© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009
VOL. XXVI, 1 & 2, 2009
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published
world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end. Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th
Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080, India.)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 2
VOL. XXVI, 1 & 2, 2009
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. The Simillimum concept:
Understanding Aphorisms 275 & 276
LASHKOVA, Zara (SIM. XXI, 2008)
The whole conceptual meaning of the term
simillimum in Homeopathy is still improperly and
poorly understood.
With reference to § 275 & 276, the author
concludes that the simillimum is an integration of
four major concepts.
1. The similar remedy
2. The similar potency
3. The similar dose
4. Proper frequency of repetition [Repetition if
called for = KSS]
An interesting article.
2. Homeopathy and Jungian Psychology:
Kindred spirits
NOSSAMAN, Nick (AJHM.100, 3/2007)
There is a substantial resonance between
Jungian psychology and homeopathic medicine. In
the latter, we seek to understand the patient in his or
her totality by virtue of individualizing features,
which guide us to the similar medicine. Likewise
in Jungian psychology, the symbolic language of
the unconscious Ŕ such as is revealed to us in
dreams, active imagination and synchronicity Ŕ is a
reflection of the aspects of the individual still to be
discovered. The goal is the same: realization of the
potential of each individual patient in terms of
physical functioning and psychic expression. This
paper addresses the complementary nature of these
disciplines in some depth, by way of exploration of
the topic of suffering, the mirror as metaphor and
alchemical correlates.
3. Provings, Phenomena and Practice
The evolution of Homeopathic knowledge
PITT, Richard (AJHM.100, 3/2007)
Knowledge of Medicines is an essential part of
our homeopathic process. Homeopathic provings
have been the cornerstone of our methodology to
ascertain a knowledge of medicines. Verification
through clinical experience has been the other
significant form of our development of knowledge.
Experience confirms the validity of provings and
takes the knowledge into living three dimensional
reality. It is testament to Hahnemannřs genius that
homeopathic provings and clinical verification, in
attaining a Ŗknowledge of medicinal powersŗ is as
valid today as in his own time.
However, it can be argued that there are other
ways to develop our knowledge of medicines and
that both homeopathic provings and clinical
experience have certain inherent problems,
especially if relied on exclusively. Other, more
phenomenological methods of attaining medicinal
knowledge have been discussed in recent years,
creating much debate in the profession. This article
seeks to explore the issues around this debate and to
find a reasonable balance in our onion endeavor to
explore the knowledge of medicinal powers. It
argues that a combination of different forms of
Ŗknowledgeŗ gives the most confidence in
developing our understanding.
4. Miasms: Energy Forces observed by facial
BENTLEY Grant (AJHM. 100, 4/2007)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 2
There is too much of assumption and opinion
in this article. The author says that Miasms
Influence pathology, facial structure, behavior and
outlook; therefore know the Miasms of the patient
by the patientřs facial structure. Sample sketch
diagrams are given.
The author argues for repetition of a remedy
for several days, weeks, months! He says ŖToo
many homeopaths, myself-included, have been
misled by the Řsingle dose and waitř policy.
Obviously HAHNEMANN saw great benefits in
the continuous repetition of the medicine; otherwise
the LM potency scale would not have been
[How is it obvious? Irrespective of what any one
has said a repetition is called for only when called
for by the case in question = KSS]
5. Miasmen, zwischen Wahn und Realität
(Miasms, between Delusion and Reality)
METHNER Roland (ZKH. 51, 3/2007)
This is a brief study on ŘMiasmsř. The author
discusses Miasms as propounded by
HAHNEMANN (3 Miasms) subsequently
expositioned by J.H. ALLEN (4 Miasms, inductive
method), ORTEGA, (3 Miasms) MASI-
deductive method), JUS, (4 Miasms) GIENOW (6
Miasms). These Miasm Schools differ from each
other in fundamentals. As much deep one studies
these authors so much complicated they are.
The author has made a study of 250 cases over the
years and also the connection with Cancer. He
felt that the fact lies between J.H. ALLEN and
HERING. While Miasm knowledge will help to
recognise specific connections between certain
infectious diseases and other diseases, the majority
of the current authorsř are only their personal
observations, fantasies, unproved opinions and
inadmissible analogies. An exact verification in
this matter is the need now.
6. A study of suppression, Disease and Healing
POTDAR, Swapna (CCR. 15, 1/2008)
Suppression can happen in many forms.
a. An individual may himself suppress his
cravings, desires, aversions, emotions,
needs and thoughts. This may be due to
his fear of losing his image from a conflict
of (sycotic) or out of possible
consequences (Psoric)
b. A strong thought which is unexpressed.
c. Orthodox thinking Ŕ suppression at family
Every suppression will have the equal and
opposite repercussions elsewhere. (Newtonřs Law)
The suppression of local symptoms, which are
manifestations of the inner general disease, affects
the inner more vital organs. This confirms a Law
in physics Ŕ Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
It can only be converted from one form to another.
In §203, HAHNEMANN writes, Ŗthis
pernicious external mode of treatment, has been the
most prolific source of all the innurmerable chronic
maladies under which man groans.
Doctors and patients are unreasonably
gratified by the disappearance of the local
Homeopaths can cause suppression by
focusing on a single symptom without
understanding the central disturbance; by giving
too many doses of a medicine; wrong potency and
even poly-pharmacy.
Good knowledge of miasms help us to
understand the central disturbance better and with
correct homeopathic treatment, the susceptibility
to the miasms reduces and the subsequent
generations are greatly healthier in mind and body.
This will reduce the crime rate significantly, help
the mankind to progress positively and make the
earth a much better place to live in.
We need to be careful, responsible and
conscientious when practicing Homeopathy.
A case has been analysed miasmatically and
the readers are suggested to suggest rubrics,
remedy and potency.
7. Intuition in der Medizin
(Intuition in the Medicine)
NAGER Frank (AHZ, 252, 4/2007)
The significance of intuition in Medicine is
inquired in the light of its historical development
and its philosophical classification. The role of
Ŗraison de la mathématiqueŗ is valued and
confronted with the Ŗraison du ceurŗ.
Conventional Medicine will find its perceptions
in a causal, analytical way, trusting in the delusion
of measurability. But the alternative Medicine is
also one-sided in its own way too, not properly
taking into consideration the rational. In Medicine
all the four functions of Mind are required:
Intellect, Emotion, Sensation and Intuition. Only a
good combination of these ingredients will widen
the technique of Cure to the Art of Healing.
8. Der Archetyp des Spiegels Ŕ Beobachtungen
über die Natur von Heilung (The Archetype of
Mirror Ŕ Observations about the nature of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 3
NOSSAMAN Nicholas (AHZ. 252, 4/2007)
To this day no one knows with certainty what
mechanism is responsible for the healing that takes
place when the similar remedy is prescribed
successfully in Homeopathy. HAHNEMANN
himself acknowledged that: 1. It is unknown, and
2. It is not necessary that it be known for us to have
success in prescribing. Nonetheless, he made his
own proposal for the mechanism involved. In that
spirit of Inquiry this paper explores this topic
further, using the metaphor of mirror. Besides its
applicability in describing the mode of healing
which takes place in Homeopathy, the metaphor is
expanded in relation to successful healing
experiences in general, incorporating concepts
from general systems theory and references to a
wide variety of other fields. Jungian Psychology
and Dream analysis, Native American healing
ceremonies, literature (including the Bible) and
Mythology are all touched upon in the Inquiry. In
addition, the nature and
attributes of the Vital Force, as described by
HAHNEMANN, are discussed.
9. Homöopathie- Eine Frage des Stils
(Homeopathy Ŕ a question of Style)
APPELL Rainer G (AHZ. 252, 4/2007)
Thomas S. KUHN explained anew the term
ŘParadigmř in his work ŖThe Structure of Scientific
Revolutionsŗ. Homeopathy claims to have
overcome the disputes about Paradigm. In the light
of Ludwig FLECKřs work, the concept of mode of
thinking and collective thinking recurs instead.
Like the conventional Medicine Homeopathy has
its own mode of thinking which should be
developed conscientiously. Mutual tolerance is
called for.
10. Conceptions of health, illness and treatment of
patients who use homeopathy in Santos, Brazil.
JUSTO Patriani CM & Gomes Mara H
Andrea (HOM. 97, 1/2008)
Objective: To investigate the conceptions of health
and illness, th ereaseons for seeking Homeopathy
and continuing treatment, compliance and the
meaning of the relationship between religiosity and
health for patients who adhere to homeopathy.
Methods: A qualitative study of 20 adult patients in
Santos (Brazil) treated by homeopaths in the public
and private sector for atleast 2 years. Semi-
structured interviews, organized by predefined
thematic categories, the content of the interviews
was analyzed.
Results: The conceptions of health and illness of
the interviewed patients are related to the idea of
vital balance/imbalance mediated by body-mind
interaction. Dissatisfaction with conventional
treatment, family influence and suggestions of
others were the reasons for seeking homeopathic
treatment. Patients continued homeopathic
treatment due to positive therapeutic results, cure
without being aggressive to the organism, the
holistic integrated approach, the preventive nature
of the treatment and low prices of medicine. For
these patients, the availability of Homeopathy in
the public health sector extends the possibility of
access. The need for a wider dissemination of
Homeopathy and the difficulties in following the
prescription are the main problems involved in
continuing treatment. Faith is an important
component. We found a correlation between the
conceptions of health and illness and theprinciples
of Homeopathy, assimilated through a strong bond
between patients and the homeopathic practioners.
Conclusion: To investigate the beliefs, values and
meanings that patients attribute to Homeopathy
helps to understand subjective aspects that may
interfere with treatment compliance.
11. Truth, proof and evidence Homeopathy and the
medical paradigm
SWAYNE Jeremy (HOM. 97, 2/2008)
The study and practice of medicine, in its most
personal and intimate functions, its most
sophisticated scientific and technological
manifestations, and its philosophical and ethical
ramifications, are central to our understanding of
the human condition. Homeopathic medicine: its
insights, the questions that it begs, and the scientific
and philosophical challenges it presents, has a
significant contribution to make to this process.
To be actively and seriously engaged with
Homeopathy is an adventurous undertaking. It is to
be engaged in exploring both human nature and the
nature of the world we inhabit. And in that process
we are also engaged in the pursuit of truth and the
exploration of reality.
This paper deals first with the layout of the
playing field on which Homeopathy has to
compete to be taken seriously. It then discusses
three concepts: reality, truth and knowledge, which
are objectives for which we strive and principles
that guide us in that striving. In the third part it
introduces the concept of Řpersonal knowledgeř as
an essential ingredient of scientific discovery and
the pursuit of truth. And finally it proposes that the
homeopathic community in general, and the Faculty
of Homeopathy in particular, must expand its vision
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 4
with a definition of a new paradigm, the new model
of healthcare and medical science to which the
vision aspires.
12. Treating Leick with like: response to criticisms
of the use of entanglement to illustrate
MILGOM Lionel R (HOM. 97, 2/2008)
In criticizing papers which recently appeared in
Homeopathy, Leick claims that no doubts blind
randomized clinical trials (DBRCTs) show that
Homeopathy is efficacious, and that specific
effects of substances diluted beyond Avogadrořs
limit are implausible. He states that generalized
entanglement models should be able to improve the
design of experiments to test ultra-high dilutions,
and disparages the authorsř understandings of
quantum physics. The paper responds to those
criticisms. Several DBRCTs have shown that
Homeopathy has effects which are not due to
placebo and these are now supported by preclinical
work. This area of theory is in its infancy and it is
unreasonable to expect it to have generated
experiments at this stage. The authors have used
accepted interpretations of quantum theory: Leickřs
view is colored by skepticism concerning
13. Modern or post-modern? Local or non-local? A
response to Leick.
WALACH Harald (HOM. 97, 2/2008)
Most debates in science and the humanities that
cannot be settled are not about truth, nor about data,
but about beliefs and world views. Philippe Leickřs
comment on entanglement models of Homeopathy
are a good example. Because of this, no argument,
however convincing to some, will settle that debate.
The only thing that can resolve it is a large cultural
shift. My own ideas about non-local models, for a
whole category of possibly similar events of which
Homeopathy is but one example.
1. Proving of Rhodium metallicum
LUCAS, Joy (SIM. XXI, 2008)
Three - Two Female and one male Ŕ Provers
participated in the Proving with 30, 200, 1M
Important Themes: A shift in perception;
Money; Assertivenesses. Emotional reactions of
sympathy, anticipatory but calm; thoughts of
mortality, feeling of being healed, Lacking interest
in others. Calm versus Chaos Ŕ Internal dialogue
about this.
Craving for chocolate. Sensitive skin with
eruptions and weak nails. Sensitivity. Surges of
energy and inertia. Profuse menses with swollen
breasts. Pasty and floating stools, bleeding with
anal fissure. Frequent urging to urinate. Many
The details about the metal, its use in ancient
time, and then Jan SCHOLTENřs and Peter
TUMMINELLOřs views are given. No cases as
verification of the symptoms obtained from the
Proving, has been given. [There is more mysticism
than Ŗfactsŗ, as is common with several modern
provingsř. The actual proving data should have
been given. Interpretation by the author is not
called for = KSS]
2. Spiders Ŕ Suspended between Earth & Sky
FRASER, Peter (SIM. XXI, 2008)
Though the various spider remedies are very
similar, each one of them is precise in its action.
To find the right remedy we need to know well the
features that are general to the spiders, so that we
can see more clearly the unusual characteristic to
find the particular spider needed.
1. Confusion Ŕ a state of awareness without
understanding Ŕ as in Autism.
2. Hypersensitivity Ŕ physical and emotional
3. Great restlessness. physically chorea and
4. Very chilly, generally worse for cold and damp
and better for warmth
5. Secretive as well as attracting attention
6. Aversion to solid food; sensitivity to smell.
7. > From smoking
8. Hypochondirasis and cunningness
9. Precocious sexuality.
[The author could have substantiated all these with
the ŘProvingř symptoms. As it is, they all seem to
me only opinions and imaginations fertile. This
article is in true with the current Ŗinnovationsŗ.
Homeopathy rests on facts. = KSS.]
3. The efficacy of Coffea cruda on Insomnia:
A double blind trial
Insomnia is defined as inadequate sleep intake
due to difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying
asleep, waking too early and not being able to get
back to sleep. In industrialized nations between
30% - 40% of individuals suffer from at least
occasional periods of sleep disturbance. The
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 5
significance of sleep lies in its impact on the central
nervous symptom as extended periods without
sleep result in disturbances in mental function.
The remedy used in this study was Coffea
cruda 200c. Although there is some research
evidence that it has an effect on the sleep of
animals, there is no research on its effect on
The aim of the study was to determine the
efficacy of the homeopathic remedy Coffea cruda
200c in the treatment of insomnia characterized by
a difficulty in falling asleep due to nervous
excitability and a flow of ideas. The quality of
sleep was assessed in terms of duration of sleep and
improvement in sleep pattern. The study was a
double-blind placebo-controlled study, which lasted
for four weeks. A total of thirty participants
meeting the inclusion criteria were recruited by
means of advertisements. At the initial consultation
participants were presented with information on the
study and were requested to sign a consent form as
well as complete a questionnaire. A homeopathic
pharmaceutical company blinded the study, so that
when the participants selected their 50ml bottle of
medication, they automatically allocated
themselves to the experimental or placebo group.
Participants were also requested to complete a sleep
diary every morning and follow-up visits were
conducted on the second and fourth week of the
All results were compared with the initial
assessment and changes were recorded. Data were
analyzed according to the General Linear Model,
Mann-Whitney Test, Cross Tabulation, Fisherřs
Exact Test and Regression Analysis.
It was found that the experimental group
(Coffea cruda) reported an increase in sleep
duration (p = 0.003) to a greater extent than did the
placebo group (0.007). Improvement in sleep
pattern elicited by the experimental group yielded a
p-value of 0.002 compared with that of the placebo
group (p = 0.011). Therefore, on both parameters,
the homeopathic group fared better than the
placebo group. This study serves as a point of
departure for other studies wishing to examine the
effect of homeopathic remedies on insomnia.
4. Hahnemannřs Pharmacography
An examination of our primary Materia Record
DIMITRIADIS, George (AJHM. 100, 3/2007)
Our written record of provings originated with
HAHNEMANN, and whilst the value of his works
on Materia Medica may be measured by the
subsequent success and growth of Homeopathy,
which itself relied on their accuracy, it is
remarkable to observe much of this work is now
largely unfamiliar to the present-day homeopath Ŕ
teacher, student, and practitioner alike. This
striking deficiency, coupled with the seeming
profusion of more modern (more or less
speculative) Materia Medica, which themselves
introduce considerable errors of omission,
translation, interpretation, and extrapolation,
together provide the necessary stimulus for our
present article wherein we examine the
pharmacography of HAHNEMANN and show the
unsurpassed quality, even to this day, of that work.
5. Ein Characteristikum von Cocculus indicus?
(A characteristic of Cocculus indicus?)
HOLZAPFEL Klaus (ZKH. 51, 3/2007)
Two cases which share a peculiar modality,
were cured by Cocculus. The symptom was:
difficulty in protruding out the tongue. The
symptom seems to be a characteristic. The author
has made a thorough study of the BBCR,
Boenninghausen, Boger, Phatak and the Proving
6. Acidum Hydrocyanicum Ŕ Steckbrief eines
Arznedimittels (Acidum Hydrocyanicum Ŕ
warrant for a remedy)
SEUL Brigitte (AHZ. 252, 4/2007)
The remedy Hydrocyanic acid was introduced
in Homeopathy as early as 1826, but it is still little
known. It has a small number of indications in
attacks of suffocation, convulsions and collapse
and can be of great benefit in cases of emergency.
The essential information about this remedy are
summed up here. A case report is given.
7. Homarus gammarus Ŕ Eine Kasuistk
Homarus gammarus Ŕ A Case
(AHZ. 253, 3/2008)
A case report of a child showing many
symptoms of Calcarea in which the curative
remedy was Homarus gammarus. This remedy
belongs to the Řsea remediesř. Allergy to milk and
the need for Ŗsuper-humanŗ protection are the most
important criteria for the prescription. Much
knowledge is obtained from Massimo
Homarus gammarus was proved by
A.CUSHING. However hitherto, this remedy has
been used only in respect of milk allergy. Thanks
to Dr. Massimo MANGIALAVORI many clinical
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 6
symptoms have been added as specific for this
remedy. The Řthemesř are:
Inability to stand on his own
Super-human protection
Secure surrounding
Spastic retraction
Burning pains
Cramping sensation
Blistery eruption
[In so far as the Materia Medica is concerned we
do not find the Řprovingř symptoms; the above
symptoms of Dr. Massimo appear to be based on
his vast experience. = KSS]
7. Norwegian Proving of Rosa canina
HAUKAA Karine (HL. 19, 4/2006)
Detailed ŘProvingř symptoms have not been
There is a Řsummaryř of ŘMindř and Řgeneralř
symptoms [without the full data of Řprovingř there
is no purpose in publishing this article = KSS].
8. Erbium metallicum
SCHOLTEN Jan (HH. 33, 5/2008)
Case 1: A man has fatigue problems. He needs a
lot of sleep. He is not assertive in contacting
people. He feels not recognized. He had a kind of
depression inherited from his mother and grand
Erbium metallicum 200 given.The Lanthanides
are indicated by his aversion to authority and his
philosophical attitude. Erbium not interested, not
motivated, not assertive. As a reaction he was very
irritated for a day by a colleague who had to borrow
his Laptop. 4 years later, he is still doing well.
Case 2: A man of 25 years of age has had a heroin
addiction for 6 years. Before that he used Cannabis
for 5 years, from age 14 to 19 years. He has a wall
around him. He had only one good friend. He
never complained much even if he fractured his
wrist. He is romantic and sensitive, timid, loving.
He has tremendous compassion. He could violate
his fatherřs trust by stealing money and buying
alcohol, but he never did that to his mother. He
likes music very much.
The nurses and doctors in the hospital gave his
mother Pethidine without her permission just
saying ŖOh this is good for youŗ and then giving
her the injection. It made her numb, particularly
her legs so that she could hardly walk from one
ward to the other. She felt foolish and was talking
rubbish. She was angry but did not show it because
of the power situation in the hospital. The labor
was very intense because they made her push 3
times instead of 2. She felt rushed and hurried, as if
she would burst or explode. The labor was short.
He was borne quickly in ½ hour.
He was fed every 4 hours instead of 3 as the
hospital regime was every 4 hours. As he was
exhausted he became a bottle fed baby. At the age
2 he retreated and regressed when his brother was
When the mother heard the song ŖComfortably
numbŗ from the album ŖThe Wallŗ her mind went
straight back to the same feeling as during birth:
powerless and numb. She felt nauseous and
uncomfortably numb.
Lanthanides: Precocius, sensitive, compassionate
(with birds) self willed.
Erbium: Irony, distant, no contact, favoile pink
After 3 years, is still off the heroin and has
worked for 3 years. He is in a rehabilitation
programme for heroin deaddiction.
1. A woman at odds with her husband
HATHERLY Patricia (SIM. XX1, 2008)
A woman in an extreme state of nervous
prostration consulted for the distress due to the
disappointment in her second marriage. Felt
pathetic and childish. Impulse to hit in anger. Felt
abandoned by her second husband. Indignation
from being blamed. Resentment towards husband.
Desires meat and salty food. Dizzy, nauseous with
ringing in ears. Cheated when a business was
bought for livelihood. Scared of grasshopper.
Loves the independence of the female lions. Lac
leoni 200. A month later much stressed out due to
worsening business situation. Guilt feeling. Lac
leoni 1M.
4 months later, business sold. Lost money, but
out of problems; working as a massage therapist.
9 months later Ŕ Exhausted from long hours of
work. Feeling empty, lost and angry. Constant
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 7
burning feeling in solar plexus. Poor sleep. Desire
to drink lot of water.
Lac leoni 1M.
5 months later: Gave up massage work.
Decided to work as a medical representative. Still
hanging on to marriage. Feels positive about future.
10 months later: Walked away from marriage
six months ago. Currently working in real estate.
Feels free and happy.
[It would have been useful if the relevant ŖProving
symptoms of Lac leoni were furnished to justify the
prescribing. ŖStoriesŗ do not make a Materia
Medica. What was the pathology of this patient?
Has she been cured? = KSS.]
2. Approach and Methodology in Drug
Dependent Asthma
BANERJEA, Subrata K. (SIM. XXI, 2008)
In drug dependent cases of Asthma, Migraine,
Hypertension, etc. it is very difficult to get a clear
picture of the case. The artificial chronic disease is
superimposed on the original natural disease 91),
therefore symptoms are contaminated or suppressed
and the patient cannot give a clear picture of
modalities. In these cases medicines must be
based on the local symptoms.
Experience shows that after approximately
50% weaning from the Conventional medicine,
suppressed symptoms will resurface and then a
prescription can be made.
Indications of eight homeopathic
bronchodilators used to wean patients off
conventional medication are given. Amyl nitrosum,
Aralia racemosa, Aspidosperma, Blatta orientalis,
Eriodictyom glutinonum, Cassdia sophera, Pothos
foetidus and Solidago virga.
Approach B: Non suppressed cases: cases with
clarity of symptoms.
1. Miasmatic Totality Ŕ Ascertain the surface
2. Assess the Totality of symptoms +
Essence (should include gestures, postures
behaviors etc) + Keynotes and PQRS of
the case and formulate the indicated
3. Ensure the indicated remedy covers the
surface miasm
4. Administer the remedy which
encompasses the miasm as well as the
totality of symptoms.
3. Case of Aspergerřs Syndrome
SHANNON Tim (SIM. XX1, 2008)
Salvatore, 10 year-old boy with difficult birth.
Walked at 17 months, talked at 3 years. Still
immature speech. Diagnosed with Auditorial
Processing Dyslexia. Anxious, counting things,
obsessive about rearranging things, very cautious.
Loves frogs. Sensitivity to noise, biting clothes.
Bufo rana 200, 3 doses 12 hours apart.
2 months later: Initial aggravation in behaviour
for 10 days and then better. Wrote a note without
mistakes. Obsessiveness decrease. Mingles with
others. Placebo.
One month later: Not biting clothes. Defiance
and obstinacy much decrease. Placebo.
Over the next 12 months, he progressively
improved. Another dose given when there was
relapse. Was found to be maintaining the
improvement and well when seen several years
later. Charts indicating the progress are given.
4. Twins: Identity and Duality Ŕ A case for
TICEHURST Tim (SIM. XX1, 2008)
Tyler, 5 years, one of the identical twins
consulted for dry tickling cough and a crusty nose.
Rumex crispus 30. Cough and crusty nose
disappeared. His moodiness increased. Much more
affectionate. Café-au-lait appearance. Moles
removed. Mother benefited from Carcinosin so
Carcinosin 200. A month later, he developed a
strange tic, which was there for a while 2 years ago.
Aggressive, violent. Gestures of brushing the face
with hands, silly.
Hyoscyamus 200. No improvement. Now he
seemed Řlost‟. This was analysed as confusion of
identity and idea of duality from the standpoint of
being a twin. Alumina 200.
Next day tic is gone. Two weeks later, unusual
behaviour reducing. Alumina 1 M. Ŕ Sulky
behaviour disappeared. No aggression. Playing
with friends. 4 months later Tics relapsed.
Alumina 1M.
One month later Tics persist. Blind in left eye.
Vision score 20/220.
Eye doctor advised patching the better eye.
Alumina covers loss of vision. He was better
in general. Alumina 10M. Vision improved from
20/220 to 20/30 in few months.
He is focused, eager to learn, has real
5. Treating Hay fever
THOMPSON, Michael (SIM. XXI, 2008)
In 2001 & 2002, the author used combinations
of mixed grasses, mixed pollens, mixed weeds and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 8
shrubs and mixed free pollens together in 30 &
In 2003, mixed moulds were added to the
combination and was called stop and prevent
Allergy formula in 30 & 200 potencies.
Another combination remedy containing 27
homeopathic remedies was also used. [How has
this article been accommodated in a journal of
homeopathics? Where is Homeopathy in this?
The combination of several (27 now) pollens and
moulds may fit into some other therapeutic
methods; merely because of Řpotentisingř, it does
not qualify to be Homeopathy. It is an insult to
HAHNEMANN. Moreover, the article contains
paragraphs giving all details of the clinic and other
facilities offered by the author is also improper.
The author calls himself a ŘClassical homeopathř!
The article is worthless for a genuine homeopath =
6. A case of Menstrual haemorrhaging.
MEISSNER, Julek (SIM. XXI, 2008)
39 year-old woman with profuse menstrual
bleeding. Large bright red clots. Worse from
movement. Painful. Tired during periods. Irritable
with breast soreness before periods.
Problems began 3 years ago after a tubal
ligation with D & C. Treated with hormonal
supplements which did not help.
Ipecac 30 o.d. for 3 days. One month later,
normal menses, no pain. No clots. Flow brown
and scanty. PMS improved.
She remained well after that.
7. Homeopathic Opthalmologist shares secrets of
healthy eyes.
KONDROT, Edward C. (HT. 27, 3/2007)
Walter, an elderly man with his visual fields
becoming more and more constricted due to
Glaucoma and difficulty in sleeping for more than
60 years after he saw was his best friend vaporize
in a missile explosion in World War II. Ever since
this extremely traumatic event among other post-
traumatic stress symptoms so many years ago, he
had not been able to sleep well at night.
Several doses of Aconite 10M over a two-week
period. His visual fields began to expand and sleep
improved. Over the next several months, his visual
fields improved to a near normal level.
Six remedies for sensitive eyes:
Belladonna: Sudden onset
Any sudden inflammatory reaction, often
indicated in epidemic kerato conjunctivitis. Central
retinal vein occlusion which occurs when
arteriosclerotic thickening or spasms of the arteries
cause a sudden blockage of blood flow in the veins.
The result is sudden vision loss, along with marked
inflammation of retina. Belladonna stops the
haemorrhage, help absorb blood in eye and improve
Aconite: Arnica of the Eye:
Conjunctivitis developing after exposure to
cold, dry wind.
Photophobia from Sun light, Solar keratitis
responds very well to Aconite.
Valuable remedy for treating pain experienced
after laser surgery Ŕ for example, laser surgery to
treat nearsightedness.
Staphysagria: not just for Styes:
Styes Ŕ an infection of the gland at the base of
the eyelash. Also Glaucoma & Macular
Dgeneration responds to Staphysagria.
A case of loss of vision in her left eye from
inflammation of optic nerve (optic neuritis)
developed after indignation and dental work was
resolved within few weeks.
Pulsatilla: Infections and more:
Indicated in common eye infections, worse
warmth and better cold.
A case of retinal hemorrhage with marked loss
of vision, wept while narrating her complaints and
strong fixed religious ideas was resolved by a dose
of 200.
Hypericum: Soothes pain:
Corneal injuries such as scratch to the eye,
wearing contact lenses too long or surgical
procedures that injure the cornea.
Euphrasia: Heals Eye irritations:
Remedy for external irritation of the eye.
Acrid eye discharge.
8. Expand your view
You can improve Macular Degeneration
KONDORT, Edward C. (HT. 27, 3/2007)
The macula is an oval yellow spot near the
centre of retina. It contains the largest
concentration of cone cells and is responsible for
central vision. It is also specialized for high acuity
vision. With Age Related Macular Degeneration
(ARMD), central vision gets fainter and fainter.
Images may appear dim, blurred or as actual Řholesř
or black spots. In many cases, extreme light
sensitivity and poor night vision precede ARMD.
Light to dark adaptation may be slow.
Case 1: A 78-year-old lady with love for dancing
complained of poor vision and dizzy spells. She
felt depressed, hopeless and withdrawn about the
situation. Sudden giddiness associated with ringing
in ears. Sexual drive had never been high.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 9
Thorough eye exam revealed ARMD, with
advanced cataracts and poor vision: 20/300 in right
eye and 20/700 in the left eye.
Sepia LM 1 for 6 months. 8 months later, 70%
improvement in vision: 20/200 in both eyes.
Dizziness and ringing in ears gone.
Case 2: Elizabeth, 76, worried about her dim
vision. Undergone ten laser sittings for MD. Fear
of being alone and anxiety worse at night. Anxious
about her health. Eye exam revealed ARMD with
cataract and scarring from laser treatment. Loves
simple small town life. Calcarea arsenicosa LM 1.
She took LM potencies for 6 months. Energy
improved, could easily relax and fear being robbed
disappeared. Her vision improved from 20/400 to
Case 3: Amelia, 78, with cloudy vision in her left
eye since two years. Letters ran together while
reading. Disappointed with the rift with her
daughter. Anger very quickly. Throwing in anger.
Eye exam revealed retinal pigment atrophy with
vision of 20/1400. Also had Hypertension.
Staphysagria LM 1. 7 months later, peripheral
vision better, overall improvement in vision.
Vision now 20/800. Not getting angry.
Remedies which help in ARMD.
Calc. flourica 8x, Calcarea phosphorica 6x,
Kali phosphorica 6x, Natrum muriaticum 6x,
Carboneum sulphuratum, Secale, Sanicula,
Vanadium and Retina Sarcode.
Dr. Edward C. KONDROT, also suggests the
following Tissue Remedies in ARMD.
1. Calc. fluor 8x
2. Calc. phos. 6x
3. Kali phos. 6x
4. Nat. mur. 6x
He further says: Homeopaths should not view
Macular degeneration as an incurable disease that
will not respond to homeopathic treatment. Yes,
Homeopathy can help. Start looking for the
Simillimum that will improve their vision and their
9. Womanopause
Healthy women, Healthy Menopause with
(HT. 27, 3/2007)
Rae, 48 year-old dance therapist consulted in
2002 for her Eczema, decreased libido and
disturbed sleep. She felt superior much of the time.
Depression with extreme heaviness of limbs. She
had hot flashes, night sweats and digestive
disturbances. Platina 1M. Two months later, less
driven and Eczema calmed down sleep improved.
Leg numbness resolved. Sense of disconnectedness
with others gone.
Three months later, libido increased over the
next 20 months doses of 10M and 50M. In summer
2004, night sweats continue and hair loss persistent.
Again joyless. Tired of taking care of anyone Sepia
200. Seven weeks later, no Eczema, normal Řsex
driveř, minimal night sweats. Over the next one
and half years, doses up to 50M. Then in a two
hour retake appointment, picture of Lac delphium
emerged and a dose of 1M. Sleeping very well.
Indications of Sepia, Lachesis, Pulsatilla,
Cimicifuga and Sulphur are given for the hot
10. From Nursing to Hot flashes
A middle-aged Momřs dilemma
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 27, 3/2007)
Georgia, 48, mother of a two year-old child
with terrible mood swings with irritability and
sudden hot flashes. Tendency to be snappish before
menses. Bleeding terribly with each cycle.
Exhausted at the end of cycle once the bleeding
began, she would feel some relief. Migraine worse
before her cycle. Belladonna 200c.
Two months later, no Migraine, fewer and less
severe hot flashes. Sleep improved. Felt calmness,
not exhausted and more patient with her daughter.
Another dose a month later and 2 doses of 1M in
the next year.
11. Getting at the root of Peptic Ulcer Diseases
Is it stress, food folly, or bacteria?
A homeopathřs point of view
DOOLEY, Timothy R. (HT. 27, 4/2007)
Elaine, 55, with recurrent Stomach Ulcer and
anxiety problems. Anxiety worse since
Menopause. Fear of heights, dogs and dark. Desire
for sweets. Argentum nitricum 30, weekly once
and later 200c. She responded very well with
markedly reduced anxiety.
Helicobacter pylori 200 weekly once for about
a month. Stomach pain went away, so did her
bloating, nausea and bursting. Relapse a year later
and few more doses resolved it.
Indications for Argentum nitricum, Arsenicum
album, Kali bichromicum and Nux vomica are
11. All business: The Man who married his job
A case of chronic heartburn and acid reflux
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 27, 4/2007)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 10
52 year-old Harold with years of heartburn and
diagnosed as Gastroesophageal reflux. After spicy
foods or lying down after a big meal. Since 2 years
heat and burning in his upper chest, sour taste in
mouth. Gone through a difficult divorce and loss of
money due to dishonest employees. He was chilly
by nature. Worried about business. Irritable and
hurried workaholic. Nux vomica 200. Six weeks
later, no bad taste, sleep better, reflux less intense.
Four years later continues to do well. Two or three
times a year another dose of Nux vomica.
12. Snake bite? A close call!
FULLER, Mati (HT. 27, 4/2007)
Wendy, 43, walked in the dark, 3 miles, late
night and she had swollen right leg with disturbed
sleep and jittery feeling. Next day her right leg
from about her knee to ankle was blue and swollen,
hyper-ventillating Pain killers were given in the
Emergency room. No change in next few days.
Nausea, dizziness and palpitations. Felt like she
had been poisoned. Nausea, when she told the ER
that there was a possible they dismissed it and gave
valium. She then consulted the another
homeopath. Her left foot hard and icy cold. Two
deep puncture marks were visible. Her symptoms
consistent with rattle snake bite. Her hands and
tongue were trembling. Lachesis 200. she started
feeling better immediately. Two minutes later, she
began to panic and hyperventilate with profuse
sweat on face. Lachesis 30 to get over the
aggravation of 200
potency. She started relaxing.
Within 5 minutes, the color of her leg began to
improve. Lachesis 30 with in water doses till there
was significant improvement. 8 days later, calm,
leg almost normal except for some swelling and
hardness at the bite of the shin.
A dose of Lachesis 200 and she continued to
13. Mosquitoes bring more than a buzz to outdoor
activities. West Nile Virus: How you can
protect yourself this season?
CASEY, Shirley J. (HT. 27, 4/2007)
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a strain of
Encephalitis isolated in 1937. It has infected 317
species of wild birds; 18 species of mammals in
with WNV along with human casualities.
Symptoms: Fever and chills, headache and
bodyaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea,
appetite loss, swollen lymph glands, skin rash
on chest, stomach and back, fatigue which
A 36-year-old woman with sudden headache
and fever. Nausea and very dry throat.
Belladonna 1M. Within minutes fever decreased.
8-10 hours, another dose as fever relapsed. T.d.s.
for 3 days.
Still minor vertigo, tired easily and
oversensitivity to light. Calcarea carbonica 200.
gradually improved over the day. Two more doses
in the next few days and her recovery was much
better than neighbours.
46 year-old woman was bitten by a swarm of
mosquitoes and 4 days later felt tired and achy. Her
body and head increasingly painful and feverish.
Dilated eyes with dry mouth. Headache worse with
light and sound.
Belladonna 200. Immediately started feeling
better. Repeated doses q.i.d. for 2 days.
Now difficulty in breathing and irritability.
Phosphorus 200 q.i.d. for 1½ days. Terrible
abdominal bloat. Lycopodium 200. Bloat reduced
within hours and better overall. 10 days later China
30, 2 doses to help in complete recovery after viral
14. Beware of the Barbecue bugs!
If food poisoning gets you this summer,
Homeopathy can help
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 27, 4/2007)
Food poisoning results from eating food
contaminated with bacteria or other pathogens,
resulting in abdominal cramps, generalized Aches,
Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhoea.
Indications for Arsenicum, Carbo vegetabilis,
China, Lycopodium, Nux vomica are given.
15. A Toddlerřs tale of chicken Burgers
GAHLES, Nancy (HT. 27, 4/2007)
3 year-old son of the author, after chicken
burgers, suffered with redness of face, glassy eyes
and weakness. Arsenicum album 30. Within 5 Ŕ 10
minutes, his glassy eyed look disappeared, sweating
16. School suffers Salmonella outbreak
How one homeopath helped 100 students?
TREUHERZ, Francis (HT. 27, 4/2007)
In a Jewish boys residential school, about 100
students were affected with Vomiting and
Diarrhoea after eating improperly cooked fish and
egg. They were found in the most unhygienic
condition. The boys lay stinking of their own feces,
looking weak and feeble, and emitting clouds of
smelly gas. Some wanted fresh air.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 11
Smelliest of boys who also craved air received
Carbo veg. for those who were having
simultaneous vomiting and diarrhoea Ŕ Ars. alb.
The ones who had lost the most fluid and lay
about weakly received China.
Next morning, most of them recovered quickly.
Chininum arsenicosum for those who improved
with Arsenicum.
A few boys with the worst attacks were given
17. After a Pap Test or a surgical intervention
Remedies to speed healing
CASTRO Miranda (HT. 27, 5/2007)
Pap tests and other interventions to examine,
biopsy or treat the cervix may be mildly
uncomfortable or painful depending on the
procedure and bleeding afterwards. Homeopathy
excels in repairing damaged tissues after surgical
tests or procedures.
To be taken before by people frightened of
surgical procedures.
For those who feel jittery before the procedure.
Arnica to bring down the swelling, bruising &
excessive bleeding after the procedure.
Millefolium for gushing of bright red blood
after the procedure.
Staphysagria for pain due to sensitive cervixes.
18. Irregular Pap tests, Genital Warts & Herpes
How one triathlete overcame all Ŕ with help
from Homeopathy
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 27, 5/2007)
Sherri, 25, with genital warts and abnormal Pap
smear and also Herpes simplex in genitals with
monthly outbreaks of pain and itching cared for
how others perceived her. Mild depression.
Profuse sweat under arms when nervous.
Numerous warts removed from both her hands and
feet. Chronically oily skin on her face.
Thuja occidentalis 200. two months later, pap
tests normal. No Herpes outbreaks. Feeling
upbeat. In the next 10 years, only once abnormal
pap, which reverted to normal after another dose of
Thuja 200.
19. Distressing test results: Cervical Cancer
But after homeopathic treatment, Pap tests
comes back to normal!
IHRIG, Sybil (HT. 27, 5/2007)
Laura, 46, with slightly irregular pap since 10
years, but diagnosed as Cervical Cancer 2 days ago.
Slight bleeding after sex two purplish ulcerous
looking sores in right groin since months and
preceded by painful swelling in that area.
Colposcopy was scheduled 3 months later.
A year and half earlier, mother died of Ovarian
Cancer. Two months later Laurařs sister died in an
accident. Father died 2 years ago. She felt a
profound sense of isolation from the loss of close
relatives. Waking frequently at 3 a.m. Dreams of
dead parents and sister. Strange memory lapses and
trouble in finishing sentences. Dampness and
humidity annoyed her, worse before full moon,
Headache premenstrual, Bloody nasal discharge
before periods.
20 years ago Cryosurgery on Cervix after an
affair and a year later genital warts, burned off.
Thuja 1M in water, three times in a single day.
Two days later, mentally better, able to think about
parents without gloominess. A weak later, sleeping
well. Inguinal lesions discharging. Again
obsessive thoughts. Thuja 1M. after several weeks
continues to be better mentally, but again discharge
from groin lesions. Thuja 10M. For the next 3
days discharges increased and swelling subsided
and lesions healed. Happy dreams. A few days
later, Pranic Healer found normal energy fields. 2
weeks later, intense itching with dry scales.
Subsided in 24 hrs.
The Colposcopy revealed no evidence of any
dysplasia for the first time in 10 years.
20. Wild fire Ŕ Uncontained and on the loose
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 27, 5/2007)
On average wild fires burn about 4 million
acres in the US annually. Smoke particles cause
irritation in eyes, nose, throat, inflammation of
Sinus, Headaches, Coughs and difficulty in
Indications for Arsenicum, Euphrasia, Kali
bichromicum and Natrum arsenicosum are given.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 12
21. Hear this! You can clear Ear infections
CREEDY Melanie (HT. 27, 5/2007)
Melanie CREEDY a professional homeopath
set up the childrenřs Ear clinic in 2001 in Perth.
Many young children with CSOM are on long term
antibiotics and have ear tubes inserted. Breaking
the antibiotic cycle is the key to long term
improvement in this recurrent condition of chronic
ear infections.
For acute infections, Aconite, Belladonna or
Chamomilla Ŕ early stages
Pulsatilla, Mercurius or Hepar sulph Ŕ later
Kali muriaticum and Pulsatilla Ŕ for glue ears.
Calcarea carbonica, Silica, and Sulphur and
Thuja Ŕ chronic cases
Tuberculinum, Psorinum and Gaertner Ŕ as
22. Down for the count: An adult ear infection
CASEY, Allan (HT. 27, 5/2007)
The author experienced Inner ear viral
infection with sudden giddness, vomiting, high
fever with chills. Giddiness as soon as I opened
eyes. Saline IV, lot of bed rest, recovered in 10
15 months later, similar episode, sudden
vertigo with headache, chills with fever, sensitivity
to light. Belladonna 200. Fever spiked to 103
degrees for 10 minutes and then suddenly all
symptoms gone.
23. Siblings without Rivalry
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 27, 6/2007)
Sibling rivalry can be difficult for parents and
children alike, especially for those who donřt
handle discord well.
4 year-old Daisy with Asthma, Jealousy,
behavioral issues and violence Ŕ since infancy.
Most of her transgressions were related to hitting,
kicking, biting, scratching or abusing her elder
sister. Asthmatic during warm and damp weather
yellowish green mucus from nose, conjunctivitis
several times. Symptoms better in colder months.
Mild Eczema worse in summer. Slept in knee chest
position and masturbated often. Medorrhinum
200. in the next visit, abuse of her sister, intense
temper tantrums and violent outbursts were nearly
gone. Several weeks without Asthma. Less
masturbation. Eczema clearing up.
She maintained well over the following year
with few repetitions.
24. Beat Bronchitis and breathe easily
FIOR, Timothy (HT. 27, 6/2007)
Case 1: Tricia, 53, with a nagging cough after
laryngins Awakened by cough from 11 p.m. to 3
a.m. Agg. by cold air. Agg. on waking. Retching
with dry cough. Low grade fever. Few doses of
Nux vomica 30 did not help. Squilla 200. 2 weeks
later, sleeping well. Retching stopped. 95% better
with 3 doses.
Case 2: Sally, 11, with recurrent asthmatic
Bronchitis. Now constant irritating cough with
gagging and retching. Cough better after a bout of
Diarrhoea. Sanguinaria 200. Slight improvement.
Cough agg. from deep breath; going from a cold to
warm room. Eructations and flatus after coughing.
Rumex 200. 2 days later 75% better. 5 weeks later
itching and slight cough. Sulphur resolved quickly.
Case 3: Kevin, 4 months old, with wheezing and
rattling cough. Diagnosed as Bronchiolitis. Cough
< crying. Slightly cranky and irritable. Mottled
skin on extremities. Awakened by cough. Lachesis
200 t.d.s. for 3 days. Bronchiolitis resolved within
a week.
Indications for Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rumex,
Squilla and Sulphur in the use of Acute Bronchitis
are given.
25. The Sleep of Angels
Whooping cough healed
COWARD, Steven
(HT. 27, 6/2007)
8 months old Madison with Pertussis not
helped by antibiotics and Spongia. Awakened by
cough 7-8 times each night. Hard wet cough
ending in choking, turn bluish and limp from
exhaustion. Also symptoms of Hay Fever,
Eczema. Sweat of head during sleep. Antimonium
tartaricum 200 in water. A week later much
improvement. Sleeping well. Eczema initially
worse and then gone. A week later no cough. Few
months later, Eczema flared up and cleared with
Indications for Aconite, Drosera, Rumex,
Spongia in the use of dry coughs and Antimonium
tartaricum, Coccus cacti, Hepar sulph and Natrum
sulph in the use of wet coughs are given.
26. Compassionate care at the end of life
Homeopathy and hospice can help
BELLO, Lia (HT. 27, 6/2007)
Some caregivers and dying patients are turning
to Homeopathy for comfort and relief of symptoms
as well as to improve the quality of life in oneřs last
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 13
days and allow more meaningful, conscious
interaction with loved ones.
Paul, a case of Mad cow disease was helped
with Nux vomica, Stramonium, Agaricus, Mag.
phos and Antim.tart as he gradually slipped away.
The common symptoms of Nausea is relieved
with Ipecac, Nux vomica or China.
To soothe the fear of death, Aconite, Arsenicum
album, Tarentula hisp. when Ars. fails.
To relieve pains Ŕ Magnesia phosphorica,
Aconite, Arsenicum, Aurum met. (bonepains)
Cadium sulph. (Stomach Cancer and bad effects of
Cheldonium (Cancer pain after liver
metastasis); Euphorbium, Hydrasists, Nux vomica,
Opium and Plumbum iodatum.
For collapse Ŕ Carbo vegetabilis
For Breathing difficulties: Arsenicum and
For caretakers: Kali phos 6x and Cocculus.
27. Life lessons and managing end-of-life pain
with Homeopathy
LUEPKER, Ian (HT. 27, 5/2007)
Ingrid, 73, with stage IV Breast Cancer
involving distant metastases retained her supple and
clear mind as a result of her choice of Homeopathy
for pain relief.
Burning bone pains at the site of metastasis.
Worse at night and initially with movement. > with
continued movement. Euphorbium 30 twice a day.
Pain eased with every dose.
With metastasis to lungs, she experienced wet
cough in bed at night. Responded to few doses of
Antimonium tartaricum 30.
28. A homeopathic approach to Acute Pharyngitis
FIOR, Timothy (AJHM. 100, 3/2007)
Case 1: M E, 26-year-old fitness trainer, pregnant
27 weeks with 1-2 loose stools, worse in the
morning. Also haemorrhoids, heartburn and mild
sciatica. Yellow leucorrhoea, weakness at 10-11
a.m. Craved sweets and apples for the first time in
her life. Sulphur 200. Stools formed.
Three weeks later, acute sore throat on waking,
worse on left side, swollen neck glands on left side.
Hurt to swallow saliva and pain extending to ear
constricted feeling. Lachesis 30 every 30 minutes
until a change. Next day slightly better. Pain
external to left ear while swallowing. Phytolacca
200 every hour until change. Within 4-5 hours,
sore throat was 50% better and totally in a day.
Culture + for group a Strep.
Case 2: Author‟s
In high school had severe sore throat, + ve for
Strep and treated with antibiotics. Since then cold
commences with severe sore throat, leading to
severe cough and Bronchitis. Stitching pain
radiating to ears on swallowing. Phytolacca 30,
every hour, improved the situation. Since then less
susceptible to colds.
Materia Medica of Phytolacca decandra from
various sources are given.
29. The Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer
(AJHM. 100, 4/2007)
There are few homeopaths today who dare to
treat cases of Cancer. Referring to the experiences
of past homeopaths, this article shows how one can
proceed in the treatment of Cancer today. In part I
of this series of articles the principles of the choice
of remedy and the prescription of the subsequent
remedy on the basis of the Organon are presented.
The significance of the local tumor symptoms for
the choice of the remedy and how they have been
undervalued by KENT will be clarified. Finally the
way most homeopaths proceed in cases of Cancer,
especially according to the totality of symptoms of
the patient, will be discussed, and possible sources
of errors will be shown.
The biggest mistakes in the treatment of
Cancer can be summarized as follows:
1. The local tumor symptoms (that which is
individual about the Cancer) are undervalued.
2. The totality of the patientřs symptoms are
included in the choice of the remedy. This can
result in palliation if it doesnřt cover the nature
of the disease at the same time.
3. The Sphere of action of the remedy, its
capacity to interfere with the cancerous process
itself, is not adequately taken into account.
30. In Danger (Wolf at the door), I feel peaceful
HATHERLY, Patricia (AJHM. 100, 4/2007)
Clinical cases which have themes of Danger
and Circles call for consideration of both Lac
lupinum and Lac delphinium when deciding on a
simillimum. Fossil remains indicate that dolphins
and whales were four-footed land animals that lived
over 50 million years ago; and, since they are
mammals, it is understood that it is from the wolf
that they evolved. In a manner of speaking, we all
Ŗevolveŗ as we undergo the tests that life serves up
to us. It is possible, as shown in the following case,
that moving from the Lac lupinum to the Lac
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 14
delphinium state is attainable through working on
oneřs spiritual process.
A 41year-old man, never well since contracting
Mononucleosis in 1981. Fluctuation of energy
levels. Family history of Cancer. Café au lait spots
on legs and personal desire for perfection on a
spiritual level all indicated Cancer Miasm.
