©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 1
VOL. XXIX, 1 & 2, 2012
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals
published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the
journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts,
while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Homœopathic Medicine:
The Science of pattern Recognition
SHORE, Jonathan (AJHM. 103, 1/2010)
This paper discusses the way in which the world
view of Homœopathy differs from that of current
thought and explores the implications of this difference
with regard to the processes of case taking and choice of
remedy. Referencing aphorisms 5, 9 and 11 of The
Organon, the author postulates that Homœopathy being
a ‘cause irrelevant’ system demands of the practitioner a
completely different way of looking at the world than
the one ingrained by contemporary education. This way
requires not only a careful study of surrounding nature
but also an inner study relating to the integration of
thought and feeling. Indications are given as to the
practices which might facilitate the perception of the
totality of the patient’s story simply as a pattern without
the need to have recourse to either physiological or
psychological explanations.
[The article deserves to be read in full and contemplated
upon. The article is given in full in Part II of this QHD].
2. Will to Get Well:
The deciding factor for the choice of Patient
SHUKLA, Chetna (HL. 21, 3/2008)
Over the years I have realized that we have to
accept and treat patients irrespective of caste,
community, creed, nationality, religion, region, status,
sex etc., in other words, without prejudice. But I have
always asked myself: are we to accept and treat all
patients who enter our clinics (if making a living is
secondary)? Can we not select our patients? I realized
we do have a right to choose a patient in very much the
same measure as the patient has the right to choose her
homœopath! But having exercised this right we are
duty bound to stay with the patient until she gets well or
decides to leave us. If you also believe that: Disease has
a purpose that needs to be enjoyed by the sick, and that:
All restorations of health and all sickness that you are
able to heal was only because the sick had a Will to get
well (and are not your intellectual exploits solely) then
this article may appeal to you. All the beautiful cures in
our consulting rooms are only possible because the
patient had a strong Will to get well.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 2
3. Potentization and the Law of Similars
A Healing Resonance in Alchemy and
GALEGO, Carol-Ann (HL. 21, 4/2008)
As continually testified in the practice of
Homœopathy, there is an inextricable relationship
between the Law of Similars and Potentization. When
administered in an untreated state, toxic substances will
have a toxic affect on patients, regardless of whether
their symptom complex corresponds with that of the
particular poison. Similarly, after potentization, the
denatured substance retains its healing properties only
when administered according to the Law of Similars.
When the simile principle is disregarded, the altered
substance is completely ineffective. This paper draws
on the alchemical notion of sickness and healing for a
theoretical framework with which to understand the
relationship between the Law of Similars and the
process of potentization. Demonstrating the way in
which the alchemical insights that PARACELSUS
carried into his medical practice illuminate the efficacy
of Homœopathy, this paper exposes the hermetic
influences of HAHNEMANN’s “discovery” of
4. Steps to an Ecology of Self
Iplications for Homœopathy
SILVESTRI, Kenneth (HL. 21, 4/2008)
In the framework of a dialogue, patterns and
barriers towards self-development are discussed in
relation to understanding how communication,
perceptions, psychological aspects and temperaments
can enhance homœopathic case-taking and remedy
5. The recovery of man in medicine
TWENTYMAN, L.R. (HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
In the discussion of auto immune phenomena of
diseases, the author says it is simply the weakness of the
self and its failure to impose unity on the multiplicity of
the organism. Through Homœopathy a patient is
transformed from being a man who has disease into a
whole human person and the physician should be
transformed from a calculating machine who gives a
prescription for a disease into a whole man who can
help to heal another with his whole being, mediated by a
remedy. A separation of man and his disease is no
longer possible; the disease is a metamorphosis of the
man and in the healing process the whole man must
undergo a metamorphosis. For these reasons also it
shows a way to a recovery of man within our
civilization and a renewal of our endangered life and
6. The concept of constitution in Homœopathy
CAMPBELL, Anthony (HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
The author discusses about constitution in
Homœopathy and feels it is a confused residue of ideas,
part mystical, part philosophical, part pathological and
part pharmacological. It certainly has no foundation in
the similimum principle, and any justification it has
must therefore be empirical and clinical. There is
nothing improbable in the suggestion that certain types
of persons may respond particularly well to certain
This however is a far cry from the doctrine that in
every case of chronic disease there lurks a constitutional
remedy waiting to be unearthed by the astute prescriber,
to effect a miraculous cure if only it can be discovered.
In this semi-magical sense, the constitutional remedy is
an utter chimera. [Those who have read Anthony
CAMPBELL know that he is a ‘half-homœopath’. This
is a ‘reprint’ from 1981 = KSS]
1. Cactus grandiflora
NOSSAMAN, Nicholas (AJHM. 103, 2/2010)
Cactus grandiflorus, also known as the Night
blooming Cereus, is a remedy with some distinctive and
dramatic symptoms. A list of keynotes and
characteristic symptoms is given, along with a short
description of the unique and striking behavior of the
Case 1: 65-year-old woman with fracture of T12
Vertebra. Developed Pneumonia in Hospital and then
diagnosed with interstitial lung disease requiring
continuous Oxygen Therapy and was on Steroids since a
year. Most striking symptom was a feeling of
constriction around chest. Had Atrial fibrillation a year
before. Cactus, five doses over a period of ten months.
Each dose followed by general response of increased
vitality and less requirement of Oxygen.
Case 2: 35 year-old man, diagnosed with non cardiac
chest pain, extending to left arm, restless lower limbs,
sensitiveness of external throat, chilliness, worse at 10-
11 p.m. and pain in left arm as if squeezed by a cord
around it. Cactus 200. In the ensuing 4-5 months, his
chest pain disappeared entirely. Overall vitality
improved. He described his feelings as being more in
consciousness and less in his body.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 3
2. Alumina
POTDAR, Swapna (HCCR. 1, 2010)
This write up is a study done to demonstrate the
relationship between the source substance of a
homœopathic drug and the medicine prepared from it.
Attempt to link up the themes in the symptomatology of
Alumina, with the naturally occurring substances
corundum, sapphires, and rubies and their close
relatives, the alumino-silicates-clay.
3. Das Studium der Materia Medica Homöopathica
(MMH) Erfahrungen nach 1. Jahr MMH
Schulung in der Schweiz.
(The Study of Homœopathic Materia Medica
Experience after one year of study of MMH School
in Switzerland)
MINDER, Peter (ZKH. 54, 1/2010)
The late Dr. Georg von KELLER has said that
many of our patients do not get the correct
homœopathic remedy because of our lack of sufficient
knowledge of Materia Medica. This became very clear
to the author when he began working with Dr.K.-
H.GYPSER in the Glees Academy for revision of the
Materia Medica. All the old, reliable sources were
carefully gone through and a properly structured
Materia Medica was drawn for a thorough study.
The article explains the steps being gone through in
respect of each medicine. The various steps are:
Step I. List out the Medicinal Proving Symptoms
Step II. Verifications of the Proving symptom by
clinical confirmation.
Step III Characteristic:
i. What is “Characteristic? in regard to the
‘genius’ of the remedy? The ‘genius’ contains the
individual action and signs like a red string running
through the remedy. ‘Genius’ symptoms are those that
they came up oftener in the proving in respect of
different parts of the body. For example if there is
‘burning’ in the top of head, in the nose, on the tongue,
in stomach, urine and in the feet in the proving, then
burning is its ‘genius’.
ii. ‘Characteristic’: with regard to ‘gold’:
“Gold grains: is a term coined by
BOENNINGHAUSEN to indications which are in one
or a very small number of remedies. The expression for
their later was ‘Key Note’: BOENNINGHAUSEN has
explained this in the FN to Aphorism 4 of Book VIII of
“Aphorisms of Hippokrates” p.559: The ‘hole’ in the
tooth and of course the hole through the side of the
tooth and not by the crown of the tooth is a very
important ‘gold grain’ of Thuja; there are such ‘gold
grains’ scattered in HAHNEMANN’s proving which are
carelessly swept off.
iii. Singular Symptoms: Though it cannot by
itself be sufficient to indicate a remedy, it can still point
to the characteristic like Key Note.
In the Characteristic’ is ‘general’ characteristics
(Genius) including the ‘sides’ affected like right/left
the dynamics of development like pains suddenly
rising/falling, etc., the extension of the symptoms and
last the cause: anger, care, Grief etc. then the place,
organs, organ system, the modalities, etc. etc.
‘Specially Characteristic’ is region specific i.e.
specifically acting upon certain locations in the body;
the symptoms must have been observed at least in two
provers and with clinical confirmations preferably.
Specific modalities including extensions, etc.
More or less in this manner the symptoms are given
in bold letters, capitals, Italics, underlines etc. As an
example Cyclamen.
All these are to be drawn in Boger’s Synoptic Key
Example: Cyclamen.
General Characteristics (Genius)
Sides affected: Dynamics/Development:
Direction/Extension: Causation
Changing, alternating complaints.
Head, Eyes, Digestive tract, female Genitalia
EVENING (headache, gnawing and cramping
abdominal pains, rheumatic throat pain, Sciatica
< Eating, after
(irksomeness/sleepiness, pressing stomach ache,
gnawing intestinal pains, Menorrhagia, sprain,
dislocating pains, general state)
Complaints/Findings/Feelings, sensations
Special Characteristics
Characteristics according to abdominal region
Aversion to speak
Sinking of voice
Delusions: as if large animals would go over her whole
body, as if the room were too small, as if the brain in
head moved, as if the brain were pulled by a towel, as if
air would stream out of the chest through the nipples,
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 4
movement and rumbling in the abdomen as if there was
something alive therein.
Headache half side, Migraine with VERTIGO, with
disturbances of vision, DIPLOPIA, DARK,
glimmerings, lightnings, etc., dull.
Disposed to vomit
Peculiar localized Modalities
Conflicting Modalities
< MOTION, WALKING (Vertigo, Headache, Cramping
attzcks, Stitches in abdomen, pain in perineum,
Menorrhagia, Palpitation, Contusive pain, Elbows,
Tearing pains Feet. Cutting in wrist joints.
Peculiar localized complaints/sensations/findings
Itching, scratching (Skin, Larynx, Thorax)
Peculiar localized accompanying complaints
Heat: Head
Peculiar Singular Symptom
Stitches in brain when bending forward
Itching of the hairy scalp, on scratching it goes to
another part immediately.
Milk-like flow from the mammae
Shinbone pains, comes when sitting, passes off when
walking and returns again offensive smelling sweat
between the toes of the left foot
Grade marks:
1. Characteristic Materia Medica Proving symptom:
Normal letters.
2. Frequent clinical symptoms (when characteristic or
genius): normal letters
3. Frequent Materia Medica Proving Symptoms:
4. Verified Symptoms: CAPITALS
5. Often verified symptom: CAPITAL
Characteristic Picture:
At the end of the course each of the participant is
asked to draw a drug picture to complete his course “a
picture he can take home”. By section wise, model
mode of construction with different cognitive ranges
own work, interactive group work, experience of the
medicine substance by seeing, tasting, smelling, etc.,
through seeing the particular picture as also through
fixation on the Synoptic Key all these throw good
light from various sides so that it can be in memory.
After this the medicine has to be studied in
comparison with other similar drugs.
This way our knowledge of the remedy gets
imprinted. “This is the sense in which we must learn to
know our remedies, just as we do our friends, by their
air or personality; an ever changing, composite effect,
but always reflecting the same motive”.
BOGER, in Foreword to Synoptic Key.
Now, how, in what way is this method of study of
the Materia Medica better?
Surely it gives more clearer knowledge of the
particular drug so that when a remedy does not get us
the result expected, we may be able to know where we
faulted and correct ourselves. We will be able to
identify the proved and clinically verified symptom
from the mere clinical symptom. In short knowledge of
Materia Medica will be far better, which is the basic for
our practice. This has been the personal experience of
the Working Group of the Glees Academy.
4. Rein oder nicht rein? Zur Qullenlage von
Hahnemanns Arzneimittellehre
(Pure or not pure? On the Source of Hahnemann’s
Materia Medica)
LUCAE, Christian and WISCHNEN, Matthias
(ZKH. 54, 1/2010)
Several questions are raised and answered with
reference to the literature.
Does Hahnemann’s Materia Medica contain only
proving symptoms? What other sources and how
reliable are they?
The authors have carefully gone through the
‘Fragmenta…’, the Materia Medica Pura, the Chronic
Diseases, and other works of HAHNEMANN and
concluded that Hahnemann’s Materia Medica contain
information from various sources the Proving,
Toxicological Reports, Symptoms that came up in
patients during treatment, Provings on patients as well
as clinical symptoms.
There is a strong case for much sifting. [How to
‘sift’ may be adoption of the study material delineated
in Peter Minder’s article above = KSS]
5. Do we need New Provings?
Illustrated with a case of Lac Lupinum
ALEX, Peter (HL. 21, 4/2008)
A case is made for the need to carry out new
provings, despite the fact that many colleagues find it
hard enough studying the ones that we have already.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 5
Research is one of the qualities of true science. Some of
Hahnemann’s statements that back up this opinion are
quoted. To justify this point of view, a case of Lac
lupinum, a newly proved remedy, is presented.
6. Lac lupinum, the Milk of the Wolf
TROTTER, Susan (HL. 21, 4/2008)
The wolf is often outcast, feared and hated and we
see this demonstrated in the patient requiring milk of the
wolf. This case also demonstrates how some of the
ideas and dreams of the proving can appear in the
patient requiring the remedy.
7. The healing powers of tree roots
Triturated with Silicon
CREVELD, Marijke (HL. 21, 4/2008)
During 1999 I started preparing homœopathic
remedies using a new method. This method is based on
homœopathic, shamanic and alchemic procedures. This
different approach led to remedies made of tree roots:
Radix remedies. These contain healing energies. These
remedies are connected to the problem of the earth;
humanity and life on earth are under enormous pressure
at the start of the twenty-first century. At the start I
collected roots of trees in their natural biological places.
They have been growing there for ages. Later on I used
roots of trees that grew on power spots as well. In the
preparation of Radix remedies the ethereal, healing
energy of tree roots is transferred to silicon. This
information carrier is new to Homœopathy. Dream
proving were conducted using nineteen Radix remedies.
The common theme is ‘above and below’. This is an
emblem of contact between heaven and earth. The
themes of cleaning, repair and moving house often
occur as well. They are emblems of change,
transformation and letting go. Three of the remedies are
discussed in this paper.
8. Ambergris, Crocus and Tiger lily
WHEELER, Charles E. (HOM. 100, 1-2/2012)
This article gives a comparitive study of the three
remedies. Nervous hypersensitiveness both psychical
and physical is common to all the three.
Ambra shows it psychically in the form of intense
shyness and sensitivity to music.
Music < the unstable nervous state of Crocus.
Visual sense is disturbed in Lilium with impulses of
Physical sensitiveness is most marked in relation to
the genital organs.
In the pelvic symptoms, haemorrhage of Crocus is
profuse with black viscid clots. In Ambra period is an
increased one, the Lilium period often lessened.
9. A proving of Hydrophis cyanocinctus
RAESIDE, J.K. (HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
Proving was conducted from Jan. June 1958, with
14 people, 10 of whom took the drug and 4 who were
controls taking lactose. 8 were men, two women.
1st and 2nd Degree Symptoms from Hydrophis
Cyanocinctus 6c and 30c
MIND DEPRESSION---Cheerful on first day
of powders, “feel better than ever”.
Weeps from depression > alone,
< consolation.
Melancholic (sadness for no reason).
Can’t concentrate.
Lack of initiative (no joy in life)
HEAD Dull headache < L, < frontal, < a.m.,
< heat, > open.
Heavy head.
Throbbing head.
Tight band round head.
Sudden headaches
Itch of scalp.
Tired eyes, heavy eyes.
L. eye blurred vision.
Vision disturbed.
Stye L. eyelid.
Itch L. eyelid.
Pain in L.eye.
EARS pain L. mastoid.
Deaf in L. ear.
Pain in L. ear.
FACE Nasal catarrh (burning) > open.
Pain in L. face.
MOUTH Toothache L. molar.
Dry mouth < a.m.
Pain in L. jaw.
Cannot chew properly.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 6
Burning in throat
Hot dry pharynx.
Pain in tonsils.
<L. side, < waking, < before M.P., <
Thirst for cold drinks.
Gnawing pain R.
hypochondrium p.c.
Pain in epigastrium p.c.
ABDOMEN Sharp pains.
Shooting pains.
Stitching pains < L.
Colic < L.
Pains < morning.
Tightness round abdomen.
RECTUM Itch in anus.
Pain after stools (burning and
Hæmorrhoids, painful and
URO-GENITAL M.P. excessive
Heavy M.P.
Red vaginal discharge.
LARYNX Hoarseness < talking
< morning.
COUGH Cough from dry throat.
Tickle in throat.
CHEST Stabs of pain in Heart and L.
Chest < lying down.
Dryness and burning in chest
Palpitation < on waking.
BACK Pain in back < L.
EXTREMITIES Spot pains in thumb and arm
< L.
Stabs of pain in limbs.
Pain in L. hip.
Cold feet (hot feet).
Numbness, weakness,
heaviness in legs and arms.
FROM DREAMS, with fear,
feeling ill, hot.
Waking early in a.m., 2.30-
4.30 a.m.
Light sleep.
Restless sleep
Shouting in sleep.
PERSPIRATION Excessive (without fever).
FEVER During colds and sore
Skin Dry cracked skin on hands.
Spots on face and neck.
Itch of the skin in various
Heaviness < on waking.
Pains sharp (except head).
KEY NOTES Depression, tiredeness, and
Dull frontal headache.
Burning dry throat.
Stabbing pains in Limbs,
Abdomen, Chest and Heart.
Night starts or nightmares.
< L. < a.m especially on
[Dr. RAESIDE’s untimely death alongwith many other
great names in British Homœopathy, in the Trident
accident in 1972 is so sad = KSS].
1. The Cancer Diathesis
MUELLER, Manfred
(AH. 16/2010)
The Cancer diathesis may be inherited or acquired.
It has recognizable signs, symptoms and constitutional
characteristics that can be identified long before the
pathology develops. Recognizing the diathesis would
perhaps permit early treatment to prevent progression
into the malignant tumor stage. The cancer diathesis
appears to grow from the terrain of four previously
inherited miasmatic predispositions and contains
elements of these. The characteristics of cancer are
apparent in each of the previous miasms as well as their
hereditary taints. The practitioner must perceive
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 7
whether a disorder arises out of the cancer diathesis or
out of a much older affliction.
List of symptoms to recognize the cancer diathesis
in cancer patients is given below:
Recognizing the Cancer Diathesis in Cancer Patients
To ascertain the characteristics of the Cancer
diathesis we need to look no further than to those in
whom the diathesis have morphed into a confirmed
cancerous pathology. The following collection of
characteristics is taken from almost two decades of
documentation and personality descriptions of cancer
patients in my practice: men, women and children. The
subjects were questioned about their past and present
characteristics during homœopathic consultations. In
addition to the standard questions covered during an
initial consultation they (or their parents) additionally
filled out a detailed health history and self-assessment
questionnaire. I have distilled the characteristics
obtained during the case-taking into the composite
picture of the general and mental characteristics of the
cancer candidate presented below. This extensive list is
still not a complete listing.
Family history:
Cancer, Leukemia, Diabetes, Hypertension, Mental
illness e.g. Schizophrenia, Suicide (especially if the
victim has been diagnosed with Cancer), Alcoholism,
Drug use or abuse, Allergies, Asthma, Tuberculosis,
Pernicious anemia, High Blood Pressure, Auto-Immune
Excessive crying since birth; developmental delays
and disorders, growth disorders, learning disorders; food
allergies, small appetite, picky eater; adverse reaction to
vaccines; early sexual exploration, early sexual abuse;
multiple partners especially outside of a steady
relationship; prolonged parental control, emotional or
physical abuse victim; bedwetting; nosebleeds in
childhood; ailments at puberty; mononucleosis as teen;
kidney and/or liver disease; constipation; recurrent
infections; tooth decay; auto-immune disorders; arthritic
and rheumatoid conditions; anemia; eczema, especially
of hands; unexplained fevers.
General Symptoms:
Changeable symptoms
Opposite symptoms
Absence of symptoms
Adverse reactions to vaccines
Strongly affected by drugs, chemicals, toxins;
electromagnetic fields, radio frequencies, microwaves,
X-rays, gamma radiation
Sensitive to odors, foods, emotions
Food allergies
Craving for sweets, chocolate, milk, caffeine, salty
foods, crunchy foods, nuts, soups, spicy foods, desires a
large variety of foods and needs constant change;
doesn’t know what he/she is craving
Aversion to runny eggs, especially runny egg white;
slimy foods; certain textures of foods; certain foods;
entire groups of foods, such as green vegetables;
changeable craving alternating with aversion to that
Changeable, capricious appetite; anorexia
Emaciation; obesity
Stunted growth; growth disorders; dwarfism
Early or delayed onset of puberty and menopause
Late or lack of development during puberty
Immaturity; lack of development, late development,
physically and emotionally
Ailments at onset of puberty
Tendency to recurrent infections
Never well since some disease or exposure
>Seaside, loves being near ocean; relaxed, peaceful near
the ocean even if afraid of the water
High libido; or complete absence of libido
Insomnia, can’t turn off mind while trying to sleep
Child sleeps in genupectoral (knee-chest) sleep position
or sleeps on back with arms over head or on left side
Liver and kidney complaints
Essential systemic hypertension
Easy bruising; purpura; petechiae
Multiple moles, birthmarks; warts
Characteristic “flushed” face
Café-au-lait complexion
Bluish sclera
Mind, Personality and Behavior:
Gentle, sensitive, impressionable, affectionate people
High-strung, responsible, industrious, driven people
Responsible; well-behaved children
Obstinate, contrary;disobedient; rebellious children and
Desire to conform; desire to rebel
Clumsy, awkward in social situations
Timidity with strangers
Very shy or very out-going and also in-between
Love of music; art; beauty; tasteful decoration
Love of and inclination to dance; vastly improved in
general after dancing
Love of animals; extreme sympathy with animals;
“cannot hurt a fly”; must stop her car and go back to see
if an apparently dead animal may be still alive in order
to provide assistance, etc.
Fear of diseases, incurable diseases; accidents,
disabilities; and especially, cancer
dogs; large; black dogs
insects and spiders
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 8
drowning; suffocation
the dark; of being alone, after sunset; creepy
crawling sensation at night, in dark rooms
thunderstorms, but exhilarated by them; esp.
lightning; rain; “dancing in the rain”
confrontation; of speaking in front of a group
speaking or expressing self
commitment; relationship; opinions; causes; to
stylize themselves
Amorousness, strong desire for affection; or non-
Early sexual experimentation; masturbation in toddlers
Promiscuity in adolescence
Restlessness; hyperactivity; desire to touch everything
and everyone
Lack of concentration; inability to study
Frequent change of occupation; can’t stay with one
Repetitive behavior, repeating words; gestures, motions,
thoughts and ideas
Peculiar gestures, behaviors, thoughts and ideas
Grimaces, gestures, peculiar habits: picking, pulling or
twirling hair; picking or ripping cuticles, finger nails,
biting fingers or fingernails, etc.
Lack of sensitivity for other’s feelings, on account of
feeling overwhelmed
Hypersensitivity to other’s feelings, whether or not their
feelings overwhelmed (empathic)
Easily affected by others; feels the emotions of others
Increased concern over the opinion of others; sensitive
to criticism, fear of reproach and confrontation
Perfectionist: fear of failure if he produces anything less
than perfect, which can cause total paralysis and
inability to act
Constant life-long fear of failure, even though delivers
outstanding performances; unduly dissatisfied with self
Sensitive to any sign of imperfection on her part;
embarrassed over imperfection on other’s part
Sympathetic, affectionate, caring, kind, great desire to
Lack of self-defense; easily victimized; scapegoat;
permits himself to be punished in an almost masochistic
fashion “Perfect slave”
Continued self-sacrifice for a greater cause
Fastidious or snobbish; extreme concern with order and
Chronically suppressed grief and anger
Worry about health of relatives
Worry about own health; hypochondriasis
Denial of disease
Obsessed with death and dying, anticipation of own
death; planning for their own death, in young persons.
Precociousness: “gifted and talented,” “indigo
children,” “crystal children,” their parents, “idiot
Tendency to be finished before the assigned time, or
chronic tardiness
Desire to arrive before the appointed time, or chronic
Worry about her age; anticipation long before next
Never celebrates birthday, does not disclose his age
Lack of motivation
Orderly, highly organized
Chaotic, unkempt, dirty, slovenly, untidy
Lack of, or low self-esteem
Neurotic behaviors; inviting reproach from others; self
Chaotic persons without goals, drifters
Obsessive-compulsive individuals, from mild to
extreme and disabling
Desire for control
Frequent tendency to switch therapeutic approach or
interrupt treatment
Desire to use multiple therapies or modalities,
Disgusted by the sight of the human body; their own or
Issues with bodily appearance: anorexia, bulimia,
dieting; tendency towards body modification: self-
mutilation; self alteration; breast reduction/enlargement;
various forms of plastic surgery; trans-sexual
operations; tattoos, piercings, surgery, changing hair
color, name etc.
Desire to dress in black; multiple bright colors or afraid
to use colors
Desire to travel; to redecorate her home; to move from
place to place
Desire for artistic expression
Looking for “true love,” “soul mate,” their “twin,” etc.
Lack of identity; confusion of sexual identity; of objects
of love; bisexuality; homosexuality
Unable to find her life’s “calling”
Irresolution regarding occupation or course of study
Desire to “escape,” into movies, “recreational” drugs,
alcohol, sex, food, music, literature, art, etc.
Immature persons: adult children; boyish men; child-
like women;
Mentally and emotionally immature; “unborn,” they
desire “rebirth,” emotional release,” emotional
“expression,” emotive therapies, “working on
themselves,” “past-life regression” and interest in past
lives, life after death
Desire to “find oneself,” susceptible to spiritual and
religious influence; tendency to join cults
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 9
Ungratified religious and spiritual longings:
anticipation, desire for, seeking of and sense of
imminent “spiritual breakthrough”
Experience of spiritual or religious “breakthrough” in
mid-life, frequently and tragically just before cancer
“New-age” convictions, strange and bizarre religious
Delusions of being a great teacher
being led
guiding beings
Clairvoyance; “psychic” abilities, precognition, etc.
Channeling of angels, spirits, “higher-beings”
Bizarre, strong and often correct intuitive directives that
they follow in their lives and during treatment
A Cancer Prevention Check List
Just for fun, I developed an abbreviated version,
narrowing a diagnosis of the Cancer diathesis down to
ten key points (with a few embellishments) that you can
use to test yourself. If you score ten points you have a
fully developed cancer diathesis.
Ten confirmatory points to identify a cancer
Strongly affected by, or exhilaration from
(and/or childhood fear of) thunderstorms
Strongly affected by, or feels better (calm,
peaceful), or feels worse (fear, oppression) by
the ocean
Desire for sweets; caffeine (chocolate, coffee,
tea, soft drinks); and/or feels worse from
caffeine (anxious palpitations, insomnia) or
totally avoids coffee and caffeine (but may or
may not love the smell of coffee)
Aversion to slimy textures of foods; esp. runny
white of the egg.
Love, sympathy for animals and nature; never
cruel to animals, or loves animals more than
Desire for harmony; desires to please, to
conform; avoids confrontation, arguments,
Ameliorated by order; classical or harmonious
music; beauty; nature; nice décor;
Sympathetic, kind, caring, highly responsible;
fastidious, perfectionist about work, living
environment, habits; always busy
Worried about responsibilities, health; can’t
turn off mind, causing insomnia; worries about
future, health of close relatives; anticipation,
appears before the appointed time, etc.
Sensitive interpersonally (e.g. to rudeness;
becoming an easy target, “scapegoat”);
mentally (e.g. to bad news; all impressions);
emotionally (e.g. to confrontations, anger
criticism); towards the feelings of animals,
trees, nature, etc.; physically (e.g. food
allergies; odors; skin; itching)
2. A story of Discovery when Homœopathic
knowledge becomes understanding
STACK, Adjoa Margaret (AH. 16/2010)
In 1984, the author experienced a very bad Malarial
attack. Her bitter experience of that treatment made her
to seek out alternative treatment. In 2006, two
household clinics were set up in Ghana and 75 people
were treated, 38 of them for Malaria. Since then clinical
data was updated. Till 2009 175 acute episodes of
Malaria are treated. The small group of remedies which
repeatedly showed up in the treatment are Arsenicum
album, Natrum muriaticum, Sepia, Ipecacuanha,
Pulsatilla, Bryonia, China. A remedy differentiation
chart comprising of these seven remedies has been
prepared by the author to facilitate the prescription.
A woman with very bad chills with fever for a
week. Burning fever. Dizziness and severe Headache,
Joint pains, occasional vomiting, constant inclination to
spit with fever and chill. Natrum mur. 200. Three days
later, she told, all her symptoms left immediately and
felt better. Did not fall sick in the next 3 weeks. No
relapse and overall much better.
Abdul, a carpenter with Malaria since 2 weeks. No
effect with antimalarial drugs. Malaria every two
months since many years. Incredible weakness.
Sometimes fever with delirium. Burning heat at night.
Joints sore and aching. Nausea even from the smell of
the food. Bitter taste after vomiting. Better with fresh
air. Arsenicum album 1M dry dose. A week later, he
was very well. Had so much energy worked and helped
the elders. In the next two years, once mild relapse,
subsided with Arsenicum 200.
Over the years, people who have been treated
consistently speak of increased energy, fewer episodes
and less debilitation from Malaria.
Based on this success, a paper was presented at the
first International Conference on Homœopathy in the
Developing World. Then a prophylactic protocol was
developed. Ars. 200c in water in the Senya region and
Nat. m. 200 in water at the Tamale region given once a
month over a three-month period.
Any large-scale public health Malaria prevention
protocol needs to include Mosquito abatement,
protection from bites.
3. Radically Healed a case of Rheumatic complaints
JOHNSTON, Linda (AH. 16/2010)
A 43 year-old man, who is tired of being sick, talks
about himself not being normal. Something not normal
within the brain. The wrongness in having two sides
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 10
inside himself is mentioned in various contexts. He is
cold to woman, suddenly thinks of bad things for no
reason. He feels not normal because of his rheumatic
disease or Syphillis. He was active in his younger days.
His rheumatic problems limit his ability to move. His
dream was being paralysed only for his physical
movements. The themes of coldness, movement and
being divided are prominent in various symptoms. He
has a delusion that he is persecuted, on numerous
occasions, in his work life, dreams and childhood he felt
humiliated. He avoids and hides. This points to
Malarial Miasm and Rhus radicans. A dose of 1M and
six weeks later joint problems are gone by 95%,
constant bitter taste gone by 80%. No nasal congestion.
Feel much better in every way. I have started to love
myself, the other me. No cold feelings. No split felt
inside the head. Eighteen months later, dramatically
improved in every way.
4. Musings on Provings: Giving voice to the Genius
Within a substance
HUENECKE, Jason-Aeric (AH. 16/2010)
Everyday, we provide our patients with space to
explore their inner life, physical and emotional
symptoms in order to find a remedy that will gently
touch their Vital Force enough to stimulate a healing
response. It appears that a proving temporarily creates
an alternate reality or doorway into another perception
of reality. The proving seems to aid in the cleansing of
the doors of perception for the individuals involved and
somehow extends to the group as a whole. Provers
develop an understanding of Homœopathy through the
proving experience and their own alchemical dance with
the genius within the substance being proved.
The author is a classical homœopath and a master
prover for the Northwestern Academy of Homœopathy
in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
He feels that the capacity to receive wisdom and
insight from the cosmos increases the more we live
homœopathically. On the homœopathic journey
individuals seek an expanded view and wider variety of
experiences in the cosmos because of their willingness
to step outside of a narrow worldview and adopt a
homœopathic, holistic way of living.
5. A proving of Acer Saccharum (Common North
American Sugar Maple)
HUENECKE, Jason-Aeric (AH. 16/2010)
The Methodology, classification, source,
preparation, uses and the list of rubrics and symptoms
are given.
6. Old remedies, New Cures
BLECH, Raquel (AH. 16/2010)
Case 1: Adam, one year old, thin with blueness at root
of the nose. Ear infections every month with high fever
since six months. First tooth late and difficult to erupt.
Drooling, swollen gums. Stubborn. Lips turn blue
while crying. Snoring +. Sour stools. Coldness of
hands and feet. Calcarea carbonica 30, one dose. Five
weeks later, much better. No ear infection. Breathing
and sleep better. Appetite improved. Snoring
decreased. Blueness less intense. Coldness not much.
Sour odor of stool is gone. 8 weeks later
improvement continuous. Six weeks later again
problems due to teething. Calcarea carbonica 200.
Three months later improvement in all levels.
Case 2: Nine month old Ben, with severe constipation.
Stool every four days. Screams and kicks while he
passes stool. Tired after stool. Hard & soft stool
alternates. Likes to hug and be hugged. Throws up
milk after every feeding, Very sensitive to noises.
Sweats during sleep. Phosphorus 30 one dose. Much
better for the next 4 months. Unresolving nasal
discharge necessitated another dose.
7. Spanish Moss Tillandsia usneoides: A
Trituration Proving Perspective
SCHRIEBMAN, Judy; Anneke Hogeland
(AH. 16/2010)
Some of themes are lack of recognition, feeling of
being disrespected, suspiciousness.
A case is presented.
8. Without the illness, you cannot find the cure
DRURY, Susan (AH. 16/2010)
The author was 31, when she began to experience
excruciating, burning pain stabbing from right jaw
across the cheek to nose. Pain in spasms, triggered by
most mundane activities, leaving her stunned and in
tears. Two years later, a surgery was done and pain free
for next three years. then mild pain for the next 2 years.
then worsened and was on anticonvulsant drugs but
there was some deeper disturbance that had not been
touched that held the secrets of the disease. Through
shamanic healing and craniosacral therapy experienced
different dimensions of her own psyche, when
introduced to Homœopathy, instantly recognized as a
complete medical system and enrolled in the Vancouver
Homœopathic Academy. During the next four years,
many medicines were given, but none touched the pain.
While researching for her thesis, stumbled across a short
emotional characteristic of a remedy which mirrored her
inner feelings. Three weeks later when the pain
recurred, the medicine was taken. Instantly, the pain
disappeared. Simply vanished. Whenever there was a
recurrence, another dose and pain disappeared.
Recurrences gradually faded and seven years later
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 11
permanently cured. The remedy was Mezereum. The
feelings were estrangement and indifference after
moving to a new place after getting established in one
Pleasing others, even at one’s own expense seems
to be the central theme of the remedy.
[Mezereum is a well proved medicine, but this ‘mental’
symptom has not been observed. Seems to be only an
inference from this case or has any colleague read
anywhere else since the author has had remarkable
result = KSS].
9. Autism in Two Brothers
PACE, Gary (AH. 16/2010)
Case 1: C, 6 years was normal till his first year of life.
After MMR Vaccination, he stopped talking, picky
about food, developed chronic catarrh, started drooling
and began getting frequent ‘colds’ every year. Started
hitting himself in anger. He began falling often and
couldn’t walk straight. At three he was diagnosed with
Autism. Physical therapy and a special teacher helped
and improved him. At the age of 5, after the second
MMR Vaccination, he stopped talking and started
banging head when frustrated. Communication
became minimal. Thirsty for cold drinks, sensitive to
smell and noise. Thuja 30. In the next ten days his
behavior worsened and then had bout of gasteroenteritis.
After this he started improving. Started talking, singing
& learning to write. In the next one year, a dose of 200
and two of 1M, improved his connection with others
and co-ordination, but poor articulation, and hunched
posture did not improve.
Case 2: His younger brother N, 4 years old, was well
till his MMR shot at one year of age. Fever started one
week later, with multiple infections. A month later
stopped talking and pointing to things. Then started
hitting in anger and banging when frustrated. Drooling
when he is concentrating. Aversion to warm food and
and drinks. Screams when he is not pleased. Mercurius
30. For a week worse and then bit better and improved
in the next 4 months. Then a dose of 200. In the next 9
months another dose of 200 plussed and one 1M and
1M plussed.
Most noticeable changes were accomplishment of
toilet training and learning to swim. Articulation
improved. Surprisingly drooling persisted.
[The cases are hardly halfway through; what is the
purpose of reporting a “half-cured” if it is ‘cure’
case? = KSS].
10. Treading water for Ages
A trituration proving of Acipenser transmontanus,
the Columbia River White Sturgeon
BROWN, Doug (AH. 16/2010)
This article is about the proving of the Columbia
River Fish up to the 4th trituration and the feelings that
emerged before trituration and during each step and then
about individual experiences during the each trituration
step. A thematic summary is given.
A eighteen page case history of a patient, cured by
this remedy is presented.
11. Princess Tikatika: A case of a Four-year girl with
WAUTERS, Ambika (AH. 16/2010)
Brittany, 4 years old, was wild, loud and
destructive. She could not concentrate on any one
activity. Constipated. Temper tantrums lasting an hour
at a time. Did not crawl as an infant. At 18 months,
stopped talking and eye contact. Food sensitivities,
grinding teeth. Nux vomica 6c in water daily. Gaertner
12c. This began a gentle detoxification and stimulated
her bowels to move. She had begun to speak few
words. Fewer tantrums. Three weeks later bowels
regular, and formed.
Carcinosin, based on her family history of Cancer.
Given in LM Potency to keep a daily input without too
many aggravations.
Two months after Carcinosin LM1, she began to
walk on her toes and had pain in ears. Constipation
returned and sleep pattern disruptive. Carcinosin was
stopped and began Tinus Smits vaccination
detoxification process.
DPT 30, 200, 1M, and 10M over 5 weeks and then
through all of her vaccination remedies. With each
detox, she became calmer, quieter, and more responsive.
Then entered a month long collaborative program using
alternative therapies. This was followed by
sleeplessness and constipation. Opium 200, removed
these symptoms. Two months later Tuberculinum
avium 200. In the next 6 weeks she grew several inches
taller. Finally Peter Chappel’s PC Trauma remedy was
given. After this she started talking a lot, responding
engaging in a natural way. [What indeed is PC
Trauma? Is it a patent? = KSS].
12. Sticks & Stones can Break a Bone
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 31, 2/2011)
Many years ago, author’s two year old son fell
down from the zip glide, holding his leg and yelling.
Arnica 200 quieted him, but he wanted to be carried and
refused to put weight on that leg. In the ER, next day
X-ray revealed an oblique fracture of his fibula. There
was not a bit of swelling, bruising thanks to Arnica. He
wore a cast for a month and then became alright.
A 18 year-old college athlete with a Jones Fracture
in right foot, did not show signs of union even after six
weeks of cast and using crutches. He had unusual
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 12
irritability and crankiness. Calcarea phosphorica 12c
daily and three weeks later good signs of healing. He
was out of the cast and mood became normal.
Indications for Arnica, Hypericum, Bryonia,
Calcarea phosphorica, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Ruta
and Symphytum, to use in the treatment for broken
bones are given.
13. Cracked glass and cracked ribs
MOSS, Dale C. (HT. 31, 2/2011)
While restoring a small building, the author fell
down backwards over window glasses breaking them.
A dose of Arnica 200 soothened the sore pain. Searing
pain in right lower back rib cage suggested cracked rib.
Bryonia 200 did not help. A hot shower eased the pain,
so a dose of Rhus tox 1M. Felt relaxed to some extent.
Ribs felt grabbed and posture became a rightward
hunch. A dose of Symphytum 30 gave blessed sleep
and left the pain legs sharp on waking. A Reference
works search on rib injuries brought up Actea spicata
and Calcarea flourata.
The day after the injury two doses of Actea spicata
and liberal use of heating pad relaxed tight muscles for
2 days and then soreness reappeared. A dose of Ruta
200 helped a lot. A week later relapse of pain,
Ranunculus bulbosa helped over the next two weeks. A
month after the fall X ray confirmed a rib fracture, but it
was healing well. [Really great = KSS].
14. Facing our fears in a Fear-ridden world
ACOSTA, Judith (HT. 31, 2/2011)
Anxiety is a natural reaction to the stresses in our
lives. But when it becomes chronic and out of
proportion to the situation, it becomes a problem. For
people struggling with it, life becomes burdensome,
exhausting, joyless. Anxiety points to something that
has been lying dormant, such as a loss, a distortion of
thought by a long forgotten experience, a humiliation
and so on.
Janie: Profound heartbreak, repressed anxiety.
Janie, came complaining about her 6 year old
daughter’s unhappiness, rebellious and petulant mood,
always in trouble with teachers. Janie’s hands were
clasped, restrained emotions, when asked she recounted
a grievous divorce five years ago, from her husband of
20 years, who had fathered a child out of wedlock and
left her.
Since the divorce and delivery, she developed
serious physical symptoms and treated with many drugs.
She felt fatigued, anxious and frightened about her own
state of health. Anxiety at night, when alone kept her
awake. Fear of robbers. She felt mortified and
humiliated by her ex-husband.
Natrum muriaticum LM1, twice a day. Within a
week improvement began. Tingling subsided in 24
hours, Headaches just never came back. Sound sleep
and less anxiety. In the next 8 months went up to
Natr.m. LM11.
Then she developed severe bronchitis, wheezing.
She became overtly emotional and was weeping. Better
with fresh air. Pulsatilla 30. To be repeated when the
asthmatic breathing flared up. Within a month, physical
symptoms had subsided but revealed the depth of the
abandonment and loss she silently suffered for years and
made progress. A dose of 200 and she has a spring in
her step, expresses relief on a multitude of levels and
has been able to handle a number of family crises with a
steady heart.
Jack: Relentless anxiety and abject fear.
Jack, 24 year old with constant, pervasive anxiety.
Physically abused in childhood. After a brief time on a
prescription medication for depression, he developed
psychotic symptoms including delusions about the
devil, images of violence. After several weeks of
Psychotherapy, he described thoughts of tearing out
body parts and being attacked. He believed he was
being tormented and controlled by demons and God had
forsaken him. Stramonium 200. Within few hours, he
felt a deep well of ugliness removed from his chest.
Within couple of days, he felt lighter.
Few doses were repeated when he reached a
plateau. The psychiatric drugs are being titrated off
slowly and properly.
15. Alleviate your anxiety; Top 12 tranquility remedies
ACOSTA, Judith (HT. 31, 2/2011)
Brief descriptions of twelve remedies are given.
Aconite, Argentum nitricum, Arsenicum, Calcarea
carbonica, Gelsemium, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Natrum
muriaticum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Silica and
16. Breaking free of Panic Attacks
HAM, Natalie (HT. 31, 2/2011)
Erin 40, with daily anxiety for the past 10 years and
periodical panic attacks that made her feel her death was
imminent. She felt she had life threatening illness, fear
of being alone, great anguish about health, racing
thoughts, fastidious and fault finding nature. Fear of
safety of children. Fatigue and irregular and painful
menstrual periods. Walking or moving about helps her
to calm down. Arsenicum album 200. Two weeks later,
she was calm, cool and smiling with no look of fear in
her eyes. No panic attacks and no anxiety. Fatigue
improved. Menstrual cycle less painful. In the next 3
months, Ars.200 as and when needed. Several months
later, irritability popped up. Only 20% > after Ars. 1M.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 13
No sleep after 3 a.m. craving for fatty, spicy fried food,
impatience. Nux vomica 30, daily. 95% > in the next 3
weeks. Her anxiety levels never reached 10-15% of
original intensity. In the next three years upto Ars. CM
as and when needed.
Holly, 50, was bent over, red faced and sobbing,
holding her husband’s hand in a panic attack. Her
husband explained that they had to leave Kansas 2 days
ago to live in Arizona with an extended family two days
ago. During the journey, they had to give up some of
their possessions in the car which broke down. The jobs
assured here did not happen and the extended family
told they could stay only if they could pay the rent.
Since then she has been hyperventilating, trembling,
sobbing, dizzy and nauseated.
She was homesick and losing belongings was
tragic. Then betrayal hurt her. She felt she could not
take a deep breathe and was sighing. She felt choking.
Ignatia 200. She felt better instantly. She could
breathe, no redness of face. No choking. She had
calmed down. Within the next two weeks, they moved
back to Kansas. [The range of action of Homœopathy is
amazing indeed. No therapy can come anywhere near =
17. Naturopaths without Borders (NWB)
Global Healing, Naturally
OSKIN, Jamie (HT. 31, 2/2011)
NWB is a student-run volunteer organization with a
mission to heal disadvantaged people around the world
using holistic, natural, prevention and treatment. One
weekend a month, a caravan of students and physicians
travel to Puerto Pasco, Mexico (Rocky point) to see
patients in the makeshift clinic. Obesity and consequent
uncontrolled type 2 Diabetes with its complications are
rampant in this population.
Juan 68, with severe pain in feet. Wrinkled face.
Callused hands. Glassy eyes due to cataract. His non-
fasting sugar level was 490mg/dl. Burning feet.
Uncovers them. No sleep after 3 a.m. warm blooded.
Craved crispy, fatty foods and cold drink. Sulphur 6c
daily. Six weeks later, pain feet completely gone.
Sugar level was 320. He was advised to continue the
medicine for the next one month and monitored as and
when required.
Maria, middle aged woman with pre-diabetes, high
blood pressure, elevated blood lipids and an increased
risk of heart attack or stroke. Long standing right
shoulder pain, due to pulling down a heavy box from a
high shelf. Stiffness of shoulder. Pain better with warm
application. Rhus tox 10M. she also suffered from
depression. She would weep alone for hours. Desires
salty food and worse in sun. six weeks later shoulder
pain completely gone. Natrum mur. 200. Few days
after the shoulder pain subsided. Depression gone.
18. Summertime … and your living can be Easy
CATES, Trevor Holly (HT. 31, 2/2011)
Sunburn Calendula spray. In addition Cantharis
taken internally, soothes pain and promote healing
Itchy rash Anacardium, if no relief Rhus tox.
Bee stings and insect bites Apis mellifica.
Ledum if the affected area is cold.
Minor scrapes and cuts Calendula ointment, salve or
Trauma with soreness Arnica
Injury to nerves Hypericum
Swelling and soreness of deep bruises Bellis perennis
Sprains and strains First Arnica.
Bryonia if slightest movement causes pain
Ruta for severe sprains and strains.
Rhus tox for aches with stiffness and restless
Symphytum to promote bone growth and repair
in a fracture.
19. Clinical Case Study
A Woman with Lupus, and a whole lot more
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 103, 1/2010)
A long-standing case of a woman with Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus is presented. Based upon a
number of characteristic symptoms left-sidedness,
starting awake on falling asleep, sensitivity to touch and
tight collars, premenstrual aggravation, heat intolerance,
etc. Lachesis was the first prescription. Later
intercurrent prescriptions of Lycopodium, Sulphur,
Natrum muriaticum furthered the progress of the case,
as did Mezereum for acute saliolithiasis. The case
reflects the substantial health benefits that can accrue
from careful, conventional, classical homœopathic
20. Syphilis: Microbe and Miasm
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 103, 1/2010)
Modern research science shows that syphilis is only
occasionally cured by antibiotic treatment. What do
biologists now know about the microorganism
associated with the disease named syphilis? What is the
outcome of antibiotic treatment? How do Hahnemann’s
observations compare to current knowledge of the
natural history of this disease? What is the relevance of
the term “chronic miasm” in relation to mainstream
scientific language? Can Homœopathy fully cure
syphilis? This paper will begin to address these issues.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 14
The author concludes with the explanation of
chronic miasms as symbiosis. When different life forms
interact, the result is the material and immaterial physics
of action and reaction.
[A very interesting and scholarly article. Read it in full
in Part II of this QHD = KSS].
21. A Constipated child
NOSSAMAN, Nicholas (AJHM. 103, 1/2010)
Amelia, 2 yrs, with chief complaint of holding
stool. Tendency to become constipated before any
acute illness. She would feel an urge, would cross legs
forcefully, grunt, and red in face clings to mother.
Angry and demanding. Based on her fastidious nature
and strong separation anxiety, Ars.alb.200. Within a
day, she began to have three or four stools a day without
22. A young man suffering from Grave’s Disease
OSKIN, Jamie, A.; MESSER, Stephen, A.;
(AJHM. 103, 2/2010)
We present an ongoing case of a young man who
had unresolved Graves disease for seven years prior to
beginning treatment with a combination of conventional
medications and Homœopathy. His Hypertension and
Tachycardia initially improved slightly with medication,
which we prescribed to ensure his myocardial safety.
We then took his homœopathic case and prescribed
homœopathic Natrum muriaticum 200C daily. The
prescribing indications were: dwelling on past
disagreeable disturbances, resentment, aggravation from
consolation, laughing over serious matters, and craving
salt. After beginning homœopathic treatment, his
thyroid function and his general state overall improved.
We then were able to successfully wean him from his
pharmaceutical medications without a rise in his heart
rate or blood pressure. This case illustrates that
Homœopathy can be an effective treatment for Graves
hyperthyroidism and that by integrating the treatment
with conventional medications it is possible to manage
such patients effectively.
23. Two boys with persistent coughs
FIOR, Timothy, W. (AJHM. 103, 2/2010)
Two boys with recurrent coughs of a croupy,
asthmatic nature are presented. The family history or
perinatal history of thyroid disease in the mother was
one of the keys to the successful prescription of Iodum
purum. A brief description of iodine the element is
given followed by some characteristic Materia Medica.
24. The cough of Cardiovascular disorders
MOILOA, Motlhabane R. (AJHM. 103, 2/2010)
Cough is one of the five most common symptoms
for which patients seek consultation with a doctor:
patients suffering from heart disease may present with a
chronic painful dry cough associated with dyspnoea and
palpitations. Cough < during sleep, awakening the
The indications for Spongia, Laurocerasus, Naja,
Digitalis and Lachesis are given to be used in cases of
cardiac cough.
25. Delusions in Homœopathic Psychiatry
LALOR, Liz (AJHM. 103, 2/2010)
Homœopathic Psychiatry is the psycho-analytical
study of the meaning and application of the Delusion
rubrics in homœopathic case-taking and case analysis.
In the application of a delusion rubric, the
homœopath seeks to understand why the patient has
established the delusional state and why he needs to
maintain the misrepresentation of reality. [This kind of
delving into the patient is unwarranted that he/she has a
‘delusion’ is enough = KSS]. The Psychodynamic
development of the delusion symptoms (rubrics) follows
five psychological stages which patients will encounter
as they struggle to acknowledge or resign themselves to
their loss of good health.
Denial: ‘hubristic denial’ of disease.
Forsaken: Disproportionate feelings of abandonment or
persecutory delusional beliefs.
Causation: Disproportionate guilt
Depression: Predictions of failure
Resignation: Overblown resignation to disease and
death, or exaggerated hypochondriacal fears of illness.
Each remedy profile will present in one, or all, of
the psychological stages.
The importance of understanding the five
psychological stages within each constitutional remedy
profile is that such an understanding will provide
psychological insight into how each constitutional
remedy will behave when sick.
A detailed case of Thuja is presented to illustrate
this scheme. Aspects of the Materia Medica of Thuja
are also presented.
