VOL. XXIV, 3 & 4, 2007
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known homoeopathic journals published
world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur,
Chennai - 600 080, India.)
VOL. XXIV, 3 & 4, 2007
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known homoeopathic journals published
world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur,
Chennai - 600 080, India.)
VOL. XXIV, 3 & 4, 2007
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known homoeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Die Integration der Miasmen-Theorie ins
Organon - Ein Vergleich von Organon III
(1824) und Organon IV (1829) (The
Integration of the Miasms Theory in the
Organon - a Comparison of Organon III
(1824) and Organon IV (1829)
MORITZ, Jiirgen Dr. med. (NAH. 1, 2/2006)
In this article is shown how HAHNEMANN in
Vol. I of his "Chronic Diseases" has explained the
miasmatic cause of diseases, and integrated it in the
instruction in the Organon IV edition, 1829.
Whether these are of any consequence for the
Anamnesis or the complete elaboration of the
disease case.
Disease is, in the light of all the editions of the
Organon, identical with the "Totality of
Symptoms". The obligation for strong
individualizing has also not been altered by
HAHNEMANN through all the editions. Correctly
working on the basis of the Organon, the Miasms
theory is integrated in the application of
Homoeopathy in daily practice. There is no need to
take pains to explain the Miasms theoretically. The
work of the Physician is the restoration of the sick
to health (§ 1 in all the 6 editions) and not weave
empty speculations. The Miasm is nothing else
other than the expression of the Symptoms caused
by it. This must therefore come under
consideration for correct prescription. [J.H.
ALLEN has said that "peculiar, queer, rare, strange
symptoms are expressions of the Miasm" = KSS]
It must be pointed out that
HAHNEMANN observed that cure takes place
from within without and in the reverse order of
their appearance. The mention of above
downwards, from more important to less important
organs, etc., may be considered as synonymous.
2. Die Bedeutung des konstitutionellen Denkens
(The Significance of the Constitutional Ideas)
APPELL, Ramer G. (AHZ. 251, 6/2006)
According to different schools within
Homoeopathy the striking, singular, uncommon and
peculiar signs and symptoms stand in a certain
tense relation to constitutional attributes. As the
biography here presented illustrates, constitutional
and miasmatic constitutionality does not denote a
contradiction to individual life conception and
existential liberty; it is their foundation.
3. The integral of the Chronic Miasms
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 99, 1/2006)
There are many explanations of the Chronic
Miasms. Two major categories divide the many
interpretations. Either physical explanations or
metaphysical theories include most of the ways of
understanding Miasms. Another article addresses
the physical interpretations including Physics,
Pathology and Microbiology ideas. This paper
discusses religious, philosophical, symbolic,
psychological and generalized theories of Miasms.
In the place of all of these concepts, a descriptive,
phenomenological approach is offered that does not
ignore the actual words of Hahnemann.
Natural Chronic Miasms have three important
moments: First, the instant of dynamic contagion;
second, the penetration throughout the entire
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 412007,
person; third, "the breaking out of external
ailment". This consistently observed process
describes Miasms clinically.
Natural Chronic Miasms are described, not
At the end Dr.SHEPPERD does well to say:
"The original definitions of the natural Chronic
Miasms are a description of an actual, verifiable,
clinical process. This process was first seen first
hand. It includes observable events and real signs
and symptoms of disease. The Chronic Miasms are
real experienced disease process. They are not a
postulate. . . . They are not an explanation that
reduces Chronic disease to the chance mechanisms
of Physics or Physiology."
"The question of what is a Miasm comes first;
then comes the question of when is it a Miasm.
These questions are of primary importance to the
actual homoeopathic methodology. It is only later
that the natural curiosity of mind asks why there are
Miasms and what are the mechanisms of Miasms.
"The student must actually read and study the
original definitions of original natural Chronic
Miasms before the homoeopathic community can
move forward in a meaningful way. If homoeopaths
cannot even agree on definitions, then there is
nothing build upon."
4. A Visit to Flatland: The Periodic Table in
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 99, 2/2006)
The use of the Periodic Table of Chemistry in
Homoeopathy has serious limitations. The Periodic
Law of Elements does not adequately predict the
medicinal qualities of homoeopathic remedies. The
shortcomings of grafting a Paradigm of Chemistry
on to Homoeopathy are evaluated using the writings
of Hahnemann and other observers of the scientific
method. The manifold provings law continues to
be the correct scientific method for testing
homoeopathic medicines.
The periodic table is a two-dimensional, flat,
linear, columns-and-rows representation of real
substances in nature that do not order themselves in
a geometric fashion. An artificial geometry is used
to impose an artificial order on the limitlessness of
nature's diversity. The periodic table is the map of
nothing but an imaginary kingdom. It is not real,
not earthlike. The wondrous diversity of natural
mineral substances is reduced to only the ghost of
electron atomic orbits.
The structure of an element so ordered by the
periodic table does not predict what it will do in a
sick person. Instead of real provings, imagined
themes occupy assigned locations like a marching
formation of soldiers all in step. The manifold
provings law, which has withstood the test of two
hundred years, has been discarded. An intellectual
scheme from Chemistry added to symbolic
fantasies replaces a proven method. The use of the
Periodic Table in Homoeopathy is an unproven
assumption. It is a construct that does not fit.
The manifold Provings Law continues to be the
correct scientific method for testing homoeopathic
5. 1. Homoeopathy and Science
2. Homoeopathy and Perfinity
SCHOLTEN Jan (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Both the articles are by the well-known Dr. Jan
SCHOLTEN. [The author justifies the path in
which "Modern Homoeopathy" is "Progressive"
with new classifications, remedy themes, etc. etc.
Most of the developments have nothing much to do
with HAHNEMANN'S teachings, although he is
quoted or mentioned. The arguments are beyond
me, I plead ignorance. Old HAHNEMANN with
his simple methods was understood far better in
spite of his 2 centuries-old long-winding sentences.
However, to be fair. I wil give here excerpts from
the 'conclusions' of Dr. Jan SCHOLTEN]. From
'Homoeopathy and Science'. "The development of
Homoeopathy as a Science is necessarily a
development towards more generalization.
Necessarily because every science develops
towards increasing generalization. The increasing
generalization makes predictions possible. The
result is that Homoeopathy suddenly progresses
very fast. The development of Family themes and
the theory of the Elements show that very clearly
the scientific aspects of Homoeopathy have
progressed particularly through the pursuit of
generalizations. This adds coherence to the older
fragmented information and makes Homoeopathy
more accessible to scientists from other
From 'Homoeopathy and Perfinity': There's a
growing tendency in Homoeopathy to study families
of remedies The conclusion is that families of
remedies can be studied and that there are
advantages in doing so. That is why many
homoeopaths have done this. HAHNEMANN did it
when he created three groups of remedies: Psoric,
Sycotic and Syphilitic. [HAHNEMANN did not
create three groups of remedies. He classified the
constitutional chronic states which hindered the
otherwise rightly chosen homoeopathic medicine
from curing. HAHNEMANN has said clearly that
a medicine's action can be known (not surmised)
only by practical experimentation on a healthy
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, VolXXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
human and in no other way. FARRINGTON,
their own groupings, but that cannot be the
Homoeopathy established by HAHNEMANN =
6. Logos, Mythos, Evidence
DEBATS Ferdinard (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
In this interesting article, the author argues for
tolerance of different 'schools' in Homoeopathy,
that divisions and controversies amongst
homoeopaths would enable the conventional
medicine to destroy Homoeopathy. So love those
who differ. [This is a well-intentioned article. But
for the sake of what are the comprises called for? If
for Homoeopathy's sake, what kind of
Homoeopathy? A compromise between the several
'schools'?; in which case we have to surely throw
away the Organon and other works related to it and
instead keep only the Thematic Materia Medica, the
Kingdoms, the Signatures, the Mind only, the
Periodic Tables, and last not least the
Polypharmacy! In fact late Dr.SEHGAL said that
he had no need of the Text Books of Materia
Medica, Provings, etc., that is to say that the
Practitioner need not bother about these. 'He
needed only the 93 pages of Kent Repertory!' If we
are to compromise with these neo ideas, those who
are struggling to destroy Homoeopathy will be
grateful. We bury ourselves. = KSS].
7. Homoeopathy as Information Science
SCHOLTEN Jan (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Dr. SCHOLTEN opens the Essay very rightly.
He says that the materialistic paradigm
predominating the minds of 'Scientists' prevents
from recognizing Homoeopathy as a Science. This
view, in fact, blocks the development of the
material Science itself. Notwithstanding several
proofs the 'material' Scientists do not accept. Jorg
WICHMANN suggested the solution of dropping
the science aspect of Homoeopathy. [I entirely
agree What harm if we accept that Homoeopathy is
not a Science? Surely no practitioner will lose by
this acceptance = KSS]. Another suggestion is to
bring Materialism Paradigm up for discussion. Still
another is to present Homoeopathy as an
Information Science or Cybernetics. [We may
spend our energy, knowledge, time, in improving
our practice. To get still better results succeed in
more difficult diseases. The people will take note
and accept Homoeopathy for whatever it is. So we
go our own way, no need to tread on anybody's
toes = KSS],
8. Sensation and Function — The Grammar of
SHERR Jeremy (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Jeremy SHERR draws attention to § 10 of the
Organon - disease is alteration of functions and
sensations. Evidently roots of the disease are
therefore to be searched from these. Sensations and
functions are a more holistic way of describing
Pathology than Emotions or Delusions, because
they pertain to the whole organism, rather than the
mind or emotions.
Dynamis means motion, the basis of life. In
Pathology we become confined to a fixed sensation
of function, true in one particular circumstance, but
misplaced in every other situation. "Pathological
functions repeat the same actions and are therefore
easy to perceive. Grammatically, these symptoms
are expressed as verbs. For example, in the
symptom 'my green nasal discharge alternated
sides', 'alternate' is the verb, 'discharge' is the
noun and 'green' is the adjective. The verb
'alternate' is the most dynamic expression of the
case, and these dynamic symptoms are often the
most characteristic." Some more examples of
'verb' are given. "Formulating 'the verb' for a
remedy requires careful study of original language
and Provings.
9. Homoeopathy and Biophotonics - Part I
STANCIULESCU Traian D. (HL. 1 & 2/2005)
The article places before us "a (meta) physical
approach to the Life Principle". "The purpose of
the present paper is" says the author "to define a
(meta) physics of Health, Illness and Therapy, by
connecting the homoeopathic theory and practice
with the very recent contributions of Biophotonics.
Starting from the principles and laws of the
homoeopathic practices, the paper attempts to cast
them in the explanatory, rigorous terms of the new
'Science of Light'. Such an explanatory
perspective could represent the necessary condition
Homoeopathy needs to become entirely
scientific."[What is entirely Scientific? Either it is
a Science or not. It cannot be partly Scientific.
Anyway my knowledge of Physics is exceedingly
poor and therefore I cannot comment. This is a
learned Scientist's work and those who can follow
it may read it. = KSS}.
© Quarterly Homceopatliic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
1. Anmerkungen zu den "Regional Leaders" von
E.B. Nash (Annotations to the 'Regional
Leaders'of E.B.NASH)
(ZKH. 50, 4/2006)
Several errors have been observed in the well-
known and very useful book "Regional Leaders"
by E.B. NASH. Corrections have been suggested
with reference to the original Source Literature.
Corrections in reference to the GS [The page
numbers given of Regional Leaders are according
to the publication of Sett Dey & Co. Calcutta, 1959,
the copy available with me=KSS]
1. P.112: Ant-c: The greatest sadness and
woeful mood, with intermittent fever.
2. P. 3: Bry.: Very irritable, inclined to be
angry, chilly, or a red face and heat in the head.
3. P. 11: Ant-t.: Vertigo with drowsiness.
Correct symptom: Vertigo with alternate
4. P. 12: Bell.: Vertigo: falling forward after
stooping, riding or looking high up; rises from the
neck into the back with nausea.
This symptom belongs to Sil. (p. 365 GS, IX)
5. P. 17: Ant. t.: Convulsive twitches in
almost every muscle of the face.
Correct should be: Convulsive twitches in
almost every muscle of the face. With Cough.
"Coughing and gaping consecutively ... with
crying ... and twitching in face."
6. P. 18: Cic: Thick whitish scurfs appear
upon chin and upper lip; they secrete a dampness;
sometimes affects the nose.
Correct symptom is "honey-colored scurf on
chin..." or "... forming thick, yellow scabs on face
7. P. 21: Aeon.: Catarrhal inflammation of the
eyes, ... especially in the morning in eyeballs, ...
Instead of morning it must be "on moving,"
correct symptom: "Eyes red, inflamed ... especially
on moving balls; ..."
8. P. 22: Arg-n.: Acute granular conjunctivitis;
conjunctiva internally pink or scarlet red, discharge
profuse ...
Instead of "internally, it must be intensely."
9. P.30: Lach.: "Tearing extending from
zygoma into ears; raises hand to back of ear with
each scream (Hydrocephalus).
Only the first part is relevant to Lach.
Correct symptom is: "Tearing extending from
zygoma into ear."
The second part of the sentence is of Apis:
which is "Raises hand to back of ears (not ear) with
each scream. Incipient hydrocephalus."
10. P. 33: Puis.: "Coryza, fluid or dry, with
loss of taste and smell; ..."
The 'or' is incorrect.
Correct is: "Coryza with loss of smell and
taste; dry and fluent alternately". Also, "Fluent in
open air; stopped in house" ... "frequent alternation
of fluent and dry coryza ..."
11. P. 57: Ptel.: "Weight; aching distress in the
hepatic region; dull pain; heaviness; < lying on
right side; turning to left causes a dragging
Correct symptom is: Weight, aching distress in
hepatic region; dull pain; heaviness, > (and not <)
lying on right side; turning to left causes a dragging
12. P. 58: Berb:. "Fistula in ano with sticking
in parts, particularly if complicated with cough".
Correct symptom is: Fistula in ano with itching
(and not 'sticking') in the parts.
13. P. 59: Staph.: "After every little morsel of
food or mouthful of drink bellyache and tenesmus
during dysentery in summer."
No confirmation could be found in the GS for
"in summer".
14. P. 59: Ant-c: "Stools often liquid,
containing portions of solid matter (sometimes
involuntary in old people).
Correct should be: ... sometimes alternating
with diarrhoea in old people.
15. P. 62: Chin.: "Diarrhoea and rheumatism
(metastatic rheumatism).
Correct should be: Diarrhoea from change of
16. P. 64: Abrot.: "Alternate diarrhoea and
rheumatism" (metastatic rheumatism)
Correct symptom: After sudden checking of
diarrhoea, rheumatism.
17. P. 76. Ant-c. "Tenderness over the ovarian
region, with nausea, vomiting and white tongue."
The symptom in the text book (GS) is:
Tenderness over ovarian region, after catamenia is
checked by a bath. Nymphomania.
18. P. 77: Colch.: "Intense boring or tensive
pain in the ovary, causing her to draw up double,
with great restlessness."
This symptom is not in Colch. but in
19. P. 82: Am-c: "At every menstruation
period there is a discharge of blood from the
This symptom is not found under Am-c. but
under Am-m. "During menses: diarrhoea and
vomiting; bloody discharge from the bowels".
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/2007
20. P. 86: Apis: "Frequent involuntary deep
breathing; bong and sighing respirations.
No confirmation in the GS.
In Opium the symptom is: "Breathing;
frequent, involuntary, deep; laborious and drawn at
long intervals; ... long and sighing; ..."
21. P. 87: Apis: "Gaping after coughing".
No confirmation in the GS.
In Opium is found "yawning after coughing".
22. P. 92: Chin: Cough with a greenish
expectoration during the day ..."
The symptom in GS is "Cough with a granular
sputa during the day ..."
23. P. 98: Cic: "Back bent forward like an
Correct symptom is "The back bent backward
like an arch."
24. P. 105: Rhus-t.: "Powerlessness of lower
limbs; cannot draw them up".
The complete symptom is provided:
"Powerlessness of lower limbs, she can hardly draw
them up; nurse has to move them 0 after
25. P. 106: Gels.: "Deep-seated chill, aching
in the muscles of the limbs and in the joints."
The correct symptom is: "Deep-seated, dull
aching in limbs and joints generally, induced by
cold, and attended by loss of motion." (GS V. 388-
"Chilliness, languid aching in back and limb;
sense of fatigue, desire to avoid all muscular
exertion ..." (GS V393-40).
26. P. 107: Merc-sol.: "Salt rheum on hands,
worse from sweating or in warmth of bed, which
renders the itching and burning intolerable."
Instead of "swelling" it should be "sweating"
(GS. VII 389-40; ... sweat does not >, may even <
suffering; ... complaints increase during sweat."
27. P. 116: Podo.: "Great even delirious
loquacity during chill and sweat."
Careful search indicates that there is no
delirious loquacity in the sweat stage, but only in
the 'Chill' and 'Heat' stage.
28. P. 119: Apis.: "Skin usually white and
almost transparent (ovarian dropsy)"
Correction: "Skin unusually white ..."
29. P. 127: Pic-ac: "Great mental and
physical prostration < by reaching, reading, writing,
or thinking."
It should be "preaching" not "reaching".
30. P. 137: Caul: "Rheumatism of women,
especially of small joints, painful stiffness, erratic
This symptom is to be drawn from two
symptoms in the GS III., p.432, 441 "affects
principally female sexual organs " and
"Rheumatism, particularly of small joints which has
a tendency to shift."
31. P. 142: Thuja: "Horizontal position <
To be corrected as "Horizontal position > (not
<) neuralgia."
2. R. H. GROSS und der Ursprung der
Modalitatenbegriffis (R.H. GROSS and the
Origin of the concept of Modalities)
GOLDMANN, Robert (AHZ. 251, 5/2006)
Modalities are characteristics, which help us to
individualize disease state from similar general
diseases. For example Ignatia: stitching pain in
throat better while swallowing.
The concept of 'modality' is post-
Hahnemannian. With a long list of references the
author points out that R.H. GROSS, author of the
Comparative Materia Medica introduced the
concept of modality for identifying the
individuality. In fact HERING points out GROSS
as the 'originator' of the Modalities concept.
A well-researched article.
3. Pinus contorta: A Proving and Cured Cases
OLSEN, Steve (AJHM. 99, 1/2006)
This article consists of a proving and several
cured cases of Pinus contorta. Additionally,
several interesting suggestions are offered in the
Preface regarding the conducting of Provings.
Central themes of Pinus contorta are found to
include loneliness, tension/anxiety, over-
compensation, and allergy. Keynotes of the
remedy are tension of the jaw, aggravation from
Coffee, and photophobia.
The proving symptoms and themes are given in
detail; comparison with other remedies and
Repertory Additions are given. The author has also
presented seven Case Reports.
A long article - 36 pages [Dr. Steve OLSEN
says ".... I must draw attention to the fact that the
methodology of Provings is in a state of evolution."
Does he mean that his methodology is different
from the path laid down by HAHNEMANN? It is
not clear = KSS]
4. Limestone
GUESS George (AJHM. 99, 2/2006)
A case of twelve year-old boy with ADD
favorably treated with Limestone. The Proving of
Limestone is reviewed and apparent essential
characteristics extracted from them: delusions,
difficult concentration, dullness, forgetfulness,
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
repeating phrases, poor self confidence, low self-
esteem, loneliness, sadness and cannot cry,
exhausted, fearful and anxious, sympathetic or
unsympathetic (which could merely be a facade of
callousness to protect oneself), mentally
overs timulated.
5. 1. Likelihood Ratio - A modern approach to
Classical homoeopathy
2. Materia Medica Validation and Meta
Roland, BARTHELS Rob
(HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
These authors have written earlier in
Homoeopathy, 2003 two articles on Likelihood
Ratio (LR) with the purpose of improving
homoeopathic prescribing by applying
'epidemiological techniques'.
How often does a particular symptom of a
particular remedy arise, so that the value of that
symptom can be attributable appropriately. The
'likelihood ratio' is a constant that indicates the
relation between prior chance and posterior chance.
[Earlier there was report that the Faculty had sent a
questionnaire to about 100 members asking them to
report 'reliable symptoms' acquired in their
experience with regard to Arsenicum album,
Lycopodium, Lachesis, & Silica (an animal remedy,
a plant remedy, and mineral remedy). There was
partial response (as is often the case even today).
These were put in order indicating the symptom the
number of times they were reported; thus these
symptoms are characteristic clinically - see
Hahnemannian Gleanings, Vol. XXVII, Jan.
In the other article 'Materia Medica Validation
and Meta-analysis' have briefly described a special
combination of learning and research. For many
years the authors "organized a post graduate course
called 'Materia Medica Validation'. It lasted for
two days one in Spring and one in Autumn. In a
mailing they invited colleagues to select one or
more successful cases cured by one remedy.
During the course day an elaborate procedure was
followed to make sure that only cured cases were
accepted and to optimise the possibilities of
learning from each case. Small groups presented
cases. After clarifying the cases and how the
remedy was perceived, the group judged the effect
of the remedy. The purpose was not to criticize but
only to ensure that other interventions or causes
were not responsible for the positive effects.
This group has thus had a lot of experience
with this special combination of learning and
research. It stimulated the participants to share
knowledge and experience. Active participation is
the best guarantee for a successful course. The data
obtained stimulated the group to develop scientific
instruments, useful for improving the homoeopathic
method. [It would be worthwhile if here we could
organize and adopt these models = KSS].
6. The Toxicology of Tityus Trinitatis - The
Common Scorpion of Trinidad
BONNET M.S. (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
This article follows the publication of an earlier
article on Tityus serrulatus in the HL 1/2004.
"The biology, venomology and toxicology of
Tityus trinitatus, the common Scorpion of Trinidad,
are listed following Classical homoeopathic
Repertory format in order to present this venomous
animal as a possible source for future remedy in the
treatment of acute and Chronic pancreatitis."
1. Genuine Homeopathie — was ist das?
(Genuine Homoeopathy — What is that?)
MEINHARD, Christian (NAH. 1, 1/2006)
Since a long time, slowly but steadily, the word
"Genuine" represents a special world within
Homoeopathy, and there are several questions,
which have to be answered, like what is meant by
this new variant. Is it about something new?
In this article the description "genuine" is not
only clarified but also that "Genuine" is a logical
consequence within the development of
"Genuine Homoeopathy" means to study the
teachings of HAHNEMANN in its original, true
and unadulterated form, to understand and after that
to practice. For this not only the works of
HAHNEMANN but also those of JAHR, von
all those serious and true students, colleagues and
friends of HAHNEMANN who first knew it well
must be studied thoroughly. This may be tedious
and laborious, but for its appropriate understanding,
these sources or unalterable.
2. Eine eigenartige Arzneiwahl HAHNEMANN
(A singular remedy choice of HAHNEMANN)
MOLLER, Bernhard (NAH. 1, 2/2006)
What is genuine method of Case Analysis;
What is "Classic"; how to study the Materia
Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
Medica are all considered and discussed in the light
of a Case Report of Samuel HAHNEMANN
(HAHNEMANN'S Case Register published as DF
5 for the period 1837-1842). The 'centre' of these
discussions are the different ways of understanding
of the "symptoms" and "characteristic" as
methodical leading line which can proceed further
from Simile or return back to it.
In his Essay "On the Curative Powers of Drugs
..." (1796) HAHNEMANN says that the closest to
the heart of every true physician is to perfect his art
which means the knowledge of what pure action
every medicine brings out in the healthy body and
observe what this or the other of its action is in a
simple or complicated disease.
This article, in two parts, studies in detail the
principles, methodology and illustrates "genuine"
Homoeopathy. Very instructive and interesting.
3. Silicea und die Furcht von Nadeln -
Kasuistiker Beitrag zur Entwicklung der
Materia Medica (Silicea and the Fear of
Needles - Case Report for Developing the
Materia Medica)
REIS, Stefan (NAH. 1, 1/2006)
A case from the old homoeopathic literature is
picked up for discussion and establishing how the
homoeopathic Materia Medica can be cleared of
The case selected is that of Dr. KNORRE in
the AHZ. No. 5/1834, p. 326; the details of this
case is given. In this a young girl who suffers since
many years head aches and throat pain of stitching
nature. The ticking, stitching as from needle makes
her wonder if she had perchance swallowed a
needle and so she counts the needles, searches
about so that no needle is left out somewhere; and
this has become an obsessive behaviour.
The 'Fear of needles and 'searches or
constantly counts the pins' have all become rubric
probably from this single case (of Silica) in 1834.
Detailed analysis of this case as also other
sources progressively over the years gives a clear
In a Post Script Stefan REIS mentions that in
his book on Psychiatric Patients Andre SAINE,
says that he has been able to find only one case of
Silica with this searching for needles in old
literature and that is that a woman had while baking
cakes suddenly lost a needle which she had kept
earlier in the kitchen. She therefore searched all
over the kitchen but couldn't find any needle in the
kitchen nor in any other food stuffs. Except this
case in the history there has been no other. Did
Andre SAINE also refer to the case of KNORRE?
4. Characteristische Zeichen bei G.H.G. Jahr
(Characteristic Signs of G.H.G. JAHR)
RABE, Steffen (NAH. 1, 1/2006)
G.H.G. JAHR has, in his works thoroughly and
well differentiatedly exercised with the central idea
of the "Characteristic symptoms" or "Characteristic
signs". His considerations and definitions have
been recalled and constructively criticized in parts.
Proceeding from this perspectives of a coherent
further development of his concept is outlined. At
the same time these thoughts are further delineated
and discussed as introduction to the beginning of a
series of Materia Medica descriptions in the
subsequent numbers of this journal, from the angle
of some of their characteristic symptoms.
5. Eine Art von Lumbalgie (A Kind of Lumbago)
MEINHARD, Christian (NAH. 1, 2/2006)
A case of Lumbago type backache for which
the homoeopathic remedy selected according to the
"reliable indications" (Rhus toxicodendron) failed,
but Platina selected with the help of G.H.G.
JAHR's work "Clinical Instructions" (Klinische
Anweisungen); and "Symptomen-Kodex", cured.
This is a brief but very instructive article.
6. Pneumonie im Kindesalter (Pneumonia in
KREISBERGER, Patrick (ZKH. 50, 4/2006)
Pneumonia is a disease frequent in childhood.
The leading symptoms of Pneumonia are Fever,
Cough, Tahcypnoea, eventually Dyspnoea, nasal
flappy respiration, etc. The clinical picture can,
independent of the age of the child, the kind of
causatives and the morphology of Pneumonia vary
very much.
A 3'/2-year-old girl with fever 40.5°C painful,
barking cough, hoarseness, whistling respiration.
Rattling cough, cyanotic lips, right-sided red
cheeks, sleepiness, aversion to milk, aversion to
touch, cannot be alone were the Rubrics selected
and Antimonium tartaricum and Phosphorus came
up. Materia Medica of BOERICKE, MEZGER,
STAPF's Archiv, HERING's Guiding Symptoms
were all consulted and Antimonium tartaricum C30
- three globules were given and next morning
fever-free; and she had begun to improve. Rattling
was noted only in the left basal ausculted.
Afternoon temperature was 38.5° and one dose of
Antimonium tartaricum C200 was given. The child
recovered soon and was well.
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
7. Homoopathische Behandlung einer
Haarzelleukamie (Homoeopathic Treatment of
a Hair Cell Leukaemia)
PAYRHUBER, Dietmar (AHZ. 251, 4/2006)
This author has contributed several articles of
Cancer treatment in journals Homoeopathic Links,
AHZ, etc.
In this case of Leukaemia he has selected a
remedy according to Jan SCHOLTEN's
methodology, and Calcium carbonicum alone was
given in different ascending potencies which cured
the Leukaemia in a female who had already
undergone Chemotherapy.
The mental state examined 'in depth' to
ascertain the character of the patient and analyzing
the 'themes' and 'life conflicts' of the patient
according Jan SCHOLTEN led to the prescription
Calcium muriaticum.
PAYRHUBER has, in his analysis mentioned
of Mother-child conflict in relationship as
indicative of Muriaticum.
A follow-up of two years confirmed that the
patient remained well.
[It is relevant, in my opinion, to refer here to
the work of Dr. Rike Geerd HAMER with
particular regard to Cancer. In the experience of
Dr. HAMER unresolved conflicts produce Tumor-
like swellings, which are mistaken as Cancer
Tumor in the brain; he has thousands of X-rays and
case histories to show that it is the conflict, mental,
emotional shocks with produce swellings in the
brain which are not Cancer and not to be treated
chemically or surgically.
He has prepared a detailed table indicating the
nature of conflict and the nature of Cancer resulting
therefrom; for example: "mother-child conflict"
would lead to Breast Cancer. While Dr. HAMER
was ill-treated and hounded by the established
Medicine for several years, he has his school of
followers. It would be worthwhile, in the interest
of cure of the seriously ailing like Cancer, to pay
attention with open mind to Dr. HAMER's ideas. =
8. Der Knie-Fall (A Case of Knee)
LANG, Gerhardus (AHZ. 251, 4/2006)
History of an orthopaedic operation of knee
complicated by inflammation followed by emboli
of lung impending danger of death for the patient.
Besides conventional therapy homoeopathic
medicine following Sehgal's method was given
when situation got critical. Immediately after
application of the remedy subjective as well as
objective amelioration followed.
9. Das unruhige Kind (The Restless Child)
(AHZ. 251,6/2006)
In Case-taking of children the observation of
the child as well as the contents of the conversation
are both important.
Three case histories are reported. Full data and
discussion for selection of the remedy as also
counseling the parents are given. The remedies in
these three cases are Kali bromatum, Staphysagria
and Carcinosin.
A table suggesting constitutional and
behavioural characteristics of the restless child and
the relevant remedies is suggested. Individual
practitioners may add, alter, etc. according to their
Constitution Contact, Behaviour
1. Restless, weak Circumspective
awkward nervous
2. Restless, slender self-willed
delicate. Bright
3. Restless, slender pedantic
sentimental melancholic
4. Restless, unfriendly tyrannical
playful, funny resistance
5. Restless, energetic vehement, irascible
6. Restless, energetic chaotic
masculine impulsive
7. Restless, Unfriendly destructive
10. Ferrum met. — Friend of Anaemic and
Plethoric Women.
DUTTA Amiya Kumar (HH. 30, 5/2005)
43 year-old female, who had undergone
hysterestomy (for profuse menstural bleeding) was
very weak, pale, easily tired, intolerants of heat;
mentally depressed and irritable; changeable
Ferrum metallicum M two doses were given on
two successive days. [What is the excuse for
giving two doses of M potency? = KSS].
0 Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
11. Natrium Phosphoricum 6x the ultimate cure
for Obesity.
STORES Titus (HH. 30,7/2005)
The author reports that Natrium Phosphoricum
6x (bio-chemic salt) helps obese persons to shed
12. Phosphorus CM brought him back from the
Jaws of Death
GHOSH Kanyakshe (HH. 30, 11/2005)
38 Year-old male, Haemophilic on Factor VIII,
suffered from Haemophilia also which could not be
controlled by Conventional Medicine and many
"homoeopathic" medicines. At last after working
out again carefully a dose of Phosphorus CM
stopped the Haemoptysis.
13. Carotid Artery Stenosis
POTDAR Swapna (CCR. 14, 2 & 3/2006)
63 year-old lady, with Vertigo since 7-8
months. Obese, pale, dull and sluggish,weighs 104
Kg. with high levels of Cholesterol and
Hypothyroidism. Blood Pressure 230/100mm Hg.
Eight months ago while walking in the garden
she turned her neck suddenly and then suddenly she
was on the ground.
MRI brain shows changes of generalized
atrophy. Allopathic treatment. Eight months later
Doppler test revealed alarming results. Left
internal Carotid Artery area Stenosis increased to
80-85% with poor flow dislatry.
This patient had undergone a lot of stress for
almost two years while caring her terminally ill
husband. She also showed alternate sadness and
Ignatia CM one dose, good improvement
confirmed by Doppler. There was no recurrence of
the thrombus.
14. Save your smile Awhile
Tools for taming terrible toothaches
FISCHER, Richard D. (HT. 26, 1/2006)
Susan with toothache > by holding cold water
in mouth and worse from heat and sensitivity to
noise. Coffea alleviated the pain.
Toothache may be due to decay,
abscess/infection, trauma, gum disease, exposure of
tooth root, eruptions, impactions, disorders of the
tempore mandibular joint or spasms of muscles of
Toothache could indicate a sinus condition, an
ear infection or even a heart attack or other heart
Uncomplicated teethpam is helped by
Belladonna, Magnesia phosphorica, Coffea cruda
and Chamomilla.
For early tooth abscesses Hepar sulphuris
calcareum and Belladonna.
Mercuris solubilis for tooth abscess.
Myristica for abscesses which are swollen and
accompanied by numbness of that area -especially
wisdom tooth.
Silicea when pus is draining.
Toothache from trauma or surgery - Arnica,
Hypericum, Magnesium phosphoricum &
Arnica: Injuries resulting from bruises or
fractures sore spots from an ill fitting denture pain
after placement of a very deep filling apprehension
before a dental visit where discomfort is
In FN to Introduction to Arnica Montana
(Materia Medica Pura) HAHNEMANN writes "
very beneficial the pain and other ailments
consequent on extracting the teeth and in other
surgical operation whereby sensitive parts have
been violently stretched.
Hypericum: When nerves have been injured
from trauma; deep filing; root canal; or from a
difficult extraction.
Mag. phos: Relieves stiff, sour jaws
following an injury (such as an injection or blow to
the jaw) or a prolonged dental visit when the mouth
has been held wide open and where muscles get
Staphysagria: Heals incision wounds after soft
tissue surgery.
The author is practicing Dentistry since 32
years and has avoided root canals in hundreds of
patients (75%) by using Homoeopathy and other
15. An Alternative Oral Surgery Experience
No general anesthesia, painkillers or antibiotics
MILLER, Vino (HT. 26, 1/2006)
19 year-old daughter of the author had an
impacted wisdom tooth. Before the surgery she
took Arnica 200 and Rescue Remedy. Surgery was
over within 15 minutes with only a local
anaesthetic. Then Arnica 200 every two hours - 5
doses. Started feeling discomfort as the effect of
local anaesthetic had worn off. Hypericum and
Calendula did not relieve.
The indication for Ruta was bone and tendon
pain after the extraction of tooth and a dose of 200
relieved the pain. Then Arnica & Ruta in
alternation when pain returned. Pyrogen was given
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
for the swelling of left lower jaw to prevent
infection in dental extractions. [The author seems
to have bungled a lot because the patient was her
own daughter = KSS]
16. Smarty pants kids
How Homoeopathy can help precocious
children. ULLMAN Judyth Reichenberg
(HT. 26, 1/2006)
Homoeopathy can help precocious children in
cohabiting with those around them. They continue
to advance in their intellectual capacity.
The child's superiority complex and the putting
down of others as if they were stupid will come
down. He will be able to relate more comfortably
with his peers.
The indications for Tuberculinum, Tarentula
hispanica and other spider remedies, Sulphur,
Lycopodium, Veratrum album, Silicea are given.
17. Gathering clues to unlock the case
How to help kids with stubborn colds and ear
infections DOOLEY R. Timothy
(HT. 26, 1/2006)
One of the precipitating causes of recurrent
middle ear infection is milk intolerance.
Indications for Chamomilla, Pulsatilla,
Belladonna, Ferrum phosphoricum, Hepar
sulphuricum are given.
18. Healthy aging with homoeopathic and natural
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 26, 2/2006)
Living longer than they used to, people are
experiencing more of the effects of aging and
general wear and tear than did previous
Understanding all the elements of the chief
complaint and a thorough review of patient's body
systems and an understanding of the stresses that
impact their lives. The family history reveals a
potential genetic predisposition and lifestyle issues
are addressed to counter it. The impact of isolation
loneliness of the elderly people has to be
Drug history is important to know the true
symptoms of the patient or symptoms related to the
medications they take. This also informs us of our
choice of potency and repetition.
19. Sweet dreams for sleepless seniors
ROTHENBERG Amy (HT. 26, 2/2006)
The use of 'sleep aids' have increased by 60%
in the past 5 years, with its known side effects.
The indications of the following homoeopathic
medicines to help this problem are given.
Arsenicum album, Calcarea carbonica, Cocculus
indicus, Coffea cruda, Gelsemium, Ignatia, Nux
vomica, and Passiflora. [One with a clear
conscience will not need 'sleep aids'].
20. The hiccups That Would not Stop
When all else failed, Homoeopathy helped an
exhausting , annoying problem
COWARD Steven (HT. 26, 2/2006)
Cecil, 93 years, had been suffering from non-
stop hiccups for about a month. Thorazine helped
only for awhile.
Hiccups started in a week - long family
reunion which he had been looking forward to for
quite a while.
Profound prostration of mind and body with
the episode of hiccup. He was averse to company,
wanted to sleep.
Gelsemium 30 tds. The hiccups subsided after
the first dose and stopped 154 days later. After a
week of relief again hiccups. No relief from
Gelsemium 30. So Gelsemium 200, one dose ended
the episode. One brief relapse and subsided on its
own within few hours.
21. Hit by a car!
Octogenarian fights her way back to health,
with Homoeopathy's help.
SADOVSKY, Valerie (HT. 26, 2/2006)
86-year-old Regina was hit by a car and was
rushed to the hospital with severe head injury,
swelling of the brain, broken clavicle and ribs,
multiple lacerations and bruises.
4 days later, she was not responding to touch,
talk, or pressure stimulus left side of face, of
forearm purple-black and swollen. Bowels inactive
and on urinary catheter.
Constant chewing motion of mouth and
frequently swallowing and moaning. Helleborus
1M aqueous dose in mouth.
Soon, the chewing motion intensified for few
minutes and then completely stopped. Complexion
acquired color, pulse became quieter and fuller.
Within an hour, the swelling around eye diminished
considerably and within two hours, she began to
look at people with some expression and awareness
and improvement was rapid.
For pain and headache Arnica 1M in water
doses were given. Discharged 6 days later. Few
0 Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
days later her mind deteriorated greatly.
Unintelligible speech, and reflecting long to
answer. Again chewing motion. Abdomen hard,
swollen and constipated. Helleborus repeated.
Improved over the next 20 days and became normal
in 5-6 weeks.
22. Shedding Light on the Dark Side of the Mood
DOOLEY, R. Timothy (HT. 26, 3/2006)
'Depression' encompasses vast range of mood
disorder. The huge glut of prescriptions for
antidepressant medications in our Society reflects a
deeper problem relating to our cultural values and
social institutions.
ERIC in mid - 30s married with no children,
chronic depression, Dysthymia. His unique
symptomatology indicated Lycopodium which was
given in 200 potency. One dose put him on way to
23. Beating the Blues with homoeopathy
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 26, 3/2006)
To help recent, acute depression the indications
for Aurum metallicum, Causticum,Gelsemium,
Ignatia, Kali phosphoricum, Lachesis, Natrum
muriaticum, Natrum sulphuricum, Pulsatilla, Sepia
and Zincum metallicum are given.
24. Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro
World traveler reaches the summit - stays
healthy with homoeopathy
KRAMER W. Susan (HT. 26, 3/2006)
This is a personal experience of the author,
climbing the Mt. Kilimanjaro successfully with the
help of homoeopathic remedies.
For blisters - Natrum muriaticum 6c
General aches & pains - Arnica 6c & Ruta 6c
Stiffness - Arnica 30 & Lactic acid 30.
Before yellow fever vaccine - Thuja 30.after
Typhoid vaccine — acute anxiety - Silicea 30c.
Malaria 30 as a preventative for
Malaria.Altitude sickness - Coca 30.
For shivering at 15,580 feet -Aconite 30
For exhaustion after descent — Arnica 200.
25. Tourist troubles
Treating traveler's diarrhoea on a trip to India
DOOLEY R. Timothy (HT. 26, 3/2006)
Indications for Arsenicum album, Phosphoric
acid, Podophyllum and Veratrum album are given.
Case: Isabelle, had foul-smelling, watery, yellow
diarrhoea with occasional colicky pain. Urgency.
Pale and tired. Skin dry and moderate fever. A
dose of Podophyllum in water bottle to be taken
frequently after shaking the bottle. Next day
recovered totally.
26. Jet lag and the Night Shift
How a homoeopathic remedy helped this family
ERICKSON, Marilyn (HT. 26, 3/2006)
The author's son was working, 12 hour shifts
3-4 days a week and suffering from jet lag after
traveling. He was exhausted, physically and
emotionally drained. Supersensitive to noise.
Cocculus 30, helped him much. Weekly one dose
on the day of homeward journey helped him
dealing better with people.
27. Homoeopathy cures Irritable Bowel Syndrome
(IBS) and frees teen to follow her dreams
GAHLES, Nancy (HT. 26, 3/2006)
Molly, was suffering from IBS and her attacks
of pain, vomiting and diarrhoea interfered with
school and social activities and depressed because
of this. Copious sweat during the attack. The
attacks were worse with anticipatory anxiety. Panic
attacks with difficulty in respiration. < when alone.
Nausea during pain and during menses. Obsessive
thoughts. Internal heat at night with a desire to
cover. Pulsatilla 200. 10 days later better. 4
month later - no attacks. Relapse after five months.
Another dose brought her back to normal.
28. A case of IBS and Anaemia
Homoeopathy helps octogenarian regain her
health. COWARD, Steven (HT. 26, 3/2006)
Estelle, age 81, suffering from diarrhoea, since
her last hospitalization for Anaemia. Watery,
brown, painless stools thrice a day. Mild
discomfort in abdomen and dry itchy sakin on
abdomen. Aloe 200. Two weeks later, no change.
The diarrhoea started after an iron supplement.
Now she was having urgency for stool on rising.
Sulphur 200. Better for 2 days. No improvement
after repetition. Sulph. 6c twice daily - improved.
