© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 3 & 4/2009 100
VOL. XXVI, 3 & 4, 2009
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over -
India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full
names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080,
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 3 & 4/2009 101
VOL. XXVI, 3 & 4, 2009
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known
homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA,
etc., - discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles
for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation
are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts, while Part III
carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Magic & Miracles
PANDEY Alok (NAMAH. 14, 4/2007)
Man needs miracles. It is the occurrence of a
phenomenon which defies the normal process through
which nature seemingly operates. It really brings out
into the normal world another play of forces and field
one who does not know to handle them it appears
miraculous and supernatural. Man hardly recognizes
miracles of the unknown and unborn he passes by
without even noticing them. Miracles require certain
inner conditions as scientist requires certain outer
ones. Greater miracles happen silently; miracles may
take several directions.
If we look behind the magic and try to understand
and play of forces, then we discover that even this is
effective only to the extent that the body
consciousness secretly supports the will to cure and
the mind gives assent through the faith in the process.
In reality, the body is cured only when it has decided
to be cured and the means it uses is the one in which it
has faith. Most men relish emotions on display and to
that extent this catharsis itself partially helps. This is
not caused by any great or astounding power on the
part of the medium, but rather due to the very nature
of group psychology. If we resist or loose faith and so
instead of assisting the highest alchemy of grace, we
only shut the doors to it and thereby complicate and
prolong our own misery.
Just as children stop regarding commonplace
events as magical or miraculous when they grow up
and learn the process of things, so too we must grow
out of our infancy and play with energies and learn
about other forces in Godřs world of infinite wonders.
Then the scientist and occultist shall speak with one
voice. Then the miracle shall cease to be so or
perhaps the whole of life and its most seemingly
insignificant events will appear as a wonder and
2. Der Chinarindenversuch Ŕ Schlüsselexperiment
für die Homöopathie?
(The China bark experiment Ŕ Key experiment
for Homeopathy?)
LOCHBRUNNER Birgit (ZKH. 52, 1/2008)
It is well-known that to HAHNEMANN the idea
Řdawnedř that substances which produce symptoms
in certain well person will cure similar symptoms in
an ill person, with his China bark experiment. There
was no doubt in his mind since he repeated the
experiment and every time experienced in himself the
symptoms certainly produced by the China bark
infusion. The above essay examines the relevance of
this experiment.
The experiments as carried out by
HAHNEMANN were repeated by some but they did
not experience the symptoms which HAHNEMANN
had with reference to Intermittent Fever, although
certain other symptoms did agree. How much
relevant therefore is HAHNEMANNřs China bark
experiment both within and without Homeopathy, is
the question raised. Perhaps further experiments
may be carried on. [It may be pointed out that
HAHNEMANN had suffered from Malarial fever
while he was in Siebenbürgen, and the symptoms
which were peculiar to him when he suffered from
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 3 & 4/2009 102
Malaria came up when he took the Chinabark
infusion. Most probably a substance will arouse only
those symptoms which the Řproverř is susceptible to.
It would be revealing if someone who had suffered
from Malaria and had it Řcuredř by Quinine, takes up
similar experiment and see whether those symptoms
he had got cured, come up. In my humble opinion
such experiment may be more relevant to
Homeopathy = KSS]
3. The Harmful Cure observed by HERING and
KENT in contrast to HAHNEMANNřs Concept
of Gentle Restoration of Health
SOUZA, I.C., Brazil (HL. 20, 1/2007)
The ŖLaws of Cureŗ for chronic diseases have
been HERINGřs most significant work for
generations of homeopaths. KENT endorsed
HERINGřs laws and their ultimate progression up to
skin lesions, and included Ŗsevere aggravations,
revival of past symptoms and eliminationsŗ among
the expected results during homeopathic treatment of
chronic diseases. Despite the claims of HERING
and KENT to be Hahnemannřs followers, the cure
standards established by them seem to be quite
harmful and contrary to Hahnemannřs gentle
restoration of health ideal.