26. An urgent Bladder infection
HOOVER, Todd (AJHM. 103, 2/2010)
52 year-old lady with a solitary Kidney, after
donating one to her brother, complained of bladder
infection. Intense burning throughout the urination,
with constant and intense sense of urging that is not
relieved with urination. Irritable, impatient and anxious
of this problem. Cantharis 30. 80% relief within 30
minutes and complete recovery within two hours after a
second dose.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 15
27. Constipation in Cancer of Rectum
(HCCR. 1, 2010)
94 year-old lady with rectal Cancer and
constipation since months. Postural hypotension.
Likes salt and spicy food. Sharp memory. Nux vomica
200 weekly doses and Ruta 6c q.i.d. as local
pathological remedy. Intercurrent, doses of Carcinosin
were given. Along with some doses of Merc. sol. 30,
Hydrastis 30, Cheldonium 30, Nat-mur. 30. The patient
lived for more than two years almost with no pains of
28. A case of Acidity and Ventricular Dysfunction
(HCCR. 1, 2010)
Mrs. MSA, 52 years with acidity since 1985. Pain
left side of chest and left arm since 15th Aug. 2009.
Diagnosed as left Ventricular Dysfunction. Constant
fear of death from heart attack or brain haemorrhage.
Sudden fright at 12 years of age, fear of getting infected.
Acidity < sour food. Likes ghee, milk and cold food.
Phosphorus 30, then 200 relieved her in the next three
29. Cases treated with water doses of Silicea
(HCCR. 1/2010)
Five cases with different complaints treated by
Silica are given.
30. Few cases
DEY, M (HCCR. 1/2010)
Arthritis: Mrs. TM, 60 years, with joint pains since 30
years. < cold wet weather. >by massage, warmth.
Restless due to pain.
Rhus tox 0/3 and then 0/5 improved. Medo 200.
Much better. Urticaria appeared and subsided on its
Insanity: Ms. RS, 23, with painless soft swelling of
both feet since one year. Tremors of upper limbs.
Delusion that someone will hurt her family members.
Shameless. Lascivious since a fright 2 years ago.
Itching spots in forearms since 3-4 years. Opium 200/2
doses. Gradually improved and became well in the next
six months.
Asthmatic Bronchitis: Mr. P.V. 36 years, with pain
entire abdomen since 6 years. Pain appears and
disappears gradually. > pressure Dyspnoea, cough, <
winter, < New moon, since 3-4 years. USG Abdomen
Appendicular mass and Fatty Liver. Stannum 200/2
doses. A month later no pain. Stil susceptible to cold.
Thuja 200/2 doses. No dyspnoea in the next 3 months.
Memory poor. Med. 200. 3 months later - No
problems. USG Normal.
31. A case of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL)
SHINDE, Prakash (HCCR. 1, 2010)
Mrs. SLB, 55 years was diagnosed with APL on
Chemotherapy. History revealed that she felt lonely
after shifting to her new home on the outskirts of the
city, after daughter’s marriage; after son’s transfer.
Much breathlessness. Based on the sensation of
isolation, Coca 30. In 2 weeks, improved in all aspects.
Energized. No evidence of APL.
32. A case of Lung Abscess
SHINDE, Prakash (HCCR. 1, 2010)
Mr. MGS, 62 years, was admitted with sudden
severe pain in left chest. He was restless, perspiring and
pain relieved by lying on left side. CXR revealed left
lung abscess. Intercostal drainage tube. No response to
antibiotics or AKT. His condition was deteriorating.
He was on ventilator. Upon request he was put on
supportive aid and all medications were withdrawn.
Calcarea carbonica 1M was given, based on his
timidity, short stature, overcared, coward and fearful as
child. Next morning he came into consciousness. His
drainage tube was dry. Placebo drops were dispensed.
By afternoon, ventilator support was decreased to 50%.
Next day only on Oxygen mask alone. Next day severe
attack of asthmatic bronchitis, which subsided with
Sepia 200. He remains well.
[Not only cure of the serious disease, but the
(allopathic) hospital expenses were very heavy so as to
render the patient bankrupt. The homœopathic
treatment costed very very low which even a daily
wage earner could bear! And the rapidity of the cure!
Good job Dr. Shinde = KSS].
33. Cystic Hygroma A Case Study
MISHRA, S.C. (HCCR. 1, 2010)
Master AY, 7 years with recurrence of Cystic
Hygroma in left axilla operated once at 14 months.
Cyst is hard and pain at times. Salivation during
occasional grinding teeth in sleep. Lies on abdomen.
Craves milk. Over a period of nine months, treated with
aqueous doses of Merc.sol. 30, an intercurrent dose of
Thuja 200 and finally Zinc. met. 200. The cyst became
softer, smaller and painless, though it did not disappear.
Case of Psoriasis
A farmer with severe itch on scalp since last three
months. Diagnosed as Psoriasis. Pyorrhea. Burning of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 16
palms & soles since 2 years. Based on his reserved
nature and craving for milk, Staphysagria 200 was
given. In the next few months, he gradually improved
and was free of his problems.
Case of Insomnia with headache
Mrs. NM with insomnia and headache since 2
years. Hair roots are sensitive to combing. Angry,
irritable, feels dominated. Hurried. Being occupied
ameliorates her anxiety. Poor libido. Lilium tigrinum
200. Slept well and no anxiety after that.
Case of chronic dry cough
Mr. K. with continued dry cough since 12 years.
Cough < lying on right side. AKT did not relieve.
Operated for intestinal obstruction. Drosera 30,
followed by Ipecac 30. Cough better but plug like
feeling in throat. Ignatia 200. Completely relieved.
34. A case of Fibrocystic Disease of Breasts
SHAH, Devang (HCCR. 1, 2010)
46 year-old female with bilateral multiple cysts in
breasts. Pain in right arm, as if bursting. Headache on
the right side. Pain in knee joints. The lumps increase
whenever I am tense. Fearful since childhood. Fear of
son having an accident. Fear of death of husband.
Dreams of dead people. Fear of ghosts; of my own
shadow. Fear of dark. I shiver, faint in fear with a
sense of warmth in body.
Belladonna 200. Feels better. No fears. In the
next two months, lumps almost gone. Anger decreased.
Belladonna 1M.
A year after the first dose, lumps on left side
completely gone. On right side 3 lumps, but much less
in size. No dreams. Feels fresh.
35. A case of Acne vulgaris
MEHER, Kshama (HCCR. 1, 2010)
19 year-old girl with acne since 4 years Acne
suppurate, and heal with a scar. Painful menstruation.
Chronic constipation. Recurrent stomatitis. Motion
sickness. Mother and sister are dominating. Much
tense before exams, interviews. Anticipatory anxiety
leads to vomiting. Silicea, Thuja, Psorinum, Berb. aq.,
Sulphur did not help. So Carcinosin was given as a
constitutional remedy. She gradually improved and was
cured of her problems.
36. A case of non-healing ulcer
BAVISKAR, Pushkar (HCCR. 1, 2010)
NDB, 60 years old male with a non-healing wound
in right heel since 1½ years after an injury. Not
responding to conventional medicines. Pain with
purulent discharge from the irregular margins of the
ulcer. Gunpowder 30 and Calendula Q in repeated
doses, healed the ulcer in 6 weeks.
37. Die Seitenregel des Constantin Hering
(The Rule of Sides of Constantin Hering)
REIS Stefan (ZKH. 54, 1/2010)
This is study of much ignored aspect of
homœopathic therapeutics. While everyone spoke of
‘Hering’s Law’ of above downwards, from more
important organs to the lesser important ones and
symptoms disappearing in the reverse order of their
appearing the latest to go first another ‘rule’ of
HERING has been ignored, we do not know why.
Stefan REIS examines this; to my knowledge this is
the first and only study of this ‘rule’ so far.
In his Essay on the Rule of the Sides (The
Hahnemannian Monthly, 1865) HERING postulated
what if we are to treat a complaint which had moved
from right to left, we have to choose a remedy which
has caused in the Provings, a tendency to move from
left to right. Whereas in the actual practice so far we
have not done so. In the light of Herings Rule of Sides
corrections to the Repertory in respect of these ‘rubrics’
have to be made; application of the ‘Rule’ may validate,
Stefan REIS has in his practice over the past 4 years or
so followed this and confirms the ‘Rule’ of Sides of
HERING with regard to practical application in
38. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the
Vital Sensation
CHAPPELL, Peter (HL. 21, 3/2008)
In simple terms, there are two categories of trauma:
Trauma from systemic abuse, for eg. repeated, never
ending criticism, small, insidious insults and relentless
abusive comment.
Overwhelming trauma when a person disappears or
a tsunami occurs or from a mechanical birth process
The key thing about trauma is the tormenting
In PTSD nothing gets resolved. The most
important is this unresolved trauma is inherited, without
the facts to go on, and it becomes a free floating trauma
which passes on to generations. This is termed as
‘PTSD Miasm’ by Peter CHAPPELL.
PTSDs are also created by epidemic diseases and
PTSDs basically cripple the person. Recoveries
occur in individuals fully treated by Therapy.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 17
The remedy PC Genocide addresses the deep
trauma almost overnight and people are able to function
normally. [These remedies Peter Chappell’s own
make. Are they homœopathic remedies? = KSS].
39. Great Balls of Fire
A case of Hecla lava
GILLIES, Mary (HL. 21, 3/2008)
A 40-year patient, suffering from pain abdomen
since childhood was treated with many homœopathic
remedies since 1998 with no relief. In 2005, re case
taking was done according to Rajan Sankaran’s method.
Her main complaint is abdominal pain and wind
experienced as a build-up of pressure, a ball of fire,
congested, bloated like something fermenting side.
Thirsty with pain.
Her anger builds up and bursts out of her like a
The emotional feelings and the physical pain in
abdomen are exactly the same. Realizing this made her
relaxed and settled for the next two months. Then a
build up, of pain in right iliac fossa. Hecla lava 1M.
there was aggravation and return of old symptoms
which eased in two weeks.
Eight months later, there was relapse and Hecla
lava 200, settled it.
40. The Extremist
A case of Cuprum fluoratum
BAILEY, Philip (HL. 21, 3/2008)
A 52 year old man, looking like 40 year old, with
painful tendon in right lower leg and tenderness of left
biceps. Tendency towards Zinc deficiency. Poor
assimilation. Repressed catholic childhood. Depressed
for years. Core belief that sex is fearful. Sexual
Frustration. Less when I am sexually active. Fear-
oriented. Hard to grieve. Fear of pain. Dream of
frustration obsessive compulsive personality.
Sensitive to loud noise. Had chosen to be childless.
Phobia about asphyxiation. Craving for ice-cream &
sweets. Raynaud’s phenomenon in fingers. Zincum
iodatum LM1. No effect. Zincum nitricum LM2
aggravated his aggression without any improvement
mentally and physically. His sexual focus suggests
flouratum remedies. Rigidity, preciseness and
fanaticism pointed to Cuprum (according to Scholten).
Calcarea flouratum 30c once daily. In the next 30
weeks, he gradually became better after an initial
aggravation. He finally had a child with his partner. 17
months later had felon in a finger which subsided with
Hepar sulph. 30. [Where do we have the Proving or
Clinical Materia Medica of Cuprum fluoratum? The
author Philip BAILEY has synthesized the remedy. =
41. Two cases of Jaborandi
(HL. 21, 3/2008)
Two cases are presented in which the general theme
of exhaustion suggested the rutaceae family, while
fertility problems combined with a strange attitude
towards food and extreme perspiration pointed to
42. Unlocking the case with one key
BJORNDAL, Andreas (HL. 21, 3/2008)
An old lady whose life had been with one goal,
making socks for the whole family for Christmas.
Everyday, every free minute, she would knit. In the last
two years, her eyesight was challenging her ability to
keep her schedule. Ruta 200, 3 doses. 8 weeks later,
she was grateful. Not only do I see better, but my hands
knit faster. A hard little ball on my wrist also went
43. Angustura vera
SWOBODA, Franz (HL. 21, 3/2008)
Two cases cured by Angustura vera on the basis of
its Keynote strong desire for coffee are given.
But this symptom is not a proving symptom of
Angustura. In the introduction to Angustura,
Hahnemann cites Emmert’s report on a lethal
intoxication with a different plant, but contained
Strychnine. This boy asked for coffee in intoxication.
This mistakenly became a source for this remedy.
44. A case of Citrus vulgaris
JOHNSTON, Linda (HL. 21, 3/2008)
A 35 year-old woman with Headache since 12
years of age. The themes of
Falling Apart and Holding it together
Stretching beyond any limits
Crushing tightness appeared in her chief
The dreams, her views on life and even in her hobbies.
Based on the Citrus vulgaris 200. Within a month
could stop all headache pain medication and improved
overall. 16 doses in the next yrs. [What sort of a
Report is this? Was the patient cured? = KSS]
45. A case of Kali bromatum
MANGIALAVORI, Massimo (HL. 21, 4/2008)
68 year-old lady with dermatitis since years. Very
stiff in every sense. Itching and lots of formication.
Little pustules, hurt terribly. Stress due to father’s death
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 18
and mother’s Parkinson. Operated for Ca Rectum.
Constipation all along. Ovarian cysts at 20 years.
Menopause at 21 years due to medication. Very
religious. Kali bromatum Q1.
Very gradually her skin symptoms decreased by
90%. Nails became stronger.
46. A case of Veratrum album
LALOR, Liz (HL. 21, 4/2008)
In Homœopathy if we can delve into the original
crisis that created the first Delusion we become aware
of how the person has constructed their self and their
presenting disease around this Delusion. This Veratrum
case reverberates with a crisis of self-examination
which reflects both the Delusions of herself as God, and
herself and her disease as the victim of God’s judgment.
God’s vengeance has been absorbed into the core
psychodynamic crisis which is subsequently borne to
fruition in the very nature of her disease. In this case
the woman believes she deserves the Adenocarcinoma;
she seeks no treatment. This is a suicide case.
Veratrum album moved her stance on whether she
deserved to die; Vertrum viride subsequently moved her
Delusion of curing her own Cancer.
47. Rubrics on Amelioration in Homœopathy
CHAKRAVORTY, Sakti (HL. 21, 4/2008)
Perhaps instinctively patients always tell about
aggravation of symptoms, something homœopaths also
focus on when asking their questions. This is our
experience. Moreover it requires tact and skill for both
the patient and doctor to elicit a true amelioration i.e. it
has to be “titrated-out’. Our attention to amelioration
came into focus when we embarked on case-taking and
repertorising. Curiously, the numbers of rubrics of
aggravations are greater than those for ameliorations.
Modalities are the third component of
Boenninghausen’s ‘quad i.e. sensations, locations,
modalities [aggravation and amelioration] and
concomitants. Recently we see an upsurge in various
‘modalities’ to study and prescribe a remedy e.g.
Thematic, Periodic table, Vital sensation etc. It is our
modest intention in this write-up to focus on the one
time-tested component ‘modality’ of Boenninghausen’s
quad Amelioration. Let amelioration be another
feather in the cap of the ‘marathon methodology’ of
prescribing and studying remedies.
48. Homœopathic Blood Treatment
(HL. 21, 4/2008)
When we consider blood in our repertories quite a
lot of symptoms are offered like, the tendency of
bleeding (haemorrhage), the locations of bleeding,
blood pressure and the condition of blood vessels. But
we rarely find the direct path to remedies which treat the
constituents of blood. On the other hand we deal with
severe chronic diseases such as Cancer or Alcoholism or
Arthritis or Diabetes etc. where a haemogram shows
many disorders concerning the haematopoiesis, blood
coagulation and the blood corpuscles. An exception
may be Anaemia and Leukaemia because of the location
of the disease. But there is no doubt in my mind that
any other severe disease starts with disturbance in the
blood quality as blood contains all information.
Further still, each blood cell contains consciousness and
the information of the whole. Blood presents the
holistic aspect of a living being. Long before symptoms
materialize in organs, in organ systems and at the
outside of the skin, the flow of the life force, the blood,
is disturbed in its inner rhythms. The blood flow as a
whole is pure rhythm and each constituent represents
rhythms of birth and death. The blood is a miracle of
equilibration. It responds to all physical, psychic and
mental dispositions. It takes quite a long time before a
physical suppression like fever or sweat or a
psychological suppression is manifested in an organ
system because the vibration of matter is slow and
because all suppression starts with compensation. But
you can already see at the beginning of such processes
how the blood reacts in its constituent parts. The only
problem is that we do not look through a microscope at
this point, nor do we start a treatment. I just want to
make clear that blood is our best field for diagnosis and
treatment as it allows a view into the inner world of
disease and that we as homœopaths should use the
haemogram count. At least in German-speaking
countries I often meet homœopaths who do not believe
in successful treatment of Cancer or any other serious
chronic disease with Homœopathy. May be this article
will go some way towards boosting faith in natural law,
in nature and in our wonderful healing art of
The Effect of Blood Remedies
The question arises of what actually homœopathic
remedies trigger when they are administered in cases of
blood disorder? Do they stimulate the production of
blood cells in cases of deficiency? Do they slow down
the pathological increase of blood cells? Do they
balance and regulate? These questions are important
because most of the remedies comprise a “too less” and
a “too much” element. Manganum oxydatum helps, for
example, when the Erythrocytes are increasing or
decreasing. The same is true with Uranium nitricum, a
very strong blood remedy when Lymphocytes are
pathologically increased or decreased. The laser-like
effect of the blood remedies allow us to look behind the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 19
scenes, quite often into the hidden levels and elements
of a chronic disease.
We come to the conclusion that blood remedies can
support, stimulate and balance what is out of order.
They also deal with very specific problems such as the
coagulation factor VIII, where Plutonium nitricum and
Uranium nitricum help when the coagulation is too
slow, Radium bromatum and Cobaltum nitricum help in
any case of disturbance.
Another important field of use is miasmatic
treatment. Remedies which reach the inner structures
and constituents of blood are in most cases of syphilitic
nature, i.e. destructive. I work with about thirty
remedies, twelve of which are of the highest
importance. In my classes of miasmatic Homœopathy
even those medical doctors who are beginners in
Homœopathy can already start working successfully
with these main remedies as they have the requisite
physiological and medical background. Further, they
know most of the remedies such as antibiotics,
antiphlogistics, antipyretics and analgesics. Most of the
side effects of these chemical remedies are exactly the
symptoms we use as similes in their homœopathic
counterparts. Seeing it from the viewpoint of miasms
the decrease in blood constituents belongs to the
syphilitic miasm as they create a deficiency. When
reduction and atrophy take place, the nutrition with
oxygen and all necessary supplements in the peripheral
blood, in all organs and tissues suffer. So we have to
take it seriously when a Thrombocytopenia,
Leukocytopenia or Erythrocytopenia is obvious. The
blood as central flow of life force does not easily
collapse because its different constituents have their
own rhythm and all together they create a highly
flexible system of compensation. There must be a
serious and permanent suppression and pressure before
this flexibility can be disturbed.
What has the power to disturb such a holistic
system as the blood? The answer is very simple: it is
the conscious mind of the patient. The mind can create
healing power and destructive power and that is stored
in every cell of the blood and body. Each cell contains
consciousness. Blood never reacts with syphilitic
degeneration on daily or weekly stress, pressure and
suppression which we face as modern “workaholics” as
long as relaxation, pause and regeneration follow. The
problem is not the pressure and suppression themselves
but the loss of life rhythm. The problem is not the
heavy work, the busy day life but the loss of balance.
Blood cells can bear a lot of stress but not the loss of
rhythm. Why? Because life is rhythmic movement,
rhythmic vibration. In addition to the mind, regular
vaccination plays an important role in blood
Themes Behind Blood Constituents
According to new research in holistic neurology,
behind each cell group and organ stands a special
theme. The perception is not new: for thousands of
years Chinese medicine has been teaching the
relationship between the organ system and the psychical
and mental condition. Modern researches lead to
evidence. As far as the blood is concerned, it is very
interesting to note which problems or conflicts stand
behind its constituents:
Behind red blood cells (erythrocytes) stand
conflicts with mother and/or other close female
Behind white blood cells (leukocytes) stand
conflicts with father and/or other close male
Behind platelets (thrombocytes) stand conflicts
of the family system and/or ancestors.
As a matter of fact the deficiency and reduction in
one or more blood constituents indicates a serious
situation for the patient. The conflict has to be resolved.
Then we can observe the natural law: matter follows
mind. Of course, this cannot happen in a minute or in
one day. But realization of the conflict and the attempt
to solve it plus a blood remedy already leads to a better
haemogram. [This Conflict as the trigger has been
proposed by Dr. HAMER in his New Medicine or
HAMER has rejected the modern Cancer Therapy and
for all ills “Conflict solving” must attempted = KSS]
Let us consider as an example the sycotic aspect of
blood remedies.
According to the sycotic dynamic we find an
overproduction, i.e. Erythrocytosis, Leucocytosis,
Thrombocytosis and Lymphocytosis. Although such a
development is pathological it is not as dangerous as the
reduction in blood constituents. The blood and the
organ system can compensate. Sycotic processes
develop slowly. In my experience the psychic and
mental conflicts behind the sycotic blood disturbance or
disorders seem not to be quite harmless and are often
not recognized as a problem. But they create stagnation
and a progressive resignation.
Again, healing includes the necessity for stress
release and an adequate blood remedy. Both impulses
release the blockages and the sycotic stagnation. Again
I could see in several cases where the blood normalized
according to the patient’s perception an attempt to
release the conflict.
Categories of Blood Remedies
Among the blood remedies which reach the inner
structural constituents we find fewer plants and animals
than chemical source material. This makes sense if we
consider how often conventional remedies influence the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 20
blood or produce negative side effects in the blood. No
wonder that the stop-ranking remedies are derived from
this category. Another important group consists of
metal elements of high radiation. Table 1 is an
overview of the most important remedies.
In Cancer treatment the help of these remedies is
obvious as we are facing a lot of problems if the patients
first undergo Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy. It
should be clear that these treatments neither solve the
actual problems of cancer cells since cancer is a
mitochondrial disease that has no cell nucleus
degeneration nor do they destroy enough cancer cells.
The side effects are well known among which the loss
of immune power and the destruction of normal cells
are the most serious. But in cancer we deal with
extreme fear of death. Therefore many patients,
although they don’t believe in healing through Chemo
and Radiation therapy, follow it, often pushed by the
intimidation of oncologists before and after surgery. It
will take another twenty years or more before cancer
patients first visit a homœopath before conventional
treatments are considered. So we meet quite a lot of
cancer patients who come after Chemo and Radiation
therapy. In these cases it is of great value to start the
holistic treatment with blood remedies in low potencies.
Because the haematopoiesis and the production of blood
cells is not activated, the immune system cannot
recover. After a boost in the blood quality, the self-
regulatory mechanism of the body can spring into
After Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy we
often find the following defects in blood. Next to it I
add the appropriate remedy:
Hypercholesterolemia (cholesterol in serum):
Leucopenia: azath, aureom, carbam, chlorpr,
halo, penic, acetyls-ac, plut-n, uran-n, rad-br,
plat-I, caes-m
The reduction in leukocytes, especially the
neutrophilic granulocytes, is based on a disturbance in
the hematopoiesis of the bone marrow cells. The
neutrophilic granulocytes have no time to get ready for
phygocytosis. This and many other processes lead to
the tremendous weakness of the whole immune system.
Pancytopenia (reduction of all kinds of blood
cells); acetyls-ac, azath, sal-ac, methion, plut-n,
uran-n, caes-n
Leukaemia (caused by chemotherapy): cisplat,
plat-i, uran-n.
Another point has to be observed in the wake of
much new research into the nature of Cancer cells:
There is no need to convert them into normal cells,
which means activating the respiratory chain in the
mitochondria. This can be done by amino acids like
“reduced glutathione”. But we can also use a wonderful
homœopathic remedy which I have used quite often:
Quebracho, also known as Aspidosperma quebracho.
BOERICKE tells us that this remedy stimulates the
absorption of oxygen. In parallel with an administration
of quebracho D3 or D6 the patient has to practice
regular breathing exercises because external breathing
supports inner breathing. The second remedy to
stimulate the respiratory chain is Asparticum acidum.
Another problem is the erythrokatalysis where the
cell membrane is destroyed. This process can be very
rapid, especially when, for example, the patient is a
chronic mobile phone user. Under the microscope you
can watch how quickly the erythrocytes lose their form
and “explode”. Remedies like Echinacea and Plumbum
help in these cases. But, of course, the best course is to
eliminate the causative factor: not to carry the mobile
phone close to the body, to use it less and leave the
body enough time for regeneration. When the
erythrokatalysis is slow we may not see any major body
symptoms. There may be no pain in liver and spleen.
But the haemogram calls for treatment. Remedies like
Mang-o, Acetyls-ac, Lec, Methion, Plut-n and Uran-n
are very helpful.
Although I mention it at the end of this article, a
special fact led me years ago to the blood remedies and
answered a lot of questions: quite often in healing
processes of chronic diseases we see stagnation at the
miasmatic level of Sycosis. Old symptoms come back
for which previously the patient would typically take
conventional medicine like tablets against headache,
pain, inflammation, fever or mental disturbance. But he
is now in a different situation in so far as the
homœopathic treatment has arrived at this point and the
question arises: Shall I take the chemical remedies again
or not? Instead of forbidding conventional help I tried
to understand the wisdom of the body. What does it
show and tell? The Sycosis discloses everything that
was hidden and stored.
One day I got the key by accident
There was a female patient of 56 years who came
because of constant tiredness, exhaustion, upset stomach
and many other symptoms she had had for eight years.
she was a vegetarian and accepted only Homœopathy or
other forms of holistic treatment. It was one of the
many cases I see in my practice: nine out of ten people
suffer from a hereditary Gonorrhea which disturbs any
healing process. We can give many remedies but the
awakened Sycosis is clever and survives all attempts
as we know. As the woman had already been suffering
for many years I gave Nitricum acidum C30 to be sure
that there were no hidden syphilitic roots. After four
weeks the lady felt much better, stronger and was full of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 21
hope. As no syphilitic signs came out I started the
treatment of the hereditary Gonorrhea with Thuja C30
and Medorrhinum C30 alternating weekly with the
plussing method. The reaction was violent:
Headache, pessimistic mood, fever, swollen knees,
hands and ankles. She got an inflammation in the right
nostril. These symptoms I considered as wonderful
healing efforts of the body: what was hidden came
forward. But this was not the solution and not the key
to understanding the woman’s reaction: The moment the
symptoms appeared she got extremely nervous and
immediately wanted chemical remedies. By chance the
patient had brought her last three haemograms of the
last year. I recognized a lot of irregularities and asked
her what remedies she had used in previous years. She
confirmed that twenty years ago she had regularly taken
analgesic, antiphlogistic and antibiotic remedies.
Suddenly I had the inspiration: the key lies in these
chemical remedies. So I should use them as nosodes. I
studied their side effects and found exactly the blood
disturbances shown in the patient’s haemograms.
Fortunately I was able to find, in Austria
(www.remdia.at), all the Nosodes based on the above
mentioned chemical substances (see 1st row of Table 1)
What had happened at the sycotic level we call
“parasitosis” or “chemical remedy disease”. The
parasitosis has been acting as a “partner miasm” of
Sycosis for the last fifty years as many people
commonly take regular chemical medicine. Sometimes
they even forget about it because they think it is normal.
But to consider an exception as a rule is very dangerous.
How to deal with the parasitosis?
Whenever symptoms come back which formerly
the patient suppressed by chemical treatment, we start
with Nux vomica, the main remedy for parasitosis, and
use the category of the chemical substances as a nosode.
I have seen many cases where the old symptoms
could be cured without any dramatic events. But what I
found and still find most satisfying is the improvement
in the blood quality. What formerly as a plain substance
destroyed or at least disturbed the blood constituents
now revealed its healing power. Again, this is a
wonderful example of homœopathic science and the
spiritual view of natural laws: where there is shadow
there is light. Where there is a problem there is the
1 van der Zee H. Die Geburt - eine Reise durch die
Miasmen. Stuttgart: Sonntag Verlag, 2004
2 Jahr GHG. Die venerischen Krankheiten.
Göttingen: Arkana Verlag, 1984
3 Jahr GHG. Therapeutischer Leitfaden. Hamburg:
Verlag für homöopathische Literatur, 1868; reprinted
edition 1998
4 Master FJ. Tumore und Homöopathie, Buchendorf:
Irl Verlag, 2006
5 Yui T. The Basic Guide to Immunization and
latrogenic Diseases. Tokyo: Homœopathy Publishing,
6 Sonnenschmidt R. Miasmen und Kultur. Berlin:
Verlag Homöopathie & Symbol, 2007
Table 1 Most important blood remedies
Carb am
49. Die Darmnosoden in den homöopathischen Praxis
(The Bowel Nosodes in Homœopathic Practice)
MALCOLM, Russell (AHZ. 252, 6/2007)
Some extracts:
Data sources for the Materia Medica of the Bowel
Whereas we have proving symptoms confirmed in
practice, in the case of the homœopathic Medicines, in
respect of Bowel Nosodes have been applied in sub-
acute cases and Symptom pictures have been drawn
from these clinical sources. We can discuss this as
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 22
1. Data based on actual cases: The constitutional
tendency of the patient which would denote the
constitutional medicine and thence the Bowel Nosode
that relates to this Polychrest.
2. Objective: Those who throw out specific micro-
organisms after taking the suitable Polychrest medicine.
(example: Morgan pure found in stool in the person
who had been treated with Sulphur.)
3. Knowledge of local indications for each Nosode.
Different medicines have different affinities of specific
body region. Like the heliobacter pylori to the stomach,
the Oesophageal region and the Pylorus, the Shigella-
type is for the Pylorus, Duodenum and the small
intestine. The Nosode Morgan gaertner has several
local affinities, particularly rarely to the Appendix.
Bacillus 10 has the affinity to the vagina and genital
4. Accompanying symptoms: In the same way there is
association of the Nosodes to Particular Systemic
Symptoms. The picture of Bacillus 7 has more
weakness while Morgan gaertner’s is distension, gas
and flatus. In respect of Proteus it may be muscle
cramps and itching and skin eruptions, when
Morganella Morgani (Morgan pure, Morgan co.)
represents the large intestine.
Patients who are more often in need of Bowel
Nosode may be: with signs of altered superficial
immunity like skin eruptions, Vaginitis, Anal pruritus,
recurring urinary tract infections, Balanitis, bad breath,
Gingivitis, Mouth ulcers, coated tongue, Blepharitis.
The following may be borne in mind in respect of
Chronic diseases that come to a homœopath for
treatment. A Bowel Nosode may be required to remove
a blockade and the causes for such a block may be
recognized by enquiring for:
1. Infection in the recent time; the lattest.
2. Antibiotic treatment
3. “Never well since”; in the aetiology there may be
periods of stress, infections or change in the daily food
and drinks
4. Systemic complaints which are mostly of a diffused
nature. Patients complain of “Weakness”. “Feeling
unwell”, etc.
5. Gastro-intestinal symptoms: Distension, Flatulence,
uneasiness and changing or irregular stools.
6. Symptoms with relation to body parts normally
characteristics itself through appropriate inflammations.
7. Lack of reaction to a well-selected homœopathic
50. DarmNosoden Eine Kurze Übersicht
(Bowel Nosodes A brief overview)
BLEUL, Gerhard (AHZ. 252, 6/2007)
Bacillus 7:
Source material: Probably citrobacter but not clearly
Synonyms: Aerobacter clocae, B. asiaticus, B. clocae,
B. Freundi
117 Symptoms [in RADAR 9.2]
Leaders/clinical indications: Tiredness; Joint
inflammations; rheumatic pains, rheumatic skin nodes,
Angio oedema, sudden faintness, mental exhaustion,
Rectum prolapse, weak urinary stream, old, tired
Related Polychrests: Brom., Iod., Kali-br., Kali-i.
Bacillus 10:
Source material: Probably Gardnerella, but not clearly
laid down
Synonym: Bacillinum 10
71 Symptoms (in RADAR 9.2)
Leading Symptoms: Nausea from fat and egg, plucking
and boring into the nose, offensive smelling
leucorrhoea, flat, pointed and spiked warts on hand,
crack in the glans.
Related to intestinal sections and other organs: Vagina,
Genital tract.
Clinical Indications: Carbuncle of urethra, Lipoma,
Leucorrhoea, warts on hands.
Related Polychrests: Nat-s., Thuja.
Dysenteric co:
Source material: Shigella spp., Shigella flexneri.
Synonyms: Bacillus dysenteriae Bach. Shigella
Dysentery Bacillus
263 symptoms are given (in RADAR 9.2)
Leading symptoms: Anticipatory stress, Anxiety and
fears, Fear in room, crowds, on petty matters, of
strangers, periodical headaches, pain and ulcers in
pylorus, masturbation tendency in children.
Heart ailments with hyperthyroid function (Heart
Fissures in hands and fingers,
Craving for sugar
Nervous strains
Related to intestinal sections and other organs: Pylorus,
Duodenum and Small intestines
Clinical indications: allergies of respiratory, panagls
Hyperthyrodism, Osteoporosis, pyrosis
Related Polychrests: Carc., Lyc., Nux-v.
Source material: no information
Synonym: Bacillus Faecalis Bach. Bacillus Faecealis
alkaligenes, according to sources identical with
1 Symptom entry (in RADAR 9.2):
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 23
Urine containing egg-white
Leading Symptoms/clinical indications: not known
Related Polychrest: Sep.
Source material: Salmonell spp
Synonyms: Bacillus Gaertner (Bach.)
Salononella enteritidis
138 Symptoms (in RADAR 9.2)
Leading symptoms: Fear in the night, alone, dogs,
sensitive to mental impressions, black teeth, long
eyelashes, great hunger with emaciation poor
nourishment, emaciation.
Clinical Indications: Chronic Gastro enteritis and
Colitis, Chillblains, Furuncles, food allergies.
Related Polychrests: Merc., Phos., Salts of Phosphorus
(Kali-p., Nat-p., Zinc-p.), Sil.
Morgan Co.
Source: Stool from children with summer diarrhea,
bacteriologically not clearly mentioned.
Synonyms: Bacillus Morgan Bach. Proteus Morgani.
124 symptoms (in RADAR 9.2)
Leading Symptoms: Fear of the world’s end.
Irritability during menopause. Congestion (of blood) in
head, nose and chest. Cheesy deposits in the Tonsils,
retching in the mornings. Desires butter.
Clinical Indications: Skin eruptions, Eczema from
early childhood (dentition period), Asthma,
inflammation of joints.
Related Polychrests: Puls., Sulph.
Morgan Gaertner
Source: Stool of children with Summer diarrhea, Stool
of Renal stone patients, bacteriologically not clearly
Synonyms: Bacillus Morgan Gaertner. 237 symptoms
(in RADAR 9.2)
Leading symptoms: Distended flatulence. Impatient,
strained nervous, hair falls from small parts, cracks in
the mucous membranes of mouth, extreme belching,
sudden diarrhea, brownish, ulcerative leucorrhoea,
tickling cough, Herpes of soles of feet, Desires salt and
sweets. Related to parts of bowels and organs:
Morgan Pure
Source: Morganella morganii.
Synonyms: Morgan Paterson
439 symptoms (in RADAR 9.2)
Leading Symptoms:
Fear about health. Eczema hair border, pustules on
scalp, crack on angles of nose, stiff lips, pain root of
tongue, warts on tongue, galling belching, Nausea from
fat and eggs, Eruptions in the loins and Scrotum,
brownish and greenish leucorrhoea, inflammation of the
dorsal, lumbar, sacro-iliacal, feet sensitive to woolen,
numbness and creeping of the arms and legs, cracked
skin on fingers and heels, swelling of the finger joints,
stiffness of the finger in mornings.
Clinical Indications: Skin eruptions, Gall stone,
Eczema, Morbus Meniere, Furuncle meatus, Styes,
Sinusitis, Acne rosacea, recurring cystitis, urethral
caruncle, allergic asthma bronchial, post-zoster
neuralgia, Furuncle in neck, Erythema nodosum.
Related Polychrests: Sulphur.
Source: Between Bacterium coli and “the true non
lactose fermenting type”, bacteriologically not clearly
Synonyms: Mutabile, Bacillus mutabilis (Paterson),
Bacillus mutabili Bach.
4 symptoms (in RADAR 9.2)
Leading Symptoms: skin eruptions alternating with
Clinical indications: Cystitis, Asthma bronchial
Related Polychrests: Ferr-p., Kali-s., Puls.
Source: Bacterial cultures of Proteus stämme vulgaris,
mirabilis, morganii, reltgari
Synonyms: Bacillus, Proteus (Bach.), Proteus mirabilis,
Proteus vulgaris
393 symptoms (in RADAR 9.2)
Leading Symptoms: Dogmatic, obstinate, Fear about
opinion of others,
Delusion that he will be criticized, Beating and
screaming from rage, Vertigo from travel and in sun,
Headache from diarrhea, pustules around the mouth,
vomiting after excitement, frequent swallowing,
Leucorrhoea or during ovulation, palpitation from least
exertion, itching blisters on the fingers, dreams, that he
is dead, skin sensitive to UV-light, alternating states,
prematurely old, aversion to vegetables, Beer, raw
foods, desire for sweets, amel. from Brandy and
Whiskey, better in the mountains or great heights.
Clinical Indications: itching, muscles cramps, Morbus
meniere, Iridochoroiditis, Mastoiditis, Styes, Ulcer
Deodini, Perianal, axillary and vaginal furuncle,
Bronchitis old persons, Varices of the lower legs,
writers cramp, Dupuytren, Morbus Raynaud
Related Polychrests: Nat-m., Psor., Sulph., Tub.
Sycotic co.
Source: Streptococcus faecalis or mixture from Str
eptococcus faecalis.
Grahamalis catarrhalis and other Cocci from the
Bacterialflora of the respiratory passages.
Synonyms: Bacillus Sycoccus Paterson
553 entries (in RADAR 9.2)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 24
Leading symptoms: Fear of dogs, shocks, fright at
night, sudden rage, periodical headache every week,
premature gray hair, long eyelashes, fissures in alae
nasi, hair on upper lips of women, deep ulcers on
tongue, internal throat feels as if burnt, Asthma from
humidity and chill, better on sea, inflammation of the
finger and hand joints, skin eruptions of back of hands,
fissured heels, muscle cramps.
Clinical indications: recurring infections of the
respiratory passages, chronic catarrh after acute
infections, rattlings. Allergies of respiratory passages,
anorexia nervosa, glaskörpertrübung, Adenoids,
Chronic Gastroenteritis, Anal prolapse, Nephrotic
syndrome, Balanitis, Intertrigo mammae, Intercostal
neuralgia, Panaritium. Hand and feet Warts, Chicken
Pox, Herpes zoster, Impetigo, Allergy against washing
agents, Bursitis.
Related Polychrests: Bac., Calc., Ferr., Lyc., Med.,
Nat-s., Nit-ac., Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph., Thuj., Tub-bov.
More Bowel Nosodes
Only some information on these provided by O.A.
Anti Colibacillary Serum (1935 Marting and Fortier-
From Serum from goats infected with E-Coli
Similar: Colibacillinum
Keywords: Asthenia, Anorexia. Allergies with
Tubercular load, peripheral haemorrhage.
Cocal Co. (Paterson):
No relevant bacteriological nomenclature
Keywords: Septic states, Lymphangitis, rheumatic
Colibacillinum (1933, VANNIER):
From 3 different sources E.Coli.
Keywords: Old complaints of kidney disorders or
digestive disorders. Psora. Tuberculinic. Sycosis.
Eberthinum (1939 CARTIER):
Salmonelo Typhii Bacterial lysate
Keywords: Neurologic and psychosomatic disturbances
after Typhus.
Paratyphoidinum-B (1956, BERNARD)
Salmonella Schottnuilerei
Keywords: Chronic emaciated after salmonellosis,
syphilitic, Tuberculinic.
Streptoenterococcus (1950, Ponnier de Santi)
Enterococcus proteifornis
Keywords: Emaciation, Asthenia, Sleeplessness, Fever
attacks, Inflammations, Tuberculinic. Syphilinic.
1. Die Bedeutung der Grade in Boenninghausens
Therapeutisches Taschenbuch
(The significance of Grade in Boenninghausen’s
Therapeutic Pocket Book)
MINDER, Peter (ZKH. 54, 1/2010)
The Therapeutic Pocket Book of
BOENNINGHAUSEN carried 4 grades and it was
believed that the ordinary print was just a proving
symptom and the next grade indicated that the symptom
appeared more often in the provings; the third was those
confirmed by clinical application and if these were
repeatedly experienced it was put in the next higher
grade. But actually this is not the case.
How did BOENNINGHAUSEN go with the
clinical results? Carrol DUNHAM wrote: “If for
example, in any given history of disease, one prominent
symptom occurs, which is not found under any remedy
he notes in a separate book kept for the purpose, this
symptom and the remedy given with the result. In a few
months, and perhaps not for years, he has opportunity to
repeat the observations. Another note is added to the
former. If the result of a number of these experiments
concur, this symptom is noted with a mark of
interrogation under the remedy which seemed to remove
it. If subsequent experience confirm this supposition he
notes the fact as a clinical symptom in his repertory, for
subsequent edition.”
It is evident that the repertory entries are based
purely on BOENNINGHAUSEN’s own experiences.
The author examines a remedy, Dulcamara and he
found almost all 4 grade symptoms were not confirmed
by the Materia Medica (Provings); they are all clinical
symptoms. Similarly Clematis.
It must, however, be stressed that this does not at
all in any way diminish the importance of
BOENNINGHAUSEN’s Therapeutic Packet-Books. It
does its work well enough.
2. Ergänzungen, Fehlen, Ungenauigkeiten und
urklarheiten in den Repertorien
(Supplements, Errors, inaccuracies and lack of
clarity in the Repertory)
SEIPEL, Jörgen (ZKH. 54, 2/2010)
K. p.5: Anxiety, eating > is right, and also Anxiety,
eating, as a main rubric (K.p.6) is right.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 25
Rubrics: “Kleptomania, steals dainties” K.p.61 has
mag-m., nat-c., SR and carries mag-c., mag-m., nat-c.
Verification of sources do not support the addition of
Epistaxis, K.p.335 “feer-m” should be corrected as
Stomach Aversion to Beer, K.480 Pall. has to be struck
off and instead, in p.484 Desires Beer Pall. should be
Abdomen “Pain, cutting, on appearance of menses:
“…Gels. PLAT.” These entries are questionable,
because we don’t find this symptom either in the EN or
in the GS.
Rubric obstipation (K.608) while travelling: Plat. This
is only a clinical tip and not a ‘pure’ work of Platina.
Rubric Genitalia, Male:
Retraction (K.709) Testes, has to be corrected as
Alum”. Not Alumn. Verified with the EN. [In my
article in ZKH, 2/1999, I had clearly pointed out that the
EN used abbreviations for Alumina and Alumen exactly
opposite of what later was used in the Kent Repertory,
Alumn’. in the ‘Indexof EN is Alumina (Alum. In the
Kent and the following repertories; similarly Alum.’ in
the EN is Alumen. However when additions were made
from the Index of EN in all subsequent Repertories this
difference was not observed and entries made which
gave wrong remedies. In fact all entries of Alum.,
Alumn. from EN may be carefully examined completely
= KSS]
Rubric Playing Piano (K. 1391). agg. (K.1391, SR. P.
315)/Piano playing ailments from/Playing “Piano:
anac., Calc., Kali-c., Nat-c., Sep., zinc.” And in SR
additions of Cham. and Phos. These additions are also
seen in the Synthesis Edition 9.1. It is understood that
the rubric meant someone playing the Piano and the
complaints due to that exertion or the passive type like
one simply hears and that causes ailments! The
symptom “agg. from Music” in TB (p. 335) contains
among other remedies, Calc., Kali., Nat-c., Sep., and
Zinc.” A brief but thorough study of each of the remedy
with reference to this symptom Piano Playing has
been done by referring to original sources.
Parkersburg 1905 (BB): INDIAN EDNS 1987 &
Rubric: Head internal agg. “bending head” (p.282) must
be bending head backward”
Rubric: Teeth Turning (p.429) must be a sub-rubric
“Yellow, turning”.
Rubric: Stool stringy (p.591). the ‘Proving’ symptom
do not support Gratiola. But Graph. symptom
No.509 and 510 are clear. Hence Grat. Must be
struck off and replaced with Graph.
Rubric: Back, Lumbar Region Small of back in
general (BB/793; K.905: Calad. (BB) , Calac., (BB.
Ind.)., Calc-ar (K), which entries are correct?:
Chelidonium or Calcarea arsenicosa or Calcarea
acetica. After an exhaustive study the results are:
In Boger’s Lumbar back” Caladium may be struck off
and instead Calcarea acetic entered.
Rubric: Climacteric agg.: BB. ind may include Vinca
minor see GS. Vol. X, p, 470.
Rubric: Food, bread and butter agg. BB. ind p.1119,
K.1362: Ruta graveolens, may be added.
Rubric: Food crumbs and cucumbers (BB. ind 1120)
apis to be added.
3. Calcium carbonicum instead of Meals, Meat is
1835 Hahnemann, (Chronic Diseases)
KWIBUS Der Kleine, -Thomas MICKLER 2007.
“Stomach pressure, empty and after food..”
1835: Boenninghausen, Pecularities
“Pressing stomach cramps after meals
With vomiting of whatever eating.”
1866 Adolph Lippe, Textbook of Materia Medica:
“Pressure and Cramp-like pain in the stomach,
especially when fasting, or after meats, with vomiting of
the ingesta.”
1881 Hering’s Guiding Symptom:
“Pressure and cramp-like pain in stomach when fasting,
or after meals with vomiting of ingesta.”
1899: Kent’s Repertory:
“Stomach, pain, meat, after”
2066 Complete Repertory, Synthesis, Repertorium
Universale, Repertorium Generale, Kent’s Repertorium
“Stomach pain, meat, after”.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 26
1. The Rutaceae Family Order Sapindales
VERMEULEN, Frans (HL. 21, 3/2008)
A thorough description is given of the Rutaceae
plant family. A wide variety of sources were used
including old and new masters in Homœopathy and
works on pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, mythology,
symbolism, phylogeny and plant systematic.
1. Research Breakthroughs: Homœopathy in Cancer
care - New studies offer hope show significant
positive effects
JOHNSON, Christopher
(HT. 31, 2/2011)
Two important studies on the use of Homœopathy
in Cancer have recently been published. Both involved
relatively large numbers of participants and had very
impressive results.
One study demonstrated greater effectiveness in
treating certain types of cancersstomach, liver,
gallbladder, pancreaticthan any treatment yet assessed
by modern research methods.1 If replicated, the
protocol would represent a true breakthrough in treating
these intractable malignanciesgreatly increasing
patient survival. Another study showed statistically
significant improvements in life quality for patients
receiving homœopathic treatment alongside
conventional care2.
Taken together, these two studies of Homœopathy
in Cancer treatment represent a significant step forward,
as research data in this area has been limited.
The first study used Homœopathy as the primary
treatment of cancermeaning, treatment with the intent
to cure without using conventional oncologic treatment.
It was a non-randomized, observational trial conducted
at the Critical Cancer Management Research Centre and
Clinic in Kolkata, India.
The findings were presented at the 2009 American
Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO) Annual
Conference, the world’s leading professional cancer
organization, and an abstract was published in the
Journal of Clinical Oncology.
There were 158 subjects with the following
Cancers: 42 stomach, 40 gallbladder, 44 pancreas, and
32 liver. Patients had inoperable malignant tumors that
were confirmed by standard pathological testing and
had no prior chemotherapy or radiation. Nearly all had
locally advanced or metastatic disease, with 71%
diagnosed at stage IV and 25% at stage III.
The protocol involved administering the
homœopathic remedy Psorinum 6X daily, along with
supportive homœopathic and conventional care.
Conventional supportive care included control of
infection, pain, electrolyte balance, bleeding, etc.
homœopathic supportive care consisted of homœopathic
remedies prescribed on a pathological basis (as opposed
to a patient-individualized basis).
High survival rates
The results were astonishing, with survival rates
many times greater than that achieved with conventional
treatment or any other rigorously assessed cancer care.
For instance, the 5-year survival rate of patients
receiving conventional treatment for stage III and IV
pancreatic adenocarcinoma, the most deadly of all
common malignancies, is approximately 2%3,4. In this
study, 38.6% survived 5 years.
Conventionally treated Liver Cancer has a 1-year
survival rate of 20% and a 3-year survival rate of 5%5.
With the Psorinum protocol, 81% survived 1 year, and
59% survived 3 years. An astounding 43.75% survived
5 years. For stomach cancer patients, 38% of
participants survived 5 years, compared to the
conventional 5-year survival rate of less than 20%6.
The results were astonishing, with survival rates many
times greater than that achieved with conventional
Overall, 33% of study participants with stage III
disease had a complete disappearance of all cancerous
lesions without disease progression or appearance of
any new lesions; 41% had at least 30% shrinkage of
tumors. Among those with stage IV disease, 10.7% had
complete and 34% had partial tumor response.
Improved quality of life
Quality of life was also significantly improved
compared to standard care. 60% of people with stage
III and 45% with stage IV disease reported “the therapy
was effective in reducing their cancer-related pain,
cough, dyspnea, nausea and vomiting, fatigue,
constipation and improving appetite and weakness.”
Further, “no adverse side effects were observed from
the drug Psorinum. However, very few patients
reported to have mild oral irritation and skin itching
which were successfully controlled by supportive care.”
At the 2010 ASCO Annual Conference, the same
researchers presented promising results of another
trialuse of the Psorinum protocol for 95 patients with
inoperable lung cancer7. The 5-year survival rate was
44% compared to 16% with conventional treatment8.
Again, the abstract was published in the Journal of
Clinical Oncology. The full study is not yet published.
Impressive data
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 27
Though the trials were not randomized or
controlled, the data are noteworthy for a number of
reasons: 1) the extraordinary degree of effectiveness of
the treatment in some of the most difficult-to-treat
malignanciesno published study has demonstrated
anything even close to these results; 2) survival rate as
an outcome measure is completely objective (not
subject to bias), and unlikely to be due to chance; 3)
there already exists a very large body of data
demonstrating the degree of effectiveness of
conventional treatment approaches; and 4) the trials
comprise a fairly large study group, with 253 total
The primary limitation of the studies is that they did
not control for the effects of the supportive
homœopathic care. We already know what to expect
from supportive conventional care, so it is not much of a
variable. However, we are left wondering how much of
the effectiveness was due to the Psorinum therapy itself
versus the supportive homœopathic remedies that were
extensively used. In any case, this is a good problem
and likely to be figured out in the future. We look
forward to more from these investigators on the subject,
as they have reported that a phase III (larger, more
rigorous) clinical trial is in the works.
The second study examined the effect of
homœopathic treatment on the quality of life in cancer
patients who were also receiving conventional
oncologic care. It was published in the Journal BMC
Cancer by doctors at University Hospital Zurich
(Switzerland), University Hospital Freiburg (Germany)
and the Tumor Biology Center at Albert Ludwig’s
University Freiburg (Germany).
There were 259 subjects in the
homœopathic/conventional group and 380 in the
conventional-only group; it should be noted that 10% of
the homœopathic group refused recommended
conventional care. The type of Homœopathy used was
the traditional “constitutional” approach, in which a
single remedy is chosen based on individualized
characteristics (as opposed to common pathological or
medical indications). Breast cancer was most common
in study participants, followed by colorectal cancer,
prostate cancer, and melanoma.
