© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009
VOL. XXVI, 1 & 2, 2009
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current
literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published
world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-
wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed
study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end. Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th
Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080, India.)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 2
VOL. XXVI, 1 & 2, 2009
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic
journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with
brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and
addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected
essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. The Simillimum concept:
Understanding Aphorisms 275 & 276
LASHKOVA, Zara (SIM. XXI, 2008)
The whole conceptual meaning of the term
simillimum in Homeopathy is still improperly and
poorly understood.
With reference to § 275 & 276, the author
concludes that the simillimum is an integration of
four major concepts.
1. The similar remedy
2. The similar potency
3. The similar dose
4. Proper frequency of repetition [Repetition if
called for = KSS]
An interesting article.
2. Homeopathy and Jungian Psychology:
Kindred spirits
NOSSAMAN, Nick (AJHM.100, 3/2007)
There is a substantial resonance between
Jungian psychology and homeopathic medicine. In
the latter, we seek to understand the patient in his or
her totality by virtue of individualizing features,
which guide us to the similar medicine. Likewise
in Jungian psychology, the symbolic language of
the unconscious Ŕ such as is revealed to us in
dreams, active imagination and synchronicity Ŕ is a
reflection of the aspects of the individual still to be
discovered. The goal is the same: realization of the
potential of each individual patient in terms of
physical functioning and psychic expression. This
paper addresses the complementary nature of these
disciplines in some depth, by way of exploration of
the topic of suffering, the mirror as metaphor and
alchemical correlates.
3. Provings, Phenomena and Practice
The evolution of Homeopathic knowledge
PITT, Richard (AJHM.100, 3/2007)
Knowledge of Medicines is an essential part of
our homeopathic process. Homeopathic provings
have been the cornerstone of our methodology to
ascertain a knowledge of medicines. Verification
through clinical experience has been the other
significant form of our development of knowledge.
Experience confirms the validity of provings and
takes the knowledge into living three dimensional
reality. It is testament to Hahnemannřs genius that
homeopathic provings and clinical verification, in
attaining a Ŗknowledge of medicinal powersŗ is as
valid today as in his own time.
However, it can be argued that there are other
ways to develop our knowledge of medicines and
that both homeopathic provings and clinical
experience have certain inherent problems,
especially if relied on exclusively. Other, more
phenomenological methods of attaining medicinal
knowledge have been discussed in recent years,
creating much debate in the profession. This article
seeks to explore the issues around this debate and to
find a reasonable balance in our onion endeavor to
explore the knowledge of medicinal powers. It
argues that a combination of different forms of
Ŗknowledgeŗ gives the most confidence in
developing our understanding.
4. Miasms: Energy Forces observed by facial
BENTLEY Grant (AJHM. 100, 4/2007)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 2
There is too much of assumption and opinion
in this article. The author says that Miasms
Influence pathology, facial structure, behavior and
outlook; therefore know the Miasms of the patient
by the patientřs facial structure. Sample sketch
diagrams are given.
The author argues for repetition of a remedy
for several days, weeks, months! He says ŖToo
many homeopaths, myself-included, have been
misled by the Řsingle dose and waitř policy.
Obviously HAHNEMANN saw great benefits in
the continuous repetition of the medicine; otherwise
the LM potency scale would not have been
[How is it obvious? Irrespective of what any one
has said a repetition is called for only when called
for by the case in question = KSS]
5. Miasmen, zwischen Wahn und Realität
(Miasms, between Delusion and Reality)
METHNER Roland (ZKH. 51, 3/2007)
This is a brief study on ŘMiasmsř. The author
discusses Miasms as propounded by
HAHNEMANN (3 Miasms) subsequently
expositioned by J.H. ALLEN (4 Miasms, inductive
method), ORTEGA, (3 Miasms) MASI-
deductive method), JUS, (4 Miasms) GIENOW (6
Miasms). These Miasm Schools differ from each
other in fundamentals. As much deep one studies
these authors so much complicated they are.
