© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
VOL. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014
Part I Current Literature Listing
Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known
homœopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA,
etc., - discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for
detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are
given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries
original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc.
1. A brief introduction to Polarity Analysis
COOK, Daniel (AJHM. 105, 4/2012)
Polarity Analysis is a way of adding power to
Bӧnninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book. Polarity
Analysis examines the fact that many remedies produce
polar opposite symptoms such as aggravation and
amelioration from warmth; motion; thirst and
thirstlessness but that only one of this pair is
characteristic of the remedy, while the other shows the
remedy’s breadth of action but not its character.
Polarity Analysis makes an additional search for all
existing repertory symptoms opposite to those chosen
for the analysis and shows whether the remedies
showing high in the repertorisation are better known for
this patient symptoms or instead of their opposites.
Using Polarity Analysis we distinguish character
from mere coverage.
For a remedy to be selected or strongly considered
in the case, its proven experience to produce symptoms
opposite to the patient’s symptoms should be low.
2. Organon §3 and Bӧnninghausen’s Method of
FISCHER, Ulrich D. (AJHM. 105, 4/2012)
In the Organon 6th Edition, § 3 states the
importance of perceiving what is sick (morbid) in the
patient, and matching this to what is curative in
medicines. A safe and successful way to accomplish
this is the process of generalization. Generalization
brings together (inductive logic) similar and related
phenomena into groups, deduces their general
characteristics and states them in simple, comprehensive
forms. The generals, which include and are derived
from the particulars, are the most reliable basis of a
curative prescription. Most of the modalities of
Bӧnninghausen are general in their relations, i.e.,
characteristics deduced by a critical study of
particulars and verified in practice. A clinical case
demonstrates the advantages of nninghausen’s
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
1. The Genius of the Remedy
SANKARAN, Rajan (AH. 18/2012)
C.M. Boger in his synoptic key has endeavoured to
make clear the general expression of each remedy
through an understanding of the essential points of the
Symptom images”.
The Genius includes: Location, Pathology type,
Pace, General traits, Type of person, Exciting factors,
Body type, Personal and Family History, General
modalities, General sensation. These traits are not
separate, they are all expressions of the same core state.
They are fully inter-related.
Genius is a pattern of qualities that is unique to a
In studying a case (or a remedy), you will find three
parallel and intertwining lines. These are symptoms
(characteristics), System (the Sensation and Miasm),
Genius (the general nature of the patient/remedy)
In trying to understand a patient we should pick up
the line which is most obvious in that case. It may be
any of these three if we follow this lead, the other two
lines will also become evident, we could
diagrammatically depict than as three points or sides of
a triangle.
To understand the genius, one has to go behind the
symptoms and see the nature of the complaints.
A case of anger and depression in a teenage girl is
analysed briefly into the rubrics
Fear of moral obliquity alternating with sexual
Despair, religious, alternating with sexual
Delusions, wrong, she has done
Desires beautiful things, finery
Ennui, boredom: entertainment ameliorates
Finery, luxurious clothing, wants during sadness
A month after Lilium tigrinum she has been doing
2. Disconnection: A Proving of Didelphis virginiana
(Blood of the North American opossum)
HUENECKE, Jason-Aeric (AH. 18/2012)
The blood of the Didelphis virginiana was
extracted from a male opossum that met an untimely
death. HUENECKE prepared upto 3c and then Helios
Homœopathy, Kent, UK prepared a range of potencies.
15 provers. All females, 30c potency, double blind
3. Moral Panic: The British case and Its implications
for Homœopathy
FRIEDENFELS, Roxanne (AH. 18/2012)
An excellent and well researched article explaining
the reasons for recent attacks on Homœopathy.
Full article in Part II.
4. Rhythm, Flow and Unification: A Proving of
Samarium Cobaltum Magneticum
HUENECKE, Jasan-Aeric (AH. 18/2012)
The proving was done in North Western Academy
of Homœopathy in 2011. 17 Provers; 14 females and 3
males. 30c potency. Double blind. At the end a long
list of ‘rubrics’ to be added to the Repertory. [How can
we ‘add’ rubrics unless there has been
confirmation/verification of the symptoms in actual
cases? How dependable are these additions? Are they
are not arbitrary? = KSS].
5. The challenges of Diet in Modern Provings
HUENECKE, Jason-Aeric (AH. 18/2012)
The various guidelines of diet during the proving
are discussed.
The author asks the provers to pay attention to
those substances to which they are particularly sensitive.
It is interesting when those substances used with
regularity in daily life are altered or experienced as a
change of habit during the proving.
Our challenge is to see clearly how the
domestication of diet in our breakneck culture affects
6. A Project to Perfect our Materia Medica
GYPSER, Klaus-Henning (AJHM. 105, 2/2012)
Homœopathic practitioners worldwide cannot make
use of all the proving and clinical symptoms of our
remedies because there is no complete collection of
them. Constantin Hering was the first to suggest
making such a compilation but did not realize his goal.
The daunting task has been taken up by the Glees
academy of Homœopathic Physicians under the
editorship of K.-H. Gypser, which began publishing the
first volumes of the “Materia Medica Revisa
Homœopathiae” (MMRH) in 2007 after 25 years of
preparation. The literature sources come from the
Academy’s library of about 9,000 volumes of
international homœopathic books and periodicals.
7. Aethusa cyanapium Bestӓtigung zweier
Teilsymptome und einer ausgezeichneten
klinischen Beobachtung
(Aethusa cyanapium Confirmation of a two part
Symptom and an excellent clinical observation)
ZWEMKE, Hans (ZKH. 55, 2/2011)
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Case Report of a 11 year-old boy, cured three times
by Aethusa of acute, partly febrile, gastrointestinal
complaints. The guiding symptom was sensation “as if
the stomach turned over”, as well as a “serious”
expression, a kind of “resignation”. VITHOULKAS
was the first to report exactly this state of disposition
clinically. We discuss the relevance of this disposition
against the psychological setting of the patient:
emotional distress after the separation of his parents
without being able to talk about it. We compare this
state of mind to that of SOCRATES and his chalice of
Hemlock, who recognized his paralysis fully
consciously. [Only in JAHR’s Symptomen Kodex, I
found this “something in the stomach turned over”; not
found in the GS, CLARKE = KSS.]
8. Hahnemanns Prüfungs protokolle
(Hahnemann’s Protocols for Proving)
LUCAE, Christian (ZKH. 56, 1/2012)
The Institute for history of medicine of Robert
Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart contains almost all the
records of HAHNEMANN, almost all the manuscripts.
There are manuscripts which are yet to be published
among these are some original proving protocols from
his time in Leipsic:
Richard HAEHL the HAHNEMANN biographer
has in 1920s mentioned of these unpublished Proving
A study of the bundle of manuscripts give
interesting material. The material in the Robert Bosch
in bundles is titled The Bound Manuscripts of Samuel
Hahnemann, pertaining to the years 1781-1833:
G1: Contained: Notes, letters sketches and
drawings and other contributions like a College
G2: Period presumably between 1785 and 1805. 78
pages both sides, contains the early the first order
excerpts of Symptoms from ‘Other sources’,
which are noted in Latin predominantly but
containing German and English observations.
Additional papers are also there in certain pages.
The medicines are in alphabetical order from
Anacardium ending with Zingiber. Then there are
entries under “ego” meaning symptoms observed
by Hahnemann himself in his Provings.
G3: Probably related to period from 1811 contains
42 (two sides) pages in German. These contain
notes on medicine Provings of Hahnemann and his
students. As in G2 here also there are “ego”, in
German I”. Other Prover’s names are mentioned
(e.g. FRANZ, LANGHAMMER, etc.) probably
these are original Proving-Protocols which contain
HAHNEMANN’s additions obtained from his
interrogation of the Prover or dialogue with.
G4: File is titled Index of medicines in globules in
my homœopathic medicine case: 298 medicines
are in it some double, in different potencies. There
are medicines like Aristolochia, Filix mas, Lachesis
and others which until now have not been
associated with HAHNEMANN.
There are about 70 remedies whose Provings have
not been published according to Richard Haehl.
It will be seen that HAHNEMANN carefully
noticed and noted the symptoms throughout his life and
put it in his book properly edited in the light of his
experience. It will also be seen from these papers how
some symptoms found their place in the Materia Medica
after lapse of decades.
9. Der Wert klinischer Symptome für die Charektrist
einer Arzneimittels Nach einem franzӧsischen
Artikel vom G.H.G. Jahr aus dem Journal de la-
societe Gallicane de medicine homêopathique von
(The value of clinical symptoms for the
characteristic of a remedy according to an article
of G.H.G. JAHR in a French Journal de la Société
Gallicane of Homœopathic Medicine 1858/59)
SOMMER, Illa (ZKH. 56, 1/2012)
There are different interpretations of Hahnemann’s
terms ‘Characteristics’ of a remedy GHG. JAHR
through his several years of close contact with
HAHNEMANN and understood him well gave notes on
this term. In a series of articles in the journal de la
société Gallicane he pointed out, that clinical experience
does not replace remedy proving, but helps completing
the knowledge of the remedies. He shows how analysis
of a Proving can contribute to a cleaner view of the
characteristic symptom of a remedy.
[Attention is drawn to the article “What does
Characteristic mean”? by Joseph ATTOMYR in QHD.
31, 1&2/2014]
10. “Wie oft hast du schon Laurocerases
(How often have you prescribed Laurosersus?)
MINDER, Peter (ZKH. 56, 1/2012)
Laurocerasus is a rarely used medicine. This
article is in the light of a study of this remedy by a
group who were preparing a revised, reliable Materia
SUDDEN: Periodic, absetzend: recurring.
Localization: Inner head
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
< afternoon, < AFTERNOON 14hrs.
<Motion, Walking
< stooping
> midday meal
> scratching
STITCHING, fine stitches, blunted senses
Itching, > scratching; after scratching burning
Special Characteristic
Peculiar Symptoms
Thinks, heart must be held in place by hand
Feel as if ice on the head; on the side; in the nape upto
the hip; wings of nose
Feel, as if wind blew over the forehead
Feel as if left head would as if something (brain) would
Sensation of Vermin; moving or flying off from the
forehead, spiders or flies on face, Crawling in face,
sensation of hair on cheeks, as if worm on bones
feet, ankle, movements as from flies and Vermin.
As if the tendons, sinews, too short, sensation, on the
back of head, in the shoulders
Sensation of being enlarged: as if the head was
widened, as if the eyeball was too large for the
space, as if a band was on the eyeball, everything
appears unusually large, as when the head of the
joint of the upper arms were too large, drinks
rolled, swallowing over the guellet noisy, into the
Peculiar, localized modalities/Itching, Scratching
< midday meal, > after midday meal
<, movement, walking, > MOVEMENT,
Peculiar localized, sides relationship:
Dynamic/Development: Direction/Extension:
Right: abdomen; left, Head, Eyes, Mouth, Female
Genital; inside out (Head)
Peculiar parts/Organs
Frontal head
Chest bone
Peculiar localized complaints/Sensations/Findings
Tickling in Larynx
Peculiar localized accompanying complaints/specific
combined indications in different parts
Extending pressure Pressure outward (K)
Note: (e.g. unconnected a range)
Less symptoms of menses
1. Kasuistik einer sehr schnell geheilten Tetraplegie
(Case of a rapidly cured Tetraplagia)
SRINIVASAN, K.S. (ZKH. 55, 3/2011)
A 55 year old, male, doctor in medicine was struck
with Quadraplegia evidently. He was a restless person,
known tippler and had quarrel with his wife the
previous day and got suddenly struck with paralysis of
his legs then arms and unable to move. Physicians who
attended confirmed Guillain-Baare-Syndrome. The
patient was also homœopathy practitioner.
He was prescribed Nux vomica XM one dose. By
next day he began to improve. Later was put on Nux
vomica 6 for few days.
Remains well review 2 years remains well. This
case indicate Hahnemann’s Law of direction Cure.
Even though thousands and thousands patients have
been cured over the past 200 years, the Hegemony
Medicine asks for ‘evidence’. The new slogan since last
few years is ‘evidence based medicine. There stands
before you the cured patient and he is well and remains
well. That is the most ‘telling evidence’ superior to
laboratory evidence.
2. Lebererkrankungen (Liver Diseases)
HAGGENMÜLLER, George (ZKH. 55, 3/2011)
Homœopathy has its own rules in respect of clinical
conditions. For one, those who suffer from serious
disease demand rapid evaluation. We have also to treat
multi pharmacological cases and cases with paucity of
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
symptoms. There are other constraints also like the fact
that Homœopathy has not been established in hospitals.
Under these circumstances the affected organs have to
be taken into consideration. BOGER’s and PHATAK’s
repertories are of great use in this case.
3. Was Hahnemann a True Scientist?
MORRELL, Peter (AH. 18/2012)
In this article, the author discusses the definition of
science and its components and reiterates that
Hahnemann proceeded to develop Homœopathy in a
completely scientific manner. [There have been several
articles in the past trying to label HAHNEMANN as a
‘scientist’. Where is the need to confirm it? And why a
‘true’? Why should we fight the so-called ‘scientific’
world to anoint HAHNEMANN as a scientist? When
we attempt to convince the ‘scientific’ world, it throws
out the claim blindly! They simply refuse. = KSS].
4. Obsessed with Death
SPERLING, Vatsala (AH. 18/2012)
Susan, 62 years with family history of Cancer and
Liver diseases. Shocked easily, oversensitive, with
thoughts of death most of the times. Fears of crowded
streets and to cross streets. Nightmares. Palpitations in
daytime; when agitated, afraid and shocked. Thirsty for
cold water. History of intense fevers in the past. The
case was analysed with Mac Repertory software and
complete 2008 Repertory. Aconitum napellus 1M.
Over the next few months she improved and became
alright with another dose six months later.
5. A case of Crohn’s Disease and Its Etiology
SPENCLEY, Samantha (AH. 18/2012)
38 year-old male with Crohn’s disease since 2005.
Appendisectomy did not relieve. Bowel resection in
2006, relieved pain for 2 years. Because of immerse
pain, he was advised immune suppressant drug.
The abdominal pain started after a car accident in
2005. In 2007, he lost his first child at 27 weeks
gestation and not able to get over it. Hay fever in the
past; Chicken pox at 5 years of age and Tonsillectomy
at 8 years. Offended easily severe pain. Vomiting
during pain. Agg. eating. Anger and guilt about the
accident. Bruxism.
Natrum muriaticum 200, one pellet dry, one dose.
A month later, no cramping, no vomiting,
No signs of being sick for the first time in years.
Complete evacuation of stool.
He took himself off his medications.
He took another dose due to the stress of exams and
miscarriage of wife.
Over the next 15 months, he took one dose,
whenever symptoms relapsed. The Hay fever
reappeared and subsided.
Another 7 months later daughter was born. Later
he lost his mother to a chronic disease and he needed
medicine. Natrum muriaticum has enabled him to make
great strides in his ability to deal with his losses.
6. Exploring Psychology and Forgiveness in
Homœopathic Treatment
SILVESTRI, Kenneth (AH. 18/2012)
The use of Psychology when integrated with
Homœopathy offers a larger framework to ascertain the
sensations and modalities that contextualize presenting
symptoms. Empathic dialogue and gentle probing take
the adage of the prejudiced observer to a new and
contemporary level given the modern stressors we
encounter each day. Illustrative case.
Leo, in mid twenties with extreme headache over 3
years since having a stomach virus. Anticipation.
Vomiting before or after eating. He was withdrawn,
compulsive and depressed. Had suicidal ideations and
was impatient. His presenting temperament was one of
suppressed anger which was strikingly different from
the sanguine artistic person that he had been prior to his
constant vomiting.
The first thing is to know what you feel so you can
allow empathy to produce a ‘non-denial of feelings.
Widening your lens creates perspective as to what is the
‘wrong’ that hurts you. This helps to avoid having your
persona being overtaken by your shadow side.
Within few psychotherapy sessions, he began to see
a wider perspective. He was given Bryonia 6c as a four-
ounce bottle of medicinal solution. After 8 succussions,
one teaspoon was to be diluted into four ounces of
water. One teaspoon twice a day for 5 days. His
headache subsided and vomiting lessened. Also felt a
strong sense of peace of mind.
He still had some compulsive tendencies and had
the fear of recurring. Natrum sulph. 6c. Within a week,
the vomiting totally subsided. Began to eat regularly
and more importantly felt that he had found his old self
and could be more social.
Indications for Aurum group, Ignatia, Nitricum
acidum, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphoric acid,
Staphysagria, Bryonia, Natrum sulphuricum are
7. Kinderkonstitution (Children’s Constitution)
DORCSI, Matthias (ZKH. 55, 2/2011)
This article is based on a lecture of the late Dr.
Mathias DORCSI (1923 2001), on 26 Oct. 1995.
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Dr. DORCSI said that when he was in the
Children’s Hospital in Vienna in 1950 as assistant
physician he was allotted a ward of small children
wherein children will be admitted and later discharged
and soon again admitted, so on. Almost all of them
suffered similar complaints: sicknesses of the nose-
throat region, with Tonsillitis, complaints of Lymph
system, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract down to
the stomach, intestinal disturbances, kidney and urinary
tract infection. These were all the disease states, not life
threatening, but were transitory and got out of. After 4-
6 weeks the children will again be brought in. These
diseases are reckoned only as constitutional.
The children whose parent had suffered from
similar complaint when young and more so if both
parents (father and mother) were so. In those days the
skin eruptions in those children were considered
“forties” which meant that the disease will be there for
40 days, 40 weeks or 40 years. The doctors knew they
could not do much, and the parents particularly the
grand parents had the patience with the child.
Nowadays Neurodermatitis is spoken about and
consequently the doctor become neurotic, the parents
neurotic and the children are neurotic!
Constitutional Therapy was planned in ailment like
Constitution is a person’s inborn and acquired
mental-emotional physical condition. Diathesis is the
inborn and acquired deficiencies of organs and system.
These have been discussed thoroughly.
An experienced, attentive, observant, gifted
physician will observe as the mother brings in the child,
see or note how ill or well the child is, angry or
pleasant, whether too ill or only very less ill, then find
whether hot or cold, well developed or not so, thin or
fat, etc., understand whether it is lithaemic lymphatic,
destructive etc.
8. A case of Parkinson-Plus Syndrome Resolved
Using the ‘Lost Art’ of Keynote Prescribing
WADHWANI, Gyandas,G. (AJHM. 105, 2/2012)
A 75 year-old man, diagnosed with Parkinson-plus
Syndrome was seen on 11th Oct. 2009. He was restless
and would not let go of someone’s hand, whether
sitting, standing or lying.
On this basis, Bismuthum in LM potencies starting
from LM1 was given and recorded over a period of 10
months. In Dec. 2009, (after LM3) he was able to speak
better and could stand with minimal support. Tremors
also decreased. After LM5 in Jan. 2010, he could stand
and sit straight, his speech clearer and further reduction
in tremors.
In July 2010, he sang an entire devotional song and
could even sing high notes. Tremors disappeared.
In August 2010, he passed away in sleep.
Dr. WADHWANI demonstrated the advantage of
Key-note prescribing, through this case.
9. Eye diseases from a Homœopathic Perspective
KONDROT, Edward (AJHM. 105, 3/2012)
There has been a dramatic increase in the incidence
of eye disease worldwide. Homœopathic principles not
only help us understand the reason for this increase but
also help us provide effective treatment. Homœopathic
practitioners should not avoid the treatment of chronic
eye disease but use homœopathic principles with
This article is an important one as written by a
doctor practicing ophthalmology since 1977 and
Homœopathy since 1990.
10. Endometrial Polyp: A Case Cured by Homœopathy
ARORA, Saurav (AJHM. 105, 4/2012)
Endometrial polyps (EP) are masses of
endometrium in the uterine lumen which can appear
with differing morphology and size. A case of EP
treated with Lachesis, Sepia, and Sulphur in succession
and followed up for one year became asymptomatic and
radiographically normal. While a single case is not
sufficient to establish the effectiveness of Homœopathy
in EP, it is suggestive. Further studies are needed,
especially randomized trials.
11. A Cure of Psoriasis Using Frequent Homœopathic
Doses in Solution
DABHADE, Vijay (AJHM. 105, 4/2012)
Placing centesimal potencies in solution and
prescribing them frequently for chronic conditions is not
widely practiced. It can be superior to dry doses in
many cases, especially in certain skin diseases where a
persistent mild medicinal action is preferred to a strong
aggravation. By prescribing dissolved doses of
Staphysagria 200c, later Staphysagria LM 2, a long
standing case of Psoriasis was cured. This suggests that
centesimal potencies given frequently in solution,
followed by LM potencies, may be more efficacious,
prompt and gentle than treatment with dry doses.
12. Treating Metastatic Prostate Cancer with a
Combined Approach Case Report
KURIAN, PJ. and PINTO, Roshan
(AJHM. 105, 4/2012)
Back ground: Prostatic carcinoma is considered to be
the second most common cancer in men and fifth most
common in the world. A novel observation was made
during the treatment of a patient with advanced
metastatic disease.