Then Sulphur 30 twice daily. After 3 months better
but not completely recovered. Now she was having
dry mouth in the morning, but aversion to drinking.
Pulsatilla 30 b.d. Few weeks later more incidences
of normal stool. Pulsatilla 200. Immediate and
dramatic improvement. She gained 4 pounds.
29. Urinary Tract Infection
GUESS George (AJHM. 99, 1/2006)
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
27-year-old female with burning in urethra
during urination. Urethral meatus tender. Frequent
urination of small amounts of urine. Urethral
burning when walking increase in sexual activity
just prior to and simultaneous with the onset of
symptoms, burning of the distal urethra when
walking was lessened by walking with her legs
wide apart. Burning worse at the end of urination.
Cannabis sativa 200. Dramatic amelioration
next day and remained well.
30. Taxus brevifolia: the Western Pacific Yew:
Proving and Cured Cases
OLSEN, Steven (AJHM. 99, 2/2006)
This article consists of Chapter six of the book,
Arbor Medica: Four New Hahnemannian Provings
with cases.
This article consists of a proving and several
cured cases of Taxus brevifolia. Central themes of
taxus are found to include: slow to learn, timidity,
sleepiness, dissociation from reality. Keynotes for
this remedy are: slow to learn to read, falling asleep
in church or at school; Asthma, worse from eating
sweets; a numb feeling in the brain after a grief.
Comparisons can be drawn with Opium.
The Materia Medica of Taxus brevifolia, its
comparison with other remedies and repertory
additions are given.
31. Revengeful Insanity: From Disappointed Love:
Tarentula hispanica
LALOR, Liz (AJHM. 99, 2/2006)
In choosing a constitutional remedy
homoeopaths mirror the true essence of what every
psycho-therapist from Freud to Jung has ever
looked for the 'delusion'. The 'delusion' in
Homoeopathy is the combination of the emotional
motivation within the illusion that the person
presents to the world; as well as the inner
perversion or 'delusion' of the instinctual reactions
of the patient, to what we call the 'Never Well
Since symptom.' It is this instinctual reaction to a
perceived trauma that reveals the remedy and the
'kingdom.' This is the presenting 'causation' of the
case. Tarentula hispanica is noted for their plotting
and cunning revenge; the motivation behind that
revenge is the 'causation' of the case. The core
delusional causation of Tarentula hispanica is
manifested in the Rubric in which Tarentula
hispanica is the only remedy listed: Insanity: Love;
from disappointed. In this essay the author
explores the character of Iago in the William
Shakespeare play Othello, a tale of love, jealously
and revengeful hate.
[What 'delusion' or 'character', 'inner perversion'
are involved in several cases of typical carbuncles,
Abscesses where we have got strikingly good
results with 'Tarentula'? It does much damage to
the Materia Medica if remedies are constricted by
one's fancies = KSS]
Case 1: 24 year-old man with Asperger's
Syndrome. Since taking Tarentula hispanica twice
a week for two months, he was able to sit still in a
chair, hold eye contact and participate in a
conversation. Very cunning and afraid of Spiders
His father left at an early age and no contact with
Case 2: A female suffering from depression ever
since her relationship broke. Horrendous fear of
spiders especially tarantulas. Feels unwanted and
rejected. No appetite; depression severe after
ovulation until the onset of the menses. Excessive
amount of alcohol every night. Tarentula
hispanica 30 o.d. for a month. Then one dose of
potency, one month later, a dose of 1M.
Since 2 years, one dose of 30 every day now
less depressed. Drinking less.
32. Psychosomatics and Homoeopathy
WHITMONT, Ronald D. (AJHM. 99, 2/2006)
Treatments that ignore the emotional and
psychosomatic aspects create an imbalance within
the human ecosystem that has profound long-term
disruptive effects.
If we recognize diseases as somatic
expressions of psychological, emotional and
psychic material seeking to help us grow, then each
illness can be understood as an internal crisis of
awakening, not an external threat to our organisms;
something to be attended to, not fought against and
Author presents a case demonstrating the
failure in treating a case of Mixed connective
Tissue Disorder (MTCD) by various methods,
because of not appreciating the fall individual
psychosomatic meaning of the illness from a
holistic perspective.
49-year-old female with MTCD since 19 years
of age. She suffered from severe, crippling
rheumatoid arthritis - like deformities in her hands
and chronic pains in most of her joints. Extreme
fatigue. She was a successful woman who never let
up and never quit even during the worst of her
illness. Failure was her greatest fear and was
Inspite of many homoeopathic remedies,
supplements, lifestyle changes, diet no benefit.
During further explorations she realized that all
her energy had been devoted to trying to convince
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
others that she was a success to suppress deep
feelings of inadequency. Because of this physical
treatment failure, she finally came face-to-face with
her inner fear of being seen as a failure. Once she
accepted this fact, she reacted paradoxically by
reaching an unexpected level of peace. Holistic
healing was taking place. She was able to
completely prioritize her life style, job and family
into a more practical and satisfying balance. Now
Sulphur 200 and dramatic improvements in all of
her rheumatic symptoms. Her energy and vitality
improved. Repetitions of Sulphur in varying
potency upto 50M and she nearby symptom free for
the last 2 years.
33. Treating Obesity with Homoeopathy
FEINGOLD, Ellen (AJHM. 99.2/2006)
The homoeopathic treatment of obesity is
discussed. The causes of obesity - genetic,
environmental/lifestyle, psychological - are
identified. Repertory rubrics relevant to both
mental and physical aspects of obesity are
identified, and Materia Medica of homoeopathic
remedies indicated for obesity is discussed.
34. The Mal-adjusted child
BHALINGE Sunil D. (NJH. 6, 1/2004)
Boy 5 years, frothy stools, spends long time in
toilet. Unfinished evacuation. Anxiety in morning
before going to school. Fastidious for cleanliness.
Washes hands about 50 times in a day. Has soiled
himself twice in school. Sensitive. His school
teacher is insensitive to a child's feelings. He is
intolerant of heat. Like to eat ice and ice cold
drinks, salt and rice. Medorrhinum M. Follow-up
three months. Well.
35. Alopecia Universalis
AMBANI Bandish (NJH. 6, 1/2004)
12year-old girl; loss of hair, first on the scalp
then, eyebrows and then eyelashes. Habit of Bed-
wetting 2-3 times at night. Steroid injections on
scalp have not benefited.
Voracious appetite, unquenchable thirst.
Craves cold drinks, ice-cream, chocolates, rice.
Fear of dark, alone, animals; weeping at trifles;
Rudeness; forgetful; etc. Stramonium M. She
began to improve with regard to hair growth. But
not on eyebrows to eyelashes. Case reanalyzed and
given Medorrhinum M which brought about the
desired results.
36. Cornelia De Langue Syndrome
SHAH, Jawahar (NJH. 6, 1/2004)
14 month-old, boy; delayed development. No
dentition or speech till date. Hair all over body
features evident of Hirsuitism. Cleft palate
operated three months back; tongue-tie operated;
undescended testes bilateral; flat head, fontanelles
open; low birth weight; facial features like that of a
monkey - small head, hairy, bushy eyebrows, etc.
Medorrhinum 30 on June 1993. improvement
went on. As on 21 April 2001, he is 9 years,
weighs 12 Kilo grams mental age of four and half.
37. My Turning Point
RASAL Prasad (NJH. 6, 1/2004)
Young female with chronic asthmatic
bronchitis;on Prednisolone, Deriphyllin and
Ventrolin; still relief poor. Sits knee-chest position
with great dyspnoea.
Fastidious, anticipatory anxiety, hurried.
Medorrhinum 200. she became normal; remains so
two years after.
38. My only Release?!
BHALINGE Sunil D. (NJH. 6, 1/2004)
34 Year-old Male. Rashes, Inflammation
Eruptions on the whole body concentrated more on
face, near eyes in the eyebrows, cheeks in and
outside ears, on the neck, etc. Itching, burning.
Lascivious fancies leading to masturbation,
Anxious; attached to his parents, brothers &
Medorrhinum 200, M.
39. Using Medorrhinum LM Potency
CHOUDHURY, SriKanta (NJH. 6, 1/2004)
32 year-old, married female; 12 weeks
Severe weakness. Vertigo. Heat in scalp.
Pinching pain in chest, < movement, coughing,
sneezing. Burning all over body except head.
Ulcer in nail bed appears every rainy season.
Leucorrhoea. Hot patient. Husband has history of
suppressed Gonorrhoea. History of Rheumatism,
Gout in the family.
Medorrhinum LM 6-8. Then Sulphur LM 3-6.
40. Rheumatic Heart Disease
CHIMTHANAWALA Adil (NJH. 6, 1/2004)
18 year-old Female with Rheumatic Heart
Disease - MR (Severe) + AR (moderate) + PH.
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest. Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
H/o Orthopnoea. Breathlessness < exertion, <
sitting. Palpitation. Constriction sensation in chest,
> slightly massaging the chest. Cough with copious
jelly-like expectoration. Feet swollen.
Detailed treatment given. The main remedy
was Strophanthus mother tincture and later
Laurocerasus mother tincture.
A week later case taking again. From
childhood she was on Penidure for long.
Restless, constantly moving her feet. Menses
profuse, clots, with intense abdominal pain,
offensive > lying on stomach.
Medorrhinum M. Satisfactory response.
41. Spondylitis, Dyspepsia & Tension Headache
TIWARI, N.L. (NJH. 6, 1/2004)
Case 1: 36 year-old female. Spondylitis since one
year, tension headache, gastric headache. Teacher
in a College.
Sense of Insecurity, fear, sentimental, weepy.
Cravings: Ice cream, sweets.
Case 2: 38 year-old female. Fear of going out,
high places, crossing road; Vertigo since 48 years.
Otorrhoea on and off left ear. Menses scanty.
Anaemic. Recluse.
Medorrhinum improved much.
42. Nail Biting & its Homoeopathic Approach
Dr. AGARWAL Geetika (HH. 30, 4/2005)
Nail biting or 'anonycophagia' is a common
nuisance among preschool children and sometimes
older age groups too.
Causes of Nail Biting
1. Release of stress & anxiety
2. Genetic History
3. Release of Boredom
4. To gain attention
5. Copying from friends
Harmful Effects of Nail Biting
1. Damage to Nail Bed
2. Oral diseases
3. Infections of nails
Few important Homoeopathic remedies based on
Mental Symptoms are given.
43. Natrium phosphoricum 6x the Ultimate Cure
for Obesity
STORES Titus (HH. 30, 7/2005)
Natrium phosphoricum 6x is a very effective
remedy to reduce weight safely in almost all cases
of obesity.
Natrium phosphoricum was effective in
reducing weight in Sept. 2004 of an obese man who
weighed 135 Kg. for his Gastric Reflux problem.
Later he was cured of his Gastric Reflux.
A lady employee who weighed 95 Kg. has shed
Many thousands are using Natrium
phosphoricum with a success rate ranging from 90
to 95%. Coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats
containing saltpeter antidote this remedy and are
best avoided. The use of any drugs for other
ailments also antidotes this remedy.
Dr. DETER in his Handbook of Biochemistry
has been quoted. Another explanation of how
Natrium phosphoricum works by Dr. Luc de
SCHEPPER is also given.
44. Heuristics and bias in homoeopathy
SOUTER, K. (HOMEOPATHY, 95, 4/2006)
The practice of Homoeopathy ought to be
strictly logical. In the Organon Samuel
HAHNEMANN gives the impression that the
unprejudiced observer should be able to follow an
algorithmic route to the simillimum in every case.
Judgement and Decision Research, however,
indicates that when people grapple with complex
systems like Homoeopathy they are more likely to
use heuristics or empirical rules to help them reach
a solution. Thus Hahnemann's concept of the
unprejudiced observer is virtually impossible to
attain. There is inevitable bias in both case-taking
and remedy selection. Understanding the types of
bias may enable the practitioner to reduce his/her
own bias.
45. Homoeopathy for the treatment of Lichen
Simplex Chronicus: A case series
BS. (HOMEOPATHY, 95, 4/2006)
Twenty-seven patients with Chronic Lichen
Simplex involving various parts of the body were
treated. Hydrocotyle was prescribed to 21 patients
in different potencies (6c, 30c, 200c, 1M, 10M),
Thuja to three patients (1M, 10M) Graphites (6c),
Kali bich 30c) and Sulphur (200c) to one patient
each during 1 year study period. Only two patients
showed complete improvement with Thuja and one
with Graphites. In other cases, the response was
limited to partial relief of itching.
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
46. Luffa operculata in Sinusitis
JUNEJA Kulbhushan (ADVH. 23, 2/2006)
The author has given a very brief resume of the
characteristics of Luffa operculata.
Three cases treated with this remedy in 50
millesimal and decimal have been given, all acute
47. Large Nasal and Maxillary Polyp
SHARMA Rajneesh Kumar
(ADVH. 23, 2/2006)
25 year-old male with bloody purulent
discharges, face swollen - nasal root extending to
frontal eminence, malar bones and maxillae, nasal
polyp, easily bleeding, rhinorrhoea; desires salt;
thirst for cold water.
Repertorisation: Phosphorus, Calcarea, Thuja,
Calcarea phosphorica; comparison in Materia
Medica and Phosphorus 200 was prescribed.
Rapid improvement within one month.
Photographs of the face before and after, are given.
48. Clinical cases
Seven cases each with different pathology have
been helped by Carcinosinum either by itself or as
an intercurrent.
49. Astrocytoma - A Case Report
MISTRY, D.E. (CCR. 13, 2 & 3/2006)
10 May 2005: 31 year-old business man under
treatment Neuro-surgical Hospital as a case of
'terminal' stage of Astrocytoma.
History of headache from 1997. Hypertension
diagnosed in 2001. After this, CT Scan revealed
Brain Tumor. Further Biopsy confirmed
malignancy. Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
followed for 6 months. Two months after this
convulsions came on. This continued for few
years until 2004, almost once every day. Sound
speech, heavy feeling of tongue, increased
salivation was complained and an MRI showed an
advancing pathology. Surgery done and put on
Chemotherapy. The patient was going down.
Past history: Maternal grandmother had Ca.
Breast and underwent Mastectomy. The patient
had history of frequent injuries from falls as a child.
Once he fell from first floor and suffered fracture
right humerus only.
Since six months he is on Steroids.
Phosphorus 30, three doses were given based
on his basic nature and also because Phosphorus is
a known remedy for Brain Tumors. The allopathic
medicine was continued.
For the first time he had no headaches and his
chills also reduced.
On 26.5.2005 he was given
Natrum sulphuricum 30 two doses on one day
because of childhood head injuries and also that it
may reduce the Cerebral oedema and thus decrease
the pressure.
He was given Ipecacuanha for vomiting. On
4.6.2005 he expired.
50. Chikungunya
MISTRY, D.E. & GURRAM Shubhangi
(CCR. 13, 2 & 3/2006)
22 cases of Chikungunya treated with
homoeopathic remedies.
More than 50% of these cases were given
'blanket' prescription of Bacillinum 30 and
Influenzinum 30, 2 doses 12 hourly.
In other cases remedies Thuja, Rhus
toxicodendron, Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Belladonna
were given, in some cases along with Bacillinum 30
and Influenzinum 30 [It is not clear whether
Bacillinum and Influenzinum were given together or
one after the other, etc. We should beware that
disease names should not frighten us in to adopting
method which do not accord with the homoeopathic
principles = KSS].
51. Different Pathological Cases but with common
SHINDE Prakash (CCR. 13, 2 & 3/2006)
Dr. SHINDE has reported four cases of
different pathologies, all the four cases treated with
one remedy: one case of Chronic joint pain; one
case of Adeno-Carcinoma of Ano-Rectal Region;
one case of Chronic coryza; one case of Chronic
The author says that he found the 'mental'
symptoms "Indifference when in society" as the
key to all these 4 cases. And that while Kali
carbonicum is given in grade 2 in the Kent
Repertory p.55. All cases had sudden pains and
blurred vision before headache, which is peculiar of
Kali bichromicum ("the remedy is from Kali group"
and "Kali bich. has indifference, apathy and
Misanthropy while PHATAK describes Kali bich.
as anthropophobic"). The patients had long lasting
relief. [KENT'S Lectures on Materia Medica
dismisses the mental symptoms from Proving,
because they were all obtained from Provings "in
crude form. It needs to be proved in potencies to
bring out the mental symptoms." The
O Quarterly Homojopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
Encyclopaedia of T.F. ALLEN mentions the
symptom Anthropophobia was reported by
day of proving when he
had taken "10 grains of 2d trituration (first day),
20 grains (second day), 40 grains (third day), ...."
Certainly massive doses and we have to be vary of
the 'mental' symptoms from such crude doses.
Surely, the cures in these cases have come about
because of the Kali bichromicum peculiarity of
blurred vision before headache. Moreover the idea
that all Kali remedies have certain symptoms which
can be interchanged within the group is not right. =
52. Sabina Juniperus
MOONEN Resie (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Two cases of Sabina juniperus (copious
menses, Metrorrhagia, Back Pain) are reported. The
cases are interesting. [However cases of this type
were reported earlier in half page; whereas now 4
pages of A4 size, narrating so many details and
some Botany, etc. and of course some speculation,
etc. - of the 'modern classists' = KSS]
53. I'm almost there - Two cases of Rhodium
LEUPEN Alex and WOUTMAN Willem
(HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
As may be evident from the title, these are two
cases of Rhodium (Jan SCHOLTEN), which cured
Polyneuropathy in the first and Musculoskeletal
pains in the other (Follow up one year).
[Application of medicine because "she was a
musician she should belong to the group of
remedies in the Silver series. That together would
lead us simply to the fitting remedy of Rhodium... I
had the feeling immediately that this should be the
remedy." [What a 'scientific justification' for
remedy selection! Ferdinand DEB ATS would like
this kind of remedy selections to be put up with and
not argue about the 'homceopathicity' of this
methodology. Great innovation indeed! = KSS].
54. Linking Two disciplines - homoeopathy and
Regression Therapy
COLLINS Deborah & ESSER Bert
(HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Case 1: 42 year-old woman "who had been under
various treatments all her life, due to the enormity
of her problems. She since birth, was small and
weak and continuously on restricted diet, as she had
allergies to most foodstuffs. Among other
complaints she suffered from M. SJOGREN, that is
a lack of tears, saliva and sweat. Extreme
photophobia and chilliness and exhaustion.
Conventional doctors had given up on her, finally
considering her complaints to be mere attention
getting devices. Various alternative therapies
helped her to develop insight into herself, and to
use her intution, but her physical complaints
She underwent regression therapy and
improved. However, she repeatedly said gas,
gas/after the catharsis is from the regression
therapy. The author writes further "my husband
decided that if "gas" from her previous life was at
the root of complaints in this life, we could apply
the homoeopathic principle of like cures like, and
give her a homoeopathic doses of same gas. This
turned out to be a remedy already available, called
Hydrocyanic acid. Since her first dose more than a
year ago, she has been improving rapidly and
dramatically. [While the patient got relief from the
remedy Hydrocyanic acid and the remedy was
perhaps "homoeopathic" to the patient's complaints
- we do not see photophobia in this remedy - the
principle on which it was applied to this patient was
certainly not homoeopathic. Homoeopathy is not
give the "same" but give the "similar".
HAHNEMANN has clearly explained this. = KSS].
Case 2: 38 year-old woman; chief complaint being
Colitis Ulcerosa. Extreme diarrhoea, bloody stools
and abdominal pain, often having to get out of bed
20 to 30 times at night to go to the toilet. Continual
fear of dying. She always felt that she had to
protect her children from being taken away. She
had dreams repeatedly. Ultimately Hydrocyanic
acid (fear of crossing the road, fear of cars
approaching in the streets, fears of buildings falling
down, etc.) improved her condition to a great
extent. [The author has referred to 'Provings' by
'potentised remedy on healthy humans. The EN.
Vol.5, gives large number of sources almost all
being 'poisonings', no proving by "potentised"
remedy. The GS Vol. VI p.82 confirms this. There
are no symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis, but there are
quite a few symptoms of 'Cholera' like collapse
states. Moreover fear of car approaching seems to
be related to fear of accidents, whereare in the case
reported it was the woman's fear when Car
approached was that her children would be taken
away! Well. The woman became better; all is well
that ends well! Not much Homoeopathy to be learnt
from this case; I'm sorry to say = KSS].
55. Sensations 'as if - what is Striking, Singular,
Uncommon, Peculiar
SHETYE Prasad s., KAHARIWALA Falguni
K. (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007,
Case 1: 45 year-old woman who one fine morning
felt as she squatted in the toilet to defaecate a ball
of hot air rising from the Vagina up the abdomen to
the throat and her head started paining. She held
head and came out shrieking. This recurred the
next day. She was diagnosed by a Conventional
Physician as Hysteria and advised that she be taken
to a Mental Hospital. The patient became panicky
at this. Raphanus sativus 30 restored her to
Case 2: 59 year-old Man, with severe, chronic,
recurrent cough. It was triggered by a dry throat
with a sensation as if a worm was squirming in the
throat, better by sips of water. This sensation in the
throat was peculiar to Cistus canandensis which
was given (30 potency) and a prompt cure
[The authors are running a Homoeopathy Teaching
Centre and therefore these two cases illustrative of
the importance of 'sensations as if has been
reported in over three pages in a pedagogic manner,
what a von BOENNINGHAUSEN would have
written in 4 or 5 lines - see his Lesser Writings
which by all standards are greater and worth study.
= KSS].
56. A Rope pulled so tight that you are no more -
A case of Python
BRYSCH, Irene Schliengensiepen
(HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
40 Year-old female with severe Asthma since
her third pregnancy in 1991. She has a long story
of domestic discord (she is an 'Asian');husband not
sufficiently caring or true, daughters siding their
father, son on her side. She herself spoke of hating
her children. She has already had a lot of allopathic
remedies for her Asthma. She often dreamt of
snakes, often of Python. She feared snakes.
She was given Python 30. This remedy was
later given in higher potency too over some period.
Her life situation changes are given in detail. She
later had Polyarthritis for which again. Python was
Rajan Sankaran's levels of perception are
At the end the patient still has her emotional
A long case. The remedy choice scenes to
have been made on the basis of the patient's dream
of Python\
[These Case Reports, albeit 'successful' ones,
makes one more confused. What has one to say of
Hahnemann's teachings reg. ascertaining the
modalities, the 'General', the peculiar symptom, the
hierarchising of symptom, the miasmatic loads, the
exteriorization of the disease, etc. etc.? What about
the proving of Python] Upto what extent can we
fantasise? Are such 'reasonings' to be reckoned as
Homceopathy? Where and what is Genuine
Homceopathy? = KSS]
57. Establishing my Identity - A case of Blatta
THAKARMunjal (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
42 Year-old woman, with hyperpigmented
patches on both extremities. More on the lower
extremities, since three months now.
Urticaria, < upper limbs and face; itching
palms; < alternate days. < when she is stressed.
Sneezings every morning.
Past history of depression, Polypectromy,
Middle ear atelectasis.
An artist by profession. Sensitive to loud talk.
Excitable; has had episodes of fainting with
perspiration and a sinking sensation, relieved by
Coffee and Lemon juice. She expects honor and
respect due to her.
Desires oranges and sour fruit, pungent/rich
The author says that the symptoms matched
Blatta orientalis which he had proved in 1995 and
this remedy upto XM helped the patient to
overcome all complaints. Silicea X, XM were
given in between, which helped a lot. [There must
be long term follow up of 2 to 3 years before
claiming Cure.
The brief Materia Medica of Blatta orientalis is
also given.
58. Ericaceace in Post-Lyme Disease
Alex (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Lyme Disease is caused by a Tick bite. Three
stages of Lyme disease are distinguished but it is
not necessary that all three must be gone through.
This disease is threatening Europe. Will
TAYLOR of USA had recommended remedies
from the Ericaceae family {Ledum, Rhododendron,
Kalmia, Arbutus) can be useful in this.
The authors narrate in detail three cases: one
each of Kalmia, Ledum and Arbutus are given.
[See 'Book Shelf in Part III of this QHD
regarding a new book on Lyme Disease = KSS]
59. Two cases of the Compositae Family -
Calendula officinalis and Gnaphalium dioica
(HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
Case 1: Six month-old boy was brought by his
mother for "strengthening the weak immunity of
her son against infections". The short of the long
story is that the child had suffered from: "exchange
transfusion for jaundice"; "Third month: Urinary
infection"; Fourth month: skin (boils); "Fifth
month: Urinary tract infection"; "sixth month:
Urinary tract infection". Her mother suffered:
"Second month pregnancy: wisdom tooth infection;
"Fourth month: Urinary tract infection"; Fifth
month: stomach and Urinary infection": "Seventh
month: Vaginal infection". With this 'anamnesis'.
The word "infection" made the doctor pick up a
remedy with reputation in infections and the 6
month old boy was given a dose of Calendula 200.
The child became free from infections! [I am really
completely bewildered. The author says "all the
time the state of disposition (Aphorism 211) was
this tendency to infections and therefore according
to Law of Similar he needed a substance that can
cause and hence cure infections. The first remedy
that could be thought of in cases of infections by
any homoeopath, young or old, is and would be
Calendula officinalis."*. How ludicrous can one be?
The Aphorism 211 is in respect of mental
disposition, to quote it here is absurd. Further
Calendula did not "cause" infections. In fact in
ALLEN's Encyclopaedia, there is no mention of
any 'infection' or for that matter any injuries.
There are only two symptoms under 'general'
(p.420, EN. Vol.2): "a wound becomes raw and
inflamed anew": "a wound is painful, in the
morning as if bruised, with smarting and throbbing
in it, as if it would suppurate." Does the author
mean that when a mother reports that her child is
repeatedly 'infected' by 'cold', or 'diarrhoea' or
'dysentery' he would prescribe Calendula? It is all
funny, to say the least. Regarding the second case
— Gnaphalium dioica; the less I comment upon
the better it is. The author says that Gnaphalium is
called in German as "Kitten's Paw'. "Here we find
the hairy element. I had no other good reason for
the other members of the compositae family. What
a reasoning!" I feel sad at the level of the
and HERING would turn in their graves. = KSS.]
60. PCI - answer to AIDS in Africa
VAN DER ZEE Harry and HIWAT Corrie
(HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Since few years Peter CHAPPEL has been
using his own remedy "PCI" for treatment of AIDS
in Africa and it has been found to be very
successful. PCI is a remedy 'designed' by Peter
The Homoeopathic Links has been publishing
PC's articles since last 4 years.
For more information for homoeopaths:
www.peterchappell .net
1. Die Verschlimmbesserung der modernen
Repertorien (The Modern Repertories which
are worsening instead of becoming better)
HINDERER, Rolf (NAH. 1,2/2006)
Are the modern Repertories, which are
published in "revised and enlarged" versions every
year with thousands of additions of rubrics and
remedies, reliable? The rubrics 'Stool, fatty' and
'Extremities, swelling, hip' in the latest version of
"Synthesis - Repertorium homoeopathicum
syntheticum" edition 9.1, were selected for critical
study. It seems that these modern 'super
repertories' are definitely not reliable and does not
do good to either the user or the patient.
2. Completely Universal
An introduction to the Repertorium Universale
Howard, Wendy (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
"Roger van ZANDVOORT's latest Repertory,
THE 'Repertorium Universale' is in some senses
a major departure from the 'Complete Repertory',
but in others a very natural evolution. The
alterations to the basic structure make this a far
more flexible tool than one constrained to Kent's
Schema. The Kentian structured Repertory has
been nested within an expanded hierarchy, which
includes Boenninghausen-style rubrics in the
primary classification of symptoms. He has created
rubrics for the remaining symptom dimensions at
section levels.
Nearly 1.5 million remedy additions have been
made in over 1,80,000 rubrics with extensive cross-
referencing! [What a jungle = KSS] The grades of
remedies have been re-clarified. The abbreviations
of the remedy names have been corrected and
synonyms reconciled. [What are the sources from
which such an 'avalanche' of rubrics have come to
be added? Do the additions present, life style,
foods etc. which are part of the Western World
only? Very shortly I'm afraid that the Repertory
will become larger than the Standard English
Dictionary! = KSS.]
C Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
1. Potenzierbarkeit von Wirkstoffspuren bei der
Herstellung von fliissigen homoopathischen
Zubereitungen - Untersuchungen mit Hiilfe des
Ileum-Modeles der Ratte (Potentisability of
pure active agents in the preparation of
homoeopathic dilutions. Research with the help
of Ileum models of Rats)
SUB, Wolfgang (AHZ. 251, 4/2006)
The way to get a homoeopathic liquid remedy
by dilution and succussion was investigated
independent of the drug concentration with the
invitro Rat ileum model. As a model substance
Atropine sulphate was used in concentrations of
10%; 1%; 0.001% and 0.0001%. It could be shown
that a threshold of potentisation exists at a drug
concentration of 0.1% or 0.01% in the presence of
water or water with 0.5 mol/1 saccharose as a
structure-forming substance. The results show that
Atropine sulphate in concentrations similar as
impurities were not potentised by succussion.
2. Q/LM Potencies: Historical reasons for the
long delay in their recognition
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 5/2006)
One of the several under-researched issues still
awaiting illumination is homoeopathic Posology. In
case of LM potencies, a delay of nearly 80 years in
the publication of Hahnemann's last work, not only
prevented its contemporary reception among his
followers but allowed another tradition to rise,
spread and prevail until today. Although Richard
HAEHL in 1921 (German) and William
BOERICKE in 1922 (English) published the VI
Edition of the Organon wherein the LM potencies
were recommended by HAHNEMANN the world
of Homoeopathy seemed to be in the dark about this
new posology. However by 1950s some of the
leading German Homoeopaths - Pierre SCHMIDT
leading them began to use them.
With the definitive text-critical edition of the
original manuscript, published in 1992,
pharmaceutical companies like Gudjons in
Germany embarked on the manufacture of authentic
Q - Potencies. There have been attempts to
decipher HAHNEMANN'S Case Registers to sort
out the Q-Potency cases. Ubiratan ADLER of
Brazil has been making this study systematically
[Please also recall the scholarly article of Peter
BARTHEL in the British Homoeopathic Journal
80,2/1991 =KSS].
3. Hahnemann's experiments with 50 millesimal
potencies: A further review of his casebooks
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
Background: A review of Hahnemann's
clinical records at the Institute for History of
Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation in
Stuttgart shows that until the end of his life,
Hahnemann continued to refine his clinical method,
based on clinical cases. His "most perfected
method" motivated him to write the sixth edition of
the The Organon of the Healing Art, proposing
solutions controlling the side effects he observed
with repeated doses of homoeopathic medicines.
Unfortunately, this was published many years
posthumously. The sixth edition of The Organon
introduced the fifty-millesimal scale.
Objectives: To identify the clinical cases
treated with fifty-millesimal potencies and analyze
Hahnemann's use of them.
Results: 1836 prescriptions of fifty-millesimal
potencies were found, between 1837 and 1843 in
three phases: initially sporadic; later compared
regularly to centesimal dynamizations; and finally
systematically. Thirty five medicines were
identified in fifty-milesimal prescriptions, seven in
potencies higher than 10 and only 3 (Sulphur,
Mercurius solubilis and Rhus toxicodendron) used
in the 30
de gree. This accords with Haehl's
information about the remedies in Hahnemann's
case of fifty-millesimal potencies.
Conclusions: HAHNEMANN probably
decided to write the sixth edition, in 1840, to
incorporate his latest experience with the repetition
of potentized doses and periodically modified
potencies. He must have revised it after February
1842 to include his latest findings with fifty-
millesimal potencies in ascending degrees.
Hahnemann's conception about the superiority of
the fifty-millesimal in comparison with the
centesimal dynamization was based on a significant
number of experiments with the two scales.
10. The General Iteration theory of Homoeopathic
Potentisation - Fractals - Complexity -
ZOEBEL August (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
[This article too is beyond the understanding of
average homoeopath. Sound knowledge of Physics
is required =KSS]
"The terms fractal, iteration, complexity and
attractor can give Homoeopathy a powerful concept
in order to help understand and explain what is
going on during the process of potentisation and
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
what happens under the application of such an
iterativum." " "
1. Heilungshindernisse in der Veterinar
homoopathie (Hindrances to Cure in
Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicine)
KRUGER, Christiane P. (AHZ. 251, 5/2006)
There are innumerable hindrances to cure of
animals by homoeopathic medicine. These are
mostly in respect of pets.
On one side we have the lack of knowledge of
homoeopathic therapeutics which affects cure. On
the other side it is due to misunderstandings, and
commercial intrusions by Pharmaceutical
canvassing. Also the several vaccinations which
limit cures severely. There are problems with the
pet owner.
The author says that in the past 25 years the
continuing education in Homoeopathy has been in
the hands of persons who do not consider
Homoeopathy as a wholistic medicine, but more of
organopathic etc., as also "emergency" medicines.
HAHNEMANN'S Homoeopathy is going down in
so far as Veterinary Homoeopathy is concerned.
Apart from giving correct information to those
concerned not much else can be done in this
scenario now.
Five cases have been given.
2. A 50-year passion for Animal Care
Interview of Dr. Arthur YOUNG by MERRON
Myrnaw (HT. 26. 1/2006)
Dr. YOUNG is a 1952 graduate of the
University of Georgia School of Veterinary
Medicine. After 40 years of professional
involvement with animals he realized that most of
the diseases were immune mediated and the
continual use of Cortisones was preventing the
body from healing itself. So he studied with
Richard PITCAIRN and his treatment of animals
has been totally homoeopathic since 1995.
The first step of treatment is detoxification and
Bach Flower remedies for stress.
Enquiry about the family health of the pet is
necessary as animals pick up neagative energy.
Second-hand smoke, bad food, or pesticides also
significantly affect an animal's health. He advises
usual vaccinations and booster doses. If owners are
averse to additional vaccinations, pet's blood is
tested for the antibodies to illnesses and then the
need is determined. Vaccines for Parvo and
Distemper are never to be given together. By
getting rid of obstacles such as a poor home
atmosphere, poor diet, use of steroids and overuse
of vaccines, treatment would be successful.
1. Red tailed hawk, hit by a bicycle resulting in
pain of right eye and haemorrhage for a week.
blood was bright red, not coagulating.
Crotalus horridus 30 every four hours, 3 doses.
Bleeding stopped after 6 hours.
2. Iguana, pale and not eating. Phosphorus 200
brought back his natural green color within three
hours and recovered his appetite and zest for life.
3. Cat, ice-cold, prostrate with blue gums. Three
doses of Carb-v. 30, 12 hours apart, revived it.
4. Gold fish, having difficult time in swimming.
Weak flippers and huge swelling in abdomen,
vertigo while swimming backwards, Conium
maculatum 200 was put in the fish tank. Next day
3. RC, the Golden Horse
LEVY, Jeff (HT. 26, 3/2006)
RC, 16-year-old horse, was anxious,
He seemed sad and bitter. Had an episode of
strangles (an infection of upper respiratory lymph
nodes). Sensitivity to flying insects. Unable to be
apart from other horses. Lethargic in hot weather
and preferred cooler weather. He was quite
opinionated and impatient, easily bored with work
that was routine or easy. Aurum muriaticum 200.
In the next three months anxiety reduced by 50 -
70%. Stumbling less frequently and more
confident. Then a dose of 1M and improvement
lasted for 6 months and then a dose of XM.
4. The Snake
BLOCKLAND Denise (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
This is an interesting article and affirms the
limitlessness of Homoeopathy. [Some speak of the
limitation of Homoeopathy. There are limitations of
the Practitioner according to his/her level of
knowledge, but the Science itself is limitless =
The author writes about his experience in
treatment of reptiles. Many of them (Rattle Snakes)
were recovered by Police; they were in various
stages of emaciation, weakness, prostrated, etc.
Homoeopathic remedies restored these. He found
Aesthusa cynapium as a great remedy for these
reptiles which were victims of neglect. Other
presenting symptoms (Appetite wanting; Sleep
comatose; General weakness; General paralysis)
O Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
also confirmed the remedy and it was given. Very
soon the snakes recovered. It was also found that it
was the right remedy for reptiles which were 'not
eating'. The snakes were treated with
homoeopathic remedies for various other complaints
peculiar to them like skin shedding, etc.
5. Foot and Mouth Disease
ELLINGER Lisebeth (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Foot and Mouth Disease is a killer epidemic
disease affecting cattle. In the past Homoeopathy
has been successful in treating this disease.
Different remedies recommended by different well
known homoeopaths are: von
BOENNINGHAUSEN: Arsenicum album. Thuja;
J.H. CLARKE: Kali iodatum; MADREWAR:
Arsenicum, Mercurius corrosives, Variolinum;
GUNTHER and others: Phosphoric acid,
Helleborus, Mercury, Arsenicum, Nux vomica,
Asafoetida. McLEOD and others: Borax.
The author has detailed study of the disease.
1. Outcomestudie "Patienten in der
homoopathischen Arztpraxis" - Ergebnisse
und Implikationen (Outcome Study "Patients
in homoeopathic Medical Practice" — Results
and Implications)
WITT, Claudia M; LUDTKE, Rainer;
WILLICH, Stefan N. (AHZ. 251, 4/2006)
In a prospective cohort study of 3981 patients
(2851 adults and 1130 children) presenting between
September 1997 and June 1999 for the first time at
one of 103 classical homoeopathic physicians were
recruited and followed up for two years
(questionnaires at 0, 3, 12 and 24 months).
Diagnoses, medical history, consultations, and
prescriptions were documented in standardized
questionnaires. Almost all patients were
chronically ill for a mean of 10.3±9.8 (adults) or
4.3±3.7 (children) years. Most common diagnoses
were Allergic Rhinitis in men, Headache in women
and Atopic Dermatitis in children. The duration of
initial consultation was 117±43min in children and
were conducted in 50% by telephone. According to
the patients the disease severity decreased
significantly (pO.OOl) between baseline and 24
months (Adults from 6.2±1.7 to 3.0±2.2); children
from 6.1±1.8 to 2.2±1.9). Physician's assessments
yielded similar results. Moreover, the health
related quality of life improved substantially
(especially in adults) and the necessary medication
could be considerably reduced.
2. Examination of Homoeopathic Preparations by
Fourier Transformation - Infrared
Spectroscopy Preliminary Results
Ph.D. (AJHM. 99, 1/2006)
Abstract: We have used Fourier transformation
infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) to test for differences
between homoeopathic preparations and control
samples. We assessed the differences in FT-IR
spectra at various peaks between: (1) succussed
water samples and control samples (i.e., plain
water, not succussed), (2) sonicated 90% ethanol
samples and control samples (i.e., 90% ethanol, not
sonicated), and (3) sonicated 10% ethanol samples
and control samples (i.e., 10% ethanol, not
sonicated). Succussed water and corresponding
control samples were different with significance
(PO.05) at peaks 3293 and 2123 cm"
statistically significant differences were seen
between succussed water and controls at peak 1636
. No statistically significant differences were
seen between sonicated 90% ethanol samples and
corresponding control samples, or between
sonicated 10% ethanol samples and corresponding
control samples. FT-IR appears to be able to
detect differences between some homoeopathic
preparations and control samples. Additional work
in this field is warranted.
[The 'References' at the end of this learned
articles list 47 in number. In all the "conclusion" is
"inconclusion". We have moved nowhere. As long
as the 'researches' are modelled in the conventional
manner although we may be moving it will just be
like going in a circle reaching nowhere = KSS].
3. A Graphic Representation of the Workings of
DUPEE, Glen & BEAL Susan
(AJHM. 99, 1/2006)
Abstract: Following the lead of quantum
physics, the authors suggest a graphical
representation of homoeopathic phenomena to
facilitate their understanding and further develop a
scientific underpinning of Homoeopathy. In this
model the Vital Force of a patient is represented as
a synchronous sine wave; miasmatic contagions are
similarly represented, and the intersections and
relative influences of the two waves upon each
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
other provide a graphical illustration of the disease
state. In a similar manner, homoeopathic remedies,
palliative and suppressive therapies can be
represented, as well as the deepening of disease and
its reversal secondary to these influences.
4. The efficacy of Phytolacca decandra in the
Treatment of Fibroadenoma of the Breast
ROOHANI, J. (AJHM. 99, 2/2006)
Fibroadenoma is the most common benign
tumor found in the breast. (1) It presents as a small,
round, discrete, mobile, non-tender, palpable, solid
mass in the breast. (2) A fibroadenoma may double
in size every six to eight months during its growth
phase (3) Surgery is the only allopathic option
available for treatment. (4)
This study was undertaken at the Technikon
Wit-watersrand TWR (Now University of
Johannesburg), department of Homoeopathy. The
study design was a double blind, randomized,
placebo controlled pilot study, testing the efficacy
of the homoeopathic remedy, Phytolacca decandra
in the 15 CH potency, on the treatment of
fibroadenoma of the breast in pre-menopausal
women aged fifteen to thirty five years. Twenty
nine subjects completed the study from the original
number of thirty six. Diagnosis of the fibroadnoma
was made by:
i. Clinical evaluation
ii. Ultrasonography
iii. Fine needle aspiration cytology of the breast
Patients underwent a breast examination, filled
a questionnaire and had their case history taken.
The questionnaire and the ultrasound were repeated
at the end of the study to determine any changes in
the presenting symptoms and of the size of the
fibroadenoma. Patients started treatment the day
after the first consultation. Medication was taken in
the form of one tablet sublingually twice a day.
The treatment period was for sixty consecutive
The results of this study demonstrate that the
homoeopathic remedy Phytolacca decandra has a
statistically significant effect on women who have
fibradenoma of the breast. In the experimental
group, 69% of subjects showed a decrease in the
size of the fibroadenoma, compared to 36% in the
placebo group. There was also a statistically
significant decrease in the breast pain experienced
while the placebo group showed no changes. The
experimental group showed a 0% development of
new fibroadenomas and decreasing trend to the
fibroadenoma surface areas. The placebo group
showed a 20% development of new fibroadenomas
and an increasing trend to the surface area.
There were interesting, unexpected, statiscally
significant findings as the remedy also corrected
hormonal imbalances in the female reproductive
system by regulating both the menstrual flow and
the menstrual cycle and improved dry, cracked
nipples. Reduction in joint and arthritic symptoms,
especially lower back pain and stiffness was also
Phytolacca symptoms used as criteria for
inclusion into the study:
Breast pains relieved by pressure
Breast was hard, swollen, painful and
sensitive to the touch
The breast felt hard, lumpy, nodular like a
Breast pain felt like electric shocks
Pain in nipple radiating to all over the
Rheumatic pain and stiffness in muscles
Joint pains, with tenderness and swelling
Patients whose symptoms did not match the
above picture of Phytolacca decandra were
excluded from the study. Patients who did not
comply with taking of medication were excluded
from the study as well.
Patients were then divided into two equal
groups - the experimental group and the placebo
group. Fifteen subjects in the experimental group
were given Phytolacca decandra 15CH in the form
of tablets, to be taken sublingually twice a day for
sixty days. The placebo group received
unmedicated tablets, twice a day, also for sixty
days. Randomization of the medication was carried
out at the TWR Health Clinic.
In the clinical evaluation, and via ultrasound,
measurements of the fibroadenoma were also taken
before and after treatment..
All data was analyzed statistically, using the T-
test, the All Pairwise Multiple Comparison
Procedures (student-Newman-Keuls Method) and
the One way analysis of Variance Test.
The findings in this study imply that
Phytolacca decandra will have a positive effect
only when the remedy is indicated in terms of its
similitude to the patient's symptoms. It will not
have these positive effects if the patient's totality of
symptoms does not match the profile of Phytolacca
Although many observers suggest that the
benefits of homoeopathic treatment are due to the
placebo effect, the findings in this study clearly
refute this theory.
Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
It is recommended that in any future studies of
any homoeopathic remedy for any disease
condition, researchers should ensure that selection
criteria of participants is consistent with
Hahnemann's theory of the totality of symptoms,
that the totality of symptoms represents the disease
in its full extent.
5. Double-blind, placebo-controlled homoeopathic
pathogenetic trials: Symptom collection and
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
Background: Homeopathic pathogenetic
trials (provings) are fundamental to Homoeopathy.
Since most of the data from available provings have
not been statistically evaluated, it is unclear how
specific reported symptoms are and how they differ
from those reported by people taking placebo.
Method: We combine analysis data from two
different homoeopathic pathogenetic trials-including
10 and 11 provers, respectively, and both including
30% placebo-to test the null hypothesis that there is
no significant difference between the number of
symptoms in placebo and verum groups.
Results: The principal results were:
• Placebo reported less symptoms than verum
• Symptom distribution according to predefined
classes (common symptoms increased in intensity
and/or duration-, cured, old, new and exceptional)
was statistically different between placebo and
verum group at a high level of significance
CP<0.001). compared to verum, placebo provers
reported less new and old but more common
(increased in duration or intensity) symptoms.
• Within repertory categories, other differences
were detected.
• The two groups differ in terms of the duration
of each symptom and kinetics of symptoms: most
symptoms were more persistent in verum than in
placebo groups and verum provers recorded a
decreasing number of symptoms with time.
Placebo provers did not show such a temporal
Conclusions: If confirmed by other studies
these results would demonstrate the non-
equivalence between homoeopathic medicines in
high dilution and placebo and contribute to the
improvement of proving methodology and
6. Effect of a Homoeopathic complex on oestrus
induction and hormonal profile in anoestrus
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
This study was undertaken to evaluate the
efficacy of a homoeopathic complex in the
management of true anoestrus in crossbred cows.
Six anoestrus cows were treated with a
homoeopathic complex (Calcarea phosphorica 30c,
Aletris farinosa 30c, Pulsatilla 30c, Aurum
muriaticum natronatum 30c, Sepia 30c and
Phosphorus 30c in equal proportion, 15 pills twice
daily orally for 10 days). Six animals acted as
control without any treatment.
Treatment was 100% effective in inducing
oestrus in anoestrus cows with mean interval of
27.5±5.3 days. All animals conceived and overall
conception rate was 54.5% with 1.83 services per
conception. In the homoeopathic complex treated
group, increased serum oestradiol concentration
(20.88±5.60 to 27.80±7.28pg/ml) was observed
compared to the pretreatment (11.71±2.06pg/ml)
and control value (10.43±1.77 to 13.94±3.14pg/ml).
The homoeopathic complex medicine may be
effective and economical in the treatment of true
anoestrus condition in cows.
7. Therapeutic and pathogenetic animal models
for Dolichos pruriens
COELHO de Paula, C, ALMEIDA, V.D.,
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
The therapeutic and pathogenetic effects of
Dolichos pruriens were evaluated using
experimental models in rats. In the therapeutic
experiment Wistar rats were housed in a heated
environment (25±3°C) to induce itch, and treated
with ascending potencies D. Pruriens (6cH, 9cH,
12 cH,and 30 cH), each for 10 days, the positive
control group received vehicle (ethanol 30% in
water). The negative control group received no
treatment and were kept at a standard temperature.
In the pathogenetic experiment, all animals
were kept at a temperature of 20±3°C and treated
for 30 consecutive days with D. pruriens 6 or 30
cH, or ethanol vehicle, or no treatment. The
experiments were performed blind.
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
The statistical analysis used Bartlett's test,
followed by ANOVA/Tuckey-Krammer or
Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn. The results point to the
existence of therapeutic effects, with inhibition of
the itching, skin lesions and fur thinning produced
by heat, more evident in later observations, with the
9, 12, and 30 cH potencies (Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn;
P - 0.001). No changes were observed in the other
parameters, such as open field activity and laterality
of the itching. In the pathogenetic experiment, no
changes were observed in any parameters
examined. We conclude that the proposed
experimental model demonstrates the therapeutic
effect of D. pruriens, but not its pathogenetic
8. Amelioration of root-knot disease of lady's
finger plants by potentiized Cina and Santonin
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
Lady's finger plants (Hibiscus esculentus),
grown in pots, were inoculated with the second-
stage larvae (76±6) of root-knot nematodes
Meloidogyne incognita, starting 7 days later they
were treated with Cina 30c, Santonin 30c or
Ethanol 30c by foliar spray for 10 consecutive
days. The drugs in 90% ethanol were diluted with
distilled water 1:1000 before application on plants.
Thirty days after the last treatment the plants were
uprooted. Cina 30c and Santonin 30c reduced
nematode infestation of plants significantly in terms
of root-gall number, root-protein content and
nematode population in roots. Santonin 30c
reduced root water content. Santonin 30c may have
influenced the water channel proteins of root tissues
thereby altering the water contents of roots. The
reduced water content in roots might have
adversely affected the root-knot nematodes and
thus reduced nematode infestation. Ethanol 30c
also has some effect on treated plants.
9. Effect of fortification of Mulberry leaves with
homoeopathic drug Nux vomica on Bombyx
mori. L.
HIWARE, CJ. (HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
Silk worm (Bombyx mori L.) larvae were fed
on Mulberry leaves treated with Nux vomica mother
tincture. The impact on larval, cocoon, shell and
pupal weight, silk ratio, average filament length and
denier, and number of breakages during reeling
were investigated. The results were positive in all
parameters under study except cocoon weight,
pupal weight, and the average denier of the
10. Homoeopathy for anxiety and anxiety
disorders: A systematic review of the research
J. (HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
Objective: To conduct a systematic review of
the clinical research evidence on Homoeopathy in
the treatment of anxiety and anxiety disorders.
Methods: A comprehensive search of major
biomedical databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE,
CINAHL, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library; and of
specialist complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) databases: AMED, CISCOM and Horn-
Inform was conducted. Efforts were made to
identify unpublished and ongoing research using
relevant sources and experts in the field. Relevant
research was categorized by study type and
appraised according to study design. Clinical
commentaries were obtained for studies reporting
clinical outcomes
Results: Eight randomized controlled studies
were identified. The types of Anxiety and anxiety
disorders studied were tests anxiety, generalized
anxiety disorder and anxiety related to medical or
physical conditions such as Cancer or surgical
procedures. Single case reports/studies were the
most frequently encountered study type but other
study types including uncontrolled trials/case series
and surveys were also found. No relevant
qualitative research was identified.
Conclusions: A comprehensive search
demonstrates that the evidence on the benefit of
Homoeopathy in Anxiety and anxiety disorders is
limited. A number of studies of Homoeopathy in
such conditions were located but the randomised
controlled trials report contradictory results, are
underpowered or provide insufficient details of
methodology. Several uncontrolled and
observational studies reported positive results
including high levels of patient satisfaction but
because of the lack of a control group, it is difficult
to assess the extent to which any response is due to
Homoeopathy. Adverse effects reported appear
limited to 'remedy reactions' and included
temporary worsening of symptoms and
reappearance of old symptoms.
On the basis of this review it is not possible to
draw firm conclusions on the efficacy or
effectiveness of Homoeopathy for Anxiety.
However, surveys suggest that Homoeopathy is
quite frequently used by people suffering from
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 4 4/ 2007
Anxiety. If shown to be effective, it is possible that
Homoeopathy may have benefits in terms of adverse
effects and acceptability to patients consequently,
further investigation is indicated. Future research
should be of pragmatic design and include
qualitative studies.
11. Treatment of hyperactive children: Increased
efficiency through modifications of
homoeopathic diagnostic procedure
FREI, H., AMMON von, K., &
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
Background: The rigorous test to which
Homoeopathy was subject in our recent double-
blind trial of homoeopathic treatment of attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) necessitated
optimized treatment meeting the highest standards.
Methods: Optimization was performed in
three steps: (1) In successfully treated children,
prescriptions leading to an insufficient response
were analysed by a general questionnaire to identify
unreliable symptoms. (2) Polarity analysis, a
further development of Bonninghausen's concept of
contraindications, was introduced in response to the
frequently one-sided symptoms. This enabled us to
use few but specific symptoms to identify the
medicine whose genius symptoms exhibit the
closest match to the patient's characteristic
symptoms. (3) We investigated the influence of the
primary perception symptoms on the result of the
repertorization. Perception symptoms are not
normally recorded during a patient interview even
though they are among the most reliable facts
related by the patients. At the same time we were
able to improve the continuity of improvement of
ADHD symptoms using liquid Q-potencies.
Results: Introducing the questionnaire,
polarity analysis, and including perception
symptoms, lead to an improvement in the success
rate of the first prescription from 21% to 54%, of
the fifth prescription from 68% to 84%.
(Full article is given in Part II = KSS.)
12. Outcomes from homoeopathic prescribing in
medical practice: A prospective, research-
targeted, pilot study
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 4/2006)
Background and aims: A base for targeted
research and development in Homoeopathy can be
founded on systematic collection and analysis of
relevant clinical data obtained by doctors in routine
practice. With these longer-term aims in mind, we
conducted a pilot data collection study, in which 14
homoeopathic physicians collected clinical and
outcomes data over a 6-month period in their
practice setting.
Methods: A specifically designed Excel
spreadsheet enabled recording of consecutive
clinical appointments under the following main
headings: date, patient identity or acute, new or
follow-up case, patient-assessed outcome (7 point
Likert scale: -3 to +3) compared with first
appointment, homoeopathic medicine/s prescribed,
whether any other medication/s being taken for the
condition. Spreadsheets were submitted monthly
via email to the project co-ordinator for data
synthesis and analysis.
Results: Practitioners typically submitted data
regularly and punctually, and most data cells were
completed as required, enabling substantial data
analysis. The mean age of patients was 41.5 years,
a total of 1783 individual patient conditions were
treated overall. Outcome from two or more
homoeopathic appointments per patient condition
was obtained in 961 cases (75.9% positive, 4.6%
negative, 14.7% no change; 4.8% outcome not
recorded). Strongly positive outcomes (scores of
+2 or +3) were achieved most notably in the
frequently treated conditions of anxiety, depression,
and irritable bowel syndrome.
Conclusion: This multi-practitioner pilot
study has indicated that systematic recording of
clinical data in Homoeopathy is both feasible and
capable of informing future research. A refined
version of the spreadsheet can be employed in
larger-scale research-targeted clinical data
collection in the medical practice setting-
particularly in primary care.
13. Evaluation of specific and non-specific effects
in Homoeopathy: Feasibility study for a
randomized trial
HASFORD Christian & VICKERS Andrew
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 4/2006)
Objective: To determine the feasibility, in
terms of acceptability to patients, physicians and
other staff; data return and statistical power of a
study to elucidate the relative contributions of
specific and non-specific effects in homoeopathic
treatment of Dermatitis.
Design: Randomised, controlled 4-arm trial, 2
arms double-blind.
Setting: Outpatient clinic, Royal London
Homoeopathic Hospital.
Participants: Seventy-five adult patients with
O Quarterty Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
Interventions: Patients were randomly
allocated to: 'fast track' open verum Homoeopathy,
'fast track' double-blind placebo Homoeopathy or
waiting list control.
Main outcome measures: One hundred
millimeter visual analogue scale of overall
symptom severity; 10 point digital scores of sleep,
itching, skin condition; weekly 5-point Likert scale
of topical steroid use; Dermatology Life Quality
Index at entry and completion.
Results: Recruitment was below target, but
the study was acceptable to staff and feasible.
Blinded patients were more likely to withdraw (P
=0.021, x test). After correction for baseline
differences and multiple comparisons, no outcome
measure showed statistically significant between
group differences. Blindness appeared to have a
negative effect, but this was confounded by
differential withdrawal.
Conclusions: A definitive trial of this design
is unlikely to discriminate the relative contributions
of the non-specific and specific effects to the
outcome of homoeopathic treatment of Dermatitis,
because of patient preference issues.
14. Evidence of the principle of similitude in
modern fatal iatrogenic events
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 4/2006)
Samuel Hahnemann attributed fundamental
importance to the principle of similitude, promoting
it to a 'natural law'. Observing that enantiopathic
or allopathic treatment produced enduring
aggravation of the disease symptoms after a brief
and transitory initial relief, he systematized
homoeopathic treatment, prescribing substances that
provoke similar symptoms in healthy individual.
Based on clinical and experimental observations, he
anticipated the concept of homeostasis, dividing the
effects of substances into: primary action of the
medicine followed by secondary action or reaction
of the organism. This reaction, known as the
rebound effect or paradoxical action by modern
pharmacology, used to awake the curative response
of the body when the principle of similitude is
applied, is responsible for several iatrogenic
diseases when used on the basis of the principle of
contraries. This study discusses the role of this
paradoxical reaction of the organism in the fatal
side effects of four important drugs, used according
to the model of enantiopathic treatment of the
symptoms. I present evidence relating to
acetylsalicylic acid, rofecoxib, antidepressants and
long-acting bronchodilators. The consequences of
the allopathic treatment could be decreased if health
professionals valued homeostasis, minimizing the
rebound effect of the organism by gradual
suspension of palliative drugs.
15. The safety of Long Term Homoeoprophylaxis
GOLDEN Isaac (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
This article is a summary of the author's
findings on his homoeoprophylaxis (HP) since
1986. He has collected evidence regarding the
safety of the long-term use of his HP programme.
The author concludes that with the HP programme
short-term reactions are rare, are relatively mild and
brief; longterm health of children (under HP
programme) is usually high. "This finding was
confirmed by a General Health Survey, which also
enabled a comparison with other methods of
immunization, - vaccination, constitutional
protection and no method of protection at all. It
may be stated with confidence that the long-term
use of an appropriate HP programme does not
produce any negative long-term health effects. In
fact long term HP not only increases resistance to
targeted diseases, it is associated with an
improvement in over all health."
1. Ein unerfulltgebliebener Wunsch Hahnemanns
nach einer homoopathischen Pharmakopcea
(An Unfulfilled Wish of HAHNEMANN for a
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoea)
PHILIPP, Guntram (MedGG. 24/2005)
The collections of correspondence between
Samuel HAHNEMANN and his patients in the
Institute for the History of Medicine at the
Robert Bosch Foundation in Stuttgart and the
Deutsche Homoopathie-Union in Karlsruhe
contain some letters written by the dispensing
Chemist Theodor LAPPE (1802-1882). These
documents provide details of business affairs rather
than diseases. HAHNEMANN took the help of this
Pharmacist who lived in Neudietendorf/Thunringia
in trying to develop the homoeopathic medicine
Causticum. This gave rise to the idea of developing
a homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia which
unfortunately failed because of the lack of self-
confidence of this highly talented chemist.
The correspondence between LAPPE and
HAHNEMANN began in 1931 - the entry of
Cholera time.
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/2007.
2. Choleraic Times and Mahendra Lai Sircar: The
Quest of Homoeopathy as cultivation of
Science in Nineteenth Century India
SINGH, Dhrub Kumar (MedGG. 24/2005)
It is a fact of recorded Medical history that
Homoeopathy was far more successful in Cholera
epidemic in the 19
Century: and indeed in
subsequent Epidemics of Cholera.
Although he had not seen a single case when it
first came to Europe, HAHNEMANN suggested
remedies for the different stages of Cholera as also
the preventive medicine. Until HAHNEMANN
came upon the scene Venesection was the main
feature of Medicine - "For the treatment of Cholera
for example it must be four or five pounds (of
blood) recorded Dr. REISER."
In the years 1831-32 when Cholera raged in
Europe, HAHNEMANN came out with complete
instructions for prevention and cure of Cholera. To
ensure that this reached all, HAHNEMANN
cleverly used daily Newspapers and other regularly
published magazines for spreading the Science of
Homoeopathy. The paper available to all was the
"Allgemeine Anzeiger" in which HAHNEMANN
published often.
These works of HAHNEMANN were also
published as pamphlets and also published as
adapted versions. Thus HAHNEMANN could
reach maximum people in a short time. The very
purpose of HAHNEMANN'S work, viz., to reach
the common people was thus achieved.
The present research work is on the Cholera
Epidemics that occurred in India regularly during
the British Regime, and their treatment, with
particular detailed study of the work of Dr.
Mahendra Lai SARKAR (1833-1904).
Short review of the Cholera Epidemic in Great
Britain and its treatment is given and then the
Indian scene. The attitude of the British Health
Officers towards Ayurvedic methods, which was
disparaging is discussed. [In reality the
prescriptions of the allopathic school was no better
than the Ayurvedic Vaidyans. = KSS] The
historical connections of HAHNEMANN and his
followers as also Mahendra Lai SARKAR is
studied. Mahendra Lai SARKAR was not only the
first Indian doctor who changed over from
Allopathy to Homoeopathy, but was also the
founder of Institute for the Cultivation Sciences in
3. Taming the Beast - How Homoeopaths and
Allopaths Handled Error in the Last Quarter of
the 19
Century in Britain and America
BRIERLY-JONES, Lyn (MedGG. 24/2005)
One of the characteristic features of scientific
disciplines are the ability to handle errors. This
again is dependent upon its empirical data and its
theoretical frame, which is another requirement for
its status as Science. In this Study the typology of
David BLOOR (1978) with the analysis of Larry
HEDGES (1987) are associated and it is shown that
towards the end of the 19
Century homoeopaths
neglected to learn from their errors. Thus they
themselves buried the possibility to promote further
the fundamentals of their specialty. On the contrary
the Allopaths learnt to overcome their errors, in the
light of their basics and to take necessary turn in the
medical practice, their rhetorics, etc. The
difference in the overcoming of errors hinges on
two factors on the social structure of the respective
medical group and also on the role of Epistomology
in their Theory. Differentiating on these two
factors shows that during early 20
Homoeopathy lost its status as a Science and
ultimately kept outside the Medical World.
4. Odyssey to Koethen
CHASE, Sandra M. (AJHM. 99, 1/2006)
This is a brief account of the author and several
other homoeopaths who had come to attend the
LIGA Congress in Germany in 2005.
Kothen was the home of HAHNEMANN for
14 years, just preceding his relocation to Paris. It
was here he produced his Chronic Diseases and his
writings on Cholera. He was named Privy
councilor (May, 1822), celebrated his fifty year
jubilee (10 Aug. 1829), lost his beloved wife of 48
years (31 March 1830) and married his second wife
(18 Jan. 1835).
There is a monument erected in 1897 to the
memory of HAHNEMANN and Arthur LUTZE,
(1813 - 1870) whose busts flank a statue of the
Greek Goddess of health, Hygea.
There is a small museum devoted to
Homoeopathy and CFS HAHNEMANN and A.
LUTZE. The bed in which HAHNEMANN slept
and breathed his last, his medicine chest (small Vi
dram vials with granules), his table and chair are
some of the exhibits.
The home that HAHNEMANN purchased
where he lived and practiced has been purchased by
the German Central Homoeopathic Physicians
Association (DzVhA) and extensive and expensive
renovation completed recently.
5. Advisory on Bird Flu
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 99, 1/2006)
© Quarterly Homaopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
The possible threat of a global epidemic of
Avian Influenza depends on the convergence of
several inter-related factors.
He advises a three tiered strategy.
Level 1. Prevention in Advance of the outbreak.
When the first case is reported, Influenzium
30, 3 doses to be taken in 24 hrs and then weekly
doses till the outbreak passes. Or, Oscillococcinum
200, on same schedule.
Level 2. Preventive treatment in the early stages of
the disease.
Once there is an out break, first few cases to be
treated individually with homoeopathic medicines
and a Genus Epidemicus is arrived. Then given for
early stages and as prophylactic.
Level 3. Individualized treatment of advanced or
complicated cases.
For those cases not responding to Genus
Epidemicus, equally beneficial medicines will be
identified by a trained homoeopathic physician.
"As part of the overall public health strategy, it
could be of great benefit whenever and wherever
conventional vaccines and medications are not yet
[Whether the Bird Flu or Swine Flu or any
other type the application of remedies according to
homoeopathic principles apply. = KSS].
6. Strange, rare and Peculiar: Aborigines,
Benedictines and homoeopathy
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
This article is about the history of
Homoeopathy in Australia. This is traced to as
early as 1857 to Bishop Rosendo SALVADO who
treated Aboringenes with Homoeopathy in Western
Australia. The spread of "Lay Homoeopaths and
their role in the spread of Homoeopathy, is also
1. Friedrich Nietzsche: Leben und Werk im
Kampf mit dem Leiden (Friedrich
NIETZSCHE: Life and Work against his
KAISER, Otto (MedGG. 24/2005)
NIETZSCHE is one of the great Philosophers
of Europe of the 19
Century. He was an 'outsider'
in the Society that produced him, not fitting into the
accepted categories of Theology, Philosophy.
NIETZSCHE was born on Oct. 15, 1844. He
lost his father when he was only a 5-year-old. At
ten years he composed music and wrote several
plays and at fourteen his first autobiography. He
submitted himself to strict discipline and training of
the famous Pforta Boarding School, which he
entered at fourteen.
He began to teach Philology at the Basel
University, where he taught for 10 years.
NIETZSCHE suffered from Migraine, stomach
ailments, and long lasting periods of weakness.
Medical opinions about his illness have always
been divided, but the syphilitic infection and
subsequent paresis are likely to have been among
the determining factors in his breakdown.
NIETZSCHE died in 1900.
The present paper examines the connection
between the life, sense of mission and suffering in
the work of Friedrich NIETZSCHE. It shows that
as early as his Basel years he wanted to become a
philosopher who was willing to transmit without
fear what he considered to be true to everybody,
even if he would have to suffer and remain
He was afflicted with increasing numbers of
headaches and bouts of nausea from the mid 1870,
and was further handicapped by constantly
deteriorating vision. The ten years before his
breakdown were spent as a traveller searching for a
place where his suffering could be eased. The
isolation imposed on him by the illness gave him
the inner freedom to break the old certainties and to
offer a new myth as an alternative. His failure as a
writer was compensated by an intensified and,
finally, gross sense of mission, which ended in
mental derangements in early January 1889.
2. Illness and Disease in the 19 Century Fiction
of Balzac, Flaubert and Zola
(MedGG. 24/2005)
The authors have studied three well-known
French writers of the 19
Century. The name of
Gustav FLAUBERT, Honore de BALZAC and
Emile ZOLA are familiar to all those fairly well
The 19 century is considered as the 'Golden
Century' in Medicine as well as in Literature. It
was a fruitful period in the development of
scientific Medicine, and at the same time
romanticism and realism were upcoming
movements in mainstream literature. These
medical and literary developments led to the
founding of a new kind of literary tradition:
Medical Realism. France was a forerunner in the
© Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
development of this genre, known for its abundant
descriptions of disease and Medicine. Well-known
examples are "Louis Lambert" by Honore de
BALZAC, "Madame Bovary" by Gustav
FLAUBERT and "Therese Raquin" by Emile
The depiction of the psychic disease in these
novels reflects the development of Medical Science
of the period.
BALZAC's style is filled with and at the same
time refers to existing medical authorities; while
FLAUBERT's description of diseases in "Madame
Bovary" are notorious because of accurate and
medically correct representation based on medical
sources. ZOLA's description of disease in
"Therese Raquin" is said to be the first novel
fictionalizing a medical case. The plot of the story
illustrates how the biological constitution and the
social circumstances of this young woman
determine her state of mind.
The theme of this study is the interaction
between Medicine and Literature.
[In so far as Homoeopathy is concerned, it is
seen that HAHNEMANN was in Paris during the
period of Gustav FLAUBERT and his novel
"Madame Bovary". In an interesting article in The
Homoeopath, Vol. 10, No. 1/1990, Dr. Hela
MICHOT-DIETRICH's study reveals that
FLAUBERT ridiculed Homoeopathy, through the
character Pharmacist Homais.
In another study "Homoeopathy in 19
Century American Novels" (The Homoeopath,
Vol. 8, No.1/1988) Dr. Hela MICHOT-DIETRICH
writes of the positive writings on Homoeopathy in
the American Novels.
Both these studies are very interesting. =KSS]
3. Das Diphtherie-Serum und der Fall Langerhans
(The Anti-Diphtheria Serum and the Case of
HUNTELMANN, Axel C. (MedGG. 24/2005)
An 18-month-old boy called Ernst
LANGERHANS died shortly after being infected
with a prophylactic dose of an anti-diphtheria
serum in April 1896. The father, a well-known
Pathologist in Berlin, claimed, in the obituary
notice, that his son had been poisoned by
BEHRING's anti-diphtheria serum. This paper
describes the tragic events of Spring 1896; the
death of Ernst LANGERHANS, the official
investigations that followed as well as the reactions
in the daily newspapers and the medical journals.
The death of Ernst LANGERHANS afforded the
opponents of the new Serotherapy an opportunity to
call into question the whole immunological
concept. Supporters of the Serotherapy, in turn,
defended it against these attacks. The spectacular
nature of Ernst LANGERHAN's death combined
with the fact that he came from a prominent family
of physicians made the event a public scandal. The
tuberculinic affair, which had happened only a few
years earlier was another reason for the public
concern. Finally, the "LANGERHANS Case" was
a scandal because of the way in which Robert
LANGERHANS published the death notice also
causing resentment within the scientific
community. Indeed, the publication of the
accusation was one of the reasons why the
"LANGERHANS case" failed to provoke a crisis
with respect to the new therapy, as the central
argument was displaced onto wider ethical
questions. Furthermore the medical administration
had learned from the tuberculinic affair, and had
subsequently implemented a large confidence-
inspiring system of quality control. The "official"
cause of death, following the investigations into the
case, was proclaimed to be an accident; a tragic
piece of bad luck.
4. Homoopathie und beweisgestiitzte Medizin
(Homoeopathy & Evidence Supported
GEBHARDT, Kart Heinz (AHZ. 250, 4/2006)
The history of development of the so-called
evidence-based medicine in comparison with the
medicine of practical experience is described.
Upto the beginning of the 20
century, the
physicians were able to judge the action of
remedies prescribed by them. By careful
observation and growing experience as well as by
different kinds of treatment the family physicians
and clinicians an evaluation of the treatment was
possible. As medicine increasingly became
'scientific' and experiences were not measurable
objective measures were sought forjudging remedy
As much individual a therapy is so much
difficult it becomes to make a homogenous group
study under controlled condition.
Nevertheless in KLEIJNEN, et al and LINDE
et al researches reported in the BMJ (302: 316-323)
and Lancet 1997 (350:834-43) their surprise at the
amount of positive evidence. ... and would be
ready to accept the Homoeopathy can be
efficacious, if only the mechanism of action were
more plausible." Such an observation exposes the
whole problem of Paradigm disputes as referred by
Thomas KUHN, about Homoeopathy.
The author outlines requirement of further
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
5. My Tryst with Homoeopathy
GHOSH Kanjaksha (HH. 30, 7/2005)
The author is an allopath who applies
homoeopathic treatment to some of his cases. His
article reflect his allopathic training although his
father was a homoeopath.
[As is common with most of the allopaths and
the so-called "scientific community" he says,
"personally I think one of the major weakness of
homoeopaths is that they claim which no other
branches of medicine does." This accusation is
because the allopath is of the opinion that a
particular condition is incurable and when
Homoeopathy does it, it is snubbed. Allopathy
wants Homoeopathy to be subservient to it always.
It is also amusing - to me - when they refer to
Allopathy as 'modern medicine' whereas
Hahnemann and his followers called it 'Orthodox
medicine..'! = KSS].
6. Humanitarian and Super Sleuth
Interview with ROBINSON Karl,
W.MERRON Myrna (HT. 26, 3/2006)
Karl ROBINSON studied literature at Yale. In
1967, while being treated for a rapidly spreading
skin ulcer at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in
Gabon (Africa), he read some books by Dr.
Schweitzer's daughter and was inspired to pursue a
career in healing [This is the serendipitious turn in
Dr. ROBINSON'S life; he is blessed by Dr. Albert
SCHWEITZER = KSS]. Had medical degree from
Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia and
Homoeopathy course at NCH'S summer program.
Additional study at Royal London Homoeopathic
Hospital. The most important attribute of a
homoeopath is to be attentive to small details. His
current major project is bringing Homoeopathy to
Central America. He has developed a three-year
certification program in Honduras. Dr.
ROBINSON says "Homoeopathy is essentially a
thinking game". He compares the homoeopath's
search for the correct remedy with the thought
processes of Sherlock Holmes.
[For that matter Agatha CHRISTIE'S Hercule
POIRUT is equally so. Personally I recommend the
understanding 'mind' and Sherlock HOLMES for
analysis and solution of the cases = KSS]
Case: In Dec. 1988, a long time patient usually
lively and full of enthusiasm consulted for
forgetfulness, lack of concentration, clumsiness,
dropping things, sluggishness on waking, puffy
face, grumpiness and being on edge. She sighed a
lot wanted to be left alone, desired carbonated
drinks. Energy low between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. She
felt emotionally empty and anxious. No recent
emotional or physical trauma.
So carbon monoxide poisoning was suspected
as the symptoms appeared at the same time she
started sleeping in living room and at the same time
that she had turned on the gas furnace. The gas
company found leaks in the house. After repair of
leaks she made a complete recovery and the
indicated homoeopathic remedy was never given.
7. A Model for Homoeopathy within Allopathic
Medicine and Conventional Science
DUPREE, Glen & BEAL Susan
(AJHM. 99, 2/2006)
By showing that the workings of Homoeopathy
can be explained by using explanations found in
conventional medicine, we should be able to show
the plausibility of Homoeopathy and increase its
acceptance by conventional science. In this article
the authors first equate the homoeopathic concept
of miasmatic disease with the conventional
understanding of parasitic infection; then the
displacement of the miasm with the similar
homoeopathic remedy is compared with the
conventional medical concept of competitive
8. Eight Great Shortcomings of an Average
Dr. DUA Shiv (HH. 30, 5/2005)
First short coming of a homoeopath is lack of
practical experience.
Second short coming of an average homoeopath
is doubt about the application of right remedy.
Third a sort of unhealthy criticism.
Fourth taking many things granted in selection
of remedy.
Fifth partial knowledge about the trait of
medicines or forgetting the briefing while
prescribing to the patient.
Sixth repetition of a medicine without thinking
about the eventualities.
Seventh shortcoming is not teaching the patient
about healthy attitudes.
Eight shortcoming is we should not promise
our patient about their easy cure. If we do so, it will
be the prime shortcoming of a homoeopath.
9. Homceo Hospital in Doldrums
(Published 27 May 2005, The Telegraph,
Calcutta) (HH. 30, 7/2005)
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
A Homoeopathy College with a Diploma
course was set up near the sprawling gymkhana
ground here in 1975. It was upgraded to Degree
level college. A hospital, the only one of its kind in
the northeast was added to it in 2002.
The project christened as J.K. SABIA
Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, was a
pet project of NE Council (NEC) which has
pumped crores of rupees to make it successful.
However, the lackadaisical attitude of the State
Government has forced the Central Council of
Homoeopathy to de-recognise the college two years
ago. After this no new students have been
At present there are three batches of students
numbering 63. After these batches complete the
course, there will be no other option but the college
to close down. President of all Assam
Homoeopathy College Students' Union, HASSAN
Uz-zaman, said, "The shutdown of the college will
result in the death of the hospital, for which
equipment worth crores of rupees has already been
purchased. "Except the X-ray machine, almost all
the equipment for the 50 bed hospital has arrived,"
HASSAN said most equipment arrived 3 years ago,
rusting in godown.
The hospital has not started functioning as the
government has failed to fill up 20 vacant posts
required to run it. The government has not
allocated any funds to feed the patients likely to be
admitted into the hospital as well.
"Two nurses, out of the 10 required, and a
wardboy are getting salary for practically no work,"
HASSAN said.
"The Homoeopathy hospital would have been a
godsend for the poor patients who would just have
to pay Rs.5 for admission. Food and medicine
would have been given free of cost," B. PEGU,
assistant professor of the college, said.
10. What the Tongue Tells us
COOK Trevor (HH. 30, 9/2005)
This is a list of the 'Tongue Conditions' and
the remedies thereto. Recommended potency of the
remedy is also given. Useful for ready reference.
11. Battling Pericardial Effusion
(CCR. 13, 2 & 3/2006)
32 year-old male, with Pulmonary
Tuberculosis, left Pleural Effusion with Pericardial
He was on anti-Koch's regimen and 2 weeks
after starting this he started getting eruptions on the
skin — erythematous, macular, itchy rashes, on both
the lower extremities and trunk. Steroids and anti-
histamines did not help. He was then admitted in a
super specially hospital and was diagnosed as
Tuberculous Peri-cardial Effusion and was put
again on anti-Koch. The patient approached the
author at this time.
Pallor was ++; Trachea to the left. Air entry;
absent in the infra-axillary region. Crepitations in
the left infra scapular region.
X-ray chest: PA:Left Pleural Effusion, with
mid zone consolidation, Cardiomegaly ++; Sinus
Tachycardia. Dilated left Ventricle with good
systolic function, Left Ventricular Ejection 72%.
13.10.2005: Pulsatilla Ql, tds one day omit anti
Tb drugs.
14.10.2005: Pulsatilla Q2 tds. one day.
18.10.2005: Kali iodatum for 3 days, improving.
3.11.2005: Kali iodatum 200, 3 days for 1 day.
At this stage it was learnt that the patient's
younger brother separated after his marriage; the
patient had worked hard for years to take care of his
ailing father and bring up his younger brother. The
action of his younger brother hurt him much. He
felt that he would rather die rather than trouble
Aurum metallicum M one dose.
12.1.2006: No major problems. No cough or
dyspnoea. Chest clear. Tuberculinum bovinum M.
one dose.
5.3.2006: Well. X-ray chest PA - No Pleural
Effusion. Echo: normal.
12. Patient compliance with homoeopathic therapy
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 4/2006)
The homoeopathic clinic of the Campo di Marte
Hospital, Lucca, Italy (the Homoeopathic Reference
Centre for Tuscany) registered a total of 1287
patients seen for the first time between September
1998 and 31 December 2004. Of these 560
(43.5%) returned for a follow-up visit after a
minimum interval of 2 months following the first
consultation. In order to ascertain the reasons for
patients not returning for follow-up consultations
(drop-out) a telephone survey was carried out on
every patient who had been seen during the period
from 1 June 2002 to 31 May 2003, but had not
returned for a follow-up visit.
73/104 eligible patients were contacted. 37/73
referred to the effectiveness of the treatment which
led to an improvement in their state of health,
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
naming this as the reason why they did not return
for a follow-up visit.
13. The Food Similia - To eat or not to Eat
SHUKLA Chetna (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
The author has taken great pains to explain the
"understanding developed from observations made
through the integrated study into (see) "the
Organon, the food affinities from the Repertory
and the verification of the same in patients from my
practice. I saw a pattern emerging and beliefs
changing " This article covers 8 pages! It is
not only painstakingly written but is painful to the
reader. There is lot of imagination.
14. Laws of homoeopathy
SCHOLTEN, Jan (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
Dr. SCHOLTEN says "Homoeopathy is the
Science of the patterns behind diseases and how
these patterns are translated into different world. In
Homoeopathy we have four principles or laws. It's
a matter of taste to call them rules, principles or
laws." These four Principles are:
1. Law of Similars
2. Diadoxis
3. Potency
4. Perfinity
These four are described.
In an 'Appendix' titled 'Diadoxis
Terminology', Fernand DEB ATS says that
alternation and succession of disease states are
described by means of several terms, e.g. syndrome
shift, morbid substitution. (See his article
'Syndrome shift, the morbid substitution as a
leading principle in Homoeopathy - HL. 1/1992).
Examples of Diadoxis are the alternation between
Asthma and Eczema. Depression making place for
Colitis, etc.
1. Handbuch der Haupt-Anzeigen fur die
richtige Wahl der homoopathischen Arzneien
von G.H.G. Jahr (Handbook of leading
indications for the right selection of
homoeopathic remedies by G.H.G. JAHR),
Leipzig, 1851: republished Hamburg: von der
Lieth, 2005. C 85 (Germany) (NAH. 1, 1/2006):
Review by Christian MEINHARD: "This is a
reprint of an unchanged reprint of a classic
pertaining to the full bloom period of Homoeopathy,
a work mentioned even by Samuel HAHNEMANN
in the sixth edition of "Organon". "In arranging the
characteristic symptoms of homoeopathic medicines
in his Repertory, Baron von B(ENNINGHAUSEN
has earned our esteem, as has Dr. G.H.G. JAHR
with his Handbook of Chief Indications now in its
third printing under the title Grand Manual". No
work can get a better recommendation! An
essential work for Genuine Homoeopathy again
brought out, thankfully."
[The reviewer explains in detail the use of this
work of JAHR].
Handbuch ... Review by Klaus HOLZAPFEL
(ZKH. 50, 4/2006): "With this and the following
book reviewed are both very valuable and
important works of the early days of Homoeopathy
coming as reprints. This is a reprint of the 4
edition of JAHR's Handbook which is a very
important book of the until-then-proved medicines
... The book is in two parts - the first part is the
important characteristic symptoms and the second a
Repertory which appears in full in special rubrics to
enable select the remedy according to the
"characteristic". The price for this edition brought
out with love and care is more than justifiable."
2. Die homoopathische Behandlung von
Kindern mit ADS/AHS - Ein systematisches
Therapiekonzept (The Homoeopathic Treatment
of Children with ADS/ADHS - A Systematic
Therapy Concept) by Heiner FREI, Stuttgart,
Karl F. Haug, 2005. XIV 1845. 44 Abbildungen
und 29 Tabellen, gebunden. G 39.95 (German)
Review by Steffen RABE (NAH. 1, 1/2006): "...
the subject is a highly complicated one. The Swiss
Paediatrician provides lot of differential
information regarding symptoms, Pathophysiology,
Epidemiology and Treatment strategies by the
allopathic as well as complementary Medicines ...
gives differently working methods with case
examples and a very good ADS oriented Materia
Medica containing remedies relevant for the disease
picture ... There is also a brief ADS Repertory ...
In the last chapter the author proceeds further and
brings attention his own Study on the action of
homoeopathic medicines in ADHS. The wonderful
proofs of the effective action of the homoeopathic
remedy is well evident in these cases, the action of
genuine Homoeopathy in treating Chronic, highly
complex diseases and include the scientifically
constructive information from the Allopathic
studies ..."
3. Klinische Anweisungen zu homoopathischen
Behandlung der Krankheiten, G.H.G. JAHR,
Faksimilie Nachdruck der 3. Auflage 1867.
Hamburg: von der Lieth, o.J. 529 Seiten, Preis G
O Quarterly Homosopathic Digest, Vol. XXTV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
70/- (Clinical Instructions for homoeopathic
treatment of Diseases), G. 70/- (German) Review
by Klaus HOLZAPFEL (ZKH. 50, 4/2006): "There
are three parts: one 20 page Introduction with
general instructions for application of
Homoeopathy, one very condensed and more
general contained Materia Medica part and the core
piece-the clinical instructions.
There is a special alphabetical presentation of
diagnosis and syndromes, a list of the remedies that
come into consideration and then in many, but not
in all, cases a comparative differentiation with the
help of several accompanying characteristics.
4. Homoopathie fiir groBe und kleine
Wiederkauer Gesunde Rinder, Schafe und
Ziegen (Homoeopathy for large and small
Ruminants. Healhty Cows, Sheep and Goats),
iibers und bearb. v. N. Heront, Stuttgart:
Sonntag: 2005: 143 Seiten, Preis 6 39. 95.
(German) Review by Rainer G. APPELL (AHZ.
251, 4/2006): "The common assessment that animal
is not just animal, but there are much more kinds
and races differentiating them with their weak
points and they exhibit specific diseases is the
justification for the growing diverse books in
Homoeopathy. So is this book on the large and
small ruminants, which is based on a large practice.
... The importance of exact observation is pointer
out which is valuable for those who are not
homoeopathic veterinarians. This is demonstrated
beautifully by four different disease pictures, which
are showing Arnica symptoms. ... Lastly, the
stress-free killing is not on the aspect of the
animal's agony in the least, but simply on the
quality of the flesh. ..."
5. Homoopathie in Metaphors und Analogies
(Homoeopathy in Metaphors and Analogies), C.
KURZ. Stuttgart, Haug Verlag; 2006: 181
Seiten, geb. Preis G. 29.95. (Germany) Review by
Gerhard BLEUL (AHZ. 251, 5/2006): "Succinct
Metaphors and detailed explanations for
homoeopathic methodologies are the components of
Homoeopathic Didactics blended nicely in this. The
Rose serves for the analysis and synthesis of
structure and form in the Anamnesis. The three-
peaked Iceberg symbolizes Polypharmacy in
apparent morbidity of an indivisible patient. The
cutting into pieces of an intact wire for removing a
curve indicates the consequence of destructive
medical intervention. Immunisations are compared
with ensuring an ultimately unsuccessful collapse,
the prescription of the Q potencies with the
piecemeal removal of a dike.
The author a learned Physicist and developed
homoeopath is very much within the large limits of
Science which involves collection of facts and
wholistic thinking.
The borrowing from other disciplines and
thought processes are convincing as also the analog
picture of Dynamics of the three Miasms (Psora,
Sycosis and Syphilis) with the three fires of the
Buddha "Deception, Greed and Hatred" ... Simple
and well written, decisions clarified this is a
textbook of another kind, not systematic ... could
lead to a deeper understanding of Homoeopathy."
6. 101 Krankengeschichten aus der Praxis fur
die Praxis (101 Case Histories from Practice for
Practice), HADULLA M.M., RICHTER O.,
FATTAHI N., Uelzen: Medizinisch Literarische
Verlagsgeselschaft; 2006: 322 Seiten, 79 farbige
Abdildungen, Leinen, Preis G 55/- (German)
Review by Kart Heinz GEBHARDT (AHZ. 251,
5/2006): "Well documented case histories are rare
in Homoeopathy. We have here such a collection of
wholly excellent quality. The individual case
histories are well arranged in spontaneous
narration, findings, hierarchisation and
repertorisation, Therapy, course and accompanying
annotations with reference to the Materia Medica or
with particular peculiarity. ... The beginner can
learn the methodology very well, also the
developed and even the well experienced Masters
can pick up "gold" and profit. Can be
recommended heartily."
7. Heilung Borrelliosekranker mit moopathie,
(Curing Lyme Disease with Homoeopathy),
GRIMMA : Edition Krannich; 2005: 159 Seiten,
Kart. Preis 24.50 6 (German) Review by Rainer
G. APPELL (AHZ. 251, 6/2006): "Borrellios is
caused by Tics and they belong to the Spirochaets,
like the Syphilis organism, and cause symptom
complex which in their varieties makes one think of
Syphilis. In the volume before us sound basis
about Borrellios is given and the clinical picture is
presented. ... The remedies like Aurum, Ledum,
Lycopodium and Thuja are detailed. Aurum
arsenicosum and its proving symptoms is presented
in a separate chapter. Vaccinations are skeptically
considered. ..."
8. Die milde Macht ist GroB. Aus dem Leben
und Werk des Homoopathen Constantin Hering
(The Mild Power is Great. From the Life and
Work of the homoeopath Constantin Hering).
Grimma: Edition Krannich; 2005, 311 Seiten,
geb. Preis 33.G. (German) Review by Rainer G.
APPELL (AHZ. 251, 6/2006): "Constantin
© Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
HERJNG's life resembles a Romance. Thrilling,
many-layered, and facets-rich. It begins in Saxony
and takes him to Surinam and over to the United
States. ... He graduated in Wiirzburg, which to him
a confessed homoeopath, was not easy. One of his
teachers was Johann Lucas SCHOENLEIN who
was at that time Professor of Clinic and
Therapeutics. He turned to literary sphere,
exchanged correspondence with Jean Paul
RICHTER and HAHNEMANN, had offer of a
Private teacher in Russia. ... Many such episodes
have been banded down by Calvin KNERR son-in-
law of HERJNG. ... A book which gives joy and
which it is our wish that more must read."
9. Rund um die Homoopathie Praktische
Ratgeber fur Patienten in homoopathischen
Behandlung und bei Selbstbehandlung (Circular
on Homoeopathy. Practical Adviser for Patients
on homoeopathic Treatment and Self-treatment)
Uelzen: Mediznisch-Literarische Verlags-
geselschaft; 2004: 304 Seiten, kart. C 19.80
(German) Review by Rainer G. APPELL (AHZ.
251, 6/2006): "Homoeopathy is popular and also
apparently free from side effects, a wonderful
medicine for self-medication - there is no dearth of
diverse advisers. Why long Anamnesis with
repertorisation when it can be simple and easy?
The homoeopathic Physician Sonja REITZ has now
leaders for patients under homoeopathic treatment,
and also for those who choose to treat themselves.
She gives practical tips. ..."
10. "der kleine kwibus" 2007. Abreifikalendar
mit Lochung zum Aufhangen ("The small
kwibus" 2007. Tear-off Calendar with
Perforation to hang up), MICKLER T., REIS S.,
(Hrsg.): Miihlheiin an der Ruhr. Kwibus; 2006:
380 Blatter, C. 26.80 (German) Review by Rainer
G. APPELL (AHZ. 251, 6/2006): "The AHZ, the
journal with intelligent brains behind it as well as
such readers, reported in 1900 the factual
information of the unveiling of the Hahnemann-
memorial in Washington in which William
McKINLEY, President of the USA, of whom none
here knew, took part. This and such other
memorable events are recalled in the "der kleine
Kwibus", a calendar one leaflet for each day. ...
Anecdotes, worth-knowings, and caricatures are all
collected herein - names which are not well
remembered are also recalled. ... In all, a calendar
which will open up quickly a warm friendly
feelings and which can be happily gifted."
11. Homoopafhische Schlaganfalltherapie
(Homoeopathic Treatment of Cerebral Apolexy),
Michael TAUT, Johannes WILKENS, Stuttgart:
Hippokrates Verlag 2006; C 24.95 (German)
Review by Jorn DAHLER (AHZ. 251, 6/2006):
"The two authors Michael TAUT and Johannes
WILKENS present a good overview of
homoeopathic therapy of Apoplexy. Basis of the
presentation is many years' clinical experience in
geriatric clinics. ... After this the possibilities of
homoeopathic therapy is presented. These are
individualizing single medicine Homoeopathy
according to KENT and BOGER, reliable
indications with details of 17 frequently needed
medicines and also a complex medicine therapy
with anthroposophical medicines Naja comp in
combination with Tabacum, Arnica or Ledum each
according to the nature of the pathological
occurrence. This part is further detailed by an
extensive description of the snake venom according
to anthroposophical and homoeopathic news and
some more complementary medicinal therapeutic
methodologies. 24 case reports follow and
synopsis of Materia Medica of important remedies
form Acidum hydrocyanicum to Zincum
phosphoricum. At the end are the results a
retrospective Pilot Study in 172 patients for
evaluation of the suggested methods. ... The
convincing book is an instrument for Therapists in
Clinic and Practice ... of this difficult disease."
12. The Companion to Homoeopathy: The
Practitioner's Guide by Colin GRIFFITH.
Watkins publishing, London: 2005, 820 pages,
hardcover. $45, ISBN 1-842931-17-2. Reviewed
by Any L. LANSKY. (HT. 26, 1/2006)
"The companion to Homoeopathy is more like
an Encyclopaedia or compendium of essays. The
book is divided into three distinct parts. The first
sub-book is a general introduction to Homoeopathy.
"Griffith's opinions are often stated as facts,
without reference to the opinion of others on the
subject or to the historical development of ideas.
"The second sub-book entitled "Maintaining
Causes" is a series of fascinating essays about
things that could potentially interfere with
homoeopathic treatment.
"The third and longest sub-book focuses on
miasms. By this he illustrates his belief that
understanding and treating the miasmatic soil of
each patient is fundamental to the practice of
"As a finale, he ties everything up beautifully
with a chapter on 'Karma'. Accumulation of events
in one's life or inherited from one's ancestors that
have left an imprint on the Vital Force. In the
miasms, we find a way of making sense of the
layers of karmic residue within us.
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
13. The American Institute of Homoeopathy
Hand book for Parents: by Edward SHALTS,
M.D. Review by Kristy LAMPE (HT. 26, 2/2006):
"This guide is different from many other
introduction of Homoeopathy books in that the
writes from two perpectives; that of a father who
has had to convince family members that
Homoeopathy works, and that of a homoeopathic
doctor who knows it works Dr. SHALTS
demystifies the homoeopathic "Case taking
process" for children .... The Handbook is a
valuable resource ...."
I. Every year some rich and powerful Nations
hold an "annual ritual" in which they "move
themselves to tears". "They will beat their breasts
and say many worthy and necessary things - about
climate change, Africa, poverty, trade - but one
word will not leave their lips, Power. Amid the
patrician Goodwill, there will be no acknowledge-
ment that the Power they wield over other nations
destroys everything they claim to stand for ..." The
G8 nations "give with one finger but they take with
both hands".
In the Philippines, only 16% of the children
between 4 -5 months age are breastfed. The rest on
'formula' food, which are sold by the powerful
nations to the poor! According to the WHO,
16,000 children of Philippines die as a result of
"inappropriate feeding practices".
Breast-feeding would drastically reduce the
incidence of Asthma, Allergies, Childhood
Cancers, Diabetes, Coeliac diseases, Crohn's,
Colitis, Poor Cognitive development, Obesity,
Cardiovascular disease, Ear infections and Poor
Dentition. The pharmaceutical Industry controlled
by the rich Nations are producers of drugs for these
diseases; they grow richer every year introducing
new new drugs for these. Breast Feeding could
prevent 13% of all childhood deaths.
The manufacturers of formula-substitutes-for-
breast-milk spend over $100 million a year on
advertising breast milk substitutes in the
Philippines. Sale of powdered milk is high, and
these are produced by the rich companies; in fact
they are rich by these practices. Formula
companies give gifts to health department, doctors
and workers; also attractive advertisements in the
T.V. The powerful manufacturers influence
everyone, the Executive, the Judiciary, and the
Politicians of course.
And the World Bank is controlled by the G8
Free Trade, removal of barriers and, in flow all
the unwanted and unhealthy wares of the rich
Nations! The G8 leaders simultaneously wring
their hands and wash their hands! (From The
Hindu, Chennai, June 6, 2007)
II. Sleep deprivation causes faster heartbeat
and significantly less heart rate variability
following the nights of sleep deprivation. The
effect of sleep deficit was to increase the stress on
the hearts. Shift workers are at higher risk for
Cardiovascular disease. (The Hindu, Chennai,
June 14, 2007).
III. Breast feeding mothers who get to laugh may
help babies fight skin allergies, atopic Eczema
according to a study reported in the New Scientist
"Laughter — the best Medicine". (The Hindu,
Chennai, June 14, 2007).
IV. Source of Sulphur leaf yield in Tobacco.
K.DEO, Singer. (S & C, 70, 1-2/2004).
Sulphur has been recognized as fourth major
essential nutrient for the growth and development
of all plants. It is necessary for chlorophyll
formation, synthesis of oil, enzymes and vitamins
and adds to the nutritive value of forage and fodder
crops. It also promotes nodulation in legumes,
which enhances biological Nitrogen fixation.
Sulphur plays an important role both in vegetative
growth and reproductive development of plants.
Sulphur content in plants is generally as much
as phosphorus and one tenth of nitrogen. Due to
continuous application of high analysis and
comparatively low cost fertilizers like Urea, Di-
ammonium phosphate (DAP) and Muriate of
potash, deficiency symptom of sulphur are being
observed in different crops including Tobacco.
Sulphur deficiency symptom in plants resembles in
many ways to those of Nitrogen i.e. appearance of
pale yellow or light greenish leaves which become
necrotic with time. Sulphur deficient plant remains
small, spindly with short and tender stalk.
V. High Alpha Radioactivity in arsenic
contaminated drinking water - a preliminary
report. Dipak GHOSH, Argha DEB & Kanchan
Kumar PATRA. (S & C. 70, 3 & 4/2004)
From time immemorial society has flourished
in the back-ground radioactivity and man has
survived to live recent reporting of large random
concentration in drinking water in different places.
Another serious problem has cropped up in recent
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
time - Enormous Arsenic contamination in ground
water of different parts of West Bengal and
adjacent Bangladesh. Generally this ground water is
used as the primary source of drinking water in
rural and semi-rural areas and thus may lead to
severe health hazards. Murshidabad with a
population of about 30 million (44.40% of West
Bengal) where Arsenic contamination is above the
maximum permissible limit (0.05mg/l) in ground
water. About 8 million people of these areas are
drinking Arsenic contaminated water and 1.75
million are suffering from different diseases. Even
casualties have been reported: The health problem
which occur in these areas are not due to effect of
Arsenic only but also on account of excess presence
of radioactivity in the drinking water. As we all
know Radon (Rn
) in water leads to internal
radiation and may be more harmful than Radon in
air, especially because it may lead to carcinogenic
This paper presents the first-ever reporting of
the measurements of Alpha activity in drinking
water of West Bengal where Arsenic contamination
is severe and we find positive evidence of presence
of high Alpha activity.
The present analysis indicates that the severe
Arsenic contaminated drinking water of South 24
parganas is highly Alpha active and one can suspect
that occurring health hazards in the area may be
investigated also be due continuous exposure
levels, both internal and external. This is a
preliminary report, further work is in progress,
VI. The Practice of Classical Homoeopathy has
been said to be always time-consuming and it is
often said that homoeopathic practice must be small
to enable a good Homoeopathy. As a matter of fact
there are cases, which are difficult and need much
time to treat them suitably, but not all cases are
difficult and it mostly lies upon us to extoll specific
case techniques as "lessening" the work, which are
far from HAHNEMANN'S methods, and thereby
too much time is taken by us as well as by the
patients. At all times good homoeopaths have had
very large practice and also have had excellent
results. However, it is not to be denied that from
the beginning there have been attempts to find
quicker ways to find the Similie and of all that the
repertorisation has been the most successful. The
"Polarity and Repertory specific Questionnaire"
explained by Dr. Heiner FREI et al in this issue of
ZKH. appears to be one such facility to find the
Similie easily. Another method is explained by Dr.
Ramanlal PATEL, which involves the basic main
features of Genuine Homoeopathy laid down by
HAHNEMANN (Editorial ZKH. 50, 3/2006) [It
has been said that H.C.ALLEN had a large practice,
50 to 60 patients; that Ad. LIPPE too had a large
number of patients, many more like that. We can
mention more names. If they had adopted the long
narratives in the modern homoeopathic journals like
the Horn. Links they could hardly have treated 10
patients! Homoeopathy has been made un-
necessarily difficult to practice with the adoption of
'themes', wandering through the labyrinth of the
dreams, etc. = KSS]
VII. If we compare the current procedure of
Case recording with those of HAHNEMANN
and BCENNINGHAUSEN, it is striking that now
the Anamnesis reports are much detailed. If few
lines were sufficient for the old masters now ours
consume several pages. And the working out the
remedy is also today extensive. Neither
that their journals would be available for analysis.
provided notes so that we can follow his method of
remedy choice. For example take his Case Register
DF5 for the period 1837-1842. Here
HAHNEMANN noted the remedies for the single
symptoms. Often this is an alphabetical two rows
of remedy abbreviations chosen which mostly is a
series of remedies of first rank from
BCENNINGHAUSEN's Systematic Alphabetic
Repertory; often the rows are interchanged and only
the higher grade remedies are taken note of. This
utilization of two repertories of
BCENNINGHAUSEN which had appeared only
about two years ago is surprising not only because
HAHNEMANN himself had worked with this
repertory with the idea of preparing his own
"Symptomen Verzeichnis" ("Symptoms Index") ...
The overstepping of the Miasm therapy,
particularly the many-headed growth of the so-
called Sycosis which together with the invention of
Remedy types and Essences the further horizon of
Homoeopathy to an easily applicable duality of
black and white, good and bad, of clean and soiled,
has shrunk, to an enrichment of homoeopathic
practice may likewise be subject to experience.
(ZKH. 50, 4/2006)
VIII. For Transparency in Clinical Trials
(The Hindu, Chennai, 3 Aug. 2007) To make
human clinical trials more transparent and
accountable, Indian Council of Medical Research
has launched an online, open access registry.
The British Medical Journal has commented:
"By suppressing negative findings and exaggerating
positive ones, by downplaying harms and talking
up benefits, health-care decisions are based on
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol- XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
incomplete data and ultimately harm the
Only two years ago International Committee of
Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) made clinical
trial registration mandatory for results to be
considered for publication in the journals. This
policy has in effect forced the Industry to become
If successful, this will go far in furbishing the
image of clinical trials. [That the Pharmaceutical
Industry will do this is only a dream = KSS]
IX. International Meeting at Coethen (ICE) 6:
25-27 May 2006: Everyday Homoeopathy in
Clinic. Report by Gerhard BLEUEL (AHZ. 251,
6/2006: 299-302) Eight medical practitioners
spoke of their experiences with homoeopathic
practice in Clinic, six younger physicians spoke of
their experience, possibilities, limits and chances in
Homoeopathy and dialogue with allopathic
Medicine. An important aspect of the speakers was
the role of the guidelines in Allopathic Medicine
and Homoeopathy which activated both
controversial and fruitful discussions in the Plenum.
Dr. Bettina BALTACIS opened the Congress
with an impressive talk on the insertion of
Homoeopathy in the Intensive Therapy of
Newborns. She pointed out examples of cases'
amazing success of results of single doses (like
Opium, Aconitum, Phosphorus but also the
followup therapy over weeks (for example in an
early-born with Pneumonia, Convulsions and Sleep
disturbances with the administration of doses of
Aeon., Phos., Mag-p., and Sulphur) and the
inadequate action in continuous disease causes
(infective Vein Catheter).
Dr. Wolfgang STORM (Children Clinic of the
St. Vincent Hospital) spoke of his own son with
Down-Syndrome. He came from Allopathy to
Homoeopathy. Since 20 years he was the
Superintendent of the Out-patient treatment for
children with Down Syndrome. Every second child
was treated exclusively with or accompanied by
Homoeopathy. The experiences included Anorexia
nervosa, Guillain-Barre-Syndrom, Idiopathic
Thrombocytopaenia, Pertussis, Infants, Paralytic
ileus, Purpura Schonlein-Henoch, Pneumonia,
Brain oedema.
Dr. Michaela ZORZI managing since 10 years
an Obstetric-Gynaecological Hospital in Wien-
Hietzing. In 2005 he treated 105 patients, 52 of
them gynaecologically. Among his presentation: a
case of Emesis gravidorum was very rapidly
relieved by Petroleum 30, a Migraine in a pregnant
woman who fitted well in Lac defloratum, a woman
who had pre-term pains was treated well with
Kalium muriaticum and a model case Nux vomica
in a pelvic problem.
Since 1997 Dr.Enfried PRICHLER has been
treating children with Cancer homceopathically
with LM potencies in the beginning and then with
C potencies. Supporting materials were Selenium,
Carotenes, Misletoe and others. The first chosen
medicine alone is not sufficient always; for the
adverse effects of Chemotherapy, appropriate
medicines were given, e.g. Okoubaka for
chronicity, Nux vomica for sensitivity to different
irritants, Chininum arsenicum in Leucothrombocyto
paenia, Ipecacuanha in complaints of digestive
tracts and the air passages if other symptoms agree
with the remedies. A case of Hodgkins disease was
illustrated to explain the above: Natrum
phosphorica was the first choice, followed by Nai-
rn., Cean., Phos., C 200, again Nat-p. C 1000, later
Pic-ac. C12.
The theme of Dr.Jeus WURSTER was the
homoeopathic treatment of Cancer in the Clinic, the
strategies in Tumor pains, Chemotherapy and
Irradiation consequences. Main remedies for the
adverse effects of radiation are Phosphorus,
Radium bromatum and X-ray. For treatment
accompanying Chemotherapy: Ars., Nux v., Cadm-
s.,. Phos., Okou., Sulph., Tab., and Ip. For selecting
a remedy for the pains of Cancer, it is not the
totality which is decisive but the predominant
symptoms. As an example a patient of Ca.
Oesophagus; with Nux vomica he could keep off
Morphine completely, under Phosphorus the
stomach pains could be got over and remain free
from metastasisation. Mainly Q potencies and after
stabilizing, C potencies in single potencies.
Dr. Arthur WOLFEL spoke of the possibilities
and limits of homoeopathic therapy in a potential
field between other clinical methods which one
rejected and so-called 'half-Homoeopathy'.
Important is a concept of simultaneous treatment.
The methods discussed were: "Symptom-
falsification", blocade, suppression. The treatment
strategies are:
1. Homoeopathic single remedy, 2. Continuing
dose reduction of the allopathic medicine, 3. The
threshold of the dose is known by the disease
activity, 4. To wait to decide, give the medicine
oftener, to alter the potency or remedy. A case of a
Urticaria depicted clearly the significance of
homoeopathic Anamnesis.
Dr. Michael TEUT reported his singular
profession in a geriatric section of Miners Hospital
where internistic and homoeopathic were combined.
Only low or middle potencies (D6, D12, C30, Q)
were applied. 46% of all patients were
homceopathically treated; difficult cases which
C Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
failed other therapies. In 2007 prescriptions 82
different remedies were used. Most frequent
remedy: Tabacum (arteriosclerotic changes in
smokers) Stage 2: P/z-ac.(weakness, apathetic
geriatric patients), further on Zinc-val., Sulph.,
Vise, Con., Lack., Arn., Ars., Naja comp. The Kent
Repertory is too time consuming. Therefore
General Analysis and Synoptic Key of BOGER
and the Repertory of PHATAK were used. The
hierarchisation was according to BOGER. The
cases presented were very impressive.
Dr. Andre THURNEYSEN spoke of his 10
years experience as University Consultant. In 10
years there were 290 consultations, from these 135
prescriptions, 88 from the practice, 11 reference to
Dr. Ulf RIKER put the question: "When
Homoeopathy? When Allopathy". Treatment after
careful diagnosis. If we make an allopathic
diagnosis then we discuss the therapeutic method.
If allopathic treatment is not to be done and we are
unable to find a similie then the patient is without
helpful treatment. Diseases with high level of
complications potential (Hypertension, Bronchial
Asthma) must be taken care of carefully. The case
of a woman was illustrative. According to her
symptom similarity, Lycopodium 200, 1000 and
10,000 was given and her complaints went away
completely. The diagnosis then said: Exulzeriertes
signet ring Ca. No metastasis. After an operation
she is well until now (10 years later), fully free
from the disease. Lesson: "Sometimes we have to
refer the patient for an allopathic diagnosis."
Prof. Markus HERRMANN spoke about the
key words in general medicine for example
"cough". A key word is an entry corridor a
systematically developed introduction for necessary
measures for patient care, demarcation of check
lists for rules for guidance. In peculiar cases we
may not use the Keyword. The key words are not
diagnosis oriented, they are simply for example, not
urinary tract infections but burning during
The theme of Dr. Anne KOLER-WILMKING
was "Cough in Paediatrics". His cases included
Influenza, Pneumonias, Asthma bronchial, Croup.
FABIAN who was treated since his birth,
developed at 7 year age non-stop irritating cough
for which he received Kali-c. 200 because he when
asked about his favourite sport answered "of course
work comes first, and then comes sport".
JOHANNES during his Pneumonia will not be
alone, was with his mother in the kitchen and
wanted to be caressed constantly, and flapping of
the wings of the nose; he was cured within 4 days
with Phos XM. A 10 year-old girl with severe
cough received Calc. for her severe cough but
without result, Tub. and Bac. also similarly; when 3
year-old she was always talking with imaginary
friends whom she sought for protection and
telephoned to them. She received 4 x Humarus
gammarus. ELISABETH, 12 years received
several remedies for Asthma and Neurodermatitis;
Nat-m., Tub. and many others. Three years ago she
had severe Asthma attack after her classmates again
made her feel that she was fat. Aqua marina helped
Dr. Jean-Francis CHENOT spoke on the
lumbar pain and held a brief workshop. The ideas
of the participants regarding the procedure went too
far wide and disparate according to their our
individual knowledge and possibilities. Therefore a
guideline could not be drawn but a guideline as to
what should not be, was drawn out [Margaret
TAYLOR wrote an Essay 'How not to do it' =
KSS]. The aetiology is 98% vertebral.
Complicating factors are: significant neurological
issues. Age above 20 and below 50, poor general
state; known tumor disease inadequate traumas,
intravenous drug use, HIV infection, Steroid
medication or suspected Osteoporosis,
Inflammation, Rheumatic Disease. There is a great
tendency of spontaneous healing and therefore the
superfluity of the diagnosis. The natural element of
therapy is the physical activity. For Homoeopathy
only two studies were available, which were in the
National Library, from STAM et al and by
Dr. Karl Fnedrich SCHEIBLE spoke of the
"Tools of Quality maintenance in homoeopathic
treatment, hierarchisation and Case analysis
according to CANDEGABE and CARRARA."
The two authors order the symptoms in three
groups (mental, general, local) and their length of
time in historic intermedial (occurring in the last
one third of life time) and actual (new). Arranged
in a Table with the symptom groups in the left
(vertically) and the Timelength (horizontally), is an
"Energetic Hologram" with new fields. The
highest value and therewith the maximum
weightage contain the "historical" (long remaining)
symptoms; amongst them the mental are the most
important, followed by the general and then the
local symptoms, the intermedial and then the actual
symptoms are, in the same manner are arranged
according to their topical appearance.
Charaterological symptoms will not be represented,
but only in the second line. A case from Practice
(37 year-old Nurse with recurrent Tonsilitis and
Heart palpitations) was cured with Phosphrous, and
it showed the practical method.
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
Dr.Anton ROHRER spoke on "Homoeopathic
Treatment of Lumbar pains" with examples from
his actual Practice. For method he recalled
BOENNINGHAUSEN, who in recurrent
symptoms, gave more weightage for the symptoms
between the attacks and the mental state, and also
on G.H.G. JAHR, who said "when the main
symptom is underterminate the best reference
points for the remedy choice may be almost mainly
on the so-called consensual appearance of the mind,
the respiration, the digestion and the nutrition or the
movement, and indeed so much more if they are far
from the actual seat of the disease and its direct
local signs"; KUNZLI called these valuable
symptoms as "far from the storm-centre". Higher
modalities are signs of first rank, what BOGER said
as Bird's-eye view. Three cases were presented to
show actually how these are worked.
X. Medicinal adverse effects lead to 250,000
hospital admissions per year in the United
Kingdom, HITCHEM, L. (BMJ 2006: 332 : 1109):
It is learnt that the use of homoeopathic medicines
leads to 250,000 hospital admissions per year. The
cry and vindictiveness of some of the evaluations of
the allopathic colleagues is not fantam. Attempts to
forbid speculation is useless. The count by the
British Medical Association is more than quarter
million hospital admissions per year. The resulting
cost estimate is 680 millions Euro. The situation is
Germany is not different. So no cause for worry.
(AHZ. 251,5/2006).
XI. Siesta harmful to health, WIELAND, L. (FAZ
07.6.2006) HAHNEMANN has clearly warned of
obstacles to cure of the chronically ill patients and
"long afternoon naps lying in bed" is one of them.
HAHNEMANN'S list is long (FN to § 260). This
wise knowledge had to wait until now for
'scientific' confirmation! Spanish physicians have
noted from a clinical study of more than 4,000
patients that a mid-day sleep of more than half an
hour lead to severe hypertension with its
consequences and even brain stroke or heart infarct.
While rest for less than 30 minutes refreshed, a
longer rest on the Sofa could be a sign that the
concerned person suffered from respiratory
disturbance in sleep. A brief Siesta suffices the
sleep deficit, but a longer rest cause life-threatening
XII. Whooping cough in School children with
persisting cough, HARNDEN, A., GRANT, C,
HARRISON, T. et al (BMJ. 2006); 333: 174 - 177
(AHZ. 251, 5/2006): In 64 children out of 172 with
longer than 14 days cough serological finding of an
increased pertussis infection was recorded. 54 of
these had been fully immunized. Evidently
protection by basic immunization in infancy holds
only for a shorter time than thought of until now.
XIII. Recovery and false recovery
(PASCHERO ACTA 6, 1969): The clinical
experience with the biographical examination of all
and each of the sick persons establishes irrefutably
the conviction that physiopathological illnesses,
whether organic or local, appearing one after
another during the life of the sick, are metastasis or
substitutive vicarious manifestations of the game of
a psychoneurovegetative dynamic substratum
which rules the total function of the individual as a
person. This dynamic substratum constitutes the
idiosyncrasy, diathesis or determining miasma of
the development of the individual in his process of
maturation, rationalization or humanization and for
the same reason his psychobiological personality.
The vicissitudes of this evolutive process from the
instinctive automatic Will to the exercise of a free
and responsible Will, derive from the moral
conscience which constitutes essentially the human
being, bringing about the psychosomatic symptoms,
raised by the homoeopath to the rank of
characteristic and fundamental clinic values of the
The general symptoms and pathological
modalities make sense only when they are referred
to the total biopathological context or synthetic
vision of the patient. This pathological sense can
only be given by the symptoms of the mental
attitude: what the sick want, desire, long for, disturb
or vex in his animistic relation with the world,
always acting on the basic conflict of life and
fulfillment of Will, presented to him by the enigma
of his existence and the human condition of his
inborn vocation of transcendence.
The moral obligation imposed on the
homoeopath by the Hahnemannian legacy, is that of
searching and knowing what it is that he must heal
making a true anthropological medicine or
medicine of the human person.
XIV. Some letters to the Editor of Homoeopathic
Heritage (HH.30, 4-7/2005) report about Poly-
pharmacy Practice in Homoeopathy. It is also said
that this is not an exception but rather common
especially with the neophytes. And what kinds of
'poly pharmacy'! It is not just prescribing several
remedies - 2, 3, 4 or more - in one day; but taking
more than one remedy at a time; putting into one
vial 2 or more remedies and advising the patient to
take the doses from that; putting different remedies
in different potencies and even 'mother tinctures'
and take from this mixture - 3 or 4 or more doses
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
per day. All sorts of permutations and
combinations, the limit of these cannot be said.
One correspondant takes this easy and condones it
because a young graduate lacking experience and
needing to stand on his own legs, has no other go!
All these are reflections of the very poor
teachings by our Institutions... A lamentable state
indeed. [What efforts should we take and how, to
remedy this disease caused this disease caused by
ignorance? What would the ill patients become if a
'doctor'; pleads ignorance and hence he may be
allowed to bungle! = KSS]
XV. In the July 2005 issue (HH, 30, 7/2005)
the "suffering Homceopths, Karnataka" - i.e.
Students of Homoeopathic Medical colleges in
Karnataka State, India, of the years, 2000, 2001,
2002, say that many of them are unable to procure
50% marks in both Theory and Practicals, - mostly
they do poorly in the Theory — and so they are
detained; this deprives them of six months of
precious student life. These students have not been
covered by the 'internal assessment system and/or
the 'carry over system. The state of these students
is pathetic. They have said that all their
representation to the concerned 'authorities' have
failed. [The Editor of HH has not commented on
this. Every one is indifferent! = KSS]
XVI. The Editor, Horn. Heritage writes of:
"Pneumonia in Homoeopathy followed by Clinical
Materia Medica of Pneumonias as seen my
Practice" (HH, 30, 5 - 8/2005): Pneumonia is the
leading cause of death due infectious diseases. In
2000 Pneumonia was the 8
leading cause of death
in America after Heart disease, Cancer, Iatrogenic
diseases, Strokes, Chronic lower respiratory tract
diseases, Accidents and Diabetes.
Comparative results of treatment of Pneumonia
by Allopathy and Homoeopathy in 1912 are given
which showed that Homoeopathy way ahead in the
successful treatment of Pneumonia. There are
records to prove the excellent treatment of
Pneumonia. There are records to prove the
excellent treatment of Homoeopathy. "In 1928
homopathic physicians reported a death rate of
2.8% among 11,526 patients with Pneumonia who
were treated with Homoeopathy. Dr.P.P.WELLS
commented that a death rate of even 2 or 3% is still
too high under "right" Homoeopathy and gives the
example of Dr. REIS who in his Practice between
1843 to 1848 in the hospital of Linz, Austria had a
mortality rate of 19%. As far as Dr.WELLS is
concerned there has not been even a single case of
The Editor, Dr. Farook MASTER writes of his
own experience. At the end he gives the Materia
Medica in respect of remedies most often required
in the treatment of Pneumonia homoepathically.
[The details provided by the Editor - there is much
more in the old journals - must be carefully read
and digested so that they will gain confidence and
avoid poly pharmacy and surreptitious practices. I
would even recommend that the teachers in the
Homoeopathic Medical Colleges read this one and
such other articles in the old Journals = K.S.S]
XVII. Avian Flu Conference. PUNZO, Molly
(HT. 26, 1/2006). In Nov. 2005, an international
medical congress was organised by Boiron at Paris
to discuss Homoeopathy and the Avian Flu. The
objective was to develop a strategic plan for a
worldwide homoeopathic response to this lurking
and potentially catastrophic threat. It was decided
to create a formal network communications
infrastructure to rapidly disseminate clinical and
homoeopathic information, about Avian Flu from all
over the world.
It was also determined that animal model
research should be done with the hopes of treating
infected bird populations and determining remedies
for prevention and treatment in humans. Boiron
announced donation of one million Euros toward
Avian Flu research.
XVIII. A brand new NCH educational
programme - First Response Homoeopathy:
Disasters, Epidemics and Emergencies is
planned in June 2006 at Philadelphia in
association with Drexel University's Goodwin
College of professional studies. (HT. 26, 1/2006)
The programme is for anyone who wants to
know more about Homoeopathy and its use in
emergency situations. CROCE, Ann Jerome.
XIX. Drug Ads: What we can do. SWOPE,
Harry. (HT. 26, 2/2006)
The major pharmaceutical companies now
spend far more on advertising than on basic
research. Two new books - Generation Rx by
Greg CRISTER and the Truth about the Drug
companies by Marcia ANGELL have revealed how
the flow of information about prescription drugs to
doctors and FDA is corrupted and how the industry
has used its economic and political power to
reshape the FDA to its benefit.
The ultimate challenge that now faces us is this
dis-information barrage of the big pharmaceutical
We must redouble our efforts to educate the
public about the benefits of Homoeopathy. Only
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
certification in homoeopathic practice by a single
nationally recognized board will be the kind of
"Seal of approval" that will make Homoeopathy a
credible alternative to prescription drugs.
XX. World Homoeopathy Awareness Week -
April 24 - 30, 2006. TRAUB, Gabrielle.
Second Annual World Homoeopathy
Awareness week was celebrated by homoeopaths
and friends from 28 countries. (HT. 26, 2/2006)
XXI. The Henry N.WILLIAMS Professional
Service Award was presented to Harry SWOPE
and The Martha Oelman Community Service
Award was presented to Polly GIRVIN.
(HT. 26, 2/2006)
XXII. The art of medicine has gone wayside.
Third World Network Features. The Networks'
WATCH on Medicines, Vol.15, no.3 (May-June
2006). Dr.Ray STRAND. (NAMAH, 15,
Q: You are an MD, and yet you speak out quite
directly about the dangers of prescription drugs.
How does that happen?
A: What really got my attention was an article
written in The Journal of American Medical
Association back in 1998, in which they showed
that properly prescribed medication - prescribed
and taken properly - is the fourth leading cause of
death in the country. Then, when you add another
80,000 deaths due to improperly prescribed
medications that are not taken properly, this would
make prescribed medication the third leading cause
of death. So I think that was the purpose and
reason for writing the book Death by Prescription.
It's just to warn people that they don't need to take
so much medication. If you really need to take
medication, take it. But do not have blind faith in
the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the
pharmaceutical industry, the doctor or the
pharmacist. You need to take some personal
responsibility to protect yourself and your loved
ones from an adverse drug reaction.
Q: In the world of modern medicine and all of
these pharmaceuticals, your voice is not exactly the
majority voice from, say, organized medicine. Do
you receive a lot of criticism for this?
A: Physicians find their comfort in writing
prescriptions. They understand their drugs, at least
most of them do, and that's what they are trained to
do. We are looking for disease and the treatments
that we know we can prescribe. But what has
happened is that the art of medicine has kind of
gone out the wayside, because we do not teach
them how they can best avoid high blood pressure
medication or cholesterol-lowering drugs or
diabetes medication, because number one, we don't
have time and number two, we don't believe the
changes they can make will be effective. It is partly
demanded by the people and the patients, but it is
also due to our training, and being inundated by the
pharmaceutical representatives that come into our
office promoting products.
Q: What sets you apart in your medical practice
from other doctors and how does that happen?
A: There are well-documented health benefits of
exercising and eating a healthy diet. If people
would just do that, then they wouldn't have to see
me that much. People need to know that Heart
disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, and Stroke
- I mean the list goes on and on - are really closely
related and can be prevented by a healthier lifestyle.
So I have really changed my practice to be more
involved in wellness and health - a part of which is
teaching people healthy lifestyles. That's where I
have gone in the last ten years.
Q: One of the latest statin class of drugs is being
marketed as miracle drugs to treat practically
everything. What do you say about it?
A: Here is a very classic thing; they just lowered
the recommended level of LDL cholesterol, or the
bad cholesterol, to be below 70 in high-risk people.
Well, 1 have not seen less than 4 or 5 percent of my
patients have LDL cholesterol below 70. In other
words, almost everybody would then be on statin
drugs. This is a real shot in the arm for the
pharmaceutical industry, because they have got a
government agency - about nine leading people in
this industry - making these recommendations.
Well, then you find out that at least seven of these
nine physicians who were major key people on the
studies and recommending these changes were
receiving money and, for some of them, pretty good
stipends from the pharmaceutial industry.
XXIII. The Frogs go marching out; Habitat
loss, pollution and global warming are driving frogs
and other amphibians towards extinction. Frogs are
highly sensitive; not only Frogs, but Toads and
Salamanders also are so. Apart from the
degradation of the environment by man causing
vanishing several creature species, the Frogs are
also now afflicted by a Fungal disease,
Chytridomycosis. This Fungus has wiped out
native amphibians on a mass scale in Panama.
(The Hindu, Chennai, Oct. 22, 2007). [In his
Essay what are poisons? What are Medicines?
(1805) HAHNEMANN has cited a long list of
Man's stupidity and greed leading to environmental
degradation. In effect HAHNEMANN declares in
this Essay that a Wise Man knows how to live
happily with the help of all creatures. Those of
© Quarterly Homoiopatriic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
us professing Homoeopathy should conscientiously
be out of this degradation club but instead maintain
all lives. = KSS.]
XXIV. From time to time comes out from the
"Scientific World" with the signature of eminent
Scientists including Nobel Laureates, some very
unscientific conclusions. (The Hindu, Chennai
Oct. 30, 2007). A scientist can well model his
scientific research to reach a preconceived result.
For example, the 'scientific' 'discoveries that 'race
matters for Intelligence'; that the dark skinned
people are less intelligent! Again 'Eugenis' is
raising its head. The Nobel Laureate James
WATSON is reported to have said that "black
people have lower level of intelligence than
whites"! [What is this intelligence? If the
discovery of the power of Atom is great
"intelligence" how would we rank the manufacture
and application of the Atom bombs? Is that an
"intelligent" race's action? Are Mahatma
GANDHI and Nelson MANDELA in any was less
"intelligent" than EINSTEIN and Niels BOGER?
Modern 'genetics' is flawed. Spencer WELLS in
his book - The Journey of Man, A genetic Odyssey,
Penguin. 2002 — has clearly come to the conclusion
that every man alive today is descended from the
African; that includes Prof. James WATSON! =
XXV. In an article in the 'Supplement' to The
Hindu, Chennai, Oct. 28, 2007, Dr. Uma
Krishnamurthy writes about Breast Cancer; this
article gives some alarming "progresses" in the
field of diagnosis and treatment of Breast
Cancer. The learned author speaks of "the
dramatic and ongoing advances in the field of
Breast diseases". Of course there is more drama.
The "crunch" of the advances is "that the best
methods of diagnosis and treatment came at a cost
even diagnosis is an expensive business
Treatment is financially crippling Today we
have special drugs The cost of these injections
is approximately Rs. 1,00,000 per dose. These
drugs need to be given every three weeks for close
to an year. To meet the bills families have been
known to reduce themselves to penury. The
tragedy is that many do not servive". The question
raised at the ends "Whom does one blame for this
financial juggernaut?: The Government, the Private
Sector, or the Multi National Companies? Or the
patient asking to live in peace for a few more
years?" [ The physician has no blame? Does not
the physician cooperate with the multinational
pharmaceutical industry? Let the homoeopaths
wake up. Homoeopathic treatment would involve
the smallest fraction of the expenditure. There is
also better life quality. = KSS].
XXVI. A Promise of Health. Bringing
Homoeopathy to rural Yucatan GRANNELL,
William. (HT. 26, 2/2006)
For the past 4 years, a small U.S. charity, A
Promise of Health, has labored to bring
Homoeopathy to poor rural villages in Mexico's
Yucatan Peninsula. Today, Homoeopathy has
become the primary form of health care for the
people in these villages.
Dr. ROSADO studied medicine at the National
School of Medicine and Homoeopathy in Mexico
city. He now visits each village for an entire day in
a mobile clinic.
The village leaders are not only supportive,
contributing financially which they receive from
Mexico's State and Federal government.
One of their successful programs is cataract
surgery - in association with ophthalmic surgeons.
They are also calling upon medical specialists to
assist them with cases requiring surgery.
XXVII. Intestinal superbug claims
more lives. Are antibiotics and heart burn drugs
to blame? Help your heartburn with
Homoeopathy. Amy E.LOCKWOOD (HT. 26,
Clostridium difficile (C-diff) is one of the most
common hospital acquired infection which cause
diarrhoea and colitis.
It's increased virulence is due to overuse of
antibiotics, use of new heartburn drugs, carriers of
C-diff. Who have no symptoms and inadequate
hygienic practices.
Bleach is an effective cleaning agent against C-
Indications for Antimonium crudum,
Arsenicum album, Bryonia, Carbo vegetabilis, Nux
vomica, Pulsatilla and Robinia are given.
XXVIII. Making Homoeopathic History. Jean
HOAGLAND (HT. 26, 3/2006)
The first Annual American Joint Homoeopathic
Conference was con vened on 7
April 2006. The
NCH assumed responsibility for this with the
support and encouragement of all the other groups
represented in the Homoeopathic Action Alliance
(HAA). This is a historic resurgence of
Homoeopathy in the United States.
XXIX. Your Emotions do impact Productivity.
SRIDHAR, Bindu (The Hindu 27, June, 2007)
Our individual traits, mood swings and positive
or negative emotions not only affect all aspects of
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
our job performance (including decision making,
creativity, efficiency, teamwork and leadership
abilities), but also the behaviour and emotions of
those we interact with.
Emotions are short-term response to stimuli,
while moods linger over a relatively longer period
of time. Personality traits or disposition on the
other hand define a person's overall approach to
Our overall mood is in effect defined by the
number of positive versus negative moments
experienced during the course of a day.
The impact of the ratio of positive to negative
interaction could be used to accurately predict
Negative thinking is oriented towards
achieving or averting immediate consequences,
rather than focusing on long term considerations.
Positive emotions, on the other hand, create a
more expansive and inclusive range of behaviours
with a win/win basis. Excessive expression of
emotion - positive or negative - can do more harm
than good.
XXX. Hahnemann Monument Restoration
Project: Tenth Report. Sept. 28, 2005. CHASE,
Sandra, M. (AJHM. 99, 1/2006).
The repair on the mosaic had ben completed.
Substantial portions of the Statue of Hahnemann
have been cleaned and waxed. The oak tree planted
to the right of the monument in 2004 had grown.
Due to painstaking research and the meticulous care
undertaken in the restoration of the Hahnemann
monument and its site, a date for the completion of
the work cannot yet be set.
XXXI. Two 'Letters to the Editor' (AJHM. 99,
1/2006) are with reference to the article of
Dr.Todd A.HOOVER LYME disease.
Evaluation and Treatment; in the AJHM, 98,
3/2005. One writer (Dr.Ellen FEINGOLD)
expresses his approval of Dr. HOOVER's
recommendation of using antibiotics for
'prevention' of Lyme Disease. He agrees with
Dr.HOOVER that antibiotics do not "suppress" [Do
they 'cure' then? = KSS]. He also agrees with Dr.
HOOVER that Homoeopathy and antibiotic work
well together for Lyme disease. The writer is in
complete agreement with Dr. HOOVER.
The other Dr.Ronald D.WHITMONT disagrees
totally with antibiotic use. He writes with detailed
references that antibiotics do suppress and that in
his experience with Homoeopathy there is great
success with treatment of Lyme Disease. [Lyme
Disease seems to be on 'Lime-light'. A recent
book "The Homoeopathic Treatment of Lyme
Disease", by Peter ALEX "with contributions from
Bill GRAY, Mathias RICHTER, Alize
TIMMERMAN, Fran VERMEULEN and others",
is the latest in this I met Peter ALEX (he is a
Veterinarian) at Torgau, Germany, where he is
involved - with several others - in restoring
Hahnemann's House (Hahnemann lived for six
years in Torgau) - and purchased it. A proving of
Aurum arsenicosum, considered as a major remedy
in Lyme Disease, is given in this book. Borrelia
nosode also come in well. The book contains 16
cases also. = KSS].
XXXII. The nexus between the Drug Industry
and the 'Doctor' has once again come up for
In a Sub-Editorial in The Hindu, Chennai, 5
Nov. 2007, bemoans the nexus between doctors and
Pharmaceutical companies. Through "expensive
gifts, sponsored conferences, lavish holidays,
compromised medical education in the garb of
continuing medical education have all become
common. The malady has eroded the health care
system to such an extent that practices such as
unnecessary medication, prescribing expensive
medicines when cheaper equivalents are available,
and 'premature adoption of novel treatments', do
not keep the best interests of patients in mind."
Rewarding doctors for switching from one drug to
another was "the standard industry practice". It
appears that "Companies spend 19 billion each year
for establishing and maintaining the relationship"!
In another article by R. PRASAD ('Science &
Technology', The Hindu, Chennai, Nov. 8, 2007),
it is said that "Companies in the US that produce
drugs and medical devices with a turnover of more
than $100 million may soon be forced to reveal the
money that they give to doctors to influence their
prescribing patterns. The bribes by the
pharmaceucatical companies are both overt and
covert. According to an Editorial in the British
Medical Journal (April 2005) 'over half of all
postgraduate medical education in the U.K. is
funded by the pharmaceutical industry, ....the
industry spends about $ 13,000 a year per doctor on
marketing activities. In all they spend more than
$20 billion per year on marketing about 90 percent
of which goes to doctors." There is much more.
But enough. Everyone knows [There is nothing
new in this. That the Pharmaceutical Industry was
threatened with Hahnemann's small doses and
simple single remedies and hence they harassed
him in many ways is well known. The
homoeopathic Pharmacies are, in their own small
way trying to emulate this unethical practice with
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
regard to their several compounds, is unfortunate.
Homoeopaths should beware = KSS].
XXXIII. Unsetting sign of the times. (HT. 11,
5/1991 P.8): "Pam CALLIGAN mailed us an
article from the American Medical News titled
"Sign of the Times." It said that Leyden County
Community Hospital in Northlake, IL sent a
"Holiday Surgery Scheduling Incentive Memo"
advising that any physician who performed major
surgery between certain dates would be entitled to
receive a "Promotional Incentive" - a fax machine
or a cellular telephone. Surgeries during the
incentive month rose 15% to 20%.
XXXIV. The NJH, 6, 1/2004 covers
Medorrhinum as the 'theme' of the issue. The
Editor, Dr. Vishpala PARTHASARATHY raises an
important question. Medorrhinum is from the
Gonococcal poison. Does the knee chest lying
position, agg. during day and amel. by night
indicate promiscuity? Could the spread of STDs
be due to the promiscuity? The progression of
disease seems to be from Gonorrhoea to Syphilis to
HIV-AIDS, each a worser killer than the previous
XXXV. Conference Report: Improving the
success of Homoeopathy 5: A global perspective;
London, January 26-27, 2006, Royal London
Homoeopathic Hospital: Report by Dana
Since 1997 the Royal London Homoeopathic
Hospital has sponsored a conference on
homoeopathic research approximately every two
years. The 2006 Conference is the fifth in the
Series entitled "Improving the Success of
Homceopathy: A Global Perspective" Dr.Xiaorui
Zhang head of the Traditional Medicine department
at the World Head Organization sent a paper (as she
was to attend another WHO Meet). The WHO is
preparing a Special Report on Homceopathy which
is said to be "too positive" for Homceopathy and
therefore there was much 'attack' on the Report.
But WHO kept up.
- In Brazil, a double blind randomized and placebo
— controlled clinical trial was conducted on 52
subjects who were occupationally exposed to
Mercury. The treatment group was given
Mercurius 7c or 12c. Patients submitted their
blood, urine and hair for analysis prior to treatment
and at 30 and 60 days after treatment. The level of
Mercury reduction in the hair sample was
statistically significant. The treatment group
experienced a greater increase in Mercury excretion
through the urine.
A potentised homoeopathic remedy Arsenicum
album 30c was administered to a group of arsenic
exposed people in West Bengal and thereafter the
arsenic contents in their urine and blood were
periodically determined. The subjects experienced
higher excretion amounts of Arsenic. [Such
experiments - "Elimination kinetics" - have been
carried several years ago - may be 25-30 years.
Unfortunately documentation centrally is not there.
So we keep on repeating this experiments. To
satisfy whom? Even if we present a thousand cases
it will still be rejected = KSS].
A double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized
trial on 50 patients with Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease in which either Kali
bichromicum 30c or a placebo was prescribed for
tenacious tracheal discharge. This study found
highly significant effects in the treatment of these
seriously ill patients. This study is being replicated
in Israel.
Clinical outcome studies are conducted to
evaluate the results of the entire package of care
provided by homoeopaths. This better represents
the way that homoeopaths provide care and that
patients receive it.
An international primary care outcomes study
compared homoeopathic and conventional treatment
for acute respiratory and ear complaints. A total of
2055 patients recruited and 1200 were given
homoeopathic and 829 were given conventional
treatment. Children (under 18) who received a
homoeopathic treatment experienced 'complete
recovery' or 'major improvement' at a significantly
higher rate at 7 and 14 days.
A cost effectiveness and quality of life study
conducted in France compared the results of
treatment from homoeopathic general practitioners
with that of non-homceopathic GPs and
Paediatricians in the management of Recurrent
Acute Rhino-pharyngitis in children and Infantile
Bronchiolitis. The homoeopathic GPs produced
better results in medical effectiveness and quality of
life for equivalent costs reimbursed.
In Infantile Bronchiolitis, the homoeopathic GPs
obtained better results in medical effectiveness with
lower costs reimbursed.
Only 16% and 24% of infants treated by
homoeopathic GPs received antibiotics and cortico
steroids respectively. (HOMEOPATHY, 95,
XXXVI. Clinical cases following Sankaran's
method: Opuntia vulgaris. INGRID VAN DE
VEL (RBH. 2006, 2: 80 in HOMEOPATHY, 95,
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV. 3 & 4/ 2007
A woman suffering from Dyspareunia and a
man with headache. The theme was compression
and expansion and hope alternating with
hopelessness. This belongs to Ringworm Miasm
and Cactaceae family. Opuntia vulgaris is the
medicine. Materia Medica is described.
XXXVII. Elaps corallinus. MARCHAT
PHILIPPE (L'Homeopathie Europeenne 2006 in
HOMEOPATHY, 95, 4/2006)
Elaps patients dream of or fear of falling and
may desire solitude or fear being alone. Somatic
symptoms are blackness of discharges, green crusts
in nose, chronic Otorrhoea, worse on right side,
chilliness, marked craving for Salads, Oranges,
bananas, > by lying on abdomen, desquamating
eruptions on tip of fingers.
(Les Echos du Centre Liegeois d'Homeopathie
2006 in HOMEOPATHY, 95, 4/2006)
16 year-old boy wearing a 'six feet under' Tee
shirt and suffered from severe acne. Curvature of
spine, destructiveness, fear in crowd, aversion to
and aggravation by company, childish behaviour,
ejaculation failing during coitus, enjoyment absent
during coitus [16 year-old boy already complaining
of ejaculation failure etc.! = KSS].
(CGH. 2/2006 in HOMEOPATHY, 95, 4/2006)
The main features of Kreosotum in children are
recalled: Difficult dentition with acrid diarrhoea
and excoriation between nates and thighs. Irritable
and won't sleep at night unless cuddled all the time.
Some clinical cases emphasize the main
symptoms of this medicine in adults: fear of coitus
and rape, weeping from music, corrosive and foul
discharges, early decay of teeth, menstrual pains
relieved by cold drinks, sensation of balls in soles
of feet in morning on waking.
PRIESTMAN (3 June 1911 - 26 May 2006)
Dr. PRIESTMAN, was a well-known general
practitioner in Hendon, North London. She studied
and practiced Homoeopathy becoming a fellow of
the Faculty of Homoeopathy in 1955. She worked
at Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital and
took charge of the Children's Department after Dr.
Donald FOUBISTER. She has lectured on
children's diseases by illustrating her discussion
with personal experiences.
She was president of Missionary school of
medicine between 1981 and 1991. She retired in
1980s. During her retirement Kathleen enjoyed
craftwork and reading [I have read several articles
of Dr. PRIESTMAN in the old BHJ and they have
helped me learn more particularly for daily practice.
Her passing away is a great loss indeed = KSS]. -
Anita E. DAVIES.
XLI. Editorial: (Farokh J. MASTER, HH., Vol.
30, 8/2005)
Acalypha indica: This remedy is used mostly
in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. 1 have been using in
case of Lung Cancer, especially when the
expectoration is bloody-bright red, and not very
profuse but in streaks; this comes, after a violent
cough which has two unique features; cough worse
at night and patient is extremely exhausted when he
wakes up in the morning; he gathers strength as the
day advances. Another characteristic feature of the
remedy is "hemorrhage from rectum" due to Piles
or Rectum Cancer. Important indication: blood is
bright red, profuse. Few doses of 6x is enough.
After reading ANSHUTZE's book Lactic acid
is good remedy for Tissue Rheumatism and Acute
Arthritic Rheumatism and shifting pains. The most
important joints affected are the elbows and knees,
the shoulder and the wrist. Motion in any form
aggravates Rheumatism. In the background you
will find Diabetes in such patients with profuse and
sour perspiration on hands and feet.
Lactic acid patients always have stomach
disorder. They love butter milk and sugar.
Aethiops antimonialis: An excellent remedy
for furuncles. Unique symptom is starts with
scratching later on turns big, red, painful and
pustular. Marked remedy for ecematization. Acts
on Tuberculosis or Syphilis. Eczema around anus
Chronic Otitis Media where discharge is offensive.
Pustular variety of Conjunctivitis.
Alpha alpha: Enlarged prostate. Control
excessive frequency of urination.
(The spelling found in ANSHUTZE Alpha alpha -
in BOERICKE and SCHROYENS is Alfa alfa).
XLH. [Several unauthenticated, arbitrary
entries have been made to the Repertories that
have come after the Kent Repertory. The
Repertories are becoming very obese. What are the
sources for these additions? How trustworthy are
these? No body questions. Some one publishes a
"Proving" containing pages of 'Mental' symptoms
and few under other heads. Few cases treated by
him/her with this new remedy are given. And then
the author gives "additions to the Repertory"!
What can one comment?! = KSS]. The
Homoeopathy First (HF. 2/2006) has made a
study of Silica in the Repertory. [Which Repertory
has not been mentioned. But well-known
O Quaiteriy Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
"modern" ones are the Synthesis and Complete
Repertory = KSS.]
Single symptom Rubrics have been taken up
for the study. The symptoms (Rubrics) are looked
for in the 'Source' Books. 'The conclusion' is:
1. Number of Rubrics (studied) under Silica: 99
2. Number of incorrect Rubrics: 39
3. Number of non-existent Rubrics: 30
4. Out of 99 dreams, 69 dreams are wrongly
entered in to the Repertory.
However, the authors of HF themselves have
given 16 "additions" from the Chronic Diseases
and Encyclopaedia. [Since about 15 years (if not
more) new 'Guru's have been appearing in the
homoeopathic world and teach their own
'discoveries'. The homoeopaths already
bewildered, lap up these eagerly. It was the
'Delusion' first, then the 'Themes', 'Periodic
Table', 'Signatures' (climbers, spinners are
spiders!), 'Kingdoms', 'Sensations', 'Facets', and
so on. Now the authors of HF are talking of
'Ripple Effect'; In respect of case Analysis Paul
HERSCU introduced his own method of 'Cycles
and Segments' and propagated it through his
journal - the New England Journal of Homoeopathy
which unfortunately folded with an incomplete Vol.
9 in 2001! Those amongst us who look about for
clear direction for improving ourselves are shown
different directions by different 'teachers'.
Hahnemann was called rigid, dogmatic, autocratic,
when he insisted on following him rightly. He
know that leniency would lead to chaos.
Homoeopathy seems to be too plastic, flexible,
pliable and formless that any one and/ or everyone
can mould it in his/her own ways according to the
'insight' ! What occult powers he/she has to
develop 'insight' of this individual. The saving
grace is that there are still some 'minority' who cry
out to the profession to 'hew to the line' and not be
carried away by fascinations = KSS.]
XLTII. In the HL. 17, 4/2004 there was 'review'
of Jeremy SHERR's 'Dynamic Provings Vol.2', by
Rene HUTLIER in which the reviewer has found
certain deficiencies. Reacting to this, a reader,
Steve WALDSTEIN, USA. Writes (HL. 18, 1 &
2/2005), that "actually it's a wonderful book. It
introduces seven new remedies and adds to our
knowledge of one more. I have already, in the
short time since it has been out, had six patients
who are doing well on three of these new remedies
" [This is not unusual. In Homoeopathy
Today (since nearly a decade) you present a new
remedy, with lot of data, 50% of it on 'mind', more
than 25% on 'dreams' and suggest at the same time
additions to rubrics (!!), and lo! Soon there are
reports - like Steve WALDSTEIN now saying that
already we had six patients who were doing well on
the new remedies - of the remedies great curative
effects. In a Seminar by one well-known
Homoeopathy 'Master' (there are quite a number of
them now who give seminars all over the World,
and the hungry world of Homoeopathy eagerly
swallow the presentation) presents 'Stramonium'
and it makes, a great impression; soon there are
several cases of Stramonium (or Staphysagria or
Carcinosin, etc.). Colleagues will recall that.
Carcinosin is not so often prescribed now (as
we see in the journals) as say, ten years ago. When
Dr.M.L.SEHGAL introduced Opium - Fear of
extravagance: Op. — for more than an year there
were case after case where in the Sehgal method
users applied this remedy, "successfully". Then
Dr.SEHGAL, gave 'Belladonna' and for the next
one year and more this remedy ruled with
unbounded sway the Sehgal School followers; it
was to the extent that one homooeopath who was
applying the Sehgal method swore that more than
80% of cases could be cured with either of these
remedies. I was stunned when she said so. Now
we do not see either of these remedies so often;
why? Are there no more "Fear, extravagance, of?
Today we read of homoeopaths who are able to do
good work with the 123 remedies in
Boenninghausen's Pocket Book. Personally, I
feel that if one masters the Materia Medica of well-
proved and well clinically confirmed homoeopathic
remedies, we can do well enough. I hasten to
assure that I am not against new provings they are
part of a homoeopath's job. What I would like to
say is that we should be careful that we are not
messing up. Already the Materia Medica is getting
unwielding and the repertory is so awesomely big.
Where are we heading? = KSS]
A Prover ('Prover 32') in the about mentioned
Proving of Jeremy SHERR has also responded to
Rene HULTIER's review. This response is a
"thought about Provings". The Prover 32 says "a
prover simply records the way in which a substance
temporarily colours and shifts our perceptions, so
that for a while we all resonate with the unfolding
narrative, out of our usual time and space. Ideally
the ego is suspended and the self moves out of the
way so a true unprejudiced observer may emerge.
.... The skill of the master prover is to take insights
from the collective experience to refine and
produce a coherent and useful resource ". [A
proving need not be associated with such
explanations as 'shifting of perceptions',
'Collective conciousness' etc. Proving, as cure, is
individual not collective. Substances produce in a
normally person alteration of feelings and functions
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
and these are noted down iriTull detail; awaiting
verification in a case. That's all. HAHNEMANN
did not attempt 'explanations.' Also the Master
Prover is not to take 'insights' and 'refine' etc. He
should simply ensure that the Prover reported
exactly; the Master Prover has no business to add
'insights' or 'refine' them = KSS]
XLIV. New homoeopathic Provings and
Remedies: This is a 'regular'column in the HL
henceforth. (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005). "The ideal
medium to collect provings is a website", which is
run in two languages - German and English. New
Provings: Golden pyrite (Pyr-d.); Vitis vinifera, Viti
Vivifera (Website:
provings.html). Other full provings available are:
Loxarecles reclusa, Helodrilus caliginosus, Carbon
dioxide, Coriandrum sativum, Argentum
sulphuricum, Calypti anna, Musca
domentica,Hippocampus kuda.
XLV. Newly founded homoeopathic College in
former house of Hahnemann: reported by Peter
ALEX, Doughlas SMITH (HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005):
In Torgau, Saxony, a new homoeopathic
institute for training and research is to be
established in the very building that Hahnemann
occupied while writing his 'Organon of the Healing
Art,' among other works. Located on the River
Elbe, Torgau was the seat of the court of the Prince
Elector of Saxony, until the late 16
Hahnemann himself lived here from 1805 to 1811.
Converging upon what was the cradle of their
discipline two centuries before, in August 2003
some twenty practitioners from all over Germany
joined forces to provide Homoeopathy with a fresh
impetus. Unfortunately, the heyday of
Homoeopathy in Saxony had been rather brief, a
decline setting in soon after some key founding
fathers departed for America. The community they
left behind never consolidated. While
Homoeopathy took root in many parts of the world,
it had little impact in Saxony, despite the dedicated
efforts of some enthusiasts. The many places
where Hahnemann and other famous homoeopaths
had lived and worked were either inaccessible (as
in the Communist period) or simply of no interest.
Through the discovery Hahnemann's house in
Torgau, on Pfarrstrasse 3, new light was shed on a
bit of homoeopathic history that had long been
concealed. No sooner was the house listed for
demolition in 1991 than rain entered via a leaky
roof, washing off layers of plaster to reveal some
wall paintings underneath. The resorers who
examined them shortly thereafter determined that
the paintings originated from the time when the
house was first built, in 1474, and that these in fact
constituted the oldest wall paintings ever found in
any house in Saxony. Built on the location of a
former nunnery, the original house had been deeded
to a nobleman by the Saxon Prince Elector.
Arriving in Torgau in early 1805, Hahnemann
and his family were quite well off due to an
inheritance from his mother-in-law. Thus, they
could afford this still rather large and splendid
'house with a doorway and a garden' (as
Hahnemann described it in a letter).
In the course of the present restoration, some
rooms will be given the original design and tone of
the renaissance, while others will be decorated in
the baroque style of Hahnemann's time.
Compared, for example, to Hahnemann's home in
Koethen, where only the outer walls remain, his
residence in Torgau retains many interior details
dating from his own period. They give us a lively
impression of how the residents lived two centuries
In order to oversee the restoration and
redecoration, a group of practicing homoeopaths
founded the Torgau International Homoeopathic
College Foundation as a non-profit organization.
Once the restoration is complete, our Foundation
will seek to maintain Hahnemann's residence as a
place for homoeopathic work and international
exchange. We are about to rent the house, which
still belongs to the municipality. Embarking on a
campaign to secure subsidies and raise funds, we
will rely entirely for assistance upon our
colleagues, the public, and local government. The
mayor of Torgau welcomes our project and has
found various ways to support it.
To read more on the subject, look for the
English translation of the booklet entitled 'Where
the Organon was Written' to be published in 2004.
To see www.hahnemann-targau.de
XLVI. The Second East-Western Homoeopathic
Conference - Institute for Systematic
Homoeopathy, Gottingen, Germany, July 3-6, 2003.
(HL. 18, 1 & 2/2005)
(Report by Mary GILLIES, UK): The main
speakers were all "very experienced in the use of
the new approach to case taking and analysis, as
developed by Dr. Raj an SANKARAN and his
colleagues in Bombay. It was inspiring to listen to
the different cases and to see on video how widely
applicable and reliable the new method proves to be
in practice, however varied the culture and context
of both patient and homoeopath. The cases
presented were "Cheetah's milk', 'Lillium
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest. Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
tigrinum', 'Asarum europaeum', 'Aristolochia
clematis', 'Natrum sulphuricum' and 'Rabbit'.
[It is not possible for me to learn anything from
these cases. They are not the Homoeopathy which
has been founded by HAHNEMANN and taught
further by illustrious persons like
WELLS, LIPPE & further in the lineage = KSS].
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly
Homoeopathic Digest are given below:
1. ADVH: Advent of Homoeopathy, 37, South Anarkali Extn.,
Delhi-110 051.
2. AHZ: Allgemeine Homoopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Hiithig GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121,
3. AJHM: American Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine,
801 N.Fairfax Street, Suite 306, Alexandria, VA 22314,
4. CCR: Homoeopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Dr. Subhash
Meher, Near Hotel Chanakya, Anandrishiji Marg,
Burudgaon Road, AHMEDNAGAR-414001.
5. HF: Homoeopathy First, "Classical Homoeopathic research
Centre", E-4, Om Motinagar Society, Roshan Nagar Road,
Off Chandavarkar Road, Borivali (West), Mumbai - 400
6. HH: Homoeopathic Heritage, B. Jain Publishers Overseas,
1920, Street No. 10, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, Post Box
5775, New Delhi - 110 055.
7. HL: Homoeopathic Links, Homoeopathic Research &
Charities, F/s, Saraswat Colony, Linking Road, Santacruz
(W), MUMBAI - 400 054.
8. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British Homeopathic Journal
(BHJ), Homeopathy, Faculty of Homeopathy, 29 Park
Street West, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
9. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for
Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
10. NAMAH: New Approches to Medicine and Health, Sri
Aurobindo Society, PONDICHERRY - 605 001.
11. NJH: National Journal of Homoeopathy, 71B Saraswati
Road, Near Gokul Icecream,, Santacruz (W), MUMBAI -
400 054.
12. S & C: Science and Culture, Indian Science News
Association, 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road,
KOLKATA - 700 009.
13. ZKH: Zeitschrift ftir Klassische Homoopathie, Karl F.
Haug Verlag, Hiithig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121
The five energies are the true energies of the
fundamental forces. When they are correctly
aligned they congeal into one.
When your body is not agitated, your
vitality is stable, and its energy returns to
the origin.
When your mind is not agitated, your
breath is stable and its energy returns to the
When your nature is always tranquil,
the higher soul is stored, and its energy
returns to the origin.
When emotions are forgotten, the
lower soul is subdued, and its energy
returns to the origin.
When the physical elements are in
harmony, the will is stable, and its energy
returns to the origin.
When these five forces are in their
proper place and at peace, they revert to
their reality, which is the source of
["Research of the Source, 'Teaching
of the Pure Clarity of the Spiritual Jewel of
the Exalted' in Vitality, Energy, Spirit - a
Taoist Source Book", Shambala, 1991]
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
(This section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some case)
1. Temperament and Behaviour Assessment of
Children in Classical Homoeopathy
NEUSTAEDTER, Randall (JAIH. 82, 2/1989)
It is often difficult to understand a child's
emotional case adequately. Homoeopaths resort to
keynote prescribing in children, because subtle
levels of emotional expression are difficult to
fathom. The homoeopath must usually rely on the
parents' report, which is not always accurate. A
structured approach to the child's case is essential,
and it is helpful if the homoeopath can utilize
several options for eliciting accurate data. Separate
parent and child interviews, parent questionnaires,
and self assessment questionnaires of older children
are tools that the homoeopath can use to bring out
the emotional case in order to determine accurate
rubrics and correct prescriptions.
Behaviour assessment:
In a child's emotional case, Homoeopathy
focuses primarily on behaviour. This is because, by
principle and definition, Homoeopathy is grounded
in symptom expression. The Materia Medica for
children is a database of observed symptoms.
Adults can describe their symptoms and feelings;
young children must be observed. Proving records
describe emotional behaviours and observed
feelings ("He was in a rage" or "involuntary
weeping"). Similarly, cured case reports describe
behaviours observed by the homoeopath or revealed
by the parents that have improved after a
prescription ("contrary" or "timidity"). Symptoms
of value to the homoeopath should be observable or
clearly stated by the child or parents. Prescriptions
are usually not based upon intuition, conjecture or
theoretical, psychological analysis. A homoeopath
may sometimes search for causes, such as grief, or
make assumptions about a child's fears based upon
observed behaviour (for example, clinging to a
parent at any separation).
A useful evaluative tool for the homoeopath
would facilitate and organize the clinical interview
rather than complicate it. Ideally it would provide
information about the child's behaviour. Obtaining
valid information about a child's emotional state
can be a perplexing task. The child's behaviour in
the office may not be consistent with her behaviour
in other, more familiar settings. Parent reports may
reflect their inadequacies, anxieties, or wishful
thinking, rather than the child's own nature. A
written parent questionnaire that asks about specific
behaviours is often helpful to obtain valid
information. Several pediatric screening
questionnaires have been developed to find children
with significant behaviour problems. Two
examples of these screening devices are the
Pediatric Symptom Checklist
and the Child
Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)
. These were
designed for Pediatricians and Pediatric
Psychologists to screen for those children in need
of further psychological evaluation and treatment.
They are not very specific.
Such a diagnostic and screening tool may
reveal specific behavioural and emotional problem
areas, but they have limitations for homoeopathic
practice. The primary limiting factor in
behavioural assessment questionnaires is their lack
of descriptive parameters. The purpose of these
tools is to suggest psycho-pathology and assist in
diagnosis. Homoeopaths are less interested in a
diagnosis than description for a very specific
reason. The decision to give a medicine is based
upon living images and subtleties of response.
Diagnostic testing devices are not capable of
eliciting the information necessary to differentiate
remedies, but they may help to lead interviews in
the right direction, especially with an
uncommunicative child or adolescent.
Temperament Assessment:
Another tool that proves even more useful in
homceopathic practice is the evaluation of
temperament. It is helpful for the classical
homoeopath to differentiate temperament attributes
from emotional pathology when considering a
constitutional medicine. If the homoeopath makes
an objective and disciplined assessment of
temperament, then the child's behaviour can be
placed in perspective. It will then be easier to
differentiate which behaviours arise from innate
tendencies (such as slow adaptability to new
situations), which behaviours are a product of
parents' inappropriate or insensitive management,
and which indicate psychological problems in the
child. This will establish clarity in the on-going
case and provide realistic expectations for progress.
The homoeopath will then be in better position to
make appropriate interventions. The remainder of
this article will present methods for evaluating
temperament and using this information for
homceopathic prescribing.
© Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
Temperament is equivalent to behavioural
style, as opposed to behavioural content.
Temperament is defined as the way a child
expresses herself, or the how of behaviour
: This is
in contrast to motivations (the why of behaviour) or
abilities (the what of behaviour). The assessment
of motivations and developmental skills may also
have utility in homoeopathic prescribing, but a
discussion of their assessment is outside the scope
of this article. Temperament is central to the
child's homoeopathic constitutional case because
temperament descriptors embrace both the inherited
tendencies of the child's personality and the
dynamic responses of the child to her environment
The assessment of temperament has evolved
through the pioneering work of Alexander
THOMAS and Stella CHESS. These two
prodigious researchers and prolific authors have
conducted a thirty year study, begun in 1956, which
has evaluated temperament characteristics in a
group of 133 individuals from birth through early
adulthood, the New York Longitudinal Study
. The initial purpose of this study was to
identify and describe the individual behavioural
differences in children. Through extensive parental
reports and child interviews they were able to
define nine categories of behaviour. Children can
be evaluated on scales within each of those
categories and an individual temperament profile
established. These temperament profiles have been
used for several purposes including advising
parents about behaviour management
, facilitating
various aspects of pediatric care
, and assisting in
psychological evaluation and treatment
Temperament can be assessed in three ways.
First, parental questionnaires have been developed
for children from four months of age through
twelve years old. Second, techniques for parental
interviews have been described
' '°. And third,
direct observation of the child has been used to
confirm the parental report. Questionnaires have
the advantage of allowing parents to consider their
answers at home in a non-stressful environment and
require little time on the homoeopath's part. They
are easily scored by an office staff person in
approximately fifteen minutes and they provide a
quantitative description of the child's temperament.
Parental behavioural reports have been shown to
correlate significantly with the child's behaviour
recorded in the home environment by independent
observers ' . Parental temperament ratings have
also demonstrated significant validity when
compared to brief professional ratings
and with
standardized behavioural assessment techniques
On the other hand, one should keep in mind that
parent-generated ratings of temperament are more
consistent with observed parent-child interactions
than with the child's free play or peer play
. From
a homoeopath's view this distinction may not be
especially significant unless there are reasons to
think that the parents are themselves stimulating
certain types of behaviours in the child.
It is usually possible to assess temperament
during the parent interview, but this is more time-
consuming and impractical in a pediatric setting
than a review and confirmation of the questionnaire
at the second visit with the parent(s). In addition,
parent ratings (derived from scored questionnaires)
are sometimes at variance with the parent's own
perceptions of temperament. This may be because
of parent's natural desire to think well of their
The nine temperament categories of THOMAS
and CHESS are outlined in Table 1. These
categories were derived from parents' descriptions
of their children. They, therefore, reflect the same
data that arise during the homoeopathic interview
with the parents, but in an organized form.
Although the methods and conclusions of
THOMAS and CHESS have been criticized at
times, from a homoeopathic perspective this method
of retrieving information from parents about
children can be time-saving and enlightening.
Criticisms have focussed on the accuracy of these
parental perceptions and reports. The temperament
categories focus on those aspects of the child's
behaviour that disturb parents. They may not
actually characterize the child as much as the
parents' complaints about the child
. The
homoeopath relies on parental reports. In fact, most
prescribing is based on those behaviors that parents
find difficult to handle. At the same time the
homoeopath should develop the ability to perceive
the accuracy of parental reports through his own
observation of the child. A formal assessment of
temperament can facilitate this process.
1. Activity Level. Motor component of a child's
functioning which includes motility during play,
eating, handling, crawling, walking, running, etc.
2. Rhythmicity (Regularity). The predictability
or unpredictability of any function, such as sleep,
hunger, feeding and elimination.
3. Approach or Withdrawal. A child's initial
response to a new stimulus or situation.
Withdrawal is usually assumed to be a negative
response such as grimacing, fussing, moving away,
or hiding when confronted with a new situation.
C Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
4. Adaptability. Ability to adjust after an initial
response. How easily can the initial reaction be
modified in a desired direction.
5. Intensity. The energy level of response.
6. Mood. Positive, pleasant, friendly behaviour
and responses contrasted with negative, unpleasant,
unfriendly behaviour.
7. Persistence and Attention Span. Ability or
desire to continue an activity or behaviour in the
face of obstacles or discussion.
8. Distractibility. Effectiveness of extraneous
environmental stimuli in altering the direction of a
9. Threshold. Sensitivity to environmental
stimuli; the intensity level of stimulation necessary
to evoke a discernible response.
Some of these categories are more useful for
homoeopathic purposes than others. The
homoeopath will be particularly interested in the
levels of Approach/Withdrawal, Activity, Intensity,
Mood, and Persistence. The other categories may
be useful or confirmatory at times.
The simplest method for the homoeopath to
collect information on temperament is to give
parents a questionnaire, appropriate for the child's
age, to complete at home. This can be returned by
mail and scored in the office. [Quantitative scores
in each category are then charted on a graph that
displays each score in relation to the mean and
variations recorded from broad samples.] A list of
sources for obtaining temperament questionnaires
appears in the Appendix. At the following visit the
results of the parent's ratings can be reviewed with
them to determine their accuracy.
Parental interviews will confirm the profile
scores in each temperament category. The
manifestations of extreme temperament reactions
should especially be explored with the parent in
order to arrive at a clear picture of the child's actual
behaviour. Each of the significant temperament
categories should be reviewed. When any area
seems important to the case, it should be described
in detail and through example. Some typical
questions are included in Table 2 for assessing
infants and older children with the temperament
categories of Activity, Approach/Withdrawal and
Does she lie still during diaper changes or
constantly move about?
Is it easy or difficult to get her dressed because of
flailing arms and legs?
Is her sleep restless or quiet?
Older child
Will she sit and watch TV or play games alone for
long periods of time or is she often up pursuing
active play?
Does she fidget about during meals?
Are long trips difficult because of restlessness?
Is it easy or hard for her to sit still during classes?
How easily will she take a new food or warm up to
a new activity?
Will she usually cry when cared for by a new
If you go to a strange place will she be upset or
interested in her surroundings?
Older child:
How does she react to new after-school classes, a
new teacher?
How hesitant or outgoing is she in social situations
such as parties, at restaurants, among friends?
Will she become excited or reserved when
confronted with a family trip to a new place, a
school trip, performance in a play?
What is her attitude toward meeting new friends, is
it easy for her to make acquaintances or does she
hold back and avoid new people?
Does she always have an obvious reason for crying,
such as hunger, a wet diaper or sleepiness? Or is
she often fussy for no apparent reason?
Does "teething" cause frequent fussiness?
Does she tend to have pleasant responses to stimuli,
or does she turn away with displeasure?
Older child:
Is she often grumpy and complaining? Or is she
usually happy and pleased with herself?
Does she have negative reactions to suggested plans
or is she generally agreeable?
The temperament data from the profile and
interview will suggest specific areas for further
discussion and lead to the consideration of certain
rubrics and remedy differentiation. For example, if
the remedies under consideration in a case are
Phosphorus and Silica, the findings of negative
mood and high persistence will direct the
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
investigation toward Silicea. The finding of high
persistence must be further delineated to discover
whether the child persists at tasks (play, homework,
projects, etc.) or persists at stubborn, rebellious,
negative reactions to instructions. Phosphorus will
persist at creative art projects, Calcarea carbonica
will persist at playing with tiny inter locking
blocks, Sulphur will endlessly dismantle
mechanical toys, and Medorrhinum will tease and
torture siblings until the parents are exasperated.
Similarly, other temperament categories must be
examined in detail with living examples to derive
adequate pictures for prescribing.
Some extreme category ratings will point in
obvious directions. A high withdrawal rating will
lead directly to the rubrics "Timidity, Bashful" and
"Fear of Strangers". Anxious and shy remedies
will suggests themselves, (Ignatia, Baryta
carbonica, Thuja, Pulsatilla). The combination of
intensity and negativity will lead to questions about
tantrums, emotional outbursts and violent
behaviours. Remedies with manic tendencies must
be considered and compared (Tuberculinum, Cina,
Stramonium, Hyoscyamus).
Temperament ratings may bring out specific
symptoms and their associated Repertory rubrics
as outlined above. Other category ratings will
reveal normal, generally positive or easy traits,
which may be helpful in delineating a child's
constitutional picture, even though the finding does
not indicate a symptom. Some traits may be
positive in some situations, but difficult in others.
High persistence at homework and extreme
obstinacy in one's desire for a specified toy are
manifestations of the same tendency in the child,
but elicit much different reactions in the parent.
Repertory rubrics tend to be more specific than a
broad temperament categorization. Eliciting
examples of behaviours will lead to the appropriate
rubric. Table 3 provides suggestions for Repertory
rubrics and their corresponding temperament
The picture suggested by temperament
evaluation may help the homoeopath in several
ways. It will keep a perspective of the child's
innate personality in view so that any symptoms
can be compared to this baseline. Bizarre
behaviours, fears or anxieties may be part of this
picture (e.g. a Baryta carbonica child with a high
withdrawal rating will hide under the chair).
Temperament data will lead the interview in
suggestive directions. Characteristics of the child
that are not obvious in the parents' interview may
be suggested by temperament categories from the
parents' ratings. An interview that is partially
structured around temperament will encourage a
thorough view of the child. Most especially the
information from an analysis of temperament will
confirm or contradict the homoeopath's own
perceptions of the child, bringing some objectivity
into the very subjective process of homoeopathic
High activity
Low activity
High Intensity
Negative Mood
Positive Mood
High Persistence
Low persistence
High Distractibility
Low Distractibility
Low Threshold
High Threshold
Restlessness; Loquacity;
Indolence; Lethargy; Sit,
inclination to; Quiet
Timidity; Fear, strangers;
Company, averse to
Affectionate; Company,
Depends on the form of
expression, e.g. Anger,
Striking; Shrieking; Fear
Irritability; Censorious;
Contrary; Discontented
Cheerful; Mildness
Obstinate; Thoughts,
persistent; Industrious
Concentration, difficult
Concentration, difficult
Absorbed, buried in thought
Sensitive, to noise, to sensual
impressions; Senses; acute;
Touched, aversion to being
Senses, dullness of
Homoeopathy should change temperament
expression. One should expect that the extremes of
temperament categories will be mollified by the
correct homoeopathic medicine. This especially
applies to those aspects of temperament that make
up "difficult" behaviours and reflect the child's
inability to manage stress. Ratings of high
intensity, negative mood, and extreme withdrawal
may lessen after a homoeopathic medicine, since
they often constitute the symptoms of the case.
Activity level may also be favourably altered in an
individual child, the very active child will often
calm down and the lethargic child will perk up.
Some aspects of temperament, such as a high level
of persistence, may only change in so much as they
reflect imbalance in the child. Persistence may
3 Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
manifest as obstinacy and bull headedness when
modified by negativity, but it may also lead to
consistency and task completion when presenting in
a positive form. Few parents would complain about
a child who diligently practices the piano or persists
at solving a difficult math problem. On the other
hand, if a child's ability to focus and concentrate is
improved by homoeopathic treatment, then
distractibility and non-persistence ratings are likely
to improve.
A few case examples will illustrate the utility
of temperament data in homoeopathic practice.
Case Report 1: Jason S. is a 10 year-old boy.
This boy was given Arsenicum album 1M primarily
on the basis of his temperament data and some
peculiar symptoms. His primary problems are
dependency, shyness and fears. He cannot go to
sleep unless his parents are sitting within view
while he lies in bed. His room is situated so that he
can see them while they sit in the kitchen at night.
He says that he is afraid of "getting kidnapped".
This is a problem that embarrasses him a great deal.
It is also significant that if he sleeps at a friend's
house he is not bothered by fears. This desire for
company and amelioration of fears from company
led to Arsenicum. The temperament picture of
withdrawal, negativity, and low threshold to stimuli
are also consistent with an Arsenicum dynamic.
The high activity level reflects the restlessness of
Arsenicum as well.
Throughout the interview Jason was anxious,
an unusual presentation in a boy his age. During
the interview alone with him, he would sit on the
edge of his chair, continually play with his fingers,
and avoid direct eye contact, frequently glancing
nervously around the room. His anxiety was much
more pronounced when discussing his night fears.
