©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 1
VOL. XXIX, 3 & 4, 2012
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals
published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with brief
abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the
journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts,
while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. Great Expectations
Can Homœopathy really deliver “miracles”?
HERON, Krista (HT. 31, 4/2011)
Homœopathy can be burdened by magical
expectations. Many physical ailments are helped by
homœopathic remedy while they remained unmitigated
for years by other treatments.
The most important contribution of any
homœopathic medicine is to improve the quality of life.
In serious pathologies, Homœopathy may slow down
the progression or provide palliation all the while
allowing for greater freedom and joy in living.
Deeper emotional symptoms are expressions of
personality with roots reaching back to earliest
childhood. They can be modified for the better.
2. Assumptions of Homœopathy
SHEPPERD, Joel (AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
Homœopathy develops a strict method of science.
Its methodology contrasts with allopathic biomedical
science. Both Homœopathy and Allopathy make use of
consistent reasoning to reach conclusions, however,
each scientific method starts with different assumptions.
Fruitful discussion between practitioners of different
methods takes place with explicit statements of these
unwritten viewpoints. The separate belief systems of
Allopathy and Homœopathy are discussed.
1. The Spirit of Homœopathic Medicines
GRANDGEORGE, Didier (AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
In this unique article the author briefly touches
upon several points: disease as reflection of an
individual’s refusal or inability to examine his
unconscious impulses, conflicts, and motives; love as a
means of escaping entrapment in the unconscious; three
stages of love and their correlation with Hahnemann’s
Miasms and physical pathology; and, lastly, an
examination of five homœopathic remedies relative to
their correspondence to states of grief for the dead.
2. Materia Medica Pura Project
SAINE, André (AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 2
Many of the characteristic symptoms of most of our
homœopathic remedies have yet to be incorporated into
our Materia Medicas and Repertories. The Materia
Medica Pura Project, instigated by Dr. SAINE and aided
by the efforts of sixteen working groups in Europe and
North America, is a project in process with the
important goals, among others, of creating a summary
of the most characteristic symptoms of lesser-known
remedies and better developing the genius of our better-
known remedies, and improving the thoroughness and
accuracy of our repertory. In depth research is
underway to achieve this goal, consisting of a thorough
review of reliable proving, toxicology, cured cases and
cumulative clinical experience. [There is another
Materia Medica Project Materia Medica Revisa
Homoeopathiae since 2007. Already about 30
Medicines have been covered Monographs. The work
is going on well. The Monographs are very well
produced in every way = KSS.]
3. Notes on Provings and the Clinical Use of
MORRELL, Peter (AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
This essay explores and distinguishes between the
effects of remedies on healthy people in Proving and
those effects that arise when the remedy is given to the
sick person. It should be borne in mind by the reader
that the points given here largely derive from the
author’s own observations made during personal use of
remedies over a thirty year period, plus reflections about
them, and thus his comments might not accord exactly
with the experiences of other homœopaths. However,
one would hope that they prove useful and insightful to
others. The essay begins with a consideration of
Hahnemann’s habitual reference to the word
‘experience,’ and what it meant to him, and closes with
some thoughts about the concept of the Vital Force and
how that helps us to grasp more clearly the often
confusing clinical effects of our remedies.
4. Rein oder nicht rein?
(Pure or not Pure?)
LUCAE, Chnitian and WISCHNER, Mathias
(ZKH. 54, 1/2010)
This article analyses the reliability of the sources of
Hahnemann’s Materia Medica. It was considered for
long that Hahnemann’s Materia Medica contained
basically Proving symptoms of high reliability.
However, further research by the authors has
revealed that there may be symptoms which are not of
such high quality. Five sources have been identified:
1. Toxicology
2. Medicinal Provings on Provers
3. NB-Symptoms
4. Remedy Proving on patients
5. Clinical Symptoms
HAHNEMANN’s Materia Medica was born in
1805 with the Fragmenta de Viribus
Medicamentorum (FVMP), and from 1811 it
progressed with his Pure Materia Medica and ended
with the last volume of Chronic Diseases (CK)
In a letter to BOENNINGHAUSEN (letter dated
16.3.1831) HAHNEMANN writes that because he has
no hospital under his control he was unable to verify the
symptom. He found that several unreliable material had
The toxicology was the first source which
HAHNEMANN tapped. Then his tests on ‘Provers’.
There were errors in the ‘original’ symptom when they
were carried over to the Encyclopaedia/Chronic
In the opinion of the authors HAHNEMANN’s
Materia Medica is not a collection of proving
symptoms, but a collection from several sources.
1. Homœopathic ear drops as an adjunct to standard
therapy in children with Acute Otitis Media
TAYLOR, A. James and JACOBS, Jennifer
(HOM. 100, 3/2011)
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of a
homœopathic ear-drop for treatment of Otalgia in
children with Acute Otitis Media (AOM).
Methods: Children with AOM were enrolled in the
study at the time of diagnosis and randomized to receive
either standard therapy alone or standard therapy plus a
homœopathic ear drop solution that was to be used on as
needed basis for up to 5 days. Parents of children in
both treatment groups rated the severity of 5 AOM
symptoms twice daily for 5 days in a symptom diary. A
symptom score was computed for each assessment with
lower scores denoting less severe symptoms. Parents of
children randomized to receive ear drops also recorded
information regarding symptoms being treated and
response to treatment.
Results: A total of 119 eligible children were enrolled
in the study; symptom diaries were received from 94
(79%). Symptom scores tended to be lower in the group
of children receiving ear drops than in those receiving
standard therapy alone; these differences were
significant at the second and third assessments (P= 0.04
and P = 0.003, respectively). In addition, the rate of
symptom improvement was faster in children in the ear
drop group compared with children in standard therapy
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 3
alone group (P = 0.002). The most common reason for
administration of ear drops was ear pain, recorded for
93 doses; improvement was noted after 78.4% of doses
for this indication. There were no significant side
effects related to use of the ear drops.
Conclusions: This study suggests that homœopathic
ear drops were moderately effective in treating otalgia
in children with AOM and may be most effective in the
early period after a diagnosis of AOM. Pediatricians
and other primary health care providers should consider
homœopathic ear drops a useful adjunct to standard
therapy. [This study is a wasteful one. The ‘eardrops’
is a combination remedy comprising Pulsatilla,
Chamomilla, Sulphur, Calcarea corbonica, Belladonna,
Lycopodium all in 30c potency! How are they called as
‘homœopathic’ and notwithstanding this muddle it was
found to be “moderately effective.” = KSS].
2. Homœopathy in the treatment of tubercular
lymphadenitis (TBLN) An Indian experience
BATRA, Sudhir and MITTAL, Renu
(HOM. 100, 3/2011)
Tuberculosis (TB) has been known since antiquity.
In spite of effective antibiotic treatment, it is still a
major worldwide public health problem. Endogenous
factors are important in the development of active
disease. Homœopathic medicines have the potential for
immune-modulation and hence to influence endogenous
factors in disease.
In India, patients with tubercular lymphadenitis
(TBLN) often consult homœopaths but such cases are
seldom documented. The objective of the present study
is to document such experience. A retrospective
exploratory study of 25 positively diagnosed cases of
TBLN has lead to the development of homœopathic
regime consisting of a patient specific constitutional
medicine, one disease specific biotherapy
(Tuberculinum) and Silicea 6x as supportive medicine.
Homœopathy can be used as a complement to
conventional anti tubercular treatment (ATT) with
beneficial results.
Further validation in controlled trials with
immunological markers is required.
3. Blisters and Homœopathy: Case Reports and
differential diagnosis
JURH, Gheorghe and WAISSE, Silvia
(HOM. 100, 3/2011)
Blisters are skin lesions characterized by
accumulation of fluid between the layers of the skin.
Their severity varies from the common blisters caused
by friction to severe autoimmune and congenital bullous
disorders, some of them currently without treatment in
conventional medicine or requiring drugs with
potentially severe side-effects. This article reports cases
of blistering diseases successfully treated with
homœopathic medicines, which represent an alternative
for the treatment of such disorders.
Case 1: Pemphigus Vulgaris in an adult Rhus
Case 2: Atopic Dermatitis in a child
Kali carbonicum LM6 and Calcarea
sulphurica 10x
Rhus toxicodendron 30x
Case 3: Pathogenetic Blisters in an adult
Ranunculus sclerata 30x
Case 4: Bullous Lupus in an adult; Ranculus bulbosus
LM3 & 5
Case 5: Bullous pemphigoid in an adult: Sulphur LM
1& 2, then Carboneum sulphuratum M.
4. New homœopathic medicines: use of modern drugs
according to the principle of similitude
TEIXEIRA, Marcus Zulian (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Background: The homœopathic method is based on
the application of the principle of therapeutic similitude
(Similia Similibus Curentur), using medicines that cause
effects similar to the symptoms of disease in order to
stimulate the reaction of the organism against
disturbances. Such vital, homœostatic or paradoxical
reaction of the organism can be scientifically explained
on the basis of the rebound effect of modern drugs.
Aims: This article presents the conclusion of a study
aiming at a method to use modern drugs with
homœopathic criteria.
Methods: Adverse effects as catalogued in United
States Pharmacopoeia Dispensing Information Drug
monographs were collected.
Results: A homœopathic Materia Medica and Repertory
comprising 1251 modern drugs to be employed
according to the principle of therapeutic similitude was
Conclusion: Besides supplying a basis for
Homœopathy as a medical rationale related to scientific
pharmacology, this study makes available a method that
may broaden the scope of intervention of Homœopathy
in present day diseases.
5. Epidermolysis bullosa: report of three cases treated
with Homœopathy
JURJ, Gheorghe; WAISSE, Silvia; et al.
(HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of rare
genetic disorders characterized by recurrent blistering as
a result of even minor traction of epithelial lined tissues,
most remarkably the skin. Associated morbidity is
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 4
serious for all patients affected due to the presence of
large areas of denudated skin thus susceptible to
infection. There is currently no available treatment in
conventional medicine. This article reports the case of 3
children successfully treated with individualized
homœopathic medicines.
6. Case of Bothrops atrox: Hereditary
MASTER Farokh (AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
59 year-old man with hereditary cholesterolemia
with lot of Cardiac problems. Angina pectoris,
recurrent occlusion of internal Carotid Artery. Mild
disturbance of vision before every attack. Vertigo from
anxiety or nervous excitement with sensation of falling.
Prostration after sexual intercourse. Father died when
he was ten. He was sent to boarding school. Felt
lonely, forsaken. Reserved. Venous stasis. Slow
On several medications, Bothrops lanceolatus did
help him. Bothrops atrox 30c daily in the five cup
method for 15 days. LDL levels decreased. After
another 45 days dosage, 80-90% improvement. Then
the dosage of conventional medicines were reduced.
In two years no recurrence of carotid artery
occlusion. The cholesterol levels remained in normal
Bothrops 30, once a month for 3-4 months.
Bothrops atrox: Remedy Notes
Ailments from mental shock.
Anxiety from fright.
Fear that the heart will stop beating unless constantly
moving about. (Bothrops alternatus also). [Gelsemium
too has this symptom = KSS].
Sadness from pain.
Pain in the head aggravated in open air.
Headache in the right side of occiput.
Pain increases suddenly.
Epistaxis in the morning on rising.
Epistaxis with amennorhea.
Epistaxis instead of menses or after suppressed menses.
Distended veins of the face.
Furry tongue.
Thick slurred speech. Tongue feels thick.
Throat feels thick.
Anxiety felt in the stomach extending to the head.
Trembling felt in the abdomen.
Abdomen is sensitive to clothing.
Diarrhea after midnight.
Flatus during diarrhea.
Urge for urination is absent.
Urging to urinate after urination.
Female genitalia:
Menses too frequent, every 2 or 3 days.
Pale and watery menses.
Cough with affections of the heart.
Complaints of the heart with numbness of the upper
Oppression of the chest aggravated lying on left side.
Pain in the region of the heart after midnight, between
4-6 am.
Pressing pain in the heart aggravated by deep
inspiration, talking and motion.
Pain in the heart extending to left axilla.
Chest feels too small.
Stitching pain in the lumbar region aggravated by
standing and breathing.
Awkwardness of the lower limbs, falls while walking.
Stumbles while walking, ascending and descending
Paleness and blueness of hands and fingers.
Cold and clammy perspiration of the hands and palms.
Trembling of the palms.
Wakens from sleep due to heart symptoms.
Wakens from sleep due to pain.
Of sick people and disease.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 5
Perspiration on affected, painful and covered parts.
Offensive, putrid odor of perspiration.
Warm perspiration.
Painful cicatrices of skin.
Ecchymotic lesions of skin.
Hemorrhage of non-coagulable blood. Hemophilia.
Wounds bleed freely.
Paralysis of muscles.
Raising affected limbs aggravates.
Lying in a horizontal position ameliorates.
External trembling with perspiration.
Twitching of muscles.
Weakness from pain.
Hot weather aggravates.
Rising from sitting aggravates.
Shock after injuries.
In addition to the above Bothrops atrox often
proves effective for the following:
Motor and sensory aphasia
Sequelae of post-cerebrovascular accidents
Pseudobulbar palsy
Multi-infarct dementia.
7. Homœopathic Treatment of patients with Dementia
TEUT, Michael
(AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
One hundred years after the first description,
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias belong to the
most disabling and burdensome health conditions
worldwide. It is estimated that 24.3 million people have
dementia today, with 4.6 million new cases every year.
The role of Homœopathy and other complementary
therapies in the therapy and prevention of dementia has
not yet been systematically evaluated.
A case of a patient with dementia treated with
Hyoscyamus niger is presented. Boger’s General
Analysis Repertory as a tool to identify the
homœopathic remedy is explained. A comparative
Materia Medica of the most important remedies for this
condition is discussed.
Dementia can be treated successfully with
Homœopathy. The role of homœopathic treatment in
geriatric diseases needs further attention and research.
8. Syphilinum: An Answer to Osteoporosis
SAHA, Subhranil (AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
Osteoporosis is gaining increasing importance day
by day all over the world among the epidemics of non-
communicable diseases. It is multifactorial in origin;
but what is the biggest threat is that it is usually
asymptomatic until fractures or some serious
deformities occur; validating its description as the
‘silent disease.’ There is an increased restorative
activity of the osteoclasts in comparison to the bone-
forming activities of the osteoblasts. The common sites
of fracture are distal radius, lumbar vertebrae and the
neck of the femur. My experience reveals that
Syphilinum, whenever used appropriately, not only
lessens the pain, but also reduces the risk of fracture to
an immense extent. Other medicines are also required
according to the symptom-totality. Also, dietary
modifications, exercises and, in some cases, therapeutic
supplementation of calcium and vitamin D are
9. A Case of Terminal Metastatic Small Cell Cervical
FLEISHER, A. Mitchell (AJHM. 103, 4/2010)
A case of a woman with terminal, metastatic small
cell cervical cancer, in hospice at the time her
homœopathic treatment was initiated, is presented.
Lacking characteristic symptoms enabling
repertorization of the case, thematic analysis was
employed. Themes of lack of confidence and self-
worth, inadequacy, overwhelm, need for support,
concern about what others think, coupled with themes
of a lack of nurturance, caring and love in childhood,
feeling completely alone to face danger and attack,
insecurity, guilt and shame, punishment by chronic pain
due to abandonment by God and family, coupled with
physical generalities and food cravings led to the
prescription of Magnesia bromatum, which was
alternated with Carcinosinum compositae, according to
the Ramakrishnan method of cancer treatment. Clinical
response was profound and deeply curative.
[I have been unsuccessful in accessing the Materia
Medica of Magnesia bromatum in any of the Materia
Medicas extant = KSS].
10. Flashback to Hell
Ten years of healing for witnesses of 9/11
SHALTS, Edward (HT. 31, 3/2011)
Richard, mild, polite quite sensitive, consulted a
few months after witnessing at close range the 9/11
attacks on World Trade Center. He was also a witness
to 1993 and 2001 twin bombings at a very close range.
Since then, he became withdrawn. Morbidly afraid of
the dark. Terrible nightmares. Anxious and edgy.
Easily offended. Lost his concentration at work.
Stramonium 200. Two weeks later, no nightmares.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 6
Mood even and concentration improving. Calmer. Four
weeks later, quality of sleep better.
Fear lessened.
The symptoms relapsed when he was under stress
and repetition of 200 or 1M took care of him.
By 2006, he was significantly better. But still
feelings of guilt and poor concentration.
Aurum bromatum a rarely used remedy
dramatically finished what Stramonium started.
11. We remember: September 11, 2001
(HT. 31, 3/2011)
The author discusses her experience of helping the
victims of 9/11 disaster, by working 14 hour shifts with
homœopathic remedies Ignatia, Natrum mur., Aurum
metallicum, Aconite, Phosphorus, Stramonium.
Hahnemann labs, Boiron, Washington Homœopathic
Products supplied the medicines required. Homœopaths
around the world called to offer their help.
She also narrates her experience of working with
the Homœopaths without Borders amongst the people of
earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010, with Arnica,
Hypericum, Symphytum, Bryonia, Carbo vegetabilis and
Bioplasma (combination of all 12 biochemic salts)
11. The Life Savers: Remedies for Emergencies
GROSSMAN, Lauri (HT. 31, 3/2011)
Indications for Aconite, Arnica, Ignatia,
Hypericum, Cocculus, Stramonium, Carbo vegetabilis,
Aurum metallicum and Bioplasma are given for use in
emergencies and disasters.
12. An Angel Takes Flight
Earthquake aftermath: Miracles of healing in Haiti
GROSSMAN, Lauri (HT. 31, 3/2011)
Homœopaths Without Borders (HWB) NA had
made several visits to Haiti and treated many. One such
was a case of Angel in a wheel chair with open wounds
in legs, feet and toes with flies swarming the sores. He
was quiet and did not make eye contact. None knew his
age. His mother thought he was ‘possessed’ and left
him in a boarding school. Hospitalised every month
with foul smelling sores which oozed. Delicate features
with large head.
Silica 200 one dose with instructions to repeat
when necessary. A month later, skin had begun to heal,
oozing gone. He was animated and connecting to us.
He was improving continuously with occasional doses.
13. Music, Homœopathy and Healing
Cello virtuoso finds relief from epileptic seizures
LUPEKAR, Ian (HT. 31, 3/2011)
18 year-old Thomas with petit mal seizures since 8
years, but never while playing the music instrument
Cello. Irritable, argumentative. Brags about his
abilities. Can’t stand crowds, noises. Hot. Not
bothered about cleanliness or his appearance. Passionate
about music. Nosebleeds often. Chronic, intense sinus
pain during allergy season. Aurum sulphuratum LM 1.
Six weeks later, seizures decreased by 50% calmer,
happier. Sinuses improved by 30%. Nose bleeds
stopped abruptly. Seven months later, hygiene
improved. No ‘colds’ in allergy season. Eleven months
into treatment, improvement plateaued. LM 2. Three
months later, allergies returned. Nose bleeds recurred.
Seizures considerably less. LM 3.
Four years into treatment, taking LM 10, a couple
of times a week.
Seizures couple of times a week, sleeping well,
making friends.
[This is a very interesting case and instructive too;
A ‘reading’ of the ‘Proving’ in the Encyclopaedia,
Vol.2, p.23, suited the case so well. = KSS]
14. Concussion!
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 31, 3/2011)
Valerie 18, had sports related Concussions to head
many times. She was a Soccer player. MRIs revealed
nothing problematic. But she suffered headaches with
sick feeling in stomach, could not handle lights, noise or
people. Fatigued easily and sought solitude. Slept long
hours. Natrum sulphuricum 200.
A month later, better in thinking, whisper’ of
headache. Less irritable and was hanging out with
Two months later, energetic, enjoying festivities.
No longer headaches. She never needed further doses.
15. Heading off concussions
Homœopathic help for head injuries
MALERBA, Larry (HT. 31, 3/2011)
The centre for disease control estimates that there
are 300,000 sports-related traumatic brain injuries in
USA each year.
There is no truly effective Conventional Treatment
for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI), also known as
Clinical experience indicates that homœopathic
medicines are quite effective in all stages of concussion
and post concussion syndromes.
Arnica montana
Arnica can minimize, stop and reverse bleeding,
swelling and the effects of blunt trauma.
It fits the initial state of shock during which the
person is unaware of the severity of the trauma.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 7
Trauma of nervous system, to head, neck and spine.
Stiff neck, whiplash and pinched nerves. Numbness,
tingling, burning and neuralgic pains.
Psychomotor slowing after head injury. Delay in
thinking and ability to respond.
Natrum sulphuricum
Depression, suicidal inclination after the head
Dreamy, disconnected state of mind after head
Spasmodic phenomena, cramping, twitching,
16. A gift for all seasons.
The homœopathic Interview
GOODMAN-HERRICK, Pearlyn (HT. 31, 4/2011)
The interview’s gift to the practitioner is the
extraordinary opportunity to learn about another person
as a complete, unique human being. The gift to the
patient is to be able to speak one’s pain and to be
listened to by someone paying full attention without
Susannah 34, sought help for painful menstrual
cramps and PMS. Hair falling+. Tired all the time. No
energy to work through the day. Work outs make her
better. Sepia 12c, 1 tablet twice a day.
A month later, looked upbeat. Cramps reduced.
Calmer. Less irritable. Within three months, fully
resolved and even hair fall stopped.
Six months later, feeling well in general, but stiff
back since few weeks. Better when walking, worse
with prolonged stooping. Sepia 30 , 1 tablet b.d. for a
week. No >. She was grief stricken by not seeing
family members for 5 years. Ignatia 30. Back pain
Alice, 78, talented artist, was complaining of
intense itching of vulva with no other symptoms. The
remedies which helped her in the past also did not help.
Then she described her recent craving for salt chips.
Upon further inquiry she revealed that her painful
thoughts about failed relationship and of late crying a
lot over it. Natrum mur 1M. Itching completely
stopped and her mental state improved. She is into her
90s and leading an active life.
Joe, age 47 years, car mechanic had right sided
sciatica since a few days. Pain < while walking and was
better with hot shower. As Colocynthis was the only
remedy indicated, anger issues were probed. He told he
was furious with his wife. Colocynthis 30 thrice a day.
Pain totally subsided in 2 days.
17. Safe Haven and Healing for the homeless
HERRMANN, Renita (HT. 31, 4/2011)
Mission Neighbourhood Resource Center, San
Francisco, CA is an organization which administered
basic medical attention to folks living on the street and
hosts a shelter.
The Clinic has case Managers, doctors, physician’s
assistants, nurses and staff who keep the Clinic rolling.
Maria, 50, pain in back, severe gas, wept while
narrating complaints. Pain on deep inspiration.
Phosphorus relieved her.
Ben was suffering with chronic diarrhea for years
and also Paranoia. He felt the government was after
him and so stayed on streets. Phosphorus 200. A week
later, he told he had severe diarrhea for 5 days and then
no diarrhea. His Paranoia also subsided and got an
apartment to stay.
Many of the clients at centre have history of
physical and or emotional trauma. So to start with
Arnica, Aconite or Hypericum given as indicated.
Sue, 61, with Agoraphobia. Signs of panic attacks:
dry mouth, sweaty palms, racing heart. Could not
recall past trauma. Hoarding things. Aconite. Within a
month, Agoraphobia lifted. Got rid of excessive old
clothing and mementos.
Don, with skin lesions probably due to a spider bite
2 weeks ago. Ledum 1M. A week later improved but
not fully resolved. Ledum 10M. Completely healed.
An accompanying symptom of craving for alcohol also
was helped much.
Rhonda was much abused physically and mentally
by her husband. She escaped from him. Suffered a
broken jaw and always in pain. Arnica M; one month
later: sleep very good; her face was so good as if one
had a facelift! No panic attacks. Fantastic results from
one dose of Arnica!
18. The Martial Artist who could not stop fighting
McGEE, Melinda (HT. 31, 4/2011)
Joe, tall, 43 years old with hand injury after hitting
something. Arnica 1M. Within minutes, better. Rapid
speech, large gestures, sitting with legs splayed with
shorts. Jumping topics. Frequently getting in fights.
Estranged from family. Hyoscyamus 10M. Two
months later calmer, wore a long pant and avoided
confrontations and fights. Talked without gestures.
Reconnected with his father. Still issues with anger;
disconnected thoughts and feelings. Hyoscyamus 50M.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 8
19. Cosmetic Procedure Gone Awry
Painful changes yield to homœopathic healing
SMITH-SCHICK, Wanda (HT. 31, 4/2011)
The author offers Classical Homœopathy to clients
at the Mission Neighbourhood Resource Center in San
Brenda 30, a Hispanic woman sought help for dark
spots, pain and swelling of her hips and buttocks.
Two years earlier she had mineral oil injections to
make her hips and bottom rounder and more
womanly. Ledum 1M. Within 20 minutes pain
reduced. A week later, pain returned, her energy
and mood slumped. Ledum 10M. Pain reduced and
then increased. Hips are getting smaller. Swelling
and hardness reduced. As she was burdened by the
guilt, clairvoyance and blue black discoloration.
Lachesis 200.
A week later, pain much reduced.
Discoloration fading. Great emotionally and
Hip pain completely gone in four months with
a higher potency.
20. Battle the Bulge and Get Healthy!
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 31, 4/2011)
The epidemic of Metabolic Syndrome is on the rise
in the USA.
Caroline 50, with Hypertension, Diabetus Mellitus,
Cholesterol profile had worsened and was overweight.
Irritability, hot feeling, excessive bleeding and
abdominal pain, all relieved by menstrual flow. H/o
sore throats and sleep apnea.
In addition to lifestyle counselling and food
supplements, Lachesis 200.
A month later, lost three pounds. Hot flashes less
frequent and intense. Sleeping better. She continued to
improve and at the end of an year lost 14 pounds.
21. Contagion Season!
The Flu and You: What to Do
ASPINWALL, Mary (HT. 31, 4/2011)
Flu is a powerful epidemic illness that affects large
numbers of the population and highly contagious.
Indications for Oscillococcinum, Arsenicum,
Baptisia, Bryonia, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium,
Hepar sulph, Mercurius vivus, Nux vomica and Rhus tox
are given.
22. Die Beurteilung therapeutischer Kausalitäten durch
Cognition Based Medicine
(The evaluation of therapeutic causality through
cognition based Medicine)
TEUT, Michael (ZKH. 54, 1/2010)
Evaluation of therapeutic causality is necessary
from homœopathic verification of symptoms. The
systematic single case analysis according to cognition
based medicine is presented as methodological tool and
practically demonstrated and discussed with the aid of a
patient’s case of spontaneous bacterial Peritonitis.
The author presents varied correspondences:
Time connection pre and post a time
connection: how long are the symptoms existing and
how soon would they become better/changed?
Example: a Migraine since 10 years with a weekly
attack lasting 10 hours (approx.). Immediately after
treatment began, he got the attacks within one week and
no more. The history of the complaint lasted 10 years
two months.
Time Calender Correspondence: The effect of
Therapy corresponded with a time frame. Example:
The repeated dose of a homœopathic remedy induces an
aggravation. The time frame corresponds with the
therapeutic interventions.
Space correspondence: The local application of a
therapy corresponds with a local symptoms change.
Example: Salves containing corticoid brings out the
Eczema locally but not on other places.
Morphological correspondences: An interference
corresponds with anatomic structures.
Dose-action-correspondence: Increasing or
reducing the dose leads to change of effect. Example: A
homœopathic high potency mitigates the symptoms for
a period of two months, a homœopathic low potency
only for two days.
Processual correspondence: The action of a
Therapy corresponds with the cognitively preselected
therapeutic course. Example: A therapy process is
followed according to Herings Law and can be
Dialogic correspondence: A dialogue between
patient and therapist corresponds with the alterations of
the form. Example: The physician and patient talk
about the guilt feeling of the patient against his parents.
As a result the patient feels lighter and his high BP
Homœopathic correspondence: The symptom
form of the disease/the sick person corresponds with
symptom picture of a homœopathic drug picture.
A causation form exists when a singular element in
a therapeutic process exist direct with the cause.
Functional therapy process: Example: after a
bypass surgery the arterial ends of two arteries got tied
up together thus causing a bridge
Functional Therapy Process: A therapeutic
experience reveals the results of the course of healing
process in advance.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 9
To conclude: Systematic analysis and judgement of
causations in Homœopathy is basically possible and
1. Organising the Repertories: Purpose, Emphasis and
COOK, Daniel (AJHM. 103, 4/2010)
Every Repertory author made a number of
subjective decisions about how much of the Materia
Medica to include, and how to organize symptoms.
Many different arrangements have been used. One
repertory emphasizes certain parts of a symptom and
certain relationships, while another subordinates these
to different priorities. Every order has strengths and
weaknesses; none is ideal for all cases and all
symptoms. The advantages of different repertories are
discussed that each might be used to its strengths.
2. Die Bedeutung der Grade in Bönninghausens
Therapeutischem Taschenbuch
(The Significance of Grade in Boenninghausen’s
Therapeutic Pocket Book)
MINDER, Peter (ZKH. 54, 1/2010)
The hitherto accepted thesis that the higher, so-
called characteristic grades in Boenninghausen’s
Therapeutic Pocket Book represent clinically verified
Proving symptom is to be revised. A large part of these
originates from the pure clinical experience of
[BOENNINGHAUSEN had his daily experience. He
drew his source, from the provings, it is said. The
interpretation of the individual Prover’s statement is
something that may be different from others who
‘proved’. However, ultimately the wholething is a
question of clinical confirmation even if it not be a
‘proved’ symptom = KSS.]
3. No fear of ghosts in Lycopodium: a contribution to
the discussion on repertory reliability
ADLER UC (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Background: Repertory mistakes in modern
Homœopathy have been pointed out since the early
years after the publication of the sixth edition of Kent’s
repertory. A structural error of many current repertories
is the use of Kent’s repertory as a basic information
source. ‘Fear of ghosts’ is widely considered to be a
symptom of Lycopodium clavatum by the homœopathic
Objectives: To demonstrate that the source of fear of
ghosts’ in Lycopodium clavatum was an inaccurate
translation, that has been spread by secondary sources
and to review Hahnemann’s conception and efforts
towards a reliable repertory.
Results: The symptom ‘fear of ghosts’ does not exist in
the primary source, being the product of a
misunderstanding of the English translation of
Hahnemann’s original record, ‘fear of frightful
imaginary images’. Hahnemann’s efforts to compile a
reliable and complete dictionary of Materia Medica
were also briefly presented, as well as ckert’s
repertory, which, in addition to collating and classifying
symptoms in alphabetical rubrics and sub-rubrics,
displayed them completely, as registered in primary
Conclusion: The misunderstanding about ‘fear of
ghosts’ in Lycopodium clavatum exemplifies how
distant current homœopathic information is from its
primary sources and from Hahnemann’s ideal of a
symptom-lexicon. In spite of its technical limitations,
ckert’s repertory, which was strongly recommended
by HAHNEMANN, can be considered as a template for
new repertories based on primary sources.
1. Quasi-quantum model of potentization
MOLSKI, Marcin (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Analytical time-dependent functions describing the
change of the concentration of the solvent S(t) and the
homœopathic active substance A(t) during decimal and
centesimal dilution are derived. The function S(t) is a
special case of the West-Brown-Enquist curve
describing ontogenic growth, the increase in
concentration of the solvent during potentization
resembles the growth of biological systems. It is
demonstrated that the macroscopic S(t) function is the
ground state solution of the microscopic non-local
Horodecki-Feinberg equation for the time-dependent
Hulthèn potential at the critical screening. In
consequence potentization belongs to the class of quasi-
quantum phenomena playing an important role both in
biological systems and Homœopathy. A comparison of
the results predicted by the model proposed with the
results of experiments on delayed luminescence of a
homœopathic medicine is made.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 10
1. Homœopathic and integrative treatment for Feline
Hyperthyroidism four cases (2006---2010)
CHAPMAN, Sara Fox (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Hyperthyroidism is a frequent veterinary problem,
particularly in elderly cats. Homœopathic treatment and
other integrative modalities were provided for four
hyperthyroid cats whose owners did not want
conventional treatment. Symptomatic homœopathic
treatment with Thyroidinum was helpful in one cat. All
cats were prescribed an appropriate individualized
homœopathic remedy. All four cats showed resolution
of clinical signs; three attained normal thyroid hormone
levels. Three cats later received Acupuncture and/or
herbal medicines; two cats later received symptomatic
homœopathic remedies. Two cats are thriving after
over 3.5 and 4.25 years of treatment; two were
euthanized for unrelated problems after 3 and 4 years of
treatment. Homœopathic and complementary therapies
avoid the potential side effects of methimazole and
surgical thyroidectomy, they are less costly than
radioactive iodine treatment, and they provide an option
for clients who decline conventional therapies.
2. Horse Alchemy: Miracles of Homœopathic Healing
for horses labeled “hopeless cases”
CANNIZZARU, Robin (HT. 31, 3/2011)
Alchemy, is an Oldenberg gelding horse with dull
hair, pushy, mischievous and prone to accidents,
resulting in cuts and scrapes. Abused when started
under saddle, so suspicious and anxious when saddled.
Back sore when touched of pair lower right hip when
pressed. A bone chip in right ankle ( - a congenital
weakness). History of corneal transplant surgery due to
an injury. Sulphur 200.
Over the next several weeks, his soreness improved
and seemed calmer. Less mischievous and easier to
A month later sustained a deep cut on his right rear
heel which required sedation and stitches. A week later
sudden colic, lethargy, constipation. Nux vomica 200
three doses every 30 minutes. He was better within ten
minutes and back to normal within one hour. 18 months
later developed recurrent Laminitis which affects the
hoof. Hot painful swelling up his right leg, not eating
well, refused to move, tried to bite. Yawning with pain.
Hepar sulph. 200, 2 doses hourly. Within two hours he
started grazing.
A few weeks later, the sole of the foot began to
slough off revealing dead tissues. Then they were gone
replaced by healthy tissues.
Then Insulin resistance was detected. So diet
changed to low carbohydrate food and his constitutional
remedy, Sulphur 1M given and life style changed.
Since then minor episodes of laminitis. Within 18
months sugar levels normalized.
Alchemy is cured of recurrent Laminitis and Insulin
resistance which is unheard of in conventionally treated
3. Natural Hoof care for Horses: A cut above
DAIMLER, Anne, W (HT. 31, 3/2011)
Horses health literally stands on their hooves. A
correctly trimmed hoof flexes with each step and
pumps blood through the entire body.
Horseshoes reduce overall circulation and damage
hoof capsule which leads to Laminitis and Founder.
The author specializes in barefoot only (no horse
shoes), use physiologically correct hoof trimming and
uses homœopathy to ease pain and help hooves heal as
well as for bedsores, abscesses and psychological stress.
1. Homœopathic Plumbum metallicum for lead
poisoning: a randomized clinical trial
PADILHA, Queiroz Roberto, RIERA, Rachel &
ATALLAH, Álvaro Nagib (HOM. 100, 3/2011)
Poisoning due to lead and its compounds has short
and long-term effects primarily on the nervous,
hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular,
musculoskeletal, renal and reproductive systems. It can
manifest in acute or chronic symptoms. Measuring
serum concentration is the primary method for
diagnosing and monitoring exposed workers. Presently,
elevated lead levels are treated by drugs whose
effectiveness is contested on various fronts.
Experimental studies suggest that homœopathic
preparations may be effective in controlling blood lead
levels in laboratory animals, creating the need for
controlled studies to evaluate the effectiveness and
safety of these preparations in humans.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the
homœopathic preparation Plumbum metallicum in
reducing the blood lead level of workers exposed to this
Design: Double-blind randomized trial.
Setting: Workers’ clinic in the Ajax battery plant,
which employs 900 workers with varying degrees of
lead exposure in Bauru, Sāo Paulo State, Brazil.
Subjects: 131 workers exposed to lead.
Intervention: Plumbum metallicum 15cH or Placebo,
orally for 35 days.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 11
Results: The percentage of workers who demonstrated
a reduction in lead counts by a percentage greater than
or equal to 25% following treatment was the same for
both groups: 20.3% in the homœopathic groups versus
21% in the control group [Relative Risk (RR) = 0.95,
confidential interval (CI) 95%: 0.47=1.92)]. Analysis
by intention-to-treat also did not show any difference
between the groups: 18.2% in the treated group versus
20% in the placebo group (RR = 0.91, CI 95%: 0.45
Conclusion: The homœopathic preparation Plumbum
metallicum had no effect, in this study, in terms of
reducing serum lead in workers exposed to lead.
2. Modulation of arthritis in rats by Toxicodendron
pubescens and its homœopathic dilutions
PATIL, Chandragouda Raosaheb, RAMBHADE,
Ashish Devidas et. al.
(HOM. 100, 3/2011)
Background: Toxicodendron pubescens P. Mill
(Anacardiaceae) known in Homœopathy as Rhus
toxicodendron (Rhus tox) is used as an anti-
inflammatory medicine in homœopathic practice. In
this study, Rhus tox in its crude form and homœopathic
dilutions (3cH, 6cH, 30cH, 200cH) was evaluated for
effects on Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) induced
arthritis in rats.
Methods: We assessed the severity of arthritis through
observations including inflammatory lesions, body and
organ weight and hematological parameters including
C-reactive protein (CRP). Blinded radiological analysis
of the affected joints and pain intensity determination
was also carried out.
Results: Rhus tox protected rats from CFA-induced
inflammatory lesions, body weight changes and
hematological alterations. Rhus tox protected against
radiological joint alterations due to arthritis. Arthritic
pain scores were also favorably affected by Rhus tox.
All the dilutions of Rhus tox including crude form
showed anti-arthritic activity. The maximum protective
effect was evident in the crude form at 10 mg/kg/day,
by mouth.
Conclusion: This study supports claims in the
homœopathic literature on the role of Rhus tox and its
ultra dilutions in the treatment of arthritis and associated
pain. Further study is needed to explain this anti-
arthritic effect of Rhus tox.
3. Anti-asthmatic and anti-anaphylactic activities of
Blatta orientalis mother tincture
NIMGULKAR Chetan Chandrakant & PATIL
Savita Dattatray & KUMAR Dinesh B.
(HOM. 100, 3/2011)
To study the anti-asthmatic and anti-anaphylactic
activities of Blatta orientalis mother tincture (B.
Orientalis MT), a homœopathic medicine, in
experimental animal models.
Methods: The anti-asthmatic activity of B. orientalis
MT was studied in the bronchial hyperactivity models,
acetylcholine and histamine induced bronchospasm, in
guinea pigs. Anti-anaphylactic activity was tested by
active and passive anaphylaxis models in rats, ati-
eosinophilic activity was tested by milk-induced
eosinophilia in mice.
Results: Significant protection against acetylcholine
and histamine aerosol-induced bronchospasm in B.
orientalis MT treated guinea pigs was seen. In active
and passive anaphylaxis albino rat models significant
reduction in mesenteric mast cells degranulation, serum
IgE level and eosinophil cell count was observed in the
B. orientalis MT treated rat group when compared with
the sensitized control rat group.
Conclusion: These results reveal broad activity of
B.orientalis MT may be due to mast cell stabilization,
suppression of IgE and eosinophil cell count.
4. Rebound acid hypersecretion after withdrawal of
gastric acid suppressing drugs: new evidence of
TEIXEIRA, Marcus Zulian ((HOM. 100, 3/2011)
Homœopathy is based on the principle of similitude
(Similia Similibus Curentur) using medicines that cause
effects similar to the symptoms of disease in order to
stimulate the reaction of the organism. Such vital,
homeostatic or paradoxical reaction of the organism is
closely related to rebound effect of drugs.
Method: Review of the literature concerning the
rebound effects of drugs used to suppress gastric
acidity, particularly proton pump inhibitors (PPls).
Results: The mechanism of action of these effects is
discussed. Rebound in terms of clinical symptoms and
physiological effects occur in about 40% of people
taking PPls, their timing depends on the half-life of the
drug and the adaptation period of the physiological
mechanisms involved. The wide use of PPls may be
linked to the rising incidence of carcinoid tumours.
Conclusions: These findings support Hahnemann’s
concept of secondary action of drugs. We are
developing a homœopathic Materia Medica and
Repertory of modern drugs on the basis of reported
rebound effects.
5. An analogy between effects of ultra-low doses of
biologically active substances on biological objects
and properties of spin supercurrents in superfluid
BOLDYREVA, Liudmila B. (HOM. 100, 3/2011)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 12
The effects of ultra-low doses (ULDs) of
biologically active substances (BASs) (with
concentrations of 10-13 M or lower) on biological
objects (BOs), such as cells, organisms, etc., and the
properties of spin supercurrents in superfluid 3He-B are
discussed. It is shown that the effects of ULDs of BASs
on biologic objects can be specified by the same set of
physical characteristics and described by the same
mathematical relations as those used for the
specification and description of the properties of spin
supercurrents between spin structures in superfluid 3He-
B; 2) all quantum entities (hence, the BAS and the BO,
which consist of such entities) produce spin structures in
the physical vacuum. The photon being a quantum
entity, the features of the effects of low-intensity
electromagnetic radiation on BOs can be explained
using the same approach.
6. Short-term effects of repeated olfactory
administration of homœopathic Sulphur or
Pulsatilla on electroencephalographic alpha power
in healthy young adults
BELL, Iris R., BROOKS, Audrey. J.,
HOWERTER, Amy, et al. (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Homœopathic pathogenetic trials usually rely on
symptom self report measures. Adding objective
biomarkers could enhance detection of subtle initial
remedy effects. The present feasibility study examined
electroencephalographic (EEG) effects of repeated
olfactory administration of two polycrest remedies.
Methods: College student volunteers (ages 18-30, both
sexes) from an introductory psychology course were
screened for good health and relatively elevated Sulphur
or Pulsatilla symptom scores on the Homœopathic
Constitutional Type Questionnaire (CTQ). Subjects
underwent a series of 3 once-weekly double-blind
sessions during which they repeatedly sniffed the
remedy matched to their CTQ type and solvent controls.
Each remedy was given in a 6c, 12c, and 30c potency,
one potency per week, in randomly assigned order.
Solvent controls included both plain distilled water and
a water-ethanol (95%) solution. All sniff test solutions
were further diluted just prior to laboratory sessions (0.5
ml test solution in 150 ml distilled water). Within a
session, remedies and control solvents were
administered via 2-s sniffs (8 sniffs of each of 4
different succession levels for the potency in
randomized order). Primary outcome variable was
relative EEG power (alpha 1 810Hz; alpha 2 10
12Hz) averaged over 19 electrode sites, including all
succussions for a given potency.
Results: Mixed-effect models revealed significant main
effects for remedy type (Sulphur >Pulsatilla) in both
alpha bands, controlling for gender, baseline resting
EEG alpha, and solvent control responses. Additional
analyses showed significant nonlinear interactions
between dilution and time (weekly session) in alpha 2
for both remedies and alpha 1 for Sulphur.
Conclusion: EEG alpha offers an objective biomarker
of remedy effects for future studies and potential
method for distinguishing time-dependent effects of
specific remedies and remedy potencies from one
7. Ultra High Dilution of triiodothyronine modifies
cellular apoptosis in Rana catesbeiana tadpole, tail
CM., et al. (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Background: Ultra High Dilution (UHD) are diluted
beyond the Avogadro limit with dynamization (dilution
with succussion). The process of anuran amphibian
metamorphosis is controlled by thyroid hormones,
including the resorption of the tadpole tail.
Methods: A randomized and blinded study was
performed to investigate the influence of
triiodothyronine (T3) 5 10-24M (10cH) on apoptosis
induced by T3 100 nM in Rana catesbeiana tadpoles’
tail tips, in vitro. Explants were randomized to three
groups: control: no T3 in pharmacological or UHD
dose; test: T3 100 nM and challenged with T3 10cH
(UHD); positive control: T3 100 nM, treated with
unsuccussed ethanol. The apoptotic index and the area
of explants of test and control groups at the first and
final day of the experiment were compared by t-test.
Results: There was no difference in tail tip area
between test and control groups, but a significantly
higher (p< 0.01) index of apoptosis in explants of the
test group.
Conclusion: This data suggest that T3 10cH modifies
the effect of T3 at pharmacological dose, opening new
perspectives for further studies and investigation of the
dose-effect curve.
8. Mercurius solubilis: actions on macrophages
Carolina Camargo et al (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Background: Macrophages play central roles in
homeostasis as well as host defence in innate and
acquired immunity, auto-immunity and
immunopathology. Our research group has
demonstrated the effects of highly diluted toxic
substances in macrophages.
Aim: To investigate if highly diluted Mercurius
solubilis (Merc. sol.), can activate or modulate
macrophage functions.
Methods: We evaluated the effects of Merc sol. in the
6, 12, 30 and 200 centesimal high dilutions (CH)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 13
potencies on mice peritoneal macrophages (in vitro and
in vivo). Merc. sol. was added to mice’s drinking water
for 7 days (in vivo treatment) and animals were
euthanized and cells were collected. In vitro treatment
was performed on macrophages and bone-marrow cell
Results: Macrophages showed activated morphology,
both when Merc. sol. was added directly to the cell
culture and to drinking water. The in vitro experiments
showed enhanced morphological activation, increased
interferon (IFN)γ release in the supernatant at lower
dilutions and Interleukin (IL)-4 production at higher
dilutions. Increase in nitric oxide and decrease in
superoxide (O --2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were
also observed. In vivo treatment caused a decrease in
O2 increase in H2O2 production by macrophages.
Discussion: Taken together, the results allow us to
conclude that highly diluted Merc. sol. modulates
reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen
species (RNS) and cytokine secretion, which are central
mediators of the immune system, wound healing and
body homeostasis.
9. Different forms of administration of biotherapy
7dH in mice experimentally infected by
Trypanosoma cruzi produce different effects
FERRAZ Fabiana Nabarro; SIMONI Geysa Karla
et al. (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Objective: To evaluate the effects of different forms of
administration of the blood trypomastigotes biotherapy
7dH in mice experimentally infected with Trypanosoma
Material and methods: Male swiss mice were
inoculated with 1400 blood trypomastigotes of the Y
strain of T. cruzi and allocated into 5 treatment groups:
IC (distilled water); TCBZ (benznidazole); TBA7dH
(biotherapy 7dH 20 days after infection); TBB7dH7
(biotherapy 7dH seven days before infection);
TBB7dH30 (biotherapy 7dH 30 days before infection).
Parasitological parameters assessed included pre-patent
and patent periods, parasitemia peak, total parasitemia,
mortality and survival rates. Cure index was obtained
by fresh blood examination, hemoculture and
polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Results: The TBB7dH group showed a reduction in
parasitemia peak, parasitemia area under the curve and
total parasitemia. The TBB7dH30 showed a tendency to
increased pre-patent and survival periods, peak
parasitemia was increased without increased total
parasitemia. TBA7dH did not present significant
alterations in the parasitological parameters analyzed.
Conclusions: Biotherapy 7dH given before infection (7
or 30 days) produces different effects suggesting
modulation of the host’s immune system. The effects
range from reduced parasitemia to its effective increase.
The use of biotherapy to treat T. cruzi infection
including dose, potency and schedule deserves further
10. Use of homœopathic preparations in experimental
studies with abiotically stressed plants
JÄGER, Tim; SCHERR, Claudia; SHAH, Devika
et al.
(HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Background: Experimental research on the effects of
homœopathic treatments on impaired plants was last
reviewed in 1990.
Objectives: To compile a systematic review of the
existing literature on basic research in Homœopathy
with abiotically stressed plants using predefined criteria.
Methods: The literature search was carried out on
publications that reported experiments on Homœopathy
using abiotically stressed whole plants, seeds, plant
parts and cells from 1920 to 2010. Outcomes had to be
measured by established procedures and statistically
evaluated. Using of a Manuscript Information Score
(MIS) we identified those publications that provided
sufficient information for proper interpretation (MIS
5). A further evaluation was based on the use of
adequate controls to investigate specific effects of
homœopathic preparations and on the use of systematic
negative control experiments.
Results: A total of 34 publications with abiotically
stressed plants was identified, published between 1965
and 2010. The 34 publications described a total of 37
experimental studies. Twenty-two studies included
statistics, 13 had a MIS 5, 8 were identified with
adequate controls and 4 with negative control
experiments. Significant and reproducible effects with
decimal and centesimal potencies were found, including
dilution levels beyond Avogadro’s number. One
experimental model was independently assessed by
another research team and yielded inverted results
compared to the original trial.
Conclusions: Abiotically stressed plant models seem to
be a useful approach to investigate homœopathic basic
research questions, but more experimentation and
especially more independent replication trials are
needed. Systematic negative control experiments
should be implemented on a routine basis to exclude
false-positive results.
11. Review of the use of high potencies in basic
research on Homœopathy
CLAUSEN, Jürgen; VAN WIJK, Roeland and
ALBRECHT, Henning (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
The HomBRex database includes details of about
1500 basic research experiments in Homœopathy. A
general overview on the experiments listed in the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 14
HomBRex database is presented, focusing on high
dilutions and the different settings in which those were
used. Though often criticized, many experiments with
remedies diluted beyond Avogadro’s number
demonstrate specific effects. A total of 830 experiments
employing high potencies was found; in 745
experiments of these (90%), at least one positive result
was reported. Animals represent the most often used
model system (n = 371), followed by plants (n = 201),
human material (n = 92), bacteria and viruses (n = 37)
and fungi (n = 32). Arsenicum album (Ars.) is the
substance most often applied (n = 101), followed by
Sulphur (Sulph.) and Thuja (Thuj.) (n = 65 and 48,
respectively). Proving, prophylactic and therapeutic
study designs have all been used and appear appropriate
for Homœopathy basic research using high dilutions.
The basic research data set to support specific effects
unique to high dilutions and opposite to those observed
with low dilutions is, to date, insufficient.
12. The Homœopathic Prevention of Leptospirosis in
BRACH, Gustavo and GOLDEN, Isaac
(AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
The water borne parasitic disease Leptospirosis is
endemic in Cuba. It peaks, especially in three Eastern
provinces of the country, every hurricane season when
there is often massive flooding and destruction of
infrastructure. The Finlay Institute in Cuba
manufactures a Vaccine against the disease, but it is of
moderate efficacy (around 80%) and whenever there is a
change in the active strain of the disease, there is a
significant lead time needed to prepare a new vaccine.
In 2007, the three Eastern provinces were hit by two
severe hurricanes in quick succession, and the incidence
of the disease rose despite use of the Vaccine. The
Finlay Institute homœopathically immunized over two
million people with immediate success. The program
was repeated in 2008 with equal success. The available
data is presented to show the impact of the
interventions, and the value of homœoprophylaxis in
providing a rapid, economical, effective and safe option
to vaccination.
[The effectiveness of homœopathic immunizations to
help control disease in epidemic situations has been
proved in the past. Nevertheless all Govts. have failed
to take note of this. It is appreciated that Cuba has
braved to do it and succeeded well. = KSS.]
13. Homœopathic Research Matters
JOHNSON, Christopher (HT. 31, 3/2011)
Research teaches us about which methods of
Homœopathy work best in different circumstances. It is
also a valuable tool for advancing the acceptance and
wider use of Homœopathy in mainstream medicine and
The broad outline of the current homœopathic
research includes.
a) Randomised, Controlled Trials (RCTs)
Between 1950 and 2009 there were 142 RCTs of
Homœopathy. – 63 with positive results.
11 with negative results.
68 with inconclusive results.
These results certainly favour homœopathic
remedies having true medical or biological effects.
b) Observational trials.
These studies evaluate the whole package of care.
Researchers measure certain health marks at baseline
and then again after the end of treatment or at various
The evidence is so overwhelmingly positive that
almost no one denies Homœopathy’s effectiveness.
c) Basic Research
This refers primarily to studies assessing the effects
of homœopathic remedies in the laboratory setting in
vitro or in vivo models.
73% of 75 published studies were positive.
73% of replications were positive.
d) Homœopathy versus Conventional medicine
The vast majority of studies comparing
homœopathic to conventional medical treatment have
found Homœopathy either equivalent or superior.
1. Samuel Hahnemann and the Principle of Similars
SCHMIDT, M. Josef (MedGG 29, 2010)
The principle of similars (treat likes by likes) is
generally considered to be one of the pillars of the
homœopathic doctrine established by Samuel
HAHNEMANN (1755-1843). Nevertheless, its status
and relevance with regard to the practice of
Homœopathy can be challenged by semantic,
conceptual, and epistemological objections.
1. Contrary to its literal meaning, “similia similibus
curentur” is commonly used in the sense of “all diseases
should be treated by similar drug diseases”, thus
transgressing its original field of indication.
2. From 1796, when HAHNEMANN published his
first definition of the principle of similars, he gradually
raised his claims from merely suggesting a heuristic
principle for finding new curative remedies to insisting
on having discovered a law of nature and the only true
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 15
way of healing, in 1807/1808. To substantiate his
ambitious tenets, HAHNEMANN had to introduce a
variety of theories which in turn were to become the
main battleground in the ensuing controversy about
3. From the perspective of Epistemology of science,
science can never consist of a final set of absolute truths
or the like but must rather be described as a continuous
social process that retains a methodological cycle of
abduction, deduction, and induction. From the
perspective of theory of Medicine, however, Medicine
is to be considered as a practical rather than a cognitive
science in its own right. Its first concern ought to be the
development of practical directions for treating patients,
while the value of competing theories can only be
judged from their usefulness in practice. Hence, even
though Hahnemann’s theories, including his conception
of the principle of similars, may be untenable or
outdated, the genuine method of homœopathic treatment
he founded remains independent of and unaffected by
criticism at the level of theory and concepts.
2. “At times I had to be an Allopathic medical officer
and then again I was allowed to be a homœopathic
Homœopathy and War from the Franco-German
War (1870/71) to World War I (1914-1918)
EISELE, Philipp (MedGG. 29, 2010)
With its focus on the Franco-German War and
World War I the present paper constitutes a first
approach to the comprehensive topic of “Homœopathy
and War”.
Sources used include articles from homœopathic
magazines, homœopathic specialist literature, material
from the estate of the homœopathic lay organization
“Hahnemannia” and individual testimonies from non-
The paper begins by examining the importance of
the two wars for research into the history of
Homœopathy compared to previous conflicts and
demonstrates the value of the sources used. A brief
outline of Homœopathy and the military forces in the
decades before 1870 provides insight into the historical
context. This is followed by the investigation of
homœopathic war hospitals at home with an analysis of
the attitude of the homœopathic physicians and lay-
healers involved. The paper also describes the difficult
relationship between Homœopathy and conventional
medicine during the two conflicts.
3. “And thus there was another pointless thing in the
country [….]”. The failed homœopathic training of
missionaries at the Basle Mission.
BASCHIN, Marion (MedGG. 29, 2010)
This article deals with the unsuccessful attempts to
allow missionaries of the Basle Mission to undergo
homœopathic training. Before the Mission undertook
systematic medical missionary work in society in the
1880s, there were various requests and suggestions to
train the missionaries in Homœopathy. Here, these
attempts are put into a greater context of the research
into “Homœopathy and Mission”. It becomes clear that
Hahnemann’s teachings were certainly used in the
Mission, even if finding this out is sometimes arduous.
1. Undergraduate Homœopathy education in Europe
and the influence of accreditation
(HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Context: The safety of patients consulting with
practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) partially depends on practitioners’ competence,
and thus the standard of undergraduate education.
Objectives: Describe undergraduate Homœopathy
courses in Europe, student/graduate numbers and
whether there were differences between
recognized/accredited and non-recognised/non-
accredited courses.
Methods: Cross sectional survey of current
Homœopathy undergraduate education in Europe in
2008. Data from 145 (94.8%) out of 153 identified
courses were collected. Eighty-five (55.6%) responded
to a questionnaire survey. For others some data was
extracted from their websites. Only data from the
questionnaire survey is used for the main analysis.
Findings: The average course in the questionnaire
survey had 47 enrolled students and 142 graduates, and
lasted 3.6 years part-time. An estimated 6500 students
were enrolled and 21,000 had graduated from 153
identified European undergraduate Homœopathy
courses. Out of 85 courses most had entry requirements
and provided medical education (N=48) or required
students to obtain this competence elsewhere (N = 33).
The average number of teaching hours were 992 (95%
confidence interval (Cl) 814, 1170) overall, with 555 h
(95% Cl 496, 615)for Homœopathy. Four out of five
courses were recognized/accredited/non-accredited
courses (difference 0.6 years, 95%Cl 0.0-1.2, P = 0.040
and offered significantly larger numbers of teaching
hours in Homœopathy (difference 167h, 95% C1 7-327,
P = 0.041).
Conclusions: About 6500 currently enrolled students
are doing undergraduate Homœopathy education in
Europe and 21,000 have graduated from such courses
over a period of about 30 years. Undergraduate
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 16
Homœopathy education in Europe is heterogeneous.
Recognized/accredited courses are more extensive with
more teaching hours.
2. Das Studium der Materia Medica homoeopathica
(MMH). Erfahrungen nach ein Jahr MMH-
Schulung in der Schweiz
(The Study of the homœopathic Materia Medica
(MMH). Experience of a one year study in
MINDER, Peter (ZKH. 54, 1/2010)
Presentation of a structured training of the MMH,
which has been carried out successfully for a year in
Switzerland: Proving symptoms are acquired through
self-study, characteristics through team-work, and these
are conjoined with verification and fixed into a reliable,
condensed MMH. The concept works with the aid of
elements of modern didactics in order to enhance the
worked out topics in different cognitive levels.
1. The frequency of dietary references in
homœopathic consultations
FILHO, Rubens Dolce
(HOM. 100, 3/2011)
A retrospective quantitative study on dietary
references found in medical records of 2753 patients
attending consultations from 10/1/1994 to 5/31/2007
was conducted. The symptoms found in the rubrics
relating to food and drink aggravation and amelioration,
aversion and craving of homœopathic repertories reflect
diets at different places and times and do not correspond
fully, to contemporary gastronomy. Desires for sweet
and spicy foods were statistically more frequent,
revealing the prevailing taste for such food among the
studied population. Food cravings should be carefully
analyzed before considering them as indications for
choosing homœopathic therapy, they are less significant
than aversions, aggravations and ameliorations.
2. Comparison of effectiveness of frequently and
infrequently used homœopathic medicines
RUTTEN, ALB (HOM. 100, 3/2011)
Rationale: Patients treated with Homœopathy may
respond to infrequently used or even ‘new’ medicines.
But does the introduction of an unlimited number of
(new) medicines improve Homœopathy? Do new
medicines solve old problems?
Methods: 1. Consensus meetings to evaluate best
cases. 2. Patient outcome study in 10 Dutch practices.
Results: Good cases are scarce for many medicines,
random variance is an important source of uncertainty.
50 Medicines are responsible for 72% of all successful
prescriptions. There is no difference in effectiveness of
frequently and less frequently used medicines.
Confirmation bias is found for a few well-known
symptom-medicine combinations.
Conclusion: ‘New’ and infrequently medicines are as
effective as ‘old’ frequently used medicines. Improving
the use of frequently used medicines is more effective in
improving results than seldom used medicines. Large
numbers are required and old mistakes should be
avoided developing new medicines. A research agenda
for improving the use of homœopathic medicines is
3. A discussion: the future role Homœopathy in the
National Health Service (NHS)
YU-HIN NG, Daniel (HOM. 100, 3/2011)
Homœopathy has been provided by the National
Health Service in the UK for over 60 years, funded
largely by taxpayer’s money. However, in recent years,
its provision has come under much criticism questioning
its true value. Taking a neutral stance, arguments both
for and against the provision of Homœopathy on the
NHS is presented. It includes issue such as the evidence
and safety profile of Homœopathy, but also takes into
account costs and benefits of Homœopathy in a wider
perspective. Overall, the provision of Homœopathy is
justified as long as there is a need within the population,
occupying a complementary role alongside conventional
4. Measuring the effectiveness of homœopathic care
through objective and shared indicators
NATILLI, Michela (HOM. 100, 4/2011)
Objective: To test a methodology to evaluate, at
population level, the effectiveness of homœopathic
treatment through standard objective public health
Methods and settings: Indicators of hospitalization and
drug use were obtained from the Health Statistical
Documentation System of Tuscany for two
homœopathic centers in the Local Health Authority of
Pisa, Italy. We compared homœopathic users with the
general population in the same area and by comparing
patients before and after homœopathic treatment.
Results: The homœopathic patients used less drugs than
the reference population, this effect was more evident
for patients with repeated homœopathic consultations.
A significant decrease in drug use was found on
comparing the same the same patients before and after
homœopathic treatment. Hospitalization indicators
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 17
tended to favour patients who had received
homœopathic but were not always statistically
Conclusions: This paper demonstrates a new
methodological approach to assess the effectiveness of a
therapeutic modality, without ad-hoc clinical trials.
This methodology can be used by public health
institutions in which non-conventional medicines are
integrated into the public health care system.
5. Vaccines, Drugs, and Other Causes: A Homœopath
Looks at the Medical System (Part I)
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 103, 4/2010)
Allopathic medicine utilizes a model of causality
based on superior physicochemical force, which relies
on the effect of external agents, and puts patients at risk
by seeking to override their individual predispositions.
Thus, adverse effects of vaccines tend to be overlooked,
because they entail pre-existing tendencies that are
characteristic of the patient, and could conceivably
occur even if the vaccine were not given. My cases are
exaggerated versions of what is already there, run the
whole gamut of pediatric diseases, and can best be
understood as non-specific reactions to vaccination per
se, rather than to any specific vaccine.
The pharmaceutical industry seeks drugs with the
power to control single biochemical reactions in almost
everyone who takes them, while adverse reactions
represent a diverse array of individual “side effects,”
each far less common and buried in the fine print. But
when added up together, the risk of something bad is
very significant indeed.
Consequently, spontaneous cures requiring no
further treatment are dismissed as “placebo,” while
drugs are deemed effective only if they can overpower
the physiology of as many patients for as long a time as
possible. A new research model is proposed in which
the placebo effect is maximized, nobody is blinded, and
the comparative effectiveness of homœopathic and
allopathic treatments are measured on the basis of the
totality of symptoms and followed over extended
periods of time.
1. Remodelling Medicine, Jeremy SWAYNE,
Saltire Books: U.K. July 2012, ISBN:
9781908127006. Price £48.99. hardbook (507 pages).
Review by David OWEN. (HOM. 101, 4/2012)
“…. Remodelling Medicine by Jeremy SWAYNE,
a Fellow and former Dean of the Faculty of
Homœopathy, likewise shows you the world in a
different way. On every page there are gems. This
book takes you to places and invites you to see things
through new eyes. It is nothing less than an atlas of the
world of Medicine. An atlas that completely different
from the one that most doctors are brought up with,
which map the body, and health, on to biological
systems, concepts of disease and models of treatment.
“… The book is hardback and has a solid feel to it.
It is divided into a useful introduction and 5 sections.
…. It should be on the bookshelves of all of us, not just
for our own information but to give to any skeptical
colleague with advice to: mix it with a little curiosity,
add a little open-mindedness and succus with humility.
Then stand back and watch.”
1. Dhan Prakash Rastogi: 8 May 1939 15
December 2010. MANCHANDA, Raj K. (HOM.
100, 3/2011)
Dr. Rastogi was born on 8th May 1939 in Bijnor
district of Uttar Pradesh. He finished his graduation in
Calcutta Homœopathic Medical College with a Gold
Medal and his Post Graduation Diploma (DF Hom.) at
the Royal London Homœopathic Hospital, U.K. in
1962. His another Post graduation course at Glasgow
Homœopathic Hospital and M.D.(Hom) from Sri
Sainath P.G. Institute of Homœopathy in Allahabad.
He started his Homœopathic practice in Rajasthan in
As Assistant Advisor (Hom.) to Government of
India he contributed significantly in the formulation
Homœopathic Central Council Act 1973, Introduction
of Homœopathy in Drug and Cosmetic Act, etc., etc. He
was Principal of Nehru Homœopathic Medical College
and Hospital, New Delhi from 1975 to 1984 and
organizing secretary of International Congress of LIGA
held at New Delhi in 1977. He served as Homœopathic
Physician to the President of India (1988-1992).
He was Director of Central Council for
Research in Homœopathy (CCRH), New Delhi from
1984 to 1999, establishing 52 Institutes/Units all over
the country to conduct research activities. He actively
monitored research studies on topics including
HIV/AIDS, Filaria, Malaria, Bronchial Asthma, Sickle
cell anaemia, Diabetes Mellitus, Sinusitis, malignant
diseases, drug addiction, conducted at various centres.
He was also the Secretary of Homœopathic
Pharmacopoeia Committee. He was a Member of
Editorial advisory Board of Indian Journal of Research
in Homœopathy (IJRH).
He was an author of more than 60 research papers
published in national and international journals and of
five books, including Golden Tips by Masters’, ‘Use
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 18
of Indigenous Drugs as Common Remedies’, ‘An
Overview of Repertories for postgraduate students’.
He was honoured with numerous awards including
the Hahnemann Award in 1995, Dhanwantri Award in
1997, Hahnemann Memorial Award in 2002, Dr. Sahani
Memorial Award and Pareek Foundation Award in 2003
and the Life Time Achievement Award in 2008.
He was a great ambassador for Indian Homœopathy
who will be sadly missed. [Certainly it is a rude shock
to me. I knew for two decades if not more. I miss him
veru much = KSS].
2. Richard Alastair Fingland (RAF) Jack
(28th Feb. 1920 9th July 2009) YASGUR, Jay.
(AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
RAF Jack, was a noted british homœopath and the
author of the very practical Homœopathy in General
Practice which is based on his forty years of clinical
He received Medical degree from University of
Birmingham in the early 1940s. Practiced with National
Health Service most of his life. He also incorporated
number of holistic therapies such as hypnorelaxation
into his practice. Dr. JACK blended conventional
Medicine with Homœopathy.
3. In Memory
Beth ROTONDO (July 31, 1955 August 15,
2011) (HT. 31, 4/2011).
Beth ROTONDO, a fourth generation homeopath
for over 30 years succumbed to Cancer, having defeated
it twice before. She campaigned against vaccines and
helped to start and nurture 13 or more homœopathic
study groups. She had a passion for connecting people
and helped build a huge community of healers.
I. Music expands the mind. Helen PHILIPS
(Nature). (The Hindu, 23rd April 1998).
SCIENTISTS seem to have proven what music
lovers have believed for years that music expands the
mind. An area of the brain used to analyse the pitch of a
musical note seems to be enlarged by about 25 per cent
in musicians, compared with people who have never
played an instrument. The findings, presented in a
recent issue of Nature (April 23), suggest that the area is
enlarged through practice and experience.
The brain represents musical sounds much like a
map. Neighbouring nerve cells on the surface (cortex)
of the brain react to neighbouring notes, much as they
are arranged on a piano keyboard. The arrangement is
known as a ‘tonotopic’ map. But this map is not fixed.
It can be trained to become more sensitive to differences
between notes and may even decline after damage to the
inner ear. Christo Pantev and colleagues from Germany
now find that musical training seems to make the
cortical map area reorganize and grow. The younger the
musicians were when they started their musical training,
the bigger the area seemed to be. More experience
seems to mean a bigger tonotopic map. The researchers
made their discovery by using a brain scanning
technique to measure the size of the region that
responded to piano notes. Some of their volunteers
were musicians and some had never played an
instrument. Whatever instrument the musicians played,
a larger area of the cortex lit up in their scan when piano
notes were played than in any of the non-musicians.
The area seems to respond only to ‘musical’ tones.
Simple bland sounds, such as pure sine-wave notes (like
a simple ‘beepfrom a computer) did not provoke the
region into activity. The rich quality of the piano tones,
the result of harmonics and resonances, is needed to
activate this musical region. Notes from other musical
instruments would probably work just as well.
There are other expanded regions in the brains of
musicians, but this is the first found to be linked to
experience of listening. Pantev has previously found
that the region in the brain that controls finger
movements is enlarged in violinists. This sort of
enlargement is much like the development of other
motor skills such as are involved in typing, or playing
Another region on the left side of the brain, near the
‘language’ centre, is expanded in people with perfect’
pitch the ability to name a note without any reference
to other sounds. The enlarged region seems to enhance
the ability to associate verbal labels to sounds. But
these differences may be something we are born with,
predisposing certain people to be better musicians,
rather than altering with experience.
The enlargement of the cortical brain region in
musicians may be the key to the finding that music may
help enhance other skills. Anecdotal reports show that
many scientists are also keen amateur musicians. Is this
just coincidence?
So musical training and listening is to be
encouraged. It seems to be one of the few things that
can do us no harm, and it may expand the mind in more
ways than you think.
II. Very often we see certain reports highlighting the
deficiencies in our Society which cause much anguish;
however, these are rarely remedied because our
attention tend to be drawn into the more exciting and
involving lakhs of-crores rupees scams etc.
For example, the recently reported cases of the
“Widows of the Mathura Vrindavan”. We have read
these at least four decades ago. There were angry letters
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 19
to the Editor of Newspapers; soon this was forgotten.
From recent report we know that nothing whatever has
been done to remedy this inhuman state. The UP
Government has been putting up several statues of Dr.
Ambedkar, Madame Mayawati, her Mentor, and several
elephants (so we read in the newspapers) in the
meantime; great social uplift indeed!
Some years ago we were suddenly awakened by a
very tragic ‘fire accident’ in which several immates of a
mental ‘home’ in which the patients were chained and
hence unable to escape from fire, were burnt to death.
As usual after such events the Govt. ordered the District
authorities to ensure that such ‘chaining’ etc are not
there, be it even a minority religious based faith healing
Just few days ago, however, we read in the
newspaper with pictures of mentally ill patients
We also read of the pathetic state of Govt. run
mental asylum. Harsh Mander has in his article in The
Hindu dated June 6, 2010, said that “a lot of our mental
hospitals remain places of abuse and violence, prisons
in effect.”.
Similarly about malnutrition of infants and
children; the statistics may say something but in reality
not much progress has been made in this.
Manual scavenging is still prevalent in spite of
Court’s strict orders.
Female infanticide also has not been totally
There are several other areas where our society is
very sick. Why are we apathetic? Have we no
conscience and if we have doesn’t it nudge even least.
With several millionaires amongst us why no one is
coming forward to put some money in Social works?
Even after the GATES and Warne BUFFET’s example?
= KSS.
III. President’s Message.
Celebrating the AIH of the work Ahead.
HOOVER, Todd (AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
The President thanks all the members who assisted
the production and delivery of LIGA Congress in May
2010. In reviewing the history of LIGA, the
tremendous contribution of AIH is realized. Our
capability to make a difference is directly linked to our
solidarity of members and our size.
IV. American Institute of Homœopathy Political
Responsibilities HOOVER, Todd. (AJHM. 103,
The author represented AIH at a meeting held by
Integrated Healthcare Policy Consortium (IHPC) to
build on the success in their implementation of the
Integrative Medicine positive language into the recent
Affordable Health Care Legislation.
V. Letter to the Editor
Hahnemann is Dead?
BEKKER, Alex (AJHM. 103, 4/2010)
HAHNEMANN is dead in case you haven’t
noticed” was Dr. Jonathan SHOREs response to a
question when asked about his proving in which
symptoms of provers two weeks before the beginning of
provings in which were noted down as valid symptoms
of proving.
Infact, for some, HAHNEMANN has become
redundant. Subjectivity now reigns! Homœopathy is
reduced to mere opinion and imaginative leaps of fancy.
VI. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(PPACA) of 2010. Public Law 111 148. (AJHM.
103, 4/2010). HOOVER, Todd.
The PPACA was signed into Law by President
OBAMA on March 23, 2010. This document is
available for free online at
VII. Stand up for Homœopathy! (HT. 3/2011)
NCH launches most crucial member campaign in
decades. In Oct. 2011, NCH launched a campaign to
recruit new members. The reasons are : One: the
attacks on Homœopathy have been intensifying, in an
attempt to destroy Homœopathy’s standing and
credibility. Two: NCH has made progress advocating
for Homœopathy in the US health care system and they
need a sustained, persistent presence to preserve and
advance the progress that has been made.
VIII. Haitian People still in Dire Need
HWB team continues healing missions
MERRON, Myrna (HT. 31, 3/2011)
HWB(Homœopaths Without Borders) have
completed successful missions to Haiti in association
with Baptist Sentinel Church, St. Vincent School for
Handicapped children and a Clinic in Leogane, and
Living Waters for the World. Two more missions in
IX. An Interview with Dr. Peter FISHER
JOHNSON, Christopher (HT. 31, 4/2011).
Trained at the elite Cambridge University, Peter is
qualified in both Homœopathy and Rheumatology and
is a fellow of Royal College of Physicians. He is a
member of WHO’s Expert Advisory Panel on
Traditional and Complementary medicine. He is the
editor of the Journal Homeopathy (Formerly BHJ)
since 25 yrs. which is the only MEDLINE indexed
homœopathic journal since 1998. He got involved in
research as there is a desperate need of it in
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 20
Homœopathy. He is planning a mega-series of systemic
reviews and meta-analyses.
In his view, randomized controlled trial is
expensive and awful lot that can go wrong. In vitro
studies are better. Observational studies help. Cohort
studies are pretty consistently positive, but not
There is a huge prejudice and persecution against
Homœopathy in UK for various psycho-social-
geopolitical reasons. It is persecuted because it is a new
paradigm that is threatening the established order.
We have to get our house in order; not to make
foolish claims; to try to be scientific; and instead of
larding up the repertory with anything you please, we
need to think a little bit more carefully about what we
put there; be a little more serious about it.
X. Nancy HERRICK received the Honorary
Doctoral Degree at American Medical College of
Homœopathy on 25th October 2011 - From Dr. Todd
ROWE. (HT. 31, 4/2011).
XI. The fashion industry loves Arnica. (HT. 31,
When fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg was
injured in a Ski accident, she tweeted: Arnica gel is the
best thing you can do for bruises. I cannot say it
enough…” This is just one example cited in a recent
New York Times article about how the fashion industry
is embracing the use of homœopathic Arnica, in all its
forms. Linda Fargo, director of Bergdorf Goodman,
says it is one of her “fashion week survival must-
haves.” Designer Phillip Lim said he tried a 3-day
regimen of Arnica when he was “feeling puffy” and
thought his “skin glowed afterwards.” A cosmetics
industry executive takes it instead of non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs. Athletes and fitness professionals,
including the former coach of the U.S. Men’s National
Soccer Team, have been using it for years; orthopedic
surgeons prescribe it, and it is readily available at
drugstores. The article focuses on the toxicity of Arnica
when used in its herbal form and seems to confuse this
with homœopathically prepared Arnica, which is highly
diluted non-toxic, and safe.
- September 14, 2011, The New York Times,
Skin Deep: Seeking Relief Through Arnica, by
Bee-Shyuan Chang.
XII. Homœopath claims successful Dengue Fever
treatment (HT. 31, 4/2011).
Dengue fever and other viral flu outbreaks claimed
115 deaths in Sri Lanka this year, and conventional
medicine has done little to curb it. A Sri Lanka
representative of Homœopaths Without Borders, Joe de
Livera, is encouraging the Sri Lankan government and
the World Health Organization to turn to Homœopathy,
as it has been shown to be successful in Dengue as well
as other epidemics. He points to the experience of
homœopath Dr. Imthias Latif, who reports successfully
treating more than a thousand patients using the remedy
Eupatorium perfoliatum 200c.
- Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka), August 9, 2011,
“Consider other methods to eradicate dengue”
XIII. Materia non-medica:
Do we learn from the past anything? NICHOLS
(Black Swan, says rightly that we do not and in fact we
All know that the famous ‘French Revolution’
occurred in 1789 due to the ‘feasting’ of the ‘well-off’
while the poor literally starved.
In The Hindu, Chennai, dated July 9, 2008 there
was a report titled “19 dishes on the Menu at food
shortages summit”. The G8 leaders who had gathered
for discussing “food shortages” had “an eight course, 19
dish dinner prepared by 25 Chefs! This is one sure
way of driving away poverty and hunger!”
Very recently we have gone up further: The UPA II
Government hosted a dinner (what for??) for which 603
persons had been invited but only 375 turned up. (Per
head food cost came to Rs.7721/-). A total amount of
Rs.28,95,375/- (Dinamani, 7th Oct. 2012) was spent for
this. What to speak of Mahatma Gandhi’s country?
The total absence of a conscience’ to each of these
persons who dared to conceive this idea and carry it
through and those who ate this cursed food, are beyond
words = KSS: Oct. 22, 2012.
XIV. What are the “after effects” of Chemotherapy?
Are the “after effects” same in every case? Knowing
the adverse “after effects” why do people agree to
undergo Chemotherapy? The desire to ‘live’ for some
more days even if the quality of those few more days
‘life’ is not worth the trouble?
‘The Hindu’, Chennai (April 22, 2009) says
“shattering mental effects of Chemotherapy”
The effects may be ‘forgetfulness’, searching for
the right word, trouble in multi-tasking. One patient
said “I feel like my brain is not my own”.
However, there seems to have been no detailed
study of this subject may be due to the fear that
patients needing “life saving (Chemotherapy) may be
discouraged from taking the medicine.
XV. Richard HAEHL said (Vol. I, Samuel
Hahnemanns ‘His Life and Work’ P. 434)
“Before the Great War” (World War I 1914-18)
there were in the United States 56 purely homœopathic
general hospitals with 35 to 1400 beds each, nine
hospitals for women (inclusive of midwifery) with 30 to
100 beds each, 13 mental asylums with 150 to 2000
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 21
beds each, nine children’s hospitals with 30 to 100 beds
each, 21 Sanatorium with 20 to 250 beds each, eight
orphanages, with purely homœopathie treatment having
accommodation for 50 to 825 occupants each.”
This situation rapidly deteriorated after the War and
Homœopathy began to decline.
Even before the war the Drug Companies in the
USA were condemning Homœopathy in their journals
and almost all the Medical Journals were supported by
the Drug Companies. (“About 250 medical journals
were published at the turn of the century, and only one
was supported by the profession alone.” (Vol. III,
P.415, Harris COULTER, “Divided Legacy…., 1973).
All efforts were taken by the Pharmaceutical
manufacturers to denigrate Homœopathy. Very soon
the number of Homœopathy colleges went down.
Dr. Harris COULTER, Vol. III of ‘Divided Legacy’
analyses the situation very clearly.
Homœopathy has not recovered its glory yet. Seats
in Colleges go abegging; unfortunately the standards of
teaching is also very low. = KSS.
XVI. It is a recognised fact that Greed, Lust,
Grabbing someone else’s, etc. are all ‘diseases’; we
have ‘rubrics’ in our Repertories to confirm this.
Therefore Poverty is a disease ‘nurtured’ by the well-to-
do. To that extent this is a very sickly world.
There are several reports of “hunger” as a reality
especially in the rural India and these ‘survive’
somehow for some years. What is hardest to bear is the
denial of food to one’s children. It is not unusual for
parents to send out children for debt bondage.
Efforts for the Government to help the ‘destitute’
are thwarted …….by several ‘Government employees’
in the pipeline. We read that the Postmen were insisting
that the recipient of the Government’s ‘dole’ pay him
some money; otherwise he refused to deliver the Money
Order! Govt. did catch some of these ‘crooked’ minded
Postmen. How is the system now working?
XVII. There have been several articles in the News
Papers about grinding poverty and destitution of a large
section of the ‘common man’ who lives on the fringe.
The ‘Common man’ is totally forsaken. Pictures of
pathetically malnourished infants and children lying on
the floor of the hospital as if waiting to die. Unlettered,
ignorant mothers sitting by the side with hopes.
The newspaper report rolls out statistical data (The
Hindu, April 2004 by Kalpana Sharma); we all read it
some may feel for this abysmal situation. Sometimes I
used to wonder whether the ‘powers’ do not see these
pictures. With what conscience does everyone of them
eat that days’ dinner? = KSS.
XVIII. Very often we read of so called “Hospitals”
run by the Govt. especially in the far flung areas or
tribal areas not possessing even basic facilities.
Children mostly malnourished, brought to these
hospitals die. It is not very unusual if there is no
‘doctor’ available in the ‘hospital’. “Villagers have to
the old decrepit PHC, a Km away, where often there is
no doctor. In one room in the PHC, medicine bottles
are dumped in a corner and rats abound in the
storeroom. Twenty five villages are served by the PHC
covering a population of 13,600.” (The Hindu, Aug. 1,
2004, report by Kalpana Sharma) [Very recently rats
were found to have bitten a child in a big Govt.
Hospital, in the Metropolitan City of Chennai = KSS].
[What do our colleague homœopaths of
Maharashtra who are demanding that they be allowed
to prescribe allopathic medicines think of these? What
help can they offer to these children? be it
homœopathic or allopathic? Don’t we have a social
commitment? How can one’s conscience reconcile with
this atrocious situation? = KSS]
XIX. The founding of the Alliance for Radiation
Safety in Paediatric Imaging (founded in July 13,
2007 The Hindu, Chennai, dated March 6, 2008), was
to ensure that medical protocols for imaging children
keep pace with technology advances.
The growth of CT use in children has been driven
primarily by decrease in the time needed to perform a
scan now less than 1 second largely eliminating the
need for anaesthesia to prevent the child from moving
during imaging acquisition. The children get exposed to
radiation doses higher than necessary because many
technologists use the same X-ray exposure factors for
computed Tomography Examinations of children as
those used for adults. Children are more sensitive to
radiation than adults, as their tissues are developing.
Nearly 7 million or more procedures are carried out
annually in the US amongst children of all ages, with 33
percent on children under 10 years of age. Surveys at
71 CT units in India revealed that on an average 8.9
percent of CT procedures are on children; paediatric
protocols are not used on 32 of these installations.
These centres are exposing children to unjustifiably
high radiation doses.
Researchers from the All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, Delhi demonstrated that the doses to children
can be halved without reducing clinical benefits.
XX. “Doctors in the Dark” by Dr. Sumanth
RAMAN refers to a report in The Hindu, Dec. 6,
2012 which underline the lack of appropriate
knowledge. How accurate are they in making a
diagnosis and how appropriate is the treatment they
recommend?” The answer is alarming. In Delhi the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 22
rate of correct diagnosis was as low as 22 percent and
the rate of correct treatment was less than 50 percent.”
When this is the situation with the dominant
Medicine (Allopathy) what can we say about the
standards of teaching in the homœopathic Colleges.
Honestly it is very poor. It is high time that
homœopaths become aware of this and take appropriate
XXI. “Appalling condition of primary health care
Services” (The Hindu, dated 6.12.2012) says a news
item. It says that “the chances of correct diagnosis and
treatment in both rural and urban areas by private and
public care providers are dismal.” “The shocking state
of primary health care services in both private and
public clinics in urban (Delhi) and rural (villages in
Madhya Pradesh) areas has been highlighted in a
scientifically carried out study published a few days ago
in Health Affairs.” In Delhi correct diagnosis was as
low as 22 percent, the correct treatment was
significantly lower.
The report gives more details.
More and more ‘star’ hospitals are opened in the
private sector; each year the shareholders keep getting
higher returns. “Super speciality” is the Manthra while
no one cares about Primary Health Care and thus the
‘rural’ are neglected. Indeed a sound primary health
care will prevent need for more ‘super specialities.
[There may not be money in Primary Health Care and
therefore it will not attract private involvement. It is for
the government to do something in this regard. As for
the medical education a lot has to be done = KSS.]
XXII. “Britains most senior medical adviser Dame
Sally DAVIES, has warned that the rise in drug-
resistant diseases could trigger a national emergency
comparable to a catastrophic terrorist attack,
pandemic flu or major coastal flooding. The threat
from infections that are resistant to frontline antibiotics
was so serious that the issue should be added to the
government’s National Risk Register of Civil
Emergencies. ….. The highest priority risks on the
latest register include a deadly flu outbreak, catastrophic
terrorist attacks, and major flooding ….. The strategy
includes more responsible use of antibiotics among
doctors and the clinical professions. ….
The drug resistance to antibiotics arises when drugs
knock out susceptible infections, leaving hardier,
resilent strains behind. The survivors then multiply and
over time can become unstoppable with frontline
Changes in modern medicine have exacerbated the
problem by making patients more susceptible to
infections. For eg., Cancer treatments weaken the
immune system.
Davies said that 80 percent of Gonorrhea was now
resistant to frontline antibiotic Tetracycline and
infections were rising in young and middle-aged
people….. Another drug carbapenems, which doctors
rely on to tackle the most serious infections and here
these infections are now resistant to antibiotics.
[Extract from The Hindu, Chennai dated 25 Jan. 2013
[We homœopaths know that resistance will develop
even for potentised medicine, if repeated indiscreetly.
Hence the admonition of HAHNEMANN that only the
minimum doses should be given. It is unfortunate that
some homoœopaths try to imitate the allopaths and push
in several doses. Therefore it is further strange that
some homœopaths are clamouring for licensing them to
use allopathic drugs. Let them wake up. = KSS.]
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this Quarterly
Homœopathic Digest are given below:
1. AHZ: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, Karl F.
Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, im Weiher 10, 69121,
2. AJHM: American Journal of Homœopathic Medicine,
formerly Journal of the American Institute of
Homœopathy (JAIH). 801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 306
Alexandria, VA 22314.
3. THE HINDU: Newspaper, Chennai 600 002.
4. HH: Homœopathic Heritage, B. Jain Publishers
Overseas, 1920, Street No.10, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj,
Post Box 5775, New Delhi - 110 055.
5. HOM: Homœopathy, Formerly British Homœopathic
Journal (BHJ), Faculty of Homœopathy, 29 Park Street
West, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
6. HT: Homœopathy Today, National Center for
Homœopathy, 801, North Fairfax Street, Suite 306,
7. S & C: Science and Culture, Indian Science News
Association, 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road,
KOLKATA 700 009.
8. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie, Karl F.
Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 23
(This Section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some case)
1. Homœopathic Potencies Alter Salivary Protein
Profile in Filarial Patients
Sandhimita Mondal, Nirmal C. SUKUL, Soma
SUKUL (Nee Chunari) & Swapan KR. RUDRA
(Science & Culture 78, 5-6/2012)
Potentized homœopathic drugs have been reported
to alter leaf protein profile in plants. The purpose of the
present study is to see whether homœopathic potencies
could alter salivary protein profile in filariasis patients.
Five patients were given orally one dose of Sulphur 30
and the remaining one Natrum mur. 200c. Saliva
samples of the patients were collected before drugs and
again next day after 21 hrs. Salivary proteins were
separated by gel electrophoresis. There was a
significant repression of all the detected salivary
proteins following treatment with homœopathic
Potentized homœopathic drugs are known to
ameliorate diseases in man, animals and plants1.
Homœopathic potencies above 12c do not contain any
drug molecules. So, how do they act on the living
organism? In order to address this question we
conducted several experiments on plants. It was
observed that potentized Cina, which reduced root-knot
nematode infestation of cowpea, altered the protein
profile of the leaves of the plant through expression and
repression of some proteins2. We further observed that
treatment with Cantharis 200c, a homœopathic drug
used for burn injuries, resulted in the expression of
small heat shock like proteins and repression of other
proteins in a medicinal plant3. A plant growth inhibitor
in the potentized form, 30c, altered leaf protein profile
of cowpea with expression of some new proteins4.
In order to know whether homœopathic potencies
act on man in a similar way as in plants we treated six
patients suffering from Bancroftian filariasis with
homœopathic potencies on consent. Lymphatic
filariasis is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the
nematode parasite Wuchereria bancrofti. The disease
affects 120 million people in 83 coutries5. Salivary
proteins of the six patients under study were analysed.
The composition of saliva varies in different individuals
and with different diseases, both oral as well as
systemic6-10. The purpose of the present study is to see
whether homœopathic potencies could alter the salivary
protein profile in the treated patients.
Materials and Methods: Epidemiological Survey: A
large-scale epidemiological survey for lymphatic
filariasis was conducted in endemic villages of Bankura
district, West Bengal during 2009-2011. Blood was
sampled from the rural people during 20.00 and 23.00
hrs by finger prick and the mf density of the affected
people was determined11-12. People suffering from
lymph oedema and elephantiasis were also recorded.
These patients opted for homœopathic treatment. Six
patients were selected for the present study. Of the six
patients, aged 28-40 yrs, five were microfilaremic and
their microfilarial density was 200-250 mf per ml of
blood. The sixth patient had lymph oedema in the left
leg and no microfilaria in blood.
Treatment and Saliva Collection: All the patients
were brought to the laboratory and allowed to wash
their mouth by sterile distilled water before collection of
saliva. Whole saliva was collected by passive drooling
into sterile chilled graduated tubes6. They were asked
not to take any food or drink for at least 2 hrs before
collection of saliva. Depending on their symptoms one
patient was given a single oral dose of Natrum mur.
200c and all other patients were given Sulphur 30, one
dose each. After 15 days the same patients were treated
again with a single dose of the same drugs. Twentyone
hrs after the second treatment saliva samples were
collected again from them. The flow rate of saliva was
measured before and after treatment with the drugs.
Saliva samples were diluted with sterile miliQ water 1:1
v/v and vortexed vigorously to reduce the viscosity of
the samples centrifuged at 4500 rpm for 5 min at 4°C to
remove any suspended particles. Total protein content
of the supernatant was measured13.
Protein Precipitation and Processing: All
samples were divided into 10 aliquots, each containing
500μl. Each aliquot was mixed 1:1 v/v with a mixture
of TCA (20%)/acetone (90%)/2-mercaptoethanol
(0.07%), vortexed and kept at - 15°C overnight. All the
mixtures were centrifuged at 15000 rpm for 30 min at
4°C. The pellets were centrifuged at 15000 rpm for 30
min at 4°C. The pellets were washed with 20 μl of 0.2
M NaOH to neutralize the acidic condition and then
washed with acetone containing 0.07% 2-
mercaptoethanol to remove any pigments. The
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 24
supernatant was discarded, and pellets were kept at --
30°C for further analysis14.
Protein Separation by Mono-dimensional
Electrophoresis (1D-E) and Identification: The
pellets were dissolved with 0.06 M Tris-HC1(pH6.8)
and kept for 10 min and then mixed with SDS sample
buffer containing 0.06 M Tris HC1 pH6.8, 2% w/v
SDS, 4% 2-mercaptoethanol, 5% v/v glycerol and
0.0025% bromophenol blue, boiled at 96°C for 5 min
and cooled down. Equal amounts of proteins from each
sample were loaded on sodium dodecyl sulfate
polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE) using 15%
acrylamide. Electrophoresis runs were performed by a
biotech vertical slab gel system (Regular model)
apparatus at 130-140v, 50mA in case of running gel and
at 70-80v, 42-45mA in case of stacking gel15. Apparent
TABLE 1: Mean value concentration with standard error (SE) of salivary proteins from 6 filarial patients
before and after treatment with individually selected homœopathic drugs.
(78Kd)(μg/mL BSA
α-amylase (64.5Kd)
(μg/mL BSA
PRPs (47kd)(μg/mL
BSA equivalent)
BSA equivalent)
Before treatment
Mean SE
After treatment
Mean SE
molecular weights were determined by comparison with
the migration rates of marker proteins (HyperPAGE
Prestained Protein Marker). After electrophoresis gels
were stained for 18 hrs with coomasie brilliant blue
R250 and then destained with a mixture of methanol,
water, glacial acetic acid (45:45:10 v/v) for 24hrs to
detect the separated proteins. The optical density of
protein bands was measured by densitometer using BSA
as an internal standard in the Gel documentation
Results: Mean salivary flow rate increased after
treatment with appropriate homœopathic drug from 0.8-
1.5 to 1-2 ml/min and mean protein content in saliva
decreased from 0.5-0.39 mg/ml to 0.4-0.36 mg/ml after
treatment with appropriate homeopathic drugs.
The pattern of Protein bands before and after
treatment with appropriate homœopathic potencies
show some differences in all six patients. Altogether
ten bands were detectable. Molecular masses of
proteins separated by gel electrophoresis were estimated
by their migration in the gel18. The optical density of
protein bands was measured by densitometer using BSA
as a standard. The optical density was used to estimate
protein concentration in the samples. The dominant
band in all the six patients has a molecular mass of 66
kD. Molecular masses of protein bands and their
approximate concentration in μg/ml are given in Table
1. It is evident that post treatment protein bands in all
the six patients show reduced absorbance as compared
to the pretreatment bands.
Discussion: Homœopathic remedies have been
reported to improve salivary flow rate in patients
suffering from xerostomia19. In our study, the flow rate
has also increased following homœopathic treatment
although the disease is different.
It is evident from the results that the total protein
content decreased and there was an overall repression of
all the detected proteins following treatment with
individually selected homœopathic potencies (Fig. 1,
Table 1). Repression of salivary proteins was observed
21 hours following treatment with homœopathic
potencies. In eukaryotes regulation of genes at both
transcriptional and translational levels takes long time.
It seems that in the present study repression of proteins
occurred at the translational level, and the initiation
factors involved phosphorylation resulting in general
depression of translation in the cells20. Homœopathic
potencies are thought to initiate their action on the water
structure covering the cell surface proteins. They bring
about a change in the global molecular network (GMN)
of H-bonded water molecules as well as protein
molecules21. The variety of translational mechanisms
allows focused repression of few mRNAs or global
regulation of all cellular translation20. It appears that the
homœopathic potencies, used in this study, might have
influenced the global regulation of all cellular
translation. The results indicate that homœopathic
potencies produce their effect on patients through
repression of proteins.
1. N.C. Sukul and A. Sukul, High dilution effects:
physical and biochemical basis, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht (2004)
2. N.C. Sukul, R.K. Singh, S. Sukul (Chunari) and A.
Sukul, Sci & Cult. 75: 291-293 (2009).
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 25
3. N.C. Sukul, S. Mondal and S. Sukul (nee Chunari),
Sci & Cult, 76: 540-543, 77:161 (2010-2011).
4. N.C. Sukul, S. Sukul (nee Chunari), S. Mondal, J
Alt Med Res (2011)
5. World Health Organization, Wkly Epidemiological
Records, 81(22): 221-232 (2006).
6. I D Mandel, J oral Pathol Med, 19: 119-125
7. I D Mandel, Crit Rev Oral Biol. Med, 4: 599-604
8. P. Laine, J H Meurman, J Tenovuo, H Murtomaa, C
Lindquist, S. Pyrhonen and Teerenhovil Oral
Onchol Eur J Cancer, 28B: 125-128 (1992).
9. I Joansson, M Lemander-Lumikari and A K
Saellstrom, Dent Res, 73: 11-19 (1994).
10. A Aguirre, L A Testa-Weintraub, J A Banderas, G
G Haraszthy, M S Reddy and M J Levine: Crit Rev
Oral Biol Med, 4: 343-350 (1993).
11. T Chakraborty, S P Sinhababu and N C Sukul,
Trop Med, 37: 35-37 (1995).
12. N C Sukul, P Sarkar, A Sukul and S P Sinhababu,
Jap J Trop Med Hyg, 27: 477-481 (1999)
13. O H Lowry, N J Rossebrough, A R Farr and R J
Randall, J Biol Chem, 193: 265-275 (1951).
14. K Jessie, O H Hashim, Z H A Rahim,
Biotechnology, 7: 686-693 (2008).
15. U K Laemmli, Nature, 227: 680-684 (1970).
16. C Dinnella, A Recchia, S Vincenzi, H Tuorila and
E Monteleone, Chem Senses, 35:75-85 (2010).
17. I V Grigoriev, L V Nikolaeva and I P Artamonovm,
Biochemistry (Moscow), 68: 405-406 (2003)
18. J M Walker. Protein structure, purification,
characterization and function analysis. In:
Principles and techniques of biochemistry and
molecular biology, in Principles and techniques of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 6th edition.
Edited by Wilson K and Walker J. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 349-404 (2006).
19. S Hailal, A Koskinen and J Tenovuo, Homeopathy,
94: 175-181 (2005).
20. D L Nelson, M M Cox. Lehinzer principles of
biochemistry, 3rd edition, USA. Macmillon Worth
Publishers, (2000).
21. N C Sukul and A Sukul, Environ Ecol, 27: 71-77
Various methods for the individual study of
homoeopathic medicines have been proposed.
HIRSCHEL especially, in his compendium of
Homoeopathy, has largely entered on the rules for the
study of pharmacodynamics, and has given practical
examples of the synthetic as well as the analytic
methods. Both of these, the analytically synthetic and
synthetically analytic treatment of the list of the
symptoms of any one remedy of our Materia Medica,
still leave too much room for the play of phantasy to
satisfy the skeptic student of medicine; they would
rather serve as a good manual for one already
thoroughly familiar with the spirit of Homoeopathy.
For it is one matter for an older homoeopathic
practitioner to deduce the value of a remedy from its
symptoms and to gain a bird’s eye view of its effects by
calling to aid his own experience and that of others; and
it is quite another thing to present to a beginner, who
besides this is a skeptic, the synthetically analytic
method in such a way that he, through his individual
study, may learn to recognise the value and the
significance of the single symptoms, and then, from
these, the total character and the mode of its action with
some degree of self-confidence.
HIRSCHEL, in his direction, limits himself solely
to the elaboration of the list of symptoms in the Materia
Medica. This would also be quite sufficient for
beginners, if they should enter on this path under the
guidance of a teacher, who would, at the same time,
direct them to make their own provings under his
direction as Hahnemann did with his pupils at Leipsig
or who would explain and confirm such an elaboration
by practical examples. This ought to be done especially
in combination with homoeopathic clinics or with
reference to practical results.
But as we are so far without any such clinics in
Germany, we consider the synthetically analytic way the
best for those who would become physicians, but with
this modification, that we should keep in view the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 26
clinical method, but so long as we lack clinical
institutions we should introduce instructive clinical
cases, such as we find in our literature, as illustrations.
Persons who wish to become Homoeopathic
physicians should be advised to first use, for their
individual study only, such proved medicines which
have approved themselves in many ways and,
undoubtedly, perchance even in the old school.
Then should be studied the cases of diseases
indubitably cured by this medicine alone, their
character should be studied, if possible also according to
their physiological diagnosis, but especially the
corresponding, characteristic symptoms of the disease
which were quickly and permanently removed, and thus
cured by this medicine, should be considered.
The same internal character which lies at the
foundation of these natural symptoms of disease and of
this diagnosis must also essentially belong to that
artificial disease, which might be caused by this
medicine in the healthy body, and the symptoms of
which, torn from their natural connection, we have
before us in our Materia Medica; this will enable us to
draw a conclusion as to the internal value and
connection of these symptoms with some degree of
certainty. That historical presentations of provings on
the healthy body and of poisonings will facilitate this
study is self-evident.
We shall now endeavor to present, in this clinical
synthetic manner, the action of Zincum. We have chosen
Zincum for several reasons.
1. Zincum has already been used as a remedy in
the old school. Trinks and Mueller say: An exact
description of this metal we first find in Paracelsus.
Gaudius learned the use of flowers of zinc as a
remedy from a certain Ludemann, who sold them as
an Arcanum under the name of Luna fixata and
who was said to have wrought wondrous cures by
means of it.
We owe to Gaudius, therefore, its enrollment in
the Materia Medica, for he convinced himself
through many observations and experiments of the
great efficacy of this metal. Its curative powers
were in later times sometimes over-valued,
sometimes under valued, as has been the case more
or less with all medicaments, with which indefinite
experiments were made in their usual crudely
empirical manner, for it is impossible to arrive at
sure results in such a manner. But strange to say, it
was used in many cases by itself alone and unmixed
( though more frequently in mixtures ) in diverse,
mostly spasmodic diseases, and then ex usu in
morbis definite healing powers were finally
ascribed to it. We therefore find occasional cases of
pure experience as to zinc in the old school, and
therefore also an opportunity of presenting the
character of our medicinal provings, founded on the
supreme law of healing similia similibus, to our
skeptical physicians, and of putting to use the
symptoms of zincum.
2. Also in Rademacher’s school acetate of zinc is
of great importance as a remedy in epidemics, and
the reason of this also is found in the homoeopathic
principles, and the key to its rational, successful use
in the several diseases is only to be found in the
Hahnemannian Materia Medica.
3. Into the Homoeopathic Materia Medica Zincum
was introduced as a pure metal by Dr. Karl Franz in
Leipzig, a pupil of Hahnemann, and its provings
were first published in the Archiv Bd. 6, Heft 2, 5.
Although the results of the experiments made
by himself on himself and by other fellow provers,
whose names are given and among whom
Hahnemann was one, are given in the well known
symptomatic order, we nevertheless find in the
prefatory remarks a short sketch, from which we
can not only deduce in part the order of their
appearance with some of the provers, but the size of
the various doses, etc., is also given.
These points are very valuable, for they enable
us not only to show the agreement of the symptoms
among themselves, but also in the order of their
appearance even with the various individuals, and
they also permit us to conclude with greater
certainty as to the character and value not only of
these symptoms but also of those groups of
symptoms communicated later on (in 1828 & 1829)
in the Reine Arzneimittellehre of Hartlaub und
Trinks (1st and 2nd Vols.), in which these
particulars are lacking.
We usually possess in most of the remedies
only one cumulative list of symptoms. Of Zincum
we find such a list collected by Hahnemann in the
fifth volume of Chronische Krankheiten(2nd ed.,
1839 ), as he counts Zincum among the antipsorics.
Then we find a very detailed account in Trinks and
Mueller with a statement as to the provers, and a
total summary in the detailed Symptomen Codex of
the year 1843. Later physicians commonly use one
of these latter compendia, which are however,
frequently less complete. The original sources are
seldom in their hands, because they are too much
scattered. Now if it is difficult even in
Hahnemann’s Materia Medica, where every
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 27
symptom forms a numbered paragraph, to form a
whole or to gain a full view, this is the more
tiresome in the other manuals owing to the manner
in which all the symptoms succeed one another. All
these facts seem to be mere trifles; but if all the
circumstances are weighed, and if we consider the
still greater external difficulties opposing the
formation of a new growth of Homoeopathic
physicians, these seeming trifles acquire the more
importance as it is owing to them that it becomes
difficult to the young physicians to study from the
original sources and to properly make use of our
Homoeopathic literature.
4. Besides the sources mentioned above, even
after the second edition of the Chronic diseases (1839 )
in the fourteenth volume of the Hygiea ( 1841 ), there
is an interesting verifying proving communicated by
Buchner. This was caused by Dr. Werneck and made on
several individuals. These provings are communicated
in detail in their historical sequence, and they bring to
view new symptoms and peculiarities of Zincum, to
which in turn we are indebted for interesting
Homoeopathic cures, and which confirm former
Besides this, literature offers several instructive
stories of poisonings, even with fatal results, and also
the results of dissection.
According to Trinks and Mueller ( l.c., p. 1281 ) the
physiological effects of Zincum extend to almost all
the systems and organs of the animal organism, but
especially to the organs of the mind and spirit, the
sensorium, the sensory nerves, the system of the spinal
marrow with all its radiations, the intestinal canal, the
liver, the kidneys, urinary troubles, the bladder and its
sphincters, the sexual impulse of both sexes, the uterus,
the heart, the venous vascular system, the respiratory
nerves, the lungs, the sero fibrous membranous tissues
and the external cuticle.
