VOL. XXVIII, 1 & 2, 2011
Lead me from Untruth to Truth
Lead me from Darkness to Light
Lead me from Death to Immortality
Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28
(This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in
Homeopathy drawn from the well-known homeopathic journals published world-over - India,
England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names
and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end.
Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080, India.)
VOL. XXVIII, 1 & 2, 2011
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homeopathy drawn from the well-known
homeopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA,
etc., - discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for
detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries
original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Paradigm Shift: Homeopathy as Applied
BROWN, Doug (HL. 20, 2/2007)
Homeopathy finds itself increasingly at odds with
mainstream medicine, not primarily because of its
different pharmacopoeia or methodology, but because it
is based on a fundamentally different paradigm.
Allopathy as well as the “common-sense” understanding
of the world with which most of us are raised, is
grounded in materialism. Developments in the sciences
of noetics (consciousness), cosmology, and physics,
however, are challenging materialist assumptions about
reality, thereby creating a context within which the truth
of Homeopathy can be considered with less risk of
cognitive dissonance. New opportunities for describing
what we do in terms of this new paradigm may bring
more people to Homeopathy, may help establish the
cultural relevance of our healing art in the new
millennium, and may help enlarge our own vision and
understanding of the depth of our work.
2. An Ideal of Health
Inspiration from the Organon
GUBBAY, Diana (HT. 30, 1/2010)
Full article is given in Part II.
3. Sind die Jüngsten Angriffee der Medien auf die
Homöopathie gerechtfertigt? Eine Streitschrift
(Are the recent attacks by the Media on
Homeopathy unprejudiced? A warning)
VITHOULKAS, George (ZKH. 53, 1/2009)
In the recent times there has been increased cry by
the British Media against Homeopathy, as it had never
before been tantamounting to maligning Homeopathy.
The author, with his several years’ experience in all
parts of the world, feels that these calumnious
statements are framed due to certain ‘teachers’ of
Homeopathy who have based themselves on ‘dreams’
“proving”, ‘signatures’ ‘elements’ etc. They do not
follow HAHNEMANN’s methods. Probably these
‘teachers’ feel the Hahnemannian method “laborious”;
and therefore have based themselves on these
imaginative methodologies. [All these cries “kill
Homeopathy” have died down since about an year
now. = KSS]
4. Homöopathie im Zeitgeist Gedanken zur
“Modernisierung” einer 200 Jahre alte Heilkunst
(Homeopathy in the spirit of the Time on
modernization of a 200 year old Medicine)
ROHRER, Anton (ZKH. 53, 2/2009)
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 3*
HAHNEMANN wanted to found a Medicine able
to cure with certainty. It’s foundation was well
described in §3 of the Organon. The pre-requisites for
certainty in cure are, a correct perception of symptoms
of both the disease and the remedy and their
matching each other.
Ever since the beginning of Homeopathy,
homeopaths have interpreted §3 according to the spirit
of the times (Zeitgeist), in accordance with the
development of natural sciences, and Medicine
including Anatomy, Pathology, etc. Later Psycho-
analysis came on, then Depth Psychology etc. Currently
it is Quantum Physics. The author discusses with
support of eminent authorities HAHNEMANN,
KLUNKER, et al.
5. Miasm in the Mineral Kingdom
MORRISON, Roger (AJHM. 102, 2/2009)
The author proposes miasmatic relationships (based
on the miasmatic concepts of SANKARAN) of the
mineral remedies and organic compounds, synthesizing
the work of Jan SCHOLTEN and Rajan SANKARAN.
6. Look at, then See the Case
SHEPPERD Joel (AJHM. 102, 2/2009)
Students of Hahnemann’s Organon often find an
aphorism that catches their attention the most. The first
part of §104 interests me. What exactly does a
homeopath do after going to great pains to investigate
the complete case? The English translations vary
widely in their answer. What modern homeopaths
actually do in practice varies even more erractically.
What are the words that HAHNEMANN actually uses?
Every translation involves a personal interpretation.
(Full article is in Part II = KSS.)
1. The Ring of Nenya Elven Queen Galadriel and
LALOR, Liz (HL. 20, 2/2007)
Homeopaths have for years surmised the
Constitutional pictures of each character in the
wonderful Tolkien tale of The Lord of the Rings.
Previously in Links Liz LALOR explored the
characters of Frodo as Anacardium and Gollum as
Mancinella. This essay is follow-on from that article
and looks at the character of Queen Galadriel and the
remedy picture of Anhalonium.
2. A new proving of Petroleum
PITT Richard (HL. 20, 2/2007)
A new proving was done because the original
proving was not complete and various themes of the
provings are presented.
3. The Methuselah Tree
Pinus longaeva
CREVELD Marijke (HL. 20, 3/2007)
Pinus longaeva is the longest-living tree on earth.
A dream proving was conducted with a remedy made of
the root and wood of a Bristlecone pine. During the
dream proving many dreams occurred with the theme
‘above and below’, related to the connection with the
earth and the cosmos/spirituality. Among the themes
found were ‘no communication, being
unconnected/disconnected and insensitive’, ‘running
and hurry’, ‘sadness’ and ‘lonely’, all related to the
problem that we are increasingly out of sync with our
external time frame.
4. Some Remarks Concerning Homeopathic Provings
ROSENBAUM, Paulo & SILVIA , I.Waisse-Priven
(HL. 20, 2/2007)
There is extensive discussion concerning the proper
method of conducting homeopathic drug trials. The
authors have been conducting proving for the last three
years. Experience has revealed some aspects that have
been previously omitted or that need further adjustment,
such as the notion of healthy volunteer, double-blind vs.
multiphase studies, the notion of placebo, etc. The
authors believe that it’s essential for researchers to
publish even partial results of well conducted trials, in
order to contribute to the improvement of the proving
5. Sieben Kriterien für verifikationen
(Seven Criteriae for Verifications)
KLINKENBERG Carl Rudolf (ZKH. 53, 1/2009)
The characteristic symptoms and modalities of
remedies are established through verifications. The
meaning and definition of verification is explained. The
difference of verification and clinical symptom is
demonstrated on the basis of a cured case of
Verifications have to yield to high standards of
quality. 7 basic criteria are defined, as well as the term
“false” clinical symptom. It is stated why in
Homeopathy only characteristic and intense symptoms
can be verified.
What are these 7 criteriae? They are:
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 4*
1. The symptom or symptom group must have gone
away clearly and it must remain so cured for very
long time.
2. Only characteristic and intensive symptoms can be
3. Only genuinely relevant, sick alterations can be
verified, no hypothesis or interpretations.
4. A verification of a single medicine must be
verifiable backward also. If more medicines one
after the other were given, why this verification is
relevant is to be said.
5. The verification must clearly be of that medicine
and not from other therapies, for example,
Psychotherapy, Diet, Acupuncture.
6. The remedy must have brought about the cure and
not by change of environment or other state, for
example a change of life situation or by removal of
the factors responsible for the disease.
7. The cure must be strikingly rapid which is unlike of
the disease in its natural course.
5. Die Kasuistik als Weg Zur Verification
(The cases as a way for Verification)
KLINKENBERG, Carl Rudolf (ZKH. 53, 1/2009)
Verifications are reported through Case Reports.
The varying extent of a case report, depending on the
author or the epoch of issue, is demonstrated through
examples from the literature. A case report should be
complete to such extent, that its value can be reviewed
regardless of the author. A case from the author’s clinic
shows, which details should be included in a case
6. Verifikationen, Falsifikationen, Klinische
(Verifications, Falsifications, Clinical Symptoms)
GENNEPER Thomas (ZKH. 53, 1/2009)
Earlier, this journal (the ZKH) had a section
“Verifications and Clinical Symptoms”. This Section
lasted for sometime and then stopped. Now it has been
proposed to have a section “Verifications, Falsifications,
Clinical Symptoms”. The term “falsification is the
opposite of “verification”. The falsification” is with
regard to a remedy which has been reported to act in a
particular symptom, but in the practice of one, it does
not act against that symptom; thus falsification”. It is
hoped such careful examination of the symptoms will
help a dependable Materia Medica over the years.
1. Identifying with society
A case of Kali ferrocyanatum
(HL. 20, 2/2007)
A 26 year-old woman with Infertility and
weakness. Anaemic-worsening inspite of iron
treatment. Not gaining weight inspite of eating
anything and everything. Operated for cyst in ovaries
and endometriosis. Stabbing pains during periods.
Leucorrhoea during the fake menopause period forced
by the tablets. Series of infections Candida,
Trichomonas and then Staphylococcal. Never been able
to cry. Often dreams of flying and slowly losing height.
Tries to isolate pain as she is not able to bear it.
Wandering pains. Kali ferrocyanatum Q1. After few
days strong bellyache similar to that of dysmenorrhoea.
To take medicine twice a week. Two months later, she
was pregnant and stopped all treatments except
prescribed by the Gynaec.
A year later-few weeks after delivery consulted for
severe post partum depression.
A feeling of emptiness with suicidal thoughts.
Dreams of dead people, wars, destruction, pieces of
corpses. Pain in uterus with a constant feeling that
menses are coming.
Right sided headache on waking. Exhausted as the
baby is having sleeping problems.
Kali ferrocyanatum. Few days later, sleeping much
better, regaining strength, no headache and baby also
started to sleep.
2. The art of prescribing
SALUNKHE, S. Anita (HL. 20, 2/2007)
If a remedy causes the symptom to disappear this
does not automatically imply a cure. The author has
had the honesty and the awareness to publish a case
where suppression caused the development of deeper
symptoms and offers VIJAYKAR’s theory of
Suppression and Miasms as a map to be used in
analyzing the follow-up to a remedy.