He could barely talk about them without crying. In
other respects his emotional picture was
unremarkable. He responded openly to questions,
seemed curious and optimistic, but he did show
signs of immature dependence on his parents.
Besides his desire to have them near while he was
falling asleep, he required frequent stories at night
and would often climb into his mother's lap for
these. Some characteristics confirmed the
Arsenicum prescription. His mother describes him
as quite organized and neat. He likes his room kept
neat and as a small child he would never spill
things. He related an interesting hobby. He will
research the populations of cities and put them in
order, or do a similar exercise with the capacities of
football stadiums. In the past he would accumulate
large collections of bottle caps, baseball cards and
seashells. During the interview, when asked about
things that concerned him, he said, "I want to be
healthy, and I want my father to be healthy." This
is an unusual "Anxiety about health" in a boy who
has few physical symptoms.
After the Arsenicum he said, and his mother
confirmed, that he goes to sleep much more easily
and he is able to get himself back to sleep when he
wakens in the night. His mother was frankly
amazed at the difference after the medicine. He is
more confident. Instead of his previous dreams
about werewolves and rejection, he recently had a
dream about a giant who popped out of the ocean
and made friends with him. He wrote a story about
a baseball team that won the pennant, which his
mother found particularly expressive of his
newfound confidence. (A follow-up temperament
profile eighteen months after the Arsenicum shows
the withdrawal was reduced)
Case Report 2: Diana L. has been seen over
several years from ages 3 to 6. She has three
categories of temperament above one standard
deviation on parent ratings and these make her a
difficult child, who is capable of terrorizing her
family. She has the combination of Intensity,
Negativity, Slow Adaptability and High Activity
that can produce quick tantrums and difficulty
changing her immediate reactions. These children
can be fascinating homoeopathic studies, because
they present dramatic and graphic pictures.
However, their recurrent dramas can cause
problems for the unwary homoeopath, who may
resort to prescribing many medicines for the ever-
changing profusion of acute and constitutional
At 3 years old this girl's mother was at her
wit's end. She would continually disrupt the
household with her tantrums. Her older brother and
younger sister are mild, easy children who have
also learned to tolerate their sister's moods. Diana
would throw fits about going to sleep, then have
bad dreams, wake screaming in the night and refuse
to go back into her room. She strikes out at people
for no apparent reason, breaks toys of other
children, scratches, and purposefully hurts them.
She resents any interference or authority. Parents
refuse to allow their children to play with her and
the mother is exasperated by her deliberate acts of
aggression. She will walk up to a stranger at the
beach and throw sand in his face. She often bangs
her head repeatedly against the bed or car seat.
Her treatment has included Sulphur 200,
Stramonium 1M and Medorrhinum 1M and 10M.
The Stramonium in particular has resulted in less
violent, aggressive behaviours and disappearance of
her night fears. At 4V4 years old her remedy was
changed to Medorrhinum because of a change in
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
symptoms. She had a return of aggressive and
jealous behaviour, with gruesome, violent thoughts
(cutting off people's heads) and a new obsessive
interest in sex (playing sexual games with her girl
friend, touching her older brother, and smelling her
younger sister's genitals). She has the typical
difficult syndrome of frequent dramatic symptom
production. She has, therefore, received acute
homoeopathic medicines for various troublesome
symptoms and these have interfered at times with
the action of constitutional remedies. On the
whole, her difficult temperament manifestations
have been fairly well controlled by homoeopathic
treatment, though her personality and conflicts will
probably continue to discomfit her family and
Case 3: David G. an 11 year-old boy in fifth grade
was treated for allergies to dogs, cats and pollens
with typical Hay Fever symptoms. He is in other
respects a perfectly healthy boy. His only other
problem is a learning disability for which he has
tutoring and special reading classes at his school.
His parents describe him as clumsy, restless and
active with difficulty keeping still. He presents as a
very personable, polite and responsive boy.
Temperament ratings show that High Activity,
Non-persistence and Distractibility are the only
categories greater than one standard deviation.
These are typical findings in a child with learning
disabilities. These data confirm that David has a
generally mild disposition, but difficulty persisting
at tasks and a tendency to be distracted, which his
parents perceive as laziness. This proved to be a
quick method of confirming the aspects of
temperament that correspond to learning
disabilities, though analysis of more specific tests
would give detailed information concerning his
mental functioning and learning styles.
He was given Calcarea carbonica 1M
primarily because he is over-weight, craves milk
(3), cheese (2) and hot sauce (3), and frequently
sweats on hands (3), feet (3) and back of neck (2).
The remedy was confirmed by his delayed
cognitive development, learning problems, laziness
and the temperament data, which was confirmed on
parent interview.
A final note on the use of temperament profiles
is relevant here. The usual reason for assessment of
temperament by Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and
Pediatricians is to promote greater parental
understanding. It is thought that if parents
understand their child's temperament traits, then
they can become more effective in their roles as
guides for the child. In addition, if parents become
more adept at adjusting their reactions to their
child's unique requirements as an individual, then
the family environment will be more conducive to
that child's emotional growth. This process has
been described by THOMAS and CHESS as
creating a "goodness-of-fit" between the child and
her environment
. Simply stated, this consists of
increasing parents' understanding and acceptance
of their child's temperament so that emotional
stress can be prevented. For example, a girl with
temperament attributes of Withdrawal and Slow
Adaptability will experience much less stress if her
parents allow her to adjust slowly to new situations.
They can permit her to sit and watch at a new dance
class before she is expected to participate, or make
an agreement that she attends several sessions
before she decides to quit. Similar techniques can
be adapted for the variety of developmental levels.
A homoeopath may choose to utilize temperament
data in parent interviews to encourage positive
interactions and a goodness-of-fit between parents'
expectations and a child's personality.
Temperament Questionnaires
(Send $10 for each scale to cover expense.
These can be reproduced as needed for clinical
Infant Temperament Questionnaire
(4 to 8 month old infants)
William B, Carey, M.D.
319 West Front Street,
Media, PA 19063
Toddler Temperament Scale
(1 to 3 year old children)
William Fullard, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Behavioural Style Questionnaire
(3 to 7 year old children)
Sean C. McDevitt, Ph.D.
Devereux Center
6436 East Sweetwater
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Middle Childhood Temperament Questionnaire
(8 to 12 year old children)
Robin L. Hegvik, Ph.D.
307 North Wayne Aven
Wayne, PA 19087
Screening for psychosocial disorders in
pediatric practice. Amer J Dis Child 1988;
142: 1153-1157
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
Manual for the Child Behaviour Checklist
and Revised Child Behaviour Profile.
Burlington: Univ of Vermont. 1983.
3. ACHENBACH, T.M. Assessment and
Taxonomy of Child and Adolescent
Psychopathology. Newbury Park, CA: Sage,
S.H. Empirically Based Assessment of Child
and Adolescent Psychopathology: Practical
Applications. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1987
5. THOMAS, A. and CHESS, S. Temperament
and Development. New York Brunner/Mazal.
6. CHESS, S. and THOMAS, A. Dynamics of
individual behavioural development, in
Levine, M.D., et. al. Developmental - -
Behavioural Pediatrics, Philadelphia: W.B.
Saunders Co. 1983
7. CHESS, S. and THOMAS, A. Know your
Child. New York Basic Books, Inc. 1987.
8. CAREY, W.B. Temperament and Pediatric
practice, in CHESS, S. and THOMAS, A.
Temperament in Clinical Practice. New
York: Guilford Press. 1986
9. THOMAS, A. and CHESS, S. Dynamics of
psychological development, New York:
Brunner/Mazal. 1980
10. CHESS, S. and THOMAS, A. Temperament
in Clinical Practice, New York: The Guliford
Press. 1986
11. THOMAS, A., CHESS, S., BIRCH, H.G., et al
Behavioural Individuality in Early
Childhood, New York: University Press 1963.
development of social attachments in infancy.
Monographs of the Society for Research in
Child Development 1964; 29 (3, Serial No.
13. CAREY, W.B. Validity of Parental
assessments of Development and Behaviour,
Am J of Dis in Children 1982: 97-99
14. WILSON, R.S. and MATHENY, A.P.
Assessment of Temperament in infant twins,
Developmental Psychology 1983; 19: 172-183
15. PLOMIN, R. Extroversion: Sociability and
Impulsivity. J of Personality Assessment
1976: 40: 24-30
16. PLOMIN, R. and ROWE, D.C. A twin study
of temperament in young children. J of
Psychology 1977; 97: 107-113
17. KAGAN, J. The Nature of the Child, New
York: Basic Books, 1984
[This article is excerpted from Dr.
NEUSTAEDTER's upcoming book,
Homoeopathic Pediatrics]
2. Brain Powered - A Wave of New Advances
Shows How the Mind Affects Health in Ways
We Never Imagined
FERBER, Dan (Reader's Digest, May 2007)
It's been a very good year for the brain - that
1.3 kilo wrinkled lump of grey matter that directs
our movements, thoughts and memories, our loves,
hopes and dreams. It's the organ that makes us
who we are. It can also make us lose who we are,
through degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's,
which affects almost half of those who live past 85.
And now we know it has far more to do with our
overall health than we ever imagined.
A recent wave of breakthrough technologies
has yielded unprecedented insight into how our
brains work, and a better grasp of how they go
wrong. That, in turn, has led to new targeted
treatments designed to fix malfunctions. Science is
also revealing the surprising power of the mind,
when used correctly, to heal the body. Here are
some of the mind-boggling findings.
September 2006 marked a major milestone for
our noggins, with completion of the Allen Brain
Atlas, the first gene map of the brain. It all started
in 2002 when billionaire philanthropist Paul
ALLEN, co-founder of Microsoft, gathered some of
the world's top scientists and charged them with
finding an innovative new way to accelerate our
understanding of the brain. From that he
committed $100 million and established the Allen
Institute for Brain Science in Seattle.
Using custom-built robotics and software, 60
full-time researchers tested 250,000 preserved
slices of mouse brain, which resembles the human
one enough that most discoveries would also hold
true for us. They generated a volume of raw data
that revealed where in the brain each of the mouse's
21,000 genes was activated. (Different types of
brain cells activate different sets of genes,
producing a unique roster of proteins that enables
each cell to do its job - storing memory, directing
movement or some other task.)
The map revealed that about 80 percent of the
body's genes are turned on in the brain - more than
anyone had expected. That means if pharma
companies are not careful, drugs targeted to other
organs could have unwanted side effects in the
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 4 4/ 2007
brain. The map also uncovered evidence that could
help reveal what goes wrong in complicated brain
disorders such as Schizophrenia and Autism.
The result is a 3-D virtual mouse brain atlas
(brain-map.org) that does for Neuroscientists what
a survey map pinpointing gold deposits does for
miners: It lets them quickly get to where the action
is and start digging, says David ANDERSON, PhD,
a Professor of Biology at California Institute of
Technology and a project advisor.
Scientists are already striking gold thanks to
the Allen Brain Atlas. Dietrich STEPHAN, PhD,
who directs neurogenomics research at the
Translational Genomics Research Institute
(TGen) in Phoenix, has used it to learn more about
a gene called Kibra, which affects our short-term
memory. The Atlas revealed that the gene was
activated in the hippocampus, a small sea-horse-
shaped brain structure that helps store memories.
TGen plans to market drugs to reduce age-related
memory loss, including the common short-term sort
that causes senior moments and lost car keys.
Today's Alzheimer's drugs improve memory,
buying many patients several years of mental
clarity, but brain cells still die and patients decline.
New experimental drugs, in contrast, are designed
to get to the root of the problem, blocking the
suspected bad actor, a molecule called beta
amyloid, from forming clumps and killing brain
Anna HICKERSON, 71, of Oklahoma already
considers one of those drugs a success. Three years
ago, she'd lose track of orders in the flower shop
she ran with her husband, James HICKERSON, 75.
She'd forget the day of the week and got lost so
often, she quit driving. Ralph RICHTER, MD, a
clinical Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry,
diagnosed her with early-stage Alzheimer's.
In November 2004, Anna enrolled in a Phase
III clinical trail for Alzhemed, an experimental drug
made by Neurochem, a small Canadian drug
company. The drug seems to have stopped her
decline. Today, after more than two years on the
medication, she arranges flowers for church
services, drives 37 kilometres on her own to shop m
a nearby town, and rarely gets lost. "I'm more
clear and I feel better about myself," Anna says,
"It's been a real blessing," says her husband.
Researchers reported encouraging Phase II trial
results on Alzhemed in a neurological journal last
year. Patients, on average, maintained their score
on a 30-point standard test of mental function.
(Patients on today's medications typically lose
three points a year.) Alzhemed also reduced the
level of beta amyloid (the bad stuff that kills brain
cells) in the cerebrospinal fluid, suggesting that
there's less of the bad stuff inside the brain as well.
The results of the North American Phase III trail
are expected this year and may provide solid
evidence that the drug works. Similar trials of no
less than eight different drugs from other
companies will finish within two to five years and
also look promising.
Targeted gene therapies could help patients
with brain diseases that drugs alone cannot heal.
Such therapies deliver healthy genes to parts of the
body where faulty ones are wreaking havoc. In the
past, gene therapies turned out to be more
dangerous than scientists had expected, and the
death of an Arizona teenager in a 1999 clinical trial
set the field back years. But a new method of gene
delivery to the brain, via a harmless virus called
adeno-associated virus (AAV), has proved safe in
early human trials.
One AAV therapy may ease advanced
Parkinson's disease by repairing an overactive
brain circuit that causes typical symptoms of
slowness and rigidity. That circuit acts like a brick
on a car brake, interfering with the patient's ability
to move. Brain surgeons currently remove that
brick by implanting a pacemaker-like device that
overrides this circuit. But the treatment, called
deep brain stimulation, requires three months of
weekly visits to a specialized neurosurgery facility,
which is tough when you live hundreds of
kilometers away, says American Neurosurgeon
Michael KAPLITT.
Dr. KAPLITT's AAV therapy removes the
brick from the brake by delivering a neurochemical
called GABA into brain cells. In a safety trial that
ended in 2006, the gene therapy proved safe. At
the highest levels, it helped patients as much as
deep brain stimulation. If this proves effective in a
larger trial, someday an advanced Parkinson's
patient could have brain surgery, get a gene
implanted in precisely the right spot and go home a
couple of days later. "Our hope is to bring this type
of therapy to a much larger audience of patients in
need," Dr. KAPLITT says.
Since his trial, other AAV gene therapies have
been used in six early trials: three for Parkinson's,
two for lethal paediatric brain disorders and one for
Alzheimer's. If they continue to prove safe and
show positive results, we'll be able to treat some of
the most devastating brain disorders.
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
Scientists have begun to overcome one of the
biggest obstacles to treating brain disease: getting
drugs into the brain. Ninety-eight percent of
candidate drug compounds do not pass from the
bloodstream into the brain, even though they move
easily into other organs, says William
PARDRIDGE, MD, a Professor of Medicine in Los
Angeles. As a result, good drugs for brain
disorders are few and far between.
Would-be drugs fail because the walls of the
brain's blood vessels act like border-crossing
guards after a code-red terror alert: They allow only
molecules that have essential business in the brain
to cross. To get his drugs past the hypervigilant
guards, Dr. PARDRIDGE turned to smuggling. He
uses genetic engineering to link potentially helpful
brain drugs to a specific kind of antibody that is
welcomed and escorted into the brain.
In a 2006 study, one such hybrid drug reduced
brain damage by two-thirds in rats when given two
hours after a simulated stroke. The drug contains a
normal brain protein that stimulates cells to thrive
but is normally too scarce to prevent stroke-induced
brain damage. Such brain-cell-saving drugs are
desperately needed to protect stroke patients from
brain damage, but over the past decade, none have
passed muster in clinical trials. ArmaGen
Technologies, which Dr. PARDRIDGE founded to
commercialize the technology, plans a human
safety trial on the new stroke drug in late 2007.
The smuggling strategy could work with any
brain drug, Dr. PARDRIDGE says, and ArmaGen
is developing drugs for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's
and a class of hereditary brain diseases that cause
birth defects, mental retardation and other severe
In one of brain biology's most amazing
advances, scientists have found that our brain may
actually help our immune system fight disease. It
took 20 years of careful experiments for Kevin
TRACEY, MD, to see it that way. It also took a
very special patient - an 11-month-old girl named
Janice. "She changed my life," says Dr. TRACEY,
a Neurosurgeon, Immunologist and Director of the
Feinstein Institute of Medical Research in New
In the spring of 1985, Dr. TRACEY was a
surgeon in training at New York Hospital, treating
patients for such things as gunshot wounds, head
injuries and infection, when Janice was admitted.
She had been crawling on the kitchen floor of her
grandmother's apartment when her grandmother,
who was cooking pasta, tripped over her and split a
large pot of boiling water on the baby girl. Dr.
TRACEY cared for the girl, who had suffered
second- and third-degree burns over 75 percent of
her body. A week after she was admitted, Janice
developed severe sepsis, a condition in which the
immune system massively overreacts to a bacterial
infection, indiscriminately training its cannons on
the body's own tissues.
For the next two and half weeks, Janice lay
clinging to life in her hospital bed, as Dr. TRACEY
and his colleagues tried one heroic measure after
another to revive her. She recovered enough to
celebrate her first birthday in the burns unit with
her parents, her grandmother and the medical staff,
and was expected to be discharged soon. Then, the
next day, her heart stopped suddenly and she died.
"She's the only patient I ever had nightmares
about," Dr. TRACEY says. "She shouldn't have
No one knew then what caused severe sepsis,
so inspired by Janice, Dr. TRACEY set out to leam.
Two decades later, his work is paying off. In a
series of studies since 2000, he's shown that
stimulation of the Vagus nerve - a major nerve that
runs from our brainstem to our belly and regulates
our heartbeat, breathing and intestines - stops
severe sepsis. It does so by using neurochemicals
to signal immune cells, which prevents them from
releasing alarm molecules that spur inflammation
and cause damage. In a 2006 study, he discovered
a brain circuit that could stimulate the Vagus nerve
to switch off inflammation.
Taken together, the studies demonstrated a
hard-wired connection between the brain and
immune system that Dr. TRACEY calls the
"inflammatory reflex." Normally, when
inflammation spreads, the brain tells the immune
system to turn it down. In patients like Janice with
severe sepsis, that reflex fails.
Drugs that activate the reflex could one day
reduce chronic low-grade inflammation - the kind
that causes Crohn's disease and Rheumatoid
Arthritis, and contributes to heart disease.
Meditation might help, too, says Dr. TRACEY.
People can leam to slow their heartbeat by
modifying Vagus nerve activity, which suggests
they might be able to control their own brains to
calm inflammation and fight disease. "It's the most
exciting thing I've ever worked on," he says.
Calming the mind and body might even slow
the spread of some Cancers. The stress hormone
Norepinephrine can spur lab-grown Cancer cells to
release two compounds that help them move
through the body and then metastasize, according to
a study in the November issue of Cancer Research
by Virologist Ronald GLASER, PhD, of Ohio. A
Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
third compound that's released helps supply
growing tumours with nutrients. So reducing stress
may prove a Cancer fighter.
Studies like GLASER's and Dr. TRACEY's
have "given credibility to mind-body approaches,
which had been rejected and ignored by the
scientific and medical communities," says Esther
STERNBERG, MD, Director of the Integrative
Neural Immune Program at the [US] National
Institute of Mental Health. Now scientists and
doctors have begun taking the next step, harnessing
the immense powers of the human brain to help
people heal themselves.
For example, using special MRI scanners and
software that allowed patients to see their own
brain activity, scientists at Stanford University and
Omneuron, a biotech company, trained participants
to reduce chronic pain by just visualizing it and
learning to control it. Some were able to decrease it
by more than 40 percent, says pain expert Sean
MACKEY, MD, one of the study leaders.
Dr. MACKEY foresees a day when doctors
might use such imaging to train us to ease
depression, battle addiction or overcome phobias.
And years from now, he says, we may head to a
real-time brain-imaging centre the way we go to the
fitness centre today, and buff up parts of our brain
that improve performance, memory and even
intelligence. Now, that would be a real no-brainer.
3. A Visit with Samuel HAHNEMANN ... in a
MORRELL, Peter (AJHM. 99, 1/2006)
Abstract: Our own Peter Morrell, frequent
contributor to the journal and scholar steeped in
homoeopathic history, especially with regard to our
founder, recently dreamed of a visit with Samuel
HAHNEMANN. The dream offers up some
answers about certain aspects of Hahnemann's life
and motivations hitherto a mystery. Is the
information accurate? We may never factually
know; nevertheless, all of us in homoeopathy have
an appreciation for the sometimes valuable
information that dreams can provide; so we offer
this dream rendering for your amusement and, who
knows, possible edification.
One night recently (7 December 2005) I dreamt
of meeting Hahnemann and speaking with him at
great length. A range of topics became revealed in
this dream, but the dream seemed to start with me
roaming through some streets at night looking for a
certain house. I think I had previously been
sleeping in an unfamiliar house somewhere in the
countryside. Anyway, I knocked on a door at night
and an old man opened the door and beckoned me
to enter. I could see it was Hahnemann at the age
of about seventy-five in the Kothen period. I asked
if he was Dr. Hahnemann and he said yes. I
showed him some papers or may be a letter and he
immediately took me on a guided tour of the house
while additionally showing me numerous rooms
and cupboards, bookshelves, tables and bureaus
stacked with books, papers and manuscripts, many
covered in dust and obviously untouched for many
years. He also showed me various old scientific
instruments, bottles of remedies and remedy cases.
Throughout our encounter he seemed to treat me
with considerable respect as if I were some long-
awaited guest or official who he had been expecting
or waiting to arrive and somehow impress. He
greeted me and spoke to me throughout warmly and
respectfully, as a close confidant and trust friend.
He was a small man of very light frame with
twinkling eyes and ready smile and a shock of
silvery hair, bald on top. He spoke softly in
excellent English with only a slight German accent.
The house seemed to be like a complex
Aladdin's cave, a 'rabbit warren' consisting of
many rooms and stories, all dimly lit. Much of the
time we spoke we were in a sort of cluttered attic
with numerous manuscripts and old documents
strewn about the place, some on the floor, laid out
on tables and some high up on shelves. There was
another person in the house perhaps an old woman,
who I assumed to be his wife. Whenever we sat or
stood, I could see almost nothing beyond the pool
of light around us, which travelled with us and
which I assume came from a burning candle
Hahnemann carried with him on a small dish. In
time we sat in armchairs in a downstairs room and
talked of many things about Homoeopathy and
Hahnemann's life, during which, and while
smoking his long tobacco pipe, he revealed many
details of his views I had never heard of before.
Mostly he spoke softly and calmly, but at times he
became very loud and animated when he expressed
things he felt very strongly or which he wished to
emphasize most forcefully as true.
"In Vienna medicine let me down for the first
time. I had taken up medicine as a serious lifelong
commitment, but I had not fully really realized
what a very serious and somber profession it is in
reality. I saw first-hand the incredible barbarity of
bleeding and purging and despaired at this repulsive
medical system in which I was being trained. It
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
caused great harm and in many cases terrible
suffering was made even worse. My conscience
was deeply troubled by my studies as I squirmed
uncomfortably at the career choice I had embarked
upon. I had plunged myself into something I was
ill-prepared to deal with on an emotional level. I
was high-minded, principled and enthusiastic but
wished to be handed the best and most gentle
healing tools. Was I really cut out for medicine?
Could I really apply these disgusting methods to
close friends and relatives, to my own children?
My conscience was deeply troubled by everything I
Medicine let me down for the first time in
Vienna, for I felt a great inner crisis, because I
could not realistically see myself in my life ahead
applying these barbaric methods to human beings.
Who would dare to apply them even to animals, let
alone human beings? I was deeply revolted by the
methods of Allopathy at a very early stage. My
conscience was deeply troubled. Everything I saw
made a very deep emotional impression on my
mind. Therefore, I had serious misgivings about
my choice of career and felt like throwing it all in
and concentrating on translation work instead, as an
alternative life path. I discussed this with Dr. von
QUARIN, who was in so many ways my personal
tututor and confidante. He was very understanding
and helpful towards me."
A gift for Languages
"I was born with a gift for languages. Of that
there is no doubt. I excelled in Latin, Greek and
French as a school child and from there I found that
I could easily pick up any language in a morning or
an afternoon and would easily have a useable
vocabulary within only a few days. English, Italian
and French came easily to me, and later Spanish,
Chaldaic, Syriac and Hebrew*. I even picked up
some Arabic, I had no difficulty reading and
speaking languages. This wonderful gift was a
blessing that never let me down once in my entire
life. That is why I call it a gift or facility I was
born with. This gift also meant that I had a choice;
I always had two paths before me in life which I
could use, and 1 knew that languages was a path I
could always rely upon, one that would never fail
me or cause me to be sad, or to stop and think."
"I was very fortunate when medicine let me
down in Vienna because von QUARIN came to my
aid immediately. He understood my problems and
arranged for me to spend some quiet time in
Hermannstadt [Sibiu] to recover from my upset and
to study in the Brukenthal Library, where I was
employed to produce a new catalogue of the
possessions, especially the coin collection. This
task enabled me to study many subjects, to learn
new languages, and to study prior medical systems
often from their original texts, such as the works of
Galen, Avicenna and Hippocrates, as well as many
great philosophical writers contained in the
magnificent surroundings of the library."
"I was also fortunate in that von QUARIN and
Brukenthal both regarded me very highly as one of
the most outstanding pupils in the Vienna medical
school. I do not wish to boast, but they often told
me that. I simply accepted their judgement. On
reflection, I do not think I had the makings of a
good doctor quite so much as being a good scholar
who was energetic and willing to stay up all night
as required in order to master any subject. As with
my gift for languages, this was a gift I had been
bom with and which I had exercised as a child -
devotion to hard work and study. Either way, the
consequence of this was that Brukenthal and von
QUARIN had kindly provided me with an
opportunity to take time out of my medical studies
for almost two years, solely because they regarded
me as an exceptional pupil. I was very grateful for
this. They did not make such provision for anyone
else in the Vienna medical school, and so I have to
conclude that they regarded me somehow as a
special case."
"My time in Sibiu was certainly envisaged as a
rest and recovery period and a time for me to reflect
on my future. However, during this period I also
had the opportunity to study many ancillary
subjects and especially original medieval and
Renaissance texts on Alchemy, Kabbala and Magic,
subjects I was not especially interested in per se,
but which had been a very important thread in the
history of European culture. I felt obliged to study
them in that context. I always had a great desire to
learn everything I could. Whether these ideas were
truly relevant to my later studies is a debatable
point. However, the immediate problem I had was
to decide if and when I was going to make my
return to Vienna and complete my medical
education. I often felt the sensation of Dr. von
QUARIN waiting for me to give the signal about
when I would return."
"Increasingly, as time wore on, I became
anxious about this matter and had more or less
decided that I could not go back there and study
under him. There were two reasons for this.
Firstly, he had taken such trouble to kindly provide
for me the time in Sibiu and for this I was very
grateful, yet gnawing away at me were my doubts
about medical practice and the methods he regarded
as the best and most effective. These doubts made
Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
me even more worried about my indebtedness to
him. Secondly, I could not find in any of the texts
in Sibiu a better system of medicine and so my
search there had in this respect been a complete
failure. I became burdened by a sense of failure
and the sense that I had let down both Brukenthal
and von QUARJN,who had so kindly provided for
me for almost two years. Thus, I felt there
somewhat like a scolded cat, creeping out so as not
to be noticed. The easiest option for me was thus to
spend a term of study at and submit a thesis to
Erlangen and graduate that summer with the least
possible fuss, hoping that nobody noticed. I felt
that sense of guilt and failure towards Brukenthal
and von QUARIN very acutely for some years. In
truth, I could not face seeing them ever again, for
fear of them being very angry with me for
disappointing them so much and wasting their time
after they had taken so much trouble to help me as
their valued student."
Doctors are Passionate and Serious People
"Many people outside medicine do not realize
what an emotional and serious business medicine
really is. When you commit yourself to medicine,
you are committing yourself to aiding sick
humanity. That is a very serious calling. Death
stands close to a doctor all the time and follows him
wherever he goes. He has seen worse cases; he
knows the worst that can happen. In truth, he is a
lonely and isolated figure with only his conscience
and inner voice to guide him. This is a deeply
emotional matter. There is no getting away from it.
Therefore, the idea that medicine can somehow be a
strict science and emotionally detached is nonsense.
When you stand near a dying child or a close friend
who is in high fever or desperately ill, you know
that can happen, you know the worst thing that can
happen. Death stands close by you, it hovers close
and yet you are expected to do something, to
perform a miracle, to cast death out, to see it off.
We cannot perform, miracles every day, nor even
"You are emotionally connected to every
patient and the eyes of their relatives are upon you.
They expect you to do good, to cure the sick, and
that your intervention will help. In only a slightly
diluted form, you feel what they feel. You want to
bring benefit and relief, but this is also an enormous
emotional burden to be placed upon you; it weighs
heavy. A doctor carries that inner burden all his
life and for many it carries them off to an early
grave; they die young, because you cannot escape
your conscience. Every good and bad thing we said
or did is held within us and invisibly we take it with
us and are held to account. This is the problem
with being a doctor: we carry all these secrets about
life, death and suffering, and on the deep emotional
level, we are accountable for our actions. It is a
very serious and emotional calling and not one to
be taken lightly."
"The doctor is thus a burdened man. He is
burdened by his duty to the sick and ultimately
accountable for his decisions and actions; his
conscience keeps reminding him of any failures he
may have been guilty of, and the real sense of
failure hangs heavy on his heart. This is an
inescapable fact. He blames himself for every loss.
Therefore, it is clear that a good doctor and a man
of conscience may not make very good bed-
fellows. They make for much trouble and strife and
much inner wrestling with one's conscience. It is a
great mistake to imagine you do not have a
conscience, for we are all built this way. It is
inevitable that a good man will reflect on the bad
things he has seen and witnessed and have regrets
over certain errors, misjudgments, decisions or
mistakes. This is a fact of life for every doctor.
We sometimes appear arrogant or cavalier in an
attempt to make light of it and think we can shrug it
all off, but at night and late in life many of these
things come back to haunt you. It can at times be a
pretty miserable and lonely calling."
Search for the Possible
"One thing I never fully grasped as a young
man is that we must try and find what is possible
for us to achieve. We can easily waste much
precious time trying to do things we are not meant
or destined to succeed in. We may even see others
achieving things easily that we cannot achieve. We
should not be distracted by such events, but should
find and focus on what our own life path offers for
us. Do not look at what others can do, but look
within yourself and find your own path. This can
be a very hard lesson to learn. In my case, as I have
said, I wrestled long and hard with medicine and
several times gave up on it because it let me down.
I struggled with it."
"At any stage I could have had a good career in
writing and translating and almost embraced that
path in the 1780s as a permanent option. But
medicine was never far from me and I knew that at
any time I could reach out and have that path too. It
was only my conscience that prevented me from
using the allopathic tools I had been trained in. But
my conscience in the end was my savior, because
without it I would never have kept trying to find
abetter method than the awful 'bleed and purge'
approach of Galenism. Thus, we can say, keep
looking for your own path, that which life has given
to you as a gift, and follow your path. This is such
O Quanerly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV. 3 & 4/ 2007.
an important point for every person. We can save
ourselves a lot of grief and vexation by knowing
Discovery of Homoeopathy
"Yes, of course, people say my discovery of
Homoeopathy can be shown to rest on certain hints
and ideas scattered throughout the past in such
places as Hippocrates, Paracelsus and Arabian
medicine. But let me assure you that is not how it
was discovered. No matter how many ideas I
absorbed in the Library at Sibiu, the fact is that I
knew nothing about Homoeopathy for another
twenty years. In truth, it emerged of its own accord
through detailed research and experiments. There
really was no hidden plan which 1 had followed all
my life. At every stage I had no idea where my
studies were leading me. Even after the provings in
the 1790s, I still had no a priori idea of where my
studies were taking me. It is therefore completely
untrue that I carried inside me the germs or seeds of
Homceopathy from my youth and that they simply
got confirmed and that they were somehow
mysteriously aggregated together in my thinking
from a very early stage. That is simply untrue
quasi-teleological nonsense. This applies as much
to the method of potentization, and the Law of
Similars as it does to the proving and olfaction.
They were all discovered and confirmed separately
through empirical work. People will believe what
they like, but that is all there is to it."
No Magic in Medicine
When I asked him about Paracelsus, he became
animated but insisted that he had personally never
found very much magic in medicine and he had
little patience with those who believe there is such
"The problem with magic, you see, is that it is
all very well for a tiny minority of doctors who
have that gift and who can actually rely on it from
time to time. Good luck to them! but what about
the rest of us who do not have this gift? We must
base medicine on something more reliable and
predictable, something more rational, a better,
firmer basis. For the vast majority of doctors, magic
has no place; it is a very deceptive path and is a
pretty useless basis for reliable and effective
medical practice. It lets you down too often."
With regard to the training of homoeopaths,
Hahnemann said how much he admired
Constantine Hering, even though he had been
criticized by many outside America for his strange
views, such as using Nosodes and high potencies.
"What people should remember about Dr. Hering is
that, for all his faults, he was the one who
established the first purely homoeopathic medical
college in the world. That is a most important
achievement as every homoeopath has had to train
as an allopath first, and this appalling and unjust
situation has cursed our pure and sublime method
of healing for years. Certainly, we should thank
Dr. HERING for paving the way ahead."
"I still think that the Organon is the finest
book on medicine ever written. I do not say this
boastfully. The reasons are that although it reads
like a rather dry philosophical work, and has been
incorrectly criticized as such, yet every word in it is
based upon empirical observations and experiments
and has been repeatedly confirmed through
countless clinical observations. It is thus the
distillation of my life's work in clinical practice and
theoretical cogitations compressed into one volume.
It is therefore a well balanced blend of theory and
practice. Homceopathy is not really a theory or a
medical system; it is a proven method on how drugs
should be prepared and employed. When closely
followed, this healing method is the gentlest and
safest in the world. It is the most natural healing
method that renders no harm to the patient. That is
my claim and I defy anyone to disprove it."
"So many people have commented on this
French lady who breezed into my life and changed
it forever. Why could they never see the simple
truth of what happened? My life, when she made
her appearance, was very ordinary; my wife had
been dead a number of years, and I was living a
meager kind of life in Kothen just like a recluse.
Suddenly this beautiful creature comes to my house
and we talk and talk all day and all night. It was
never ending. It is so beautiful when you meet a
person who lights up your life with love and joy,
just as if you have been roaming in darkness all
your life and then suddenly the light comes. What
a wonderful feeling! We fell in love instantly.
There was no doubt about it for both of us. It was
incredible. It was really a recognition of two souls
in deep fellowship, who had found each other, like
two moths each attracted to the light of the other."
"She completely turned my life upside down.
And people said, 'Why are you leaving your family
and going to Paris with this young girl, Dr.
Hahnemann? It is quite scandalous.' Well, I would
have followed her anywhere, even to the ends of
the earth if necessary. I did not turn my back on
my family; I kept in touch with them, but she
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
awakened in me something totally new and
unexpected .. .love. What can we do but follow this
sweet fragrance called love? It makes sense of our
life and gives us new meaning and purpose. I had
grown dry and rigid any my life, in so many ways,
was over.
There is no doubt that it was a stale and
loveless life. And then along comes Melanie!
What a treat. What a breath of fresh air in old
lungs. What a miracle. She made my life really
come alive for the first time. Yes, I was blissfully
happy with her in Paris just like I said in letters. It
was wonderful. She lit up my life as nobody ever
had. Of course, Melanie and I were two souls who
shared a deep fellowship of love. In a sense I
suppose I was waiting for her to arrive so as to
make my life complete. We resonated with each
other at a deep emotional level; and so it was the
Law of Similars in action."
While I was astonished and amazed by this
dream, which made on me a very strong emotional
impact, it is difficult to evaluate its real
significance. Hahnemann confirms many ordinary
and well-known things in this dream. It is not
especially contentious.
However, there are several rare and peculiar
things which he refers to, which cannot be easily
confirmed, but which seem quite plausible when
taken at face value. For example, he admits for the
first time to reading Kabbala, Hebrew and Magical
texts, which are known to be in the Brukenthal
Library,* but he qualifies this comment by saying
he was not very interested in these subjects per se.
That sounds just like the old Hahnemann, admitting
one thing and then denying it on another level,
giving with one hand and taking back with the
other! He was a slippery customer and 'held back'
many things he did not want others to know.
Freemasonry provides a good example of this
tendency, a subject he returned to while residing in
Kothen . His documented views about Paracelsus,
provide another example. What he did or did not
read in Sibiu is yet another example.
His comment about the origin of Homoeopathy
is also interesting for the same reasons, for he at
least admits for the first time that there were ideas
in scattered fragments in prior medicine which he
knew about and which he could perhaps have
adapted into use later in his career. May be he was
consciously aware of them, or may be they were
just subliminally working in his discovery of
Homoeopathy. We shall probably never know for
sure. In this dream, this point remains unclarified.
His comments about Sibiu and Vienna are
quite revealing and seem to signal a very plausible
line of argument that does not offend the known
facts and in some ways makes greater sense of
them. Likewise his astonishing remarks about the
passionate nature of a medical calling. For me that
section is the most remarkable and unexpected
section of the entire dream. It is very revealing and
convincing because every doctor in the world
would understand what he says; they would
resonate with it all. Furthermore, it is stated with a
very typical brand of HAHNEMANN passion; that
is, with great emotional emphasis. Taken together
with his comments about Vienna, we do have a
very plausible explanation both for his deep
disenchantment with the methods of allopathic
medicine from an early stage, and also why he
never returned to complete his studies at the Vienna
medical school. On this basis, the dream solves an
historical riddle.
It is also clear that his failure to return to
Vienna and complete his studies under his
affectionate patron, Professor von Quarin,
physician to the Empress of Austria, is a true
historical puzzle which this dream sheds some
possible light upon. Maybe he did go to Sibiu to
take 'time out' for the reasons given here, and may
be he did not go back to Vienna for the reasons
stated here. But we shall never really know for sure
unless/until some written documents of that period
of his life come to light; that is, if they exist.
His comments about the Organon seem quite
sound and justified, even though he really is
boasting in a sense. What he clarifies superbly is
that he regards the Organon as a wonderful blend
of theory and practice, that it comprises really a
body of theoretical aphorisms constituting a guide
to what Homoeopathy is and how it should be
practiced, but he also declares that each aphorism
was won through endless experimentation with
drugs on healthy volunteers and in clinical practice.
This was precisely the empirical stance Hahnemann
repeatedly used to defend Homoeopathy against its
Those who regard the dream as a form of
psychic channeling, which I was inadvertently
subject to, are entitled to see it that way. 1 am
open-minded about that but have zero experience in
that field. As far as I am concerned, the dream
represents a vivid dramatization of many issues
about HAHNEMANN that have been troubling me
for at least the last six months. I have made some
progress with all of them, but in essence much
mystery surrounds all these topics. I have been
especially interested recently in why he left Vienna
and went to Sibiu and why he never returned to
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
Vienna to complete his medical studies. I have
been thinking long and hard about that for months.
This dream is clearly one attempt to answer the
problem. However, I have never heard or thought
of the views he states in this dream about doctors
being passionate people. That was completely new
information to me, even though I can see the
absolute sense of what he said. What he said about
Melanie seems completely self-explanatory and
Finally, I regard this dream as a pure
unconscious dramatization, which in itself
represents an 'excursion of the historical
imagination' in an attempt to solve some real and
unsolved historical puzzles. To what extent this can
be regarded as a valid 'historical method' and to
what extent the results are valid remain questions
for others to judge. Even this method has an origin
in some thoughts I had a few months back that
when you think of a place you knew as a child, then
you can imagine the town as it was then with all the
people who lived in it then going about their lives.
One can recreate it in the imagination, just as we do
now when we think of any town or place we know.
The other compelling thought I had that is explored
in this dream is that we can only truly know a
person by actually meeting them. Or can we meet
them in various other novel ways and thus come to
know them intimately? Such as in this dream. As
was once said: "The past is a foreign country, they
do things differently there." [LP Hartley, The Go
Between, prologue, 1953]
*I wish to acknowledge my sizeable debt to Dr
Gheorghe Jurj, MD, a homoeopath in Timisoara,
Romania, who has recently been visiting the
Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu to ascertain the
contents of the Hahnemann Catalogue of the
Library, much of it written in Hahnemann's own
handwriting. He has kept me briefed in some detail
of the library's contents. It includes the key works
of the following: Agrippa Cornelius von
Nettesheim, Georgius Agricola, Francis Bacon,
David Humne, Theophrastus, Pico de la Mirandola,
Marsilius Ficino, Montesquieu, Descartes, Voltaire,
Boerhaave, Stahl, Celsus, Hippocrates, Galen,
Erasmus, van Helmont, Helmbold. Is it really
credible that Hahnemann read none of these?
4. Treatment of Hyperactive Children: Increased
Efficiency Through Modifications of
Homoeopathic Diagnostic Procedure
(HOMEOPATHY, 95, 3/2006)
The attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD/ADD) occurs in 3-5% of all children and is
a combination of various cognitive disorders with
hyperactivity/impulsiveness or passivity
more frequent acronym ADHD will be used for
simplicity from here on). According to the Conners
Global Index (CGI), which is also used for
evaluating ADHD treatment in conventional
medicine, the 10 most frequent symptoms are:
irritability; impulsiveness; easy and frequent
weeping; fidgeting; always on the move;
destructive; don't finish what they started; easily
distracted; sudden, large mood swings; easily
frustrated; interrupt other children. In the CGI the
intensity of symptoms is graded from 0 = not at all,
to 3 = very strongly.