The author has made a study of 250 cases over the
years and also the connection with Cancer. He
felt that the fact lies between J.H. ALLEN and
HERING. While Miasm knowledge will help to
recognise specific connections between certain
infectious diseases and other diseases, the majority
of the current authorsř are only their personal
observations, fantasies, unproved opinions and
inadmissible analogies. An exact verification in
this matter is the need now.
6. A study of suppression, Disease and Healing
POTDAR, Swapna (CCR. 15, 1/2008)
Suppression can happen in many forms.
a. An individual may himself suppress his
cravings, desires, aversions, emotions,
needs and thoughts. This may be due to
his fear of losing his image from a conflict
of (sycotic) or out of possible
consequences (Psoric)
b. A strong thought which is unexpressed.
c. Orthodox thinking Ŕ suppression at family
Every suppression will have the equal and
opposite repercussions elsewhere. (Newtonřs Law)
The suppression of local symptoms, which are
manifestations of the inner general disease, affects
the inner more vital organs. This confirms a Law
in physics Ŕ Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
It can only be converted from one form to another.
In §203, HAHNEMANN writes, Ŗthis
pernicious external mode of treatment, has been the
most prolific source of all the innurmerable chronic
maladies under which man groans.
Doctors and patients are unreasonably
gratified by the disappearance of the local
Homeopaths can cause suppression by
focusing on a single symptom without
understanding the central disturbance; by giving
too many doses of a medicine; wrong potency and
even poly-pharmacy.
Good knowledge of miasms help us to
understand the central disturbance better and with
correct homeopathic treatment, the susceptibility
to the miasms reduces and the subsequent
generations are greatly healthier in mind and body.
This will reduce the crime rate significantly, help
the mankind to progress positively and make the
earth a much better place to live in.
We need to be careful, responsible and
conscientious when practicing Homeopathy.
A case has been analysed miasmatically and
the readers are suggested to suggest rubrics,
remedy and potency.
7. Intuition in der Medizin
(Intuition in the Medicine)
NAGER Frank (AHZ, 252, 4/2007)
The significance of intuition in Medicine is
inquired in the light of its historical development
and its philosophical classification. The role of
Ŗraison de la mathématiqueŗ is valued and
confronted with the Ŗraison du ceurŗ.
Conventional Medicine will find its perceptions
in a causal, analytical way, trusting in the delusion
of measurability. But the alternative Medicine is
also one-sided in its own way too, not properly
taking into consideration the rational. In Medicine
all the four functions of Mind are required:
Intellect, Emotion, Sensation and Intuition. Only a
good combination of these ingredients will widen
the technique of Cure to the Art of Healing.
8. Der Archetyp des Spiegels Ŕ Beobachtungen
über die Natur von Heilung (The Archetype of
Mirror Ŕ Observations about the nature of
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 3
NOSSAMAN Nicholas (AHZ. 252, 4/2007)
To this day no one knows with certainty what
mechanism is responsible for the healing that takes
place when the similar remedy is prescribed
successfully in Homeopathy. HAHNEMANN
himself acknowledged that: 1. It is unknown, and
2. It is not necessary that it be known for us to have
success in prescribing. Nonetheless, he made his
own proposal for the mechanism involved. In that
spirit of Inquiry this paper explores this topic
further, using the metaphor of mirror. Besides its
applicability in describing the mode of healing
which takes place in Homeopathy, the metaphor is
expanded in relation to successful healing
experiences in general, incorporating concepts
from general systems theory and references to a
wide variety of other fields. Jungian Psychology
and Dream analysis, Native American healing
ceremonies, literature (including the Bible) and
Mythology are all touched upon in the Inquiry. In
addition, the nature and
attributes of the Vital Force, as described by
HAHNEMANN, are discussed.
