activism, especially in support of mothers and
4. Black Mamba Musings
On Dendroaspis polylepis
NAUMAN, Eileen (HL. 17, 3/2004)
The authoress explains the symptoms of Black
Mamba through Doctrine of Signatures - 19 points.
The classification, the habitat and habits of
Black Mamba are discussed.
Rubrics from Raj an SANKARAN's Proving
are given.
The authoress explains her experience after
taking a dose of XM of Black Mamba.
5. A Trituration Experience with Persimmon
Diospyros kaki
HYDE, Rosemary C; HOGELAND, Anneke;
SCHRIEBMAN, Judy (HL. 17, 3/2004)
This proving was done by triturating a piece of
fruit and leaf from a Persimmon tree that grew
locally in California, from a seed unrelated to the
individual Nagasaki tree.
The core emotional themes: heaviness, despair,
disintegration, destruction, duality and survival
requiring a huge effort.
Physically, burning, itching, stabbing,
wandering pains predominate.
The dreams involved war, bombs, survival,
constantly changing realities, misshapen creatures,
deception and lying, ethical conflicts, immense
efforts to overcome evil, spiritual breakthroughs
and the colors white and grey.
The natural history of this tree is discussed and
the symptoms of Provings are given.
6. Lapis lazuli - a Proving
Escola Paulista de Homeopatia, Brazil
(HL. 17, 3/2004)
The results of the Proving of Lapis lazuli are
presented. The Proving followed the protocol
adopted for Brosimum gaudichaudii (Congresso
Nacional de Homeopatia - RS - 1998), further
modified to adjust to our group's demands. Also
presented is a thematic study of the remedy, its
repertorial rubrics, its differential diagnosis and
new rubrics that ought to be added to the Repertory.
The experience suggested the need for new
practical guidelines to be included in the protocol.
7. The Toxicology of Tityus serrulatus
The Brazilian Yellow Scorpion
BONNET M.S. (HL. 17, 3/2004)
The signs and symptoms of envenomation by
the Brazilian scorpion, Tityus serrulatus, have been
gathered from medical and biological journals in
order to present them as a potential remedy for
The biology of the scorpion is presented in
order to familiarize the reader with the animal; its
description, habitat, behaviour and its maternal
comportment are described. This is followed by a
section on Venomology and a comparison of the
effects of its venom on the cardiovascular system as
opposed to that of other dangerous scorpions.
The Materia Medica is based on human
envenomation and is presented in a classical
homoeopathic manner, more-or-less following the
Repertory 'Synthesis'.
Laboratory tests in haematology, biochemistry
and urine are reported and compared with their
normal range values.
The paper ends with a small section on the
Greek mythology of Tityus from which this
scorpion genus derives its name.
8. The Argentum group
LOUKAS, George (HL. 17, 4/2004)
The descriptions of Argentum group,
beginning with Argentum metallicum, which
expresses the group's features are given. Then its
salts are described: Argentum nitricum, Argentum
muriaticum, Argentum muriaticum natronatrum,
Argentum muriaticum kalinatum, Argentum
sulphuricum, Argentum chromicum, Argentum
phosphoricum, Argentum arsenicosum, Argentum
iodatum, Argentum bromatum and Argentum
carbonicum. 28 new triplex salts of Argentum are
1. Homoopathische Behandlung von hyperaktiven
Kindern (Homoeopathic Treatment of
Hyperactive Children)
FREI, Heiner et al (ZKH. 50, 1/2006)
This article is the outcome of randomized,
placebo-controlled double-blind Crossover Study
by Heiner FREI, Regula EVERTS, Klaus VON
Between 2001 and 2005 an inter-disciplinary
research team at the University of Berne performed
a scientifically rigorous randomized controlled trial
with homoeopathic treatment of 62 ADHD-patients.
In an initial phase of open label treatment the
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Journal. Vol. XXIV, 1 & 2/2007.