His strong need to protect his children and
strong connection to the Mother/Feminine and his
personal pursuit of spiritual perfection, pointed to
Lac delphinium.
Lac delphinium 1M. A month later, all his
respiratory symptoms had settled and was feeling
fantastic. Subsequently he had some digestive
disturbance which settled with Lac humanum.
[Full of fancies and speculations, themes, etc.
whIther Homeopathy? = KSS.]
31. Ein Fall von Schizophrenic und seine Heilung
mit Cenchris contortrix
Beweise für Wirksamkeit der Homöopathie
(A Case of Schizophrenia and its Healing with
Cenchris contortrix Ŕ Evidence for action of
CÁMPORA Carlos N. (ZKH. 51, 2/2007)
Presentation of a severe case of Schizophrenia
of more than 26 years of a female 46 years, cured
by Cenchris contortrix. Although the patient had
previously been treated with conventional medicine
and various psychological approaches, she had
showN no significant signs of improvement. The
exposition of the verbatim expressions of the
patient and their precise translation into rubrics of
the Repertory, the analysis of the case including the
approach strategies used and the treatment are
demonstrated. Finally, the importance for
Homeopathy to research on the basis of high
quality cases are highlighted. The author has given
a follow-up period of five years. Cenchris
contortrix is a very less used remedy. This is one
of a series of 7 cases presented by the author in the
Berlin Congress in 2005. [Are the Řevidence-
mongersř satisfied? High potencies upto CM have
been used in this case and the patient has been
cured and that is fact. = KSS]
32. Ignatia, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla:
Mammakarzinom mit Knochenmetastasen
(Ignatia, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla: Breast
Carcinoma with Bone metastasis)
HADULLA Michael (ZKH. 51, 2/2007)
Case-presentation of a young woman with bi-
lateral breasts surgically removed due to
Carcinoma of both breasts with bone metastases
and at the same the birth of healthy boy. A
combined treatment of both Orthodox and
Homeopathic medication resulted in healing. (In
her own words the patient said Ŗ. . The
Conventional Medicine helped me to overcome the
physical consequences and stabilised! However,
Homeopathy helped me in generalŗ.
33. Symptom oder Interpretation Ŕ ein
Psychiatrischer Fall
(Symptom or Interpretation Ŕ A Psychiatric
Case) Ŕ BOGER Method.
(ZKH. 51, 2/2007)
A 52 year-old-man with severe Anxiety and
attacks of Vertigo. Case anamnesis, analysis of the
symptoms and interpretations are discussed.
According to BOGER the symptoms and
interpretations must be differentiated, while
analysing the case. It is not possible and it is also
not necessary for Healing to know the real cause of
With another case of a 34 year-old female, who
suffers from paroxysmal attacks of breathlessness,
pain in chest ribs, cold sweat of hands, severe
dryness of mouth and thirst for cold water, etc. the
choice of the striking symptoms with regard to the
attacks and her chronic complaints are chosen.
34. Die homöopathische Datenermittlung nach
(The examination of the Homeopathic Data
according to BOENNINGHAUSEN)
STEINER Urs (ZKH. 51, 2/2007)
The basis of what HAHNEMANN called
Dynamis is for BOENNINGHAUSEN the
biological inseparable networking of all its
symptoms. The symptoms therefore, have to be
recorded separately, completely. The disease is
modified by Ŗmodalitiesŗ which indicate the
individuality for purposes of choice of the right
medicine. The symptoms are there identified by a
hexameter; these are: 1. Quis?(Who? The
individuality of the disease together with its mental
and emotional symptoms: only the deviations from
her usual and natural state); 2. Quid? (What? The
disease (the nature of the disease and its
peculiarity); 3.Ubi? (Where? The location of the
complaint); 4. Quibus comitibus? (The
accompanying complaints, or the concomitants,
those which appear in the context of the patho-
physiological processes together with the main
complaints. These symptoms may be co-incidental
with the main complaints, and they are peculiar,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 15
rare, strange); 5. Cur? (Why? The cause, both
external as well as the internal); 6. Quomodo? (The
modalities. The modifications, which can take
place in anything, thus the measure, the rule, the
aim, the relations, changes, etc. thus whatever with
the exception of Time which is included in the last
question of the hexameter. In his last work
BOENNINGAUSEN mentions that the opposite
indications); 7. Quando? (When? The Time of
appearance, the aggravations or ameliorations of
the symptoms.
Special attention to record the complete
symptoms which consists of at least one general
symptom (sensation), modality and location of the
complaint. The most recent symptoms of the sick
weigh more, but most important are the modalities.
Medicines have bi-polar signs and modalities,
which contain contraindications, and therefore
have to be taken into consideration for the
exclusion or affirmation of the medicine in
question. Every medicine has its genius Ŕ an
individual character Ŕ which is mirrored in the
entirety of its signs and modalities. The genius of
a medicine has to be found again in the character of
the disease.
35. Rezidivierendes abdominelles
Schmerzsyndrom unklarer Genese Ŕ
Magnesium phosphoricum
(Recurring abdominal pain syndrome of
unclear origin Ŕ Magnesium phosphoricum)
EMMRICH Peter (ZKH. 51, 3/2007)
Magnesium phosphoricum in a special dosage
form cured a chronic severe abdominal pain
syndrome of uncertain and unclear origin. Earlier
conventional medicine had failed. The case points
out that healing of such cases are possible with
simple Homeopathy. It also points out that
costwise, and freedom from adverse side-effects,
Homeopathy is much more serviceable than
conventional medicine.
36. Coarctatio aortae Ŕ Aurum metalllicum
SRINIVASAN K. S. (ZKH. 51, 3/2007)
The successful homeopathic treatment of a
Coarctatio aortae, in a 33 year-old man, is reported.
Main remedy was Aurum metallicum. The
treatment was during the years 1993-94, and the
person is well until today (follow-up of more than
14 years).
37. Die Untersuchung der Reaktionen nach Q-
Potenzengaben am Beispiel einer
Onkologischen Behandlung (Study of
reactions after a 50 millesimal Potency Ŕ
example of an oncological treatment)
SPINEDI Dario (ZKH. 51, 4/2007)
This article discusses the reactions during a
long period of treatment of a 2.5 year-old girl, with
Q-potencies of Phosphorus in a metastic Teratoma
of the Coccyx. The author particularly discusses
the way of proceeding with the treatment after the
appearance of new symptoms after the
administration of Q potencies.
38. Q-Potenzen: Verdünnungen für übersensible
Patienten (Q Potencies: dilutions for
oversensitive patients)
ADLER Ubiratan C. & CESAR Amarilys de
Toledo (ZKH. 51, 4/2007)
As observed by HAHNEMANN,
homeopathic aggravations can also occur during
repeated Q potencies, especially with
hypersensitive patients. In such cases
HAHNEMANN advises the reduction of the dose,
through dilutions of the homeopathic medicine.
These watery dilutions should be renewed every
day by the patient, what is not very practical in
these days. The authors report their experience in
Brazil with Q potencies dilutions which were
stabilized with alcohol in the pharmacy, making
their use and transportation easier for the patient.
39. Zur individuellen Dosierung der Q-Potenzen
(On the individualization of the Q-Potency
BÜNDNER Martin (ZKH. 51, 4/2007)
A new method developed by the author is
presented for the administration of Q Potencies
which allows the optimization of dilutions and the
daily application for the patients which reacts very
sensible for homeopathic remedies.
40. Diffuse Autonomie der Schilddrüse Ŕ Iodum
(Diffuse Autonomy of Thyroid gland-Iodum)
EMMRICH Peter (ZKH. 51, 4/2007)
Normalization of Thyroid parameters in a 52
year-old woman with manifest diffuse autonomy of
Thyroid gland under treatment with Iodum, as well
as cure of the psycho-vegetative ailments. While
the T3, T4, TSH showed progressive improvement
of the patient upto January 2005 and the patient
herself felt quite good, her face was clear, eyes
were not protruding and she had put on 5 kg.
weight, appetite was good, etc, the Thyroid
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 16
Sintigram showed that there was no change
between the earlier one and this! The question
therefore is : is the patient healthy since the
laboratory results show normalising and the patient
herself feeling good, whereas the Sintigram shows
no improvement! In the light of § 6 of the
Organon that the symptoms represent the whole
illness of the patient, how far are the pathological
tissue changes relevant to the homeopathic disease
41. Eine Q-Potenz-Behandlung bei Aortenstenose
und Herzinsuffizienz (A Q-potency-treatment
of Aortic Stenosis and Cardiac insuffciency)
SRINIVASAN, K.S. (ZKH. 51, 4/2007)
Treatment of cardiac failure because of Aortic
Stenosis with Q potencies of different remedies. A
significant amelioration of the patient can be
confirmed by medical diagnostics. This kind of
reported cure is the best proof for the efficiency of
42. Post Stress Disorder
BIDANI, Navneeth (HH. 32, 1/2007)
When humans take in new information Ŕ phone
number, seeing someone killed Ŕ the memory is
lable at first chemically unstable. But within 6
hours a flood of proteins produced from short term
to long term. Emotionally arousing events causes
stress. He has given homeopathic approach for
verbal reassurance with few remedies from KENT.
43. Constitutional Care and the Infant
(HH. 32, 3/2007)
Many deep-acting and Constitutional drugs
based on miasmatic/or symptom totality, when
administered in early infancy have the power to
correct the deviations and restore the biochemical
balance of the individual.
Administration of potentized similimums to the
mother during her pregnant period and/or
subsequently in exterogestate period helps in
correcting the child through the milk and other
metabolites supplied to the young one.
44. The Unspoken Language…
KULKARNI Ajit (HH. 32, 4/2007)
ŖEmotional feelings, instead of finding
expression and discharge in the symbolic use of
words and appropriate behavior must be conceived
as being translated into a kind of organ languageŗ.
Today the modern man has become a speed
merchant, driving the motor of his life. Chronic
time shortage, changing patterns of activity, greater
load of information and more active interpersonal
relationships have affected verbal communication.
45. GesturesŕNon Verbal Communication with
RAVI Singh (HH. 32, 4/2007)
Study in pediatrics involves understanding the
mute communications, which comes out in very
innocent ways.
Physician should observe every child with all
senses open and enquire with parents any particular
habit or particular behavior.
46. Memorable Outdoor Cases
RASTOGI, D.P. (HH. 32, 7/2007)
Two small guava-sized growths hanging from
nostrils distorted face. Swelling tip of the nose.
Discharges: very offensive. Sometimes few drops
of pus also dropped from the nose. Thuja 200, 3
doses daily for 2 days. Second day night both the
growths dropped on the pillow with a large amount
of dirty material which was very offensive.
47. An Analysis of Human Emotions
SHAIK Tarannum (HH. 32, 8/2007)
Emotions, thoughts and feelings Ŕ the mental
planne on the whole is responsible for a majority of
physical ailments. The seed of an ailment is sown
in the mind of the patient without his awareness of
its existence. It is the duty of the physician then to
accomplish the difficult task of identifying the seed
and removing it before it can grow any further.
48. Global warming and Vector borne diseases
MOHAN G.R. (HH. 32, 9/2007)
The treatment of epidemic disease has long
held a special place in Homeopathy, dating to
Hahnemannřs management of the 1799
nigslutter Scarlet Fever epidemic.
49. Global Warming and Emerging Infectious
KAUR SAINI, Harpreet (HH. 32, 9/2007)
Over the past 200 years, Cholera has become
pandemic seven times and also certain skin
disorders like photo dermatitis.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 17
40 diseases exist today which were unknown
over a generation ago. New threats like Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Global efforts to control infectious diseases
had been Ŗseriously jeopardizedŗ by widespread
drug resistance, a consequence of poor medical
treatment and misuse of antibiotics.
Homeopaths can easily take care of all
infectious diseases including the most fulminating
ones, rapidly and gently without the fear of any
complication, sequella or side effect whatsoever!
[In his Essay on Protection against Infection, in
Friend of Health (1792), HAHNEMANN says Ŗ. .
. excess in venery, anger, grief and care, as also
over-exertion of the mind of all sorts, are great
promoters of infection.ŗ = KSS].
50. A weighty Issue for Teenage
KAUR Harpreet (HH. 32, 11/2007)
When talking to teenagers about obesity they
need to be encouraged not scolded about their
weight. A wholesome weight loss regime includes
physical activities (active exercise), low fat diet and
exclusion of junk food, along with constitutional
treatment to control cravings and treatment of
pathological conditions.
51. Back to Basics
A Simple way of prescribing with case
VASANDI, Yogesh (HL. 19, 3/2006)
Case 1: 17 year-old boy with Acute
Thrombophlebitis of both lower limbs. Agony due
to pain with red, shiny, ecchymotic patches Ŕ after
standing for hours during a tournament. Relapse
even after allopathic treatment. Pain agg. by touch,
pressure and walking.
Ganglion on right wrist since a year. Vitiligo
on fingers and lips. Based on aversion to
vegetables and profuse sweat on nose Ruta 30 one
dose given.
Next day pain less, but still swelling. Ruta 30
once a day. A week later much better. Vitiligo
patches turned pinkish. In two weeks he could
wear shoes. In all 21 doses of Ruta 30. Vitiligo
vanished in 3 months. Ecchymotic patches never
returned. Ganglion vanished in 2½months.
Case 2: 35 year-old lady with palpitations from
sudden noises, after treatment for cervical
spondylosis. Eruptions around anus.
Discomfort to the bones from the slightest
draught of air. No sleep due to over activity of
mind. Fatigue. Coffea cruda 200. Fatigue and
sensitivity to noise reduced dramatically. Itching
increased and lot of worms came out and then
subsided. Second dose after 40 days and no relapse
Case 3: A 20 year-old girl with Acne, Scars,
Hairloss, Frequent urination and Headache since 3-
4 years. Much anxiety before exams with frequent
urination. Craving for tangy (sweet + salt +
sour)food. Carbo vegetabilis 30. A week later,
redness of face reduced. Hair loss subsided and
urination normal. A month later, no scars. 4
months later, second dose.
Case 4: 5 year-old girl with Urticaria since 2-3
years, temper tantrums and grinding teeth.
Fluctuating moods with negative attitude. Aversion
to milk and perspiration of upper lip. Little need of
sleep. Rheum 30. A week later grinding teeth
reduced by 50%, Urticaria by 80%. Temper
tantrums less and sleeping well.
52. The magic of the Repertory
SHAH, Hiren M. (HL. 19, 3/2006)
46 year-old lady with biliousness, Headache
and pain in right back and shoulder. Slightest noise
disturbs her sleep. Left sided Headache with
nausea and vomiting. Very sensitive. Feels
insulted when scolded. Feels not valued. Cries in
sleep. Sensitive to cold. Feels she had made a
mistake in choosing her life partner.
Sarracenia purpurea 200. Two weeks later
better, no Headaches. Back pain reduced.
Biliousness reduced to a great extent. Relapse
seven months later and another dose. 8 months
later a dose of 1M. In the next 3 years no relapse.
Case 2: A 9-year-old angry boy with pain
abdomen and nausea and urge for stool. Nausea
from milk which he was fond of a year ago. Sad on
waking. Upset if he loses. Plucks scalp hair and
eyelashes. Fear of the dark.
Brucea antidysenterica 200. A week later,
regular bowel movements. No pains. More
energetic. Gradually improved in all aspects.
Materia Medica of Brucea antidysenterica is given.
53. Internal Focusing Ŕ to Explore the Vital
CHAUHAN, Dinesh (HL. 19, 3/2006)
The author has developed an Internal Focusing
Technique to arrive at the Vital Sensation. This
technique is explained and illustrated with a case.
In a case of Alcoholism with Neuritis, the Vital
Sensations arrived at are jittery, lost, confusion and
blank. The tendency to control a sensation belongs
to Cancer Miasm. Asarum europaeum 1M. A
week later 99% burning reduced. Two weeks later,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 18
no burning. No alcohol, Appetite better. In the
next 2 years 110% fit.
54. A case of Chronic Psoriasis
PANCHAL, Manish (HL. 19, 3/2006)
55 year-old male patient with extensive
Psoriasis. Domineering attitude with
conscientiousness and sentimental. Craving for
sweets, dreams of flying and side to side movement
of tongue. Lycopodium 200. Two weeks later
itching increased. Lycopodium 1M. Itching
slightly reduced. No change. On further case
taking Fear of dark, Superstitious, Fear of ghosts.
Longing for company and light. Stramonium 1M.
2 weeks later, itching reduced, mentally calm and
relaxed. No dream. In the next 3½ years 90%
Psoriasis gone with potencies XM, 50M & CM.
[What is the purpose of reporting 90% relief. This
is not Řcureř. The 10% Psoriasis will again flare up.
A cure must hold good for quite long. Otherwise it
is no cure and there is no purpose in reporting it. =
55. Lupus of Larynx - A case of SLE
BAIG, Mirza Anwar (HL. 19, 3/2006)
Mr. M.L., 35 years-old, with scars over his
face, locked jaws and roded lips with ulcers.
Coated tongue. Cadaveric odour from mouth.
Dyspnoeic. Hoarse voice. Unable to swallow
anything but sips of milk. History of
Oropharyngitis treated with heavy antibiotics.
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus. Anxiety about
death. H/o suppressed eruptions, discharges and
Thuja 200 on 19.1.04. Nitric acid 30/3 doses
on 20.1.04.
On 23.1.04 Ŕ better. Able to drink and breathe.
Feel energy within.
In the next 15 months improved with Lachesis,
Nosode II, Sarsaparilla, Nux vomica, Syphilinum,
Phosphorus and Muriatic acid at various intervals.
56. Non-specific Polyarthritis treated with Hepar
sulphuris calcareum
DESAI, Pratik (HL. 19, 3/2006)
30 year-old male with severe hip joint pains
since 10 years. Investigations Ŕ NAD. He feels
like cutting his legs off during pain. Burns spoiled
shirts and prays God to kill beggers with physical
- Based on these the author wanted to select
a syphilitic remedy.
His desire to be appreciated and desire for
good appearance led to Sulphur. Anxieties about
family and money matters led to mineral kingdom
and insecurity led to Kali series and Calcarea. As
Calcarea sulph does not have much violence,
Hepar sulphuris calcareum 1M. For 4 days severe
pain and then no pain. In the next 13 months 3
more doses and he remains absolutely fine. [What
a rationale for selecting a Řhomeopathic remedy!ř =
57. Naja treats Hay Fever PUO and Atopic
BAIG, Mirza Anwar (HL. 19, 3/2006)
69 year-old patient with fever due to exertion
of travelling.
Gelsemium did not help. Tongue was dry, bad
taste, irregular pulse. Suffocation inside throat
feeling of paralysis of tongue. Naja 200.
Remarkable response. After Naja XM, he
developed a fistula in ano. Nosode II. [? = KSS]
58. An immigrant and a Native in the World of
Mango: Towards an understanding of §131-
SHUKLA, Chetna (HL. 19, 3/2006)
In this article I have tried to express the process
that worked to help me integrate the Aphorisms of
the Organon (131 Ŕ 132) and my personal
experience of the examination of Mango in the
healthy and in the sick.
59. A case of Senile Dementia
AMBANI, Bandish (HL. 19, 3/2006)
65 year-old male with severe loss of memory,
constipation since 25 years after the surgery of
piles. Also insomnia. Kochřs infection at 15 years
of age and Bypass surgery 12 years ago. Still had
chest paiun on exertion. Unusual and excessive
love for his brother and laughing without reason
indicated Baryta group. Sympathetic nature Ŕ
Phosphorus. Baryta phosphoric 200.
A month later, sleep improved. Constipation
reduced and 25% memory better. Over the next 2
years absolutely fine and only once repetition of the
60. Lac humanum: A clinical perspective
HATERLY, Patricia (HL. 19, 4/2006)
The main symptoms of Lac humanum are
given with morning sickness.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 19
61. An ocean of grief
A case of Lac humanum
BAILEY, Philip (HL. 19, 4/2006)
A 40 year-old woman with low energy and
Asthma of ten years duration since bacterial endo-
carditis. Post partum haemorrhage after all three
deliveries. Ocean of grief inside. Abused in
childhood. Incensed by injustice. Spiritual fanatic.
Basically feels alone in her life. Lachesis and
Platina did not help. Lac humanum LM1 once
daily for few months.
62. Wanderings in the Periodic Table Ŕ The Silver
WELTE Ulrich (HL. 19, 4/2006)
The structure of the periodic table of elements
has a deep homeopathic significance. Jan
Scholtenřs element theory of Řseriesř and Řstagesř
has been independently verified by many
homeopaths worldwide. We describe twenty of
our cases of the elements of the silverseries, thereby
showing the dynamics of this series, and one case
of the iron series. Further, confirmed clinical
symptoms like colour preference and handwriting
are included, and it is shown how we use them.
[This is a fairly long article. Seven ŘSeriesř are
1. The Hydrogen series.
2. The Carbon series
3. The Silicium series
4. The Iron series
5. The Silver series
6. The Gold series
7. The Uranium series
And Ŗ18 stagesŗ are briefly described.
- [May be these will be lapped up by the Řneo-
homeopathsř who follow Jan SCHOLTEN. To me
these are not ŖHomeopathyŗ by any stretch of
imagination = KSS]
63. Identifying with Society Ŕ Kali arsenicosum
MANGIALAVORI Massimo (HL. 19, 4/2006)
The identification with society is the main
theme of the Kali family. For each Kali this theme
comes forward in a specific area of life and in a
specific way. In a series of thirteen articles,
planned to be published in thirteen issues of
Homeopathic Links, thirteen members of the Kali
family will be discussed. These articles are based
on Session Four of the Second Three-Year
Postgraduate Course by Massimo
MANGIALAVORI, Bologna, March-April 2004.
The comments on the cases and the remedies from
Massimo MANGIALAVORI during the
presentation were noted down by Vickey BURLEY
and Harry van der ZEE.
64. When Rolls Talk to each other at the Breakfast
Table Ŕ Hypericum
SCHADDE Anne (HL. 19, 4/2006)
In §3 of the Organon, HAHNEMANN states:
the first step is Ŗto perceive what is to be cured in
every individual caseŗ. This means we have to
find the leitmotiv running through the story Ŕ to
understand the ŖGestaltŗ of the disease. Thus the
analysis begins first with the physical complaints
and when going deeper the physical pathology has
to be reflected through the sensations and functions
of the patient. But there is no general rule about
how to approach every individual case since
individuality means every case is different and has
to be approached differently. In the following case
the physical pathology, the sensations and functions
were on the same level so that the remedy could be
chosen just from one rubric.
65. Neural-Net Based Homeopathic Treatment
Selection Method in Fever with Drug Allergies
(HL. 19, 4/2006)
We have successfully devised a new neural net
technology-based method to quickly select a correct
homeopathic remedy in fevers combined with drug
allergy. This approach can open the door to new
ways in performing this important task for other
case categories.
[The authors say ŖWe used a software package
Neuro solutions (Neuro Dimension, Inc. v. 4.23),
model Multilayer Perceptions, with the
Řbackpropagationř learning algorithm to create the
Fever ANN (Artificial Neural Nets). Electronic
Řimagesř of homeopathic remedies (sphere and
time of action, modalities and relationships) present
in rubrics ŘFever, intense heatř and ŘGenerals,
allergic constitutio were loaded in the ANN
Memory. …….ŗ [This too is Homeopathy! =
66. My Clinical Experience
DEY, M. (CCR. 15, 1/2008)
Pseudohypertrophic Muscular Dystrophy
P.S., 12 year old boy with difficulty in rising
from bed; squatting and walking since few years.
Susceptible to cold in winter. Past h/o of
vaccinosis. Family h/o Sycosis. Irritable, fear of
dogs. Thuja 200/2 doses on 26.6.03.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 20
30.9.03 Ŕ Improvement. Now he can ride bicycle.
3.11.03 Ŕ No further improvement. Thuja 1M/2
14.1.04 Ŕ Improving.
21.704 Ŕ Thuja 1M/2 doses
15.12.04 Ŕ Boy was walking, riding, playing.
49 year-old female with burning urination,
pruritus and white urine. Susceptible to cold since
childhood. Once attempted suicide. Past history of
Otorrhoea, chyluria at 18 years; Meningitis 35 yers.
Unsatisfactory bowels once in 2-3 days.
Suppressed grief. Natrum muriaticum 200/2 doses.
In the next 5½ months, 2 more doses of 200 and
1M were given. No chyluria. Sulphur 30 and then
200 for burning all over body.
Palmar corns
57 year-old lady with blackish corns on palms.
Many homeopathic remedies did not relieve her
problem. Hair loss, bald spots since 6-7 years
chilly patient. Exostosis Ŕ Frontal head.
Carcinosin 200. In the next two months all corns
disappeared except one. Exostosis reducing. Two
more doses of 200. In the next five months no
change. Carcinosin 1M. Next month no corn.
Bronchial Asthma
12 year-old girl with susceptibility to cold
since childhood and wheezing since one year. Agg.
Night amel. Bending forward. Bedwetting till 3
months ago. Arsenicum album 30/2 doses. Better
for 2 months and relapse. 2 more doses. 15 days
later, Thuja 200/2 doses. In the next 8 months, four
doses of Arsenicum album, Thuja 1M and
Tuberculinum 200. No more problems.
67. Anaplastic Carcinoma of Cervix
MISTRY D.E. (CCR. 15, 1/2008)
Female patient under treatment for RA since
1988 was diagnosed with Anaplastic Carcinoma of
the Cervix in Sept. 2000. Conium 1M once a
month and Syphilinum. In Dec. 2000, no obvious
cervical lesion with minimum induration. Conium
10M in 2001 Jan., April and Sept. June 2001 Ŕ no
clinical evidence of Ca. She was managed with
various remedies till she breathed last on 14.2.2008.
68. Autism
NIMBARGIKAR (CCR. 15, 1/2008)
year-old NRK, not responding to call,
expressing by gestures and delayed speech,
irritable, wants to be alone. Destructive, bites and
bangs his head against wall in anger. Craves milk
and sweets. Aversion to sour food. Restless.
Phimosis. Poor eye contact.
Hard stools since 4-5 days. ∆ Autism with
ADHD. EEG Ŕ Post central dysfunction and
fronto-parietal seizures. Sensori-neural deafness.
Tarentula 200.
In the next 3 weeks much improved and then
relapse. Another dose 3 months later another 50%
improved in one year of treatment.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Mrs. V.K., 25, with pain in joints since 2 years.
Swelling and stiffness. Occasional itching.
Hyperpigmented spots. Thick yellow coating
posteriorly. Desire sweets and pungent food.
Sweat profuse on forehead. Leucorrhoea before
menses. Weeping brooding. Natrum muriaticum
200. In the next 6 months much improved with one
more dose of 200 and then one of 1M.
69. The Asthmatic Patient: His Relation to
Tuberculinic or Sycotic Miasm
KANJILAL J.N. (HH. 33, 4/2008)
The term of Asthma covers a number of
disorders with different clinical, pathological
features namely:
1. Cardiac Asthma
2. Branchitie Asthma
3. Bronchial Asthma
Cardiac Asthma Ŕ May be related with Psora-
sycotic and formative type of tubercular diathesis
Bronchitic Asthma Ŕ May be related with Psora-
sycotic miasmatic complex.
Bronchial Asthma Ŕ May be called secondary
Asthma. Clinically and pathologically this disorder
is of two types
1. Episodal Bronchial Asthma
2. Chronic Bronchial Asthma
Any idea of relating all types of Asthmatic
patients with any single miasm like the tuberculinic
or sycotic miasm will be tantamount to overŔ
simplification of an intricate problem leading us to
confusion. Hence, we must tackle every case of
Asthma with a thoroughly miasmatic analysis on
the basis of the three fundamental miasm.
70. Random Thoughts on Pleural Effusion and
MASTER Farokh (HH. 33, 4/2008)
Some of the common causes of the pleural
effusion treated with Homeopathy, left Ventricular
failure, Cirrohosis of liver, Tuberculosis and
malignancy. Another type is Empyema and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 21
ŖI have used Eriodictyon californicumŗ.
Dr.G.M.PEACE of San Francisco was authority of
this remedy in Homeopathy. FARRINGTON also
mentioned about the usefulness of this remedy for
occipital headaches. Yellowish, greenish discharge
from the nose.
Antimonium arsenicum Cardiac dyspnea
Antimonium arsenicum in paediatric cases where
there is lot of congestion in the lungs
Sulphur and Mercurius sulphuricum follow
Antimonium arsenicum. Breathlessness while
eating, cannot complete the food, cannot complete
the meal has been highlighted by HERING and
ALLEN. I have found lying down aggravation and
breathlessness, as the main symptom of
Antimonium arsenicum.
71. Euthanasia and Homeopathy
VITHOULKAS George (HH. 33, 5/2008)
The practice of ending the life of an individual
suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable
condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of
external medical treatment. (From the Greek. A Ŕ
A problem that concerns everyone and which is
a worldwide conversation type.
Whether Euthanasia is ethically right is a
question of global interest, however it seems that so
far no answer has been found. The justification of
keeping a patient alive under sedation for several
days would cost millions to himself, to the State, or
to insurance companies. In this way, conventional
medicine has passed a dilemma created by itself.
We should accept the fact that man has the right to
live his last hours being as alert as possible as the
processes conducted in his consciousness during his
last days or hours are undoubtedly of cosmogonic
importance to him.
Homeopathic practice has shown that those
who have chosen Homeopathic medicine have
suffered less, while their awareness before death
was optimal. Homeopathy might be helpful for the
dying patient with least possible suffering but with
maximum awareness.
72. Symptomarme Fälle in der Kinderheilkunde
(Paediatric cases with paucity of symptoms)
NIEHOFF Klaus (AHZ. 253, 2/2008)
By means of paediatric case examples it is
shown that in respect of cases with paucity of
symptoms, a wide attention to the patient, history,
surroundings, and to the practitionerřs inner
process in contact with the patient can sometimes
be useful to find symptoms on which
homoeopathic prescription can be made, The
author is of the opinion that we may use several
other methodologies like Sehgal method, Masi
Elizaldeřs, Massimo Mangialavoriřs, etc., in such
73. Homöopathie als Konstitutionstherapie bei
Kindern mit Enuresis (Homeopathy as
Constitutional therapy in children with
(AHZ. 253, 2/2008)
Enuresis as a functional disease mostly gives
little concrete symptoms which can be applied to
select the correct homeopathic remedy. Therefore
considering the constitution for diagnosing the
homeopathic remedy has great significance.
Anamnesis includes all the non-verbal signs
observed in the child, and the child is considered as
a whole. The non-verbal signs are complemented
and proved by the data which are expressed in
words and the clinical findings. Three types of
children are mentioned as examples and these are
signified by three remedies:
The phlegmatic, withdrawn, irritable
child Ŕ Petroleum
The restless, roughhousing child -
The charming, glamorous child -
74. ŖSexuelle Freiheitŗ und Bufo rana
(ŖSexual freedomŗ and Bufo rana)
PFEIFFER Herbert (AHZ. 253, 2/2008)
Bufo rana is a valuable remedy for
normalizing maturation of children. It is applied in
primary and secondary retardation or hindering of
evolution. Early sexualisation can be a cause
which seems to appear more by the changed basics
of education during the development. A secondary
disorder often appears as a result of violation of the
childřs intimate region. Children who suffer from
such a disorder and have been seduced into sexual
practices will then seduce other children.
The problem and its homeopathic treatment
especially with Bufo rana is respect of four patients
is described. The drawing by the children, of a
man, assisted in diagnosing for assessment of
progress of cure. Also Hering‟s Law can be seen
in it.
75. Die homöopathische Behandlung von Psoriasis
als Chance für eine neue Lebensqualität
(Homeopathic Treatment of Psoriasis as a
chance for a new life with quality)
WILLIG Gabriele (AHZ. 253, 3/2008)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 22
Homeopathic treatment of patients with
Psoriasis Type 1 takes long time and requires much
patience on the part of both the doctor and the
patient. This case of a man, 38 years, with
psoriatic patches on the scalp, abdomen and
extremities with whitish scales. Taking into
consideration the totality he was prescribed
Lycopodium in various potencies (both C and Q)
over a period of 5 years and the patient was cured
in the order of above downwards. The patient
needed some other acute remedies in intervals
which were given without in any any way
interfering with the action of the constitutional
remedy, Lycopodium.
76. Neurodermitis im Kindesalter: Zwei
(Neurodermatitis in childhood: Two cases)
HADULLA, Michael M. and PFEIL, Timo A.
(AHZ. 253, 3/2008)
Two cases of children with Neurodermatitis
cured with Homoeopathy. The first was a child of
6 months. The mother was in despair because the
child scratched and scratched. The case was
carefully studied and Calcarea carbonica Q3 was
given but there was no improvement. The case
was reconsidered and with the history Tuberculosis
in the family, the child was given Tuberculinum
D200. The sweat on head was gone and no more
flatulence. After returning from holiday the child
developed the skin lesions with all intensity. The
symptoms were retaken and now Sulphur Q1 and it
was raised to Q3. The progress was rapid and
complete. The child remains well.
Three month-old boy, with much skin eruptions
in the entire integument. The child looked as if
scalded, or as if suffered burns. The scratching
was severe. Hands and feet were cold. Treatment
by Pædiatricians and Dermatologists couldnřt help.
After a thorough repertorisation, Arsenicum album
Q3 and 6, were given. Because the eruptions were
crusty and began on the head, trhe extremities were
cold, Silica Q 6 was given. There was rapid
improvement. At 2 year age, the child was brought
again, now for difficult breathing, wheezing. The
Pulmonologist had diagnosed it as spastic-
obstruction Bronchitis. The mother was not willing
to give Cortisone or Broncho-dilator and brought
the child here. The child drank much, was happy,
walked in and about in the house naked and
barefoot, was given a dose of his constitutional
medicine Sulphur Q 6. The child remains well.
77. Homöopathie in der Allgemeinarztpraxis -
Eine Neurodermitisbehandlung mit Höhen
und Tiefen
(Homeopathy in General Medical Practice Ŕ
Treatment of Neurodermatitis with high and
TROST Thomas (AHZ, 253, 3/2008)
Main topic is the progress of cure of an Atopic
Eczema in a two-year-old boy, with intermittent
asthmoid Bronchitis. Besides, general problems of
a homeopathic treatment by a family doctor are
discussed and clarified.
The author says in conclusion: ŖMy learning
process, like every other homeopathy
Practitionerřs is, never-ending and hopefully
HAHNEMANNřs Ŗnewŗ scientific knowledge
which he has put down in his Organon (not only in
the 6
edition) and Chronic Diseases must be
comprehended properly. [The author writes further
that such ideas as those of SCHOLTEN and others
which are dismissed, should not be so, but we
should adapt whatever useful in them for our
Practice. He also quotes Karl MARX
ŖProletariates from all lands, uniteŗ, we should also
say ŖHomeopaths of all Lands, uniteŗ. We agree
with this call with this Řnoteř Ŗhahnemannian
homeopaths of all Lands, uniteŗ. Certainly, what
is repugnant to genuine Homeopathy cannot be
embraced; there should some demarcation
somewhere. Past experience should warn us. It is
not Ŗ unity at any costŗ. Surely HAHNEMANN
did not say Ŗcure in any way and every wayŗ.
Busy Practice, which the learned colleague gives as
an excuse, cannot be accepted. Once one adopts
Řtrade tricksř it will be never-ending. HC ALLEN,
AD. LIPPE and some like them, had very busy
Practice, as much as 50, if not more, patients in a
day. Surely, they did it well. We too should strive
towards that. = KSS]
78. Petroleum: a series of 25 cases.
(HOM. 97, 2/2008)
This study is based on 25 well-documented
reports of cases which responded well to treatment
with Petroleum. Materia medica data were
compared with results in contemporary clinical
practice. Many patients had characteristic skin
problems; children often had recurrent or chronic
upper respiratory tract problems. The most
prominent mental feature is a quiet, withdrawn or
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 23
stubborn disposition. The mental symptoms may be
difficult to recognize.
Detailed documentation in daily practice can
be helpful for preserving data of the effect of a
medicine; confirmation of statements given in
Materia Medica; improving understanding of
homeopathic medicines and differentiating the
indications for medicines.
79. Morning Sickness
CHAUKKAR Samir (HH. 33, 7/2008)
Morning sickness usually begins during the
first month of pregnancy and continues until the
to 16
week, although, some women can have
nausea and vomiting through their entire
pregnancy. Morning sickness is very common and
does not hurt the baby in any way.
In extreme cases, known as Hyperemesis
gravidarium, hospitalization may be required to
treat the resulting dehydration, which occurs in
about 1% pregnancy.
The exact cause of Nausea and Vomiting is
unknown. May be due to changes in hormone
levels. Rising level of Oestrogen may heighten
sense of smell.
Evolutionary adaptation is a change that occurs
in an organism in order to make it better adapted to
its environment.
An increase in hormone Estrogen, Progestrone
sensitivity to odors, + bowel movement. The
bodyřs effort to detoxify thoroughly for the health
of the unborn child.
No one knows for sure what causes nausea in
Homeopathic remedies such as Asar, Colch,
Jatr, Kreo, Lac acid, Nat sulp, Nux m, Nux v, Sep,
Tab. can be very helpful to a woman with morning
sickness and are safe to take during pregnancy.
80. Psoriasis Ŕ A Dreadful Disease
CHAUKKAR Samir (HH. 33, 8/2008)
Psoriasis is a disorder which affects the skin
and joints. It commonly causes red scaly patches to
appear on the skin. Psoriasis is a common chronic
disease that affects the life cycle of skin cells. The
cause of Psoriasis is not known but it is believed to
have a genetic component.
Symptoms, Types, Treatment and Lifestyle and
Home Remedies are given. Homeopathic
Management of Psoriasis are Arsenicum album,
Arsenic iodatum, Calcarea carbonicum, Graphites,
Mercurius solubilis, Mezereum, Petroleum, Rhus
toxicodendron, Sepia, Staphysagria, Sulphur.
81. The Medicinal Solution
LITTLE David, (HH. 33, 8/2008)
HAHNEMANN intended that the various
editions of Organon and The Chronic Diseases
should be read together as they form a complete
picture of the latest developments in Homeopathy.
The best way to adjust each individual dose of
a remedy to the sensitivity of the individual
constitution is to use the medicinal solution. By
replacing the single unit dose with the new split
dose it became impossible to use one pill several
Some may ask why go through all the trouble
to use the medicinal solution? The answer is quite
simple. Do you want to treat the most chronically
ill and the most hypersensitive persons? Do you
want to use Hahnemannřs most advanced methods
and walk in his footsteps?
If you do, then a little more effort on your part
is well worthwhile.
82. Homeopathic Management of Atypical
MASTER Farokh J. (HH. 33, 9/2008)
Angina is caused by insufficient blood supply
to the heart muscle. In unstable angina chest pain
is unexpected and usually happens when one is at
Micro-vascular angina causes chest pain but
without apparent blockage in a coronary artery.
Case 1: He suffered from heavy sensation in the
area of precordium along with piercing pain in the
throat pit, upper abdomen and left shoulder. A
local physician suspected heart attack. His B.P.
was 90/70mm of Hg. Coldness in the feet
ascending upwards was noted and Aconite 30 few
pills dissolved in water was given every few
minutes. He was better within few doses. This
remedy was chosen from Allenřs Encyclopedia
memory. Most striking feature is coldness, the
collapse and heavy feeling.
Case 2: 50 year-old man. Acute distension of
abdomen and severe chest pain that he could not
breathe properly. He was constipated prior to this
incident he had quite a big phobia of heart attack
even when he was normal because he used to
indulge himself in rich fatty food and non-
vegetarian food. Now there was definite history of
indulgence in food in a wedding. Natrum nitricum
200, few pills dissolved in water every few minutes
was given. He passed a huge quantity of gas which
relieved his cardiac anxiety. This remedy is useful
for lazy lethargic children.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 24
Case 3: 18 year-old girl. Severe chest pain with
trembling, agony, restless in pain. Her extremities
were restless. She will bend the knees and
straighten it up. This unique symptom with anxiety
to die made me think of Moschus. Moschus 30 in a
glass of water few doses relieved her. The remedy
was chosen from ŖExpanded work of NASHŗ
83. Hemorrhoids and its Management
CHAUKKAR Samir (HH. 33, 10/2008)
Piles are normally enlarged and dilated blood
vessels around the passage of anus. Hemorrhoids
are common in women in adolescent age group and
old women who are highly tensed. There are two
types of hemorrhoids. 1. Prolapsed hemorrhoids
and strangulated hemorrhoids. Prevention includes
drinking more fluids, eating more dietary fibre. For
some very light-weight underwear or without
underwear gives relief. Kegel exercises may prove
helpful. Management and Homeopathic treatment
is given.
1. New Repertory, new considerations
(HOM. 97, 1/ 2008)
The criteria for entering medicines in
Repertory rubrics are unclear and partly incorrect.
A new Repertory should be based on clear and
objective criteria.
Restrospective and prospective assessment of
medicines and symptoms by the Dutch Committee
for Methods and Validation gives an indication of
the validity of existing repertory. This experience is
highly influenced by chance. Another part is due to
the use of absolute rather than relative occurrence
of symptoms. Yet another part is caused by not
comparing prevalence in the population Řcuredř by
a medicine with the remainder of the population. In
many cases we need better definitions of
A clear protocol and prospective research
could overcome many shortcomings of the
Repertory. Statistics help to get more objective
criteria, but we still need to reach concensus about
how to handle probabilities of outcomes of our
1. The Regulation of Homeopathic Drugs as
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Products: The Role of the Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of the United States.
BORNEMAN. J.P. (AJHM. 100, 4/2007)
FDA classifications and regulation of
allopathic drugs, homeopathic drugs and dietary
supplements are contrasted. The role of the
HPCUS in regulation of homeopathic medicines is
described, and the HPCUS drug approval process is
2. A Brief History of Potentization
MORRELL Peter (AJHM. 100, 4/2007)
Amply supported with a wealth of quotation
material in footnotes drawn from a range of
authoritative sources, this short article delineates a
brief history of the processes used to prepare
homeopathic drugs and the evolving rationale of
Hahnemannřs methods.
This brief survey indicates that potentisation
was a method HAHNEMANN was obliged to adopt
through experimentation in order to obtain safer
and gently curative action from single drugs when
employed on the basis of similars. His views on
dosage evolved considerably through time, endless
experimentation and sharp observation. The
evolving rationale of Hahnemannřs methods. There
is a fairly large reference sources quoted.
This is an interesting and detailed study.
3. Herpes Zoster: A case
GUESS George (AJHM. 100, 4/2007)
74 year-old woman with Shingles over right
buttuck, genitalia and medial thigh. Itching and
burning. Worse from contact with clothing and
better cold applications. Fiery hot pains in the
joints of right leg. Mezereum 200, one dose every
12 hours as needed.
Five days later: exclaimed that pain vanished in
8 hours and rash rapidly disappearing.
4. Woher bezog Hahnemann sein Petroleum
(Wherefrom did Hahnemann obtain his
TTERS Hedwig (ZKH. 51, 3/2007)
With regard to the Pharmacological Book
which has laid down the pharmacological
preparation of Petroleum for homeopathic
medicine purposes, the author has made detailed
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 25
study of the source of HAHNEMANNřs
preparation and stock used for the Proving which is
different from the original substance. It was the
clear, yellowish Naphtha from the Nirano bei
Modena. However the substance mentioned in the
Pharmacology Book is different.
5. Some Cactaceous and Succulent Plants used in
Homeopathic Therapy
WAIZEL-BUCAY José (HL. 19, 4/2006)
The raw materials to prepare homeopathic
remedies come from whole plants and animals, or
some of their parts or secretions, as well as
minerals and isolated and purified organic or
inorganic chemicals. Most of the materials
originate from a variable number of plants (from
390 to 750 or more), according to different
pharmacopoeias and Materia Medica. The purpose
of this research is to provide knowledge of some
cactaceae and other succulent plants employed in
Homeopathy and collect related information
published in databases, pharmacopoeias, Materia
Medica and other books.
The technique followed to obtain the
information was bibliographic screening by
keyword (scientific name and botanic family).
Information was found about 14 species related to 7
botanic families. Here their clinical uses are
presented, as well as parts employed, and some of
the chemical compounds and secondary metabolites
that could be responsible for their pharmacological
6. Pondering views
Bulk of Homeopathic Industry
VARMA, P.N. (HH. 33, 6/2008)
Bulk of Homeopathic Industry is working
against Homeopathy.
State Drug controllers have been liberal in
granting manufacturing licences and more liberal in
granting product licences of combinbation products
without any clinical trials.
Perception of Homeopathy gets a dent by Bad
Is public aware of single or complex
homeopathic medicines?
The origin and rationale of combination. This
is mainly only with a view of commercial interest.
Homeopaths can help alleviate the situation
and promote Homeopathy in its scientific form.
If the industry comes out with a new drug
evaluated on scientific parameters Ŕ it will be
definitely welcomed.
1. Osprey with injured Eye Regains a Ŕ Birdřs
Eye view.
CASEY, Shirley J. (HT. 27, 3/2007)
A young Osprey (Pandion haliiaetus) flew into
a barbed wire. It was rescued and transported to
rehabilitator. Aconite 200 in water, as it was
showing signs of distress. Bird calmed down in 30
minutes. Arnica 1M for the bruises. No fractures,
only numerous small punctures on the wings and
the body. Hypericum 200. after several weeks of
care, it was noticed that it had a traumatic cataract
in right eye (veering to right when attempting level
flight) and also dull than normal and also somewhat
reluctant to groom after getting wet. Silica 30.
within few days, the bird seemed to be flying
Ten days later, only traces of Cataract was
found. The Osprey was released back to the wild
with no visual, behavioral, or flight impairment.
2. Another eye injury, Another Remedy
CASEY, Shirley J. (HT. 27, 3/2007)
A full grown saw whet Owl had been hit by a
car and was bruised and undoubtedly sore.
Haemorrhage in the left eye. Aconite 1M and
Arnica 1M and it improved within two hours. But
the eye was still full of blood. More Řcase takingř
repertorizing, Materia Medica studying and
Lachesis 200 given for eye haemorrhage; within
three hrs. noticeable improvement and fully
recovered in 5 days! Photographs published.
3. Mosquitoes bring more than a buzz to outdoor
activities. West Nile Virus: How you can
protect yourself this season?
CASEY, Shirley J. (HT. 27, 4/2007)
American Buff goose suddenly stopped eating
and was lying down and unable to move. Found to
be feverish with dilated eyes and difficulty in
swallowing. Belladonna 1M tds for 4 days and the
goose was normal. It was then observed that the
goose was eating ravenously and drinking normally
but was having difficulty maintaining weight. In
addition the goose had yellow wrinkled skin
beneath her feathers and a very stiff neck. Natrum
muriaticum 1M and the goose recovered and lived
three more years. (most American Buff geese have
a life span of 18-20 years.)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 26
4. Rescued Blackbird Free to fly again. After
Homeopathy helps to heal an ear infection.
CASEY, Shirley (HT. 27, 5/2007)
A frightened baby black bird with rapid
respiration and heart rate was given Aconite 200.
An hour later it was calm and stable and ate
eagerly. 10 days later cranky and less eager to eat.
Swelling over the left ear opening. Ledum 30 did
not help. Next day swelling more painful and right
ear region also swollen. Offensive white pus.
Hepar sulph. 30. 4 hours later, less irritable,
willing to eat. Swelling localised. Large plug of
thick white pus came out and swelling subsided.
Four hours later, swelling right ear also subsided
with discharge of pus. Over the next days no
problem. Two weeks later mild recurrence. A dose
of Hepar 30 and released into wild.
5. Willy our one Ŕeyed wonder cat.
LYKE, Karen (HT. 27, 5/2007)
17 year-old cat was hit and dragged by a car.
X-ray revealed displacement between spine and
pelvis and fracture of left ankle. Vet dressed the
wounds with antibiotic salve, IV drip and oral
antibiotics. He was given a homeopathic
combination remedy orally and another
combination accident remedy was applied.
Eight days later he was moving about with
little difficulty.
6. Lachesis als chronisches Mittel bei Warzen
(Lachesis as a chronic Wart remedy)
WÜSTNER Ines (ZKH. 51, 4/2007)
A 15 year-old Mare with moist and bleeding
Warts since two years. The Warts were in the head,
and near the ears. The Warts were moist and
bleeding, heavily at times and the Mare was
finding much disturbance as it was frequently
shaking its head because of disturbances by flies.
She could not be bridled due to these. Thuja as a
locally oriented prescription brought about relief
extensively but without a lasting cure. There was a
new growth near about the navel. The case was
taken afresh in great detail and repertorised, and
Lachesis came up. It was given in C 30, two doses
at an interval of two days. Improvement set in, and
the remedy was given in steps of 200 and then
1000, and the Mare was Řcuredř.
1. A Demonstration of the compensatory
Response Theorem in the Action of
Homeopathic remedies
KATIRAI, Foad (HL. 19, 3/2006)
The following is an attempt to provide a
demonstration Ŕ not an empirical proof Ŕ of the
theorem of compensatory response, based on the
understanding of that principle in pharmacological
kinetics, in the action of homeopathic remedies.
Although not a proof in itself, a demonstration of
the expected results provides an efficacious
theoretical model from which empirical tests and
experiments can then be constructed to provide
such proof. It is in the hope of adding such a
theoretical precursor to the literature of
Homeopathy that this demonstration is proffered.
