Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 1
VOL. XXVII, 1 & 2, 2010
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India,
England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names
and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080, India.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 2
VOL. XXVII, 1 & 2, 2010
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known
homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA,
etc., - discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for
detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries
original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Homeopathy and its Paradigms:
Semiotic, Vitalist and Fragmentary
ROSENBAUM Paulo (IJHR. 2, 5/2003)
This is an excellent study and difficult to be
condensed. The title of the article is self-explanatory.
Several basics are examined. It will be worthwhile to
read the entire article, ponder and respond.
2. Bemerkungen zu Homöopathie, Miasmen und
(On Homeopathy, Miasms and Cancer)
WÜRGER Wolfgang (ZKH. 52, 3/2008)
This article probes the theory of Miasms. What is
the connection between Miasms and Cancers? Can
modern Řscientificř experiments/enquiries, as for
example POPPERřs Řfalsifiabilityř, or METHNERřs
suggestions, etc. give the answer? Or since
Homeopathy is Řinductiveř science, should we Řreflectř
on the philosophical theory of Science, make self-
reflection and base our experience with Homeopathy?
[What was ŘScienceř for HAHNEMANN? Perhaps we
should agree with Ekkehard FRÄNTZKI Ŗ. . .
Wissenschaftlichen Charakter hat das Heilverfahren
nach HAHNEMANN dann, wenn es zum ersten auf
dem Boden der E r f a h r u n g steht. Jahre bevor die
erste Auflage des ŖOrganonŗ erschien, hatte
HAHNEMANN sein neues Heilverfahren unter dem
Titel: ŖHeilkunde der Erfahrungŗ der Fachwelt
vorgelegt. Erfahrung ist für HAHNEMANN Idee der
Wissenschaft von zentraler Bedeutung . . . . . Ŗ (Die
Idee der Wissenshcaft bei Samuel Hahnemann von
Ekkehard Fräntzki, KH, XVIII, 6/1974) = KSS]
3. ŖItřs Done with Mirrorsŗ
Observations on the Nature of Healing
NOSSAMAN Nicholas (AJHM. 101, 2/2008)
The metaphors of the mirror is useful in describing
the phenomenon that takes place when the simile or
simillimum is administered to the ill patient, to initiate a
healing process. This transformational event is
explored through references to the Organon of
HAHNEMANN and his concept of the power of the
Vital Force compared with the power of the similar
medicine in the promotion of healing. The relevance of
the mirror metaphor to the healing process in general is
explored in other fields, with reference to Jungian
Psychology, Mythology and the Bible, among others.
4. An analysis of the Concept of Miasm in the Light
of the State of Medicine as Existing in 18
MATHUR Mohit (AJHM. 101, 3/2008)
This paper reviews the circumstances in which the
concept of Miasm (acute and chronic) evolved and how
subsequent developments in the field of medicine, most
notably in the realm of infectious disease, have
improved our understanding about the nature of diseases
and brought into question the validity of the Miasm
theory. It concludes with an emphasis on the need to
further refine the homeopathic concept of disease.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 3
1. Hartlaub & Trinks Pure Materia Medica: to save it
or lose it?
ZOBY, Elias Carlos (IJHDR. 2, 5/2003)
Homeopathic Medicine is based on ŘProvingř of
substances and faithful recording of the signs and
symptoms so obtained, i.e. empirically obtained Řfactsř.
Full symptom, with the location, the sensation, the
modalities with regard to motion, time and space,
remain for all time to be applied, researched, etc. Facts
survive time provided they are known. Our Pure
Materia Medica preserves its accuracy ; time helps
us to discover many previously unrealized features.
It is essential that we read these Řsource booksř and
discover for ourselves rather than follow secondary,
fancy writings.
The Řsource booksř are only few as available to us
now, for example HAHNEMANN, HERING, TF
ALLEN, HUGHES & DAKE, STAPF, et al. The main
pathogenetic compilations available are six or seven.
American Provings are not available in English.
Whatever given in the compilations by HAHNEMANN,
ALLEN only are available in English. For this reason
the repertories do not contain all that are in these
sources. It is however seen that even in these English
compilations there are several omissions, errors.
In this article the author examines some mental
symptoms in the HARTLAUB & TRINKS vis a vis the
books used in the daily practice and points out the
lacunae which are serious enough. It is hoped that this
will kindle interest in the members of the profession to
do further studies on these lines. [I would like to draw
the attention of colleagues that Dr. K.-H.GYPSER of
Germany is already carrying out such studies and is
engaged in the Materia Medica Revision Project; so far
about 10 monographs, one remedy in one volume, have
come out. We invite others to undertake such work and
centralise them all with Dr.GYPSER. This is my
personal opinion. = KSS]
2. Patogenesia Qualitativa de Arsenicum sulphuratum
(Qualitative Proving of Arsenicum sulphuratum
SOLON Luiz Ricardo (RH. 70, 1-2-3-4/2007)
Six volunteers, pharmacy students, proved
Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum 1000CH. This short
experimentation was conducted within the framework of
qualitative research on the epistemology of subjectivity.
A hypothetical configuration of the subjective pathology
was constructed: the remedy elicited anguish of
imprisonment, which gave rise to an imperious
explosion of feelings with physical restlessness, as well
as pressive headache, desire for chocolate and desire for
3. Proposta de Matéria Médica de Tormentilla erecta
(Proposal for a Materia Medica of Tormentilla
Barbara Susanne (RH. 70, 1-2-3-4/2007)
This paper presents the proposal for a clinical
proving of Tormentilla erecta, built upon the reports on
its effects mentioned in historic, traditional medical,
toxicological and pharmacological literature as well as
on the effects verified by the authors in clinical practice.
4. Provings
HOGELAND Anneke (AJHM. 101, 2/2008)
The authorsř experience in conducting proving
raised some profound questions regarding the nature of
the data collected and information revealed, suggesting
the importance of adopting a new, more inclusive
proving methodology. It seemed clear that not only
those participating who actually took the remedy being
proved developed symptoms, but also that there was an
amazing congruence with the symptoms that arose in
very sensitive Ŗproversŗ who did not actually take the
medicine. Consequently, the authors concluded that for
a proving to reveal the full potential of a remedy the
following information should be included: data gathered
from journal provings, data gathered from a group
setting where there is direct involvement with the
process of remedy preparation, and especially data
gathered from those who are so sensitive to the process
as to produce symptoms even at a distance.
5. Review of Proving Methodologies
HOGELAND Anneke (AJHM. 101, 2/2008)
The varied sources/methods of homeopathic
proving are discussed; included among them are;
trituration, toxicology, Hahnemannian (Classical)
proving, Modern classical proving, Modified Classical
proving, and finally seminar and meditation provings.
1. Hahnemannřs later Prescriptions
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 4
ADLER, Ubiratan C., ADLER, Maristela Schiabel
and PADULA Ana Elisa
(Med GG. 27/2008)
There has been much speculative statements about
the potencies used by HAHNEMANN in his last years
in Paris. It was thought that he used both the C and Q
potencies equally. It was thought that it would become
clear if the number of prescriptions in C and Q
potencies were identified separately, especially during
the last years of his Practice in Paris.
The six months period between 1 January and 30
June 1843 was taken up for study and a careful and
thorough analysis was made of Hahnemannřs Case
Register pertaining to this period available in the
Institute for History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch
Foundation, Stuttgart.
As a result 743 prescriptions wee identified out of
which 582 (78%) were Q potencies, 142 (19%) were C
potencies and 19 (3%) of unidentifiable potencies. The
Centesimal scales were mostly in C 30 in descending
scale, (C30, C24, C18, C12, C8 and C6). On the other
hand the Q potencies were in the ascending scale.
It may be concluded therefore, that in the last six
months of his Practice HAHNEMANN the 50
millesimal Potencies four times more than the
Centesimal. These findings agree with his
observations in the VI edition of the Organon.
2. Homöopathie Und Transpersonale
Psychotherapie als Integratives
(Homeopathy and Transpersonal Psychotherapy
as integrated treatment model)
SCHNEBEL Beata (AHZ. 253, 5/2008)
The synthesis of Homeopathy and Transpersonal
Psychotherapy is an effective and profound kind of
treatment. The author gives a case from his
Practice of a 54 year-old woman with depression. Her
case was worked out to be Pulsatilla. Simultaneous
treatment with transpersonal Psychotherapy involving
Dreams, Imagination and Creative works helped much
in restoring the health of the patient. This integrative
method would surely help difficult and complex cases.
3. Homöopathie und Naturheilfahren Ŕ eine sinnvolle
Kombination am Beispiel des akuten
(Homeopathy and natural healing methods Ŕ
appropriate combination, for example acute
Urinary tract Infection)
Stephen (AHZ. 253, 5/2008)
The homeopathic treatment of the acute urinary
infection often cannot be successful on first hand for
various reasons. Especially urinary tract infections tend
to relapse, so the dynamic of acute, chronic and
miasmatic diseases can be studied well in this example.
Natural complementary medicine is suitable to gain
time and to ease the acute symptoms; the chances in
applying Physiotherapy are shown. In the so-called
irritable bladder are a complex of functional-vegetative-
psychosomatic symptoms Homeopathy Ŕ as long term
e.g. constitutional treatment Ŕ is the method of choice.
[While we do not want to enter into debate whether
homeopathic treatment is not successful on first hand,
it is our experience that it has been successful. In such
an early work as von BÖNNINGHAUSENs
Aphorismen des Hippokrates (1863) he has dealt with
Harnwegsinfektionen in detail and the homeopathic
medicines for that. However such help as may be from
physiotherapy, dietary regulations are not barred, they
may help hasten the cure. = KSS]
4. Die Behandlung des akuten Gichtanfalls
(The Treatment of acute attacks of Gout)
BÜNDNER Martin (AHZ. 253, 5/2008)
In this case of Gout with recurrence over the years
the patient who is a Heilpraktiker treated himself with
homeopathic medicines and every time the response
was good. The remedies were chosen after appropriate
repertorisation. However the complaints kept on
recurring. The author says that whereas the acute
attacks were promptly relieved every time, it kept
recurring. The repertories provide with information to
treat the acute attacks. A constitutional treatment
which would prevent the recurrence of the attacks must
be found, including dietic support.
5. Infertility and Homeopathy
(IJHDR. 2, 5/2003)
Female, 39, consulted for Sterility in May 2003,
with uterine Myomata diagnosed 6 years before. Very
concerned about her fertility, she had tried
unsuccessfully to conceive for 9 years. Other
complaints: constipation, flatulence, Hay fever, Acne.
Pulsatilla 200, 300 and M were given according
evolution of the case within a period o 3 months. In the
month she became pregnant. The author explains his
choice of the remedy. This case shows that the action of
the homeopathic remedy which is not related to matter
but to some kind of Ŗenergeticŗ action would act
immediately. Vitalism involves a most peculiar
understanding of the biologic phenomena, completely
against the materialist-mechanist paradigm
characteristic of contemporary Bio-Medicine.
Homeopathy developed outside the frame of Ŗofficial
scienceŗ, not only out of external exclusion, but also by
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 5
a sort of auto-exclusion. One way to correct this
negative trend, is to publish well-documented case
reports, which is the aim of the present article. [While
the case was worked out with Repertory with reference
to the symptoms, did not lead to Pulsatilla. A study of
the remedies obtained through Repertory seemed to be
inappropriate. Therefore the author used Key Note and
Řthemeř which also indicated Ignatia which seemed to
be not the remedy for this case. Therefore a few but
extremely characteristic symptoms (only 4 symptoms)
were chosen and the result was Pulsatilla which gave
satisfactory result. A word about Řthemesř. Themes are
not real symptoms they are interpretations and
extrapolations whereas Homeopathy has to do with
Řfactsř which are symptoms told by the patient. = KSS]
6. Bulbar Ulcer und Homeopathy
(IJHDR. 2, 5/2003)
27 year-old male, 10 Sept. 22; dyspeptic since 9
years. Sporadic attacks of Vertigo. Antecedents of
epileptic seizures since age 1, currently treated with
Fenobarbital, 200 mg/d. Splenectomy in 1988 after a
car accident.
Symptoms: Sour taste in the throat; Irritated, wanting to
scream; Dizziness, cannot focus things clearly,
perfectly; Workaholic; I ponder on new strategies 24/7,
my work absorbs almost 100% of my time. Worried
about the goals I set for myself, I must reach the goal.
Desire for Ice Cream; High Fevers almost always with
seizures; Grinds teeth during sleep.
Examination: Active Bulbar Ulcer (Sakitařs A2;
moderate erosive bulbo-diodenitis; positive urease test
for H.pylori.
Diagnostics: Clinical: Bulbar Ulcer; Epileptic seizures;
Miasmatic: Tertiary Psora Ŕ covert Egotropy (Masi
Elizaldeřs classification).
Repertorial analysis and then study of the Pure Materia
Medica: Nux vomica 30, then 200, single doses on 17
Sept 2002 and 12 Oct. 2002.
Improved. Patientřs attitude to work also changed.
He stopped blaming himself and thinking of
professional matters in his free time. Upper digestive
Endoscopy: healed bulbar Ulcer (Sakitařs S2); slight
erosive bulbitis; slight emantematic gastritis; positive
urease test for H. pylori. Upto this the patient remained
free from symptoms. He took new doses of Nux
vomica 500 and then 1000 in January and July 2003.
This case shows that the action of the homeopathic
remedies is systemic, not restricted to any particular
part of the organism.
7. Schlaf störungen bei Kindern - Drei Kasuistiken
(Sleep disturbances in children - three cases)
(AHZ. 253, 6/2008)
With three cases from her practice the author
demonstrates homeopathic treatment of sleep disorders
of children.
8. Müde bin ich, geh zur Ruh
(Iřm tired, and go to rest)
ZIPPERMAYR Philipp (AHZ. 253, 6/2008)
Sleep can be seen as retreat by the events of the
day and by the social surrounding field. The different
forms of sleep disorders are therefore disturbances of
this retreat. They refer to a specific social conflict of
the patient, not or not completely permitting this retreat.
The analysis of the temper and the message of the
dominating disease symptomatology bring to light a
disturbed bond of trust to the surrounding field as a
reason for the sleep disorder. The knowledge of the
cause, the motive of disease, makes it possible to
compare with motives of the remedies which are
applicable, facilitating the homepathic choice.
9. Carcinosinum und Medorrhinum bei der
Behandlung von Schlafstörungen
(Carcinosinum and Medorrhinum in treatment of
sleep disturbances)
HADULLA Michael (AHZ. 253, 6/2008)
The author demonstrates with two of his cases of
treatment of sleep disturbances in children with the
Nosodes Carcinosinum and Medorrhinum.
Case 1: Ten year-old girl had come to me before, with
nervous abdomen pain after the death of her
grandmother. She gave the impresssion of a very much
sad person. After examination, gave a dose of Ignatia
D200 with rapid improvement. Since her mother was a
strong, open, promoter of Homeopathy. She now came
with complaints of sleep, which she had unsuccessfully
treated with Coffee. The anamnesis: weeps
despairingly; the usual tricks of bedtime stories,
banning of TV, etc. did not help and the child woke up
every fifteen minutes and this torture the mother has to
undergo until mid-night. Throughout the day the child
is inattentive, annoying everyone. She has slided down
at school too. She has craving for chocolate; she is very
conscientious, ambitious, responsible and extremely
structured. Repertorisation brought out Carcinosinum
which was given in 200. In six weeks the mother came
with great exclamation at the wonderful change. The
child is her normal and studies very well, etc. The
sleep disturbance is not there anymore.
Case 2: 32 year-old female; she spoke of her two small
sons. During the second pregnancy she suffered much
from opathsleep disturbances. Sometimes she slept at
5 ořclock in the morning, and was finding it too weak
and tired and as a result Anaemia. She underwent
allopathic treatment and also from a homeopathic
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 6
prescription of Silica, and also a complex prescription;
and also a colleague gave her Sepia and Aconitum as
also Acidum phosphoricum Ŕ all to no good result.
Since the case appeared complicated, I could not come
to a homeopathic remedy, so applied Acupuncture, and
the sleep became better. Unfortunately the
improvement did not last and she again could not sleep
well. Became irritable and annoyed. She then told of a
craving for meat, sharp spicy food. She further
revealed of an unpleasant discharge, yellowish,
burning and itchy. There were also some mental and
emotional symptoms: Temper, aggressiveness,
impulsiveness, bashfulness, alternately introversion and
extraversion, could easily weep particularly when she
spoke of her complaints. She bites her fingernails right
from childhood. She washed her hands very frequently
particularly when returns after purchases. She is
grumbly through the day and during evening and night
Repertoriation indicated Medorrhinum which was
given in D200, three globules. There was a very good
response. For maintaining the improvement
Medorrhinum LM 6 sweekly.
10. Eine Rückschau über 20 Jahre Krebstherapie in
eigener Praxis und 10 Jahre in der Clinic Santa
Croce und Ausblicke in die Zukunft
(A retrospective study of 20 years of cancer
therapy in own Practice and 10 years in the Clinic
at Santa Croce and prospects in the future)
SPINEDI Dario (ZKH. 52, 3/2008)
The author has over 20 years experience in the
homeopathic treatment of different Cancers, and since
10 years experience with the St. Croce Hospital. Dr.
SPINEDI was trained by Dr. KÜNZLI. Accordingly
the following are the main guidelines in classical
- The Simile rule
- The Proving on the healthy
- The preparation of high potencies
- The invention of the 50 millesimal potencies
- The Kent Scale
- The exact technique of Anamnesis
- The homeopathic aggravation
- The exact dosage
- The second prescription
- The long-term follow-up
The knowledge of these are the foundation for the
cure of chronic diseases including Cancer. We are very
much grateful to the homeopaths of the past and
present who have worked so hard with these
Ŗmultifarious factorsŗ and have given us valuable
instructions. I think of Eli JONES, BURNETT,
and many, many others. Our attempts at the St. Croce
Hospital is to arrive at a methodology which
synthesises the best of the great homeopaths mentioned
above and others. We are lucky to have whole
generations of homeopaths and only a thoroughly
considered synthesis of their knowledge will result in a
optimum success.
The author gives 15 cases of different Cancers: 1.
Ewing Sarcoma. 2. Malignant inoperable coccyx
Teratoma with multiple Lung and Liver metastasis. 3.
Inoperable Sarcoma of the Uterus. 4. Inoperable Liver
Carcinoma in a one year-old child. 5. Primary
metastasizing Mamma Carcinoma. 6. Embryonal
Testicle Carcinoma and Mediastinal Sarcoma. 7.
Mamma Carcinoma. 8. Prostate Carcinoma. 9.
Metastasizing Melanoma Clark Level IV. 10. Prostate
Carcinoma operated, PT2b GIII. Gleason-Score 7. 11.
Axillary Lymphnode metastasis left , an occult primary
carcinoma in a pregnant female. 12. Metastisizing
Ovarial Carcinoma Figo III/IV, G III. 13. Low
malignant Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. 14. Status after
amputation of a breast Cancer and high doses of
Chemotherapy. 15. Recurrence of a Rhabdomyo-
sarcoma in a boy.
Practically no side-effects of radiation were
11. Eine Schizophrenie? Homöopathie und Psychiatrie
bei einem schwer traumatisierten Flüchtling in
aufenthaltsrechtlichen Verfahren
(A Schizophrenic? Homeopathy and Psychiatry in
a severely Traumatised refugee in an Asylum)
EPPENICH Heinz (ZKH. 52, 3/2008)
This article has a two fold topic: the presentation of
a model case study of a successful prescription of
Anacardium with a verification of the Proving symptom
Ŗhe imagined he heard his name calledŗ, as well as the
problem as to which instance is legally legitimate to
judge the evidence of the truth (diagnostic and
therapeutic) in the Asylum Proceedings of severely
traumatized refugees. The middle part consists of a
correspondence of the author and a Psychiatrist; the
names of the persons involved have been made
unrecognizable with exception of the authorřs name.
12. Gentle little souls
Everyday uses for the humble tissue salt
CASTRO Miranda (HT. 28, 1/2008)
SCHÜSSLERřs Biochemic system is based on
supplementing the deficient mineral salts.
Sulking Cat
Ten year-old Minnie had exiled herself since two
days refusing all food. This started after another new
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 7
kitten sophie was rescued and was entrancing the whole
family and getting all the attention.
A tablet of Natrum muricaticum 6x was dissolved
in water and rubbed on to Minnieřs outraged nose.
About half an hour later, Minnie quietly came in to the
house, ate little food and then climbed into the basket
with sophie, curled up and fell fast asleep.
High in the Pyrenees
The author lived for two years in a remote hamlet
iun the French Pyrenees. Prone to horrid urinary tract
Infection with urge always and burning after urination.
Usually before menstrual period and during emotional Ŕ
weepy and irritable. Cracks at the corner of the mouth
or in the middle of lip. Natrum muriaticum 6x
frequently on the first day would improve immediately.
The common indications for all the 12 salts are
given. A handy cell salt index (Repertory) is given.
Dishrag, string Bean Kids
A course of Calcarea phos. during and/or after a
growth spurt to keep these kids from falling into a
slump. It improves the vitality and appetite. It helps the
horrid growing pains. Phases of complaining of
stomach and or headaches on coming home from
school. These usually occur before, during or after a
growth spurt.
13. Addicted to Love?
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 28, 1/2008)
James 33, returned from abroad and found his wife
of 3 years had left the family home, taking their two
year-old son with her and refused to have any contact
with him. His reaction was overwhelming disbelief.
Exhausted and yawning frequently. After Ignatia XM,
he felt much better, exhaustion and yawning improved
greatly and was able to understand the truth of the
An older woman happily married for 50 years was
terribly saddened and shocked by her husbandřs death
and completely withdrew herself, feeling life was no
longer worth living. She stayed in seclusion for 2 years.
a dose of Natrum muriaticum, lifted the feeling of grief
and she felt like her old self again.
Angela had a kind of loving partner. Unfortunately
she was still in love with a man with whom she had an
affair few years earliuer, though she knew the current
partner was by far the better. Antimonium crudum 30
helped dramatically. This remedy is for sentimental,
romantic persons.
Jeanette, who recently separated from her
husband, enraged by his hurtful behavior towards her
and their very young child. She felt she would kill him.
While talking she was picking invisible fluff her
clothing. Hyoscyamus 200 and within 2-3 days she
became relaxed, calm and able to see the funny sides of
things again.
Indications for Natrum muriaticum, Phosphoric
acid, Aurum metallicum, Lachesis are also given.
14. The Heart of the Matter
Homeopathy helps a woman with irregular heart
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 28, 1/2008)
Abigail, 60 years, with atrial fibrilliation since a
month, especially at night, disturbing her sleep.
Anxiety worse at night. Felt light-headed and off
balance at that time chilliness of extremities. Felt cold
in her back. Great need for warm covering profuse
perspiration, over head, hands and feet. Tendency to
constipation and swollen glands. Much organized in
everything. Silica 200. No change. Kali silicatum 12c
once a day.
A week later better overall. Fatigue lessened and
sleeping better. Atrial fibrillation less. Continued to be
on Kali silicata12c. in the next two years AF only
during the time of stress. [This is interesting. Is Kali
silicate a ŘProvenř remedy? Or a synthetically created
Materia Medica only? = KSS]
15. Avoiding or Delaying Root Canal Therapy (RCT)
A case of Ŗirreversibleŗ pulpitis
SHORT, John. A. (HT. 28, 1/2008)
A 47-year-old woman with very deep decay in her
lower left first molar since a month. Increased
sensitivity to cold liquids. Pain was distributed
generally on the left side of face. Radiograph indicated
inflammation. She was withdrawn. Greasy face.
Menstrual colic and unrefreshing sleep. Preliminary
removal of decayed part was done and antibiotics not
given. Natrum muriaticum 200. She remained
symptom free and a Radiograph couple of months later
showed dentinal bridging, a sign of healing. Over the
years 30-40% of patients with homeopathic medicines
did not require RCT.
16. Dissolving Scar Tissue, growths & Tumors
The homeopathic remedy as Řsurgeonř
ST. JOHN, Gloria (HT. 28, 2/2008)
Anna, 60 year-old with painful, large neuromas in
both feet and had enforced a sedentary life style.
Surgery was advised but she was not willing. Feet were
more painful when standing better when siutting and
somewhat better when walking. Silica 12c daily and to
stop it whenever the relief was felt. Three weeks later,
she lamented that she was doing so well at first and
then all the pain is back. She had taken Silica 12c, even
after she had significant pain relief. Within 2 days of
stopping Silica12c, pain was gone. Five weeks later
many positive changes. Lost 15 pounds due to her
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 8
increased mobility. A year later, no pains but the
status of neuromas not known as she was reluctant to
undergo X-rays.
Bill, 66 years had series of accidents as a young
man and lot of suffering due to it. One knee replaced.
Continued back pain and several surgeries to relieve it.
He had twisted. Spine pain worse in cold, damp
weather. He had melanoma (resolved). His hearing
was compromised from military and industry noise
exposure. He was on Thyroid Medication and Quinine
for muscle cramps. He was on Morphine. Back pain
increased after each surgery. Hypericum 200 and 12c
did not help. Thiosinaminum 6c daily. Pain briefly
increased, but now much reduced. Memory better. Felt
better overall, with increased energy. He was on
reduced dosage of Morphine. Thiosinaminum 12c few
times and Morphine at 25% of the original dosage.
17. Bridging Thought and Homeopathy
LUEPKER, Ian R. (HT. 28, 2/2008)
Six year-old Simon had delayed milestones and
with apraxia of speech i.e. difficulty in sequencing the
motor movements needed for volitional speech. He
also struggled with a sensory processing disorder and a
tic disorder. Flaps hands often. Mother was under
much stress during his pregnancy and as an infant had
the inability to co-ordinate the motor movements to
Now he miususes or omits words while speaking,
gives irrelevant answers. Grinding teeth. Enjoys deep
pressure. Has high pain threshold. Alternating moods.
Nux moschata 200.
Six weeks later, his sensory issues had improved
by 50%. Speech more clear. No hand flapping.
Four months later, irrelevant answers decreased by
Two years later progressing in all areas. (Overall 7
doses were given).
[By the appropriate homeopathic remedy,
communication became appropriate and that is much in
day to-day life; it meant one expressed, verbalized what
are thought. Thanks to Homeopathy = KSS].
18. Clear your seasonal Allergies
And revel in the springtime again!
GAHLES, Nancy (HT. 28, 2/2008)
Indications for Allium cepa, Euphrasia, Sabadilla
and Wyethia are given.
45 year-old Sally with spasmodic sneezing attacks
in the presence of flowers, perfumes and scented soaps.
Itchiness of eyes and mouth. Chronic vaginal yeast
infection, burning and irritating. Feels bloated,
tightened. Sabadilla 200. For 4 days much worse and
with throat pain. Knee pains and gum abscess flared
up. Then felt much better. In the next 4 years, two
more doses.
Skylark, with runny nose, cough and wheeze since
one year of age in the hay season and then in wet, damp
or cold season. First mucus in throat, then hoarseness,
dry, burning throat, incessant cough and the tormenting
attempts to cough up the mucus. Causticum 30 helped.
Later he could explain that it started with itchiness
of palate. Wyethia 30, stopped the problem.
19. Hay Fever magic and the Minimum Dose
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 28, 2/2008)
Authorřs brother with Hay Fever since 7 years of
age intolerable itching of eyes and swelling of eyelids.
Repeated and violent sneezing. Running nose with
soreness between nose and upperlip. Itching inside
nose and roof of mouth. Sabadilla 30, 7 pills. One pill
to be taken and wait. To repeat only if there is
disimprovement after improvement.
He took one pill daily and had terrible bout of Hay-
fever Ŕ homeopathic aggravation. He was reassured.
In the next twenty years another bout of Hay fever. He
is now one of Homeopathyřs greatest fans.
20. Goodbye Itchy Eyes!
COWARD, Steven (HT. 28, 2/2008)
Bella, years old with severe allergies that got
especially bad each Spring and Fall. Intense itching of
eyes with sneezing, running nose. Better in rainy
weather and when she was indoors. Hated to cover her
feet. Past history of rapid tooth decay. Kreosotum 200.
Her symptoms went away immediately and no further
21. Give Hives the Heave ŔHo!
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 28, 2/2008)
Shelly, 44 years, with hives since five years. first,
small, on abdomen, before menstruation and colder
months on right side. Then grew larger, itchier and all
month long. Confused, irritated and short-tempered
during hives. Later dysphagia and dyspnoea during the
attacks. Tendency to indigestion and bloating. Right
sided ovarian cyst. Heavy menstrual flow due to
Uterine Fibroid. History of Fibro cystic breast disease
worse in right side, chilly feeling with a need of electric
blanket. Craved sweets. Lycopodium 12c daily. Six
weeks later, fewer and less severe outbreaks. To
continue daily. Two months later, worse since 3 weeks
Lycopodium 30c. in the next one year need of a dose
every 2-3 weeks. In the next five years occasional
attacks subsided with a dose of Lycopodium 30. A
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 9
remedy that addresses the whole person, including but
not limited to the hives, has a broader and deeper-acting
22. A wonderful Remedy for Anger
Chomomilla helps angry kids of all ages
RAUNIAR, Rashana (HT. 28, 2/2008)
Siya, 3 months old born with a blocked tear duct,
constantly discharging clear watery fluid. Worse from
wind. Redness of eyes. Mother was much stressed and
angry during her pregnancy. Cranky and cried a lot
with cough. Better when being held or carried.
Chamomilla 200 1 pellet dissolved in 11 teaspoons, one
teaspoon every hour. Within three doses, she started
improving. After 10 days no discharge from eyes.
Two year-old Beth with running nose, mild cough,
progressed to watery discharge from eyes, sneezing.
Antihistamines did not help. She became exhausted,
irritated, increased salivation. Acon., Ars.alb., Puls. did
not help.
Red eruption on right cheek, 10 days before the
cold, other cheek was pale. Chamomilla 200. After 30
minutes she started improving.
23. ŖHello, This is the Homeopathic Helpline!ŗ
TREUHERZ, Francis (HT. 28, 3/2008)
In the spring of 1996, David NEEDLEMAN,
Pharmacist managed to convince the official UK
telecoms regulator that a Homeopathic Helpline was a
legitimate service to operate a premium rate (i.e. Pay-
per minute) number and enlisted the author to help.
Since then more than 165,000 calls have been dealt
The Homeopathic Helpline is open from 9 a.m.
through midnight, 7 days a week. It costs callers $3 a
minute of which British Telecom keeps $1.
Few of the cases are discussed.
The author has much satisfaction from this work of
offering service to many thousands of largely unknown
callers. [Very interesting article, that would gladden
the heart of every genuine homeopath. = KSS].
24. Appendicitis strikes thrice!
NEEDLEMAN, David (HT. 28, 3/2008)
On a Christmas day, three mothers phoned each
reporting that their child with pain in lower right side of
The pains started around the navel and then
descended and moved to right. Children felt better
when applying pressure and worse on release of
A dose of Bryonia 30 and a dose of Lycopodium 30
both be given on the way to the Emergency Room and
doses to be repeated if the patient is kept waiting in the
Emergency Room.
First child was pain free on arrival at the ER and
sent home. The second child was also pain free on
arrival at ER but was kept overnight for observation.
Both these children had no further problems. The third
child was operated within ten minutes of arrival. This
was timely, as just after the surgeons opened him up the
appendix burst. The child recovered well.
25. Running on empty no longer
Working holistically with a person who has Cancer
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 28, 3/2008)
Rita, 54 was convalescing from double mastectomy
for Breast Cancer. Recent incoordination of hands and
feet because they felt numb and clumsy. Chronic
insomnia. Son died in an accident at the age of 17 and
many years later a beloved godson died tragically in a
fire and all the pain and sadness from her sonřs death
returned. Anxiety decreased by exercise. Had PMS,
painful periods, benign cystic breast disease and
Hysterectomy. She loved to be very active always.
Sudden impulse to kill in anger. Iodum LM 3, daily
doses alongwith macrobiotic food and Juices. 4 weeks
later, worrying less, palpitations less, constipation much
better. Six weeks later, further improved. Sleep better.
After the third chemo session nauseated and black
vomiting. Cadmium sulphuricum 30c helped. Higher
LM potency of Iodum every four or five weeks.
26. Comfort Remedies
Relief for Chemo, Radiation and surgery side
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 28, 3/2008)
During conventional Cancer treatment,
Homeopathy can help to ease the side effects.
Homeopathic remedies are very gentle and do not
interfere with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, so they
are a perfect choice for those who are weakened or who
prefer an alternative to conventional Ŗcomfort
Success depends on individualizing, and itřs
important to remember these golden rules of acute
homeopathic prescribing:
Match the symptoms carefully to the best
homeopathic medicine you can find.
Take one pill of a 6c or 30c potency. If you feel
better, there is no need to repeat unless the same
symptoms return.
Remember, you may need to switch to a different
remedy as the symptoms change, to ensure you donřt
break Rule #1. Ideally, however, you should consult a
professional homeopath to prescribe for you. They
will not only be able to help you with Ŗcomfort
medicine,ŗ but will also work with you to identify and
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 10
address the underlying dis-ease that produced your
cancer symptoms.
While side effects of conventional treatment vary
widely and any of a large number of remedies can be
indicated to help, here is a selection of remedies that
cover the most common discomforts during such
After surgery
Arnica helps heal all traumas to soft tissues and is
useful after any surgery.
Bellis perennis is especially useful after
trauma/surgery of the abdomen or breast, when deep
soreness is present.
Staphysagria may help if the incision site is very
Phosphorus can help if there is nausea after general
Calendula is a wonderful antiseptic that reduces
the risk of infected wounds. It can be used topically or
given internally.
Belladonna can nip potential infections in the bud
if there is heat, redness, or throbbing in the wound.
Hepar sulph. If the person is extremely chilly with
a pus-filled, painful wound, this medicine works very
well to heal the infection.
Silica. Think of this medicine if the wound is
infected and pus-filled, but, strangely, painless.
During Chemotherapy
Arsenicum album. The person who needs
Arsenicum feels very cold and restless. Emotionally
they may feel distraught, anxious, and despairing,
especially if left alone. They are thirsty, taking
frequent sips of usually warm drinks, but are likely to
vomit food and drink as soon as it reaches the stomach.
They may also have diarrhea. Although both the
discharges and pains are burning, they are relieved by
Cadmium sulphuricum addresses very violent
nausea and vomiting especially when the vomit is
black; the vomit may also contain tough mucus and
there may be retching and gagging. The person may
feel so nauseated that theyretch at the very touch of
food or drink to their lips. They are extremely
exhausted and may feel faint. They feel better when
they stay still and quiet.
Ipecac (the Ŗdilutedŗ homeopathic preparation of
Ipecac, not the pure form of Ipecac used to induce
vomiting) can be very helpful to relieve nausea that is
constant and unrelenting. Think of this remedy when
vomiting brings a person no relief from their nausea.
Phosphorus not only helps with the after-effects of
general anesthesia but may also help with side effects
of chemotherapy. The person feels theirsty for cold
water, but vomits it as soon as it becomes warm in the
stomach. They may actually feel hungry during the
nausea, but are still unable to keep anything down.
Tabacum. The person needing this remedy has
tremendous nausea that may feel like motion sickness
and be accompanied by vertigo. Cool open air makes
them feel better, and they may prefer to be uncovered,
even though their skin is cold to the touch. They feel
better lying still with their eyes closed.
During radiation therapy
Calendula, known for its ability to heal abrasions
and wounds of the most superficial layers of the skin, is
sold in topical ointments as well as pills. The pills can
be taken internally and/or dissolved in water and
applied to a dressing for the wound (or a diluted
tincture may be used on the wound).
Urtica urens is ideal for superficial, first-degree
burns that sting and/or itch. The area feels worse from
heat and after bathing. It can be taken internally or
applied topically in the same way as Calendula.
Cantharis. burns that respond to Cantharis are of
medium severity and may blister. They are raw and
sore and feel better with a cold compress. The pains
that respond to Cantharis are described as cutting,
smarting, and burning.
Causticum. Known as a remedy for serious second
and third-degree burns, Causticum addresses the deeper
layers of the skin. Burns that do not heal in a timely
manner, or that are accompanied by symptoms
throughout the body may respond to Causticum. The
burns may itch, crack, or ulcerate. The person feels
better in warmth and worse from cold and wind, and the
burn is likely to feel better when it is covered.
Hypericum. The primary remedy for damage to
nerves, Hypericum can ease side effects of radiation
when they include shooting pains.
Radium bromatum. This is the most specific
remedy for radiation burns. The skin may itch and
burn; there may be swelling and even ulceration. If
there is a systemic reaction, it is likely to include aching
pains all over the body, with a sensation of heat, and the
person feels better from cool open air.
Note: If a person develops nausea and vomiting
after radiation, also consider the remedies used during
27. Pharmaceuticals, Homeopathy and Natural
Can we use them all together?
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 28, 5/2008)
Many patients present with long list of medicines
they take. Few are essential and many others are
ineffective, unnecessary or even detrimental to health.
According to a Journal of the American Medical
Association article, 108,000 Americans died in 1996
from adverse reactions to FDAŔapproved medications
that had been properly prescribed by licensed medical
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 11
professionals and another 2.2 million Americans had
negative drug reactions.
The author in her practice uses Homeopathy with
almost every patient and advises with regard to diet,
lifestyle, stress reduction and natural medicine and
helps them figure out which prescription and over-the-
counter medications they need versus which are more
optional and can be safely reduced or stopped.
She was on a long list of medications for many
years without much improvement.
As patients begin to feel better from homeopathic
treatment, some conventional medications can be safely
reduced or discontinued. Many drugs used on an Ŗas
neededŗ basis, can often be decreased or stopped
without issue slow and steady route is usually the best
way to wean off medication. Strong drugs such as
Prednisone, high blood pressure medications, blood
thinners and anti-cholesterol drugs need to be
monitored more carefully and if they can ever be
reduced at all, it will only be under strict supervision
from the person who prescribed it and with strong
changes in lifestyle including diet, exercise and
nutritional supplements and as well as based on blood
test valves.
During the treatment for any acute illness which is
life threatening, antibiotic usage is advised and then any
adverse results are addressed afterwards.
For people undergoing Cancer treatment, protocols
of Chemotherapy or radiation, homeopathic remediues
can be used safety to curb side effects without
compromising the desired effect of Cancer treatment.
Carla 39, was struggling with anxiety, depression,
insomnia, attention deficit disorder, chronic tonsillitis
and Fibromyalgia. She was stressed out in all areas of
life Ŕ physically, emotionally and financially.
In the first four months of treatment sleeping
medicines for sleep and attention deficit were
withdrawn on consultation with her Psychiatrist. In the
next two months her medicines for anxiety and
depression were withdrawn with the support of her
She was on Baryta carbonica 12c daily dose for
two months. Then 2 doses of 200 in the next 6 months.
In the 18 months of treatment, Carla has greatly
reduced her use of conventional drugs. She has begun
to date and enjoying her children. Seems more
confident and less needy.
28. Major Moves and Transitions.
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 28, 5/2008)
Authorřs son Gabrielřs thumb was trapped, when a
large heavy fire door closed suddenly. Screaming with
pain and lost lot of blood. A deep gash was seen. He
was shaking and teeth chattering with shock. A cock
tail of homeopathic remedies were given. Arnica 30 to
reduce shock, swelling and bruising.
Hypericum 30 for shooting pains of nerves.
Ledum 30 for injury to nails.
Calendula 30 to help the cut to heal quickly.
By next day he was pain free. The gash healed in 2
This injury occurred during the process of major
moves of the family from Ireland to USA.
The author has given indications for Arnica,
Coffea, Bryonia, Cocculus, Tabacum, Bellis perennis,
Ignatia, Pulsatilla for the use of problems involved in
the major moves. [Sorry, this type of prescription is a
caricature of Homeopathy; as if Arnica alone will not
do all the work of the latter remedies! = KSS]
29. Teens and the ŖKissing diseas
Speed up the healing with homeopathic treatment
SALTZMAN, Sussanne (HT. 28, 5/2008)
Mononucleosis is caused by Epstein-Barr virus.
The primary symptoms are fever, fatigue, severe sore
throat and swollen lymph nodes on examination
enlarged Liver or Spleen.
Usually spreads via saliva.
Incubation period is about 4-6 weeks. Symptoms
last from 2 weeks to 2 months, occasionally fatigue for
few months.
There is no conventional treatment for Mono
beyond rest, drinking plenty of fluids and taking pain
In the authorřs experience Mono resolves within 24
to 48hrs. after correct homeopathic remedy.
Many of her cases of Mono became alright with
Lycopodium. Few required other remedies.
16 year-old girl with milk drinking problem.
Suffered with Mono or she had very offensive breath
with sensitivity to extremes of temperature. Mercurius
30 tds. for few days. She recovered in 2 days and over
the next few months her behaviour and drinking
problem improved.
15 year-old with Mono with intense fear of dark
and robbers, recovered with Stramonium.
30. Fast recovery for a woman with severe Mono
GUESS, George (HT. 28, 5/2008)
23 year-old woman with Mono since 10 days, had
excruciating Headache, Fever from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Tired, unable to hold head. Strong Nausea even from
thought of eating. Abdominal tenderness. Inflamed,
sore lymph nodes. Preferred warm drink. Weak legs.
Mental dullness. Urine dark yellow. China 200.
Within four hours began to improve and well after 2
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 12
31. Mononucleosis paves her way
GROCE, Ann JEROME (HT. 28, 5/2008)
Heather, 18, with yet to recover from
Mononucleosis since 3 months with fatigue. All the
symptoms were common, so no acute remedy could be
given. Few weeks earlier to Mono, her boy friend
broke with her for another girl. There was much grief
and anger. She enjoyed being in the sun. Ignatia 200.
Five days later, she developed a sore similar to one
during infection [exteriorization of the disease?
Heringřs Law? = KSS] and slept more then usual.
Within two weeks she recovered and was back to her
usual self. Since then three more doses of Ignatia had
helped her in a variety of complaints.
32. Women and children first.
BUTEHURN, Loretta (HT. 28, 5/2008)
Nio IMANI, a substance abuse Counselor in a
residential treatment program for women with
addictions has been using Homeopathy effectively.
The women in the program ranged in age from 22
to 60 with an average addiction of 12 years.
Addiction is a Medical problem. The first step in
the treatment is medically supervised detoxification in
which patient experiences many difficult and
unpleasant physical symptoms.
After detox, a life of recovery begins, presenting its
own steep challenges.
First homeopathic medicines were used for First-
Aid, then for treating the cravings and symptoms that
come in the first six months of recovery.
Then the chronic life issues that had often led the
women to use drugs in the first place were addressed.
If precipitating and underlying issues remain
unaddressed, they can trigger relapse.
Their ailments could be traced to incest, physical
abuse, rape, injury, early loss of parents, familial drug
addiction, domestic violence, time in prison and
despair. How life circumstances can unbalance a
personřs Vital Force and about the resiliency of the
human spirit could be learned.
A short description of cases helped by Nux vomica,
Arsenicum album, Stramonium, Pulsatilla, Magnesium
muriaticum and Anacardium are given.
33. Special kids Ŕ Special Care
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 28, 6/2008)
Ten year-old Michael suffered a massive stroke in
Utero and was born with Epilepsy, Hydrocephalus and
mental retardation. Blind and deaf, nourished by
feeding tube offensive smell to the skin and vacant
expression on face. Excessive mucus in chest hindering
breathing. Downy hair. Tuberculinum. A month later,
much reduction in his mucus production. No more
seizures and had begun to track sounds. Over the next
several years no more improvement and he died
Marian 7, with ADHD, destructive at home and
school. Robust look with red lips, cheeks and ears.
Comfortable with new people. Responded well to
Tarentula hispanica. After few months Sulphur
successfully addressed her Diarrhoea and Eczema.
Homeopathy can help the child optimize its
genetic potential, whatever that may be. It is important
to understand the childřs chief complaint/medical
diagnosis to give patients a realistic prognosis rather
than offering false hope. An accurate diagnosis can
also enable parents to access support from therapists,
health providers and schools and allow appropriate
goals to be set for the child.
In the treatment of children in the autistic
spectrum, the author has seen children make gains in
their ability to learn and to interact in social settings. It
is important to focus on what is limiting to the child at
that time. It is essential to try to figure out what drives
the childřs behaviors and what makes symptoms better
or worse.
34. Miracles in a Time of Darkness Ŕ Healing Autism
with Homeopathy
LUEPKER, Ian (HT. 28, 6/2008)
5 year-old Uriel with High functioning Autism
(HFA), lacked social awareness which interfered with
his ability to connect and engage with his peers.
ŖDisconnectionŗ with others, between brain and colon
which interfered his toilet habits resulting in soiling.
Increased tactile sensitivity. Strong passion in
Astronomy. Frequent dreams of death. Feels like
floating in air. Hydrogen 1M. aggravation for 4 weeks
and then steady improvement. No soiling. Sat with
others. In the next 4½ years two more doses of 1M and
five doses of XM. His extreme physical sensitivity
became normal.
35. Yoga! Stay Safe and healthy with Homeopathy
(HT. 28, 6/2008)
In USA, Yoga has become mainstream and big
business, accompanied by a significant rise in the
number of injuries. Injuries often occur when students
push themselves too hard too quickly to do postures
beyond their level of ability. Also when yoga practice
is undertaken sporadically rather than on a regular
basis. The author presents indications for Arnica, Rhus
toxicondendron, Hypericum, Bryonia, Ruta and Lactic
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 13
She narrates her own experience of low back pain
during the practice of yoga relieved by Bryonia.
36. Yoga, Scoliosis, and over stretching
AVALOFF, Shura (HT. 28, 6/2008)
The author is prone to frequent neck strains during
yoga exercises due to her Scoliosis. Rhus tox relieves
her neck strains.
37. Back in Balance after a Car Accident
WEAVER, Judy (HT. 28, 6/2008)
The author is a practitioner of yoga. She met with
a car accident and had serious shoulder and neck
injuries. By using a homeopathic healing joint cream,
she improved wall and regained 100% function in neck
and 90-95% function in shoulder. The cream contains
low potencies of Arnica, Rhus tox, Ruta, Symphytum,
Thiosinaminum and Calcarea flourica. [Strictly
speaking there is no ŘHomeopathy in this kind of
38. Flu outbreak? We are prepared!
JEROME, Ann, J. (Croce) (HT. 28, 6/2008)
Over its 200 year history, Homeopathy has proven
extraordinarily effective in flu outbreaks and other
epidemics through genus epidemicus.
A study in the October 2008 Archives of
Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine found no
reduction flu Ŕ related cases who had received the flu
vaccine. Centre for Disease control also admits that
Ŗthe ability of the flu vaccine to protect a person
depends on the age and health status of the person
getting the vaccine, and the similarity or Řmatchř
between the virus strains in the vaccine and those in
Ultimately getting a flu shot has to be an individual
decision. (See the Table Ŕ How to for Flu: Healing
Homeopathic Remedies, p. no. 102)
39. Abordagem Homeopática no Tratamento de
Pacientes com DeficiÊncia Mental Ŕ Relato De
(Homeopathic Approach to the Treatment of
Mentally Handicapped Patients Ŕ Case Reports)
FILHO Rubens Dolice (RH. 70, 1-2-3-4/2007)
The author describes his experience assisting
mentally disabled patients with Homeopathy. In these
patientsř anamneses, common traits shared by some
syndromes, pathologies and behavior were taken into
consideration, mainly to choose the most characteristic
symptoms in each case. The study describes 58 cases
of patients suffering from this pathology: 28 females
and 30 males, whose ages ranged from 1 to 49 years,
and whose average age was 20 years. From the total
number of cases, 47 presented some kind of
improvement. Although Homeopathy is here at the
limit of its field of action, it is a good alternative to
relieve pathologies associated with mental disability. In
those cases in which there were similarities between
remedy and whole symptomatology, improvements in
adaptation skills, and in overall health were observed.
40. Gênio Epidêmico da Dengue
(Epidemic Genius of Dengue)
BAROLLA Cêlia Regina, CARVALHO Maria do
Perpêtuo Socorro
METZNER Bárbara Susanne
(RH. 70, 1-2-3-4/2007)
It is presented a summary of the main clinical-
epidemiological aspects and the results of epidemic
genius of Dengue study, developed in accordance with
Hahnemannřs and Kentřs methodological proposal, and
a study of the Materia Medica of the most indicated
remedies for its treatment and prophylaxis. It is also
discussed a multicentric study proposal for the
treatment and prophylaxis of Dengue.
41. Homeopathic drug selection using Intuitionistic
Fuzzy Sets
KHARAL Athar (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
Using intuitionistic fuzzy set theory, Sanchezřs
approach to medical diagnosis has been applied to the
problem of selection of single remedy from
homeopathic repertorization. Two types of
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relations (IFRs) and three types of
selection indices are discussed. I also propose a new
repertory exploiting the benefits of soft-intelligence.
42. Ignatia in the treatment of oral lichen planus
MOJAVER Yalda Nozad (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
To evaluate the effectiveness of Ignatia
homeopathic 30C in management of oral lichen planus
In this single blind randomized control clinical
trial, 30 consecutive patients with oral lesions
consistent clinically and histologically with erosive
and/or atrophic OLP were recruited. The patients were
randomly divided into two groups to receive Ignatia or
placebo. They were treated for 4 months.
Mean lesion sizes and mean pain measures differed
between control and treatment groups favouring Ignatia
(p < 0.05).
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 14
Our results suggest that Ignatia has a beneficial
effect in treatment of OLP in selected patients.
43. Polarity analysis, a new approach to increase the
precision of homeopathic prescriptions
FREI Heiner (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
The Swiss randomized controlled trial of
Homeopathy for attention deficit Hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) was a rigorous test of Homeopathy.
In each of its three phases it delivered evidence for a
specific effect of homeopathic treatment, but it also
unmasked weaknesses of the method. Misleading
reports of sensations and mind symptoms by parents
were frequent, while modalities and polar symptoms
usually proved to be reliable information for
repertorisation. The problem of cases with a paucity of
symptoms was resolved by reintroduction of
(pathognomonic) perception symptoms into the
repertorisation. Additionally polarity analysis, a further
development of Boenninghausenřs concept of
contraindications, was tested and introduced. It allows
a precise differential diagnosis of possible
homeopathic medicines. Increasing the rate of optimal
prescriptions by 20%, polarity analysis turned out to be
the most efficient modification to case analysis. This
paper describes the transfer of the new insights to the
treatment of other diseases and as the evaluation of this
Polarity analysis was tested and applied in acute
diseases by completing patient histories with repertory
specific checklists, mainly based on modalities and
polar symptoms. The checklists encompassed eleven
complaints. Treatment results were compared with
results reached by conventional homeopathic case
analysis methods. The same procedure was applied in
chronic diseases with repertory-specific questionnaires.
Again, eleven different areas were covered. Treatment
results for chronic diseases were also compared with a
conventional case analysis approach.
Polarity analysis, checklists and questionnaires led
to an increase in optimal prescriptions of 22% in acute
diseases and 16% in chronic diseases. In addition, the
average improvement rates in chronic disease were 9%
higher than with conventional homeopathic
procedures. The new method is demonstrated by a case
example with a verified clinical cure, and its impacts on
Homeopathy are discussed.
The use of polarity analysis as an integral part of
case analysis and differential diagnosis of possible
remedies together with an increased awareness for
assessing the reliability of symptoms in repertorisation
lead to a substantial improvement in the precision of
homeopathic prescriptions. [See whole article in Part II
of this QHD = KSS].
44. Treatment of spasmodic dysphonia with
homeopathic medicine: a clinical case report
Grace Jianping (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
Botulinum toxin (Botox) injection is the only
conventional medical treatment available for patients
with Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD). Some patients are
reluctant to receive Botox treatment due to concerns
about unknown long-term side effects, expense, and
dependence on repeated injections. The purpose of the
study was to report the perceptual and physiological
changes in the vocal functions of an SD patient treated
with classical Homeopathy. The results were similar
to a previous case report: classical Homeopathy seems
to be capable of ameliorating SD symptoms beyond the
short-term effects of Botox injections Although the
physiological mechanism of homeopathic healing is
not fully accounted for by the current bio-medical
models, it may be an effective therapeutic alternative
for some SD patients.
45. Carbo vegetabilis
SHEVIN William (AJHM. 101, 2/2008)
Three cases responding well to Carbo vegetabilis
are presented. Dr. SHEVIN then dicusses important
symptom themes that facilitate identification of the
remedy, most prominently, a sensation of heaviness and
overheating leading to exhaustion. Heaviness is also
identified as a theme of the Hamamelididae family
members in general (see Sankaran). Of course,
coldness and exhaustion with the desire to lie down are
symptoms commonly seen in the remedy.