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Methods & Observation: A patient suffering from
carcinoma of the prostate with distant metastases was
treated with several homœopathic remedies in addition
to conventional anti-cancer drugs. The course of the
disease was monitored by bone scans which showed
marked improvement.
Conclusion: This methodology i.e. integrative approach
appears to be promising in treatment of advanced
metastasized cancer. Further studies need to be
conducted to validate this approach.
13. Two G.I. Cases
COOK, Daniel (AJHM. 105, 4/2012)
Case 1: 22 year-old female awoke at 2.30a.m. and
vomited. Vomiting of clear fluid every 45-60 minutes
until 7.30 a.m. Arsenicum album 200 and no more
vomiting, but fever started in the evening. Sluggish, no
appetite, weak, nausea from sitting and better on
moving about. Analyzing with both Kent and
Bӧnninghausen repertories, Pulsatilla appeared in first
position with Rhus toxicodendron second. Pulsatilla
had higher polarity differential and six hours after a
dose of Pulsatilla 200, she had more energy, no nausea
and eating well.
Case 2: 6 year-old healthy girl on vacation ate fresh
rasp berries and blue berries without washing. Since
that night painless brown watery stools. 6 7 times per
day for nine days. Podophylum 200 one dose and no
diarrhea since stool pattern and form entirely back to
14. Die Wiener Schule der Homӧopathie: gestern,
heute und Morgen (The Vienna School of
Homœopathy: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow)
(ZKH. 55, 2/2011)
The Vienna School of Homœopathy according to
Dr. Mathias DORCSI presents a synthetic-
phenomenologic approach as a medicine focused on the
whole human being. Essential aspects are constitution
and diathesis as well as reliable indication and complete
local symptom. The Vienna School of Homœopathy is
easy to teach and to learn and most suitable for the
integration into modern medicine. The paper deals with
its history in Austria until 1989 and its practice in
Munich to the present. The history of a baby with
several handicaps with a following over more than 20
year demonstrates how Vienna School can be
successful, e.g. with the constitutional remedy Plumbum
metallicum and the reliable remedy Comocladi dentata.
15. glichkeiten und Grenzen der Homӧopathie in
der Behandlung Cerebraler Anfallsleiden Drei
Kasuistiken mit Juvemiler myoklonischer Epilepsie
(Possibilities and limits in the treatment of Seizures
Three cases with juvenile myoclonic Epilepsy)
RICHER, Day and HADULLA, Michael
(ZKH. 55, 3/2011)
Three cases, each different, of Juvenile myoclonic
cerebral seizures are presented.
All the three were treated taking into consideration
the Cause, the Constitution and Miasm.
16. Finding Balance Homœopathy and the body-mind
Answers for ulcers
BATRA, Mukesh (HT. 33, 1/2013)
For a long time, most conventional physicians
thought that stomach ulcers were psychosomatic
disorders, primarily triggered by stress. Then two
Australian physicians, Barry Marshall and Robin
Warren discovered Helicobacter pylori in 1982 and won
Nobel prize in 2005 for its role in gastritis and peptic
ulcer disease. Then antibiotics began to be used and
many became hale and hearty sooner than expected.
A new research found that 8 out of 10 infected
never get ulcers. This led some to investigate emotional
factors as the root of ulcer distress.
The Journal of the American Medical Association
featured studies showing that people who faced intense
life stresses were more prone to develop peptic ulcers in
the next two decades.
The Archives of Internal Medicine also reported
that the incidence of ulcers in people who were severely
stressed was twice that of those who did not have such
Epidemiological studies show that the incidence of
ulcers seemed to rise after natural disasters.
The American Journal of Gastroenterology
substantiates that a noticeable rise in bleeding gastric
ulcers were seen following natural calamities such as
Though antibiotic therapy works for many, they
relapse down the road. So perhaps there is more to the
story of ulcers than a bacteria.
Two cases of painful ulcers, one treated by
Phosphorus and other by Nux vomica are given.
Indications for Arsenicum album, Kali
bichromicum, Mercurius corrosives, Mercurius
solubilis, Natrum phosphoricum, Nux vomica,
Pulsatilla, Arsenicum album and Arundo are given.
17. The Skinny on Sunburn
Natural remedies to soothe sizzled skin
LENNIHAN, Begabati (HT. 33, 2/2013)
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Calendula, Urtica urens, Belladonna, Cantharis are
homœopathic Sunburn soothers.
Sol is a remedy made from Sunlight that can
sometimes reverse Sun damage.
Aloe vera gel will soothe the pain. Antioxidants
such as Vitamin C and E plus the carotenoid lycopene
can protect against Sunburns.
18. That Bites!
A Tale of Wilderness Survival
FALKNER, Douglas (HT. 33, 2/2013)
FALKNER, has years of experience as an
emergency medicine physician and now a homœopath
in private practice. In Aug. 2012, he was camping in
the remote Steen’s Mountain area in Oregon. His
neighbouring Camper’s dog was bitten by a rattle snake.
The dog was lying quiet, right side of face swollen
much, right eye completely shut, heavy drool hanging
from the side of his mouth. Exquisitely tender at the site
of the bite.
There was no antivenom available. Lachesis 30
and Cedron 30, dissolved in separate cups of water and
one spoon from each alternated at 5 mins. interval.
(Four doses in all). 30 minutes later, signs of
improvement. Waging his tail, right eye beginning to
open. Now alternating doses at 15 minutes interval.
One hour later, he stood up to greet me. Eye was half
visible. More animated. Pain significantly less No
yelp when touched. Few more doses at night. Next
morning, no signs of sickness. Eyes wide open,
wagging tail. Eaten breakfast, drunk amounts of water
and was clearly well and thriving. The dosing
frequency was reduced and to stop in next 2 - 3 days.
19. Snakebite Survival Guide
First-aid and Homœopathy basics
FALKNER, Douglas (HT. 33, 2/2013)
The remedies to be considered for Snake bite
injuries: Aconite, Lachesis, Cedron, Ledum, Echinacea,
Arsenicum album, Hypericum perforatum, Carbo
20. Energy and Endurance for Marathons and Beyond
Secrets of the Super-athletes; a homœopath and
Veterans of 50 marathons tells all
LENNIHAN, Begabeti (HT. 33, 2/2013)
LENNIHAN ran her first Marathon at the age of 25
and completed 50 Marathons. Along with her father, a
Vascular Surgeon, who also ran Marathon, she explored
the world of homœopathic remedies, herbs and
supplements to help Marathon runners.
Homœopathy holds sway in trackside medical tents
of Marathons and Ultra-marathons. The whole medical
team including conventional doctors and nurses,
Chiropractors, naturopaths and massage therapists use
Homœopathy as their first line of treatment for acute
A couple of pellets of Arnica 30c before a
Marathon or other intense workout can help prevent
muscle soreness and fatigue.
Sarcolactic acid seems to drive lactic acid out of
the muscles, protecting runners from that stiff and sore
Ruta graveolens heals connective tissue such as
injury to a torn Achilles tendon or cruciate ligament
around the knee, Shin splints tiny tears in the
protective covering of the shin bone, Plantar fascitis.
Calcarea flourica strengthens elastic tissue
anywhere in the body. Also has the ability to dissolve
calcaneal spurs. (Also Hekla lava)
Magnesia phosphorica for cramps during
prolonged exercise.
Silica to prevent sweating between toes causing
Calendula helps to heal blisters after race.
Natrum mur. 6x can help to keep sodium in
balance. (If you can see white traces of salt where the
sweat has dried, you are losing lot of salt)
Carbo vegetabilis helps promote oxygenation.
Suprabha BECKJORD has run the Sri Chinmoy
Self Transcendence 3100 mile race 13 times. She
likes Homœopathy and Bryonia for joint pains worse
from jarring (like pounding the pavement) and also for
dryness of mucous membranes.
Arpan De ANGELO has run more than 300
Marathons. He used Thuja to get rid of a painful plantar
21. Personal Best
First time Marathoner meets her goal. Thanks,
RHO, Jacqueline (HT. 33, 2/2013)
Kay, in mid 40s, mother of two, was overweight
and wanted to run a Marathon with race 6 months away
she began her training, diet and nutrition. During long
runs she felt lonely and sad that centered on her
childhood. Natrum muriaticum 12c for a month and
then ‘as needed’. She felt lighter. Would weep for
hours and started eating rich foods. Pulsatilla 200
helped her.
Arnica 200, a dose before race day, on race day and
immediately after. She completed the race, injury free
and pain free.
22. Hospital Stay? Let Homœopathy ease your way
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 33, 2/2013)
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Diana was scheduled for hip replacement surgery
due to degeneration. High anxiety and terrified of the
upcoming procedure and stay in rehabilitation facility.
Chilly, sweaty and constipated. She wanted to take
control of the situation. Calcarea carbonica was her
constitutional remedy and helped her earlier. Another
dose lifted her fear and anxiety. She began to put things
in order at home, leave notes, pre-pay bills and pack for
her time away in an organized fashion.
Homœopathy is a helpful tool to use alongside
other medical and healing modalities. Homœopathy
treats whether at the first breath of life or the last, during
acute ailments and when the ravages of chronic disease
take their toll.
The author has used Homœopathy in the five
categories of hospital related situations.
1. Adverse events of
work-ups Veratrum album after
Lumbar puncture
Ignatia for bad news after Biopsy.
2. Severe trauma Arnica in general and many other
remedies depending on their
3. Acute illness Appendicitis, Pneumonia, sudden
Cardiac event
4. Elective or Planned procedures Arnica 200 or 1M
an hour after the
patient is awake
from surgery and
again once a day
for 3 days.
5. Care for caregivers Care givers easily succumb to
impact of worry,
stress of hospital
setting, disruption
of diet, and
exercise and sleep
habits. Cocculus
helps them.
23. Heart Trouble Lands 88 year-old in Hospital.
Homœopathy and Fibonacci dosing method helps
get my mother back on track
MOSS, Dale (HT. 33, 2/2013)
88 year-old mother of Dale MOSS with shortness
of breath for a good week or more was admitted in
hospital. Investigations revealed series of Pulmonary
emboli. After two days they discovered heart rate was
only 39 beats p.m. and finally diagnosed heart block.
Doctors wanted to implant a pacemaker. She had
headache after eating and drowsiness. Confusion.
Aversion to strangers. Fainting momentarily from
simple exertion. Indecisiveness. Baryta carbonica 5c.
Headache disappeared. 7c on next 2 days, 9c on next 3
days. Gained in strength and spirit and lost much
confusion. Each day she could walk little farther, faster,
and with more sureness of foot. Each day she became
more engaged with the world around her. Within five
days, she was strong enough to withstand implantation
of pacemaker and after ten days of hospital stay, she
returned home to recuperate.
After few weeks, she had fatigue, dizziness.
Exertion wore her out. She felt she could not get
enough oxygen and oppression in chest. Carbo veg. 6c
gave her temporary relief. On close analysis her
medication was the cause. Then change of and
reduction of her Blood pressure medication helped her a
lot. Phosphorus brought her back to normalcy, based
on exertion aggravation, weakened voice and slow
24. Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio
Harnessing natural laws to improve homœopathic
MOSS, Dale C. (HT. 33, 2/2013)
Dr. Joseph ROZENCWAIJ, a New Zealand
homœopath and natural medicine Doctor (Formerly a
Conventional MD and Specialist Surgeon) was curious
about the logic behind the various potency scales in
which homœopathic remedies are available and given.
He argues this is in linear fashion and yet straight lines
are rarely found in nature. Golden Ratio is an
expression of the most harmonious proportion between
width and length which is stated mathematically as
1:1.618. Golden ratio is found throughout nature and
has a special relationship with the Fibonacci sequence
of numbers (in which you add a number to its
predecessor to form the next number in the series 0, 1,
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ….). The ratio between any two
successive Fibonacci numbers will be close to Golden
Dr. ROZ found that homœopathic potencies when
given in Fibonacci sequence, built exponentially upon
each other to achieve excellent results. At the moment,
a true Fibonacci series of homœopathic potencies is
available only from Simillimum Pharmacy in
Wellington, NZ.
1. Causticum Hahnemanni Welches Causticum?
(Causticum Hahnemanni which Causticum?
HOLZAPFEL, Klaus (ZKH. 56, 1/2012)
The Proving of Causticum in Hahnemann’s
Chronic Diseases contains symptoms of two
chemically completely different primary substances.
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
One could be identified as a weak Caustic Potash
solution, whereas the other one, called Tincture Acris
Sine Kali, has upto nowadays not been investigated.
Yet it seems to be an antimonium-containing substance,
free of Potassium ions.
The proving symptoms of Tinctura acris are to be
found attached; a second attachment contains the
instruction to formulate the remedy.
Homœopathic laboratories are called upons to make
tincture acris s.k. available for homœopathic practice.
1. Evidence Based Clinical Study of Homœopathic
Medicines in Patients with Benign Prostatic
GUPTA, Girish, et al. (AJHM. 105, 2/2012)
Background and Objectives: Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common condition in
elderly men and its incidence is age related. Although
clinical evidence of disease occurs less commonly,
symptoms of prostatic obstruction are also age related
and if untreated affect quality of life. No data
measuring clinical as well as laboratory, diagnostic
parameters in the treatment of BPH using homœopathic
medicine is yet available. This observational study on
BPH was conducted for this purpose, using twenty pre-
selected medicines.
Methods: A collaborative research study between
Central Council for Research in Homœopathy (CCRH),
New Delhi and Homœopathic Research Foundation,
Lucknow was planned. A total of 121 patients enrolled,
out of which 43 completed the study according to
protocol. Trial medicines selected on the basis of
principles of Homœopathy were prescribed and
International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS),
Ultrasonography, Uroflowmetry and Prostate Specific
Antigen (PSA) were assessed before and after
homœopathic treatment.
Results: After comparing pre and post treatment
results, the difference in mean values of IPSS, Prostate
weight, PSA and Average flow rates were found
statistically significant. Maximum Flow Rate and Post
Void Residual Urine (PVRU) were found improving but
statistically not significant. Lycopodium(n=15),
Pulsatilla (n=11), Sulphur (n=8) and Calcarea carb.
(n=3) were found to be most useful among twenty trial
Conclusion: Results obtained from the study are
encouraging with findings that 93.0% of patients
improved clinically, and evidence of positive changes in
diagnostic parameters. A randomized controlled trial is
needed to further validate the usefulness of
homœopathic medicines. [There will be no end to the
RCTs. When 93% are positive, what more. Has there
been 100% in any test? = KSS].
2. Evaluation of Antiplasmodial Efficacy and safety
of Cinchona officinalis Against lethal Murine
Malaria Parasite
RAJAN, A. and BAGAI, U. (AJHM. 105, 2/2012)
Background: Homœopathic drugs have been acclaimed
for their efficacy, safety and low cost. Moreover, they
are already used by humans. Thus they could be
evaluated for their suitable candidature as potent
antimalarials. The present study has been designed to
evaluate the antiplasmodial efficacy of mother tincture
(ɸ) and different potencies (6c, 30c and 200c) of
Cinchona officinalis (China) in combating lethal murine
Method: Eight groups consisting of twelve BALB/c
mice each were administered oral doses of different
drugs and their antiplasmodial efficacies were evaluated
by Peter’s-4day test. The safety of drugs to the host was
monitored by biochemical and histological analysis of
liver and kidney for up to 4 weeks.
Results: Significant reduction in parasitaemika was
observed in experimental mice receiving China ɸ and
China 30c with 97.5% and 100% chemo suppression on
day 28 as compared to the infected control and placebo
control groups. The mean survival time (MST) of mice
was increased to 25.6±5.2.4 days (p<0.0005) and
26.8±1.2 days (p<0.0005) respectively compared to the
infected control group (8.8±5.2 days). However, the
mice treated with China 6c and China 200 c died
within 21 days die to infection. The safety of China ɸ
and China 30c to the host has also been confirmed by
liver (ALP and bilirubin) and kidney (blood urea
nitrogen and creatinine) function tests in serum of
treated mice and by histopathological studies.
Conclusion: The present study points towards safety
and antiplasmodial efficacy of China 30c against lethal
murine malaria in vivo.
3. Homœopathy as Systemic Adaptational
Nanomedicine: The Nanoparticle-Cross-
Adaptation-Sensitization Model
BELL, R. Iris (AJHM. 105, 3/2012)
This paper presents an overview of the
nanoparticle-cross-adaptation-sensitization (NPCAS)
model for homœopathic remedy actions in living
systems. The model builds upon an extensive
interdisciplinary scientific literature outside
conventional biomedicine. The way in which
homœopathic remedies are made, involving trituration
with or without succussion, is a type of top-down
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
mechanical manufacturing process for nanoparticles
(NPs, measuring <100 nanometers in diameter) of
source material. Chikramane et al (2010) documented
the presence of source nanoparticles in commercial
homœopathic remedies. NPs acquire unique biological,
chemical, electromagnetic, and quantum properties as a
function of their high ratio of surface area to volume.
Their ability to cross cell membranes and absorb other
materials onto their highly reactive surfaces makes them
excellent herb, nutriceutical drug, and vaccine delivery
vehicles with enhanced bio-availability. Nanoforms of
materials lower the dose needed even for conventional
medical applications. For homœopathic dosing, very
low doses of NPs can mobilize hermetic adaptational
mechanisms in complex living systems by serving as
novel, foreign stressors to stimulate beneficial
compensatory responses in the organism as a whole.
The organism’s adaptive responses grow and evolve
over time via nonlinear metaplastic and plastic
sensitization mechanisms in bodily cells across the
endogenous, self-organized network of the dynamical
living system. The primary pathways involve adaptive
reactions rather than direct pharmacological actions.
Taken together, the evidence-based NPCAS model
offers a testable, scientifically-grounded foundation for
advancing homœopathic clinical care and research.
4. Asthma on the Rise …
Evidence: Children with asthma breathe easier with
JOHNSON, Christopher (HT. 33, 1/2013)
WHO estimates that 235 million people suffer
worldwide. Urban environments are strongly associated
with risk of Asthma and people are moving into these
areas in increasing numbers worldwide.
A survey on patients on asthma medications in the
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that
64% of adults experienced tachycardia, 60% had
jitteriness, 43% experienced shaky hands and 42% were
bothered by restlessness, children experienced similar
In an observational study, 30 children, aged 7 to 15
yrs, were diagnosed with asthma by a pulmonologist
and referred to paediatricians at the homœopathic clinic
of the National Research Centre in Cairo, part of the
Egyptian National Ministry of Scientific Research and
Technology Institutes.
Here they were treated with individualized
Homœopathy for 6 months as an adjunct to their
conventional treatment. All children had been using
standard asthma medications regularly in the year
before the study, without any change in their asthma
Before treatment 53% had symptoms either daily or
throughout the day.
After treatment only 7% did.
Before treatment53% headed to use inhalers at least
once per day.
After treatment only 6% did. 90% of children
reduced their inhaler use.
90% of children were using rounds of
corticosteroids more than twice a year. After
homœopathic treatment only 10% used more than twice
a year.
The researches also ranked the overall severity of
each child’s asthma. Prior to Homœopathy 62% of
children had the most severe asthma; After 6 months of
Homœopathy only 7% did.
After homœopathic treatment, statistically
significant improvements in 5 or 6 lung function tests
were found as measured by a pediatric chest specialist.
The magnitude of these improvements was equal to
that observed with use of inhaled corticosteroids in
randomized, controlled trials.
After 6 months of homœopathic treatment, all
children were able to sleep normally, 90% of children
had no attacks of cough.
Homœopathic remedies used were all common
polychrests such as Phosphorus, Lycopodium,
Arsenicum album, etc. Most prescribed were Calcarea
carbonicum and Natrum muriaticum. Remedies were
administered as single doses in the 200c potency.
Additionally ‘respiratory remedies’ such as Antimonium
tartaricum, Drosera and Kali bichromicum were given
intermittently (in lower potencies up to 30c, daily) for
coughing episodes.
All told, 90% of children reduced their inhaler use.
Only a single adeverse event was observed during the
course of study: “The appearance of transient skin
papules which disappeared in 24 hrs…….after
improvement of asthma symptoms.”
5. How does Homœopathy work in the body?
New Model says, “electromagnetic resonance”
between remedy and Nervous System
JOHNSON, Christopher (HT. 33, 2/2013)
Researcher Iris BELL, MD and colleagues at the
University of Arizona propose that the interaction of
remedy nanoparticles with various systems in the body
initiate a cascade of events that move the body in the
direction of increased resilience and homeostasis.
Immunologist/researcher SHAHRAM SHAHABI
and his team at Urmia University in Iran also propose a
systemic, body-wide response to the remedy, but they
suggest the action is triggered instead by
electromagnetic signals from the remedy, which are
detected by the sensory nerves and then transmitted
from the brain through the body’s neural network.