The objective of this study is to find out whether
HERING and KENT based their arguments and
procedures on Hahnemannřs principles when
inferring and observing those harmful cure standards.
Heringřs propositions regarding the Laws of Cure
and Kentřs remarks about severe homeopathic
aggravations were analysed in the light of
HAHNEMANNřs writings.
The Řconclusionsř of this study:
1. HERINGřs Laws of Cure cannot be justified
upon Hahnemannřs premises, since according to
HAHNEMANN internal and external symptoms
should improve together, without a specific order of
direction. The only point of convergence between
Hahnemann and Heringřs laws is the observation that
the latest symptoms that have been added to a chronic
disease are always the first to yield in an antipsoric
2. Misapplying Hahnemannřs recommendations,
KENT was careless with dosage; admitted as
pathway to cure severe and long homeopathic
aggravations, return of all past symptoms,
exteriorisation against doses and eliminations, which
were considered by HAHNEMANN as organismřs
defences against dose excess or incorrect
3. HERING and KENT did not follow
Hahnemannřs principles and the harmful cure they
observed was probably a result of their own
procedures in Homeopathy, deviating from the
objective e of gentle restoration of health.
[This article appears to dub completely the so-
called ŘHeringřs Lawř; it is not a question whether it
is a Řlawř or a Řruleř, but the question is whether there
is a Řdirection of cureř which would indicate that the
remedy is acting as it should; and if the Řdirectionř of
HERING is wrong then what is the right Řdirectionř?
Further, is it accepted that the disease is from without
to within; if so is it not then right that the cure should
be from within without? We have had cases, a small
number of course, where the patients who knew
nothing of Homeopathic Principles, said of their
own, ŘI felt that my pain went from above
downwardsř, ŘI feel that many of my old, years old,
symptoms are returning and going awayř. Personally
I feel that if I was not having more cases of this type
it only meant that my Homeopathy is still to be
improved, that the Řlaof or Řdirection of cureř is
there; we have also seen external eruptions in the
process of cure. We have also seen that persons do
develop eruptions after a surgery like ŘCataractř
surgery; what else is it except the Vital Forceřs
reaction? By the way what is our Řcureř rate with
regard to several chronic diseases where none of the
Řdirectionsř are observed and with what follow-up
study? The ŘHeringřs Lawř is the yardstick by which
we measure the extent to which the cure has come
about and what still remains. By what other
observations can one declare that one has been
cured? May be there are opinions that are not
acceptable in the light of our own experience; but to
say that HERING and KENT did more harm in the
process of cure, is too general a condemnation. It
would be helpful if the learned authors give cases
from their own practice Řlasting curesř without any
Řdirectionř of the cure process. = KSS]
4. The Sub-conscious and the Source Ŕ Systematic
Homeopathy: an Unexpected
Approximation to the Mystery of the Soul
(HL. 20, 1 - 3/2007)
The author has given a series of three articles on
Ŗdeeper understandingŗ of homeopathic remedies.
The first part starting from its beginnings, inspired by
Hahnemannřs critical mind and thorough
observations, up to the fascinating developments of
systematisation in the last three decades. The second
article introduces the levels of Systematic Case
Taking: ten levels of expressing our experience in
disease and healing, as shown in a shortened case of
Sealřs milk, Lac phoca. This process opens new
horizons not only for seeking the exact simillimum in
Homeopathy for every patient, but for a deeper
understanding of ourselves and the context in which
we live. The third article documents an illustrative
case: Ŗin the centre of a Supernova, - a black aperture
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 3 & 4/2009 103
and a blinding lightŗ, and a Proving of human blood,
Sanguis humanum. It examines the significance of a
clear informational pattern in disease and health,
engraved within us, which is linked to the source of
our remedy.