We have, therefore, an abundant choice of morbid
states, which may be picked out of the symptom list of
We shall, however, first consult clinical experience
about it, and then compare with it the corresponding
symptoms of Zincum enumerated in the Materia
Medica. As to the experiences of the old school, we
shall mention them, in so far as they are pure, in their
appropriate places, and we begin with Rademacher.
Although I have never treated any case according to
Rademacher’s directions, I do not doubt the successes
arrived at, which are confirmed by many perfectly
credible colleagues.
Since the acetate of zinc is so largely used by this
school in cerebral affections, we must acknowledge
these cures and prove them from our standpoint, no
matter by what combinations Rademacher may have
arrived at its practical use in their direction. I shall here
consider what Dr. Kunkel relates concerning his
experiences and observations about zinc in this
connection ( Allg. H. Zeitg., 67 Bd., S. 45 flg., ) .
Dr.Kunkel, as he tells us, belonged for nine years to
Rademacher’s school, and had abundant opportunity to
learn the extraordinary medicinal virtues of zinc.
Rademacher ascribes to zinc, as Kunkel reports, a
“peculiar action” on that part of the brain which is to be
viewed as the bearer of our spiritual activities ( we are, I
think, entitled to consider this as the function of the
hemispheres); Kunkel from his experience agrees with
this view. In the duchy of Schleswic there reigned in
the years 1850-51 an epidemic of meningitis cerebro
spinalis, which Rademacher called “brain fever”. It
appeared in two forms, the one which we shall consider
bore the following traits: Quiet position, a seemingly
natural sleep extending into a sopor, from which the
patient can be roused only with trouble and often
imperfectly; slow pulse, sometimes with large
undulations ( 52- 60 ), etc., a state such as is
approximately found after lesions of the head and shots
which glance against the cranium.
In most cases the state bore the character of
depression. The only complaint uttered by the patients
when asked about their condition was a pain or rather
a strangely pressive, pinching sensation in the root of
the nose, with an occasional drawing proceeding down
along the nose.
This image of the disease occurred with every age
and with changing forms. Sometimes it accompanied
dentition, another time erysipelas of the face and head.
In two cases the erysipelas regularly returned every
week; they had arisen through fright during
menstruation. Often there was only an indication of
erysipelas, e.g., swelling on one or both sides of the
nose, while the general phenomena were very distinct.
Eruption of blisters on the upper lip, affections of the
serous membrane of the mouth, from the simple
stomatitis vesicularis to the most intense stomacace.
They came usually as a consequence of mental
emotions, sorrow and grief, fright or sleeplessness after
long nightwatches. Also convulsions of the most violent
kind, sometimes attended these states, e.g., with
erysipelas on the head of a child; or in consequence of
vexation in a full-blooded girl, who had not before
suffered from it; also the most violent toothache,
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 28
especially during menstruation and pregnancy. There
were no appearances of congestion; the complexion was
natural, no increase in temperature, normally large,
slowly reacting pupil, generally no photophobia, no sign
of disintegration of blood, a clean tongue, normal urine,
stool,etc. All these forms of disease, says Kunkel, were
removed by Zincum aceticum with a celerity and
certainty that left nothing to be desired.
Kunkel was therefore not in the position, to the
great sorrow of our young physician of the
physiological school, of proving his diagnosis by a
Concerning meningitis cerebro-spinalis, which
continued long as an epidemy, much was written, and it
was diagnostically illustrated by many of the first
scientific men. We agree with Kunkel in supposing an
affection of the cerebrum, and also that the nervous
domain, ministering to nutrition, i.e., the sympathicus is
at the same time largely affected, and that thence there
result, in consequence of the anomalities in the nerves,
various material changes in the mixture of the juices and
in the organs of secretion. Thence the appearance of
erysipelas, forms of herpes, and affections of the serous
membrane of the mouth are here only secondary
consequences, but they point anyway to the fact that in
those nerves which belong to the portions which are
specially morbidly affected the innervation is also
morbidly altered.
Niemeyer, who describes a later epidemy, in which
there was sufficient opportunity of also studying the
disease in the corpses, adduces as the first, essential and
constant symptom: Violent headache. The kind of
headache is not further indicated, for this would not be
an anatomical symptom! Instead of this, we receive the
following information ( p. 30 ) : With respect to the
origin of the headache in brain diseases we are not
clearly informed; we do not even know whether it is
caused by a morbid irritation of the fibres of the
trigeminus which ramify into the dura mater or of those
nervous elements of the brain which form the central
foci of sensation; but experience teaches that among the
various encephalopathies, the disease and especially the
inflammation of the meninges are the ones in which
headache reaches its greatest intensity”. Niemeyer
further shows ( p.25 ) that the dissection constantly
showed a meningitis cerebralis with purulent exudation
in the subarachnoidal spaces, and that we usually
observe a great extension of the inflammatory process,
i.e., a simultaneous affection of the convex parts and of
those lying at the base.
The constant essential would then consist in this,
that it is the serous membranes which are diseased, and,
indeed, with a tendency to purulent exudation.
We may grant, that the former epidemic observed
in Sleswic was somewhat different in kind, for
according to the description the epidemic in Baden
showed more of an erethic character, during which the
patient was in a constant unrest; the direction and
essence of the internal disease would have been,
however, of a likely similar nature. Klunkel has
emphasized as an especially constant and characteristic
symptom: The strange pressive and pinching
sensation in the root of the nose, with occasional
drawing proceeding down along the nose”.
This kind of a frontal headache was evidently a
neuralgia of the frontalis and a part of the naso-ciliaris
as ramifications of the first branch of the trigeminus.
But the quintus coheres through its ganglion Gasseri
with the plexus of the sympathicus in the head and its
original branches ramify again into the dura mater, as
Niemeyer also states. In these cases observed by
Kunkel, therefore, the connection of this symptom per
se with the simultaneous cerebral symptoms, and
especially with the affections of the meninges, is
anatomically shown.
That mental emotions and especially fright,
especially predispose to this disease and therefore
sensitive individuals are readily seized by it; that
dentition with children predispose them to the disease,
as also that an intermittent type was occasionally
observed, shows a simultaneous affection of the
cerebrum and the sympathicus.
Now let us see in what relation Zincum stands in its
physiological effects to all this and what may be
deduced in its favour therefrom.
We find printed with spaced letters i.e., as repeated
and indubitable, and as having appeared in several
provers, the following symptoms:
248. Pressure on the root of the nose, as if it were
being pressed into the head, almost unbearable chiefly
at noon.
89. Pressive headache in the forehead, often,
chiefly at noon.
90. Sharp pressure on a small portion of the
forehead, in the evening.
We, therefore, find here as an especial effect of
Zincum a violent headache, quite similar to the affection
of the trigeminus described above, and that this pain
from Zincum passes into the brain may be concluded
from the following:
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 29
249. Pinching in the root of the nose with muddled
feeling in the forehead.
83. Pressure in the forehead with a muddled
feeling, aggravated by pressure
84. Pressure in the sinciput with a muddled feeling
at noon and in the evening.
91. Pressure in the sinciput with a muddled feeling,
extending to the eyes after dinner.
The inclination to sleep and the soporous
phenomena, which attended the cerebro- spinal
meningitis described by Kunkel and healed by Zincum,
we find indicated in the list by the following symptoms:
1297. Constant inclination to sleep, even in the
morning he can hardly keep awake.
1298. She cannot keep from falling asleep at 2 p.m.
and goes to sleep over her work; this passed off in the
open air.
1299. Much sleep.
1300. Drowsiness, with tensive spasmodic confused
feeling in the head without being able to go to sleep.
50. Absence of thought and slumberous state of
51. Dizzy, chaotic and empty feeling in the head, as
if he had not slept enough in the morning.
80-1. Stupefying headache, so that he had to lie
down, or as from coal-gas, all the morning.
We do not, indeed, find in these symptoms any
pronounced meningitis, which perchance, was far
enough developed to justify the above-mentioned
dissection. Nor are the pathologic-anatomical
alterations the immediate objects of healing, but the
pathologic process of formation on which they are
For before the final result shown in the dissection is
reached there is a manifold series of alterations ( phases
or stadia of the disease ), each one of which may exist
by itself; and is able to constitute and does constitute
various forms of disease, which are essentially the same.
The disease in these various stadia may also be brought
to a standstill and to retrogression. It is only this
pathologic formative process which becomes known in
the proving of the medicine and from this its further
consequences and stadia may become known.
In the symptoms of Zincum cited above such a
pathological formative process may be distinguished,
and this the more as we also find there the other so
called secondary processes of the disease which
accompanied the above described brain fever, according
to Rademacher, and indeed:
257. Swelling of the right side of the nose.
258. Swelling and pain, fullness of the left ala nasi.
261. A red, swollen, hard point on the left ala nasi,
painful on pressure for three days.
These symptoms point to erysipelatous
inflammation, the more if we consider the following
260 and 1238. Freezing of the tip of the nose and
the lobule of the ear in slight cold.
These may also serve to show of what importance
even seeming non-essential symptoms may be.
Again in another direction.
285. Eruptive pimple on the upper lip.
286. Vesicles clear as water, or also purulent
pustules on the upper lip.
287. Flat, red pimple on the middle of the upper lip,
on the border, painful when touched. These are light
forms of herpes which Kunkel and Niemann observed.
So again the affections of the mucous membrane of
the mouth.
338. Swelling of the gums.
339. Swelling of the gums with a sore pain.
340. Bleeding of the gums at the least touch.
341. Severe bleeding of the gums.
347. Formication on the inner side of the cheeks as
from severe blisters.
348. Yellow little ulcer on the left inner surface of
the cheek, especially painful in the morning.
353. Blisters on the tongue.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 30
354. Blisters on the tongue, painful when eating.
358. Swelling of the ridge of the palate close
behind the incisors with pain when touched for three
All these symptoms falling more or less in the
domain of the trigeminus, and of the trophic nerves
accompanying it, show a defective innervation and
indeed and altered nutrition caused by a depression of
the nervous activity. This change makes itself known on
the side through a passive congestion with
corresponding serous and purulent exudations, and on
the other hand through a diminished faculty of
resistance to external influences, whereby their cosmic
influences are rendered the more possible ( 1238).
These secondary attendants of the original nervous
affection, which become visible to us in the external
cutaneous parts in various forms, must be able to
analagously proceed also in the meninges, where a
similar and a simultaneous affection of these same
nervous ramification exists; this is shown in the purulent
exudation in the subarachnoidal tissues as shown by
Niemeyer, and we shall also become acquainted with
other corresponding forms of cerebral affections.
Kunkel also mentions the ready excitability of the
mental sphere of his patients, etc. From the symptoms
found under zincum it may also be clearly seen that
Zincum transforms the mental sphere in such a way that
it is readily excited, is oversensitive and as if it were
affected by terror; this appears from the following
27. Irritable, easily frightened.
30. Every slight mental emotion produces an
internal tremor.
31. After a slight mental emotion, long continued
trembling as from a chill.
914. Constant stinging on the edge of the shoulder
blade, so violent that she was frightened; at the same
time rising of heat to head.
1330. Starting up from sleep at night with an
involuntaary jerk of the left leg.
1331. Starting up from sleep at night,
unconsciously, during the menses.
1313. Very restless sleep with frightful dreams.
1314. Frequent awaking on account of frightful
H. Frightful dreams.
At the same time we must call attention to the fact
that the curative symptoms confirmed in practice are not
always so extraordinarily prominent among the
symptoms observed in healthy individuals; Hartman
emphasises this with respect to Zincum, which also he
found useful in cramps originating in fright in
agreement with the experience of older famous
From the old school we here cite: Ludwig ( Hufl.
Jour., Bd. 35, S 114 ) praises zinc, among other things,
also in spasms of infants, which are characterised by
starting up and screaming at night and by a gnawing of
the teeth, twisting the eyes, etc. According to Jahr it is
especially useful in hysteric forms of spasms which
recur frequently and cause the imagination to be
violently agitated at the least cause.
Also the pulse symptoms we find only sparingly
W.148. Pulse spasmodic, small without any increase in
the beats.
W.149. Tense, hasty, irregular pulse, with a hard and
dull stroke.
By our clinic comparison of Rademacher’s brain fever
with the symptoms of zincum, we find it proved for the
That Rademacher’s cures in these cases rested on
Homoeopathic principles.
Zincum affects the serous membranes of the cerebrum,
and in part also the cerebrum itself, the trigeminus
which has its root and ramifies in this domain ( and it
seems this nerve by preference), as also the
sympathicus, and, indeed, in such a way that the plexus
accompanying the sensitive branches of the latter also
produce corresponding disturbances of nutritions in the
form of exudative processes in the various internal and
external cutaneous spheres.
These exudative processes are not, however, a
consequence of the primary dyscrasy of the blood,
but they are secondary consequences of alienated
Having heard Rademacher, we now examine in the
same way the following clinic cases of Homoeopathic
cures, and first such as fall in the same sphere. We
begin, therefore, with a inflammation of the brain in a
child of a year and half during dentition, reported by
Theuerkauf. ( Allg. Hom. Ztg., Bd. 57, S 180):
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 31
The disease had already reached the following
dangerous degree.
a. Constant slumber with head bent backward, pressed
deep down into the pillow.
b. The half open eyes with pupils dilated and twisted
upward, alternately squinting, staring and rolling
the eyeballs to and fro.
c. The face was peculiarly altered, sunken, pale, cold,
or alternating with heat and redness of the cheeks.
d. Frequent piercing, loud screaming with starting up,
constant groaning.
e. Jerking with the dry, cracked lips or boring with the
fingers in the nose even to bleeding.
f. Automatic movement with the head and the hands.
g. Breathing irregular; short, dry, spasmodic cough.
h. Pulse small, frequent, very changeable.
i. He very eagerly took the water offered.
j. He rejected the breast the day before.
k. The abdomen costive for several days, hot, dry,
l. The urine passes involuntarily.
m. The child lies apathetic, becomes restless on
moving, when the cough increases, and there is
In this state, after previous remedies (including
Belladonna ) remained without effect, Zincum 6 was
given in a solution of water every three hours, on which
improvement set in on the second day and after a short
relapse the child gradually recovered perfectly with a
continued use of Zincum.
Here we have, therefore, an undoubted cure of a
severe affection of the brain. We shall not expect in this
case the fully expressed image of the disease in the
symptoms of Zincum; we have a child before us, whose
subjective sensations we cannot find out, and must draw
our conclusions from the objective appearances; we
must therefore understand Symptom - the child eagerly
takes water as thirst., refusing the breast as lack of
appetite; so boring in the nose, we must explain as a
sign of an internal pain in the nose, for the same reason,
the child jerks at its cracked lips; so also the automatic
movements must be explained in the same sense.
With this explanation the above disease image is
represented by the following symptoms of Zincum;
those mentioned before and also to be applied here, we
shall only indicate by their numbers :
The group of symptoms: ( a,d,f,n ) has as its
correspondent 27, 50, 1297*, 1298,
1299,1313,1314,1331, among which we call especial
attention to the Zincum tendency to be frightened and
startled; furthermore
1316 Deep, exhausting sleep, with many dreams.
1332. Loud screaming in sleep at night, while
unconscious of it.
H. Talking and screaming in sleep.
54. Heaviness of the head as if it would fall off.
57. Obtuseness, sensitive heaviness of the occiput.
63. Dizzy drawing deep in the right side of the
occiput, when sitting.
Remark: In the Archiv, this symptom is more
sharply defined: “While sitting there is a dizzy drawing
in the right side of the occiput, deep in the brain.
Partial unconsciousness is indicated in part by:
59. Stupor like vertigo, in brief attacks, while things
turn black before the eyes and there is general
weakness, especially in the afternoon and evening for
several days.
66. Vertigo in the morning on awaking, as if the
head moved up and down; so also his fantastic images
moved up and down; all while half unconscious.
217. The eyes stand still, with absent mindedness.
These two symptoms ( 59, 66 ) when we suppose
them in a little child, may manifest themselves by
“automatic motions of the head, and rolling or twisting
of the eyes”, while S. 54, 57 and 63 might be expressed
by “ the head falling deep in to the pillow”. The latter is
also supported by:
105. Pain pressing asunder in the right side of the
106. Painful forcing asunder in the left side of the
occiput, close to the cervical vertebrae.
925. Weariness in the nape, in the evening when
926. Stiffness and pain of the muscles of the nape
and the upper part of the back for several mornings, not
during the day.
927. Cramplike stiffness of the left side of the neck.
928. Tension and drawing in the right side of the
neck, both in rest and when moving.
The eye symptoms of group (b) are affections of the
three nerves of motion of the muscles of the eyes, the
oculomotorius, trochlearis and abducens, which have
their origin in the cerebrum, and also affections of the
branches of nutrition belonging to the ganglia in the
orbits. That these are also affected by Zincum may be
seen especially from nos. 91,86,217 and also from
211. Quivering in left eyeball.
213. Great restlessness and unbearable pain in the
left eye, often with great weakness in the head.
215. Morbid sensation of weariness in the eyes.
Especially 213 and 217 show the connection and
origin of these signs as being secondary and coming
from the brain, while from 215 taken by itself, this
connection cannot with certainty be deduced. The
prover Franz ( l.c. Sympt. 56 ) indicates the succession
of the symptoms in his provings, and we find that the
occiput was seized first and these are the symptoms
62,63,64 and 69 and together with these symptoms
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 32
appeared also 215, which is rather an anamoly in
nutrition and belongs to the sympathicus.
The affections in the occiput consisted of :
62. Vertigo in the whole brain, especially in the
occiput, as if the person should fall over, without any
reference to the eyes, when standing ( aft. 1,2,4, hours ).
63 cited already.
64 Vertigo in the occiput when walking , as if he
should fall to the left side ( at once )
69 Vertigo in the occiput, in the evening when
sitting, while smoking tobacco as usually, with
To group ( c ) belong the symptoms:
W. 131. Vital turgidity much diminished.
W.1. Head more or less muddled, with transient
157. Sensation of heat in head with heat in face.
158. Heat in the head in the evening with redness
and increased warmth of the cheeks.
W.11. Pale face.
263. Paleness of the face.
264. Face earthy sallow as after a long illness.
221.Yellow, blue and green wheels before the eyes,
with wretched looks and drowsiness.
All these signs show a deep depression of nutrition,
which primarily is owing to an affection of the
sympathicus. GROUP E, I, K.
w. 15. Parched lips.
291. Dry, cracked lips.
256. Sensation of soreness in the extreme upper
parts of the nostrils.
259. Itching in the right nostril.
Furthermore the symptoms 248 and 249 apply
here, concerning which Kunkel correctly remarks :
Thence it is probably that in the hydrocephalus infantum
we find so frequently the phenomenon, that the little
patients endeavor every minute to as it were, push away
their noses with their little hands; this symptom,
according to Kunkel’s observation, is much more
frequent than the often mentioned touching of the head.
390. Burning thirst.
391. Much thirst for water.
W. 21, 22. Much thirst; increased thirst; desire for
cold water, which is very refreshing.
398. Less appetite.
399. No appetite and hardly any taste.
W. 23. Increased thirst with lack of appetite.
W.24. Total lack of appetite.
604. Intermittent stool.
605. Constipation during the whole of the
beginning of the proving.
679.Involuntary passage of urine while blowing the
nose ( after a laborious stool).
H. Involuntary micturition while walking.
H. Incontinence of urine while coughing, sneezing
and walking.
These symptoms connected with urination
point to a paralysis or relaxation of the sphincter vesicae
and 679 is particularly characteristic, as it shows at the
same time an indolence of the rectum, characteristic of
the constipation of Zincum.
788. Frequent dry tussiculation without pain.
789. Tickling cough, very fatiguing.
791. Suffocative cough, the tickling irritation takes his
breath. Zincum frequently shows oppression of the
chest, but this is not connected with head symptoms,
and the breast symptoms are very superficial.
We, therefore, have found quite naturally the
essential characteristics pointing to a hydrocephalus
infantum in the action of Zincum, and have thence
recognised the connection of the scattered symptoms
and their deeper significance.
From the cases of Rademacher first considered we
found out that the original affection starts from the
meninges, and that the brain enclosed by them readily
partakes of such disease. But as we do not consider the
exudation in pleurisy, which also we cannot conceive of
without exudation, as a sign of cure, but look at the
inflammation of the pleura, which is the cause, and
which is recognised by the shooting pains, so also in the
hydrocephalus. In children, indeed, we can only draw
conclusions from secondary signs manifest to the
senses; with these we, therefore, chiefly endeavor to
assure ourselves that the medicinal symptoms
corresponding to these secondary symptoms of the
disease are in connection with cerebral symptoms and
especially with diseases of the serous- fibrous
But we have yet to mention a second
circumstance. Zincum has always been famed as a
remedy, especialy adopted to the infantile age. The
above account in part confirms this. The child was in
the dentition period, and Theuerkauf also explains the
disease as a consequence of dental irritation; in the
epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis dentition was also
adduced as a predisposing cause. The teeth and the
gums receive their nerves chiefly from the second and
third branches of the trigeminus, and various plexuses
are also formed there. The posterior roots of the
trigeminus can be followed even into the medulla
oblongata, and it also provides as before observed, the
meninges with their nerves. We can therefore readily
conceive that during the breaking through of the teeth
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 33
there is a so called dental irritation attended with
cerebral irritation.
But there is also another factor to be considered.
When the teeth come through there is a simultaneous
development of the total infantile organism; changes not
only take place in the dental system but the whole head
and especially the brain is developing. Now since we
have already found out that the pathognomic action of
Zincum extends to these spheres, it is readily to be
explained that children have a greater receptivity to the
irritation of Zincum in their infantile age and especially
during dentition, in which these parts are being more
rapidly developed.
The specific action of Zincum on the brain is also
indicated from the pathologico-anatomical standpoint
by the following report of a case of poisoning, though
the report of the dissection is not up to the present
requirements of that school. A child, six years old,
suffering from hereditary scab, was washed by a quack
with a solution of white vitriol in wine. At once there
was the most severe burning on the head, after several
hours there was a violent headache with thirst; this was
followed by vomiting and stools, and after five hours
the child died suddenly in convulsions. In the post
mortem the vessels and sinuses of the brain were found
turgid with blood; at the same time much blood was
found extravasated in the cerebrum and the cerebellum.
- Homoeopathic Recorder Feb 1895.
Translated for the Homoeopathic Recorder. March
The opinion that the inflammation of the brain to
which Zincum is related has by preference and primarily
its seat in the meninges is supported by the approved
efficacy of Zincum in diseases of the brain occuring
during scarlatina and typhoid fever.
It is pathologico- anatomically proved that such
brain diseases rest solely on acute meningitis. We shall
now examine more closely the Homoeopathic results
obtained in such cases.
ELB ( Allg. Hom. Zeitg., Bd. 31, S 227 flg. )
reports an epidemic of miliary scarlatina which reigned
in Dresden in the year 1845. In the beginning it was
mild, but with the increasing heat of August assumed a
malignant character, so that many children died from it
at that time, even as many as 7 or 8 in one family. The
malignant cases could be divided in two classes,
according as the brain or the lungs were pre eminently
affected. In the cases complicated with cerebral
affections death took place by a paralysis of the brain
while those with whom the lungs were affected died
from paralysis of the lungs. The cases in which a
paralysis of the brain were threatened, terminated, much
more rapidly.
When Aconite, Belladonna, Rhus, Ammonium carb.
and other remedies did not answer ELB found through
an extremely careful study of the symptoms that
Zincum was indicated for the cerebral forms, but
Calcarea for the thoracic forms.
A 4 year old, highly fed, scrofulous child fell sick,
December 20th, with repeated vomiting, which ceased
the following morning; but the child became cool and
restless and scarlatina appeared. By the use of Calc. the
exanthema was fully developed on the 23rd , the points
being very prominent and the single points grouped
together. (The latter symptom mostly pointed to
malignancy). In the evening of this day the child
became quite soporous the pulse collapsed, small (152 );
the extremities cool. Zincum, one grain every two hours.
The following night child was restless, with much
delirium. After midnight there was some rest, wherefore
the parents gave no more medicine. On the morning of
the 24th child was entirely motionless, pulse very small,
it could not be counted, total unconsciousness,
extremities icy cold, body cool, skin all over the body
bluish red, except the parts about the eyes, forehead and
chin, which were white; the exanthema appeared now
only sparingly. Zincum was again given every two
hours. After the first dose there were at once signs of
returning consciousness to be seen; in the evening the
skin was warm, the bluish red spots had disappeared,
the pulse was higher (150) some perspiration; at night
some sleep, but also delirium; next day ( the 25th ) there
was a return of consciousness, the child desired to drink,
the warmth of the skin increased, pulse 128, vigorous.
Desquamation began. The child recovered.
In the stadium of this scarlatina disease in which
Zincum was indicated, it was first of all necessary to
remove the cerebral affection which threatened danger
and which had interrupted the exanthema of scarlatina
miliaris. From the moment and in proportion as the
affection of the meninges diminished, and as the brain
returned again to its normal function, and thus was able
to resume its ruling activity over the entire organism,
the activity of the external cuticle also returned, and its
morbid process resumed its normal course.
Zincum did not, therefore, act specifically and
directly on the process of the scarlatina, but only
indirectly by removing the cerebral affection which
checked the normal course of the scarlatina.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 34
ELB, however, was partly of the opinion that
Zincum is also related homoeopathically to miliary
scarlatina, and deduced this from the following
276. Eruptional pimples in the face.
296. On the chin severe itching and redness.
921. Itching between the scapulae with much cutaneous
991. Miliary eruption in the bend of the left elbow.
1035. Red, small, round spots on the hands and fingers.
1231. Stinging itching of the skin with miliary eruption
after rubbing it.
1232. Itching miliary eruption in the hough and the
elbow- joint.
1234-5. Small red pimples with itching, which ceases
after scratching.
These forms of itching pimples, coming after
rubbing or scratching, have, however, very little
similarity with the points of scarlatina; other symptoms
of fever, throat, lungs, intestines and urine, all belonging
to Zincum, are as little characteristic and cannot prove
Zincum a remedy for miliary scarlatina in genere. The
epidemy was one of miliary scarlatina. In comparing
Rademachers’s cases of brain fever we have seen that
Zincum causes erysipelatous forms in the face in the
sphere of the trigeminous; according to this, Zincum
might rather correspond to the smooth scarlatina, to
which we shall return later. ELB himself disclaims
putting up Zincum ( and Calcarea, which proved useful
in the cases of this epidemy which were complicated
with affections of the chest ) as remedies which would
be suitable in all cases of malignant scarlatina. This we
would extend further by saying that these two remedies
did not correspond to any scarlatina per se, but only to
these peculiar secondary symptoms respectively in the
brain and in the lungs, as may also appear from the
cases now subjoined.
In the year 1852-3 there prevailed in and around
Leipsic a malignant epidemy of scarlatina. It was the
smooth scarlatina, for which Belladonna was found by
Hahnemann to be specific. Now there were also in this
epidemy quite similar and just as dangerous cerebral
complications, as MEYER describes for us in his article,
“Scarlet Fever and Zincum”. Since all other remedies
left him in the lurch, and he had even fatal cases to
lament, he was induced by ELB’s experience to use
Zincum. We briefly quote one of his cases: A well
nourished, somewhat scrofulous little girl of two and
one half years, who had never before been ill, fell sick
on the 8th of February, 1853, of violent fever with other
symptoms which as two of the children of the family
were already down with scarlet fever, also indicated
scarlet fever. On the 9th in the morning she received
Belladonna. In the evening her state was unchanged, the
child had not slept during the day, had cried much.
There was no trace of the exanthema. At 11 at night
convulsions had appeared. She had slept shortly before
for a few minutes but awoke with twitching of the
extremities, which still continued; now and then there
were successive impulses throughout the whole body
with gnashing of the teeth; at the same time she would
utter a startling cry with quite an altered voice; here
eyes were hald closed; face now pale and sunken,
somewhat distorted; forehead covered with cold,
clammy sweat; skin rather cool and dry; pulse very
small, could be compressed away and could hardly be
counted; respiration short and quick, but free from
rhonchus; Involuntarily urination and some liquid stool.
I gave at once Zinc.met., two grains every two hours.
Toward morning these symptoms diminished; in the
afternoon she slept some, and now the red spots began
to appear on her face and neck, and on the following
day the eruption was out all over the body, and from
now it had its regular course, under Belladonna. During
the desquamation, however, in consequence of a cold, a
state appeared again very similar to that before the
outbreak, only that an oedematous swelling appeared on
the ankles. After two doses of Zincum there was an
evident abatement and soon a profuse perspiration,
followed soon after by a perfect recovery.
We never have succeded, either by Belladonna or
any other medicine, in shortening the duration of
scarlatina ( whether smooth or miliary ), nor have we
heard of its being done by any one else; we can only
moderate violent and abnormal states and thus restore
the normal course.
Zincum, therefore, was helpful in these diverse
cases of scarlatina not from its analogy to scarlatina but
as a homoion for just this intercurrent stage, and ELB (
l.c.p. 239) further tells us: The very beneficial action of
Zincum in the one state of scarlet fever resembling
paralysis, could not fail to suggest that Zincum might
prove itself helpful; also in like cases where there is no
scarlatina, as we frequently find in the last stages of
hydrocephalus, in the dentition period, and in defective
nutrition, and he adduces such a case of a child of 9
months, of which he says: whether there was in this
case a paralytic state of the brain or an exudation I
would not dare to decide, as I could not bring the
pathological proof by dissection, but appearances were
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 35
more in favour of the latter assumption. Zincum 1 in
half grain doses visibly and undubitably brought about
the favorable turn of the severe illness.
As an essential symptom we would call attention to
the fact that paleness of the face attended almost all
these cases; we shall come back to this symptom later
on. We must with reference to the last case mentioned
by MEYER mention, besides symptom 1330, already
cited, the following symptoms of Zincum which called
for its choice in this instance:
1333. Jerks through the whole body, in sleep at night
and in the afternoon.
1246. Muscular twitchings here and there in the body.
1247. Quivering in various muscles.
1248. Quivering and twitiching on the body and in the
1249. Much visible twitching on the body and in the
1250. Visible twitching in both the arms and hands.
We will also mention one other distinguishing
feature: The relation of Zincum to the external skin.
From the hints given by FRANZ of the action of
Zincum, from the results of single provers, and those by
WERNECK, it becomes manifest that every single
proving ended on the skin. The first proving made by
FRANZ on himself, and which acted by preference in
the sphere of the vagus, ended with a troublesome
itching on the skin (1100,1230). The succession of the
symptom was as follows:
371. Sensation of cramps and spasm in the pit of the
throat, or the upper part of the oesophagus, like a
pressure from below upward, or as if in deglutition
528. Sensation of tension above the navel, with
sensation of qualmishness in the scrobiculus cordis.
427. Two hours after dinner disagreeble sensation of
emptiness in the stomach and abdomen with hunger.
809. Oppression and pressure on the stomach (after 7
hours ).
626. Several soft, pappy stools a day, enveloped in
bright red foaming blood, and preceded by colic (1st d ).
593. Rumbling and noises in the abdomen in the
morning ( aft. 2d ).
1100. Itching of the thighs and houghs, very violent in
the evening; with wheals, as from nettles, after
1230. Stinging, prickling itching in the evening in bed,
on the forehead, the thigh, the ankle, the foot and other
parts of the skin.
His fellow prover HAUBOLD was affected in a
similar manner, and at the end of the proving there were
found the following symptoms:
1227. Single, itching points on the skin, especially of
the hands, without either redness or elevation and
simultaneous with it :
1028. Paralytic state of the right hand: it is quite bluish,
as if dead, heavy and insensbile and the pulse in it is
small, hardly perceptible and threadlike.
This latter symptom in its essence locally
corresponds entirely to the general state in the cerebral
affection mentioned several times before, which was a
sort of paralytic state; and it also particularly
corresponds to the symptoms emphasized in the cases of
ELB, while in this stage: the extremities icy cold, the
rest of the body cool, the skin on the whole body
(excepting the face ) bluish red.
The second experiment, made by Franz and which
affected the occiput, the extremities, the general
sensation and the chest, ended with:
1234. Small pimples on the thighs, calves and about the
knees, with severe itching which ceases at once when
1101. Itching on the anterior side of the thighs, above
the knee, for five evenings in succession, with pimples
that are easily scratched open.
The experiments of Hartman terminated in a similar
manner with ( 1057 ).
This symptom is found in the Materia Medica Pura as
Stinging itching on a portion of the left fourth
finger; soon after a red pustule there with throbbing
In the original ( Archiv ) this symptom is 233 and
reads as follows: On the second phalanx of the fourth
finger of the left hand there arises after 12 hours a
stinging itching on a single spot, compelling him to
scratch, but not disappearing from it. Next day this point
had become elevated and red; this redness and elevation
increased every day with increased pain; on the 4th day a
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 36
small white point developed at the apex which became
continually more yellow and caused a throbbing and
burning pain; after suppuration for eight days it began to
The experiments made by WERNECK on himself
and others always terminated with increased
perspiration, after which the indisposition ceased.
The same was also the case in poisonings which did
not terminate fatally.
We conclude that it is not the skin which is
primarily affected by Zincum, but that it is merely the
critical organ of the Zinc disease. It nevertheless is
included in its sphere of action and gives indications for
its use, in so far as similar cutaneous diseases are
accompanied by other more deeply seated disorders
which at the same time are included in the primary
sphere of activity of Zincum. These are mostly diseases
like herpes, at times the consequences of anomalous
disturbances of nutrition starting from the sympathicus
and of secondary formation, but they may also appear
independently as such, while just by this fact the
primary state, which is their cause, becomes very
distinct. From this point of view we can explain why
Hahnemann eventually enrolled Zincum among the
antipsoric remedies. It also is really more suited to
chronic cutaneous diseases.
Now to return to our cerebral affections. Similar
states as are found in scarlatina, also appear in typhoid
fever. HIRSCHEL tells us of a severe case of typhoid
fever in a man of 32 years whom he found in the second
stage of the disease on the 16th day of his illness. We
pass over the previous course of the disease and only
emphasise among the indubitable symptoms of an
abdominal typhoid fever, the peculiar symptom: That
the muddled feeling in the head was combined with a
staring look, an incapacity to relate anything
connectedly, and a sort of half-smiling loquacity. There
were also pneumonic symptoms present: a dry and as it
seemed, painful cough, serous bloody sputa; short,
quick, superficial respiration; a limited pneumonic
exudation. In spite of Bryonia, Phosphorus and
Arsenicum the condition continued to grow worse, and
five days later, it had reached dangerous height. This
was indicated by the involuntary, very frequent
evacuations; the staring look, the relaxation of facial
muscles, which presented an almost Hippocratic
appearance, pale as wax; there followed by the
gathering of tufts, subsultus tendinum, constant
trembling of the hands, coldness of the extremities,
complete unconsciousness; he did not recognise anyone;
murmuring in his delirium; this alternated with attempts
to leave the bed; there was a small, frequent pulse,
hardly perceptible; a widely spreading bed-sore.
The patient received one grain of Zincum 200 at 8
p.m., another dose at midnight; the pulse then became
more quiet, regular and less frequent; the gathering of
tufts, the subsultus tendinum and the trembling of the
hands diminished; the patient lay quiet, his extremities
became warmer, the skin seemed to become softer, as
takes place before perspiration. About 2 o’ clock there
was a light sleep, the first during the disease. Toward
morning the patient looked like a person brightly
waking up from a deep sleep; he was fully conscious;
the cerebral symptoms with their radiations were gone.
The pulse was quiet, so also the respiration was regular
and even ( the more striking, when we consider the
former pneumonic symptoms ); the skin was moist.
HIRSCHEL makes the following remarks, which
seem quite correct; Every practitioner must grant that
this sudden action after so considerable a progressive
aggravation, not at all in agreement with the ususal
course of typhoid fever, and without a critical secretion,
(Unless we regard the moist skin as a partial crisis for
this intercurrent affection) can only be ascribed to a
curative effect obtained by art. And the further course
proved this. A few of the symptoms returned, especially
the lung trouble, the abdominal symptoms and slight
delirium. The recovery was a slow one on account of
the bed-sore; it was 6 weeks before he could leave the
Our honored colleague, HIRSCHEL, is of the
opinion, that this and another case of typhoid fever in a
three year old child, in which these characteristic and
dangerous symptoms did not appear before the 22nd day,
presented an original typhaemic process attacking the
encephalon. We take another view. We are of opinion
that in both these cases originally there was only
abdominal typhoid fever, which in the first case also
extended to the mucous membrane of the lungs, but in
both cases secondarily also to the brain. Pathologic
anatomy shows that typhoid fever first seizes on the
meninges, so also in this case. During the typhaemic
blood-crasis also the cerebral symptoms disappeared so
quickly after the use of Zincum, while Zincum, took its
further normal course.
HIRSCHEL, indeed, also labors to deduce an image
of typhoid fever from the symptoms of Zincum (as
ELB did with respect to miliary scarlatina ), and thinks
that even if the typhoid fever it nevertheless shows the
process of the original disease, which in neither case
had any closer relation to a simultaneous depression of
the central parts of the nervous system and of the mass
of the blood, similar to typhoid fever, and that it may
therefore in certain circumstances be advantageously
used in this disease.
But we believe that the cosmic evil influences,
causing scarlatina and typhoid fever, cannot be one and
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the same, so that, perchance, they may produce to-day
in one individual scarlatina, and to-morrow in another
individual typhoid fever. We cannot therefore assume
on the other side that one and the same harmful agent,
here Zincum, may produce forms of disease which
essentially correspond to both these different diseases;
we are rather of the opinion that Zincum corresponds in
its physiological effects neither to scarlatina nor to
typhoid fever. Both of these diseases are primarily
blood diseases and arise from a cosmic poison, a
malaria, received into the blood, causing an
extraordinary depression of the nervous system, and
especially of the trophic part.
This phase of these diseases, which does not
properly belong to the normal course of these blood-
diseases, is the phase in which zincum is of use.
Zincum according to our view does not primarily
act on the blood; it does not primarily change the
proportions in its mixture, but it solely rules the blood
and the lymphatic system from the motory or sensorial
side of their vessels by acting in a checking manner on
the circulation, so that disturbances in nutrition arise
which deeply depress the general feeling, produce
general weariness and diverse debilities, less specially
in the directions of single nervous rays, as may be seen
from the following very characteristic symptoms of
Zincum, which especially touch the general feeling.
These symptoms only receive their true explanation by a
further comparison with the various conditions just
described as occuring in scarlatina and typhus and cured
by Zincum.
Besides the symptoms already cited, 89,99,1028,
1333 and W. 149, they are:
1. Peevish, taciturn mood, especially in the evening.
41. Fits of great talkativeness.
45. Good humored and talkative.
46.Incapacity for all work ( after vomiting ); he feels
best when lying down with closed eyes.
48. The ideas lack connection.
55. Sensation of weakness in the head, especially above
the eyes.
76. Dull pain in the forehead with unusual impatience.
W. 129. Noticeable sinking of the strength and general
internal discomfort and suffering.
W.130.His strength is deeply depressed, the whole
organism is violently affected.
W.131. The vital turgidity is considerably diminished.
1274. When walking, great weariness in the houghs and
in the sacrum the whole day.
1276. Suddenly at noon a general weakness in the limbs
with trembling and a sensation of ravenous hunger,
more while studying than while sitting.
1278. Languid, prostrated in body, frequently,
especially after dinner, also at times with tremulousness
and heaviness of the head.
1280. Great lassitude in the limbs.
1281. Sudden swoon like languor while standing, so that
she could hardly reach a chair for faintness.
1289. Extension and stretching of the body and of the
limbs with pale, sunken face.
1252. Fit of tremulous weakness of the lower limbs,
with great paleness of face; it went off on walking.
1320. Vivid dreams rendered the night’s sleep uneasy.
1327. Restless night; on waking up he screams as if
crazy that geese were biting him.
1360. Heat of the face without headache, with cool
body, all the forenoon.
1369. Sensation of heat with coolness of the forehead in
the evening.
1370. Heat and thirst with cool skin almost all over the
1029. Cool hands.
1191. Cold feet in the evening, continuing cold for a
long time in bed.
W.99. Sensation of cold in the extremities.
W.100 Coldness of the hands and feet.
395. Thirst in the evening, till lying down, with
increased bodily warmth.
396. Thirst with heat in the palms.
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Hitherto we have only considered acute and
feverish diseases, in which, owing to the mutual
reaction of nerve-life and blood-life, differing opinions
may arise; all the less doubt is there in chronic cases.
We find in Rueckert’s Klinische Erfahrungen ( Vol.1.,
p. 212 ) the following case: A girl of 24 years, robust
and of regular menses, suffered for 4 years from a
pressive tearing in the occiput shooting in the right eye
and tearing and shooting in the ears and alternately in
the teeth. These atttacks with every year increased in
intensity, until at last her mental faculties began to
suffer. Belladonna 30 removed the shooting in the eye,
but only alleviated the other states. Zincum 30 cured her
in 13 days.
The variety of pain here indicates that the headache
was of an inveterate rheumatic quality, which has its
seat chiefly in the meninges, for it was a pressive
tearing, extending even into the ears and teeth.
Pathological anatomy has shown by the microscope
that the so called glandulae Pacchioni on both sides of
the great fall on the arachnoidea cerebralis- which
frequently pierce the duramater and rise above it like
little mounds and form corresponding depressions on
the inner surface of the skull- that these glandulae
Pacchioni are no glands at all, but the products of
morbid exudations. And these glandules are found
especially large in men who habitually suffer from
headache and also in the drunkards.
Now these experiences justify us in assuming that
the origin of the above mentioned disease is also to be
sought in the meninges, and the through the long
continuation of the disorder even the vegetative forces
of the brain were alienated whereby, as a secondary
effect, the mental powers decreased. This case is the
more characteristic, as we do not here have before us
acute conditions, in which in the rush of action, primary
and secondary effects are not so sharply or clearly to be
distinguished. This is of great importance in judging of
the Zincum disease in its relations to the brain.
We have one symptom also in Zincum which is
based on an intense acute headache in the meninges,
though it offers nothing analogous to the above
mentioned case, it is :
78. Pain as if from a torn condition of the whole brain.
But the case above cited has in its favor the following
symptoms of Zincum:
97. Pressure in the right side of the occiput.
98. Pressure in the occiput for several hours; after
walking in the open air.
100. A dull shooting pressure on a small spot in the
124. Tearing on the right side and left of the occiput.
125. Tearing in the occiput on the right side, with dull
stitches in the upper part of the head.
232. Constant keen tearing stitches, frequently deep in
the right ear near the tympanum.
317-324. Contain tearing and shooting toothache;
mostly in the upper molars.
These are the symptoms corresponding to the
rheumatic character of the pain in the occiput, which,
according to symptoms 63 cited before, may extend
deep into the occiput, and the seat of this pain is in the
integuments of the encephalon. That as a further
consequence Zincum may cause a depression of the
mental powers suffering in sympathy may be seen from
symptoms 50,53, 57 and 83; also:
49. Difficulty in comprehending, and also in connecting
51. Forgetfulness of what has been done during the day.
52. Great forgetfulness.
H. Great weakness of the memory, as also the fact that
according to symptom 83 the pains in the forehead
impede the thinking faculty.
In the summary given by FRANZ for the use of
Zincum, with reference to the results of the proving he
emphasises with respect to headache, that the pains in
the occiput and in the middle of the forehead are rather
pressive and drawing, and that they are primary and
precede other bodily states ( such as pains in the limbs,
sensation of paralysis ) or are continuous with them.
Here we would only remark that drawing pain is only a
lower degree of tearing pain. We have therefore found a
similar series of phenomenon in Zincum as in the
preceding case of disease healed by it; for in this also
the decreasing mental powers are only consequences of
the constant occipital pain.
From this and the previous cases we think that we
are also able to deduce a differential diagnosis between
Belladonna and Zincum in cerebral diseases, in which
these remedies vie with one another.
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Belladonna, indeed, also acts on the brain and on
the central ganglionic system, but in such a way that
through its immediate relation to the sanguineous and to
the capillary system it causes congestive and
inflammatory states in the cerebral system itself, but its
integuments are only drawn into sympatheitc suffering
in a consecutive and secondary manner; but Zincum
possess no immediate relation to the sanguineous
system itself. Zincum primarily acts on the sensitive
sphere of several cerebral and ganglionic nerves, and
indeed, by preference on their serous integuments, i.e.
the meninges and the inner sheath of the nerves. Zincum
affects the circulation in this sphere only mediately
through the vascular nervous system. Of course it is
seldom possible to draw such a sharp diagnosis in any
given case of disease; and this is the less possible since
also in reality there is no such sharp distinction in
disease itself. Very often, therefore, unless peculiarly
characteristic secondary symptoms decide for us, we
can only conclude back ex juvantibus et nocentibus, or
at least ex juvantibus et non juvantibus.
If Belladonna seems to answer and if the brain
itself is even secondarily sympathetically affected, it
will in any case remove a part of the symptoms, i.e. it
will diminish the progress of the disease; and if it does
not satisfy the more essential symptoms of the disease
then it is probable that the process started from the
meninges, and then the indication for Zincum appears.
Here also Bryonia is more closely related, from which
Zincum is distinguished by the fact that Bryonia seems
to act more directly on changes in the blood, and only
through this excites the vasomotor nerves, but
nevertheless excites them actively, while Zincum acts on
them directly and passively.
Thus, I think, also Hartman’s indication is justified,
who says: Incomparable in the first stage of dropsy of
the ventricles of the brain is Zincum in the second and
third triturations. I give it twice an hour when
Belladonna is of no use. I have never given this
medicine in vain, and in twelve or twenty four hours the
morbid state was at once completely removed.
Now let us consider another chronic case :
b. WILCOX relates : A man, thirty four years, who for
years had been suffering from such violent attacks of
vertigo that he would fall down several times a day,
though without losing his consciousness. With this was
a dull pressive headache in the forehead and crown,
weakness of the memory, pain in the back and obstinate
constipation. Sometimes bright blood would be
discharged with the faeces. Much rumbling and
discharge of flatus with a sensation of heat in the
rectum, urine at times very pale. Sleep heavy and
unrefreshing with frequent restless dreams, so that the
patient felt sleepy all day. Mood is very irritable,
Prescription : Zincum 30, two pellets; every sixth
day a dose, continued with some interruptions for about
four months.
Result : Vertigo less frequent and finally entirely
removed. After these four months he made no further
complaint, except that after rising there would be some
sensation of heaviness which went off during the day.
While in our accounts of cures hitherto we have
seen the curative action of Zincum limited to the
cerebral affection either because the object treated was
an independent morbid process of the brain and its
integuments, or because this process had to be
compelled to act secondarily to another diverse process
of disease; we have here a case where the curative
action of Zincum extends not only to the sensorium, but
much further. The morbid process in this case, indeed,
also started from the head and indeed, from the
meninges, as we may conclude in all probability from
the full pressive headache in the forehead and crown.
The vertigo and weakness of the meninges show a
sympathetic affection of the cerebrum in a peculiar
manner and these symptoms, strange to say, first
diminished in consequence of Zincum. But at the same
time the accompanying abdominal troubles found their
master in Zincum, to which we will at present only call
attention, but we shall come back to it later.
But let us first examine the case reported by DR.
SCHMIDT. With an unmarried lady of forty six, in the
climateric period of life, there arose insane ideas, with
anguish, the cause of this state lay, as was said, to be in
some vexation and grief, through which she had passed
two months before. She thought she was about to be
brought into court because she had done wrong. She
passed her nights without sleep, while she had an
unrefreshing tired sleep by day.
This disturbed state still continues; she believe that
the devil is pursuing her; this is attended with heat of
the face and head; the face is sunken; in the rest of the
body moderate heat often alternates with cold. Her head
feels giddy, her walk is unsteady. Lack of appetite,
indolent stools, turbid urine with sediment like brick
dust. Awakened from sleep she feels great languor and
cannot recover herself at once. She feels broken up, is
very sensitive, more lachrymose than angry. Pulse is
unchanged as to rapidity, but unequal as to the strength
of the beats.
Venesection and purgatives have been used without
effect. Oxide of zinc triturated thoroughly with sugar of
milk was given her every four hours, one sixth grain as
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 40
After the first dose there was a brief nausea, but in
two days she felt relieved as to every point. In eight
days she did not complain any more of any morbid
In both of these cases, in which the cerebral
functions were impaired, there were “Vertigo
threatening a falling down,” or at least an unsteady
walk, disturbance of the mind by weakness of memory
or insane ideas, unrefreshing sleep in the morning and
drowsiness by day, insufficient evacuations; there was
no fever, and while in the one case the dull pressive pain
in the forehead and crown may have pointed to an
attendant and affection of the meninges the other case
showed nothing of the kind. With insane patients,
however, chronic meningitis is nearly always found,
nevertheless in this case, if viewed as a case of insanity
at all, owing to its brief duration, can only be viewed as
an acute case; this does not, however, exclude the
congestive character with respect to the brain and
In both these cases, however, the curative action of
Zincum was not limited to the clouded brain, but all the
accompanying phenomena in the remoter organs were
removed at the same time. It is hard to decide from
these communications which of these complaints were
the primary ones and which the secondary; but in either
case the secondary phenomena also lie within the
curative action of Zincum. Their essential character is
depression of nutrition and of the blood-life. But in the
former case they extended over the back to the
abdomen, and lie in the domain of the sympathicus.
The symptoms of zinc corresponding to the two
cases are the following:
a. With respect to the cerebral symptoms; 22,24,62,64
(already cited ) and
67. Vertigo, as if he should be struck by apoplexy, with
fear of falling down.
W.132, 133. Vertigo also with flying heat.
11. Afraid of thieves or frightful forms, while waking,
as if in a feverish phantasy.
14. Despondency.
32. Excited imagination.
W.165. Unrest of the spirit, as if he knew he was guilty
of a crime.
b. The symptoms referring to the general health have
been already cited.
c. With respect to the accompanying symptoms there
are :
893. Pain in the back, more while sitting down.
894-904. Many painful symptoms in the back.
Hn. Pains in the back ( as a curative effect ).
666. Discharge of blood from the anus.
599. Hot flatus is frequently passed, both loud and
noiseless, in the evening.
600. Hot, very fetid flatus is passed after dinner till
582. Movement of flatulence in the abdomen.
595. Severe and frequent rumbling in the abdomen.
596. Loud grumbling in the abdomen, severe frequent
but painless.
W. 63. Groaning and rumbling in the intestines.
675. Frequent and somewhat increased micturition, the
urine varying in color from watery to citron yellow
681. The scanty urine becomes turbid like clayey water.
682. The urine passed at night is in the morning quite
turbid and of clayey color.
We again call attention to the fact that the general
depressed feeling which manifests itself in weakness
and in defective nutrition, beginning with sleepiness
feeling in the morning as if there had not been enough
sleep, even to a total decrease of vital turgidity, a total
sinking of the strength with internal discomfort and
suffering, is a primary, independent phenomenon
proceeding from the sympathicus and from the ganglia,
and that the head and mental powers have
proportionately very little immediate part ( as has been
proved clearly and unmistakably, especially by the
provings of WERNECK), and that these disturbances
hitherto reported, only in various degree, and that these
symptoms are especially characteristic for Zincum.