46. Erectile Dysfunction in Patients with
Cardiovascular Disease
MOILOA R. Motlhabane (AJHM. 101, 2/2008)
The association of many cases of erectile
dysfunction with Cardiovascular disease is emphasized
and the profiles of five frequently indicated
homeopathic medicines for this condition are
47. A case of Chronic Otitis Media
COOK Daniel (AJHM. 101, 2/2008)
A 3 year-old child with 21 courses of antibiotics
for either Otitis media or Pharyngitis in the past 3 years.
She was sullen, pale, desired grapes and oranges,
constipated Ŕ little balls Ŕ every 2-3 days. Grossly
impaired hearing. Enlarged tonsils. Leg pains better
from rubbing. Pulsatilla 1M. Two weeks later, looked
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 15
better, hearing was subjectively better and had more
energy and appetite. No change in the ear conditions.
Sulphur 1M. One month later, right ear was entirely
clear of congestion. No fluid. No constipation.
Hearing in both ears was sensitive and acute. No
leg pain eating better. Two months later acute flare-up.
Sulphur 200 resolved in two days. Five days later, right
tonsil slightly swollen. No further improvement in
appetite, weight gain Pulsatilla 200. Two weeks later Ŕ
right tonsil normal. Pulsatilla 1M. Hearing improved
in the next 2 weeks. No other changes. Lycopodium
200. No changes in 2 weeks. So Pulsatilla XM.
Three weeks later, much active, hearing almost
normal, but fatigue since 2 days with leg pain, left ear
pain and chilliness. Placebo. Three wereks later no
change and Fever with vomiting. Dull. No appetite.
Silica 200. In the next three years few doses of
Pulsatilla 200, 1M and a dose of XM and two doses of
Sulphur 1M.
Overall in the nine years of homeopathic
treatment, only on three occasions antibiotics were
Now she is rarely ill.
48. A woman with a painful thumb
SEBASTIAN Irene (AJHM. 101, 2/2008)
LR, 39-year-old female with right thumb pain since
4 years constant pain, sometimes throbbing, sensation
as if thumb is swollen and heat inside the joint.
Difficulty in grasping objects. X-ray revealed bony and
cartilaginous degenerative changes involving the first
carpal-metacarpal articulation as well as the radio
carpal articulation. Pain decreased by rubbing and cold
application. Guaicum 30. A week later 70% decreased.
Three months later 90% decreased with another dose.
In the next two years two more doses of 200.
49. Letting the symptoms fall where They May
ROBINSON Karl (AJHM. 101, 3/2008)
Dr. ROBINSON discusses the importance of
avoiding prejudicial observation and analysis during
homeopathic case taking and illustrates same with a
60-year-old former seafarer, with difficulty in
opening eyes with a sense of coarse grains in eyes. Zig
zag vision. He was operated for Prostate Cancer and
has recovered, followed by Herpes Zoster. Since few
weeks a feeling that he will die soon. He is unhappy as
his mother is dying. His son and sisters treat him
disrespectfully. Thuja occidentallis 200. Cured his eye
problem and acute mental state. Six weeks later, he
was back to his usual jovial self.
50. Benign Prostatic Hyperrophy: Analysis and
Homeopathic Treatment
WEINSTEIN Corey (AJHM. 101, 3/2008)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a common ailment
in older men, causing both obstructive and irritative
urinary symptoms. Proper diagnosis and follow-up is
important as the consequences of undiagnosed prostate
Cancer and possible resulting renal failure can be dire.
The pathophysiology, diagnosis, and conventional
treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) are
discussed. Homeopathic treatment can offer
significant relief to men suffering the symptoms of
BPH; it can also result in a lowering of elevated and/or
accelerating PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels. The
cases of eight patients with BPH from Dr. Weinsteinřs
practice are discussed, most of whom benefited from
his homeopathic treatment. The more common
remedies employed in the treatment of BPH include:
Baryta carbonica, Mercurius vivus, Sulphur (iodatum),
Thuja, Aurum muriaticum, Chimaphila umbellate,
Conium, Ferrum picricum, Iodum, Nitric acid,
Pulsatilla nigricans, Sabal serrulata, Senecio aureus
and Staphysagria. Brief Materia Medica descriptions
of several of these remedies are discussed. Dr.
WEINSTEIN asserts that a consideration of the local
prostatic/urinary symptoms, in addition to more
constitutional symptoms, is important when
homeopathically analyzing these cases.
51. When New Symptoms Appear after Homeopathic
ROBINSON Karl (AJHM. 101, 3/2008)
Dr. ROBINSON puts the question to us whether
we should consider adding a symptom to the repertory
when a patient produces, so-called Řaccessory
symptomsř as a result of a prescribed remedy. An
example is given of a case that developed severe right-
sided sternocleidomastoid pain after the prescription of
Kali carbonicum. While this symptom does not appear
in the Repertory, it is well represented in Hahnemannřs
Chronic Diseases, adding support to the
appropriateness of considering adding such evoked
symptoms to the repertory.
1. Gradeinteilung, Höherstufung und Herabstufung
von Arzneimitteln in Repertorien Ŕinsbesondere in
Kents Repertorium
(Gradation, increasing and downgrading of
Remedies particularly in Kentřs Repertory)
PATEL Ramanlal (ZKH. 52, 3/2008)
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 16
The author warns to be careful with the abundance
of addition in homeopathic repertories. In his
experience, 98% of his cases can be solved with the use
of Kentřs Repertory alone. Additions of remedies and
rubrics to which Kent had not yet access should be
confirmed at least 15 times before they are inserted into
the Repertory.
2. Statistical analysis of six repertory rubrics after
prospective assessment applying Bayesř theorem
BARTHELS RWJM (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
After prospective assessment of six homeopathic
symptoms we validated some rubrics of the repertory
using Bayesian theory. In this paper we introduce
statistical arguments for introducing or discarding
entries from the repertory.
4094 patients entered the prospective study and
4072 prescriptions were evaluated. After translating
typeface into Likelihood Ratios (LRs), Confidence
Intervals and the probability of existing repertory entries
compared to our findings were calculated.
Our assessment yielded 121 relevant results to
validate existing repertory entries. Five symptoms
could be compared with Kentřs original repertory; they
have about the same prevalence (range 3.9-6.5%) in the
whole population, but the size of the corresponding
repertory rubrics varies from 3 to 103 entries. LR
assessment reduced the larger rubrics and supplemented
the smaller ones. Our results do not correspond with
56% of the existing repertory entries regarding five
symptom-rubrics. This result cannot be generalized for
the whole repertory.
3. In search of the reliable repertory
GADD Ben (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
The development of homeopathic repertories is
complex, reflecting history, the emergence of divergent
views on homeopathic philosophy, and differences in
opinion as to what constitutes reliable Materia Medica.
The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate
the content of repertories examining its reliability, the
quality of source material, and the evidence that it forms
a reliable bridge between case and Materia Medica.
Reliability may be improved by demanding higher
standards and consistency of evidence. However, it is
necessary to understand what constitutes evidence, and
the importance of taking into account the context in
which practitioners use the repertory. This paper will
suggest that rather than demanding certain Řstandardsř,
practitioners will be better served by a greater
understanding of the sources of knowledge and by
reflexivity of the key players in the construction of our
repertories. ŘThe repertoryř is considered generally here
as the deconstruction of different repertories. The
strengths and weaknesses in particular, whilst
interesting, would be the topic of another a paper in its
own right. Where individual repertories are mentioned,
they are referred to as examples only.
1. Dynamization
CÉSAR, Amarilys de Toledo
(IJHDR. 2, 5/2003)
ŖHomeopathic Remediesŗ meant Ŗvery diluted,
dynamizedŗ medicines. What is Ŗdynamizationŗ and
how is it done? ŖDynamizatiocomprises the process
of diluting and agitating the solutions. This constitutes
one of Homeopathyřs Foundations and it was taught by
HAHNEMANN who developed it by both logical
reflection and intuition (which he verified repeatedly in
his actual practice) , as he always sought better ways of
applying the Law of Similars into practice.
Many practitioners seem to ignore many aspects of
these as may be seen from their prescriptions. This
article may seem to be very basic, but it aims precisely
at reviewing all pharmaceutical aspects essential to a
right prescription, contributing thus to better therapeutic
results. Several interesting points are raised that need
to be considered.
2. Ultradiluições e Contaminação por Mercúrio
(High Dilutions and Contamination with Mercury)
PASCALICCHIO Áurea Eleutério
(RH. 70, 1-2-3-4/2007)
Mercury (Hg) is one of the pollutants involved in
environmental contamination. It causes a large number
of organic alterations mediated by immune reactions.
The susceptibility to the latter has a genetic basis.
Inorganic Hg may cause specific alterations in the
immune reactions through the unbalance of granulocytic
and IgG-IgE function. Ways to reduce the in vivo
toxicity of heavy metals has been sought for through the
use of chelating and other competing agents. Another
effective method for the rebalancing of the immune
system is to use highly diluted amounts of the same
metal involved. The action of high dilutions is based of
the hormesis principle and they may control the levels
of metals in human beings and the toxic effects of Hg
on the immune system. This review discusses aspects
of the contamination by Hg. focusing on the
immunological ones and evaluates the effects of high
dilutioons on the treatment of Hg-contaminated patients.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 17
1. Homeopathic Treatment of Malignant Melanoma
in a dog
(IJHDR. 2, 5/2003)
Malignant Melanoma is a Neoplasm of
Melanocytes, the cells that produce the skin and
mucous membranes pigment. Almost all oral
Melanomas of dogs are malignant. Melanoma is most
frequent in dogs older than nine, especially black-
coloured ones and particularly in Cocker Spaniel.
Treatment consists of surgical excision, radio, and
Chemotherapy, yet its efficiency is very low; survival
rates are 10% an year later.
This article presents the case of a nine-year old
Cocker Spaniel female dog affected by malignant
Melanoma which was treated homeopathically
according to HAHNEMANNřs guidelines after two
suppressive surgical procedures.
HAHNEMANN states in the Organon §80 that
Cancer and Neoplasms are forms of Psora and they
must therefore be treated with antipsoric remedies. In
the present case the antipsoric remedies Phosphorus,
Silicea and Calcarea carbonica were prescribed
The author concludes that malignant Melanoma in
dogs can be healed if treated according to
HAHNEMANNřs Guidelines for treatment of Psora.
[Why only malignant Melanoma only, and dogs only.
HAHNEMANNřs Guidelines will suit every case =
2. When our Beloved Pets Get Cancer
How Homeopathy can help them heal and live well
MOSS, Dale (HT. 28, 3/2008)
Ulysses, a black Lasbrador retriever was adopted
from a shelter in 1998. Minor health issues. In 2003,
he was panting and abruptly vomited a frothy pink
liquid with blood clots. Diagnosed as Lymphoma.
Following Dr. Ramakrishnanřs method, Thuja as organ
specific remedy (Ulysses was heavily vaccinated at the
shelter) and Carcinosin as Nosode. Changes in diet in
accordance with Dr. Richard PITCAIRN. His coat
improved and muscles gained definition further
vaccinations were avoided. No more vomiting, normal
stools. In few weeks energy levels improved. Lymph
nodes normalized over the course of six months.
Missy, 17 year-old cat with Liver Cancer.
Vomiting, dry painful stools, Bloodshot eyes. Wanted
her abdomen rubbed hard. Pressing pain was elicited by
Animal communicator dawn ALLEN
(www.dawnallen.org.) Chelidonium. Within days,
Missyřs coat, grew silkier and breath improved and
personality also changed to sociable. After few months,
potency raised to 1M, and then 10M alternated with
Carcinosin. The animal communicator told us though
Missyřs Cancer has metastasized, it was retreating and
primary tumor was shrinking. According to him, it
never entirely disappeared, but was contained for years
until her eventual death in her early 20s.
Many clients were benefitted by Dawn ALLEN
who provided symptoms unobtainable by observation
Roland, an energetic yellow lab, had an aggressive
tumor in his anal sac, a tumor that continued to grow
despite several operations and homeopathic remedies
and Cancer metastasized to the dogřs lungs. Under
close questioning by Dawn, he Ŗcomplainedŗ of pain in
his left shoulder, great thirst and burning urination and
also strong craving for human company. He did well on
Argentum nitricum for five months; then his symptoms
changed to Lycopodium.
A black cat with Osteosarcoma so advanced that
her jaw was already broken and impossible to eat.
Hekla lava achieved little. Symphytum by spraying
worked a miracle cat was able to eat and enjoy the
outside. For few months then abruptly declined and
3. A Mare in crisis on a Cold, Windy, Christmas Eve
DUPREE, Glen (HT. 28, 6/2008)
On Christmas Eve 2001, the weather was cold and
windy and blowing rain. A mare was in extreme
distress with distension of abdomen. Her mucous
membranes were pale and clammy, her legs would draw
to her abdomen causing her to crash.
A nasogastric tube to relieve the distension and a
warm electrolyte solution to give her more energy did
not help.
Aconite 200 for the sudden onset with change of
weather, did not help.
Nux vomica 200 did not help.
Colocynthis 200 and change was immediate.
Within 2 minutes her eyes began to show life. Within 5
minutes, she expelled a large volume of gas and was
[The International Journal of High Dilution
Research (IJHDR) has been publishing high quality
research articles since nearly a decade. Earlier to this,
research papers were presented in annual GIRI
(Groupe International de Récherche sur
l‟Infinitésimal) Symposium and these were presented
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 18
in abstract form in the British Homeopathic Journal.
What is GIRI? Paulo ROSENBAUM and Leoni Villano
BONAMIN explain in the IJHDR Vol. 5, 16/2006:
ŖGIRI is an independent international scientific
society, created in France in 1986. Its aim is to bring
together researchers on different areas of knowledge,
active in Universities or research institutes and who
develop basic or applied research on ultra-dilutions,
where the subject ŖHomeopath is included. GIRI
organizes itinerant annual meetings, and this is the first
time that a GIRI Symposium happens in the Americas.
The meeting of XX GIRI Symposium in Sāo Paulo is a
reason for great satisfaction. We have always dreamed
of Homeopathy as an academic field of study, that we
would have a new paradigm to orientate our thinking
and practice, that we would conceive nature in a more
integral way and thence, generate knowledge and
technology… This is what we experience along the XX
GIRI Symposium. Numbers reflect the importance of
this event: 110 researchers, trained in 13 different
fields, from 30 institutions of teaching and research,
10 of them coming from abroad, 35 DSc/PhDs, 28
graduate students, 45 abstracts 20 conferences. Yes,
Homeopathy is a subject of scientific interest and
Brazil has an outstanding place in it. We are
already able to expand the principles of
Homeoppathy beyond medicine, to areas such as
Veterinary and Agriculture, generating
technological innovation, even if we have not yet
reached an exact scientific understanding of the
mechanism of action of dynamised systems. We are
still at the beginning of the 21
Century but our
dreams are becoming true. For further information
on GIRI, www.giriweb.comŗ [bold is mine = KSS.]
The Titles of the papers presented in the XX GIRI
Symposium in Sept. 2006, Brazil is given in the IJHDR
Vol. 5, 16/2006. This table of the titles is given in the
Section News & Notes in this QHD. = KSS]
1. Novíssima ciência (Brand New Science)
ROSENBAUM Paulo (IJHDR. 5,16/2006)
This number of the IJHDR has the abstracts and in
many the full text of the papers presented in the XX
GIRI Symposium. Although the research so far done is
quitre encouraging there is still much to be done, and
the community of researchers on Homeopasthy is well
aware of this. There is no doubt that basic research on
infinitesimal substances progress quickly to its self-
determination. This indicates that it is a very special
field that investigates the infinitesimal, that seemingly
Ŗalmost nothingŗ that currently motivates scientists and
researchers, and not only the Homeopathy-minded.
Due to its specifities, it cannot be necessarily be
considered a sub-area of nano-technology. On the other
hand it is a serious concern, research both inside and
outside Homeopathy cannot detached from the context
that generated it.
Homeopathy is usually disqualified by detractors
due to a supposed anachronism in its therapeutics and
the lack of techno-scientific support. Yet, as evidence
for its biological plausibility accumulates and the full
homeopathic episteme finds important resonance in
many interface areas, reactions of manifest discomfort
are visible in the international media. Reactions
ranging from sarcasm to instantaneous rejection.
For this reason the endeavour of many groups are
publicized and made public Ŕ the considerable advances
of many research fields on the infinitesimal. If team
work becomes the focus of scientific research centres,
we will have finally reached the maturity we have
always lacked, besides, the necessary cohesion to
demand massive insertion in the institutional world.
The distance that separates us from that moment
cannot be précised, but it can be waited for hopefully,
as a movement of fusion of the different fields to
decode the mysteries is perceptible. A true Ŗnewŗis
growing, which stimulates generations of new
researchers to glimpse at the brand new science that if
not yet born, has already an outlined path and many
ways to go.
2. Cost-benefit evaluation of homeopathic versus
Conventional therapy in respiratory diseases
& GARIBALDI Danila (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
A retrospective observational study was conducted
on 105 out of 233 patients suffering from chronic
respiratory disease attending the Homeopathic Clinic of
the Campo di Marte Hospital in Lucca (Tuscany, Italy)
between October 1998 and May 2003. We assessed the
cost of conventional medicinal products using Anatomic
Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification, specific for
the pathology in question, and the general costs in the
year preceding the first appointment at the
Homeopathic Clinic vs. the fiurst and second year
subsequent to homeopathic treatment. The costs of
conventional drugs for a group of patients affected by
Asthma (8 patients) and recurrent respiratory infections
(16 patients) with long term use of conventional
medicine treated by Homeopathy were compared witn
the expenses of conventional drugs of a matched group
of 16 and 32 patients, respectively.
Costs of pharmacological therapy specific for
respiratory diseases were reduced by 46.3% (n = 105) in
the first year (P < 0.01); and by 47.5% (n = 72) in the
second year (P < 0.01) of homeopathic treatment.
Reduction in general drug costs during homeopathic
therapy was 42.4% in the first year (P < 0.01); and -49.8
in the second year (N.S.) costs for patients affected by
chronic Asthma showed a reduction in expenses of
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 19
71.1% for specific medicines relative to the group in
homeopathic treatment vs. an increase of 12.3% in the
group treated only with conventional drugs after the first
year of follow-up and, respectively, a reduction of -
54.4% for homeopathic treatment vs. = 45.2% after the
second year. For patients with recurrent respiratory
infections we found a reduction of 35.8% in the
homeopathic group in the first year, compared to an
increase 8.6% of costs for specific drugs in the control
group; in the second year the respective figures were -
43.6% versus =7.8% in the control group.
Homeopathic treatment for respiratory diseases
(Asthma, allergic complaints, Acute Recurrent
Respiratory Infections) was associated with a significant
reduction in the use and costs of conventional drugs.
Costs for homeopathic therapy are significantly lower
than those for conventional pharmacological therapy.
3. Evaluation of the quality of life after individualized
homeopathic treatment for seasonal allergic
rhinitis. A prospective, open, non-comparative
ARCH study group: DANDOIS, Marc,
SCHEEPERS Leon, SMOUT Jean-Louis, van
DOEUVRE Erwin (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
Quality of live (QoL) is an important outcome
measure in the treatment of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
(SAR), a condition for which Homeopathy is frequently
The assessment of the effect of homeopathic
medical prescriptions with the Rhino-conjunctivitis
Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) in the treatment
of SAR.
A prospective, open, non-comparative study was
conducted in Belgium. Patients aged between 14 and 68
years with SAR were treated by one of seven
homeopathic physicians. Patients completed the
RQLQ at baseline and again after three and four weeks
of homeopathic treatment.
Seventy-four patients were screened, of whom 46
met the study eligibility criteria (average age 36 years,
70% female). The mean RQLQ score at baseline was
3.40 .98). After three and four weeks of
homeopathic treatment it had fallen to 1.97 1.32) (P
= 0.0001), and 1.6 (± 1.28) (P = 0.0001), respectively.
After homeopathic treatment, patients reported an
alleviation of their symptoms of allergic rhinitis as
reported in the RQLQ. A formal Randomized Clinical
Trial (RCT) is indicated.
4. Observational study of homeopathic and
conventional therapies in patients with Diabetic
POMPOSELLI Raffaella, PIASERE Valeria,
Elena, SPALLUZZI Antonietta, ROSSI Daniela
QUARENGHI Chiara, ZANOLIN Maria Elisabetta
& BELLAVITE Paolo (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
The feasibility and outcomes of homeopathic
therapy in a group of type-2 diabetes mellitus patients
with diabetic Neuropathy were studied in a prospective
observational study. Patients were followed from
baseline (T0) for 6 months (T1) and for 12 months (T2),
treatment was adjusted as necessary. Primary outcome
was diabetic Neuropathy symptom (DNS) score,
secondary outcomes were clinical evolution and short-
form-36 (SF-36)-evaluated quality of life (QOL).
Homeopathy was used in 45 patients, 32 of whom
completed the observation study, and in parallel the
conventional therapy outcomes were observed in 32
patients, 29 of whom completed the study. DNS
improved in both groups during the observation period,
but the change witgh respect to baseline was statistically
significant only in Homeopathic group at T1 (P =
0.016). Over the course of the observation there was a
substantial stability of the electroneurophysiological
values, blood pressure and body weight in both groups,
a slight decrease of fasting blood glucose and glycated
haemoglobin in Homeopathic group. QOL scores
showed an improvement in Homeopathic group only.
The cost of conventional drugs decreased in
Homeopathic group from 114 Є/month to 94 Є/month
at T1.
Complementary homeopathic therapy of diabetic
Neuropathy was feasible and promising effects in
symptom scores and cost savings were observed.
5. Lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by activated
human macrophages treated with Canova
BUBANO Rommel Rodriguez, LEAL Mariana
Ferreira, Da COSTA Joana Borges, BAHIA
Marcelo de Olivieira, LIMA DE LIMA Patricia
Danielle, KHAYAT André Salim, SELIGMAN
Igor Chamon, De ASSUMPÇÃO Paulo Pimentel,
BUCHI Dorly de Freitas & SMITH Marilia de
Arruda Cardoso (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
Canova (CA) is a homeopathic medication with
immunomodulatory properties, recommended for
patients with a depressed immune system. CA has been
reported to increase in leukocyte numbers, cellular
differentiation and reduction in tumor size.
Since CA may stimulate lymphocyte
differentiation, proliferation, and/or survival, the aim of
the present study was to compare the mitotic index (MI)
of phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphocytes
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 20
cultured in a medium supplemented with human
macrophages activated by CA, with lymphocytes
cultured in a medium without CA-treated macrophages.
In this study, the MI of lymphocyte cultured
received the medium containing CA-stimulated
macrophages showed a higher proliferation index (p <
0.01) than the lymphocytes cultured in a medium
without CA-treated macrophages. Our results suggest
that CA treatment, in addition to activating
macrophages, indirectly induces lymphocyte
proliferation and has potential as a new adjuvant
therapeutic approach. [Canova is a complex
Řhomeopathic medicineř containing Aconitum napellus,
Thuja occidentalis, Bryonia alba, Lachesis muta, and
Arsenicum album. It has been mentioned in the article
that this commercial medicament is prepared according
Hahnemannia homeopathic techniques. It is
blasphemous to present this synthetic product as a
Řhomeopathic medicineř and worse still to pull in
Hahnemann regarding its manufacture technology. =
6. Healthcare provided by a homeopath as an adjunct
to usual care for Fibromyalgia (FMS): Results of a
pilot Randomised Controlled Trial
TA. (HOM. 98, 2/2009)
To assess the feasibility of a Randomised
Controlled Trial (RCT) design of usual care compared
with usual care plus adjunctive care by a homeopath for
patients with Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS).
In a pragmatic parallel group RCT design, adults
with a diagnosis of FMS (ACR criteria) were randomly
allocated to usual care or usual care plus adjunctive care
by a homeopath. Adjunctive care consisted of five in
depth interviews and indifvidualised homeopathic
medicines. The primary outcome measure was the
difference in Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ)
total score at 22 weeks.
47 patients were recruited. Drop out rate in the
usual care group was higher than the homeopath care
group (8/24 vs 3/23). Adjusted for baseline, there was a
significantly greater mean reduction in the FIQ total
score (function) in the homeopath care group than the
usual care group (- 7.62 vs 3.63). there were
significantly greater reductions in the homeopath care
group in the McGilll pain score (0.21, 95% CI Ŕ 1.42 to
1.84); but a large effect on function (0.81, 95% CI Ŕ
8.17 to 9.79). there were no reported adverse events.
Given the acceptability of the treatment and the
clinically relevant effect on function, there is a need for
a definitive study to assess the clinical and cost
effectiveness of adjunctive healthcare by a homeopath
for patients with FMS.
7. Isopathic versus enantiomeric inhibition of U-
50488 HCI toxicity Ŕ experimental studies
METCHEVA R. (HOM. 98, 2/2009)
Previous studies have investigated toxicity
inhibition of optically active compounds by potentized
preparations of their enantiomers. It was hypothesized
that inhibition of toxicity may be stereospecific. This
paper presents 2 studies investigating stereoisomer
potencies in terms of their ability to counteract toxicity
of the (-) stereoisomer. The stereoisomers used were
(-)-trans-(1S,2S)-U-50488 HCI and (+)-trans-(1R, 2R)-
U-50488 HCI.
Designs were prospective, blind, randomized,
intention-to-treat and compared the efficacy of 2
indistinguishable treatments. The outcome was the
difference in survival. Potency Řchordsř consisting of
, 12
and 30
approximately centesimal dilutions
were prepared, representing concentrations of 1.08 x 10
M. One study compared inhibition of (-)-U-50488
toxicity injected ip at the estimated LD50 into male ICR
mice, treated with a potency chord of the same
stereoisomer, with control (Řisopathicř study). The
other study compared inhibition of toxicity by potency
chords made from the stereoisomers (+)-U-50488 and
(-)-U-50488 enantiomerř study). Treatments were
administered orally on 11 occasions: twice before and
nine times after ip injections.
The isopathic study did not yield a significant
result. In the enantiomer study, comparison of isopathy
with enantiomer potency treatment showed a highly
significant difference odds ratio 1.97 (95% CI: 1.23-
We conclude that enantiomeric potencies are
superior to identically produced isopathic potencies, in
inhibiting toxicity of (-)-U-50488 HCI. Homeopathic
inhibition of toxicity may be stereospecific.
8. Dual effect of Toxicondendron pubescens on
Carrageenan induced paw edema in rats
PATIL R. Chandragouda, GADEKAR R. Ajit,
PATEL N, Pramit, RAMBHADE Ashish,
SURANA J. Sanjay (HOM. 98, 2/2009)
Toxicodendron pubescens is the current botanical
name of homeopathic Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox).
Rhus tox drug is widely used in homeopathically
diluted form in the treatment of inflammatory and
edematous conditions. We studied the effect of crude
form of this plant, after single and multiple doses in
Carrageenan induced paw inflammation in rats.
We evaluated effects of single dose and multiple
doses of orally administered Rhus tox on Carrageenan
induced paw inflammation in rats. We tested 10 mg/kg.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 21
20mg/three days and Carrageenan was injected 1h after
the last dose.
Paw volume was measured using a digital
Administration of a single dose of Rhus tox 1h prior
to injection of Carrageenan significantly reduced the
paw inflammation in a dose dependent manner.
Administration of multiple doses of Rhus tox increased
the intensity of inflammation induced by Carrageenan,
but this was not statiscally significant.
Rhus tox, in crude form, exerts anti-inflammatory
effects after a single dose and proinflammatory effect
after multiple doses in Carrageenan induced paw
inflammation in rats. Further study is needed to explain
this dual effect. [Homeopathy is well aware of these
Řconclusionř even without torturing voiceless creatures
in the name of Science. = KSS].
9. Homeopathic treatment for bone regeneration:
experimental study
ALMEIDA Janeta Dias, ARISAWA Emília Angela
ROCHA Rosilene & CARVALHO Yasmin Rodarte
(HOM. 98, 2/2009)
The objective of this research was to study the
effect of homeopathic treatment with Plumbum
metallicum (Plumbum met.) on mandibular bone repair
in rats.
We analyzed the mandibles of 60 male rats,
approximately 3-month-old, randomly divided into three
groups of 20 animals each: control, treated with
Calcitonin, and treated with a homeopathic medicine.
A circumscribed bone defect measuring 4mm in
diameter was made in the mandible and covered with a
polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) barrier. The group
treated with calcitonin received 2 IU/kg intramuscularly
three times a week; the group treated with Plumbum
met. 30c received three drops in water every day. The
animals were sacrificed after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The
mandibles were removed and submitted to histologic
and histomorphometric analyses.
Data were analyzed statistically by two-way
ANOVA and by the Tukey test. The interaction effect
(ANOVA, F df(6; 48) = 4.64; p = 0.001< 0.05)
indicated that the relationship between treatments was
not the same at each time of sacrifice. Although
statistical analysis of the histomorphometric data
showed a similar results for the treated and control
groups. But histological analysis showed complete
filling of the surgical defect throughout its extent was
only for the group treated with Plumbum met.
The study demonstrated that for repair of surgical
defects in rat mandibles Plumbum met. 30c and control
did not differ significantly in histomorphometric terms.
[In what way these kinds of Řresearchř help homoe-
therapeutics? = KSS]
10. Homeopathy for the treatment of menstrual
irregularities: a case series
CARDIGNO P. (HOM. 98, 2/2009)
A preliminary study to evaluate the usefulness of
homeopathic treatment in the care of menstrual
Patients were diagnosed at the first appointment
according to menstrual cycle over the past year:
Amenorrhea (AM), Oligo-amenorrhea (OL-AM), OL,
Taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT). All
patients were prescribed in individualized, global
homeopathic treatment. The main outcomes were: time
to resumption of periods, change of clinical diagnosis at
the end of follow-up or after 2 years. the secondary
outcomes were: menstrual regularity at the end of
follow-up, compared to pre-treatment frequency; flow
characteristics; clinical course of acute and chronic
concomitant symptoms.
18 consecutive cases of secondary amenorrhea
(SA) and oligomenorrhea (OL) met the entry criteria. 8
women had SA, 2 were on HRT, 6 had OL-AM and 2
had OL. The average duration of considered follow-up
was 21 months. The average time before the
reappearance of menstruation was 58 days (s.d. 20) in
the 8 women with SA at the time of the first
appointment, for all cases 46 days (s.d. 42). Change of
clinical diagnosis: 50% of women, who were diagnosed
AM, recovered their ovulatory cycle (OV), whereas
12.5% remained amenorrheic; 33.3% of patients, who
were initially OL-AM, showed an OV; 100% of
oligomenorrheic and HRT patients recovered an OV.
The average frequency of spontaneous cycles per year
changes from 4.32 (s.d. 1.97) pre-treatment to 9.6 cycles
per year at the end (s.d. 2.92). Four detailed case
histories are reported.
11. Antidepressants, suicidality and rebound effect:
evidence of similitude?
TEIXEIRA Marcus Zulian (HOM. 98, 2/2009)
Samuel HAHNEMANN noticed that palliative
treatments for the symptoms of chronic diseases, after
an initial improvement, provoked symptoms similar but
stronger symptoms to those initially suppressed. He
regarded this as a consequence of the vital reaction of
the organism: an automatic instinctive capacity to return
to the initial health condition altered by medicines.
Using this homeostatic conception of the organism as a
treatment rationale, HAHNEMANN proposed the
therapy of similarity, administering to the patients
medicines capable of causing, in healthy individuals,
similar symptoms to the natural disease. Based on
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 22
experimental observations, he proposed that the primary
action of the drug was followed by the secondary and
opposite action of the organism, inaugurating
homeopathic pharmacology, and alerting to the harmful
consequences of palliative medicines in susceptible
individuals. Such iatrogenic events can be observed in
contemporary medicine, after the withdrawal of modern
enantiopathic medicines, according to the study of the
rebound effect or paradoxical reaction of the organism.
This study reviews the recent studies which
describe suicidality after the suspension or
discontinuation of second generation antidepressants
according to the hypothesis of the paradoxical reaction
of the organism.
Rebound and withdrawal effects, including
suicidality occur with antidepressant drugs. They are
relatively rare but more intense than the primary action
of the drug. The probability of such effects is
influenced by patient factors including age and
diagnosis, and drug factors including half-life.
12. New Facts about the Munich Headache Study
(AJHM. 101, 3/2008)
Since its publication, the Munich headache study
by Walach (Walach 1997 and 2000) has been the
subject of controversial discussion. [Particularly by
VITHOULKAS (VITHOULKAS 2002/1 and 2002/2), but also by
Kösters (Kösters 1998) and others.] In spite of this, even in
homeopathic circles, Walachřs study is still regarded as
a serious scientific trial with negative implications for
classical Homeopathy and has influenced all meta-
analyses since published. As a result, it Ŗdamaged
Homeopathy more than anything else that had so far
surfaced in medical journalsŗ (Vithoulkas 2002/1 p.32) and
has become a main pillar of Walachřs interpretation of
Homeopathy as Ŗnon-causalŗ or Ŗmagicalŗ, (Walach 1999
p.232) contradicting Hahnemannřs principles.
This has recently prompted SEILER to carry out a
detailed review of Walachřs study. (Seiler 2006/1 and
2006/2) This shows that Vithoulkasřs original criticism
that the verum group was suffering from homeopathic
aggravations can be proven to be correct. Walachřs data
concerning the therapeutic reactions of verum and
placebo have been interchanged for the most part and
are interpreted in a clinically inadequate manner;
moreover, an essential error in randomization has been
overlooked and the clinical parameters for Migraine
have been used inappropriately. The following text
includes a review of the history and the most important
critical aspects of the Munich study.
13. Tratamento Homeopático da amigdalite recorrente
em crianças: Um estudo Randomizado Controlado
(Homeopathic Treatment of Recurrent Tonsillitis in
Children: A Randomized controlled trial)
Maurise, FIGUEIREDO Claudia Regina
(RH. 70, 1-2-3-4/2007)
To assess the effectivcness and safety of the
homeopathic treatment in children with recurrent
tonsillitis justifying surgery.
A randomized controlled, double-blind trial
included 40 children, ages 3-7; 20 children were trated
with homeopathic medication, based on the principle
of individualization (simillimum); 20 children received
placebo. All treated children also received Baryta
carbonica 6CH daily; Beta bemolytic streptococcus
21CH, Staphylococcus aureus 21 CH Haemophylus
Influenza 21CH and Tonsil 21 CH daily. The duration
of the study was 4 months. Evaluation was clinical,
through standard interview and physical exam, at the
first and last days of treatment. Criterion for recurrent
tonsillitis was 5-7 episodes of bacterial acute tonsillitis
per year.
From the 18 children who completed the
homeopathic treatment, 14 did not present any episode
of Acute Tonsillitis; from 15 children who completed
the treatment with placebo, 5 did not present any acute
episode. This difference is statistically significant
(p=0.005). None of the treated patients presented side-
The homeopathic treatment was effective in
children (78%) could, thus, avoid surgery. The
homeopathic remedies did not provoke adverse effects.
1. Merging with the University of California: History
of the Homeopathic College and the Hahnemann
Hospital in San Francisco
SCHMIDT Josef M. (Med GG. 27/2008)
The course of history of Homeopathy in different
lands depended upon the social, economic, political,
religious and cultural lines. In the United States in the
Century there was an impressive boom followed by
a relatively rapid fall in the 20th Century; since some
decades it is showing a trend of looking up. Within the
USA there are States which have developed
Homeopathy more. For example, San
Francisco/California has in comparison with the East
Coast developed more. Even though the Flexner
Report (1910) caused the downfall of many
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 23
homeopathic institutions, in 1881 the San Francisco
based Hahnemann Medical College (later:
Hahnemann Medical College of the Pacific) in 1916
and the 1906 opened Hahnemann Hospital in 1918
fused with the University of California in San
Francisco (UCSF) so that a State University with its
own Chairs to teach homeopathic therapeutics and
Materia Medica for two decades could be obtained.
After the last occupant of the Chair in 1936 this slowly
lost its relevance until in 1967 it was re-occupied. At
the same time when American Homeopathy was at its
depression, a lay womenřs organisation (California
Women‟s Homeopathic Association), started in San
Francisco in 1959 and from fund raised and Foundation
it was possible in the 1970s to carry out researches in
clinical Homeopathy in the UCSF. As before in the
1930s clinical research studies alone were not sufficient
to hold Homeopathyřs value within the official
The renaissance of Homeopathy in the USA in
recent years are almost of the ŘLayř and Řnon-medicalř
Health Care professionals not connected with any
2. O Princípio Homeopático de cura ao Longo da
História da Medicina
(The Homeopathic Principle of cure along the
History of Medicine)
TEIXEIRA Marcus Zulian (RH. 70, 1-2-3-4/2007)
Homeopathy is a therapeutic method based on the
application of the principle of similitude utilizing
medicinal substances that awake effects similar to the
symptoms being treated. In this process, the organism
is stimulated to react against its own disturbances
through a Vital (secondary or homeostatic) reaction
oriented by the primary effects of the drug employed.
This effect should have properties similar to the
symptom that is being treated and was mentioned by
exponents of countless medical schools, along time.
Suggested initially by the founder of Greek medicine, it
was enunciated by HIPPOCRATES through the
aphorism similia similibus. According to different and
peculiar applications, it was mentioned as a therapeutic
technique by the propagators of Roman medicine
(Erasistratus, Mitridates, Heraclides of Tarento,
Nicandro, Celsus, etc.), medieval medicine (Basilio
Valentino), Renaissance medicine (Paracelsus) and
post-renaissance medicine (Sydenham, van Helmont,
Stahl, von Haller, Stoerck, Jenner, etc.). At the end of
the 18
century, HAHNEMANN systematized the
homeopathic method of treatment of illnesses in a
rational and logical way, that finds current scientific
fundamentation in the paradoxical reaction described by
classic physiology and in the rebound phenomenon of
modern pharmacology.
1. ŖIn at the deep endŗ: an intensive foundation
training in Homeopathy for medical students
Elizabeth (HOM. 98, 2/2009)
UK medical students spend 25% of their curricular
time on elective ŖStudent Selected Componentsŗ
(SSCs). We report one in homeopathic medicine run
jointly by the University of Bristol and the Bristol
Homeopathic Hospital. The SSC was an intensive
four week course using a variety of learning methods,
grounded in the Faculty of Homeopathyřs Primary
Health Care Examination (PHCE) Certificate syllabus.
Students were exposed to specialist clinics and the
prescribing methods used in them. They received
tuition from a veterinarian, a Psychiatrist, a medical
historian, a professional homeopath andan expert in the
evidence base of complementary medicine. Educational
methods included interactive lectures, out-patient
clinics, recorded video cases, live cases via video link, a
Ŗdream provingŗ and a reflective diary. At the end of
the course students sat and passed the Facultyřs PHC
examination. Assessment also included an in-depth
case report in which most students revealed
understanding of the course. Though students were
uncertain about the nature of the healing stimulus, many
were affected by the healing responses they witnessed
and the intellectual challenge of remedy selection.
Some professed interest in further training and all
wished to see the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital (BHH)
develop as a centre for holistic care. For some the
experience was Ŗtransformative learningŗ. We conclude
that this approach to a foundation training in
Homeopathy is feasible and effective.
1. Suffices to give Voice to Tradition again
ROSENBAUM Paulo (IJHDR. 5, 14/2006)
This very interesting article is a Řloud thinkingř on
Homeopathy today. ŖRecently, Prof. José Ricardo
AYRES wrote that Homeopathy is not necessarily
antagonistic to hegemonic Medicine, but it is as if
Homéopathy analyzes and investigates Ŕ thus cares for Ŕ
aspects not valued in regular medical practice.
Therefore, there is not necessarily complimentarity, but
parallel paths that may enter into dialogue. The reason
why we could not yet establish Homeopathy as a
standard, although it has been socially validated
worldwide, is mystifying. What may be the reason for
such a curious historical cyclothymia?
Then the issue of medicinal Ŗproofŗ: There is a
large confusion between ignorance of the mechanism of
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 24
action of homeopathic remedies and the large empirical
evidence of its effectiveness. No one doubts a
mechanism of action exists, but nobody has been yet
able to expose it. In both humans and animals the
effectiveness of the remedy is seen [in plants too =
KSS]. These are real, concrete, tangible. But whenever
the issue is non-hegemonic medicine, it tends to awaken
uncontrollable passions [recall Lancet titling Ŗdeath-
blow to Homeopathyŗ! = KSS] in both Ŕ defendants
and accusers.
As Prof. Madel T. LUZ warned, Homeopathy
could never achieve institutionalization [in India and in
Pakistan too and perhaps Bangla Desh, all these were
earlier one unified country, India it has been
institutionalized = KSS]. There is lack of organization
and belligerence in the field and these add to the
difficulties in gathering empirical proof for
homeopathic knowledge..
Different from Psychoanalysis and other
approaches, Homeopathy did not become a part of the
cultural agenda, neither in the field of health nor in
correlated areas where it should have entered into a
dialogue. A low level of engagement in research and
the obvious difficulty to establish such interlocution
explain that kind of atavism, expressed as a perpetual
self-exile under the stereotypes well known to all.
Although we are witness to re-editions of old-fashioned
attacks, Homeopathy is nevertheless growing in
Europe, in the United States, in the Eastern countries
and in South America, but not made in-roads into
3. The way of the Peaceful Healer: Eckhart Tolle on
Peace, Healing and Restful sleep for a boy with
LUEPKER, Ian (HT. 28, 3/2008)
Eckhart TOLLE, in his latest book ŖA new Earth
Awakening to your Lifeřs purposeŗ, p.75, writes
ŖHomeopathy and chinese Medicine are two possible
alternative approaches to disease that do not treat the
disease as an enemy and therefore do not create new
Dr. Samuel HAHNEMANN, observed that the
mind-body has an amazingly intelligent and inherent
ability to establish, restore and maintain health Ŕ a
vitality that guides the mind-body toward balance.
Homeopathy nourishes and supports this vitality and
the mind-bodyřs ability to move toward health.
Eli, 8 year-old boy with Autism and Sensory
processing disorder. Treated by antibiotics for upper
respiratory tract infection at 14 days of age. Awakened
between 2-5 a.m. and rock his head back and forth.
Eliřs difficulty in expressing would result in angry
outbursts accompanied by pinching, scratching and
biting. Restless. Hated haircuts and trimming of nails.
Loved eating indigestible food items. Strong preference
for ice cold water. Hands and feet always cold.
Veratrum album LM 1, daily. Within two moths,
his anger and low tolerance for frustration had shifted.
Three and half months later, sleep had normalized and
95% calmer.
4. Grow your own!
You can have a glorious garden of homeopathic
healing plants
JONES, Diana (HT. 28, 3/2008)
The author has been in love with gardening and her
one quarter acre lot in Baltimore is crammed with some
exotic beauty. There are many plant remedy friends in
the garden. Her favourites are Hamamelis virginica,
Gelsemium sempervirens, agnus castus. Over the years
she had success in finding specimens by frequenting
speciality nurseries and garden club shows.
5. A master homeopath and gardener shares his
YANO Mary Frances (HT. 28, 3/2008)
Andre SAINE, is well known in the global
homeopathic community. He uses some of his spare
time for gardening. He tends to over 80 species of flora,
which includes ornamental and fruit trees as well as
variety of flowers, many are part of our homeopathic
Materia Medica.
6. Casos Clínicos em Homeopatia: Diretrizes para
(Case Reports in Homeopathy: Guidelines for
DANTAS Flávio (RH. 70, 1-2-3-4/2007)
Case report is a traditional type of publication in
Medicine, being a source of learning as well as an
inspiration for new research and scientific discoveries.
Case reports are published to describe unexpected
events that happen in medical care, including unknown
diseases, new adverse or beneficial effects of medical
interventions or previously unsuspected causal
associations, among other uses. Case report in
Homeopathy should approach the patient as a whole
and include the description of the patient together with
his or her health problems. The proposal of an editorial
structure for the publication of case reports is followed
in the paper by some guidelines and criteria to improve
the quality of clinical case reporting in Homeopathy.
Experience, together with Ethics and Evidence, are the
three pillars of medical competence. It is, thus,
fundamental to publish an accurate, reflexive and clear
report of clinical experiences acquire by medical
doctors in their daily care of real patients.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 25
1. Homöopathische Behandling von Jugendlichen
(Homeopathic Treatment of Adolescents), HEÉ, H.,
FOERSTER, G., Stuttgart: haug: 2008, 194 S., 17
Abb. German) Review Christian LUCAE (ZKH. 52,
3/2008): ŖWith their practical book the duoauthors
Hansjörg HEE and Gisela FOERSTER had presented
earlier the ŖVergleichenden Arzneimittellehre
homöopathischer Polychresteŗ (Haug 2002) in regard
to PASCHERO and CANDEGABEřs well-known
elements like the integration of the repertory rubrics and
the original proving symptoms in flowing text so that it
can be directly compared and remedy selected. In the
present the authors have taken up the much needed
work on the treatment of adolescents and considered 36
remedies in around 140 pages. Contains several colour
charts; a thorough list of reference literature is given as
well as a useful Index. The book fills well a gap.ŗ
2. Die Lehre der Chronischen Krankheiten nach
Samuel Hahnemann (The teaching of Chronic
Diseases of Samuel HAHNEMANN),
DIMITRIADIS, G.: Buchendorf:Irl; 2007, brosch,
72 S., E 19,00. (German), review Heinz PSCHEIDL
(ZKH. 52, 3/2008): ŖIn a short, readable, critically
considered manner, an overall well-written 70 page
booklet, DIMITRIADIS has managed to discuss
HAHNEMANNřs controversial legacy, the Miasms
teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . A book every homeopath can
draw information from, as required.ŗ
3. Homöopathie für Multiple Sklerose,
(Homeopathy in Multiple Sclerosis), PLANITZ C,
vd, LORZ,T., München, Urban & Fischer, 2007:
424 S., kart. E 44,95 (German) review Martin
BÜNDNER (ZKH. 52, 3/2008): ŖThis book deals
exclusively with Multiple Sclerosis. Besides
introductory words about Homeopathy and
homeopathic therapeutics including Potency choice,
repetition of the dose particularly for the inexperienced
Practitioner several cases are discussed. . . . . .An
important book on an important theme for the present
time which also deals with the sequelae of
4. MEINHARD, C. (Hrsg.): Leitfaden zu C.M.
BOGER‟s “General Analysis”. Index. Synonyme,
Differenzierungen, Kommentare und Zuordnungen
(Guide to CM BOGER‟s “General Analysis”. Index,
Synonyms, Differeentiations, Commentary and
coordinations), Eigenverlag, 2007. E 25,-: (German).
Review Anton ROHRER. (ZKH, 52, 3/2008): Ŗ. . . . .
Application of the Bogerřs General Analysis (GA),
implies sufficiennt experience in Homeopathy
including knowledge of homeopathic Materia Medica.
A commentary work on this subject is most welcome;
the 341 rubrics in the GA are explained with the help of
a table for synonyms, comparative rubrics and
commentaries . . . . . also the anatomical regions
wherein the remedies are more effective with the
Anatomy, pathological general symptoms, dynamics in
relation to Time and Space, Colour, etc. To understand
these it is necessary that one grasps the knowledge of
the basis literature. . . . . A valuable guide.ŗ
5. MORITZ, J.: Grundlagen der Homöopathie und
die Bedeutung von Hahnemanns Characteriska.
Eine quellenorientierte Darstellung (Fundamentals
of Homeopathy and the significance of
Hahnemann‟s Charactristics) Sinzig-Löhndorf:
BERNHARD Möller. 2008, 572 S., Paperback, E
44,0 (German), review Robert GOLDMAN (ZKH. 52,
4/2008): ŖWhy again a book on the fundamentals of
Homeopathy? And what exactly is Characteristic? . . .
. . From careful study of HAHNEMANNřs Medicinal
Provings and comparison with the writings of von
BÖNNINGHAUSEN and LIPPE who are considered to
be the most successful homeopaths of the 19
it is evident that it is § 153 of the Organon which refers
mostly to the modalities, sensations and the
accompanying symptoms. In HAHNEMANNřs works
the characteristics is printed in words which are printed
with letters interspaced. Clearly it does not mean
extremely rare symptoms as is commonly opined.
JAHR and HERING have as advised by
HAHNEMANN, as mentioned in p.54 of this book,
suggested long and deep study of the source works. . . .ŗ
6. PETRUCCI R. Kinder. Ausgewählte
Repertorium-Rubriken und Arzneibilder (Children.
Selected Repertory Rubrics and Drug Pictures),
Greifenberg: Hahnemann Institut; 2008. Geb. 944 S.,
E.95,00. (German) review Christian LUCAE (ZKH. 52,
4/2008): ŖWith this work translated from the English
the author Roberto PETRUCCI has given us a book
from which new aspects of well-known remedies could
be got, as well as Ŗsmallŗ remedies could be better
understood. The author has put together 20 so-called
concepts which play important roll in day today
practice. . . . . . The Materia Medica contains around
540 remedies . . . . Lot of Rubrics are from the
Synthesis Edition 9.1. . . . . The book will be of good
help in the treatment of Infants and children in daily
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 26
7. FREI, H. Effiziente homöopathische
Behandlung. Ein strukturiertes Konzept für den
Praxisalltag, (Efficient homeopathic Treatment Ŕ a
structured concept for daily Practice), Stuttgart,
Haug: 2008, geb. 360 S.,e49,95 (German), review
Christian LUCAE (ZKH,52,4/2008): ŖOne of the
interesting books published in the recent years is the
actual publication of Heiner FREI. The author leads a
large Practice of children in Laupen, Switzerland with
approximately 40 patients per day. Based on several
years of practice and research FREI presents his
concept: every patient receives a structured
questionnaire form which refers to main complaint.
The clearly stressed symptoms, or recurring often are
underlined. In the final analysis a Software is used
with symptoms which are relevant for the individual
patient. All the questionnaires used by FREI contain
only the symptoms and remedies in
BÖNNINGHAUSENřs Therapeutic Pocket Book
(published by Sonntag Verlag 2000, edited by K.-
H.GYPSER). . . . . . .. . . . .The new concept would
make it possible to prescribe taking care of the basic
principles. Particular stress is on the Modalities (see §
153) and the Polarity analysis which help in leaving out
contraindications and correct evaluation of the
symptoms of the case. . . . . . . The second part of the
book has a Materia Medica. The Genius symptoms of
more than 75 rubrics in the Pocket Book are given.
FREI has in this manner brought out the Genius
Materia medica of BÖNNINGHAUSEN. He has
completely discarded the usual, common Materia
Medica. . . . . . The book is helpful since it is directly
linked to a day-to-day Practice . . . . . .ŗ
8. Insights into the consciousness of Snake
Remedies by Sadhana THAKKAR.
www.homeopathyhealthcare.com, 451 pages, Soft
cover $60. ISBN 978-0-9793180-0-9 by GUBBAY,
Diana. (HT. 28, 2/2008)
Informative book about the history, lore and habits
of many snakes that form a rich part of our
homeopathic Materia Medica. The book is divided
into three sections with several chapters in each.
Section II has 14 Chapters, each devoted to a single
snake. Cases are only from her practice and this limits
and enhances the bookřs appeal.
Section III inquires into the nature of diseases
among snakes.
9. Quick Study System by Lucy CLARK and Gwynn
CADWALLADER $199. www.quickstudy-system.com
(HT. 28, 3/2008).
The authors have prepared this to help students
prepare for the Materia Medica section of Council for
Homeopathic Certification (CCH). This contains
154 remedy cards and 4 audio CDřS. Contain the same
information on each remedy card, read in a clear voice
by the authors. The Řessenceř of the remedy is extracted
from the literature: KENT, LIPPE, Roger MORRISON,
NASH and VERMEULEN; also from the experience of
the authors themselves. Although meant for students
who are to appear for ŖCertificationřs these are helpful
for those who would like to study remedies in greater
10. Homeopathy: the Science and Art of Dynamic
Healing. Shaik RAHMATHULLAH. UK 2006.
£29.95. ISBN: 978-0952076536. Review by David
OWEN. (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
This book gives a basic but sound introduction to
homeopathic Philosophy. It could act as a primer for
those who wish to know the historic background of the
philosophy of Homeopathy, without reading the
original texts. The book presents straight forward and
integrated presentation of the key philosophic
11. Homeopathic prescribing pocket companion.
Steven B. KAYNE and Lee R. KAYNE.
Pharmaceutical Press: London, July 2007. Price:
£21.95, ISBN: 978-0-85369-697-1. (HOM. 98, 1/2009):
In this pocket companion the KAYNES have done
an excellent job of summarizing the process and making
acute prescribing easier and more practical. It
comprises of 56 commonly encountered minor ailments
with a simplified, easy to follow flow chart, for each
ailment, guiding the reader to a possible indicated
remedy. In addition to the flow charts there is a brief
summary of each remedy included for the particular
condition in a comparative table format including
modalities and Keynotes to help the prescriber to
distinguish between remedies and find the right one.
A step by step approach on when to treat, when to
refer, how to decide on a remedy is described.
