©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 1
VOL. XXVIII, 3 & 4, 2011
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals
published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the
journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts,
while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Making Hahnemannřs ŘOrganonř a modern Text
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
Students new to Homœopathy find the Organon
difficult to read. The author has proposed a new format
and an updated translation that would greatly help.
Homœopathic principles and methodology are still true.
It only requires a modern presentation to nicely
motivate students. Only a thorough foundation in the
Homœopathy founded by Samuel HAHNEMANN leads
to true advances and enrichment of the science. The
author has suggested how the Organon may be made
into a Řmodernř Text Book (see Part II).
2. The Science of Homœopathy: Part I & II
WHITMONT, Ronald, D.
(AJHM. 102, 4/2009 & 103, 1/2010)
Conventional medicine is in a state of crisis.
Skyrocketing costs and growing discontent pervade the
field. Homœopathy is a centuries-old system of
medicine that offers a unique solution to the current
health care dilemma. The evidence base of the
conventional allopathic and homœopathic medical
systems are reviewed and contrasted. Ideological,
practical and methodological impediments to the study
of Homœopathy are discussed. Part II (next issue of the
AJHM) continues with an exploration of the scientific
data on Homœopathy, its benefits and safety.
3. The concept of health Ŕ in the history of medicine
and in the writings of HAHNEMANN
SCHMIDT, M. Josef (HOM. 99, 3/2010)
The number of notions of health is not infinite. In
the history of medicine we can only find a number of
different conceptions or paradigmatic ideas of health, in
a variety of references and combinations. Health was
seen as: 1. Harmonious balance between principles or
entities, 2. Result of a struggle against opposing forces,
3. Continuous dialectical process, 4. Hierarchy of
components or functions, 5. Potential to perform and to
develop, 6. Transcendence towards higher levels of
being, 7. Result of conscious autonomous action, 8.
Optimal causal functioning, or 9. Public task and
Hahnemannřs view of health, as reflected in his
writings, utilized virtually all of these elements. They
reappear for instance as: 1. Harmonious tuning of the
life force, 2. Defeat of pathogenetic influences, 3.
Admittance of aggravations, 4. Autocracy of the spirit-
like life principle, 5. Reference to a higher goal of
human existence, 6. Perfecting character of medical
service, 7. Concern about dietetics and life style, 8.
Utilization of causality and natural science, and 9.
Appealing to governmental provisions and medical
These paradigms have been repeatedly recombined
and applied. The theory of medicine is the attempt to
analyze, adjust, and develop concepts that meet the
demand of contemporary medical practice. Medical
theory lies between the fields of observable facts and
metaphysical convictions. Distinguishing the levels of
practice, theory, and metaphysics could allow the open
discussion of theoretical issues, such as the concept of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 2
health or disease, without raising purely theoretical
objections to well-established practice.
4. Paradigmenkrise in der Homöopathische Medizin
und naturwissenschaftliche Rationalität
(Paradigm crisis in Homœopathy Medicine and
scientific rationality)
WÜRGER, Wolfgang (ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
Present homœopathic Medicine seems to divide
into a multitude of schools and trends. The
circumstances require a critical self-reflection on the
concept of Reason in our Science. The first step is a
discussion concerning the paradigm of Natural Sciences
and its exclusive claims of scientific knowledge in
The interesting essay has chapters on identification
of the problem, a look at the history of science, the
mistaken self-identification of the scientific modern
medicine, grounds and circumstances of self-mistaken
stand of the modern medicine, paradigm difference
between the Scientific Medicine and homœopathic
Medicine, the Epistemological difference, the
methodological difference, practical difference,
difference of the nationality models, Theoretical and
Practical conclusions.
In the process of this study, the author has
explained Francis BACON, Rene DESCARTES, M.
5. 200 years Organon of Medicine Ŕ A comparative
Review of its six editions (1810-1842)
SCHMIDT, M. Josef (HOM. 99, 4/2010)
In 2010, the 200
anniversary of the Organon is
celebrated by the homœopathic community. Samuel
Hahnemannřs Organon of Rational Therapeutics,
published in 1810, however, marks neither the
beginning of Homœopathy nor the end-point of its
development. On the one hand, its contents are based
on terms and concepts developed and published by
HAHNEMANN during the preceding two decades. On
the other hand the five revised editions of Organon that
followed in the next three decades contain major
changes of theory and conceptions. Hahnemannřs basic
idea, running through all the stages of the foundation,
elaboration, and defence of his doctrine, may be
detected by a comparative review of his works from a
historical and philosophical perspective.
6. Susceptibility Bestow
POTDAR, Swapna (HCCR. 2/2009)
In this article, she writes about the susceptibility
and the role of Homœopathy in the inheritance of
susceptibility which we call ŘMiasmsř. Talking about
the modus operandi of the similimum she says that the
homœopathic remedy is like the clone of that suffering
soul, which vibrates on a similar energy frequency.
7. Homœopathy, Shamanism and Rajan Sankaranřs
Quest for the Vital Sensation
BUTEHORN, Loretta (HL. 20, 4/2007)
This article discusses how oneřs paradigmatic
viewpoint influences what information is considered
acceptable within a framework. Contemporary views of
SANKARAN are often rejected as non-classical
Homœopathy. However a shamanic worldview is
inherent in Hahnemannřs classical approach and
Sankaranřs innovative approach.
8. Paradise Lost:The Unified theory on Miasms
LOMBAERTS, Christel (HL. 21, 1-2/2008)
Among the most discussed topics in the
homœopathic profession are the Miasm theories. Often
the word Miasm is not used or defined correctly. A
number of renowned homœopaths have tried to
systematize remedies and their Miasms in order to use
them as a tool to find the similimum. This article is an
attempt to put all these theories and concepts into
perspective in order to create a forum where there is
consensus about definitions and the nature of Miasms.
9. Miasma und Konstitution
(Miasms and Constitution)
(ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
Hahnemannřs Miasms concept as classified in his
Chronic Diseases, can be transferred into our daily
homœopathic practice, in this 21
century. His claim
that complicated chronic diseases could be cured with
homœopathic specific remedy for the (active) Miasm,
still holds true in todayřs case analysis, with only little
additions. The term of individual constitutional remedy
is not abandoned due to its lack of differentiation, but
instead defined more precisely thus gaining actually of
the background of miasmatic, heriditory and collective
This is a very interesting article.
10. Das Miasmenkonzept Hahnemanns in Lichte
aktueller epigenetischer Forschung
(The Miasms Concept of Hahnemann in the light of
actual Epigenetic Research)
MAYER, Gabriele (ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
Epigenetics means relating to, being or involving a
modification in Gene expression that is independent of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 3
the DNA sequence of a Gene; changes in Gene function
without involving DNA sequence.
