©Quarterly*Homeopathic*Digest**XXVIII,**1&2/2011.*For*private*circulation*only. 19*
9 The body of work has been performed, but the
last details have to be filled in. The goal is
practically reached. The work is virtually
finished. Minor adaptations can be made after
the dress rehearsal. The book can be
completed after the corrections of the
proofreaders. The contract just has to be
approved and signed. But the fear of a blunder,
a failure at the examination, can make one call
the whole thing off.
10 The goal is reached. One feels at the top, the
summit. It is the glory of the winner, the
brilliance of a victory. Everything falls into
place. It is obvious that one is oneself, the
noble person that decides independently and is
self-sufficient. One can become so convinced
of success and righteousness that one becomes
rigid, fixed and haughty. Balance and
11 This concerns maintenance. One has to hold
and keep the position they have reached. One
has to conserve and preserve. One wants to
enjoy the affluence and prosperity. One wants
to expand and share the wealth and fortune.
Sustaining the position is possible, but heavy.
One protects like a guardian or shepherd.
Benevolence. Benign tumours.
12 The power is exercised to the utmost; it is
overdone like a tyrant. One still has full
power, but feels threatened from all directions.
Suspicious of betrayal and attack, one defends
one’s power in an exaggerated way. It is
overdone, leading to opposition. It is too much
of a good thing: overshooting, overdoing,
overstating, and boasting. The conservative
one rules by division, defending against
revolution and decline.
13 The position can only be held partly, only half.
One has to retreat and retire. One has to reduce
and shrink, but one holds on to old and
obsolete things with nostalgic feelings. The
antique and outdated things from the past,
which are the best, must be retired and
withdrawn. But they are held in honour in the
reduced space. The atmosphere is musty,
14 Form without power; mask, façade, mummy,
fossil. The real power is gone, but externally it
still seems to function well. One is dismissed,
put on a shelf. One feels powerless, weak,
drained, discharged, empty and hollow. One
hides behind the form, diverting real
responsibility. Cowardly.
15 The loss. This is the stage of the disappearance
of what has been achieved, being fired,
bankruptcy, defeat, and death. Everything is
burnt. It can be felt like a shock, being
poisoned. One can fight and resist, refusing to
give over. Or one can give in surrender,
sacrifice or abdicate. The best is to forgive and
16 Things are essentially over. Only the remnants
and ashes are left, the leftovers. The remnants
can be in a state of decay, putrefaction,
producing an offensive, rotten odour and an
ugly view. One is disgusted and becomes an
outcast. It is like a beggar in rags, seducing
and tempting others to give. Only memories
are left, bringing one into a state of fantasizing
greatness. Deepening and reconciliation.
17 This is eradication, all has to be erased. It has
to be ceased, extinguished, abolished, aborted
and finalized. One can be forced to quit or
flee, being expelled as an outcast. One has to
let go of everything, even forget memories. It
is freeing, making one loose from bonds. One
can let go with humour. The opposite is to
hold on to things, even taking them without
18 This is the denial of action, of everything. It is
the pause between actions: rest, holidays, sleep,
meditation, coma, death. Things are latent,
idle, inert, inactive and quiet. Externally there
is no interaction or communication, autism,
cocoon. Internally there can be a
transformation. The sensation is of being free,
floating, confused, and unconnected.
2. Homeopathy and the Viral cause of Chronic
BENTO Joao Nuno (HL. 20, 3/2007)
The understanding that there is a viral cause to
chronic diseases and ailments like Cancer, Heart disease
and Obesity is a very recent development in medical
research. This understanding opens up new
opportunities for treatment, as it will enable medical
science to address the root cause of disease, rather than
merely treating the symptoms, which it has been doing
up until now. What is not commonly known is that
Samuel HAHNEMANN came remarkably close to
identifying this viral cause 200 years ago. It is therefore
tragic that his work has gone unrecognized by medical
science for so long, as it could have helped us reach this
understanding sooner. It would be even more tragic if
scientists continued to ignore his work, as there is
potentially much viral knowledge to be gleaned from
the symptoms of disease listed in homeopathic
3. Water