The primary outcome measure was change in
quality of life. Secondary outcome measures were
change in fatigue, psychological well-being, and patient
satisfaction. All were measured using widely accepted
assessment tools. Patients were assessed at 3 and 12
Significant findings
The following data emerged in the homœopathic
Quality of life improved significantly at 3
months and further at 12 months---twice as
much as the conventional group (and in the
upper range of the clinical significance scale)
Mental and physical fatigue and physical
activity improved significantly at 3 and 12
Anxiety and depression did not change
The following data emerged in the conventional
group: Quality of life was slightly improved at 12
months (at the bottom edge of the clinical
significance scale)
Fatigue did not change
Anxiety and depression did not change
Food for thought
This trial was meant to reflect real-world medical
practice and decision-making by patients and doctors.
The participants were not randomized and were free to
choose their course of treatment. Doctors were free to
recommend individualized treatment protocols.
Although the two groups were well-matched at
entry to the study in terms of symptoms, there were
important disparities, namely: 1) demographicsthe
homœopathic group was more likely to have a higher
level of post-graduate education and to be white collar
workers or self-employed; 2) stage of disease
progression—the homœopathic group was more likely
to have a more severe diagnosis or progressed tumor
stage, and had a longer elapsed time since first
diagnosis; and 3) types of therapies usedthe
homœopathic group used less chemotherapy and
radiation, due to already having used more prior to
study entry.
These differences precluded statistically valid
comparison of the two groups as matched pair controls.
Nevertheless, the data clearly suggests that
homœopathic treatment is beneficial to cancer patients
as a whole.
If anything, the differences should have favored a
greater improvement in the conventional groupthe
participants were at earlier stage of illness and therefore
more amenable to treatment. Some would argue that
greater results are to be expected from a sicker
population (the homœopathic group) who have more
potential for improvement. While this may be true in
non-degenerative or self-limiting conditions, it is
certainly not the case in cancer, where advanced
progression of disease is nearly always associated with
worse symptom scores and poorer response to
Some would argue the conventional group fared
worse due to greater exposure to chemotherapy and
radiationbut these interventions would likely have
been finished in the first months of treatment, and
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 28
outcomes at 12 months should not have been negatively
influenced by their side effects.
Improved life qualityspiritual and physical
Even considered as a separate pool of data, the
results achieved in the homœopathic group were “by all
standards, a clinically relevant improvement.” As the
authors concluded: “We have shown that under
homœopathic care, sizeable benefits were achieved for
patients’ quality of life, as measured by FACT-G and
also for spiritual well-being as measured by the FACIT-
Sp. The improvement was clinically relevant and
statistically significant. It could also be seen in
symptoms of physical and mental fatigue. Thus our
data suggest that classical homœopathic care could
complement conventional cancer care to the benefit of
1. Chatterjee A, Biswas J, Chatterjee AK,
Bhattacharya S, Mukhopadhyay B, and Mandal S.
Psorinum Therapy in Treating Stomach, Gall Bladder,
Pancreatic, and Liver Cancers: A Prospective Clinical
Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011:
2. Rostock M, Naumann J, Guethlin C, Guenther L,
Bartsch HH, Walach H. Classical homœopathy in the
treatment of cancer patientsa prospective
observational study of two independent cohorts. BMC
Cancer. 2011 Jan 17;11(1):19.
3. Cancer Facts and Figures 2009. American Cancer
Society. Available at
Accessed February 5, 2010
4. Erickson A, Larson C, Shabahang M. pancreatic
Cancer. available at
overview. Accessed February 21, 2010.
5. Oslen SK, Brown RS, Siegel AB. Hepatocellular
carcinoma: review of current treatment with a focus on
targeted molecular therapies. Therap Adv
Gastroenterol. 2010 Jan; 3(1):55-66.
6. Hui P Zhu, 1 Xin Xia, 2 Chuan H Yu, 2 Ahmed
Adnan, 3 Shun F Liu, 3 and Yu K Du. Application of
Weibull model for survival of patients with gastric
cancer. BMC Gastroenterol. 2011 Jan 7; 11:1
7. Chatterjee A, Biswas J, Chatterjee AK,
Bhattacharya A, Mukhopadhyay BP. A Phase II, Single
Arm, Clinical Trial Involving an Alternative Cancer
TreatmentPsorinum Therapy--- in Patients With Non-
Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC). J Clin Oncol.
2010 vol.28, suppl(15s), abstract 2592.
8. Jemal A, Siegel R, Xu J, Ward E. Cancer Statistics,
2010. Ca Cancer J Clin. 2010 Sep-Oct; 60(5):277-
2. Effect of Homœopathic Calcium on Bone Density
HARKIN, Carina (HL. 21, 3/2008)
Osteoporosis is a disease that is rapidly increasing
in prevalence owing to a combination of dietary
influences, adverse effects of medication and a rapidly
aging population. Osteoporosis is placing an increasing
strain on the public health purse. Homœopathy is an
inexpensive non-pharmacological alternative that may
be useful to increase bone density. However, currently
there is little evidence-based research on its effects.
This pilot study aimed at exploring the effect of
medium-potency calcium on the bone density of women
over a period of one year. The majority of the women
were post-menopausal. The bone density was measured
before and after treatment with bone ultrasonometry.
Results showed that medium potency calcium caused an
increase in the bone density of eleven of the fifteen
participants that completed the trial, ten of these post-
menopausal. This prescription can be combined safely
with allopathic drugs and is cost-effective. It is
concluded that this homœopathic dose may be a viable
treatment for osteoporosis but future controlled trials are
needed to confirm the results.
3. Report on Mustard Gas experiments
(Glasgow and London) Jan. 25th, 1943
(HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
The council of the British Homœopathic Society in
association with Ministry of Home security conducted
experiments to know the probable action of
“potentized” gases in the treatment of casualities caused
by contact with war gases such as Mustard gas.
The experiments confirm that administration of a
potency of Mustard gas given before the exposure to the
action of Mustard gas applied to the skin protects the
The administration of a potency of Rhus
toxicondendron given after the exposure to the action of
Mustard gas, might be expected to modify the lesion
and hasten the rate of healing.
4. Biochemical and biological evidence of the activity
of high potencies
BOYD W.E. (HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
1. A method is described for investigating the possible
action of microdoses of mercuric chloride on the
hydrolysis of soluble starch with malt diastase.
2. The microdoses of the mercuric chloride used in the
latest crucial series carried out in 1946, 1948, and
1952, were what are termed ‘high potencies’ made
in accordance with the pharmaceutical method of
preparation of drugs ordinarily used in the practice
of homœotherapy.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 29
3. These microdoses were prepared by separate stages
of dilution, the solution at each stage being
subjected to mechanical shock. The solutions were,
theoretically, ‘dilutions’ of the order of 1 in 10-61
and on present physical theory would not contain
any molecules of the original mercuric chloride.
4. The difference in rate of hydrolysis between flasks
containing starch, diastase, and distilled water
(controls) and flasks containing starch, diastase and
microdoses of mercuric chloride (tests) were
compared colorimetrically by the Spekker
absorptiometer, and the frequencies of the
differences statistically analysed, as the results
obtained showed biological scatter. More than 500
such comparisons were carried out. The differences
of means were examined by the Fisher t test, the
variances tested and Cochrane and Cox’s test
applied where indicated. All the series gave a
highly significant difference in the rate of
hydrolysis between controls and tests, the
microdoses stimulating the process. Statistically
the significance is shown by the fact that a
probability of <0.001 was obtained independently
in each of the three years 1946, 1948 and 1952.
The control results gave an approximately normal
5. The distribution, control methods, and accessory
control procedures were considered to exclude, as a
cause of the effects, adsorption of the original drug
and the presence of extraneous contaminants by
chance solely in test flasks. The only difference
between control and microdose flasks was the
addition of microdose, the distilled water being
common to both controls and tests.
6. It was concluded that a factor, unidentified, derived
from the mercuric chloride used, was present in
solutions prepared by serial dilution with
mechanical shock which could affect the distilled
water diluents, that this change was transferable to
subsequent ultra-molecular’ stages of ‘dilution’,
and that this factor was the source of the activity in
the microdose solutions producing the acceleration
of the rate of hydrolysis.
7. In an addendum there is described recent biological
work which is also providing evidence of the
presence of an active selective factor in ‘high
potencies’ derived from Strophanthus sarmentosus
by the same methods of dilution with mechanical
5. Adjunctive homœopathic treatment in patients with
severe sepsis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-
conbtrolled trial in an intensive care unit
FRASS, M., LINKESCH, M., et al.
(HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
Background: Mortality in patients with severe sepsis
remains high despite the development of several
therapeutic strategies. The aim of this randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was to evaluate
whether Homœopathy is able to influence long-term
outcome in critically ill patients suffering from severe
Methods: Seventy patients with severe sepsis received
homœopathic treatment (n=35) or placebo (n=35). Five
globules in a potency of 200c were given at 12h interval
during the stay at the intensive care unit. Survival after
a 30 and 180 days was recorded.
Results: Three patients (2 Homœopathy, 1 placebo)
were excluded from the analyses because of incomplete
data. All these patients survived. Baseline
characteristics including age, sex, BMI, prior
conditions, APACHE II score, signs of sepsis, number
of organ failures, need for mechanical ventilation, need
for vasopressors or veno-venous hemofiltration, and
laboratory parameters were not significantly different
between groups. On day 30, there was non-statistically
significantly trend of survival in favour of Homœopathy
(verum 81.8% placebo 67.7%, P=0.19). On day 180,
survival was statistically significantly higher with
verum Homœopathy (75.8% vs 50.0%, P=0.043). no
adverse effects were observed.
Conclusions: Our data suggest that homœopathic
treatment may be an useful additional therapeutic
measure with a long-term benefit for severely septic
patients admitted to the intensive care unit. A constraint
to wider application of this method is the limited
number of trained homœopaths.
1. “Anything but a Trifler”
Dr. Frederic Hervey Foster QUIN
HAYES, Deborah (AH. 16/2010)
Frederic Hervey Foster QUIN born on Feb. 12,
1798, was educated in London and France. Pursued a
medical degree at Edinburgh University graduating in
1820. He was attending the Duchess of Devonshire for
few years. In 1824, he became intrigued by
Homœopathy after witnessing remarkable cures by Dr.
Georg von NECKER of Naples. QUIN travelled to
Germany in 1826 to study with Hahnemann himself;
enroute he developed severe Pneumonia, treated with
Homœopathy, he wrote he was a living proof of the
efficacy of the new system. Following his study with
HAHNEMANN, he became physician to Prince
LEOPOLD of Saxe-Coburg in 1827. Two years later
went to Paris. In 1831, he tackled Cholera epidemic in
Moravia. Not a single person died. In 1832, he
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 30
established practice in London. Most prominent
members of British society were his patients. In 1838,
his membership to the exclusive Athenaeum club of
London was blocked by Dr. Paris, who accused him of
being a “quack and imposter”. Quin’s friend Lord
Clarence Paget visited Dr. Paris and gave him the option
of a written apology or a duel with pistols at twelve
paces. The apology was duly written. After
Hahnemann’s death he was appointed as the Honorary
president of the Gallic Homœopathic society, a post he
held until his death.
QUIN founded the British Homœopathic
Society(BHS) in 1844. Constantin HERING was
present at the initial meeting of BHS. QUIN was
awarded the honorary membership of Allentown
Academy in 1836. Through his efforts London
Homœopathic Hospital was opened on April 10, 1850.
QUIN edited Hahnemann’s Fragmenta de viribus and
the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. He died on Nov. 24,
Here are some of QUIN’s axioms:
The patient who is in the greatest danger, or in the
most acute suffering, has a privilege over all others,
whatever be their station or condition in society.
The voice of the poor who has been saved speaks
louder and in more thrilling tones than that of the
Disseminate by writing and by conversation sound
ideas and correct notions respecting the
preservation of health and the treatment of disease.
Combat prejudies and promote institutions
ameliorative of the general state of health.
Act cautiously and prudently in attacking the
deeply-rooted prejudices of the public.
Discrimination of what is essential in art from what
is merely accessory to practical art, and the power
of both generalizes or individualizes, according as
the one or the other is required---a knowledge of
the remedies and their specific modes of action.
[With such a wonderful legacy the present day Britons
call Homœopathy ‘Witchcraft’! They should read
history = KSS].
2. Loyal to the Ancestral Line: Hahnemann’s
Nephew, Dr. C.B. Trinius
NISSEN, Myra (AH. 16/2010)
Myra NISSEN gives a brief account of meeting
Gilbert von STUDNITZ a direct descendant, four
times removed, - of Charlotte HAHNEMANN, Samuel
Hahnemann’s eldest sister.
Gilbert’s great, great, great grand father, Carl
Bernard TRINIUS was a homœopathic physician,
favourite nephew of HAHNEMANN. Born in 1778,
studied medicine and graduated in 1802. He was
physician to Duchess Antoinette of Württemberg in
1808 and then to Russian Emperor NICHOLAS I. By
1830, he abandoned allopathy in favour of
Homœopathy. He died in 1844.
3. Reflections on 100 years of the journal
CAMPBELL, Anthony (HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
This article gives a brief account of early days of
British Homeopathy, incorporation of Homeopathy in
The National Health Service, Antibiotics and prevention
of 1940s, Beginnings of Research Basic and clinical,
and Anthroposophy in the past 100 years of the journal.
Now the journal is helping to bring Homeopathy up to
date and to define its place in relation to mainstream
medicine. [Unfortunately there is rapid opposition to
Homœopathy in the UK and the opposition has
succeeded in taking out the name of Homœopathy from
the Royal London Homœopathic Hospital. See Brian
KAPLAN’s article following this = KSS]
4. The Work of the International Homeopathic
Council for the coming year
BURFORD, George (HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
(Vice-President of the International Homœopathic
This paper was read at the meeting of the council at
Ghent, Aug. 1913.
Abstract: Our call to this Assembly is to make
Homœopathy the dominant practice of medicine. The
plan of campaign is “each for all and all for each” and to
consolidate our fraternity. To advance we must have a
definite idea of our immediate aim and to make our
advances permanent we must work out the consecutive
steps which will allow our aim to be materialized.
Suggestions as to how the council can give a stimulus to
Homœopathy of each country were invited. The plans
for the next 12 months enumerated. The conviction of
the cure to be expressed by figures. Every
homœopathic hospital should issue at intervals of five to
ten years a statistical report. The council to take
necessary steps to collect strictly verifiable
homœopathic statistics of results from the homœopathic
hospitals of the world.
5. “Witchcraft”: The Attack on Homœopathy in the
United Kingdom
KAPLAN, Brian (AH. 16/2010)
The author discusses the history of Homœopathy in
the UK and recommends certain approaches to defend
the offensive, relentless, hasty, hypocritical and
increasingly successful efforts to delegitimize
Homœopathy in UK.
He is infuriated by the comment that “Homœopathy
is Witchcraft” by a committee of doctors in UK.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 31
[But the ‘Witchcraft’ works! So what is the objection?
= KSS].
I. ERLACH, A.: Die Geschichte der Homöopathie in
der Schweiz. Quellen und Studien zur
Homöopathiegeschichte Band 12 (History of
Homœopathy in Switzerland. Study of the sources
with regard to history of Homœopathy Vol. 12),
Stuttgart, Haug: 2009; geb. 330S, Preis 79,95.
(German) review Christian LUCAE (ZKH. 54, 1/2010):
“…. A wonderfully well researched Book in which
many aspects of the development of Homœopathy in
Switzerland and its influence in the general history of
Homœopathy. Biographies of Rudolf FLURY, Antonie
NEBEL, Pierre SCHMIDT are also given. The
information of Pierre SCHMIDT’s life and works which
is available for the first time here alone is well-worth
the cost of the book.”
II. SPRING, B.: Verlaufsbeurteilung in der
Homœopathie (Estimation of the progress in
Homœopathy) Stuttgart: Haug; 2009. geb. 208s.
Preis 49,95. (German) review Thomas GENNEPER
(ZKH. 54, 1/2010): “…. Beat SPRING discusses the
Hering’s Law to assess the progress in the course of
homœopathic treatment. The book offers useful ideas in
strategy and important investigations, interrogations
during subsequent interviews and evaluate the progress
of treatment. There are differences in this regard
between use of Q potencies and C potencies.
Contains a fund of useful information. A very
helpful book for day today practice.
III. VONARBURG, B.: Homöotanic. 2 Bände
(Homœotanic 2 Vols.) Stuttgart: Haug: 2009,
review Thomas G ENNEPER (ZKH. 54, 1/2010)
(German): “….. now it is in 4th edition. An excellent
get up. In word and pictures essential botanical
information of the large as well as small remedies have
been given. …..”
IV. RONSON R.J.: Looking Back Moving Forward,
London: Food for Thought Publications 2007, 498S.,
kart 33.00 (ca. 36€). Review Christian LUCAE
(English) (ZKH. 54, 1/2010): “It is in the form of
Interviews with contemporary homœopaths of standing
and to that extent it is an unconventional book and it
contains information on 40 years of Homœopathy in
Great Britain. Over a period years he has
interviewed 34 homœopaths of Great Britain, all of
whom teach and practice Homœopathy. Jeremy
SHERR, Sheilagh CREASY, Brian KAPLAN, Roger
some names included in this ….. Those interested in
the contemporary British homœopaths will find varied
details and stream in this. …. In the events of political
difficulties it is to be appreciated how much strain the
homœopaths had to undergo to keep Homœopathy
active and successful.”
V. Homœopathy for Birth Trauma (Homöopathie
und Geburts-trauma). Harry van der ZEE.
Homeolinks Publishers, 2007, paperback, 200 pages,
English edition 29,95. ISBN 90-807103-5-1,
German edition €34,95, ISBN 90-807103-6-8,
www.homeolinks.nl Reviewed by Francis
TREUHERZ, United Kingdom. (HL.21, 3/2008).
The lesson of this book is the necessity to enquire,
in as much detail as possible, about the state of the
mother in pregnancy and labour, and the patient in
utero and during the birth for every patient we
The many detailed cases mention about 85
remedies, they are about patients who suffered before
and during their birth and are presented with amazing
insights. The cases are narrated with wide-ranging
references from the many cultures of Homœopathy and
beyond: plant families, periodic tables, the lifestyles of
animals, close repertory work, Jungian symbolic
themes, Greek myths, a quotation from Virgil, even
medical diagnoses!
The cases are themed, and after each there are
pearls of wisdom, the lessons learned from this theme.
There is a full bibliography and an index of remedies.
1. In Memory of Andy P. BORMETH,
19602009, BORNEMAN, J.P. (AH. 16/2010).
Andy earned his Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy
from the University of Illinois. His career in
Homœopathy began in 1991, when he joined Boerick &
Tafel (B & T) in California. He was in the committees
of the American Association of Homœopathic
Pharmacists (AAHP) and the Homœopathic
Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States
(HPCUS) with the relocation of the B & T facility in
2004, Andy maintained his relationship with the firm
and founding National Pharmaceutical Consulting
Services Inc. Andy passed away on July 19, 2009.
2. Tinus SMITS, MD (1946-2010): A life inspired,
KALINA, Kim (AH. 16/2010).
Tinus studied Homœopathy for over thirty years.
Through his commitment to personal growth and
evoluting, Tinus went on to develop Inspiring
Homœopathy to treat universal layers and heal the deep
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 32
disorders that create suffering in mankind. This ground
breaking work gives homœopaths a conscious and
profound way of supporting their clients through the
deeply transformative process of spiritual growth and
self-realization. Most recently he developed CEASE
Complete Eradication of Autism Spectrum Expression,
a method to heal autistic children. He passed away on
April 1, 2010.
3. Harris L. Coulter (1932-2009). The Washington
Post (Oct. 31, 2009). (AJHM. 103, 1/2010).
COULTER, Harris Livermore died on 28th Oct.
2009 at the age of 77, after a long struggle with stroke
damage. Born in Baltimore on Oct. 8th 1932, he
attended Milton Academy and Yale University (1954).
Master’s degree in 1961 and Doctorate in 1969. He
authored nine books on medical history.
He was fondly remembered by Richard
Paul BERGQUIST, Bernardo MERIZALDE, George
KEELER and George GUESS.
Surely he was an indefatigable fighter for
Homœopathy. [Personally I had the pleasure of meeting
him for few minutes in the 1995, LIGA at New Delhi.
He signed for me in the Vol.4 of Divided Legacy =
Books by Harris L. Coulter:
1. Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The
Medical Assault on the American Brain
2. Divided Legacy, Volumes 1-4: A History of the
Schism in Medical Thought
3. AIDS and Syphilis: The Hidden Link
4. Homœopathic Science and Modern Medicine: The
Physics of Healing With Microdoses
5. A Shot in the Dark: Why the P in DPT May be
Hazardous to Your Childs Health
The Controlled Clinical Trial: an Analysis
6. Homœopathic Influences in 19th Century Allopathic
I. Thriving in Adversity. HAYES, Deborah (AH.
Deborah HAYES is the new Editor-in-chief of
American Homeopath. She talks of the series of
attacks on Homœopathy in UK. From the beginning,
Homœopathy has struggled against adversity and has
One of the reasons that Homœopathy survives is
that the time-honored principles on which it is based are
not extinguished by new developments. [Homœopathy
will survive purely on its therapeutic successes.
HAHNEMANN said that he silenced his critics by
making more and more wonderful cures and that’s what
we too should do = KSS].
II. A message from the president. Charge what is
right. MUELLER, Manfred. (AH. 16/2010).
In a conversation with another homœopath who
was not making a very good living in her practice.
MUELLER advises to charge clients up front by credit
card at the time of making the appointment or let them
send money order. Do not discount your services. He
says people seek you out for your knowledge and
experience. They have to sense you have confidence in
your own work and your future. A year after following
these advises, the practice of that homœopath nearly
III. The Harmonious whole: A conversation with Dr.
Frederik SCHROYENS by ADAMS, Margo. (AH.
In a conversation with Margo ADAMS,
SCHROYENS explains the history of homœopathic
software program RADAR since 1994 and above. The
new one called Radar OPUS and its many salient
features. Some of them are, many informations used
and needed by a homœopath will be managed by only
one program. The stored information in Materia
Medicas, Repertories, one’s own patient files, other
homœopaths data can be accessed easily. Cross-
translation in 35 languages is possible. By a process
called stemming related words and synonyms are easily
arrived and takes nearer to the appropriate work.
While typing the case in patient’s words Radar
OPUS does background work and gives you related
rubrics. In the basic version Vithoulkas Expert System
(VES) is integrated and the second module of VES
(with latest ideas of Vithoulkas and interesting
improvements in analysis) will be integrated later.
The future programs will suit Mac, Linux, Smart
phones, i- phones and i-pads. The platform will be
accessible through the internet.
Additions can be uploaded and downloaded by any
user. Parameters can be set to decide on which
information has consistency, reliability and source.
OPUS is about the integration of the repertory and the
idea of synthesizing everything cases, repertory,
Materia Medica.
IV. Treating and Teaching Across Borders.
MERRON, Myrna (AH. 16/2010).
Homœopaths Without Borders (HWB) were invited
by Trinidadian healthcare providers, to add
Homœopathy to their knowledge of alternative
therapies. They provided classrooms, housing and food.
A week long seminar was organized at the University of
West Indies in Oct. 2009.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 33
The topics were: Foundations, history, principles,
acute vs chronic prescribing; common myths about
Homœopathy, research studies, introduction to
Repertory and Materia Medica; introduction to
veterinary Homœopathy, basic remedies for pregnancy,
birth and infants; First aid and injury. Each session
incorporated questions and discussion. The seminar
was attended by medical doctors, nurses, naturopaths,
massage therapists, midwives and wealth of other
healthcare providers. At the end of the week,
Trinidadian organizers invited HWB back, the ultimate
recognition of success.
Treating in Haiti: Emergency Response a Far cry
from Trinidad.
In Feb. 2010, four weeks after the devastating
earthquake, HWB organized a camp by assembling a
team, collecting supplies and raise funds and with great
difficulty arranging transportation. A clinic with tent
flaps and folding tables and chairs started to function
from Sun rise. Women with head pain and vertigo, men
with lacerations and crush wounds, young girls with
every vaginal complaint imaginable and children with
inadequate nutrition were treated. Three thousand
patients were treated during the first trip. The second
trip was made in March. The conspicuous difference
was shift from emergency problems to a focus on basic
health care. Third trip in July.
A seed had been planted. Medical personnel
showed interest in learning about Homœopathy. Next
mission would include a seminar.
V. Joint American Homœopathic Conference 2010.
SHOLTZ, Laura (AH. 16/2010).
The fifth Annual joint American Homeopathic
Conference was held on the East coast, in Alexandria,
Virginia. David WARKENTIN’s speech was inspiring.
NASH celebrated its 20th anniversary. Mirando
CASTRO was honored with Lifetime Achievement
Award. Ken SILVESTRI presented “Integrating
Homœopathy with Forgiveness”. CASTRO presented
on cell salts. Kim ELIA’s New, Old and Forgotten
remedies”, a whirlwind tour of Keynotes and clinical
VI. The Public and issues of Science. A public debate
on nanotechnologies in The Netherlands raises
awareness about the risks involved, and also creates
support for the development of the field of science.
Science and Technology is rapidly moving. How
much of it is really ‘advance’ meaning adding to the
wellbeing of the common man is the question. The
latest is ‘Nano’ technology which everybody is talking
about. The ‘publicis suspicious about the real benefit
to it. It was because of alertness of the ‘public’ that a
moratorium was declared on the Bt. Brinjal. In 2009 a
vaccination campaign against Cancer failed. In 2010
there was stiff opposition to nuclear power in Germany.
[It is therefore surprising that here in India we are
aggressively going ahead with nuclear power
installations = KSS]
In Netherlands there has been open public
discussion about ‘nanotechnologies’, when the priorities
are discussed.
Nano science deals with the very small building
blocks smaller than one millionth of a meter are used for
new materials and instruments. There are possible
hazards in this technology. Scientific evidence points to
toxicological risks. Nano particles of gold, silver seem
to be seriously toxic, while gold and silver as bulk
materials are inert and safe. This is worrying: there is
scientific evidence of toxicity but not yet absolute
scientific certainly about that nanotoxicity.
The Societal dialogue and discussions of the subject
are going on among the Dutch.
[Based on an article in The Hindu, Chennai, Feb. 10,
VII. Health tips on a postcard.
DEC. 26, 2011.
Respected Readers of ‘The Hindu’,
Wish you a happy and prosperous New year. The
Theme of W.H.O. Day 1988 was ‘Health for all-All
for Health’. Let us resolve to follow the following ten
commandments from this year to achieve that theme.
(1) Our hunger index is 67. Let us share the food
honourably. (2) Let us promote drinking of boiled and
cooled water, handwash, use of mosquitonets and
prevent 13 diseases that contribute about 7,80,000 death
annually. (3) Our Gini coefficient is 0.38. let us strive
to reduce it to zero. All will be happy and healthy. (4)
Biomedical model of health that is ruling us results in
‘Bad health at high cost’. Let us reverse this model
and aim at ‘Good health at low cost’. (5) Let us be
part of public driven health programmes and contribute
for their success. (6) Let us adopt single living and free
ourselves from the burden of non-communicable
diseases. (7) Let us create awareness on health in the
community. Health practices in school curriculum is
the best model. Let us look to state to do that. (8)
Health is the contribution of several social determinants.
Let us work to improve them. (9) A responsible,
accountable, skilled humane medical care. Contributes
to good ‘medicare dependant Health’. Let us hope this
from all those who render medical care. (10) The
W.H.O. day ‘theme’ for 1989 was let’s talk health’.
So let’s talk health.
Wishing you health,
FOUNDER Organisation for promoter of Social
Dimensions of Health (OPSCH)
Mobile 9849669282.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 34
Dr. Araveeti Ramayogaiah:
March 2, 2009, was a “red-letter dayin my life. The
Hindu with a news item on last page with the title
“Health Tips on a Post Card” brought me from
obscurity to the fore. That brought great joy and hope.
So far, I have posted about 27,000 hand-written post
cards on various health issues in Telugu and English. I
have a precious treasure of 17,014 handwritten
addresses. I dedicate my latest write-up titled ‘Health
for All All for Health” to the readers of The Hindu.
(The writer is Founder, Organisation for Promotion of
Social Dimensions of Health and former Additional
Director of Health, Andhra Pradesh. His e-mail ID is
VIII. “…. Nor can we predict our health, although
we understand the principles that under lie medicine, the
principles of Chemistry and Biology extremely well.
The problem again is that there are too many billions
upon billions of details in a real life system, even when
that system is just one human body.
With the Theory of Everything in our hands we’d
still be a staggeringly long way from predicting
everything. Even if the underlying principles are simple
and well understood, the way they work out is
enormously complicated. ‘A minute to learn, the
lifetime of the universe to master’, to paraphrase an
advertising slogan. ‘Lifetime of the universe to master
is a gross understatement.
There is a further problem. We must look again at
the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
(From Stephen Hawking His life and work by Kitty
Ferguson, 2011, Bantam Press.)
IX. When we gather, miracles happen! GAHLES,
Nancy (HT. 31, 2/2011).
The enthusiasm, camaraderie and solidarity were
palpable in the sixth Joint American Homœopathic
Conference held in Alexandria Virginia on April 8-10.
It is in the gathering of like-minded people that
inspiration is generated, in the sharing of ideas that
wisdom is found, and in the sheer numbers that
solidarity is felt. In the laughter and the awe-inspiring
moments, friendships are created and old bonds
deepened. NCH had a year of great success in
advancing the cause of Homœopathy in many directions
nationally and internationally. One such example is
collaboration with one voice, one vision, sponsored by
the Homœopathy Action Trust in the U.K. This
worldwide homœopathic coalition was formed to create
a global strategy for Homœopathy.
X. Homœopathy and Dr. Oz: Share your story.
(HT. 31, 2/2011).
On March 30, The Dr. Oz show watched by some
3 million TV viewers, ran a short, positive segment on
Homœopathy. The show featured RUSS
GREENFIELD, an integrative practitioner from North
Carolina. Dr. Oz show website received positive feed
XI. Making waves for Homœopathy and Luc
Montagnier. (HT. 31, 2/2011).
Physicists at Northeastern University in Boston are
making waves within the scientific community they
have published research suggesting that single-celled
bacteria like E-coli might communicate using radio
waves. This supports Nobel Laureate and Virologist
Luc Montagnier’s 2009 research, which had similar
findings but which was extremely controversial then
since it validated the basic principles of Homœopathy.
ExtremeTech,com, April 26, 2011.
XII. Learn Homœopathy in your Pajamas. Online
Seminars - free for NCH members JEROME, Ann
(HT. 31, 2/2011).
Teaching people how to use Homœopathy is one of
the missions of NCH. For members, NCH has created a
new educational series of live, online seminars that
focus on treating common acute first-aid conditions at
home. About every two months, members are invited to
a free one-hour Homœopathy at Home webinar led by
an eminent teacher-homœopath.
Each webinar begins with a brief introduction to
Homœopathy and then describes how to use
Homœopathy at home for a particular condition.
Recordings of the webinars are posted in the members’
area of the NCH website for later viewing.
Many years ago, a friend was erecting a wooden
fence and a splinter lodged in the fleshy ball of his hand.
Painful with redness Silica 30c was dissolved in water
and to moisten it with a gauze. Next morning, when the
bandage was changed, a two inches long and a quarter
inch wide splinter was in it and the pain relieved and
wound healed completely.
XIII. FDA Warning. (HT. 31, 2/2011).
Proton pump inhibitors that block acid production
in the stomach may increase the risk of hip, wrist and
spine fractures according to a number of studies. Yet
this was the third highest selling category of
prescription drugs in 2009, with sales totaling $13.6
billion. The long term use of these drugs are also linked
to higher rates of Pneumonia and the bacterial infection
Clostridium difficile, especially in people over age 50.
XIV. President’s Message
Concerns about Homœopathy. HOOVER, Todd
(AJHM. 103, 1/2010).
Three specific conversations in the recent past have
captured the attention are
1. Allopathic and “Hard Science” attacks on validity
of Homœopathy,
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 35
2. Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s
struggle to be seen as a viable entity
3. Discourse within our homœopathic community
surrounding the definition of homœopathic medicine.
The author feels that our community is still limited
by individual opinion and ego-driven commentary that
hampers true scientific inquiry. We lock the rigor
needed to appropriately discuss our own methods
internally and come to reasonable scientific conclusions,
so it is no wonder that the remainder of the world
remains skeptical about the validity of our science.
XV. President’s Message: Responding to the United
Kingdom Threat. HOOVER, Todd, A. (AJHM. 103,
The recent attacks on Homœopathy in Great Britain
have escalated to new height. A governmental
subcommittee concluded that Homœopathy should not
be funded as efficacy is not demonstrated by RCT. So
the author believes only research will protect us in the
long run. Like it or not, medicine in the U.S. is moving
to a model of “evidence-basedpractice protocols. Re-
imbursement is tied to whether patients with a given
diagnosis are managed “correctly according to the
standards. Without research evidence, Homœopathy
may be further sidetracked in a manner similar to that of
Great Britain.
XVI. It all began with a vision. 10th anniversary of
Homöopathen Ohne Grenzen (Homœopaths without
Borders). (HL. 21, 3/2008).
In 1996, an individual who was working in the
frontline during the Bosnia-Herzegovina war, thought of
homœopathic treatment for the victims of the war. So a
homœopathic clinic was set up in Mostar by 20 German
homœopaths who treated thousands of refugees all of
them severely traumatized in several ways, rape, torture
in concentration camps, etc.
In 1997, Homœopaths without Borders, Germany
was founded in order to have an official organization,
where doctors and practitioners joined together to
pursue a common goal, each of them willing to share his
time, knowledge and experience in various ways, in
areas where Homœopathy is still unknown, to
countries where access to healthcare is lacking because
of poverty or as a consequence of war or natural
Homœopaths worldwide was created with founding
members from Germany, France, Switzerland,
Madagascar and Netherlands. As a result training
homœopaths was successful in Togo, Honduras,
Macedornia, Kenya, Iran, Sri Lanka to take care of the
common folks suffering as a result of civil wars.
XVII. Homœopathy and Art. ZEE, Harry van der
(HL. 21, 3/2008).
In the Heidelberg conference held on 19 21 Oct.
2007, three artists exhibited high quality work inspired
by Homœopathy. Katalin GIESSWEIN, exhibited her 4
bronze sculptures of HAHNEMANN depicting him in
his most distinct life phases (www.sculpturarbeit.de).
Ute BAUER, exhibited her sculptures on
homœopathic remedies.
XVIII. Is the fertilized human egg a person? What
is a person? Philosophers, Ethicists and Moralists have
debated it for centuries and each generation brings in
newer arguments.
In several states in the U.S. abortion is illegal. In
1973 the US Supreme court ruled that a woman has the
right to terminate her pregnancy in the first trimester as
a constitutional right.
In the foetus a ‘person’? after much debate,
discussions, it was decided that a human foetus,
embryo, fertilized egg or a clone is not a person.
While the definitions of Rene DESCARTES, John
LOCKE, David HUME and the much later Thomas
WHITE have all been considered, the answer is still not
conclusive. [D. Balasubramanian in The Hindu, Nov.
24, 2011]
XIX. Homœopathy and Hospitals in History.
Conference of the International Network for the
History of Homœopathy (INHH) Stuttgart, 4th to 6th
July 2007. Reported by von REISWITZ, Felix &
DINGES, Martin. (HL. 21, 3/2008).
The Institut für Geschichte der Medizin (IGM) of
the Robert Bosch Foundation played host to the 7th
International Conference of the European Association
for the History of Medicine and Health’s International
Network for the History of Homœopathy (INHH) from
the 4th to the 6th July 2007. The conference’s theme was
“Homœopathy and Hospitals in History”, addressing the
curious fact that, despite Homœopathy and “the clinic”
emerging around the same time, the relationship
between the two had so far not been seriously examined
in any great detail. Proceedings were divided into four
sections, Europe I: North-West”, “Europe II: The
Cradle of Homœopathy”, “USA and “Central and
South America”.
In her inaugural lecture, “The Last Frontier:
Hospitals, Homœopathy and History”, Naomi Rogers
(New Haven USA) talked about the origins of the
hospital as an institution and of the importance of the
hospital for the flourishing of homœopathic practice,
through its role in demonstrating and explaining
Following the introductory lecture, the first section
on North-West Europe began from a Dutch perspective,
with Hein De Lange de Klerk’s (Groningen,
Netherlands) paper Homœopathic hospitals in the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 36
Moving west across the English Channel, Felix S.
von Reiswitz (London, United Kingdom) presented A
case study of the London Homœopathic Hospital”.
Flying north once more, Motzi Eklöf (Linköping,
Sweden) presented an intriguing alternative to hospital
history from a Swedish perspective, namely the history
of The Homœopathic Hospital that never was:
Attempts in the Swedish Riksdag from 1835 to 1863 to
obtain support from government authorities for the
establishment of a homœopathic hospital, and the issue
of theory versus empiricism in medicine”.
Moving south from Washington State, Josef M.
SCHMIDT (Munich, Germany) completed the North-
American picture with his “History of the Homœopathic
College and Hahnemann Hospital at San Francisco”,
representing research conducted through the
examination of hospital records, directories of medical
practitioners, telephone directories and registers.
The fourth and final session turned to Central and
South America, with Paulo Rosenbaum (Sao Paolo,
Brazil) talking about the Brazillian experiences in
hospitals from the 19th to the 21st centuries”.
Fernando François Flores’ (Mexico City, Mexico)
paper on The National Homœopathic Hospital in
Mexico City concluded the session, providing an
insight into Mexican Homœopathy.
Robert JÜTTE (Stuttgart, Germany) concluded the
conference proceedings with his closing remarks on the
Specificities of the homœopathic hospital”. Despite the
diversity a few general features can be singled out. The
motives in founding homœopathic hospitals were of
four kinds: 1) to gain public recognition by proving the
efficacy of the new art of healing; 2) to ensure scientific
progress in theory and practice; 3) to provide training
for future homœopaths; 4) to offer patients better
treatment; 5) to compete with allopaths and to gain
prestige in the scientific community, 6) to prove that
Homœopathy is the cheaper and better treatment. There
are also common denominators to be observed as far as
the closing down of homœopathic hospitals is
concerned: Among the general problems were, for
example, the lack of funds, the internal strife, and lack
of space. But also the trends of the time played a role,
e.g. structural changes in the health system or progress
in biomedicine. And there were, last but not least,
intrinsic problems such as the failure to provide
scientific evidence, and the lack of research. More
research is needed on open questions such as everyday
life in a homœopathic hospital or the specific treatment
provided by these institutions.
For a more detailed conference report please go to:
http://www.igm-bosch.de/f6.htm and click at
XX. Sir Richard Branson’s Newest Project.
ULLMAN, Dana (HL. 21, 4/2008)
Sir Richard BRANSON is launching a new health
care business of clinics with family doctors who provide
homœopathic treatment alongside conventional medical
XXI. Launch of New International Council for
Homœopaths. GORDON, Stephen (HL. 21, 4/2008).
International Council for Homœopathy was
launched with the support of European Council for
Classical Homœopathy. Its aim is to promote and
support the professional practice of Homœopathy
around the world based on agreed standards of
education and regulation for the benefit of patients. It is
hoped that there will be future liaison with LIGA.
XXII. Bridging the Gap: Homœopathy in Kenya.
AJANJA, Joakim oria. (HL. 21, 4/2008).
The Kwale Homœopathic Academy and clinic in
Kenya has well designed management structures and a
sound academic programme. The clinic also runs
mobile units. Treatment is offered to the community at
affordable rates. With the Academy, clinic and mobile
clinics, the centre is rich with potential for International
students seeking to write theses or do internships.
XXIII. Seminar Report. Solanaceae and Related
Remedies. Reported by BOWYER, Erroll (HL. 21,
Massimo, MANGIALAVORI came to Zurich to
deliver his 3rd annual seminar, organized by VKH, on
September 8 10, 2006. As in previous years, the
seminar was held in Wallisellen, a leafy suburb some 20
minutes out of central Zurich, in a very airy and
spacious conference room.
Some Belladonna-like, the Solanaceae and Related
Why Belladonna-like? The Solanaceae is a large
family of substances with different properties. The
poisonous Solanaceae are very different from the edible
Solanaceae. It is not easy to compare the eating of
potato, pepper and tomato with eating Belladonna
berries. Although there is the alkaloid Solanine in all of
them, we have some quite different substances in this
family. In the seminar we were to look at some typical
Solanaceae close to Belladonna and some different
ones. And some other remedies Massimo considers
very close to Belladonna but not in the same botanical
family. Hence Belladonna-like.
By way of introduction, we heard how, from the
anthropological point of view, many of these substances
were used as drugs in mediaeval times. They could
alter one’s sense of the world and one’s perception.
Many of these plants were used in witches’ rituals. A
lot of the prejudices about witches stem from what the
Catholic Church and the Inquisition wrote about them;
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 37
in reality what these women did was totally different.
Folk tales portray witches as malicious, ugly women;
the reality was totally different. Because these women
were doing something forbidden, it became the Devil’s
work, related to a dark world, full of monsters and awful
creatures. These rituals were able to create different
relationships with the elements of nature, with our inner
nature, especially the world of instinct. As for the
symbol of witches flying using broomsticks, many of
the Datura were used as ointments put on to the
broomsticks and rubbed in between the legs. This
friction to the genitals meant that they could absorb the
alkaloids through the skin. This was a less poisonous
way to take these substances than eating them. The
effect was stronger, and so could free their instinctual
life; their hidden, closed side could be released.
Whereas in Cannabis and the hallucinogenic drugs you
open a door, have a new experience, and from that
moment on you are not the same person as something in
you will have changed dramatically, in the Belladonna-
like there is no memory of the experience. Even if it is
similar to Cannabis and the hallucinogenic drugs in that
it allows you to get in touch with an inner side, you
delete the experience, as if it never happened. They
would have this experience, and come back to earth a
normal person. These issues are important for a better
understanding of some of the Solanaceae.
The bulk of the seminar then focused on 11
Belladonna-like cases, each with long-term follow up of
a minimum of two years on the same remedy, each
confirmed as the simillimum when it acted on acute
episodes which arose.
And from these cases were deduced the themes of
the Belladonna-like, which Massimo would look to
confirm before he would consider prescribing one of
these remedies.
To set the scene, the first two cases presented were
chronic cases of Belladonna, an adult man and a young
girl. What was characteristic of both these cases was
the mild and timid presentation. Massimo explained
how he had misunderstood that seeing the well-known
violent side was an important issue to prescribe these
remedies successfully. In the great majority of these
cases this violent side is not acted out so clearly. And
there is a significant difference between children and
adults where this anger and violence is more restricted
than acted out.
Even when you see cases of more decompensated
situations, when the anger is acted out, you see how
they are rarely satisfied by the experience. Even if they
express their anger and violence, it is always perceived
as perhaps only 10% of what they should have done.
All of these poisonous Solanaceae from the very
beginning of their life experience a serious lack of
emotional contact with their family. A serious lack of
support. A deprivation of a direct relationship and
empathy with their family. The anger is the result of
something that should have been done or given to you
and for some reason this awful father or mother
deliberately withholds it: I am thirsty, my parents have a
huge jug of water in their hands and they won’t give me
a drink. I really feel this strong sense of anger because
something was not given to me but if I express this
anger I risk losing what little support and protection I do
have. If I allow myself to express what I need, I will
have even less than what I do receive.
Integration of this anger, of their basic needs in
their personality, is one of their most important issues.
There is a split between what they need to survive and
how they behave to survive. There is a strong
The man came with chronic hip joint disease,
possibly needing a hip joint replacement. In many of
Massimo’s chronic cases of Belladonna, Hyoscyamus
and Lyssinum there was a serious hip joint disease.
Whatever in a chronic case is perceived as something
paralytic is very often over control of motion and of
emotions a symbolic representation of what they have
to clench or to inhibit in order not to create problems.
Escape into fantasy is a common feature in these
remedies. It is common to find children seeking
imaginary friends acting out something that is missing
in their lives from their father and mother. A serious
moment of decompensation with really severe disease
comes when they reach adolescence. Where they are
able to trust in magic, it is a big help for them. When
they have to face reality and see that things are no
longer working as they imagined missing the support
of these imaginary ideas they find it very hard to
integrate reality into themselves. Whereas the Snakes
need to explore the dark side: I need this dark side to
grow, to become a complete person, and this double
feeling in the Snakes is a powerful feeling, the uniting
of the 2 sides of our brain; in the Belladonna-like this
split is extreme and there is no communication between
the light and dark. It can only be black or white. And
whatever is black is something demonic. Contact with
the night, the moon, water, is scary, and cannot be
integrated. Witches use something to get in touch with
this but keep it in a separate part of their mind. It is not
a door they can open with their consciousness. How
gigantic and terrifying this huge box can be! Getting in
touch with this is one of the main problems of this
family of remedies.
Gallicum acidum
The second two cases were of a remedy that,
botanically speaking, is not a member of the
Solanaceae, yet has features in common; Gallium
acidum. We know of this remedy from the Ananda
ZAREN seminar where she talked about children who
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 38
were so fearful and so destructiove and how
Belladonna, Stramonium, Tuberculinum would come up
in repertorisation (see LINKS issue 1/1993). It was
fascinating to see an adult presentation of this remedy.
A 45 year-old lawyer whose chief complaint was severe
teeth grinding. He could not be alone. Most strikingly,
he could not sleep on his own. The cleaning lady from
his childhood ended up being employed to sleep in the
same room as him in his flat. When travelling abroad
he needed to arrange for someone to come and sleep in
his room, and just to sleep! When at work he needed to
be able to see others. Such a strong inability to be alone
and yet unable to establish any real connection, even
with his family. Desperately screaming for help but no
one could help him. Someone getting too close was too
much. Characteristically for the remedy, he needed to
curse a lot.
Children who need Gallicum acidum are some of
the most restless and destructive in the Materia Medica;
it is impossible to leave them alone.
There is also a serious intolerance to fish in
Gallicum acidum. Massimo sees this aggravation from
fish not only in Gallicum acidum but also in other
Belladonna-like, especially Mandragora, where fish
causes itching/asthma.
The next two cases were of Mandragora. Both
male adults, showing a more reserved and regressive
attitude; with the characteristic fears of dogs, of the
dark, and of possession by the Devil, as well as the lack
of attention from their families that we had already seen
in the previous cases. What differentiates this remedy
from the others is a sense of guilt: I can see that the
fact I don’t get my basic needs met by my family is
because there is something wrong in me.” There is also
commonly a difficult integration of their assertive side
and they try not to show any of their aggression. This
leads to up and down behavior. One situation is when
the mechanism of control is working, the other is when
the mechanism of control doesn’t work and you see
something escaping. Like a pot of boiling water onto
which they are constantly putting a lid. Kleptomania
featured in one of the cases and Massimo has seen this
in other good cases of Mandragora.
Themes of the Belladonna-like
Having studied together these 6 cases in depth
Massimo then introduced to us the themes of the
The fundamental themes were:
1) Fear
It is hard to find a remedy belonging to the
Belladonna-like that has no fear. This fear focuses on
the dark side. There is a parallel universe full of devils,
monsters and witches, which is hard to access. It is hard
to find any representation of these fears. Something
belongs to that world; something belongs to the real
world. A real amelioration in these patients is seldom
just to do with their sleep getting better and no more
nightmares. They are able to get in contact with and
become friends with these entities and they are no
longer so scared by them.
2) Deprivation
This is someone who has this clear feeling of “I
deserve something and this something was never given
to me. This is what I needed from birth and those
people never gave it to me.” They have a clear idea of
what should have been done and given to them but was
instead withheld from them. When there is an
amelioration, in the great majority of cases their
relationship with their parents changes dramatically.
They are able to overcome and forgive and to see that
their parents did what they could.
3) Inaccessible part of themselves:
As we can split day and night, summer and winter,
they have a clear feeling that the inner world and the
outer world are divided in two. Whatever belongs to the
dark side is destructive, scary and is inaccessible. What
is related to the female element is a disaster; it destroys
them. We see this reflected in their terror of anything
connected with water.
4) Hypersensitive
Their system is constantly on alert. They always
have to have their ears and eyes open, ready to fight.
Their main, overriding fear is that they are never able to
float in this water and just give up. Sleep with one eye
open. Anything could happen at any moment.
5) Congestion
In all the Nightshades, across the whole botanical
family, these over-congested symptoms are very
common. Solanum tuberosum, Dulcamara, Capsicum,
Tabacum always have very congested symptoms.
Redness, hypertension, system full, inflating, heart
pumping etc.
6) Vexation/Mortification/Reproach/Jealousy
Their sense of anger is very blocked; even if they
can act it out, it is only 10% of how far they could go.
They complain that others had what they never had.
Jealousy is very common. “I had nothing in my life, I
was never protected. Others around me did have this.
This is not right.”
Then the general themes:
7) Destructiveness
They can be violent and injure themselves. The
pathology is often severe, sudden, violent, explosive,
with the potential to destroy them completely. They can
have strokes, infarcts or something that could kill them.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 39
8) Suddenness/Fit/Explosive
Very often their symptoms are perceived as
something that is bursting out of them. I am a bomb
that can explode at any moment.
9) Violence/Inhibition
Massimo’s experience of the compensated state of
these remedies is that they show a strong sense of
10) Rigidity/Stiffness
Stiffness is the result of someone trying to control,
not to move, to avoid the possible appearance of
something else. “Blockage”, “Paralysis”, “Inhibition of
movement”. After a successful prescription of the
remedy, movements become more fluid.
11) Alternation
Alternation is a common feature of what they tell
you. A common somatic representation. Extremely
high fever, then nothing.
12) Chronic versus acute
In the great majority of chronic cases of these
remedies, (and it is actually much more common to find
a chronic case than an acute one) the acute is a basic
relapse of their old recurring chronic state. It is wrong
to consider Belladonna as a paradigm for acute
illnesses. Most of these Belladonna-like cases are
deeply sick, injured people. An acute problem is just
something exploding from a suppressed basic system. It
is more common to have a chronic disease that looks
like a current relapse of an acute problem they are
operating constantly under a serious inhibiting,
controlling mechanism with an inability to keep this
energy in and it sometimes bursts out.
Solanum nigrum
The next case was of a young woman with M.S.
Eye symptoms were particularly disabling and
persistent. An MRI scan revealed some early lesions in
the optioc nerve. Characteristic was black spots which
“pass before me as if they were sailing against my eyes
…. If I move slowly and waveringly …. they suddenly
become like black circles that go round to give you
an example I would say that I seem to see a little black
boat they suddenly ends up in a whirlpool and then
begins to spin around….” On waking there were
sudden, explosive headaches; a strong love of lemons
which helps the pain; childhood fear of the dark; a
father who was away at sea for months prompting
fighting for his attention with her three siblings; and a
self-destructive vindictive streak which saw her marry
the enemy of her one-time boyfriend in the church
outside the ex-boyfriend’s house. This was a case of
Solanum nigrum. In all cases of Solanum nigrum the
destructive attitude is much more evident; and there is a
tendency to produce neurological diseases where
dizziness and eye symptoms are common. There is a
benumbing of the entire system affecting the senses in
many directions. The follow-up was eleven years for
this case.
The final five cases we studied together were all of
remedies that are not members of the Solanaceae
family, yet have many features in common with them
and so are included by Massimo in this Belladonna-like
group of remedies.