Treatment of ADHD is one of the most
difficult challenges in Paediatrics, as well as in
Homoeopathy. It is the task of the homoeopathic
physician to find the best-suited medicine based on
the individual and characteristic symptoms of the
patient. The success rate using normal
homoeopathic patient interview techniques (i.e.
according to Organon §§ 82 - 950
is surprisingly
low at only 21%,
the average success rate with
other complaints treated homceopathically may
easily reach 65-75%.
This is due to the fact that
ADHD is frequently a one-sided complaint, i.e.
there are no other symptoms besides those related
to ADHD, and these are usually reported in a
stereo-typical way. Frequently the parents find it
very difficult to describe any other symptoms
besides those listed in the CGI. Notably, many
parents tend to be unsure when they observe
symptoms in their children - a fact which is
probably connected to the extreme variability of the
ADHD patient's behaviour. A well-indicated
medicine, once found despite those difficulties,
given in a 200C as a single dose, usually effects a
noticeable improvement lasting on average between
2 and 5 months.
Single doses, however, may, in
the experience of the authors, lead to significant
fluctuations in progress, since it is difficult to gauge
the right moment to prescribe the next higher
potency. In our recent double-blind study of
homoeopathic treatment of ADHD,
was subjected to a rigorous scientific test; we
therefore had to optimize the treatment. The
objectives of the work discussed here were to
increase the success rate of prescriptions and to
improve the stability of achieved improvement.
The latter has proved to be susceptible to external
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
influences such as problems at school or tensions in
the family. The optimization process comprised
three consecutive stages, so that knowledge gained
in the previous optimization step could be applied
in the following (Table 1). From the beginning, Q
(LM, 50 millesimal) potencies were used in order to
achieve more stable progress.
Table 1 Steps to increase the effectiveness of
homoeopathic treatment of ADHD
Low success rate
Difficult differential
Paucity of specific
Unstable remedy
Identification of
unreliable symptoms
using a repertory-specific
Polarity analysis as
Comparative Materia
Use of pathognomic
perception symptoms for
Use of Q-potencies
This paper is as a report of our experience in
which the data are documented prospectively. It is
not meant as a strictly scientific study.
Inclusion criteria
We included in this study patients attending a
paediatric-homceopathic practice, aged 2-16 years,
who were diagnosed with ADHD according to
DSM-IV criteria,
and treated only with
homoeopathic medicines.
Outcome parameter
The parents performed a CGI rating after each
treatment stage, i.e. after every 4 weeks. A
prescription was counted as a 'hit' when continuous
treatment resulted in improvement of the CGI score
by at least 9 points or a reduction of the initial score
by at least 50%. On talking to the parents we
gained an impression of the stability of
improvement, which was not expressed in a more
objectively measured quantity.
Optimization steps
General questionnaire
In order to identify unreliable symptoms we
used a general questionnaire, which listed ADHD
symptoms as well as the most common accessory
symptoms (i.e. symptoms occurring at the same
time yet unrelated to ADHD). The questionnaire
was used until 100 patients had achieved a
substantial improvement of their symptoms, then
we analysed the failed previous prescriptions,
which led to no or only insignificant improvement,
and which predated the successful medicine in each
patient (Table 2). The goal was to identify those
symptoms which prevented the prescription of the
primarily best-suited medicines. Each symptom
which led at least once to a failed prescription was
included in the list of unreliable symptoms, and
then precluded from the repertorization in further
Polarity Analysis
In the next step we searched for a way to better
match the characteristic patient symptoms with the
'genius symptoms'
of a homoeopathic medicine,
thereby improving the reliability of the
prescriptions. To this end we started with
Bonninghausen's idea of contraindications and
developed what we call polarity analysis: almost
every homoeopathic medicine includes a number of
polar symptoms. These are symptoms which also
encompass their opposite, e.g. desire to
move/aversion to move; thirst/thirstless; warmth
ameliorates/warmth aggravates, etc. A medicine
may exhibit both poles, usually in different grades.
According to Bonninghausen, high grade symptoms
(grade three and four) correspond to the
characteristics of the medicine. In choosing the
medicine we have to find the one, whose
characteristics best corresponds to the characteristic
patient symptoms. All important symptoms of the
patient ought to be covered by the correctly chosen
medicine, in as high a grade as possible. If, in a
given polar symptom, the opposite is covered by a
particular medicine in a high grade whereas the
pole exhibited by the patient occurs only in a low
grade, then this medicine - according to
Boenninghausen - is contraindicated and will not
cure the patient. Nux vomica, for example, has
aversion to movement in third grade, desire to
move however only in first grade. Consequently,
Nux-v will not likely cure a patient who exhibits a
strong need to move, even though it covers this
symptom in principle. Bonninghausen used this
method to check his choice of medicines.
Polarity analysis is a further development of
Bonninghausen's concept of genius symptoms and
contraindications: by summing the grades of a polar
patient symptom for each likely medicine and
subtracting the grades of the corresponding polar
opposite symptoms, one arrives at the polarity
difference. For example: a patient suffers from
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol XXTV, 3*4/ 2007
Tonsillitis with the following symptoms: <
swallowing, <speaking, <cold food, <after waking,
>after eating, thirst increased. All these symptoms
are polar and covered by 19 medicines. However,
only three of those are not contraindicated
according to Bonninghausen: Natrum carbonicum,
Mercurius solubilis and Magnesium carbonicum.
The concept of polarity difference for these three
medicines is illustrated in Table 2.
Table 2 . Polarity analysis showing positive and
opposite symptoms and polarity difference for a
patient with Tonsillitis
Patient symptoms Medicine, degree of symptom
Nat-c Merc Mag-c
<cold food
<after waking
<after eating
Thirst increased
Opposite symptoms
3 2
1 2
2 1
4 3
1 1
4 1
15 10
degree of syr
>cold food
>after waking
>after eating
Polarity difference
Polarity difference
The polarity difference is the sum of the grades
of patient symptoms minus the sum of the grades of
opposite symptoms.
The higher the polarity difference, the more
likely the medicine matches the characteristic
symptoms of the patient, provided there are no
contraindications. A polarity difference of 0 or less
(i.e. negative values) points to medicines which
cover the patient symptoms in an unspecific way,
ie, do not cover all patient symptoms with their
genius symptoms . Such medicines have very little
chance of curing the presenting complaint in the
patient. According to our example, Nat-c, exhibits
the highest probability to cure, Merc, the second
highest. Using this method, the best-suited
medicine in a repertorization containing several
medicines, which all cover the patient symptoms,
can be more readily identified. The algorithm of
polarity analysis has been since integrated in the
repertorization program of Bonninghausen
Taschenbuch 2000
as well as the Amokoor
which is based on Bonninghausen
Taschenbuch 1897 and further sources. The case
example given below demonstrates the practical
application of polarity analysis.
Test of primary perception symptoms
Since the list of unreliable symptoms obtained
in the first optimization step proved rather long, we
tried to identify symptoms of higher reliability in a
next step. ADHD, which according to current
understanding, involves primarily perceptive
disorders, ie, disorders of selection and processing
of sensory perceptions. These may, in variable
combinations, affect the visual, tactile, auditory,
proprioceptive, olfactory, and gustatory systems as
well as perception of temperature. Most perception
symptoms are not spontaneously picked up in a
homoeopathic patient interview, because the effects
of the impaired perceptions are more obvious and
inconvenient than the primary perceptive defects.
Hence, as a further optimization step, we located
those rubrics (primarily modalities) in
Bonninghausen Taschenbuch 2000
which exhibit a
direct link to perception symptoms (Table 3),
Modalities are generally the most reliable of all
characteristic symptoms, since they are more easily
recognized and related by the patient than, eg.
sensations or mental/emotional symptoms.
A number of other symptoms, which at first
sight also pertain to perception, turned out to be
unreliable in practical evaluation: <reading,
<talking, <soft touch, >touch, physical clumsiness,
falls easily/frequently, rocking, riding in car, over-
sensitive sense of taste, flabby muscles, tense
muscles. After an in-depth evaluation, an ADHD
questionnaire was designed, which includes the
perceptive symptoms of Table 3. Additionally, it
includes a list of unreliable symptoms, so that
parents may identify particularly notable
observations not contained in the questionnaire.
Use of Q-potencies
Treatment with single doses, as mentioned in
the introduction, may cause large fluctuations in
treatment effect, which is tiring and stressful for
everybody involved. In order to improve the
stability of the treatment effect we used liquid Q
(LM) potencies from the start: initially the children
received a Q3 every other day. If the parents
reported that the patient was worse on the days
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
when medication was not taken, we changed to a
daily regime. After 4 weeks the treatment effect
was assessed. In case of a favourable assessment,
the patient continued immediately with the Q6,
again for 4 weeks, and so on up to Q42 or until
other symptoms indicated a change of medicine.
After reaching the Q42 (the highest available
potency) we started again with low Q-potencies,
this time with Q4, followed by Q7, Q10, and so on.
When a stable improvement was reached, the
follow-up intervals were extended to 4 months.
Table 3 Perception symptoms in ADHD
Gross motor
Fine motor
time of day:
touch aggravates (he/she has an
aversion to touch)
light in general aggravates
(hypersensitivity to [bright]
light), straining eyes aggravates
(eg. increased restlessness after
watching TV or computer games)
sense of hearing too sensitive
(cannot stand noise from others)
sense of smell too sensitive
sense of taste diminished (adds
spices to everything)
she/he gets hot easily, desire to
take off clothes, undress, heat
aggravates (hot weather, stuffy
rooms), cold ameliorates, gets
cold easily, desire to wrap
himself up, cold aggravates.
comprehension, cognition,
thinking slow, weak memory,
absent minded, lack of
physical restlessness, increased
desire for physical activity,
sports, motion ameliorates
(during), aversion to motion.
writing aggravates (writes tense,
tires easily)
<after waking
<morning (before noon)
irritability, sadness
Introducing the general questionnaire resulted
only in a slight improvement by raising the success
rate of the first prescription from 21% to 28%, after
five prescriptions from 68% to 78%. Interpreting
the results of the questionnaires, many symptoms
which are considered to be reliable for the selection
of a medicine in other illnesses, were in ADHD
patients reported in a misleading manner (Table 4).
On the other hand, sometimes the corresponding
observations were correct, so that the overall result
was an uncertainty with respect to the symptoms to
be used. All unreliable symptoms were excluded
from repertorization.
Introduction of the polarity analysis increased
the success rate of first prescriptions to 48%,
whereas the success rate after 5 months remained
practically unchanged at 79% (previously 78%).
Focusing the patient interviews on the perception
symptoms, ie. Introducing the ADHD questionnaire
led (in combination with the general questionnaire
and the polarity analysis) to a first prescription
success rate of 54% and a 5 months success rate of
84%. The three optimization steps (general
questionnaire [GQ], polarity analysis [PA] and
ADHD questionnaire with perception symptoms
[PS] ) were performed consecutively and their
effect on the precision of the prescription recorded .
It is gratifying to note that the optimization
process did not result in a reduced pool of
medicines. Table 5 lists the 27 medicines which
resulted in a lasting and increasing improvement
use in 160 ADHD patients in both of our clinical
" Treatment with Q-potencies yielded a
significantly improved continuity of the medicine's
action and better compliance of parents when
compared to the single dose regimen.
Table 4: Unreliable symptoms with failed
prescriptions preceding successful homoeopathic
medicine in 100 patients with ultimately successful
treatment of ADHD
(number of observations)
< = aggravation, > = amelioration
Mental/emotional symptoms
• Timidity (5)
• Fear of future events (2)
• Bashful (2)
• Fear of thunderstorms, < thunderstorms (1)
• Seriousness, fussy (1)
• Compassion (5)
• Day-dreaming (1)
• Illusions (1)
• Loquacity (7)
• Obstinate (1)
• Dictatorial (3)
• Haughty (1)
• Quarrelsomeness (1)
• Swearing (1)
• Jealousy (6)
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV. 3 & 4/ 2007.
Covetous, avarice (2)
Impolite (1)
Violence (1)
Irresolution (1)
Disconsolate, unhappy (2)
Discontented (2)
Introvert (1)
Aversion to washing (1)
Modalities of mental symptoms
< being alone (3)
<company (8)]
<crowd (1)
<strangers (7)
<darkness (1)
<consolation (3)
<reprimands (3)
<anger (3)
<rage (3)
<thinking of complaints (1)
<music (1)
>music (1)
Mental-motor phenomena
tics (2)
grinding teeth (1)
stuttering (1)
biting nails (4)
Intellectual symptoms
weakness of memory (1)
< mental exertion (1)
Perception symptoms
>touch (4)
>soft touch (1)
<touching hair (2)
<pressure of clothes (1)
travel sickness (2)
disgust (2)
Motor symptoms
desire to move (1)
muscle tenseness (1)
repetitive motions (2)
clumsiness (2)
falling frequently, easily (2)
<writing (1)
General modalities and desires
<noon (1)
>fresh air, open air (4)
>walking outdoors (2)
>after sleeping (1)
<lack of sleep (4)
<full moon (2)
>massage (1)
>physical exertion (1)
desires fresh air (3)
desire to wrap oneself (1)
desire to doff clothes (1)
<various foods (5)
desires various foods (4)
aversion to various foods (1)
<hunger (5)
>eating (3)
>drinking (1)
Weather and climate
<cold-wet weather (1)
<autumn (1)
<winter (1)
<windy weather (1)
<change of weather (1)
<hot weather (4)
Table 5: Homoeopathic medications for patients in
two placebo-controlled ADHD trials,
''' associated
with improvements of 50% or 9 points in the
Conners Global Index.
Calc. c.
8. Sil.
9. Merc-s.
10. Bell.
11. Cham.
12. Sep.
13. Hep.
14. Arg-n.
15. Chm.
16. Lach.
17. Ph-ac.
18. Puis.
19. Staph.
20. Ars.
21. Hyos.
22. Nat-m.
23. Caps.
24. Agar.
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007,
25. Bar-c.
26. Bry.
27. Stram.
Table 6: Repertorizadon performed with
BSnninghausen Pocket Book 2000 program
M.G.,12 years, AD Calc Lye Cham Chin Borx Puis
Rubrics covered 111 11 1
Weighted grades 22 22 16 14 12 10
Polarity difference 18 15 10 8 4 4
Desires movement 114 4 1 1
>Undressing 3 4 2 2 3 2
<Eye strain 4 1112 2
<Noise 3 3 3 2 2 1
Difficult compre-
hension 3 4 2 11 1
<Writing 4 3 12 1 1
Flabby muscles 4 3 3 2 2 2
Aversion to
>Eye stain
Easy compre-
Firm muscles
Amokoor polarity
Amokoor Kl
1 3/K1"
0 0
0 0
0 1
0 0
0 0
81 71
1 2
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 2
74 71
Normal font, patient symptoms, oblique, opposite
*K1 = contraindications, in the realm of genius
symptoms the opposite pole is in high grade (3, 4),
the patient pole however in low grade (1, 2).
** Amokoor translates the absolute value of the
polarity difference into a percentile. PP = 50
corresponds to a polar difference of 0. values
above PP = 75 indicate a good specify of the
***The contraindication of Pulsatilla (weak muscle
tone) is only visible in the Amokoor program due to
symptom grading which differs from the
BSnninghausen Program.
Case example
In conclusion we would like to illustrate the
methods we have introduced using a case example
from the double blind study:
Marco (name changed), a 12 year old boy,
draws attention to himself because of his impulsive,
restless and at times difficult behaviour. He is
always on the run, can never finish anything, and
becomes frustrated quickly in difficult situations.
He develops severe headache after lack of sleep,
excitement, sadness or fear. As a small child he
used to be very fearful, but not anymore. His
psycho-motor development was on the slow side
but within normal bounds. If he feels well, Marco
is an open, sociable nature boy. Even in situations
which are difficult for him he remains approachable
and consolable. He has difficulties in school due to
serious learning and attention problems, and is
scarcely able to follow lessons in a normal class
room setting. His parents rated his CGI
hyperactivity score at 20, corresponding to an
ADHD of medium severity. Neurological and
neuropsychological examinations at the University
Clinic, Bern confirmed the diagnosis of ADHD.
On examination I find a tall, restrained,
slightly adipose patient with a low muscular tone,
who is able to remain relatively calm for a
hyperactive child. The only notable feature is his
rather pale complexion.
The parents mark the following symptoms on
the ADHD questionnaire:
• Increased desire to move
• Gets too hot easily, desire to undress
• Straining eyes aggravates (eg. increased
restlessness after watching TV or computer
• Noise (of others) aggravates
• Comprehension, cognition, thinking slow,
abstract reasoning difficult
• Writing difficult, cramped, tiring
Symptoms listed in the General questionnaire,
except weak muscle tone, were not used for
repertorization; such symptoms were: overweight,
headache due to lack of sleep and strong emotions,
profuse perspiration, aggravation from mental
exertion, amelioration from motion, outdoors, and
physical exertion - they may lead to failed
prescriptions as described earlier.
The repertorization was performed with the
Bonninghausen Program and checked with
Amokoor. Results are shown in Table 6. Six
medicines cover all symptoms, two of them,
however, Lycopodium and Pulsatilla, have to be
discarded due to contraindications. Calcium
carbonicum exhibits the highest polarity in both
repertories. Comparing the Materia Medica leads
us to exclude Chamomilla, since Marco shows no
temper tantrums, is not inclined toward violence,
and does not complain of increased sensitivity to
pain. China and Borax cover the patient symptoms
in a rather uncharacteristic way due to their low
polarity differences of 8 and 4, respectively, and
hence offer only low probabilities of cure. In
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
favour of Calcium carbonicum we have next to the
high polarity difference the coverage of accessory
symptoms such as profuse perspiration, pale
complexion, and slow psycho-motor development.
Also fitting are the discarded symptoms
amelioration outdoors and from physical exertion
as well as aggravation from lack of sleep and strong
Consequently, Marco received Calcium
carbonicum Q3 in liquid form every 2 days
initially, later in daily doses. After 1 month the
mother reports that he is significantly more stress
resistant, able to concentrate better, and his CGI
score is only 9. Family and teacher are enthusiastic
about the far reaching changes in such short a time.
During long-term treatment with rising Q-potencies
of Calc-c, the CGI score declined further to 6
(Figure 2). This case example shows clearly how,
owing to polarity analysis, relatively few symptoms
suffice to identify the most likely medicine.
The Organan in §§ 82-95, demands an open
case interview, we deviated from Hahnemann's
method by introducing questionnaires. This step
has to be justified carefully, since there is a risk of
missing individual, characteristic symptoms.
Because the cause of ADHD is according to current
understanding, probably of a genetic nature, we
frequently find ADHD symptoms in one or both
parents. Therefore, in our experience, the rather
unstructured description of the family history
frequently centres on the unavoidable complaints of
school, neighbourhood and siblings more than on
the actual symptoms of the child. So that we
frequently observe that the described symptoms are
limited to the range of the CGI and exhibit no
individual traits of the illness. The questionnaires
proved helpful in drawing the parents' attention to
those symptoms which have been shown helpful in
finding a fitting medicine. Therefore parents are
given 2-4 weeks to familiarize themselves with the
truly characteristic symptoms of the child. This
frequently helps to avoid having to revise the
primary symptoms after a first (unsuccessful)
treatment phase. Because in our methodology the
medicine selection is based on relatively few but
important symptoms, it is decisive that those are
truly accurate.
Excluding symptoms, associated with a failed
prescription in one patient only, may be
problematic. Since homoeopathic treatment of
ADHD is so difficult, we aimed primarily at the
discovery of unreliable symptoms, without
considering the quantitative aspects (ie the relation
of reliable to unreliable reports of the same
symptom). Through the fact that the perception
symptoms of ADHD patients presented a more
specific alternative, we were not forced to
investigate the unreliable symptoms further. Since
this kind of problem does seem to be ADHD
specific, these results may not be applicable to
other diseases.
It has also to be emphasized that reliable
polarity analysis requires at least five polar
symptoms. A single inaccurate symptom
frequently leads to a failed prescription.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the
contraindications are the more important part of the
analysis, since disregarding them almost invariably
leads to the wrong medicine, while the size of the
polarity difference constitutes only a relative scale
indicating the best fitting medicine. An interesting
new method of grading is being developed by the
Dutch Committee for Methods and Validation.
They propose the use of likelihood ratios (LR) to
calculate the probability a specific symptom
contributes to the selection of a specific
homoeopathic medicine. LR compares the
prevalence of a symptom in patients that have been
cured by a specific homoeopathic medicine, with
the prevalence of this symptom in the rest
population (unsuccessful prescriptions of the same
medicine and all prescriptions of other medicines).
While the theoretical basis for the use of LR's is
established, a considerable research effort is
necessary to arrive at a repertory with LR-grading.
It will be interesting then to test the hypothesis if
polarity analysis with LR's instead of
Boenninghausen's symptom grades is more
accurate. Polarity analysis must be regarded as an
additional tool with which the precision of the
prescription can be somewhat increased. In parallel
to our investigations into ADHD we also checked
their influence on the success rate with other
patients. The initial indications are that they lead to
a significant increase in the precision of medicine
selection. There has also been concern that polarity
analysis may lead to an increase in prescription of
polychrests, and that smaller medications may be
lost in this procedure. In our first ADHD study
without polarity analysis we used 24 different
medicines for 86 children (number of patients who
received the same medicine: 3.58), in the second
with polarity analysis 17 medicines for 62 patients
(number of patients who received the same
medicine: 3.65). thus, the individualization of the
homoeopathic treatment in ADHD patients has not
suffered through this method. On the contrary,
applying polarity analysis in other diseases, we
observe a wider range of successful prescriptions
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
with a more frequent use of smaller medicines
(publication in preparation).
The introduction perception symptoms into
the repertorization violates the (misunderstood)
homoeopathic dogma of never basing a case
analysis on pathognomic symptoms. Dunham, who
initially pointed out this problem, counted only
such symptoms which exhibit already more or less
pronounced tissue lesions as pathognomic.
' '
Later homoeopaths changed the meaning of
pathognomic to its current medical definition,
encompassing those symptoms pertaining to a
conventional medical diagnosis. This change in
interpretation means that even in all respects
characteristic symptoms in the sense of Organon §
153 are subsumed under the heading pathognomic.
If we exclude such symptoms from repertorizations,
we are violating the Law of Similars.
broadening of the definition of pathognomic
beyond Dunham's tissue lesions seems
inadmissible, as shown by the increase of the rate
of cure associated with the inclusion of perception
A modified Bonninghausen treatment approach
has enabled us to optimize the treatment of ADHD
patients. In Bonninghausen's ranking of
symptoms, the main complaint with its peculiarities
comes before the accessory symptoms with their
associated peculiarities, while mental/emotional
symptoms are only considered afterwards. The
polarity analysis evolves and extends
Bonninghausen's concept of contraindications.
This optimization process required about 5 years of
hard work, during which we had the opportunity to
become intimately familiar with the problems
associated with the homoeopathic treatment of
ADHD patients. We believe that the significant
result in favour of Homoeopathy in the Bernese
ADHD double blind study are thanks only to this
Sincere thanks to Dr. Klaus-Henning
GYPSER, for his assistance in preparing the
manuscript, Dr. LEX RUTTEN for the introduction
into the scientific work of his team, and Dr.
Christian KURZ for the careful translation of the
text. Conflicting interests: None declared.
1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic
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ed. Washington, DC: American
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GW. DSM-IV field trials for attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder in children and
adolescents. Am J Psychiatry 1994; 151:
3. Conners CK. Conners Rating Scales (revised),
Technical Manual. Toronto: MHS, 1997.
4. HAHNEMANN S. Organon der Heilkunst,
Ausgabe 6 B. Heidelberg: Haug, 1989.
5. FREI H. Die homoopathische Behandlung von
Kindern mit ADS/ADHS. Stuttgart: Haug,
6. FREI H. Die Rangordnungen der Symptome
von Hahnemann, Bonninghausen, Hering und
Kent, evaluiert anhand von 175 Kasuistiken.
ZKH1999 A: 143-155.
SCHMIT SF. Homoeopathic treatment of
children with attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder: a randomized, double blind, placebo
controlled trial. Eur J Fed 2005; 164: 758-767.
8. Bonninghausen C v. Therapeutisches
Taschenbuch 2000, Hrsg. K.-H. GYPSER.
Sonntag: Stuttgart, 2000.
9. Bonninghausen Arbeitsgemeinschaft.
Repertorisations program zum Bonninghausen
Taschenbuch 2000. Sinzig Lohndorf:
Bonninghausen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 2000
(order from: www.bonninghausen.de).
10. STE1NER U. Amokoor Repertorisations
programm 2006. Immensee: STEINER, 2006
(order from: www.urssteiner.ch or
11. FREI H., THURNEYSEN A. Treatment for
hyperactive children: Homoeopathy and
methylphenidate compared in a family setting.
Brit Horn J 2001; 90: 183-188.
homoeopathic prescription by applying
epidemiological techniques: the role of
likelihood ratio. Homeopathy 2002; 91: 203-
RFG, BARTHELS RWJM. Is assessment of
likelihood ratio of homoeopathic symptoms
possible? A pilot study. Homeopathy 2003;
RFG, BARTHELS RWJM. Cure as gold
standard for likelihood ratio assessment:
theoretical considerations. Homeopathy 2004:
95: 78-83.
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV. 3 & 4/ 2007.
perspective on the reliability of homoeopathic
repertories. Homeopathy 2006: 95: 88-93.
16. DUNHAM C. Lectures on Materia Medica.
Reprint. Delhi: Jain Publishers, 1885.
17. DUNHAM C. Homeopathy. The Science of
Therapeutics. Delhi: Pratap Medical
Publishers, without year.
18. HOLZAPFEL K. Zur Kritik der
pathognomonischen Symptome. Z Klass Horn
2002; 46: 183-193.
Although judicious observation is the medium
for the attainment of knowledge, that is, of a certain
perception of truth, fact, or existence, still we may
resort to speculation as a means of stimulating the
mind to observation. And we may do this properly
and profitably whilst we are careful between
opinion and knowledge.
Opinion, like belief indeed, they are nearly
convertible terms, may be rational, speculative, or
arbitrary. It is rational when it is a just judgement
of strong probability resulting from reasoning upon
ascertained facts. It is speculative when it is the
result of reasoning upon opinions or hypotheses. It
is arbitrary when it exists from the determination of
the Will.
The ratiocination and resulting opinion
constitutes a theory. But convenience, this term is
often applied to either of these constituents. It
would, therefore, seem that theory could only
appertain to rational or speculative opinion. But, a
theory may be arbitrarily adopted, and this will
most frequently occur from a confidence in the
judgement of its propounder. It may be proper for
the pupil to receive with respect the doctrines of his
preceptor. But when the time has arrived in which
his pupilage ought to terminate, it becomes his duty
to submit the precepts which he has received to the
ordeal of observation and reflection. And when, in
his turn, he endeavours to become the teacher of
others, he should remember that arbitrary opinion,
in which the will usurps the place of reason, ought
to be excluded from the realm of science, and
fortunately for the progress of mankind, it is not
now nearly so influential in medicine as it was a
few centuries since. Then the authority of great
names was much more potential than it is at the
present time. No man of sense would dare at this
day to utter a sentiment similar to that of the
zealous Galenist, who said, "Malo cum Galeno
errare, quam Harveyo esse circulator" - I would
rather err with Galen, than be a circulator with
After this brief elucidation of the sense in
which some important terms are employed in these
papers, we may proceed to the consideration of a
few of the theories which exist among the
cultivators of homoeopathic medicine. And first,
the theory of the single dose. This, which has some
influence in modifying the practice of many
physicians, is nowhere absolutely taught. It ought
not, therefore, to be called a doctrine. It is
suggested by the writings of HAHNEMANN, but
he can easily be exonerated from the charge of
having taught it absolutely. His "Eine oder ein Parr
Gaben," his one or two doses, together with his
allowance of the repetition of a medicine in certain
cases, are sufficient to settle this matter.
The rational theory of the single dose is an
induction from the following facts.
First, that violent and even inveterate diseases
have been cured by single doses.
Second , that the repetition of the dose appears
sometimes to excite needless aggravation, and
seems to delay rather than to expedite the cure.
Third, that in some cases there is a diminution
in the amount and duration of relief from each
successive dose, evidencing merely palliative
operation; whilst, at the same time, medicinal
symptoms of a severe character may be produced.
Such facts are sufficiently prominent in
homoeopathic practice to call our attention to the
theory of the single dose, and to demand for it a
careful investigation, but they are far from being
sufficiently constant to justify its acceptance as
worthy of universal or even of general application
in the treatment of disease. It is, indeed, too
extensive an induction from certain facts, whilst
others of a counterpoising character are either
entirely neglected or much undervalued. The fact
that very many cases of disease appear to require a
repetition of the doses, and to be benefited thereby,
certainly militates against this theory, which we
will agree may be usefully accepted in those cases
in which the single dose is evidently effecting a
In order to prepare ourselves for the proper
appreciation of facts, it will be necessary for us to
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
free ourselves from the bias of speculative opinion,
or at the least to ascertain the true value of any
speculation which is allowed to operate upon our
The evident truthfulness of this proposition
should induce us to vigorously examine and
criticize every speculative theory which may have
an important influence over us. Therefore great as
is the debt of gratitude which we owe to the genius
of HAHNEMANN we are justified in a close
investigation of his theory of disease, and of the
modus operandi of remedies in its cure,
remembering that he did not enunciate it as
absolutely true, but as most highly probable. The
following inelegant but literal translation of Article
29 of his Organon, shows us his theory.
"In that every disease (the purely surgical
excepted), depends upon a disturbability of our
vital power, in feelings and activities; so in the
homoeopathic healing of the vital power disturbed
by natural disease, through the administration of a
medicinal potens, selected accurately according to
symptoms resemblance, there is produced a
somewhat stronger, similar morbid affection, and as
it were substituted in the place of the weaker,
similar natural morbid commotion against which
then the instinctive vital power, now only
medicinally disordered (but stronger), is compelled
to direct an increased energy, but on account of the
shorter working-duration of the now morbidly
affecting medicinal potence, soon overcomes this,
and as at first from the natural, so now from the in
its place entered artificial (medicinal) affection
becomes free, and therefore fitted to guide the life
of the organism again into health".
In the consideration of these theoretic
explanations, we may first notice the opinion, or
rather the hypotheses of the DISTURBABILITY
The terms employed in the statement of this
hypothesis may be new, but the idea which they are
intended to convey is old. The theory of dynamic
and adynamic diseases appears to contemplate
disturbances of the dynamis or vital power. In
many other theories of disease there is an
approximation to this idea. Indeed, at first view, it
appears so truth-like, that we are ready to accept it
as truth. But remembering that the apparent is
often very different from the real, let us try its
merits by instituting a comparison between it and
the directly opposite hypothesis of the
This, also, is not novel. For the Archaeus of
some, and the Vis medicatrix naturae of other
writers convey the idea of a power residing in the
living organism, which is constantly operating for
the development, perfection and integrity of the
organization. The functions of such a power are the
same as those of an indisturbable Vital Power or
principle. Therefore we may consider the power as
a thing with different names. Of these, that of the
indisturbable Vital Principle may have sufficient
advantages to justify its employment.
Upon the admission of this hypothesis, we
must look elsewhere than to the Vital Principle for
the primal seat of disease. And we can now only
look to the organization for this; since it is the
recipient of the injuries and offence which
constitute diseases. For, however extensively, we
may consider diseases as consisting of symptoms,
and may name them therefrom; we all have a
perception of something beyond this; namely, the
disease itself. Then, considering an injury or
offence to the organization to be the morbus ipse,
the disease itself, which must have as its necessary
consequences, alterations of the actions and
feelings; and, also, considering that the Vital
Principle in establishing new and extraordinary
processes must produce alterations of actions and
feelings, we must arrive at the conclusion that these
alterations are of two kinds. These may be termed
the direct and the indirect. And, as all these
alterations are called symptoms, we may say of an
incision by which a muscle is divided, that the
gaping wound, the haemorrhage, the immediate
pain and the loss of power, are direct symptoms of
the injury, the morbus ipse. And, that the
symptoms which speedily become blended with
these and finally supersede them, being the
production of the vital power in its processes of
preservation and restoration, are indirect symptoms.
Some among us may by this time be ready to
ask, what are offences: It may be replied, that they
are conditions of the organization which might be
termed injuries, if it were not that they are as yet
not attended by structural lesion, and therefore
permit a restoration to the original condition. When
from the particular nature, the violence, or the long
continuance of an offence, structural defect is
produced, it becomes an injury. The most
necessary and proper food when eaten in too large
quantity, becomes a cause of offence. These cases,
which are not infrequent, the sensations of weight
and fullness, the general lassitude and many other
uncomfortable feelings, are the direct symptoms of
the offence of the organization; whilst the
paroxysmal pains, the nausea and the vomiting, are
the results of the action of the Vital Principle for
the removal of cause of offence, being the indirect
symptoms. Another illustration derived from those
organs which are provided for the reception and
O Quarterly Homreopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
temporary retention of certain excretions. When
these accumulate until they ought to be discharged,
the Vital Principle establishes its processes for their
removal which are marked by alterations in the
actions and feelings.
Extending our views to the exhalents of all
kinds, we find that the performance of their
functions may sometimes be interrupted or entirely
suspended. The causes of offence which occasion
such interruptions or suspensions, are generally
from the exterior of the organization. But whether
their causes be interior or exterior, their effect is to
overload the system with matters which ought to be
eliminated from it. So important is the removal of
these matters, that the vital power when it does not
succeed in removing the primary offence, and
recalling the inactive exhalents to their work,
imposes their duties upon other sets of exhalents.
These in their turn being overtasked, perform their
own duties imperfectly, overwork other exhalent
with similar results. In all this, the vital power is
doing the best which it can now do to preserve the
life of the organism. Its first great duty appears to
be the preservation of the organization in health and
integrity, and when from the force of adverse
circumstances it has been unable to do this, its
second great duty commences, which is to maintain
the life of the organism as long as may be possible.
Therefore, the Vital Principle, as the inimical forces
become more powerful, contends inch by inch in
retreat, yielding position after position, until it is
compelled to succumb, and the life of the organism
is extinct.
The offences to the organization from external
as well as from internal causation, are innumerable.
But the vital power resists or overcomes the larger
portion of them by its own forces. When from the
violence of a cause or from a complication of
causes, serious disease results, we are often able to
afford aid through the employment of medicinal
agents. These are useful, not from their nutritious
or invigorating properties, therefore, not from any
power which they possess of adding directly to the
power of the Vital Principle. Their utility appears
to consist in modifying the conditions of the
offended of the offence. Sometimes, the medicinal
power may substitute the existing disease by that
which it is capable of producing, and when this is
of a nature to be speedily overcome by the vital
power, a rapid cure must ensue. At other times, the
medicinal offence being super-added to the pre-
existing, serves as an additional incentive to the
Vital Principle to free the organization from the
irritation of both. And, at many, if not at all times,
the medicinal power operates through its offence
both as substitute and incentive. The last of these
methods is deserving of special attention, as being
substantially that given by HAHNEMANN in his
explanation of the mode of operation of
Homoeopathic remedies in the cure of disease.
From this, it can be seen that whichever hypothesis
we may accept, our views in regard to the mode of
operation of medicines in the cure of diseases are
the same, except as relates to the hypothetical
connection. And here it is that either of these
hypotheses becomes of importance, because of its
power of giving a bias to the mind in relation to the
repetition of doses. For under the idea of adding a
new disturbance to an already disturbed vital
power, we may sometimes fail to repeat the dose
when it might be repeated with great advantage.
Whilst under the view that the medicinal offence is
offered to a part or parts of the organization, the
Vital Principle being fully capable of overcoming
it, will give us much greater freedom in the
repetition of doses.
Follow members, if on this occasion there has
been evoked from the realm of thought a creature of
the imagination and named the Indisturbable Vital
Principle. It has been done not for the purpose of
offering matter for discussion this evening, but also
to show how careful we ought to be to avoid bias
from speculative reasoning, and how watchful we
should be in the proper observation and estimation
of facts.
(H.M. 1868-506)
Discussion on Jacob JEANES paper "Single
Dr. WILLIAMSON: We are all deeply engaged in
the treatment of cases as they arise in practice, that
we have not permitted ourselves to penetrate very
deeply into the realms of science. While I
appreciate the valuable paper, I do not wish to
comment until I see it in print. A judicious
practitioner will not repeat the dose when he
conceives it to be unnecessary, he will not refrain
from repeating it on any theoretical grounds, where
it may appear to be necessary. He must be
governed by the indications of his case. We have
not arrived at that point where we are able to decide
when and how often the dose should be repeated,
but I have no doubt that this would eventually be
At first, the almost universal plan was to give
two doses following Hahnemann's method. We
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007,
must remember, however, that from 1835 to 1843,
HAHNEMANN treated almost exclusively chronic
diseases, generally prescribing from the detail of
symptoms given to him. There are acute diseases
that have no specific course to run, and these may
often be out short by a single dose of the right
remedy; but it has always appeared to me sound
both in theory and practice, that in particular
diseases arising from some morbific agency, where
the cause continues to act, that a single dose
exhausts its action on the system before the action
of the morbific cause ceases. Thus by theory I
would be led to repeat the dose and it has been
confirmed in practice.
Dr.H.N. MARTIN: Does it not make a difference
in regard to repetition, whether you use the high or
low potencies?
Dr. WILLIAMSON: Most assuredly. If in a case
of acute disease, as Scarlet Fever, the physician
were to prescribe a single dose of a low potency
and wait 24 hours, he might have no opportunity of
repeating it; whereas, if a high potency were given,
and frequently repeated the case might become
considerably mixed.
Dr. GUERNSEY: It is quite as hard to know when
to repeat as it is to know what to prescribe in a
given case. The phase of the case may vary so
from time to time, that we may be prompted to
repeat where it would actually be injudicious. In
nature, the transition from season to season is
gradual. Summer approaches through Spring,
gradually. The Spring days often assume the garb
of Winter, and then become more genial, and thus
changing fine weather is established, and Summer
is fully set in. In the natural processes of the body,
as after parturition, the same thing is observed.
Thus the lochial discharge, gradually fading, with
occasional outspurts, ceases, and the woman thinks
she is well; but it returns again and again, in the
nature of a pinkish discharge, until it finally ceases
and the woman is then well. Thus in disease, also,
we find the same thing obtains; the same ups and
downs. We give a high potency of a carefully
selected and homoeopathic remedy, and after a time
we find the patient is not so well as at first. Now
the questions arise, is this the natural action of the
remedy, or of the disease influenced by the remedy
or is the patient getting worse? This appears to be a
difficult point to be decided. If he is fully assured
the homceopathicity of this remedy, his course is to
await patiently its action, and he finds everything
come right. In consequence of the varying action
of the diseased organism, it is difficult to know
when to repeat a remedy, and when not to repeat it.
Dr. H.N. MARTIN: I have frequently observed
that after giving a single dose of a high potency
with good effect, that the patient got worse. By
waiting in these cases, I had found the patient get
better again, and well. Some I had repeated the
dose, and the patient became worse; repeated again
and still worse; changed the remedy, still worse;
then in disgust had given nothing, and the patient
speedily recovered.
The idea of a medicine curing a disease, is
something, I have grave doubts about. I have
established a theory of my own in this regard.
Nature has always something held in reserve. We
might suppose it impossible that we could jump
twelve feet, yet if pursued, under the influence of
terror, we would develop surprising power that
would enable us to leap the distance readily. If the
vital powers become depressed, and the patient
lapses into that condition we call disease, I would
think of giving medicine, by its action the power
lying dormant in the system is released and
compelled to drive the disease out. If the first dose
does not call up the force, it will be necessary to
repeat. This idea is very crude, but I have
entertained it for sometime.
Dr. JEANES: Under both hypotheses, as laid down
in the paper, we are led to the sigle dose. Under
one, however, the disturbability, we would be
exceedingly timid about repeating the dose, or of
even giving the first dose. I had had the same
experience as Dr. GUERNSEY. Had seen many
such cases as alluded to by him. The bad part of
the wheel will come uppermost again and again,
and yet the patient be gradually getting better.
Repetition of doses is something that the physician
seems prone to. The one who uses low potencies
repeats frequently, while he who uses high
potencies dissolves his pellets in water and orders
doses to be given so and so, which is certainly
repeating the dose. I think it is often prejudicial to
repeat the dose.
Dr. GUERNSEY: There is absolute danger in
repeating the dose, in these "turning up of the bad
part of the wheel", as Dr. JEANES happily
expresses it. Dr. WILLIAMSON had said to him, a
long time ago, and I had never forgotten it, that he
had hadpatients getting along finely, until he
unfortunately repeated the doses, and he could not
get his patients back into the old good condition
again. Where aggravations of the nature spoken of
before occur, I think it bad practice to repeat.
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
Dr. B.W. JAMES: Just here we see the
importance of knowing the difference between the
symptoms of disease, those of the drug, and those
of nature in her reaction. There certainly is a line of
demarcation, where the disease symptoms leave
off, and those of restoration set in; the same as there
is in the proving of a drug, where a certain train of
symptoms are the effect of the drug itself, and other
symptoms are only those produced by the system
itself, in re-establishing a normal state or in
bringing the functions again into healthy play.
These latter effects, if noted in the proving of a
remedy, are ofcourse, not properly drug symptoms,
and will not be cured, in disease manifestations, by
that drug. We cannot yet discover the dividing line,
but I think we might, at some day, by close
observation, be able to do it, and then we will be
able to know just when to give a remedy, and how
often to repeat it, and when to stop and leave nature
to herself.
Dr.J.C.MORGAN: I usually give three doses, have
often found my patient on the first after prescribing
better of some symptoms; on the second day others
are better, but some new, collateral symptoms are
presented. I have often at this point been at a loss
whether to repeat or not. I was called to a case of
Croup. The child was fat; had barking cough, like
the barking of a dog, fever and vomiting. Gave
Spongia 200 every two hours for some days. The
child was constipated, and on calling again, found
the mother had given Castor oil. I then gave S.L.