2. Seven years of Homeopathic training for
medical students in Austria
BÄR, B. (HL. 19, 3/2006)
Since 1997 more than 1400 human and
veterinary medical students have either partially or
fully taken advantage of the SIH student training
course in classical Homeopathy. This paper
outlines the development, success and future
potential of this training programme Ŕ one that is
unique in Europe. We will demonstrate that
starting homeopathic training while still studying
medicine makes sense and that demand exists both
from students solely wanting information as well as
those wishing to complete the entire homeopathic
training programme. The project has been running
for seven years and all functionaries give their time
on an honorary basis. The quality of the
programme meets international norms regarding
standards both in terms of the curriculum and the
3. Datensamlung in der homöopathischen Praxis
Eine systematische prospective
(Data collection in homeopathic Practice Ŕ a
Systematic prospective Case documentation)
HUBER Heinz (AHZ. 253, 3/2008)
A Multi-centre, prospective, practice-based,
long time observational study was conducted in 16
specialised homeopathic Primary-care centres in
Germany and Austria. 1322 patients were enrolled,
of which 16.9% suffered from acute and 80.7%
from chronic diseases. Patientsř and treatment data
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 27
were documented by using a simple questionnaire
and entered via the Internet into a database. In the
majority of patients the homeopathic treatment
resulted in a significant improvement of their
health status. The practical experiences from this
project regarding time and cost of systematic case
documentation are discussed.
4. The effect of homeopathically prepared
Thyroxine on highland frogs: influence of
electromagenetic fields.
(HOM. 97, 1/2008)
Background: Previous experiments show that
amphibian larvae are responsive to
homeopathically prepared Thyroxine.
Methods: We studied the effect of a highly diluted
and agitated Thyroxine solution exposed to various
electromagnetic fields on metamorphosis in
highland Rana Temporaria. The devices tested
were: microwave oven, mobile phone, airport X-
ray, and a red-light barcode scanner. Animals were
treated either with homeopathically prepared
Thyroxine (10
parts by weight, 10
in the water
in which the animals were kept), or analogously
prepared blank solution, or analogously prepared
Thyroxine exposed to the electromagnetic field of
one of the devices tested. Solutions were
administered at 48h intervals according to a
standardized protocol.
Results: Animals treated with the standard test
solution Thyroxine 10
metamorphosed more
slowly than the control animals, i.e. the effect of
the homeopathically prepared Thyroxine was
opposed to the usual physiological effect of
molecular Thyroxine. The cumulative number of
test animals that had reached the four-legged stage
at most of the points in time. This was found
independently by all three research teams involved.
In contrast, this effect did not occur when the
Thyroxine solution had been exposed to the field of
the early model microwave oven, or mobile phone.
There was no difference between aqueous or
alcoholic solutions were used, and there was, if
any, only a small protective effect from aluminium
foil. Airport X-ray and red-light barcode scanning
did not diminish the effect of the homeopathic
solution. [PC ENDLER, et al have been carrying
out research with Thyroxine in homeopathically
potentised solution with frogs, over several years
and so far the articles published in this journal and
elsewhere have shaown nothing but the conclusion
given in this Report. The skeptics shouldopen
their eye. = KSS].
4. Treating hot flushes in menopausal women
with Homeopathy-Results of an observational
(HOM. 97, 1/2008)
Objective: There is great controversy concerning
treatment for menopausal symtoms. We evaluated
homeopathic treatments for hot flushes and their
effect on quality of life in menopausal women.
Methods: Open, multi-national prospective,
pragmatic and non-comparative observational
study of homeopathic treatments prescribed and
their effectiveness, observing their impact on
quality of life.
Results: Ninety-nine physicians in 8 countries took
part in this study and included 438 patients with an
average age of 55.
Homeopathic medicines were prescribed to all
patients; 98% of the prescription lines were the
most prescribed. A non-homeopathic treatment
and/prn food supplement prescribed for 5% of the
This observational study revealed a significant
reduction (p<0.001) in the frequency of hot flushes
by day and night and a significant reduction in the
daily discomfort they caused (mean fall of 3.6 and
3.8 points respectively, on a 10cm visual analogue
scale; p<0.0010.
Ninety percent of the women reported
disapeearance or lessening of their symptoms,
these changes mostly taking place within 15 days
of starting homeopathic treatment.
Conclusions: The results of this Observational
study suggest that homeopathic treatment for hot
flushes in menopausal women is effective. Further
studies including randomized controlled trials
should be conducted.
5. Homeopathy-quackery or a key to the future
of medicine?
MARCUS,D, BELL, I Davidovitch N and
(HOM. 97, 1/2008)
This is an edited transcript of a debate held at
the University of Connecticut Health Center,
Farmington, Connecticut, USA on 25 October
2007. Homeopathy is a widely used but
controversial form of complementary and
alternative medicine. Six distinguished
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 28
international speakers, including advocates and
skeptics concerning Homeopathy, debated the
plausibility, theoretical principles, clinical and
basic research evidence, ethical and other issues
surrounding Homeopathy.
6. Changes of RAPD profile of Trypanosoma
cruzi || with Canova and Benznidazole.
ALEIXO Denise Lessa, FERRAZ Fabiana
Nabarro, DE MELO Carolina Sundin, GOMES
Mônica Lúcia, TOLEDO Max Jean,
KANESHIMA Edílson Noboyoshi, BERASNI-
AMADO Ciomar Aparecida & ARAÚJO
Silvana Marques (HOM., 97, 1/2008)
Chagas disease, caused by the protozoan
Trypanosoma cruzi, involves immune mediated
processes. Canova (CA) is a homeopathic treatment
indicated in the diseases in which the immune
system is depressed. This study evaluated the
Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA
(RAPD) profile of T.cruzi under the influence of
CA and Benznidazole (BZ). Mice infected with the
genetic lineage of T. cruzi || (Y strain) were divided
into 4 groups:
Infected animals treated with saline solution
(control group); treated with CA; treated with BZ;
treated with CA and BZ combined.
Treatment was given at the 5
days of
infection (D5-25). The parasites were isolated by
haemoculture in Liver infusion Tryptose (LIT)
medium: at D5 (before treatment), D13, 15 and 25
(during treatment) and D55 and 295 (after
treatment). DNA was extracted from the mass of
parasites. RAPD was done with the primers λgt11-
F, M13F, M13F-40 and L15996, the amplified
products were electrophoresed through a 4%
polyacrylamide gel. Data were analyzed by the
coefficient of similarity using the DNA-POP
163 markers were identified, 5 of them
monomorphic. CA did not act against the parasites
when used alone. The RAPD profiles of parasites
treated with BZ and CA + BZ were different from
those in the control group and in the group treated
with CA. The actions of CA and BZ were different
and the action of BZ was different from the action
of CA + BZ. These data suggest that CA may
interact with BZ. The difference in the RAPD
profile of the strain of T. cruzi produced by BZ, CA
+ BZ and the natural course of the infection suggest
selection/suppression of populations.
7. Effects of homeopathy in mice experimentally
infected with Trypanosoma cruzi.
DE ALMEIDA Luciana Rodrigues, DE
OLIVEIRA CAMPOS Mônica Caroline,
BONAMIN Leoni and Adivaldo DA
FONSECA Henrique. (HOM. 97, 2/2008)
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the
action of homeopathic treatment on mice
experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi.
Methods: Eighty adult male C57BL/6 inbred mice
were randomly allocated to five groups treated with
biotherapy (nosode) of T. cruzi 12dH (12X) pre-
and post-infection; Phosphorus 12dH post-
infection; infected control treated with control
solution and uninfected control. The biotherapy was
prepared by the Costa method from the blood of
mice experimentally infected with the Y strain of T.
cruzi. Phosphorus was used because of its clinical
and reportorial similarity to Chagas disease. T.
cruzi (10
) sanguineous forms were inoculated
intraperitoneally per animal. Parasitaemia was
monitored, leucocyte and serological response were
evaluated at 0, 7, 14 and 42 days after infection.
The prepatent and patent periods of parasitaemia,
maximum of parasitaemia, day of maximum
parasitaemia and mortality rates were compared
between groups.
Results: A significantly shorter period of patent
parasitaemia was observed in the group treated with
the biotherapy before infection (p<0.05) than in the
other groups. This group also had the lowest
parasitaemias values at 9, 13, 15 (p<0.05), 17
(p<0.05), 22, 24 and 28 days, a lower rate of
mortality and a significant increase of lymphocytes
compared to the infected control group. The
Phosphorus group had the longest period of patent
parasitaemia, higher maximum parasitaemia, and a
significant reduction of lymphocyte mumbers, but
no mortality. The infected control group had the
highest mortality rate (not statistically significant),
and the highest IgG titres at 42 days post-infection
Conclusions: The results suggest that pre-
treatment with biotherapy modulates host immune
response to T. cruzi, mainly during the acute phase
of the infection. Phosphorus shows an action on the
pathogenicity by T. cruzi infection. Homeopathic
treatment of T. cruzi infection should be further
8. Effects of Nux vomica and Agaricus
muscarius on the Neuronal Activity in Rats
JUSSAL, R.L. (HH. 33, 6/2008)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 29
Advances in Science and Technology have
helped the development of a variety of vital
medicines to treat the diseased conditions
effectively. Two drugs Nux vomica and Agaricus.
1. The experiments have been performed to
determine changes in the neurotransmitter
2. Changes in the Electroencephalographic
(EEG) activity.
1. Eine spate Taschenapotheke Hahnemanns im
Heidelberger Schloss (A later Pocket Medicine
Case of Hahnemann in the Heidelberg Palace)
NOLTE Stephen Heinrich and
(AHZ, 252, 4/2007)
The choice of remedies and also the lay use of
Pocket- Home- and Travel- Pharmacies is a major
issue in current homeopathic training. The
composition of remedies of historic pharmacies has
not been extensively studied. We describe and list
24 remedies of a historic pharmacy attributed to
HAHNEMANN himself in his last Paris years.
This is conserved in the German Pharmacy
Museum in Heidelberg castle since 2002. Its
original provenience is not known, the last
ownership was the private collection of Wilhelm
DÖRR (1902 Ŕ 1952), a pharmacist whose passion
was the collection of pharmaceutical antiques. Its
composition does not considerably differ from
current recommendations.
3. Christian Franz Paullini und die
homöopathische Dreckapotheke
(Christian Franz PAULLINI and the
homeopathically Drug Pharmacy)
APPELL, Reiner G. (AHZ. 253, 3/2008)
PAULLINI was born 365 years ago (25
Feb.1643). He studied Theology and then
Medicine. PAULLINI used earth, ash and also
such remedies as Ambra, Ziber, Moschus. He
appears to have been a careful observer, and paid
attention to strange, peculiar symptoms. Reading
his note one feels as if studying the homeopathic
Repertory, for example some entries: Blindness,
from severe terror; a Mason reported that he
vomited as often as he heard music; delirium from
bean flowers; Apoplexy from suppressed menses;
etc. PAULLINI appears to be well-connected with
both microcosm and macrocosm, ideas of analogy,
connect all symptoms especially the peculiar, etc.
1. A Curriculum Based on Levels in Case-Taking
VERVARCKE Anne (HL. 19, 4/2006)
Ranjan SANKARAN presented his theory on
ŘThe Levelsř in Les Herbiers 2002. As he
demonstrated with three Argentum nitricum cases,
different patients can experience the same remedy
at different levels. He illustrated that there is
something Řdeeperř than the level of delusion,
which in turn is beyond the emotional and factual
level. These levels of understanding and
experience can be applied in homeopathic
education. In this way the future homeopath
gradually gets familiar with the level of the data,
gets to master the anamnesis techniques to delve
into these levels and to aim at prescribing at the
vital level, where all diseases are located. Often
one can dive into the vital or sensation level by
probing the main complaint. This links
Hahnemannřs words to todayřs most advanced
Homeopathy. In this series of articles, examples of
prescriptions based on different levels of
experience are given.
1. Where do the BEES be?
Worldřs hardest workers quit
ASPINWALI, Mary (HT. 27, 3/2007)
Hot on the heels of Global warming, the Bee
population of many countries are disappearing.
There is speculation that cellular phone towers,
high voltage transmission lines, electro magnetic
fields, genetically modified crops and pesticides
may interfere with the innate ability of Bees to find
their way back to their own hives.
ŖThis is the biggest threat to our general food
supplyŗ, said Kevin HACKETT, the national leader
of USDAřs Bee and pollination program.
Two cases of Wasp stings, a case of allergic
skin infection and a case of Gall stone colic treated
by Apis mellifica are given.
So, what can one man or woman do to help the
beloved bees?
Give up insecticide sprays.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 30
Eat pesticide-free food. Avoid genetically
modified crops.
Plant the right kind of flowers.
ŖThese tend to be traditional cottage garden
plants such as lupins, hollyhocks and lavender,ŗ
says David GOULSON of the Bumblebee
Conservation Trust in Scotland. ŖThey offer a
ready supply of pollen and nectar from flowers that
are easily accessible to passing Bees. Of less use
are cultivated annual bedding plants that have been
highly bred. These often produce no nectar or have
double-headed flowers that make access impossible
for insects.ŗ You can find a list of plants favored
by North American Bees and more great
information at:
Grow flowers all season long.
ŖItřs important to have flowers on the go from
early spring through to autumn so the Bees have a
constant supply of nectar,ŗ says Adrian Knowles,
an ecologist. You can further reduce Bee stress by
supplementing their nectar with a mixture of
roughly 30% honey to 70% water during the early
cold days if there has been a frost or strong wind
that has damaged flowers. Put a little of the
mixture onto a small container (e.g. , the top of a
lemonade bottle or the cap of a pen), and put this
among the flowers.
Educate yourself and others.
Dr. MARLA SPIVAK, an entomologist
specializing in Apiculture with the University of
Minnesota Extension, advises: ŖDonřt panic.
Educate yourself Spread the word about the
benefits of Bees … Or learn to keep Bees yourself.ŗ
You can learn more by visiting
UPDATE: Organic Bees not Affected
In the last issue of Homeopathy Today, I
wrote about the terrible plight of the honey bees
[ŘWhere Do the Bees Be? Worldřs Hardest
Workers Quitŗ]. Since then I have heard from the
Organic Consumers Organization that: ŖA crucial
element of this story, missing from reports in the
mainstream media, is the fact that organic
beekeepers across North America are not
experiencing colony collapses. The millions of
dying bees are hyperbred varieties whose hives are
regularly fumigated with toxic pesticides by
conventional beekeepers attempting to ward off
ROSS CONRAD, author of Natural
Beekeeping (ISBN-10: 1933392088) agrees: ŖThe
best thing beekeepers can do to combat CCD
[colony collapse disorder] in my opinion is to use
beekeeping management practices that support and
strengthen the beeřs immune system and thus, the
hiveřs immunity overall, rather than use methods
that weaken it. This includes not feeding bees
artificial diets, stop exposing them to toxic
chemical compounds, providing enough genetic
variation to prevent inbreeding, and discontinuing
the use of antibiotics.
ŖFrom the very beginning, I have always
refused to use toxic chemicals in my hives. My
stubbornness caused me to lose many hives in the
early days, but by persevering have proven to
myself that it is possible in this day and age to keep
honey bees without resorting to the use of
dangerous synthetic chemical compounds.
ŖSince the Honey Bee exerts such a powerfully
beneficial influence on the natural world around us,
it seems logical to assume that our own efforts to
help the Honey Bee thrive can indirectly benefit all
of nature.ŗ
MARY ASPINWALL is registered with the Iriish
Society of Homeopaths and can be reached at
2. Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine in
Tuscany, Italy: integration in the public health
Fabio, & BELVEDERE Katia
(HOM. 97, 2/2008)
The healthcare programmes of the Region of
Tuscany, Italy have contained references to various
types of non-conventional medicine since 1996, and
the last three Regional Health Plans have included a
chapter on non-conventional medicine that arguably
represent the greatest degree of integration of such
therapies in the public health care system achieved
thus far in Italy. The plan aims to guarantee
definitive integration in the Regional Health
Service of types of non-conventional medicine
which are supported by a sufficient level of
scientific evidence to allow them to be defined as
forms of Complementary Medicine (Acupuncture,
Herbal medicine, Homeopathy and Manual
medicine). Moreover, in 2007 the Regional council
of Tuscany, for the first time in Italy, approved a
regional law disciplining the practice of
complementary medicines on the part of Doctors,
Dentists, Veterinarians and Pharmacists.
3. Medicine, rhetoric and undermining: managing
credibility in homeopathic practice.
CAMPBELL C (HOM. 97, 2/2008)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 31
This article examines homeopathic
practitioners Řreal lifeř accounts, and illustrates the
ways in which they negotiate their homeopathic
practices as contigently formulated ongoing social
events in research interview settings. Interview
transcripts were analysed in a qualitative
framework using discourse analysis. The findings
show that practitioners construct Homeopathy and
defend their own individual practices either by
Řalignment-with-medicineř or by Řboosting-the-
credibility-of-Homeopathyř. Homeopathy is also
negotiated and sustained as an Řalternativeř to
notions of conventional medicine, which is the
accepted yardstick for practice or as a practice that
is portrayed as problematic. Overall, managing
personal credibility is accomplished through
specific ways of accounting that tend to marginalize
homeopathy. Developing and establishing
homeopathic practice further as a discipline in its
own right is offered as a Řnucleusř to reduce
continuing marginalization.
4. British media attacks on Homeopathy: Are
they justified?
VITHOULKAS George (HOM. 97, 2/2008)
Homeopathy is being attacked by the British
media. These attacks draw support from
irresponsible and unjustified claims by certain
teachers of homeopathy. Such claims include the
use of Řdreamř and Řimaginativeř methods for
proving. For prescribing some such teachers
attempt to replace the laborious process of
matching symptom picture and remedy with
spurious theories based on Řsignaturesř, Řsensationsř
and other methods. Other irresponsible claims have
also been made. These Ŗnew ideasŗ risk destroying
the principles, theory, and practice of Homeopathy.
5. Who is to be blamed?
MUKHERJEE, P.K. (HH. 33, 6/2008)
The great revolution towards Homeopathy
from past to modern era is marvelous and has
spread awareness regarding Homeopathy amongst
a number of people. So knowledge of physician is
Prejudice practice in the field is a great
obstacle for the development of science.
Physicians are misguided with the patents by
the pharmaceuticals but we were taught that
Homeopathy means use of single and simple
medicine for treatment of condition.
Gradual decreasing standard of the lecturer and
the student of the institutions. Once the lecturer
and the practitioner of the institution showed their
selfless service to create successful results. In
addition they were able to produce intelligent
scholars of Homeopathy who latter on worked as a
successful practitioners. The selfless attitude of the
learned physician made a success in getting the
support not only by the government but also by the
national and international societies for the sake of
Homeopathy. This uplifted the spirit of
Homeopathy. When the institutions get several
advantages and grants to develop medical colleges
and secured job in government service, then why
the professors of the institution, show negligence in
their services. Few reports confirm that the
dispensaries which were once very popular and had
enormous number of patients but now have few
patients visiting. Students usually blame their
teachers for the failure.
So before criticizing the science one should
mend oneřs ways. Institutions and teachers should
impact their theoretical and practical knowledge to
their students and students should work hard to
grasp the subjects.
Laboratories Ŕ Misleading the system:
When any companyřs M.R. visits, he may show a
list of mother tinctures or potency whose quality no
body can judge.
Till a homeopath is ignorant of standardization
of the medicine he will have to face problems in his
practice. Despite his best selected remedy it wonřt
act properly because of being sub standard.
Stand up, awake and try to come alive with the
eternal power given by that God, and accomplish
the mission as physician.
Homeopathy for Farm and Garden, Mark
Moodie Publications, Gloucester, UK; 2006, 191
pages, softcover, $35, ISBN 0-9517890-5-8.
Reviewed by TONY SCOFIELD. (HT. 27, 4/2007).
his homeopathic work with plants in Switzerland
in 1986 when a friend suggested he try treating a
row of apple trees that suffered from bright red rust.
To everyoneřs surprise, the homeopathic remedy
Belladonna cleared the rust and left a much better-
tasting apple than the trees had produced before.
This experience inspired years of subsequent
research in Australia and Europe, which form the
basis of this book.
The first quarter of the book consists of a brief
review of Homeopathy and agriculture. The
author begins by quoting sections of Hahnemannřs
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 32
Organon and putting agriculture into this context.
Throughout his discussion, he puts the plant at the
center of the treatment regime and, when discussing
control methods, he does pick up on an important
point that even Ŗorganicŗ control methods miss the
point of the real problem Ŕ the fact that plants are
still being attacked. The plant is obviously having
a problem and it needs to be treated rather than the
pests and diseases attacking it. Organic farmers
would go further, perhaps, and say that the soil or
local environment is at fault and that these need to
be addressed first. But, the plant is the organism
which manifests changes as a result of soil
deficiencies and provides the means of selecting
suitable remedies, so it is not surprising, perhaps,
that this is the obvious target for treatment.
The author attacks Ŗchemicalŗ farming and
genetic engineering and highlights the phenomenon
of insects developing resistance to the pesticidal
qualities of genetically modified crops. KAVIRAJ
contrasts these problems with the advantages of
homeopathic treatment: only one dose is usually
required so it is economical in terms of labor, and
cost of the remedy is negligible; only minute doses
are used so there are no residue problems; no
resistance develops; and finally, the plant is treated,
not the disease.
The author is keen on intercropping and
companion planting and uses remedies of suitable
companion plants to protect against pests and
diseases pertaining to them. He also, not
surprisingly, uses micro- and macro-nutrients (e.g.,
boron, potassium, phosphorus) as homeopathic
The first part of the book ends with a brief
review of the structure of the soil and the nutrients
therein, and of plant structure. Finally, instructions
are given on how to use the remedies Ŕ they are
prepared in water using the 6X potency and sprayed
onto plants.
The bulk of the book consists of a Materia
Medica in which a Ŗclinical descriptionŗ of each
remedy details the symptoms and/or pests and
diseases. Also a Ŗgeneral descriptionŗ gives the
history of each remedyřs use and indications.
Further details such as the appearance of plants and
their various parts, relations with other remedies,
and antidotes are often given. At the beginning of
this section, I would have found it interesting to
read about the authorřs own proving work and been
given more information about where he obtained
other details for the Materia Medica because the
book implies that it did not all come from his own
experimental work.
The book concludes with a Repertory where
conditions can be matched to remedies.
The author has accumulated a great deal of
useful information here in a groundbreaking book.
The Materia Medica and Repertory are easy to
follow and the selection of a suitable remedy
should not pose too much difficulty. This
technique is certainly worth trying as it is neither
expensive nor time-consuming and will not have an
adverse effect on the environment.
Mark MOODIE, Publisher of Homeopathy for
Farm and Garden, has created a website to collect
and share information about using homeopathically
prepared substances for plants and on related topics
(e.g., biodynamic gardening). Visit
2. Patricia HATHERLY: The Homeopathic
Physician‟s Guide to Lactation; paperback, 278
pages US$60/- ISBN 0975202307. Reviewed by
Georg GUESS (AJHM. 100, 4/2007):
ŖThe Homeopathic Physicianřs Guide to Lactation
is a work of scholarship and keen experience. Miss
HATHERLY, a homeopathy and lactation
consultant, has penned a book essential for all
practitioners who deal with breast feeding …this
book offers valuable information about three milk
remedies Ŕ Lac caninum, Lac humanum and new
information on Lac maternum.
3. Rachel ROBERTS: Mat Med Cards (Packs 1
& 2) Review by George GUESS (AJHM. 100,
4/2007): ŖMat Med Cards are Materia Medica Flash
Cards, one side of each card containing several
characteristics of a remedy organized in any of five
categories Ŕ modalities, foods, Miasms, Řin a
nutshellř (a one sentence summary), and Řtop tipsř
(clinical hints, comparative Materia Medica, and
remedy relationships); the other side containing
Řminipicturesř Ŕ abbreviated Materia Medica
descriptions Ŕ of the remedy. The cards are divided
into two packs, each containing 60 cards. ……
Practitioners might use the cards to refresh their
memories of basic Materia Medica. Used for these
purposes, Mat Med. Cards would be a useful
4. SOLDNER G., STELLMANN: Individuelle
Pädiatrie. Leibliche, seelische und geistige
Aspekte in Diagnostik und Beratung.
Anthroposophisch-homöopthische Therapie,
(Pædiatrics, mental and emotional aspects in
Diagnosis and counselling. Anthroposophistic-
homeopathic Therapy). Stuttgart:
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellchaft 3. Aufl.
2007: 820 S., geb., Preis Euro 89/- review Johannes
WILKENS: AHZ. 253, 2/2008)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 33
ŖAfter six years now the third edition of the opulent
work on individualized Pædiatrics by SOLDNER
and STELLMAN is available for purchase. The
spectrum of pædiatric diseases in the light of
anthroposophic Medicine and Homeopathic
Medicine so completely, scientifically, precisely
and indeed with care has been so well done in this
book. In the centre of the book are several cases
and over 500 medicaments which one can learn
alongwith. The book reads less as a text book but
rather as a very interesting criminal novel, wherein
the interest held so well that one would read till the
last page. . . . . This book has built many bridges
between classical Homeopathy and Knowledge of
Anthroposophy Medicine. We must be thankful to
the authors with their large experience and ripe
practice as doctors have removed the distance
between these two Medicines. As a matter of fact,
STELLMANN and SOLDNER have presented us
with the ŖOrganonŗ of modern Pædiatric Practiceŗ.
5. QUAST, C.: Homöopathische Konstitutions-
mittel für Katzen, (Homeopathic Constitutional
Medicine for Cats), Stuttgart: Sonntag:2007: 171
S., geb., Preis Eu.34.95, (German) review Rainer
G. APPELL (AHZ. 253, 2/2008):
Homeopathy Cat lovers will be glad. After her
book on dogs Carolin QUAST has taken up the
Cats. . . . .The cartoons by Julia Drinnenberg
complements the text in its own way.ŗ
6. MANGIALAVORI, M.: Praxis. Bd. I Ŕ
Theorie. Der tiefere Zusammenhang der
MAROTTA, G: Praxis. Bd. 2 Ŕ
Arzneimittellehre. Familie der Drogen
(MANGIALAVORI, M. Vol. I. Practice Ŕ I.
Theory. The deep connections of Symptoms.
2 Ŕ Materia Medica. Family of Drugs). Kandern:
Narayana: 2007: Bd.181 S., Bd.2 322 S., geb. Preis
Eu.110. review Rainer G. APPELL (AHZ. 253,
ŖIn the Repertory the Symptoms are splittered
and they have to be connected and perceived as
complete symptoms. This is what the authors have
done. MANGIALAVORI develops his model. To
study a remedy in context outside of it in a
reductionist manner is not right, the remedy has a
history, toxicology, pharmacology and mythology,
and has to be studied from all these aspects. Thus is
gained the Řtotalityř.
In Bd. 2 Giovanni MAROTTA discusses
different psycho-physisich organisations models.
In the background of the ŘDrugř remedies she
depicts life strategies, which contains amongst
others the themes of dependance and fixity groups
and the states of schizoid, paranoid, depressive,
border-line neurotic.
7. BENDAU, C.: Hautkrankheiten
homöopathisch behandelt, (Skin Diseases treated
homeopathically), Kirchzarten: Sunrise; 2007:
135 A., geb., Preis Eu.95. (German) review Rainer
G. APPELL (AHZ. 253, 3/2008):
Gabriele BENDAU who underwent practical
training from Gerhard KÖHLER for three years,
decided to do something sensible and therefore she
prepared a work on Skin which has now come out
in book form. Skin diseases are explained and
diagnosis and colour pictures of the different
patholgies give a good idea, and the medicine is
also given. . . . . . Overall the pictures are very
good and impressive. . . . . The book is both a gift
to the reader and at the same time a homage to
Gerhard KOEHLER from whom she learnt to: to
clearly look, taste, smell, hear and track. With
HAHNEMANN we should say: ŖFollow me
intelligently and honestlyŗ.
8. KÖHLER, G.: Lehrbuch der Homöopathie:
Bd. I Grundlagen und Anwendung. Bd.II.
Praktische Hinweise zur Arzneiwahl. Stuttgart:
Hippokrates. (Textbook of Homeopathy, Bd. I,
Foundations and Application, Bd. II: Practical
Hints for Remedy selection) (German) review
Rainer APPELL (AHZ, 253, 3/2008):
Ŗ. . . Among the small number of text books in
Homeopathy, the two volumes of Gerhard
KÖHLER (1916-2002) takes an exceptional place.
KÖHLER leads the beginner by the hand and goes
about with him in the homeopathic Cosmos, then
brings the foundations close, then the method, etc. .
. . . A work that is again available which maintains
the foundations in spite of many Řmoderstreams.
These volumes must be taken up in all studies.ŗ
9. ROßDEUTSCHER, S.: Praktische
Dermatologie für Homöopaths. Die Haut das
sichere Symptom? (Practical Dermatology
forHomeopaths. The Skin, the sure
Symptom?). Worpswede: Eva Lang Verlag:
2007: 76 S., brosch. Preis Eu. 24. (German)
review Rainer APPELL (AHZ. 253, 3, 2008):
ŖNo disease picture comes so much along the
phenomenologically thinking homeopaths, as
dermatological, which unfortunately does not
signify that it is easy to treat and to be grasped. . . . .
. . Interesting is the hints on contact allergies.
ROßDEUTSCHER is vehement in opposing the
often expressed opinion that Steroids and
homeopathic treatment are not compatible; the Q
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 34
potencies will take care of this. With regard to the
specificity of the repertory rubrics the author
advises to observe primarily how the patient is
going about with his skin disease. That decides
ultimately how we should go about with the
10. FARRINGTON E. A.: Der neue Farrington.
Klinische Materia Medica. Vorlesung zur
Arzndeimittellehre und Differentialdiagnosen.
Neu bearb. Und übers. V.A.SEIDENEDER.
(FARRINGTON E.A.: The new Farrington.
Clinical Materia Medica. Lectures on Materia
Medica and differential diagnosis. Revised and
corrected by v.A. SEIDENEDER), Buchendorf:
Peter Irl; 2007:1,009 S., geb., Preis Eu.69.
(German) review Reiner G. APPELL (AHZ. 253,
ŖAs he left this world in 1885 at 38 year age,
Ernest Arthur FARRINGTON left to us a work
which has not lost its value, perhaps now rightly
grasped and hopefully well appreciated. . . . . .
Without PC, Laptop, Repertorisation Programme,
and based on the well-known, experienced
knowledge of the Materia Medica he has built this
single handedly which draws our respect even
today. The present work is not a new one, but it
has been well gone through and errors corrected
and with an expanded Index of the remedies
accoprding to their themes, etc., by competent
A.SEIDENEDER. With this book which one
should not miss, we need not depend on secondary
literature, but obtain it from the original source.ŗ
11. GUTGE-WICKERT, A.(Hrsg.):
Homöopathische Beratungskompetenz für
Apotheker (Homeopathic Pharmacological
competence), Stutgart: Hippokrates; 2007: 193
S., kart., Preis Eu.39.95 (German) review Gerhard
BLEUL (AHZ. 253, 3/2008):
Pharmacists have been feeling the need to
integrate ŖHomeopathy and Nature cure
proceduresŗ in their profession. Pharmacists must
be trained to manufacture single homeopathic
remedies as also rare ones.
. . . . .The book is recommended as a Standard
12. ENSINGER, T.: Leitfaden zu Kents
Repertorium (Leaders to Kent‟s Repertory), 8
unveränd. Auflage. Stuttgart: Haug; 2008: 287
S., kart., Preis Eu.34.95 (German) review Rainer
APPELL (AHZ. 253, 3/2008): Ŗ. . . . . .In spite
Synthesis, Phatak, Complete, Universale and/or
Murphy, there are still those who work with Kent. .
. . . . . . . ENSINGERřs Leaders to Kent Repertory
has, in the meantime, gone into the 8
edition; this
means that there is much need for a ready-at-hand
13. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Remedies
with sub-headings and Cross-references. James
Tyler KENT, edited by Henny Solberg HAUGEN,
Hardcover, 952 pages. £49.99. Homeopathic
Book Service, Sittingbourne, Kent/UK, 2005, ISBN
1-869-975-286. Review Francis TREUHERZ (HL.
19, 4/2006): Ŗ…. Entirely overlooked in the
homeopathic world is this 100
anniversary year of
the first publication of Kentřs Materia Medica.
This book is an edited version of two original
publications. The best way to really review this
book is to use a quote…. probably written by John
Henry CLARKE: ŘDr.KENT has in an eminent
degree the faculty of apprehending what
BURNETT calls Řthe true inwardnessř of a remedy,
and of tracing that inwardness in its outward
expression in symptoms. …. The vitality of Kentřs
work consists largely in this, that it is unmixed Ŕ
undiluted Ŕ with allopathic notions…..Dr. KENT
does not present his work as a complete Materia
Medica, but for giving vivid picture of remedies it
has no superior. This work is well got up and is
printed on paper which is not too shiny. …ŗ.
14. Accurate Homeopathy, Sanjay MODI, 220
pages $30. Krupa Publications. Review Ralf
JEUTTER (HL. 19, 4/2006): Ŗ… The intention and
hope of the book is to study Homeopathy in such a
fashion that may fill up some gaps in our thinking
and yield us a fairly clear outline to guide our
future work. The author sets out to provide the
Řright mapř to find our way through, what has
become in recent times a maze, the genuine
principles and practice of Homeopathy. He has
chosen a broad range of topics to do this…. Anyone
who dares to know, and likes to have his own
homeopathic prejudices challenged, should read
this book. It will undoubtedly set on the right path
all who sincerely want to gain clarity in
15. A Homeopathic guide to partnership and
compatibility, Liz LALOR, paper back 275
pages. ISBN Ŕ 1- 55643-528-2. $18.95. Review
Jay YASGUR (HL. 19, 4/2006): Ŗ…. This 275
page quality paperback consists of three sections;
an introduction, constitutional summaries, and
partnership combinations. This volume is well
laid out, with one page of bibliographical
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 35
16. Vaccination and Homeoprophylaxis? Isaac
GOLDEN. Soft cover, 264 pages, 6
ed. 2005.
Isaac Golden Publications, ISBN 978-0-9578726-
4-6. Review Kaare TROELSEN (HL. 19, 4/2006):
ŖIf there is one topic that can really provoke
(Classical) homeopaths into fits of passionate
argument itřs Homeoprophylaxis ………… I
recommend this thought-provoking book to
anybody who thinks they posess the open mind we
always demand from the society surrounding us.
17. Into the Periodic Table Ŕ The Second series,
Jayesh SHAH, Hardcover 262 pages, Schroder
und Burneister Verlag. 2005. Hamburg,
Germany ISBN 3-9809626-0-1. Review Dr.J.
ROZENCWAJG (HL. 19, 4/2006): ŖThis book is a
printout of a Seminar held by Dr. Jayesh SHAH in
Munster, Germany. He presents fifteen cases, all
treated with remedies from the second series of the
Periodic Table. And as is the case in this type of
teaching, the cases have been selected according to
the remedy used and not according to their interest,
difficulty or therapeutic approach. ……. There is
an abundance of remarks like Ŗby then I knew the
remedy very wellŗ. ….There is almost no
repertorisation in the way, we,
the proletarian homeopaths, would do. I wonder
what the choices would have been if a regular use
of rubrics had been made?...ŗ
[That such a ŘSeminarř was held at Münster Ŕ von
BOENNINGHAUSENřs place of all Ŕ indicates the
decay Hahnemannřs Homeopathy has gone into =
18. Miasmatic prescribing Ŕ Subrata Kumar
BANERJEA. Hardback, 256 pages, Allen
College of Homeopathy, Essex, England, 1
2001, US $24/-. Review IvoWIESNER (HL. 19,
4/2006): Ŗ….Lots of people start thinking about
Miasms only in an emergency, when the case has
got to the point of no progression and well-
indicated remedies have failed. The book starts
with ten basic principles describing the
phenomenon of a Miasm, pointing out that it is a
dynamic energy in every living creature on Earth.
It has a tendency to join other already existing
Miasms in the body after entering it, thus creating
multiple layers of Miasms. There are six main
sections in the book …. The core of the book is
represented by a large number of comprehensive
tables. These are also tabulated miasmatic tips
Each table in the book presents tremendous
diagnostic information and these are a long tables
included…. it worth mastering Miasms in our daily
homeopathic practice, for the well-being of our
patients. This book will help us to be accomplish
this task.ŗ
19. Imagine Homeopathy Ŕ A book of
Experiments, Images, and Metaphors, Chris
KURZ. Softcover, 328 pages. 20 illustrations.
Eur.39,95 Thieme 2005. Review Dr. Atena loana
ANTONESCU (HL. 19, 4/2006): Ŗ…written for
people who want to take the time to understand
things at a deeper levelŗ, says Julian WINSTON in
his foreqord to the book. How so? Chris KURZ
offers us a unique experience …. The 17 chapters
take us on a journey through a landscape of
Homeopathy, starting with the Basics, all the
way to topics like vaccination and
homeoprophylaxis, it leaves little unexplored…. A
book of solid classical homeopathic knowledge, it
looks into the core and is creative in a true sense,
respecting its integrity, and not inventing a Ŗne
Homeopathy. Personally, I experienced
ŖImagine Homeopathyŗ as a really interactive
book. This is a book that you will read and (live
through) with pleasure …ŗ
20. The Second Simillimum, Peter CHAPPELL,
Homeolinks Publishers, 216 pages. Є40/-. ISBN
807103-3-4. Review Ashley ROSS (HL. 19,
3/2006): ŖThis is an intriguing, unsettling and
inspiring book!... This beautifully presented book
provides an overview of the philosophical and
practical evolution of the Řmethodř which gave rise
to PC1, and the many disease-specific PC remedies
which followed… He argues that many of our
homeopathic Řidealsřderived from Hahnemannřs
teaching (and 19
Century understanding!) are
evidently less than we would like to believe them to
be; that present-day classical homeopathic
practice, in most casers, is inadequate in producing
fundamental change in advanced chronic
pathology, and it is time for a re-think of some of
the most basic and dearly-held assumptions… the
Second Simillimum is essential reading for any
serious homeopath…ŗ
21. Monera-Kingdom Bacteria and Viruses
Spectrum Materia Medica Vol. I, Frans
VERMEULEN Emryss Publishers, hardcover,
848 pages, Є64/-. ISBN 90-76189-15-3. Review J.
ROZENLCWAJG (HL. 19, 3/2006): ŖAnother
masterpiece by a master writer and master
homeopath…. Monera is the first volume of a
series of six entitled Spectrum Materia Medica.
Fransř idea is to go systematically through the
animal kingdom from the smallest to the biggest
ones, through the Periodical Table, the plants, the
synthetic substances, the imponderables, using the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 36
modern scientific taxonomy so that nothing is
missed…. Monera is about microscopic life forms:
Viruses and bacteria; it is the ŘBook of the
Nososdesř; all of them, once and for all ….. The
Bowel Nosodes are integrated in their rightful
place, I could rave for pages about this book.
Just read it: it is worth every cent and when you
finish it, I am quite sure you will preorder the next
22. Lacs in Homeopathy, Farokh J. MASTER
Lutra Services BV. 195 pages 2002, US $46.
ISBN 90-74456-10-3. Review Jay YASGUR (HL.
19, 3/2006): ŖThis short book, which is based on
his seminars and Power Point Slides, details nine
Lacs: caninum, caprinum, delphinum, equinum,
felinum, humanum, leoninum, lupinum and
vaccinum defloratum. Dr. MASTER states that
there are about 24 Lacs which have been made into
homeopathic remedies …. This book contains a
number of interesting caveats …..ŗ
23. Clinical Observations of Children‟s
Remedies, Farokh J. MASTER, Publisher: Rene
OTTER, Lutra, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
ed. 2003, 724 pages, Hardback, US-$56/-
ISBN-90-74456-11-1. Review Ivo WIESNER
(HL. 19, 3/2006): ŖThe book under review is the
second edition Part I includes a Chapter on
ŖAbnormal Behavior in childrenŗ… The book
continues with the Art and Science of
Homeopathic Paediatrics…. Part II contains line
drawing based on Power Point slides …. Part III is
the Core of the book and presents an extensive yet
well-structured description of 76 remedies, none of
which is really new ….. we also find some less
frequently or rarely prescribed remedies …. Is
recommended to all serious homeopathic
24. Autism: The Journey Back Ŕ Recovering the
self through Heilkunst, Rudi VERSPOOR and
Patty SMITH. Self-published, softcover, 199
pages, ISBN 0-9685166-9-6. Review J.
ROZENCWAJG (HL. 19, 3/2006): ŖThis book is
obviously about treating Autism through Heilkunst.
But as seen while addressing the ever-increasing
phenomenon known as Autism…. Now here is an
opportunity to read in fewer than 200 pages about
the basis of Heilkunst, what it is and how it is
supposed to work. Once you have read this book,
then you are on firm ground to either accept it,
criticize it or research it. Its main appeal would
be for parents of autistic children as a
demonstration that there are ways to cure them; and
one of the ways is though Heilkunst, as reported
here. ….ŗ
25. A Drug-free Approach to Asperger
Syndrome and Autism: Homeopathic Care for
Exceptional Kids, Judyth REICHENBERG-
Picnic Point Press, US$ 22.95. 290 pages.
Review Patricia KAY (HL. 19, 3/2006): Ŗ…. I was
amazed that the book truly is useful for lay readers
and professional homeopaths alike. However the
authors do point out that this book is not self-help
book for lay people. Three doctors describe 17
cured cases that elucidate the salient features of
remedies used to treat this syndrome… This book is
well-researched, compassionate, practical, realistic
and inspirational. …ŗ
1. Dr. Ernst A. BAUER (1914 Ŕ 2007):
On the 4 July 2007 passed away at the age of
93 years, the Swiss homeopathic physician Ernst
BAUER. He was born on 13
February 1914. He
was an excellent physician and an outstanding
person. Ernst BAUER practiced a wide spectrum
of Natural Healing Methods and he remained
classical Homeopathy practitioner. He was a
longtime student of Pierre SCHMIDT, who from
1946, taught him besides Homeopathy,
Accupuncture and other methods. A particular
mark of BAUER was that he remained a learner
throughout his life and he went about learning from
competent teachers. He was open to all new
methods and he was quick to learn FREUDřs
Psychoanalysis and was very good in it. Since he
followed Pierre SCHMIDT he used high and very
high potencies upto MM for which he had a
particular Pharmacy. He made the anamnesis in
Pierre SCHMIDT prescribed Model and he
confirmed the choice of the medicine by applying
the Weihe‟s Pressure Points. In one of his earlier
Practice he gave to a woman with acute Mastitis
Puerperalis a dose of Bryonia C 200. There was the
classical Bryonia symptom but it did not produce
the expected result and he had to use Penicillin.
When he asked Pierre SCHMIDT why Bryonia did
not work, Dr. SCHMIDT told him that in such an
acute case 200 was like water, and he should have
chosen a XM.
Another important thing to him besides
Homeopathy was, Nutrition. He had patients from
all over the world who either fasted or received
from him raw (uncooked) food. In the light of his
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 37
over 50 years of Practice it was clear how well-
rounded a homeopathic physician should be to
have a good Practice. He oversaw the healthy
development of several families over a long period.
He saw the connection between a general increase
in chronic diseases and a general spiritual fall with
industry-promoted nutrition. He was
uncompromising in his views and unconventional
in a positive sense. He was far ahead of his time
and was thorn in the eyes of his colleagues; the
well-known methods of Homeopathy,
Acupuncture and Fasting were all too early for
them. He had a very busy Practice. He got
telephonic calls from all over Europe and over
seas, right from 5.30 morning and it lasted two
hours. The conversation was in their mother
tongue. Thousands of patients from long distances
he took care of so. On some days there were
similar complaints from patients who were
separated by distances far from each other. Dr.
BAUER considered these quasi-epidemic disease
symptoms as from the Cosmos. In the passing
away of Ernst BAUER we have lost a Physician
with exceptional universal knowledge. Our sincere
condolences to his wife Mrs. Helen RÜTTI-
BAUER. (Report by Dr. Andreas WEGENER.
ZKH, 51, 3/2007).
2. Greg Blake BEDAYN (Nov.19, 1949 Ŕ Jan.4,
2008) (SIM. XXI, 2008)
Greg was the founding Editor of the American
Homeopath. For the cover of the journal, he
sourced or commissioned masterpiece paintings of
historical figures in Homeopathy. Sir Edmund
HILLARY, slept in Gregřs bed before he set out for
Mt. Everest. In 1995, he, along with Julian
WINSTON, discovered the final home and resting
place of James Tyler KENT. He proved Ravenřs
3. JBL AINSWORTH (9 Sep. 1919 - 31 Aug.
2007) (HOM. 97, 1/ 2008)
The Homeopathic community has lost a great
supporter in the passing of JBL AINSWORTH
FRPharmS, FFHom (Hon). Who died peacefully in
the early hours of Friday, 31 August 2007 at
Kingsacre Nursing Home in Devon, the county in
which he was born in 1919. He made an
outstanding contribution to homeopathic pharmacy
for more than 30 years.
Johnřs Chemistry degree was interrupted with
outbreak of World War II and he joined the Devon
Regiment in Exeter and finally invalided out the
army due to a serious leg wound.
Johnřs wife Peggy, whom he married in 1942,
had a family connecton with Dudley EVERITT, a
Director of A Nelson and Company, homeopathic
pharmacists of London and he secured employment
there. He took a 2-year pharmacy course and joined
the Register. He stayed in the company for many
years and eventually becoming a Director.
Following the tragic death of his two fellow
Directors, Mr and Mrs. Dudley EVERITT, John
started his own pharmacy on 6 June 1978. Until
Johnřs retirement in April 1989 (when the staff had
grown to 56 from 6), Ainsworthřs Homeopathic
Pharmacy prospered and enjoyed considerable
professional and public support. The pharmacy
served three Royal Physicians, Dr. Margery
BLACKIE, Dr. Charles ELLIOTT and Dr. Ronald
DAVEY and a host of other influential clients and
celebrities as well as members of the public in the
UK and overseas.
John supported the work of the British
Homeopathic Association enthusiastically
throughout his professional life. He contributed to
early work on the European Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia. He held a very eminent and
different positions.
Steven KAYNE, a pharmacist in Glasgow,
who knew John for more than 40 years says, ŖHis
dry wit and storytelling skills were greatly enjoyed
by all
John is survived by his three children
Vivienne, Hilary and Philip.
I. A pilot project for CHC Certification of
experienced homeopaths. PITT, Richard (SIM.
XXI, 2008).
This project is being done to encourage well-
trained experienced domestic and foreign
homeopaths to become certified and help
strengthen our profession.
II. Student Homeopath visits KENYA.
RESENDES, Barbara (SIM. XXI, 2008)
This is personal experience of the authorřs visit
to Kenya in 2007. She worked with Didi
RUCHIRA in Nairobi. She attended various
mobile clinics in different parts of Kenya.
Combination remedies are the order of the day
in Kenya.
A variety of holistic courses are taught at
Didiřs school. Over the past 9 years, Didi has
trained many Kenyan Students to become
homeopaths. Funding for her many projects and
clinics comes from donations by groups, companies
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 38
and individuals throughout the world. There are
some good photographs.
III. The London Homeopathic Hospital, Dr.
Frederick QUIN‟s Legacy and an appeal on
behalf of Camlis. BISSELS Gerhard (SIM. XXI,
The London Homeopathic Hospital was
founded by Dr. Frederick QUIN in 1849. It
irrefutably proved its worth to British Parliament in
1854 London Cholera outbreaks.
It was doomed to close few years later, but
thanks to the prudent management and generous
support from its subscribers, it rose phoenixŔlike
from the ashes.
Quin was adamant that a homeopathic hospital
could only exist in conjunction with a central
homeopathic library and teaching facilities.
The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, to
this day Europeřs largest provider of
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM),
and the Research Council for Complementary
Medicine have joined forces to found the
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Library
and Information Service (CAMLIS). For more
information e-mail Gerhard.bissels@nhs.net
IV. Man‟s greed has no bounds.
Blind rage of the nature is taking place all around
us. The Corporate Sectors do it with the only
motive: profit at all costs. Greed, destruction, etc.
are all pathologies.
A trial is to begin in the New York court which
an oil giant Shell stands accused of crimes against
humanity over its activities in the oil-rich Niger
Delta, of Southern Nigeria.
The Nigerian Řactivistř Ken Saro-Wiwa was
protesting against the activities of the oil giant
Shell since these activities ruined the lives of the
Ogoni people. With the help of a military regime
the protests were crushed and Ken Saro-Wiwa was
tried by a military court and executed in 1995.
Political situation in Nigeria has changed. Ken
Saro-Wiwa Jr. is fighting for compensation for his
fatherřs cruel death. Of course nothing can
compensate the devastation of the Ogani peoples
[Ref.: The Hindu, Chennai 28 May 2009]
V. The end of Homeopathy?
No, our time is now! BOYCE, Carol (HT. 27.
The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital
(RLHH), was transformed into a state of the art
healing environment in 2005, in a $40 million
revamp. This hospital is under threat of closure,
with other UK homeopathic hospitals also at
serious risk. Cost cutting is cited as the reason, but
total expenditure for all homeopathic hospitals
together is less than .005 percent of the total annual
healthcare budget. [In so far as Medicine is
concerned if cost is to be cut more homeopathic
hospitals have to be opened and in due course
close down more and more allopathic hospitals =
There has been an orchestrated campaign using
flawed science, ridicule and fear tactics in UK &
USA. [Some of the actions of the doctors of the
Hegemony medicine borders on rabidity and sheer
hatred of other systems of medicine = KSS]
In this scenario, we need to improve further our
practices, clear to our code of ethics, demand and
develop appropriate research methodology, look to
quantum physics, the new biology, materials
science and the latest research into potentisation.
VI. Arnica & Quick Recovery Facelifts.
New york Facial plastic surgeon Andrew
JACONO, performs a short scar incision facelift
and uses Arnica Montana three days before surgery
to speed recovery time.
- Medical Devices and Surgical Technology Week,
February 18, 2007.
VII. Fighting Flu: Today show cites Homeopathy.
In Feb. 2007, NBCřs today show with Matt
LAUER and Joy BAUER talked about the
homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum for Flu as
seven controlled studies showed that it was able to
reduce Flu-like symptoms. - NBC News
transcripts, Feb. 13, 2007.