A 29 year-old obese man was treated with repeated
doses of Calcium carbonicum for Hypertension in Jan.
In Nov. 2001, he had mild Varicocele with low
sperm count. After homeopathic medicines, his count
improved and recently developed Varicose Ulcers
painless, bluish, with offensive and blackish base.
Chilly but desire to be fanned. Careless and slow.
Indifferent to his health and family. Least interested in
starting a family even after 4 years of marriage.
According to VIJAYKAR’s chart of suppression
the Hypertension is in Layer IV (organ of Mesoderm
Psora) and the disease has shifted to the same Layer IV
as Varicose Ulcer Syphilis).
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 5*
Carbo vegatabilis 200 one dose in Feb. 2002. His
Varicose Ulcer which is syphilitic, disappeared and he
got severe pain in his testes, subsided on its own and his
blood pressure increased. 8 months later, he developed
fever with cold which is Psoric. His wife gave birth to a
baby boy.
The Psoric and Syphilitic picture of Carbo-veg is
3. Facial Analysis An Objective Approach
BENTLEY, Grant (HL. 20, 2/2007)
Grant BENTLEY has been using facial analysis to
determine the dominant Miasm in the patient. This
means dissecting each facial feature to determine what
inherited process is the strongest: hypo or small, hyper
or large, or dys or inward function.
A three year-old Autistic child presents with
continuous colds and ear discharge in March 2005.
Greenish nasal discharge. Can’t talk, only points and
grunts. Poor concentration span and hyperactivity. Hot
ears during ‘cold’ with mucus congestion in chest.
Worse in Spring & Autumn. No eye contact. Facial
Analysis revealed large eyes, full lips, ball shaped nose,
ears that stick out, cleft in chin, spaced teeth, gums
show, straight hairline, straight forehead and straight
bridge of nose All Sycotic features.
Dulcamara 30 daily.
3 months later: Coughs and colds have vanished
and he is now talking in sentences. Concentration span
improved dramatically. The original behavioural
specialist is questioning herself regarding the diagnosis
of Autism. To continue Dulcamara 30 daily.
After 4 months still continuing to improve
mentally. Still has not had one cold.
After 7 months, no colds, but occasional runny
nose. His talking improving continuously. Making eye
contact. No hitting. No frustration. Toilet trained. If
he doesn’t take Dulcamara 30 daily he gets annoyed,
everything becomes hard and becomes run down
quickly. To continue Dulcamara 30 daily.
Footnote on Potency
Continuance of the 30 potency daily is based on
the fact that this boy continues to improve which
indicates his Vital Force still needs and accepts the
remedy in this potency. If this were not the case,
improvement would cease and he would slip back.
Instructions to discontinue and consult, should old
symptoms return. When a medicine is working well, do
not be in a hurry to change it.
4. Thoughts on the periodic table
(HL. 20, 3/2007)
This article presents a periodic table, introduced by
Dimitry MENDELEYEV, as it explains better the
homeopathic understanding of inert gases. It was
inspired by Dr. Jan SCHOLTEN’s book “Homeopathy
and the Elements”.
5. Self-control to Avoid Abuse
A case of Crohn’s disease
SCHOLTEN, Jan (HL. 20, 3/2007)
55 year-old man with Crohn’s disease for about 20
years stopped cortisone which was worsening him,
rejected colon resection.
He tried many kinds of treatment for his severe
diarrhea, sour smelling, with blood and mucus, worse
from beer and spinach. Self control is very important
for him. Sensation of being sucked dry if he opens up
to other people. If he is too open all shit will come out.
For 20 years he has been abused at home by his wife; at
office by his company. Felt unimaginably rejected.
Self control is the theme of Lanthanides, especially
of Terbium which is stage 11.
Stool problem, what is left over (Stage 16), abuse,
indicates Oxygen.
Terbium oxydatum M.
3-4 days later, had an aggravation and then he
improved. His quality of life improved. Felt free, and
cheerful. He discovered that he used to have an
inferiority complex.
Three years after, no symptoms of disease.
6. Identifying with society
A case of Kali iodatum
MANGIALAVORI, Massimo (HL. 20, 3/2007)
60 year-old man with severe Asthma and
Emphysema, Acne rosaceae and Chronic Pharyngitis.
Asthmatic attacks as soon as he wakes up and around 5-
6 p.m. Better outdoors. < slightest effort.
Diarrhea from milk. Lost wife at 38 years of age.
Difficulty in bringing up three children. Tiredness.
Always depressed. Asthmatic attacks worse with
slightest argument. Always has the impulse to travel.
Dreams of flood destroying everything. Kali iodatum
Over the next few months he continued to improve
physically and mentally. His dream pattern also
7. Complementing the simillimum in chronic diseases
HARRY Van der Zee
(HL. 20, 3/2007)
38 year-old woman with Multiple Sclerosis, with
nausea and sensitive to noise. Tiredness aggravated by
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 6*
loss of sleep. Takes care of others and family members
but forgets to take care of herself.
Cocculus indicus 1M. 2 weeks later tiredness less.
Feeling calmer. Nausea less. An eruption has started in
the neck.
A month later, no nausea and headache. Sensitivity
to noise is less. One year later, ascending numbness in
left arm and leg. Also numbness of tongue and vertigo.
Cocculus indicus 1M. From 1992 to 2004 now and then
Cocculus and she has been responding well,
nevertheless has sporadic acute episodes of Multiple
Sclerosis (MS) and slowing down the process was all
the remedy was doing.
So a remedy designed by Peter CHAPPEL for MS,
PC243p 5 drops daily after banging the bottle 5 times.
One month later, rapid amelioration of all her
symptoms. After six months, she is firmer on her feet
than she has been in years, can walk longer, stand and
work in kitchen longer and less use of wheel chair.
After ten months, warts all over and they are growing.
If she stops taking the PC remedy, tingling worse. 50%
better than a year ago. Thuja 200. Three months later
no warts.
Two and half years after starting with PC MS is
stable. Taking 3 drops of PC MS daily works best for
Instructions for using disease specific PC remedies
are given.
8. Schlafstörungen bei kinder
(Sleep disorders in children)
(AHZ. 253, 6/2008)
The author is also a practitioner of Psychotherapy,
specialist in psychiatry of children and adolescents
besides being a homeopath.
The author discusses sleep disorders of children in
the light of her knowledge on all the subjects
Three cases are presented briefly.
9. de bin ich, geh zur Ruh
(I am tired, go to rest)
ZIPPERMAYR Philipp (AHZ. 253, 6/2008)
Sleep can be seen as retreat by the events of the day
and by the social surrounding field. The different forms
of sleep disorders are therefore disturbances of this
retreat. They refer to a specific social conflict of the
patient, not or not completely permitting this retreat.
The analysis of the temper and the message of the
dominating disease symptomatology bring to light a
disturbed bond of trust to the surrounding field as
reason for the sleep disorder. The knowledge of the
cause, the motive of disease, makes it possible to
compare with the motives of the remedies which are
applicable, facilitating the homeopathic choice.
10. Carcinosinum und Medorrhinum bei der
Behandlung von Schlafstörungen
(Carcinocinum and Medorrhinum in the treatment
of Sleep disturbances)
HADULLA, Michael, M. (AHZ. 253, 6/2008)
With two cases from his practice the author Dr.
HADULLA indicates the value of Carcinosinum and
Medorrhinum in the treatment of sleep disturbances.
Case 1: Carcinosinum: 10 year-old female child;
abdominal pains, nervous type, after the death of her
grandmother. After examining her abdomen, blood, etc.
where nothing abnormal was found, she was given a
dose of Ignatia D200 with rapid improvement. Since
then became a great propagator of Homeopathy. This
was in 2006.
Now: this sleep disturbance. The mother had given
her Coffee D 12 without success. She said, “I would
sleep, but my head is not sleeping.” Taking her mental
disposition, desire for Chocolates, and suppressed
ambition, etc. was given Carcinosin D200. The cure
began rapidly.
Case 2: Medorrhinum: 32 year-old, female. Since the
beginning of the first pregnancy and more during the
second pregnancy, sleep disturbances were bothering
her very much. Sometimes she would fall asleep only at
5 in the morning; she felt very tired and weak.
Anaemic. Has undergone Allopathy treatments. A
homeopath had given her Silica and also a complex
remedy and another colleague gave Sepia and Aconitum
as also Phosphoric acid, all without success.
Further detailed anamnesis brought out many
mental symptoms. The symptoms pointed to
Medorrhinum which was given in D200. There was
clear improvement.
11. Homeopathy and Psychotherapy
A homeopathic practitioner’s point of view
HERON, Krista (HT. 30, 1/2010)
Patients say how much the first homeopathic
consultation is like Therapy. Psychotherapist
colleagues often marvel at the depth and breadth of
what the patient reveals in their first hour with
homeopath. In some ways it doesn’t matter what the
story is, it can be in the telling that much is revealed.
To help the patient tell their story and to use this
information well is the artistry of the homeopath. As
homeopaths we are doctor, anthropologist, sociologist,
psychologist and scientist, all in one.
12. Save your skin, soothe your Psoriasis
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 7*
COWARD, Steven (HT. 30, 1/2010)
Ron, 46 with severe and long standing Psoriasis,
had tried conventional medicine, and non-conventional
treatments all to no avail. In desperation he consulted
the homeopath.