Tanacetum vulgare
Two cases were of Tanacetum vulgare, a remedy
that looks close to Belladonna and Lyssinum. An adult
and a child presenting with pinworms, vomiting;
convulsions, nightmares and an inability to face the
dark; both felt unsupported and not close to the family.
Fear that if they didnt defend themselves they would be
Their aggressive side was extremely strong
(stronger than Cina, Chamomilla). They were unable to
control it and complained about it, asking the recipients
of their aggression to forgive them. Strangely, as in the
film The Exorcist, they reacted with vomiting, which in
this remedy has an aggressive meaning.
The next two cases were of Lyssinum. In this
remedy the sense of deprivation is very close to what we
had been shown before in Solanum nigrum. This is not
only the idea that they are not considered, not
recognized, not fed properly but also a feeling of being
rejected, an outcast of society, and an unwanted,
undesired person. I must have something wrong inside
as people reject me so outrageously. This is often
something that can be perceived in children who were
abused or raped, a strong guilty feeling inside. They
can present as extremely insecure, extremely inhibited,
unable to cope with others, unable to move, appearing a
too sweet person, while if overcompensated they can be
much more attacking, bombastic, too direct. But in the
end they recognize how impossible it is to have a good
relationship with almost anybody. They remain
isolated. To compensate this they do their best to be
recognized as the first, the best, with the clear
perception inside that they do not deserve this position
at all. There can be an eroticization of relationships as
someone using their sexuality to get what they think
they need or want. In contrast to the other Belladonna-
like, there is a strong need for a compensation that is
religious, which can present as a kind of fanaticism. As
they are rejected by humans, the only one who can love
them is God. Water is key in these cases: hydrophobia;
water is indispensable for living, but Lyssinum is unable
to drink it; they have to wash twenty times a day,
washing off this strong sense of dirt that is not easy to
wash off. Water is a cleansing element that never
cleans. Lyssinum can be self-destructive in that they are
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 40
so able to destroy their relationships. They choose one
bad relationship after another.
Doryphora decemlineata
The final case was one of a boy aged four who had
been treated by another homœopath for more than a
year with Belladonna, which did nothing. He was a
very restless, hyperactive boy who worshipped an older
child who lived close by. He had recurrent tonsillitis,
violent delirium with fevers, night terrors and a history
of urinary tract infections. He wanted to be the leader,
to grow as soon as possible: to be big was better. A
specific attitude of seeking out a more powerful person,
behaving like a slave to this powerful person and then
overcoming them revealed a strong sense of hierarchy.
Like many of the Belladonna-like he had an imaginary
friend. And he had a strong desire for potatoes. This
was a case of Doryphora decemlineata, the Colaroda
beetle, a parasite of the potato, which interestingly, as
an insect, is full of solanine. This remedy has many
symptoms in common with Belladonna, Solanum
nigrum and Solanum tuberosum. Characteristic of
Doryphora is a strong affinity for the urinary tract; pain
which affects the nerves; a strong sense of competition
in order to survive; and a passion for transformation.
Stramonium and Hyoscyamus
To conclude, Massimo gave us some insights into
aspects of Stramonium and Hyoscyamus. In
Stramonium the sense of deprivation is extremely
strong. They have a strong guilty feeling. They feel
they have done something wrong and so they don’t
deserve to get what they need. More commonly than in
the other Belladonna-like, in Stramonium we can find
very many strong inhibitions: not only inhibiting their
anger and violence but also what they have to do to
assert who they are. In a corner asking for as little as
possible. Completely in the dark side, there is nothing
they can do to come out of it. In adult cases of
Stramonium it is more common to see a severe
depression. Whereas in Stramonium there is a primary
basic injury and fear an inability to cope with it,
Hyoscyamus is much more confident, more mature.
They assert themselves by being different. Everything
is based on power. The vengeful attitude we saw in
Solanum nigrum is even stronger. Their basic tool is to
seduce and not give you anything but revenge. I want to
intrigue you but the instant you want to have me, you
have nothing.
Non-toxic Solanaceae
And finally we heard briefly about the non-toxic
Solanaceae: Tabacum, Capsicum, Dulcamara,
Lycopersicum, Solanum tuberosum have very little to
do with what we had previously seen in the poisonous
Belladonna-like, even though there are some common
symptoms of congestion. In Tabacum there is a more
solid and stronger personality, and usually we find
someone who is successful in society. But it is never
enough. There is a discrepancy between what they can
do and what ultimately is satisfying for them. Tabacum
is the typical paradigm of the False Self personality
someone acting as much as possible to appear better
than he is. They have a pathological fear that they will
be found out. Capsicum has congestion very similar to
that of Belladonna but beyond this has very little in
common with the other Belladonna-like. A very
insecure, shy, inhibited person, who can compensate by
having a pathological relationship with food, often
presenting with bulimia to fill the emptiness they feel.
Dulcamara can also have bulimia and will reveal a
major discrepancy between their inner world and what
they can show. They use a strategy of trying to be
nasty, pushing away others to see how interested they
really are in understanding them. They too are
inhibited. Whatever is part of their inner world cannot
be expressed at all.
Lycopersicum has problems with bleeding,
coagulation. And has a false personality, inflating
themselves, appearing bigger, larger, and more powerful
yet seeking constantly an emotional support that they
are not able to get. The destructive side of Solanum
tuberosum aegrotans is extremely strong, much stronger
than in Solanum nigrum. They can also present with
neurological diseases. Characteristic, as in some of the
other Belladonna-like, is the idea of being completely
unable to escape from those ghosts, that dark, black
side. Self-injury, biting themselves, more self-
destructive. There is no pleasure in life.
For anyone wishing to study these cases and the
Belladonna-like in more detail, Massimo’s publication
Solanaceae: Nightmare between Light and Dark can
be acquired from his website: www.mangialavori.com.
XXIV. Editorial. 100 years of Homœopathy. Peter
FISHER. (HOM. 100, 1-2/2011).
This is a centenary issue.
The journal was launched in 1911 as the British
Homœopathic Journal under the Editorship of Giles
Forward GOLDSBOROUGH and Thomas George
STONHAM. Since 2001, the title changed to
The present Editor Peter FISHER completed 25
years. This consists of selected papers, at least one from
each of our 10 decades.
This is the only homœopathic journal to be indexed
in Medline since 1998.
1945-2001 archives is online at:
XXV. Editors of the BHJ/Homeopathy 1911 - 2011.
(HOM. 100, 1-2/2011).
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 41
1911 1932
Thomas George STONHAM
1932 1936
Francis H BODMAN
1937 -1939
William Lees TEMPLETON
1939 1943
Douglas KENYON
1944 1947
William Lees TEMPLETON
James D. KEYON
1949 1950
W Ritchie McCRAE
1951 1952
W Ritchie McCRAE
James Campbell MACKILLOP
1953 1954
Duncan Campbell RUSSELL
1955 1956
Duncan Campbell RUSSELL
1958 1979
1979 1986
1986 2011
XXVI. Memorial address.
TWENTYMAN L.R. 1972. (HOM. 100, 1-
This memorial address was given by L R
TWENTYMAN at the memorial service
commemorating those who died in the aircraft disaster.
St. George the Martyr, Queen Square, London W.C. 1.
on Thursday 29, June 1972.
The following are the names of the deceased.
Frederick ADAMS, Isabel CAMPBELL, Dudley
EVERITT, and his wife MAROOT, Marjorie
GOLOMB, Elizabeth HAWTHORN, William
John RAESIDE, Thomas Fergus STEWART and his
XXVII. From the teaching centres. Single or
multiple medicine prescribing a debate 1993.
(HOM. 100, 1-2/2011).
Motion: This house believes that the single remedy
is the medicine of experience.
The issue was debated in favour by David CURTIN
and Francis TREUHERZ and was opposed by George
LEWITH and June BURGER. This was chaired by
Peter FISHER. Brian KAPLAN, Andrew LOCKIE,
Michael JENKINS and several others in the audience
took part in the discussion. After the summing up the
motion was carried.
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly
Homœopathic Digest are given below:
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F.
Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121,
2. AJHM: American Journal of Homœopathic Medicine,
formerly Journal of the American Institute of
Homœopathy (JAIH). 801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 306
Alexandria, VA 22314.
3. THE HINDU: Newspaper, Chennai 600 002.
4. HCCR: Homœopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Dr.
Subhash Meher, Near Hotel Chanakya, Anandrishiji
Marg, Burudgaon Road, AHMEDNAGAR-414001.
5. HH: Homœopathic Heritage, B. Jain Publishers
Overseas, 1920, Street No.10, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj,
Post Box 5775, New Delhi - 110 055.
6. HL: Homœopathic Links, Homœopathic Research &
Charities, F/s, Saraswat Colony, Linking Road, Santacruz
(W), MUMBAI 400 054.
7. HOM: Formerly British Homœopathic Journal (BHJ),
Homœopathy, Faculty of Homœopathy, 29 Park Street
West, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
8. HT: Homœopathy Today, National Center for
Homœopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
9. S & C: Science and Culture, Indian Science News
Association, 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road,
KOLKATA 700 009.
10. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F.
Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 42
(This Section abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some case)
1. Assessment of homeopathic clinical trials on
infectious and parasitic diseases
Êrika F. Rosas C. da Silva,1 Antonio S. Tempesta1,
Tiago F. Ribeiro2,
Osvaldo de S. Leal,1 Martha S. Martinez-Silveira3 e
José Tavares-Neto2
IJHDR. 6, 20/2007)
Among the clinical trials with homeopathic
remedies published in the literature, it was not found an
adequate evaluation of their quality. This was the
reason for the present study, performed on clinical trials
involving patients with infectious or parasitary diseases.
Literature was reviewed on electronic data-bases,
reference lists of the selected studies, specialists and
institutions were consulted. In the evaluation of the
quality of the selected studies it was employed a
modified scale of Jadad, ranging from 0 to 9. From 132
trials selected, only 18% met the criteria of inclusion;
among them, there was good concordance (K=0.76%)
in the assessment by 2 external reviewers. Considering
the median punctuation (=5), 55.6% of the trials were
considered of good quality, with limit values between 5
and 9. Even taken into account the need to improved the
scale employed, the results indicate the need of further
and more methodologically rigorous studies in this field.
Homeopathy, clinical trials, infectious diseases,
parasitic diseases, review.
The status of homeopathy is controverse since its
inception, 1 2, 3, 4 A possibility to change this situation
is the performance of high quality clinical trials which
take the specificities of this medical approach into
account. Currently the randomized, controlled, double-
blind clinical trial is widely employed, as it would
neutralize several kinds of bias, thus, it would allow to
reasonably infer that clinical outcomes are related to the
intervention under study.3,5,6,7,8
Due to the recent development of new techniques
for research, analysis and access to bibliographical data,
systematic reviews of clinical trials employing
homeopathic remedies have become more
frequent.1,2,3,5,10,11,13,15-20,21,21,22,23 However, they not
properly assess the methodological quality of the trials.
In the specific field of infectious and parasitic diseases,
it could not be located review or meta-analysis studies
appraising clinical trials with homeopathic remedies.
This is the reason for the present systematic review,
which sought to evaluate the quality of clinical trials
with homeopathic remedies.
Systematic reviews of clinical trials with
homeopathic remedies in patients suffering from
infectious and parasitic diseases published until
October, 2nd, 2005 were researched in the following
data-bases: MedLine, Embase, Lilacs, Homeoindex,
Web of Science, Hom-Inform and Cochrane Library.
Other sources of information were consulted, such as
non-indexed journals, homeopathic practitioners,
homeopathic associations (Brazilian Association of
Homeopathic Pharmacists; São Paulo State
Homeopathic Association) and active search of the
references quoted in the selected studies.
Keywords were: “homeopathy or homoeopathy”
and “parasitosis or parasite or parasitic diseases” or
“infection or infectious diseases or communicable
disease or bacterial infections or mycoses” and “clinical
trials or randomized controlled trial or blind or
Studies were classified as preselected or not, and
later, in included or excluded, according to the
following criteria: interventional studies exclusively as
clinical trials in humans, employing homeopathic
remedies in infectious or parasitic diseases; trials ought
to have been published in any of the languages
previously established (English, French, Italian,
Spanish, Portuguese).
Criteria of exclusion were one or more of the
following: prophylactic treatment as the aim of a study;
pathogenetic provings; non infectious or parasitic
disease; lack of defining criteria (clinical,
epidemiologic, laboratorial, image diagnosis) for the
diagnosis of the disease; case or series of cases studies;
graduate dissertations; abstracts published in annals or
specialized journals; language other than the
Papers with an abstract available in one of the
electronic databases were preselected according to the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. When the abstract was
lacking or inconclusive, a copy of the full paper was
required from the reference library. Equally, copies of
the preselected papers were required to libraries in
Brazil and abroad.
All selected articles were carefully read and a
record was made in a standardized form22 to establish if
all the inclusion criteria were met.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 43
In the next stage, a data-base was generated,
including the relevant bibliography references quoted in
each article selected or not, but including exclusively
those not found in the electronic databases. The new
references were researched, according to the procedure
described above.
According to Jadad et al,24 the evaluation of the
quality of clinical trials might be accomplished
according to individual markers, lists or scales. There
currently exist more than 30 lists of such criteria,
however Jadad’s are the most used and the only
validated.25 In order to improve the evaluation
instrument, 4 questions were added to Jadad’s 5-
question scale, concerning: 1) fitness of the inclusion
criteria adopted in a trial; 2) reference to the adequacy
of exclusion criteria; 3) observance of homeopathic
principles; 4) presence of co-interventions.
To each question with a positive answer 1 point
was added; when negative, no point was added and
neither when the answer was indeterminate. 24 Jadad’s
scale establishes the substraction of 1 point when the
answer on the criteria of randomization of samples or
masking is not clearly established or described. Thus,
the score of each selected trial may vary from 0 to 9; the
highest limit (=9) corresponds to the situation in which
each of the 9 questions received the highest punctuation
Due to the importance of masking in evaluation,24
and of the respective score of each selected paper, 2
external reviewers, A and B were selected among
medical school academicians proficient in the English
language. These reviewers were geographically isolated
and “blind” concerning the folowing information on
each paper: name of authors and institutional affiliation;
vehicle of publication; date of publication; financial
sources; bibliographical references; acknowledgments.
In a first stage, Jadad’s scale was independently used by
each reviewer; later, a consensus form was adopted for
discordant answers.22
Independently from the blind analysis of both
reviewers, the study gold-standard was performed, from
conjoint discussions with 2 other members of the team,
more experienced in scientific methodology.
Data were recorded in the clipboard of SPSS 9.0®.
In the univariated analysis for the assessment of the
methodologic quality of each study, the results of the
gold-standard analyses with values equal or higher than
the median were considered. In order to assess the
degree of concordance between reviewers A and B, the
Kappa index was employed, 42 considering as good
concordance values between 0.61 and 0.80.
128 (97%) papers were located in one or more of
the researched databases; 4 (3%) papers were located
among the bibliography references quoted in one or
more of the former. All bibliography references quoted
by other sources corresponded to one of the 132 papers
previously located. No paper was located in non-
indexated journals.
After analysis, from the 132 papers, only 18
(13.6%) clinical trials were selected (Graphic 1); 114
(86.4%) papers were excluded, due to the following
reasons: 69 (60.5%) were not clinical trials, but case or
series of cases studies; 14 (12.3%) were published in
languages not included in those study (12 in German
and 2 in Russian); 8 (7%) concerned non humans; 7
(6.1%) could not be located in the journals of the
reference library; 5 (4.4%) were not directed to
infectious or parasitic diseases; 5 (4.4%) were published
in 2 different journals (only 1 was considered); 3 (2.6%)
aimed at the prophylaxis of infectious disease; in 1
(0.9%) the treatment was phytotherapic; 1 (0.9%) was
not published and could not be located; 1 (0.9%) was
lost by the reference library.
The result of the evaluation considered as gold-
standard in each selected trial is described in the last
column of Graphic 1. In general, the answers with the
smallest number of positive answers (=1) referred to the
method of randomization (reviewers: 33.3%; gold-
standard:17.8%) and co-interventions (reviewers:
16.7%; gold-standard:16.7%).
As the evaluation instrument included 9 questions
and 18 papers were included, the total of answers was
162 (Table 1), the global ratio of concordance between
the 2 reviewers was 85.2% (138 equal answers) and
Kappa index (=0.7602) of good concordance. Table 2
shows the comparison of the gold-standard analysis to
the performed by the 2 reviewers, A and B, with a good
global ratio of concordance, 84.6% (137 equal answers;
Kappa index=0.7487) and 79% (128 equal answers;
Kappa index=0.6671), respectively.
Only in 4 (22.2%) papersc,o,p,r there was full
consensus between the answers of 2 external reviewers;
in 7 there was 1 question with discordant
answersd,f,i,j,k,m,q; in 6, 2 answers were discordant;a,e,g,h,I,n
1 paperb had 5 non consensual answers. Thus, there was
disagreement in 24 (14.8%) answers between the two
All 18 selected articles were published between
1985 and 2005, 14 (78.8%) before 2000. The limits of
total score varied between 0 to 9 (Graphic 1), with mode
= 7, mean = 4.72 and median = 5. In 10
papersc,d,e,i,j,l,m,n,o,p (55.6%) the score was equal or higher
than the mean (>5), suggesting a high methodologic
quality. Among these, 8 c,d,e,i,m,n,o,p described a positive
therapeutic outcome.
10 trialsa,c,e,f,g,i,j,k,m,p employed individualized
homeopathy; among these, only 3 g,k,p did not use co-
interventions. Thus, only 1 trial both observed the
homeopathic principles and attained the highest score
(Graphic 1). However, the sample in this trial was
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 44
heterogeneous, including carriers of Human
Immunodeficience Virus (HIV) and sufferers from
Acquired Immunodeficience Syndrome (AIDS).
On the other hand, the etiologic agent of the disease
under study was not duly defined in 2 papersc,k. In 2
trialsm,n, the criteria defining the diagnosis were
exclusively clinic; one of themm included children in a
wide age range suffering from upper and lower airway
infections. 4a,f,g,i (22.2%) studies assessed the
homeopathic treatment in cases of middle ear infection,
also exclusively diagnosed through clinical criteria,
without microbiological investigation; 2 f,g also
included children in a wide age range, including
Among the 8a,c,f,g,I,k,m,n papers with distortion in the
diagnostic criteria or the features of the sample, 4c,i,m,n
were previously considered as high methodological
quality; their exclusion would decrease the frequence of
this category from 55.5% (10/18) to 33.3% (6/18).
Discussion and conclusions
In the present study, the criteria of inclusion
previously established were essential to attain the
highest homogeneity among the 18 clinical trials
selected and they also warranted the possibility of
comparing them.
14 preselected papers, written in German or
Russian, should have been considered, but due to the
impossibility of a reliable translation, they had to be
excluded. It is possible that the inclusion of these papers
would have modified the results obtained.
Some interesting features were not included in the
evaluation of the papers, such as: separate analysis of
the masking criteria by the observer and the research
subjects; calculus of the size of the sample; if there was
a pilot study or not; adequate statistical analysis; criteria
for the comparison of groups; bias due to drop-
outs/excluded cases were included in the statistical
analysis (principle of the intention to treat); correct
description of the clinical outcome; approval by ethics
committee; reference to the term of consent; description
of the place and time of the study, among other indexes
of high quality in clinical trials.
Such items were not included in the modified
Jadad’s scale. It is probable that if included, all papers
assessed in the present study would have received very
low, even null scores. Moreover, in the present study
there was no limits in the time of publication, thus, if
the items above would have been included, most of the
oldest papers would have received the lowest scores, as
such items began to receive more attention in recent
years. It is advisable to take these items into account in
future systematic review studies aimed at the evaluation
of the quality of clinical trials.
It is also advisable to include the alternative of the
negative score (-1) for all items, whenever an article
inadequately incorrectly describes a topic under the
analysis of the observer, instead of exclusively, as Jadad
et al.24 suggested, in the questions on the criteria for
randomization and masking. This new analysis strategy
would avoid the high frequence of null score (=0), thus,
some studies would not receive a proportionately higher
final score. Therefore, in future revisions of the
modified Jadad scale, the Form of Evaluation of the
Quality of Papers ought to include the alternatives and
items mentioned above, as well as the suggested in the
present study.
No matter its limitations, the Jadad scale, together
with the added modifications, might be considered
valid, due to the good concordance between the 2
external reviewers, as well as between the latter and the
gold-standard evaluation.
The present study did not aim to evaluate the
adequacy of the clinical outcome, especially, as it be
noted that the 18 studies approached different diseases.
Most of them described positive of favorable outcomes,
however, the assessment of the effectiveness of the
homeopathic therapy requires its correct application,
individualizing cases and excluding co-interventions.
Among the 18 studies, only 3 g,k,p showed a stricter
compliance to the homeopathic principles, and only 1p
of them rated as high methodological quality. Yet, as
mentioned above, the sample was heterogeneous,
composed of non comparable groups. Taking all criteria
into account, none of the 18 selected papers showed
methodological rigor and observance of the
homeopathic principles.
Nonetheless, when considering exclusively the
adopted scale, more than half (55.6%) of the studies was
classified as high quality. This frequence is smaller
(33.3%) if the criteria of etiologic diagnosis and stricter
inclusion criteria are taken into account.
On the other hand, most of the systematic reviews
of the use of homeopathic remedies were not limited to
the clinical situation, and some even included other
therapies (acupuncture and phytotherapy) besides
homeopathy,16,18,20 while others did not assess the
quality of the studies.1,10,11,20 Among those which did,
none considered as inclusion criteria neither high
methodologic quality nor individualized homeopathy.
Only 117 review included individualized homeopathy as
a criterion. Other authors2,3,17,23 were so explicit in their
opinion adverse to homeopathy, that the impartiality of
their results is doubtful. Some review studies17,23
included simultaneously therapeutic and prophylactic
trials, compromising the homogeneity of the sample.
Thus, such systematic reviews are more confusing than
enlightening, making the study of clinical trials with
homeopathic remedies significantly more complex or
inducing the reviewer to suppose that homeopathy is an
actual panacea,29 which was objected by Atallah &
Castro26 and Verhagen et al.27 These authores stressed
that in systematic reviews, only well designed and well
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 45
conducted studies ought to be included, with
representative samples, minimal drop-outs and proper
statistical analysis. Similarly, Chalmers, quoted by
Jadad et al., recommends masking in the evaluation of
the quality of clinical trials, as this will influence the
results of the systematic review.
Due to the reasons discussed, the small number of
clinical trials with homeopathic remedies would even be
expected, especially when compared to the number of
studies of conventional remedies published in the last 2
decades. On the other hand, when evaluating the
homeopathic treatment with the methodology applied to
the conventional, the risk will always remain to infer
that the results of the former are equal or similar to the
obtained with placebo. This, in part, happens because in
the conventional treatment, the aim is the evaluation of
remedies directed to a certain disease, while in the
homeopathic it is imperative to observe individuality
and the specific features of the homeopathic theory.
To conclude, this study applied Jadad scale to the
evaluation of homeopathic clinical trials, which also
showed features that indicate the need to improve this
instrument. Even not taking into account the analysis of
several controversies, homeopathy versus conventional
medicine, it is impossible not to mention the qualitative
and quantitative lack of clinical trials with homeopathic
remedies in infectious or parasitic diseases. On the other
hand, this cannot anymore be invoked as a justification
to dismiss the study of homeopathy nor to posit it as a
second-rate therapeutic strategy. In front of this, and
also due to the smaller cost of homeopathic remedies,28
it is necessary to promote further clinical trials,
especially in the underdeveloped countries.
Estudos clínicos/Clinical trials
a- Barnett ED, Levatin JL, Chapman EH, Floyd LA,
Eisenberg D, Kaptchuk TJ, et al. Challenges of
evaluating homeopathic treatment of acute otitis media.
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2000; 19: 273-
b- De TK. Studies on Cynodon dactylon, an
indigenous drug in the treatment of amoebiasis.
Hahnemannian Homoeopathic Sandesh. 1989; 13: 283-
c- Erp VM, Brands M. Homoeopathic treatment of
malaria in Ghana: open study and clinical trial. The
British Homeopathic Journal. 1996;85: 66-70.
d- Ferley JP, Zmirou D, D’Adhemar D, Balducci F. A
controlled evaluation of a homoeopathic preparation in
the treatment of influenza like syndromes. British
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 1989; 27: 329-335.
e- Frass M, Linkesch M, Banyai S, Resch G,
Dielacher C, Löbi T, et al. Adjunctive homeopathic
treatment in patients with severe sepsis: a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in an intensive
care unit. Homeopathy. 2005; 94: 75-80.
f- Frei H, Thurneysen A. Homeopathy in acute otitis
media in children: treatment effect or spontaneous
resolution? The British Homoeopathic Journal. 2001;
90: 180-182.
g- Friese KH, Kruse S, Ludtke R, Moeller H. The
homoeopathic treatment of otitis media in children:
comparisons with conventional therapy. International
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
1997; 35: 296-301.
h- Gaucher C, Jeulin D, Peycru P, Amengual C. A
double blind randomized placebo controlled study of
cholera treatment with highly diluted and succussed
solutions. The British Homoeopathic Journal. 1994; 83:
i- Jacobs J, Springer DA, Crothers D. Homeopathic
treatment of acute otitis media in children: a preliminary
randomized placebo-controlled trial. The Pediatric
Infectious Disease Journal. 2001; 2: 177-183.
j- Kainz JT, Kozel G, Haidvogl, Smolle J.
Homoeopahic versus placebo therapy of children with
warts on the hands: a randomized, double-blind clinical
trial. Dermatology. 1996; 193: 318-320.
k- Kumar A, Mishra N. Effect of homoeopathic
treatment on filariasis. The British Homeopathic
Journal. 1994; 83: 216-219.
l- Labrecque M, Audet D, Latulippe LG, Drouin
J. Homeopathic treatment of plantar warts. Canadian
Medical Association Journal. 1992; 146: 1749-1753.
m- Lange-de-Klerk ESM, Blommers J, Kruik DJ,
Bezemer PD, Feenstra L. Effect of homoeopathic:
medicines on daily burden of symptoms in children with
recurrent upper respiratory tract infections. British
Medical Journal. 1994; 309: 1329-1332.
n- Lecoq P. Les voies therapeutiques des syndromes
grippaux. Cahiers de Biothérapie. 1985; 87: 65-73.
o- Papp R, Schuback G, Beck E, Burkard G, Bengel J,
Lehrl S, et al. Oscillococcinum in patients with
influenza-like-syndromes: a placebo-controlled double-
blind evaluation. The British Homoeopathic Journal.
1998; 87: 69-76.
p- Rastogi DP, Singh VP, Singh V, Dey SK, Rao K.
Homeopathy in HIV infection: a trial report of double-
blind placebo controlled study. The British
Homeopathic Journal. 1999; 88: 49-57.
q- Subramanyam VR, Mishra N, Rai Y, Rakshit G,
Pattnaik NM. Homeopathic treatment of filariasis:
experience in an Indian rural setting. The British
Homeopathic Journal. 1990; 79: 157-160.
r- Torbicka E, Brzozowska-Binda A, Wilczynski J,
Uzerowicz A. RSV infections in infants: therapy with a
homeopathic preparation. Biomedical Therapy. 1998;
16: 256-260.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 46
Barnett et al.a
De TKb
Erp & Brandsc
Ferley et al.d
Frass et al.e
Frei & Thurneysenf
Friese et al.g
Gaucher et al.h
Jacobs et al.i
Kainz et al. j
Kumar & Mishrak
Labrecque et al.l
Lange-de-Klerk et al. m
Lecoq n
Papp et al.o
Rastogi et al.p
Subramanyam et al.q
Torbicka et al.r
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 47
Tabela 1 Distribuição da avaliação dos 18 dos ensaios
clínicos, pelos dois examinadores externos (“A” e “B”),
sobre os nove itens da escala de Jadad modificada.44
dor B
Examinador A
(*) NFPD, não foi possível determinar. / Not possible to
(**) NSA, não se aplicava essa pergunta, porque o
método não foi aleatório ou não foi possível determinar
se foi aleatório. / Not applying.
Tabela 2 Comparação da avaliação padrão-ouro com
as dos dois examinadores externos (“A e “B”) dos
ensaios clínicos incluídos neste estudo.
r A
Examinador B
(*) NFPD, não foi possível determinar. / Not possible
to establish.
(**) NSA, não se aplicava essa pergunta, porque o
método não foi aleatório ou não foi possível determinar
se foi aleatório. / Not applying.
2. Teorias Interpretativas sobre as Ultradiluições e
Evidências a Favor
Interpretative Theories about Ultra-Dilutions:
Supporting Evidences
Madeleine Bastide*
(IJHDR. 5, 16/2006)
The similia law is the specificity of homeopathy. It
is based on analogy of symptoms observed in proving
(healthy subject receiving the substance tested diluted or
not) and patient (who is cured by this substance in
homeopathic preparation). The main part of the
treatments uses high diluted remedies, sometimes
beyond the Avogadro-Ampere boarder. So, scientific
studies on the effects of high dilutions started with
homeopathic therapy. Without such an example, no
scientist could imagine to test such diluted substances
that theoretically contain no molecules. It has been
proved by therapeutic use that extremely diluted
solutions (even beyond Avogadro number) could have
biological effects.
This is a very controversial statement considered by
the scientific community as a scientific error. It looks
like an error because nobody is able to explain why and
how these high dilutions can be active. However,
experiments investigating this phenomenon have been
performed by various scientists, most of them
attempting to prove the effects of homeopathy. Many
papers have been published in peer-reviewed scientific
journal as well on basic as clinical research. An analysis
of more than 300 papers on basic research in the field
1 2 shows that 34 papers validate the pharmacological
effect of homeopathic high dilutions published in peer-
reviewed scientific journals. After examining 184
clinical trials in a meta-analysis, the Homeopathic
Medicine Research Group (HMRG) of the DG XII of
the European Commission3 conclusion was that research
in this field was valuable; another meta-analysis of
homeopathic clinical trials covering 89 trials (out of 185
studied) showed that the results were not compatible
with the hypothesis that the clinical effects observed
were completely due to placebo.4
To discuss various theoretical approaches that may
bring some explicative elements to such an important
curing method, we will first show some results
published in peer-reviewed scientific publications to
illustrate our argumentation. These results concern only
ultra-high dilutions that theoretically contain no
1- Specific results obtained by using ultra-high dilutions
a- Experimental models using high dilutions of
endogenous molecules. We will first present models
using high dilutions of biological products designed by
the term « endogenous molecules ». Many experimental
models have been carried out with endogenous
molecules, most of them relevant to the immune system.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 48
Descriptions of an immuno-modulatory activity of
succussed dilutions of thymulin were described.5 6 7 8 9 10
High dilutions of bursin were able to replace the Bursa
of Fabricius in chickens operated during the embryonic
life (3rd day) and treated during the same period at 6th
and 9th day.11 12 13 Highly diluted histamine even placed
in sealed vials or the highly diluted antigen itself was
administered in isolated hearts of guinea pigs
immunized with ovalbumin induced significant
coronary flow variations.14 15 16 Thyroxin was
administered in highly diluted succussed solution (10-
30) to frogs at the end of the metamorphosis of the
tadpoles. The number of the two legged or four-legged
tadpole observed by Endler et al17 18 19 20 was
significantly reduced in treated amphibians when
compared to the control (evaluated by climbing
activity). The observation was similar even though the
effect of the succussed dilution of thyroxin was
transmitted through an electronic device.
b- Experimental models based on the prevention of
intoxication by homeopathic high dilutions of the same
toxic substance (isotherapy)
Observations were processed using succussed high
dilutions of the poison itself before poisoning the
organisms by the same one. This may be observed either
with a treatment before or after poisoning: in the first
case, the living organism is in the situation of being
informed of the danger. In the second case, the process
of natural defence is extended by the high dilution
treatment. A meta-analysis of serial agitated dilutions in
experimental toxicology has been published.4
Examples of protection by succussed high dilutions
of heavy metals using 10-30 or 10-40 M of Cadmium,
Cis-Platinum21 22 or mercury chloride23 were published.
No cross-reaction exists even though the organisms are
treated before with a poison very similar (i.e. two heavy
metals.)21. Moreover, when the “prevention” is
processed by using high dilutions of Cadmium and the
toxic effect is induced by Cis-Platinum, no protection
occurs but a contrary effect: the treated cells (LLCPK in
culture) dye in greater number than the cell-control.21.
The protective effect of Arsenicum album 30C against
arsenite trioxide has been demonstrated in mice24 25 or in
plants.26 27
Another model on neuroprotection using high
dilutions of glutamate of cultured rat neurons against
toxicity of 25microM of glutamate has been published28.
However, this cross-reaction exists when the protection
is induced by molecular classic concentrations.29 30
Taddei et al.31 studied the effect of high dilutions of
different teratogenic substances administered before and
after the teratogenic challenge in mice. The results
demonstrated the specificity of the isotherapic treatment
(identity between the first and second stressor) as the
best results preventing caffeine teratogenic effects were
obtained with coffea; however the adenine did not
protect against the adenine itself.
Doutremepuich et al.32 33 34 have shown in vivo and
in vitro that high dilutions of aspirin had a
thrombogenic effect whereas classical ponderal doses
have an anti-thrombogenic effect. The same principle of
experimentation was presented by Pongratz on plants by
using silver nitrate to stimulate the growth of wheat.35
In clinical trials based on the isotherapy with
homeopathic high dilution principle, contrary effects
were also observed: curative effects were published by
Reilly et al.36 when pollen hay-fever was treated by
Pollen 30CH while Aabel37 in a similar model with
birch pollen did not observe any curative effect but an
increase of the clinical manifestations.
c- Experimental models based on the stricta sense
similia principle of homeopathy
Experimental models based on the similia principle
exist but for practical reasons, few of them are
published. Two parameters are concerned: a scientific
experimentation needs to compare groups of animals
(test group and control group). The similia principle is
based on the specific effect of homeopathy on each
individual, each one expressing its own symptoms. So it
is rather difficult to find groups needing the same
medicine except when the symptoms are very local. For
instance, one of the local symptoms of the homeopathic
medicine Silicea is the decrease of cicatrisation. To
prove the efficacy of this remedy, local lesions on ears
of mice allowed demonstrate that Silicea 5 CH, 30 CH
and 200 CH increase the cicatrisation process measured
by image analysis of the hole induced in the mouse
ears.38 Another experimental model using Silicea was
performed studying its effects directly on
macrophages.39 Other models proved the activity of
homeopathic high dilutions of Apis or histamine on
allergic patients’ basophils.40 41 The effect of Arnica
30C was tested on sonicated mice protecting against
induced genotoxicity.42 A reduced genotoxicity was
observed in p-DAB induced hepatocarcinoma in mice
treated by Chelidonium 30C or 200C.43 Of course, all
the clinical trials used in veterinary medicine are a
useful demonstration of the activity of homeopathy and
not a placebo effect.44
d- Physical studies of homeopathic high dilutions
The physical properties of high dilutions were also
studied. A high dilution is a solution of a material (pure
chemical or biological substance, vegetal or biological
extract etc...) serially diluted with “succussion” (strong
vertical agitation) between each dilution in a solvent,
classically water or ethanol (currently 60%). This is also
designed by potentised dilutions”. The physical state of
the “potentised dilutions” was tested by NMR by
Demangeat et al.45 46 It seems that the succussed dilute
solution presents significant differences compared to the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 49
succussed water control allowing the hypothesis of a
remaining modification related to the original molecule.
But no scientific repeatable study was really
performed.37 Two very recent papers demonstrate that
the physical state of the succussed homeopathic
solutions without any molecule is different from the
controls: it has been shown by thermoluminescence47
that differences exist but no explanation is given by the
author; this has been observed also by gas discharge48
with specific characteristics allowing to differentiate
four 30C remedies; these two analysis may involve a
link with electromagnetic parameters.
Two approaches may be proposed: the structural
one, inspired from the mechanistic paradigm,
demonstrating a conservative structure of the original
molecule printed in the solvent;49 50 51 and the second
one, that is based on the diffusion of “information”
carried from the succussed solution. This “information”
was transferred by Endler et al.20 or Van Wijk et al.30 as
an electromagnetic signal by mean of an input coil
linked to a filter and an amplifier.20 However, these
results are hard to repeat. The high dilution signal of
histamin transmitted to an isolated guinea-pig heart was
inhibited by a magnetic field.14 From all these
observations, it looks like electromagnetic parameters
do exist in the process of transmission.
2- Researches on the mechanism of action of
a- The qualities of classical experimental design.
The concept of experimental method was
introduced by Galileo Galilei at the end of the XVIth
century and was perfectly presented by Descartes in the
first half of the XVIIth century. Subsequent
methodological criteria are universal and no one could
imagine that a modern scientific demonstration could
actually deny this proposition. In the context of classical
science, the following criteria are required: the
evaluation must be within an experimental design and
the observed effect must be measurable and
An experimental design construction is related to
the underlying theory: this may concern a very narrow
concept, for instance, is this molecule interacting with
this secondary messenger in this kind of cell? On the
other hand, this may concern to more general concepts.
The experimental design is built to check the hypothesis
itself according to empirical observations, through
deductive demonstrations, as proposed in experimental
methodology. It is necessary to create the model
according to the theory that will be validated or
Measurement depends on the existence of
technical; it is not an intrinsic property of the studied
object. For instance, before the existence of Geiger-
Müller counter, nobody was able to measure the
radioactive effect, but radiation has existed since the
earth formation. When the measurement is possible,
statistics validate it as a confirmation of the quality of
the measurement. The appropriate test has to be chosen.
Reproducibility depends on the degree of isolation
of the studied phenomenon from its environment. The
more the phenomenon depends on environmental
parameters, the greater is the variability and the more
difficult the reproducibility. Of course, physico-
chemical models seem to be very independent and they
are easily reproducible; but biological effects observed
in living organisms interfere with many parameters:
temporal and environmental parameters are the best
known. To avoid such difficulties, biologists classically
study basic mechanisms by using in vitro models in
order to control the main part of environmental
b- Particularities observed in high dilution
Some particularities are observed in experimental
models using homeopathic high dilutions:
-Pharmacological effects of solutions in which here is
no more “substance”.
-Memory effect observed in clinical practice (the
first action is often different from the following one).
-Contrary effects according to the health condition of
the subject (the similia principle itself). This was
observed in some experimental models.5 6 8 9 10
-Contrary effects may be observed according to
environmental conditions, i.e. in allergic treatments by
birch pollen “Betula 30 CH’, in which the treated
patients showed more symptoms than the control; the
concomitant variations were increase of temperature and
pollen in the atmosphere.52 Another study performed on
irradiated mice demonstrated that the effect of high
dilutions of bursin / interleukin 3 /thymulin in total body
irradiated mice was protective in warm season but
increased the mortality of treated mice in cold season.53
- Suppression of the current pharmacological molecular
effect when the treatment by the same product in high
dilution is associated.55
3- Working hypothesis and general theories
applied to homeopathy
Provided active dilutions are molecule-free and
taking in account experimental observations, a working
hypothesis concerning mechanisms underlying the
effects of succussed highly diluted compounds is
We will distinguish working hypothesis and the
general theories. The first may concern the transmission
of the effect of the homeopathic dilutions; the second is
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 50
more related to the three principles of homeopathy:
similarity, whole organism effect, curing operation.
Working hypothesis
Starting from observation of phenomena, working
hypothesis has to be formulated and the experimental
design of research has to be organized according to the
theory. For example, when a virologist tries to find the
pathogenic agent of a new infectious disease, he uses
the “pastorian concept” and organizes his experiments
according to the biological properties of the viruses. He
will avoid to seed viruses on mineral support because he
knows virus growth requires living cells; on the
contrary, bacteria may grow on adapted synthetic
A theory, on the other hand, should be more general
and may concern the conceptual framework of
Provided active dilutions are molecule-free and
taking in account the experimental observations
published in scientific papers (see above), a working
hypothesis concerning mechanisms underlying the
effects of highly diluted is necessary. We must remind
that Avogadro, physicist of the XVIIIth century and
contemporary of Hahnemann, proposed the hypothesis
(actually «Avogadro-Ampère» law), which is a
quantitative modern chemistry law that allows to count
the molecule number as molecule-gram (N=6,022 x
1023). This number indicates that a dilution higher than
1023 does not contain any molecule. This boarder is
between homeopathic dilutions 10CH (10-20) and 12
CH (10-24) according to the molecular weight of the
diluted product.
As the dilution-succussion is a fundamental
modality to obtain pharmacologically active high
dilutions in homeopathy, we will distinguish this kind of
preparation even though they contain still molecules i.e.
diluted less than 10C (10-20M) from the unsuccussed
very low concentrations that we can find in classical
research: such as very low concentrations of pheromons
which act at the level of 10-16 M,56 or neuropeptides
introduced directly into the brain at 10-6 pg i.e. one
attogram,57 or kinds of catalytic effects of metal at
picomolar concentrations,58 or immunomediators59 and
neuropeptide activity on lymphocytes60 at 10-14 M. In
these cases, no comparison with the effects of succussed
high dilutions is available.
The papers presented above demonstrate
effectiveness of high dilutions starting from 9CH
homeopathic dilution (10-18g) and above. In these
experiments, the pharmacological effect cannot be
related to the presence of molecules. Our choice is to
discuss only about the “nonmolecular” activity
nevertheless low dilutions with remaining molecules
(4CH, 5 CH, 7 CH) are very commonly used in
homeopathy according to the similia principle.
Choosing only non-molecular high dilution activity
will simplify the discussion as no reference to molecular
activity is possible. For that reason, we may suppress
the following molecular hypothesis such as cybernetic
regulation, rebound effect and self recovery30 that
claims a necessary strong molecular effect to stimulate
the “self recovery” as a function of time. This self-
recovery belongs to the “action-reaction” working
hypothesis. It is the reaction of the organism to
aggressions and self-recovery concerns the appropriate
auto-regulation and specific tools to reach a new
equilibrium. The forces it uses in order to find a new
balance are so strong that no non-molecular treatment is
able to provoke this. According to the same logic, the
“Arndt-Schultz law” or so-called “hormesis” cannot be
a help to understand the mechanism of homeopathic
high dilutions. It was shown that “high concentrations
inhibit growth, low concentrations increase growth.”61 62
This observation is very old and was also published by
Arndt and Schultz.63 It is verified for every type of
organism, but the results are obtained with
concentrations close to the toxic one. This is used in the
protective system so-called “mithridatization” in which
low doses of poison, taken every day, inhibit the
poisoning effect by permanent production of inhibitory
compound such as heat shock proteins in the “action-
reaction” system.
The contrary effect obtained with lower dose of the
toxic substance and the application to the protective
effect is often proposed to explain homeopathy.64
However, the production of the contrary effect by
synthesis of defence molecules is related to the presence
of a real presence of molecular substance. This is not
observed when high dilutions of a toxic are
administered21 even though this treatment amplifies the
synthesis of defence molecules at the moment of the
poisoning. A cross reaction is observed in the molecular
model;65 in the high dilution treatment, opposite effects
may be observed, it means: the cross reaction increasing
the sensitivity of the pre-treated cells instead of
protecting them.21 22
Working hypothesis concern also effects of
electromagnetic fields, based on ideas as bioenergy,66 67
biofield68 or systemic memory resonance.69 It is a hard
work to analyse how electromagnetic fields could
operate precisely in the field of homeopathy: so many
parameters are concerned: frequency, wave shape,
intensity, origin and targets, etc. This part is always in
fringing science and much work has to be done.
Proposed theories
Some of the proposed theories seem to be very far
from the homeopathy problematic. For instance,
deterministic chaos, or complexism, was suggested.70 71
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 51
The complexism is interesting when applied to
hierarchy of the symptoms in homeopathy, or to explain
the organization of the pathologies of a patient that
applies the teleological hypothesis to the interactions
between a subject and his pathologies. But in these
models, no operational phenomenon can explain the
curing effect of homeopathy.
The most adapted theory seems to be the Lagache´s
theory on body information.7 72 73 74 75 76 It is really a new
paradigm: just as the mechanistic paradigm seizes the
material interactions between objects and the symbolic
paradigm assumes linguistic facts, Lagache introduces
the paradigm of corporeal signifiers by the body
information. It is based on the informative
communication of the body, not at a symbolic level. The
living organism is a complex structure able to exchange
information with the external world; information also
circulates in its internal world allowing exchanges at
every level: the living organism is an informed-
informing structure. Living beings communicate with
their world in a “non verbal” way. These exchanges
concern matter and energy. The concept of totality (one
principle of homeopathy) emerges from this concept:
totality transcends the sum of interactions and sub-
systems. A new framework is necessary that is neither
cybernetic nor systemic.
The paradigm of the corporeal signifiers is based on
an analogical communication at the body level. The
living body operates as an open system; it is resonant
with the environmental events that have a sense for it.
This communication leads it to modify itself either in
the sense of the message by a passive mimesis (proving)
or in a differentiating regulation corresponding to the
beneficial remedy action. Lagache proposes that this
system functions as a relationship communication
between the "informative minimum system" including
the active molecule which will be the matrix of
information (“raw material and/or stock”), the sensitive
receiver able to read and treat this information (healthy
subject for proving or patient) and the mediation of
information which is represented by the succussed
homeopathic dilutions. Here the electromagnetic field
working hypotheses are interesting to explain how
information is transmitted. Information is not an object
but needs a carrier that could be electromagnetic waves.
Information exists only when exists a sensitive receiver.
This information (corporeal signifiers) will be received
and treated by the organism if it has a sense for it. But
what is “read” by the body receiving corporeal
Analysing the published experimental models, we
have classified the effects of homeopathic high
dilutions in three categories: models with biological
molecules, models of isotherapy, models using the
similia principle.We must define how the organism will
read and treat each one through experimental
demonstration. Once again, exchange of information
does not follow the same logic as exchanges of objects.
The information of biological molecules produced
by the body is automatically recognized and is always
significant for the body when it is used in the logic of
the organism (physiological function). When the models
are built according to physiologic function, effects are
significant and reproducible.11 12 13
In the isotherapy models, the identity between the
substance used for the homeopathic high dilution and
the toxic must be perfect, or else contrary effects (or no
effect) are observed. A false information not understood
at the moment of the toxic effect shows no effect or the
misunderstanding provoke an adverse effect. The
phenomenon of information is instantaneous and
explains the immediate suppression of the
dexamethasone molecular by high dilution of the same
The similia law is the specificity of homeopathy
It is based on analogy of symptoms observed in
proving (healthy subject receiving the substance tested
diluted or not) and patient (who is cured by this
substance in homeopathic preparation). This precise
definition is very important to avoid confusion. So, it is
necessary to define the homeopathic symptoms. Charles
Nicolle (Nobel Price 1929) discovered the “life and
death of the diseases” and identified the “unapparent
diseases” that do not show any symptoms but provoke
biological modifications such as antibodies (i.e. rubella,
toxoplasmosis). It means that the symptom is
independent from the biological signs. The symptom is
an expression of the subject when he is unable to treat
his pathology. The biological sign belongs to the
mechanistic world in the action-reaction system
(including the cybernetic one); the symptom is an
expression in the world of affect (impression-expression
In homeopathy, the interesting symptoms are those
in which the patient expresses his singularity
(idiosyncrasic symptoms). These symptoms are an
attempt to find an impossible answer. The analogical
communication allowed by the informative dilutions of
the remedy - that is able to provoke the similar
symptoms brings to the organism - the answer it is
looking for. Then, the body is able to recognize and
treat this information that helps the patient as a cathartic
phenomenon. This general theory could be an help to
understand what is homeopathy.
We have to follow a very long road and we have to
do many experiments to find explanations to this
therapy. Whatever the working hypothesis that has to be
confirmed, we must always remind the three inter-
dependent principles of homeopathy that give its
specificity, and not only the mechanistic functions of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 52
classical medicine. The challenge is to build new
experimental models keeping in mind the particularity.
3. Validation of techniques and methods for the
impregnation of homeopathic globules
OLNEY Leite Fontes et. al
(IJHDR. 3, 9/2004)
Homeopathy is a medical and pharmaceutical
specialty accredited by Federal Boards of Medicine and
Pharmacy. It has a well-determined scientific system
whose research methodology is backed by the effects of
drugs tested upon healthy individuals in clinical
experiments. The homeopathic practitioner aims at
prescribing a remedy which best matches the totality of
symptoms presented by the patient. For that purpose, the
patient is given some substance that, in the experiment
with healthy individuals, has produced symptoms
resembling those the practitioner wants to eliminate;
therefore, the organism is stimulated to react against the
disease (TEIXEIRA, 1998). The greater the similarity
between the patient’s symptoms and the experimental
clinical pattern of the medication, the stronger its
therapeutic effect (BASTIDE & BOUDARD, 1994).
However, in order to avoid the toxic effects of the
original substance, and to increase its healing potential,
the homeopathic pharmacist will transform this drug
into a homeopathic medication by using a special
technique called dynamization (MARTINEZ,1983).
The homeopathic medications are prepared and
dispensed in different pharmaceutical forms. Whereas
the liquid pharmaceutical forms are represented by
drops, only one liquid oral dosage, and liquid
formulations, the solid pharmaceutical forms are
represented by pills, globules, powders, tablets, only
one solid oral dosage, and solid formulations
One of the homeopathic pharmaceutical forms most
prescribed in Brazil is the dosage form intended for
internal use called globule. Such form is obtained from
the impregnation of inert globules with homeopathic
dilutions. Inert globules are small spherical grains which
are homogenous and regular, white and practically
scentless, and which have a sweet flavor; they are made
up of 100% of sucrose or a mixture of sucrose and
lactose. They serve as vehicles for the fixation of
homeopathic dilutions. (AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF
HOMÉOPATHIQUES, 1981). They are designated and
marketed in Brazil according to their average weight of
30 mg (globules #3, 50mg (globules #5), and 70mg
(globules #7), and they are manufactured from sugar
particles by means of multiple coatings (FONTES,
Hahnemann recommended a certain amount of
drops of the homeopathic dilution (stock preparation) to
moisten all the inert globules. Nevertheless, he did not
determine an exact proportion between the volume of
the stock preparation and the weight of the globules
(HAHNEMANN, 1984). According to research carried
out by the Associação Brasileira de Farmacêuticos
Homeopatas (ABFH, for Brazilian Association of
Homeopathic Pharmacists), most of the homeopathic
pharmacies in the State of São Paulo currently perform
single impregnations in proportions from 2% to 5%
(w/v) and, more rarely, triple impregnations at 10%
(w/V), adopted by the Brazilian Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia, 2nd Edition (ABFH, 2001).
Although homeopathic pharmacopoeias and
manuals present different methods and techniques
devised for the impregnation of inert globules, they do
not describe validating procedures. Based mostly on
tradition, some authors have suggested the use of a
Methylene Blue coloring solution as a visual indicator
for the validation of methods of globule impregnation;
however, they have not provided any detailed studies on
that issue (FONTES, 2001; POZETTI et al., 2002).
Materials and methods
The following equipment, utensils, glasswares and raw
materials were used for carrying out the experiments:
Equipment and Utensils
Mettler/Micronal PB 303 precision electronic balance
(with resolution 0,001g and maximum load 200g);
Shimadzu 1601 PC spectrophotometer; manual
chronometer; micropipetters; disposable tips; automated
dispensers; alchohometer; picnometer; higrometer;
scalpel; paper filter.