1. Marianne HARLING. 13 August 1923 Ŕ 28 June
2009. KAPLAN, Brian (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
Marianne HARLING trained in Medicine at
Oxford, was an early environmentalist and found
naturally drawn to Homeopathy. She was a founder
member of the Wessex Healthy Living Foundation
which offered Holistic medicine and Homeopathy. She
taught the ŘLong courseř in the Faculty of Homeopathy
for many years.
She co-edited D.M. Gibsonřs studies of
Homeopathic Remedies in 1987. She also translated
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 27
Leon Vannierřs Typology in Homeopathy from French
into English in 1992. [several articles by her appeared
in the British Homeopathic Journal in the early days. =
2. Gregory Blake BEDAYN Ŕ Nov. 19, 1949 Ŕ Jan.4,
Greg BEDAYN great friend of Homeopathy
expired on Jan. 4, 2008 after a long rare illness. He
conducted a thorough Hahnemannian proving,
participation fact-gathering on home of James Tyler
KENT. He published treatises on Lachesis, Bufo and
proving of Ravenřs blood. He was a famous skilled
Craftsman, Pilot, Blacksmith, Drummer and Climber.
One of his best articles was ŖAs if one patientŗ
which appeared in The American Homeopath 1998.
(See QHD, 16, 1/1999)
It speaks for the scholarship of Greg BEDAYN.
Under his Editorship during its early years the American
Homeopath was doing very well.
It is difficult to fill his void.
Rema Nagarajan, Times Insight Group
Times of India, 29.03.2010.
Vaccines are meant to help prevent diseases. But
they could also have another vital use as an alternative
and significant source of income for doctors.
Many vaccine manufacturers are offering vaccines
at hugely reduced prices to doctors, many of whom
charge the full price from patients, pocketing the
difference. The greater the discount, the bigger the
profit margin for the doctor. So when a doctor pushes a
vaccine that is not part of the universaI immunization
programme, it would be difficult to decide whether he is
thinking of your childřs health or his pocket.
A study by Dr Rakesh LODHA of the Department
of Paediatrics, AIIMS, and Dr Anurag BHARGAV of
Jan Swasthya Sahyog in Chhattisgarh, published in a
recent issue of the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics,
reveals the huge difference in the price of vaccines
offered to doctors. ŖThe percentage margin between the
price to doctors and the MRP ranges from 30% to 69%,
while in rupee terms, the discount over the MRP per
vaccine dose ranges from Rs 85 to Rs 620,ŗ the study
Many vaccines require giving three or more doses
and hence the profit margin could be as high as Rs
1,800 per child vaccinated.
Interestingly, the vaccines being offered at hugely
discounted prices to doctors are not those that are
recommended for universal immunization. Such
aggressive promotion is for new and expensive vaccines
and combination vaccines whose use in the Indian
context is Řŗnot well established in terms of
epidemiological rationale or cost-benefit analysis,ŗ says
Avaxim 80
Tetract Hib
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 28
II. Selected papers and abstracts presented at XX,
GIRI Symposium - Sep 2006, Brazil IJHDR Vol. 5,
No 16 (2006)
Table of Contents
Brand new science
Paulo Rosenbaum 4-5
Fundamental Research (Physics and Chemistry)
Water and ultra high dilutions: characterization and
Adriana R. Miranda
Non-linearity modelling of ultra dilutions
Gabino Estevez Delgado, Guadalupe Ruiz Vega
Mercury intoxication: high dilutions as mercury
chelating agents
L. Athayde Beringhs-Bueno, H. M. Moreira, V. D.
Almeida, A. A. Eleuterio Pascalicchio
Physical-chemical properties of high diluted solutions of
Euphorbia tirucalli L. (Aveloz) following
HAHNEMANN method of multiple flasks
I. O. Silva, M. C.B.N. Varricchio, V. F. Veiga, R.
Kuster, S. Garcia, C Holandino
Ultra high dilutions and their virtual structure
W. R. Guimaraes Silva, S. CP. Rodrigues, J. E O
Storace, J. CT. Carvalho
Conductivity measurements of ultra diluted solutions: a
comparative study of two different potentization
methods of homeopathic solutions
F. D. Leal, M. A. Campos, R. Oliveira, V. F. Veiga, S.
Garcia, C. Holandino
Basic Research (Biology)
Therapeutic and pathogenetic animal models for
Dolichos pruriens.
Cideli Paula Coelho, Leoni Villano Bonamin,
Claudemir Duran Filho, Katia Silva Martinho, Vania
Homeopathically prepared dilution of Rana catesbeiana
thyroid gland modifies speed of metamorphosis
JRP Guedes, CM Ferreira, HMB Guimaraes, PHN
Saldiva, VL Capelozzi
Experimental models for the study of the effects of
Chamomilla 6cH on the treatment of stress and
S. A. G. Pinto, E. Bohland, L. V. Bonamin, M. S. F. A.
Interpretative Theories about Ultra Dilutions.
Supporting Evidences
Madeleine Bastide 22-30
Effects of Arnica montana (6cH, 12cH and mother
tincture) in the lymphatic absorption in rats subjected to
acute inflammation
Leoni Villano Bonamin
Effects of ultradilutions of dexamethasone in rat
embriofetotoxic model: a histochemical study
F. Sanches Andrade, V. Del Bianco, C. Landi Moraes,
L. Villano Bonamin
Evolution of granulomatous inflammation in the
subcutaneous tissue under treatment with thymulin in
homeopathic preparations: a pilot study.
R. Zalla Neto, R. Toledo Russo, G. Morante, B. Anjos,
M. Mariano, L. Villano Bonamin
Ultradilutions and hepatic carcinogenesis: a
histochemical study
V Del Bianco, F Sanchez Andrade, K. Silva Martinho,
V. Aparecida Marcondes, L. Villano Bonamin
Effects of Homeopathy in Trypanosoma cruzi
experimentally infected mice: parcial results.
L. Rodrigues Almeida, M. C. Oliveira Campos, H.
Miraglia Herrera, L. Villano Bonamin, A. Henrique
Effect of Atropa Belladonna and Echinacea angustifolia
homeopathic dilutions on experimental peritonitis
C. M. V. Pedalino, F.F. Perazzo, J. XT. Carvalho, K.S.
Martinho, CO Massoco, L. Villano Bonamin
Study of the dynamic effects of different doses of
Arsenicum album 6cH in mice intoxicated with arsenic
O. Leite Fontes, M. V. Chaud, A. Borelli Alonso, C.
Harada Okuda, J. Teixeira Bueno
Experimental study of the pathogenetic action of
ponderal and ultradiluted Palicourea marcgravii in
Rattus norvegicus.
L. Figueira Pinto, P. Vargas Peixoto, L. Rangel
Effect of low doses and high homeopathic potencies in
normal and cancerous human lymphocytes as in vitro
isopathic study
C. Wälchli, S. Baumgartner, M. Bastide
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 29
In vitro antimicrobial activity of Arnica montana
A. L. Amato, A. Cunha Carvalho, S. Dall' Acqua
Effect of different pharmacotechnic preparations of ultra
diluted solutions of Euphorbia tirucalli L. (aveloz) on
leucocytes variation.
M. C. B. N. Varricchio, G. Moreno, F. Leal, C. Pereira,
N. R. Pereira, F. Sales, T. Gomes, V. C.S. Ferreira, F.
G. Lima, N.B. N. Gomes, P.E. M. Hobaica, A. Pyrrho,
R. M. Kuster, M. T.L. Castelo Branco, C. Holandino
Antitumoral activity of ultra diluted solutions and
fractions of the latex of Euphorbia tirucalli L: an in vitro
C. Lessa Aquino, M. C. B. N. Varricchio, C. Pereira, G.
Moreno Barbosa, F. Carreiro Sales, T. C. Fernades
Santos, P. Zancan, M. Sola-Penna, V. Feo Veiga, M. T.
L. Castelo Branco, C. Holandino Quaresma, R.
Machado Kuster
In vitro evaluation of the action of the homeopathic
medicine Sanguinaria canadensis on Streptococcus
M. S. Giorgi, C. Valentim, T. Aguilar Passeti, J. C.
Tavares Carvalho
Evaluation of the effect of ultradiluted
lipopolysaccharide prepared according to homeopathic
pharmacotechnics on the maturation of dendritic cells in
J. S.M. Tondolo, P. Cruz Bergami-Santos
Development of a new biotherapic of infectious
influenza virus and verification of its in vitro
C. Monteiro Siqueira, V. Feo Veiga, J. N. Couceiro, C.
Lyrio, C. Holandino Quaresma
Clinical Research
Homeopathic medicines in "potency chords"
Carmela M.V. Pedalino
Pharmaceutical Research
Research on biotherapics Luciana Rodrigues Almeida
Sociological Research
Innovations in the Health System and Homeopathy
Aurea Eleuterio Pascalicchio
The value of non-conventional medicine in public
Catherine Gaucher
Homeopathy and public health care
Flavio Dantas
Evaluation of the use of homeopathy among adult and
elderly patients of Public health services in a small city
in Sao Paulo, Brazil
M. A Figueiredo, V. Danielli Fleith, K. F.L.R. Oliveira
Figueiredo, E. C. Moura
Homeopathic pharmacology, the evolution of the
research in the field since the 80's.
D. V. Menezes Pinto, T. C.A Leitao Aguiar
Theoretical and Historical Research
Interpretative theories on ultra dilutions:experimental
illustrations Leoni Villano Bonamin
Interpretative theories on ultra high dilutions, follow up
Carlos Renato Zacharias
The hegemonic paradigm and new trends: cell signaling
and research on ultra diluted
A. Eleuterio Pascalicchio, L. Beringhs-Bueno
Plant and Microorganism Research
Use of ultra high dilution (UHD) therapies in
agricultural production
Fabiola F. Schwartz, Ana Maria Claro Paredes
Euphorbia tirucalli (aveloz) biotechnological potential
M C. B. N. Vanichio, C. Pereira, T. Gomes, C. E. Lessa,
G. Moreno, R L. Carneiro, M. T Varricchio, J. L. G.
Canano, O. Telles, N.B. N. Gomes, C. B. Moreira, I. C.
N. Direito, B. E. Araujo, P. E. M. Hobaica, A. Pirrho, C.
Hollandino, S. Malfacini, M. T. L. Castelo Branco, R.
M. Kuster
Microbial efficiency in soil treated with Homeopathy
F M Coutinho Andrade, V. W. Dias Casali, M. C.
Megumi Kasuaya, PR. Cecon
Interaction between C02 assimilation and time after
treatment of Spagneticola trilobata with Apis mellifica
M. R. Batirola Silva, V.W. Dias Casali, C. M. Bonato,
N. Terra Santos
Regression analysis of tannin content in Podophyllum
ruderale plants after application of Sulphur 4cH
M. C. Fonseca Marques, V. W. Dias Casali, PR. Cecon
Pathogenesis in Ocimum basulicum L. plants:
experimentation under randomized blocks
A. Zopelar Almeida, V. W. Dias Casali, PR. Cecon
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 30
Effects of homeopathic solutions of Rosmarinus
officinalis L. and Artemisia absinthium L. on the
germination and growing of corda-de-Viola.
G. G. Marques-Silva, C. M. Bonato
Repeatibility and stability of photosynthesis in
Spagneticola trilobata plants treated with Cantharis
R. T. Batirola Silva, V. W. Dias Casali, S. P. Lisboa, M.
R Batirola Silva, C. D. Cruz
Repeatibility of Co
assimilation data in plants of
Spagneticola trilobata treated with Apis mellifica 6cH
M. R. Batirola Silva, R. T. Batirola Silva, V. W. Casali
Application of the homeopathic drug Lachesis and
isotherapic Virus in the growth and infection control for
SCMV in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moech)
C. M. Bonato, E. Globo Viotto, J. Hideaki Hara, B.
Reis, A. T. Myzote, J. A. Cisneiros
Rust (Phakopsora euvitis Ono) control in grape culture
with application of homeopathic solutions
C. M. Bonato, A. Ferreira Souza, M. A. Collet
Plant Pathogenesy
F. Rossi, E. J. Ambrosano, P. R. Ringhetto Rolim, E. M.
M. von Atzinguem, N. M.
Azevedo Silva
Veterinary Research
Homeopathy in the treatment of behavior disorders in
aggressive and/or destructive dogs Elisabeth Estevao,
Leoni Villano Bonamin
Developing homeopathic vaccines in veterinary.
A.A. Komisarenko
Clinical veterinary research in homeopathy at
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro.
Luiz Figueira Pinto
Homeophatic treatment of bovine subclinical mastitis
E. L. Silva, B. Goloubeff
Homeophatic control of Dermatobia hominis in milk
I. Goncalves, B. Goloubeff
Effects of homeophatic medication Arnica montana
and Ruta graveolens on weight gain, food and water
consumption and food conversion in broilers
H. M. Rosi Cruvinel, A. H. Chaves, B. Goloubeff
Use of homeophatic medicine as support in return form
K. Leal Matsuhara, B. Goloubeff
Evaluation of the homeophatic theraphy of cystic
ovarian disease in dairy cattle
L. Rangel Castilhos, J. Camisao Souza, L. Figueira
Pinto, F. Tenorio Albuquerque, C. Alvarenga Oliveira
Evaluation of the function of ovaric function in airy
cows after continuous use of homeopathic remedy
Oophorinum 6cH
L. Rangel Castilhos, L. Figueira Pinto, M. G. Carvalho
Moura e Silva, P. Viau Furtado, C. Alvarenga Oliveira
Homeopathic treatment of mastitis in lactating dairy
cows within organic prodution
L. Figueira Pinto, R. Scatamburlo Lizieire Fajardo, P.
A. Moreira Alves, L. Rangel Castilhos
Homeophatic treatment of wild animals at Sao Paulo
L. Rangel Castilhos, M. Galvao Bueno, F. Miranda, A.
Setzer, J. L. Catao Dias, L. Figueira Pinto, C. Alvarenga
Use of homeopathy in the treatment of renal failure in
feline: case report
C. Carreiro Jorge Santos Elis, L. Villano Bonamin
Homeopathy is the therapeutics of the individual
III. Annual Meeting of the DZVhA (German
Central Union of Homeopathic Physicians), 1 Ŕ 3
May 2008, held at Bamberg: Homeopathy Ŕ
acute, chronic, epidemic. (Report by Gerhard
BLEUL et al.): (AHZ. 253,5/2008): There was wide
reepesentation - Miasms theories from HAHNEMANN
to ORTEGA to GIENOW, the remedy selection
SCHOLTEN or SANKARAN, in retrospect the
medicine History, critical views of the present period,
prospects of the future of Homeopathy due to the
modern scientific disciplines. Over 500 participants
were there. At the beginning Lars Broder STANGE
the President of the DZVhÄ gave a welcome speech
briefly. He spoke of Dr. Adalbert MARKUS of
Bamberg about whom HAHNEMANN has mentioned
in his Introduction to Arsenicum album
[HAHNEMANN refers to MARKUS in whose hospital
Opium was used in pounds! see Materia Medica Pura
= KSS]. However, the speaker said, MARKUS
propagated, unlike many of those days, the freeing of
the mentally ill patients from fetters.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 31
Ulrich FISCHER spoke on application of the
Miasms theory. He recalled HAHNEMANNřs
statement that the cure of chronic disease was the touch-
stone of a genuine curative art. He has laid the
foundation clearly for understanding the three Miasms
caused by suppressions from false treatments and
causing Ŗadverse circumstancesŗ. His genuine
followers developed it further, like Heringřs Rule. Later
on BÖNNINGHAUSEN gave a far greater importance
to Sycosis with regard to understanding it and begin its
treatment at once and that complicated chronic disease
would require more remedies to follow. ORTEGA
whose understanding of the Miasms may be seen in
Organon § 74, took it further and delineated the typical
manifestations of the three Miasms and the ŖMiasmstic
rotationŗ in the course of Cure.
Reinhard FLICK presented a long-term miasmatic
case. In actual Practice it is not more 10% of cases that
do very well with only one remedy. He therefore
selected a case from the remaining 90%. A Bosnian
who had broken his studies in his homeland and took up
a job in Austria, developed a lot of symptoms, always
Ŗthree diseases in a day, never less than threeŗ.
Thorough anamnesis including family history and
analysed and selected Natrum sulph. D 12, then
Lachesis; after improving some new symptoms came up
and indicated Carcinocin then Sepia LM 1,
Medorrhinum, Silicea, Lycopodium, and lastly Silicea
once again. The break came then. ŖRemarkable, my
greatest desire is to learn, learn, learn Ŕ now everything
comes back , what I had learntŗ.
In the afternoon it continued to be classical; Karl
ERNST demonstrated the analysis of a case with the
Boger-method. Anton ROHRER spoke on Epidemics
and Homeopathy Ŕ History, Prophylaxis, curative
remedy and
curative remedy. He pointed to the examples of Spotted
fever, Cholera, Pox, Measles, and Influenza with
wonderful results.
On the second it was Curt KÖSTERS with the
presentation of Miasms Theories of Hahnemann until
Use of Nosodes and specific remedies. He
developed his idea of Miasms theory in ten thesis.
Thomas KOCH spoke on Miasms in Theory and
Practice, mental scientific analogies with regard to the
ideas of Peter GIENOW, the same or similar part as the
disease; it must affect it in a similar manner, and
moreover the range of drug action must be co-extensive
with the disease-action.ŗ (BURNETT‟s “Curability of
Tumours” = KSS]
Thus the miasmatic potency of the remedy must be
suitable tol the deepest state of the disease.
A refreshing, practical lecture was by Jutta
GNAIGER-RATHMANNER on Folliculinum, the
follicle hormone Oestradiolbenzoat. Three case were
discussed: 58-year-old female with Mamma tumor right
side, 39-year-old female with Migraine, poly-cystic
Ovaries and Bulimia, 36-year-old female with PMS,
Dysmenorrhoea). These cases showed in brief the role
of this Nosode: Reaction remedy for Mamma
Carcinoma patients who have underone long-term
treatment with hormones, persisting follicular cysts,
sterility, bleeding disturbances of all kinds, physical and
mental consequences of IVF-failed attempts, etc.
Comp. emedies: Lach., Nat-m.,Carc.,Lac-h., and Sacch.
Dietmar PAYRHUBER, a specialist in Cancer
therapy with Mineral remedies presented a synthesis
of Miasms theory and the knowledge of Jan
SCHOLTENřs Periodical System. Four Cancer cases
and their very astonishing cures with Calc-m., and
Kalmia (Hair-cell Leukaemia), Plb-i. (Astrocytoma),
Ferr-i. and Wyethia (Non-Hodgin-Lymphoma), Ferr-
sil. and Ars.(Breast- and stomach-Ca. with Osteolysis)
were the cases by this peculiar kind of remedy selection,
also the miasmatic dynamics in the curative phases of
difficult diseases.
Klaus-Roman R closed the second dayřs
Congress with Poly-miasmatic cases. Specially
interesting was the case of a female with Tetanus,
chronic coryza, prophetic dreams of accidents, anxiety
about position, Fear of knife. ŖSymptoms of Psora,
Sycosis and Syphilis and also Tuberculinicŗ. Treatment
began with Asa foetidamdue to characteristic symptoms.
From the third day there were three episodes. Later the
symptoms called for Thuja, Lyssinum, Mercurius
sol.and lastly Platinum. Since 6 years no conversion
neurotic symptoms, only physical complaints, stiff
shoulders, skin itching.
On the last day Joachim STÜRMER spoke,
arresting and lively pictures on the miasmatic
association of diseases, symptoms and remedies. As
main remedy of Psora, Sulph., Psof., Calc., botanically
Mes., and Lyc., animal Ambr.,and Sep. The first level of
Sycosis is a ŖUrogenital-messŗ. Physical examination
will throw some light on the case: Warts, Condyloma,
Polyps, Lipoma, Hämangioma, Fish odor. Modalities
are the worsening from dampness, humidity, fog. Main
remedy: Thuja, Med., Nat-s. For the Syphilis ultimately
belongs the leading symptoms Ŗeverything worse
nights, heavy weakening sweat, pungent and offensive-
smelling dischargesŗ, the Ŗpatient is deep in inner
sicknessŗ. Main remedy: Merc., Syph., Nit-ac.
Wolfgang SPRINGER, on the last day of the
Congress, spoke on Supervision: Criteriae, Controls,
Cases, a very important stock-taking of the very much
heterogenous scene and the working of connecting
quality markings of a good homeopathic supervision.
On the first day, parallel to the main lecture there
was Experiment of Double-Live-anamnesis with
Wolfgang SPRINGER and Reinhard FLICK. Both took
the anamnesis of 45 year-old female patient with Still-
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 32
Syndrome, and it was available to the participants on
the screen; by individual techniques both the doctors
came to their own interesting points in the case and their
individual working out and concluded it to be of
Syphilitic Miasm but they did not obtain from this
complex case, one remedy agreeable. Both laid great
value on the modality of the joint pain (better from cold
during the worst phase of the pain). While FLICK
selected Guaiacum to be followed by Mercurius
solubilis as the possible follow-up medicine,
SPRINGER prescribed Lac-c (because the pain
wandered and shifted from one side to the other, and
better from cold). The interesting aspect of this
experiment was that two experienced homeopaths
belonging to the same School and trained in the same
way came to prescribe different medicines. In the
discussion that followed some questions were left
undecided. Must one wait for agreement? What role
does the different dynamics of the drawing of the
Anamnesis play in the working out of the case by the
two different homeopaths? What help will be the
answers in first anamnesis, in the subsequent
interviews? What will be the result if similar
experiment is made with homepaths of different
Schools? The final word may be in the future.
On the second day Seminar, we had the ŘSankaran-
Methodř by Andreas HOLLING and Willi NEUHOLD,
two experts in this method, Miasms theory, Vital
sensations, and such ideas which would dig up deeper
disturbances. Anamnesis in this methodology were in
different words and word repetitions and body language
which were all noted by the homeopath, and perhaps
the patientřs remedy may be found in them.
The Seminar on Boenninghausen‟s Method were
by Heiner FREI and Dominik MÜLLER. They laid
special stress on the analysis of the polarities through
the computer programme of the revised Therapeutic
Pocket Book, as well as the ŘCheck Listsř and
ŘQuestionnaire formsř with which the efficiency of the
selection of the medicine is evidently improved.
The Samuel Prize for the best lecture was given to
Anton ROHRER for his depiction of Therapeutics of
IV. Following extract from the International
Journal of High Dilution Research (IJHDR), Vol.2,
No.1, 2003, by Rachel ROSENBAUM: Ŗ . . . . . . The
Homeopathy School was born as a healthy reaction. . . .
What has not yet been analyzed is the fact that
Homeopathy is undergoing a crisis that has not yet
been evaluated correctly by the community of
Pratitioners that support it. . . . .Homeopathy has long
become more than one single body. That is the reason
why jargons fail when they try to explain the real world.
Homeopathy has grown branches and not only in terms
of therapeutic strategies. To cure and to find palliatives
can be understood in many ways. The Similia principle
can be applied with different efforts. To mature is no
longer to hide our political courtesy. The exposure of
our contradictions does not mean vulnerability, but to
point out to the future of a new methodology, and this,
to those who fear, is to provide a voice to the plurality
of methods that characterize us as an emerging
technology, and this technology has a type of
knowledge that is very interesting to health sciences.
Perhaps the most difficult part is to admit that the
conceited task of healing requires patience and living
with diversity. To be aware that each treated being has
a special way to remain healthy is as important as to
repertorize a patient accurately. To perceive the
anthropologic reform proposed by Homeopathy is as
crucial as to perform sophisticated basic research. . . . . .
The immobility of the doctrine, that was apparently so
secure in the past, can no longer be called upon to
protect anything. . . . . In terms of research, we have to
advance and see that Homepathy needs to be urgently
reinvented. Either we create a new research policy to
develop the method or we remain in a boring path that
repeats itself endlessly. . . . . . In a turbulent
scientific world, the idea of being condemned to
perform permanently what the classic authors dictated
in apocryphal papers reissued with the power of
compulsory mandate of knowledge is almost
unbearable. HAHNEMANN, in the motto of his
Organon, conveys an emblematic Aude Sapere. . . . .
Those who represent the novel, and who fight to oppose
a past that has hidden itself in the veils of tradition, have
to become aware that a new form of Homeopathy is
becoming organized. Either we finally go forward in all
fronts, from basics to clinic, from philosophic to
scientific, from ethics to aesthetics, in order to conduct
Medicine for subjects (human beings) or we must be
very earnest to face up to the fact that the future has a
very unfavourable prognosis for us. . . . . Ŗ. [There
have been such calls for homeopaths to come out of
Ŗtraditionŗ and turn Ŗmodernŗ, Ŗscientificŗ, etc. While
there is no gainsaying that Homeopathy must Ŗmove
with the timesŗ, we must beware the direction of the
move. Surely, it does not mean blind following of the
hegemony Medicine. I do not agree that classical
authors were apocryphalic; the knowledge that we
possess which helps us cure diseases came from them,
they are the pillars, surely. Readers are requested to
convey their views. We must discuss these. = KSS]
V. The great Indian Epic Ramayana has reference
to a herb „Sanjeevani‟ which has reputation or
reviving the „near dead‟. This herb was applied to
LAKSHMAN brother of Lord RAM during the battle
with RAVANA in Lanka; the story of Sanjeevani is
quite interesting. However, our interests is now raised
from a ŘNewsř in The Hindu, dated Sept.10, 2009 and
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 33
24 Sept. 2009 Dr. D.BALASUBRAMANIAM writes
that the plant Selaginella has been identified as the
Ŗresurrection plantŗ. This plant is reputed to Ŗplay
deadŗ for months and Ŗresurrectŗ itself into full bloom
if water is sprinkled on it. This remarkable ability is
shared by a few other plants such as Rudanti or
D.fimbriatum found in the Western Ghats and
Myrothamnus of Zimbabwe in Africa. Dr.Ramesh
MAHESHWARI the famous Plant Biologist has
however said Selaginella is the ŖSanjeevaniŗ. Prof
MAHESHWARI points out that such Ŗresurrection
plantsŗ are the only plants containing sugar called
Trehalose, instead of the usual sugar Sucrose. And
Trehalose has some remarkably unique properties that
no other sugar has. The Ŗresurrection plantsŗ
synthesize Trehalose and store it as a preservative agent.
The Selaginella belongs to the oldest plants known to
us. Dr. Jo ANN BANKS of Purdue University traces
them to at least 400 million years ago and have had to
survive climate catastrophes of various kinds. [The
Repertory Synthesis, Edn. 9.1 contains in the Chapter
List of Remedy Abbreviations an entry - p.49 Appendix
Ŕ ŖSelanigella aus” abbreviated as ŖSela.” = KSS]
VI. Humanising Mental Hospitalsŗ is the title of a
report by Harsh MANDER in The Hindu, dt. 6 June
2010. It will be evident from the title of the article that
the state of the ŘMentalř Hospitals is far from being
Řhumanř. This report is, of course, about the state in
Tamil Nadu. ŖPatients in many hospitals are found to
suffer brutal treatment, violence, abuse, or neglect at the
hands of untrained medical, nursing and orderly staff.
There is excessive regimentalisation, and a regime of
fear, and opacity. Chaining . . . has not fully
disappeared. In some hospitals, patients are denied
most basic facilities such as clothes, beds, clean toilets,
and regular bathing. . . . . . food served is poor in
nutrition, and badly cooked. There are still reports of
brutal and indiscriminate application of ECT, or the
controversial application of current, without
anaesthesia. . . . . There is almost exclusive reliance on
pharmacological remedies, with little or no
psychotherapies, counselling or alternative therapies. . .
. . . . The most tragic predicament is of patients who are
abandoned in the mental institutions, often with the
active complicity of hospital staff. . . . . . The long-
term answer to all these problems is to break down the
wall of institutions, to end medical legal and social
practices which sanction the custodialisation and brutal
treatment, neglect or abandonment of people living with
mental illness.ŗ
A colleague who visited a Mental Hospital with
some other students of Psychology, said that several
patients were begging them for some food; the hospital
authorities were providing food, but that seems to be
insufficient and the patients are still hungry. Explaining
this a correspondant (Dr. G.Rajamohan) writes (The
Hindu, 13 June 2010): ŖEven after hundred years after
starting the mental hygiene movement, conditions have
not been improved. The sad fact is that the
antipsychotic drugs increase the appetite and create
craving for food. But the food given to the patients are
meagre and insufficient. It is true that hospitals are
prisons in effect. . . . . Ŗ [It is very important that at
least in countries like India where Homeopathy is a
Government approved medical system of treatment, the
Government must provide homeopathic care in these
hospitals and the homeopathic fraternity must move
earnestly for that. = KSS]
VII. Liga Congress, 20-24 May 2008, Oostende,
Belgium Ŕ Evidence-based Homeopathy: Report by
Gerhard BLEUL (Some Extracts): (AHZ. 253, 6/2008):
About 700 participants were there; there were parallel
meetings in six adjacent rooms. Out of 250 lectures
only some can be referred. The complete transactions
including several power-point presentations can be had
on DVD (for E 35,).
Michael van WASSENHOVEN, Congress
President, opened the sessions with a lecture on the
proof of action of Homeopathy. He said that evidence-
based medicine is not the domain of the allopathic
medicine but also of homeopathic research in which
several definite evidences existed the evidence-ranking
of which are far higher.
The lecture was by Christian BOIRON of the
Boiron homeopathy pharmaceutical firm; he spoke on
ŖHomeopthy is a languageŗ. He pleaded for allowing
the two different streams Ŕ Ŗthe unicist as well as the
pluralist Ŗ. In his later speech the Liga President Dr.
Ulrich FISCHER said that Homeopathy must adhere to
the principles laid down by Hahnemann as basis, work
in accord to certain rules, codes; to let different training
concepts would only create anxiety and uncertainty.
Ton NICOLAI spoke on complementary and
alternative Medicine. Gilles CHAUFFERIN asked ŖIs
Homeopathy cost effective?ŗ [This question is strange.
One of the strong points in favour of Homeopathy is
that it is quite cost effective and indeed no other
medicine is as much cost effective as Homeopathy. =
KSS]. Maria GOOSENS spoke on the organisation of
Medicinal Provings in Belgium. Patricia LE ROUX and
Jean Michel LONGNEAUX asked why homeopathic
physicians often involve themselves into sects.
The second day was on research Ŗfrom Provings to
double-blind studiesŗ. Claudia WITT presented a study
of treatment of children with atopic Eczema; the
treatment by conventional therapy and homeopathic
were compared. Peter FISHER referred to about more
than 50 studies of research and asked ŖWho needed
these?ŗ Answer: It depends upon, who asked: the
homeopath, the patient, the critic.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 34
Christian KLEIN-LANSMA reported of a multi-
central study of the treatment of Pre-menstrual
Syndrome with 10 selected cases which were given
individual medicines on the basis of leading indications
in each case.
Miriam SOMMER demonstrated the design of
planned study of homeopathic treatment of Dengue
Fever in Brazil. Probable main remedies were recalled.
A homeopathic Symptom-verification of
Phosphorus through a retrospective study with reference
to likely-hood ratio was presented by Michael VAN
U.C. ADLER presented a randomised controlled
study in which the individualised homeopathic
treatment against the doses of Fluoxetin, in Depression,
and the comparative results.
Gustavo DOMINICI received for his report of a
remedy proving of Hydrogenium peroxidatum (H
the Prize for the best lecture of the Congress.
Lex RUTTEN, the inaugurator of likelihood ratio of
repertorisation, had collected the data of 4094 patients
from 10 practices over a period of years; 4072 of
these were evaluated. Every Polychrest was present in
every large rubric, but that meant nothing with regard to
their likelihood ratio. The evidence rises with the
application of the likelihood ratio. Result: over 50% of
the results contradicted the reportorial entries, small
rubrics had to be explained, large rubrics were to be
reduced: 50 remedies were relevant to 70% of our
Philippe SERVAIS presented clinical verification of
symptoms of Petroleum, Roland LUGTEN of Lachesis.
Jan SCHOLTEN gave a classical example business
interests within the Congress. The title of his lecture
was ŖThe art of classification, for example, of
Lanthanide casesŗ. He explained briefly the not yet
proved Lanthanides, his hypothesis of its homeopathic
action, particularly in respect of auto-immune diseases,
and naturally his new book. The Lanthanides themes
are Autonomy, Freedom, independence, determination,
aversion to tutelage. SCHOLTEN then ran a long trailer
film of propaganda for a complex medicine which come
out of the Lanthanide.
Spiros KIVELLOS gave brief view of Ŗthe
Vithoulkas approachŗ with 12 levels of healthy state.
On the third day Walter GLÜCK spoke on the
nutritional substances used as remedies like Milk, Fat,
Plants, etc. The essence of his talk: we can apply the
nutritional remedies as Simile if it helps the cure.
Purnima SHUKLA put on well-documented cases
on Ŗhomeopathic managementŗ of Mamma nodes,
Fibro-mastopathy. Chronic Mastitis, Mamma-abscess,
Carl Rudolf KLINKENBERG presented 7 criteriae
for verification of medicinal symptoms with support of
GUERNSEY, HERING, which can lead to a reliable
Materia Medica.
In the afternoon Guido MORTELMANS spoke on
Insulin, Michael TAUT on Galphimia glauca, Carmen
STURZA on Ytterbium nitricum.
Summarizing the day, we can see which lectures
were missed; these are:
1. Camila SIQUEIRA Ŕ Biotherapeutics from the
Influenza virus
2. Sonia BADULICI Ŕ Homéoplasmin Cream (a
complex preparation) in Eczema
3. Karin LENGER Ŕ Homeopathic Potencies have been
identified as Photons
4. Luiz PINTO Ŕ Ultra-high dilutions of Palicourea
marcgravii, in intoxicated rats Ŕ the plant is the main
causative of toxicity of Rinders
5.Vincenzo ROCCO Ŕ Homeopathic private patients in
6.Aurélie COLAS Ŕ Luteinum C 15 in nausea during
7. Claudio ARAUJO A Ŕ Clinical verifications of
Anacardium orientale
8. Steve Xue Ŕ Homeopathy in China Ŕ explaining the
classical Chinese Medicine
9. L. SCHEPPERS Ŕ Syphili num, Anthracinum,
Proteus other Bowel Nosodes
10.Paolo BELLAVITE Ŕ Homeopathic effects in
anxious mice compared with Anxiolytics
On the last day of the Congress there was a further
example of how in these days reports of solid Studies
remain behind while pompously announced Studies take
their place.
Carlo REZZANI spoke on the work regarding
Clinical Homeopathic File Collection (CliFiCol) Group
which was founded in 1986, which suffers from lack of
financial support.
The Congress President Michel WASSENHOVEN
ended the Meeting with a round up Overview of the
impressive Studies on ŖEvidence Based Homeopathyŗ.
The next Congress was to be in Warsaw.
VIII. Homeopathy helps in ADS and ADHS Ŕ
Long-term Study confirms. In the 42 Medizinischen
Woche of Europeřs largest Medical Congress of Natural
Healing Procedures and Complementary Medicine, the
Holzschuh-Preis for Complementary Medicine in the
Research branch was given to Dr. Klaus v. AMMON
Ŗnot only for the long-term impressive successes in
homeopathic treatmentŗ said the President of the Karl
and Hilde Holzschuh-Stiftung but also Ŗthe Study
also points that the cost is far below that of the
conventional treatmentŗ. The Attention-Deficit-
Syndrome with and without Hyperactivity
(ADS/ADHDS) makes the largest group of
Neuropsychiatric diagnoses in children and youth. The
disease has impressive effects on the family, school,
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 35
social milieu and not the least the later career
development. . . . . Since years homeopaths apply
homeopathic remedies with successes as evidenced by
Dr. von AMMONřs Study in 2005 showed. With a
completely blind, randomised Study which is
considered as Gold standard in scientific experiments
for Evidence the Evidence for the homeopathic
remedyřs action in ADS/ADHS could be edstablished
(FREI, et al. 2005). (ZKH. 52, 4/2008)
IX. A Debut Debate: Your input needed. (HT. 28,
A Debate Ŕ ŖHomeopathy: Quackery or a Key to
the Future of Medicine?ŗ Ŕ was conceived and
organized by National Center for Homeopathy and
co-sponsored by the University of Connecticut
Health Center. The goal was to have a Candid,
objective presentation on the Řfactsř. Pre and post polls
were conducted. Before the debate 30% of respondents
believed Homeopathy was unscientific. After the
debate only 15% still believed that.
The debate was successful in bringing
Homeopathy to a large audience.
X. 2007 Exam Results: Council for Homeopathic
Certification. FOX, Jackie (HT. 28, 1/2008)
The results of the three parts of the exam were:
Homeopathy, 88% pass rate. Health sciences 69% pass
rate. Case Analysis 63% pass rate. 27 practitioners
were certified between January and October.
XI. Homeopathy in the News. (HT. 28, 1/2008)
Russian Homeopathy Market targeted.
The sales of Boiron homeopathic pharmacy in
Russia has a 40% growth in 2006. The sales in 2007, is
anticipated to reach 18 Million Euro, which is 75%
higher than the year earlier, in stark contrast to Boironřs
home market, France where the Company has seen
steady losses in recent years.
Ŕ Global insight, Mira THOMPSON, October 1,
Spain considers alternative Medicine.
The Spanish Minister of Health has commissioned
a report on Alternative Medicine in order to consider
including Homeopathy in Spainřs National Health
System. At present 10-15% of the Spanish population
uses homeopathic treatment.
- Global Insight, Dr. Elura DRAGA, October 25,
XII. Interview with Dr. A.U. RAMAKRISHNAN,
M.B.,B.S., M.F. Hom., Ph.D. A family tradition:
World renowned Homeopath, Healer, Trailblazer,
LOCKWOOD, Amy. (HT. 28, 1/2008)
Dr. RAMAKRISHNAN travels the globe for four
months each year, teaching Homeopathy in the U.S.,
the U.K. Europe and Asia. The other 8 months he
practices in Chennai, India.
In the 1930řs Dr. UMAPATHI MUDALIAR, father
of Dr. RAMAKRISHNAN, who was a surgeon was
impressed by the rapid improvement in piles with Calc
fluor. 6x and soon was interested in tissue salts and in
the larger practice of Homeopathy.
Dr. RAMAKRISHNAN started learning
Homeopathy from his father from the age of 4. He
often uses cell salts along with chronic homeopathic
treatment and finds that cell salts are supportive and
helps improve peripheral problems such as injuries or
acute illnesses that may arise during chronic treatment.
Most memorable case is a Glioma Ŕ operated twice
and undergone radiotherapy but recurred. Seizures
during which her eyes would roll downward.
Intolerance and averse to milk. After one year of
treatment with Aethusa cynapium, the womanřs health
turned around. The tumor completely disappeared in a
yearřs time and has not recurred in 20 years and still
His advise for todayřs homeopaths is to have an
open mind and to examine different ways of working.
XIII. Speak up. (HT. 28, 1/2008)
Medicine for the people is a new organization
campaigning against negative media coverage that
Homeopathy has been receiving in the UK by
collecting 250,000 signatures to take to the UK
government in June 2008. These declarations will give
a voice to those people whose experience is denied by
the recent attacks against Homeopathy and the Royal
London Homeopathic Hospital. It will also, for the
first time, begin to to establish the extent to which
Homeopathy has helped the general public in the UK
and throughout the world, whether through prescription
or self-medication. Thereřs also a link from their home
page for international supporters from outside the UK to
add their voices.
Make your voice heard at: www.hmc21.org!
XIV. Journal writing and homeopathic care,
WEINSTEIN, Corey (HT. 28, 2/2008).
In an effort to awaken and nurture patientřs interest
in their distinctive manifestation of illness, the author
sends each new patient a two-page handout on preparing
for the homeopathic visit. Those who write in a
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 36
personal journal usually have already explored much of
the territory to be covered in the homeopathic
consultation. ŖPeople who experience stressful life
events and patients suffering from hypertension chronic
pain, Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cancer
experience a decrease in physical symptoms when they
practice expressive writing. Healthy and chronic pain
patients who become aware of their deepest emotional
secrets or pains open the door to measurable positive
charges and healing …. Writing produced the fastest
transition from one emotional state to another. In his
ground breaking book, ŖWrite for life: Healing Body,
Mind and Spirit through Journal writing,ŗ Dr. Shepperd
KOMINARS invites readers to explore this useful tool
for Health.
XV. Homeopathy in the News. (HT. 28, 2/2008)
Virgin group to open clinics in U.K.
Sir Richard Bransonřs Virgin group announced that
it would enter the UKřs National Health Service
primary health care Market by opening six Ŗone-stop-
shopŗ health centers in 2008, offering services from
Homeopathy to therapy alongside typical GP services.
UK Homeopathy funding cuts.
Homeopathy is becoming the highest profile
victim of the Governmentřs drive to promote cost-
effective use of NHS resources, with PCTs (Primary
Care Trusts) across the country stopping the funding ŖA
pulse investigation into the services provided by 132
PCTs reveals only 37% still have contracts for
homeopathic services. More than a quarter of trusts
have stopped or reduced funding over the past two
years, with many cancelling the contracts with
homeopathic hospitals.
-Pulse (UK), ŖHomeopathy a Victim of PCT
Funding Cuts,ŗ January 30, 2008.
[This is rather paradoxical when it is a question of
Ŗfundingŗ meaning financial support no therapeutic
system can be lesser costly than Homeopathy. In fact
funding Homeopathy saves a lot of money = KSS]
Veterian notices change in attitudes.
The Jan. 28, 2008, Vancouver Sun profiled
Veterian Susan KRAKAUER,ŗThe Roving Vetŗ, who
noticed definite increase in peopleřs willingness to use
Homeopathy for their animals, but donřt do it for
themselves. They donřt want to give their animals
steroids or antibiotics.
XVI. Letter to the Editor. Gabrielle Howard
GLADISH (HT. 28, 2/2008).
Sixty years ago she trained as a nurse at the Royal
London Homeopathic Hospital. She worked in
England, Canada and in US and fully appreciated the
superiority of homeopathic treatment. Recently she
had total hip joint replacement and her rapid recovery
amazed others. No nausea due to Phosphorus. Arnica,
Staphysagria and then Symphytum, improved the
bruising, swelling and drainage. Painkillers were no
longer needed and was back at home three weeks after
the surgery. [Those who benefit from Homeopathy
must write and speak. Why donřt they? Why should
anyone feel shy to speak facts? = KSS]
XVII. The Henry N. Williams Professional Services
Award was presented to Stephen MESSER and the
Martha Oelman Community Service award presented to
Dana ULLMAN. (HT. 28, 2/2008)
XVIII. In Memory JOANNE MATTKE (September
27, 1931 Ŕ March 30, 2007) HENDERSON, Marilyn
(HT. 28, 2/2008)
Joanne Mattke believed deeply in Homeopathic
Health Care, dedicating more than 20 years of her life
toward building Homeopathy in Florida. She formed
the Central Florida Homeopathic Study Group. She
was pivotal in bringing homeopathic education to
Florida. The 21
Annual Florida Homeopathy
conference, in Feb. 2008 was dedicated to Joanneřs
XIX. There is Gold in them than Hills How to
grow and nurture a homeopathic practice in a rural
area ST. JOHN, Gloria. (HT. 28, 2/2008)
The author narrates her experience of settling down
in the countryside and how she established her
homeopathic practice.
XX. Fostering Community. GAHLES, Nancy (HT.
28, 3/2008).
As Homeopathy gains recognition worldwide, it
attractws the attention of factions whose self-interest
appears to be at stake. Fostering community, educating
and getting the word out about Homeopathyřs success
is the way against their misinformation campaign. The
National Center for Homeopathy ardently pursues its
mission all year long, finding every possible way to
promote awareness of Homeopathy. [The best
response to all the unfounded calumnies, the
Homeopathy Practitioner must respond by doing more
and more cures, thatřs all. That will silence the hate
campaign = KSS].
XXI. Bringing on Late Babies”, NEEDLEMAN,
David. (HT. 28, 3/2008)
ŖWe are often asked to help bring on late
babies when the due date has passed and the mother still
hasnřt delivered. The first remedy to try is Calcarea
carbonica 30 (for bashful babies), one dose each hour
for 3 hours in the morning, followed at 11 p.m. by
Caulophyllum 200 (for muscle tone) and this is followed
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 37
at 11.30 p.m. by Gelsemium 200 (for slow onset of birth
from anticipatory fears). I have found this very
successful as the waters usually break between 3 and 4
a.m. If they donřt I advise waiting for 24 hrs. and then
repeating this protocol.ŗ
XXII. Facing Cancer… What can we do?
Taking an integrative approach: Homeopathic
treatment for people with Cancer. ROTHENBERG,
Amy (HT. 28, 3/2008)
Gene 60 years old with Pancreatic Cancer with
metastasis to the liver and lymphatic Leukemia.
Primary tumor was removed. Abdominal pain radiating
to back. Heartburn. Pain worse when he thought about
it. His purpose of consultation was to help in relieving
his digestive pains, improving his comfort and enjoying
his life for as long as he could. Copious sweat on head
and back at night in bed. Labored breathing and
cramps. Terrible gas since the surgery had Thyroid
Cancer in his forties. Carbo vegetabilis helped him
much. 2 months later severe pain and short breath.
Carbo vegetabilis in higher strength. Pain was
controlled and breathing improved. In the next 6
months few more doses and Arsenicum album when his
anxiety and fear of death were more than he could bear.
The need of opiate painkillers were less and he
peacefully passed away.
Alicia, 45 years old, undergone lumpectomy for
cancerous lump in her left breast. Lymphedema in left
arm since surgery and radiation. Body rash, red,
slightly raised and itchy, and worse when she became
warm. Sulphu and vitamin-mineral-botanical medicine.
A month later, swelling and range of motion were
improving steadily. Rash was fading. She remained
free from Cancer.
In her experience, homeopathic and other natural
medicine care is extremely helpful whether used at the
time of the diagnosis, during conventional Cancer
treatment or afterward for healing and prevention of
further disease.
XXIII. A change in Leadership at the HPCUS.
Source: Homeopathic Pharmnacopoeia Convention of
the United States. (HT. 28, 5/2008).
On 5
August 2008, at the Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States
(HPCUS) Board Meeting, John A. (Jack)
BORNEMANN, III, RPh., announced that after 23
years of service to the homeopathic community as
president of HPCUS, he will transition to the newly
created role of HPCUS Chairman of the Board. J.P.
(Jay) BORENEMANN, Ph.D. was unanimously elected
to the position of the third President of HPCUS since its
incorporation in 1980.
XXIV. Nonprofit plans homeopathic care for
trauma survivors. (HT. 28, 5/2008)
The Birmingham (England) Alliance of
Homeopaths (BAH) will begin a six month pilot project
in Jan. 09, offering homeopathic care to people in the
support services suffering from emotional trauma.
Britainřs Ministry of Defense Study fears that upto
20,000 British troops may be affected by brain injuries
and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Homeopathy can
be more effective in releasing the trauma. Britainřs
Army Families Federation is supporting and advertising
the pilot project.
-reported in Birmingham Post (UK)
Aug. 8, 2008.
XXV. Letter to the Editor
Late stage Lyme Disease and Homeopathy.
GARDNER, Darien (HT. 28, 5/2008)
The author started suffering from Lyme disease
since 2006. After an avalanche of advice from people,
he started homeopathic treatment from 23.2.2007 with
Borrelia Burdorferi (Remedy prepared from the bacteria
that causes Lyme Disease). Gradually improved and
within a year fully recovered and remained so.
XXVI. Hospitals offer alternative therapies (HT.
28, 6/2008)
An American Hospital Association Survey shows
that 37% of the hospitals in the U.S. are providing more
complementary and alternative therapies in addition to
conventional services.
54% of the hospitals cited patient demand as a
factor and 64% gave clinical effectiveness as their main
reason. Another reason is their Ŗgreenŗ nature.
-Compiled from Congressional Quarterly
Healthbeat, Sept. 13, 2008.
XXVII. In memory: Ananda ZAREN (1946-2008)
COHEN, Karen (HT. 28, 6/2008).
Ananda ZAREN, passed away on 28 Sept. 2008, 4
days after an accident. She practiced Homeopathy for
30 years in Santa Barbara, California and authored Core
Elements of the Materia Medica of the Mind, Volumes
1 & 2. Homeopathy was Ananda ZARENřs passion
and lifeřs work since 1976. She preferred to spend her
time in her Ŗlearning labŗ as she called the practice. Her
power of observation was extremely acute and she was
a master at cataloguing nuance and gesture, every aspect
of human expression which she interpreted as the
language of the Vital Force. Her great strength was her
work with women and infants. She believed that
comprehending the emotional state of the person before
you, regardless of age was requisite to finding the
homeopathic simillimum.
In Germany while teaching, she observed a three
month old infant on oxygen. For an hour and prescribed
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 38
Natrum sulphuricum based on Jaundice, aversion to
contact and photophobia. The next morning the infant
appeared stronger, able to breathe on her own and
voluntarily opened her eyes to make contact with her
mother for the first time.
A man with restless leg syndrome of 25 years
duration was cured with Belladonna by her by using the
rubric Mind Ŕ desire to escape.
ZAREN was a rare jewel. Through she was only
barely 5 feet tall, but had a towering intellect and
vitality to burn. Her greater joy was in helping people
get well, but in the fullest sense of the word, not just
allaying symptoms.
XXVIII. Celebrating Links. October 19-21, 2007.
Heidelberg, Germany. (AJHM. 101, 3/2008). Review
by Jay YASGUR.
Around 850 homeopaths offered a stage for some
bright ideas which are beginning to set off sparks, albeit
controversial ones within the homeopathic community:
The Sensation of SANKARAN, The Periodicity of
Triple salts of George LOUKAS.
A Tsunami is visiting Homeopathy bringing
sensation, periodicity, and animalia to itřs shores. Many
on that sandy beach have been jolted and awed; indeed,
even those who have brought the Řnew waveř are
paddling in the midst of a state of upheaval. Yet the
spines of those few are flexible and adjusting to radical
innovation sifting in from all directions.
Yes, this Řnew waveř which our community is
experiencing is unsettling and now the question is: will
that community be so moved, so inspired to allow room
for new material to be rinsed, clarified and crystallized.
Will the homeopathic community permit new seeds to
sprout on uncertain shores?
These are the essential questions which arte nopw
being asked of our Řband of brothers.ř Our still fragile
community which has yet to realize that, divided as we
are, there is really more which unites us.
Sensation, periodicity, animalia. Let us take the
new, judiciously graft it onto the firm foundation
established by our equally innovative and bold
ancestors, and create a tree of even greater strength and
possibility. [God save us from this = KSS].
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly
Homeopathic Digest are given below:
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121, HEIDELBERG,
2. AJHM: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine, formerly
Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy (JAIH). 801
N. Fairfax Street, Suite 306 Alexandria, VA 22314.
3. THE HINDU: Newspaper, Chennai Ŕ 600 002.
4. HOM: Formerly British Homeopathic Journal (BHJ),
Homeopathy, Faculty of Homeopathy, 29 Park Street West,
Luton, Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
5. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for Homeopathy,
801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306, ALEXANDRIA, VA.
22314, USA.
6. MedGG: Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, Institut für
Geschichte der Medizin Robert Bosch Stiftung, Straussweg 17,
7. RH: Revista De Homeopatia, Rua Dr.Diogo de Faria, 839,
VilaClementino Ŕ CEP 04037-002, Säo Paulo Ŕ SP. Brazil.
8. S & C: Science and Culture, Indian Science News Association,
92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, KOLKATA Ŕ 700 009.
9. IJHDR: International Journal of High Dilution Resarch, Sibiu,
Romania. Via Internet.
10. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F. Haug
Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 HEIDELBERG,
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 39
(This Section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some case)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
(BHJ. II, 7/1844)
Section 1
The ordinary mode for acquiring knowledge of remedial
agents - namely, merely by experience during practice -
cannot be termed studying the medicines, and no
directions are required for it.
Much time and labor may be expended in this mode
without ever attaining a complete command of the
medicinal agents. Many a homeopathic practitioner will
find himself in the situation of walking on a treadmill -
setting machinery in motion, without moving from the
He who trusts solely the experience and observations of
others, and thinks that by means of published
collections of cases he will also attain accuracy in the
selection of medicines in individual cases, or find a
similar accuracy in his general views of medicinal
agents - such a one constantly remains in a state of
dependence, moving merely in the narrow circle which
others have chalked out.
In another country amidst other customs, and at other
times when a different character of disease is present -
indeed, during the prevalence of individual epidemic
diseases - he stands helpless and bewildered. His
pockets are full of paper money that is not current there,
and his hands are destitute of any available coin.
He who relies only on his own experience for
knowledge of medicines can only attain a very limited
understanding. His personal knowledge will be quite
imperfect as regards individual remedial agents. If,
perchance, one or other property appears peculiarly
prominent, then the others will be but seldom or never
attended to.