Two days after the cessation of the Spongia, he
found the child's cough much softer, yet still
barking. I gave Hepar, three doses, and there was
no more of it. In another case, that of an old lady,
there were symptoms of Pneumonia. Auscultatory
symptoms those of Bronchitis; sibilant respiration;
crackling sound in upper part of left lung, with
bellows sound, chills, etc. Gave first, three doses of
Belladonna, in water, in repeated doses. This was
followed by amelioration, but subsequently its
action ceased. Then gave Sulphur in water. This
produced amelioration also, followed by
aggravation of double the former extent. At this
point, after much doubt and hesitation as to what I
should do, gave S.L. and the patient has been
getting better ever since. If I find the periodicity the
disease started with, changed, I regard it as the
effect of the disease. If the periodicity and the
morals are manifestly changed, while the main
affection is unchanged, I regard it as an aggravation
by the remedy, and repetition unadvisable. In the
old lady's case, I regarded it as the aggravation of
Sulphur, because the nose became very red; a
Sulphur symptom. In treating Gonorrhoea, I have
found that by repeating the dose, violent
aggravations have resulted. I think that this disease,
belonging to the animal sphere, is liable to show
aggravations. I would like to know what it is that
we term "Vital Principle." I regard it as composite.
Dr.WILLIAMSON: If we would know the true end
of things, we must study the means. We must study
the natural history of diseases. A large number of
diseases, attacking the organism, in course of time
change their locality and conditions. I was called to
see an old gentleman who had Apoplexy. I gave an
appropriate remedy, and he got better. But while his
health was better, his heart was worse.
Hahnemann's doctrine, that symptoms disappear
inversely as they appear, was in his experience,
correct. The appearance and aggravation of the
heart symptoms in this case, were the natural results
of the apoplectic condition being removed. When
we relieve the heart symptoms, we have showing
itself, a kidney affection. Thus, in apoplexy in old
persons, we almost invariably find they had, earlier
in life, some heart affection, and before this,
perhaps in childhood or youth, a kidney affection.
Thus , the symptoms last appearing are the first to
be cured. Thus we will perceive it is important to
study the natural history of the disease, as well as
the pathogenesis of drugs.
(H.M. 1868-547)
C Quarterly Homeoparhic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
Part III
(While Part II features articles from other journals, P;
1. History of Homoeopathy in India in the 19
Century by Prof. Dr. Diwan Harish CHAND.
Published by B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. I
edition - 2007 Price Rs. 325.00 C 21.95. US$
This book deals with the life of pioneers of
Homoeopathy in India in the 19
Century. These
pioneers were Dr. John Martin HONIGBERGER,
Babu Rajinder DUTT, Dr. Mahendra Lai SIRCAR,
Sir Syed Ahmed KHAN and Fr. Augustus
This book written by Dr. Diwan Harish
CHAND reports on their lives, their trials, beliefs,
and their subsequent triumphs. In his preface Dr.
Harish CHAND mentions a chance meeting at an
airport in Germany with Dr. Renen DUTTA, who is
the 5* generation descendent of Babu Rajinder
DUTT, one of the pioneers of Homoeopathy.
The book is divided into seven chapters.
Chapter-1 deals with the inception and
development of Homoeopathy in the 19
century. It
is believed that one Dr. Henry Westly VOYCEY,
who was a geologist, was perhaps the first person to
bring Homoeopathy to India and practice it.
Subsequently some German missionaries settled
down in Karnataka around 1834, and began treating
lay people and top government officials of that
time, through Homceopathy. The chapter gives
various other references during those days of those
who took to Homoeopathy, but it was Babu
Rajinder Lai DUTT, who may be considered as the
father of Indian Homoeopathy. This Chapter
includes a Speech given during the year 1867 by a
British Judge of Banaras, Mr. IRONSIDE whose
pertinent remarks, I shall briefly quote as they are
valid today inspite of the passage of so much time.
"Medical men are specially prone to resist any new
doctrine ... It is very difficult at all times to
introduce anything new into medical use, and to get
people to believe in it and adopt it, especially when
they have made up their minds - apriori - as to the
absurdity of it. People generally in this world fail
in moral courage and use ridicule as a weapon with
success where any object is to be gained. Men like
Dr. HARVEY and Dr. JENNER suffered from this
III contains the editor's own contribution and other
ridicule." This article by the judge contains many
such interesting points, and I will quote one more
sentence of his which coming from a layman
should make all doctors sit up in their comfortable
arm chairs and think. "The science of medicine, I
consider, consists in knowing exactly what to give
and administering just sufficient to remove the
illness and no more, without producing any
inconvenience whatever to the patient. People who
suffer from the effects of the medicine, suffer from
the superfluous quantity they have taken. ... the
science of assisting nature which in essence
Homceopathy is, should be the ground work of all
medical theory." This chapter also contains an
important article by the Late Dr. P.C.
MAZUMDAR and also contains an extensive
article on malarial fevers in India by Late Dr. P.C.
MAZUMDAR who has given various remedies in
chronic and protracted cases along with the acute
stages. Much useful information is there in this
chapter about the establishment of Calcutta Medical
College and the spread of Homoeopathy in Bombay
and Mangalore.
Chapter-2 is written entirely by Dr. Mahindra
Lai SIRCAR and is titled Homoeopathy in India.
This was first reproduced as a speech sent to the
International Homoeopathic Convention, London
1881 and covers pages from 21 to 48. Dr. SIRCAR
has also written about Homoeopathy in the
treatment of diseases prevalent in India during his
time. When one reads the various remedies that he
has mentioned especially for diarrhoeas, one is
struck with the depth of knowledge and the
homoeopathic mastery that Dr. SIRCAR had and his
remarks about the essential features of various
remedies would be very helpful for anyone of us
today. This chapter also includes the treatment of
Indian Dysentery and Cholera by Dr. P.W.
CARTER of Australia who treated such cases in
India between 1876 and 1878. He has given also a
statement of Cholera cases that he treated between
1872 and 1878, both in the invasive stage and in the
fully developed stage. He was the first to advocate
giving a solution of saline orally in water every
fifteen minutes.
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol- XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
Chapter-3 deals with the association of
Maharaja Ranjit SINGH and Romanian physician
John Martin HONIGBERGER. This physician
remained as a court physician to the Maharaja for a
period of four years, and then after the death of the
Maharaja he stayed for another ten years during his
second visit to India. He has recorded his
experiences in a book titled "35 years in the East".
The story of this doctor and his treatment of the
Maharaja during his first visit is perhaps known to
all homoeopaths. The Maharaja improved
remarkably initially, by giving him a potentised
remedy of Dulcamara prepared in front of the
Maharaja and his courtiers. This incurred the
jealousy of so many hakims and other allopathic
doctors especially that of a fakir who exerted an
unholy influence over Ranjit SINGH. Shortly
afterwards, the Maharaja was treated by other
physicians and he passed away. The chapter
contains an interesting account of not only the
Maharaja's inner circle, but also the personality and
attributes of Ranjit SINGH himself.
HONIGBERGER during his stay treated many
patients of the Cholera epidemic of that time, and
also the other Europeans like the French, Italians,
English who were staying there. HONIGBERGER
travelled over 30 years in his lifetime getting
acquainted with various medical systems. The
systems of the Hindus and the Muslims, systems
from Egypt and ancient Greece and even studied
some ancient astrological notions and some absurd
superstitions. He had extensively practiced both
Allopathy and Homoeopathy, finding each system
useful in its own way, he composed his own system
which he calls 'median system'!. His book
contains a Repertory and a Materia Medica of 300
pages and also mentions various strange remedies
which he himself prepared from plants and animals.
Sadly to say, the works of HONIGBERGER are no
longer available to us. A great volume of
impressive literature seems to have been lost for all
times. The Chapter is enlivened with coloured
photographs of HONIGBERGER and the place
where he prepared the medicine for the Maharaja.
The chapter ends with some reproductions from
HONIGBERGER's book, which the author Dr.
Diwan Harish CHAND has given in an enlarged
Chapter-4 deals with Rajinder DUTT, the
pioneer of Homoeopathy, who may be called as the
Father of Homoeopathy in that century. It describes
how Rajinder BABU converted Dr. Mahindralal
SIRCAR to Homoeopathy and also describes the
treatment of Bhagwan Sri Ramakrishna during his
terminal illness. It is said that Ramakrishna
improved initially with Rajindra BABU's first dose
of Lycopodium 200c and for two weeks at least was
feeling better raising hopes of eventual cure, but as
was well-known Sri Ramakrishna slowly
deteriorated and passed away. It is said that Swami
Vivekananda was also in 1887 cured of kidney
stone disease by Babu Rajinder DUTT. Rajinder
DUTT was not only a great social-worker and
educationist but also an excellent businessman, a
lover of art and crafts and an excellent account of
this man was published in the Span magazine
which Dr. Diwan Harish CHAND could get a copy
after much efforts. The personal library of this
person was said to be so extensive that it was
supposed to be the largest of any of its kind by a
private person. He is said to have read all his books
as they arrived, for an hour or two before
consigning it to his shelves. More material is given
in this chapter by Swami Prabhanand about Babu
Rajinder DUTT which makes very interesting
reading especially the parts of the meeting and
treatment of Sri Ramakrishna by these two
homoeopaths. It is said that after Sri Ramakrishna's
passing, the spiritual urge of Babu Rajinder went on
increasing, though he survived only for three years
after the master's departure. Some rare first day's
stamps have been shown in this book as the author
is also a philatelist. More information about
Rajinder DUTT and his connection with the Pea-
body museum in Salem in Massachusetts is given
in this chapter. The Peabody museum also houses a
clay model of Babu Rajinder DUTT and various
other letters and gifts which Babu DUTT sent from
time to time. Coloured photographs of Indian
merchants and Yankee traders of those days and a
photograph of goddess Laxmi, a portrait of the
Babu, have been given in this chapter.
Chapter-5 gives more details of Mahindra
SIRCAR of which we have mentioned in an earlier
chapter. The far reaching results of SIRCAR's
conversion to Homoeopathy, his formation of the
association for the cultivation of Sciences, and his
last terminal illness with his undying loyalty to the
creed of Homoeopathy are some of the important
paragraphs which should be read by everybody.
The house of Dr. SIRCAR and even the street
named after him is shown by coloured photographs
in this chapter. Chapter on SIRCAR is from pages
143 to 215 and is perhaps the largest of all.
Chapter-6 deals with Sir Syed Ahmed KHAN,
the founder of Aligarh Muslim University, and is
associated with the spread of Homoeopathy in North
India. Sir Syed Ahmed KHAN strongly supported
Homoeopathy, and he stands out prominently as a
dynamic man pitted against conservatism,
superstition, inertia and ignorance. He also wrote a
book on Homoeopathy in Urdu and it is sorry to
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
learn that his house - the haveli where he lived,
though it still exists today is a place of pigeon holes
and crumbling walls where some 8 to 10 families
still live.
The Chapter-7 is about Fr. Augustus MULLER
a pioneer of Homoeopathy in South India. Arriving
in Mangalore in 1788, amongst the first batch of
Jesuit missionaries he taught English and side-by-
side with a small chest of homoeopathic medicines
began treating relatives and common people and his
students. He soon quit his English teacher's job,
opened a 'Homoeopathic Poor Dispensary' and also
wrote many useful books to spread the message of
Homoeopathy. He then started a manufacturing
unit and later on opened The Father Muller's
Charitable Institutions. Fr. MULLER, though a
pure homoeopath suggested the use of
SCHUESSLER's tissue remedies and later on he
came across Count Mattei's remedies which were a
combination formulae for various diseases, the
combination was based on organ remedies. This
lead to the development of what is known even
today as Fr. MULLER's 'Specifics' which he
advocated could be used by many lay people. In
1890 he started a Leprosy hospital and Asylum and
in 1895 a general hospital, and in all these hospitals
he was ably assisted by Sisters of Charity. Later on
came an isolation hospital and a hospital for
Cholera and all the nursing of these patients was
done by a devoted band of young men, and of the
women by the Sisters of Charity. In 1910
FR.MULLER suffered from an attack of asthma
and cardiac complications. Inspite of this he went
to Colombo and then to Mangalore and passed
away peacefully in 1910 in his 70
year. It is said,
"Heaven had plans for him. That plan brought him
from United states to France, from illness to health,
from Allopathy to Homoeopathy and through it all
finally to India." He wrote four books still
available today and his body was interred in the
chapel of the leper asylum at the foot of the altar.
Many black and white coloured photographs are
given at the end of this chapter. A list of sixteen
references is given at the end of this book.
Going through this book for me, has been a
marvellous journey to the past in the 19
and Dr.Diwan Harish CHAND should be
congratulated for the tremendous zeal, patience and
dedication with which he has written this book for
the benefit of all Homoeopaths in India and the
world. The price is reasonable and this book will
go down as a classic of it's kind about the History
of Homoeopathy in India in 19
1 Materia Medica Revisa
Homoeopathiae - Einfiihrung von
Klaus Henning GYPSER (Hrsg.),
Wunnibald Gypser Verlag,
2007 Einfiihrung.
2. Materia medica Revisa
Homoeopathiae Dulcamara von
Klaus-Henning GYPSER (Hrsg.)
Wunnibald Gypser Verlag, 2007.
H.C. ALLEN said "The life-work of the
student of the homoeopathic Materia Medica is one
of constant comparison and differentiation
To enable the student or Practitioner to do this
correctly and rapidly he must have as a basis for
comparison some knowledge of the individuality
of the remedy" .... (Preface to the First Edition
of "Key Notes and Comparisons" .... By H.C.
ALLEN, Boericke & Tafel, 1936). Such a study of
the remedies can be made only if we have reliable
Materia Medica. What, for example, are the
sources from which William BOERICKE compiled
his Materia Medica? How much from Provings and
verifications? What errors and how many have
crept in in the different translations? This is very
important since erroneous entries have entered into
the Repertories from the Materia Medica which
itself contained the error. The source Materia
Medica must be available to enable verification.
In the L.H. TAFEL's Translation of the Lesser
Writings of BOENNINGHAUSEN, in the article
". . . Concerning Expectoration" I found three
errors when I verified this with the original in
GYPSER's Boenninghausens Kleine
Medizinische Schriften, 1988.
Thus the importance of source verification is
necessary especially when most of the books on the
practitioner's desk for consultation are secondary
In the course of over a century and a half of
clinical practice of Homoeopathy several
verifications, corrections, additional symptoms,
etc., have been presented by quite reliable authors
which are lying scattered in several articles and
such other records; for example the
Characteristics in J.H. CLARKE's Dictionary of
Practical Materia Medica which precede the
Schema presentation of each remedy. To the best of
my knowledge no one has attempted to add to this
subsequently. There are certain errors in the
CLARKE's Dictionary itself. Meanwhile most of
the valuable old journals wherein these are
contained have been lost totally.
The late Dr. Georg von KELLER had, over a
period of several years, collected much useful and
reliable material and he began to collate them and
O Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
present them in Monographs. This series of
Monographs began in 1973, and 14 Monographs
were published; some of them were slim and some
large. The 14
in the series was Kali carbonicum
(1987) and contains 523 pages.
In this work of Dr. von KELLER every
symptom is given in exact words with the time, etc.
so that an exact comparison can be made.
Many symptoms reported in Clinical Cases
have been included.
The strenuous work involved in this kind of
work is too much for one man.
It is indeed of great value to the genuine
homoeopaths that source material are made
available once again by Dr. K.-H. GYPSER who
has besides his own sources, been fortunate enough
to have the collections of Dr. von KELLER. It is
works of this kind that are of value to the present
and future generation of homoeopaths and not the
weaving of fantasies.
The first volume now under review is an
Introduction to the works that follow. It is
therefore necessary that one should have this
Introductory volume to understand the Monographs
that would follow in a series. The successive
publications would depend upon the colleagues'
willingness to cooperate; this would involve the
sifting of the literature - both current and past.
There is a brief Chapter on the development of
the Materia Medica, beginning from the
"Fragmenta de Viribus .... (1805)", then the First
Edition of Pure Materia Medica in 6 volumes
(1811-1821). Subsequent provings appeared in
STAPF's "Archiv" and other journals.
There have been several Provings and
Reprovings, reliable ones, and these have not been
brought to the attention of the Homoeopathy
Practitioners nor all of them available in one
book/source (even though they may be in several
volumes); besides these there are thousands of
cured symptoms which too form part of Materia
Medica. Except Dr. von KELLER and now
GYPSER, no one, to the best of my knowledge
seem to have even thought of it, let alone venture to
collect as much of these material of practical value.
On the other hand lot of efforts have been, and
still are being, made to weave fantasies. There is
enough treasure left to us by the stalwarts of the
past; we should locate them and harvest them for
our use.
In the Introduction GYPSER gives a brief but
very important observation regarding the Primary
action and the Secondary action. A close and
detailed study of these will surely help.
In the next Chapter the role of the clinical
symptom is discussed.
Formulation criteriae of the Revision is
explained in the next chapter. This is observed
throughout all subsequent Monographs.
The Appendix gives list of the journals
consulted in the collection - at least 500 to 600!
Almost all of them old ones.
The last Chapter is an excellent Essay about
how the Materia Medica is to be studied. Here the
various Masters who had written on this subject —
DUNHAM, JAHR, BOGER - are all discussed.
Thus the 1
Volume - the Introduction is alone
worth repeated study and everyone who does so
will be rewarded.
2. The second under review is the first of the
proposed Monographs - Dulcamara (Solanum
Dulcamara - Bitter sweet)
Following the traditional 'Schema' it begins
with brief information about the first Proving, the
pharmaceutical information, etc. and then begins
'Mind', 'Sensorium', 'Inner Head', 'Brain', etc.
....until end 'Skin', 'Sleep' ending with
We find in this several symptoms which still
have to find their place in the Repertory; also the
intensity of some of the symptoms. Let me cite
only 2 or 3 examples which will indicate the value
of this work:
"Eyes: Inflammation of eyes of the new born."
The symptom is given in Capitals. It is from
"The pupil was very wide" also in Capitals.
This symptom is from BODENMUELLER and
"Maximally widened pupils" Symptom from
"chronic diarrhoea after he had fallen in cold
water when sweating". Diwan JAI CHAND.
For every symptom the source is given in
abbreviated form and the expansion is given in the
end in two parts: 1. Medicinal Provings and
Toxicological; 2. Clinical observations. Everything
well tied up leaving nothing! No printing errors.
It is in the interest of every genuine
Practitioner to obtain this series and update his
Materia Medica and consequently improve his rate
of success and bring greater glory to Homoeopathy.
II. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Lyme
disease, by Peter ALEX, with contributions from
Bill GRAY, Mathias RICHTER, Alize
TIMMERMAN, Frans VERMEULEN and others.
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest. Vol. XXTV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
ISBN: 978-0-9754763-1-4. Homoeopathy West
Publishing, 7829, Terrace Drive El Cerrito, CA
94530 - USA. English Translation by Doug
SMITH from the original German "Heilung
Borreliosekranker mit Homoopathie", 2005. Price
Lyme disease is a seroius threat particularly in
Germany, USA. It is an infectious disease and
therefore preventable. The infection is by a tick
bite. The disease is insidious and develops severe
complications and disabilities like severe Arthritis.
As is not unusual with other serious diseases
Homoeopathy does very well in this.
The book under review opens with an
introduction of Infections Diseases in general and
Lyme in particular. ALEX's observations cannot
be disputed. He says "From time immemorial
epidemics only occur where very difficult social
relations prevail; where there is hunger, privation
and misery, most often accompanying or
consequent to war. Thus the epidemic situation in
Germany, as in Europe, eased considerably, due
simply to the subsequent improvement in living
conditions." [Yet what is done in the so-called
'developing nations' or poor nations is to keep
pumping into the otherwise healthy but frail bodies
of their emaciated children many vaccines, instead
of improving their living conditions and economy.
Internecine, sectarian, ethnic wars are encouraged
so that the weaponry manufacturing Western
Countries can have grand sales of their weapons
and at the same encourage administration of several
vaccines so that the Western Pharmaceutical
Industry will earn more. Out of the money got
from such unethical practices, they offer funds to
the poor countries! Thus while they give with one
hand they take away with two hands!! - KSS],
ALEX points out that every therapy directed
against bacteria creates a disturbance, that is, it
upsets the natural course of our existence.
There is a small Chapter on Spirochetes;
clinical expressions of Lyme Disease is detailed:
Mind, Sensitivity, Emotion, Cognitive impairment
etc. etc. then head to toe, then generalities.
Next Chapter is prevention of Lyme Disease
with Homoeopathy, miasmatic aspect.
ALEX lays great stress on Aurum
arsenicosum; the Proving of this remedy is given.
Next Part - Part 3 gives several Case Reports;
15 cases with follow up. Case 16 is a homoeopathic
cure of Lyme disease in animals.
Lastly is Bibliography.
This book of 168 pages only is very well
conceived and written with all information
pertaining to one disease - Lyme - and is of great
use not only in Lyme but also in similar diseases
which sap away the energy of the sufferer and
causes decay.
The book should be read closely and applied in
I have no hesitation at all in recommending it
to every homoeopath.
RAMANLAL P. PATEL, Director, Dr. R. P. Patel
Institute of Homoeopathy, Vadodara, Gujarat.
SHELF" FRONT PAGE News, (4, The Economic Times
. November 2007).
Domestic drug makers have agreed to withdraw 120
combination drugs totaling over 270 brands from the
market. The reason is "that the Govt, of India and its
health ministry feels or contends that the therapeutic
efficacy of these combination drugs has not been
vetted by the Drug Controllers General of India
(DCGI). Now where does our HOMOEO DRUG
Why not a "blanket ban" be imposed on Homoeo Drug
Cartels to manufacture combinations drugs having no
"therapeutic efficacy".
It was in 1948, it so happened that when I was a
student at Calcutta Homoeopathic College, I was very
much impressed with lectures on ORGANON OF
MEDICINE by Dr. B.K. Bose who was direct
student of Dr. J.T. Kent of U.S.A. I used to read different
editions and commentaries on ORGANON. We had
college library which was hardly used by any student or
teacher. As I was interested in Organon I asked librarian
who was also a compounder in I.P.D. and O.P.D. He
obliged my request to see library after a week. Cupboard
were rare commodities for books except for some old,
rare books. When the room was opened, it was a room
which was not ventilated and books were not arranged
properly or catalogued in a library manner. I saw heaps of
books and journals lying on the floor with heavy load of
fine dust on books and journals. The librarian told me
that "Nobody asks for books so I have not cleaned the
room neither books for nearly six months and more. You
are the only one who recently asked for a book. What do
you want?" First I volunteered to clean the room and
books. He agreed and put faith in me. It took nearly six to
seven hours to clean dust and to put alright, but I found a
© Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
GOLDEN book in the heaps - The SIXTH EDITION of
ORGANON OF MEDICINE by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
translated in English by William Boericke, San
Francisco, December 1921 and published in 1922. It was
a surprise for me as I was taught in the college only
according to Fifth edition by Dr. B.K. Bose and in our
I.P.D. and O.P.D. all followed prescribing centesimal
potencies accordingly.
I sincerely and honestly took the book with the
permission of the librarian to read. I found vast difference
with the fifth edition in many aspects. Meanwhile I went
to all publishers in Calcutta to find out anybody who has
published so that I can own a copy. None published. So I
tried to copy by hand the differences in sixth and fifth
edition. I published an article in our college magazine by
name "Homoeopathy and Homoeopathic Methodology".
That infuriated the whole Homoeopathic community
against me. Even at one stage I was asked by Dr. A.N.
Mukherjee who was Chairman of the Society which was
running the college to leav e the college. I survived
because of Dr. B.K. Bose.
The problem was changes in sixth edition and
preparation of medicines, potentisation and
administration. Nobody cared to prepare potencies
according to directions given in 6' edition.
Manufacturers all over the world never prepared their
medicines according to directions given as they never
read, and professors and teachers in Homoeo colleges
never properly read in between the lines of Organon
hence they never taught to wards (students). For me the
situation was confusing. What to do?
During this period Calcutta was the ONLY place to
manufacture homoeo medicines. I took courage to
approach being student to most prominent manufacturers
and explained what I want with the help of the Organon
of Medicine. First, they did not understand and to some I
made to understand when I told that 1 dram of medicine
in globules can treat 300 to 400 patients. They said,
sad and disheartened. Hahnemann Publishing Co. was
mistaken by me that they only publish books. When I
came to know that they manufacture homoeopathic
medicines I tried to catch a straw as a drowning man to
save life. I went to their head office. Dr. Baur was there
as manager and a qualified pharmacist. I told to him all
my efforts and failures to get medicines to prepare
according to sixth edition. He understood my thoughts
and thinking. But he was helpless as "THERE IS NO
for drowning man vanished with drowned man. As I was
leaving his office he said; "wait". He told me; "1 can
prepare for you one or two medicines as a trial but it will
cost you huge amount". I asked him, "How much?" Two
rupees for each potency, he said; "During that time for
one dram medicine it was priced or costed only 25 paise".
When he was ready I agreed and he prepared within a
month two remedies - Nux Vomica and Sulphur upto
0/30 and later upto 0/50. (Now they have 125 or more
medicines in LM potencies).
Now the problem of clinical trial. Dr. B.K. Bose was
against 6" edition as he was teaching all along with the
fifth edition and getting good results. I had discussion
with him many times and he always tells me during
discussion "PAGAL BOY (Mad boy)". Once he agreed
for a trial of Nux vomica, in O.P.D. What a inner joy I
experienced which is still with me. We tried without
anybody's knowledge as he was Vice-Principal of the
college and Professor of Organon of Medicine and
Materia Medica. We tried nearly three to four months and
with good results with Nux vomica and Sulphur. Finally
he told me, "Turn pagal nahi ho (you are not mad)". The
whole course of my life changed as a student and
practitioner. Now I am known as "50 Millesimal man or
Doctor". SHANTI (Peace) with inner self. I am 82yrs. in
this life with 56 yrs. with Homoeopathy.
Now, let us read and listen to the words of the
(1) "But from the time when the authorities introduced
dispensatories - that is, books full of compound
medicines, which were to be kept ready made - it became
necessary to form the apothecaries into a close
corporation, and to give them a monopoly (on condition
that they should have always a stock of ready prepared
medicinal mixtures), whereby their number was fixed and
limited, in order that there should not be too many of
them, which might cause these costly compounds to
hang upon their hands and become spoilt. True now a
days with expiry dates. What about present day Homoeo
drug cartels who bring out for every disease new
combinations in attractive packing? Are scientific trials
(H.P.T.) been made according to Homoeopathy or
clinical trials made according to modern methods and the
evaluation done? What are the results in percentage and
side effects noticed? ARE THEY (COMBINATIONS)
It is true, that after the authorising of the
complicated mixtures in dispensatories, which was the
first step to mischief, had been taken, the second - the
granting a privilege of the exclusive sale of these
expensive mixtures to apothecaries - was neither an
unexpected, nor an unjust proceeding; but had the public
approval of these senseless mixtures not preceded it,
then the trade in single medicinal substances would have
remained as it was at first; and there would have been no
need of apothecaries privileges, from which infinite
injury has gradually accrued to the healing art.
LAWS OF THE LAND? Have they got permission from
authorities for churning out for every disease condition a
patent combination on any rule or criteria or category?).
The earliest dispensatories, and those nearly down to
our own time, called each compound formula by an
alluring name after the disease which it was to
remove, and after each, the mode of its administration
was described, and numerous commendations of its
virtues. By this the young physician was led to employ
these compositions in preference to the simple
medicines, especially as the former were authorised by
the government. (How many Drug Cartels follow
Government authorization? What about young, fresh
homoeo physicians who do not learn the true
O Quarterly Homceopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007
Homoeopathy according to ORGANON OF
MEDICINE? Are they not victims of our Homoeo Drug
Cartels? They are lured with commission to forget real
The privileged apothecaries did what they could to
increase the number of these formulas, for the profit
derived from these mixtures was immensely greater
than would have been derived from the sale of the simple
drugs employed in their composition; and thus, gradually,
the small octavo dispensatory of Cordus grew into huge
folios (the Vienna, Prague, Augsburg, Brandenburg,
Wirtemburg, & c. dispensatories). And now there was
no known disease for which the dispensatory had not
certain ready-made compounds, or, at least, the
formulas for them, accompanied by the most eulogistic
recommendations of them. The professor of the healing
art was now prepared, when he had such a receipt-book
in his hand, - full of recipes for every disease sanctioned
by the highest authorities in the land! What does he want
more to make him perfect as a healer of disease? How
easy has the great art been made to him! (1, pp.490,
491.)". (How true the forecast by HAHNEMANN for
present Modern Medicine Drug Cartels and our
DOCTORS?), of the healing art was now
(2) "My respected brethren on the opposition benches, I
can give you better advice as to how you should set about
overthrowing, if possible, this doctrine, which threatens
to stifle your art, that is founded on mere assumption, and
to bring ruin upon all your therapeutic lumber. Listen to
me! (Are our young homoeopaths and many homoeo
practitioners, listening to the voice of our Master?).
Your attempts against the systematic exposition of
the doctrine, entitled the "Spirit of the Homoeopathic
Medical Doctrine", have as you perceive, proved
unsuccessful. You had better leave it alone! Spirits such
as this is, are no subjects for joking with. It is said there
are spirits whose appearance has left behind a life-long
disquiet in the conscience of the wicked and of those who
act contrary to their knowledge of what is right and
which nightly torment them, for their neglect of
acknowledged and yet neglected duties! Mark this;
otherwise you may not be able to silence the judge within
you, which has wakened to speak to you in unmistakable
accents! (Has any homoeo student or practitioner read
before using COMBO DRUGS, the SPIRIT OF
are using combination Patent Homoeo Drugs.).
No! there is another and an infallible method of
overthrowing this doctrine, if that is possible to be done.
This doctrine appeals not only chiefly, but solely to
the verdict of experience - "repeat the experiments", it
cries aloud, "repeat them carefully and accurately, and
you will find the doctrine confirmed at every step" - and
it does what no medical doctrine, no system of physic, no
so-called therapeutics ever did or could do, it insists
upon being "judged by the result". (Have our Drug
Cartels made trials - Drug Proving on healthy human
beings and clinical at bed-side - "repeated experiments"
and "Judged by the result"?). No data, No experience.
No results.
Here, then, we have homoeopathy just where we
wished to have it; here we can (come on, dear gentlemen,
all will go on nicely) give it the death blow from this
Think over. Do we want Science of Homoeopathy or
unauthorised, unhomoeopathic business?
Take one case of disease after another, note it down
according to the directions given in the Organon,
specially in respect of all its discernible symptoms, in so
exact a manner that the founder of homoeopathy himself
shall be unable to find fault with the minuteness of the
report (of course any case selected must be one for which
a homoeopathic medicine is to be taking care to remove
all other kinds of medicinal influences from the patient,
and if it do not give relief, speedy, mild and permanent
relief, then, by a publication of the duly attested history
of the treatment according to the principles of the
homoeopathic system strictly followed out, you will be
able to give a public refutation of this doctrine which so
seriously threatens the old darkness. (How many of us do
what Hahnemann has written and said? HOMOEO
COMBO DRUGS users never follow Hahnemann. They
are out-cast).
But I pray you to beware of playing false in the
matter! - all roguery comes to light and leaves an
unfavourable stigma behind it as a warning. (Are you
listening to our Master?).
If then, following your conscientious example, every
other equally conscientious and careful medical
experimentalist meets with the same result - if all that the
homoeopathic doctrine promises from being faithfully
followed out does not take place - then homoeopathy is
as good as lost, it is all up with homoeopathy if it does
not shew itself efficacious, remarkable efficacious (1,
pp.744, 745)". (When combination of drugs fail, you
blame Homoeopathy. Why take wrong and unlawful act
to tarnish Homoeopathy?).
(3) "In direct opposition to plain common sense, they
attack disease by complex mixtures of medicines, none of
which they are more than superficially acquainted with,
and of these medicinal pots pourris they often give
several together, and many in one day: "haud leve
obstaculum penitiori virium in medicamentis cognitioni
objicit, quod rarissime simplicia, sed ut plurimum
composita, nee haec sola, sed aliorum usu interpolata
usurpentur" . (When using Homoeo Patent combinations
your conscience and common sense should prick and
pinch you. Are you not feeling guilty?).
Such a mode of proceeding, of itself, knocks all the
pretensions to philosophical simplicity and consistency of
these a-priorists [a priori men] on the head. No single
physician on the face of the globe, neither the framer of
the system nor his followers, uses a simple unmixed
medicament, and then waits till its action is exhausted
before giving another! (How does Homoeo Patent
Combination works? We do not know. Are we ignorant
of facts?)
Even supposing the virtues of each single medicine
were exactly known, this employment of the many-
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest. Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 20O7
mixed, this pell-mell administration of several substances
at once, each of which must have a different action,
would in itself be highly absurd, and produce a blind and
confused practice. For how complicated must the inter-
action be of so many ingredients; how impossible to
trace back the combined effect of the patient to them each
individually, in order, in the subsequent treatment, to
omit or diminish the one and increase the other! (This is
the way HOMOEO DRUG CARTELS combines and
Patent combination and publish attractive glorified each
of the substance (drug) in combination. Ignorant
Homoeopaths with tallest claims in pamphlet accept the
use in their practice with commercial mind). But this
will not do with these hotch-potch doses; they produce,
thus united, such a resultant, that no one can tell what is
owing to this or the other ingredient in the combined
effect. No one can tell which ingredient vitated the
action in such and such a manner, or which altogether
antagonized the other, and neutralized its effect (1, p.
566-67) (Do Homoeo cartels and practitioners know
"But the case is worse still, and the proceeding more
reprehensible, when we consider that the action of each,
or, at any rate, of the most of these substances thus
huddled together, is individually great and yet
unascertained. (The attractive literature - a brochure
describing action of each drug is given and not aware of
total mixture. Only Heaven knows. All passes off with
smelly stool with no action on disease or abnormal
condition(s) for which it was given. Good business
both for Drug Cartel and ignorant Homoeo
Now, to mix in a prescription a number of such
strong disordering substances, whose separate action is
often unknown, and only guessed and arbitrarily
assumed, and then forthwith, at a venture, to administer
this mixture, and many more besides, thick upon one
another, without letting a single one do its work out upon
the patient, whose complaint and abnormal state of body
has only been viewed through illusive theories, and
through the spectacles of manufactured systems - if this
is medical art, if this is not hurtful irrationality, I do not
know what we are to understand by an art, nor what is
hurtful or irrational. (How true these words are of
Hahnemann for Homoeo Drug Cartels?).
It is usual at this point, for want of anything else to
say, to excuse one's self by saying, "the several
ingredients in a prescription are to be chosen with
reference to the various aspects of the (hypothetically
assumed) inward condition of the body, or, indeed, of the
Just as if one single simple substance, if it were but
rightly known, might not conform to several, many, all of
the (un-ideal) aspects of the complaint, - as if all the
numerous symptoms could be covered by a medley,
whose ingredients, so unknown in their action, in
combination counteract and, in an unforeseen manner,
vitiate and neutralize each other! (Is it not true for
practitioners who use combinations of Homoeo Drug
This motley mixing system is nothing but a
convenient shift for one who, having but a slender
acquaintance with the properties of a single substance,
flatters himself, though he cannot find any one simple
suitable remedy to remove the complaint, that by heaping
a great many together there may be one amongst them
that by a happy chance shall hit the mark. (Are you, the
motley sect of Homoeo physicians listening to
Hahnemann? Have you read any time The PREFACE
of the First Edition of ORGANON OF MEDICINE?).
Whether this mode of treatment be successful, or the
reverse, in neither case is anything to be learnt from
it, nor can it cause the medical art to make a hair's-
breadth of progress (1, p.567.)".
(4) "A quack nostrum is a medicinal agent prepared in a
certain invariable manner, for public sale, which is puffed
off as efficacious for several named diseases, or for one
disease, whose name includes several morbid states
differing from each other, each of which will require for
its cure an essentially different, peculiar remedy (1,
Please listen to our Master!).
(5) "But how did it happen that in the employment of
these medicines among patients during the many
centuries that this system of medicine has existed, they
should not gradually have noted in these medicinal
substances what peculiarities each individually
possessed, and what were the effects of each upon the
health of man, so that at length they might have so
gathered what each was adapted to as a curative agent?
To this it will suffice to reply, that these physicians
of the old school possessed and do still possess a most
approved method of guarding and preserving themselves
from the knowledge of the peculiar mode of action of
each individual medicine, and thereby rendering it
imperceptible to their eyes and observation. (Are you
one of them as Homoeo physician in the present
Every one of the young physicians, namely, on
undergoing his examination for the high degree of
Doctor of their art, must prove by the certificates of the
professors that he has diligently attended the lectures on
the art of prescribing, and must by the extempore writing
of prescriptions, that is to say, of recipes composed of
several different medicinal substances for the names of
diseases given to him by the examiner (like conti finti),
demonstrate that he is perfect master of the noble art,
essential to allopathy, of always prescribing for the
patient, lege artis, several medicinal ingredients, mingled
in one prescription, and, consequently, of carefully and
entirely eschewing the employment of a single simple
medicinal substance. (Have you learnt any thing of an
art of Homoeopathy or have you come out of Homoeo
colleges as RAW POTATO with D.H.M.S., B.H.M.S.
and M.D. (Homoeo.) who use HOMOEO COMBO
Thus even to this day every prescription composed
of several different medicinal substances, betrays the
prescriber to be without dispute an allopathist, one of the
many thousands belonging to the unimprovable old
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXIV, 3 & 4/ 2007.
school of physic! (Dear Homoeo Drug Cartels, are you
listening the founder of Homoeopathy? or You are only
money minded?).
Here I would ask my readers on their consciences to
tell me, how it were possible that these physicians,
although during these many centuries their numbers must
amount to millions, could detect and leam the peculiar
properties of each of the single medicinal substances
while constantly using such mixtures of drugs? (Do
prescriber of combinations have any conscience? Does he
feel guilty conscience?).
If we should give one of the mixtures according to
their prescription even to a quite healthy person, would
we from the effects that result from such a mixture, even
though it should consist but of two
different ingredients,
ever be able to decide with certainty which of the effects
that ensue are to be attributed to the one, which to the
other ingredient? Never! - in all eternity, never! (Is it
clear to Homoeo Drug Cartels and MOTLEY Homoeo
Physicians what Dr. Hahnemann has said?).
Now, as even in trying a mixture of only two
different medicinal substances upon a healthy person, we
can never satisfactorily observe the special effects of a
single one of the two upon the human health - since the
mixture can only manifest a middle action of both the
two together; how, I should like to know, can it be
otherwise than quite impossible to distinguish the
peculiar powers and special action of each of the
several ingredients in an artistic prescription, when it
is given to patients, that is to say, to persons already
suffering from a number of alterations of health? (1,
ingredient with 3x or 6x Trituration or liquid potency.
PRODUCTS. Some Imported Combo Drugs are ONLY
for India and not for their countries. May be these are not
allowed for public use. Even they have gone to court to
threaten each other. All is a game without results.
called modern medicine (Allopathy) Drug Cartels TO
MODERN MEDICINE? How many Homoeo
Combinations will survive REAL CLINICAL TRIALS
under the eyes of Government highest authorities
(D.C.G.I.)? Let the cat come out of the bag.
References :
1. The Lesser Writtings of Samuel Hahnemann by
Dr. R.E. Dudgeon published by IBPS, New
2. Materia Medica Pura by Dr. Samuel
3. Chronic Diseases by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
4. THE ECONOMIC TIMES, 3 Nov. 2007.
5. Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann,
6 edition; translated by Dr. William Boericke
and published by Boericke & Tafel.
1. 3 day Seminar with Dr. Rajan Sankaran.
The Sensation in Homoeopathy. Dates 23, 24, 25
November 2007. Venue: Birla Matushri Sabhagar,
19 New Marine Lines, Near Bombay Hospital,
Mumbai 400 020. Timings 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Fee (till 15
Aug., 2007) Rs. 950/-; after 15
2007 Rs. 1200/-
2. Indian Institute of Homoeopathic Physicians,
National Rural Health Mission Cell : Regional
Interactive Seminar cum Workshop on Mother
and Child Health as PREGNANCY-LABOR-
INFANCY. Date 17
February 2008 (Sunday)
Venue: Hotel Mamatha A/c. Conference Hall (5
Floor) Eluru Road, Governorpet, Vijayawada - 2.
Organized by Indian Institute of Homceopathic
Physicians, Andhra Pradesh State Branch,
Vijayawada City Unit. Further details contact:
0866-2431367 (O), Cell: 98481 10696.
E-mail: kasmurthv@;rediffrnail.corn
(from Bcenninghausen's Characteristics & Repertory by ROGER)
If the aggravation is long, with a decline of the patient's
strength, the case is incurable and can only be palliated.
If the aggravation is long, with a slow improvement, all will
be well if the remedy is not too soon repeated.
If the aggravation is short and violent, the best results will
If the quality and quantity of the remedy administered are in
exact proportion to the quality and quantity of the sick-
making force, then do we have a cure without an
If we have an immediate amelioration, followed soon by an
aggravation, it is a failure - the case is incurable.
If too short an amelioration follows a pronounced
aggravation, in a psoric case especially, it will prove
If a full time amelioration of the symptoms occurs without
any increase in the patient's strength, he will prove too weak
for a restoration to health.
If the patient develops symptoms of the remedy given
without any improvement in his disease symptoms, the case
is a hard one to treat, even for an experienced
If the old symptoms appear with the aggravation, you may
wait; you need study no more; you have the remedy.
O Quarterly Homoeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 4 4/ 2007.