VOL. XXIV, 3 & 4, 2007
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homoeopathy drawn from the well-known homoeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Die Integration der Miasmen-Theorie ins
Organon - Ein Vergleich von Organon III
(1824) und Organon IV (1829) (The
Integration of the Miasms Theory in the
Organon - a Comparison of Organon III
(1824) and Organon IV (1829)
MORITZ, Jiirgen Dr. med. (NAH. 1, 2/2006)
In this article is shown how HAHNEMANN in
Vol. I of his "Chronic Diseases" has explained the
miasmatic cause of diseases, and integrated it in the
instruction in the Organon IV edition, 1829.
Whether these are of any consequence for the
Anamnesis or the complete elaboration of the
disease case.
Disease is, in the light of all the editions of the
Organon, identical with the "Totality of
Symptoms". The obligation for strong
individualizing has also not been altered by
HAHNEMANN through all the editions. Correctly
working on the basis of the Organon, the Miasms
theory is integrated in the application of
Homoeopathy in daily practice. There is no need to
take pains to explain the Miasms theoretically. The
work of the Physician is the restoration of the sick
to health (§ 1 in all the 6 editions) and not weave
empty speculations. The Miasm is nothing else
other than the expression of the Symptoms caused
by it. This must therefore come under
consideration for correct prescription. [J.H.
ALLEN has said that "peculiar, queer, rare, strange
symptoms are expressions of the Miasm" = KSS]
It must be pointed out that
HAHNEMANN observed that cure takes place
from within without and in the reverse order of
their appearance. The mention of above
downwards, from more important to less important
organs, etc., may be considered as synonymous.
2. Die Bedeutung des konstitutionellen Denkens
(The Significance of the Constitutional Ideas)
APPELL, Ramer G. (AHZ. 251, 6/2006)
According to different schools within
Homoeopathy the striking, singular, uncommon and
peculiar signs and symptoms stand in a certain
tense relation to constitutional attributes. As the
biography here presented illustrates, constitutional
and miasmatic constitutionality does not denote a
contradiction to individual life conception and
existential liberty; it is their foundation.
3. The integral of the Chronic Miasms
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 99, 1/2006)
There are many explanations of the Chronic
Miasms. Two major categories divide the many
interpretations. Either physical explanations or
metaphysical theories include most of the ways of
understanding Miasms. Another article addresses
the physical interpretations including Physics,
Pathology and Microbiology ideas. This paper
discusses religious, philosophical, symbolic,
psychological and generalized theories of Miasms.
In the place of all of these concepts, a descriptive,
phenomenological approach is offered that does not
ignore the actual words of Hahnemann.
Natural Chronic Miasms have three important
moments: First, the instant of dynamic contagion;
second, the penetration throughout the entire
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol XXIV, 3 & 412007,