For example, consider the case of Aconite, which
certainly is of frequent use in inflammations, but much
more often in cases where no inflammation exists. Or
consider Belladonna, which is frequently employed
where it does not answer at all, and where Hyosc.,
Arsen., Bryon., or some other remedy, should be used
So understanding acquired only in this way will be
imperfect, in fine, as regards our whole Materia Medica
- because by this method the knowledge of Materia
Medica cannot but always be very deficient. Only a
small number of favorite remedies will be retained in
memory - merely such ones as are known, or thought to
be known, to possess some general determinate
properties which render their selection easy.
In the greater number of cases that come under daily
observation, these favorite remedies will very frequently
be given where they are not of the slightest use. A
number of remedies will be employed for merely single
symptoms. And a large number will never be prescribed
at all.
In cases of a more serious and rarer description, even
where the most careful research is employed, it is often
all in vain. For sometimes many remedies seem to be
equally indicated, so it is difficult to make a selection
from among them. At other times no single remedy
seems applicable.
The more intimate our acquaintance with the medicines,
the more seldom will such cases occur, and the nearer is
the physician to the attainment of complete mastery of
his subject.
Tyros, who have merely glanced at the remedies,
imagine that it is not possible to become acquainted
with a single remedy which has such a vast number of
symptoms - just as a country clown on coming to town
is at a loss to conceive how the people know which way
to go among such a number of houses. And yet, in the
course of time, he himself finds no difficulty in doing
Let us observe how this happens. It may help us a little
in studying the materia medica.
It is well known that a person who has been in many
large towns can much sooner find his way than other
strangers who have not. This is true without there being
much resemblance between the towns. He must
unconsciously have invented some method by which he
becomes quickly at home in every new town.
In like manner, many homeopaths have unconsciously
adopted a method of studying the Materia Medica. Our
present object is to make this method known.
Learning the Materia Medica Ŗby heart,ŗ would be a
highly absurd plan - and not only impossible on account
of the extent of the undertaking, but even if possible,
still, utterly useless. In order to acquire a foreign
language, what good would it do to learn the dictionary
from beginning to end?
One who could repeat the list of symptoms of a remedy
in their regular order would not thereby possess
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 40
knowledge of the combination of symptoms - and it is
that knowledge of which we stand in need.
In practice, we never make use of the whole range of
symptoms, but only of a particular combination of a
small portion of them. To the general symptoms of
every form of disease, corresponding ones may be
found in a large number of remedies - and every remedy
contains the indications of a vast variety of diseases.
Section 2
Every medicine has its peculiar characteristic traits
which must occur in each of the groups that are
mentioned above. There cannot be the least doubt about
this fact. But this only shows the goal from afar - a goal
that we may reach by a careful study of the Materia
Up to this time, only a few fragments of such
characteristic traits have been discovered. Anyone may
soon learn these by heart; but this can never be called
studying the medicines.
Properly speaking, the study of the medicines is rather
the road to a fresh discovery of those traits which,
during practice, are continually presenting themselves to
us. And, at the same time, it will show the fallacy of
many well-known dicta proceeding from some who
have attained the reputation of great authorities through
the indolence of others.
The homeopathic physician who knows little more than
the characteristics of a few polychrest medicines (with
the addition, perhaps, of a few other scraps of
knowledge which he himself picked up) has only a one-
legged stool - we may turn ourselves hither and thither,
but it will fall to the ground if not sat on by someone
with two legs.
The homeopathic physician who knows no more than
this is like a bad chess player Ŕ someone who only
knows one or two methods of giving checkmate which
he has learned from studying the fag ends of games
played by celebrated players - put together with but a
few other modes he has discovered himself.
The master of the game commands all the pieces in
every situation. He shows his skill even when
checkmated, and, properly speaking, he never loses.
Even though the physician at the bedside of the patient
has ever so carefully compared a medicine with the case
before him, this will tend but little to advance his
knowledge of it. And such a comparison cannot be
termed a study of the medicine, as it is only viewed in
connection with the case thus before him.
To study a remedial agent is to attentively observe its
symptoms and curative powers, without any reference to
particular cases or particular diseases. It is to consider
all its effects as connected with one another.
All its individual symptoms are seen as separate parts of
a whole. The many changes produced in the sensations
by its action, which have been separately observed and
collected together, are to be regarded as symptoms of
one and the same artificial disease. They are seen to
belong to one morbid picture.
The proper mode of studying the whole Materia Medica
consists of first making one self the complete master of
a few medicines. Afterwards comes the mastery of those
medicines most nearly connected with the first few, and
so on.
There is always a comparing of the new ones with those
that were first studied. On this account, I call this the
diagnostic method.
After one or more families of nearly related substances
have thus been worked out, the others follow much
more easily. After pursuing the study in this manner
with unremitting diligence for several years, then any
new medicine may be made available after only one
By carefully reading it over only once, so much remains
impressed on the memory by the unconsciously
acquired habit of comparison, that in a case of disease in
which it is indicated, it is easily recalled to mind.
He who can do this will not complain of the number of
imperfectly proved medicines, or of the fewness of their
recorded symptoms, while at the same time finding fault
with the large number of symptoms presented by other
Be the symptoms as numerous as they may, he can
make himself be the master of them. Be they ever so
small in number, he understands how to avail himself of
He who has not the requisite foundation finds all
additions to the Materia Medica a disagreeable burden.
He shows by his discontent that he has not yet made
himself master of the old matter.
Methinks most of those who complain of our Materia
Medica, are either totally ignorant of, or have but a
scanty acquaintance with, our medicines.
Before we proceed to give specific directions, we shall:
1. Endeavor to defend the method we have proposed
2. Show how a single medicine is to be studied
3. Show how the others are to be connected to this one
Section 3
The assertion that one remedy must first be perfectly
known, and that then the rest will be acquired with less
difficulty, and still more easily the farther we advance,
is founded on the principles and practice of mnemonics.
This diagnostic method, indeed, appears to me to be the
only practical plan of studying the Materia Medica, or at
any rate, the shortest and most direct way of attaining
the end proposed.
There are certainly two other possible methods. One is
to learn what are called the principal symptoms of each
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 41
medicine. The other is to study each substance by itself,
and thus, all of them unconnectedly. A fourth and last
method would be, not to study the Materia Medica at
all. (Exempla sunt odiosa!)
To learn the so-called principal symptoms - e.g., to
extract from an epitome like Jahr's Manual, the most
prominently marked sentences, and to get these off by
heart - is the shortest way to practice.
But, at the same time, it is the surest way to permanent
mediocrity. Let him who is forced to make a trade of his
profession, adopt this method. It will bring him soonest
into the center of the woods.
But let him not forget to secure at the same time a
permanent possession. If not, he will resemble the
squatters in the far west, who establish themselves
without troubling their heads about their right to the
soil. And when the buyer of the land chases them off,
they remove to a distance, out of one wretched wooden
hut into another.
They barely support their existence by the scanty profits
arising from ill cultivated ground, and the uncertainties
of the chase. This superficial, unmeaning sort of life has
charms for them. And their labors, together with those
of the destructive wood louse, lighten the task of the
Those qualities that we at present term the principal
symptoms of the medicines are, for the most part,
unsatisfactory - nay, they prove an obstacle in the way
of accurate individualization, and lead to carelessness. It
is much more convenient to administer to patients a
dozen homeopathic remedies according to this principle,
than any plan of the old school. And one may, by such
practice, be pretty sure, that by the end of the year a
number of patients will have recovered.
These principal symptoms are, moreover, in many
instances incomplete, and in many others perfectly
false. They can only be known with certainty, and have
their due value assigned them, by a careful study of the
various medicines, having especial regard to their
relations one with another.
A mere acquaintance with these principal symptoms
cannot be called studying the remedies. If we were in
possession of a scientific arrangement of the Materia
Medica, we might make it the basis of our study of the
medicines. But at present, we cannot expect to construct
anything satisfactory on such an uncertain and
incomplete basis.
He who seeks to study the medicines according to their
symptoms, but each medicine separately and without
instituting a comparison between them, will, with the
very best memory, not advance far before forgetting
what he had previously learned. The memory is
incapable of retaining anything but what is presented to
it in connection with something else. An idea is easily
brought to the recollection only when in connection
with others.
We would remind him who has had no experience of the
comparative method, either on himself or others, that
acquiring a knowledge of the symptoms of medicines, is
exactly similar to the mode in which the chemist, the
mineralogist, the botanist, and the zoologist acquire a
knowledge of the objects connected with their
respective sciences. We should, therefore, set about it in
a similar manner.
Let it be considered what a multitude of signs are so
perfectly at the command of the zoologist, that he can
easily recall them to his recollection. Although no one is
capable of giving a complete description of all animals,
a repetition of all their characteristics Ŗoff the book,ŗ as
the saying is.
Yet the zoologist can at once tell a new animal when he
sees it. He can instantly determine to what class it
belongs, and point out its particular characteristics. By
merely looking at each animal, he already knows its
characteristic peculiarities, or at least has no difficulty
in discovering them.
The homeopathic physician must do just the same with
his medicines. Let it not be alleged that zoology and the
other branches of natural science are things quite
different from our science. It must be regarded and dealt
with in exactly the same manner as the natural sciences.
Let it not be said that those sciences are so far advanced,
and the system so perfect, that everything connected
with them is much easier. Suppose that our Materia
Medica were at present as little advanced as a natural
science - as zoology in the time of ARISTOTLE.
This should not deter us from regarding it as such,
working it out as such, and studying it as such.
By this means we should make as much progress in it as
was then made in zoology - and that is a good deal in
comparison to knowing nothing at all, or to wandering
in benighted ignorance amidst a profusion of
I refer to those who possess a real knowledge of our
Materia Medica, if that has not been obtained in the way
I have just pointed out - and I doubt not that some now
see that they have unconsciously obtained their
knowledge in the same manner. There can only be one
right way. But this may have been pursued without the
individual being exactly aware of it himself, as has
happened to those proficient in many of the arts.
When one remedy has been accurately studied, and the
art has been acquired of classing others along with it
according to their resemblance and of distinguishing the
differences between them, then each subsequent group
that is studied in a similar manner costs far less trouble.
The result will be that he who has thus made himself
master of a hundred medicines will require for the
second hundred scarcely so much time and labor as he
expended on the first ten.
An increase of the medicines, therefore, ad infinitum,
will never prove too much for human capabilities.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 42
Entomologists can easily acquire knowledge of a
number of new insects. It requires little trouble on the
part of the botanist to learn an endless succession of
new plants. This they do by a speedy conception of the
resemblances and differences among them - and the
more practice they have, the easier it is.
It may be urged that no such laborious mode need be
adopted to acquire of one of the natural sciences, but
that the general characteristics of the various classes are
soon learned. In the present state of the natural sciences,
all the relationships existing among the various classes
and orders may be seen at a glance, and the study of
them thereby greatly simplified.
But, as we have not brought our Materia Medica to such
a pitch of perfection - and from the short time of its
existence, it has been impossible to advance it farther
than it is at present - we must dispense with this
simplifying glance.
We must, however, on this account, follow the only path
that leads to this end - laborious though it be at present.
As the progress of inventions facilitates commerce and
travel more and more, so the progress of science always
lightens the task of learning what has been discovered.
The same will be the case as regards the Materia
Until that time comes, we must study the remedies as
we find them. The time is, we hope, not far distant,
when we shall be able to talk about the objects of our
science in the same manner as natural historians do of
theirs - when, like them, we may be able to give
complete descriptions of these objects without touching
upon unimportant information.
The time, we hope, is at hand when we shall know what
is and what is not important in our Materia Medica.
Section 4
How can a remedy be studied, if the symptoms are not
learned by heart? It can be learned through the same
principle as the whole materia medica - by comparison.
The symptoms of a medicine are to be read through
carefully several times. This should be done from
beginning to end, in the first years of study, with the pen
always in hand. While reading, one thing or other is
always to be particularly attended to.
-- The First Reading --
At first attention should be directed to the organs in
which the symptoms occur. It will be at once noted that
many organs or tissues are particularly attacked. The
organs that show the greatest number of symptoms are
to be regarded according to their physiological
In this, our previous studies are a great assistance, just
as every physiological dogma, every hypothesis, even
though false, is an aid to the memory.
Thus, the ear is said to be the peculiar organ of the
osseous system. Therefore, when pains or nodes in the
bones occur, I would observe attentively the symptoms
of the ear. And, in this manner, many individual
symptoms would appear more significant where
connections exist.
For instance, between the functions of the skin and
kidneys, symptoms occurring in the one system will
always call to our mind those of the other - whether
those symptoms harmonize with or are opposed to one
In our comparison, pathology will also be of use, and
that will be so whether its theories are true or false.
Thus, where symptoms referable to the liver occur, I
would always compare the pains in the right shoulder,
and vice versa.
Where turbid urine is passed in small quantity, I would
pay attention to the symptoms which point to the serous
In doing this, for example, when studying Aurum, a
number of symptoms would thereby appear more
important, and consequently be more deeply impressed
on my mind. And this remedy would occur to my
memory not only in cases of effusion into the
pericardium, but also in hydrothorax and ascites.
The important observation of Neumann - that diabetes is
always preceded by a diminution in the activity of the
kidneys - will be often serviceable in our consideration
of the medicines. It will, for example, help to confirm
the supposition that not much is to be expected from
Argentum in cases of diabetes, and that this disease is
mentioned in our repertories in connection with silver in
this manner: HAHNEMANN, distrusted the alleged
diuretic properties of nitrate of silver. Rather he
ascribed to it powers that are exactly the reverse. But as
far as I know, he does not adduce a single instance of its
While studying the symptoms of Phosphoric acid, we
should call to mind the same observation that is also the
recorded experience of its efficacy in several cases of
milky urine - a kind of diabetes.
In this manner we will see that a large number of the
symptoms may be pathologically connected.
During the first reading and comparison, the symptoms
arrange themselves, as it were, into some sort of definite
form. Thus we gain a collective impression of the whole
that we retain in the memory, and recall to mind in all
cases where the remedy is suitable.
-- The Second Reading --
During a second perusal of the medicine, attention
should be directed at the character of the symptoms. The
former perusal was but a preparation for this step. The
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 43
character of the pains in different parts should be
compared - all pains or other sensations of the same, or
a similar or a nearly related kind, that occur in different
parts should be carefully observed.
If this is done, it will be found, for example, that
burning pains occurring frequently in various parts are
not peculiar to Arsenic and Carbo-vegetabilis alone, but
they also occur in Phosphoric acid and other
substances. The mind will take a comprehensive view of
them, and a complete picture of them will be retained.
At the same time, attention must be paid to the parts
where these pains principally occur. Thus, we note
whether the burning pains are more in the mucous
membranes, or in the serous cavities, or in other parts.
For instance, the burning pain in the case of Arsenic
occurs most frequently internally, in the blood vessels.
In the case of Carb. veg. pain is seen more externally, in
the skin and joints.
Both substances cause burning in the stomach and
bowels, but Arsenic to a greater degree. On the other
hand, Carb. veg. causes much more in the breast - and
so forth.
In every substance where the same description of pain
prevails, an attentive examination will show the
characteristic features of each.
We will soon discover that certain kinds of pain prevail
in certain organs and tissues, e.g., tearing in the
muscles, dartings in the chest, cuttings in the abdomen,
pressure in the head, compression in the ears, boring in
the bones, etc. But this we shall enter into more
particularly in another place.
This tends much to assist the memory, both directly and
indirectly - the circumstance of an unusual pain
occurring in any organ would be the more observed. A
number of isolated symptoms are, moreover, more
easily remembered in connection - when placed side by
For example, with respect to Aurum, it produces
determination of blood to the head, to the chest, to the
eyes; toothache from a similar cause; determination of
blood to the legs; and many other symptoms that may be
found to be connected with these.
An accordance of many of the symptoms of different
organs may often be observed. Thus Caust. has sparks,
flickerings, figures, an appearance of gauze before the
eyes. Also, it has ringing, whistling; singing, chirping in
the ears.
On the other hand, Phosph. has points and spots, dark,
black, and gray veils before the eyes; loud noises,
buzzing, throbbing in the ears.
After the moral symptoms have been arranged in
groups, they may be easily impressed on the memory by
comparing them with the corresponding symptoms of
other organs.
Thus anxiety, melancholy, etc., are to be compared with
the symptoms of the heart and chest Ŕ or a weak,
wandering, or obstinate state of mind, is compared with
the frequently analogous symptoms of the digestive
organs. And so forth.
Section 5
-- The Third Reading --
At the third reading, the conditions under which the
symptoms take place should be noted. This must always
be done pen in hand, even though Ruckert's comparative
work be employed.
Doing it one self has great advantages, especially at the
commencement of the study. One is exercised thereby;
and all that has been previously learned is at the same
time revised.
It should be observed whether the symptoms take place
on the right side or the left. If this has not been done
previously, note at what part of the day they occur,
when our pathological knowledge will be of great
assistance to us. Observe in what attitudes, positions,
during what motions, etc., the symptoms occur.
Care should be taken not to indulge in vague
generalities, such as Ŗaggravation in the evening,ŗ
Ŗworse on motion,ŗ and the like. This is of small use in
acquiring knowledge of the medicine, and it is an
obstacle in the choice of it as a remedy.
What we wish to know is, what symptom is aggravated
in the evening or on motion. When possible, this
symptom should be noted along with some connecting
Since HAHNEMANN taught us to distinguish between
Bryon. and Rhus. by pointing out their opposite qualities
- motion producing aggravation in the one case and rest
in the other - it has frequently happened that too much
value has been assigned to this circumstance in the
choice of Bryon.
Many other similar remedies are distinguished by
possessing a similar pair of opposite properties - Bell.
and Hyosc.; Nux. and Puls.; Chin. and Seneg.; Phos.
and Nitr.; Sulph. and Con.; Carb. and Dros. These along
with many other substances bear the same relation to
each other as Bryon. and Rhus.
Bell. has a far larger number of symptoms that are
worse on motion than Bryon. - yet the symptoms that
are worse on motion are perfectly distinct. As regards
Bell., they occur mostly in the vascular system. With
Bryon. they are chiefly to be found in the joints. The
symptoms of the respiratory organs with Bryon. are not
aggravated by motion. However, those produced by
Bell. are decidedly so.
One should be careful of coming to a converse
conclusion. I mean to say, in the case of a remedy
having a number of symptoms that are aggravated by
rest, it does not follow that they will be ameliorated by
motion, and vice versa. Thus Dulc. has many symptoms
that are better on motion, but very few that are worse
when at rest.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 44
The Fourth Reading
The remedy may be perused yet a fourth time, with
particular attention being paid to the combinations of
the symptoms. The student may carefully observe what
symptoms follow each other or occur simultaneously.
However, the attention must have been previously
directed to this point. When this was not the case, the
student should seek to bring these combinations into
connection with his former observations.
Care should be taken not to adopt the notion that a
remedy can cure groups of symptoms in a patient only if
they occur in the order it produces them. A remedy is
capable of curing groups of symptoms which it does not
produce in the same combination at all - groups whose
component parts were observed in a number of different
provers, and frequently in quite a different order.
From a pathological point of view, a special study of a
medicine which compares it at the same time to
different forms of disease may be useful after a
thorough knowledge of the symptoms of the medicine
has been acquired. Experience teaches us that a number
of apparently perfectly different diseases, which are far
asunder in pathological works, may still be cured with
the same remedy.
It would consequently be necessary to go over almost
all diseases in connection with the remedy.
This would be a great waste of time, and would not lead
to a perfect knowledge of the remedy after all - our
pathological systems are very far from being complete
enough for this.
It would be well, however, to compare the description
of individual forms of disease, with many classes of
remedies. Thus, for instance, those catarrhs which
indicate Mercury and allied medicines are very
dissimilar to those in which Arsenic, and medicines of
its class, are efficacious.
Section 6
After a thorough acquaintance with one or more
remedies has been gained in the above manner, the
student must then pass on to others. The best course will
be to go on next to those most nearly allied.
The study of the second remedy is already somewhat
easier. This is partly owing to the practice that has been
had in acquiring knowledge of the symptoms, and partly
because deviations from the character of the last studied
medicine become more vividly impressed upon our
We must, consequently, have a very clear perception of
these differences. They must assist us to attain a distinct
idea of the peculiarities of the second medicine, as well
as to stamp the knowledge of the first more forcibly on
our memory.
Therefore we must search for resemblances and observe
differences in the more prominent symptoms - and in
those that are more easily remembered, rarer, and more
I have called attention above, in the examples of Bryon.
and Bell., Caust. and Phosph., Arsen. and Carb. veg., to
the fact, that medicines which otherwise present great
similarities in their symptoms, are yet widely different
in certain respects.
No regard needs to be paid to slight differences, nor
even to whole groups of symptoms which one of the
medicines has, and the other has not. No attention need
be given to the fact that, in one case many symptoms are
known, while with the other, very few are.
These factors may, however, demand our attention in
cases where the different characters of the remedies are
thereby marked - as in the case of Bell. compared with
Bryon. regarding the moral symptoms, the effects upon
the organs of the senses, the symptoms of the throat, etc.
The differences sometimes lie in the combinations of
symptoms, whereby they may present resemblances to
perfectly different diseases.
More frequently, and much more clearly, these
differences are expressed in the conditions under which
the symptoms occur. These are often exactly opposite.
Thus the very similar headaches produced by Bell. and
Bry. occur in the former in the evening, in the latter in
the morning.
These differences are sometimes very subtle. For
instance, most of the exacerbations of Acid. nitr. occur
in the evening, but those of Acid. mur. are before
midnight. Those of Acid. sulph. are after midnight, and
those of Acid. phosph. are seen towards the morning.
But all the acids present nocturnal aggravations.
Symptoms of an opposite character are rare. But
differences in nature are very frequent, as is the case in
the gastric symptoms of Bell. and Bry., Bry. and Ant.
crud., Ant. crud. and Ipec., etc.
Symptoms in opposite situations are more frequent.
Thus, similar symptoms are often distinguished by
occurring in one case on the right, in another on the left
side - as happens with Arn. and Lach and others.
The catarrhal affections of Bell. are distinguished from
those of Dulc. in that those of the former occur more in
the mucous membranes of the head and neck Ŕ in the
region of the carotids Ŕ where those of the latter occur
more in the chest and abdomen Ŕ in the course of the
descending aorta, etc.
Beginners are apt to attend too much to specialties when
making these comparisons. This over attention becomes
a very laborious task, and is apt to lead to a total
abandonment of the study.
There is, however, no better way of avoiding this error,
and of learning how to make one's self quickly the
master of the generalities, than to surmount undauntedly
the laboriousness of the beginning.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 45
On a second comparison, the mind is more accustomed
to the work. According to the talents and previous
acquirements of the student, will it be a longer or
shorter time before he comes to be able to complete the
comparison of two remedies in a few days.
We must caution those who pay too much attention to
specialties not to be so very minute, but above all things
to seek for points of crystallization. We must point out
to those who are disposed to be superficial that
important discoveries for practice may be made by a
careful comparison.
The comparisons may be very easily made by means of
Ruckert's systematic tables. The remedies to be
compared are to be sought out in each division, their
symptoms carefully read, and the result committed to
A separate column is assigned to each medicine. Those
symptoms which both have in common should be
written in the middle. When there is only similarity, the
sign of similarity should be placed in the middle
between them. Where opposites, or well-defined
differences exist, they should be distinguished by an
interposed arrow, etc.
It cannot be expected that anyone, least of all a
beginner, will compare every remedy with every other.
The student should select remedies for this purpose that
he considers to be analogous, and which are known to
possess important properties.
All remedies that are closely related by the source of
their derivation, must also be related with respect to
their symptoms. All that are chemically allied must be
so medicinally. Those possessing similar odors Ŕ as are
Phosph., Ars., All. sat., Asaf., and Bufo. Ŕ must possess
resemblances in their symptoms, etc.
The chemical preparations may be arranged in natural
families, according to one or other system.
Those nearly related are thus compared, e.g., Sulph. and
Phosph.; Chlor. and Iod.; the carbons and Graph.; the
oxygenous acids, Nitr. ac., Sulph. ac., and Phosph. ac.
are compared with each other, and with the
hydrogenous acids, Mur. ac., Hydrocyan. ac.
Further, Sil., Alum.; the carbonates of potash, soda, and
ammonia; Bar. and Stront.; Calc. and Magn.; the
muriates of soda and Am., Bar. and Magn. The acetates
of Cupr., Ferr., Plumb., Mang.; the metals Aur., Plat.,
Stann., Arg., and Zinc.
Interesting comparisons may be made between Phos.
ac. and Phos.; Sulph. ac. and Sulph.; as also Sulph. and
Hep., Hep. and Calc.
Section 7
Among medicines belonging to the vegetable kingdom,
those which may be compared as being nearly allied,
Anac. and Rhus.
Bryon. and Coloc.
Ind. and Tong.
Op. and Chelid.
Spig. and Menyanth.
Viol. od. and Jac.
Thuya. and Sabin.
Coff., Ipec., Chin.
Colch., Verat., Sabad.
Euphr., Dig., Grat.
Lauroc., Prun. sp., Amyg. am.
Led., Rhod., Nux vom., Ign., Oleand.
Arn., Cham., Cin., Leont.
Asa., Cic., Con., Aet., Phell.
Bell., Caps., Hyosc., Stram., Tab., Verb.
Acon., Clem., Hell., Puls., Staph., Ran. bulb., and Sol.
The cryptogamous plants, Agar. musc., Bov., Lycop., are
too remote from each other - and yet their symptoms are
much more similar than those of the more nearly related
families of Solaneae and Ranunculaceae. Sec. can only
be judged from the cures it has effected - the symptoms
of it derived from epidemic diseases are not to be relied
It is worthy of observation that the differences of those
substances which are allied in their origin lie principally
in the conditions of the symptoms; whereas those
substances nearly connected by the similarity of their
symptoms alone, agree merely in single departments of
symptoms, but in others have quite a different character
and seat.
Families of substances that are related only in their
symptom may be formed from such medicines as may
be employed with advantage in succession - or which
serve as antidotes to each other.
In the present state of homeopathic literature, the
formation of such families is a very hazardous
experiment. But they are of much greater practical value
than those formed from their natural affinity.
It is perfectly evident that substances that have a similar
origin must produce many similar symptoms. Our
business should be to search for the differences, in order
to avoid confusion.
When, however, minerals, plants, and animals, widely
different from each other, produce similar groups of
symptoms, there must be some deeper reason for this. It
must indicate the similarity of the medicinal to the
natural diseases.
Such allied medicines are in general the best antidotes
of each other. However - as must happen from the rules
laid down above - among the metals that form several
families, there are antidotes which are never found
among those that are nearly connected, but always
among those that are widely separated.
Thus it follows that Sel., Ars., and Am.; Plat. and
Argent.; Stan. Plumb., Zinc. and Nic.; Ferr. and Mang.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 46
do not antidote each other. But the metals Plumb. and
Plat.; Ferr. and Ars.; Am. and Merc. do.
Among plants there must be antidotes in each family,
and perhaps in each genus. There are, indeed separate
parts in every plant and animal, which seems to have a
power of neutralizing the effects of the others.
Other homeopathic writers have pointed out a close
connection between the two naturally allied substances
Nux. and Ign., on the one hand, and the symptomatically
allied Puls. - to which may be added Cham., Coff., and
Caps. We may, I think, also reckon Ambr. among these.
Another family is Ars., Verat., Ipec., Asar., to which we
may add Ferr. and Chin.; perhaps also Staph., and Ac.
Sulph., Calc., and Lyc. are well known as doing well in
succession Ŕ to which may be joined Led., and in
another point of view, Therid.
One of the most remarkable and beautiful families is
Hep., Merc., Bell., and Lach. Between these and those
allied to Arsen., may be placed Phos. ac. and Carb.
veg., and those related to them, as also Cupr., and on
another account Aur.
Anyone who has thoroughly made himself master of
two or three families, and then from time to time makes
a comparison between two remedies which appear to
him to be related Ŕ and between which he has frequently
needed to make a most accurate choice in practice, as
for instance, Sulph. and Ferr.; Phos. and Caust.; Ars.
and Carb. v.; Bell. and Bry.; Bry. and Rhus.; Rhus. and
Dulc., etc. - this homeopathic doctor gradually obtains
such an extensive basis of knowledge that all the rest of
the remedies are acquired without difficulty.
If a crystal of salt is suspended in a saturated solution of
the same salt, the most beautiful crystals collect upon it.
So, one who is acquainted with a large number of
medicines in the above manner, can thereafter compare
every medicine with every other in a very short time -
and without many quires of paper.
This must happen before our Materia Medica, which
ought to belong to the natural sciences, can be looked
upon as one of them.
(From "Wirkungen des Schlagengiftes", Allentown
und Leipzig, bei C. Kummer, 1837. British
Homeopathic Journal, Vol. II, 7/1844. Modernized
Translation, Copyright 2003 by Whole Health Now
1102 Pleasant Street, PMB816, Worcester, MA 01602
Tel: 250 881-1252 Fax: 443 638-2414
(The BHJ. 70, 1/1981)
Research and Homeopathy
There seems to have been a tendency in the past for
homeopathic research to be introverted and
introspective. Having thought of one method of
research, like the one being discussed this morning, if
you do clinical proving, or re-provings of
Hahnemannian Homeopathy, it should not be
considered the only one. There are other types of
questions which are legitimate ones to ask. A map of
the area to be covered might include:
Academic studies: Questions to be askedŕDo
potencies produce physiological responses in the body?
What are the physiological and biochemical responses
to homeopathic treatment? Does it work clinically?
This is the function of the evaluation study to answer.
There is also a need to look at the relationships between
the part of our work which borders on psychology.
Intra-homeopathic studies: Not enough is known
about our provings and proving methods. High and low
potencies are used and we need to know which work
better, in what circumstances. There are local
symptoms, general symptoms and mental symptoms,
and their relative importance needs defining.
Comparative history taking needs to be done, weighing
the subjects differently, to find out which are really
important symptoms. These subjects only interest the
homeopathic physician.
It requires different methodologies to do these
different sorts of work. Some .of the scientific projects
in the laboratory must be carried out by suitably trained
technicians. Some require the co-operation of
clinicians practising in hospitals and general practice.
One of the methods that ought to be used is
epidemiology. Is there a value in knowing the number
of remedies we use, how often we use them; for what
conditions do we use them, and in what sort of people?
General practice showed.early in this century the overall
value of epidemiology, in establishing the incidence of
disease. Could it not also show us something of the
incidence of the use of remedies, and would not that
have a wider effect in showing us something about the
people we are treating? That tool, should be used as
well as the clinical evaluations already undertaken and
This morning we heard about the intra-
homeopathic material, and later on we are going to hear
something more related to the scientific basis of what
we do.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 47
This discussion about subliminal Body Cues is
based on Alexander LOWEN's book on the "Language
of Body".
Body language
The factor of "imprinting" was mentioned this
morning. If there is an incident in which there is pain
and emotion, the environment in which it occurs will
make a different impression, and this includes the
thoughts passing through the mind at the time, and the
things that others say. The effect stored in the body will
be different than when an incident occurs without pain.
It will affect the muscle tension, the posture a person
adopts, and these have a reciprocal effect on other
organs of the body. These bring into play the accepted
musculo-musculo, musculo-cutaneous, and viscero-
muscular and viscero-cutaneous reflexes. This has
come out quite a lot in Acupuncture work, which uses
skin stimulation to treat both muscular and visceral
complaints. These things are closely inter-related, and
Psychology shows how the earlier experiences in
particular, have an ultimate effect in the way the whole
body works.
Dr. CLOVER rightly pointed out that it is a
mistake, in some ways, to divide us up into a separate
Psyche and Soma. They are so closely related in the
way they function that we ought to consider them an
integral whole.
Alexander LOWEN was a pupil of REICH, who in
turn was a pupil of FREUD. Thus his work derives
from the psycho-analytic school. He was more
interested in the way the body was implicated in
psychological problems. In his character analysis he
noted that the muscles became rigid in different areas
for different sorts of psychological disturbances. He
invented the term "Character analysis".
LOWEN described seven different types of
character. His descriptions are partly psychological and
partly physical. The types are: Oral and masochistic;
hysterical; phallic; narcissistic; passive feminine;
schizophrenic; and schizoid. His descriptions read
remarkably like drug pictures; not that one recognizes,
for example, a Pulsatilla patientŕbut the overall type
is very similar.
There might well be useful correlation of this work
with Homeopathy. To understand what is meant, two
of his characters will be briefly discussed.
The oral character: Such a person has a great desire to
talk, gets pleasure from talking, likes to talk about
himself and be the centre of attention. He has exaggera-
ted opinions of himself, but can get depressed and can
have a cyclical changeable nature. He has periods of
activity and elation, and periods of depression. His
attitude to life is expressed by: "I don't know what I
want"; he has difficulty in conceiving what his desires
really are. These last two characteristics are not as
easily translated into homeopathic terminology as the
earlier ones are.
He has weak aggressive feelings. He cannot easily
get angry; he may make a noise, and shout and bluster,
but the feeling is not there with the noise. He clings, he
sucks your energy; he wants a lot from other people to
fulfill his own feeling of inner emptiness. He is
envious. He sees other people being more fortunate
than himself. Parsimony, melancholic seriousness,
pessimism, are all characteristics. He will make an
effort to get things he craves. He is restless. He has a
morbid appetite for food, and if you go back to the
Freudian basis for this type, he has oral-sexual
perversions. There is the early basis for this in the oral
stage of development.
Physiologically such people lack energy they have
a low blood pressure and have a low metabolic rate.
They have a characteristic posture which differs from
the normal. They push their heads forward, their pelvis
is tilted forward, and their backs are bent; they stand
with their legs firmly pressed back with their knees
locked, which makes the whole of their lower half stiff.
Their feet are tilted forward. The normal person is more
upright with their feet ready poised to spring forward,
ready for action. A lot of the stress in the oral character
is taken in the spine so that the neck muscles are tense,
but the abdominal muscles are superficially soft. They
have a feeling of inner emptiness, which goes with a
depression in the sternum, and is felt in the epigastrium
and lower chest.
The masochistic character:
The character on which REICH based his
description used to get episodes of paralytic anxiety,
which made him frantic at times. He used to get
backache, and attacks of flu-like illness, and had some
weight loss. He could not work, yet he complained of a
compulsion to be busy. He had little interest in sex; was
inert and sat and brooded. He had negative feelings
toward other people; contempt, resentment and a desire
to belittle them. His hair was dry and began to fall out
and started to get grey. He had varicose veins. In his
early life, toilet training had been a great problem and
he was constipated, and he had had enemas and manual
evacuations. His mother had forced food down him and
he remembered being chased round the kitchen with
spoonfuls of food he did not want to eat. At this
present time he had problems about food, an
understandable dislike of food, and nausea. He deve-
loped terrifying nightmares. He noticed that his penis
was withdrawing into his scrotal sack, and that gave him
a lot of fear and anxiety as well. He had a fear of
physical contact. At school he had been a coward,
although he was well developed muscularly, which is
quite characteristic. He abdicated his rights rather than
fight for them; he was too frightened to compete with
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 48
his contemporaries. He had tremendous anxieties at
puberty and masturbated a lot. He had fears when he
was near a girl about what would happen with these
longings he had, and he never managed to overcome it,
and had continuing sexual problems.
The masochistic personality has a great sense of
suffering, a great sense of complaint, of self-
deprecation, a compulsion to harm or torture other
people. They become very awkward in their
relationships with other people. When they are in a
therapeutic relationship they expect a lot to be done for
them. They "whine" about it, and have anger toward the
person who is trying to help. No one can ever succeed
in helping them because, basically, the person wants to
prove that helping them is impossible.
They brood, yet do not have a real depression. They
have a feeling of despair and hopelessness and
humiliation. Continued failures in life happen, which
justifies the feeling of inadequacy. REICH's character
had the idea of a devil inside him, laughing at him all
the time, and was related to his nightmares and the
chasing by his mother. The therapist related it to the
contortions his face would get into under any sort of
emotional stress.
The physical stature which goes with that
psychological type is of a heavily built person, with a
short, thick neck and good muscular development. Their
thighs and calves are huge by comparison with their
bodies. They tend to be dark in colour with dark hair.
Their muscles are tense and screwed up, especially their
abdominal muscles. They hold their buttocks in a tight
way. Their shoulders are broad, always held tightly.
The legs get so inflexible as to make bending difficult.
They have high foot arches, a contrast to the oral
person, who has flat feet.
The mentals of these personalities sound like one of
our homeopathic remedies. If the mentals correspond
to the physical description, do we in fact use all those
physical "Signals" as much as we could in choosing the
correct remedy? Could we, by taking more note of the
things which REICH and LOWEN have discovered,
increase what we gain from observation? We do gain a
lot from observation. Those of you who were here
yesterday will remember Frank JOHNSON's beautiful
description of the man with the rolled umbrella and
gloves. One of the comments on the paper '
Body Cues in Homeopathic Prescribing" produced for
the Midland Research Group for consolidation of
comment, is very descriptive. It is a comment by
Dr.Frank BODMAN, and it is probably the last thing
related to Homeopathy that he wrote, because he wrote
it a month before he died in January this year:
"I might offer an analogy; as I walk down the street,
I see ahead of me a figure that reminds me of an old
friend. The tilt of the hat, the carriage of the head, the
hunch of the shoulders, the swing of the arms, the gait,
all these items are not consciously observed, but the
brain computes a gestalt. But I am not sure of
recognition until he performs an entirely individual
action, such as kicking against the pavement an empty
cigarette carton; he never could tolerate any obstruction
in his path. It is this unique action that confirms my
idea that it is my old friend ahead. So it is my feeling
that these body cues, valuable as they are, and often
subconsciously assessed, should be consciously studied
and taught, especially relevant as they are to the
homeopathic picture. I still suspect that the unique
feature belonging to each remedy may escape analysis".
ŕ and he concludes about the proposal: "I would
suggest if such a project were undertaken, a limited
number of remedies should be investigated to begin
We do use a great many body cues already. The
idea arose at the British Homeopathic Congress
Meeting in Norwich last year. Dr. CLOVER was in the
group where the use of these cues was discussed, and it
was thought the information could be used better if it all
became more conscious. Both as a general idea and as a
study, it is possible to use some of the information that
other people find out about psychological typing and the
relation between body types and Psychology.
Using Kent, the masochistic tendencies come
through the Repertory: hatred, malice, misanthropy,
cruelty, criticism, brooding, anxiety with guilt,
contrariness, contempt, the delusional feeling about the
devils, despair, discontent, fear of touch,
quarrelsomeness, sexual excess. The remedies which
come out are: Sulphur, Nux vomica, Anacardium,
Aurum (although LOWEN comments the patient is not
truly depressed, and Aurum is meant to be). Arsenicum,
Lycopodium, Mercury, and Platinum, Lachesis and
Alumina come through with at least nine of the rubrics.
The group of remedies which would come through the
oral personality would include some of the same ones,
but they would also include the Pulsatilla and
Phosphorus types of people.
Should not these remedies be thought of when
seeing patients with the typical postures and their
characteristic mental symptoms? Or when Sulphur, Nux
and Anacardium patients are seen, should one not look
to see if they have that body configuration? Could one,
as is suggested in the "subliminal cues", study, pick out
some people who are typically masochistic, or oral, as
identified by experts in that field, and then see which
remedy fits? Could the remedy chosen have the right set
of symptoms? That is, right in comparison with what the
body language people identified. That is the way we
could each learn from the other discipline.
Dr. PINSENT opened the discussion by asking how
many present would be able to recognize their friends
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 49
and their friends' constitutional types when they see
them out shopping, etc.
Dr CAPEL: I wonder if it is relevant that one tends
to see all those characteristics in oneself.
Dr ENGLISH: What is being described in the
textbook is an extreme example, just as we are given
extreme examples of the homeopathic constitutions, for
instance, the Arsenicum person. Surely many of the
patients we see and many of the characteristics LOWEN
has mentioned in his book, fall between the defined
limits. If we set out to divide people into water-tight
compartments without attempt at typology, we would be
disappointed. There are so many variables, we are not
going to succeed: People vary much from one to the
next. We can show which traits exist, and obviously
they combine in different ways in individuals. It would
be useful to see if there is a balance in favour of the
"masochistic" or "oral" type, for instance, just as there
is a balance in favour of our giving Arsenicum at a
particular time.
Dr. LOKARE: When one tries to' describe
characteristics, one has to be very careful. Are we
describing a person when he is ill, with, characteristics
which are the signs and symptoms of the illness, or are
we describing an individual when he is well? If we do
not separate the two, we might end up by having
everyone who looks to be within a given range of
remedies being called invalids. These are organic
characteristics, but the person has many others. It is a
universal problem. The signs and symptoms you
observe in any patient are modified by the way you see
them and your previous experience. You made an
assessment before and you know it works. We must
decide whether the description of types we are trying to
standardize are of basic human characteristics, or are
they part of a human being when he is ill? In
Psychology, people were being looked at and described
when they were ill, and then it was realized that there
were lots of other people who were not ill, with similar
characteristics and they did not need any medical help.
The tendency then was to measure characteristics on an
arbitrary scale, but it could be that we end up
communicating with ourselves, using our own personal
clues. If we are going to standardize information, we
must make some such statement as: is this characteristic
always, sometimes, or never, seen in a patient that is ill?
Dr LEWIS: We should bring in the comparison
between objectivity and subjectivity. The one thing that
has always bothered me about constitutional prescribing
is that one is basing it on the characteristic.of the patient
as they project it. Alastair JACK saw a friend of mine
and his analysis of the person, from my point of view,
missed out one important fact - that she was basically a
very selfish person, and she would be the last person to
actually recognize this, but one saw it in her everyday
behaviour. In a medical consultation she would be a
very sympathetic person. I think it is this inward-person
and outward person, one has to contend with. It
reminds me of that character in Cancer Ward (by
Alexander SOLZHENITSYN, translated 1969), who
was trying to devise a method analysing voices; it seems
to be an endless series of problems.
Dr ENGLISH: You make the point for me. Body
language people tell you that the body does not lie. If
the person says "I'm.not angry", but their body says "I'm
angry", that is, they may have a "put on", smile on their
face but the rest of their body posture will tell if they are
angry or not. Their words are less accurate. The body
language gives you more basic information than the
person will tell you.
Dr LOKARE: When a person comes into your
consulting room and sits down, he demonstrates a
physical habit, which at an earlier stage may have had
some meaning, but later on it is merely an habitual
response. You cannot always say that this characteristic
is a sign of illness, or that it is meaningful in this present
circumstance. If you identify a physical characteristic
with anxiety, you still cannot say that when it is shown
in a person it always denotes an anxious person.
Dr. ENGLISH: Its rather, like when you have an acute
similimum; you must prescribe a remedy which suits the
acute stage the patient is presenting. The Chamomilla
person can be very charming and pleasant, but when
they are in pain it is then they show the changed
personality when they need a dose of Chamomilla. You
are saying that some of the physical characteristics are
deeply ingrained. Whether they are entirely
meaningless, I do not know; but LOWEN says they
have become "second nature". The dog that bit them
may have caused a tic to develop, but it is still present
thirty years later. Life is an onion skin, and if you once
get through the first stage, it may be you can get down
to dealing with that other one later.
Dr. LOKARE: They are sometimes relevant and
sometimes not. People going through the same
experience do not respond in the same way. If you have
learnt a certain behavior response, we can also teach
new ways of responding, and change them without
having to go back to the original experience.
Dr. PINSENT: Can we say with any justification, that
once one has a mature individual, and one ascribes a
constitutional type to that individual, there is no danger
whatever that his constitutional type will change? Can
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 50
one fingerprint people, can one derive a constitutional
type that can be tattoo'd under the arm for the benefit of
clinicians? It made life a lot easier to have blood groups
tattoo'd under the arm during the war.
Dr. ENGLISH: My concept of a constitutional type is
one which covers the body and the way it functions.
There are aspects of the body which are going to be
fairly fixed, like the colour of the eyes, but there are
other aspects of it that are subject to change; even
posture is liable to change and even more so, reactions
and habits, and the metabolic rate. I do not think the
constitution as such is an entity sufficient to describe in
that way. Parts of it will definitely changeŕsome parts
of it will change at greater rates than others.
Dr. BOYD: I do not think that people stay in a mould. I
certainly think the constitutional concept is useful in
selecting remedies at certain periods of life. The total
reaction of man to his environment is changing all the
time, as he grows, gets married and has a career. About
Dr ENGLISH's propositionŕI can understand our
looking more deeply and observing patients, looking for
clues to help us get the remedy, but I cannot see any
relationship between trying to fit remedies to all these
personalities described, and how I treat patients or look
at people. It seems quite irrelevant.
Dr. ENGLISH: It is interesting that some of the
symptomatology you find in a book like LOWEN's is
very much like what we are used to. Some of the
concepts do not fit terribly well and yet they are
valuable ways of looking at people. I think that the
homeopathic tradition, through HAHNEMANN and
KENT, has done tremendously good job in sorting out
what characteristics people can have. I do not think it is
complete, nor does it have an accurate balance, because
it relies on histories people give themselves. The parts
they do not see for themselves get left out. We do not
have a description of all the types of behaviour or
attitudes that are relevant. When you grasp the concepts
in another discipline, it gives you a deeper
understanding and makes you think more about what
people are like. I find it useful. There is this possibility
of enriching one's own conceptual basis of the nature of
people, and therefore the nature of the remedies, in the
Dr. BOYD: I view the classification of LOWEN as a
vaguely interesting observation, but of no real relevance
in therapy. What does identifying a person as a
masochistic do for LOWEN to help that person?
Dr. ENGLISH: It suggests lines of approach for his
form of treatment, bio-energetic treatment. The patient
with anger tied up in his shoulders would be encouraged
to express anger and use the muscles of his shoulder to
do it. Yes, his conceptual framework does tie up with
his form of therapy. One could use other terms such as
"sitting slovenly on a chair" or "sitting upright and
tidying himself".
Dr. CLOVER: We may be getting rather confused by
the terms here. I remember being taught by Dr. BOYD
that we use Staphisagria for suppressed anger. We
accept it in this way. We accept a Calc.carb. pictureŕ
Dr CAMBELL wrote down "Calc.carb. type", although
he has reservations about the validity of types. "When
we talk about the oral and masochistic types, we are in a
particular point of approach and use of language.
Dr. BOYD: Yes, we do use remedies because of
suppressed emotions or attitudes. It does not matter to
me whether you label these with special psychological
terms. I will certainly use the same information, and
observe it.
Dr. PINSENT: Let us forget FREUD and think about
JANNER and all that work on somatotypes: the
extrovert, the introvert, the long and the short, the big
fat one, the little thin oneŕdo you get guidance from
that sort of observation?
Dr. BOYD: Yes, we do consider patient types.
Anthony CAMPBELL has been pointing out we can get
so engrossed in this trying to fit people into the shape
and colour of a remedy... these physical characteristics,
that we completely miss a Pulsatilla that isn't fair, for
example. You can use these things if they go along with
the totality picture of the symptoms, but you should not
be put off if the patient has the totality but does not have
that particular posture.
Dr. JACK: When it comes to prescribing, your patient
may be a clear cut Calc., very chilly, etcŕKENT and
BORLAND say they may change to need Lycopodium
and then Sulphur. You can never say I found that person
was a Pulsatilla a year ago and that is the medicine they
are going to need now. We all have this experience,
circadian rhythms over weeks. You go through phases
when developing a cold; suddenly you become shivery
and want external warmth, but at other times you can't
tolerate heating and need a totally different group of
medicines. Even if you find at the time of consultation
a constitutional medicine, you are not going to find the
solution to that person's problems for the rest of his life.
It is not just growing up, but in the course of a year,
changes do occur.
Dr LOKARE: Whatever method you use you will alter
your prescribing in a year's time.
Dr. JACK: I think the danger that must be avoided is to
say that we are altering constitutional types. Doctors
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 51
coming to our courses get the impression, that we are
doing that, and this is certainly not so.
Dr. DAVIES: The important thing to remember is
Professor KNOX's (Dept. of Gen. Practice, Dundee
University) discussion of your paper, that it would be
very useful educationally, to define what we are looking
for. You are trying to bring to our attention the things
we subliminally observe in a specific clinical situation,
when we choose a remedy. You are not necessarily
defining a rigid concept of Pulsatilla or a personality,
but you are rather looking at things that are not
characteristic. As had been pointed out in the
discussion, the way a homeopath looks at a patient is
different, and this can contribute to our knowledge
about the way to look at people. Homeopathy has
something to contribute to the psychological aspects of
a personality, and it would help us homeopaths to know
what we are looking for in a situation.
Dr. ENGLISH: The trial I designed would actually
make a person go through a formalized series of
movements which were then video-taped. These would
be analysed by people who are body language experts,
who would say the following is likely for this subject.
The homoeopath could then take a history to find the
remedy, and the observations would be correlated.
Dr DAVIES: We should use the video-tape in an actual
clinical situation, pointing out to the student the things
to note. An ordinary doctor might not note the red nose,
or the herpes on the lip, or that the pupils were dilated.
The observations the homoeopath makes in choosing
the remedy are different from those the ordinary doctor
makes in a clinical examination and for diagnosis. You
have pointed out these are the things we should codify,
analyse and record.
Dr. ENGLISH: Yes, and be more conscious of. That
would make us better at our job.
Dr. PINSENT: I think, Dr. DAVIES, you are being a
little hard on the ordinary general practitioner, because
these are the very things he can pick up better than
anyone else.
Dr. SEMPLE: The view that one gets can change
incredibly rapidly, with a minute change of viewpoint,
(if you happen to be standing in a hall of mirrors). At
the core of our discussion we have a relatively constant
body of information; the shape of the chromosomes
(give or take a bit of radiation or drug-induced damage
here and there), coupled up with the enzyme systems of
the body. This then, as a genotype, can be reflected out
into a phenotype, and the phenotype in turn can be
tremendously influenced by the environment in which
the person finds himself. What we are actually seeing at
the superficial clinical presentation level is really
several times mirrored from the deep-down structural
base from which it springs. It does seem to me that
some of the things that we say talking about
constitutions and constitutional types are implying
something of the permanence of the genotype to the
reflections. These are, of course, much more liable to
modification because the mirrors, through which these
things are being transmitted, are slightly curved and are
catching a lot of other aspects as well. We are seeing a
blurred image out of the mirage. Anything that can help
us to clarify our thoughts (a computer processing and a
computer enhancement) of that blurred image so that we
can get nearer to the true picture, is to welcomed.
People find different tricks helpful in this situation.
Body types have not been helpful to me in the past, but
new ideas have been opened up today and I look
forward to exploring them.
Dr. PINSENT: I feel that we cannot close this phase of
the meeting without the observation that Dr.ENGLISH,
in para. 2 of his Summary of the Method he would
follow in recording subliminal body cues, gives a very
good description of what happens every November at
the Miss World Competition on television. I wonder if
next year he could report on the particular constitutional
remedies prescribable to the ladies who will be fulfilling
his instructions precisely on the screen.
3. Hartlaub & Trinks Pure Materia Medica: to save it
or to lose it?
(IJHDR. 2, 5/2003)
Homeopathic Medicine is grounded on the
similarity between provings symptoms and the patientřs
symptoms. Any pathogenetic symptom is always an
empirical fact, not a theoretical postulate. The full set of
symptoms elicited by a remedy in a healthy individual is
called a proving; the collection of provings constitute a
Materia Medica. Hence, Materia Medica preserve
experimental phenomena not only to be applied in
actual practice but a source for a future deeper
understanding of symptoms, especially regarding the
continual advancement of Medicine. Facts survive time
provided they are known.
This is one of the main differences between
Homeopathy and allopathic Medicine. Our pure Materia
Medica always preserves its accuracy, time only helps
us to discover many previously unrealized features.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 52
If provings survive time provided they are known,
they depend upon publication and use; books not read
tend to vanish into dust.
Hartlaub & Trinks Pure Materia Medica (Reine
is one of the few collections of
provings available to homeopaths. Others are: T. F.
Allenřs, Hahnemannřs, Hughes & Dakeřs, Stapfřs
Archiv and perhaps a couple more. Besides them, there
are collections of the provings of a small number of
remedies, such as Mureřs, Heringřs American Provings,
Vienna Provings Ŕ the latter two, commercially
unavailable Ŕ, J. Sherrřs new remedies and some
isolated publications. All other sources are mere
compilations or clinical Materia Medica.
Hence, the main pathogenetic compilations
available are six, and it is rarely remembered that they
are our main textbooks. To this, we must add the fact
that Stapfřs Archiv and Hartlaub & Trinksř Materia
Medica have not been fully translated into English (and
perhaps, into any other language), which makes them
very little known out of Germany.
What we know about them is merely what
HAHNEMANN and ALLEN included in their
compilations; the former made short versions and
omitted many symptoms, the latter made partial
translations of the symptoms that HAHNEMANN
Thus, we may say that one-third of pathogenetic
compilations are available exclusively in their original
German language, which explains the reason why their
contents has not been included in neither repertories nor
other Materia Medica.
The main purpose of the present article is to bare
the tip of the iceberg, through the exposition of a few
mental symptoms mentioned by Carl Georg Christian
Hartlaub and Carl Friedrich Trinks, in order to
understand the importance of these provings and
awaken an interest in their use.
Materials and methods
Research was conducted in the sourcesř original
(3, 5)
and their English translation when
(1, 4)
. Our main purpose was to get new data
for the construction of our Homeopathic Concordance
, a task that the author has been developing for the
last 8 years.
Homeopathic concordance involves the comparison
of repertorial rubrics and the pathogenetic texts that
originated them. This supplies the clinician immediate
access to pathogenetic symptoms in the course of the
consultation, without having to conduct a full research
in all sources. After properly describing the patientřs
symptom, it is located in the repertory as a rubric and
the Concordance indicates the remedy that expressed it
in similar terms.
This research acquainted us with many symptoms
in Hartlaub & Trinks Materia Medica that werenřt used
by Hahnemann nor Allen Ŕ partially or fully. We also
found symptoms mistakenly translated.
We divided data into four categories: omission of
modality; partial or full omissions; mistakes in
translation and confirmations. What will be shown is
not the full result of our research but a few examples.
Abbreviations and definitions of terms
A1- Allenřs Encyclopedia
H2 - Hahnemannřs Chronic Diseases
(3, 4)
HLB2 Hartlaub & Trinks Reine Arzneimittellehre
We have kept abbreviations used in the original sources
to indicate the source of symptoms:
C: Caspari.
Frz: Franz.
Hb or Htb: Hartlaub.
Htb. U. Tr. : Hartlaub & Trinks.
Ng: Cajetan Nenning.
Terms concerning the times of day have been translated
according to Horst Barthel and Will Klunker
Morning (früh, Morgen): 5-9:00 a.m.
Forenoon (Vormittags): 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Afternoon (Nachnittags): 1-6:00 p.m.
Evening (Abends): 6-9:00 p.m.
Omissions of modality
ALUM - H2 - 17 Anxiety and apprehension as if he has
committed a crime. HLB2-3) Great apprehension and
anxiety, as if he had committed a great crime, forenoon.
ALUM -H2-17) Angst und Bangigkeit, als habe er ein
Verbrechen verübt (d. 5. T.). [Ng.] HLB2-3) Grosse
Bangigkeit und Angst, als habe er ein grosses
Verbrechen begangen, Vormittags (d. 5. T.).
CARB-AN -H2-5) Discouraged and sad; everything
seems so lonely and sad that she would like to cry.
HLB2-1)... for 1 hour, afternoon.
CARB-AN -H2-5) Kleinmütig und traurig; es kommt
ihr Alles so einsam und traurig vor, dass sie weinen
möchte (d. 3. T.). [Htb. u. Tr.] HLB2-1) Kleinmütig mit
trauriger Stimmung: Alles kommt ihr so einsam und
traurig vor, dass sie weinen möchte, 1 Stunde lang,
Nachmittags (d. 3. T.).
CARB-AN -A1-40) Confusion in the head in the
morning, she was vexed with everything she looked at.
HLB2-9) In the morning, on waking up, obnubilation in
CARB-AN -H2-33) Gloominess in the head, in the
morning, and everything she looks at vexes her. [Htb. u.
Tr.]. A1-40) Confusion in the head in the morning, and
she was vexed with everything that she looked at, [a3].
CARB-AN -H2-33) sterheit im Kopf, früh, und es
verdriesst sie alles, was sie ansieht. [Htb. u. Tr.] HLB2-
9) Früh beim Aufstehen, Düsterheit im Kopfe, und es
verdriesst sie alles, was sie ansieht (d. 2. T.).
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 53
PHOS -H2-17) Apprehension as if she was afflicted by
something, frequently recurring. HLB2-8) Waves of
heat with apprehension, as if she was afflicted by
something, soon passing and frequently recurring,
afternoon, sitting.
PHOS -H2-17) Bangigkeit, als sey ihr leid um Etwas,
öfterer wiederkehrend. [Ng.] HLB2-8) Hitzeaufsteigen
mit Bangigkeit, als wenn ihr um Etwas leid wäre, bald
vorübergehend und öfters wiederkehrend, Nachmittags
im Sitzen (Ng.).
SARS -H2-5) Great anxiety, first in head, then in whole
body, with shaking, mainly in the feet. HLB2-1) ...
SARS -H2-5) Grosse Ängstlichkeit, erst im Kopfe, dann
im ganzen Körper, mit Zittern, am meisten in den
Füssen. [Ng.] HLB2-1) Sehr ängstlich im Kopfe, dann
im ganzen Körper, mit Zittern, am meisten in den
Füssen; Vormittags.
Mistakes in translation
MAG-S -HLB2-9) Morning, on waking, anxiety as from
a bad conscience.
MAG-S -A1-4) Anxious, as if conscious of some evil,
in the morning on waking (thirteenth day), [a1].
MAG-S -HLB2-9) Früh beim erwachen, Angst wie von
bösem Bewusstein (d. 13. T.).
SEC -HLB2-29) Insanity: she understands nothing and
does not answer.
SEC -A1-3) Delirium; he makes no answer (in a child
eight years old), [a42].
SEC -HLB2-29) Wahnsinn: er verstand nichts, und
antwortete nich, bei einem 8jährigen Knaben
(Wichmann, a. a. O.).
VALER -HLB2-6) Remarkable happiness, almost
licentiousness, slight acceleration of the pulse.
VALER -A1-3) Remarkable liveliness with great
courage, with slight acceleration of the pulse, [a23].
VALER -HLB2-6) Ausgezeichnete Lustigkeit, welche
an Muthwillen grenzte, bei etwas schnellerem Pulse
(bald n. d. Einn.).
Partial or full omissions
AM-C -HLB2-1) He does not seem to be in his senses:
suddenly, he begins to tell that the bells are ringing
calling to church, no matter that it is not the [right] time
and it is not true; besides this, he speaks coherently.
(Translated by Tarcízio Freitas Bazílio) H2-31) She
seems besides herself.
AM-C -H2-31) Er scheint nicht recht bei sich zu seyn.
HLB2-1- Er scheint nicht recht bei sich zu seyn: er fängt
auf einmal an zu behaupten, man läute zur Kirche, ob es
gleich ausser der Zeit und nicht wahr ist; sonst redet er
zusammenhängend (d. 35. T.).
ANT-C -H2-18) Continual state of enthusiastic love and
ecstatic hope for an ideal female, who completely filled
his fantasy; more when walking in pure open air than in
the house; it went away after a few days, with an
apparent decrease of the sexual drive. HLB2-15) After a
few days, by the moonlight, it fell upon him a kind of
the most constant condition of ecstasy, yet it was not
fully a pure spirit of love, completely unknown to him,
concerning an ideal female, whose possession he most
ardently desired and he himself very vividly would
present, whose image sometimes would also fill his
fantasy most vividly, spontaneously it was in his mind
and it completely filled it. That state became maximal
by going into pure open air, it was less in the room, and
made him happier and enthusiastically placid.
Sometimes, his fantasy would vanish from his thought,
that he would not possible obtain that being, and this
would tie him to a melancholic disposition, wild, or that
he had to die, and would express it most sadly.
After a few days, it all went away and his sexual drive
became normal again.
ANT-C -H2-18) Anhaltender Zustand schwärmerischer
Liebe und ekstatischer Sehnsucht zu einem idealen
weiblichen Wesen, das seine Phantasie ganz erfüllte;
mehr beim Gehen in freier, reiner Luft, als in der Stube;
nach einigen Tagen, unter scheinbarer Verminderung
des Geschlechtstriebes verschwindend. [C.] HLB2-15)
Nach einigen Tagen, während des Mondscheines,
entstand ein mehre Tage anhaltender Zustand von
ekstatischer, wiewohl nicht ganz rein geistiger Liebe zu
einem ihm ganz unbekannten, blos idealen weiblichen
Wesen, dessen Besitz er sehr sehnlich wünschte und
sich sehr lebhaft vorstellte, deren Bild auch bisweilen
seiner Phantasie äusserst lebhaft selbst geschaffen
vorschwebte und sie ganz erfüllte. Beim gehen in
freier, reiner Luft war dieser Zustand am deutlichsten,
weniger in der Stube, und machte ihn da äusserst heiter
und schwärmerisch sanft. Einmal trat auch seiner
Phantasie der Gedanke entgegen, dass er dieses Wesen
vielleicht nicht erlangen könnte, und versetzte ihn in
eine düstere, wilde Stimmung, oder dass er es durch den
Tod verloren habe, und stimmte ihn höchst wehmüthig.
Nach einigen Tagen vorlor er sich allmählig und schien
eine Verminderung des Geschlechtstriebes
zurückzulassen (C.).
GRAPH -HLB2-187) Dream, that soldiers with their
spades would stick her; she wanted to run away but
couldnřt, hence she woke up with anxiety. 188) She
dreamed someone was making noises over her head,
hence she woke up frightened. 189) Dreamed as if
someone was whispering something in her ear; she
wanted to scream but couldnřt, no matter how much she
strained; she tried to get hold around and thought she
held a hand cold as dead, hence she woke up with
anxiety and perspiration.
GRAPH -HLB2-187) Traum, dass Soldaten mit dem
Säbel nach ihr stiessen; sie wollte ausweichen und
konnte es nicht, worüber sie mit Angst erwachte (n. 11
T.).] 188) Sie träumt, es mach Jemand über ihrem Kopfe
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 54
Geräusch, worüber sie erschrocken erwacht. 189)
Traum, als flüstere ihr Jemand etwas ins Ohr; sie wollte
schrein und konnte es nicht, trotz aller Anstrengung
dazu; sie griff herum, und glaube eine Todtenhand zu
erfassen, worüber sie in Angst und Schweiss erwachte.
LAUR -HLB2-1) Depression and aversion to every
work. 11) He is irritable and little disposed to continual
and mental work. 15) Completely unable to think. 25)
All pain vanishes.
LAUR -HLB2-1) Niedergeschlagenheit und Abneigung
gegen alle Arbeit (Joh. Chr. Gottfr. Jörg, Materialen zu
einer künftigen Heilmittellehre, Leipzig 1825. p. 96.
97). 11) Er ist reizbar und wenig zu anhaltenden und
geistigen Arbeiten aufgelegt (Joh. Chr. Gottfr. Jörg, a. a.
O.). 15) Ganz unfähig zu denken (Hb.). 25)†
Verschwinden alles Schmerzes (Archiv für die Hom.
Heilk. Bd. V. Hft. 1. p. 18).
PHOS -H2-5) Sad and melancholic as if some accident
had fallen over his [family]. 13) Melancholy of spirit
and violent weeping, morning on wakening from a
saddening dream; he couldnřt restrict himself nor ease
his weeping and wailed instead for a quarter of an hour.
HLB2-4) In the morning, he woke up weeping violently
and with melancholy. He still remembered that some
very sad words of his mother affected him so much that
he was so moved that couldnřt stop crying nor soothe
himself, but continued to cry and wailed for a quarter of
an hour; two days later he was still sad and melancholic
and believed that during his absence, something bad had
happened at home (after 2 weeks). Three weeks later,
this fact came back very similarly, but in the morning he
only remembered that he had bitterly wept the night
before owing to something that he couldnřt remember
(Translation by Maren Boveri).
PHOS -H2-5) Traurig und melancholisch, als habe sich
unter den Seinen ein Unglücksfall ereignet. (n. 14 T.)
[Ng.] 13) Gemüthliche Melancholie und heftiges
Weinen, gegen Morgen, beim Erwachen aus einem
Wehmuth erregenden Traume; er konnte das Weinen
nicht stillen, noch sich beruhigen und jammerte noch
über eine Viertelstunde lang. [Htb.] HLB2-4) Gegen
Morgen Erwachen unter heftigem Weinen und
gemüthlicher Melancholie. Er wusste noch, dass ihn
einige Worte von seiner Mutter so wehmüthig gestimmt
und angegriffen hatten, dass er dazu genöthigt wurde: er
war so ergriffen, dass er das Weinen gar nicht stillen,
noch sich beruhigen konnte, sondern noch über eine
Viertelstunde fortweinte und jammerte, und zwei ganze
Tage darnach fortwährend ganz traurig und
melancholisch gestimmt war, und glaubte, es habe sich
in seiner Abwesenheit zu Hause ein Unglücksfall
ereignet (n. 2 Wochen). Drei Wochen später kehrte
dieser Fall ähnlich zurück, doch nur so, dass er sich am
Morgen erinnerte, er habe die vergangene nacht über
etwas Unerinnerliches bitterlich geweint (Hb.).
VALER -HLB2-1) Sensation as if mental functions
were lighter and faster, evening. 3) Unusual vivacity, in
the evening.
VALER -HLB2-1) Gefühl als gingen
Geistesverrichtungen leichter und lebhafter von Statten,
Abends. 3) Ungewöhnliche Munterkeit, in den
AM-C -HLB2-439) Dream, that he vomited blood and
flooded the room.
Compare to the symptom in Leila A. Rendell, The
Homeopathic Physician, July, 1881, p. 292. 202) Vivid
dreams; dream having nasal bleeding.
AM-C -HLB2-439) Traum, dass er Blut gebrochen und
dieses in die Stube hinfliesst (d. 54. T.).
ZINC -HLB2-3) Peevish, morose; she answered with
disgust, evening at 9 p.m.
Compare to two other provers that referred similar
symptoms. . A1-53) Answers were slow, and he talked
as if ill-humored [a52]. H2-21) Peevish, ill-humored for
a few days, inclined to internal rancor and vexation; he
is generally silent and becomes vexed when he has to
speak one word. [Frz.]
ZINC -HLB2-3) Mürrisch, ärgerlich: sie antwortet nur
mit Ueberdruss, Abends 9 Uhr (Ng.).
In Alumina, Carbo animalis, Phosphorus and
Sarsaparilla, symptoms lack hourly or circumstantial
The issue of time of day is questionable because it
may be never ruled out the possibility of chance. But
this doesnřt justify its omission from a pure Materia
Medica, because only time and comparison may
confirm or rule out any modality.
Mistakes in translation must be corrected. They
may be completely irrelevant, as in the case of Secale,
where Ŗinsanityŗ was substituted by Ŗdeliriumŗ. On the
other hand, they may be essential, as in the cases of
Magnesium sulphuricum, where the prover said that he
felt anxious as from a Ŗbad conscienceŗ instead of
Ŗaware of some evilŗ
; and Valeriana, where Ŗalmost
In German, nouns are written with a capital initial,
hence Bewusstsein may only be the noun
Ŗconsciousnessŗ and bösen, the adjective Ŗbadŗ; as in
VERAT -H1-312) Angst, wie von bösem Gewissen...
translated by Dudgeon as 690) Anxiety as from a bad
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 55
licentiousnessŗ was substituted by Ŗwith much
Omissions of symptoms or parts of them make
impossible their verification in patients and may even
lead to a mistaken choice of the remedy. Examples:
Ammonium carbonicums church bells, Graphites and
Ammonium carbonicumřs dreams; the lack of pain of
Laurocerasus and Phosphorus delusion that something
wrong happened at home.
Concerning omissions in Ammonium carbonicum,
the original source mentions a modality that proved to
be a characteristic feature of the remedy (aggravation by
moonlight) and explains that the nature of his love for
the ideal woman is of a sexual nature rather than
The confirmation of the bleeding symptom of
Ammonium carbonicum brings more reliability to both
provings and allows for its indisputable inclusion under
the rubric Ŗdream of hemorrhageŗ.
In Zincum metallicum, the missing symptom is
important, not only because it allows its inclusion under
the rubric Ŗaversion to answerŗ but also because it has
been confirmed by two additional provers in different
Although in a short article we may not elaborate as
much we would have liked, the examples mentioned
bring enough proof of the importance of Hartlaub &
Trinks Pure Materia Medica, as it contains symptoms
not mentioned by any other source and it allows to make
the proper corrections when symptoms were mistakenly
Further research needs to be conducted upon this
and other lesser known Materia Medica. Such rescue
task is very far from the leisurely research of a
bibliophile, on the opposite, its contribution to the
understanding of patients will allow Homeopathy to
shine in all its timeless beauty and healing ability.
This instance may represent a case of confusion
between grenzte (past tense of the verb to border;
figuratively, to verge upon) and great; associated to
Muthwillen (petulance, wantonness) and Mut, mutig
(courage, courageous). The root muthwill appears also
in Baryta carbonica (H2-26), Mercurius (H1-1262) and
Spongia tosta (H1-155, or 390; original version and
Dudgeonřs version, respectively), all meaning
4. Proving of Golden Pyrite
EPH Experimentation Group
(IJHDR. 2, .5/2003)
The substance
PIRITA DOURADA - Golden pyrite. Proving began in
February, 2002. . Sealed envelope opened September,
17th, 2003
Source: L. P. Minerais do Brasil Ltda.
Trituration: according to Hahnemannřs instructions (3
Dynamization: Korsakovian (from the first liquid
Potencies: 30 K; 200 K.
All Provers were Physicians and Veterinarians,
postgraduate students at the Escola Paulista de
Prover #2 was excluded from the proving as he didnřt
comply with the experimental protocol.
Tabela 1 - Relação experimentador-medicamento
Nº Experimentador 1ª parte - A 2ª parte - B
1 30 K 200 K
2 30 K 30 K
3 30 K 30 K
4 Placebo Placebo
5 Placebo Placebo
6 30 K 200 K
Pyriteřs characteristics
- Chemical Formula: FeS2 (iron sulfide)
- Mineral Group: sulfides
- Luster/Color: metallic/gold or brassy-yellow
- Cleavage: absent
- Hardness: 6 to 6.5
- Streak: Greenish-black
- Refraction of Light: Opaque
Double Refraction: Opaque
- Density: 5,1 g/cm 3
- Chemical Behavior: Soluble in Nitric acid
- Other Characteristics: common cubic crystals.
- Origin: magmatic, sedimentary and metamorphic
- Commentary: releases sparks when beaten
- Uses: preparation of Sulfuric acid, metallic sulfates
and Sulfur. Traditionally used in the fabrication of steel.
Easy combustion: used in Antiquity to make fire.
During the 16th century it was an essential part of fire
arms. Used by American natives as mirrors. Ornamental
worth. May be used as a source of iron.
- Distribution: many parts of the world, especially
where marble is abundant.
- Popular name: foolřs-gold; witchesř-gold.
- Etymology: from the Greek, pytires - fire.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 56
- Pyrite and Gold: its color makes inexperienced miners
believe itřs gold. Itřs softer, less dense and more fragile
than gold. Frequently, pyrite is associated with gold and
copper: finding pyrite may indicate that there is gold in
the area.
- good luck in business
- useful in respiratory syndromes, when applied to the
throat. It helps to control bronchitis and allergies.
Blood oxygenation.
- Acts upon the 7th chakra: physical, emotional and
mental well-being. To see beyond the surface and to
know whatřs behind words and deeds.
Matéria Médica
P1 - K30 -D2 - US-M/NS
2 hrs. after taking the remedy, sadness than increased
until weeping, sadness attended with nostalgia of
endeared person, it improves gradually when distracted
watching a movie on TV. Afterwards, my mood was a
lot better. When I was young I used to cry a lot, later I
couldnřt cry anymore. The remedy enabled me to cry
again, now Iřm able to cry more easily. I never feel
nostalgic: I remember absent people, but without pain.
After the remedy, I missed a person that was very good
to me, I missed her.
P1- K30 -D4 - US-M
The whole day, feeling of lightness, didnřt want to do
anything. I tend to get distracted, not to pay attention to
things, feeling as if I didnřt want to remain on this
world, it was bad, I donřt want to be a part of it, I want
to be disconnected. This feeling was increased by the
P1- K30 - D4 - US-M
Evening, anxiety and weeping, relieved by weeping.
Night, same symptom.
P1- K30 - D4 - US-M
Bitten all my nails, but not up to the flesh as I usually
do;it was more moderate. (night, after playing volley-
P1- K30 - D7- NS
Donřt care about anything around me. Iřm always
concerned with what I have to do, what is
happening;after taking the remedy I would think, ŖTo
hell with it!ŗ
P1- K30 - D8- OSR
Nasty quarrel between my daughters, I ended by joining
it. Usually, I let them quarrel, if I join, it gets worse.
This time I couldnřt help it, I joined it. As a child, I used
to lose self-control, I would attack and strike [people], if
no one would hold me, I would strike. I got so mad by
my daughterřs fight that I spanked my [adult] daughter.
Afterwards, I regretted it. I thought, ŖWhy do they defy
me so much? Why canřt they do what I say? I give them
advice, but they always have to oppose me.ŗ Usually, I
manage to control myself.
P1- K200 - D2 - NS
Emotionally sensitive, ill humor, no jokes. Usually, Iřm
not ill-humored, I like to smile, I never arrive to any
place and donřř say hi to people. Now, I wished there
would be nobody there, wanted nobody to realize I was
P1- K200 - D3 - NS
Woke up without any will to talk. Whole day, wanting
to cry, in a deep sadness; couldnřt be nice to anybody. It
was the previous day symptom continued: didnřt want
to talk, Iřm never like that. I always like to say
something nice to everybody, but couldnřt.
P1- K200 - D12 - NS
Well during the day, we went away for the whole day;
began to feel blue when coming back home, didnřt want
to talk (evening).
P1- K200 - D6 - NS
Anxious the whole day, until very late at night. I never
feel anxiety when I have something to do: I make lists
and do one thing at a time. After taking the remedy,
anxious to do everything at once, wanted to have
something over, but didnřt know what it was; I couldnřt
do anything as I normally do. Wanted to do everything
but couldnřt, awkwardness.
P1- K200 - D6 - NS
No strength to do any physical exercise, it seems Iřm
tired of everything, even of life... (didnřt care for good
or bad things in life). This remained until now (1 year
after the proving). I make plans for myself: first, I go to
work, then I go to the gym. Now, I wanted nothing at
all, nothing had any sense, why would I go places?
Useless, I didnřt want to do anything. And not only bad
things: I didnřt care for good things either, didnřt mind
if I was missing the good things in life.
P1- K200 - D10 - NS
Morning, very discouraged, only improved after lunch. I
always wake up in good spirits, after taking the remedy
I would wake ill-humored, as if the day should have to
begin after noon.
P1 - K200 - D10- NS
Unable to work, seemed I was dull, unable to think, as if
a drug-addict teen.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 57
P1- K200 - D11- US-M
Unable to work, afternoon. Woke up in the morning
feeling better, yet later it seemed difficult to leave, to
move, didnřt go to work. Usually, itřs the opposite: itřs
difficult to start, but after I begin, I become more
P1- NS
During the proving I kept thinking, ŖWill the remedy be
effective?ŗ, but I was feeling bad, didnřt want to feel
like I was: sadness, weariness, tired body, discouraged,
no will to do anything. I always like to say ŖIřd rather
have the world to end at a precipice in order to die from
inertiaŗ. That became very much worse after taking the
remedy: I just wanted support, to hold on to something
and let it go. I wasnřt able to do anything, very bad. My
daughters thought that I was more irritable, but I didnřt
feel irritated, I was feeling something very bad. Would
answer harshly, irritated, wanted to be left alone, but
they [daughters] kept bothering me.
P6- K30 - OSR
After the proving was over, bad feelings came back:
itchy, overwhelmed, mad at everything and everybody,
old symptoms but not so strong as before.
P6- K30- (D16 to 34) - OSR
While I was taking the remedy, I felt happy. Now get
angry by the least cause, no patience, I donřt know
whatřs the matter, I verbally abuse people around me. I
donřt like this, oversensitive. I need to control myself in
order not to fight with people. Noises from the
neighborřs parrot, the howl of their dog get me mad, I
have to go away in order not to listen. 2 years ago I had
a depression. After stopping the remedy, that feeling
came back, but only for a short time and less strong.
Fear and lack of self-confidence, fear of thieves, mad at
noises, unconfident, didnřt know what to do.
P6- K30 - D34 - NS
Pondering on serious matters: future, family, career,
money. Self-doubts concerning my own and other
peopleřs attitudes. (At the time, I had already decided to
get married).
P3- K30 -D7- NS
8 am, woke up with strong headache, frontal, worse on
the left side, around the eyes, with dizziness, it seemed I
was turning in a circle, dizziness and sleepiness. 3 pm,
unbearable dizziness and sleepiness. Had to stop the
proving because it was getting worse. Dizzy the whole
day. After stopping the proving, dizziness went away,
but headache remained 5 more days.
P3- K30 - D1 -NS
9 am, headache, left side, frontal, around left eye
P3- K30 - D1- NS
3 pm, headache, worse on left side, around left eye.
P3- K30 - D2 - NS
3 pm, headache, frontal, as a weight.
P1- K200- D9 Ŕ NS
Slight headache, more as a weight, worse on left side,
frontal and parietal, began at 10:30 am, continual pain.
P6- K30 - D32 -NS
Slight headache, frontal, on the right side; afternoon,
constant pain over right eyebrow. Pain as if a constant
pressure over the eye.
P3- K30 - D5- NS
8 am, woke up with headache, feeling of a weight on
frontal area, unbearable, gradually focalized on the left
side, the whole morning, wanted to take an analgesic,
but didnřt because of the proving.
P3- K30 - D7- NS
8 am, woke up with strong headache, frontal, worse on
the left side, around the eyes, with dizziness, it seemed I
was turning in a circle, dizziness and sleepiness. 3 pm,
unbearable dizziness and sleepiness. Had to stop the
proving because it was getting worse. Dizzy the whole
day. After stopping the proving, dizziness went away,
but headache remained 5 more days.
P1- K30 - D17- NS
Unbearable headache, began after lunch and worsened
until 7 pm, when I couldnřt take it anymore and took 60
drops dipirone and fell asleep. Pain in whole head,
worse on frontal area, throbbing, it seemed it would
burst. Pained lasted 2 days, always at the same time, but
milder, it got better by the third day.
P1- K30 - D24 - NS/US-M
Heaviness in head; burning eyes; aching in whole body
as Iřd been beaten up. Lasted 3 days. On the fourth day,
clear coryza that got thicker, with mild cough lasting 5
days; at the same time, purulent conjunctivitis in both
eyes, feeling as if smoke, much burning. Conjunctivitis
usually comes every summer, it never comes this time
of the year. Never felt heaviness in head before, I
wanted but couldnřt hold my head up. Aching in whole
body as if beaten up: new. Feeling as if smoke: new.
Vision completely blurred, as if sight was hindered, I
rubbed the eyes but didnřt got any better, as if cloudy.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 58
P6- K30 - D32- OSR
Flat wart on forehead, below an older one that is flat and
smooth. It took 1 week to go away, it became very thin,
as if dry skin. Amazement at the speed of wart
appearance and disappearance.
P3- K30 - D30 -NS
3:30 pm, pain deep in left eye.
P1- K30 - D24 - NS/US-M
Heaviness in head; burning eyes; aching in whole body
as Iřd been beaten up. Lasted 3 days. On the fourth day,
clear coryza that got thicker, with mild cough lasting 5
days; at the same time, purulent conjunctivitis in both
eyes, feeling as if smoke, much burning. Conjunctivitis
usually comes every summer, it never comes this time
of the year. Never felt heaviness in head before, I
wanted but couldnřt hold my head up. Aching in whole
body as if beaten up: new. Feeling as if smoke: new.
Vision completely blurred, as if sight was hindered, I
rubbed the eyes but didnřt got any better, as if cloudy.
P1- K30 - D24 - NS/US-M
Heaviness in head; burning eyes; aching in whole body
as Iřd been beaten up. Lasted 3 days. On the fourth day,
clear coryza that got thicker, with mild cough lasting 5
days; at the same time, purulent conjunctivitis in both
eyes, feeling as if smoke, much burning. Conjunctivitis
usually comes every summer, it never comes this time
of the year. Never felt heaviness in head before, I
wanted but couldnřt hold my head up. Aching in whole
body as if beaten up: new. Feeling as if smoke: new.
Vision completely blurred, as if sight was hindered, I
rubbed the eyes but didnřt got any better, as if cloudy.
P6- K30 - D32 - NS
Sore throat the last 24 hours, it started yesterday
evening. Seems I wonřt be able to swallow, scraping.
Burning pain when swallowing, even saliva.
P6- K30 - D34- NS
About 6 pm, throat begins scraping, gets dry and aches,
it seems swollen. It remains the whole night. Took
vitamin C and propolis, but didnřt afford relief. Throat
very sore, nothing affords relief, desperate, I canřt stand
swallowing saliva.
P6- K30 - D35- NS
Sore throat, the whole day, aches when swallowing
saliva, burning. I can eat and drink normally. I never
had this before. My tonsils were removed when I was 6.
Very odd, food wouldnřt hurt, only saliva hurt.
P6- K200 - D20-NS
Sore throat began at 1:30 pm, burning, on the right side
of the throat, while speaking or swallowing saliva.
Constant, drinking doesnřt ameliorate. Very
bothersome. Very similar to the sore throat I had when
taking the first vial (K30), but this time is more
focalized, only on the right side. Unbearable, nothing
ameliorates it. No relation with weather: itřs hot.
P1- K30 - D11 - OSR
2 pm, nausea and vertigo; at the office, I felt the taste of
meat, sick feeling (took aluminum hydoxide: slight
burning in stomach). Heartburn 10 to 15 years earlier,
then I never felt it again until I took this remedy. No
apparent cause.
P1- K30 - D13- NS/US-M
Feeling very sleepy and very hungry, I want to eat until
feeling sick, until feeling the stomach very distended,
heaviness over whole body. During the proving, sleepy
all the time as when pregnant, I wanted to sleep and
nothing else. Usually, I have to wake up early in order
to drive my daughter to school. After taking the remedy,
I would come back home and go back to bed and sleep 1
- 1 ½ hour, go back to bed as if I hadnřt wake up at all. I
usually eat a lot but not until feeling sick. After taking
the remedy, need to eat until feeling sick.
P1- K200- D2 - NS
Abdominal pain, like a colic, afternoon, 2 pm, lasting
for 2 hours. White, thread-like stools.
P1- K200- D8- NS
5 pm, strong pain in lower part of abdomen, feeling of a
weight, lasting 2 hours, feeling as if thorns, as if
something pressing, thought could be flatulence.
P6- K200 - D12- NS
Itch in abdomen, morning after rising; no skin rash.
Slight itch, itching as if an allergic reaction, but nothing
visible on skin.
P1- K30 - D2 - NS
Bowel motions more regular than usual; stools more
often during the day, thicker and easier to evacuate.
P1- K30 - D10 Ŕ NS
Constant desire to urinate, copious flow each time
(feeling as if full bladder): clear urine, not burning. It
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 59
seemed as if the bladder could never be fully emptied.
Usually, I urinate very few times a day, after taking the
remedy, I couldnřt retain it, I had to run to the toilet, as
if something was forcing urination.
Female genitals
P3- K30 - D18- NS
Menses 10 days late.
P3- K30 - D55 - NS
Menses 16 days late.
P3- K30 - D18- NS
Lumbar pain during menses.
P3- K30 - D42- NS
Vaginal bleeding as coffee sediment, small volume (13
days before menses).
P3 - K30 - D2- NS
Menses: dark blood, small volume.
P1- K30 - D41- NS
Menses began during the night. This time, without
usual pain and pre-menstrual swelling. Different
because it only lasted 3 days, blood was darker and
volume smaller.
P6- K30 - D12 - OSR
Menses, darker than normal, small volume and blacker
(coffee sediment).
P6- K30 - SN/SUM
Since menses - that were shorter - continual vaginal
secretion of dark brown mucus; as I walk, I feel this
vaginal wetness, bothersome. Itřs not new, but itřs much
more remarkable than usually.
P6- K30 - D10- NS
Itching on genitals all the time, but worse at night. I feel
like those men that are always scratching their crotch.
P6- K30 -D11 - OSR
Iřm about to get my period but not yet. Mild colic pain
on the left side, strong but went away immediately. I
usually feel no menstrual, Iřve already had many years
P6- K30- D11- NS
8 pm, feeling of lassitude, an openness in the vagina that
connects the uterus straight to the [outside] air, as if
there were no muscles to be contracted. It went away
P1- K30 - D10 - US-M
At night (about 9 pm), pain in right breast: pressing, not
irradiating to anywhere, continual. I usually feel this
pain in the left breast, never in the right.
P1- K30 - D13 - NS
Afternoon, aching in breasts as if pre-menstrual.
P6- K30 - D32- USM
Mammography: cysts persist, small sized but bigger
number: 6 in the left and 2 in the right breast.
P3- K30 - D2 -NS
Pain in the back and lumbar region, irradiating to nated;
deep pain, it seems as if in the bones, feeling as if
P3- K30 - D5-NS
9:30 am, stitching pain, as from needles, on left lumbar
region, the leg became stiff, I couldnřt walk, limping
because of the pain. It lasted 3 hours.
P3- K30 - D9- OSR-M
3 pm, pain in right shoulder bone, with severe lumbar
pain, cold sweat over whole body. It made me
remember renal colic I had years ago, but then I didnřt
sweat. It was a cold sweat, over all the body, it made me
feel sick, feeling as if was going to faint. It reminded me
of hypoglicemic attacks I had as a child: they came
whenever I was in a closed, crowded place. I never had
again until now, I was at my office, the air-conditioning
was on, no reason to feel like this.
P1- K30 - D6 - NS
At night I drank a beer and 2 hours later I felt a tensive
pain in shoulders.
P1- K30 - D41- US-M
Woke up at 9 am with violent cramps in left leg, lasted
5 minutes. Unbearable, I rubbed and moved the leg, it
got better. I usually do feel cramps at night, after violent
physical exertion of the legs. The remedy altered the
time of day and the modality of amelioration: rubbing,
pressing it. Usually, when I feel the cramps I shout for
something to bring me a pain-killer, as it is the only
thing that affords relief.
P1- K200 - D8 - NS
Feeling of heaviness in lower limbs, as if they were
weak, powerless and needed to be still, immobilized.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 60
E- - K200 - D8 - SUS-M
11 am, feeling of formication in left leg and foot, for 1
minute. I usually feel formication in the arm and hand,
the remedy changed it to the leg and the foot. After the
proving, it went back to the upper limb.
P6- K200- D6 -US-M
Subcutaneous excrescence on the joint of the right
second finger, internally. I had this before, on the other
hand. Uncomfortable when passing the finger over it. It
came out from nowhere.
P6- K200 - D15 -US-M
Another excrescence on the skin (flat wart), on the right
P1- K30 - D3 - NS
Morning, skin rash on the palm of the left hand, wet as
if by sweat, it doesnřt itch, diameter about 1 cm, light
red. It only began to itch , intensely, on the 11th day.
P1- K200 - D5- OSR/NS
Boils on the feet that itch and get dry, after that, they
scale off, leaving the feet looking like unkempt and very
P1- K200 - D10- NS
Skin on hands and feet ever more dry and thick.
P1- K200 - D15- NS
Skin is better on hands and feet, yet feet remain dry,
skin broken on heels.
P6- K30 - D32-NS
Dark senile spots in arms, hands and legs.
P6- K200- D11 - US-M
Shaking of hands during nervous excitement, I used to
feel this but when the nervous condition was worse.
P3- K30 - D3- NS
1 pm, sleepiness after lunch, I need to lie down and
sleep. All along the proving I felt this sleepiness.
P3- K30 - D5- NS
12;30 pm, much sleepiness after lunch.
P3- K30 - D5- NS
11:30 pm, very sleepy but unable to sleep.
P3- K30 - D6- NS
8 am, sleepiness, waking up is very difficult.
P1- K200 - D2 - NS
Very sleepy in the morning.
P1- K30 - D13- NS/US-M
Feeling very sleepy and very hungry, I want to eat until
feeling sick, until feeling the stomach very distended,
heaviness over whole body. During the proving, sleepy
all the time as when pregnant, I wanted to sleep and
nothing else. Usually, I have to wake up early in order
to drive my daughter to school. After taking the remedy,
I would come back home and go back to bed and sleep 1
- 1 ½ hour, go back to bed as if I hadnřt wake up at all. I
usually eat a lot but not until feeling sick. After taking
the remedy, need to eat until feeling sick.
P1- K200 - D13 - NS
Iřve been sleeping too much, always feeling sleepy, ever
more sleepy, I fight against sleepiness because I want to
remain awake to watch TV. This sleepiness began after
starting taking the remedy, although I always fight
against sleepiness. Nonetheless, m able to accomplish
what I have to do.
P3- K30 - D5 -NS
Dream: pursued by a snake, I donřt know how I
managed to kill it.
P3- K30 - D18- NS
Dream: pursued by thieves, being threatened to be
murdered. Woke up in fright.
P3- K30 - D22- NS
Dream: At home, I had had a baby and killed it. It was
awful. Woke up sweating and ran to take a shower.
P3- K30 - D28- NS
Dream: I was shot, couldnřt see who shot at me, I died
and met some relatives that are dead. I thought: ŖWhat
am I doing here? I was shot, I must be dead.ŗ
P1- K30 - US-M
Dreamed with a dead aunt, but it wasnřt a nightmare, we
were both happy. I usually do dream of dead relatives,
but they are sad dreams, always in old places, itřs bad.
P3- K30 - NS
The dreams I had during the proving were terrifying. I
never dream with death. Each time I had one of those
death-dreams, I would wake up frightened, thinking
ŖIřll stop taking the remedyŗ, didnřt want to go on
having those dreams. They were very vivid, it seemed
as if I was actually living what I was dreaming.
P1- K30 - US-M
Dream of my family and an old boyfriend, we were at a
different city, beautiful, savoring delicious food, and I
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 61
always want more (dissatisfaction?). When things get
rough, I tend to day-dream, ŖIf I had ...ŗ, for instance,
another husband, etc. What was different is that it same
in the dream, instead of waking-state fancies.
P1- K200 - D8 - NS
Dream of an old house, inhabited by ghosts, I wasnřt
afraid, they were nice, I was able to see them (I didnřt
know them). I slept a little bit more, and dreamed that I
was contradicting my mother-in-law. I was always
afraid of contradicting her, I wasnřt able to do it. In the
dream, I was able to speak my mind, and since then, Iřm
actually able to speak my mind to her, while before I
used to think it was useless.
P1- K200- D9- US-M
Dreamed that I was in a pool, the water was ultra clear
and transparent, public pool with many people, I was
swimming, totally naked and wasnřt ashamed, people
too didnřt mind. I usually have dreams of water, clean
or dirty water, swimming-pool, rivers, etc. I use to
dream that the city streets are full of water, you canřt
walk anymore, you have to swim, as if the city was a
river. But in my dreams, Iřm always wearing
swimming-wear, and when I dream of the [flooded]
city, everybody is fully dressed, I never dreamed before
of being naked.
P1- K200 - D12 - NS
I remember that I dreamed and became sad, but I canřt
remember the dreamřs content.
P1- K200 - D14 - NS
Dreamed once again and as usually, I canřt remember
what I dreamed of; I just remember that I always dream
of closed places: houses, hotels, auditoriums, and with
known people, even relatives, but I canřt remember the
dreamřs content. I dream frequently of my old school,
my schoolmates, but always in open places: backyards,
streets, I never dream of closed places. And I usually
dream of unknown people.
P1- K200 - D16 - US-M/SN
Dream of a house (where I have already lived, thatřs an
usual dream), it was a hunted-house, its objects were
Ŗaliveŗ and felt everything I was doing and what was
the matter with me.
P1- K200 - D16- NS
Dream of a bingo or parade, I canřt remember precisely.
P6- K30 - NS
Strange dream, like science-fiction. I owned a doll that
looked like a space-man, his head was like a helmet. I
was Ŗinvadedŗ and they took the doll with them to steal
its information. I visited 2 women that seemed to be
friends or relatives, their hair was in disarray, they were
wearing nightgowns, they seemed to be seamstresses,
everything was disarrayed at the house and I saw two
other dolls like mine, suddenly they began to pass the
memory of mine to one of them. I woke up.
P3- K30 - D30 - NS
8:30 pm, Just came from having a massage,
ensitiveness is increased, strong pain on the left side, it
seemed as if I had been beaten up, or fallen, all sore.
P3- K30 - D4- NS
4 pm, after eating at a barbecue, headache as from a
weight, worse on the left side, around the eyes. Very
sleepy. I never eat meat from that day (9 months ago),
because I felt very sick, I related it to the meat I had
P1- K30 - D6 - NS
12:00 pm, lunch: nausea caused by the meat I didnřt eat
because it made me sick.
P1- K30 - D7- NS
Donřt want to eat meat.
P1- K30 - D8 - NS
I didnřt eat meat.
P1- K30 - D9 - NS
I didnřt eat meat.
P3- K30 - SNS
After taking the remedy, all symptoms appear on the left
side, when usually I feel symptoms on the right side.
P1- K200 - D1 - NS
Feeling of heaviness on whole body. Feeling of
heaviness on whole body, as if it was difficult to move,
everything is slow, as if a weight was pulling me down,
something drawing me down. I wanted to remain lying,
as if the body was telling me to keep quiet.
Appendix: Protocol
1. Consent Form
I,_______, Identity card # ___________, Social
Security # _________, agree to participate in the
homeopathic proving conducted by the Research Group
of the Scientific Department of the EPH. I am aware
• The substance tested may elicit disturbing symptoms;
• I will be able to stop my participation the moment I
It may be interrupted if the proving Directors evaluate
that there is my health is at risk.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 62
I declare that I am aware of the contents of the trial
protocol and do not hold the proving team liable to
whatever it may happen, as I participate in this proving
of my own free will, in the hope of contributing to the
advance of homeopathic science.
• (signature)- Notarial certification.
• Name
• Place
• Date
Proving Directors:
1) General Director. Medical Identification #
2) Clinical Director. Medical identification #
Having complied with the initial requirements of the
protocol, the proving consists of the following stages:
1. Ascription of provers to the Clinical Directors (CD).
Every pair of prover-CD will discuss the PROVING
DIARY, how it is to be recorded, and need of
permanent availability. The initial auto-observation
period is extremely helpful in this stage.
2. Distribution to provers of numbered vials that will
have to be kept in boxes, protected from
electromagnetic fields, strong odors, etc.
It is not mandatory that all provers test all vials: this will
depend on the schedule set by the General Director
3. After the selection of the vial, the prover will drop 5
drops directly below the tongue, once every day,
without ingesting any neither fluid nor solid substances
nor smoking tobacco 30 minutes before and after the
trial substance. The vial must be shaken 10 times before
4. Ingestion will continue until symptoms appear, when
it will be discontinued. If no symptoms appear on the
15th day, ingestion will be also discontinued.
5. If no symptoms appear, after a 30-day resting period,
the next vial will be started.
6. When symptoms appear, ingestion must be
discontinued, symptoms recorded and discussed with
the CD.
7. After the disappearance of symptoms, wait 30 days
before starting the next vial.
8. Women will begin the proving on the first day after
the end of the menses (abiding to the 30-day drug-free
period mentioned above).
9. The same sequence will be repeated with every vial.
The proving may be discontinued at the local level by
the CDs and/or the GD.
3. The proving diary
The proving diary will be elaborated by the Proving
Team or it may follow any model that fulfills the
requirements established by the group.
It ought to contain the truthful record of the prover
symptoms and will be discussed weekly with the CD.
Any severe clinical complication must be immediately
reported to the CD.
The record of symptoms will follow the same pattern
both in the auto-observation diary and the proving diary,
according to:
• Initial circumstances.
• Sensations.
• Time.
• Weather conditions.
• Place.
• Periodicity.
• Rhythm.
• Extensions.
• Alternations.
• Concomitances.
• Modalities of amelioration and aggravation.
• Mood for the duration of the symptom.
• Images and metaphors.
The diary must include all data that reflect a perfect
record concerning the beginning and discontinuation of
the doses.
The prover will only use the front of the page, leaving
the back empty for the DC remarks.
4. Model
A. Identification of the prover (code).
B. Procedure:
1. The prover will legibly write the vial number.
2. Date, month, year; Weather conditions; Place.
3. The prover will permanently carry the diary with
him/her in order to be able to record each symptom,
indicating the time, place, modality, sequence, etc.
4.Symptoms must be recorded in a simple and natural
language. Terms must be subjective-objective, i.e.
provers must express themselves spontaneously,
through the common descriptive language and
employing analogies. It is essential to be true to the flux
of speech, such as it expresses itself, even in the case of
abstract images. Eventual interpretations may be
included between brackets { }.
Medical jargon ought to be omitted, as the record is not
devised to decode medical terms but to achieve the
maximal accuracy of the individualřs reaction. But
whenever this is not possible, the prover may employ
technical terms.
C. Before the proving:
During the 2 weeks before the proving, the prover must
record all symptoms, including those that he/she usually
feels. Avoid every kind of excess.
D. Diet:
1.The prover will not alter his/hers usual diet, which
ought to be as simple as possible.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 63
2.Those used to regular use of coffee, tobacco,
seasonings, alcohol, etc. may take them with
3.Those who only use the substances above occasionally
will abstain from them. If they eventually use them,
they will have to record the occasion.
E. Other remedies:
1.During the proving, the prover will not be able to use
any other kind of remedies, including topical.
2. Avoid camphor, unusual perfumes, medicated lotions
and creams, teas, laxatives, etc.
F. How to take the remedy:
1. See above, ŖDynamics of the provingŗ.
2. It must be kept in mind that a few well described
symptoms are much more valuable than many of them
that do not distinguish characteristic and imaginary
3. The remedy must be discontinued immediately after
symptoms begin to appear and should not be repeated.
G. Recording symptoms:
1. Date, hour and place of dose-intake.
2. Weather conditions.
3. Physical condition.
4. Date and hour of the symptomřs appearance.
5. Disappearance of an old symptom.
6. Reappearance of a new symptom.
7. Aggravation or modification of a usual symptom.
H. Every symptom will be described according to the
following modalities:
1. Chronological order.
2. Localization and Bodily Sides.
3. Sensations as if...
4. Gradual or abrupt appearance and disappearance.
5. Duration.
6. Modalities of amelioration and aggravation:
i. Open air, cold, sun exposure, bathing, crowded room,
narrow places, in the bed, etc.
ii.Before and after storms; change of weather.
iii.Darkness, etc.
iv.Local or general motion.
v.Inspiring, exhaling, coughing, sneezing.
vi.Laughing, screaming, talking.
vii.During exertion; stretching; running; walking;
standing; sitting; rising; bending; laying over
something; resting upon something.
ix. Covering; uncovering; undressing.
x. Reading; writing; mental exertion.
xi. Yawning, etc.
xii. By sleep; dreams.
xiii. Before, during or after meals; which meals;
drinking; eating; swallowing.
xiv. Before, during and after menses; sexual intercourse;
passing stools; passing urine.
xv. Vomit; eructation; flatulence.
xvi. Perspiration.
xvii. Smoking; drinking alcohol (and which drinks).
xviii. Thinking on his/her symptoms.
xix. By odors.
xx. By music; noise.
xxi. By touch; hard or strong pressure.
xxii. When alone or in company.
xxiii. By any emotion: sadness, worry, bad news,
reproof, reproach, indignation, contradiction,
humiliation, mortification, disappointment, anger,
happiness, surprises.
xxiv. If symptoms are: constant, continual, periodic,
acute, intermittent, etc.
xxv. Extension and direction of sensations.
xxvi. Other modalities.
I. Laboratory tests:
Lab tests will be ordered before the proving and
whenever necessary according to the CD/GD.
Addendum 1
The proving Group of the Fundação de Estudos
Médicos do Paraná established the following guidelines,
which are attached to the Proving Diary:
Identify your records with the Prover Code, not with
your name.
Identify your records with the vial number to which
symptoms correspond.
Enumerate in ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd) every
day of the proving. The first day is the day when you
began to take the remedy. Begin a new for each vial.
• Identify every day you take the remedy.
• State the duration of each symptom, from date and
hour of appearance to date and hour of disappearance.
• State dates of beginning and end of menses.
• In each symptom, record:
• Adverbs:
Why? Triggers; initial conditions.
Where? Organ; extension; physical environment.
How? Sensations as if...; Rhythm (how it begins,
develops and ends); Alternations; Concomitances,
•Factors that ameliorate and aggravate.
Emotional state during SYMPTOMS.
•Intensity: (+) Slight; (++) Moderate;(+++) Strong,
• DC: Check in the repertory if data are sufficiently
clear and precise as to belong in a rubric or sub-
• DC: Classify the proverřs symptoms as:
• NS: New symptom.
• USS-UnM: Usual sporadic symptom, unmodified
• USS-M: Usual sporadic symptom, modified
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 64
• OSR: Old symptom returned.
• O: Others.
Addendum 2
The Proving Group of the Escola Paulista de
Homeopatia added:
• Record even the most ephemeral sensations.
If you do not know how to classify a symptom, do not
classify it or rate it NC: no classification.
• In the case of concomitances, state the smallest details;
whenever be case, state the general effect that
symptoms produced to you.
Dreams: write them down as soon as you wake up; if
possible, tape them.
Severe symptoms: write them down and immediately
call your CD.
• Pay attention to the spatial and geographical context of
each symptom: when applicable, describe the
environment. State when you are in a journey.
• Pay attention to family and job contexts.
Record eventual commentaries that friends, relatives,
coworkers may do.
• CD: Do not compare the patientřs symptoms with
symptoms of already known remedies.
Addendum 3
After the experimentation of Golden Pyrita, the group
made the following addendums:
1. Follow patients during 3 months, 6 months and 1
year. Example: patient that noticed - after more than 6
months - that started having aversion to meat.
2. Donřt omit any previous symptoms. This can
inviabilize the proving.
3. Criteria of exclusion - clinics. Maintain some rigor.
Any lesion excludes. Approval from experimenter DC
presents the case to DE = approval or repproval. Obs.
IDA - ask everything at all. Exact place.
4. Instruct the clinical directors about the controls. Itřs
not a strictu sensu homeopathic consultation. Itřs
necessary to know what is better, worse and ask
actively. Pay more attention to the new and old
modified symptoms. How has this changed? What is the
new situation? Take notes of the simultaneous besides
dispositions and indispositions.
5. Make at least three consultations with the DCs.
6. When there is bothering symptoms, suspend
immediately the experimenter (reach emergency phone
of the DC) and, if necessary, notify the DE and
managers. And never take the medicine again while
vigent sympoms persist.
7. Identify the bottle rigorously by codes. Names never
should appear.
8. Chronogram
Never take medicine on vacation or altered routine
5. A Case of Suppression: A Commentary
CHINDEMI, J. Wayne (SIM. V, 2/1992)
Preface: The following case is one I have been
working on since 1989. Last remedies prescribed were
Sepia and Pulsatilla nigrans. Her original complaints
were listed as: 1) frequent headaches, 2) significant
depression since age 23 (at age 23 she was devastated
by a romantic disappointment), 3) prone to vaginal
infections, 4) chronic bladder infections. Mary, a 31-
year-old female, has had many male sexual partners,
numerous abortions and many psychotherapy sessions.
Here is her present case:
She is having daily headaches: severe, crushing (2),
pressure sensation (2) over the left temple (2) over the
left temple (2). The headaches are aggravated by
perfumes and cigarette smoke. Mary experienced left-
sided abdominal pain and PMS. Ultrasonic studies
revealed a left ovarian cystic mass (2). Her PMS
symptoms included irritability (2), better alone, breast
soreness, and worse to touch. She was very much
relieved with the menstrual flow (2). Also it was
observed that both ears were very red and were hot to
the touch (1). She is warm blooded (2) and blushes
easily. She has been experiencing heart palpitations for
no apparent reason the past several months. Mary
sleeps on her back, wakes unrefreshed (2) and has
nightmare and vivid dreams. Other data includes
aversion to tight collars (2) and varicose veins of both
Mental/emotional symptoms include: jealous of
others (2); vindictive person (2) (wants old boyfriends
to fail in new relationships); suspicious nature (1) e.g. in
a relationship she saw hair on the bed and immediately
suspected that her boyfriend slept with another woman.
She is a pharmacy technician and works very fast (2)
when filling out prescriptions. When asked about fears
she volunteered fear of snakes (3). The final note is a
history of very many sexual partners (over 40 by age of
23) and numerous abortions (seven).
Essence: Lach., Nux-v., Hyos., Stram.
Totality: Lach., Nux-v., Puls., Lyc., Hyos., Sep., Sulph.,
Keynotes: Lach.
Plan: Lachesis 200c one dose. Return to clinic in
1½months for follow-up visit.