1. The Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic Practice
Dr. MALCOLM Russell (AJHM. 101, 1/2008)
Serious homeopathic practitioners have all had
to face the fact that sometimes their most carefully
chosen prescriptions mysteriously fail to improve
their patient. When this happens, it is all too easy for
practitioners to assume that they are simply failing to
identify the best remedy for the case. Often this is not
the case, however, and for the sake of patient and
practitioner alike, it is vital that homeopaths have a
detailed knowledge concerning acquired intrinsic
blocks to cure. One major intrinsic source of illness
(and prescribing failure) is bowel dysbiosis. Patients
who have acquired a deranged bacterial flora (either
in their bowel or their airways) will often fail to
respond fully to standard homeopathic prescribing.
This paper is largely concerned with the often
insidious and diffuse clinical presentation of bowel
dysbiosis. It is hoped that this account will raise
awareness of the problem and help practitioners
identify which patients require to be Řunblockedř with
a bowel Nosode at an early stage in their treatment
2. Strophanthes Hispidus
PARSONS Phill (AJHM. 101, 1/2008)
Employing numerous references from the
homeopathic literature, the author details the Materia
Medica of Strophanthus hispidus. A few central
characteristics include: Heart failure, with Weak,
Irregular pulse; Edema, Dyspnoea, Palpitations, rapid
alternation of Contraction and Dilatation of pupils,
Loquacity, Nausea and Vomiting; Headache with
surgings to the head; Hypertension (often with flushed
face). The author includes a description of the benefit
he personally received from Strophanthus in the
wake of his myocardial infarction; interestingly, the
remedy, in addition, to alleviating his heart condition,
greatly improved his type 2 Diabetes mellitus and
essentially alleviated his long-standing Myopia.
3. Bohemian Villages and Cowřs Paws: My Search
for Bomhenia
MUELLER Manfred (AJHM. 101, 1/2008)
The author details his literature search for
information about Bomhenia, a Cancer remedy
referred to by A.H. GRIMMER. Unable to find any
information about the remedy under that name, a
creative rephrasing of the name finally led him to
discover Bauhinia forficate, Brazilian Orchid tree,
which must have been the remedy GRIMMER was
referring to. Information about the medical utility of
botanical Bauhinia forticate in Cancers, Diabetes, and
other ailments follows, with a final appraisal that this
remedy would be well worth proving.
4. Erfahrungen mit der homöopathischen Arznei
Staphysagria Ŕ Teil 3
(Experiences with the homeopathixc remedy
Staphisagria Part 3)
THOMAS Christoph (ZKH. 52, 1/2008)
The author has been particularly researching the
homeopathic Medicine Staphisagria since 7 Ŕ 8
years; he has published several articles in the ZKH
itself. He is of course continuing the work. This
article is a recapitulation of the experience so far. It
has been observed by the author that the remedy
diagnosis of Staphisagria as taught by his teacher, the
late Dr. Jost KÜNZLI von Fimmelsberg, does not
work in several cases and he therefore felt that
KÜNZLIřs method may be complemented with a
specific diagnostic methodology. The author says,
Ŗsurprisingly, Staphisagria has proven to be the
suitable remedy for the majority of the many
unsolved cases of authorřs practice. Consequently,
the majority of chronic cases of the author can be
treated successfully with very few remedies. The
question arises as to what extent the clinical
confirmations of Constantin HERINGřs The Guiding
Symptoms of our Materia Medica correspond to
genuine healings.ŗ [What does Christoph THOMAS
mean by Řgenuine healingsř? Does he mean the cure
according to the Law of Cure? And over these more
than 100 years of the publication of the Guiding
Symptoms, have we not had several cases analysed
with the help of the GS and ŘKnerr Repertory to the
GSř? Are they not Řgenuine healingsř? = KSS]
The author also gives the physical signs for
choice of Staphisagria; also the complications when
the right remedy Ŕ Staphisagria Ŕ is not given.
5. Kalium silicicum
SPRINGER Wolfgang und WITWER Heinz
(AHZ. 253, 4/2008)
[This remedy does not seem to have been
Ŗprovedŗ. Only William BOERICKEřs Materia
Medica, among the early authors, has it. Evidently
the Materia Medica on this remedy is a synthetic one
plus clinical observations. = KSS]
The remedy picture is given in the Řschemař form,
illustrated by the case of a woman with Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome. It shows the aspects of both
elements: the strong reference of family of the
Kalium salts and the precision, care and high
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 3 & 4/2009 104
achievement-orientation of Silicea. [It is thus evident
that it is a synthesised drug picture = KSS ].