VIII. Spanish Homeopathic Market Growing.
Global insight, Milena IZMIR LIEVA, March 28,
ŖHomeopathic medicines are becoming
increasingly popular in Spain, and the market is
growing at 10 Ŕ 15% annually.ŗ - Europa Press
IX. Homeopathic Alternatives to Hormone
Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Report on a presentation by Dr. A.U.
RAMAKRISHNAN. (HT. 27, 3/2007)
Since 2002, prescriptions for HRT declined
rapidly following highly publicized reports of
increased risk of Breast Cancer, Heart disease,
Stroke, blood clots and urinary incontinence.
At the 2
Annual Joint American
Homeopathic Conference in Denver, Colorado, on
April 14, 2007, Dr. RAMAKRISHNAN presented
ŖHomeopathic Alternatives to HRTŗ.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 39
To soothe menopausal complaints, he suggests
Sepia, Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Cimicifuga, Crocus
sativa, Nux vomica, Sanguinaria, Trillium
pendulum, Ustilago maydis, Valerian and
For Osteoporosis or Osteopenia: Calcarea flourica
3x or 6x, Iodum, Phytolacca, Flouricum acidum
and Aurum metallicum.
He has found Oophorinum remarkably
effective in normalizing hormonal imbalances. 3x
or 6x, 2 pellets twice a day for 3 months.
For women with bone density problems,
Oophorinum 3x or 6x for 6 months followed by a
bone density scan. Once bone density normalizes,
Oophorinum is discontinued and the patientřs
constitutional remedy is given to help maintain
bone density.
X. Groundbreaking New Research shows:
There is something in that medicine after all!
(HT. 27, 4/2007)
The team of Rustum ROY, Ph.D., Professor of
solid state materials science at Pennsylvania state
University, Iris R. BELL, M.D., Ph.D., Director of
Research for the Integrative Medicine Program at
University of Arizona College of Medicine and
Manju LATA RAO, Ph.D., and Richard HOOVER,
Ph.D., from the Materials Research Institute,
Pennsylvania State University conducted study for
2 years. Using Spectroscopy, they were able to see
distinct structural differences between a
homeopathic remedy and plain water, between one
remedy and another remedy and between different
potencies of the same remedy.
Equally important, they replicated the results
many times over.
The research team focused on interactive
phenomena known as epitaxy and the temperature
process created during succussion in explaining
how the unique structure of a homeopathic remedy
formed. The team found that succussion plays a
critical role in creating the key structural changes in
water that occur during homeopathic remedy
XI. The Guardian Life Insurance Company of
America, a leading insurance provides to small and
mid/sized companies announced that its group
medical plan will offer discounts upto 30% on
alternative medical treatments in 38 disciplines
including Homeopathy. (HT. 27, 4/2007)
XII. Art of Homeopathy by Chris HURST.
Review by Jay YASGUR. (HT. 27, 4/2007).
Chris HURST, a homeopath & artist based in
Wales, UK is offering a ŖCollection of concise
loose leafŗ folios with evocative images of
homeopathic remedies designed to give a strong
visual aid to working memoryŗ. Available online at
XIII. Teacher, Healer and Life long learner Ŕ
E. (HT. 27, 4/2007)
81 year-old Robert (Bob) LUZADER with
macular degeneration drove solo 2,460 miles round
trip to attend the Joint Annual Homeopathic
Conference in Denver, Colorado. Napthaline 6x
prescribed by Dr. D.P.RASTOGI. With this his
vision is better and needs only reading glasses. In
1987, his degenerative Arthritis of over a year
cured with Rhus tox 30 o.d. for 6 weeks. He
completed every course offered by NCH and
studied overseas with many classical practitioners
in many countries. For 20 years, he nurtured his
organic Farm in Florida. After meeting D.D.
DUBEY, a soil scientist and homeopath of Indore
(India) he used remedies in his Farm and succeeded
in reviving a bark of a peech tree with Sulphur 30;
sprayed Psorinum 30, over Avodado trees when
danger of frost was imminent: He continues to
explore the uses of homeopathic remedies on
plants. 2 years ago diagnosed with basal cell
Carcinoma. Following Dr. Ramakrishnanřs
protocol, he alternated doses of Arsenicum
bromatum 30 with Carcinosin 30. After 12
months, all evidences of skin Cancer gone. Even
two years later, no recurrence.
His curiosity, energy and desire to learn clearly
keeps him going and serves as an inspiration to
others as well.
XIV. Stakeholders Dialogue with National
Centre for Complementary Medicine.
GAHLES, Nancy (HT. 27, 5/2007).
National Institutes of Health (NIH) organised
a ŖStake holders dialogueŗ on its Campus in
Bethedsa, Maryland in June 2007. National center
for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
(NCCAM) has a yearly budget of $121 million to
put toward CAM research, training of researchers
and public education. More than 100 CAM
practitioners from a wide variety of modalities
discussed about the possible areas of research and
its difficulties.
XV. A Vaccine for Cervical Cancer: Does your
Daughter need it? Sixth grade girls targetted: A
homeopath‟s perspective on the HPV vaccine.
NEUSTAEDTER (HT. 27, 5/2007)
The goal of Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine is
to prevent Cervical Cancer from sexually
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 40
transmitted disease before girls become sexually
Though the statistics indicate that only a small
percentage of those woman infected with HPV
actually develop Cervical Cancer, 1600 adverse
reactions have been reported.
A group of researchers in an article in August
2007 issue of Canadian Medical Association
journal concluded that a Mandatory HPV vaccine
program is premature and could have unintended
negative consequences.
TENNESSEE (U.S.): ŘThe Hinduř Madras, dated
November 20, 1981:
State health officials are going house to house
handing out free potassium iodide pills to residents
living within 8 km of a nuclear plant as a
precaution against accidents. Each of the estimated
7,000 families living near the nuclear facility will
get a vial containing 14 of the pills to prevent
thyroid cancer which can occur as a result of
exposure to radiation. The pill has a useful life of
about a year-UPIŗ.
[Evidently the pills mentioned above are, what
we call, the Řcrudeř drug. The Homeopathic
Materia Medica clearly indicated that ŖKali iod acts
prominently on fibrous and connective tissues,
producing infiltration, edemas, etc.; Glandular
Swellings. Also Glands enlarge, indurate; Rough
nodules all overŗ. COWPERTHWITE also
mentions ŘGoitreř. With the Homeopathic Kali iod
can we not also cure and prevent cancer of Thyroid
in the light of the above? Perhaps it may be
required in the low potency in some cases and
perhaps high in some.
Further, note that it is a remedy for ŘThyroid
Cancerř which can occur as a result of exposure to
radiation. We can add this to our Materia Medica
and use our Kali iod in cases of hypertrophy of
glands, especially the Thyroid, suspected to be due
to radiation. There are parts in India where Řnatural
radiationř is more. What is the percentage of
Thyroid enlargement in those places? Would Kali
iod reduce the percentage?
A further classification may be made of cases
suspected to be due to irradiation from natural
sources like cosmic Rays and due to exposure to
Medical Irradiation. These are very interesting
questions and the answers may open up deep wells
of knowledge.
It is the bounden duty of the Homoeopaths to
take up research work which would actually enrich
knowledge of the Homeopathic Therapeutics. Of
course these research works can be better carried
out by a band of scientists devoted to Homeopathy.
Some data identifying the geographical areas of
higher doses of natural radiation from Cosmic Rays
as also from soil are available. Effects of these
ionizing radiations on the Biology have also been
well studied. Research can be taken up from
thence. Neither the International Homeopathic
Medical League nor the HMAI seem to be engaged
with any kind of research nor even encourage
useful researches; not to the knowledge of this
writer at least. As far as the work done by the
CCRH is concerned, nothing whatever of it is
known to most of the Homeopathy Practitioners.
It is, therefore, for individual committed
Homeopathy Practitioners to take up these
researches. Dr. NASH has given a generous five
pages for kali hydroiodicum in his `Leaders` and
has said ŖI think it can be used lower than most
drug without injury, and yet I believe we do not
know half its remedial power as developed by our
process of potentitation.ŗ This was said by him
nearly seventy years ago. Has any further
knowledge of remedial powers of Kali iod been
added to our Materia Medica during these past 70
years ? A new proving of Kali iod also seems
called for, to further enlighten its already known
pathogenicity of affections of Lungs, Mucous
membranes, Bones, Glands and interstitial
infiltrations. = KSS]
XVII. The varied Paths to Truth. Ernardo
MERIZALDE, President AIH. (AJHM. 100,
Nutrition, sleep and exercise are the important
components of healthy life style which are
forgotten. Even more neglected are the factors that
have been associated with happiness another
essential component of health: relationships,
meaningful work and adequate entertainment.
Research has shown that positive emotions can give
a ten year increase in oneřs lifespan.
We all know how Ŗsmallŗ our intervention
without remedies are, and how great an impact they
can have in our patientřs lives. The magic of
Homeopathy is what has given meaning to many
of us. Securing the future of Homeopathy is about
securing our own future, our purpose in life, and
this can be fulfilling.
Advancing healthcare through
homeotherapeutics is the mission of American
Institute of Homeopathy (AIH). To achieve this
homeotherapeutics has to advance while keeping
clearly defined basic components and building and
strenthening those components which are not so
clearly defined and verified. It is this spirit, that
AIH encourages the writing and publishing of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 41
articles which challenge our concepts and
XVIII. Dr. Russel MALCOM: An interview by
WHITMONT, Ronald (AJHM. 100, 3/2007).
Dr. Russel MALCOM of Royal London
Homeopathic Hospital is a practicing homeopath
in Scotland, calls our attention to the under
utilization of the Bowel Nosodes. A working
knowledge of this group of remedies will increase
the clinical effectiveness of physicians. He has
developed a selective Bowel Nosode Repertory
based on highly reliable data from materials used
over half a century in places like Royal London
Homeopathic Hospital and Childrens Hospital in
Glasgow and from 10 years of personal experience.
The Bowel Nosode Repertory can be vital in
identifying something wich will unblock a case and
prepare a patient to respond to classical similimum.
Bowel Nosodes help in removing the intrinsic
blocks of an individual.
The emerging scientific data on human bowel
microflora is highly compatible with much of the
information already documented in homeopathic
literature. For e.g. Morgan pure is associated
clinically with itching and skin eruptions. The
organism Morganella morganii is one of the most
histamine producing organisms known.
His views on teaching, his introduction to
Homeopathy and his other experiences are
XIX. A Pilot Project for CHC Certification
of Experienced Homeopaths: (AJHM. 100,
4/2007) The Council for Homeopathic
Certification (CHC) has proposed a new Pilot
Project for Certification of experienced
homeopaths from both North America and abroad.
This project is being done in recognition of the fact
that many experienced in Homeopathy have not
become certified, and because of their years of
experience, do not feel the need to undergo the full
certification process. It is hoped that this project
will encourage well-trained and experienced
domestic and foreign homeopaths to become
certified and help strengthen our profession.
XX. „Westernisation causing morbidity‟ by M.
Dinesh VARMA (From ŘThe Hinduř, Chennai).
Increasing Westernisation of lifestyles is
resulting in morbidity scenarios which were
prevalent in Europe and the U.S. two decades ago,
shaping up in Asia, Latin America and Africa,
Eamonn Quigley, President, World
Gastroenterology Organization (WGO), said in
Chennai for the ŖChennai Digestive Diseases Week
2009ŗ, co-hosted with the Indian Society of
He pointed out that the incidence of Crohnřs
disease and ulcerative colitis rose from 0.4 per lakh
in 1977 Ŕ 81 to 4.7 in 1987 Ŕ 91 and 1.7 to per lakh
in the corresponding period respectively. It was
getting increasingly common in Asia too though the
prevalence was not as pronounced in the West.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) too had turned
almost universal in distributive terms owing to a set
of precipitators that included diet, stress,
insufficient sleep and environmental factors.
ŖAs Helicobacter Pylori decreases to lower
prevalence of gastric and peptic ulcers, lifestyle
changes, including a burgeoning obesity burden are
pushing up prevalence of Gastro Esophageal Reflux
Disease,ŗ Dr. QUIGLEY said.
ŖWe cannot change our genes; but we certainly
can reorient lifestyle practicesŗ.
He promised to bring to India the WGO Ŕ
formulated ŖTraining the Trainers Programmeŗ.
One of the important missions of the WGO
was to propagate cutting edge protocols among
Gastroenterology practitioners and encourage
Robert H.HAWES, Professor of
Gastroenterology, Medical University of South
California, U.S., trained around 50 specialists from
India during the meet in early diagnosis and
treatment of gastrointestinal Cancers.
XXI. An article by Dr. Raj B. SINGH, Chief
Respiratory Physician, Apollo Hospitals,
Chennai, in The Hindu dated 14 Aug. 2009
explains that the ŘSwine Fluř (H1N1 S-OIV) is like
most flue, affects mainly the respiratory system.
The viruses travel through droplets dispersed while
sneezing or coughing. Antibiotics have no effect
against viruses. Specific anti-viral agents namely
Ostelamivir (Tamiflu), are effective against H1N1
if used early.
Swine Flu is one among many infections
caused by viruses and bacteria. Many of these
infectious are more infections and dangerous than
Swine Flu in India. TB kills a thousand people in
India every day.
Most cases of Swine Flu are livelyrecover with
or without Tamiflu. The virus may get less virulent
with time. Many may already have natural
immunity against the virus.
[The above, in brief, are facts. Unfortunately a
big, big scare has been uleashed by the Media.
Many people die every day of Pneumonia and other
diseases as against the Swine Flu deaths. The result
of scare is millions of dollars for Tamiflu
manufacturers = KSS].
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 42
XXII. Some random notes on Crocus sativus.
Farokh J. MASTER (HH. 32, 1, 2007).
Farokh J. MASTER gives some random notes
on Crocus sativus. He has given few Crocus
sativus cases. 1. Epistaxis, 2. Continuous bleeding
due to retained Placenta. In Paediatric cases
Crocus sativus for extremely exuberant,
affectionate, loving, caring and extrovert. It also
helps for haemorrhage after delivery.
XXIII. The Effects of Global Warming and
Homeopathy. Farokh J.MASTER (HH. 32,
12/2007): ŖGlobal warming will be the greatest
environmental challenge in the 21
- Albert GORE.
All about: What is The ŖGreenhouse Effectŗ
How Fast Is The Earth Heating Up?
Forest Destruction Creates More Heat.
What you can do to Decrease Global Warming
Prevention. Role of Homeopathy.
XXIV. Can polypill replace poly-policy for
heart health? (The Hindu, Chennai, May 6, 2009).
Considerable media interest has recently been
evinced in the use of a Řpolypillř, as a means of
protection against heart attacks and strokes.
The rationale for a polypill evolved over the
last two decades of the 20
century, when a series
of large clinical trials demonstrated that four classes
of drugs were highly effective in resucing the risk
of recurrent heart attacks and death in persons who
survived a first heart attack. These drugs (beta-
blocker, aspirin, ACE-inhibitor and statin) were not
only effective when given individually but also had
incremental benefit when added to one another. It
has therefore become the standard practice to
prescribe all of these drugs to a post-heart attack
patient for Řsecondary preventionř of further
adverse events.
The other dreaded cardiovascular event is a
Řstrokeř or paralyzing Řbrain attackř. One of the
main cause of stroke is high Blood Pressure which
is unrecognized, untreated or poorly controlled.
Blood pressure-lowering drugs have been shown to
reduce the risk of a stroke, heart attack and death.
Such drugs include diuretics, ACE inhibitors,
betablockers and Cholesterol-lowering statins.
Aspirin is highly effective in reducing the risk
of an ischemic stroke but increases the risk of a
ŘHaemorrhagicř stroke. Aspirin and Statin are not
helpful in preventing a haemorrhagic
In 2001, a scientific meeting organized by the
World Health Organisation and the Welcome Trust
[Burrows Welcome, a Pharma Industry = KSS]
development of a Řcombination pillř for Secondary
prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases.
In 2003, Wald and Law published a landmark
article in the British Medical Journal in which
they modeled the potential benefit of combining six
drugs for Řprimary prevention.ř Folic acid was
recommended for addition to Aspirin, betablocker,
ACE-inhibitor, Statin, and a diuretic. It was argued
that since these drugs could prevent the first heart
attack or stroke in persons with pre-disposing risk
factors, all persons above the age of 55 years
should be administered this Řpreventive polypillř.
Several scientific questions currently remain,
especially with respect to primary prevention.
- Are three of four or five drugs required
and will the increasing number provide
incremental benefits that exceed the risks
and are worth the cost?
- How will this drug combination compare
with behavior change involving healthy
diets, regular exercise, and smoking
- Will only one or two drugs, along with
behavioural interventions, equal a four or
five drug combination in primary
prevention, even if some drug therapy is
- Should poly-drug therapy be reserved for
persons at a high Řabsoluteř risk of a future
CVD event?
Practicing physicians have been uncomfortable
with the idea of a fixed dose combination. They
wish to retain the freedoim of Řtitratingř each drug
according to an individualřs clinical response.
The major criticism directed at the claim that
the polypill will be the panacea for preventing CVD
comes from the public health community who view
it as a purely biomedical approach to a problem
wherein deranged Biology has many social
determinants and behavioural causes. If those
antecedent causes are not addressed, increasing
numbers of individuals from each successive
generation would have to be put on a pill at some
stage of their lives. These critics also worry that
the promised protection of a polypill may work
against people giving up unhealthy habits like
smoking or bad diets.
It is clear that the decline of CVD in developed
countries over the past four decades has been the
result of policies promoting healthier behaviours as
well as improved clinical care.
Finland the poster child of CVD prevention in
The recent recommendations from the World
Health Organisation (WHO) the World Bank, and
several other international expert bodies estimate
that tobacco control and reduction of salt in diet
will save millions of lives over the next 10 years. If
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 43
trans-fats are removed or reduced and saturated fat
as well as sugar are reduced in processed foods, the
gains will be even greater. Fruit and vegetables
have been shown to be protective both against CVD
and Cancer.
Similarly, urban design and transport policies
can greatly enable physical activity by providing
protected cycle lanes, safe pedestrian pathways,
parks, and community sporting facilities.
[All these have been repeatedly stressed by
environmentalists, but they donřt have voice and
these are not money spinners. Industries promoting
production of Cars, etc. are a strong lobby.
Processed food industries also have the clout =
XXV. The old and the New. Rajan SANKARAN
(HL. 19, 3/2006).
About the debate over strict adherence to
Hahnemannian methods versus the more
contemporary approaches Rajan opines that change
is synonymous with evolution and all should work
to fill up the lacunae in our system. [What are the
the lacunae? = KSS]. Any advance/change when
based on solid fundamentals should not be feared
upon as deviation from HAHNEMANN. Except for
the label Homeopathy, these have nothing to do
with Hahnemann]. The classification into
kingdoms and subkingdoms and discovering the
common features are a kind of Grand
Generalisation. The newer approaches are never
meant to substitute, but to complement the
traditional method of studying Materia Medica. It
is important to see the new as an extension of the
old, as a continuum. [Let each one of us make
honest self-introspection and see how much of
Homeopathy in there in these new Řcontemporary
approaches = KSS].
XXVI. Hans Walz Award. Prof. Dr. Martin
DINGES. (HL. 19, 3/2006). The second Hans
Walz Award for the studies in the History of
Homeopathy was given by Robert Bosch
Foundation Stuttgart on 2 December 2005 to Dr.
Jens BUSCHE for his dissertation ŖA network of
homeopathic patients in the Duchy of Anhalt-
Bernberg. The family Kersten and its social
environment in the period 1831-1835.ŗ
BUSCHE considered dietetics to be as
important as the use of homeopathic medications
in Hahnemannřs treatment.
XXVII. (a) A research study published in the
Journal Epidemiology concluded that drinking
two or more Colas a day was linked to two-fold
increase in Chronic Kidney Disease.
(b) A new study published in American
Journal of Obstetrics and Gyynaecology found
that too much Caffeine during pregnancy doubles
the risk of miscarriage.
(c) A study published in the International
Journal of Cancer confirms that physical activity
reduces Colon Cancer risk. The more strenuously
women exercised, the lower the risk.
(d) A research study carried out by the
National Institute of Health in U.K. shows that
women often experience different physical
symptoms for as long as a month or before a heart
attack. 70.6% reported unusual fatigue 47.8%
reported sleep disturbance and 42.1% shortness of
breath. Less than 30% reported chest
discomfort/pain 43% did not have any chest pains.
(CCR. 15, 1/2008).
XXVIII. Animal food stocks are frequently found
to be infected by viruses. In the case of Swines
there is respiratory diseases caused by Influenza
viruses in which anti-biotics and steroids/non-
steroidal anti-phlogistics are not indicated. The
author feels that in acute cases remedies like
Aconitum and Belladonna are useful.
XXIX. Referring to the Bowel Nosodes in the
AHZ 252, No.6/2007, Dr. Manfred FUCKERT,
writes (AHZ. 253, 2/2008): Ŗsince several years I
have been using the Bowel Nosodes in my Practice
both as an inter-current and as a single remedy by
itself. It can also be used to activate a remedy
when the best selected remedy does not work as
expected. In a case of a Colic which was not
responding to Lycopodium, a dose of Morgan
Gaertner (Bowel Nosode related to Lycopodium)
helped the Lycopodium to exhibit its action fully.ŗ
XXX. Treatment of Skin diseases in Snakes
(HEIJNEN D.: Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 2008:
22: 9-9): With three cases the possibilities of
homeopathic treatment of skin diseases due to skin
desquamation by Snakes, burns and skin problems
are discussed. A Boa constrictor bled from an old
healed burn injury every time it desquamated skin.
After a dose of Ignis alcoholis 200, the skin healed.
Two rattle snakes failed to desquamate. After
Sulphur 30 for 3 or 4 doses they desquamated. For
an incomplete de-squamation in a Rainbow Boa
which earlier the owner had to remove the skin
manually, weekly doses of Psorinum 30
XXXI. Ghosting Medical Science: Sub-editorial
in The Hindu, News paper: Excerpts: ŖMedical
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 44
ghost-writing, according to a researcher, Řoccurs
when someone makes substantial contributions to a
manuscript without attribution or disclosure. It is
considered bad publication practice in the medical
sciences, and some argue it is scientific
misconduct.ř An extreme case is what the US-
based Wyeth Pharmaceutical did, according to a
cache of 1500 documents that is now in the public
realm. Wyeth hired professional ghostwriters to
make a major contribution to the production of 26
papers that were published in 18 medical journals
between1998 and 2005. The papers showed in
good light Prempro Ŕ the corporationřs blockbuster
hormone therapy drug prescribed to menopausal
women Ŕ in the face of mounting evidence of
increased breast Cancer risk from taking the drug.
Even after this particular ghost-writing scandal was
brought to light by a U.S. Senator, the documents
would have remained out of reach butfor the
public-spirited intervention of PLoS Medicine, an
open access journal, and The New York Times.
The two acted as intervenors in the litigation
brought against the drug company by thousands of
affected women.ŗ
It is scandalous that such ghost-written papers
are published. The effect is to mislead doctors by
playing down the harmful effects of the drug. What
is shocking is the willingness of researchers of
repute to lend their names to ghost-written papers.
[It is greed that drives these people, be he/she a
great scientist, he/she is a bad human and they will
be roasted in hell = KSS] One way to counter this
is to punish the researchers who collude in such
sharp practices. [How many have so far been
punished? = KSS]. Conscientious journal editors
[where are they? = KSS] and publishers should not
let their journals be used to mislead the scientific
community and cause injury to the public.
XXXI. Ultra low dose aspirin and selective COX
Inhibitors. Eizayaga FX, Aguejouf O, Desplat V,
Belon P, Doutremepuich C. (Modifications
produced by selective inhibitors of cyclogenase and
ultra low dose Aspirin on platelet activity in portal
hyprtension. World J Gastroentrol 2007; 13:5065-
5070. doi:10.1016/j.homp.200711.013, available
online at http://www.sciencedirect.com in HOM.
97, 1/ 2008)
Aim: To study the mechanism involved in the
potentially beneficial effect of ultra low dose
Aspirin (ULDA) in prehepatic portal hypertension,
rats were pretreated with selective COX 1 0r 2
inhibitors (SC-560 0r NS-398, respectively), and
subsequently injected with ULDA or placebo.
Methods: Portal hypertension was induced by
portal vein ligation. Platelet activity was
investigated with an in vitro model of laser-induced
thrombus production in mesenteric circulation and
induced hemorrhagic time (IHT). Platelet
aggregation induced by ADP and dosing of
prostanoid products 6-keto-PGF1α, TXB2, PGE2
and LTB4 were also performed.
Results: The portal hypertensive group
receiving a placebo showed a decreased in vitro
platelet activity with prolonged IHT, an effect that
was normalized by ULDA. SC-560 induced a mild
antithrombotic effect in the normal rats, and an
unmodified effect of ULDA. NS-398 had a mild
prothrombotic action in portal hypertensive rats,
similar to ULDA administration. TXA2 level after
ULDA, remained unchanged.
Conclusion: These results suggest that the
effect of ULDA on platelet activity in portal
hypertensive rats, could act through a COX 2
pathway more than the COX 1, predominant for
aspirin at higher doses.
XXXII. Beryllium Viola D. (Revue Belge
Homeopathie 2007; 2:54-65 in HOM., 97, 1/2008)
This article discusses Beryllium very
thoroughly. The main psychic symptoms are
sensitivity to criticism, irresolution and passivity,
yielding, self-protection by being unobtrusive and
unassuming. Other symptoms are stooped head and
shoulders, dryness of skin and mucous membranes,
Cancer (bones, lungs), lung infections (kidneys,
lungs), blocked nose, nosebleed, Thyroid
affections, Cardiovascular diseases (Angina
pectoris, feeling there is not enough room for the
heart), itching in back, formication, retarded growth
or arrested development.
Beryllium is toxic and can cause diseases
resemblimg Sarcoidosis, Pneumonia or Lung
XXXIII. Collinsonia Canadensis. Faingnaert Y.
(Revue Belge Homoeopathie 2007; 2:66-111 in
HOM. 97, 1/2008). The author describes this plant
and its herbal use (digestive, urinary and respiratory
troubles). Then, four clinical cases are presented: a
child suffering from constipation, a woman with a
knee meniscual lesion, a pregnant woman with
piles, and woman with Colitis.
In conclusion the materia medica is
summarized: the main psychic symptoms are
melancholy, irritability, irresolution, need for
protection, feeling of culpability, of being forsaken,
cannot talk. Other symptoms include: sensation of
enlargement of various parts and organs of the
body, Constipation with rectal pains,
Haemorrhoids, and pelvis congestion, speakerřs
Sore throat, Cough from excessive use of voice.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 45
Heart disease complicated with Haemorrhoids,
flushes of heat with Haemorrhoids.
XXXIV. Colchicum. Marchat P. (L’ Homéopathie
Européenne 2007; 2:17-19 in HOM., 97, 1/2008)
The author gives us a peculiar description of
this remedy. First, he recalls its main symptoms:
digestive troubles, including pain in the transverse
colon and distension of abdomen, autumnal
diarrhea, rheumatic symptoms, and joint
inflammation. The patient cannot bear the joints to
be touched or moved, and is very sensitive to cold
and damp. There is a great hypersensitivity to
odors, to pain, and to some psychic problems,
consequently the need to keep oneřs place, to stay
included. A clinical case illustrates this remedy: a
woman who felt rejected both by her husband and
by her employers.
XXXV. Radium Bromatum and betrayal Colin
P. La trahison de radium bromatum (L’
Homéopathie Européenne 2007; 2:21-24 in HOM.
97, 1/2008). At the 1997 British Homeopathic
Congress, Jonathan SHORE set out Radium
bromatum with several clinical cases, this article
recalls the materia medica and the main themes of
this medicine.
The most important somatic symptoms are
dermatological and rheumatological: Acne rosacea,
Noevi, Psoriasis, Scleroderma, Epithelioma, Itching
and burning all over body; pains in Cervical,
Lumbar and Sacral vertebrae, pains in arms and
legs, as though they would break on moving,
sensation of weakness between shoulders and in
lumbo-sacral region, sensation of general
heaviness, specially in arms and legs. There is
aggravation from motion, and improvement from
open air, continued motion and hot bath.
The themes of this medicine, according to
Jonathan SHORE, are a feeling of general
heaviness, and above all a feeling of being
betrayed. Ten years of using these indications in
authorřs practice make this remedy particularly
reliable. Another use concerns patients with
Radiotherapy, either for alleviating side effects, or
for allowing other medicines to act in patients
having been treated by Radiotherapy.
XXXVI. Your age (Indian Express, 26 January
2008 in CCR, 15, 1/2008)
Below zero: The US Centre for Disease
Control and Prevention has urged Gynaecologists
to advise pregnant women to guard against
Cytomegalo virus infection which causes serious
birth defects. This virus spreads through contact
with infected childřs saliva or urine. CDC
recommends pregnant women to wash hands with
soap and water especially after contact with saliva
or diapers from young children.
XXXVII. Transplant breakthrough (Indian
Express, 26 January 2008 in CCR, 15, 1/2008)
A new technique Ŕ injecting bone marrow from
the organ donor to the recipient frees the patient
from having to take antirejection drugs for the rrest
of their lives. This was reported in the New
England Journal of Medicine.
XXXVIII. New hope for those with Liver Failure
Ŕ Times of India, 28 September 2007 in CCR, 15,
The stem cells from the patientřs bone marrow
have ben taken and injected into the disesed liver to
help it regenerate itself eliminating the need for a
Zero to 20: Teen risk factors for Schizophrenia
identified are Ŕ Recent decline in function, higher
levels of unusual thought content more
suspicion/paranoia, or social impairment and past
or current study abuse.
20 to 50: Lancet reported a study of researches
from University of Oxford that over 100,000
Ovarian Cancer deaths have been prevented by the
use of Birth control pills.
50 and above: A new study in circulation
reported that exercise sharply cuts older menřs
death rate. Men with who were very highly fit had a
70% lower risk of death.
To treat the Ŗhealthy illŗ, doctors are
increasingly turning to placebos according to a US
study. Placebos are duly prescribed as per the
requirement of the patient, in majority of cases as a
psychological treatment. Placebos work best when
a patient underestimates the bodyřs natural healing
XXXIX. The Use of INR (Prothrombin Time) in
My Practice. Farokh J. MASTER. HH. 33,
6/2008. INR means International Normalize Ratio,
a system established by the World Health
Organization and the international committee on
thrombosis and homeostasis for reporting the result
of blood congulation.
Certain homeopathic remedies are used to
treat bleeding disorders and most important
remedies are those prepared from snake venoms
and Corticotropinum.
The most important homeopathic remedies are
those prepared from snake venoms ad
corticotropinum like Bothrops, Cratalus horridus,
Lachesis muta, Vipera aspis,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 46
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest are given below:
1. AH: The Journal of the North American
Society of Homeopaths, 1122 East Pike Street,
#1122, Seattle, WA 98122, USA.
2. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung,
Karl F. Haug Verlag, thig GmbH, im
Weiher 10, 69121, HEIDELBERG,
3. AJHM: American Journal of Homeopathic
Medicine, formerly Journal of the American
Institute of Homeopathy (JAIH). 801 N.
Fairfax Street, Suite 306 Alexandria, VA
4. CCR: The Homeopathic Clinical Case
Recorder, Dr. Subhash Meher, Co-Editor,Near
Hotel Chanakya, Anandrishiji Marg,
Ahmednagar-414 001, Maharashtra.
4. THE HINDU: Newspaper, ChennaiŔ600 002.
5. HH: Homeopathic Heritage, B. Jain
Publishers Overseas, 1920, Street No.10,
Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, Post Box 5775, New
Delhi - 110 055.
6. HL: Homeopathic Links, Homeopathic
Research & Charities, F/s, Saraswat Colony,
Linking Road, Santacruz (W), MUMBAI Ŕ 400
7. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British
Homeopathic Journal (BHJ), Homeopathy,
Faculty of Homeopathy, 29 Park Street West,
Luton, Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
8. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for
Homeopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite
306, ALEXANDRIA, VA. 22314, USA
9. SIM: Simillimum, The Journal of the
Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic
Physicians, P.O. Box 8341, Covington, WA
98042, USA.
10. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie,
Karl F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im
Weiher 10, D-69121 HEIDELBERG,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 47
(This Section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some case)
1. Hahnemann‟s Pharmacography
An examination of our primary Materia
Medica record.
DIMITRIADIS, George (AJHM.100, 3/2007)
Introduction: Hahnemannřs work to develop a
new Materia Medica containing pure
(conjectureless) observations on the effects of
medicines on the state of health, (5) began in 1790,
with his realization of a possible similars principle
in the case of Cinchona in the treatment of Malaria.
Over the next six years he systematically examined
(6) a number of other substances with known
therapeutic effect, (7) and published the results of
his definitive findings (1796) in his article (8) In
Search of a New Principle for Ascertaining the
Curative Powers of Drugs, with a few glances at
those hitherto employed, (9) wherein we read (10)
ŖIn my additions to Cullenřs Materia Medica, I
have already observed that bark, given in large
doses to sensitive, yet healthy individuals, produces
a true attack of fever, very similar to the
intermittent fever, and for this reason, probably it
overpowers, and thus cures the latter. Now after
mature experience, I add, not only probably, but
quite certainly
Hahnemannřs discovery of this general
similars principle (11) thus marked the birth of
Homeopathy as a system of medicinal therapy and
necessitated a new, pure, Materia Medica, to
methodically (12) record the observed effects of
substances upon the health, i.e., provings. (13) His
first such work, Fragmenta appeared nine years
later (1805), followed by his Reine
Arzneimittellehre (RA) [Materia Medica Pura],
and lastly, Die Chronischen Krankheiten (CK)
[Tηε Xηρονιχ ∆ισεασεσ..]. He recalls (14): ŖThe
first fruits of these labours, as perfect as they could
be at that time, ai recorded in the
Fragmenta…1805..the more mature fruits in the
Reine Arzneimittellehre and in ..Die
Chronischen Krankheiten…”
Each of these records represents the thinking of
HAHNEMANN at that particular period, (15) and
their careful comparison provides an insight into his
furthering development of our pharmacography.
Let us look at these works more closely:
Fragmenta… (16)
This was the first of Hahnemannřs true
pharmacographic works, published 1805, in Latin.
A German edition, intended by HAHNEMANN,
was not made due to the Ŗbadness of the
times.ŗ(17) The Fragmenta contains the
pathogeneses of twenty-seven medicines, twenty
two of which were incorporated into RA. Of the
remaining five, Cuprum and M appeared
later in the second edition of CK vol.3 (1837) and
Vol.4 (1838) respectively), whilst Cantharis,
Copaiva and Valeriana were not furthered by
HAHNEMANN. Two later (Latin) editions, the
1824 (Naples), and 1834 (London, F.F.QUIN)
appeared. A French translation was published in
1855, (18) and more recently (2000), a German
translation of the original Latin.(19) Regrettably,
Fragmenta has never been translated into English.
Reine Arzneimittellehre (RA) (21)
The first edition RA was published in six
sequential volumes over ten years (1811-1821).(22)
These went through to a second edition, (23) with
only the first two volumes taken to a third
edition.(24) RA was first translated into English by
C.J. HEMPEL (1846), but this work was strongly
criticized,(25) and a new translation was finally
undertaken by R.E. DUDGEON, appearing in 1880
under the title Materia Medica Pura (MMP).(26)
Die Chronischen Krankheiten (CK) (27)
The first edition CK appeared in four
consecutive volumes between !828-30, (28) with a
second enlarged (29) edition, in five volumes,
released between 1835-39. (30) Hempelřs English
translation (1845-46) was again widely criticized,
(31) and a new translation, by L.H.TAFEL, was
published in 1896 under the title The Chronic
Diseases, their Peculiar Nature and their
Homeopathic Cure (CD). (32)
In its final form, RA spanned 6 volumes, and
contained the provings data of 65 medicines, (33) a
number of whose Řmedicinal virtuesř had been
discovered and therein described for the first time
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 48
by HAHNEMANN, and with a total of almost
32,000 symptoms. CK comprised 5 volumes, the
material medica spanning volumes 2-5 (volume 1
was a theoretical part), with 47 medicines and
nearly 41,000 symptoms in total. Of these 47
medicines, 17 were incorporated from RA (with
additions), which brings the total number of
medicines contributed by HAHNEMANN to 95
(65RA+47CK-17RA), with a total symptom count
of around 65,000 Ŕ over 1 million written words
representing 34 years of continued observation in
the application of a single therapeutic principle Ŕ
similars. Considering this was an age long before
computerization, RA & CK can only be seen as
works of a single-minded, relentless pursuit, and
any shortcomings or individual errors we may
uncover should not dissuade us from a close study
of this invaluable reference material. (34)
Moreover, when closely examining these works, it
is important to keep in mind they are, more or less,
viated representations of actual provings
phenomena as recorded in the long-hand of
proversř day-books. Carbo animalis [ADAM] (32)
Thus, even
pharmacography can
only be thoroughly
understood by careful
comparison of the
symptoms as they
appear in his RA &
CK. George
their antecedents as
recorded in the
various periodicals
(36) of the day. We
have ourselves
undertaken this
(surely long but most
revealing) process
over the past 2 years,
and herein offer some
of the observations
made so far:
1 Overview
Whilst Hahnemannřs Fragmenta forms our
primordial record of medicinal provings,
remarkably, an English language translation has
never been undertaken. We can still however
observe, with respect to its general schema, that
1. numbered symptoms on each page.
2. recorded the various times &
circumstances in numerous footnotes to
the symptoms
3. used differentiating type to indicate degree
of symptom certainty (37)
4. separately listed his own observations
from the observation of others (38)
This same basic plan was continued through
RA and into CK, expect for the separate listing of
the observations of others, (39) which was
abandoned around 1827, (40) after which time he
juxtaposed all symptoms into a single, cohesive list,
arranged systematically according to the now
familiar schema of RA & CK. (41)
It is here important to realize that
HAHNEMANNřs incorporation of the observations
of others, be it from homeopathic sources or from
the old school, was only done where they agreed
with his own observations and understanding. (42)
Moreover, for the (17 of the 65) remedies in RA
which were incorporated into CK, HAHNEMANN
increased their symptom number with additions
from himself and others, but the original symptoms
were re-used (i.e., original contributors did not
undertake re-provings of those remedies). This
fact is most readily seen by an examination of the
provings of both Bar-c. and Calc. whose RA
proving symptoms were distinguished with a
preceding dash( ) (43) when taken into CK. (44)
We further note that all symptoms of those
remedies in RA which went through to CK were
fully incorporated, as seen with the adjacent
example which traces all 32 symptoms contributed
by ADAM (45) into Carbo animalis, from their
placement in RA, through to CK. Further more, that
this incorporation was done with particular
diligence is revealed by the fact that
HAHNEMANN (not infrequently) modified the
wording or expression of the original symptom,
(46) and even altered the placement (order) of
symptoms, (47) that he may improve clarity and
comprehensibility. (48)
These findings evidence a most thoroughly
considered approach by HAHNEMANN to CK,
(49) the final chapter of his pharmacographic
record, which still, today, remains unrivaled.
2 Hahnemann‟s Contributors
After his arrival in Leipzig (1811), (50)
HAHNEMANN formed a Union of Provers of
Medicine, (51) recruited from amongst his students
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 49
at the University. Initially there were ten, but only
eight (adjacent) persisted.
We have indicated the number of remedies and
the approximate symptom count for each of these
eight Provers, but we should mention the great
majority of these symptoms were contributed to
All in all, for the 95 medicines within RA and
CK, besides HAHNEMANN, there are over 25,000
entries from 76 contributors of the homeopathic
school and over 15,000 inclusions from around
1,400 old school sources.(52) In terms of symptom
number, apart from HAHNEMANN, who alone
contributes the most (around 24,000 symptoms),
the seven most prolific contributors, in order, are:
NENNING 4800 symptoms (20 medicines) (53)
GROSS 2380 symptoms (42 medicines) (54)
FRANZ 1900 symptoms (37 medicines) (55)
LANGHAMMER 1600 symptoms (47medicines)
GERSDORF 1450 symptoms (8 medicines) (57)
SCHRÉTER 1200 symptoms (14 medicines) (58)
STAPF 1000 symptoms (43 medicines) (59)
Next to HAHNEMANN, you will note
LANGHAMMER as having contributed to the
greatest number of individual remedies Ŕ 38
medicines in RA and further 9 (new ones) in CK.
Whilst LANGHAMMERřs objectivity and capacity
as a Prover has been (mischievously) attacked, we
find overwhelming evidence that his contributions
were not only valid and consistent with those of
other contributors, but trusted and thoroughly
utilized by HAHNEMANN. (60)
There is here another misapprehension which
should be mentioned Ŕ that the similarity of a
number of Proving symptoms in a number of
different medicines, from a single contributor,
reveals more about the prover than the
medicine.(61) But our first retort to this half-truth,
is that, apart from the fact that there are many
more dissimilar symptoms from individual
contributors,(62) it fails to remember (see below)
that a single contributor does not necessarily mean
a single Prover Ŕ as for example, in the case of
HAHNEMANN who often (or Nenning, who
always) (63) acted as proving master, overseeing
the proving of one or more subjects.(64) Moreover,
it is known that the actions of various medicines
can and do approximate each other (in one or more
groups of symptom), (65) and that therefore, a
prover reactive (sensitive) to one medicine may
prove similarly reactive to another, and it should
not be surprising to find some relationship, in a
single prover, between the symptoms of one
medicine, and another.(66) In addition, anyone
sufficiently familiar with HAHNEMANNřs
comments on the subject of Sensitivity,
Idiosyncrasy, and Provings methodology, (67) will
know that, in health, whilst only sensitive or
idiosyncratic persons (68) may react sufficiently or
uniquely to a medicinal proving dose, in sickness,
all persons displaying similar symptoms will react
to the homeopathically selected medicine.(69)
This is the very reason why such Řsensitiveř
subjects, i.e., those readily predisposed to react,
are ideal candidates for proving.(70) All that
remains, is the test if clinical success in order to
strengthen the standing of such observations, (71)
and this is where, in turn, reportorial grading
consistency becomes most beneficial.(72)
3 Multiple contributors to a single symptom
A number of remedies list individual
symptoms ascribed to more than one contributor.
Amongst this group we find, on the one hand,
symptoms resulting from a collaboration in the
Proving and/or recording of the data presented for
publication, as for example the many contributions
of HARTLAUB & TRINKS, (73) which rightly
show the names of each contributor as jointly
responsible for the submission. On the otherhand,
and more revealingly, we also see (not
uncommonly) composite symptoms, i.e., those
formed from a number of separate (yet similar)
symptoms, from one (74) or more contributors
(homeopathic, (75) allopathic, (76) or a mixture of
both) (77), into a single, representative symptom.
(78) When we study the final form of these
symptoms thus rendered by HAHNEMANN, we
indeed begin to appreciate his desire to provide a
clear and faithful summary of such symptoms
(being careful to avoid any loss of meaning), and to
thereby render a more completed form of symptom
in as short a space as possible. Let us provide a
couple of specific examples (our translations of
1. Alumina CD 119 (709) Stitching on individual
spots of the head [Tks,Ng]
This single symptom from both TRINKS and
NENNING is actually found to be a composite of
the following seven separate observations published
HAHNEMANNřs Proverřs Union
FRANZ, Karl Gottlob (37 medicines, 1900 symptoms)
GROSS, Gustav Wilhelm (42 medicines, 2380 symptoms)
HARTMANN, Franz (28 medicines, 880 symptoms)
HORNBURG, Christian Gottlob (24 medicines, 750
LANGHAMMER, Christian Friedrich (47 medicines, 1600
RÜCKERT, Ernst Ferdinand (8 medicines, 100 symptoms)
STAPF, Johann Ernst (43 medicines, 1000 symptoms)
Wislicenus, W.E. (25 medicines, 840 symptoms)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 50
Arzneimittelehre (HTRA Vol.2, 1829):
TRINKS: HTRA62 (80) Stitching on
individual spots of the forehead
NENNING: HTRA57 (81) Long-continued
stitching in the occiput, in the evening
HTRA58 (82) Blunt stitching in the forehead
above the right eye, in the forenoon
HTRA59 (83) Painful stitching and tearing in
the left frontal eminence, in the evening
HTRA64 (84) Sudden, acute stitching in the
left temple, in the afternoon, and again in the
HTRA66 (85) Painful stitching and tearing in
the right side of the head, in the forenoon
HTRA67 (86) Stitching in the left side of the
The summation of these seven symptoms into a
single representative form given in CD119 does
precisely what the homeopath themselves would
need to do when surveying such a group of separate
yet related symptoms, each one partly repetitious,
partly new Ŕ we put them together, compose them
into a meaningful, more Řcompleteř form, summary
in order to comprehend their overall meaning. (87)
2. Colocynth CD236 The left foot goes to sleep,
also when resting. [Hbg, Gtm]
Colocynth MMP202 Going to sleep of the left
foot [Hbg] Ŕ when at rest. [Gtm]
This original Colocynth symptom as found in
RA(183), and translated in MMP202, tells us that
both HORNBURG and GUTMANN reported the
first part of this composite symptom, the going to
sleep of the left foot, and that Gutmann further
reported its occurrence during rest (second part).
4 HAHNEMANN‟s symptom grading
Having recognized the necessity for a
systematic (rather than accidental) approach to
discovering the health-altering effects of medicines
towards the construction of a Pure Materia
Medica, HAHNEMANN further conceived the
idea of marking the degree of reliance of such
data. In 1796, he writes (88):
ŖA complete collection of such
observations, with remarks on the degree of
reliance to be placed on their reporters, would,
if I mistake not, be the foundation stone of
Materia Medica, the sacred book of its
But what is meant by symptom reliance?
Speaking on his Provings methodology,
ŖThe more obvious and striking symptoms
must be recorded in the list, those that are of a
dubious character should be marked with the sign
of dubiety, until they have frequently been
ŖIf some little circumstance happened during
the experiment, which could hardly be expected to
interfere with the effects of the medicinal action,
the symptoms subsequently noticed were inclosed
within brackets as not certainly pure.ŗ(90)
As previously mentioned above, this concept
was indeed applied in his Fragmenta (1805),
wherein the reliance (certainty) was indicated via
means of the following differentiating typography
(see above under Overview):
0. (Symptom enclosed in parentheses) (91)
1. Symptom in normal type
2. Symptom in CAPITALS (92)
This system of grading Proving symptom
certainty (93) held two significant benefits: firstly,
as a meaningful index, particularly for new
medicines which had not received the confirmation
of practice, and in which case their reliance for one
or other complaint could be weighted according to
such initial gradation of their Proving symptoms;
secondly, a symptom could be adjusted to
accommodate future confirmation (upgraded),
either from further Provings, or from clinical
success.(94) This is precisely what
HAHNEMANN does, as we ourselves observe a
number of symptoms that are given within
parentheses (0 grade) are later listed without
parenthesis (1 grade), as from Fragmenta to RA,
or from RA to CK, (95) indicating
HAHNEMANNřs later developed certainly for that
symptom. There is further evidence to show that
this Řcertaintisingř of an uncertain symptom was
made on the basis of clinical confirmation, whilst
the upgrading of a 1 to 2 grade occurred at the
Provings level. Let us examine the following two
sets of examples:
Carba.MMP 108 (During the evacuation of the
stool pains like needle-pricks in the anus)
Carba.CD350 During the evacuation, stitching
in the anus as from needles. [Adm]
Coloc.MMP43 (A shooting throbbing pain in
the right lower molars, as if struck with a
metal wire) [Stf]
Coloc.CD56 Shooting, throbbing pain in the
right lower molars, as if struck with a
metal wire. [Stf]
In both these examples, we see the RA (MMP)
parentheses were subsequently removed when the
symptom was transferred to the CK (CD). The
contributor names appended to these symptoms did
not change in either case; i.e., only ADAM and
STAPF respectively, and since, as we have shown
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 51
already (see above) that no contributor to an RA
remedy undertook a re-proving of that remedy
for CK, then the only criterion left to
HAHNEMANN upon which to remove the
parentheses (uncertainty) was clinical
confirmation, (96) which criterion was also
applied to his own symptoms, as we see in the
following few examples:
Aur.MMP 11 (One sided headache like
digging, boring, pecking, in the morning
immediately after waking, increased by coughing
and bending the head backwards).
Aur.CD71 Burrowing, boring and dull sound in
one side of the head, early on awaking,
aggravated by coughing and by bending the
head back.
Aur.MMP49 (A sort of burning in the eyes.)
Aur.CD102 A sort of burning in the eyes.
Dig. MMP426 (Secret mania with
disobedience and obstinacy; he tries to run
Dig. CD27 Secret insanity, with disobedience
and obstinacy; he tries to run away.
Mang. MMP1 (Vertigo when sitting and
standing; he must, lay hold on something; he
tends to fall forwards)
Mang. CD18 Vertigo, when sitting and
standing; he must hold on to something, so
as not to fall forward.