This is already and particularly shown in the
A delicately built, very affectionate and on the
whole healthy young lady of twenty three years, whose
occupation for a living consisted chiefly in sewing and
knitting, had become much affected bodily and at the
same time much distressed mentally, in nursing her old
father, though she had not felt any morbid symptoms
except bodily lassitude. But when the father seemed to
have recovered and she could get her rest and return to
her accustomed work there appeared a somnolence
without any other disease except total lack of appetite,
while her tongue remained clean.
When she sat down to her embrodiery frame or to
her sewing table there began a deep sighing, the needle
fell from her hand, she sank back in her chair and fell
asleep, while her eyelids were spasmodically closed and
her eyeballs at times rotated under the closed lids. After
this sleep had lasted about five minutes to one quarter
hour she began to weep or sing, or sometimes to talk
without connection, then she awoke for some minutes,
would fall asleep again after one quarter to one half
hour and awake in the same manner. I was called in on
the 19th of April, when this state had lasted eight days. I
gave at once Zinc.oxyd. alb., daily three times, at first
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 41
one and half grains, then I daily added one-half grain;
she was to go into the open air, if only for a few
minutes, between times. When she had come to four
grains per dose she felt some slight nausea, and the
somnolence vanished permanently. Gradually the doses
of zinc were reduced in the same ratio. The patient was
totally restored without any other medicine.
Here we have an example of purely nervous
disorder which the relator diagnosed as Somnambulism.
The physical and mental over-excitement acted on the
nutrition, impairing it. We see bodily lassitude, and,
corresponding to it, a checked sensory activity- sleep-
and checked activity of the vagus; lack of appetite
without any gastric cause. The reflectory actions of the
muscles ( rotations of the eyes ) are here of a secondary
nature, but are also within the reach of the activity of
Zincum, as we have already seen. Zincum also rapidly
relieved all these symptoms.
Now physiology teaches that the sensory
impressions of the sympathicus are usually unconscious,
therefore the centripetal excitement reaching the spinal
marrow and the brain did not come to the consciousness
of the patient- Zincum acts in a similar manner. It acts
first of all on the sphere of nutrition, it is received by the
sympathicus and vagus, at times also by the sensorial
sphere of some other cerebral nerves and the ganglia
and fibres of the sympathicus which accompany them,
e.g., that of the trigeminus; and it excites their sensorial
sphere, checking and altering the same. In this case it is
the encephalon itself, the oculomotorii and faciales
which suffered in sympathy. But all this with the
exclusion of the sanguineous sphere, and the nausea,
excited here- as in the case of Schmidt- by too large a
dose of Zincum; indicates the consciousness of the
reception of Zincum in the sphere of the vagus.
Translated for the Homoeopathic Recorder from
Intern. H. Presse, III, p. 561.
The action of Zincum on the vagus appears from
the following case of poisoning: An apothecary
apprentice, while preparing flowers of zinc incautiously
filled the whole laboratory with the vapors. These
caused in him oppression on the chest, vertigo and
headache; the following night he was sleepless and next
day he had cough, vomiting and stiffness of the limbs;
on the third day he had a strong taste of copper in his
mouth, salivation, severe pressure in the stomach and
pains in the abdomen. The vertigo still continued so
strong that the patient could not get up. After a copious
evacuation the symptoms became milder and a fever
appeared, which, through the perspiration that
ensued, removed the disease, still the general bodily
debility lasted three weeks.
Here we find general bodily debility, which, even
after a partial crisis through perspiration, continued a
long time.
Still more characteristic is the following:
DR.WEYNER relates the following interesting
case: On the neutral territory, between Prussia and
Belgium, in the mayoralty Hergenrod there is a cadmia
mine. In the month of May a furnace for smelting Zinc
was erected. Soon after the cows pasturing nearby took
sick and died. The suspicion that the cause of the
trouble was Zinc poisoning was confirmed by the fact
that one of the cows recovered when she was sent to
other pasturage. The animals showed a diminished
appetite and secretion of milk and at times cough; later
diarrhoea appeared which continued without
interruption. In August WEYNER found the following
symptoms in the animals: General emaciation, skin
clinging tightly to the body, though with some it was
still sleek; eyes pale bluish, drawn back in to the orbits;
horns and ears unequally warm, mouth hot and shiny
and hanging down, at times dry; appetite undisturbed;
rumination slower; dung greenish like grass, thin-
flowing and fetid; pulse small and quickened, the heart-
beat sensible far down, inspiration quiet, but on
expiration a groove would form on the flank; at times
cough. As the disease proceeded the animals became
more and more emaciated, the hair rough, milk dried up
and diarrhoea increased until the animals could no
longer get up and died of total prostration.
In their cadavers there was a seen a general
emaciation and anaemia, but the meat retained its fresh
and ruddy color. The intestines were so much shrunk
that they were about the size of the intestines of swine
and they contained a greyish green slime. Their mucous
coat was in part dissolved and covered with black dots,
but in part also with little ulcers; some of them looked
as if sprinkled with coal dust. The first two stomachs
contained only a little food; so also the third stomach in
which the food was in some soft, in others dry. The
fourth stomach contained only a little greenish grey
chyme, its mucous membrane was in all cases inflamed
and at the same time loose in substance like jelly; this
inflammation extended for some distance into the
duodenum. In some other cows this stomach only
contained a leaden grey mucous, the same color in the
mucous membrane and dark red spots. The LIVER was
in part pale yellow and lacking in firmness; it was in
part covered with blue streaks; the gall bladdere was
distended and contained a dark bile, colored like
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 42
turmeric. The spleen in all was smaller that usual and
anaemic, pale blue in color. Heart and lungs were
relaxed and limp. The brain was mostly pappy, and the
blood vessels in the brain occasionally strongly injected
and there was much serum in the ventricles.
The nutrition entirely impaired, as plainly shown by
the shrivelling of the intestines, the decomposition of
the mucous membrane, the liver lacking in firmness, the
decreased, bloodless spleen, the pappy brain and the
general emaciation; in consequence of this also actual
anaemia, while the muscular substance remained intact
in color, leave no doubt that the zinc disease proceeds
from the nerves of nutrition, so that the anemia, as well
as the occasional paleness of the blood, is not the
primary but the secondary disease, so that in
contradiction of the view of our friend KAFKA, it is not
the paleness of the blood which affects the nerves, but
the affected nerves cause the paleness of the blood. For
KAFKA reports the following highly interesting case of
Cephalgia comite amblyopia sympathica:
A pale yet vigorous lady of forty years had been
suffering for two years from a periodic headache,
appearing once every ten to fourteen days without any
premonitory symptoms; this headache has the
peculiarity, that simultaneously with it such a weakness
of the visual faculty ensues that to the patient there
seems to be a thick fog before her eyes and she cannot
distinguish even large objects. The headache, now
increasing, now diminishing, lasts from two to three
days and manifests itself as a pressure on the crown and
forehead, from without inward; the head at the same
time feels very much muddled, face mostly pale,
appetite deficient, mood cross and peevish. In the
forenoon the pains are bearable, in the afternoon more
violent and in the evening they become severe, with a
reflex action on the stomach, which sometimes results
in vomiting. Stools retarded for 2-2 days, everything
else normal. With the pain amblyopia appears, which,
with the aggravation, develops almost into blindness.
The pupils are rather contracted, the rest of the eye
perfectly normal. As soon as the headache remits the
visual faculty gradually returns.
After fruitless allopathic treatments, Kafka saw her
during an attack and gave her Zincum met.3. one dose in
the morning and one in the evening. The pains
immediately diminished, the attack terminated in twenty
four hours. A like dose in the evening for a month,
preventing any further attack. For the paleness of her
blood he gave her Ferr.carb 1 for one month. There was
no relapse.
Hahnemann enumerates among the curative effects
of Zincum: “Amaurosis with contracted pupils”. The
following symptoms also point in this direction:
218. Obscurity of the eye.
219. Dull and foggy appearance before the eyes in the
morning after awaking.
220. Flitting before the eyes.
221. Yellow, blue and green wheels before the eyes,
while looking wretched, accompanied with drowsiness.
222. Fiery flakes fly in great curves before the eyes
when looking up into the sky.
These symptoms are to be regarded as affections of
the plexus of nerves from the sympathicus which
attends the expansion of the arteria opthalmica. As is
well known, the retina cannot be regarded as a mere
expansion of the optic nerve, since it consist of several
layers, the elements of which are in part lacking in the
opthalmic nerves; of these the cellulous layer consists
according to BRUCKE, of numerous brain cells.
Without regard to this, we found with respect to the
cephalgia the characteristic trigeminus symptoms, 83-
91; these also cohere more or less with the eyes. Also
the consensual phenomena, as also the repeated
paleness of the face, which Kafka correctly regards as
important ( only that he interprets it erroneously), are all
found among the symptoms of Zincum, of which we
have already cited the greater part.
In a previous clinical experience a differential
diagnosis between Belladonna and Zincum in their
relation to brain diseases was given, but we wish to add
a few remarks, partly to confirm our position and to
make a sharper distinction of their differences.
Their mutual relation is shown by the following
interesting incident: The oxide of zinc proved an
antidote in the case of a mare that had eaten half an
ounce of Belladonna. The Belladonna had caused
subsultus tendinum and muscular twitches, the
respiration was changed, the animal could not keep on
its legs and the viscera of the abdomen refused their
function. Dr. Chivetti mixed three drachms of oxide of
zinc with bran and divided it in four parts, which were
given during the day. Even in an hour and a half the
nervous symtpoms had disappeared, but returned on the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 43
5th day. 1 drachm of oxide of zinc again remove( Hygea,
B. S .282 )
To more sharply define their differential diagnosis I
will mention a case of chronic headache reported by
ARNOLD. A lady who lived in the country and was
vigorous and by no means pampered, but able to endure
pain, had suffered from headache ever since her
childhood. Her cure required a period of 8 months and
was accomplished by means of Belladonna and
Zincum. Even when a child her headache made it
impossible for her to study, and she had to be frequently
excused from school on this account. Her period, which
set in her 16th year, was weak and irregular after only
every 6 weeks. In her 18th year she passed through a
severe inflammation of the brain accompanied with
unconsciousness; this was treated with venesection,
leeches, etc. When ARNOLD undertook to treat her by
letter she was a mother ( the age is not given), and the
status was as follows: She had a dull pressive pain
running right across her forehead, as if her head were
compresssed in a vise, formerly it had been more a
throbbing and shooting; her eyes were inflamed,
forehead red and swollen, she was compelled to lie
down and had the most frightful visions, saw her child
with its head shattered, while she hears everything that
passes around her. It required great effort for her to
realise the emptiness of these fantastic visions. With
these visions her headache reached its highest point, an
abatement would follow and then sleep. Her head
during these attacks was dry and cold to the touch. The
most violent pain lasted only one day, but the whole
duration of an attack was generally 14 days, during
which time the pain would increase and decrease and
she would be well satisfied if the pain remained only
bearable. At the time when naturally the menses should
appear the headache would become more violent and
more stupefying. A few days before and after the
menses there occurred painful tearing and sensation of
weakness in the spine. She does not look ill, having a
good color.
Pulsatilla for a month brought no change. Then
Belladonna 6. After 5 weeks the headache no more
seemed to reach its most violent point and the menstrual
flow was somewhat strengthened. After six weeks of
Belladonna the headache intermitted for a longer time
and the attacks were not so violent, except in wet
weather. The menstruation was more copious and of a
darker color. Four weeks later the violence and
frequency of the attacks showed considerable decrease;
but she now was seized with an irresistable drowsiness,
and was troubled with a frequently recurring vomiting,
(as the patient thought this was in consequence of a
intercurrent gastric-catarrhal fever). She now received
Zincum sulphuricum, the 2d trituration, for 16 days, a
dose daily and then intermitted for 8 days. The
headache now appeared before, during and after the
period in a moderate degree, but in the intermediate
time she was without pain. In a similar way the Zincum
sulph was repeated three times, and then she was free
from all pains and she wrote me after 3 months: You
have radically cured me from a great bodily ailment,
and what is more, you have saved my mind from a yet
more dreadful one”. ARNOLD subjoins to this fine cure
the following juddgement: Pulsatilla did not help,
because the scanty menstruation was not a cause but a
consequence of the abundance of blood in the meninges,
and the disorder existed long before the appearance of
menses. The full bloodedness in the meninges was
therefore, the primary symptom, the irregularity in the
menstruation the secondary; therefore when the former
decreased through Belladonna the menses began to flow
more strongly,. But why was Belladonna which
produced such a favorable and essential change not able
to complete the cure? ARNOLD explains through its
frequent return and long duration, had become habitual,
and that it therefore of necessity operated to change the
nutrition of the brain. But ARNOLD also knew from
experience, that Zincum would now enter more quickly
into the organization of the brain than Belladonna
would if continued, also that it more lastingly reduces
its abnormal activity to order, as it lies in the sphere of
activity. This independently existing anomoly of
nutrition in the brain made itself quite characteristically
known through an irresistable drowsiness, to which
occasional vomiting was adjoined.
We see here again an affection of that sphere of the
brain, which we shall yet consider specially, the sphere
that coheres with the vagus, and which has a special
relation to Zincum. As to the drowsiness ”, which is
also often a consequence of far extended disturbances in
the nutrition, we have already cited some of the
corresponding symptoms bearing on this.
Whether the tendency to vomiting was in this case
in essential connection with the original suffering or
accessory to it, is a secondary consideration , though we
would suspect the former; and even if it had only been
accessory, the disposition to it was given by the original
disease; and even with the latter assumption it would
also have been an indication for Zincum. That sulphate
of zinc belongs to the most violent and surest emetics is
well known. And yet it is not within its sphere of
operation to be indicated as a remedy to idiopathic
vomiting from the homoeopathic standpoint. It is only
apt to irritate the nerves of the stomach in an astringent
manner and to induce vomiting when given in large
doses, wherefore it is also used enantiopathically
especially in cases of narcotic poisoning and in torpor
ventriculii. Nevertheless it may be homoeopathically
indicated in certain kinds of vomiting, but only when the
vomiting is caused by a primary irritation of its original
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 44
focus, the medulla oblongata, and indeed, especially in
the latter case. For the physiological provings of
Zincum by WERNECK show that the vomiting only
comes in later in the course of the artificial Zinc-disease
and indeed, after several hours, and after previous
headache, vertigo and palpitation; even in an intense
illness there was only a tendency to vomit.
AD. LIPPE, M.D., Philadelphia.
The Medical Advance, August 1884, p.no.102.
Cholera infantum, or, as this form of disease is
generally termed, “summer complaint,” comprises all
the various diseases of the digestive organs and brain
with which children are attacked during the summer,
and most frequently during dentition during their second
summer. The various forms of diseases of the digestive
organs are those attacking the stomach as its principle
seat, as catarrh, acidity, inflammation, ulceration, or
softening of it, or the intestines alone are the seat of the
disease, as an erethematous inflammatous inflammation,
catarrh, excoriations, and ulceration.
The disease often appears in different forms, at
different seasons and in different localities.
The brain is very frequently the seat of the disease
from the very inception of it, and the erroneous idea that
a later stage of the disease itself develops the various
cerebral symptoms is only a proof that the first
observations of the state of the patient’s disturbed health
were made inaccurately, and that the cerebral symptoms
had been entirely overlooked. The most frequent brain
disturbance, from the very beginning of the disease is
If the observing healer has found the cerebral
symptoms (dilated pupils, hot head, cold extremities,
drowsiness) present in a child during the hot weather
and the prevalence of cholera infantum, he may avert all
further anxieties (especially if the child also vomits) by
administering a single dose of Belladonna.
The knowledge of the seat of the disease, its name,
or a knowledge of the stage in which we find the
disease, does not indicate a particular treatment, or
indicate the truly curative remedy; but this knowledge is
nevertheless necessary, for it facilitates the examination
of the sick, and it enables the physician to classify the
symptoms obtained, and to consider as most important
in each individual case, the symptoms indicating the
progress of disease in this or the other locality, and the
changes or suppression of one or the other function of
organs. As an illustration of these propositions, let us
turn to a child supposed to suffer from epidemic cholera
infantum; we are informed that the child has diarrhoea
since midnight, but does not give signs of pain; it lies
quiet, its eyes are only half closed, the anterior fontanel
is elevated, the face is pale, the wrists and feet are cold,
and upon further inquiry learn that the child has not
passed any urine since the previous evening; the
abdomen is flabby, not hot. It would be useless, in such
a case to select the remedy guided by the nature of the
evacuations. Here we are presented with a decided case
of hydrocephaloid, a case of great gravity, possibly to
end fatally within one, or at least, a few days; and we
further know that should the patient pass urine within a
few hours after the administration of the truly
homœopathic remedy (Sulphur in this case), the
recovery becomes a certainty, and probably without any
further medication. Another child has cholera infantum,
and cries most persistently, has done so all night, is
cutting teeth, and the distressed mother says this
screaming has lasted all night; we have to carry the
child all the time to pacify it; it has frequent green
discharges from the bowels, preceeded by an increase of
pain, causing it to draw up its knees to the abdomen; the
abdomen is hot, the thirst incessant, we are sure there is
nothing the matter with the child’s brain but the seat of
the inflammatory disease is in the small intestines. A
dose of Chamomilla will soon quiet the child.
In the first case the brain symptoms, with the
concomitant suppression of the urinary discharge, stand
foremost; in the second case the intestinal symptoms,
with the concomitant restlessness and the desire to be
carried, stand most prominent.
Knowing that the gravest cases of cholera infantum
appear without any previous indisposition, without any
precursory diarrhœa, probably with no other warning
than a little more sleepiness of the otherwise, to all
appearances, well child, and that in just such cases all
depends on the proper choice of the first remedy, we
must be prepared beforehand to choose right, and
administer the remedy according to the Homœopathic
law of cure.
It has been proposed to begin the treatment of these
grave cases of cholera infantum, having their origin in a
disturbed condition of the brain, by administering
Aconite and Bryonia in alteration. As this proposition is
a violation of all and every fundamental principle of our
school, the result will be a failure to cure. First and
foremost, the character of the disease, its locality, or its
kind, can never serve as a guide to our therapeutic
action; much less can the administration of two entirely
differently acting drugs, as are Aconite and Bryonia, be
followed by salutary results; either one or the other can
stand in the proper relation as a therapeutic agent under
the law of the similar, never both, and why, then, not
adhere to the law, and administer the simillimum?
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 45
The therapeutics include also the dietetics, and in
cholera infantum it becomes very important to see to it
that the proper nourishment is given to the children.
The better the dietetics of a child have been understood,
and the more proper the nourishment has been from its
birth, the less liable will it be to be attacked violently by
the ordinary diseases of children during the hot weather.
There are general dietetic rules for children laid down in
the books, and its all well to know them, but they lead to
generalizations; each individual child wants its
individual diet, adopted to its individual constitutional
conditions. The administration of crude substances
supposed to be wanting in the organism is based on
“materialism;” the substances so wanting, or supposed
to be wanting, can at best only be supplied by food
containing them only in a greater proportion than its
ordinary nourishment did. The instinct of children will
very frequently indicate the requisite nourishment,
which then should never be withheld, if it is even
contrary to speculative science. In properly nourished
children we will rarely ever find a bad case of cholera
infantum, and the more we have studied carefully the
proper diet of each individual child under our care, the
less will they be liable to diseases of the digestive
organs. Many cases of children come under the
treatment of the physician which he has never seen
before, and the more general experience he has gained
about the proper diet of children, the easier will he be
able to detect what mistakes have been made in each
individual case, and he will at once endeavor to correct
the erroneous diet.
The erroneous but generally accepted notion that
children should be nursed during the second summer on
account of the prevalence of cholera infantum during
that season causes more cases and is the frequent cause
of the great mortality in that disease. There are nine
months of gestation, and exactly nine months of
lactation (nursing and feeding by the mother’s milk).
The appearance of the teeth is the first indication that
farinaceous food is wanted and it must not be withheld,
and as different children cut their teeth earlier or later
during the first nine months, farinaceous food should be
given as it is needed.
All the dietetics being properly attended to, the
chief problem is to find in each individual case the
corresponding similar remedy. In grave cases, the
choice of a remedy must be made at once, as delay is
attended by great danger. It is the aim of these short
pages to give characteristic symptoms, and a concise
description of frequently occurring combinations of
symptoms in this form of disease, with their
correspondingly similar remedy.
We shall first give the most frequently indicated
remedies, and then those less often called for.
Apis mel.-The child is inclined to stupor, out of
which it starts with a loud, shrill scream. The eyes have
a reddish tint. The head is hot. The tongue is dry, but
thirst is but seldom present. The skin is dry, the hands
at times cold and blue. Suppression of urine. The
abdomen is tender to pressure. The diarrhœa is worse in
the morning, always mixed with mucus, sometimes very
offensive or involuntary, or containing flakes of pus.
Belladonna.-The child lies in a stupor; it frequently
starts up suddenly in its sleep; when awake it is angry
and violent. The head is hot, and is often rolled from
side to side. The face is generally purple, red, and hot,
or very pale and cold. The tongue is red on the edges,
or coated whitish yellow, or has two white strips of
coating extending down on both sides of the tongue.
Thirst moderates, pulse very frequent, small, and hard,
occasionally full. Hands and feet cold; the hotter the
head is, the colder are the feet. The abdomen is hot.
The stools are clay color or green, or consist of white or
granular yellow slimy mucus, and very frequent.
Chamomilla.-The child is exceedingly peevish; the
gums are very hot, the cheeks are red, at times only one
cheek; the child wants to be carried all the time; has
attacks of colic, draws its knees up, and seems to be
relieved for a short time after a passage from the
bowels. Vomiting of food and sour mucus. The stools
are green, or green mucus at times mixed with white
mucus or chopped; the discharges are hot, excoriating
the parts, frequent, sometimes smelling like rotten eggs.
Croton tiglium.-The child has stool as often as it is
fed or nurses. The discharge is sudden, noisy, and
violent, consisting generally of yellow water.
Ipecacuanha.-Diarrhœa and vomiting. Vomiting of
food and drink as often as one drinks, or vomiting of
green mucus. Much nausea, with pale face and
oppressed breathing. Stools are of green mucus, or are
bloody or fermented.
Natrum sulphuricum.-Frequent attacks of violent
colic, with rumbling in the abdomen, relieved by the
violent discharge of yellow water with large quantities
of flatus. The stools are more frequent during the
morning hours, after the child has been taken up and is
moved about, like Bryonia.
Podophyllum pelt.-Drowsiness or restless sleep,
with grinding of the teeth or rolling of the head.
Vomiting of frothy mucus, green, or of food. The
diarrhœa is worse in the morning, and the discharges are
more frequent at night than during the day. Stools
green, watery, or mixed with mucus; or like chalk;
profuse and painless. During and after stool, prolapsus
ani. During dentition also catarrhal cough and catarrh
of the chest. Cramps of the feet, calves, and thighs.
Sulphur.-The disease generally begins after
midnight; diarrhœa and vomiting; the discharges from
the bowels are generally watery, green, and involuntary;
they sometimes smell sour, at other times they are very
offensive: vomiting is frequent, often smelling sour (like
Calc. c.), with cold perspiration on the face (Veratr.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 46
Cold perspiration on the forehead). The face is pale, the
fontanels open, hands and feet cold the very first
morning; the child lies in a stupor with its eyes half
open; not much thirst and entire suppression of urine.
The child does not scream out violently as under Apis,
or roll his head as under Belladonna. In such a case as
above described one single dose of Sulphur will suffice
to re-establish the urinary secretions and cause the child
to sit up again and take food.
Aconitum nap. Is seldom indicated, and then only at
the beginning of the disease, especially when it has been
caused by a check of perspiration, mostly during the
night, when the weather has changed from extreme heat
to cold. The child is excessively agitated and restless,
pulse very frequent and hard, abdomen very hot; much
thirst; the discharges are watery and contain bloody
Arsenicum.-Diarrhœa and vomiting; much thirst for
cold water, but everything the child drinks is thrown up
at once; hot skin, great restlessness; the child
continuously tosses about, changes it position, and cries
incessantly. Stools watery and very offensive, or black
fluid, or dark, thick green mucus; very great weakness
and emaciation.
Benzoic acid.-If, during an attack, the urinary
discharges become very scanty, and if the urine has a
very pungent, strong smell, and if the urine easily
becomes turbid.
Bismuth.-Diarrhœa and vomiting. The vomiting
prevails; all food and drink is thrown up at once; the
abdomen is bloated, the face is pale, blue rings under
the eyes. (Compare Creosote.)
Bryonia.- The attacks return as the weather
becomes hot, and are relieved on cool days. (Aconite
and Dulcamara have the reverse.) Vomiting of bile,
tongue coated yellow, thirst, not frequent, but drinking
of large quantities, (Aconite has the reverse); abdomen
hot, the child does not want to be moved. (Aconite has
the reverse); every motion causes pain in the abdomen
and a discharge from the bowels. Worse in the morning
when beginning to be moved.
Calcarea carbonica.-Open fontanels; stools gray-
like clay, smelling sour; vomiting of food, especially
milk, sour; profuse perspiration on the head during
sleep; swollen, distended abdomen, (Sacchar. off.);
urine clear, (Benz. Ac. has turbid urine), is passed with
difficulty, and has a strong pungent, fetid odor.
Carbo veg.-Diarrhœa; stools very putrid or bloody;
face pale or greenish; the gums recede from the teeth
and bleed easily; abdomen distended; emission of large
quantities of flatus; skin cold; tongue and breath cold;
voice hoarse or lost.
China.-Painless watery diarrhœa, yellow or
blackish or of indigested food; worse after eating
(Ferrum has diarrhœa while eating), and worse at night
and after eating fruit, with much tendency to perspire.
Colocynthis.-Diarrhœa with violent colic before,
during or after the stool; compelling the child to bend
double, which seems to give relief (the colic of
Belladonna is relieved by hard pressure across the
abdomen; that of Rhus tox. is relieved by lying on the
Creosote.-Diarrhœa with vomiting; the continuous
vomiting and straining to vomit predominates; the child
resists the tightening of anything around the abdomen,
which increases the restlessness and pain; much thirst;
gums hot; coldness of the hands and feet. (Compare
Iris vers.-Diarrhœa and vomiting; vomiting of food,
bile or of a very sour fluid; profuse, frequent, watery
stools. Tympanitis.
Natrum mur.-Watery diarrhœa with colic; incessant
thirst with nausea; emaciation beginning at or
principally on the neck; abdomen bloated.
Nitric acidium.-Diarrhœa, green, mucous or bloody,
or putrid; putrid smell from the mouth; copious flow of
saliva; ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue.
Paulina sorbilis.-Green profuse stools, inodorous.
Petroleum.-Diarrhœa only during the day.
Phosphorus.-Diarrhœa and vomiting; desire for
cold water, which is thrown up as soon as it becomes
warm in the stomach; diarrhœa is worse in the morning;
stools consist of green mucus, brown fluid, white
mucus, or containing little grains like tallow.
Silicea-Fontanels open; much perspiration on the
head; great thirst; emaciation; rolling of the head;
suppressed urinary secretions; watery, very offensive
stools. (Calc. carb., has sour smelling stools).
Sulphuric acid.-Frequent, large, watery, very
offensive evacuations, with aphthae and great
Veratrum album.-Diarrhoea and vomiting; great
weakness; vomiting of frothy substance; profuse watery
diarrhoea, with flakes; during stool cold perspiration on
the forehead; pale face; cold hands; voice weak or
hoarse; suppression of urine.
If marasmus follows a protracted case of cholera
infantum we have two great principle remedies to stay
its progress and cure the patient.
Sarsaparilla.-Great emaciation; the skin lies in
folds; the face is shriveled; aphthae on the tongue and
on the roof of the mouth.
Iodine.-The child has an inordinate appetite, but
never the less continues to emaciate.
If effusions on the brain have taken place, then we
may resort to Digitalis, Helleborous, Hyosciamus,
Opium, Zinc, according to their respective indications.
These general indications will enable the
practitioner to find the proper remedy in many cases,
especially in cases requiring prompt and unhesitating
prescriptions. The variety of cases is so great that it is
utterly impossible to give a proper prescription for all
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 47
and every variety of cholera infantum or any other
disease. Homœopathic Physician.
The Medical Advance, Jan. 1885, Page No.361.
Our learned friend, Charles B. GILBERT, M.D.,
Washington, D. C., has asked me a question, “Why
Lycopodium follows Lachesis and Pulsatilla well,” in a
paper published in the December number of The
ADVANCE, page 305. We will first take up the
question at the head of Dr. Gilbert’s paper, “Why
Lycopodium after Calcarea ost.” HAHNEMANN, in
his chronic disease, tells in the preface to Lycopodium
that it (Lyco.) acts especially beneficial if it is indicated
after Calcarea has exhausted its effect. That was the
experience of HAHNEMANN. If Calcarea is
homoeopathically indicated and if, after the curative
effects of Calcarea have been exhausted, the remaining
or changed symptoms indicate Lycopodium, much good
can be expected from it if properly administered; it does
not follow that Lycopodium will be the next curative
remedy after Calcarea under all circumstances, by no
means. It will only act especially favorable if it is truly
indicated under the law of the similars. Why
Lycopodium acts so favorably under these
circumstances is quite another question, and there are
many similar questions of why and wherefore that
will never be answered; for instance, why does Caust.
and Phosphor. or Apis and Rhus never follow well one
after another? The first question is one of “Facts.”
Who could answer the question, Why does Castor Oil
act as a purgative? It is an undeniable fact that it does
so act, but why? Because it does! Have we not a living
tree I ask my friend? The living tree developed itself
under the tender care of the great philosopher, Samuel
HAHNEMANN. We have there first the blade, then the
ear and then the full corn in the ear. The blade arose out
of the law of the similars, and to make this law bring
forth a blade the philosopher ascertained by means of
proving drugs on himself and others the sick-making
powers of drugs, and thereby created a Materia
Medica, with a full symptomatology of every drug
showing how each drug had its own peculiar sick-
making properties, and when he and others administered
these so proved drugs under the simple and strict law of
the similars for the cure of the sick (not for the cure of
classified diseases) then grew up the ear, showing
marvellous confirmation of the correctness of the law of
the similars. And after the great philosopher had found
how much more curative these remedies so applied were
when he diminished the dose, then came the full corn in
the ear, and the homoeopathic healing art became a
great power for the cure of the sick. It was then that the
relative relations of the various proved and applied
drugs became known. These observations were made
by men fully versed in the symptomatology of our
Materia Medica; these facts were put on record, were
confirmed by other like good observers. Why is there a
differential relationship between cathartics? Now if the
mind is in the proper logical condition the first thing to
answer is, are there cathartics surely that can be tried?
And we suggest to our learned friend to do so. Let him
take an appreciable dose of Castor Oil, or if he pleases,
a dozen or two of the beans of the Palma Christi, and
the cathartic effects will soon follow. But as one
witness is never sufficient, we further suggest that our
anxiously enquiring friend take a little Colocynthis in an
appreciable dose, such as even the celebrated Boston
microscopist could not object to, and if that also acts as
a cathartic you may become satisfied that even among
coarse cathartics there exists a relationship, and that a
differentiality exists even between cathartics. If our
learned friend begins now to regain the natural vision of
mankind, is cured of myopia without Dr. R. Hughes’
specific remedy for that supposed disease, then he may
make a comparison between the tenderly related
cathartics, Castor Oil and Colocynthis, and if his
propensities to ask questions gradually increase, he will
add to the list of cathartics to be compared, say Cuprum
and Veratrum. He will eagerly take these and find that
each of them causes a different diarrhoea, acts
differently as a cathartic; and if his eyesight brightens
he will administer minute, potentized doses of the same
drugs if he meet a similar set of symptoms such as each
of them is capable of producing on the healthy organism
in the sick, and he will cure. Furthermore he will learn
that relationships exist among drugs and that the very
comparisons of the symptomatology of these related
drugs assist us in finding the characteristic symptoms of
each individual drug and gives us a decided answer as to
the reason of their homeopathicity in a given case.
Just as soon as our learned friend, Dr. Gilbert, tells
us why Castor Oil and Colocynthis are purgatives of a
different kind, we shall tell him why Lycopodium and
Lachesis follow Pulsatilla well. Try the cathartics first,
then try the truth of statements made by hard working
healers, and if you find their kind aid offered their
brethren not to be correct please expose them, but take
good care to illustrate your experimental failures. And,
if in your wisdom and in your superior judgment, you
find the work of any author on Materia Medica a
hermaphrodite Materia Medica, burn the books; and if
pleased better with the new prospective Materia Medica,
a veritable pathological picture book, it may be
infinitely better to return altogether to the allopathic
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 48
flesh pots of Egypt. Keep on prescribing for names of
diseases, and what then - why - cease curing the sick.
The Medical Advance, Jan. 1885.
* * * * *
Dr. CONSTANTINE LIPPE died suddenly January
1st, 1885, at his residence, 68 West 50th street, New
York, of Pneumonia. Dr. LIPPE was born at Carlysle,
Pa., in 1839, and was educated at the University of
Pennsylvania. On the breaking out of the war, he had
just graduated at Cleveland College, but he patriotically
laid medicine aside and joined the First Pennsylvania
Lancers, and was soon promoted to a captaincy. At the
battle of Cold Harbor he received a severe wound from
a shell which incapacitated him for service, and from
which he never fully recovered. As a classmate in
college we knew him intimately. As a man and a
physician his death has left a blank hard to fill. As a
true follower of Hahnemann, he had few equals and no
superiors; a conscientious and able practitioner, a
frequent contributor to our journals, and the author of a
valuable repertory, for which he was re-writing a second
edition. We feel sure the announcement will cause
universal regret among homœopathists generally that
such an able and energetic worker should be so
suddenly taken from the profession which he loved and
so well adorned. Among patients and friends his loss
will be grievously lamented, and his place will be long
vacant. Universal sympathy will be extended to his
father, Dr. Adolph LIPPE, who loses, in two brief
weeks, a cherished daughter and a valued son.
AD. LIPPE, M.D., Philadelphia.
The Medical Advance, June 1885, Page No.599
It was a fatal error when the American Institute of
Homœopathy became a sponsor and ordered the
publication of a revised Materia Medica. It was a fatal
error to leave the editing of it to RICHARD HUGHES,
M.D. and J. P. DAKE, M.D., with the aid of a
consultative committee.
We have now before us the first part of what is
termed A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesy. The title
is also a fatal error, of which any one who looks into
this volume will soon be convinced. Richard Hughes,
M.D., has been finding fault with Hahnemann’s
omission to publish, in connection with his Materia
Medica Pura, the day-books of the provers; he seems
not to know under what painful pecuniary
circumstances these masterworks of the founder of our
school were published. He did not appreciate the large
pecuniary losses of the enthusiastic publisher, Arnold,
who became a convert to the new Healing Art as
practiced on him by Samuel HAHNEMANN, and
grateful for the immense benefit he received from the
great Healer, he sacrificed his money freely, so that
others might be instructed by the great man, and enabled
by means of a Materia Medica to apply the law of the
similars for the cure of the sick. It is also a fatal error to
suppose that the laborious work of formulating the
provings of drugs into a systematized form showing
plainly comprehensively the sick-making properties of
drugs, could be better made to-day by others than by
HAHNEMANN himself, who carefully and personally
examined every prover before accepting his provings. It
is a fatal error to suppose any one this day is better able
to clearly point out the characteristic symptoms of drugs
and their strong clinical indications, than
HAHNEMANN did in his prefaces to the various drugs
in his valuable works. Nevertheless we have heard the
chairmen of bureaus of Materia Medica of the
American Institute of Homœopathy unceasingly
preach of the necessity to revise our Materia Medica.
The only introduction or preface to this singular
work is to be found on the inside of the title-page in the
shape of the instructions adopted jointly by the
American Institute of Homœopathy and the British
Homœopathic Society. These instructions have been
reviewed before, but on this solemn occasion when the
first fruit of the labors of the learned executors of these
instructions is laid before us, let us dwell for a moment
on the ninth instruction. It reads: Include symptoms
reported as coming from attenuations above the 12th
decimal only when in accord with symptoms from
attenuations below.”
What could we expect from our learned colleagues
who accepted such a superlatively illogical and
therefore absurd instruction? It is plainly admitted that
attenuations above the twelfth have been reported to
have produced symptoms; if all the symptoms so
produced are not in accord with symptoms from
attenuations below, they must be excluded. The fact is,
that the Vienna provers of Natrum muriaticum did
obtain many symptoms from attenuations above the
twelfth, and if the compilers of the ninth instruction will
condescend to examine the results of these very
carefully made and valuable provings, they will find
that the symptoms made by the lower and higher (30th)
potency vary much, but they are all in accord there is
an easily comprehensible analogy between them; and
according to the testimony of Dr. WATZKE, these
symptoms obtained from the provings of the thirtieth
potency, are by far more valuable for clinical use than
those obtained by lower potencies. If there is an
unmistakable analogy between the various results of
different potencies, then they are in accord. If, as it
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 49
seems, by accord was meant the same, then the
expression is a fatal error; and even if it was the
intention of the unfortunate men of learning to exclude
if possible all the provings above the twelfth, they again
commit a fatal error, as it is a fully established fact that
there is sick-making and curative virtue and power
above the twelfth potency, all the assertions of Drs.
HUGHES and DAKE to the contrary notwithstanding.
Nay, we go much further, and say, that we do know
from the clinical experiment that there has not as yet
been made any potency that was not capable of sick-
making and curative virtue.
Of what use will a work like this Cyclopedia of
Drug Pathogenesy be? By the diligent study and use of
Hahnemann’s Materia Medica, his Chronic Diseases,
and the similar works of his followers, the homœopathic
Healer was able to demonstrate the superiority of
Hahnemann’s methods over all other methods of cure;
he also demonstrated that the law of the similars
properly applied was like all natural laws, an infallible
Law. And now we are apparently invited to quit our
best guides, abandon our old friends, and operate from a
new basis, viz., by the Cyclopedia of Drug
Pathogenesy. That may suit some people, but we feel
ourselves compelled to differ entirely from such men of
learning as Drs. Hughes and Dake and their consultative
committee; and we must declare this new effort to
supersede the labors of men who made our Healing-Art
what it is, a fatal error.
What the homœopathic Healer does want is a
collection of the accumulation of characteristic
symptoms of drugs, the result of the clinical experiment.
We want more good provings, we want additions to our
stock of drug knowledge, but we must consider all
efforts to “revise,” “weed out,” and “purify” our Materia
Medica as fatal errors. The latest works of the late Dr.
HERING show in what direction our Materia Medica
can be made most useful; his renditions of Stramonium
and Nux moschata are masterworks; and what would be
the outcome of these great works if such vandalism as
Drs. HUGHES and DAKE persistently talk about were
applied to them?
It is to be hoped that the members of the American
Institute of Homœopathy will become satisfied that
they were led into one fatal error when they became
sponsors to the utterly useless work before us, and
hereafter allow these active reformers to pursue their
course consistently, and burthen our literature with as
many fatal errors as they see fit. The Homœopathicians
cannot utilize these fatal errors; they may do as a sop for
the common school of medicine, thrown by the
“recognition seekers,” but even that sop will in the
course of time prove itself to be a fatal error.
The Medical Advance, June 1885
A retrospective view of our Materia Medica
demonstrates its past and indicates its future
development. The first and the earliest series of a
Homœopathic Materia Medica was written by
HAHNEMANN in 1805; it was entitled “Fragmenta de
viribus medicamentorum positivis, sive in sano corpore
humano observatis.” We are indebted to the late Dr.
QUIN for a translation of this work into the English
language in 1834. It contained the pathogenesis of 27
remedies. In 1811 the first volume of the Materia
Medica Pura appeared, published by Arnold, the book-
publisher to whose great generosity the profession will
be forever indebted. It was then impossible to obtain a
publisher of such a work, but Arnold had been cured by
HAHNEMANN and was anxious to show his gratitude.
In 1821 the sixth volume appeared. From 1822 till 1827
a second augmented edition of his work was published,
and in 1835 till 1839 the second edition of
HAHNEMANN’s “Chronic Diseases” was published.
Provings on himself and others as well as observations
of others were collected into this laborious work.
Before HAHNEMANN had finished his Chronic
Diseases, Constantine HERING in 1837 came out in
this country with his first great work on “The effect of
the Snake Poisons. Compiled Comparatively for the use
of Physicians, with a Preface on the Study of
Homœopathic Materia Medica-Allentown, Pa.”
The next great step forward toward the
development of HAHNEMANN’s Materia Medica was
taken by the Vienna Provers in 1848. The first addition
was an essay on Natrum muriaticum. For the first time
we find an elaborate day book of the Provers and many
clinical remarks. Another addition to our Materia
Medica by Constantine HERING, was published 1857,
American Provings of Medicines, preliminaries to our
Materia Medica as a natural science, containing the
natural history and the pathogenesis of twelve new
remedies. Some of these medicines had been previously
proved to some extent, and a valuable addition to our
Materia Medica is to be found in the first volume of the
Transactions of the American Institute of Homœopathy
in 1846. Valuable Monographs of new medicines
appeared from time to time, till we had progressive
editions by the late Constantine HERING, and we may
here mention as his master-work the pathogenesis of
Nux moschata and Stramonium; they may well serve as
an introduction to a progressive Materia Medica. In
contemplating the introduction of a new Materia Medica
in the future, we do find the present works far from
satisfactory and the very latest attempt by our British
Homœopaths to reduce our Materia Medica into a mere
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 50
collection of day-books of the provers, would make the
study of it a very burdensome and in most cases a
thankless task. We must remember that the proving of
drugs on the healthy is the first step towards a
knowledge of their sick-making power, and under the
possibility thereby, to apply the law of the similars we
next obtain a knowledge of their curative power,
through the confirmation of their statements by the
clinical experiment, is a useless attempt to ignore the
many confirmations of the provings previously reported
and accepted as facts. Changed conditions and
sensations caused by administering drugs to the healthy
individual and cured by the same drug, when the same
or any similar conditions arise in the sick, stand up as
the strongest possible evidence for the correctness of the
Law of the Similars.
After administering under that Law, a homœopathic
remedy, certain experiences may follow when the
curative powers of the remedy develop themselves;
symptoms not previously known to belong to the
pathogenesis of the drug may simultaneously disappear
with the characteristic similar symptoms for which the
remedy was administered, or new symptoms not
previously known to the remedy may arise and
disappear with the progressive curative action of the
similar remedy. it is prudent to mark these symptoms,
and if, as it will frequently happen, that by a further
clinical experiment, these new symptoms observed on
the sick do prove to be correct, they deserve as much
credit as if they had been incorporated into the day-book
of a prover. The clinical experiment has in this manner
developed the most characteristic symptoms of drugs,
now guiding the Healer in the administration of drugs.
As an illustration let us look at the first proving of Lac
caninum. The late Dr.REISSIG of New York, was first
induced to use Lac caninum for the cure of Diphtheria,
by reading in the old Arabian medical works an account
of the empirical use these ancients made of a variety of
milks. Dr.REISSIG cured many cases of Diphtheria
with Lac caninum, but then the old question, asked by
the sagacious Dr.CULLEN came up again, under what
circumstances does Lac caninum cure Diphtheria?
Provings were instituted but after all, the clinical
experiment and the accurate noting down of the effects
of the new remedy after it was administered under the
Law of the Similars, revealed the characteristic
indications for the use of this remedy; these
characteristic and so frequently confirmed symptoms,
are so well rendered in the little Monograph on
Diphtheria by the late Dr. GREGG, that they have
become familiar to the Students of Homœopathy. And
in dwelling on this remedy it has also been
demonstrated how logical deductions have shown a
much larger field of action of this remedy than was at
first contemplated; the Bacteriæ change their locality
very often and rapidly, they disappear from one place
and reappear on another place; and the further clinical
experiment shows that Lac caninum will cure rheumatic
affections when they are wandering about as do the
pains characteristic of Pulsatilla. This is merely to
illustrate of what value the clinical experiments are in
developing the usefulness of our Materia Medica, and
why they should not be ignored but rather be
incorporated in a future Materia Medica.
The next question is, what remedies should be
included in a future Materia Medica, and what remedies
should be excluded. All remedies proved should be
admitted and not a single symptom should be omitted.
Most of all proved remedies have had their clinical
trials, and it is a positive evidence that while the trial
shows the correctness of the provings confirming it
shows the value of the provings. Some well proved
remedies have been but seldom applied for the cure of
the sick, because their characteristic symptoms have not
been met with in the sick. It may be that these at
present so rarely indicated remedies may in the course
of time take the place of remedies frequently indicated
and often used in years past; they may prove very
needful after the diseases have changed their symptoms,
which we observe so often. We will preserve these
seldom called-for but well-proved remedies till their
time of usefulness comes sooner or later. Not a single
well-observed symptoms, even if it appears trivial,
should be omitted, as cases will arise when these so-
called trivial symptoms, while in connection with other
symptoms, show an approaching resemblance to
symptoms not even fully developed in the prover. For
illustration, let a case previously reported serve. It was
the 21st day of abdominal typhus; the mental symptoms,
the violent screams at night, called for Stramonium.
The ulceration of the alimentary organs, from the lips
and mouth down to the anus, the greatly ulcerated sore
mouth, were prominent symptoms. Under Stramonium
we find one symptoms On the third day he felt as if
his mouth were going to be sore; - this single symptom
decided the choice of the remedy. The Stramonium
cured the patient, and pathogenesis of the remedy
should be allowed to read, so ulcerated mouth, e. t., in
Typhus abdominalis, as the prover only had a sensation
as if the mouth would be sore, it could well be surmised
that a sore mouth might have followed a protected
proving; now if this, to all appearances, trivial
symptoms had been left out, Stramonium would not
have been administered and a cure would have been
made an impossibility.
New remedies not properly proved and only
smuggled into our Materia because they have been
reported to have cured certain forms of diseases, should
be discarded at once, having no place in our
Homœopathic Materia Medica, which can only be used
to advantage by Healers who have long ago learned that
Homœopathy never treats diseases, pathological
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 51
conditions or sick Physiology, arranged under a system
of names of diseases.
That a progressively developed new Materia
Medica is a necessity is apparent, and the few remarks
here made may in the course of time, as soon as such a
work becomes feasible of execution, be a guide to those
who undertake it.
Positive Indications
Digitalis in homœopathic potency is the best
antidote to the depressant effects of the coal tar drugs on
the heart. A.H.GRIMMER
Do not forget Stannum in frontal sinus conditions
where the pain rises slowly to a peak and falls
gradually. B.C.WOODBURY
Sometimes the peculiarity of a remedy is seen in
the gross pathology with such distinct characterization
that there is no mistaking its identity. Such an instance
is the enlarged tonsils, acute or chronic, which are
shaped by the pressure of the surrounding tissues so that
they are flat-sided in various shapes with sharpened
edges. This local peculiarity shows an Echinacea
patient, as the more general symptoms will prove.
Black warts, Thuja. R.E.S. HAYES
Finger warts, Kali c.; if red, Calcarea carb. B.C.
(Lining Membrane of Egg Shell)
The Medical Advance, May 1885
Jan. 24, 1885. Mrs. S. has been subject to
rheumatism and two years ago had “nervous
prostration” with many head symptoms; in the Autumn
of ’83 and chronic diarrhoea, which was cured in
Boston; last autumn another attack did not yield so
readily and she perspired freely on exercising; after the
diarrhoea was checked her stomach did not readily
digest food which lay heavily. Two weeks after coming
here (about Jan. 10) the heavy feeling in stomach
returned and was soon followed by the old diarrhoea,
when the stomach was better; at first the passages were
confined to the early part of the day and the stools were
formed and variable in color, but later they became
thinner and more frequent and last night she had to get
up from bed; the stools have been accompanied by wind
and crampy pains which last Coloc. helped; for two
days eating has brought a passage. But the
characteristic was that after the earlier stools in the day
which were profuse she was so exhausted in the bowels
that she was obliged to lie down. She has tiresome
dreams, white coated tongue and cold feet; besides
Coloc. She has taken Cinch. and crude Camphor spirit,
two drops last night.
HERING gives under Calc. ost. “Stools: frequent,
first hard, then pasty, then liquid.” In the “Organon”
(Vol. II, p. 49) Dr. SKINNER has a case where this
symptoms was relieved by Calc. ost. “Looseness of the
bowels, however produced, makes her feel weak for a
long time.” Besides, Drs, EDSON and WINSLOW of
this city have found this exhaustion a prominent
symptom of Ova testa (powdered egg-shell and
membrane). Having some of the 30th of Sean she
received two powders to be taken twenty-four hours
Jan. 27th. Reports that she is “very much better in
every way, very much” and that she had a perfectly
natural stool this morning; but the heaviness in the
stomach has returned; this being an old symptom, she
was given Sac. Lac. and three powders of the Ova.
g.p.30, with directions to take them if the stomach did
not get better in a few days.
Feb. 16. Stomach got well on Sac. lac., but now
has a cold (like most other people just now); the bowels
tried to set up a fuss again a week ago, but they did not
succeed, (medicinal action continuing?) and she did not
repeat the O.g.p.
The shell is mostly carbonate of lime and the
membrane apparently closely allied to it. Dr.SWAN has
published two provings of O.g. p. in proceedings of
I.H.A., p.248, but no symptoms of bowels were
produced except hæmorrhages apparently from piles.
Laryngeal, nasal, or gastric Catarrh, is not a local
disease and should never be treated as such. Our
attention should always be paid to such peculiar
functional disturbances as may appear in the feet or in
any other remote part of the body, remembering that
such symptoms are often of more value as indicative of
the simillimum, than are those that appear in the nose,
throat, or stomach.
CASE I.-Silicea: In November, 1883, a young lady
called my attention to an offesive nasal catarrh which
was the bane of her life. For several years she had
resorted to a topical treatment under which she had
gradually grown worse and worse. Every morning she
had to blow from her nose hard, dry clinkers which
would be followed by a quantity of offensive pus. She
had headache, a general feeling of languor, poor
appetite and the appearance of general poor health. Her
feet perspired so as to make it necessary to change her
stockings daily. Walking much causes excoriation
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 52
between the toes. The odor of her feet very offensive.
Her feet symptoms together with all the others decided
me to give Silicea which has been continued to the
present time. A dose of a very high attenuation given
once per week to once per month, caused a gradual
improvement in all respects. Feet perfectly well,
general health perfect, nose comparatively well. No
more hard clinkers, no more odor or pus; a little vitiated
mucus is discharged once per week. To be sure other
remedies have offensive feet, such as Baryta c., Graph.,
Kali c., Nit.ac., Sep. and Thuja, but no one has the
totality in this case, like Silicea, and I should not have
thought of Silicea, had I not discovered her feet
symptoms. The “fortunate prescriber” is the truly
scientific prescriber, one who recognizes and
comprehends in one picture all the symptoms of the
case in question. The mental symptoms, the head and
feet symptoms, all the symptoms and their modalities.
CASE II.-Plumbum: Once upon a time there came to
me a memorable case from Pittsburgh. He was
pronounced to have liver complaint. The diagnosis of
his disease was unmistakable, but still the remedy was
not forth-coming. He revealed to me the state of his
mind and other symptoms; mistrustful, suspicious of
evil consequences; a constant pain in the region of the
liver like a string attached to its anterior surface drawing
to the back. This was so constant during his wakeful
hours as to excite great anxiety and physical distress.
Stools light colored; urine turbid and scanty. No
remedy covers this train of symptoms so well as
Plumbum. One dose of this remedy in a high potency
relieved the sensation of “a string pulling through to his
back” before he reached home, and in a week he
became perfectly well. The thought naturally occurs, of
what use is pathology in a case of this kind?
CASE III.-Lycopodium: On the 18th day of Aug.