Flat bottom volumetric flasks; Petri dishes; graduated
cylinders; glass rods; ambar glass flasks of 30mg;
Erlenmeyer flasks; funnels; beakers; mortar and glass
Raw materials
Inert globules, average weight 30mg (#3) and 70mg
(#7); analytical grade ethanol (96 v/v); water purified by
distillation; colorings (Picric Acid, Methylene Blue,
Basic Fuchsin, Safranin, Gentian Violet).
Coloring Solutions
The coloring solutions were prepared in different
concentrations of the raw materials previously chosen;
they were dissolved in ethanol (70% and 90% w/w). In
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 53
order to carry out the experiments to validate methods
and techniques for the preparation of homeopathic
medicines in the form of globules, experimenters chose
color solutions whose densities were more similar to
those of the homeopathic dilutions normally used in the
homeopathic pharmacies in the State of São Paulo; here
they are represented by the hydroethanolic solutions at
70% and 90% (controls). Among the different coloring
solutions which were chosen, the ones used (solutions A
and B) were the two which behaved similarly to the
hydroethanolic solutions at 70% and 90% (w/w),
respectively. The color contrast caused by treating the
inert globules with the coloring solutions was
The densities of the coloring solutions prepared in
different concentrations, determined by the picnometer,
were compared to the densities of the homeopathic
dilutions (70% and 90% ethanol). The selected coloring
solutions were the following: Methylene Blue 0,2%,
Safranin 0,2%, Gentian Violet 0,3%, prepared in 70%
ethanol; and Methylene Blue 0,2, Safranin 0,2%,
Gentian Violet 0,2%, prepared in 90% ethanol.
The colorings Picric Acid and Basic Fuchsin were
not used for, whereas the use of the former is controlled
by the Army because it is part of the composition of
explosives, the latter is insoluble in ethanol.
The impregnation of the globules
To prove how the coloring solutions act on inert
globules in order to pick the one that most accurately
reproduced the behavior of homeopathic dilutions in
relation to these vehicles as regards weight loss, we
carried out impregnations with standard hydroethanolic
solutions (70% and 90%) and with coloring solutions
previously selected in the proportions of 2% and 5%
(v/w) in relation to the quantity of globules. That is, the
volume of the solution was calculated according to the
weight of the analyzed globule sampling. Therefore, for
each 15 g of inert globules, 0,3 mL and 0,75 mL were
used, respectively. As for the impregnations, we used
30 mL amber glass vials containing 15 g of inert
globules with average weight of 30 mg and 70 mg (inert
globules numbers 3 and 5, respectively). The coloring
solutions were distributed along the sides of the vials.
The vials were then sealed with caps featuring sealing
rings. Globules were homogeneized by means of lateral
shaking together with rotation of the vials for 3 minutes.
Time was measured by using a chronometer. Globule
drying was done on Petri dishes at ambient temperature
and humidity.
Those experiments were carried out in duplicate;
the groups were divided according to the size of the
globules (globules numbers 3 and 7). Such groups were
subdivided according to the ethanolic grade of the
coloring solution (70% and 90%), which were
subdivided again according to the amount of coloring
solution added in the impregnation procedure (2% and
5% v/w)
Drying time
To determine the drying time, the homeopathic
globules were weighed on an eletronic balance after
single impregnations (2% and 5% w/v) were carried out
into inert globules numbers 3 and 7, by using ethanol
graded 70% and 90%. Drying times were recorded from
the moment of the stabilization of globule weight. This
experiment was done in duplicate and at ambient
temperature and humidity.
Choosing the coloring solution
To choose the solutions A and B, that is, the
solutions that would provide the best color contrast,
single impregnations at 2% and 5% were performed
with the following dyes: Methylene Blue, Safranine,
Gentian Violet, and with the standard solutions.
Among the analyzed coloring solutions, the most
appropriate for validating the methods and techniques
for the preparation of homeopathic globules were the
Gentian Violet solutions at 0,3% (w/V) and 0,2% (w/V),
which were prepared respectively in ethanol graded
70% and 90% (w/w). Based on the data obtained, we
concluded that the stabilization of the weight of the
globules, after their im-pregnation with homeopathic
dilutions, takes a considerable amount of time, which is
different from the length of time routinely taken at
homeopathic pharmacies. Using artificial heat at a
temperature lower than 40oC may help hasten the drying
of the impregnated globules. The results have shown the
importance of the validation of pattern operational
procedures (POP´s) by pharmacies, including time and
ideal drying method for the homeopathic globules.
The method of triple impregnation at 10% (V/w)
with dilution prepared in 90% ethanol (w/w) has been
proven to impregnate globules homogeneously and to
make them evenly colored and integral. However, such
method has been proven unfeasible for dilutions
prepared in 70% ethanol (w/w). Studies must proceed
further, comparing the triple impregnation at 5% (V/w)
and at 10% (V/w) in the 90% alcoholature (w/w), trying
to identify the ideal technique for impregnating
homeopathic globules. While that has not been
ascertained scientifically, that is, whether different
amounts of medicine incorporated by the globules are
relevant or not for the preservation of the medicine
quality, the technical criteria for validating the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 54
impregnation methods and techniques must ensure the
evenness of impregnation and integrity of the globules.
Results and discussions
TABLE 1: Dilutions of the dyes whose densities are
similar to those of the control homeopathic dilutions,
prepared with 70% ethanol (w/w).
Density 1
Density 2
(D1 &
70% EtOH
BLUE 0,2%
Measurement was taken in duplicate (density 1 and
density 2) in the afternoon of one single day, at ambient
temperature ranging from 29,1°C to 28,6°C, and relative
humidity of air
TABLE 2: Dilutions of dyes whose densities are similar
to those of the control homeopathic dilutions, prepared
with 90% ethanol (w/w).
Density 1
Density 2
(D1 &
90% EtOH
BLUE 0,2%
Measurement was taken in duplicate (density 1 and
density 2) in the afternoon of one single day, at ambient
temperature of 26,9°C, and relative humidity of air
varying from 57% to 56%.
4. CASE REPORTS: Hidden Grief
(Simile, Vol.5, July 1995)
Mrs. WN at 49.
Presenting Complaints:
a) Menstrual headaches and other symptoms from age
40. Headache < onset of period, wakes with it; lasts
three to four days. Frontal, “itchy, want to scratch”,
over one eye, R>L. then band round head. Focusing
difficult: words blurred, makes mistakes, clumsy,
forgetful. Periods (7/26) “hit like thunderbolt”,
completely depleted, “useless for a week”. Bloating of
stomach, HANDS and breasts before period; mood
variable anyway, more extreme during periods, >>
afterwards. Symptoms increasing, during last eight
b) Lifelong constipation without desire, has weekly
laxative. Wind++, occasional colic; small dark sheep’s
c) “Life a succession of trials and difficulties.”
No other physical complaints. Was insomniac,
better since daughter’s death (see below).
Family history
Felt “fairly cared for” at first as child, then had
brother who became “apple of mother’s eye”. Was
closer to father, but felt lonely. Fearful, early school
years, few friends when young. OK later, but didn’t
have will to study.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 55
Boyfriends important. Pregnant at 16, baby at 17.
They wanted to marry but all four parents combined to
stop them. He paid regular maintenance.
At 20 met another man, conceived identical twins,
and married. “A disastrous mistake….he was
domineering, I was not permitted feelings… I fought
that…. Physical violence…. Bruises++… frightened
and angry… later depressed, tearful++….”
Divorce when twins were five. “He defended it out
of spite, but had to pay in the end.” Depressed, weepy
after the split, partly still wanting him.
“It was me and the girls against the world…. Lived
for my family” some further relations,,, remarried
when twins 12: “Opposite of first husband: cared for,
besotted by her and girls but ++unstable and needed
looking after. Proved to be a con man and told
elaborate lies, eg was having therapy in London when
he’d gone to US with first wife! I found this out and
divorced him. No tears this time.”
Then met oldest daughter’s father again after years.
he had been married and divorced too. They married
(twins 18).
On 22.12.91, twins at 23, one twin injured in road
traffic accident, both sisters, their boyfriends and drink
involved. She died after being on life support for one
month. The patient and the other twin “devastated”.
“Saw” her head daughter three and eight days after
her death; so did twin sister and her boy-friend. Still
does, occasionally, “but I don’t talk about it now”. Not
normally psychic. Thinks message is that she’s OK.
Never saw the daughter’s boy-friend again. Anger:
thought he shouldn’t have got away with it as he did.
Generals: slightly chilly, >outdoors <stuffy room +
No time modalities; good appetite, no strong food
modalities: fat-, butter+, fruit+ average thirst.
Dislikes tight clothes, usually thinly clad.
Appearance: lively, energetic, talkative, friendly,
average to asthenic build. Neatly dressed, dark.
Mentals: Observed to theorise++ about complaints
and life generally; egocentric in interest and
presentation, mood changes easily: mainly cheerful
open and optimistic; some anger, volatile but not
malicious; averagely sympathetic, generous, wept with
crises, not much in-between; does not dwell on the past.
Consolation neither <nor>. Fears: spiders and heights.
Not tidy, critical or self-critical. Average music and
dancing. Sex always fairly important, not overriding,
“less lately”.
Remedy selection
The differential lay between Lachesis, Phosphorus,
Natrum muriaticum for grief, and Sulphur. She did not
seem to react to her past as a Natrum would, was not
“sharp” enough for Lachesis, and her menstrual
modality was wrong, so despite being loquacious and
intolerant of clothing, this was rejected. With her
egoistic energetic manner and her theorizing I chose
Sulph 200c.
Six weeks later: first week lethargic, and depressed.
She had a light 17-day period, then next one five days
late. “Black hole depression” first day only, and a slight
headache for three to four hours. She had been with
grandchildren, more busy than usual at this time. Up
and down, generally better, since then.
After a further six weeks: entered looking well and
smiling. She began: “After the remedy I had a most
extraordinary dream. A man handed me a knife (a
remembered kitchen knife from my youth), and said:
‘Saw through my head’. I did, but nothing happened
and he told me to do it again. This time he fell down
dead, & there was lots of blood everywhere. I suddenly
realized what I had done and screamed: ‘My God I’ve
killed him, get an ambulance’. My (dead) daughter,
appearing as she was in hospital, beckoned me, but I
couldn’t hear what she said. I told her: ‘Everything will
be alright. If you get better I’ll look after you at home,
and if you die I’ll come with you so you’ll still be OK’”
[She explained that, with a tracheostomy, her daughter
had been unable to communicate anyway.]
“Then the date of the twins’ conception came very
strongly to mind. I could see myself struggling with a
big heavy object, which I managed to put behind me.
Then I recalled vividly meeting my present husband for
the first time. We had a short affair, I became pregnant.
I could feel myself as I was while waiting for my period
to come, tense and anxiously wondering if I was
pregnant.” [In the dream and in reality at the time] “I
had a severe headache from the tension, [I had a series
of them, like those I’ve been getting, and since that
night I’ve not had a single one!]. Then, also vividly, I
was back with my first boyfriend when I was 14. He
was wonderful. I remembered being with him, and
suddenly at 16 or 17 we looked at each other and knew
we could be like man and woman, and I knew quite
clearly I didn’t want sex with him and said ‘no’ to it.
[Soon after that we drifted apart and I met my now
“I feel the 17 year old experience separated love
and sex for me. Sex was good before my marriage then
my husbands got impotent. After writing it all down I
imagined (or dreamt again): I was standing as I am now
in my bedroom completely naked, I felt as if everything
had been stripped off me. Then I was standing in front
of a small oval grave with a small mean wooden cross.
It was as if everything that has ever happened to me was
buried there. I knew this, a deliberately walked away
and left it there. It all felt finished and final.
“I decided to celebrate Christmas this year. I
hadn’t since Melanie died. Then I had flu on 23 Dec. I
decided to fight it and went on busily preparing for
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 56
Xmas. Then I got bronchitis and ended needing an
antibiotic. I was wheezy and the doctor thought I had
Asthma, but the inhaler didn’t do any good. A week
later I had oxytetracycline and was slowly better. Now
I feel really well. For the first time in 50 years I’ve not
been constipated.
“My problem, I’ve realized, is not of giving, as I’d
thought before, but of receiving. I can’t ask for
anything for myself as I wasn’t worthy of it. I talked to
my husband, and said our problems were my fault. He
said they were his fault too. We’d never talked like that
before and things have been better since….I realize I
still have a long way to go, and I’m looking forward to
working on it.”
This is one of the most remarkable results I have
had following homœopathic case-taking and
prescription. I express it thus advisedly, for it might be
argued that the former was the more important. Then
why should it have followed the second consultation,
which in no way matched the intensity of the first?
She had not mentioned problems with this
marriage, and clearly very much wants it to go well.
This dream, and the attitudinal change following it, are
a remarkable example of spontaneous psychotherapy
following a homœopathic consultation and an
appropriate remedy. She could have achieved less in
three years of formal therapy! This is not to say that at
this stage she would not benefit still more from having
More modest improvements on the same lines are
not uncommon following a successful prescription.
Perhaps the most satisfying result is to have removed
lifelong problems such as this patient’s constipation.
Perhaps it is to hear of decisions which change their
lives for the better, or as in the present instance, of a
new level of communication with her husband after
years of marriage.
5. Infertility: Can Homœopathy make it Alone?
ANDREASSEN, Alf T. (NEJH. 8, 2/1999)
Being a full time practitioner since 1982, I have had
a busy schedule since day one. Before I began to
practice, I expected my day to be filled up with a variety
of patients containing all sorts of problems. In
hindsight, it seems that destiny had other plans for me.
In March 1997 a beautiful blond woman entered my
office. She was slim, wearing glasses and looked calm.
Her face was sickly pale (2) and her lips were firmly
pressed together. She was a college teacher, and looked
like it.
She told me about her liver problem. An ordinary
blood test showed positive liver values (3) with high
bilirubin and she had been hospitalized for further
testing. Biopsy confirmed the liver problem and she
was instructed to avoid alcohol and follow a level-
headed diet. Ultrasonic studies also showed gallstones
(1). She complains of a stitching pain (2) just below
the ribs on the right side.
She feels a lump in her right breast, but tests are
Inspection of her eyes showed a yellow
discoloration (2). In addition, she told me she was very
near-sighted (2).
She gave birth to a son in 1981, but before that she
had an extra uterine pregnancy in 1977 at which point
her left oviduct was removed.
Since that time, she has been trying to become
pregnant again. At this moment she almost breaks into
tears and tells me a long story of measuring
temperature, following the advice of different positions
during coition and so forth, to get pregnant. Her
husband’s sperm test was normal. She went through
laparoscopy on February 12, 1987. The result was
depressive. They found defects on one ovary. The
remaining right tube had adhesions and her uterus was
displaced (retroflexed). She was told that having an
operation was the only possible way for her to get
In the previous year, the hospital had operated on
eighteen people with similar problems and seven of
them have become pregnant. The hospital estimated her
possibilities to be 30 percent and she was put on the
waiting list for the operation and in-vitro fertilization.
Being a very headstrong person she managed to
hasten the operation, which was scheduled for May 11th,
only 5 weeks from this current consultation. I tried to
persuade her to postpone the date, but she was very firm
and determined to have the operation.
She only requested my help to fix her liver
This gave me a real pressure on time. Was it really
possible for Homœopathy to establish a cure within only
one menstrual cycle? Her menstrual period was regular
with a 28 days cycle. Bleeding lasted 5 6 days with
normal flow, but more profuse than before the first
pregnancy (2). She had painful stitches in her ovary
around ovulation (2) and at the end of the menses (2).
There was no leucorrhea and no premenstrual
symptoms. Normal sexual desire with no problems.
In her left shoulder she had a burning pain (1). It
was difficult, almost impossible, to raise the arm (2).
This was worse at night and early morning (2). Her
neck was also very stiff (3) and with a kind of burning
(1). Her shoulder problem seems to come and go.
There can be pain for about two months, then vanishes
for a certain period of time, sometimes short and
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 57
sometimes long, and then comes back again. When this
shoulder problem is present she has a numbness of her
whole arm, especially very early in the morning. The
numbness is so strong that it can wake her up from sleep
Her digestion is fine. She craves chocolate (2),
sweets (1), vegetables (1) and oranges (1). She is averse
to fats (1) and she is very thirsty for cold water (2), not
icy-cold. She drinks some tea and coffee as well.
She has some problem with headaches. They come
on quite often, especially in the forehead/temples area,
but it is difficult for her to describe the type of pain.
Whatever she does, the pain takes its time and is usually
gone by the next day. If she drinks cold water, it will
ameliorate her headache (1), and she thinks that she gets
less headaches if she keeps drinking a lot of water on a
daily basis.
She is some problem with headaches. They come
on quite often, especially in the forehead/temples area,
but it is difficult for her to describe the type of pain.
Whatever she does, the pain takes its time and is usually
gone by the next day. If she drinks cold water, it will
ameliorate her headache (1), and she thinks that she gets
less headaches if she keeps drinking a lot of water on a
daily basis.
She is constipated (2) due to a long and winding
colon and has to eat whole grain breads to have daily
She is chilly and always has cold feet, especially in
the evening (2). Occasionally she wears socks at night
and she has to take a hot foot bath before she goes to
bed. If she does not, it’s difficult for her to fall asleep.
She sleeps on her left side and curls up.
She is afraid of high places(2), it is a kind of
vertigoas if dragged out. She is also afraid of
walking alone (1), and of being alone at home (2).
She tells me that she had an experience with a car
crash, it was a big shock to her and since then, she does
not like to drive or ride in cars. She is also a little afraid
of flying.
She is very systematic and needs to schedule her
day. She is a strong-willed person and stands up
whenever there are things she does not agree with. She
is very conscientious about her work and she thinks her
teaching is very systematic.
Her parents are still alive and quite healthy, no
serious disease in the family. She had a happy
childhood and is happily married---“so far!” she says.
I asked her to come by my office to get the remedy
the next day and buried myself behind my books the
whole evening. The tool I really would have needed
was the RADAR program that I bought a year later, but
now I carefully studied the case on paper.
The first symptom I looked at was from my
observation of her and the very first symptoms she gave
me. Her paleness and the liver complaints gave me
some interesting points for remedies like Carduus
marianus, Podophyllum, Lachesis, Chelidonium and
Nitric acid. I added Platina to the group especially
when I took into consideration the more profuse menses
after the birth of her son. Kali carbonicum and Sulphur
interested me, too.
The shoulder pain forced me to put Sulphur,
Phosphorus, Kali bichromicum, Sepia, and Kali
carbonicum into the group.
Of the stitching pain remedies I so far had ruled out
Bryonia, Hepar sulphuricum, and Silicea, but Lac
caninum, Phosphorus, and Podophyllum, came up more
strongly with the stitching pain during menses.
Kali carbonicum, also came more strongly from the
peculiar symptom of numbness of the arm in the
morning and it fit the rest of the symptoms as well.
Boericke tells us that all Kali pains are sharp and
cutting, and may be felt in any part of the body and with
any connection. Kali carbonicum fits also very well the
liver problems, as do Phosphorus, Magnesium
muriaticum, Sulphur, and so forth.
Adding the neck problems did not make any
difference so I took a look at the digestive system. The
food symptoms gave me some stronger points for
Arsenicum album, and Sulphur, (at that time I did not
know much about Chocolate), and Phosphorus,
tightened the grip a bit.
With constipation and coldness of the feet Calcarea
carbonica, joined the party and was underscored with
the fears and vertigo from high places. Even
Lycopodium, and Magnesium muriaticum, were
Finally, late night, after writing down the symptoms
of more than 475 remedies I felt pretty sure that I
needed to differentiate between my best choices:
Phosphorus, Nitric acid, Kali carbonicum, Calcarea
carbonica, Lycopodium, and Magnesium muriaticum.
After taking into consideration her personality type
as I understood it, I went to bed very tired and hoped
that perhaps my dreams would help me out!
However morning came with no dreams that I
could remember. When she came into my office, I
instructed her how to take the remedy and sent her away
with a single dose of Kali carbonicum 200C.
Follow-up appointment was made for May 4th,
exactly one week before her scheduled operation. She
came in and reported no special reaction, except that she
had sleepiness for the first few days and that the
stitching pain was gone. She was however, 4 days late
for her menstrual period, but that had happened a few
times before so she didn’t pay much attention to it and
was still determined to go through with the operation.
On Friday May 8, three days before the operation,
she called me from the hospital. No menses showed up
and she went to the hospital for a checkup. She was
pregnant after all!
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 58
There should be the following rubrics:
and Kali carbonicum should be in it.
Add Kali carbonicum, also in
Ovaries menses during
The pregnancy went fine without any
complications. A urinary infection at the end of the
pregnancy was cured with a dose of Phosphorus30C
and she delivered a perfect girl measuring 50cm/4180g
in January, 1988.
It belongs to the story that she again got pregnant
without any medical assistance, giving birth to another
girl and again two years later. She divorced her
husband in 1995 and until now she is still single.
I was very happy for my patient of course, but
surprised that the remedy could handle such serious
pathology in such short order.
The real turn around for me, however, was still to
My patient was frustrated about the way the doctors
at the hospital reacted in her case. She felt nobody
really took any notice of her fantastic story, so she
organized one of her friends who was a reporter in our
biggest newspaper and published the story over three
pages in the Saturday magazine following the paper on
April 9, 1988.
This created a major discussion that went back and
fourth during several weeks, and ever since the
infertility cases take more and more of my practice.
Through these years of experience with this field, I
have now several questions. There are many aspects
that should be thoroughly discussed in order to be even
more successful in prescribing.
Questions like:
Will reflexology, acupuncture and other alternative
therapies improve or block the homœopathic results?
Can lack of essential substances (like hormones,
minerals and vitamins and so forth) be an obstacle to
cure with Homœopathy?
Can Homœopathy deal with the side effects mental,
emotional and physical of synthetic drugs and hormones
used to treat infertility problems?
I hope this little story of mine can be an inspiration
in the battle of infertility. I will be more than happy to
continue to share all my knowledge and experience with
these patients and hope to benefit from the knowledge
of my fellow colleagues as well.
6. Candida albicans a proving report and a case
RIEFER, Marco (HL. 11, 4/98)
Two years of research and three years of
homœopathic experience have shown that Candida
albicans is a very potent substance in everyday practice.
Two proving of the remedy in different groups and
places have provided the basic symptoms to treat more
than 20 chronic and acute cases, resulting in a full
picture of a ‘new’ homœopathic remedy.
The proving showed a clear and poignant picture.
In the evaluation and analysis I later found a
striking resemblance between the nature of the
substance and the homœopathic picture. Our experience
in practice has confirmed and clarified the results.
I like to point out the clear relationship between the
substance and the picture of the remedy.
Details about the proving and my motivation to
prove this fungus may be found in the booklet,
published in a second edition in 1997.
I will briefly describe the main characteristics of
this remedy which, in combination with a good case,
will reveal to you the general idea of Candida albicans.
Candida albicans is the most frequently occurring
pathogenic fungus in the human organism and is found
mainly in the Oro-Gastro-Intestinal-Tract. Although it
is an annoying, troublesome and sometimes dangerous
fungus, Candida albicans is defined to be
‘physiologically normalup to a certain concentration.
If, due to (un) favourable conditions, it grows out of
bounds, the fungus becomes pathogenic and produces
mild to severe symptoms and diseases.
I got interested in Candida albicans for two
reasons: First of all it is an unproved remedy (at least I
don’t know of any other proving till now.) Secondly,
Candida albicans has become an important substance
in everyday (medical) routine. In addition, mycosis not
only exists in the form of a definite disease, it is also
quite a fashionable diagnosis for many rather
unspecified symptoms, mainly of the digestive system.
I will now try to give you an idea of this nosode.
The manifestation of Candida albicans
The most striking features are:
The fact that mycosis has become such a frequent
disease is essentially connected with the development of
penicillin (which itself is the product of a fungus) and
the widespread use of antibiotics.
Thoughtless use of antibiotics (as well as cytostatic
and immune-suppressing drugs) damages the intestinal
flora and promotes, amongst other things, the expansion
of fungi.
From a homœopathic point of view, antibiotic
treatment of the symptoms of a disease is a violent
method of elimination of symptoms and is therefore
suppressive. This suppression of symptoms is a
widespread phenomenon. (It is not like the 18th and 19th
century where only a handful of rich people were able to
pay for a doctor and ruin their health and methods like
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 59
blood-letting and abuse of mercury. Nowadays a new
kind of suppressive treatment happens daily and in
million fold.)
The phenomenon of suppression is very evident in
Candida albicans, first of all in the form of suppressed
During the provings, rage was experienced directly
and immediately. However, in practice I usually saw
conditions of suppressed anger, of anger which was not
allowed. In many cases the anger could not be kept
down and was therefore permanently looking for an
‘Wut im Bauch haben is a common idiom in the
German language, which could be translated as ‘anger
in my belly or in my tummy’. This expression fits very
well with the central physical symptoms concerning the
digestive system (flatulence, fullness, diarrhea and
cramping pains…see symptoms and clinical
manifestations). It has been confirmed in this proving,
as well as in others, that mental and physical symptoms
form a corresponding unit and the disease is reflected on
different levels.
The aggression itself can be completely hidden, but
can also be very violent, almost driving the patient mad.
There may be an impulse to destroy everything, simply
smash everything to pieces. A typical expression of a
prover (f): ‘I feel such tremendous aggression in me that
I can hardly stand it. I have to mobilize all my strength
not to destroy something.’
Suppression (especially suppressed anger)
describes the central characteristic of the remedy, the
more so as the parasitic growth, e.g. of Candida
albicans in the bowels, is suppressive as well.
Another striking symptom is the tremendous lack of
energy of this remedy. (Is this a result of the suppressed
Tiredness up to severe exhaustion widely occurred
in the whole proving and in many of the treated cases.
We could understand the greatly increased desire
for sweets, certainly a high degree symptom, as an
attempt to make up for this lack of energy. (This
craving is also common to the mycosis-patient.)
To me the Candida albicans-patient seems to be a
typical product’ of modern western society which is
characterized by the following features:
Too many demands made upon a person by a
tough, efficiency-oriented society which is too
complex for the individual to grasp and which
he experiences as threatening;
A multitude of daily impressions which he is
exposed to, almost overwhelming the
A hectic state, tension, stress and a daily
feeling of ‘too much’;
Ignored emotions and an outward presentations
of a smooth and clean surface.
These are all features of our remedy too and are
represented by another important detail we saw in the
proving and in practice:
‘Too many’ requirements, expectations,
impressions (odours, noises,….). Too much to do and
no way out… .
The basic sensation of ‘too much’ is a feeling of
inability to cope, of overburden, a feeling of not being
able to fulfill the demands of everyday life and
sometimes even of the whole life. (A typical phrase
from the proving is: ‘Even the little demands of
everyday life are too much for me.’)
The Candida albicans patients feels overwhelmed
by the daily routine, requirements and duty. A feeling
of restriction develops and takes over, and they cannot
get rid of it.
A good example for this is a (single) mother,
unable to cope, exhausted and at the end of her tether.
They can only react but cannot act consciously any
What is the reaction?
The reaction is that they feel restless and hectic.
Candida albicans is a particularly restless remedy,
ceaseless in action (or more precisely, the feeling of
being ceaseless in action), always having something to
do, no time to relax. They quickly reach a state of stress
and tension. Examples of the proving are: ‘I cannot get
anything done. This is the most stressful week. Dates,
driving. Everything is too much.’ and: ‘Towards the
evening everything is too much; a feeling of being
hurried and rushed. A big desire for rest and being
Forgetfulness, lack of concentration and in some
cases real confusion are very striking, in combination
with the other symptoms.
Chaotic conditions are a central manifestation of
Candida albicans.
We see these symptoms in many remedies but in
Candida albicans they are the prominent and significant
symptoms of the remedy.
Characteristically one prover (f) wrote: ‘I was very
confused and had to think about normal procedures
before carrying them out. I had forgotten what I had
planned to buy in the supermarket and once in the car
park I had to think where I was, where I wanted to go
and how to get there.’
About the causes
In order to answer the question of what is the
cause of this kind of manifestation, why is this anger not
allowed to be expressed, why are these people so
confused,’ etc., we should look at a number of cured
Candida albicans patients.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 60
These people have been inhibited, often hindered
and suppressed in expressing their free will and this
suppression has become the central theme of their lives.
(DD.: Carcinosinum)
We talk about dominated people who were not
allowed to develop their own personality.
In some way we could say we are dealing with
parasite relationships.
We observe exploitative relationships, with the
Candida albicans patient being the victim, being used
or abused, in which the equilibrium of give and take
is/was shifted.
(This is the same situation as in a mycosis, when
the fungus (a parasite) is put out of physiological
balance, when it leaves the boundaries of an organ and
becomes a violent threat to the whole organism.)
We can see exploitative relationships frequently in
the relationship of a child towards a parent or towards
both parents.
The tendency towards exploitative relationships
often continues and is repeated again and again
according to a fixed pattern.
Candida patients usually react in a helpless and
defenceless way in this kind of situation, showing
vagueness and indirect and ineffectual aggression. In
single cases feelings of hate have been observed.
Symptoms and clinical manifestations
The most important themes in the dreams:
Brutality, murder
The most important local symptoms, briefly:
Digestive troubles play a significant part. Craving,
flatulence, constipation, diarrhea of various types,
smelly, slimy and bloody stools, and so on.
Very strong desire for sweets.
Many symptoms of the mucous of the ear-nose-
throat system.
Headache in various forms, especially temporal
Lack of vital heat. Weakness.
We saw many itching eruptions of the skin during
the proving as well as in practice. Because the setting
of limits is an essential theme of Candida albicans, I
was not surprised to find quite a number of skin
symptoms, because the skin forms the outer limit of our
Clinical indications
Some important disease, where Candida albicans
proved to be a healing remedy:
Atopic dermatitis
Itching eczema, exanthema and various other skin
lesions (e.g. nappy rash, Pityriasis rosea)
Food allergies
Bronchitis, Asthma
Proctitis, Colitis
Some further ideas
Finally I would like to mention some further ideas I
got during the study of the theme of mycosis.
Would it be possible that the beginning of the era of
antibiotics from 1945 onwards, a time of fundamental
changes in the whole world, has brought forth a new
miasma? There are some facts are in favour of this idea.
First of all there was the sensational developement of
penicillin with all its consequences. Its exploration took
place at the end of the thirties and at the beginning of
the forties. Its widespread use as a miracle treatment in
the west, and later on in the whole world, started after
the end of the war. Many new antibiotics have been
developed since.
The resulting (suppressive) effects are enormous
and far reaching: It has caused a shifting of existing
diseases and a manifestation of new diseases.
The large increase of mycosis is an important detail
in this development.
Are we perhaps dealing with an ‘antibiotic miasm’?
And would Candida albicans be the matching nosode?
This idea seems to be interesting enough to be taken
into consideration.
So far, this has been a brief summary of my
knowledge and experience with the nosode Candida
albicans in homœopathic treatment. A more detailed
picture of the remedy, as well as the proving reports,
seventeen chronic and acute cases, interesting facts
about the substance, analogies to the remedy picture,
proved indications, differential diagnosis to related
remedies and a repertory can be found in the booklet
about Candida albicans (see below).
Following this presentation I would like to show
you a case, to underline some of the essential features of
the remedy.
A case
Woman, 36 years old, married, three children, the
eldest one from her first marriage; she runs a family
restaurant and hotel business.
She presents with the following complaints:
Headache: ‘I have a constant pressure in my head, it is
like a vacuum, like being empty.’
She cannot concentrate and is afraid to forget important
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 61
Dryness of the eyes.
Clenching of teeth at night during sleep.
Stiffness of her neck.
Stiffness of the whole body (significantly raised titre of
Recurrent cystitis and macro haematuria, recurrent
occurrence of Chlamydia with subsequent treatment of
Very strong desire for sweets.
Strong aversion against fat (nausea).
Aversion against meat.
Offensive smelling stools.
She is markedly chilly, but cannot stand heat which
makes her feel dizzy.
Menses without problems, but irritable before.
She talks slowly about her complaints, rather
disconnectedly and repeatedly gets distracted by her two
children who accompany her. She lacks concentration
and after being interrupted it is difficult for her to take
up the thread again.
She behaves as if she is slightly sedated (or
pleasantly intoxicated), but she is willing and friendly. I
also get the impression of a childlike naivety.
This is also represented in her outer appearance;
she is small and slightly built and seems to be rather
shy. Her whole appearance is rather girlish.
‘I am easily hurt and then start crying quickly. It
has always been like this since my childhood, then I
used to cover my eyes with my hand.’
‘My mother often made jokes at my expense, she
showed me up and treated me unfairly.’
She thinks she has a very strong sense of justice.
Usually she feels unbalanced and her moods are
extreme, either very calm or very aggressive.
‘I suffer from severe forgetfulness. I am unable to
remember names for example, I mix them up or make a
slip of the tongue. Also I have problems calculating.’
(Quite a disadvantage in her job).
Altogether she seems to be rather confused and
As is common in the restaurant and hotel business
they have a tremendously busy and hectic time in the
main seasons and this makes her suffer a lot. During
these periods she is under pressure to be everywhere at
once, and she feels almost unable to cope with the
After work she is tired and worn out, finds it
difficult to recover and gets moody and irritable.
In addition, her parents who used to run the
business are still involved and sometimes even interfere
with her affairs. This especially concerns her mother.
Even though she often disagrees with her mother’s
ideas, she is unable to tell her directly and she cannot
say no. everything depends on her mother’s mood, she
is a very determined lady. She feels a lot of pressure
from her and can do nothing to oppose her. ‘I give in
and feel rotten.’
When she tries to do something on her own she has
a bad conscience, as if she were a little girl and then she
hates her mother (love-hate relationship’). Sometimes
she feels very aggressive towards her without showing
this directly.
She is very sensitive to criticism and cries with
When I asked if she had any specific fears she said
that she fears brutality and violence.
As a child she used to imagine and even hope that
she was an animal in hibernation, that she was just
having a dream of her current life, and that she would
finally wake up and it would all be gone. Also today
she has the wish just to fall asleep and not to wake up
She feels as if her life is not her own.
She remembers mainly one dream which she
dreamt repeatedly during puberty: ‘I am in a car in the
frong passenger seat. Suddenly the driver dies and I
have to steer the car.’
Prescription: one dose of Candida albicans 30c
Follow-up after six weeks
First of all she tells me that immediately after
taking the remedy she felt an obvious effect.
Especially during the first period she felt furious,
angry with no desire to compensate, she did not want to
hide her aggression as she used to. She felt as if she
was walking more ‘upright’. She is less willing to be
responsible for others anymore. She says: ‘The anger is
coming out.’
The mother-conflict had been more present. She
called it ‘deadly serious’, she felt sadness and had to cry
more. This condition lasted for about three weeks.
The headache with the vacuum was fifty percent
Prescription: one dose of Candida albicans 30C
Follow-up, after three and a half months
A reaction towards the second dose was not
perceived but her whole attitude towards life was
markedly different. She felt more calm and moiré
centred, and she connected this to the fact that she can
accept a lot of things now which used to upset her. she
said ‘Yes’ to her feelings.
‘I have passed through a tunnel, like being newly-
born. It was completely dark and I had lost my
orientation. But at the end of the tunnel there was a
light and this light said: “without a guilty conscience”.
I asked her what she meant by ‘without a guilty
conscience’ and she answered: ‘I can say no to other
people’s demands and I can stand up to my mother.’
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 62
‘I do not generally feel insecure any more. It is
somehow easier to find my own position.’ This was
particularly evident in her relation to her mother; she
said: ‘I feel as if I am almost the same size as my
In the meantime the following coincidence
happened: her mother, who had been almost
indispensable in the business until then, did break her
arm and, as it was a complicated fracture, she had to
stay in hospital and afterwards she was quite limited in
her activities. The miracle of this situation was of
course that it helped her daughter to manifest her new
potential in real life.
Follow-up after eight months
Approximately eight months after the start of the
The new and positive condition was totally restored
within a short period of time. Moreover she had learnt
to deal with conflicts between her and the employees.
Before she used to run away at the slightest hint of an
argument. ‘Now I jump at the situation and make my
statement. I confront people, whether they like it or not.
And I am also able to mediate between others when
there is a conflict.’
Deep inside she feels more secure and stable and
has more confidence.
She started the consultation with the sentence: ‘I
am very well. Here I am and here I stand.’
Nearly all of her complaints have disappeared.
The migraine did not appear again.
No more recurrence of the cystitis.
Concentration 90% better, doing calculations still
creates problems from time to time.
Forgetfulness significantly ameliorated.
Chilliness not bothering her.
No more stiffness, neither of the neck nor in
Odour of stool not noticeable.
Two more doses of Candida albicans 200C and
1MK were necessary later on, at a time of particular
stress when the old patterns started to show up again.
This healthy condition remained more or less stable
in the following year. Now, two years after the start of
the treatment she says: ‘I feel really healthy. I think I
have become mentally clear and far more mature.’
7. Syphilis: Microbe and Miasm
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 103, 1/2010)
Introduction: it is a surprise to me that a current
(2009) establishment science journal publishes the
following statement: “We caution that the antibiotic
treatment may be effective only in the earliest stages of
these spirochetoses. Indeed antibiotics such as
penicillin and its derivatives induce round body
formation and quiescence of symptoms rather than cure
we question the accuracy of screening tests and
clinical diagnoses for Treponema pallidum (the syphilis
‘germ’). Particularly vulnerable to misinterpretations
are immunological tests in cases of reinfection, later
secondary or tertiary syphilis.”(1)
Evidently, new facts and information exist about
the bacteria involved with the disease called syphilis
that are not in current textbooks. As more people accept
the fact that antibiotics do not cure syphilis, what does
Homœopathy offer? Currently, it is mostly illegal and
unethical not to use antibiotics in a case of syphilis, at
least in first world countries. Homœopaths must be
very certain of what they can claim in such cases.
The Microbe
The germ theory of mainstream medicine says that
syphilis is caused by a venereal infection with a
spirochete bacterium called Treponema pallidum. In
Greek, these words mean twisted thread and pale. This
is its appearance when seen in a microscope, an event
that first occurred in 1905. It is corkscrew or spiral
shaped, always found in animal tissue where it is motile,
swims with structures called flagella.(2)
The routine growth of T. pallidum outside of the
warm, nutritious mammal body has not been achieved;
so this spirochete is called an “obligate pathogen.”(3)
Since it can’t be grown in a test tube, it cannot be
genetically manipulated, and no molecule of the
pathogen has been identified as the reason for its
virulence. The sequence of the genome of T. pallidum
became completely known in 1998. It has 1,100
genesone of the smallest bacterial genomes known.
In spite of this exact knowledge, it is unknown how
such a fragile bacterium can be destructive and
persistent inside its host. Other spirochetes that live
outside the body of animals have at least four times as
many genes and produce all necessary components, but
T. pall. “does very little by itself; it survives only on
rich human tissue as its food.”(4) It seems that T. pall.
lost its genes as it became a parasite. Figure 1 shows
the spirochete appearance under a microscope.
It takes 10-57 spirochetes to cause permanent
infection. Fifty percent of people do not contract the
disease following sexual contact with the infectious
syphilitic lesions. Spirochetes remain below the host’s
immunologic radar while in the skin, called the pre-
clinical phase of the disease, but may be infectious. The
bacteria spread through the blood before the appearance
of the primary lesion called a chancre. The pathogens
enter the brain early on. It is a well-recognized
observation that secondary syphilis lesions appear when
the chancre is resolving, but scientists are unable to
explain this puzzle.(5)
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The disease
Syphilis infection starts from a break in moist skin
or mucus membrane. Primary syphilis is announced
with the appearance of the skin lesion called the chancre
at the point of infection some three weeks later. The
lesion disappears in two to six weeks. Secondary
syphilis begins five to twelve weeks after the chancre.
It consists of lesions of the skin and mucus membranes,
such as gummas, from mild to severe, along with fevers
that imitate malaria, typhus or typhoid. All tissues are
liable to suffer. This stage can last up to six months.(6)
Allopaths maintain that a person is not infectious
after two to seven years and relatively few spirochetes
are found, but, then, years or decades later new
symptoms appear that are finally recognized as tertiary
syphilis. This stage of disease attacks the inner
structures of the body such as the aorta and the brain
resulting in paresis, tabes, hearing loss and dementias of
neurosyphilis. However, historically, “Nineteenth-
century homœopaths, rightly emphasizing that the
decades before tertiary syphilis deserved a discrete
category, defined four stages.”(7) This in-between
stage is called the latent stage. Does the latent stage
mean that the disease is inactive or is it a chronic
relapsing disease? Scientists did not believe syphilis
could cause disease decades later. Mainstream
medicine is “unable to explain the conundrum of
The earliest reports [European] of syphilis date
back to the return of Columbus and his crew from the
New World [1493].(9) At first it was quite virulent in
its manifestation and easy to track just as the new
infections that Columbus brought to the American
Indians were often lethal. Now the early stages seem
less severe.
Mercury was first used in Europe for syphilis
treatment in 1497. “Hawkers of remedies, or quack-
salvers (those who quacked about their salves), became
known as ‘quacks,’ deriving in particular from those
itinerant vendors who pushed toxic mercury salve,
known as quicksilver or quacksilver.”(10) It became
impolite to record who did or did not have syphilis or
possibly no one recognized it in the 18th century, but it
returned to the recorded literature again in the 19th
century, with mention of attacks on the central nervous
system. A doctor following patients over a lifetime
observed that syphilis “manifests in various forms with
no apparent connection to the primary disease.”(11)
Syphilis became known as the Great Imitator disease. It
mimics many other conditions. No part of the body is
free of symptoms.
By 1905, the bacterium was seen and named. It is
about as long as a red blood cell is wide 4-20 microns.
It has flagella that allow it to swim easily. It multiplies
by dividing lengthwise every 30-33 hours at first, then
more slowly.(12) By 1913, spirochetes were found in
the brain, and the forced treatment of sexual partners
began. In 1943, the first case of syphilis was treated
with penicillin.(13)
The Penicillin
The current text book dogma states that benzathine
penicillin is effective in treating syphilis.(14) However,
current research findings construct another story. The
corkscrews disappear with penicillin, but tiny, shiny
round bodies (cysts), the apparent remains of dead’
spirochetes are found. Now studies show, whether
treponemes are seen or not, penicillin “is not an
effective and permanent cure,”(15) except very early in
the course of the disease. The round bodies can revert
back to an active, swimming form after weeks or
months if the environment is conducive.(16)
“Spirochetes can be harbored in any tissue for decades
and can move from latency to reproductive stages; their
survival in any host and despite any known therapy is
nearly certain(17).”
Another author says that penicillin kills spirochetes,
but not all of them. They remain in “treponemal
sanctuaries,” such as the brain, eye, lymph nodes and
temporal arteries.(18) “The CNS may serve as a
sanctuary from which infection could re-emerge
following inadequate therapy.” (19)
Even the accuracy of screening tests and clinical
diagnoses is now called into question. There is an
“absence of any reliable test or single diagnostic.” The
test to detect syphilis is negative in advanced stages in
known syphilitics.(20)
These findings are not a surprise to most
homœopaths. Authors such as George Vithoulkas have
predicted and warned that antibiotics do not fully cure
the whole person: “Being infected with syphilis…
simply taking penicillin does not eliminate the
problem… These people’s infections should be treated
as something very serious, and if penicillin is
prescribed, special care, attention and support should be
given to the immune system with alternative methods of
treatment, especially Homœopathy, until the patient has
completely recovered.(21)”
It has been one hundred years since the bacterium
Treponema pallidum was identified, but it is still not
understood. The researchers say even now that the
relationship between the presence of the bacteria,
syphilis symptoms, the immune response, secondary
infection, sexual behavior and claimed cures is largely
unknown in current science and medicine.(22)
The Chronic Miasm
By 1828, Hahnemann confirmed that not all
chronic diseases are due to improper lifestyle or wrong
allopathic treatments. He describes his careful
observations in the book The Chronic Diseases.(23) He
noticed that some people retained symptoms of sickness
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 64
no matter how well their acute illnesses were treated
with Homœopathy and no matter how perfect their diet
and life habits. He perceived that certain illnesses
began through dynamic contagion and would never
leave the whole person without accurate, long-term
homœopathic treatment. He named this chronic
disease-producing process “chronic miasms,” (24) and
he detailed a method to cure these miasms.
The process of the dynamic contagion is described
in terms of the host response. Hahnemann wrote at a
time before bacteriology, but the current “germ theory
places undo emphasis on the pathogen. The pathogen is
not the disease. It is one part of a disease process that
requires a living person. It is time to re-emphasize
observations about the whole person.
There are three moments in the process of dynamic
infection according to Homœopathy. First: the infection
takes place in one single moment. Second: the
infectious process pervades the whole person. Third:
there is an external outbreak of the malady when the
whole organism is completely sick.(25) These
observations emphasize that contagion is more
accurately described by dynamic actions, rather than
chemical physiology. These conclusions are still ahead
of our time, still waiting for scientific confirmation.
In the homœopathic syphilis miasm, the external
outbreak of the third “moment” in chronic disease is
called a chancre. The whole syphilis disease is already
developed within the living organism before the chancre
can appear. The disease dwells in the body from the
first moment of infection. At the same moment of
contact that “takes,” it is, at that very same moment,
local no more. The whole living body has perceived it.
When the whole living body is loaded down by the
internal malady, then does nature bring forth the local
symptoms. The chancre soothes the internal
Compare this to current mainstream theories that
require reproduction over a longer time for the
contagion to spread. One experimenter in history found
spirochetes throughout the blood within five minutes,
and a current observer comments that it must have been
“due to inadvertent intravascular injection,” but does
say that his experiments show, “for practical purposes,
there is probably no appreciable time during which a
syphilitic infection can be regarded as confined to the
focus of entry.” (27)
Hahnemann observed that the venereal miasms
required friction in the tenderest part of the body, such
as the genitals or a wound, to begin; whereas the psoric
miasm only required a touch to the epidermis.(28)
Hahnemann stated that the chancre appeared 7-14 days
after contact, was painful, and did not disappear if left
totally alone. (29) Modern textbooks say that the
chancre appears 10-90 days after exposure, is painless,
and disappears in a couple of weeks.(30) In current
science, these differences are explained by the fact that
bacteria mutate over time, and so the clinical
appearance of disease would change also.
If the chancre is treated allopathically or “driven
away” from the surfaces of the body, then the chronic
internal disease intensifies and after several months
appears as secondary syphilis with so many possible
manifestations that many homœopathic remedies must
be considered. If untreated at this stage, a latent stage
begins in a few weeks. Allopaths say that a “majority of
cases do not progress beyond the latent stage, even
without treatment.”(31) Homœopaths have a more
overarching view of chronic disease: the whole person
is sick; killing some bacteria does not end the illness in
the whole person. The disappearance of the chancre
does not mean less disease. The spirochete is not the
whole disease. The latent stage is not a time of no
disease according to Homœopathy, but the time when
the disease is more slowly damaging the person
Material Thing or Dynamic Process
The word syphilis is used by modern medicine to
name a disease caused by a bacterium. The name
syphilis is used by Hahnemann to describe a dynamic
process initiated by a contagion. One syphilis is a
pathogenically determined disease; the other syphilis is
a descriptive name given to many clinical observations
involving a skin eruption called a chancre. The disease
name syphilis is a fixed form of common symptoms and
same bacteria. The miasm syphilis is a formative
process of continuous modifications of a dynamic
contagiousness. The syphilis disease focuses on what
the spirochete does. The syphilis miasm describes how
the whole being changes. The syphilis disease is an
object/thing. The syphilis miasm is a metamorphosis: it
is a dynamic that appears in an endless variety of forms.
Syphilis the disease is a classification; syphilis the
miasm is modification of a unifying process. (32, 33).
The general meaning of symbiosis is a living
together of different organisms. For example, lichen is
a life form made up of algae and fungus. Symbiosis has
been divided into types such as parasitism, where one
life thrives at the expense of another; commensalisms,
mutualism, metabolic symbiosis, or behavior symbiosis,
where there is more equal benefit. The type of
symbiosis that applies to syphilis is called
symbiogenesis or genetic symbiosis. It is defined as
symbiosis acting as an evolutionary force or a means of
evolutionary change.(34)
Early life forms with a nucleus incorporated blue-
green bacteria (cyanobacteria) through the evolutionary
process of symbiosis. These new life forms became the
forerunners of green algae and plants. The blue-green
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 65
bacteria became known as chloroplasts---that part of a
plant where photosynthesis takes place.(35)
Mitochondria were once free-living, oxygen-breathing
bacteria and now are the energy-providing organelles of
the cell. There is, “Rigorous experimental evidence that
mitochondria and chloroplasts originated as symbiotic
bacteria that had entered a host cell hundreds of millions
of years ago…symbiosis in evolution.”(36) The
evidence consists of several types: they reproduce
independently of the nucleus by the bacterial process of
budding; their DNA is not the DNA of the nucleus of
the cell it is made up of bacterial genes in a typical
ring; their DNA is inherited only from the mother.(37)
Most convincingly for modern researchers is that the
RNA of mitochondria resemble bacteria and not nuclear
DNA.(38) This accepted explanation replaces the
previous theory that mitochondria, etc., were always
parts of cells and arose by DNA-genes that were
pinched off from the nucleus.(39) Symbiosis adds a
new dimension to the mechanisms of evolution. There
is not only the classical branching evolution, but there is
now fusing evolution.
Spirochetes in Symbiosis
Evolution by symbiosis makes a further claim.
Organisms like bacteria have no nucleus. The first
organisms that did have a nucleus evolved from
symbiosis of spirochete-like bacteria and another
bacteria.(40) The spirochetes are the “speedsters of the
microbial world.”(41) They contribute motility to a
cell. The spirochetes are ancestors to sperm tails and all
flagella and cilia. (see Figure 2) Their remnants are in
microtubules that make up axons and dendrites of nerve
cells.(42) (see Figure 3)
Mitochondria and chloroplasts are not infectious
today, but may once have been. When spirochetes first
invaded other organisms, they were probably more
aggressive, killing more cells, but leaving others alive to
carry the invader. Those organisms that remained alive
would multiply and nourish the invader. The new
population co-evolved with the spirochete, becoming a
new organism.(43)
Chronic Miasms are Symbiosis
“Infections by spirochetes in humans, when seen in
their evolutionary and ecological context, are examples
of cyclical symbioses that have evolved over geologic
time.:(44) Some parts of the spirochete genetic material
now co-exist with our normal healthy self, but complete
co-existence is not accomplished. Co-evolution
developments continue. The dynamic process of
symbiosis produces signs and symptoms of what
homœopaths call chronic miasms. The on-going
human-spirochete symbiosis that causes disease will be
permanent for each sick person without accurate
homœopathic treatments. If the remaining small
genome of Treponema pallidum has not settled into
cooperation with the human genome after all these
centuries, then the practitioner must intervene to relieve
Modern researchers of the syphilis bacteria
recognize a characteristic that they call “immune
evasiveness.” It is as if the Treponema pallidum
surface were “antigenically inert.” The body’s humoral
defenses do not recognize a foreign invader. It is as if
the outside molecules of the bacteria mimic molecules
that the body already has. No vaccine can be prepared
because of this.(45) The body does not recognize the
spirochete as totally foreign. It is as if it were a part of
the body. A homœopath thinking about similar would
not find this so strange.
Syphilis and HIV
“We posit that the spirochete disease syphilis
persists in the human population where its signs and
symptoms may be overlooked or misinterpreted for
those of AIDS,”(46) say the same modern researchers
who have no connection or interest in Homœopathy.
They base their statement on several factors. The
screening tests for later syphilis don’t work. The
treatment with penicillin doesn’t work. Both are
venereal diseases. They go further in their thinking.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus
a single strand of RNA that can copy itself and paste its
own genes into the host’s cells DNA. It turns out that
eight percent, or may be a lot more, of our normal DNA
is a retrovirus structure. Every human has DNA that is
like an HIV gene sequence. What does the body use it
for? The HIV retrovirus segments in the healthy DNA
are used to code for the structure that forms the barrier
between mother and fetus in the placenta.(47) The
normal HIV in the healthy body allows the mother do
not recognize the growing baby as foreign and not reject
the tissue. This is considered an example of a persistent
virus that entered into long-term co-evolution with an
ancient host.
What activates HIV to provoke infectious behavior
[again]? The current researchers’ answer is that the
environment, such as other infections, cause viral
change.(48) Compare this to the similar explanation by
George Vithoulkas, who implicates multiple venereal
infections from multiple sex partners treated with
immune system modifying treatments such as multiple
antibiotics.(49) All these factors change the body’s
resistance and transform the microbes involved. HIV is
a reactivated common virus.(50) There is a high rate of
co-infection of HIV and syphilis. Syphilis is “a major
cofactor for the transmission of HIV.” (51) “Even now
[written 2007] there is an absence of any reliable test or
single diagnostic.”(52) The conclusion is drastic:
syphilis is still common by other names.(53)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 66
Homœopathic Cures of the Syphilis Miasm
Mainstream research now observes that antibiotic
treatment of syphilis causes “immune suppression.”(54)
How similar this is to Vithoulkas’s detailed descriptions
of suppression resulting from allopathic treatments
where there will be more Alzheimer-like dementias and
neurosyphilis.(55) Most likely, mainstream medicine
will resort to even stronger and more prolonged
antibiotic treatment rather than abandon the germ theory
approach, but sooner or later this strategy will prove
suppressive also. Homœopaths must know exactly what
they can offer humanity when the time comes.
Hahnemann offers the following experiences:(56)
He describes three states of syphilis for the
homœopathic clinician. 1) Syphilis alone with the
chancre present. 2) If the chancre is gone. 3) If
syphilis is complicated with long illness-psora-even if
the chancre is still present. A popular book on syphilis
quotes Hahnemann: “In that stage of syphilitic disease,
where the chancre is yet existing, one single dose of the
best ‘mercurial’ preparation is sufficient to effect a
permanent cure of the internal disease together with the
chancre in the space of a fortnight.”(57) In reality, the
present day practitioner sees no patient fitting this stage
In clinical state 2, the chancre has been driven off
by treatment, but there is no Psora. Hahnemann says
that Mercurius is not certain to cure. I have never seen
a patient with syphilis treated by allopathy who did not
have Psora. This leaves virtually every case that the
practitioner will see as qualifying for state 3.
The chancre-disease (syphilis) is difficult to cure if
complicated with Psora, says Hahnemann. “It is
impossible to cure the venereal disease alone.”
Standard treatment makes the Psora worse too; so it is
complicated. Allopathic treatment contributes to the
disease picture; plus there is uncured syphilis. Syphilis
must be freed from Psora to make it curable, and Psora
remains incurable if the syphilis has not been extirpated,
says Hahnemann. To treat this double (or triple) disease
state requires several steps according to Hahnemann:
a) Lifestyle changes must be made, such as no sex.
b) Give the best anti-psoric to treat the medicine
disease first.
c) Then give a second anti-psoric to treat the purer
remaining Psora.
d) When the second treatment has run its course, the
mercurial remedy must be used for 3-7 weeks aimed at
the syphilitic miasm.
e) But in difficult cases with continued symptoms,
more anti-psoric remedies must be given.
f) After the Psora is gone, Mercurius in another
potency must be used for the secondary syphilis
symptoms, but these symptoms are so changeable that
cure is uncertain unless chancre remnants are there and
then totally disappear.(58)
This document adds up to a minimum of five
remedies given at the right time in the right potency in
the right order, in addition to requiring the complete
cooperation of the patient. Accomplishing such a task
will require a new generation of trained, experienced
master homœopaths in a transformed culture that has
revised priorities.
Since modern biological researchers now conclude
that penicillin rarely cures syphilis, they reaffirm
homœopathic experience and principles. It does not
mean, though, that homœopathic remedies easily cure
chronically sick people with syphilis. Hahnemann
points this out in exacting detail.
By extrapolation, Hahnemann also predicts that one
remedy, often called the genus epidemicus, will not
fully cure people in the next pandemic. People will
recover from the acute disease with correct
Homœopathy, but their chronic disease will surface with
more symptoms.
The homœopathic observation about the dynamis
aspect of the dynamic contagion of miasms awaits
clinical verification by the mainstream. In the
meantime, consider Figure 4. It is a very simplified
energy sketch of a possible dynamis of a miasm that
resembles the physical shape of a spirochete.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 67
The mechanism of symbiosis in evolution is a
relatively new development in science. It offers a non-
judgmental description of the presence of microbes
associated with chronic miasms. No theories need to be
invoked: no punishment for sins or karma, no wrong
thoughts, no learning a lesson in life; no need to
fabricate ideas about symbolism or archetypes or
psychological types. When different life forms interact,
the result is the material and immaterial physics of
action and reaction.
Margulis L, Maniotis A, MacAllister J, Schthes J,
Brorson O, Hall J, et al. Spirochete round bodies,
syphilis, Lyme disease & AIDS: resurgence of ‘the
great imitator’? symbiosis 2009; 47:52.
Tortora GJ, Funke BR, Case CL. Microbiology. 9th ed.
San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc; 2007. p.795.
Radolf JD, Hazlett KRO, Lukehart A. Pathogenesis of
syphilis. In: Radolf JD, Lukehart, editors. Pathogenic
Treponema. Norfolk, England: Caister Academic
Press;2006. p.197.
Margulis L, Sagan D. Dazzle gradually. White River
Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing Co.;
2007. p.65.
Radolf JD, Hazlett KRO, Lukehart A. pp. 201, 216,
302, 197, 300, 301.
Hayden D. Pox: genius, madness, and the mysteries of
syphilis. New York: Basic Books; 2003. p. 53-4.
Ibid. p.51.
Radolf JD, Hazlett KRO, Lukehart A. p.301.
Tortora GJ, Funke BR, Case CL. p. 794.
Hayden D. p. 45.
Ibid. p.32-4.
Ibid. p.24-6.
Ibid. p. xvii.
Tortora GJ. Funke BR, Case CL. p. 797.
Margulis L, Sagan D. p. 64-5.
Margulis L. Maniotis A, et al. p.52.
Margulis L, Sagan D. p. 63.
Hayden D. p. 50.
Radolf JD, Hazlett KRO, Lukehart A. p. 203.
Margulis L, Sagan D. p.63.
Vithoulkas G. A new model for health and disease. Mill
valley CA: Health and Habitat;1991. p.133.
Margulis L, Sagan D. p. 65.
Hahnemann S. The chronic diseases. Sittingbourne,
UK: Homœopathic Book Service; 1998.
Kunzli J, Naude A, Pendleton P, translators. Organon
of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann. Los Angeles: J.P.
Torcher, Inc.; 1982. P.71.
Hahnemann, S. p. 33.
Ibid. p. 89.
Radolf JD, Hazlett KRO, Lukehart A. p. 202.
Hahnemann S. p. 33.
Ibid. p. 89-95.
Tortora GJ, Funke BR, Case CL. p. 796.
Ibid. p. 796.
Shepperd J. Reclaiming the meaning of miasms. AJHM
2005; 981: 53-58.
Shepperd J. The integral of the chronic miasms. AJHM
2006; 99, 1:67-72.
Ryan F. Virolution. London: Collins; 2009. p. 82-3.
Ibid. p. 10-11.
Snapp J. The new foundations of evolution. Oxford:
Oxford University Press: 2009. p. xi.
Ryan F. p. 125-6.
Sapp J. p. 234.
Margulis L. Symbiotic planet. Amherst, MA: Basic
Books: 1998. p. 40-41.
Sapp J. p. 304.
Margulis L. p. 45.
Hayden D. p. 22.
Ryan F. p. 128.
Margulis L, Maniotis A, MacAllister J, et al. p. 54.
Radolf JD, Hazlett KRO, Lukehart A. p. 217-9.
Margulis L, Maniotis A, MacAllister J, et al. p. 54.
Specter M. Darwin’s surprise. The New Yorker
December 3, 2007.
Ryan F. p. 177.
Vithoulkas G. p. 155.
Ryan F. p. 165.
Radolf JD, Hazlett KRO, Lukehart A. p. 286.
Margulis L, Sagan D. p. 63-4.
Ibid. p. 59.
Margulis L, Maniotis A, MacAllister J, et al. p. 54.
Vithoulkas G. p. 47.
Hahnemann S. p. 88-95.
Hayden D. p. 49.
Hahnemann S. p. 94-5.
8. Homœopathic Medicine: The Science of Pattern
SHORE, Jonathan (AJHM. 103, 1/2010)
What follows is a discussion on certain
fundamental aspects of homœopathic science and the
logical approach to the patient which arises from this
world view. The argument is made that the world view
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 68
of Homœopathy
is fundamentally different from that of
current thought and thus it is necessary to question
deeply the degree to which current thought entraps our
minds and blinds us to the logical consequences of the
former. As the issue of science has been introduced it is
necessary to clarify the original intent of this word and
to see what it has come to mean in this day.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary has this to say:
“Science: the state of knowing: knowledge as
distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding.”
The etymology places the origin in the fourteenth
century: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from
Latin scientia, from scient-, sciens having knowledge,
from present participle of scire to know. Following
this, we may say that if science is a state of knowing,
then a scientist is one who knows or rather has the
desire to know.
Science as a noun: “a body of facts learned by
study or experience.” A complementary view which
expands on this a little comes from the online
encyclopedia Wikipedia: “Science (from the Latin
Scientia, meaning ‘knowledge’) refers in its broadest
sense to any systematic knowledge-base or prescriptive
practice that is capable of resulting in a prediction or
predictable type of outcome. In this sense, science may
refer to a highly skilled technique or practice.”
In its more restricted contemporary sense, science
refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on
scientific method, and to the organized body of
knowledge gained through such research. Scientific
method refers to a body of techniques for investigating
phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting
and integrating previous knowledge. To be termed
scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on
gathering observable, empirical and measurable
evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.
Thus far there is nothing which would set the
homœopathic method at odds with the definition of
science. It is however in the details of the underlying
assumptions that the problems arise. It turns out that the
basis for this reasoning is the search for the reasons for
the discovered beliefs, conclusions, actions, or feelings.
It is just here that the fundamental divide is born; it is
laid out at the very outset in the footnote to the first
aphorism of Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine:
“His [the physician’s] mission is not, however, to
construct so-called systems, by interweaving empty
speculations and hypotheses concerning the internal
essential nature of the vital processes and the mode in
which diseases originate in the interior of the organism,
The use of the word Homœopathy is here restricted
to the system expounded by Samuel Hahnemann and is
not meant to include the wide variety of contemporary
variants which are commonly grouped under this title.
(whereon so many physicians have hitherto ambitiously
wasted their talents and their time); nor is it attempt to
give countless explanations regarding the phenomena in
diseases and their proximate cause (which must ever
remain concealed)” [emphasis mine]
Thus it is clear that Hahnemann insists that the
search for the reason behind phenomena has no role in
homœopathic thought. A little reflection will show that
almost all diagnosis and consequent therapeutic
intervention, whether it be allopathic or one of the
practices now called CAM, be it Chinese, Herbal,
Dietary, etc., is based upon a hypothesis as to the cause
of the problem and what subsequent interventions are
needed to remedy this cause. The question here is not
of the right or wrong or better or worse duality, but
rather the recognition of the unique position of
Homœopathy as a ‘cause irrelevant’ system. Neither do
we wish this former dualistic thinking to obscure the
discussion. Of course, Homœopathy takes cause (or
etiology) of disease into account in certain cases; it is,
however, only an occasional adjunct and not the center
of gravity or axis of the system. Cause is the servant of
the process, not the master, not the main force.
Having left behind the world of causality, (this
world which is so obvious to us that its reality is never
brought into question) to what can one turn in order to
establish a base, a foundation upon which something
real may be built?
Hahnemann’s thought indicates that this foundation
may be found not in a world of fragmentation and
separation but rather in the world of unity. We might
say that this great world has as its representative in the
human world what Hahnemann terms the ‘Vital Force’.
This is introduced in Aphorism 9 of the Organon:
“In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital
force (autocracy), the dynamis that animates the
material body (organism), rules with unbounded sway,
and retains all the parts of the organism in admirable,
harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations
and functions, so that our indwelling, reason-gifted
mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument
for the higher purpose of our existence.”
It is clear that his idea is that what we call the body
is subject to, is completely controlled by, a higher
energy, or to put it another way, by an intelligence of
such magnitude that it can harmonize the unimaginable
diversity of processes which constitute the everyday
functioning of our lives. Thus while the now automatic
inclination of the mind is to flow outward into ever
more detail, into increasing diversity, this Vital Force
as the representative of unity is in itself the agent of
unification, the movement back towards simplicity and
harmony. It is the intelligence of this Vital Force which
must form the foundation of that which is to be trusted.
In Aphorism 11 Hahnemann reasons that, since this
Vital Force is the supreme authority in the organism,
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 69
disease can only arise from a disturbance of this very
same force by an inimical energetic (dynamic) agent
acting on the same level of subtlety. He writes further,
“As a power invisible in itself, and only cognizable by
its effects on the organism, its morbid derangement only
makes itself known by the manifestation of disease in
the sensations and functions of those parts of the
organism exposed to the senses of the observer and
physician; that is, by morbid symptoms, and in no other
way can it make itself known.” In other words, he
reasons that, as these disturbances occur at levels
outside of the range of receptivity available to human
beings, the only possible way to cognize this, to be
aware of its existence, is through the senses that the
inner derangement is expressed through the sensations
and outer motions of the patient and can only be
perceived by the sense organs of the physician.
In this investigation of the Vital Force what is to be
taken into account is laid out in Aphorism 5:
“In these investigations, the ascertainable physical
constitution of the patient (especially when the disease
is chronic), his moral and intellectual character, his
occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and
domestic relations, his age, sexual function, etc., are to
be taken into consideration.”
This line is further elaborated in Aphorism 6:
“The unprejudiced observer well aware of the
futility of transcendental speculations which can receive
no confirmation from experience - be his powers of
penetration ever so great, takes note of nothing in every
individual disease except the changes in the health of
the body and of the mind (morbid phenomena,
accidents, symptoms) which can be perceived externally
by means of the senses; that is to say, he notices only
the deviations from the former healthy state of the now
diseases individual, which are felt by the patient
himself, remarked by those around him and observed by
the physician. All these perceptible signs represent the
disease in its whole extent; that is, together they form
the true and only conceivable portrait of the disease.”
What has been said up to this point places us
squarely in front of the homœopathic demand to trust in
an intelligence which lies outside of the ordinary mind
and to use only such data as can be observed by the
senses. A moment’s reflection brings one to the
realization that there is almost nothing in one’s
education, from one’s parents, from medical school, or
from homœopathic treaining that has prepared one for
this task. This is what makes Homœopathy so
essentially different and why its true potential is barely
understood, even by many who call themselves
homœopaths. We are being asked to engage, to
interface with a world which is unknown to us.
As a response to this demand for a completely
different orientation to the therapeutic encounter I
would like to introduce the reader to a story which is
one of my favorite teaching stories, the response of
Chen Man Ching, who was a great martial artist, to one
of his student’s questions.
His student asked, Why is it that none of your
pupils approach you? All of them fall far below your
level. What is the secret?
The Master answered, “You are right. There is a
secret, but it is so simple as to be unbelievable. Its
nature insists that you believe, that you have faith;
otherwise you will fail. The secret is simply this: you
must simply relax body and mind totally. You must
be prepared to accept defeat repeatedly and for a long
period. You must invest in loss; otherwise, you will
never succeed. I succeeded to my present state because
I pushed pride aside and believed my Master’s words. I
relaxed my body and stilled my mind so that only chi,
flowing at the command of my mind, remained.
Initially, this brought many bruises and defeats. In fact,
in some matches, I was pushed so hard I lost
consciousness, but I persisted. I followed my teacher by
listening to and heeding my chi. In crushing defeat, I
forgot anxiety, pride, ego. Gradually my technique
improved. My students either do not believe in this
power, or if they do, they do not pursue it eagerly
By contemporary civilization I mean this time in
which we live, this “age of materialism” in which the
heaviest, most dense part of life is considered to be the
prime moving force, the origin of all things.
Hahnemann is very clear on the fallacy of this
viewpoint (Aphorism 10):
“The material organism, without the vital force, is
capable of no sensation, no function, no self-
preservation. It derives all sensation and performs all
the functions of life solely by means of the immaterial
being (the vital principle) which animates the material
organism in health and in disease.
1) It is dead and only subject to the power of the
external physical world; it decays, and is again resolved
into its chemical constituents.”
Thus Hahnemann’s system, the one which gave
birth to our science, is based on the supremacy of the
Vital Force on the idea that matter in itself is dead, has
no power except that given it by the finer, lighter and
imperceptible energies. Hahnemannian homœopaths
are viutalists. The world around us, life in general as
we know and live it, is based on the supremacy of
matter; our culture is materialistic. That is to say, the
thought patterns of our culture are materialistic; all
mainstream thought, all the ways in which the world is
conceived of, are based on the underlying assumptions
of the supremacy of matter. Materialistic thought is
divisive; it divides things into their components, into
parts, into more and more detail. Vitalism sees things as
wholes, as unities. Thus our everyday conceptions are
quite different from the way in which Hahnemann
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 70
ordered and structured his universe. It needs to be
emphasized that under the rubric ‘medical thought’ are
included almost all of the CAM disciplines, which,
although they use techniques and therapeutic agents
quite different from conventional medicine, are all
based on the separation of the organism into diverse
parts and functions considered to be independent agents
needing somehow to be replaced, controlled or
harmonized by external agents or adjustments.
The Form of Our Thought
How we see the world, or more exactly the manner in
which we explain it to ourselves, is the primary
influence conditioning our perceptions. Without
entering into a lengthy justification let us agree that
what we expect to find, what we are looking for, that is
what we will find. That which we do not expect, which
we do not believe exists, will never present itself to us
as real. Not only are the thought patterns of our
contemporary culture materialistic, they are also
psychological. Our everyday conceptions and therefore
our everyday interpretations of events are quite different
from that of the pre-psychology era of Hahnemann and
his contemporaries. Our brains are soaked in the
thought of Sigmund Freud, of Carl Jung, of Adler, Klein
and the innumerable branches of psychological theory
to which they gave birth so soaked and permeated
that, when we talk to each other and to ourselves, we
accept as completely self evident our reasoning on the
causes of behavior and, thus, on the interventions
required to correct or modify these causes. We accept
this in the same way that we accept our interpretations
of the causes of events in our materialistically conceived
universe. What is being proposed here is this: in the
same way that materialistic thought is an inadequate
instrument for an understanding of Hahnemann’s ideas,
psychological thought, that is all psychological theories,
interpretations and explanations, is a completely
inadequate tool for understanding the patient, and thus
the remedy, from a homœopathic point of view
This is not to say that we do not need a psychology.
We undoubtedly must have such a study as was
originally intended psychology: Greek: Ψυχολογία,
lit. “study of the mind”, from Ψυχή, “breath, spirit,
soul”; and –λογία, “study of.” [How the ‘mind’ is taken
as synonymous with the breath, spirit and soul
constitutes a whole other study. What is needed is here
an appreciation for, and an understanding of, the psyche
of substances, of the fact that matter in its different
The issue here is not whether these psychological
systems of thought have validity. It is simply that the
mixing of homœopathic ideas and psychological ideas
gives rise to more confusion than clarity from a purely
homœopathic point of view.
forms and degrees has a consciousness which is able to
express itself through the medium of the human
organism.] Thus, it may be said that if there were to be
a homœopathic psychology, it would of necessity have
to be an organic psychology in which the patterns of
thought and feeling are understood to be direct
expressions of the nature of the remedy, natural a priori
patterns. We do not have to make theories about this.
We do not need special words or technical terms. These
patterns just exist; they express and describe
What we do need is a careful study of these patterns
to try as best we can to grasp their central or unifying
thread. This thread is the essential expression of the
nature of the substance, that which makes it what it is
its essence. Our explanations, our theories about this
thread, this essence are just that, theories. Why it is like
it is, what it means, how it fits in with everything else;
these are aids to memorization, hooks to hang our
thoughts on. They are not essential to the process and
must not be confused with the facts, with the truth of the
situation. “Do not mistake the finger which points to
the moon for the moon itself.”
Another way to look at this: At a certain level the
expression of these patterns is a basic pre-verbal human
experience. We do not need theories or even thought to
distinguish a giraffe from a lion, a stone from a flower.
There is a universe of direct experiential information
available to us. This sounds so simplistic, childish in a
way. The mind is cunning and arrogant. It tricks us
into believing that all knowledge is contained in it. No
other books are worth reading, no other libraries have
any information; just this one somewhere near the front
of our head. However, much valuable information is
available to us through our bodies and our feelings,
through our direct experience. On the other hand, we
are verbal and most of our overt communication is
through speech. Our books are full of words, words
through which patients have attempted to communicate
their experience. These words are themselves an
expression of the pattern, of the natural substance. But
how to understand these words, what significance and
importance to grant them, is one of the big questions we
face today.
Returning to my earlier remarks: we live in a sea of
psychological thought; it surrounds us and permeates
our minds like an unseen light which colors everything
one color, say blue, such that the whole world then
looks blue to us and we never question this “blueness.”
It’s just what is. In the same manner the psychic
experiences of the remedies are filtered and expressed
through this psychological medium, confused and
overlaid by interpretation and fashionable buzz words
which we accept without question because we ourselves
live in this same intellectualized world.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 71
So, the question we have come to is: What is
needed from us to place these words, to grasp their
living meaning, to evaluate their true significance in the
whole organic pattern of the patient’s expression? The
direction of this need is twofold one pointing inwards
towards knowledge of ourselves, the other outwards to
knowledge of Homœopathy and human manifestations.
Of course, this classification is static and the
relationship between the inner and outer in the
movement of life is a dynamic one.
Considering the first or inwards direction
These requirements are not arranged in strict
hierarchical order as no one is more critical than
another. We can begin with life experience. This is of
course impossible to teach and, finding no place in any
system of education, is thus only valued by those who
possess it. At the same time it is an absolutely essential
ingredient in the evaluation of pathological behavior. In
listening to the patient’s story there must be a
simultaneous background process of comparative
confrontation formulated thus:
How would I behave in such a situation?
What is the extent (measure) of my pathology in this
particular area?
To what degree does the patient’s behavior coincide
with or differ from mine?
Based on the above evaluation, the decision as to
whether this is in fact a symptom and, if so, where does
it fall on the scale of strange rare and peculiar?
Now, although this appears to be a lot of thinking,
in an individual who has examined his life and reactions
with a view to self knowledge, the whole process is over
in a second or two. Which leads to the next topic which
may be discussed under the heading of a quiet mind.”
Now this quiet mind does not mean the absence of
thought. What it does imply is that the rhythm of
thought, the bursts of thought activity have spaces
between them enough so that impressions of the patient
as he is can enter and pass directly to the feeling or the
body. In other words, the person in front of one can be
experienced directly as a feeling or a physical sensation
without passing through the distorting lens of
intellectual interpretation. It goes without saying that
this skill does not develop of its own without special
training. Just as no medical education is complete
without a careful study of the various techniques of
touching the body that constitute the physical exam, so a
homœopathic education is inadequate in the degree to
which the student is untrained in the skills of quieting
the mind which fall under the broad rubric of
Another area to be considered is a concentrated
activity of our sense organs. This might also be
expressed as an intense focus of attentiveness. A field
of attentiveness enclosing both the practitioner and
patient must be established. No thought strays outside
of the boundaries of this space; no movement taking
place within it goes unnoticed and unremarked. If the
patient moves a hand, the practitioner is aware of it. If a
movement begins in the practitioner, it is halted until its
potential effect on the energy between the two persons
is considered. All impulses to speak are contained and
released only as precise maneuver. No gesture is
random. The foregoing efforts fall to a certain extent
within the domain of the correct function of thought. A
quite different arena, that of the feelings, must be
introduced at this juncture. One could say that what is
needed along with all the above is an open heart. Of all
the above requirements this is the one which does not
lend itself to any form of direct intervention. The mind,
as powerful as it is, has no power over the heart, no
authority. This openness takes place as a response to a
certain quality of suffering, a suffering which has been
lived in experience and thus can resonate to that same
quality in another.
To summarize what has been written above: We
need a more direct way, not a mental analytical
approach which fits people into a theoretical construct,
but a living experience of the situation; not
interpretation, but rather a feeling for the basic impulses
or needs of the organism like a massage. One is
searching for the knot, for the sore spot. When the spot
is pressed, there is a reaction the subject experiences it
as quite different from the surrounding area, from the
previous touch. The information coming from the
patient must strike us in the same way, not so much by
thinking about it, but feeling its impact upon our
organisms. The strange, rare and peculiar must strike us
in the feelings.
In this relationship, in this field of investigation, the
directing intent may be expressed as three questions:
What is central to the functioning of this organism?
What are its basic needs?
How are these expressed?
It is just here that we turn to the outside for help.
Help is given in the form of knowledge of the remedies.
This comprehensive body of information about the
organic patterns of nature as expressed through the
human form brings us to the other direction, the one in
which our attention turns outwards to the study of the
outside world the remedy and the patient. Knowledge
of the remedies, of their essential and timeless patterns,
is a topic on which so much has been debated, argued
and written that even to begin to address this in an
intelligent way is beyond the scope of this paper.
Suffice it to say that in the view of this author the
essential nature (that by which a thing is what it is) of
any substance will express itself in a coherent and
recognizable form in any medium in which it is
released. As regards the patient and what he says, our
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 72
main focus must lie in identifying and isolating the most
central subjective sensations from whatever explanation
or interpretation the individual places upon them.
While paying attention to this important aspect, a
definite percentage of our attention is also directed
towards the physical gestures and the rhythms of speech
and motion. However, it is not only the detail or
characteristics of the individual gestures, peculiar
motions and so on that carry the important data. All
these impressions together with those of the organic
structure (such as body shape, hairstyle, clothing, etc.)
can leave one with a sense of the weight and speed of
the organism as a whole. When this particular sense is
present, it can offer an invaluable aid in the
differentiation between remedies. Remembering that
the best prescriptions are those which are based on the
fullness of the case, this particular differentiation can
serve as an important general of the same order as
warm-blooded or chilly, which, when pronounced, is
ignored at one’s peril. As an example, when the
prescriber is considering a remedy from the realm of the
heavy metals, but the impression of the patient is one of
lightness and speed, or, alternatively, when considering
a remedy from the bird kingdom and the overall
impression is one of marked heaviness and
sluggishness, these facts should raise a significant
warning signal regarding the choice of remedy.
Considerable emphasis needs to be placed on this phrase
“a warning signal.” This phrase in no way implies the
exclusion or elimination of the remedy in question.
What it does indicate is that there is something quite
deep in the case which has not been understood, and,
thus, the first remedy that comes to mind should be very
carefully reconsidered.
One last aspect which I would like to touch upon is
the pattern or ‘story’ of the life of the individual in
question. Observations in this area do not lead directly
to a choice of remedy, yet they provide an overall
perspective which, being relatively judgment-free,
allows for an atmosphere of acceptance which is in
itself an agent of healing in addition to ensuring that
what is revealed is close to the heart of the matter. Over
the years it has become clear to me that even though we
as individuals have a daily sense of choosing and thus
determining the course of our lives, this sense is almost
completely subjective. Viewed from the outside and
over time each life is like a story in which the patient is
the protagonist. A story composed of certain basic
elements and played out by a predetermined character
who is bound to have certain experiences. What is of
fundamental importance here is the fact of, the existence
of, each of the elements in the story rather than who did
what to whom. In the same way as any symptom which
is central to a remedy is to be found listed along with its
, so the presence of any particular thematic
axis is more important than the particular position on
that axis where the symptom is to be found. Thus, in a
story containing the element of violence, the existence
of violence is more important than whether the
protagonist is the perpetrator or the victim of this
violence. Where deceit is an element, it is the existence
of deceit rather than who was deceived or who did the
deceiving which determines the overall pattern. Where
the main elements are violence, deceit, confusion and
crime, the story is quite different from one in which the
building blocks are struggle, poverty, work and despair
a different story and thus a different remedy. A
different remedy implies a different substance
transforming different energies, composed of different
forces, and whose manifestations form a completely
different pattern.
What is of central importance for the prescriber in
all this is not the reason for, or explanation of, the
events, but rather the particular pattern which they form
in their mutual relationship and, of course, the matching
of that pattern with the particular substance which
manifests the same pattern the simillimum.
9. The Bowel Nosodes in Homœopathy
SAHA, Subhranil (AJHM. 103, 2/2010)
Introduction: The majority of the commensal intestinal
bacilli are lactose-fermenting (LF, e.g., Escherichia
coli, Klebsiella, etc.), non-pathogenic, non-sporing,
aerobic or facultatively anaerobic. Medicines prepared
from cultures of non-lactose fermenting (NLF),
pathogenic, Gram negative commensal intestinal flora
(e.g., Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus, etc., which are
major intestinal pathogens) are called Bowel Nosodes.
Although they are not the morbid products of disease,
they are classified as nosodes. The intestinal bacteria
were first isolated from flora in 1880 by bacteriologist
Eberth. Research on the bowel nosodes was first
conducted by Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) and his co-
worker Dr. John Paterson (1890-1955). The first full
clinical proving was conducted in 1929 by Thomas
Dishington. In 1919, Bach joined the London
Homœopathic Hospital as a bacteriologist. A year later
he started isolating the bacilli from stool specimens,
prepared ‘autogenous’ vaccines from dead cultures,
potentized them, and treated patients with injections. In
1930, he briefly summarized the clinically derived
indications for most of the nosodes (B. Morgan,
Dysentery co, B. Proteus, Gaertner, B. Mutable, and B.
Faecalis). Following that, Paterson published his works
Arsenicum album is to be found both in the rubrics
fastidious and chaotic.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 73
on bowel nosodes (Morgan Pure, Morgan Gaertner,
Sycotic co, Bacillus No.VII and X, and Cocal co.) in
1950. Provings were not conducted in strict
Hahnemannian sense; symptomatic indications were
based on clinical observations of ill individuals.
According to Bach, nosodes prepared from non-lactose
fermenting Gram negative coliform bacteria are closely
associated with Psora, while Gram negative diplococci
are closely associated with Sycosis.
Characteristics of the Commonly Used Bowel
Bacillus No. VII (Related remedies: Arsenicum
iodatum, Kali bichromicum, Kali carbonicum)
Extreme mental and/or physical fatigue is the keynote.
Very sensitive to colds and drafts of air.
Intolerance of fat: causes eructation and flatulence.
Asthma, bronchial catarrh; tough, sticky mucus which is
difficult to raise; worse at 2 a.m.
Feeble urinary outflow; loss of sexual function,
premature sterility.
Stiff neck: ‘cracks like a nut;’ fibrositis of neck and
sholulders, spinal osteoarthritis; backache, worse from
damp, cold and on beginning to move, better from heat
and rest.
Bacillus No. X (Related remedies: Kali bichromicum,
Natrum sulphuricum, Thuja)
Anxious, irritable, depressed.
Aversion to egg, bread, tomato, tea and breakfast;
craving for sweet, chocolates, fried fish; upset of
stomach from egg and fatty foods.
Bowel motion sluggish, early in morning; constipation
with pruritus ani; pain in iliac fossa.
Asthma; cough aggravates in morning; sputum difficult
to raise.
Flat or pointed warts in hands.
Allergy to anti-asthmatic drugs.
Dysentery co. (Related remedies: Anacardium,
Argentum nitricum, Arsenicum album)
Anticipatory nervous tension is the keynote.
Nervous, fearful, lack of confidence, apprehensive,
Frequent attacks of cough and cold, recurrent tonsillitis
and hay fever.
Craving for fats, sweets, salt and milk.
Indigestion for years, distension and discomfort; no
heartburn, no vomiting, no nausea, no pain; wakes at 2
or 3 a.m. with pain and discomfort in epigastrium;
remarkable action on congenital hypertrophic pyloric
Loose bowel, often mixed with mucus, frequent motion,
5-6 times a day; diarrhea on excitement and worry;
sensation of throbbing or as if a plug is lodged in.
Thyrotoxicosis and tachycardia.
Osteoarthritis, periostitis, osteoporosis.
Palms dry, cracked, painful; flat warts in hand;
Gaertner (Related remedies: Mercurius, Phosphorus,
Malnutrition and prostration are the keynotes;
overactive brain with undernourished body; especially
adapted to kids fed on artificial diet.
Nervous, bites nails, intelligent, excitable, irritable;
fidgety of hands and feet.
Craving for milk and dairy products, egg, sugar and
Aversion to bread, butter, meat and fish.
Acidity and vomiting, aggravates after taking sweets.
Bowel constipated; offensive diarrheal attack every few
weeks; blood and mucus in stool.
Rheumatic pain aggravated at night.
Fear of darkness; wants company; late in falling to
sleep, restless sleep, somnambulism, night terrors.
Morgan Gaertner (Related remedies: Lycopodium,
Irritable, quick-tempered, impatient, nervous,
claustrophobic; fear of crowds, excitement and
Nasal catarrh with bad taste in mouth, dirty tongue.
Fond of fats, sweet and salt; aversion to egg and meat;
prefers food hot.
Indigestion, flatulence and excessive eructation, sour
mouth and distended feeling, worse between 4-8 p.m.
Acute renal or gall stone colic.
Bowel constipated and sluggish; painful, itching,
bleeding piles.
Right-sided rheumatism; better from heat, both
internally and externally.
Insomnia, night terrors; starting in sleep.
Large, flat or jagged warts on hands.
Morgan Pure (Related remedies: Calcarea carbonica,
Graphites, Petroleum, Psorinum, Sulphur)
Congestion is the keynote.
Weepy, depressed, irritable; fears crowds, but become
anxious if left alone.
Congestive morning headache with sinusitis; cracks at
the angles of nose; anosmia, epistaxis.
Ulcers in mouth; tongue dry, coated, swollen, raw and
burning sensation, bad taste, halitosis; cracked angles of
mouth; throat dry and burning.
Fond of fats, sweets and eggs; but cannot tolerate them.
Biliary tract disorders with constipation and pruritus
ani; itching, bleeding, painful piles.
Menorrhagia/metrorrhagia with pruritus vulva and
vagina; offensive, corrosive leucorrhea.
Bronchitis and asthmatic attacks in each winter;
recurrent bronchopneumonia in children.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 74
Rheumatic pain; worse from cold, damp and at the
beginning of motion; better from constant motion and
Weepy, itching, scaly and pustular eruption and eczema;
especially in chin, forehead, scalp, behind ears, neck
and chest; worse from heat and washing.
Proteus (Related remedies: Ammonium muriaticum,
Natrum muriaticum)
Suddenness of the complaints is the keynote.
Tense, depressed, stubborn, unresponsive; violent
outburst of temper if opposed; kicks and throws objects;
can commit a murder if crossed.
Aversion to butter, pork, meat, boiled egg; intolerance
of egg; fond of sweets and salt.
Acidity, heartburn, sourness and flatulence; hunger pain
not relieved by eating; worse after mental strain.
Constipation; sensation of a ball in the rectum; itching,
bleeding piles.
Skin eruption dry, scaly, itching, papulopustular, crusty;
Reynaud’s disease.
Burning of palms and soles at night; cramps in calves;
feet feel frozen.
Sycotic Co. (Related remedies: Bacillinum, Natrum
sulphuricum, Rhus toxicodendron, Thuja)
Extreme irritability is the keynote.
Nervous, cross, restless, fear of animals, dogs, and of
being alone.
Puffiness of face in morning, especially under eyes.
Nasal catarrh; cracks at the angles of nose, epistaxis,
enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
Lips dry, cracked, cracks at the angles of mouth; tongue
sore, dry, fissured; deep ulcers on tongue.
Aversion to and intolerance of egg, even thoughts of
egg cause problems; fond of butter.
Constipation or loose stool with splinter-like pain in
rectum; rectal prolapse; mucus per rectum with motion;
urgent call for stool as soon as rising from bed.
Asthma or bronchitis; worse from damp and cold,
between 2-3 a.m., on waking; better in seaside;
considered a pre-tubercular remedy.
Rheumatism, polyarthritis and lumbosacral pain all
aggravated after sitting, when beginning to move and at
night; better from continuous motion and heat.
Cracks on finger tips and heels; brittle nails; warts on
mucocutaneous surfaces.
Restless sleep, insomnia, night terrors; profuse sweat of
head and body during sleep; dreams of dead people.
Indications for use
New cases
It is always better to start the treatment first with the
indicated remedy, not with the nosode.
The nosode can be used at first if the symptomatology
does not clearly point out a single remedy, but rather
corresponds at best only to a list of remedies.
Old Cases
In old cases, subjected to considerable number of
indicated remedies which have produced a favorable but
ill-sustained improvement, the previously used
medicines should be compared with the nosode list and
the most similar nosode should be selected there from.
If the percentage of NLF pathogenic bacteria in the
stool is greater than fifty percent, the administration of
bowel nosode is contraindicated. The nosode given at
that time produces a negative phase with a
corresponding period of vital depression in the patient.
In such cases, a nosode can be used in lower potencies
to avoid the chance of violent negative reaction.
Special Use
The bowel nosodes can be prescribed sometimes
specifically for antibiotic poisoning (Gaertner and
Morgan), skin drugs (Morgan), digestive drugs
(Proteus), etc.
Dose, Potency & Repetition
According to the principles of Homœopathy,
the more distinct the mental picture the higher
the potency. The potency should be lower if
irreversible pathology is present. In my
practice, I have always preferred the 200th
potency to start with and have rarely had to go
beyond that. In case of children, however, I
have started with the 30th, but if there’s not
been an adequate response, I have quickly
switched over to the 200th. The result was
then satisfactory.
Paterson has advised, though it is not required,
not repeating the bowel nosode within three
months; it is recommended instead, if required,
that the homœopathically-indicated similimum
from the group of remedies (previously used)
related to the bowel nosode be prescribed.
Mechanism of Action of the Bowel Nosodes
E. coli in the intestinal tract performs normal and
useful functions when the intestinal mucosa is healthy,
but any change in the host that affects the intestinal
mucosa will affect the balance and change the
biochemistry of E. coli. It should be noted that the
primary change; i.e., the disease, originated in the host
which compels the bacilli to modify in order to survive.
While this alteration in the nature of bowel flora might
be a mere concomitant to the disease condition, there is
reason to believe that the E. coli actually turns
pathogenic. Thus the balance of the bowel flora is
disturbed in disease. After the administration of the
suitable bowel nosode, the curative process begins. The
MLF pathogenic bacteria begin to mutate to other non-
pathogenic groups (LF and LLF/Late Lactose
Fermenters; e.g., Shigella sonnei) and ultimately
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 75
disappear. These happenings occur simultaneously with
the disappearance of the symptoms, reappearance of the
old symptoms and the efflorescence of the skin
eruptions with ultimate clearing (Hering’s Law). This is
associated with a marked increase in the vitality of the
Case study
The case I’m discussing has been under my
treatment for about seven months. The patient is male,
aged about 42, and had been suffering from
hyperacidity for the last eighteen months. Previously he
was taking over-the-counter antacids (H2 receptor
anatagonists; e.g., Ranitidine, famotidine, etc. and
various proton pump inhibitors; e.g., Rabeprazole,
Pantoprazole, Domperidone, etc.) for about six months,
but without much relief. Then the case was taken by an
eminent homœopathic physician. He advised
appropriate dietary modifications, exercise, and an
endoscopic examination, which revealed no pathology.
His presenting totality on 12.06.08, as noted by the
previous physician, was as follows:
Excessive flatulence, bloating and loud grumbling, not
relieved by belching; choking sensation while eating.
Loss of appetite; constant feeling of satiety; excessive
hunger at night.
Heartburn, sour water brash and sour eructation
throughout the day.
Preference for hot food; fondness for sweets, but unable
to tolerate.
Constipated; hard stool, every alternate day; sensation
as if something is lodged in the rectum.
Irritable; cannot tolerate opposition.
The medicines he had taken are arranged
Robinia 30: 8 doses; one dose twice a day for 4
days; placebo for 25 days. (date: 12.06.08)
Result: A little improvement in the first week,
but after that nothing significant.
Anacardium 30: 6 doses; one dose twice a day
for 3 days; placebo for 25 days. (date:
11.07.08) Results: No improvement.
Nux vomica 200: 2 doses; one dose once a day
for 2 days; placebo for 30 days. (date:
10.08.08) Result: A little better than before.
Lycopodium 200: 2 doses; one dose once a day
for 2 days; placebo for 30 days. (date:
11.10.08) Result: Much better than before.
Lycopodium 1M: 1 dose; placebo for 30 days,
(date: 12.11.08)
Report: Immense improvement in the first week, but
since then no progress.
Lycopodium 1M: 2 doses; one dose a day for 2
days; placebo for 30 days. (date: 14.12.08)
Result: Considerable improvement for the first 10 days,
but since then no progress.
Lycopodium 10M: 1 dose; placebo for 30 days.
(date: 11.01.09)
Result: Great improvement in the first week, but since
then no progress.
Lycopodium 10M: 2 doses; one dose a day for
2 days; placebo for 30 days. (date: 12.03.09)
Result: Considerable improvement in the first
two weeks, but since then no progress.
After such prolonged treatment, the patient lost his
faith completely in his physician and came to me on
07.05.09. One thing was evident, Lycopodium was a
correct prescription according to the totality; but in spite
of that, the duration of relief was really ill-sustained. I
began to think in another way. I was thinking of some
miasmatic obstacles that might have been present, but I
got no such clear cut indication from the patient. He
was repeatedly emphasizing the fact that I should
concentrate on his present symptoms, and neither his
past history nor family history. He became irritated
whenever I pursued a more detailed history. Keeping in
mind this Sycotic characteristic (extreme irritability) as
well as the relationship with Lycopodium, I prescribed
Sycotic Co. 200: 2 doses (one dose daily for two days)
on 07.05.09, with placebo for one month.
The next visit was on 08.06.09. The patient entered
my clinic smiling and reported that he was feeling
extremely well. His hyperacidity had diminished to a
great extent, his appetite had increased, and his bloating
was much relieved. However, there was no
improvement in his constipation and he insisted that I
prescribe another remedy for his hard stool. I
prescribed placebo again for the next month.
The patient revisited me on 07.07.09. There was
marked improvement in his total symptom picture,
including constipation. I prescribed placebo again, but
this time for two months.
It was 08.09.09, when the patient again came to my
clinic. He had an acute coryza and sneezing since that
morning and could not go to his office. I prescribed
Aconitum, nap. 30: 4 doses at 3 hour intervals. I was
concerned that the action of Sycotic Co. might be
compromised as a result of the prescription and asked
him to visit again on in a week.
No disturbance occurred in the gradually improving
symptomatology of the patient. The last date I saw the
patient was 11.12.09, when his overall improvement
was quite unbelievable.
At this moment, it is difficult to say whether the
patient is cured or not; however, it is clear that he is on
the path to cure. More than seven months have passed;
there are no indications for repeating the Sycotic Co.,
nor Lycopodium, nor any other remedy.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 76
The case I’ve discussed is but one of my successful
bowel nosode cases. I hope my fellow practitioners will
consider treating intractable cases, if the
symptomatology corresponds, with bowel nosodes.
Especially when indicated remedies effect a favorable
but fleeting response, these nosodes often prove an
essential tool to bringing the case to a successful
Keynotes and Characteristics of the Materia Medica by
Dr. H.C. Allen.
Bowel Nosodes by Paterson.
Materia Medica of the Nosodes by O.A. Julian.
1001 Small Remedies by Dr. Friedrich Schroyens.
A Textbook of Microbiology by P. Chakraborty.
Textbook of Microbiology by Dr. R. Ananthanarayan
and Dr. Jayaram Paniker.
www.hpathy.com. Homœopathic Materia Medica.
Hpathy Ezine. January, 2007. Bowel Nosodes by Dr.
S. Praveen Kumar.
www.similima.com. Bowel Nosodes by Dr. K.R.
Mansoor Ali.
From “The Pioneers of Homœopathy”, Vol. II.
Dr. MARENZELLER was a contemporary of
HAHNEMANN. He was connected with the first
homœopathic experiments, performed by order of the
emperor, in the military hospital at Vienna.
He received the doctor degree in 1788, and became
a regimental physician and a professor. In 1815 he
became a convert to the doctrines of HAHNEMANN,
but still remained in the army and held his post as staff-
surgeon for many years after his conversion. He was
appointed by the Arch-Duke John of Austria his
physician in ordinary, which appointment he held until
his decease.
While attending to his military duties in Prague at
the invalid hospital he was also investigating
Homœopathy. In 1823 we went with the Illustrious
General Schwartzenberg, from Vienna to Leipzig,
where the General was placed under the care of
HAHNEMANN, and where Marenzeller assisted in the
treatment, and where he remained until the death of the
Prince Schwartzenberg.
Rapou says that the introduction of Homœopathy
into Austria is due to Marenzeller. Count Gyulay,
commanding general and field marshal, claimed the
professional attentions of the Homœopathic Military
Surgeon Marenzeller for a painful cardialgia considered
incurable, and from which he had suffered many years.
The malady yielded promptly to homœopathic
treatment. Marenzeller, wishing to aid the general
interests of the homœopathic school, refused the most
generous fee of the general, demanding from him as an
only recompense to ask from the emperor a more liberal
policy regarding Homœopathy, which method had been
before this time very harshly treated by the government.
The emperor, struck by the prompt cure of Count
Gyulay, with the petition and the conduct of the
physician, decided to determine the value of this new
system by a series of public experiments. The choice of
the physician to conduct them naturally fell upon
Marenzeller. He was the most suitable; forty years in
practice, during all which time he had been head of a
large military hospital, for ten years having used
homœopathic medicine, he presented all the conditions
requsite for experiment to be confided to him. It was a
delicate affair, for upon its success depended the
introduction of Homœopathy in Austria, and it was
necessary to conciliate and make friendly the
authorities. The emperor sent him a personal letter, and
clinical experiments were commenced in the Garrison
Hospital at Vienna. Dr. Marenzeller was not allowed to
publish an account of these experiments, but Dr. J.
SCHMIDT kept an accurate account of them, which
account he gave to HAHNEMANN, who sent it with
some remarks to the Archiv, v. 10, pt. 2, p. 73.
A ward containing twelve beds was set apart in the
chief Garrison Hospital at Vienna. A commission of
twelve professors of Joseph’s Academy, with the Chief
Staff Surgeon, Dr. von Isfordink, at its head, was
appointed to watch the experiments. The ward was
provided with a homœopathic pharmacy, and a library
of homœopathic books to consult in uncertainty. Two
regimental, two superior and two inferior surgeons were
appointed, whose sole duty it was to see that the orders
of the homœopathic physician were carried out. Special
nurses were appointed. A special kitchen was set apart
for the preparation of food for the homœopathic
patients, and there was a cook who had been especially
instructed in prepariong food according to the
homœopathic regimen. The surgeons kept watch night
and day, in order that nothing should be given to the
patients but what the homœopathic physicians ordered.
Most of the patients were taken in as new patients,
though there a few who had been in the other wards.
Dr. Marenzeller paid a visit every morning and evening
at fixed hours, and each time two professors from the
Joseph Academy were present. Each two of the
professional commission acted for ten days, when two
more replaced them. This clinic opened on April 2,
1828, and lasted for forty days, during which forty-two
patients were treated. Many medical visitors were
usually present at each visit. At each visit the patients
were examined and the result was entered word for
word in a book. The diagnosis and prognosis were
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 77
made by Dr. Marenzeller and the members of the
commission respectively. Dr. Marenzeller then made
the prescription, gave directions for diet, and all this
was entered in the book and subscribed to by the
members of the commission. This took place with
every patient and at every visit. The medicine
prescribed was always given in the presence of the
commissioners. Even other precautions were taken for
a fair trial. Dr. SCHMIDT took notes at each visit, and
these are the notes that were published.
In all, forty-three patients were admitted. Four by
the homœopathic physician; nine by the commissioners;
twenty nine from new admissions to the hospital; one
came back in consequence of a relapse; thirty-two were
cured; one died; five were transferred to other wards.
When the experiment ceased five were uncured, but
improving. the judgment of the commission of inquiry
consisting of the twelve professors of allopathic
medicine was: “The experiments terminated in such a
way as to make it impossible to say that they were in
favor of or against Homœopathy.” (See Archiv f. hom.
Heilkunst, vol. 10. Pt.2, p.73. Brit. Jour. Hom., vol. 12,
p.320. rapou, vol. I, p.238. Trans. World’s Conv., vol.
2, p.200.)
The closing of this clinic was brought about by four
convicts, who were told that they were brought there to
be experimented upon. They offered active resistance
and indujced other patients to do the same. While the
trial was in progress, Dr. MARENZELLER was given
an audience by the emperor, who received him kindly
and expressed satisfaction at the results of the
experiments, of which he received daily reports. That
MARENZELLER was himself satisfied with his success
is shown by the fact that he left a very lucrative practice
in Prague and removed to Vienna in 1829. He is said to
have been overwhelmned with patients from morning
till late at night and died at his post.
The results of these experiments were not allowed
to be published in the Austrian journals, but they were
published May 27 and June 6, 1828, in the Allgemeine
hom. Zeitung, and also in a German political journal of
more extended circulation.
In 1835, the Austrian emperor died, and it was said
that his death was hastened by too profuse blood letting.
His brother, the Archduke Antoine, died of the same
inflammatory affection, also with profuse blood letting.
The Archduke John, called the Nimrod of Steyermark,
being also taken ill, declared that he would have a
physician of the school that did not believe in bleeding.
Marenzeller was called. The contrast between this
treatment and that of the others made a great impression
upon the Court, and the progress of Homœopathy was
given new impulsion and the number of its practitioners
increased sensibly.
Rapou, who visited the principal countries of
Europe in 1846, has told us much about the early
homœopathists in his “Histoire de la Doctrine Medicale
Homœopathique.” He says: the old MARENZELLER,
whom I had seen in 1832 (when he travelled through
Germany with his father), is constantly occupied in
Vienna with a very large practice. Two carriages are
alternately in service daily, which hardly suffice to take
him to his numerous patients. What should inspire with
such ardor a man for a long time possessed of
reputation, riches and honors, be it not the charm of a
truth so long persecuted? For MARENZELLER could
not deny that his long experience and his practical talent
had formed a solid track for exact in the matter of some
slight details. Just as he received it from
HAHNEMANN, so is he conservative. He held aloof
from the discussions of his colleagues, but his name and
his opinions were made the object of harsh and unjust
criticisms from these pretended reformers. They
thought it an injury to the new art to thus exaggerate its
principles, and to put an obstacle to its development in
thus servilely following the footsteps of
defend his doctrines; he had found in the works of
HAHNEMANN a logical method; he had, in the
hospital experiments, made a fair and successful trial
and now accepted exact Homœopathy.
