Quarterly Homeopathic Digest, Vol. XXVII, 3 & 4, 2010. For Private circulation only 110
Six year old Marjorie was sick with fever, chills
and sore throat. Lethargic just wanted to sit and close
down his eyes. For a week before there was too much
excitement for his 6
birthday. Had eaten lot of fast
foods, less hours of sleep. On the party day lot of candy
and cake.
After Nux vomica 30, he fell in to a deep sleep for 4
hours. Woke up and asked for a bowl of fruit salad.
After the second dose, brightened up, watched T.V. and
then slept for 12 hours woke up just fine next day.
14 year-old bubbly Emily was exhausted physically
and mentally after exerting much for her schoolřs
annual holiday musical and received tremendous
acclaim. Excitement kept her awake in the nights
leading up to the play and after that she couldnřt relax
Kali phosphoricum 30, 3 times a day for 2 days. By 2
day she was better and by third day, back to her
17. ŘTis the Season to Jolly!
Ailments from …joy?
JEROME, Ann. E. (HT. 29, 4/2009)
Joy is a form of excitement and may have
physiological repercussions such as accelerated pulse,
shallow breathing and elevated Blood pressure. These
can lead to problems in sensitive individuals or people
with underlying problems.
The indications for Aconite, Causticum, Coffea,
Crocus, Pulsatilla, Cyclamen are discussed.
18. Real food is Real Medicine
How Diet supports homeopathic treatment
Diabetic says goodbye to twice-daily insulin shots
and laundry list of drugs
DELANEY, Susan (HT. 29, 4/2009)
In our fast paced, modern-era, diet and lifestyle
issues have become increasingly complex. As a society,
we have grown fatter, sicker and more prone to a pill for
every ailment.
Homeopathic treatment Ŕ used in combination with
healthy lifestyle changes, a diet of real food and food
based nutritive supplements can be a powerful way for
practitioners to address the complex health problems
being seen in the clinic.
54 year-old deputy sheriff, Hanet Smith with her
diabetes and cholesterol spiraling out of control despite
numerous drugs and Insulin shots. She was also under
medication for high B.P., anxiety, depression and
gastric reflux.
She was sensitive, caring, feeling lonely and
unhappy in her marriage but lacked the strength and
determination to leave her husband. Weeps easily,
changeable moods. Worse in hot weather and sleeps
with open windows. Fatigue. Pulsatilla 1M with strict
dietary advice. Nothing made with flour, walking 20
minutes daily. Turn off T.V. for one month and instead
listen to radio or to music and read books or magazines
and nutritional supplements.
A week later, renewed energy and well-being and
no need of evening shot of Insulin.
Three weeks later, more dramatic improvement.
No need of even morning shot of Insulin. Blood
pressure returned to normal. Lost 10 pounds. No
gastric reflux. Now walking 30 Ŕ 40 minutes daily.
Six weeks later, depressed and lack of energy.
Pulsatilla 1M. Within three days feeling well.
Three months later, she had discontinued all her
Blood pressure, Cholesterol and diabetic medications
with the prescribing doctorsř blessings. In the next two
years her health has improved in many ways and lighter
by 30 pounds, on occasional doses of Pulsatilla.
The dramatic progress was clearly due to her
extreme compliance of recommendations along with the
support of homeopathic medicine.
Many unhealthy lifestyle patterns seem to be tied to
issues of self esteem and feelings of worthlessness and
despair. Why people try to change, they bump into
these emotions and they try to cover up, rather than to
deal with them. At these times, right homeopathic
remedy can do wonders to help in healing process Ŕ
improving a personřs outlook, giving them more
motivation and smoothing the way for positive lifestyle
changes. [Let all colleagues note this instead of seeking
an alternative medicine to Insulin = KSS].
19. You are what you Eat?!
Four stories of healing with diet and homeopathy:
Hypertension, Eczema, Liver disease, Arthritis
DOOLEY, Timothy (HT. 29, 4/2009)
Diet is the simplest way to purify the blood and
raise its vitality. A simple nutritional diet encourages
detoxification through the liver, kidneys and intestines.
The simple natural health modalities of diet and fasting
are not suppressive and often aid homeopathic
prescribing through the resolution of confusing
superficial symptoms.
Four cases are presented where diet and
homeopathic medicines resolved the problems.
20. Heading off the Misery of Migraines
After 40 years of suffering, this teacher gets her life
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 29, 4/2009)
Linda, 58 year-old teacher, was suffering with
migraines for more than 40 years Ŕ mostly
premenstrual, but worsened after menopause. Also mild
inflammation of joints, chronic constipation and
insomnia due to worry. Chilly and tends to sweat