In this article Hahnemannřs concept of the Miasms
is discussed in the light of modern researches in
Epigenesis. Also Epigenetic regulation and hereditary
are discussed; as well as the relevance of Epigenetics
for Medicine and particularly to Homœopathy. Main
emphasis is put on the phenomenon of inheritability of
epigenetic modifications in connection with heredity of
the chronic Miasms.
11. Neuere homöopathische Lehren:
Fehlinterpretationen des Organons
(The new teachings in Homœopathy; wrong
interpretation of the Organon)
VITHOULKAS, George (ZKH. 53, 4/2009)
For a correct homœopathic prescription, the
patientřs physical condition as well as his mental state,
both have to be taken into consideration. Prescription
based on Řmentalř symptom alone may only be doing
suppressive treatment. There has been much
misinterpretation of the §210. The new ideas only
confuse and in the opinion of the experienced author
Řdisastrousř for Homœopathy.
12. Zur therapeutischen Anwendung des
Seitenewechsels der Symptome
(Therapeutic application of symptoms that Change
BÜNDNER, Martin (ZKH. 53, 4/2009)
While Constantin HERINGřs article on
Hahnemannřs Three Rules concerning the rank of
Symptom wherein the Law of Direction of Cure has
been explained, is well-known, much less known is a
subsequent article of HERING on the ŘRule of the
Sidesř. In this Rule of the Sides HERING has
postulated on the basis of the conception of Alkalines
and Acids, that the remedy selected should be one that
is the opposite of the complaint, i.e. if a pain came first
on the right and then went on to the left limb, the
medicine that has the opposite in its Proving must be
However, in actual practice over several years, this
has not been borne out, and what has been in actual
practice would continue.
1. Venus Merceneria, the clam or quahog
EVANS JO (AJHM. 102, 4/2009)
Main Polarities: Split, detached, disconnected or
clamped, closed, tight. Open or Closed. Giving or
Receiving. Material or Spiritual. Money or Love.
Mind: Dr. RAESIDE writes of the Proving that
Ŗthinking and coordination were more disturbed than
feelings.ŗ Aware of acute senses and their emotional
effects; sensitive heart. Feels the need to cut off or
detach from others due to acute emotional sensitivity
and excessive sympathy. The patient experiences the
inability to feel emotion as a sensation of inner
coldness. Fears losing control; such as, screaming on a
bus. Unconscious life and dreams are violent and
fearful: dreams of murder, violence, spiders.
Sensations: Split, disconnected, detached, separated.
No emotional feeling, yet sensitive to touch. Cramping,
clamping, band-like, constriction. Stabbing. Heavy,
stone-like, pressing. Tingling, itching. Throbbing.
Dreams: Spiders, violence ending in death, disturbing
dreams of death and disease.
System Affinities: Cardiovascular. Respiratory.
Reproductive. Musculoskeletal. Skin.
Clinical Affinities: Psychopathology. Inflammations.
Arthritis, Peritonitis, Enteritis. Dysmenorrhoea.
Headaches, Migraine: like a band, clamp or helmet.
Bilious headache with constipation, frequent urination
and nausea. Chronic constipation. Boils, Eczema,
Urticaria, Ulcers. Stabbing sensation in heart, tender
sternum, anaemia, bruised sensation, Phlebitis.
Paralysis of the diaphragm.
Generals: Generally sensitive to touch, sound and
odors. Better for movement. The physical particulars
are of an inflammatory nature -itisŗ): ulceration
(mouth, stomach, gastrointestinal), while the general
sensation is of being cold, often with a cold or even icy
sensation in particular parts. Cold or icy sensations.
Desire for cold food and drink.
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Bivalvia
Order: Veneroida Family: Veneridae Genus:
Homœopathic name: Venus mercenaria. Abbreviation:
Latin names: Venus mercenaria, Mercenaria
Common names: Common edible clam, American hard
shell clam, quahog.
Etymology: Venus: goddess of love; mercenaria:
concerned with trading, exchange or money.
Remedy Source
The remedy is prepared from the mother tincture of
the animal, plus an equal part of a trituration, at 1/100,
of the shell. For the original proving, in 1960, Nelsons
pharmacy, London, received a live clam sent to them in
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 4
seawater from Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods
Hole, Massachusetts, USA. They minced the fleshy
portion and preserved it in alcohol. A portion of shell
was triturated up to 3C and used to make a 4C liquid
potency. The proversř powders were medicated with a
combination of the clam shell and clam flesh, prescribed
in three potencies Ŕ 30C, 12C, and 6C.
The proving substance was chosen by Dr.
FOUBISTER and the proving itself was conducted by
Dr. John ROBERTSON RAESIDE in 1960-61, in the
United Kingdom. There were nineteen provers during
three terms (nine men and ten women, plus three
controls in the first term and four in the second and
none in the third); powders were taken, one dose
morning and evening for fourteen days, using the
following potencies: 30C in the first term, 12C in the
second term and 6C in the third term. The third term
produced the most symptoms. Dr. FOUBISTER
suggested that these potencies might be more suitable
than lower ones (in the ŘXř range), since the clam is a
food and therefore less likely to produce symptoms in
low potency. (ŘA Proving of Venus mercenaria (clam)ř,
by J.R. RAESIDE. British Homœopathic Journal
1962; 51(3): pp. 200-206.)
Confusion in homœopathic literature
The common name of the remedy has been
confusingly and incorrectly given as ŘAmerican
scallopř, despite being correctly named by the original
prover, RAESIDE, as American clam. This has led to
some errors in homœopathic literature, confusing
Pecten jacobeus and Venus mercenaria. Samuel
SWAN experimented with the scallop, Pecten, as a
medicine, half a century earlier.
O.A. JULIAN states that Carcinosin is
complementary to Venus mercenaria. Conchiolinum,
another mollusk shell remedy, is also comparable to
Carcinosin. Prescribing Carcinosin or Venus
mercenaria does not necessarily relate to cancer
pathology, but it should perhaps be noted here that the
clam, and extracts of clam, are important in cancer
research, and the clinical data, below, reveals some
similarities to the Carcinosin remedy picture.
Sensation: Weakness, exhaustion, desire to lie down,
frailty. Sensation as if the body is bruised on being
touched or pressed. Sensation of extreme coldness
(worse 3-5pm). Weakness on rising. Stabbing pains.
Function: Faintness at 10 am. Symptoms are similar to
those at the beginning of Influenza. Allergies of
psychological origin. ŖAllergic (psoric) sycotic types,
tending towards a cancerous condition following severe
self-intoxication.ŗ Bilious headaches. Inflammation:
Gastrointestinal, Arthritis, Cystitis, Phlebitis.
Sensation: Split, detached, disconnected. Cut-off.
Senses acute: irritability from company and noise:
Ŗkeep away from meŗ. Boredom, indifference, apathy.
Delusion bus goes too slow, time passes slowly.
Concentration difficult. Thoughts disconnected.
Difficulty writing. Dreams of spiders, death, murder,
violence. Fear of crying or screaming for no reason.
Intoxicated feeling: as if drunk, cannot think or
coordinate well. Split mind: schizophrenia, delusions;
rift between emotion, thought and behaviour.
Functions: Concentration: difficult. Thoughts:
disconnected. Depression on first day of menstrual
bleeding. Tired and dizzy in the morning. Schizoid
Aversions: Noise, company. Claustrophobia.
Desires: Wide empty spaces. To go home. To be left
alone. Peace. Bright or light colours. Light.
Dreams: Spiders. Violence ending in death.
Disturbing dreams of death and disease.
Restless or disturbed sleep. Waking (after midnight,
2am). Waking from dreams.
Sensation: Itching skin.
Function: Spots turn into boils.
Sensation: Mind/brain/head is not coordinated with
Sensation: Dull, depressing, heavy, sensation as if head
is being held tightly: gripping, constricting, tightness.
Sensation of headache on waking, with blood rushing to
the head and tingling, itching of the scalp. Throbbing,
stabbing, sharp pain.
Function: Migraine accompanied by digestive or
urinary concomitants.
Location: Frontal, occipital, left-sided, right-sided,
behind the eyes, over left eye, at the back of the head,
Aggravation: Morning on waking, afternoon, going
upstairs, mental effort.
Amelioration: Darkness, quiet, sitting still, late
Concomitants: Vertigo, Nausea, buzzing, vomiting,
frequency of urination, digestive symptoms, difficulty
Time modalities: 4 pm, 1 pm, 10.30 am to 1.30 pm,
3.30 pm. 2 pm. 5 pm.
Blurred vision.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 5
Sensation: Of inflammation.
Function: Swollen. Redness and inflammation of
lower eyelid.
Sensation: Pain in left ear. Buzzing. Burning itch
behind ears.
Concomitants: Irritability from noise.
Sounds: Buzzing.
Taste and Appetite
Mind Sensation: Desires cold food and drink.
Taste: Metallic taste in the mouth, food tastes metallic.
Desires: Cold food and drink.
Aggravation: Nausea after eating followed by
Amelioration: Nervous tension in stomach > eating.
Sensation: Cold.
Function: White-coated; white at the root, furred.
Sensation: Cold feeling in mouth and throat. Soreness
of the lower lip, corners of the mouth.
Function: Blisters on the lips. Soreness in corners of
mouth and lower lip. Cracks in corners of mouth with
Sensation: Teeth sensitive to hot and cold, toothache
(upper left side).
Stomach Sensation: Nervous tension. Nausea.
Heaviness, sensation of a stone. Pressing pain.
Constricting feeling.
Sensation Abdomen: Waking at 4:30 am with pain in
left side of the abdomen, worse lying on left side.
Sensation of wind and rumbling. Pains feel like
menstrual pain.
Function: Indigestion. Stomach ulcers. Nausea.
Vomiting. Flatulence (extreme, continual). Slight
diarrhea (with stomach pain and nausea). Inflammation,
Peritonitis, Enteritis. Chronic, severe constipation (no
Ameliorations: Eating.
Aggravations: Nausea, worse after eating, during
headache, during pain in stomach, cycling, at night.
Concomitants: Heat and perspiration. Migraine.
Thirsty for cold drinks, better in the evening.
Sensation: No urging or desire for stool despite chronic
Function: Diarrhea or extreme constipation.
Function: Loose. Diarrhea.
Sensation: Pain in the right kidney, worse on waking.
Brief pain in left kidney. Pain in bladder.
Function: Frequency of urination day and night
(disturbing sleep).
Urine: Profuse, frothy, cloudy, offensive urine.
Nose and Sense of Smell
Sensitive to odors.
Sensation: Sensitive to odors.
Function: Common cold with discharge initially
watery, becoming thick. Green post-nasal catarrh.
Discharge: Green, watery, thick.
Aggravation: Morning, change of temperature, heat,
right side.
Amelioration: Evening.
Respiratory System
Throat Sensation: Dryness. Constriction in the
pharynx and larynx. Tight pain in the glands. Pain,
worse on the right side, extending to the ear, with pain
on swallowing, dryness and tightness.
Throat Function: Sore throat, going from left to right.
External Throat: Swollen lymph glands. Boils on the
Chest sensation: Very tender over sternum. Short,
stabbing pain in heart.
Sensation: Short stabbing pains. Marked tenderness
over the sternum.
Sensation: Pain in veins of leg (left). Sensation of
blood rushing to the head. Faintness: morning, 10 am.
Veins: Phlebitis (inflammation of the veins).
Sex: Female
Menstruation Sensation: Strong cramping, better heat,
lying down.
Menstruation Function: Dysmenorrhea.
Breasts Function: Mastitis.
Touch, Movement and Temperature
Subjective Perception of the Body: Mind and body
feel uncoordinated when trying to concentrate. General
heavy, painful, cold sensation. Loss of sensation in
limbs. Emotions are felt in the right hypochondrium.
Perception of Space: The patient guards his space and
privacy, intensely disliking any invasion of his privacy.
Balance: Dizzy headache. Dizziness worse when tired.
Faintness (morning; 10 am). Vertigo, worse on rising
after sitting for a long time, and with migraine, better
Perception of Pressure: Pressure and touch aggravate.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 6
Pains: Pressing, stone sensation, sensation of being
bound or held tightly, helmet-like pain in headache,
stabbing, throbbing.
Heat/Cold: Sensations of extreme coldness in parts;
e.g., the mouth, limbs, vagina. Desire for cold food and
cold water. Period pain, better application of heat.
Skin Sensation: Itchiness of face, ears, back and limbs.
Tingling, crawling, burning (worse 9 am and night).
Skin Function: Urticaria (left hand). Boils. Pimples.
Eczema. Prurigo. Bruises easily.
Back and Spine Sensation: Stiffness in muscles of
back and nape of neck on waking. Pain under right
Back and Spine Function: Arthritic pain.
Musculoskeletal Sensation: Cramps. Heaviness.
Pains in hip, knee and ankle joint. Dull, rheumatic or
sharp muscular pains in arms, with heaviness, tiredness,
heat and stiffness (worse right arm). Tingling in fingers
(worse right hand). Arms and legs itching (arms worse
at night).
Musculoskeletal Function: Arthritis. Swelling in
general; swelling of the lower limbs with heat and pain
(knees, right knee). Motion ameliorates.
2. Fehlerhafte Symptome in verschiedenen Ausgaben
von Hahnemanns Arzneimittellehre
(Erroneous symptoms in different editions of
Hahnemannřs Materia Medica)
HANSELMANN, Beat (ZKH. 53, 2/2009)
In the recent times there has been published a
ŖCollected Materia Medicaŗ of HAHNEMANN (in
German); the Materia Medica Pura, Chronic Diseases
and other works of the Master have all been put in one
place. This work has been carried out by Drs. Christian
LUCAE and Matthias WISCHNER.
These authors have said that ŖNo symptom was
taken off, no symptom was altered with regard to its
wordings, only clearly errors in writing have been
correctedŗ. However, in this article several mistakes
have been listed in regard to Sulfur, Lycopodium, and
Calcarea carbonica. These mistakes are not to be
lightly brushed aside. All these are with reference to the
German editions. In so far as the English version is
concerned we have the DUDGEON (Materia Medica
Pura) and LH. TAFEL, HUGHES et al editions wherein
only the original entries are put in and hence no
question of error. [However, I have made a random
comparison of these with the Řmistakesř pointed out in
this article and the English editions already in use since
decades are free from these mistakes = KSS.]
3. Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria
for Leptospirosis epidemic control
BRACHO Gustavo, VARELA Enrique,
FERNÁNDEZ Rolando, ORDAZ Barbara,
Luis, GILLING Esperanza, LEYVA Richard,
L Rosa BATISTA Niurka, BORRERO Reinier &
CAMPA Concepción (HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Background: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease of
major importance in the tropics where the incidence
peaks in rainy seasons. Natural disasters represent a big
challenge to Leptospirosis prevention strategies
especially in endemic regions. Vaccination is an
effective option but of reduced effectiveness in
emergency situations. Homœoprophylactic
interventions might help to control epidemics by using
highly-diluted pathogens to induce protection in a short
time scale. We report the results of a very large-scale
homœoprophylaxis (HP) intervention against
Leptospirosis in a dangerous epidemic situation in three
provinces of Cuba in 2007.
Methods: Forecast models were used to estimate
possible trends of disease incidence. A
homœoprophylactic formulation was prepared from
dilutions of four circulating strains of Leptospirosis.
This formulation was administered orally to 2.3 million
persons at high risk in an epidemic in a region affected
by natural disasters. The data from surveillance were
used to measure the impact of the intervention by
comparing with historical trends and non-intervention
Results: After the homeoprophylactic intervention a
significant decrease of the disease incidence was
observed in the intervention regions. No such
modifications were observed in non-intervention
regions. In the intervention region the incidence of
Leptospirosis fell below the historic median. This
observation was independent of rainfall.
Conclusions: The homeoprophylactic approach was
associated with a large reduction of disease incidence
and control of the epidemic. The results suggest the use
of HP as a feasible tool for epidemic control, further
research is warranted.
[I feel that it is erroneous to keep writing merely Ŗhighly
diluted substancesŗ; mere high dilution does not make it
a remedy. HAHNEMANN called his method
Ŗdynamisationŗ. In FN 269 to §269 of Organon
(p.237, Organon of the Medical Art, Edited and
annotated by Wenda Brewster REILLY, Bird Cage
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 7
Books, California; 1996) HAHNEMANN has said
Ŗdaily we hear homœopathic medicinal potencies
referred to as mere dilutions when they are, in fact, the
opposite. There is a true opening up of the natural
substances produced by trituration and succussion,
bringing it to the revelatory light of day the specific
medicinal powers that lie hidden in their inner Wesen.
The non-medicinal dilution medium merely helps as
supervening accessory condition. For example, the
simple dilution of a grain of salt in a large amount of
water results in just plain water, the grain of salt
disappears and never becomes the medicinal salt that
our well-prepared dynamizations have heightened to
such admirable strength.ŗ Ŕ we should always beware of
using the Ŗdilutioinstead of the word Ŗdynamizationŗ
or Ŗpotentization.ŗ Too many criticisms have been
made using this word Ŗdilutionŗ without understandlng
the process involved in preparing the homœopathic
medicinal Ŗdynamizationsŗ = KSS]
4. A proving of Chanel No.5
BENASSINI, Sandra & BESSERER, Lorrelaine
(AH. 15/2009)
The proving of the perfume Chanel No.5 was the
project of the fourth year at the Vancouver
Homœopathic Academy under the supervision of
Director Murray FELDMAN.
Remedy made by Helios Pharmacy. 13 provers.
Proved in 12c, 15c, &30c.
Double blind experiment. [In my opinion these are
crazy substances choice = KSS]
5. A Trituration Proving of the Ancient Bristlecone
LANDOWNE, Deborab (AH. 15/2009)
A trituration proving of Pinus longaeva, the ancient
Bristlecone Pine, was conducted in San Francisco on
October 29, 2005, at 10:00 A.M. There were 9 provers,
all female, who at the time were students or graduates of
the Pacific Academy of Homœopathy. The trituration
was supervised by Richard PITT, and the prover diaries
were analyzed by the author, under a single-blind
methodology. Only the supervisor knew what the
substance was until after the symptoms were reviewed
and sorted. A sample of needles and twigs from a
branch of ancient bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva, was
triturated to the 3C potency. Each prover kept a short
diary for up to a week following the trituration,
documenting any dreams and unusual symptoms or
Several themes emerged during the analysis of the
proversř experiences:
Emergence of old traumas with a sense of
resolution or understanding
Joint and extremity symptoms
Sharp pains
Restriction/Expansion of vision
Old feelings, memories, etc.
Heart and chest symptoms
Ocean and waves
Itching and dryness
6. A proving of Gavia immer (Common Loon)
HUENECKE, Jason-Aeric (AH. 15/2009)
the proving of Gavia immer for the Northwestern
Academy of Homœopathy in 2006.
COMPILATION: Lori Foley and Sandra Haering,
with students and alumni of the Northwestern Academy
of Homœopathy.
METHODOLOGY: 24 provers began and 18
completed this proving. Neither the provers nor their
supervisors knew what the substance was. The master
prover knew it would be one of three substances.
SOURCE: One whole loon feather: Loonřs feather
from the Queen Charlotte Islands, off the northwest
coast of British Columbia, Canada.
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
SUBPHYLUM: Vertebrata
ORDER: Gaviiformes
SPECIES: Gavia immer
Apathy versus productivity
Appearing, disappearing quickly
Contamination, disgust, disrepair & filth
Desire nature and fresh air
Distance & space from others, aversion to company,
desires solitude, self-reflective
Esoteric, mysterious, trance-like
Exhausted, walking with birds
Gaining awareness & a deeper understanding
Ghosts, undead, & vampires
Irritable, sudden anger
No worries
Playfulness, attractiveness, & sexuality increased
Spacey, disconnected
Vigilance, watching & observing
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 8
[Personally, I feel that it would be far more useful if our
old remedies are reproved, instead of trying new
substances. These new remedies where would I, a
simple practitioner in a part of the world, get the
medicine? These Řprovingř reports are of no value for a
regular practitioner. = KSS]
7. Niobium metallicum proving
MILLER, Linda F.G. (AH. 15/2009)
Niobium is found in Group five, Row five of the
periodic table. Niobium physically facilitates electrical
Helios Pharmacy prepared the remedy and 30c
potency was given to all 13 women provers in a triple
blind proving.
The themes and rubrics are given.
8. Die Bedeutung der hervorgehobenen symptome in
Hahnemanns Arzneimittellehre
(The significance of the symptoms emphasized in
the Materia Medica of HAHNEMANN)
WISCHENER, Matthias (ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
In his Materia Medica, HAHNEMANN has
emphasized certain symptoms by special typesetting Ŕ
for example, spaced letters, bold letters, or capital
letters. The author examines, with reference to such
emphasized symptoms, whether such symptoms were
characteristics in actual practice. As a result of careful
study the author has come to the conclusion that the
emphasis had no specific significance in actual practice.
For some reason HAHNEMANN felt some symptoms
as worthy of being emphasized. Not all those symptoms
are based on ŘProvingř but include toxicological as well
as clinical.
There is detailed discussion in the article.
However, George DIMITRIADIS has much to say
in this matter, in his ŘLetter to the Editorř (ZKH. 53,
4/2009) he points out that HAHNEMANN stressed the
grade of certainty, in respect of particular
observations. Exactly the same was the practice of von
BOENNINGHAUSEN who also has followed this.
9. Arundo Donax sive Mauritainca sive Mediterranea
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 53, 4/2009)
This is a Řsmallř Hayfever remedy. The remedy
appears to have only incomplete proving. However, the
author has studied this useful medicine with reference to
HERING, ERASTUS CASE, RABE, etc. He has cited
three cases from his own practice also.
10. Lac maternum or Lac humanum
How do we choose?
HATHERLY, Patricia
(HL. 20, 4/2007)
While Lac maternum and Lac humanum have
many similarities (as one would expect since they both
contain mature human milk) they are essentially
different, although complementary medicines. Lac-m
also contains colostrums and it is this which affords the
connection with in-carnation issues often as a
consequence of birth trauma or damage done to the
Vital Force through vaccination or drug abuse. It is this
which constitutes the primary aetiology for the lac-m
state while it is perceived lack of a suitable length of
time spent at the maternal breast that forms the basis for
the lac-h state.
Proving themes of Lac maternum are given.
- Disconnection between the spirit and physical
- Alternating states and sides
- Confusion of mind
- Indifference; detachment
- Heightened senses; sensitive to
A case example for Lac maternum from the book
ŖChallenging children: success with Homœopathyŗ by
Linlee Jordan is given. [Lac maternum M, three doses a
day for three days to be immediately followed by Lac
humanum 7c again for 2 weeks, for a four-year old
child! = KSS.]
1. An Autistic Boy
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
A case of an autistic boy is described. Prescribing
indications Ŕ largely, silly behavior, sexual acting out,
and loquacity, among others Ŕ led to the prescription of
Hyoscyamus, which acted effectively in various
potencies, until, at one point, the patient no longer
responded. At this stage the MMR Nosode was
prescribed, since the childřs autistic behavior appeared
soon after that vaccine was administrated. There was
definite benefit derived from the Nosode and,
subsequently, it also restored the patientřs receptivity to
later doses of Hyoscyamus.
2. Usefulness of the Bowel Nosodes: Two cases
CHASE, Sandra (AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
Two cases are presented, the first of which showed
few significant improvement from conventional
homœopathic remedies and the second of which, after a
satisfying response to Sepia, then developed intractable
recurrent urinary tract infections. Both of these cases
then responded very well to their respective Bowel
Nosodes, Dysentery-co and Morgan pure. The cases
illustrate the utility of bowel nosodes when evidence of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 9
dysbiosis (the first case of the respiratory tract, with
additional history of ulcerative colitis and ongoing
menopausal complaints; the second of the urinary tract,
with green leucorrhea and a history of hemorrhagic
uterine fibroids; both cases had been previously treated
with several antibiotics) is present and conventional
remedies either fail to act or obstacles to further action
3. A constipated child
NOSSAMAN, Nicholas (AJHM. 102, 3/2009)
Amelia, 2 years old, with past h/o recurrent Otitis
Media, presented with constipation. Tendency to
constipation before the onset of acute illnesses. Now
with the urge, she would cross her legs forcefully, grunt
and become red in face and resist the urge.
She is clingy with separation anxiety, fastidious Ŕ
angry when things are not tidy and refusing to use the
potty chair. Arsenicum album 200. Within a day, she
began having three to four stools a day without
resistance and within a week, much less anxious and
demanding with her mother.
4. A collection of Cases
WEMBER, David (AJHM. 102, 4/2009)
A four year old boy with emotional lability, temper
tantrums, contrary and sighed a lot. Disliked being
touched, hated to be combed and feared dogs. Loved
swings, rocking and dancing which calmed him down.
Purplish haemangioma on the right side of face.
Tarentula hispanica 1M. Definite improvement for 6
weeks. Calmer, less moody, less afraid of dogs,
brushing his hair. Relapse. Another dose helped for six
weeks. Then a dose of 10M.
Forty year old man with Prostatitis of 12 years
duration. Recurrent urinary tract infections requiring
six weeks of antibiotics. Resentments from prior work
and parental situations. Staphysagria 10M. Three
weeks later, no change. Now with acutely swollen and
tender right submandibular glands. Clematis 30. 20 Ŕ
30% >. Then daily dose for a week of Mycoplasma
urealyticum 30. Immediate > and any relapse subsided
with Clematis. (The author clarifies that Mycoplasma
urealyticum is a sexually transmitted organism which
frequently infects the Prostate gland. This medicine is
effective in Prostate patients.)
Fifty year-old woman with two day history of pain
and swelling in external throat. Felt exhausted and had
a low grade fever of 99 degree. Taken Aconitum
napellus for the anxiety. After a dose of Kali iodatum
200, fever subsided, energy returned and pain subsided.
Swelling persisted. Diagnosed as Thyroglossal duct
cyst and surgery was advised. Silica 12c once a day and
cyst gone in one week, without recurrence.
year-old boy with constipation since six months
of age ever since the third set of inoculations. Belly was
swollen and hard, stools hard, dark, dry but well
formed. Lot of gas. Itching rectum. Collinsonia 30
thrice a day. After four days stools more frequent and
less painful.
45 year-old woman singer with heartburn and
hoarseness. Six months earlier diagnosed with vocal
nodules and a polyp and gastroesophageal reflux.
Chronic sinus congestion. Three deaths in the family in
the past year and resentments. Weekly doses of Natrum
muriaticum XM. Six weeks later, 50% better. Less
anxious, sleeping better. Voice better. Much happier.
Six weeks later, digestion, congestion and voice much
A woman with neuralgia after herpes six weeks
ago. No relief after medication by Neurologist. The
skin was still sore and sensitive to any touch. Deep
sense of betrayal by former husband. Staphysagria XM.
Once daily for a week. One month later, pain almost
gone. No longer depressed. Better attitude in life.
18 month old boy, had Eczema at 3 months,
Impetigo at 5 months and failing to thrive since 6
months of age. Not vaccinated. On iron for anaemia.
Picky eater. Likes salty things and no fat yogurt.
Natrum muriaticum 6x twice daily. Two months later,
eating much better and gained 20 ounces. Eczema
much better. Two months later, Eczema almost gone
and gaining weight progressively.
50 year-old man with an abscess in the lower back
was admitted for 3 days with intravenous antibiotics. A
month later given Penicillin for dental procedure. The
same night the abscess started to develop again. It was
of six inch area, surrounded by a four inch darker red
area with multiple pus vents. Pyrogenium 200 and a
remedy made from the pus in 4x potency. Three days
later, improving. After another dental procedure,
relapse and subsided with Pyrogenium.
Six year old girl with Otitis thrice, Bronchitis thrice
and Pneumonia in the past years. Adenoids
removed. Increasing asthmatic episodes. Phlegmatic
and sweaty at night. Calcarea carbonica 1M and
Bacillinum 200 weekly. One month later, she was off
all daily allopathic medications.
A fifty year old woman with h/o chronic Crohnřs
disease, Asthma, recurrent Sinusitis and Bronchitis,
Insomnia on several medications. Kava Kava a calming
herb was given. Also Avena sativa tincture drops one
week later. Admitted for acute gall stone colic and pain
got relieved. No gas and bloating from Crohnřs disease
and her sleep was great.
A young highly stressed woman with sudden chest
tightness with difficult breathing and heart pounding.
Diagnosed as Panic attack and Hypertension and was
put on medication. Then developed reflux with
Oesophagitis and again sudden chest pain with anxiety
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 10
and difficult sleep. Was suggested Kava kava at
bedtime. Argentum nitricum XM. Six weeks later,
sleeping well, more relaxed.
5. One in a million: A four month old with
FIER, Timothy (AJHM. 102, 4/2009)
This is a case of Hepatoblastoma in a four month
old boy treated concurrently with Homœopathy and
allopathic care consisting of Chemotherapy and surgical
He was seen on 23.09.2004 Ŕ after two cycles of
Chemotherapy. His characteristic symptoms were the
perspiration on back at night, vomiting after nursing and
hiccoughs. Mild nature. Chubby appearance. Calcarea
carbonica 30, daily once.
2.10.04: After the first dose, vomited once, and no
fever, energy and mood better.
15.10.04: Calcarea carbonica 30, if he was cranky,
which averaged every two to five days.
29,11.04: Calcarea carbonica 200.
The hepatoblastoma was completely resected on
10.12.04. He did well post-operatively. He continued
to do well on Calcarea carbonica. On 22.2.05 1M and
on 14.2.07 10M. The remedy was repeated during acute
illnesses and facilitated rapid resolution.
On 14.3.08: Surgeon reported recovered well from
portal vein stenosis and hepatoblastoma resection.
On 21.3.09: Mother reported, he still takes Calcarea
carbonica XM occasionally.
6. Das Ŗunzuverlässigeŗ homöopathische symptom
(The Ŗunreliableŗ homœopathic symptom)
RABE Steffen (ZKH. 53, 2/2009)
This article refers to the work of Dr. Heiner FREI
with particular reference to his treatment of AD(H)S
applying BOENNINGHAUSENřs Therapeutic Pocket
Book. We also have a very good book by Dr. FREI on
this method.
However, in this article Dr. RABE discusses some
important points. In the course of his studies on the
homoeopathic treatment of ADHS, Dr. Heiner FREI
identified reliable and unreliable symptoms for the
choice of the homœopathic remedy. Using the
Symptomen-Lexicon by Uwe PLATE, it can be
substantiated that the rubrics of Clemens von
BOENNINGHAUSENřs Therapeutic Pocket Book,
which FREI found to be unreliable, contain even in their
so-called characteristic degree predominantly curative
symptoms, whereas the reliable symptoms and rubrics
can be traced back to symptoms of the respective
proving of the remedy.
7. Case history: Individualised Homœopathy and
Severe Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia (SCN)
POOLE, Jennifer (HOM. 99, 3/2010)
Boy of 3 years & 8 months with idiopathic SCN.
BCG vaccine at birth and repeated course of antibiotics
for variety of infections Ŕ including of the umbilicus
and Otitis. Perforated ear drums with foul smelling
discharge from left ear. Some speech delay and poor
short-term memory. Attending a special educational
needs unit. Grinding teeth in sleep. Sulphur XM. This
resulted in several earlier infections and skin eruptions
which were treated with few remedies reappear. After
10.75 months, Carcinosin 1M. 2 weeks later horrible
ear discharge and five days later, felt hungry with all
symptoms resolved. At the annual appointment, left
sided cellulitis. Lachesis 30. Silicea 50M as
constitutional remedy. 24 months following
commencing individualized homœopathic treatment,
ear discharge stopped, right ear drum healed.
Neutrophil count was 3-4 after 29 months of treatment
and 3.8 after 41 months. Healing followed the direction
and order of cure mentioned by HERING, with the Ear
symptom the last to clear.
SCN is considered incurable. But with
individualized homœopathic remedy it was cured.
8. The Healer within
MUELLER, Manfred (AH. 15/2009)
A well respected architect in her sixties, had
accustomed to too much drinks. She explained that was
for social reasons. Upon further probing, she said that
she found out a major error in a static calculation which
she had done for a high rise building which could affect
the structural integrity of the building. She buried the
secret and needed the alcohol to keep it there ŖI am such
a cowardŗ. Lycopodium.
Three weeks after she took the remedy felt the shift
and next day called the city council and told them.
They thanked her and wanted to redo the calculation
and make necessary recommendations to make it safe.
ŖWas it the Ŗconfession,ŗ or was it the remedy?
The author ventures to guess by activating the healer
within her, gave her the courage to reveal the
information. [Clearly Lycopodium helped her. Remain
grateful to HAHNEMANN = KSS.]
9. A case presentation Using Cycles and Segments
ROTHENBERG, Amy (AH. 15/2009)
A cycle is made up of a group of segments. A
segment is a group of symptoms that represent the same
idea in the patient. RADARřs Herscu Module reflects
this approach and is straightforward to use.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 11
A 52 year-old woman with Vertigo in her peri
menopausal years. During Vertigo she had dyspnoea
and was anxious. She felt it in crowded places and
when overcome with emotions. A sort of floating away,
confused. Loquacious and belching frequent. While
doing many things, love to begin with, feels constricted
when overdoing segments Ŕ Vertigo, confusion, closing
off, discharges, company > and overwhelm, Nux
moschata 200. Six weeks later, no vertigo, felt more
grounded. After a few years, Calcarea carbonica. [To
me, old HAHNEMANN and his genuine followers are
enough. No innovative methods = KSS].
10. Experiences with C4 Triturations
GWYNETH, Evans (AH. 15/2009)
The author discusses her experience while
triturating the remedy substances herself to C4. The
idea of C4 trituration was postulated by German
Pharmacist withold EHRLER.
She feels while triturating, there is resonance with
the energy of the remedy. This means we can be in a
different, deeper relationship to the clientřs state
because of the trituration experience. Trituration
discloses the essence of a remedy level by level C
physical, C
Ŕ Emotional, C
Ŕ Mental (Delusion), C
Spiritual (Core or Essence).
11. Homœoprophylaxis for Infectious, contagious
BIRCH, Kate (AH. 15/2009)
See full article in Part II.
12. A case of Opium
WOOD, Paula Grandpre PT
(AH. 15/2009)
A 2½ year-old boy with delayed speech, lack of eye
contact and difficulty with transitions. Not responding.
Seemed to be in his own world. Temper tantrum.
Tends to be independent and play on his own. Wants to
be held if he is sick. Fears strangers. Reactive Airway
Disorder. By using Paul Herscuřs cycles and segments,
Opium 30 was given. Two months later: much better.
Responding when called. Using 100-150 words.
Transitions are easier. More interactive. No need of
Six months later: Continued to improve in eye contact.
Responds 100%. Tantrums last only two minutes. Not
cupping ears, rubbing fingers. Respiratory issues
persist. Opium 200. Six months later Bufo 200. Then
due to aggressive behavior, kicking, biting
Tuberculinum 200. Doing well.
13. Cured long ago in the real sense: Malignant
MAMGAIN, S.K. (AH. 15/2009)
22 year-old patient, with a history of fall and
possible head injury. Meningioma in the left
parasaggital region. Undergone three Radiotherapy
sittings. Sudden attacks of Vertigo. Continuous
occipital and frontal headache > pressure. < exertion.
Periodic headache at vertex < 1 pm, maximum at 2 pm.
and declining at 3 p.m. Tears flow on seeing happy
scenes in T.V.
Itching inside thighs with dark, leathery skin.
11 Feb. 1992 Ŕ Conium maculatum 200, followed by
daily doses of Asterias rubens 30c for 29 consecutive
19 Aug. 1992 - CT revealed increase of tumor size,
though there was feeling of general amelioration.
Previous course was repeated.
20 Sep. 1992 - CT revealed reduction in the size of
26 Dec. 1992 - Final CT showed normal study.
19 Oct. 2008 - Till day he is normal. Successfully
completed his BHMS and practicing in Uttarkhand,
14. A case of Gavia immer (Common Loon)
JOHNSON, David, A. (AH. 15, 2009)
41 year-old female with conflict and anxiety related
to family issues. Itching rashes. Anxiety for children,
dreams of flying and swimming underwater, sadness, a
connection with birds, an affinity for bright colours, fear
of spiders and needle like pains. Gavia immer 200c.
Four months later no rash. Dreams have changed.
Feeling calm and more balanced and a confusion now.
Another dose. 10 weeks later, more focus. Working
through nightmares. No anxiety. No remedy. 15
months later feels less chaotic.
15. Seizure Disorders in children
MUELLER, Manfred (AH. 15/2009)
The author discusses three cases of children with
organic brain pathology, apparently cured of seizures
with homœopathic treatment. Two had severe Cerebral
Palsy (CP) caused by perinatal brain injury, and one had
Congenital Microcephaly. Parents tried homœopathic
treatment because of limited efficacy of conventional
anticonvulsive therapy and because of adverse health
and developmental effects. Homœopathic treatment
removed the seizure disorders in all three cases.
Seizures resulting from brain pathology constitute
what HAHNEMANN referred to as Ŗone-sidedŗ cases,
where only pathological symptoms can be elicited. This
makes it necessary to take an especially detailed case to
obtain every available element of the totality of the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 12
symptoms of the disorder and peculiarities to narrow
down selection of an appropriate remedy. It is
necessary to take note of subtle differences such as the
areas affected during convulsions and the character and
nature of the convulsive activity, as well as symptoms
that appear when no seizures are noticeable, since
convulsive disorders can affect the general well-being
of the whole person.
In such cases, it is important to understand that
emotional signs such as crying may be misleading in
severe organic brain pathology. Crying and laughing
are sometimes triggered by abnormal neurological
reflexes. It is often best to rely on the parentsř intuition
as to the meaning of their childřs emotional expression.
For these reasons, these symptoms are relatively less
reliable than they would be under other circumstances.
Case 1: Petitmal and focal seizures with severe cerebral
palsy. Adam was born with foetal distress, meconium
in amniotic fluid and forceps delivery, Asphyxia. Δ
with seizures and was put on medication incessant
crying. Failure to thrive. CT & MRI revealed Global
brain injury. Developmental delays, profound motor
impairment and Athetosis. Swallowing difficulties.
Increased dosage of medication further delayed
During initial assessment, distorted facial features,
sunken eyes, turned upward. Bluish discoloration
around eyes. Clenched teeth, horrible breath. Clenched
thumbs. Cuprum metallicum 30, single dose, liquid on
forehead. Seizure terminated in few minutes. In
consultation with paediatric Neurologist anticonvulsants
were weaned. Now conscious during seizures.
Nystagmus. Cuprum 200c, single dose and an
additional dose during each seizures applied to the
forehead in liquid. The seizures subsided more quickly
with Cuprum. Bluishness gone, countenance changed.
His arms still twitched. Cicuta virosa 30, followed
several weeks later with the 200c.
Seizures gradually improved, now of shorter
duration. Less distortion. Less dehydration. Prolonged
drowsiness and sleepiness for several hours after
seizures. Opium 30, followed four weeks later by 200c.
in the next few months seizures involved only right arm
could eat and drink. Then Opium was discontinued.
Based on several routine neurological checkups, no
seizures were recorded in EEGs. The boy remained
seizure free, while he remained compromised by CP. In
the next ten years of observation, no seizures were
Case 2: Petitmal seizures and Eczema with
Thomas was born with missing frontal lobes.
Seizures soon after birth. Microcephaly and unilateral
cleft on right side of the brain. Episodes of staring.
Eczema on his neck.
Sulphur 1Q, once daily, for 10 days then 2Q.
Gradually weaned off medication. Mild seizures.
Began with a jerk. Nystagmus. Tightness of face.
Looked weak, wrinkled, pale, drawn. Phenobarbitalum
30, three doses daily for three days. Change Sulphur to
olfactory dose. Alternate with Belladonna 1Q. Ten
days later Opium 1Q. seizures more intense. Rash on
face, upper arms, elbows and calves. Sulphur 4Q, then
5Q. alternate with Bell 2Q, then 3Q.
Seizures became less frequent and then no further
seizures. Thriving. EEG showed no seizure activity.
Case 3: Complex seizure disorder, causing multiple
focal seizures in child with profound CP.
Corrine with cord around neck with low Apgar
score and seizures on the first day of life and continued
to have. Delayed milestones. Multiple medications due
to hundreds of seizures daily. Viscum album tincture
reduced the frequency initially. Profound motor
impairment at 12 years. With physical therapy and
speech therapy. Multiple clonic motions. Esophageal
reflux. MRI Ŕ periventricular leucomalacia with
ventricular dilatation. Expressed displeasure, joy and
sadness through sounds and countenance. Nystagmus,
drowsiness after each paroxysm. Nux vomica 1Q ten
days, then 2Q. Tautopathic antidotes in 30c.
Seizures significantly reduced in frequency and
milder. Nux vomica 3Q, 4Q, alternating with Opium
1Q, then 2Q. Seizures completely gone.
Difficulty in falling asleep. Terrible sleep apnea.
Constipation. Stamina increased.
Nux vomica 3,4Q and Opium 2, 3Q.
Sleep apnea gone. No reflux. No seizures.
Nux vomica 5, 6Q, Opium 4,5Q.
Continued constipation, but improvement in stool.
Learning skills improved.
Homœopathic treatment continued for several more
months and finally discontinued.
16. Heilungsgewissheit aus der Materia Medica
(Certainty of Healing in the Materia Medica) Ŕ
Part I
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
One of the essential features of knowledge of
Homœopathic Therapeutics is the apriori knowledge
about the certainty of the curative action of the remedy
given to the patient.
On one side is the so-called apriori healing
certainty and the relationship of this certainty with the
Materia Medica on the other side. Several well-known
Josef SCHMIDT have studied this aspect Ŕ does the
similie principle come within the purview of being
considered in actual practice as being considered as
Řapriori certaintyř?
The discussion by the wellknown persons are
considered whether apriori certainty of cure and Law of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 13
Similar fall within Natural Law or Law of Nature. It is
pointed out that the role of the patient is not to be under-
17. Back from the Brink
Real help for the walking wounded: Healing Post-
traumatic stress
ACOSTA, Judith (HT. 31, 1/2011)
Lena, 17 year-old girl maintained that she was
pregnant despite evidence to the contrary.
Expressionless face. Distended abdomen. On returning
from a party, the problems had started. Inability to
urinate. Chilly. Left sided ovulation pain. Faintness
during menses. Sympathetic. Incoherent. All started
after she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her.
Ignatia XM. Within 24 hrs, she broke out in hives and
went to bathroom until her bowels were emptied of two
weeksř worth of stool. Till then none noticed her
retained stool. A week later, she was calmer, could
remember and communicate clearly. The anti-psychotic
medicines was reduced. Within a month she was back
to her usual self and continued to blossom, in the next
several months.
Four months later, she was becoming angry with
people whom she liked, confusion. Started vigorous
exercises. Felt estranged from family and leaving house
often. Bright red right cheek. Sepia 1M. Within a week
confusion gone and beginning to reach out her family
Stacy, 35, under wide range of stress symptoms
since starting a job working with abandoned children
since 6 months. Sleepless, intensely sensitive and
frightened for no reason. Irritable. Abortion at 16 yrs
of age. Stricken conscience. Cyclamen 30, once a day
for 3 days. She released her memories about the
abortion and her feeling of abandonment over the next
few weeks in dreams, long overdue crying. Next
periods was regular without pain and clots. Migraine
symptoms reappeared after many years and subsided.
She shed fears and learned to handle her work.
Melissa, mid 20s. was in tremendous distress,
breathed in puffs, looked horrified. Sexual abuse since
childhood. Raped by a friend six months ago and since
then terrified and fear of being attacked again.
Stramonium XM. A week later calmer and began
productive counseling. A month later no nightmares.
Few months later, wept openly, compassionate and
loved company and reassurance. Warm blooded with
feet out of covers, craved ice cream. Pulsatilla 1M.
Since then improving steadily.
18. Prescription for PTSD. Remedies to the Rescue
SHALTS, Edward (HT. 31, 1/2011)
Indications for Aconite, Arnica, Arsenicum album
and Stramonium for the use in PTSD are given.
19. Fertile Ground
Homœopathy Effective for Infertility
COWARD, Steven (HT. 31, 1/2011)
Trish, 37, already had four children. Last two
pregnancies were with the help of ovulation stimulants.
She wanted to conceive without the use of them. Since
her second delivery, menses was scanty, watery and
pale. Day time hot flashes and awakened by sweating at
night. Volatile moods, sensitive to criticism; noise.
Mild urinary incontinence. Intolerant of heat, sun,
humidity. Sensitive to collars and waistbands. Many
complaints in the past were left sided. Lachesis 1M,
three pellets per week.
One month later she was pregnant. Less tired.
Improved mood. Less anger. Feeling calmer, happier.
Urinary incontinence better. Two months later,
headache with chills, nausea and light sensitivity.
Sleepless after 2.30a.m. New fastidiousness. Panic
when house was out of order. Arsenicum album 1M Ŕ
once a day for 4 days and then weekly once. Two
months later, no headache , but increased anxiety and
melancholy. Sleep better. Compulsion to clean
completely gone. Arsenicum album XM as needed. in
the next visit no anxiety and melancholy. She gave
birth to a healthy baby girl.
Katie 31, having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
(PCOS). After hormonal treatment. She conceived and
delivered a son. Now wants to conceive without the
fertility drugs. Scanty menstruation. Volatile
emotionally, lighter the period, worse she felt. Hungry
but unable to eat. Distension from greasy foods.
Moodiness and irritability during mid cycle. Low
energy between 2 -5 p.m. Sleepless and woke up
unrefreshed. Pulsatilla 200, once a week.
A month later, improvement in several areas.
Better sleep and more energetic. Less distension. No
PMS & normal flow. Was pregnant. Slight nausea. >
with Ipecac. Delivered a healthy baby boy.
Nicole 32, menstruated just thrice in the past ten
years. Diagnosed with Hypothalamic Hypogonadism
and PCOS. She had a pregnancy scare at the age of 22
and stopped menstruating since then. Frequent hunger.
Extremely sensitive to anyone disagreeing with her.
Staphysagria 200, once per week. A month later she
had her menstruation. Noticed changes in vaginal
mucosa indicative of ovulation. To repeat one dose,
next month, if she does not get the sign of ovulation.
Two months later she was pregnant.
20. Babies, Springtime & Staying out of the doctorřs
CASTRO, Miranda (HT. 31, 1/2011)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 14
Author explains why Homœopathy doesnřt always
work. Understanding that the remedy doesnřt actually
cure is key. All a homœopathic remedy does is act as a
catalyst for healing by stimulating the body to heal
itself. A well directed homœopathic remedy can send
healing ripples to every part of a person.