Mary, a 31-year-old female was prescribed
Lachesis 200c one dose. I confidently prescribed this
because she confirmed the remedy with her physical and
emotional data. Of particular importance were her
physical and emotional data. Of particular importance
were her severe crushing headaches over the left temple
and her left ovarian cyst.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 65
A follow-up visit occurred two months later. She
told me her headaches are now gone but she was
distraught in the interview. I asked her what was wrong
and she replied: ŖI feel depressed like I was when I was
23, I hate my job (3). I want to sleep but I wake up
terrible(2). I hate my job, I canřt be who I am. I have
problems with fellow workers, managers, etc. I cannot
express myself at work. Iřm very distressed (2),
irritable (2) and angry (2) at work. I hate my job but I
stay because the money is good. I hate feeling this
I questioned whether it was true depression. I feel
her problem is genuine unhappiness with herself and
surroundings (job, etc.).
Assessment: Lachesis has brought up many suppressed
Her headache symptoms have improved.
Plan: Wait. No prescription was given. Patient to
return in 1½ months.
She is avoiding the main issue: dealing with her
job. She would rather reap financial gains than be
happy. In conversation it turned out that this conflict
occurred several years ago but she opted for the money.
The remedy Lachesis has broutht the main issue Ŗback
up to the surface again.ŗ I really feel that, if the timing
is right in her life, she will heed the word and find
another job in a more social/happy atmosphere. This
would be the truly curative direction.
Its amazing that Lachesis has brought up these old
feelings. I feel that if she doesnřt act on it within the
next several weeks she will probably suppress again.
A second follow-up visit occurred months later.
ŖGetting terrible migraine headaches (2) but my
depression has Řlifted.ř Because the migraines are
occurring daily and are intense, she visited her M.D. and
was prescribed Sibellium allopathic medication. She
states to me that she doesnřt have any problems except
for the headache. She was very abrupt with me and I
knew she did not want to talk with me any further.
Assessment: Migraine headaches came backŕwere
helped originally with Lachesis. She suppressed her
emotional state and her migraines have returned. Now
she is taking daily allopathic meds for the headache.
Plan: Wait. Re-evaluate at a later date. Patient to
return in 3 months.
This is a case of suppression of the
mental/emotional state leading to physical pathology.
She is unable to deal with her emotions and is unable to
attain happiness and peace with herself. This case
illustrates that even though Lachesis was the correct
remedy, lack of freedom on the mental and emotional
level has prevented cure.
We invited the following homeopaths to comment
on this case. They were asked: what do you think about
this case? Is Lachesis the correct remedy? Is the
assessment correct? Why is she not getting better?
Should she quit her job? What other factors should be
considered in this case?
First, I would like to thank Wayne CHINDEMI for
offering the forum for discussion. It promises to be fun
and quite a learning tool. Seven years ago I reviewed
much of the journal literature, reading many many cases
with discussion. George VITHOULKAS was in the
process of writing his Materia Medica and wished to
include cases from the old journals for study purposes.
Since I had read these journals already, he asked if I
would review and collect all the cases that were
interesting, collate them, and categorize them by
remedy. This was the second time I was to read these
cases, the journals spanning 130 years. I learned a great
deal from that exercise. Most of what I did learn came
not from the case presented but from the commentary
that it drew. There one could learn practical
philosophy, technique, living Materia Medica. And so I
am thrilled to see this be offered again.
Now as for the case that Dr CHINDEMI presented.
Reading the case the first time, I wrote down some ideas
which follow. The case stressed that some major
decline in her health occurred at 23 years of age, and
listed a possible etiology. The case continued by
stressing that she had had many lovers by the age of 23.
Next came the physical symptoms followed by mental
symptoms and the remedy selection.
I had a question arise at this point of the case
analysis that was not answered in the paper. Was the
case changed at 23 years old? Was there a change, a
new layer that she entered or was it a worsening within
the same layer? There is no information to differentiate
this point. Without knowing that, it would be difficult
to know which symptoms to include in the analysis of
the current remedy. If it was a new layer, perhaps the
fact that she had had so many lovers would not enter
into the remedy selection for this first remedy. If we
had more information (such as, Ŗshe became celibate
after 23; her physical general symptoms changed at 23;
the abortion period of her life changed her in the
following way; her mental symptoms not only increased
but changed as well at 23, etc.) we would be able to tell
whether it was one layer or two layers, one developing
when she was 23 years old.
The remedy was prescribed and then the follow-up
showed that the headaches went away and that she
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 66
became depressed, as she had been in the past. The
assessment was that the remedy was curative and that
the depression was either suppressed originally or that it
was caused by bad habit. HAHNEMANN goes into
great lengths throughout the Organon to stress that
illness may be caused or may be maintained by harmful
habits. He further maintains that it may not be possible
to cure people if they do not change harmful habits. I
am making an assumption that Dr.CHINDEMI thinks
that a form of greed, inertia, or fear keeps the patient in
a stressful environment and that the depression is an
overwhelming announcement of the organism to get the
heck out of there.
That is possible. I have had quite a few patients
who get better up to a certain point, but because they are
unwilling to make certain changes in their lives they do
not attain the level of health they seek or may relapse
into their original state of health.
The first question to ask in a follow-up is, ŖDid the
remedy that I gave effect the person one way or the
other?ŗ There are many parameters to assess the answer
to that question but we can point some of them out in
this case. Was there a change? Yes. What was the
change? A chief complaint disappeared and an
emotional change occurred. Can the change be directly
attributed to the remedy? Yes possibly, and no. The
answer to this question is somewhat unclear. I could
answer with yes by stating that the symptom that
disappeared, the headache, fits the remedy given. I can
also say yes because there is a return of old symptoms,
following one aspect of Heringřs Law. I could also say
possibly for the same reason, although it is not clear
because of the following points. I could say no because
the patient is in general worse; we do not know what
has happened to the rest of the patient.
The remedy was not chosen based on the headache,
and yet we are trying to decide the reaction to the
remedy based solely on this symptom. That is
impossible. We can never tell fully, unless we look at
the whole case in general. What happened to the other
symptoms of the remedy, the mental, emotional, and
physical symptoms? I do not know, and so assessment
is not really possible.
But if we play with the case a little, if we assume
that the remedy caused this reaction, what possible ways
are there to understand the response of the organism? I
can think of several, beside the ones given above, but
would mention two because they are exactly opposite
each other.
First is the possibility that the remedy acted, that it
was the incorrect remedy, and that the case worsened or
was suppressed by this treatment. After all, if I said that
she took a massive amount of an ergot derivative for her
headaches and that all of a sudden her headaches ceased
but now she is depressed, we would all rally around the
suppression theory.
Second is the possibility that the remedy acted, and
that it was the correct remedy, that the remedy removed
one layer of the case and now we are in a different
layer, dealing with different issues.
The basic difference between the two possibilities
is whether there are one or two layers in the case. If
there is one layer in the case (as in option number one)
than the remedy may be acting suppressively. The
argument would be that after a terrible grief, she became
depressed (though still in the same layer), and that her
organism rallied and managed to throw off the
imbalance partially, now no longer depressed but settled
with headaches (although still in the same layer), and
that her organism rallied and managed to throw off the
imbalance partially, now no longer depressed but settled
with headaches (although still in the same layer).
Getting rid of headaches, with whatever treatment,
forces the organism to an imbalanced state once more
and so the depression again. Once the depression leaves
at the end of the case the headahches returned (again a
better state within the same layer). One way to view
this is to think of one of those slinky toys, with one end
in one hand and the other end in the other hand. As you
move your hands up and down the majority of the slinky
ends up in one hand or the other. Well, one hand is
health and the other is not and the slinky moves some of
itself from one hand into the other with help of shocks,
traumas, drugs, etc. the remedy given hurt the balance,
although not that great, that the patient had achieved.
We can use part of Heringřs law to justify this
viewpoint by showing that physical symptoms were
replaced by emotional symptoms.
The other possibility is that there was a major shift
when this women was 23 years old. She developed a
new layer in which headaches were the major symptom.
Once treated, that layer is replaced by the previous layer
with all its sensitivities. In this layer she experiences
depression, because of the broken love affair, because of
her mis-spent youth, because of the abortions. We do
not really know because we do not have her in front of
us to ask her. We can use part of Heringřs law to justify
this viewpoint by showing that the body never really
forgets, and that symptoms disappear in the reverse
order of appearance.
I am writing in this forum to strengthen my
contention (see any of the other cases that I have
written) that we really cannot pick any of these
possibilities. Would it not make a big difference if we
knew what happened to the jealousy, the left-sided
complaints, the mass, the palpitations, the suspicious
vindictive person, the energy? We can never know
what is happening in a case without looking at the
whole case, vieweing it over time, trying to answer the
most important questions of what is happening to the
rest of the person as she is under treatment.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 67
I appreciate participating in this case discussion.
This and future discussions will, no doubt, add to our
experience through interaction. I regret not starting this
process with a cured case. Discussing treatment failures
is difficult because we can only speculate. In addition,
in this case, we lack the particulars of the earlier part of
the case, the symptoms, analysis, and effect of the
previous remedies. This limits our ability to fully
understand the present case. And so, all our opinions
here are, in fact, only conjecture.
Did this woman need Lachesis?
Iřd analyze her case as follows:
1. What are the main problems that this woman
suffers from? The answer will define a set of
remedies that may help her. In her case her
main problems are headaches and PMS. So we
must choose a remedy that is know to cause
and cure headaches and PMS.
2. What are the characteristic symptoms in this
particular case? These are symptoms which
are either: (a) Strange, rare and peculiar,
especially if related to the main problems, or,
(b) STRONG mental/emotional, or STRONG
physical general symptoms.
In this case characteristic symptoms are: left sided
headaches, left ovarian cyst, warm blooded, blushes
easily, wakes unrefreshed, aversion to tight collars,
jealousy, hurry, fear of snakes, maliciousness. These
symptoms narrow down the choice of remedy to the
Lachesis given.
Did the Lachesis act?
At the first follow-up, the patient has responded to
Lachesis in a profound way. Her headaches, the reason
for her seeking treatment, are now gone. In their place,
her underlying emotional difficulties have surfaced. It
is early to conclude that this is a curative change, but
she has certainly responded. My impression is that this
is a positive response.
What went wrong?
The problem in this case is more of inadequate
management than the Ŗsuppressionŗ mentioned in the
title. The plan noted at the first visit is ŖWait. No
prescription given. PATIENT TO RETURN IN 12
Lack of consistent and frequent follow-up is the
reason, I believe, this has degenerated into a treatment
failure. I would have asked her to return for a next
evaluation 1 month after the first follow-up. At that
point I would question whether the patient was still
making progress. If not, I would retake the case and
represcribe Lachesis in either the same or a higher
potency depending on the circumstances. It is also
likely that a new remedy, if clearly indicated by the
major and characteristic symptoms of the new case,
would be necessary. Represcribing, whenever
necessary, dictated by the particulars of the case,
probably would have brought this case to cure.
Analyzing treatment failures is difficult for any
homeopathic prescriber. Resist the temptation to blame
the patient for a treatment failure. Dr. CHINMDEMI
says, ŖShe is unable to deal with her emotions and is
unable to attain peace and happiness with herself.ŗ We
ought, rather, to closely evaluate our own methods.
In my opinion, this treatment failure is the
consequence of a system of homeopathic case
management that explicitly encourages prescribers to
wait too long before reevaluating and represcribing.
This case is an excellent indictment of the weakness of
that method of prescribing.
According to my understanding, this is, indeed, a
very clear Lachesis, case, so thereřs no need to muddy
the waters of discussion with questioning the
correctness of the prescription. However, regarding
potency, I believe I would have given Lachesis 1M or
may be even Lachesis 10M because the organism was
so decisively calling for that particular medicine.
Perhaps a higher potency would have acted more
profoundly, but admittedly this is conjecture.
The crux of the matter here revolves around
interpreting the action of the simiullimum and managing
the case beyond the first prescription. I believe we have
the opportunity to learn a great deal about a particular
organism by what gets better and what comes up after a
correct prescription. Since the headaches abated and
old emotional issues resurfaced, we can rest assured that
the remedy is acting along predictably curative lines.
However, given the level of emotional ferment, as
described on follow-up, there is no way that I would
have rested comfortably for an entire year. To actively
suspend marking patient progress, (or lack thereof) at
this particular point in treatment, was, I feel, regrettable.
Because a full year elapsed and all that we know is that
the patient, at some point, had a relapse of headaches
and took allopathic drugs, leaves us in a void of
understanding and I feel it also sends a wrong message
to the patient, namely, that we are quite comfortable
with the patientřs state, both at present, as well as for
quite a while into the future.
Consequently, we have no tangible understanding
of how the case unfolded over the following year. In
that light, it makes little sense to speculate on what kind
of a symptom picture we might have seen had we been
privy to the patientřs intervening state. Perhaps we
missed the opportunity to repeat Lachesis or to prescribe
one of its complements, say Nitric acid or who knows
what other remedy.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 68
I believe itřs a bit simplistic to say that Ŗlack of
freedom on the mental and emotional level has
prevented cure,ŗ for surely it is the removal of just such
limitations, with our medicines, that is our ultimate
goal. George VITHOULKAS has emphasized that
when patients receive curative treatment they will tend,
spontaneously, to make those very decisions they most
need to make in order to achieve greater freedom.
Naturally, this is not always the case, since all situations
have their exceptions. But I believe that in this instance,
unless there were mitigating circumstances beyond our
knowledge, continued correct treatment would have
brought about a rather effortless, dispassionate decision,
either to leave the job, if it were the Ŗmaintaining
cause,ŗ or alternately, to say on the job and be relatively
free from its irritations, even in its midst.
There are a number of issues that jump out at me in
this case, though they have little to do with prescribing
and a lot to do with case management.
Maryřs depression, profound discontent, irritability,
and self-reproach after the prescription of Lachesis is
thought by the author to be Ŗgenuine unhappinessŗ
rather than Ŗtrue depression.ŗ Does he not ignore her
powerful symptoms by making these distinctions and
are they in any way relevant to a homeopathic
assessment of the case? When he then says that she is
avoiding the main issue, which he regards as dealing
with her job, I feel convinced that he has missed Mary
entirely, reducing this complex individual to a simple
case of irresolution. When he suggests that she would
prefer to reap financial gain rather than be happy, he is
judging her rather then thinking homeopathically.
If a patient stated that she had many sexual partners
and several abortions before age 23, as well as many
psychotherapy sessions, various red flags would go off
for me, and I would certainly take the time to explore
some of her issues of family and childhood. Why? I
strongly feel that this is part of the Ŗtotalityŗ of
symptoms, frequently revealing information that may be
critical to the fullest understanding of the patient, and
ultimately aiding the task of prescribing.
I might add in passing that it can be very valuable
for the patient to have the opportunity in the course of a
single interview to see their physical and emotional
story as one piece. It is a potent mirror which educates
the patient as to the triviality of one or two word
answers to the question ŖWhat is wrong with me?ŗ
I find it astonishing that Mary is left for two and
then twelve months between evaluations after Lachesis.
How would it be possible to build a supportive and
trusting connection with such enormous gaps between
visits at this stage of treatment, particularly when she is
undergoing considerable distress? I am not surprised
that after having been left to suffer on her own for
twelve months she is abrupt and mistrustful. I am
surprised she came back at all and doubt she will return.
In his final thoughts Dr. CHINDEMI says that even
though Lachesis was (in his view) correct, a lack of
freedom on the mental and emotional level has
prevented cure. This contradictory analysis offers sure
evidence that Lachesis has NOT acted curatively. I am
sure that Dr. CHINDEMI is a conscientious classical
Homeopathic practitioner, and as I read this case my
own many mistakes come before my eyes. However,
unfortunately, I am led to the conclusion that this case
was not well taken, managed, or assessed, resulting in
an impasse.
Thank you for sending this interesting case for
discussion. It is certainly a good idea for us to share our
knowledge and ideas.
At a first glance the case seems simple and straight
forward, and one is tempted to go along with the general
line of thought presented. However, on a closer
examination, there appear to be some issues that should
be discussed. Of course, when reading this case, any
prescriberřs mind would at once turn to Lachesis. This
immediately tends to make me suspicious (2). In my
experience, when a case presents in such a clear manner
for any particular remedy, one should definitely think
twice, if not three times. I often have found that such a
Ŗclearŗ picture really hides a different remedy, as if to
test the homeopathřs prejudices. Also with such a clear
picture, one must wonder if the homeopath wasnřt
questioning along the lines of a particular remedy.
Whatever the case may be, the results are our final
judge. I do agree that Lachesis is one of the possibilities
here, but there are others.
First, as to the case, although it does cover the
major symptomatology, mentals, and particulars, I find
it lacking in fine detail, especially concerning the
mental and emotional state of the patient. In my
experience, it is much easier to understand the case that
is written in the patientřs own words, as recommended
in paraghraph 84 of the Organon.
The other issue is the underlining. Does it really
help us to understand the three dimensions of the case?
In this case we see that 95% of the underlines are (2),
therefore we actually gain nothing from them. I often
find that the key symptoms to the case are not at all
Ŗunderlined,ŗ but seemingly insignificant and
unemphasized symptoms that are just chance remarks,
but give us an insight to the inner nature of the patient.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 69
Looking at the results of the prescription, although the
remedy might seem well indicated to the practitioner, I
feel that a result such as this should put its validity in
serious doubt.
What seems to have occurred is that the headaches
are better but in herself she is worse, i.e., against the
direction of cure. She is now depressed, angry, irritable,
abrupt, and has lost patience with the practitioner. It is
easy at this stage to blame her misery on external
circumstances, but really we would expect a good
prescription to place the patient in a state of greater
freedom, the aim of all true medicine. What we see
here is that the patient is in fact in a lesser state of
freedom, imprisoned by her job, desires, and pressures.
The fact that the emotional problems she is now
experiencing have occurred before does not necessarily
constitute a curative sign. If they were truly old
symptoms returning, they should also be old symptoms
going. I have often wasted many months deluding
myself that the patient was improving when the patient
has returned saying, ŖI am more aware of my anger,
more aware of my fear; I feel like I was when I was
sixteen,ŗ etc. I find that these Ŗnew age catharsisŗ
symptoms are not necessarily always curative. If the
anger and fear come up, they should also go away. We
would not say it was a curative reaction if the patient
came back and said, ŖHow wonderful Ŕ I am now more
aware of the pain from my ulcer.ŗ In fact, true cure
should lead to a reduced awareness of problems, as in
Ŗwhen the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten.ŗ
Furthermore, we must examine whether or not the
work situation really is a suppression. According to my
understanding this constitutes an obstacle to cure and
not a suppression. What is the difference between an
obstacle to cure and a symptom? An obstacle to cure
can be removed by the patientřs will, and a symptom
cannot. It seems in this case that although the patient is
very much wanting to leave her job, she is not able to,
due to various pressures. Now if she really was
returning to health we would expect a greater ability to
adapt to the environment, either by leaving work or by
staying and feeling better about it. Of course, the
physician can only gently hint about leaving the work in
these situations, since any more pressure would
constitute violence.
Considering this analysis of the first follow-up, I
would not have waited much longer in this case Ŕ
certainly not a year. I would either have changed or
repeated the remedy, or asked her to come back within
two months in order to assess her condition.
On the second follow-up, it seems that the patientřs
state is deteriorating further. The migraines are worse
and she now is not communicating properly with the
homeopath. Her general condition seems to be
worsening. I therefore would not wait in this situation
but definitely act now, for, in all probability, this patient
will soon be lost to Allopathy.
There are now two possibilities in the case: (1) the
remedy was correct and needs to be repeated, either
higher or in LMřs; (2) wrong prescription Ŕ find the
right remedies. Having looked at the result of the case,
I found to be dubious the conclusion that this is a case
of mental emotional suppression leading to physical
pathology. The fact that she is unable to deal with her
emotions and attain happiness and peace with herself
illustrates not that Lachesis is the correct remedy, but
that it is actually a case of a wrong remedy pushing the
external symptoms to the interior. The only action,
therefore, is to re-examine the case and find a better
Now to examine the original case. I have taken the
following symptoms:
Menses, before aggravate
Menses, during ameliorate
Ailments from disappointed love
Head, pain pressing
Generalities, side left
On repertorization in the Complete Repertory we
get eight remedies running through: Lachesis, Sulphur,
Sepia, Phosphorus, Belladonna, Cimicifuga, Ignatia,
Veratrum album. Any one of these might be the correct
remedy. It would be interesting to know exactly why
this lady is putting money before happiness. Is it fear of
poverty, avarice, or anxiety about her social position?
Each one of these symptoms would lead to a different
remedy in this case, and these possibilities have to be
investigated more closely. So consider Sepia, Sulphur
and Veratrum album. There are, of course many
We cannot guess. However, if we add the symptom
ŖHead, pain, temple, left,ŗ the only remedy running
through is Cimicifuga, Lachesis does not have this
symptom. Therefore, let us examine Cimicifuga.
First, what is the idea that we actually perceive
running through the case? This is often to be found in
the nature of the physical sensations, in this case a
crushing and pressing headache. We see that this
simple action is also mimicked by the patientřs
continual desire to clutch her throat. A similar pattern
seems to be the pressure she is putting herself under in
her work, i.e. a pressing, crushing situation from which
there is no escape. So we see that the theme running
through the case is Ŗmust put herself under pressure or
must constrict herself.ŗ
Now if we examine Cimicifuga as a remedy we find
this idea running through the whole remedy, as in the
following symptoms:
Delusions, arms bound to her body.
Delusions, black cloud envelops her.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 70
Delusions, encaged in wires, fear of narrow spaces,
These are not symptoms the patient has presented,
but they do represent the inherent idea in the case and
remedy. However, the symptom of alternating mental
and physical symptoms in the remedyis interesting
regarding the alternation of depression and headache in
the case. Cimicifuga has depression after suppressed
neuralgia or menses, matching the alternation of
depression with physical symptoms. We find also:
Hurry, in occupation
Hurry, in work
The financial side is also represented in
Business, talks of and
Mania, from business failure
Regarding the headache, Cimicifuga has:
Head, pain, constant
Head, pain, menses, before
Head, pain, violent
Head, pain, nervous
Head, pain, left
Pain, bursting, temple
Head, pain, pressing, as under
Head, pain, Pressing, brain as if bound up
Head, pain, pressing, in temples
Looking at PHATAKřs Materia Medica,
Cimicifuga has:
A great female remedy. Depression and low spirits,
Many complaints dependent on utero-ovarian irritations.
Symptoms irregular or alternating groups, tendency to
abortion. Ill affects of disappointed love, over exertion,
business failures. Depressed, sad, suspicious. Mental
symptoms better during the menses.
From Allenřs Encyclopedia:
Fullness and pressure in the brain, Brain feels too
large for cranium, Brain feels compressed, Headache
better for open air. Oppressive and intolerable head
pain, Headache through temples with pressure as if they
were compressed.
Naturally, I could not be sure that Cimicifuga is the
right remedy without knowing more about the case.
However, it is a definite possibility. As to the Lachesis,
who knows? Repetition may help. However we should
bear in mind paragraph 253 of the Organon: ŖIn the
case of ever so slight an improvement we observe a
greater degree of comfort, increased calmness, freedom
of mind, higher spirits Ŕ a kind of return to the natural
state. Whereas in the case of deterioration we perceive
a constrained, helpless, pitiable state of disposition of
mind of the whole demeanor and of all the gestures,
postures, and actions.ŗ
Richard HAEHL (From Pacific Coast Journal of
Homeopathy, Vol.41.)
Mr.President, members of the American Institute of
Homeopathy, Ladies and Gentlemen! ....
The Hahnemann-Museum of Stuttgart, the largest
collection of this kind in the world, has been the result
of many years of most conscientious collecting.
Being a great enthusiast of Homeopathy, I began to
collect pictures and relics of Hahnemann when I was
but eighteen years of age and I have never stopped up
to the present time.
My interest in Homeopathy and in the life of its
venerable founder, Samuel HAHNEMANN, dates
back almost to my boyhood. Before I went to
Philadelphia as a student of but twenty years of age, I
had felt the serious need of an exhaustive account of
Hahnemann's life and work. The German literature
contained only two small pamphlets dealing with the
life of HAHNEMANN, and both of these publications
were written by laymen, Mr.ALBRECHT and Baron
von BRUNNOW. The only book in those days that
was at all satisfying to the mind of a well-educated
young man was Ameke's "History of Homeopathy",
But this dealt more with the development and struggles
of Homeopathy from its beginning upto the time of
publication of the book. Ameke's "History of
Homeopathy", however, is one of the classics in
homeopathic literature, a work well worthy of study
even at the present day.
Just about the time when I arrived in Philadelphia to
study medicine at the Hahnemann Medical College, in
1894, the HAHNEMANN biography by Dr.
BRADFORD of Philadelphia had been published.
This comprehensive book of some 500 pages
impressed me very much, and I firmly resolved to
translate it into German. But the more engrossed
I became with this work, the more I recognized that
the author had been guilty of serious errors and
inaccuracies in many places, and that the
representations were frequently incomplete.
BRADFORD, the author, had never left his country
of any length of time. He knew very little about
German customs and conditions. He did not master
the German language, and he did not try hard enough
to gain access to the German archives. He was
dependent for his book mainly upon American and
English literature. Furthermore, some of his most
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 71
important chapters on Hahnemann's ideas and teachings
had not been treated in any way exhaustively and could
not impress and satisfy the mind of a scientifically
educated man. If you read for instance, his chapter on
the "Vis medicatrix naturae", and compare it with
the same chapter in my book, I am sure you will come
to the same conclusion.
No one will ever appreciate the great merits of
BRADFORD for his investigations, of Hahnemann's
life more than I do; yet I soon realized that a
translation of his work into German would only be a
waste of time and energy. A life history of
Hahnemann which could not deal with all the contested
points by means of a thorough investigation, and which
was, moreover, unable to fill in adequately the existing
gaps, would never accomplish its purpose. Such a
work must have for its prominent characteristics and
special qualities complete and undoubted reliability.
When I returned to Germany, in 1898, I was more
than ever convinced of the absolute need of a
complete biography of the great medical reformer of
the nineteenth century - of a book which would not only
be of value to homoeopathic physicians, but to every
medical man desiring to make himself acquainted with
the history of Hahnemann and the principles and
development of Homeopathy. I was also convinced
that the time to collect the necessary material for such a
book had now arrived.
I never had the ambition to become the author of a
Hahnemann biography, and I should have been quite
willing at any time to turn over the material I had
collected to any able and experienced writer; but seeing
that no one else was willing to write the book, I
decided to do it myself.
In the fall of 1898 I first began to make a careful
perusal of the entire German homoeopathic literature.
I never depended upon the index of any volumes, but
in order to make quite sure of not missing anything of
importance concerning the life of HAHNEMANN, I
turned over page by page many hundreds of volumes
of homeopathic journals.
There have been very few evenings from - October,
1898, to the publication of the book in August,
1922, of which I d i d not spend at least some
hours on my Hahnemann biography.
Having obtained everything from the homeopathic
journals, I started to look up oldŕschool literature,
especially Hufeland's Journal of Medicine, and
some other leading journals on medicine and
chemistry published during Hahnemann's lifetime. As
a matter of course I studied most carefully all the
original writings and translations of HAHNEMANN.
There is not one of the many books and essays
published by HAHNEMANN of which I did not at least
give a short survey in my book. This was not an
easy task, for Hahnemann used to publish many
essays in a political paper, the Anzeiger der
Beutschen or the Reichsanzeiger, of Gotha. It was
only when I had nearly finished the perusal of a
number of volumes of this journal, page by page,
that I discovered a well-bound book in the library of
the Central Homeopathic Society in Leipsic, which
contained all these publications of HAHNEMANN.
This valuable collection was presented to the library
of leipsic by the editor of the journal,
Hahnemann's life-long friend, Dr.HANNICKE.
Another very important source for my researches has
been the second-hand booksellers and dealers in
antiquities. From the year 1898 until 1914 I was in
Constant communication w i t h dealers in second-
hand books in all the larger cities in Germany.
With their help, I gathered an endless number of old
homeopathic books, original letters, pictures, and
other relics and souvenirs of HAHNEMANN. At
first the harvest was so rich that I was scarcely able
to earn sufficient money for the many HAHNEMANN
letters offered to me. By the year 1911 there was
almost sudden end to the supply, and to-day one may
ask in vain for original letters or any other souvenirs of
HAHNEMANN in Germany. The collection of
pictures for the purpose of illustrating the book seemed
to me of great importance. Here, too, I had been very
successful. I not only obtained, as time went on, a
complete collection of all the drawings, paintings and
sculptures of HAHNEMANN himself, but also of those
of his wives his children, and of most of his medical
friends. The collection of pictures printed almost
a century ago is not an easy task; it takes a great
deal of time, patience and money, and even these
three essentials are not always sufficient.
Let me give you one example. A drawing of
Melanie d'Hervilly, Hahnemann's second wife, had
been reproduced for her friends shortly after her
wedding day. I tried to obtain a copy of t h i s for
my work, but all my efforts were in vain. I wrote to
Berlin, to Leipsic, Dresden and Munich, and as I
did not succeed, I enquired in London and in Paris.
Finally, I applied to New York, Philadelphia and
Chicago. No copy could be found anywhere. A few
months after the publication of my work one of my
relations - a private collector of engravings - went
to a small shop in Stuttgart looking for some copper
engravings, and here, in the very city where I had
been living for more than twenty-five years, he found
the picture of Madame Hahnemann, for which I had
been searching almost all over the world.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 72
It was also difficult to get hold of prints and
drawings representing the cities, and especially the
smaller towns and villages, at the time of
Hahnemann's ' sojourn in them, and yet I considered
these illustrations would be of great importance.
For instance, on looking at the picture representing
the University of Leipsic at the time of Hahnemann's
student days, when it consisted of one building only,
with no medical institution, no dispensary, or
hospital attached to it, and comparing it with the large
Hospital of Vienna at that time, under the
supervision of Professor von Quarin, it can be readily
understood why Hahnemann did not care to finish his
medical education in Leipsic, but preferred to go to
Vienna to Professor von Quarin. And again, when
one looks at the beautiful and extensive University of
Erlangen, erected shortly before HAHNEMANN
entered it, it can be easily understood why he
preferred this and no other medical institution in
which to complete his studies in medicine.
It was impossible to make all the necessary
investigations from my study in Stuttgart. In the
summer of 1900, when my medical practice had
afforded me the necessary amount of money, I made
my first "HAHNEMANN journey". Instead of
resting in some peaceful spot in the Black-Forest or
Switzerland, I made use of my annual vacations by
calling upon various relatives of HAHNEMANN and
of his second wife, or visiting some of the cities or
villages where the great master of therapeutics had
lived or practised. "And often, very often I returned
home with a rich store of valuable material.
My first visit, in 1900, was made to the son-in-law
of Hahnemann's second wife, Dr.Carl von
BOENNINGHAUSEN. The chief object of my visit
was to negotiate with him over Hahnemann's literary
heritage and to acquire more intimate information
regarding Hahnemann's life in Paris. Dr.Von
BOENNINGHAUSEN was the son of Hahnemann's
most intimate friend. He was married to the foster-
daughter of Madame Melanie HAHNEMANN. I had
previously applied to Madame von
BOENNINGHAUSEN herself, in 1897, as the
actual owner of this precious treasure, and had asked
her not to withhold it any longer from the world.
Unfortunately, Madame von BOENNINGHAUSEN
died shortly before my visit.
In Dr. von Boenninghausenřs residence, a very small
village in Westphalia, named Darup, I made the
acquaintance of a French lady, Mademoisellee Elise
JANIN. She had been educated by Madame
Hahnemann in Paris and became Madame von
Boenninghausen's life long friend and companion.
My acquaintance with this lady proved to be of great
importance to me. She knew a great deal more of
Madame Hahnemann than even Dr. von
BOENNINGHAUSEN, and moreover, she was the
possessor of a great variety of original letters and
valuable relics of HAHNEMANN, all of which are
now incorporated in my Hahnemann Museum.
My visit to Darup was followed by a journey to
Koethen, Meissen and Leipsic.
In 1905 I visited Hahnemann's grandson, Dr. Leopold
Suss Hahnemann. He had retired from practice and
was living at Ventnor, in the Isle of Wight. He
allowed me to inspect all writings and letters of his
grandfather, chiefly of the Koethen period. What
rendered this visit of special value to me was my
conversation with the grandson. He had spent his
early youth - until his ninth year - in the house of his
grandfather, and he was one of the few relatives
present at Hahnemann's funeral. Indeed, he was the
only living person who could tell of Hahnemann from
his own observations. The biographies of
Hahnemann's children are chiefly the result of my
investigations in Ventnor.
Dr.Suss-Hahnemann had such confidence in my
forthcoming work that he came to Stuttgart for several
days to visit me, when he was eighty years of age. I
showed him my manuscript on Hahnemann's life
which then amounted to about 500 pages, and we
discussed many details of the family life of his great
A longer journey took me in the year 1909 to the
United States of America. From there also I brought
home numerous copies of original letters, pictures,
etc. The reproductions of the Hahnemann monument in
Washington have been made from my own photographs.
Needless to say, I have visited places, such as Paris,
Koenigslutter, Gotha, Goettingen, Eilenburg,
Altona, Hamburg, and other towns, where
HAHNEMANN had been living. The thorough
examination of the archives of these cities brought me a
rich harvest. Very valuable and quite unexpected
material for the biography was found in the city
archives of Leipsic, Torgau and Dresden in the
private Archives of the Duke of Anhalt-Koethen at
Zerbst, and in the Brukenthal Museum of
Hermannstadt, in Transylvania. I spent many hours
in these archives, and I was the happiest man on earth
when I discovered some new and unknown document
concerning the life of HAHNEMANN.
Compared with the immense work of collecting the
material, the writing of the book was much less
difficult. The compilation progressed slowly but
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 73
steadily year by year, and at the beginning of the
great war there existed an almost complete manuscript
of approximately 700 pages.
I was constantly urged by my medical friends to
publish it, but I resolved never to put it into print
until I should have had some opportunity of making
use of the many letters, casebooks and other
documents left by Hahnemann when he died at
Paris, in 1843.
It is not my intention to give you in detail all my
efforts and difficulties in obtaining Hahnemann's
literary heritage; suffice it to say that not one
single year passed since my first visit to Dr.von
BOENNINGHAUSEN, in 1900, in which I did not
apply to Darup, begging more deliberately and more
obstinately than ever for the unused literary legacy
of HAHNEMANN to be made available for
publication. Dr.von BOENNINGHAUSEN had died
meanwhile, and the valuable handwritten books and
documents changed hands several times. In
desperation I had almost given up hope when, in
1920, with the help of my good friend William
BOERICKE, of San Francisco, I succeeded in
obtaining the complete literary legacy of our great
master for a reasonable sum. For almost eighty
years the homeopathic profession on both sides of
the Atlantic ocean had tried again and again to secure
it; for this reason I was proud of my final success.
In four large boxes, weighing more than four hundred
pounds, I brought this precious treasure safely to
Stuttgart through t h e Ruhr district, then much
disorganized by revolutionary outbreaks. In Sorting
the different hand-written books and letters, I
found that my suppositions as to its value in
connection with my work were not only confirmed,
but greatly surpassed. Manuscripts left by
HAHNEMANN contained an almost overwhelming
amount of most reliable material for instance: fifty-
four case books containing the records of all cases
ever treated by HAHNEMANN from 1799 to 1843;
four large volumes, of some 1,500 pages each,
alphabetically arranged repertories, none of which
has ever been published; the sixth edition of the
"Organon", completely revised by HAHNEMANN
himself in 1842; some 1300 letters of physicians
from all parts of the world addressed to
HAHNEMANN; letters of patients to
HAHNEMANN from 1830 to 1835, with personal
remarks and marginal notes, weighing about 75
pounds, together with letters from the Duke and
Duchess of Koethen, from the daughter of Queen
Louise of Prussia, from Hahnemann's children and
other relatives, letters from his publishers; records of
the first provings of remedies on HAHNEMANN
and his friends, etc.
These documents shed a completely new light on
Hahnemann's life in Koethen and Paris, and as
they could not merely be inserted between the
chapters, the entire work had to be rewritten before it
could be sent to the printer.
The readers of the biography had to be referred quite
often to the fundamental work of Homeopathy, the
ŖOrganon", which had been out of print in Germany
for many years. I therefore considered it may first
and most important duty to supply the profession
with a new edition, using Hahnemann's revised
manuscript of 1842. It was published as the
"Sixth Edition of Hahnemann's Organon" in 1921.
The year following, 1922, two volumes, of
Hahnemann's life and work had been presented to the
homoeopathic profession and to the general public.
Now the great question arose: What to do with all
these letters, pictures, case-books and other
souvenirs of Hahnemann? I decided not to sell them
again, but to place them in a special room and to
endeavour to enlarge this HAHNEMANN collection
as time went on. Since 1922 the Hahnemann-
Museum has reached atleast three times its original
size. It now contains "not only all t h e printed
books published by HAHNEMANN, but also all his
case-books, his original letters, the paintings by
Hahnemann's second wife and many other relics.
Indeed, the collection has grown so large, that to-
day I am not able to present you everything; a
single room of considerable size being entirely too small
for it. Within a few years from now a new
homeopathic hospital will be erected on one of the
pretty hills surrounding Stuttgart.
The entire
HAHNEMANN collection is supposed to be
transferred to this new building, in which several
halls are to be reserved for this special purpose.
Having given you a general survey of the development
of the Hahnemann-Museum from the very beginning to
the present day, I now intend to make you acquainted
with its most important objects, illustrating my
words by the use of some lantern-slides.
The home of the Hahnemann-Museum is in my
residence, Obere Birkenwaldstrasse 118.
Entering the door of the HAHNEMANN room, you
will please first turn to the left. Here you will see a
wall covered with different pictures of HAHNEMANN
This new hospital, with a capacity of 150 beds,
will be erected summer of 1930 to Spring of 1931.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 74
and of a large number of towns, villages and
houses, in which HAHNEMANN had resided or
practised. A large and a small glass case containing
many very valuable souvenirs and relics of
HAHNEMANN. Upon a special table you will find the
different busts of HAHNEMANN.
The next picture presents the well known oil painting
of Hahnemann by the celebrated artist SCHEFFER of
Paris. Here # you will also see some of the furniture
of Hahnemann's drawing room in Paris. Everything
in the room has some connection with Hahnemann;
even the curtains, very well preserved, once belonged
to HAHNEMANN. Curtains and furniture are made
of heavy, red silk. Although they appear to be quite
new, I must ask you not to sit on any of the
chairs; the silk being almost a hundred years of age,
may not be able to bear the weight of a grown up
A third wall shows Hahnemann's writing-desk and a
large show case, containing from above down;
Hahnemann's record books, 54 case-books, comprising
the time from 1799 to Hahnemann's death in 1843.
A complete collection of Hahnemann's original writings
and translations, four large repertories in hand writing,
and a great many letters of patients addressed to
Hahnemann and containing many remarks by
HAHNEMANN. A large medicine chest of
HAHNEMANN, and the second edition of the
"Organon" completely rewritten by the author. The
wall again showing many valuable pictures of
HAHNEMANN and of some of his friends.
Compared to the Museum of Stuttgart, there is scarcely
another Hahnemann collection worthy to be mentioned.
The only exception being the homeopathic dispensary
of Leipsic, which contains a room with furniture,
pictures and some original letters of HAHNEMANN,
transferred from Coethen after the death of
Hahnemann's daughters.
There are not many men who have been painted in oil
and reproduced in steel engravings so frequently as was
the case with HAHNEMANN. One of these pictures,
an oil painting in miniature, a steel engraving, has been
reproduced from an oil painting by Schoppe of Berlin.
One of the best, and no doubt one of the finest and most
valuable objects of the Hahnemann Museum, is the
Hahnemann painting by SCHEFFER of Paris. The
original, which you will have a chance to admire
tomorrow, is generally considered to be a perfect
masterpiece. A very good reproduction of this
painting used to decorate the faculty room of the
Hahnemann College of Philadelphia. It has been used
as a frontispiece to the German and English edition of
the Hahnemann biography.
There are two other original paintings of
HAHNEMANN in the museum, by BUTTERWECK of
Paris. The one representing HAHNEMANN on his
death-bed, the other in his coffin, five days after death.
The tremendous change in the body within this short
space of time being due to a very careless embalmment.
Among the busts and reliefs of HAHNEMANN those of
of Paris are best known. You will, however, see still
another bronze bust of HAHNEMANN in the museum,
which is considered to be a good likeness of the master.
It has been modelled by one of Hahnemann's patients, a
young sculptor by the name of Straube.
There are but few monuments of HAHNEMANN in
Germany. The best known being the monument
modelled by STEINHAUSER, erected by the German
Central Society of Homoeopathic Physicians at Leipsic
in 1851. The Statuette near Hahnemann's writing desk,
also the work of STEINHAUSER, represents
HAHNEMANN as a teacher, the "Organon" in his left
hand. It is a pity that this model has not been used for
the monument at Leipsic.
A comparatively small monument of HAHNEMANN,
modelled by Woltreck, had been presented to the
Duchess of Anhalt by Hahnemann's second wife. It
decorates the entrance hall of the castle at Dessau.
In Coethen, where HAHNEMANN was practicing from
1821 to 1835, there is still another monument, erected
by Mr.WITTING of Coethen in honour of
HAHNEMANN and LUTZE. The trees back of the
monument belong to the garden of the castle of the
duke at Coethen. In the centre of goddess of Hygea
has been represented, to the right side being a bust of
Hahnemann, to the left one of Lutze, who practiced a
number of years at Coethen as a representative of the
homeopathic school.
In the garden of Dr. LUTZE's residence a small
monument of HAHNEMANN had been unveiled in the
presence of Hahnemann's daughter LOUISE, on the
birthday anniversary of HAHNEMANN, April
11th, 1855.
HAHNEMANN died in Paris on July 2nd, 1843. His
body had been put into a vault at the cemetery of
Montmartre. In 1899 it was transferred to Pere
Lachaise, where a fine monument, erected by
internationational subscriptions, adorns the final resting
place of the master.
Hahnemann's first wife and three of his daughters have
been buried at the cemetery of Coethen.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 75
The largest and by far the most impressive monument
of HAHNEMANN is the one erected by the American
Institute of Homeopathy at Washington. You have
every right to be proud of it. The reliefs of this
monuments are exceptionally fine masterpieces,
representing HAHNEMANN in his student days, as a
chemist, as a teacher and a physician.
A compilation of HAHNEMANN and the first provers
of homeopathic medicines, the pioneers of
Homeopathy, shows the faces of such well-known men
HERING, etc.
Our next picture represents Hahnemann's friends,
LEHMANN, Hahnemann's assisting physician and
successor in his practice at Coethen. The Museum is
now also in the possession of a fine oil painting of
The governor of Transylvania, Baron von
BRUKENTHAL, had been one of Hahnemann's
protectors in his early career. He gave him a chance to
earn some money by rearranging his large library and
his collection of coins and enabled him thus to finish his
medical studies. The Duke of Anhalt-Coethen,
Ferdinand, permitted HAHNEMANN not only to treat
patients according to his new method, but he also gave
him permission to dispense his own, medicines to his
Hahnemann's first wife, the daughter
of an apothecary
at Dessau, had been his true companion in life until she
died, March 31st, 1830, at the age of 67 years. The
next picture represents six miniature paintings by
SCHOPPE: HAHNEMANN, his first wife, his
Only one grandson of Hahnemann studied medicine.
He was a son of AMALIE, Dr. LEOPOLD SUSS-
Hahnemann. He practised medicine, in London and
died in September, 1914, in his residence at Ventnor,
I.W., at the age of 88 years.
In 1835, at the age of 80 years, Hahnemann married a
French lady, Mademoiselle Melanie d'Hervilly-Gohier.
She inspired him to remove to Paris, where Hahnemann
practiced almost up to the time of his death. It is
marvellous how many patients he treated in these
eight years.
Mademoiselle d'HERVILLY-GOHIER was 35 years of
age when she married Hahnemann. The original of a
pencil drawing, representing her as a young girl, you
will also find in the Museum. A second picture, a
photograph, shows Madame Hahnemann at the age of
63, and a third one represents her shortly before she
died at the age of 78.
Madame MELANIE Hahnemann was said to be equally
talented in painting as well as in poetry. The
Hahnemann Museum is now in the possession of all her
poems and of most of her oil paintings.
Our first picture is the reproduction of a painting of
Hahnemann by MELANIE, painted in Coethen in
1834, a short time before the wedding day. It shows
HAHNEMANN at the age of 80 years. The original
you will see tomorrow in the Museum.
The next picture, also an original painting of
MELANIE, represents herself and her grand-parents.
Still another painting is that of Melanie's friend,
Monsieur GOHIER, one of the presidents of France.
The drawings are also sketches by Madame
Hahnemann, the originals being now in the Museum.
There are four more oil paintings by Melanie in the
possession of the Museum; they all prove her to be a
real artist.
Hahnemann's second wife had no children of her own.
After the death of her husband she adopted a little
girl; an oil painting of her is now in the Museum. She
was married to the eldest son of Hahnemann's friend,
Dr. Carl von BOENNINGHAUSEN; a large
photograph represents her at the age of 35 years.
There are photos, drawings, and paintings of almost
all the towns and houses related to Hahnemann's life,
in the Museum, as for instance: Meissen at the time
when Hahnemann was born. The house in Meissen in
which Hahnemann was born. The old, original
building had to be removed, a large restaurant taking its
place now; Leipsic at the time of Hahnemann's sojourn;
the University of Leipsic at the time of Hahnemann's
student days; the University of Erlangen at the time
when Hahnemann graduated; the Hospital of Vienna,
where Hahnemann received his first clinical
instructions by Professor von QUARIN, the physician
of the empress of Austria; Coethen, the capital of the
province of Anhalt Coethen, during Hahnemann's
sojourn (1821-1835); the house in Coethen, in which
Hahnemann resided and practised; a view of the house
from the front and from the rear; the little house in
Hahnemann wrote large part of his "Chronic Diseases"
and where he used to receive many of his prominent
guests; the house in Paris on the rue de Milan, in
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 76
which Hahnemann practised and resided until he died
in 1843.
Besides the many objects, books, and pictures which I
have demonstrated to you by the lantern slides to-night,
the Hahnemann Museum contains Hahnemann's
pocket-watches, his inkstand of Meissen porcelain, a
clock in black marble from Hahnemann's drawing room,
with a lion by Canova in white marble; a number of
small medals of Hahnemann in bronze and in a Meissen
porcelain; some twenty-five cameos of Hahnemann;
three medicine chests of Hahnemann, containing more
than 2,000 bottles filled with medicated globules; a
college book of Hahnemann's student days; a book
containing the results of the first provings on the
healthy; a fine playing table, inlaid with the initials of
Hahnemann; Hahnemann's writing desk from Paris;
hair locks of Hahnemann; an immense number of
original letters from 1791 to 1843, a collection of
letters by the daughter of Queen Louise to Hahnemann;
a complete collection of letters by Madame
Hahnemann; the little dog of Melanie Hahnemann and
some 120 case books of Hahnemann's friend, Dr.Von
BOENNINGHAUSEN. All these valuable objects you
will have a chance to see tomorrow, by visiting the
Hahnemann Museum.
[All these collections of Richard HAEHL were later
obtained by Robert BOSCH. These are now in the
Institute for History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch
foundation, Stuttgart. The ŘFoundationř has added to
those of HAEHL. I had the opportunity, thanks to the
grace of HAHNEMANN and God to see all these =
7. Homeopathy: Medicine of Last Resort
(NEJH. 7, 2/1998)
It was a typical cool, rainy Eugene afternoon on
January 23rd, 1997, at the end of long week of attending
to the usual retinue of patients with ear infections,
depression, chemical sensitivities, headaches, heart
arrhythmias, etc., that I received a most unusual phone
call. A woman called from the local ICU asking if I
would treat her husband. She explained to me that her
husband was in the hospital following his eleventh
intracranial bleed. He was running a high fever, was
septicemic, breathing with a respirator, feeding through
an nasogastric tube, running a blood pressure above 180
and was expected to stroke again soon. She cried as she
told me that the attending internist suggested that the
most humane thing she could do for her husband was to
allow them to disconnect life support and let him die
peaceful death, that would surely come soon. But she
was a Christian, she told me, and loved her husband
desperately. She assured me that she had a strong faith
regarding the afterlife but that her conscience could not
rest if she Ŗdidnřt do everything possible" to save his
life. If she could feel secure that she had "done
everything possible" for him, she could deal peacefully
with his imminent death.
I explained to her, in as gentle a way as I could,
that her husband's brain had likely been damaged
beyond hope of repair, that the chances of recovery of
any sort were extremely slim. She repeated that she
needed to feel that everything that could be done, had
been and that she had talked to the attending doctor and
convinced him to go along with homeopathic treatment.
I agreed to consider the situation and get back to
her. I asked for the internistřs name so I could consult
with him. When I called, he was cordial but skeptical.
ŖWhat do you possibly think can be done here? This
man is going to die.ŗ I told him that I certainly agreed
that the prognosis looked bleak, and that primarily I
would be treating to help the patient's wife's peace of
mind, but that I never gave up on the possibility of
miracles, that I had seen them occasionally with
homeopathic treatment. He answered ŖYes, miracles are
possible, but this case, I am afraid, is past the point
where a miracle could occur!" He agreed to order
whatever homeopathic medicine I requested and noted it
in the chart to have the nursing staff administer it to the
patient. He would be going on rounds later that evening
and he would write the order then. After I hung up, I
called a few colleagues to ask their opinion about the
ethics of taking on such a case. Was it fair to offer this
grieving woman what might likely be false hope, and
what about charging for it? My colleagues persuaded
me to go ahead and treat, so I left my office and went to
the hospital.
When I arrived, the wife, Jane, was waiting for me.
I told her that considering the circumstances of the case
I'd like to treat her husband for no charge, but she
insisted that she understood that there was little hope
and would feel better paying me.
I entered the ICU room where all the paraphernalia
of modern medicine was on full display. On the bed lay
John, hooked up to IVs and tubes and respirator.
I performed a cursory physical exam:
He had a fixed stare; his eyes did not track. He
seemed non-responsive to tactile stimuli over most of
his body. He moved his fingers a bit. He grasped my
hand when I put my hand in his palm. When I told him
I was going to leave he squeezed my hand harder. It
appeared that he did not want me to leave.
Of course, almost all the symptoms in this case
were common symptoms of the pathological condition
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 77
of this patient, but I was buoyed that I had at least one
possible 'characteristic' symptom to base a prescription
on. So I left Phosphorus 200C with instructions to
administer this once a day and to call me the next day. I
explained to Jane that the internist would be by that
evening and that he would write the order for the
medicine. John would be given the medicine by the
nursing staff. She was to hold onto the vial until then.
She reported by phone the next day:
Temperature 38.6 C. Blood pressure 123/68. He has
been without blood pressure medicine since 6:00 AM.
His pulse is 89. The right side is more active. Labs:
excellent. He looks more peaceful and restful. They are
needing to suction him less.
In addition she told the following interesting story.
John was already improving when the attending
internist arrived for his evening rounds. He said to Jane
"See, he didn't really need that homeopathic medicine
after all.ŗ She replied, "Doctor X, I know I was
supposed to wait for you to order the homeopathic
medicine until tonight but I just couldn't wait and I gave
it to him myself!"
Assessment : Obviously the patient is improving and
instructions were given to simply wait and watch.
In his ftrst prescription I was guided by the
recollection of a case that George VITHOULKAS
presented of a young hospitalized child in a coma from
meningitis. Vithoulkas spoke of how he noticed that
whenever the child's mother would let go of the child's
hand for a short while (to take a walk, for example) the
child's fever would aggravate. He used the symptom
better from and need for company" to successfully
My patient, John, squeezing my hand when I said I
had to go, made me think of that case. In addition, the
general pathological state of frequent hemorrhages and
paralysis were consistent with Phosphorus. Is this a
good case and one where we can be confident that the
patient will react to the medicine? Of course not, but
there was nothing to lose by trying.
All the following reports were taken over the phone.
1/28/97: John is off the respirator. Jane thinks he is
more awake. Otherwise no major changes.
Plan: Phosphorus 200C
1/29/97: He is sitting up with the help of the bed but
his right lung is not functioning as it should
They are considering tracheostomy.
1/30/97: John is slipping. He is breathing quickly. If
he slips more they will do a tracheostomy.
Can she give him more Phosphorus?
Plan: Wait
2/5/97: Has been moved out of the ICU into a
regular hospital room. John has a recurrence
of a staphylococcal infection in his lungs. He
is on antibiotics. His breathing is labored at
48-50/min., temp. is 38.7 C. He is less
conscious. His wife inks that this is because
of the infection rather than from a
neurological cause.
2/6/97: John was more alert. His temperature is still
elevated. His breathing is still labored. His
respiratory rate is 44-50. Staphylococcus
still in his lungs. He is not tracking any
longer with his eyes. Today he did say the
word, ŖJaneŗ.
Plan: Phosphorus 200C
2/7/97: His respiratory rate is up to 46 again. His
temperature is more normal. He is definitely
improved in terms of his alertness. He tried
to talk this morning. The internist decided
not to do a tracheotomy. He has foamy white
sputum but no fever.