He had red or white scaly outbreaks which was
troubling him with severe flare-ups. Miserable cracks
on skin with pain-burning. Profuse sweat about head
while eating or sleeping since a year. Headache and
Asthma as a child. Both were improved in hot, humid
weather. This modality applied to his Psoriasis also.
Silica 200. Within a week pain reduced substantially
and his sleep was better. Two weeks later 80% better
(hand pain and cracks).
In the next 2 years 90% improvement.
13. Bubble, Bubble, Boils and Trouble
A hot tub puts Homeopathy to the test
NARRAGON, Lisette (HT. 30, 1/2010)
The author’s son has a history of small boils that
erupt when he is under stress. He has sensitive skin and
tends to develop rashes easily and heal slowly.
During the first year of college, he developed a boil
on the top of right hand. The hand was swollen and the
boil was not discharging. Slight fever, achiness and was
quite irritable. He was unusually chilly and wanted
Hepar sulph. 200. In 24 hours, boil had burst,
swelling reduced, fever and achiness gone. The boil
was resolving and irritability and chilliness were gone.
Next week he had a dip in hot tub at school. Next
day secondary infection and a painful throbbing hand.
He took more of Hep. Sulph which did not help.
In the next few days, his whole hand was swollen,
with cold, white fingers and no discharge and black
areas under the skin at the original boil site. Tender to
touch and < from hanging down.
Apis did not help.
No systemic symptoms “Lack of reaction”. Silica
30, repeated few times. Next morning swelling less,
black color was receding and less inflamed Silica 200
improved his condition. Silica 1M. Next morning boil
burst open pain and swelling decreased. Another dose
of 1M, next day and further discharge.
Silica XM was all he needed and a month later fully
14. Perfect Escapes! Prevent peril in Paradise:
The Savvy traveler’s Guide
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 30, 1/2010)
All journeys have their challenges: Changes in
environment, diet and schedules can act as stressors that
trigger susceptibility to illness.
For everyday ailments encountered while traveling,
she often turns to preventive natural medicines and
commonsense measures. If more support is needed, use
homeopathic remedies.
Scanning devices at airports have not rendered
homeopathic remedies any less effective.
She narrates her personal experience of carrying an
extensive homeopathic kit on a tropical family
adventure, proved to be life saving. While camping in
the British Virgin Islands, her daughter was sleeping
late into the morning, was burning hot and feverish with
extremely cracked lips. Glassy eyes with Headache and
stiff neck. She was photophobic and wanted to sleep.
Suspected Viral Meningitis. Extreme fatigue, aversion
to company, overall soreness and dried out mucous
membranes. Muriatic acid 200. Within a few minutes,
opened her eyes, felt thirsty. Within an hour ate and
wanted to play. She gradually recovered in the next few
15. Homeopathy Hits the Road
Great remedies for people on the move
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 30, 1/2010)
Before you go
Anticipatory anxiety and Fear of flying will be
helped by Argentum nitricum.
Sleeplessness in children from over excitement
before departure will be soothed by a dose of Coffea.
The Journey
Motion sickness:
Borax for fear of downward motion.
Cocculus: Nausea and dizziness with a strong desire to
lie down. Worse from watching moving
objects or from sight or smell of food.
Kali bichromicum: For Sea sickness.
Nux vomica: Severe nausea with difficult vomiting and
intense headache.
Petroleum: Persistent nausea with excessive salivation.
Rhus tox: Air sickness with nausea and vomiting.
Tabacum: Nausea better from cold, fresh air.
Chamomilla for children who are tired and cross, but
too worked up to rest or sleep.
Bellis perennis if tailbone feels compressed or for
sciatica after sitting too long in one position.
A long-haul flight risk is deep vein thrombosis.
Red wine or tomato juice makes blood less sticky. A
dose of Hamamelis before flight.
Arnica for exhaustion or jet lag. If one feels still in
motion and difficulty in sleeping try a dose of Cocculus.
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 8*
Avoid contaminated water. 2 teaspoons of a mix of
honey and apple cider vinegar in pure water offers good
gastro intestinal protection.
Food poisoning
Arsenicum after bad meat.
Pulsatilla after bad fish
Lycopodium after bad Shell fish.
Veratrum album if Ars. did not help.
The Environment
Cantharis & Belladonna for Sun burn
Belladonna & Glonoine for Sunstroke
Natrum muriaticum for cold sores that come on
after over exposure to Sun.
China is a great remedy to help you recover
quickly from dehydration.
Coca for altitude sickness.
Rhus tox for poison oak/ivy allergies
Apis for bites and stings that are very hot and swollen.
Belladonna good for hot throbbing bites or stings with
dizziness and headache.
Cantharis for red, hot, extremely itchy bites.
Hypericum may be needed if the bite or sting leads to
shooting nerve pain.
Hepar sulph will help to clear up a painful infected bite
or sting.
Ledum for deep stings, cold to touch and better from
Silica will force out stingers and help clear up painless
Urtica urens if the bite is very itchy.
Sex & Sports
Staphysagria for Honeymoon cystitis.
Cantharis for constant burning before, during and after
Rhus tox for muscle strains and sprains.
Ruta for injuries to ligaments and tendons.
Arnica for bruising and physical shock.
If one is unfortunate enough to be a victim of crime
Aconite for extreme fear
Arnica for physical shock
Staphysagria for sexual assault or any incident that
leaves you with unexpressed rage.
Ignatia for emotional shock, loss or bereavement
Bryonia for homesickness.
16. “Do you have anything for …?”
The totality of symptoms as an expression of the
Vital Force
GUBBAY, Diana (HT. 30, 1/2010)
In answer to inquiries regarding specific ailments, I
reply that each case must be taken individually in order
to find the appropriate homeopathic match for the
totality of symptoms.
Tommy, 4 years, with Eczema in the bends of
elbows, knees and along forearms. His skin was red,
dry and inflamed in the affected areas and also
excessively itchy.
Worse at night, compelled to scratch until the skin
Tendency to argue for everything and fear about
whereabouts of parents when they left house.
Sulphur 200. His Eczema gradually disappeared
over the course of a few months and he slept better.
Substantial change in his fretting and arguing.
17. Catching Spring Fever
Mom gets empowered to help her kids heal … & so
can you!
ALLEN, Karen (HT. 30, 1/2010)
During dinner, after a picnic on a sunny day, two
year old Kent was shading his eyes with his hand to
protect from light. His eyes looked unusually shiny and
reflective with large pupils. His face became red and
heat coming from his head and face. Hands and feet
were cold and face hot to touch. Temperature was
Belladonna few pellets. Within 15 minutes, face
returned to normal colour, eyes regained their usual
appearance and - 99°F. He slept through the night
and was his usual robust self when he awoke the next
18. The Girl who got to keep her Tonsils
Hello health, goodbye repeated strep throat and
KHANEJA, Seema (HT. 30, 1/2010)
Karen, 4½yrs had more than half a dozen strep-
throats and was advised Tonsillectomy. Her problems
starts with sore throat with around navel. Muffled voice
and headache foul breathe. Mild fever and diminished
Cranky, irritable, very weepy. < on waking and
sitting on mother’s lap during throat. Snappy.
As a toddler had 8-10 middle ear infections.
Treated with pressure equalizing tubes.
Since one year pain abdomen at various times of
the day. Pain on waking and also in the middle of sleep.
Precocious verbal skills, bossy nature, warm
blooded. Sensitive to clothes around neck. Loved
Lemonade and Ice-cream.
Lachesis 200. Six weeks later relapse. Lachesis
The whole illness was milder. Over the next
months, remained completely well.
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 9*
19. Say Ahhh…. and Heal a Sore Throat
Now that’s easy to swallow!
SHALTS Edward (HT. 30, 3/2010)
In many cases sore throats are not bacterial and
therefore do not require antibiotics. Positive results of
a throat culture should be treated with antibiotics, as
strep-throats can have dangerous complications.
Homeopathy should come into play in the
following situations.
When the child suffers from the first symptom of
her episode.
When throat culture is negative.
In between frequent episodes of strep-throat.
The indications for Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia,
Ferrum phos, Mercurius iodatus flavus and ruber and
Phytolacca are given.
20. Meniere’s Disease takes Potter for a spin
Now she is back at the wheel, thanks to
HALLETT, Carolyn (HT. 30, 3/2010)
70 year clay artist with frequent episodes of
Meniere’s and hospitalized twice.
Feeling of pressure in ears before the episode, has
to lie down with closed eyes with many bouts of
vomiting throughout the day.
She was indifferent regarding her illness and one of
her eyelids is droopy during the attack. Gelsemium 1M.
Instant relief. Relapse a week later > with one dose. No
more attacks.
Indications for Cocculus, Chininum sulph.,
Cuprum, Gelsemium, Pulsatilla and Tabacum are given.
21. Sweet release from ringing in ears or how I first
came to homeopath
PIERCE, Beth (HT. 30, 3/2010)
After many years of ringing in ears and consulting
many with no relief.
Consulted an Acupuncturist. She took a detailed
history and gave a homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla.
Within four minutes, she noticed the pressure in her
head lowering, as if someone was letting air out of it
slowly. Then something ‘popped’ in her head and the
ringing was completely gone.
22. Peace from Panic Attacks and Performance Anxiety
Anxiety affects the body and Mind
RAN, Ildiko (HT. 30, 3/2010)
Noelle, early 30s, with Sinus Infections that
recurred monthly all winter. Prone to colds and extreme
performance anxiety since elementary school expressed
by feeling numb, faint almost unconscious and shaking
of hands. Weaker voice and shallow breathing.
Depressed and exhausted at times. Chilly, cold
sweat of feet.
Silica 200. Three weeks later, more energetic.
Quality of sleep has improved. Anxiety less. No
Over the next 6 months, occasional doses of Silica
and no longer has fatigue.
Kevin, 50 years with panic attacks, expressed in
various forms: Stomach cramps, Constipation, Eczema,
Insomnia, nervous nose bleeds and nightmares.
Sometimes skin on hands crack and ooze blood.
During the panic attack feels, dizzy, nauseous, dry
mouth and difficulty in swallowing. Fear of choking
and feeling of throat constriction. During panic attacks
cannot control thoughts. Dark thoughts creep in - like
harming myself or loved ones. They take control of my
will. Basically I am caring. Had an inherited blood
disorder was under psychiatric treatment.
According to Rajan SANKARAN, an antagonistic
split within the self, points out to snake remedies. His
throat issues and blood disorder also pointed to a snake
Narrowed to Crotalidae family due to his desire for
company, and his general anxiety.
His intense skin problem and mental anguish led to
Crotalus cascavella 200. One month later, he told he
became weepy, where earlier he had suppressed. Hands
were dry and no oozing. Two months later, his
Psychiatrist weaned him off medication. To support
this major transition, Crotalus cascavella 200 daily in
water for one month.
He was stable emotionally without any withdrawal
symptoms. No more problems in the next years.
23. Ease everyday Anxiety at school and work
Test taking, Public speaking, asking for a raise
SHALTS, Edward (HT. 30, 3/2010)
The two acute performance anxiety remedies
Gelsemium and Argentum nitricum are differentiated.
Argentum nitricum
Feels paralysed from
Driven by anxiety on
every level, including
anxious diarrhea
want to be left alone
seek company and like
to talk
weak, dizzy with
trembling, heavy
feeling in limbs
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 10*
and fear losing
Another remedy for acute anxiety is Aconitum
fear of death, extreme restlessness, a need to get out
now, hyperventilation with tingling and numbness and a
hot feeling.
24. Making the Most of the Empty Nest
When kids fly the coop, mom ultimately lands on
her feet
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 30, 3/2010)
Natalie, 52, with the complaint of severe back pain
since 4 months. Δ Herniated disc L
Severe pain
mostly down the right leg. Completely bedridden.
During the Autumn when the pain started, second of her
two daughters had left for college. Felt lonely, isolated,
longing for care and affection of spouse who is always
on road. Felt exhausted. Much concern for daughters
and elder parents. All those demands made her anxious
and overwhelmed.
She hated conflict and avoided discord which made
her angry and irritated but seldom could express.
Lifelong constipation. Carcinosin 200. Two months
later came walking, sitting comfortably. Within a week
after medicine could move. Felt very serene, with no
anxiety or worry and with mental clarity and calm.
She wasn’t stressed by the responsibilities now.
1½ months later, relapse after a trip to sea and
another dose. In the ensuing three years the remedy was
given as and when needed.
25. Face to Face with Trigeminal Neuralgia
Smile, laugh & brush your teeth again without fear!
End the agony of Facial nerve pain
HAM, Natalie (HT. 30, 4/2010).
Trigeminal Neuralgia is a disorder of the trigeminal
nerve, which runs from ear, across the cheek and around
the mouth and chin. Stabbing, shooting, electric-like
pain on the path of the nerve.
The author’s grandmother, 82, was suffering from
Trigeminal Neuralgia since years. Over the years, the
flare ups grew much more frequent and prolonged to a
point that she almost had no time pain-free.
Pain on right side of face and worse from talking.
Lightning like pain. Worse from cold air.
With Belladonna 200, there was slight relief.
Warmth and pressure relieved her. Mag. phos12,
every hour, next day pain much less. In 4 days relapse.
Mag.phos. 200 every hour. Immediate > in intensity
and frequency. Within next several days, pain subsided
altogether. The dose was lowered to once a day and
then stopped. There was no need for painkillers.
Flare up 1½ yrs. later. > by Mag.phos. 1M.
Sheryl, 47, with Trigeminal neuralgia for years,
especially in colder months. Pressure on left side gives
her relief. Slight touch <. Draft of air was unbearable.
Pain worse from motion. The attack come at the same
time everyday.
China 30, every two hours until the pain began to
resolve, and then once a day. A week later, she told that
pain was gone a couple hours after she took China 30.
Had taken only 3 doses when the pain went almost
completely away. Energy also better. No flare up since
Robert, 57, car mechanic, with recent Trigeminal
neuralgia on right side as if face being ripped open.
Worse when talking or when touched. Relieved by cold
application. Feeling emotional and fighting tears since
the onset of problem. Thirst less now.
He was lying on left side due to pain on right side.
Pulsatilla 200, every two hours. Next day pain
dramatically better.
Two days later relapsed. Pulsatilla 1M. A week
later no pain at all.
Indications of Magnesia phosphorica, Colocynthis,
China, Belladonna, Aconite, Pulsatilla, Verbascum,
Arsenicum, Bryonia and Spigelia are given.
26. A Cappella singer who lost her voice. How
Homeopathy & natural medicine helped her to sing
again. (HT. 30, 4/2010)
Sally, 39, with Chronic Laryngitis and loss of voice
in winter. Constantly hoarse or even mute and could not
easily modulate her voice. It started with a sore throat
and swollen glands and post nasal drip. Also earache.
Antibiotics and decongestants did not help.
Chronic Laryngitis was seriously disrupting her
ability not only to earn a living, but to communicate at
all. Photophobia, desire for salt and aversion to fat.
Also headache with Laryngitis. Natrum muriaticum
200. One dose. In addition vitamin C, E and zinc along
with Beta-carotene. She began to feel better in the first
week. Her voice had begun to sound more like her own
and no longer post nasal drip. Better energy. No
problems in the subsequent winters.
27. High School Musical
Lead teenage actor beats lingering Laryngitis &
OSKIN, Jamie (HT. 30, 4/2010)
Sixteen year old Matt developed laryngitis and sore
throat which was seriously interfering with his rehearsal
schedule. No relief with 2½ weeks of conventional
Raw & burning over roof of soft palate and left
throat while swallowing. Worse while coughing or
talking. Hoarse voice and crackling when talking.
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 11*
Improved in rainy humid weather of California &
worse when back in Arizona’s hot dry weather.
Burning felt in bronchi. Unable to force the thick
mucus out of throat. Extreme fatigue. Tested for Acute
Mononeucleosis. Causticum 10M t.d.s. for 2 weeks.
Next week positive for Mono. Three days after
Causticum, no cough and sputum. Throat pain
decreased by 25%. Hoarseness better. In two weeks
completely resolved.
A minor relapse was treated by Silica & then
Causticum 50M. In six weeks completely normal.
28. From Darkness into light Transforming childhood
LUEPKER, Ian (HT. 30, 4/2010)
Caleb, 12, lost his dad to Cancer 18 months ago.
He remained taciturn without expressing his grief
verbally. He was sullen, moody, lost interest in foods,
which he liked. Struggled with peer relationships. He
disdained affection and consolation.
Natrum muriaticum LM a
daily dose. Six weeks
later he was smiling, feeling happier, open to
receiving affection.
12 weeks later engaging life with laughter and joy and
expression anger and frustration (Depression is anger
turned inwards). LM5.
18 weeks: Co-existing harmoniously. Two years later
With each subsequent visit, Caleb seems more
animated and excited and creative.
29. Was it das zu Heilende? Von der Homöopathie zur
(What is to be cured? From Homeopathy to
LUCAE, Christian (ZKH. 53, 1/2009)
In this article, Dr. LUCAE discusses the basic
differences between Homeopathy (“classical”,
Hahnemannian) and the “new” concepts in the garb of
Homeopathy (e.g. SANKARAN, SCHOLTEN, et
al.); these new concepts’ have their own case taking’
method, case analysis, remedy selection all these are
not anywhere near Hahnemann. [How then can these
‘innovators’ claim it as ‘Homeopathy’ = KSS].
Unproven remedies, remedies for which we cannot find
a ‘Materia Medica’ are used. We do not know whether
the cure was lasting.
LUCAE has studied SANKARAN carefully and
critically and discusses all the features.
30. Nekrotisierender Herpes Zoster
(Necrotising Herpes Zoster)
BÜNDNER Martin (ZKH. 53, 1/2011)
A patient with a pronounced necrotizing Herpes
Zoster shows rapid relief under homeopathic treatment
with the remedy Mercurius solubilis and Arsenicum
album, Q potencies.
31. Lapis albus
SRINIVASAN, K.S. (ZKH. 53, 1/2011)
With two cases, the author shows that a little
known ‘small’ remedy is helpful in treating
successfully, serious cases. One case of swelling of
Cervical Lymphnodes in a 30 year old man. Another
case of Sarcoma of the upper thigh in a 21 year-old
In both cases Lapis albus gave expected relief. Q
potencies were used.
32. Condyloma Acuminatum
CHATTERJEE Ardhendu Sekhar
(HH. 34, 8/2009)
Three cured cases of Condyloma Acuminata has
been represented.
Case 1: Male 19 yrs. warts around penis. Sexual
contact 3 months back. Then warts started.
Dark rings around eyes
Tongue multiple eroded spots and dry.
Thirst +, hunger ++
Hyperhidrosis, on palm,
Offensive sweat.
29.11.95: Carcinosin 30, 4 doses, one daily.
18.12.95: The size of the warts decreased. No
1.1.96: Warts size increased. Carcinosin 200.
14.4.96: Improvement.
19.9.97: Vesicular eruption on face, constant
epigastrium pain. Lyssin 200.
16.8.98:Hunger pain decreased by Uranium nitrate 200.
12.10.98: Occasional abdominal pain, etc. No
Case II: 31 yrs., male, married.
30.9.97: Cauliflower like warts around glass penis since
5 months, around rectum 3 months. Bleeding since 2
months. Scrotum warts since 6 months. Had
vaccination, Typhoid, post sternuation. Lumbar pain,
dysurea, atrophy of the left leg and operative therapy,
impure coition, haemorrhagic warts on left knee.
30.9.97: Carcinosin 8 doses, three days intervals.
22.10.97: Warts reduced.
25.11.97: Warts on rectum reduced
8.8.98: complaints of Hoarseness, single paroxysmal
cough, Bacillinum 200.
Case III: Male 55yrs. Multiple blackheads, moles,
large papular swellings on external epithelium and
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 12*
entire body. H/o Stomatitis: took allopathic treatment,
then hair dye allergy and skin changes began.
15.9.03: Carcinosinum 32, 15 doses, once daily.
14.8.04: Above problem cured.
Hundreds of small warts at neck
Warts around glans penis
Med. 200/2 doses.
5.10.04: Night itching; More warts
No medicine.
11.10.04: Carcinosinum 200/ 3 doses
11.2.05: Warts cured again reappeared
Carcinosinum 32/8 doses once daily with
successive succussion.
33. A 42-year old man with Bronchiectasis
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 102, 2/2009)
A 42-year-old man had prolonged episode of
Osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine in 2002 which
improved substantially with intensive antibiotic
treatment. In November 2003, severe
Bronchopneumonia with Bronchiectasis and increased
susceptibility to other infections ever since. Wet cough,
thick greenish, copious yellow phlegm, stringy,
sweetish taste. Malaise. CT Scan revealed. Lung
infiltrates and PFT indicated Asthma and COPD.
GERD for the past several years.
In Oct. 2007, complained of inward pressure on his
lungs. He was a chronic worrier and a neat freak.
Strong family h/o Cancer.
Kali bichromicum 200, once a week for 3 weeks,
with instructions to stop after a dose, if he noticed a
definite improvement.
Six weeks later much better. His bronchial
symptoms were better with first dose, so he never took
the second dose. By third week, he cut his drugs in half
and pressure in chest continued to lessen. His sinus
congestion worsened and then lessened.
Two months later, (Jan. 2008) stopped all
medications. PFT improved, much pressure in chest
gone. Sinus infection dramatically improved. Phlegm
greatly reduced.
In Dec. 2008, minor relapse. Another dose. 90%
better next day. No other drugs since a year.
1. Opposite repertory-rubrics in Bayesian perspective
RUTTEN ALB. & FREI H. (HOM. 99, 1/2010)
Hitherto entries have been added to a rubric in the
repertory when patients responding well to a specific
medicine showed the corresponding symptom.
Continuing like this, theoretically every medicine will
eventually appear in every rubric.
Method: This becomes clear if we compare opposite
symptom-rubrics. Polarity Analysis(PA) substracts
opposite rubrics and has been shown to improve clinical
Conclusion: The source of this problem and the reason
for the success of PA are clear from Bayesian
perspective. A reliable repertory should be based on
Bayesian principles.
1. Thelitis in Dairy Animals
VARSHNEY, Jagdish Prasad
(HL. 20, 2/2007)
Thelitis is an inflammation of the teat usually
associated with trauma. Three cases of Acute Thelitis
were treated with Arnica 30 thrice a day followed by
Bryonia 30 thrice a day for 3 days along with topical
application of Bryonia cream. Uneventful recovery in
3-4 days.
2. Little Bit: The Runt of the Litter
Given 6 months to live, dog with Kidney
Failure Survives - & thrives
DUPREE, Glen (HT. 30, 4/2010)
Little Bit, a Belgian Shepherd Dog was diagnosed
with severe kidney problems when it was 8 months old
with little hope of long-term survival. With no options
for Conventional therapy beyond two supportive
medications because of increasing BUN 109mg/dl and
S. Creatine 6mg/dl, they turned to Homeopathy.
She was underweight with poor muscle tone, eating
things not normally edible by dogs, she loved to eat ice.
Copious watery urine.
She was urinating at 2 a.m. regularly. Calcarea
phosphorica 1M followed by Calcarea phosphorica 12
daily doses + Home prepared raw food. In addition
Milk Thistle tincture as a liver support and probiotics.
After 2 months of Calcarea phosphoric 12 daily,
some vomiting and diarrhea. So now weekly doses.
Ten months later, gained weight by 7 pounds with
increased energy and good hair coat and no bad breathe
with stable BUN and Creatinine values.
She is continuing well on her weekly doses and has
lived 18 months longer than predicted.
3. Homeopathy as replacement to antibiotics in the
case of Escherichia coli diarrhea in neonatal piglets
& LANTINGA (HOM. 99, 1/2010)
The use of antibiotics in the livestock sector is
increasing to such an extent that it threatens negative
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 13*
consequences for human health, animal health and the
environment. Homeopathy might be an alternative to
antibiotics. It has therefore been tested in a randomized
placebo-controlled trial to prevent Escherichia coli
diarrhea in neonatal piglets.
Method: On a commercial pig farm 52 sows of
different parities, in their last month of gestation, were
treated twice a week with either the homeopathic agent
Coli 30K or placebo. The 525 piglets born from these
sows were scored for occurrence and duration of
Results: Piglets of the homeopathic treated group had
significantly less E.coli diarrhea than piglets in the
placebo group (P< .0001). Especially piglets from first
parity sows gave a good response to treatment with Coli
30K. The diarrhea seemed to be less severe in the
homeopathically treated litters, there was less
transmission and duration appeared shorter.
4. A randomized controlled trial to compare the use of
Homeopathy and internal Teat Sealers for the
prevention of Mastitis in organically farmed dairy
cows during the dry period and 100 days post-
(HOM. 99, 2/2010)
Routine use of antibiotics to prevent Mastitis in
dairy cows is prohibited by organic farming regulations.
Internal Teat Sealers have been proposed as an
alternative. We compared two drying-off (DO)
supporting measures (Internal Teat Sealer and
Homeopathy) to an untreated control group to assess
their protective effects against clinical Mastitis and
intra-mammary infections during dry period of dairy
Methods: A field trial with 102 dairy cows from 13
Swiss organic dairy farms was conducted. Cows were
randomly assigned to one of three groups within a herd.
In the Internal Teal Sealer group (ITS; 36 cows) cows
were treated with the commercial ORBESEAL (Pfizer)
in all four quarters immediately after the last milking.
In the Homeopathy group (HDT; 32 cows) the cows
were treated per-orally by a herd-specific homeopathic
formulation consisting of two remedies in 1:10
over 5 days before and after DO. The untreated group
received no therapy (U; 34 cows).
Results: For ITS, HDT and U the clinical Mastitis
incidence rates for the first 100 days post-calving were
11%, 9% and 3%, respectively, and the proportion of
normally secreting quarters was (quarter somatic cell
count (SCC) [QSCC] < 100,000/ml) 70%, 68%, and
65%, respectively. Power analysis indicates that a
proportion of 75% would support the rejection of null
hypothesis in the HDT, and 74% in the ITS group
against untreated control. Quarters of cows with SCC <
200,000/ml at DO showed significantly higher normal
secretion in HDT group (odds ratio [OR] 9.69)
compared to untreated control, whereas Teat Sealing
lead to an OR of 3.09 (not significant, post hoc power
Conclusions: Under the studied conditions herd-
specific homeopathic dry cow therapy was effective in
increasing the number of animals with normal milk
secretion after subsequent parturition, compared to
untreated control. It may be an effective alternative to
Teat Sealing, particularly in animals with relatively low
SCCs. Further research is required to confirm these
results, and under different environmental conditions.
5. It’s a Dog’s Life
Dr. SHIVADIKAR Myriam (HH. 34, 8/2009)
Dog Breeds & Remedies
Labrador: Sporting Dog Group
Common ailments: Susceptible to skin allergies,
epilepsy, eye diseases and hip dysplasia.
Constitutions: Calcarea carbonica, Kali-carbonica,
Carcinosin, Aurum, Cuprum.
Border coolie (Lassie):
Herding Dog Group
This breed have strong herding instincts of its breed
and can cause problems like chasing cars and “nipping”
children into behaving.
Constitutions: Ferr-p., Calc-p., Kali-p., Ign., Mag-p.
Hound Group
Common ailments: Bloat and bed sores; sensitive to
Constitutions: Gaertner, Calc-p., Tub., Iod., Aven., Ign.,
Basset Hound:
Hound Group: Prone to ear and skin infections and
obesity, which can lead to hip, spine and leg problems.
Constitutions: Calc-c., Morgan pure, Puls., Bar-c.
Poodle: Non-Sporting group.
Toy group
Common ailments: Hip dysplasia, PRA, Von
Willebrand’s Disease, thyroid problems. Patellar
luxation, Legg-Perthe’s Disease, Addison’s Disease and
skin problems.
Constitutions: Plat., Phos., Merc., Tub., Arg-n.,
Dysentery co., Sep.
Yorkshire terrier: Toy Group
Common ailments: Susceptible to eye irritations,
tracheal collapse, premature dental disease and patellar
Constitutions: Pall., Arg-n., Gaertner, Kali-p., Calc-p.,
Merc., Puls.
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 14*
West Highland Terrier:
Terrier Group:
Common ailments: Susceptible to patellar sub luxation,
skin problems, hernias and liver disease.
Constitutions: Gaertner, Calc., Puls., Carc.
1. Gelsemium has anti-anxiety effects on mice
(HT. 30, 1/2010)
Paolo Bellavite and a team of researches from the
university of Verona, Italy have published a study report
that mice treated with Gelsemium (4c, 5c, 7c, 9c and
30c) showed a decrease in anxiety like behaviours on
par with those treated with conventional Buspirone; but
Gelsemium treated mice did not experience sedation
effects/decreased locomotion like those treated with
- Psychopharmacology
2010 July210(4):533-45
2. Homeopathic treatment of dairy cows.
(HT. 30, 4/2010).
Researchers at the University of Kassel in Germany
conducted a clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of
classical homeopathic treatment for mild and moderate
Mastitis in dairy cows comparing it with antibiotic and
placebo treatments. The cure rate was similar with
antibiotic therapy and superior to placebo group.
- WERNER, C., et al. journal of
Dairy Research, 2010, Nov.
77(4): 460-7.
3. The similia principle: Results obtained in a cellular
model system
WIEGANT, Fred & VAN WIJK, Roeland
(HOM. 99, 1/2010)
This paper describes the results of a research
program focused on the beneficial effect of low dose
stress conditions that were applied according to the
similia principle to cells previously disturbed by more
severe stress conditions. In first instance, we discuss
criteria for research on the similia principle at the
cellular level. Then, the homologous (‘isopathic’)
approach is reviewed, in which the initial (high dose)
stress used to disturb cellular physiology and the
subsequent (low dose) stress are identical.
Beneficial effects of low dose stress are described
in terms of increased cellular survival capacity and at
the molecular level as an increase in the synthesis of
heat shock proteins (hsps). Both phenomena reflect a
stimulation of the endogenous cellular self-recovery
capacity. Low dose stress conditions applied in a
homologous approach stimulate the synthesis of hsps
and enhance survival in comparison with stressed cells
that were incubated in the absence of low dose stress
conditions. Thirdly, the specificity of the low dose
stress condition is described where the initial (high
dose) stress is different in nature from the subsequently
applied (low dose) stress; the heterologous or
‘heteropathic’ approach.
The results support the similia principle at the
cellular level and add to understanding of how low dose
stress conditions influence the regulatory processes
underlying self-recovery. In addition, the phenomenon
of ‘symptom aggravation’ which is also observed at the
cellular level, is discussed in the context of self-
recovery. Finally, the difference in efficiency between
the homologous and the heterologous approach is
discussed; a perspective is indicated for further
research; and the relationship between studies on the
similia principle and the recently introduced concept of
‘postconditioning hormesis’ is emphasized.
4. Enzyme stabilization by glass-derived silicates in
glass-exposed aqueous solutions
IVES A, John, MOFFETT R. John, Arun
Todor, BROTHERS, B. Andrea, ANICK J. David,
B, Wayne (HOM. 99, 1/2010)
Objectives: To analyze the solutes leaching from glass
containers into aqueous solutions, and to show that
these solutes have enzyme activity stabilizing effects in
very dilute solutions.
Methods: Enzyme assays with acetylcholine esterase
were used to analyze serially succussed and diluted
(SSD) solutions prepared in glass and plastic containers.
Aqueous SSD preparations starting with various solutes,
or water alone, were prepared under several conditions,
and tested for their solute content and their ability to
affect enzyme stability in dilute solution.
Results: We confirm that water acts to dissolve
constituents from glass vials, and show that the solutes
derived from the glass have effects on enzymes in the
resultant solutions. Enzyme assays demonstrated that
enzyme stability in purified, deionized water that
enzymes were dissolved in. Elemental analyses of SSD
water preparations made in glass vials showed that
boron, silicon, and sodium were present at micromolar
Conclusions: These results show that silicates and
other solutes are present at micro-molar levels in all
glass-exposed solutions, whether pharmaceutical or
homeopathic in nature. Eventhough silicates are
known to have biological activity at higher
concentrations, the silicate concentrations we measured
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 15*
in homeopathic preparations were too low to account
for any purported in vivo efficacy, but could potentially
influence in vitro biological assays reporting
homeopathic effects.
5. Repetitions of fundamental research models for
homeopathically prepared dilutions beyond 10
: a
bibliometric study
C., & BAUMGARTNER, S. (HOM. 99, 1/2010)
Introduction: Repeatability of experiments is an
important criterion of modern research and a major
challenge for homeopathic basic research. There is no
recent overview about basic research studies in high
homeopathic potencies that have been subjected to
laboratory-internal, multicenter or independent
repetition trials.
Methods: We considered biochemical, immunological,
botanical, cell biological and zoological studies on high
potencies, i.e. beyond a dilution of 10
. Main sources
of information were reviews, personal contact with
members of the homeopathic basic research
community, and the MEDLINE and HOMBREX
databases. Studies were extracted from the
publications and grouped into models. Studies were
further sorted according to repetition type (laboratory-
internal, multicenter, or independent) and results
Results: A total of 107 studies were found. Of these,
30 were initial studies. In the attempt to reproduce one
of these initial studies, 53 follow-up studies yielded
comparable effects (35 laboratory-internal, 8
multicenter, 10 independent repetitions), eight studies
showed a consistent, yet different result from the initial
study (2 laboratory-internal, 2 multicenter, 4
independent repetitions), and 16 studies yielded no
effects (5 laboratory-internal, 2 multicenter, 9
independent repetitions). When all repetitive studies are
considered, 69% reported effects comparable to that of
the initial study, 10% different effects, and 21% no
effects. Independently performed repetition studies
reported 44% comparable effects, 17% different effects,
and 39% no effects.
Conclusions: We identified 24 experimental models in
basic research on high homeopathic potencies, which
were repeatedly investigated. 22 models were
reproduced with comparable results, 6 models with
different results, and repetition showed no results for 15
models. Independent reproductions with either
comparable or different results were found for seven
models. We encourage further repetition trials of
published studies, in order to learn more about the
model systems used and in order to test their
6. Animal models for studying Homeopathy and
high dilutions: Conceptual critical review
ENDLER Peter (HOM. 99, 1/2010)
Introduction: This is a systematic review of the animal
models used in studies of high dilutions. The objectives
are to analyze methodological quality of papers and
reported results, and to highlight key conceptual aspects
of high dilution to suggest clues concerning putative
mechanisms of action.
Methods: Papers for inclusion were identified
systematically, from the Pubmed-Medline database,
using ‘Homeopathy’ and ‘Animal’ as keywords. Only
original full papers in English published between
January 1999 and June 2009 were included, reviews,
scientific reports, thesis, older papers, papers extracted
from Medline using similar keywords, papers about
mixed commercial formulas and books were also
considered for discussion only. 31 papers describing 33
experiments were identified for the main analysis and a
total of 89 items cited.
Results: Systematic analysis of the selected papers
yielded evidence of some important intrinsic features of
high dilution studies performed in animal models: a)
methodological quality was generally adequate, some
aspects could be improved; b) convergence between
results and Materia Medica is seen in some studies,
pointing toward to the possibility of systematic study of
the Similia principle c) both isopathic and Similia
models seem useful to understand some complex
biological phenomena, such as parasite-host
interactions; d) the effects of high dilutions seem to
stimulate restoration of a ‘stable state’, as seen in
several experimental models from both descriptive and
mathematical points of view.
7. Basophil models of Homeopathy: a skeptical view
ENNIS Madeleine (HOM. 99, 1/2010)
This paper examines the activation and inhibition of
activation of human basophils. After a brief description
of human basophils, different methods to determine
basophil activation are discussed with a special
emphasis on the use of flow cytometric methods, as
these circumvent the potential problems of assays based
on the loss of colour by activated basophils. The
activation of human basophils by ultra-high dilutions of
anti-IgE is discussed. The majority of the paper
describes the inhibition of basophil activation by ultra-
high dilutions of histamine. The results from published
papers are described and discussed.
After over 20 years research trying to find out if
high dilutions of histamine have a negative feedback
effect on the activation of basophils by anti-IgE, what
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 16*
do we know? The methods are poorly standardized
between laboratories although the same is true for
conventional studies. Certainly there appears to be
some evidence for an effect albeit small in some cases
with the high dilutions in several different laboratories
using the flow cytometric methodologies. After
standardization of a number of parameters, it is
recommended that a multi-centre trial be performed to
hopefully put an end to this “never-ending story”.
8. Homeopathic trial design in influenza treatment
KIRKBY, R. & HERSCU, P. (HOM. 99, 1/2010)
This review presents a critical evaluation of
methodological quality in controlled trials on
homeopathic treatment of Influenza. First, a short
summary on the prevalence, quality, and most
commonly cited shortcomings of homeopathic
controlled trials in general is presented to support the
more specific points within influenza trials alone. To
this end, three areas of the homeopathic literature are
examined; large meta-analyses looking at study quality
and results across research areas, reviews on research
within specific diagnostic categories, and the available
reviews and primary studies on influenza treatment
trials. The specific methodological designs of
homeopathic influenza treatment trials are then
compared, on a point by point basis, to pharmaceutical
trials on Influenza antiviral drugs. The goal of the
evaluation is to highlight frequently cited problems in
homeopathic trial design, suggest possible
improvement for future studies, and make specific
recommendations for homeopathic influenza trials
based on a comparison to standard antiviral trials.
9. Placebo effect sizes in homeopathic compared
conventional drugs a systematic review of
randomized controlled trials
Max (HOM. 99, 1/2010)
It has been hypothesized that randomized, placebo-
controlled clinical trials (RCTs) of classical
(individualized) Homeopathy often fail because
placebo effects are substantially higher than in
conventional medicine.
Objectives: To compare placebo effects in clinical trials
on Homeopathy to placebo effects on trials of
conventional medicines.
Methods: We performed a systematic literature analysis
on placebo-controlled double blind RCTs on classical
Homeopathy. Each trial was matched to three placebo-
controlled double-blind RCTs from conventional
medicine (mainly pharmacological interventions)
involving the same diagnosis. Matching criteria
included severity of complaints, choice of outcome
parameter, and treatment duration. Outcome was
measured as the percentage change of symptom scores
from baseline to end of treatment in the placebo group.
35 RCTs on classical homeopathy were identified. 10
were excluded because no relevant data could be
extracted, or less than three matching conventional trials
could be located.
Results: In 13 matched sets the placebo effect in the
homeopathic trials was larger than the average placebo
effect of the conventional trials, in 12 matched sets it
was lower (P = 0.39). Additionally, no subgroup
analysis yielded any significant difference.
Conclusions: Placebo effects in RCTs on classical
Homeopathy did not appear to be larger than placebo
effects in conventional medicine.
10. Chronic Primary Insomnia: Efficacy of
homeopathic simillimum
NAUDÉ David Francis, COUCHMAN Ingrid
Marcelline Stephanie & MAHARAJ Ashnie
(HOM. 99, 1/2010)
Chronic Primary Insomnia is defined as difficulty
in initiating or maintaining sleep or of non-restorative
sleep that lasts for at least 1 month and causes
significant distress or impairment in social, occupational
or other important areas of functioning. The
homeopathic simillimum is that remedy which most
closely corresponds to the totality of symptoms; remedy
selection is based on a full evalution of the patient’s
physical, emotional and mental characteristics.
Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study was to evaluate
the efficacy of homeopathic simillimum in the
treatment of Chronic Primary Insomnia.
Method: 30 participants were selected in accordance
with DSM-IV TR (2000) criterion 307.42 Primary
Insomnia and then randomly divided between treatment
and placebo groups. The measurement tools used were
a Sleep Diary(SD) and the Sleep Impairment Index
After an initial consultation, 2 follow-up
consultations at 2-week intervals took place.
Homeopathic medication was prescribed at the first and
second consultations. The SII was completed at each
consultation and participants were instructed at the first
consultation to start the SD.
Results: SD data revealed that verum treatment
resulted in a significant increase in duration of sleep
throughout the study, compared to the placebo treatment
which resulted in no significant increase in duration of
sleep. A significant improvement in SII summary
scores and number of improved individual questions
were found in the verum group, responses to all 11
questions having improved significantly upon
completion of the study. An initial improvement
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 17*
occurred in the placebo group, but was not sustained.
Comparison of results between the groups revealed a
statistically significant difference.
Conclusion: The homeopathic simillimum treatment of
Primary Insomnia was effective, compared to placebo.
Homeopathy is a viable treatment modality for this
condition and further research is justified.
11. Effect of dielectric dispersion on potentised
homeopathic medicines
(HOM. 99, 2/2010)
This paper reports dielectric dispersion occurring in
potentised homeopathic medicines subjected to variable
frequency electric field using an instrumentation method
developed by the authors. Oscillations occur in the
direction of electric field, and are usually termed
longitudinal/acoustic-mode vibrations.
Methods: The test material was lactose soaked with
homeopathic medicine. Multiple resonance
frequencies, forming a frequency-set, were observed
repeatedly for each medicine.
Results: We report experimental results for three
potencies of Cuprum metallicum (Cuprum met) in the
frequency range of 100kHz-1MHZ. Each exhibits a set
of resonance frequencies, which may be termed as its
characteristic set. As the frequency-set of each
medicine is different from those of others, each
medicine may, therefore, be identified by its
characteristic frequency-set. This suggests that
potentised homeopathic medicines, which are
chemically identical with the vehicle, differ from one
another in the arrangement of vehicle molecules.
12. Quasi-quantum phenomena: the key to
understanding Homeopathy
MOLSKI Marcin (HOM. 99, 2/2010)
On the basis of the first-and second-order
Gompertzian kinetics it has been proved that the
crystallization and its reciprocal process of dissolution
belong to the class of quasi-quantum non-local coherent
phenomena. Hence, there exists a direct link to
Homeopathy: molecules of the remedy prepared in the
process of dilution of the active substance are non-
locally interconnected at-a-distance. The results
obtained provide strong arguments justifying formulated
adhoc macroscopic versions of quantum non-locality,
entanglement and coherence employed in interpretation
of the homeopathic remedies activity and effectiveness.
In particular they are consistent with the predictions of
the weak quantum theory developed by Atmanspacher
and coworkers.
13. The placebo effect and Homeopathy
TEIXEIRA, Marcus Z., GUEDES, Cristina H F F.,
BARRETO Patrícia V & MARTINS Mílton, A.
(HOM. 99, 2/2010)
Like other forms of medicine, including
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM),
Homeopathy elicits expectations in patients. The
physician-patient relationship, personal and
comprehensive treatment and lack of adverse effects are
elements in creating positive expectations. Other
elements may be associated with negative expectations.
Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review
on placebo and nocebo effects in Acupuncture and
Homeopathy using Medline.
Results: Findings on the psychophysiological and
neuromediating mechanisms of the placebo-nocebo
phenomenon are reviewed. Studies of these effects
reveal how expectations and unconscious conditioning
can be measured by imaging and EEG methods. They
result in significant, non-specific therapeutic effects,
which may confuse the evaluation of the specific
therapeutic effects treatment, hampering selection of the
Conclusions: Directions for future research on non-
specific therapeutic effects of Homeopathy to improve
clinical practice and clinical research are discussed.
14. North American Homeopathic Educational Survey
ROWE, Todd (AJHM. 102, 2/2009)
This research is a summary of three national
homeopathic surveys conducted by the American
Medical College of Homeopathy. These surveys
studied the demographics, satisfaction, challenges and
expectations of homeopathic students, teachers and
school administrators in North America. This research
should be helpful to homeopathic leaders in planning
the future of homeopathic education.
1. A short history of the development of Homeopathy
in India
GHOSH Ajoy Kumar
(HOM. 99, 2/2010)
Homeopathy was introduced in India the early 19
century. It flourished in Bengal at first, and then spread
all over India. In the beginning, the system was
extensively practiced by amateurs in the civil and
military services and others. Mahendra Lal SIRCAR
was the first Indian who became a homeopathic
physician. A number of allopathic doctors started
homeopathic practice following SIRCAR’s lead. The
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 18*
‘Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College’, the first
homeopathic medical college was established in 1881.
This institution took on a major role in popularizing
Homeopathy in India.
In 1973, the Government of India recognized
Homeopathy as one of the national systems of medicine
and set up the Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH)
to regulate its education and practice. Now, only
qualified registered homeopaths can practice
Homeopathy in India. At present, in India,
Homeopathy is the third most popular method of
medical treatment after Allopathy and Ayurveda. There
are over 200,000 registered homeopathic doctors
currently, with approximately 12,000 more being added
every year.
1. Education in Homeopathy Part – 3
A Prescription Based on the level of Sensation
VERVARCKE, Anne (HL. 20, 3/2007)
This article is the third and last part of the article on
Education in Homeopathy, where levels of education as
well as levels of case-taking have been discussed. The
first two parts have been published in previous issues of
Links. This article continues with a case where the
remedy is prescribed on the level of sensation.
A case of Sinusitis, operated twice. Lost sense of
smell and taste. After a long case taking a feeling that
things were not in their proper place was elicited and
Arsenicum album was prescribed which worked
wonders for her in all her complaints.
1. Stages as a Universal Principle for differentiation
(HL. 20, 3/2007)
The Element Theory is built with the basic concepts
of the Series, the rows of the periodic table, and the
Stages, the columns of the periodic table. The Stages
represent the stages of a process, in a cycle of life and in
a development. It turns out that the whole concept is
not limited to the mineral kingdom. It can also be
applied to the plant, animal, bacterial and viral
kingdoms. The application of the Miasms as a tool in
differentiating the plants in a plant family, as done by
SANKARAN, becomes more precise and universal by
doing it with the Stages.
Table 1 Stages
Stage Description
1 The spontaneous start, the impulsive
beginning, things are done without being
thought over, without reflection. This leads to
naive, instinctive, simplistic, and even childish
or foolish behavior. It can lead to one-
sidedness, which seems rigid, Manic. Alone
and lonely.
2 Unsure, timid. Doesn’t know what one is
worth, what one can do, so one remains passive
or adapts to the situation. One just watches
and feels watched at the same time and so one
hides, wanting and needing protection and
support. Bewildered and overwhelmed.
3 Searching for the right thing, trying and
comparing possibilities. One feels unsure and
easily underestimates oneself, so cannot come
to a conclusion. One avoids decisions and does
not commit oneself.
4 The official start. It can be the founding of
business, a marriage, a contract. The decision
is made, the commitment stated, but one can
feel unsure, astonished that it can be done.
This can lead to irresolution and amazement.
