VOL. XXIV, I & 2, 2007
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
Brhadaranyaka Upamsad
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known homoeopathic journals published
world-over - India. England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil. USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur,
Chennai - 600 080, India.)
VOL. XXIV, 1 & 2, 2007
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known homoeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Warum sollen die Homoopathen nicht auf dem
Scheiterhaufen verbrannt werden? Einiges iiber
Paradigmata und philosophische Traditionen
(Why shouldn't the homoeopaths be burnt at
the stakes - the Paradigms and philosophical
NORKOWSKI, lacek (AHZ. 251,1/2006)
It seems that what makes Homoeopathy
unacceptable to the other main school is the
reference to 'basics'. It seems to be that only the
Medicine on the Cartesian basis is 'scientific' and
what cannot be fitted into the Cartesian basics
deserve to be rejected. However, it is only that the
Cartesian model came up before new Paradigm. It
is therefore right and proper if the new scientific
ideas viz. new paradigms are applied since the new
ideas are not only relevant to information
technologies but also to Physics itself. [Attention is
invited to Ruper SHELDRAKE'S earlier books, 'A
New Science of Life', "The Presence of the Past''
and his new book "The Rebirth of Nature". Also
the well-known book of Fntjof CAPRA "The Tao
of Physics". In spite of overwhelming evidence the
dominant Medicine still holds on to the Cartesian
model. = KSS]
2. Einiges iiber James Tyler KENT und seine
Verbindung zu SWEDENBORG (On James
Tyler KENT and his connection to
WEDEPOHL, Wolfgang (AHZ. 251, 2/2006)
This article briefly traces James Tyler KENT'S
life, his conversion to Homoeopathy, his
Swedenborgian inclination, the influence of
SWEDENBORG on KENT'S homoeopathic
Philosophy, etc. and the structure of KENT'S
[Over the years there have been several articles
on this subject. However, decades of Practice and
application of KENT Repertory successfully are
undeniable = KSS]
3. Zwischen HAHNEMANN und
SWEDENBORG - Erweiterung der
Homoopathie durch Kent (Between
Expansion of Homoeopathy through KENT)
BAUR, Roland (AHZ. 251, 2/2006)
The Spirit sleeps in the Material
Dreams in the Plants,
Wakes up in the animal
And becomes conscious in Men.
SWEDENBORG's "Doctrine of Analogies" is
an essential element of KENT'S Lectures on
Homoeopathic Philosophy". As the "Lectures" are
part of the homoeopathic doctrine,
SWEDENBORG's thoughts influenced the way of
Case taking and hierarchisation of symptoms. The
importance of mind symptoms for choosing the
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 1 & 2/2007
remedy can be explained by SWEDENBORG's
description of the initiation of diseases.
4. SRP: "Strange, Rare and Peculiar" or
"Symptoms, Remedies, and Probability"?
DUPREE, Glen and BEAL, Susan
(AJHM. 98, 3/2005)
The authors have used the concepts of
Mathematics to explain the significance of the
Strange, Rare and Peculiar (SRP) symptom. In the
analysis of any chronic disease, if the homoeopath
can elicit a symptom from the patient, which is so
bizarre and can find a remedy which has that same
bizarre symptom in its picture [Proving?=KSS],
there will be a high degree of confidence in that
remedy for that patient.
One possible explanation lies in the field of
statistics and probability. The lower the probability
of occurrence of an event, the greater the statistical
significance of the event. Thus it is with the
Strange, Rare and Peculiar symptom.
Both the authors are Veterinary Practitioners
trained under the well-known veterinary
Homoeopathy practitioner Dr. Richard PITCAIRN.
5. The Fractal-Like Nature of Miasms
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 98, 4/2005)
Interpretations of Miasms include physical
explanations or metaphysical theories. Physical
interpretations and the limitations of mechanistic
explanations are mentioned in this paper. A model
for describing Miasms using the qualitative
properties of fractals is proposed. For example, the
language of fractals describes the diverse
expressions of disease within the oneness of Psora.
6. Principles
MARRS, Iain (HL. 17, 4/2004)
The principles that under-pin both hermetic
and homoeopathic practice are compared and
discussed. The author has placed these in an
7. Miasms - A General Concept in
HAHNEMANN'S Epoch and a New and
Specific Concept in Homoeopathy
JURJ, Gheorghe (SIM. XIX, 2006)
Some of the problematic aspects of the use of
the term Miasm by HAHNEMANN are discussed,
with the larger idea of framing it within the
theoretical general concepts of Homoeopathy. The
conclusions so far:
The term Miasm was used by HAHNEMANN
throughout his writings before the Chronic
Diseases in the general manner of that era as that of
the provoking cause of contagious disease.