Plan: Wait
2/8/97: His respiratory rate is down. Temperature is
normal. Neural response is 8-10.
2/10/97: Temperature normal. Tracheostomy was not
needed. Stopped antibiotics. Discharge to
nursing home tomorrow.
2/11/97: Staphylococcal infection has come back.
Jane gave 200c herself at 9:50. He won't be
leaving the hospital. He is on Cefotaxime 1
gram/50 ml.
Plan: Phosphorus 1M
2/12/97: He had Phosphorus 1M today. He is not
better yet. Considering tracheostomy.
2/13/97: I prescribed Antimonium tartaricum based
on the amount of secretions in his lungs. He
had it yesterday 2/12/97 at 9:25PM.
Afterwards, he spoke clearly during oral care
given by his wife. He said "That's a pain in
the ass, why do you do that, etc." Stroked her
hand and then opened his mouth to
cooperate. He is definitely better.
2/14/97: He had a tracheostomy. A lot of secretions.
He is more comfortable. He is doing better.
2/17/97: He is leaving for nursing home today.
2/20/97: He is coughing. His blood pressure is 170/70
He is sitting in a chair now. Respiration 30.
Pulse 90. He has goose pimples when
touched. He kissed Jane. His left leg is
twitching. His face becomes red with
coughing. It is a distressing cough. He
sweats a lot. He is smiling 1-2 times a day
now. He is not distressed. He seems
indifferent to his condition. He seems
affectionate. Jane describes him as childish
(3), as if he were 2-5 years old.
Plan: Baryta carbonica 6c tid.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 78
Here the symptoms which pointed me to the
remedy were more constitutional in nature,
i.e., the color of the face, his mood and
appearance. Although he certainly improved
after this remedy, I wonder reading over this
case whether he might not have done even
better with Opium. It also has these
characteristic symptoms and covers the
paralytic state better.
2/24/97: Remedy seems to increase his alertness.
Yesterday his head seemed frozen to the left.
Soon after taking the remedy head seemed
normal. Generally more communicative.
The remedy seems to make him bring up
more sputum.
Plan: Continue Baryta carbonica tid.
3/3/97: Fever today. Secretions have increased. He
is off antibiotics. He is less responsive. He
has shallow breathing. His right lung
capacity is diminished. He has cloudy urine.
It is white and puffy and completely
clogging his catheter. Blood pressure was a
bit higher today. We need to treat this acute
urinary tract infection.
Plan: Asparagus 30c tid
3/4/97: Tremendous improvement after Asparagus.
No fever. Sputum turned from yellow-white
to foamy. Sediment in the urine was very
thick. He started swallowing food within 10
seconds after taking the remedy. His color
looks good. He will be going home to
Ashland. He has brownish urine. She will
put Calendula salve on sore places on his
3/10/97: He is at the hospital again having a PEG tube
put in. Secretions are yellowish. He is out
of the remedy. Blood pressure is fine. He is
resting well. He had a difficult time with the
tube this weekend. He was fed baby food.
Plan: Restart Baryta carbonica 6c tid
3/11/97: He had the PEG put in last night. Entry tube
was removed. It was causing Pneumonia.
He is doing better. He is more alert.
3/13/97: Slow progress. After second surgery he was
sleeping and quiet. His urine is brown and
concentrated. He has oily skin on his head
(2). Sore on his lip. His hands are pale. He
is not as alert now. He is on Cipro. He has
Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas cultured
from his sputum. He has a white film on his
tongue. Sputum is now creamy pale and
yellow. His skin is flaky on his feet and
Plan: Calcarea carbonica 6C tid. Calendula ointment
for lips as needed. Calendula lotion for skin
as needed.
This prescription of Calcarea carbonica was
obvious, but the case was still defective.
3/14/97: Much more alert today. Two hours after
starting Calcarea carbonica, he is looking
and not gazing. His sputum is whitish and
loose. His stools are forming now. (They are
changing his diet.)
At 1:30 AM. Jane fed him an entire jar of baby food
while the tube feeding was going on. This is
a definite improvement.
At this point John was moved out of the nursing
home and back to his home in Ashland (a city some 3
hours distant from me). After this, follow up became
sporadic and although he did well when I was able to
treat him, it seemed difficult for Jane to contact me
except at times of crises.
I treated him with moderate success for another
bout of Pneumonia. The principal remedies were
Hyoscyamus, when he had the peculiar symptom of
hiccough with the coughing, and Antimonium
tartaricum at a later stage when he had profuse
secretions in his lungs.
Later yet he had what appeared to be another
stroke. He responded well to Bufo, Plumbum, and
eventually again Phosphorus. My last chart note was on
8/28/97 when he was doing quite well. At that point
Jane decided to follow my suggestion and she continued
homeopathic care with a local homeopath rather than
rely on intermittent long distance phone visits with me.
I last talked to Jane a few months ago (5/98) and
heard that John has continued to do well with
homeopathic treatment.
This case helped me observe once again the
amazing ability that the living human organism has to
respond, in a healing manner, to stimulation by a
medicine homeopathic to the symptoms of the patientřs
disease. Even cases that appear beyond the limits of
therapy can sometimes respond in Řmiraculousř ' ways.
John never improved to the point of full functioning.
But he did regain functions that seemed at the time of
my first visit with him impossible. This man, who was
expected to die when life support was removed, was
able to leave the ICU, and then the hospital, and then
eventually go home. The psychological benefit to his
wife was inestimable.
To be able to prescribe effectively in these cases it
is important to remember Hahnemann's description in
the Organon about how best to choose a homeopathic
medicine for a given stage of an illness. First, we must
consider ALL the symptoms the disease produces.
ŖIt is an indubitable truth that there is absolutely
nothing else but the totality of symptomsŕ
including the concomitant circumstances of the
case (par. 5) by which a disease can express its
need for help.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 79
We can categorically declare that the totality of
symptoms and circumstances observed in each
individual case is the one and only indication that
can guide us to the choice of the remedy.ŗ
Then we must try to perceive which symptoms in that
totality are most individualizing in each particular case.
ŖIn this quest for a homeopathically specific
remedy, i.e., in comparing the totality of symptoms
of the natural disease with the symptom lists of
available medicines so as to find a
disease agent similar to the trouble being treated,
the more striking, strange, unusual, peculiar
(characteristic) signs and symptoms in the case are
especially, almost exclusively, the ones to which
close attention should be given, because it is these
above all which must correspond to very similar
symptoms in the symptom list of the medicine being
sought if it is to be the one most suitable for cure.
More general and indefinite symptoms, such as loss
of appetite, headache, weakness, troubled sleep,
discomfort, etc., if not more precisely qualified,
deserve little attention, because one finds
something general of the kind in almost every
disease and almost every medicine.ŗ
This is difficult in these cases at the edge of life.
We must avoid the extremes of basing our prescription
simply by focusing on the pathology or, alternately, on
some insignificant but striking common mechanical
symptom of the disease process. (Of course, the
dysfunctional personality quirks of the patient, which
can sometimes help to find a prescription in earlier
stages of disease, are useless when the disease reaches
this defective stage.) Treatment of these "defective
diseases" are discussed in the Organon 172-184.
It takes a bit of faith to prescribe according to
Hahnemannřs guidelines especially when giving a
medicine one hasn't ever used before. For example, on
March 3rd, I prescribed Asparagus for a febrile urinary
tract infection. This is a remedy I had never used
before, and I was drawn to it based on the one
characteristic symptom in that disease, which was the
very thick white flocculant discharge in the urine
gumming up his catheter! How does one explain using
such a symptom, to decide on a medicine, to the local
urologist? Superficially, it seems absurd, but it is the
logic of Hahnemann. And as we can see from the
result, the remedy helped, not only the urinary tract, but
the whole patient as well.
Finally, it is also interesting to note how well
homeopathic treatment was able to integrate with
conventional care. He may have had a better result had
he relied more on homeopathy and less on conventional
interventions, but that was not what his wife wished nor
were there hospital facilities to accommodate this if it
were. It seems that in spite of recurrent allopathic and
surgical interventions, some of them quite invasive, this
patient was able to respond well to each homeopathic
prescription. It would have been a shame to deny
treatment to this man because of the use of concurrent
allopathic treatment.
8. Thoughts on the Treatment of Seizure Disorders
with Case Examples
HERSCU Paul (NEJH. 7, 2/1998)
When I first started studying Homeopathy, I
learned about many remedies for the treatment of
seizure disorders and I listened to many people lecture
on the topic. I heard them talk about how Cuprum has
this and Cicuta has that, yet it seemed like the vast
majority of the actual patients were not doing that well.
It wasnřt about knowing the symptoms of the remedy
but rather how to look at the case and see the individual.
Itřs important to know when to look beyond just the
symptoms of the seizures and to focus instead on the
The classification of seizures by our allopathic
colleagues changes every few years. This has become
very important with regard to the selection, dosing and
combination of allopathic medications. Likewise,
homeopaths need to develop a protocol for the
successful treatment of seizure disorders using
homeopathic medications. In looking though my cases,
Iřve decided to develop a classification system for
seizures which informs homeopathic treatment; I
believe this classification approach will work for some
time to come and should help those treating patients
with seizure disorders.
This classification system involves three categories.
1. Patients who have seizures with an unknown cause.
Idiopathic seizures. CAT scan and EEG are
normal. Many people with seizures fall into this
2. Patients for whom there is a reason for the seizure
activity such as injury, scar tissue or tumor.
3. Patients with seizures where there is an underlying
metabolic or genetic problem and the seizures are
only part of a larger symptom complex.
Thoughts on remedy selection for the different
Group 1 Ŕ The symptoms of the seizures are not so
severe, not so striking. For the vast majority of these
patients, their other symptoms are clearly those of a
polychrest. Give the polychrest.
Group 2 Ŕ These patients may also need a polychrest,
the more severe the seizures are, the more likely they
will need a more intense remedy, what I would call a
Phase Four remedy (see pages 15-25, on ŖThe Map of
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 80
Hierarchyŗ in my book Stramonium With an
Introduction to Analysis using Cycles and Segments
for a complete description of this concept). Perhaps
there are some key symptoms of the polychrest missing,
and some good confirming symptoms of a smaller
remedy. Keep in mind, that it is important to base the
prescription on the general state of the patient rather
just the seizure itself. Remedies aimed strictly at the
seizure tend to fail; I know this from personal
experience. If you are giving a nonpolychrest remedy
i.e., a remedy which appears to have a smaller sphere of
influence, one that is geared very specifically to
neurologic complaints, the patient should exhibit
symptoms of that remedy beyond only its seizure
symptoms; you would want to see some confirmatory
symptoms outside the neurological ones. If you find
such symptoms then you can feel confident prescribing
a Řseizure remedyř first such as Cuprum, Stramonium,
etc. Give one dose of a 200c. Donřt worry about drugs
antidoting the remedy.
Group 3 Ŕ In these patients, you will often need a
remedy known for seizures. You may need to go
through a succession of remedies such as Tuberculinum,
Medorrhinum, Stramonium. Donřt be quick to change
the remedy, but donřt be afraid to, either. You may need
to start with polychrest and go to more severe remedies,
or vice versa. At the end of their life they donřt have
many energy resources left. However they will live a
lot longer than other patients with the same diagnosis.
Give the lowest possible potency that will do the trick
so then you wonřt run out of potencies.
Likely Outcomes:
1. People in the first group will get better. All their
symptoms go away and seizures do, too.
2. Some patients in the second group will get better
with the remedy in all regards. In other people,
many of their symptoms may improve but they will
still have seizures. They may have to stay on
seizure medication which does not seem to interfere
with the remedies. Repeat EEGs can show
improvement, yet the remedy may not cure the
seizures. Often the patient will be able to get by on
less medication, thereby suffering fewer side effects
and fewer or no breakthrough seizures.
3. What you see with the third group is that you give a
remedy and they show sudden dramatic
improvement in many areas but then suddenly
relapse. This pattern repeats over and over Ŕ each
time the highs are not as high and the lows are
lower. One day they are doing great and then the
next they day, just as dramatically, symptoms recur.
The treatment is strictly palliative, it will most
likely not cure the patient in a permanent fashion.
Case examples:
Case 1.
The first case is a 35 year-old woman. She came to
see me out of desperation. She has a seizure disorder of
unknown cause that is atypical and uncontrollable. She
has periods of what she calls petit mal seizures, which
are not so bad. They are characterized by Řspacing out.ř
During these seizures she has fits of extreme
coldness(3), and her extremities and face turn a bluish
color(3). This coldness is ameliorated only by getting
into a very hot bath.
She also has Řmajor seizures.ř They begin with
Ŗlosing oxygen to her brainŗ and with intense chills.
She develops a sick feeling in her abdomen, Ŗfeeling of
weakness there, or a feeling as if someone hit me in my
abdomenŗ(3). She shakes internally and externally
before the attack, Ŗlike a sudden shaking anxietyŗ(3).
She begins to act like a drunk. She can hear the sound of
words but cannot understand what others are saying.
She cannot speak, her pupils dilate, and her eyes glaze
over. She then falls to the ground, is sometimes
conscious and sometimes unconscious, and is in a state
of flaccid paralysis in which she is breathing deeply,
almost snoring. After the attack the intense coldness
remains, and she has to take a hot bath.
Attacks can be brougnt on by being in a very cold
or very warm room. She develops insomnia the night
before the attack, sensing an anxiety building in her
abdomen(2). I observed her seizure activity twice in my
office, where I could see the change in color, shaking,
unconsciousness, and the visible weakness after the
attack. The seizures began during her second pregnancy
when she was 23 years old. They used to occur once a
month; now they occur a couple of times a week.
With her first pregnancy she was bedridden with
intense nausea(3) and edema for the full nine months(3).
She gained 70 pounds, losing only 40 pounds afterward.
She is now obese: five feet, one inch; 205 pounds.
During the third month of pregnancy, she developed
terrible migraines located in the right side of her
occiput, which continue to bother her. The headaches
are aggravated by sudden motion and by rising from a
seat. Her health history revealed right-sided Bellřs
Palsy at age 16, which resolved quickly. Over the past
six years she has developed an intense vertigo(3), which
is aggravated upon waking(2), rising from bed(2), and
with the slightest motion. She becomes very nauseated
with it(3). She feels that she has lost a lot of her
memory in the past year.
She has difficulty sleeping 3 days out of each week.
She cannot fall asleep because she feels Ŗ…like sparks
are flying in my brain, like m going to short-out my
brain. Then my mind wonřt quiet down to let me
sleep.ŗ She may also wake from dreams, though she
does not recall them.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 81
She gas a large appetite(3). She eats a great deal of
food, saying that she is hungry after eating and therefore
continues to eat(2). Food occasionally gets stuck in her
esophagus. She had gallstone colic and had her
gallbladder removed at age 27. She still gets colic in the
region. Since the operation, she gets cramps and
diarrhea alternating with constipation. She craves
sweets(3), milk(2) and meat(2). She is averse to fat(2)
and spicy foods(3). She has had a tendency for irregular
menses her whole life. Before the flow she often shakes
with anxiety and develops seizure activity(2). She also
becomes sad and weepy and retains water in her
abdomen and extremities so much so, that she feels she
looks pregnant. The flow is dark red with no clots and
may be accompanied by cramping.
She tells me that she is basically a positive,
optimistic person and indeed, she seems to be so. She
has belonged to a strict religious movement over the
past two years, and reports that she has Ŗgiven up her
former self.ŗ Because of this affiliation, she denies
having any fears. When I asked her about her former
self she describes the opposite extreme. She was scared
of everything and everybody, and she does not know
how anyone could possibly live without knowing God.
She proceeded to try to convert me!
Analysis and Follow-Up on Case Number 1
I place this case into my first category: patients who
have normal EEG readings, do not have a cause for their
seizures, and are usually not on medication. This
category is the easiest to treat. The remedy is usually
clear, and in most cases there are no masking or
antidotal influences from medications. You may treat
this kind of patient as you would treat any other person
in your practice, while keeping two suggestions in mind.
First, I recommend that the potency be no higher
than 200c. This is because there is a possibility that the
remedy chosen will be incorrect, but close enough to
affect the case. There may be an undetected problem in
the brain, and a strong aggravation is not in the best
interest of the patient. A 200c dosage is strong enough
to do the job for quite a while. If the patient is initially
on medication, I usually begin with a low potency such
as 6c, repeated daily. I then see the patient for a follow
up three to four weeks later.
Second, when a patient is on medication and the
remedy is indeed the simillimum, the patient will
improve. I ask the patient and the doctor in charge of
medication to begin withdrawing the drugs gradually.
In the process, the patient begins to break through the
threshold of medication and remedy, and may then
worsen. Ideally, the symptoms will be on the level of
the general state of the patient, or will be other less
severe symptoms that worsen, so that we can catch the
decline (resulting from decreased medication) before
seizure activity resumes. I then increase the potency to
12c, also repeated daily. This process is continued,
decreasing allopathic medication and increasing
homeopathic dosages, until the patient is off
medication. Then we are ready to prescribe one dose of
a medium to high potency. I have had good results with
people in this category.
HERSCU: Do have any suggestions for Case Number
JULEK MEISSNER: What jumped out at me in this
case was the patientřs coldness with the seizures, so I
immediately consulted that rubric. This suggested
Oenanthe crocata. Iřve never used it before, but
BOERICKE also describes a strong connection between
this remedy and pregnancy. This patientřs seizures
began during her second pregnancy.
LILLY CUNNINGHAM: What struck me in this case
was how it began in her abdomen. The remedy I found
in the repertory was Aranea, the papal cross spider,
which also has the coldness. It powerfully affects the
nervous system and has the periodic attacks. One other
thing I found to support Aranea was the distension of
her abdomen during menses.
DURR ELMORE: You said you were probably not
using small remedies, so that suggests a larger remedy.
If youřve got someone whořs chilly, craves sweets and
salt, and has an aura beginning in the abdominal area,
Calcarea carbonica is a good possibility.
Analysis and Follow-up
If the seizure symptoms in this case are closely
examined, Bufo rana, Cicuta virosa, Causticum,
Cuprum, Camphor, Helleborus, Moschus, Nux vomica
or Oenanthe would come to mind. But, what if I were
to ask for a remedy for a woman who is aggravated by
the cold, has intense vertigo, is sleepless from mental
exertion, and has Gallbladder disease? I think we
would all say Calcarea carbonica. Patients have
seizures of this nature? Yes. It doesnřt matter whether
it is in all the specific rubrics; what counts is that it fits
the patient.
Plan: Calcarea carbonica 200c
Calcarea carbonica cured this woman of her
seizures. It has been three years since she has had
Case Number 2
This patient from the second group is of a 35 year-
old woman who has had grand mal epilepsy with EEG
abnormalities for the last five years.
As a child she had strange indescribable feelings
throughout her body that were diagnosed as petit mal
seizures. By the time she was 16 years old, she was
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 82
having several seizures a day. She was put on Dilantin
for ten years. Seven years ago she took herself off the
medication independently. She then started getting petit
mal seizures, Ŗjust a strange electric feeling in the
head.ŗ During the seizures she would stare. After a few
years they went away, and she began to have grand mal
She knows when she is about to get an attack but
cannot describe how she experiences the aura. She tells
us it is like a déjàvu(2), something familiar that she
experiences. Beyond that, she cannot describe it. When
she feels the seizure coming on, she must lie down(2)
because she knows she will lose consciousness. After
the attack she has a migraine headache(2), intense
weakness(3), and fatigue. She is depressed(2) for two
or three days afterward.
Her roommate has seen the seizures and described
them to us. The patient begins to growl and laugh
hideously(3) and has a high-pitched squeak(3). She
then becomes cyanotic and rigid(3). She shakes all
over(2) for a few minutes, with fast, shallow breathing.
She is incoherent afterward and does not recognize her
roommate. She chews her tongue(2) but does not foam
at the mouth. Her eyes roll back, and her teeth are
The seizures occur more frequently in the
morning(2), after exercising, and before or with
menses(2). She becomes fearful(2) and anxious(2)
when she gets the déjà vu feeling. In the last few weeks
she has developed twitching of the hand and eyes,
lasting the whole day(2). Her roommate describes her
last attack by saying Ŗ…. Her knees were drawn in, she
clenched her fists, and began to laugh before the attack.
She clenched her jaws and drooled a little. The attack
was of a rigid, tonic and clonic nature. Her eyes rolled
backwards and she was cyanotic with it. She lost
consciousness with it, and when she came to, she was
limp and went to sleep.ŗ
She tells us that she has had a problem with weight
control. When she was five years old, her tonsils were
removed. Then she began to gain weight. She weighed
225 pounds seven years ago. In the last seven years she
has lost 75 pounds.
Her digestion is good; it used to be sluggish. She
has either diarrhea or constipation, and passes a stool
every other day. She has internal hemorrhoids that itch
and are painful if she becomes constipated.
Sugar acts like alcohol in her(2). Her extremities
begin to tingle, and she becomes tired, moody, and
Craves salt(2), sweets(2), and ice cream(2).
She regurgitates slightly if she eats cold foods. She
burps up milk if she drinks it. She does not digest meat
or fish very well, and does not care for them.
Averse to pork(2).
She is always thirsty, drinking ten glasses of room-
temperature water a day.
As a child she craved burnt food, like burnt toast.
Her menses are sporadic. The time between varies
from 30 to 50 days. They last for seven days and are
very heavy. The discharge varies from bright to dark
and contains dark clots. Before the menses she desires
sweets, gets a backache, her abdomen bloats, and she
gets cramps with occasional breast tenderness.
She is not sexually active; has never been pregnant
or used birth control pills.
She has had many yeast infections in her life. She
has an occasional vaginal itch now.
Her sleep is not very refreshing. She sleeps on her
right or left side, or on her back. She talks in her sleep.
She likes to get warm, using an electric blanket, but will
stick her feet out if she gets very hot.
Her perspiration is normal. If she exerts herself
greatly, her head will perspire especially if warm. She
has had no history of urinary tract infections. She
frequently voids but never feels like she empties her
bladder. She wet the bed until she was 14 years old.
She has had many ear infections in her life. They
stopped several years ago, and then she began to get
them again. She ruptured her eardrum seven years ago.
Her ears itch all day.
She occasionally has postnasal drip.
She had bad Eczema on her scalp in the past. It
was very itchy and would peel in large scales.
She does not like tobacco smoke, which gives her a
She has no major fears except gaining weight and
possibly snakes.
Analysis and Follow Up on Case Number 2
This second category in the classification includes
people with epilepsy resulting from a brain lesion or
scar. Patients in this second group should never be led
to believe that they will be rid of epilepsy. Many in this
group will, in fact, stop having seizures. Others,
however, will improve from the simillimum in many
ways but will still have seizures. I have found it
difficult to predict ahead of time what will happen, and I
donřt feel it is a function of the degree of clarity of the
remedy picture. It is as if the pathological change,
whatever it may be, sets a barrier that the simillimum
cannot cross.
Generally, I strongly suggest that one begin
treatment with a low-to-moderate potency, rarely giving
above a 200c. My reason for this is that often the
reaction to the remedy is very strong. After all these
years of seizures and medication, the organism is finally
given something that may begin a healing process. The
organism takes that remedy and uses it to open
Pandorařs box. A strong response usually follows, such
as an intense illness. The winter desolation of this
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 83
illness is awakened with the remedy, and so follows the
springtime of hope and growth. But with springtime,
comes a vigorous cleansing of the body.
What seems like a severe acute illness in people in
this category is really part of the curative reaction
brought about by the remedy and should therefore not
be treated simply as an acute illness. It has to be
managed correctly: sometimes not treating it, sometimes
repeating the simillimum. There are many case
management challenges at each of these Řacute illnessř
Be aware of these reactions as they lurk about.
Treated incorrectly, the reaction goes away and then the
patient may have seizures again, sometimes worse than
before. Can you imagine what it would be like to be in
prison for years, surviving by determination alone, and
then one day you are told that you will be released?
You dress and prepare to go. Then, just as you leave
your cell and get your first taste of freedom, your
keepers change their minds, throw you back into the
cell, and slam the door. That shock to the organism is
immense. And so it is when interfering with an acute,
sudden reaction of the organism to the simillimum. If
this reaction is ruined, it may be a very long time even
with correct homeopathic treatment, before the
organism will again attempt to throw off the yoke of this
illness. Its reactive, curative ability was damaged with
the first interference.
For people in this category, I often begin with a low
potency, 30c or 200c. If given the 30c or 200c, the
reaction often occurs within a few days to a few weeks.
If given a lower potency, the reaction often occurs
within a few days to a few weeks. If given a lower
potency, the reaction takes several weeks, building up
steam before it breaks through with an acute episode.
On a clinical side, with this lower potency group, often
all that is needed is to increase the potency, from 6c to
12c for example, to manage the acute.
If this acute occurs and is handled correctly, the
likelihood of cure is great. If the acute never
materializes or, worse, if it does materialize and is
mismanaged, the likelihood of cure is poor.
Case Number 2 is one in which Causticum and
Cicuta virosa equally cover the symptoms of the
seizures, with laughing before seizures, bladder
insensitivity, Eczema on the scalp, and a desire for burnt
food. Kali bromatum strongly fits the symptom of déjà
vu. At various times, I prescribed the first two
remedies. Neither helped the patient, and, in fact, both
increased the frequency of her seizures.
I asked myself what remedy I would give her if she
did not have epilepsy. What remedy has obesity, a
tendency toward constipation, and a craving for salt,
sweets, ice cream, and burned foods? What remedy
begins the night chilly and then sticks her feet out?
Why did she begin to have ear infections seven years
earlier, just when the seizures began again? The only
remedy and explanation for all these symptoms is
Calcarea carbonica.
Then I returned to the symptoms of the seizures,
with the terrible headaches, weakness, and aggravation
by exertion and before menses Ŕ all of which fit
Calcarea carbonica.
Plan: Calcarea carbonica in 6c doses, repeated two
times daily.
I began treatment with this patient five years ago.
Eventually, over a period of six months, the grand mal
seizures ended as the petit mal seizures continued. The
little déjà vus and blanking states disappeared as well,
over a period of two years.
JAN RAYMOND: Why does repertorizing the
symptoms of the actual seizures often not reveal the
correct remedy?
HERSCU: It depends on what you think is individual
in the case. If she had acne instead of epilepsy, for
example, would you extensively repertorize the acne?
Sometimes you would, and sometimes you wouldnřt. It
depends on where the individualizing symptoms lie in a
given case. It is easy to get so caught up in the
symptoms of the epilepsy, especially if they are severe,
that we focus only on those symptoms in prescribing.
Yet, these symptoms are just part of the disease.
You are looking for individual symptoms, whether
inside or outside the disease, and then you must relate
the two aspects. Many times the remedy you are going
to give will not have the specific symptoms of the acne
or the epilepsy. Ask yourself, ŘDoes the remedy fit the
general nature of the patient as well as some of the
elements of the chief complaint?ř Play the two aspects
PRAKASH VAKIL: KENT says that you cannot
prescribe for a patient of epilepsy unless you see an
attack. May be that explains the difficulty. Quite often
we have not seen the attack. The seizures are described
by other people who maynot have observed it properly.
Modern technology would make it possible for someone
to videotape the actual seizure.
HERSCU: Yes, video can be very useful in these types
of cases. Four months ago I took a case and couldnřt
find a remedy. At that time I was videotaping many of
my cases, so I played the video back. The person
complained of sadness and depression. In the space of
time that I finished the videotaping and bent down to
turn off the video, he had a petit mal seizure. No one
knew he ever had seizures! He didnřt know,I didnřt
know, no one knew. I became aware of it only because
it was captured on video, and I happened to see it when
reflecting on the case, after the fact.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 84
Case Number 3
The patient I would like to describe in the third
group is a 10 year-old boy diagnosed with Battenřs
disease, which is a lipid storage disorder similar to Tau-
Amy and I first saw this boy on November 22,
1986. He had been in a wheelchair for years and was
blind since age five. He and his sister were adopted
when he was two years old. When each child turned
five, they started to show signs of the disease. The first
symptom for both was blindness. They they began
slurring words and were unable to learn at school even
though they both had quite high IQs. They started to
lose their ability to walk, and their knees started
knocking together. The disease has progressed steadily
in the last ten years. His sister died this year and the
family physician expects this boy to die this year as
well. By the time he came into our office most of his
nervous system and his brain had degenerated. I would
like to mention a quick word here about his family,
made up of loving, patient people who cared for these
two extremely handicapped children in their own home
and who gave endlessly until the end.
He stares with wide open and tremulous eyes,
which move about from side to side. He has strings of
mucus running down his nose and face, which his
parents wipe frequently.
He does not control urine or stool.
He constantly swallows saliva, bites his lip, rocks
back and forth, sighs, and sucks air through his mouth.
During his grand mal seizures, his eyes roll
around(2), he screams(3), he becomes taut and tense,
and then he begins to shake(2). He falls asleep for a
few hours afterward. He loses urine with the attack. He
does not foam at the mouth. His parents hear strange
noises from him during an attack(3), and he usually
throws his head backward(2). Attacks may occur more
often when he is overheated or tired.
Suddenly in the office he starts to whine, ŖMom, go
home! Mom, go home!ŗ(3). He repeats this over and
over again, faster and faster; the mucus is now really
running from his nose. He has a nasal voice. I tell him
where he is and try to communicate. He just continues
yelling. Now he starts hitting his face with his open
palm of his right hand again and again, rapidly, harder
and harder, ŖHome, home!ŗ His face has turned bright
He seems totally unaware of his surroundings and
mucus is everywhere. His hitting is almost like a spasm
from his elbow. My impression is that this really sweet
child has been suddenly possessed.
I wait until he quiets down. He is silent. I ask him,
ŖYou donřt want to cry do you?ŗ; this sets him off as if I
had turned on a switch. The attack is very intense(3).
Everybody in the room is agitated, and my heart is
His parents say he becomes angry if tired or if he
has to do things he doesnřt want to do, such as going to
the doctor. He also gets angry if he is wet. He loves
music, not hard rock, but more of the mellow type. He
doesnřt curse. He loves motion. His parents were
blessed with one biological child, after they adopted this
patient and his sister, and this Řnormalř brother, who is
8, pushes the wheelchair up and down our hallway, as
the patient yells, ŖFaster, fasterand makes the sound
of a motor with his lips, Ŗbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr,ŗ with
more and more intensity.
He has no finger or toe nails to speak of. He has a
fungal infection on his toes, and he picks and bites at his
nails compulsively.
He has a ravenous appetite (3); he eats and eats and
eats. He is constipated. He has one stool a week, which
is voluminous. There is no evidence of worms.
He can often go without sleep for the night (2).
Sometimes he kicks covers off his feet. He always stays
in the position his mother puts him in.
He loves snakes. When he could still walk, he
would find snakes and stuff them into his shirt.
Analysis and Follow-Up
This final case exemplifies my third category:
seizures that are only one major part of the case. These
patients tend to be children with many genetic or
metabolic problems, one of which may be epilepsy.
Many of the patients in this group are children because
often patients with these sorts of problems do not live
into their teenage years. These are the children with all
those Řorphanř diseases Ŕ illnesses that are not well
known. Because I am young, I cannot yet say if
Homeopathy can stop or eradicate any of these
illnesses. It seems that, at the very least, the pace of
deterioration can be slowed. When I am older, I hope I
can say more.
What I can say is that, if the illness reaches a
certain point, it is irreversible and the patient most likely
will die. Once the simillimum is given, the patients
often improve incredibly, in many ways. Then their
health suddenly deteriorates, and the seizures return.
With good treatment, they will improve again but often
not to the extent that they did the first time. This Řyo-
yoř effect can continue until they die, as if the fabric of
their lives has been worn too thin to be restored.
With very little reservation, I can say that most
patients in this third category respond beautifully to the
simillimum. Some will stop responding, while others
will remain well, at least for a number of years. with
this third category, I tend to begin with a low potency to
buy as much time as possible. The lower potencies will
palliate much longer, and I still have the higher
potencies to use later. The goal is not a cure, it is not
possible for many of these degenerative illnesses. The
goal is palliation, as illustrated by this case.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 85
HERSCU: What would you prescribe for Case Number
LINDA SHOWLER: How much of this
symptomatology is due to Battenřs disease?
HERSCU: All of it. Basically, the nervous system and
the rest of the body are Řmelting.ř One could think of it
that way.
RICHARD PITCAIRN: I donřt know the pathology
of that disease very well. But I looked up softening of
the brain, and I crossed that with the desire to home.
This suggests Lachesis. Lachesis also has constipation
without desire. And I thought it was quite odd that he
was attracted to snakes.
HERSCU: Yes, and the face getting red would also
support Lachesis. Other remedies?
JENIFER JACOBS: I thought of Tarentula hispanica
because of the frenzied activity you described and the
desire to be pushed fast. He liked music. And
Tarentula can certainly have Neuromuscular conditions,
Multiple Sclerosis, Chorea, and so on.
HERSCU: Tarentula is a very good thought. It is also
listed in the repertory under striking oneself.
NEIL TESSLER: I suggest Medorrhinum because of
the copious discharges, the intensity, and the biting of
his nails.
NICK NOSSAMAN: I am thinking palliatively,
looking at the picture of the seizure. I would consider
Belladonna because of the desire to go home, the
striking himself with his hand, and the red face as
opposed to cyanosis. The boy had such small reserve I
would expect him to be cyanotic.
ANDREW LANGE: Nick just stole my fire. I agree
with him. I chose Belladonna for the rreasons he has
given. I want to also mention a story that may be of
some use. Two nights ago I was on an airplane a woman
was in status epilepticus. I didnřt have any remedies
with me. I resorted to my meager knowledge of
Acupuncture, and pressed on the point, Governing
Vessel 26, right under the nose. Within 15 seconds she
came out of the seizure, after having been in the seizure
for 45 minutes. Each time she relapsed a littler bit into
seizure activity. I would apply pressure to that point,
and she would simply go to sleep. It was like a
knockout drug. I was quite impressed.
HERSCU: Yes, the Řmagic button.ř There are a lot of
kids with epilepsy who refer to their Řmagic button.ř
Anytime they start feeling that Řweird thing,ř they press
on this point. I owe my awareness of this to Ember
Carriana. We were fellow students at NCNM.
STEPHEN KING: Ordinarily I donřt comment on
cases because I know the content ahead of time. But I
didnřt look at this case, so I can give my impressions.
The first thing that strikes me is the miasmatic quality.
The pathology is quite destructive. So, I think of the
Syphilitic or tubercular (Psora plus Syphilis) Miasm.
Heřs very intelligent. The case states that he and his
sister had very high IQs. He is suffering tremendously
because he started with a very acute awareness. There
is a quality of intensity and of precocity. He is striking
himself probably out of a kind of torment.
HERSCU: If I can stop you for a second, I want to
mention something. We have to wonder what we are
doing with these children when we give them the
remedy and prolong their lives. Each time I saw this
boy I would ask him, ŖDo you want to live? Give me
some kind of clue!ŗ We must think about this because
we are perhaps keeping a human being in a state of
considerable suffering.
STEPHEN KING: Yes. Heřs suffering a lot, and heřs
hitting himself and he wants to go fast. Somehow it
reminds me of Kentřs lecture on Tuberculinum in which
he mentions the homeopath, GREGG. GREGG
developed Tuberculosis, and he found no comfort
except when riding in the cold winds along Lake Erie.
This boyřs desire to go fast seems similar. So, I would
suggest the possibility of Tuberculinum.
Case Analysis and Follow-up
This patient illustrates the dilemma of deciding the
basis for the prescription. The child has many
symptoms. Few of these symptoms are characteristic or
individualizing. His illness is quite progressed. Another
homeopath had given him many remedies, to no avail.
He came in and started to have an intense attack. Just
from the intensity of his state, the sheer agitation of the
patient (as well as myself!), redness of the face, and the
striking of his head, I reached for Belladonna 30c and
placed one dose in his mouth.
The attack ended quickly. As the agitation was
subsiding. I took the rest of the case.
Plan: Belladonna 30c to be taken as needed.
I saw the child one month later. The report was
nothing short of a miracle. His teacher said that his
attention span went from less than a minute to 20
minutes. He seems much more alert in the office, has
been more insistent of others, is aware now of who is in
the room, and calls for people.
Now, when his mother tells him in the morning,
ŖItřs time to get dressed.ŗ He will say, Ŗpants, pants,
pants,ŗ insistently. After his pants are on, he will
sequentially yell out for a shirt, socks, shoes, and so
forth, until he is dressed. He hasnřt been able to do this
in years. When it is time for him to get out of the
bathtub, he reaches out and tries to stand up. His nails
are growing in; he isnřt biting them anymore. He is also
picking his lips less. He is crawling more. He crawls to
the dinner table and all over the house. He hasnřt had
any angry fits or seizures. He smiles more. He sleeps
calmer, still uncovering himself and staying in the same
position he is laid in. His appetite has increased. If he
doesnřt drink distilled water, his urine smells very
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 86
strong. He has had three bowel movements in the past
I would like to mention three points here. First, his
bodyřs incredible response to the simillimum is fairly
common in these kinds of patients, although it does not
indicate the outcome of the case. Second, when a
remedy is correctly chosen, improvement occurs in
every facet of the organism, not just whatever the chief
complaint might have been, in this case, the seizures.
This is a great clue that you have hit upon the
simillimum. Third, the repetition of the 30c dose was
absolutely necessary in this case because the fabric that
the remedy had to act upon was practically nonexistent.
The remedy would constantly act and then stop acting,
so it had to be repeated. This is a very big clue that the
case, although responding well to the simillimum, is
incurable. Amy recently treated a young man with
Frederickřs ataxia who had an initial response to
Mercury which was no less miraculous, but which
didnřt last more than a few months.
The case progressed quite nicely on Belladonna.
Eventually, I changed the potency to 200c and later to
1M. Several months after the first treatment and during
the course of a two year treatment with Belladonna, the
case began exhibiting the Řyo-yoř effect I mentioned
before, where the childřs health was remarkable but
would then drop suddenly. We would repeat the
remedy or go higher in potency, and the child would
respond quickly each time.
Then my wife called while I was away on a trip.
She said that the boy had gone into a collapsed state: no
bowel movement, no sweat, nothing. He just lay there
without moving, not eating or drinking. The parents
were using a turkey baster to squirt some juice or broth
into the back of his throat, but he would just spit it out.
I said to my wife, ŖWell, there must be some other
symptoms, some sort of irregularity in the breathing or
something else,ŗ Her response was, ŖNo, nothing.
Absolutely nothing. He just lies there.ŗ
HERSCU: What would you do? Do you give a
remedy? He may be dying.
JOHN COLLINS: I think homeopathic Opium is a
possibility because Opium is indicated for patients who
are obstructed and comatose, especially if there is a lack
of pain. It is also indicated for patients who tend to get
capillary congestion in the face, a red face, and
perspiration in the coma or during the seizure.
JEFF BAKER: If I were igoing to give any remedy it
probably would be Phosphoric acid, but I donřt think
Iřd give any remedy.
HERSCU: Thatřs a very personal choice. You have to
think about it. What are you going to do in that
situation? You have to think about it before you see a
patient like this for the very first time because sooner or
later youřre going to get to that point. You would just
let him pass? What about the parents? The parents are
very religious. The parents are wonderful people. They
said, ŖHeřs alive because God wants him to be alive.
Heřs going to die when God wants him. Until then,
weřll bring him to you.ŗ I felt I had to try to help him
and them.
At first I thought that this must be Opium. But
further reflection suggested the idea of Calcarea
carbonica. Why? Because of the complementary
nature between Belladonna and Calcarea. Can
Calcarea have a collapsed state, with extreme
constipation? Yes, of course. He had responded very,
very well to Belladonna for years. So, it is necessary to
be flexible and creative. He was given Calcarea
carbonica 200c, and he snapped right out of it.
The boy did very well for several months.
Belladonna and Calcarea were given as needed Ŕ
sometimes one and sometimes the other, depending on
which one he responded to.
Then, at a certain point, he went into another
collapsed state, and neither remedy produced a
beneficial effect. The symptom picture was slightly
different. He lay there, sweating, grinding his teeth, and
banging his head on the floor. Tuberculinum brought
him right out of this state, and he did well for quite a
while until he developed a number of severe Decubitus
Ulcers. His state began to deteriorate once more. It was
as if his soul was stuck in this body, as his body was
[Editorsř Note: Dr. HERSCU then showed a video
of the patient at this point in the case. There were 20 or
30 Decubitus Ulcers of various sizes, some quite
necrotic. In some places it was possible to see the
underlying bone. Other areas of the body were
edematous with puffy, shiny skin. Dr. HERSCU asked
for remedy suggestions. Secale cornutum, Apis,
Anthracinum, and Arsenicum album were offered as
Arsenicum album 200c was prescribed. If you look
at the rubrics for swelling of the lower limbs, dropsical,
white, Arsenicum is there, often in bold type. It is
indicated even in the small rubrics, shiny skin and
swelling. And, if you look at the gangrene rubrics,
Arsenicum is in bold type throughout. Many people go
into an Arsenicum album state at the end of life.
Three or four days later the mother said that the
ulcers were healing. No new lesions developed. The
swelling went away. The boy became more active and
alert again. He began once more to hit his head on the
ground, to grind his teeth, and to sweat.
Because he had responded so well to Tuberculinum
previously, this remedy was given again: 12c on a daily
basis. He did well for about two months. There were
no ulcers, no seizures, and no symptoms. And then he
died. This is a typical course for this kind of case. The
patient responds quite well to treatment, then relapses,
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 87
then responds well, then relapses, as the overall
condition inevitably deteriorates.
So, the child progressed from the Belladonna state
to Calcarea carbonica, Tuberculinum, Arsenicum
album, and finally Tuberculinum once more before he
eventually died after four years under our care. This
was the progression of correct prescriptions for the
palliation of this case. He lived much longer than
anyone expected, and I believe he was one of the oldest
surviving persons with this illness.
Concluding Remarks:
It has been ten years since I initially put forth this
basic approach to treating patients with seizure
disorders. Perhaps because of the pediatric book I
wrote, I have developed a practice where a good number
of my patients have problems such as seizure disorders,
genetic problems, Autism, etc. and I have much more
experience to base my thinking on. That said, I would
not change my basic philosophy, as I have had ample
opportunity to work with this population and have found
this framework to be extremely useful. I would be
interested in other peoplesř perspectives on treating
seizure disorders, especially those of you who have seen
many cases over many years.
PAUL HERSCU ND, DHANP is the author of The
Homeopathic Treatment of Children, Pediatric
Constitutional Types and Stramonium, with an
Introduction to Analysis using Cycles and Segments.
He is the co-editor of this journal and practices in
Enfield, Connecticut.
9. Excerpts From History of Homeopathy And its
Institutions in America
(This Tenth part narrates the impressive manner in
which Homeopathy began taking its roots in
(HH. 19, 1 - 6/1993)
The Metropolitan Hospital on Blackwellřs Island
dates its history from the year 1894, and is the
outgrowth of the older institution known in history as
the New York Charity Hospital on Wardřs Island. The
latter institution was the result of a movement which
originated as far back as 1857, when the homeopathic
profession in New York was making an earnest and
honest endeavor to introduce its treatment in some of
the great charities of the city. The efforts then made
were well directed but the petition presented to the
authorities seems to have fallen into the hands of the old
allopathic enemy, as the majority report of a select
committee declared Ŗthat it would be both unwise and
inexpedient to change the medical government of
Bellevue Hospital, or place any portion of it in charge of
a board of homeopathic practitioners for the purpose of
experimenting with that system of practice upon its
inmates.ŗ The minority member of the same committee
also made a report, but his declarations availed nothing
against those of the majority. Although the adverse
report of the commissioners had not a disheartening
effect upon the hopes of the homeopathic profession
and its friends in the city, there was no further well
organized attempt to introduce Homeopathy into the
public charitable institutions until the winter of 1874-5,
when the subject of homeopathic success in general
was being discussed in one of the leading clubs by
several men of prominence in professional and official
circles. A narrative of the events of the occasion are not
deemed important here, but the consensus of opinion
inclined to the belief that the homeopathic profession
was entitled to representation in the great charitable
institutions of the city; and out of the opinions then well
voiced there grew a petition which was so strongly
reinforced with names of representative men that the
commissioners of charities could not turn a deaf ear to
its presentations, for it asked only the recognition of a
right, and not a favor. The county homeopathic society
also took an active part in the movement, and as its
result, on August 7, 1875, the commissioners agreed
that a part of the old inebriate asylum on Wardřs Island
should be set apart for a hospital to be under the charge
of homeopathic physicians, subject to such rules as the
charities department might establish.
The story of the origin and marvelous growth of
Homeopathy in the United States had its beginning in
the year 1825 in the city of New York, when Dr. Hans
Burch GRAM, a brilliant surgeon, physician and
scholar, visited that city, where his brother, Neils
B.GRAM, resided. Dr. GRAM, an American by birth,
had recently come from Copenhagen in Denmark,
where he had been educated and where he had become a
believer in the medical doctrines promulgated by
HAHNEMANN the founder. Thus, in America GRAM
was the first exemplar to teach and to practice medicine
according to the law of Homeopathy.
Hans Burch GRAM was the son of Hans GRAM,
whose father was a wealthy Sea captain of Copenhagen.
Hans GRAM when a young man was private secretary
to the Governor of the Danish island of Santa Cruz.
While travelling in the United States in 1782 or 1783 he
became interested in a Miss BURDICK, the daughter of
a hotel keeper in Boston, where GRAM was then living.
He married her and for his action his father disinherited
him, but relenting on his deathbed, left him his fortune.
Mr. GRAM settled permanently in Boston after his
marriage, but the records of his life are meager. At one
time he was living in Cambridge and was an organist.
He afterward lived on Common street, where he died in
1803. Mr. GRAM on hearing of the death of his father
prepared to leave Boston and return to his native land
and receive his patrimony, but the night before he was
to have sailed for Denmark he was taken sick and died
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 88
in a few hours. His widow survived him but two years,
dying in 1805.
Hans Burch GRAM, the son, a year later, in 1806,
at the age of eighteen years, went to Copenhagen to
claim the fortune left by his grandfather. He obtained a
portion of it and was successful in finding friends and
relatives willing to aid him. Prof. FENGER, physician-
in-ordinary to the King, was his uncle, and through his
favor GRAM received a superior education. He was
placed in Royal Medical and Surgical Institution, and
Dr. FENGER gave him every advantage of the other
school and later of the hospitals of Northern Europe.
Within a year after his arrival in Copenhagen he
was appointed by the king assistant surgeon to a
military hospital. This appointment was preceded by a
rigorous examination in Latin, Greek, Philosophy,
Anatomy and minor surgery. He was officially
connected with the hospital as surgeon during the last
seven years of the Napoleonic wars, residing therein
much of the time. In 1814 he resigned his position,
having been advanced to the rank of surgeon, and won
the highest grade of merit in the Royal Academy of
Surgery, with the degree of C.M.L., the highest of three
degrees. He then devoted himself to general practice in
Copenhagen, and so successfully that at the age of forty
years he had acquired a competence for himself and also
was enabled to assist the members of his family, all of
whom had remained in the United States.
During the years 1823 and 1824, GRAM had
become acquainted with the principles of Homeopathy
and had tested the new system very carefully on his own
person and in his extensive practice, and had become
convinced of the truth of the doctrines propounded by
HAHNEMANN. But he longed to see his family in
America, and therefore returned to the land of his birth.
He sailed from Stockholm in the ship ŖWilliam PENN,ŗ
Captain William THOMPSON, and landed with him at
Mount Desert, Maine, where he lived for some time as a
guest of Dr. Kendall KITTRIDGE, the first doctor ever
settled on the island. GRAM afterward took passage
with Captain Thompson for New York, where he landed
some time in 1825 and where his brother, Neils B.
GRAM, was established in business. He lost his fortune
by endorsing notes for this brother, who seems to have
been unfortunate, and was obliged to resume the
practice of medicine.
It is probable that GRAM was induced to return to
America more because he believed he could disseminate
the doctrines of Homeopathy than with any thought of
entering into active practice. He was a ripe scholar and
in Europe had been the associate of many learned men.
However, he opened an office in New York, though on
account of his modesty it was several years before he
became well acquainted with his brothers in the
profession. GRAY says of him: ŖHe was too modest by
far in his intercourse with his fellow men. He was not
diffident nor timid, for no surgeon knew better how to
decide when or how any operation of the art should be
performed, and very few, indeed, could operate with his
skill and adroitness; but in conversing with a fellow
practitioner he very much preferred hearing the
sentiments and opinions of others to delivering his own.
He made it a rule never to express his opinions on
scientific matters until they were sought for in detail.
Yet GRAM was apt and willing to converse and to
teach.ŗ It is thought that he must have been a
homeopathist in Copenhagen for ten or twelve years
previous to his departure, and he claimed to have been
one of the earliest of the European believers. Desiring
to call the attention of the medical profession of New
York to the subject of Homeopathy, a few months after
his settlement he made a translation of Hahnemannřs
ŖGeist der homeopathischen Heil-lehreŗ and published
it in a small pamphlet of twenty-four octavo pages, with
the title ŖThe Character of Homeopathy.ŗ This work
was dedicated to Dr. David HOSACK, at that time
president of the New York College of Physicians and
Surgeons and Professor of theory and practice in that
institution. This essay was first published in a German
newspaper of March, 1813, and afterward in a volume
of the second edition of the ŖMateria Medica Pura.ŗ It
was printed in the form of a letter to HOSACK, and was
gratuitously distributed among the leading members of
the medical profession, and especially to the medical
GRAM had long been away from the country and
his English was bad. His twenty years in Denmark gave
this little missionary tract such a Danish-German-
English grotesqueness and such complicated
grammatical construction that it was difficult to read
understandingly. GRAY doubted whether any one to
whom it was sent ever did read it. HOSACK said he
had not done so. GRAM was greatly disappointed that
the truth he so firmly believed in should be so coldly
received, and with the exception of certain manuscripts
afterward loaned to Folger, and lost by him, nothing
further was written by him. This pamphlet was the first
ever published in the United States on the subject of
Homeopathy. Only one copy is known to exist, and
that was presented by Mrs. WILSEY to Dr. HENRY M.
SMITH and by him donated to the New York library.
A powerful factor in the introduction of GRAM to
his fellows in New York was that he was an enthusiastic
royal arch mason, and it was through the influence of
the lodge room that he formed several close friendships
with influential persons; he met FOLGER at a Masonic
meeting. It is said that he was an officer in Jerusalem
chapter No.8, and took part in the exaltation of
FOLGER at an extra meeting on May 25, 1826. After
the ceremony GRAM introduced himself to FOLGER
and thus formed an acquaintance that lasted until the
latter left the city, in 1828.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 89
Robert B. FOLGER, born in Hudson, N.Y. in 1803,
commenced the practice of allopathic medicine in New
York in 1824. For sometime after he met GRAM he
ridiculed the new method of small doses, but in August,
1826, GRAM, at Folgerřs request, treated successfully
several cases that the latter had deemed incurable. He
then became interested and began the study of German
under GRAMřs tuition, reading with him the Organon
and the ŖMateria Medica Pura.ŗ FOLGER began the
practice of Homeopathy in 1827, but having no
confidence in his own knowledge of the system, GRAM
accompanied him when he visited his patients. In 1828,
on account of ill health, he was obliged to visit the
south, and GRAM bade him goodbye at the vessel when
he sailed. During this time FOLGER was Gramřs only
student and assistant. After FOLGER went south his
connection with GRAM ceased and he did not again
practice medicine. He returned to New York in 1835
and gave his attention to mercantile pursuits. During
the first week of their acquaintance, GRAM introduced
the subject of Homeopathy, presented him with his
pamphlet and with a manuscript article on the
pharmacodynamic properties of drugs. While FOLGER
was in North Carolina GRAM determined to go there,
and was to have joined him in Charlotte in 1828 but
reverses in business on Folgerřs part caused the project
to be abandoned.
In November, 1827, GRAM was proposed for
membership in the Medical and Philosophical Society
of New York, and was elected the following February,
initiated in June, and at the general meeting the next
month was elected corresponding secretary. In july,
1830, he was elected president. He had taken a
prominent part in all the proceedings of the society and
in January, 1929, proposed a plan of correspondence
with the fellows soliciting their co-operation in
collecting facts, especially respecting diseases and
remedies, whereby much knowledge could be obtained,
erroneous opinions corrected, and sound doctrines
become better known and appreciated.