1884, I was called to see a little boy about nine years
old. The history of his case revealed that sixteen
months ago he was taken with a severe pain in his right
instep. This pain returned daily at four o’clock P.M. and
continued with great severity until after twelve at night
when it gradually subsided until the next P.M. at four
o’clock. No application, no remedy, afforded any relief.
After a few weeks of suffering in this way the pain
finally left the right foot and passed into the left, with
the same general character of symptoms as before; and
finally it traveled up the left leg to the knee and hip.
After a while the leg was drawn up at right angles to the
thigh and the thigh flexed upon the trunk. The whole
left lower extremity could not be extended at all and the
same general suffering continued, from four P.M. until
after twelve. Screaming and crying, moaning, turning
and twisting until ease came after twelve; he would then
sleep quietly until ten o’clock next morning. All these
sixteen months he had had so called homœopathic
treatment, but nothing afforded any relief, neither could
any surgeon or pathologist diagnose his complaint.
When warm weather set in this summer, the doctors
abandoned the little fellow in despair and for three
weeks he had had no treatment whatever. At this period
of the case I was sent for one morning and contained the
above history. As the trouble began on the right side
and passed over to the left, and as he always got worse
at four P.M. and became very restless until after twelve,
the leg drawn up as described above, I was sure
Lycop.cm would cure the case. I at once poured a few
pellets upon his tongue. I gave no more medicine. The
next morning my little patient was worse than ever; had
had a worse night in all respects. I still gave no more
medicine. The next morning he was reported to have
been about as usual, no better and no worse. The next
morning he was reported to be decidedly better in all
respects as to his sufferings. The next morning I found
that he had had no return of pain, he had slept the whole
night and awoke and arose early, was bright and happy.
In a few days his leg became straight and he now walks
as well and as strong upon both feet and legs as any lad
of his age. He has had no more suffering and no more
medicine. The boy appears perfectly well. The parents
asked me what was the matter. I said, “did you not see
how he began at four P.M. and screamed and moaned
and tossed and turned and twisted, with one leg drawn
up? Was not that plain to be seen and was not that
matter enough? That is all any one need know about it
for curative purposes in making a prescription; these
conditions told me what medicines he needed. Do you
not understand?” the ensemble of the symptoms is the
principle and sole object that a physician-ought to have
in view in every case of disease-the power of his art is
to be directed against that alone, in order to cure and
transform it into health. So said the wisest physician
that ever lived, Samuel HAHNEMANN. Modern
Pathology can never give us the remedy to cure any
case of illness.
CASE IV.-Selenium: A number of years ago a
gentleman applied to me to cure him of “Chills and
Fever.” He had had the complaint for a long time and
no medicine seemed to do him any good. I could not
satisfy myself from the symptoms apparently peculiar to
his malady what was his Simillimum, so I went into an
investigation of his general and special condition. He
was weak, languid, but little expression in his face and
eyes, rather seemed to avoid close scrutiny, had seminal
emissions, particularly with every hard stool and often
on urination. Semen would often dribble from urethra.
The remedy was now unmistakable. A dose or two of
Seleniumcm, cured him promptly and permanently of the
Spermatorrhœa, his “Chills and Fever,” and he in a few
months, by following chaste advice, became healthy,
strong and vigorous.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 53
The Medical Advance, Nov. 1884.
ARSENICUM, in scald-head. Some time since I
was called upon to treat a child with a most inveterate
scald-head. The entire scalp was dry and scaly, and
presented a very dirty and unsightly appearance. The
child also had a bad diarrhoea; stool thin and watery,
consisting largely of undigested food, of a very pale
color and offensive, putrid odor. There was great
emaciation, restless, sleepless nights, and altogether the
case presented a very unfavorable appearance. The
child had been attended by a so-called homœopathic
physician who pronounced it to be a case of liver
complaint, which he must first cure and then he would
cure the diseased scalp. Only one disease at a time.
To the scientific prescriber this case is very clear.
It is very plain that only one remedy is demanded, and
that remedy Arsenicum, which the child received in a
very high potency; soon the patient began to sleep better
at night, then became more cheerful and happy during
the day, the diarrhoea improved as the stools become
more and more natural, the child gained flesh, the
complexion cleared up, and last of all the scalp got well,
and in a few months became well covered with hair of
which it had been nearly denuded. No other medicine
was given and but four doses of this one and that at long
intervals. We did not wait to cure the “liver complaint”
before we could prescribe for the “diseased scalp.” That
is not Hahnemann’s plan and many professed
homœopaths fail to cure their patients in consequence.
LACHESIS, in Pharyngitis. A large number of
cases presenting the following characteristics, are
curable with this remedy. Hawking and spitting of
mucus, pus, streaks of blood, or bloody mucus, or
bloody pus. The sensation is not one of perfect relief
after expectoration but a sensation as if more secretion
remains unexpectorated; can’t get it all away, either by
swallowing or expectorating. On sleeping one always
awakens with a sensation as if the parts in the throat
were very dry and very sore. Always feels better after
eating or drinking or lubricating the throat with saliva.
Always feels worse by sleeping. Is frequently
awakened from sleep by this dry and sore feeling in the
throat, apparently produced in sleep. There is often
found much emaciation, discouragement, sure they will
die, great debility. Lachesis very high and repeated if
necessary at long intervals, of one or two weeks will
cure these cases even in a very advanced stage. No
local treatment should be allowed. No gargles save
milk and water in equal parts if the patient must have
something for a little amelioration. The remedy must
not be repeated too often and not at all so long as
improvement continues.
ACETIC ACID, in Typhoid and other fevers.
Fever with violent delirium, incoherent talking,
diarrrhoea, pain in the abdomen and rumbling of
flatulence. Also typhus with stupor, muttering,
tympanitic abdomen, constipation or diarrhoea. Slow
putrid fever with night sweats. Intense thirst for water
together with the passing of large quantities of wine.
Stupor, interrupted by delirious talking. Vomiting
of nourishment. Complains much of the stomach as if
there were an ulcer or very sore spot inside. The
breathing is often much oppressed. Lower extremities
are often swollen. Is often found lying on the abdomen
for relief. Disposed to spring out of bed during
delirium. Very great prostration. I have never used this
invaluable remedy lower than in the thirtieth potency.
ACETIC ACID, in Diarrhoea. Great thirst and
passing large quantities of urine. Stools undigested and
liquid. Complains of much pain in stomach and
abdomen. Water does not seem to disagree as in
Arsenicum. Emaciation, restlessness and sleepless
nights. Swelling of feet and legs. Very weak. The
patient often lies on abdomen to obtain relief. One dose
of the thirtieth often works a complete cure in a week or
ten days.
(The Medical Advance, SEPT. 1884.)
In prescribing medicine we are too apt to confine
our attention to that particular part of the body or
affection, of which our patient complains. For example
the head, nasal catarrh, difficulty in hearing,
constipation, a tumor, ingrow-toe-nail, etc. I offer the
following to illustrate what I mean by the above remark:
CASE: 1. A few years ago quite a young lady called
my attention to the fact that she had not been able to
urinate for a number of years, having to depend upon
the catheter to accomplish the act of micturition. She
had reason to think I could relieve her of this dilemma.
No symptoms were to be found connected with this
function; simply she could not urinate. The history of
the case revealed the fact that she was subject to violent
attacks of neuralgic headaches, and with every attack
she had increased difficulty in passing water until she
could not pass it at all. Even when she had been able to
pass urine it was with difficulty, and the stream was
then usually intermittent. These headaches were
attended with vertigo, even when lying in bed, and if
she rolled her head on the pillow the vertigo became
extreme. There was constipation, debility and a general
appearance of ill-health. Under the use of Conium in a
high potency the headaches became less severe and less
frequent, her general health improved and the urine after
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 54
a few weeks flowed spontaneously and naturally. She
made a perfect recovery, has since married and is the
happy mother of three healthy children.
CASE II. Two years since a school girl applied to me
for troubles of the eyes. They looked natural but she
experienced much pain in them on studying her lessons;
they were much worse on using them by gaslight; they
finally became so painful she was obliged to refrain
from study; she was of a leucophlegmatic temperament,
light hair, and seemed pretty well. It was not yet clear
to me what must be the simillimum in her case. On
inquiring about the feet she told me they were always
wet and cold. Had to change her stockings daily, they
became so stiff from the perspiration; not offensive to
the smell. I was no longer in doubt. Calc. c. very high,
soon relieved her eyes of all pain, her feet became dry
and pleasant and in the course of a few weeks her eyes
became perfectly well.
CASE III. About a year since I was consulted in
reference to a child’s weak ankles. I think I never saw a
worse case. The feet turned outwards so the child
literally walked on its inner malleoli. The child had
light hair, not by any means a clear, fair complexion,
and its feet had a most disgusting smell and were always
wet with perspiration. No amount of washing would
remove that disgusting odor. All stays to the ankle were
discarded. Silicea of very high potency, entirely
removed the bad odor of the feet and the perspiration,
cleared up the child’s complexion, the ankles soon
became stronger, and today it walks, treading firmly and
squarely upon the soles of its feet as well as any child
that lives.
CASE IV. Last year a gentleman consulted me about a
troublesome palpitation of the heart. His former
physicians termed it an “irritable heart”. The palpitation
would come and go; would continue violently for hours
and then become quiet without any apparent cause.
After plying him with many questions, all of which
brought no decided idea of the perfect remedy for him,
it at last came out that he was quite positive when he
passed urine freely he had little or no palpitation, and
when the urine was scanty, as it often was, he was more
troubled with palpitation. I then decided to give Apis, as
it covered this latter condition and all the others. Apis,
very high, was continued six months with perfect relief.
I must state here that he had been a great smoker of
tobacco, which I prohibited entirely, which order he
fully obeyed. Query-What will become of the case if he
returns to his smoking?
CASE V. Ingrowing toe-nails and ulcers about the nails
are often most troublesome affections and the more we
confine ourselves to the treatment of these apparently
local troubles the worse off we shall be as well as the
patient. A few months since I saw a case of this kind in
company with another physician. The treatment had
been localized and such remedies as Arn., Merc., Hep.,
Nitric ac., etc., had been given. It now turned out that
she was full of Rhus tox symptoms. Restless nights;
was compelled to change her position frequently and
always with relief; was stiff in joints and muscles on
first motion, better after moving for a while, loss of
appetite, etc. Rhus tox. in a high potency gave her good
nights’ rest, the stiffness of joints and limbs left her, her
appetite returned, the ulcer and apparent ingrowing toe-
nail got perfectly well a few weeks later without any
topical application.
14. Palliatives
New England Medical Gazette 1875.
The use of palliatives is a very important subject for
homeopathic students to understand. LIPPE addressed
more specifically in this paper the common use of
strong narcotics in incurable cases. In 1889, one year
after Lippe’s death and fifteen years after the
publication of this paper, the Rochester
Hahnemannian Society asked the question whether
Homeopathy was always sufficient to relieve suffering
in incurable cases.
The Society consulted more than 20
of the leading homeopathic physicians in the country to
find out about everyone’s experience in this matter. The
response was very clear and unanimous.
P. P. WELLS, the great Hahnemannian of
Brooklyn, answered by qualifying his response
in these words, “I don’t know whether the most
similar remedy will relieve the sufferings of
incurable cases in all instances, but an experience
of the results of the action of the remedy, in
curable and incurable cases, extending through
forty-six years, has proved beyond all possible
doubt, that this is the best possible resort in all
cases of whatever nature. This has served me
through these many years, that I have had no call
for other means to relieve or cure the sick in a
single case.” Only two original copies of this
report by the Rochester Hahnemannian Society
are known to exist in the world and it will
therefore be found in the appendix of this book.
Dr. William H. HOLCOMBE, Professor of Clinical
Medicine in the Pulte Medical College, President of
the American Institute of Homoeopathy, and author
W. G. Brownell, Julius G. Schmitt, W. H. Baker. Pure
Homoeopathy Defined. An Address on the Question: Is
the Homoeopathic Remedy Always Sufficient to Relieve
Suffering in Incurable Cases? Rochester, N.Y.:
Democrat-Chronicle Print, 1889.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 55
of numerous works, has delivered and published an
Introductory Lecture on the Philosophy of Cure.*
In said lecture he says a good many clever things
and some things that are not at all clever, nay, that are
very erroneous and utterly at variance with the
teachings of the school founded and promulgated by
HAHNEMANN. It is our object to deal in this paper
with only one of these great “errors.”
Professor HOLCOMBE says, It sometimes is a
mercy and a duty to relieve pain by anodynes,’ when it
is excessive and uncontrollable.”
HAHNEMANN devoted ten paragraphs of his
Organon to the “palliative” treatment of diseases. He
shows that the palliative treatment is just the opposite to
Homeopathy; he quotes allopathic authorities
condemning it as injurious, and expresses his
astonishment that medical men who see the evil effects
of this palliative treatment have not thought long ago to
do just the opposite of what in their hands proved to be
so injurious to the sick. And what HAHNEMANN in
paragraphs 56-65 so earnestly rejects is now again
recommended to the students in a professedly
homeopathic college as a practice of mercy, and even
represented as “a duty.”
Does the professor find “authority” for this, his
earnest advice, either in Hahnemann’s writings or in
Swedenborg’s works,
which he seems anxious to palm
off on us as fundamental works on homeopathic
medicine? Nothing of the kind! It is a gratuitous attempt
to falsify our school, an attempt to shield “lazy
doctors.” Under no possible condition are we justified
in administering anodynes; under no possible condition
can they do anything else but great harm.
Let us take up the most hopeless case of sickness, a
case incurable by its nature: the patient suffers severe,
very severe pains; there is no longer any hope of
effecting a cure. It is precisely here that it would be a
mercy to save him from the greater suffering which
necessarily follows the administration of anodynes; it is
then, as ever, our duty to hold fast to “our principles.”
The administration of an anodyne for excessive pain is
followed by an apparent cessation of it, to return more
* The Philosophy of Cure. An Introductory Lecture.
Cincinnati: J.P. Geppert, 1875.
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was a Swedish
illuminist, philosopher, Christian mystic and theologian,
as well as a prolific scientist and inventor. Many
homeopathic families, especially the ones living around
Philadelphia and including the ones of Hering,
Boericke, Farrington, Kent, and Borneman, were
followers of the New Church or Church of the New
Jerusalem which is based on the theological works of
Swedenborg. Aspects of Swedenborg’s philosophy can
be found in many of J. T. Kent’s writings, especially in
his Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy.
severe, as soon as the effect of the dose administered is
exhausted. We repeat, and the pains repeat; but that is
not all,the poison does its work besides: the digestive
functions are disturbed, and, worse than all, the
intellect, the consciousness, the only spiritual part of the
sick individual,—let us call “mind,”—becomes
seriously impaired.
Is that mercy? Are we in duty
bound to destroy a person’s “mind”? The true “healer,”
who not only makes professions of faith, but who has
really comprehended and accepted the teachings of
HAHNEMANN, never stands in need of an anodyne.
In the course of time every physician will find
himself in attendance on an incurable case; he will find
himself so situated that it becomes his imperative duty
to wait on the incurably sick to the end. Here it is that
the great value of Hahnemann’s teachings is fully
appreciated, and that a strict adherence to our
fundamental principle will be followed by most
satisfactory results. The “healer” knows by past
experience that the most similar remedy is also the
greatest palliative. Under ordinary circumstances that
similar remedy would have “cured the sick,” but if such
changes of tissues have taken place that a cure is no
longer possible, the palliation may last for days, the
same symptoms do not return again, the progressive or
destructive process manifest itself now in a different
manner, and a new selection of the similar remedy must
be madediligently to be sure; relief will follow again,
and the sufferings of the sadly afflicted, incurable
patient are in this manner wonderfully lessened,
lessened to the last moment of the earth life. To be sure,
this is a very laborious practice, requiring more
frequent changes in the prescriptions as the vitality of
the sick decreases, and each prescription becomes more
difficult. But what of that? What are we here for? Why,
we are here that we may heal the sick, that is our duty,
and if we cannot heal them (make them well), to relieve
their suffering;
and we must spare no pains to learn to
accomplish it, and earn the only reward which awaits
the true healer,the thanks of the cured, the blessings
of those to whom we administer true relief.
This is the same today. Patients are put on morphine or
other narcotics with the same devastating results. I have
heard and witnessed a number of sad and horrible
stories related to the abuse of this type of medical
In Greek mythology the wife of Asclepios, the god of
medicine and healing, was Epione whose duties were to
care for the sacred snakes and sooth pain. Of their
numerous children, there were Panacea, the goddess of
cures, and Hygieia, the goddess of health. Some of their
other children represented other functions found in
health, healing and medicine, such as recovery,
convalescence, surgery, etc. It is interesting to note that
soothing pain was considered to be a separate function.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 56
Whosoever calls himself a homeopathician and
administers anodynes does so in violation of his
professions, and who teaches this pernicious practice
does so in violation of the principles of the homeopathic
school of medicine.
15. Pure Homeopathy Defined
An Address on the Question:
“Is the Homeopathic Remedy Always Sufficient to
Relieve Suffering in Incurable Cases?”
by a Committee Appointed by the President of the
Rochester Hahnemannian Society, and Composed
of W. G. Brownell M.D., Julius G. Schmitt M.D.,
W. H. Baker M.D. Rochester, N.Y.: Democrat-
Chronicle Print, 1889.
The following report was read January 31, 1889, before
the Rochester Hahnemannian Society by Dr. G.
Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Rochester
Hahnemannian Society, the subject assigned to this
committee embodied in the question, “Is the
homeopathic remedy always sufficient to relieve
suffering in incurable cases!”, has become important at
the present time in consequence of the division that has
taken place in the homeopathic ranks in this city. It is
also important because the use of old school palliatives
to relieve suffering has always been the first step
towards that unlimited liberality which honest
homeopaths must denounce. It is a fact that the division
to which we have just referred really exists in all the
large communities of the United States, but only in
Rochester, N. Y., has there been a public act of
It is therefore, incumbent upon us, as pioneers in
this movement, to make plain the grounds for the action
we have taken. Many explanations have been advanced
by different members of the Monroe County
Homoeopathic Medical Society to account to an
interested public for the step taken by you last October.
Great care has, with one exception, been taken that
these explanations should not contain the real issues in
the dispute. It will be one of the preliminary objects of
this paper to bring out the real reasons why we can no
longer affiliate with the liberal homeopath or
countenance his methods of practice.
To assist in so doing, we will recapitulate the points
of difference that have been publicly ascribed to you by
the so-called liberals. The one exception, noted above,
and which does constitute one of the points of
difference, was advanced by Dr. C. R. SUMNER when
he said, “I hold that when a patient is ill beyond
recovery, I have a right to use medicines which will
relieve him and ease him from pain.”
It will be noted that the subject you have assigned
us is suggested by the statement just quoted. This is the
only honest, fair-minded statement of difference that
your committee could obtain, and we venture the
assertion that if this were the only reason for a
difference of opinion, no division would have occurred
in the county society of our school of medicine. Other
explanations that have been publicly made have seemed
to your committee absurd and false, and to carry in
themselves the conviction of their absurdity and falsity.
The first of these, in priority of the time advanced,
was made by Dr. H. M. DAY foot in the Post Express,
when he said, The members of the Monroe County
Homoeopathic Medical Society, despite the charges of
Dr. BIEGLER and others, fully believe in the rules of
Samuel HAHNEMANN. We believe that
HAHNEMANN formulated the best law of cure. We,
however, claim that there can be progress in medicine as
in everything else.”
This statement, on examination, seems to be a
wonderful thing. It admits that the rules of Samuel
HAHNEMANN constituted a law. Now, how can a law
of nature change? Can it become more or less of a law
after fifty years? Would he claim that under the law of
gravitation an apple could be made to drop to earth
faster, because of fifty years of study, research or
practice? We claim an advancement of the medical
science in a more complete knowledge of the
application of this law of similars. We know and study
more drugs than were known fifty years ago. Our
experiences and verifications are more complete, but the
law, we claim, has not changed and never will change,
whether homeopathy exists or not as a school of
medicine. Shall we not pass on from this singular
statement, which assumes that a law of nature can
change after fifty years?
The last attempt, and it is the only other that we
shall notice, to inform the public of the cause of our
withdrawal, was recently made by the retiring president
of the Monroe Society. It was done in an official
capacity, namely by devoting one-third of the annual
president's address to an effort to exhibit us as “drifting
far away,” whatever that may mean. Let it be
incidentally remarked, that as long as the aforesaid
Monroe Society maintains its present methods, your
committee hope you have drifted sufficiently far to
remain for ever out of sight of the eclecticism of that
The only difference that is claimed in this magnum
opus of the above-mentioned official, aside from a
ridiculous attempt to belittle our methods of prescribing,
is in the assertion that you use only the higher dilutions
or potencies, thus attempting to place the cause for
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 57
division on the question of dose. You know, too well,
the subterfuge here attempted, but for the enlightenment
of any outsiders who might be deceived by such
statements, we here affirm that the members of the
Rochester Hahnemannian Society use potencies ranging
from the lower, or sometimes even the tincture, to the
highest. The third and sixth potencies are often
In short, we un-hesitatingly place ourselves on
record to the effect that the question of dose has
absolutely nothing to do with our having taken the
decided step of separating ourselves from the Monroe
County Homoeopathic Medical Society and its methods.
We come now to discuss the real causes which have led
the members of this society to sever their connections
with the county society. We wish it understood at the
outset that we are prepared to uphold all the statements
that shall now be made in proof of the following
assertions. We charge the majority of the members of
the Monroe County Homoeopathic Medical Society:
FirstWith the practice of writing prescriptions
which are composed of several drugs, and also
prescribing remedies, in form homeopathic, to the
number of two, three or four in alternation, practices
which are in opposition to the rules laid down by
HAHNEMANN, which teach the use of the single
SecondOf a quite general use of the hypodermic
syringe, to introduce such old school measures, as
Morphia, Cocaine, etc. for the relief of pain in cases not
incurable, and which plan of treatment recognizes pain
as the only condition, to be alleviated. This method
ignores the plain instructions to select a remedy for the
“totality of the symptoms,” is too often the beginning of
the opium habit, and many times render the case
ThirdThe use of cathartic medicines, diuretics,
emmenagogues, etc., and the use of drugs for diagnosed
conditions, prescribing more for the name of a disease
than for the patient.
FourthOf a general laxity of Practice, under
which some of their members have publicly boasted of
the success they have attained with the recent fads,
antipyrin and sphincter stretching.
LastlyThat while claiming the honorable name
of homeopaths, their practice is so diverse, that they
can’t be described by any term than eclectics, today
using homeopathic remedies, tomorrow measures of the
Old School and the next day both together. In
consequence of this inconsistency, they have already
brought opprobrium upon the name they profess to
To sustain or prove the above assertions, your
committee has obtained certain evidence. A prominent
official of the Monroe Society has been in the habit of
ordering cathartic pills in large amounts from a
pharmacist in Auburn, N. Y. A member has taught a
patient the use of the hypodermic syringe and furnished
her with the instrument, the result being to produce the
Opium habit with all its evils. We have seen the
prescriptions in the drug shops, calling for mixtures and
compounds, and openly signed by so-called
A young member of this sect stated his ordinary
treatment for a cold to be the alternation of a mixture of
Aconite and Belladonna with a mixture of Causticum
and Phosphorus. The following is a prescription given
by one of these false practitioners. It was obtained from
the patient himself: Aconite, Belladonna, syrup of
squills and wild cherry bark for a cold he had, and
salicylic acid and antipyrin for his rheumatism.
It is submitted, that such homeopathy certainly was
not designed by Hahnemann, but it is equally true that
the above instances are facts, and can be verified if
necessary. We could extend the list, if more were
needed, but enough are already given to prove the
“Devil quite as black at he was ever painted” in
To revert now is the only essential point of
difference between the two factions that has been
advanced by the other side, namely, the efficacy of
homeopathy in incurable cases, we can produce some
evidence in the affirmative. To accomplish this we have
been compelled to go to the professed follower of
HAHNEMANN. The mongrel, whose practices we have
been reviewing is, by his very practice excluded. He has
never tried the efficacy of true Homeopathy by hard
persistent work, but has speedily resorted to the
narcotics of old physic and in the stupefaction so
obtained has claimed his euthanasia.
We have placed ourselves in communication for
this purpose with more than a score of the leading
homeopaths of this country, and can now give you their
habit of practice in these cases, which wonderfully
uphold the beneficent action of Homeopathy when
properly applied.
We will open our evidence with a letter and case
from P. P. WELLS, M. D. of Brooklyn, that venerable,
noble old man, full of years and honors, who has
practiced pure homeopathy for nearly half a century.
His reply in full is as follows: “In response to yours of
the 24th ult., asking for information as to whether the
homeopathic [the most similar] remedy is always
sufficient to relieve suffering in incurable cases, and on
some other points. I would say that I don't know
whether the most similar remedy will relieve the
sufferings of incurable cases in all instances, but an
experience of the results of the action of this remedy, in
curable and incurable cases, extending through forty six
years, has proved beyond all possible doubt, that this is
the best possible resort in all cases of whatever nature.
This has so served me through these many years, that I
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 58
have had no call for other means to relieve or cure the
sick in a single case.
“I have met no need of palliatives, or any of the
resorts of ‘old physic’ in a single case in all these years.
I have seen no case where there was the least reason for
believing that any of these could have equaled the
beneficent action of the ‘most similar’ remedy.
“I abandoned the practice of old physic in which I
had been educated forty-six years ago and have in no
case resorted to its methods since. I adopted at that time,
the methods and means of the homeopathic system
because I had found in it greater power to relieve and
cure the sick, than was in that system in which I had
been educated.
“I found the homeopathic system better and why
then, when I found myself with difficult cases to care
for, should I turn from this better, back to that which
had been abundantly proved to me not so good for the
relief of self and patient. I can see no place for
temptation so to do. That there are some who call
themselves “As good Hahnemann” [say as Biegler] who
have done and do this, is true enough, and it is sad as it
is true. We can see but one explanation of this, and this
is not altogether so complimentary to these men of
gristle as might be wished. We can see no other
explanation of this supreme folly, which abandons law
for a guess, than that these men are equally ignorant of
both old physic and the specific medicine of
HAHNEMANN. Their practice and its results would
seem to convict of both, and the consequences seem a
great price to pay even for so well a sounding word as
“I began to try to make homeopathic prescriptions
after a careful reading of the Organon, having in view
in this duty, only the symptoms of the cases, as I could
gather them and those of the Materia Medica as they
had then been gathered. We had then no ten volumes of
these, but only one and this a small one, with a brief
record of the proved pathogenesis of about one hundred
and fifty remedies. These were studied earnestly and
diligently compared with the symptoms of the sick, with
no reference to names, which diagnosis might have
imposed, or to the plan which a scientific, nosological
arrangement might ascribe to the case. Neither of these
were mentioned in the Organon as necessary to the
discovery of the specific curative in any case, and we
were intent on following the instructions of that peerless
book, the objective being to cure the patient, not to
make a parade, to myself or others, of my knowledge,
scientific or otherwise, of his disease.
“I was so engaged in September 1842, when I met
the first case of uterine scirrhus I had been called to
treat homeopathically. I found this condition of the
cervix uteri, when called to arrest a threatened
miscarriage, at about the fourth month of pregnancy.
This was not effected because of the extensive diseased
condition of the cervix and lower portion of the uterus,
which rendered the development of the organ requisite
to accommodate the increasing growth of its living
content impossible.
The next call was to arrest a formidable
hemorrhage. This was successfully accomplished, as
was that of each of the series of flooding which ended,
as was inevitable, the life of the patient. The flooding
had not only been arrested promptly, but the pain
usually incident to uterine cancer had been so controlled
that after the death of the patient the question or
diagnosis of Cancer was raised by the surviving friends,
who were assured by practitioners of old physic that
‘such a thing as Cancer without pain was never heard
of.’ Being so instructed by those who claimed to be of
authority in the case, these friends called for a post-
mortem examination, and were told this would at once
be performed. When I called at the late residence of the
patient for this duty, I found myself face to face with no
less than six old school doctors, and among them the
aged and gentlemanly Nestor of old physic, in
Providence, who had by his year and learning come to
the position of ultimate appeal in mooted questions in
his school.
“The manner of those who were younger in this
half dozen, when we met, was quite peculiar, and there
was no attempt at a concealment of it. It was on the
verge of the hilarious. They seemed quite satisfied with
the hole they had dug and into which they had come
prepared to put the young doctor and his Homeopathy
and bury both out of sight. I was then alone in the
practice of Homeopathy in Providence. I proceeded at
once to remove the uterus and present it first to the
Nestor and then to each of the other doctors. Its
disorganization by diseased process, and the name of
that process were too apparent to admit of question,
even by those who had come to witness the confusion of
one whom they expected to see humbled and degraded.
They only found themselves in the hole they had dug.”
The next communication is from J. T. Kent, M. D.,
of Philadelphia. It is given entire, as his position as a
leader in homeopathy is well established: “What can be
more astonishing than that professed homeopathic
physicians should deny the efficacy of their own
“What greater evidence can the public ask of the
ignorance of the system they profess to make use or to
cure the sick! It has been known to many witnesses that
I have not needed anything but homeopathic remedies in
incurables. I have been giving unusual attention to
incurables. In private and hospital practice, where
Cancer and Phthisis have fallen to me to watch to the
last:; where the horrible pains have been present, where
morphine had, in other hands, entirely failed, and in all
cases, has the homeopathic remedy, when properly
selected, been all that was needed. Argument will fail
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 59
to convince ignorant doctors, for the reason that they
cannot cure and they cannot be made to believe that any
one else can cure. They do not know how to palliate and
they do not believe that any one else knows how to do
it. If they cannot cure, how then can they be expected to
palliate or vice versa.
“You may freely say that Professor J. T. Kent has
for years offered to show, without money, that the
severe sufferings from phthisis and cancer, can be
subdued with potentized homeopathic remedies with
the homeopathically indicated medicines. You may say
that the students of Professor Kent all do it and will say
openly that we do not need anodynes. They are as
follows, Dr. J. A. Tomhagen of Sloan's Valley,
Kentucky; Dr. R. Gibson Miller, 17 Berkley Terrace,
Glasgow, Scotland; Dr. J. G. Gundlach of Spokane
Falls, Washington Territory; Dr. W. L. Reed, 2009
Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, also my three
lady doctors, now in the hospital here and treating
incurables named, and they go through to the last
without suffering, Drs. Jennie Medley, E. P. Marshall
and Mary N. Sargant. The three are in the hospital
under my supervision and I know that they could not
hold their places unless they know all this. Let any man
select cases of cancer or phthisis and bring them to our
hospital, bring his own judges and we will teach him to
palliate the most painful cases with the indicated
remedy and that in high potencies, we challenge the
world to this very test. You know that I am the
consulting physician in this staff and my private
incurables are all taken to this hospital.
“To give you cases would stretch out beyond your
endurance, but bring the cases and if my young pupils
can do the work what is the good for your Rochester
mongrels to deny it! They cannot change the facts I
might report cases and they would not be accepted, but
here is the hospital that treats these cases and here is the
place to see it done. We have many cases of phthisis
and some of cancer. You could see a patient under my
care who is being cured of a fibroid of the uterus, a
tumor as large as your head, and she (the patient) is
returning to health. Write to all the pupils named, and
ask each one what he knows and how the teachings of
Hahnemann have helped him. Also ask them what they
have seen me do. They all know how I practice.
“It is astonishing that ignorant men will not listen to
men who know how to cure. I offer the wards of our
hospital, to show the work, and our work will sustain
the physicians in Rochester that have resigned. The
post-graduate pupils under my care and tutelage have
been trained in the art of healing, and I will guarantee
that each one of them can do this work. If this be true,
what a shame it is for the professed homeopaths of your
city to claim anodynes, as their needed means of relief!
“There is nothing of a private character in this
letter. I can stand by it in action, and that at the bedside.
Be sure to make emphatic, that I make this point,
namely, I do not select my remedy any differently in
curable and incurable cases. I am firmly convinced that
a doctor who cannot select medicines closely enough to
palliate an incurable, cannot select medicine closely
enough to cure curable cases, and he should be trusted
in no class of cases. The homeopathic physician does
not know that his cases are incurable, and he selects the
remedy, and that remedy palliates the sufferings of the
patient in incurable cases and cures the patient in
curable ones. The physician is a homeopath or he is not.
He is capable or is ignorant. I offer my pupils to teach
your ignoramuses. I can send one to Rochester to do just
what these men say cannot be done. You may count
me in, in your fight for the ‘survival of the fittest,’ call
upon me for cases if you need them. I will be as happy
in war as in peace. You have fairly begun and now do
not let up as long as you can see ahead. I am only sorry
that I am not there in body, but I have a fight on hand
here as hot as yours, and the helpers are few, but the
truth will be sustained.”
The next is from one, of whose attainments and
methods you have reason to be acquainted, I refer to the
father of homeopathy in this city, Dr. Joseph A. Biegler.
He says, “I am thankful to your committee for accepting
the duty assigned you by the Rochester Hahnemann
Society of submitting to the consideration of the
practitioners, and of the laity, the questions embodied in
your letter. It is an important and timely step, taken at a
time when there is a recovery from a state of confusion,
into which homeopathy has been placed consequently
misunderstood and nearly extinct through the acts of
pretenders who are in a large majority in the ranks of its
“To justify themselves for the confusion they have
created, they resort to further deception, by declaring
that the difference between the true practitioner and
themselves is only on a question of the potency of the
drugs used in practice. As it is a fact that the practice of
homeopathy is not based on a question of the potency of
drugs, and that the true practitioner of that art has for his
range in practice, the potencies from the lowest to the
highest, it becomes necessary to make plain the real
difference in order that this deception may be
“The real difference between the homeopaths and
the pretenders to that art is that the former is guided in
the selection of the remedy by the law of cure, and as
this law is all sufficient in all cases and under all
circumstances to provide for the relief of suffering, even
in the incurable cases, and as it gives support to the end
of life as no other means can do. He never resorts to
means outside of this beneficent provision.
“The latter class pretend to do this, but the fact that
this pretension is not true is so notorious that it is only
necessary to revert to their practice and to their
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 60
declarations in the privacy of their own meetings and of
those made in the journals which represent them, to
effectually establish its falsity. Two facts are here
presented. The first that the true homeopath faithfully
conforms to the requirements of this law in practice.
The second is that the ones who are pretenders do not
conform to it.
“These two facts are already established in the
minds of the people, who have had experience with the
treatment of one or the other, or it may be of both. The
ordinary practice of these pretenders is in direct
opposition to the principles of homeopathy as given in
the Organon of Samuel HAHNEMANN. But then the
Organon is almost an unknown book to these false
practitioners, so much so that it is perfectly safe to say
that it would be difficult to find one of that class who
had ever seen it, much less that he had ever read it. Its
very name strike those who know anything of it with the
terror exhibited by Mephistopheles when he heard the
heavenly tones of the cathedral chimes.
“On the question you advance, ‘Is the homeopathic
remedy always sufficient to relieve suffering in
incurable cases? I answer yes with certainty, if the
practitioner be not so light-minded as to ignore the law
and the welfare of the patient. It is however easier for
him to evade his duty than to perform it. What I say
here is said openly and I will further say that there are
too many witnesses of its truth and none who can
controvert it among these who have had experience in
my practice in the past ten or fifteen years. Numbers of
cases could be cited by all true practitioners to illustrate
the beneficent office of this law of Him whom no name
can worthily designate.
“I here give one illustration bearing on the
question; it is of a case, and one on which professed
homeopaths make a stand to justify their departure, in
practice, claiming that their duty to incurable suffering
patients demands it. It is the case of a lady who was
well known and highly esteemed in this community and
the facts in regard to her case are also well-known.
“The disease was uterine cancer, involving vagina,
which was in a honeycomb state. She had suffered, as
such cases do, a lingering death. Under the palliative
treatment of cocaine, chloroform, liniment, etc., she
scarcely experienced an hour of relief from agony
during the several months she was under that treatment.
She was brought here from her home in New York, with
the apprehension on the part of her attending physicians,
and of her friends, that she would die on the way. With
her came a basketful of preparations, of the various
strengths of cocaine and mixtures of liniment, provided
by the attending physicians.
“In this, her last stage of suffering, all palliative
treatment of the above description was discarded from
the next day after her arrival and the indicated remedy
only given. She lived nearly two months after her arrival
with comparatively little suffering, and with such relief
as to enable her to devote hours in finishing a piece of
memorial work to which her loving heart had long been
devoted. She died without suffering and in keeping with
the repose of a gentle sleep to the consolation of her
friends, whose gratitude was expressed to the author of
this beneficent law; which is not regarded by some well-
meaning and honest men among the processed
homeopaths, because their opportunities in their medical
studies, in the so-called homeopathic colleges, have not
afforded them a knowledge of it, or of the principles
which emanate from it as given by the master in his
Organon, and which is daily being defiled by a class
who‘wear the livery of heaven, to serve the devil, etc.’ ”
The following, is from W. A. Hawley, M. D. of
Syracuse: “I am heartily glad of the step recently taken
by the real homeopaths of Rochester, in separating from
the mass of physicians, who, while assuming the name
of homeopaths continually, in practice, deny and
transgress its lawthe law of the curative relation of
drugs to human ailment. They profess to believe this
law, but claim its inadequacy to afford relief to the
hopelessly sick, that it has no power to smooth the way
down into the ‘valley of the shadow of death,’ and
therefore they must forsake their principles at this trying
hour and resort to the questionable methods of the so-
called ‘regular’ school of medicine. That which will
cure cannot afford relief! What absurdity!
“You ask my experience. It is simply this: I
abandoned the methods of the ‘regulars thirty-five
years ago, and never since have I in one single instance
had occasion to resort to other than homeopathic
remedies to relieve that sufferings of the dying. I will
give you a few marked cases: In the winter of 1865-66,
Mary B., aged about nineteen, was sick and dying of
phthisis pulmonalis. Three or four days before the end
she experienced a marked aggravation of the cough
which became almost constant. Her parents and
attendants became clamorous for an anodyne to
alleviate. I selected the remedy and gave it in the
thirtieth potency, but so urgent were the family for
something more, that I consented to allow them to send
for morphia. Before the drug could be obtained he
remedy that I had exhibited had produced such complete
relief that she could not be induced to take the morphia
powders, and they remained on the mantel after my
patient had peacefully passed away.
“Case II. In the autumn of 1870, Mrs. F. C. was
dying of consumption. She had been troubled with
sleeplessness for some days until the patient and her
sisters, one of whom was an eclectic physician, became
very anxious that she should receive a dose of chloral. I
declined to give it. Against my advice they obtained and
gave it. The next morning her first words were, ‘Oh!
Doctor, I have been in Heaven all night.’ She had taken
one dose of chloral which produced stupefaction
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 61
speedily. The next night, she did not take it and did not
sleep on the following night she took it and, not
sleeping, took a second dose but without sleep. In the
morning, she said, ‘Doctor, I have been in hell all
night.’ I never saw so nervous a person as she then was
and continued to be until she died. The drug, chloral,
remained as a perfect bar to the indicated remedy and
she would take no more old school drugs although
urged to do so by her sisters and others.
“Case III. From 1865 to 1876, I had a patient, an
old lady, suffering from cancer of the breast. During
these eleven years, the pains and the hemorrhage
incident to this condition were readily controlled by the
indicated remedy, even to the hour of her death. For all
these pains she got no medicines lower than the thirtieth
potency and often the two-hundredth. Her death was
painless and peaceful. At about the time of her death, it
was my sad experience to see the sufferings and death
of a friend from cancer of the womb under the so-called
‘regular’ treatment. I can truly say that again and again I
saw her suffer more in one hour than did my patient
during the whole eleven years. Her agonies were
horrible and largely the result of drugs. Her last
intelligible words were, ‘If you know of anyone
suffering from cancer, tell them not to take morphine’
“Case IV. Miss A. F. C. aged 40, was under my
care from spring until late October 1878. The disease
was scirrhus of the breast extending into the lungs with
death from hydrothorax as was demonstrated by an
autopsy. She suffered often from the characteristic
pains, but was always soon relieved by the indicated
remedy. Her death was as peaceful as possible and was
unaccompanied by a single struggle, as I stood by her
side and saw her expire.
“Case V. During the past autumn, I lost an old
client and friend, who died, as I believe, from a
malignant tumor in the abdomen, although no autopsy
was allowed. Some three weeks before he died, he
asked me to give him something that would make him
‘sleep right out.’ I replied, ‘Why, my good fellow, you
do not want to go off without your head do you?’ He
thought a moment and answered, ‘No,’ with emphasis. I
said I will not make you drunk, but I will let you down
so quietly and easily that you will scarcely know you
are going, and I did it. Ten or twelve days before the
end, he had paroxysms of difficult breathing when he
must have windows and doors open and must be fanned,
very briskly. Any homeopath will name the drug
indicated. Half an hour before be expired, he called for
this remedy and got immediate relief, even in the midst
of death. What else could he expected of a drug which
cures those conditions in curable cases, but relief in any
The next is the reply of Dr. Clarence Willard
Butler, “While I can assure you that your information is
correct and my custom is to treat all classes of cases by
the use of homeopathic remedy unaided by drug
adjuvant, I have ‘fallen from grace’ lately under
peculiarly trying circumstances and I send you a record
of the case. I know, no one better, how incomplete must
have been my knowledge not to have relieved my
patient with the homeopathic remedy. I tried faithfully
for twenty-four hours but did not find it. The rest of the
story the report will tell without ’notes’ from me in this
place. Enough that it was my first lapse from what, I
consider correct treatment, for some years, and the
experience will not make me crave the flesh-pots of
Egypt’ for some time to come.
“In regard to my custom in practice of rejecting the
palliative drugs and measures of the old school, it may
not be out of place to say a few words. I know of no a
priori reason for not expecting the curative drugthe
homeopathicto be also the palliative. Indeed in those
cases recognized by skilled and conscientious medical
men, as self limiting or necessarily fatal (e. g, renal
colic as an instance of the first class and phthisis or
cancer of the other) where pain is one of the symptoms
and that, one which is most severe, and seemingly
requires the most immediate attention, I used to have a
theory in common with many others, that the use of
palliatives was not only common humanity and good
practice, but often an absolute necessity.
“The reason that I now reject these agents in
practice is that I have learned by careful
experimentation. I know from personal observation that
the homeopathic remedy reduces the aggregate of
suffering to the minimum. The theory of any man is of
no value; the experience of any man is valuable, in just
so much as he is skilled to observe and faithful to
“Thus when experiment had shown me that even I
could reduce the aggregate of suffering without these
adjuvant, I had but one course to pursue. We must never
forget that homeopathy faithfully applied is continually
reducing the number of incurable diseases, and in such
cases, when we have the testimony of many men, that a
larger measure of relief may be afforded by their
treatment homeopathically, we must ever give the
patient even the remotest chance of ultimate recovery.
“Eight years ago, I was called to see a case of
cancer of the breast (scirrhus). It was so diagnosed by
my predecessor in the case, by a consulting physician
and by myself. An operation, removal of the breast, was
advised. The consulting physician frankly said, that an
early operation would probably prolong life only, (and
even that was not positive) and would palliate, in that
for sometime after the removal of the tumor, there
would be no pain. I demurred, and with the concurrence
of my patient commenced to treat her for such
conditions as presented themselves from time to time.
Many remedies were used for varying conditions during
the next four years, always the single remedy, and
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 62
always stopping medication during any improvement in
general conditions. …
“Result, the woman is well and has been for more
than three years. I wish you and your confreres all
success in the good work you have undertaken. If the
enclosed record, of my ignorance and error, can aid any
one of you, to avoid a similar mistake and painful
experience, I shall be glad I have reported italthough I
hesitated long before concluding to do sohaving none
of Dogberry's ambition, ‘to be writ down an ass.’ ”
Dr. Butler's reported case is highly instructive and
is as follows: “Miss M. V., of light complexion, small
and spare, has inherited together with the tubercular
diathesis, (both of her parents having died of
consumption) an excessively nervous temperament and
a willful ungovernable disposition, which has been
made worse by lack of early, healthful discipline. She is
now in the last stages of consumption.
“For several years she had taken powerful
purgatives from time to time, her bowels never moving
without such stimuli. In October, her bowels, which had
become much better under remedies suited to her
general condition, became obstinately constipated, not
moving at all for ten days. She was comfortable,
however, and no special prescription for this condition
was made. But, from long continued belief, that
constipation was ‘the unpardonable sin’ she was not
satisfied ‘to leave well enough alone,’ and insisted upon
having something administered which should purge her.
“Of course I declined to accede to her wishes and
gave the nurse strict orders that no such measures be
resorted to. This provoked a most pronounced
opposition on her part, which culminated in about
twenty-four hours in a violent attack of hysteria. She
insisted that she suffered the tortures of the most, in
abdominal and rectal pains, and by her violent screams
made everyone in the house uncomfortable. It so
happened she was in a boarding house, where, among
others, a sick person resided. The shrieks of my patient
made this person worse and my endeavors to control her
nervousness were only partially successful. Did you
ever treat a nervous patient in a boarding house where at
least a half of the boarders were violently opposed to
your school of medicine, and the other half confident
that they knew more about medical treatment in your
‘pathy’ than you did!
“Between the skepticism of the one-half and the
kindly (?) advice of the other, my patient's grandmother,
the only near relative she had, was nearly as hysterical
as the patient. She therefore begged me to do
somethinganything to relieve her suffering. The
invalid, before mentioned, told me (by messenger) I
must do something or she would die. The boarders,
according to their dispositions, were sympathetic or
ugly, over the noises and disturbance.
“Now I do not think I am lacking in that
determination and firmness which is so necessary a part
of a doctor's character, but here was a case where, if
ever, an anodyne was needed. The case was incurable,
the necessity for relief urgent, the surroundings almost
imperative. Was not my patient losing more vitality,
from her present condition, than she could from the
administration of a drug, which would, at least, produce
surcease of all her sufferings? She received a dose of
morphia. A more pleasant effect I have never seen from
this drug; quiet and sleep followed the manifestations of
the preceding hours; the patient was blissful, the
boarders appeased, the grandmother tearfully grateful.
“I have never regretted giving that dose of morphia
but oncebut that is ever since I gave it. After several
hours of sleep, my patient awoke feeling exhausted and
faint, but no food could be suggested which she would
take. She had no nausea, but a disgust for food
prevented her taking even a swallow of milk.
Uncomfortable and unhappy, she wanted another dose
of the anodynenothing else would relieve her; nothing
else would she take, for she
‘On honey-dew had fed,
And drank the milk of Paradise.’
“Her appearance was ghastly, her skin moist and
cold, and her face bloodless; the pulse small and weak,
the heart action feeble and occasionally intermittent,
still she screamed for the morphine—‘that better
medicine.” It is needless to say she didn't get it, in view
of her condition, and it is impossible to adequately
describe the struggle of the following month, for it took
no less than that time to undo the mistake of that night.
“It would require a volume to record the varying
symptoms presented during that time, but briefly her
general condition may be stated as follows: Before this
well-nigh fatal error’ her appetite had been very good
for her condition: after it, she had absolutely none.
Before, her strength, while gradually waning, had not
been accompanied by a commensurate sensation of
weakness; after, the sense of exhaustion was extreme
and terribly distressing. Before, she had been cheerful
and hopeful; after, she was depressed and hopeless, sad
and tearful. Before, she looked forward to that time
when she would be well again; after, to that time when
she would be ‘out of the way.’ Before her sleep had
been peaceful, although she had slept in short naps only;
after her sleep was full of dreams and she invariably
awoke exhausted. Before, she did not have night sweats,
for a month after she always had exhausting sweats
when sleeping.
“Of course her constipation was more obstinate,
with no relief of the mental anxiety over this condition
and, indeed, with no little physical suffering from it.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 63
Persistent, honest work had made her again
comfortable, and she is now surely and steadily going
down to the dark river with almost no pain and
comparatively little sufferingeven from the
nervousness which has, all her life been her bête noir.”
Dr. B. L. B. Baylies, of Brooklyn, writes, “The
homeopathic simillimum has, in my practice, always
relieved the sufferings of those dying or, cancer, of
phthisis and other protracted and painful diseases, and
the dynamic power of the higher potencies has often
astonished me by its rapidity and successful operation.”
From W. P. Wesselhoeft, M. D., Boston, we have
this to present, “In answer to yours of the 24th of
December, I wish to make the statement that I never use
other methods than those strictly in accordance with the
law of similars ‘to relieve pain’ or other agonies.
“During a practice of thirty-five years, I have
become more firmly convinced, from year to year, that
the homeopatically indicated remedy is in all respects
the best to give the patient the most relief, whether in
the agonies of death or during the course of an incurable
disease. The determination of this remedy is not always
an easy task, but the labor spent in its discovery is much
more satisfactory then to resort to the usual means of
stupefying the patient by poisonous doses of drugs
allopathically indicated.
“One of the most painful cases of disease coming
under my notice was one occasioned by an embolus in
the femoral artery of a seventy-five year old lady. The
symptoms, at first, pointed strongly to Secale cornutum,
which was given without relief for several hours.
Arsenicum album also failed, even after the aversion to
external covering of the part, had given place to a desire
to have the limb covered. Cantharis, however, cured the
pain in a few hours and the limb remained absolutely
painless for nineteen days, during which time the limb
mummified, and a distinct line of demarcation, formed
below the middle thigh. Amputation was performed on
the twenty-first day, after the formation of the embolus.
The patient is still living and in good health, now in her
eighty-sixth year. Can we not, with justice, ask, what
would have been the result of this operation, after three
weeks of drugging with opium?”
W. S. Gee, M. D., of Chicago, has this to say,
“While I am in full sympathy with you, I question
whether the good to be obtained by any array of
statements will pay for the pains taken. Our willful
doubters will not believe and act upon it. Life is too
short and ‘though one were to rise from the dead’ they
would not believe. Go on. We sometimes question
whether ‘the right will prevail’ but perhaps we are too
anxious for speedy results.”
From E. B. Nash, M. D., Cortland. N.Y., comes the
following, “After twenty-five years of honest
experimenting, I am firmly convinced that the best
remedy to produce euthanasia is the homeopathically
indicated one. I used in my earlier practice to resort to
morphine when I was satisfied that my patient must die
and I wished, or the patient wished me, to ease him or
her down to death. For a few doses they often suffered
less pain and expressed great satisfaction and gratitude
for the relief. But if they lived any length of time, I
found that the morphia, not only failed to secure the
relief from suffering that it did at first, but invariably
seemed to add greatly to it. In many cases I have had
patients beg me not to give them any more morphine,
because they suffered more with than without it.
“It is a delusion and a snare. It is a moment's
pleasure for an hour of pain. Even with my years of
experience, it is very often difficult to select the true
remedy, but when once selected and applied, I have not
only seen the desired relief brought about in fatal cases,
but wonderful cures brought in cases, which from any
human standpoint seemed absolutely incurable. I am
sure that many lives that might have been saved, or
greatly prolonged, have been lost or shortened by
allopathic measures for producing an easy death.”
From across the continent comes these words of
cheer and encouragement, written by A. McNeil, M. D.,
of San Francisco, In moribund cases my experience
is, that the remedy, indicated by the totality of the
symptoms, is amply sufficient to avert suffering. The
remedy will give relief generally for a shorter time than
in curable cases, but when its action is exhausted, if the
same remedy remains indicated, it will continue to
afford relief, if given in a higher potency.
“When in a serious case the administered remedy
only relieves the pain, without producing a fundamental
improvement, I consider it ominous and often find the
case incurable.