During his stay in Vienna MARENZELLER was
appointed personal physician to the Archduke John, a
title which gave him a position in the court.
Dr. MARENZELLER died on January 6, 1854, at
Vienna, in his 90th year.
The British Journal contains the following: On the
6th of January, of the present year, this veteran
homœopathist died. Unlike most of those whose deaths
we have recently recorded, Dr. MARENZELLER
attained a very great age. He had completed his 90th
year when he was removed from among us. He was
thus a contemporary of HAHNEMANN, being only
eight years the junior of our illustrious Master. The
name of MARENZELLER is intimately connected with
the history of Homœopathy, more especially in the
Austrian dominions, and yet Dr. MARENZELLER was
no great writer. His celebrity is chiefly owing to his
connection with the first homœopathic experiments,
performed by order of the emperor, in the military
hospital at Vienna. At 21 years of age
MARENZELLER was a regimental physician and
professor. In 1815 he became a convert to the doctrines
of HAHNEMANN; but, nevertheless, he remained in
the army, and held the post of staff surgeon for many
years after his conversion. He was appointed by the
Archduke John of Austria, formerly Regent of
Germany, to be his physician in ordinary, which
appointment he continued to hold till his decease.
Our opponents are constantly in the habit of
referring to the experiments of Andral as being a
complete refutation of the pretended efficacy of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 78
Homœopathy. Now these experiments, if they deserve
that name, were performed by a man totally ignorant of
Homœopathy, in defiance of Hahnemann’s rules, and
with a carelessness and presumption perfectly
inexcusable in a man of Andral’s reputation. The
merest tyro in Homœopathy would have been ashamed
to call such practice Homœopathy. And yet these
experiments, which we reject with scorn, and which
have been over and over again shown to be deficient in
every element that could constitute them illustrations of
homœopathic practice, are the stalking horse of all the
opponents of Homœopathy, and their ready excuse for
not taking the trouble to enquire experimentally into the
truth or falsity of our assertions relative to the
superiority of the system we practice. On the other
hand, the real homœopathic experiments performed by
Dr. MARENZELLER, under every condition that a
watchful jealousy could suggest, in order to assure their
genuine homœopathic character, and with all the
accompanying pride, pomp, and circumstance of
imperial-royal decrees, commissions, protocols, daily
registers, weekly bulletins, and solemn reports, are
never now referred to; the ipse dixit of Andral, as to the
unsuccessful issue of his own experiments in an art of
which he was utterly ignorant, being held to be more
conclusive than the deliberate report of a commission
appointed by the Austrian Government to inquire into
the practice of Homœopathy by a homœopathic
As we believe no account of Dr. Marenzeller’s
experiments has as yet been published in English, we
take the opportunity suggested to us by the death of the
principal actor in connexion with these experiments, to
give a succinct account of them, drawn from the official
documents and the testimony of impartial and
honourable eye-witnesses. These records are contained
in various volumes of the Archiv für hom. Heilkunst.
These homœopathic experiments were, as will be
hereafter seen, conducted by order of the Government,
with every precaution that could secure fair play to the
homœopathist during their performance. A daily record
of the cases treated was kept by the medical
commissioners appointed to watch the treatment. But
two mistakes were committed by the Government. One
was that it was not made a condition that these records
should be published. The consequence of this oversight
was, that the reports of the commissioners were kept
secret, and it is only by accident that that of the two
commissioners who were appointed to follow the
treatment during the third ten days of its continuance
(for the commissioners appointed to watch the treatment
were changed every ten days) has seen the light. This
report fell into the bands of Dr. Attomyr, after the death
of one of the commissioners, and was published by him
in the 18th Vol. of the Archiv, twelve years after the
experiments had been made. The other mistake made
by the Government was, that the hostile allopathic
faculty of the Academy of Medicine were constituted
the judges of the success or reverse of the treatment.
The consequence of this error was, that the bald
judgment of the faculty was alone issued, and the facts
on which this judgment was framed were withheld by
The deliberate judgment of the faculty, consisting
of twelve professors of allopathic medicine, was as
follows:- “The experiments terminated in such a way as
to make it impossible to say that they were in favour of,
or against Homœopathy.” Had the experiments turned
out unfavourably for Homœopathy, it is to be presumed
the faculty would have been too happy, not only to say
so, but to prove the truth of their accusation by
publishing the reports of their professors. And even had
the experiments warranted the judgment given, it is but
natural to suppose that the faculty would for their own
sakes have published the facts in order to justify their
conduct. The publication of such a verdict without any
corroborative facts, naturally makes us suspect that the
facts did not warrant the conclusion nominally drawn
from them, that in a word the experiments were more
favourable to the new system than is implied in the
words of the judgment. Two out of twelve judges
dissented from the verdict recorded. The one, Professor
ZANG, from his own observation of the cases treated
during ten days, came to the conclusion that the facts
showed Homœopathy to be perfectly powerlessthe
other, Professor ZIMMERMANN, was so convinced of
the contrary, that he confessed himself forced to
acknowledge that Homœopathy had a real power over
disease, and from that day he set himself to study the
principles and practice of Hahnemann’s system, and
became a zealous partisan of Homœopathy.
We are not however left to depend entirely on the
fragmentary report of the two commissioners for the
knowledge of Dr. Marenzeller’s experiments. Although
he himself was precluded from publishing an account of
them, a careful record of the cases was kept by Dr. J.
SCHMIT, of Vienna, who attended every visit from the
beginning to the end of the treatment, and who
communicated the results of his observations to
HAHNEMANN, by whom they were handed to the
Editor of the Archiv for publication. From Dr. Schmit’s
report we are able to give the following particulars
respecting these interesting experiments:
By the command of the Emperor a ward containing
twelve beds was set apart, in the Chief Garrison
Hospital in Vienna, for the purpose of testing the power
of Homœopathy. The staff surgeon, Dr.
MARENZELLER, a distinguished partisan of the
doctrines of HAHNEMANN, was summoned from
Prague to conduct the treatment on homœopathic
principles. The commission appointed to watch and
report on the treatment consisted of twelve professors of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 79
the Joseph’s Academy and the chief staff surgeon. The
ward was provided with a homœopathic pharmacy, and
a library of homœopathic physician were strictly carried
out. Special nurses were appointed, whose sole duty it
was to see that the orders of the homœopathic physician
were strictly carried out. Special nurses were appointed
for the service. A special kitchen was set apart for the
preparation of the food for the homœopathic patients,
and was presided over by a cook who had been
instructed in the mode of preparing food according to
the rules of the homœopathic system. The surgeons
kept watch day and night, in order to see that nothing
was given to the patients but what the homœopathic
physician ordered. A few of the patients were
transferred from the other wards of the hospital, but
most of them were taken in as new patients. Dr.
MARENZELLER paid a visit every morning and every
evening at fixed hours, and each time he was
accompanied by at least two of the members of the
medical commission. There were usually several others
of the professors present at the examination of the
patients. At these visits the patients were examined, and
the examination was entered in a book, word for word.
The diagnosis and prognosis were then made by Dr.
MARENZELLER and the members of the commission
respectively. The former then made the prescriptions,
gave directions as to diet, and all this was entered in the
book and subscribed, by the signatures of the members
of the commission. This took place with every patient
and at every visit. The medicine prescribed was always
administered in the presence of the commissioners.
Other necessary arrangements were made to secure a
fair and impartial trial of Homœopathy. The
experiments lasted forty days, during which forty-two
patients were treated. Dr. SCHMIT was, as before
stated, present at each visit, and from the notes he took
from day to day he has compiled the following table, for
the accuracy of which he vouches. The table speaks for
itself without any need of explanation. In most of the
cases the principal medicines given during the disease
are indicated, but in some of them they are not, as Dr.
SCHMIT forgot to register them. That is however of
little importance, as we only wish to know the result of
the treatment, and we have sufficient confidence in Dr.
Marenzeller’s skill to be assured they were all
prescribed in strict accordance with the homœopathic
principle. We may remark that Dr. MARENZELLER
was what we would now call a rigid Hahnemannist, at
least his treatment was in exact conformity with the
rules of HAHNEMANN at that period.
From the report of Professors JAEGER and ZANG
that has been published, we may extract a couple of the
cases described more in extenso than the above, in order
to show the character of Dr. Marenzeller’s treatment,
and to give the valuable testimony of his adversaries to
its happy effects.
The following case corresponds with that marked
No.6 in the above list of those cured:
Bed No. I was occupied by the infantry-private,
Johann Hradil. He was admitted the 20th April with
febris intermittens tertiana. The 23d was a day on
which he was free from fever. He got Pulsatilla of the
9th dilution. On the 24th, at half past nine A.M., he had
an attack of fever, slighter than any of the previous
ones. As he had no fever on the 26th, the day that the
paroxysm ought to have come, he was declared to be
convalescent, and on the 27th was transferred to the
convalescent ward.
The next case corresponds to that marked No.25.
On the evening of the 24th April bed No.3 was
occupied by Jacob Czikaro, cadet in Baron Meyer’s
infantry regiment. For the last four days he had suffered
from febris rheumatico gastrica cum pleuritide spuria,
combined with infarctus lienis, the sequel of a previous
intermittent fever. He got Bryonia 18. On the 25th, in
the evening, the local affection having increased was
declared to be pleuritis vera. On the 26th, in the
morning, the fifth day of the disease, there occurred
critical excretions in the form of perspiration, urine, and
fæces. On the same evening, as the fever and painful
chest-symptoms assumed a dangerous character, Dr.
MARENZELLER was asked to declare whether he
would go on with the treatment or not. He stated he
would. With this considerable exacerbation the disease
had, at the end of the sixth day, attained its climax and
on the seventh and eighth days profuse critical
excretions, in the shape of sweat, epistaxis, urine, and
fæcal evacuations, occurred, and the disease seemed to
be on the decline; however, on the eighth day, there
occurred increase of the fever and of the pain in the
affected side of the chest. The fever declined
gradually, with universal nocturnal sweats; but the
shooting pain betwixt the seventh and ninth ribs, felt on
touch or deep inspiration, remained, though less in
degree. On the 30th he got China 9. On the 1st May he
was dismissed as convalescent.
These two are the only cases of which the details
are given by Professors JAEGER and ZANG that seem
worthy of record. The case of Pneumonia (No. II in the
above list) they merely mention as having been admitted
one day, and discharged cured after thirteen days of
treatment. Altogether we cannot help remarking in the
report of these illustrious professors, a tendency to
dwell upon the slighter cases, and an attempt to prove
their recovery to be little, if at all, connected with the
administration of the medicine; and on the other hand,
we notice that they slur over the more serious diseases
treated by Dr. MARENZELLER. If the reports of all
the commissioners were of a similar character, it is little
wonder that a prejudiced academy of allopathic
professors should not give a verdict favourable to
Homœopathy founded on such records: the fact of their
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 80
verdict not being adverse to Homœopathy, speaks to our
mind greatly in favour of the homœopathic treatment of
Dr. MARENZELLER, as it shows that all the ingenuity
of the inimical reporters could not pervert the results of
the treatment into the basis of a judgment by a hostile
faculty unfavourable to Homœopathy.
As far as Dr. MARENZELLER’s experiments in
the presence of the allopaths went, they are undoubtedly
much more favourable to the claims of Homœopathy
than the reverse. The only tenable ground possessed by
the commission for their neutral verdict is, that the
experiments were not carried on for a sufficient length
of time, and did not extend over a sufficient number of
patients, to enable them to decide very positively as to
the influence of the treatment adopted. But who is to
blame for this? Certainly not Dr. MARENZELLER,
who was perfectly willing to continue with the treatment
for any length of time. The time for continuing the trial
was originally fixed at sixty days (a short enough time
assuredly), but it was suddenly interrupted, after only
forty days had elapsed, by order of the government
(doubtless at the instigation of the official allopaths).
However, these homœopathic experiments have not
been without their influence on the progress of
Homœopathy in Vienna; and we believe they mainly
contributed to induce the government to repeal the laws
that had been passed against Homœopathy in Austria,
and are partly the cause of the rapid spread of our
system in Vienna, and of the favour now shown to our
practice by the governing bodies of that city.
ATTOMYR thus speaks of him: Homœopathy has
lost in the beginning of this year one of its most active
practitioners, who out of his medical career of 66 years
had devoted to it 49 years exclusively and with
enthusiastic zeal. Long before this a monument, ought
to have been erected in this journal to this worthy; I
undertake it yet before the close of the year.
Staff-surgeon Dr. Matthias Marenzeller was born of
poor parents in Pettau, Styria, February 15th, 1765.
After completing his gymnasial studies in Marburg and
his philosophic studies at Gratz, he went to Vienna to
study medicine. MARENZELLER must have been an
excellent student as he lectured even before his
graduation in the general hospital, while he was only 20
years old, as Instructor (Privatdocent) on Anatomy and
Surgical Operations. As the Josephs Academy was
being founded just about this time, MARENZELLER
determined to pass through its academic course, and at
its conclusion, on the 15th of August, 1788, he was
granted his diploma as Doctor. In the same year he was
appointed regimental surgeon. As such he went through
the war with Turkey, and was appointed in 1813, field
officer in charge of the Italian hospitals, after having
been married the year before to Miss Francisca Lechky.
Five years after the appearance of the Organon, in
the year 1815, MARENZELLER began his study of
Homœopathy, his restless medical skepticism having
driven him from one medical system to the other. He
was the first man in the Austrian States who professed
the doctrine of Hahnemann. He who knows the position
of the Austrian field-surgeons at that time will
acknowledge that it required unusual courage to make
such a profession. Besides this, in 1815 there had not
been as yet anything published but the Organon, the
Fragmenta de virib, med. p., and a single volume of
the Materia Medica Pura. With the aid of these three
volumes MARENZELLER began to make experiments.
A physician must find his curative method very
wretched, if it can be surrendered to take up an
embryonal method of cure, the whole library of which
consists of three booksChorion, Allantois, Amuion. It
is not a small compliment to the acumen of
MARENZELLER, that he could see from even this
wretched cradle of homœopathic literature that it
contained the germ of a great truth, a truth which, as he
lived to see and feel, should enkindle the whole medical
world even to fury and should shake its reign of
thousands of years even to its foundations; a truth for
the acknowledgment of which no physician in the
Austrian states has done more than MARENZELLER.
With 32 homœopathic remedies only imperfectly
proved as yet, Staff surgeon. MARENZELLER gained
such successful results within a year in Prague,
whither he had been transferred in 1816, that his name
and his strange methods of healing had become known
in a large circle, by the one party raised to heaven, by
the other dragged down into the dust.
In the course of the next December, several
physicians of Austria, especially in Vienna, had imitated
his example: Lichtenfels, regimental surgeon
MENZ, SCHAEFFER, VEITH and others studied
Homœopathy with enthusiasm, and practiced it with
great success, in spite of all the persecution of the
medical faculty, the Josephs Academy and the police,
which were especially able to interfere on account of
their dispensing their own medicine. That the success
of MARENZELLER and of the homœopathic
physicians then in Vienna must have caused an
excitement may be concluded from this, that in 1828,
by command of the Emperor, an experiment was
ordered to be made at the Josephs Academy. It had
been intended, indeed, to make two trials. By the first
trial, which was appointed to be made for 60 days, it
should only be found out whether Homœopathy could
accomplish anything at all. By a second series of
experiments the extent and importance of its
performance should be determined. But the second
experiment was never made, and even the first was
terminated 20 days earlier than the time first set, owing
to the orders of the higher authorities.
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Staff-surgeon MARENZELLER had been ordered
from Prague to Vienna on account of these experiments.
One might suppose that MARENZELLER felt very ill
at ease, and that any one who would undertake such a
ticklish business would have to have Robur et aes
triplex circa pectus.” Nevertheless, I can assure the
reader that he undertook these experiments with joy and
full confidence; for when I spoke with him about the
matter, several years later, he answered laughing: “I
would even have undertaken the contest, and would
have felt confident of the result, if they had made the
condition that I should treat all my patients with nothing
but sugar of milk; for I had long ago become convinced
that much more favorable results would be obtained by
not giving the patient any treatment than by treating
them allopathically; this I had become convinced of as
early as the war with Turkey. Nevertheless, even with
this conviction, it was not an easy matter to defend a
curative method in a medical college, which differed in
every direction, even down to the soup to be supplied to
the patients, from this method while the conflict should
decide that either the new system should be discredited
or the old system annihilated. To have carried on this
conflict under circumstances which in part were very
unfavourable to a victorious issue and to the glory of the
new method, was a matter for which our deceased friend
deserves all honor and we all owe him thanks; for the
manifestly thereby opened the way for Homœopathy in
the Austrian states.
MARENZELLER during these experiments cured
nine inflammatory diseases of the severer grade with his
remedies, simply after Prof. ZANG had given the worst
prognosis unless blood-letting should be resorted to;
when they were, nevertheless, cured ZANG would
always exclaim: “How much can nature accomplish!”
the patients were in every way prepossessed against the
homœopathic treatment, so that one Pneumonia patient,
frightened by these malevolent insinuations, was about
to kill himself; according to the demand of
MARENZELLER, all physicians who were not
officially connected with the experiments were
excluded. When finally MARENZELLER had lost only
one patient out of 43, the authorities suddenly found
out that these experiments amounted to playing with
men’s lives, and the homœopathic clinic was suddenly
and abruptly closed. Of the twelve professors of the
academy, who had now to give their judgment as to
these experiments, Prof. ZIMMERMANN declared in
favor of Homœopathy, ZANG declared himself
decidedly opposed to it, and the others remained neutral.
But MARENZELLER laughed, well satisfied, for he
knew well why the experiments had been stopped. As
to the judgment of the Vienna public concerning these
experiments, it suffices to say that from this time on
MARENZELLER’s office in Kærnthnerstrasse was full
of patients from early morning till late in the evening,
and that MARENZELLER had the most extensive
practice in Vienna, and had literally no time left him for
his meals.
From this time on MARENZELLER remained in
Vienna and was pensioned at his own request.
Although the prohibition of Homœopathy issued in
1818 was not yet repealed. Archduke Johann appointed
him his physician in ordinary, and most of
Marenzeller’s patients belonged to the first houses in
Vienna. His practice was so extensive that he every day
tired out four horses. After he had driven about, making
calls from 7 A.M. to 3 P.M., when he came home he
would find the rooms full of patients. With these he
would spend several hours, then at 5P.M. he would take
a hurried dinner *
and would again drive out to visit
patients. Late in the evening when he would return
home at 9 or 9:30, he would again find patients waiting
for him; and thus he went on day after day for fully
twenty five years, till he had reached a good old age.
During his last years his son aided him as his assistant.
MARENZELLER died January 6th, 1854, in the
89th year of his life. A year before his death he had to
give up his practice, because the most vivid visions
tormented his spirit and in the last weeks of his life,
through their ever increasing frequency and duration,
they exhausted him so much that he would swoon away.
To these were added considerable ulcerations on his
back and along his spine, which became gangrenous and
hastened his health.
In the last year of his life MARENZELLER applied
for a patent of nobility in Austria. His request was only
granted when he was already dead, and it is reported
that by the grace of the Emperor this distinction is to be
transferred to the children of MARENZELLER.
MARENZELLER was tall and slender of figure,
with strongly marked features and hasty in his
movements; he was never seen walking slowly; in going
up stairs, he would mostly take two steps at a time, even
when he was quite old. His health and his body could
endure much, and not often has a man who continually
underwent such hardships almost reached his 90th year.
His manner of living was always sober and simple. He
usually ate only once a day and would drive out without
a breakfast to see his patients at 7 O’clock, summer and
winter. He never drank coffee or wine, very seldom a
little beer, but all the more water. Of this he would
drink in the morning hours 3-4 bottles “to dilute his
bile.” In all seasons of the year he would rise at 5:30
A.M. He knew the names of very few of his patients
but every patient had a number and at his next visit he
would present himself with his number; most of his
letters to his patients were headed with a number instead
of a name. His hostility to Allopathy and its
During one such hasty dinner the poor man swallowed
a chicken bone which kept him in anguish for 36 hours.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 82
representatives he exhibited openly at every occasion.
In his ante-room there were hung pictures which
ridiculed Allopathy and especially the evacuative
method. He never visited parties or theaters; card-
playing he hated. Even to his family he could not
devote an hour day, and he had often to think a while
before he could remember the names of his
grandchildren. As a physician MARENZELLER had
rare success, and his patients had an immovable
confidence in his practical tact. Although friendly and
kindly in his intercourse, he would not stand much on
ceremony even with the noblest patients. He had a
stupendous memory, which was a great advantage in his
study of the Materia Medica. In many respects
MARENZELLER was an original character. In
conversation he was very rhapsodical; he would jump
from one subject to the other, and would be very apt
after several days to take up a conversation where he
had left off. His favorite authors were Jean Paul and
Lavater. In Jean Paul’s works he everywhere suspected
a masked cynicalness, and asserted that J. Paul fooled
the whole world. MARENZELLER was too much a
man of activity to find time for literary work;
nevertheless among the manuscripts he left behind him
there are also writings of a practical nature; as also his
synopsis of constitutions, which is well known to the
physicians of Vienna. We hope that the son of Dr.
Marenzeller, our colleague, Dr. Adolph
MARENZELLER, may publish what is most important
of this posthumous treasure.
The oldest Homœopaths of Austria will think of
MARENZELLER with love and sadness, for he ever
was to them in those troublous times of medical
inquisition a faithful friend and colleague. The younger
colleagues will remember for a long time to come the
memorable challenge which he readily accepted and
carried through victoriously in the very camp of his
enemies to serve Homœopathy and its adherents; while
thousands of patients, who owe to him their health and
life, will lovingly bless his memory. (World’s Conv. 2.,
199-235. Brit. Journal Hom., vol. 12, p.320; Kleinert,
ppl109, 142, 165, 260; All. Hom. Zeit., vol. 47, p.96;
vol.49. p.54; Rapou, vol.I, pp.244, 256, 277, etc.; vol.2,
p.243, etc.)
11. Homœopathic philosophy: its importance in the
treatment of Chronic Diseases
WEIR, John (HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
This article is a reprint of a previously published
article. For citation purposes, please use the original
publication details; Br. Hom. J. 1915 5: 521.
What is homœopathic philosophy?---It is an
understanding of the various phenomena of reaction to
the like-drug-stimulus, supplied by the homœopathic
remedy. It not only deals with the choice of the drug,
but teaches us how to use it.
There is nothing more true in the world than this:
what we sow, that we shall reap. In Homœopathy,
especially in the treatment of chronic diseases, we shall
get out what we put in. If we expect the impossible we
shall be disappointed. If we despair and say
“incurable,” we shall miss many unexpected triumphs.
If we sow mistakes we shall reap failures. And out of
failure comes disheartenment and loss of faith in our
work. The “efficacy of Homœopathy in chronic
diseases” depends on two factors that make for success
on the part of the practitioner, viz., knowledge and
To begin with, we need to know our work from
start to finish.
To prescribe remedies peculiar to the homœopathic
school is not enough. To understand the “grading of
symptoms (that is to say, their relative importance as
regards the choice of the remedy) is not enough; to
know our way blindfold about the repertory, and to use
it constantly in prescribing, is not enough. To prescribe
according to the Law of Similars, is not enough. To be
able to hit the drug is much; but it is not everything.
It is the right and necessary beginning; but it is only
the beginning. To prescribe only high potenciesor
low is not enough.
HAHNEMANN, who gave us the Law of Similars:
who showed us the relative value of symptoms: who
told us how to use the repertories: and how to be led by
them to the Materia Medica: gave us, besides this, a
very great deal more. And unless we go the whole way
with him we need not expect (as he warns us) ever to
see “the efficacy of Homœopathy in chronic diseases.”
Chronic diseases
In regard to chronic diseases (which he claims to be
the first to treat successfully) HAHNEMANN has given
us most explicit instructions, warnings, and
exhortations. It is not enough, he tells us again and
again, to find the curative remedy, we must know how
to use it if we are to be successful here.
HAHNEMANN (speaking of the necessity of letting the
single, dose of the indicated remedy act to its finish)
says (all quotations are taken from “The Chronic
Diseases”): “Unless the physician imitates my method,
he cannot expect to solve the highest problem of
medical science (that of curing those important chronic
diseases, which have indeed remained uncured up to the
time when I discovered their true character, and proper
treatment).” ….
“If physicians do not carefully practice
what I teach, let them not boast themselves of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 83
being my followers; and above all, let them not
expect to be successful in their treatment.”
An acute disease is self-limiting; the patient
recovers, or dies. Of chronic diseases, on the contrary,
HAHNEMANN says: “They never yield to the simple
action of a robust constitution; or to the best regulated
diet, or mode of life. On the contrary, they grow worse
from year to year to the end of life, gradually assuming
different and more dangerous symptoms.” …
“As when,” he says, “phthisis passes often into
insanity, drying up ulcers into apoplexy, intermittent
fevers into asthma, affections of the abdomen into
pains in the joints or paralysis. It is not difficult,” he
adds, “to perceive that the new symptoms were founded
on the existing primitive malady, and could only be
parts of a much more extensive disease.”
If our Homœopathy, then, is to exhibit its efficacy
in chronic diseases, we must know our work. We must
know how to take the case; how to estimate the relative
value of symptoms, in order to find the correct remedy;
how to administer that remedy; how to wait while the
patient reacts to the vital stimulus; how to read the
response of the patient when the reaction comes; how to
wait till the reaction is wholly spent before again
He who observes these things with the greatest
care will be,” as HAHNEMANN says, the most
successful homœopathic practitioner.
For what is Homœopathy? Homœopathy is “like”
medicine, it is true; but it is much more. It includes the
single drug, the single dose, the initial aggravation,
non-interference with reaction, and potentization.
On all these, in his work on chronic diseases,
HAHNEMANN strongly insists; and if we are to
experience the “efficacy of Homœopathy in chronic
diseases,” we need all these.
Let me repeat, because it is so important:
Homœopathy means the “like” remedy (that is to say,
the remedy whose disease symptoms resemble the
disease-symptoms of the patient we desire to cure) but
besides the “like” remedy, it means the single drug, the
single dose, the initial aggravation, non-interference
with reaction and potentization.
What differentiates the school of HAHNEMANN
from all other schools is, that we individualize; they do
not. To treat a chronic disease per se is quite wrong.
To send all patients suffering with rheumatism to Bath,
or with gout to Harrogate, is all wrong. The waters that
help one may be harmful to another. To prescribe the
same diet for all patients whose diseases are called by
the same name is useless. It agrees with this one and
disagrees with the next.
What we must treat is the underlying dyscrasia of
the patient. When we prescribe homœopathically, we
are prescribing for idiosyncrasy, and that is where we
get our success. If we believed that medicines would
cure our patients, we might think that the more of the
right medicine we could get in the quicker would be the
cure; whereas exactly the opposite is the case. The
patient must cure himself. Medicine cannot cure him.
All that medicine can do curatively is to stimulate his
curative reaction. The dose of the drug to which his
idiosyncrasy makes him sensitive merely acts as a vital
stimulus. And it is in his reaction to that stimulus that
lies his salvation. So we see that diseases and drugs are
much alike in their effects. They provide stimuli to
which there is more or less vital reaction.
Kent says: Susceptibility is only a name for a state
that underlies all possible sickness, and all possible
cure.” There is the individual behind it all. Different
individuals react differently to both diseases and
remedies. It requires many cases of a disease to exhibit
the whole disease picture. It is only from many provers
that the whole of a drug-disease picture can be elicited.
Everywhere it is the ego behind it all that has to be
reckoned with. And it is only through symptoms that
denote the individual (and his defective reactions to
mental and physical environment in particular) that we
can find his individual stimulus. This is the very
essence of Homœopathy as taught by HAHNEMANN.
The thing that concerns us, as physicians, is the
patient. Surgery busies itself only with “ultimates,” or
disease-products. Remember that disease (or what we
call disease), is really the result of disease, or deficient
resistance. It is this resistance that we must stimulate.
The true disease is the underlying condition, the
susceptibility, the intangible cause of the pathological
changes. It is this with which we have to do, or fail.
HAHNEMANN tells us that our only mission in life, as
physicians, is to cure the sick. And everything depends
on our interpretation of a sick man. We often come
across patients who give us plenty of symptoms; yet on
careful examination nothing definitely is found wrong.
Yet that patient is a sick person, and if not treated will
in the end have ultimates to show.
The individual behind the disease is shown in what
we call the generals of the patient; that is to say, by his
reactions, as a whole, to environment, mental and
physical. This is where he betrays his weakness and
deficiencies; this is where we can help him. You see,
the patient is out of tune with his surroundings and
therefore suffers. And suffering, of course, means
damage. He is out of gear; he is failing to adjust
himself; he is working along a wrong channel. His
normal healthy rhythm is disturbed.
In machinery a want of perfect adjustment means
stress, jar and friction. Friction, stress and jar are
destructive to any machine. Parts are strained, worn
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 84
down; presently adjustment fails and something gives.
The machine is old and worn out and incapable before
its time. It is just like that with the human machine.
The man is not normal. He fails, therefore, to adjust
himself, fails to react curatively to injury, strain, or
invasion of disease. There are attempts at
compensation; but these things do not make for health,
and a vicious circle is established. Things are not
working smoothly; there is distress, pain, perverted
function. Presently something gives. Ultimates are
established. When this happens we can give the disease
a name; but the man was sick long before, or all this
would never have happened. The patient was wrong,
out of gear, out of sorts, before he could show it by
putting up diseased parts.
It is the patient himself, the primitive sick man,
with which Homœopathy is concerned; and he can only
be got at through his morbid reactions, mental and
physical. Therefore, for our purpose, the symptoms of
importance are those which denote or express the
patient; not those secondary to mechanical or
pathological changes. This cannot be too often
repeated. The symptoms complained of by the patient,
the obvious symptoms, dependent on gross pathological
lesions, are generally worthless from the point of view
of prescribing. The stiffness of ankylosis, the dyspnoea
of pressure on the trachea, the frequent micturition of
pressure on the bladder, the itching skin of bile-
absorption, are not symptoms of any use, when we are
searching for the constitutional remedy. But the
symptoms that are of importance are the symptoms of
the patient himself, as a whole; the failures to adjust
himself to mental and physical surroundings. These are
the things that cramp his vitalities, his healthy activities
and enjoyment of life, that lower his resistance; it is on
these that ultimates are established.
In speaking of the symptoms that express the
patient it may be as well to explain the terms used, in
case they should be unfamiliar to any here.
General symptoms are those which denote the
patient as a whole. Particulars are those which refer
only to a part or organ.
Of generals, the patient says “I,” not “My.” (I
suffer in the cold,” “I have lost interest in everything---
in work---in my loved ones.” “I feel nausea at the sight
or smell of food.”) Of particulars he says, not “I,” but
“My” (“My knees suffer in the cold, or damp.” “My
eruption is more painful after washing.”)
It is necessary to get generals and particulars
clearly, since they may be contradictory. The patient
may say, “I feel the cold, and cannot stand it; but my
joint pains are much worse from heat.” Such
contradictory conditions are very valuable to the
It is also necessary to distinguish clearly between
generals and particulars, because the generals take far
higher rank, as denoting the patient himself. Even in
Homœopathy the whole is greater than its part. Of the
generals the symptoms of highest rank are the mental
symptoms, as expressing most perfectly, and indeed
dominating the individual. These all are more
especially important when they express a change in the
mental or physical condition. Deviations from the
normal of the race are important; deviations from the
normal of the individual are much more so.
Take an example: A man who has always appeared
lighthearted and open, becomes depressed and takes on
suspicion. His very nature seems to change. This is of
the utmost importance and it limits your work at once.
Mentals are of the highest grade and such a marked
symptom must be in high type. We know, therefore,
that the remedy for this case must be in the group of
suspicious remedies. Only drugs that have caused or
evoked suspicion need to be considered. I say evoked
because there must have been a latent tendency to
suspicion in the patient, otherwise, neither sickness nor
drug would probably have been able to bring it out.
Mental symptoms, then, that express the patient’s very
self, take the highest rank in working out the case.
Where they are very definite and strongly marked they
lead you at once to the consideration of a small group of
remedies, and lighten the labour entailed in determining
the drug. For we may get a long case with numerous
symptoms. Something must be left out. The whole
situation depends on what we do so leave out. If we
remove the prop, the very foundation, why it must fall.
Without the grading of symptoms, the knowledge of
what is essential to the case, repertorizing would be an
interminable task; with results so poor and uncertain as
would soon lead to its abandonment. The symptoms of
importance in repertorizing are those that denote the
patient, his mental reactions, desires and fears; his
physical reactions to temperature, storm and climate, to
time, to food and drink, to position, motion, and such-
Of less importance are his particulars (the
symptoms pertaining to his parts or organs), unless
indeed, “rare and peculiar,” when they at once become
characteristic of himself, apart from his malady, and
rank high.
Of least importance are common symptoms,
whether common to his disease and therefore not
distinctive, or common to a great number of remedies,
and therefore useless for the selection of one. Common
symptoms are practically useless in prescribing.
But notice, please, that the symptoms that go to
make up the choice of the remedy, often lie quite
outside those that go to make up the pathology of the
case. Beware of prescribing on a single symptom,
however marked and characteristic. You may wipe out
that symptom---only. You will do so, if you prescribe a
remedy that does not cover the whole case. Whereas in
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prescribing for the patient as a whole, you will wipe out
that symptom with the rest. More than that, you will
often learn, later, that your medicine has cured
symptoms that the patient never thought to mention to
Taking the case
The homœopathic taking of the case, then, must
differ entirely from anything we have learnt outside the
School of Hahnemann. “The first rule is, let the patient
talk. Don’t interrupt. We want his whole story. By
diverting his thoughts, we may lose something of the
first importance. When he has finished, it is our turn.
We must start questioning him, and get him to qualify
all the statements he has made (because a common and
useless symptom, when qualified, is often transformed
into the “strange, rare and peculiar” that is so important
in working out the remedy). We shall need to ask a
great number of questions, in order to get the few
symptoms of vital importance. But care is needed in
framing our questions. They should be put in such a
way that the patient is forced to consider, and make
statements: that he is unable to answer them by yes, or
no. Again remember: if we ask leading questions, we
shall get misleading answers. Another point: it is
useless to write down anything that is not definite and
marked. If it is a question of “Yes---I think so?” “Well,
you know, I rather prefer---” leave it out.
Next we have to get the generals, and mentals. The
mentals we leave to the last, till we have had time to
familiarize the patient with our methods, and to win his
confidence. It is a difficult thing, often, to reach the
very symptoms we need most---to probe to the depths of
fears and depression. The friends of the patient may
help us here, especially in regard to important changes
of disposition. Besides that, we are helped by our own
observations; the patient betrays himself in a hundred
ways. There is not only the type of the patient: the
moist hand, the dusky complexion, the way he begs us
to open (or shut) the window.
We may notice: restlessness and ceaseless
movement, a suspicious look and manner, reserve, and
resentment of sympathy, reluctance to tell even
necessary symptoms, loquacity or slowness, easy
weeping. Often our conclusions flatly contradict the
patient’s own description of his mental state.
In children the mentals are easy to get, and help you
more than anything. There is the child you want to
caress, and the child you want to spank. The child that
wants to be comforted, and the child that twists angrily
In taking the case, the only things we have in
common with the old school are, the careful
examination of the patient and the necessity for
diagnosis. Not because on diagnosis is based the
remedy. It is not. But because, unless we diagnose the
mechanical and pathological condition, we cannot
prescribe either homœopathically or safely. For without
examination and diagnosis, how are we to differentiate
between the symptoms that are secondary to, or
common to the disease, and those which are inherent in
and peculiar to the patient? And for the discovery of the
vital stimulus, the latter alone are of importance. Again
if we neglect diagnosis, we may inadvertently, but
irretrievably, damage the patient, by administering the
vital stimulus in too high a potency. Where there is
gross tissue-change, the remedy that ought to have been
administered many years ago may provoke such a
turmoil, such reaction, that the patient never rallies. In
our attempt to cure what is incurable, we may actually
And here let me say one word about potencies.
Potentization was Hahnemann’s great discovery. He
considered potentized drugs essential in the cure of
chronic conditions. He says: “Homœopathic
dynamizations are processes by means of which the
medicinal properties of drugs, which are in a latent state
in the crude substance, are excited, and enabled to act
dynamically upon the vital force; that is upon the
sensibility and irritability of fibres.
“I have been the first to discover and to promulgate
this awakening of the latent dynamic properties of
medicinal drugs, which is effected either by the process
of trituration, or succussion.
“It is therefore improper to apply the term ‘dilution’
to a dynamized drug (though every new potency of a
drug has to be mixed either with alcohol or sugar of
milk, to enable us to carry on these processes still
further, and to set free the very inmost power of the
drug, which could not be done by simply triturating or
shaking the original substance, were we to do it for ever
so long a period).
“…By employing proper care in the preparation of
our potencies, even the 50th potency becomes
exceedingly powerful.”
He has, however, sanctioned potencies higher than
he ever dreamed of, when he tells us the height to which
potentization may, with advantage, be carried. For he
says, so long as the potentized remedy is capable of
provoking even a small aggravation of symptoms
immediately after its administration, we have curative
And here let us consider, for a moment, the
question of aggravation. Aggravation is almost as
precious to the homœopath, as amelioration. Where
there is aggravation, there is evidence of power. Also,
where there is aggravation, there is evidence of
reaction; and it is on vital reaction that all our work is
based. It is the reaction of the patient to the vital
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stimulus provided by the simillimum, that is curative.
The remedy, as we said, never cures the patient, but it
does far more: It stimulates him to set about curing
himself. And that is why we must not repeat lightly.
For while he is so busied, it is a fatal mistake to
interrupt him, and cause him to swerve from his course.
The symptoms presented by the patient, are really his
reaction to disease. When we add a drug-stimulus of
“like” nature, the preliminary aggravation is evidence of
the enhanced endeavour of the patient to resist. But
aggravation is of two kinds, and we must distinguish
between them. For with the one we must interfere; with
the other, we must not.
There is the aggravation of the disease, where the
disease is worse, and the patient is also worse; here we
must antidote at once. There is the aggravation of
symptoms only, when the symptoms are worse, but the
patient feels better. Here we must let it alone. It will
pass. Whenever there is aggravation of symptoms, but
the patient says, “I feel better,” that is of good prognosis
--- provided you keep your hands off.
Hahnemann says: “The physician need not feel the
least uneasiness if the ordinary symptoms of the disease
are called out by the antipsoric remedies, in a higher
degree of intensity than they usually manifest.
“They will diminish more and more, one day after
“This so-called homœopathic aggravation is a
proof that the cure is not only probable, but may be
anticipated with certainty.”
When there is not much tissue change, you get no
real aggravation of disease, but a mere transient
exacerbation of symptoms. Where the homœopathic
aggravation is quick, and severe, and soon over, the
amelioration will be long-lasting. (Always provided we
keep our hands off.) A quick rebound on the part of the
patient tells us several important things: That the
remedy was well chosen; that the vital economy is in
good state; that there are no gross tissue changes; that
the patient will get well. Such cases give us no anxiety.
So we see how all-important it is to our peace of mind,
to know our work, and when we get results, to be able to
interpret them.
The language of reaction
It was important for us to be able to read the
language of symptoms, to correctly interpret their cry
for the curative drug. It is no less important that we
should also master the language of reaction, and be able
to rightly interpret what the remedy has to tell us, in
regard to prognosis and the after-treatment of the case.
No aggravation, a sudden amelioration of all
symptoms (a quick rebound to health) means: the
remedy was right; the potency was right; the disease
was not deeply seated.
A short, sharp aggravation, followed by long
amelioration means: The remedy was right; the potency
was right; reaction is good; patient curable.
In less favourable cases you may get: Long
aggravation, with slow improvement; long aggravation,
with slow decline of patient; rapid improvement,
followed by long aggravation; these mean, prognosis
not good. The normal curative reaction is not here.
You must remember that there are cases that are
incurable. In such, you must not give the constitutional
remedy in high potency---the remedy that should have
been given twenty years ago. It is too late. The reaction
to such advanced disease would destroy the patient.
You can help these patients a great deal, you can
prolong life; only you must realize that you cannot cure
them. In such cases we are told “to use short-acting
remedies, and such antipsorics as do not relate to the
case as it was at the beginning. The remedy that fits the
previous condition will tear the case down.”
There is one other group of great importance:
Amelioration, followed by return of old symptoms. (By
these we mean old, perhaps long-forgotten symptoms:
not the symptoms for which the patient consulted us.)
When these ancient symptoms return, in the reverse
order of their coming, this is of the utmost importance.
It tells us that the remedy is deep-acting, down, to the
very foundations; that the patient will get well (always
provided that we will let well alone).
It proves, as Hahnemann says of the return of these
old symptoms: “That the remedy has attacked the
disease in its inmost nature, and will prove of great use
hereafter. Therefore the remedy,” he says, “ought to be
left undisturbed.”
Therefore, whenever the patient returns with the
report of symptoms new to us, we must always ask
whether they are really new to the patient, or whether
they are not merely a return of ancient symptoms i.e.,
previous phases of the chronic life-long disease), since
these are of good prognosis, and must not be meddled
with; for, as a rule, they do not persist. They return to
make their bow before the curtain; then vanish.
We must let the remedy act
And now, most important of all, we must speak of
the need to let the remedy act. It is at our peril we
meddle with reaction. The first prescription was
important. On the second hangs the future of the
patient. It is no good to say, “I have found the curative
drug, I will push it.” Remember always, that if there is
one thing the curative drug will not stand, it is being
pushed. The result of such a course will speedily cause
you to doubt whether you have got the curative drug at
all. We must be loyal to the remedy, and to the reaction
of the patient; or they will both fail us, and there will be
no cure. The curative drug always demands that we
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 87
shall watch and wait: for the curative drug strongly
resents interference.
Even the Allopaths have come to recognize a state
of hypersensitiveness or anaphylaxis following a vita
stimulus: and the uselessness, and even danger of
repetition while this lasts. The disciples of Hahnemann
knew of this condition ages before it got a long Greek
name. They have Hahnemann’s warnings, and his
directions for practice. You have got to hasten slowly.
You have, with the dose of your well-selected remedy,
supplied the initial impetus: your patient is just able to
stagger forward; but it is forward. Give him another
push, and his direction is no longer forward, but down.
Hahnemann says: “The surest and safest way of
hastening the cure, is to let the medicine act so long as
the improvement in the patient continues (were it far
beyond the period set down as the probable duration of
its action). He who observes this rule with the greatest
care will be the most successful homœopathic
There are more cases spoilt by improper repetition
of the remedy than from any other cause. Whenever a
remedy has produced a positive effect, whether of
aggravation or of amelioration, no repetition is
permissible until that action has wholly spent itself.
Symptoms were all important for the choice of the
remedy: but after the remedy has been given, and while
the patient is reacting, symptoms must not betray us into
prescribing. So long as a patient is improving,
symptoms are not a call for a new prescription. Listen
to Hahnemann again: “The physician must be on his
guard against interrupting the action of the antipsoric
remedy which he has given to the patient. Let him not
exhibit an intermediate remedy, on account of a little
headache, which may perhaps come the day after the
antipsoric was given, or another remedy for a sore
throat, or diarrhea, or a little pain.”
The rule is, that the carefully selected
homœopathic remedy should act until it has completed
its effect.”
And again, he says, “A hasty repetition of the
remedy, or every new dose of another remedy, would
produce increase of morbid symptoms, and interrupt the
process of cure. It often requires a long time before so
much mischief can be remedied.”
And again, “By means of a single dose of a
carefully selected remedy, the homœopathic physician
often produces an improvement in the state of his
patient, which continues even to the restoration of
health. This result could not have been obtained if the
dose had been repeated, or if another remedy had been
And again, “The whole cure fails, if the antipsoric
remedies which have been prescribed for the patient are
not permitted to act uninterruptedly to the end…” He
talks of “the loss which the rash haste of the physician
has inflicted upon the patient,” by which “the benign
action of the remedy, which was about manifesting its
most beautiful and surprising results, is probably lost to
the patient for ever.”
And once again: “The surest and safest way to
hasten the cure is, to let the medicine act so long as the
improvement of the patient continues. He who observes
this rule with the greatest care, will be the most
successful homœopathic practitioner.”
So long, then, as reaction is in progress, symptoms
are not a call for a new prescription, even were it a
While the patient is reacting, and his symptoms
mending, there is no cry for a drug, and you have no
business to give a drug, except in response to a definite
cry. A drug for which there is no cry is no stimulus to
healthful reaction.
Reaction is still going on, so long as symptoms
continue to disappear in the reverse order of their
coming, or ancient symptoms return (to disappear) in
the reverse order of their appearing, or if symptoms
pass from internal organs on to more superficial ones,
or, when symptoms change and move from above
Hering, in his preface to the “Chronic Diseases,”
puts this point. He writes: “Every homœopathic
physician must have observed that the improvement in
pain takes place from above downwards, and in disease
from within outwards. This is why chronic diseases, if
they are thoroughly cured, always terminate in some
cutaneous eruption. The thorough cure of a widely
ramified chronic disease in the organism is indicated by
the most prominent organs being first relieved; the
affection passes off in the order in which the organs had
been affected, the more important being relieved first,
the less important next, and the skin last.
“Even the superficial observer cannot fail to
recognize this law of order. An improvement which
takes place in a different order can never be relied on.”
This, then, is the order of cure: From above
downwards; from within outwards; in the reverse order
of appearing.
But how long must we wait before repeating the
dose? (Have you observed, by-the-bye, how
Hahnemann always speaks about the dose, when he is
dealing with chronic diseases.) There is only one rule
in regard to repetition; wait till the patient feels less
well, and the symptoms on which we prescribed begin
to come back to stay. They return just to ask for a
repetition of the remedy. Here is a case of
Hahnemann’s. He says: “On one occasion I gave sepia
against a chronic headache, which came on at intervals.
The attacks became both less frequent and less violent.
Another dose stopped the headache for a period of one
hundred days; from which I inferred that the remedy
acted during all that time. At the end of one hundred
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 88
days another slight attack came on. A third dose of
sepia was given, and it is now seven years since the
headache has completely disappeared.” -----“Chron.
I think I have shown you that this is all
Hahnemann, of whom Dr. Kent is the greatest exponent
in our day. Kent says in a recent letter: “It always seems
so strange to me to hear that I have attempted a
departure from Hahnemann’s teaching. I simply try to
show what it means, and how to apply it after one
hundred years of application. I have made no
discoveries. I have nothing that I can call my own.”
On the question of letting the remedy act, he is at
one with “the Grand Old Master,” as he calls
Hahnemann. Kent says: “The more ignorant the
physician, the more he will do.” “It is better to do
nothing at all than to do something useless.” “If you go
at it like a common tinker you may cure acute sickness,
but, on your life, do not tamper with these chronic
diseases.” “This flopping about, and not waiting for the
remedy to act, is abominable! There are periods of
improvement and periods of failure. Let the life force
go on as long as it can, and repeat only when the
original symptoms come back to stay.”
One last quotation from Hahnemann I will give
you: “My doctrines in regard to the magnitude and
repetition of the doses will be doubted for years, even
by the greater number of homœopathic physicians.
Their excuse will be, “that it is quite difficult enough to
believe that the minute homœopathic doses have at al
the power to act upon disease, but that it is incredible
that such small doses should be able to influence an
inveterate chronic disease even for two or three, much
less for forty or fifty days: yea, that after so long a space
of time important results should be obtained from those
imperceptible doses ….”
“Does the physician risk anything by imitating a
method which I have adopted from long experience and
observation? Unless the physician imitates my method,
he cannot expect to solve the highest problem of
medical science, that of curing those important chronic
diseases which have indeed remained uncured up to the
time when I discovered their true character and proper
“If physicians do not carefully practice what I
teach, let them not boast themselves of being of
my followers, and, above all, let them not expect
to be successful in their treatment.”
There may be much in the foregoing that seems
strange and almost inexplicable, but we must approach
it with the humble mind of those eager to do all we can
for suffering humanity. We do not yet understand what
electricity is, but that does not hinder men from using it
along directed channels to obey their wills---if we sit
still and do nothing till we fully understand why all how
things happen, we will not be busy or useful.
So with Homœopathy---we cannot explain
precisely how the simillimum actswhy such minute
quantities of drugs should have any action at allwhy
it is dangerous to repeat too soon the phenomena of
aggravation, but we use them intelligently. Now
science comes along and clears up much that was dark.
Recent excellent papers by Mr. Dudley WRIGHT, Dr,
WHEELER, and last month by our President, gave
evidence of the forces of the infinitesimal, we need no
longer apologize for using drugs in such imperceptible
doses. The phenomena of anaphylaxis are analogous to
the upset produced by the too early repetition of the
homœopathic remedy. Sir Almroth Wright’s so-called
reaction in vaccine therapy explains to some extent the
aggravation felt by the patient after the administration
of our drugs.
So we may yet hope for many of the strange things
that actually do occur in our practice being fully
understood some day, but we must not wait till then
before we utilize their messages.
Dr. Wheeler ably puts it in The Homœopathic
World, February, 1914: “As regards many subjective
symptoms and so-called ‘general’ symptoms, their
pathology is as yet unknown; but that does not mean
that it is nonexistent. There must be a reason why one
patient reacts unfavourably to damp or cold more than
another. Sometimes we can divine it, but when we
cannot, the symptom is nevertheless a part of the
pathology of the case, and it is not scientific to ignore
all that we cannot explain. Rather we should seek to
I have been almost entirely using Hahnemann’s
name, and that advisedly. It is impossible to conceive
in these days of anyone blindly following teachings of
100 years ago, unless they be borne out by everyday
clinical experience. Even to-day Hahnemann’s warning
holds good---and only those who closely follow his
directions need look for his results.
12. Constitution and Constitutional Treatment
LEESER, O. (HOM. 100, 1-2/2011)
let me begin by telling you that I highly appreciate the
opportunity to speak in this famous centre of British
Homœopathy, and my thanks are due to the Council of
the British Homœopathic Society for their kind
The subject matter I have chosen, “Constitution
and Constitutional Treatment,” certainly is a most
important one for our medical art. For the
constitutional treatment must be considered the highest
aim of all internal medicine. One might well put the
question, however: Is it not entirely superfluous to
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 89
speak about constitutional therapeutics to homœopathic
physicians, seeing that all homœopathic therapeutics
are constitutional treatment? Indeed I should like to put
this thesis at the head of my remarks. As a matter of
principle and method Homœopathy means
constitutional treatment. We are proud of the fact that
the homœopathic method enables us consciously to
practice constitutional therapy with drugs; to realize
this by other methods appears a scarcely attainable
ideal, but in this circle, as it were intra muros, I need
not point out the advantages of homœopathic methods,
rather do I wish to ventilate detailed problems of this
kind which might determine our practice. A correct
understanding of the relations between Homœopathy
and constitutional therapy can, for instance, facilitate
our decision in individual cases whether we might or
should make the local and acute manifestations of
disease the object of treatment, or whether the
individual constitutional disposition has to take priority.
Perhaps I may partially anticipate the answer to this
question. Constitutional therapy is never a matter of
something absolute, it is rather a matter of degree, of
the extent which the constitution can be diagnosed and
treated. What I purpose to attempt to-day is mainly to
elucidate the various degrees and stages into which
medical treatment can delve.