9. Homöopathie- Eine Frage des Stils
(Homeopathy Ŕ a question of Style)
APPELL Rainer G (AHZ. 252, 4/2007)
Thomas S. KUHN explained anew the term
ŘParadigmř in his work ŖThe Structure of Scientific
Revolutionsŗ. Homeopathy claims to have
overcome the disputes about Paradigm. In the light
of Ludwig FLECKřs work, the concept of mode of
thinking and collective thinking recurs instead.
Like the conventional Medicine Homeopathy has
its own mode of thinking which should be
developed conscientiously. Mutual tolerance is
called for.
10. Conceptions of health, illness and treatment of
patients who use homeopathy in Santos, Brazil.
JUSTO Patriani CM & Gomes Mara H
Andrea (HOM. 97, 1/2008)
Objective: To investigate the conceptions of health
and illness, th ereaseons for seeking Homeopathy
and continuing treatment, compliance and the
meaning of the relationship between religiosity and
health for patients who adhere to homeopathy.
Methods: A qualitative study of 20 adult patients in
Santos (Brazil) treated by homeopaths in the public
and private sector for atleast 2 years. Semi-
structured interviews, organized by predefined
thematic categories, the content of the interviews
was analyzed.
Results: The conceptions of health and illness of
the interviewed patients are related to the idea of
vital balance/imbalance mediated by body-mind
interaction. Dissatisfaction with conventional
treatment, family influence and suggestions of
others were the reasons for seeking homeopathic
treatment. Patients continued homeopathic
treatment due to positive therapeutic results, cure
without being aggressive to the organism, the
holistic integrated approach, the preventive nature
of the treatment and low prices of medicine. For
these patients, the availability of Homeopathy in
the public health sector extends the possibility of
access. The need for a wider dissemination of
Homeopathy and the difficulties in following the
prescription are the main problems involved in
continuing treatment. Faith is an important
component. We found a correlation between the
conceptions of health and illness and theprinciples
of Homeopathy, assimilated through a strong bond
between patients and the homeopathic practioners.
Conclusion: To investigate the beliefs, values and
meanings that patients attribute to Homeopathy
helps to understand subjective aspects that may
interfere with treatment compliance.
11. Truth, proof and evidence Homeopathy and the
medical paradigm
SWAYNE Jeremy (HOM. 97, 2/2008)
The study and practice of medicine, in its most
personal and intimate functions, its most
sophisticated scientific and technological
manifestations, and its philosophical and ethical
ramifications, are central to our understanding of
the human condition. Homeopathic medicine: its
insights, the questions that it begs, and the scientific
and philosophical challenges it presents, has a
significant contribution to make to this process.
To be actively and seriously engaged with
Homeopathy is an adventurous undertaking. It is to
be engaged in exploring both human nature and the
nature of the world we inhabit. And in that process
we are also engaged in the pursuit of truth and the
exploration of reality.
This paper deals first with the layout of the
playing field on which Homeopathy has to
compete to be taken seriously. It then discusses
three concepts: reality, truth and knowledge, which
are objectives for which we strive and principles
that guide us in that striving. In the third part it
introduces the concept of Řpersonal knowledgeř as
an essential ingredient of scientific discovery and
the pursuit of truth. And finally it proposes that the
homeopathic community in general, and the Faculty
of Homeopathy in particular, must expand its vision
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 4
with a definition of a new paradigm, the new model
of healthcare and medical science to which the
vision aspires.
12. Treating Leick with like: response to criticisms
of the use of entanglement to illustrate
MILGOM Lionel R (HOM. 97, 2/2008)
In criticizing papers which recently appeared in
Homeopathy, Leick claims that no doubts blind
randomized clinical trials (DBRCTs) show that
Homeopathy is efficacious, and that specific
effects of substances diluted beyond Avogadrořs
limit are implausible. He states that generalized
entanglement models should be able to improve the
design of experiments to test ultra-high dilutions,
and disparages the authorsř understandings of
quantum physics. The paper responds to those
criticisms. Several DBRCTs have shown that
Homeopathy has effects which are not due to
placebo and these are now supported by preclinical
work. This area of theory is in its infancy and it is
unreasonable to expect it to have generated
experiments at this stage. The authors have used
accepted interpretations of quantum theory: Leickřs
view is colored by skepticism concerning
13. Modern or post-modern? Local or non-local? A
response to Leick.