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
1. Die Medikation in der Praxis Friedricks von
Bӧnninghausen (The medication in the Practice of
Friedrich von Boenninghausen)
BASCHIN, Marion (ZKH. 55, 3/2011)
Friedrich von BOENNINGHAUSEN (1828 1910)
was the fourth son of the famous Clemens Maria Franz
von BOENNINGHAUSEN (1785 1864).
FRIEDRICH also like his father studied jurisprudence
first and then studied medicine. In 1862 he took up
practice in Münster and took up the Practice of his
father after he passed away. The Case Register of both
Father and Son are in the Institute for history of
medicine in the Robert Bosch Institute.
The history of Homœopathy does not mention
FRIEDRICH. However his Case Registers in the
Robert Bosch Institute History of Medicine has got
these Registers as well as those of his father Clemens
wealth of knowledge.
Looking into the documents available, it is seen that
Friedrich used the 200th potency like his father, more
often. He followed a thorough Case taking.
Some further information like medicines frequently
used, etc. have been found. Further studies are required
and appear well worth.
2. Die Geschichte der Homӧopathie in der
Sovietisches Besatzungszone und der DDR
(The History of Homœopathy in the Soviet
occupied zone and the German Democratic
NIERADE, Anne (ZKH. 56, 1/2012)
Hitherto Homœopathy in the GDR was unknown;
information on this was prohibited. As an
individualizing method, it was contradictory to the
GDR-immanent endeavours to control and influence
human development.
In contrast Homœopathy was historically anchored
in the population. Homœopaths worked as long as
possible, homœopathic self-medication and layman
therapy had a growing significance.
The feeling that the Health policy Homœopathy
would die away was belied. It was accepted as a
psycho-therapeutically effective and economical
placebo method (!)
1. Ten Immediate Challenges Facing Homœopathic
Education in the 21st Century
GRAY, Alastair; BAHONS (AJHM. 105, 3/2012)
Attracting students to Homœopathy and employing
teaching methods attuned to modern ways of learning
are crucial issues for our time. What tomorrow’s
homœopath needs, and what our teaching institutions
need to address, are discussed.
1. Hammerschlag und Eselsqurke Herings
Reiseanekdote (Hammerblow and Squirting
Cucumber Hering’s Travel Anecdote)
SOMMER, Ilka (ZKH. 55, 2/2011)
In his article “Reflections on Hypothesis and
Experiment, Miasms and Contagium, Pathogenesis and
Pathoexodus ….” In the Archiv für Homӧopathische
Heilkunst, 1833: 13 (2), HERING gave an anecdote.
This lengthy contribution was given several
misinterpretations and HERING had to remind the
readers that his satires, allegories are not to be taken
literally. A well known anecdote is to make it clear
with regard to its context and historical context; the
correct meaning has to be comprehended.
2. Forschende Praktiker? Fall documentation in der
homӧopathischen Praxis
(Researching Practitioner? Case documenting in
Homœopathy Practice)
KESSLER, Ulrike (ZKH. 55, 4/2011)
A small-scale, qualitative empiric study of case
documentation, was carried out with interview of twelve
experienced Practitioners. It was observed that
electronic patient record was not the standard with these
Practitioners. These Practitioners were also not
interested in quality improvement with these case
documentation or clinical audit. At the same time, it
became apparent how much importance the respondents
attached to the therapeutic relationship, at the expense
of structure and validity of the documentation. This left
questions as to how theories in Homœopathy are
developed and reassessed.
3. Public Speaking? Yes You Can!
Tips, tricks and advice for giving a good talk on
Homœopathy (or any important topic)
ROTHENBERG, Amy (HT. 33, 1/2013)
Anyone who practices or loves natural medicine
(including Homœopathy!) needs to stand up and
advocate for it.
Eighteen tips are given below how to both prepare
best for a talk and reduce anxiety before and during the
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
The indications for Gelsemium, Argentum nitricum,
Lycopodium and Silica are given to ease anxiety.
1. The Homœopathic Treatment of Depression and
anxiety and other mental and emotional
and ULLMAN Robert. 2012. Hard cover 270
pages $32/- . ISBN: 978-3-943309-02-7,
Narayana Publishers German. Review by Laura
SHOLTZ. (AH. 18/2012).
“…. One should not be fooled by the simplicity of
the Ullmans’ writing. So much information is offered in
such an easy, palatable way that the reader, without any
inkling or forewarning that they are reading textbook
material on genetic disorders or chromosome
correlation, suddenly can understand explanations of the
serotonin connection to mental illness, or specific uses
of “Antidepressants, Anti-Anxiety Medications,
Antipsychotics and Mood stabilizer.”
“The Ullman have a sense of humor, ….
“The cases read like mini-mysteries ….
“The Homœopathic Treatment of Depression and
Anxiety is a delight to read. It fills a gap in
homœopathic literature and reflects the gentle wish of
its authors…”
2. Classical Homœopathy Evidence Based
Medicine, Vol.1: Case Studies, Long Term
Treatment, Theory; Erik van WOENSEL, 373
pages. $50. ISBN: 978-9-0787-4201-2 published
by Educated Centrum voor Homeopathie,
Netherlands. Review by Jay YASGUR (AH.
“..a stellar book of over fifty cases treated in the
classical manner. Van WOENSEL and George
VITHOULKAS are professional colleagues and
together wrote Levels of Health (2010) which is
considered Volume 2 of Vithoulkas seminal 1980
treatise, The Science of Homœopathy. His work is
divided into three sections: theoretical part, Case studies
and analysis of the cases “Many Chronic and acute
complaints are described:
….. This well-produced text is printed on buff-
colored paper, is sewn and wrapped (for durability) and
is set in a sans-serif font. ..It contains an eleven page
index…. If your preference is to sit with a master of
classical Homœopathy, Van Woensel’s book should be
added to your library.
3. Concordant Reference Complete Classic
Materia Medica by Frans Vermeulen 2011,
hardcover, 2074 pages $ 140.40. ISBN 978-2-
87491-020-3. B. Jain Archibel, SPRL. Belgium.
Review by Laura SHOLTZ. (AH. 18/2012):
“Frans Vermeulen’s original Concordant Materia
Medica, first published in 1994, has been one of my
favorite and most used Materia Medica for over
seventeen years. This new Concordant Reference, at
2074 pages is more than twice as long as Vermeulen’s
first, and is filled with updated information that every
Professional homœopath should have at his/her
fingertips. This is a mammoth work, covering 1209
remedies in depth, of which “…297…….had been
buried ….. virtually hidden ……. Rarely, if ever, used.”
What Frans Vermeulen has provided in this single book
is the compilation of 32 volumes of Materia Medica.
This is an astounding piece of work!
….. I definitely recommend buying Frans
Vermeulen’s Concordant, and hope that all professional
homœopaths are as delighted with it as I am ….”
4. Homœopathy for Plants. A practical guide for
Indoor, Balcony and Garden Plants with tips on
Dosage, use and choice of Potency by Christine
MAUTE. 2011, Hardcover, 158 pages, $34/-.
ISBN: 978-3-943309-21-8. Narayana Publishers.
Review by Laura SHOLTZ (AH. 18/2012):
“This is a beautiful book, worthy of being displayed
on anyone’s coffee table. ….. I had thought of treating
my plants with remedies many years ago, but I did it
haphazardly and never actually wrote down what
remedies I gave, how often I gave them or how the
plants responded; Christine Maute did exactly that, and
this book is the fine result.
…. This is a very useful, thoughtful, absolutely
gorgeous book, one that any gardener or homœopath
should be happy to own. My plants and I are grateful to
Christiane MAUTE. …..The knowledge of
Homœopathy is spreading out, growing wider and
reaching farther each day, just like healthy plants”.
5. Compass: a clearer Direction for Your Practice?
Homœopathic Practice Management Software
from Miranda CASTRO. www.compass4us.com .
Review by Kathy ZIMMERMAN. (AH.18/2012):
“An exciting find for me at the 2011 Joint
Homœopathic Conference in Alexandria, Virginia was
the Compass Homœopathic Software program.
Compass is a fully integrated practice management
software program designed for use on both Macs and
PCs. …. The intuitive nature of the program allows the
provider to choose from a preselected set of drop down
menus, thus maintaining detailed charting with the
ability to track and measure results. Compass is also
designed for ease and effectiveness of communication
with clients through letters and emails. …….. A
financial and business management system is built in,
with the ability to generate invoices, statements, and
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
keep track of expenses. ….. After using the program for
three months, I am defining my private practice much
more clearly as a business. …….”
6. Homӧopathie in der Krebstherapie
(Homœopathy in Cancer therapy), R. KӦDEL
Stuttgart: Hippokrates; 2009. 275S. €59.95
(German). Review Julia ALTSTAEDT. (ZKH. 55,
“Robert KӦDEL presents a thorough work on
Homœopathy in reference to Cancer Therapy. Much
essential and correct material required in Cancer
Therapy has been given and also the instructions and
hints from reliable sources. Practitioner with less
experience does not get much help. but if we treat
Cancer we can learn much from it.”
7. Arzneifindung in der Homӧopathie
(Remedy selection in Homœopathy), LUCAE,
C.: Essen; KVC; 2010 106S. 7.50 (German).
Review Julia ALTSTAEDT (ZKH. 55, 1/2011):
The book is brief and thorough on the technique of
finding remedy with reference to the three frequently
followed method of repertorisation in Homœopathy and
is addressed to the beginners and less experienced. The
Central point is Kent’s method which is clearly and well
dealt with examples of cases.”
8. Geschichte der Homӧopathie in Indien von ihrer
Einführung bei zur ersten offiziellen
Anerkennung 1937. Quellen und Studien zur
Homӧopathie-geschichte. Band 13
(History of Homœopathy in India from its
introduction to its first official recognition 1937.
Origin and Studies in history of Homœopathy
Vol.13) DOLDAS, SVB, Stuttgart, Haug 2010.
Geb.253 S. Preis 69.95 (German) review
Christian LUCAE (ZKH. 55, 1/2011):
“….. A carefully researched work, in the
background of actual situation and the high value for
Homœopathy in India. Quite readable work. Many
chapters and appendixes are given a detail. A useful
book for anyone interested in research in history of
9. Heilmittel für Tonsillitis, eitrige Angina,
Diphtherie, Boger C.M., (Cure of Tonsillitis,
septic sore throat, Diphtheria), Hamburg. Bernd
von der lieth Verlag für Homӧopathie; 2005. 2.
Aufl 34 S. kart. 12. (German) review Matthias
WISCHNER. (ZKH. 55, 1/2011):
Bogers Text appeared first in 1920 in the
Homœopathie Rework under the title “Therapeutics of
Diphtheria, Tonsillitis and Septic Sore Throat, etc. Jens
Ahlbrecht has translated this in English; it is given in its
2nd revised edition by Bernd von der Lieth publisher ….
It is divided as a Repertory and a Materia Medica part.
Modality with regard to swallowing has a high role.
The Materia Medica contains 77 medicines with lesser
known remedies like Kalium permanganatum, Plumbum
iodatum . …The concept of the book is very interesting.
The book makes it possible to got oriented easily
regarding therapy of inflammatory throat swellings
according to Homœopathy, quick… There are several
disagreements between the Materia Medica and
Repertory. These make its application difficult.
10. Homӧopathie alles Gute für ihr Kind. Was Sie
und die Nature für ihr Kind tun kӧnnen
(Homœopathy all good for your child. What
you and nature can do for your child),
Düsseldorf: Oberstebrink: 2011 geb. 309S.
€24.90. (Review by Christian LUCAE (German).
(ZKH. 55, 2/2011):
“Coming from Paediatric Psychiatrist for children
and a foreword by George VITHOULKAS, we thought
that it will be of great use. However it is more of
basic theories in Paediatrics and Homœopathy and the
book may suit well as a introduction to homœopathic
Paediatrics. Makes an interesting study and
Paediatricians will gain in studying this book.
11. Homӧopathie bei ADHS Ein integrative
Therapiekonzept (Homœopathy in ADHS. An
integrated Therapy Concept), BONATH, T.
2. Erweitere Ausgabe. Buchendorf: Irl. 2010.
338S. geb. 46€(German) review Matthias
WISCHNER (ZKH. 55, 2/2011):
“This book is fantastic. Thomas BONATH
homœopathic Physician and Psychotherapist who has in
private Practice specialized in ADHS Therapy
presenting in this book his integrative concept in
treating the concerned children and grown up. The
author depicts, differentiates, practice related,
sympathetic and humorously what are relevant to
ADHS: Criteria of diagnosis, differential diagnosis,
diagnostic materials, conservative treatment, excellently
readable tips for handling the patients and naturally
homœopathic Therapy.
15 cases are described in the above mentioned 5
groups, Motor hyperactivity, Lack of concentration,
retardation, …. Every case is presented in engaging
manner. Selection of the remedy, differential diagnosis
are very instructive. That the book is in demand is no
The Materia Medica covers 37 remedies; lesser
known remedies like Aranea ixobola, Musca domestica,
Saccharum album/raffinatum are also given. A
repertory brief, with the important modalities are added.
The rubrics has taken into consideration the work of the
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
well known Dr. Heiner FREI who has done much work
in regard to ADHS and its homœopathic treatment.
A fantastic book, recommended for every
practitioner who treats ADHS patients particularly”.
12. Der Neue Farrington Klinische Materia
Medica Vorlesungen zur Arzneimittellehre
und Differenzial diagnosen (The new
Farrington - Clinical Materia Medica
Lectures on Materia Medica and differential
diagnosis), FARRINGTON, E.A., Neu bearbeitet
und übersetzt von Armin SEIDENDER.
Buchendorf: enl. 2010. 2, unverӓnderte Auflage,
100€ Seiten, geb 79.00 €. Review Mathias
WISCHNER. (ZKH. 55, 2/2011):
“The Clinical Materia Medica by Ernest Alber
FARRINGTON (1847 1885) was a standard literature
in Homœopathy ever since it was published. The book
contains 72 lectures the author gave in the Hahnemann
Medical College, divided into Chapters animal, nosode,
Plant and mineral substances. These divisions were
followed by Otto LEESER, and recently Rajan
This monumental work was translated and revised
by Armin SEIDENDER in 2007 and published it anew
in a 2nd edition in 2010. The translation is excellent.
Errors were corrected with reference to the primary
literature and has unusually provided a small glossary
also. Particularly of value is the newly made up indices
at the end of the book: 115 pages, remedies and their
themes; and further an index of the keywords and their
remedies (131 pages). Layout and binding very good.
Two volumes for a comfortable handling.
“…. To sum up a classic in homœopathic literature,
well translated and solidly done. With new terminology
and altered disease spectrums in many places in modern
term…… well recommended.”
13. Tier, Pflanze oder Mineral wer lӧst den Fall?:
Wege zum homӧopathischen Simillimum
anhand von 50 Fallbeispielen. Ein Lern und
Arbeitsbuch (Animal, Plants or mineral which
helps the case? Path to homœopathic
Simillimum with regard to 50 case Examples. A
learning and workbook) LANG E. :
Buchendorf: Irl. 2009. 38, S., kart: 39€ review
by Mathias WISCHNER (ZKH. 55, 2/2011):
“The title is misleading. This has nothing to do
with Rajan SANKARAN’s “Kingdoms” methodology
Eva LANG has written on VITHOULKAS’ teaching,
Case Analysis methods. ……. A learn and workbook
which follows more the methods VITHOULKAS and
experienced homœopaths.
14. Homӧopathische Behandlung Multimorbider
Patienten. Sichere Arzneiwahl durch Polaritӓts
analyse und BӦNNINGHAUSEN-Method.
(Homœopathic Treatment of patients with multi
morbid states. Sure selection of the remedy by
polarity analysis by the Boenninghausen
method) FREI, H. Stuttgart: Haug 2011. 180S.
17 alb. 62 Tab. €59.9S. (German) review
Matthias WISCHNER (ZKH. 55, 2/2011):
“Heiner FREI in this book proceeds to teach how
his Polarity analysis will lead to a sure and certain
finding of the curative homœopathic remedy. The book
is rich with practical instructions and scales to measure
the results. Recommended strongly to everyone who is
keen to obtain sure successes in a workable manner.”
15. The Synergy in Homœopathy: An Integrated
Approach to Case-Taking and Analysis Rajan
SANKARAN. Homeopathic Medical Publishers,
Mumbai 2012, 297 pp., with Index of Remedies
ISBN: 978-93-80355-84-9. $70(US). Reviewed by
MOSKOWITZ, Richard (AJHM. 105, 3/2012)
Reason for welcoming the book is its stated
intention of healing the old controversy that still
fractures our movement into two seemingly
irreconcilable camps, those who adhere to the time-
honored practices of HAHNEMANN and the great
master hoopaths of the past, and believe that
anything beyond the letter of what they taught must be
rejected as mere speculation, against those who provide
and make use of detailed information about groupings
of plant, animal, and mineral remedies that go well
beyond the traditional emphasis on individual remedies,
and about six additional miasms that Hahnemann
himself did not identify or recognize. In no small part,
this book is explicitly intended to reassure and even
appease his fundamentalist critics, even to the extent of
quoting from Andre Saine and George Vithoulkas
perhaps the fiercest of them, and thus acknowledging
them to be the great and dedicated homœopaths that
they have always been.
It is organized into six sections, each with
illustrative case material.
I have no doubt that Sankaran’s book will prove to
be of considerable practical value to classical
prescribers at every level of experience. To begin with,
I daresay it will persuade many unprejudiced readers
that his insights as to kingdoms, families, miasms, and
sensations are valid and useful additions to
understanding both their patients and the remedies that
can best help them. Beyond that, it offers an attractive
menu of techniques for using that depth to explore their
patients’ inner lives, and to recognize the unifying
features of their distress, rather than settle for a mere list
of symptoms having no apparent connection at all.
These are worthy goals that we all share,
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
fundamentalists and innovators alike; and as a beacon to
point the way, the book gives me good reason to expect
that it will help me and those of my colleagues who will
take the trouble to read it to achieve more consistent
results in the future.
16. Dental Homœopathy, Vols. I VII; Acute and
Chronic cases with limited Materia Medica.
PARSONS, Philip K. Review by YASGUR,
Jay(AJHM. 105, 4/2012).
Dental Practitioner Philip K. PARSONS has
summarized his homœopathic practice in his seven
volumes book of cases. The format: 8.5 by 11 inch
Spiral soft-bound volumes. Each volume contains
a table of contents. A bibliography and Glossary is
included in each volume. Each Chapter is devoted
to a homœopathic medicine. In volume 6 there are
39 Chapters.
The cases and remedies in this book are arranged
alphabetically and represent actual cases that he has
treated over 27 years.
Orthodontic cases illustrate how homœopathic
medicines can actually improve the developing bone
structure of the mouth”.
Case 1: Aug. 10, 1990: Chief Complaint: Class 2
anterior open bite with tongue thrust.
Physical/General symptom: Freckles across nose; pain
right side of abdomen on waking, worse after eating and
at the seaside and from stool. Desires salads; fruits.
Stools smell sour. Anemia. Better from being outside.
Magnesia muriatica 200.
Sept. 11, 1994: He now has Class 1 normal bite with
no tongue thrust which was cured with Magnesia
Chief complaint: Involuntary urination at night which
usually occurs in the first part of sleep. Sepia 200.
(This follows Mag-mur.).
Case 4: Eleven year old female. Feb. 9, 1981, came for
dental fillings. She was whimpering and crying in a
mild manner and had a great deal of fear. She has
curvature of dorsal spine. Pulsatilla 30c. She stopped
crying instantly and allowed to place fillings in six
teeth. She had class 2, division 1 (back teeth are not
hitting right; the lower front teeth are behind the upper
front teeth and make contact with the soft tissue of the
hard palate) and advised her to consult an orthodontist.
Aug. 27, 1981: Patient came for Prophylaxis. Her bite
was normal and occlusion perfect. Curvature of the
spine also is better.
17. BӦNNINGHAUSEN, Cv: Das erste
Krankenjournal (1829 1830) Bearbeitet von Luise
Kunkle. Quellen und Studien zur
Homӧopathiegeschichte, Band 14, Herausgegeben
vom Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert
Bosch Stiftung. Leiter: Prof. Dr. Robert Jütte.
Essen: KVC, 2011;€ 29, 80. (The first Case Register
(1829 1830) of Cv. Bœnninghausen) (German):
Review Klaus HOLZAPFEL (ZKH. 56, 1/2012).
Herewith the 1st Case Register of Clemens von
Bœnninghausen, ….. noted for his thorough case
recording …. For one an essential reading and another
for an enjoyable to read book on Homœopathy
Anamnesis and treatment in the early period of Psora
It was two years after this Case Record that
Bœnninghausen published his first Repertory
(Systematic-Alphabetic Repertorium) of antipsoric
medicines in 1882 containing symptoms verified by
Bœnninghausen in his practice…..”
