© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 3 & 4/2009 102
Malaria came up when he took the Chinabark
infusion. Most probably a substance will arouse only
those symptoms which the Řproverř is susceptible to.
It would be revealing if someone who had suffered
from Malaria and had it Řcuredř by Quinine, takes up
similar experiment and see whether those symptoms
he had got cured, come up. In my humble opinion
such experiment may be more relevant to
Homeopathy = KSS]
3. The Harmful Cure observed by HERING and
KENT in contrast to HAHNEMANNřs Concept
of Gentle Restoration of Health
SOUZA, I.C., Brazil (HL. 20, 1/2007)
The ŖLaws of Cureŗ for chronic diseases have
been HERINGřs most significant work for
generations of homeopaths. KENT endorsed
HERINGřs laws and their ultimate progression up to
skin lesions, and included Ŗsevere aggravations,
revival of past symptoms and eliminationsŗ among
the expected results during homeopathic treatment of
chronic diseases. Despite the claims of HERING
and KENT to be Hahnemannřs followers, the cure
standards established by them seem to be quite
harmful and contrary to Hahnemannřs gentle
restoration of health ideal.
The objective of this study is to find out whether
HERING and KENT based their arguments and
procedures on Hahnemannřs principles when
inferring and observing those harmful cure standards.
Heringřs propositions regarding the Laws of Cure
and Kentřs remarks about severe homeopathic
aggravations were analysed in the light of
HAHNEMANNřs writings.
The Řconclusionsř of this study:
1. HERINGřs Laws of Cure cannot be justified
upon Hahnemannřs premises, since according to
HAHNEMANN internal and external symptoms
should improve together, without a specific order of
direction. The only point of convergence between
Hahnemann and Heringřs laws is the observation that
the latest symptoms that have been added to a chronic
disease are always the first to yield in an antipsoric
2. Misapplying Hahnemannřs recommendations,
KENT was careless with dosage; admitted as
pathway to cure severe and long homeopathic
aggravations, return of all past symptoms,
exteriorisation against doses and eliminations, which
were considered by HAHNEMANN as organismřs
defences against dose excess or incorrect
3. HERING and KENT did not follow
Hahnemannřs principles and the harmful cure they
observed was probably a result of their own
procedures in Homeopathy, deviating from the
objective e of gentle restoration of health.
[This article appears to dub completely the so-
called ŘHeringřs Lawř; it is not a question whether it
is a Řlawř or a Řruleř, but the question is whether there
is a Řdirection of cureř which would indicate that the
remedy is acting as it should; and if the Řdirectionř of
HERING is wrong then what is the right Řdirectionř?
Further, is it accepted that the disease is from without
to within; if so is it not then right that the cure should
be from within without? We have had cases, a small
number of course, where the patients who knew
nothing of Homeopathic Principles, said of their
own, ŘI felt that my pain went from above
downwardsř, ŘI feel that many of my old, years old,
symptoms are returning and going awayř. Personally
I feel that if I was not having more cases of this type
it only meant that my Homeopathy is still to be
improved, that the Řlawř of or Řdirection of cureř is
there; we have also seen external eruptions in the
process of cure. We have also seen that persons do
develop eruptions after a surgery like ŘCataractř
surgery; what else is it except the Vital Forceřs
reaction? By the way what is our Řcureř rate with
regard to several chronic diseases where none of the
Řdirectionsř are observed and with what follow-up
study? The ŘHeringřs Lawř is the yardstick by which
we measure the extent to which the cure has come
about and what still remains. By what other
observations can one declare that one has been
cured? May be there are opinions that are not
acceptable in the light of our own experience; but to
say that HERING and KENT did more harm in the
process of cure, is too general a condemnation. It
would be helpful if the learned authors give cases
from their own practice Řlasting curesř without any
Řdirectionř of the cure process. = KSS]
4. The Sub-conscious and the Source Ŕ Systematic
Homeopathy: an Unexpected
Approximation to the Mystery of the Soul
(HL. 20, 1 - 3/2007)
The author has given a series of three articles on
Ŗdeeper understandingŗ of homeopathic remedies.
The first part starting from its beginnings, inspired by
Hahnemannřs critical mind and thorough
observations, up to the fascinating developments of
systematisation in the last three decades. The second
article introduces the levels of Systematic Case
Taking: ten levels of expressing our experience in
disease and healing, as shown in a shortened case of
Sealřs milk, Lac phoca. This process opens new
horizons not only for seeking the exact simillimum in
Homeopathy for every patient, but for a deeper
understanding of ourselves and the context in which
we live. The third article documents an illustrative
case: Ŗin the centre of a Supernova, - a black aperture