WALACH Harald (HOM. 97, 2/2008)
Most debates in science and the humanities that
cannot be settled are not about truth, nor about data,
but about beliefs and world views. Philippe Leickřs
comment on entanglement models of Homeopathy
are a good example. Because of this, no argument,
however convincing to some, will settle that debate.
The only thing that can resolve it is a large cultural
shift. My own ideas about non-local models, for a
whole category of possibly similar events of which
Homeopathy is but one example.
1. Proving of Rhodium metallicum
LUCAS, Joy (SIM. XXI, 2008)
Three - Two Female and one male Ŕ Provers
participated in the Proving with 30, 200, 1M
Important Themes: A shift in perception;
Money; Assertivenesses. Emotional reactions of
sympathy, anticipatory but calm; thoughts of
mortality, feeling of being healed, Lacking interest
in others. Calm versus Chaos Ŕ Internal dialogue
about this.
Craving for chocolate. Sensitive skin with
eruptions and weak nails. Sensitivity. Surges of
energy and inertia. Profuse menses with swollen
breasts. Pasty and floating stools, bleeding with
anal fissure. Frequent urging to urinate. Many
The details about the metal, its use in ancient
time, and then Jan SCHOLTENřs and Peter
TUMMINELLOřs views are given. No cases as
verification of the symptoms obtained from the
Proving, has been given. [There is more mysticism
than Ŗfactsŗ, as is common with several modern
provingsř. The actual proving data should have
been given. Interpretation by the author is not
called for = KSS]
2. Spiders Ŕ Suspended between Earth & Sky
FRASER, Peter (SIM. XXI, 2008)
Though the various spider remedies are very
similar, each one of them is precise in its action.
To find the right remedy we need to know well the
features that are general to the spiders, so that we
can see more clearly the unusual characteristic to
find the particular spider needed.
1. Confusion Ŕ a state of awareness without
understanding Ŕ as in Autism.
2. Hypersensitivity Ŕ physical and emotional
3. Great restlessness. physically chorea and
4. Very chilly, generally worse for cold and damp
and better for warmth
5. Secretive as well as attracting attention
6. Aversion to solid food; sensitivity to smell.
7. > From smoking
8. Hypochondirasis and cunningness
9. Precocious sexuality.
[The author could have substantiated all these with
the ŘProvingř symptoms. As it is, they all seem to
me only opinions and imaginations fertile. This
article is in true with the current Ŗinnovationsŗ.
Homeopathy rests on facts. = KSS.]
3. The efficacy of Coffea cruda on Insomnia:
A double blind trial
Insomnia is defined as inadequate sleep intake
due to difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying
asleep, waking too early and not being able to get
back to sleep. In industrialized nations between
30% - 40% of individuals suffer from at least
occasional periods of sleep disturbance. The
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 5
significance of sleep lies in its impact on the central
nervous symptom as extended periods without
sleep result in disturbances in mental function.
The remedy used in this study was Coffea
cruda 200c. Although there is some research
evidence that it has an effect on the sleep of
animals, there is no research on its effect on
The aim of the study was to determine the
efficacy of the homeopathic remedy Coffea cruda
200c in the treatment of insomnia characterized by
a difficulty in falling asleep due to nervous
excitability and a flow of ideas. The quality of
sleep was assessed in terms of duration of sleep and
improvement in sleep pattern. The study was a
double-blind placebo-controlled study, which lasted
for four weeks. A total of thirty participants
meeting the inclusion criteria were recruited by
means of advertisements. At the initial consultation
participants were presented with information on the
study and were requested to sign a consent form as
well as complete a questionnaire. A homeopathic
pharmaceutical company blinded the study, so that
when the participants selected their 50ml bottle of
medication, they automatically allocated
themselves to the experimental or placebo group.