“I cordially endorse the action of the members of
the Rochester Hahnemann Society in withdrawing from
the county society. When there is no further prospect of
enlightening the polypaths, then further intercession in
societies is folly.”
Dr. H. C. Allen, editor of the Medical Advance,
sends a few words of Godspeed, “In my practice, I have
no use for allopathic palliatives, even in incurable cases.
The similar remedy is much more efficacious in the
alleviation of pain, in incurable sicknesses, and leaves
no ‘after clap’—no drug effectsoften much more
troublesome than the original affection, behind it. You
have my hearty sympathy in your fight for the right. Go
on; it is only a question of time. Yon are on the side of
the truth, which, in its conflict with error, has been and
ever will be triumphant.”
G. W. Sherbino, of Abilene, Texas, says, “I claim
superiority for the indicated remedy in incurable cases,
provided the remedy is selected with care and according
to the rules of Hahnemann; any other treatment than this
is not homeopathic and the sooner the public
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 64
understands this, so they can distinguish the true from
the false, the better for the public.”
Dr. James B. BELL, of Boston, writes, “I have no
difficulty in treating all cases, of acute pain, without
S. SEWARD, M. D., of Syracuse, N. Y., “I have
depended entirely upon the carefully selected
simillimum, to relieve the pain of the sick and dying,
for the past thirty years, and have, under no
circumstances used anything else.”
We will class the communications with one from
George H. CLARK, M D., of Philadelphia. He writes as
follows, “I am heartily at one with you, and the other
Hahnemannians with you. To the question you ask in
regard to the suffering of incurables, I answerany one,
who has had experience in honestly applying the
homeopathic law, can positively answeryes. Not only
this: If he has seen anything of the use of palliatives, as
advocated by many so-called homeopaths, he will not
hesitate to compare results. For the results palliation in
the form of powerful drugs is almost invariably
followed by an aggravation of the pain and other
symptoms present, and their continued use will convert
a curable into an incurable condition.
“A practice of over sixteen years, in which a fair
share of representative cases of various diseases have
been under my care, including the most painful
affections, in not one of which an anodyne, narcotics,
soporifics or anything, but that demanded by the law of
Homeopathy, has been used enables me to reply in the
affirmative to your question.
“The following case will illustrate: A man, aged 48,
has been under the treatment of a so-called homeopath
for a painful affection, which has been diagnosed,
dyspepsia. After several months of treatment without
benefit, he came under my care. I found the following:
Sensation of great fullness on taking a few mouthfuls of
food followed almost immediately by gnawing, burning
pains and tenderness in the region of the stomach: Great
tenderness over the entire abdomen, cannot bear the
least pressure; intense, sharp pain in abdomen, constant,
but worse in afternoon and evening, with much
“Examination revealed a tumor in the region of the
cardiac orifice of the stomach. There was great
emaciation, occasional vomiting, much mental
depression, sleeplessness from pain, obstinate
constipation, alternating with an occasioned soft, acrid
stool, which aggravated the abdominal pain. Here was,
unquestionably, cancer of the stomach. The symptoms,
indicating the conditions were so plain, that it was
thought astonishing that anyone professing a knowledge
of disease could possibly be so myopic as not to be able
to make a correct diagnosis.
“The prognosis, considering the depressed mental
and physical state, and the length of time the disease
had been progressing, was of course unfavorable.
The question was to find a remedy to relieve the
suffering. No thought was given to other than
homeopathic measures, and after a study of the case, I
began treatment with Lycopodium. In a few hours all the
symptoms were relieved and the remedy discontinued.
After two weeks the patient was able to take appropriate
food with less pain than for several months previous.
The remedy was continued, when necessary, for two
months, and always with the same result, relief of all
painful symptoms. Death came, but the man retained his
mental powers to the last, and yet was saved from the
distressing conditions, which follow the use of drugs,
powerful for harm only.
“Compared with cases in which anodynes are used,
I am sure that one need have no fear of trusting to
Homeopathy alone for true euthanasia.”
Mr. President: In the consideration of these
communications, the fact should not be forgotten, that,
we are not engaged in a controversy with the older
school of medicine. We rather, much as we may differ,
recognize their right to use these narcotics in incurables,
as it is in accordance with their professions. But what
shall be said of the men, who, while claiming the honor
of being Hahnemann's truest followers, Anglo maniac-
like, ape the practices they profess to disown, and only
conform to the selfish usage of being “all things to all
men.” “By their works ye shall know them.”
In examining the statements, in regard to habit of
practice, and the reports of relief afforded in incurable
diseases, it would seem wonderful, that there should be
such unanimity of opinion, were the fact forgotten that
these men have been practicing medicine according to a
law. But when we re-call the fact, that the law of
healing promulgated by the great Hahnemann is
infallible, then such results as we have read are only the
ordinary events to be expected.
The cases reported, as you will have readily seen,
are the most intractable, incurable, and attended by the
most excruciating pain that the medical profession
encounters. The results, are generally complete
palliation and in all palliation, sufficient to allow the
patients to attend to their final preparations, for the
supreme event in human existence. What a contrast to
the results of narcotism! On the one hand, complete
possession of all the powers of the intellect; on the
other, the faculties of the mind, benumbed and
befogged, and even though there be an absence of pain
for a time, when the force of the drug is spent, the
suffering returns increased in power.
We can give no description of the after effects of
Opium, so effective as the following words of
COLERIDGE, who wrote from experience, “Conceive,”
he says, “a poor, miserable wretch, who for many years
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 65
has been attempting to beat off pain by a constant
recurrence to a vice that reproduces it. Conceive a spirit
in hell employed in tracing out for others the road to
that heaven from which his crimes exclude him. In
short, conceive whatever is most wretched, helpless and
hopeless, and you will form as tolerable a notion of my
state as it is possible for a good man to have.”
The advantages that are the natural results for
obeying to our law in treating desperate cases have been
so fully brought out in the letters we have read that it
only remains for us briefly to recapitulate them.
Prominent will be the reduction of the number of so-
called incurable diseases. Dr. Benjamin Rush, a
prominent physician of the old school, has given out this
great truth, “To pronounce a disease incurable is often
to render it so.”
Pure homeopathy never assumes a case incurable,
and until the proper remedy is seen to possess only
palliative powers such case will be found a curable one.
At the present time there is a case of diabetes (usually
called incurable) in this city, progressing to complete
recovery by the use of the indicated remedy only.
To lessen the number of people addicted to the
Opium habit, the chloral habit or the new Cocaine habit
will by the thoughtful be considered a gain to humanity.
An advantage accrues to the physician by this method,
in the confidence which enables him to treat the most
painful disease with the same care he gives painless
ones, knowing he runs no risk of cursing his patient
with a habit that often proves worse than the original
In conclusion, we would like to impress the meaning of
the old maxim, “There is no royal road to success.” The
results of Homeopathy can only be obtained by hard,
persistent work. To the laity we saylay aside your
fears of suffering. The leading men in homeopathy
today are, and have been for years, practicing in
accordance with the discoveries of Hahnemann, and
praising God for their powers to help suffering
humanity even unto death
“Sustained and soothed
By ‘an unalterable law, (thou shall)’ approach thy
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.”
16. Pure Homeopathy, Progressive Homeopathy,
and the True Homeopathician
Daniel W. Clausen, M. D. Member of the
International Hahnemannian Association; Member
of the Central New York Homoeopathic Medical
Read before the Central New York Homoeopathic
Medical Society, at Syracuse, N. Y., June 15th,
(Comments by André Saine See P.no.99 ).
The word Homeopathy has but one literal
signification, but, unfortunately, that signification does
not restrict the word to its legitimate use. It is very much
like the word Christian, which today means quite a
different thing to what it meant when the disciples were
first called Christians at Antioch. Indeed, one can hardly
fail to see the striking similarity between the word
Homeopathy and the parable of the grain of mustard
seed, which, as our Lord said in his comparison,
“Though it be the smallest of all seeds, groweth to a
large tree, so that the fowls of the air come and lodge in
the brunches thereof.”
Homeopathy, the small seed sown in Germany
nearly a century ago is today a large tree; and under the
cover of its branches are illegally lodged a great many
birds of foreign flight, whose feathers, indeed beautiful
in outward appearance, yet retain their tincture hues of
yellow, red, and blue; while the cross-breeds are ad
infinitum; and there is that imperious-looking rooster
that seems to proclaim with every flap of his-wings,
“Liberty of action,” and with every crow, “Freedom of
Even a kid (Kidd)
has been known to climb this
tree, besmearing its tender branches with an
innumerable quantity of his Pilulae capricorni (goat
and disturbing the quietus of the peaceful doves
with his most terrific “bah!”
One “Browne” (Dyce) once hung his clothes on the
tree, and attempting to wish in the sparkling stream that
nourishes the tree, found the water too deep for him,
poor fellow! and so he nearly got drowned, like his
namesake of the firm—“Smith, Brown, Jones and
Robinson”—of ancient story. His full recovery is
But, with all the trespasses of these illegitimate
refugees, besides exposure to frequent showers of hail
(Hale) from the northwest, the tree with all its foliage
bears still the original impress imparted to it by the
germ. Nothing can alter her truthfullness and
faithfulness to nature; nor is even he that hews (Hughes)
able to destroy it with his ax, though he is considered a
power in the field (of pharmacodynamics).
The various meanings applied to the word
Homeopathy today make the title decidedly Hibernian
in character, as Dr. Skinner would say; for it used to
mean: (1) Truth, (2) Error, and (3), what is worse, the
harmonious co-existence of Truth and Error. This is
hardly admissible in an age like the present, when
people profess to be so much wiser than they who lived
in the age of the philosopher's stone.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 66
Consequently, for the sake of distinction, the word
Homeopathy as understood by true homeopathicians,
requires the use of an adjective, which is best met by the
word pure. The adjective “legitimatemay apply simply
to the strict observance of the law of the similars,
without necessarily including in its signification all or
any of the purities that pertain to genuine homeopathic
practice, such as the potency, dose, repetition, and a
thousand other niceties.
Among those who have done most to corrupt the
doctrine of pure homeopathy are, notably, E. M. HALE,
M. D., of Chicago, and Richard HUGHES, M, D., L. H.
C. P., of England, who, concerning the truth, have erred;
whose attempts to convert Homeopathy into eclecticism
and to adorn it with the brass-gold buttons of a
physiological and pathological livery
have by their
respective works ruined a multitude of medical students,
students who started with the honest intention of
studying pure Homeopathy, but have been unfortunately
caught in the snares and delusions of these eclectic and
“pharmacodynamic” teachers.
Pure Homeopathy admits of no such thing as “the
pathological sphere of action” of such or such a remedy.
If we could say such is the pathological sphere of action
of this or that drug, our Materia Medica would lose its
vast comprehensiveness and its study be reduced to
mere child's play. But a remedy is limited to no
“pathological sphere of action;” far from it, the
immense variety of phenomena presented in its
symptomatology renders it applicable to an almost equal
variety of diseases whose respective “spheres of action”
are totally different, and it is applicable in each of these
diseases, just as any of these various phenomena
(symptoms) in the sick furnish indications for its use.
Belladonna is as much homeopathic to some cases
of uterine disease as it was to the old Sydenham
scarlatina. And where is the harmonious link in the
pathology of the two diseases? Do they come within one
“pathological sphere”? are they of one family? Nay;
but if any form of disease never before seen were to
appear, the wide spheres of action of our remediesnot
limited to any special “pathological spheres”would
render them applicable to such disease. Moreover, if a
remedy were limited to any “pathological sphere of
action,” the ever-varying, ever-changing forms of
disease would, in course of time, render the remedy
comparatively, if not altogether, useless; instead of that,
our oldest remedies are the indispensables of today.
Why will professors in “homeopathic” medical
colleges so persistently endeavor to teach that a system
of therapeutics, even of Homeopathy, must be based
upon knowledge of pathological changes? Such
teaching is a departure from the true faith, and is neither
more nor less than going back to the ante-
Hahnemannian ages of darkness and blind ignorance.
A fatal error,” as our much-loved Dr. LIPPE would
Supposing even it were always possible for us to
know what was going on in the hidden interior of man,
this would not help us one mite as regards therapeutics.
Pathological changes and processes are not disease, but
result from disease, i.e., from “a dynamic alteration of
the vital force.” As one, in a certain place, has truly
said: “Living manifestations of disease are exact
expressions of their internal nature, and organic lesions
are consecutive results of the primary morbid activity of
the vital force.” And what do we understand by living
manifestations of disease”? For these we have not to go
to the cadaver, nor do we understand them to be fully
expressed by any visible pathological changes on the
living subject, but they present themselves to us in a
variety of phenomena called symptoms, speaking with
the voice of nature; hence, living manifestations”—
physiologically alivethe expressions of perverted
physiological functions not yet dead—not in the “dead
The consecutive results of the primary morbid
activity of the vital force are only dead manifestations.
Hence it is that we get such excellent and wonderful
results when we apply the dynamizedspiritualized
medicinal agent in harmony with the living
How naturally vast, then, must be the difference
between treatment according to the deductions drawn
from “dead-house pathology,” and that according to the
indications furnished by “living manifestations!” Oh!
what a great and luxuriant tree is this tree of
Homeopathy!a tree whose leaves are for the healing
of the nations; a tree that is not withered by the
influences of autumn nor blighted by the cold blasts of
winter, but has a perpetual existence, being watered
with the refreshing dews of progressive homeopathy
from the hands of those noble veterans whose images
stand depicted in the crystal drops as they lie clustered
on every leaf.
Pathological changes are always preceded by
symptoms of the disease; hence, it is necessary to prove
our remedies only to the extent of eliciting certain
characteristic symptoms, never to the extent of
producing pathological changesa statement that is
substantiated by the fact that the remedies do cure
pathological changes when selected according to
symptomatic indications. I do not believe that Aurum
was proved to the extent of producing caries of the
palatine bones; and, certainly, Belladonna never
produced the scarlatina.
When the late Dr. Carroll DUNHAM cured an
ovarian tumor with Colocynthis 200 D
he did not
select his remedy as one that had ever been known to
produce or to cure that pathological condition; he never
thought of the disease by name; he endeavored to cure
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 67
his patient by considering his patient's constitutional
symptoms; and when the patient was cured the tumor
disappeared, because it could not exist in a healthy
organism. It was on the same principle that
HAHNEMANN once cured a case of fig-warts with
Chamomilla 30 C.
Latter-day Homeopathy would teach to look for the
rubric “fig-warts,” and the prescriber, prescribing, of
course, for the disease (i.e., for the name) and not for
the patient, would be confined to a choice between two
or three remedies, and sofail to cure.
Latter-day Homeopathy teaches to treat “worms” as
a disease, and so to follow the careless routine of
administering anthelminthics to every subject supposed
to be infested with these parasites; and because the
doctor is told that “lots of worms” have been passed he
fondly prides himself in the imagination that his patient
is cured, receiving a full share of commendation from
all the old women who happen to catch a glimpse of the
vessel. But, after all, it may be that these worm-doctors
evince a fair degree of acumen in trying to become
popular among the women; for it is a remarkable fact
that you cannot please certain women better than to
make them believe that you are going to expel from
them a worm, or a snake or a tumor, or some other
imaginary incumbrance.
And right here I am reminded of a case in point,
which occurred at a medical college while I was there
attending a course of lectures. At the gynecological
clinic there came a woman one day suffering from some
uterine disorder, and, in addition to various phases of
nervous mimicry, she fancied that she had a snake
within her. The professor, a fairly keen gentleman, did
not, of course, try to disabuse her of her belief, but
aimed at the uterine trouble, resorting to his usual mode
of treatment, which included the insertion of the
tampon, or plug of cotton, well lubricated with Vaseline
and having a string attached for the purpose of
withdrawal. She did not, however, know what was
being done to her. In a day or two she called at the
doctor's office, and, with concurrent expressions of
great joy and absolute certainty, she exclaimed: “Hah,
hah! Doctor! I've got it! I've got it!” when the doctor, in
his calm self-possession, simply asked, “Got what,
ma'am?” “Why,” said she, “that snake! Now, Doctor, I
told you so; I knew it; and I here it is” (handing him a
neat-looking paper parcel). My readers must not be
surprised to learn that the contents of the parcel proved
to be the same old plug of cotton inserted at the clinic,
which, with the vaseline on it, and the superadded viscid
secretion covering it and the string all over, had, in
truth, much the appearance of a member of the reptilian
fraternity. The doctor, as wise and self-possessed as
ever, said nothing to thwart her gratification, but
allowed her free indulgence in that conceit which is said
to be sometimes as efficacious in curing as it is
frequently in killing.
The true homeopathician on examining a case for
treatment takes into account every symptomobjective
and subjectivenot only such symptoms as seem to be
in immediate connection with the special ailment he is
called upon to treat, but even the most apparently
remotethe entire constitution. He underlines those
which are the most characteristic of the patient's
sufferingthose to which the patient gives most
prominence in relating his or her ailment, and those
which are most noticeable by the physician. Symptoms
that are common to a very large number of remedies,
such as constipation, etc., he does not regard as very
characteristic, except as they may be characterized by
some peculiarity, for instance, “stools crumbling at the
verge of the anus,” “stools which recede after having
been partially expelled,” etc. If the symptoms be equally
divided among two or more remedies, one remedy
having only a part and another remedy the remainder,
preference must be given to that remedy which contains
the most characteristic symptom of the case. If the most
characteristic symptoms seem to be equally divided
among, and equally characteristic of, two or more
remedies, then some other symptoms or symptom
sometimes an apparently very remote or insignificant
onemust be sought for in the pathogenesis of the
respective remedies. This explains the expediency of
taking the totality of the symptoms before deciding on
the choice.
Particular attention should also be paid to the time,
as well as to all the conditions of aggravation and
But as there are no two cases of sickness exactly
alike in their most comprehensive semiology, so it will
neverhardly everbe found that any two medicines
will be exactly alike in their respective full
pathogeneses. There must be one remedy alone whose
symptomatology most closely corresponds to a given
case of sickness at the time of examination, and the
knowledge essential to this discriminationwhich, by
the way, ignores the unjustifiable practice of
alternationis to be gained only by a diligent and
thorough study of the Materia Medica.
The mode of examining the patient for all the
symptoms is of no less importance, as taught in
Hahnemann's Organon of the Healing Artsine qua
After the exhibition of a remedy that is
homeopathic to a given case, it is not uncommon to find
that symptoms in the case which were not observed in
the pathogenesis of the drug also disappear, leaving the
patient well. These latter symptoms are properly
incorporated in our Materia Medica, not only because
they have been cured, but also because of the possibility
of their development in a more extensive drug-proving.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 68
So far it is interesting as well as instructive to closely
watch and verify the actions of our remedies, even our
most extensivelyand bestproven ones; not,
however, with the vain speculations of the Milwaukee
who tried to prove, (or rather to
disprove) the well-authenticated virtues of our orthodox
On the other hand, it frequently happens that when
a homeopathic remedy is applied, other symptoms
which belong to the pathogenesis of the drug arise in the
patient. This is more especially the case when the
remedy has been administered in a high degree of
Guiding symptoms, characteristics, and keynotes
can never be substituted for the materia medica in full;
but they serve the grand purpose of guiding us in the
right direction. Indeed, it is presumable that the learned
veterans who have given us these resumes have
intended them as guides to the study of materia medica
rather than synopses for full decision.
Nor is a Keynote of a remedy limited to any
particular disease or class of diseases, any more than
one Keynote on a musical instrument is limited to one
tune. A Keynote of a medicine may indicate its use in a
vast variety of diseases, just as one musical note may be
the Keynote of a vast number of melodies.
For all these grand truthsso precious to the
homeopathicianwe are indebted not only to the
immortally honorable and honored men who laid the
foundation, constructed, and bequeathed to us the great
temple of Homeopathy, but also to the honored and
faithful men who now live and devote their energies to
the increase of the superstructure, beautifying it,
adorning it, and casting their gifts into the treasury of
the temple. Accordingly, we have a homeopathy that is
progressive (not latter-day Homeopathy; for this term
has reference to a homeopathic temple whose
foundation has been laid in latter days).
Progressive homeopathy has corroborated and
developed some very important facts in relation to
analogy, which offers itself for application, according to
the following aspects:
1. Analogy, by symptoms which in point of
location, character, appearance, conditions, time, and
order, agree with those in the proving.
2. Analogy, by similar pains and sensations,
although occurring in locations different from those
affected in the provers. (Of the many cases proving this
we may cite, as a single illustration, the constrictive,
grasping sensation around the heart, found in Cactus
grandiflorus; which sensation, when felt in other parts
of the body, has been removed by applying the same
remedy after this phase of similarity.)
3. Analogy, by similar appearances of totally
different pathological conditions. (Example: Lac
caninum, a remedy discarded by the ignorant, is useful
in syphilitic ulcers on the penis when there are present
the smooth, shining, and other appearances which
indicate the use of Lac caninum in diphtheria.)
4. Analogy, by conditions which alike influence
totally different symptoms. (Example:
BOENNINGHAUSEN records a case characterized by a
thick coating of mucus which persistently gathered on
the teeth of a patient and became invariably aggravated
every time he shaved; cured by Carbo animalis 30, the
only remedy in whose proving was found that condition
of aggravation, and that, too, in connection with a
totally different symptom. To this might be added many
more examples of analogy by conditions.)
5. Analogy, in regard to time of aggravation and
amelioration. (We all know the value of the morning
aggravations of Nux vomica, the 2 to 4 A.M.
aggravation of Kali carbonicum, the 4 to 8 P.M.
aggravation of Lycopodium, the 5 A.M. “double quick”
of Sulphur, etc.; for experience has taught us that these
times of aggravation and amelioration are often reliable
indications where they govern symptoms in the sick that
are entirely different from the symptoms which furnish
these indications in the proving.)
But in whatever direction we are looking for the
similar remedywhether in the direction of pain, of
location, of time, or of any other aspect of analogywe
must not forget that each of these is but a direction or
guide to the Materia Medica, and that we could no
more expect to harmonize physiological discrepancies,
by depending on a single Keynote without the totality of
symptoms, than we could to harmonize the monotonous
repetitions of any single keynote in music without
playing on the other notes of the scale.
Let us fondly cherish these deductions from pure
and progressive Homeopathy. Let the living great of our
noble art continue to furnish us with their experiences,
and let those of us who are young in the faith be
diligentdiligent not only in learning what we don't yet
know, but also in giving our hearty co-operation to the
senior workers for the furtherance of a Homeopathy that
is pure, unadulterated, and progressive, that we also
may, like them, be in the enjoyment of a rich experience
that shall redound to the glory of
Homeopathy and to the benefit of suffering
For my own part, I may say that my ignorance is
fully realized when I ponder the immensity of
unacquired knowledge. Like NEWTON
“I feel myself playing with shells on the shore.
While the vast ocean lies before me unexplored.”
But we hope never to faint or be weary in the path
of glory and duty; we feel encouraged by the veterans of
our noble cause; we are still listening to the voice of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 69
Samuel HAHNEMANN, who “being dead, yet spoke.”
He, who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Auburn, N. Y., June 5th, 1882.
17. An Unexpected Letter
Received from Dr. AD. LIPPE of Philadelphia, Pa
No. 1204 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Thanksgiving Day, November 30th, 1882
D. W. Clausen, M.D.,
My Dear Sir:
It is late in the dayit is almost past and gone. I
have just read your most excellent paper on Pure
Homeopathy you read at Syracuse June 15th, and I can
no better end this day than by saying:
Thanks to you for the truths you have so plainly
laid before the profession. The great tree from the seed
HAHNEMANN planted is still growing and is now
watered by our former opponents who honestly admit
that, according to their scientific investigations, the
diminution of the material medicinal substances surely
and progressively increases their power to disturb the
feelings and sensations of the animal organism. Modern
science comes to our assistance and confirms the
observations made by that great philosopher,
That other tree planted at Chicago, now in his
thirteenth year, planted when a disloyal mob of
hypocrites shouted themselves hoarse over the
proclamation of “Freedom of Medical Opinion and
Action” had also brought forth its fruits.
It was through the kindness of your ever-loyal
Central New York Homoeopathic Medical Society that I
was enabled to publish any individual protest against
this proclamation in a paper on Liberty of Medical
Opinion and Action. The last rotten fruit that came from
that tree, came in the shape of that infamous last
resolution passed just before the last meeting of the
Institute adjourned. The resolution and its originators
have been severely exposed and punished by some of
the Old Guard;
but the father of it shows in his
lamentably illogical, lame, insolent defense in the
Hahnemannian Monthly, that he feels himself
perfectly secure among his friends, the Institute
The two trees cannot grow up togethercannot
exist together in the same forest; they are antagonistical
plantsas antagonistic as are truth and falsehood.
That “Freedom” tree will be uprooted before long.
The Freedomites are in our school what the Communists
are in the Republic; they will be suppressed.
HAHNEMANN is the father of the Republic in the
Medical Art; the Freedom bird, the Communist, cannot
live among ushe must and will be squelched. You
have given him a severe blowa bit from the shoulder
joint. When I am done with some of our erring brethren
in our own societies, you will find me going again for
the scalp of Richard HUGHES.
Would it not be the correct thing if your Society did
pass some strong resolutions protesting against the
Freedom resolutions passed by the Institute? The
position your Society has expressly taken in your last
resolution touching the consultation-recognition
question, is admirable.
Yours Very Truly,
Ad. Lippe
18. How can a Young Homœopath Practise
Homœopathy and Make a Living?
(Presented before the Ohio State Medical Society,
May 13, 1941)
It was my privilege recently to address the
Cleveland Homœopathic Society on the subject
assigned. “How can a young Homœopath practice
Homœopathy and make a living?” I was asked to
present the same subject before your State Society.
May I take the liberty of modifying and abbreviating
slightly the address presented at Cleveland.
The recording of a complete history, exclusive of a
physical examination, takes more time than the average
patient is able or willing to pay for. The fault is a
general economic one and applies as much to the old
school doctor as to the homœopath. The really sick
patient is so anxious to get well that he is willing to pay
more for better service and “better service is
synonymous with “more time” spent in the study of the
case. The average patient is willing to pay a fee
“nearly” commensurate with the time the doctor spends
on his case.
Patients eventually come to realize that the quick
suppression of a symptom by a palliative is never
lasting. Quite the contrary, the patient will frequently
tell the doctor that most of those who previously had
treated him were able to give but temporary relief
whereas he was looking for a permanent cure.
May I cite a single case illustrative of many others
to show the difference between a brief period of relief
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 70
obtained from a palliative and the more lasting effect of
a bonafide cure:
A woman, aged 40, reported with the history of
Asthma. At the time she was in the throes of a severe
attack. A few years before she had been operated for
sinus disease which afforded her some relief; more
recently she suffered a recurrence of Asthma. The
attacks were relieved by smoking a powder containing
Stramonium and Belladonna. She claimed that nothing
else gave her relief, it however lasted but four hours
when she would need to repeat the treatment. The
powder was potentized in my office up to the 600X, a
single dose of which was administered
intracutaneolusly. Within three minutes the patient
claimed to feel much better. Four minutes later she said
the attack had passed, she then left for home. She
thinks she is cured and has discontinued the use of the
Stramonium and Belladonna powder.
This is not the only case of the kind that has been
benefited by the administration of a desensitizing dose
(infinitesimally small) of the same drug to which the
patient had been sensitized. The sensitization of a
patient to a drug is a drug dyscrasia and must be taken
into account in the treatment of every succeeding
From the economic viewpoint: What is the value of
this service to the patient and what should the doctor
To the patient, the wife and housekeeper of a man
earning fifty dollars a week, the service is worth what it
would cost to hire someone to take care of the house
during her incapacity. This is not readily computable.
It ought not to be less than ten dollars, she was charged
five. The time consumed by the doctor did not cost him
more than five dollars; however, he got many times that
amount of pleasure and satisfaction at the result, with
the family’s gratitude thrown in for good measure. Who
said that the practice of medicine is not a real sport?
Another doctor who, on account of ignorance, may
see the same patient fifty times. As a result the patient
will put a valuation of one hundred dollars on the
service, far out of proportion to its real worth. Patients
rarely judge the value of a doctor’s services from the
actual results obtained. It is more often estimated by the
time spent on the patient, how nice he is to the baby or
by the gentle pat on mother’s shoulder as he leaves the
sick room. His neat appearance and confidential
approach to the patient and family too often count more
than his real ability. If the ambition of a young man is
to make money easy why does he not become a
confidence man in the disguise of a doctor.
Frankly speaking the financial remuneration from
the practice of legitimate medicine compares favourably
with that from the practice of any of the other
professions. If one studies medicine with the sole object
of making a big financial success of it, he is making a
mistake. He had better look elsewhere. As a
humanitarian he would be a failure from the start. Yet
the doctor is entitled to look for sufficient financial
return from the practice of medicine to support his
family, educate his children, take time off to attend
medical meetings, occasional rest periods, time to spare
to improve himself for bigger service and enough left
over to keep himself and family from want when he
reaches the age where he can no longer work. He is
entitled to enjoy social security as much as any other
member of society.
Restating the original question: How can a young
homœopath practice Homœopathy and make a living?
This question would seem to imply that the young
homœopath is like to have more difficulty in making a
living than the young allopath. If that is the implication
then my answer is that it has not yet been proved.
Satisfactory results in the treatment of one patient
prompts that patient to refer another. This is the way
the average practice is built up.
Those physicians who have opportunity to witness
the results of prescribing according to the orthodox
school of medicine and the homœopathic know but one
It has been claimed by a few homœopathic
physicians that the time consumed in the selection of the
similimum is much longer than that required by the
orthodox physician, who has but to give the drug
selected for him by the detail man. In most cases the
primary effect is antipathic (palliative). It acts
“according to the principle of contraria contrariis
curentur.” The primary (palliative) effect of the drug is
followed by a long lasting secondary action manifested
by an aggravation of the symptoms for which the
palliative drug was prescribed. The secondary drug
effect is generally mistaken for an aggravation of the
natural disease which prompts the physician to repeat
the antipathic (palliative) drug. It could hardly be
designated a remedy.
The old school doctor as a rule selects the drug
upon a single symptom. If the patient has two
outstanding symptoms he makes the additional mistake
of prescribing two antipathic drugs.
The difference between Orthodoxy and
Homœopathy was defined in a paper read before the
Homœopathic Laymen’s League of New York City,
Section 57 of the Organon of Medicine: “In order to
carry into practice this antipathic method, the ordinary
physician gives, for a single troublesome symptom from
among the many other symptomsof the disease which he
passes by unheeded, a medicine concerning which it is
known that it produces the exact opposite of the morbid
symptom sought to be subdued, from which he can
expect the speediest (palliative) relief.”
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 71
which appeared in the Journal of the A.I.H., July, 1940:
Quoting therefrom:
ORTHODOXY teaches the prescribing of large
doses of contrary acting drugs from which is obtained a
brief lasting improvement in a single or a few of the
symptoms of the disease (primary action) to be followed
by a long lasting aggravation in the few symptoms for
which the contrary acting (palliative) drug was
prescribed (the secondary effect or reaction).
HOMŒOPATHY teaches the prescribing of small
doses of a similar acting drug from which is obtained a
brief lasting aggravation in many (totality) of the
symptoms of the disease (primary action) to be followed
by a long lasting improvement in the many symptoms
for which the similar acting (curative) drug was
prescribed (the secondary effect or reaction).
The long continued treatment of a disease by large
doses of a palliative drug administered at close intervals
produces a progressively increasing ill effect the patient,
a drug dyscrasia. Let us see what Hahnemann has to
say about this in Sections 74 and 75.
SECTION 74: “Among chronic diseases we must
still, alas! Reckon those so commonly met with,
artificially produced in allopathic treatment by the
prolonged use of violent heroic medicines in large and
increasing doses, etc.”
SECTION 75: “These inroads on human health
effected by the allopathic non-healing art (more
particularly in recent times) are of all chronic diseases
the most deplorable, the most incurable; and I regret to
add that it is apparently impossible to discover or to hit
upon any remedies for their cure when they have
reached any considerable height.”
A teacher in one of our Homœopathic Colleges
recently was heard to remark “when a patient calls on a
doctor it is not advisable to attempt to prescribe a
homœopathic remedy that takes two weeks to help when
the old school doctor can find a remedy that gives relief
within a few minutes.” I questioned this advice to the
young homœopathic doctors and at the time quoted
Section 2 of the 6th Edition of the Organon:
“The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and
permanent restoration of the health, or removal and
annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the
shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on
easily comprehensible principles.”
In more than a dozen places in the Organon,
Hahnemann stresses the prompt and permanent curative
effects of the homœopathic remedy when administered
in the proper small dose. On page 80 in the Introduction
he says in italics “to cure mildly rapidly certainly and
permanently etc.” The Similimum in the sufficiently
small dose brings relief within a few minutes. This
observation is not mine alone but that of most
homœopathic physicians. No opiate works so rapidly
nor so reliably. Besides, the relief that comes from the
administration of an opiate is not the same as that
afforded by the homœopathic remedy. With an opiate
the patient continues to feel his symptoms in spite of his
benumbed state, even during his pseudo-sleep; whereas,
the relief afforded by the homœopathic remedy is
entirely different. It effects improvement not only of
the characteristic but too, of the general symptoms.
Well do I recall the beneficial effects of arsenic
administered in relatively high potency for the relief of
severe pain in the left shoulder due to brachial plexus
neuritis. Just before the arsenic was given the patient
was contemplating suicide; ten minutes after taking
arsenic 30x he felt 80 percent relief from pain, together
with complete disappearance of the suicidal tendency.
His “sense of well being” represents the summation of
relief from all the general symptoms suffered by the
patient, which is just as important a sign of
improvement as the relief from the more specific,
characteristic, symptoms of the disease. Unfortunately,
we cannot prescribe a remedy on general symptoms.
On the other hand, when the patient experiences relief
from these general symptoms following the
administration of a drug prescribed upon the more
characteristic,”peculiar, symptoms so well described
by the Master in Section 153 and 154 of the Organon of
Medicine, it affords confirmatory evidence that the
remedy is the similimum and is positively curative in its
Many homœopathic physicians fear that the remedy
they are about to prescribe may not suit the case and
therefore hesitate to give it, preferring to rely upon a
palliative. This course is unwarranted. In acute
diseases a remedy that covers the symptomatology but
thirty percent will bring prompt relief in thirty percent
of the symptom-pattern of the disease providing it is not
administered in too large a dose or at too frequent
intervals; otherwise, there may be a prolonged
aggravation which can be very misleading at times.
Those of us who have had occasion to look up the
complete symptomatology of a chronic disease have
found that no one remedy will cover the entire
symptom-pattern. The best selected remedy covers but
a part of the symptomatology. Besides, a drug that
seems fairly well indicated for a given disease will
frequently present symptoms foreign to the disease.
Sometimes the very opposite, unhomœopathic, to which
Hahnemann aptly refers as “accessory symptoms.”
What is to be done about the selection of the
homœopathic similimum under the circumstances?
Some impatient tyros will quit in disgust, others will
prescribe the drug that is but thirty percent indicated and
will find the patient benefited and will change the
remedy according to the remaining symptoms after the
effects of the first remedy has done its part, keeping in
mind constantly the peak symptoms. When these are
improved often there follows improvement in the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 72
general symptoms and with it the feeling of “well
being” to which reference has already been made.
A case is recalled that was studied exhaustively at
least ten times in as many years. The patient’s
symptoms were carefully elicited and recorded. The
last history that was taken resulted in the finding of
fifty-one symptoms, some were more characteristic than
others. There was no combination of symptoms upon
which to base a diagnosis except Angina Pectoris and
Diabetes. Examination of the heart by five cardiologists
resulted in five different diagnoses, five different forms
of treatment were advised and five different prognoses
As to the symptomatology of the case, painstaking
repertory study resulted as follows:
1. Psorinum covered about fifty-five percent of the
2. Nux moschata covered about fifty percent.
3. Natrum muriaticum covered fifty percent.
4. Lachesis covered forty percent.
5. Arsenic covered forty percent.
6. Argentum nitricum covered thirty-five percent.
A few other remedies, including Aurum metallicum,
Crataegus, Nux vomica, each covered less than twenty
By adding these percentages together we get 300
plus, which is more than 200 percent above a possible
total of 100 percent. The 200 percent excess above the
100 percent is due to the overlapping of symptoms of
the different drugs, for instance, Arsenic and Lachesis,
overlapped fifteen percent, Arsenic and Aurum
overlapped even more in fact there was more or less
overlapping of the symptomatology of all nine
If the symptoms of two remedies overlap fifteen
percent, this overlapping will cause sufficient
interference to block the curative effect of that part of
the total clinical picture corresponding to the
overlapping. For this reason it would be safer to
administer but one remedy. Either one would act more
favourably than the simultaneous administration of
both. If the overlapping symptoms are of a peculiar
(characteristic) kind it is more serious than if the
symptoms are more general, like headache, lassitude,
malaise, slight rise of temperature, etc. In any case the
prescribing of two remedies simultaneously is not
approved by HAHNEMANN or his followers. The
interference of two similar acting drugs which act to
prevent either from helping is well known. What
happens when nine remedies are given at once can only
be surmised. On the other hand, if any single one of
these nine remedies were to be administered at one time
an appreciable amount of benefit is sure to follow. Let
us see what Hahnemann has to say regarding this
question. Quoting Section 273:
“In no case under treatment is it necessary and
therefore not permissible to administer to a patient more
than one, single, simple medicinal substance at one
time. It is inconceivable how the slightest doubt could
exist as to whether it was more consistent with nature
and more rational to prescribe a single, simple, medicine
at one time in a disease or a mixture of several
differently acting drugs. It is absolutely not allowed in
Homœopathy, the one true, simple and natural art of
healing, to give the patient at one time two different
medicinal substances.”
In a patient who has fifty-one clear cut symptoms
any one remedy that covers but twenty percent of them
will definitely benefit that patient. Another remedy that
covers forty percent will benefit the patient not twice as
intensively but twice as extensively. Before the patient
can be one hundred percent cured, particularly if he is
burdened by a chronic ailment, he may need to be
treated with all nine of the remedies listed but not at one
time. On account of the overlapping of drug symptoms
it is possible that he may be helped materially or
clinically cured by five of the nine remedies if
administered judicially. After the beneficial effects of
the first remedy prescribed, the one that appeared in the
beginning to be the second best selection may have been
partially covered by the first remedy so that upon a
careful rechecking of the symptomatology an entirely
different remedy may prove to be the one more
homœopathically indicated.
Hahnemann not only condemns the simultaneous
administration of two or more remedies but also the
alternation of two remedies at close intervals. On the
other hand he does not condemn the use of two or more
remedies at wide intervals, for instance, if a patient is
carrying a latent syphilitic infection alone he may be
benefited or even cured by mercury, whereas if he is
carrying a latent syphilitic infection plus latent
tuberculosis, after the mercury has completed its
beneficial effect upon the syphilitic infection it is well
to follow with another remedy aimed at the tuberculous
infection, for instance, Phosphorous or Silica when the
patient experiences additional improvement, even,
reaching so far as to help clear up the latent syphilitic
manifestations which the antisyphilitic remedy was
unable to accomplish alone.
In prescribing a remedy homœopathically fear not
that it will fail to work beneficially even though the
remedy appears to be indicated but thirty percent;
provided of course that this thirty percent is not made up
entirely of general, (less important) symptoms.
1. The practice of medicine is not to be considered as
a financially remunerative occupation. Any one
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 73
desirous of financial success should look not to
medicine but elsewhere.
2. Those doctors who have been the biggest successes
financially have as a rule not been the most
successful in helping the sick to get well.
3. It is just as possible for the young homœopath to
make a decent living as the young allopath.
4. The gratitude of patients toward their physician is
not always proportionate to the services rendered.
If it were the homœopath should receive a larger
share than the old school physician.
5. Not all homœopaths, so-called, practice
Homœopathy nor understand more than a small part
of it. Not even Hahnemann knew it all but he did
know a lot more than the best of us.
6. Relief of symptoms are just as promptly attained
with the homœopathic remedy as with a palliative
one and surely lasts longer.
7. Homœopathy and allopathy are not the same,
except for the size of the dose of medicine used, as
some apologist put it. They are the very antitheses
of one another.
8. Allopathy is the dominant school of medicine today
only because of the centuries of handicap it has had
over Homœopathy but Homœopathy will overcome
this handicap and sooner or later become
- The Journal of the American Institute
of Homœopathy, August 1941.
19. Cicuta in Epilepsy and Mental Deficiency of
Twenty years standing
(Homœopathic Heritage, 4, 3/1979)
CHARLOTTE E., 23 years old. First seen in 1909.
History---At years old had a fall on head. In bed
four months, “unconscious and blind”. On recovery,
had a big pustular rash all over head, cured with
Epileptic fits ever since, with enuresis. Whole
body violently convulsed. Sleeps after the fits,
sometimes all day.
May have 20-30 fits in one night. May go 14 days
without fits, then fits every night for a week.
Very intelligent before the fall (at years old).
(Evidently this was no mental deficiency of the
developmental type.)
Just like a baby now, at 23.
Cannot wash or dress herself, but can feed herself
now. If asked whether she wants food, says “No.”----
then eats it, if set before her.
Can never be left alone.
For the (a) violence of the convulsions---
(b) pustular rash---
And for (c) “after-effects of blows on the head,” she got
Cicuta 200.
The effect was amazing; it was a revelation! Three
weeks later, the report was----
Much better. Fewer fits, and less violent. No
struggling. Much more intelligent.
Remembers things now!
Remembers, as she has not done since babyhood.
Washed and dressed herself to-day for the first
time in her life.
In five weeks
Better. Goes upstairs to fetch things for her mother.
Fits, “nothing near so bad.” Only six fits since here
… (used to have 20-30 in a night!).
Talks more. Actually talks about things.
Dressed herself to come up to hospital.
Understands and remembers.
Mother says, “It doesn’t seem true that she can talk
to them, and say sensible things,” as she does now.
Some fester spots have come out on her face.
The girl talks to me. Tells me that “She likes to go
and see the girls doing needle-work”. Shows me the
pennies that they have given her.
Mother says, “She couldn’t trust her to do anything
for herself; can now!”
In two months----
Very much better. Only two slight fits.
Memory improving.
Enjoys coming up here. She positively asked her
mother not to forget her hospital card!
Helps herself at meals now. Cuts bread.
Again, spots on face.
In three months
Still rapid improvement in intelligence.
Remembers that she had forgotten to bring me
Two slight fits. In five months-----
No fits at all.
Can make beds, and do cleaning. Sews on buttons.
In six months---
Has been ill with bad cold; doctor called it Pleurisy;
and one severe fit. Cicuta 200 (for the second time in
six months).
In seven months---
Am told that this medicine (like the first) produced
an aggravation, She was dreadful for two days, and took
no notice of anyone. Much better since. Does
housework. Loves needle-work.
In eight months---
No fit, till she burnt her hand. She was taking a
kettle off the fire with paper for a kettle-holder. It flared
up and burnt her hand. She screamed with the pain.
Three fits, not severe, the next day.
She is very useful in the house.
She talks to me a lot to-day.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 74
In eleven months
Getting on tremendously. Does needle-work.
Goes out and buys vegetables.
One slight attack. Cicuta 200 for the third time.
In twelve months
One slight attack.
In fourteen months---
Better than ever before. No fits at all.
Tells me a long yarn about her sister.
Originates conversations.
After wringing the clothes, and hanging them up to
dry, said, “Now I am dead tired. I’m going to bed.
Mother doesn’t want me to, but my nerves are going
like that, and I’m dead tired!”
In seventeen months--- Understands that her teacher
is dead. Said “She’s gone, and we shall not see her any
more.” Never mentioned her again.
In nineteen months
Mother wrote up, “Ill, and ten fits.” Sent Cicuta
Two years later---
Several rather bad fits. Cicuta 200.
Three years later
Had been ill with ‘flu; ten bad fits one night.
Otherwise well. Washes up. Cleans the doorstep. Goes
shopping. Cicuta 200.
Then for some six months---No fits.
After four years---
Speaks in proverbs now! What is it. Mother,
when your nose itches like this?”
In five years
Mends her clothes. Does all the mangling and
hangs the clothes out. Remembers where she has put
Has been seen since, at very long intervals. It was a
pleasing and illuminating case. Excitement or sickness
may bring on an attack. But a girl of 23, with less than
the mentality of a baby, unable to say when she wanted
food, let alone to wash or dress herself, was quickly
transformed into a useful and fairly intelligent member
of society by a very few doses of Cicuta, in the 200
20. Homœopathic Treatment of Pulmonary
MUNCH (HH. 1, 11/1976)
Calcarea carbonica 6 to 30: when T.B. threatens at
puberty in doughy patients with general and local
perspirations; wet, cold feet, aggravation from cold.
Calcarea phosphorica 3 to 6 in lean people with
sunken abdomen, anemic complexion, open fontanels.
First stage:
Calcarea iodata: T.B. with hypertrophy of glands
and mucous membrane, but patient is lean; the cough is
dry, hoarse, tickling; hoarseness; fears suffocation,
especially when lying down.
Ferrum metallicum dec. 3 and Ferrum
phosphoricum dec. 6 are indicated in young persons
with irritable circulation, congestions to head and chest,
palpitation, inclination to hemorrhage; anemic
complexion. The first and second stage often demand
Arsenicum iodatum 4 to 6, which combines the action of
Arsenicum (prominent in destructive and catarrhal
processes, marasmus) with Iodum (a strong resorptive,
emaciation in spite of bulimia and eating heartily). We
find those patients with pale faces, general weakness,
erethism; the cough is short, hacking with tenacious
yellow-green, acrid, purulent expectoration; burning and
heat in chest; breath short, palpitation with anxiety;
fever evenings; night sweat; thirst.
Iodum 3 to 6 in first stage when infiltration begins
in tall, lean, young patients. Special indication is
bulimia better from eating and yet emaciation; heat
aggravates all symptoms, cold relieves; the cough is dry
and irritating with difficult expectoration of tenacious
mucus. Irritable disposition with sadness; catarrh of
upper air passages with hectic fever. Patients have dark
hair and dark eyes.
Phelandrium aquaticum 4 to 6: profuse, difficult,
fetid expectoration, especially nights.
Sanguinaria: Phthisis florida, hectic fever, flushed
cheeks; very little, difficult, fetid expectoration, or
profuse, easy, sharp stitches in upper chest.
Phosphorus: Habitus phthisicus (blonds grown tall
quickly), hectic redness, fever increasing; inclination to
hemorrhages and suppuration in lungs with scanty
expectoration. Dry cough, often hoarse. Hoarseness
worse evenings.
Pulsatilla 6 to 30. T.B. of males with catarrhal
colds, of general Pulsatilla symptoms; weepy
disposition, symptoms worse evenings, better from
exercise in open cold air; pale face; mild mucus
expectoration; thirstless.
Stannum 4 to 6 and Stannum iodatum: general
weakness, especially in chest; phthisis of larynx with
tickling cough worse nights and from exertion;
expectoration sweetish, profuse, sometimes salty, or
thick, lemon-yellow; profuse night sweats especially in
early morning; dyspnoea; hectic fever about 10 A.M.;
chills, dry heat evening; phthisis pulmon, especially in
older people; depressed disposition and weepy.
Second Stage:
Increased infiltration and beginning destruction.
Bryonia in first and second stage; result of colds
and anger, aggravation from motion, better from lying
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 75
on the painful side and from hard pressure to diseased
part, rest and warmth. All mucous membranes are dry;
tenacious expectoration; intense thirst (large quantities);
stitching pains, sour smelling night sweats; fever
evenings and at night; irritable, angry disposition;
obstipation; pleura effected. Further remedies indicated
in this stage are: Arsenicum iodatum dec. 4; Bryonia
dec. 4; Sanguinaria dec. 3; Phellandrium dec. 6;
Teucrium scorodonia dec. 1 to 3: (fever, emaciation,
profuse yellow-green sputum, tuberculosis of glands,
joints and bones).
Purulent stage:
Hepar sulphur calcarea 3 to 6: purulent sputum,
sensitive to cold, hectic fever with much perspiring.
Mercurius dec. 4: Perspiration, purulent sputum,
inclination to diarrhea.
Kali bichromicum dec. 6: T.B. of larynx, formation
of ulcers.
Third Stage (Caverns):
Kreosotum dec.4: inclination to hemoptysis with
severe cough and pain deep in chest; acrid, tenacious
sputum, very fetid.
Acidum nitricum 3 to 5: sputum purulent and
bloody; splinter pain in larynx and chest; night sweats;
early morning diarrhea; face yellow, sunken.
Carbo vegetabilis and animalis: hoarse evenings;
hollow, hard cough with retching and fetid breath.
Calcarea carbonica dec. 2 and 4 and Silicea dec. 3
to 6 for caverns.
Lachesis 8 and Elaps 8 in septic conditions.
China 2 to 3, Chininum arsenicosum 4 to 5 and
Abrotanum tincture to dec. 1 when weakness and
emaciation predominate.
Cactus grandiflorus, Crataegus, Aurum
muriaticum, Digitalis purpurea, Aconitum, Naja
tripudianse are heart remedies in threatening
hemoptysis during T.B.
Sambucus 3, Jaborandi 2, Saliva officinalis 1 to 2
in night sweats.
Agaricus muscarius, Ferrum phos., Chin. Sulph.,
Arsenicum and Baptisia in high fevers.
[Courtesy: The Pacific Coast Journal of Homœopathy,
January, 1936].
FISHER, A.L. (HH. II, 1/1977)
Bloating: About the first that I remember about the
therapeutics of Colchicum dates back to 1869 or 1870,
when Dr. HERING lectured on this remedy in the
Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia.
In the course of that lecture he stated that if cattle
after eating clover in the spring time got enormously
bloated, there was no need to stick a knife into the
paunch to let out the gas, as a few dose of Colchicum
would always give relief.
In my childlike simplicity I believed what he told
us, and sent a two dram vial of Colchicum 3x dilution to
a farmer brother, with instruction to put 5 two drops of
it into the beast’s mouth. It is now nearly forty years
since the remedy was sent, and the sharp, double-edged
knife formerly used to let the gas escape has not been
resorted to since then, but the Colchicum has been used
successfully in scores of such cases in that
neighbourhood. And, by the way, that vial of the third
dilution is not empty yet, having been refilled with
alcohol whenever contents were getting low, many
Strangulated Hernia
The next case in which this medicine was used with
exceedingly gratifying results on my prescription was
many years later, when I received a telegram calling me
in haste to see this same farmer brother, fifty miles
away. Arriving at his bedside at midnight, I found him
in truly a sorry condition. An old inguinal hernia had
become strangulated, and all efforts of his attending
physician to reduce it had failed. Abdomen enormously
distended, constant hiccoughing for twenty-four hours,
stomach and abdomen extremely sensitive to palpation.
There was a profuse flow of saliva or mucus, and his
facial expression, as would be expected under such
circumstances, was indicative of great suffering and a
serious condition. His medical attendant had left him a
few hours before I arrived, and had said that his patient
would never see another sunrise.
As I gave him the first dose, I said, “Take a few
doses of Colchicum, old boy, and get well.”
Between hiccoughs he managed to say, “I haven’t
been eating clover, Doc. Hiccoughs ceased in twenty
minutes; within an hour and a half his bowels moved
freely several times; the bloating went down rapidly,
and he reduced his hernia himself easily. The movement
of bowels later became involuntary, though not without
his knowledge, and a dose of Hyoscyamus was given.
By sunrise he was fully convalescent, and the prognosis
of his former physician falsified.
Relief In a Cancer Case
Some years later I was called in consultation with a
regular. Patient ill with cancer of the stomach diagnosis
confirmed by autopsy. No thought of curative treatment
was entertained by friends who called me, but relief of a
distressing hiccoughing was desired. Here the
hiccoughing was accompanied by a loathing of food,
even the smell of it was nauseating. When I suggested
Colchicum as a probable remedy, the attending
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 76
physician said, “I use Colchicum for gout and
rheumatism, but I don’t see how it can stop the
hiccoughing; however, as my best efforts for two or
three days have done no good, we will try it. How will
we give it?” He had the Wine of Colchicum and I
suggested adding five drops of it to two ounces of
water, and to give a teaspoonful of this every half hour.
Two days later I met him. He said, “The
hiccoughing ceased promptly, but I cannot see how the
Colchicum could do it.” He does not know yet, and
never will till he studies drugs in the proper way and
then applies them properly.
In a Neurasthenic Case
Here is another one, as recent as March 8th, 1909.
Wife of Rev. M.B.--, has been getting worse steadily for
ten years. Until now for some time under the treatment
of a specialist and a learned one, too, but friends urged
her to try me. She was a neurasthenic with about all the
symptoms peculiar to this affection, including mucous
colitis with its accompanying colicky pains and
abdominal tenesmus, anorexia and hyperchlorhydria.
The loss of appetite extended to loathing of food, and
for a day or two recently the smell of food was
unpleasant. The gelatinous, shreddy stools with great
relief after passing them brought Colchicum to mind,
and a few doses initiated the improvement, which went
on to complete cure, so that after a few weeks she did
not need any more Placebo, and remains well to-day,
December 1st, 1909.
So thoroughly ingrained were these people against
Homœopathy that they say had they known I was a
homœopath they would never have called me. Now
they often send me patients. Her former physician had
put her on a rigid diet for the excessive acidity, and had
prescribed various medicated enemata for the mucous
colitis and plenty of medicine. My instructions as to
diet were simple. Eat such food as experience has
taught you agrees the best. No adjuvants whatever
were prescribed nor allowed. It was surely not a faith
cure, as the family were not only without faith in
Homœopathy, but were bitterly opposed to even a trial
of it.
[Courtesy: The Homœopathic World, June 1, 1910].
(Read before the Homœopathic Medical Society,
State of Pennylvania, Scranton, September, 1897).
BAYLEY, D. Weston (HH. II, 3/1977)
One of the problems frequent in hospital work and
occasional in private practice is the finding of a patient
unconscious, with or without an injury, and often with
no obtainable history, or with but scant information
inadequate for diagnostic purposes. It is therefore of
importance for us to have fixed in our minds certain
diagnostic principles which can be promptly and
methodically applied for the early interpretation of such
The factors are sometimes simple and a correct
conclusion is easily reached; sometimes multiple, and a
diagnosis is difficult or impossible. The more difficult
cases are usually those in which, in addition to
unconsciousness, there is also a tramatism, and in these
cases the vital question is Did the trauma cause the
unconsciousness, or did a primary unconsciousness
cause a fall, with injury resulting therefrom? A
correct solution of this problem is frequently the means
of saving life. It is clearly the first step to get every
detail and circumstance obtainable often the slightest
clue will serve in differentiation. The extent and
character of the wounding may throw some light on the
problem, but this cannot offer more than presumptive
evidence. The presence or absence of paralysis or
convulsion, the state of the reflexes, the condition of the
pupils, the odor of the breath, the character of the urine,
the temperature, the depth of the unconsciousness, the
condition of the tongue (as to recent cuts and old scars),
and the condition of the heart and arteries should be
immediately noted, as it is by a proper consideration of
these objective conditions that a diagnosis is to be
I say proper consideration because some of the
evidence may be fallacious and misleading. For
instance, the detection of an alcoholic odor may not
mean alcoholism, because the drink may have been a
coincidence, or else given as a remedial measure for
some graver condition. Albuminuria does not
necessarily imply uraemic coma, because Bright’s
disease is often coincident with cerebral haemorrhage;
contracted pupils do not infallibly point to the coma of
Opium, for we often find such pupils in uraemia and
other irritative brain conditions. Thus it is clear that the
information derived from a consideration of but one
symptomatic feature is only relative in value, and that
consideration must be given collectively to all of the
conditions which have just been mentioned. As a type
of the difficulties referred to, I condense the record of
the following case:
Unknown man, about 65 years, brought in
unconscious by patrol; an empty three-ounce laudanum-
bottle in his pocket, and a contused wound of his left
eyebrow; could be partially aroused, but his talk was
incoherent and he immediately lapsed into stupor. Had
this been all, the question would have rested between
opium stupor and traumatic brain affection, without
localizing symptoms. Perhaps we would also have
considered post epileptic coma, meningitis, the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 77
apoplectiform signs of chronic insanity, and uraemic or
diabetic coma. But he had a left-sided hemiplegia.
This symptom aided in excluding some of the above-
mentioned affections. Had he been poisoned by
laudanum? Because of the circumstance of the empty
bottle his stomach had been promptly emptied, without
result. There was no odor of opium; the pupils were
only moderately contracted. His wife, coming in
opportunely, stated that he had been an opium habitué,
and that he had emptied the bottle two days before
admission of the hospital, and that the doses were no
larger than he customarily took. At any rate, opium
does not cause a hemiplegia, and even without the
wife’s explanation we would have looked elsewhere for
an interpretation of this symptom, and that elsewhere
would be his injury.
That the hemiplegia was not an old one we knew by
the absence of rigidity and the fact that the knee-jerk on
that side was not increased; also by the appearance of
his shoes, which were equally worn. Now, did he by
falling fracture his skull or induce a meningeal
haemorrhage? Or has this been a deep cerebral
haemorrhage, with a consequent fall and head injury?
Or has the contre coup of a fall caused a haemorrhage
in or near the internal capsule? The process of
reasoning in this case was:
I. If the haemorrhage is cortical from head injury the
lesion must be large enough to take in the entire
Rolandic region, because of the distribution of the
II. Such an immense lesion would cause very stormy
brain symptoms, deeper coma and more convulsive
phenomena than the patient presented.
III. Is it not probable that there was some reason for his
use of laudanum? Was it not most likely for relief
of the headache of some vascular disease which is
apt to terminate in cerebral haemorrhage?
From the general facts here briefly stated it was
believed that this man had a haemorrhage in the right
internal capsule, and that in falling he cut his scalp. A
post-mortem verified this opinion.
Opium cases are comparatively common. When in
coma they are completely relaxed, usually with snoring
respiration, and pupils conspicuously small. In this state
the patient usually presents a ghastly pallor. These
finely contracted pupils are usually regarded as
characteristic, but I have observed an equal degree of
myosis in two cases of uraemic coma. Such papillary
contraction also is present in haemorrhage into the pons,
but this is usually rapidly fatal.
Patients are found comatose after having had a
perhaps unobserved fit, and the diagnosis in this post-
epileptic coma is not always as easy as it would appear.
We may obtain evidence of convulsions by finding a
scarred tongue. The color of the face, which is regarded
as pathognomonic by some, is not to be relied upon.
The coma of uraemia, in the absence of history, can
be excluded by urinalysis. But the converse does not
hold good, for the presence of albumin and casts is
clinically not oftener present in uraemia than in brain
haemorrhage. The two conditions can usually be
differentiated, however, by the age, the pallor, the pulse
(usually rapid in uraemia, slow in hemorrhage), perhaps
the difference in the degree of unconsciousness. In
some we can detect in the breath what is called a
“uraemic odor,” which is considered diagnostic.
The apoplectiform attacks of paralytic dementia
closely simulate cerebral haemorrhage. In the several
cases seen by the writer a differentiation would have
been impossible without history or autopsy.
The coma of thermic fever is usually profound.
Breathing is apt to be rapid and shallow, with a
tumultuous heart-beat. Most cases seen by the writer
have had alcoholic breaths. The temperature is always
elevated, 110° being not uncommon.
In one instance, in July 1896, an axillary
temperature registered 111°, and a case seen about the
same time presented a rectal temperature of 112°.
These temperatures were estimated by gauging the
distance which the column of mercury rose above 110°,
the highest marking on an ordinary thermometer. Both
cases recovered.
The presence of sugar in the urine invites a
suspicion of diabetic coma. In this there is a peculiar
odor from the mouth which is described as “fruity.”
Von Jaksch believes this coma to result from the
presence of diabetic acid, and not to be diabetic at all in
its etiology.
The coma of Meningitis is usually the forerunner of
death. In this there is a slow pulse, in contrast with a
rise in temperature. Often a retracted abdomen,
twitching, rigidity of neck muscles, pupils contracted or
dilated, strabismus.
Lastly, we have the perplexities of a common
drunk, which are often by no means easy to unravel.
The fact that liquor is given and taken as a universal
panacea diminishes the significance of its detection on
the breath or in the stomach. These cases often fall, and
are cut and bruised about the head. Delirium tremens is
frequently diagnosed off-hand, when another of the
conditions already reviewed is present, masked,
perhaps, by drink. Alcoholic coma is often very deep,
and its diagnosis should never be left, as is usually done,
to the primitive skill of the police. The stimulus of the
faradic current is an aid in the diagnosis of alcoholic
[Courtesy: The Hahnemannian Monthly, February
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23. The Spirit of Homœopathic Medicines
(AJHM. 103, 3/2010)
HAHNEMANN said there are two treasures in life:
good health and a clear conscience.
Homœopathy provides the first, Love of God, and
neighbor provide the second.
What is good health?
In Hahnemann’s Organon we read that when we
are in good health an energetic balance is prevalent in
our body which promotes the correct function of our
organs. The spirit which animates the body permits us
to reach the highest purpose of our existence.
What is disease?
Disease is the consequence of a rupture of the
energetic balance. For example, look at the Greek
mythological story of Danaїd’s Barrel: all but one of the
fifty daughters of the king of Argos Danaё killed their
husbands the night of their wedding. As a consequence
they were condemned to an eternity of trying to fill an
ever-leaking barrel with water carried in sieves.
- The barrel represents the body
- The water our energy
- The holes the unresolved problems of our
Symptomatic ways of healing represent
continuously filling the barrel. Curative medicines
plug the holes.
The Titanic sank because of the iceberg. Our
psyche is like an iceberg. Consciousness is the visible
part; unconsciousness is under the sea, invisible,
crowded with our internal animals instinctive forces
within the unconscious. Man will often, habitually
refuse to examine and identify these forces.
China: the first pathogenesis made by
The first pathogenesis made by HAHNEMANN is
a good example of this point of view: it showed fatigue
from anemia by blood loss or from loss of fluid by
prolonged diarrhea. Michael ZALA from France
studied this remedy and offered the following image: “a
tree which has lost its bark.” The consequence is an
escape of energy. In fact China is extracted from the
bark of a Peruvian tree. The mental symptoms of China
in the pathogenesis showed a great fear of animals.
Why? The person needing China is afraid to look under
the ‘bark’ of his consciousness at the animals living in
his unconscious: it reflects the fear of his internal
This dynamic could apply, for example, in the case
of someone who refuses to do psychoanalysis and is
always tired, because of the holes in his Danїd’s barrel
which he cannot plug. After taking this remedy he
should be able to undertake psychoanalysis and
consequently better understand his own unconscious
motives and more completely integrate his true spirit.
The Minotaur and the Labyrinth
The unconscious is like the labyrinth of Greek
mythology. THESEUS is the man who went into the
labyrinth and killed the minotaur. Similar symbolism
can be found in the bullfight: a man in a luminous
costume (= a man who has the Knowledge) kills the bull
(= says “no” to his interior animals). To get out of the
labyrinth, THESEUS needed ARIADNE’s Thread
[Refers to a ball of thread given to THESUS by
ARIADNE, who fell in love with THESEUS, which,
after unrolling as he proceeded through the labyrinth to
kill the Minotaur, enabled him to find his way back out.
“Ariadne’s Thread is the term used to describe the
solving of a problem with multiple apparent means of
proceeding such as a physical maze, a logic puzzle, or
an ethical dilemma through an exhaustive application
of logic to all available routes.” Wikipedia]
The moral of the story is that Love is necessary to
get out of the labyrinth.
The Three Qualities of Love
Like white light which can be split into three basic
constituent colors blue, red, yellow Love consists of
three dimensions:
The first dimension of love is the infinite love
provided to the baby in the womb of his mother who is a
godly being. The baby is in an egotistical position:
everything comes to him; he doesn’t have to do
anything. The mother provides everything for him. In
this position, we say “I.” It is a self-centred existence.
The second dimension, in the middle of life, is love
in a circle: your husband, the children, your society.
Altruism is for all the people in the circle, but Hell is
always possible: “We are Serbian; you are Croat!” and
so on….
The third dimension is the cosmic love for
everybody: the centrifugal radiance of altruistic love.
There is a play on words in French between ‘Dieu’–
God, and ‘dit eux’ them. In this dimension, we say
“Them.” Christ said, “I am the light of the world,” and,
“I am one, but I am three,” because he had the three
dimensions of love within him.
It is the purpose of everyone to be in the three
dimensions of love, in the white light, in knowledge.
The Correspondence Between the Three Dimensions
of Love, the Three Hahnemannian Miasms, the
Three Psychoanalytic Levels Described by Freud,
and the Symbolism of the Human Body
In the first position, the egotistical one, we say “I”.
it corresponds to the Oral stage of Freud, the Psora of
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 79
HAHNEMANN, Eros of the Greeks. It is the condition
of the fetus in the womb of its mother and the first
eighteen months of the baby’s life. After birth there is a
fear of deprivation, fear of suffering from cold, hunger,
and lack of Oxygen when there is difficulty breathing.
The pleasure is to be caressed and to eat. The organic
correspondences are the feet, intestines, heart, mouth
and nose. The typical diseases linked with this state are
allergic conditions (in the womb we were protected
against the exterior), respiratory diseases (e.g., Asthma),
digestive diseases, dermatological problems (eczema,
psoriasis). At six months the child is teething, and a
fear of being devoured appears: it is the Sadean oral
state. In the world a lot of people live in the oral state,
especially in poor, undeveloped countries, where there
is much suffering from diarrhea, tuberculosis, leprosy.
The second position, we say “We.” It corresponds
to the Anal stage of Freud, the Sycosis of
HAHNEMANN, and Philos of the Greeks. The child
after the eighteen month escapes the influence of the
mother and is attracted to the father who teaches him the
limits necessary to live in society: being clean,
controlling the sphincter, speaking for communication.
We have to say: ‘No.’ no and “nom” name. “In
the name of the father” implies within the limits learned
from the father. We have to renounce the unlimited
period of the oral stage. People refusing to say “no,” to
avoid conflict and to remain in fusional love, will be
invaded by cells without name cancerous cells.
Money problems and secret, exclusive clubs are linked
with this state, which ends in the Sadean anal state. In
our rich society, with the importance of money, this
state is predominant. The biggest companies try to
impose their unique ways of thinking on mankind.
Physical symptoms corresponding to this stage include:
timorous conditions, excess of weight,
hypercholesterolemia, etc. Symbolic correspondences
with the human body are the knee, the kidneys, the
heart, the ears.
The third position, we say “Us.” It corresponds to
Freud’s Oedipus Complex, Hahnemann’s Syphilis, and
the Greek concept of Agape. After the age of three or
four, the child discovers the relationship that exists
between his father and his mother. Jealously results,
with the impulse to kill the father and return to the
mother’s love. The central homœopathic remedy is
Lachesis. When he is seven years old, the child escapes
from this state after a mystical experience in which he
renounces the urge to kill somebody and choses instead
to love everybody. The organic correspondences are the
femur bone the hips (Jacob fought all night with an
angel his interior animals and became victorious at
the price of a hip injury), the groin, the liver, and the
eyes. In society, people rising to this state are in the
process of becoming “universal friends.”
Unresolved Psychological Conflicts Create Our
In the beginning was the word, and the word
became flesh.”
This Biblical sentence explains the somatization of
our unconscious conflicts. In French there is a play on
words between “mot” and “maux” (word and diseases).
If you cannot say the word, you will suffer from disease.
What you fail to affirm makes you infirm. Our dis-ease
becomes disease.
The Three Levels of Our Unconscious Explain the
Exception to Individualization
The collective unconscious: it is the level of the
third dimension of love; the same remedy covers lots of
people in societies experiencing epidemic conditions or
collective intoxications. For example, in France now
every baby ingests daily large doses of Calcium flourica
is materialism and fear of poverty, which is typical in
our advanced society. (This is an example only; clearly
current materialistic trends cannot be definitively linked
to the introduction of Calcium fluoride.)
The family unconscious: This level explains family
history; the same remedy applies to several people of
the same family. We are confronted with inherited
family problems.
The individual unconscious: It is our own history,
our own way of living. The remedy needs to be
carefully determined by individual factors, and
specifically tailored accordingly.
The Different Ways to Cure a Patient from
Psychoanalysis to Allopathy through Homeopathy
When the word strikes our ear (the level of
psychoanalysis), the nervous influx brings information
to the brain’s cortex. There are neurotransmitters
carrying the information from cell to cell: chemical
substances similar to those found in nature, such as
Opium, for example. After the first connection (the
level of the similimum in Unicist Homœopathy) this
information is transmitted to several points (the level
reached by pluralist Homœopathy), and finally to the
peripheral organs of our body (the level for
complexism, phytotherapy, allopathy).
Homœopathy is a bridge which offers a link
between the two parallel worlds: psychoanalysis and
allopathic medicine.
Marc BRUNSON, a Belgian homœopath, says that
our Materia Medica is like a pile of bricks: if you
understand the spirit of the remedy, you will see the
castle. You can also “speak the remedy” for a rapid
psychoanalysis and a fundamental cure.
For example, a young mother, happy with her
child’s cure, decided to consult one of my colleagues for
a gynecological problem. He decided to give her
Kreosotum. After taking this remedy, she read in my
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 80
book that this remedy was linked with the fear of rape.
Instantly she remembered the day, when she was 10
years old, when her uncle raped her; all this had been
forgotten, and the price she had paid for losing this
memory was a lack of energy.
The Spirit of Some Remedies Linked with Death and
Death and grief problems are very important causes
of holes in our Danald’s barrel. WOODY ALLEN said,
“As long as a man knows he is mortal, he will not be
able to relax.” The solution is to know that life
continues after death, but that is another problem.
Arsenicum album: the Fear of the Death of the Body
Arsenicum album, the white metal, is suitable for
people who don’t think there is anything after life: they
cling to material things; they don’t want to lose
Life is possible with a certain degree of molecular
- If it is too great, it is the death by fire, burning:
Arsenicum in acute cases.
- If it is too little, it is death by freezing:
Arsenicum in acute cases.
Example An acute case of Otitis media in a girl
about six years old. I saw her in the morning after a
very restless night with high fever. In the morning she
displayed prostration alternating with restlessness and
frequent thirst for small quantities of water. The mother
was very anxious, asking, “Doesn’t she need
antibiotics?” I prescribed Arsenicum album 15 CH
every hour and, when I returned to see her in the middle
of the day, the fever had dropped, she was reading a
book, and the mother was quiet. The tympanic
membrane was the same as it had been in the morning,
bulging with pus. By evening there was no fever and
the tympanic membrane looked good. I asked her,
“Were you afraid of something?”
Urtica urens and the Death of the Father
Urtica urens is a “small remedy” well known for
Urticaria, fish poisoning, deficient milk in nursing
mothers, and rheumatism. The key to the spirit of this
remedy was given to me by the following case: a boy,
eight years-old, who lost his father from a heart attack
one night. His grandmother woke him and took him to
her house, without being able to say to him, “Your
daddy is dead.” Over the following days he became
covered with Urticaria, and this country woman cured
him with soup made from stinging nettles.
Sometime later I went to the hospital to see a new-
born baby. The mother asked me for some remedy for
her because she didn’t have enough milk to breastfeed
her baby. I gave her Urtica urens with a good result.
Eight days later I asked her what happened that morning
when her milk disappeared. “The nurse brought my
baby and I saw he was all yellow,” she said. (This was
just neonatal physiologic jaundice.)
“Tell me something about your father?” I asked.
“My father died a few years ago of Liver Cancer;
one day he turned yellow, and three weeks later he was
dead!” When she saw her child yellow that morning,
she had remembered, subconsciously, the death of her
father, causing a decline in her breast milk supply.
Another day, a man brought me his boy, four years
old, for chronic deafness with glue ear. He himself
suffered from Asthma. I asked him, “Why are you
“When I was young, I had Eczema and I was
treated with topical Cortisone. The Eczema disappeared
and now I am asthmatic.”
“Okay. Why did you have Eczema?”
“My mother was nursing me when she suddenly
lost her father, and she stopped lactating. It meant I was
weaned very abruptly, and I became covered in
I gave both of them Urtica urens. One year later
the father had fully recovered from his Asthma and his
child no longer had chronic Otitis.
Urtica urens, stinging nettle, contains a lot of silica
and this remedy is very close to Silicea. When a father
kisses his baby, the touch of his beard or stubble pricks
like nettle rash.
Muriatic acid and the Death of the Mother
A woman brought me her child, a boy seven years
old, suffering from chronic bronchitis. His health
records indicated that he had had Hemorrhoids several
times. It is rare in children and I know that in Kent’s
Repertory the one remedy for this symptom is Muriatic
acid. I asked the mother, “And you, how are you?”
“Not well. I never have a good sleep. I have
terrible dreams; I dream that my mother is dying!”
“And how is your mother?”
“My mother died of tuberculosis when I was seven
years old.”
I referred to Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura
and I read for Muriatic acid: “I dream of the death of
my mother, the 4th day.” I gave them both Muriatic
acid and they both recovered their health.
Sometime later, a man brought me his baby for an
examination. The baby was fine. At the end of the
consultation, the father asked me for some remedy for
Hemorrhoids. He had been suffering for three weeks
without any result from allopathic medicines. I saw his
anxious look; so I asked him, “How is your mother?”
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 81
The man sat down and with great distress explained
to me he had heard three weeks before that his mother
had been diagnosed with terminal Cancer.
Hura brasiliensis and the Death of the Child
One of our group, Philippe BARTHELET,
presented one day the case of a woman suffering from
rheumatic polyarthritis. He cured her with Hura
brasiliensis. He divined this remedy because she
dreamed she was putting candles on the grave of her
child who had died from Leukemia several years earlier.
This symptom was similar to one in the pathogenesis of
this remedy discovered by BENOIT MÛRE. I
wondered if this substance might be linked with anxiety
resulting from the death of a child. Sometime later a
woman came in with her seventeen-year-old son. “My
son is allergic to latex,” she started.
I noticed the anxiety in her face. “Has anyone lost
a child in this family?” I asked because I knew Hura
brasiliensis was a latex (in rheumatic Polyarthritis the
blood coagulates the latex; our joints are composed of
latex fibers, which are affected in Polyarthritis.).
“My first child died of meningitis at 18 months!”
she replied, weeping.
I have subsequently treated, with success, a lot of
cases resulting from the death of a child with this
Hura brasiliensis is good for people who want to
remain in fusional love with their children; to escape
this one is obliged to die, or to have a disease like
leprosy which exiles you from society.
Calcarea silicate: Caring for the Dead
Calcarea silicate doesn’t want to leave a dead
person: they continue to care for them, speak with them.
These people are opposed to all vaccinations and eat
only organic food. They give their children the names
of their ancestors.
A woman came to consult me about her ten-year-
old daughter who couldn’t sleep alone and who had
slept with her mother since birth. Nobody had been
able to do anything about this situation. The girl had
unsuccessfully undergone psychotherapy. Her medical
records indicated that she had never been vaccinated.
“My daughter isn’t at any risk due to our organic
diet,” claimed the mother who was dressed in dark
“Have you ever suffered from grief? I asked the
“Yes at 16 years of age I lost my father.”
“And now, your father, where is he?”
“My father? But …. He is here!” she pointed to
the vacant space next to her. “He never left me; I talk
with him about everything. I have never spoken of this
before, because I was afraid people would think I was
As we can see, the spirit of the homœopathic
medicine offers rapid access to the unconscious of our
patients, and the physician becomes a guide in this
labyrinth, able to help them to battle their internal
GRANDGEORGE MD, Didier. The Spirit of
Homeopathic Medicines. North Atlantic Books:
Berkeley, California. 1998.
GRANDGEORGE MD, Didier. L’esprit du
remèdehoméopathique: ce que le mal a dit.
EdiComm. 1992.
GRANDGEORGE MD, Didier. Homéopathie Chemin
de vie: grandir sous le regard d’un pédiatre
homéopathe. EdiComm. 1998.
L’homéopathie exactement ouvrage collectif de l’Ecole
Hahnemannienne de Fréjus-St.Raphaël, tomes 1, 2, 3, 4.
EdiComm. 1996-1999.
24. ABC of Mind, Oliver SACKS.
The Road From Sickness to Health.
Dr. Oliver SACKS is a clinical Neurologist and the
author of the book A Leg to Stand on. In it he
recounts his experiences after a serious injury to his
left leg and takes the reader step-by-step through
the process of his recovery, both physical and
madman,” wrote Oliver SACKS, “the next. I was lying
at the bottom of a short, sharp cliff, with my left leg
twisted grotesquely beneath me.” As a result of this
accident, which took place on a Norwegian mountain,
he tore his thigh muscles. In great pain, Sacks was
flown to London and operated on within 48 hours.
For 18 days, he lay on his back in a small,
windowless room, his leg encased, as he described it, in
a “cylinder of chalk.” He endured intense pain and
terrifying fantasies, in which he knew for sure that “the
leg had vanished. I could no longer remember having a
leg. I could no longer remember how I had ever walked
or climbed.”
When the time came to take his first steps, SACKS
faced the moment with great uncertainty. How could I
stand, without a leg to stand on? How could I walk,
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 82
when I lacked legs to walk with? How could I act,
when the instrument of action had been reduced to an
inert, immobile, lifeless, white thing? So I stood, or was
stood, supported not by my legs, but by crutches and
physiotherapists, in a strange, and rather terrifying,
stillness---[which] occurs when something momentous
is about to happen. And suddenly---into the silence, the
silent twittering of motionless frozen imagescame
music, MENDELSSOHN, fortissimo. And, as
suddenly, without thinking, without intending whatever,
I found myself walking, easily----joyfully, with the
music. And, as suddenly, in the moment that this inner
music started-in this self-same moment the leg came
“Now, suddenly, I was whole, I was whole, I was
well. At least I could feel what wholeness, wellness,
felt like, where they had been unimaginable----beyond
thought, beyond hopebefore. I found I felt
completely different: no longer prostrate, passive-
dependent, like a patient, but active, erect, able to face a
new world---a real world, a world now made possible,
instead of the shifting half-world of patienthood and
“The return of health and strength---convalescence-
was intoxicating and I continually misjudged what I
could or should do. When I stole a look at my chart and
saw ‘Uneventful Recovery.’ I thought: They’re mad.
Recovery is events, or rather adventsthe advent of
new and unimaginable powers---events, advents, which
are births or rebirths.’
“Now I was free---morally free, as well as
physically freeto make the long trek, the return,
which still lay before me. Now the moral obscurity and
darkness was lifted, as well as the physical darkness, the
shadow. I was flying with joyjoy which was to last,
and deepen, for six weeks, which transformed, and
transfigured the world, and made of everything a new
wonder and festivity.”
Within a week, SACKS was moved from the
hospital to a convalescent home. The gap, the abyss,
between sickness and health---this was what the
Convalescent Home was forwe had become invalids,
in-valid. We had resided in sickness too long. And we
had not only harbored it, but become sick ourselves
developed the attitudes of inmates and invalids. Now we
needed a double recovery---a physical recovery, and a
spiritual movement to health.”
At the Home, SACKS met a fellow patient, “a little
grizzled man, a diabetic, who had just had an
amputation and was much plagued, he confessed, by
vivid phantoms. ‘What about you? What happened?’
he asked, with a glance at the cast. I told him. ‘Isn’t
that the darnedest thing!’ He turned to the others. ‘Doc
here’s got a leg, but no feeling, but no leg to go with it.
You know---we could make one good leg between us.
I’ll donate the feeling and you give the leg.’
“Communication in the Home was instant and
profound. There was a transparency, a dissolution of
the usual barriers between us. This sharing of normally
hidden and private feelings---feelings, indeed, often
hidden from oneself----and the depths of concern and
companionship evoked, the giving and sharing of
priceless humor and courage---this seemed to be
remarkable in the extreme, unlike anything I had ever
known and beyond anything I had imagined.”
Six weeks later, SACKS was discharged from the
Home. “My adventure,” he wrote, “was ending. But I
knew that something momentous had happened, which
would leave its mark, and alter me, decisively, from
now on. A whole life, a whole universe, had been
compressed into these weeks: a density of experience
neither given to, nor desired by, most men; but one
which, having happened, would refashion and direct
25. Science literacy, food for thought
(The Hindu, 8th May 1991)
There is considerable debate on the issue of
“science literacy”. While there are several definitions,
the author’s is:
Science literacy is the knowledge and wisdom you
are left with after forgetting all the details read in the
science classrooms. It is the knowledge that certain
basic rules govern the way the physical world around us
runs. It is the following up the consequences of an idea
or hypothesis, studying them to verify if the original
idea will hold and the dispassionate dropping if it fails
such verification.
It is, above all, a rational world view which holds
that the idea of cause and effect can be used in planning
courses of action at home, in the community and for the
nation. It is the operating principles that make for
literacy not the detailed techniques, equations and the
“nitty-gritty”: these are for the specialist practitioner.
To appreciate the phrase better, we could move to
other fields and ask the same. What is music literacy?
It would be the understanding that all music is made of
specific notes of the octave and the way these are
arranged to make phrases, movements and harmonic
progression in time; that time is marked by rhythm; and
that schools of music differ in the patterns and the rules
of using the notes and the beats, that is in their
Music literacy does not require that one should
know the difference between different Pantuvarali and
Poorvikalyani, but that these ragas are different and are
governed by set rules of note progression. To be literate
is to possess the wherewithal, not necessarily all the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 83
algorithms and technical details; that would be recondite
or erudite.
Among scientists too
How scientifically literate are scientists
themselves? This is a question posed by two maverick
mavens, the geophysicist Dr. ROBERT HAZEN of the
physicist, Dr. James Trefil of the George Mason
University in Fairfax, Virginia, U.S. They found to
their embarrassment that many of their scientific
colleagues did not know much of other disciplines
outside their own specialization.
A Nobel-winner in Chemistry had not heard of
plate tectonics the theory that holds that the Earth
consists of flat plate-like structures beneath the surface
that move and slide on one another, thus creating faults,
quakes and new land forms. Likewise, several
Geophysicists could not differentiate between DNA (the
molecule of heredity, of which Chromosomes in cells
are made and passed on through generations) and RNA
(the molecule that acts as a go-between, carrying the
message of the DNA in the nucleus to the rest of the cell
where proteins are made as per the transcript of the
Such scientific illiteracy of scientists in areas other
than their own is not exceptional, according to Trefil
and Hazen, but generally prevalent. And herein lies the
problem of science education where the broad sweep
and grand generalities of science are not taught, but only
narrow technical formulae, equations and rules.
These rules are focused in the classroom and not
their origins, applicability and generalized scope. No
wonder science becomes boring, a rote exercise fit only
for the eggheads and marginal to the business of
running everyday life. Is this why there are still many
“well educated” adults will not believe in evolution but
in astrology and numeroloty, and who think that Uri
Geller and the godmen have supernatural powers?
Teaching unrewarded
What causes science literacy among scientists?
Hazen suggests that this is in a large part due to the
system that prevails in universities where a faculty
member is rewarded for his research work and not for
his excellence in teaching. Science quotes Dr.James
ADAMS, Chairman of the Department of Values,
Technology, Science and Society at Stanford
“You do not enhance your reputation in your field
by teaching general science. The only incentive to do it
is because you believe in it”. In a system where
promotion comes by if you publish research papers,
teaching and lecturing become diversions that bite into
your time, and are not valued. In other words, you are
rewarded for educating new scientists and not for
educating literate laymen in science.
Science’s top 20
Hazen and Trefil have put forth their ideas in a
book, “Science matters: Achieving science literacy”.
Together they also offer at George Mason University a
one-semester course on “great ideas in science”, or
science-appreciation course. This is somewhat akin to
one on music or art appreciation, and gives the students
a panoramic view of science based on what they call the
“Twenty great ideas of science”. Listed in the box are
these ideas which cover all areas of science.
The science writer Robert Pool published these in a
issue of Science, and asked readers to react, modify, add
or subtract any from these. About 200 responded, and
some of these answers appeared in a later issue of the
Some raised strong objections to the phrasing of
ideas 1 and 16, as this oversimplifies the situation and
makes it too “deterministic,” glossing over aspects of
chaos, random phenomena and emphasizing
predictability. Hazen and Trefil have replied that these
statements mean to portray the point that natural laws
govern the universe.
Another criticism is that the list is too biased
towards physics and geophysics, and at the cost of
biology and mathematics. The duo respond that the
basic ideas of physics apply to biology as well. In this
context is the provocative statement of Dr. Elliot Sober
of Wisconsin, cited in Science, that Newton’s laws are
not part of the biological canon. But with regard to
mathematics, Hazen admits that he does not know how
to bring it in.
While there were other critical comments of
philosophical or stylistic nature “slogan mongering,”
catchy drivel,” “parlour game,” “Saturday morning
cartoon approach to science” and so on an important
critique is that such a listing of ideas conceals the
scientific method. The process of arriving at scientific
truths or laws, the methods of skeptical inquiry, the
concept of falsifiability of hypotheses and the
universality of the logical method to all human
endeavour are not highlighted in the list, because of
which it reads as Twenty Rigid Dogmas”. True to
their spirit and philosophy, HAZEN and TREFIL agree
and say that the main thrust of both the book and the
course is just this.
An offer to readers
As in most instances where the interpreters and the
purists got together, sparks have been flying in the
science literacy campaign. But what is interesting to
note with respect to the offer of Science to its readers to
do better than the Hazen-Trefil 20 is that while
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 84
arguments have been on the language or style of the
statements none has improved on them yet.
We now offer such an invitation to our readers.
Should any have specific items to offer do write and let
us know. Now for a poetic rendering of the 20 ideas,
created by Jonathan Post and Christine Carmichael,
scientists and poets with Emerald City Publishing Co.,
Altadena, California, part of which is quoted in the
latter article is Science as “The Universe in verse.”
By means of Mathematics
the cosmos is depictable.
That is to say, “The Universe
is regular and predictable.”
From Thermodynamics’ first law
the World has never swerved
it’s always been observed
that energy is conserved.
The oceans dry,
the iceberg melts
“Stars live and die
like everything else.”
No man is an island,
connections are expected
Ecologically speaking,
“All life is connected.”
D. Balasubramaniam
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
The 20 great ideas
1. The Universe is regular and predictable.
2. One set of laws describes all motion.
3. Energy is conserved.
4. Energy always goes from more useful to less useful
5. Electricity and magnetism are two aspects of the
same force.
6. Everything is made of atoms.
7. Everything particles, energy, the rate of electron
spin comes in discrete units, and you can’t
measure anything without changing it.
8. Atoms are bound together by electron “glue.”
9. The way a material behaves depends on how its
atoms are arranged.
10. Nuclear energy comes from the conversion of mass.
11. Everything is really made of quarks and leptons.
12. Stars live and die like everything else.
13. The universe was born at a specific time in the past,
and has been expanding ever since.
14. Every observer sees the same laws of nature.
15. The surface of the Earth is constantly changing, and
no feature on the Earth is permanent.
16. Everything on the Earth operates in cycles.
17. All living things are made from cells, the chemical
factories of life.
18. All life is based on the same genetic code.
19. All forms of life evolved by natural selection.
20. All life is connected.
26. On The Medicinal Provings by Hahnemann and His
ILLING, Kurt Hermann
During his period 1810-1820 in Leipzig
HAHNEMANN proved on himself and his pupils a
large number of medicines. G.O. KLEINERT a pupil
and co-prover reported about this in his History of
Homœopathy which appeared in 1863.
HAHNEMANN asked everyone of his pupils, whom he
knew to be free from disease, to prove medicines. To
the new pupil HAHNEMANN explained the necessity
and process of this self-experiment which was quite new
at that time. Since, as a rule, he allowed only the
healthy and younger persons, he did not consider it
necessary to have long preparations. He prohibited:
Coffee, Tea, Wine, Brandy, all stimulating drinks,
pungent spices like pepper, ginger, even very spicy and
sour things. He did not prohibit beer but beer was not
very strong then. He warned against strenuous mental
work, altogether much reading, frivolous reading, as
also playing chess, cards, etc. since these would disturb
observation. Light work, walking in fresh air
moderation in eating and drinking and not too much of
sleep were considered conducive. HAHNEMANN
prepared these medicines himself, the plants in
tinctures, the minerals mostly as triturations. For
proving he gave then (around 1810 1820) mostly the
first or second triturations. His pupils knew what
medicines they took. Mostly he had already proved on
himself and his family the medicines to be proved. The
dose and potency for every prover was specifically laid
down by HAHNEMANN himself. The medicines were
generally taken in plenty of water in the morning
fasting. If no clear changes are brought about after
repetition thrice (at same interval), the proving will be
discontinued. Fresh proving could be taken up after
some more days. HAHNEMANN recommended to his
students to always keep a note book or slate in which to
note down the symptoms immediately, so that possible
inaccuracies from later recording may be avoided. The
prover must indicate the modalities, particularly the
time modalities. Only when no symptoms at all arise
for 1 2 days HAHNEMANN considered that the
action of the medicine was over. He allowed rest for the
organism for some further time before undertaking the
proving of another medicine.
As HAHNEMANN took the symptoms of his pupil
in his Symptoms Register, he discussed thoroughly with
the prover each individual symptom particularly with
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 85
regard to the expressions so that there was no
exaggeration or too much brevity. Every prover showed
at the beginning inexactitudes or inaccuracies which he
got over as soon as he had learnt to observe correctly.
About his observations KLEINERT wrote,
After all it is one’s own affair with such medicine
proving, they are not so easy as they appear to be. An
extraordinary attentiveness forms part of it, to
comprehend the delicately indicated symptoms which
are often the most important, singular, characteristic, of
very high significance rather than the symptoms which
appear mostly after small and gentle dose of medicine
while these are due to stronger doses. So at least it
would appear in my humble opinion and I speak only
out of my own observations. Another experience I had
out of my own proving was that I seldom had symptoms
to be reckoned from a second or third stronger doses if
the first small dose passed off without trace; on the
other hand if the first dose produced weak symptoms, I
was certain that with every passing hour it developed
and would be characteristic. Many time I thought that
by taking a second stronger dose its clarity could be
enhanced, but every time I was disappointed and no
further symptoms came.”
KLEINERT criticizes in two ways the proving of
those days. The symptoms are not in any way related to
the physiology and anatomy which however, had not
developed then. Secondly, he criticized that the
symptoms were not reported thoroughly enough or they
were unclearly expressed, particularly the time when the
alterations occurred were not clearly stated.
Remarks of KLEINERT about HAHNEMANN’s
proving group:
1. STAPF: STAPF was very knowledgeable. He
surpassed everyone else. In company he was very
modest. He had a lively temperament with quick and
sharp powers of comprehension.
2. GROSS: Externally an yellowish-gray
complexion, lean face, reserved. KLEINERT clearly
says that despite his sickly look, GROSS never
complained of any physical complaints during the
proving, because of which HAHNEMANN admitted
him to his proving group. KLEINERT emphasized that
his own later practical experiences and those of FRANZ
and STAPF who were considered the best provers, and
those of HAHNEMANN, agreed with these of GROSS.
3. FRANZ: FRANZ was a good botanist. He
helped HAHNEMANN in the medicine preparations
and the orderly drawing up of the proving symptoms.
HAHNEMANN first cured a skin eruption of FRANZ
and then took him as a prover. FRANZ proceeded to
make through provings which he delineated with
exactness and caution.
4. WISLICENUS: He made clear and very exact
and critical medicinal proving. KLEINERT says:
“Often we (KLEINERT and WISLICENUS) worried
and troubled ourselves about the observations of
symptoms obtained by proving on ourselves, which not
rarely suggested that we take in the next proving course,
a dose weaker than what HAHNEMANN had
prescribed for us because the latter produced
troublesome symptoms which made us doubt whether it
was indeed due to the medicine or more often could be
due to a specific disease itself.”
5. RUCKERT: (Remarks; which one? In his Pure
Materia Medica HAHNEMANN named to
RUCKERT’s). The RUCKERT mentioned by
KLEINERT was indeed full of knowledge, but fleeting
and not persevering”. According to KLEINERT the
symptoms in the MMP came from a similar named
6. LANGHAMMER: behind whose proving
symptoms a question mark must indeed be put? He was
10 years older than the other provers. Of small child
and fragile he had a “stunted mental capacity.” He was
peevish and melancholic and according to KLEINERT
had sexual problems. According to KLEINERT the
large number of mental and emotional symptoms of
LANGHAMMER do not have much value.
7. GUTMANN: a dentist, KLEINERT gives good
opinion of him.
8 & 9, von TEUTHORN and HERRMANN: only
small number of symptoms came from them. They
were farther from Homœopathy.
For us it is important and interesting for an eye
witness who reported the thoroughness and exactitude
with which HAHNEMANN has carried through his
MMP. The symptoms of HAHNEMANN in the MMP
are most reliable and valuable is clear to us.
27. Limits of Science
The Hindu, Open Page, Jan. 8, 2002
“Science becomes dangerous only when it imagines
that it has reached its goal.”
- George Bernard Shaw in
Doctor’s Dilemma
THAT SCIENCE and scientific outlook have taken
mankind forwards in the last one hundred odd years is
the tall claim that scientists make. What provoked me
to write this piece is that little wonderful book Limits of
Science by a great scientist and Nobel laureate, Sir
Peter Medawar. Anyone who questions the above
rhetoric is dubbed as superstitious or downright
illogical, in addition to being unscientific. Rational
thinking is said to be the key to good living and
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 86
wisdom. How I wish this were that simple! Rationality,
perforce, has to have its limitations. Rational thinking
is based on the inputs from five senses and possibly
some degree of “knowledge” derived from one’s
experience. All these do not come in lumpsums but in
bits and pieces. PASCAL was the first to proclaim that
there are two important aspects of man’s life that are
vital to his actions. The first is to exclude reason in his
dealings; and the second is to believe that there is
nothing beyond reason. Going back hundreds of years,
this thinker could have foreseen the truth of his
statement despite the fact that the present scientific
advances that we swear by have not existed then. He is
not far off the mark even today.
Rational thinking and scientific outlook have
enormous limitations. When you look beyond reason
you get an insight into Nature’s functioning better.
Nature has its reasons always, but reason cannot explore
them many a time. How else can one feel love, hatred,
jealousy, etc., in life? None of them can be measured in
scientific terms. One could experience love but not be
able to see it or measure its dimensions. To deny the
effects of intense feeling of love for one’s beloved on
oneself is to deny the truth. If “science is measurement
and measurement is science as defined by MARIE
CURIE, love as an emotion does not exist at all. No one
has seen the wind, but when the trees dance and bend
the wind is passing by, wrote the poet.
Similarly there are a lot of things that one can only
feel but not be able to see and measure. The problem
with mankind today is intolerance for others’ views.
ROUSSEAU was despised by many of his peers for his
strong and unconventional views. His life was in
danger. VOLTAIRE came to his rescue and asked
ROUSSEAU to stay with him to avoid any harm.
Eventually when ROUSSEAU did come, VOLTAIRE
told him “I do not agree with a single word of what you
say, but I shall defend to my last breath your right to say
what you want to say.”
That is the kind of tolerance that would take
mankind forward. Science, if anything, has taken
mankind backwards, if one critically looks at it
philosophically, pushing him to the brink of self-
destruction. Is not the threat of nuclear war from the
terrorists based on scientific data? Is not the Anthrax
fever in the U.S. born out of complicated scientific
research to get resistant germs to fight wars? Is not the
ever-present threat of chemical warfare based on
Recently, when doctors went on strike in Israel the
death rate and morbidity fell significantly there; only to
bounce back to the original levels when there was peace
between the striking doctors and the government. It is
to be noted that morticians, whose business all but
disappeared when the strike was on, brokered peace
between the striking doctors and the government! The
so-called evidence-based medicine, when looked at
carefully, is only evidence burdened and makes life that
much difficult for both the doctor and the patient. This
is because scientific evidence gathered need not have a
linear relationship to what happens inside the human
body. The latter is run by the human mind, which is
scientifically unfathomable. There are so many
imponderables in Nature that one cannot answer all the
questions in Nature with the help of science alone.
There are many things outside the realm of science,
which are beyond the explanatory capacity of science.
Any intolerance is the beginning of terrorism and
“scientific intolerance” is one such. Scientific terrorism
could be more lethal than the present day political
terrorism. If allowed to go beyond control it could
destroy mankind forever. Let us look at some
happenings that science will never be able to gauge.
Intercessory prayer
Years ago LEONARD LEIBOVICI showed that
“remote, retroactive, intercessory prayer could do
wonders for patient recovery in hospitals.” A positivist
that he was, he went a step further to urge doctors to
include prayer in their armamentarium. He also gave
evidence to show how Scurvy could be controlled
hundreds of years before the discovery of Vitamin C, as
shown by James LIND.
The prayer theme was taken to great scientific
heights by a recent study in an American University
hospital in a well controlled, randomized, triple-blind
(the patient, his treating doctor and the relatives are kept
in the dark) prospective study of heart attack patients.
The prayed for group had very significant fall in all
parameters of the illness in a coronary care set-up.
Even death rate was significantly lower in the prayed
for group. This was replicated in patients who had
severe infective fevers in another milestone study.
KONOTEY-AHULU documented some
unexplainable deaths in his hospital in Africa (very
thoroughly studied even after post-mortem) where
medical science could not give any clue to the
happenings. Recitation of the rosary, which derives its
origin from the Tibetan monks, brought to the West via
Arabs and other crusaders, and the Yoga mantras that
are well known in India, have been elegantly shown to
reduce the rate of breathing which had significant
improvement in the patients’ illness. Yogic breathing is
shown to lower elevated blood pressure, and many other
cardiac parameters like aortic pressure, pulmonary
artery pressure, the ventricular ejection fraction, etc. in
those with severe heart failure. Tranquilty of mind that
it bestows is immeasurable and is the added bonus.
Studies in America have shown that the Chinese
and Japanese Americans had significantly higher death
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 87
rates on the 4th of every month. This was not seen in the
White races. The Chinese and the Japanese believe the
4th to be very inauspicious day of the month. Another
milestone study in London showed that Friday the 13th
was definitely dangerous for at least 50 percent of the
Britons who dared to go out and work that day. The
other 50 percent stayed home on those days, the real
superstitious. The conclusion of the study was that
Friday the 13th is definitely bad for at least one half of
the British population.
If one is a conscientious medical scientist and
observes patients very closely one would discover many
such inexplicable feats happening almost every day in a
busy clinical setting. I call them as “butterfly effects”,
the phrase having been borrowed from Edward
LORENZ of weather predictions fame. It was only after
LORENZ got all the bouquets for his discovery of the
method of predicting the weather that he discovered, to
his surprise, that accurate prediction of the weather is
impossible. He then propounded the butterfly effect. If
one wants to know the limitations of science one should
study human beings in distress, where butterfly effect is
the rule rather than an exception. Of course, doctors
have been predicting the unpredictable all along.
An unforgettable incident
One unforgettable incident comes to mind. One of
my patients, whom I had known in my professional
capacity for a very long time, was the priest of a very
famous temple in the Malanad area of Karnataka. He
was an authentic scholar of ancient Indian wisdom and
was venerated by his people. He managed his temple
affairs with total dedication. His temple was an
example for others. When this incident occurred he was
well past ninety years of age but was very alert mentally
as well as physically. His wife, who was in her 80s,
was admitted under my care for a heart attack (inferior
infarct, a milder variety with good outcome). When she
was progressively improving on the third day he made a
strange request to me. He wanted her to be discharged
that very day, as he was sure that she would meet her
Maker the following day at 12 noon or so. I was
nonplussed but, knowing him as I did to be very
authentic, I was in a “scientific” dilemma. Ultimately
he took her against medical advice. His argument was
that she should not die in a hospital.
I was shocked to learn from their son that the
patient was in good shape at 11.55 a.m. She drank some
water and died without any distress at 12 noon. I could
not bring myself to believe this whole episode until after
a year the old man wanted to see me to thank me. He
told me that he was going to die on a particular day at a
given time and wanted all his children and
grandchildren around him at that time. This prediction
made me curious. He did keep his word and the end
came as he had predicted. He had all his people around
and slept on a banana leaf on the floor minutes before
breathing his last! I have no scientific explanation even
now. He was a great astrologer himself and had done
very deep study of all the great works in that area. He
had a reputation of being an authentic astrologer, in
addition to his philanthropy all for free.
This single episode is only one example of the
many paranormal phenomena that one observes in day-
to-day medical practice. Konotey-Ahulu’s episodes are
stranger than mine are, though. May be they are
culturally different. He was practicing in Africa. I
know what Erik the Genius would say. Since he is an
intellectual and a know-all scientist, he would label all
our experiences as anecdotal. Of course, they are
anecdotal, but it is anecdotes that make us wiser and not
arrogant. Any knotty problem, when looked at more
carefully, becomes more complicated. Great minds of
yore knew this very well. Albert Einstein, during his
last days, wrote: “I do not believe that this world is a
wonder; I think it is a wonderful wonder.” Stephen
Hawking wrote: “I do not believe that there is God; if
there is one I do not want him to interfere with my
Wisdom is not just the sum total of the inputs from
our five senses. There is more to it than what meets the
eye. The effects of prayer on illness, the placebo-doctor
effect on the human immune system, the will to live”
feeling that keeps people going despite intolerable pain
and disability, and many other such scientifically proven
methods of giving relief to the suffering make one
believe in the possibilities beyond hypothesis refutation
and measurements.
Science, like any other human activity, should have
its limitations. It would be foolhardy to believe that
science is the be all and end all of human wisdom. Very
far from it. What we know is probably a very small
fraction of what there is to know. This is the best
education scientifically given in school. Live and let
live. While one could have one’s views he should be
tolerant of others views as well and be ready to
examine them without any prejudices. That would be
progress and that alone can rid this world of all kinds of
terrorism. One who understands science very well
alone realizes the depth of his ignorance. The genuine
rationalist is one who has understood the limitations of
reason. Positive sciences, at best, could answer
questions like “how” or “how much.” Positive sciences
will never be able to answer the question “why”. The
answer to the question “why” needs the knowledge of
the limits to science.
Manipal Academy of Higher
Education (Deemed University)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 88
28. Cancer And Its Concept In Homœopathy With A
Proposal Of A New Hypothesis Of Its Palliation
And Cure
PATEL, P. Ramanlal
(Mangalam, the News Paper published from
Kottayam, Kerala 2001 April 10)
Cancer is the product of toxins of three great
Miasms, Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis in Homœopathy.
Psora prepares the soil and the other Miasms grow as
acquired or hereditary in the body. In different
constitutions the product; Cancer, takes different sites to
develop in the body depending on the susceptibility and
sensitivity of the part or organ or system and the person
as a whole. If the person is not susceptible he will not
have cancer.
The word CANCER’ from the Doctor’s mouth is
sufficient on many occasions to bring about the death of
a patient inch by inch. Fear is the greatest killer of a
patient, who has cancer. Fear of disease is one of the
obstacles to overcome in sickness and the greatest
hindrance to recovery” (10, P.60). Cancer is not
merely wild, unrestrained growth. Cancer cells not only
grow out of control, they invade and destroy nearby
healthy tissue cells. Cancer fragments or ‘daughter
cells’ can travel in the lymph or blood stream to distant
parts of the body establishing new cancer colonies. In
this sense, a cancer of the brain might be breast cancer
or cancer of the ribs, a prostate cancer. Sometimes it so
happens that we do not know where is the primary.
This dangerous ability of cancer cells to migrate and
transfer disease from one part of the body to another is
known as METASTASIS. Once a cancer cell always a
cancer cell is the rule. Once a patient has a Cancer, he
is a cancer patient for life. The Cancer has not
developed in a day or month or a year, but it has taken
many years to develop in the body and that is why we
get cancer more in people after 40 years. Now-a-days
we find even children are afflicted with different types
of cancers due to various reasons. The Cancer is the
ultimate. In Homœopathy we call it the miasmatic
constitution. At times with the knowledge of Miasms
and history from childhood, we can forecast the
development of cancer in family members of Cancer
patients. What has Homœopathy to offer to such
patients who come for Homœopathic treatment, as a last
resort to find solace and some rest in the losing battle
for survival? Cancer is a mass problem but for
Homœopathy it is an individual problem. Cancer is a
most important subject affecting millions of people all
over the world.
Cancer patients have five special needs
(1) not to be abandoned. (2) to find some one who
will really listen, and (3) to be able to share the feeling
of helplessness. (4) to help him/she to ease pains
without side effects. (5) to give, “will to live”.
In Homœopathy we have a hope for CANCER
Cancer treatment needs a team efforts and deep
understanding and study of Homœopathy.
Cancer is still considered a terminal disease and as
such the prognosis of a patient is spoken of in terms of
“Guarded or Survival period.” Allopathic school talks
of “Remission:, not cure.
To compare the results of Homœopathic treatment
with other system of treatments including Allopathic
results I have classified all my CANCER cases as
1. If the patient has lived up to 10 years and more
he/she is cured. 2. If the patient has lived upto 5 years
and more he/she has survived for 5 years which is called
SURVIVAL PERIOD. 3. If the patient does not
respond to treatment in Allopathy or other medical
systems and pathology has advanced with metastasis
beyond reversible stage, the patient is declared as
TERMINAL CASE. For these cases allopathic school
It means no treatment. My experience is that these
patients have over-lived the verdict of terminal case -1
or 3 or 6 months and lived more than one year and some
have reached to survival period, i.e. 5 years under
Homœopathy of Dr. HAHNEMANN.
Terminal cases. WHAT ARE THEY?
1. Cases with Metastasis. 2. Operated with
Metastasis. 3. Operated with obstruction.
4. Recurrence at the same site. 5. If brain or lung
and liver metastasis with primary un-known or operated.
6. Chemotherapy with side effects Allergic. 7.
Radiation for palliation. 8. Morphine pain relief
treatment. 9. Pathology-irreversible with obstruction.
10. Organ(s) operated and removed. 11. Cancer
cachexia already developed. 12. Exhaustion with loss
of weight.
13. Recurrence and operated at the same site, several
times. It becomes more malignant and fast growing.
14. Ascites excessive with metastasis in abdomen. 15.
Metastasis in Brain, liver, lungs, Kidneys (vital organs),
16. Bone metastasis.
17. Lymph nodes at various parts of the body. Primary
unknown. 18. Primary unknown with Lymph nodes.
19. Steroids cases with side effects. 20. Amputation of
limbs with metastasis.
All need symptomatic treatment for palliation of
pain, better quality of life and prolongation of life.
Lastly, “Peaceful death.”
Sir James PAGET, once wrote in his book on
Cancer that it is not a surgical disease. Cancer is
profoundly constitutional.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 89
The world’s leading surgical Journal, London,
(‘Lancet’) states: “YOUR BASIC APPROACH MAY
Dr. Harden B. JONES of University of California
states; “The odds for or against the recovery from
Cancer are set long before the patient sees a physician”
and “There is no evidence that the treatment by surgery
or radiation, the only recognized method of therapy
affect the course of the really malignant forms of
Cancer”. and “some drastic cancer therapies not only
do not help but are harmful. The tumour easily
could have a billion Cells before it is large enough to
be recognized as cancer. Some of these cells are
already in the blood stream.” Chronic symptoms are
due to the effects of the different toxins liberated in the
body as well as due to effects of prolonged use of
various strong medicines.” (4. P.58.)
Dr. John ABERNETHY, renowned English
surgeon, claimed that Cancer is a constitutional disease
not confined to local growth. Dr. Charles MAYO, Dr.
G.W. Circle and other eminent surgeons, stressed the
futility of surgery as a cure for cancer. Surgery may
relieve the patient but cannot cure him. Here the
Homœopathic philosophic outlook is indirectly and
directly confirmed by eminent physicians and surgeons
of Modern Medicine. We, Homœopaths treat the
patient as a whole individual and not his parts or
individual organs or tissues.
Research in the field of malignant tumors has not
yielded satisfactory results even though this project has
had the benefit of enormous manpower and economic
support. Most of the research is performed to find a
chemotherapeutic substance that is cystotoxic to cancer
cells. However, experience has shown that drugs
toxic to malignant cells are usually toxic to the
normal cells also.
Radiation does not answer the need of the patient
but adds to the basic pathology. Roengtenologist of the
University of Pennsylvania stated that irradiation before
and after surgery opened the vascular and lymph spaces
and helped the spread of the disease instead of retarding
In the beginning, theory of “irritation” was there for
Cancer but nobody knew exactly what “irritation”
meant or how it operated to cause cancer. Does body
chemistry repeatedly assaulted by various factors -
Chemicals, X ray, Radiations, Viruses, Hormones, and
various types of Vaccinations etc. and miasmatic
background play part as ‘irritation’ in the pathogenesis
of Cancer? “In neoplasia an exciting agent such as a
chemical carcinogen or radiation may initiate the
process in the target organ and then be withdrawn, yet
the neoplasia continues. Here the target organ itself,
i.e.: the cell, has become the continuing agent.” (1
P.214). unless there is susceptibility, ‘irritationtheory
has no basis.
At this stage let us go back in the life processes
from the beginning to understand how cancer starts as
cancer cells are like parasites that is they have to depend
upon sources of energy and material that belong to other
usages to conduct their characteristic activities.
“The life on earth began with the appearance of the
first cell, and to this day each of us begins life as a
single cell, the fertilized ovum” (I, W.B. Page 13)
“There are 70,000 billion of these strange units in each
human body” (1) “Each (cell) in turn consisting of an
infinitely comp0lex structure seething with LIFE and
EASILY UPSET.” (1). It takes a good microscope to
see the cell, and a super microscope to see the cell, and
a super microscope or electron microscope or electron
microscope to peep inside the cell. The cell is often
called the basic element of life. The life itself. “All the
energy of the body is derived from the chemical
reactions that take place within the individual cells. The
cell is an organized chemical factory, either a general
purpose factory or a highly specialized factory” (1, P.
15) Structure and functions are inseparable.
“There is, of course, no such thing as a typical cell”
(1). Cells are as different in form and function as a
giraffe and a mouse. They are in all sizes and shapes-
discs, rods, spheres etc. the cell has “Power stations, a
transportation system, a sophisticated communications
setup.” Cell imports raw materials, manufacture goods,
(2, Page. 3.)
“Advance in knowledge of the function of the
various constituents of the cell have kept, pace with
advances in knowledge of structure. We now SPEAK
CELLULAR LEVEL. (1, Page. 14)
“Each cell, which is really a bio-chemical machine,
contains chemical and physical mechanisms designed to
obtain material from its environment to satisfy the
nutritional and energy requirements of the organ
DEATH (1, Page, 14)
Like a furnace, a living cell burns fuel to produce
energy, through this is accompanied with only the
moderate heat of the body’s normal temperature,
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 90
IS THE END.” (1, P.27)
Advances in pathology depend now on knowledge of
disturbances of cell metabolism underlying disease
processes. The chemical reaction of the cell are all in
DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM, so that intereference
with one reaction tends to interfere with the whole
system.” (1, P. 22) “In the healthy condition of man, the
spiritual vital force (Autocracy) the dynamis that
animates the material body (organism), rules with
unbounded sway, and retains all the parts of the
organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as
regards both sensations and functions, so that our
indwelling reason gifted mind can freely employ this
living, healthy instrument for the higher purpose of our
existence. (5, Dr. Hahnemann, Para 9, Organon)
exemplified in cloudy swelling due to swelling and
fragmentation of mitochondria. We are now beginning
to think of BIOCHEMICAL LESIONS.,” (1, P. 22).
“The infinitely complex and delicate structural and
functional mechanism of the cell may be damaged by a
variety of influences. IF THE DAMAGE IS SLIGHT,
The cellular division continues throughout life.
Each second, millions of cells die and millions are born,
by the process of old cells, pulling apart, each to make
two new ones, exact duplicates” (2, P.). Brain cells do
not divide and reproduce. The Nucleus is responsible
for cell division and multiplication in the process of
The cell membrane, “Is an all important structure,
for it regulates the internal environment of the cell,
determining what goes in and what comes out”. “It is at
this surface structure that many reactions take place.” A
chemical poison is not toxic for the cell unless it can
penetrate the cell membrane. UNFORTUNATELY
AGENTS. (1, P.17).
“Mitochondria contain the chemical machinery for
converting food energy (in the chemical bonds) into the
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the chief means of
energy exchange in cells, so that they have been well
named the cell’s powerhouses.” “IT IS THE
“Among the dominant constituents of both nucleus
and cytoplasm are the Nucleic acid, complexes of bases,
sugars and phosphoric acids. They are divided into two
groups, namely ribose nucleic acid (R.N.A.) and
deoxyribose or desoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.)”.
the nucleoproteins of cells can be changed by the
incorporation of the nucleoproteins of viruses, as well as
by chemical and even PHYSICAL AGENTS AS
OF CANCER.” (1, P.23)
“The nucleus is to be considered as the main center
for the synthesis of nucleic acid, both DNA and RNA.”
DNA is dictator of all cells. It tells cellular components
how to behave, what to manufacture, what to seek, what
to avoid. “The nuclear RNA goes over to the
Cytoplasm, playing the role of a messenger and
transferring genetic information from DNA to the
cytoplasm.” (1.P. 24).
“An ENZYME is a complex organic CATALYST
OF HIGH molecular weight produced by living cells. It
is a protein that functions as a CATALYST of a
“Chemical change involving energy is the essence of
life. Animals can decompose these complex materials
and use the locked up energy to discharge their bodily
FORM (as starch into sugar) without undergoing
permanent change themselves, while perpetually on the
brink of a chemical explosion, cells rely on these
of free energy into stepwise successions of minute
discharges, and at the same time to convert, a haphazard
supply of food energy into intracellular fuel stores.” (1,
P. 25). “Cells manufacture upward on 600 enzyme-
most remarkable substances. On orders from RNA,
these master chemists instantly and effortlessly
synthesize proteins taking protein from a piece of fish,
breaking it down into its components and rearranging
the amino acids to make the human protein needed for.
Cellular enzymes also build bafflingly complex
hormones and disease fighting antibodies, and
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 91
perform many tasks beyond the capabilities of the
World’s most gifted chemists.” (2, P. 7).
“Disease is not caused by the acquisition of a new
and different set of properties by the affected cell, but
rather by quantitive alternations in existing functions
and structures” (6, P. 1.)
Many poisons and other toxic substances act on the
living organism by combining with and inactivating
enzymes that are essential for normal physiological
function. Probably Homœopathic proving of drugs on
relatively healthy human beings disturbs cellular
activities and produces abnormal dynamic,
physiological as well as pathological functions as signs
and symptoms. Proving made at Hahnemann Medical
College, Philadelphia, U.S.A. proves amply. Dr. E.B.
NASH confirms while proving Lac caninum as follows.
“The result was that within three days they had sore
throats and the young man mentioned had on both
tonsils distinct patches as large as a thumb
nail………… the young lady’s sore throat was followed
by a severe cough with soreness of the chest for over a
week. (7, P. 374). Many more examples are there in our
Homœopathic Materia Medica.
So,(1) A cell is a unit of life. It is often called
basic element of life. (2) There are more than 70,000
billion units in human body. (3) Cell consists of an
infinity complex structure seething with LIFE and
EASILY UPSET. (4) All the energy of the body is
derived from the chemical reactions that takes place
with the individual cell. (5) Cells have different forms
and functions. (6) Cells imports raw materials,
manufacture goods, operate a Garbage-disposal
system.(7) When chemical and physical mechanisms of
cell which involves a relationship between structure and
function are impaired, the result is sickness. (8) ALL
OF LIFE. (9) The chemical reactions of the cell are all
division continues throughout life. Each second
millions of cell die and millions are born.(12) A
chemical poison is not toxic for the cell unless it can
penetrate the cell membrane. The lipids of the
membrane can act as a solvent for many hydrocarbons,
among which are some powerful carcinogenic agents.
(13) It is the mitochondria that are responsible for cell
15) An enzyme is a complex organic catalyst of
high molecular weight produced by cells, and it is
BIOLOGIC REACTION. (16) Disease manifests itself
as a disorder, inhibition or hyper-function of enzymes.
Now let us go from a normal cell study to an
CELL (1. P.24). “This modification comprises loss of
the more specialized functions in differentiation plus
acquisition of increased growth function, with resulting
invasion and the formation of metastases. The more
rapid the growth, the more primitive is the cell in
structure and specialized function.” (1, P.214)
“Of the two main functions of the cel, work and
reproduction, the former depends on the activity of the
cytoplasm, the latter on that of nucleus. CANCER
cancer cells resemble other cancer cells biologically
more than they do normal cells” “As neoplasia is a
disorder of cell reproduction, we should naturally look
at the nucleus” (1, P.216)
“The NUCLEUS of the cancer cell is likely to be
large in relation to the cytoplasm, although sometimes
this relative difference is due to shrinkage of the
cytoplasm, rather than to increase in the size of the
nucleus. The nucleus is hyperchromatic owing to an
increased content of nucleoprotein, staining intensely
with hematoxylin and basic aniline dyes, with
coarsening chromatin network. The nucleolus is large
in proportion to the size of the nucleus, an important
feature which may be more evident in frozen sections of
the unfixed tissue or in wet films (1, P.216).
“The presence of numerous mitotic figures is
suggestive of neoplasia, although it must be borne in
mind that they are also seen in granulation tissue and in
other rapidly regenerating cells, so that they are no
PROOF of malignancy. The more rapid the growth, the
more numerous the mitosis. The nucleus may be
represented by a dark mass of chromatin, or the
chromatin may be collected as a bar across the center of
the cell in the metaphase or monaster stage, the usual
appearance or in two separate masses one at each pole,
in the ANAPHASE or disaster stage. In highly
malignant tumors multicentric division and other forms
of a typical mitosis may sometimes be seen.” (1, P.
217). “The chromosomes in a neoplastic cell vary in
number, but in no malignant tumor examined has their
number been normal.” (1, P.218)
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 92
“In SUMMARY we may say that the chief
characteristics of the neoplastic cell, as revealed by the
light microscope are nuclear and chromosomal
aberrations, decreased cytoplasmic-nuclear ratio, coarse
irregular chromatin network, and larger nucleoli than
normal.” (1, P.218)” The structural pattern of a
malignant tumor cell is sufficiently distinct from the
normal cell to be identified in most instances even when
viewed as an individual cell (Sproul). “THE
“In general terms it may be said that the entire
organized structure of the cytoplasm of the cancer cell is
highly deficient.” “The membranes are studied with
large granules which contain RESPIRATORY
ENZYME SYSTEMS, predominantly those of the
Krebs citric acid cycle, but also THOSE of the oxidative
phosphorylative synthesis of adenosine triphosphate
with its store of high energy phosphate bonds for
various anabolic activities of the cell. THESE
IN NEOPLASIA.” (1, P. 219)
“In normal cells the membranous vesicles are
numerous and flattened being particularly numerous in
cells developed to synthesize specialized protein
secretions; e.g.: Cells of the pancreas and salivary
glands, Osteoblasts, and plasma cells. The mechanism
is evidently designed for function rather than for
“It may be said however, that the site of greatest
activity in the neoplastic cell seems to have shifted from
the mitochondria and ergastoplasm to the small granules
and soluble fraction. THE OXIDATIVE ENZYMES
“The essential feature of the change is that in the
neoplasm, the capacity for growth has supplanted that
for function.” In the cancer cell there is a tendency to
converge towards a common enzymatic pattern of
activity, where as the cell of normal organs and tissues
possess specific chemical characteristics (Greonstein).”
(1, P.221). it is of interest to note that cancer cell use
anaerobic glycolysis more than do normal cells. (1,
Dr. Otto WARBURG, Twice Noble prize winner
for Medicine demonstrated the first great generalization
concerning tumor growth. “The carbohydrate
metabolism of a normal cell consist of two processes,
glycolysis (splitting of the sugar molecule) and
respiration (utilization of oxygen for further breakdown
into carbon dioxide and water.) Glycolysis may be
anaerobic or aerobic, in the latter case much lactic acid
THIS IS TO SAY, the metabolism of the cancer cell is
mainly glycolytic and anaerobic type, WHEREAS THE
INJURY TO THE OXIDATIVE Cellular mechanism of
normal cells. NORMAL CELLS “BREATHE”,
“A normal cell is more concerned with function,
involving energy-releasing catabolism, than with
growth, involving anabolic energy. Tumor cells are
concerned primarily with growth, not with function.
Normal cells possess diversified metabolic activities,
whereas in tumor cells there is much greater
biochemical uniformity. There is a profound revision of
the enzyme pattern of the cancer cell, and not just an
alternation in a single enzyme.”
Any growing tissue requires a source of material
from which it may build its protoplasm and a supply of
energy for that purpose. A LARGE neoplasm acquires
nitrogenous building blocks from the body stores to
satisfy the continual demand for protein synthesis, but
the supply of these blocks is not unlimited. It is this
trap (nitrogen trap Mider) that accounts for the
wasting and cachexia that are often so characteristic a
feature of the later stages of malignancy.
“Cancer is in essence a change in cell metabolism
brought about by SOME FAILURE in the intracel-lular
enzyme systems.”
“The infinitely intricate and delicately balanced
regulating mechanism of chromosomal genes and
enzymes which controls metabolism and cellular
reproduction can be upset in various ways. The
interference may lead to permanent changes or
mutations in genes. If these mutations are sufficiently
serious they may be lethal and the cell will die. IF THE
cell division offers a definite risk of some change in the
genetic material that would cause the differentiating cell
to lack an enzyme system essential for its normal life
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 93
cancer cell divides also when no division is needed.
The regulations are out of order.” (Dr. Albert Szent. C-
Yorgyl. M.D. Twice Noble Prize winner in medicine.)
As one cell will produce 60,000 daughter cells after
sixteen divisions, it is apparent that even a slight
increase in the rate and rhythm of cell division will
produce a tumor.” (1, P. 222)
Hence, (1) The Cancer cell is nothing but a
modified normal cell. (2)
This modification comprises loss of the more
specialized functions involved in differentiation plus
acquisition of increased growth function, with resulting
invasion and formation of metastasis.(3) Neoplasia is a
disorder of cell reproduction. (4) We may say that the
chief characteristics of the neoplastic cells, as revealed
by the light microscope, are nuclear and chromosomal
aberrations, decreased cytoplasmic nuclear ratio, a
coarse irregular chromatin network, and larger nucleoli
than normal.
(5) The malignant cells differs from the normal in
the loss of some cellular protein constituent. (6) The
membranes (in normal cells) are studded with large
granules which contain RESPIRATORY ENZYME
SYSTEMS, predominantly those of the Krebs citric acid
cycle but also those of the OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORY
LATIVE synthesis of adenosine triphosphate with its
store of high-energy phosphate bonds for various
anabolic activities of cell. These constituents of the
cytoplasm necessary for the active functioning of the
cell are largely DEPRESSED OR LOST in neoplasia.
ENZYMES INVOLVED. (10) Cancer is in essence a
change in cell metabolism brought about by SOME
FAILURE in the intra-cellular enzyme systems. (1,
P.222). What is that “Some failure? Nobody has yet an
answer for this. The chase is in a wrong direction.
From the above study of normal cell and abnormal
(Cancer) cell we come to the following understanding.
1. Each cell consists of infinity complex structure
seething with LIFE and ENERGY but a MECHANISM
that can be easily upset, the chemical reactions in cell
are all in dynamic EQUILIBRIUM and an interference
with one reaction tends to interefere with the whole
AS “Lesions.” 3. The cancer cell is a modified normal
cell. The malignant cell differs from the normal in the
loss of some cellular protein constituent. 4. An enzyme
functions as a catalyst of a biologic reaction and disease
manifests itself as a disorder, inhibition or hyper-
function of enzymes. 5. Metabolism of the normal cell
depends mainly on oxidation and Neoplasia results from
a shift from oxidation to glycolytic source of energy as a
result of an irreversible injury to the oxidative cellular
mechanism of normal cells. Normal cells breathe,
Cancer cells do not breathe but ferment. If tumor
growth depends largely on energy derived from
anaerobic glucose breakdown, its CONTROL MIGHT
INVOLVED. Subject of glycolysis has again began to
arouse the interest of investigators. (1. P. 222) 6. A
cancer, given sufficient time will kill its host. On the
basis of Warburg’s demonstration and observations and
recent experiments done at Soviet Institute of
Reanimatology, Moscow, we place our working
hypothesis or postulate as follows:
ESTABLISHED. We feel that “dehydrogenation is the
first step in oxidation and that the carbonyl group is a
good dehydrogenator” (Dr. W.F. Koch). “With plenty
of oxygen available as normal structure determines,
there would be no pathology if the oxidation catalysis
were adequate, and logically enough, it happens that an
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 94
adequate, oxidation catalysis prevents oxygen
deficiency in any tissue.” (3, P.14)
The cure of human cancer will be the resultant of
biochemistry of cancer and of biochemistry of man. (8.
P. 1.). The basis of all mutation we consider is due to
chronic Miasm; Psora which has “Passed through
hundreds of generations (5, para 81, Hahnemann);
together with other Chronic Miasms, Syphilis, and
Sycosis, hence the treatment for cancer should be to
repair the oxidation mechanism by suitable catalyst
agent (or agents) in Homœopathic potency or potencies
along with miasmatic background; and cure should
follow according to Dr. Hering’s Law of Cure whenever
and wherever possible. We feel also that environment
factors that have contributed to the block in the
oxidation catalysis should be removed to detoxify the
body chemistry for early restoration of health.
Many departures, if not all, from normal
physiology, are believed primarily due to a deficiency in
the oxidation processes of the body, leading to the
accumulation of fluorescent toxic molecules. These
toxic structures would ordinarily be burned rapidly in a
wellfunctioning organism in which carbohydrate
metabolism was normal. These toxins are fluorescent
substances, which become absorbed into the colloidial
system, and act as antoxidants. Also, because of their
fluorescence, they are able to absorb the exothermic
energy of cellular metabolism and re-radiate it in their
own spectrum range into such functional units as are
able to receive their specific spectrum radiation. These
receiving units are stimulated therefore beyond
physiological control. (11, P. 43)
Restoration of natural immunity hinges on re-
establishment of normal oxidation, resulting in
restoration of normal carbohydrate metabolism. To that
end, the fluorescent antoxidant must be completely
Detoxication of the body and related problems are
also in the focus of attention of scientists.
A clinically dead person is known to have a
fundamentally different metabolism. Oxygen plays the
leading role in metabolic processes. During clinical
death, however, no oxygen enters the tissues. The result
is accumulation of a large amount of under-oxidised
products that have toxic effect on the central nervous
Researchers have now been able to show that it
becomes easier to bring a patient out of his terminal
condition if the detoxification is carried out in the early
In a scientific paper on “Diet and Cancer” a
University of Hawai researcher declares that
“environmental factors”, rather than “genetic”
influences are related to more than 80 percent of all
Diet, the author wrote, is “a major component of
the environment most likely involved in the etiology
of several major cancers including stomach, Colon,
Breast and others. (P47, Cancer control Journal Vol.6,
No.1-6, 1978)
We, Homœopaths do also advise
(1) A Text Book of Pathology William BOYD
(2) I am Joes Body J.D. RATCLIFFE
(3) The Survival Factor in Neoplastic and viral
diseases - Dr.W.F.KOCH
(4) Research in Homœopathy – Dr. S. SEAL
(5) Organon of medicine Dr. Samuel
(6) Pathology W.A.D. Anderson and
John M. KISSANE, 7th Edition
(7) Leaders in Homœopathic
Therapeutics Dr. E.B. NASH
(8) The Prime Cause and
prevention of Cancer - Dr. Otto WARBUARY
(9) Homœopathic Medicines and
(10) The Medical discoveries
Of Edward Bach Nora WEEKS
(11) A least Common Denominator
In Antibiotics Dr. Albert L. WAHL, M.D.
The Cancers Dragon Rulph. W. MOSS, M.D.
(13) The Homœopathic approach
for the cure of cancer Dr. R.P. PATEL.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 95
(While Part II features articles from other journals, Part III contains the editor’s own contribution and other original
1. Embraced by the Light
- Betty J. EADIE.
Published by Bantam Books. ISBN 0-553-56591-5.
I must have read this book years ago and some
strange reasons I have read it again. This book was a
bestseller on the New York Times list. I will be quoting
extensively from the foreword written by Dr. Melvin
Morse ND. The book is an authentic account of what is
now widely known around the world as an NDE i.e.
Near Death Experience which in fact is a dying
experience. The author of this foreword is a critical
care physician, and took the time to ask those who
survived clinical death, as to what the experience was
like. Children who have undergone this experience
have described this as having a lot of good things in it
after they have returned back to undergo this process
after our lifetime has finished, and to those who have an
exceptional fear of dying and death, this book will come
as a joyous surprise. 20 years of scientific research has
now demonstrated after interviewing scores of such
cases that such experiences are normal process,
absolutely real, and not hallucinations of the mind, and
not at all due to a so called lack of oxygen to the brain
or drugs, or psychological stresses evoked by the fear of
dying. Dr. Morse adds that researches have been going
on throughout the world, but unfortunately, present
western society has not accepted the scientific advances
in understanding the dying process which have occurred
in the past two decades. As he says very clearly, we
must almost desperately need to reeducate
ourselves that we are essentially spiritual beings as
well as biological machines; which are mutually
dependent on each other. The book teaches us a very
simple message, and filled with profound meaning
which is, “Love is supreme …. Love must govern and
…. we create our own surroundings by the thoughts we
think. This book is really a text book of the near death
experience which we all can understand, written as a
simple and wonderful story style which will fascinate all
those who read the book. Betly the author of this book
writes about what happened to her after routine
hysterectomy. It appears when one reads further on,
that she suddenly started haemorrhaging and in the
process she left her body, passed through what is now
universally recognized as a dark tunnel, yet she felt
great tranquility through this tunnels passage and
entered on the other side surrounded by Beings of Light.
Later on she has added that she was dead for almost
four hours, and during this period she underwent
marvelous experiences escorted by Beings which were
perhaps her guardian angels and in the process she was
judged very lovingly by a person whom she said was
Jesus Christ. She was taken to places where many
universal laws were explained to her, a cosmic library
was shown where knowledge is instantaneous and all
round, gardens which were of most profound colours
and shimmering with lights of all varieties, and the use
of prayer to help our loved ones and all these on earth
whom we have left behind. A point which was
insistently revealed to her was that we must acquire
knowledge of the spirit while we are in the flesh.
Because of the lack of this knowledge, some spirits are
virtual prisoners of this earth. Some may be atheist who
may died as atheist or those who have bounded to the
world through greed, bodily appetites or other earthly
commitments, find it difficult to move on and become
earth-bound, till they learn to accept the greater power
around them and let go off the world. Being a Christian
she talks lovingly of knowing Jesus Christy. When I
was reading this book, I wondered what would be the
experience of people in India who have undergone
NDES and returned back to tell of their experiences. So
far I have not read anywhere, any book of this sort,
about Indian people’s experience of NDE, when Belty
returned back to her body, she was told to go back as
she work to do on the earth. She was most reluctant to
obey the advice given by the light Beings. But here also
they gave her the choice of her utilizing her free will
saying you have to make the choice we will not
pressurize you, but we feel that when you return back,
you will write a book about this, though we will not
allow many of the memories deliberately. It took 20
years before this book could come out in print. Since
then thousands of people must have read this book and
Belty has also written other books which I have to buy
and read.
In conclusion, I may add, that one cannot fully
review this book, but each of my readers should
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 96
purchase the book and go through it carefully and get
maximum benefit from their reading.
A beautiful photo of the author is on the back of the
cover and the prize is $790 US dollars.
2. Kaleidoscope.
Questions and Answers from Satsang with
Jacqueline. Maria Longstaff. 1st Publication
Sept. 2000. Singing Heart Publications. ISBN 0-
9533426-4-6 website: www.cosmicairport.com
The author has an ashram called Singing Heart
Ashram near the sacred hill of Arunachalam, the seat of
Sri Ramana Maharishi’s tapascharya. She also moves
all over the world giving discourses particularly in
Denmark. Her basic spiritual awareness lies centered
on daily meditation at the heart center because she feels
the truth lies deep within your heart, and the heart can
accept everything as it is. She was first drawn to the
grace of her Guru who himself was a part and parcel of
Osho’s Ashram in late 70’s and early 80’s. she also met
other teachers who inspired her which led to her
teaching adwait, which she is now propogating
throughout the world. In addition to this book, she has
published four other books, in addition to videos,
DVD’s You Tube and music CDs etc. The rest of the
book contains a series of questions asked by people
whose answers are given in her satsangs and
meditational retreats. Some of the questions are why
bother to meditate? Who am I? On judgement,
Emptiness, mystical experiences, free will and Mind,
Stress and awareness, and open mind etc. Page 27
describes the energy vibrations of Arunachalam hills.
On page 29 she has stated that Arunachala represents
the unmovable, rooted and adoring Mother Earth, the
open sky emptiness of Buddha-mind. The love and
compassion of the Christ-heart. So these three represent
the holy trinity in perfect balance.
In page 30 & 31, she describes how to stay open,
when one is no longer in the ashram and goes back
home. She also talks in this chapter on oversensitivity
and has mentioned on page-33, her meeting with David
ICKE in February 1996. Incidently Icke’s books are
path breaking and I have read one of his books years
ago in which he talked about the organized
manipulations of consciousness that was significantly
suppressed for hundreds of years by people who
deliberately manipulated the suppression of esoteric
truths, which would have led many people to the
awakening of higher level of consciousness. One of
David Icke’s book which is available today in DVD
form published in 2008 is titled Beyond the cutting
edge”. Please get and read this. Jacqueline has been
strongly influenced by the Sufi Master Jalauddin Rumi
and other spiritual masters. She has great belief in
astrology as a system for the planet, though she doesn’t
talk much about it for the individual. Furthermore
questions are asked on relationship, death and dying and
a beautiful chapter of 2 pages 53 & 54 is on the Gayatri
Part-2 of this book contains her teachings
epitomized in a song by one of her foremost people
kirtana titled the Train song and she then goes on to
give the reader some messages which she has got from
the Kogi Indians. I shall not talk much about this.
Readers can read on pages 63 to 69 about messages.
She also received message from other occult sources
viz. The Hopi elders, which you can read on page 70.
In chapter-4 on page 73 onwards, deals with funny
topic titled Free God from religion and quotes the late
U.G. Krishnamurti “A messiah is one who leaves a
mess behind him in this world”. Significantly on page
76 she has described that one vedic astrologer had
described or suggested that religion is actually the
antichrist, because very often religion creates a
separation leading to a kind of behavioural pattern
which says My savior is better than your savior” or my
Guru is better than your Guru, which had led in the past
and even now to religious fanatism and religious wars.
Further insights into this particular aspect of what she
has stated are significantly revealed on pages 76 to 80 of
this chapter. I would suggest to the readers to read the
book “I am that” by late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
whom I met in Bombay years ago. Please go through
that book, for getting deeper insights into your spiritual
Chapter-5 deals with the topic titled ‘From Kali to
Satyug and 2012’ there is a Mayan Calendar which this
ancient civilization wrote hundreds of year ago and this
calendar has stated that we will be entering a period of
enlightenment around 2012. The energies around this
year of 2012 would be such that there will be an actual
change of the planet Earth to lead people out of their
duality into a form of universal unity.
Chapter-6 deals with how she managed to develop
and the Singing Heart Ashram in India at Arunachala.
The last chapter is on her vision titled ‘The Cosmic
Airport’ and I shall not describe what this beautiful
vision is, leaving the readers to find out for themselves
by purchasing the book and going through the details.
For a long time I have not read such a remarkable
book. Please read and get the book from any
recognized book stall. Price of the book is not
mentioned. Readers should visit the website to get the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 97
3. CINA: Materia Medica Revisa Homœopathiae,
Peter MINDER. Hrsg. K.-H. GYPSER, Wunnibold
Gypser, Verlag, 2010. (German)
This monograph on the homœopathic remedy Cina,
comes in the series of revised Materia Medica, a grand
project undertaken by Klaus-Henning GYPSER who
has a good team of doctors who all work diligently in
this great task.
Cina is in Hahnemann’s MMP, with 48 symptoms,
in the first editon, 287 symptoms in the 2nd edition and
in the third there are 301 symptoms. In the English
edition (translation by Dr. R.E. DUDGEON) we now
have 301 symptoms. Whereas this monograph contains
890 symptoms, nearly three times than the DUDGEON
Editions. Evidently we have to add much to our
reference sources.
Cina also known as Wormwood grows well in
Ukraine, Russia. The application of Cina has been
restricted to children by almost all Homœopathy
practitioners and rarely do we read in any journals of
any other.
I invite kind attention of the readers to our article in
the British Homœopathic Journal, Vol.81, 1992, by L.G.
Vasilyeva and G.A. Zakarchenko; the article is titled
‘The children of Chernobyl and Cina’. In this article
they have said that 54 children aged between two and
fifteen were under treatment by their homœopathic
Center. These children were living in an area which
was 3-6 Km. from Chernobyl where the nuclear
accident took place. Homœopathic treatment gave
much positive results in these cases.
The authors also say that Chernobyl (the local name
for Artimissa Cina) helped their people fight epidemic
of Cholera, in times of famine it helped many to
survive. “Now the people used it again”.
So, we have to say of reuter attention to Cina and
not restrict it to ‘Worm’ or ‘angry children’ alone.
Excellent with regard to printing, binding, and
errors-free, as in the monographs so far brought out, the
MMH Revisa Series is a necessary study and reference
4. Rumex Von Ewa KOWZAN. Materia Medica
Revisa Homöopathiae hrsg. Klaus-Henning
GYPSER. Wunnibald Gypser Verlag 2010. ISBN
This is another Monograph in the series of Materia
Medica Revisa.
The first Proving of Rumex oripus was done,
according to this Monograph, is Benjamin Franklin
JOSLIN (1796 1861) in New York which was
published in 1858. JOSLIN was born in 1796 in Rhode
Inland. From childhood he was very much interested in
knowledge. He was an excellent student, interested in
books and soon completed his studies in 1821; he then
studied Medicine in New York City. He passed the
Examination with distinction. He practiced with B.F.
BOWERS in New York. BOWERS began
homœopathic practice, and JOSLIN considered
Homœopathy as unscientific and gave very small does
and their joint practice was given up. A colleague who
had written a very aggressive article against
Homœopathy requested JOSLIN to take a stand against
Homœopathy. JOSLIN wanted to test (like, HERING)
Before he did so, and took a homœopathic medicine in
the 3rd potency and observed symptoms most of which
agreed with those found in the Homœopathic Materia
Medica. To conclude that this was not a ‘chance’ event,
he repeated the dose (like HAHNEMANN who took
China) and he took some other medicines; his
experiments convinced him about Homœopathy and he
began to practice and prove new medicines also. He
also wrote several articles on Homœopathy.
Most of us use Rumex for ‘cough’; but it has
several other symptom too. This Monograph lists 766
symptoms. This is a valuable book.
4. Ranunculus bulbosus Rancunculus scleratus -
von Gertnad ROOS Materia Medica Revisa
Homœopathiae Hrsg. K.-H.- GYPSER Wunnibold
Gypser, Verlag, 2010 ISBN 978-3-940940-15.5. 47
This remedy’s action extends from 5 weeks to
several months.
The Encyclopaedia of T.F. ALLEN has listed under
Ranunculus bulbosus 322 symptoms; the Archiv r die
homöopathische Heilkunst lists 334 symptoms and this
Monograph lists 550 symptoms.
A randons verification of some symptoms given in
CAPITALS UNDER “Mouth: tickling (Itching) in the
Gums (several cases)”, “< nights” are not given in the
Repertory. One has to study carefully the symptoms
and after verification with the Repertory, enter those
which are missing.
5. Rancunculus scleratus von Gertnad ROOS,
Materia Medica Revisa Homœopathiae, Hrsg. K.-H.
GYPSER, Wunnibold Gypser, Verlag, 2010 ISBN
978-3-940940-15.5. 48 pages.
The proving Ranunchlus scleratus who first
published in Stapf Archiv, in 1828.
This Monograph contains 804 symptoms.
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 98
The Ranunculus scleratus has characteristic skin
complaints. It is also a ‘heart remedy’ “stitches in the
region of the heart”; “Pulse somewhat accelerated,
while the radial artery feels somewhat thinner than
Thus one has excellent heart remedies; however, in
the thick of the daily ‘general’ practice and tends to
forget and it is difficult to get this remedy by routine
repertory work. It is only knowledge of Materia Medica
that will help. This was the strength of our past Master
several others. With thousands of remedies now, and
with the preaching of ‘innovators’, this art Materia
Medica knowledge has been lost. It is fine we wake up.
As all the Monographs so far published, this too is
hand, sturdy, clearly printed, letters easy on the eyes,
etc. excellent.
Dr Frederic Hervey Foster QUIN (1798 1878)
was a legendary personality in British Homœopathy.
He was cured by Homœopathy severe Pneumonia that
almost killed him. “I myself am a living proof of the
efficacy of Homœopathy” he said. QUIN went to
Germany studied the language and studied with
Hahnemann at Koethen.
QUIN was the founder of the British
Homœopathic Society in 1844.
1. The patient who is in the greatest danger, or in the
most acute suffering, has a privilege over all others,
whatever be their station or condition in Society.
2. The wise of the poor who has been saved speaks
louder and in more thrilling touch there that of the rich.
You know many of our great masters underwent
homœopathic treatment for their own serious diseases
which were not cured by the hegemonic medicine and
they became great homœopaths after that. Right from
Constantin HERING; whose hand was to be amputated
one dose of Ars.alb. 30 saved it (surprises). No
more doubts ever” said HERING. What about many of
us who get wonderful results in several cases and yet
keep doubting and looking for unethical methodologies?
QUIN cured Pneumonia which in UK was a killer.
ALLEN, SKINNER and several more who became
homœopaths after personal experience can be cited.
Yet why go looking about different methodologies
medical practices which are apologies for Hahnemann?
One must be WHOLLY A HOMOEOPATH; and
remember there is only one Homœopathy which was
discovered and codified by Hahnemann. None can
equal him, ever. He not only founded a theory but gave
a Materia Medica; remedies proved by him on his
person, his wife and children, he gave pharmacology.
A TOTAL THERAPEUTICS. Everyone amongst us
who think that Hahnemannian’s teachings are
insufficient is ignorant. = KSS.
I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was a man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet, once more, I shall die as man, to soar
With angels blessed, but even from angelhood
I must pass on; all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived,
Oh! let me not exist, for non-existence
Proclaims in organ-tones,
To Him we shall return“.
Maulana Rumi
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 99
Comments by André Saine
(from page no.65)
The Central New York Homoeopathic Medical
Society was one of the rare homeopathic medical
association that was consistently dedicated to pure
homeopathy. Many of its members were regarded as
great physicians. These include E. B. NASH, Joseph
HAWLEY, etc. Many papers of LIPPE and KENT were
read before this society.
CLAUSEN is referring here to the address Carroll
DUNHAM made before the American Institute of
Homeopathy in June 1870 in Chicago and entitled
Freedom of Medical Opinion and Action: a Vital
Necessity and Great Responsibility. DUNHAM was
suggesting that the AIH should strike out the word
homeopathy from its membership requirement and
thereby open its door to full membership to anyone
professing a medical diploma. DUNHAM pleaded “for
liberty; for I am sure that perfect liberty will the sooner
bring knowledge of the truth and that purity of practice
which we all desire.” He wanted the AIH “to be an open
forum where truth shall be so distinctively proclaimed,
and so persuadably enforced that error shall have no
chance.” He didn’t want discrimination, as he said, “Nor
do I know of any effective way to combat error, save by
proclaiming truth.” The following September, LIPPE
was replying to Dunham’s suggestion with in address
that was read before the Central New York
Homoeopathic Medical Society and entitled Liberty of
Medical Opinion and Action. Both papers are of great
historical importance for determining the fate of
“Kidd” is for Joseph Kidd from Ireland and in the
next two paragraphs you will find innuendos about
Dyce BROWN, Edwin HALE and Richard HUGHES.
All four were well-known for insisting to call
Homeopathy their teaching and practice of eclecticism.
Goats’ droppings.
Distinctive appearance.
Today we have an entire generation of students that
is being wasted and deluded by the fantasies of the
sirens and gurus of speculative medicine.
You can read this very interesting case of
DUNHAM on page 485 of his excellent posthumous
book, Homoeopathy, The Science of Therapeutics. It
is interesting to note that he used his famous 200 D
potency which was repeated every hour with each
paroxysm of pain and the patient kept repeating the
remedy in this potency for at least four months.
On this point, HOLMES wrote in the 1901 IHA
transactions page 257: “This brings me back to the point
of again emphasizing the importance of searching for
the simillimum and not for the remedy based on the
diagnosis or applied for a single feature of the disease.
Franz HARTMANN, while a member of Hahnemann's
household saw the great master prescribe for a case of
fig-warts and asked what remedy was given.
Hahnemann told him to take the record and search the
Materia Medica. This was not satisfactory and when, at
the end of a month, the patient returned without a trace
of the warts, HARTMANN could contain himself no
longer. He went to the study early in the morning before
HAHNEMANN came in and opened the case book. The
prescription was Chamomilla 30, three powders and
placebo. He confessed his sin to HAHNEMANN and
urged him to tell why he had given Chamomilla for fig-
warts. “Ah, have you done that?” said HAHNEMANN;
“then take the book and read further, read the
Symptomen-codex and see if it were possible to give
any other remedy than Chamomilla, when such
symptoms were present.” And HARTMANN was
satisfied. Oh, my brethren of too little faith! Would that
I could gather you into my arms and have some “heart
to heart talks” with you over the great works of our
masters in comparison with the eclectic, guess-work,
irregular methods so prevalent in our school.”
Milwaukee philosophers refers to a group of
physicians who, around 1879, tried to disprove
potentiation process of Homeopathy.
Again, LIPPE is referring to the 1870 address by
Carroll DUNHAM before the American Institute of
I found responses from LIPPE, P. P. WELLS, T. F.
LIPPE is referring to the resolution proposed in the
very last minutes of the 1882 annual meeting of the
American Institute of Homeopathy by Pemberton
DUDLEY who was also one of the editors of the
Hahnemannian Monthly, which said, “Resolved, that
it is the sense of the American Institute of
Homoeopathy, that no physician can properly sustain
the responsibilities, or fulfill all the duties of his
professional relations, unless he enjoys absolute
freedom of medical opinion, and unrestricted liberty of
professional action, as provided for the Code of Ethics
of the Institute. The resolution was adopted with one
dissenting vote. It is interesting to note that the
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 100
“essential purposes” for the foundation of the American
Institute of Homoeopathy in 1844 was : “1st. The
reformation and augmentation of the Materia Medica.
2d. The restraining of physicians from pretending to be
competent to practice homeopathy who have not studied
it in a careful and skilful manner.” However, when the
official constitution the AIH was adopted in 1846 it
stated, “The object of this Institution shall be the
improvement of the science of medicine.” This was a
major change of focus which would greatly affect its
philosophy and fate.
One or two months before writing this letter, LIPPE
wrote an article in which he commented on this
resolution. He wrote, “What can this resolution really
mean? As we became a member of the Institute at its
second meeting, we may be supposed to know the aims
of that Society. Then all the members held it to be
incumbent upon its members to practice homeopathy, as
promulgated by its founder. We united to develop our
knowledge by augmentations to our Materia Medica,
that we might the better apply the only law of cure
known to the healing-art. We enjoyed then, as now,
absolute freedom of medical opinion; no law of this free
land could prevent any one from either joining or
leaving the Institute, provided he was, when he joined it,
possessed of the requisite knowledge of medicine, and
especially of homeopathy. He could, if he found the
healing-art called Homeopathy inadequate, when he
tried to properly sustain the responsibilities or fulfill all
the duties of his professional relations, leave the
Institute at pleasure, all of which covered the
unrestricted liberty of professional action. If such was
the true meaning of this resolution, it was obviously
unnecessary to offer or to pass it.
“What can this resolution really mean? The learned
compiler of so much, almost incomprehensible bombast,
now kindly tells us what he did really meanvide
Hahnemannian Monthly, Sept. 1st, 1882, p. 560, and
there and then he enlightens us thus: ‘Before the
resolution was offered it was shown to several members
of the Institute, each and all of whom at once
understood it to refer to the question which now divides
and distracts the allopathic denomination, viz.: the
consultation question!’
“What a revelation this is! For the sake of
everything appertaining to language, we cannot see a
syllable in this resolution touching either the question of
consultation or recognition, nor are we aware of any
even the slightestattempt made in behalf of the
Institute forbidding any such consultations! Besides all
this, the allopaths have very wisely settled the
distracting question, and we have nothing to do with it.
As the resolution has nothing whatever to do with
‘consultations,’ and as we must take it for granted that
the chosen few members of the Institute did see said
resolution ‘after dinner,’ we may now be permitted to
put our own interpretation on this strange language. The
gentleman who offered said resolution once delivered
himself of this remark before the Philadelphia
Homoeopathic Medical Society—‘I have a weakness
for quinine; if I could get along without quinine, as
some claim to do, I could get along without homeopathy
altogether,’ which might be put into more explicit
language—‘Homeopathy teaches the administration of
quinine in massive doses for the cure of intermittent
fever, as I understand it, and those who claim to get
along without it are not homeopaths, as I understand it.
No such homeopathy without quinine for me.’
“As Homeopathy is an exclusive system of
therapeutics, as it teaches that all dynamic and all
curable, not surgical, cases of disease (even if caused by
mechanical injuries) are amenable under the law of the
similars, excluding necessarily the palliative treatment
of the allopathic school, and as it is evident this is not
palatable to a learned gentleman who seems not to know
that homeopathy always rejected the ever pernicious use
of crude drugs, quinine included, this resolution means
nothing more or less than this: ‘I am a homeopath, but
claim absolute freedom of medical opinion and
unrestricted liberty of professional actioni. e., to give
crude doses of quinine and morphia myself whenever I
please, and express this my opinion freely without
“These are the prerogatives of the eclectics. As a
logical sequence, the next resolution offered the
Institute should read: ‘Whereas, the fatal error was
committed of passing the above resolution last year, at
the close of the session, we now apply the ' proper'
remedy, and strike out from the title of our Association,
founded by the early pioneers, the name homeopathy,
and insert in the place of it—eclecticism.’ That is the
true inwardness of said resolution.
The resolution LIPPE is referring to was presented
by the Committee appointed at the previous meeting on
consultation with non-homeopaths. The report read as
“Your Committee find that the Code of Ethics of
the American Institute of Homoeopathy, adopted by
this Society, contains all that can be desired on this
subject, giving, as it does, to every member of the
profession, without dispute, the right to his individual
opinion, and to advise with any duly qualified
physician, demanding only a legal status in the
profession and such courteous treatment of each other as
one gentleman would always give another.
“They further find that the New York State
Medical Society has recently placed its Code on the
same basis of freedom and gentlemanly courtesy; and
that out of this action of that meeting has grown up a
©Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.XXIX, 3 & 4/2012. Private circulation only. 101
discussion among the members of the Old School,
which has become so general as to attract public
attention and is producing in some degree the
impression that the homeopathic profession has sought,
and is still seeking, such a change in the Code of the
Old School. They find also, as a further basis of this
impression, that there is a somewhat numerous class of
eclectics, who, having crept into the various
homeopathic societies, are so clamorous for recognition
by the Old School that they are willing to drop our
distinctive name, as they have already abandoned every
principle of our school, whereby they bring upon the
whole homeopathic fraternity the charge of professing
one thing and practicing another.
“Your Committee further find that the sole
difference between the Old School and the homeopathic
profession is in the administration of drugs for the cure
of the sick, the latter claiming to have the law of the
curative relation of drugs to diseases, while the Old
School deny that the law is known.
“Your Committee therefore offer and advise the
adoption of the following preamble and resolution as
expressing the sentiments of this Society:
“Whereas, It is evident that the curative relation of
drugs to diseases, if there is such relation, must, like all
things else, lie governed by law, and the homeoopathic
profession has a knowledge of and is guided by that
law, which law has no relation to pathology,
diagnostics, prognostics, or practical surgery; therefore,
“Resolved, That homeopathic physicians, abiding
by their Code of Ethics, and giving gentlemanly
courtesy to all legally qualified members of the medical
profession, in the administration of drugs for the cure of
the sick, neither need nor ask counsel of any who,
ignorant of the law, are guided only by empirics, or, as
they phrase it, “the accumulated experience of the
The resolution LIPPE is referring to was presented
by the Committee appointed at the previous meeting on
consultation with non-homeopaths. The report read as
follow, “Your Committee find that the Code of Ethics of
the American Institute of Homeopathy, adopted by this
Society, contains all that can be desired on this subject,
giving, as it does, to every member of the profession,
without dispute, the right to his individual opinion, and
to advise with any duly qualified physician, demanding
only a legal status in the profession and such courteous
treatment of each other as one gentleman would always
give another.
“They further find that the New York State Medical
Society has recently placed its Code on the same basis
of freedom and gentlemanly courtesy; and that out of
this action of that meeting has grown up a discussion
among the members of the Old School, which has
become so general as to attract public attention and is
producing in some degree the impression that the
homeopathic profession has sought, and is still seeking,
such a change in the Code of the Old School. They find
also, as a further basis of this impression, that there is a
somewhat numerous class of eclectics, who, having
crept into the various homeopathic societies, are so
clamorous for recognition by the Old School that they
are willing to drop our distinctive name, as they have
already abandoned every principle of our school,
whereby they bring upon the whole homeopathic
fraternity the charge of professing one thing and
practicing another.
“Your Committee further find that the sole
difference between the Old School and the homeopathic
profession is in the administration of drugs for the cure
of the sick, the latter claiming to have the law of the
curative relation of drugs to diseases, while the Old
School deny that the law is known.
“Your Committee therefore offer and advise the
adoption of the following preamble and resolution as
expressing the sentiments of this Society:
“Whereas, It is evident that the curative relation of
drugs to diseases, if there is such relation, must, like all
things else, lie governed by law, and the homeopathic
profession has a knowledge of and is guided by that
law, which law has no relation to pathology,
diagnostics, prognostics, or practical surgery; therefore,
“Resolved, That homeopathic physicians, abiding
by their Code of Ethics, and giving gentlemanly
courtesy to all legally qualified members of the medical
profession, in the administration of drugs for the cure of
the sick, neither need nor ask counsel of any who,
ignorant of the law, are guided only by empirics, or, as
they phrase it, “the accumulated experience of the