These few examples, which may be readily
multiplied, evidence HAHNEMANNřs relentless
efforts to verify and improve his pharmacographic
Now we move to the question of how
HAHNEMANN determined a symptom (or part
thereof) should receive emphasis (i.e., 2-
grade).(97) Let us examine the following symptom
examples which, fortunately, also record the
number of provers:
Borx.CD7 Easily frightened, both he and she
are startled by a shot at a distance. [Srt]
ŖCD38 Aching in the whole head, with
qualmishness, nausea, and trembling of
the whole body at 10 a.m., with two female
Provers at the same time (2
d). [Srt]
ŖCD92 Stitches in the left ear, with two
Provers (alt. 14d). [Srt]
ŖCD133 Toothache in hollow teeth, with dull
griping, in wet, rainy weather, with five
provers. [Srt]
ŖCD308 Easy conception, during the use of
borax, observed in five women. [Srt]
ŖCD397 Stitches in the sole of the foot, with
two persons in the same way (2
d). [Srt]
Amm-c. CD362 Retention of stool
the first days, followed by soft stools; with
all provers. [Ng]
Mag-m. CD332 No stool for several days
(with various provers). [Ng]
Note the English CD gave it wrongly as Ŗurineŗ,
but German CK clearly writes ŖStuhl.ŗ
This confirms the criterion for assignment of
emphasis for a Proving symptom was the
number of independent Provers; such grade
assignment being made during the
pharmacographic process (during construction of
the Materia Medica). In the case of single Prover
symptoms, neither the repetition of a symptom
event, nor the length of time it lasted would result
in the assignment of emphasis, (98) as we observe
in these few examples:
Ant-c. CD215. Formication and burning in the
varix of the anus, in the evening, in bed, until
going to sleep (aft. 11d. and 5w). [Csp]
Aur.CD231. Every day very hard, knotted
stool (the 1
days). (99)
Aur.CD232. Every morning soft stool with
some pinching. (100)
Borx. CD312 Sneezing and fluent coryza (the
first days). [Srt]
Calc. CD347. Impaired hearing (the fiurst 3
Cupr. CD186. Squeezing together of the
intestines, and sensation of a heavy pressure
from behind and above to the left and
downwards; aggravated by walking and by
external pressure; pain not relieved by stool
and recurring every forenoon. [Rkt]
Graph. CD105. Throbbing in the right side of
the head, in the afternoon; recurring for
several days. [Ng]
Puls. MMP420. Cutting pains in the abdomen,
by day, and particularly in the evening, day
after day (aft. 4, 5, 6d). (101)
Whilst we observe an abundance of symptoms
from single contributors which are given in
emphasis, it must be remembered that the
contributor of a symptom may not themselves have
acted as Prover, but rather, as Proving master
conducting the Proving, (102) and a single
contributor name therefore does not suggest a
single prover. Here are some examples of such
Meny. MMP254 Vivid unremembered
dreams. [Lgh]
Meny. MMP184 Obtuse boring stitching on
the left scapula, over towards the spine.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 52
Meny.MMP186 Excessively painful tearing
downwards betwixt the scapula,
especially on breathing deep, going off
when sitting, immediately returning when
walking; when at rest a sore pain
remained. [Hbg]
Mur-ac. CD48 Tearing in the right parietal
bone, at times with stitches extending to
the forehead, and drawing at times to the
border of the orbit, occasionally with
tickling in the left ear, and burning in the
concha. [Ng]
Mur-ac. CD266 Itching in the anus, with
sore pain and formicating stinging.
Lyc. CD1363 He feels urged to go into the
open air.
Lyc. CD1369
When walking in the open air, anxiety and
onset of Vertigo.
To recapitulate: the sole criterion used by
HAHNEMANN for listing a symptom with
emphasis, was that it derived from multiple
provers, whether from one or more contributors.
To put it into perspective, there are close to 2600
emphasised symptoms in CK alone, which
represents over 6% of the total symptom number Ŕ
in other words, a significant proportion of
symptoms are derived from multiple provers. (103)
Of these, over 300 symptoms list more than a single
contributor name, as for example:
Alum. CD298 Chapped (dry) lips. [Ng,
Tks, Srt]
Anac.CD78 Tearing Pressure in the left
temple. [Hrm, Gss]
Ars. CD955 Sinking of the strength.
[Störk, Rau, and many others]
Caust. CD1263 Cold feet. [Frz, Hbg]
Con. CD502 Suppression of the menses.
[Andry, Andrée, Greding]
Iod. CD1 Dejection. [Künzli, Matthey,
Gairdner, Richter]
Kali-n. CD225 Pains in the stomach.
[Falconer, Alexander, Rihter]
Lyc. CD833 Much itching on the prepuce,
on the inner surface. [also Gff]
Mang.CD81 Dilated pupils (aft. 25h).
[Hbg, Lgh]
Mez.CD457 Twitching pain in the hip-
joint, extending down into the knee.
Nat-c. CD70 Dull in the head, as after a
prolonged sleep. [S]
Nit-ac. CD1249 So weak that he hadto lie
down nearly all the time. [also Hg]
Ph-ac. CD695 Running all over the body
as from ants, with some single fine
stitches. [Hrm,Wsl]
Sil. CD501 Constipation for two days
Stann. CD338 Pollution, without
lascivious dreams, [Lgh,Gtm]
Sulf. CD672 Heartburn all the day. [also
Zinc. CD866 Burning in the right side of
the chest (2
d.). [Gff and Ng]
We see HAHNEMANN was both
methodical and consistent in his assignment of
symptom grades, the benefits of which were
realized by Bönninghausen who applied them to his
own reportorial works.(104) But whilst the
assignment of remedy grades is still, as it should be,
considered important, this view is formed rather
more on a theoretical than a practical basis, because
this system of grading has been irrevocably
compromised in successive Řmodernř (both
pharmacographic and reportorial) works, largely
through the admixture of heterogeneous, non-
primary, conjecture-full material, each with
differing inclusion and grading criteria. (105)
5 Discrepancies
The pharmacographic record of
HAHNEMANN, zealous and meticulous as he was,
is nevertheless not without discrepancy or error.
These must be identified with reference to original
literature and corrected wherever possible, or at
least clearly marked for attention. It is noteworthy,
that, whilst some of the errors we have found are
significant, of themselves they do not prove critical
to our application of similars. (106)
Nevertheless, the mistakes evident either in the
original German and passed onto the English, or
introduced by the English translators (whose efforts
must nevertheless be considered as invaluable), and
which have since been continued, from print to
print, without attempt at examination and correction
Ŕ these do not reflect well on our profession. The
following few examples highlight our neglect and
need for the rectification of this resource:
5.1. Mistakes in the original German
The simplest of these are what we could term
organizational errors, where HAHNEMANN was
unable to keep an accurate tally on contributors and
their input into various remedies. For example, a
number of CK symptoms append contributors who
were not named by HAHNEMANN in the remedy
preamble. These are:
Ars. Wahle, 18 symptoms
Clem. HARTMANN, 10 symptoms;
KUMMER, (107) 32 symptoms
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 53
Iod HARTLAUB, 39 symptoms; TRINKS, 27
Mag-m. HARTLAUB & TRINKS, 1 symptom
Nat-c., HARTLAUB, 3 symptoms; RUMMEL,
1 symptom
Nit-ac. FOISSAC, 5 symptoms; HERING, 3
symptoms; STAPF, 5 symptoms;
HARTMANN, 3 symptoms
Petr. FOISSAC, 1 symptom
Phos. RUMMEL, 2 symptoms
Sepia RUMMEL, 1 symptom
Sil. FOISSAC, 12 symptoms; HARTLAUB, 6
symptoms; RUMMEL, 3 symptoms
Sulf. WAHLE, 15 symptoms; WALTHER, 12
Also, a number of remedies actually name
contributors (in their preamble) yet no symptoms
can be found ascribed to them in the subsequent list
of symptoms, viz:
Agaricus (STAPF); Cuprum (FRANZ); Mag-
carb. (SCHRÉTER); Manganum (WAHLE);
Muriatic acid (RUMMEL); Sepia
(WAHLE); Silicea (HERING)
Another basic organizational error involves the
mis-numbering of symptoms. There are seven
remedies in the original German wherein symptoms
were misnumbered:
Ambra RA misnumbered Ŕ symptom 39 was
given as 40, consequently, all subsequent
symptoms were out by one, giving a total of
489 symptoms, not 490. This error
reproduced in MMP.
Arnica RA misnumbered Ŕ symptom 534 was
given as 535, consequently, all subsequent
symptoms were out by one, giving a total of
637 symptoms, not 638. This error
reproduced in MMP.
Bryonia RA misnumbered Ŕ symptom 530
should read 531, consequently, all
subsequent symptoms were out by one,
giving a total of 782 symptoms, not 781.
This error reproduced in MMP.
M-arct. RA misnumbered in four ways: firstly,
symptom 261 was given as 260; secondly
symptom 398 (actually 399) was given as
400; thirdly, symptom 424 (actually 425) is
given as 425; fourthly, symptom 439 was
given as 440. These series of errors added
together to mean the original number of
symptoms was actually 458, not 459 as listed
in the RA. However, we agree with
HUGHES (footnote to MMP 400) that
RA400 actually represents 2 symptoms
which were incorrectly adjoined by the
publisher, and list this into two separate
symptoms (MMP 400, 401). HUGHES also
goes on to add two symptoms from the
earlier (2
edition) RA which were omitted
in the 3
edition of 1833 (i.e., MMP399,
400), the first of which was listed as
uncertain (parenthesized), and the second
does not at all add anything new to the
symptom list, being already well stated
within MMP401 (RA400). In our own view
therefore, we believe these were purposeful
omission by HAHNEMANN, and have
removed them entirely, as he had intended.
The final symptom count therefore is 458,
not 459.
Digitalis CK misnumbered in two ways:
firstly, symptom 300 was actually number
200, which meant the total symptom number
was 100 less; secondly symptom 319 was
numbered 320, meaning that all subsequent
symptoms were out by one, giving a total
count of 601, not 702 as shown in CD.
Dulc. CK misnumbered Ŕ symptom 154 being
numbered as 155, consequently, all
subsequent symptoms were out by one,
giving a total of 408 symptoms, not 409.
This error reproduced in CD.
Iodium CK misnumbered, there being no
symptoms marked with numbers 610-629 Ŕ
symptom 630 should therefore read 610,
consequently, all subsequent symptoms were
out by 20, giving a total of 704 symptoms,
not 724. This error reproduced in CD.
5.2 Mistakes introduced into the English
First in this category, we find errors of
omission, as for example:
Omission of symptoms
Agar. CK339 Durchfall [Diarrhea]
Arn. RA438 Einzelne Stösse in den ften
[Single blows in the hips]
Carb-an.CK49 Dämisch im Kopfe, mit Druck
in der Stirn [Stupid in the head, with
pressure in the forehead]
Carb-an. CK348 Vor dem Stuhlgange, ein
Ziehen vom After durch die Scham [Before
the stool, a drawing from the anus through to
the pubis]
Chin. RA(267) Blähungsauftreibung des
Unterleibes (Stahl) [Flatulent distension of
the abdomen]
These errors did not impact on CD
numbering which continued numbering as if
symptom were present.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 54
This error affected MMP numbering Ŕ we
have inserted it in the appropriate place at
position Chin. MMP413.
Omission of emphases (Bold in CD)
Agar. CD328 Stuhlgang sehr festen Kothes. (Ap.)
Agar. CD328 Stool of very hard faeces [Ap.]
Alum. CK301 Zahnfleisch-Geschwülste
Alum. CD301 Swelling of the gums.
Omission of parentheses (uncertainty)
Amm-c. CK629 (Ueber der rechten Ferse, Stechen)
Amm-c. CD629 Above the right heel, stitches.
Omission of contributor name (symptoms hence
misinterpreted as being from HAHNEMANN)
Bar-c. CK629 Ziehschmerz das ganze linke Bein
herab. (Gr.)
Bar-c. CD629 Drawing pain down the whole of
the left lower limb.
Euphr. RA(83) Nachts öfteres Erwachen, wie von
Euphr. MMP114 At night frequent waking as if
from fright.
Guaj. CK7 Schwaches Gedächtniss; er vergisst das
eben Gelesene, und alter Namen erinnert er sich gar
nicht mehr. (Tth.)
Guaj. CD7 Weak memory; he forgets what he has
just now read, and old names he does not remember
at all.
Then we find mistakes of translation itself, as
with the following examples.
From this (albeit very brief) account, we see
that the above errors in Hahnemannřs original
pharmacographies do not affect their use, and
whilst a number of mistakes introduced into the
English language translations are less innocuous,
they are not insurmountable. In both cases, given
the sheer volume of work, we can understand the
difficulties faced by Hahnemann and his English
translators who intended as faithful and accurate a
work as possible, and accept such errors were, to
some measure, unavoidable. (108)
What cannot be readily understood however, is
why the profession itself, over the ensuing 170
years, had not detected them. (109)
Closing comments
It is evident that Hahnemannřs pioneering
work in developing an accurate and systematic
pharmacography to be used in practice according to
the defining homeopathic principle (similars), was
carefully and methodically conducted over a long
period. Aside from Hahnemannřs most fundamental
realization of similars as a general therapeutic
approach, his pharmacography is, in itself,
remarkable in both concept and content,
representing hundreds of thousands of individual
trial on the effect of drugs. Even today, and even
with the need for careful correction, when studied,
(110) these works remain both unmatched (111)
and irreplaceable. (112) it would therefore be a
mistake to consider them as either outdated. (113)
simply because they have so long lacked the
attention required for removal from the present, or
of little consequence, because, as some would
suppose it, the number of medicines therein is any
case too limited to warrant our attention. (114)
From our own work (Hahnemann Institute,
Sydney) in very closely examining this material
over the past (more than) two years, we continue to
gain a clearer view of Hahnemannřs
pharmacography, an understanding of which allows
us to better identify and correct such discrepancies
and errors without compromising on the intentions
of Hahnemann, and towards its complete revival.
Let us as a profession, (115) student, teacher,
researcher and practitioner, seek to re-discover our
sources, to stand upon the shoulders of those of our
predecessors who, almost single-handedly, forged
their way through the unknown into the world of
objectivity and certainty in the field of medicine.
Presently German Should
reads original read
Agar. CD
Scanty emission of urine,
without increase in
quantity. [Ap.]
S e l t e n e r A b g a n g d e s
U r i n s , ohne vermehrte Menge
desselben. (Ap.)
Infrequent emission of
urine, without increase in
quantity [Ap.]
Ant-c. CD
Furuncles in the corners of
the mouth…
Wund schmerzende Risse in den
Painfully sore cracks
(splits, rhagades) in the
corners of the mouth…
Ars. MMP
Itching tetters on the knee,
Jückende Flechten in der
Itching tetters in the
popliteal fossa
Calc. CD
Large, dark-red itching
tetter on the legs…
Grosse, dunkelrothe, jückende
Flecke an den Unterschenkeln…
Large, darkŔred itching
spot on the legs (below
the knees)…
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 55
Con. CD
Nervous asthma
Nerven-Schwäche (Schmucker)
Nervous weakness
Dig. CD
Feeling of great tightness
in the body. [Fr.]
Grosses Leichtigkeits-Gefühl im
Körper. (Fr.)
Feeling of great lightness
in the body. [Fr.]
CD 304
Loud ringing in one ear
and burning in the other
S t a r k e s K l i n g e n i n
d e m e i n e n Ohre und
Sumsen in dem andern.
Loud ringing in one ear
and humming in the other
Nat-m. CD
Swelling of the meatus
auditorius and burning of
the ear.
Geschwulst des Ohrganges und
Auslaufen des Ohres.
Swelling of the meatus
auditorius and discharge
of the ear.
Nat-m. CD
Swelling of the gums,
painful by day and by
night, for the three weeks.
Geschwür am Zahnfleische, Tag
und Nacht schmerzend, drei
Wochen lang.
Ulcer on the gums,
painful by day and by
night, for three weeks.
Nat-m. CD
Tension of the calves when
sitting, as if the muscles
were too short.
S p a n n e n d e r W a d e n
i m G e h e n , als wären die
Muskeln zu kurz.
Tension of the calves
when walking, as if the
muscles were too short.
Fragmenta Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum
Positivis Sive in Sano Humanis Corpore
Observatis, 2 parts, 269 & 470 pages, J.A.
BARTH, Leipzig, 1805.
RA Reine Arzneimittellehre, 1825-1833 [vol.1-2
ed.], Arnold, Leipzig. Reprint Haug,
Ulm/Donau, 1955.
MMP Materia Medica Pura, RA translation by R.E.
DUDGEON, 1880, Indian reprint, B. Jain,
Delhi 1990.
CK Die Chronischen Krankheiten, ihre
eigenthümliche Natur und homöopathische
Heilung, Leipzig, 2
edition (5 volumes),
1835-1839, Arnold, Leipzig [vol. 1-2], and
Schaub, Düsseldorf [vol. 3-5]; reprint, Haug,
Heidelberg, 1979.
CD The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature
and Their Homeopathic Cure CK translation
by L.H. TAFEL, 1895, Indian reprint, B. Jain,
BB. BOGER, C.M. (Ed.): Bönninghausenřs
Characteristics and Repertory, Parkersburg,
BLW TAFEL, L.H. (Trans.): The Lesser Writings
of CMF von Bönninghausen, compiled by
T.L. BRADFORD, translated by L.H. TAFEL,
1908, Jain Publishers, Delhi, 1979.
CDP R. HUGHES & J.P. DAKE, A Cyclopædia of
Drug Pathogenesy, 4 volumes, 1886-1891.
First Indian reprint, World Homeopathic
Links, New Delhi, 1979.
Homeopathic Materia Medica, 11
1909, Indian reprint, B. Jain, Delhi, 1980.
DHD DIMITRIADIS, G.: Homeopathic Diagnosis,
BÖNNINGHAUSEN, Hahnemann Institute
Sydney, 2004.
HGS HERING, C.: The Guiding Symptoms of
our Materia Medica, 10 vol., 1879-1891.
Indian reprint, B.Jain, Delhi, 1974.
His Life and Work, 2 volumes, Stuttgart, 1922.
Indian reprint, B. Jain, Delhi, 1985.
HLW DUDGEON, R.E. (Ed.): Hahnemannřs
Lesser Writings, collected and translated by
R.E. DUDGEON, 1851, Indian reprint, B. Jain,
HMP HUGHES, R.: A Manual of
Pharmacodynamics, eight edition, 1880; 2
Indian ed., Ringer & Co., Calcutta.
HRM HERING, C.: Analytical Repertory of the
Symptoms of the Mind, second Edition,
Philadelphia, 1881. note: an earlier edition of
this work was published in 1873 as vol. 1 of
Heringřs Analytical Therapeutics (HAT).
Reine Arzneimittellehre, 3 volumes,
Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1828-1831, Reprint v.d.
Lieth, Hamburg.
KLP KENT, J.T.: Lectures on Homeopathic
Philosophy (1900), paperback edition,
Thorsons, 1979.
TBR DIMITRIADIS, G. (Ed.): The nninghausen
Repertory Ŕ Therapeutic Pocketbook Method,
Hahnemann Institute Sydney, June 2000. this
work represents a rearranged English
retranslation of Bönninghausenřs
Therapeutisches Taschenbuch (TT), of 1846,
and therefore assumes all its characteristics.
TMM TESTE, A.: The Homeopathic Materia
Medica, arranged systematically and
practically, 1814, translated from the French,
and edited by C.J. HEMPEL, 1854.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 56
Therapeutisches Taschenbuch für
homöopathische Aerzte, zum Gebrauche am
Krankenbette und beim Studiem der reinen
Arzneimittellehre, Münster, 1846.
[Therapeutic Pocketbook for Homeopathic
Physicians, for use at the Sickbed and in the
Study of Pure Materia Medica]
AAD Allgemeiner Anzeiger der Deutschen
AHH Archiv für die Homöopathische Heilkunst
AHK Annalen der Homöopaathischen Klinik
AHZ Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung
AJHM American Journal of Homeopathic
NAHH Neues Archiv für die Homöopathische
PMG Practisiche Mittheilungen der
Homöopathischen Gesellschaft
THR The Homeopathic Recorder
1) Pharmacography (Gr. Φάρμακο [pharmaco] =
medicine, + үραφη [graphy] = writing). This
term forms part of a series of terms which have
been previously proposed (Sydney Seminar,
July 2005) as part of a standard nomenclature.
The term pharmacography may be used in two
ways: firstly, to describe the process of
constructing a written record on medicines (a
Materia Medica).
2) We consider Hahnemannřs RA/CK as our most
scientific and accurate records of proving.
3) We have been greatly dismayed to learn that
final-year students of Homeopathy (after 4 or
5 years of study) have never before even seen a
copy of Hahnemannřs Materia Medica Pura
(MMP) or the Materia Medica section of his
Chronic Diseases (CD), and further surprised
to discover that practitioners of many yearsř
experience have hardly opened these volumes,
let alone studied or understood their content.
Yet these works, which are exceedingly more
accurate and pure [conjectureless] than their
modern successors, are the foundation-stone of
all our Materia Medica, and it is the
responsibility of our teaching institutions to
ensure they are made accessible, and studied,
by our students.
4) A comparison of original Provings in
Hahnemannřs Pharmacographies with their
rendering in various successive Materia
Medicæ reveals how, without further Proving,
they have been altered and extended through a
process of misinterpretation, speculation, and
theoretic extrapolation, to a point where their
actual meaning is so changed as to lead the
reader to a different impression altogether. We
will publish the results of such comparative
study, as we have made so far, in a future
article focusing on that subject.
5) Provings (Prüfungen) as they are termed Ŕ a
form of drug-trial unique to Homeopathy. A
detailed account of this term as used by
HAHNEMANN will be found in The Sources
of our Materia Medica. Appendix 1, DHD,
6) HAHNEMANN writes (Extract from A letter
To A Physician Of High Standing on the
Great Necessity of a Regeneration of
Medicine, AAD, 1808, in HLW516):
ŖI set myself diligently to work to test several
medicinal substances on the healthy body,* and
see, the carefully observed symptoms they
produced corresponded wonderfully with the
symptoms of the morbid states they could cure
easily and permanently.ŗ
The results …. will be found in my book:
Fragmenta deviribus
7) These had been only discovered by way of
accident, as HAHNEMANN writes (In Search
of a New Principle…, 1796, in HLW258):
ŖThe humiliating confession must be made,
that most of the virtues of medicinal bodies
were discovered by accidental,
empirical experience, by chance; often first
observed by non-medical persons. Bold,
often over-bold, physicians, then gradually
made trial of them.ŗ
8) Hufelandřs Journal der praktischen
Arzneikunde, vol.2, part 3 pp. 391-439, & part
4pp. 465-561, 1796; in HLW 249-303
9) Versuch [in search of] über ein neues Prinzip
zur Auffindung der Heilkräfte der
Arzneisustanzen. Note the title of this work
has been translated as ŖEssay on….ŗ, however,
the term ŖVersuchŗ in this context is better
represented with the title ŖIn search ofŗ,
which indeed describes this work, wherein
HAHNEMANN provides Řglimpsesř to over 60
remedies, demonstrating their homeopathicity
to the disease symptoms against which they
had been serviceable. A more detailed account
of this can be found in DHD, P.138, Note 7.
10) HLW267
11) HAHNEMANN gives an interesting account of
his reasoning in this regard, from which we
read (Extract from a Letter to a Physician of
High Standing… in HLW516):
ŖIn a word, medicines must only have the
power of curing diseases similar to those they
produce in the healthy body…otherwise how
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 57
was it that those violent tertian and quotidian
fevers, which I completely cured four and six
weeks ago without knowing how the cure was
effected, by means of a few drops of Cinchona
tincture, should present almost exactly the
same array of symptoms, which I observed in
myself yesterday and to-day, after gradually
taking, while in perfect health, four drachms of
good cinchona bark, by way of experiment? I
now commenced to make a collection of the
morbid phenomena which different observers
had from time to time noticed as produced by
medicines introduced into the stomachs of
healthy individuals, and which they had
casually recorded in their works. But as the
number of these was not great, I set myself
diligently to work to test several medicinal
substances on the healthy body…
12) HAHNEMANN correctly reasoned (In Search
of a New Principle…, in HLW258-59) that the
effects of a medicine could only be known by
experiment upon the healthy organism, and that
such trials should be conducted methodically.
13) HAHNEMANN writes (In Search of a New
Principlein HLW 265):
ŖA complete collection of such observations,
with remarks on the degree of reliance to be
placed upon their reporters, would, if I mistake
not, be the foundation stone of a Materia
Medica, the sacred book of its revelation.ŗ
14) Organon, §109, footnote 2.
15) We approached this subject with the view that
Hahnemannřs latest editions of these work
were the way he intended them (typographic &
other human error aside Ŕ inescapable in a
work of such magnitude), and that any
significant changes from previous editions,
were, without evidence to the contrary,
deliberate and purposeful.
16) Fragmenta de viribus Medicamentorum
Positivis Sive in Sano Humanis Corpore
Observatis, in 2 parts: 1
part, 269 pages
(Materia Medica); 2
part, 470 pages (word
index), J.A. BARTH, Lipsiae, 1805. This
work consists of two parts, the first (268 pp.)
formed the Materia Medica proper Ŕ a list of
symptoms for each of the remedies therein; the
second (469 pp.), a word-index to the first part.
HERING gives the following account (HRM
ŖIt is true that HAHNEMANN added to his
first collection (his ŘFragmentař of 1805), an
index where every word could be found; but it
was altogether out of proportion The next,
in large type spaciously printed, filled 268
pages; the index, in small type condensedly
printed, filled 469 pages.ŗ
17) HAHNEMANN writes (Extract from A Letter
To a Physician Of High Standing in
HLW520, footnote):
ŖI would, ere this, have communicated to the
world the large number of medicines whose
properties I have investigated since 1804, and
have published the whole in German, were it
not that the publisher of the Fragmenta has
begged me to delay doing so on account of the
badness of the times.ŗ
18) Fragments sur les effets positives des
medicaments observes chez l‟homme sain,
translated by CHAMPEAUX & MILCENT in
1855, and published in LřArt Medicale,
Brussels. Reprinted 1958.
19) Marion WETTEMAN, Samuel Hahnemann‟s
“Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum” Ŕ
the first homeopathic Materia Medica,
dissertation for Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine, Eberhard-Karls-University,
Tübingen. This is a translation of the first part
(Materia Medica) only.
20) Perhaps we will not wait another 200 years for
such a translation of this foundation work.
Who shall put up their hand to this needy and
fundamental work?
21) Reine Arzneimittellehre, 1825-1833 [vols.1-2
ed.; vols. 3-6 2
ed.] Arnold, Leipzig.
Reprint Haug, Ulm/Donau, 1955. The
arrangement of RA differs from that of its
English language counterpart (MMP), in that
the observations of other [Beobachtungen
Andrer] are listed separately from those of
HAHNEMANN, and therefore, the symptom
numbers in MMP mostly* do not correspond
with those in RA.
* The exception to this is volumes 1 and 2 which
went through to a 3
edition (1830 & 1833
respectively), as well as Ambra, Carb-an., and
Carb-v. from the second edition of volume 6
(1827) Ŕ in these cases, the observations of
others and those of HAHNEMANN have been
placed together, and therefore correspond in
number to those of MMP.
22) First edition RA Ŕ publication dates for each
volume: 1 (1811), 2 (1816), 3, (1817), 4
(1818), 5 (1819), 6 (1821).
23) Second edition RA Ŕ publication dates for each
volume: 1(1822), 2 (1824), 3, 4 (1825), 5
(1826), 6 (1827).
24) Third edition RA Ŕ publication dates for each
volume: 1 (1830), 2 (1833).
25) Richard HUGHES, with whose erroneous and
often biased conclusions (with respect, in our
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 58
own view, to many matters homeopathic) we
largely disagree, but who is nevertheless
noteworthy in his literary efforts on
homeopathic historical matters, in his Sources
of the Homeopathic Materia Medica (HMP
p.41), gives an overview of the serious faults to
be found in HEMPELřs translation, summing
up by saying:
ŖI must regretfully say that I have long ceased
to have any reliance on this translation, and
never venture now to quote HAHNEMANN as
given by HEMPEL lest I should misrepresent
It should also be noted that HEMPEL used the
edition for his translation, even though
volumes 1 and 2 had already gone through to a
edition. we further refer the reader to the
comments of various colleagues (THR, 1893,
pp.323-329) which highlight the general
consensus against Hempelřs works.
26) Materia Medica Pura, translation of RA, by
R.E. DUDGEON, reprint, B. Jain, Delhi, 1990.
As expected from a work of such volume,
MMP introduced its own errors, both of
typography, but also of translation. Our own
examination of MMP and a comparison with
RA over the past few years has revealed a
regretful neglect of this material by our
profession in general.
27) Die Chronischen Krankheiten, ihre
eigenthümliche Natur und homöopathische
Heilung, Leipzig, 2
edition (5 volumes),
1835-1839, Arnold, Leipzig [vols. 1-2], and
Schaub, Düsseldorf [vols. 3-5]; reprint, Haug,
Heidelberg, 1979.
28) First edition CK Ŕ publication dates for each
volume: 1,2,3 (1828), 4 (1830)
29) The following thirteen remedies appeared in
this second edition for the first time: Agar.,
Alum., Amm-m., Anac., Ant-c., Borx., Clem.,
Cupr., Euphor., Kali-n. [Nitrum], Mez., Plat.,
30) Second edition CK Ŕ publication dates for each
volume: 1, 2 (1835), 3 (1837), 4 (1839).
31) D.WILSON penned a critical review of
Hempelřs translation, appearing in the Monthly
Homeopathic Review of 1862, and there
appeared a series of discussions in volumes 6,
7, 8 of the same journal.
32) The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature
and Their Homeopathic Cure, translation of
CK by L.H. TAFEL, 1896.
33) The remedy number in RA is 65 when the
magnets (M-1mb., M-aract., M-aust.) are
considered together.
34) It is astonishing that our profession focuses
much of its time in new medicinal Řprovingsř
(of dubious quality) in the search for more
certainty in prescribing, whilst simply
accepting (rather ignoring!), as is, the Provings
record of our predecessors, without seeking to
check, verify, falsify, etc. any such data
inherited from the past Ŕ we find numerous
discrepancies and even the most basic or errors
merely carried over into our modern works.
No science can hope to survive let alone
develop without due regard and careful
scrutiny over observations of the past.
35) These day-books are not available, although
some works do describe the sequential effects
of medicinal doses Ŕ one such work is that of
HUGHES & DAKE (CDP), which however
was seriously flawed from its outset, in that
these authors could not get past their own
prejudice which limited their collection to
Provings with potencies no higher than the 6
centesimal (Introduction, p.xiv), referring to
the Řinfinitesimalsř as mere Řdilutionsř instead
of their rightly termed potency or attenuation
(as demanded by HAHNEMANN himself).
The resultant work, whilst being worth an
examination as it does contain some nice
sequential accounts of provings phenomena, is
nevertheless so seriously defective as to render
it mostly academic in its actual utility.
36) There are a number of remedies which
appeared for the first time in Hahnemannřs
works, e.g., Arg., Aur., Cocc., Ole- and Staph.
HAHNEMANN also derived many symptoms
from Proving fragments published within the
various books & periodicals, e.g,, AHH,
NAHH, AHZ, HTRA, AHK, etc., each of
which he fully acknowledges.
37) This symptom grading within a Provings
record indicates the degree of certainty that the
symptom has been the result of the medicine
not therefore due to one or more other
circumstances co-incident during the course of
the Proving. What must be kept in mind here,
is that this symptom gradation at the level of
the Materia Medica itself, is a measure of
certainty that the symptom was actually
produced by the medicine in Proving, whilst
the Ř0ř indicates a level of uncertainty. This
differs essentially from the remedy grading
within repertory developed by
BÖNNINGHAUSEN (modelled on
Hahnemannřs symptom grading) and as seen in
Bönninghausenřs SRA, SRN, and TT (and our
TBR), which is a measure of clinical success.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 59
38) HAHNEMANN further grouped these
‘observata aliorum’ according to their
literature source, which he also clearly
39) ŘBeobachtungen Andrer’. These symptoms are
also distinguished in that their numbers are
enclosed in parentheses Ŕ whenever a symptom
number in RA appears without parentheses
(e.g. Cham. RA5), it is to be found listed
amongst Hahnemannřs observations, but if it
appears within parentheses (e.g.Cham. RA(5)),
it is to be found under the Řobservations of
40) We see this in his final (sixth) volume of the
(second edition) RA, wherein Ambra, Carb-
an., and Carb-v. list symptoms of both
HAHNEMANN and others, together.
41) The significant point of distinction between
RA/CK with respect to layout, is Hahnemannřs
decision to list the symptoms of mind at the
beginning of the Proving record in CK, as
opposed to their place at the end in RA.
42) We have many examples where
HAHNEMANN accepts or rejects (based on
the Provings) the old-school use of a particular
medicine. For example:
Scilla (note to MMP 172):
HAHNEMANN labels its old-school use as an
expectorant as being palliative Ŕ that, based on
its power to produce an easy expectoration of
thinned mucus in its primary action, it will
rather prove curative in Ŗtoo copious and too
frequent mucous secretionŗ.
Verbascum (preamble)
HAHNEMANN condemns the old-school
conjectural employment of this remedy as Ŗa
demulcent, resolvent and laxativeŗ based
merely on Ŗthe sickly odour of its flowers
when crushed with the fingers, and from the
slimy character of its juiceŗ. He then goes on to
say ŖThe following pure symptoms and morbid
states which have been produced by this plant
on healthy persons will show how much
mistaken the medical world was in its frivolous
Moschus (preamble)
HAHNEMANN cites the Ŗvery precise
experiences of Lentin, Zanetti, Morgenstern,
Robol, and othersŗ of the old school as support
for the use of ŖMoschus in various kinds of
tetanusŗ, such symptoms being supported in
the proving.
The only remedy in Hahnemannřs
Pharmacographic writings for which he does
not himself contribute a single Proving
symptom, is Taraxacum (RA, vol. 5, 1826).
His fellow-Provers being:
FRANZ [36 symptoms]; GUTMANN [106
symptoms]; KUMMER [40 symptoms];
LANGHAMMER [79 symptoms];
ROSAZEWSKY [2 symptoms]
HAHNEMANN had nevertheless clinically
confirmed these Provings and provides
recommendations for dosage (Tarax.
43) The following symptoms failed to indicate
their origin as being RA (via means of a
preceding dash ( Ŕŕ )):
Symptoms which omitted a preceding dash
in German original (CK)
Calc. RA/CK = (76)/388; (81)/441, (92)/633,
(113)/697; (130)/809, (174/1211, (181)/1246;
Symptoms correctly marked in German CK but
omitted preceding dash in English CD.
Calc. RA/CK&CD = (235)/62; (78)/404
44) We have examined a number of remedies
which went from RA into CK, and find no
examples where a contributor to RA provides
new symptoms to the same remedy for CK.
45) ADAM (of St. Petersburg) contributes to 96
symptoms in 3 remedies within a 2 year period:
Bar-c. CK 1
edition, 1828 (23 symptoms)
Carb-an. RA 2
edition, vol. 6, 1827 (32
Carb-v. RA 2
edition, vol. 6, 1827 (41
46) He did not simply restate the symptoms as they
appeared in the RA, for example, Carban. RA
128/CK420; Dulc. RA 163/CK184.
47) For example, Carban.RA 37-38/CK 122-121
48) Even so, in their transition from RA to CK, we
note symptoms which seem less full in their
meaning than the original (sometimes
lengthier) RA version, as the following sets of
symptoms show:
Carba. RA/MMP 123: ŖNocturnal seminal
emission Ŕ for the first time for a long period Ŕ
with lecherous dreams, without stiffness of
penis, and after waking a spasmodic pain along
the urethra, especially at its back part. [Ad.]ŗ
Carba.CK/CD404: ŖAfter a pollution, in the
morning, on awaking, a cramp-like pain along
the urethra, especially in its posterior part.
Coloc. RA (32)MMP33: ŖDeep in the ear an
itching shooting pain which extends from the
Eustachian tube to the membrane tympani, and
is momentarily removed by boring in the finger
(aft. 1½ h). [Stf.]ŗ
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 60
Coloc. CK/CD42: ŖItching shooting deep in the
ear, extending from the Eustachian tube to the
membrana tympani, and going off on
introducing the finger (aft. 1½h.) [Stf.]ŗ
Coloc. RA(189)/MMP208: ŖTearing stitches
lengthways on the whole body, on the
forehead, temples, back, upper and lower
extremities, side of the abdomen, and chest
(aft. 6h.) [Lr.]ŗ
Coloc. CK/CD242: ŖTearing stitches lengthways
on the whole body, on the head, the back, the
abdomen, and the limbs. [Lgh.]ŗ
Looking at the first example of Carb-an., the
CK version omits to mention this emission was
unusual, accompanied by sexual dreams, and
occurred with flaccid penis Ŕ comprehension
has been affected, perhaps not critically, but
certainly the image of the original symptom
has been, from our own perspective,
unfortunately reduced. One possible
explanation for this seeming sacrifice of reader
comprehension for the sake of brevity, involves
JAHR, who was employed by HAHNEMANN
(February to October 1834) for the express
purpose of assisting him towards the
publication of the second edition CK.
HAHNEMANN himself later complained to
that JAHRřs careless
inexactitude necessitated constant supervision,
and it is therefore not impossible that such
alterations actually made by JAHR escaped
the attention of HAHNEMANN.
This is
nonetheless a topic worthy of much more
We read from Hahnemannřs correspondence
26 Dec. 1834 (SHB 110): Ŗ..JAHR had, after
sorting the materials, only to copy them, and to
abridge the longwinded symptoms of N-g, and
others, and since I worked everything through
with him word by word, his superficiality and
twaddle could not create any damage; and he
performed consequently quite well.ŗ
27 May 1841 (in SHB 137): ŖThe new
ŘManuelř by JAHR is overloaded with useless
ambiguous things Ŕ but he does not accept any
BÖNNINGHAUSEN himself also complains
about Jahrřs lack of accuracy: Letter to
HAHNEMANN, 7 August 1834 [shb 107-108,
transl. B. Deutinger]
ŖIt is a pity that Jahrřs works (Hanbuch and
Repertory) do not correspond, not even in their
outstanding characteristics, and there are so
many print errors and mixing up of medicines
with similar names.ŗ
SRN Foreword, p.x.: (BÖNNINGHAUSEN is
here answering Rummelřs favourable view of
Jahrřs Handbuch of 1834)
ŖDespite his frequent use of this book, he
[Rummel] did not seem to have detected the
numerous Ŕ almost in every column Ŕ mixups
(of Cina with Cicuta, of Coffea with Cocculus,
of Colchicum with Cylamen, of Cannabis with
Cantharis, of Chamomile with China, of
Euphorbium with Euphrasia, of Ignatia of with
Ipecacuanha , of Magnesia with Manganum of
Oleander with Oleum animale, of Rheum with
Rhus, of Secale cornutum with Selenium, of
Taraxcum with Tartarus stibiatus, etc.), the
numerous omissions of most important
remedies and the duplication of many remedies
within one rubric.ŗ
This however, in itself, does not explain why
HAHNEMANN did not later check for such
problems and then at least make some
comment, either by way of a letter to
BÖNNINGHAUSEN, with whom he remained
in steady correspondence, or elsewhere in a
periodical to which he had ready access (eg.
Archiv), especially when considering that
HAHNEMANN well knew of the difficulties
with JAHR and the very real chance of error.
Perhaps, keeping in mind Hahnemannřs change
of life-style at that time Ŕ his move to Paris
with a new (very much younger) bride, and the
subsequent enjoyment of more social activities
such as the French theatre Ŕ his circumstance
provided sufficient distraction for him to
review the entire work. In any case, until we
have concrete evidence to the contrary, we
must accept that what we have is as he
intended it.
49) HAHNEMANN expresses the earnestness of
his efforts with the following remark (CK
Preface, 1
ed., 1828):
ŖIf I did not know for what purpose I was put
here on earth Ŕ to become better myself as far
as possible and to make better everything
around me that is within my power to improve
Ŕ I should have to consider myself as very
much lacking in worldly prudence to make
known for the common good, even before my
death, an art which I alone possess, and which
it is within my power to make as profitable as
possible by simply keeping it secret.ŗ
50) Refer HHL, vol. 1, p.96, where, according to
the record of Hahnemannřs correspondence,
we see he arrived in Leipzig at the end of
August, 1811.
51) Refer HHL, vol. 1, p.375.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 61
52) These were distributed mostly amongst 55 of
the 95 medicines, since 8 only listed from 1 to
a handful of such inclusions, and the following
23 listed no entries at all from old school
sources (typestyles used below denote where
Provings appeared: RA [plain text]; CK
[italics]; RA + CK [bold italics]
Alum., Ambr., Amm-c., Amm-m., Ang., Bism.,
Borx., Calc., Carb-an., Carb-v., Caust.,Graph.,
Kali-c., Petr., Ph-ac., Plat., Sep., Sil., Staph.,
Tarx., Thuj., Thuja., Verba., Zinc.
53) Nenning contributes to the following (20)
Agar., Alum., Ammc., Ammm., Barc., Caust.,
Dulc., Graph., Kalic., Kalin., Magm., Mang.,
Murac., Natc., Phos., Sars., Sil., Sulf., Sulac.,
54) GROSS contributes to the following (42)
Agar., Ammc., Anac., Ang., Arg., Arn., Aur.,
Barc., Bell., Calc., Canns., Chel., Chin., Cina.,
Cocc., Con., Dig., Dulc., Ferr., Ign., Iod.,
Mang., Merc., Mez., Mosch., Natc., Olnd.,
Phos., Phac., Plat., Rheum, Ruta, Samb., Sep.,
Sil., Spig., Stann., Staph., Sulac., Thuj., Verba.,
55) FRANZ contributes to the following (37)
Anac., Ang., Arg., Arn., Asar., Aur., Calc.,
Camph., Canns., Caust., Chin., Clem., Cocc.,
Con., Cycl., Dig., Hyos., Led., Marc., Maus.,
Mang., Meny., Mez., Olnd., Phac., Rhus.,
Ruta, Samb., Spig., Stann., Staph., Stram.,
Sulac., Tarx., Thuj., Verat., Zinc.
56) LANGHAMMER contributes to the following
(48) medicines:
Agar., Anac., Ang., Antc., Arg., Arn., Ars.,
Aur., Bell., Bism., Calc., Caust., Chel., Chin.,
Cic., Cina, Clem., Cocc., Coloc., Con., Cycl.,
Dig., Dros., Euphor., Euphr., Guaj., Hell.,
Hyos., Ip., Led., Marc., Mang., Meny., Merc.,
Murac., Natc., Olnd., Phac., Ruta, Samb.,
Spig., Spong., Stann., Staph., Sulac., Tarx.,
Thuj., Verba.
57) GERSDORFF contributes to the following (8)
Ambra., Carb-v., Iod.,. Kalic., Lyc., Mez.,
Sep., Zinc.
58) SCHRÉTER contributes to the following (15)
Agar., Alum., Amm-c., Ars., Borx., Calc., Iod.,
Kalin., Lyc., Magm., Natc., Natm., Phos.,
Rhus, Sars.
59) STAPF contributes to the following (44)
Acon., Ammc., Anac., Arn., Ars., Asar., Barc.,
Bell., Bry., Calc., Camph., Canns., Caust.,
Cham., Chin., Cina, Clem., Coloc., Dig., Dulc.,
Hell., Hep., Hyos., Ip., Maus., Mang., Merc.,
Mosch., Mur-ac., Nitac., Nuxv., Op., Phos.,
Phac., Puls., Rhus., Ruta, Scill., Sil., Spig.,
Spong., Staph., Verat., Zinc.
60) Richard HUGHE (HMP, p.22) ignorant and
mischievous comments on this topic have no
basis in fact. We ourselves prefer to call upon
the evidence of the Provings record and its
success in clinical practice, as a measure of
Prover capacity or validation. Such
misinformed criticism against
LANGHAMMER are even heard today, and it
makes one wonder as to their purpose Ŕ
regardless, their result is to brand these primary
sources as unreliable and thereby neglected,
whilst at the same time promoting the sales of
new, up-dated, and so-called Řscientificř works
on Materia Medica Ŕ as if a more scientific
record than that of HAHNEMANN on the
effects of medicines has ever been written!
61) FRANZ Vermeulenřs comments on this
subject, as found in his Introduction to Prisma
Materia Medica, provide one such mis-guided
example. By extracting and collating all
symptoms of each observer across a number of
medicines we obtain a proper perspective of
both their similarities and their differences Ŕ
we ourselves have begun such a process, and
have thereby reached an evidence-based
conclusion which does not support such views
as Vermeulenřs.
62) For example, if we compare the symptoms
contributed by LANGHAMMER to Colocynth
and Manganum (27 symptoms in each), we
find far greater differences than similarities,
and in addition we observe numerous instances
where these supposedly too similar symptoms
of a single contributor are indeed supported by
the adjacent symptoms from other contributors.
63) NENNING declares he abstained from Proving
medicines on himself, given the paralytic
condition [Lähmungsartig] of his right hand, in
order to put his contributions beyond possible
reproach (AHZ 3:14; 105, December 1833).
64) A similarity of multiple symptoms from a
single contributor could indeed indicate an
input from more than one Prover. Thus,
Vermeulen wrongly concludes (Introduction,
Prisma MM):
ŖEven HAHNEMANN himself… for, instance,
produced five times the Řdelusion of being
unfortunateř in as many Provings.ŗ
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 62
Of the (3) symptoms we find contributed by
HAHNEMANN wherein the Prover reports
feeling (not delusion) Ŗunfortunateŗ (Chin.
MMP1113, Ipec. MMP222, Phos. CD23), that
in China is given in italics, which, as we
demonstrate later in this article, likely indicates
multiple Provers. Furthermore, expressions
such as Řunfortunateř themselves must not be
taken further than the context in which they are
given, for example, whilst the adjacent
symptoms in Ipec. MMP222 do not use this
term, they are clearly of a similar nature Ŕ just
expressed somewhat differently by different
contributors (e.g. Ip. MMP 219, 220, 221, 223,
224). To draw a conclusion therefore, as done
by Vermeulen, based on individual words or
expressions, is to ignore the meaning of the
whole, in context. It thus becomes clear that
such concerns of prover bias, which have been
readily promoted to the level of thesis, are
without basis in fact.
65) It is precisely from their similarity of action
that medicines are able to be grouped into a
concordance or relationship of remedies (as
first undertaken by BÖNNINGHAUSEN).
66) For example,STAPF, whose credentials as a
Prover and tireless contributor for our
profession is beyond question, contributes the
following similar symptoms:
Acon. MMP 8 Vertiginous heaviness of the
head, especially in the forehead and on
stooping, with Nausea, and qualmish feeling in
the scrobiculus cordis (aft.2h). [Stf]
Arn. MMP 2 Giddy whilst walking [Stf]
Ars. CD 110. Vertigo, with loss of thoughts
when rising. [Stf]
Ars. CD111 Violent Vertigo, with Nausea,
when lying down; he has to sit up diminish it.
Aσαρ. MMP1 Vertigo, as from slight
intoxication, on rising from a seat and walking
about (aft. 10m). [Stf]
Asar. MMP9 In the morning, on rising, dizzy
in the head, with headache in the left side of
the forehead (aft. 22h). [Stf]
Here we have extracted only those vertiginous
symptoms contributed by STAPF in the Ř
remedies, but this list could be easily extended,
and with any contributor, including
67) Organon, especially §§116-117, 121, 128-132.
68) That one subject may be disposed to react with
urinary, or respiratory, or skin, or mind, etc.
symptoms, means they will tend more towards
such symptoms in a Proving situation, and that
their contributions will be greatest with
medicines which have an affinity for evoking
such effects.
69) It should here be mentioned that, a patient who,
having never taken, say, arsenic, yet, in
response to all variety of circumstances and
stimuli to which they have been exposed, have,
in summation over time, expressed a pure
picture of arsenic symptoms, must themselves
be predisposed to react in an arsenic way, even
without taking arsenic Ŕ these same patients
would, in health, make the best provers of
Arsenicum Ŕ for what is more likely to produce
an Arsenicum response than Arsenicum itself?
Conversely, a subject who proves readily
disposed to react to a particular medicine (in
such ultra-attenuated doses as given in our
Provings), is the same person who would more
readily develop a similar (natural) disease.
Thus we see that sensitive or idiosyncratic
subjects are best suited for Provings, since they
readily express a series of symptoms following
exposure to the substance to which they are
particularly susceptible. But this is no different
to what is accepted in Pharmacology, that is,
that a substance is only able to effect a
physiological response because there are
already receptors present to which their
molecules fit precisely Ŕ whilst the receptor-
ligand hypothesis is itself flawed from our own
point of view (as it does not explain how ultra-
attenuations produce physiological effect),
nevertheless it demonstrates that, even in
physiology, it is accepted that there must be
some level of predisposition for any substance
to actually evoke a response.
70) The susceptibility of a person to a particular
stimulus cannot be known or reasoned
beforehand (Organon, §278) and
HAHNEMANN provides clear instruction as to
the approach to Proving in order to bring out
the Řgeniusř of a medicine (Organon, §130).
71) For example, the lengthy symptoms 4 and 5 of
Borax in CD, contributed by SCHRÉTER, are
themselves listed only in plain type, yet their
clinical validity has been repeatedly verified, as
well by BÖNNINGHAUSEN himself
(Something about Borax, AHZ1856, Vol.53,
p.60, in BLW61) who cured with it a number
of complaints in two separate women, each
displaying this symptom.
72) BÖNNINGHAUSENřs repertorial works, the
latest of which was TT (and now our own
English language counterpart, TBR), are the
only repertorial works with a meaningful and
consistent application of specific criteria in the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 63
assignment of grades. This subject has been
elaborated in our DHD.
73) HARTLAUB & TRINKSř joint contributions
are found in the following remedies: Ars.
(CD263, 281, 439, 454, etc.) Carb-an., Cocc.,
Dulc., Euphor., Ign., Iod., Mag-c.* Phos.,
*CK lists 650 symptoms of Mag-c. ascribed
suggests these symptoms are likely to have
originated from NENNING (they were
published in HTRA without any contributor
74) For example, Dulc.CK/CD397 [Ng] =
HTRA48+49+50 [Ng]
75) We have counted over 115 such symptoms
across 17 medicines. The following few
specific examples trace a composite symptom
in CK to its multiple original symptoms:
Alum. CK/CD119 [Tks.Ng] = HTRA57, 58, 59, 64,
66, 67 [Ng] + HTRA62 [Tks]
Alum. CK/CD 196 [Srt,Ng] = HTRA115[Srt] +
HTRA 116 [Ng]
Alum.CK/CD 197 [Htb, Ng] = HTRA120[Htb] +
HTRA 118, 119 [Ng]
Alum. CK/CD202 [Ng, Htb] = HTRA121, 124 [Ng]
+ HTRA125 [Htb]
Alum. CK/CD655[Srt,Ng] = HTRA 501[Srt] =
HTRA481, 504, 505 [Ng]
Amm-c CK/CD244 [Srt,Ng] = HTRA 25, 26 [Srt] +
HTRA115 [Ng]
Amm-c. CK/CD 324 [Ng.Srt] = HTRA 159 [Ng] +
HTRA 29 [Srt]
Phos. CK/CD887 [Ng.Bds]=HTRA352 [Ng] +
HTRA353 {Bds]
76) For example, Iod. CD11, 32, 44, 102, 115, 126,
175, 185, 188
77) For example, Iod.CD7, 157, 195, 225
78) These were indicated by affixing all the
contributor names to such symptom.
79) German original: Alum. CK 119 Stechen an
einzelnen Stellen des Kopfes. (Tks, Ng).
80) German original: HTRA62 Stechen an
einzelnen Stellen des Vorderkopfes. (Ts).
81) German original: HTRA57 Lange anhaltendes
Stechen in der Stirne, Abends. (d.2.T) (Ng)
82) German original: HTRA58 Stumpfes Stechen
in der Stirne über dem rechten Auge,
Vormittags. (d.3.T) (Ng)
83) German original: HTRA59 Schmerzhaftes
Stechen & Reissen im linken Stirnhügel,
Abends 6 Uhr. (d.1.T) (Ng)
84) German original: HTRA64 Plötzliches,
spitziges Stechen in der linken Schläfe,
Nachmittags, auch einmal früh. (d.f.T) (Ng)
85) German original: HTRA66 Schmerzhaftes
Stechen & Reissen in der rechten Kopfseite,
Vormittags 11½ Uhr. (d.1.T) (Ng)
86) German original: HTRA 67 Stechen in der
linken Siete des Hinterhauptes früh (d.3.T)
87) Similarly, the contributions recorded within
our periodicals of that time from where
HAHNEMANN derived some of these
symptoms (e.g. AHH, NAHH, HTRA, AHK,
etc.) were also meaningfully summarized
accounts collated from the masses of Prover
day-books. It is however, also regrettable we
do not have many of these Proverřs day-books
for the purpose of research (not as a ready-
88) In Search of a New Principle…., 1796,
89) The Medicine of Experience…, 1805,
HLW453, Footnote.
90) MMP, Preface, p.2
91) We have assigned Ř0ř to parenthesized
symptoms to indicate a degree of uncertainty;
numbers 1, 2 are assigned to indicate a degree
of certainty.
92) Whilst HAHNEMANN writes (Praefatio) that
these symptoms are given in capitals, the
publisher actually used italic script (perhaps to
save space), and which HAHNEMANN,
perhaps, then failed to go back and note in his
Praefatio prior to print.
93) This is what HAHNEMANN writes in his
Praefatio to the Fragmenta (translated by B.
ŖA symptom which has been printed in
CAPITALS, I have observed more often, and
the one printed in small letters more rarely.
The ones put in brackets I published with
reservation since they have been observed yet
by myself only once, i.e., in a case not quite
clear and doubtful. Here and there I added the
brackets when I did not perceive the true being
of a person, or if a person was of slow
comprehension or committed errors in dietary
Here we see any doubt regarding a Proving
symptom, whether due to some circumstance
or to an inability to perceive the meaning or
intention of the Prover, was marked in that
symptom by its enclosure in parentheses. This
symptom grading system was continued by
HAHNEMANN in both his RA and CK.
94) By this is meant a positive clinical effect
following a prescription based on similarity of
the symptoms of the medicine with those the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 64
disease being treated, thus confirming the
validity of the original Provings data.
95) For example, Bell. Fragmenta p.28, sympt.9
(Wetteman)/RA1012; Carban.RA108/CK350,
and again for Carb-an. RA99/CK325; Mang.
RA1/CK18; Aur.RA8/CK71, etc.
96) Had HAHNEMANN himself confirmed these
by way of reproving, he would have added his
own name to the symptoms. That our
conclusion here is well founded is supported by
the following statement of HAHNEMANN
(Medicine of Experience, 1805, in HLW453,
ŖThe more obvious and striking symptoms
must be recorded in the list, those that are of a
dubious character should be marked with the
sign of doubiety, until they have frequently
been confirmed.ŗ
97) Such emphasis was indicated by spacing the
text in RA and CK.
98) These may however be used to remove any
99) The translation by DUDGEON wrongly gives
Ŗclottedŗ rather than knotted [knotiger] stool.
100) The translation by DUDGEON wrongly gives
Ŗgripingŗ rather than pinching [Kneipen].
101) The translation here is wrongly given by
DUDGEON who (understandably)
misunderstood the colloquialism of
Hahnemannřs time. The correct translation has
been given here by B. DEUTINGER of our
Hahnemann Institute, Sydney.
102) HAHNEMANN for example, as is well
known, used not only himself, but recruited
friends, family, students, and colleagues in his
Provings work. Similarly, NENNING
recruited his wifeřs millinery factory workers.
It is to be here noted for the profession to
know, that not too long ago, I learned from a
near graduate student, that their lecturer held a
(hopefully uncommon) view to the following
effect, that since Ŗmany of the female
reproductive proving symptoms within
Hahnemannřs MM are appended with the
names of male contributors (even
HAHNEMANN), that therefore, these must be
spurious and to be dismissed But how is it
possible that a person in such position of
authority, indeed, charged with instruction in
the Materia Medica to the unsuspecting
student, how can they be so ignorant Ŕ have
they not read and understood the fact that the
contributors are not always the Provers
themselves? And as a result of such mis-
teachings, the student loses any hope of
thoroughly examining these works for
themselves, let alone do they have any real
guidance to do so, and it is no wonder they
look toward the nowadays abundance of so-
called new, modern, essential, thematic (etc.,
etc.) works which promise both accuracy and
excitement in the otherwise perceived tedium
of Materia Medica study. I say by all means
examine these works, but do not ignore the
sources. This is, unfortunately the state of
affairs in the teaching of Materia Medica.
103) We find twenty-seven of the medicines in
Hahnemannřs Pharmacography contain a
(variable) number of unemphasised multi-
contributor symptoms; of these, thirteen
remedies list only one such symptom, and only
the following eight remedies list what we
consider a significant number of such
Remedy no. first published
Belladonna (35) 1811, RA first ed., vol. 1.
Camphor (13) 1805, Fragmenta
China (14) 1805, Fragmenta
Helleborus (8) 1805, Fragmenta
Hyoscyamus (32) 1805, Fragmenta
Moschus (11) 1811, RA first ed., vol. 1.
Opium (36) 1805, Fragmenta
Veratrum (12) 1805, Fragmenta
Whilst we are not (yet) able to explain (with
sufficient certainty) this discrepancy from the
general trend as reported in the text of this article,
we do observe all these medicines are from the RA,
and that their pathogeneses were amongst the first
to be recorded, and it is plausible Hahnemannřs
multiple-prover criterion for symptom emphasis
was not, at that earliest stage, quite formed.
Remember this was a time prior to the formation of
his Provers-group (see HHL vol. 1, p.375), when
HAHNEMANN had only a handful of (family &
friend) Provers Ŕ he acted as both Prover and
Proving master, and his own observer bias may
have been a reason why he did not add emphasis to
a symptom which he had derived from multiple
sources. Later, as his experience confirmed and his
confidence grew, he could, with certainty, add
emphasis to highlight the symptom.
104) In his Preface to SRA (1832),
ŖMoreover, it has been my endeavour to
constantly indicate symptoms that have been
verified in practice, and I have sought to make
this perspicuous by the use of a differentiating
105) The inconsistency and dilution of grading
inclusion criteria is readily evidenced in (non-
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 65
primary) works on both Materia Medica and
Repertory. With respect to Materia Medicæ,
we see that, unlike HAHNEMANN, authors
may use differing typestyle to indicate either
their own clinical (or other) support for a
symptom (i.e. the emphasis is not based on
actual Prover numBer), or where a symptom
derives from a number of previous works Ŕ but
the problem here is, that, often, these multiple
secondary sources can be traced back to a
single primary source, i.e. their extensive base
is only apparent. With respect to Repertories,
we observe great confusion as to what the
grades actually represent, and it is a fact that
most Repertories do not at all mention their
specific criteria for grade assignment. KENT
himself only makes a mention of the grades in
his Repertory (KR) some years after its
publication (Lectures… [1900], pp. 213-214);
but here we must not forget that Kentřs is a
secondary (non-primary) Repertory, a
composite of previous repertorial works, each
with their own grading integrity, yet mixed
together in a heterogeneous manner, and that
therefore, devoid of specific grading criteria Ŕ
KENT simply fitted the existing grades of the
various precursor works into his own schema,
thereby losing their connection to both the
Provings and the decades of clinical successes
before him (see DHD for more detailed
account). Moreover, we find in KR many clear
instances of purely clinical rubrics listing
remedies in his highest (3) grade, even though
this grade was supposedly reserved for those
symptoms confirmed by multiple Provings and
verified by multiple clinical successes. But the
situation is not at all improved with the advent
of more modern repertorial works. Synthesis,
for example, also does not provide their
grading criteria, and again demonstrates a real
inconsistency, when compared to its direct
predecessor, KR, in its assignment of grades,
not only in somehow (undisclosedly)
converting the 3-tiered grades of Kentřs
Repertory into its own 4 Ŕtiered system
(supposedly borrowed from Pierre
SCHMIDT), but also in their assignment of
grade to additions from contemporary sources.
This is not the place to elaborate, however we
have ourselves collected ample evidence, and
invite our conscientious colleagues to make
their own comparison. We also refer the reader
to our previous writings on this topic Ŕ in
DHD, as well as our articles The First
Repertory and ŘBogus’Bönninghausen as found
in AJHM 2006, 99:4; 9-19, and AJHM 2007,
100:1; 50-57 respectively.
106) Even the most significant errors, in
themselves, are not critical, so long as the
homeopath avoids prescribing on a single
symptom or component, and, in all cases, seeks
the remedy which fits a syndrome of symptom
components. CK thus remains Hahnemannřs
final contribution to our store of knowledge as
to the real effects of medicines; forged through
many years of clear observation, methodical
experiment, and long experience.
107) Refer C.HERING, Uebersicht unserer
Arzneiprüfungen nach den Prüfern geordnet,
AHZ 31 (1846) pp. 22-30, 38-42
108) Bear in mind the absence of any computer
systems (as is today our fortune) to help
identify and correct such discrepancies.
109) How also can we explain the enormous
number of errors, both persistent and newly
added, in our modern works? Indeed, there are
so many and varied errors in these works, that
to even list them, would, in itself, be a
mammoth undertaking Ŕ no less so because
there is insufficient or no regard to proper
referencing and explanation as to precisely
how or why individual terms (symptom or
rubric entries) have been changed or added.
This serious negligence reflects poorly on our
professionřs capacity for (or interest in) proper
110) From BÖNNINGHAUSEN we read
(Three Precautionary Rules of Hahnemann,
NAHH 1844:1;1,69, in BLW 199)
Ŗ…the Materia Medica Pura ought to be not
only read but also studied; and only then when
the homeopath-to-be has faithfully and
persistently passed though this study he will be
able to find out in every case the suitable
remedy with certainty.
111) It must be pointed out that the very
structure of Hahnemannřs Pharmacographic
works presents the information in such a way
as to readily allow the combination of the
various symptoms (and their components).
The homeopath, in studying these works, must
apprehend and rejoin these fragments into a
cohesive comprehensible overview Ŕ this is
precisely the mechanism used in the clinical
situation, wherein the homeopath must
apprehend and rejoin the symptom fragments
of the patient for the sake of reaching a
(homeopathic) diagnosis. For this reason, the
study and re-study of Hahnemannřs
Pharmacography provides the best form of
training for the homeopath, as it reinforces the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 66
same mechanism required in the clinical
112) Within these works to which we constantly
refer even in our daily practice, we find
symptoms nowhere else to be found, and there
are many instances where pivotal symptoms
upon which a prescription was based, were
either removed in the newer compilations on
MM, or else their descriptions so truncated or
changed (not through their compilersř own
clinical experiences, but from their
Řcomprehensionsř at the desk) as to render
them inapplicable. We have learnt from many
such disappointments, over many years, that,
for remedies which appear in Hahnemannřs
Pharmacographic records, we trust that source
113) The suggestion that these old Provings are
no longer applicable to our modern diseases is
strongly refuted, not only by the results of their
application in the clinical setting, but also in
the knowledge that these Provings are a record
of basic expressions (symptoms) of disease
(i.e. not of Řdiseasesř themselves), and that
these basic symptoms may be re-combined in
any manner of ways to resemble an almost
infinite variety of Řdiseasesř, even in our
modern day.
114) No doubt our profession would be better
served if these works described double or triple
the number of remedies (if only
HAHNEMANN had lived another 80 or 100
years). However, the homeopath who seeks at
all times the most similar remedy shall not at
all be limited by this number, for there exist
other works of good (but not better) quality to
which they may readily refer.
115) We welcome any support by way of
resources, expertise, or skills, from those
within our profession keen to assist in this
[From The Homeopathic Recorder, June
The above quotation is from a remark made by
Dr. BOGER at one of our meetings and is borrowed
as a text for this paper. It was made in a discussion
of some aspect of acute prescribing, but has a
profound application to the homeopathic method
as a whole. Six years ago I was asked to prescribe
for the wife of a physician; she was in a grave
condition from Brightřs disease. Her case had been
worked up clinically by standard methods at the
hands of competent physicians. She presented the
following indications for homeopathic study:
A frontal headache in the morning on arising
from lying.
More or less constant fullness of the head, with
cold hands and cold, perspiring feet.
Hunger diminished.
A faint all-gone feeling at 11 a.m.
Craving for alcohol, salads and fruit.
More thirst than hunger.
Aggravation from eating fats.
General aggravation of all symptoms in the
General aggravation from heat and from the
Enlarged thyroid before her menses.
Her past history was: Typhoid fever eleven
years before. She had never been well since this.
Her treatment during Typhoid was cold baths with
no medication.
The following were the points that she could
remember of that illness:
The first symptoms were a severe ŖBronchial
coldŗ with a hard cough which caused a pain
through the upper right chest to the back.
With this was a severe frontal headache which
was worse from light and better from cold. She
remembers having this throughout the illness.
Great thirst.
Quiet delirium, in which she saw figures with
hideous faces in the corner of the room.
All of her symptoms were worse from four
ořclock in the morning on.
Although Sulphur appeared to be the suitable
remedy for the symptoms she had at the time that
she came to me, the symptoms that she had with the
Typhoid infection called for Bryonia. This was
given with immediate benefit and final cure and she
is today apparently in perfect health. Her husband
remarked that he had never seen a case worked out
just that way and said it ought to be published.
This was an application of the principle embodied
in the opening quotation. Her prodromal symptoms
were those which she had with Typhoid fever, from
which she had never recovered. It is not possible to
apply this principle to every chronic case, because
the beginnings are often buried so deep in the past
that they cannot be recalled and also, in many
cases, conditions develop without any obvious
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 67
symptoms. It is like many other principles in
Homeopathy. It applies only to the cases to which
it can be fitted.
Another case where this principle applied was
that of patient suffering from valvular heart disease
with failing compensation. This patient gave a
history of two attacks of acute Rheumatism and one
attack of Pneumonia. The history of each of these
attacks showed plain indications for Bryonia. Her
present symptoms were not particularly indicative
of Bryonia. She had been digitalized more or less
for a long time. Bryonia gave her marked relief and
restored her to comfortable state of health. One of
the best illustrations of this principle was related to
me by the late Dr. J.H. CARTER. A man had been
in the hands of the elder WESSELHOEFT of
Boston. One of his chief complaints was an
obstinate constipation. He went regularly to
WESSELHOEFT over a period of two years when,
because of change of business he moved to
Philadelphia. At his last visit, he asked for the
address of a physician in Philadelphia and
WESSELHOEFT told him to go to Dr. LIPPE.
The doctor then said to the patient, ŖI have never
been able to help you and I have often wondered
why you continued to come to me. Your case has
troubled me a great dealŗ. The man told him that
he had continued under his treatment because he
had confidence in him and that, although he had not
helped as regards his constipation, there was some
improvement in other ways and he was impressed
by the painstaking way in which his case had been
handled. At his first interview with Dr. LIPPE, the
doctor went into his past history and learned that,
many years before, he had Diphtheria from which
he nearly died and that, from that time, he had been
constipated. LIPPE told him that he had never been
cured of Diphtheria and, on the symptoms that the
patient could remember, he was given Lac. can. in
high potency. This brought about a speedy cure.
That there is a natural sequence of conditions
leading to any chronic state is not a new idea. This
appears occasionally in medical writings. Dr. J.T.
SIMONSON, several years ago, wrote a paper on
ŖResidual Conditionsŗ, showing how many troubles
of adult life have their beginnings in infancy. At
one of the meetings of the American Medical
Association, the thought was presented so neatly in
one of the papers that it attracted the attention of
the daily press. In this article it was stated that
every illness is a fatal one and the writer enlarged
upon this idea by showing how each illness in an
individualřs life leaves its effect and that the
culmination of the effects of all the patientřs
illnesses is the last illness. Thus, the first illness is
the prodromal factor of the last one. In cases where
the early indications cannot be obtained, the
remedy must be selected on the present symptoms.
If this is well selected and the patient improves,
older manifestations come back. If these are not
disturbed but are allowed to develop until a new
picture presents itself, a second prescription can be
made which carries the patient further back. It is in
working back that cases are often mixed up, for, if
the second remedy be not skillfully selected, the
symptoms become so modified as not to develop
the symptom-picture of older conditions. These
cases do not fully recover. If the record of such a
mixed-up patient be studied over a period of two or
three years, it will be found that, instead of the
symptoms disappearing after they have been
reproduced, they keep recurring at intervals and
there is only a slight headway made toward cure.
In malignant conditions, it is usually difficult
to obtain prodromal symptoms. However carefully
the case may be taken nothing can be obtained from
the past and frequently there is nothing in the
present symptoms that is positively indicative. The
reasons for this may be some unknown factors
having to do with the aetiology of Cancer.
The principle of the prodromal symptom in its
relation to the curative remedy was followed by
HAHNEMANN in his directions for prescribing for
epidemics. This was taught also by the late
Timothy Field ALLEN, who cited an epidemic of
Influenza where he and his son made a composite
picture of the first few cases and worked out the
remedy that best covered them. In such a workout
there will be one predominant remedy and a few
remedies which cover more or less well. When this
group of remedies had once been established, the
prodromal symptoms in the individual case show
which one of the group of remedies is required.
This is true eventhough the picture at the time is not
sufficiently complete to indicate the remedy. The
composite picture is the epidemic picture. During
the influenza epidemic of 1918-1919, some of the
most severe cases required Arsenic. The full
indications did not appear until the patients were
quite ill. These cases had a marked aversion to
food. In Arsenic in LIPPEřs Materia Medica,
appears the symptom Ŗcannot bear the thought of
foodŗ. In studying a few of the Arsenic cases it was
found that the first symptom was a sudden and
complete loss of appetite, where even the thought
of food was repugnant. In fact, when the patient
was asked about his appetite, his facial expression Ŕ
indicated his aversion to the thought of food. After
observing this prodromal symptom, much time was
saved and serious developments avoided, for all
conditions requiring Arsenic are serious. Another
symptom which appeared in that epidemic as a
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 68
prodromal indication was Ŗcircumscribed redness
of the cheeksŗ. In one epidemic this almost always
indicated Sulphur. At other times, it has been
indicative of Arsenic, or Phosphorus, or
Antimonium tart. or Sanguinaria. The rest of the
symptoms indicated which of this group was
required. The hectic flush simply called attention
to the remedies.
Broadly speaking, the Chronic miasms, Psora,
Syphilis and Sycosis, are the prodromal indications
for the remedy in many chronic cases. It is
unfortunate for our school that the late J.H. ALLEN
could not finish his writings on the indications of
these chronic miasms. In acute conditions, the
prodromal symptom applies to the first symptoms
which occur in the present illness and one must not
be diverted from the present need to too deep
investigation of the past conditions. In chronic
diseases, the prodromal symptom applies to all of
the former illnesses.
[From The Homeopathic Recorder, November
Tuberculinum is an old remedy and yet it is a
new remedy. It is comparatively old in point of
use, but still it is new because we have no adequate
provings; and it will remain new, or only partially
discovered, until such provings are made as will
reveal its inmost characteristics. It is true that we
have various fragmentary-very fragmentary-
provings, and quite an abundance of clinical
material to prove its worth, and it is upon these,
combined with some intuition and more or less
empiricism, that we have somewhat fearfully and
hesitatingly based our prescriptions. Therefore, it is
with a plea for a more complete provings of this
valuable remedy, as well as of our other nosodes,
that this paper is written.
Tuberculinum is one of the nosodes prepared
from the tissue or sputum of a tuberculous person.
Coming from such an origin it has been supposed to
pretty well represent Tuberculosis. And so it does,
in a causative factor in the human body.
Tuberculousis may have been the active, paramount
condition in the patient from whom the specimen
was taken, and from which specimen the medicine
was made, but obviously it must represent, not only
the Tuberculosis, but everything else that patient
had, all of the disease conditions, all of the buried
miasms that were a part of that patient. So that it is
not only possible, but highly probable, that the
nosode made from a tuberculous person carries the
result of one or more diseases or disease miasms in
addition to that of Tuberculosis. Undoubtedly the
nosodes are hydra- and octopus-armed; there is
always more to them than their names imply.
Vaccine is more than cow-pox, indeed, the term
includes something of Syphilis, of Gonorrhoea, of
Tuberculosis, or of other disease forms.
Now, taking as a fact the statement that any
nosode is ill described as to origin, by its name, and
the additional fact that no two nosodes, having
different sources of origin, can possibly be
identical, we are forced to the conclusion that the
use of indiscriminate preparations of any one of
these remedies should be frowned upon. To be
logical, each different preparation should be proved
and then used according to that proving. This we
have not been doing. Rather have we been
grouping the provings and clinical observations
from the use of a number of different preparations
of the so-called Tuberculinum, and then selecting
the one or the other according to fancy or notion,
which may account for some of our failures when
prescribing this remedy. This may not have been
true of the older homeopaths, as for instance Swan,
who prepared his own remedy from the pus
expelled from the lung of a man far gone with
consumption, made provings with that preparation,
and then clinically made use of it. BURNETT
prepared his remedy, which he called Bacillinum,
from the walls and adjoining tissue of a tuberculous
cavity. He apparently used it empirically and
experimentally at first, and later from his clinical
data. KENT prepared his Tuberculinum bovinum
from the tuberculous glands of cattle. He says in
his Lectures of Materia Medica, Ŗfrom observing
the effects of this preparation. I have been
gathering these notes in my interleaved HERINGřs
Guiding Symptoms, and they now guide me in the
use of Tuberculinumŗ. But he quotes largely from
BURNETTřs experience with Bacillinum, and also
from the Guiding Symptoms, where the article on
this remedy is largely made up of the experiences
of SWAN and BURNETT with their own
preparations. What is in a name! And how much
may a name blind us! We are apt to think of
tuberculosis per se, and there is no such thing.
Then we have Aviare made from the tuberculous
tissue of chicken. There are also Kochřs lymph and
several other foreign preparations, none of which is
frequently mentioned in homeopathic literature.
The late Dr. Samuel SWAN of New York, who
was the first to introduce Tuberculinum to the
homeopathic profession and to make a practical
use of it in its potentized form in the cure of
disease, was one of the remarkable medical men of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 69
his time. He was a daring experimenter in the field
of the high potencies of unusual drugs and energies.
He had vision beyond that of most men of his day,
and with the inevitable result that he became the
laughing stock of a large part of the medical
profession, even including some of his
homeopathic brethren. Human nature is ever the
same, and even a homeopath damns what he
cannot understand. If all the unthinking criticisms
of the medical truth, the adherents of Homeopathy
would not be today the rapidly decreasing minority
that we almost fear to number.
It was through his great success in tuberculous
cases that Dr. SWAN was led to formulate the
startling statement that Ŗmorbific products will cure
the disease that produced them, if given in the
highest potencies and to any but the one from
whom it was takenŗ. At once he was cursed with
the stigma of isopath, one who conformed to the
belief in ŖIDEM EODEM CURANTUREŗ or the
same cures the same. On the surface this appears
logical, but on closer examination it may be seen
that there cannot be such a state as ŖIDEMŗ when
using potentized medicines. If that formula means
anything it must be ŖSIMILIAŗ; the crude drug and
the potentized medicine are not the same, they
never can be the same, but they are similar. If they
could be the same in their relation to cure there
would be no need of potentized drugs.
This naturally leads to the question: What is
the difference between the crude drug and the
potentized medicine? Probably it differs in several
ways. HAHNEMANN speaks of the spirit-like
dynamis of the drug being liberated by
potentization and thus becoming more powerful to
overcome the similar disease. KENT taught that
potentization brought the plane of the remedy into a
plane more similar to that of the disease. No doubt
these statements are correct as far as they go, but
they are rather vague and of themselves need
explanation. I believe that one of the answers to
this question is polarity, magnetic polarity.
Everything has polarity, and apparently this polarity
is not always fixed, but may be changed by certain
agencies. Disease, for instance, changes polarity in
the field of medicine. Suppose we take a specimen
of tuberculous sputa and potentize. The 1x, 2x and
3x potencies above will remain positive like the
original substance, but the x and all potencies above
will have a negative polarity. Therein lies a
difference. The crude drug and its higher potencies
are as far apart as the poles, and we know how far
that is in the case of our Magnet pol. aust and
Magnet pol. arct.
The so-called inimicals are always of opposite
polarity. This may or may not explain their
inimical relations.
When you have selected a remedy for your
patient, if it is the most similar remedy and in
potentized form, that is, above the 3x, it will always
be of an opposite polarity from that of the patient,
but immediately upon administering this remedy
the polarity of the patient will change to that of the
remedy given, and it will then remain unchanged as
long as that remedy continues to act curatively.
This, to my mind, is a substantial proof of
HAHNEMANNřs contention that the curative
power of medicines depends upon their symptoms
being similar to those of the disease but superior to
it in strength. This also may be used to definitely
determine the length of action of your remedy in
the particular case.
Again, polarity may help to solve the potency
question in certain instances. It is a well-known
fact that at times a high potency of the well
indicated remedy will not act curatively, while a
very low potency of the same remedy, or even the
crude drug, will give surprisingly good results.
Why is this so? May it not be a matter of polarity?
Recently, in the case of a lady of 70 years, the
symptoms were convincingly Cina, in fact so much
so, that I gave it in the 200
potency, in spite of the
fact that it was wrong as to polarity. There was no
action observable following its administration. I
then gave Cina 2x with prompt removal of all
symptoms from my patient.
Personally, I have used SWANřs BURNETTřs
and KENTřs preparations of this remedy; also the
Aviare. Several clinicians have attempted to show
the sphere of action of these different tuberculins,
but their generalizations have been vague for the
most part. Used empirically, and we all do this at
times, one may be as good a guess as another, but
used homeopathically each should be prescribed
on its own proven symptoms.
The literature on the Tuberculinum shows a
vast amount of empirical prescribing, with some
very remarkable cures, as instanced in BURNETTřs
work on consumption, and also in that of Ghose of
Calcutta on Pneumonia. He reported nine cases
cured with Tuberculinum 200. He does not say
what preparation was used, but as the East Indians
procure most of their medicines from Boericke &
Tafel I presume it was the Tuberculinum bovinum.
He gives the following characteristic symptoms for
its use in Pneumonia: ŖOppression of the breathing
and muco-purulent, viscid or rust colored
expectoration. Difficulty in breathing, resulting
from bronchial and pulmonary obstruction
produced by a super-abudant secretion from the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 70
mucous membraneŗ. All of which, to my mind,
means nothing of value in selecting the remedy
outside the pathology of the case. But his results
are attractive. Nine cases of Pneumonia cured, and
most of them desperate. It is something to think
In 1905 Yingling stated: ŖIn Pneumonia the
first remedy I think of is Bacillinum, unless there is
plain indication for another. Most cases are
convalescent in less than a weekŗ. Here is more
empiricism, but excellent results. This leads me to
ask: When does empiricism cease to be empiricism
and become homeopathic indication?
I have never used the tuberculins in the active
stage of Pneumonia; I suppose because I havenřt
known their indications, but have used them after
the active stage with much gratification,
particularly where there was a little tubercular flare
up, just enough to show the soil upon which the
Pneumonia throw; and more particularly in those
cases where the pneumonic process was early
arrested, but leaving the patient with a dry,
irritating cough with a little clear blood in the
sputum, and sharp, sticking pains in the affected
part; and in those cases that, several days after the
lung fever had subsided, began to run a degree of
fever for a few hours each day, with much
exhaustion and irritability, deep seated headache,
cough with little or no expectoration, and a desire
to lie quietly on the back because of the undue
sensitiveness of the affected side.
In tuberculosis, that is, active tuberculosis, my
pronounced successes have mostly been in those
cases with a definite lung cavity and a decided
tendency to bright red haemorrhage. Years ago a
Florida cracker came to me with a history of
frequent bleeding from the lungs, and with a cavity
in the right lung that seemed big enough to hold a
goose egg. He was long, lean, yellow, and full of
Malaria, quinine and Spanish arguidente. Those are
all the symptoms that I remember, and I donřt know
why I gave him Tuberculinum CM (SWAN).
Perhaps it was a last hope impressed upon me by an
all-wise Providence. But whatever the prompting,
the remedy worked; that was the last of his
haemorrhage until shortly before his death years
afterwards. During the two or three years following
my first interview with him he received a few more
doses of the Tuberculinum CM (SWAN) although
long before the three years were spent the cavity in
his lung had healed and his cough was gone. But
his T.B. was not cured. He died some ten years
later of a rapid consumption following quickly after
a neglected Pneumonia. Nevertheless the
Tuberculinum had done good work for him.
A lady of 65 had a profuse and long-lasting
haemorrhage from the lung. Ipecac was given and
controlled the bleeding. A history was then
obtained of cough with white, frothy expectoration,
occasionally tinged with blood, and dating back
several years to an attack of flu. She was better by
quiet and lying down. Chilliness yet craved the
open air. Mild, quiet disposition. Tuberculinum
CM (SWAN), followed later by a higher potency,
stopped all evidence of haemorrhages and cough.
She seems very well today, but I believe there is
still a latent T.B. that may flare up again.
Some three years ago I was called to a Russian
musician who was spitting up mouthfuls of frothy
blood. He thought that he had strained himself
while practicing some gymnastic stunts. He was
given Arn. and then Rhus without any great
benefit. I then obtained a history of other
haemorrhages a slight hacking cough with little or
no expectoration. Exertion causes sharp pains in
left chest; worse on lying in any position except on
the back; mentally much depressed but easily
excited; chilly but wants the open air. Bacillinum
12x was given every 24 hours for three days, then
every third day for two weeks. The result was
excellent. He seems well and his cough has gone,
nor has there been any further bleeding from his
lung. I do not believe that he is cured, but he
refuses further treatment.
Now I will detail a case that shows very poor
judgment on my part, but it brings out some
interesting facts.
A lady of forty, mother of four children. Of
medium height and build and having brown hair
and blue eyes, consulted me some years previously
for pain beneath the right breast which was
overcome with Phyt. She now gave the following
symptoms: Crushing, burning pain as if the parts
were in a vise, starting beneath right breast and
going through to back. Pain always started at 1
a.m. and lasted until a.m. Pain came gradually and
left gradually. At the height of the seizure she was
in great agony and walked the floor with her body
bent forward, moaning with the pain. Sometimes
when the pain was at its worst she was forced to
run. At times external heat relieved somewhat and
at others she wanted cold. She could not bear to
touch during the paroxysm and often was very
snappy and uncivil. Phyt. relieved for one day
only. Then Kali bi., Kali carb., Cham., Cina and
Ars. were given, each as best seemed indicated.
Each relieved once and once only, some for 24
hours, none for more than 48 hours. Cham.
relieved almost at once, the others slowly much as
Morphine does. Higher and lower potencies were
given, but without apparent results. The medicines
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 71
were used both during and between the attacks, but
the results were nil. Ced. and Coloc. were given
without changing the general character of the case.
Then gradually the pain began to move toward the
heart, that is, its starting point moved toward the
heart, a little nearer each day, until the seizures
began at the heart region, but the general character
of the pain remained the same, and the time
element did not change. The heart itself seemed in
no way affected by the paroxysms, but Lach., Naja,
Latrodectus mact. and Aran.each gave the patient
one gasp of relief and then died. What was wrong?
Why did my remedies expire after one effort?
Evidently the patientřs acute symptoms were
blinding me to something of greater import. I
retook the case, and found besides the symptoms
already enumerated, swollen glands under and
about left clavicle; changing, shifting symptoms;
marked periodicity; icy cold feet; scant menses with
painful swelling of the breasts during the period;
craves the open air though chilly; obstinate
constipation for years; as soon as she gets over one
illness another takes its place. After careful study I
gave her Tub. bov. 200, about one dose a week, and
later the 10M of the same remedy, which not only
mitigated the paroxysms of pain but bettered the
general health of the patient. Likewise, before the
paroxysms had entirely ceased the location of the
pain had reversed itself, traveling back to its
original location beneath the right breast.
Twice, in different patients, I have noticed the
following symptom after one dose of Tuberculinum
CM (SWAN): Cold, clammy sweat at night during
Recently a lady wrote me from a distance,
giving these symptoms: Thinks she has Malaria in
her system; deadly sleepy most of the time, and so
very tired; bowels loose for three weeks; every
other day chilliness and the next day fever; profuse
sweat of head and neck, (Chronic symptom). Tub.
Two weeks later she came to my office, saying
that two days after the medicine the symptoms were
all relieved, and soon entirely gone. But she had
developed a slight hacking cough in the morning
each day for about ten minutes. The cough makes
her head feel as if it would fly in pieces; must hold
head with hands for relief. These symptoms came
every day after the Tub. was given. Were these
symptoms of the remedy? I believe they were.
I shall now give a few symptoms that have
seemed to me characteristic, but whether they
belong to all of the preparations or not I cannot
vouch. Lack of reaction after acute diseases,
especially those of the chest. Feeble vitality, the
well-selected remedy does not hold; it relieves for a
short time and then fails. Rapid emaciation, with
few or no other symptoms. Tendency to take cold;
one cold after another. Changing, shifting ailments;
as soon as he gets over one trouble another appears;
always developing something new. Marked
periodicity of the symptoms. Suffocating in a
warm room; craves the open air though chilly;
wants to be out with the wind blowing upon him; it
seems as if he could not get enough fresh air.
In the mental sphere there is timidity, as
expressed by the fear of dogs. This I have several
times verified. Obstinacy, irritability, despondency,
hopelessness; she knows that she canřt be cured,
and there is no use to take any further medicine.
Deep-seated headaches, periodical headaches,
headaches with a sensation of a band about the
head. Sick headaches that come at definite
General relaxation. Sensation as if the stomach
had no support; as if the genitals had no support.
Strawberry tongue.
Diarrhoea, profuse, watery, offensive, with
abdominal pain which is relieved at stool. Rapid
emaciation with offensive diarrhoea.
Hard, dry, shaking cough; cough with
expectoration of yellow or greenish-yellow sputum;
great rattling in the chest with inability to raise and
expectorate; no expulsive force to the cough; cough
worse lying in any position expect the back.
Haemorrhage from lung cavities.
Chilliness across the back beneath the
scapulae. Attacks begin with a shuddering like a
chill. Feet icy cold.
Complaints that come on as a result of damp or
wet. Complaints that make us think of Rhus in
every respect except that they are made worse from
heat; he is driven out of bed to walk the floor; he
canřt remain quiet. Complaints that have
symptoms that are always changing from place to
place like Puls.
It is said that only tubercular people are
susceptible to Rhus poisoning, and that
Tuberculinum will remove that susceptibility. This
is worth keeping in mind. We all know that Rhus
tox. or Rhus rad.acts favorably in a large number
of the ivy poisonings that we see. But why not in
all? The tubercular taint may be the answer. My
own thought has been that the Rhus disease was so
changed or altered by an already existing and more
powerful miasms that the potency of Rhus was no
longer similar.
Aviare, made from the tuberculous tissue of the
chicken, has developed no symptoms known to me
that differ widely from those of the other
tuberculins, save the following: Asthma with an
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 72
intolerance of chicken or eggs. Even the odor of a
chicken being cooked would bring on an attack.
Another remedy, that in the future may found
to be closely allied to the tuberculins, is the Indian
cockroach in Asthma or Blatta orientalis. It has
been used considerably in Asthma and in
Tuberculosis. The lower class East Indians are
noted for their filth, tuberculosis and gonorrhoea;
and the cockroach is noted scavenger. They will
attack filth of any kind, and human discharges are
no exception. They will even peel the skin off the
toes at night if those members are left uncovered.
What is more likely than that they should be
carriers of tuberculosis as well as of other things.
This remedy should be proved. We can do very
little with a remedy without provings. It should be
an axiom of all homeopaths to prove remedies as
well as other things, for then only can we see them
from the inside.
[from The Homeopathic Recorder, June 15,
Bryonia is a great developer.
In many cases, Borax should be given instead
of Belladonna.
When there is a great desire for apples give
Nine cases out of ten of nose bleeding will be
cured by Millefolium.
In any haemorrhage, where there is no peculiar
symptoms indicating another remedy, give
In paralysis, think of Opium and Plumbum.
Belladonna does not bear repetition. It would
easily kill a patient repeated in very high potency.
Phosphorus has an aggravation thirty-six hours
after it is taken. No matter what its potency if it is
the right remedy there will be an aggravation.
Badiaga fresh water Sponge Ŕ has for
characteristic symptom very difficult expulsion of
phlegm; so difficult that when finally dislodged by
cough it flies from the mouth with great force.
If you have a patient very low with Phthisis do
not give Arsenicum or Phosphorus in very high
potency unless you wish him to die.
In the fluctuations of remedies Lachesis repeats
its symptoms in fifteen days, Kali phos. in two
Natrum sulph. has bad taste in mouth, slimy
Nux vomica is not a long acting stomach
remedy, but does act for a long time on the nervous
If, after taking a remedy there is itching of
soles of feet, it is good indication.
Usually disease leaves by an eruption or
discharge from mucous membrane.
Remember, after an operation, even the
slightest, the element of shock must be included in
the totality of symptoms.
If a child is croupous, give him one or two
doses of Phosphorus in medium potency Ŕ say
40M. Ŕ in the autumn and it will prevent attacks of
croup during the winter.
If a patient has Rheumatism, prognosis is
favorable if it begins in body and changes to arms,
legs or feet, but if it begins in hands or feet and
goes to body it is very serious. Disease leaves the
body through the hands and feet.
In acute conditions never give more than three
doses of a remedy in the same potency.
If patient is much better or worse after any one
dose do not repeat. Later it may be necessary to
repeat the remedy in a higher potency.
In prescribing I have found no better guide
than paragraph 129 of the Organon (Translated
from the original edition of 1810, by C.E.
WHEELER, M.D., London: Dent. 1913). (This
paragraph is the same which has been numbered as
153, in the fifth editions and later edition. Ŕ Editor.)
In his lectures on Hepar sulph. in a Clinical
Materia Medica, Dr. FARRINGTON said: ŖIf
suppuration occurs as the result of inflammation we
have Hepar indicated and exercising a double
function. If you give it in a high potency when the
throbbing, stabbing pains in the affected part and
the general vigor show the onset of inflammation, it
may prevent the whole trouble. In other cases you
see that suppuration is necessary and you wish to
hasten the process. Then you give Hepar as CM.
will cause suppuration.
5. An Interview with Ralph TWENTYMAN
HAVELOCK-DAVIES John (AH. 8, 2002)
The private gravel road leads up a slight rise
framed by well-clipped hedges, the height of a man.
Cherry trees and laurels stand close about the house
and on the front lawn, a Japanese maple shows the
first signs of that autumn fire festival that will see
its leaves turn from green to deepest red and
fiercest orange. The study is on the north side of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 73
the house and the afternoon light has the clear
steady quality prized by painters. There are no
shadows among the books in this quiet, unhurried
room. Between us three late roses in a glass vase
unfurl thick and glossy petals.
Dr. Ralph TWENTYMAN is 87 and, ŖYes, in
excellent health, thank you.ŗ Tall, scholarly,
erudite, his knowledge is lightly worn, underpinned
by a dry and incisive wit that at times spills over in
a shout of almost boyish laughter. It is clear he has
a deep and enduring delight in the power of thought
and the poetry of vigorous expression. Not just the
idea, a flat and two-dimensional creature of little
substance, but the idea as living thought, conjured
from air and brought to sudden and muscular life.
And as we talked, I became aware that this was
someone whose depth of insight and experience
charted one of the major intellectual developments
of the 20
century: the restatement of a concept of
humanity that sought to heal the Cartesian
separation of mind and body. This was a
movement of many facets, ranging on the one hand
from the exploration of the unconscious and the
formation of theories of psychosomatic disease, to
an increasing interest in mythology and spiritual
practice on the other. From FREUD and
GRODDECK, JUNG and STEINER, there is an
unbroken line of descent to WHITMONT and
TWENTYMAN. This was more than casual
conversation; it was a moment of rare but special
privilege, the sharing of a lifetimeřs wisdom.
On retirement in 1979, TWENTYMAN was
consultant physician at the Royal London
Homeopathic Hospital and had been editor of
British Homeopathic Journal (BHJ) for 21 years.
Apart from homeopathy, another major influence
was Anthroposophy. Rudolf STEINERřS Řspiritual
scienceř has had an enduring, and still continuing,
effect on TWENTYMANřS life, thought and
career. Indeed the tenets of anthroposophical
medicine have a central place in his assessment of
the nature of man, and thus of health and disease.
During his time as editor of BHJ,
TWENTYMAN was influential in reprinting essays
by Edward WHITMONT but also many articles by
doctors and others influenced by Steiner and
Anthroposophy. WHITMONT was taught
homoeopathy by Elizabeth Wright HUBBARD,
who was in turn a pupil of Emil SCHLEGEL. The
latter was a long-standing friend of STEINER.
HUBBARD indeed was told that STEINER learned
his homoeopathy from SCHLEGEL, a fact she later
passed on to Twentyman.
In his essay on Phosphor in Psyche And
Substance, WHITMONT refers directly to
STEINERřs anthroposophical system but the
parallels and overlaps between Anthroposophy,
Homeopathy and the Jungian theory of archetypes
are more complex than this casual reference makes
apparent. And although anthroposophical medicine
and homeopathy are inextricably linked, there are
substantial and important differences between the
two disciplines.
TWENTYMAN became discontented with his
medical education while still an undergraduate at
Cambridge. ŖI didnřt really see how I could
continue with it. It was so utterly materialistic and
dead. Hours a week spent dissecting corpses,
physiology based on twitching nervers in a dead
frogřs leg, I was really rather in despair.ŗ
He was rescued by reading of a book by the
German physician George GRODDECK in The
Listener, a now defunct but once influential BBC
(British Broadcastind Corporation) publication.
GRODDECK, an associate of Sigmund FREUD, is
often credited with being the founder of
psychosomatic medicine. His achievement, to use
GRODDECKřs own words, was Ŗthe introduction
of a knowledge of the unconscious into the
treatment of all patients, and particularly those
patients who suffer from organic illness.ŗ
GRODDECK was also responsible for
introducing the term, Řthe Itř into psychoanalysis.
The term was adopted by FREUD and according to
TWENTYMAN, perverted by him. Certainly, in
terms of GRODDECKřs original definition, the ŘItř
was far reaching in its scope than FREUDřs
concept of the unconscious.
In his essay, ŖOn the I(1925) GRODDECK
writes that he has no answers as to the nature of the
It, only that he has some clues. ŖFrom the human
semen and the ovum a human being is made, not a
dog or a bird; there exists an It which enforces the
making of a human being and builds up the human
body and the human soul. This It supplies its
creature the personality and ego of a human being
with nose, mouth, muscles, bones, brains, makes
these organs functional, activates them even before
birth and causes the developing human being to act
purposefully before his brains are fully ready,ŗ
Every human expression of life, GRODDECK says,
ŖBe it physical or mental, of health or ill health,
thought, action or vegetative function, can be traced
back to the It.ŗ
GRODDECKřs views changed
TWENTYMANřs perspective. ŖI suddenly felt
medicine was a possible subject.ŗ Shortly after this
he became a member of the New Europe Group in
Longon. ŖThey knew GRODDECK among many
other people in the world of psychology.ŗ But
unfortunately GRODDECK died in Switzerland in
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 74
1934, shortly before TWENTYMAN was due to
meet him.
However, through the New London Group,
TWENTYMAN was introduced to a number of
homeopathic doctors. ŖMembership of the group
was utterly personal and inter-personal. Certainly
the people I met within it were the outstanding and
most important influence in my life. They
introduced me to STEINER, and to a wider view of
European culture.ŗ
After qualifying at Cambridge,
TWENTYMAN went on to work at University
College Hospital, London, as a house physician,
casualty medical officer and medical registrar. At
this point the war intervened and he became Ŕ Ŗat
far too tender an age with not nearly enough
experience to justify itŗ Ŕ the medical specialist for
the Iraq Persian Gulf command of the Royal Air
After the war he realized that he did not like
the way medicine was developing. ŖSo I took a trip
along to the homeopathic hospital and, after
looking round and so on, enrolled in their courseŗ
and after passing the Faculty of Homeopathy
examinations he was appointed to the hospital staff.
ŖThis was shortly before the National Health
Service (NHS) was introduced. But they couldnřt
then take me on so I spent the rest of my life on the
staff of the homeopathic hospital.ŗ
Anthroposophy has a distinct and particular
view of the achievements of modern science.
STEINER and his co-author Ita WEGMAN make
clear in the opening pages of their book
Fundamentals of Therapy that there is no
question of opposition to the medicine that works
with recognized scientific methods.
individual contribution was to outline a series of
techniques that he believed allowed the spiritual
aspects of manřs nature to be systematically
studied. While recognizing the achievements of
natural science he sought to go beyond the laws of
materialism using the techniques of focused
thought described in his book Knowledge of the
Higher Worlds and its Attainment, An Outline
of Occult Science. Anthroposophy, or spiritual
science, sees humans as beings of body, soul and
spirit. Anthroposophical medicine developed once
doctors recognized that, if accepted, STEINERřs
extended physiology had remarkable implications
for medical treatment.
TWENTYMAN says: ŖSTEINER insisted that
one can develop oneřs consciousness out of the
abstract intellectualism of today. This was an
essential staging point in our human development;
until we reached this wide-awake intellectual
consciousness, we could not become in any real
sense free. We needed this abstract intellectualism.
But it has reached the point where to go will lead to
increasing pessimism. Thereřs no meaning or
purpose in the universe.ŗ
ŖSTEINER maintained that by hard discipline,
one can develop in the first stage, like GOETHE,
the imaginative seeing of the ruling real ŘIdeasř as
opposed to mere abstract images. GOETHE, the
German poet-scientist, was a contemporary of
Hahnemann. His methods were very different from
those of todayřs orthodox science, although there is
now increasing interest in them in universities in
some parts of the world. In a sense, STEINER was
the development of the Goethe an method for the
as opposed to the 19
ŖTwo of the many fields with which GOETHE
dealt were plants and colors. He developed a
faculty of seeing, with an inner eye, the real ŘIdeař
of the plant, not a logical definition of a plant but
the real ŘIdeař in a more Platonic sense. This is the
formative force which makes the plant develop in
the way that it does, a concept, of course, far
removed from the one scientists have reached.ŗ
ŖGOETHE developed his perception, which
must always have been highly developed, until after
spending decades observing plants, he could
imaginatively see this ŘIdealř plant, which
manifests in the different plant realms during the
growth of the single plant and the different species
of plants.ŗ
ŖAmong the great themes that are involved in
his work is the notion of polarity. In color
particularly he showed how Newtonřs idea that
colors are to be derived from the light is not true. If
you look at a white wall meets a frontier and comes
up against darkness. Where the light and the dark
adjoin, there the prism reveals colors. So
GOETHEřs notion was that colors arise through the
battle between light and darkness, not just out of
the light itself.ŗ
ŖThroughout his work, and the work of any
Goethe an approach, the notion of polarity is
essential. So in the human being you have the
polarity of the head and the belly, or the
nerves/senses as against the metabolism and the
lungs with an inter-mediating realm in the rhythms
of the heart and lungs. Man even in the simplest
portrayal is threefold: a head, a belly and a chest.
ŖAnd the same with the soul, the soul plays
between love and hate, or between fear and shame,
and canřt be derived out of a single but out of an
interplay. Fear and shame arise in the battle
between love and hate, and all the other emotions
can be classified in between. Then one can relate
fear more to the head pole and to thinking, and
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 75
shame more to the belly pole. And you get that the
soul is not just related to the brain.ŗ
In his paper, ŖDisease as Metamorphosisŗ.
TWENTYMAN related these ideas to JUNGřs
concept of the archetype. GOETHEřs aim, he said,
was to discover the essence of Řplantnessř and to
grasp this idea, the concept of the plant, in such a
vital and imaginative way that he could really
behold it, not as a verbal abstraction but as a living,
dynamic creative archetype. Similarly in order to
systematize comparative anatomy, GOETHE
proposed an Řanatomical typus,ř a basic archetypal
animal in which the shapes of all animals would be
contained as potentialities.
In Psyche and Substance, WHITMONT
suggested HAHNEMANN used the same method
in comparing the symptoms common to most of the
provers with those of the most similar diseases. It
was out of these common or similar qualities that
HAHNEMANN fashioned the abstraction of the
Řtotalityř of a drug picture. This was an archetypal
image, in terms of GOETHEřs postulate, since no
single prover or patient could actually exhibit all
the predicted characteristic symptoms of a drug
totality. Every actual case presents a rudimentary
and varied aspect of the conceptual totality.
TWENTYMAN says STEINER portrayed
further stages in the development of consciousness:
inspiration and intuition. ŖBut the first step is
definitely to follow with GOETHE into
imagination, which is a sort of higher hearing
where you make yourself inwardly empty. Then
into that total inner emptiness something from
outside can enter.ŗ
ŖBut it is very difficult to empty oneřs
consciousness. It happens every night, but then we
go to sleep. If one could stay awake in the state in
which one comes into sleep, then one would know
a lot more than one does when one is awake. Many
inventions and many saving ideas have come to
people when they have slept on it. But STEINERřs
point is how to develop in the future so that what
comes in the sleep consciousness unconsciously
can be achieved in full consciousness. But itřs no
boyřs job!
ŖWith intuition, if one ever achieved it, one
would be able to experience another real
individuality in oneřs self as oneřs self, which
means you have got to totally overcome your own
However, current scientific paradigms,
TWENTYMAN says, still divide man into body
and soul, as though these two aspects of human
existence have no connection. ŖScientific medicine
is only concerned with what I call the corpse of the
body, the structural biochemical corpse. The human
being is reduced to a mere observer. This seems to
me to reduce medicine to garage mechanics, which
it is very good at and when one needs surgery, its
expertise is superb. But as a real help for the
increasing psychological problems in medicine it is
almost useless. It merely wants to do chemical
surgery on the brain.ŗ Indeed he feels that
contemporary homeopathyřs efforts to be seen as
scientifically and academically respectable is in
itself Ŗa bad thing.ŗ Homeopathy, he says, simply
does not belong to the dying tradition of academic
TWENTYMANřs view of the often complex
relationship between Anthroposophy, Homeopathy,
Modern Psychology and orthodox modern medicine
is explored in depth in his book The Science and
Art of Healing (1989). Here he wrote that the
significance of HAHNEMANNřs contribution
becomes clear when homeopathy is understood as
the beginning of a bridge over the great divide
opened by the Cartesian guillotine. ŖThe absolute
split between the objective body and the merely
subjective soul, which finds expression in a one-
sided mechanistic medicine and equally one-sided
psychodynamics, begins to find a solution in the
idea of the spectrum of disease.
ŖThe essentials…of HAHNEMANNřs method
are first the observation of disease on the human
scale and the resolute avoidance of reductionism.
Disease is not primarily a disorder of molecules, or
cells or any other abstraction. Disease has meaning
as a human phenomenon on the human scale.
Secondly we notice that there are local or bodily
and mental symptoms in all cases though, as
HAHNEMANN most importantly emphasized,
there is a spectrum of illness. Thirdly, healing must
involve a change in consciousness as well as a
change in somatic symptoms. Something be
allowed to sink into forgetfulness, which is
Řsticking in the gulletř…ŗ
ŖWe have therefore a trinity of medical
approaches. The basic mechanistic study of
structures of the body, then the exclusively
subjective psychological interpretation, which can
explain all illness as purposive, albeit unconscious,
and the third, the homeopathic, which potentially
mediates between them.ŗ
ŖAt present these three cannot communicate
with each other. There is no common concept or
image of man shared between them; for science,
man is at best an animal, but ultimately a heap of
molecules; for psychology, man is a battlegroumd
of instinctive impulses and moral sanctions, in
which the role of the organs is almost disregarded.
Homeopathy lacks any conception of the relations
between man and nature. It is my contention that
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 76
the stream of anthroposophical medicine could be
the mediator between the three, fertilizing each
approach and enriching itself in the process. The
trinity must become a triunity.ŗ
TWENTYMAN also argued that the main
hindrance to the wider acceptance of Homeopathy
was HAHNEMANNřs prohibition against the
investigation of the inner workings of the human
organism and his denial of the possibility of
worthwhile medicinal knowledge being derived
from theobservation and study of plants, animals
and minerals in nature.
Taking up this theme during the interview,
more or less says that itřs quite useless to look into
processes in the human organism; you have got to
keep limited to the symptoms. And itřs useless to
follow natural science into the exploration of the
way plants grow, for example; youřve got to see
entirely what turns up in the proving. This cut
homeopathy off from any real relationship with the
development of science. In HAHNEMANNŗs time
this was understandable and he, I think, grasped the
nature of illness, very much in the way GOETHE
did his plants. But he was not able, anymore than
GOETHE was, to take it further.
ŖThere is a difference between the ancient
Greek idea of the similar and HAHNEMANNřs. In
the Greek time nature was still much more Řlivingř
than it is today and the Řlivingnessř of the human
organism was much more vital than it is today. We
have become ex-sanguinated people. You only have
to look at photographs!ŗ
ŖSo HIPPOCRATES and company could say,
if you get diarrhea, its because your healing force
wants to expel some nasty food you ate and cure
you. The diarrhea is natureřs healing force so work
with it, not against it. The diarrhea is natureřs
healing force so work with it, not against it. For
them the symptoms were the image of natureřs
healing activity. Now HAHNEMANN does not say
that at all. He says the disease comes to expression
in the symptoms Ŕ the disease, not the healing
force. Nature, he says, is not very clever at healing.
It needs a good doctor like me, Sammy
HAHNEMANN, to carry through what were
perhaps the good intentions of nature. So these are
in a sense opposite notions of the similar. But
essentially all you need to grasp is that the
symptom picture is the remedy.ŗ
TWENTYMANřs view of the basic findings of
contemporary science is broadly similar to that of
STEINER and WEGMAN. He says that while
Anthroposophy does not accept all the
materialistically exaggerated theories of present day
science, it does admire the effort and work that has
gone into its discoveries. ŖMany of these are
indisputably real. One has to take all this very
seriously and canřt just dismiss it.ŗ However, from
the scientific perspective, he says, the biggest
problem for Homeopathy historically has always
been the question of potencies.
In The Science and Art of Healing,
TWENTYMAN wrote that there is plenty of
experiential evidence that Ŗpotencies beyond the
range of dilution which would include a single
molecule of the original active substanceŗ can
produce demonstrable results. However, orthodox
scientists are likely to continue to show no interest
Ŗuntil they can form intellectual conceptual
frameworks, which render potency effects
understandable…HAHNEMANNřs thought,
together with that of many of his contemporaries
was essentially vitalistic… and he also spoke of the
problematic potencies, based on serial dilution and
succession, as having dynamic or quasi-spiritual
effects of influences.ŗ
This is an area in which
TWENTYMAN feels Řspiritual scienceř can supply
part of the missing intellectual framework.
ŖThe anthroposophists drew attention to the
projective or synthetic geometry, developed in the
century. Euclidean geometry, to which most
people are still wedded, is only one extreme of the
various Řgeometriesř that emerge from projective
ŖIts great idea is the polarity of the point and
the plane. The point is the infinitely contracted. If
you take a sphere and contract it, eventually it
becomes a mere point. The whole of Euclidean
geometry is derived from such points. But if you
take that same sphere and expand it, the curvature
gets less and less. When the sphere becomes
infinite, the curvature becomes nil. Thus the
infinitely contracted sphere, a plane.
ŖSo it is possible to make all the forms that you
can construct in Euclidean geometry out of planes,
rather than points. One can see it in a room. If you
take two planes they intersect in a line. If you take
two points, there is only one line that will go
through them. So two points will create a line but
two planes also create a line. Three planes Ŕ the
ceiling and the two adjoining walls Ŕ will create a
point and three points will create a plane. Thus
everything in Euclidean geometry can be
understood in terms of planar geometry.
ŖA man called George ADAMS showed how
the forms of plants as they grow work in this planar
geometry, not in Euclidean geometry. So to reach
the living world, you donřt need to stick to
Euclidean geometry, which comes to points, atoms
and molecules. You come into the realm of the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 77
ŖAnthroposophical thinking has always taken
planar geometry very seriously. You see, you can
portray the development of matter as a process of
gradual condensation from the infinite sphere of the
heavens to the infinitely contracted atom. But you
can take it from the point and expand it again in
your potentizing and bring it back to the Ideal, to
the spiritual forming realitiy of it. But neither the
scientists, nor most homeopaths, are prepared to
think differently from what they were taught at
school and think they know.ŗ
However, although Homeopathy and
anthroposophical medicine share much in terms of
Materia Medica and the use of potentization, this
should not be allowed to obscure some very real
differences of emphasis.
In STEINERřs view the necessary relationship
between disease and cure is ill-defined in
Homeopathy. Precise indications for the
appropriate remedy are lacking. In the last of his
lectures to the medical profession, he said: ŖI must
ask you to forgive me, if I point out that a scrutiny
of homeopathic medicine does not always furnish
satisfactory results. True, Homeopathy attempts to
handle the human being as a whole: it forms a
comprehensive picture of all the symptoms and
attempts to build a bridge to therapy. But the
professional literature of homeopathy brings to
light something else calling for comment. At first
glance one is almost in despair for, especially in the
therapeutic literature, we find the remedies
enumerated one after another, and each
recommended for an entire legion of illnesses. It is
never very easy to discover specific indications
from the literature for everything is beneficial for
so much!ŗ
To rectify this problem STEINER argued
that the choice of remedy should be based on an
understanding of pathological process from the
unique perspective of anthroposophical physiology.
Central to this view of the human organism are the
three autonomous, yet interacting and
interpenetrating, organ sytems of the head, chest
and belly, described by TWENTYMAN. Over-
activity of the belly or metabolic pole results in
fever, delirium and inflammatory illness. Excessive
activity of the nerve/sense or head pole causes
coldness, exhaustion and degenerative illness.
The maintenance of health is very much a
matter of keeping the head and belly processes in
the equilibrium. As the rhythmic system of the
heart and lungs, centered in the chest, is very much
involved in maintaining this equilibrium, it has a
special role in healing.
The three systems of the head, chest and belly
constitute the physical body, the weighable and
measurable matter of the organism. However,
STEINER maintained there were three further
components of the human organism: the etheric
body or life element provides a kind of template
that guides the cells as they reproduce and
differentiate. It is particularly active during the
embryonic stage and in the process of nutrition. The
generative quality of the etheric body is
dramatically expressed in plants, which transform
water and carbon dioxide, in the presence of
sunlight, into the sugars that are the basis of life.
In less differentiated tissues, such as the
metabolic and nutritive organs, the creative
potential of the etheric body remains available for
growth and regeneration. But in highly
differentiated tissue, such as the nervous system,
the capacity for regeneration is limited and etheric
forces are released to serve the higher function of
Consciousness is the quality that seperates
human and animal life from that of plants. Humans
and animals are further distinguisehed from plants
by the possession of internal organs within enclosed
body cavities. STEINER considered these attributes
were due to the astral body or soul. While the
etheric body is primarily involved in building up
the physical body and keeping it healthy, the astral
body has a catabolic or destructive effect, which in
itself creates a tendency towards illness. This is due
to fact that consciousness is bought at the cost of
breaking down or Řburningř physical matter, mainly
in the form of glucose.
In general terms, it is possible to say that the
higher the metabolic rate required to support
consciousness, the greater the complexity of the
nervous, metabolic and circulatory systems. In
order to effect the necessary degree of
development, the astral body works in harmony
with the etheric body. However, even this involves
a polarity of action. For example, etheric processes
produce a limb with a hand Řbudř of solid tissue. An
astral process then intervenes producing enzymes,
which break down or Řdigestř tissue to create the
spaces between the fingers.
The fourth element of the human structure is
the ego or spirit, an additional level of
consciousness that animals lack. Humans are aware
that they are independent conscious beings with the
ability to escape the constraints of istinctive
behavior and act in accordance with higher
motives, such as concern for others. However, the
ability to chose cannot be separated from
responsibility for the consequences. Not only does
the ego give people the ability to think for
themselves, it also enables them to transform their
own natures.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 78
The ego has a dual effect on the physical body,
as it affects both the etheric and astral bodies. It is
particularly involved in thinking and thus has a
destructive effect, particularly on the nervous
system. It is also associated with the Will and the
way volition is expressed through the physical
body. The ability to stand upright and walk on two
legs is, for example, a specifically human attribute.
Anthroposophy also proposes a
correspondence between the four human elements
and the four natural elements: earth, water, air and
fire, or, more specifically, to the four fundamental
states of matter: solid, liquid, gas and heat. Thus the
physical relates to the solid state and mineral
kingdom, the etheric to the liquid state and plant
kingdom, the astral to the gaseous state and animal
kingdom and heat or warmth to the ego and
kingdom of man.
The properties of a medicinal substance are
explored by a process of Řimaginativeř divination
that draws on Goethean morphology,
anthroposophical physiology and homeopathic
proving. And, as far as TWENTYMAN is
concerned, knowledge from spheres as diverse as
botany, zoology, chemistry, physics, astronomy,
astrology, mythology, alchemy and traditional
herbalism, is also relevant. Collectively, the
methods employed define a new doctrine of
signatures, in which knowledge of the action of the
medicinal substance is deepened step by step until
the inner nature of the substance is revealed in the
details of its appearance.
The study is pursued as far as possible before
any conclusions are tested in clinical practice and
only if this brings confirmation, are the links
considered to have been demonstrated.
TWENTYMAN says: Ŗone probably has to go
a bit further to see how these ideas work into
understanding. If you take, say, a plant,
monkshood, Aconitum napellum, gradually from its
root, stem and leaves there forms a monkshood at
the top. And one thinks thatřs that. But if you have
GOETHEřs ideas in your head, you can see the
flower expresses fear and retreat, the flowerřs
stamens cower within the monkřs hood. If you give
it to somebody Ŕ not too big a dose! Ŕ a further
metamorphosis will develop in the human
symptoms. And these are a further metamorphosis
of what one sees in the flower. Thus the drug
picture symptoms are those of fear and anxiety. The
drug picture thus extends on the human level that
which is present on the vegetable level.
In their picture of Aconitum, EVANS and
RODGER attribute the fact that the plantřs flower
is a development of the plantřs calyx rather than a
corolla to astral influence, Ŗwhich descends into the
sepals, raising them to higher function.ŗ Similarly
the plantřs deeply incised leaves, reminiscent of the
fingers of the hand, and powerful poisons also point
to an astral influence. ŖIt would also be expected
that Aconitum would have a special with the
nervous system.ŗ
STEINER rectifies what he describes as the
lack of Řspecificityř in homeopathic drug proving
by maintaining, in common with Paracelsus,
Rademacher and, to an extent, BURNETT, that the
physician must first diagnose the organ or organ
system in which the disease has its origin before
prescribing the appropriate organotropic medicine.
As well as the homeopathic method of
trituration, dilution and succussion,
anthroposophical medicine employs other means of
potentization, including rotation in a high-velocity
centrifuge and repeated exposure to heat or light.
Collection and potentization procedures may also
be timed to take into account the phases of the
Substances are frequently combined. This may
be done to enhance the potentization process; a
plant, for example, may be combined with a
mineral with which it has a particular affinity as in
Ferrum per Chelidonium or Stannum per
Taraxacum. But it is also used as a strategy that
enables the management of organ dysfunction from
several directions simultaneously. Such medicines
are not regarded as simply the sum of their
individual components but as capable of unfolding
a new therapeutic activity as a unity. Pertudoron,
for example, a whooping cough remedy, includes
Belladonna 3X, China 3X, Coccus cacti 3X,
Drosera 1X, Ipecacuanha 3X, Mephitis 5X and
Veratrum album 3X. However the content of the
combination is not always in potency and mother
tincture are often used.
TWENTYMAN says that although
anthroposophical medicine uses more mixtures than
classical homeopathy, there are many schools of
homeopathy that have used combinations. ŖThere
was a very good mixture in my day for boils called
ŘSSC.ř Itřs a mixture of Sulphur, Silica and Carbo
veg. and that in potency was the best thing I met for
boils. Potencies in anthroposophic medicine are not
always low and go up regularly to a thirtieth.
STEINER, I have heard, was known to prescribe
even higher on occasion.
ŖThe anthroposophical medicine I worked with
a great deal is Iscador for cancer. Thatřs prepared
from mistletoe (Viscum album). My experiences
were that it was very helpful. Occasionally but not
often one could reverse the whole malignant
process. But as a supplementary remedy, it helped
patients feel good throughout the course of the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 79
illness and reduced the need for other treatments.
The patients I treated with Iscador usually found
they could go through the illness very positively.
Even at the end, again and again, they said ŘIřm
very glad for this experience.ř It kept their general
poise, balance and well-being whereas so many of
the modern scientific treatments make patients very
ŖIt is used in various potencies, the most
common being, I should think, the equivalent of
about 1X up to a 6X. It is given by subcutaneous
injection preferably. Anthroposophical doctors use
subcutaneous injections quite a lot, the idea being
that it enters into the rhythmic system of the lungs,
heart and circulation more strongly. If you want to
work more strongly into the metabolic system, you
will probably give things by mouth. There is some
indication that if you want them to work into the
nervous system, external applications can be
valuable. These are not absolutes; they are only
Iscador is prepared from the whole mistletoe
plant including the leaves, stalk, berries and
flowers. The plant is gathered in both summer and
winter as the sap ingredients differ from one season
to the other. Juice form the winter and summer
plants is kept separate until later in the process. It is
first mixed with an equal quatity of water by weight
and subject to lactic acid fermentation. The
fermented product is then diluted to 10 per cent.
The winter and summer sap are then mixed and
potentized in a centrifuge.
ŖI found the anthroposophists also had some
very valuable remedies for back trouble. They are
called Řdiscpreparations but they are cocktails. I
used to call them my homeopathic osteopath. They
arose out of the work of a man called Dr.
HAUSCHKA. He found, largely by a sort of
accident that one could preserve tinctures and
things without alcohol by exposing them
rhythmically to light and dark. He found that for
every sort of plant there was a different time of year
when this worked. So he used plant tinctures made
with this method together with corresponding
potentized tissue from animals. So disci
preparations for the back incorporate potentized
animal cartilage, as well as a range of metals.ŗ
ŖThere is great use of planetary metals in
anthroposophical materia medica: lead
corresponding to Saturn, tin to Jupiter, iron to Mars,
mercury to Mercury, copper to Venus and silver to
the Moon. These then correspond to different
organs. Saturn has a great relationship to the
skeletal form, Jupiter to the spleen. You see the
bone marrow and the spleen are in one of these
polarities; the blood is born in the bone marrow and
dies in the spleen. Jupiter is also related to the liver
and to the forming of thoughts in the head. Mars is
related to the gallbladder and to the larynx,
Mercury to the lungs, Venus to the kidneys and
silver to the reflective capacity of brain.ŗ
ŖI always enjoyed Silver, the metal of the
moon and of the Greek goddess ARTEMIS. Now in
Greece, ARTEMIS was a maiden goddess. She was
midwife to the animals of the forest and delighted
in play with her girl friends and bow and arrow. But
at Ephesus on what is now the Turkish coast,
DIANA was the goddess of wisdom. The multi-
breasted image in her temple was a symbol of
fecundity and feminine power. Diana-Artemis,
Artemis-Diana, they are the same.ŗ
ŖYou see silver makes the best mirrors and the
brain reflects. It is also the principal reproductive
ingredient of photographic film. So we reflect in the
head and babies in the uterus. Of course if one is
talking to an audience of women, one has to point
out that this shows the superiority of women
everything because they produce live, kicking
babies while men only produce dead silly
ŖAnd then, of course, there is gold Ŕ the metal
of the heart, which in the old astronomy holds the
balance between the outer and the inner planets and
in us holds the balance between the metabolism and
the belly, and the nerve senses centred in the head.ŗ
TWENTYMAN maintains that by thinking of
the remedies in these extended terms, a more living
picture of the human being is created than that
provided by modern physiology and one that is also
of particular relevance in the area of psychological
medicine. Classical homeopathy of the kind
developed by Kent is now, he feels, significantly
out of step with our present scientific and
psychological knowledge.
ŖClassical homeopathy developed in America
when it became united with Swedenborgian
philosophy and science. Indeed SWEDENBORG
was one of the greatest scientists of his day. In the
middle of the 19
century the Swedenborgians were
one of the leading intellectual movements in
America. HENRY and William JAMES grew up in
a Swedenborgian household. A great many
homeopathic doctors were affiliated to the
Swedenborgian movement, and most
Swedenborgians were keen on homeopathy.ŗ
ŖJames Tyler KENT was an ardent
Swedenborgian. He said of his own teaching that if
anyone thought they could get the same results as
him without adopting his philosophy, they were
mistaken. I think there are very few modern people
who are really able to enter into the work of
SWEDENBORG. It is a marvelously rewarding
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 80
study but very difficult and hard for us today. Time
has moved on, of course, from SWEDENBORG in
the 18
century. Historically, it is an enormously
important contribution but I donřt think it adequate,
alone, to form the basis for the development of
ŖThe whole of 19
and 20
century science
developed since SWEDENBORG. He started from
the groundwork of the science of his day. He did
not set out to contribute basic scientific work; he
took the highest scientific knowledge of his day in
anatomy and physiology, but also in cosmology and
physics, and from that developed a philosophical
vision, rooted in observations of this world. He was
one of the first men to set a path into the spiritual,
whereas in the past the path had always been from
the spiritual into the physical. SWEDENBORG
started from where we are here and developed that
into a spiritual vision. His scientific knowledge of
his time was immense. He was the first man to
describe an endocrine organ; interestingly, it was
the function of the pituitary gland, a fact that is not
enough appreciated.ŗ
ŖNonetheless, SWEDENBORGřs vision of the
world is based on 18th century science. People like
to take the dogmatism of KENT and think you can
practice that. But in SWDENBORGřs time the
microscope had hardly come into biology. The
study of tissues really only came about in the
Napoleonic era with such a man as BICHAT in
France. The study of cellular biology with better
microscopes only really came into medicine with
Rudolf VIRCHOW in 1860 or so.ŗ
ŖOriginally, MORGAGNI in Italy said all
disease is centered in structural change in organs,
after finding holes in the lungs of tubercular
patients. Then BICHAT looked at tissues through
the microscope and found the same disease
manifested in a tissue and youřve got what is called
histopathology. Then VIRCHOW said ŘNo, all
disease is in the cell.ř Now they say itřs in a
molecule called the gene Ŕ thatřs the latest fashion.
So it has nothing to do with a living thing at all. But
it is this progression from organ to tissue, to cell, to
molecule that has brought medicine to where it is
today. One canřt ignore this; oneřs got to cope with
it; but one needs more than is available from
TWENTYMAN is in the final stages of
completing a second book, provisionally titled
Spirituality, Mythology and Medicine. It will be
published by the Rudolf Steiner Press, which is
based in Forest Row, the East Sussex village in
England where TWENTYMAN lives.
ŖItřs not a book intended for doctors. Iřm
trying to write as old man in an effort to see the
broader, wider situation and medicine as an aspect
of the total human crisis. There is a total crisis of
human consciousness and m more concerned with
that. I donřt think itřs any good to look at bits and
pieces. Iřve only touched on illness as an example
of the crisis.
ŖPARACELSUS, for example, had an
important notion. One shouldnřt look at the healing
of disease as simply getting rid of the symptoms.
Disease is an opportunity, PARACELSUS says, for
thr personality to grow and take a step forward in
its spiritual development. No healing or cure is
really complete until it results in the development
of the spirit, soul, being of the patient. Itřs an
opportunity, a gift, to help the personality develop
further but there is not much sign of that in modern
medicine. GRODDECK had it. And men like
JUNG came a long way towards seeing mental
disease as something to be transformed with a
richer personality at the end of it.ŗ
ŖThere are many anthroposophical ideas
inherent in what I have been saying. But to the
threefoldness of the human organism Ŕ the nerve
senses, the rhythmic middle and the metabolic Ŕ I
personally think there needs to be added a fourth,
the system of endocrine glands that allows the
whole to play like a musical instrument. The
endocrine glands do not act in the same way as the
other systems; they act synthetically for the whole
organism and are one aspect of the ego realm Ŕ the
realm of individuality that manifests in thinking,
feeling and willing: thinking in the head, feeling in
the heart and willing in the liver.ŗ
ŖNow it is terribly important to grasp the unity
of these three. In ancient times up until the
Renaissance when modern science began, thinking,
feeling and willing were all interwoven. Religion
had wonderful art and a wonderful cosmology.
Science, in so far as it existed, was portrayed
religious phenomena and was essentially moral.
They were all interwoven.ŗ
GALILEO and they began separating thinking from
the other two. Indeed BACON said you could think
what you liked without it disturbing your religious
faith! But, through this, thinking became separate
and autonomous. Then the artists set about
emancipating art from any connection with religion
and ultimately from any connection with nature or
reality. It has become in modern abstract art, God
knows what. Itřs art for artřs sake. And if you look
at the characters of DOSTOIEVSKY at the end of
the 19
century, it is said again and again that Řto
the superior man all things are permitted.ř Well, of
course, everyone is convinced they are superior, so
all things are permitted. The Will is divorced from
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 81
moral sanction. It is no longer concerned with
beauty or truthř it is just ŘI am permitted, I will do
ŖSo you have thinking, feeling and willing
separated from each other Ŕ science, art and
religion but in myself, thinking, feeling, willing.
The poor ego thus feels very on edge, as it is no
longer supported by those great beings: oneřs
nation, oneřs race, oneřs religion, even oneřs
family. All this has become relative; and so the
poor ego asks ŘWho am I?ř And that Řis what on
one side finds its root in the endocrine system and
on the other in the immune system. The immune
system has to do with the relation of self and not-
self. When I develop an allergy, it is when what
should remain on the surface, and in the sensory
world, pushes through the barrier, the frontier,
inside me. When I get a so-called autoimmune
disease then one of my organs becomes Řouteand
behaves as though it does not belong to me. The
frontier between self and not-self has become
chaotic so we get more allergies and endocrine
diseases. Apart from this, the poor ego is
psychologically out of its depth and does not know
what to do. The modern Řweltanschaungřsimply
does not not give the ego any support whatsoever
beyond rules of thumb.
ŖThe self has somehow got to find its relation
to the great being of mankind, mankind as a great
organism. It was one of manřs ancient beliefs. Even
Auguste COMTE, the great Frenchman of the 19
century, father of so-called positivism, who usually
gets cursed as the father of the worst materialism,
even he, no less, had the concept of ‘le grand être,’
the great being which he conceived as the living
organism of mankind.ŗ
ŖToday with all this talk of globalism and
racism, it seems we must identify the concept of
mankind as whole or being. This should be the
meaning of Christianity but I have not heard it from
the Church yet. But that is what Christianity is Ŕ the
idea that the whole of mankind finds its center in
Christ. Now itřs up to us to try to move in that
direction, to see the races and nations as organs of
this great being, not as absolutes. Until recently
these were the absolutes within which the
individual breathed and felt himself. But they are
not today, and when people try to make them so,
they become fundamentalists of one sort or
Special thanks are due to Francis TREUHERZ,
MA, F.S.Hom, without whose guidance and
assistance this paper could not have been written.
TREUHERZ, Francis. ŖThe Origins of Kentřs
Homeopathy: the influence of Swedenborg,ŗ
Journal of the American Institute of
Homeopathy. 1984. 77:4 and The Homeopath.
1983. 4:2. (Originally presented at The Society of
Homeopaths Conference, Warwick, 1983.)
WHITMONT, Edward C. Psyche and Substance.
Berkeley: North Atlantic Books. 1991. 121.
GRODDECK, G. The meaning of Illness.
Selected Psychoanalytic Writings. Ed: Lore
Scacht. London: Hogarth Press. 1977. 132.
STEINER, R. and I. WEGMAN. Fundamentals
of therapy. An Extension of the Art of Healing
through Spiritual Knowledge. Authorized
translation from the German. London: London
Anthroposophical Publishing Company. 1925. 1-2.
TWENTYMAN, R. ŖDisease as Metamorphosis
British Homeopathic Journal. 59. 1961.
WHITMONT, Edward C. Psyche and Substance.
Berkeley: North Atlantic Books. 1980. 34-35.
TWENTYMAN, R. The Science and Art of
Healing. Edinburgh Floris Books. 1989. 18-21.
Ibid. 60.
STEINER, R. Spiritual Science and Medicine.
London: Rudolf Steiner Press. 1948. 265-266.
EVANS, M. and I. RODGER. Anthroposophical
Medicine: Treating Body, Soul and Spirit.
London: Thorsons. 1992. 62-65.
Ibid. 24, 29, 32.
Ibid. 34, 39, 48.
EVANS, M. and I. RODGER. 74.
Ibid. 74.
KASAD, 1990. 379.
TREUHERZ, Francis. ŖSteiner and the
Simillimum. Homeopathic and Anthroposophic
medicine: the relationship of the ideas of
Hahnemann, Goethe and Steiner.ŗ Journal of the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 82
American Institute of Homeopathy. 1985. 78:2;
The Homeopath. 1985. 5:1. (Originally presented
at a meeting of the Faculty of Homeopathy,
Scottish Branch, Glasgow, 1984.)
LANGE Andrew (AH. 3/1997)
MARION BELLE ROOD, M.D., was one of
the great elders in American Homeopathy. She
practiced in her hometown of Lapeer, Michigan for
over fifty years. She was a pioneer in Science and
Medicine. As the only woman in her physics
masters program at the University of Michigan in
Ann Arbor, she helped work on the Quantum
Theory during the 1920řs. After two years of
teaching mathematics at a convent in Tennessee,
she attended New York Homeopathic Medical
College as the only female student in her class,
graduating in 1932. Harvey FARRINGTON was
one of her Professors. She earned her living while
going through medical school by tutoring the
children of the ROCKEFELLER family. During
that period of time, the term ŖHomeopathyŗ had
been dropped from the schoolřs title, in order to
maintain accreditation. This was happening in all
the remaining homeopathic schools at that time.
Dr. ROOD received her advanced training in
Homeopathy from her family physician, Dr.
Harriet KNOTT, who in her later years, while
blind, lived with Dr. ROOD supervising her cases.
Dr. ROOD was also a colleague of A.H.
GRIMMER. GRIMMER invited her to join his
practice in Chicago, which had been Kentřs
practice. However Dr. ROOD wanted to stay in her
rural home town, and it was in this small town she
remained, practicing from 1932-1992.
Her approach to disease was deeply influenced
by her understanding of Chronic Disease and the
Miasms. Her tremendous understanding of the
pathogenesis of disease enabled her to solve the
most difficult cases. J.H. ALLENřs ŘChronic
Miasmsř was central in her understanding of
prescribing medicines miasmatically. Far advanced
of an isopathic application of Nosodes, she knew
and developed some of the rarer remediesř
relationship to the Miasms.
One case in which the patient presented
symptoms that reminded Dr. ROOD of his fatherřs
bad reaction to typhoid vaccination when in service
during the Korean war. The remedy Nux moschata
thirty years previously, had helped his father, and
acted to clear this manřs case, also.
Dr.ROOD could open to a Page in Heringřs
Guiding Symptoms and find the case before her
mirrored there, word for word. She treated multiple
generations within families, often in the same
morning. Dr. ROOD used Homeopathy in treating
Cancer in hundreds of cases. While there can be no
question that Homeopathy is effective in many
forms of this disease, her results were the constant
discussion of the patients who waited outside her
Often she would just leave a book for me to
read, without explanation. She taught in a Socratic
method; instead of answering questions, she would
say, ŖYou think about it.ŗ Then a few days later, in
the middle of a patient consultation, she would
begin a long dissertation to me, (actually directed
toward the patient) answering the questions I had
asked previously. The poor patient, who had no
idea what she was talking about, just respectfully
responded, nodding her head in agreement, ŖOh
yes, Dr. ROOD.ŗ
Stories about Dr. ROOD are of a legendary
nature. Most of them are true. She lived outside of
town where the road turned to dirt. ROODřs Lake
Road had been named after her grandmother, and
was the site of their Farmhouse on the edge of a
state wilderness preserve. Dr. ROOD had moved to
this house after the family house in town, from
which she practiced for many years, had been the
victim of arson, due to political rivals of her father
and brother who were lawyers.
She did not have telephone, nor take
appointments. Her clinic hours began at eleven in
the morning. Patients came from around the
country and the world to line up on her dirt road.
Cars lined up outside her driveway by eight in the
morning. She would open her door and treat the
first in line, and continue until till 1 a.m. daily,
sometimes later. She worked until the last patient
had been treated. Patients would eat picnic
lunches, stand on the porch and chat, while waiting.
In Dr. ROODřs office in her living room,
patients sat amidst piles of books, cats and dogs,
dishes covered in lace, and wooden boxes filled
with medicines. Records were kept on large file
cards. She sat behind a small wooden side table
with KENT and KNERRřs Repertories guiding her.
Busts of HAHNEMANN and HYPHATIA watched
over her. HYPHATIA was a young woman
mathematician and astronomer from Alexandria,
and the leading proponent of neo-platonic thought.
Patients reported that she would leave you with
an issue of Scientific American when she went to
prepare your remedy, then quiz them about the
articles when she returned. As a scientist, Dr.
ROOD kept a wide range of journals piled through
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 83
out the living room in which she saw her patients.
She would regularly lecture to her patients on the
relationship between Homeopathy and current
developments in Science, whether they could
appreciate her insights or not.
She felt strongly that a background in Physics
was essential for a homeopathic education. She
had a tremendous ability to perceive where
Homeopathy had been confirmed in the scientific
literature, or solutions to medical problems in the
scientific literature, unsolved due to the lack of
homeopathic thinking. She had special interest in
Interferon research, which she felt had proven
HAHNEMANNřs description of viral interference
as spelled out in the Organon yet pharmaceutical
approaches had failed in utilizing the discovery of
Interferon effectively.
Through Dr. GRIMMER, she became
interested in the Abrams method, which was a
predecessor to radionics. She built a dark room
with copper wire coils to block outside
electromagnetic influences, in which she conducted
tests. This method was the basis of a later study led
by Guy Beckley STEARNS and other members of
the International Hahnemannian Association in
the 1920řs, and although certainly not reflecting
classical methods, it was of great interest to some
of the leading homeopaths of the time. Dr. ROOD
used this method for over twenty years in some of
her most difficult Cancer cases. In later years she
no longer used the Abrams instrument, relying
instead on her experience and the Repertories to
determine the remedy.
She believed that medicines could have an
effect at a distance. In fact, one night when an
impatient patient had left, after having waited much
of the day, Dr. ROOD just looked out of the door
and exclaimed, ŖOh he must have been exposed to
the remedy he needed from in here, and felt so
much better he didnřt need to see me!ŗ
One night, we were having tea at three in the
morning, after every one had gone, and I asked her,
ŖDr. ROOD, your patients think youřre clairvoyant,
what does that mean to you?ŗ if I had asked her
directly she would never have answered. Instead
she politely retorted, ŖWell you never talk about
those things.ŗ When a local reporter interviewed
her after her retirement he asked her what would
her patients do without her to which she replied,
ŖWell I hope theyřre all better. Thatřs what is
supposed to happen.ŗ
Dr. ROOD never married while many of her
brotherřs friends had shown interest in her, her
mother had encouraged her to study books, and she
simply got too involved in them she would say.
While living a humble and simple life, she was
constantly abreast of developments in Science and
Politics throughout the world.
On Monday, she took the day off. She bought
most her remedies from Erhart and Karl Pharmacy
in Chicago. Dr. ROOD would go by train to pick
up her remedies in Chicago, and bring them home.
The trip took 6 hours.
Once a month she taught Quantum Physics at
SR. WHITE Jr. High School in La Peer, Michigan.
Along with Dr. Wyrth Post BAKER (who
wrote intro to homeopatherapeutics she helped
save Homeopathy in the 1950řs.) She testified
before the Senate, to maintain the status of the
Dr. ROOD charged $10 for a visit, raising this
to $20, when the Pharmacopoeia was again
reviewed in the 1980řs. She raised and contributed
$50, which funded this updating of the US
Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia for approval.
Without this generosity and foresight, we would not
be able to produce and prescribe homeopathic
medicines today.
Dr. ROOD died in December, 1995 at the age of
96. She represented kindness, strength, humility,
and the unique individuality of our tradition. Her
legacy remains in her foresight in preserving the
US Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, in the
generations of patients that she treated, and in her
example of brilliance in understanding of the
Science of Medicine.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 84
7. The Action of Drugs
The Action of D rugs on the response of matter
by Sir Jagadis BOSE, F.R.S.
(Lecture given in the British Homeopathic
Society on June 23, 1926)
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, - Of
course I am not a medical man, and I am in no way
concerned with the practice of medicine, either
homeopathic or allopathic. I was unconsciously
dragged into the study of the most mysterious of
phenomena, the phenomena of life; and I will
simply tell you, as a sceptic, how I was drawn into
this fascinating subject.
You must remember that we are often carried
away by our own dreams, and we have to be very
sceptical about what we are dreaming. The worst
critic you can have is yourself, and I have, all my
life, tried to disprove the things that I discovered,
and when I have failed to do so, then I bring them
to you. You ask me, Sir, what is it that led me into
these investigations. More than thirty years ago I
was working on that mysterious subject, invisible
light, light which no one can see, ether waves, the
tremulousness of the ether, by which nowadays we
are able to send messages over enormous distances.
It is more than thirty years ago that we carried out
some very important investigations on that subject.
We sent messages through space; we fired pistols
and exploded things at a distance. That was in
1893 and 1894, long before this was supposed to be
possible. While sending these messages, while
recording them by wireless means, I found that
occasionally the record that was obtained gradually
became smaller and smaller, until it disappeared,
and for no apparent reason. Being anxious to find
out what caused this, I made an automatic recorder,
by which the replies in the receiver were written
down. And I was astounded to find that the records
were exactly like the records obtained from muscle
when it has become fatigued. That is, the inorganic
substance used in wireless showed fatigue, just like
human beings do. It was extraordinary. Then,
thinking that giving it a period of rest might revive
and restore it from the state of fatigue, I gave it a
two-hoursř rest, and after that I found this recorder
reviving and answering vigorously, to show again,
later, signs of fatigue. Thinking that a still longer
rest might make it still more sensitive and make it
perceive signals sent from greater distances, I was
surprised to find that it had lost its power of
answering altogether, in fact it had become too
lazy, and I had to strike it several times before it
responded. So there were these two contradictory
reactions. If it was lying too idle for it to be vivid
and active, you had to strike it to become active,
and if it had been over-working, you gave it rest.
Then it occurred to me that I would try the
action of various stimulants. I tried several, and
found that this receiver became extraordinarily
sensitive, it picked up messages from enormous
distances, greater distances than it had done before.
Then I gave it certain depressants, and I found that
the power of answering had become diminished.
Then I applied poisons, and I found that the answer
of these inorganic substances was abolished for all
time. But the curious thing was that if, instead of
giving large doses of the poison, I gave it an
extraordinarily small dose, then it became very
sensitive indeed. I had thus come across a region
where the boundaries between inorganic and
organic life vanished, and continuity was
established between the realms of the living and of
the non-living. I will show these actual records on
the screen presently. So it appeared that matter
itself had a promise of potency, of life. There was a
time when this earth was a molten mass on which
no life could have existed, therefore life must have,
in some way, evolved out of non-life, or rather I
should say that everything is potentially alive.
Finding that inorganic matter mimicked
organized life, such as human life, I thought an
intermediate region, plant life, might also show
some of the characteristics of our own life. But
everyone who had had to deal with this subject Ŕ I
have been asked about this by various gentlemen
here who have studied Botany for twenty years Ŕ
physiologists and others, said there was nothing in
common between the reactions of animal life and
those of plant life, that the plant was passive, while
the animal was all the time moving. They taught
that there are three characteristics of animal life:
contractility (the power of suddenly contracting
when struck), conductivity (the power of nervous
action by means of which when an organism is
struck by a stimulus from outside, a message is
carried at a known speed to the interior), and the
conductivity (integrative) by which a large mass of
tissue becomes one, being connected by these
nervous links. It was thought that plants had no
nervous system. Thirdly, in the animal we have the
phenomena which are known as spontaneity. Our
heart beats continuously as long as life remains. It
was thought that plants had no such system or
characteristic. But my researches, some of which I
shall describe to you Ŕ not all, only fragments of
them Ŕ prove that all this is completely wrong, and
it is this wrong theory which has hitherto stopped
the advance of the science of life.
I shall first throw on the screen the response of
inorganic matter. First I had response of organic
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 85
matter, in a receiver which was actuated by wireless
messages. Then I wanted to find out whether
matter such as a bit of steel, or iron, or platinum
wire, or copper wire answered when it was struck
or pinched. I have a series or records of the plant
when it was pinched, and the electrical record is
there. I have a series of long answers. But when
the object of the experiment was kept actuated for a
long time without giving it rest, it became fatigued,
and you can see the fatigue curve of the metal in the
slide. The first response, you see, is very large,
then it gets smaller and smaller, until it disappears.
That is the fatigue curve of a bit of Tin. The next
slide shows where I get answers from a bit of
Platinum. I gave it a small dose of stimulant, and
you see the result. There is, at first, a small and
feeble answer, but when I drugged it with a
stimulant you see how enormously it acted. Next, I
show you opposite effects of a small dose of poison
and a large dose of poison. Here is the normal
response, and you see how enormously increased
the responses are after a small dose of poison has
been given. I increase the dose of the poison and
then the power of resistance vanishes altogether; it
has been killed.
I will now show you a photograph of the place
where this investigation has been carried out, so
that you may get some idea of the organization by
which the work is going forward. I think it is well
that I should tell you the Eastern ideals about the
advancement of knowledge. We believe we can
only get truth when we rise above any longing to
get success, above considerations of success or
non-success. You must be completely, absolutely
indifferent to success or want of success. Some of
this work which has been carried out had to be
practically continuous for twenty years before it
received public, that is, scientific acceptance. If
one were simply thinking of success, one would
soon give research up. But truth is more powerful
than human association; truth will always remain,
truth is for the service of humanity. We must,
therefore, never make ti a commercial asset. So
one of the conditions of my institute is, that my
disciples who have given up all their life in pursuit
of science, shall give it up for the common benefit
of humanity; they are to take out no patents for any
inventions or discoveries made at the institute. I
hope some day to make this institute an
international one, thus reviving the ancient great
traditions of India, which, twenty-five centuries
ago, welcomed scholars from all parts of the world
within the precincts of its ancient cities. This
institute is meant for all men and all women alike,
for all time coming.
The first picture shows the outside of the
institute. There we face the world. But we cannot
see truth unless we retire to the forest, otherwise the
mind is constantly taking part in the rush and hurry
of the town. But inside here, which I now show
you, there is a strange quietness, you are
surrounded by Nature. Some plants such as these
you see here are attached to the recording apparatus
by means of which the plant expresses all the
changes it goes through; we get a diary of the plant,
and we can look at the writing made by the plant
itself, and so find out what its feelings have been.
You see also the building which is being erected for
expansion of the work for the activity of the
institute has become enormously increased, and we
are trying, as far as means allow, to increase that
activity. Here you see a wonderful bird; we have
all sorts of birds and plants and animals associated
in a friendly way. This poor bird has lost his wife,
and he is searching for her all the time. It is known
as Ŗthe eternal loverŗ; he will not take any other
wife, and he is ever searching for her. He
sometimes comes before the glass window, and,
seeing hs image, he thinks she is hiding behind a
screen, and he dances before her, as he supposes, so
as to induce her away form this shadow of death.
And here is the photograph of a place twenty miles
down, because some of the experiments cannot be
carried out in a town, as the air there is vitiated, and
the sensitiveness of the plants is much reduced by
atmospheric pollution. So down the river is my
other institute where these specially sensitive
experiments are carried out. And here is another
branch of the institute, which is located 7,000 feet
high, at Darjeeling, and in front of it is the eternal
snow, and the climate is like that of Europe, cold
and bracing Ŕ though I cannot say that the climate
of London just now is bracing!
The first trouble I had was the popular idea that
only a few plants like Mimosa are sensitive, and
that others are insensitive. Plants were divided into
the most sensitive, and the ordinary. In order to
show that ordinary plants also are sensitive, I
devised an apparatus by means of which the record
of a supposed insensitive plant could be seen.
Here, for example, is the record of such a common
vegetable as the carrot. At a certain point I
chloroformed the carrot, and thereafter the
responses become smaller and smaller, until the
carrot became unconscious, so weak that it gave no
response, it would not answer any more.
But the subject of my lecture this afternoon is
the answer of life to various drugs. And there I
found something which must have puzzled you
very much. Medical men find that they give the
same drug to two patients, one of them is cured, the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 86
other is nearly killed! Why is that? Take a man and
look at his behaviour. To-day he is exuberant,
joyous, but tomorrow something comes in which
man delights not, nor woman either. Now, that is
the most difficult of all problems in medicine.
What you have to do is to solve that problem. I
have found something of extraordinary interest, and
I think it will interest you. It is this: that a living
creature is not mere matter, but matter plus energy,
energy stored in unequal ways from the past, and
there are being received by him some impressions
and energies from outside. Therefore day by day I
am changing, I am not as I was yesterday; I am
different, because the sum total of energy which is
entering into my life makes me different from day
to day. Roughly speaking, I may describe this to
you by a drawing of curves. The whole cycle of
life may be represented at the base or crest of a
curve with substance as the living creature. Let us
take it in one condition; its activities diminishing as
it is cut off from outside sources of food; there is a
falling down of this curve, and at some point it
loses life, that is, it dies of inanition. The top is the
highest point, the crest of life. If it is deprived of
stimulus in many forms, not only food, but of the
stimulus of hope and the desire to live, it slides
down, until finally it dies of inanition. Under
stimulus this normal curve of response rises higher
and higher, until the climax is reached. It is that
climax of life that we have to aim to attain. The
extraordinary thing is that in this condition what is
necessary to bring it to a climax of life is response
to stimulation. Any drug or other stimulant
converts the curve of life from an abnormal to a
normal one, to a bigger normal, and a bigger
normal still until a climax is reached. But if you
pursue the stimulation after that, it becomes
exhausted and begins to die. The two curves so
produced meet in a common spot, which is death.
The medical man may mistake one for the other.
There is no external means of finding out the tone
of the living thing. What you want is a tonometer
to find out in what portion of the psychic scale you
happen to be on. If it is at one place you use
stimulating drugs, but if you make the fatal mistake
of regarding one point or stage as the other, there
will be death. The problem is how to measure the
tone, the tonicity of life. I have been working at it;
I do not know whether I shall succeed. To find that
on is the essential point at which the science of life
becomes exact, not empirical.
Let us think how the activities of life may be
exalted. One activity of life is the power to
assimilate food. You may have any kind of food
but it is no good if you cannot assimilate it.
ROCKEFELLER has means of getting any kind of
food, but, poor man, he cannot assimilate it. The
problem is how to make you a more efficient
assimilating organ. Working on plants, last time I
was in England I showed the apparatus by means of
which the rate of normal assimilation of a plant was
automatically recorded by the plant itself. You will
find it described in my book on the physiology of
assimilation, published by Longmans. One curious
thing I found was that while it was normally
assimilating, giving traces of certain chemical
substances, in very minute doses indeed, even one
part in a billion Ŕ and by billion I mean a thousand
million Ŕ produced an enormous increase in the
assimilative power, nearly a 100 per cent increase.
And there are other substances of which this is true,
for instance, extract of thyroid gland in very small
doses. But if you increase the dose beyond a
certain point it does harm. The important thing,
therefore, is to find what the critical dose is,
remembering that the critical dose for different
persons is quite different.
Talking of the effect on the tonic condition
reminds me that I carried out a curious experiment.
I brought out two batches of similar plants, but
under two opposite conditions; I lowered the
tonicity in one case, and raised the tonicity
artificially in the other. Then I gave doses of
poisons to both. The unfortunate plant whose
tonicity was below par died instantly without a
struggle; the other became stimulated and grew
faster than it had ever done. There is the question
of the power of resistance, the inner power, that is
what you are after. Drugs do not help you, except
in helping you to get the inner power of resistance
increased. It is our power of nerve resistance which
has to be exalted. That is one aspect of
assimilation, and that was enormously increased by
giving traces of certain substances. Traces of
iodine increased it at a very great rate.
But I have come to speak to you of another
effect, which is the most difficult of all; this
throbbing, by means of which our heart is
continuously contracting and expanding, and by
means of which the nutrient fluid, the blood, is
circulated round and round, carrying the material to
every part of the body. Is there any such thing as
spontaneous circulation in the blood in plants as we
believe to be in animals? I shall show you the
experiments, and that is the principal subject of my
lecture. The subject is so large that one cannot
touch more than the fringe of it in an hour or two.
Before referring to plants, let us regard the
power of automatic pulsation in ourselves. Our
heart, as long as it is alive, goes on throbbing
without cessation; it is automatic Ŕ something
inside. If I had time, I would disabuse you of the
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 87
false idea that there can be anything inside self-
originated. No such thing; it is the power from
outside which has been streaming in, which I gather
and store up and make my own. It is that which
causes pulsation. It is an outside force which I have
trapped and made a part of me. Now in regard to
plants this automatism we can very well see in this
particular plant called Desmodium gyrans. This
plant has had the good fortune of traveling round
the world with me, because when I was talking
about these things they said it could not be true, so I
had to carry not only my instruments but also the
plant. It is like the poor parrot, who complained
that they had not only brought him from his native
country, but had made him speak English! So I had
not only to bring my extra-ordinarily delicate
instruments Ŕ which were a little upset by being
brought Ŕ but also the plant. And this plant has
been the indirect means of saving me from
imprisonment. It was shown in 1914, and I had to
get a compartment reserved for carrying my
instrument and apparatus, so there was a little
trouble and uncertainty. I had to come across the
continent of Europe. Railway officials said they
could not give me the compartment because troops
were moving. I was to have begun my lectures on
August 4
, 1914, and on that day there was an
outbreak of war. My nephews had gone on in
advance, and they were kept in prison for four
years, and came out more dead than alive. I show
you the picture of the leaf of the plant, pressed
between two pieces of glass. It is this tiny leaf
which goes on pulsating and throbbing, and I had to
make a delicate apparatus by means of which the
pulsations were automatically recorded. This leaf
is so tiny that if you put a grain of sand on it it
bends down and is unable to lift itself up. And here
are a series of records, which were made by the
plant itself. As long as the plant is alive it pulsates.
But what we call Ŗautomaticŗ is really the result of
something from outside. I kept this plant in the
dark, and withheld food, and you will see how, on
the third day, these pulsations came to a stop.
When it was in a practically moribund condition, I
threw a beam of light on it and gave it a little food,
and it started pulsating again.
Here is the most extraordinary thing. I have
two series of records. The heart of the animal is
acted on by different poisons in a different way.
Some poisons kill it in an expanded state, others
kill it in a contracted state. Here is the record of the
heart of a frog which was poisoned, and the record
at death is at diastole. The same drug given to this
plant also killed it in diastole. The other kind of
poison causes death in the opposite condition at
systole. When the heart is nearly killed by one
poison and is just on the point of dying, I can revive
it by giving it a dose of antagonistic poison. That
will show what enormous possibilities there are of
curing people of poisonous reactions. We find out
what different poisons are antagonistic to each
You would think that to show this automatic
pulsation you must get a particular plant from India,
but that is not so. Every one of these plants grown
in this country have been throbbing but you have
not seen it. You had no idea that that passive thing
in the form of a plant was in a state of throbbing. It
is not still for one moment. By this pulsation its
life is maintained. I will explain to you presently
how I discovered this. In our own case the
circulating fluid is kept moving by the throbbing
pulsation of the heart. In the case of the plant it
gets its inorganic substance with it. How is it done?
It is a problem which has puzzled all scientific men
for the last 300 years up to this time; they have not
found out any explanation of this. There was at one
time great admiration for the very fine work which
was done in Germany by a physiologist at
Strasburg, who wanted to know whether this rise of
sap is due to vital activity or to some other physical
action. I do not know what led him to do it, but he
tried an experiment on a big scale. He had an oak
tree cut down, and had twenty men to take it and
place it in a tub of poison. The leaves remained
alive for several days, and he thought the rise of sap
could not have been modified by the poison;
therefore, he said, it is not a living reaction, but
something like capillarity and that sort of rubbish.
But the big oak tree has a stiff leaf; even if it was
dying it is so stiff that it does not fall off easily. So
why take that big oak tree? Why not take a small
plant like this (exhibited)? I took two plants, and
you may try the experiment yourselves. I am here
able to prove that this ascent is due to living
reaction. If it is like the action of a heart which is
pumping blood; if it pumps sap like the heart
pumps blood, I may expect that the drugs which
affect our heart would affect this plant in the same
way. There are drugs like Caffeine, like Camphor,
which make our hearts beat very fast and pump the
blood very quickly. Therefore I took two drooping
plants and placed them in these two bottles of
water. In one I put a solution which contained a
little cardiac stimulant, in the other I put a little
poison. One plant, you see, has risen from the
drooping position and is full of the solution which
has been sucked up, whereas this other which was
put into poison in the solution has not sucked
anything up and the plant is killed. That, I think,
completely proves that this ascent of the sap is a
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 88
vital activity, like the action of the heart. But one
experiment is of no value: I have others.
If this fact is as I say, how on earth am I to
prove it still farther? The unfortunate circumstance
is that no one up to the time of the first experiments
knew how to measure the movements of sap. Let
us take the case of a leaf spreading out. You must
have noticed that if you do not water it the leaf
gradually droops; put it into water and it gradually
raises itself up. The movements of the leaves are
the movements of the arms. If I apply water here,
this drooping leaf is raised up. If I place in the
water a depressing agent, an agent which slows the
pumping action, there will not be enough water
pumped up and the leaf will fall down. If now I put
a stimulant the pumping will go on quickly and the
leaf will be raised up.
I will now show you a slide of the apparatus by
which this record was taken. An erect plant was
taken and placed in a poisonous solution; it was
kept in the solution ten minutes and then the
photograph was taken. Then the dying plant was
given a stimulant, and you see on the screen the
dying plant has become quite erect again. It is a
marvelous sight, for some plants are so active that
an apparently dead one shows the change to life
within five minutes; you can see life coming back
into the leaf. The poison has killed this one, and
after a time it is decomposed. Here is the special
apparatus by which that record was made. There is
a movement of the leaf so slight that you do not
notice it, but by the action of this lever I magnify
the motion a hundred times. The leaf was
horizontal, and I first treated it with Bromide,
which slows down the heart beat; and you see at
once that the leaf, which was horizontal before,
became, under the action of the depressant, forced
down. At that moment I gave a stimulant, and it
took some time for the leaf to overtake the
depressant; there was a struggle as to which should
get the upper hand. After a time the stimulant had
the upper hand, and the leaf became re-erect. From
that we find that there is something inside which
prompts this action, something which acts like a
But where is the heart of the plant? That was
the next problem, and a very difficult one. If you
put an electric wire into connection with a sensitive
electrical instrument, a Galvanometer, if the wire is
resting, rest is evident from the absence of a record.
But if you take a little probe and thrust it into the
circuit of a current, you obtain a record. If you
thrust a probe inside me, as long as it passes
through resting muscle nothing happens, but as
soon as it touches a throbbing heart an agitation
takes place. I thrust this probe gradually more and
more into the plant, and as soon as it comes into
contact with the heart of the plant, there is a
throbbing recorded by the Galvanometer. I show
you an actual record of this. The probe, consisting
of fine Platinum wire, is thrust in gradually more
and more, until suddenly, at a certain point, there is
pulsation. That is the heart; it is near the cortex of
the stem and is a long tubular organ. In the lower
animals it is a tube, and by peristaltic action the
blood is sent forward. In our own case, too, in the
embryo, the heart is a tubular organ, and as we
grow the heart gets twisted. By rhythmic throbbing
action it drives the blood forward. In the plant
there is a tube, which passes from the root to the
top, and the sap is sent forward and upward by
peristaltic action. By this slide I show you the
actual record. In the heart of the animal, if the
intracardiac pressure is very feeble, the pulse
almost disappears. There must be pressure inside
for the heart to pulsate; when the pressure is
increased it pulsates. I watered this plant and the
pressure was increased and so the pulsation was
increased. When I withdrew the water the pulsation
stopped, when I re-applied water pulsation was
again increased. That proves that inside the plant
there is tissue which is in a state of continuous
pulsation, propelling the sap.
And now comes the most difficult of all the
problems: Can you make this throbbing visible to
us? You may ask. Yes, we can, in this way. Out
heart is throbbing, and all our blood is pumped
through the arteries. By good luck, the artery I am
feeling at my wrist is at the surface, so we can feel
it. If, under the action of a drug, the heart goes on
beating very quickly, it will pump the blood so
forcibly that this artery will become swollen out,
due to the increased blood-pressure. Contrariwise,
if by a depressant agent the heart-beat is made
slower, this artery will not swell up so much; it will
be contracted and there will be a diminution of
blood-pressure. This throbbing can be felt when
the artery is large and is near the surface, but when
it is buried under other tissue, such as muscle, we
cannot feel it. How on earth will you feel the
throbbing of a plant or a tree when its arteries are
buried under other tissues? Though we cannot feel
it, that is no indication it is not there. But our
feeling organ is very crude. We must increase our
power of seeing a millionfold then what was
invisible will become visible. I will show you how
it is done.
What I have here is a plant which is placed
between two teeth, one of which is fixed, and the
other is moveable. If there is a throbbing pulsation
going through, and the sap is moving by pulsation,
then, for a second, the diameter of this plant would
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 89
become slightly increased by the sap passing
through it, and after the sap has passed through, it
will revert to its former diameter. The difference,
of course, is extraordinarily small. But if I take a
long lever, this end movement will be magnified at
the outer end thirty or forty times. But if the
movement is only the millionth of an inch, our
lever is of no use, we have to increase the length of
it still further. And I will show you how it is done.
When the little artery is expanding, the lever comes
out in one direction, when it is contracting, it comes
out in an opposite direction. The problem is to
magnify this small movement. From the end of the
lever a thread is wound round, and there formed an
axis which is on a jeweled bearing. A beam of light
can be sent on to it, and in this way a magnification
of a million times can be made. Here is the
apparatus, which some of you saw at work at the
Royal Society of Medicine. I will show you record.
You see here registered the throbbings inside this
plant. If the pulsation issues the string is pulled and
the axis is rotated in one direction. Outside you can
see nothing, but it is all the time throbbing in this
way. I give a stimulant, the heart, the plant will
beat very quickly, and sap of a larger volume will
be propelled, and the channel will swell. When
there is increased sap the pressure will be raised
and there will be a movement the lever in one
direction, whereas a depressant will cause a
movement in the opposite direction.
In order to show that the heart of the plant and
the heart of the animal are affected identically by
the action of the same drug, I have before me two
records, one of a fishřs heart, and the other in a
plant. Let us see some of these results.
On the record I now show was the normal heart
beat of fish. The experiment was done with such
care that they did not feel it in the least; a little
knock was given, and it remained temporarily
unconscious, and the record was taken. Afterwards
the fish was placed in a little cold water and it
revived at once, and it was quite happy. I show the
normal pulses.
I want to tell you one thing; you must
remember that to get the normal action of life you
must put it under normal conditions and normal
action, not subject it to torture or to fright. Once
you prove by comparative experiments that the
plant and animal mechanisms are the same, the
matter is solved; you need not carry out
experiments on the animal, because the plant is a
better witness. On giving a dose of a stimulant,
Camphor, which is a tremendous stimulant, of two
parts in a thousand, the pulsation is at once
quickened very greatly, and the artery becomes
swollen outwardly. Conversely Ŕ and this may not
suit some of you Ŕ very dilute alcohol produced
great depression of the heart of the plant. A very
weak dose of whisky did this. You may say the
plant is not so highly organized as the animal, but it
is doubtful which is the nobler of the two. Here I
applied Bromide, and you see the pulse-beat is
downward, each down stroke of the throbbing heart
being now larger than the upstroke. While this
depressant action was going on, I applied Musk,
which is a very strong stimulant, and at once you
see the struggle between depressant and the
stimulant, the stimulant getting the upper hand, and
a depression is converted into a stimulation.
Lastly, we come to consider the terrible action
of Cobra venom. I wanted to find whether the
action of Cobra venom was similar in the case of
the plant and of the animal. The venom of Cobra is
extraordinarily deadly, a trace of it is enough to kill
a creature in ten to twelve minutes. I shall show
you the result I obtained with a small dose of cobra
venom on a plant and an animal. Here is the
normal pulse. One part in a thousand solution was
given and the pulse became smaller and smaller, it
died away, and the heart came to a stop. I applied
the same dose on the plant, and the heart-beat
became depressed and it died out. I placed it in
water but it never revived, but became decomposed
in a very short time. There is a very curious belief
in India, that a man who has died of snake-bite is
not really killed, that there is a chance for him of
revival. I do not know why there is this belief. But
because of it the people who are killed by snake-
bite are not cremated, but are put upon a raft and
allowed to float down the river, and there is a story
that they are revived. It is not unlikely that the
heart stoppage form Cobra venom may be
temporary. Whenever there is a belief or a
superstition you must try to remember there is
something behind to justify it. It is said to be stupid
for people to believe in superstition, but large
number of people would not believe in a
superstition unless there were something behind it.
I will tell you something which justifies this. Your
medical advances have been made by carrying out
investigations on drugs which are said to have this
or that property. At first medicine was empirical.
Why do you give this? Because we are told it does
so-and-so by our grand mother. I found another
very interesting thing about Cobra venom. I found
that with a normal dose this throbbing pulsation
came to an end, and the plant died in fifteen
minutes. I gave a very small dose of the poison,
and the throbbing, which was feeble at once
became increased. Therefore Cobra venom in a
very small dose is an extraordinary stimulant. Then
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 90
having got that, I tried it on the animal and on the
About a thousand years ago there arose a new
school of medical men in India. We have an
ancient system of medicine two or three thousand
years old, and it was regarded as divine inspired. It
was due to experimentation; but people forgot it.
Everything said by ancient medical men was
regarded as something to be accepted, but this new
school which arose a thousand years ago refused to
believe anything unless they could justify it by
experimentation. Therefore this was regarded as
unorthodox. It is this unorthodox school which
makes a special preparation of Cobra venom, a
minute dose of it being given. They believe that
every poison has two opposite virtues, a good and a
bad quality, and that the bad quality could be
neutralized by the action of certain oxides of
metals, metals so finely ground up that they were
insoluble. They had this belief: that even a
poisonous substance could be made very good, and
if it has an evil property this last could be
neutralized. The substance I have mentioned is a
small dose of Cobra venom mixed with certain
oxides. I was told by many people that in a number
of cases where the heart was on the point of failing,
and the medical man said there was no chance of
anyone doing anything, as the man would die in
two minutes, in those desperate cases, I have been
told by several men whom I can believe, that when
they gave this dose of poison the individual came
back to life in several cases, not in all cases. The
effect of the poison appeared almost miraculous,
the individual being apparently brought back to life
again, and the failing heart pulsating again and
becoming strong. I carried out an experiment on
the effect of this preparation on the heart of the
animal and the plant. I show a slide of the normal
pressure, where a minute dose of snake venom was
introduced into the plant, and you see the heart-beat
is very much increased. The effect of this is to
make the heart beat more vigorously.
I have, in the course of my talk this afternoon,
shown that the life-reaction of the plant is identical
with that of the animal. We have been able to find
that it is contractile, that there is a certain tissue
along which general excitation is transmitted to a
distance; we have been able to record throbbings of
its pulsating life. In these and in many other ways
the plant is very much nearer to us than we ever
thought. Thus, through the experience of the plant,
we may perhaps alleviate the sufferings of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 91
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editorřs own contribution and other
original articles.)
1. Teaching Ŕ Psychiatric patients. Pure
Classical Homeopathy. Dr. André SAINE.
Publishers: B. Jain Publishers. Price Rs. 299/-
Indian Edition Ŕ 2004, 2006.
The book is divided into two basic parts, Part 1
goes in 336 pages. It begins with an introduction
by the author and then goes on to deal with
misconceptions about Hering‟s Law which was
originally taken by HERING & HAHNEMANN as
a rule especially in antipsoric chronic diseases. The
author then deals with the topics of psychiatric
difficulties while practicing Homeopathy and what
was Hahnemannřs original position regarding the
role of psychiatry.
Dr. SAINE says, that there are two types of
disorders Ŕ one he calls psycho-somatic and the
other he calls as somato Ŕ psychic and in both
disorders he has quoted various authors like JAHR,
GRIMMER about prognosis of such cases. He next
deals with the topic of temperaments, the definition
of neurosis, phobias, anxieties and fears and then a
separate chapter on obsessive compulsive disorders.
The rubrics associated with such disorders are
given along with some case reports and the relevant
use of potencies in such cases.
i. How to study the Materia Medica is the next
topic and as examples he has dealt with the
remedies Argentum nitricum, Silicea and Thea.
The role of antidotes, placebo, psychotherapy is
then taken up and then the real meaning of the word
cure with relationship to recovery, palliation and
suppression. He then goes on to describe Thuja,
Medorrhinum and Staphysagria in detail along with
a relevant case report given with those drugs and
then writes about compulsive behaviour patterns in
states of anorexia, gambling and pyromaniacs,
kleptomania, and trichotillomania. The topic of
Hysteria is then dealt with followed by a chapter on
Tarentula, Moschus, Asafoetida and Valeriana.
What are the elements of a good practice and how
does one take a given case, this occupies almost 30
pages and it is then followed with a section on
repertory which includes the logic of the repertory,
understanding the language of the repertory and the
various additions that should be made after the
practitioner has confirmed the symptoms
repeatedly. The next chapter is significant because
it deals how to manage the cases of rape and incest,
and he follows this with chapter on psychosis.
After this two relatively unused remedies have been
given viz Melilotus, and a still a more rare remedy
Derris-pinnata. The next chapter deals with
psychosis and schizophrenia followed by manic-
depressive disorders and various rubrics used for
psychosis. Finally in this section he deals with the
four main remedies of psychosis Belladonna,
Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Veratrum followed by
lesser used remedies like Cantharis and then
Lecithin and Kali phos particularly used in cases of
Part II is pure classical Homeopathy and is
divided into 3 sub-parts-viz. Part 1 Ŕ which is a
classical homeopathic aspect, Part 2 which is case
handling, Part -3 which is evaluation of symptoms.
In sub-part 1 after the introduction, many pages
have been devoted to what is known as Hering‟s
Rule or Law with relevant quotations from
Organon aphorisms and then a brief one para
sketch of Constantine HERING. Furthermore, it
describes how KENT introduced Hering‟s Law as
given in his Lectures on Materia Medica and
Lesser writings and ends with paragraphs on return
of suppressed or not healed symptoms, and a skin
eruption at the end of a cure.
Sub-part-2 is case handling from pages -21 to
72. it deals with case-taking, case-analysis, case-
management, classification of symptoms,
discerning the disease and wrong way of living,
certain aspects of dis-similar diseases in one
patient, treatment of an infectious disease, and
points about different stages of indispositions.
Then comes a case report of a boy who had cough
all his lkife who responded beautifully to Natrum
mur. 10M. The author deals with acute trauma,
punctured wounds and emotional traumas,
poisoning by vaccinations Allergies, aspects of
acute excerbations of chronic diseases antibiotics
and then he describes 3 Case reports rapid
progression of apathe, glomala-nephritis and total
renal failure. Malaria then occupies the next sub-
topic and then goes on to give a list of those
prescribers whom he considers best prescribers as
Paragraphs on alternating diseases, Nosodes,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 92
Complex diseases, dissimilar diseases and
treatment of the case of AIDS and AIDS cases.
This sub-part ends with the topic of wrong way of
loving and changing of life styles, cases where
there are lack of symptoms and what is known as
one disease picture. Sub-part 3 deals with
evaluation of symptoms from pages Ŕ 73 to 209 and
I feel the reader should now depend less on my
review and read the whole chapter for himself.
After the end of this chapter he has given the life
and works of Adolf LIPPE. The founding of
Allentown Academy, some cases treated by LIPPE
and summarizing of the philosophy of LIPPE with
his life-history. There is a small alphabetical index
of various remedies. Summarizing I would say this
book cannot be hastily read. It is a monumental
work and shows the profound work of Dr. ANDRE
SAINE, his depth, scholarship and experience and
it is not only meant for the student but also for the
senior most practitioners of Homeopathy. The
print is easy to read, good binding and moderately
2. Miasmatic Taint or Block Removers and
Bond Breakers or Resolvers, by Dr. R.P.PATEL,
Dr. R.P Patel Institute of Homeopathy for
Research and Education in Homeopathy,
Hahnemann House Ŕ Meissen, Atmajyoti
Ashram Road, Subhanpura, Vadodara Ŕ 390023,
Gujarat, India, Rs.500/- ($ 25/-): This is a fairly
heavy book, also dealing with a heavy subject, viz.
the Chronic Miasms and their cure. Dr.
R.P.PATEL is one person who has been writing on
this very important subject, regularly.
In the book under review three Nosodes,
Psorinum, Medorrhinum and Syphilinum are
studied in great detail. The study is based on
Kentřs Repertory. The literature consulted in this
regard number 122 if not more! A detailed study,
Dr. PATEL has begun with a brief biography of
Samuel HAHNEMANN. This is followed by a
brief enunciation of the ŘProjectř work with
reference to the correction, verification, etc. of the
Kent Repertory, undertaken by the Patel Institute.
The next chapter is ŘSituations and Problems
experiment by HAHNEMANN is recounted; a list
of the other faithful follower Řproversř of
HALE and SWAN are mentioned as later workers
who carried on the Řprovingsř. [HERING himself
and with his colleagues carried several Provings
and in fact published separate volume on the
ŘAmerican Provingsř. The name of HERING has
been left out from the Řlaterř Provers. = KSS]. The
story moves on chronologically to 1805 Ŕ the
publication of the Fragmenta . . . . and its contents.
History of the next great work, the fore-runner of
the Organon [which made such history in the field
of Medicine, like no other literature on Medicine
either before or after it = KSS] is discussed in the
next step. Here PATEL quotes HAHNEMANN
with regard to Řteaching the perfect healing methodř
wherein HAHNEMANN says that it is best taught
in an established hospital; PATEL says, rightly, that
until now, nowhere in the world there is such
teaching as yet!
The publication of the Organon in 6 volumes
appeared in 1811 Ŕ 1821; HAHNEMANNřs
Materia Medica Pura, Chronic Diseases, the
arrangement of the symptoms, the ŘSchemař of
are studied in detail next. The Řstoryř of the
several editions of the Organon and in detail the 6
edition and the differences between the 5
and 6
editions are discussed. The Řcomparativeř study of
the Aphorisms in the different editions as given in
DUDGEONřs edition is given.
Anamnesis, the analysis of Symptoms, etc., are
discussed subsequent pages, and of course the
Chronic Miasms. PATEL quotes extensively and
exclusively. Next, the study of Repertory with
reference to the Nosodes Psorinum, Medorrhinum
and Syphilinum with respect to the three Chronic
Miasms. Every Symptom in the KENT Repertory
is analysed as to its Miasm and its relevance to the
Nosode under study. Proving Symptom and
Clinical Symptom are given separately.
There are very few printing errors; the print is
clear, language is easily understandable; since it is
in A4 size it can be studied only on the table.
Dr. PATEL has done a Herculean task and it
deserves serious study by the Profession and
needless to say, by the student, particularly the
post-graduates. This is a serious study,
painstaking, and rewarding to one who studies
3. Materia Medica Revisa Homeopathiae Ŕ
Agaricus Ŕ von Peter MINDER, (Hrsg. Klaus-
Henning Gypser), Wunnibald Gypser Verlag.,
Glees. 2008. ISBN 978-3-940940-00-1, 144
pages. Attention of the readers is invited to QHD,
XXIV, 3 & 4/2007 wherein the need for revision of
our basic literature, viz., Materia Medica, and the
efforts of Dr. GYPSER, in this regard has been
discussed. Dr. GYPSER has already published
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 93
several monographs on individual medicines. The
first in the series was Dulcamara which was
reviewed in the same QHD. Subsequent to the
Monograph on Dulcamara, there has been a steady
flow of further monographs. Here we take up one
of these, Agaricus muscarius. This is a remedy
proved Ŗfirst SCHRETER and E. STAPF and later
by HAHNEMANN and his Proversř Groupŗ.
HARTLAUB and TRINKS also prublished their
Proving. In the light of this it is surprising that this
remedy has been much under-prescribed, the only
reason, I think, is because we have not studied the
remedy well enough to recognise the Symptoms
when we come across them in a patient.
Now: why a revision and how will it enrich our
knowledge of the Materia Medica? Take, for
example, the symptom Ŕ given in the monograph
under study Ŕ under ŘGemutř: ŖHeitere Laune, doch
kein Trieb zum Sprechenŗ. (ŘCheerful mood, but
without any impulse towards conversationř.
Symptom No.26). The Řsourceř is given as Chronic
Diseases and the Prover is APELT, considered by
HERING as a reliable source. I do not find this
entry in the Kent Repertory or the later Repertories
that I have accsess to! Also ŖFurcht vor Feuer,
sieht überall Feuer, ekstatissche Erregung,
Geschwätzigkeit, alles > im Schlafŗ (Fear of Fire,
sees fire everywhere, ecstatic excitement, . . . ) is
not in the Repertory. The Chronic Diseases
contains only 715 Symptoms, whereas this
Monograph has 2257 Symptoms! Agaricus is
indeed not a Řminorř remedy; we have to study it
beyond the abridged versions. Hence the need to
Řstudyř the Materia Medica, which is Řcompleteř,
contains all Řprovingř symptoms, even doubtful
ones (which may be thrown out only if clinical
verification falsifies it) clinical symptoms, etc.,
which will contain many that may not be found in
the Repertories.; therefore one necessarily has to
keep oneself updated with case reports and
information obtained from other reliable sources.
Revision is a continuing process.
At the end is given Index of the Sources under
the following heads:
Medicinal Provings and Poisonings Ŕ 30
references in alphabetical order
Clinical observations Ŕ 115 references in
alphabetical order
Names of the Provers .
As Prologue much information is given, for
example, that the ŘFly Agaricř, the Agaricus is not
Řfetidř smelling as mentioned by HAHNEMANN.
Interesting information about this mushroom, its
toxicology, and its uses is given, including inter-
alia the reference to this hallucinogen in the Rig
Veda as Řsomař; the use of this mushroom in other
cultures like the American Indians, the Maya
civilization, etc. are mentioned. The homoeopathic
therapeutic uses are also touched upon
4. Materia Medica Revisa Homeopathiae:
Capsicum, Peter MINDER (Hrsg. Klaus-
Henning Gypser), Wunnibald Gypser Verlag,
2008. ISBN-978-3-9808817-6-0. 45 pages. This
slim Monograph is on lesser-used remedy,
Capsicum. The first Proving was published in the
Fragmenta . . . (1805), and later in the Pure
Materia Medica, Vol. IV (1827). Symptoms from
the Fragmenta not taken in any of the subsequent
Materia Medica works, have been given in this
Monograph. The Materia Medica Pura has 344
Symptoms while the present Monograph contains
559 Symptoms.
Careful study of the - Materia Medica reveals
the deficiencies in the Repertory Ŕ for example the
Symptom 153 in the MMP: ŖPain in the Urethra
especially in the forenoonŗ is given in the Kent
Repertory as given only under ŖPainŗ and the time
modality is not mentioned. Again Symptom
No.149: ŖUrination, urging, frequent, < sitting, not
when walkingŗ is given only as ŖUrination, urging,
frequent, sitting, whileŗ leaving out the second part
of the symptom Ŗnot while walkingŗ. These are
some that came up on random study.
The source of the Symptoms covered by this
Monograph are mentioned in respect of each
I would urge all Homeopathy Practitioners to
acquire these series and seriously go about applying
it and report.
I hope that the Homeopaths all over the world
will use these Monographs and send in
confirmation, because it is only then that a reliable
Pure Materia Medica is built. We hope that the
work proceeds apace so that most of the remedies
will be covered in the not-too-distant time.
Error-free printing. Printing, paper, binding,
etc. are all excellen
[Further volumes in this Series will be reviewed in
the ensuing numbers of the QHD = KSS.]
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 94
4. A Dictionary of Causation in Homeopathic
Materia Medica by Dr. Abdur REHMAN,
Homeopathic Stores and Hospital, 30, Allama
Iqbal Road, Lahore 54000, Pakistan.: This is an
eagerly long-awaited book. Dr. REHMAN is well-
known for his scholarly work ŘEncyclopædia of
Remedy Relationshipř (in English and German
separately) which has been well-received.
Personally, I am using it in my everyday Practice.
Another book of practical use from Dr. REHMAN
is this book under review ŘA Dictionary of
Causation in Homeopathic Materia Medicař.
Every ailment will have a cause, be it acute or
chronic; in our experience we have seen long-term
adverse developments due to what one say, some
trivial cause. It is not possible to have a repertory
which will have ready-made for application rubric
to point to the specific to the Řcauseř which I may
be searching for; the causes are manifold,
nevertheless a reference source would be helpful to
look for the right remedy. While lot of information
are available in the Guiding Symptoms much have
been added over the many years and these are
scattered in several separate books, Case reports,
seminars, etc.; there is lot of material in these.
REHMAN has collected these over the years and
given them to us in this book.
REHMAN has cast the net very wide, more
than 150 sources, what more! One has to carefully
read the rubrics and make oneřs own cross
references to suit the symptoms peculiar to oneřs
There are few shortcomings: first, whereas the
other works of Dr. REHMAN were published by
the reputed German publishers ŘThiemeř and
ŘHaugř Ŕ and the printing and binding were very
good and sturdy to withstand repeated handling, the
present publication done in Pakistan is poor in
these. The Lay-out also strains the eye. There are
few printing errors. While the Řsourcesř have been
listed at the end of the book, they are not quoted in
the rubric itself, with the result one cannot know
the source from which the particular information
has been drawn. The book is not, at present,
available in the Indian market.
I very strongly recommend this book to every
busy Homeopathy Practitioner.
5. Die homöopatischer Behandlung und Heilung
von Krebs und metastasierter Tumore, Dr. Jens
WURSTER, Verlag Peter Irl, 82321
Buchendorf. ISBN-978-3933666-19-2. 4 Auflage.
2006. (The Homeopathc Treatment and and
Fn,Cure of Cancer and metastasising Tumors)
(German): Dr.Jens WURSTER has been working
with Cancer under the leadership of Dr. Dario
SPINEDI since some years in the Clinic at Santa
Croce and we have his interesting article on this
subject in the ZKH. 49, S1/2005. He has also
presented paper in the 60
World Liga Congress in
The book has a theoretical part and a practical
There is an Introduction to Homeopathy,
followed by Cancer treatment in Homeopathy.
The author takes us through the relevant Aphorisms
in the Organon (§§ 201, 203, 205 and Fn 206);
thence choice of the symptoms, evaluation of the
symptoms, hierarchiesising the symptoms. He then
discusses the specific questions to be asked for
correct anamnesis and what symptoms are to be
especially kept in consideration in respect of
Cancer treatment. How to rightly judge the course
of the homeopathic therapy. Then a Chapter on
the Q Potencies and their uses. (ref. §§ 276, 246
and Fn, 247) What reactions are to be observed
after giving a Q Potency? Next is explained how
the Q Potency is to be administered. This is
followed by the Řplussing methodř of
the Řplussingř method may be of use in special, rare
cases; whereas the Q potencies have several
The homeopathic treatment as accompanying
Chemo- radiation- therapies is discussed. Next is an
essay on Papilloma virus and Cancer development.
ŘMy way of homeopathic treatmentř ends the First
The Part 2, discusses documented Cancer cases;
detailed anamnesis, analysis, repertorisation and
remedy selection, administration, follow-up, etc.
clearly. Ten (10) Cases are given: metastasising
Melanoma; Inoperable advanced Prostate
carcinoma; Breast Cancer with Lung metastasis;
Invasive Follicular Thyroid gland Carcinoma;
metastasizing Naso-pharynx carcinoma;
metastasizing Ovarian Carcinoma; metastasizing
Pancreas Carcinoma; metastasizing Melanoma with
cutaneous metastasis; Breast Cancer not operated Ŕ
cured with Homeopathy; Breast Cancer recurring.
Further on a case of Pulmonal metastasizing
Thyroid gland Carcinoma; this case impresses in
the mind the power of Homeopathy when the
correct remedy is chosen and given. The great
difficulty is in knowing when the totality of
Symptoms is to be the guide for choice of the
homeopathic remedy and when an organopathical
treatment should be chosen. This case covers all
aspects of Cancer treatment.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 95
The last case is of Malt-lymphoma and bone-
Tbc in a woman and a Melanoma in a dog.
A careful study of the cases and the authorřs
directions, considerations, etc. should enthuse us to
take up the homeopathic treatment of Cancers and
their cure with greater confidence.
The book is printed in Art paper, A 4 size;
printing, paper, binding Ŕ all excellent.
6. Hautkrankheiten homöopathisch behandelt
(Skin Diseases homeopathically treated),
Gabriele BENDAU, 2007. Sunrise Verlag,
Kirchzarten. ISBN 978-3-9806010-3-0. (German):
The author Gabriele BENDAU studied with Dr.
Gerhard KÖHLER. She learnt thoroughly and
collected lot of pictures to write an Řillustratedř
book on Skin Diseases. This book is a result of her
efforts; unfortunately she passed away suddenly
before the book could be published.
The author has taken the pains to carefully
collect the main symptoms, classify and
photograph and document them and suggest the
remedy. In this both the Proving Symptom and the
Řcuredř symptom are both significant.
BENDAU says that as a young assistant to Dr.
KÖHLER she saw that a typical morphology would
indicate the right remedy. She says of an
experience in this regard: A young lad who suffered
from Neurodermatitis told her about his anxieties,
chilliness and some other symptoms all of which
indicated Arsenicum. KÖHLER who did not know
any of her symptoms, said on seeing the eruptions
Ŗhm, hm, to me it seems to be Arsenicum Ŗ. It was
surprising that the mere morphology was sufficient
for Dr.KÖHLER to think of Ars. When she asked
Dr. KÖHLER how the lesion on skin is more than a
Řlocalř symptom and he answered:
1.The skin is a Nerve and Sense organ. It
develops with the Embryonal development just
like the Brain from the Ectoderm.
2. As an organ of metabolism it is much
important with regard to its thermo control in warm
households, it eliminates and resorbs.
3. The skin functions as reliever of internal
We forget often that the skin is also Nerve and
Sense organ.
KÖHLER says ŖThe morphology of the skin
disease is a reflection of the internal alterations.ŗ
The Hering‟s Rule is of particular relevance in
skin diseases. The skin will be healed last; it is
important that we advise the patient of this order of
It should not be misunderstood that in this book
the advice is to treat the skin exclusively; the
underlying disease which is trying to find a vent,
must be treated. The skin symptoms and its
morphology should help as indicators as also the
other important symptoms to find out the similar
remedy which will cure the Řin-lying evilř.
The Skin diseases have been discussed under
the following large heads: Blisters and Vesicles,
Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster; Cuts,
Hyperkeratosis, Eczema, and peri-oral Dermatitis;
Acne, Rosacea; Ailments with Viruses, Bacteriae,
and Fungus; Diseases of Nails. All these are
briefly discussed in about 1210 pages (A 4) with
color pictures of the Skin disease under
consideration. After these there is an Index of the
remedies discussed, an Index and literary
Paper, printing, binding and general get-up are
all excellent; 135 pages in A 4 size. The book is
very useful for the busy Homeopathy Practitioner.
7. Rhymes of Remedies, S.C. MISHRA, Mishra
Homeopathic Medical Publishers, 651, Yadav
Colony, Jabalpur Ŕ 482002 M.P.), India. 2009.
104 pages. Rs.80/-.: Rhymes are liked by all; they
help memorise key points on any subject; especially
for students; and all of us are students in so far as
Homeopathy is concerned and we welcome such
aids; I remember that the few rhymes given in ML
TYLERřs Drug Pictures were of great use; there
were also some stray poems in the Br.Hom.Jl. (not
since 20 years now). We enjoyed them. The best I
had read was by Patersimilias. Of course there
have been several in local languages, and they help.
Dr. SC MISHRAřs exercise have been fruitful;
he has covered 84 remedies. Some remedies like
Apocynum cannabinum have only two Stanzas
while Nux vomica has 10. MISHRA has taken up
the so-called ŘKey notesř and hence it becomes a
ready reckoner too! The rhymes are interesting to
read and can be memorised and recalled
I enjoyed reading them and I can confidently
recommend it.
8. Search and research on sixth edition of the
Organon of medicine and 50 millesimal
potencies - an accident. Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel,
Director, Institute of Homoeopathy for Research
and Education; Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 96
Initiation in the Research work on the sixth
edition of Organon of Medicine and 50 millesimal
scale of potencies was/is an accident in my life. An
accident is a inspiration and provocation of an inner
hidden energy or ambition in an individual man to
do good work in life. I had no dream that I will do
something to change what was going on with the
teaching of fifth edition of Organon of Medicine
without knowing why, what for the sixth edition.
Let me inform the readers how you face
Homoeopathic community, How the Research work
started, and personal encounter with homoeo drug
It was in 1948, it so happened that when I was
a student at Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical
College, I was very much impressed with lectures
who was a direct student of Dr. J.T. KENT of
U.S.A. I used to read different editions and
commentaries on ORGANON. We had college
library which was hardly used by any student or
teacher. As I was interested in Organon I asked the
librarian who was also a compounder in I.P.D. and
O.P.D. He obliged my request to see the library
after a week. Cupboard were rare commodities for
books at that time except for some old, rare books.
When the room was opened, it was a room which
was not ventilated and books were not arranged
properly or catalogued in a library manner. I saw
heaps of books and journals lying on the floor with
heavy load of fine dust over books and journals.
The librarian told me that ŖNobody asks for books
so I have not cleaned the room neither books for
nearly six months and more. You are the only one
who recently asked for a book. What do you want?ŗ
First I volunteered to clean the room and books. He
agreed and put faith in me. It took nearly six to
seven hours to clean dust and to put aright, but I
found a GOLDEN book in the heaps Ŕ The SIXTH
Samuel Hahnemann translated in English by
William Boericke, San Francisco, December 1921
and published in 1922. It was a surprise for me as I
was taught in the college only according to Fifth
Edition by Dr. B.K. BOSE and in our I.P.D. and
O.P.D. all followed prescribing centesimal
potencies accordingly.
Sincerely and honestly, I took the book
with the permission of the librarian to read. I found
vast difference with the fifth edition in many
aspects. Meanwhile I went to all publishers in
Calcutta to find out anybody who has published so
that I can own a copy. None had published. So I
had to copy by hand the differences in sixth and
fifth edition. I published an article in our college
magazine by name ŖHomoeopathy and
Homoeopathic Methodologyŗ. That infuriated the
whole homoeopathic community against me. Even
at one stage I was asked by Dr. A.N. MUKHERJEE
who was Chairman of the Society which was
running the college to leave the college. I survived
because of Dr. B.K. BOSE. The echo within the
homoeopathic community was very weak to
accept the change.
The problem was changes in sixth edition and
preparation of medicines, potentisation and
administration. Nobody cared to prepare potencies
according to directions given in 6
Manufacturers all over the world never prepared
their medicines according to directions given as
they never read, and professors and teachers in
Homoeopathic colleges never properly read in
between the lines of Organon hence they never
taught to wards (students). For me the situation was
confusing. What to do? Needs necessary research
Hahnemann‟s unheard directions would
have meant a significant change to practice with
a completely new set of remedies/medicines in
absolutely new and different potencies. Finally
even homoeopaths will question the authenticity
of Hahnemann‟s sixth edition of Organon of
During this period Calcutta was the ONLY
place in India to manufacture homoeopathic
medicines. I took courage to approach being
student to most prominent manufacturers and
explained what I want with the help of the Organon
of Medicine. First, they did not understand and to
some I made to understand when I told that one
drachm of medicine in globules can treat 300 to 400
patients. They said, ŖTHERE IS NO MONEY.
WHO WILL BUY?ŗ I was sad and disheartened.
Hahnemann Publishing Co. was mistaken by me
that they only publish books. When I came to know
that they manufacture homoeopathic medicines I
tried to catch a straw as a drowning man to save
life. I went to their head office. Dr. BAAR was
there as manager and a qualified pharmacist. I told
to him all my efforts and failures to get medicines
prepared according to sixth edition. He understood
my thoughts and thinking. But he was helpless as
PREPARATIONŗ. Last straw for drowning man
vanished with drowned man. As I was leaving his
office he said; Ŗwaitŗ. He told me; ŖI can prepare
for you one or two medicines as a trial but it will
cost you a huge amountŗ. I asked him, ŖHow
much?ŗ Two rupees for each potency, he said.
ŖDuring that time for one drachm medicine it was
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 97
priced or costed only 25 paiseŗ. When he was ready
I agreed and he prepared within a month two
remedies Ŕ Nux Vomica and Sulphur upto 0/30 and
later upto 0/50. (Now they have 125 or more
medicines in LM potencies).
Now the problem of clinical trial. Dr. B.K.
BOSE was against 6
edition as he was teaching
all along with the fifth edition and getting good
results. I had discussion with him many times and
he always told me during discussion ŖPAGAL
BOY (Mad boy)ŗ. Once he agreed for a trial of Nux
Vomica in O.P.D. What an inner joy I experienced
which is still with me. We tried without anybodyřs
knowledge as he was Vice-Principal of the college
and Professor of Organon of Medicine and Materia
Medica. We tried nearly three to four months and
with good results with Nux Vomica and Sulphur.
Finally he told me, ŖTum pagal nahi ho (you are not
mad)ŗ. It was a blessing and a strange, rare and
undreamed appreciation. The whole course of my
life changed as a student and practitioner. Now I
am known as Ŗ50 Millesimal man or Doctorŗ.
SHANTI (Peace) with inner self. I am 84yrs. in this
life and 56yrs. with Homeopathy.
OF POTENCIES (1959-65).
The A.H. Medical College was established by
Shri Swami Athuradas. The Foundation-stone of
the College building was laid by His Highness the
Rajapramukh of Travancore-Cochin State on 16th.
May 1955. The College is run by a Registered and
Charitable Institution called the Athura Seva
Sanghom; which was inaugurated by the Governor
of the Kerala State, Shri B. Ramakrishna Rao on
14th July 1958. The College was formally
inaugurated by Dr. K.G. SAXENA, Physician to
the President of India, on the 14th July, 1958. It
was an event which ushered a new era for the
development of homoeopathic education in India. It
was the first institution of its kind in the Kerala
state which was recognised by both the Provincial
and Central Governments since 1961 (vide
Governmentřs Order No. 15769-C2/61-4 Health,
dated 28-7-1961). The College is fully provided
with Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology
Departments, an X-Ray Unit and a Clinical
laboratory. At present the Collegiate Hospital is
provided with 100 beds. This is the first time in the
history of Homoeopathy that the Collegiate
Hospital is financially and otherwise looked after
by the Provincial Government. The Collegiate
Hospital serves the purpose of teaching the students
at the bed-side which is of paramount importance
for the practical training and development of
confidence in Homoeopathy in the students.
We are grateful to the Central Government and
the Provincial Government for the help, financially
and otherwise given to build up and develop this
institution. The Central Government gave us a
Grant of Rupees Two Lakhs and Twenty Thousand
(Rs. 2,20,000/-) for the year 1959-60. And again a
Grant of Rupees Two Lakhs and Twenty-five
Thousand (Rs. 2,25,000/-) for the year 1960-61 and
a further Grant of Rupees Seventy-five Thousand
(Rs. 75,000/-) specially for equipments for the
College for the year 1961-62. We feel happy to say
that both the Provincial and Central Health
Ministries are satisfied with the working and the
progress of our institution.
The Research Hospital:
We submitted a Research Scheme to prove the
efficacy of the 50 Millesimal scale of potencies to
the Central Health Ministry, through the Provincial
Health Ministry, on 4.3.1961. We started our
Research Department with ten special beds in the
Collegiate Hospital. The Central Health Ministry
immediately sent a Commission to the A.H.
Medical College to report about our Research
Department. The Commission visited our
institution in March 1961 and was quite satisfied
with our working and scheme. It recommended a
Grant of Rupees Thirty Thousand (Rs. 30,000/-) for
the Research on 50 Millesimal potencies which we
received from the Central Government for the year
1962-63. To continue the research work we
received a further grant of Rs. 14,725/- for the year
1963-64 and a sum of Rs. 10,000/- for the X-Ray
plant. In the year 1964-65 we received Rs. 15,672/-
to continue the Research work.
At first the Research was continued in the
Collegiate Hospital upto 28.7.1962 but after that it
was shifted to a new building specially constructed
for this purpose. The new Research Hospital was
opened and inaugurated by Dr. K.G. SAXENA,
Advisor in Homoeopathy to the Central Health
Ministry, on 29.7.1962.
The Research Hospital has facilities for 20
beds, ten for the female and ten for the male
patients. The patients are looked after by specially
trained nurses in the homoeopathic treatment and
research. The Hospital is fully-equipped with all
kinds of homoeopathic remedies and specially with
50 Millesimal scale of potencies. The X-Ray Unit
and the Clinical Laboratory are attached to the
Research Hospital. The Hospital was visited by Dr.
Sushila Nair, then Health Minister; Govt. of India
and recommended more fund for the research work.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 98
- Dr. Ramanlal P.Patel, D.M.S., D.F.H., L.M.
(Dublin) etc., Director.
P.S. At present C.C.R.H. has taken over the work of
research in Homoeopathy except on 50 Millesimal
Scale of Potencies. (2008)
Hahnemann died before he could publish his
sixth edition of Organon in which he made certain
changes in the preparation of drugs and in the
treatment of diseases. In 1921, Dr. William
BOERICKE of U.S.A. translated 6
edition in
English and was published in 1921, but its
authenticity is still doubted hence nowhere
experiments were conducted according to the
teaching of Dr. HAHNEMANN in his sixth edition.
We feel necessary to find out how far the new
methods advocated by Dr. HAHNEMANN are
helpful to the suffering mankind and for the
progress of Homoeopathy. We see in his latest
methods, a new development of medicinal power or
energy which is not known to medical sciences
other than Homoeopathy. The research work is
already in progress in the clinical research
department of A.H. Medical College,
Sachivothamapuram, Kottayam.
Treatment of diseases by 50 Millesimal scale
potencies according to the latest method of
Dr. Hahnemann in accordance with the 6
of Organon of Medicine.
Research workers:
(1) Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel, D.M.S. (Cal.), D.F.
Hom. (London), L.M. (Dublin), Principal,
Athurasramam Homoeopathic Medical College,
Sachivothamapuram, Kottayam; Director, Research
Department, A.H. Medical College; Ex-Chief
Homoeopathic Physician, Fr. Mullerřs Hospital,
Mangalore; Ex-Chief Clinician, Coombe Maternity
Hospital, Dublin; Member, Panel on Health,
Planning Commission, Government of India, etc.
Assisted by : - (1) Dr. P. Elias, B.Sc., D.M.S. (2)
Dr. K.G. Arjunan Nair, D.M.S. (3) Dr. K.V.
Appukuttan, B.Sc., D.M.S. (4) Dr. M.P.
Janakiamma, D.M.S.
Place: Athurasramam Homoeopathic Medical
College, Sachivothamapuram, Kottayam.
Aims and objects:
(1) To establish the action of 50 Millesimal
scale potency according to Dr. Hahnemannřs latest
instructions given in the Sixth Edition of Organon
of Medicine.
(2) To find out further actions of drugs on
certain disease conditions which are supposed as
incurable - e.g. Cancer, Asthma, Thyroid
enlargement, Leucoderma etc.
(3) To prove the efficiency of homoeopathic
drugs in infinitesimal doses.
(4) To lessen the duration of treatment.
(5) To reduce the cost of treatment (even for
serious complaints). Treatment according to 50
millesimal scale requires only one pill of No. 10
(size) for a dose and one drachm contains
approximately more than 1000 pills which costs
only 60 paisa. Hence in 60 paisa. 1000
prescriptions can be given.
(6) To give relief to the suffering mankind in
an easy and harmless way.
Work already done on the problem:
In the clinical research department experiments
were conducted on 500 patients who were suffering
from Acute and Chronic diseases and the results
were found to be more favourable than the
Centesimal scale or Decimal scale potencies. The
results of the same were published by Dr. R.P. Patel
in the A.H. Medical College Magazine for the
benefit of the homoeopathic practitioners.
Period required for completion:
Three years to five years will be required to
complete the research work. The exact
requirements are as follows: -
(1) In-patient (20 beds) and out-patient
departments for, (a) Acute diseases, (b) Chronic
(2) Laboratory: Pathological laboratory
building with properly equipped laboratory
materials and chemicals.
- Dr. R. P. Patel,The Director, Research Department,
A. H. Medical College.
(1959-65) :
I. According to age:
1. Infants and Children.
2. Women and Men.
3. Aged/Old people (60 and above)
Women and Men.
II. According to category of sicknes :
1. Acute cases.
2. Chronic cases.
3. Constitutional.
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 99
III. According to Disease :
1. General diseases.
2. Local diseases.
3. Epidemic diseases.
A special performa is devised for recording of
the cases admitted in the Research wing of A.H.
Medical College.
The special features of the Performa are: -
Preliminaries of the case consisting of: -
(a) Name, Age, Sex, Address.
(b) Date of admission, Case No. & Bed
(c) Duration of Disease.
(d) Provisional Diagnosis.
(e) Previous Treatment.
(f) Physician in charge.
1. A complete statement of the patientřs illness.
2. Discriminative symptoms consisting of:
(a) Particular characteristics.
(b) General, Keynotes, Physical and
(c) Pathological characteristics.
3. History of the patientřs illness consisting of:
(a) History of present illness.
(b) Personal history of the patient.
(c) Past history of the patientřs illness.
(d) Family history of the patient.
4. Complete physical examination of the
patient with investigations Ŕ
Clinical and Pathological.
5. Provisional diagnosis.
6. Totality of symptoms of the case.
7. Basis of selection of the Similimum and
repertorisation of the case.
8. Basis of selection of the Potency and
9. Treatment consisting of: -
(a) Date and Time of administration of
the medicine.
(b) Remedy.
(c) Potency.
(d) Doses.
(e) Repetition.
(f) Response to the Remedy.
10. Date of Discharge.
11. Remarks consisting of:
(a) Result - cure, improvement or no
improvement, relieved.
(b) Single or multiple remedies used and
their names.
(c) Potencies used and their repetition.
(d) Response to 50 Millesimal, Good/Not
(e) Response to Centesimal potencies
(f) Aggravation if any after giving 50
Millesimal Scale of Potency or
(g) Any other observation as a remark.
(a) Total number of cases treated upto -
(b) No. of cases of each category - results.
(c) Observations regarding 50 Millesimal
Action of lowest to highest potencies.
Response. Aggravations. Trial in special
cases. Single doses. Ascending doses.
Repetition. Jumping.
(d) Observations comparing the results with
Centesimal scale of potencies.
D. Limitations in the use of 50 Millesimal scale of
(a) Is 50 millesimal scale better than
Centesimal scale of potencies? If so in
what ways?
(b) Are there any rules and regulations for
administration of 50 Millesimal scale of potencies?
If so, what are they?
(c) Is there any special indications for the 50
Millesimal scale of potencies? If any what are they?
The aims and objects of the research are to
find out the efficacy of the 50 millesimal scale of
potencies which Dr. HAHNEMANN discovered
during the last years of his life after matured
experience of homoeopathic treatment. He found it
to be very effective and less harmful than the
Centesimal scale of potencies which were used
prior to the discovery of 50 millesimal scale of
potencies. But as Dr. HAHNEMANN died without
laying down definite and proper rules and
regulations about the use of 50 millesimal scale of
potencies, we felt duty bound to resume his
experiments and find out the facts.
N.B. We submitted the final report to the
Government of India after five years in 1965 with
further grants for new research schemes to continue
under the Ministry of Health, Govt. of India (1968),
which are being carried out by C.C.R.H. at present
(2008) except the use of 50 Millesimal scale of
potencies for the patients in the Hospital.