Starting with Chronic Diseases, in 1828,
HAHNEMANN conferred upon this term a
particular and specific new meaning, that of a
deeper underlying cause of chronic diseases.
HAHNEMANN introduces the notion of Psora
and makes the assertion that this Miasm is the cause
of the majority of chronic diseases. He also relates
this concept of Psora to predisposition or
Unlike the synchronic point of view
concerning Miasms at the time [horizontal, spatial
transmission], the Hahnemannian perspective is
diachronic and involves the pathology's
longitudinal evolution in time.
The treatments of miasmatic diseases are seen
as a de-suppression and regression in the miasmatic
history of the subject, implying strata of pathology
that reveal and resolve regressively - unfolding
outwards. This latter point also resonates with the
concepts of Freudian psychoanalysis.
1. "von der Tarentel gestochen" - Die Quellen
des Arzneibildes von Tarentula hispanica
("Stung by the Tarentula" - the source of the
drug picture of Tarentula hispanica)
LUCAE, Christian (ZKH. 50, 2/2006)
The reliability of sources for the remedy
picture of Tarentula hispanica is investigated by
studying the original work of Jose NUNEZ
published in 1864. Retrospectively, it is impossible
to be sure about the type of spider species that was
substrate for the Proving. Moreover, the special
role of "tarantism" that had its origins in Southern
Italy is worked out with the implications on the
remedy picture. Regarding the vast uncertainties
about the origins of the sources a new Proving with
the correctly determined spider is essential.
2. Oleander: Rose Laurel
OLSEN, Steve (AJHM. 98, 3/2005)
Case 1: Ruthy, 5-year-old girl with Eczema on
the hands. Introverted. Rage and then apologize
later that day. Sensitive to odors and tastes.
Undigested stool. Citrus fruits brought on violent
mood and a hot rash developed on her chin. Using
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. XXIV, 1 & 2/2007.
Radar VES, Oleander 30 every three days for a
After 2 months: 9 days later had rash in the
buttocks. Then many of her symptoms rapidly
became better in the reverse order in which they
had appeared. Within hours her demeanor changed
dramatically. Progress in asserting herself. Less
aggressive. Oleander 30 as needed. 9 months later
partial relapse. Oleander 30 every 4 days for a
Six years later, no headache. Mild headache,
could express her emotions.
Five other cases of Oleander from old journals
are reported.
Mental emotional profile, general symptoms,
modalities, confirming symptoms and main areas of
pathology extracted from various classical sources
are given.
Mental Emotional Profile
Unable to think, feels senseless.
Slow perception, lack of self-confidence, indolence,
fits of passion then repents.
Weak memory, confusion when reading, absent-
Lively in afternoon and jumping about.
Screaming, ill-humored.
Fretful, peevish and reserved.
Passionate, but he immediately repented of it.
Intolerant of contradiction.
Loss of self-confidence, causing sadness.
Disinclination to work or to undertake any other
agreeable occupation.
Confusion when reading, if he makes a great effort
to understand the book.
Difficulty in grasping the connection when reading
a long sentence.
Disturbed by other ideas of his own when reading.
Busy with beautiful images concerning the future
when studying.
Loss of memory (Anacardium), of the names of his
Said to be valuable in the mental condition of slow
General Symptoms, Modalities, Confirming
Very difficult to wake up in the morning and get
out of bed.
Thirst for cold water. Worse from friction of
clothing on the skin.
Main Areas of Pathology
Eczema, oozing, bleeding, crusty scalp and behind
the ears.
Face pale, blue rings around the eyes.
Undigested stool, constipation.
Weakness of lower limbs - paralysis.
Numbness of extremities.
Swelling, burning, stiffness of extremities.
Reeling vertigo, worse from looking downward.
Cramp-like contraction of fingers and muscles.
Headache better looking sideways or crossing the
Coldness on sides of chest and feet.
Stiffness better from motion.
General paralytic symptoms supervene, with a
weak, irregular pulse.
Lies as if in slumber, but conscious and able to
move (Gelsemium).
Arms drawn up against chest, lower limbs to
abdomen and chin against chest.
Spasm, with cold, clammy skin and barely
perceptible pulse.
Spasmodic contractions of all muscles, more in
upper than in lower limbs, on attempting to rouse
him; amelioration towards the evening, between the
spasms he lay on his back, but the superior
contractions of left side threw him over on the
Tearing in left side of neck and left scapula,
alternating with tearing in temple and second left
molar, towards evening and in night.
Pinching in several parts of body, of limbs, fingers
and toes, as if bones were crushed.
Pressure inward in several parts.
Bad feeling, with weakness in abdomen and chest.
Stiffness of limbs, agg. left fingers, stiffness of
back, so that rising in bed was difficult.
Hemiplegia preceded by vertigo.
Coma, from which she could be aroused by loud
talking; speech connected but difficult; as soon as
she stopped talking she sank back into coma, with
distortion of eyes.
3. Lac humanum
BAILEY, Phillip (AJHM. 98, 4/2005)
A detailed description of the psyche of Lac
humanum is provided. Central elements of the
remedy include: issues of inability to receive
nurturing, coupled with an improper mother/child
bond; a psychical split, resulting in a schizoid
personality; separation from emotions; retreat into
spiritualism; a sense of isolation and an inability to
trust the love of others; a sense of victimization and
consequent resentment, which could lead to
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. XXIV, 1 & 2/2007
activism, especially in support of mothers and
4. Black Mamba Musings
On Dendroaspis polylepis
NAUMAN, Eileen (HL. 17, 3/2004)
The authoress explains the symptoms of Black
Mamba through Doctrine of Signatures - 19 points.
The classification, the habitat and habits of
Black Mamba are discussed.
Rubrics from Raj an SANKARAN's Proving
are given.
The authoress explains her experience after
taking a dose of XM of Black Mamba.
5. A Trituration Experience with Persimmon
Diospyros kaki
HYDE, Rosemary C; HOGELAND, Anneke;
SCHRIEBMAN, Judy (HL. 17, 3/2004)
This proving was done by triturating a piece of
fruit and leaf from a Persimmon tree that grew
locally in California, from a seed unrelated to the
individual Nagasaki tree.
The core emotional themes: heaviness, despair,
disintegration, destruction, duality and survival
requiring a huge effort.
Physically, burning, itching, stabbing,
wandering pains predominate.
The dreams involved war, bombs, survival,
constantly changing realities, misshapen creatures,
deception and lying, ethical conflicts, immense
efforts to overcome evil, spiritual breakthroughs
and the colors white and grey.
The natural history of this tree is discussed and
the symptoms of Provings are given.
6. Lapis lazuli - a Proving
Escola Paulista de Homeopatia, Brazil
(HL. 17, 3/2004)
The results of the Proving of Lapis lazuli are
presented. The Proving followed the protocol
adopted for Brosimum gaudichaudii (Congresso
Nacional de Homeopatia - RS - 1998), further
modified to adjust to our group's demands. Also
presented is a thematic study of the remedy, its
repertorial rubrics, its differential diagnosis and
new rubrics that ought to be added to the Repertory.
The experience suggested the need for new
practical guidelines to be included in the protocol.
7. The Toxicology of Tityus serrulatus
The Brazilian Yellow Scorpion
BONNET M.S. (HL. 17, 3/2004)
The signs and symptoms of envenomation by
the Brazilian scorpion, Tityus serrulatus, have been
gathered from medical and biological journals in
order to present them as a potential remedy for
The biology of the scorpion is presented in
order to familiarize the reader with the animal; its
description, habitat, behaviour and its maternal
comportment are described. This is followed by a
section on Venomology and a comparison of the
effects of its venom on the cardiovascular system as
opposed to that of other dangerous scorpions.
The Materia Medica is based on human
envenomation and is presented in a classical
homoeopathic manner, more-or-less following the
Repertory 'Synthesis'.
Laboratory tests in haematology, biochemistry
and urine are reported and compared with their
normal range values.
The paper ends with a small section on the
Greek mythology of Tityus from which this
scorpion genus derives its name.
8. The Argentum group
LOUKAS, George (HL. 17, 4/2004)
The descriptions of Argentum group,
beginning with Argentum metallicum, which
expresses the group's features are given. Then its
salts are described: Argentum nitricum, Argentum
muriaticum, Argentum muriaticum natronatrum,
Argentum muriaticum kalinatum, Argentum
sulphuricum, Argentum chromicum, Argentum
phosphoricum, Argentum arsenicosum, Argentum
iodatum, Argentum bromatum and Argentum
carbonicum. 28 new triplex salts of Argentum are
1. Homoopathische Behandlung von hyperaktiven
Kindern (Homoeopathic Treatment of
Hyperactive Children)
FREI, Heiner et al (ZKH. 50, 1/2006)
This article is the outcome of randomized,
placebo-controlled double-blind Crossover Study
by Heiner FREI, Regula EVERTS, Klaus VON
Between 2001 and 2005 an inter-disciplinary
research team at the University of Berne performed
a scientifically rigorous randomized controlled trial
with homoeopathic treatment of 62 ADHD-patients.
In an initial phase of open label treatment the
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Journal. Vol. XXIV, 1 & 2/2007.