I must first shortly establish Homœopathy as
constitutional therapy and give it its proper place in the
greater biological complex as I see it. Our conception
of disease, natural and artificial healing, is that it forms
part of the greater all-embracing nature principle of
Like a river in its bed, the river flows but within its
limits; the fluctuations of its level, dependent as they
are on the weather, have a wide zone of adaptation. But
the river can overflow its normal bounds owing to the
abnormal weather conditions.
So also the individual is continually flowing,
changing, altering. In the pain it is adapted to the
conditions of its environment, or it is easily able to
adapt itself. It has a physiological margin of
Looking at the surface we can observe adaptation
as an active process in its details even in our humanly
narrow field of vision. This becomes most distinct
when and where the fluctuations exceed their normal
limits. That is the case in disease, a process in the
living being which particularly concerns us. We call an
organism diseased when it fails to be adapted to
unusual surrounding factors or even to its usual
conditions of living. The pathological processes
represent to our mind attempts at adaptation. But in
disease these attempts are insufficient as they fail in
time and in extent. Whether the organism will later on
be successful in its attempts at adaptation, be it with or
without artificial help, is another question.
During illness, these attempts are at least
incomplete, if not entirely insufficient. What we want
to show in this connection is how our conception of
disease is governed by the great biological principle of
adaptation. This conception corresponds to modern
teaching of biology; it is dynamic, for it considers the
forces of the living organism to be continually active
with the aim of self-conversation.
With such a conception Homœopathy wholly
agrees, since its aim is to further the efforts of the
organism to adapt itself in those places and those stages
where failure becomes manifest.
What is the meaning of our comparing the
symptoms of the individual patient with the symptoms
caused by medicines and then prescribing the most
similar remedy? We bring the remedy into close accord
with the diseased individual. The very object at which
we direct our attack is the same human organism, the
same psycho-physical unit against which the exterior or
interior causes of disease are fighting. The intensity
with which the organism reacts on the pathological or
medicinal stimulus affords us our gauge. The reacting
organism is what we always refer to; we judge the
increase or decrease of the disease according to the
symptoms the organism produces. Neither can the
quantity of pathological causes be a measure of disease,
nor the quantity of a remedy a measure of healing.
Homœopathy seeks healing by furthering the
reactions of the organism. Neglect or suppression of
these reactions are in any case alien to Homœopathy.
The fighting side, which is to be aided and supported by
homœopathic treatment is really the reacting organism
and that means nothing but the constitution. Thus
Homœopathy is as a matter of principle constitutional
therapy. The manner in which an organism reacts
shows us the peculiarity of its constitution.
In pathology and therapy we speak of constitution when
we deduce the present state of the individual, his
morphological and functional characteristics as having
been caused by past influences; the same complex we
should call predisposition when we refer to the future
tendency with its accidental possibilities.
In constitutional therapy, however, we always have
in mind both the present situation resulting from the
past and its future tendencies. For dynamic conception
the improvement of the constitution is synonymous
with elimination of the predisposition.
Whenever we improve the adaptation of the
organism to the conditions surrounding it, whenever we
further its reactions towards attacks and demands, we
are practicing constitutional therapy. That it is possible
to be practiced there can be no doubt; more important to
us is the particular question how far into the organism,
into the constitution can we trace the disease, with our
perception on the one hand, with the stimulus of the
remedy on the other. How far can we intensify
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 90
constitutional diagnosis and constitutional treatment?
Extent and depth, degree and grade, the more or less of
the manner of penetrating the constitution, theoretically
as well as practically---these are the real and internal
problems of Homœopathy. Let us contemplate
separately the continuity of space and time within
which we also view the individual, first in the
geometrical and then in the time dimension. We are
well aware, that in reality we cannot separate the “now”
and the “here,” but for the understanding we should do
well to consider the steps and degrees leading us into
the comprehension of the constitution separately
according to space and time.
Consider the constitution, the organism, in its
dimension of space, would that not lead us straight
away to a localistic anatomical materialistic pathology?
No that is not at all what we mean. Surely it is not only
the material which has a relation to space, forces also
can be localized. There exist between them super-
ordination, co-ordination or sub-ordination, what we
call peripheral, and more or less central localization.
These dynamic localizations are what we principally
mean. Let us take a Cystitis; surely it can be limited
locally. But what we have to comprehend and treat is
not a conglomeration of inflamed mucous membranes.
Rather are we bound, even here, in the mostly local
peripheral case to suppose the existence of a centre for
the disturbance as well as for its regulation. Let the
ultimate cause be, say, wet and cold feet at a time when
the coli bacilli are present. Here at least we have to
super-ordinate the disturbance in the regulation of the
blood-vessels to the alteration in the cells of the mucous
membranes. Without such a central switchboard, a
regulating centre, we cannot conceive a connection
between morbific event and morbid manifestations.
Neither can we conceive the medicinal regulation as a
peripheral action on the mucous membranes of the
bladder, when Cantharis 6 presently induces an
improvement. It would be impossible to suppose that
the few drops can have a local mending action on the
peripheral cells. We cannot be mistaken in assuming
one and the same regulating centre for the genesis of
the malady and for its abolition. This centre is super-
ordinated with regard to the cells of the peripheral
organ, but in such a rather peripheral process it would
be an inferior centre. This centre too belongs to the
constitutional part of the pathological and therapeutical
process. But the constitution is engaged only partially
or within certain limits in this case, in which the
exogenous factors were preponderant. In giving
Cantharis we have used the partially constitutional
method of a comparatively peripheral grade. A so-
called “organotropie” because we have directed our
efforts towards an organ; but it is still constitutional
Starting from such a low rung, the constitutional
part of disease as well as the remedy, both of which
meet at the same regulating centre, can proceed in two,
as it were, directions of space, in the plane and in the
depth, on the horizontal and in the vertical. First, in the
plane. If the disease remains limited, let us say to the
bladder, the external causes may diminish in case a
stronger local disposition of the organ exists. Let us
take the case of Capsicum. There we frequently find an
ectropion of the urethral orifice in women as an
expression of the easily inflammable and irritable
bladder. The nervous spasmodic accompanying
manifestations are strongly apparent. One remembers
that Capsicum belongs to the family of Solanaceae, as
Belladonna and Hyoscyamus. In such cases of easily
inflammable bladder with ectropion urethrae in women
I have seen good effects from Capsicum. Here we may
still speak of a peripheral affection and a comparatively
organotropic therapy, but the exogenous causes are
secondary to the stronger local disposition. Now let us
take a Sepia woman patient with relaxed protruding
abdominal organs. The down-drawn urethra causes a
continual irritation of the neck of the bladder, again and
again slight inflammation with slight incontinence. In
such cases I have repeatedly been successful with
Sepia. It is obvious that here the constitutional part of
the local affliction has become preponderant. The outer
causes become secondary. We call them accidental. In
such a case of Cystitis in the Sepia woman, however,
we see the constitutional part not only extended in the
plane but also in the direction of depth. The affection
of the bladder is subordinated to a more universal
diseased state. The regulating centre, the existence of
which we suppose we remove here, lies deeper in the
constitution. The laxity of fibre is more general. The
personality as a whole is affected, also its psychical
reactions become more important. The entire
psychophysical functional unit is modified in the Sepia
sense. The specific emotional symptoms, signs of
psychic exhaustion, point in such cases even more
definitely to Sepia, for they lead us more directly to the
centre of the personality. In the specificity of the
person we see the most central point of the functional
system. This central office of the individual receives
the stimulus from outside already in its own specific
manner, transforms it equally specifically, so that the
outward effects also bear the stamp of its own specific
personality. This refers to the normal as well as to the
morbid attitude. The line from the periphery of an
organ to this personal centre represents that dimension
of depth in which we have to seek the points from
which disease and cure are being regulated. This
exploring into the depth of constitution when collecting
and comparing symptoms is quite familiar to us. We
know that the more characteristic symptoms, mental
symptoms and modalities, that we can find and utilize
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 91
in any single case, the more we shall penetrate into the
depth topwards the disturbed supreme centre of
personality. What psycho-analysis tries to accomplish
by its method is for Homœopathy a method long
familiar. Later we shall see that also for the time
dimension the same applies.
The gradual penetration from the periphery to
more and more central regulating seats, down to the
most central point of the personality, will become quite
apparent when I give you some examples. Take a
series of cardiac affections represented by the effects of
the similar remedies well familiar to you. You can then
easily form a scale from the organotropic base up to the
personotropic apex, for instance, if you hold before
your mind the affinities of the following drugs in
cardiac affections. At the lowest Digitalis and
Stropanthus, a step higher Convallaria, Scilla, Adonis
then Crataegus, Laurocerasus, Cactus then Kalmia,
Spigelia, Lachesis then Arsenicum, Phosphorus and
finally Kali carbonicum. In this scale you see the
personal part crescendo (increasing) and the local
organotropic one decrescendo (decreasing). What
remedy from this scale the therapeutist chooses depends
objectively on the individual case, that is to say how far
individualization is possible on the one hand and on the
other hand subjectively from the ability of the physician
to find the adequate consonance.
But also within the sphere of a single drug you can
follow this scale from the periphery to the centre from
the end-organs to more and more central seats of
regulation. Take for instance Arsenicum album, there
you know on the lowest rung of the ladder the
destructive effects on cells, gangrene and necrosis,
carcinoma, septic embolic processes with foetid and
acrid secretions. The next rung is taken by the
inflammatory alterations leading finally to fatty
degeneration of the cells of organs and of vascular
endothelium. From these toxic effects we derive
clinical indications as enteritis, nephritis, myocarditis,
cardiovascular syndromes with tendency to oedema and
so on. On the next higher rung we find the effects on
the nervous system as caused by minute but often
repeated doses. The neuralgias and neuritis, the various
trophoneurotic troubles, ulcers, herpes zoster are of this
kind. Here the heavy burning pains, the aggravation
from cold, the midnight aggravation are keynotes. And
again the constitutional part increases proceeding to the
allergic conditions which indicate arsenic, as asthma,
hay-fever, urticaria, and the vasomotor megrims and
headaches. Here the organic part recedes more and
more to the background and the functional part
becomes preponderant. We penetrate more and more to
the top point of personality when anxiety, restlessness,
pedantry, are guiding symptoms. However Arsenicum
album is not at all a remedy especially appropriate for
penetrating to the very personal centre of a patient. We
should not call arsenic a constitutional remedy in a
stricter sense. Take, for instance, Calcarea carbonica
as a constitutional remedy of the first rank. Here the
stress lies on those symptoms which characterize the
person, the focus lies in the supreme centre of the
psychophysical functional unit, the depth of personality.
The local effects on the organs are of comparatively
little importance in a Calcarea patient, and at the same
time the exogenous causes become less important in
such calcarea cases. These conditions are mainly of an
endogenous nature. The individual shows itself already
insufficiently adapted to common conditions of life.
Such conditions arise also from the normal stages of
development, as is, for instance, puberty. Further on
this constitutional inferiority is of a universal kind, not
limited to a single organ. Let me briefly quote a case of
my own experience. A boy, aged about 12, formerly
very vivacious and irritable, changed more and more
into a distinct habitus femininus. He became bodily
and mentally indolent and slow; certainly the diagnosis
dystrophia adipose-genitalis under which this case has
to be classified is not to be found in our register of
calcarea symptoms. However, we find there great
obesity and increasing corpulence of the young. In this
patient the mental symptoms and modalities also
pointed exactly to Calcarea. About eighteen months
later the patient, treated only with Calcarea carbonica
30 in varying intervals, was normally developed and the
restriction of his mental activity had disappeared. Let
the sceptic of such a change of the constitution in its
morphological aspect ascribe all success to the
influence of time and nothing to the highly potentized
Calcarea. Those who have experiences of their own
will continue to prefer the homœopathic remedy to the
hormone preparations, which latter can perhaps be
supported by theoretical arguments but only very
slightly by practical success.
In cases of this kind we are accustomed to seek the
disturbed regulating centre in the system of endocrine
glands. But it is not possible to hold responsible either
the genital glands or the hypophysis alone. The
functional harmony has been disturbed and the entire
dynamic of the personality has been altered. We know
of the intimate interchange of cause and effect between
psychic functions and endocrine metabolism. One can
no longer speak of a materia pecans, these interchanges
are only accessible to a dynamic conception of disease,
thus co-ordinating the immaterial psychic forces as
causes and the psychic symptoms as effects with the
material causes and manifestations.
Just as the natural diseases vary strongly in the
depths to which they reach into the personal
constitution, so also the artificial images of disease
represented by the effects of medicines. For this reason
I spoke in my text book of constitutional remedies of
the first, second and third order according to their
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 92
degree of depth. I have pointed out that the
constitutional remedies of the first order are almost
entirely taken from minerals which are necessary
ingredients of the organism. I have argued why the
elements compounding the organism are particularly
qualified to supply constitutional remedies of the first
rank. It was very interesting to classify these mineral
constitutional remedies according to the place of their
elements in the periodic system of chemistry. That
means according to the sense of their electric charge,
positive, negative or amphoteric, and then to recognize
parallel correspondences to the three types of
constitution as classic in Homœopathy. How this
vision into three types of constitution is elaborated by
Grauvogl who interpreted Hahnemann and Rademacher
in his own way, and the relation in which these types of
constitution stand to the classifications of the official
school, has also been sufficiently discussed in my text-
book, and as this part already exists in an English
translation in the Journal of the American Institute of
Homœopathy, I need not go further into these details
here and now.
When we see the present symptoms of the patient
as reflected in the image of the similar effects of a
remedy our tracing the constitution is limited to the
present situation. That is what I called comprehension
of the constitution in its dimension of space, and I
explained the two directions in the plane and into the
depth. This way of proceeding and applying
constitutional remedies may be sufficient in many
cases. Hahnemann, in his first homœopathic epoch,
lasting from 1796 to about 1818, worked out this
method based on the present situation of the patient.
The difficulty which he saw before him about 1818 was
the following: the present picture of symptoms recorded
and utilized even in a perfect manner sometimes gave
unsatisfactory results. The improvement was transient
only, the same or another syndrome returned after some
time. Hahnemann with his ingenious intuition
acknowledged that there must exist a deeper reaching
evil. The essence of his teaching about the chronic
diseases might not be his aetiological reduction of all
chronic diseases to the three great miasms wellknown
to you as Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. Rather would I
see the principle progress in the accomplishment of his
method. Hahnemann thus made the chronic diseases
(the chronic patients’ constitution), accessible to our
exploration and to our medicinal treatment with regard
also to the dimension of time.
It is obvious that the more chronic a disease is the
greater will be the part played by the constitution.
Therefore, constitional treatment must justify its highest
claims in chronic diseases. Here it must be proved how
far it will reach into the individual constitution in the
dimension of time; in correcting the influence of past
events and preventing long enduring future
consequences. The further constitutional treatment can
go back into the past the more we may call it a
profound one, but we speak of profound treatment, too,
with regard to the permanence of recovery. This is not
always synonymous, as the one does not necessarily
correspond with the other. But often the profound
restitution can be obtained only by extending our
measures far into the past, and that can best be
accomplished by the homœopathic method, as I shall
later explain.
Hahnemann acknowledged diagnosis as of
comparatively little value, first regarding the present
state of disease. He put in its place the totality of
symptoms of the individual patient. This totality of
symptoms is, according to him, all that can be observed
of the dynamic disturbance or disharmony. Going back
to the forces, he could view the psychic and physical
causes and effects appearing as immaterial or as
material on the same plane. We also must accept this
dynamism of HAHNEMANN, otherwise it would be
impossible to bridge the gap formed by the theoretical
separation of psychic and physical causes and effects as
in no way comparable, but such a separation does not
exist in reality, as proved by daily experience.
HAHNEMANN, in his second homœopathic epoch,
applied the same statements to the genesis of the
chronic diseases, or we should rather say to the history
of the chronically diseased person. First he
acknowledged this---the chain of the morbid
manifestations may not every time consist of links of
equal kind. A present manifestation can connect with a
former one of a quite different symptomatology. One
disease seems to be substituted by another, but there is
only a change of manifestations in a chronic morbid
condition. This matter is quite familiar to the popular
experience, but official medicine agrees with it only
hesitatingly and only concerning few examples which
are undeniable, such as the alternation of eczema and
asthma, of poly-arthritis, urticaria, erythema nodosum
and chorea. The old school fears to risk or to lose the
independence of their diagnostic types as being the base
of their treatment. But the change of manifestations
appearing as alternation and vicariation of diseases
occurs quite frequently and is well founded in nature.
If the diseases of a patient at his various epochs of life
cannot be considered as independent from each other,
they have quite a natural connection, namely, as
functional unit and totality of the person, the
constitution. This unit remains super-ordinate also in
the course of time to the single disturbances and is
comparatively independent. Surely the connection of a
longer time of life exists only for the constitutional part
of the disturbances, but even this part is the most
important one in chronic diseases. After all, a failure of
constitution has in every case to be held responsible for
the chronicity of a disease. The question to be
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 93
answered before we can treat rationally is in what kind
of an affection has the constitution failed, what morbid
process could not be completely overcome? Thus
exploring the chronic patient, we often find a decisive e
vent in his history. Apparently this was the beginning
of the chain of chronic ailments or of unfavourable
modific ations of a formerly harmless affection. Of
course, not in all cases is such a distinct event to be
found, but if it can be ascertained it affords us the point
where we can apply the lever. Getting into a more
chronic or less favourable state means that the reactions
of the organism have become retarded and diminished.
If the kind of retarded or even suppressed reactions is
indicated by a distinct past event, we have the means of
comparison needed to choose the adequate reactive
remedy. It matters not that the decisive event has
passed, the organism which formerly failed in its
reactions has remained the same. Thus we can make up
for the efforts the organism failed to make in a past but
decisive period or state, even though it were years ago.
Without insight in these connections the successful
cures of chronic patients would sometimes appear
incredible or miraculous, but we know by experience
how deeply into the past of a patient we can delve with
medicinal energies. A clear understanding of
constitutional treatment of chronic diseases is apt
materially to increase its sphere. In applying the
principle of simile to past manifestations we are by no
means attempting to blot out or undo some past event,
but we merely want to cause the organism to make up
for a former deficiency, to improve on a previous want
of adaptation.
You will, no doubt, have known cases in which the
formerly suppressed perspiration of feet or an old
eczema reappeared for instance in an asthma patient
under Silica or Sulphur respectively, and the asthma
attacks ceased definitely. After a formerly suppressed
secretion has reappeared, the change of the whole
patient is often so evident that it is usually to be spoken
of as a change of the total constitution. That was the
case of a girl aged 11, of my experience. She was
troubled by a cough, swollen glands, want of appetite,
and mainly by very painful warty callosities on the
soles of the feet. The feet were noticeably cold and
blue. After Silica 30 was given, a foetid perspiration of
feet appeared, the callosities and the other troubles
vanished and at the first glance improvement could be
If the original morbid event during which the
reactions were incomplete or missed, happened a long
time ago, the provoked outbreak of an old evil may not
be finished at once. I treated in 1923 a patient aged 54,
for an obstinate polyneuritis and found occasionally a
residual annular eczema on one leg. The patient did not
attend to it because it had existed there since his earliest
youth. But his attention was claimed soon after Sepia
30, and later on Sulphur 30, when a moist eczema
spread over the whole body and worried him for about
four months. Then the eruption ceased gradually, and
since this time the patient is in perfect health. In
explaining more thoroughly the biological connection
within which such cures are to be seen, let us start from
considering the opposite kind of diseases, the acute
infections. They also have constitutional effects,
favourable as well as unfavourable. Measles or
Whooping-cough without complications in the one
child, even they leave an immunity for this infection as
a favourable constitutional effect. Sometimes also we
see a chronic Eczema disappear during Measles, but in
other children when the unfavourable modification of
constitution becomes evident the child appears
sensitized for other infections. Quite correctly we think
it dangerous if an acute exanthema is suppressed, be it
with or without artificial intervention. Thus also in
acute diseases retardation or even suppression of
reactions is responsible for developing a chronic state
of sickness. With the sudden suppression of secretion,
be it physiological, as menstruation or perspiration, or
pathological, as leucorrhoea, bleeding haemorrhoids
and so on, it is all the same. Further on the psychic
shock, too, may become the cause of chronic affections
manifested often as strongly somatic. Here once more
the main condition is that the reactions are incomplete,
the psychic shock is pushed away, supplanted. You see
we use the same expressions to explain the mechanism
of growing into chronicity this psychological method
which attempts to awaken old disturbances in order to
bring suppressed reactions to an end. Only the means
are different, there psychological, here medicinal. It is
not my purpose to weigh the one method against the
other, only I wish to explain what it means when
emotions are given as aetiological indications in our
Materia Medica. Then tacitly it is supposed that the
emotions were not released, but were suppressed, and
so psychic aetiological indications are meant in the
same sense as, for instance, suppressed eruption.
To summarize, we can establish that, whereas
disease is caused by failure in adaptation of the
constitution, cure can be furthered by reactivating the
means of adaptation in constitution, and this is possible
too even if the failure is of long standing and if the
original consequences are substituted by others.
Substitution of one manifestation by another is
unfavourable, if the latter consequence is caused by
retardation, restriction, suppression of the activity of the
organism; then the tendency is from acuteness to
On the other hand, the substitution of a chronic
state by an acute one sometimes is seen favourable,
curative. Such a cure may happen spontaneously, or
Nature may be imitated by medical art. The old
humoralists and their modern followers intend to
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 94
produce fever inflammation or suppuration; the cure of
progressive paralysis by Malaria is a well-known
example to-day. In provoking reactions of the
organism our intention agrees with this unspecific
stimulative method, but Homœopathy differs from it by
the higher grade of specificity in the direction of
individual constitution; our great advantage by applying
the principle of similar. We try to promote the
processes which fail in the individual patient or have
failed in a previous period of his life and thus turned
into chronicity with or without change of its
manifestations. It must be clearly understood that our
constitutional treatment is based on the principle of
similar when it is adjusted for the past as well as for the
present state. Indeed, we have before us an
enlargement of our constitutional treatment according
to the principle of similar, an enlargement in the
dimension of time.
Why, for instance, do we choose Thuja, if in a
patient it has become apparent that a scrofulous or
neuropathic disposition has been sensitized by
vaccination, and since that time chronic ailments will
not end. Because in proving Thuja, similar feverish
states with burning pustules are observed as in
vaccinosis, so the similarity of symptoms with the
original affection which could not be overcome by the
constitution governs our treatment.
And we look firstly at Sulphur or Nux vomica if
chronic ailments date since bleeding haemorrhoids were
suppressed, be it with or without artificial intervention;
that is to say we look for remedies which are known as
apt to produce the haemorrhoidal syndrome from
proving, and thus also to reproduce it in this chronically
affected patient. And with Ignatia for the consequences
of disappointment it is the same. By no means do I
wish to plead for a schematic aetiological treatment.
When we refer to such a principal cause, we attain a
decisive past state of the patient as a further object of
comparison, an additional indication but a very
important one. However, the system we always refer to
really is the individually reacting constitution.
So again and again we meet constitution as the
great mediator, receiving, transforming and answering
each stimulus in an individual manner, the morbific
stimulus as well as the remedial one, and so constitution
mediates also our curing, based on comparison even of
its individual reactions.
By acknowledging this connection, the seeming
contradiction dissolves between the first and the second
epoch of Hahnemann’s teaching, the first based on
symptomatic comparison only, the supplementary
teaching of the chronic diseases seemingly based on
aetiological indications; seemingly, I said, because I
think it has become evident that the cure of chronic
diseases implies only a larger application of the
principle of similars.
Furthermore, we may correct according to the
explained conception an easily mistaken interpretation
of HAHNEMANN. When HAHNEMANN speaks of
the substitution of one disease by another, he seems to
omit his dynamic conception and to admit diseases as
independent entities. If he says that the natural disease
must be substituted by a stronger artificial medicinal
disease, it would be difficult to conceive why artificial
disease might be stronger than a natural one. But if the
reactive organism, the constitution, is interposed, it
becomes quite evident what is meant. The afflicted
organism is stronger in its attempts to adapt itself when
stimulated by the adequate remedy than it was before.
In closing my lecture, I fear to have been too
abstract, but a certain abstractness is inevitable in
discussing such methodical problems. However, the
clearness of our method and its compatibility with the
best available knowledge of biological science is so
important a matter that it must be shown again and
again and from different aspects. Modern science is
ripe for Homœopathy. Let us be well prepared to
receive a medical art which will join modern biological
conceptions and then will meet Hahnemann’s teaching.
Time works for Homœopathy.
LYNCH Richard
There is a quietness of spirit that is both active and
still. It springs from hidden depths of being and may be
linkened to the perfect balance maintained by a
spinning top. It is motion so perfectly adjusted and
balanced that it appears to be absolute stillness. It is
power under perfect control. This true balance of
energy and serenity, when peace and power are found
in proportionate combination, we call poise. It is a
method by which a continuous increase of power may
be obtained. And power is the great requirement of all
accomplishment. Poise, then being a conserver of
energy, is most necessary for us to attain.
Most of us know the necessity of being poised, but
we don’t always put our knowledge into practice.
Those who accomplish great things are invariably quiet,
self-controlled, self-confident, and self-sufficient. They
are dependable in times of stress or emergency, and
naturally they can do the most work. Compare the man
who “keeps his head” with the one who “flies all to
pieces”. Yet poise is no special gift anyone may
develop it by exercising his mental muscles. If he has
the will and the imagination, and is determined to
control the lower impulses by using his higher faculties,
any man may obtain the power that is the result of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 95
All truly great persons are poised in mind or spirit.
Poise is the quality that underlies power, the balance
wheel that controls it. Yet no man has a monopoly on
any mental quality. Some marvelous expression of
calm superiority often leads us to believe that he who
achieved it must have been born with paramount
ability. Very likely he has developed it by stead-fast
effort and watchful self-training. Each one of us may
do the same if he is willing to make the effort.
We long for power to meet every emergency; to be
self-possessed in society; to appear easy and natural
under all circumstances; to grasp every situation swiftly
and intelligently; to “keep our temper” under every
provocation ; to know what to do and to do it, on every
occasion. As with everything that is worthwhile,
mental exercise develops self-control; it requires true
balance between inner and outer harmony. Poise is a
result of spiritual dominion, gained by steadfast
determination to conquer something within oneself, for
the truth is that no person is competent to command
others until he is able to control himself. Truly “he who
is slow to anger is greater than the mighty, and he who
ruleth his spirit than he who takes a city”.
We all want to succeed in life. Whatever it is we
desire to do demands power. Many start out bravely,
enthusiastically, promisingly. Success crowns their
efforts for a time, but gradually they begin slipping
backward. Why? The human system is replete with
energy. It is continually receiving powerful charges of
dynamic force. What becomes of this power that is
more than sufficient for our daily needs?
No person should be weak or sick or inefficient.
Everybody should be able to accomplish all that he
wants to do. Yet such attainment is scarce. At the very
pinnacle of success, sometimes the victor’s heart stops
beating or his nervous system collapses or his arteries
refuse to work. Why? Not because he has failed to
receive power, but because he has not known how to
use it. Generally he has neglected to keep it under
control. He has “raced his motor” when it should have
been throttled down to normal. He has thus wasted his
surplus energy which might have been conserved and
Poise is the throttle valve that controls our motive
power. It tends to balance the outflow with the inflow
and to prevent waste caused by excessive emotion
that of excitement or anger, or fear or worry. Quietness
is often mistaken for a sense of poise. Simple lack of
action is no more indicative of strength than strenuous
restlessness is of its absence. Poise indicates a sense of
equilibrium gained by the balancing of forces. It is
activity so perfectly adjusted as to give the appearance
of suspended motion.
The spinning top seems motionless in its whirling
energy. So the human mind may function swiftly, yet
keep its perfect equilibrium. In our daily life we are
more or less susceptible to the fear thought of the race.
But the man of poise is not played upon by this
negative influence of chaos. None of these things move
him. As long as his activity of mind maintains its
balanced adjustment in Truth, he cannot falter or fail.
Self-depreciation and self-distruct cause most of
our failures, therefore confidence is one of the
important elements to be acquired. This is not easy for
those who have always lacked faith in their own ability.
This lack of faith often develops fear to an abnormal
degree. Fear brings about mental conflict so
disorganizing that it all but paralyses earnest effort. It
keeps its victims in a constant state of inharmony, and
this is the exact opposite of the quality that makes for
poise. When we are afraid of meeting people or of
displeasing them, or of seeming incompetent or
ridiculous or a hundred other imaginary but agonizing
things, it is best to try to understand just how all this is
going to manifest in our behaviour.
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen”. Faith in a Self greater
and stronger and more powerful than we seem to be
gives us assurance of that Self-conviction of its
possibility. It helps us to have the confidence in ourself
that we wish others to have in us. We can scarcely
expect others to appraise us highly if we ourself fail to
do so. A realization of potential powers and
possibilities gives a sense of mastery which tends to
produce the harmony so necessary to poise.
Not for a moment would I have you develop a
sense of exaggerated ego. It is always a hindrance to
poise. We encounter it in the man who, although
constantly criticizing others, immediately defends his
own actions when they are questioned. This man has a
constant sense of grievance and suspects that others are
always under rating his ability. It leads him to tell you
how “good” he is and how no other person could fill his
place. He also believes that those who are ahead of him
have risen, not because they deserve it, but through the
favouritism shown them by influential friends. The
exalted ego attitude is not to be confused with the self-
confident one. It disturbs the balance of harmony quite
as much as the inferiority complex does. It cannot
work happily and graciously with others; on the
contrary, it is irritated by its associates and
uncomfortable in their presence.
Self-consciousness is another barrier to poise. It
attacks both those who are fearful and those whose ego
is over-developed. In either case it casts a shadow of
self over their work. It is said that Michelangelo kept a
lighted candle in his cap, against his forehead, to avoid
casting his own shadow upon his work. No man can
see to do his work well with a shadow of either his
weakness or his importance obscuring what he wants to
accomplish. If he is poised and centered in Divine
Mind he will cease to regard that little self which has
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 96
been shading his efforts and interfering with his true
expression of being. He cannot be thinking always of
how remarkable or of how imcompetent his work is,
without losing much of its effectiveness.
The man with a purpose fixes his attention upon it
instead of himself. He is interested in what he is doing
instead of what he is feeling. He lives above the world
of tribulation. He has “an anchor of the soil, both sure
and steadfast,” and he is rooted and grounded in the
knowledge that gives him a full assurance of power.
The man who has developed poise has found the
peace that passes human understanding. He has learned
about “entering into the closet of the mind and shutting
the door against all intrusion.” There, in the secret
place of his own soul, he replenishes his strength, in
quietness and confidence. For quiet and solitude are
necessary in order to hear the “still small voice” of
God. The man who has thus renewed his strength, and
through self-control and self-discipline has harmonized
his personal characteristics, is invariably a person of
The poised man does not fume or fret over trifles,
nor does he waste his nervous energy in restless tapping
or fidgeting. He does not hurry in either movement or
speech and he knows that exaggeration and over-
enthusiasm are fatal to harmonious balance. He is
resolved that none of these things shall move him. He
cultivates a courageous optimism, because no person
has ever been known to call a pessimist poised. He
avoids perversity and stubbornness, and he “resists not
evil.” He does not argue. If he feels it is necessary to
express a difference of opinion, he does so quietly and
without antagonism. He listens calmly to the other
person’s point of view and gives it due consideration.
He is happy over success, whether it is his own or that
of another, because his heart is filled with goodwill
toward all men.
Peace and power we all may possess them. They
are inherent gifts, but their development depends upon
ourself. Is our soul troubled and oppressed by fear and
worry? We may contact, in mind, the peace that is
beyond explanation. Is our body racked with pain?
That peace will heal the cause. So the petty irritations
of daily life upset us? Have we lost faith in ourself and
in other? We may find and touch the Source of power
within ourself. Are lack and want staring us in the
face? We need not recognize them they are shadows.
Although they may frighten us with their seeming
reality, we have the power to scatter them into
nothingness by turning the brilliant light of Truth on
them. Is our heart saddened by grief and affliction? He
will keep those in perfect peace whose minds are stayed
on Him, because they trust Him.
But something in required of us. We may not
indulge in destructive thought. We may not “bear false
witness” against others. We may not even allow them
to hold a grievance against us. Before we can make any
great contribution to the universal good we must first of
all be unified with our “brother” that image and
likeness which is in all humanity.
If we cannot love and be harmonized with the good
we see expressed, how can we believe in and trust what
we have never seen? If we are unable to do this we
shall never have the confidence in that greater Self
which is the miracle-worker of the ages. For it is self-
confidence that measures the height of our power.
According to our faith, we shall receive.
No man is truly great until he has attained this
harmony of spirit. The disturbed mind cannot see
clearly or truly. It sees “in a mirror dimly”, while the
poised mind sees “face to face”. There is positive,
constructive force in poise, indicating as it does a
perfectly balanced mind. To be poised at our work
does not mean that it needs to be slow and deliberate.
The exact opposite is true; the calmer the spirit the
faster the accomplishment, because no energy is
wasted. Logically, the quality of the work is finer and
there is no tiring effect. Our work will not tire us if it
can be done calmly and directed straight toward a
settled purpose.
We can make little headway in life unless we get at
least a glimpse of our higher, nobler Self. As we learn
to depend more and more upon this Divinity within, we
shall find ourself growing more and more serene, and at
the same time more and more powerful. When we have
found peace and the inner Source of power, and have
realized both in perfect combination, we have touched
the secret of poise.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 97
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contribution and other original
1. The Secret Rhonda Byrne
One of the most remarkable book that has come out
in prints a bestseller for all times. Its a book of mere
198 pages. Each chapter has various authors giving
their brief comments about the contents revealed in each
The book should really be titled “The Secret to
Life” and the author states that she began to trace the
secret through history and her researches led her to
believe some of the greatest people in history like
Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Bethovan, Emerson,
Edison, Einstein all knew or atleast were aware of the
fundamental principles of the great secret which made
them what they were.
This led the author to begin the search for people
alive today who know about ‘The Secret’.
One by one such people began to emerge and one
teacher would then became an instrument to link to the
next in a perfect chain. The next step was trying to
make a film of ‘The Secret’ and for this reason the
author flew from Australia to United States where the
majority of teachers were based. Just 7 weeks later 55
of the greatest teachers across United States were filmed
and 8 months later this film was released.
As the film swept the world stories of miracles
began to flood in; people wrote about healing from
chronic pain, depression, disease, walking for first time
after an accident and even recovering from death bed.
People have used the secret to manifest their perfect
homes, life-partners, cars, jobs, and promotions and
heart-warming stories of stressed relationships
involving children being restored to harmony.
All over the world secret parties are being held in
homes as people share the knowledge with loved ones
and familiar as the author states her intention in creating
‘The Secret’ was and still is to bring joy to billions of
people around the world of all ages, races and
rationalities. There isn’t a single thing that you cannot
do with this knowledge. It doesn’t matter who you are
or where you are ‘The Secret’ can give you what you
The author states that 24 amazing teachers are
featured in this book. Their works were filmed all
over the Unites States all at different times and yet
they speak as one voice. She has shared in this book all
the easy parts, the tips and shortcuts that she has learned
so that you can live the life of your dreams.
The book starts with chapter titled ‘The Secret
revealed’, ‘The Secret made simple’, ‘How to use the
Secret’, ‘Powerful Processers’, and The Secret to
Money, Relationships, Health, to the World around
oneself, and to life. It ends with biographies of people
who are featured in this book who are still alive today.
I must warn my readers it is easy to read the book
but the principles must be practiced as is revealed in
book otherwise the result will be disappointing. What I
feel is those with a strong power of imagination would
benefit far more than those who don’t utilize their
imaginative power in their day-to-day life.
The price of this book is roughly Rs.800/- in terms
of exchange from dollars or pounds.
ISBN-10: 1-58270-170-9
Published by ATRIA Books.
2. Differential Diagnosis, ed. by Leah
KAMINSKY. Hachette Book Publishing India
Private Ltd., Gurgaon 122009. India. Rs.350/-
pp.223. 2010.
Contain Fiction and non-fiction.
There are 9 non-fiction and 6 Fiction
contributions. Some names of the contributors
are well-known like Oliver SACKS, Abraham
In the Foreword Jerome GROOPMAN says, “A
physician works at the border between science and the
soul.” The rapidly expanding knowledge wealth has
changed the nature of diagnosis and treatment, bringing
many maladies under the bright light of Science,
illuminating their genesis, and providing a rational basis
for their remedy. But what has not changed over the
millennia is the human soul. The role of the physician
as healer has not been fundamentally altered by his
burgeoning knowledge. Greater knowledge does not
necessarily translate with greater wisdom. The wise
doctor probes not only the organ of his patient but also
his feelings and emotions his fears and his hopes, his
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 98
regrets and his goals. And to accomplish that most
impatient task of applying wisdom, the physician also
needs to take his own emotional temperature, to realize
how his own beliefs and biases, may be brought to bear
in his efforts to seem a better future for his patient. …”
All these are so relevant to the Homœopathic physician.
Further on, “a physician is trained in medical
school and residency to hide his feelings and filter his
thoughts. This training is required in order to
effectively deliver care in an environment that is often
chaotic and unnerving. The doctor needs to present
himself to the patient as a safe harbour of stability in the
midst of the tempest of illness.”
The physician should not develop a condition called
“Tunnel vision of the soul” that meant seeing only what
is straight in front of you. You focus on the sickness,
and don’t see the sick person. In Homœopathy we are
taught to see the sick person.
Speaking of the present day medical care: the
author says that the damage that the human body can
survive these days is as awesome as it is horrible:
crushing, burning, bombing, a burst blood vessel in the
brain, a ruptured colon, a massive heart attack,
rampaging infection. These conditions once had been
uniformly fatal. Now survival is commonplace, and a
large part of the credit goes to the irreplaceable
component of medicine known as intensive care,
specialists however call it “Critical care”. But the term
“life support” is more suitable. Typically this involves a
panoply of technololgy----a mechanical ventilator and
perhaps a trachaeostomy tube if the lungs have failed,
aortic balloon pump if the heart has given out, a dialysis
machine if the kidneys don’t work.
Take for example reviving a drowning victim. A
Case Report in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery of a
three year-old girl who fell into an icy fishpond in a
small Austrian town in the Alps. She was lost beneath
the surface for thirty minutes before her parents found
her on the on the pond bottom and pulled her up.
Following instructions from an emergency physician on
the phone, they began cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A
rescue team arrived eight minutes later. The girl had a
body temperature of 66 degrees Fahrenheit, and no
pulse. Her pupils were dilated and did not react to light,
indicating that her brain was no longer working.
But the emergency technicians continued CPR
anyway. A helicopter took her to a nearby hospital,
where she was wheeled directly to an operating room.
A surgical team put her on a heart-lung bypass machine.
Between the transport time and the time it took to plug
the inflow and outflow lines into the femoral vessels of
her right leg, she had been lifeless for an hour and a
half. By the two-hour mark, however, her body
temperature had risen almost 10 degrees Fahrenheit,
and her heart began to beat. It was her first organ to
come back.
After six hours, her core temperature reached 98.6
degrees Fahrenheit. The team tried to put her on a
breathing machine, but the pond water had damaged
her lungs too severely for oxygen to reach her blood.
So they switched her to an artificial-lung system known
as ECMO--extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. The
surgeons opened her chest down the middle with a
power saw and sewed lines to and from the ECMO unit
into her aorta and her beating heart. The team moved
the girl into intensive care, with her chest still open and
covered with plastic foil. A day later, her lungs had
recovered sufficiently for the team to switch her from
ECMO to a mechanical ventilator and close her chest.
Over the next two days, all her organs recovered, except
her brain. A CT scan showed global brain swelling,
which is a sign of diffuse damage, but no actual dead
zones. So the team drilled a hole into the girl’s skull,
threaded in a probe to monitor her cerebral pressure, and
kept that pressure tightly controlled by constantly
adjusting her fluids and medications. For more than a
week, she lay comatose. Then, slowly, she came back
to life.
First, her pupils started to react to light. Next, she
began to breathe on her own. And, one day, she simply
awoke. Two weeks after her accident, she went home.
Her right leg and left arm were partially paralysed. Her
speech was thick and slurry. But by age five, after
extensive outpatient therapy, she had recovered her
faculties completely. She was like any little girl again.
What makes her recovery astounding isn’t just the
idea that someone could come back from two hours in a
state that would once have been considered death. It’s
also the idea that a group of people in an ordinary
hospital could do something so enormously complex.
To save this one child, scores of people had to carry out
thousands of steps correctly: placing the heart-pump
tubing into her without letting in air bubbles;
maintaining the sterility of her lines, her open chest, the
burr hole in her skull; keeping a temperamental battery
of machines up and running. The degree of difficulty in
any one of these steps is substantial. Then you must add
the difficulties of orchestrating them in the right
sequence, with nothing dropped, leaving some room for
improvisation, but not too much.
For every drowned and pulseless child rescued by
intensive care, there are many more who don’t make
itand not just because their bodies are too far gone.
Machines break down; a team cant get moving fast
enough; a simple step is forgotten. Such cases don’t get
written up in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, but
they are the norm. Intensive-care medicine has become
the art of managing extreme complexity----and a test of
whether such complexity can, in fact, be humanly
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 99
We now live in the era of the super specialistof
clinicians who have taken the time to practice one
narrow thing until they can do it better than anyone who
hasn’t. Super specialists have two advantages over
ordinary specialists: greater knowledge of the details
that matter and an ability to handle the complexities of
the job. Dr. GAWANDE details a case which clearly
explains this.
In spite of all care, caution and innovation, errors
do occur: Critical care is team work and so all must do
their part properly. Since a single virus may ruin, a
‘Check List was prepared which had to be used,
howsoever eminent the surgeon be; this ‘Check List’
has saved a lot of lives.
In the Chapter ‘The Nazi Doctors’ by Robert Jay
LIFTON extracts from his book are given. LIFTON
concluded that the doctors were ordinary men who
rationalized their participation in atrocities through their
belief that they were ‘killing to heal! The Nazis were
not the only ones to involve doctors in evil.”
As I pursued the work, it became clear that the
Nazis were not the only ones to involve doctors in evil.
One need only look at the role of Soviet psychiatrists in
diagnosing dissenters as mentally ill and incarcerating
them in mental hospitals; of doctors in Chile (as
documented by Amnesty International) serving as
torturers; of Japanese doctors performing medical
experiments and vivisection on prisoners during the
Second World War; of white South African doctors
falsifying medical reports of blacks tortured or killed in
prison; of American physicians and psychologtists
employed by the Central Intelligence Agency in the
recent past for unethical medical and psychological
experiments involving drugs and mind manipulation;
and of the idealistic’ young physicianmember of the
People’s Temple cult in Guyana preparing the poison ( a
mixture of cyanide and KoolAid) for the combined
murdersuicide in 1978 of almost a thousand people.
Doctors in general, it would seem, can all too readily
take part in the efforts of fanatical, demagogic, or
surreptitious groups to control matters of thought and
feeling, and of living and dying ….
“But I found that Nazi doctors differed significantly
from these other groups, not so much in their human
experimentation but in their central role in genocidal
projects---projects based on biological visions that
justified genocide as a means of national and racial
healing For this and many other reasons, Nazi
doctors require a study of their own, and [my] book
[The Nazi Doctors] is mainly about them.
In so far as the Jay LIFTON the author of the book
The Nazi Doctors… for which he had interviewed,
investigatged, etc. “One cannot expect to emerge from
a study of this kind spiritually unscathed, all the more so
when one’s own self is the instrument for taking in
forms of experience one would have preferred not to
have known about.”
The Nazi Killers only expressed the fact that a
healer turned out to be a killer. This due to the political
ideology and the biomedical ideology in their effects on
individual and collective behavior.
Jay LIFTON concludes “So much stays with me
from this work, but I want to end with two images that
continue to reverberate within me.
The first is from Auschwitz. I went to the camp a
few years ago and was shown the many exhibits
maintained there, exhibits that leave nothing to be added
concerning the evil human beings can do to other
human beings. But the one that left the most profound
impression on me was the simplest of all: a room full of
shoes, mostly baby shoes.
The second image is from a talk with a Jewish
doctor who survived Auschwitz incarceration, told me
his story, and became my friend. He described how, at
a certain point, he and a few other prisoner doctors were
overwhelmed with moribund patients, with suffering
people clamouring for relief. They did what they could,
dispensed the few aspirin they had, but made a point in
the process of offering a few words of reassurance and
hope. He found almost to his surprise that his words
had effect, that in that situation it really helped. He
concluded that by maintaining one’s determination to
try to heal even under the most extreme conditions, ‘I
was impressed with how much one could do.’
The next Chapter is ‘Intensive care’ by Danielle
OFRI. In great detail Dr. OFRI narrates the case of an
alcoholic . Dr. Joseph SITKIN was rather abrupt and
sometimes what may appear to be rude, in his
evaluation of cases. Case that would not recover he
would say “This one’s dead”. His diagnosis,
instructions on medications were remarkable. He had a
wife and two girl children 4 year and 2 years. He loved
all of them very much. The team under Dr. SITKIN
were doing very well, and the doctors learnt much. Dr.
OFRI was away at Israel for 18 months and returned.
On return she found Dr. SITKIN who was bubbling
with energy vitality, etc. had committed suicide by
jumping into water! Why? Why did Dr. SITKIN who
loved his family so much do so?
“Ours is a dangerous profession, I’ve often thought.
There is the constant assault of physical and emotional
challenges of taking care of patients, which is layered
upon the already difficult task of conducting our own
lives. It is no wonder that so many of us become
overwhelmed at times and need some intensive care.
For every Dr. SITKIN who eventually declares his pain
to the world, there are probably fifty others who suffer
silently, for whom the anguish burns slowly and
excruciatingly. The medical profession has little room
or patience for hearing about this. These feelings often
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 1 & 2/2012. Private circulation only. 100
get expressed as bitter, abusive personalities, or drug
and alcohol addictions.”
I recall that very recently, may be 2-3 years ago,
Dr. CHERIAN who was already past 80, a renowned
surgeon who always had the patient’s welfare in his
mind one forenoon he had finished his rounds and
was on his way to lunch. He excused himself for few
moments went up the stairs and jumped down from the
4th Floor, blaming none! Still no one knows why he did
so at that age; What frustrations?
We now come to the famous Dr. Oliver SACKS.
Most of us will beknowing his famous book ‘Awaken
ing’ which gave an excellent record of the sufferings of
Parkinson and the relief given by the wonder drug L-
DOPA. Dr. Oliver SACKS has published several other
titles also, each of them are indeed an eye-opener.
The Chapter in this book is the ‘Lost Mariner’, in
this, is the case of an ex-Navy man, Jim, who in 1975
was in so far as his memory is concerned is fixed in
1945 and has no memory at all of the present. He
thought that TRUMAN was the President of the USA!
Knowledge of Neuropsychology does not help. Perhaps
one has to find remedy into realm of the individual, his
feeling, moral being, etc. etc.
However in this case Jim continued to live in the
same position for more than 8 years when this story was
3. COFFEA: Materia Medica Revisa Homœopathiae,
Coffea, von Peter MINDER, Klaus-Henning GYPSER(Hrsg),
Wunnibald Gypser Verlag.
This small Monograph has 709 symptoms which includes
Coffea tosta. The symptoms of Coffea cruda is marked by “Ct” in
Whereas the EN has 247 of Coffeea cruda and 152 Coffea
tosta; and the GS also has separately dealt with Coffea cruda and
Coffea tosta. Thus this Monographs has more than the double the
number of symptoms in the EN. There are many clinical
symptoms of great value.
I recall the Case of a 25 year old Medical Student
complaining of headache. One day late evening, she came with
severe pain, moaning and groaning aloud. The pain was so bad.
The allopathic pain killer tablets she used to take were of no use at
all. She slumped in the chair that she would leave only if the
headache is relieved! Since Coffea was known for violent pains I
gave her a dose of the 200 potency and within minutes her
moaning and groaning were far less and she was half asleep. I
sent her home and she slept well thro’ the night and since then her
headache was far less frequent.
Peter MINDER gives lot of information about the history of
the Coffea plant, the differences between Arabic and later
European Coffee houses.
This remedy will very rarely come up by repertorisation.
One must have a sound knowledge of the Materia Medica to come
to these rare but highly useful remedies.
4. Tales of the macabre
Some U.S. Libraries have books bound in human skin
(The Hindu, Chennai. 12. Jan. 2006)
PROVIDENCE: Brown University’s library boasts an anatomy
book that combines form and function in macabre fashion. Its
cover---tanned and polished to a smooth golden brown, like fine
leather is made of human skin. In fact, a number of the finest
libraries in the U.S., including Harvard’s, have such books.
The practice of binding books in human skin was not
uncommon in centuries past, even if it was not always discussed
in polite society. At the time, the best libraries belonged to
private collectors. Some were doctors who had access to skin
from amputated parts and patients whose bodies had gone
unclaimed. In other cases, wealthy bibliophiles acquired skin
from executed criminals, medical school cadavers and people who
died in the poor house.
Nowadays, libraries keep such volumes in their rare book
collections and do not allow them to circulate. Brown’s John Hay
Library has three books bound in hum an skin: the 1568
anatomy text by the Belgian surgeon Andreas VESALIUS, and
two 19th century editions of The Dance of Death, a medieval
morality tale. One copy of The Dance of Death was rebound in
1893 by Joseph ZAEHNSDORF, a masterbinder in London. A
note to his client reports that he did not have enough skin and had
to split it. The front cover, bound in the outer layer of skin, has a
bumpy texture, like soft sandpaper. The spine and back cover,
made from the inner layer, feel like suede.
The Dance of Death is about how death prevails over all,
rich or poor. As with many other skinbound volumes, “there was
some tie-in with the content,” said Sam STREIT of the John Hay
Medical books
Many of the volumes are medical books. The College of
Physicians of Philadelphia has some bound by Dr. John
STOCKTON Hough, who diagnosed the city’s first case of
Trichinosis. He used that patient’s skin to bind three of the
“The hypothesis is that these physicians did this to honour
the people who furthered medical research,: said Laura
HARTMAN, a rare-book cataloguer.
It is not clear if some of the patients knew what would
happen to their bodies. In most cases, the skin appears to have
come from those who had no one to claim their remains. In any
case, the practice pre-dated the age of consent forms.
While human leather may be repulsive to contemporary
society, libraries can ethically have the books if they are used with
respect for academic research and not displayed as objects of
curiosity, said Paul WOLPE of the University of Pennysylvania.
“There is a certain distancing that history gives us from certain
kinds of artefacts,” he said, noting that museums often have bones
from archaeological sites. The Boston Athenaeum, a private
library, has an 1837 copy of George WALTON’s memoirs bound
in his own skin. WALTON was a highwayman and left the
volume to one of his victims.
Decades ago, the Harvard Law School Library bought a
1605 manual for Spanish lawyers for $42.50 from an antiquarian
books dealer. It sat on a shelf unnoticed until the early 1990s,
when curator David FERRIS was going through the library
catalogue and found a note saying it was bound in a man’s skin.
DNA tests to find the type of skin were inconclusive the genetic
material having been destroyed by the tanning process but the
library now keeps it on a special shelf. “We felt we couldn’t set it
just next to someone else’s law books.” Mr. FERRIS said. – AP.