18. STEFANOVIC, A.: Didaktische Materia
Medica. Hoopathische Arzneimittellehre unter
Herausstellung der Leit-und Kern-symptome
(Didactic Materia Medica of leading and Core
Rupichteroth: Simillimum Verlag Homӧopathische
Literatur, Alexandar Stefanovic; 2011, geb., 1566 S.,
Preis € 125, - (German) review Christian Lucae.
“With the publication of this book the author has
bridged the gap between the brief, handy books and the
large several volume Encyclopaedia and covers all that
will be required for a regular use. We may compare
with Phatak, Boericke or Cowperthwaite …. In 1200
pages, and 180 remedies, weighing 800gm in Bible
paper and stable full open binding the book can be
carried comfortably. The remaining 300 pages
cover Repertory.
The book fulfils the need for a practice
convenient Materia Medica.”
19. GREGG, RR: Illustriertes Repertorium der
Schmerzerstreckungen in Brust, Seiten und Rücken,
Quellenorientiert ins Deutsche übertragen von Jens
(Illustrated Repertory of Pain extensions in chest,
sides and back, according to source).
Polheim: Verlag Ahlbrecht Homӧopathische
Literatur; 2011, kart., €34,50 (ZKH. 56, 2/2012)
(German) review Christian LUCAE: “In so far as we
know, this is the first in the history of Medicine, that the
application of Medicine is taught with illustration”
wrote Rolin R. GREGG (1828 1886), The American
Homœopath in the Foreword to the original English
version of this booklet in 1879. This work appears to be
based on the Keynote method of H.N. GUERNSEY, ….
GREGG has written in the light of his experience in
treating lung diseases, giving the high importance to the
characteristic. ‘extending symptoms’. …There are 5
illustrated tables. …. Relevant to the illustrations,
Materia Medica of 135 remedies, are also given in
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
alphabetic order. For this German Edition original
sources have been referred to …. Few cases are also
20. BASCHIN, M.: Wer lӓsst sich von einem
Homӧopathen behandeln? Die Patientenes
Clemens Maria Franz von Bӧnninghausen (1785
(Who goes to a homœopath for treatment? The
patients of Clemens Maria Franz von
Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte 37.
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner; 2010, 495 S., ISBN
978-3-515-09772-7, 68, 00 EUR, (German).
Review Mathias WISCHNER (ZKH. 56, 2/2012).
“This is a revised work of the author, of her
dissertation which places the patients at the centre:
Who and for what did one consult Boenninghausen?
Marion BASCHIN evaluated the Case Register
(110 Registers, 14,000 patients, concentrating on 57
Registers in time frames of 5 years, so that the total
collected medical work of the Baron from 1829 1864
are properly represented) A good part of the work
pertain to social and Medicine-History …. Interesting
part with regard to Homœopathy practiced by
Boenninghausen. Between 5 11 patients consulted
Boenninghausen who were patients of Allopathy. It is
seen that 34% patients visited only once, 22.3% twice.
Only a third of the patients (31.3%) came for 4 or more
number of consultations….”
XII. News and Notes
I. ‘Doctors get lakhs to pose as faculty at MCI
CHECKS; Medical College knew about surprise
inspection’ (Times of India, Chennai, dated 30 Nov.
2014). The above is the head line: “A senior doctor can
reportedly earn as much as Rs.5.6 lakh within a couple
of days just for a medical college inspection, and posing
as a faculty member. Inspections by teams from the
Medical Council of India (MCI) for increasing the
number of seats in a medical college, recurring its
recognition or establishing a new one have been the
subject of several court cases and CBI investigations for
more than a decade. Yet nothing seems to have
changed. A senior doctor narrated how he was recently
approached by a private medical college in Uttar
Pradesh and offered several lakhs to be on its faculty list
during an inspection.” Information leaks about the so-
called surprise inspection visit of the MCI to a particular
college, ‘fixing’ inspectors by selecting inspectors who
will write the find report to buying faculty residents and
patients to fulfill the criteria for getting recognition have
been resorted.
There are senior residents, Professors who are
willing to join these ‘gangs’ and ‘earn’ sumptuous
[Personally, I have heard all these even ten years
ago. These are not ‘secrets’. Then came the arrest of
the ‘case’ of Dr. Ketan Desai, in 2010. The Case is still
on. Some colleges were also proceeded against in 2010
and what became of those ‘cases’ we do not know.
What sort of ‘doctors’ will come out of of these
spurious, deception in medical education, is any body’s
guess. = KSS]
II. Objective Monitoring of Response of
Homœopathic Medicines using Medical Analyser by
JAIN, MOUSAMI A. NAIK Electronics Division,
of Medicine, J.J. Hospital, MUMBAI.
This is a Report by a team of Scientists on the
experiment conducted in the Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre, Mumbai during 2004.
(The BARC report BARC/2004/E/021, Government of
India, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400
085, 2004. India.)
Abstract: Electronics Division, Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre has developed a novel instrument,
called Medical Analyzer, for studying the time domain
variations in the physiological parameters such as heart
rate, respiration rate, stroke volume, cardiac output and
peripheral blood flow in upper extremities, in a quietly
lying down subject. In the past, heart rate and Blood
pressure variations have been studied all over the world
and it has been known that these variations are largely
contributed by the activity of autonomic nervous
system. The variations in the very low frequency
domain (0.001 to 0.04 Hz) have been attributed to the
activity of thermo-regulation, baro-reflex, rennin-
angiotensin, sympathetic nervous system or a
combination of these. The variations in the very low
frequency domain (0.04 Hz to 0.15Hz) are mainly
contributed by the sympathetic nervous system and
those in the high frequency range (0.15 Hz to 0.4 Hz) by
the para-sympathetic nervous system. These
observations have been verified by selective blockade of
para-sympathetic stimulation with the help of Glyco-
pyrrolate and complete autonomic blockade with the
help of propranolol as well as Glyco-pyrrolate, in
addition to several autonomic tests such as valsalva
manoeuvre, slow deep breathing, tilt table testing etc.
The Medical Analyzer developed at BARC is novel
in many respects such as (1) giving variations in large
number of physiological parameters instead of heart rate
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
or blood pressure alone, (2) deriving variability in four
parameters from just one signal i.e. thoracic impedance
cardiogram and so on. In addition the same hardware
with the help of different software packages can be used
to diagnose peripheral vascular occlusive diseases in out
patient departments and to monitor cardiac output
continuously in the intensive care units. We have used
this system to explore the possibility of disease
characterization in human subjects from variability of
heart rate, peripheral blood flow etc. in limited number
of subjects as a feasibility study, which has been
reported earlier. Encouraged by this study we wanted to
see whether homœopathic medicines in higher dilution
cause any significant change in the autonomic response
of the body.
As we know that homœopathic medicine of 12th or
higher potency does not contain even one atom or
molecule of the medicinal substance and still they are
being used with reasonable success to cure curable and
incurable diseases for the past 200 years or more. No
scientific study has conclusively evidenced significant
difference between the homœopathic medicines and the
pure solvent till today. Furthermore the efforts to record
changes caused by these medicines in physiological
parameters are also highly specific in nature and cannot
be reproduced on demand. Considering these
limitations we have recorded variability in heart rate and
peripheral blood flow in twenty-four unbiased control
subjects before and after the administration of
homœopathic medicine in 30, 1000 or 10000 potency.
It is observed that significant changes occur in
variability spectrum after the administration of the
homœopathic medicine. Also the changes observed are
different for different medicines.
These observations are important from the point of
view that they are recordable and reproducible and no
specificity is required in choosing the control subject or
the medicine. Secondly these changes are brought
about by the homœopathic preparation having no
material existence even at atomic or molecular level.
Lastly there is a scope to document specific autonomic
responses during systematic proving of the drug to act
as template during patient management. Thus the
Medical Analyzer system has a potential to act as a tool
for unfolding mystery of action of materialless
medicine, which is described in this report.
(From the BARC report BARC/2004/E/021,
Government of India, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai 400 085, 2004. India.)
III. A Message from the President. A Profession of
Common Right. MUELLER, Manfred (AH.
Manfred MUELLER is a fourth generation lay
homœopath. His great grandfather was the president of
Swabian Homœopathic Layperson’s League in the
region of Swabia in Southwest Germany. In his tenth
year of practice, his mother presented him with a 1908
edition of Hering’s Domestic Physician, which she
herself had consulted often and was inherited from her
Lay homœopaths Non-physician practitioners
have prescribed for themselves, their families and
friends. Ever since the attorney Clemens MF von
BOENNINGHAUSEN, the priest GHG JAHR and the
artist Melanie D’HERVILY took up the practice of
Homœopathy, non-physician practitioners have left a
permanent Mark on Homœopathy.
Throughout history, “lay practitioners” gave up
their previous professions to dedicate their lives to
Homœopathy even if they did not receive a formal
medical education. [In so far as India is concerned and
in several European Countries too, (I am told, like
Poland, Ukraine and others, Homœopathy has been
nurtured carefully during difficult days) - and there
were very good prescribers among the lay. But for
these dedicated lovers of Homœopathy who made no
money in that, later colleges could not have been
founded. This is fact.
In fact Dr. Mahendralal Sircar, the pioneer doctor
Homœopath’ has spoken very highly of the so-called
‘lay homœopaths’. In fact Dr. Sircar’s teacher in
Homœopathy, was a ‘lay’. Give the lay their due =
In North America today many of those who wish to
become full time professional homœopaths voluntarily
submit to independent peer evaluation of their
competency and of their adeherence to recognized
standards of homœopathic practice.
IV. NASH was created for those special individuals
(AH. 18/2012)
It is part of an age-old tradition since time
immemorial of healing by non-physicians a Profession
of common right as opposed to one created by
privileges derived from statutes.
V. The Facts cannot be Denied” A conversation
with Dr. Luc MONTAGNIER, HAYES, Deborah.
(AH. 18/2012).
The homœopathic community was honored to have
Dr. Luc MONTAGNIER as a speaker in the 2012 Joint
Annual Homœopathic Conference in Reston, VA. Dr.
MONTAGNIER was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2008
for his work in Physiology and Medicine. His recent
researches have shown that certain dilutions of bacterial
and Viral DNA sequences can emit low frequency
electromagnetic waves, which carry information about
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
DNA. Homœopaths will find it particularly interesting
that in order to produce the electromagnetic signal, the
diluted sample had to be succussed.
In his interaction with the author, he told that
Jacques BENVENISTE had difficulty as he was
working with biological systems. On the contrary we
are starting with measuring the signals of chemical
structures, which are developed in water, so we don’t
have difficulty in reproducing these structures. [The
inquisition which BENVENISTE suffered is due to
nothing but unscientific blind hatred of Homœopathy by
MADDO and other ‘scientists’. = KSS].
VI. Adoptational Nanomedicine and Hormesis
Homœopathic remedies as Nanoparticles and Low
Intensity systemic stressors
Mary (AH. 18/2012): The single largest scientific
challenge for Homœopathy is to provide a testable
model for the nature of homœopathic remedies and the
organism vide treatment responses that practitioners
routinely report.
This paper summarises an emerging model that
explains how homœopathic medicines act in living
systems. The core features of the model, which we have
termed adaptional or “hormetic” nanomedicine are that
(a) Homœopathic remedies are low dose of
nanoparticles (NP) of source material, not bulk
form drugs;
(b) The ways in which remedies interface with a living
human being, animal or plant involve activating
and modulating multiple interactive mechanisms of
adaptation to environmental stressors not direct
specific pharmacological actions on end organs of
the body; and
(c) The network nature of the complex living organism
under treatment, not the medicine itself, mediates
the pattern of remedy responses over time. [The
learned authors have given 161 references sources.
Even if we give a thousand ‘proofs’ those who are
prejudiced blindly will never accept. Over the past
years hundreds of proofs have been published.
They are all open, but the ‘scientific’ refuse to see.
Our colleagues are spending their valuable time in
producing ‘evidences’ instead of enriching further
the homœopathic therapeutics = KSS].
VII. Raising the Bar: Joint American Homœopathic
Conference 2012. BIRCH, Kate; DeMARAIS, Lisa.
(AH. 18/2012).
The conference was held at the Hyatt Regency
Reston Hotel, Reston, VA. The highlight was the
amazing presentation of Nobel Laureate Dr. Luc
MONTAGNIER, about high dilutions of HIV DNA
emit electromagnetic signals, which can be transmitted
to remote computers. These signals can then produce a
duplicate of the original viral DNA sequences using the
chemicals of polymerase chain Reaction.
Andre SAINE, presented numerous examples of
Homœopathy lowering morbidity and mortality in
epidemic diseases over the past two centuries.
Amy ROTHENBERG discussed Attention Disorder
related issues and the use of adjunctive therapies such as
cranial Osteopathy and the Feingold and GAPS diets.
Overview of two documentaries. Ananda
MOORE’s In Search of Evidence, on his work with
AIDS and his quest for Genus epidemicus in Tanzania.
Karen ALLEN talked on morning sickness.
Liz LALOR talked on five Psychological strategies
a person may take with respect to their illness: denial,
forsakenness, causation, depression and resignation.
Todd ROWE outlined the work done by the North
American Network of Homœopathic Educators in
creating standards for homœopathic proving.
Dr. Russel MALCOM, described the history,
development and nature of bowel nosodes. He
impressed their importance as both intercurrent and
stand alone remedies.
Rajan SANKARAN discussed Homœopathy’s
laboratory using the right and left brain together: facts
and feelings, an unbeatable combination. He
emphasized the use of the “three legged stool” the
genius of the remedy, the symptoms and the system.
VIII. It’s all in the Mind, really: The Theory of
Everything, which releases in India on January 16, is as
much about triumph over disability, as a defiant love
story: The Theory of Everything is a wonderful,
inspirational biopic on Stephen HAWKING, the
brilliant theoretical physicist, and Jane, his wife. The
film is as much a triumph over disability, as a defiant
love story that conquers debilitating Motor Neuron
disease. Struck by the disease at 21 years age and given
two years to live HAWKING goes on to become
Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of
Cambridge and author of several books, including A
Brief History of Time. The Film is due to release in
India in early January 2015.
Above all, The Theory of Everything underlines
the jaw-dropping personal self-confidence of a severely-
disabled man, who communicated mainly by blinking
his eyes. HAWKING divorces his devoted first wife,
Jane after 26 years of marriage and three children,
marries his nurse, and divorces again, as a senior citizen
at 64 he is now 72! This extraordinary self-esteem
and courage is something most able-bodied people lack.
……. JANE’s love is unwavering, strongly buttressed
by religious faith. HAWKING is an atheist, seeking to
find a universal theory that explains everything in
existence, reconciling Quantum Mechanics with
EINSTEIN’s general relativity theory. HAWKING is
invited to be knighted by the Queen, he invites ex-wife
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
JANE to accompany him. …. [Several years ago, I
read HAWKING’s biography and I have never got over
the courage of the man. I have recommended to several
people when they felt down and out with some illnesses
and lack of confidences to read it. STEPHEN
HAWKING’s life one in millions. = KSS].
IX. Dr. Tarakeshwar JAIN illustrated the
importance of observation during case taking. It is
crucial to note the client’s gestures, the way s/he talks,
how s/he expresses feelings/ideas, how s/he behaves.
Presented several video cases of serious pathology
where the patient was unable to communicate and he
had only his observations upon which to prescribe. The
results and accuracy of the prescriptions were truly
amazing. (AH. 18/2012).
X. Beyond the Disaster Homœopaths Without
Borders, NA 2012. SMITH, Suzanne. (AH. 18/2012).
Two years after a devastating earthquake in Haiti,
half a million victims still linger in 707 camps scattered
across the capital. Homœopaths without Borders
(HWB) provided critical care to thousands of affected
In Feb. 2012, Doug BROWN, Alyssa WOSTREL,
along with Holly MANOOGIAN held the first session
of a year long “Homœopathy Fundamental Program
for Haiti”. Students include doctors, medical students,
nurses, midwives, pharmacists and community leaders.
Teaching methods are designed to be simple, clear,
precise and logical with particular protocols to include
local clinical needs such as Fever, respiratory infections,
diarrhea, endemic and epidemic diseases, etc.
Karen ALLEN, joined HOLLY in April and taught
students. Students work in study clubs to sharpen their
skills between seminars.
A 36 year old pregnant woman had been anemic
since giving birth. Also dizziness when walking and
felt weakness in legs. Sepia 30 and a bottle of Hyland’s
Bioplasma to support her and her nursing baby.
Another client, 70 years old women had pain at the
close of urination, frequent urge and takes long time for
the urine to start was cured with Sarasaparilla 30.
In Feb. and April, the HWB team travelled to a
clinic in the mountainside community of Lespinasse.
An elderly man in 70s, hit by a motorcycle with
bruising on right calf and infected lacerations of right
hand. He was given Arnica 30 and Pyrogenium 30.
Calendula cream topically.
The need is great, the work rewarding and the
results gratifying.
When you open your heart to what is beyond your
comfort zone, you become a better stronger person.
HWB, NA would like to thank all of the volunteers,
past present and future for contributing to the work of
HWB in Haiti and throughout the Americas. Special
thanks also to the homœopathic pharmacies that have
generously contributed to the effort. Visit:
XI. Reflections: Homœopathy Around the World.
EVANS, Gwyneth (AH. 18/2012).
In October 2012, a homœopathic conference titled
2012 and beyond: A Homœopathic odyssey held in
Brisbane, Australia.
The author presented a paper titled “Patient and
Practitioner the Homœopathic odyssey”.
An odyssey is defined as “a long wandering, a
series of adventurous journeys usually marked by many
changes of fortune”.
Homœopathy has had its own journey over the past
two centuries and this article is a reflection on
Homœopathy around the world, viewed from the
privileged position as chairperson of the International
council for Homœopathy (ICH)
The ICH is an international organization created to
represent professional homœopaths and the practice of
Homœopathy around the world. The goal is to improve
the status of Homœopathy in every part of the world.
Recent survey covered the information about the
numbers of practicing members, student members and
schools or courses operating in each country. Other
questions covered the legality of practice, the
availability of remedies, whether the practice of
Homœopathy is covered by insurers and whether
Homœopathy is reimbursed by a national health care
If we look into the future of Homœopathy, while
there is much to be done to educate ourselves, the public
and governments, we can know that we have in our
hands, hearts and minds an invaluable resource for
making a healthier world, one patient at a time.
[I searched this article for name Julian WINSTON who
did so much for Homœopathy only next to HERING
in some ways, but did not find any mention. According
to the Homœopathy Today p.8, July/Aug. 2005, Julian
Winston “passed at home in the arms of his wife
Gwyneth Evans” (the author of this article) = KSS]
XII. Derailing the Vaccination Machine. GILRUTH,
Charlotte (AH. 18/2012).
Vermonters who believe in parent’s right to choose
or refuse vaccination for their children fought and
negated a bill S199 in Senate which eliminated the
philosophical exemption to vaccines.
The article explains in detail about the relentless
marketing plan of pharmaceutical industries in USA.
XIII. Expanding Awareness Through Study in India
TAEGAR, Oonagh (AH. 18/2012).
The author writes about her learning and
experience during a month-long advanced course with
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
The Other Song Academy in Mumbai with Dr. Rajan
The other song is purpose-designed to meet the
need for a quantum leap forward in homœopathic
awareness. Central to the purpose is the clinical set-up
of the academy. For the first half of each day Live
cases are beamed to a large screen, direct from the
Other Song Clinic three floors above the academy.
Then the case would be discussed. First our ideas, then
his understanding and answering questions.
Now Rajan SANKARAN teaches analysis of cases
using “the triangle”
Symptoms: Traditional repertory, Materia
Medica and Provings
System: Sensation data revealing Kingdom,
Family and Miasm
Genius: The apex of the triangle. It includes a
broad range of solid data including
pathological general tendencies and sphere of
Dr. SANKARAN allows the case to unfold gently
and organically, following the patient, rather than
coaching or pushing.
Dr. Jayesh SHAH describes the Vital Force as a
torsion field with two polarities: one dark, contracting
and distressing; the other light, expanding and joyful.
He coaches the patient to focus more fully on their state,
which results in experiencing both the polarities, which
in many cases heals.
Dr. Ashok BORKAR focused on healing advanced
pathologies. He stresses the importance of using a
remedy that covers the location of the disease and the
type of pathology, as well as general state.
Shekar ALGUNDGI makes special use of
meditation with the patient prior to case taking which
almost invariably prepares the way for the sensation to
emerge in the case, regardless of the normal level of
experience of the patient [! = KSS].
Dinesh CHAUHAN gave deep insights into process
of case taking and the signposts along the way the
phenomena that occur as one nears the centre of the case
and how best to respond to each stage.
XIV. Validated The Swiss Government Report
on Homœopathy in Health Care SMITH, Suzanne J.
(AH. 18/2012).
In January 2011, the Swiss Federal Department of
Home Affairs ruled that as of 1st Jan. 2012,
Homœopathy will among others, be included in the
Swiss statutory health insurance and reimbursed for a
minimum of 6 years.
In 1998 Homœopathy was included in the Swiss
statutory health insurance and withdrawn in 2009. This
led to a referendum vote in 2009 when the great
majority of Swiss spoke out and voted in support of
integrating complementary medicines including
Homœopathy into the national health system.
XV. Patty Smith. In Memoriam VERSPOOR, Rudi
(AH. 18/2012).
PATTY born on 17 May 1954 in Plainfield, New
Jersey. The life long interest in Homœopathy began
when her husband was saved by Arnica and Hypericum.
As a co-ordinator for NCH she hosted many
conferences and seminars left for Canada in 1995. Ran
Canadian program of The British Institute of
Homœopathy. She always challenged her students to do
the best they could, often seeing potential that they
couldn’t yet see in themselves. The Hahnemann center
for Heilkunst opened in 1998, followed by the
Hahnemann College for Heilkunst (HCH) in 2001. Her
hobbies were photography and searching for the best
foods, desserts and cupcakes in the world.
XVI. In Memoriam: Diwan Harish Chand,
MBBS. YASGUR, Jay (AH. 18/2012).
Diwan Harish Chand (7.3.1924 to 13.12.2011) was
the doyen of Indian Homœopathy. A fellow of the
Faculty of Homœopathy since 1946 (from Royal
London Homœopathic Hospital). He has been president
of the LIGA from 1979 82. For some 50 years, he
was a member of every homœopathic committee of the
Indian Government.
It was due to the personal efforts of Dr. DIWAN
that the Govt. of India, brought about a postage stamp of
the Indian Pioneer in Homœopathy, Dr. Mahendralal
Dr. DIWAN was author of following books:
1. Iconography of Hahnemann a Pilgrimage
Indian Books & Periodicals, N. Delhi 110
005, 2005.
2. Homœopathy in Geriatrics, National
Homœopathic Pharmacy, N. Delhi 110 001,
3. A Compendium of Lectures on Homœopathy,
1950 1995 National Homœopathic
Pharmacy, N. Delhi 110 001, 1995.
4. History of Homœopathy in India in the 19th
Century B. Jain Publishers, N. Delhi 110
005, 2007.
XVII. In Memoriam: Dr. Abdur REHMAN.
YASGUR, Jay (AH. 18/2012).
Pakistani homœopathic physician Abdur REHMAN
died on April 4th 2012. He served as a professor at the
Homœopathic Medical Centre in Lahore, Pakistan and
became fluent in German (and French) so that he could
read Hahnemann in the original. This no doubt took his
writings to a higher level. His opus was the
Encyclopaedia of Remedy Relationships in
Homœopathy, first published in 1997, second edition in
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
2002, French edition in 1999 and German edition in
This very useful work puts together an incredible
amount of information from many sources and well
produced. [Personally, I was acquainted with Dr.
REHMANN, through my Quarterly Homœopathic
Digest of which he was a regular reader and liked it
very much. I have reviewed, his books mentioned
above in my QHD. He had also sent me a manuscript of
his next work on Trauma as a aetiology, asking for
further ideas and changes, additions, etc. Unfortunately
he passed away before it could be brought out. I fully
endorse YASGUR. Those like REHMAN appear very
rarely. May he rest in peace = KSS]
XVIII. In Memoriam: Glen Dupree DVM (July 21,
1956 Feb. 27, 2013) LEBENSORGER, Mitzi (HT.
33, 2/2013).
Veterinarian Glen DUPREE of St. Francisville,
Louisiana was a passionate proponent of Homœopathy
and organic agriculture. Many farmers now use
Homœopathy as their first-line treatment for large
animal herds, thanks to Dr. DUPREE’s sharing wisdom,
via his website, webinars, teaching, mentorship and
In 2010, Dr. DUPREE wrote Homœopathy in
organic Livestock production.
“By encouraging sustainable organic agriculture
homœopaths set the stage for better therapeutic
responses in our patients”. He noted that 25 million
pounds of “preventive” antibiotics used annually in
conventional livestock production end up in our food
and water. He therefore urged homœopaths to get
involved in treating animals on organic farms. “We
have only to take advantage of what is being placed
before us to show the unequivocal power of
Homœopathy. I can see no greater opportunity for
Homœopathy today than the untapped potential within
the field of organic agriculture,” said Glen.
Let Dr. Dupree’s life inspire us to make this world
a better place for all its creatures.
XIX. A bitter Pill for Docs, Pharma Companies,
Pradeep S. Mehta (Deccan Chronicle, Chennai, 6 Jan.
2015): Much has been in the recent past about much
unethical practices of doctors. Here one more: Many
doctors prescribe a particular brand of medicine for
personal gains. The Uniform Code of Pharmaceutical
Marketing Practice (UCPMP) does not cover
unnecessary diagnostic tests and surgeries. Medicines
constitute 72% of the healthcare costs in India. The
most common and probably the most damaging
unethical practice by Pharma Companies from a
consumer’s point of view is the unholy nexus between
the Pharma industry and medical professionals that has
been debated world over for several years. [Recall the
arrest of Dr. K. DESAI of Indian Medical Council who
had made literally tons of money by unethical practices.
He is yet to be punished = KSS.] Last year the giant
Glaxo SmithKline (GSK) was fined by China for
bribing doctors, hospitals and government officers.
They were accused of spending $490 million! (Imagine
if this was spent by the GSK for bribing, the amount of
illegal profits they get. Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion in
2009. Pfizer pleaded guilty. In 2011 Merck agreed to
pay a five of $950 mn. for illegal promotion of the drug
VIOXX. Johnson & Johnson was fined $2.2 bn. This
was to promote prescription of Risperdal to elderly
people with Dementia.
In India the Scenario is worse. One Survey found
60% of the prescriptions were irrational.
Here we find a large proportion of patients are
diagnosed with hyper- hypo-thyroidism and
consequently much of tablets which are to be used for
‘life-time’. We understand that lab tests results also are
as ‘desired’ by the doctor.
[No wonder that the dominant Medicine is annoyed
with Homœopathy which has no place for mal practices.
With Homœopathy Lab tests are required to minimal,
and medicines cost are neglible; and it gives quicker,
safer, cheaper results = KSS].
XX. President’s Message. SEBASTIAN, Irene
(AJHM. 105, 2/2012).
Irene SEBASTIAN worked part time in a Federally
Qualified Health Center for 3 years in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina. The Medical Director was open
minded and allowed the use of homœopathic medicines
in the clinic. The stumbling block in the discussions
with the physicians was the lack of statistically
significant research studies.
[How does it matter the so-called research studies.?
Homœopathy did good work in the clinic and it was
open for all to see. People got well. Where is the
block.? It is in the mind. = KSS].
An Indian website www.audesapere.in gives
homœopathic research articles dividing into basic
categories. Each reference is linked to its abstract as
well. It is time to read it, understand and organize it.
So that we can share its value.
Basic Science Research
Measurable physical effects of homœopathic
medicines (including differences between
medicines and between potencies)
Measurable biological effects of homœopathic
Theories about the mechanism of action
Clinical Research
Meta-analyses of clinical research studies
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Clinical trials of one specific homœopathic
medicine (e.g., Arnica)-using an allopathic model
(all subjects receive the same remedy)
Clinical trials of one particular diagnosis (e.g., mild
traumatic brain injury)-using a homœopathic model
(remedy selection is individualized)
Epidemiological studies
Preventive medicine clinical trials
Longitudinal outcomes research
Case Series
Clinical research on animals
Clinical research on plants
The above categories represent some, not
necessarily all, of the categories of research to be
considered. This first step of categorizing the studies
would be relatively easy. It would also be of great value
to link the references to their abstract and/or the
publication (as aude sapere has done). The second step
is to develop a slide-show presentation for each
casegroup. In the presentation, the highlights of the
studies with critical comments can be presented with
appropriate conclusions. Ultimately, it is this kind of
presentation to which our colleagues in the medical-
scientific community will be exposed, whether at a
Grand Rounds or at a conference. If AIH, as an
organization, can develop these presentations, all of our
members can make the presentations in their own
locale. If all of us can become familiar with these
research studies and learn to become comfortable with
these presentations, we can make a tremendous
An ongoing task would be to construct an annotated
bibliography of all these references. If each of the
references in our bibliography had an annotation
indicating the value of the research along with critical
comments, it would assist other readers in determining
quickly if this reference is one that he/she should read.
Each of us could contribute to this step. When you read
a research study, send some brief comments to the list
serve or to me directly (Sebastian.Irene@gmail.com).
With time, we will have annotations for many
XXI. Report of the 66th Congress of the Liga
Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis. New
Delhi, India 1-4 Dec. 2011. HILTNER, Richard and
CHASE, Sandra M. (AJHM. 105, 2/2012).
2300 delegates from around the world participated
and 318 papers presented brief summary of the contents
of 66th Congress composed. Expansive description at
The business meetings of the Liga Executive
Committee and of the International council preceded the
actual congress.
XXII. Notes on my visit to Dr. Vijayakar’s
Predictive Homœopathy Clinic in Mumbai.
SEBASTIAN, Irene (AJHM. 105, 3/2012).
Observing the work of Dr. Vijayakar has changed
my ideas about what is possible not only with
homœopathic medicine, but with medicine in general.
Significant changes in the facial features of children
with Down Syndrome along with improvement in
intelligence and behavior. Skull growth in a
microcephalic child, communicating his needs and
developed bladder and bowel control.
A case of Ankylosing Spondylitis, cured of his
disease and his HLA-B27 becoming negative. So many
cases of dramatic cures. He also cures cases of
hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and heart
diseases and explains the exact nature of the changes
taking place in laboratory values during the course of
their cure (in terms of Miasm moving from Syphilis or
Sycosis to Psora).
The second change in my perspective was an
increasing awareness of the possibility of the true
integration of homœopathic medicine with
contemporary medical science.
In tumors, his lectures on different types along with
their embryological origins and implications of case
taking. Meningioma, for examples derives from
connective tissue and thus he would inquire about an
injury to the neck or back rather than a mental
emotional etiology.
In case of chronic Pancreatitis, the changes of
lipase of amylase values explained. Initially lipase was
36,000 and amylase 8000. Syco-syphilitic (due to
increase of lipase). With treatment lipase 111 and
amylase 155. (Higher amylase indicates an acute
inflammatory process) which indicates return to Psoric
Comparable explanations about expected changes
in the lab values for leukemia, systolic and diastolic
pressure and other diseases were given.
XXIII. Case Conference: 147th Annual Meeting of
the Homœopathic Medical Society of the State of
Pennsylvania (HMSSP) March 17, 2012. CHASE,
Sandra. (AJHM. 105, 3/2012).
HMSSP, established in 1865, is the longest
continually meeting homœopathic medical society in the
United States.
The southern Homœopathic Medical Association
(SHMA) established in 1885 in New Orleans, LA and
officially incorporated in 1985 as a nonstock
corporation in Virginia, is a professional organization to
promote homœopathic medicine, advance homœopathic
education and safeguard homœopathic practice in the
Southern states. Since 2001, both SHMA and HMSSP
have joint meetings. 147th Annual Meeting was held in
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Joseph A.S. Mc Cahon, presented the case of
torsion of the uterus in the parturition of the mature
bovine. This case illustrated the importance of doing an
examination on the animal, not just relying on history.
Upon mechanical reduction, the progression of calving
was further facilitated by the use of Caulophylum 30.
Joyce HARMAN, expounded the topic “Laminitis,
The Equine Insulin Resistant Version of Cardio
Vascular Disease”.
First case 19 year-old Appaloosa purebred gelding,
who displayed fat pads, on neck, grumpy
personality and lethargic disposition. It
responded to Thuja 200.
Second case a 30 year old endurance racehorse Arab
gelding that was fearful and had an
elevated ACTH, which responded to
Arsenicum album in rising potencies from
200 to 10M.
David G. WEMBER presented many cases one of
which is a man with pallindromic rheumatism,
recurrent, with strong urine and history of Gout cured
by Benzoicum acidum. First he became better, then
symptoms shifted to left side and started resolving.
Thereafter episodes at greater intervals and less severe.
Richard Fischer, presented a case of tired, tense,
warm jaw muscles after a marital separation in a 46 year
old woman, Ignatia XM and 3 weeks later, clenching
better and could sleep without her night guard.
Another case of a 50 year-old orthodontist with left
temporal headache radiating to the left eye for 20 years.
After Spigelia 200, pain in eye was rare and no longer
pain in head while chewing.
Homœopathic pediatrician Ioana RAZI, presented a
case of family affected by the suicide of a daughter.
The family restless, unsettled, pacing and fearful.
Aconitum was helpful for all except father who found
her hanging for whom Stramonium helped.
Another situation revolved around the birth of a
baby to a young intellectual couple, the mother, a
professor, father pursuing higher studies. There was a 3
year old sister. Over the Christmas break, the mother
experienced an easy delivery, the three year old became
sick and father left for France and the baby developed
colic, screaming at night Aethusa to both daughter and
mother prompted a quick positive shift. Mother left
teaching to join husband in France.
Todd A. HOOVER discussed Lyme disease and its
stages of rash, large joint involvement and neurologic
and Cardiac symptoms. A case of 15 year-old girl with
a history of Lyme treated by antibiotics for 3 months.
Her acute phase had Rash, severe headache and high
fever. Belladonna 200. The headaches improved.
Another 44 year-old female diagnosed with chronic
Lyme disease. Progressive fatigue, twitching muscles,
urinary frequency and dizziness. Sleepless from
palpitations. Anxiety. Arg. nit. 200. Improved.
XXIV. Michael Reece, presented “LM Potency in
Homœopathic Practice” (AJHM. 105, 3/2012).
LM Potencies are particularly helpful for persons
with weak sensitive constitutions, those suffering with
chronic miasmatic disease as those as well as in
patient’s already using other medication. They act more
deeply and gently. Two cases helped by LM potencies
presented. In one case a 40 year-old female with
Asthma, hairloss, exhaustion and hypercholesterolemia.
Tuberculinum LM1 over a number of months cured. In
the second case an 8 year-old girl, diagnosed as ADHD
was treated with Tarentula hispanica LM1 over several
months, cured.
XXV. A Critique of Ernst’s critique and Request
for Replication of an Arnica study. President’s
Message, Irene SEBASTIAN. (AJHM. 105, 4/2012).
Dr. Edzard ERNST’s latest critique of
homœopathic research was published in skeptical
Inquirer 2012; 36(6):39-42. In all he focused on 11
publications from Berlin researchers. He was reluctant
to make any positive judgements about the three RCT’s
(Brinkhaus et al) which were extremely well designed
and which yielded some statistically significant results.
There is an unpublished study by Dr. Len TOROK,
who practiced as an orthopaedic surgeon for many years
and after his homœopathic study, he used Arnica
montana during surgery. He designed a study in which
he compared two group of patients.
The control group was comprised of patients who
had undergone a primary total knee replacement in the
year (1997) prior to the introduction of homœopathic
medicines into the hospital formularly.
The experimental group was comprised of patients
undergoing primary total knee replacement with the
peri-operative use of Arnica montana in a standard
dosing regimen.
In the experimental group, the average blood re-
infusion volume decreased by 74% when compared to
the control group and had reached a level of statistical
significance. This group also experienced less pain, less
swelling, quicker rehabilitation, shorter hospital stays,
less need for narcotics, and subsequently less nausea
and vomiting and urinary retention associated with
This protocol was used for 10 years by Dr. TOROK
till he retired from orthopedic surgery.
This unpublished work is brought to light with a
hope that Berlin researchers (or any other researchers)
will replicate his work.
XXVI. The Fifth European Congress for Integrative
Medicine (ECIM) 21-22 September 2012, Florence,
Italy. FRYE, Joyce (AJHM. 105, 4/2012).
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
The fifth ECIM drew 950 delegates from around
the world. The abstracts are listed in a special edition of
the European Journal of Integrative Medicine (Vol.4,
Supplement Issue, Sept. 2012) which lists 262 oral
presentations, 188 posters and 27 workshops.
XXVII. Reaching for New Horizons. Change and
anticipation. JEROME, Anne (HT. 33, 1/2013)
There are exciting developments at the growing
edge of Homœopathy, and it’s up to us to capture the
opportunities inherent in them.
Laboratory research is showing amazing results
with great promise. Clinical studies are also
demonstrating Homœopathy’s safety and effectiveness
in a variety of contexts. NCH remains active in the
integrative healthcare community and in discussions
about complementary and alternative modalities in the
U.S. healthcare system.
There has been attention from the mainstream
media too. The Dr.OZ show recently produced a very
favorable and accurate segment that NCH helped to
Sharon Stevenson, Executive Director is leaving
National Center for Homeopathy (NCH). The new
Executive Director is Alison TEITELBAUM.
XXVIII. Meet New NCH Executive Director Alison
TEITELBAUM, MS, MPH. (HT. 33, 1/2013).
Alison TEITELBAUM, MS, MPH, is a lifelong
advocate of improving public health and truly believes
that everyone has the right to a healthy and balanced
life. Over the course of her career, she is involved in
local, regional and national public health and
community education programs.
XXIX. In Gratitude to Sharon Stevenson
25+ years of service, leadership and devotion to
Homœopathy and NCH (HT. 33, 1/2013)
Ann E. JEROME; Dana ULLMAN, Sandra
M.CHASE, Todd ROWE, Gwyneth EVANS, Harry
Stephen MESSER, Roger MORRISON, Andre SAINE,
expressed their gratitude to Sharon STEVENSON.
XXX. Homœopathy goes to OZ. GOLD, Peter
(HT. 33, 1/2013)
The Dr.OZ show is a popular TV medical show by
Dr. Mehmet OZ.. A segment on Homœopathy was
filmed on 22 January before a live audience. Dr. Lisa
SAMET was able to convey a rich array of accurate
information in a very short time. After this Dr. OZ
interviewed 3 MDs who urge Homœopathy in their
practice. This made available in their website with a
link to NCH website. Within hours NCH website and
Facebook page received more visits and downloads than
at any other time in its history.
XXXI. The joint American Homœopathic
Conference (JAHC) 2013 to be held in Virginia from
April 19 21, hosts the following speakers Barbara
XXXII. Aging Spines Feel Young Again! Safe
successful homœopathic treatment for painful spinal
stenosis KATCHEN, Debra (HT. 3, 1/2013).
Aches and pains that limit a person’s mobility is
common in people above 60 years of age, due to
degenerative changes in the spine due to “wear and
tear” of Osteoarthritis. Conventional medical treatment
has little to offer.
Pain from spinal stenosis are lightning-like or
toothache like pains in their extremities that are worse
with movement and better with rest. Heaviness,
numbness or weakness in one or both legs. In worst
cases, people may have trouble with overall balance,
coordination, or bladder and bowel control.
This is a debilitating, progressive disease process
that leads to loss of mobility and consequently social
isolation and depression
MRIs of people with Stenosis showed lacey-
looking trabecular like composition of the bone spurs
seen under the microscope. This was in people with
spinal or foraminal stenosis. The author has thus
successfully treated nine cases of spinal stenosis with
Hekla lava 30 twice a day and Calcarea flourica 6x
once a day.
In one case, multiple areas of lumbar stenosis,
clearly visible in previous MRI’s were no longer there.
Two cases are presented. After several months, all
nine patients were pain-free and off all their pain
medications. (Full article in Part II).
XXXIII. Sweet Story. Spirited Schoolgirl saved by
homœopathic sugar. Love and remedies help her
overcomne abuse and ADHD to focus and flourish
LUEPKER, Ian (HT. 33, 1/2013)
7 year-old Loria had behavioural problems like
restlessness, inability to focus and listen in school,
attention seeking behaviours such as poking other
children with a pencil and ruining their ball games,
expressing indignant anger toward her peers. Craving
for sugar and junk food even real food. Loria’s early
childhood lacked security, safety and healthy
attachment, to say the least. Her birth parents used
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
alcohol and drugs regularly, and her mother used
amphetamines and alcohol throughout her pregnancy.
Loria was placed in a loving home with devoted
and caring foster parents. Loria craved sweets,
chocolates, and ‘junk’ food for interest in real food. She
has an enormous appetite and it’s amazing how much
she could eat. Yet she is thin.
Tarantula hispanica, Veratrum album, Kali
phosphoricum and Saccharum album were considered
for differentiation and Saccharum album (also
officinalis) LM6 was given.
5 months later: a radical turn around she was not
bothering other kids. Less irritable with her siblings and
stopped poking. Calmer. No nightmares. To continue
LM6 for next 6 weeks.
6 weeks later: Had candy without ill effects.
Occasionally sucks fingers. Handwriting improved
much. To continue LM6.
6 weeks later: Not putting fingers in mouth. Better
about taking ‘no’ for an answer.
Two months later: LM7 as gluten and dairy seemed to
make her hyperactive.
Two months later: Doing much better and on weekly
twice dosing.
Seven months later: received ‘good citizen’ award at
school. No craving for sweets.
XXXIV. Granting of Hans-Walz-Price for research
work on Homœopathy History (ZKH. 56, 1/2012).
The above price of Euro 1500 for 2011 went to Dr.
Anne Neirade of Meissen. The Institute for History of
Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation since 2003
has been encouraging this.
Dr. Anne NIERADE, in her work, analysed the
history of Homœopathy in the Soviet Union occupied
GDR (1945 1989) [See P.9, in History column in this
XXXV. ADHD on the Rise? Or over-diagnosed and
over-medicated? (HT. 33, 1/2013) .
Nearly 10% of U.S. school children are diagnosed
with Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD), and doctor visits
for this condition rose 66% from 2000 to 2010. Why
the increase?
Growing awareness of ADHD is certainly a factor,
but some say the multibillion-dollar industry that has
grown up around the diagnosis has a lot to do with it.
Pharmaceutical companies now heavily market a broad
array of stimulant-based ADHD medications - many
said to be “new and improved” over earlier drugs, such
as Ritalin. Also, the definition of ADHD has been
broadened in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, allowing more children to fit the
ADHD is usually first noticed in the classroom
setting with kids who have difficulty focusing attention,
staying in their seats, organizing their time, and so on.
Some experts say that today’s schools have higher
expectations of children and lower tolerance for
immaturity or “kids being kids,” leading to more kids
being diagnosed. In fact, ADHD tends to be diagnosed
more often in the youngest children within a grade
level; so immaturity may sometimes be mislabeled as
ADD. Parents can feel pressure from teachers and even
other parents to put their children on conventional
ADHD drugs so the child will be “more manageable,”
perform better in academics, and keep up with their
Whatever the reasons for the increase in “ADHD
kids,” take heart: homœopathic professionals have a
great success record in helping such children to
flourishwhile respecting and supporting their unique
XXXVI. Summertime and the NCH is active.
JEROME, Ann (HT. 33, 2/2013).
NCH is a voice for Homœopathy in an enormous
variety of area from the homœopathic community itself,
all the way out to the wider world. The NCH website is
an essential public face and outreach as well as a
tremendous resource for our members and is being
updated. A new logo will also be more visible. The e-
newsletter will also be more visible. The e-newsletter
will also get a fresh look. NCH will be celebrating its
40th anniversary this year.
XXXVII. Homœopathy in the News. Homœopathy
grows in the Persian Gulf. (HT. 33, 2/2013).
The practice of Homœopathy is growing in the
United Arab Emirates and also in Egypt, Algeria,
Morocco and around the Middle East and North Africa.
- Jan. 20,2013, The Gulf Today.
- Homœopathy helps Pete TOWNSHEND of the
Legendary star of The who, 67 year old guitarist
Pete TOWNSHEND, recommended Homœopathy to
David LETTERMAN on CBS TV’s. the late show with
David LETTERMAN, regarding his Tinnitus helped by
Homœopathy. - Nov. 20, 2012, You Tube.
Aetna honors black alternative medical
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Insurance giant Aetna has issued a 2013 calendar
that honors complementary and alternative medicine
practitioners specifically those of African American
descent. One honoree is NCH member Ifeoma
IKENZE, M.D. who has incorporated 25 years of
Homœopathy into her medical practice.
- Feb. 14, 2013, Business wire.
- Migraines in children decrease
An observational study conducted in 12 countries had
59 homœopathic physicians treat 168 children with
individualized homœopathic medicines. Migraine
symptoms were monitored for 3 months before and 3
months after treatment. The frequency, severity and
duration of migraine attacks decreased significantly
during the 3 month follow-up period.
- Aubrey, E., et al. The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary
medicine. Feb. 2013, 19(2): 119-
- Holistic hog farmer honoured.
In 1989, after Missouri hog farmer Russ KREMER
was gored by a boar, an antibiotic resistant infection
raged through his body. After 5 unsuccessful
antibiotics, a new one quelled the infection. Since then
he treats sick pigs with homœopathic remedies. He co-
founded The Ozark Mountain Pork Co-operative
(raising 65,000 pigs annually).
- April 5, 2013, Greenwire
April 18, 2013, Missourie Farmer
Cat allergy reduced with remedies.
A small study at the University of Johannesburg,
South Africa, found that homœopathically prepared Cat
saliva 9c and Histaminum 9c reduced Cat allergy.
- Naidoo P., Fellow J.
Homeopathy, 2013 Apr. 102 (2)
- Medical School hosts Homœopathy debate
On March 22, 2013, The University of Conneticut
School of Medicine hosted a debate “Homœopathy:
Great Medicine or Dangerous Pseudoscience?
between Andre SAINE, ND of Canadian Academy of
Homœopathy and Yale Neurologist Steven NOVELLA.
It lasted 2.5 hours.
XXXVIII. Karen ALLEN received “Defining our
Profession Award” from the Council for Homœopathic
Certification on its 20th Anniversary in 2010.
XXXIX. With the letters of Johannes FRANZ acquired
by the Institute for History of Medicine, the history of
Homœopathy in Greece more light is thrown on
Homœopathy in Greece.
FRANZ wrote the letter in 1832 to his fellow
student Emil BRAUN, before he became translator to
the King OTTOS I (1804 1851).
In his luggage he had a pack of Homœopathy
medicines. He was also responsible to spread
Homœopathy in Greece. Earlier only two physician
who worked in Greece during the Cholera epidemic
(1831) in Constantinople treated with Homœopathy,
were known to have been in Greece. FRANZ now
stands as the first who was in close contact with the
King. …until 1960 there were only a small number of
homœopathic doctors in Greece. Only with George
VITHOULKAS Homœopathy came to be wellknown all
over Greece.
(Mitteilungen, ZKH. 56, 2/2012)
XL. Those Yummy delicacies are laced with transfat
13. (Source: Deccan Chronicle, Chennai, 14 July,
Traditional sweets like Mysore pak, Halwa and
Thattai, sold even in some popular sweet stalls, have
unimaginable amounts of saturated fat and trans fat
content. Samples of these sweets were picked up by the
consumer association of India (CAI) a voluntary
organization, and tested in the National Accreditation
Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
The study proved that saturated fat content in them
was 20 times higher than the permissible level
prescribed by the international standards of nutrients.
And the total sugar content of the sweets exceeded 15
percent the normal level.
Mr. G. Santhanarajan, director of the foods said that
not only Pizza, Burger and other Western foods are junk
foods, but some traditional items also come under this
Most of the savouries and sweets purchased have
high fat, sugar and trans fat content.
A 100 grams of Mysore pak should contain only 5
percent of saturated fat. But the samples which we
tested proved that almost all sweet shops make Mysore
pak with excess ghee or vanaspathi which contains 20
times excess saturated fat in it.
Regular intake of these sweets would result in
Diabetes, Hypertension and other serious health
Advertisements of food items for children should
be regulated, they said.
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Full addresses of the Journals covered by this
Quarterly Homœopathic Digest are given below:
1. AH: The Journal of the North American Society of
Homeopaths, 1122 East Pike Street, #1122, Seattle,
WA 98122, USA.
2. AJHM: American Journal of Homeopathic
Medicine, formerly Journal of the American
Institute of Homeopathy (JAIH). 101 South
Whiting Street, Suite 16, Alexandria, VA 22304.
3. HH: Homœopathic Heritage, B. Jain Publishers
Overseas, 1920, Street No.10, Chuna Mandi,
Paharganj, Post Box 5775, New Delhi - 110 055.
4. HOMEOPATHY: Formerly British Homeopathic
Journal (BHJ), Homeopathy, Faculty of
Homeopathy, 29 Park Street West, Luton,
Bedfordshire, LU13BE, UK.
5. HT: Homeopathy Today, National Center for
Homeopathy, 101 South Whiting Street, Suite 315,
6. IJHDR: International Journal of High Dilution
Research, Romania.
7. MedGG: Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte,
Institut für Geschichte der Medizin Robert Bosch
F. Haug Verlag, Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10,
8. THE HINDU: Newspaper, Chennai600 002.
9. ZKH: Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie,
Karl Stiftung, Straussweg 17, 70184
You can readily recognize the highest
because it never places itself on display.
You can readily recognize the lowest
because it is always announcing itself.
The highest virtue quietly serves universal
The lowest virtue actively strives for personal
The highest morality serves common needs.
The lowest morality is self-serving.
True benevolence
acts without intention.
But when rituals go unheeded,
they are enforced with rolled-up sleeves.
Failing the Great Integrity, we resort to
Failing virtuousness, we resort to moralizing.
Failing moralizing, we resort to dogma,
the most supercifical form of faith and loyalty,
and the nourishment for confusion.
Natural persons are attracted
to substance rather than form,
to the nutritious fruit rather than the enticing
to that which dwells deeply within,
rather than to that which clings superficially to
the surface.
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
(This section contains abstracts/extracts from selected articles; even the entire article in some cases)
1. Homeopathic treatment of malignant melanoma in
a dog
Malignant melanoma is a neoplasm of melanocytes,
the cells that produce the skin and mucous membranes
pigment. Almost all oral melanomas in dogs are
malignant (Potter, 1992).
The tumor arises from melanocytes, which are
located between the basal cells of the epidermis at the
junction with or inside the dermis (Potter, 1992).
Melanoma is manifested by a fast-forming local
infiltrate, what frequently recurs, high probability of
metastasis to regional and pulmonary lymphatic nodes
(Potter, 1992; Howard, 1994).
Melanoma is most frequent in dogs older than nine,
especially black-colored ones and particularly Cocker
Spaniel. It is most frequent on lips and gums, palate,
oral mucous membrane and the upper part of the mouth
(Potter, 1992).
Treatment consists of surgical excision, radio and
chemotherapy, yet its efficiency is very low; survival
rates are 10% 1 year later (Potter, 1992; Howard, 1994).
The present article presents the case of a dog affected by
malignant melanoma, which was homeopathically
treated according to Hahnemann’s guidelines after two
suppressive surgical procedures.
Case report
Cocker Spaniel, nine year-old female dog, which
presented melanoma in the mouth and neck, was treated
with Phosphorus LM 6, 2 drops, qd, PO, for 10 days.
Initially, it had presented only one tumor in the mouth,
which was surgically removed. After surgery,
metastases appeared in the neck, which were removed,
as were regional lymphatic nodes. At the first
homeopathic consultation, tumors had come back, even
after a second surgery 3 months earlier. It also suffered
from hypothyroidism, increased appetite, always wanted
to be besides people or other animals and had sebaceous
cysts in several areas.
At age 3½, it had been performed surgery to
remove a breast tumor, no matter that it had already
given birth.
After 10 days of taking Phosphorus LM 6, the oral
melanoma was suppurating and the dog stopped eating.
Silicea CH 6 was prescribed, every 10 minutes, “plus
method”, for 1/2 hour, 2 days. As suppuration
improved, it was prescribed Silicea CH 12, 2 drops, qd,
PO, 7 days.
On the seventh day, suppuration reappeared, and it
was Homeopathic treatment of malignant melanoma in
a dog prescribed Silicea, CH 6, “plus” method, every 10
minutes, for 1 hour, bid, 1 day, followed by Silicea
CH12, 7 days.
Now the dog was itching in the anus, neck, below
anterior limbs; oral suppuration had stopped; yet
melanomas were still present. Silicea was prescribed,
CH 18, 2 drops, qd, PO, 3 days. 30 days later an
abdominal abscess was noticed, but owing to the
animal’s overall good condition, it wasn’t treated.
20 days later, the dog was apparently well,
melanomas were still present, yet smaller in size. Silicea
CH 30 was prescribed, 2 drops, qd, 5 days.
20 days later, the dog still was physically well and
tumors continued to decrease in size. It was prescribed
Silicea CH 12, 2 drops, single dose.
28 days later, the dog had itching eruptions at the
back, its hearing was better, sebaceous cysts were still
present, it was lazy to walk, itching in ears, but
melanomas in mouth and neck had completely
disappeared. It was prescribed Silicea CH 18, “plus”
method”, bid, 2 days.
14 days later, both otitis and skin were worse, it
was prescribed Calcarea carbonica CH12, 2 drops, bid.
40 days later the dog showed no symptoms at all, but for
the sebaceous cysts, it was thinner and more active. It
was prescribed Calcarea carbonica CH18, 2 drops, PO,
Malignant melanoma is the most frequently
diagnosed oral tumor in dogs. Individuals with dark
pigmentation of the oral mucous membrane are at the
highest risk (HOWARD, 1994).
Conventional therapy surgical excision, radio and
chemotherapy shows poor results and the prognosis is
very reserved (POTTER, 1992, HOWARD, 1994).
When malignant melanoma recidivates,
conventional medicine offers no alternatives. According
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
to HOWARD (1994), malignant melanoma is the most
frequently found oral tumor; homeopathic treatment is
frequently sought after.
Hahnemann states in Organon’s section 80 that
cancer and neoplasms are forms of Psora, thus they
ought to be treated with antipsoric remedies.
In the present case, Phosphorus, Silicea and
Calcarea carbonica were prescribed as they all were
classified as antipsoric by Hahnemann.
Phosphorus was chosen as it covered the following
symptoms: apprehension when alone; sore tumor in the
inner side of the cheek; appetite increased and food
tastes normally; tumors in skin (Hahnemann, 1998b).
When the clinical picture changed 10 days later and a
suppurating process appeared, Silicea was selected as it
covered the following symptoms: swelling of sub
maxillary nodes; excessive hunger; large furuncle with
mild pain in the cheek; severe swelling of lower lip;
swelling of gums (Hahnemann, 1998b). HERING
showed that Silicea produces tumors in the mouth
Hering, 1994).
When Silicea exhausted its effect, Calcarea
carbonica was selected, as it covered the following
symptoms: heat inside ears; swelling of inner ear;
itching in hot, dry skin as if covered by salt and ashes;
eruption of red spots (HAHNEMANN, 1998b). In
Organon’s section 171, Hahnemann states that in Psora,
several different remedies might be needed in sequence,
provided each one is chosen according to the symptoms
that remain after the previous prescription.
In the present case, antipsoric remedies were
changed according to the changes of the symptoms.
This allowed for a full cure, not only of the melanomas,
but also of the skin and ear symptoms that appeared
after the elimination of the tumor.
The treatment of malignant melanoma in dogs may
be healed if performed according to Hahnemann’s
guidelines for the treatment of Psora.
2. The self-controlled studies in clinical homeopathic
(IJHDR. 3, 9/2004)
In the past decade, the medical and biological
sciences have experienced a new way of operating their
practice: the use of clinical trials’ outcomes for making
medical decisions and interventions. However, the
current methods of statistical inference are not
‘evidence-based’, but ‘error-based’. The misperception
that randomized clinical trials, preferably double-
blinded and placebo-controlled, give us objective and
scientific results is so widespread, with no questioning,
that has profoundly transformed how we think about the
process of science and the nature of scientific
arguments. The dissemination of the ‘P value fallacy’
(Goodman, 1999) converted a method with its
limitations into a panacea that almost eliminated our
ability to distinguish between statistical results and
scientific conclusions.
The weaknesses of the conventional research
methods, as well as their limitations to find expression
to reality in a binary logic (p<0,05 means that my
association is true, for example), have led to the
development of various alternative methodologies,
yielding new concepts, from the definition of
probability to the meaning of epidemiologic designs
(Struchiner, 2004). In this study, we discuss the use of
controls in Hoopathy and propose the use of the
subjects as their own controls, presenting some aspects
of three designs that already use this approach,
examining their potential for homeopathic clinical
research and reviewing proposals of statistical inference
and analysis.
The use of subjects as their own controls
The causal inference basic problem is the
impossibility of comparing the effect of the exposure
and the nonexposure, simultaneously, at the same
individual. In other words, we cannot determine, at the
same time, what is the effect of a drug or a placebo, at
the same person, since it is impossible to administer the
two interventions. Hence, there are two options:
examining several individuals at the same time, with
analyses of the exposure and the nonexposure in
different individuals (cases and controls); or evaluating
the same individual at two or more points in time. The
analysis of cases and controls at the same moment is the
predominant situation in clinical and epidemiologic
conventional research. We analysed three alternative
models, which follow the case-base paradigm: the case-
crossover and case-time-control studies, and the
selfcontrolled clinical trials. In these designs, each case
is its own control, analyzed at different points in time.
Epidemiologic researches begin with examinations
of cases. The case series often show the queries and
base future studies (Greenland, 1999). The use of
subjects as their own controls has been present in
scientific investigations since the beginning of clinical
studies. Recently, the analysis of the same individuals at
different points in time has been rescued by MacLure
(1991) and Suissa (1995). MacLure has introduced an
innovative epidemiological design (case-crossover), a
variation of the classical case-control strategy, for the
analysis of transient effects on the risk of acute illness
events. Suissa has proposed the case-time-control
design for the study of chronic exposures. In
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Homeopathy, each subject is considered unique, with
peculiar responses and dynamics. The selection of other
people as controls substantially biases the analyses,
once the variables used for matching are insufficient to
express the supposed similarity among individuals.
Gender, age, smoking and physical inactivity, for
example, do not correspond to the measures used for the
prescription of homeopathic medicines. The actual
variables, characteristic and individual, make the cases
to be so distinct from potential controls that the search
for an appropriate control would be formidable, if not
impossible. This way, we have the confounding by
indication, in which the condition that determined that
therapeutics is so peculiar that it is, by itself, an
important predictor of the effect under study. This
makes practically unfeasible the use of other individuals
as controls. At the brink of a new paradigm, the designs
described here intend to coexist with other alternate
methodologies and to be a suitable model for clinical
homeopathic research.
The use of cases as their own controls removes
confounding from many unchangeable characteristics,
that means, uncontrollable and intrinsic properties of
each person, such as intelligence, genetics,
susceptibility. Moreover, the self matching designs are
more powerful from a statistical perspective and offer
savings in the sample size. The case-crossover design
was introduced in 1991 for examining the transient
effects of a brief exposure on the onset of an acute
Such analyses can be completed with minimal
ethical worries, at low cost and are usually quick.
Common and rare outcomes can be tested, and the
clinical and statistical significance determined. They are
appropriate to rapidly fluctuating processes, such as
activity, emotion or pain (Redelmeier & Tibshirani,
1997). Each case corresponds to a stratum, and
contributes one case window and one or more control
windows. The case window is defined as the period just
preceding or during the event under study. The control
windows are periods of the same length as, and not
overlapping with, the case window, and provide an
estimate of the expected frequency of exposure for each
case. The case window and the control window derive
from the same person at different times (MacLure,
1991; Hernandéz-Dias et al.
In 1995, the case-time-control design was
proposed, very similar to the case-crossover, used,
however, to the study of chronic exposures. The time
trends in exposure are limitations to the results of self-
matching studies. Thus, the casetime-control design
includes an adjustment for time trend from the controls.
The self-controlled designs have some limitations.
The use of subjects as their own controls already adjusts
for fixed factors, but it does not account for the
variations over time. The adjustment for time trends in
the case-time-control studies is limited to the measured
variables, infrequentist analyses.
This adjustment may be imprecise for time trends
that vary over immeasurable variables. There is a
tendency to overstate the exposures in the current period
and to underestimate in the reference periods. The
model is based on the assumptions that the exposures
are independent and that there is no carryover effect
from one period to the other. There is, also, the selection
and the information bias, as in any case-control study.
The use of the subjects as their own controls has been
limited in clinical trials, for many reasons. One of them
is the ethical worry of allowing patients with placebo,
only, during the reference period (control window). This
is not possible in lots of situations under study (Louis et
al., 1984; Suissa, 1998; Greenland, 1996; Greenland,
1999; MacLure & Mittleman, 2000). This way, the
bidirectional studies may be an option to this limitation.
Statistical approaches
In order to make the self-controlled clinical trials
widespread, there is the urgent need for the
development of effect estimates that are free from bias
caused by time trends. MacLure (1991) proposes the
Mantel-Haenszel estimator of the rate ratio, with
confidence intervals for sparse data. Since that, other
choices have been used, like maximum likelihood
(Marshall & Jackson, 1993) and logistic regression
(Suissa, 1995). Recently, Navidi & Weinhandl (2002)
have compared four sampling schemes for case-
crossover designs, to evaluate which one would better
control for confounders that vary predictably with time.
The best scheme, according to this study, was the semi-
symmetric bi-directional. Other new methods for
achieving control of unmeasured confounding have
been studied, from more elaborate extensions of Poisson
regression to hierarchical modeling. It is also
fundamental the development of methods that can
handle exposures which occur concurrently and non-
It is also possible to use less orthodox statistical
approaches. The increasing power of computers is
bringing Bayesian methods to the fore. It allows
handling unknown heterogeneity sources or, at least, not
attributable to any specific variable (Struchiner, 2004),
dealing with the uncertainty. The proposal of the self-
controlled studies also allows the review of the
variables, going beyond the simple dichotomies,
searching for a deep understanding of the patient as
human being, once he will be compared only to himself.
The fuzzy logic handles this imprecision at the analysis
and the variables construction.
It works the concept of partial truth, where the
transition between sets is gradual, and not abrupt (Shaw
& Simões, 1999). The fuzzy sets theory is an important
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
tool for homeopathy, since it allows a more realistic
expression of events, exploring linguistic variables and
representing thoughts more similar to the human ones.
Ortega says (2004): “...we can group the uncertainties in
two groups: the variability, that comes from the
population heterogeneity or from the stocacity; and the
partial ignorance, from systematic measurement errors
(imprecision) or because we do not know part of the
considered process (subjectivity).” So, uncertainty due
to the future occurrence of some event is treated by
conventional probability. Imprecision occurring because
we do not have enough knowledge about the internal
structure of our object of study is dealt with diffuse
treatment (Oliveira Jr., 1999).
Researches in clinical homeopathy are often
criticized for the quality of their analyses (Jonas et al.,
2001), or for the use of clearly incompatible models. All
method involves some diminution of the reality under
study. For some situations, probably the people who are
best representative of the population base that produced
the cases are the cases themselves. The proposal of the
self-controlled studies in clinical homeopathic research
seams feasible from the theoretical point of view, in
order to use these models or to produce new ones from
this pattern. It allows the use of frequentist and
Bayesian statistical analysis. However, only the use can
prove its viability. Today, we need a clinical
epidemiology that moves beyond dichotomies. And it is
not only a matter of homeopathic needs. The reason is
scientific: our object of study demands it. There is a
requirement for searching strategies and methodologies
that may express the homeopathic paradigm, and this
will raise challenging questions, from the way of
approaching the patient to the methods for statistical
inference. It is also essential to acknowledge and
conceive of other possibilities rather than the
randomized clinical trials with frequentist statistical
analysis. Thereby, Homœopathy and the case-base
paradigm are occasion to debates and investigations,
through approaches that elicit Homœopathy’s
foundations, in search for its own episteme.
3. It Suffices to GiveVoice to Tradition Again
ROSENBAUM, Paulo (IJHDR. 5, 14/2006)
“Sincerity is communicative. We will not see
exactly what the artist saw; but the effort made to
unveil it compels us to imitate him.”
Henri Bergson
Versão em inglês de Rachel Rosemblum.
Recently, Prof. José Ricardo Ayres wrote that
homeopathy is not necessarily antagonistic to
hegemonic medicine, but it is as if Homœopathy
analyzes and investigates thus, cares for aspects not
valued in regular medical practice. Therefore, there is
not necessarily complementarity, but parallel paths that
may enter into dialogue. The reason why we could not
yet establish Hoopathy as a standard, although it has
been socially validated worldwide, is mystifying. Whith
may be the reason of such a curious historical
The issue of medicinal “proof ”: There is a huge
confusion between ignorance of the mechanism of
action of homeopathic remedies and the large empirical
evidence of its effectiveness. No one doubts a
mechanism of action exists, but nobody has been yet
able to expose it. Nevertheless, sooner or later, it will be
clear to everybody that the empirical evidence elicited
in a proving is not the same as the elicited by regular
drugs. I will not drill down on discrepancies, but they
are huge. Both in human subjects and animals, it is
possible to show the interference, the effectiveness of
the remedy and its biological plausibility. Real,
concrete, tangible. But we may never forget that we are
in the realm of idiosyncrasy: whenever the issue is non-
hegemonic medicines, it tends to awaken uncontrollable
passions in both defendants and accusers. A poor,
voided debate that hides the main agenda: which does
medical model fit to society? Where are the grants
needed to back research on different medical
Will a model not centered on nosologic diagnosis
Homeopathy, i.e. the medicine of the subject, seeks
to treat both the ill individual and illnesses in their
network of relations. To affirm that it does not treat
diseases, but exclusively the sick individual is
untenable. But the opposite assertion is equally
doubtful. To treat only diseases, subtracting from them
the being that provides context to disease itself is to fall
in the trap of technological emptiness. This seems to be
a contemporary paradox.
What is the meaning of the massive increase of
technology applied to diagnosis and treatment and the
pressure for more individualizing models of medical
care? One of the most controversial issues in
homeopathy is its epistemological model.
This issue, by the way, is seriously underrated by
homeopaths themselves. On one hand, the regular
current epistemological model does not take
homeopathic clinical practices into account; on the
other, Homœopathy is still in a kind of gap, unable to
find its own place: it is neither psychoanalysis nor a
pure bodily clinical approach. However, it can be a
medicine of the subject. The mission is to recover the
“artistic” dimension, wrongly but efficiently suffocated
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
by technology. There is an anthropologic dimension in
the process of becoming ill and recovering health that
has to be analyzed and accounted for no matter if in
homeopathy, biomedicine, or other approaches. The real
division will be, from now on, between vitalistic and
non-vitalistic medical rationalities. Or, a progressive
tension between pragmatic reductionists and those who
believe human beings integrate and integrate themselves
in meaningful texts and contexts.
I believe, even at the risk of shocking purists, that
contemporary medicine should uphold once and for all
the third Hypocratic principle: when neither similar nor
contrary remedies cure, the convenient treatment is the
healing one. To decide, on a case-by-case ground what
will indeed benefit the patient at the lowest level of risk
as possible. To take always into consideration his/her
subjective status. To pay attention to the distance that
separates the latter from happiness. This would be a
medicine of the subject that most physicians would hope
Why has homeopathy not became a culture yet?
As Prof. Madel T. Luz. warned, homeopathy could
never achieve institutionalization. Although causal
reasoning is no more admitted as the only possible tone,
the lack of organization of homeopaths and the
belligerence existing in the field are added to a
difficulty to obtain empirical proof for homeopathic
knowledge to construct a circular Procustian model,
which we have never left.
Different from psychoanalysis and other
approaches, Homœopathy did not become a part of the
cultural agenda, neither in the field of health except as
an occasional reference and, in general, a depreciated
one nor in correlated areas where it should have
entered into a dialogue. A low level of engagement in
research and the obvious difficulty to establish such
interlocution explain that kind of atavism, expressed as
a perpetual self-exile under the stereotypes well known
to all. Even in this case, it must be conceded that
prejudice has considerably decreased. Although we are
witnesses of re-editions of old-fashioned attacks,
homeopathy is nevertheless growing in Europe, in the
United States, in the Eastern countries and in South
America; it made inroads in universities. Perhaps, its
major modern conquest is its social neo-inclusion. A
direct fruit of this increase in demand was the success of
the recently-approved project “National Policy of
Integrative and Complementary Practices” by the
National Health Board, allowing for and projecting an
ancient dream: to bring practices such as acupuncture
and Homœopathy to the SUS (Unified Health System).
This dream goes beyond the availability of homeopathic
services; it will make feasible the continuous
sustainability of state-funded research. But we should
not be deluded, private companies will certainly enter
the homeopathic market and it must be confessed that
no one can foresee if this will represent a higher or a
lower risk than the myth of an industry that fights us.
Homœopaths should keep this conundrum in mind.
Perhaps our present alleged weakness will turn
into our new ace. Have you ever thought that one of the
major advantages of a brand-new medicine may be the
possibility of actually operationalizing
interdisciplinarity? Strenuously discussed but rarely
implemented, interdisciplinarity is, to Homœopathy
that huge gray zone of science - , the method of work. In
order to provide care to the patient as a subject,
homeopathy necessarily must dialogue with
anthropology, psychology and conventional medicine.
And timely: Homœopathy has already incorporated this
performance to its practice. When discourse is
embraced, the subject returns to the scene. This is the
ace: to keep medicine as a contact between humans,
where the physician can also be a subject. Presently
emerging areas are medicine centered on the patient and
medicine based on narratives. But theirs are the grounds
we are already operating from: the story of the subject.
Through it that disease or illness may be understood.
Beyond pathography: in each contextualized biography.
The following dialectical self-understanding formula
might be proposed: the homeopathic proposal is well
beyond homeopathy itself. It implies the inclusion of
different values concerning health, care and treatment.
The secret is not to invent anything essentially new.
But it suffices to make tradition speak again.
4. Interpretative Theories about Ultra-Dilutions:
Supporting Evidences
BASTIDÉ Madeleine (IJHDR. 5, 16/2006)
The similia law is the specificity of homeopathy. It
is based on analogy of symptoms observed in proving
(healthy subject receiving the substance tested diluted
and succussed dilution and succession serially or not)
and patient (who is cured by this substance in
homeopathic preparation). The main part of the
treatments uses high diluted remedies, sometimes
beyond the Avogadro-Ampere boarder. So, scientific
studies on the effects of high dilutions started with
homeopathic therapy. Without such an example, no
scientist could imagine to test such diluted substances
that theoretically contain no molecules. It has been
proved by therapeutic use that extremely diluted
solutions (even beyond Avogadro number) could have
biological effects.
This is a very controversial statement considered by
the scientific community as a scientific error. It looks
like an error because nobody is able to explain why and
how these high dilutions can be active. However,
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
experiments investigating this phenomenon have been
performed by various scientists, most of them
attempting to prove the effects of homeopathy. Many
papers have been published in peer-reviewed scientific
journal as well on basic as clinical research. An analysis
of more than 300 papers on basic research in the field1
2 shows that 34 papers validate the pharmacological
effect of homeopathic high dilutions published in peer-
reviewed scientific journals. After examining 184
clinical trials in a meta-analysis, the Homeopathic
Medicine Research Group (HMRG) of the DG XII of
the European Commission3 conclusion was that research
in this field was valuable; another meta-analysis of
homeopathic clinical trials covering 89 trials (out of 185
studied) showed that the results were not compatible
with the hypothesis that the clinical effects observed
were completely due to placebo.4 Why not say that the
results were not due to placebo?
To discuss various theoretical approaches that may
bring some explicative elements to such an important
curing method, we will first show some results
published in peer-reviewed scientific publications to
illustrate our argumentation. These results concern only
ultra-high dilutions that theoretically contain no
1- Specific results obtained by using ultra-high
a- Experimental models using high dilutions of
endogenous molecules
We will first present models using high dilutions of
biological products designed by the term « endogenous
molecules ». Many experimental models have been
carried out with endogenous molecules, most of them
relevant to the immune system. Descriptions of an
immuno-modulatory activity of succussed dilutions of
thymulin were described.5 6 7 8 9 10 High dilutions of
bursin were able to replace the Bursa of Fabricius in
chickens operated during the embryonic life (3rd day)
and treated during the same period at 6th and 9th
day.11 12 13 Highly diluted histamine even placed in
sealed vials or the highly diluted antigen itself was
administered in isolated hearts of guinea pigs
immunized with ovalbumin induced significant
coronary flow variations.14 15 16 Thyroxin was
administered in highly diluted succussed solution (10-
30) to frogs at the end of the metamorphosis of the
tadpoles. The number of the two legged or four-legged
tadpole observed by Endler et al 17 18 19 20 was
significantly reduced in treated amphibians when
compared to the control (evaluated by climbing
activity). The observation was similar even though the
effect of the succussed dilution of thyroxin was
transmitted through an electronic device.
b- Experimental models based on the prevention of
intoxication by homeopathic high dilutions of the same
toxic substance (isotherapy). Observations were
processed using succussed high dilutions of the poison
itself before poisoning the organisms by the same one.
This may be observed either with a treatment before or
after poisoning: in the first case, the living organism is
in the situation of being informed of the danger. In the
second case, the process of natural defence is extended
by the high dilution treatment. A meta-analysis of serial
agitated dilutions in experimental toxicology has been
Examples of protection by succussed high dilutions
of heavy metals using 10-30 or 10-40 M of Cadmium,
Cis-Platinum 21 22 or mercury chloride23 were published.
No cross-reaction exists even though the organisms are
treated before with a poison very similar (i.e. two heavy
metals.)21. Moreover, when the “prevention” is
processed by using high dilutions of Cadmium and the
toxic effect is induced by Cis-Platinum, no protection
occurs but a contrary effect: the treated cells (LLCPK in
culture) dye in greater number than the cell-control.21.
The protective effect of Arsenicum album 30C against
arsenite trioxide has been demonstrated in mice24, 25 or
in plants.26, 27
Another model on neuroprotection using high
dilutions of glutamate of cultured rat neurons against
toxicity of 25microM of glutamate has been
published.28. However, this cross-reaction exists when
the protection is induced by molecular classic
concentrations.29 30 Taddei et al.31 studied the effect of
high dilutions of different teratogenic substances
administered before and after the teratogenic challenge
in mice. The results demonstrated the specificity of the
isotherapic treatment (identity between the first and
second stressor) as the best results preventing caffeine
teratogenic effects were obtained with coffea; however
the adenine did not protect against the adenine itself.
Doutremepuich et al.32 33 34 have shown in vivo and
in vitro that high dilutions of aspirin had a
thrombogenic effect whereas classical ponderal doses
have an anti-thrombogenic effect. The same principle of
experimentation was presented by Pongratz on plants by
using silver nitrate to stimulate the growth of wheat.35
In clinical trials based on the isotherapy with
homeopathic high dilution principle, contrary effects
were also observed: curative effects were published by
Reilly et al.36 when pollen hay-fever was treated by
Pollen 30CH while Aabel37 in a similar model with
birch pollen did not observe any curative effect but an
increase of the clinical manifestations.
c- Experimental models based on the stricto sensu
similia principle of Hoopathy
Experimental models based on the similia principle
exist but for practical reasons, few of them are
published. Two parameters are concerned: a scientific
experimentation needs to compare groups of animals
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
(test group and control group). The similia principle is
based on the specific effect of homeopathy on each
individual, each one expressing its own symptoms. So it
is rather difficult to find groups needing the same
medicine except when the symptoms are very local. For
in stance, one of the local symptoms of the
homœopathic medicine Silicea is the decrease of
cicatrisation. To prove the efficacy of this remedy, local
lesions on ears of mice allowed demonstrate that Silicea
5 CH, 30CH and 200 CH increase the cicatrisation
process measured by image analysis of the hole induced
in the mouse ears.38 Another experimental model using
Silicea was performed studying its effects directly on
macrophages.39 Other models proved the activity of
homeopathic high dilutions of Apis or histamine on
allergic patients’ basophils.40 41 The effect of Arnica
30C was tested on sonicated mice protecting against
induced genotoxicity.42 A reduced genotoxicity was
observed in p-DAB induced hepatocarcinoma in mice
treated by Chelidonium 30 C or 200 C.43 Of course, all
the clinical trials used in veterinary medicine are a
useful demonstration of the activity of Homœopathy
and not a placebo effect.44
d- Physical studies of homeopathic high dilutions
The physical properties of high dilutions were also
studied. A high dilution is a solution of a material (pure
chemical or biological substance, vegetal or biological
extract etc...) serially diluted with “succussion” (strong
vertical agitation) between each dilution in a solvent,
classically water or ethanol (currently 60%). This is also
designed by “potentised dilutions”. The physical state of
the “potentised dilutions” was tested by NMR by
Demangeat et al.45 46 It seems that the succussed dilute
solution presents significant differences compared to the
succussed water control allowing the hypothesis of a
remaining modification related to the original molecule.
But no scientific repeatable study was really
performed.37 Two very recent papers demonstrate that
the physical state of the succussed homeopathic
solutions without any molecule is different from the
controls: it has been shown by thermoluminescence47
that differences exist but no explanation is given by the
author; this has been observed also by gas discharge48
with specific characteristics allowing to differentiate
four 30C remedies; these two analysis may involve a
link with electromagnetic parameters.
Two approaches may be proposed: the structural
one, inspired from the mechanistic paradigm,
demonstrating a conservative structure of the original
molecule printed in the solvent;49 50 51 and the second
one, that is based on the diffusion of “information”
carried from the succussed solution. This “information”
was transferred by Endler et al.20 or Van Wijk et al.30 as
an electromagnetic signal by mean of an input coil
linked to a filter and an amplifier.20 However, these
results are hard to repeat. The high dilution signal of
histamine transmitted to an isolated guinea-pig heart
was inhibited by a magnetic field.14 From all these
observations, it looks like electromagnetic parameters
do exist in the process of transmission.
2- Researches on the mechanism of action of
a-The qualities of classical experimental design
The concept of experimental method was introduced by
GALILEO GALILEI at the end of the XVIth century
and was perfectly presented by DESCARTES in the
first half of the XVIIth century. Subsequent
methodological criteria are universal and no one could
imagine that a modern scientific demonstration could
actually deny this proposition. In the context of classical
science, the following criteria are required: the
evaluation must be within an experimental design and
the observed effect must be measurable and
An experimental design construction is related to
the underlying theory: this may concern a very narrow
concept, for instance, is this molecule interacting with
this secondary messenger in this kind of cell? On the
other hand, this may concern to more general concepts.
The experimental design is built to check the hypothesis
itself according to empirical observations, through
deductive demonstrations, as proposed in experimental
methodology. It is necessary to create the model
according to the theory that will be validated or
Measurement depends on the existence of
technical; it is not an intrinsic property of the studied
object. For instance, before the existence of Geiger-
MÜLLER counter, nobody was able to measure the
radioactive effect, but radiation has existed since the
earth formation. When the measurement is possible,
statistics validate it as a confirmation of the quality of
the measurement. The appropriate test has to be chosen.
Reproducibility depends on the degree of isolation
of the studied phenomenon from its environment. The
more the phenomenon depends on environmental
parameters, the greater is the variability and the more
difficult the reproducibility. Of course, physico-
chemical models seem to be very independent and they
are easily reproducible; but biological effects observed
in living organisms interfere with many parameters:
temporal and environmental parameters are the best
known. To avoid such difficulties, biologists classically
study basic mechanisms by using in vitro models in
order to control the main part of environmental
b- Particularities observed in high dilution research
Some particularities are observed in experimental
models using homeopathic high dilutions:
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
-Pharmacological effects of solutions in which
there is no more “substance”.
-Memory effect observed in clinical practice (the
first action is often different from the following one).
-Contrary effects according to the health condition
of the subject (the similia principle itself). This was
observed in some experimental models.5 6 8 9 10
-Contrary effects may be observed according to
environmental conditions, i.e. in allergic treatments by
birch pollen Betula 30 CH’, in which the treated
patients showed more symptoms than the control;the
concomitant variations were increase of temperature and
pollen in the atmosphere.52 Another study performed on
irradiated mice demonstrated that the effect of high
dilutions of bursin / interleukin 3 /thymulin in total body
irradiated mice was protective in warm season but
increased the mortality of treated mice in cold
season.53 54
- Suppression of the current pharmacological
molecular effect when the treatment by the same
product in high dilution is associated.55
3- Working hypothesis and general theories applied
to Homœopathy
Provided active dilutions are molecule-free and
taking in account experimental observations, a working
hypothesis concerning mechanisms underlying the
effects of succussed highly diluted compounds is
We will distinguish working hypothesis and the
general theories. The first may concern the transmission
of the effect of the homeopathic dilutions; the second is
more related to the three principles of homeopathy:
similarity, whole organism effect, curing operation.
Working hypothesis
Starting from observation of phenomena, working
hypothesis has to be formulated and the experimental
design of research has to be organized according to the
theory. For example, when a virologist tries to find the
pathogenic agent of a new infectious disease, he uses
the “pastorian concept” and organizes his experiments
according to the biological properties of the viruses. He
will avoid to seed viruses on mineral support because he
knows virus growth requires living cells; on the
contrary, bacteria may grow on adapted synthetic
A theory, on the other hand, should be more general
and may concern the conceptual framework of
Provided active dilutions are molecule-free and
taking in account the experimental observations
published in scientific papers (see above), a working
hypothesis concerning mechanisms underlying the
effects of highly diluted is necessary. We must remind
that Avogadro, physicist of the XVIIIth century and
contemporary of HAHNEMANN, proposed the
hypothesis (actually « Avogadro-Ampère» law), which
is a quantitative modern chemistry law that allows to
count the molecule number as molecule-gram (N=6,022
x 1023). This number indicates that a dilution higher
than 1023 does not contain any molecule. This boarder
is between homeopathic dilutions 10CH (10-20) and 12
CH (10-24) according to the molecular weight of the
diluted product.
As the dilution-succussion is a fundamental
modality to obtain pharmacologically active high
dilutions in homeopathy, we will distinguish this kind of
preparation even though they contain still molecules i.e.
diluted less than 10C (10-20M) from the unsuccussed
very low concentrations that we can find in classical
research: such as very low concentrations of pheromons
which act at the level of 10-16 M,56 or neuropeptides
introduced directly into the brain at 10-6 pg i.e. one
attogram,57 or kinds of catalytic effects of metal at
picomolar concentrations,58 or immunomediators59 and
neuropeptide activity on lymphocytes60 at 10-14 M. In
these cases, no comparison with the effects of succussed
high dilutions is available.
The papers presented above demonstrate
effectiveness of high dilutions starting from 9CH
homeopathic dilution (10-18g) and above. In these
experiments, the pharmacological effect cannot be
related to the presence of molecules. Our choice is to
discuss only about the “nonmolecular” activity
nevertheless low dilutions with remaining molecules
(4CH, 5 CH, 7 CH) are very commonly used in
Homœopathy according to the similia principle.