6. Homöopathische Differenzierung der
Wirtsbäume der Mistel
(Homeopathic differentiation of Viscum album
the Mistletoe)
WILKENS Johannes (AHZ. 253, 4/2008)
Viscum album, Mistletoe, is a remedy which
shows a broad spectrum of effects. The remedy
picture of the Mistletoe is not necessarily dependent
on its host tree. The same applies to Viscum album
in Cancer therapy. Experiences in the recent past
show that depending on the host tree, there are
particular drug pictures being of special importance
for Cancer therapy and prophylaxis. For
Homeopathy a new field is open: the Mistletoe tree
medicine: visco-dendrology.
Dr. WILKENS gives the indications in respect
of Viscum album from 12 different trees. Probably
these indications are on the basis of the practical
experience and not on extensive Provings and
Symptoms so obtained.
7. The Allium Twins
COOK Trevor (HH. 30, 11/2008)
This is a brief but very interesting study on Allium
cepa and Allium sativum. The Key Notes and
comparisons are discussed. At the end of this small
essay Dr. COOK says ŖOur deeper understanding of
the awesome natural features of Allium cepa and
Allium sativum and the role of their Sulphur contents
suggest that further study of their constitutional
features may also be helpful.ŗ
8. Natrum sulphuricum
SHAIKH Tarannum (HH. 30, 12/2008)
Dr. SHAIKH says that the Bio-chemic remedy
Natrum sulphuricum is of great value in his personal
experience. [Unfortunately he has not given any case
which would help us to appreciate his article. = KSS]
9. Phenomenological Study of Thyroidinum
BASU Biswajit (HH. 30, 12/2008)
Thyroidinum is deep-acting anti-miasmatic
remedy. The author has endeavoured to present the
phenomenological study of this remedy, from Řcauseř
and Řeffectř point of view.
10. Retrograde Study of Nitric acid
POTDAR Swapna (CCR. 15, 2/2008)
In this interesting article the author studies Nitric
acid from repertory rubrics, reverse study i.e. instead
of studying the repertory through the Materia Medica,
you study the Materia Medica through the Repertory.
Single remedy Ŕ in this case Nitric acid Ŕ rubrics are
taken up for study. It is interesting, no doubt. [Why
the title Řretrogradeř? ŘRetrogressionř means
Řdegenerationř; it is a backward, a retreat and is not a
Řpositiveř word. Source Websterřs Unabridged
Dictionary. = KSS]. The Materia Medica (Chr.Dis.)
of Nitric acid says ŖAnxiety as if he is engaged in a
disquieting lawsuit or contestŗ. This has been shown
in the Repertory under ŘDelusionř instead of under
ŘAnxietyř, also the Proving says Ŗas if he is engagedŗ,
which has been wrongly given in the Repertory as
11. A Case of Warts
PATIL Snehal (CCR. 15, 2/2008)
35 year-old male, a Marketing Officer, had
several warts on the external throat, and hands. These
had been cauterized earlier, but later came up again.
Antimonium crudum and Thuja made the warts go
away within a short period of two months. [Why has
the doctor given t.d.s. for 7 days? There is no
emergency or Řlife savingř situation to warrant such
repetition. It is seen that the author is young and just
entered into the profession. He/she must resist the
doubt that one (or sometimes two) dose will not work
or giving several doses would render faster cure;
HAHNEMANN has called this, playing lotto i.e.
lottery where you bet on all the numbers in the hope
that you will win from some one of the numbers.