Participants were also requested to complete a sleep
diary every morning and follow-up visits were
conducted on the second and fourth week of the
All results were compared with the initial
assessment and changes were recorded. Data were
analyzed according to the General Linear Model,
Mann-Whitney Test, Cross Tabulation, Fisherřs
Exact Test and Regression Analysis.
It was found that the experimental group
(Coffea cruda) reported an increase in sleep
duration (p = 0.003) to a greater extent than did the
placebo group (0.007). Improvement in sleep
pattern elicited by the experimental group yielded a
p-value of 0.002 compared with that of the placebo
group (p = 0.011). Therefore, on both parameters,
the homeopathic group fared better than the
placebo group. This study serves as a point of
departure for other studies wishing to examine the
effect of homeopathic remedies on insomnia.
4. Hahnemannřs Pharmacography
An examination of our primary Materia Record
DIMITRIADIS, George (AJHM. 100, 3/2007)
Our written record of provings originated with
HAHNEMANN, and whilst the value of his works
on Materia Medica may be measured by the
subsequent success and growth of Homeopathy,
which itself relied on their accuracy, it is
remarkable to observe much of this work is now
largely unfamiliar to the present-day homeopath Ŕ
teacher, student, and practitioner alike. This
striking deficiency, coupled with the seeming
profusion of more modern (more or less
speculative) Materia Medica, which themselves
introduce considerable errors of omission,
translation, interpretation, and extrapolation,
together provide the necessary stimulus for our
present article wherein we examine the
pharmacography of HAHNEMANN and show the
unsurpassed quality, even to this day, of that work.
5. Ein Characteristikum von Cocculus indicus?
(A characteristic of Cocculus indicus?)
HOLZAPFEL Klaus (ZKH. 51, 3/2007)
Two cases which share a peculiar modality,
were cured by Cocculus. The symptom was:
difficulty in protruding out the tongue. The
symptom seems to be a characteristic. The author
has made a thorough study of the BBCR,
Boenninghausen, Boger, Phatak and the Proving
6. Acidum Hydrocyanicum Ŕ Steckbrief eines
Arznedimittels (Acidum Hydrocyanicum Ŕ
warrant for a remedy)
SEUL Brigitte (AHZ. 252, 4/2007)
The remedy Hydrocyanic acid was introduced
in Homeopathy as early as 1826, but it is still little
known. It has a small number of indications in
attacks of suffocation, convulsions and collapse
and can be of great benefit in cases of emergency.
The essential information about this remedy are
summed up here. A case report is given.
7. Homarus gammarus Ŕ Eine Kasuistk
Homarus gammarus Ŕ A Case
(AHZ. 253, 3/2008)
A case report of a child showing many
symptoms of Calcarea in which the curative
remedy was Homarus gammarus. This remedy
belongs to the Řsea remediesř. Allergy to milk and
the need for Ŗsuper-humanŗ protection are the most
important criteria for the prescription. Much
knowledge is obtained from Massimo
Homarus gammarus was proved by
A.CUSHING. However hitherto, this remedy has
been used only in respect of milk allergy. Thanks
to Dr. Massimo MANGIALAVORI many clinical
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 6
symptoms have been added as specific for this
remedy. The Řthemesř are:
Inability to stand on his own
Super-human protection
Secure surrounding
Spastic retraction
Burning pains
Cramping sensation
Blistery eruption
[In so far as the Materia Medica is concerned we
do not find the Řprovingř symptoms; the above
symptoms of Dr. Massimo appear to be based on
his vast experience. = KSS]
7. Norwegian Proving of Rosa canina
HAUKAA Karine (HL. 19, 4/2006)
Detailed ŘProvingř symptoms have not been
There is a Řsummaryř of ŘMindř and Řgeneralř
symptoms [without the full data of Řprovingř there
is no purpose in publishing this article = KSS].
8. Erbium metallicum
SCHOLTEN Jan (HH. 33, 5/2008)
Case 1: