©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest XXVIII, 3&4/2011. For private circulation only. 12
symptoms of the disorder and peculiarities to narrow
down selection of an appropriate remedy. It is
necessary to take note of subtle differences such as the
areas affected during convulsions and the character and
nature of the convulsive activity, as well as symptoms
that appear when no seizures are noticeable, since
convulsive disorders can affect the general well-being
of the whole person.
In such cases, it is important to understand that
emotional signs such as crying may be misleading in
severe organic brain pathology. Crying and laughing
are sometimes triggered by abnormal neurological
reflexes. It is often best to rely on the parentsř intuition
as to the meaning of their childřs emotional expression.
For these reasons, these symptoms are relatively less
reliable than they would be under other circumstances.
Case 1: Petitmal and focal seizures with severe cerebral
palsy. Adam was born with foetal distress, meconium
in amniotic fluid and forceps delivery, Asphyxia. Δ
with seizures and was put on medication incessant
crying. Failure to thrive. CT & MRI revealed Global
brain injury. Developmental delays, profound motor
impairment and Athetosis. Swallowing difficulties.
Increased dosage of medication further delayed
During initial assessment, distorted facial features,
sunken eyes, turned upward. Bluish discoloration
around eyes. Clenched teeth, horrible breath. Clenched
thumbs. Cuprum metallicum 30, single dose, liquid on
forehead. Seizure terminated in few minutes. In
consultation with paediatric Neurologist anticonvulsants
were weaned. Now conscious during seizures.
Nystagmus. Cuprum 200c, single dose and an
additional dose during each seizures applied to the
forehead in liquid. The seizures subsided more quickly
with Cuprum. Bluishness gone, countenance changed.
His arms still twitched. Cicuta virosa 30, followed
several weeks later with the 200c.
Seizures gradually improved, now of shorter
duration. Less distortion. Less dehydration. Prolonged
drowsiness and sleepiness for several hours after
seizures. Opium 30, followed four weeks later by 200c.
in the next few months seizures involved only right arm
could eat and drink. Then Opium was discontinued.
Based on several routine neurological checkups, no
seizures were recorded in EEGs. The boy remained
seizure free, while he remained compromised by CP. In
the next ten years of observation, no seizures were
Case 2: Petitmal seizures and Eczema with
Thomas was born with missing frontal lobes.
Seizures soon after birth. Microcephaly and unilateral
cleft on right side of the brain. Episodes of staring.
Eczema on his neck.
Sulphur 1Q, once daily, for 10 days then 2Q.
Gradually weaned off medication. Mild seizures.
Began with a jerk. Nystagmus. Tightness of face.
Looked weak, wrinkled, pale, drawn. Phenobarbitalum
30, three doses daily for three days. Change Sulphur to
olfactory dose. Alternate with Belladonna 1Q. Ten
days later Opium 1Q. seizures more intense. Rash on
face, upper arms, elbows and calves. Sulphur 4Q, then
5Q. alternate with Bell 2Q, then 3Q.
Seizures became less frequent and then no further
seizures. Thriving. EEG showed no seizure activity.
Case 3: Complex seizure disorder, causing multiple
focal seizures in child with profound CP.
Corrine with cord around neck with low Apgar
score and seizures on the first day of life and continued
to have. Delayed milestones. Multiple medications due
to hundreds of seizures daily. Viscum album tincture
reduced the frequency initially. Profound motor
impairment at 12 years. With physical therapy and
speech therapy. Multiple clonic motions. Esophageal
reflux. MRI Ŕ periventricular leucomalacia with
ventricular dilatation. Expressed displeasure, joy and
sadness through sounds and countenance. Nystagmus,
drowsiness after each paroxysm. Nux vomica 1Q ten
days, then 2Q. Tautopathic antidotes in 30c.
Seizures significantly reduced in frequency and
milder. Nux vomica 3Q, 4Q, alternating with Opium
1Q, then 2Q. Seizures completely gone.
Difficulty in falling asleep. Terrible sleep apnea.
Constipation. Stamina increased.
Nux vomica 3,4Q and Opium 2, 3Q.
Sleep apnea gone. No reflux. No seizures.
Nux vomica 5, 6Q, Opium 4,5Q.
Continued constipation, but improvement in stool.
Learning skills improved.
Homœopathic treatment continued for several more
months and finally discontinued.
16. Heilungsgewissheit aus der Materia Medica
(Certainty of Healing in the Materia Medica) Ŕ
Part I
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 53, 3/2009)
One of the essential features of knowledge of
Homœopathic Therapeutics is the apriori knowledge
about the certainty of the curative action of the remedy
given to the patient.
On one side is the so-called apriori healing
certainty and the relationship of this certainty with the
Materia Medica on the other side. Several well-known
Josef SCHMIDT have studied this aspect Ŕ does the
similie principle come within the purview of being
considered in actual practice as being considered as
Řapriori certaintyř?
The discussion by the wellknown persons are
considered whether apriori certainty of cure and Law of