When we are sure of the selection of the remedy, then
we must have the confidence to apply it according to
the law laid down by the Master and not what is
taught by several modern impostors. This is
important right from the first day of embarking on
actual practice. No intention to criticize the doctor but
just speaking on over 5 decades of experience. =
12. Recurrent Abortion and Hyperemesis
LOBO Anita (CCR. 15, 2/2008)
23 year-old female married three years;
complained of not conceiving although her menses
were regular. History of two abortions at third month
and one at fourth month. On the basis of the totality
of her individual symptoms, was given Natrum
muriaticum 200 and she conceived. For her
complaints of Hyperaemesis gravidarum Nux vomica
200. Pregnancy proceded well. [The doctor should
have waited for the birth of the child and report the
case and not hurry = KSS]
13. A Case of Ankylosing Spondilitis
MISTRY D.E. (CCR. 15, 2/2008)
© Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 3 & 4/2009 105
A doctor beyond middle age, with diagnosis of
Ankylosing Spondylosis. The rheumatologist opined
that the disease had gone far and he must have
immunosuppressive treatment which involved much
expense and adverse side effects. After thorough
case analysis, he was given Rhus toxicodendron M.
The patient went on improving; he was given SOS
one powder of Rhus toxicodendron M. After eight
months the remedy was repeated once, and again after
another six months. This was followed with
Medorrhinum 30 one dose and three months later for
certain symptoms was given Pulsatilla M. He
reported well both mentally and physically.
14. Identifying with Society Ŕ A case of Kali
(HL. 20, 1/2007)
The identification with Society is the main theme
of the Kali family. For each Kali this theme comes
forward in a specific area of life and in a specific
way. In a series of thirteen articles, planned for
publication in thirteen issues of Homeopathic
Links, thirteen members of the Kali family will be
Case: 37 year-old Cosmetics Salesman: looked
strikingly elegant; holds one of the main managerial
jobs in this well-known Italian Cosmetics company.
Inwardly he is simple and empty but outwardly he
spends lot of his energy in keeping up appearing in a
certain way. He suffered from chronic colds, almost
for twenty years. Sneezing or blowing the nose,
constantly every couple of minutes, watery flow.
ENT diagnosed Sinusitis; also sore throat, tonsils are
big; much catarrh. Throat hurts, the pain sometimes
goes to the stomach. Sometimes burning in abdomen.
Morning on rising donřt fell refreshed. A very
anxious person and always in a hurry. The symptoms
clearly pointed to Kali bichromicum as it came out;
one may read it in full in the journal. [To me it
caused much more confusion; I am comfortable
without the Řthemesř; more sure with facts than with
surmises; I feel that the řthemeř is a construct of the
author = KSS]
15. Dama dama Ŕ fallow deer - Case and Proving of
a New Remedy
SHERR Jeremy and BARKER Anne
(HL. 20, 1/2007)
This case of Multiple Sclerosis demonstrates
some of the strong themes of Dama dama which
revolve around caring, nurture, family and the home,
as well as conflict between home and career. The full
Proving of Dama dama including many more mental
and physical themes will be published in the future at
1. Terrible Tics and a Terrific Temper?
DOOLEY Timothy R. (HT. 29, 1/2009)
9 year-old Georgia with neurological tics, warm
blooded and slept only with a sheet even in winter.
Disliked all vegetables. Loved candy, cheese. Afraid
of dogs. Sulphur 200. Six weeks later, no change.
The jerky movement of the shoulder all time during
waking hours whether playing, eating, studying or
Now, a violent arching of the back (bending
backwards). She behaved haughtily with her mother,
speaking down to her as if her mother were an
underling someone deserving of her contempt. Cicuta
virusa 30. One month later, no arching back, better.
Cicuta virusa 200. Two months later, amazing
change. Happier, calmer and less angry. No tics.
Even her coughing and eye rolling (neither were
reported) of a 2 years duration were also gone.
2. Forgiving and Moving Forward
Homeopathy can free us from past emotional
SILVESTRI, Kenneth (HT. 29, 1/2009)
Sally, 48, having fatigue with trembling sensation
and the constant need to lie down. Recurrent hard
styes since 10 years. Problems started after her
husband left her after y