Choosing only non-molecular high dilution activity
will simplify the discussion as no reference to molecular
activity is possible. For that reason, we may suppress
the following molecular hypothesis such as cybernetic
regulation, rebound effect and self recovery30 that
claims a necessary strong molecular effect to stimulate
the “self recovery” as a function of time. This self-
recovery belongs to the “action-reaction” working
hypothesis. It is the reaction of the organism to
aggressions and self-recovery concerns the appropriate
auto-regulation and specific tools to reach a new
equilibrium. The forces it uses in order to find a new
balance are so strong that no non-molecular treatment is
able to provoke this. According to the same logic, the
“Arndt-Schultz law” or so-called “hormesis” cannot be
a help to understand the mechanism of homeopathic
high dilutions. It was shown that “high concentrations
inhibit growth, low concentrations increase growth.”61 62
This observation is very old and was also published by
Arndt and Schultz.63 It is verified for every type of
organism, but the results are obtained with
concentrations close to the toxic one. This is used in the
protective system so-called “mithridatization” in which
low doses of poison, taken every day, inhibit the
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
poisoning effect by permanent production of inhibitory
compound such as heat shock proteins in the “action-
reaction” system.
The contrary effect obtained with lower dose of the
toxic substance and the application to the protective
effect is often proposed to explain homeopathy.64
However, the production of the contrary effect by
synthesis of defence molecules is related to the presence
of a real presence of molecular substance. This is not
observed when high dilutions of a toxic are
administered21 even though this treatment amplifies the
synthesis of defence molecules at the moment of the
poisoning. A cross reaction is observed in the molecular
model;65 in the high dilution treatment, opposite effects
may be observed, it means: the cross reaction increasing
the sensitivity of the pre-treated cells instead of
protecting them.21 22
Working hypothesis concern also effects of
electromagnetic fields, based on ideas as bioenergy,66 67
biofield68 or systemic memory resonance.69 It is a hard
work to analyse how electromagnetic fields could
operate precisely in the field of homeopathy: so many
parameters are concerned: frequency, wave shape,
intensity, origin and targets, etc. This part is always in
fringing science and much work has to be done.
Proposed theories
Some of the proposed theories seem to be very far
from the Hoopathy problematic. For instance,
deterministic chaos, or complexism, was suggested.70 71
The complexism is interesting when applied to
hierarchy of the symptoms in homeopathy, or to explain
the organization of the pathologies of a patient that
applies the teleological hypothesis to the interactions
between a subject and his pathologies. But in these
models, no operational phenomenon can explain the
curing effect of Hoopathy.
The most adapted theory seems to be the Lagache´s
theory on body information.7 72 73 74 75 76 It is really a new
paradigm: just as the mechanistic paradigm seizes the
material interactions between objects and the symbolic
paradigm assumes linguistic facts, Lagache introduces
the paradigm of corporeal signifiers by the body
information. It is based on the informative
communication of the body, not at a symbolic level. The
living organism is a complex structure able to exchange
information with the external world; information also
circulates in its internal world allowing exchanges at
every level: the living organism is an informed-
informing structure. Living beings communicate with
their world in a “non verbal” way. These exchanges
concern matter and energy. The concept of totality (one
principle of Homœopathy) emerges from this concept:
totality transcends the sum of interactions and sub-
systems. A new framework is necessary that is neither
cybernetic nor systemic.
The paradigm of the corporeal signifiers is based on
an analogical communication at the body level. The
living body operates as an open system; it is resonant
with the environmental events that have a sense for it.
This communication leads it to modify itself either in
the sense of the message by a passive mimesis (proving)
or in a differentiating regulation corresponding to the
beneficial remedy action. Lagache proposes that this
system functions as a relationship communication
between the "informative minimum system" including
the active molecule which will be the matrix of
information (“raw material and/or stock”), the sensitive
receiver able to read and treat this information (healthy
subject for proving or patient) and the mediation of
information which is represented by the succussed
homeopathic dilutions. Here the electromagnetic field
working hypotheses are interesting to explain how
information is transmitted. Information is not an object
but needs a carrier that could be electromagnetic waves.
Information exists only when exists a sensitive receiver.
This information (corporeal ignifiers) will be received
and treated by the organism if it has a sense for it. But
what is “read” by the body receiving corporeal
Analysing the published experimental models, we
have classified the effects of homeopathic high dilutions
in three categories: models with biological molecules,
models of isotherapy, models using the similia
principle. We must define how the organism will read
and treat each one through experimental demonstration.
Once again, exchange of information does not follow
the same logic as exchanges of objects.
The information of biological molecules produced
by the body is automatically recognized and is always
significant for the body when it is used in the logic of
the organism (physiological function). When the models
are built according to physiologic function, effects are
significant and reproducible.11 12 13
In the isotherapy models, the identity between the
substance used for the homeopathic high dilution and
the toxic must be perfect, or else contrary effects (or no
effect) are observed. A false information not understood
at the moment of the toxic effect shows no effect or the
misunderstanding provoke an adverse effect. The
phenomenon of information is instantaneous and
explains the immediate suppression of the
dexamethasone molecular by high dilution of the same
The similia law is the specificity of homeopathy.
It is based on analogy of symptoms observed in
proving (healthy subject receiving the substance tested
diluted or not) and patient (who is cured by this
substance in homeopathic preparation). This precise
definition is very important to avoid confusion. So, it is
necessary to define the homeopathic symptoms. Charles
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
Nicolle (Nobel Price 1929) discovered the “life and
death of the diseases” and identified the “unapparent
diseases” that do not show any symptoms but provoke
biological modifications such as antibodies (i.e. rubella,
toxoplasmosis). It means that the symptom is
independent from the biological signs. The symptom is
an expression of the subject when he is unable to treat
his pathology. The biological sign belongs to the
mechanistic world in the action-reaction system
(including the cybernetic one); the symptom is an
expression in the world of affect (impression-expression
In Hoopathy, the interesting symptoms are
those in which the patient expresses his singularity
(idiosyncrasic symptoms). These symptoms are an
attempt to find an impossible answer. The analogical
communication allowed by the informative dilutions of
the remedy - that is able to provoke the similar
symptoms brings to the organism - the answer it is
looking for. Then, the body is able to recognize and
treat this information that helps the patient as a cathartic
phenomenon. This general theory could be an help to
understand what is Hoopathy.
We have to follow a very long road and we have to
do many experiments to find explanations to this
therapy. Whatever the working hypothesis that has to
be confirmed, we must always remind the three inter-
dependent principles of homeopathy that give its
specificity, and not only the mechanistic functions of
classical medicine. The challenge is to build new
experimental models keeping in mind the particularity.
5. Will there be room for a homeopathic culture?
ROSENBAUM Paulo (IJHDR. 5, 17/2006)
Homœopathy survives from its impasses. In a
dubious sense. Its permanence, even though defying,
paradoxically is due to the same impasses that threaten
to make it unfeasible. By sustaining old aporias, we
maintain a permanent internal tension and assure
polemics that, in a way, are producing the waves that
keep us in this historical come-and-go status quo. But
now this game starts to be threatening. While we were,
so to speak, a kind of "alternative joke of medicine",
tolerance enriched the scientific media sarcasm. But not
anymore, since we became much more competitive
Let us move to other impasses. The first is its
concrete impossibility of becoming immediately a
strictu sensu discipline. This means that homeopathy
has still not gathered, or structured, enough elements to
be a rigorous matrix of organized knowledge. There is a
niche, although its contours are imprecise and have
blurred borders. It explains, even though it does not
justify, its permanent incapacity to penetrate and
establish itself in the academic institutional hardcore.
The second impasse is partially explainable by the
first: the difficulty of being translated as culture in the
health field. In the symbolic field, in the social
imaginary and in reality. According to Kurt Goldstein,
"The appropriate understanding of the phenomenon
'culture' can only be reached through the right
evaluation of what we call conscience and the
recognition of the specific peculiarities that the human
being acquires through the potentiality of having a
conscious experience". And which are the potentialities
developed with our experiences? It is exactly what
epidemiology and social health had been asking us.
What are the experiences we wish to share with the
scientific community? It is noteworthy to remark how
peripheral the integrative medicines still are, when we
consider the progress of their scientific status and their
hundreds of millions of users. By the way, they seem to
be much more tolerable because of the social support
received than by their performance in the academic
The third and more complicated refers to the
difficulties that the first two impasses exert as a kind of
effect history: public popularity without strong
academic support intensifies its low credibility. A recent
example was an article in a wide-circulation magazine
that summoned therapists of several kinds to give their
opinion about dreams and declined the homeopaths. In
other words, this rationality is not adequately
represented in culture. "Take it easy, it is still too soon",
is said. But we have in front of our eyes the successful
example of Psychoanalysis. A painful fact is that the
low involvement of the newer generations, connected to
an amazing waste of opportunities like, e.g., the
acephalia that prevented the National Policy of
Complementary and Integrative Practices - even with
the necessary adjustments - to become something
beyond a judicial liability. It is much more than an
obvious reflection of inconfidence, which results in an
evident demobilization. The truth is that the
institutionalization of integrative practices is still a
taboo. As we know, the resistance touches several
aspects - that go from the epistemogical to the politic-
economic. We will add an ethic-pedagogical dimension
to the resistance.
If the integrative practices have social validation,
historical consistency and clinical and biological
plausibility, what would be the factors that actually
obstruct its institutionalization? The fundamental
inadequacy of these practices seems to be a difficulty to
link their epistemological model to current
epidemiological research designs, beyond the impasses
mentioned above. In fact, this is a problem and the
community, upon detecting it, reacts: it tries to build
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
bridges between epistemologies, using, e.g. resources of
emerging research, like the quail-quantitative approach.
But are we really doing everything possible? I do
not think so. We do not show, for example, with
enough radicality, the most original aspects of
homeopathy on the ideas about care, emancipation and
cure. Let us reinforce the idea that singularity is not just
a detail in method, that comprehension, solidarity and a
constant concern with care as a central item of
therapeutics are hard currency. And, certainly, we have
to dialogue with a significant part of epidemiology,
which sees integrative practices much more as a
problem in clinics than a legitimate object of study
within social health.
Above all, once the integrative practices have
feasible projects in almost all life sciences disciplines,
as a public health policy, the notion of effectivity may
move from an exclusively "productivist" analysis to a
perception of applied quality. Still, and I cannot tire of
asking: how many bad experiences of narrow adhesion
to the epidemiological designs, unsuited to a vitalistic
clinical logic, will be necessary until investments will
be applied to more lucid forms of research? Because
there is an active vitalism in the praxis. We should be
aware that the integration of different medical
rationalities to the simple working gear is a project
meant for defeat. It is necessary another kind of
pedagogy and advertisement. We can start right now. It
still depends on us.
6. Effect of the homeopathic remedies Arnica
montana and Staphisagria on the time of healing of
surgical wounds
ALECU,Adrian Alecu,Mariana MĂRCUS,Gabriela
Romeo Brezeanu e Adriana Cojocaru1
(IJHDR. 6, 20/2007)
As stated an accompanying paper,1 our series of
studies aims to verify the clinical effects of Arnica
montana employed in homeopathic dilutions on trauma.
In the present study we sought to verify the effect of this
remedy on surgical wounds, specifically on the time of
On the other hand, in clinical practice it is also
frequent to employ another homeopathic remedy,
Staphisagria to promote the healing of surgical
wounds.2 Thus, in this study we also sought to very its
Universidade de Medicina e Farmácia, Târgu-Mures,
Romênia, doctoralecu@yahoo.com.
Tradução de Silvia Waisse Priven.
effect on the healing of surgical wounds, as well as to
compare it to the effects of Arnica montana.
Finally, it was sought to establish whether the
effects would vary when employing the remedies in the
dilutions 7CH and 30CH, as the former is below the
limit of the dispersion of matter (Avogadro’s number),
while the latter is above it, i.e. there would be no traces
of matter in this homeopathic preparation.
Materials and methods
75 Wistar rats were employed, weight 250-270
grams, distributed into 5 groups (n = 15). The animals
were subjected to the following surgical procedure.
First, they were sedated and anesthesized with ether.
The selected area was depilated and desinfected with
povidone iodine. A deep incision was performed on the
external side of the thigh following the femoral line
until the bone was exposed. Finally, the skin was
sutured with 3 separate stitches of non-absorbable silk
Immediately following surgery and then daily until
the healing of the wound, Group I (control) received a
placebo sugar in water -;Group II received Arnica
montana 7CH, 1 globule dissolved in 1 ml of water;
Group III received Arnica montana 30CH, 1 globule
dissolved in 1 ml of water; Group IV received
Staphisagria 7CH, 1 globule dissolved in 1 ml of water
and Group V received Staphisagria 30CH, 1 globule
dissolved in 1 ml of water. All the solutions were given
through a gastric tube.
The length of the surgical wound was measured
very day; its clinical evolution was followed up and the
number of days required for complete healing was
The study complied with the requirements of the
European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate
Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific
The number of days required for the complete
healing of the surgical wound in each group is presented
in Table 1.
Discussion and conclusions
The 4 groups that received homeopathic treatment,
independently of the remedy and dilution, presented a
significantly reduction in the number of days required
for the full healing of the surgical wound (15-16 days)
than the control group (20-23 days), p < 0.0001 (t-test).
The difference between the groups treated with Arnica
Montana and Staphisagria was not statistically
significant, nor the difference between the dilutions
7CH and 30CH.
Thus, the homeopathic remedies Arnica montana
and Staphisagria, in dilutions 7CH and 30CH,
immediately given after the surgical procedure were
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
associated to a significant reduction in the number of
days required for the full healing in the animals. Every
homœopathic Practitioner already knows this well and
that’s why Homœopathy in living = KSS].
This result, together with the one observed in the
accompanying paper, verified the effectiveness of the
homeopathic treatment with Arnica montana in surgical
and other kinds of trauma.
Tabela 1. Número de dias necessário para a cicatrização da incisão cirúrgica
Grupo 1
Grupo 2
Grupo 3
Grupo 4
Grupo 5
Referências bibliográficas
1. Alecu A, Alecu M, Cojocaru A, Brezeanu R. Efeito do
medicamento homeopático Arnica montana 7CH no
traumatismo mecânico. Cultura Homeopática 2007; 20, pp.
2. Clarke JH. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. New
Delhi: B. Jain; 2005.
3. European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate
Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific
Purposes, Strasbourg, 18.03.1986.
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
7. Violent behavior patterns: possible
homeopathic remedies
BAROLLO Célia Regina; BIGNARDI Fernando
Antônio Cardoso et al. (IJHDR. 7, 22/2008)
Violence is a pattern of human behavior
characterized by anger, frequently associated to actual
or potential physical aggression in order to obtain
something. "Violence results from the action or an
irresistible power in order to achieve an objective that
would not have been achieved without it"[1]. Masi
Elizalde [2] utilizes the terminology egolysis and
alterlysis to name miasmatic dynamics stages related to
auto (against oneself), hetero (against others) and eco
violence (against environment) [3].
Following a worldwide tendency, violence is also
increasing in Brazil. Although it is often attributed to
violent male outlaw teenagers [4-7], in fact a relatively
small number of youths commit a large part of crimes.
Violent behavior is not exclusive of socially
marginalized individuals and is not always related to
socioeconomic status [8, 9]. Children and teenagers, in
whom the mind and brain formative process is not yet
finished, have difficulty to consider the limits between
the real and virtual worlds, thus, beyond environmental
socioeconomic conditions, violence presented by the
media can act like a trigger in susceptible individuals to
promote violent behavior [10-12]. This fact is also
observed in clinical homeopathic practice, when
pathological stimuli and susceptibility are synergic.
Children and adolescents in violent settings may
exhibit patterns of violent behavior frequently
associated to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), with or
without Hyperactivity / Impulsiveness (ADHDI)
[13,14]. ADD, a neuropsychological disturbance that
alters the ability to concentrate in tasks and to control
impulses and motor activity has become the most
frequent health problems in children and one of the
main causes of learning disturbance and school failure.
It affects around 20% of children in school age and
attacks three times more males than females. It usually
begins before the age of 7, might continue throughout
adolescence to reach adulthood. On the other hand,
learning disturbance may be a risk factor for delinquent
behavior [15-17].
In the DSM-IV section devoted to Conduct
Disorder (CD, CID-10 312,8) and Oppositional Defiant
Disorder (ODD, CID-10 313.81) [18], there are listed
and classified the diagnostic criteria of behavioral
disturbs related to children and adolescents unlawful
acts [19]. They can be compared to the symptoms
contained in the homeopathic repertory [20] and related
to the symptoms of egolysis and alterlysis.
The standard treatment of these conditions uses
methylphenidate (Ritalin®) or amphetamine, which
may cause the same problems they are able to treat: lack
of attention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Moreover,
hyperactive children taking methylphenidate are at a
higher risk of developing an addiction. It may cause the
same devastating effects as prolonged use of cocaine
[21]. Thus, the search for alternative therapeutic options
is justified; homeopathy may be one of them.
An epidemics of violence?
Currently, an epidemics is defined as the incidence
in a short period of time of a large number of cases of a
disease. But, in a more comprehensive concept, it can
be defined as an abnormal situation in a community, a
potential severe event triggering social pressures that
must be answered by the sanitary authorities with the
highest urgency.
Epidemiology means the "study of the epidemics"
and is defined as the study of the distribution and
determinants of the states or events related to health in a
specific population. The application of these studies is
used to control health problems (Center for Disease
Center/Atlanta-USA). The epidemiology of infectious
diseases is still of highest importance, but together with
the perception that several factors contribute to the rise
of any one disease, epidemiologists are also
approaching chronic illnesses. As an area in constant
transformation [22] it is expanding into other fields of
knowledge like sociology and law. According to Barata
[23], the understanding of the process of health-illness
has improved with the emergence of social
epidemiology, which investigates the social
determinants of disease. Thus, some authors consider
violence as a modern epidemics, threatening
populations not only physically, but in its basic
institutions like the family and the work and school
environments [24-33].
Although violent behavior is associated to many
causes, including biological, metabolic, economic,
cultural and social conditions, family dynamics,
spiritual conditions, experienced trauma, etc., in many
cases the contact (“contagion”) with or by a violent
environment can awake in the susceptible this kind of
behavior, which would not occur in its absence, exactly
as in the case of infectious biological agents.
It may sound odd to speak of an “epidemics of
violence”, due to the current concept of epidemics,
usually associated to the occurrence of an acute
infectious disease involving "contagion/infection".
However, it is only a part of children and adolescents
living in violent environments who become "infected"
by violence - precisely those children susceptible to this
“contagion”. From a classic homeopathy point of view,
it could be spoken as an "energy contagion", as Kent
stated [34], or a change in the miasmatic dynamics [2].
© Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXX1, 3 & 4, 2014. Private Circulation only.
The aim of this study is to define homeopathic
remedies useful in violent situations affecting children
and adolescents.
Materials and Methods
From the records of 12 children and adolescents
homeopathically treated for CD, ODD, ADD and
ADHDI [3,14,35,36] the peculiar and most
characteristic symptoms were extracted. The list was
completed with the diagnostic criteria for these same
disorders as described in DSM-IV transcribed into the
homeopathic repertory language.
All these symptoms were analyzed together [20,
37], as if they belonged to one only patient in order to
characterize the symptomatic image of the epidemics.
The resulting remedies were classified in decreasing
value of coverage, in order to compose a list of the
remedies that when tested on healthy human beings
showed a potential to elicit violent acts, so to be applied
by similarity to actual patients; 2) to facilitate the
differential diagnosis among them in real-time practice
and guide the search in the homeopathic materia medica
Results and discussion
The repertory analysis of the homeopathic
symptoms corresponding to ADHDI, CD and ODD is
presented in Table 1. The 25 remedies with the highest
potential to elicit the characteristic symptoms of these
disturbs on healthy individuals are: Aconitum napellus,
Agaricus, Anacardium orientale, Arsenicum album,
Belladona, Bufo rana, Calcarea carbonica, Causticum,
Chamomilla, Hepar sulphur, Hyosciamus niger,
Lachesis muta, Lycopodium clavatum, Mercurius, Nitric
acidum, Nux vomica, Opium, Phosphorus, Plumbum,
Staphisagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, Tarentula,
Veratrum album e Zincum.
Although some authors [46-49] have described
other remedies as violent, they were not included in our
list as they did not present a significant part of the
selected symptoms: Absinthum, Alcoholum, Aurum
metallicum, Luesinum, Platina and Sepia succus.
The compared Materia Medica of violent behavior
patterns is presented in Table 2.
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Healing The Mind
Academia confuses knowledge with knowing.
Most everyone applauds the memorization of
the 10,000 trivia.
Beware! These schooled addictions are not
just myths -
They are a form of mental illness.
Any fragment of the mind,
divorced from heart, spirit, human
and from the primal reality of the universe,
is an abomination of the Great Integrity.
Let us prepare for the Great Integrity
By cleansing ourselves of all these cobwebs
Of cluttered fragments that paralyze the mind.
In this way we will function as our own
holistic physicians.