5 The preparation of the work, the plans and
proposals after the start is made. But the work
looks too big, the mountain too high to climb,
insurmountable. So one is easily discouraged,
disappointed in his provisional plans. One
alternates between going on and giving up,
avoiding and postponing the work towards an
unrealistic goal.
6 This is the challenge. One has to do things,
prove one’s power. One is forced to act, it is
inevitable and inescapable. It has to be done;
the bridges are burned behind them. It takes
courage and bravery, in the extreme it is a
daredevil act. The fear of a possible failure can
make one perform one’s act alone, covered and
7 Training leads to perfection. One can perform
the act, but knows there is still a lot more to
learn. One has to practice to become a master
of everything. One wants to learn from others,
likes to cooperate to see how others do things
and likes to teach and help others on their road
to becoming a master.
8 This is the real work; everything learned so far
has to be assembled, put together. But the
amount of work is massive, huge, so one needs
perseverance, endurance, power and force.
One feels pressured due to lack of time,
struggling against deadlines. One has to push
and fight against the inertia of matter and
resistance of people. One can be irritated by
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 19*
9 The body of work has been performed, but the
last details have to be filled in. The goal is
practically reached. The work is virtually
finished. Minor adaptations can be made after
the dress rehearsal. The book can be
completed after the corrections of the
proofreaders. The contract just has to be
approved and signed. But the fear of a blunder,
a failure at the examination, can make one call
the whole thing off.
10 The goal is reached. One feels at the top, the
summit. It is the glory of the winner, the
brilliance of a victory. Everything falls into
place. It is obvious that one is oneself, the
noble person that decides independently and is
self-sufficient. One can become so convinced
of success and righteousness that one becomes
rigid, fixed and haughty. Balance and
11 This concerns maintenance. One has to hold
and keep the position they have reached. One
has to conserve and preserve. One wants to
enjoy the affluence and prosperity. One wants
to expand and share the wealth and fortune.
Sustaining the position is possible, but heavy.
One protects like a guardian or shepherd.
Benevolence. Benign tumours.
12 The power is exercised to the utmost; it is
overdone like a tyrant. One still has full
power, but feels threatened from all directions.
Suspicious of betrayal and attack, one defends
one’s power in an exaggerated way. It is
overdone, leading to opposition. It is too much
of a good thing: overshooting, overdoing,
overstating, and boasting. The conservative
one rules by division, defending against
revolution and decline.
13 The position can only be held partly, only half.
One has to retreat and retire. One has to reduce
and shrink, but one holds on to old and
obsolete things with nostalgic feelings. The
antique and outdated things from the past,
which are the best, must be retired and
withdrawn. But they are held in honour in the
reduced space. The atmosphere is musty,
14 Form without power; mask, façade, mummy,
fossil. The real power is gone, but externally it
still seems to function well. One is dismissed,
put on a shelf. One feels powerless, weak,
drained, discharged, empty and hollow. One
hides behind the form, diverting real
responsibility. Cowardly.
15 The loss. This is the stage of the disappearance
of what has been achieved, being fired,
bankruptcy, defeat, and death. Everything is
burnt. It can be felt like a shock, being
poisoned. One can fight and resist, refusing to
give over. Or one can give in surrender,
sacrifice or abdicate. The best is to forgive and
16 Things are essentially over. Only the remnants
and ashes are left, the leftovers. The remnants
can be in a state of decay, putrefaction,
producing an offensive, rotten odour and an
ugly view. One is disgusted and becomes an
outcast. It is like a beggar in rags, seducing
and tempting others to give. Only memories
are left, bringing one into a state of fantasizing
greatness. Deepening and reconciliation.
17 This is eradication, all has to be erased. It has
to be ceased, extinguished, abolished, aborted
and finalized. One can be forced to quit or
flee, being expelled as an outcast. One has to
let go of everything, even forget memories. It
is freeing, making one loose from bonds. One
can let go with humour. The opposite is to
hold on to things, even taking them without
18 This is the denial of action, of everything. It is
the pause between actions: rest, holidays, sleep,
meditation, coma, death. Things are latent,
idle, inert, inactive and quiet. Externally there
is no interaction or communication, autism,
cocoon. Internally there can be a
transformation. The sensation is of being free,
floating, confused, and unconnected.
2. Homeopathy and the Viral cause of Chronic
BENTO Joao Nuno (HL. 20, 3/2007)
The understanding that there is a viral cause to
chronic diseases and ailments like Cancer, Heart disease
and Obesity is a very recent development in medical
research. This understanding opens up new
opportunities for treatment, as it will enable medical
science to address the root cause of disease, rather than
merely treating the symptoms, which it has been doing
up until now. What is not commonly known is that
Samuel HAHNEMANN came remarkably close to
identifying this viral cause 200 years ago. It is therefore
tragic that his work has gone unrecognized by medical
science for so long, as it could have helped us reach this
understanding sooner. It would be even more tragic if
scientists continued to ignore his work, as there is
potentially much viral knowledge to be gleaned from
the symptoms of disease listed in homeopathic
3. Water
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 20*
KURZ, Chris
(HL. 20, 3/2007)
Essential to life, stimulating to scientific research,
and ubiquitous in Homeopathy water is all that and
more. This article retraces the history of life and the
history of the water molecule itself. From there it
discusses some of the scientific properties of water and
hints at possible scientific explanations of how
Homeopathy works. The role of water in Homeopathy
itself is viewed from a critical standpoint and some
areas for homeopathic research are suggested.
4. The Evolution of My Practice
(HL. 20, 3/2007)
The key to consistent results is the right perception
of disease and cure. Methods of case-taking and
analysis develop alongside. The deeper the level
reached in a given case, the better are the chances of
success. In the journey towards a deeper understanding
and obtaining better results more simply, a
systematization process has come about. This article is
a bird’s eye overview, through milestone cases, of the
major systems of understanding.
X. Books
1. Homeopathy and Mental Health Care:
Integrative Practice, Principles and Research.
Edited by Christopher Johannes Ph.D. and
Harry E. Van der ZEE, M.D. (Hom.)
Homeolinks Publishers, 2010 $49.95, hard cover
336 pages. ISBN 978-94-90453-01-5. Reviewed
by RAN Ildiko (HT. 30, 1/2010).
22 homeopaths from 10 countries have addressed
different aspect of Homeopathy’s role in mental health
This book is divided into 1. Introduction, 2.
Integration, 3. Research, Ethics and Theory.
This book will be eye-opener to the general public
and the homeopathic consumer, as they realize the
benefits of homeopathic treatment in mental health, as
well as to psychotherapists and other mental health care
I. In Memoriam.
Allen C. NEISWANDER, Jan. 31, 1914 to Oct. 8,
2009. (HT. 30, 1/2010).
Inspired by his father Harry NEISWANDER he
also became a homeopath, after a Masters in Genetics.
He lost his hearing in one ear as he was a battalion
surgeon in the front lines. He practiced for more than
60 yrs. For 25 yrs. he was on Board of Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia convention of the USA.
II. In Memoriam.
Harris L. COULTER. (HT. 30, 1/2010).
Renowned Homeopathy historian, advocate, and
medical writer Harris Livermore COULTER died on
Oct. 28, 2009 at age 77, after a long struggle with the
after - effects of a stroke.
III. In Memorium. RUSTUM Roy (July 3, 1924
Aug. 26, 2010) (HT. 30, 4/2010).
RUSTUM Roy, PhD, was an extraordinary man, a
brilliant scientist and a tireless seeker of truth and
knowledge. His contributions to science and medicine
are truly remarkable. In particular, homeopaths will
forever be in Dr. ROY’s debt for his groundbreaking
work on the structure of water and its relevance to
Homeopathy. This established the plausibility of ultra-
IV. In Memory. Alfons GEUKENS (1944-2010).
(HT. 30, 4/2010).
The homeopathic community is saddened at the
passing of Dr. Alfons GEUKENS OF Belgium on
October 18. Founder and Director of the Centre for
Classical Homeopathy and the International School for
classical Homeopathy, he influenced homeopaths in
North America, Europe and Beyond.
V. In Loving Memory. David Kent WARKENTIN
(Aug. 20, 1951 Sept. 9, 2010. MORRISON, Roger
(HT. 30, 4/2010).
He is known for his groundbreaking software
company: Kent Homeopathic Associates (KHA). He
began his great and Seminal work with homeopathic
Software in 1986 with his program Mac Repertory. In
1985, he was one of the co-founders of the Hahnemann
Medical Clinic in Berkeley. He taught at almost every
educational forum in America, as well as in Europe and
He died from a very aggressive malignant
melanoma, having a dozen cerebral tumors at the time
he first became symptomatic with the primary tumor
hidden in pelvis.
There is a well documented link between
electromagnetic frequencies produced by cell phones
and other technologies and Melanoma.
David’s computer sat in his lap perhaps 12 hrs. per
day hooked up to a cell phone receiver.
Let us use this as a caution.
©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 21*
Others Betty WOOD, Krista HERON, Massimo
Ahmed N. CURRIM have written their tributes.
David Kent WARKENTIN was the designer of the
first true network for homeopaths (HomeoNet).
VI. In Memory: Ananda ZAREN 1946-2008
Gifted Homeopath, Author, Healer
COHEN Karen (HT. 28, 6/2008)
(The Homeopathic Community is deeply saddened
at the passing of Ananda ZAREN On September
24, 2008, four days after a car accident. She
practiced Homeopathy for 30 years in Santa
Barbara, California, and authored Core Elements
of the Materia Medica of the Mind, Volumes 1 &
While teaching in Germany, Ananda ZAR