In September, 1826, FOLGER introduced to
Ferdinand Little WILSEY, a merchant, who also was a
prominent mason and master of a lodge, in order that
GRAM might instruct him on certain important
Masonic points. Mr. WILSEY was born in 57 Reade
/street, New York, June 23, 1797. Friendship was at
once established between the successful merchant and
the physician, and the former often entertained GRAM
at his house. WILSEY was a sufferer from dyspepsia
and his own physicians, Dr. John F.GRAY, having
failed to relieve him, he was induced to place himself in
his friendřs care, and thus became the first patient who
was treated with homeopathic remedies in the United
States. The success of the treatment was such that
WILSEY, who for sometime had inclined toward the
healing art, began the study of medicine under GRAM
at the same time attending lectures at the College of
Physician and Surgeons. He began practice in private,
acquiring the title of doctor and quite a reputation
among his friends, with whom his medical services
were entirely gratuitous. The panic of 1837 caused him
to give up mercantile pursuits and, being somewhat
reduced in fortune, his friends procured for him a
situation in the custom house, which he accepted, still
continuing his private practice. Dr. WILSEY received
the medical degree from the College of Physicians in
1844. In 1845 he joined a company for mining copper
in Cuba, and sailed for that island to superintend
operations. The project was a failure, his health became
poor, and returning to New York, he at once opened an
office and commenced for the first time the public
practice of medicine. His efforts were successful and he
amassed a considerable fortune. A few years previous
to his death ill health caused him to give up practice and
remove to Bergen, N.J., where he died May 11, 1860.
He was devotedly attached to GRAM and remained so
during his life; was his companion in his last illness, and
the last at his final resting place. He was the first
convert to the doctrines of Homeopathy in the United
States, and also the first American who made any
pretension to practice the same. WILSEY had
frequently urged his old family physician, Dr. JOHN
FRANKLIN GRAY, to be introduced to GRAM, but
GRAY considered him a quack and refused to meet him
until in 1827, when in Wilseyřs store they became
interested in the new theory of cure and permitted
himself to discuss it with GRAM. It was with
reluctance, however, that he consented to Wilseyřs
placing himself under Gramřs treatment for his
Dr. GRAY thus told the story of Wilseyřs
conversion to Homeopathy: ŖI had treated WILSEY for
dyspepsia for a long time with such poor success that at
his request I consented with much reluctance and almost
boorishly to place him under Dr. Gramřs care, to test the
value of the improved practice. Under his treatment the
patient experienced early and marked benefits. At that
time I ascribed the change to his improved diet. But as
my training, reading and experience, which had been
unusually extensive for so young man, had failed to
inspire me with confidence in any past or existing plan
of therapeutrics, I was soon ready to put the method of
HAHNEMANN to the test of a fair and rigorous
observation. Moreover, Gramřs inimitable modesty in
debate, and his earnest zeal for the good and the true in
all ways and directions, and his vast culture in science
and art, in history and philosophy, greatly surpassing in
these respects any of the academic or medical professors
I had known, very much shortened my dialectic
opposition to the new system. I selected three cases for
the trial, the first, hemoptysis in a scrofulous girl,
complicated with amenorrhoea; the second, mania
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 90
puerperalis, of three months standing; and the last,
anasarca and ascites in an habitual drunkard. Following
Gramřs instructions, I furnished the proper registry of
the symptoms in each case. He patiently and faithfully
waded through the six volumes of Hahnemannřs
ŖMateria Medicaŗ (luckily we had no manuals then) and
prescribed a single remedy in each case. The first and
third cases were promptly cured by a single dose of the
remedy prescribed and the conditions as to diet and
moral impressions were so arranged by me (GRAM did
not see either of the patients) that, greatly to my surprise
and joy, very little room was left for a doubt as to the
efficacy the specifics applied. The case of mania was
perhaps the stronger testimony of the two. The patient
was placed under the rule of diet for fourteen days
previous to the administration of the remedy chosen by
GRAM. Not the slightest mitigation of the maniacal
suffering occurred in that time. At the time of the
giving of the remedy, which was a single drop of very
dilute tincture of Nux vomica in a drink of sweetened
water, the patient was more furious than usual, tearing
her clothing off, and angrily resisting all attempts to
soothe her. She finally recovered her reason within half
and hour after taking the Nux vomica and never lost it
afterward. I was determined the patient should not have
the advantage of imagination, so I gave her a junk bottle
full of molasses and water during the fourteen days and
made her take a tablespoonful every two hours put the
Nux vomica in molasses and water, so that she did not
know that we had made any change of remedies. The
husband came for me after she had taken the Nux
vomica and said his wife was crying; she had recovered
her reason and begged me to go and see her. I saw the
lady and she thanked me for her restoration; she was
perfectly well. I was her physician for a number of
years afterward. A fourth case was soon treated with
success, which had a worse prognosis, if possible, than
either of the others. It was one of traumatic tetanus.
During the first year of my acquaintance with GRAM I
subjected only my incurables and the least promising
instance of the curable to Dr. Gramřs experiments, but
this was simply because I could not read the language of
the Materia Medica, and it was impossible to do any
more without a knowledge of the German. During that
time I surmounted this difficulty and became a
competent prescriber and full convert to Homeopathy.
The year 1839 witnessed the first break in the circle
of faithful enthusiasts who had dared and suffered so
much for the cause of Homeopathy. GRAM, who had
been the guide, wise and affectionate, was suddenly
stricken with apoplexy. GRAY says: GRAM failed in
health completely just as the new period began to dawn
upon us. Broken in heart by the misfortunes, insanity
and death of his only brother, upon whom he had
lavished all the estate he brought with him from Europe,
he was attacked with apoplexy in May, 1839, from
which he awoke with hemiplegia; after many months of
suffering he passed away on February 13, 1840.
WILSON and I tenderly cared for him, and Curtis
watched him as a faithful son would a beloved father.
He was an earnest Christian of the Swedenborgian faith,
and a man of the most scrupulously pure and charitable
life I have ever known. In the presence of want, sorrow
and disease, secluded from all observation of the world,
he ministered with angelic patience and with divine
Dr.GRAM was buried in St. Markřs burial ground,
New York, but on September 4, 1862, his old-time
friend and pupil, Dr. GRAY, removed the remains to his
own lot in Greenwood cemetery. In the October
number of the ŖAmerican Homeopathic Reviewŗ is a
long article by Dr.S.B. BARLOW, and another by Dr.
H.M. SMITH, on GRAM. Dr. BARLOW writes: ŖHans
B. GRAM, M.D. died February 13, 1840, aged fifty-
four years. So reads a marble tombstone erected over
his grave in St. Markřs burial ground between Eleventh
and Twelfth streets, on the east side of Second avenue,
in the city of New York. On the fourth day of
September, 1862, the grave of Dr. GRAM was opened
and the remains taken up for removal to the private
ground of Dr. John F. GRAY in Greenwood cemetery,
where in a lovely spot his remains have reached a
permanent resting place. I had requested to be present
at the exhumation, which request was readily and
kindly granted. I estimated his height to have been five
feet ten inches, Gramřs skull was of medium size, with
good breadth of forehead showing that he had possed a
great amount or volume of the perceptive and reflective
faculties.ŗ Dr. BARLOW describes at length in this
article the characteristics of GRAM from the
phrenological examination of his skull at this time, thus:
ŖVeneration, conscientiousness, benevolence,
combativeness, cautiousness, firmness, attachment to
friends, and to whatever was good, true, just and
humane, were all characteristics of GRAM and the
active operations of those sentiments could not but
render their possessor a pleasant companion, a good
man, a kindly physician, the central luminary of
whatever circle he was placed in, not assuming
dictatorial or arrogant in manner. Whatever feelings of
superiority he may have felt toward those by whom he
was surrounded, he could not but endear himself
strongly to his friends and pupils, creating ties, the
severing of which at his departure must have been
painful indeed. Hence I find every person who knew
him well still speaking in terms of the most endearing
tenderness of him as a most estimable friend. Naturally
he was, doubtless, a brilliant, cheerful and happy man;
but had rendered him somewhat morose, taciturn,
suspicious and distrustful Ŕ even of his best friends,
embittering the evening of his days, producing
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 91
infirmities which brought a gloomy obscuration over his
faculties and sentiments and throwing clouds of
disappointment and unhappiness over his fastest friends.
ŖFuture generations of physicians will do honour to
the memory of Hans B. GRAM. The plate of his coffin
bore the following inscription, portions of which were
difficult to decipher, but I am sure it was all finally
made out in perfection: Hans B.GRAM, M.D. a Knight
of the Order of St. John, died Feb. 13, 1840, aged 53
years.ŗ (There is a discrepancy of one year in his age
as given upon the coffin plate and that inscribed on his
At a meeting on Hahnemannřs birthday, April 10,
1863, the meeting at which GRAY gave his address on
ŖThe Early Annals of Homeopathy in New York,ŗ after
the banquet there were various toasts, and the talk
turned on the early times of Homeopathy in New York
city. Dr. BARLOW was asked to give his opinion of
the character of GRAM, and he said, ŖThe impressions I
received from viewing the craniology of Dr. GRAM
were first, the massiveness of his mind of brain, of his
ability to grapple with whatever subject he undertook.
Secondly, I was impressed with the idea of his courage,
exactly, but courage for all good purposes, courage for a
man who knew no fear except the fear of doing evil,
doing wrong. I was impressed with his ability for
general scholarship. His organ of languages was very
good, his head could be called well balanced.ŗ
This story is told by Dr. MOFFATT of New York,
illustrating the fearlessness of GRAM: ŖI heard it from
his own lips. When he lived in Copenhagen and was a
physician or surgeon in the National Military and Naval
Hospital, a menagerie of wild beasts was there
exhibited, among the animals being a full grown lion.
The keeper entered the cage of the lion intoxicated
which enraged the lion and he attacked the man and
escaped from the case. GRAM was talking with a
friend, and picking a nut with a nut-picker, when there
was a sudden cry and the people ran out shrieking.
Looking, he saw that the lion had escaped. Everybody
fled but himself and he stood in a defiant attitude,
fronting the beast, which came so close that he felt the
heat of his breath, and Gramřs purpose at the time was
to plunge his hand with the instrument into the beastřs
mouth as the only means of staying the destruction that
would follow should he attempt to escape with those
behind him. As the creature crouched to spring, he felt
his hot breath. While he stood fronting him in that
attitude the attendants came with rods and cords and
secured him. When it was over GRAM fainted. He did
not get over the effect for six months .ŗ
The only portrait of Dr. GRAM in existence is a
pencil sketch by Dr. CURTIS, which was lithographed
and published in the ŖUnited States Medical and
Surgical Journalŗ for July, 1867, and is that from which
is produced the portrait in this work. GRAY said the
original was wonderfully accurate. At the 1863 meeting
GRAY mentioned that a cast was taken of Gramřs head,
but did not know if it was then in existence. At the
meeting GRAY, WILSON, and BALL were appointed a
committee to arrange for erecting a monument over the
grave in Greenwood, but nothing seems to have been
done at that time. In 1869 the New York State
Homeopathic Medical Society inaugurated a movement
to invite dollar subscriptions for a monument to GRAM.
At ameeting held September 14, 1869, at Cooper
Institute, the following committee was appointed:
New York; R.C. MOFFATT, of Brooklyn; I.T.
TALBOT, of Boston; Walter WILLIAMSON, of
Philadelphia; G.E. SHIPMAN, of Chicago, and Wm.H.
HOLCOMBE, of New Orleans. Circulars were issued
and some subscriptions were raised, but the matter was
allowed to drop.
Dr. Grayřs open adoption and profession of
Homeopathy dated from 1828. He was born in
Sherburne, Chenango county, New York, September 24,
1804, and was the fourth of five sons of John GRAY,
first judge of Chenango county. When sixteen years of
age his parents removed to Jamestown, Chautauqua
county. Thrown on his own resources, he devoted
himself to obtaining an education and a profession.
After working for a time at a mechanical employment as
a means of supporting himself, he obtained a situation
as assistant and student with Peter B. HAVENS of
Hamilton, Madison county, where there was an
academy, and where he gave his services for his board
and the opportunity for study and instruction. After two
years he found a position as teacher in a neighboring
district school. With money thus earned he was able to
visit his home, and the journey of two hundred and fifty
miles he accomplished on foot. While teaching and
studying he fitted himself for a medical school. He was
for a time under the tuition of Dr.Ezra WILLIAMS of
Dunkrik. He went to New York in 1824, provided with
letters to members of the college faculty. One from
Governor Clinton to Dr. HOSACK brought him to the
favorable notice of that leading physician, who soon
became attached to him, admitting him to his private
classes and otherwise aiding him. In 1825 he passed an
examination for a license before the county medical
society with a view to taking the position of assistant
surgeon in the navy, but which, by the advice of friends,
he declined. He received his medical degree from the
College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1826.
Dr. HOSACK through his own influence and that
of DeWitt CLINTON and Thomas EDDY, two of the
governors, secured for GRAY a position in the New
York Hospital as assistant physician. His appointment
had been opposed by many who were unfriendly to
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 92
HOSACK and was coupled with the condition that he
should undergo examination by the men who opposed
him. Dr. WATTS, to open an office in the more thinly
settled but rapidly growing ports of the city, had now
formed an attachment with the lady who afterward
became his wife, the daughter of Dr, Amos G. HULL, a
wellknown surgeon of New York, and father of Dr. A.
Gerald HULL. He opened an office in Charlton street
and soon gained considerable practice. At this time he
was regarded by his professional brethren as a young
man of unusual promise and ability. And now, with
everything favorable to him in a professional way,
because of honest conviction he became a devoted
adherent to the medical system which when spoken of at
all, was considered as the latest medical absurdity, not
worthy of serious attention. With his full adoption of
Homeopathy in 1828, the immediate effect was to
alienate his patrons and diminish the number of his
families. Even those who had been cured without
knowing it was with homeopathic medicines, declined,
longer to trust themselves in his hands. His carriage
which for sometime had been a necessity was given up
as a useless extravagance.
In 1829 GRAM and GRAY were alone in the
practice of homeopathy in New York city. GRAY
devoted himself to learning German and soon was able
to read Hahnemannřs work in the original. He also
mastered French, but from 1830 to 1838 he was poor
and had a struggle to support his family. In 1835 his
father-in-law, Dr. HULL, who had been in the truss
business, died, leaving him executor. In attending to the
estate much of his time was taken up, and from 1835 to
1838 he had an office in Vesey street, under the Astor
house, where he could attend both to his profession and
to his duties as executor. In his later years he was very
fond of reading philosophical and medical writings in
Latin. In 1871 he received an honorary degree from
Hamilton College.
It is said of GRAY that he received pupils without
fee, and that he always was ready to aid poor students of
medicine. He died at the Fifth avenue hotel in New
York, June, 5, 1882, after an illness of three weeks.
GRAY was one of the first physicians who advocated a
more extended and thorough system of medical
education, and that the state should grant the license to
practice. At a discussion in 1832 before the
philosophical society he offered a resolution that but
one medical school should exsit in a state; that rival
schools ought not to be approved; that every physician
in the state should be a teacher in such school, and that
there should be one board in each state that should have
the sole power of recommending candidates for license
or degree. In November, 1832, he delivered a lecture on
the policy of chartering medical colleges, the same
being introductory to the course on theory and practice
in the New York School of Medicine.
The next to join the homeopathic ranks was Dr.
Abraham Duryea WILSON. GRAY and WILSON had
been medical friends. In fact the coterie of brilliant
young physicians, students and associates of Hosack,
who one by one accepted the truth of Homeopathy,
were intimates, members of the philosophical society,
and it can readily be understood how they became
acquainted with GRAM. WILSON, who had been in
practice in New York since his graduation in 1822, was
introduced to GRAM by GRAY. At first WILSON was
incredulous, deeming, like his brethren, the new
doctrine simply humbug, but the arguments of GRAM
and the surprising cures accomplished induced
WILSON to make further experiments. These tests
resulted in his conviction of the truth of the
homeopathic law, and in 1829 he publicly adopted that
method in his practice.
Dr. WILSON was born in Columbia College, New
York city, September 20, 1801. His father, Peter
WILSON, was Professor of languages and Greek and
Roman literature in that institution. He was educated in
the college, graduating in 1818, when but seventeen
years of age; but he did not receive his diploma until of
legal age, in 1822. After graduation he at once
commenced the study of medicine under Drs. HOSACK
and FRANCIS, receiving the degree from the College of
Physicians and Surgeons in 1821. He at once settled in
practice locating in Walker street, New York city. In
1824 he married Eliza HOLMES. He died of
pulmonary apoplexy, January 20, 1864, aged sixty three
On Hahnemannřs birthday anniversary, April 10,
1865, Dr. GRAY delivered a eulogy on the life of the
founder, and spoke of the period of Wilsonřs adoption
of Homeopathy as follows: ŖWILSON was already a
conspicuous practitioner of medicine when he adopted
Homeopathy. This change took place in 1829, the
eighth year after his graduation from the College of
Physicians and Surgeons, and the twelfth after receiving
his baccalaureate in Columbia College. His social
status and professional standing were such as to make a
strong sensation respecting the new practice in a wide
circle of the community at the time. His father, an
eminent Scottish scholar, was professor of the Greek
and Latin languages at the time of his sonřs birth, and
for many years after. His brother, the late George
WILSON, an accomplished counselor at law in the city,
who was twenty years his senior, and therefore able to
aid him behalf. Moreover, this brother, as WILSON
told me, earnestly interested himself after the venerable
fatherřs departure, in his culture in ancient and modern
literature and philosophy. Whatsoever the elder brother
could accomplish for him in society and in aid of his
professional career was certainly effected with
gratifying success. Dr. WILSON had also the great
advantages in that day resulting from the personal
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 93
friendship and patronage of his illustrious preceptor in
medicine, the late Dr. David HOSACK, in whose
private classes he was a diligent pupil, HOSACK had
received classical training from Wilsonřs father, to
whose memory he was gratefully attached; and thus it
can be imagined how readily this young manřs studious
qualities were appreciated and his aspirations in the
outset of life fostered by his powerful preceptor. And
that WILSON was a keen and prompt student under
HOSACK, accepting and using all the advantages
afforded by his great masterřs private and public
lectures and by the great Clinique of the New York
hospital in which HOSACK took the leading position
was abundantly demonstrated by him when, in the
capacity of a censor in the county medical society, he
officiated as examiner of candidates for the diploma of
that body. WILSON made the acquaintance of GRAM
and myself (William Harvey KING) and encountered
the great new problem of his life work, Homeopathy.
After a patient study of its principles and a protracted
trial of its art-maxims at the bedside, during all of which
study and trial he refrained from expressing a
judgement, he decided the question firmly and fully for
himself and for all his future patients, in the affirmative;
and thence forward he openly avowed his adherence to
the doctrine and discipline of HAHNEMANN.
WILSON came into our circle with all his stores of
sound culture and with all his indomitable courage in
defence of the right and true. I have said that the
avowal of his change of practice ensued upon a very
mature and thorough examination of the questions
involved in the change; and I may add that this was his
method in all other philosophical and administrative
problems. His powers of analysis were never
embarrassed by the perturbations of his emotional
nature. Though generous, even to a decided fault on
some occasions, and full of sympathy at all times and in
every fibre of his being, yet he could at all times set his
reason to work in the precision and cool steadiness of
mathematical logic; and thus it was his wont so to apply
his happily dormant rational power to the largest
questions of faith and of practice in ethics and
theosophy, as well as in ours of medicine. His
characteristic lay in this rare peculiarity of constitution,
one which belonged to the old time philosophers, that he
could apply his consciously rational test processes over
all the lines sketched by his intuitions; and his merit as a
man consisted in the ever rare quality that he openly
avowed and sustained whatsoever he found to be true by
this his double process of investigation, pocolepsis, and
demonstration. WILSON took this great step,
Homeopathy, with a deliberation and courage
consonant with his training in letters and science and
with his constitution as a man. He was no adventurer in
the community, with nothing to lose by the change, and
perhaps a gain to make by heralding a novelty in
medicine. Nor was he any view of his constitution, an
eager innovator, a reformer of popular mistakes; but
rather from his harmonic tendencies (he loved music)
and his cordial, social rapport with all good meaning
people of his place and time, he was a conservative; was
indulgent to harmless errors and indisposed to violent
uprooting. Nevertheless he went with his conviction of
truth whensoever these were fully ripe in his soul.
ŖBitter were the pangs and sore the costs of this
bold change for the accomplished and successful young
WILSON. In less than two years after the adoption of
the new method, that is to say in 1831, when the birth of
the last of his children had rendered the demands of
family support strongest upon him, his change had
deprived him of all his family practice save one; of that
goodly broad basis founded by his familiar associates
among the Masons in the Dutch church, of which he
was a cherished member, and from among his family
adherents, including those of his brother, the Counsellor
WILSON, only one stood by him, Mr. THOMAS
DUGAN, Sexton of St. George, who happened to be the
mutual friend of WILSON and myself.ŗ
WILSON did not study German, therefore could
not determine the remedy for himself, and as he was
ever anxious to do his utmost for his patients, he was in
the habit of taking them to GRAM for advice; and
WILSON and CHANNING held daily consultations
with GRAM. But long before his professional
reputation was re-established, Wilsonřs careful methods
and cures greatly advanced the system in the
10. Polarity analysis, a new approach to increase the
precision of homeopathic prescriptions
FREI Heiner (HOM. 98, 1/2009)
Introduction: The objective of the Swiss double blind
randomized controlled trial of Homeopathy for
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was to
find evidence of a specific therapeutic effect
attributable to homeopathic treatment of hyperactive
children. Each of the three phases of the trial yielded
positive results. In the open label treatment phase prior
to the double blind trial, a highly significant difference
between the effect of initial suboptimal and the final
optimal prescriptions were observed (p < 0.0001). this
demonstrates that the effect of homeopathic treatment
is causally tied to the choice of an appropriate
homeopathic remedy and not just the result of the
physicianřs attention to the patient.
during the double
blind phase the effect of homeopathy was significantly
different from placebo (p = 0.0479).
Sixty of 62
participants of the crossover trial were available for a 5-
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 94
year follow-up. Twenty-eight patients (47%) who were
still on homeopathic treatment had a mean longtime-
improvement of the Conners Global Index (CGI)
ratings of 63%, and 25 patients (42%) who had stopped
any treatment at all had a mean persistent improvement
of the CGI of 53%, suggesting a partial healing of
ADHD following homeopathic treatment.
The study, being a rigorous clinical test of
Homeopathy, also unmasked weaknesses of the
method. Due to a low percentage of initially correct
prescriptions the suspicion arose, that parents do not
report symptoms precisely. Analysis of 100
unsuccessful prescriptions in children who finally
improved with another homeopathic remedy, enabled
identification of misleading symptoms. Frequently
these were sensations and mind symptoms, while
modalities (especially aggravations) and polar
symptoms usually proved to be reliable information for
repertorisation. The exclusion of unreliable symptoms
led to an improvement of results, but also often resulted
in oligosymptomatic cases, i.e., cases with only few
usable symptoms. This problem was resolved by an
experimental reintroduction of (pathognomonic)
perception symptoms into repertorisation, which again
improved our positive treatment results significantly.
To allow for a precise differential diagnosis of
possible homeopathic medicines, polarity analysis, a
further development of Boenninghausenřs concept of
contraindications, was introduced and tested. It
increased the rate of optimal prescriptions by 20% and
thus turned out to be the most efficient improvement to
our case analysis. The treatment modifications for
ADHD-patients have been reported in an earlier
This paper describes the transfer of
insights gained in the treatment of ADHD into general
case analysis strategies applicable also to other
diseases. The results reached with the new approach
are compared with the effects of a conventional
homeopathic procedure.
The use of reliable symptoms
The reliability of the observation of symptoms as
found in ADHD-patients can be summarized in a
pyramid with the most reliable symptoms at the top and
the least reliable ones at the bottom (Table 1). This
pyramid was used for designing and testing checklists
for acute diseases and questionnaires for chronic
diseases (see below). As outlined in the publication on
the treatment modifications in ADHD-patients,
pathognomonic symptoms are no longer excluded from
repertorisation if they are characteristic, because such an
exclusion violates the Law of Similars. (In ADHD-
patients we found that by the inbtroduction of
perception symptoms Ŕ which are pathognomonic for
the syndrome Ŕ into the repertorisation, the rate of
successful prescriptions increased significantly).
Table 1 Reliability of symptoms
polar symptoms
mind symptoms
*especially aggravations
Most reliable symptoms on top, least reliable at bottom
Polarity analysis
Polarity analysis is the result of the search for a
way to better match the characteristic patient symptoms
with the Ŗgenius symptomsŗ
of a homeopathic
medicine (i.e., the most characteristic symptoms, of
high grade), thereby improving the reliability of the
prescriptions. To this end Boenninghausenřs idea of
contraindications was modified: almost every
homeopathic medicine includes a number of polar
symptoms. These are symptoms which also encompass
their opposite, e.g., desire to move/aversion to move;
thirst/thirstless; warmth ameliorates/warmth aggravates;
etc. A medicine may exhibit both poles, usually
indifferent grades. According to
BOENNINGHAUSEN, high grade symptoms (grade
three, four and five) correspond to the characteristics of
the medicine. In choosing the medicine for a patient
we have to find the one, whose characteristics best
corresponds to the characteristic patient symptoms. All
important symptoms of the patient ought to be covered
by the correctly chosen medicine, in as high a grade as
possible. If, in a given polar symptom, the opposite is
covered by a particular medicine in a high grade,
whereas the pole exhibited by the patient occurs only in
a low grade, then this medicine Ŕ according to
BOENNINGHAUSEN Ŕ is contraindicated and will not
cure the patient. Nux vomica, for example, has
aversion to movement in third grade, desire to move,
however, only in first grade. Consequently, Nux-v will
likely not cure a patient who exhibits a strong desire to
move, even though it covers this symptom in principle.
BOENNINGHAUSEN used this method to check his
choice of medicines.
Polarity analysis is a further development of this
concept of genius symptoms and contraindications: by
summing the grades of all polar patient symptoms for
each likely medicine and subtracting the grades of the
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 95
corresponding opposite polar symptoms one arrives at
the polarity difference.
For example: a patient suffers
from tonsillitis with the following symptoms:
<swallowing, <speaking, <cold food, <after waking,
>after eating, thirst increased. All these symptoms are
polar and covered by 19 medicines. However, only
three of those are not contraindicated according to
BOENNINGHAUSEN: Natrum carbonicum, Mercurius
solubilis and Magnesium carbonicum. The concept of
polarity difference for these three medicines is
illustrated in Table 2. The polarity difference is the
sum of the grades of polar patient symptoms minus the
sum of the grades of polar opposite symptoms.
The higher the polarity difference, the more likely
the medicine matches the characteristic symptoms of the
patient, provided there are no contraindications. A
negative polarity difference points to remedies which
cover the patient symptoms in an unspecific way, i.e.,
do not cover all patient symptoms with their genius
symptoms. Such remedies have very little chance of
curing the presenting complaint in the patient.
According to our example, Nat-c exhibits the highest
probability to cure, Merc. The second highest. Using
this method, the best suited medicine in a
repertorization containing several medicines, which
cover all the patients symptoms, can be more readily
identified. The algorithm of polarity analysis has been
since integrated in several repertorization programs of
Boenninghausenřs Therapeutic Pocketbook.
case example given below demonstrates the practical
application of polarity analysis.
Checklists for acute diseases and questionnaires for
chronic diseases
After testing reliable symptoms and polarity
analysis in ADHD-patients with good results,
attempted the transfer of the method into the treatment
of other diseases. To this end checklists and
questionnaires with repertory-specific wordings of
symptoms were created to complete conventional case
histories, emphasizing modalities and polar symptoms.
They were structured as follows: cause of the disease
(free formulation)/general modalities/local modalities,
findings and sensations/mind symptoms /symptoms not
contained on checklist or questionnaire (free
formulation). Eleven checklists for acute diseases and
eleven questionnaires for chronic diseases were outlined
for different main complaints (Table 3). In chronic
illnesses, patients had also to complete a general
questionnaire for additional symptoms not concerning
the main complaint.
Table 2 Polarity analysis showing patient-and
opposite-symptoms and polarity difference for a patient
with tonsillitis.
Medicine, degree of symptom
Nat- Merc Mag-c Rhus- Graph
C tox
<Cold food
>After eating
>Cold food
<After eating
*Cl = Contraindication i.e., patient symptom low grade,
opposite symptom high grade.
Organization of the homeopathic consultation
We organize a consultation for acute disease as
follows: Open case history, physical examination, then
parents or patients work through the specific
questionnaire concerning their complaint and write
down the symptoms observed, discussion of symptoms
followed by repertorisation. Finally, the specific
homeopathic remedy (single dose, 200 C) is given to
the patient. In addition, parents receive a second
possible remedy as a backup, which they can administer
if the patient does not improve at least 50% within two
In chronic diseases the case taking is split into two
consultations. During the first session a short open case
history is recorded, followed by a physical examination.
Then the questionnaire for the specific main complaint
and the general questionnaire are explained. The
patients take them home to give them sufficient time to
answer all questions accurately. In the second session,
the symptoms reported on the questionnaires are
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 96
discussed and the case history is completed by an
additional interview of the patient. The repertorisation
is made in the presence of the patient, and the
differential diagnosis is also discussed with the patient.
Finally, the choice of the patientřs homeopathic remedy
is arrived at after a careful Materia Medica comparison.
Then the patient receives the remedy, usually as a single
dose in the 200 C potency.
Table 3 Checklists for acute disease and questionnaires
for chronic disease
(A) Checklists
Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis
Disease of infants
Ear-, nose-and throat disease
Epidemic childrens disease
Gastro-intestinal disease
Headache and vertigo
Musculo-sceletal disease
Travel sickness
Urinary tract disease
(B) Questionnaires
General questionnaire
ADD/ADHD and sensory disturbances
Disease of ear, nose, throat and airways
Gastro-intestinal disease
Gynecologic disease
Heart and circulatory disturbances
Musculo-sceletal disease
Neurologic disease
Psychosomatic disease
Urinary tract disease
A case example
A woman, 46 years of age, a secondary school
teacher presented with intense pain in her left shoulder.
The problem began a few months ago with a strain of
the left shoulder after gymnastics, which exacerbated to
a florid acute inflammation. Any movement of her arm
is painful, she is extremely sensitive to touch at the
shoulder, and has a numbness in the fourth and fifth
fingers of her left hand. The pain prevents sleep and is
of such intensity that she cannot work.
The physical examination reveals redness, swelling,
heat and sensitivity to touch anterior to the left humero-
scapular joint. The movement of the left arm is severely
restricted. No other findings in the general physical
examination. The laboratory values show no signs of
inflammation or rheumatic disease. An X-ray of the left
shoulder two days later confirms the diagnosis of a
calcific tendonitis of the rotator cuff tendons.
In the questionnaire for musculo-sceletal disease
the patient underlines the following symptoms:
<external pressure
<warmly wrapping up
<exertion of body
<raising affected limb
>letting limb hang down
She returns the general questionnaire without any
symptoms, and further inquiry did not reveal any
additional symptoms.
The repertorisation with the PC-version of the
revised edition of Boenninghausenřs Therapeutic
results in twelve homeopathic remedies
covering all symptoms, but only three have no
contraindications: Ledum, Nitricum acidum and China
(polarity difference of China = cf. Table 4). (See the
Table 4, P.no.101)
The patient received one dose of Ledum 200 C (due
to the totality of characteristic symptoms, highest
polarity difference and confirmation of symptoms in the
Materia Medica).
Her sleep in the following night is undisturbed.
The pain returns two days later after the X-ray
examination, for which she has to stand in an
unfavorable position. Following Ledum 500 C it
improved again, but only for four days. Ledum 1 M acts
for another ten days. Finally Ledum Q3(LM3) daily
over one month improves all symptoms by 80%.
Further Ledum Q-potencies (6, 9, 12, 15, 18, each over
one month) follow. Eight months after the beginning of
treatment the patient is completely cured, i.e., free of
any symptoms, even after vigorous exertion. In the
follow-up X-ray image the calcification of the rotator
cuff tendons has completely disappeared. No relapse up
to the present (observation time 3½ years).
Evaluation of results
Acute diseases: Initially, the results reached with
polarity analysis alone in 100 patients with cough were
compared with the results of an earlier investigation, in
which the cough rubrics of Boenninghausenřs
Characteristics and Repertory
were prospectively
tested in 103 patients.
All patients with cough who
consulted the paediatric-homeopathic practice within a
given interval of time were included. After four days,
parents reported the results of treatment by phone. A
prescription was counted as a Ŗhitŗ, if the first remedy
was associated with an improvement of symptoms by at
least 50% within two days, or if the backup remedy led
to a total cure within another two days. ŖCureŗ was
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 97
defined as disappearance of all acute symptoms for at
least two months. In a second step, the results of
polarity analysis in combination with the checklist for
airways were evaluated with another 48 cough patients.
And in a third step, all the other checklists were
evaluated in 206 patients with a mixture of
corresponding diseases.
Chronic diseases: 153 patients with a variety of
different diseases were prospectively analysed with
questionnaires and polarity analysis. Their results were
compared with 50 patients of an earlier study which
served to compare with the results of different ranking-
systems of symptoms (as proposed by HAHNEMANN,
this study a group of 50 patients, their symptoms for
case analysis ranked according to HAHNEMANN
served as a baseline. In each group all patients with
chronic diseases treated within a given span of time
were included. Two months after receiving a single
dose of the 200 C potency, patients or parents were
asked to rate the subjective improvement of each
reported symptom as well as make an overall rating of
the (subjective) improvement the total of symptoms on a
percentage scale. A total improvement of 50% or more
was counted as a successful prescription (Ŗhitŗ).
Acute diseases: In the reference group with cough
patients treated according to Boenninghausenřs
Characteristics and Repertory, 75 of 103 children
(73%) were cured within four days. In the first group,
polarity analysis alone was applied in 100 patients with
cough: here 81 patients were cured within four days
(81%). In a group, the checklist for airways was added
to the application of polarity analysis: here 40 of 48
patients were cured within four days (83%). The other
checklists were tested in combination with polarity
analysis in 206 patients with a mix of different acute
diseases (Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, Otitis media, Enteritis,
Influenza, Abdominal colic, difficult dentition etc.). of
these patients 175 were cured within four days (85%).
Chronic diseases: In the conventionally treated
reference group 34 of 50 prescriptions in patients with a
mixture of different diseases were Ŗhitsŗ (68%), and the
average subjective improvement rating was 75%. With
the application of questionnarires and polarity analysis
in the test collective, also with a mixture of different
diseases, 128 of 153 patients had an improvement of
50% or more after two months (84% Ŗhitsŗ), and the
average subjective rating of their improvement was
The results found with each of the different
questionnaires. The lowest number of evaluated
patients was 8 (heart and circulation/gynaecology), the
highest number 20 (neurology).
The application of polarity analysis, checklists and
questionnaires has been published along with case
examples in a book entitled ŖEffiziente Homöopathische
Behandlungŗ (Efficient homeopathic treatment) in
The introduction of checklists and questionnaires
deviates from the Organon § 82 Ŕ 95 which demand an
open case taking.
But questionnaires have a long
historical tradition. HAHNEMANN himself treated
many patients by written correspondence only. To
enhance an exact observation of symptoms he urged
them to read the Organon and pointed out a number of
helpful paragraphs. A first actual questionnaire was
Boenninghausenřs publication Die homöopathische
Diät (The Homeopathic Diet) from 1833.
It contains
an extended list of symptoms according to the head-to-
foot scheme, with detailed modalities, serving patients
for the preparation of the homeopathic consultation.
Many later authors, including J.T. KENT, have used
similar tools. Nevertheless, there may be disadvantages
of such a procedure: A structured interview could
prevent a free description of symptoms and force
patients into a certain direction. It is important to point
out, that checklists and questionnaires are mainly used
to complete the patient history with important
symptoms. Beside them there is still room for an open
case interview. New in the approach presented here is
the use of repertory-specific formulations. They have
the advantage, that the patientřs symptoms do not have
to be translated into the language of the repertory, a
process which itself might be a source of
Any introduction of new methods into
Homeopathy should be carefully evaluated. Polarity
analysis has been tested in the highly frequented
paediatric practice of the author. Possible consequences
of a new procedure could be (a) that the precision of the
prescriptions suffers, leading to a lower number of
cures, or (b) a restriction of prescribed remedies to
polychrests only. Concerning the rate of cures we
observed an increase of the rate of successful
prescriptions. To get information on the variety of
homeopathic medicines used, the prescriptions in the
conventionally treated reference group were analysed
and compared with the two groups in which polarity
analysis and checklists were applied in acute disease
(checklist for airways and all other checklists). In the
cough reference group 75 patients were cured with 24
different remedies, i.e. a mean of 3.13 patients received
the same remedy. In the test group for acute disease the
215 cured patients needed 65 different remedies, i.e., a
mean of 3.3 patients received the same remedy. This
shows that the individualization of the treatment
remains the same. In addition, we made the experience
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 98
that by using the new method, small remedies not
rarely lead to spectacular results.
Concerning the results in acute diseases, one may
argue that part of the cures is spontaneous. This is
certainly the case, but since each group has been
evaluated the same way, the relative increase of
successful treatments is what matters. Another objection
may be, that polarity analysis is only based on the
symptom grading by BOENNINGHAUSEN as a
possible source of bias. Since Boenninghausenřs
grading is very homogeneous and incorporates the
experience of other physicians of his time including
HAHNEMANN, the problem is presumably small. It
will be resolved by the complete revision of the Materia
Medica being undertaken by the Boenninghausen
Working Group in Germany. First results of this
revision have already been published.
Basing the
new method on the revised edition of Boenninghausenřs
Therapeutic Pocketbook (published in 2000)
inherently restricts the spectrum of homeopathic
remedies to those 133 remedies contained therein.
Possibly, the 16% treatment failures encountered in the
evaluation of the treatment of chronic diseases are due
to this limitation. With the progress of the complete
revision of the Materia Medica this problem will
hopefully disappear. So far it has to be circumnavigated
by a good personal knowledge of Materia Medica.
Polarity analysis and repertory specific checklists
and questionnaires lead to a higher precision in
homeopathic prescriptions. The awareness of the
individual patient or parent for the observation of their
own relevant symptoms is sharpened, and the
consultation requires less time, which may be a great
advantage in busy homeopathic practice.
Conflicting interests
None declared.
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edn. Münster: Regensberg. 1833 [Reprint by
Bernd van der Lieth, Hamburg].
16. Gypser KH. Materia Medica Revisa
Homeopathiae, Einführung, Glees: Gypser,
17. Gypser KH. Materia Medica Revisa
Homeopathiae, Dulcamara. Glees: Gypser,
18. Goldmann R. Materia Medica Revisa
Homeopathiae, Rhododendron. Glees: Gypser,
19. Minder P. Materia Medica Revisa
Homeopathiae, Capsicum. Glees: Gypser, 2007.
20. Goldmann R. Materia Medica Revisa
Homeopathiae, Clematis. Glees: Gypser, 2008.
21. Kowzan Ewa. Materia Medica Revisa
Homeopathiae, Cyclamen, Glees: Gypser, 2008.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 99
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editorřs own contribution and other original
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
I. An Open Letter
Ref No.213/09-10. Date: 10
April. 2010.
Dr. Edzard ERNST,
Professor of Alternative / Complementary Medicine
Exeter University, Exeter,
Exeter, England, U.K.
Dear Dr. Edzard ERNST,
Please do not talk to press and write in Medical and
Non-medical papers and give statement as follows;
“We are happy to confess that our minds have
closed down on Homeopathy (AJM - Nov. 2009).”
This statement has exposed your ignorance about
real Homeopathy. You claim and you are the Professor
of CAM at the University. There is a doubt among the
public and medical profession. Thc doubt is; in which
system of medicine you are clinically competent -
Conventional medicine - Allopathy. Homeopathy or
any other (CAM) medical systems to teach and preach
for and against as a Professor of CAM at the University
of Exeter? Are you not crossing demarcated boundaries
(Laxman Rekha) of CAM? What is CAM? It does mean
Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Complementary to which system of medicine? Again,
Alternative to which system of medicine? You know
very well the answers better than me. Conventional
Medicine -Allopathy has no treatment for very many
diseases, conditions and syndromes, e.g. Viral
infections, ITP, etc. hence the need of complementary
and alternative medical systems for the suffering
patients, the world over. During discussions with the
Health Secretary; Govt. of USSR in 1960, when I asked
him a direct question - why do you have homeopathic
clinics by your Govt.? His reply was; ŖIf Allopathic
system of treatment fails to give relief or cure to
patients, we have for such patients and others who
prefer - an alternative system of medicine -
Homeopathyŗ. It is all recorded in ŘBlack & Whiteř.
The statement given by you in an article to the
medical journal proves that you have bias and prejudice
against Homeopathy and you are one among the
skeptics to it and skeptics are denialists. Denialists are
not interested in discussion, facts and evidence based
Homeopathy. Hostile attitude towards Homeopathy is
not a new. It started from 1796 and a virtual Ŗwar of
wordsŗ attacks since 1810.
Homeopathy has survived all games and plots
since then and it will survive till the Earth is dissolved
by merciful GOD as HE has gifted Homeopathy to
mankind through HAHNEMANN who was an
instrument to bring forth and develop it on our ŘPlanetř.
I think and feel that you have not read any of the
editions of Organon of Medicine by Dr. Samuel
HAHNEMANN. It is a practical manual on how to use
Homeopathy. You have missed the Řboatř of
Homeopathy hence your mind has been closed down
on Homeopathy. Without reading the subject of
Homeopathy only an ignorant person can give the
above statement. Please open widely your eyes and
mind Ŗto the salutary truth (HAHNEMANN, Preface to
first edition of Organon)ŗ; and do not Řclosedownř your
mind so early. Homeopathy is not „Placebo effect‟.
Dear Dr. ERNST come out with the truth and facts that
once you were/are Homeopath and you had many,
many failures, and unsuccessful practice because you
were not Řcompetentř and Řunableř to understand, learn
and practice the principles and potencies of
Homeopathy which are discovered by HAHNEMANN.
And also I think that you have no idea of difference
between ŘDilutionsř and homeopathic ŘPotencyř of
medicine. Homeopathic Potenciesř will not work in
dead laboratories and give results what you expect but
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 100
will work clinically on the living human sicks - the
patients and give results which are evidence based of
Homeopathy is both science and art. You are
probably missing a lot in your life without it when you
have Řdivorcedř Homeopathy from your life. Now you
have become hostile to it. Why?
Homeopathy and its potencies action has been well
proved by Řclinical trialsř on live patients in
homeopathic clinics and hospitals the world over. Dear
Dr. ERNST do I have to challenge you by words,
writing in newspapers, on street walls, and distribute
leaflets and, potency pills in the streets of London to a
mass of public without knowing each of them what their
constitutions, emotions and suffering are? No. Instead;
I am inviting you to visit India - the super power of
Homeopathy in the community of Nations - the world
and visit Government and private clinics and hospitals
to see by yourself ŘClinically and Practicallyř how
Homeopathy works.
My homeopathic Cancer Clinics are Řopenř for you
to see with your open mind. You can see live cancer
patients, not one, two or fifty (50) but hundreds if you
stay and attend clinics for only one month with me.
These cases are Řevidence based Homeopathyř. You
can look at written histories of patients and all relevant
reports by Conventional Medicine. You can take notes
for or against Homeopathy and Conventional
Medicines as these cases are referred cases after failures
of Conventional Medicine and very many cases are
Řvirginř cases treated purely with Homeopathy.
I am sending you ŖTHE 50 MILLESIMAL
JOURNALŗ on Cancer Cases Part I; Breast Cancer, Part
II; Leukaemia, Part Ill; Prostate Ca. & PSA levels and
Part IV; Ovarian Cancer and The 50 Millesimal
souvenir issue which contains Protocols for Cancer and
Bronchial Asthma for the research works - trials.
Please go through them carefully . These cases are
treated with Homeopathy and its potencies after the
failures of Conventional Medicine - so-called
Allopathy, a modem medicine. Can these cases live
painless and productive life for 3, 5, 10, 20,45 yrs. with
ŖPlacebo effectsŗ? I am going to publish 2000 (two
thousand) cases of cancer or malignant tumours, treated
with evidence based Homeopathy.
If you have Řopen mindř and not Řclosed mindř or
Řskeptic mindř or Řblindř to the truth, I invite you to
visit India and I will bear all your economy class travel
expenses from London to Mumbai and return from
Mumbai to London. For travelling expenses within
India you and your sponsors have to bear as you by a
chance had become Řskeptic toward Homeopathyř.
Also you have to find out how Homeopathy works in
India and why it cannot work in U.K., U.S.A., Europe,
Russia and the world around for rich and poor patients?
Hahnemannřs Homeopathy is one everywhere. I will
receive you at Mumbai with Ŗopen armsŗ and also with
Ŗopen mindŗ.
Are you, Dear, Dr. ERNST accepting my
challenge and invitation? Do not give up a given
opportunity. You may regret later.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely in Homeopathy,
Dr. R. P. Patel
P.S. Please do reply as it is an Open Letter and it will be
released to public and press in the interest of
Homeopathy. I am 84 years and 60 years in
Homeopathy which has saved my life from deadly
spindle cells Sarcoma with metastasis in the right lung;
that happened in 1960-1966.
I. Lesser Writings, Dr. P.S. KRISHNAMURTY; 3-
4-497, Barkatpura, Hyderabad Ŕ 500 027, India.
67 pages Rs.100/-.
Dr. P.S. Krishnamurthy, is one of the well-known
(both within India and abroad) Homeopathy
Physicians. He has taught Homeopathy to several
Physicians and still he is teaching abroad, in his
We have a very very small number of Řold
homeopathsř who have crossed their 80
year and still
actively occupied with Classical Homeopathy.
The ŘLesser Writingsř of Dr. KRISHNAMURTY
contains brief articles of great value for example: (1)
Exteriorization, (2) Potency selection, (3) Use and
misuse of the Foot Note to §60, (4) Direction of cure (5)
Symptom totality prescription vs Miasmatic
prescription, etc. etc.
There are very valuable hints Ŕ for example, what
to do when the patient does not respond to the well-
selected remedy.
Dr. KRISHNAMURTY says that most of the acute
condition like Measles in Hahnemannřs time are now
potential Chronic illnesses like sub-acute form of Pan-
Encephalitis which is a complication of Measles [How
many of us have thought this? = KSS]
Here is another very interesting observation which I
have also observed: p.49 ŖUsually the doctors are
satisfied with one or two or three characteristic
symptoms of the patient to tally with the remedy and
give it. In spite of it, it still works because post
Hahnemannian Classical authors observed this
therapeutic of these characteristic symptoms which are
required to three legged stool to stand on the anti
gravitational effort. There is no harm in this but
unfortunately the direction of cure will stay at the point
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 101
of remission…ŗ What an observation! A genuine
homeopathic cure is scarcer than a blue moon, indeed.
There is an Appendix on ŘPranař and ŘPrana and
There are few printing errors but they do not in
anyway interfere with the understanding of what author
II. The supreme value of Single Remedy Rubrics,
Dr. P.S. KRISHNAMURTY, 3-4-497,
Barkatpura, Hyderabad Ŕ 500 027. India. Pages
47. Rs.100/-.
This booklet contains 50 Case Reports, very briefly
and succinctly given. The beauty is that he has picked
up such cases where the curative remedy was the only
one in that rubric (in Kent Repertory).
It is very interesting to me to note that in several of
his cases the ŘDirection of Cureř (Heringsř
Hahnemannřs Law) is manifest. For example in the
very first case of a woman who was sterile for several
years was given Oxalic acid 50M one dose, and she
broke out with eruptions all over and became pregnant
and delivered a child full term! Homeopathyřs action
beautifully demonstrated.
The booklet is filled with such cases. This
impresses the reader that the single remedy rubrics have
their value even if they are only with 1 mark and/or
clinical symptom only.
Many of us would have had some such experiences
but how many of us note them down and ponder over it?
At the end of the book Dr. KRISHNAMURTY has
given an Ŗunforgettableŗ case of his. For information of
colleagues who may not be knowing it,
KRISHNAMURTY has contributed more cases under
the title,ŗMy most unforgettable Caseŗ in the famous
Indian journal The Hahnemannian Gleanings (1933-
1986). I am fortunate to have read all of them.
Enjoyable and instructive.
III. Materia Medica Revisa Homeopathicae,
Drosera, von Daris BARZEN, (Sammlung
homeopathiae Arzneimittel in meherern
Bänden) Klaus-Henning GYPSER (Hrsg.),
Wunnibald GYPSER Verlag, Glees. 2008.
In this Monograph on Drosera, we find 545
symptoms as against 287 symptoms only in the Materia
Medica Pura In his Introduction to this remedy in his
Materia Medica Pura HAHNEMANN has said that
Drosera has to be proved further. Unfortunately there
seems to have been no further Proving as such.
The present Monograph has drawn from reliable
clinical Reports from such sources a Dorothy
KLUNKER amongst others. Attention is drawn to
TYLERřs Drug Pictures wherein she has delineated the
great role of Drosera in Tuberculosis.
A careful study of the Materia Medica would reveal
that Drosera can be applied in more ailments other than
respiratory. It is upto the colleagues to prescribe the
remedy in suitable cases and communicate the results to
the Materia Medica Revisa Arbeitsgruppe.
IV. Materia Medica Revisa Homeopathicae,
Gelsemium sempervirens, von Daris BARZEN,
(Sammlung homeopathiae Arzneimittel in mehruln
Bänden) Klaus-Henning GYPSER (Hrsg.),
Wunnibald GYPSER Verlag, Glees. 2009. ISBN-
Gelsemium sempervirens, (yellow Jasmine) is a
remedy very frequently used in the day today practice,
mostly for Flu type fevers including Dengue, anxiety
before an event, vertigo etc.
In his classical and brief manner Dr. BOGER, has
put the characteristics so succinctly e.g. ŖDull, drowsy
and dizzyŗ; Ŗaching, tired, heavy, weak and soreŗ;
ŖConfused, dazed, apathetic, torpidŗ and so on.
Keeping these in memory, never to be forgotten, has
helped in several cases. Now with the help of this
Monograph by Robert GOLDMANN we can study the
Materia Medica and apply it in more cases where it is
the remedy; example: the typical headache from back of
the head extending to the front. It is quite fascinating to
study in this manner; we will not feel that the study of
the Provings as Řdryř or boringř, rather become Řaliveř
and Řinterestingř.
This Monograph has 1640 symptom is from a large
number of sources.
These Monographs must be in every Homeopathy
practitionerřs library; of course it will be much more of
service if these are carefully translated into English by
competent person.
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 102
Number of
Sum of grades
Polarity difference
Patient symptoms
<Pressure external
<Wrapping up
<Exertion of body
<Raising affected
>Hang down affected
Opposite symptoms
>Pressure external
>Wrapping up
>Exertion of body
>Raising affected
<Hang down affected
PC-version of Boenneihausen
s Therapeutic pocketbook,rev.ed.2006.
CI = Contraindication
Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 1&2/2010. For private circulation only 103
How-to for Flu: Healing homoeopathy Remedies by MIRANDA CASTRO
Before the flu Ŕ or for the very first symptom
For prevention of flu or atf first sign of
getting sick
For prevention of flu
At the first sign of a flu with sudden onset with no clear
symptom, i.e., within the few hours
Ferrum phos
At the first or second sign of a flu(i.e., after
the first few hours) with no clear symptom yet
<Worse for
>Better for
Profuse, acrid
discharge from eyes
and nose
Thirsty for sips
Warmth except the
Irritable and
High fever with
prostration with profuse
Sore/ bruised feeling or
all in bits, scattered
Face is dull/red
Intense thirst
With gastric
Very hot and dry
Aches all over
Painful cough (causes
Large quantities
infrequent (for cold)
Least movement
With chest
Wants to be
still & left
Shivering/ chills of back
Severe pains in limbs
and back. Bones feel
Bursting Headache
Eyeballs are sore
Thirst for cold drinks
Least movement
Heat alternating with
chills. Shivers/chills run
up & down spine. No
Aches all over Muscles
ache Heavy and weak
Sneezing Dull
headache Eyes/head
heavy Double vision
Urinating, Open air,
Stiffness of
Creeping chilliness
Thick, acrid, smelly,
discharges. Nose is
swollen, Shiny and
sore. Cold ascends to
Intense thirst
Constant hunger
Heat and Cold, i.e.,
extremes of
Moderate temperatures
With sore
bad taste in
mouth &
bad breath
Chilly with shivering (esp.
after drinking)
Limbs and backache
Nose stopped up at
Thirst for hot drinks
Least movement,
With gastric
Creeping chills
&thumping heart Rapid
pulse & low temp or vice
versa. Chills in back/limbs
Severe pains in back
and limbs. Feels beaten
and bruised all over
(bed feels hard)
Bursting headache
restless with
the pains
&the chills
Aches and pains in
Tip of tongue is red
Keeping still
Gentle motion warmth
Restless &
Of being
After the flu
More of a physical weakness after
a flu with a lot of sweating (and
possible dehydration)
Kali phosphoricum
Mildly depressed after a flu.
Weakness after a flu with heaviness that
t go away .
Feels that he or she has
never recovered from the
flu has never been well