanisms of their action.
To evaluate the evidence of such in-vitro
experiments, publications were collected from
databases, previous reviews and identified
publications, and through expert contacts. From
multiple publications only the most extensive
version was included. Abstracts, as well as
experiments with micro-organisms and isolated
organs or plant materials were excluded. The
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIII, 2/2006
quality of experiments was evaluated using a
modified SAPEH-Score (Score for the assessment
of Physical Experiments on Homeopathy).
Independently reproduced results were noted and
whether the publication demonstrated an intrinsic
activity of the investigated potencies.
Results: We found a total of 102 experiments
in 98 publications from 1932-2003 (32 involved
cell-free systems, 25 basophil granulocytes. 17 cell
cultures, 16 neutrophil granulocytes/leucocytes and
12 lymphocytes).
85% of them supported the existence of a
potency effect, but overall quality was low. The
rare use of adequate controls in particular made
judgement difficult. Surprisingly, the proportion of
positive results remained constant even among
high-quality experiments: 12 out of 14 experiments
(86%) showed effects of homeopathic potencies.
Two independently reproduced experimental
models were identified: stimulation of hydrolases
with Mercuric chloride, and modification of anti-
IgE triggered basophil degra